I ; f > THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID fl L SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 100 VOLUME 5 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO AND ADJACENT REGIONS OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS BY REN KCEHLER Professor of Zoology in the University of Lyon, Franct. [Manuscript Translated by AUSTIN H. CLARK] WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 55269 22 Bull. 1< SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 100 VOLUME 5 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO AND ADJACENT REGIONS OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS BY REN KCEHLER Professor of Zoology in the University of Lyon, France. [Manuscript Translated by AUSTIN H. CLARK] i WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 Gift of C. A. Kofoid EARTH ADVEETISEMENT. The scientific publications of the United States National Museum consist of two series, the Proceedings and the Bulletins. The Proceedings, the first volume of which was issued in 1878, are intended primarily as a medium for the publication of original, and usually brief, papers based on the collections of the National Mu- seum, presenting newly acquired facts in zoology, geology, and anthropology, including descriptions of new forms of animals and revisions of limited groups. One or two volumes are issued annually and distributed to libraries and scientific organizations. A limited number of copies of each paper, in pamphlet form, is distributed to specialists and others interested in the different subjects as soon as printed. The dates of publication are recorded in the tables of con- tents of the volumes. The Bulletins, the first of which was issued in 1875, consist of a series of separate publications comprising chiefly monographs of large zoological groups and other general systematic treaties (occa- sionally in several volumes), faunal works, reports of expeditions, and catalogues of type-specimens, special collections, etc. The ma- jority of the volumes are octavos, but a quarto size has been adopted in a few instances in which large plates were regarded as indis- pensable. Since 1902 a series of octavo volumes containing papers relating to the^ botanical collections of the Museum, and known as the Con- tributions from the National Herbarium, has been published as bul- letins. The present work forms No. 100, volume 5, of the Bulletin series. WILLIAM DE C. KAVENEL, Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, In charge of the United States National Museum. WASHINGTON, D. C., December 2, 198%. 55269 22 Bull. 100 n in TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paie. Introduction 1 Order I. Phrynophiurida 17 Family Ophiomyxidae 17 Ophiomyxa bengalensis 17 Ophiomyxa irregularis 17 Ophiodera neglecta 20 Neoplax crassipes 22 Ophiocanops 24 Ophiocanops fugiens 26 Ophiobyrsella intorta 27 Ophiophrixus confinis 30 Family Trichasteridae 82 Astrocharis virgo 82 Astroceras pergamena S3 Asteronyx loveni 34 Family Gorgonocephalidae 85 Astrothamnus deficiens 35 Order II. Loemophiurida 38 Family Hemieuryalidae 38 Ophiomoeris obstricta 38 Ophiomoeris spinosa 40 Ophiomoeris tenera 40 Ophiogyptis nodosa 40 Family Ophiomycetidae 41 Ophiomyces delata 41 Family Ophiacanthidae 42 Ophiodyctis 42 Ophiodyctis uncinatus 42 Ophiacantha benigna 46 Ophiacantha composita 46 Ophiacantha conf usa 47 Ophiacantha dallasii 49 Ophiacantha duplex 50 Ophiacantha graphica 51 Ophiacantha legata 53 Ophiacantha longidens 55 Ophiacantha pacata 57 Ophiacantha pentagona 59 Ophiacantha severa 61 Ophiacantha vorax 63 Ophiolimna perfida 64 Ophiogema 67 Ophiogema punctata 67 Ophiotreta eximia 70 T yj CONTENTS. Order IT. Loemophiurida Continued. Family Ophiacanthidae Continued. Ophiotreta gratiosa 7 * Ophiotreta matura Ophiotreta spatuliiera r~ Ophiotreta valenciennesi Ophialcaea congesta Ophientrema leucostictum Ophiotrema tertium Ophiotoma assimilis Ophiomedea discrepans Ophiocopa sirigularis Ophiothamnus venustus Ophiurothamnus Ophiurothamnus stultus Ophiurothamnus excavatus Ophiomitra dives 107 Ophlomitrella exilis Ophiomitrella sagittata Ophiomitrella subjecta Ophioripa Ophioripa marginata Ophioripa nugator Ophiothalmus Ophiophthalmus relictus 124 Ophiophthalmus suspectus 127 Ophiomelina 129 Ophiomelina placida 130 Ophioplinthaca chelys 131 Ophioplinthaca globata 132 Ophioplinthaca hastata 137 Ophioplinthaca pulchra . 140 Ophioplinthaca rudis 142 Ophiocamax rugosa 147 Order III. Gnathophiurida 151 Family Amphiuridae 3 51 Amphiura agitata 151 Amphiura ambigua . 152 Amphiura commutata 152 Amphiura dejecta 154 Amphiura demissa 156 Amphiura diomedeae 158 Amphiura grandisquama 159 Amphiura uncinata 160 Amphiura vadicola 161 Amphipholis kochii 163 Amphipholis loripes 164 Amphipholis misera 165 Amphiodia crassa 167 Amphiodia debita 168 Amphioplus legatus 169 Amphioplus conductus 172 Amphioplus impressus 174 CONTENTS. VII Order III. Gnathophiurida Continued. Family Amphiuridae Continued. Amphioplus lucidus 176 Amphioplus luctator 178 Amphioplus relictus 179 Amphioplus rhadinobrachius -183 Amphilimna multispina 183 Ophiactis affinis 186 Ophiactis definita 187 Ophiactis maculosa 190 Ophiactis profundi 192 Ophiactis savignyi 193 Ophiopholis mirabilis 195 Ophiocentrus aculeatus 196 Ophiocentrus asper 199 Ophiocentrus vexator 200 Family Amphilepidne 202 Amphilepis protecta 202 Amphilepis remittens 202 Ainphiactis duplicata 204 Family Ophiotrichidae. 205 Ophlothrix aristulata 205 Ophiothrix armata , 208 Ophiothrix aspidota 209 Ophiothrix bellax 211 Ophiothrix capillaris 214 Ophiothrix coronata 217 Ophiothrix crassispina 218 Ophiothrix cumulata 220 Ophiothrix deceptor 225 Ophiothrix elegans 227 Ophiothrix exigua 228 Ophiothrix expedita 229 Ophiothrix expedita, var. rhabdota 230 Ophiothrix galatheae 233 Ophiothrix hirsuta 234 Ophiothrix longipeda 235 Ophiothrix foveolata 238 Ophiothrix hybrida 239 Ophiothrix infirma 241 Ophiothrix koreana 242 Ophiothrix lepida 246 Ophiothrix marenzelleri 248 Ophiothrix marten-si 250 Ophiothrix melanosticta 251 Ophiothrix nereidina 252 Ophiothrix pavida 252 Ophiothrix plana , 255 Ophiothrix propinqua 256 Ophiothrix prostrata 257 Ophiothrix proteus 260 Ophiothrix purpurea 261 CONTENTS. Order III. Gnathophiurida Continued. Family Ophiotrichidae Continued. Ophiothrix pnsilla -62 Ophiothrix signata 263 Ophiothrix spinosissima 266 Ophiothrix stelligera 267 Ophiothrix striolata 277 Ophiothrix trilineata 270 Ophiothrix vitrea 279 Ophiogymna elegans 281 Ophiogymna* fulgeus Ophiogymna funesta 292 Ophiogymna pulchella 295 Ophiocnemis marmorata 296 Ophiothela danae 297 Ophiothela vincula 298 Ophiomaza cacaotica 299 Ophiomaza fusca 299 Ophiopteron elegans 301 Ophiopteron gratum 302 Ophiopteron puncto-coeruleum 305 Order IV. Chilophiurida 305 Family Ophiochitonidae 305 Ophiochiton fastigatus 305 Ophionereis dubia -_ 310 Ophionereis semoni 310 Ophiodoris contrarius 310 Ophiodoris malignus 311 Family Ophiocomidae 311 Ophiocomina 31ft Ophiocoma brevipes 319 Ophiocoma erinaceus 322 Ophiocoma lineolata 324 Ophiocoma scolopendrina 325 Ophiocoma wendtii 328 Ophiomastix annulosa ! 329 Ophiomastix flaccida 330 Ophiomastix liitken 330 Ophiomastix mixta 330 Ophiomastix venosa 331 Ophiarthrum elegans 331 Family Ophiodermatidae 331 Ophiarachna quinquespinosa 331 Pectinura aequalis 337 Pectinura yoldii 338 Ophiopezella spinosa 338 Ophiarachnella gorgonia 339 Ophiarachnella honorata _, 340 Ophiarachnella infernalis 341 Ophiarachnella nitens 341 Bathypectinura conspicua 342 CONTENTS. IX Order IV. Chilophiurida Continued. Family Ophiodermatidae Continued. Cryptopelta tecta 350 Ophiurodon cinctus 351 Ophiurodon permixtus 352 Family Ophiolepididae _^__ 352 Ophiopyrgus planulatus 355 Ainphiophiura canaliculata 357 Amphiophiura fastigiata 359 Ainphiophiura improba 362 Amphiophiura insolita 362 Amphiophiura paupera 363 Amphiophiura radiata 363 Amphiophiura sculptilis 364 Amphiophiura sordida 364 Amphiophiura spatulifera 365 Amphiophiura stellata 369 Stegophiura sladeni 369 Stegophiura sterilis 370 Ophiura aequalis 373 Ophiura Clemens 374 Ophiura flagellata 375 Ophiura fluctuans 377 Ophiura irrorata 380 Ophiura kinbergi 381 Ophiura micrantha 383 Ophiura initescens .__ 383 Ophiura sarsi 386 Homalophiura inflata 386 Homalophiura inornata 387 Ophiocten hastatum 388 Ophiomusium altum 389 Ophiomusium armatum 389 Ophiomusium elegans 391 Ophiomusium facetum 394 Ophiomusium facundum 398 Ophiomusium fiinbriatum 403 Ophiomusium impotens 406 Ophiomusium ligatum 408 Ophiomusium lunare 410 Ophiomusium lymani 411 Ophiomusium morio 413 Ophiomusium properum 416 Ophiomusium relictum 416 Ophiomusium scalare 417 Ophiomusium simplex 417 Ophiomusium spinulosum 418 Ophiolipus granulatus 421 Ophioceramis declinans 421 Ophiozonella bispinosa 422 Ophiozonella casta 423 Ophiozonella media 424 X CONTENTS. Order IV. Chilophiurida Continued. Family Ophiolepididae Continued. Ophiozonella molesta 425 Ophiozonella subtilis 428 Ophiozonoida obscura 431 Ophiomidas reductum 434 Ophiolepis annulosa 434 Ophiolepis irregularis 434 Ophioplocus imbricatus 435 Family Ophioleucidae 436 Ophiocirce inutilis 436 Ophiopallas paradoxa 436 Ophiopallas valens 437 Ophiernus adspersus 440 List of stations, with species found at each 442 Bibliography 448 List of type specimens 452 Explanation of plates 453 Index__ 481 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS By RENE KCEHLER, Professor of Zoology in the University of Lyon, France. [Manuscript translated by Austin H. Clark.] INTRODUCTION. The United States National Museum has been so kind as to entrust to me for study the important collection of ophiurans brought to- gether by the United States Fisheries steamer Albatross in the course of her investigations among the Philippine Islands during the years 1907-1910. First of all I wish to thank my colleagues of the National Museum for the honor which they have done me in requesting me to undertake this work, and at the same time I wish again to apologize to them for the unavoidable delay in submitting my report. I had hoped that it would be finished in 1915, but the terrible events which have occurred since 1914 have made that impossible. The collection sent to me included, in addition to the ophiurans collected in the Philippines, several species from Japan and a few specimens from the Samoan Islands ; these last I have included with the first. The total number of species represented is considerable, there being no less than 227, of which 68 are new, including representatives of 5 new genera. The interest attaching to the collection arises not alone from the rather large proportion of new forms, but quite as much from the presence among those already known of a number of species hitherto insufficiently described and poorly figured. I have taken advantage of this opportunity to redescribe these in detail. The plates are made up of photographic figures exclusively. The further one advances in the study of systematic zoology the more one becomes convinced of the importance, I may even say the necessity, of reproducing photographically the objects themselves, and not con- tenting oneself with drawings, which are inevitably more or less schematic and can not give a rigorously exact idea of the general appearance of the species. It has appeared to me advisable in many cases not to limit myself to photographing a single specimen, and I 55269 22 Bull. 100 1 1 2 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. have therefore included figures of several, so that perhaps it may be found that I have gone a little too far in some instances. In as- sembling the illustrations I have paid particular attention to the species of Ophiothrix; I have hoped thus to render a service to my colleagues in indicating the very considerable variations met with in this genus within which specific differentiation is exceptionally diffi- cult. The representation of complete specimens, or at least of the entire disk together with some of the arms for a greater or lesser part of their length, seems to me indispensable in order to give an exact idea of any ophiuran. In most of the memoirs in which I have figured ophiurans by means of plates drawn by myself and reproduced lithographically I have followed the example of Lyman, who repre- sented the species merely by the portion of the disk included between two arms, together with the basal portion of the latter. Obviously, this method is convenient, and, above all, economical, but these in- complete figures do not give a sufficiently comprehensive idea of the animals, and I therefore definitely abandoned it some years ago. It has appeared advisable to include a certain number of photo- micrographs representing the club spines, granules, etc., which occur upon the disks of various ophiurans, particularly of the families Ophiacanthidae and Ophiotrichidae, and which often assume char- acteristic shapes. I have also included some photographs of the arm spines of the species of Ophiotrichidae, particularly of the first ven- tral arm spine, of which the hooklike form shows interesting varia- tions. The following species are represented in the collection ; new species are given in small capitals : Order I. PHRYNOPHIURIDA Family OPHIOMYXIDAE Ljnnjmian. I860. . Ophiomyxa bengalenms Koehler. Ophiomyxa irregularis Koehler. Ophiodera neglecta Koehler. NEOPLAX CRASSIPES, new species. OPHIOCANOPS FUGIENS, new genus and species. OPHIOBYRSET.LA INTOBTA, new specios. OPHIOPHRIXUS CONFINIS, new species. Family TRICHASTERIDAE Doderlein. 1911 (emended Matsuinoto, 1915). Astrocharis virgo Koehler. Astrocera* pergamena Lyman. Asteronyx loveni Mtiller and Troschel. Family GORGONOCEPHALIDAE Doderlein, 1911. ASTROTHAMNTTS DKFTCIKNS. new OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. Order II. LOEMOPHIURIDA. Family HEMIEURYALIDAE Verrill, 1899 (emended Matsumoto, 1915). Ophiomoeris obstricta (Lyman). Ophiomoeris spinosa Koehler. Ophiomoeris tenera Koehler. Ophiogyptis nodosa Koehler. Family OPHIOMYCETIDAE Verrill, 1899. Ophiomyces delata Koehler. Family OPHIACANTHIDAE Verrill, 1899. OPHIODYCTIS UNCINATUS, new genus and species. OPHIACANTHA BENIGN A, new species. Ophiacantha composita Koehler. Ophiacantha confusa Koehler. Ophiacantha dallasii Duncan. Ophiacantha duplex Koehler. OPHIACANTHA GRAPHICA, new species. OPHIACANTHA LEGATA, new species. Ophiacantha longidens Lyman. OPHIACANTHA PACATA, new species. Ophiacantha pentagona Koehler. OPHIACANTHA SEVEKA, new species. Ophiacantha vorax Koehler. OphioUmna perflda (Koehler). OPHIOGEMA PUNCTATA, new genus and species. Ophiotreta eximia (Koehler). Ophiotreta gratiosa (Koehler). Ophiotreta matura (Koehler). OPHIOTRETA SPATULIFERA, new species. Ophiotreta valcncienncsi (Lyman). Ophialcaea congesta (Koehler). Ophientrema leucostictum (H. L. Clark). OPHIOTREMA TERTIUM, new species. Ophiotoma assimilis Koehler. OPHIOMEDEA DISCBEPANS, new species. OPHIOCOPA SINGULARIS, new species. Ophiothamnus venustus Matsumoto. Ophiurothamnus stultus (Koehler). OPHIUROTHAMNUS EXCAVATUS, new species. OPHIOMITRA DIVES, new species. OPHIOMITRELLA EXILIS, new species. OPHIOMITRELLA SAGITTATA, new species, OPHIOMITRELLA SUBJECTA, new species. OPHIORIPA MARGINATA, new genus and species. OPHIORIPA NTJGATOR, new species. Ophiophthalmus relictus (Koehler). OPHIOPHTHALMUS SUSPECTUS, new species. OPHIOMELINA PLACIDA (Koehler), new genus. Ophioplinthaca chclys (Lyman). BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. OPHIOPLINTHACA GLOBATA, new species. OPHIOPLINTHACA HASTATA, new species. Ophioplinthaca pulchra Koehler. Ophioplinthaca rudis Koehler. , Ophiocamax rugosa Kcehler. Order III. GNATHOPHIURIDA. Family AMPHIURIDAE Ljungman, 1867 (emended Matsumoto, 1915). Amphiura agitato, Koehler. Amphiura amMgua Koehler. AMPHIUBA COMMUTATA, new species. AMPHIUBA DEJECTA, new species. AMPHIURA DIMESSA, new species. Amphiura diomcdcac Liitken and Mortensen. Amphiura grandisquama Lyman. Amphiura uncinata Koehler. Amphiura vadicola, Matsumoto. AmphiphoUs kochii Liitken. AMPHIPHOLIS LOBIPES, new species. Amphipholis misera (Koehler). Amphiodia crassa (Koehler). AMPHIODIA DEBITA, new species. AMPHIOPLUS LEGATUS, new species. AMPHIOPLUS CONDUCTUS, new species. Amphioplus imprcssus (Ljungman). AMPHIOPLUS LUCIDUS, new species. AMPHIOPLUS LUCTATOR, new species. Amphioplus relictns (Koehler). Amphioplus rhadinobrachius H. L. Clark. AMPHILIMNA MULTISPINA, new species. Ophiactis afflnis Duncan. OPHIACTIS DEFINITA, new species. Ophiactis maculosa Martens. Ophiactis profundi Liitken and Mortensen. Ophiactis savignyi (Miiller and Troschel). Ophiopholis mirabilis (Duncan). Ophiocentrus aculeatus Ljungman. Ophiocentrus aspcr (Koehler). OPHIOCENTRUS VEXATOR, new species. Family AMPHILEPIDAB Matsumoto, 1915. Amphilepis protecta Kcehler. AMPHILEPIS REMITTENS, new species. Amphiactis duplicata (Lyman). Family OPHIOTRICHIDAE Ljungman, 1867. Ophiothrix aristulata Lyman. Ophiothrix armata Koehler. Ophiothrix aspidota Mtiller and Troschel. OPHIOTHRIX BELLAX, new species. Ophiothrix capillaris Lyman. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. Ophiothrix coronata Kcehler. Ophiothrix crassispina Koehler. OPPIIOTHEIX CUMULATA, new species. OPHIOTHKTX DECEPTOE, new species. Ophiothrix elegans Liitken. Ophiothrix exigua Lyman. Ophiothrix expedita Koehler. Ophiothrix gelatheae Ltitken. Ophiothrix hirsuta Miiller and Troschel. Ophiothrix longipeda (Lamarck). Ophiothrix foveolata Marktanner. Ophiothrix hybrida H. L. Clark. Ophiothrix infirma Kcehler. Ophiothrix koreana Duncan. Ophiothrix lepida de Loriol. Ophiothrix marenzelleri Koehler. Ophiothrix martensi Lyman. Ophiothrix melanosticta Grube. Ophiothrix nereidina (Lamarck). OPHIOTHRIX PAVIDA, new species. Ophiothrix plana Lyman. Ophiothrix propinqua Lyman. OPHIOTHRIX PROSTRATA, new species. Ophiothrix proteus Koehler. Ophiothrix purpurea von Martens. Ophiothrix pusilla Lyman. OPHIOTHRIX SIGN ATA, new species. OpJiiothrix xpinosissima Koehler. Ophiothrix stelligera Lyman. Ophiothrix striolata Grube. Ophiothrix trilineata Liitken. Ophiogymna elegans Ljungman. Ophiogymna fulgens (Koehler). OPHIOGYMNA FUNESTA, new species. Ophiogymna pulchella (Koehler). Ophiocnemis marmorata (Lamarck). Opliiomaza cacaotica Lyman. OPHIOMAZA FUSCA, new species. Ophiothela danae Verrill. Ophiothe.la vincula Mortensen. Ophiopteron elegans Ludwig. OPHIOPTERON GRATUM, new species. Ophiopteron puncto-coeruleutn Koehler. Order IV. CHILOPHIURDA. Family OPHIOCHITONIDAE Matsumoto, 1915. Ophiochiton fastigatus Lyman. Ophionereis dubia (Miiller and Troschel). Ophionereis semoni (Doderlein). Ophiodoris contrarius Koehler. Ophiodoris malignus Koehler. BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Family OPHIOCOMIDAE Ljungman, 1867. Ophiocoma brcvipes Peters. Ophiocoma erinaceus Miiller and Troschel. Ophiocoma lineolata Muller and Troschel. Ophiocoma scotopendrina (Lamarck). Ophiocoma wendtii Muller and Troschel. Ophiomastix annulosa (Lamarck). Ophiomastix flaccida Lyman. Ophiomastix lutkeni Pfeffer. Ophiomastix mixta Liitken. Ophiomastix venosa Peters. Ophiarthrum elegans Peters. Family OPHIODERMATIDAE Ljungman, 1S07. OPHIABACHNA QUINQUESPINOSA. new species. Pectinura yoldii (Liitken). Pcctinura aequalis (Lyman). Ophiopezella spinosa (Ljungman). Ophiarachnella gorgonia (Muller and Troschel). Ophiarachnclla honorata (Koehler). Ophiarachnella infernalis (Muller and Troschel). Ophiarachnella nit ens (Koehler). Bathypcctinura conspicua (Kcehler). OKYPTOPELTA TECTA, new species. Ophiurodon cinctus (Koahler). Ophiurodon permixttts (Koehler). Family OPHIOLEPIDIDAE Ljungman, 18(7. OPHIOPYRGUS PLANULATUS, new species. AMPHIOPHIUBA CANALICTJLATA, new species. AMPHIOPHIUBA FASTIGIATA, new species. Amphiophiura improba (Koahler). Amphiophiura insolita (Koehler). Amphiophiura paupera (Koehler). Amphiophiura radiata (Lyman). Amphiophiura sculptilis (Lyman). Amphiophiura sordida (Koehler). AMPHIOPHIUBA SPATULIFEEA, new species. Amphiophiura stellata (Studer). Stegophiura sladeni (Duncan). STEGOPHIUBA STEBILIS, new species. Ophiura aequatts Lyman. Ophiura clemens Koehler. Ophiura flagellata Lyman. OPHIURA FLUCTUANS, new species. Ophiura irrorata Lyman. Ophiura kinbergi Lyman. Ophiura micrantha H. L. Clark. OPHIURA MITESCENS, new species. Ophiura sarsii Liitken. Homalophiura inflata (Koehler). Homalophiura inornata (Lyman). OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 7 Ophiocten hastatum Lyman. Ophiomusium altum (Koehler). OPHIOMUSIUM ARMATUM, new species. Ophiomusium elegans Kcehler. OPHIOMUSIUM FACETUM, new species. OPHIOMUSIUM FACUNDUM, new species. OPHIOMUSIUM FIMBRIATUM, new species. OPHIOMUSIUM IMPOTENS, new species. OPHIOMUSIUM LIGATUM, new species. Ophiomusium lunare Lyman. Ophiomusium lymani Wyville Thomson. OPHIOMUSIUM MORIO, new species. Ophiomusium properum Kcehler. Ophiomusium relictum Kcehler. Ophiomusium scalare Lyman. Ophiomusium simplex Lyman. OPHIOMUSIUM SPINULOSUM, new species. Ophiolipus granulatus Lyman. Ophioceramis declinans Koehler. Ophiozonella oispinosa (Kcehler). Ophiozonella casta (Kcehler). Ophiozonella media (Kcehler. Ophiozonella molesta (Kcehler). OPHIOZONELLA SUBTILIS, new species. OPHIOZONOIDA OBSCURA, new species. Ophiomidas reductum Koehler. Ophiolepis annulosa Muller and Troschel. Ophiolepis irregularis Brock. Ophioplocus imoricatus Muller and Troschel. Family OPHIOLEUCIDAE Matsumoto, 1915. Ophiodrce inutilis Kcehler. Ophiopallas paradoxa Kcehler. OPHIOPALLAS VALENS, new species. Ophiernus adspersus Lyman. In the preceding list I have followed the classification proposed by Matsumoto in 1915 ('15 [1], pp. 43-92) in a memoir which, though short, is most noteworthy and abounding in far-reaching observa- tions. The same classification was adopted by Dr. Hubert Lyman Clark in his beautiful memoir entitled " Catalogue of Recent Ophiu- rans," which also bears the date 1915. This work being destined to be the reference work and an exceedingly convenient one for all those who are engaged in studying the ophiurans I shall follow the classification therein used. However, as my views differ in various matters of detail from those of the learned American zoologist, a few words of explanation are necessary, and at the same time it appears to me advisable also to make a few remarks in regard to the classifi- cation proposed by Matsumoto, in which H. L. Clark has thought it necessary to introduce some slight modifications. 8 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Regarding these suggestions I may say that in general they are of purely secondary importance and do not affect the broad lines of the classification established by Matsumoto. It is also fair to men- tion that H. L. Clark stated that if his classification differed from that of Matsumoto it was not at all because he had found the latter at fault. I quote his own words : It must not be inferred that in those instances where I have not followed Matsumoto I indicate a belief that he is wrong. It merely shows that I have not yet satisfied myself as to the relationships of certain genera and species. In these cases, notably in regard to the genus Ophioconis and its allies, the evidence is perplexing and more light is necessary ('15, pp. 165, 166). Matsumoto has elaborated his conclusions in a magnificent work published in 1917, entitled "A Monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea Arranged According to a New Classification," 1 which reached me just as I was about to send my report to Washington. I have thus not been able to make use of it in the preparation of this memoir, begun three years previously, though I have been able to insert in the text the bibliographical references, as well as some notes on dif- ferent points on which I am not entirely in accord with the learned Japanese naturalist. Matsumoto divided the ophiurans into two primary classes, namely : (EGOPHIUROIDA, including only fossil forms with an external ambu- lacral groove and without ventral arm plates, and MTOPHIUROIDA, without an external ambulacral groove and with ventral arm plates, including certain paleozoic species and all known living forms. The latter is divided into four orders : PHRYNOPHIURIDA, with three families: Ophiomyxidae. Trichasteridae. Gorgonocephalidae. LAEMOPHIURIDA, with two families : Hemieuryalidae. Ophiacanthidae. GNATHOPHIUKIDA, with three families: Amphiuridae. Amphilepididae. Ophiotrichidae. CHILOPHIURIDA, with five families: Ophiochitonidae. Ophiocomidae. Ophiodermatidae. Ophiolepididae. Ophioleucidae. Journ. Coll. Scl., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 38. art. 2. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 9 In regard to these four orders and to the several families which are assigned to them I have the following remarks to make : 1. PHRYNOPHIURIDA. Matsumoto has retained in his family Ophiomyxidae the genus Ophiodera which was separated from Ophiomyxa in 1899 by Verrill. H. L. Clark did not admit the. dis- tinctness of Ophiodera, but placed in the genus Ophiomyxa both the species in which there exists a border of plates at the periphery of the disk and those in which such a border is absent. 2. LOEMOPITIURIDA. The subfamily Ophiochondrinae of Matsu- moto includes the three genera Ophiochoiidrus, Ophiomoeris, and Ophiogyptis. H. L. Clark has recognized the genus O phiochondrella of Verrill, 1899, which Matsumoto does not mention. Instead of placing in the genus Ophiomoeris, 0. obstricta Kcehler, as I had done in 1904, Clark retained the genus Ophiurases, which he believed was established in 1911 for this species, forgetting the previous erection of the genus Ophiomoeris. But Matsumoto in his memoir of 1915 had formally indicated that Ophiurases obstrictus is merely a synonym of Ophiomoeris obstricta Kcehler. Matsumoto placed in the family Ophiacanthidae the genera Ophio- tholia and Ophiomyces, which are here associated with numerous other genera, such as Ophiacantha, Ophiomitra, Ophiocamax, etc. I propose to retain for these two genera, which differ so markedly from all the other types placed in the family Ophiacanthidae, as Verrill showed in 1899, the family Ophiomycetidae established by the latter. In the preceding list I have therefore separated Ophiomyces delata from the other ophiacanthids and placed it in a separate family. The genus Ophiohelus, which Verrill made the type of the family Ophiohelidae, Matsumoto placed in the Ophiomyxinae. This dis- position appears to me to be quite correct. 3. GNATHOPHIURIDA. This order was divided by Matsumoto into three families Amphilepididae, Amphiuridae, and Ophiotriehidae. The first includes, together with the genera Amphilepis and Ophio- chytra, a new genus established by Matsumoto, Amphiactis, of which the type is A. umbonata. In addition Matsumoto places here the various species previously assigned to the genus Ophiactis, which possess four or five mouth papillae O. canescens Lyman, O. duplicata Lyman, O. patula Lyman, O. partita Koehler, O. dissidens Kcehler, and O. parata Kcehler. H. L. Clark has not recognized the family Amphilepididae; he places the six species just mentioned some in the genus Ophiactis and others in the genus Amphiura, and he places the genus Amphilepis in the family Amphiuridae. Personally I have considered it best to maintain the family Amphilepididae, for I believe that the characters invoked by Mat- sumoto in its creation, which relate principally to the structure of 10 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. the mouth parts, are in reality of great significance. Moreover, it must be recognized that the species assigned by Matsumoto to his genus Amphiactis have external characters which in no way accord with those of the genera Amphiura (taken in the broad sense) and Ophiactis, between which they were distributed. In mentioning the several genera which he places in the subfamily Amphiuririae Matsumoto notes "Amphiura, including Ophioneph- thys" and also " Ophwcentrus, including Amphiocnida" He be- lieves, therefore, that the species of the genus Ophionephthys should be placed in the genus Amphiura, and those of the genus Amphi- ocnida in the genus Ophiocentrus. H. L. Clark has not adopted this point of view, maintaining as distinct the genera Amphiocnida ('15, p. 236) and Ophionephthys (p. 239). I shall have occasion to revert to this subject when I dis- cuss Amphiura vadicola and Ophiocentrus aculeatus. 4. CHILOPHIURIDA. The observations which I have to offer con- cern the families Ophiolepididae and Ophiodermatidae, more par- ticularly the old genera Ophiura and Ophioconis. Not only am I adopting the divisions established by Matsumoto, but from now on I shall use the name Ophiura in place of Ophio- glypha, which I have always used heretofore in order to be in agree- ment with the nomenclature which echinologists are now using and which H. L. Clark has adopted in his " Catalogue." I should state, however, that in using the name Ophioglypha as I did I had hoped primarily to avoid misconceptions. It is agreed that the rule of priority requires the use of the name Ophiura, but everyone knows that sometimes exceptions must be made to the strict application of the rule if it is not to lead to impossible or even ridiculous results (see the remarks published by Mortensen in 1910 and 1911 regarding the strict application of the rule of priority to the echinoderms). I have always believed, and still do, that it would be better to set aside the rule of priority than to introduce fundamental changes in the nomenclature. The substitution of the name Ophiura for Ophioglypha would for a time create confusion, as many authors, Lyman for example, have used Ophiura as a synonym of Ophio- derma. Such use runs back for a very considerable time, and since 1882 Ophiura, when it has been used, has appeared more commonly as a synonym of Ophioglypha than as a synonym of Ophioderma. The chances of confusion thus have been becoming more and more remote, and that is why I shall henceforth conform to the prefer- ences of my colleagues. It was in 1915 that Matsumoto first established in the old genus Ophiura (taken in the broad sense) a certain number of divisions representing separate genera, as follows : OPHIUHANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 11 1. Aspidophiura, including in all three species, A. minuta (Ly- man), A. forbesi (Duncan) (=glyptodisca H. L. Clark), and A. watasei Matsumoto. 2. Ophiurolepis, including only a single species, O. deshayesi (Ly- man), which is a synonym of Ophiolepis carinata Studer. The lat- ter name having priority, the species must henceforth be known as Ophiurole,pis carinata. 3. Stegophiura, including about ten species, such as S. elevata (Lyman), S. nodosa (Liitken), S. sladeni (Duncan) (stiphra II. L. Clark), /S. sculpta (Duncan), S. stereo, (H. L. Clark), etc. 4. Amphiophiura, including about thirty species, such as A. bul- lata (W. Thomson), A. convexa (Lyman), A. improba (Kcehler), A. insolita (Kcehler), A. latro (Kcehler), A. paupera (Kcehler), A. sordida (Kcehler), A. undata (Lyman), etc. 5. Matsumoto left in the genus Ophmra, as restricted by him, a large number of species which he divided into two categories, one in- cluding those with the arm comb formed of elongated, narrow, and acuminate papillae, such as O. albida (Forbes), O ciliata (Retzius) (=texturata Lamarck), O. brevispina. Smith. 0. aequalis (Lyman), O. cornea (Liitken), O. kinbergi (Lj^man), O. lepida (Lyman), O. palliata (Lyman, 2 and O. sarsii (Liitken), the other including those with the arm comb composed of low, short, and blunt papillae, such as O. dbyssorum (Lyman), O. ambigua (Lyman), O. element (Koehler), 0. confragosa (Lyman), O. inflata (Kcehler), O. inonwta (Lyman), 0. in^orata (Lyman), O. nana (Liitken and Mortensen), etc. There is a hiatus in the enumeration of the species given by Mat- sumoto, for he makes no mention of a number of Antarctic forms, such as 0. brucei, 0. flexibilis, O. frigifla, O. gelida, 0. mimaria, O. partita, etc., which I have described within the past few years and which evidently he was unable to place in any of the categories established by him. Furthermore Matsumoto leaves in the genus Ophiura as restricted certain species, such as 0. abyssorum, O. con- fragosa, and O. inomata, which obviously do not conform to the characters of the restricted genus as he understands it. H. L. Clark has created for these several species ('15, p. 235) the genus Homalo- phiura, which is perfectly homogeneous and which includes about 20 forms. This genus is characterized by the reduction of the arm comb, by having the brachial tentacular pores very slightly devel- oped and not occurring beyond the first arm plates, by having the buccal pores distant from the mouth, etc. 2 Matsumoto gives O. papillata. This is evidently a typographical error, for he in tended to write palliata. 12 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Among the genera established by Matsumoto the two genera Aspi- dophiura and Ophiurolepis are similarly very well characterized, but they only include a very small number of species four in both combined. The genera AmpMophiura and StegopMura both include species in which the disk is thick and in which the dorsal and ventral arm plates are well developed and in contact throughout a large portion of the arms ; the ventral arm plates especially are large, often as long as broad, and they cover a relatively large portion of the ven- tral aspect of the arms. Matsumoto differentiates StegopMura by the short arms which are very broad at the base and diminish very rapidly in breadth, while in AmpMophiura the arms are rather nar- row, but in compensation longer and diminishing gradually in width. While the characters cited by Matsumoto are easy of application in a certain number of species, it is not the same for others, and the limits oif the two genera are indefinite. This is one of! the weak points of Matsumoto's classification, and here there are certain to arise doubtful cases, leading to differences of opinion among zoolo- gists. I see already an instance in the case of O. solida Lyman, which Matsumoto placed in the genus AmphiopJiiura (15, p. 77), while H. L. Clark assigned it to the genus Stegophiura ('15, p. 817). The species is retained in Amphiophiura by Matsumoto in 1917. More- over, Matsumoto himself states that the rather numerous species as- signed by him to the genus Amphiophiura form four groups which in their characters approach, respectively, the genera Ophiopyrgus, Aspidophiura, Stegophiura, and Ophiura (in the restricted sense). Matsumoto has left in the genus Ophiura all the species not assigned to the four genera established by him, and in which the disk and the arms are flattened, the ventral arm plates are very short, the tentacular pores are well developed, the mouth pores are very large, provided with numerous scales, and close to the mouth, etc. I men- tioned above that certain species retained by him in this genus as restricted had been removed by H. L. Clark and placed in the genus Homalophiura (O. abyssorum, O. confragosa, etc.). In my opinion certain other species retained by Matsumoto should also be removed from the genus Ophiura (in the restricted sense), some to be placed elsewhere, others to be definitely suppressed. For example, 0. hexactis does not belong to the genus Ophiura at all, but to the genus Ophionotus, as I showed in 1912 and as I have confirmed in a more recent work (17, p. 61), where I have given new evidence of the correctness of this disposition based upon the characters of the peri- stomal plates; O. nana Liitken and Mortensen is a synonym of my O. inflata described three years earlier, and the name therefore must disappear from zoological literature, while the latter species should OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 13 be placed in the genus Homalophiura, as H. L. Clark has done; O. undata is given by Matsumoto both in the genus Amphiophiura (p. 78) and in the genus Ophiura (p. 81). I surmise that this latter is a typographical error and that he intended to write (p. 81) O. undulata. However, everything considered, this first attempt at a reclassi- fication of the species of the old genus Ophiura is of the greatest interest and marks a very considerable progress. In spite of a certain vagueness which persists in regard to the limits of the genera Amphiophiura and Stegophiura, the genera proposed by Matsumoto are worthy of adoption, and I shall follow his nomenclature in the succeeding pages. In his memoir of 19 IT Matsumoto has redefined the characters of the genera established by him in 1915. He accepts H. L. Clark's genus Homalophiura, but he maintains as distinct both 0. inflata and 0. nana. He cites O. undulata (not undata) among the species of the genus Ophiura, in the restricted sense (p. 268). He no longer retains Ophionotus hexactis in the genus Ophiura, and he now agrees with me that this species should be replaced in the genus Ophionotus (p. 235, note). A very detailed study of the species assigned to the old genus Ophioconis had led Matsumoto to propose a complete rearrangement of them in 1915. The necessity for a revision of this genus, not only to determine the interrelationships of the species commonly assigned to it but also to establish its position in the classification of the ophiurans, had already been suggested by H. L. Clark in 1911 when he was describing his new species from Japan and the Bering Sea ('11, p. 28). When I began in 1914 the preparation of this memoir, I had myself been confronted with this problem, and I was led to establish in the old genus Ophioconis three distinct groups in such a way as to separate from O. forbesi (the type of the genus), on the one hand, O. cincta, O. cupida, O. grandisquama, and O. permixta, which form a very homogeneous group, and, on the other hand, O. miliaria and O. pulver-ulenta. At the same time I proposed to remove from the genus Ophioconis, O. brevispina Ludwig, of which the teeth do not have at all the form characteristic of those of O. forbesi, as well as O. indica, which I proposed, provisionally at least, to place near the genus Pectinura, taken in the sense in which it is understood by H. L. Clark. Matsumoto's memoir, dated 1915, reached me in 1916, long before the work which appears to-day was printed, and it is Matsumoto, therefore, who deserves all the credit of having revised the old genus 14 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ophioconis. I only speak of my studies on the subject in order to be able to state that after reading Matsumoto's work I find myself entirely prepared to adopt, in its broad lines, the classification which he proposes. I shall give a short summary of it. Matsumoto first of all removes from the genus Ophioconis several species which have all the characters of the genus Ophiolimna, and he assigns to the latter 0. antarctica Lyman, 0. operculata Koehler, O. diastata H. L. Clark, and 0. papillata H. L. Clark. Then, on the basis of the development of the spines and the structure of the teeth, he divides the remaining species into two groups, one including those in which the spines are short and appressed to the arms, forming the genus Ophioconis (restricted), the other including those in which the spines are elongated and not appressed. The latter is again divided into two groups according to whether the teeth are very small, tri- angular, and pointed, or flattened, slender, and transparent. The species of the first group form the new genus Ophiuroconis and those of the second the new genus Ophiurodon. Matsumoto thus leaves in the genus Ophioconis only 0. forbesi and 0. brevispina. As for 0. indica, this appears to him to be close to the genus Pectinura, though differing from it in a number of characters. I am in complete accord with Matsumoto's point of view regarding the necessity of erecting the new genera Ophiuroconis and Ophiu- rodon and the validity of the characters which he attributes to each, as well as in assigning 0. antarctica, O. diastata, and O. papillata to the genus Ophiolimna, but I differ from him regarding the limites of the genus Ophioconis (restricted). Matsumoto characterizes it ex- clusively on the basis of the short, appressed, and hyaline spines, and the covered mouth shields; but I believe that there is a third char- acter quite as important as the two preceding which should be con- sidered, and that is the form of the teeth. In the first species de- scribed, 0. forbesi, which for a long time remained the only species of the genus Ophioconis, the teeth are slender, transparent, and flat- tened, appearing as a column of broadened lamellae, the free borders of which are more or less denticulate (pi. 81, fig. 1) . In the original description of Pectinura forbesi Heller indicated this peculiarity of the teeth which he described as "grosse, rundliche, blattformige Zalme " ('62, p. 422) . This form of the teeth is very remarkable, and it is also found in the species referred by Matsumoto to the genus Ophiurodon. But in O. brevispina the teeth are not at all of this character. I only know this species, which seems to be very rare and appears never to have been rediscovered, from Ludwig's original de- scription. Ludwig did not describe in detail the form of the teeth and did not compare them with those of O. forbesi. He simply says OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 15 that they are conical (kegelformige) , and in his figure they are clearly shown as small, triangular, and pointed, quite the same as the ad- jacent mouth papillae. In the form of the teeth, therefore, there is a difference between O. forbesi and 0. brevispina analogous to that separating the genera Ophiurodon and Ophiuroconis. In my opinion these two species can not be placed in the same genus, and I propose to leave in the genus Ophioconis 0. forbesi only, the genus thus again becoming, as for- merly, monotypic. As for O. brevispina, it certainly can not be referred to Matsumoto's Ophiuroconis. If the shape of the teeth is really that which Ludwig has figured, it must be very close to the species which H. L. Clark has assembled in his new genus Crypto- pelta, and I therefore propose that it be referred to this genus. There remains to be considered O. indica, which I placed in the genus Ophioconis in 1896; but it is evident that it can not remain here, and also that it can not be assigned to either of the new genera proposed by Matsumoto. I agree entirely with the objections which he raises in regard to placing it to the genus Pectinura, on account of the characters of the spines and the presence of a single tentacle scale ; but, on the other hand, it is obvious that it is extremely close to the species of Cryptopelta, especially to C. aster. It can not, however, be assigned to this genus, of which one of the primary characters is found in the condition of the mouth shields, which are covered with granules, as in O. indica these shields are naked. I suggest that it be made the type of a new genus, for which I propose the name Gymno- pelta, in contrast to Cryptopelta. The reclassification of the species assigned to the old genus Ophio- conis (taiken in the broad sense) is as follows: Genus Ophioconis Liitken Ophioconis forbesi (Heller). Genus Ophiurodon Matsumoto Ophiurodon cincta (Keehler). Ophiurodon cupida (Koehler). Ophiurodon grandisquania (Koehler). Ophiurodon permixta (Koehler). Genus Ophiuroconis Matsumoto Ophiuroconis miliaria (Lyman). Ophiuroconis monolcpis Matsumoto. Ophiuroconis pulverulenta (Lyman). Genus Cryptopelta H. L. Clark Cryptopelta, brevispina (Ludwig). [Cryptopelta aster (Lyman)]. [Cryptopelta granulifera H. L. Clark]. Genus Gymnopelta Ko?hler Gymnopelta indica (Koahler). Genus Ophiolimna Verrill Ophiolimna antarctica (Lyman). Ophiolimna diastata (H. L. Clark). Ophiolimna papillata (H. L. Clark). The first ten species must be placed in the family Ophiodermatidae, and the three last, assigned to the trenus Ophiolimna, in the family Ophiacanthidae. 16 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. This reassignment among two very different families is in conform- ity with the view of Matsumoto. But an entirely different classifi- cation has been followed by H. L. Clark in his catalogue. He main- tains the old genus OpMoconis without taking into consideration the divisions proposed by Matsumoto, and he places it bodily, with its thirteen species, in the family Ophiacanthidae. H. L. Clark has discarded the genus Opkiolimna. Some of the species he places in the genus OpMacantha (O. bairdi, O. perfida, O. operculata, and O. lambda) and the rest in the genus OpMoconis (O. antarctica, O. diastata, and 0. papillata). The redistribution of the species of the old genus OpMoconis which I have just given differs in several details from that which Matsu- moto has recently proposed (17, p. 310). The Japanese author leaves in the genus OpMoconis (restricted) not only O. forbesi, but also 0. brevispina, which is very different from it, and, furthermore, he proposes to unite with the genus OpMoconis the genus OpMocor- mus described by H. L. Clark. At the same time he is inclined to believe that the genera OpMoconis and Cryptopelta should be re- united, although admitting that they differ in the structure of the arm spines, and he retains in the genus OpMoconis O. indica, which formerly he considered as an extreme form of Pectinura. In concluding I may say that the family Astrophiuridae should be added to the families placed by Matsumoto in the Chilophiurida. In my paper on AstropMura cavellae I have given the reasons why I believed it necessary to place the genus AstropMura in a distinct family, and perhaps even in a separate order ('15, p. 15). In his 1917 memoir Matsumoto simply places the genus AstropMura in the subfamily Ophiomastinae with the genera OpMophysis Ko3hler, OpMomisidiwn Koehler, OpMotypa Kcehler, and OpMomastus Ly- man (17, p. 234). But I still consider that the remarkable pecu- liarities of the genus AstropMura are sufficient to justify the crea- tion of an independent family. 3 3 When I described Astrophiura cavellae I noted (p. 2) that this species had been men- tioned by Chun in his book " Aus den Tiefen des Welt-Meeres." But apparently Matsu- moto has assumed that the form recorded by Chun was a different one. In comparing Astrophiura kawamurai with the species previously known he says ('17, p. 245) : "This species differs from Chun's Astrophiura from Agulhas Bank, which is not yet named, ..." and, on the following page, " lately, Kffihler has described A. cavellae from the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope." It is not correct to say that Chun's species has not yet received a specific name, for it is the one to which I gave the name A. cavellae, and I have stated in my description the exact locality where it was dredged by the Valdivia latitude 34 33' S., longitude 18 21' B., the depth being 318 meters. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 17 Order I. PHRYNOPHIURIDA. Family OPHIOMYXIDAE. OPHIOMYXA BENGALENSIS Kcehler. Plate 5, figs. 5, 6 ; plate 92, fig. 1. OpMomyxa Itengalemis KCEHLER, '96, p. 363, pi. 9, figs. 70, 71 ; '99, p. 69, pi. 12, figs. 91, 92. H. L. CLARK, '15, p. 168. Locality. Albatross station 5292; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Escarceo Light bearing N. 36 W. 6.02 kilometers (3.25 miles) distant (lat. 13 28' 45" N., long. 121 01' 12" E.) ; 296 meters (162 fathoms) ; July 23, 1908 ; fne. bk. S. Eight specimens (Cat. Nos. E.225, E.226, U.S.N.M.). Notes. All these specimens agree well with the type series, which was dredged by the Investigator among the Andaman Islands at depths varying between 457 and 1,962 meters (250 and 1,073 fathoms). I give here two photographs of one of the Albatross specimens, which show better than my figures published in 1896 and 1899 the habitus of this species. I also include some photographs of arm spines from different portions of the arms. OPHIOMYXA IRREGULARIS Kcehler. Plate 2, fig. 18 ; plate 5, figs. 1, 2 ; plate 6, fig. 4 ; plate 92, fig. 2. See for bibliography : OpMomyxa irregularis KCEHLER, '05, p.119, pi. 12, fig. 1. H. L. CLARK, '15, p. 170. Localities. Albatross station 5135; in the vicinity of Jolo (Sulu) ; Jolo Light bearing S. 46 W., 22.05 kilometers (11.9 miles) distant (lat. 6 11' 50" N., long. 121 08' 20" E.) ; 294 meters (161 fathoms) ; February 7, 1908 ; fne. co. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. E.163, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5140; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 33 W., 11 kilometers (6.1 miles) distant (lat. 6 08' 45" N., long. 121 03' E.) ; 139 meters (76 fathoms) ; February 14, 1908; fne. co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. E.161, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5172; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing E., 46 kilometers (24.75 miles) distant (lat. 6 03' 15" N., long. 120 35' 50" E.) ; 582 meters (318 fathoms) ; March 5, 1908; fne. S., Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. E.162, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5174; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing E., 4.81 kilometers (2.6 miles) distant (lat. 6 03' 45" N., long. 120 57' 00" E.) ; 36 meters (20 fathoms) ; March 5, 1908; crs. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. E.165, U.S.N.M.). 55269 22 Bui. 1( 18 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Albatross station 5617; Dodinga Bay, Gillolo Island, Moluccas; Ternate Island (SB.) bearing S. 45 W., 12.97 kilometers (7 miles) distant (lat. 49' 30" N., long. 127 25' 30" E.) ; 239 meters (131 fathoms) ; November 27, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E.166, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5629; Patiente Strait and southward; Doworra Island (S.) bearing S. 62 W., 11.12 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 50' 00" S., long. 128 12' 00" E.) 375 meters (205 fathoms) ; December 2, 1909 ; co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. E.164, U.S.N.M.). Notes. In the specimens from station 5135 the diameter of the disk is 15 mm. and the arms are from 65 mm. to 70 mm. in length ; in that from station 5172, which I figure, the disk is slightly smaller, its diameter varying between 13 mm. and 14 mm., and the arms are almost of the same length as in the preceding, from 60 mm. to 70 mm. long. The arms are moderately rigid; they are 3 mm. broad at the base and taper rapidly. The diameter of the disk of the specimen from station 5629 is 15 mm.; the others are smaller. The disk is pentagonal, with the sides more or less concave. The dorsal surface is covered with an integument which is entirely naked, but beneath which, at the bases of the arms, may be distinguished the radial shields, which are not much elongated, though moderately broad scarcely twice as long as broad ; these shields are covered ex- teriorly by few imbricated plates which are a continuation of other thicker plates which form a border about the periphery of the disk in the interbrachial spaces. Usually there may be distinguished in the center of each of these spaces a larger oval plate, from either side of which extends a series of smaller narrow and imbricated plates. In general this peripheral border of plates is very evident, but some- times it is not visible in alcoholic specimens, appearing only after they have been dried (pi. 2, fig. 18). The ventral face of the disk is covered by a smooth integument. The genital slits, which are broad and elongated, reach almost to the edge of the disk; they are bordered by large plates similarly elon- gated. The outlines of the mouth plates can be readily made out in dried individuals. The mouth shields are large and rather broad, triangu- lar, with the sides and angles rounded, and a little broader than long. The adoral plates, which are large and elongated, usually reach the median interradial line where they are in contact, while at the same time they are more or less narrowed inwardly; outwardly, on the other hand, they are broadened and give off a rather narrow process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are triangular and high. The lateral mouth papillae are OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 19 three in number, increasing in size from the external or distal to the proximal; they are rounded, with a transparent and denticulate border. The terminal unpaired papilla resembles the others, but is a little larger. The upper arm plates, completely fused with the upper surf ace-of the vertebral pieces, are lozenge-shaped, with the angles rounded off, separated on the sides by soft areas. The first under arm plate is small, rectangular, broader than long. The following are heart-shaped, as long as broad, with an acute proximal angle, rounded sides, and the distal border deeply notched in the middle. At first they are in contact, later becoming separated by a narrow interval. The side arm plates carry four moderately developed spines, which are strong and cylindrical, with the tip blunted; their surface is more or less roughened, and often small asperities may be made out. The length of the spines increases very gradually from the first ven- tral, which is a little shorter than the plate, to the last dorsal, which is almost as long as the plate. These dimensions are taken from a dried specimen ; in alcoholic specimens the spines, somewhat sunken in the integument, appear shorter, and their length does not appear much to exceed half that of the joint, as I stated in 1905. Four spines are found throughout the greater part of the arm. The different photographs given on plate 92 as figure 2 illustrate the character of the spines at different heights on the arms. It is noticeable that toward the extremity of the arms the deticulations tend to become localized along the proximal border of the spines, at the same time becoming very much stronger; this results in trans- forming the two ventral spines, especially the first, into true hooks with four or five branches (fig. 22> 592:11* u 1 . 1 00 8 114 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. very close together in the median dorsal line of the arm, though the two rows remain distinct on each side and are not continuous with each other. The surface of the spines shows a few rugosities which are very irregular and inconstant, but no denticulations properly speaking. The length of the first ventral spine equals that of the segment ; the last dorsal spine is as long as two segments. The tentacle scale of the pores of the first pair is single, rather large, broadened, and almost circular; it becomes narrower on the three or four following pairs, and then conical and rather pointed, though always remaining short. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomitrella sagittata is very close to O. mutata Kcehler, which it recalls in the armature of the dorsal surface of the disk ; but the form of the mouth shields is very different, and the elongation of the proximal angle prevents the two adoral plates of each pair from touching each other in the median interradial line; the upper arm plates have the distal border very much less convex, the spines are more numerous and stouter, and, as it seems to me, shorter than in 0. mutata. Although these differences are not very important, I have not felt myself justified in uniting the two species; perhaps the examination of more numerous speci- mens will show intermediate forms, particularly in reference to the outlines of the mouth shields ; but at present none are known. OPHIOMITRELLA SUBJECTA, new species. Plate 26, figs. 5-9 ; pi. 94 ; tip. 4. Localities. Albatross station 5280; China Sea in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 60 W., 11.3 kilometers (6.1 miles) distant (lat. 13 55' 20" N., long. 120 25' 55" E.) ; 353 meters (193 fathoms) ; July IT, 1908; gy. S. Three specimens (Cat. No. 41287, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5300; China Sea in the vicinity of southern Luzon (lat. 20 31' N., long. 115 49' E.) ; 485 meters 265 fathoms) ; August 8, 1908; gy. M., S. One small specimen (Cat. No. 41286, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5325; off northern Luzon; Hermanos Island (N.) bearing N. 86 E., 31.04 kilometers (16.75 miles) distant (lat. 18 34' 15" N., long. 121 51' 15" E.) ; 410 meters (224 fathoms) : November 12, 1908 ;gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41288, U.S.N.M.). Description. In the largest specimen, which is one of the two from station 5325, the diameter of the disk is 9 mm. ; the arms are incomplete. The other specimens are a little smaller, and in one of them, in which the disk is 8 mm. in diameter, the arms reach 40 mm. in length. In the smaller from station 5325 the diameter of the disk is only 5 mm. In the specimen from station 5300 the diameter OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 115 of the disk does not exceed 3 mm., and a single arm is preserved for only a few segments. The disk is rounded or pentagonal, with the interradial regions a little produced. The dorsal surface is covered with plates with very evident outlines, which are rather thick, imbricated, smallest in the central region, becoming larger toward the periphery. Each of these bears a large club spine which abruptly broadens into a well- developed head, and this head is divided into three divergent lobes provided with strong conical spinules (pi. 94, fig. 4). The length of the cylindrical portion of the club spine is almost equal to its diame- ter. These club spines are very closely crowded in the central re- gion of the disk, becoming more separated toward the periphery, their heads at the same time tending to assume a simpler form and to become merely a swelling furnished with pointed spines; then these heads themselves disappear, while simultaneously the club- spine elongates somewhat and from then on resembles a spine. In the large specimen from station 5325, shown in figure 8, the club- spines are more elongated, and their head is less large and is not trilobed, or at least only has very slightly marked lobes ; these club- spines show on their surface very evident spinules, and they thus much resembles true spines, like those which are seen on the border of the disk in the other specimens. The radial shields are small, triangular, and longer than broad ; they may bear toward their distal border two or three club-spines terminated by a few short spinules. The two shields of each pair are slightly divergent, and they are widely separated by two or three series of plates. The ventral surface of the disk is covered with large unequal plates, which do not bear club spines except toward the periphery. The genital slits are rather broad. The mouth shields are a little broader than long, somewhat lozenge- shaped, with a much elongated and pointed proximal angle, which is produced toward the mouth between the two adoral plates and which is bounded by two very concave sides; the lateral angles are sharp and the distal border is convex and shows in the middle, a more or less prominent rounded lobe; it may be said also that this border is composed of two short sides passing into each other by a very rounded obtuse angle. The adoral plates, which are of medium size, are slightly recurved and crescentic; they are three times as long as broad. The oral plates are small, triangular, and little ele- vated. The lateral mouth papillae, which are four in number, are conical, rather elongated, with the point blunted; the proximal papilla is usually a little broader than the others. The unpaired terminal papilla is thick and stout and a little more developed than those on either side. 116 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The upper arm plates are rather large, triangular or slightly bell- shaped, with a sharp proximal angle and a convex distal border. From the base of the arm outward they are separated from each other by a narrow interval. The first under arm plate is triangular, with a distal rounded angle and the proximal side excavated; it is a little broader than long. The second is very large, triangular, very much broader than long, with a proximal angle, and with the distal border slightly convex. The following plates become pentagonal, with a very ob- hise proximal angle and a convex distal border; they are at first broader than long, but they become progressively elongated, and, beyond the sixth, they are a little longer than broad. Beyond the second they are separated by a narrow interval. The side arm plates, which project moderately, carry eight or nine stout cylindrical spines with the point rounded and slightly echinulated, especially on the ventral spines. The first ventral spine is as long as the segment and the last dorsal equals two segments and a half. The rather well-developed tentacle scale is always single. On the pores of the first pair this scale is rounded, very broad, and rather short; on the following segments it elongates a little and becomes twice as long as broad, with the tip rounded. Affinities and distinctive features. Like O. sagittata, O. subjecta is very close to O. mutata Kcehler, but it is distinguished from it by the shape of the club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk, in which the head forms three divergent lobes armed with very strong teeth ; this head assumes a simply rounded form and gradually disappears at the periphery of the disk in such a way that the club spines end by resembling small true spines; and this last-mentioned character they maintain over the whole extent of the dorsal surface in the largest specimen from station 5325; but whatever may be the form of the head, these club spines are sharply differentiated from those which I have described in O. mutata, in which the head remains per- fectly smooth. The mouth shields are shorter than in O. mutata, and the proximal angle is more elongated and sharper; the upper arm plates are larger, the spines are more or less strongly echinulated, etc. In 0. sagittata the club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk are similarly terminated by a trilobed head, the form of which is close to that taken by the club spines in O. subjecta toward the periphery of the disk; O. sagittata is further distinguished from 0. mutata and from O. subjecta by the form of the mouth shields, which is quite remarkable. Furthermore, the mouth papillae also show peculiar characters/the spines are somewhat echinulated, and the upper arm plates are a little more elongated than in 0. mutata. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 117 As 0. mutata was established on the basis of only three specimens, and as O. sagittata and O. subjects are both also represented by a very small number of individuals, it is very difficult to appraise the true value of the differences which I have given. phiomitrella sub- jecta from stations 5280 and 5325 seems to me, on account of the ar- mature of its disk, to differ more from 0. mutata than the individuals which I have described under the name of 0. sagittata. However that may be, it has seemed to me preferable to describe under two different names the two forms collected by the Albatross; they can be later considered as simple varieties of 0. mutata if we obtain new specimens showing intergrading forms. Under the name of phiomitrella stellifera Matsumoto has just described ('17, p. 104) a Japanese species which seems to me also very close to O. sagittata, 0. subjecta, and 0. mutata. The plates of the disk bear rather broad club spines terminated by a stellate crown of six spinules which seems very regular, the form of the mouth shields is very different from that which I have described in the two species collected by the Albatross, and the upper arm plates are also broader and shorter than in O. stelligera. OPHIORIPA, new genus. Description. I have thought it necessary to create, near the genus OphiomitreUa as defined by Verrill, another genus characterized by having the disk covered with very large subequal plates which are highly developed, especially in the central region, and which may at- tain dimensions equal to or scarcely less than those of the radial shields. These plates are thin, and, in the two known species of the genus, they show about their periphery a narrow and transparent border ; some of them carry granules or spines which are always few in number. The radial shields, which are of medium size, are almost as long as broad. The lateral mouth papillae, three in number, are borne by the oral plates together with an unpaired terminal papilla. The arms, which are slightly or not at all moniliform, are more or less contorted ; the upper arm plates are of small size and separated from the base of the arm outward by the side arm plates. The under arm plates are also very small, widely separated, and only occupying a small portion of the length of the arms. The arm spines are not very long, and the two lateral series are widely separated in the median dorsal line of the arms. Notes. The genus Ophioripa differs from the genus OphiomitreUa in the large dorsal plates of the disk, which are provided with a transparent border, in the very small under arm plates, and in the wide separation along the median dorsal line of the arm of the col- umns of arm spines. It is distinguished from the new genus Ophioph- thalmus, recently established by Matsumoto and of which I shall 118 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. speak further on, by the characters of the dorsal plates of the disk and by the very small upper arm plates which are separated from the base of the arms outward. This genus is represented in the Albatross collections by two spe- cies, but unfortunately each includes only a single specimen of rather small size; in one of the two the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk bear extremely developed spines, which are as thick as the arm spines ; in the other, which I take as the type of the genus, the spines are very much fewer and shorter and are reduced to simple granules. Type of the genus. Ophioripa marginata, new species. OPHIORIPA MARGINATA, new species. Plate 23, figs. 1, 2. Locality. Albatross station 4781. One specimen (Cat. No. 41129, U.S.N.M.) Description. The diameter of the disk is 4 mm. ; the arms are in- complete, but they appear to be very short and could scarcely have exceeded 10 mm. in length. The disk is rounded. The rather swollen dorsal surface is covered with large subequal plates which are rounded and thin and show a very clearly marked narrow transparent border; their surface is finely granulose, but the granules do not pass onto the peripheral border. The plates of the central region are larger than the others, though a distinct primary rosette can not be recognized. The plates become smaller in the interradial spaces toward the periphery of the disk; in the vicinity of the edge of the disk or on the edge itself some of the plates bear a large elongated and rugose granule. I do not believe that these granules were more numerous on the living animal or that they occurred over the whole extent of the dorsal sur- face of the disk ; in any case I do not see the least indication of scars left by granules which have been rubbed off. The radial shields are a little larger than the large central plates ; they are triangular, with the angles and the sides rounded, almost as long as broad, and the two shields of each pair are in contact for almost their entire length, which scarcely reaches a quarter of the radius of the disk. In the interradial spaces the ventral surface bears a small number of plates similar to those on the dorsal surface and showing, like them, a thin marginal border, but narrower and less evident. These plates occupy almost the distal half of the space included between the edge of the disk and the mouth shields; in the other half the plates suddenly become extremely small, very closely crowded, and imbricated. The very broad genital slits extend from the mouth shield to near the edge of the disk. The mouth shields are rather small, triangular or lozenge-shaped, much broader than long, with a very obtuse proximal angle bordered OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATEPtS. 119 by two straight sides, and a convex distal border showing in the middle a more or less marked rounded lobe. The adoral plates are elongated, with the long sides parallel, three or four times as long as broad, and they give off outwardly a narrow process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are large, triangular, higher than broad. The lateral mouth papillae, three in number, are rather large, elongated, rather narrow, pointed, and very rugose; the unpaired terminal papilla is larger than those on either side. The arms are rather narrow, somewhat moniliform, with the seg- ments elongated, and they are more or less incurved ; the upper arm plates are small, triangular, with a rather open proximal angle and a strongly convex distal border; they are almost as long as broad and are separated by a space which is greater than their own length. The first under arm plate is rather large, rectangular or trape- zoidal, a little broader than long. The following, which are rather small, are pentagonal, with an obtuse proximal angle bordered by two straight sides, two straight lateral borders, and a rounded distal side which is more or less notched in the middle; they are a little longer than broad, and are separated from the first outward by a rather large interval. The second and the third plates are still of rather large size, but on the following the size diminishes rapidly. The side arm plates, which are greatly developed, especially on the dorsal side, project strongly, and they carry at first six rather large, cylindrical, blunt-pointed spines. The first ventral spine is longer than the segment, and the length increases to the last dorsal, which, on the first arm segments, may reach a length of two segments. Their surface is very rugose and may even show very fine and very closely crowded denticulations. The single tentacle scale is elongated, spiniform, and pointed, and its length equals about three-quarters of the length of the under arm plate. OPHIORIPA NUGATOR, new species. Plate 23, figs. 8, 9. Locality. Albatross station 4781. One specimen (Cat. No. 41128, U.S.N.M.) Description. The diameter of the disk is 5 mm. ; the arms, which are rather broad at the base, taper rather rapidly ; they are more or less contorted, and their total length may be estimated as 15 mm. Ths disk is rounded, slightly incised in the interradial spaces. The dorsal surface is covered with large imbricated plates, among which those of the central region, which are very much larger than the others, stand out prominently. These last are unequal in size, and 120 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. in each of the interradial spaces one of them is noticeable on account of its very much greater dimensions. A certain number of plates, and especially the large central plates, carry each a very large cylindrical and thick spine which remains of the same diameter to its rounded extremity; the surface of these spines is very rugose, and their length equals or even exceeds the diameter of the plate which carries them. My specimen has retained nine of these large spines, and I recognize the scars of a few others which must have been torn off. Other smaller spines occur here and there on the plates, and they finally pass into large elongated granules, with the ex- tremity slightly swollen, which are seen on the periphery of the disk ; these granules, like the large spines, are covered with very closely crowded asperities. All these dorsal plates show a narrow and very finely denticulated marginal border, less apparent and less broad, however, than in the preceding species. The radial shields are of almost the same dimensions as the large central plates ; they are tri- angular, with the angles and the sides rounded; they are almost as long as broad, and their length is almost equal to one-fourth the radius of the disk; the two shields of each pair are in contact throughout their whole length. The ventral surface of the disk is covered with rather large plates similar to those on the dorsal surface, but a little smaller, and show- ing, like them, a narrow and denticulated border; their dimensions diminish toward the mouth shields. The very broad genital slits extend from the mouth shield to the periphery of the disk. The mouth shields are rather small, triangular, very much broader than long, with a rather prominent proximal angle bordered by two straight or slightly concave sides, and a rounded distal border; on two of the shields this border shows in the middle a small rounded lobe. The adoral plates, which are much elongated, have the long sides almost parallel ; they are, however, a little broader distally, and often give off a narrow process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are triangular, and almost as high as broad. The lateral mouth papillae, three in num- ber, are small, cylindrical, half again as long as broad, with the tip rounded; their surface is covered with very strong asperities. The unpaired terminal papilla is much broadened and obtuse. The first arm segments are rather short ; the following very rapidly elongate, and the arms then become slightly moniliform. The upper arm plates, which are of medium size, are triangular, with an obtuse proximal angle bordered by two straight sides, and a very convex distal border ; they are a little broader than long and separated from the base of the arms outward by a progressively increasing interval. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 121 The first under arm plate is trapezoidal, a little longer than broad, with a proximal border broader than the distal. The following plates are rather small, pentagonal, with a very obtuse proximal angle bounded by two straight sides, lateral borders slightly excavated by the tentacle pores, and a rounded distal border notched in the middle ; they are a little longer than broad. These plates are almost in contact as far as the fourth ; beyond they are separated by an interval which increases rapidly. The rather strongly projecting side arm plates carry at the base of the arm five thick cylindrical spines, with the tip rounded, and pro- vided with rather strong and very closely crowded denticulations which are especially marked on the ventral spines. The first ventral spine almost equals the segment in length, and the last dorsal does not quite equal two segments. The single tentacle scale is rather small, short, and cylindrical, with the tip obtuse, and its surface is covered with rugosities. The color of the specimen in alcohol is yellowish white. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophioripa nugator is evidently very close to the preceding species, from which it is immediately distinguished by the large and thick spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. It does not seem to me possible to suppose that O. margi- nata may be an O. nugator in which these large spines have been all torn away without leaving the least trace of their insertion or have not yet made their appearance. 0. nugator also differs from O. marginata in having the arms formed of shorter segments, in its similarly shorter arm spines, in having the under arm plates more elongated and almost in contact on the first segments, in the smaller mouth papillae, and in having the tentacle scale also less developed. Genus OPHIOPHTHALMUS Matsumoto. The genus phiophthalmus was erected in 1917 by Matsumoto to include a certain number of ophiurans assigned by authors to the genera Ophiomitra or O phiomitrella, or even to phiacantha. This genus, very close to the genus O phiomitrella, differs from it in having the upper arm plates well developed and in contact on the first arm segments, and in having the arm spines numerous and elongated, the two rows on each side never coming close together in the median dorsal line of the arm. In addition this genus shows on the dorsal surface of the disk an investment of more or less imbricated plates, which may be provided with rugose granules ; the naked radial shields are rounded or oval. I agree perfectly with Matsumoto regarding the necessity of sepa- rating the genera Ophiomitra and Ophiomitrella from forms such as phiacantha normani Lyman, 0. relicta Koehler, Ophiomitra grani- 122 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. fera Liitken and Mortensen, Ophiomitrella placida Koehler, and various others, but I differ completely from him regarding the limits of the genus Ophiophthalmus and the species which should be assigned to it. The species which are included by Matsumoto in the genus Ophiophthalmus, thirteen in number, are in the following : Ophiomitrella americana Kcehler. Ophiomitrella mutata Kcehler. Ophiomitrella languida Kcehler. Ophiacantha cataleimmoida H. L. Clark. Ophiacantha normani Lyman. Ophiacantha relicta Kcehler. Ophiomitra granifera Liitken and Mortensen. Ophiacantha leucorhabdota H. L. Clark. Ophiacantha eurypoma H. L. Clark. Ophiacantha hylacantha H. L. Clark. Ophiomitra codonomorpha H. L. Clark. Ophiomitrella placida Kcehler. Ophiomitra microphilax H. L. Clark. First of all, I believe it necessary to remove from the genus Ophiophthalmus three of these species. First, Ophiomitrella ameri- cana; I do not see any plausible reason for not leaving this in the genus Ophiomitrella, of which it shows all the generic characters ; it is furthermore very close to 0. granulifera Kcehler, which Verrill assigned to the genus Ophiomitrella when it was established. I may say as much of O. mutata and O. languida, which seem to me to find their place much better in the genus Ophiomitrella than in Matsumoto's new genus. The other species it seems to me possible to separate into three groups. The first of these groups includes first the type chosen by Matsumoto for his genus Ophiophthalmus, which is Ophiacantha cataleimmoida, then the species which are close to it, that is to say, 0. normani, O. granifera, and 0. relicta. In none of these species, not even in the type of the genus, do the arm spines show the characters indicated by Matsumoto in his diagnosis "numerous, long, conical, opaque, hardly serrate" for these spines are not elongated, and they are not numerous; 0. cataleimmoida has six, 0. normani four, O. granifera six, and O. relicta five or six, and they are provided with denticulations in the last two species. These four species possess the common character of having the dorsal surface of the disk covered with rounded grains which are found on the distal edge of the upper arm plates for a greater or lesser distance along the arms. The radial shields are large, or at least rather large. The second group also includes four species ; these are Ophiacantha leucorhabdota, O. eurypoma, O. hylacantha, and O. condonomorpha. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 123 All have large radial shields. The arm spines are rather numerous, from seven to nine, rather long in the three first species, without, however, being very long, and decidedly short in O. codonomorpha. The dorsal plates of the disk are small, and sometimes bear rather large granules (O. leucorhabdota) , sometimes small club spines (0. eurypoma), or even a mixture of granules and true spines (O. hylacantha) , or they are almost completely bare (O. codonomorpha}. The upper arm plates, of various forms, are not truly in contact at the base of the arms except in 0. leucorhabdota and 0. hylacantha. It is thus seen that tkese four species show very different characters, and they certainly do not represent a natural assemblage. Ophia- cantha eurypoma and O. hylacantha approach most closely the type of the genus Ophiophthalmus. Ophiacantha hylacantha, in which the disk carries both spines and granules, these latter passing onto the distal edges of the upper arm plates, may be left in this genus, as well as O. eurypoma and O. codonomorpha. But O. leucorhab- dota, with its peculiar upper arm plates, with its numerous mouth papillae, and with, or so it seems to me, a few tooth papillae, differs markedly from all the other species. Would it not better find its place in the genus Ophiomitra in the restricted sense ? There remains two species forming a third group; these are Ophiomitrella placida and Ophiomitra miwophttax. I should be disposed to place them in a genus different from that including the preceding, on account of the form of the adoral plates. In my memoir on the ophiurans of the Siboga expedition, in dis- cussing the genera separated by Verrill from the old Ophiomitra, I expressed myself on the subject of the genus Ophiomitrella (Kcehler, '04, p. 123) as follows: Verrill says in the characterization of this genus that the mouth shields touch the first side arm plate; but the Siboga has found two new species, which I shall describe further on under the names Ophiomitrella placida and 0. moniUformis, in which the adoral plates are broadened outwardly into a lobe which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. It would therefore be necessary either to maintain the genus Ophiomitrella strictly within the narrow limits assigned to it by Verrill, or, broadening these limits, to admit the species with the adoral plates extending between the mouth shield and the first side arm plate. But it is indubitable that when Verrill established his genus Ophiomitrella, no species were known which could be assigned to it in which the adoral plates show this arrangement; he therefore did not have to take it into account. I have thought that it would not be unseemly to place in the genus Ophiomitrella the two species discovered by the Siboga, modifying the diagnosis of this genus by stating that the adoral plates may or may not separate the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The remarks which I have given above on the form of these plates in the genus Ophiacantha show that this form is not perhaps so constant as Verrill thought, and the genus Ophiomitrella is quite sufficiently characterized in spite of the slight modification which I propose to introduce into the original diagnosis. 124 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. After the description of O. moniliformis and O. placida I added in the same work ('04, p. 138) : O. placida occupies with 0. moniliformis a place apart in the genus Ophio- initrcUd ; . . . they can not be assigned to the genus Ophiomitrella except with the reservation which I made on page 123 on the subject of the adoral plates. The scruples which I had in 1914 regarding the generic separation of these two species from the other species of Ophiomitrella have no longer any force, for the species are becoming more and more numerous, and the necessity has arisen for circumscribing more closely the characters of the species in order to reassign them to genera with more exact limits. I believe, therefore, that it is neces- sary to establish a new genus for Ophiomitrella placida and O. mon- Uiformis, and I believe that Ophiomitra microphylax H. L. Clark must also be included in it. This genus, to which I propose to give the name of Ophiomelina, would be characterized by having the adoral plates elongated into a distal lobe separating the mouth shield from the first side arm plate, by having the upper arm plates large, in contact at the base of the arms, and by having the elongated, fine, more or less numerous arm spines restricted to the sides of the arms. I will come back to it again shortly. I thus propose to leave in the genus Ophiophthalmus only the seven following species : O. cataleimmoida (H. L. Clark). O. normani (Lyman). 0. (jraniferus (Liitken and Mortensen ) . O. rclictus (Kcehler). 0. eurypomus (H. L. Clark). 0. hylacanthus (H. L. Clark). 0. codonomorphus (H. L. Clark). Of the different species which Matsumoto has placed in his genus Ophiophthalmus, two occur in the Albatross collection ; the one which should be retained in this genus is O. relictus (Kcehler) ; the other is made the type of the genus Ophiomelina' this is O. placida (Koehler). I shall discuss these below. I shall also place in the genus Ophiophthalmus, though with some doubts, a new species col- lected by the Albatross and represented by a single specimen. OPHIOPHTHALMUS RELICTUS (Kwhler). Plate 9, figs. 1-4 ; plate 95, fig. 3. Ophiacantha reUota K2>9 22 Bui. 100 10 146 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Albatross station 5660; Flores Sea; Cape Lassa bearing S. 88 W., 38.00 kilometers (20.5 miles) distant (lat. 5 36' 30" S., long. 120 49' 00" E.); 1,266 meters (692 fathoms); December 20, 1909; gy. M., S. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. E. 28, E. 29, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5668. Five specimens (Cat. No. E. 269, U.S.N.M.) . Notes. As I wrote in 1904, there are wide variations in the devel- opment of the spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. I give here photographs of two specimens of which one, from station 5450. shows very few spines (pi. 24, fig. 1), while the other, from station 5618, has the spines very numerous and elongated (fig. 3). I also include photographs of these different spines (pi. 96, fig. 1). In comparing the Albatross specimens with those collected by the Siboga I may remark that in my description in 1896, which was drawn up from a single specimen, I did not lay sufficient emphasis on the characters of the under arm plates. It is more correct to say that these plates are pentagonal, with a proximal angle so obtuse that it may almost completely disappear ; this angle is bounded by two straight sides ; the lateral borders are notched by the tentacle scale, and the gently convex distal side is extremely broad (pi. 24, figs. 2, 4, 6). These plates are separated from the second or third outward, and the space between them may be longer or shorter according as the plates are themselves longer or shorter; but, gen- erally speaking, they are very short in proportion to their width; sometimes they may be three times as broad as long, and separated by an interval which itself is rather long. In certain specimens the plate is even not very much longer than this interval. The distal border of the upper arm plates is sometimes convex and very regular and joins very exactly the adjacent side arm plates: but sometimes it seems to be slightly elevated and it then appears more or less jagged, showing very small and very short denticula- tions, which are often rounded, and are arranged very regularly along the border ; this feature is more marked in some specimens than in others. I give here a photograph of the dorsal surface of one arm of the specimen from Station 5444 which shows this character very pronouncedly (fig. 5) ; it may also be seen, though less accentu- ated, in the specimen represented in figure 1. As I stated in 1904, the tentacle scale is rather thick at the base and pointed at the tip; it is sometimes somewhat lanceolate and spiniferous (fig. 6). It often happens that the scale, at first broad- ened at the base, tapers sharply and becomes from then on very narrow in the outer two-thirds or even three-fourths of its total length (fig. 4). The type of O. rudis was found by the Investigator in the Anda- man Islands at a depth of 780 fathoms. The Siboga met with it at OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 147 numerous stations in the Sunda Archipelago, between 2 N. latitude and 10 S. latitude and 117-131 E. longitude, at depths varying between 462 and 1,886 meters (251 to 1,047 fathoms). OPHIOCAMAX RUGOSA Kcehler. Plate 27, figs. 5-8 ; plate 28, figs. 1-6 ; plate 29, figs. 1-6 ; plate 94, fig. 8. Ophiocamax rugosa KCEIILER ('04), p. 139, pi. 26, figs. 4-7. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 214. Ophiocamax polyploca H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 193, fig. 90; ('15), p. 214. Localities. Albatross station 5116; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing N. 69 E., 4.63 kilometers (2.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 41' 00" N., long. 120 47' 05" E.) ; 366 meters (200 fathoms) ; January 20, 1908. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 360, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5135; vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 46 W., 22.05 kilometers (11.9 miles) distant (lat. 6 11' 50" N., long. 121 08' 20" E.) ; 294 meters (161 fathoms) ; February 7, 1908; fne. co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41327, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5166; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Observation Island bearing N. 20 W., 8.52 kilometers (4.6 miles) distant (lat. 4 56' 10" N., long. 119 46' 00" E.) ; 177 meters (97 fathoms) ; February 24, 1908; co. S. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 40917, E. 356, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5167; Sulu Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Observation Island bearing N. 11 W., 10.4 kilometers (5.6 miles) distant (lat. 4 55' 10" N.) ; 201 meters (110 fathoms) ; Co. Five specimens (Cat. Nos. 41328, 41329, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5168; Sulu Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Observation Island bearing N. 17 W., 7.78 kilometers (4.2 miles) distant (lat. 4 56' 30" N., long. 119 45' 40" E.) ; 146 meters (80 fathoms) ; February 25, 1908; co. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41326, U.S.N.M). Albatross station 5187; Tanon Strait, east coast of Negros; Apo Island bearing S. 21 W., 23.16 kilometers (12.5 miles) distant (lat. 9 16' 45" N., 123) ; 411 meters (225 fathoms) ; March 31, 1908; sft. gn. M. Seven specimens (Cat, Nos. E. 327, E. 359, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5275; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 71 E., 19.92 kilometers (10.75 miles) distant (lat. 13 55' 55" N., long. 120 10' 15" E.) ; 214 meters (117 fathoms) ; July 16, 1908; fne S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41207, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5353; Balabac Strait; Cape Melville Light bear- ing S. 85 E., 31.13 kilometers (16.8 miles) distant (lat. 7 50' 45" 148 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. N., long. 116 43' 15" E.) ; 271 meters (148 fathoms) ; January 1, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 41206, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5415; between Cebu and Bohol; Lauis Point Light bearing N. 24 W., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles) distant (lat. 10 07' 50" N., long. 123 57' 00" E.) ; 161 meters (88 fathoms); March 24, 1909; fne. S. Twelve specimens (Cat. Nos. E.358, E.362, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5420; between Cebu and Bohol; Cruz Point (Bohol) bearing S. 20 E., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 9 49' 35" N., long. 123 45' 00" E.) ; 231 meters (127 fathoms) ; March 25, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E.357, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5440; west coast of Luzon, Manila Bay to Lin- gayen Gulf; San Fernando Point Light bearing N. 82 E., 42.81 kilometers (23.1 miles) distant (lat. 16 33' 52" N., long. 119 52' 54" E.) ; 314 meters (172 fathoms) ; May 10, 1909; fne. gy. S., Glob. Four specimens (Cat. No. E.361, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5442; west coast of Luzon, Manila Bay to Lin- gayen Gulf; San Fernando Point Light bearing N. 39 E., 15.57 kilometers (8.4 miles) distant (lat. 16 30' 36" N,, long, 120 11' 06" E.) ; 82 meters (45 fathoms) ; May 10, 1909; co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41209, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5459; east coast of Luzon; San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Legaspi Light bearing S. 88 W., 26.50 kilo- meters (14.3 miles) distant (lat. 13 10' 21" N., long. 123 59' 54" E.) ; 368 meters (201 fathoms) ; June 8, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 41208 U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5519; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light bearing S. 71 W., 16.12 kilometers (8.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 47' 00" N., long. 123 31' 15" E.) ; 333 meters (182 fathoms) ; August 9, 1909; Glob., S. One specimen (Cat. No. E.326, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5520; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light bearing S. 48 W., 8.34 kilometers (4.5 miles) distant (lat. 8 41' 15" N., long. 123 18' 30" E.) ; 186 meters (102 fathoms) ; August 10, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E.324, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5523; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light bearing S. 48 W., 12.42 kilometers (6.7 miles) dis- tant (lat. 8 48' 44" N., long. 123 27' 35" E.) ; August 10, 1909. Two specimens (Cat. No. E.323, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5536; Apo Island (C.) bearing S. 26 W., 21.87 kilometers (11.8 miles) distant (lat. 9 15' 45" N., long. 123 22' 00" E.) ; 510 meters (279 fathoms) ; August 19, 1909; gn. M. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 149 One specimen (Cat. No. E.325, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5541; Tagolo Light bearing S. 65 W., 23.54 kilometers (12.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 49' 38" N., long. 123 35' 30" E. ; 400 meters (219 fathoms) ; August 20, 1909; fne S., brk. Sh. Two specimens (Cat. No. E.322 U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5543; Tagolo Light bearing. S. 75 W., 23.16 kilometers (12.5 miles) distant (lat. 8 47' 15" N., long. 123 35' 00" E.) ; 296 meters (162 fathoms) ; August 20, 1909; S. Four specimens (Cat, No. E.321, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The study of the very fine series of specimens collected by the Albatross has convinced me that 0. polyploca, described by H.L. Clark in 1911 and met with in various localities in the Japanese seas between 85 and 152 fathoms, can not be separated from O. rugosa, which I described in 1904 from specimens collected by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago, and I am convinced that the two in reality represent only a single species which shows very considerable varia- tion. H. L. Clark characterized his 0. polyploca by the radial shields of very large size covering the major portion of the dorsal surface of the disk, by the dorsal arm spines, which are very long and smooth, and by the small mouth shields, which are provided with a narrow and elongated distal lobe projecting into the interradial space. In his description he states that the upper arm plates have the distal border furnished with fine spinules, that the under arm plates show a rounded and projecting distal lobe which beyond the first segments is furnished with rugosities or spines, of which the number little by little increases. Almost all the Albatross Philippine specimens show the same form of mouth shield, and this form is identical with that which H. L. Clark has described and figured ; it may be recognized on the photo- graphs which I give here (pi. 28, figs. 2, 5). The elongation of the distal lobe is more or less marked, and the principal part of the shield itself is sometimes very small, but sometimes, on the other hand, relatively rather large; in the specimen from station 5167, shown in figure 2, this part is of medium size, and it is often smaller, while in the specimen from station' 5187, represented in figure 5, it is larger. In the specimen from station 5275 (pi. 27, fig. 6) the mouth shields are appreciably larger than usual, and their distal lobe is less accentuated. This form recalls that which I had noticed among the Siboga specimens; I stated in my description that these mouth shields are small, triangular, with a distal lobe which may become rather prominent and give them a lozenge-shaped form, though this lobe remains ordinarily rather broad and short ; I notice, however, that on one of the specimens from station 254 this lobe 150 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. elongates into a little narrow stalk quite comparable to that which H. L. Clark has described in 0. polyploca. In their dimensions relative to the diameter of the disk the radial shields show certain variations. In a specimen from station 5187 (pi. 28, fig. 4) these shields are much* elongated and rather narrow; in another from the same station (fig. 6) they are a little shorter and relatively broader; in the specimens from stations 5167 (figs. 1, 3). 5540 (pi. 29, fig. 1), and 5541 (pi. 29, fig. 5) they are still shorter; in a specimen from station 5167 (pi. 28, fig. 3) they are, on the other hand, relatively large. As for the armature of the dorsal surface of the disk, it consists sometimes of small, short club spines terminated by a crown of spinules, as may be seen in the specimen from station 5167 (pi. 28, fig. 3) ; these club spines may become very much thicker and larger with a crown of very strong spinules, a condition seen in the individual from station 5275 shown in figure 7 on plate 27, in which the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are them- selves very much larger. The club spines may elongate, at the same time remaining slender, and thus constitute a fairly uniform covering (station 5187 ; pi. 28, fig. 4) ; moreover, certain of them transform into spines which are sometimes slender and elongated (pi. 28, fig. 6, and pi. 29, fig. 5), but sometimes rather thick and short (pi. 28. fig. 1). In the numerous specimens from station 5520 the greater part of the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk bear very long spines which are rather thick at the base and stongly denticulate throughout their whole length (pi. 29, fig. 1). In figure 8 on plate 94 I show the whole series of forms which may be observed between the very short club spines and the very strongly developed true spines like those which are met with in the individuals from sta- tion 5520. I have already noted in my original description, published in 1904. the variations which may occur in the armature of the upper and under arm plates. The small conical and short spines which these plates bear may remain slender and little developed, and become localized on their distal border (specimen from station 5275, pi. 27, figs. 6, 7) ; or they may extend over almost the whole extent of the surface of these plates, being sometimes well spaced, and sometimes closely crowded. In figures 2, 3, and 6 on plate 29 I show portions of the arms of individuals from stations 5167, 5187, and 5541, in which these little spines are seen at different stages of development. As for the arm spines, these may remain rather short on the dorsal side (specimen from station 5167, pi. 28, fig. 3) ; or they may become more elongate, as is seen in the other specimen from station 5167 (fig. 1) and in that from station 5275 (pi. 27, figs. 6, 7) ; or they may become very long, as is the case in the specimens from station 5187 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 151 (pi. 28, figs. 4, 6), and especially in that from station 5541 (pi. 29, fig. 4), in which the dorsal spines at the base of the arms have a length of more than six segments. I notice that these dorsal spines, especially when they are very long, have denticulations less strong than those on the ventral spines, but these denticulations never dis- appear entirely, and I have not been able to find spines which were absolutely smooth. It seems to me that in view of these variations it is not possible to maintain the specific distinction established by H. L. Clark between 0. rugosa and 0. polyploca, and that this latter must be united with the former. The greater part of the alcoholic specimens are entirely white, or slightly yellowish; but those from station 5520 are rather dark gray. The Siboga met with 0. rugosa at different localities in the Sunda archipelago between 5 and 10 S. latitude and 119-132 E. longi- tude, at depths varying from 204 to 520 meters (112 to 289 fathoms). The Albatross collected the form described by H. L. Clark in the Japanese seas between 30 and 32 N. latitude and 128-130 E. longitude at depths of from 155 to 278 meters (85 to 152 fathoms). Order III. GNATHOPHIURIDA. Family AMPHIURIDAE. AMPHIURA AGITATA Kcehler. AmpMum agitato, KCEHLER ('04), p. 79, pi. 13, figs. 5, 6, 7. H. L. CLABK ('15), p. 233. Locality. Albatross station 5592; Sibuko Bay, Borneo, and vi- cinity; Silungan Island (M.) bearing N. 1 W., 11.86 kilometers (6.4 miles) distant (lat. 4 12' 44" N., long. 118 27' 44" E.) ; 558 meters (305 fathoms) ; September 29, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41166, U.S.N.M.). Notes. This specimen is a little larger than those collected by the Siboga upon which I based the species; the diameter of the disk is 8.5 mm.; the arms are incomplete, but they taper rather rapidly and their length could not have been very great. I notice certain differences between this specimen and the type of the species; they are correlated without doubt with the larger size of the specimen. The dorsal plates of the disk are smaller and closely crowded, and they do not become larger in the central region; the outer mouth papilla is relatively a little less broad than in the smaller specimens ; the distal lobe of the mouth shields is also a little broader, and passes more gradually into the principal part of the shield ; and 152 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. the arm plates have the distal border slightly notched. These dif- ferences are entirely secondary, and the two indubitably belong to the same species. The type of A. agitato, was dredged in 6 08' N. latitude and 121 19' E. longitude, at a depth of 275 meters (153 fathoms). AMPHIURA AMBIGUA Kochlcr. Plate 69, figs. 5, 6 ; plate 96, fig. 3. Amphiura ambigua KCEHLEB ('05), p. 39, pi. 4, figs. 9-1]. H. L. CLARK ('15) ? p. 233. Locality. Albatross station 5158; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Tonakta Island (N.) bearing N. 89 W., 3.52 kilometers (1.9 miles) distant (lat. 5 12' 00" N., long. 119 54' 30" E.) ; 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; February 21, 1908; crs. S., Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. 41162, U.S.N.M.). Notes. I described this species from two specimens found by the Siboga in the Jolo Archipelago at a depth of 13 meters (7 fathoms), and these two were of very small size, the diameter of the disk meas- uring respectively 2 mm. and 3 mm. In the Albatross specimen the diameter of the disk is also 3 mm. The third and fourth arm spines, sometimes even the second, always show the little hook directed pos- teriorly which occurs at their extremity, and Avhich I pointed out in my original description, I give here a photograph of the ventral surface of the specimen, and of one of the arms, more enlarged (pi. 69, figs. 5, 6), as well as figures of some of the arm spines seen under the microscope (pi. 96, fig. 3). AMPHIURA COMMUTATA, new species. Plate 66, figs. 1, 2, 3 ; plate 96, fig. 6. Locality. Hakodate, Japan. One hundred and sixty-two specimens (Cat. No. 41174; typo. Cat. 41175, U.S.N.M.). Description. In the two larger specimens the diameter of the disk is 6 mm. ; the arms are from 35 mm. to 38 mm. in length. The disk is rounded. The dorsal surface is covered with numerous small, subequal, rounded, and imbricated plates, a little larger in the vicinity of the radial shields, and becoming a little smaller on the periphery of the disk. Six primary plates may be made out which are very rounded, and all of the same size; but they are scarcely larger than the plates adjoining the radial shields; the five radials are separated from the dorso-central by three or four rows of plates. The radial shields are triangular, two and a half times as long as broad, very close together or in contact outwardly, and rather strongly divergent inwardly, where they are separated by three or four rows OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 153 of plates: their proximal angle is rather sharp; the length of these shields is less than half the radius of the disk. The ventral surface of the disk bears only a narrow border of peripheral plates, remaining entirely naked over the rest of its extent. The genital slits are rather broad. The mouth shields are lozenge-shaped, as long as broad, with the angles rounded ; the two proximal sides are very gently convex, and the two distal sides are almost straight. The adoral plates are small, triangular, much narrowed inwardly, and scarcely in contact in the median interradial line ; sometimes they even do not touch each other ; they are much broadened outwardly, and, as they are very close to the median radial line, they include between them the first under arm plate. The oral plates are rather high, half again as high as broad. The internal mouth papilla is large and strong; the following is tri- angular with a very sharp apex ; the external, which is inserted upon the adoral plate, is spiniform and more or less erect; but it is always short, thick and obtuse. The upper arm plates are small, elongated, longer than broad, and a Imost oval on the two first segments, then broadening somewhat and becoming almost as long as broad with a rather narrow proximal border and a broad and strongly convex distal border continuing the rounded lateral borders. At some distance from the disk the upper arm plates are less confined by the side arm plates, and they then become broader than long, and almost transversely oval. All these plates are in contact. The first under arm plate, enclosed by the neighboring adoral plates, is much narrowed in its distal part, but broadens in its proxi- mal part: it is pentagonal in shape. The following are rectangular, a little broader than Iong 5 with the sides straight and the angles rounded ; they are all in contact. The side arm plates are much developed, and they encroach con- siderably on the dorsal surface of the arm, especially at the arm bases, where they bear eight spines ; the number of these falls later to seven, then to six. These spines are subequal, and their length equals that of the segment, except that of the last dorsal, which is a little shorter. All these spines are slightly flattened, rather thick, especially the ven- tral spines, and their thickness diminishes from the dorsal side. The first ventral spine is almost cylindrical, with the tip rounded. The two or three following have the extremity obtuse, and often even truncated ; they bear in their distal region very fine asperities which become stronger at their tip; on the posterior angle one of these asperities tends to form a very small tooth, but this feature is only slightly indicated: the four dorsal spines have their tips rounded (pi. 96, fig. 6a). 154 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The single tentacle scale is very large, squamiform, slightly oval, furnished on its distal border with a row of very fine denticulations (fig. 6J). The color of the specimens in alcohol is yellowish gray. Affi/nities and distinctive features. Amphiura commutata is very easily distinguished from the species of Amphiura indeed, very few in number in which the ventral surface of the disk is naked and which possess only a single tentacle scale. The forms which ap- proach it most closely are A. concinna Koehler, found by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago, and A. glabra Lyman, which the Chal- lenger collected in 4 N. latitude and 127 E. longitude at a depth of 500 fathoms; both are deep-sea forms with which the Albatross species can not be confused. AMPHIURA DEJECTA, new species. Plate 66, figs. 4, 5. Locality. Albatross station 5592; Sibuko Bay, Borneo, and vicin- ity; Silungan Island (M.) bearing N. 1 Q W., 11.86 kilometers (6.4 miles) distant (lat. 4 12' 44" N., long. 118 27' 44" E.) ; 558 meters (305 fathoms) ; September 29, 1909; gn. M. One specimen. Description. The diameter of the disk is 9 mm.; the arms are broken off 20 mm. or 22 mm. from their base, but they can not be very long, for the longest stump is already markedly narrowed at the place where it is broken off; these arms are somewhat flattened, and of medium size. The disk is rounded. The dorsal surface is covered with numerous subequal imbricated plates, becoming smaller at the periphery of the disk, and a little larger in the vicinity of the radial shields; each interradial space includes from ten to twelve rows of plates. There is not the least indication of primary plates. The radial shields are rather small, two and a half times as long as broad, with the proximal angle pointed and the external border very convex. The two shields of each pair are close together but not in contact outwardly, and slightly divergent inwardly. Their length is much less than half the radius of the disk. The ventral surface is covered with extremely small, imbricated, very closely crowded plates, but in the immediate vicinity of the mouth shields these plates become rounded, and are simply in contact, sometimes even showing small bare spaces between them. The geni- tal slits are narrow. The mouth shields are longer than broad, lozenge-shaped, with the proximal sides elongated and the distal sides shorter ; the four angles are rounded. The triangular adoral plates are rather small, and are OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 155 limited to the two proximal sides of the mouth shields ; they are very narrow inwardly and do not reach the interradial median line; out- wardly they become much broadened and send off a narrow process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are twice as high as broad, but they are in contact only in their proximal half; they thus delimit a naked triangular space, of which the base is formed by the proximal extremities of the mouth shield and the adoral plates. The terminal mouth papilla is rather thick, almost cubical, with the proximal face channeled. The second papilla, inserted on the oral plate, is elongated, conical, with the point blunted; the external papilla, inserted on the adoral plate, is broadened, sometimes rounded and sometimes triangular, with the tip much blunted. The upper arm plates are very large, covering the greater part of the dorsal surface of the arm. They are semicircular or almost bi- convex, with a somewhat rounded distal side, and are very much broader than long ; all of them are in contact. The first under arm plate is small, trapezoidal, with a narrow distal border, a longer proximal border, and divergent sides. The follow- ing plates are -pentagonal, a little longer than broad, with a trun- cated and rounded proximal angle, the lateral borders slightly notched by the tentacle scale, and the distal side slightly excavated in the middle. They are all in contact. The side arm plates, which are only slightly projecting, bear five subequal spines, the length of which almost equals that of the seg- ment; this number falls to four at some distance from the base. These spines are rather thick and cylindrical, with the tip rounded ; on the second ventral spine especially the tip is rather thick. Their surface is simply rugose without showing distinct asperities. The single tentacle scale is very large, flattened, markedly longer than broad, with the tip rounded. The specimen in alcohol is grayish white. Affinities and distinctive features. Amphiura dejecta belongs to the section of the genus Amphiura in which the disk is covered with plates on both surfaces, and which only possesses a single tentacle scale. It may be compared with A. dbbreviata Kcehler, A. agitata Koehler, A. angularis Lyman, A. duncani Lyman (=A. liltkeni Dun- can), and A. macraspis H. L. Clark, but it can not be confused with any of these. Amphiura abbreviata has the radial shields very nar- row and elongated, the primary plates distinct, and the arm spines six in number, half of them bihamulate; A. agitata possess seven arm spines, and the dorsal plates of the disk are larger; A. angularis, which has only four arm spines, has the external mouth papilla smaller and the tentacle scale also smaller; A. duncani has six arm 156 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. spines, and the mouth shields are triangular. A. macraspis, which has recently been described by H. L. Clark, has extremely small radial shields, and triangular upper arm plates. AMPHIURA DEMISSA, new species. / Plate 69, figs. 1 and 2. Locality. Albatross station 5492; between Leyte and Mindanao; Diuata Point (W.) bearing S. 45 W., 28.17 kilometers (15.2 miles) distant (lat, 9 12' 45" N.. long. 125 20' 00" E.) ; 1,344 meters (735 fathoms) ; August 1, 1909; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41177, U.S.N.M.) Description. The diameter of the disk is 8 mm. ; the slender and flattened arms are very long; the longest is preserved over a length of 70 mm., and is incomplete; this arm tapers very gradually from the base. The specimen is not in a good state of preservation ; there are rents on the dorsal surface of the disk, and the mouth plates are somewhat deformed ; nevertheless the characters are easily made out, and I do not know an}^ species to which it may be assigned. The disk is rounded, rather strongly excavated in the interradial spaces, and very gently notched above the bases of the arms. The dorsal surface is covered with extremely small but very distinct plates; these plates are subequal and imbricated; they become still smaller at the periphery of the disk, but a little larger in the vicinity of the radial shields. There is no indication of primary plates. The rather small radial shields are moderately broad, a little more than twice as long as broad, with the external border very convex, the internal border straight, and the proximal angle rounded; the two shields of each pair are in contact outwardly, and diverge from that point inward. Their length is a little greater than one-third the radius of the disk. The ventral surface is covered with plates which are a little smaller than those of the dorsal surface, but nevertheless very distinct ; they become a little larger in the vicinity of the mouth shields and the genital slits. These last are broad and very evident. The mouth shields are a little broader than long, lozenge-shaped, with the angles very rounded and the sides equal. The adoral plates, which are of medium size, are triangular, tapering inwardly, and their rounded tip does not quite reach the median interradial line; they are much broadened outwardly and give off a process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are rather high. The proximal mouth papilla is of medium size, somewhat elongated, with the tip rounded ; the second papilla, inserted on the oral plate, is much broadened and low, rectangular, OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 157 three times as long as broad; the external, inserted on the adoral plate, is conical with the point blunted, and is not very well devel- oped. The upper arm plates are extremely broad, two and a half times as broad as long, triangular, with a very obtuse and rounded proximal angle bordered by straight sides which pass over very rounded angles to the convex distal border. The side arm plates penetrate between these last as far as the neighborhood of the median line, but the upper arm plates remain in contact by the apex of their proximal angle. The first under arm plate is very small, trapezoidal, very much longer than broad, narrowing in its distal region which is inclosed between the corresponding adoral plates. The following plates are pentagonal, a little broader than long, with a truncated and very rounded proximal angle, and the sides and distal border gently con- cave. These plates are in contact. The side arm plates, which are only slightly projecting, carry five spines on the segments immediately following the disk, but this num- ber very soon falls to four; these spines are subequal, cylindrical, with the tip rounded, and their surface is rugose ; their length almost equals that of the segment. The single tentacle scale is small, and only slightly longer than broad, with the tip rounded. A few pores of the first pair sometimes show two scales in contact inserted side by side on the side arm plate. The color of the specimen in alcohol is grayish white. Affinities and distinctive features. Amphiura dami-ssa is easily distinguished from all the other species of the genus Amphiura (in the restricted sense) with both surfaces of the disk provided with scales and with only a single tentacle scale. Its central mouth papilla, which is low and broadened, recalls the form seen in A. capensis Lyman, but except for this character there is not the slightest re- semblance between the two species. If the description which I have just given be compared with that of A. fusco-alba published by Brock, numerous points of resemblance will be noticed, but it does not seem to me possible to confuse these two species, which, moreover, come from very different depths. Brock says that the radial shields of A. fusco-alba are very large and that their length equals half the radius of the disk, that the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are grouped regularly around a central plate, while the plates of the ventral surface are extremely small, and, as they are rather elevated, they take on the form of granules; the internal mouth papilla is very large ; the mouth shields are triangu- lar, with an external lobe which causes them to appear cordif orm ; the upper arm plates are twice as broad as long and are separated, and 158 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. the arm spines are six in number. All these characters seem to me to separate the abyssal form found by the Albatross sharply from A. fusco-alba, which is essentially littoral. AMPHIURA DIOMEDEAE Liitken and Mortensen. Plate 67, figs. 7-10. Amphiura diomedeae LUTKEN and MORTEN SEN ('99), p. 151, pi. 12, figs. 1-7. H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 140; ('13), p. 214; ('15), p. 225. Localities. Albatross station 5111 ; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Sombrero Island bearing S. 41 E., 8.34 kilometers (4.5 miles) dis- tant (lat. 13 45' 15" N., long. 120 46' 30" E.) ; 432 meters (236 fathoms) ; January 16, 1908. Five specimens (Cat. Nos. 41213, 41214, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5281; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 84 W., 7.97 kilometers (4.3 miles) distant (lat. 13 52' 45" N., long. 120 25' 00" E.) ; 368 meters (201 fathoms) ; July 18, 1908; dk. gy. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41210, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5325; off northern Luzon; Hermanos Island (N.) bearing N. 86 E., 31.04 kilometers (16.75 miles) distant (lat. 18 34' 15" N., long. 121 51' 15" E.) ; 410 meters (224 fathoms) ; November 12, 1908 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41211, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5535; between Cebu and Siquijor; Apo Island (C.) bearing S. 24 W., 31.50 kilometers (17 miles) distant (lat. 9 20' 30" N., long. 123 23' 45" E.) ; 567 meters (310 fathoms) ; Au- gust 19, 1909 ; gy. glob. Oz. One specimen (Cat. No. 41212, U.S.N.M.). Notes. In the largest specimen, which comes from station 5111, the diameter of the disk reaches 8 mm., and the arms are from 28 mm. to 30 mm. long. I have been able to compare these specimens with a very typical example of A. diomedeae sent to me by the United States National Museum, which was dredged by the Albatross. I show here (pi. 67, figs. 7, 8) the two surfaces of this specimen, which I have used for comparison. The specimen from station 5281, in which the diameter of the disk is 6.5 mm., agrees well with it; most of the others agree also, with it but they are very small. The largest specimen from station 5111 (figs. 9, 10) differs from this typical specimen in the arrangement of the dorsal plates of the disk which are not imbricated in the central region, but remain rounded, and the primary plates are still fairly distinct. The plates imbricate only toward the periphery of the disk, where they OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 159 become abruptly smaller; there is a very sharp line of demarca- tion between these smaller marginal plates and those which cover the rest of the dorsal surface of the disk. The upper arm plates also have a form slightly different from those in the specimen from the National Museum. But I notice that their form is exactly the same as that which Liitken and Mortensen have shown in one of their figures ('99, pi. 12, fig. 6), while the specimen from the National Museum has the dorsal plates identical with those which these authors have represented in plate 12 as figure 2. All the other characters agree well with those of A. diomedeae. I believe, there- fore, that I am able to assign all my specimens to this species. Amphiura diomedeae appears to have a vast geographical range. Liitken and Mortensen described it from specimens found between 7-22 N. latitude and 79-107 W. longitude, at depths varying between 935 and 2,877 meters (511 and 1,573 fathoms). The speci- mens of Amphiura diomedeae which II. L. Clark has studied came from numerous localities in the Japanese seas (Honshu Island, Kagoshima, Suruga Gulf, Sagami Bay, Omai Saki, etc.) and from depths between 71 and 1,369 meters (39 and 749 fathoms). The Albatross specimens which I have mentioned above were captured between 9-18 N. latitude and 120-123 E. longitude, at depths varying from 368 to 567 meters (201 to 310 fathoms). Matsumoto considers A. diomedeae a synonym of A. koreae Dun- can ('17, p. 198) and believes that the former name should be sup- pressed. He is apparently right, but as it is very difficult to recog- nize the species described by Duncan from his description, and especially from his figures, which are quite inadequate, it would be necessary, in order to be certain, to examine Duncan's type. So, in the absence of more definite information, I prefer to use the name diomedeae given to a species well described and well figured. AMPHIURA GRANDISQUAMA Lyman. Plate 66, figs. 6-8. See for bibliography : Amphiura grandisquama KCEHLEB ('09), p. 177; ('14), p. 63. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 266. Localities. Albatross station 5348; Palawan Passage; Point Tabonan bearing S. 89 E., 62.08 kilometers (33.5 miles) distant (lat. 10 57' 45" N., long. 118 38' 15" E.) I; 686 meters (375 fathoms) ; December 27, 1908; Co., S. Thirteen specimens (Cat, Nos. 41277, 41278, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5413; between Cebu and Bohol; Lauis Point Light bearing N. 68 W., 18.53 kilometers (10 miles) distant (lat. 160 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 10 10' 35" N., long. 124 03' 15" E.) ; 77 meters (42 fathoms) ; March 24, 1909. Four specimens (Cat. No. 41279, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5475; San Bernardino Light bearing S. 27 W., 20.38 kilometers (11 miles) distant (lat. 12 56' 26" N., long. 124 24' 12" E.) ; 357 meters (195 fathoms). One specimen (Cat. No. 41276, U.S.N.M.). Notes. Amphiura grandisquania has not been found heretofore except in the Atlantic Ocean, and its presence in the Pacific Ocean is rather unexpected. There can not be the least doubt, however, re- garding the determination of the specimens, which I have compared with others from the Atlantic, both from the east and from the west coasts. I give here photographs of two specimens from station 5348. The geographical range of A. grandisquama is therefore very great, and the depth at which it is found likewise varies between very broad limits. The Albatross met with it between 247 and 440 fathoms, and the West Indian collection of the United States Na- tional Museum, which I have recently studied, contains specimens collected in the Carribean Sea at depths between 10 and 240 fathoms ; The Princesse-Alice dredged A. grandisquama in the North Atlantic between 552 and 1,850 meters (301 to 1,017 fathoms). AMPHIURA UNCINATA Kcehler. Plate 65, figs. 6-8 ; plate 96, fig. 4. Amp-hiura uncinata KCEHLER ('04), p. 76, pi. 14, figs. 3, 4. H. L. CLA.BK ('15), p. 235. Locality. Albatross station 5123; east coast of Mindoro; Mala- brigo Light bearing N. 44 W., 60.23 kilometers (32.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 12' 45" N., long. 121 38' 45" E.) ; 518 meters (283 fath- oms) ; February 2, 1908; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41144, U.S.N.M.). Notes. I originally described this species from several specimens collected by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago at depths between 250 and 330 meters (135 to 180 fathoms). These specimens were not in a good state of preservation. The single specimen collected by the Albatross is in excellent con- dition, and the arms are preserved for a large portion of their length, which exceeds 100 mm. ; the diameter of the disk is 11 mm. I include two photographs of the dorsal and ventral surfaces, as well as of a portion of an arm at the base, in order to show the characteristic hook which terminates the central spines on the first arm segments; it is represented more enlarged in figure 4, plate 96. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 161 AMPHIURA VADICOLA Matsumoto. Plate 65, figs. 1-5 ; plate 96, fig. 5. Amphiura vadicola MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 71. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 235. Ophionephthys phalerata MARKTANNER-TURNERETSCHER ('87), p. 301 (not of Lyman, 1874). Locality. Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan. Six specimens (Cat. Nos. 41135, 41136, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimens are in a very poor state of preservation; the arms are broken into numerous fragments; they must be very long and very much coiled, but also very fragile; the disks them- selves are more or less distorted. Nevertheless the characters of the species are perfectly recognizable ; they belong without doubt to the old genus Ophionephthys^ and agree absolutely with the form which Matsumoto has recently described under the name of Amphiura vadicola. The diameter of the disk is about 5 mm. ; the length of the arms must exceed 100 mm. or 120 mm. The color of the specimens in alco- hol is a brownish yellow. Amphiura vadicola was created by Matsumoto for a species which is extremely common at Kagoshima; it is the same ophiuran which Marktanner had referred with some doubt to Ophionephthys phaler- ata ('87, p. 301), but which is certainly different from Lyman's species. Acording to Matsumoto, A. vadicola differs from O. phal- erata in the larger radial shields, in the pentagonal and not oval mouth shields, in having the adoral plates not in contact in the me- dian interradial line, in the higher oral plates, in the contiguous upper arm plates, and in having the arm spines not cylindrical, but flattened ; furthermore, the second ventral spine shows a very pecu- liar form; Matsumoto says that it is "spur-shaped," without more definitely defining the outline. My specimens agree well with the description of A. vadicola given by Matsumoto; but the form of the mouth shields is not exactly pentagonal as described by the Japanese naturalist ; these shields also are not oval and transversely broadened ; they have rather the form of a triangle of which the base is proximal and the angles are very rounded, with the sides almost equal. As for the adoral plates, they conform to Matsumoto's description, and are not in contact by their radial or external angle; they are merely very close together and they inclose between them the first under arm plate which is narrow, without forming a continuous circle, as Lyman has described in his Ophionephthys phalerata. The radial shields are much elongated, almost four times as long as broad, simply triangular, and not " pear- seed shaped." The separation of the under arm plates varies a little 55269 22 Bui. 100 11 162 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. in the proximal portion of the arms, and at certain places these plates are in contact; it is only at a considerable distance from the disk that they become separated by a narrow interval. The upper arm plates are not very broad, and the first plates, especially, are narrower than those following, a character which separates A. vadicola from another very closely related Japanese species, A. aestuarii Matsumoto. The arms are in fragments, and it is difficult to estimate their length, but they may easily be thirty times the diameter of the disk, corresponding to the figure given by Matsumoto. The spines are covered with asperities throughout almost their entire length, and especially at their tips; they are more or less flat- tened and subequal, but the second acquires, at some distance from the disk, a quite characteristic form (pi. 96, fig. 5a). It is at first rather broad and flattened, then, after tapering very gradually, it broadens abruptly into a sort of disk of which the width equals almost that of the basal portion of the spine, and which is covered with short and closely crowded spinules. This tip thus resembles the rowel of a spur, and this form justifies Matsumpto's comparison when he says that the second spine is " spur-shaped." A species closely related to A. vadicola has been recently described by H. L. Clark under the name of A. ecnomiotata ('11, p. 148), from a single specimen found at a littoral station in Japan, but it is very distinct from A. vadicola. Another Japanese species, also described by H. L. Clark, is A. acrystata, which is especially interesting because it shows that the principal character upon which the old genus Ophionephthys was based is essentially variable. In certain speci- mens (H. L. Clark '11, p. 146, fig. a) the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are localized about the periphery of the radial shields, leaving the rest of the surface of the disk naked, while in others this border of plates broadens (fig. d), and sometimes it even covers the entire dorsal surface of the disk (fig. g). Matsumoto has suggested the advisability of suppressing the genus Ophionephthys and including it in the genus Amphmra, and I hold absolutely the same opinion. I have already had occasion to remark recently, in describing Amphiura latispina ('14, p. 50), that the dor- sal plates of the disk in that species show the arrangement which authors consider characteristic of the genus Ophionephthys, but I have thought it necessary nevertheless to retain it in the genus Amphiura. Matsumoto's memoir of 1917 includes figures of Amphiura aestuarii (p. 209, fig. 57) and of A. vadicola (p. 211, fig. 58), and I have been able by comparing the Albatross specimens with these to confirm my determination; thev arp. without doubt A. vadicola. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 163 AMPHIPHOLIS KOCHII Ltttken. Plate 70, tigs. 1-3. AmpMpholis kochii LUTKEN ('72), p. 10, pis. 1 and 2, fig. 6.- LYMAN ('82), p. 146. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 192, fig. 52. Locality. Hakodate, Japan. One specimen. Notes. The specimen is unfortunately incomplete, and the whole dorsal surface of the disk is torn away ; the arms also are not pre- served for their full length; they must be rather long, and two of them are preserved, respectively, for a length of 4 mm. and 6 mm. I had at first some hesitation in referring my specimen to A . kochii, for it differs from Liitken's description and figures by a slight varia- tion in the form of the mouth shields ; but all the other characters are well enough in agreement to permit this determination. The speci- men shows the following features: The mouth shields are large, longer than broad, pyriform, with the proximal angle somewhat rounded and the two sides slightly convex, passing over rounded angles to the distal border; this last is convex, and shows in the middle a small lobe which projects into the interradial space. The adoral plates, which are of medium size, are narrowed inwardly, but they are in contact in the median inter- radial line; they broaden outwardly and send off a process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are rather high and narrow. The proximal mouth papilla is elongated, rather thick, cylindrical, and twice as long as broad; the second is small, short, almost as long as broad, with the free border rounded; the third or external papilla is very broad, squamiform, twice as long as broad, with the free border rounded. The upper arm plates are very large, and especially extremely broad ; they cover almost the entire dorsal surface of the arms, only leaving a very small and very narrow triangular space for the side arm plates. The proximal border is broad and convex, or better, it is formed by two sides which are united by a very obtuse and rounded angle ; the distal border is straight or slightly concave ; the sides are very short, strongly rounded, passing over by also very rounded angles to the two long sides. All these plates are in contact. Very many of the dorsal plates in the proximal region of the arms are divided into two by a longitudinal or somewhat oblique groove which is usually found near the middle. The first under arm plate, which is narrowed by the neighboring external mouth papillae, is very small and triangular, with the apex proximal. The others are large, pentagonal, broader than long, with a very obtuse proximal angle bounded by two straight sides; their dis- 164 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. tal border, which is also straight, is sometimes very slight sinuous; the lateral angles are slightly rounded. They are all in contact. The side arm plates are poorly developed, especially on the dorsal side; they carry three strong subequal spines, the length of which equals at least a segment and a half. The two ventral spines are cylindrical, with the tip rounded, while the dorsal spine is sharply flattened; its extremity is also rounded. The two tentacle scales are extremely large, especially the distal, which is inserted along the whole lateral border of the under arm plate; it is squamiform and very broad. The proximal scale, in- serted on the side arm plate, is smaller, triangular in form, with the tip rounded. These two scales are very exactly in contact. The color of the specimen in alcohol is a light brownish yellow. The dorsal plates at the tip of the two longer arms as preserved are seen to show irregular brownish spots. I was very glad on receiving Matsumoto's work of 1917 to find therein a description and figures of A. kochii, which confirmed abso- lutely my determination. Matsumoto, who has examined numerous specimens of A. kockii from Misaki, states that the species is very variable. The form of the mouth shields which he shows agrees well with that which I have observed in the specimen collected by the Albatross, and I notice that on one of the two figures which he has given of the dorsal surface, the mouth shield is appreciably longer than in the other. The form of the mouth shields may therefore vary to a certain degree, and this explains the difference which I find between my specimen and Liitken's type. AMPHIPHOLIS LORIPES, new species. Plate 68, figs. 4, 5. Locality. Albatross station 5375; Marinduque Island and vicin- ity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 49 W., 33.73 kilometers (18.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 42' 15" N., long. 121 50' 15" E.) ; 196 meters (107 fathoms) ; March 2, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41190, U.S.N.M.). Description. The specimen is incomplete, and the dorsal surface of the disk is torn ; the diameter of the part which remains scarcely reaches 3 mm. The arms are narrow, extremely long, and must cer- tainly reach 100 mm. in length. In spite of the incomplete state of the only specimen, its principal characters may be perfectly well recognized, and it can be shown that it does not belong to any known species. The mouth shields are very large, longer than broad, lozenge- shaped, with the angles very rounded and the sides slightly convex. The adoral plates are small, triangular, with the borders slightly OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 165 concave; they are narrowed inwardly and do not reach the median interradial line; but outwardly they are much broadened and sepa- rate the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are high, twice as high as broad. The proximal mouth papilla is not very large ; it is rectangular, with the oral border a little broadened ; the second, a little smaller, is conical, rather thick, with the tip trun- cated; the external papilla, which is inserted both on the oral and on the adoral plate, is broadened, and twice as broad as long; its proximal border is markedly larger than the distal border; this gives it a form resembling a triangle of which the apex is slightly produced. The upper arm plates are large, and they cover a large proportion of the dorsal surface of the arms. They are almost semicircular, with the proximal border very regularly rounded, and the distal border almost straight; the lateral angles are also rounded. They are half again as long as broad, and are separated by a narrow in- terval occupied by the side arm plates. The first under arm plate is triangular, with the distal border straight and the lateral angles much rounded. The following plates are pentagonal, almost as long as broad, with an obtuse proximal angle bordered by two straight sides, the lateral borders straight or slightly notched by the tentacle scale, and the distal side excavated in the middle. All these plates are in contact. The rather strongly projecting side arm plates bear three subequal conical spines with the point blunted, of which the length almost reaches that of the segment. The single tentacle scale, which is of medium size, is slightly elon- gated, with the tip rounded. The color of the specimen in alcohol is white. Affinities and distinctive features. The species of AmpMpholis having only a single tentacle scale are not numerous. A. vitax Koehler, which the Siboga collected in the Sunda Archipelago, be- longs to this category, but it possesses many arm spines and a very different arrangement of the mouth plates; our species can not be confused with it. AMPHIPHOLIS MISERA (Koehler). Plate 70, figs. 4-8. Amphiura miscra KCEHLEE ('99), pi. 8, figs. 61-65. Amphipholis misera H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 243. Localities. Albatross station 5100; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Corregidor Light bearing N. 16 E., 10.56 kilometers (5.7 miles) dis- tant (lat. 14 17' 15" N., long. 120 32' 40" E.) ; 64 meters (35 fathoms) ; January 2, 1908; gy. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41302, U.S.N.M.). 166 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Albatross station 5371; Marinduque Island and vicinity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 43 W., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 13 49' 40" N., long. 121 40' 15" E.) ; 152 meters (83 fathoms) ; February 24, 1909; gn. M. (m. b.). Four specimens (Cat. Nos. 41159, 41301, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5537; between Negros and Siquijor; Apo Island (C.) bearing S. 46 W., 16.12 kilometers (8.7 miles) distant (lat. 9 11' 00" N., long. 123 23' 00" E.) ; 464 meters (254 fathoms) ; August 19, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41303, U.S.N.M.). Hakodate, Japan. One specimen (Cat. No. 41305, U.S.N.M.). Nan Wan, Formosa (Taiwan). One specimen (Cat. No. 41304, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimens from station 5371 are of large size; the diameter of the disk reaches 7 mm., and the arms exceed 50 mm. in length; the others are much smaller. I notice some variations in the form of the mouth shields; these are triangular and rather narrow and a little longer than broad in the specimen from Hakodate (pi. 70, fig. 8) and in those from station 5100 ; they are triangular and very much broadened, as long as broad, or even a little broader than long, in the specimen from station 5537 (fig. 5) ; in the two from station 5371 they are lozenge-shaped (fig. 6). The plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are largest in the specimen from station 5537, and in this a large dorsocentral with five primary radials, though only slightly evident, may be made out (fig. 4), while in that from Hakodate all the plates are small and equal; in those from station 5371, which are larger, the primary rosette is fairly distinct, and the five radials are smaller than the dorsocentral (fig. 7) ; this primary rosette is also recognizable in the individual from station 5100. It is to be noticed that the different specimens mentioned above come from somewhat different depths; that from station 5371 was captured at 152 meters (83 fathoms), that from station 5537 at 464 meters (254 fathoms), and that from station 5100 at 64 meters (35 fathoms) ; the depth of the habitat of the individuals from Hako- date and from Formosa is not mentioned. The variations which I have just noted are of secondary signifi- cance, and we are undoubtedly dealing with the same species, of which the essential characters as a whole conform with those which I have described in the type of A. misera, which was captured by the Investigator among the Andaman Islands at a depth of 485 meter (265 fathoms) and which was only represented by a single specimen, in which the diameter of the disk did not exceed 4 mm. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 167 AMPHIODIA CRASSA (Kochler). Plate 69, fig. 11. Amphiura crassa KCEHLEB ('04), p. 83, pi. 15, figs. 1, 2. Amphiodia crassa H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 249. Localities. Albatross station 5145; vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 16 E., 1.57 kilometers (0.85 mile) distant (lat. 6 04' 30" N., long. 120 59' 30" E.) ; 42 meters (23 fathoms) ; February 15, 1908; co. S., Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. 40951, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5261; off southeastern Mindoro; Balanja Point bearing N. 80 W., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat, 12 30' 55" N., long. 121 34' 24" E.) ; 265 meters (145 fathoms) ; June 4, 1908; S., M. Three specimens (Cat. No. 40952, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5282; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 84 W., 11.5 kilometers (6.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 53' 00" N., long. 120 26' 45" E.) ; 453 meters (248 fathoms) ; July 18. 1908 ; dk. gy. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 40953, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimens are all of small size, and the diameter of the disk scarcely reaches 3 mm. They are therefore very much smaller than the type in which the diameter of the disk was 12 mm I show here the ventral surface of the specimen from station 5282., and it may be noticed that in this young individual the external mouth papilla is broader than the two others; from this it may be asked whether the species should not be placed in the genus Amphi- pholis, but as in the adult the three papillae have almost the same dimensions and collectively form a very regular row, the assignment of the species to the genus AmpJdodia is more correct ; this is also the classification adopted by H. L. Clark in 1905. I may remark also that in these young specimens the oral plates are low, broadened, and triangular, while in the Siboga specimens they are short and rounded. Apart from these differences in the form of the external mouth papilla and of the oral plate, these young specimens agree entirely with the type; the dorsal plates of the disk have exactly the same characters, and the arm spines are always five in number, the first ventral being very strongly thickened. The type of A. crassa was found by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago at depths between 450 and 2,291 meters (245 to 1,250 fathoms). The Albatross specimens were dredged at depths of 42, 265, and 453 meters (23, 145, and 248 fathoms). If there has not been an error in the labeling, the very great range in depth between 168 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. the two extreme Siboga stations is still further increased by the Albatross stations, and the species rises to within the littoral zone. AMPHIODIA DEBITA, new species. Plate 69, figs. 3, 4. Locality. Otaru, Japan. Three specimens (Cat. No. 41199, U.S.N.M.). Description. All the specimens are incomplete ; the dorsal surface of the disk is torn off, and none of the arms is preserved for the full length ; the largest is 40 mm. long. The arms must have been very long. The mouth shields, which are of medium size, are pentagonal , with a rather sharp proximal angle, limited by two straight sides; these unite over very rounded angles with two other sides, which are shorter than the preceding, and which converge toward the distal border with which they form a rounded angle; this distal border itself is narrow and almost straight. The adoral plates are small, triangular, tapering inwardly, but in contact in the median inter- radial line; they broaden outwardly and by a narrow process sepa- rate the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are small and rather high. The three mouth papillae are subequal, thick, short, and rounded ; the two external are inserted on the oral plate. The proximal is not larger than the others. The upper arm plates are extremely large and by themselves cover almost the entire dorsal surface of the arms ; they are almost semi- circular, with the proximal border very strongly convex, and the distal border straight or slightly rounded; the lateral angles are also rounded. They are all in contact. The first under arm plate is small, triangular, broader than long, with the proximal base strongly notched and the distal angle rounded. The following plates are rather small, pentagonal, broader than long, with a very obtuse and rounded proximal angle, straight lateral borders, and a distal side more or less strongly notched in the middle. These plates are in contact, but, because of the notching of their distal border, there remains between the successive plates a more or less marked interval filled with soft tissue. The side arm plates, which are only slightly projecting, carry three subequal conical spines with the point blunted; their length almost equals that of the segment. The surface of these spines is smooth ; the ventral spine is a little thicker than the two others. The tentacle scales are two in number; the external, rounded and inserted on the side arm plate, is of medium size; but the internal, inserted on the whole length of the external border of the under arm plate, is very large, elongated, and broad, with the free border convex. OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 169 Affinities and distinctive features. Amphiodia debita is distin- guished from all the other species of Amphiodia with two tentacle scales and three arm spines by the unusual dimensions of the inner tentacle scale. It possibly approaches A. brocki (Doderlein) which has, like itself, three equal mouth papillae, but the adoral plates are not in contact in the interradial median line, the under arm plates are as long as broad with the distal border convex, and, although the two tentacle scales are rather large, the dimensions of the internal scale are inferior to those which we see in A. debita. In its three almost equal arm spines, in the form of the mouth shields, and in the size of the tentacle scales, the new species recalls A. grata (Kcehler) of the Siboga expedition, which is an abyssal species ; but this latter possesses numerous arm spines and the upper and under arm plates are of an entirely different form. A. debita approaches A. liitkeni (Ljungman) ; that species is espe- cially characterized by the presence at the border of the disk of little spines, a character which we can not determine here, as the disk is torn off, but the internal tentacle scale is shorter, the arm spines are very much thicker, and the mouth papillae are more elon- gated. It is evidently a very different species. Amphiodia debita also can not be confused with A. oceidentalis (Lyman) from Cali- fornia, in which the mouth shields have a different form, or A. ochro- leuca (Brock), in which the tentacle scales are moderately developed, but in which the mouth shields and the upper and under arm plates have a different form, and in which the mouth papillae are unequal. Amphiodia urtica (Lyman) recalls our species in its mouth plates, but its tentacle scales are very small. AMPHIOPLUS LEGATUS, new species. Plate 67, figs. 1-3 ; plate 96, fig. 9. Locality. Albatross station 5119; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing S. 80 E., 35.03 kilometers (18.9 miles) distant (lat. 13 45' 05" N., long. 120 30' 30" E.) ; 721 meters (394 fathoms) ; January 21, 1908; gn. M., S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41179, U.S.N.M.). Description. The diameter of the disk is 10 mm. ; four arms are broken off at a short distance from the base, and the fifth is pre- served for a length of 150 mm. The jar contains in addition two fragments of arms, of which one exceeds 40 mm. ; the arms therefore must be fairly long. The disk is rounded, a little depressed in the middle of the inter- radial spaces, and slightly excavated above the insertions of the arms ; it is rather thick. The two surfaces are plane, and the borders are very rounded. 170- BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The dorsal surface is uniformly covered with small, imbricated, subequal, rounded plates, becoming a little larger in the vicinity of the radial shields and a little smaller towards the periphery of the disk; there is not the slightest indication of primary plates. The medium-sized radial shields are triangular, with a straight internal border and a convex external border; they are two and a half times as long as broad. The two shields of each pair are only in contact by their external angle, diverging rather strongly inwardly; the length of these shields is less than half the radius of the disk. Passing to the ventral surface of the disk the plates become very much smaller and especially extremely narrow ; they are imbricated, very closely crowded, and retain the same form over the whole extent of the ventral surface. The genital slits are very broad. The medium-sized mouth shields are large, longer than broad, pentagonal, with the proximal angle very broadly rounded, bounded by two somewhat sinuous and slightly divergent sides which pass over strongly obtuse and very rounded angles to the two lateral borders ; these are a little shorter and gently convex ; the distal bor- der is narrow, almost straight or slightly rounded. The adoral plates, which are of medium size and short, are triangular, broader outwardly than inwardly, where, however, they are still rather broad, and terminate in a rounded angle; they are not quite in con- tact in the median interradial line. The oral plates are small and rather low. The lateral mouth papillae, four in number, are not greatly developed ; the proximal papilla is rather stout, conical, with the tip rounded; the following is small and conical; the third is larger and broader, and rounded; the fourth is very much smaller and still more rounded. These two last are inserted on the adoral plate. Compared with the diameter of the disk, the arms are narrow and slender. The upper arm plates are not very broad, but the under arm plates are extremely narrow. The upper arm plates are half again as broad as long, triangular in shape, with the proximal angle broadly rounded, and a very convex distal border; their form may even become biconvex ; they are all in contact. The first under arm plate is small, quadrangular, broader than long. The following plates are, as I have just said, especially nar- row; they are pentagonal, longer than broad, with a very obtuse and broadly truncated proximal angle, straight sides, and a slightly rounded distal border ; they are all in contact. The well-developed side arm plates carry at the base of the arms six spines which are almost equal in size ; the two first, however, are the largest, then the size decreases to the last dorsal which is shorter than the arm segment. These spines are slightly flattened, and much broadened in their proximal half ; they taper rather rapidly in their OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 171 distal half which terminates in a rounded point; on the second and third ventral spine the tip is slightly incurved, but strictly speaking it does not form a hook. The surface of the first ventral spine and of the last dorsal is simply rugose, but the others show narrow and elongated teeth which are very closely crowded, especially in the basal half of the spine, and principally along the proximal border, and which disappear in the terminal part (pi. 96, fig. 9). The two tentacle scales are very small, equal, oval in form, and stand at right angles to each other. The color of the specimen in alcohol is greenish, and rather light. Affinities and distinctive features. The species of the genus Am- phioplus possessing two tentacle scales are very numerous, and in general are very closely related to each other, though easy to dis- tinguish. The new species can not be confused with any deep sea form known from the Indian or Pacific Oceans. Amphioplus con- ftnis Kcehler has the dorsal plates of the disk very large and the mouth shields triangular; A. debilis (Kcehler) and A. firmus (Kcehler) also have the dorsal plates of the disk rather large and the mouth shields triangular; in A. depressus (Ljungman) the two radial shields of each pair are in contact and the under arm plates are very broad. Among the littoral species, A. causatus (Koehler), A. cesareus (Koehler), A. conditus (Kcehler), A. hastatus (Ljung- man), A. integer (Ljungman), A. intermedius (Kcehler), A. laevis (Lyman). and A. praestans (Koehler) all have the radial shields elongated and in contact except A. conditus in which the shields are divergent, but that species possesses distinct primary plates and the mouth shields have a very much elongated and pointed proximal angle. The other species of Amphioplus differ greatly from the new species, and it can not be confused with any of them. The majority of the species which I have just named possess only three arm spines. Amphioplus rhadinobrachius H. L. Clark and A. acanthinus H. L. Clark are also in this category, and, furthermore, they differ from our species in numerous other characters. Amphi- oplus lobatus Ljungman, from Sydney, New South Wales, is only known from Ljungman's very short diagnosis; it possesses six arm spines, but the terms "boucliers radiaux allonges," as well as " plaques brachiales dorsales deux fois et demie plus larges que longues, plaques brachiales ventrales a bord distal emargine," are characters which do not apply to our species. A Japanese form which was described by H. L. Clark under the name of A. lobatodes is perhaps identical with A. lolatus (H. L. Clark, '15, p. 254, pi. 7, figs. 12, 13) ; but A. legatus is very distinct from it, as may be seen by comparing my photographs with those of H. L. Clark ; the mouth shields espe- cially have a very different form, and the under arm plates, which are as broad as long in A. lobatodes, are not narrow as in A. legatus. 172 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. AMPHIOPLUS CONDUCTUS, new species. Plate 67 ? figs. 4-6. Locality. Albatross station 5410; between Cebu and Leyte; Baga- cay Point Light bearing 'S. 37 W., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles) dis- tant (lat. 10 28' 45" N., long. 124 05' 30" E.) ; 704 meters (385 fathoms) ; March 18, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41161, U.S.N.M.). Description. The specimen is in fairly good condition, although none of the arms are complete ; one of them is preserved for a length of almost 60 mm. The arms must be very long; they are slender and narrow, and maintain the same width throughout the entire remaining portions. The diameter of the disk is 6 mm. ; the disk is rounded. The dorsal and ventral surfaces are slightly convex, and the borders are thin. The dorsal surface is uniformly covered with almost equal plates, a little larger in the central region and in the vicinity of the radial shields, a little smaller in the middle of the interradial spaces and at the periphery of the disk. The radial shields are rather narrow, elongated, at least three times as long as broad, with a straight in- ternal border and a slightly convex external border ; the two shields of each pair are in contact only by their external right angle; in- wardly they diverge rather slowly. Their length is less than half the radius of the disk. The ventral surface is uniformly covered with thin, rounded, equal plates, almost as long as broad, imbricated, and becoming more closely crowded in the vicinity of the mouth shields and of the genital slits. These last are broad and very evident. The mouth shields are cordiform, almost as broad as long, with a major portion triangular, bounded by two convex sides passing over a rather open proximal angle, and a distal lobe which is broader than long and rounded. The adoral plates are triangular, broader outwardly than inwardly, always in contact in the interradial median line by a small straight side, and giving off outwardly a process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates, which are of medium size, are half again as high as broad. The mouth papillae are four in number. The internal papilla is broadened, rectangular, a little longer than broad, with the proximal border rounded or in the form of a very blunted point; the three others are conical; the second papilla is the smallest, while the two external are larger and subequal; they are inserted on the adoral plate. Below the second papilla may be seen the elongated and spini- form tentacle scale of the first mouth pore. The upper arm plates are large and cover the greater part of the dorsal surface of the arms; they are almost semicircular, with the OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 173 proximal border broadly convex ; the distal border is slightly rounded. These plates are separated from the base of the arms outward by an extremely narrow space occupied by the side arm plates. The first under arm plate is rectangular, a little longer than broad, with the sides slightly excavated. The following plates are_Jarge, almost as long as broad, pentagonal, with the proximal angle trun- cated, the sides straight, and the distal border straight or slightly con- cave. They are all in contact. The side arm plates carry at first five spines, the number then fall- ing very quickly to four, and a little further on to three. These spines are slender, elongated, conical, and subequal, and their length equals that of the segment. Their surface is rugose, especially that of the second ventral spine, which shows very fine asperities and of which the tip shows two little hooks forming a right angle with the axis of the spine, thus causing it to appear bihamulate ; this character is very marked in my specimen. The tentacle scales, two in number, are small, elongated and oval, and stand at right angles to each other. The color of the specimen in alcohol is slightly pinkish white on the dorsal surface ; the ventral surface of the disk is gray. Affinities and distinctive features. It may be seen from the pre- ceding description that A. conductus is very close to the species which I described above under the name of A. legatus. I have placed them side by side on the same plate so that the resemblances and also the differences might be easily appreciated. The differences do not per- mit of the least confusion between them. The disk, rather flattened with the borders rounded in A. legatus, is thicker in A. conductus , and the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk, which are so closely crowded and so short in A. legatus, are rounded and as long as broad here ; the radial shields are narrower, more elongated, and less diver- gent. The mouth shields are shorter, cordiform, and more broad- ened in A. conductus, while they are relatively elongated in A. legatus, and the adoral plates are always in contact in the interradial median line in A. conductus. The under arm plates are remarkably narrow in A. legatus, and in this respect the difference between the two species is striking. The arm spines, which are six in the first species, have the tip recurved, but, on the other hand, they show fine, elongated, and closely crowded denticulations which are completely lacking in A. conductus where the spines, at first five in number, and then four, are simply rugose, and the second ventral is bihamulate. These differences are sufficient to prevent any confusion between the two species. 174 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSKUA1. AMPHIOPLUS IMPRESSUS (Ljungman). Plate 64, figs. 3, 4. Amphipholis impressa LJUNGMAN ('66), p. 314. Amphiura impressa LYMAN ('82), p. 148. Amphioplus impressa H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 258. Localities. Albatross station 5369; Marinduque Island and vi- cinity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 50 W., 16.30 kilometers (8.8 miles) distant (lat. 13 48' 00" N., long. 121 43' 00" E.) ; 194 meters (106 fathoms) ; February 24, 1909; bk. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41170, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5371; Marinduque Island and vicinity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 43 W., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 13 49' 40" N., long. 121 40' 15" E.) ; 152 meters (83 fathoms) ; February 24, 1909; gn. M. (m. b.). One specimen (Cat. No. 41171, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk in the two specimens is 8 mm. and 6.5 mm. respectively; the arms are incomplete in both; one of the arms of the smaller may have had a length of about 37 mm. or 38 mm. The disk is rounded, slightly convex on the two surfaces, with the borders thin. The dorsal surface is covered with rather large and stout plates, especially in the central region, which become smaller toward the periphery; these plates are polygonal, rounded, and slightly imbricated. A central rosette of rounded primary plates, all of the same size and scarcely larger than the neighboring plates, may be with difficulty distinguished ; the radials are in contact with the dorsal central plate, but are separated from each other by a nar- row plate. At the periphery of the disk there may be distingushed a very marked bordering made up of rectangular plates which are broader than long. All these plates bear on their surface extremely fine striae which are irregularly sinuous, recalling the striae of the madreporic plate of a starfish, but very much finer and less evident. The radial shields are elongated, three times as long as broad, with the external border convex, the internal border straight, and the proximal angle sharp; the two shields of each pair are in contact through three-quarters or four-fifths of their length, and they are separated inwardly by a small triangular plate. The surface of these shields shows striae similar to those of the other plates of the disk, but these striae are much broader and deeper, and consequently more evident. The ventral surface of the disk is covered with small, subequal, polygonal or rounded, and slightly imbricated, plates. The genital slits are very narrow. The mouth shields are lozenge-shaped, a little longer than broad in the larger specimen, and almost as long as broad in the other; the OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 175 two proximal sides are slightly longer than the two others, and they are united by an acute angle, while the distal sides are united by a very broadly rounded angle. The medium-sized adoral plates are narrowed inwardly, but they are in contact in the interradial median line by a narrow border. They have a straight proximal side and a slightly excavated distal side; they are broadened outwardly, and separate the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are triangular, rather low, a little broader than high. The terminal mouth papilla, which is of medium size, is conical, almost as long as broad; the second is very small, conical, and pointed; the third is a little larger and rounded; the fourth, or external, is large, squamiform, broader than long with the free border rounded. The upper arm plates are large and cover a large part of the dorsal surface of the arm ; they are almost semicircular, with a very convex proximal border, and a slightly rounded distal border show- ing in the middle a small and very slightly accentuated lobe. These plates are half again as broad as long. They are barely in contact at the base of the arms in the large specimen, and beyond are sepa- rated by a narrow interval; in the smaller they are separated from the bases of the arms outward. The first under arm plate is pentagonal, as long as broad, or a little longer than broad, with an obtuse proximal angle. The follow- ing plates are pentagonal, markedly broader than long, with an obtuse proximal angle, straight sides, and an almost straight or very slightly convex distal border; they are separated beyond the second. In the small specimen the second and third plates are still triangular in form, and become pentagonal from the fourth outward. The slightly projecting side arm plates carry three poorly devel- oped arm spines; the central spine is a little longer and a little stouter than the two others, its length equalling almost that of a segment. These spines are conical, with the point blunted, and their surface is smooth. The two tentacle scales are small, placed side by side, parallel to the distal border of the side arm plate ; the proximal scale is a little longer than the other, which is inserted on the under arm plate, and which is rounded. Although Ljungman's description is very short and somewhat lacking in precision, I do not think I am wrong in assigning the two Albatross specimens to his Amphipholis impressa. All the charac- ters which I observe are in perfect accord with those given by that author. I translate the word "impressis," which he applies to the dorsal plates of the disk, by "gravees," and I suppose that Ljung- man intended by this word to call attention to the sinuous lines which give the more or less deep " impressions " on the surface of the plates. 176 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ljungman's type was captured in deep water between Bat a via and Singapore. AMPHIOPLUS LUCIDUS, new species. Plate 68, figs. 6-10 ; plate 96, fig. 10. Localities. Albatross station 5161; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Tinakta Island (E.) bearing N. 12 W., 3.33 kilometers (1.8 miles) distant (lat. 5 10' 15" N., long. 119 53' 00" E., 29 meters (16 fathoms) ; February 22, 1908; fne. S., blk. Sp. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41127, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5371; Marinduque Island and vicinity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 43 W., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 13 49' 40" N., long. 121 40' 15" E.) ; 152 meters (83 fathoms) ; February 24, 1909; gn. M. (m. b.). One specimen (Gat. No. 41126, U.S..N.M.). Description. All the specimens are incomplete ; the dorsal surface of the disk is torn off, and the arms are not preserved for their Avhole length. In the specimen from station 5371, which is the largest, the portion of the disk which remains has a diameter of 3.5 mm., and the arms are preserved for a fairly long distance ; one of them measures 90 mm., and the width remains the same for all this length ; it is cer- tain that these arms were extremely long. I shall describe this species more especially from this specimen, but as the radial shields have not quite the same form as in those from station 5161, I shall also give the characters of these as found in the latter. In the specimen from station 5371 (pi. 68, fig. 9) the mouth shields are much elongated and relatively narrow ; they are twice as long as broad, quadrangular, with a narrow and very strongly rounded proxi- mal border, a broader and also rounded distal border, and straight or very slightly concave and slightly divergent sides. In the two speci- mens from station 5161, of which I give photographs in figures 6 and 7. it may be seen that the mouth shields may become markedly broader, and their form even somewhat different in these two specimens ; they are, however, always longer than broad. But in the specimen shown in figure 7 two of these shields become cordiform; they show a major triangular portion of which the angles are rounded, and a distal lobe which is as long as broad ; while in the other shields this lobe is merged with the principal portion of the plate, which, as a whole, is lozenge-shaped with the sides rounded and the distal angle truncated (two of the shields appear shorter in my photograph because they are seen foreshortened). The adoral plates, which are of medium size, are triangular, tapering inwardly, but contiguous in the median in- terradial line by a very narrow border ; they are broadened outwardly and separate the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are rather large, twice as high as broad. The mouth OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 177 papillae are four in number. The terminal papilla is strong, elon- gated, thick, and conical, twice as long as broad ; the three others are rather small and rounded ; the second, inserted on the oral plate, is the smallest, and the third, which arises in the angle between the oral and adoral plates, is larger, somewhat squamiform and broadened; the fourth, which is sometimes separated from the preceding by a narrow interval, is smaller; it is inserted on the adoral plate. Be- tween the first and the second papilla, and on a higher level, may be seen the papilla of the mouth tentacle pore, which is conical and rather short. The upper arm plates are very large, and they cover almost the entire dorsal surface of the arms. They are almost biconvex, but the distal border sometimes divides into two short sides which are united by a very obtuse and rounded angle. They are all in contact. The first under arm pla{e is very small, triangular, with a rather marked proximal angle in the specimen from station 5161 (fig. 7), while in that from station 5371 (fig. 9) it is a little larger and rec- tangular. The following plates are pentagonal, with a very obtuse proximal angle, the sides slightly notched by the tentacle pore, and the distal border more or less excavated in the middle; they are a little broader than long in the specimen from station 5371, and in the others they are as long as broad, or even a little longer than broad. They are at first in contact, then becoming separated by a short in- terval at a greater or lesser distance from the disk. The rather strongly projecting side arm plates bear at the base of the arms seven or eight spines. This figure falls to six, and then to five. These spines are small, conical, subequal, and a little shorter than the segment. The second and third ventral spines are termi- nated by a small hyaline point recurved toward the arm tip, thus forming a small hook which is more or less accentuated. In the basal half and on its proximal border the second spine ordinarily shows some small fine teeth, which are moderately elongated and closely crowded, but which disappear in the distal half, the latter being merely somewhat rugose, as is also the distal border throughout its whole length (pi. 96, fig. 10>). The other spines are simply rugose (a and ), that is to say, with the terminal point very stout, the second much weaker, and the third or the two following still weaker. This form is different from that which I have shown in 0. galatheae and from that which we find in 0. longipeda and 0. puncto-limbata. I show (c) the forms taken by the first ventral arm spine before its complete transformation into a hook. The rounded or oval tentacle scale ends in a point, sometimes single, sometimes accompanied by one or two others very much smaller (d). Ophiothrix hirsuta is very widely spread throughout the whole Indo-Pacific region. OPHIOTHRIX LONGIPEDA (Lamarck). Plate 31, figs. 3, 4; plate 33, figs. 9, 10; plate 100, fig. 2. See for bibliography : Ophiothrix longipeda KCEHLER ('05), p. 92; ('07), p. 334; ('07b), p. 252. H. L. CLARK ('08), p. 298. KCEHLER ('10), p. 294. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 274; ('15a), p. 90. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 227. Localities. Albatross station 5179; vicinity of Romblon; Eomblon light bearing S. 56 E., 8.36 kilometers (4.50 miles) distant (lat. 12 38' 15" N., long. 122 12' 30" E.) ; 68 meters (37 fathoms) ; March 25, 1908 ; hrd. S. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 334, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5249; Gulf of Davao; Lanang Point bearing N. 1.85 kilometers (1 mile) distant (lat. 7 06' 06" N., long. 125 40' 08" E.) ; 42 meters (23 fathoms) ; May 18, 1908 ; Co., S. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. E. 336, E. 365, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5401 ; north of Cebu ; Tanguingui Island Light bearing N. 79 W., 42.62 kilometers (23 miles) distant (lat. 11 24' 45" N., long. 124 06' 00" E.) ; 54 meters (30 fathoms) ; March 16, 1909; fne. S. One arm (Cat. No. 41072, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5524; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light bearing S. 34 W., 31.50 kilometers (17 miles) distant 236 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. (lat. 8 58' 07" N., long. 123 32' 45" E.) ; 658 meters (360 fathoms) ; August 10, 1909 ; S. One specimen. Albatross station 5558; Jolo Island and vicinity; Cabalian Point bearing S., 2.04 kilometers (1.1 miles) distant (lat. 5 51' 33" N., long. 121 00' 58" E.) ; 27 meters (15 fathoms) ; September 18, 1909; Co. One specimen (Cat. No. 41073, U.S.N.M.). Tobea Island ; December 15, 1909. One detached arm (Cat. No. 41071, U.S.N.M.). Davao Bay; from pearl oysters. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 335, U.S.N.M.). Samoa (Sir Charles N. E. Elliot). One specimen (Cat. No. E. 336, U.S.N.M.). Notes. In the specimen from station 5558 (pi. 31, fig. 4) the dorsal surface of the disk is gray, with small blue spots on the radial shields. The dorsal surface of the arms is blue, somewhat spotted with lighter and darker. A white band runs along the dorsal median line of the arms. The spines are light gray ; the central surface of the arms is white, with, on the sides, blue spots which are more or less close together and very unequal in size. The specimen from station 5179 has the dorsal surface very dark gray blue, and a white line runs along the whole length of the dorsal surface of the arms. In the specimen from station 5249 the general color is dark gray ; the dorsal surface of the arms is of a more or less marked blue, but perfectly uniform ; the arm spines are gray blue. The dorsal surface of the disk is uniformly covered with small granules. In the specimen from Davao Bay the diameter of the disk is 15 mm. ; the general coloration is gray blue ; a longitudinal line extends along the middle of the dorsal surface of the arms, but is only faintly marked ; the arms are ringed with lighter and darker. In the specimen from station 5524, in which the diameter of the disk is only 7 mm., the general color is uniform grayish blue. To the specimens collected by the Albatross in the Philippines was added a large specimen from Samoa collected by Sir Charles N. E. Elliot. I show here a portion of the dorsal surface of one of its arms (pi. 33, fig. 10). The club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk are ordinarily rather narrow, three or even four times as long as broad, and cylin- drical rather than conical; they terminate in a few, usually three, points, which are equal and regularly arranged, but it is not rare to meet with four or even five more or less unequal points (pi. 100, fig. 2a) . The first ventral spine is transformed into a hook at some distance from the disk, and the hooks once definitely formed are rather OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 237 small ; they show on their concave border behind the terminal point a series of from six to eight very elongated points, which are narrow and arranged parallel to each other. The terminal point is not ap- preciably larger than the others, and is even sometimes smaller than the second (fig. 2d) . On the convex border and toward the tip are a few unequal and irregular asperities. This form of hook recalls that which I have described in 0. expedita, and which we find again in O. propinqua and O . puncto-limbttta; it is very different from that which we know in the majority of the species of Ophiothrix, and which occurs in O. hirsuta. It is to be noticed also that the difference between this hook and the second ventral spines is not very great In figure 2). I have already discussed (Kcehler '98, p. 102, the affinities of 0. lepida with 0. purpurea. Aside from the characters based upon the number of arm spines and the form of the mouth shields for the two species resemble each other very greatly in these respects they may be distinguished from each other especially by the form of the radial shields, which are much elongated and very narrow in O. lepida, where their proximal apex comes very near the center of the disk (pi. 36, fig. 5), while in 0. purpurea these shields are very much broader and triangular in form, and their proximal apex is some distance from the center of the disk. The outlines of these shields may be made out on the photograph published by Doderlein ('99, pi. 17, fig. 23), as well as on that which I give here (pi. 58, fig. 3). The upper arm plates are also a little more elongated in O. lepida, in which they have a lozenge shape form with the two ex- ternal angles tuncated, their greatest breadth being found almost at their middle, while in O. purpurea the greatest breadth is close to the distal border. Doderlein says that these plates are a little broader than long with the internal and external borders almost straight and equal ; but this is inexact, and on the photograph which he has pub- lished, although the outlines of these plates are not very distinct, it may be shown that their form does not correspond with the de- scription given in the text. I have thought it well to include two photographs (pi. 58, figs. 3, 4) of an 0. purpurea from the Sunda Archipelago which is in my collection, in which better than in Doder- lein's photograph the outlines of the different plates may be made out and which permits a more exact comparison with O. lepida. I may add that the very robust tentacle scale of 0, purpurea is very 248 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. different from the more delicate and finer scale which I find in O r lepida. Loriol has stated that 0. lepida was without a tentacle scale ('93, p. 47), and he says the same thing for 0. fallow (p. 48) ; this state- ment is not correct. This scale certainly is present ; I have described its characters above and I include photographs of it (pi. 100, fig. 35). To be sure, this scale may be lacking on certain segments, but I believe that this absence is accidental. The tentacle scale can not be confused with the first ventral arm spine, for the latter, which is very much more elongated, is always easily recognized and furthermore it transforms into a hook a short distance from the base of the arms. After having stated that the tentacle scale is lacking in O. lepida and O. fallow, Loriol has allowed an error to remain in the figures which he has published of these two species (pi. 25, figs. Id and 2), p. 90. Locality. Albatross station. 5421 ; between Panay and Guimaras; Lusaran Point Light bearing S. 27 E., 9.27 kilometers (5 miles) distant (lat. 10 33' 30" N., long. 122 26' 00" E.) ; 250 meters (137 fathoms) ; March 30, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41178, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The single specimen is of small size, the diameter of the disk being only 7 mm. Ophiocnemis marmorata is very widely distributed over the whole Indo-Pacific region ; it is known from Zanzibar, Ceylon, the Mergui Archipelago, Singapore, the Sunda Archipelago, the coast of north- western Australia, etc. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 297 OPHIOTHELA DANAE Verrill. Plate 59, figs. 1, 2, 3 ; plate 103, fig. 1. See for bibliography : Ophiothela danae KCEHLEB ('05), p. 117; ('05b), p. 458; ('07), p. 340; ('07b), p. 253. H. L. CLABK ('15), p. 284. MATSUMOTO ('17), pT 281. Localities. Albatross station 5139; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 51 W., 6.67 kilometers (3.6 miles) distant (lat. 6 06"identata, for O. nigra, an essentially boreal species, does not ascend to these very high latitudes and does not appear to pass the latitude of Trond- hjem or of Storeggen. Since I have had occasion here to speak of 0. nigra, I shall request permission to add a few more words regarding the variations which this species shows. First of all I may mention that besides 0. nigra two related forms figure in zoological literature 0. raschi, described by G. O. Sars in 1872 from specimens from the coasts of Norway (Storeggen, 14G-183 meters [80-100 fathoms]) and O. tumida Miiller and Troschel, from Genoa. Ophiocomina raschi is listed by Lyman in the Challenger report ('82, p. 172) , but the reference which this author gives is incorrect, for this species is not described in the Danish publication "Vid. selsk. forh." (1872, p. 39), but in the Norwegian "Vid. selsk. forh." pub- lished at Christiania in 1872, and the description is found on page 109. I do not believe that O. raschi should be maintained as a distinct species; as Sars himself stated at the beginning of his de- scription it does not differ from 0. nigra except in its larger size and a different coloration ; " color disci et brachiorum laete ruber, spinarum albidus," says the learned Norwegian naturalist, and he gives for the dimensions, diameter of the disk 20 mm., length of the 12 See Koehler, in Mortcnsen, Vidensk, Medd, fra Dansk naturh. Foren., K0benhavn, vol. 12, 1921, p. 53; Kcehler, Faune de Franco, Echinodermes, 1921, p. 93. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 31.7 arms about 90 mm. As for the morphological characters themselves, all those which the author gives may just as well apply to 0. nigra which, as we shall see, shows much variation. I shall mention further on a specimen from the coasts of Sicily in which the diameter of the disk reaches 23 mm. ; the size given by Sars for 0. raschi is thus much exceeded. Concerning the coloration, I may recall that it is true the disk of O. nigra is generally more or less dark, usually blackish brown, but Forbes has recorded an orange colored variety which is rather fre- quent in the northern seas, and he has also found in the Shetland Islands individuals of a very beautiful pink. On the coasts of Eng- land Ophiocomina nigra appears capable of descending to depths as great as those recorded by Sars on the coasts of Norway, and it has been captured at all depths between sea level and 146 meters (80 fathoms) (see F. Jeffrey Bell, '84, p. 129). I have had the opportunity of studying some specimens from the Faroe Islands collected by Doctor Charcot in which the disk is very light gray, with the spines almost white; I am speaking of alcoholic specimens, for the coloration in life was not noted ; but it is very probable that the color was lighter than usual, for in the specimens of O. nigra in alcohol which I possess from the coasts of England and France the disk always shows a more or less dark brownish or brownish yellow coloration. As for Ophiocomina tumida, this species was created by Miiller and Troschel, who only published a very short description of four lines, in which they mention four arm spines only, and as the habi- tat Genoa, Lyman ('65, p. TO) says on this subject: "The original in the Leyden Museum is marked 'Gulf of Genoa,' but this looks like a mistake. I do not remember to have seen any Ophiocoma at all from the Mediterranean," etc. But many years ago I received from my excellent colleague, Prof. A. Russo, an ophiuran from the coast of Sicily which he asked me to determine for him and which I assigned without hesitation to O. nigra. This specimen, of which I figure here the ventral surface (pi. 75, fig. 4), is of very large size; the diameter of the disk reaches 23 mm. ; the arms, which measure 4 mm. in width at the base, are in fragments, but their total length may be estimated as 100 mm.; the dorsal surface of the disk is of a rather dark brown; that of the arms is lighter, and the spines are yellowish. The occurrence of 0. nigra in the Mediterranean should not be surprising, for this species occurs also at the Azores, where it was found by the Princesse Alice. I include some photographs showing two specimens from this latter locality (figs. 1, 2, 3). To complete these comparisons, I give a photograph of the ventral surface of a specimen from Roscoff (pi. 75, fig. 5). I believe that 318 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATION AL MUSEUM. all these specimens from different localities belong to one and the same species. Without speaking of the differences of the kind which Macintosh has so carefully noted ('03, p. 463), the principal variations, always of secondary importance, which I have been able to find in my specimens concern more particularly the form of the mouth shields, and in each of the five individuals of which I include phptographs these plates show slightly different outlines; but in all these shields are always broader than long. In the specimen from Roscoff (fig. 5) the mouth shields are quadrangular; the extremely obtuse proximal angle is bounded by two almost straight or slightly convex sides ; the two other sides, which are very convex, are united over an angle so broad and so rounded that together they form a single semicircular border; the shield carrying the water pore alone has two distinct distal sides which are very slightly excavated and united by an angle which develops into a small median lobe. In the specimen from the Faroe Islands collected by Doctor Charcot (fig. 6) the proximal angle is extremely obtuse and is bounded by very rounded sides; the two other sides are distinct; they are slightly excavated, and the distal angle forms a small rounded lobe projecting into the interradial space. On the other hand, in the Sicilian speci- men (fig. 4) the distal border of the mouth shields is semi-circular as in that from Roscoff, while the two proximal sides are united over an angle which projects in the form of a blunted point between the two adoral plates. In a specimen from the Azores (fig. 2) the mouth shields are lozenge-shaped, but less broad and a little longer, rela- tively, than in the others ; the proximal and the distal angle are both very obtuse, though distinct, and almost of the same form. In an- other from the Azores (fig. 3) the mouth shields are broader and the relation between their length and their breadth is almost the same as in those from the Faroe Islands, from Roscoff. and from the Azores ; the form recalls that which I have noted in the Sicilian indi- vidual, with the proximal angle a little less accentuated. The vari- ations which may be observed in the form of the oral and adoral plates are quite insignificant. The arm spines are usually seven in number at the base of the arms; there are eight on the first arm segments in the Sicilian specimen, which is larger than the others. It thus seems to me impossible to establish a specific separation between the examples from the northern region and those of the temperate or warm regions of the Atlantic, and it is evident that O. nigra extends from the coasts of Norway as far as the Azores, entering the Mediterranean where it will certainly be found in other localities than the coasts of Sicily. It remains to be seen what should be done with O. tumida. I be- lieve that this name must disappear from zoological nomenclature. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 319 Whether it refers to an Ophiocoina resembling 0. echinata, of which the habitat is given is entirely erroneous, as Lyman suggested, or whether it refers to an Ophiocomina nigra the occurrence of which on the coasts of Sicily is now known, is the question. It appears to me more difficult to admit this latter hypothesis, at least if Miiller and TroschePs diagnosis be considered correct, since they attribute to the specimen from Genoa only four arm spines. The re-examina- tion of the type specimen in the Leyden Museum will alone remove this uncertainty. Genus OPHIOCOMA L. Agassiz. OPHIOCOMA BREVIPES Peters. Plate 72, figs. 6-9. See for bibliography: Ophiocoma brevipes KOSHLER ('05), p. 61; ('07), p. 325; ('07b), p. 246. H. L. CLARK ('08), p. 296; ('11), p. 256. MACINTOSH ('11), p. 160. BENHAM ('11), p. 153. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 291. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 343. Localities. Albatross station 5165; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group ; Observation Island bearing N. 70 W. 11.86 kilo- meters (6.4 miles) distant (lat. 4 58' 20" N., long. 119 50' 30" E.) ; 16 meters (9 fathoms) ; February 24, 1908 ; Co. One specimen (Cat, No. 41067, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5321. Albatross station 5321; China Sea, near Hongkong: Ibugos Island (south end) bearing S. 89 W., 2.32 kilometers (1.25 miles) distant (lat. 20 19' 30" N., long. 121 51' 15" E.) ; 38 meters (21 fathoms) : November 9, 1908; wh. S., Co., brk. Sh. Two specimens (Cat. No. 40927, U.S.N.M.). Reef; Nasugbu, Luzon; January 14, 1908. Three specimens (Cat. No. 41064, U.S.N.M.); Dumurug Point, Masbate ; shore ; April 19, 1908. Three specimens (Cat. No. 41065. U.S.N.M.). San Pascual, Burias Island: tide pools; March 8. 1909. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41066, U.S.N.M.). Mahinog, Camiguin Island; August 3, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 40936, U.S.N.M.). Naso Point, southwest corner of Panay; February 4, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41062. U.S.N.M.). Port Palapag; June 3, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 41063. U.S.N.M.). Notes. A good description of this species was given by Loriol ('93, p. 26) ; Walther has also published some interesting notes upon it ('85, p. 371), and more recently Benham has described a specimen from the Kermaclec Islands ('11. p. 153). 320 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ophiocoma brevipes varies especially in regard to its coloration, which is sometimes very light and whitish gray, sometimes very dark and almost black; certain individuals sometimes show very elegant markings. Its characters appear more constant than those of O. scolopendrina and O. erinaceus, with which this species is frequently associated ; but there are some variations in the number of the arm spines on which certain authors have thought it possible to base dis- tinct species, as, for example, O. ternispina Martens, which have not been maintained. I shall speak here only of the variations in the form of the mouth shields about which Loriol has already said a few words. Inde- pendently of the outlines, which are sometimes angular, sometimes rounded, these shields may be very much longer than broad, or on the other hand as broad as long, and in the latter case they become almost circular. The . two photographs which I include, one of the Philippine specimens (fig. 6) and the other of one from Mauritius in my own collection (fig. 7), show these two different forms; in the individual represented in figure 9 the form of the shield is inter- mediate. The knowledge of these variations in the form of the mouth shields appears to be of some importance, and possibly will permit of deter- mining the degree of affinity that 0. brevispina and 0. variegata, species which Smith described from specimens from the island of Rodriguez and which have not since been seen, have with 0. brevipes. These two forms are evidently very close to 0. brevipes and perhaps some day we shall be led to unite them with it, as Lyman has already suggested ('82, p. 172) and as Jeffrey Bell appears to believe ('84, p. 139). The mouth shields of O. variegata have exactly the form which is seen in O. brevipes, in which they are usually elongated. In 0. brevispina these shields are distinctly broader than long, a form which I have never met with in 0. brevipes, but to which indi- viduals such as those shown in figure 6 show an approach. The question evidently can not be solved except by having at hand speci- mens from Rodriguez. But the location of that island, which is very close to Mauritius, and which is situated near 20 S. and 64 E., renders very probable the presence of 0. brevipes, the more so since Smith recorded at the same time 0. erinaoeus and Ophiomastix venosa, species often associated with 0. brevipes. Ophiocoma brevipes is widely distributed throughout the wholt Indo-Pacific region, and according to the record published by Ben- ham it reaches as far as the Kermadec Islands. I have already mentioned that H. L. Clark ('14, pp. 291 and 359) considered O. doderleini as a synonym of O. brevipes. Thanks to the kindness of my excellent friend M. Bedot, director of the museum at OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 321 Geneva, I have been able to examine the type of O. doderleini^ and I include three photographs of it (pi. 72, figs. 1, 2, 3), which will supplement the data given by Loriol ('99, p. 110, pi. -3, fig. 2) and which will permit forming an opinion of its affinities with 0. brevipes. I may mention that the type of 0. doderl&mi is represented by a single specimen of very large size ; the diameter of the disk given by Loriol is 31 mm. I have never had any specimen of O. brevipes which reached these dimensions, and Loriol himself states that the diameter of the disk of 0. brevipes is between 7 and 27 mm. It is rather curious that Loriol, after describing O. doder- leini in 1899, compared it only with 0. scolopendrina, and did not dream of discussing its affinities with O. brevipes. But these affinities are in reality very close. However, at least three characters seem to me to separate the two forms ; first the ornamentation of the disk, then the relative size of the arms, and lastly the number of arm spines. The ornamentation of the disk was described by Loriol, and his type shows well the small black spots which involve not only the granules but also the underlying plates. Loriol compares these spots to a sort of oscula, which is evidently an exaggeration, for we have to do here with a simple color change, as is evident from the somewhat enlarged photograph which I give (pi. 72, fig. 3) of a fragment of the dorsal surface of the disk of O. doderleini. These little spots are arranged very irregularly on both surfaces of the disk, but they all have almost the same dimensions ; I find that each of them is surrounded by a lighter circle, a feature which Loriol did not notice. Whatever may be the ornamention and the coloration of the disk of O. brevipes I have never seen, and no one has ever de- scribed this character. A feature which immediately strikes one on examining 0. doder- leini is the remarkable width of the arms, a width which results both from the development of the arms themselves without the arm spines, and from the length of the latter. Although Loriol's type is very large, the diameter of the disk reaching 31 mm., the width of the arms is certainly greater than it would be in an 0. brevipes in which the disk had the same diameter. I have unfortunately not had at hand specimens of this species of which the disk reached that size, and perhaps such do not exist ; Loriol gives as the maximum diameter of the disk in O. brevipes 27 mm. I have in my own collection sev- eral specimens of O. brevipes from Mauritius which may be consid- ered as rather large, and the diameter of their disks varies between 26 mm. and 27 mm. One of these is shown on plate 72 as figure 7 ; the width of the arms with the spines quite erect is about 12 mm. at the place where the width is greatest, that is to say a few segments beyond the disk. In 0. doderleini this width reaches 17 mm. If 55269 22 Bull. 100 21 322 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. the increase in the width of the arms were proportional to that of the disk, the arms of an 0. brevipes with the disk 31 mm. in diameter would thus be only 14 mm. broad. I believe, therefore, that this very marked width of the arms constitutes a specific character of con- siderable value. Loriol recorded in O. doderleini five arm spines, this figure falling to four at some distance from the base of the arms. In O. brevipes the number five is quite abnormal, and I have never noticed it in my large specimens from Mauritius; four is the normal number at the base of the arms. These spines are not altogether as described by Loriol ; the antepenultimate dorsal spine is the largest, and its length exceeds two segments and a half ; the other spines, which are slightly smaller, are subequal. Generally speaking, these spines are longer than those of O. brevipes , in which the longest reaches only two seg- ments. I shall not consider the annulation of the spines which may be noticed, although very rarely, in 0. brevipes. I believe, therefore, that O. doderleini should be considered as a species distinct from O. brevipes and that it is necessary to maintain it. It is very unfortunate that my comparison has only been with the single specimen in the Geneva Museum and that I have not been able to compare it with the second known specimen of this species that collected by the Siboga on the east coast of Borneo which I recorded in 1905 ('05, p. 60) ; in that specimen the di? meter of the disk was only 19 mm. I have very much wished to be able to study this specimen again and to compare it also with 0. brevipes, but it was impossible under the circumstances to dream of asking the Ley den Museum for it; I find in my notes only that this specimen agrees absolutely with LorioPs description and figures. OPHIOCOMA ERINACEUS Miiller and Troschel. Plate 73, fig. 7. See for bibliography: Ophiocoma scolopendrina, var. erinaceus KCEHLER ('05), p. 60; ('07), p. 326. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 345. Ophiocoma erinaceus H. L. CLABK ('08), p. 296; ('11), p. 257; ('15), p. 291. Localities. Albatross station 5109; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Corregidor Light bearing N. 42 E., 47.81 kilometers (25.8 miles) distant (lat. 14 03' 45" N., long. 120 16' 30" E.) ; 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; January 15, 1909; Co. Two specimens (Cat. No. 40939, U.S.N.M.). Port Binang, Subig Bay; January 9, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. 40938, U.S.N.M.). Notes. Ophiocoma erinaceus is a well known form which is very widely spread throughout the whole Indo-Pacific region. It is very OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 323 close to O. scolopendrina, and authors have already many times raised the question whether it should be considered as a distinct species or reduced to the status of a simple variety of the latter. In recording it among the littoral ophiurans collected by the Siboga, I did not separate it specifically from O. scolopendrina, and in that I followed the example of many of my predecessors, Ludwig, Mark- tanner, and Doderlein. This point of view has not been accepted by H. L. Clark ('08, p. 296), who considers 0. erinaceus as a very distinct species, though he writes a little further on in the same memoir (p. 297) : " I shall not be surprised if more extended observa- tion carried on at the shore proves that erinaceus, schonleini, scolo- pendrina, and wendtii are merely intergrading forms of a single variable species." I looked into the question again in studying the rather numerous specimens of Ophiocoma scolopendrina collected by the Albatross, and I finally arrived at the conclusion that in spite of the rather extensive variations of O. scolopendrina, 0. erinaceus may always be distin- guished from it; I may even add that I have always been able to distinguish the two easily and that I have never hesitated an in- stant in referring a given specimen either to 0. scolopendrina or to O. erinaceus. It is true that the distinctive characters have an entirely secondary significance. The most obvious, or so it seems to me, is afforded by the granulation of the disk, which stops in an extremely abrupt manner at the periphery without passing over to the ventral surface in O. erinaceus, while in 0. scolopendrina a more or less extensive portion of the ventral surface is always found to be covered with granules. In the first species the under arm plates never have the distal border notched, the spines are stout and robust, the dorsal spine is elongated and often thickened, and it is always more robust and more developed than in 0. scolopendrina; the tentacle scales number two throughout the greater part of the length of the arms; the arms always maintain a certain rigidity. The coloration is black on both surfaces of the disk, and the spines are not ringed as is often the case in 0. scolopendrina. It is indubitable that none of these characters have any great sig- nificance, but it must be recognized that some other species of the genus Opliwconia are not better characterized; for instance, 0. aethiops Liitken has no characters very much more distinctive, and it is better differentiated by its place of origin than by its morpho- logical features. As H. L. Clark has stated in the sentence which I have quoted above, the names erinaceus, schonleini, and wendtii perhaps only apply to forms of a single very variable species, but as, 0. schonleini and O. wendtii are not distinguished from 0. scolopen- drina by characters more marked than those which separate these from 0. erinaceus it is evident that if a specific name is to be applied 324 BUI^LETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. to the two first it is logically necessary to distinguish the last also in a similar way. Matsumoto ('17, p. 346) believes that O. scolopendrina, O. eri- naeeus, and O. schonleini belong to one and the same species, and he designates them, respectively, under the names 0. scolopendrina typical, 0. scolopendrina, var. crinaccus, and 0. scolopendrina^ var. schonlemi. In 1915 H. L. Clark published very good photographs of a quite typical 0. erinaceus ('15, pi. 15, figs. 5, 6). I shall content myself with figuring here (pi. 73, fig. 7) the dorsal surface of a specimen in which the first dorsal spine is especially developed and elongated (station 5109). OPHIOCOMA LINEOLATA Mullet and Troschel. Plate 73, figs. 1-4. Synonyms : Ophiocoma pica MULLER and TROSCHEL. Ophiocoma sannio LYMAN. See for bibliography : Ophiocoma lineolata LORIOL ('93), p. 28. Ophiocoma pica KCEHLER ('05), p. 62; ('07), p. 326. H. L. OLABK ('15), p. 293. Localities. Albatross station 5108 ; China Sea, off southern Luzon ; Corregidor Light bearing N. 39 E. 41.70 kilometers (22.5 miles) distant (lat. 14 05' 05" N., long. 120 19' 45" E.), 24 meters (13 fathoms) ; January 15, 1908 ; co. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 302, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5109; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Corregidor Light bearing N. 42 E., 47.81 kilometers (25.8 miles) distant (lat, 14 03' 45" N., long. 120 16' 30" E.) ; 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; Janu- ary 15, 1908 ; co. Twelve specimens (Cat. Nos. 40914, E. 303, E. 304, U.S.N.M.). Notes. Authors who since Miiller and Troschel have published descriptions of this species (Lyman '65, p. 90; Walther '85, p. 370; Lorion '93, p. 28) have discussed especially the variations which it shows in its coloration, but they have not spoken of the differences which may be observed in its structure, and particularly the differ- ences in the form and in the length of the arm spires. Lyman expresses himself thus on the subject of the arm spines: " Arm spine? six, remarkably slender, tapering and regular;" these are the char- acters which are most usually observed, and they are those which I find in several specimens from station 5109. As these are mostly not in a good state of preservation, and especially as they are more or less incomplete, I have selected for photographing a specimen which I have in my own collection from Ceylon, of which the char- acters agree well with Miiller and Troschel's description and with OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 325 the description published by Lyman (pi. 73, figs. 1, 4). I also give (fig. 3) a photograph of another specimen from station 5109 in which the two dorsal spines, instead of being the longest, are shorter than the lateral spines, but they are rather strongly swollen, recall- ing the form which is often observed in O. erinaceus, for example ; the lateral spines have the usual length. In another individual shown in figure 2 the thickening of the two dorsal spines is still more marked; these spines are very short, their length scarcely equaling two segments, and they are much swollen in their central region. The lateral spines are not thickened, but they are shorter than usual, and their length scarcely exceeds that of the two dorsal spines. This specimen came from Mauritius. It is part of a small but very interesting series which I have in which I find all possible intermediates between very slender and much elongated dorsal spines, such as those most often met with, and spines which are short, thick- set, and very strongly swollen. Similar variations have often been noticed in O. scolopendrina and in O. erinacem, but I do not know that they have ever before been described in O. lineolata. The remarks given by Miiller and Troschel on the subject of the arm spines of 0. lineolata are not very clear. These authors say, speaking of O. pica, that the spines are slender, twice as long as the upper arm plates, and a little longer than the width of the arms ; and of those of 0. lineolata that they are all almost of the same length, this length equalling the width of the arms, and a little thicker at the base of the arms. According to Lyman, who has seen Miiller and Troschel's original specimens, these spines are more elongated than these authors describe ; in a specimen of 0. pica in which the diameter of the disk is 15 mm. the first dorsal spine is 3.2 mm. long; in O. lineolata the dorsal spine and the lateral spines are longer than the others. Ophiocoma lineolata, from which it is not necessary to separate 0. pica Miiller and Troschel and 0. sannio Lyman, is widely distrib- uted throughout the whole Indo-Pacific region. It is frequently asso- ciated with 0. scolopendrina and with 0. erinaceus, but it is usually less abundant than the two last. OPHIOCOMA SCOLOPENDRINA (Lamarck). Plate 73, fig. 5; plate 74, figs. 1-7. See for bibliography : Ophiocoma scolopendrina KCEHLER ('05), p. 60; ('05a), p. 184; ('07), p. 326; ('07b), p. 246. H. L. CLARK ('08), p. 297. MACINTOSH ('11), p. 160. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 293. Ophiocoma scolopendrina typical MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 346. Localities. Port Binang, Subig Bay ; January 9, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 218, U.S.N.M.). 326 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, Tataan, Simulac Island; February 19, 1908. Two specimens. Makasser Island; December 16, 1909. Two specimens. Sabtan Island ; November 8, 1908. Four specimens (Cat. No. E. 205, U.S.N.M.)* Port Palapag; June 3, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 216, U.S.N.M.). Negros Island, Philippines ; Bashf ord Dean. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 215, U.S.N.M.). Dumurug Point, Masbate ; April 19, 1908. Thirteen specimens (Cat. No. E. 206, U.S.N.M.). Reef off Cebu; April 7, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 212, U.S.N.M.). Sitanki Island ; February 26, 1908. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 211, U.S.N.M.). Batan Island ; July 22, 1909. Five specimens (Cat. No. E. 244, U.S.N.M.). Batan Island ; June 5, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 210, U.S.N.M.). Ligpo Point, Balayan Bay, Luzon; January 18, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 214, U.S.N.M.)/ Marongas ; shore ; coral head ; October 2, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 209, U.S.N.M.). Mariveles, Luzon; June 30, 1913. Seven specimens (Cat. No. E. 204, U.S.N.M.). Bonin Islands. One specimen. Nasugbu, Luzon ; reef ; January 2, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 245, U.S.N.M.). Nasugbu, Luzon ; reef ; January 16, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 208, U.S.N.M.). Pandanon Island ; March 23, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 213, U.S.N.M.). Maricaban, Balayan Bay, Luzon ; January 20, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 207, U.S.N.M.). Nan Wan, Formosa (Taiwan) ; January 27, 1913. Fourteen specimens (Cat. No. E. 246, U.S.N.M.). Siasi Island, Jolo ; shore ; February 17, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 217, U.S.N.M.). Small island a half mile off west coast of Java ; December 15, 1908. Two specimens. No locality given. One specimen. OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 327 Philippines; E. A. Mearns. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41325, U.S.N.M.). Philippines; J. B. Steere. One specimen (Cat. No. 40947, U.S.N.M.). Notes. Several authors have given detailed descriptions of O. scolopendrina or have published notes on the variations which it shows; I shall refer especially to Loriol's memoirs ('93, p. 23, and '93a, p. 407). The variations have to do especially with the form and number of the arm spines, the shape of the upper arm plates and of the mouth shields, and the number of the tentacle scales. I have given (pi. 74) a few photographs of individuals in which these variations are very marked. The two photographs (figs. 1 and 6) represent the dorsal surface of specimens in which the upper arm plates show rather different outlines; in that shown in figure 1, which was collected by the Albatross, these plates are not very broad in relation to their length, and their angles are very rounded; while in the other, which is from Mauritius, these plates are very broad and short with sharp lateral angles; in the latter the spines show a medium development, while in the first the dorsal spine is remarkably thickened, recalling in that respect the com- mon form in 0. erinaceus. In these two specimens the ventral sur- face of the disk is more or less covered with granules. Figures 3 and 4 represent an individual from the Philippines, not collected by the Albatross, which was sent to me with another, also dried, both bearing the number 47,782. These two specimens are unfortunately in rather bad condition, but I have been able nevertheless to secure satisfactory photographs of them. The upper arm plates are seen to be much broadened, somewhat irregular and unequal in form, with the lateral angles sharp; the dorsal spine shows average development ; the general coloration is brownish, and the spines are ringed with white. The ventral surface of these two specimens is especially interesting because of the variations in the number of the tentacle scales. Most commonly the tentacle scale is single; this single scale may appear even on the second seg- ment of one of the arms, and it remains single on almost all the following segments, save for a few exceptions. The other arms fre- quently bear a single scale, sometimes and most commonly, two on the earlier segments ; but beyond the disk the scale is usually single, and this character is maintained throughout the whole length of the arms; however, occasionally and abruptly, sometimes very far from the base of the arms, the scale is doubled. A similar disposition is found in another individual from Batavia, which is in my own collection and of which I give a photograph in figure 5. There is, as a rule, only a single tentacle scale beyond 328 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. the second segment, and this scale remains single throughout the whole length of the arms, save for very rare and quite isolated ex- ceptions. The upper arm plates resemble those of the two pre- ceding individuals; the dorsal spine is a little shorter but more swollen. The two photographs reproduced in figures 2 and 7 show the variations of the mouth shields. Figure 2 shows the ventral sur- face of the specimen given in figure 1; the shields are here appre- ciably more elongated than in the individual shown in figure 7, which comes from Mauritius, in which they are shorter; they are also a little shortened in the specimen from Batavia (fig. 5). The under arm plates have the distal border slightly broadened and usually notched in the middle. This character is also rather variable; the notching is well marked in the individual shown in figure 7, but it is less marked in that shown in figure 3, and especially in those shown in figures 2 and 5. In all the specimens the ventral surface is covered with granules over a more or less extended area; the triangular granulose area thus formed extends toward the mouth shields and always leaves free a more or less broad band along the genital slits. This character is absolutely constant. I find the least development of the granulose areas in the specimen shown in figure 3. OPHIOCOMA WENDTII Miiller and Troschel. Plate 75, figs. 7. 8. See for bibliography : Ophiocoma wendtii KCEHLEB ('05), p. 63, pi. 14, figs. 5-7; ('07), p. 327, pi. 13, fig. 38; ('07b), p. 246. H. L. CLARK ('08), p. 297; ('11), p. 294. Localities. Little Santa Cruz Island, Zamboango, Mindanao; May 26, 1908. One small specimen (Cat. No. 40948, U.S.N.M.). Samoa. Five specimens. Notes. I shall add some supplementary observations to the ac- count which I have already given of this interesting species, which I described and figured in 1905 and 1907. The specimens from Samoa show characters so distinct that I do not hesitate to give here two photographs of one of them in which the diameter of the disk is 12mm. (figs. 7, 8). The large dorsal spines are much developed and follow each other on every second or third segment. The tentacle scales are two in number on the two first segments, except on one of the pores of the second segment, where there is only a single one ; the two pores of the third segment of one of the arms both show two tentacle scales. Every- OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 329 where else there is only a single scale, which is rather large and rounded in- form. In another specimen, which is a little larger, and in which the disk has a diameter of 14 mm., the majority of the pores of the four first segments have two scales each, and a single pore of the fifth pair also has two of them; all the others have only a single scale, which remains single throughout the length of the arms. Specimens as typical as those from Samoa and as those which I described in 1905 and 1907 are easily determinable, and there is no difficulty in referring them to O. wendtii; but because of the .varia- tions which I have described above under O. scolopendrina, it may happen that the determination of certain individuals offers some difficulty. Knowing that in 0. scolopendrina the tentacle scales may sometimes be single after the first two or three arm segments and that the dorsal spines become thickened in certain specimens, one may be led to ask whether individuals showing these peculiarities should be assigned to O. scolopendrina or to O. wendtii. I may say that in this case I am stating a purely gratuitous hypothesis, and that I have never had the slightest hesitation in referring such a specimen either to one or to the other of the two species. The dorsal spines of O. wendtii, even when they are not thickened, are always more elon- gated than in O. scolopendrina; furthermore, the mouth shields of the former species are always very much longer and narrower than in the latter, while the tentacle scale is larger. Thus no doubt can arise ; nevertheless, it is worth while to draw attention to this point. OPHIOMASTIX ANNULOSA (Lamarck). Plate 72, figs. 4, 5. See for bibliography : Ophiomastix annulosa KCEHLER ('05), p. 65; ('07), p. 329. H. L. CLARK ('08), p. 297; ('15), p. 294. MATSUMOTO -('17), p. 350. Localities. Nasugbu, Luzon ; reef ; January 16, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 228, U.S.N.M.). Jolo, Jolo Island ; March 6, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 227, U.S.N.M.). Notes. Although the species is frequent in collections, there are no good figures of it. The colored figure published by Herklots ('68, pi. 4, fig. 1) gives a good idea of the color in the living state, but it does not show the elegant ornamentation of the disk and of the arms. I have thought it well to reproduce here two photographs of the speci- men from Nasugbu, in which the characteristic designs shown by the different parts of the body appear clearly. Matsumoto also has just published a few figures of O. annulosa (17, p. 350, fig. 99). 330 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM, OPHIOMASTIX FLACCIDA Lyman. See for bibliography : Ophiomastix- flaccida K(EHLEB ('05), p. 67; ('07), p. 829. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 296. LocaMty. Mactan Island; tide pools; August 3, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 40915, U.S.N.M.). OPHIOMASTIX LUTKENI Pfeffer. Ophiomastix lutkeni PFEFFEB ('00). H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 296, pi. 16, figs. 3, 4. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 349, fig. 98. Locality. Albatross station 5109; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Corregidor Light bearing N. 42 E., 47.81 kilometers (25.8 miles) distant (lat. 14 03' 45" N., long. 120 16' 30" E.) ; 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; January 15, 1908; Co. One specimen (Cat. No. 40926, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimen is in poor condition; two arms are broken off, and the three others are strongly bent upward above the disk, of which a part of the dorsal surface is torn off ; it is nevertheless very well characterized. Without assuming the club-like form which is sometimes met with, the dorsal spine is considerably developed on each third or fourth segment, becoming greatly elongated and thickened. The general coloration is very dark and almost black, with yellowish bands on the dorsal surface of the disk, the spines of which are of a light yellow washed with dark. The arms show on each segment a yellow trans- verse band on the dorsal surface as well as on the ventral; toward their long borders, the mouth shields show two broad yellow longi- tudinal striae, and some yellow dots are also to be seen on the oral plates as well as on the mouth papillae. H. L. Clark has published two excellent photographs and Matsu- moto some figures of this species which was only known from Pfeffer's description. This author's type series came from Ternate and from Cebu, and H. L. Clark's specimen from the Riu-Kiu Islands (Japan). The species has not yet been found outside of these localities. OPHIOMASTIX MIXTA Lutken. See for bibliography : Ophiomastix mixta KCEHLER ('05), p. 68, pi. 6, fig. 15; pi. 15, fig. 1. H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 256, fig. 126; ('15), p. 296. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 348, fig. 97. Locality. Albatross station 5109 ; China Sea, off southern Luzon ; Corregidor Light bearing N. 42 E., 47.81 kilometers (25.8 miles) distant (lat. 14 03' 45" N., long. 120 16' 30" E.) ; 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; January 15, 1908 ; Co. OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 331 One small specimen (Cat. No. 40916, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimen is of small size and the diameter of the disk does not exceed 5 mm.; the arms are broken off near the base and measure only 10 mm. in length. Although it is not in very good con- dition, it is perfectly recognizable and very well characterized. The large dorsal spines are not claviform, as I found them in the indi- viduals which I described in 1905. OpMomastix mixta is known from different localities in the Sunda Archipelago, where it was found by the S'iboga, in the Fiji Islands, etc. OUHIOMASTIX VENOSA Peters. See for bibliography : Ophiomastix venosa KCEHLER ('04a), p 73, figs. 28, 29; ('07), p. 329. MAC- INTOSH ('11), p. 161. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 296. Locality. Malochin Harbor, Linapalan Island ; December 18, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. 40937, U.S.N.M.). OPHIARTHRUM ELEGANS Peters. See for bibliography : Ophiarthriim elegans KCEHLER ('05), p. 73; ('07), p. 329. H. L. CLARK ('08), p. 297; ('15), p. 297. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 351, fig. 100. Localities. A Tbatross station 5165 ; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Observation Island bearing N. 70 W., 11.86 kilometers (6.4 miles) distant (lat, 4 58' 20" N., long. 119 50' 30" E.) ; 16 meters (9 fathoms) ; February 24, 1908; Co. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 369, U.S.N.M.). Marongas; shore; coral head; October 2, 1908. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 368, US.N.M.). Mactan Island ; April 30, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 371, U.S.N.M.). Port Palapag; June 3, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 372, U.S.N.M.). Batan; July 22, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 370, US.N.M.). Samoa ; Sir Charles N. E. Elliot. Ten specimens (Cat. Nos. 35615, E. 373, U.S.N.M.). Family OPHIODERMATIDAE. OPHIARACHNA QUINQUESPINOSA, new species. Plate 7, figs. 1-3. Locality. Albatross station 5172; vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing E., 45.87 kilometers (24.75 miles) distant (lat. 6 03' 15" N.. 332 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. long. 120 35' 30" E.) ; 582 meters (318 fathoms) ; March 5, 1908; fne. S., Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 128, U.S.N.M.). Description. The single specimen is of large size and in a very good state of preservation, with the arms complete. The disk, which is slightly deformed, measures 21 mm. by 25 mm. in diameter; the arms are from 170 mm. to 180 mm. in length. The disk is pentagonal with the borders more or less rounded. It is covered on both surfaces with very fine and closely crowded gran- ules which on the dorsal surface leave exposed only the radial shields. These are very small and only measure from 1.4 mm. to 1.5 mm. in length ; they are irregularly oval, and half again as long as broad. The two shields of each pair are separated by a space which is almost equal to the width of the arm. The granules of the dorsal surface of the disk do not pass out onto the dorsal surface of the arms, and the radial notches includes only the first upper arm plate. The ventral surface of the disk is covered with granules identical with those of the dorsal surface, and some may be found which, broadening somewhat, continue onto the distal border of the mouth shields. These same granules are found slightly elongated all along the interradial border of the genital slits, and at the base of these on the free portion of the adoral plates. The genital slits are narrow. The mouth shields are large, triangular, with the angles and the borders very rounded, almost as long as broad; the distal border is convex and it even forms a rather marked lobe which projects into the interradial space, but there is not the least indication of an ac- cessory shield. The adoral plates are rather small, limited to the sides of the mouth shield, tapering to a point inwardly and broadly separated in the median interradial line; they are outwardly very much broadened, separating the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are triangular, very low, covered with granules which are a little larger than those of the rest of the ventral surface. The lateral mouth papillae are seven or eight in number; the two outermost are broad, rounded, almost as broad as long ; the others are slender, cylindrical, and pointed. Below the group of tooth papillae there are in addition two or three papillae identical with these and placed on the same plane. The first upper arm plate is small, triangular, placed in the radial notch of the disk. The following plates are very large, rectangular, very much broader than long, with the sides slightly divergent. Toward the tip of the arms these plates become as long as broad and even a little longer than broad. They are all broadly in contact. The first under arm plate is small, triangular, with a rounded distal apex, and broader than long ; the angles are rounded. The following plates are rectangular, almost as broad as long, with a rounded distal OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 333 border and slightly divergent sides. Beyond the middle of the arms these plates become a little longer than broad. They are all broadly in contact. Between the first and the second under arm plate there is a pair of rather well- developed pores which are obliquely elongated and identical with those which occur in O. affinis. A second pair of pores which are smaller, close together, and rounded occurs between the second and the third under arm plates. The side arm plates, which do not project outward, bear five flat- tened spines, which are sometimes appressed against the arms and sometimes more or less divergent, especially the dorsal spines. All these spines are longer than the segment ; the first ventral spine, which is longer than the others, even equals a segment and a half. These spines are inserted on the distal border of the side arm plates. The two tentacle scales are oval, elongated, and rather narrow. The external, which is a little smaller than the internal, does not overlap the base of the first ventral spine. The color of the specimen in alcohol is very light yellowish gray. The dorsal surface of the disk shows numerous small dark brown spots; the arms show spaced annulations of a rather light brown which involve a variable number of segments, on the average from six to ten, and the length of these darker regions is always greater than that of the light areas which separate them. The ventral surface is light gray. Affinities and distinctive features. The species of the genus Ophiarachna at present known are four in number; they are O. affinis Liitken, with which it is necessary to unite 0. clavigera Brock, 0. incrassata Lamarck, '. mauritiensis Loriol, and O. robil- lardi Loriol. The new species can not be confused with any of these. In the first place all four normally show a supplementary mouth shield which is lacking in O. quinquespinosa. Regarding the other char- acters, our species comes closest to 0. affinis, but it differs from it in the more numerous lateral mouth papillae, in the naked radial shields, in the thicker arm spines, and in the completely different color. Ophiarachna roMUardi, which has the radial shields naked as in O. quinquespinosa, has the mouth shields much elongated and the arm spines, which at first are five in number but which rapidly fall to four and then to three, fine and slender. Ophiarachna mauri- tiensis has six or seven very fine and slender arm spines. It remains to be seen whether our species is justifiably referred to the genus Ophiarachna. It is particularly on account of the length of the arm spines that I have thought it necessary to refer it to this genus. I believe that there can be little if any hesitation as between the two genera Ophiarachna and Pectinura, the latter being understood in the restricted sense given it by H. L. Clark, 334 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. that is to say, corresponding to the old genus Ophiopeza. To justify placing it in the genus Pectinura, only the unique case of P. danibyi (Farquhar) could be invoked, this species having the arm spines very much longer than usual. But that raises the question whether P. dambyi, which is only known from a single specimen from the Kermadec Islands and which recalls the genus Ophiarachna by its arm spines, should be retained in the genus Pectinura. I would be rather disposed to place it in the genus Ophiarachna because of the development of its arm spines, and these spines, some of which are appressed against the side arm plates while the others are more or less divergent, strongly recall those of Ophiarachna. The new species differs from the species of the genus Ophiarachna in two characters; there are no supplementary mouth shields and the outer tentacle scale does not overlap the base of the first ventral arm spine. In regard to the first difference, I may remark that the occurrence of a supplementary mouth shield is never constant in the species where it is usually found; thus in a specimen of 0. affinis from Amboina, which I have in my collection and of which I figure the ventral surface (pi. 4, fig. 1), this supplementary shield is lacking in one of the interradial spaces. 13 Similar variations are also known in O. incrassata, as well as in the genus Pectinura. As for the position of the outer tentacle scale, it occupies, as H. L. Clark has remarked, the same place in the genus Ophiarachna as in the genus Pectinura and in the related genera; the difference which I have indicated, therefore, can not be invoked for placing our species in the genus Pectinura rather than in the genus Ophiarachna. More- over, it must be noticed that the overlapping of the outer tentacle scale over the first ventral arm spine occurs in different degrees in the genus Ophiarachna. It is only slightly marked in O. incrassata, in which the two tentacle scales are very small, and very much more marked in 0. affinis, in which these scales are larger. The two differences which I have just indicated are not sufficient to necessitate a generic separation, and in consequence the creation of a new genus. I believe, therefore, that our species may be retained in the genus Ophiarachna. In Ophiarachna incrassata, which is the type- of the genus, there is a pair of pores between the successive under arm plates, and this feature occurs over a rather large portion of the length of the arms with some variations in the development of these pores (pi. 4, fig. 6). In the new species there are two pairs of pores only, and those of the first pair, instead of being small, circular, and placed on the 18 H. L. Clark has also published two photographs of O. affrnis ('15, pi. 18, figs. 1, 2). I notice that one of the mouth shields of the specimen photographed is without the supplementary plate, and a second seems to me to be in the same condition. The ventral pores are in two pairs, and they appear to have exactly the same characters as in the specimen of which I give a photograph here ; but the outlines are not very clear. OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 335 distal border of the first under arm plate, are on the sides of the latter; they are much elongated and form a small and very evident groove. This arrangement is therefore very different from that which exists in O. incrassata, but it recalls very strongly that in O. a-fjmis. In this species the ventral, pores are very much less numerous than in O. incrassata, and usually number two pairs only ; those of the first pair are situated on the sides of the first under arm plate and not on its distal border, and they are more or less elongated as in the new species. In a specimen of O. affinis which is in my collection and which comes from Amboina (pi. 4, fig. 1), there are, as a rule, two pairs of ventral pores; the pores of the second pair, instead of being elongated like those of the first pair, are circular and situated on the distal border of the under arm plate; they are also only slightly developed, and on one of the arms they are almost invisible ; on the other hand, on another arm I find traces of a third pair. The Geneva Museum has two specimens of O. affinis belong- ing to Loriol's collection, and also from Amboina. I have examined the arrangement of their ventral pores, and I find that they show interesting variations. In the larger specimen, in which the disk has a diameter of 15.5 mm., there exists first between the first and the second under arm plates a pair of pores identical with those which I have noticed above; these pores, always situated on the sides of the first under arm plate, are elongated and narrow, but they are extremely well marked. Furthermore, there occurs between the following under arm plates a series of small rounded pores ar- ranged as in 0. incrassata that is, placed on the distal border of the plates ; I am able to distinguish four successive pairs of these rounded pores. In the second specimen, which is smaller (the diameter of the disk is 12 mm. ) , the pores of the first pair are extremely narrow, and I can not distinguish beyond them but a single pair of rounded pores of very small size; but on two arms I recognize the traces of a third pair. This shows that the ventral pores of O. affinis may vary in their development as well as in their number; there are always, however, at least two pairs of them. This is also the number which I find in two other species of the genus 0. mauritiensis and 0. robillardi, described by Loriol. But in describing these species the learned Swiss naturalist did not mention the ventral pores, and his figures also do not show the least trace of them. Having had an oppor- tunity of studying Loriol's types at the Geneva Museum I am able to make good this slight deficiency. Ophiarachna mauritiensis is represented by two specimens in which the ventral pores are ar- ranged exactly as in my specimen of O. affinis, and they quite agree with the photograph which I give here of this latter species (pi. 4, fig. 1). In 0. roMllardi, which is only represented by one rather 336 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. small specimen (the diameter of the disk is 11 mm.), these pores also have the same arrangement, but they are very much smaller than in O. mauritiensis and very much less evident. The presence of ventral pores, a feature concerning which most authors have said nothing, jnust be considered as one of the essential characters of the genus OphiaracJina. Usually there are two pairs only at the base of the arms; this figure is sometimes exceeded in O. affinis, while in O. incrassata the number of successive pairs is very much higher. An opportunity presenting itself of including a photograph of the ventral surface of O. incrassata for comparison with the new species, I have seen fit to profit by it in reproducing also a photograph of the dorsal surface of the same specimen (pi. 4, fig. 7). H. L. Clark ('08, p. 298), in mentioning the coloration of a specimen from Amboina which he had been able to study, says that the markings of this species conform to the description of Miiller and Troschel " disk greenish, center and areas over radial shields light brownish (not in marked contrast) spotted with yellow; arms reddish buff; arms spines light yellow," etc. This type of coloration is different from that which Herklots has shown. I have been able to determine that the Siboga individuals had markings quite comparable to those which Herklots has repro- duced in his colored plate ('68, pi. 6), and I mentioned this fact in 1905. The photograph which I include of a Siboga specimen can not, of course, show the coloration, but it indicates the arrangement of the spots on the two surfaces of the disk. The general color of the individual is a slightly yellowish green, a little lighter on the ventral surface; the spots, surrounded by a dark-brown circle, which occur on the dorsal surface are slightly lighter than the rest of that sur- face and of a more yellowish color ; the light-yellow spines show one or two darker rings only at their base. In its external appearance and in the very fine granulation of the disk, which is studded with dark spots, O. quinquespinosa shows a resemblance, though a rather vague and quite superficial one, with Ophiocoma doderleini, which I have already discussed. The length of the spines and the arrangement of the two tentacle scales accen- tuates the resemblance with an Ophiocoina. But aside from the two pairs of pores which occur at the base of the arms, there could be no question of assigning to the genus Ophiocoma an ophiuran which does not possess that vertical clump of tooth papillae so characteristic of the latter genus. If I speak of this purely external resemblance, it is especially for the purpose of calling to mind an error made by Lyman which was noticed by Loriol and more recently by H. L. Clark ('09, p. 113). In the diagnosis which he gives of the genus Opliia- OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 337 rachna Lyman attributes to this latter, as well as to the genus Ophiocoma, very numerous tooth papillae arranged in a vertical clump, which is quite contrary to the original diagnosis of Miiller and Troschel. It is interesting to compare the diagnoses of the genus Ophiocoma and of the genus Ophiarachna which were given by Lyman in the Challenger reports ('82, p. 167 and 173) ; the question arises by what character does Lyman distinguish externally these two genera (I am not speaking of the differences in the form of the peristomial plates). As Lyman's error has been repeated by certain authors, and especially in Bronn's Thierreich (Echinodermen, III, Schlangesternen, p. 939), it can not be noticed too often in order that naturalists may be put on their guard against it. PECTINURA AEQUALIS (Lyman). Plate 77, figs. 16, 17. Ophiopeza aequalis LYMAN ('82), p. 12, pi. 27, figs. 7-9. KCEHLEB ('04), p. 10. Pectinura acqualis H. L. CLAKK ('09), p. 118; ('15), p. 303. Localities. Albatross station 5415; between Cebu and Bohbl; Lauis Point Light bearing N. 24 W., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles dis- tant (lat. 10 07' 50" N., long. 123 57' 00" E.) ; 161 meters (88 fathoms) ; March 24, 1909 ; fne. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 279, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5523; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light bearing S. 48 W., 12.42 kilometers (6.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 48' 44" N., long. 123 27' 35" E.) ; August 10, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 280, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5541; Tagolo Light bearing S. 65 W., 23.54 kilometers (12.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 49' 38"~N., long. 123 34' 30" E.) ; 401 meters (219 fathoms) ; August 20, 1909, fne. S., brk. Sh. Three specimens (Cat. Nos. E. 281, E. 282, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk varies between 25 mm. and 30 mm. The specimens from stations 5415 and 5541 are almost com- pletely decolorized ; that from station 5523, which is the largest of all, still has the dorsal surface of the disk pink, and the arms show annulations which are alternately very light pink and a darker red, these latter broader than the former. It is only in this specimen that I find ten arm spines as indicated by Lyman ; usually the arm spines are eight in number. The mouth shields are almost as long as broad. The two speci- mens from station 5415 show a slight variation in their form ; in one of them the mouth shields are slightly longer than broad and in the other they are a little broader than long. I give photographs of ventral surface of these two specimens (pi. 77, figs. 16, 17). 55269 22 Bull. 100 22 338 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The Chcdlenger specimens which served as Lyman's types came from northeast of New Guinea in 274 meters (150 fathoms) and from the Kei Islands in 209 meters (114 fathoms). The Siloga collected the species in 5 S. latitude and 120 E. longitude, in 204 meters (111.5 fathoms). PECTINURA YOLDII (Liitken). Ophiopeza yoldii L^TKEN ('56), p. 9. LYMAN ('82), p. 12. Ophiopsamnms yoldii LIJTKEN ('69), p. 37 (p. 98). Ophiopeza conjttoiffens BELL ('84), p. 137. DODERLEIN ('96), p. 281, pi. 6, fig. 1. KOSHLER ('05), p. 12; ('07a), p. 283. Pectinura yoldii H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 119; ('15), p. 303. Locality. Albatross station 5152; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Pajumajan Island (W.), bearing S. 2 W., 3.70 kilo- meters (2 miles) distant (lat. 5 22' 55" N., long. 120 15' 45" E.) ; 62 meters (34 fathoms) ; February 18, 1908; wh. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41184, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 15 mm. Pectinura yoldii has a rather extensive geographical range. It is known from Amboina and from Thursday Island, in Torres and Sapeh Straits, from the north of New Guinea, from Sumatra, from the Philippines, and from Australia (New South Wales and Queens- land), etc. It is usually met with at littoral stations, but it may descend as far as 215 meters. This species had been usually de- scribed under the name of Ophiopeza conjungens until H. L. Clark ('09, p. 119) showed that this name was a synonym of Pectitwra yoldii (Liitken). I have not mentioned in the bibliographic list above a note by Verrill, who records P. yoldii from the Antilles, 14 for this record is certainly erroneous. OPHIOPEZELLA SPINOSA (Ljunffman). See for bibliography : Ophiopezetta spinosa H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 120; ('15). p. 304 Localities. Albatross station 5139; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 51 W., 6.67 kilometers (3.6 miles) distant (lat. 6 06' 00" N., long. 121 02' 30" E.) ; 37 meters (20 fathoms) ; Febru- ary 14, 1908; co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41290, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5141; vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 17 E. 8.85 kilometers (10.19 miles) distant (lat. 6 09' 00" N., long. 120 58' 00" E.) ; 53 meters (29 fathoms) ; February 15, 1908; co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41289, U.S.N.M.). 14 Trans. Connecticut A cad., vol. 10, 1899, p. 373. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 339 Albatross station 5218; between Burias and Luzon; Anima Sola Island (E.) bearing N. 10 W., 3.70 kilometers (2 miles) distant (lat. 13 11' 15" N., long. 123 02' 45" E.) ; 37 meters (20 fathoms) ; April 22, 1908; crs. S. One specimen (Cat, No. 41291, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5555; Jolo Island and vicinity; Cabalian- Point (Jolo) bearing N. 50 W., 6.11 kilometers (3.3 miles) distant (lat. 5 51' 15" N., long. 120 58' 35" E.) ; 62 meters (34 fathoms) ; September 18, 1909 ; crs. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41292, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The synonymy of this species was cleared up in 1909 by H. L. Clark, who showed that O. liitkeni Loriol is not different from O. spinosa, and must laspe into synonymy, and that, on the other hand, contrary to Liitken's opinion, Ophiopeza fallow Peters is dif- ferent from this latter, and must be placed in the genus Pectinura, as H. L. Clark redefined it. There remain in the genus Ophiopezella^ therefore, only tw r o species 0. spinosa, characterized by the very numerous (12 to 14) arm spines as well as by its brown coloration, and O. dubiosa Loriol, with only nine spines and gray in color. This latter is as yet known only from Mauritius, while O. spinosa hafc been met with in various localities the Tonga Islands, the Fiji Islands, Amboina, the Society Islands, the island of Nusa Laut (Siboga collection), etc., regions to which must be added the three localities listed above. It scarcely seems to reach beyond littoral sta- tion; the Siboga found it in 46 meters (25 fathoms) and the Alba- tross (station 5555) in 61 meters (33.5 fathoms). The three Albatross specimens are well characterized, and their color is brownish gray, with darker annulations on the arms; the diameter of the disk varies between 7 mm. and 8 mm. OPHIARACHNELLA GORGONIA (Miiller and Troschel). See for bibliography: Pectinura gorgonia, KCEIILEE ('05), p. 8. H. L. CLABK ('08), p. 2S9. KOCHLER ('07). p. 284; ('07b), p. 243. MACINTOSH ('11), p. 157. Ophiarachnella gorgonia II. L. CLABK ('09), p. 123; ('15), p. 305. MAT- SUMOTO ('IT), p. 323. Localities. Albatross station 5165; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group ; Observation Island bearing N. 70 W., 11.86 kilo- meters (6.4 miles) distant (lat. 4 58' 20" N., long. 119 50' 30" E.) ; 16 meters (9 fathoms) ; February 24, 1908; Co. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 223, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5558; Jolo Island and vicinity; Cabalian Point bearing S.. 2.04 kilometers (1.1 miles) distant (fat. 5 51' 33" N., 340 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. long. 121 00' 58" E.) ; 27 meters (15 fathoms); September 18, '1909; Co. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 222, U.S.N.M.). Nasugbu, Luzon; reef; January 14, 1908. Four specimens (Cat. No. E. 221, U.S.N.M.). San Pascual. Two specimens. Batan Island. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 220, U.S.N.M.). Samoa; Sir Charles N. E. Eliot. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 224, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimen from station 5165 is gray; the annulations of the arms are narrow and of a light brown color. The three others are green with darker annulations on the arms. In 1909 H. L. Clark discussed and cleared up the synonymy of this species and showed that Pectinura 7)iarmorata Lyman, P. ram- sayi Bell, P. intermedia Bell, P. steai^nsii Ives, and P. venusta Loriol must be united with it. Ophiarachnella gorgonia is one of the most widely distributed species in the Indo-Pacific region; it is preeminently littoral and scarcely ever descends to more than 50 meters (28 fathoms) ; but the Siboga found it at the roadstead of Pasir Pandjong, on the west coast of Binongka, in 278 meters (152 fathoms). OPHIARACHNELLA HONORATA (Kojhler). Peotinura honorata KCEHLEB ('04), p. 8, pi. 2, figs. 1-3. Ophiarachnella honorata H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 125; ('15), p. 306. Locality. Albatross station 5661; Flores Sea; Cape Lassa bear- ing N. 21 E., 23.16 kilometers (12.5 miles) distant (lat. 5 49' 40" S., long. 120 24' 30" E.) ; 339 meters (180 fathoms) ; December 20, 1909. Four specimens (Cat. No. E. 203, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk varies between 24 mm. and 27 mm.; the arms reach a length of 180 mm. and may even exceed this. The specimens all agree perfectly with the type of the species, and do not show the least variation. The dorsal surface of the disk and of the arms is a more or less dark brownish gray, or a lighter yellowish brown. The arms show dark annulations which involve usually two or three segments, and which are separated by lighter portions including usually three or four segments. The ventral surface is almost white. This coloration appears to be correlated with the relatively slight depth at which O. honorata has been collected. The Siboga captured it at a depth of 304 meters (167 fathoms) in 5 S. lattitude and 132 E. longitude. OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 341 OPHIARACHNELLA INFERNALJS (Miiller and Troschel). See for bibliography : Pectinura infernalis KOSHLEB ('05), p. 7; ('07), p. 285. H. L. CLABK ('08), p. 289. KCEHLEB ('10), p. 289. MACINTOSH ('11), p. 157. Ophiarachnella infernalis H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 124; ('15), p. 305. MATSU- MOTO ('17), p. 324. Locality. Tataan, Simulac; February 19, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. 41173, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimen is of small size, the diameter of the disk being only 10 mm. In 1910 I gave the reasons why I continue to distinguish O. infer- nalis from 0. similis, which I described in 1905, in spite of the con- trary opinion of H. L. Clark. I maintain absolutely that separa- tion. Furthermore, H. L. Clark has now recanted on his previous opinion, and in his magnificent work of 1915 he includes as distinct species both 0. infernalis and O. swnilis ('15, p. 305 and 306, Nos. 1082 and 1096). OPHIARACHNELLA NITENS (Kcehler). Pectinura nitens KCEHLEB ('05), p. 10, pi. 1, figs. 10-12. Ophiarachnella nitens H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 125; ('15), p. 306. Localities. Albatross station 5139; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 51 W., 5.79 kilometers (3.6 miles) distant (lat. 6 06' 00" N., long. 121 02' 30" E.) ; 37 meters (20 fathoms) ; Febru- ary 14, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 320, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5152; Sulu (J616) Archipelago; Tawi Tawi Group; Pajumajan Island (W.) bearing S. 2 W., 3.22 kilometers (2 miles) distant (lat. 5 22' 55" N., long. 120 15' 45" E.) ; 62 meters (34 fathoms) ; February 18, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 319, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5161; Sulu Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Tinakta Island (E.) bearing N. 12 W., 2.90 kilometers (1.8 miles) distant (lat. 5 10' 15" N., long. 119 53' 00" E.) ; 29 meters (16 fathoms) ; February 22, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. 318, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimen from station 5139 is the largest, and the disk measures 18 mm. in diameter; it is therefor larger than my type specimen in which this diameter reaches only 16 mm. The two others are smaller, the diameter of the disk measuring respec- tively 10 mm. and 7 mm. These three specimens agree very well with the type, which was* collected by the Siboga in Sapeh Strait, in 69 meters (38 fathoms). I find, however, this slight difference, that in the largest specimen the mouth shields are a little elongated and their proximal angle 342 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. is more rounded. The general color is rather light pinkish gray, and the annulations of the arms are only slightly marked. The two smaller specimens are darker, of a general brownish gray color, with the annulations of the arms better marked. The specimen from station 5161 has two regenerating arms. BATHYPECTINURA CONSPICUA (Kcehler). Plate 77, figs. 1-15. Pectinura conspicua KCEHLER ('96), p. 322, pi. 6, figs. 36, 37; ('99), p. 32, pi. 2, figs. 14, 15; ('04), p. 9, pi. 1, fig. 1. Pectinura modesta KCEHLEB ('04), p. 7, pi. 2, figs 4-6. Pectinura elata KCEIILER ('06), p. 7, pi. 1, figs. 1-3: ('07), p. 249, pi. 18, figs. 1-3; ('07a), p. 284. Bathypectinura conspicua H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 130; ('15), p. 306. Bathypectinura modesta H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 130; ('15), p. 307. Bathvpectinura elata H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 130; ('15), p. 306. And the following are without doubt also synonyms : Pectinura heros LYMAN (79), p. 48, pi. 14, figs. 389-391; ('82), p. 16, pi. 23, figs. 7-9. KCEHLER ('96), p. 325; ('99), p. 38; ('04), p. 9. Bathypectinura heros H. L. CLARK ('09). p. 330; ('15), p. 307. Pectinura tessellata LYMAN ('83), p. 230, pi. 3, figs. 1-3. Bathypectinura tessellata H. L. CLARK ('09), p. 130; ('15), p. 306. Bathypectinura gotoi MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 87. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 306. Localities. Albatross station 5114; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing N. 36 E., 11.58 kilome- ters (7.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 36' 11" N., long. 120 45' 26" E.) ; 622 meters (340 fathoms) ; January 20, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 127, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5216; between Burias and Luzon; Anima Sola Island bearing N. 44 W., 47.47 kilometers (29.5 miles) distant (lat. 12 52' 00" N., long. 123 23' 30" E.) ; 393 meters (215 fathoms) : April 22, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 157, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5274; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 73 30' E., 28.16 kilo- meters (17.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 57' 30" N., long. 120 03' 25" E.) ; 960 meters (525 fathoms) ; July 16, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 115, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5286; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (S.) bearing N. 45 W., 31.38 kilometers (19.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 38' 15" N., long. 120 34' 20" E.) ; 823 meters (450 fathoms) ; July 20, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 153, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5445 ; east coast of Luzon, San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay ; Atalaya Point, Batag Island, bearing S. 56 E.. 8.53 kilometers (5.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 44' 42" N., long. 124 59' 50" E.) ; 701 meters (383 fathoms) ; June 3, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 119, U.S.N.M.). OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 343 Albatross station 5460; east coast of Luzon, San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Sialat Point Light bearing N. 24 E., 13.19 kilometers (8.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 32' 30" N., long. 123 58' 06" E.) ; 1,033 meters (565 fathoms) ; June 10, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 154, U.S.N.M.) Albatross station 5468 ; east coast of Luzon, San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Atulayan Island (S.) bearing S. 83 W., 9.17 kilometers (5.7 miles) distant (lat. 13 35' 39" N., long. 123 40' 28" E.) ; 1,041 meters (569 fathoms) ; June 10, 1909. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 126. U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5492; between Leyte and Mindanao; Diuata Point (W.) bearing S. 45 W., 24.46 kilometers (15.2 miles) distant (lat. 9 12' 45" N., long. 125 20' 00" E.) ; 1,344 meters (735 fathoms) ; August 1, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 116, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5494; between Leyte and Mindanao; Diuata Point (N.) bearing N. 74 W., 7.78 kilometers (4.2 miles) distant (lat. 9 06' 30" N., long. 125 18' 40" E.) ; 1,240 meters (678 fathoms) ; August 2, 1909 ; gn. M., S. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 123, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5495 ; between Leyte and Mindanao ; Diuata Point (N.) bearing S. 76 E., 17.42 kilometers (9.4 miles) distant (lat. 9 06' 30" N., long. 125 00' 20" E.) ; 1,785 meters (976 fathoms) ; August 2, 1909; gy. M. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 155, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5505; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Maca- balan Point Light (Mindanao) bearing S. 31 E., 14.27 kilometers (7.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 37' 15" N., long. 124 36' 00" E.) ; 402 meters (220 fathoms) ; August 5, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 124, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5587; Sibuko Bay, Borneo, and vicinitj ; Sipadan Island (W.) bearing S. 12 E., 7.04 kilometers (3.8 miles) distant (lat. 4 10' 35" N., long. 118 37' 12" E.) ; 759 meters (415 fathoms September 28, 1909; gn. M., S., One specimen (Cat, No. E. 125, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5608; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Binang Unang Island Peak bearing S. 87 E., 35.21 kilometers (19 miles) distant (lat. 08' 00" S., long. 121 19' 00" E.) : 1,992 meters (1,089 fathoms) ; November 18, 1909; gy. M. One specimen (Cat, No. E. 117, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5613; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Buka Buka Island (E.) bearing S. 28, 7.41 kilometers (4 miles) distant (lat. 344 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 42' 00" S., long. 121 44' 00" E.) ; 1,375 meters (752 fathoms) : November 20, 1909 ; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 156, U.S.N.M. 4 ). Albatross station 5617; Dodinga Bay, Gillolo Island; Ternate Island (SE.) bearing S. 45 W., 12.97 kilometers (7 miles) distant (lat. 49' 30" N.,long. 127 25' 30" E.) ; 239 meters (131 fathoms) ; November 27, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 118, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5648; Buton Strait; North Island (S.) bearing N. 87 E., 18.90 kilometers (10.2 miles) distant (lat. 5 35' 00" S., long. 122 20' 00" E.) ; 1,022 meters (559 fathoms) ; December 16, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 122, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5657 ; Gulf of Boni, Celebes ; Olang Point bear- ing N. 61 W., 28.72 kilometers (15.5 miles) distant (lat. 3 19' 40" S., long. 120 36' 30" E.) ; 900 meters (492 fathoms) ; December 19, 1909 ; gy M. Four specimens (Cat. Nos. E. 120, E. 121, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The study of the large series of specimens collected by the Albatross has lead to quite unexpected conclusions which for a long time I hesitated more or less to admit. The examination of these specimens and their comparison with other B athypectinuras from different localities which I had referred to different species, has lead me to the conclusion that B. conspicua is a very variable form, and that it is not possible to separate from it B. data and B. modesta from which I had previously distinguished it. I should not even be surprised if it should be found that Lyman's B. h-eros and B. lacter- tosa should also be united with B. conspicua. I described B. conspicua in 1896 from specimens collected by the Investigator in the delta of the Godavery at a depth of 110 fathoms, and the principal characters of this species were the very large size, the diameter of the disk reaching 40 mm., the shape of the mouth shields, which are a little broader than long, the number of the arm spines, which are at first four, falling to three at a little distance from the arm base, the occurrence of numerous pores between the under arm plates at the base of the arms, and the presence of a large tentacle scale. I rediscovered B. conspicua in the Siboga collection, that ship having collected this species at different stations between 0-9 S. latitude and 116-119 E. longitude, at depths varying from ~>38 to 2.029 meters (295 to 1,110 fathoms) ; the diameter of the disk of these specimens was between 25 mm. and 50 mm. I thought it necessary to distinguish in the Siboga collection a species smaller than the majority of the specimens of B. conspicua, OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 345 , in which the diameter of the disk was 25 mm. ; this species, to which I gave the name of Pectinura modesta, possessed five arm spines, the ventral spine being appreciably larger than the others, in this last character recalling Lyman's P. tessellata. The specimen, unfor- tunately unique, came from a locality very near that where R. con- spicua had been found (7 S. latitude and 114 E. longitude, at a depth of 330 meters, or 180 fathoms). Under the name of Pectinura elata I also described in 1907 a spe- cies collected b}' the expeditions of the Travailleur and the Talisman in localities widely different from the preceding (lat. 25 N., long. 19 W. ) at a depth of from 2,325 to 2.518 meters (1,273 to 1,380 fath- oms) ; this ophiuran, w y hich was of rather large size, the diameter of the disk exceeding 30 mm., was, like P. modesta, without ventral pores. I characterized P. elata by the presence of three arm spines which are less than half the arm segment in length, by having the mouth shields as long as broad, and by the presence of a single ten- tacle scale to each pore, this tentacle scale reaching a very large size on the first arm segments. The affinities of this species seemed to me especially toward P. heros Lyman, but it is distinguished from that species by having the mouth shields as long as broad, by the large size of the tentacle scales on the first arm segments, and by having the arm spines larger on the first segments. But I find in the Albatross collection a large series of specimens showing characters so variable, or rather showing in such a complete manner all the intermediates between the different characters upon which I had thought it possible t'o base a distinction between the three species which I have just mentioned B . conspicua, B. modesta, and B- elata that it does not seem to me possible to maintain the two latter. I shall go even further and add that Lyman's P. heros and P. tesse- lata, Atlantic species like B. elata. should probably not be separated from B. conspicua, which thus ceases to be peculiar to the Indo-Pa- cific region. I do not dare, however, to make a definite statement con- cerning these two species, which I have not personally examined. To summarize the observations which I made on the specimens collected by the Albatross, I shall record briefly the notes which made, considering successively the size of the specimens, the shape of the mouth shields, and the occurrence of a supplementary plate be- yond the latter, the tentacle scales, the ventral pores, and the number and dimensions of the arm spines. Regarding the dimension of the specimens, it may be said that all sizes are represented, since the diameter of the disk measures in the smallest 11 mm. (station 5114), while in the largest it reaches 45 mm.. 346 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. with numerous intermediate sizes which I give in the following table: Stations. Diameter of the disk. Stations. Diameter of the disk. 5114... Millimeters. 11 5613. Millimeters. 25 5587.. 19 5495. 27 28 33 5286 21 5648 'So 5505... 22 5657. 38 44 44 45 5460. . 23 5492 45 Whatever the size may be, the general form of the individuals remains the same; in the dorsal median line the arms are raised up into a very pronounced dihedral angle, and their cross section is triangular; the spines are almost confined to the ventral surface. In the smallest specimens the triangular form of the arm is naturally less marked, though in them the dorsal median line is already strongly elevated. In none of the Abatross specimens have I found the ventral pores as developed as in the Investigator specimens which served me as the type series. For comparison I show on plate 77, as figure 1, one of the latter in which at least five pairs of pores can be recognized, and even the traces of a sixth pair. In describing the species I re- marked that the number of these pores was not constant, and that in certain specimens there were three or four pairs only (Koehler '96, p. 324). The Albatross specimens in which these pores are most developed are that from station 5492, in which the disk measures 45 mm. in diameter, and that from station 5494, in which the diameter of the disk is 41 mm. ; I have shown the latter in figure 2 ; two pairs of pores are visible on each arm, and the third is usually indicated. The specimens from station 5274. which have the disk 43 mm. in diameter, also show two pairs of pores at the base of each arm, but the second pair is only slightly evident. On the other large specimens these pores are not generally visible; but I find one pair well marked, though on only three arms, in the specimen from sta- tion 5697 (fig. 2). On other smaller specimens the pores of the first pair are often present ; I find them for instance in the three individu- als from station 5495, in which the diameter of the disk measures, respectively, 27, 28, and 33 mm.; these pores are especially well shown on two specimens of which I show the ventral surface in fig- ures 9 and 11. I also find them on a specimen from station 5216 with a disk diameter of from 27 mm. to 28 mm., and on another (fig. 6) from station 5587 with a disk diameter of 19 mm., in which the pores are visible on two arms only. On the small specimen from station 5114 (fig. 3), in which the disk is only 11 mm. in diameter, this first OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 347 pair of pores appeal on all the arms. Everywhere else the pores are lacking. In Pectinura elata from the Atlantic, as I stated in my original description in 1907, the ventral pores are always lacking; I give a photograph of the ventral surface of one of the specimens collected by the expeditions of the Travailleur and of the Talisman (fig. 8). The tentacle scales are always very large on the first arm seg- ments, and their size decreases rather rapidly from the first pair on- ward, but their dimensions are rather variable; perhaps there is some relation between their size and the presence or absence of the ventral pores. It is not rare to see the scale of the pores of the first pair doubled, and this may even happen on the pores of the second pair. The scales of the first pair may be broadened so as almost to be in contact in the median line of the arms, as I find in two speci- mens from station 5657 (fig. 7) and on that from station 5608 (fig. 5). I have already recorded this considerable development of the first tentacle scale in P. elata collected by the Talisman, and it may be seen in the photograph which I give of it (fig. 8). When these tentacle scales are not in contact, though much broadened, the sec- ond under arm plate tapers rapidly in its proximal region; this is what occurs in the specimen from station 5657, shown in figure 7, and in that from station 5608 (fig. 5). I also find the same feature in the specimen from station 5648, which has a disk diameter of 35 mm., as well as in those from stations 5460 and 5613, which are smaller, with the diameter of the disk from 23 mm. to 25 mm. In other larger specimens the tentacle scale is less developed. The more or less large dimensions which this scale may assume are not there- for exclusively correlated with size. The form of the mouth shields also shows very great variation. As a general rule these shields are triangular and a little broader than long, their outlines being somewhat modified by the more or less considerable development of the granules which to a varying degree extend over their borders as well as also over the adoral and oral plates. In the Investigator specimen shown in figure I these shields are markedly broader than long; it is the same in the speci- men from station 5494 (fig. 2) and in one of those from station 5495 (fig. 11). These shields are almost as long as broad, with some variation possible in the same specimen ; I show here specimens from stations 5114 (fig. 3), 5587 (fig. 6), 5657 (fig. 7). and 5495 (fig. 9) in which the mouth shields are almost as long as broad. These shields may become much elongated and appreciably longer than broad ; this occurs, for instance, in the large specimen from station 5608 (fig. 5), in the two from station 5468, and in one of the three from station 5495 (fig. 10). A comparison of the three specimens from this last station is very interesting, for one of them has the 348 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. mouth shields almost as long as broad (tig. 9), the other has them a little longer than broad (fig. 10), and in the third they are broader than long (fig. 11). I have shown these three specimens side by side (figs. 9-11). In P. elata from the Talisman collection the mouth shields are as long as broad (fig. 8). As for the supplementary plate which may be found beyond the mouth shield, it appears in certain individuals and is lacking in others ; it may even occur in two or three interradii and be lacking in the others in the same individual ; there does not seem to be the least relation between the presence of this plate and the size of the specimen. If we examine the arm spines, we find that it is only in the small specimen from station 5114 that they do not exceed three at the base of the arms (fig. 15), and this number falls to two at a little distance from the disk ; but on the two or three first arm segments sometimes I find a very small fourth supplementary spine, which appears at the superior angle of the side arm plate. In the other specimens in which the diameter of the disk varies between 19 mm. and 25 mm. there are always some arm segments at the base of the arms which have four spines, and in the larger specimens this number reaches five, falling afterwards to four and in the distal half of the arms to three. In the small specimen from station 5114 the three spines are equal; in that from station 5587 (fig. 4) the four spines are short and equal. In the other specimens the spines are generally a little longer, and the ventral spine slightly exceeds the others. Some- times the arm spines are rather long at the base of the arm, and they may even reach the length of the segment ; I find this condition in the specimen from station 5505 (fig. 13), but usually these spines do not exceed half the segment, and they become smaller as the dis- tance from the disk increases. In the large specimens the number five is frequent at the base of the arms and is maintained for a variable length, it falling to four and finally to three, as I have just said, but with rather frequent irregularities. Here again the variations are very great. I may recall that the presence of five arm spines, with the ventral the largest, was one of the principal characters upon which I based my Pectinura modesta. In Pectinura elata the spines are four in number at the base of the arms, and then three for a rather large portion of their length ; but I sometimes find five at the base of the arms, though that is very rare; these spines are subequal. but the ventral spine is sometimes a little larger than the others. Considering all these variations, I believe that B. conspicua should be considered as a rather polymorphic species, and I no longer be- lieve myself justified in maintaining the two species which I estab- lished on characters which to-day appear inadequate P. modesta, OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 349 which was only represented by a single specimen with five arm spines, the first ventral the largest, and without distinct pores between the under arm plates, as well as P. elata, an Atlantic form, also without ventral pores and possessing very large tentacle scales on the first pair of pores, with four subequal spines at the base of the arms. Bathypectinura conspicua, taken in a very broad sense, has a vast geographical range, for it exists in the three great oceans the At- lantic, the Indian, and the Pacific. Its bathymetrical range is also rather great, since the extreme limits of the depths at which it has been captured are 393 meters (215 fathoms) Albatross station 5216 and 335 meters (183 fathoms) B. modesta of the Siboga on the one hand and 2,503 meters (1,375 fathoms) P. data of the Talisman on the other. In speaking of the variations of B. conspicua, I have only consid- ered the forms which I have been able personally to study B. viodesta and B. elata; but, as I have said above, I am led to believe that two other species also referred to the genus Bathypectinura should be united with B. conspicua; these are Pectinura Jieros Lyman, which the Challenger found in 5 S. latitude and 134 E. longitude in 1,460 meters (800 fathoms) in the vicinity of the station where the Siboga dredged B. conspicua, and P. tesselleta Lyman, which the Blake collected in the Danish West Indies in 451 fathoms (824 meters). In Lyman's Pectinura Jieros the diameter of the disk is 22 mm., and the length of the spines, which are three in number, almost equals half that of the segment; but Lyman does not say whether these spines are equal or unequal ; on the figures which he published, both in 1879 (79, pi. 14, fig. 391) and in 1882 ('82, pi. 23, fig. 10), he shows the ventral spine longer than the others. In P. tessellata the diameter of the disk is 17.5 mm., the spines are four or five in number, and according to Lymans figure ('83, pi. 3, fig. 3) the ven- tral spine is a little longer than the others. These two species seem to me quite identical with certain specimens of B. conspicua of the same size. Very recently Matsumoto ('15, p. 87) described under the name of Bathypectinura gotoi an ophiuran from Sagami Bay, 311 meters (170 fathoms), represented by two specimens in which the diameter of the disk reached 50 mm. and the length of the arms 190 mm.; these are therefore large-sized individuals. The arm spines are four in number over a large part of the length of the arms, the number then falling to three. I find nothing in Matsumoto's description permitting the separation of this form from B. conspicua, and I am inclined to believe that the two represent the same species. Matsu- moto compares B. gotoi with B. lacertosa Lyman, which was found 350 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. off Grenada in 159 fathoms, but the latter has very short arms, and this character seems to me sufficient to separate it from B. conspicua* I can not understand why Matsumoto in describing B. gotoi com- pares it only with B. lacertosa, which has the arms very short, and does not mention the other species of the genus which have the arms elongated like itself. If the identity of B. heros and B. tessellata with B. compicua ivhich I suspect should be confirmed, it is obvious that the name heros must be used, as that name has priority ; but I do not dare to make this change before I have more complete comparative data, and I have thought it best to call the species collected by the Alba- tross, B. conspicua. CRYPTOPELTA TECTA, new species. Plate 78, figs. 1, 2. Locality. Albatross station 5174; in the vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing E., 4.82 kilometers (2.6 miles) distant (lat. 6 03' 45" N., long. 120 57' 00" E.) ; 37 meters (20 fathoms) ; March 5, 1908; crs. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41391. U.S.N.M.). Description. The diameter of the disk is 7 mm.; the arms are 30 mm. long; they are relatively broad, and much flattened. The disk is pentagonal; the dorsal surface is uniformly covered with very small granules, which continue over the ventral surface, where they cover not only the mouth pieces, but also the four or five first under arm plates. These granules are not perfectly spherical, but are somewhat elongated, and seen in profile they resemble small and extremely short spines. In the vicinity of the genital slits, which are broadly open and much elongated, these granules become some- what coarser. The mouth papillae number nine or ten on either side ; the four or five outer are broader than the others, almost as long as broad, with the free border rounded : the other papillae are nar- rower and conical. The first upper arm plate, which is quadrangular, is short, very much broader than long, with the distal border rounded. The second is similarly quadrangular, and also a little broader than long. The third and the fourth are almost as long as broad, and the following plates become a little longer than broad, while at the same time their proximal border become shorter; the distal border always remains convex. Toward the extremity of the arms the proximal border dis- appears; the plates are then triangular and elongated, with a very sharp proximal angle. The dorsal plates remain in contact through- out almost the whole length of the arms, being separated only on the last segments. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 351 The first under arm plates are entirely covered by granules, as I have stated above, and their outlines are quite hidden : these gran- ules may extend as far as the fifth plate. The following plates are hexagonal, a little longer than broad, with three short proximal borders, two sides notched by the tentacle pores, and a rounded distal border; they are at first in contact. At some distance from the disk the three short proximal sides become converted into an acute angle, and the plates become pentagonal, always remaining a little longer than broad, and at the same time they become separated by a narrow interval. The side arm plates usually bear six short subequal spines which are a little shorter than half the segment; the three or four first segments have usually seven of them. The single tentacle scale is of medium size and oval. The color of the specimen in alcohol is light gray with broad light brown annulations on the arms. Affinities and distinctive features. The genus Cryptopelta was established by H. L. Clark for Ophiopeza aster Lyman, and he later described a second species, C. granulifera, from a specimen from Mauritius, which was distinguished from C. aster by its flattened arms and different coloration. Cryptopelta tecta seems to me very close to C. granulifera, but it differs from it, as from C. aster, by having its upper and under arm plates longer than broad, by having the granules covering the first under arm plates, and by having the arm spines only six in number except on the first segments. OPIHURODON CINCTUS (Brock). Plate SI,' fig. 5. Ophioconis oincta BROCK ('88), p. 480. K). In all my specimens the mouth shields are very large, rather pen- tagonal in form, with the lateral borders more or less strongly ex- cavated by the bottom of the genital slits ; they are as long as broad, or even a little longer than broad; Liitken and Mortensen, as well as H. L. Clark, have also shown the mouth shields as longer than broad. On the figures published by Lyman, first in 1878 and later in 1882, there is a lack of agreement in the form of these shields ; in the figure in his bulletin (78, p. 2, fig. 49) the shield is longer than broad, while in that in the Challenger report ('82. pi. 4, fig. 16) the shield is very much shorter, and it may be even a little broader than long. The pentagonal form with strongly excavated sides and a rather narrow distal border shown by the specimen represented on plate 86 as figure 2 is not peculiar to the Albatross specimens, for I also find it in those which were collected by the Siboga, by the Travailleur and the TalismaM,, and by the Investigator. I show the ventral surface of one of these last on plate 86 as figure 1. I stated in 1907 ('07, p. 262) that 0. flagellata has a rather wide geographical distribution; in 1899, in mentioning that the Chal- lenger had found the species between the Philippines and the Caro- lines, I made a slight error, to wliich H. L. Clark called attention in 1911 ('11, p. 62) ; this error arose from the fact that in giving the latitude of Challenger station 232 I wrote 15 instead of 35, which made me say that O. flagellata had been found "between the Philip- pines and the Carolines " instead of " in Japan." Since then, how- OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 377 ever, 0. -flagellata has been collected in the Philippines and at dif- ferent stations in the Sunda Archipelago. Ophiura flagellata has a much wider distribution than was sup- posed in 1907, for the Albatross has found it as far as the Bering Sea and the Aleutian Islands to the north and in the Pacific off the coast of Mexico. The principal localities at which O. flagellata has been taken, with the depths, are the following : Challenger Lyman ('82, p. 52) 35 N. latitude, 139 E. longitude (Japan) ; 622 meters (340 fathoms). Investigator Koehler ('99, p. 19) Andaman Islands; 990 to 1,000 meters (490 to 495 fathoms). Albatross Ltttken and Mortensen ('99, p.* 114) 22-24 N. latitude, 107-108 W. longitude (off the coast of Mexico) : 1,681 to 1,820 meters (919 to 995 fathoms). Siboga Koehler ('04, p. 56) 2 N.-7 S. latitude, 117-131 E. longitude (Sunda Islands) ; 96 to 1.264 meters (63 to 831 fathoms). Travailleur and Talisman Koehler ('07, p. 261) 19-29 N. latitude, 14 C -20 W. longitude (off the coast of the Sahara) ; 932 to 2,330 meters (613 to 1,533 fathoms). Albatross H. L. Clark ('11, p. 61) 35-54 N. latitude, 129-170 E. longi- tude (Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands. Japan, etc.) ; 128 to 1,602 meters (70 to 876 fathoms). Albatross Koehler ('17) 4 N.-5 S. latitude, 118-122 E. longitude (Philip- pines and Sunda Islands) ; 949 to 1.280 meters (519 to 700 fathoms). We thus see that O. flagellata has been found at a rather large number of stations in our three great oceans Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic at depths varying from 96 to 2,330 meters (52.5 to 1,275 fathoms) . OPHIURA FLUCTUANS, new species. Plate 85, figs. 2-5. Locality. Albatross station 5652; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Lamulu bearing S. 36 E., 13.90 kilometers (7.5 miles) distant (lat. 4 35' 00" S., long. 121 23' 06" E.) ; 960 meters (525 fathoms) ; December 17, 1909 ; gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41356, U.S.N.M.). Description. In one of the specimens the diameter of the disk is 19 mm.; the arm which is best preserved reaches a length of 80 mm., and it must have had a total length of about 100 mm. In the other specimen tlio diameter of the disk, which is slightly oval, measures from 14 mm. to 15 mm. ; the arms are broken off at a little distance from the base. The width of the arms at their base is 4.5 mm. in the first specimen, 3.5 mm. in the second. The relation between the diameter of the disk and the width of the arms is therefore 1 : 4.2 in the first and 1 : 4.28 in the second. 378 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The disk is rounded. The dorsal surf ace is depressed in the central region, which is entirely without plates and covered only by a very thin membrane of a light yellowish brown color in the larger speci- men, greenish in the smaller. The uncalcified region is relatively larger in the second specimen, and from it extend ten prolongations ; five radial and five interradial, which run toward the periphery of the disk, though without reaching it, and give to this membranous part a stellate form. This feature is nothing out of the ordinary, and it is observable also in specimens of O. flagettata of medium size (pi. 85, fig. 6). The remainder of the dorsal surface is covered with very small, thin, transparent, imbricated plates, somewhat unequal in size, which become stouter toward 4he periphery of the disk and in the vicinity of the radial shields. These last are very small, triangular, longer than broad in the small specimen, almost as long as broad in the larger, in which they are relatively less developed. The papillae of the radial comb are very large, elongated, rather thick, conical, and pointed. The ventral surface of the disk in the interradial spaces is covered with plates larger than those of the dorsal surface. These plates are smaller toward the periphery of the disk, where they are imbricated, and they become very much larger in the vicinity of the radial shields, where the imbrication ceases. The genital slits are narrow. The genital plates are narrow and elongated; they show on their free border some papillae which are at first small, short, and pointed, but which rapidly become elongated toward the periphery of the disk. The mouth shields are large, triangular, with a rather open proxi- mal angle bordered by straight sides passing over by very rounded angles into the broad and straight distal border. The form is almost the same in the two specimens ; though in the larger the shields are a little broader than long, and in the smaller they are as long as broad. There is not the least trace of notching at the level of the bottom of the genital slits. The adoral plates are narrow and extremely elongated, narrowed slightly a little before their ends by the mouth tentacle pore, and they are in contact in the median interradial line. The oral plates are a little broader and very much shorter than the last. The mouth papillae number six or seven on each side ; the outermost papillae is very short, low, and scarcely evident, the length then progressively increasing to the last, which is elongated, conical, and a little smaller than the terminal papilla with which it is in contact. The three first upper arm plates, included within the notching of the disk, are small and narrow; their length increases from the first to the third ; their form also varies. The third plate is already two or three times as broad as long, the width still further increasing on the two following plates, and the fifth being almost twice as broad OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 379 as long. On the succeeding plates the length increases rather rapidly and the plates become as long as broad, then longer than broad in the distal half of the arms. These plates are always widely in contact, with the proximal border narrower than the distal, which is slightly convex, and with the lateral angles very pronounced. The first under arm plate is large, triangular, broader than long, or simply oval and transversely broadened. The two following are quadrangular, with the proximal border very much narrower than the distal, which is much broadened ; they are very much broader than long, and broadly in contact. The proximal border narrows very much on the fourth plate, and beyond the fifth it is replaced by an obtuse angle. The following plates become very much shorter and very broad, and they are separated by a space which becomes greater and greater ; their distal border is sinuous, and shows a small median lobe. The side arm plates bear three spines which" are rather broad at the base, flattened, and very pointed, of which the length increases progressively from the first to the third; the first is shorter than the segment, the second almost equals the segment, and the third is slightly longer (fig. 5). The tentacle pores are very large and provided with numerous scales. Those of the first pair carry about six on either side; those of the second, third, and fourth pairs also have six on their proxi- mal side, and four, and then three, on their distal side ; those of the fifth pair have five proximal scales and three distal ; then the num- ber of the scales decreases little by little, the distal scales disap- pearing rather rapidly while the proximal scales fall to three in number and then to two. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiura ftuctuans is very close to O. flagellata, and it may be asked whether these are not really young specimens of this latter species, but such a supposition would be quite erroneous, as a comparison of specimens of the same size belonging to both species shows. I have given on plate 85, figure 6, the dorsal surface of O. flagellata, in which the diameter of the disk is 18 mm.; it is consequently very nearly of the same size as the larger specimen of O. ftuctuans which I have just described and of which the dorsal surface is represented in figure 2 of the same plate. By comparing these two photographs the differences in the relative dimensions of the arms and of the disk are at once seen; the arms are very broad in O. ftagellata, while they are very narrow in 0. ftuctuans; the relation between the width of the arms and the diam- eter of the disk is 1:3.3 in the first species and 1:4.2 to 1:4.3 in the second. The upper arm plates, which are four times as broad as long on the 10 or 15 proximal arm segments in O. flagellata, are scarcely half again as broad as long on the six proximal segments 380 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. in O. fluctuans, and they become as long as broad toward the fii- teenth. The form of the mouth shields is also very different; they are larger, usually longer than broad, with a strong notch on the sides corresponding to the bottom of the genital slits in 0. flagellata, and simply triangular, as long as broad, or even a little broader than long, with the outlines very much more simple in 0. fluctuans. The arm spines are relatively stouter and thicker in 0. flagellata, and the dorsal spine especially is more developed than in O. fluc- tuant. The ventral interradial areas are narrower than in 0. flagel- lata, resulting from the broadening of the arms, but the plates here are more numerous and smaller than in the new species in speci- mens of the same size. It has therefore not seemed to me possible to unite the two forms in the same species, and the differences which I have given, espe- cially regarding the width of the arms and the form of the mouth shields, can not be attributed to a difference in the age of the indi- viduals. OPHIURA IRRORATA (Lyman). See for the bibliography : Ophiura irrorata H. L. CLARK ('13), p. 209. MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 81. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 320. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 277. Ophiofflypha irrorata KCEHLER ('14), p. 18. Localities. Albatross station 5602; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Go- rontalo Pier bearing N. 13.16 kilometers (7.1 miles) distant (lat. 22' 00" N., long. 132 03' 30" E.) ; 1,759 meters (962 fathoms) ; November 14, 1909 ; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41343, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5614; Molucca Passage; Tifori Island (C.) bear- ing N. 19 E., 56.52 kilometers (30.5 miles) distant (lat. 31' 00" N., long. 125 58' 45" E.) ; 2,012 meters (1,100 fathoms) ; Novem- ber 22, 1909; gy. M., S., Glob. One specimen (Cat. No. 41342, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 15 mm. in the specimen from station 5602 and 19 mm. in the other; in both the arms are broken off near the base. In the specimen from station 5602 the arrangement of the plates on the dorsal surface of the disk recalls one of the figures published by Liitken and Mortensen ('99), pi. 1, fig. 10) under the name of O. tumulosa, with small, distinct primary plates. The mouth shields are a little broader than long; the upper arm spine is rather elon- gated, and its length exceeds a third of the segment. In the other specimen the primary plates are no longer distinct and the dorsal spine is very much smaller. Regarding the synonymy of this spe- cies, as well as its geographical distribution, which is very exten- sive, I refer to my memoir of 1914, to which I have nothing to add. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 381 OPHIURA KINBERGI Ljungman. Synonym : Ophioglypha sinensis LYMAN. See for bibliography: Ophioglypha kinlergi KCEHLEB ('05), p. 22; ('07), p. 294. Ophioglypha, sinensis MACINTOSH ('11), p. 158. Ophiura kinbergi H. L. CLABK ('11), p. 37. MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 81. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 321. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 271, fig. 73. Localities. Albatross station 5097; Corregidor Light bearing N. 6 E., 6.67 kilometers (3.6 miles) distant (lat. 14 19' 15" N., long. 120 33' 05" E.) ; gy. M., S., Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. 40970, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5104; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Sueste Point Light bearing S. 58 W., 2.39 kilometers (1.3 miles) distant (lat. 14 45' 48" N., long. 120 12' 20" E.) ; 60 meters (33 fathoms) ; January 8, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. 41218, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5105; China Sea, off southern Luzon; Sueste Point Light bearing N. 57 W., 3.52 kilometers (1.9 miles) distant (lat. 14 43' 55" N., long. 120 12' 50" E.) ; 46 meters (25 fathoms) ; January 8, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41220, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5107; Corregidor Light bearing S. 17 E., 32.43 kilometers (1.75 miles) distant (lat. 14 24' 30" N., long. 120 33' 40" E; 51 meters (28 fathoms) January 9, 1908). One specimen (Cat. No. 41227, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5158; Sulu (Jolo) Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Tinakta Island (N.) bearing N. 89 W., 3.52 kilometers (1.9 miles) distant (lat. 5 12' 00" N., long. 119 54' 30" E.) ; 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; February 21, 1908; crs. S., Sh. Five specimens (Cat. Nos. 41215, 41228, 41230, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5160; Sulu Archipelago, Tawi Tawi Group; Tinakta Island (N.) bearing S. 72 W., 5.09 kilometers (2.75 miles) distant (lat. 5 12' 40" N., long. 119 55' 10" E.) 22 meters (12 fathoms) ; February 22, 1908; S. Two specimens (Cat. Nos 40966, 41229, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5169; Sulu Archipelago, in the vicinity of Sibutu Island; Sibutu Island (SE.) bearing N. 38 E., 14.82 kilometers (8 miles) distant (lat. 4 32' 15" N., long. 119 22' 45" E.) ; 18 meters (10 fathoms) ; February 27, 1908; co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 40963, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5207; off western Samar; Badian Island (N.) bearing S. 74 E., 8.71 kilometers (4.7 miles) distant (lat. 11 38' 05" N,, long. 124 40' 45" E.) ; 64 meters (35 fathoms) ; April 14, 1908; gn. M, S. 382 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Four specimens (Cat. No. 40962, IT.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5342; Malampaya Sound, Palawan Island; En- deavor Point (S.) bearing S. 58 E., 0.93 kilometer (0.5 mile) dis- tant (lat. 10 56' 55" N., long. 119 17' 24" E.; 26 to 46 meters (14 to 25 fathoms) ; December 23, 1908 ; gy. M. Six specimens (Cat. Nos. 40969, 41226, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5358; Jolo Sea; Sandakan Light bearing S. 34 W., 36.5 kilometers (19.7 miles) distant (lat. 6 06' 40" N., long, 118 18' 15" E.) ; 71 meters (39 fathoms) ; January 7, 1909; M. Two specimens (Cat. No. 40964, IT.S.N.M. ). Albatross station 5363; Balayan Bay, Luzon; Cape Santiago Light bearing S. 79 W., 8.34 kilometers (4.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 47' 20" N., long. 120 43' 30" E.) ; 329 meters (180 fathoms) ; February 20, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 51225, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5398; between Masbate and Leyte; Gigantangan Island (S.) bearing S. 45 E., 5.00 kilometers (2.7 miles) distant (lat. 11 35' 12" N., long. 124 13' 48" E.) ; 208 meters (114 fathoms) : March 15, 1909 ; gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 41223, 41231, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5415; between Cebu and Bohol; Lauis Point Light bearing N. 24 W., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles) distant (lat. 10 07' 50" N., long. 123 57' 00" E.) ; 161 meters (88 fathoms) : March 24, 1909; fne. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41221, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5420; between Cebu and Bohol; Cruz Point (Bohol) bearing S. 20 E., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 9 49' 35" N., long. 123 45' 00" E.) ; 231 meters (127 fathoms) ; March 24, 1909. Three specimens (Cat. No. 40967, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5442; west coast of Luzon, Manila Bay to Lin- gayen Gulf; San Fernando Point Light bearing N. 39 E., 15.57 kilometers (8.4 miles) distant (lat. 16 30' 36" N., long. 120 11' 06" E.) ; 82 meters (45 fathoms) ; May 10, 1909; co. S. Eight specimens (Cat. Nos. 40965, 41224, IT.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5448; east coast of Luzon, San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay ; San Miguel Point bearing N. 23 E., 2.78 kilo- meters (1.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 23' 10" N., long. 123 45' 19" PI) ; 86 meters (47 fathoms) ; June 4, 1909. Two specimens (Cat. No. 40968, U.S.N.M.). Wakanoura, Kiushu. Six specimens (Cat. No. 41217, IT.S.N.M.). Yenoshima. Seven specimens (Cat. No. 41219, IT.S.N.M.). Otaru. OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 383 Two specimens (Cat. No. 41216, U.S.N.M.). Subig Bay. One specimen (Cat. No. 41222, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The union of Ophiura sinensis with 0. kinbergi which I proposed in 1905 has been accepted and confirmed by H. L. Clark, who has been able to examine Lyman's type of O. sinensis, which came from Australia. Ophiura kinbergi appears to be very widely distributed in the In- dian Ocean, as well as in the western Pacific. It is known from vari- ous localities in the Bay of Bengal, Ceylon, the Malabar coast, the Andaman Islands, the Mergui Archipelago, the Philippines, the Sunda Archipelago, and Australia. It is usually littoral, but it is rather frequently met with as far as 100 meters (55 fathoms), and the Siboga found it at 216 meters (118 fathoms) in 10 S. latitude and 123 E. longitude. The Albatross dredged it at very similar depths 208 meters (station 5398) and 232 meters (station 5420), or 114 and 128 fathoms. OPHIURA MICRANTHA (H. L. Clark). Plate 86, fig. 6. Ophiura micrantha H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 47, fig. 10. MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 81. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 322. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 268. Localities. Albatross station 5256; southern Mindanao, eastern Illana Bay; Utara Point, Bongo Island, bearing N. 76 W., 5.19 kilometers (2.8 miles) distant (lat. 7 21' 45" N., long. 124 07' 15" E.) ; 289 meters (158 fathoms) ; May 22, 1908; M. Two specimens (Cat, Nos. 41384, 41385, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5661; Flores Sea; Cape Lassa bearing N. 21 E. r 23.16 kilometers (12.5 miles) distant (lat. 5 49' 40" S., long. 120 24' 30" E.) ; 329 meters (180 fathoms) ; December 20, 1909; hrd. One specimen (Cat. No. 41386, U.S.N.M.). Philippines. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41387, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The form of the mouth shields is slightly different from that which H. L. Clark has described and figured, and the sides of these shields show a rather deep notch corresponding to the bottom of the genital slits. I include a photograph of the ventral surface of a specimen from station 5256. OPHIURA MITESCENS, new species. Plate 81, figs. 7-9. Locality. Hakodate. One specimen (Cat. No. 41200, U.S.N.M.). Description. The diameter of the disk is 14 mm.; the arms are broken off rather near the base, and they are only preserved for a very short distance. 384 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The disk is pentagonal, with the sides rounded, and its form is slightly oval. The dorsal surface is plane and the ventral slightly convex ; the dorsal surface is strongly notched at the base of the arms. It is covered with extremely numerous small plates, which are slightly imbricated and of which the outlines are more or less obscured by a thin integument. There may be distinguished a dorso- central plate which is rounded and slightly larger than those adjacent, and, far removed from it and almost equidistant from the center and from the periphery of the disk, five primary radials scarcely larger than the other plates, which, however, may be recognized by their slightly darker color and their rounded form. All the other plates, which are very small, are subequal ; but they become slightly larger in the vicinity of -the radial shields. These are small, irregularly tri- angular, almost as long as broad, divergent, and separated outwardly by a single row of plates ; their length is about equivalent to a sixth or a seventh of the radius of the disk. The radial papillae are large, elongated, slightly flattened, and rounded at the tip; they maintain the same width over their whole length. The ventral surface of the disk is covered with numerous imbri- cated and equal plates which are smaller than those on the dorsal surface. The genital plates are narrow and scarcely evident; the genital slits are elongated and narrow. The radial papillae which I described above occur only on the dorsal side, and they disappear on the ventral surface of the disk in such a way that the borders of the genital slits are without papillae except at the proximal end, where a few may be found which, however, are inconstant. The mouth shields, almost as long as broad, are pentagonal with a rather open proximal angle ; the two sides are straight and notched toward their proximal third by the bottom of the genital slits ; they pass over by very rounded angles into the distal border, which is convex. The adoral plates are rather narrow and much elongated. The oral plates are narrower than the adoral, and especially are shorter. The lateral mouth papillae are four in number; the three outermost are obtuse and rectangular ; and the last is more elongated and pointed ; the unpaired terminal papilla is larger and conical. The arms are flattened. The three first upper arm plates, included within the incisions of the disk, are small and short. The following plates are very large, quadrangular, very much broader than long, with the angles rounded and the sides convex; their width becomes progressively reduced and they soon become as broad as long; they are very broadly in contact. The first under arm plate is large, almost hexagonal, with a broad proximal side and a narrower distal side which is notched in the middle; the sides are formed by the union of two small, straight bor- OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 385 ders, forming with each other a very obtuse angle. The second plate is quadrangular, broader than long, with the proximal border nar- now; the distal border, which is very broad and convex, is itself composed of two narrow sides united by a very obtuse angle. The following plates become triangular, very much broader than long, with a very obtuse proximal angle, very strongly divergent sides, and a convex distal border. They are at first in contact beyond the disk, becoming separated by a narrow interval. The side arm plates carry four spines on the first segments and only three on those following. These spines are rather long, and their length increases from the first ventral, which is half as long as the segment, to the dorsal, the length of which equals almost that of the segment. These spines are much flattened and rather strongly broadened in their mid-region, with the tip rounded. The tentacle pores of the first pair are very large, and their proxi- mal end is very close to the mouth ; they show on either border four or five very large scales. The two pairs of pores following are still fairly well developed ; the pores of the second pair have three scales on the outer border and two on the inner ; the pores of the third pair have two scales on each side. The pores of the fourth pair have only a single scale on each border, and beyond this the pores, which become very much smaller, show only a single proximal scale, very much more reduced than the neighboring spine. The color of the specimen in alcohol is brownish white. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiura mitescens is espe- cially close to O. flagellata (Lyman) and to 0. palliata (Lyman) in regard to the length of the arm spines and the characters of the dorsal plates of the disk, which are very numerous, with poorly marked outlines. The radial papillae are longer and less numerous than in O. palUata, in which they are very fine and very pointed, and the tentacle pores are continued less far than in that species; the arm spines are broader and more flattened. In O. flagellata the radial papillae are usually elongated and pointed, the arm spines are conical and also very pointed, the dorsal surface of the arms is carinate, and the under arm plates are shorter; furthermore, the arms of O. flagel- lata are very much more broadened than those of O. mitescens. The new species differs still more from O. bathy~bia (H. L. Clark), from the Bering Sea, in which the three arm spines are pointed and the dorsal is larger than the two others ; the radial shields are extremely elongated and narrow, the radial papillae are pointed, and spines occur on both surfaces of the disk, structures which are entirely lacking in O. mitescens. Ophiura mitescens also shows affinities with 0. fluctuant , which I described above. It is easily distinguished from it by its very broad- ened arm spines, maintaining almost the same width throughout 55269 22 Bull. 100 25 386 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. their whole length and rounded at the tip, while these are conical and very pointed in O. fluctuans; the radial papillae are also rounded at the tip and not pointed, and the upper arm plates have the lateral angles rounded instead of being sharp as in O. finctuam. OPHIURA SARSII Lutken. Plate 84, figs. 10, 11. See for bibliography : Ophiura sarsii GEIEG ('07), p. 15. SUSSBACH and BEECKNER ('11), p. 248. H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 37. MORTENSEN ('13), p. 348. MATSUMOTO ('15). H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 323. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 272, fig. 74. Ophioglypha sarsii KCEHLER ('09), p. 155; ('14), p. 23. Locality. Hakodate. Fifteen specimens (Cat. Nos. 40992, 41163, U.S.N.M.). Notes. These specimens are not of large size, and the diameter of the disk scarcely reaches 15 mm. in the largest. HOMALOPHIURA INFLATA (Keehler). Plate 84, figs. 2, 3. Ophioglypha inflata KCEHLEB ('96), p. 288, pi. 5, figs. 10, 11; ('99), p. 10, pi. 11, figs. 83-85. Ophioglypha nana LUTKEN and MORTENSEN ('99), p. 126, pi. 2, figs. 1O-12. Ophiura inflata MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 81. Ophiura nana MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 81. Homalophiura inflata H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 326. MATSUMOTO ('17). p. 267. Homalophiura nana H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 327. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 267. Locality. Albatross station 5660; Flores Sea; Cape Lassa bearing S. 88 W., 37.99 kilometers (20.5 miles) distant (lat. 5 36' 30" S., long. 120 49' 00" E.) ; 1,266 meters (692 fathoms) ; December 20, 1909 ;gy. M., S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41165, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The single individual measures 4.5 mm. in the diameter of the disk. The study which I have been able to make of this species has convinced me that the species of Ophiura, described by Lutken and Mortensen under the name of Ophioglypha nana, is quite identical with my O. inflata, described three years previously; this specific name, therefore, must be used. The Albatross specimen is, like all the others known, of very small size, and the diameter of the disk is only 4.5 mm. ; the arms, which are very slender, may reach 15 mm. in length. The plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are more numerous and smaller than in my type, and than in the O. nana described by Lutken and Morten- sen. The upper arm plates are much elongated, very much longer than broad, with the distal border almost straight; the first under OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 387 arm plate is triangular, elongated, with the distal border slightly convex ; its outline agrees better with the figure which I published in 1896 ('96, pi. 5, fig. 11) than with that of Liitken and Mortensen ('99, pi. 2, fig. 10). The second under arm plate is triangular and almost equilateral. The following become very much broadef than long; all have the distal border almost straight, or only slightly convex. The Albatross specimen is slightly deformed and it seems to have suffered a flattening on the dorsal surface, which has affected un- equally the different portions of this surface. The type, from the Investigator collection, was captured off Co- lombo, Ceylon, at a depth of 1,092 meters (597 fathoms). Liitken and Mortensen 's O. nana came from the Pacific and was dredged off Panama in 1,650 meters (902 fathoms). HOMALOPHIURA INORNATA (layman). Plate 82, fig. 9. Ophioglypha inomata LYMAN ('78), p. 97, pi. 2, figs. 2G. 27; ('82), p. 73, pi. 3, figs. 10-12. KCEHLEB ('07), p. 294; ('07a), p. 262; ('14), p. 18. Ophioglypha divisa LUTKEN and MORTENSEN ('99), p. 127, pi. 4, figs. 10-12; It pi. 5, figs. 1, 2. KCEHLER ('04), p. 40. Ophiura inomata MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 81. Hotnalophiura inornata H, L. CLARK ('15), p. 326. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 266. Homalophiura divisa MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 2G7. Localities. Albatross station 5444 ; east coast of Luzon, San Ber- nardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Atalaya Point, Batag Island, bearing S. 65 E., 9.45 kilometers (5.1 miles) distant (lat. 12 43' 51" N., long. 124 58' 50" E.) ; 563 meters (308 fathoms) ; June 3, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41077, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5445 ; east coast of Luzon, San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay ; Atalaya Point, Batag Island, bearing S. 56 E., 9.82 kilometers (5.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 44' 42" N., long. 124 59' 50" E.) ; 701 meters (383 fathoms) ; June 3, 1909; gn. M., S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41340, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5618; Molucca Passage; March Island bearing S. 69 E., 14.45 kilometers (7.8 miles) distant (lat. 37' 00" N., long. 127 15' 00" E.); 762 meters (417 fathoms); November 27, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41339, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5619; Molucca Passage; Mareh Island (S.) bear- ing S. 78 E., 12.97 kilometers (7 miles) distant (lat. 35' 00" N., long. 127 14' 40" E.) ; 796 meters (435 fathoms) ; November 27, 1909;fne.gy. S, M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41076, U.S.N.M.). 388 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Notes. The diameter of the disk varies between 9 mm. and 16 mm. All the upper-arm plates are very regularly divided into two equal halves by a longitudinal groove which sometimes bifurcates toward the middle of the plate. In the specimens from station 5444 the mouth* shields are entire, except in one, in which the proximal region is separated from the rest by an oblique groove, and the large inter- radial plate which follows the mouth shield is divided into two parts in three interradii. In the two specimens from station 5618 all the mouth shields are broken up into at least three fragments; but in the largest specimen, which is from station 5445, neither the mouth shields nor the plates which follow them are fragmented. I have already emphasized at different times ('04, p. 40; '07a, p. 262; '14, p. 18) the extent of the variations shown by 0. inornata, the geographical range of which is very great. It has been met with in the three great oceans the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Pacific. In the Atlantic the Challenger found it in 1 N. latitude, 24 W. lon- gitude, in 3,384 meters (1,850 fathoms), and the Albatross in 11 N. latitude, 58 W. longitude, in 1,069 meters (880 fathoms). In the Indian Ocean the Siboga found it at different stations in the Sunda Archipelago between 470 and 1,264 meters (260 to 693 fathoms). In the Pacific the Albatross dredged it between 0-2 N. latitude and 90-92 W. longitude, 2,175 to 2,487 meters (1,189 to 1,360 fathoms). OPHIOCTEN HASTATUM Lyman. Ophiocten hastatum LYMAN ('78), p. 103, pi. 5, figs. 133, 134; ('82), p. 82, pi. 9, figs. 10, 11. KCEHLEB ('98), p. 42, pi. 7, figs. 32, 33; ('09), p. 165; ('14), p. 37. H. L. CLABK ('15), p. 328. Ophiocten pacificism LUTKEN and MOKTENSEN ('99), p. 131, pi. 3, figs. 5-7. H. L. CLABK ('11), p. 96; ('15), p. 328. Locality. Albatross station 5080; off southern Japan; Omai Said Light bearing N. 23J E., 51.89 kilometers (28 miles) distant (lat. 34 10' 30" N., long. 138 40' 00" E.) ; 923 meters (505 fathoms) ; October 19, 1906 ; fne. gy. S., Glob. One very small specimen (Cat. No. 40932, U.S.N.M.). Notes. I certainly see no reason for separating from Ophiocten hastatwn O. pacificum, which Liitken and Mortensen described in 1899 from specimens collected at numerous stations between 0-7 N. latitude and 78-86 W. longitude, at depths varying from 1,408 to 1,877 meters (770 to 1,573 fathoms). Ophiocten hastatum was met with in different localities in the North Atlantic by the HirondelU and the Princesse-Alice between 33o_4o N. latitude and 9-30 W. longitude, at depths between 1,674 and 1,900 meters (917 to 1,040 fathoms). The Albatross captured it between 30-42 N. latitude and 50-79 W. longitude, in 219 to 805 meters (120 to 440 fathoms). H. L. Clark records the species (under OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 389 the name of O. pacificum) from many localities between 45-51 N. latitude and 124-130 W. longitude, as well as between 34-45 N. latitude and 137-139 E. longitude, at depths of 916 to 1,602 meters (501 to 876 fathoms). The specimens of O. Kastatum from the Challenger collection which served Lyman as the type of the species came from the North Atlantic in 37 N. latitude and 25 W. longitude, and therefore from localities very close to those where the Princes se- Alice redis- covered it, from the southern part of the Indian Ocean (46 S. latitude and 45 E. longitude), and from the Pacific Ocean (40 S. latitude and 177 E. longitude). Ophiocten Jiastatum therefore has a very extensive geographical and bathymetric distribution. OPHIOMUSIUM ALTUM Kcehler. Plate 80, figs. 6, 7, 12. Ophiomusium altum KCEHLER ('04), p. 57, pi. 10, figs. 2-4. H. L. CLAEK (15), p. 333. Locality. Albatross station 5668; Macassar Strait; Mamuju Island (E.) bearing S. 31 E., 19.64 kilometers (10.6 miles) distant (lat. 2 28' 15" S., long. 118 49' 00" E.) ; 1,648 meters (901 fathoms) ; December 29, 1909; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 40921, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimen is almost of the same size as that upon which I established the species, and the diameter of the disk barely reaches 5 mm. ; the arms are preserved for a greater or lesser part of their length, and one of them, which is complete, measures 15 mm. ; they are very slender. I find in this specimen all the essential characters of 0. altum, and I notice only slight differences in the outlines of some of the dorsal plates of the disk. The primary rosette is a little irregular, one of the five radials being replaced by two plates. The two small inter- radial plates which separate these primary radials are triangular, sometimes in contact by their apices, sometimes slightly separated from each other; the two radial shields of each pair are in contact for at least three-quarters of their length and the plate which sepa- rates them inwardly, instead of being elongated, is triangular and scarcely longer than broad. I can distinguish a few small papillae along the very short genital slits. The type of OpMomusium altum was discovered by the Siboga in 4 S. latitude and 118 E. longitude (Straits of Macassar) at a depth of 2,029 meters (1,110 fathoms). OPHIOMUSIUM ARMATUM, new species. Plate 89, figs. 8-10. Locality. Albatross station 5428; eastern Palawan and vicinity; 30th of June Island bearing N. 62 W., 36.14 kilometers (19.5 miles) 390 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. distant (lat. 9 13' 00" N., long. 118 51' 15" E.) ; 2,021 meters (1,105 fathoms) ; April 3, 1909; gy. M. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 40923, 40924, U.S.N.M.). Description. The diameter of the disk is 14 mm. ; the arms are all incomplete. The disk is pentagonal with the borders concave and the angles pass imperceptibly into the arms. The dorsal surface is covered with numerous plates of medium size which are fairly uniform and slightly imbricated. The dorso-central plate is a little larger than those adjacent, but it is scarcely distinguishable from them, and the primary radials can not be recognized. On the border of the disk in each interradial space there is a larger plate which is rounded and transversely broadened. The radial shields are rather large, much elongated, twice or two and a half times as long as broad, triangular, with the angles very rounded and separated throughout their whole length by a broad space occupied by a row of plates ; the length of these shields is slightly less than half the radius of the disk. The ventral surface of the disk in the interbrachial spaces is cov- ered by rather numerous small plates fairly uniform in size and im- bricated. The genital plates are very narrow and elongated. The genital slits, which are also very narrow, extend as far as the border of the disk, and they are furnished, on both borders, with small, low, and rounded papillae. The papillae of the interradial row may be continued somewhat toward the outer border of the radial shields and even onto the border of the disk, and some of them may elongate into small and very short spines which may even occur at some dis- tance from the arms. The mouth shields are rather large, as long as broad, or a little longer than broad. They show a triangular principal portion which is longer than broad with a proximal angle and very convex sides; the lateral angles are much rounded. This part is followed by a quadrangular and somewhat narrower distal lobe terminated by a convex border; the dividing line between these two parts is marked by the bottom of the genital slit, which forms a slight notch. The adoral plates are much elongated, extremely narrow in the part ad- jacent to the mouth shields, which represents three-fifths of their length, and strongly broadened outwardly in such a way as to sepa- rate the mouth shield from the first side arm plate over a very con- siderable space along which they border the genital slit ; this portion which delimits the bottom of the genital slit bears a row of papillae identical with those along the rest of the slit. The oral plates are large and high. The lateral mouth papillae are six and sometimes seven in number; the first is rather small and quadrangular, the sec- ond is also quadrangular, but very much larger, and the following OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 391 are elongated and become smaller and smaller, except for the last which is a little larger than the preceding; the unpaired terminal pa- pilla is larger than those on either side, and conical. The two first upper arm plates are short and transversely broad- ened. The first is quadrangular, and the second, which is in con- tact with the first, is triangular with a distal angle. The following plates are small, lozenge-shaped, lonirer than broad, and widely sepa- rated; they become smaller and smaller, although they persist throughout the whole preserved portion of the arms. The first under arm plate is very small, pentagonal, a little broader than long; the three following are large, triangular, with a sharp proximal angle, the sides excavated by the tentacle pore, and the distal border slightly convex. The second plate is almost in contact with the third, and the fourth is separated from the preceding. Be- yond the disk the plates become very much smaller, and they are widely separated ; they are triangular, a little broader than long, but they persist throughout the whole preserved portion of the arms. The side arm plates carry at first six small and short spines, the number then falling to five, and later to four. The tentacle pores number three pairs ; those of the first pair are very large and resemble those of an Ophiura; they carry three large scales on each of their borders. The two following pores are still very large ; those of the second pair have two or three internal scales, and one or two external scales ; those of the third pair have two in- ternal and one external scales. The color of the specimen in alcohol is yellowish. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiowiusium armatum is especially close to O. drmigerum Lyman ; it is distinguished from it by having the dorsal plates of the disk more uniform, without the least indication of primary plates, by having the radial shields smaller, by having the upper arm plates also smaller, by the slightly different form of the mouth shields, by the development of the ten- tacle pores, especially those of the first pair, as well as by the number of scales which they bear on each border, and by having the arm spines slightly more numerous. OPHIOMUSIUM ELEGANS Kcehler. Plate 88, figs. 1-9. Ophiomusium elegans KCEHLER ('96), p. 305, pi. 6, figs. 22, 23; ('99), p. 23, pi. 3, figs. 22-24; ('04), p. 66. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 334. Localities. Albatross station 5127; Sulu (Jolo) Sea, in the vicinity of southern Panay; Nogas Island (W.) bearing N. 11 30' E., 40.77 kilometers (22 miles) distant (lat. 10 02' 45" N., long. 121 48' 15" E.) ; 1,752 meters (958 fathoms) ; February 4, 1908; gy. M., Glob. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 40995, 40997, U.S.N.M.). 392 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Albatross station 5428; Eastern Palawan and vicinity; 30th of June Island bearing N. 62 W., 36.14 kilometers (19.5 miles) dis- tant (lat. 9 13' 00" N., long. 118 51' 15" E.) ; 2,021 meters (1,105 fathoms) ; April 3, 1909 ; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 40998, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5605; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Dodepo Island (W.) bearing N. 14 W., 10.93 kilometers (5.9 miles) distant (lat. 21' 23" N., long. 121 34' 10" E.) ; 1,183 meters (647 fathoms) ; November 16, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 41000, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5623; between Gillolo and Makyan Islands; Makyan Island (S.) bearing S. 88 W., 13.90 kilometers (7.5 miles) distant (lat. 16' 30" N., long. 127 30' 00" E.) ; 497 meters (272 fathoms) ; November 29, 1909; fne. S., M. Eight specimens (Cat. No. 40999, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5624 ; between Gillolo and Makyan Islands ; Mak- yan Island (S.) bearing N. 67 W., 16.49 kilometers (8.9 miles) dis- tant (lat. 12' 15" N., long. 127 29' 30" E.) ; 527 meters (288 fathoms) ; November 29, 1909; fne. S., M. One specimen (Cat. No. 40996, 'iJ.S.N.M.). Notes. The specimens from the three first stations are the smallest, and the diameter of the disk scarcely exceeds 10 mm. ; in those from station 5623 the diameter of the disk varies between 10 and 18 mm. ; this last dimension is also found in the single example from sta- tion 5624. In these different specimens I find some interesting variations. I may recall that the principal characters on which I established the species in 1896 are the form of the mouth shields, the existence of small radial papillae outside of the radial shields, papillae which are continued over the two borders of the genital slits, the presence of three pairs of tentacle pores, and the arrangement of the dorsal plates of the disk. My original specimens, three in number, came from the Laccadive and Andaman Islands, and the diameter of their disks varied between 11 and 13 mm. The series collected by the Al- batross is more numerous, and includes larger specimens, the diameter of the disk reaching 18 mm. I show on plate 83, as figures 5, 6, the two surfaces of a large sized specimen from station 5623; and in figure 9 the ventral surface of the specimen from station 5624, which has the same dimensions. Two smaller individuals, from sta- tions 5428 and 5127, in which the diameter of the disk is only be- tween 10 and 11 mm., are shown in figures 1, 2. In the dorsal plates of the disk I do not find any important differ- ences; on the small individuals I always notice in the interradial spaces the three large tandem plates, which I showed in 1896 (fig. 2),, but in the large ones there are only two plates (fig. 5). In these- OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 393 large specimens the radial papillae usually appear as small rounded granules, forming a little more or less important clump on each side of the base of the arms (figs. 7, 8). Sometimes these granules elongate somewhat, especially on reaching the ventral surface, but in the small specimens the papillae are very much longer, and they even elongate in such a way as to form true spines (figs. 2, 3, )-. More important variations are found in the mouth shields. In my type these shields are lanceolate, twice as long as broad, with a sharp proximal angle. This is the form which they have in all the speci- mens from station 5623; but in that from station 5624, which is of large size, these shields are shorter and very much broader ; they are not even half again as long as broad, and their proximal angle is obtuse or even rounded (fig. 9). A similar form is seen in the small specimens from stations 5127, 5428, and 5605 (fig. 1) ; but in these specimens they are more elongated than in the large individual from station 5624; the proximal angle is rather sharp, and they are at least half again as long as broad. I find also some differences in the arm spines, which may be four in number at the base of the arms. The tentacle scales are usually larger and more important than I described them in 1896 ; I then indicated only one large tentacle scale, but I have found on the Albatross specimens that in addition to a large tentacle scale which occupies the proximal border of the pore there may be present two or even three small scales on the distal border. When the pores are contracted these distal scales may not be apparent, and it is doubtless this which occurred on the Investigator specimens; but I always find them on those from the Albatross col- lection, even in small specimens like that in figure 1. In the large specimens of which photographs are given in figures 6 and 9 it may happen also that the proximal scale is divided into two or three small scales. The tentacle pores are rather large, especially those of the first pair, and their size decreases progressively to that of the third pair. Because of the variations to which 0. elegans is subject I have reexamined the specimens on which in 1896 I established O. famttiare, a species which is rather close to O. elegans ; but the comparison between these specimens and the O. elegans collected by the Albatross has confirmed the validity of the first species, which is abundantly distinct from the second. The arm spines of O. familiare are five in number, and sometimes I find six of them at the base of the arms in the large individuals ; the two first ventral spines are somewhat closer together, and they form a small distinct group while four others follow at regular intervals along the distal border of the side arm plate. The largest number of arm spines which I find in the large specimens of O. elegans is four, and the normal number is three. 394 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The radial shields in 0. familiare are always more rounded and less elongated than in O. elegans. The small radial granules are less numerous and less evident, and I have never seen them elongate into small spines as sometimes occurs in O. elegans. The mouth shields are shorter and smaller in O familiare, and they always have the form which I described and figured in 1896. A last difference, which I did not mention in 1896, is afforded by the tentacle pores which, in O. familiare, are smaller and always covered by a single oval scale, while in 0. elegans, as I have said above, there may be one or two scales on each border, and sometimes there may even be three ; these pores also are appreciably larger in this last species and their size decreases from the first to the third. I consider 0. jolliensis, which MacClendon described and figured in 1909 ('09, p. 36) and of which H. L. Clark has given a more de- tailed description and figures (11, p. Ill) also as a species near O. elegans. It may be asked why MacClendon has written " jolliensis '- and not "jollieme; " H. L. Clark has also written "jolliensis" but Matsumoto ('17, p. 291) corrected it and placed the word in the neuter gender. H. L. Clark approximates O. jolliense with O. cancellatum, O. armigerum, and 0. ebumeum, without mentioning 0. elegans and O. familiare, but I find that its affinities with these two last species, and particularly with 0. elegans, are especially close. To judge from H. L. Clark's description and figures, it seems, however, to be distinct ; the radial papillae are more numerous and more developed, the tentacle pores are more reduced and usually provided with a single scale, the arm spines do not exceed three in number, and on a speci- men in which the disk is only 10 mm. in diameter there are only two. The form of the mouth shields in 0. jolliense is quite similar to that which is found in typical O. elegans, as well as in 0. familiare, and H. L. Clark does not mention any variations in their form. OPHIOMUSIUM FACETUM, new species. Plate 91, figs. 1-5. Localities. Albatross station 5114; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing N. 36 E., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 36' 11" N., long. 120 45' 26" E.) ; 622 meters (340 fathoms) ; January 20, 1908; fne. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41371, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5124; east coast of Mindoro; Point Origon (N.) bearing S. 56 E., 39.45 kilometers (20.75 miles) distant (lat. 12 52' 00" N., long. 121 48' 30" E.) ; 513 meters (281 fathoms) ; February 2, 1908 ; sf t. gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41355, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5127; Sulu (Jolo) Sea, in the vicinity of south- ern Panay; Nogas Island (W.) bearing N. 11 30' E., '40.77 kilo- OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 395 meters (22 miles) distant (lat. 10 02' 45*' N., long. 121 48' 15" E.) ; 1,752 meters (958 fathoms) ; February 4, 1908; gy. M. Glob. One specimen (Cat. No. 41370, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5263; off eastern Mindoro; Point Origon bearing N. 85 E., 52.45 kilometers (28.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 38' 30" N., long. 121 37' 30" E.) ; June 4, 1908. One specimen. Albatross station 5423; Jolo Sea; Cagayan Island (S.) bearing S. 11 E., 8.89 kilometers (4.8 miles) distant (lat. 9 38' 30" N., long. 121 11' 00" E.) ; 929 meters (508 fathoms) ; March 31, 1909; gy. M., co. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41372, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5429; eastern Palawan and vicinity; Fondeado Island (SE.) bearing N. 18 E., 27.80 kilometers (15 miles) distant (lat. 9 41' 30" N., long. 118 50' 22" E.) ;. 1,401 meters (766 fath- oms) ; April 5, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen. Description. I shall describe the species especially from the speci- men from station 5127, of which I show the ventral surface on plate 91 as figure 2, and from the largest specimen from station 5423, the dorsal surface of which is shown in figure 3. In the latter the diam- eter of the disk is 20 mm., and one of the arms, which is preserved for almost its entire length, reaches almost 80 mm.; in the other specimen from the same station, which is identical with it, the diam- eter of the disk is 13 mm. only. In the specimen from station 5127 the diameter of the disk is 17 mm., and the arms are broken off rather close to the base. The largest specimen is that from station 5263, in which the diameter of the disk reaches 23 mm. The disk is pentagonal, with the sides straight ; the dorsal surface is plane and the ventral surface is slightly convex; the borders are rounded. The arms are rather narrow, almost cylindrical, with the ventral surface slightly flattened ; they measure 3.5 mm. in width at the base in the specimen from station 5127. The dorsal surface of the disk shows a circular central region bounded by the rounded apices of the radial shields, which are very large and covered with numerous subequal, small, and nonimbricated plates, among which it is impossible to distinguish the least indica- tion of primary plates. In the interradial spaces and between the two shields of each pair the plates become larger. In the radial spaces there is only to be distinguished a single row of three or four tandem plates, of which the proximal is more elongated than the others. In the interradial spaces there is a large triangular plate almost as broad as long or a little broader than long, with a proximal 396 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. apex; this plate occupies the whole interradial space between the radial shields at the periphery of the disk. Beyond it there is only to be seen the upper border of the large interradial plate, which occupies the whole ventral surface of the disk beyond the mouth shields, with, on either side, one or two very small plates. The radial shields are extremely large, triangular, with a rounded proximal apex, a straight internal border, and a convex external border ; they are twice as long as broad and their length, which exceeds 5 mm., is greater than half the radius of the disk. These shields are slightly divergent and broadly separated for their whole length by the plates which I have mentioned above. Outside of the radial shields are two small tandem plates which on the ventral surface of the disk adjoin the genital plate. The ventral surface outside of the mouth shield shows only a single large plate which curves upward at the periphery of the disk to form its lateral surfaces and of which the end is visible when the animal is viewed from above. This plate shows a straight and nar- row proximal border and divergent sides uniting by a very rounded border into the distal side, which is itself rounded; it is a little broader than long. On either side of its distal border is found a small intercalated plate which with its fellow contributes to reduce the length of this border. It sometimes happens also that still an- other smaller plate appears on each side of the distal border of the mouth shield. One of these plates is seen in the specimen from sta- tion 5127, of which a photograph is given in figure 2, but in two interradii only, while in the two specimens from station 5423 these small plates appear almost regularly in all the interradii; in the other specimens they are almost always absent. The genital plate is large, elongated, and rather broad. The genital slits are narrow and sinuous and end at the distal border of the second side arm plate. The mouth shields are rather large, longer than broad, pentago- nal, with the proximal angle almost a right angle, the sides at first straight and parallel, then outwardly incurved in such a way that the shield broadens gradually to beyond the middle ; thence the sides become straight and slightly convergent, and they join the straight distal border by slightly obtuse angles. The adoral plates are large, rather long, broadened outwardly, and widely in contact in the me- dian interradial line. The oral plates are triangular and high. The lateral mouth papillae are six in number; the outermost is ex- tremely large and very much longer than broad, but the others are small, rectangular, or square; the unpaired terminal papilla, which is a little stouter than those on either side, is conical and pointed. The first upper arm plate is small and very short, trapezoidal, with the distal border rounded. The following remain very small OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 397 and widely separated; they disappear after the twelfth segment. Their form is triangular. The first plate is a little more developed than those following and is longer than broad ; the others are very small, as long as broad, or even a little broader than long. The first under arm plate is small, trapezoidal, with an obtuse proximal angle, slightly convergent sides, and a narrow distal border. The two following are large, pentagonal, a little longer than broad, with the distal border almost straight; they are widely separated. Beyond this the ventral plates are entirely lacking. The side arm plates carry seven spines at the base of the arms, and beyond only six. In the largest specimen from station 5423 the spines number eight at the base. These equal spines form a regular series toward the distal border of the plate; they are slightly coni- cal and rather elongated, with the point rounded. The tentacle pores number two pairs only; they are rather large and covered each with a single oval scale larger on the pores of the first pair than on those of the second. The color of the specimens in alcohol is yellowish. In figure 1 1 show the specimen from station 5263, which is larger than the others and more robust ; the diameter of the disk is 24 mm., and the arms are almost 5 mm. in width at the base. The radial shields, always very large, have the proximal angle strongly rounded, which slightly diminishes their length; among the dorsal plates of the disk some may be distinguished which are a little larger than the others, and six of these without doubt represent a primary rosette in which the five radials are widely separated from the dorso-central. There may be as many as nine spines at the base of the arms, but this number falls quickly to eight and then to seven. The specimen from station 5114 is smaller than that from station 5127 ; the diameter of its disk is 14.5 mm. I give a photograph of its dorsal surface in figure 4. This specimen shows a facies somewhat different from that of the others, resulting from having the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk all slightly swollen; the side arm plates are also a little more swollen than usual. The plates of the central region of the disk are not as numerous as in the other larger specimens: this is also the case in the small specimen from station 5423, but while in this last the primary radial plates are rounded, here they are broadly oval and almost twice as long as broad. Fur- thermore, all the characters of the species are well marked, and there can be no question of applying another name to this individual. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomusium facetuin must be placed among the species of OpMomusivm in which the under arm plates are not continued beyond the disk and which possess only two pairs of tentacle pores. It may be compared with O. validum~Lym&i\. 398 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. which it recalls in the characters of the ventral surface of the disk, but it is immediately distinguished from it by the more numerous arm spines and by the also more numerous dorsal plates of the disk. When the arm spines reach the number of eight or nine the new species might be confused with O. lymani^ but the large ventral plate which follows the mouth shields, and which almost entirely fills the inter- radial space between the genital plates, can always be recognized as well as the perfectly smooth dorsal plates of the disk and of the arms. OPHIOMUSIUM FACUNDUM, new spcies. Plate 89, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6. Localities. Albatross station 5114; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing N. 36 E., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 36' 11" N., long. 120 45' 26" E.) ; 622 meters 340 fathoms) ; January 20, 1908 ; f ne. S. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41361, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5123; east coast of Mindoro; Malabrigo Light bearing N. 44 W., 60.23 kilometers (32.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 12' 45" N., long. 121 38' 45" E.) ; 518 meters (283 fathoms) ; Febru- ary 2, 1908 ; gn. M. Three specimens. Albatross station 5124; east coast of Mindoro; Point Origon (N.) bearing S. 56 E., 38.45 kilometers (20.75 miles) distant (lat, 12 52' 00" N., long. 121 48' 30" E.) ; 514 meters (281 fathoms) ; Feb- ruary 2, 1908 ; sf t. gn. M. One specimen. Albatross station 5202; Sogod Bay, southern Leyte Island; Lima- saua Island (E.) bearing S. 2 E., 30.95 kilometers (16.7 miles) dis- tant (lat. 10 12' 00" N., long. 125 04' 10" E.) ; 918 meters (502 fathoms) ; April 10, 1908 ; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41366, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5259 ; off northwestern Panay ; Caluya Island (S.) bearing S. 73 W., 19.84 kilometers (12 miles) distant (lat. 11 57' SO" N., long. 121 42' 15" E.) ; 571 meters (312 fathoms) ; June 3. 1908; gy. M., Glob. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 41359, 41363, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5263 ; off eastern Mindoro ; Point Origon bearing N. 85 E., 54.45 kilometers (28.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 38' 30" N., long. 121 37' 20" E.) ; June 4, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 41369, E. 58, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5282; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 84 W., 11.49 kilometers (6.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 53' 00" N., long. 120 26' 45" E.) ; 454 meters (248 fathoms) ; July 18, 1908 ; dk. gy. S. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 399 One specimen (Cat. No. 41362, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5373; Marinduque Island and vicinity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 20 E., 27.80 kilometers (15 miles) distant (lat. 13 40' 00" N.,long. 121 31' 10" E.) ; 618 meters (338 fathoms) ; March 2, 1909 ;sft. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41357, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5429; off eastern Palawan; Fondeado Island (SE.) bearing N. 18 E. 27.79 kilometers (15 miles) distant (lat. 9 41' 30" N., long. 118 50' 22" E.) ; 1,400 meters (766 fathoms) ; April 5, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41368, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5527 ; between Siquijor and Bohol Islands, Balica- sag Island (C.) bearing N. 14 W., 15.20 kilometers (8.2 miles) dis- tant (lat, 9 22' 30" N., long. 123 42' 40" E.) ; 717 meters (392 fathoms) ; August 11, 1909; glob. Oz. Four specimens (Cat. No. 41365, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5538; between Negros and Siquijor; Apo Island (C.) bearing S. 64 W., 13.53 kilometers (7.3 miles) distant (lat. 9 08' 15" N., long. 123 23' 20" E.) ; 468 meters (256 fathoms) ; August 19, 1909 ; gn. M., S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41364, U.S.N.M.) Albatross station 5623; between Gillolo and Makyan Islands; Makyan Island (S.) bearing S. 88 W., 13.90 kilometers (7.5 miles) distant (lat. 16' 30" N., long. 127 30' 00" E.) ; 497 meters (272 fathoms) ; November 29, 1909; fne. S., M. One specimen. No locality. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41367, U.S.N.M.). Description. In the majority of these specimens the diameter of the disk usually varies between 15 mm. and 18 mm. ; the specimen from station 5623 is very much larger than the others, and the diame- ter of its disk reaches 27 mm. Some are smaller ; in one of the two from station 5123 the diameter of the disk is only 10 mm., and in those from station 5527 this diameter varies between 11 mm. and 14 mm. I shall describe the species especially from the specimen from sta- tion 5378, in which the diameter of the disk is 18 mm. ; its arms are not complete; I include two photographs of it (pi. 89, figs. 1, 2). I shall mention also the larger individual from station 5259; the diameter of its disk is 17 mm.; three of its arms, which are pre- served for almost their entire length, measure from 60 mm. to 65 mm. The disk is rounded and the dorsal surface is almost plane; the ventral surface is slightly convex, and the borders are rounded. The dorsal surface is covered in the central region by subequal polygonal plates, with the angles rounded, which are not very nu- 400 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. merous; in the specimen from station 5378 the primary plates are not recognizable, but in others there occurs a more or less distinct rosette of six contiguous and equal plates. Among the other plates there may be distinguished in the radial spaces a series of three plates separating the two shields of each pair; the first is elongated and the third short and trapezoidal. In the interradial spaces there are two tandem elongated plates, the first a little the shorter and pen- tagonal, the second trapezoidal with the distal border broadened and in contact with the dorsal border of the large interradial plate which by itself covers the ventral surface of the disk outside of the radial shields; a small part of this plate is visible when the animal is viewed from the dorsal surface. The radial shields are triangu- lar, with the apex rounded, slightly divergent, and separated for their entire length; they are half again as long as broad, and their length is equal to half the radius of the disk. All these plates of the dorsal surface are covered with rounded granules, which are slightly flattened, in contact, and always very evident ; these granules also occur on the distal portion of the ventral interradial plate, but they disappear on the ventral surface, properly speaking, of this plate. This large ventral plate is trapezoidal, at least twice as broad as long, with a rather narrow straight proximal border, sinuous and strongly divergent lateral borders, and a slightly rounded distal side which reaches the dorsal surface of the disk; this plate, which is extremely large, covers the whole ventral surface of the disk beyond the mouth shield, and there are no plates intercalated between this and the genital plate. This large plate is smooth over the greater part of its surface, and the granules appear abruptly near the pe- riphery, forming on the ventral surface only three or four succes- sive rows; this narrow border represents the only portion of the ventral surface of the disk which is granulated, and over all the rest of the ventral surface of the disk and of the arms the plates are perfectly smooth. In figure 5 I give a photograph of this plate and of the neighboring regions, taken obliquely from the ventral side in order to show not only the disposition of these granules, but also the entire extent of this plate in the interradial area. The genital plates are elongated and broadened at the level of the point of union between the mouth shields and the large interradial plate, where their outlines follow a very obtuse angle. Some variation may be found in the development of the granules which cover the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk. Some- times these granules are much flattened and consequently only slightly evident. This occurs, for instance, in the largest specimen from station 5259, and the granules along the border of the large ventral interradial plate are particularly very slightly evident. OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 401 In this same example from station 5259 I find a peculiarity which is also found in the small specimen from the same station and which I have not found in any other. At each of the angles of the distal border of the mouth shield there occurs a very small intercalated plate which causes this angle to be somewhat truncated. This plate is very constant and is lacking only in one of the angles of the mouth shield of the large specimen. The appearance of this plate is not correlated with the age of the subject, as I find it both in the small and in the large specimen, and it is lacking in the other large speci- mens. But I find an indication of it in the form of two very small plates in the specimen from station 5527. The mouth shields are large, a little longer than broad, pentagonal, with a sharp proximal angle bordered by straight sides, two convex and slightly convergent sides, and a straight distal border. The adoral plates are large, rather short, twice as long as broad, much broadened in their outer half, and tapering inwardly. The oral plates are triangular and high. The lateral mouth papillae are six in number; they are large and rather broad, especially the outermost, which is very highly developed, rectangular in form, and broader than long; the four following are almost square, and the last is conical and pointed : the unpaired terminal papilla is slightly stouter than the preceding. The first upper arm plate is rectangular, broader than long, with the distal border convex. The following are small, triangular, a little broader than long, and their size decreases very rapidly ; they are all widely separated. The first under arm plate is small, pentagonal, almost as broad as long, with a rather sharp proximal angle. The two following are rather large, elongated, pentagonal, with a sharp proximal angle; the} 7 are widely separated ; the third is a little broader than the sec- ond. Beyond this the plates become extremely small, but they are continued over the greater part of the length of the arms. The side arm plates are projecting and strongly swollen in their distal dorsal region ; they are covered with granules similar to those of the dorsal surface of the disk, but somewhat less evident; these granules soon disappear; and they are, moreover, very unequally developed in different specimens. The arm spines are four in num- ber; the two first form a small group close to the ventral border of the plate, and the second is twice as broad as the first ; the two others, somewhat separated from each other and from the small group formed by the two preceding, are smaller and thinner; they are at first some distance from the distal border of the plate on the first arm segments, then little by little they approach that border. I some- times find at the base of the arms three ventral spines instead of only two. 55269 22 Bull. 100 26 402 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The single tentacle scale is oval and larger on the pores of the first- pair than on those of the second. The large specimen from station 5623, in which the diameter of the disk reaches 27 mm., differs in certain respects from the other speci- mens. The granules of the dorsal surface of the disk are less marked, and the large interradial plate which covers the greater portion of the ventral surface of the disk has the border entirely smooth. The arm spines may reach seven at the base of the arms ; there is always a small ventral group of spines which are subequal and relatively small, arid separated from these by a short interval a series of five very short spines, papilliform and smaller than the two ventral ; this figure falls rather rapidly to four and then to three, and this last number continues over a large part of the length of the arm ; I find it still at 50 mm. from the base. But in the interval I find a fe,w segments which have only two dorsal spines, and consequently the total number of spines is here reduced to four; and even on two or three segments these two dorsal spines are entirely lacking. When viewed from the dorsal surface this large specimen very strongly recalls an O. lymani; it has the dorsal plates of the disk granulose like this last species, and arranged in similar manner. The smaller specimens also show a certain external resemblance to the young of O. lym&ni, and this resemblance is still further accentuated by the number of the tentacle pores, which are reduced to two pairs ; but the arm spines are more numerous in 0. lymani, and the ventral sur- face of the disk in the interradial spaces shows a larger number of plates than in the new species ; in this, as I have stated, the entire ventral surface is occupied by the large interradial plate, which even reaches the dorsal surface of the disk. In O. lymani the plate which follows the mouth shield is very much smaller, and beyond it the ventral surface of the disk shows several other plates. In reference to this point, the photographs which I give of the ventral surface of the disk of three specimens of O. lymani (pi. 86, figs. 7, 8, 9) may be compared with those of this species. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomusium facundum is close to O. validum Lyman, but it can not be confused with that species, from which it differs in having the dorsal plates of the disk rather coarsely granulose, in the somewhat different arrangement of the plates of the ventral surface, in the larger size of the mouth shield, in the arrangement of the arm spines, which are generally four in number, the two lowest close to the ventral border of the sid3 arm plate and almost in contact, forming a small group separated from the two others, while the dorsal spines, which are well separated from each other, are arranged somewhat irregularly and are less constant in their number, and the under arm plates are continued over a rather large part of the length of the arms. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 40 $ Ophiomusium facundum can not be confused either with the species which I have described above under the name of 0. facetum, in which the arm spines are more numerous, seven or eight in number at the base of the arms, and very regularly disposed along the distal border. Furthermore, in O. facetum the dorsal plates of the disk are entirely smooth, the under arm plates are entirely lacking beyond the third, and the large ventral interradial plate which follows the mouth shield is less developed. The large specimen from station 5623, of which I have spoken above, in which the granules are very much less developed on the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk and in which the arm spines are more numerous, may seem rather close to 0. facetum, but there are nevertheless very considerable differences. I find in this speci- men that the large ventral interradial plate reaches a very consider- able width at the periphery of the disk, the under arm plates are continued throughout the whole preserved portion of the arms, the small group of two ventral spines is always very recognizable and very distinct whatever may be the number of other spines, and the granulation of the dorsal surface of the disk, though less developed, is no less evident. OPHIOMUSIUM FIMBRIATUM, new species. Plate 90, figs. 6-8. Locality. Albatross station 5614; Molucca Passage; Tifori Island (C.) bearing N. 19 E., 56.52 kilometers (30.5 miles) distant (lat, 31' 00" N., long. 125 58' 45" E.) ; 2,011 meters (1.100 fathoms) ; November 22, 1909 ; gy. M., S., Glob. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 188, U.S.N.M.). Description. The diameter of the disk is 20 mm.; the arms are incomplete ; one of them is preserved over a length of 40 mm. They are rounded, rather narrow, and measure 4 mm. in width at the base. The disk is pentagonal with the sides straight ; the dorsal surface is plane, the ventral surface is somewhat swollen, and the borders are rounded and somewhat sharpened. The dorsal surface is covered in the central region with numerous small rounded nonimbricated subequal plates, among which it is impossible to find the least indica- tion of primary plates. These plates become larger, and especially they elongate, in the radial and interradial spaces. In the radial spaces they are arranged in three or four rows which separate the two radial shields of each pair for their entire length. In the inter- radial spaces they form four to five rows, the median ones being a little larger than the others. Toward the periphery of the disk there is a large, transversely broadened, triangular plate which is much arched and three times as broad as long, beyond which are two smaller 404 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. plates; this plate does not occupy quite the entire width of the inter- radial space. The radial shields are large, much elongated, triangular in form, with the proximal angle very rounded; they are two and a half times as long as broad, and they are not very much broader in their distal portion than in their proximal. The internal borders of the two shields of each pair are parallel and widely separated. Their length is greater than half the radius of the disk. The ventral surface is covered with rounded plates which are slightly imbricated, subequal, and larger than those which occupy the central region of the dorsal surface. The genital plates are narrow and elongated. The genital slits are very narrow and rather short, occupying scarcely half the length of the interradial area of the ventral surface ; they are provided along both borders with small very low rectangular papillae with indistinct outlines. Beyond the genital plate there is a small triangular space extending between the region which separates the side arm plates of the second and third arm segments and the border of the disk ; this space is covered with small rounded granules, but these do not continue the genital papillae from which they differ in shape. These small granules ex- tend as far as the outer border of the radial shields, but they are not visible on the dorsal surface; they are well seen only by viewing the arm from the side (fig. 8). The mouth shields, which are of medium size, are triangular, almost as long as broad, with a rather sharp proximal angle and straight sides which pass over by rounded angles into the more or less excavated distal side. The adoral plates are rather broad in the outer two-thirds of their length, with the two longer sides parallel; they then taper rapidly inward, not touching the median interradial line except by a very short border. The oral plates are triangular and rather high. The lateral papillae are six in number; they are all rectangular and low, with the free border straight; the second papilla is the largest, and the height decreases from the first to the last, which still remains rectangular. The separation of these papillae is not very marked. The unpaired terminal papilla is short, triangular, and obtuse. The three first upper arm plates are extremely short, and rectangu- lar in form. The following is still very broad, but triangular, with a very obtuse and rounded distal angle. Beyond this the plates assume a lozenge-shaped form with the two proximal sides longer than the two others. The first of these lozenge-shaped plates has the proximal angle truncated and is in contact with the preceding, but beyond this the dorsal plates are separated by a space which in- creases progressively. The first under arm plate is rather small, trapezoidal, with the proximal border a little broader than the distal, which is slightly OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 405 convex. The three following plates are large, triangular, as long as broad, with a sharp proximal angle, the sides notched by the tentacle pores, which are rather large, and an almost straight distal border ; they are separated by a narrow interval. The following plates become almost triangular ; they are very much smaller, broader than long, and widely separated. It can not be said that these plates have a strictly triangular shape, for the two lateral borders are usually broken up into two short sides united by a very obtuse angle, and the two proximal sides are slightly concave. The side arm plates carry a series of small spines which extend for almost the entire length of their distal border ; these spines are very short, conical, and very closely crowded, and altogether they form a sort of fringe in which there may usually be counted nine spines; but there may be only eight of them, or their number may rise to ten. The tentacle pores number three pairs ; those of the first pair are rather large, and they bear on each border three rather small and rounded scales; sometimes the proximal and external border shows only two scales which are a little larger than usual. The pores of the second and of the third pairs in general have only a single proximal scale; sometimes they add two small scales on the distal and internal border. The color of the specimen in alcohol is yellowish. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomusium fimbriatum is very close to O. multispinosum H. L. Clark. The dorsal surface of the disk shows a very similar arrangement of plates, and the mouth papillae and the adoral and oral plates have also the same characters, but the mouth shields have the distal border slightly concave instead of showing a short and broadened lobe. The greatest difference consists in the number of tentacle pores, which in the new species are three pairs only instead of four ; furthermore, these pores appear more developed, and those of the first pair, which are rather elon- gated, have a few scales on each border ; the spines are less numerous than in O. muUispinosum, in which their number varies between twelve and sixteen. Ophiomusium glabrum Liitken and Mortensen, which, according to H. L. Clark, is perhaps identical with O. multi- spinosum, has four pairs of pores furnished with a single scale on each border, and, according to the authors' figure, the pores of the first pair are not larger than those following; the distal border of the mouth shields is slightly convex, and the number of spines varies between seven and eleven. In the arrangement of the dorsal plates of the disk and the rela- tive shortness of the genital slits O. fimbriitum also recalls 0. planum Lyman, but it differs from it in the more numerous arm spines, as well as in the form of the mouth shields. 406 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. OPHIOMUSIUM IMPOTENS, new species. Plate 90, figs. 9-11. Locality Albatross station 5605; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Do- depo Island (W.) bearing N. 14 W., 10.98 kilometers (5.9 miles) distant (lat. 21' 33" N., long. 121 34' 10" E.) ; 1,183 meters (647 fathoms) ; November 16, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 40920, U.S.N.M.). Description. The specimen, unfortunately unique, has suffered an accidental deformation, which was certainly antecedent to its cap- ture, the result of which has been a modification in the form, the arrangement, and the characters of the plates, principally on the dorsal surface of the disk; it seems as if the individual had been stretched in such a way as to elongate the disk in one direction and and narrow it in another. But the characters on which a specific distinction may be based do not appear to have been very much altered, and the individual may be satisfactorily studied. I do not know any species to which it may be referred, and I consider it therefore as representing a new form. I believe that it should be described in spite of the abnormal state of the single specimen. The disk is flattened ; it measures 9 mm. in diameter in the broader part and 7 mm. in the narrower. The arms, which reach 20 mm. in length, are slender, and they become extremely attenuated in their terminal third. The dorsal surface of the disk is covered with plates of medium size which are more or less imbricated and subequal. There may be recognized a rounded dorso-central, a little larger than the neigh- boring plates ; there must have been five primary radials transversely broadened, and all a little larger than the other plates, separated from the dorso-central by a row of smaller plates. The other plates are arranged without any order. At the periphery of the disk and in the middle of each interradial space a slightly larger plate may be made out ; in each radial space, at the level of the proximal angle of the radial shields, there is also found a plate which is a little larger than those around it. The radial shields are rather large, triangular, half again as long as broad, and slightly divergent ; the two shields of each pair are widely separated for their whole length by a single row of plates in the distal portion, and by two or three plates in the proximal portion. The radial shields do not appear to have pre- served their normal form except on a single ray; in two other radii a single shield of each pair has the normal form, while its more or less reduced fellow is shoved off to one side. In the two other radii the plates which appear to represent the radial shields are very small. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 407 The ventral surface of the disk is covered with subequal, irregu- larly polygonal or rounded plates, which are slightly imbricated and of medium size. A rather broad and elongated genital plate can be recognized. The genital slits are very narrow, and they appear to extend from the border of the disk as far as the distal angle of the adoral plates. I find on their interradial border some small and ob- tuse papillae which do not always form a continuous row; but the gaps are evidently accidental. The rather large mouth shields are pyriform, a little longer than broad, with a sharp proximal angle and a rounded distal border. They are well developed only in three interadii, and in the two others I find instead of these shields and in their place only a small plate resembling those about it. The adoral plates are large and elongated, a little broader outwardly, with the borders slightly sinuous. The oral plates are rather elongated, three times as long as broad. The mouth papillae are six or seven in number on each side; the first proximal papilla is small, but conical and pointed; the two follow- ing are rather low and short, and the distal papillae are thicker and broader, especially the penultimate. The unpaired terminal papilla is elongated and conical, scarcely larger than those on either side. The two first upper arm plates are short and transversely broad- ened. The following is quadrangular, as long as broad, with the proximal border narrow, the distal border a little longer, and the sides straight and slightly divergent. The fourth plate is a little longer and narrower, and trapezoidal in form, though it still re- mains a little broader than long. All these plates are in contact, but those following are separated by a wide interval; they are tri- angular with a sharp proximal angle and a convex distal border which may be resolved into two short sides united by a very obtuse angle ; they remain a little broader than long. Their dimensions be- come progressively reduced, though they may be recognized as far as the vicinity of the arm tip. The first under arm plate is small, pentagonal, with an obtuse proximal angle, converging and slightly excavated sides, and a straight and narrow distal border. The two following are pen- tagonal, longer than broad, with a straight and narrow proximal border, elongated sides which are more or less excavated by the cor- responding tentacle pores, and two short distal sides united by a rounded angle. The dimensions diminish rapidly from the second to the fourth, which is no longer in contact with the preceding. The following plates become very much smaller and are broadly sep- arated ; they are triangular, a little broader than long, with a convex distal border; their size diminishes progressively toward the tip of the arms. 408 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The side arms, which are elongated and slightly projecting, bear at first seven and then six small, short, papilliform spines, which are situated along their distal borders; the number of the spines falls rather rapidly to jive and then to four, and finally to only three. The tentacle pores number three pairs ; they are sometimes covered by a large oval scale, and sometimes by two smaller scales ; the pores of the first pair are rather large, and their size diminishes progres- sively as far as the third pair. The color of the specimen in alcohol is whitish. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomusium impotent be- longs to that section of the genus Opliiomusiuin in which the dorsal and ventral plates persist throughout almost the entire length of the arms. It shows some affinities with O. cancellatum Lyman, 0. cor- ticosum Lyman, O. diomedeae Liitken and Mortensen, 0. properum Koehler, and O. serratum Lyman, but it differs markedly from all these species and can not be confused with any of them. Ophiomus- i%m cancellatum has only two or three arm spines, and the dorsal surface of the disk is covered with numerous imbricated plates: (9. corticosum, which has, like O. impotens, numerous arm spines, has four pairs of tentacle pores ; O. diomedeae has the mouth shields very small; O. properum has only three pairs of tentacle pores, and its arm spines are very different; O. serratum, which has four or five arm spines, has the dorsal plates of the disk larger and less numerous,, the mouth shields larger, the radial shields smaller, etc. OPHIOMUSIUM LIGATUM, new species. Plate 90, figs. 3-5. Localities. Albatross station 5445 ; east coast of Luzon, San Ber- nardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Atalaya Point, Batag Island > bearing S. 56 E., 9.82 kilometers (5.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 44' 42" N., long. 124 59' 50" E.) ; 700 meters (383 fathoms) ; June 3, 1909 ;gn. M., S. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 80, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5650; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Lamulu Point bear- ing N. 5 W., 23.16 kilometers (12.5 miles) distant (lat. 4 53' 45" S., long. 121 29' 00" E.) ; 987 meters (540 fathoms) ; December 17, 1909 ;gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 81, U.S.N.M.). Description. The three specimens are of very large size and the diameter of the disk varies between 20 mm. and 22.5 mm. ; one of the arms of the specimen from station 5445, which is entire, exceeds 110 mm. in length. The habitus is very robust, and the individuals recall very strongly O. trychnum, described by H. L. Clark from specimens from Japan from depths varying between 128 and 1,057 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 409 meters (70 and 578 fathoms). I have even asked myself whether there were not really of the same species or rather of a variety of the form described by H. L. Clark; but the differences seem to me sufficiently marked to justify a specific separation. The disk is rather thick, and its height reaches 4 mm. But this is far from the figure given by H. L. Clark for 0. trychnum, in which the height reaches 6 mm. in a specimen of the disk of which is 18 mm. in diameter; the figure 4 mm., representing the height, is meas- ured on a specimen from station 5445 in which the disk has a dia- meter of 22.5 mm. The disk is pentagonal, with the sides straight; the two surfaces- are plane and parallel. The arrangement of the dorsal plates re- calls O. trychnum, but the plates which occupy the central region are more numerous; furthermore, the three successive plates which occupy alone each interradial space in O. trychnum are more re- duced, and they are each surrounded by a circlet of very small plates ; these interradial plates, like the radial shields, do not show the least indication of that coarse tuberosity which occurs in O. trychnum^ and which appears to be quite characteristic of that species; in the new species all these plates are simply furnished with rounded gran- ules which are rather closely crowded and only slightly prominent > and do not in any way deserve the name of tuberosities. Beyond the radial shields in place of the three or four plates which occur in O^ trychnum there are to be seen a large number of very small rounded plates forming three more or less regular principal rows, to which are added some other still smaller plates. The two interradial plates which lie at the periphery of the disk are in no way swollen as in 0. trychnum. The mouth shields have ,a form slightly different from that shown by H. L. Clark's figures, the sides being parallel and not divergent, and the distal border rounded. The form of the upper, under, and side arm plates is the same as. in O. trychnum, but there is an important difference in the number of the arm spines which reaches in the new species eight or nine at the base of the arms, then remaining seven for the greater part of their length, while there are only five or six in O. trychnum. These spines, which are very small, are inserted slightly behind the distal border of the side arm plate, thus forming an oblique row which toward the ventral side progressively retreats from the distal border r the first ventral spines, numbering four on the first segments and three on those following, are very close together and form a small group somewhat distinct from the following spines which are regu- larly disposed at equal intervals. To sum up, the principal differences are found in the dorsal plates of the disk, which are simply granulose, and the arm spines. 410 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. which are more numerous in O. ligatum than in O. trychnum; these differences have seemed to me important enough to separate from this last the species from the Philippines. OPHIOMUSIUM LUNARE Lyman. Plate 87, fig. 8. Ophiomusium lunare LYMAN ('78), p. 116, pi. 1, figs. 4-6; ('82), p. 84, pi. 1, figs. 13-16. KCEHLER ('04), p. 58. H. L. CLABK ('11), p. 107; ('15), p. 330. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 289. Localities Albatross station 5444; east coast of Luzon, San Ber- nardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Atalaya Point, Batag Island, bearing S. 65 E., 9.45 kilometers (5.1 miles) distant (lat. 12 43' 51" N., long. 124 58' 50" E.) ; 563 meters (308 fathoms) ; June 3, 1909 ;gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. Nos. 41168, 41169, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5445 ; east coast of Luzon ; San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Atalaya Point, Batag Island, bearing S. 56 E., 9.82 kilometers (5.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 44' 42" N., long. 124 59' 50" E.; 701 meters (383 fathoms) ; June 3, 1909; gn. M., S. Two specimens (Cat. No. 40918, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk varies between 10 mm. and 13mm. In the arrangement of the dorsal plates of the disk these specimens differ somewhat from the type described by Lyman, but I believe that these differences are due simply to a difference in the size of the specimens. Lyman's type had the disk only 7 mm. in diameter, and the plates were less numerous than in the specimens collected by the Albatross, in which the large plates of the disk, which alone occur in Lyman's type, are separated by a certain number of smaller plates. But I find that the latter are less numerous in the small specimens than in the large, which would confirm my supposition. I have already called attention ('04, p. 59) to similar differences due to age in describing the specimens collected by the Siboga. The two radial shields of each pair are separated for their entire length in the largest specimens, but in the smallest they are in contact by their outer angle, while in Lyman's type they are in contact for half of their length. They are a little larger in my specimens than in the latter. The mouth shields are also a little more elongated. But the other characters are so in agreement with Lyman's description that I do not hesitate to refer my specimens to O. lunare. In the specimens which he examined, in which the diameter of the disk varied between 6 mm. and 13 mm., H. L. Clark ('11, p. 107), also found differences correlated with the size of the individuals similar to those which I have noted in the arrangement of the dorsal plates of the disk. I may add also that in the two specimens from OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 411 station 5445 the two or three first side arm plates usually bear, at some distance from the group formed by the two small normal spines, a third spine still smaller than these two latter, which is close to the dorsal border of the plate; this arrangement is more marked in the small specimen in which the diameter of the disk is 10.5 mm. than in the other in which this diameter reaches 13 mm. OPHIOMUSIUM LYMANI Wyvffle Thomson. Plate 86, figs. 5, 7-9. See for bibliography : Ophiomusium lymani KCEHLEB ('04), p. 58; ('09), p. 61. MACCLENDON ('09), p. 36, pi. 1, figs. 3, 4. H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 107; ('13), p. 213. MORTEN- SEN ('13), p. 254. FARRAN ('13), p. 34. KCEHLER ('14), p. 26. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 331. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 289. Localities. Albatross station 5283; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing N. 64 W., 16.21 kilometers (8.75 miles) distant (lat. 13 48' 30" N., long. 120 28' 40" E.) ; 512 meters (280 fathoms) ; July 18, 1908; dk. gy. S. Four specimens (Cat. No. E. 310, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5349; Palawan Passage; Point Tabonan bear- ing N. 85 E., 83.77 kilometers (45.2 miles) distant (lat. 10 54' 00" N., long. 118 26' 20" E.) ; 1,335 meters (730 fathoms) ; December 27, 1908; Co., S. Fifteen specimens, of which some are very large (diameter of the disk from 30 to 35 mm.) (Cat. No. E. 367, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5423; Jolo Sea; Cagayan Island (S.) bearing S. 11 E., 8.89 kilometers (4.8 miles) distant (lat. 9 38' 30" N., long. 121 11' 00" E.) ; 929 meters (508 fathoms) ; March 31, 1909; gy. M., co. S. Six specimens (Cat. No. E. 311, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5601; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Limbe Island (NE.) bearing N., 38.36 kilometers (20.7 miles) distant (lat. 1 13' 10" N., long. 125 17' 05" E.) ; 1,398 meters (765 fathoms) ; No- vember 13, 1909; S., Glob., Ptr. Thirteen specimens (Cat. No. E. 283, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5602; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Gorontalo Pier bearing N., 13.16 kilometers (7.1 miles) distant (lat. 22' 00" N., long. 132 03' 30" E.) ; 1,759 meters (962 fathoms) ; November 14. 1909 ; gy. M. Three specimens (Cat. Nos. E. 174 [part],E. 175 [part],U.S.N.M.) Albatross station 5603; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Gorontalo Pier bearing N. 6 W., 10.56 kilometers (5.7 miles) distant (lat. 24' 00" N., long. 123 03' 45" E.) ; 1,469 meters (803 fathoms) ; November 15,1909; S. 412 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A disk in bad condition (Cat. No. 41180, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5605; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Dodepo Maud (W.) bearing N. 14 W., 10.93 kilometers (5.9 miles) distant (lat. 21' 33" N., long. 121 34' 10" E.) ; 1.183 meters (647 fathoms) ; November 16. 1909. Two small specimens (Cat. No. 41182, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5606; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Dodepo Island (W.) bearing N. 3 W., 20.01 kilometers (10.8 miles) distant (lat. 16' 28" N., long. 121 33' 30" E.) ; 1,525 meters (834 fathoms) ; November 17, 1909 ; gn. M. Nine specimens (Cat. No. E. 308, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5608; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Binang Unang Island peak bearing S. 87 E., 35.21 kilometers (19 miles) distant (lat. 08' 00" S., long. 121 19' 00" E.) ; 1,992 meters (1,089 fathoms) ; November 18, 1909; gy. M. One small specimen (Cat. No. 41181, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5614; Molucca Passage; Tifori Island (C.) bear- ing N. 19 E., 56.52 kilometers (30.5 miles) distant (lat.O 31' 00" N., long. 125 58' 45" E.) ; 2,012 meters (1,100 fathoms) ; November 22 r 1909; gy. M., S. Glob. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 174 [part], U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5623 ; between Gillolo and Makyan Islands ; Mak- yan Island (S.) bearing S. 88 W., 13.90 kilometers (7.5 miles) dis- tant (lat. 16' 30" N,, long. 127 30' 00" E.) ; 497 meters (272 fathoms) ; November 29, 1909; fne. S., M. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 309, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5648; Buton Strait; North Island (S.) bearing N. 87 E., 18.90 kilometers (10.2 miles) distant (lat. 5 35' 00" S., long. 122 20' 00" E.) ; 1,022 meters (559 fathoms) ; December 16, 1909; gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 82, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5651; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Buginkali Point bearing S. 67 E., 38.91 kilometers (21 miles) distant (lat. 4 43' 50" S., long. 121 23' 24" E.) ; 1,280 meters (700 fathoms) ; December 17, 1909. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41140, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5652; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Lamulu bearing S. 36 E., 13.90 kilometers (7.5 miles) distant (lat. 4 35' 00" S., long, 121 23' 06" E.) ; 960 meters (525 fathoms) ; December 17,1909; gn.M. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 174 [part], U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5656; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Olang Point bear- ing N. 67 W., 26.87 kilometers (14.5 miles) distant (lat. 3 17' 40" S., 120 36' 45" E. ; 885 meters (484 fathoms) ; December 19, 1909; gy. M. Fragment (Cat. No. 41183, U.S.N.M.). OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 413 Albatross station 5670; Macassar Strait; Chenoki Point bearing S. GO E., 74.13 kilometers (40 miles) distant (lat. 1 19' 00" S., long. 118 43' 00" E.) ; 2,160 meters (1,181 fathoms) ; December 30, 1909; gy- M - Some specimens (Cat. No. E. 175 [part], U.S.N.M.). Notes. A number of variations of this species, which is very widely distributed at great depths, have been described by puthors. The mouth shields and the plate which follows them on the central surface of the disk in particular show rather variable outlines. I include figures of the ventral surface of three specimens in order to show the differences in the form of the mouth shields including the majority of the ordinary cases; these three specimens came from sta- tion 5349. In the specimen shown in figure 7 the shields are almost as long as broad and trifoliate in form ; the plate which follows them is short, and very much broader than long. In the specimen shown in figure 8 the shields are triangular and elongated, very much longer than broad, with the sides straight; the interradial plate which fol- lows is still broader than long, but a little shorter than in the preced- ing specimen. In the specimen shown in figure 9 the mouth shields, which are trifoliate, are deeply notched by the bottom of the genital slits, and they are longer than broad ; the following plate is almost as broad as long, and sometimes even slightly longer than broad. In these different specimens, and in others such as those which Liitken and Mortensen have figured ('99, pi. 3, fig. 10), the same proportionate size of the mouth shields and of the plate which fol- lows them in reference to the dimensions of the other ventral plates of the disk is maintained. In a specimen from station 5652 the size of the mouth shields, as well as that of the following plate, is .extremely reduced, and it scarcely exceeds that of the other plates of the ventral surface. The number of arm spines may exceed the figures usually given. Liitken and Mortensen, who have recorded different variations in O. lymani, give the number six to eight as being usual. More re- cently MacClendon ('09, p. 36), in recording a specimen in which the diameter of the disk is 30 mm., also gives six to eight spines. I find in the majority of the large specimens that these spines are very much more numerous, and 10 to 12 are not rare; on the arm which 1 show on plate 86 as figure 5, which is from a specimen from station 5349, some segments may even bear as many as 13 arm spines. OPHIOMUSIUM MO'RIO, new species. Plate 89, figs. 3, 4. Locality. Albatross station 5392; between Samar and Masbate; Tubig Point bearing N. 49 E., 9.27 kilometers (5 miles) distant (lat. 414 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 12 12' 35" N., long. 124 02' 48" E.; 247 meters (135 fathoms) ; March 13, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 40993, U.S.N.M.). Description. The diameter of the disk is 14 mm. ; the arms are all broken off at some distance from their base. The disk is rounded ; the dorsal surface is slightly convex, and the ventral surface is quite plane. The arms are rather broad, and they taper gradually and regularly; the ventral surface is plane; the dorsal surface is slightly depressed along the median line. The dorsal surface of the disk is covered with plates which are not very numerous and rather large, and the radial shields are very large; the general appearance strongly recalls the arrangement de- scribed and figured by Lyman in 0. simplex. There can be distin- guished a primary rosette of contiguous plates, the polygonal dorso- central and the radials, which are almost as large, and slightly broadened transversely. Then comes a pair of smaller plates, and then a series of three plates separating the two radial shields of each pair; the first of these plates is large and triangular, the second is small, elongated and very narrow, and the third is short and trape- zoidal. In the interradial spaces there are found two successive large plates which are longer than broad, the outermost of which lies very near the periphery of the disk and is bounded below by two small rounded and projecting plates ; some very small plates are seen here and there between the preceding, but they are not numerous. The radial shields are very large and very broad, triangular, with the angles rounded; they are half again as long as broad, and their length equals or slightly exceeds half the radius of the disk ; the two shields of each pair are slightly divergent inwardly, and are sepa- rated for their whole length. The ventral surface of the disk beyond the large mouth shields is occupied by a single large plate which is quadrangular, with the sides divergent and rounded, and a convex distal border which passes over into the sides by very rounded angles. On either side of this large plate is found the small projecting plate described above, which is visible both from the dorsal and from the ventral surface. The genital plate is much broadened and is notched toward its proximal third by the genital slit. This, of a very peculiar form and very short, appears as a small triangle the apex of which notches the genital plate, and the base of which rests upon the first side arm plate toward its distal angle.. The mouth shields are large, elongated, and triangular, with th*; proximal apex sharp and produced, extending between the adoral plates ; the sides are slightly convex, and the distal border is straight or slightly excavated; they are very much longer than broad. On four of them the proximal region is separated from the rest by a OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 415 transverse groove. The adoral plates are large, triangular, broad- ened outwardly, and tapering and pointed inwardly. The oral plates are triangular and much elongated, a shape correlated with the great length of the mouth slits. The mouth papillae number eight or nine on either side, forming a very narrow fringe in which the borders of the individual papillae are only slightly marked, ex- cept those of the two outermost, which are larger and a little broader than the others and rectangular in form. The unpaired terminal papilla is also only slightly developed. The first upper arm plate is trapezoidal, broader than long, with the distal border slightly convex; the second, which is in contact with the preceding, is long, trapezoidal, with the proximal border narrower. The following are triangular, and they become rapidly small, though they persist throughout the whole preserved portion of the arms ; they are widely separated from each other and remain a little broader than long. The first under arm plate is small, rectangular, almost square, or a little longer than broad. The two following are rather large, polygonal, and widely separated; the second is a little longer than broad, and the third is almost as long as broad or a little broader than long. Beyond this the ventral plates are entirely lacking. The side arm plates, which are slightly projecting, bear two very small spines situated close to the ventral border. The tentacle pores, which number two pairs, are very small, and are each covered by an extremely reduced scale. The color of the specimen in alcohol is a very light yellowish white. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomusium morio very much resembles 0. simplex Lyman, and the arrangement of the plates of the disk is almost the same in the two species with in O. morio a few additional plates separating the radial shields, which in this species are not in contact. It might be supposed that the differences observed depended on the age of the specimens, for O. simplex was described by Lyman from a specimen in which the diameter of the disk was only 6 mm. But H. L. Clark has shown that the dorsal plates of the disk become very numerous in the adult 0. simplex, which then assumes an aspect so different that I de- scribed this adult as a different species, to which I gave the name of O. sanctum. If O. simplex when adult takes on the characters of O. sanctum, it naturally can not retain the arrangement of the dorsal plates that it had when young, and which is exactly what I find in my specimen, the disk of which is 14 mm. in diameter. It may be seen by comparing the photograph which I give here of 0. morio with that which I give of an 0. simplex (pi. 88, figs. 10, 11) of almost the same size (which therefore shows the characters of my 416 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. O. sanctum) that the two ophiurans can not belong to the same species and that they differ not only in the arrangement of the plates of the dorsal surface, but also in the characters of the ventral sur- face. The new species differs from O. simplex as that species was described by Lyman in the radial shields, of which the proximal portion is produced into a very sharp angle, and in the great devel- opment of the ventral interradial plate which follows the mouth shield, of which the distal border is very convex. But it is especially remarkable for the very peculiar form of the genital slits, a form which is not met with in any other species of the genus Ophio-musiitm, and which appears to me to be quite characteristic. OPHIOMUSIUM PROPERUM Kcehler. Ophiomusium propcrum KCEHLER ('04), p. 62, pi. 10, figs. 11-13. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 334. Locality. Albatross station 5646; Buton Strait; North Island (S.) bearing S. 68 E., 13.90 kilometers (7.5 miles) distant (lat. 5 31' 30" S., long. 122 22' 40" E.) ; 834 meters (456 fathoms) ; De- cember 16, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 40994, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 10 mm. This specimen agrees well with the types collected by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago between 0-7 S. latitude and 117-119 E. longitude, in 695 to 724 meters (383 to 497 fathoms), in which the diameter of the disk varied between 11 mm. and 12 mm. OPHIOMUSIUM RELICTUM Kcehler. Plate 91, figs. $-8. Ophiomusium relictum KCEHLER ('04), p. 61, pi. 10. figs. 5-7. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 334. Locality. Albatross station 5651; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Bugin- kali Point bearing S. 67 E., 38.91 kilometers (21 miles) distant (lat. 4 43' 50" S., long. 121 23' 24" E.) ; 1,280 meters (700 fathoms) ; December 17, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 40919, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 9 mm. One of the arms, which is preserved for its entire length, measures 35 mm. The specimen agrees well in its principal characters with the types which were collected by the Siboga in 0-7 S. latitude, 117- 119 E. longitude, at depths between 695 and 724 meters (383 to 396 fathoms), and in which the diameter of the disk varied between 11 mm. and 12 mm. The Albatross specimen differs from them only in having the tuberosities of the dorsal plates of the disk more marked and in having the arm spines a little more developed. I in- clude on plate 91 as figures 6-8 photographs of the two surfaces of the disk, and a side view of the arms. OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 417 OPHIOMUSIUM SCALARE Lyman. Plate 89, fig. 7 ; plate 90, figs. 1, 2. Ophiomusium scalare LYMAN ('78), p. 117, pi. 1, figs. 1-3; ('82), p. 95, pi. 1, figs. 4-6. KCEHLER ('96), p. 308, pi. 6, figs. 24, 25; ('99), p. 26, pi. 2, figs. 12, 13; pi. 3, fig. 21. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 334. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 285, fig. 77. Locality. Albatross station 5135; vicinity of Jolo; Jolo Light bearing S. 46 W., 22.05 kilometers (11.9 miles) distant (lat. 6 11' 50" N., long. 121 08' 20" E.) ; 294 meters (161 fathoms) ; February 7, 1908; fne. co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 40941, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 9 mm. I have had occasion at different times ('96, p. 308; '99, p. 26; and '04, p. 65) to describe the variations shown by O. scalare. The Albatross specimen recalls the one which the Siboga collected at station 280. The radial shields are triangular, and the two plates of each pair are in contact outwardly, or very close to each other; the arm spines are three in number. I give photographs of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the disk, as well as a side view of the arm, of this specimen. Ophiomusium scalare was discovered by the Challenger in 28 S. latitude and 177 W. longitude, 1,097 meters (600 fathoms) ; it was rediscovered by the Investigator in the Andaman Islands, in 204 meters (112 fathoms), and by the Siboga in two localities in the Sunda Islands (8 and 10 S. latitude, 123 and 127 E. longitude [520 and 1,224 meters; 285 and 672 fathoms]). Matsumoto has just recorded it from Japan (Uldshima, 549 meters [300 fathoms]). OPHIOMUSIUM SIMPLEX Lyman. Plate 88, figs. 10, 11. Ophiomusium simplex LYMAN ('78), p. 115, pi. 1, figs. 10, 11; ('82), p. 93, pi. 1, figs. 7-9. H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 109; ('15), p. 333. Ophiomusium sanctum KCEHLER ('04) p. 59, pi. 11, figs. 7-9. Localities. Albatross station 5356; north Balabac Strait; Balabac Light bearing S. 64 W., 28.72 kilometers (15.5 miles) distant (lat. 8 06' 40" K, long. 117 18' 45" E.) ; 106 meters (58 fathoms) ; Januarys, 1909; S., Sh. Five specimens (Cat. No. 40985, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5357; north Balabac Strait; Balabac Light bear- ing S. 65 W., 26 kilometers (14.3 miles) distant (lat. 8 06' 00" N., long. 117 17' 10" E.) ; 124 meters (68 fathoms) ; January 5, 1909; Co., S. Seven specimens (Cat. Nos. 40987, 40988, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5433; eastern Palawan and vicinity; Corandagos Island (NW.) bearing N. 30 E., 12.05 kilometers (6.5 miles) dis- 55269 22 Bull. 100 27 418 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. tant (lat. 10 37' 30" N., long. 120 11' 05" E.) ; 99 meters (54 fathoms) ; April 8, 1909; gn. M., co. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 40986, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk varies between 8 mm. and 10 mm. In 1904 I described under the name of Ophiomusium sanctum an Ophiomusium which I believed to be new and which did not agree with the description given by Lyman of O. simplex; my specimens were larger than the single individual on which Lyman established this latter species, which had a disk only 6 mm. in diameter. H. L. Clark, who has had at hand a series of 16 specimens in which the diameter of the disk varied between 4 mm. and 14 mm., has been able to convince himself that all intermediate forms between O. simplex Lyman and my O. sanctum exit; it is therefore necessary to unite the two forms (see for further details H. L. Clark's memoir, '11, p. 109). The specimens collected by the Albatross are quite identical with those collected by the Siboga upon which I based O. sanctum in 1904. OPHIOMUSIUM SPINULOSUM, new species. Plate 87, figs. 1-7. Localities. Albatross station 5650; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Lamulu Point bearing N. 5 W., 23.16 kilometers (12.5 miles) distant (lat. 4 53' 45" S., long. 121 29' 00" E.) ; 987 meters (540 fathoms) ; December 17, 1909 ; gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 189, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5651; Gulf of Boni; Buginkali Point bearing S. 67 E., 38.92 kilometers (21 miles) distant (lat. 4 43' 50" S.", long. 121 23' 24" E.) ; 1,280 meters (700 fathoms) ; December 17, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 190, U.S.N.M.). Description. The two specimens from station 5650 are complete, and one of them is in an excellent state of preservation ; in the other the disk is somewhat damaged. The diameter of their disks is 18 mm., and the arms reach 55 mm. in length. In the specimen from station 5651 the diameter of the disk is 20 mm. ; three arms are broken off at the line of contact with the disk and the two others a little further out. I shall describe the species more especially from the specimen from station 5651, which is a little larger than the others. The disk is pentagonal, with the borders straight; it is flattened on the two surfaces, which are slightly depressed toward the center. The dorsal surface is covered with very numerous small, subequal, imbricated plates among which it is impossible to recognize the primary plates (fig. 3.) ; but on the two specimens from station 5650 (fig. 5) six very small, rounded, and slightly swollen plates may be OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 419 distinguished, the radials being far removed from the dorsocentral. The plates become a little larger toward the periphery of the disk, and in the middle of each interradial space between the radial shields there is a rather large rounded plate which is somewhat broadened transversely, on either side of which are three or four rows of small plates. Between the two radial shields of each pair there are six to eight more or less regular rows of plates, the median a little the larger. Except in the central region of the disk, where they are entirely unarmed, these plates bear very small spines which are ex- tremely reduced, conical, with the point blunted; each plate may carry from one to three of these spines which are sometimes inserted toward the borders and sometimes over the surface of the plate. These spines are more or less developed in the specimen from station 5651 ; in the two others they are not very common and are not seen except toward the periphery of the disk or in the vicinity of the radial shields. These last are rather large, triangular, with the angles very rounded, somewhat divergent, and widely separated by several rows of plates ; they are longer than broad, and their length is equal to a third of the radius of the disk. On their surface in the proximal half and toward the outer border they bear spines identical with those of the other plates of the disk; these spines are a little shorter and relatively thicker in the example from station 5651. The ventral surface of the disk is covered with numerous imbri- cated plates, which are larger than those on the dorsal surface and somewhat unequal. Toward the periphery spines identical with those on the dorsal surface are found, but there are only a few of them here. The genital plates are rather large, elongated, and broadened in their distal part. The genital slits are narrow and ex- tend over a length of about two-thirds of the radius of the ventral surface of the disk; they are furnished on their two borders with small and closely crowded papilae. The mouth shields are elongated, longer than broad, sagittate in form and pentagonal, with a sharp proximal angle, two straight sides slightly notched toward their distal third by the bottom of the genital slits, and a slightly rounded distal border. In the speci- men from station 5661 these shields are more elongated and nar- rower ; the notching corresponding to the bottom of the genital slit is better indicated, and the distal region beyond is slightly tapering. In the two specimens from station 5650 these shields are thicker and shorter and the lateral notching is very slightly marked. The adoral plates are elongated, triangular, and extremely narrow in- wardly, and they do not come in contact in the median interradial line where the proximal angle of the mouth shield projects; on the other hand, they are markedly broadened outwardly. The oral 420 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. plates are very large and very high, triangular, and twice as long- as broad. The lateral mouth papillae are eight or nine in number on each side; the four or five outermost are rectangular, with the free border straight, and the second is larger than those on either side; the three or four proximal papillae elongate somewhat and become conical with the sides rounded, especially the last, which is stout, rather elongated, and almost of the same size as the unpaired termi- nal papilla. The two or three first upper arm plates are transversely broad- ened, short, and quadrangular; the following become triangular, longer than broad, with a very sharp proximal angle and convex distal border; they are at first in contact, then becoming separated by an interval which progressively elongates; they then become as long as broad. These plates bear on their surface a few granules or spines identical with those of the dorsal surface of the disk, the number of which is variable. The first under arm plate is small, transversely broadened, lozenge-shaped or simply biconvex in form. The following plates are at first rather large, with the distal border rounded and the sides somewhat convex ; the second is a little longer than broad with the proximal angle rounded ; the third is also a little longer than broad with a sharp proximal angle ; the fourth is as broad as long. These plates are separated by a narrow interval. The following plates are smaller, triangular, transversely broadened with the proximal angle obtuse, and they are very widely separated from each other. All these plates are unarmed. The side arm plates, which are not very projecting, bear on their surface, especially in their dorsal region, small elongated granules identical with those on the dorsal surface of the disk and of the upper arm plates, and these little spines may be confused more or less with the true arm spines from which it is difficult to distinguish them. Two principal spines, which are somewhat elongated and situated close to the ventral border of the plate, may be recognized ; there may also be observed near the dorsal border a few granules larger than the others which might be considered as spines. In the individual from station 5651 these spines are best observed (figs. 6, 7), but they always are inconstant in their appearance, and it is impossible to say whether they are true spines or not. The tentacle pores number three pairs; they are rather large, es- pecially those of the first pair, which carry on each border from one to three scales; the pores of the second pair usually have one ex- ternal or proximal scale and two internal or distal scales; those of the third pair have a single proximal and one distal scale. The color of the specimen in alcohol is yellowish. OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 421 Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiomusium spinulosum be- longs to that section of the genus Ophiomusium in which the upper and under arm plates continue throughout the whole length of the arms. It is easily distinguished from all the other species of this group having three pairs of tentacle pores by the large size of these pores, the borders of which may carry each two or three scales, and by the numerous spinules which occur on the dorsal surface of the disk, as well as on the upper and side arm plates. OPHIOLIPUS GRANULATUS Koehler. Ophiolipus granulatus KOEHLEB ('96), p. 315, pi. 6, figs. 28, 29; ('99), p. 31, pi. 7, figs. 55-57. Locality. Albatross station 5135; in the vicinity of Jolo: Jolo Light bearing S. 46 W., 22.05 kilometers (11.9 miles) distant (lat. 6 11' 50" N., long. 121 08' 20" E.) ; 294 meters (161 fathoms) ; February 7, 1908 ; f ne. co. S. A single specimen (Cat. No. 41149, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 5 mm. This specimen agrees well with the type which I described in 1896, based upon two somewhat larger specimens dredged by the Investi- gator among the Andaman Islands in 205 meters (112 fathoms). Opliiolipus granulatus has not otherwise been found. OPHIOCERAMIS DECLINANS Koehler. Ophioceramis declinans KCEHLEB ( J 04), p. 15, pi. 4, figs. 1-3. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 337. Localities. Albatross station 5213; east of Masbate Island; Des- tacado Island (S.) bearing N. 87 E., 15.75 kilometers (8.5 miles) distant (lat. 12 15' 00" N., long. 123 57' 30" E.) ; 146 meters (80 fathoms) ; April 20, 1908; S., M., Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 301, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5214; east of Masbate Island; Palanog Light, Masbate, bearing S. 17 W., 4.82 kilometers (2.6 miles) distant (lat. 12 25' 18" N., long. 123 37' 15" E.) ; 399 meters (218 fathoms) ; April 21, 1908; gn. M. One specimen in poor condition (Cat. No. E. 298, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5519; northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light bearing S. 71 W., 16.12 kilometers (8.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 47' 00" N., long. 123 31' 15" E.) ; 333 meters, (182 fathoms) ; August 9, 1909; Glob., S. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 300, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5541 ; Tagolo Light bearing S. 65 W., 23.54 kilo- meters (12.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 49' 38" N., long. 123 34' 30" E.) ; 401 meters (219 fathoms) ; August 20, 1909; fne. S., brk. Sh. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 299, U.S.N.M.). 422 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Notes. In the largest specimen, which is from station 5187, the diameter of the disk is 15 mm. ; the others are a little smaller ; all are therefore of a size slightly greater than that of the two type speci- mens which the Siboga collected in the Sunda Archipelago, in which the diameter of the disk was 11 mm. and 8 mm., respectively. They are, however, quite identical with these last. The dorsal surface of the body is darker than the ventral surface ; it is brownish or reddish with traces of annulations on the arms; the ventral surface is grayish. OPHIOZONELLA BISPINOSA (KosMer). Ophiozona Uspinosa KCEHLER ('96), p. 319, pi. 6, figs. 32, 33; ('99), p. 34, pi. 2, figs. 10, 11. Ophiozonella Uspiwosa MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 82. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 340. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 294. Localities. Albatross station 5420; between Cebu and Bohol; Cruz Point (Bohol) bearing S. 20 E., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 9 49' 35" N., long. 123 45' 00" E.) ; 232 meters (127 fathoms) ; March 25, 1909. Seventeen specimens (Cat. Nos. 40911, 40912, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5421; between Panay and Guimaras; Luaran Point Light bearing S. 27 E., 9.26 kilometers (5 miles) distant (lat. 10 33' 30" N., long. 122 26' 00" E.) ; 251 meters (137 fathoms) ; March 30, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 40913, U.S.N.M.). Notes. These specimens agree very well with the type which I described from specimens collected by the Investigator among the Andaman Islands at a depth of 205 meters (112 fathoms). The diameter of the disk does not exceed 10 mm. in the largest, and it is usually between 7 mm. and 9 mm. Matsumoto has separated from the genus Ophiozona a new genus, to which he has given the name of Ophiozonella, which includes the deep-sea forms having sometimes one and sometimes two tentacle scales. Ophiozona bispinosa must be placed in this new genus with O. casta, O. depressa, and O. media, as well as with the new species which I describe below. H. L. Clark has described (11, p. 31, fig. 6) a species very close to O. bispinosa from Japan, to which he has given the name of O. elevata. According to this author the new species is distinguished from O. bispinosa by its thick and elevated disk, by having the arm spines shorter, and by the form of the upper arm plates. I believe that there may be added, a a differential character, the form of the mouth shields; in my description in 1896 and in my figure ('96, p. 319, pi. 6, fig. 33) I snowed that the mouth shields of 0. lispinosa ara longer than broad, while in O. elevata they are as broad as long. I OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 423 find this elongated form of the mouth shields in all the Albatross specimens. OPH1OZONELLA CASTA (Keehler). Plate 78, figs. 5-8. Ophiozona casta KCEIILER ('04), p. 22, pi. 5, fig. 9; pi. 6, figs. 1, 2. MATSU- MOTO ('15), p. 82. Ophiozonclla casta H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 340. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 294. Locality. Albatross station 5428; eastern Palawan and vicinity; 30th of June Island bearing N. 62 W., 36.14 kilometers (19.5 miles) distant (lat. 9 13' 00" N., long. 118 51' 15" E.) ; 2,021 meters (1,105 fathoms) ; April 3, 1909; gy. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41154, U.S.N.M.). No tes. These two specimens are somewhat different from each other in their external appearance; in the larger, in which the di- ameter of the disk is 7.5 mm., the dorsal surface is strongly convex so that the disk is very thick and high, but in the second, which is smaller and in which the diameter of the disk does not exceed 5 mm., the dorsal surface of the disk is almost plane. But the arrangement of the plates themselves shows such agreement that there can be no question of separating the two specimens, and except for the height of the disk they both agree well with the specimens collected by the Siboga on which I based O. casta. In the latter the disk, of which the diameter is 5 mm., although rather elevated does not reach quite the height of that in the larger Albatross specimen, but it is higher than that of the smaller. The only difference which I x?an detect consists of the form of the mouth shields which are here a little broader than long and simply triangular with the distal bor- der very strongly convex. The mouth papillae decrease in height from the outermost to the innermost, and the two innermost are very low, although much elongated. In the larger specimen the plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are more numerous than in the Siboga type, while in the smaller the arrangement is almost the same, and the dorso-central, which is pentagonal in form, is very much larger than the five primary radials which are broadly in contact with it (fig. 5). In the large example (fig. 7) the dorso- central is circular, larger than the five radials, which are themselves very large; these plates show a proximal angle, and their distal border is very strongly convex; they are separated from the dorso- central by a row of small plates, and only two of them just touch the dorso-central by their proximal angle. In the interradial spaces there are two large tandem plates, and the second, which is tri- angular in shape and a little longer than broad, reaches the periph- ery of the disk. In the radial spaces there is a large plate, the con- vex distal border of which is close to the radial shields. The rest 424 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. of the disk is occupied by some smaller, but unequal, imbricated plates, with the distal border rounded. The radial shields are of the same size as the primary radials; they are triangular, with rounded angles, as long as broad, and their length equals one-fourth the radius of the disk. The two shields of each pair are rather divergent, and they are separated for their whole length by a row of plates, though outwardly they come close together; in one of the radii they are even in contact for a short part of their length. (The shape of the plates found at the periphery of the disk, such as the radial shields or the large interradial plate can not be judged from the photograph which I give in figure 7, for, because of the strong convexity of the disk, the peripheral plates, seen fore- shortened, are rather strongly distorted and their length is con- siderably diminished.) OPHIOZONELLA MEDIA (Koehler). Plate 78, figs. 9-10. Ophiozona depressa, var. media KCEHLER ('04), p. 24, pi. 4, figs. 11, 12. Ophiozonella depressa, var. media MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 294. Locality. Albatross station 5601; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Limbe Island (NE.) bearing N. 38.36 kilometers (20.7 miles) distant (lat. 1 13' 10" N., long. 125 17' 05" E.) ; 1,399 meters (765 fathoms) ; November 13, 1909; S., Glob., Ptr. One'specimen (Cat. No. 41355, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 11 mm. This specimen agrees well with some individuals collected by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago, which I considered as represent- ing a simple variety of 0. depressa Lyman; I described this in 1904 under the name of O. depressa, var. media. But in comparing the Albatross specimen with the description and the figures which Lyman gives of O. depressa it seemed to me that the form from the Sunda Islands and from Celebes differed decidedly too much from Lyman's type to make it possible to consider it as a simple variety, and 1 propose to raise it to specific rank, giving it the name of Ophiozonella media. The Albatross specimen is of exactly the same size as Ly- man's 0. depressa, and as this is the case the differences may be apreciated more readily. If we compare the photographs which I give here (pi. 78, figs. 9, 10) with the figures which Lyman has given of 0. depressa ('82, pi. 2, figs. 16-18) we see that the dorsal plates of the disk are more numerous in O. media, and especially that the plates of the central rosette do not have that tuberosity described by Lyman (and which also does not occure in the Siboga specimens). The mouth shields are less elongated and broader, and in the Albatross specimen they OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 425 are a little broader than long; in those from the Siboga collection they are as long as broad, while in Lyman's type they are longer than broad. The adoral plates are broader and longer, and there are often two tentacle scales on the pores of the first pair. In 1904 I noted the presence of five lateral mouth papillae, the outermost very small. In the Albatross individual this outermost mouth papilla- is extremely reduced, and sometimes it is quite invisible, either be- cause it is hidden under the following papilla, or because it is fused with it; the second papilla is extremely broad; the three others are also broad and thick, and on some sides of the mouth slits they are only two in number. Under these conditions I believe it preferable to consider O. media as an independent species. The Siboga specimens were collected in 1 N.-10 S. latitude and 123-127 E. longitude, between 918 and 1,264 meters (505 and 693 fathoms). OPHIOZONELLA MOLESTA (Koehler). Plate 78, figs. 3, 4 ; plate 79, figs. 5, 8, 10. Ophiozona molesta KCEHLEE ('04), p. 23, pi. 6, figs. 3-5. MATSUMOTO ('15), p. 82; ('17), p. 294. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 340. Localities. Albatross station 5114; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing N. 36 E., 13.34 kilometers (7.2 miles) distant (lat. 13 36' 11" N., long. 120 45' 26" E.) ; 622 meters (340 fathoms) ; January 20, 1908; fne. S. Four specimens (Cat. Nos. 40943, 40944, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5115; Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage; Sombrero Island bearing N. 49 E., 13.53 kilometers (7.3 miles) distant (lat. 13 77' 11" N., long. 120 43' 40" E.) ; 622 meters (340 fathoms) ; January 20, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. 40946, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5305; China Sea, in the vicinity of Hongkong (lat. 21 54' 00" N., long. 114 46' 00" E.) ; 68 meters (37 fathoms) ; October 24, 1908 ; sf t. gy. M. Four specimens (Cat. No. 40942, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5429; Eastern Palawan and vicinity; Fondeado Island (SE.) bearing N. 18 E., 27.79 kilometers (15 miles) distant (lat. 9 41' 30"N., long. 118 50' 22" E.) ; 1,401 meters (766 fathoms) ; April 5, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. 40945, U.S.N.M.). Notes. I am persuaded that all these specimens belong to 0. molesta, which I described in 1904 from an unique specimen collected by the Siboga, although this last had only two arm spines, while three is the normal number in the Albatross- specimens. But my type was of very small size, as the diameter of the disk did not exceed 6 mm. 426 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. I find in the Albatross collection one specimen (station 5429) with the same dimensions, in which the majority of the arm segments have only two spines; a few of them already have three, but this figure is rare and it only appears, fortuitously, at some distance from the disk. It is therefore quite probable that the number of two arm spines is correlated with the youth of the subject and that the third spine appears later. All the other characters agree so well that it seems to me impossible to separate the Albatross specimens from my O. molest a. I give a figure of the ventral surface of the young example of which I have just spoken (pi. 79, fig. 5), and this may be compared with the figure which I have previously given of O. molesta ('04, p. 6, fig. 4) ; a comparison of the photographs which I give here, some of a specimen in which the disk is 10.5 mm. in diam- eter (pi. 78, figs. 3, 4), and the other (pi. 79, fig. 10) of a specimen in which the disk is 8 mm. in diameter, with the corresponding figure of the type specimen ('04, pi. 6, fig. 3), shows well the identity of these diiferent forms. It seems to me worth while to describe this species again from adult examples. Description. The diameter of the disk varies between 9 mm. and 12 mm. In a specimen from station 5114 which I have taken as the type (pi. 78, figs. 3, 4) the diameter of the disk is 10.5 mm. and the arms are 25 mm. long; the habitus of the animal is very robust. The disk is rounded and rather thick; the arms are short, very broad at the base, and taper rapidly to the tip. The two surfaces of the disk are plane and parallel, and they pass into each other over a rounded border ; the outline of the disk is also rounded. The dorsal surface is covered with unequal and slightly imbricated plates, among which a primary rosette of large plates separated from each other by a single row of very much smaller plates may be distinguished. The rounded dorso-central is larger than the radial plates, which are slightly broadened transversely. Among the other plates there may be distinguished an interradial row, including usually three rather large tandem plates, and, in the interradii, two plates of which the outer penetrates between the two radial shields of each pair. These plates are more or less polygonal. The other plates are small, unequal, more or less polygonal in out- line, and, in the interradii, there are generally two or three rows on each side of the median line. The radial shields, which are rather small, are triangular, longer than broad, with a sharp proximal angle and a slightly convex distal border ; their length is equal to a third of the radius of the disk. The two shields of each pair are divergent inwardly, and they are separated throughout their whole length, proximally by two or three plates, and distally by a single plate. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 427 Their surface is smooth, without the least indication of tuberosities or of any prominences whatever. * The ventral surface of the disk is covered with rounded plates which are slightly imbricated and unequal; the larger are a little more developed than the smallest plates of the dorsal surface. The genital slits are narrow. The mouth shields are small, elongated, almost twice as long as broad, pentagonal, with a sharp proximal angle bordered by two straight or slightly concave sides passing over into the lateral borders by very rounded angles ; the mouth shields have their maximum width at the level of these angles ; their sides are notched toward the proxi- mal third by the ends of the genital slits, and they pass over by rounded angles to the distal border, which is narrow and slightly convex. The adoral plates are rather narrow inwardly, but they broaden outwardly and form a process which separates the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are very small and triangular. The mouth papillae are usually five in number on each side; the three outer are rather broad; the first is triangular with a pointed apex, the second and the third are quadrangular; the two following papillae are smaller and pointed. The unpaired terminal papilla is not very much larger than those on either side. The two or three first upper arm plates are extremely short; the following are quadrangular, with a concave proximal border which is slightly narrower than the convex distal border; their sides are very divergent and straight and they pass over by sharp angles to the distal border; these plates are very much broader than long. As the distance from the base of the arms increases, the proximal border little by little diminishes in length, but it is only near the extremity of the arms that it disappears; the plates then become triangular, and they are almost as long as broad. The first under arm plate is small, transversely broadened, pentag- onal, with a very obtuse proximal angle bordered by two concave sides; the two lateral borders are short, and they converge toward the rather narrow distal side, into which they pass over by rounded angles. The following plates are quadrangular, with the proximal border straight and narrower than the convex distal border; the sides are divergent and broadly excavated by the tentacle scales. These plates are at first as long as broad; they then become a little longer than broad, and at the same time their proximal border be- comes more and more narrow, and is finally replaced by a very open angle. All these plates are in contact. The side arm plates, which are only slightly projecting, each bear three subequal spines of which the length is almost equal to half that of the segment ; these spines are thick and cylindrical, and their point is rounded ; they are not appressed against the lateral surfaces 428 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. of the arms, but they are more or less erect and consequently very evident. The tentacle pores, which are very large, are each covered by two large rounded scales, the external scale a little larger than the in- ternal; these two scales persist throughout the whole length of the arms. The coloration of the specimens in alcohol is yellowish. Affinities and distinctive features. Among the species of Ophiozo- nella which possess two tentacle scales throughout the whole length of the arms this species, in the form of the mouth shields and the other mouth pieces, as well as by the presence of three arm spines, recalls especially Lyman's O. tessellata, but the arrangement of the dorsal plates of the disk is different, the radial shields are smaller, and they do not possess the large broadened and short spine on their distal border in O. tessellata. The specific characters which I have described are always well marked in all the specimens which I have been able to examine, and they are already manifest in the smallest specimens. These youngest examples already show the same robust habitus as the adults, and they also have thick and short arms; the upper arm plates are quadrangular for a large part of the length of the arms, the arm spines are thick and short, etc. This may be deter- mined from a specimen from station 5114 in which the diameter of the disk is only 8 mm. and of which the arms are 20 mm. long (pi. 79, fig. 10). In a specimen from station 5305 the diameter of the disk is 9 mm., and the arms are 25 mm. long. Another in- dividual of considerable interest is that from station 5429 (pi. 79, fig. 5). Its disk is only 6 mm. in diameter; the arms, which are very broad at the base, are robust and taper rapidly, their length not exceeding 17 mm. ; the first upper arm plates are quadrangular, and their proximal angle, which narrows little by little, disappears only toward the seventh or eighth segment. The arm spines are thick and stout; they are sometimes three in number, but usually two, even on the first arm segments. In this young specimen the mouth shields are appreciably broader than in the larger; they have exactly the form which I described in 1904 in O. molest a from the single very young individual which I had at hand, which again confirms the specific identity which I have seen fit to establish. OPHIOZONELLA SUBTILIS, new species. Plate 79, figs. 3, 4, 9, 11, 12. Localities. Albatross station 5371 ; Marinduque Island and vicin- ity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 43 W., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 13 49' 40" N., long. 121 40' 15" E.) ; OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 429 152 meters (83 fathoms) ; February 24, 1909; gn. M. (m. b.). Two specimens (Cat. No. 41346, U.S.N.M.) Albatross station 5420; between Cebu and Bohol; Cruz Point (Bohol) bearing S. 20 E., 11.1 kilometers (6 miles) distant (lat. 9 49' 35" N., long. 123 45' 00" E.) ; 231 meters (127 fathoms) ; March 24, 1909. Thirteen specimens (Cat No. 40931, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5423; Jolo Sea; Cagayan Island (S.) bearing S. 11 E., 8.89 kilometers (4.8 miles) distant (lat. 9 38' 30" N., long. 121 11' 00" E.) ; 929 meters (508 fathoms) ; March 31, 1909; gy. M., co. S. One specimen (Cat No. 41345, U.S.N.M.) Description. I shall describe this species from the two specimens from station 5371; in the larger the diameter of the disk reaches 10 mm., but the arms are all incomplete; in the smaller the diame- ter of the disk is 8 mm. and the arms are 30 mm. long; the arms are slender, thin and elongated, only slightly broadened at the base, and they taper very slowly. The specimens from stations 5420 and 5423 are identical with the smaller specimen from sta- tion 5371, and the diameter of their disk varies between 7 mm. and 8 mm. The arms are thin, slender, and relatively long. In differ- ent specimens from station 5420 the diameter of the disk varies between 7 mm. and 8 mm., and the arms, which are very long and always rather narrow, may reach a length of 40 mm. The disk is subpentagonal ; the two surfaces are almost plane, passing into each other over a rounded border. The dorsal surface is covered with numerous unequal plates, among which there is dis- tinguishable a certain number which are larger than the others and rather uniform in size; they are all rounded; between them are found a large number of very much smaller plates. The six primary plates are scarcely larger than the others, and the dorso- central plate is a little smaller than the five radials; between these latter and the central plate there is a circlet of five smaller inter- radial plates, and several other extremely reduced plates. The other large plates include a row of four or five consecutive plates which occupy the middle line of each interradius; these are circular except that on the periphery of the disk, which is trans- versely broadened. In the radial regions there is a large plate the external border of which lies almost at the level of the proximal angle of the radial shields; following this there is a smaller plate, then a series of three or four rectangular plates which are continu- ous with the upper arm plates, and, with the preceding plate, sepa- rate the two radial shields of each pair. Other smaller rounded plates occur intercalated between the preceding, especially in the 430 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. interradii. The spaces between all these plates are filled with nu- merous extremely small unequal plates which are more or less rounded and not imbricated. The radial shields are rather large r triangular, with the angles rounded, and very much longer than broad; their length exceeds one-third the radius of the disk; the two shields of each pair are somewhat divergent and they are separated for their entire length by several rows of plates. The ventral surface is covered with rather large plates which are irregularly polygonal and somewhat unequal. The genital plates are narrow and elongated. The genital slits are narrow. The mouth shields are small, narrow, and elongated, pentagonal in shape, at least twice as long as broad, with a sharp proximal angle, and a strongly convex distal border which is continued over very rounded angles into the sides, which on the specimen which I am de- scribing are almost straight ; on other specimens these sides are more or less excavated by the bottom of the genital slits. The adoral plates are rather broad and short, narrower inwardly than outwardly, and they send off a usually very slender process, separating the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are triangular and rather large. The lateral mouth papillae are five in number; the most external is elongated and terminates in a point which is recurved to follow the outline of the adjacent border of the following papilla ; this is rectangular, very broad, broader than long ; the third, which is smaller, is narrower and almost square ; the two last papillae are conical and pointed. The first upper arm plate is short, transversely broadened, from two and a half to three times as broad as long. The second is rectangu- lar, with a straight proximal border, very divergent sides, and a very broad distal border usually broken up into two sides passing into each other by a very obtuse and rounded angle; it is very much broader than long ; the following plates are triangular, a little broader than long, with a proximal angle at first very slightly truncated but rapidly becoming sharp; the distal border ordinarily is broken up into two slightly excavated sides which pass into each other by a very obtuse and rounded angle ; the lateral angles are very sharp. These plates are in contact on the ten or twelve first arm segments, then be- coming separated by a narrow space, and at the same time becoming a little longer than broad. The first under arm plate is transversely broadened, very short r pentagonal, with a very obtuse proximal angle bordered by two straight sides; the lateral borders are short, and they pass over into the narrow distal side by rounded angles. The second plate is rectan- gular with a narrow and straight proximal border, and divergent sides broadly excavated by the tentacle pores ; the distal border is very broad and slightly rounded. On the following plates the proximal OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 431 border becomes rapidly smaller, and gives place to an acute angle; the plates then become pentagonal. At some distance from the disk they assume a simply triangular form and are separated by a narrow interval. The side arm plates, which project only slightly, bear three~very slender cylindrical and pointed arm spines, which are usually appressed against the lateral surface of the arms; their length does not reach usually half the length of the segment. The two or three first arm segments often bear four spines ; the two dorsal spines are usually close to each other, while the ventral spine is somewhat sepa- rated from the little group thus formed ; but this arrangement is only noticeable on the first arm segments. The rather large tentacle pores are provided with two scales throughout the length of the arms ; these scales are subequal and of medium size. The color of the specimens in alcohol is white or slightly yellowish. Affinities and distinctive features. Ophiozonella swbtilis is evi- dently very close to O. molesta, which it recalls by the form of the mouth shields ; it is distinguished from it by its very much less robust habitus, by having the arms narrower, relatively longer, and tapering less rapidly. The plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are very numerous, rounded, and separated by other extremely small plates; the radial shields are more elongated. The adoral plates are thicker and shorter; the oral plates are larger. The upper arm plates are triangular from the third or the fourth outward, and the two tentacle scales are appreciably smaller in O. subtilis than in 0. molesta; the arm spines also are slender, ordinarily shorter and smaller, appressed against the side arm plate, and not very evident ; they are sometimes four in number on the first arm segments and the first ventral spine is separated from the others, a feature not found in O. molesta. These differences certainly are not due to the age of the individuals, or to their lesser size. The comparison with small specimens of O. molesta, such as those from station 5429 and the small one from sta- tion 5114, of which I give photographs here and of which I described the characters above, is quite conclusive and shows well that the two species are very distinct. OPHIOZONOIDA OBSCURA, new species. Plate 80, figs. 8, 9, 13. Locality. Albatross station 5255 ; Gulf of Davao ; Dumalag Island (S.) bearing S. 65 W., 8.34 kilometers (4.5 miles) distant (lat. 7 03' 00" N., long. 125 39' 00" E.) ; 183 meters (100 fathoms) ; May 18, 1908 ; sft. M. A single specimen (Cat. No. 41155, U.S.N.M.). 432 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Description. The diameter of the disk does not exceed 2 mm. The arms are 8 mm. in length; they are rather narrow at the base, and their width diminishes very slowly; the arm segments are a little broader than long. The disk is rounded ; the dorsal surface is a little swollen, and the ventral surface is plane. The dorsal surface is covered with large imbricated plates, which are not very numerous, among which may be distinguished a central group of six plates somewhat irregularly arranged and doubtless representing the primary rosette; the dorso- central plate is ellipsoidal in form; the five other plates, which are slightly smaller, are rounded, but unequal. Outside of these plates there may be recognized in the radial spaces a rather large triangular single plate which extends between the two radial shields of each pair, separating them in their proximal half. In the interradial spaces there is a group of three consecutive plates; the first is large and rounded, the second is rectangular and very short, and the third, which is almost square, reaches the periphery of the disk. Here and there a very small plate occupying the intervals between the large plates may be met with, but these are very rare. The radial shields are smaller than the plates of the central rosette ; they are triangular, almost as long as broad, divergent inwardly and in contact outwardly for a half or a third of their length. This length is a little greater than one-third the radius of the disk. The surface of all these plates is rather coarsely granulose. The ventral surface of the disk in the interradial spaces is occu- pied by a small number of rounded, somewhat imbricated, and un- equal plates. The genital slits are scarcely evident, and very narrow. The mouth shields, which are of medium size, are pentagonal, a little longer than broad, with an almost straight proximal angle bounded by two straight sides, and two straight lateral borders con- verging toward a very narrow and rounded distal side ; this distal side is sometimes replaced by a rounded angle and the mouth shields then assume a lozenge-shaped form. The adoral plates are rather broad, almost twice as long as broad, with the long sides straight and parallel. The oral plates are very small and triangular. The mouth papillae number five on each side. The three outermost papil- lae are rounded and squamiform ; the proximal papilla is slightly elongated, conical, with the point blunted; it is crowded against its neighbor. The first upper arm plate is small, quadrangular or trapezoidal, as long as broad. The second is rectangular, twice as broad as long, with the sides divergent and the angles rounded. The following plates are large, triangular, with a sharp proximal angle bounded by two straight sides which pass over by rounded angles to the distal border, which is itself slightly rounded. These plates are as long OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 433 as broad; they are at first in contact, then become separated by a narrow interval. The first under arm plate is rather large, triangular, broader than long. The following are very large, pentagonal, with a sharp proxi- mal angle bounded by two short straight sides, and two lateral bor- ders excavated by the tentacle scale which pass over by very rounded angles into the distal side, which is broad and rounded. The proxi-. mal angle is truncated on the second plate. These plates are almost as long as broad, and they are in contact as far as the fourth, thence becoming separated by a space which progressively elongates, and becomes simply triangular. The side arm plates, which are rather strongly projecting, bear three spines which are short, thick, and subequal, with the surface rugose. All the arm plates have their surface covered with rather coarse granules like the plates of the disk. The tentacle scale is single, oval, and of medium size. The general color of the dorsal surface of the body is rather dark; it is a brownish green, and each of the dorsal plates of the disk shows a large very dark spot, which on the central plates covers almost their entire surface. The upper arm plates also show a similar large spot. The ventral surface is very much lighter, and the plates show similar but very much smaller and less well marked spots. Affinities and distinctive features. This species evidently falls into the genus Ophiozonoida, which H. L. Clark has very recently erected for an ophiuran from New Zealand, Ophiozona picta ('15, p. 340) , and the Philippine species is so close to it that I have hesi- tated to separate them. But the differences which I find are not negligible. The dorsal plates of the disk are less numerous and larger than in the New Zealand species, the mouth shields have a slightly different outline and they are a little narrower and more elongated, and the under arm plates are appreciably larger. The coloration is very different. The dark spots on the large dorsal plates of the disk cover almost the whole surface, as I have de- scribed above; the arms are not at all annulated, but show a large dark spot on each upper arm plate. The coloration is quite other- wise in O. picta, and the spots which the different plates show are of a very much more brilliant color " dull brownish with a purple tinge," according to H. L. Clark. These spots occur on the small plates of the dorsal surface of the disk and are not confined to the large plates, and they also occur on alternate arm segments, while the upper arm plates of the segments which remain light show a small dark spot. This elegant livery is very different from that of the Philippine specimen, which is very dark on the dorsal surface. 55269 22 Bull. 100 28 434 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. OPHIOMIDAS REDUCTUM Koehlcr. Ophiomidas reductum KGEHLEK ('04), p. 27, pi. 5, figs. 6-8. Ophiomidas rcductus H. L. CLAEK ('15), p. 342. Locality. Albatross station 5668 ; Macassar Strait ; Mamuju Island (E.) bearing S. 31 E., 19.64 kilometers (10.6 miles) distant (lat. 2 28' 15" S., long. 118 49' 00" E.) ; 1,648 meters (901 fathoms) ; De- cember 29, 1909 ; gy. M. One specimen. Notes. The diameter of the disk is 5 mm. It is a little smaller than the two specimens collected by the Siboga, upon which I established the species and in which the diameter was from 6 mm. to 7 mm. These were captured in 8 04' 07" S. latitude, 118 44' 03" E. longitude, at a depth of 2,060 meters (1,125 fathoms). Ophiomidas reductum has not been otherwise found. OPHIOLEPIS ANNULOSA (Blainville) . See for bibliography: Ophiolepis annnlosa KCEHLEB ('05), p. 17; (*05a), p. 184; ('07), p. 287. H. L. CLAEK ('08), p. 289. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 300, fig. 82. Ophiolepis superba H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 343; ('15a), p. 89. Localities. Batan Island; tide pools; June 5, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 313, U.S.N.M.). Ficas Island; San Miguel Harbor; April 21, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 312, U.S.N.M.). Notes. I see no benefit whatever in the change of the specific name which H. L. Clark has proposed in order to avoid confusion between the Ophiura annulosa of Blainville and the Ophiura an- nulosa of Lamarck, these two species having been for a very long while placed in two different genera and being universally known. Matsumoto also has rejected the change of name suggested by H. L. Clark. OPHIOLEPIS IRREGULARIS Brock. Plate 80, figures 1, 5, 10, 11. Ophiolepis irregularis BROCK ('88), p. 475. BELL ('84), p. 395. KCEHLEB ('05), p. 17. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 343. Locality. Albatross station 5253; Gulf of Davao; Linao Point bearing N. 22 E., 2.78 kilometers (1.5 miles) distant (lat. 7 04' 48" N., long 125 39' 38" E.) ; 51 meters (28 fathoms) ; May 18, 1908 ; Co. One specimen (Cat. No. 40929, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk is 9 mm. Two of the arms are almost complete; the three others are broken off at some distance from the base. The specimen does not quite agree with Brock's description, and it also differs slightly from the examples collected by the Siboga, of OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 485 which I have already described the characters. The plates of the dorsal surface of the disk are arranged more irregularly and the difference in size between the largest and the smallest is less marked. These differences have no great importance. The surface of the upper arm plates in O. irregularis is not plane, but is raised up very markedly toward the distal border, as may be appreciated from the lateral view of the arm which I give in plate 80 as figure 1. There is no large rounded tubercle like that observ- able in O. nodosa Duncan or 0. rugosa Kcehler; there is a thickening of the whole distal portion of the plate which can not be compared with the projecting rounded and clearly defined tubercle which oc- curs in the last two species; in these the upper arm plates are very much narrower than in 0. irregularis. I notice that the majority of the tentacle pores have, in addition to the two w T ell-known scales, a very small supplementary scale situ- ated toward the proximal border of the pore. There may also be some irregularities in the arrangement of the scales; thus some- times this supplementary scale reaches a rather large size, while the two normal scales become smaller, so that there are three subequal scales. This peculiarity has already been described by Duncan in O. nodosa; I do not believe that this constitutes an important spe- cific character. The same feature has also been described by Lyman in O. elegans, and I find it also in other species, for example, in O. affinis Studer; it may be recognized in the photographs which I published of these two species in 1914 (see Kcehler '14a, pi. 9, figs. 16, 18), but the outlines of the tentacle scales are not very distinct, for the plates have suffered somewhat in reproduction. I notice traces of this third scale in 0. cincta Mliller and Troschel, but it is here less developed than in the species which I have just cited. The dorsal surface of the body shows an orange coloration, which is very pronounced, especially in the central region of the disk, surrounded by a broad black circle with an irregular contour; the arms are ringed with black. The ventral surface is grayish white studded with numerous small light orange spots. OPHIOPLOCUS IMBRICATUS (Muller and Troschel). See for bibliography: Ophioplocus imlricatus KCEHLER ('05), p. 18; ('07), p. 288; ('07b), p. 243. H. L. CLAEK ('08), p. 289; ('11), p. 30; ('15), p. 344; ('15a), p. 89. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 301, fig. 83. Localities. Albatross station 5212; east of Masbate; Panalangan Point bearing S. 54 30' E., 26.87 kilometers (14.5 miles) distant 436 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. (lat. 12 04' 15" N., long. 124 04' 36" E.) 197 meters (108 fathoms) ; April 20, 1908; gy. S., M. One specimen (Cat. No. 41189, U.S.N.M.). Port Binanga, Subig Bay ; January 9, 1908. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 316, U.S.N.M.). Batan Island ; tide pool ; June 5, 1909. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 314,"lJ.S.N.M.). Dumurug Point, Masbate; shore; April 19, 1908. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 315, U.S.N.M.). Reef at Nasugbu, Luzon. .'\ One specimen (Cat. No. E. 317, U.S.N.M.). No locality. Two specimens. Family OPHIOLEUCIDAE. OPHIOCIRCE INUTILIS Kcehler. Ophiocirce inutilis KCEHLEB ('04), p. 13, pi. 3, figs. 4, 5. H. I,. CLARK ('15), p. 346. Locality. Albatross station 5398; between Masbate and Leyte; Gigantangan Island (S.) bearing S. 45 E., 5.00 kilometers (2.7 miles) distant (lat. 11 35' 12" N., long. 124 13' 48" E.) ; 209 meters (114 fathoms) ; March 15, 1909; gn. M. Two specimens (Cat. No. 41198, U.S.N.M.). Notes. These two specimens agree well with those discovered by the Sfboga in latitude 9 00' 03" S., longitude 126 24' 05" E. at a depth of 112 meters (62 fathoms). The species has not otherwise been found. OPHIOPALLAS PARADOXA Kcehler. Plate 79, figs. 1, 2. Ophiopallas paradoxa KCEHLEB ('04), p. 12, pi. 3, figs. 1-3. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 348. Localities. Albatross station 5280; China Sea, in the vicinity of southern Luzon; Malavatuan Island (N.) bearing S. 60 W., 11.3 kilometers (6.1 miles) distant (lat. 13 55' 20" N., long. 120 25' 55" E.) ; 353 meters (193 fathoms) ; July 17, 1908; gy. S. One specimen (Cat. No. 41349, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5353; Balabac Strait; Cape Melville Light bear- ing S. 85 E., 31.13 kilometers (16.8 miles) distant (lat. 7 50' 45" N., long. 116 43' 15" E.) ; 271 meters (148 fathoms) ; January 1, 1909. One specimen (Cat. No. 41350, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5516; Northern Mindanao and vicinity; Point Tagolo Light (Mindanao) bearing S. 80 W., 17.98 kilometers (9.7 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 437 miles) distant (lat. 8 46' 00" N., long. 123 32' 30" E.) ; 320 meters (175 fathoms) ; August 9, 1909; Glob. Nine specimens (Cat. No. 41353, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5541; Tagolo Light bearing S. 65 W., 23.54 kilometers (12.7 miles) distant (lat. 8 49' 38" N., long. 123 34' 30" E.) ; 401 meters (219 fathoms) ; August 20, 1909; fne. S., brk. Sh. Three specimens (Cat. Nos. 41347, 41348, 41352, U.S.N.M.). Philippines; without further data. One specimen (Cat. No. 41351, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The diameter of the disk averages 5 mm. and rarely ex- ceeds 6 mm. The arms are very long and very slender, and they reach 60 mm. in length in the specimens in which the diameter of the disk is 5 mm. This is the only remark which I have to add to the descrip- tion which I gave of this species in 1904 based upon the specimens collected by the Siboga; as the Albatross specimens are a little larger and better preserved than those from the Siboga collection, they per- mit the appreciation of this arm length, which seems to constitute one of the characters of the species; since the Siboga individuals had all the arms incomplete, I was not able to measure their length. This length may be judged on one of the two photographs which I give here (pi. 79, fig. 2) of a specimen from station 5116. I find also that there always occurs toward the point of contact of the two oral plates of each pair, a group of small granules, in- constant in number, which appear to be rather decidous. I did not observe these granules in the Siboga individuals and it is probable that they had been rubbed off. Ophiopallas paradoxa was discovered by the Siboga between 0-5 S. latitude and 119-132 E. longitude, at depths varying from 204 to 450 meters (112 to 270 fathoms). It has not been seen since. OPHIOPALLAS VALENS, new species. Plate 80, figs. 2-4. Locality. Albatross station 5178; vicinity of Komblon; Point Origon (N.) bearing S. 5 E., 4.26 kilometers (2.3 miles) distant (lat. 12 43' 00" N., long. 122 06' 15" E.) ; 143 meters (78 fathoms) ; March 25, 1908 ; fne. S. A single specimen (Cat. No. 41354, U.S.N.M.). Description. The specimen is in very good condition; two of the arms are entire, and the three others are preserved for a rather large portion of their length. The diameter of the disk is 13 mm., and the arms are 45 mm. long. The disk is rather thick, but its two surfaces are plane and paral- lel; the outline is subpentagonal. The dorsal surface is rather 438 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. strongly notched at the base of the arms, and it includes at least the two first upper arm plates. This surface is covered with fine and closely crowded granules, which occur over its whole extent and en- tirely cover the radial shields ; thanks to a slight difference in color, the outlines of these shields may however sometimes be distinguished, and they are seen to be elongated and oval, those of each pair widely separated from each other, and also separated from the first upper arm plate, by several rows of granules. The distal extremities of the genital slits which pass on to the dorsal surface in accord- ance with the characteristics of the genus, extend almost to the level of the proximal border of these shields, and they are sepa- rated from the first upper arm plates by several rows of granules. This dorsal part of the genital slits is bordered by granules some- what more elongated than those adjoining; it is very narrow and sometimes only slightly evident, though it can always be recognized, .and there is not doubt regarding the generic position of the ophiuran. The ventral surface of the disk is naked over the greater portion of its surface and it show r s at the periphery a narrow border of gran- ules which continues along the genital slits; this peripheral border, which includes at first three or four rows of granules, becomes reduced to a single row on the proximal third of these slits. It is probable that this denudation of the ventral surface of the disk is accidental, but I can not state this in a definite manner. The por- tions of the ventral surface which are without granules are covered with small unequal plates, which are irregularly polygonal and not imbricated. The genital slits are of medium size and slightly broad- ened at their proximal extremity in such a way as slightly to notch the sides of the corresponding mouth shields. These shields are rather large, a little longer than broad, and pentagonal, with a rather open proximal angle bordered by two straight sides passing over by very rounded angles to the two lateral sides which are slightly convex and notched toward their proximal third by the bottom of the genital slits. These sides also pass over by rounded angles to the distal border, which is itself slightly rounded. The adoral plates are much elongated and very narrow, in contact in the median interradial line ; they broaden a little out- wardly and form a small lobe separating the mouth shield from the first side arm plate. The oral plates are triangular, twice as high as broad, and covered in the neighborhood of the median interradial line by a group of rounded granules a little larger than those of the disk. The two or three granules which cover the tip of the oral plates are slightly elongated in the direction of the mouth. The mouth papillae usually number six on either side. The outermost papilla is large, squamiform, very much broadened, at least three times as long as broad, a little broader inwardly than outwardly, with OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 439 the free border rounded ; it is inserted both on the oral plate and on the adoral. The following papilla is very much smaller, almost quadrangular, and a little broader than long; the three following are small, conical, and pointed, but the proximal papilla is stronger, and almost of the same size as the unpaired papilla which terminates the jaw, and which is also conical and pointed. Beyond the outermost mouth papilla there is a papilla inserted on the first under arm plate Avhich is much elongated, narrow, pointed, and slightly recurved. The arms are rather broad at the base, and when they are viewed from the ventral surface, it may be seen that their width increases progressively and rather rapidly as far as the border of the disk, then decreases very much more gradually. The first upper arm plate is very small, triangular, with the angles rounded. The second, which is larger, is trapezoidal with a narrow proximal border and very divergent sides. These two plates are always included in the radial incisions of the disk. The third plate is very much larger than the preceding; it is trapezoidal, also with divergent sides, and two and a half times as broad as long. The granules of the dorsal surface of the disk stop at a variable level on this plate, and sometimes they reach its distal border. The following plates are quadrangular, very much broader than long, with straight borders ; the proximal border is a little narrower than the distal, and the sides are slightly divergent. The first under arm plate is short and very much broadened, at least three times as broad as long ; its proximal border, which is very broad, curves outwardly and passes over by sharp angles to the short and oblique sides; the distal border is straight and as broad as the proximal side of the second plate. The following plates are quad- rangular, broader than long, with the proximal border straight; the distal border, which is a little broader, is very slightly notched in the middle and rounded on either side of the notch; the sides are broadly excavated by the tentacle pores and they pass over into the distal border by sharp angles. The side arm plates, which are not very projecting, carry at the base of the arms eight spines; this number soon falls to seven and then to six. These spines are slender, flattened, broadened, and pointed, more or less lanceolate in form, and appressed against the side arm plate. The three or four first ventral spines have almost the length of the segment, the following little by little become shorter, and the last only reaches a length of half a segment. The tentacle scales are two in number throughout the whole length of the arms; they are very large and oval; the internal scale is a little larger than the external, which it slightly overlaps. 440 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The dorsal surface of the disk is of a rather light brown ; the arms are a little darker. In the middle of each upper arm plate there is a more or else elongated white spot, which on the eight or ten first seg- ments comes in contact with the following spot in such a way as to form an almost continuous band. At intervals a feebly marked white annulation occurs. The ventral surface of the disk and of the arms is a slightly yellowish white except for the denuded portion of the ven- tral surface of the disk, which is quite white. Affinities and distinctive features. The type of the genus OpJiio- pallas is 0. paradoxa, which was discovered by the Siboga in the Sunda Archipelago and rediscovered by the Albatross at the differ- ent stations given above. The new species is distinguished from O. paradoxa by a more robust habitus, by having the arms broader and shorter, by having the arm spines flattened and lanceolate in form,, their length diminishing toward the dorsal side, while in 0. para- doxa the dorsal spines are the longest, by having the disk more strongly notched at the base of the arms on the dorsal surface, by the pointed proximal angle of the mouth shields, by the considerable broadening of the outermost mouth papilla, by the form of the under arm plates, the distal border of which is slightly notched, and espe- cially by the presence of two tentacle scales instead of a single one. OPHIERNUS ADSPERSUS Lyman. See for bibliography : Ophiernus adspersus KCEHLER ('04), p. 20; ('07), p. 251. H. L. CLARK ('11), p. 95; ('13), p. 212. K(EHLER ('14), p. 95. H. L. CLARK ('15), p. 347. MATSUMOTO ('17), p. 307. Ophiernus annectens LUTKEN and MORTEN SEN ('99), p. 107. Localities. Albatross station 5123; east coast of Mindoro; Mala- brigo Light bearing N. 44 W., 60.23 kilometers (32.5 miles) distant (lat. 13 12' 45" N., long. 121 38' 45" E.) ; 51T meters (283 fath- oms) ; February 2, 1908 ; gn. M. Twenty specimens (Cat, No. E. 353, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5124; east coast of Mindoro; Point Origon (N.) bearing S. 56 E., 38.45 kilometers (20.75 miles) distant (lat. 12 52' 00" N., long. 121 48' 30" E.) ; 514 meters (281 fathoms) ; Feb- ruary 2, 1908 ; sf t. gn. M. Five specimens (Cat. No. E. 355, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5373; Marinduque Island and vicinity; Tayabas Light (outer) bearing N. 20 E., 27.79 kilometers (15 miles) distant (lat. 13 40' 00" N., long. 121 31' 10" E.) ; 618 meters (338 fathoms) ; March 2, 1909; sft. M. One small specimen (Cat. No. 41331, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5423; Jolo Sea; Cagayan Island (S.) bearing S. 11 E., 8.89 kilometers (4.8 miles) distant (lat. 9 38' 30" N., long. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 441 121 11' 00" E.); 929 meters (508 fathoms); March 31, 1909; gy. M., co. S. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 350, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5424; Jolo Sea; Cagayan Island (S.) bearing S. 11 W., 6.30 kilometers (3.4 miles) distant (lat. 9 37' 05" N., long. 121 12' 37" E.) ; 622 meters (340 fathoms) ; March 31, 1909; co. S. Four specimens (Cat. No. E. 349, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5425; Jolo Sea; Cagayan Island (S.) bearing S. 14 E., 7.41 kilometers (4 miles) distant (lat. 9 37' 45" N., long. 121 11' 00" E.) ; 905 meters (495 fathoms) ; March 31, 1909; gy. M., co. S. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 342, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5428 ; eastern Palawan and vicinity ; 30th of June Island bearing N. 62 W., 36.14 kilometers (19.5 miles) distant (lat. 9 13' 00" N., long. 118 51' 12" E.) ; 2,021 meters (1,105 fathoms) ; April3, 1909; gy. M. Three specimens (Cats. Nos. 41330, E. 345, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5429; eastern Palawan and vicinity; Fondeado Island (S.) bearing N. 18 E., 27.80 kilometers (15 miles) distant (lat. 9 41' 30" N., long. 118 50' 22" E.) ; 1,401 meters (766 fathoms) ; April 5, 1909; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 348, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5465 ; east coast of Luzon, San Bernardino Strait to San Miguel Bay; Atulayan Island (E.) bearing S. 50 W., 13.53 kilometers (7.3 miles) distant (lat. 13 39' 42" N., long. 123 40' 39" E.) ; 915 meters (500 fathoms) ; June 17, 1909; gy. M. (m. b.). Two specimens (Cat. No. 352, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5586; Sibuko Bay, Borneo, and vicinity; Sipadan Island (M.) bearing W., 17.42 kilometers (9.4 miles) distant (lat. 4 06' 50" N., long. 118 47' 20" E.) ; 635 meters (347 fathoms) ; September 28, 1909 ; gy. M. Four specimens (Cat. No. E. 354, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5602; Gulf of Tomini, Celebes; Gorontalo Pier bearing N., 13.16 kilometers (7.1 miles) distant (lat. 22' 00" N., long. 132 03' 30" E.) ; 1,759 meters (962 fathoms) ; November 14, 1909;gy.M. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 346, U.S.N.M.). A Ibatross station 5637; Bouro Island (south) and vicinity; Amblau Island (N.) bearing N. 80 E., 38.92 kilometers (21 miles) distant (lat. 3 53' 20" S., long. 126 48' 00" E.) ; 1,280 meters (700 fathoms) ; December 10, 1909; gy. M. A small specimen (Cat. No. 41332, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5648; Buton Strait; North Island (S.) bearing N. 87 E., 18.90 kilometers (10.2 miles) distant (lat. 5 35' 00" S., 442 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. long. 122 20' 00" E.) ; 1,022 meters (559 fathoms) ; December 16, 1909 ; gn. M. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 341, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5654; Gulf of Boni, Celebes; Cape Tabako bear- ing N. 17 E., 39.84 kilometers (21.5 miles) distant (lat. 3 42' 00" S., long. 120 45' 50" E.) ; 1,472 meters (805 fathoms) ; December 18, 1909. Two specimens (Cat. No. E. 347, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5657; Gulf of Boni; Olang Point bearing N. 61 W., 28.72 kilometers (15.5 miles) distant (lat. 3 19' 40" S., long. 120 36' 30" E.) ; 900 meters (492 fathoms) ; December 19, 1909'; gy-M. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 351, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5660; Flores Sea; Cape Lassa bearing S. 88 W., 37.99 kilometers (20.5 miles) distant (lat. 5 36' 30" S., long. 120 49' 00" E.) ; 1,266 meters (692 fathoms); December 20, 1909; gy M., S. Three specimens (Cat. No. E. 343, U.S.N.M.). Albatross station 5668; Macassar Strait; Mamuju Island (E.) bearing S. 31 E., 19.64 kilometers (10.6 miles) distant (lat. 2 28' 15" S., long. 118 49' 00" E.) ; 1,648 meters (901 fathoms) ; December 29, 1909 ; gy. M. One specimen (Cat. No. E. 344, U.S.N.M.). Notes. The majority of these specimens are in rather bad condi- tion and the dorsal surface of the disk is almost always torn away. All are white in color, except those from station 5654, which are a very dark gray. Ophiernus adspersus has a very great geographical and bathymet- rical range. It lives at very different depths from 291 to 3,653 meters (159 to 1,997 fathoms). In 1911 H. L. Clark listed the principal regions in which this species has been found. It was he who estab- lished the synonymy of O. adspersus and of 0. amiectens; I refer to his memoir for further details (H. L. Clark '11, p. 96.). LIST OF STATIONS, WITH THE SPECIES FOUND AT EACH. Latitude N. Depth. Sta- tions. (unless otherwise Longi- tude E. Species. specified). 4781 4893 52 14 30 32 32 00 174 13 00 128 32 50 Meters. Fatnoms. 882 482 194-178 106-95 Ophioripa marginata, Ophioripa nugator, Ophiomoeris obstricta. 4935 30 57 20 130 35 10 238 103 Ophiogymnafulgens. 4948 5070 5080 31 19 00 35 03 25 34 10 30 131 23 00 138 47 40 138 40 00 119 198 924 65 108 505 Oph iogymna fulgens . Ophiogymna fulgent*. Ophiogymnafulgens, Ophiocten hastatum. 5097 5100 14 19 15 14 17 15 120 33 52 120 32 40 55 64 30 35 Ophiura kinbergi. Amphipholis misera. 5104 14 45 48 120 12 20 60 33 Ophiura kinbergi. 5105 5107 14 43 55 14 24 30 120 12 50 120 33 40 4f 51 25 28 Ophiura kinbergi. Ophiura kinbergi. OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 443 List of stations, ivith the species found at each Continued. Latitude N. Depth. Sta- (unless Longi- . tions, otherwise tude E. Spscies. i specified). 5108 14 05 05 120 19 45 Meters. Fatnoms. 24 13 Neoplax crassipcs, Ophiothrix coronata, Ophiothrix nereidina, Ophiothrix propinqua, Ophiothrix pur- purea, Ophiothrix spinosissima, Ophiocoma lineo- lata. 5109 14 03 45 120 16 30 16 10 Ophiothrix trilineata, Ophiocoma erincus, Ophio- coma lineolata, Ophiomastix lutkeni, Ophiomastix mixta. 5111 5113 5114 5115 13 45 15 13 51 30 13 36 11 13 37 11 120 46 30 120 50 30 120 45 26 120 43 40 432 290 622 622 236 159 340 340 Amphiura diomedeae. Ophiothrix capillaris, Amphioplus rhadinobrachius. Ophiomusium facetum, Ophiomusium facundum, Bathypectinura conspicua, Ophiozonella molesta. Ophiozonella molesta. 5116 13 41 00 120 47 05 366 200 Ophiacantha pentagona, Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophio trcta gratiosa, Ophiothrix koreana. 5117 13 52 22 120 46 22 216 118 Ophiogymna fulgens. 5118 13 48 45 120 41 51 290 159 Ophiothrir capillaris. 5119 13 45 05 120 30 30 721 394 Ophiacantha composita, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophiolimna perfida, Ophiactis definita, Amphio- plus legcitus. 5123 13 12 45 121 38 45 518 283 Ophiophryxus confinis, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophi- otreta gratiosa, Ophiactis savignyi, A mphiura unci- nata, Ophiomusium facundum, Opniernus ad- spersus. 5124 12 52 00 121 48 30 514 281 Opnioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophi- 5127 10 02 45 121 48 15 1.752 958 omusium facundum, Ophiernus adspersus. Ophiomusium elegans, Ophiomusium facetum. 5131 49 27 Ophiothrix foveolata, Ophiothrix stelligera Ophi- ogymna pulchella. 5132 48 26 Ophiogymna pulchella. 5133 70 38 Ophiogymna pulchella. 5135 6 11 50 121 08 20 294 161 Ophiomyxa irregularis, Ophiacantha dallasii, Ophi- ocamax rugosa, Ophiothrix koreana, Ophioaoris malignus, Ophiomusium scalare, Ophiolipus granulatus. 5136 5138 5139 6 04 20 6 06 00 6 06 00 120 59 20 120 58 50 121 02 30 40 35 37 22 19 20 Ophiactis maculosa, Ophiopteron elegans. Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophiogymna fulgens. Ophiactis savignyi, Ophiothrix stelligera. Ophiothrix striolata, Ophiothrix vitrea, Ophiothela danae, Ophi- 5140 5141 6 08 45 6 0900 121 03 00 120 58 00 139 53 76 29 opezella spinosa, Ophiarachnella nitens. Opniomyxa irregularis, Ophiothrix signata. Ophiothrix martensi, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophi- ogymna fulgens, Ophiopezella spinosa. 5142 6 06 10 121 02 40 38 21 Ophiothrix stelligera. 5143 6 05 50 121 02 15 35 19 Ophiothrix stelligera. 5144 5145 6 05 50 6 04 30 121 02 15 120 59 30 35 42 19 23 Ophiothrix stelligera. Ophiothrix stelligera. Ophiomaza fusca, Ophiactis savignyi, Amphiodia crassa, Ophiothrix martensi. 5146 5 46 40 120 48 50 44 24 Ophiothrix melanosticta, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophio- i thrix striolata. 5147 5 41 40 120 47 10 38 21 Ophiothrix expedita, Ophiothrix martensi, Ophiothrix melanosticta, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophiothrix strio- lata, Ophiothela danae } Ophiomaza cacaotica, Ophiactis savignyi, Ophiurodon cinctus. 5148 5 35 40 120 47 30 31 17 Ophiothrix stelliaera. 5149 5150 5151 5152 5 33 00 5 23 20 5 24 40 5 22 55 120 42 10 120 35 45 120 27 15 120 15 45 16 38 44 62 10 21 24 34 Ophiothrix expedita, Ophiothrix stelligera. Ophiopteron elegans, Ophiopteron puncto-coeruleum. Ophiogymna elegans, Ophiothela danae. Ophiothrix lepida, Ophiothrix proteus, Ophiogymna elegans, Ophiopteron gratum, Peclinura yoldii, Ophiarachnella nitens. 5153 5 18 10 120 02 55 | 90 49 Ophiothrix infirma, Ophiothrix lepida, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophiacantha dallasii, Ophiacantha longidens. 5154 5158 5 14 50 5 12 00 119 58 45 119 54 30 22 22 12 12 Ophiogymna elegans. Ophiothrix pusttla, Ophiothrix stelligera, Amphiura 5159 5160 5 11 50 5 12 40 119 54 00 119 55 10 16 22 10 12 ambigua, Ophiura kinbergi. Ophiothrix striolata, Ophionereis dubia. Ophiothrix exigua, Ophiura kinbergi. 5161 5163 5 10 15 4 59 10 119 53 00 119 51 00 29 51 16 28 Amphioplus luciaus, Ophiarachnella nitens. Ophiothrix stelligera. 5164 5 01 40 119 52 20 33 18 Ophiothrix stelligera. 5165 458 20 119 50 30 16 9 Ophiothrix expedita, Ophiothrix spinosissima, Ophio- gymna elegans, Ophiarachnella gorgonia, Ophiar- 5166 4 56 10 119 46 00 177 97 thrum elegans, Ophiocoma brevipes. Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophiogema punctata, Ophio- camax rugosa. 5167 5168 5169 5170 4 55 10 4 56 30 432 15 4 28 00 119 45 30 119 45 40 119 22 45 119 19 30 201 146 16 234 110 80 10 128 Ophiogema punctata, Ophiocamax rugosa. Ophiothrix crassispina, Ophiocamax rugosa. Ophiothela danae, Ophiura kinbergi. Ophiothrix crassispina. 444 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. List of stations, with the species found at each Continued. Sta- tions. Latitude N. (unless otherwise specified). Longi- tude E. Depth. Species. Meters. Fathoms. 5172 5173 603 15 6 02 55 120 35 30 120 53 00 582 340 318 186 Ophiomyxa irregularis, Ophiarachna quinquespinosa. Ophiocopa singularis. 5174 603 45 12057 00 37 20 Ophiomyxa irregularis, Ophiocanops fugiens, Ophio- trix hirsuta, Ophiothrix melanosticta, Ophiothrix stelligera, Cryptopelta tccta. 5178 12 43 00 122 06 15 143 78 Ophiopallas valens. 5179 12 38 15 122 12 30 68 37 Ophiothrix elegans, Ophiothrix koreana, Ophiothrix tongipeda, Ophiothrix nereidina, Ophiothrix pavida> Ophiothrix plana, Ophiothrix purpurea, Ophiothrix vitrea, Ophtopteron elegans. 5181 5187 11 36 40 9 16 45 123 26 35 123 00 00 48 412 26 225 Ophiothrix exigua, Ophiocentrus vexator. Ophiothrix koreana, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophio- camax rugosa. 5194 11 15 30 124 11 00 271 148 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5197 9 52 30 123 40 45 318 174 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5198 9 40 50 123 39 45 403 220 Ophiothrix capillaris. 5201 10 10 00 125 04 15 1,013 554 Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophioplinthca globata, Ophio plinthaca rudis. 5202 5203 10 12 00 9 58 00 125 04 10 125 07 40 918 1,417 502 775 Ophiomusiumfacundum. Ophioplinthaca rudis. 5205 11 19 30 124 58 05 15 8 Ophiomaza cacaotica, Ophiactis savignyi. 5206 11 31 40 124 42 40 59 32 Amphioplus relictus. 5207 11 38 05 124 40 45 64 35 A mphioplus relictus, Ophiura kinberai. 5212 12 04 15 124 04 36 198 108 Ophiothrix cumulata, Ophiothrix koreana, Ophioplo- cus imbricatus. 5213 12 15 00 123 57 30 146 80 ! Ophiothrix koreana, Ophiogymna funesta, Ophio- ceramis aeclinans. 5214 12 25 18 123 37 15 399 218 Ophioceramis declinans. 5215 12 31 30 123 35 24 1,105 604 Ophiothrix pusilla. 5216 5218 12 52 00 13 11 15 123 23 30 123 02 45 393 37 215 20 Bathypectinura conspicua. Ophiothrix pusilla, Ophiothela vincula, Ophiopezella spinosa. 5219 13 21 00 122 18 45 970 530 Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophio- limna perfida, Ophialcoea congesta. 5220 13 38 00 121 58 00 91 50 Amphilimna multispina. 5221 13 38 15 121 48 15 353 193 Ophiothrix koreana, Amphilimna multispina. 5222 13 38 30 121 42 45 357 195 Amphilimna multispina. 5223 13 3600 121 25 30 357 195 A mphilimna mutispina . 5236 8 50 45 126 26 52 904 494 Ophioplinthaca rudis. 5244 6 5205 126 14 15 313 171 A mphioplus relictus. 5247 70200 125 38 45 247 135 Amphioplus relictus. 5248 7 07 25 125 40 24 33 18 Ophiothrix stelligera. 5249 7 06 06 125 40 08 42 23 Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophiothrix nereidina, Ophio- thrix pusilla, Ophionereis semoni, Ophiactis savignyi, Ophiocentrus asper. 5253 o254 7 04 48 7 05 42 125 39 38 125 39 42 51 38 28 21 Opyiogymna elegans, Ophiolepis irregularis. Ophiothrix nereidina. 5255 5256 7 03 00 7 21 45 125 39 00 124 07 15 183 289 100 158 Ophiogymnafulgens, Ophiozonoida obscura. Ophiura micrantha. 5257 7 22 12 124 12 15 51 28 Ophiothrix koreana, Ophiothrix purpurea, Ophiactis savignyi. 5259 5260 11 57 30 12 25 35 121 42 15 121 31 35 571 428 312 234 Ophiura fastigiata, Ophiomusium facundum. Ophiothrix capillaris. 5261 12 30 55 121 34 24 265 145 A mphiodia crassa. 5263 12 38 30 121 37 30 Ophiomusium facetum. 5265 13 41 15 120 00 50 247 135 Ophiothrix koreana. 5268 13 42 00 120 57 15 310 170 Amphiophiura insolita. 5274 13 57 30 120 03 25 960 525 Amphiophiura paupera t Amphiophiura spatulifera, 5275 13 55 55 120 10 15 214 117 Bathypectinura conspicua. Ophiocamax rugosa. 5280 13 55 20 120 25 55 353 193 Ophiomitrella subjecta, Ophioplinthaca hastala, Ophio- plinthaca pulchra, Ophiopallas paradoxa. 5281 13 52 45 120 25 00 368 201 Amphiura diomedex. 5282 5283 13 53 00 13 48 30 120 26 45 120 28 40 454 510 248 280 Amphiodia crassa, Ophiomusiumfacundum. Ophiomusium lymani. 5286 13 38 15 120 34 20 823 450 Bathypectinura conspicua. 5289 13 41 50 120 58 30 315 172 Amphiophiura insohta. 5292 13 28 45 121 01 12 296 162 Ophiomyxa bengalensis. 5297 13 41 20 120 58 00 362 198 Amphiophiura insolita. 5299 2005 00 116 05 00 958 524 Amphiophiura sordida. 5300 20 31 00 115 49 00 485 265 Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophiomitrella subjecta, Am- phiophiura sordida, Ophiozonella molesta. 5301 20 37 00 115 43 00 380 208 Stegophiura sterilis. 5302 21 42 00 114 50 00 70 38 Ophiocentrus aculeatus. 5305 21 54 00 114 46 00 68 37 Ophiozonella m-olesta. 5306 5321 20 55 00 20 19 30 116 40 00 121 51 15 310 48 170 26 Ophiotreta valcnciennesi. Ophiothrix aspidota, Ophiothrix hybrida, Ophiothrix 5325 18 34 15 121 51 15 410 224 propinqua, Ophiactis savignyi. Ophiomitrella subjecta, Amphiura diomedex, Ophi- actis profundi. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 445 List of stations, ivith the species found at each Continued. Sta- tions. Latitude N. (unless otherwise specified). Longi- tude E. Depth. Species. , , /, ifftert. Fathoms. ~ 5332 12 47 15 120 41 00 1,363 745 Ophiura aequalis. 5339 11 22 00 119 00 00 96 52 Amphioplus luctator. 5342 10 56 55 119 17 24 26-46 14-25 Ophiothrix prostrata, Amphioplus relictus, Ophiura kinbergi. 5348 10 57 45 118 38 15 686 375 Ophiacantha duplex, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophio- copa singulans, Amphiura grandisquama, Ophio- chiton fastigatus, Amphiactis duplicata, Ophiura clemens. 5349 10 54 00 118 26 20 1,335 730 Ophiotreta matura, Ophiotrema tertium, Ophio- musium lymarii. 5353 5355 5356 5357 7 50 45 8 08 10 8 08 40 8 06 00 116 43 15 117 19 15 117 18 45 117 17 10 271 80 106 124 148 44 58 68 Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophiopallas paradoxa. Ophiothrix striolata, Ophiactis savignyi. Amphiophiura canaliculata, Ophiomusium simplex. Ophiomusium simplex. 5358 6 06 40 118 18 15 71 39 Amphioplus nugator, Amphioplus relictus, Ophiura kinbergi. 5359 8 12 45 120 37 15 4,160 2, 275 Ophiotreta matura, Ophiomedea discrepant, Amphi- 5366 13 39 00 120 58 30 439 240 lepis protecta. Amphiophiura insolita. 5367 13 34 37 121 07 30 329 180 Ophiacantha pentagona, Ophiothrix capillaris. 5369 13 48 00 121 43 00 194 106 Amphioplus impressus. 5371 13 49 40 121 40 15 152 83 Amphipholis misera, Amphioplus impressus, Am- phioplus lucidus, Ophiozonella subtihs. 5373 13 4000 121 31 10 618 338 Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophiothrix koreana, Ophiomu- sium facundum, Ophiernus adspersus. 5374 13 46 45 121 35 08 348 190 Ophioplinthaca globata. 5375 13 42 15 121 50 15 196 107 Amphipholis loripes, Amphilimna multispina. 5376 13 42 50 121 51 30 165 90 Ophioplinthaca rudis. 5377 13 26 00 122 19 00 732 400 Ophioplinthaca globata. 5378 13 17 45 122 22 00 722 395 Ophiodera neglecta, Ophiomusium facundum. 5391 12 13 15 124 05 03 216 118 Ophiothrix koreana. 5392 12 12 35 124 02 48 246 135 Ophiothrix koreana, Ophiomusium morio. 5393 12 03 30 124 03 36 249 136 Ophiogymna fulgens. 5398 5399 11 35 12 11 21 45 124 13 48 124 05 00 209 59 114 32 Ophiura kinbergi, Ophiocirce inutilis. Ophiacantha dallasii. 5400 11 24 34 124 05 30 46 25 Ophiothrix pusilla, Ophiactis savignyi, Ophiurodon permixtus, Amphiophiura stellata. 5401 11 24 45 124 06 00 55 30 Ophiothrix exigua, Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophiothrix striolata, Ophiactis savignyi. 5402 11 11 45 124 15 45 344 188 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5404 10 50 00 1 124 26 18 348 190 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5406 10 49 03 124 22 30 545 298 Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5407 10 51 38 124 20 54 640 350 Ophiothrix capillaris. 5409 10 38 00 124 13 08 346 189 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5410 5413 5414 10 28 45 10 10 35 10 10 40 124 05 30 124 03 15 124 02 45 704 76 385 42 Ophiotreta gratiosa, Amphioplus conductus. Ophiogymna fulgens, Amphiura grandisquama. Ophiogyptis nodosa, Ophiothrix deceptor, Ophio- gt/mna fulgens. 5415 10 07 50 123 57 00 161 88 Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophiura kinbergi, Pectinura 5420 9 49 35 123 45 00 231 127 xqualis. Ophiothrix koreana, Ophiacantha confusa, Ophio- treta gratiosa, Ophiocamax rugosa, Amphiophiura insolita, Ophiura kinbergi, Ophiozonella bispinosa, Ophiozonella subtilis. 5421 5423 10 33 30 9 38 30 122 26 00 121 11 00 251 929 137 508 Ophiocnemis marmorata, Ophiozonella bispinosa. Astrochans virqo, Ophiomceris tenera, Ophiotreta erimia, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophioplinthaca glo- bata, Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiomusium facetum, Ophiomusium lymani, Ophiozonella subtilis, Ophi- ernus adspersus. 5424 5425 9 37 05 9 37 45 121 12 37 121 11 00 622 905 340 495 Ophiotreta matura, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophio- plinthaca rudis, Ophiernus adspersus. Ophiotreta matura, Amphiophiura spatulif era, Ophi- ernus adspersus. 5428 9 13 00 118 51 15 2,021 1,105 Ophiurothamnus excavatus, Ophiomusium armatum, Ophiomusium elegans, Ophiozonella casta, Ophi emus adspersus. 5429 9 41 30 118 50 22 1,401 766 Ophiomusium. facetum, Ophiozonella molesta, Ophi- ernus adspersus. 5432 5440 5442 5444 10 37 50 16 33 52 16 30 36 12 43 51 120 12 00 119 52 54 120 11 06 124 58 50 93 315 82 563 51 172 45 308 Ophiothrix proteus, Ophiomusium simplex. Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophiocamax rugosa. Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophiura kinbergi. Asteronyx loveni, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophiotreta matura, Ophiohmna perfida, Homalophiura inornata, Ophiomusium lunar e. 5445 12 44 42 124 59 50 701 383 Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophio- limna perfida, Ophiomusium ligatum, Ophiomu- sium lunar e, Homalophiura inornata, Bathypec- tinura conspicua. 5447 13 28 00 123 46 18 567 310 Ophiolimna perfida. 446 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. List of stations, with the species -found at each Continued. Sta- tions. Latitude N. (unless otherwise specified). Longi- tude E. Depth. Species. / // / II Meters. Fathoms. 5448 13 23 10 123 45 19 86 47 Ophiura kinbergi. 5450 13 23 15 124 00 30 746 408 Ophiotreta matura, Ophiotoma assimilis. 5459 5460 13 10 21 13 32 30 123 59 54 123 58 06 368 1,033 201 565 Ophiocamax rugosa. Ophiotoma assimilis, Bathypectinura conspicua. 5465 5467 13 39 42 13 35 27 123 40 39 123 37 18 915 878 500 480 Ophiernus adspersus. Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotreta matura, Ophiura clcmens. 5468 13 35 39 123 40 28 1,040 569 Ophioplinthaca rudis, Bathypectinura conspicua. 5470 13 37 30 123 41 09 1,024 560 Ophioplinthaca rudis. 5471 5475 5476 13 34 57 12 55 26 12 56 24 123 47 06 124 22 12 124 25 24 1,039 357 494 568 195 270 Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiura aequalis. Amphiura grandisquama, Amphiadis duplicata. Amphiophiura insolita. 5487 10 02 45 125 05 33 1,338 732 Ophioplinthaca rudis. 5488 10 00 00 125 06 45 1,412 772 Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotreta matura. 5491 5492 9 24 00 9 12 45 125 12 00 125 20 00 1,346 1,344 736 735 Ophiobyrsella intorta. Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotreta matura, A inphiura. demissa, Bathypectinura conspicua. 5494 906 30 125 1840 1,240 678 Bathypectinura conspicua. 5495 9 06 30 125 00 20 1,785 976 Bathypectinura conspicua. 5499 8 41 30 124 35 40 1,013 554 Ophiotreta matura. 5501 8 37 37 124 35 00 391 214 Ophiotreta matura. 5502 8 37 37 124 35 00 391 214 A stroceras pergamena. 5503 836 26 124 36 08 413 226 Astroceras pergamena. 5504 8 35 30 124 36 00 366 200 Ophiothrix capillaris. 5505 8 37 15 124 36 00 402 220 Ophiothrix capillaris. Ophiacantha pentagona, Ophio- treta matura, Ophiotoma assimihs, Bathypedinura conspicua. 5506 8 4000 124 31 45 479 262 Ophiotreta mutura. 5510 5511 8 16 00 8 15 20 124 03 50 123 57 00 774 750 423 410 Ophiodera neglecta, Ophioplinthaca globata. Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophio- treta matura. 5512 8 1602 123 58 26 814 445 Ophiotreta matura. 5515 5516 8 34 48 846 00 124 01 24 123 32 30 Ophiotreta matura, Ophioplinthaca rudis. Ophiopallas paradoxa. 320 175 5517 8 45 30 123 33 45 309 169 Ophiothrix aristulata. 5518 5519 848 00 8 47 00 123 31 00 123 31 15 366 335 200 182 Ophiothrix capillaris. Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophioceramis declinans, Ophio- thrix aristulata, Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophiogymna fulgens. 5520 8 41 15 123 18 30 186 102 Ophiocamax rugosa. 5521 847 00 123 22 30 404 221 Ophiotreta matura. 5522 8 49 00 123 26 30 421 230 Ophiacantha pentagona, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophiac- tis profundi. 5523 8 48 44 123 27 35 Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophiothrix artistulata, Ophio- thrix capillaris, Pectinura aequalis. 5524 8 58 07 123 32 45 658 360 Ophiothrix longipeda. 5526 8 1245 123 45 30 1,472 805 Ophiotreta matura. 5527 9 2230 123 42 40 717 392 Ophiacantha pentagona, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophio- plinthaca pulchra, JDphialcoea congesta, Ophiomu- siumfacundum. 5529 9 23 45 123 39 30 807 441 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5535 5536 9 20 30 9 15 45 9 11 00 123 23 45 123 22 00 123 23 00 567 510 465 310 279 254 Amphiura diomedeae. Ophiacantha legata, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophiocamax rugosa, Ophiothrix capillaris. Amphiphohs misera. 5538 9 08 15 123 23 20 . 468 256 Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophiotreta matura, Ophiomu- siumfacundum. 5541 8 49 38 123 34 30 401 219 Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophiocamax rugosa, Pectinura aequalis, Ophioceramis declinans, Ophiopallas 5543 8 47 15 123 35 00 296 162 paradoxa. Ophiothrix capillaris, Ophiomitra dives, Ophiocarrw,x rugosa. 5545 6 04 45 121 20 20 209 114 Ophiogymnafulgens. 5551 5 54 48 120 44 24 353 193 Amphiophiura sordida. 5554 5 52 27 120 52 18 46 25 Ophiothrix martensi, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophiactis savignyi. 5555 5558 5560 5 51 15 5 51 33 5 5200 120 58 35 121 00 58 121 01 06 62 27 26 34 15 14 Ophiopezella spinosa. Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophiarachnella gorgoma. Ophiothrix capillaris. 5573 5 28 30 120 13 00 22 12 Do. 5576 5 25 56 120 03 39 507 277 Do. 5577 5582 5585 5 20 36 4 19 54 4 07 00 119 58 51 118 58 38 118 49 54 439 1,628 871 240 890 476 Ophiomocris spinosa, Ophioplinthaca pulchra. Ophiochitonfastigatus, Ophiura flageltata. Ophiochitonfastigatus, Amphiophiura sordida. 5585 5587 5589 406 50 4 10 35 4 12 10 118 47 20 118 37 12 118 38 08 635 759 476 347 415 260 Ophioplinthaca hastata, Ophiernus adspersus. Ophiadis definita, Bathypectinura conspicua. Ophiacantha pacata, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophiadis 5592 4 1244 118 27 44 558 305 definita. Ophiophryxus confinis, Ophiacantha benigna, Am- phiura agitato, Amphiura dejecta. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 447 List of stations, with the species found at each Continued. Sta- tions. Latitude N. (unless otherwise specified). Longi- tude E. Depth. Species. 5593 5601 4 02 40 1 13 10 118 11 20 125 17 05 Meters. 69 1,399 Fathoms. 38 765 Ophiolhrix vitrea. Ophiura aequalis, Ophiozonella media. 5601a 1 13 10 125 17 05 1,399 765 Ophiacantha composita, Ophiodoris contrarius, Am- phiophiura radiata, Ophiura aequalis, Ophiomu- sium lymani. 5602 22 00 132 03 30 1,759 962 Ophiura irrorata, Ophiomusium lymani, Ophiernus adspersus. 5603 24 00 123 03 45 1,469 803 Ophiomusium lymani. 5605 21 33 121 34 10 1,183 647 Astrothamnus deficient, Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophio- treta eximia, Ophiactis profundi, Ophiura aequalis, Ophiomusium elegans, Ophiomusium impotent, Ophiomusium lymani. 5606 16 28 121 33 30 1,525 834 Ophiacantha vorax, Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotreta eximia, Ophientrema leucostictum, Ophiomusium lymani. 5608 08 00 S. 121 19 00 1,992 1,089 Ophiomusium lymani, Bathypectinura conspicua. 5610 36 00 S. 122 01 00 1,240 678 Ophioplinthaca rudis. 5612 5613 5614 38 00 S. 121 45 40 42 00 S. 121 44 00 31 00 125 58 45 1,372 1,375 2,012 750 752 1,100 Ophiura aequalis. Ophiopyrgus planulatus, Bathypectinura conspicua. Ophiura irrorata, Ophiomusium fimbriatum, Ophio- j musium lymani. 5617 49 30 I 127 25 30 240 131 Ophiomyxa irregularis, Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophio- j treta matura, Bathypectinura conspicua. 5618 37 00 127 15 00 763 417 Ophiophthalmus relictus, Ophiomelina placida, Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiotrela matura, Ophio- limna perfida, Homalophiura inornata. 5619 35 00 i 127 14 40 796 435 Ophiothamnus venustus, Ophiotreta eximia, Ophio- limna perfida Ophiactis definita, Ophiochiton fastigatus, Amphiophiura sordida, Homalophiura inornata. 15 00 127 24 35 545 298 0014 I 503 275 Ophiotreta gratiosa. 5623 16 30 127 30 00 497 272 Ophiomitrella sagittata, Ophiotreta gratiosa, Ophio- musium elegans, Ophiomusium facundum, Ophio- musium lymani. 5624 12 15 127 29 30 527 288 Ophiomusium elegans. 5626 5629 07 30 50 00 S. 127 29 00 128 12 00 485 375 265 205 Ophiotreta gratiosa. Ophiomyxa irregularis, Ophiacantha serera, Ophio- melina placida, Ophiomitrella sagittata, Ophio- 5630 56 30 S. 128 05 00 1,041 569 plinthaca pulchra, Ophiotreta spatulifera. Ophiacantha composita, Ophiophthalmus relictus, 5631 5637 57 00 S. 3 53 20 S. 127 56 00 126 48 00 1,480 1,280 809 700 Amphiophiura improba. Ophioplinthaca rudis, Amphiophiura improba. Ophiomitrella exilis, Ophioplinthaca chelys, Ophiac- tis definita, Amphuepis remittens, Ophternu* adspersus. 5639 3 54 50 S. 123 27 20 2,853 1,560 Amphiophiura sculptilis. 5640 4 27 00 S. 122 55 40 44 24 Ophiothrix lepida. ' 5645 5 29 06 S. 122 36 06 377 206 1 Ophiacantha sever a. 5646 5647 5 31 30 S. 5 34 00 S. 122 22 40 122 18 15 834 949 456 Ophiomusium properum. 519 j Ophiomyces delata, Ophiophthalmus relictus, Ophio- limna perfida, Ophiotoma assimilis, Ophiura aeaualis. Ovhiura flaqellata. 5648 5 35 00 S. 122 20 00 1,022 559 Ovhiophthalmus relictus, Ophioplinthaca rudis, 5650 4 53 45 S. 121 29 00 988 'Ophiotreta eximia, Ophiotrela matura, Ophiomyces delata, Amphiophiura sordida, Ophiura aequalis, Bathypectinura conspicua, Ophiernus adspersus. 540 ! Asteronyx loveni, Ophiochiton fastigatus, Ophiomu- 5651 4 43 50 S. 121 23 24 1,280 700 sium ligatum, Ophiomusium spinulosum. Ophiomyces delata, Ophiolimna perfida, Amphio- phiura sordida, Ophiura flagellata, Ophiomusium j lymani, Ophiomusium relictum, Ophiomusium spinulosum. 5652 5654 5656 5657 4 35 00 S. 3 42 00 S. 3 17 40 S. 3 19 40 S. 121 23 06 120 45 50 120 36 45 120 36 30 960 1,472 885 900 525 805 484 492 Ophiophthalmus relictus, Amphiophiura sordida, Ophiura fluctuans, Ophiomusium lymani. Ophioplinthaca rudis, Ophiernus adspersus. Ophioplinthaca globata, Ophioplinthaca rudis. Ophiophthalmus relictus, Ophioplinthaca rudis, 5658 3 32 40 S. 120 31 30 933 510 Bathypectinura conspicua, Ophiernus adspersus. Amphiactis duplicata. 5660 5 36 30 S. 120 49 00 1,266 692 Ophiurothamnus stultus, Ophioplinthaca rudis, 5661 5 49 40 S. 120 24 30 329 180 Homalophiura inflata, Ophiernus adspersus. Ophiomelina placida, Ophioplinthaca pulchra, Ophiura micrantha, Ophiarachnella honorata. 5664 4 43 22 S. 118 52 18 732 400 Ophioplinthaca pulchra. 5668 2 28 15 S. 118 49 00 1,648 901 Ophiodictys uncinatus, Ophiomusium altum, Oph- iomidas reductum, Ophiernus adspersus. 5670 1 19 00 S. 118 43 00 2,160 1,181 Ophiomusium lymani. 448 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. List of stations, with the species found at each Continued. Shore Stations. Species. Batan Island . Bavao Bonin Island ReefofCebu Dumurug Point, Masbate. Ficas Island, San Miguel Harbor. . . Jqlo Island Limbones Cove Lippo Point Mactan Island Makinog .' Makasser Island Malcochin Harbor, Linapalan Island Maricaban Mariveles, Luzon Marongas Island Naso Point, Panay Beef of Nasugbu, Luzon. Negros Island Port Palapag Pandanon Island Sabtan Sitanki Island Siasi Subig Bay, Port Binan g San Juanico Strait San Pascual, Burias Island Little Santa Cruz, Mindanao Manila Harbor Tataan Passage, Simulac Island . TavaoBay . Tobea Island Nan Wan, Formosa West coast of Java Celebes Samoa Hakodate. . . Kagoshima Otaru "Wakanoura, Kiushu Yenoshima Philippines (no further indication). No locality mentioned Ophiarachna gorgonia, Ophiolepis annulosa, Ophioplocus imbricatus, Ophiarthrum elegans, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiothrix longipeda. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiothrix galatheae, Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophioplocus imbricatus, Ophiocoma brevipes, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiolepis annulosa. Ophiactis savignyi, Ophiomastix annulosa. Ophiomaza cacaotica. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiomastix flaccida, Ophiarthrum elegans. Ophiocoma brevipes. Ophiothrix galathese, Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiomastix vcnosa. Ophiothrix galathese, Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiothrix expedita, var. rhabdota, Ophiothrix martensi, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophiothrix striolata, Ophiactis savignyi, Ophiarthrum elegans, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma brevipes. Ophiothrix galatheae, Ophiarachnella gorgonia, Ophioplocus imbricatus t Ophiocoma brevipes, Ophiocoma scolopendrina, Ophiomastix annu- losa. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiothrix galatheae, Ophiarthrum elegans, Ophiocoma brevipet, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiura Icinbergi, Ophioplocus imbricatus, Ophiocoma erinaceus, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiactis affinis. Ophiarachnella gorgonia, Ophiocoma brevipes. Ophiocoma wendtii. Amphioplus relictus. Ophiarachnella infernalis, Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiothrix longipeda. Ophiothrix longipeda. Amphipholis miser a. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Ophiothrix armata. Ophiothrix longipeda, Ophiocoma wendtii, Ophiarthrum elegans. Amphiura commutata, Amphipholis Tcochii, AmphiphoUs misera, Ophiopholis mirabilis, Stegophiura sladeni, Ophiura mitescens, Ophi- ura sarsii. Amphioplus relictus. Amphiura vadicola, Amphiodia debita, Ophiura Icinbergi. Ophiura Itinbergi. Ophiothrix marenzelleri, Ophiura Icinbergi. Ophiothrix melanosticta, Ophiothrix stelligera. Ophiopallas paradoxa. Ophiothrix bellax, Ophiothrix martensi, Ophiothrix stelligera, Ophio- thrix strioata, Ophiocoma scolopendrina, Ophioplocusio iombricatus, Ophiacantha graphica, Ophiophthalmus suspectus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. '58 LUTKIN, CH. Additamenta ad historian! Ophiuridarum. 1 Afdeling, 1858. '59. LUTKEN, CH. Additamenta ad historiam Ophiuridarum. 2 Afdeling, 1859. '61. LYMAN, THEODORE. Descriptions of new Ophiuridae. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, 1861. '62. HELLER, C. Untersuchungen iiber die Litoralfauna des adriatischen Meeres. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl. Vol. 46, Abth. 1, 1862. '65. LYMAN, THEODORE. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae. III. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 1, 1865. ^66. LJUNGMAN, A. V. Ophiuroidea viventia hue usque cognita. Ofv. K. Vet. Akad. Forh. Vol. 23, 1866. '68. HERKLOTS, J. A. Echinodermes peints d'apres nature. Leiden, 1868. '69. LUTKEN, CH. Additamenta ad historiam Ophiuridarum. 3 Afdeling, 1869. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 449 '70. MARTENS, E. VON. Die Ophiuriden des indischen Archipels. Archiv fiir Naturgeschiohte. Vol. 36, 1870. '72. LUTKEN, CH. Ophiuridarum novarum descriptiones nonnullae. Overs. Kgl. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl., 1872. '74. LYMAN, THEODORE. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae, old and new. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 3, No. 10. Cambridge, 1874. . '75. LYMAN, THEODORE. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae, in Results of the Hass- ler Expedition. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 4, 1875. '78. DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On some Ophiuridea from Korean Seas. Journ. Lin- nean Soc., Zoology. Vol. 14, 1879. '78. LYMAN, THEODORE. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae of the Challenger. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 5, No. 7, 1878. '78a. LYMAN, THEODORE, Ophiurans and Astrophytons. Results of the dred- gings of the Blake. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 5, No. 9, 1878. '80. LUDWIG, H. tiber einige seltenere Echinodermen des Mittelmeeres. Mitth. Zoolog. Station Neapel. Vol. 2, 1880. '82. LYMAN, TH. Report on the Ophiuroidea dredged by the Challenger. The Voyage of the Challenger, Zoology. Vol. 5, 1882. '83. LYMAN, TH. Report on the Ophiuroidea. Results of the dredgings of the Blake. Bull. Mua. Comp. Zool. Vol. 10, 1883. '84. BELL, F. JEFFREY. Echinodermata, in Report on the Zoological collections . . . of H. M. 8. Alert, 1881-1882. London, 1884. '84. WALTER, A. Ceylons Echinodermen. Jenaische Zeitschr. fiir Natunc. Vol. 18, 1884. '86. DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On the Ophiuridae of the Mergui Archipelago. Journ. Linnean 8oc., Zoology. Vol. 21, 1886. '86a. DUNCAN, P. MARTIN. On some parts of anatomy of Ophiothrix variabilis Duncan and Ophiocampsis pellioula Duncan. Journ. Linn. Soc., Zoology. Vol. 21, 1886. '87. MARKTANNER-TURNERETSCHER, G. Beschreibungen neuer Ophiuriden. Ann. k. k. nat. Hof-museums. Wien, vol. 2, 1887. '88. BROCK, J. Die Ophiuridenfauna des indischen Archipels. Zeitschr. fiir wiss, Zoologie. Vol. 47, 1888. '92. BELL, F. JEFFREY. Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Mu- seum. London, 1892. '93. LORIOL, P. DE. Catalogue raisonn6 des Echinodermes recueillis par M. de Robillard a File Maurice, III. Ophiurides et Astrophytid6s. Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneve. Vol. 32, 1893. '93a. LORIOL, P. DE. Echinodermes de la baie d'Amboine. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, Vol. 1, 1893. '93. Russo, A. Specie di Echinodermi poco conosciuti e nuovi viventi nel golfo di Napoli. Atti della R. Acad. Scienze Fisiche e Matem. Vol. 6, ser. 2, No. 1, 1893. '94. BELL, F. JEFFREY. On the Echinoderms collected during the voyage of H. M. S. Penguin, etc. Proc. Zool. Society, London, 1894. '96. DODERLEIN, LUDWIG. Bericht iiber die von Semon bei Amboina und Thurs- day Islands gesammelten Ophiuroidea, in Semon's Forschungsreisen. Vol. 5, Jena, 1896. '97. FARQUHAR, H. A. Contribution to the history of New Zealand Echinoderms. Journ. Linnean Soc. Zoology. Vol. 26, 1897. '97. KCEHLER, RENE. Echinodermes recueillis par VInvestigator dans TOc6an Indien. Les Ophiures de mer profonde. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zoologie. S6r. 8, vol. 4, 1897. 55269 22 Bull. 100 29 450 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. '98. KCEHLEB, RENE. Echinodermes recueillis par Vlnvestigator dans 1'Oceaa Indien. II, Les Ophiures littorales. Bulletin scientifique. Vol. 31, 1898. '98a. K(EHLEE, RENE. Echinides et Ophiures provenant des campagnes du yacht Hirondelle. Res. Sci. campagnes du Prince de Monaco. Fasc. 12, 1898. '99. KCEHLEB, RENE. An account of the deep sea Ophiuridea collected by the Roy. Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator. Calcutta, 1899. '99. LORIOL, P. DE. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire des Echinodermes, VII. Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Gen&ve, 1899. '99. LUTKEN, CH., and MOBTENSEN, TH. The Ophiuridae, in Report on an ex- ploration ... by the Steamer Albatross. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 23, No. 2, 1899. '99. VEBBILL, A. E. Report on the Ophiuroidea collected by the Bahama Expedi- tion, 1893. Bull. Lai). Nat. Hist. Univ. Iowa, 1899. '99a. VEBBILL, A. E. North American Ophiuroidea. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci. Vol. 10, 1899. '00. PFEFFEB, GEOBG. Echinodermen von Ternate. Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Gesellscli. Vol. 25, 1900. '01. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. The Echinoderms of Porto Rico. Bulletin U. S. Fish Commission for 1900. Vol. 2, Washington, 1901. '03. MACINTOSH, D. C. Variation in Ophiocoma nigra. Biometrika. Vol. 2, 1903. '03. MOBTENSEN, TH. Echinoderms from East Greenland. Meddelelser om Gronland. Vol. 29, 1903. '04. KCEHLEB, RENE. Ophiures de l'Exp4dition du Siboga, pt. 1, Ophiures de mer profonde. Leiden, 1904. '04a. KCEHLEB, RENE. Ophiures nouvelles ou peu connues. M&m,. Soc. Zoo- logique de France. Vol. 17, 1904. '05. KCEHLEB, RENE. Ophiures de I'Exp&lition du Siboga, pt. 2, Ophiures lit- torales. Leiden, 1905. '05a. KCEHLEB, RENE. Echinides, Ophiures et Stellerides recueillis par M. Gra- vier dans la mer Rouge (Folfe de Trajurah). Bulletin du Museum. Paris, 1905. '05b. KCEHLEB, RENE. Echinides, Stellgrides et Ophiures recueillis par MM. Bonnier et Perez dans la mer Rouge (cotes d' Arabic). Bulletin du Mu- stum. Paris, 1905. '06. KCEHLEB, RENE. Resultats scientifiques de la campagne du Caudan dans le golfe de Gascogne. Echinodermes. Lyon, 1906. '07. GBIEG, JAMES. A. Echinodermata, in Reports of the second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Fram, 1898-1902. Christiania, 1907. '07. KCEHLEB, RENE. Revision des Ophiures du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Bull. Scientif. Vol. 44, 1907. '07a. KCEHLEB, RENE. Ophiures. Resultats scientifiques des campagnes du Tra- vailleur et du Talisman. Vol. 8, 1907. '07b. KCEHLEB, RENE. Ophiuroidea, in Fauna Sudwest Australiens. Vol. 1, Lief. 4, Jena, 1907. .'08. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. Some Japanese and East Indian Echinoderms. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 51, No. 11, 1908. '09. CLARK, HUBERT LYMAN. Notes on some Australian and Indo-Pacific Echinoderms. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 52, No. 7. *09a. CLABK, HUBERT LYMAN. Echinoderma, in Scientific Results of the trawl- ing Expedition of H. M. S. Thetis. Mem. Australian Museum. Vol. 4, Sydney, 1909. OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 451 *09. KCEHLEB, RENE. Echinodermes provenant des campagnes du yacht Prln- cesse-Alice. Res. Sci. campagnes du Prince de Monaco. Fasc. 34, 1909. '09. MACCLENDON, J. F. The Ophiurans of the San Diego Region. University of California Publications in Zoology. Vol. 6, No. 3, 1909. '10. DODEBLEIN, LUDWIG. Echinodermata, in L. Schultze, Zoologische und an- throp. Eraebnisse in Siidafrika. Vol. 4, Lief, 1, Jena, 1910. '10. KCEHLEB, RENE. Asteries et Ophiures des lies Aru et Kei. Abh. Senckenb^ Naturf. Gesells. Vol. 33, 1910. '10. MOBTENSEN, TH. Die Echinoiden der deutschen Siidpolar Expedition, Deutsch. Sudpolar Expedition. Vol. 2, Heft 1, 1910. '10. MOBTENSEN, TH., and KOLDEBUP ROSENVINGE, L. Sur quelques plantes parasites dans les Echinodermes. Bull. Acad. Roy. des Sciences et Lettres de Danemark. No. 4, 1910. 11. BENHAM, W. B. Stellerids and Echinids from the Kermadec Islands. Transact. New Zealand Institute. Vol. 43, 1911. '11. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. North Pacific Ophiurans in the collection of the U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus. No. 75, 1911. '11. DODEBLEIN, LUDWIG. Uber japanische und andere Euryalae. Munchen Abh. Akad. Wiss. Math.-phys. Klasse. Suppl., Vol. 2, 1911. '11. MACINTOSH, DONALD C. The Marine fauna of the Mergui Archipelago. The Ophiuroidea. Edinburgh Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Vol. 18, 1911. *11. SUSSBACH, S., and BBECKNEB, A. Die Seeigel, Seesterne und Schlangen- sterne der Nord- und Ostsee. Wiss. Meeresunters. Kiel. 1911. '12. KCEHLEB, RENE. Echino-dermes. Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique fran- caise commandee par le Dr. J. Charcot. Paris, 1912. '12. MOBTENSEN, TH. Uber Asteronyx Loveni. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Vol. 101, 1912. '13. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. Echinoderms from Lower California, in Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Gulf of California ... by the steamer Albatross in 1911. '13. FABBAN, G. P. The Deep- Water Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea and Echinoidea of the west of Ireland. Department of Agriculture Scientific Investigations. 1912, No. 4. '13. KCEHLEB, RENE. Ophiures. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. Vol. 11, 1913. 13. MOBTENSEN, TH. Conspectus faunae Groenlandise. Echinodermer, in Med- delelser om Oronland, vol. 23. Kobenhavn. 1913. '13a. MOBTENSEN, TH. On the alleged primitive Ophiuroid, Ophioteresis elegans Bell, with description of a new species of Ophiothela. Kobenhavn Minde- skrift for J. Steenstrup, 1914. '14. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. The Echinoderms of the Western Australian Mu- seum. Records W. A. Museum. Vol. 1, 1914. '14. KCEHLEB, RENE. A Contribution to the Study of Ophiurans of the United States National Museum. Bulletin U. S. Nat. Mus. 84. Washington, 1914. '14a. KCEHLEB, RENE. Echinoderma I. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Mceres- fauna Westafrikas. Hamburg, 1914. '15. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. Catalogue of recent Ophiurans. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Vol. 25, No. 4. Cambridge, 1915. '15a. CLABK, HUBEBT LYMAN. The Echinoderms of Ceylon other than Holo- thurians. Spolia Zeylanica. Vol. 10, part 37, 1915. '15. KCEHLEB, RENE. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Astrophiura, YAstro- phiura Cavellce. Bull. Musee Ocean op ra phi que. No. 311. Monaco, 1915. '15. MATSUMOTO, H. A new classification of the Ophiuroidea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia, 1915. 452 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. '16. CLARK, HUBERT LYMAN. Report on the Sea-lilies, Starfishes, Brittle-Stars and Sea-Urchins obtained by the F. I. S. Endeavour on the Coast of Queensland. Bioloffical Results of the . . . Endeavour 1909-14. Syd- ney, 1916. '17. MATSUMOTO, H. A Monograph of Japanese Ophiuridea, arranged ac- cording to a new classification. Journal of the College of Science. Vol. 38, art 2, Tokyo, 1917. LIST OF TYPE SPECIMENS. The following specimens have been designated by the Museum as types of the new species described by M. Kcehler : Name. Page. Catalogue No. Locality. Amphilepis remittens 202 Amphilimna multispina 183 Amphiodia debita 168 Amphiophiura canaliculata 357 Amphipphiurafastigiata 359 Amphiophiura spatulifera 365 Amphipplus conauctus 172 Amphipplus kgatus 169 Amphipplus lucidus 176 Amphipplus luctator 178 Amphipholis loripes 164 Amphiura commutata 152 Amphiura dejecta 154 Amphiura demissa 156 Astrothamnus deficient 35 Crytopelta tecta 350 Neoptax crassipes 22 Ophiacantha benigna 45 Ophiacaniha graphica i 51 Ophiacantha legata 53 Ophiacaniha pacata 57 Ophiacantha severa 61 Ophiactis definita 187 Ophiarachna quinquespinosa 331 Ophiobyrsella intorta 27 Ophipcanops fugiens 26 Ophiocentrus vexator 200 Ophipcopa singularis 98 Ophipdyctis uncinatus 42 Ophiogema punctata 67 Ophiogymnafunesta 292 Ophiomazafusca 299 Ophipmedea discrepans 95 Ophipmitra dives 107 Ophiomitrella exilis 110 Ophiomitrella sigittata Ill Ophiomitrella subjecta 114 Ophipmusium armatum 389 Ophipmusiumfacetum 394 Ophiomusium facundum 398 Ophiomusium fimbriatum 403 Ophiomusium impotens 406 Ophipmusium ligatum 408 Ophipmusium mono 413 Ophiomusium spinulosum 418 Ophippallas valens 437 Ophipphrixus confinis 30 Ophiophthalmus suspectus 127 41112 E.1049 E.1048 41341 41344 41074 41161 41179 41126 41157 41190 E.1046 E.1047 41177 E.158 41391 E.193 41235 41233 41373 41234 41238 E.1050 E.128 E.331 41080 E.1051 41280 41017 E.1040 E.1053 41167 41196 E.1042 40949 E.1043 E.1044 40923 41370 41369 E.188 40920 E.80 40993 E.190 41354 E.333 41164 Station 5637. Station 5375. Otaru, Japan. Station 5356. Station 5259. Station 5274. Station 5410. Station 5119. Station 5371. Station 5339. Station 5375. Hakodate, Japan. Station 5592. Station 5492. Station 5605. Station 5174. Station 5108. Station 5592. No locality. Station 5536. Station 5589. Station 5645. Station 5119. Station 5172. Station 5491. Station 5174. Station 5181. Station 5348. Station 5668. Station 5166. Station 5213. Station 5145. Station 5359. Station 5543. Station 5637. Station 5629. Station 5325. Station 5428. Station 5127. Station 5623. Station 5614. Station 5605. Station 5445. Station 5392. Station 5651. Station 5178. Station 5123. No locality. OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 453 Name. Page. Catalogue No. Locality. Ophioplinthaca globata 132 E 1045 Station 5123 Ophioplinthaca, hastate, 137 41002 Station 5586 Ophiopteron gratum 302 41307 Station 5152 Ophiopyrous plcinulcttus 355 40928 Station 56] 3 Ophioripa marginata 118 41129 Station 4781 Ophioripa nugator 119 41128 Station 4781 Ophiothrix bellax 211 41026 No locality OphiothTix cumulata 220 E 1052 Station 5212 Ophiothrix deceptor 225 E. 13 Station 5414. Ophiothrix pavida 252 41018 Station 5179. Ophiothfix pTostrata 257 41023 Station 5342 Ophiothrix sionata 263 41069 Station 5140 Ophiotrema tertiwn 88 41150 Station 5349 Ophiotreta spatulifera . 81 41197 Station 5629 Ophiozonella subtilis 428 E 1056 Station 5371. Ophiozonoida obscura 431 41155 Station 5255. Ophiura Jluctuans 377 E.1055 Station 5652. Ophiura mitescens 383 41200 Hakodate, Japan. Ophiurothamnus excavatus 105 E.1041 Station 5428. Stegophiura sterilis 370 E 1054 Station 5301 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. The outlines of many of the figures have suffered somewhat owing to the limitations of the process of reproduction. All figures enlarged unless otherwise stated. PLATE 1. Astrothamnus deficient from station 6605. FIG. 1. An entire specimen, dorsal surface. 2. Lateral view of an arm. 3. The same. 4. Ventral surface or an arm. 5. A hook-shaped spine. 6. Lateral view of an arm. 7. The same. 8. Lateral view of the disk. 9. Slightly oblique view of an arm near the tip. 10. Ventral surface of the disk. PLATE 2. FIG. 1. Neoplax crassipes from station 5108 ; ventral surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface. 3. Ventral surface of an arm. 4. Ophiocanops fugiens from station 5174; dorsal surface of an entire specimen. 5. The same; a vertebra, with the side arm plates. 6. The same ; ventral surface of an arm treated with Javelle water. 7. The same ; lateral view of an arm with the arm spines. 8. The same ; oblique view of an interradial area of the disk, to show the adoral plates. . The same; arm spines. 13. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk. 14. The same ; ventral surface of the disk. 15. The same ; lateral surface of the disk, showing the madreporic orifice. 454 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 16. 17. The same; dorsal surface of an arm treated with Juvelle water. 18. Ophiamyxa irregularis from station 5172; lateral view of the disk. PLATE 3. Ophiophrixus confinis. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5592 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. The same; ventral surface of an arm. 4. The specimen from station 5123 ; ventral surface of an arm. 5. The same ; lateral view of an arm with the arm spines. 6. The same ; dorsal surface of the entire specimen. 7. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk, more magnified. 8. The specimen from station 5592 ; dorsal surface. PLATE 4. FIG. 1. Ophiarachna affinis; ventral surface of a specimen from Amboina. 2. Ophiobyrsella intorta from station 5491; dorsal surface of the disk. 3. The same ; lateral view of an arm with the arm spines. 4. The same ; dorsal surface of the entire specimen. Reduced. 5. The same ; ventral surface of the disk. 6. Ophiarachna incrassata from the Sunda Islands ; ventral surface. 7. The same ; dorsal surface. PLATE 5. FIG. 1. Ophiomyxa irregularis from station 5172; ventral view of the entire specimen. 2. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk. 3. Ophiamoeris obstricta from station 4893 ; ventral surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiomyxa lengalensis from station 5292; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 6. FIG. 1. Ophiophthalmus suspectws; ventral surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiodera neglecta from station 5378 ; lateral view of an arm. 4. Ophiomyxa irregularis from station 5172 ; lateral view of an arm. 5. Ophiogyptis nodosa from station 5414; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. Ophiodera neglecta from station 5378; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 7. FIG. 1. Ophiarachna qumquespinosa from station 5172; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. The same; lateral view of an arm. 4. Ophiodictys uncinatm from station 5668 ; a hook-shaped spine. 5. The same ; dorsal surface of an arm toward the proximal third. 6. The same ; two arm spines from about the middle of an arm. 7. The same ; a hook-shaped spine. 8. The same; a side arm plate seen in profile. OPHIUBANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 455 FIG. 9. The same ; dorsal surface of the entire specimen. Reduced. 10. The same ; ventral surface. 11. The same ; dorsal surface of an arm near the tip. PLATE 8. FIG. 1. Ophientrema leucostictum from station 5606; dorsal surface of the en- tire specimen. Reduced. 2. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk more magnified. 3. The same ; ventral surface of an arm. 4. The same ; ventral surface of the disk. 5. Ophfotreta eximia from station 5648; ventral surface. 6. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 9. FIG. 1. Ophiophthalmm relictus from station 5648; dorsal surface. a 2. The same ; lateral view of the disk. 3. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 4. The same ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiophthalmus normani; ventral surface 6. The same; dorsal surface. 7. Ophiolimna perflda from station 5619; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; ventral surface. 9. The same ; lateral view on an arm. PLATE 10. FIG. 1. Ophiamitra dives from station 5543 ; dorsal surface of the entire speci- men. Reduced. 2. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 3. The same ; ventral surface of an arm. 4. The same ; ventral surface of the disk. 5. Ophientrema leucostictum; lateral view of an arm with the arm spines removed. PLATE 11. Ophfotreta gratiosa. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5410; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5529 ; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from station 5622; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5402 ; ventral surface. 5. A specimen from station 5623 ; ventral surface 6. A specimen from station 5626 ; dorsal surface. 7. A specimen from station 5300 ; ventral surface. PLATE 12. Ophiotreta matura. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5424 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5538 ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5424; dorsal surface of an arm. 5. A specimen from station 5425 ; dorsal surface of an arm. 0. A specimen from station 5359 ; dorsal surface. 456 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL, MUSEUM. PLATE 13. Ophiotreta matura. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5506 ; ventral surface. 2. A specimen from station 5526 ; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from station 5339; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5467; ventral surface. 5 : A specimen from station 5499 ; ventral surface. PLATE 14. Ophiotreta matura. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5424 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5538 ; ventral surface of an arm. 4. A specimen from station 5511 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 15. FIG. 1. Ophiotreta matura from station 5648; a portion of the dorsal surface of the disk. 2. Ophiotreta matura from station 5424; a portion of the dorsal surface of the disk. 3. Ophiotreta matura; a portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 4. Ophiacantha vorax from station 5606 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. Ophialcaea congesta from station 5219 ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 16. . FIG. 1. Ophiacantha dollasii from station 5399; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. Ophiacantha dollasii from station 5135 ; ventral surface. 4. Ophiotreta valenciennesi from station 5306; dorsal surface of an arm. 5. Ophiacantha henigna from station 5592; ventral surface 6. The same ; dorsal surface. 7. Ophiacantha duplex from station 5348; dorsal surface 8. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 17. 8 2. The same ; ventral surface. FIG. 1. Ophiacantha severa from station 5629; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiacantha severa from station 5645 ; dorsal surface. 4. Ophiacantha legata from station 5536; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. Ophiacantha longidens from station 5153 ; ventral surface. 7. The same ; dorsal surface. r PLATE 18. FIG. 1. Ophiacantha pacata from station 5589 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; a portion of the dorsal surface more magnified. 3. The same; ventral surface. OPHIUEANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 457 FIG. 4. Ophiacantha graphica; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. Ophioplinthaca hastata from station 5280; dorsal surface 7. Ophioplinthaca hastata from station 5586 ; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 19. FIG. 1. Ophiacantha confusa from station 5240; ventral surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface. 3. Ophioplinthaca chelys from station 5637 ; dorsal surface. 4. The same; ventral surface. 5. Ophiotreta spatulifera from station 5629; ventral surface. 6. The same ; dorsal surface. PLATE 20. Ophiotoma assimilis. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5460 ; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5505 ; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5460 ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5450; ventral surface. 5. The same; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from station 5460; dorsal surface. 7. A specimen from station 5647 ; ventral surface. PLATE 21. FIG. 1. Ophiacantha pentagona from station 5116 ; a portion of the dorsal surface magnified. 2. Ophiotrema tertium from station 5349 ; dorsal surface. 3. The same ; a portion of the dorsal surface, more magnified. 4. Ophiocopa singwlaris from station 5173; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiocantha pent&gona from station 5116; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. Ophiotrcma tertium from station 5349 ; ventral surface. 8. Ophiocopa singularis from station 5348; ventral surface 9. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 22. FIG. 1. Ophiurothamus stultus from station 5660 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. The same ; lateral view of the disk. 4. The same ; ventral surface of an arm toward its distal extremity. 5. Ophiurothamnus excavatus from station 5428; lateral view of disk. 6. The same ; ventral surface of an arm in the distal third. 7. The same; ventral surface. 8. The same; dorsal surface. 9. Ophiomitrella exilis from station 5637 ; ventral surface. 10. The same; dorsal surface. 11. Ophiomyces delata from station 5651 ; ventral surface. 12. The same ; lateral view. PLATE 23. FIG. 1. Ophioripa marginata from station 4781 ; ventral surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiothamnus venustus from station 5619; ventral surface. 458 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 4. The same ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiacantha composita from station 5119; ventral surface. 6. The same; dorsal surface. 7. The same ; a portion of the dorsal surface, more magnified 8. Ophioripa nugator from station 4781 ; dorsal surface 9. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 24. FIG. 1. Ophioplintliaea rudte, a specimen from station 5450; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5618 ; dorsal surface. 4. A specimen from station 5606 ; ventral surface of an arm. 5. A specimen from station 5444 ; dorsal surface of an arm. 6. A specimen from station 5450 ; ventral surface of an arm. 7. Ophioplinthaca globata from station 5187 ; ventral surface. 8. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 25. Ophioplinthaca globata. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5656 ; ventral surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from station 5444 ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5423 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from station 5219 ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. 8. A specimen from station 5123 ; dorsal surface. PLATE 26. FIG. 1. Ophiomedea disorepans from station 5359; lateral view of an arm with the arm spines. 2. The same; ventral surface, 3. The same; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; lateral view of an arm without the arm spines. 5. Ophiomitrella subjecta from station 5280 ; dorsal surface, 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. The same ; dorsal surface more magnified. 8. A specimen from station 5325 ; dorsal surface. 9. The other specimen ; dorsal surface. v PLATE. 27. FIG. 1. Ophiomitrella sagittata from station 5629; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. The same ; dorsal surface ; more magnified. 4. The second specimen from station 5629; ventral surface. 5. Ophiocamax rugosa from station 5275 ; dorsal surface. 6. The same ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface of an arm at its base, more magnified. 8. The same ; ventral surface of an arm near its tip. 9. Ophiomitrella sagittata from station 5623 ; ventral surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 459 : PLATE 28. Ophiocamax rugosa. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5167; dorsal surface 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. Another specimen from station 5167; dorsal surface. 4. A specimen from station 5187 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. Another specimen from station 5187; dorsal surface. PLATE 29. FIG. 1. Ophiocamus rugosa from station 5540; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5167; a portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 3. The same ; ventral surface of an arm. 4. A specimen from station 5541 ; lateral view of an arm 5. The same; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from station 5167 ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 7. Ophiogema punctata from station 5166; internal view. 8. The same; ventral surface. 9. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 30. FIG. 1. Ophioplinthaca pulchra from station 5661 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5280 ; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; ventral surface. 5. The second specimen from the same station ; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. A specimen collected by the Siboga; ventral surface. 8. Ophiomelina placida from station 5661; ventral surface. 9. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 31. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix hirsuta from the Red Sea ; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5174 ; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiothrix longipeda from Samoa; dorsal surface. 4. A specimen from station 5558 ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiothrix expedita, var. rhabdota from Marongas; dorsal surface. 6. Ophiothrix expedita from the Sunda Islands; dorsal surface. PLATE 32. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix aspidota from Trincomalee; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5321 ; dorsal surface. 4. The same; dorsal surface, more magnified. 5. The same ; ventral surface. 6. Ophiothrix puncto-limbata from Amboina ; dorsal surface. 460 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE 33. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix striolata from station 5401 ; dorsal surface. Reduced. 2. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 3. Ophiothrix quinquemaculata from La Ciotat; ventral surface of an arm. 4. Ophiothrix aristulata from station 5523; ventral surface of an arm. 5. Ophiothrix expedita from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface of an arm. 6. Ophiothrix expedita, var. rhabdota from Marongas ; dorsal surface of an arm. 7. Ophiothrix aspidota from station 5321 ; dorsal surface of an arm. 8. A specimen from Trincomalee ; dorsal surface of an arm. 9. Ophiothrix longipeda from station 5558; dorsal surface of an arm. 10. A specimen from Samoa ; dorsal surface of an arm. 11. Ophiothrix galatheae from Dumurug ; dorsal surface of an arm. 12. Ophiothrix oltusa from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface. 13. Ophiothrix hirsuta from station 6174; dorsal surface of an arm. PLATE 34. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix galatheae from Dumurug; dorsal surface. 2. Another specimen from Dumurug; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from Billiton ; dorsal surface. 4. Another specimen from Billiton; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiothrix striolata from the Sunda Islands; dorsal surface. PLATE 35. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix aristulata collected by the Challenger; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5523; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from station 5517 ; dorsal surface. 4. Ophiothrix fragilis var. pentaphyllum from the coasts of England; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from Belle Isle; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from Saldanha ; dorsal surface. 7. A specimen from Luderitz Bay ; dorsal surface. 8. Ophiothrix quinquemaculata from La Ciotat; dorsal surface. PLATE 36. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix signata from station 5140; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. Ophiothrix proteus from station 5432 ; ventral surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiothrix lepida from station 5153 ; dorsal surface. PLATE 37. FIG. 1. Ophiogymna pulchella; dorsal surface of an arm. 2. Ophiothrix capillaris from station 5536; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from station 5440 ; dorsal surface. 4. Ophiothrix capillaris from station 5536 ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiogymna pulchella from station 5132; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 461 PLATE 38. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix propinqua from station 5108; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from the Andaman Islands ; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiothrix plana from station 5179; dorsal surface. 4. A specimen from the Sunda Islands; dorsal surface. 5. Another specimen from the same source ; dorsal surface. 6. Ophiothrix coespitosa from Port Jackson ; ventral surface. 7. The same ; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. PLATE 39. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix prostata from station 5342; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3: Ophiothrix marenzelleri from Yenoshima ; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 5. The same ; ventral surface. 6. Ophiothrix pavida from station 5179; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface, PLATE 40. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix exigua from the Sunda Islands; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface of the entire specimen. 3. A specimen from station 5181 ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5160 ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiothrix coronata; magnified view of a portion of the dorsal surface of the disk and of the beginning of an arm of the large specimen. 6. Ophiothrix pusilla from station 5218 ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 41. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix coronata; dorsal surface of the large specimen. 2. A specimen from station 5108 ; ventral surface of an arm. 3. The same; ventral surface of an arm of the second specimen. 4. The same ; ventral surface of the specimen represented in Figure 1. 5. Ophiomaza fusca from station 5145; ventral surface. 6. The same ; dorsal surface. 7. Ophiothrix picteti from Amboina ; dorsal surface. 8. The same; dorsal surface; more magnified. PLATE 42. Ophioffymna fulgens. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5141 ; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5393 ; dorsal surface. 3. The same ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5545 ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5070 ; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from station 5080; dorsal surface. 7. A specimen from station 5117 ; dorsal surface. 8. A specimen from station 5545 ; dorsal surface. 462 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE 43. PIG. 1. Ophiogymna pellicula from the Am Islands ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. Ophiogymna elegans from station 5151 ; dorsal surface of a very young specimen. 4. A specimen from station 5253 ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5151 ; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from station 5154 ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm near its origin. 7. A specimen from station 5165 ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm near its tip. 8. A specimen from station 5151 ; ventral surface. 9. Ophiogymna fulgens from station 5151 ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm of which the dorsal plates are much fragmented. 10. A specimen from station 5545 ; dorsal surface of an arm. 11. Ophiogymna pulchella from station 5133 ; dorsal surface. PIATE 44. FIG. 1. Ophiogymna funesta from station 5213; ventral surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface of an entire specimen. 3. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 4 and 5. The same ; dorsal surfaces of two arms from two different speci- mens. 6. The same; dorsal surface of the disk of a specimen without arm spines. 7. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk of a specimen furnished with large arm spines. 8. Ophiogymna fulgens from station 5545; dorsal surface of an entire specimen. Reduced. PLATE 45. Ophiothrix koreana. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5179; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5116 ; dorsal surface. 3. The same ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5373 ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5187 ; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from station 4893 ; dorsal surface. PLATE 46. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix trilineata from Mauritius; ventral surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface. 3. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 4. Ophiothrix Jiybrida from station 5321; dorsal surface of tlie entire specimen. Reduced. 5. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 6. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 47. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix bellax; dorsal surface of the entire individual. 2. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 3. The same; ventral surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 46 & FIG. 4. Ophiothrix foveolata from station 5151 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. Another specimen ; dorsal surface. 7. A specimen from the Sunda Islands; dorsal surface. PLATE 48. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix vitrea from station 5593; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5139 ; dorsal surface. 3. The entire specimen from station 5593 ; dorsal surface. 4. The specimen from station 5179; dorsal surface, more magnified. 5. Ophiothrix infirma from station 5153 ; dorsal surface. 6. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 7. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 49. Ophiothrix crassispina. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5168 ; ventral surface. 2. Another specimen; dorsal surface; diameter of the disk 4 mm. 3. Another specimen; dorsal surface; diameter of the disk 4.5 mm. 4. 5. Another specimen ; dorsal surface ; diameter of the disk 7.5 mm. 6. Another specimen ; diameter of the disk 5.5 mm. PLATE 50. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix crassispina; magnified portion of the dorsal surface. 2. Ophiothrix cumulata; dorsal surface with very thick dorsal spines. 3. The same ; dorsal surface less magnified 4. The same ; transverse section of a thick spine. 5. The same ; dorsal surface with dorsal spines not very thick. 6. The same; dorsal surface of the disk. 7. Another specimen; portion of the dorsal surface of the disk. 8. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm on which the dorsal spines are strongly thickened. PLATE 51. Ophiothrix cumulata. FIG. 1. A specimen with dorsal arm spines not thickened; dorsal surface. 2. Another specimen on which the granules of the dorsal surface of the disk are more developed ; dorsal surface. 3. The specimen represented in Fig. 1; ventral surface. 4. Another specimen ; ventral surface. 5. A specimen with dorsal arm spiries not thickened ; portion of the sur- face of an arm. PLATE 52. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix cumulata; dorsal surface of a young specimen (diameter of the disk 7 mm.). 2. The same ; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 3. Ophiothrix crassispina; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm of a young specimen (diameter of the disk 5 mm.). 4. A still younger specimen; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm diameter of the disk 4.5 mm.). 464 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 5. The same ; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 6. Ophiothrix ciliaris from the Paris Museum ; dorsal surface. 7. Another smaller specimen ; dorsal surface. 8. Ophiothrix miles from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface. 9. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 10. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of the disk. PLATE 53. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix stelligera from station 5147 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; magnified portion of the dorsal surface of the disk. 3. The same ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from the Philippines ; dorsal surface. 5. Another specimen from station 5147; dorsal surface of the disk. 6. Ophiothrix ciUaris; the specimen in the Paris Museum ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 54. Ophiothrix stelligera. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5145; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface. 3. Another specimen from station 5142; portion of the dorsal surface. 4. A specimen from station 5141 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk. 6. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 55. Ophiothrix stelligera. FIG. 1. A specimen from station 5144 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface, more magnified. 3. A specimen from station 5146 ; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. PLATE 56. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix elegans from station 5179 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 3. The same ; ventral surface. 4. Ophiothrix stelligera from station 5147; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5142; dorsal surface. 6. A specimen from station 5139 ; dorsal surface. 7. A specimen from station 5146; 'dorsal surface. PLATE 57. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix spinosissima from station 5108; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. Ophiothrix armata from Banda; dorsnl surface. 4. The same; ventral surface. 5. A specimen from Celebes ; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. Ophiothrix spinosissima from station 5165 ; dorsal surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 465 PLATE 58. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix deceptor from station 5414 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. , 3. Ophiothrix purpurea from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiopteron puncto-coeruleum from station 5150 ; dorsal surface of the entire individual. 6. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 7. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 59. Fio. 1. Ophiothela danae from station 5169; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. Another specimen from station 5151; dorsal surface. 4. Ophiothela vineula from station 5218 ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiothrix melanosticta ; dorsal surface. 6. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 60. Fro. 1. Ophiopteron elegans from station 5150 ; ventral surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface of the disk. 3. Ophiopteron gratum from station 5152 ; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiopteron elegans from station 5150; dorsal surface. 6. Ophfogymna fulgens from station 4948 bearing two prosobranch para- sites; ventral surface. PLATE 61. Fio. 1. Ophionereis semoni from station 5249 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. Ophiopholis mirabilis from Hakodate; dorsal surface. 4. Amphilimna multispina from station 5375; dorsal surface. 5. The same; dorsal surface of the disk of the largest specimen. v. 6. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 7. The same; ventral surface. 8. Another specimen from station 5375 ; ventral surface. 9. The same ; dorsal surface. PLATE 62. FIG. 1. Ophiocentrus vexator from station 5181; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 3. The same ; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 4. The same; ventral surface of the disk of the second specimen. 5. The same; dorsal surface of the disk. 6. Ophiactis afflnis from the Kei Islands ; dorsal surface. 7. Ophiocentrus asper from station 5249; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 8. The same; ventral surface. 9. The same ; dorsal surface. PLATE 63. FIG. 1. Amphiaetis duplicata from station 5658 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 55269 22 Bull. 100 30 466 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 3. A specimen from station 5348; dorsal surface. 4. The same; ventral surface. 5. Ophiactis affinis; ventral surface of the specimen represented in plate 62, fig. 6. 6. Ophiactis maculosa from station 5136; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. 8. Ophiactis profundi from station 5522. PLATE 64. FIG. 1. Ophiactis deftnita from station 5119 ; ventral surface. 2. Another specimen from the same station; ventral surface. 3. Amphioplus impressus from station 5371; ventral surface. 4. The specimen from station 5369 ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiactis savignyi from station 5147 ; ventral surface of a specimen with five arms. 6. Ophiactis sa,vignyi from the same station ; ventral surface of a specimen with six arms. 7. Ophiactis definita; dorsal surface of the specimen represented in fig. 1. PLATE 65. FIG. 1. Amphiura vadicola from Otaru ; ventral surface. 2. Another specimen ; ventral surface. 3. The same; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 5. The same ; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 6. Amphiura uncinata from station 5123 ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; portion of the ventral surface of an arm at the base. PLATE 66. FIG. 1. Amphiura commutata from Hakodate; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. The same ; dorsal surface of an entire specimen. 4. Amphiura dejecta from station 5592; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. Amphiura grandisquama from station 5348; dorsal surface. 7. The same; ventral surface. 8. Another specimen from the same station ; ventral surface. PLATE 67. FIG. 1. Amphioplus legatus from station 5119 ; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. The same; portion of the ventral surface of an arm, more magnified. 4. Amphioplus conductus from station 5410 ; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 5. The same ; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. Amphiura diomedeae from the United States National Museum; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; ventral surface. 9. A specimen from station 5111 ; ventral surface. 10. The same; dorsal surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 467 PLATE 68. FIG. 1. Amphioplus luctator from station 5358 ; ventral surface. 2. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 3. A specimen from station 5339 ; ventral surface. 4. Amphipholis toripes from station 5375; ventral surface 5. The same; dorsal surface. 6. Amphioplus lucidus from station 5161; ventral surface. 7. Another specimen from the same station ; ventral surface. 8. The same; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 9. A specimen from station 5371 ; ventral surface. 10. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 69. FIG. 1. Amphiura demissa from station 5492; ventral surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface. 3. Amphiodia debita from Otaru ; ventral surface. 4. The same ; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 5. Amphiura amMgua from station 5158; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. Amphilepis remittens from station 5637; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; ventral surface. 9. Amphilepis protecta from station 5359 ; dorsal surface. 10. The same; ventral surface. 11. Amphiodia crassa from station 5282; ventral surface. PLATE 70. FIG. 1. Amphipholis kochii from Hakodate ; ventral surface of the entire speci- men. 2. The same; ventral surface, more magnified. 3. The same ; dorsal surface. 4. Amphipholis misera from station 5537 ; dorsal surface. 5. The same; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from station 5371 ; ventral surface. 7. The same ; dorsal surface. 8. A specimen from Hakodate ; ventral surface. 9. Amphioplus relictus; a specimen on which the dorsal surface of the disk has been raised to show the mouthpieces on the interior surface. PLATE 71. FIG. 1. Ophiocentrus aculeatus from station 5302 ; dorsal surface, 2. The same; dorsal surface of the disk, more magnified. 3. The same ; ventral surface. 4. Amphioplus relictus from station 5206 ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5207 ; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from Manila Harbor; ventral surface. 7. A specimen from Kagoshima ; ventral surface. 8. Another specimen from Kagoshima ; dorsal surface. PLATE 72. FIG. 1. Ophiocoma doderleini; Loriol's type; dorsal surface. Reduced. 2. The same; ventral surface. Reduced. 3. The same; magnified portion of the dorsal surface. 468 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Fio. 4. Ophiomastis annulosa from Nasugbu reef; ventral surface. 5. The same; dorsal surface. 6. Ophiocoma brevipes; ventral surface. 7. A specimen from Mauritius ; ventral surface. 8. The same ; dorsal surface. 9. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 73. Fio. 1. Ophiocoma lineolata from Ceylon; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from Mauritius ; dorsal surface. 3. A specimen from station 5109 ; dorsal surface. 4. The specimen from Ceylon ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiocoma scolopendrina; the dorsal part of the disk is raised to show the mouthpieces on their interior surface. 6. Ophiocomina nigra; same preparation. 7. Ophiocoma crinaceus from station 5109; dorsal surface. PLATE 74. Ophiocoma scolopendrina. FIG. 1. A specimen with the upper arm plates rather small; dorsal surface. 2. The same; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from the Philippines; ventral surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from Batavia ; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from Mauritius with the upper arm plates very large ; dorsal surface. 7. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 75. Fio. 1. Ophiocomina nigra from the Azores; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. Another specimen from the same region ;' ventral surface. 4. A specimen from Sicily ; ventral surface. 5. A specimen from Roscoff ; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from the Faroe Islands ; ventral surface. 7. Ophiocoma ivendtii from Samoa ; dorsal surface. 8. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 76. FIG. 1. Ophiochiton fastigatus from station 5585; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5582 ; dorsal surface. 3. The same; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5348 ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5619; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from station 5650 ; ventral surface. 7. A specimen from station 5585 ; ventral surface. 8. A specimen from station 5348 ; ventral surface. 9. Ophiochiton ambulator from the Sunda Islands ; ventral surface. 10. Ophiochiton fasiigatus from station 5619; dorsal surface. 11. A specimen from station 5582 ; portion of the ventral surface. 12. Ophiochiton ambulator from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface. 13. The same; ventral surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 469 PLATE 77. FIG. 1. Bathypectinura conspicua from the Sunda Islands; ventral surface. 2. A specimen from station 5494 ; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5114 ; ventral surface. 4. A specimen from station 5587 ; lateral view of an arm. 5. A specimen from station 5608 ; ventral surface. 6. A specimen from station 5587 ; ventral surface. 7. A specimen from station 5657; ventral surface. 8. A specimen collected by the Travailleur and the Talisman; ventral sur- face. 9 to 11. The three specimens from station 5495; ventral surface. 12. A specimen collected by the Travailleur and the Talisman; lateral view of an arm. 13. A specimen from station 5505 ; lateral view of an arm. 14. A specimen from station 5657 ; lateral view of an arm. 15. A specimen from station 5114 ; lateral view of an arm. 16. Pectinura acqualis from station 5415 ; ventral surface. 17. Another specimen from the same station ; ventral surface. .ttf. PLATE 78. FIG. 1. Crytopelta tecta from station 5174; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. Ophiozonella molesta from station 5154; ventral surface. 4. The same; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiozonella casta from station 5428 ; dorsal surface. 6. Another specimen ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; lateral view. 9. Ophiozonella media from station 5601; dorsal surface. 10. The same; ventral surface. PLATE 79. FIG. 1. Ophiopallas paradoxa from station 5516; ventral surface. 2. The same; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiozonella subtilis from station 5371; dors*al surface. 4. The same; ventral surface. 5. Ophiozonnella molesta from station 5429 ; ventral surface. 6. Ophiopallas paradoxa from station 5516 ; lateral view of an arm. 7. Ophiopallas valens from station 5178 ; lateral view of an arm. 8. Ophiozonella molesta from station 5114; lateral view of an arm. 9. Ophiozonella subtilis from station 5371; lateral view of an arm. 10. Ophiozonella molesta from station 5114; dorsal surface. 11. Ophiozonella subtilis from station 5420; ventral surface. 12. The same; dorsal surface. i PLATE 80. FIG. 1. Ophiolepis irreaularis from station 5253 ; lateral view of an arm. w 2. Ophiopallas valens from station 5178 ; dorsal surface. 3. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 4. The same; ventral surface. 5. Ophiolepis irregularis from station 5253; portion of the ventral sur- face of an arm. 6. Ophiomusium altum from station 5668 ; dorsal surface. 470 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 7. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 8. Ophiozonoida obscura from station 5255; dorsal surface. 9. The same; ventral surface. 10. Ophiolepis irregufaris from station 5253; dorsal surface. 11. The same; ventral surface. 12. Ophiomusium altum; lateral view of the disk. 13. Ophiozonoida obscura from station 5255 ; lateral view of an arm. PLATE 81. FIG. 1. Ophioconis forbesi from La Ciotat; ventral surface. 2. Ophiura aequalis from station 5647; lateral view of an arm. 3. Ophiopyrgus planwlatus from station 5613; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; ventral surface. 5. Ophiurodon cinctus from station 5147; ventral surface. 6. Ophiura aequalis from station 5647 ; dorsal surface. 7. Ophiura mitescens from Hakodate; ventral surface. 8. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 9. The same ; dorsal surface. 10. Ophiura aequalis from station 5647; ventral surface. PLATE 82. FIG. 1. Amphiophiura fastigiata from station 5259; lateral view. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. The same; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface, more magnified. 5. Amphiophiura spatulifera from station 5274; dorsal surface of the specimen B. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. The specimen A from station 5425 ; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; ventral surface. 9. Homalopliiura inornata from station 5444 ; dorsal surface. 10. Amphiophiura canaliculata from station 5356; ventral surface. 11. The same; dorsal surface. 12. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 13. Amphiophiura spatulifera from station 5274; lateral view of an arm. PLATE 83. FIG. 1. Stegophiura sterea from station 3771; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; ventral surface. 3. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 4. Stegophiura sladeni from Hakodate ; ventral surface. 5. The same ; dorsal surface. 6. The same ; lateral view of the disk. 7. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 8. Stegophiura sterilis from station 5301; dorsal surface. 9. The same; ventral surface. 10. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 11. The same ; lateral view of the disk. PLATE 84. FIG. 1. Stegophiura sladeni from Hakodate ; ventral surface of a specimen with four arms. 2. Homalophiura inflata from station 5660; dorsal surface. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 471 FIG. 3. The same; ventral surface. 4. Amphiophiura improba from station 5631 ; ventral surface. 5. The same; dorsal surface. 6. Amphiophiura pawpera from the Sunda Islands ; dorsal surface. 7. The same; ventral surface. 8. Amphiophiura insolita from station 5297 ; dorsal surface. 9. The same ; ventral surface. 10. Ophiura sarsii from the coasts of Norway ; ventral surface. 11. Another specimen ; ventral surface. 12. Amphiophiura sordida from station 5300; ventral surface. 13. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 85. T FIG. 1. Ophiura flagellata from station 5647 ; dorsal surface of an arm. 2. Ophiura fluctuans from station 5652 ; dorsal surface. 3. Another specimen; dorsal surface. 4. The same; ventral surface. 5. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 6. Ophiura flagellata from station 5651 ; dorsal surface. 7. The specimen from station 5647 ; dorsal surface. PLATE 86. FIG. 1. Ophiura flagellata from the Andaman Islands; ventral surface. 2. A specimen from station 5647 ; ventral surface. 3. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 4. The same ; ventral surface of an arm. 5. Ophiomusium lymani from station 5349; lateral view of an arm. 6. Ophiura micrantha from station 5256 ; ventral surface. 7. 8, 9. Ophiomusium lymani from station 5349; ventral surface of three specimens. 10. Ophiu>ra flagellata from station 5647 ; ventral surface of an arm. PLATE 87. FIG. 1. Ophiomusium spinulosum from station 5650; ventral surface. 2. A specimen from station 5651 ; dorsal surface of an arm. 3. The same ; dorsal surface. 4. The same ; ventral surface. 5. The specimen from station 5650 ; dorsal surface. 6. The specimen from station 5651 ; lateral view of an arm at its base. 7. The same ; lateral view of an arm from about its middle. 8. Ophiomusium lunare from station 5444 ; dorsal surface. PLATE 88. FIG. 1. Ophiomusium elegans from station 5428; ventral surface. 2. A specimen from station 5127 ; dorsal surface. 3. The specimen from station 5428; portion of the ventral surface of an arm. 4. The same; portion of the dorsal surface of an arm. 5. A specimen from station 5623 ; dorsal surface. 6. The same; ventral surface. 7. The same; oblique view of the base of an arm to show the radial granules. 472 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 8. A specimen from station 5624 ; lateral view of an arm. 9. The same; ventral surface. 10. Opfiiomusium simplex from station 5357; dorsal surface. 11. The same ; ventral surface. PLATE 89. FIG. 1. Ophiomusium facundum from station 5378; ventral surface. 2. The same ; dorsal surface. 3. Ophiomusium morio from station 5392; ventral surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface. 5. Ophiomusium facundum from station 5378 ; oblique view of the ventral surface of the disk. 6. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 7. Ophiomusium scalare from station 5135; ventral surface. 8. Ophiomusium armatum from station 5428; ventral surface. 9. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 10. The same; dorsal surface. PLATE 90. FIG. 1. Ophiomusium scalare from station 5135; dorsal surface. 2. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 3. Ophiomusium ligatum from station 5445; ventral surface. 4. The same ; dorsal surface. 5. The same; lateral view of an arm. 6. Ophiomusium fimbriatum from station 5614; dorsal surface. 7. The same; ventral surface. 8. The same ; lateral view of an arm. 9. Ophiomusium impotens from station 5605 ; dorsal surface. 10. The same ; ventral surface. 11. The same ; lateral view of an arm. PLATE 91. FIG. 1. Ophiomusium facetum from station 5263; dorsal surface. 2. A specimen from station 5127 ; ventral surface. 3. A specimen from station 5423 ; dorsal surface. 4. A specimen from station 5114 ; dorsal surface. 5. A specimen from station 5127 ; lateral view of an arm. 6. Ophiomusium relictum from station 5641 ; ventral surface. 7. The same; dorsal surface. 8. The same ; lateral view of an arm. PLATE 92. In the figures on this plate, as well as on those following, the arm spines and tentacle scales, unless otherwise indicated, are from the proximal third of the arms. FIG. 1. Ophiomyxa oengalensis; arm spines from different heights on the arms. 2. Ophiomyxa irregularis; arm spines: a, from the base of the arms. b, from the terminal third. c, in the immediate vicinity of the extremity where the arm spines are transformed into hooks at several points. OPHIUKANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 473 FIG. 3. Ophiodera neglecta; a and 6, arm spines : a, from the base of the arms. b, from the terminal third. c, spinules of the integuments in C. 4. Ophiobyrsella intorta; arm spines : a, ordinary spines at the beginning of the arms. 6, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook on the eame level. c, spines of the terminal third. d, first ventral spine on the same level. e, spines in the vicinity of the extremity of the arms. f, first ventral spine on the same level. 5. Ophiogema punctata; spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 6. Ophiolimna perfida; granules of the dorsal surface of the disk. PLATE 93. PIG. 1. Ophiophryxus conftnis; arm spines : a, toward the base of the arms. b, in the terminal third. c, first ventral arm spine at the extremity of the arms. 2. Astrocharis virgo; arm spines. 8. Astroceras pergamena; arm spines: a and &, ordinary arm spines on the ventral surface of the arms., c, spines on the dorsal surface of the arms. d, spines transformed into hooks in the terminal part of the arms. 4. Ophiacantha composita; club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. 5. Ophiacantha pentagona; club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk, (except the first club spine on the left shown magnified). 6. Ophiotreta valenciennesi ; granules on the dorsal surface of the disk. 7. Ophiotreta eximia; club spines and arm spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. PLATE 94. FIG. 1. Ophientrema leucostictum ; arm spines : a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. &, second ventral spine transformed into a hook. c, ordinary lateral and dorsal arm spines. 2. Ophiomitra dives; granules on the dorsal surface of the disk. 3. Ophiomelina placida; granules on the dorsal surface of the disk. 4. Ophiomitrella subjecta-, club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. 5. Ophioplinthaca pulchra; granules on the dorsal surface of the disk. a, of a specimen from station 5280 collected by the Albatross. b, of a specimen collected by the Siboya on which the asperities are larger. 6. Ophioplinthaca globata; granules, club spines, and spines of the dorsal surface of the disk in different specimens. 7. Ophioplinthaca hastata; club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 8. Ophiocamax rugosa; club spines and spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 474 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE 95. FIG. 1. Ophiotreta gratiosa; club spines and spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 2. Ophiotreta matura: a, club spines and spines of the dorsal surface of the disk in dif- ferent specimens. b, very short club spines of the specimen from station 5359. c and d, the first (d) and second (c) ventral arm spines trans- formed into a hook. e, tentacle scale. 3. Ophiophthalmus relictus; granules on the dorsal surface of the disk. 4. Ophiomitretta sagittate; club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. PLATE 96. FIG. 1. Ophioplinthaca rudis; club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. 2. Ophiactis savignyi; arm spines. 3. Amphiura ambigua; arm spines. a, second and third spine. 6, fourth spine. c, first ventral spine. 4. Amphiura uncinata; first ventral arm spine at the base of the arm. 5. Amphiura vadicola; arm spines. a, second spine. b, other spines. 6. Amphiura commutata: a, arm spines. b, tentacle scale. 7. Amphilimna multispina: a, spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. b, arm spine. 8. Ophiocentrus aculeatus; arm spines. 9. Amphioplus legatus; arm spines. 10. Amphioplus lucidus; arm spines. a, first ventral spine. b, second spine. c, third spine. 11. Ophiocentrus vexator; arm spines. 12. Ophiocentrus asper; arm spines. 13. Ophiomyces delata; arm spines: a, small ventral spines. b, the same. c, lateral and dorsal spines. 14. Ophiopholis mirabilis; first ventral arm spine and granules of the dor- sal surface of the disk. o, first ventral spine in the first third of the arm. b, first ventral spine in the second third of the arm. c, first ventral spine toward the tip. d, three granules of different sizes on the dorsal surface of the disk. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 475 PLATE 97. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix aristulata: a, arm spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 6, club spinea of different sizes. c, club spines with lateral and terminal spinules. d, hook formed by the first ventral arm spine in the terminal part of the arms (specimen collected by the Albatross). e, hook formed by the first ventral arm spine in a small sized speci- men collected by the Challenger. f, two tentacle scales on the same level with c. 2. Ophiothrix artnata: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. 0, tentacle scale. 3. Ophiothrix aspidota: a, club spines on the dorsal surface of the disk. 6, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook at several places. c, second and third arm spine. d, fourth arm spine. e, tentacle scale. 4. Ophiothrix bellax: a, club spines and arm spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 6, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook, c, tentacle scale. 5. Ophiothrix capillaris: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. &, first ventral spine transformed into a hook. c, second arm spine transformed into a hook. d, tentacle scale. 6. Ophiothrix deceptor: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. 6, second arm spine. c, tentacle scale. PLATE 98. PIG. 1. Ophiothrix coronata: a, club spines of the dorsal arm plates. 6, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. c, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook at several places. d, second and third arm spine, c, tentacle scale. 2. Ophiothrix crassispina: a, tentacle scale. 6, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. c, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, second and third arm spine. 3. Ophiothrix cumulata: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk, fo, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. c, tentacle scale, (f, second and third arm spine. 4. Ophiothrix exigua: c, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 1, second and third arm spines. r% tentacle scale. 476 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 5. Ophiothrix expedita: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. c, second arm spine. d, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. e, tentacle scale. 6. Ophiothrix foveolata: a, tentacle scale. b, second arm spine. c, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. d, lateral arm spines. PLATE 99. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix galatheae: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk in the interradii, in an individual from Billiton. c, various lateral arm spines. d, second lateral arm spine. e, third lateral arm spine. f, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook at some distance from the disk. g, first ventral arm spine nearer the disk. h, first ventral arm spine at the beginning of the arm. i, tentacle scale. 2. Ophiothrix hirsuta: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. c, first ventral arm spine commencing to be transformed into a hook. d, tentacle scale. e, lateral arm spines. f, second arm spine. g, lateral arm spines toward the extremity of the arm. 3. Ophiothrix hybrida: a, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, lateral arm spines. c, tentacle scale. d, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. 4. Ophiothrix koreana: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk; normal forms. b, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk; simplified forms. c, more or less developed spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, second arm spine. e, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. f, tentacle scale. PLATE 100. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix infirma: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, second arm spine. c, first arm spine transformed into a hook. d, tentacle scale. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 477 FIG. 2. Ophiothrix longipeda: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 5, tentacle scale. c, first ventral arm spine commencing to be transformed into a hook toward the base of the arm., d, first arm spine transformed into a hook at several places. e, second arm spine on the same level. f, third arm spine in the terminal part of the arm. g, lateral arm spines. h, a lateral arm spine toward the base of the arms. 3. Ophiothrix lepida: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. 6, tentacle scale. c, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, second arm spine. 4. Ophiothrix marenzelleri: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 6, tentacle scale. c, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. d, second arm spine. j third and fourth arm spine. 5. Ophiothrix melanosticta: a, lateral arm spine. b, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. c, club spine of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, club spine of the dorsal surface of the disk. e, tentacle scale. f t first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. -* ff, third arm spine* h, second arm spine magnified. 6. Ophiothrix martensi: a, tentacle scale. Z>, arm spines. c, first arm spine transformed into a hook. PLATE 101. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix nereidina: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. b, tentacle scale. c, three successive arm spines. 2. Ophiothrix plana: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. 6, tentacle scale. c, dorsal arm spine. d, second and third arm spine. 3. Ophiothrix proteus: a, lateral arm spines. 6, second arm spine. c, tentacle scale. d, first arm spine transformed into a hook. e, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 478 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 4. Ophiothrix propinqua: a, tentacle scale. &, first ventral arm spine near the disk. c, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. d, second arm spine. e, third arm spine. f, fourth arm spine g, dorsal spine. 5. Ophiothrix spinosissima: a, lateral arm spine. &, second arm spine. c, dorsal spine. d, first arm spine transformed into a hook. e, tentacle scale. 6. Ophiothrix purpurea: a, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, second arm spine. c, first arm spine transformed into a hook. d, tentacle scale. 7. Ophiothrix punato limbata: a, second and third arm spines. 6, first arm spine transformed into a hook at several c, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, tentacle scale. 8. Ophiothrix pusilla: a, tentacle scale. .:. , ft, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. c, dorsal arm spine. d, second, third and fourth arm spines. PLATE 102. FIG. 1. Ophiothrix striolata: a, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk, fo, tentacle scale. c, second arm spine. d, first arm spine transformed into a hook. 2. Ophiothrix stelligera: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. b, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. c and d, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook with three or four branches. e, ordinary spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. f, bifurcated spines. 3. Ophiothrix ciliaris: a, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. 4. Ophiothrix trilineata: a, lateral arm spines. 6, second arm spine. c, tentacle scale. d, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. e, first arm spine transformed into a hook. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE AND ADJACENT WATERS. 479 FIG. 5. Ophiothrix vitrea: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. b, tentacle scale. c, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, second arm spine. e, dorsal arm spine. PLATE 103. FIG. 1. Ophiothela danae: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook at the end of the arm. b, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook at the beginning of the arm. c, arm spines. 2. Ophiopteron gratum: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. b, tentacle scale. c, second arm spine. d, third arm spine. e, fourth arm spine. f, fifth arm spine. 3. Ophiopteron puncto coeruleum: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. b, second arm spine. c, lateral spine. d, tentacle scale. 4. Ophiopteron elegans: a, lateral arm spines. b, first arm spine transformed into a hook. c, second arm spine. d, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. e, tentacle scale. 5. Ophiogymna pulchella: a, various arm spines. b, first arm spine transformed into a hook. c, second arm spine. d, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. e, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. f t tentacle scale. 6. Ophiothrix pentaphyllum ; vertebra of an arm: a, proximal surface. b, distal surface. 7. Ophiogymna elegan: a, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. b, second arm spine. c, second arm spine more magnified. d, various arm spines. e, proximal surface of a vertebra. f, distal surface of the same. 480 BULLETIN 100, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FIG. 8. Ophiogymna fulgens: a, second arm spine, more magnified. &, club spines of dorsal surface of the disk. c, spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. d, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook. e, lateral arm spines. /, tentacle scale. g, proximal surface of a vertebra. h, the same, distal surface. 9. Ophiogymna funesta: a, lateral arm spines. I, club spines of the dorsal surface of the disk. c, first ventral arm spine transformed into a hook at different levels. d, second arm spine. e, dorsal arm spine. f, proximal surface of a vertebra. ff, the same, distal surface. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. I OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS; FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 453. 55269 22 Bull. 100 31 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 2 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 453 AND 454. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 3 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 464. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 4 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. SEE PAGE 454. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL, 5 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 454. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 6 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 454. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 FL. 7 ;OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. kTE SEE PAGES 454 AND 455. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 8 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 455. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 9 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. [FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 455. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 109, VOL. 5 PL. 10 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 1 1 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 455. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 12 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 455. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 13 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. OF PLATE SEE PAGE 456. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 14 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 458. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 15 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 17 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466 552G9 22 Bull. 100 32 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 18 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 19 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 457. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 20 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 467 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 21 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PtATE SEE PAGE 457. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 22 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 467. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 23 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 457 AND 458. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 24 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 458. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 25 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 458. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 26 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 458. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 27 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 458. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 28 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 459 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 29 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 459. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 30 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 459. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 31 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 459. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 32 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 459 BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 34 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 460. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 35 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 460. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 36 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 480. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 37 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 460. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 38 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 481 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 461. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 40 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. F03 EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 461 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 41 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 461. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 42 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 46 1 ! U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 43 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 462. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 44 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 462 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 45 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 462. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 46 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 47 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 462 AND 463* U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 48 7 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 463. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 49 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 463. 55269 22 Bull. 100 34 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 50 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 463 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 51 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 463. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 52 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. 463 AND 464 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 53 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 464. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 54 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 464 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 55 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANAT;ON OF PLATE SEE PAGE 464. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM 'BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 56 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 464. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 57 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 464. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 58 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 59 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 465. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 465. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 61 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 465 U."S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 130, VOL. 5 PL. 62 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FCR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 63 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 465 AND 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 64 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466, U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 65 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 468 5520922 Bull. K)0 35 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 67 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 466. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 68 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 467 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 467 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 70 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 467. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 71 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 467. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 72 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 467 AND 468. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 73 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 468. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 74 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 75 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 468. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 76 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 468. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 77 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 78 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 469. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 79 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 469. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100. VOL. 5 PL. 80 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQES 469 AND 470. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 81 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 470. 55209 22 Bull. 100 36 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 82 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 470. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 83 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 470. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 84 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 85 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 471. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAQE 471. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 87 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 471. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 471 AND 472. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 472. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 90 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 472.1 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 91 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 472. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 92 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 472 AND 473. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 93 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 473 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 94 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 95 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 474. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 96 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 474. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 97 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 475. 55269 22 Bull. 100 37 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 475 AND 476. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 476. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 100 gum fit OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXI \GES 476 AND 477. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 101 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 477 AND 478 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 102 OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGFS 478 AND 479,' U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 100, VOL. 5 PL. 103 lll|i^||il 'kfli: 11 A A* OPHIURANS OF THE PHILIPPINE SEAS AND ADJACENT WATERS. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGES 479 AND 480. INDEX. 1'age. aculeatus, Ophiocentrus 4, 196 adspersus, Ophiernus . aequalis, Ophioglypha. Ophiopeza Ophiura Pectinura _. 7, 440 373 337 6,373 6, 337 aethiops. Ophiocoma afflnis, Ophiactis 4, Ophiothamnus agitata, Amphiura . 4, alboviridis, Ophiocentrus alexandri, Ophiocoma altum, Ophiomusium 7, ambigua, Amphiura 4, americana, Ophiomitrella Amphiactis duplicata 4, partita Amphilepis protecta 4, relmiftens 4, 202, Amphilimna multispina 4, 183, Amphiocnida aspera Amphiodia crassa 4, debita 4, 168, partita Amphiophiura canaliculata 6, 357, fastigiata 6, 359, improba G, insolita 6, paupera 6, radiata 6, sculptilis 6, sordida 6, spatulifera 6, 365, stellata 6, Amphioplus conductus 4,172. impressa impressus 4, legatus 4, 169, lucidus 4, 176, luctator 178, relictus . 4, rhadinobrachius 4, Amphipholis impressa kochii 4, loripes 4, 164, misera 4, Amphiura agitata 4, ambigua 4, commutata 4, 152, crassa dejecta 4, 154, demissa, 4, 156, diomedeae 4, duplicata grandisquama 4, misera partita relicta uncinata 4, vadicola _. _ 4, 311 186 102 151 199 311 389 152 122 204 204 202 452 452 199 167 452 204 452 4r, 2 362 362 363 363 364 364 452 369 452 174 174 452 452 452 179 183 174 163 452 165 151 152 452 167 452 452 158 204 159 164 204 179 160 161 Page. anchilabra, Ophiacantha 63 annectens, Ophiernus 440 nnulosa, Ophiolepis 434 Ophiomastix 6,329 antarctica, Ophiolimna 15 aristulata, Ophiothrix 4, 205 armata, Ophiothrix 4, 208 armatum, Ophiomusium 7, 389 asper, Ophiocentrus 4, 199 aspera, Amphiocnida 199 aspidota, Ophiothrix 4, 209 assimilis, Ophiotoma 3,91 aster, Cryptopelta 15 Asteronyx loveni 2, 34 Astroceras pergamena 2, 33 Astrocharis virgo 2, 32 Astrothamnus deficiens 2, 35, 452 Bathypectinura conspicua 6, 342 elata 342 gotoi 342 heros 342 modesta 342 tessellata 342 bellax, Ophiothrix 4, 211 bengalensis, Ophiomyxa 2, 17 benigna, Ophiacantha 3, 45 bispinosa, Ophiozona 422 Ophiozonella 7, 422 bollonsi, Ophiocoma 311 brachiatus, Ophiocentrus 199 brevipes, Ophiocoma 6, 311, 319 brevispina, Cryptopelta 15 Ophiocoma 311 cacaotica, Ophiomaza 5,299 canaliculata, Amphiophiura 6, 357 Ophiocoma 311 capillaris, Ophiothrix 4, 214 casta, Ophiozona 423 Ophiozonella 7, 423 cataleimmoida, Ophiacantha 122 Ophiopthalmus 124 chelys, Ophiacantha 130 Ophiomitra 131 Ophioplinthaca 3, 131 cincta, Ophioconis 15, 351 cinctus, Ophiurodon 6, 351 Clemens, Ophioglypha 374 Ophiura 6,374 codonomorpha, Ophiomitra 122 codonomorphus, Ophiophthalmus 124 coerulescens, Gymnophiura 375 commutata, Amphiura 4, 152 composita, Ophiacantha 3, 46 conductus, Amphioplus 4, 172 conttnis, Ophiophrixus 2, 30 confusa, Ophiacantha 3,47 congesta, Ophiacantha 85 Ophialcoea 3, 85 conjungens, Ophiopeza 338 conspicua, Bathypectinura 6, 342 Pectinura 342 481 482 INDEX. Page. contrarius, Ophiodoris 5,310 coronata, Ophiothrix 5,217 crassa, Amphiodia 4, 167 Amphiura 167 crassipes, Neoplax 2,22 crassispina, Ophiothrix 5,218 Cryptopelta aster 15 brevispina 15 granulifera 15 tecta 6, 350, 452 cumulata, Ophiothrix 5,220 cupida, Ophiurodon 15 dallasii, Ophiacantha 3, 49 danae, Ophiothela 5, 297 debita, Amphiodia 4, 168 deceptor, Ophiothrix 5, 225 declinuns, Ophioceramis 7,421 deficiens, Astrothamnus 2, 35 definita, Ophiactis 4, 187 dejecta, Amphiura 4, 154 delata, Ophiomyces 3, 41 demissa, Amphiura 4, 156 diastata, Ophiolimna 15 dilatatus, Ophiocentrus 199 diomedeae, Amphiura 4, 158 diploa, Ophiacantha 50 discrepans, Ophiomedea 3, 95 dives, Ophiomitra 3, 107 divisa, Homalophiura 387 Ophioglyp'ha 387 doderleini, Ophiocoma 311 dubia, Ophionereis 5, 310 duplex, Ophiacantha 3, 50 duplicata, Amphiactis 4, 204| Ophiactis 204 elata, Bathypectinura 342 Pectinura 342 elegans, Ophiarthrum 6, 331 Ophiogymna 5, 281 Ophiomusium 7, 391 Ophioteron 5, 301 Ophiothrix 5, 227, 281 erinaceus, Ophiocoma 6, 311, 322 eurypoma, Ophiacantha 122 eurypomus, Ophiophthalmus 124 excavatus, Ophiurothamnus 3, 105 exigua, Ophiothrix 5, 228 exilis, Ophiomitrella 3, 110 eximia, Ophiacantha 70 Ophiotreta 3,70 expedita, Ophiothrix 229 facetum, Ophiomusium 7, 394 facundum, Ophiomusium 7, 398 fastigatus, Ophiochiton 5, 305 fastigiata, Amphiophiura 6, 359 fimbriatum, Ophiomusium 7,403 flaccida, Ophiomastix 6, 330 flagellata, Ophioglypha 6, 375 Ophiura 375 fluctuans, Ophiura 6, 377 forbesi, Ophioconis 15 foveolata, Ophiothrix 5, 238 fugiens, Ophiocanops 2. 26 fulgens, Ophiogymna 5 funesta, Ophiogymna 5, 292 fusca, Ophiomaza 5,299 galatheae, Ophiothrix ..__ 5,233 Page. globata, Ophioplinthaca 4, 130 gorgonia, Ophiarachnella 6, 339 Pectinura 339 gotoi, Bathypectinura 342 grandisquama, Amphiura 4, 159* Ophiudoron 15 granifera, Ophiomitra 122 graniferus, Ophiophthalmus 124 granulatus, Ophiolipus 7,421 granulifera, Cryptopelta 15 graphica, Ophiacantha 51 gratiosa, Ophiacanthn 71 Ophiotreta 3,71 gratum, Ophiopteron 5, 302 ^Gymnopelta indica 15 Gymnophiura coerulescens 375 habrotata, Ophiomitra 102 hastata, Ophioplinthaca 4, 137 hastatum, Ophiocten 7, 388 heros, Bathypectinura 342 Pectinura 342 hirsuta, Ophiothrix 5, 234 Homalophiura divisa 387 inflata 6,386 inornata 6, 387 nana 386 honorata, Ophiarachnella 6, 340 hybrida, Ophiothrix 5, 239 hylacantha, Ophiacantha 122 hylacanthus, Ophiophthalmus 124 imbricatus, Ophioplocus 7, 435 impotens, Ophiomusium 7, 406 impressa, Amphipholis 174 Amphioplus 174 impressus, Amphioplus 4, 174 improba, Amphiophiura 6, 362 Ophioglypha 362 inaequalis, Ophiocentrus 199 indica, Gymnopelta 15 inermis, Ophiocampis 281 infernalis, Ophiarachnella 6, 341 Pectinura 341 infirma, Ophiothrix 5, 241 inflata, Homalophiura 6, 386 Ophioglypha 386 Ophiura 386 inornata, Homalophiura 6, 387 Ophioglypha 387 Ophiura 387 insolita, Amphiophiura 6, 362 intorta, Ophiobyrsella 2, 27 inutilis, Ophiacantha 71 Ophiocirce 7, 436 irregularis, Ophiolepis 7, 434 Ophiomyxa 2, 17 irrorata, Ophioglypha 380 Ophiura 6,380 kinbergi, Ophioglypha 381 Ophiura 6.381 kochii, Amphipholis 4 ? 163 koreana, Ophiothrix 5, 242 lambda, Ophiacantha 64 languida, Ophiomitrella 122 legata, Ophiacantha 3, 53 legatus, Amphioplus 4. 169 lepida, Ophiothrix 5, 246 lepidus, Ophiothrix___ 246 INDEX. 483 Page. leucorhabdota, Ophiacantha 122 leucosticta, Ophiacantha 85 leucostictum, Ophientrema 3, 85 ligatum, Ophiomusium 7, 408 lineolata, Ophiocoma 6, 324, 311 longidens, Ophiacantha 3, 55 longipeda, Ophiothrix 5, 235 loripes, Amphipholis 4, 164 loveni, Asteronyx 2, 34 lubrica, Ophiocoma 311 luctator, Amphioplus 4, 178 lugator, Amphioplus 179 lunare, Ophiomusium 7, 410 liitkeni, Ophiomastix :_ 6, 330 lymani, Ophiomusium 7,411 maculosa, Ophiactis 190 malignus, Ophiodoris 5, 311 marenzelleri, Ophiothrix 5, 248 marginata, Ophioripa 3, 118 marmorata, Ophiocnemis 5, 296 Ophiocoma 311 martensi, Ophiothrix 5, 250 matura, Ophiacantha 76 Ophiotreta 3, 76 media, Ophiozona depressa, var 424 Ophiozonella 7, 424 depressa., var 424 melanosticta, Ophiothrix 5, 251 micrantha, Ophiura 6,383 microphilax, Ophiomitra 122 miliaria, Ophiuroconis 15 minima, Ophioleda 102 mirabilis, Ophiopholis 4 195 Ophiolepis 195 misera, Amphipholis 4, 164 Amphiura 164 mitescens, Ophiura 6. 383 mitis, Ophioplinthaca 140 mixta, Ophiomastix 6, 330 modesta, Bathypectinura 342 Ophiactis 4 Pectinura 342 molesta. Ophiozona 425 Ophiozonella 7, 425 monolepis, Ophiuroconis 15 morio, Ophiomusium 7, 413 multispina, Amphilimna 4, 183 mutata, Ophiomitrella 122 nana, Homalophiura 386 Ophioglypha 386 Ophiura 386 neglecta, Ophiodera 2, 20 Ophiomyxa 20 Neoplax crassipes 2,22.452 nereidina, Ophiothrix o. 252 nitens, Ophiarachnella 6, 341 Pectinura 341 nodosa, Ophiogyptis 3, 40 normani, Ophiacantha 122 Ophiophthalmus 124 nugator, Ophioripa 3,119 obscura, Ophiozonoida 7, 431 obstricta, Ophioceramis 38 Ophiomoeris 3, 38 obstrictus, Ophiurases 38 Page. oedidisca, Ophiacantha 124 Ophiosemnotes 124 Opbiacantha anchilabra 63 benigna 3, 45, 452 cataleimmoida 122 chelys 130 composita '. 3, 46 confusa 3, 47 congesta 85 dallasii 3, 49 diploa 50 duplex 3, 50 eurypoma 122 eximia 70 graphica 51, 452 gratiosa 71 hylacantha 122 inutilis 71 lambda 64 legata 3, 53, 452 leucorhabdota 122 leucosticta 85 longidens 3, 55 matura 76 normani 122 oedidisca 124 (Ophiotreta) valenci- | ennesi 84 paeata 3, 57, 452 pentagona 3, 59 perfida 64 placida 130 relicta 122, 124 severa 3,61,452 valenciennesi 84 vorax 3, 63 Ophiactis afflnis 4,186 deflnita 4, 187, 452 duplicata 204 maculosa 190 modesta 4 profundi 4,192 pteropoma 192 savignyi 4, 193 Ophialcoea congesta 3, 85 Ophiarachna quinquespinosa 6, 331, 452 Ophiarachnella gorgonia 6, 339 honorata 6, 340 infernalis 6,341 nitens 6,341 Ophiarthrum elegans 6, 331 Ophientrema leucostictum 3, 85 Ophiernus adspersus 7, 440 annectens 440 Ophiobyrsella intorta 2,27,452 Ophiocamax polyploca 147 rugosa 4, 147 Ophiocampis inermis 281 Ophiocanops fugiens__. _ 2, 26, 452 Ophiocentrus aculeatus 4, 196 alboviridis 199 asper 4,199 brachiatus 109 dilatatus 199 inaequalis 199 484 INDEX. Page. Ophiocentrus pilosus 199 putnami 199 semisquamatus 199 verticillatus 199 vexator 4, 200. 452 Ophioceramis declinans 7, 421 obstricta 38 tenera 40 Ophiochiton fastigatus 5, 305 Ophiocirce inutilis 7, 436 Ophiocnemis marmorata 5,296 Ophiocnida aspera 199 Ophiocoma aethiops 311 alexandri 311 bollo,nsi 311 brevipes 6, 34, 319 forevispina 311 canaliculata 311 doderleini 311 erinaceus 311, 322 lineolata 6, 311, 324 lubrica 311 marmorata 311 parva 311 pica 324 pumila 312 riisei 312 sannio 324 schb'nleini 312 scolopendrina__ 6, 312, 322, 325 valenciae , 312 variegata 312 wendtii 6, 312, 328 Ophioconis cincta 351 forbesi 15 permixta 352 Ophiocopa singularis 3,98,452 Ophiocten hastatum 7,388 pacificum 388 Ophiodera neglecta 2, 20 Ophiodictys uncinatus 3, 42, 452 Ophiodoris contrarius 5, 310 malignus 5, 311 Ophiogema punctata 3,67,452 Ophioglypha aequalis 373 Clemens 374 divisa 387 flagellata 37E improba 362 inflata 386 inornata 3g7 irrorata 380 kinbergi 381 nana 386 paupera 363 radiata 363 sculptilis 364 sinensis 381 sladeni 369 sordida 364 stellata 369 Ophiogymna elegans 5, 281 fulgens 5, 288 funesta 5, 292, 453 pulchella 5, 295 Ophiogyptis nodosa 3, 40 Ophioleda minima 102 Page. Ophiolepis annulosa 434 irregularis 7,434 mirabilis 195 superba 434 Ophiolimna Antarctica 15 diastata 15 papillata 15 perflda 3, 64 Ophiolipus granulatus 7,421 Ophiomastix annulosa 6, 329 flaccida 6,330 liitkeni 6,330 mixta 6, 330 venosa 6, 331 Ophiomaza cacaotica 5, 299 fusca 5,299,452 Ophiomedea discrepans 3, 95. 452 Ophiomelina placida 3, 130 Ophiomidas reductum 7, 434 reductus 434 Ophiornitra chelys 131 codonomorpha 122 dives 3,107,452 granifera 122 habrotata 102 microphilax 122 Ophiomitrella americana 122 exilis _ 3, 110, 452 languida . 122 mutata 122 placida 122, 130 sagitta 3,111,452 subjecta 3, 114,452 Ophiomoeris obstricta 3, 38 spinosa 3, 40 tenera 3, 40 Ophiomusium altum 389 armatum 7, 389, 452 elegans 7, 391 facetum 7, 394, 452 facunclum 1 7, 398, 452 flmbriatum 7, 403, 452 impotens 7,406.452 ligatum .__ 7,408,452 lunare 7,410 lymani 7, 411 morio 7, 413, 452 properum 7, 416 relictum 7, 416 sanctum 417 scalare 7, 417 simplex 7, 417 spinulosum 7, 418, 452 Ophiomyces delata 3,41 Ophiomyxa bengalensis 2, 17 irregularis 2, 17 neglecta 20 Ophionephthys phalerata 161 Ophionereis dubia 5, 310 semoni 5, 310 Ophiopallas paradoxa 7, 436 valens 7, 437, 452 Ophiopeza aequalis 337 conjungens 338 yoldii 338 Ophiopezella spinosa 6, 338 INDEX. 485 Page. Ophiopholis mirabilis 4, 195 Ophiophrixus confinis 2,30,452 Ophiophthalmus cataleimmoida 124 codonomorphus 124 eurypomus 124 graniferus 124 hylancantlras 124 normani 124 placidus 130 relictus 3, 124 suspectus 3, 127, 452 Ophioplinthaca chelys 3,131 globata 4, 132, 453 hastata 4, 137, 453 mitis 140 pulchra 4, 140 rudis 4,142 Ophioplocus imbricatus 7, 435 Ophiopsammus yoldii 338 Ophiopteron elegans 5, 301 gratum 5, 302, 453 puncto-coeruleum 5, 305 Ophiopyrgus -planulatus 6, 355, 453 Ophioripa marginata 3, 118, 453 nugator __"__ 3, 119, 453 Ophiosemnotes oedidisca 124 Ophiothamnus afflnis 102 remotus 102 stultus 104 venustus 3, 100, 102 vicarius 102 Ophiothela danac 5,297 vincula 5,298 Ophiothrix aristulata 4,205 armata __. 4,208 aspidota 4, 200 beillax 4, 211, 453 capillaris 214 coronata 5, 217 crassispina 5, 218 cumulata _. 5, 220, 453 deceptor__ 5,225,453 elegans 5,227,281 exigua 228 expedita - 5, 229 var. rhabdota _ 230 foveolata 5, 238 galatheae__ 5, 233 hirsuta 5,234 hybrida _. 5, 239 Snfirma 5,241 korfana 5, 242 lepida--- 5,246 lepidus 246 longipeda 5, 235 marenzelleri 5,248 martens! 5,250 melanosticta 5, 251 nereidina 5, 252 pavida ._ 5, 252,. 453 plana 5, 255 propinqua 5, 256 prostrata 257, 453 proteus 5,260 purperea 5,261 pusilla-- -__ 5, 262 Page. Ophiothrix rhabdota 230 signata 5, 263, 453 spinosissima 5, 266 stelligera 5, 267 striolata 5, 277 trilineata 5, 279 vitrea 279 Ophiotoma assimilis 3, 91 Ophiotrema tertium 3,88,453 Ophiotreta eximia 3, 70 gratiosa 3, 71 matura 3, 76 spatulifera 3, 81, 453 valenciennesi 3, 84 Ophiotriton semoni 310 Ophiozona bispinosa 422 casta 423 depressa, var. media 424 molesta 425 Ophiozonella bispinosa 7, 422 casta 7,423 depressa, var. media 424 media 7,424 molesta 7, 425 subtilis 7,428,453 Opbiozonoida obscura 7, 431, 453 Ophiura aequalis 6i, 373 clemens 6, 374 flagellata 6, 375 fluctuant 6, 377, 453 inflata 38<3 inornata 387 irrorata 6, 380 kinbergi 6, 381 micrantha 6, 383 mitescens 6, 383, 453 nana 380 sarsii 6, 380 stiphra 369 Ophiurases obstrictus 38 Ophiuroconis miliaria 15 monolepis 15 pulverulenta 15 Ophiurodon cincta 15 cinctus 6, 351 cupida 15 grandisquama 15 permixta 15 permixtus 6, 352 Ophiurothamnus exeavat.us 3, 105, 453 stultus 3, 104 pacata, Ophiacantha 3, 57 pacificum, Ophiocten 388 papillata. Ophiolimna 15 paradoxa, Ophiopallas 7, 436 partita, Amphiactis 204 Amphiodia 204 Amphiura 204 parva, Opbiocoma 311 paupera, Amphiophiura 6, 363 Ophioglypha 363 pavida, Ophiothrix 5, 252 Pectinura aequalis 6, 337 conspicua 342 elata 342 gorgonia 339 486 INDEX. Vctinura heros infernalis modesta _ nitena tessellata Page. 342 341 342 341 342 yoldii 6, 338 pentagona, Ophiacantha 3, 59 perfida, Ophiacantha 64 Ophiolimna 3, 64 pergamena, Astroceras 2, 33 permixta, Ophioconis 352 Ophiurodon 15 pennixtus, Ophiurodon 6, 352 phalerata, Ophionephthys 161 pica, Ophiocoma 324 pilosus, Ophiocentrus 199 placida, Ophiacantha 130 Ophiomelina 3, 130 Ophiomitrella 122, 130 placidus, Ophiophthalmus 130 plana, Ophiothrix 5, 255 planulatus, Ophiopyrgus 6, 355 polyploca, Ophiocamax 147 profundi, Ophiactis 4, 192 proporum, Ophiomusium 7, 416 propinqua, Ophiothrix 5, 256 prostrata, Ophiothrix 257 protecta, Amphilepis 4, 202 proteus, Ophiothrix 5,260 pteropoma, Ophiactis 192 pulchella, Ophiogymna 5, 295 pulchra, Ophioplinthaca 4, 140 pulverulenta, Ophiuroconis 15 pumila, Ophiocoma 312 punctata, Ophiogema 3, 67 puncto-coeruleum, Ophiopteron 5, 305 purpurea, Ophiothrix 5, 261 pusilla, Ophiothrix 5, 262 putnami, Ophiocentrus 199 quinquespinosa, Ophiarachna 6, 331 radiata, Amphiophiura 6, 363 Ophioglypha 363 roductum, Ophiomidas 7, 434 reductus, Ophiomidas 434 relicta, Amphiura 179 Ophiacantha 122, 124 relictum, Ophiomusium 7, 416 relictus, Amphioplus 4, 179 Ophiophthalmus 3, 124 remittens, Amphilepis 4, 202 remotus, Ophiothamnus 102 rhabdota, Ophiothrix 230 expedita var__ 230 rhadinobrachius, Amphioplus 4, 183 riisei, Ophiocoma 312 rudis, Ophioplinthaca 4, 142 rugosa, Ophiocamax 4, 147 sagitta, Ophiomitrella 3,111 sanctum, Ophiomusium 417 sannio, Ophiocoma 324 sarsii, Ophiura 6,386 savignyi, Ophiactis 4, 193 scalare. Ophiomusium 7, 417 schonleini, Ophiocoma 312. scolopendrina, Ophiocoma- 6, 312, 322, 325 Page. sculptilis, Amphiophiura 6, 364 Ophioglypha 364 semisquamatus, Ophiocentrus 199 semoni, Ophionereis 5, 310 Ophiotriton 310 severa, Ophiacantha 3, 61 signata, Ophiothrix 5, 263 Simplex, Ophiomusium 7,417 sinensis, Ophioglypha 381 singularis, Ophiocopa 3,98 sladeni, Ophioglypha 369 Stegophiura 6, 369 sordida, Amphiophiura 6, 364 Ophioglypha 364 spatulifera, Amphiophiura 6, 365 Ophiotreta 3, 81 spinosa, Ophiomoeris 3, 40 Ophiopezella 6, 338 spinosissima, Ophiothrix 5,266 spinulosum, Ophiomusium 7, 418 Stegophiura sladeni 6, 369 sterilis 6, 370, 453 stellata, Amphiophiura 6, 369 Ophioglypha 369 Ophiothrix 5. 267 sterilis, Stegophiura 6,370 stiphra, Ophiura 369 striolata, Ophiothrix 5, 277 stultus, Ophiothamnus 104 Ophiurothamnus 3, 104 subjecta, Ophiomitrella 3, 114 subtilis, Ophiozonella 7, 428 superba, Ophiolepis 434 suspectus, Ophiophthalmus 3, 127 tecta, Cryptopelta 6, 350 tenera, Ophioceramis 40 Ophiomoeris 3, 40 tertium, Ophiotrema 3, 88 tessellata, Bathypectinura 342 Pectinura 342 trilineata, Ophiothrix 5, 279 uncinata, Arophiura 4, 160 uncinatus, Ophiodictys 3, 42 vadicola, Amphiura 4, 161 valenciae, Ophiocoma 312 valenciennesi, Ophiacantha 84 (Oph io- treta)_ 84 Ophiotreta 3, 84 valens, Ophiopallas 7,437 variegata, Ophiocoma 312 venosa, Ophiomastix 6, 331 venustus, Ophiothamnus 3, 100, 102 verticillatus, Ophiocentrus 199 vexator, Ophiocentrus 4, 200 vicarius, Ophiothamnus 102 vincula, Ophiothela 5, 298 virgo, Astrocharis 2, 32 vitrea, Ophiothrix 279 vorax, Ophiacantha 3, 63 wendtii, Ophiocoma 6, 312, 328 yoldii, Ophiopeza 338 Ophiopsammus 338 Pectinura _. _ 6, 338 O 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES I ^ Y This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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