$W: CE" s. *^,ff3:M *t 'j' \F< m 1 "m* >toa - - - 28xH ANNIVERSARY ROSTER OF BUCKINGHAM POST No. 12 H DEPARTMENT OF CONN., G. A. R. AND Buckingham W. R. C. Auxiliary to the With Historical Sketch of the Post and List of graves deco- rated on Memorial Day. CJ Also an Appendix giving a List of all Norwalk men who served during the Civil War, as shown by the Connecticut State Record, arranged in Alpha- betical order. NORWALK, CONN. February -?jM, 1908 RICHARD J. CUTBILL, TWENTY-SIXTH COMMANDER OF BUCKINGHAM POST. Post Officers, 1908 Commander ..................................... RICHARD J. CUTBILL Senior Vice-Commander .......................... CHARLES W. BENNETT Junior Vice-Commander ...................... . AUGUSTUS C. GOLDING Adjutant .............................................. GEORGE A. WHITE Quartermaster .................................... ..... THOMAS BRADLEY Surgeon .................................... ..-CHARLES VAN SCHAICK Chaplain ......................... .......................... JAMES S. LYON Officer of the Day ................................... ALONZO WHEELER Officer of the Guard ............................. CHARLES J. MARTINET Sergeant Major .......................................... HENRY I. SMITH Quartermaster Sergeant ....................... " ........ JOSEPH P. GROSSMAN Delegates to Department Encampment GEORGE A. WHITE AUGUSTUS C. GOLDING Alternates HENRY I. SMITH EDWIN M. BALDWIN 'Board of Trustees GEORGE W. RAYMOND CHARLES F. LOOMIS ALONZO WHEELER PAST POST COMMANDERS BRADLEY S. KEITH, 1880, 1881, J882. FRANK W. PERRY 1883 EDWIN NORTHROP 1884 JAMES L. AMBLER 1885 JAMES SCHOFIELD 1886 WILLIAM A. AMBLER 1887 CHARLES F. LOOMIS 1888 GEORGE I. BUXTON 1889 ALVAN A. HAUSCHILDT 1890 THOMAS BRADLEY 1891 ALFRED A. CHINERY 1892 ALONZO WHEELER 1893 GEORGE W. RAYMOND 1894 CORNELIUS EL WOOD 1895 JOHN HENRY 18% AARON DECKER 1897 EDWARD E. PELTON 1898, 1899 JAMES E. WDCON FLETCHER PIERCE JOHN F. LOVEJOY JARVIS KELLOGG WESLEY M. NIBLOCK ... JAMES S. LYON FRANK S. MIDDLEBROOK CHARLES W. BENNETT. . 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 JOSEPH P. GROSSMAN, ) Past Commanders of Old Post 12, restored to their WILLIAM A. KELLOGG, f honors by Department Encampment of 1891. EDWARD M. LEES, CHARLES H. OLMSTEAD, PETER R. FOOTE, BRADLEY B. BAKER, WILLIAM E. ALB1N. MYRON W. ROBINSON, Past Commander Post 9, Dep't. of Conn. Past Commanders Post 62, Department of Connecticut, disbanded. PAST NATIONAL OFFICERS EDWARD ANDERSON, Chaplain-in-Chief, 1887. GEORGE I. BUXTON, Aid on Staff of Commander-in-Chief, 1890 PAST NATIONAL DELEGATES GEORGE I. BUXTON Milwaukee 1889, Washington 1892, San Francisco 1903 RICHARD J. CUTBILL Chicago 1900, Denver 1905 FRANK W. PERRY ...Louisville 1895 GEORGE A. WHITE. .. .Saratoga 1907 BRADLEY S.KEITH 1880-1881-1882. FRANK W. PERRY 1883. EDWIN NORTH 1884. SCMOFIELD VY? A. AMBLER 86. 1867 JAMES L.AMBL IS8S. PAST COMMANDERS OF BUCKINGH \M POST THOMAS BRADLEY ALFRED A.CHINERY ALONZO WHEELER 1891 1892 1893 AARON DECKER 1897 EDWARD E.PELTON JAMES E.WIXON 1898 - 1899 1900 PAST COMMANDERS OF BUCKINGHAM POST w ESLEYM.NIBLOCK JAMES S. LYON FRANK S.MIDDLEBROOK 1904 1905 1906 HARLES W.BENNETT JOSEPH P. GROSSMAN WM A. KELLOGG / '868 . 1869 . (OLD POST) (OLD POST) PAST COMMANDERS OF BUCKINGHAM POST PAST COMMANDERS OF HARRY McDONOUGH POST, No. 61, WESTPORT (DISBANDED) NOW MEMBERS OF BUCKINGHAM POST MYRON W. ROBINSON, Past Commander Post 9, Department of Conn. Surgeon, Soldiers Home, Noroton. COMRADE A. HOMER BYIXGTOX, though his military service was brief, it was none the less creditable and entitles him to membership in our order. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he was in the City of \Yashington, and was among the first to volunteer for the protection of the Capital before Northern troops could be brought there. He joined the \Yashington Clay Guards, an organization from among the loyal residents and officeholders of the city, mustered into service for the protection of Government property and lives. They served till large bodies of troops began to arrive, when they wert. given honorable discharges. It was. however, as a civilian at the front, that Comrade Byington did his best service to the cause of the country, far in excess of anything he might have accomplished as a soldier in the ranks. As Chief Correspondent in the field, of the Xew York Tribune, the leading Administration organ of the day, his duties were arduous and exacting, and very important in a national sense. Among many important acts to his credit might be mentioned the fact that it was he who first gave the news of the opening battle of Gettysburg to Presi- dent Lincoln, and the War Department, which had been cut off from tele- graphic communication with the Army. Comrade Byington, as the representative of his paper, had free range of camps, battlefields and hospitals, consequently was in position to be of great service to our boys at the front, and in order to afford him more authority in that direction. Governor Buckingham commissioned him as Commissary Gen- eral on his staff. Comrade Byington was never happier than when doing some kind act for a sick or wounded soldier, or using his influence for their advancement. Many a Xorwalk comrade has reason to hold him in greatful remembrance. It was in Comrade Byington's Hall in the Gazette Building, that Buck- ingham Post had its birth, and in his paper, the Xorwalk Cazcttc, the Post always had an advocate and friend. His intense loyalty to the cause we rep- resented, ever made him the friend of the I'nion Soldier in war and in peace. After the war, the ijth Connecticut Regiment Veterans made him an honorary member of their association and presented him with a handsome gold badge, set with diamonds, in recognition of his services to them in the field. He has recently returned home after an absence of ten years abroad, as United States Consul at Xaples. Italy, and now in the 82<1 year of his age remains an honored member of the Post in good standing. 10 HISTORICAL SKETCH The early history of the Grand Army of the Republic in Xorwalk is some- what obscure ; those surviving who took part in the first attempt at organization differing somewhat in their recollection of the matter ; but, as near as can be ascertained from the records which have been preserved, quite early in the year 1867, less than a year after the foundation of the Order in Illinois, a number of ex-soldiers of Xorwalk applied for a Charter to organize a Post, which being granted, ten comrades assembled in the sanctum of the XORWALK GAZETTE, and organized what was known as Post Xo. 2, District of Housa- tonic, Department of Connecticut, G. A. R., and elected James L. Ambler as its first Commander. The Post subsequently established its headquarters in the Sons of Temperance Hall, Gazette Building, and increased in member- ship to some fifty or more. At that time the State was divided into four districts, one for each Con- gressional District, with District Commanders. Gen. Wm. H. Xoble, of Bridgeport, was the first Commander of this District. Subsequently the dis- trict sub-division of the Order was abandoned, leaving as at present, the Post as the unit, Departments representing States, and one Xational organiza- tion. It appears, for some reason not shown, that the name of this Post was, soon after its organization, changed to Xo. 12, District of the Housatonic, and continued in existence during the years 1867-68, but was disbanded early in 1869, a f ate which befell nearly every Post in the State at that time, for want of support. It was the custom at that period to elect officers semi-annually, and the following comrades served as Commanders of the Post : James L. Ambler, Charles F. Loomis, Joseph P. Grossman and \Yilliam A. Kellogg, all after- wards becoming members of Buckingham Post. The two former have since served as Commanders by election, and the two latter were reinstated to the honors of Past Post Commanders in this Department, by vote of the Encamp- ment at Meriden, in February, 1891. The first Memorial Day services, and the decoration of soldiers' graves, in accordance with the original order of General Logan, were conducted by this Post in May, 1868; and, according to the report of the XORWALK GAZETTE (then the only paper published in Xorwalk, and which gave a full list of all the graves decorated), there were but two in St. Paul's churchyard, 11 three in St. Mary's, and fourteen in Union Cemetery; whereas eight are now decorated in St. Paul's. 56 in St. Mary's. 133 in Union Cemetery and 74 in the new Riverside Cemetery, an increase of 244 since the first Decoration Day. During the decade from 1870 to 1880. no further attempts at organiza- tion appear to have been made, but in the XORWALK GAZETTE of February 3rd. 1880. the following call appeared: NOTICE. "All old soldiers and sailors of the late war. residents of Xorwalk, who may be desirous of forming a Post of G. A. R., at Xorwalk Bridge, are requested to meet with the following comrades, at the GAZETTE office, on Wednesday evening. February 4th, 1880. Signed. R. L. Ells. YVm. A. Kellogg, Jere. B. Rusco. C. C. Platt, Edwin Xorthrop. Geo. \Y. Smith. Thomas H. Gibson, Jesse Pollard. B. S. Keith, Fletcher Pierce, Frank Pollard. YVm. B. Xewcomb, George II. Raymond, TOS. P. Grossman and Tames L. Ambler." In response to this call, thirteen comrades met and effected a temporary organization. Thev were encouraged in their efforts to organize a Post by the presence of a delegation from Douglas Fowler I'ost, Xo. 48, of South Xorwalk, which had been organized a short time previous. This meeting resulted in the appointment of a committee to perfect arrangements, for organ- ization, and was followed by the organization of the present Post. February 25, 1880, in the hall of Concord Division, Sons of Temperance, in the Gazette Building. Xineteen comrades were mustered into the (i. A. R. in the pre- scribed form, by Senior Yice-Dept. Commander A. B. Beers, of Bridgeport, and Commander Bradlev S. Keith, with the other officers-elect, were duly installed. It was stated by Past Department Commander Charles E. Fowler, who was present, that as the original Xorwalk Post had no other name but Xo. 12, which had not since been appropriated by any other Post of the Depart- ment, this Post could adopt that number, with a name. It was accordingly voted to take the "Xo. 12." and name the Post in honor of our great and noble war Governor "Buckingham." For two or three years after organization, the Post, in common with many others, had a hard struggle for existence, and there were many times when it seemed on the verge of following its predecessor. But changes had taken place in the character and management of the Order, and it gradually becom- ing known to the veterans that it was entirely without politics as an organiza- tion, together with the growing spirit of comradeship and bond of interest which time alone could produce, membership began to increase, and soon placed the Post on a firm footing. For several years it increased very regu- larly in numbers and character of its membership, until it took rank amont; the first in the State. After organization, the Post maintained headquarters in Sons of Tem- perance Flail, Gazette Building, until October i. 1882, when it removed to 12 rooms in the Dann Building, Xo. 40 Wall Street. It remained there till March 26, 1884, when change was made to rooms on the second floor of Lockwood's Hall building. Here the Post remained about five months, when lease was taken of the large and well-appointed hall on Wall Street known as the "Athenaeum," the name being changed to Grand Army Hall. The Post held its first meeting in this hall November 12, 1884. Here the Post thrived and grew until a very large percentage of the old soldiers and sailors of Xorwalk were taken into membership. During the nearly seventeen years the Post occupied these headquarters, the most important events in its his- tory occurred. Many enjoyable entertainments were given and associations formed which will remain pleasant memories through life. During the term of James Schofield as Commander, in 1886, the Post was fully uniformed with coats and caps, and the following year purchased a full stand of colors, making a fine appearance on parade. A committee of the Post was appointed October 12, 1887, looking to the organization of a Women's Relief Corps. It was organized as "Buckingham W. R. C, Xo. 30," December 19, 1887, and has ever since remained in a flourishing condition as a valuable auxiliary to the Post. A committee was appointed December 28, 1887, to take into consideration the organization of a Camp of Sons of Veterans, resulting in the organization, on February 15, 1888, of what was known as "O. S. Ferry Camp, Sons of Veterans."' The Camp continued in existence, however, only a few years. At the National Encampment of 1887, Comrade Edward Anderson of this Post, was elected Chaplain-in-Chief, and his installation to office took place November 29, 1887. It was a red-letter day for Xorwalk, there being probably the largest gathering in town ever witnessed here. Several brass bands and innumerable drum corps were in attendance, and there was by far the largest parade of G. A. R. Posts and military companies ever seen in Xorwalk. The Governor, P. C. Lounsbury, and staff, with the General of the State Militia and staff, were in attendance. The ceremonies took place in the State Armory, and Mayor Morgan G. Bulkley, of Hartford, was the installing officer. An elaborate collation was served to the visiting guests and comrades, in Lockwood's and G. A. R. Halls, and in the evening a fine concert was given in the Opera House. Autograph letters of regret were received by Chaplain Anderson from Ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes, Gen. William T. Sherman and Major-Gen. J. M. Schofield, and now form part of the Post records. General Darius X. Couch, a prominent Corps Commander of the Army, became a resident of Xorwalk after the war, and although! never becoming a member of the Post not wishing to sever connection with his home Post in Taunton, Mass. he frequently met with the Post and took part in all its public functions. Mrs. Couch took an active interest in the work of the 18 Woman's Relief Corps, and was its first president. General Couch died February 12, 1897, * ne P s t attending his funeral in St Paul's Church in a body, and a guard of honor accompanied his remains to Taunton. Mass.. where the interment took place. The Post has held two successful Fairs, the first in the Opera House, October 8 to 11. 1884. from which was realized a good sum, forming the nucleus of the Post Relief Fund. The second Fair was held in the State Armory, in connection with Company "F" of the State Guard, February 18 to 23. 1889. and was very successful, netting a sum sufficient to erect the Post monument in Riverside Cemetery. A finely located plot in Riverside Cemetery was deeded to the Post for the free burial of deceased soldiers and sailors of Xorwalk, on which the Post erected a handsome monument, dedicated with appropriate ceremonies, in the presence of a large gathering, Memorial Day, 1889. Indicative of the character of the monument, the Commander in his address said: "It was the wish of the Post that the monument was not to be of an elaborate or expensive character, but such as would honor the hallowed spot, and mark it for future generations as the resting place of those who fought to save the Union in its hour of peril. Hut the memorial which we to-day dedicate is something even more than in honor of our dead comrades. In the natural course of events, those solid blocks of granite will stand for ages even long after the statue which surmounts them and to the future generations, to whom the (irand Armv of the Republic is unknown, or but a faint and distant memory, and when this cemetery shall have become a beautiful city of the dead, the inscription on yonder stone will point to the fact that in the year of our Lord 1889, there existed in the town of Xorwalk, a relic of the great War of the Rebellion, known as Ikickingham Post Xo. 12, Department of Connecti- cut (irand Army of the Republic. The monument is therefore a memorial of the Post." The Post has al-o procured State headstones for the graves of all de- ceased soldiers and sailors, not otherwise provided for. when in conformity with the wishes of relatives. During the third Memorial Day services held by the Post in 18^2. in the First Church, an incident occurred worthy of record. Rev. William II. Thomas, then pastor of the Second Methodist Fpiscopal Church, in his ad- dress gave an eloquent description of the Rattle of Gettysburg and told how. when the fight was raging fiercely and victory trembled in the balance, a small rlag was seen to dart towards the rebel lines and almost instantly di>- appear, the bearer undoubtedly going down under the terrific shower of bul- lets. The sight of the rlag gave the I'nion forces hope, however, and from that moment they were imbued with fresh courage and ultimately won the victory. After the fight the speaker, who was at that time a chaplain, accom- panied by several officers, returned to the spot where the flag had been seen 14 intent on solving the mystery. After removing great heaps of dead bodies, they came across the flag tightly grasped in the lifeless fingers of a newsboy who had followed the army into battle. At this point the speaker drew from his pocket the identical flag, he having treasured it as one of the grandest relics of the war. The description of the battle and the finding of the Hag was so pathetic that there was hardly a dry eye in the congrega- tion. ( >n ( )ctober 20, 1900, the Post united with Douglass Fowler Post. Xo. 48. of South Xorwalk, in the dedication of a Soldiers' Monument in South Xor- wa!k. The most friendly relations have always existed between the two sister Posts of the town, each taking part in the other's entertainments and public functions. Douglass Fowler Post has attended to the decoration of graves in the southern part of the town on Memorial Day, and Buckingham Post those in the northern part. The Post has, since organization, had 223 members, representing every branch of the service. It reached its maximum strength of about 150 mem- bers in good standing, during the years from 1890 to 1894. Since that period there has been a gradual decline in membership. Many have died, and some have moved away and united with other posts. It numbers but 96 members in good standing at the present time. The Post has had in its membership, besides the two reinstated Past Commanders of Old Post 12. several Past Commanders of other posts, who joined by transfer card. Harry McDonough Post Xo. 63, of \Yestport, having become reduced in membership, surrend- ered its charter January I, 1905. A number of its members wishing to retain their standing in the order, have since joined and become valued mem- bers of Buckingham Post. Among them Past Commanders Edward M. Lees, Charles H. Olmstead. Peter R. Foote. Bradley B. Baker, and William E. Albin. being entitled to seats in the Department Encampment, add strength to the Post in the Department. In addition. Past Commander M. W. Robinson of Post Xo. 9. Col- chester, Surgeon of the Soldier's Home, Xoroton, is now a member of this Post. The oldest member of the Post at the present time is Comrade loseph P. Crossman, just eighty-two. The youngest member is G. A. Franke. who enlisted in the raw in 1864. at the age of fifteen: he has just entered his sixtieth year. On June 5. 1901. the Post moved into its present quarters in the Jack- son Building on Wall Street, which are very comfortable and convenient. and better suited to the reduced membership. With no new field for recruits like other organizations, the time is rapidly approaching when the Post must cease to exist, when every comrade will "sleep beneath that low green tent, whose curtain never outward swings." As this will probably be the last published roster of the Post, what can be more appropriate than to close this sketch with the beautiful words of the Reverend \Y. C. Richardson in closing his address to the Post on Memorial Day, 1890: "I see a mighty host, shadowy and dim with silent tread and ghostly march. Away it streams in ceaseless majesty, rising and falling with stately swing, its phantom banners waving in the noiseless breeze, its muskets touched with the light of another world. "Its ranks fill up from every camping place, each lonely grave and bloody battlefield yields up its own, from each forsaken glade and steril mountain side they come, and, as its rear guard swings this way, you, too, grown old and feeble in your time, fall in and on you move, a mighty host of every age and race, with one inspiring thought, with one majestic motive, that all-absorbing godlike trait unselfishness which to-day finds no form more worthily its own than that of the man who wears the blue and bears the badge of the Grand Army on his breast." 16 ROSTER. BUCKINGHAM POST, MEMORIAL DAY, 1900 ROSTER Alhiii. William E Allen. Kufus J Ambler, James L Ambler. William A Anderson. Edward r.aldwiu. Edwin II Baldwin. William E. . . Co. C. 2 Conn. II. A Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Co. C. 27 Conn. Vols. and Hosp. Steward Keg. Army. Sgt. Co. E. ."> Conn. Vols Col V Ind Cavalrv Co. R. '.'A 111. Vols Co. B. 1 Conn. Cav Barnard. William C... Barrett. John F Rates Smith Co. H. 1 Conn. H. A Co. A. N. J. Vols Co E ''3 Conn Vols Rates. William II Raker. Rradlev R Rallard. Elijah Rechtel. Benjamin Co. A. 5 N. Y. Vols Co. C. 28 Conn. Vols Co. G, N. Y. H. A Color Sgt. 72 Penn. Vols Co. F. 1 N. J. Vols 1st Sgt. Co. G. 100 Penn. Vols Redient. William II Bennett. Charles W. ... Renedict. Lewis B Benedict. Enoch R Reers. William P Reers, Frederick Retts. Samuel Rlake. Edwin M Bogardus, John W Roomer. Hiram E Rowe. Isaac Co. II. 17 Conn. Vols Co. H. 17 Conn. Vols Co. E. 23 Conn. Vols Co. E. 23 Conn. Vols Co. F, 11 N. Y. Cavalry Co. K. 1 Del. Vols Co. E. 1 Conn. Vols Co. C. 21 Conn. Vols Co. G 10 Conn Vols . Bradley. Thomas Brady. Stephen A 1st Sgt. Co. A. 15 N. Y. En- gineers Sgt. Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. B. 10 I". S. Infantry. . . . Co. B. 1 Conn. H. A Co. C, 2 Conn. II. A Co. A, 28 Conn. Vols Co. E. 23 Conn. Vols Co. II. 17 Conn. Vols Brown, Henry Rrown. ( 'hauncey E. . . . Brown. Seelev Rrown. William F Rrown. William L Brotherton, Theodore. .. Brotherton. Ira M Brush. Theodore Buckley. Patrick Bucklev. Peter. Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Sgt. Co. F, 17 Conn. Vols. . . . Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. E. 11 N. Y. Zouaves Sirt. Co. G. 10 Conn. Vols Co. G. 83 N. Y. Vols (0 N. Y. S. M.) Co. E. 23 Conn. Vols | Co. G, 28 Conn. Vols Co. L. 10 N. Y. II. A Co. B, 20 Conn. Vols Burtis. George W Buxton. George I Burr. Henry F Burr. Horace (J Buivhard. Eli E Burton. Augustus RESIDENCE. WBStport Dropped Jan. 10. 1807 Honorably dis'c Nov. 23. 1801 Died in New York Sept. 22. 1804 Norwalk He;noved from the Dept. Hon. dis'c March 4. 1800 Norwalk Died January 2:',. 1004 Norwalk Trail. Card July 13, 100(! Xorwalk Died June 1. 1801 Westport Died March lo. ISO'J Norwalk Norwalk Norwalk Died March 11. 1800 Dropped June 20. 1887 East Norwalk Norwalk North Wilton Dropped June 20. 1000 Hon. disV April 1. 10OO Died April 13. 1007 Hohoken. N. J. Norwalk Dropped April 0. 1884 Norwalk Dropped January 1.1. 1002 Tran. Card July 10. 1880 Tran. Card March 13. 1001 Norwalk Died April .",. 1002 Norwalk Dropped April 1. 180,"> j Died May 2."). 1804 Norwalk Norwalk Died Aug. 10. l.xss Norwalk Dropped June LO. 18.87 Died March 10. inOTi Dropped December HI. 1804 Died April 10. 1800 :NAME. Bussing. Frederick II... Butterv Edgar SERVICE. ; Co. C. 17 Conn. Vols. Co . 1, 1 Conn II \ RESIDENCE. Dropped Januarv 1. 180(5 Died Xovember 7. 1808 Dropped Januarv IS. 1803 Wilton Died Feb. ID. 1!M:r, Xorwalk Xorwalk Died March 28, IS'.M) Xorwalk Died Aug. 4. 1S!>4 Dropped December :?0. 1885 Xorwalk Died April 8. 1005 Xorwalk Tran. Card October 10. 18S7 Since deceased Dropped June 2O. 1S87 Dropped March 21. 1804 Died December :',(). 1!M>2 Died April 5. I'.HKI Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk So. Xorwalk Dropped September .".. 1004 lion. disV Januarv 1. 180C, Died October I.",. 1805 Xorwalk Died February 17. 1004 Tran. card. Since deceased Died August 4. l'.M!(5 Washington. D. C. Drop] ted January 1. 1!M>2 Died February :!, 18015 Died September (!. 1802 Died June 8. 10(7 i Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co II 17 Conn Vols Buttery. George M Buttery. Samuel Byington. A. Homer Caddel Willi-un 1st Batt. Wash. Clay Guards. Seaman I'. S. Navv Cahill. John Co. M. 2 N. V. Cavalry ! Co. II. S Conn. Vols Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Co K 17 Conn Vols Tallin. Timothy Camp. Isaac Chase. Dennis <> Canfield. Joseph V i Co. C. 2 Conn. II. A Capt. Co. F. ." Conn. Vols Co. C. .'> Conn. Vols. Sgt. Co. 15. I'. S. Sharpshooters Asst. Snrg. 8 X. II. Vols and 2 X. II. Cavalry Co. II. 127 I'. S. Colored Vols Co. F, 17 Conn. Vols Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. G. 10f> Pen u. Vols ( 'o. A 5 ( 'onn. Vols Chinerv. Alfred A Chidsey. William 11 Clark. Ellery C Clarkson. Stephen Cocket'ur, Austin Collins. John C Colt-man. Theodore Comstock. David O Comstock, Stephen Co. II. 17 Conn. Vols Clendenen. Andrew J. . . Crossman. Joseph P. ... Cutbill, Kit-hard J Daniels. Francis I.. Dandiey. Allen DC Forest. Albert Decker. Aaron Denton. Hart Dorsey. Thomas T Dotv. Lewis W Co. A. .'{ Conn. Vols. and Co. G. 5 Conn. Vols 2 Lt. Co. K. 12 Conn. Vols. . . Co. A. I:', X. V. S. M. Art. 1st Sgt. Co. A. 10 X. Y. Vols. and Sgt. Co. F. .")<; X. Y. S. M Co. II, 5 X. Y. II. A Co. F S Conn Vols Lt. Co. G. 14 Conn. Vols <). II. 8 Jennings. Williams A...! Co. D, 3 Conn, and Co. E. 5 Conn. Vols ' Norwalk Jones, James I Q. M. GO N. Y. Vols j Dropped July 1, 1894 Keith. Bradley S 1 Lt. Co. H. 10 Conn. Vols.. j Norwalk Kellogg. Enos Co. F, 3 Conn. Vols.. Capt. Co. \ H. 17 Conn. Vols 'Died May 18. 189, Kellogg. Jan is Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols ! Died December 24. 190, Kellogg. William A. ... 2 Lt. Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols. ... Norwalk Keeler. Sylvester Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols i Died July , l.i Kent. Eli K. I Co. A. 4 N. Y. H. A i Died January 13. 1S9,_ King. John I Co. B. 31 r. S. Colored Vols. | Dropped June 2!>. 188i Kline. Nicholas Co. B. 2 Penn. Vols '. Norwalk Knapp. John F Co. D. 1 Conn. Cavalry YNilton Knapp. William S "1 Lt. Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols. ... ' Bd July _<. l.i Lack. Christian Co. E. 1 N. Y. Cavalry... . Died December 23, 1884 Layton. Henry Seaman r. S. Navy Die(l Mav " 18m Lees. Edward M 1st Lt. Co. E. 17 Conn. Vols.. Westport Lloyd. John M Co. B. 10 Wis. Inf N T onva '. k . , Lockwood. John S Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols " d ' s (< O<>toher 31 . 18!VI Loomis. Charles F 1 Sgt. Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols.. Norwalk Lovejoy. John F Co. II. 81 N. Y. Vols Norwalk Lycett. James r. S. Navy Norwalk Lyon. James S Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Norwalk Matthews, Itichard Co. D. 13 N. Y. Vols. and Co. K. 1">9 N. Y. Vols Died February. 1905 Main. John N Co. I. 3 Conn. Vols. and 2d Lt. Co. E. 23 Conn. Vols. . Trail, card. McCormack. William... Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Die0. 1!M>4 Died December 0. I'.MJG So. Norwalk McPherson. John Monteith James Sgt. Co. G. 10 Conn. Vols Co. E. IT Conn. Vols Xorwalk Dropped Julv 1. 1894 Morehouse. Robert N. . Mulligan. Martin Co. G. 28 Conn. Vols and Co. P.. 17 Conn. Vols Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Norwalk Xorwalk Died April 1. lf)01 McLean, John W Martinet Charles J Co. II. 37 N. Y. Vols and Contract Surgeon I'. S. Vols. I" S Navv Die.l April 10. 1897 Xorwalk Newer-nil.. William 15... Niblock. Wesley M Nichols. Charles North. (Jeorjre S Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. L. 9 N. Y. II. A. and 13S N. Y. Inf. Vols Co. B. 13 Conn. Vols Co. G. 4 Conn. Vols. also 1st Conn. II. A Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk So. Xorwalk Northrop. Edwin Northrnp. Eli O'Brien Michael Co. II. 1 H. I. Lt. Art Co. E. 11' Conn. Vols Co G ''S Conn Vols Tran. card March 1. 1887 Died December :'.. 1902 Died April 13 1,891 Co V 3 Conn Vols and Co Olmstead. Charles G. 2S Conn. Vols Co. E. .". Conn. Vols Died April 30. 1900 Westport Paddock. Charles I Pavne. Ilarrv Sgt. Co. B. 3 Vt. Vols Co. II. -) Conn. li. A Died October 4. 1890 Dropped Julv 1. 1895 Pelton. Edward E Perry. Frank W Pierce. Fletcher Pike. (ieorjre W Platt. Channcey C Pollard Frank Co. K. S Regt. Conn. Vols Capt. Co. I. Id Wis. Vols. . . . Co. F. 128 N. Y. Vols Co. E. 14 F. S. Inf Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co II 34 Mass Vols Adjutant of Soldiers' Home Xoroton Xorwalk Died Jan. 31. 1908 Hon. dis'c April 12. 1882 Died January 29. 1882 Xew London Pollard Jesse Co B 8 Mass Vols Xorwalk Price, James Havmond. (Jeorjje W... T. S. Navy Co I) 7 Conn Vols Died June 24. 1901 Xorwalk Raymond. George II Heady. Samuel T Kiordan. Daniel Robinson. Myron W.... Rose. Reuben M Hooney. John Husco. Jeremiah Uusco. < 'yrus Sgt. Co. G. 28 Conn. Vols Co. G. 11 N. Y. Vols Co. E. 12 Conn. Vols Co. C. 1S Conn. Vols Co. II. U Ohio Vol. and Co. II. S2 Ohio Yols Co. C. 11 Conn. Vols Sgt. Co. I). r> Ohio Vols Co. (',. 10 Conn. Vols Xorwalk Dropped July 1. 1892 Died September 4. 1907 Surgeon of Soldiers' Home, Xoroton Tran. card. December 23. 1891 Xorwalk Died May 2. 19 Norwalk Rusco. Flovd T Rvan. John Sargent. Charles II .... Saunders. George P. ... Saunders. William II... Sherwood. Samuel H. .. Srhotield, James Co. A. 1.", N. J. Vols Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. (I. I'M Conn. Vols Artiti. Co. M. 1C, N. Y. II. A.. Co. (J. r, Mass. Vols. ami 7 Mass. Batterv . Died December 30. 1880 Died October 12. 1902 So. Norwalk Stamford Tran. card Marcii 2. 1892 22 KKSIDKXCK. Scotield. <>rrin K Scott. William Sevmonr. Francis S. . .. Sims. Daniel II Sgt. Co. D. 7 Conn. Vols Co. G, 1 N. J. Cavalry Co. II. S Conn. Vols Co. B. Berdaus S. S. N. Y. Xorwalk Xorwalk Dropped July 1. 1892 Vols Dropped March 10, 1800 Smith, Charles Smith, Charles .1 1st Lt. Co. G, 17 Conn. Vols. . Co. A 17 Conn. Vols Died December 12. 180> Died May 30, 1003 Smith George W Co A 17 Conn Vols Died January 17, 1882 Smith. Ilenrv I Smith. Isaa( : A Snim'n. Thomas . 2 Lt. Co. B. 2rf Conn. Vols. . .. Co. F. 17 Conn. Vols Co. I. X. Y. Cavalry So. Xorwalk Died January 23, 1803 Dropped Dec. 2.~>, 1002 Snohn loci Co E 5 Ohio VoN Honorably discharged Stanton, Ilcnrv M. . . Taylor. A. II '. Thompson. Albert F Sgt. Co. C. 27 Conn. Vols Co. A. 3 Conn. Vols. and Co. E. 12 Conn. Vols Co. II. 17 Conn. Vols.. Xorwalk Hon. disV Jan. 1. 10O2. Since deceased Dropped December 30, 1885 Tucker. George II Co. A. 3 Conn. Vols and Sgt. Co. II, 8 Conn. Vols Died August 3. 1887 Tnrnev, Albert K 2 Conn. Light Battery Died February 20, 1003 Vanclief. Emanuel. . . . Van Schaick. Charles .. Vickers. John Walsh. John Landsman V. S. Navy Co. B. 71 X. Y. S. M Capt. Co. F. 17 X. Y. Vols... Co E 1 Conn Vols Died December 7, 1801 Westport Died February 23, 1808 Died Mav 24. 1802 \Varner. Ilenrv J Webber. John P Weed, Thomas R Whalev. James White. A. J White. George A Co. G. 51 X. Y. Vols Co. G. 1 X. H. Vols. and Co. E. <; X. H. Vols Sgt. Co. A, 17 Conn. Vols Co. G, 48 X. Y. Vols Co. B, 17 Conn. Vols Co. F, 8 Conn. Vols Died December 30, 18S5 Xorwalk Died May 11, 1807 Xorwalk Xorwalk Xorwalk Wheeler. Alonzo ... . Whitiu-y. Charles Welton Lewis J Sgt. Co. B, 13 Conn. Vols Co. F, 17 Conn. Vols Saddler Sgt Co D X Y East Xorwalk Died September 25, 1807 Cav Dropped July 1, 1805 Wilcox. Robert .M Wilkins. William II . . Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. II 8 Conn. Vols So. Xorwalk So. Xorwalk Williams. Sidney Winkler. Augustus "Wixon. James E Co. H, 8 Conn. Vols Co. E. 23 Conn. Vols Co. C. 27 Conn. Vols Tran. card March 11, 1000 Wilton. Deceased Xorwalk Worden, Fletcher Co. F, 38 X. Y. Vols Dropped December 30, 1885 BUCKINGHAM WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, No. 30 Auxiliary to the Post Total Membership Since Date of Organization, December 19th, 1887. 'PAST PRESIDENTS MRS. MARY C. COUCH, MRS. CARRIE A. LOUNSBURY, MISS BELL DOANE, MISS MARGARET G. McDONALD MISS GEORGIE W. TAYLOR, MRS. CLARRISSA B. BATES, MRS. MARY E. FAIRCHILD, MRS. KATE G. COE, MRS. ETTA GROSSMAN, MRS. EMILY A. PELTON. PRESIDENT 1908 MRS. ADA E. BYINGTON. MEMBERS MKS. MKS. MKS. Miss Mus. MKS. MKS. MJ. PHI LENA S. RAYMOND, MKS. MARY E. HOLMES, MRS. SARAH BYINGTON, MRS. MABEL L. PRYER, MRS. SARAH M. UPSON, MRS. KATE VICKERS, MRS. SARAH P. KELLER, MKS. MARY PIERCE, MRS. MARY F. PRINDLE, MRS. IDA M. FITCH, MRS. BELL W. RIDER, MKS. MARGARET BISHOP. MRS. FLORENCE WATERBURY, MRS. E. VAN LIEW, MRS. KATHERINE M. KLINE, MKS. SARAH L. CAMPBELL, MKS. JENNIE SMITH, MRS. LOTTIE A. MOREHOUSE, MRS. HARRIET M. YATE, MRS. AMELIA NIBLOCK, MKS. ELECTA J. BEDIENT, MRS. EVALINE BRUNDAGE, MRS. EMOGENE ST. GEORGE. MRS. EMMA V. FOOTE, Mi;>. MINNIE BEERS, MKS. HULDAH .1. NORTON, MRS. MARGARET BRUSH, MRS. REBECCA J. BARROW, MRS. SUSAN J. HARTWICK, MRS. BERTHA A. CUTBILL, MRS. KATE M. SHERWOOD, MRS. SUSAN B. WHITE, MRS. CAROLINE L. BRONSON, MRS. SARAH E. REYNOLDS, Past Dept. Pies MRS. MARY E. BENNET, MRS. EMMA J. ROBINSON, MRS. JOSEPHINE I. GREGORY, MRS. CLARA BOOMER, MRS. ELIZABETH HOLMES, MRS. MARY L. SPITTLE, Mus. HELEN P. M1DDLEBROOK MRS. HATTIE L. GRUMMAN, MRS. ROSE A. COE, MRS. LAVINA SMITH, MRS. SARAH J. PERRY, MRS. FRANCES NASH, MRS. CHRISTINA WOLVEN, MRS. SOPHRONIA P. PERRY. MRS. LOUISE REMMINGTON. MRS. ELLA FAULDS, MRS. ROSE HOSK1NS, MRS. D. E. RICHARDSON, MKS. ANNIE M. SNIFFIN, MRS. ELLA E. RICHARDSON. MRS. ANNIE E. RILEY, MRS. MARGARET A. FRIEL, MRS. CHARLOTTE BALDWIN. MRS. MARY A. PADDOCK. MRS. MARGARET PECK, MBS. ARRETTA YOUNGS, MRS. MARY W. L. PELTON MRS. MARY G. KEELER, Miss SARAH A. GUILFORD 2r, DECORATED ON MEMORIAL DAY. 'On fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards with solemn rounds The bivouac of the dead/' St. Paul's Gburcb^arfc NAME. Bishop. Edward G Bishop, Oliver S SERVICE. Assistant Paymaster U. S. Navy... Hospital Steward 27 Conn. Vols... DATE OF DEATH Aug. 20, 1870 Aug. 13, 1863 Daskani George F 2 Conn. Light Batterv Dec. 28 1877 McLean, John W Co. H, 37 X. Y. Vols., Contract Sur- \pril 19 1897 Smith, Frank B St John David 1st Lieut. Co. C, 2d 111. Art War of 1812 July 18. 1874 March 9 1873 Wilcoxson \lbert H Lt Col 17 Conn Vols March 6 1865 Wilson. Ilenrv. . , Cant. U. S. Xavy... Dec. 27. 1894 1Hnton Cemetery Allen, Henrv Lt. Col. 17 Conn. Vols Allen. James I, Ambler James L . . Co. D. 7 Conn. Vols Co. C 27 Conn. Vols Viniin Charles N Y Vols 1 'jinks James 165 X Y Vols Durveas Zou Barbonr, James E Beck with, Theodore L. Benedict Lewis B Hospital Steward 21 Conn. Vols Capt. Co. G. 28 Conn. Vols C'o H 17 Conn. Vols ... .... Betts C Frederick Capt Co \ 17 Conn Vols Betts. He/ekiah Capt. Revolutionarv War Blackmail, Alfred Co. B. 13 Conn. Vols. and Co. C, 2 Conn HA . . Blake Daniel Hovt Bogart. Gilbert 1st Lt. Co. A. 3. and Co. E. 12 Conn. Vols . . . . ' Brady. Oliver S Bradv. Thomas Co. E, 5 Conn. Vols War of 1812 Brown. John T Co C 27 Conn Vols 1 Burtis. George W Co G 10 Conn Vols Burton Augustus Co B 20 Conn Vols | Burr. Horace G Brotherton.Nathanit'lVY. Co. G, 28 Conn. Vols i Co <; 14 r. s inf Bodwell. William Co C "7 Conn Vols Camp. Isaac Co F 17 Conn Vols Cargill Charles Co F 17 Conn Vols Carpenter. Edward H . . Charlton. James Co. K. 17 Conn. Vols 1". S. Navv Clark. Ilenrv O Co Ilnbboll. Robert S Hull V-iron S r. S. Marine Corps Co. A. 28 Conn. Vols., Co. E. 5 Couu. Vols Co. C. 2T Conn. Vols Co. B. ITT Ohio Vols Co F 1 Conn Vols Sept. 5, 1000 Fob. 23 18(53 Xov. 30. 181X5 Mav 3. 1SOO Jnne 2;e Co. A. 1T Couu. Vols Co. F. 1T Conn. Vols Co. P.. 2 Conn. IT. A Jan. 10<)3 June 21. ISfiTi ! Sept. 10. 1.8.82 28 NAME. I.yle. William D Lyon. Edward Francis.. Marvin George F SEKVICE. U. S. Navy. 1st Sgt. Co. H, 2 Conn. H. A Co G ''8 Conn Yols DATE OF DEATH. Nov. 15, 1901 Sept. 11, 1881 Sept 11 1862 Mead. Francis I 2d Lt. Co. E 10 N. Y. Vols July 23 1873 Merrill. William Henrv Co - C 5 Conn. Vols Feb 4 1890 Middlebrook. Frank S.. Mitchell James H 2d Lt. Co. F, 17 Conn. Yols Co G 8 Conn Vols Nov. 14, 1900 July 15 1872 Mitchell. William Moffatt, Edwin Murrav. Charles 1st Lt. Co. G, 28 Conn. Yols ( 'o. I ). 7 Conn. Yols Sgt Co E 17 Conn Yols Jan. 20. 1904 April 13, 1895 \pril 1 1901 Mnrphv Owen Co E 5 Conn Yols \ug 1802, from Nash. Cornelius Nash. Nathan Nelson. Edward Co. P.. 29 Conn. Vols Co. G. 28 Conn. Vols Co E 5 Conn Yols wounds Aug. 10. 1804 Nov. (5. 1870 March 19 1887 Palmer I) C ( 'o V Conn Vols \pril 7 1804 Parks. Wallace B Pattenden. Ebenezer J. . Pennover. Ilenrv F. . Co. F. 1 N. Y. Mounted Rifles Co. II, 17 Conn. Vols Co G Hi Conn Vols Mav 1. 1901 July 5. 1X06 \ug 31 1900 Perry. Robert X Pierce. Fletcher COi F, 17 Conn. Vols Co. F, 128 N. Y. Yols Feb. 4. 1879 Jan. 31. 1908 Platt. Frederick M Kichster. Gnstave Prentice, William De F. Prowitt. Henry M Sarireiif. Charles II Co. G, 10 Conn. Vols r. S. Cavalry Capt. 31 N. Y. Vols Co. E. 12 Conn. Yols Co V 13 N. J. Vols. ... May 14. 1871 April 20. 1883 Mav 23, 1890 June 21, 1802 Dec. 30 1880 Shepard. Edward Sherwood. Jesse Smith. Andrew Smith Charles L 7 Ind. Battery N. Y. Vols ( 'o. ( '. 28 Conn. Yols Co. F. 17 Ver. Yols Co F 17 Conn Yols March 25. 1888 Aug. 3, 1894 Oct. 0. 18.88 Tune 7 1890 Sniffen. John Co < ' N Y II A March 17 1906 Stevens Ebenezer F U S Navv Feb 5 1901 Stevens. George J Swart/.. Jacob Swords. Alfred Swords. Alonzo F Co. H, 17 Conn. Vols Co. I, 9 N. Y. Vols Co. A. 17 Conn. Vols Co. H. 8 Conn. Yols Jan. 4. 1870 Aug. 1. 1878 Mav 8 1900 Nov. 8. 1902 Tavlor. Roswell ( '<>. B. 13 Conn. Vols June 19. 1883 Yolk, Francis A Whetiiiore. Ilenrv A. ... Co. < '. 21 Penn. Yols Capt. Harris Light Cav. N. Y April 14, 1882 \pril 15. 1800 Wilcoxson. Edgar S.... Williams. Henry II Yolk, Francis A Wood Enoch 2d Lt. Co. D, 17 Conn. Vols Co. A. 17 Conn. Yols Co. B. 41 N. Y. Yols Capt. Co. F 17 Conn. Yols Jan. 19. 1907 Jan. 5. 1875 Sept. S. 1907 Julv 27 1903 Wyman. Samuel NAME. Avers. Elbert Barrv, Thomas Co. A, 17 Conn. Vols St. flDar$'s Cemetery SERVICE. Co. B. 17 Conn. Vols Co. E, N. Y. Yols May 22. 1888 DATE OF DEATH. Aug. 22, 1894 Mav 14. 1903 Boyce, John Bovle, Peter Co. L. 2 Conn. H. A Co. H, 8 Conn. Vols. and Co. II 14 July 20. 1897 Conn Vols Oct. 7. 1808 P.rown. John Burns, Martin Cahill John Co. H, 13 Conn. Vols Co. A, 09 N. Y. Vols Co F 17 Conn Yols Aug. 21. 1870 Dec. 25. 1870 \ur 6 1885 Cab ill John Co M N Y Cav March 8 1890 Carew, Michael Callahan. Cornelius. . . . Co. F. 8 N. J. Vols Co. D. 61 N. Y. Vols Jan. 1. 1907 Nov. 4. 19O4 Clougherty. John Cockefur, William Co. A, 19 N. Y. Cav Co. G, 9 N. Y. Vols Mav 23. 1905 March 20. 1872 29 >ATK OF DEATH. Colbert. Richard X. Y. ieiit. Dec. IS. 1X7:; Collins. James Co. A 1 Del. V .Is AUK. US. 1904 DiiKKJin. John . Co. F. 17 Conn Yols April 18. 1SS7 Dunlavev. Patrick. . . . Co. K. I':*, Com i. Yols AUK. S. 1S94 Ellis. James Co. A. IT, X. Y. Engineers June .">. 1879 Farrell. Thomas . Co. F, 17 Conn Yols Feb. 1U. 189:5 Fit/.Kerald. Michael... r. s. Xavv , Feb. U. 1S7.~, Fitzpatrick. Patrick. . . Co. E. 1U Conn Yols May 14. 1901 Ford. Patrick ( 'o. * 17 Conn Yols AUK. 9. 1871 Gradv. Ilenrv Co F S Conn. Yols Jan. ;. 1889 Gilhoolev. Thomas Co G. "S Conn . Yols Jan. 4. 1884 Ilarkins. John ( 'o. II. S Conn. Yols April UO. 1873 Hayes. John 88 X. Y. Yols. Feb. UO. 1887 Hennessy. John ( 'o. G. r, U. S. Infantry March r,, 1874 Hopkins. James Co. G. 170 X. Y. Yols July UU. 1x70 Houston. John Co. c. 14 T. S. Infantry Sept. U9. T.MI4 Hull. Henry ( 'o. I). I': 1 , Conn Yols May :>1. 1904 Jandreau. John < 'o. E, 71 X. Y Yols April 4. V.MMi Kearney. Joseph r. S. Xavv. . . AUK. 7. 1880 Lay ton. Ilenrv r. s. Xavv. . . May UU. 1891 Leonard. Martin B ! Co. D. S X. Y. 'inf.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 9. isi;s McCarthy. James r. s Xavv.. Jan. 17. 189<> McCormick. Joseph. . . . H. 1 Conn. Cav Dee. 13. 1884 McCormick. John Co. G. US Conn Yols AUK. U9. 1S9.'5 McCormick. William... Co. F. 17 Conn Yols Oct. 1U. 1!K5 McDermott. Thomas . Co. II U D. ( '. Yols April US. 1!)OU McGowan. Michael r S. Xavv. . Dec., 1887 McGoy. James Co. i. ::r> x. j. Yols Jan. 1. 18 Mc.Mannus. James Co. u us ohi . Yols Sept. UU. 1897 O'Brien. James W Co. G. US Conn Yols May U7. 1884 O'P.rien. James Co. D. !) R. I. \ ols April 1.1. 1887 O'P.rien. Michael ( 'o. G. US Conn . Yols April IS. 1891 O'Connor. David Co. A. .'! ReKt. and Co. (J. 1'S ReKt. Conn. Yols April :). 1900 O'Connor. James Co. A. .". Conn. Yols Xov. 7. 190."> Pomeroy. Armstead M. r. S. Xavv Feb. US. 1S!)O Perry. Andrew Co. B. 17 Conn Yols Feb. U7. 1897 Riordan. Daniel Co. E. 11' Conn Yols. . . Sept. 4. 1907 Strappe. Joseph Co. G. 1' X. Y. II. A March 8. 1870 Sheldon. Jos. Warren. Co. K. 1 Conn. Cav. . , March U. 1889 Shields, Michael Co r 57 X. Y. Yols June UU. 1891 Tracey. John Co. F. 17 Conn Yols March U7. 18!M! Tierney, Thomas 1 Co. G. US Conn Yols May 7. 18!)!) Welsh. John Co. E. 1U Conn Yols May U4. 189U IRiversi^e Cemetery SOLDIERS' PLOT SERVICE. I).\TF. 01 DKATI1. Arnold. Frederick M . . . Atwater. Josiah Baldwin. William E Ballard. Elijah Barber Cvrus C 'o. <;. '(.. Co 'o. B. (,. <;. ',, K US Com A. U Coi 1 Conn. <; x. Y. i . Yols in. II. A Cav LA Yols Feb. 19. 190<> April 1'4. 1!M)4 Jan. l':>. 19O4 March 1O. 189:. M'lV ''4 1'MMI Benedict. (Jranville W. . Bones. Robert 'o. P.. 0. I. 1 Conn. 17 Conn. II. A Yols AUK- 7. 1!M)1 Jnlv .". 1898 ' Brown. AuKustus B. . . . 'o D 1 Conn Cav June ''o 1891 Dechel. John Farwcll. William Wal- ter o. P.. '< i F 119 X. Y i; Coilll Yols Yols ' May 10. 1877 Tune ''1 1X7 Gilbert, Andrew J.. '. S. Xavv... Ails'. 4. ""S!).", 30 NAME. Ilol.ert. Henry M Joyce. Xoah Kellogg. George It Lack Cliristiiin ; 8EBVICE. Co B "."> Conn Vols DATK OK 1>KA Dec. 2i. IX! n Dee. l(i. !!(.-, June 21 >. 1X!!> Dec. 2.'i, 1XX4 Sept. :?(>. 1X72 Sept. 14. 1X7.". July 2. 1X7:', June 24. 1O1 Jan. 2::. 18!>:i Aug. 2:). 1X<4 Aiijs. 2.",. 1870 Dec. 7. 1801 July 24. 18B June 28. I'.HM July 28. 1887 May 18. l!Ki:; Dec. 28. l!Mr, Jan. 16. 1804 Nov. 3. 1801 May 2o. 1804 Xoy. 7. 1808 Feb. 10. V.MH; Dec. 28. loo:; June 0. l.xxo April 22. 1X00 Sept. "> 1X00 Co I*] 1*' Conn. Yols Co. G. 28 Conn. Vols Co E 1 X V Cay Laurence. Charles O'.seal, Thomas ] I'ope Vustin Seryice not known Co G 15 X Y II V C( B 7 X J Yols 1'l'jce .Failles II i 1 * !< \':IVV Smith. Isaac A Taylor. Georire Tims. Willi.-uii A \*;in Clief. Emanuel Wtstlake William \V Co. F. 17 Conn. Yols Co. C. '2 Conn. II. A Co. A. 17 Conn. Yols T. S. Navy Co \ 17 Conn Yols Williams. John Ainley John I' S Xayy OUTSIDE SOLDIERS' PLOT I'. S. Xayy Vrnold Charles \ Co. <;. 120 111. Yols Co. F :{ Conn. Yols. Co. B. 17 Conn. Co. II. 7 X. Y. 11. A Kates. Lewis E Bishop. Albert It Brown, John It Brush Theodore Co. F. 17 Conn. Yols Co A 17 Conn Yols . .... 1 {littery Edgar Byington. Aaron < 'ampbell. Xathan E. . . . Canlield. Anthony 11 Cunningham. Peter L. .. Clark, Xathan B Colins. John C Chinery. Alfred A Doulins Charles Co II 17 Conn Yols Co F 10 Conn Vols 2d Lt. Co. F. S Conn. Yols Lt. Col. S Conn. Vols Co I) S X J Yols Co. A. 17 Conn. Yols Capt. Co. E. 5 Conn. Vols Co II S Conn Vols Dec. 30. 10O2 April X. l!H:.-> Jan. 24. 1!M2 Feb. 17. 1004 July 2:?. IXO:'. April :{. 1!M4 March 17. V.MH; April X. 1801 Feb. 1. 1008 Feb. 17. 1008 May 18. 1807 May 24. 180X Denton, Hart Co. C. 27 Conn. Vols Elendorf. Julius A Graham. Arthur A Hoyt. James II Henry. Cornelius I Heiidriek Charles II Co. I. 1 X. J. Vols Co. II. 55 Ohio Vols Capt. <>X X. Y. Yols r S Xayy Co E '."> X Y Yols Keeler George D Co E 11 Conn. Vols Capt Co II 17 Conn Yols Co B ." X Y II V i Dec. U. 1X0.1 March 20. V.MI7 L:w George X J Yols Lane Dayid M I' S Xayy . . . May "M. IX! >s Merwin, Almond S Xishett. Kichmond Xorthrup. Eli Orton, Samuel II Packard, Joseph Husco. Andre\y J Saunders. George P.... Smedley. William Smith Charles Co. (!. "2'\ Conn. Vols Co. K. l. v> > Conn. Vols Co. E. 12 Conn. Yols 1' S Xayy Dec. IX. V.MHi Nov. .">. 1900 Dec. :i. 1!)02 ! April 2tJ. 1802 1 Jan. 27. 1801 Dec. 20. 1877 Oct. 12. 1002 i June 20. 18<;r. i Dec. 12. IXOti May :ut. VJOJJ Sej.t. I.S. V.MC, Aug. 2O. 1!M7 Capt. i: X. Y. Yols Co. (J, Id Conn. Vols Co. A, 17 Conn. Vols Co. II. 17 Conn. Vols 1st Lt Co (J 17 Conn Vols Smith Charles J Smith. James Smith. Leslie Co. I>. 2X Conn. Yols Lieut. Col. I* S A Taylor A Fitch Co F 17 Conn Vols i Feb. 25, 10H! Jan. Hi. 1804 April 28. V.MI:: Sept. !.">. 1!Ki7 March 17. 180.", May 11. 1X07 July IX. 18 X. Y. Vols '1 icheiior. Benjamin K.. Weed, George W Co. E. 127 X. Y. Yols Co. II. 17 Conn. Vols. . . Weed Thomas B 1t T.I- I 'i\ V 17 <'<\I>11 Vrkl< \Vesterlield James Co. K 4X X V Yols Westo. At the beginning of the Civil War he entered the volunteer service as Colonel of the 72d New York Infantry, and served with distinction in the Peninsular and Virginia Campaigns. In recognition of his services he was appointed 36 Brigadier-General of Volunteers September 7, 1862. He resigned January 19, 1863, on account of physical disability, resumed practice of law in Xew York City, and was elected as a Democrat to Congress, serving from December 4, 1865, to March 3, 1867. In 1869 he removed to South Xorwalk, where he continued the practice of his profession. \Yhile declining public office, he was an active promoter of all public im- provements. General Taylor died in South Xorwalk, of pneumonia, January 1 6, 1894, at the age of seventy-two. His remains rest in Riverside Cemetery, Xorwalk. MOSES ASBURY HILL was born in Sacarappa, Maine, October 9, 1843. H C was the son of Rev. Moses Hill and Charlotte Illsley McLellan Hill. He prepared for college at the High School in Xorwalk, where he had resided from 1854, and entered Wesleyan University in the fall of 1860. He was a brilliant student, a splendid athlete and one of the leaders of his class. \Yhen the Rebellion broke out in '61, most of the class volunteered and tendered their services to the government for a three months' enlistment, but on arriving at Hartford found that they would only be accepted for a three years' term. Hill and a few others accepted the conditions and enlisted as privates in the 4th Connecticut Infantry. On October 4, 1861, he was transferred to the 8th Connecticut Infantry as Sergeant-Ma j or. Later he was made ist Lieu- tenant of a Rhode Island Battery and assigned to Staff duty. In that capacity lie participated in the Roanoke Island Expedition and personallv hauled down the Rebel flag over Fort Fisher when the fort was captured. L T pon the rec- ommendation of General John G. Parke, he was appointed Captain and Com- missary of subsistence, and assigned to duty as Depot Commissary at Ports- mouth. Va., and later as Division Commissary of the 3d Division, i8th Army Corps, serving on the Staffs of General John Gibbon and General W. T. Smith at Bermuda-Hundred and in front of Petersburg, and later on the Staff of General E. O. C. Ord as Corps Commissary of the 24th Army Corps. After the surrender of Lee's Army at Appomattox, he was transferred to the Military Division of the Gulf and made Inspecting Commissary and at- tached to the Staff of Major-General Phillip Sheridan. While in the performance of his duty in the Red River country, he con- tracted a severe cold on his lungs, from which he never recovered. At the close of the war he was brevetted as Major and Commissary, for faithful service. Resigning, he at once began an heroic struggle to regain the strength which had been broken by the exposures of his army life, residing in the Northwest and traveling in Europe. But the disease had made too much progress for a possible recovery and he returned to his home in Xorwalk to die. He passed away July n, 1867 (two years after the war ended), at the age of twenty-three years and nine months. He belonged to the tenth genera- tion of a family which had been represented in every struggle which this coun- try had made from the foundation of the Colony of Connecticut to the triumphant putting down of the Rebellion. He brought to the service of his Country a fine education, a keen intellect, an attractive personality, and a magnificent physique, and with brilliant pros- pects for the future, sacrificed them all for love of Country. His career was a striking illustration of the oft-repeated saying, that the \\~ar of the Rebellion was fought to a successful conclusion by the young men of the Republic. 37 OS 8 s II ^ ^ w o 3 q r^ W ^ U C* ^7 ^7 ^r ^ ^ ^f ^7 ^ --* ^ -7 ^7 -' ^7 -7 "- ^7 ^ ^7 7 -' ^- ?J :^ii ii..- -- 14 -i- 7 ^-7 *- 7 -^77 7 i --;. > ti-^ !!!'.! ! 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