UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 0009823915 K^f^ < ^fH» i| /^ THE BRITISH ACADEMY Israel's Settlement in Canaan The Biblical Tradition and its Historical Background By The Rev. C. F. Burney, D.Litt. Oriel Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture in tlie University of Oxford Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford Canon of Rochester The Schiveich Lectures 1917 SECOND EDITION London Published for the British Academy By Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press Amen Corner, E.G. 1919 PRt^fTEl> AT OXrOKD, ENGLAND BY FREDEFICK HALL PRINTER XO THE UKIVERSITY TO THE EEV. CHARLES JAMES BALL, D.Litt. IN AFFECTIONATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MUCH INSTRUCTION AND INSPIRATION IN BIBLICAL STUDIES PREFACE When I was honoured by the President and Council of the British Academy with an invitation to deliver the Schweich Lectures of 1917, the suggestion was made that I should choose some subject in connexion with the commentary on the Book of Judges on which I have been engaged for some years. The subject which I chose, though not falling within the period of the Judges of Israel as defined by the limits of the Book of Judges, is one which is brought prominently forward by the introductory section to the book, ch. i. 1-ii. 5, which raises immediately the question of the relation of the summary which it gives of the tribal settlement in Canaan to the fuller and in many respects discrepant account of that settlement which we find in the Book of Joshua. Even apart from this preface to the Book of Judges, the narratives dealing with the various Israelite leaders, which form the material of the book as a whole, picture (at any rate in the old sources themselves as contrasted with the editorial framework) so slight a cohesion among the various tribal units of Israel, and their holding of so precarious a footing in Canaan in the midst of alien races, that the question presses itself upon the student whether the theory of a closely organized body of twelve tribes, effecting under a single leader a complete subjugation of the greater part of Canaan — i.e. the theory of the Book of Joshua in its present form — is at all consistent with such a state of affairs in the period immediately subsequent to the settlement. I welcomed the opportunity, there- fore, of examining, as systematically as I was able to do within the brief compass of three lectures, a subject the right understanding of which forms a necessary preliminary to the study of the period of the Judges, and of bringing together and supplementing the \i PREFACE conclusions at which I had arrived in my more or less isolated discussions of particular points as they arose in the course of preparation of my commentary. Fortunately, my larger work is completed, and would ere now have seen the light had it not been for the great diflSculties connected with publication at the present time ; and I have utilized material embodied in it for many of the questions which call for discussion in the present lectures. I have cited it throughout as Burney, Judges, and have been able for the most part to give reference to the pages in which the points in question receive fuller discussion. Lecture III is based in the main upon work which I have embodied in the introduction to the commentary (§ 6), which will be found there to stand in a fuller and more detailed historical setting of events in Western Asia so far as they have a bearing on the contemporary history of Canaan ; and I have also drawn largely on the book in stating my views as to the conquest of the Negeb by a northward advance from Kadesh-Barnea (pp. 28 ff. ; cf. Judges, pp. 44 ff.), and as to the fortunes of the tribe of Levi (pp. 44 ff. ; cf. Judges, pp. 436 ff.). The reader of these lectures who expects to find a continuous narrative of Israel's settlement in Canaan must inevitably be disappointed by the scantiness of the material, especially upon the archaeological side, and the fragmentary character of such con- clusions as can be drawn with reasonable safety. The weaving of a fuller and more connected narrative might have been accom- plished by paying less strict regard to the scientific method and allowing more free play to the imagination ; but a real advance in historical knowledge can only be secured by frankly facing the facts that the sources of information at our disposal are inadequate for the construction of such a connected scheme, and that we can only advance by slow degrees in our endeavour to ascertain the truth. Our best hope for any further gain in knowledge of Israel's early history- lies in fresh archaeological discovery ; and if, as we trust, the near future is to witness a new regime in Palestine, and the opening up of larger facilities for scientific excavation, the munificent provision of the Schweich Fund, founded in memory of the late Mr. Leopold Schweich, of Paris, for the furtherance of PREFACE vii such excavation will prove of unique value, and the wisdom in placing this object in the forefront of the scheme may receive abundant justification. The lectures are published in the form in which they were given ; though the time-limitation made it necessary to omit considerable portions in delivery. C. F. B. March, 1918. CONTENTS Symbols employed to denote the Biblical Sources . . . p. xi LECTURE I Introduction. Choice of subject. An endeavour to reach historical results through evidence of literary and historical criticism combined with evidence of archaeology. Period chosen makes a special call for historical investigation. Position taken by lecturer as to historical value of Biblical sources for period (pp. 1-11). The Biblical Tradition examined. Survey of conquest of Canaan as related in Book of Joshua. Southern campaign as related in the old narratives JE. Deuteronomic redactor of these narratives (R°) increases results of successes, making them extend to conquest of all southern Canaan except Philistine plain. Contrary evidence of Judges i. Northern confederation of Canaanites against Israel. Magnitude of this northern campaign and its results again intensified by Rd (pp. 11-16). Judges i portion of old document of first importance for history of Israel's settlement. Describes gradual and partial manner in which settlement was effected. Due largely to efforts of individual tribes, who in most cases settled down side by side with races which they failed to eradicate. Choice between presentation of settlement as offered by this old document, and that offered by R° in Joshua and by the Priestly author (P) of Joshua xiii. 15-xxi. 42 (account of the division of the land by lot among the tribes) (pp. 16-26). LECTURE II The Biblical Tradition examined (continuation). Point in which Judges i seems in present form to agree with conception of R° and P in Joshua. Tribes seem to be pictured as starting from common point, and as having each its special heritage predetermined by lot. Reasons for regarding this conception as unhistorical. Two outstanding illustrations. (1) Judah and Simeon make their settlement by advance from south, not from Jericho as pictured in Judges i. 16, 17. (2) Migration of Manassite clans across Jordan from west to east ascribed by old J narrative to Joshua's initiative, but really a movement which took place at a later period (pp. 27-34). What credence, then, can we attach to tradition of Israelite invasion of conquest under Joshua 1 Joshua a genuinely historical figure, but probably leader of the Joseph-tribes only. If this is so, tribes led out of Egypt by Moses probably not the whole of Israel ; but certain elements which ultimately formed part of the nation gained footing in Canaan independently of Moses and Joshua, and at an earlier period. Sphere of our inquiry thus extended to traditions of patriarchal age (pp. 34-7). X CONTENTS Simeon and Levi, Genesis xxxiv and xlix. 5-7. Story not a reflection of events in time of Judges, but prior to period when Joseph-tribes occupied central Hill-country. Genesis xlviii. 22. Simeon in far south as sequel to Genesis xxxiv. What became of Levi ? If this tribe followed fortunes of Simeon, we expect to find it in far south on borders of Egypt. This hypothesis would explain (1 ) connexion of Simeon and Levi with Joseph -tribes in Egypt (Moses a Levite) ; (2) identification of main part of Levi with fortunes of Judah in south. Remaining Leah-tribes, Reuben, Issachar, Zebulun. Eai'liest positions of Leah-tribes in Canaan. Handmaid- tribes. Tribal names of Handmaid-tribes and full Israelite tribes contrasted (pp. 37-58). LECTURE III External evidence. Brief outline-sketch of history of Canaan from Hyksos period, giving chronological presentation of all possible allusioiis to Israel in external sources. Jacob-el a Hyksos chieftain before 1580 B. c. Jacob-el and Joseph-el (?) place-names in Canaan c. 1479 B.C. 'Apuriu mentioned in Egyptian documents from time of Thutmosi III onwards. Habiru pressing into Syria-Palestine c. 1375 B. C. The Habiru question and its importance. Detailed examination of proposed identification with Hebrews. Rival theories. Name Asher occurs in western Galilee c. 1313 B.C. Mineptah defeats a people called Israel in Canaan c. 1223 B.C. (pp. 59-82). Conclusions. Decision as to approximate date of Exodus a necessary pre- liminary before we can form working theory as to relation between Biblical and archaeological data. Biblical evidence bearing on early migrations of Israel's ancestors westward into Canaan. Period at which Israel (the Joseph- tribes) most likely to have entered Egypt. Rival theories as to date of Exodus (pp. 82-94). Table of Dates p. 95 General Index p. 96 Index of Biblical References p. 102 MAPS I. Western Asia in the Second Millennium B. c . II. The Land of Canaan. To illustrate the sites named in the Lectures. III. Earliest migration of ancestors of Israel (Abraham) into Canaan, dated, according to Biblical tradition, about the time of Hammurabi (c. 2100 B.C.). A migration from S. Canaan into Egypt with the Hyksos may be indicated by the tradition of Gen. xii. 10-20. Cf. pp. 78 f., 84 f., 89. IV. Theory of the distribution of the Leah-tribes and Handmaid-tribes in Canaan c. fifteenth century B.C., prior to the arrival of the Joseph- tribe. Cf. pp. 37, 43 f., bOS., 85. Y. Theory of the distribution of the tribes of Israel during the sojourn of the Joseph-tribe in Egypt, c. fourteenth and fifteenth centuries B. c. Cf . pp. 28 fi"., 34 ft'., 44 ft-., 87 ft". VI. Final position of the tribes of Israel in Canaan. SYMBOLS EMPLOYED TO DENOTE THE BIBLICAL SOURCES M.T. The Massoretic Text, i.e. the Hebrew Textus Receptus as supplied with vowels and accents by the Massoretes or conservators of tradition (massord = 'tradition'). E. The Elohistic narrative in the Hexateuch, so termed as exhibiting a pi'eference for the use of the divine title Eldhhn, ' God '. This narrative probably took shape as a written document not later than the middle of the eighth century B.C. (the period of Amos and Hosea), and emanates from the prophetic school of the Northern Kingdom. It has, however, undergone considerable expansion in places at the hands of a later prophetic writer or writers (usually distinguished as E"), who worked under the influence of Hosea's teaching. E* is probably not much (if at all) earlier than 700 B.C. J. The Jehovistic (Yahwistic) narrative in the Hexateuch, so termed as characterized by regular use of the divine name Jehovah or Yahweh from the earliest narratives of Genesis onwards ; whereas E avoids use of the name altogether until the narration of the Theophany at Horeb, and from that point onwards uses it but sparingly alongside of Elohtm. The date usually assigned to J as a continuous written document is c. 850 B.C. ; and its composition appears to be due to the prophetic school of the Kingdom of Judah. The material utilized by J and E was probably in the main oi-al tradition of indefinite antiquity, though there exist some few indications of the employment of older written sources. JE. The combined narrative of J and E— a symbol used when it is not possible, or not necessary, to distinguish the sources. Combination of the two prophetical sources was carried out by a redactor whose symbol is R""^, probably in the earlier half of the seventh century B.C. P. The Priestly document in the Pentateuch — the work of the legalistic school of the latter part of the exile and later, though based on older material. The same symbol (P) is usually employed to mark the work of this school as embodied in the Book of Joshua, the most important part of which is the description of the heritages of the various tribes, xiii. 15-xxi. 42. IC*. The Deuteronomic redactor of JE in the Book of Joshua. The work of this editor was probably carried out not very long subsequently to the promulgation of the Book of the Law (i.e. the nucleus of Deuteronomy) in the eighteenth year of Josiah (621 B.C.). R'^. See under JE. ISRAEL'S SETTLEME^T IN CANAAN THE BIBLICAL TRADITION AND ITS HISTORICAL BACKGROUND LECTURE I THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED The terms of the Trust under which I have been invited to deliver these Lectures direct that ' the trust fund shall be devoted to the furtherance of research in the archaeology, art, history, languages, and literature of ancient civilization with reference to Biblical study ' ; and it is further ordained that the Schweich Lectures shall deal 'with some subject or subjects' coming within the scope of these objects. It is therefore open to a lecturer to concentrate his attention upon a single department of research as thus defined, or to base his arguments and deductions upon a synthesis of results obtained through research in two or more of such departments. It is the second method which I propose to adopt. My lectures will represent an endeavour to reach historical results through the evidence of literary and historical criticism of Old Testament documents combined with the evidence of archaeology. The attempt has sometimes been made to set Biblical archaeology over against Biblical literary and historical criticism, and to represent the ' facts ' deduced from the former as antagonistic to, or subversive of, the ' fancies ' of the latter. This claim, unfair and unwarranted as it is in the main, does serve to emphasize the truth that these two departments of Biblical research cannot rightly be kept apart. Internal examina- tion of the Old Testament writings cannot yield its full results apart from application of the external evidence supplied by archaeology ; nor, it may be added, can the results of archaeology be profitably assimilated without a painstaking and critical examina- tion of the historical documents upon which these external dis- coveries are believed to shed new light. Our task, therefore, B. B 2 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN as students of Biblical history, is to endeavour to advance along both these lines, keeping them, as far as may be, in close touch. In each department we have to deal with a number of ascertained fads — the facts revealed by critical examination of the Biblical documents beins: no less concrete in character than those unearthed . by the spade of the archaeologist : each of these series of facts furnishes material for the elaboration of theories in explanation of them — the one class of theory being in essential character neither more nor less tentative than the other. The criterion for theories of either class is one and the same, viz. whether they are based, step by step, upon reliable inference, and accommodate themselves satisfactorily to all relevant facts by which they may be tested. The period with which I have chosen to deal is one which makes a special call for historical examination. Were we dealing with the period of the Hebrew monarchies we should find ourselves standing upon comparatively firm ground. The history embodied in the Books of Kings is well attested as a whole both internally and externally. It is true that, in the study of Kings as an his- torical document, we are confronted by many considerable problems, of which at present no adequate solution can be oSered. Still, allowing all due weight for these, their efiect upon our general grasp of the history is but small. Critical examination of the documents embodied in the work has proved that their historical value is high ; archaeology, coming to our aid with such external information as is provided by the Assyrian annals, has enabled us to check and corroborate. The same conclusion is true, to a lai'ge extent, of the Books of Samuel — especially of 2 Samuel — upon internal grounds. The main part of 2 Samuel consists of a single document, contemporary, or nearly so, with the events which it narrates, and of unique value as an extended historical record. 1 Samuel contains a double tradition with two somewhat variant standpoints which call for some amount of adjustment. Yet no one would dispute the historical character of the figures of Eli, Samuel, and Saul ; and few would deny that we are able to gather a reasonably clear historical conception of the main outlines of their careers. When, however, we go back to the period imme- diately preceding, which may be said to extend forward from the invasion of Canaan by the tribes of Israel, and to cover their gradual settlement in the land, the case is considerably difierent. This may readily be seen if, for example, we compare the Biblical chronology of the period with the Biblical chronology of Kings. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 3 Assyrian chronology proves that the Biblical chronology of Kings, though marked by a few apparently insoluble difficulties, is based on the whole upon sound historical data.^ In contrast, the ^ This fact cannot here be illustrated at length ; but it is worth while to notice that, if we take certain dates fixed by Assyrian chronology for events which have Biblical connexions, and measure the intervals from date to date as given in the chronological scheme of Kings, the results tend on the whole to vindicate the Biblical scheme. Thus we have, from Assyrian sources, the following fixed points : 854 B. c. Ahab in alliance with Bir-idri (Benhadad 11) of Damascus against Shalmaneser III at Karkar. 842 B. c. Jehu pays tribute to Shalmaneser III. 806, 803, 797 b. c. Adad-nirari IV makes campaigns against the west, and receives tribute from Omri-land (i. e. Israel) among others. In one of these campaigns he utterly defeats Mari' (Benhadad III), captures Damascus, and receives unconditional submission. 782-745 B. c. A period of internal weakness in Assyria under Shalmaneser IV, Asur-dan IV, Asur-nirari IV. 745 B. c. Tiglath-Pileser IV (Pul) revives the power of Assyria. 738 B. c. Tribute paid to Tiglath-Pileser by Menahem of Israel, Assuming that the battle of Karkar took place in Ahab's last year, we have (on the pre-dating system, i. e. the reckoning of the still unexpired portion of a year in which a king came to the throne at his first reigning year) 854-853 B. c. for Ahaziah (reigned two years), 853-842 b. c. for Jehoram (reigned twelve years), 842 b. c. accession of Jehu. That Jehu should have made himself a vassal of the Assyrian king immediately upon his accession is highly probable. Israel was at war with Hazael of Damascus (2 Kings ix. 15) and was probably already in danger of being badly worsted (cf. 2 Kings x. 32, 38). In addition to this, Jehu may well have stood in dread of a counter-revolution, and so needed a powerful ally to hold his external and internal foes in check. Taking 842 b. c. at the first year of Jehu, we may reckon fonvard to the crippling of Damascus which enabled Jehoash of Israel to gain successes against Benhadad III (2 Kings xiii. 22-25). This may have occurred on any of the three dates 806, 803, 797 b. c, i. e. from the first year of Jehu to the capture of Damascus may have been thirty-six, thirty-nine, or forty-five years. The lengths given in Kings for the reigns of Jehu and Jehoahaz are twenty-eight and seventeen years respectively, i. e. on the pre-dating system 27 and 16 = 43 years. The accession of Jehoash would therefore fall forty-three years after 842 b. c, i. e. 799 B. c, two years before the crippling of Damascus, if we take for this the latest of the three possible dates. If we take 799 b. c. for the accession of Jehoash, and he reigned sixteen years, i. e. on the pre-dating system fifteen years, we have 784-744 b. c. for Jeroboam II (reigned forty-one years), who gained such a series of successes against the Aramaeans as enabled him to extend the northern limits of his kingdom to the entering in of Hamath and to inaugurate a period of prosperity for the kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam IPs reign was thus practically coincident with the whole period during which Assyria was unable (through internal weakness) to interfere in the affairs of the west. After Jeroboam IPs death, 744 B. c, there followed Zechariah (six months), Shallum (one month), Menahem (ten years), 743-734 B. c. Thus the Assyrian B 2 4 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN chronology of the earlier period, is characterized by the use of round numbers, the figure 40 occurring with suspicious frequency. Thus, forty years represents the period of the wilderness-wander- ings, of the intervals during which ' the land had rest ' after the victories of Othniel, Barak, and Gideon, of the oppression by the Philistines, of the judgeship of Eli, and of the reigns of David and Solomon. The peace which supervened after Ehud's success against Moab is given as twice forty years, and Samson's judgeship as half forty years. A very late addition to 1 Kings {ch. vi. 1) reckons the period from the Exodus till the building of the Temple in Solomon's fourth year as 480 years, i.e. 40x12. This suggests at once that forty years may have been the conventional reckoning of the length of a generation, and that twelve generations were supposed to cover the period in question ; and this surmise receives striking confirmation from the genealogy of Aaron and his suc- cessors as given in 1 Chron. vi. 3-10, according to which twelve names intervene between Eleazar. Aaron's son, and Azariah, who is specified as ' he that exercised the priest's office in the house that Solomon built in Jerusalem '. It needs no extended argument to prove that such a system of reckoning is purely artificial. The average length of a generation, i.e. the length of the period repre- senting the age of a father at the birth of his first-born son, is considerably less than forty years, especially in an Eastern country ; nor are even periods of forty years ever known to recur with the frequency which is represented in the chronology of Joshua, Judges, and Samuel. Closer examination of this curious scheme of chro- nology suggests that, late and artificial as it must be deemed in its earliest form, it has been subsequently modified by various influences — notably through the attempt to raise the number of the Judges within the Book of Judges to twelve by the insertion of the ' minor ' Judges, thus making them correspond as far as possible to the twelve tribes of Israel ; but the probability is that, in its original form, the twelve generations were reckoned by assigning forty years each to the twelve leaders of Israel between the Exodus and Solomon who are specifically represented as divinely date for Menaliems tribute to Tiglath-Pileser IV, 738 B.C., falls well within his reign according to the Biblical data. It is true that later on we meet with various discrepancies between the Biblical and Assyrian data ; but these do not invalidate the fact that the calculations noticed above must be based on sound chronological inf a-mation. There is thus all the difference in the world between the Biblical chronology of the monarchic period, and the Biblical chronology of the pre-monarchic period with its recurrent round periods of forty years. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 5 appointed, viz. (1) Moses, (2) Joshua, (3) Othniel, (4) Ehud, (5) Barak, (6) Gideon, (7) Jephthah, (8) Samson, (9) Eli, (10) Samuel, (11) Saul, (12) David.i If this is so, however, we immediately find ourselves confronted by a further historical difficulty. Such a scheme of chronology, in order to ' work ', must inevitably presuppose that the stated periods were successive, without. any overlapping. The Israelite leaders of whom we are speaking must be regarded as exercising authority over Israel as a tvhole ; and the chronological scheme is therefore bound up with the theory that Israel as a whole formed a unity of twelve tribes from the period of the Exodus and onward. This is clearly the theory of the editorial parts of the Book of Judges as regards the authority exercised by the Judges ; yet it is no less clear that the old narratives themselves picture a large amount of disorganization among the tribes, and rightly regard the Judges as merely local leaders, not successive rulers of all Israel. This single point — the question of chronology — may suffice to illustrate the difference between our sources of information bearing on the history of the Israelite monarchies, and our sources of information as to the unsettled times which preceded the establish- ment of the monarchical system. It is a comparatively straight- forw^ard task to write a history of the monarchy-period which shall be at once fairly full, and shall at the same time conform to the strictest canons of historical research as they may be applied to any period of ancient history : it is a far more complicated matter to deal with the earlier period by application of the same methods, and to extract information which may be regarded as giving us a reliable insight into its history. For, in dealing with this period of Israel's settlement in Canaan, we have to rely upon records which, as written documents, are undoubtedly much further removed from the period with which they deal than are the records of the monarchy. Events have been handed down across a considerable period in the form of stories told and retold round the camp-fire and beside the well, and have undergone (can we doubt it?) some amount of modification and embellishment in the process. We are on the borderland between history and legend. All the more keenly, therefore, do we desire to examine and to estimate in the fullest light which can be offered by critical analysis and by archaeology ; and, so doing, to gain all we can for veritable history. ' Cf. further Burney, Judges, Introduction, p. liv. 6 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN And now a few words as to my own position. As this discussion proceeds, it ma}' appear that I am adopting- views which fail to commend themselves to either extreme among Biljlical interpreters. I cannot associate myself with the champions of the absolute historical trustworthiness of Israel's ancient traditions in the form in which they have come down to us ; nor, on the other hand, can I side with those who adopt an attitude of extreme scepticism in regard to the possibility of discovering a genuine historical element in the Old Testament documents relating to the period with which I have chosen to deal. Critical study of the historical books of the Old Testament has proved beyond the possibility of a doubt that they are composite in character, consisting of a substratum of ancient narratives which frequently run parallel in presenting more or less variant traditions of the same series of events. These narratives have been utilized and combined by later editors ; and this editorial work has, in some books at least, been not a single but a repeated process, successive editors, usually separated one from another by considerable periods of years, and belonging, as we are accustomed to say, to different ' schools of thought ', having, in turn, done their part to bring the record of Israel's past history into a form which was calculated to make its appeal to the religious thought of their respective ages. The need for these successive processes of editing Israel's historical traditions will be best under- stood if the fact be clearly borne in mind that their chief con- servators were the religious teachers of the nation — the prophets, and that the main object of their preserv^ation was their religious interest rather than their historical interest pure and simple. This is a fact which is recognized in the title assigned by the Jews to the second division of the Old Testament Canon. As will be familiar to you, that Canon falls into three divisions — the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings (Hebrew KetJiubkhn, Greek Hagiographa). The second division, the Prophets, falls again into two sections ; and while the later of these sections, ' the later Prophets,' covers the books which from our modern point of view we naturally regard as prophetic — Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Minor Prophets, the earlier section, Hhe former Prophets,' includes Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings; a fact which proves that, by the founders of the Canon, these historical books were regarded as emanating, no less than ' the later Prophets ', from the circle of Israel's religious teachers, and as possessing an interest and value which, above all other, was a religious one. Now even as regards modern history, it is clear THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 7 that the philosophy of history is not the same for all ages. Looked at as regards the practical lessons which it has to teach, history lias from time to time to be rewritten. The religious and political lessons of (let us say) the Reformation or the Great Rebellion are not quite the same for England of the present day as they were for England of a hundred years ago. Lapse of time brings out new aspects of the history of the past, and enables fresh applications of that history to be deduced. So it was with Israel. There is, however, some amount of difference between the modern method of writing a history of the past and that practised by the historians of Israel. The historian of our own day has had the advantage of a training in scientific method, and does not as a rule (even when his object is the eliciting of the practical lessons which history has to teach his contemporaries) make the mistake of attributing to past ages the social conditions and developed phases of thought which are current at the time of his writing ; whereas the Israelite historian, not so scientifically trained, was prone to do this, both in the sphere of political organization (the union of the twelve tribes) and in that of institutional religion (the single sanctuary, the laws regulating sacrifice, priesthood, &c.). Fortu- nately, however, for our knowledge of Israel's past history, there exists another difference between the modern method of writing history and that practised in the historical books of the Old Testa- ment — a difference which immediately supplies an answer to two questions which may arise in your minds in regard to the practice which I have attributed to the Israelite historian — ' How do we know that he was not correct in finding the present reflected in the past 1 ' and, ' Assuming that he was incorrect, what means do we possess of putting this to the proof, and of arriving at a truer estimate of past history ? ' The modern historian, in utilizing the ancient records upon which he depends, is accustomed first to master and assimilate their contents to the best of his ability, and then to reproduce the result in his own words, bearing the impress of his own characteristic style, and to some extent at least accommo- dated to the particular presentation of history which he has in view. The ancient Israelite historian used quite a different method. He was content to employ, as we may say, the scissors and paste. He gives us, to a very large extent, the ipsissima verba of his old sources, cut into convenient sections and fitted into his own frame- work. If he has recourse to two parallel sources of history for the same events, he does not work these up into one indistinguishable whole, but divides them up and fits them together like a mosaic, 8 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN only omitting such portions of each as are plainly superfluous side by side with the parallel narrative, and sometimes not even doing that ; harmonizing differences here and there by a few touches of his own, but more frequently not even troubling to do this.^ Thus it is more accurate to descx'ibe him as a redactor or editor than as an author. The advantage of such a proceeding from the point of view of the conservation of ancient authentic records is obvious. The modern historian's method undoubtedly has the advantage as regards style and literary unity ; but he may, and very often does, misinterpret the evidence of his sources. This does not greatly matter to us so long as we still have recourse to the ancient sources themselves, and can test and check his use of them. But imagine ourselves transported to a period a tliousand years hence, the old sources lost, and no means surviving by which we can verify and correct our historian's statements, and we are entirely at his mercy. The Israelite historian's method, crude as it may seem from the modern point of view, has the inestimable advantage of preserving ^ If any one who is unfamiliar with the results of literary criticism is inclined to doubt whether the method above outlined was really pursued by the editors of the historical books of the Old Testament, he may test the fact by comparing the narrative of Chronicles with that of Samuel and Kings. The editor of Chronicles seems to have had sources at his disposal with which we are other- wise unacquainted ; but his main sources were the older historical books as known to us, and he incorporates whole sections of Samuel and Kings straight into his narrative in just the same way as we infer, through critical analysis, that the redactors of the Pentateuch and 'the former Prophets' (Joshua — Kings) have done. It will suffice to take only one example— the account of the reign of Rehoboam in 2 Chron. x ff. We find that 2 Chron. x. 1-xi. 4, which relates the events leading to the division of the kingdom, corresponds nearly word for word with 1 Kings xii. 1-24. The section which follows after in Kings refers to Jeroboam and the northern kingdom, and the editor of Chronicles omits it as alien to his purpose, and instead continues with a narra- tive from another source narrating Rehoboam's building operations and the internal politics of the kingdom of Judah. This continues to the end of cJi. xi. The chronicler next, in ch. xii, proceeds to relate the invasion of Shishak, king of Egypt. Now this invasion, as related in Kings, occupies four verses — 1 Kings xiv. 25-28. It will be found that the chronicler has used this short narrative as a source. It has been cut up and interlarded with other matter; but it is all there, practically cerhatim. Thus 1 Kings xiv. 25 = 2 Chron. xii. 2a; 1 Kings xiv. 28, 27, 28 = 2 Chron. xii. 9 b. 10, 11. Here, then, we have a phenomenon precisely analogous to that which is described above. The editor of Chronicles has before him the Book of Kings and another source or sources. He sets to work, not by mastering the contents of his sources and giving out the result in his own words, but by cutting out from his sources just so much as he requires and incorporating verbatim into his history without acknowledgement, sections from the one source being inter- larded with sections from other sources. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 9 to us, practically unaltered, precious fragments of ancient records which would otherwise have perished. Such, then, is a general sketch of the view which I adopt with regard to the Biblical sources with which we have to deal — a view which is held in all essentials by every representative of the critical school of 0. T. scholars ; and the evidence for which is so over- whelmingly cogent, and has been clearly set forth in so many easily accessible works, that I need make no apology for assuming it as proved. It is obvious that inquiry into historical fact must find its mateiial in the ancient documents which have been utilized by the editors of the Old Testament records, rather than in the interpretations which have been put upon them, and the additions which have been made to them, by these editors themselves. Such inquiry, however, has to go deeper still. The old narratives them- selves are, as we have already remarked, for the most part the out- come of a long period of oral transmission. When they exist in duplicate, there are variations in detail of more or less magnitude which have to be accounted for. Looked at singly, they not in- frequently exhibit some amount of internal inconsistency which postulates the conclusion that they themselves are to some extent composite ; since such inconsistency surely implies that they them- selves are constructed through utilization and combination of still earlier written documents, or more probably (for the most part) of variant oral traditions. Having distinguished these elements so far as is possible, we obtain statements the historical worth of which can only be assessed by the answer which we give to the question, ' Are they inherently probable ? ' This answer depends partly upon the relation which each statement bears to other statements in the same record, or in parallel records, within the Old Testament itself, i. e. upon the extent to which it works in with a consistent historical scheme as deduced from many such statements. It depends also — and especially — upon the corroboration offered by extra-Biblical evidence, i. e. the evidence of archaeology ; and since such evidence is for the most part contemporary with the period to which it refers, its value to the historian is priceless. The highest form of archaeo- logical corroboration is of course the express mention of a fact as recorded in the Biblical records (such, e. g., as we meet with not infrequently in the Assyrian annals as compared with the history of the Books of Kings) ; but there is also a secondary form which is of very great value, viz. the general conception which external records enable us to form of the conditions of life within the sphere of our inquiry, in so far as the general agreement or non-agreement 10 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN of this conception with the Biblical records serves to corroborate or else to invalidate the statements of the latter (a good instance is the conception which the Tell el-Amarna correspondence enables us to form of the condition of Syria and Palestine circa 1400 B. c, which forms an excellent touchstone as to the reliability of the Biblical narratives which presumably deal with about the same period). These remarks may serve to illustrate the fact that the attempt to reconstruct a connected scheme of history for the early period with which we are dealing, and in the light of the material which we have to hand, is a task of very great difficulty. While empha- sizing this difficulty as clearly and impartially as I can, I do not, as I have already remarked, associate myself with those who hold that any such attempt is foredoomed to failure on account of the sparse- ness, or practical non-existence, of a genuine historical element in Israel's early traditions which deal with the pre-monarchic period. Quite otherwise. There are certain considerations which, while lying somewhat apart from the line of investigation which we are attempting to pursue in the present course, yet seem (to my mind at least) to point the fact that the history of Israel's religion (and by ' religion ' I here mean, not the heritage of animistic beliefs which was the common property of the Semitic races as a whole, but the birth of a relatively high ethical conception of the nature of God and of His moral requirements) must be carried back at least as far as the age of Moses. I hold that Moses and the theory of religion of which he was traditionally held to be the founder — a theory involving allegiance to a single Deity, Yahweh, upon the basis of a covenant-relation invested with a moral sanction — are of the nature of historical postulates from the unique development of Israel's religion as we see it later on in the full light of history. I had occasion, some ten years ago, to argue this in an article which I published in the Journal of Theological Studies ; ^ and I have since found no reason to go back in any respect from the line of argument which I then adopted. If, however, it be a fact that Moses is an historical figure, and that we are able to gather some sort of genuine conception of the great work which he accomplished, the expectation is created that, in the early traditions of Israel •which deal with his time and after, we ought to be able to trace some elements which may be ranked as veritable history. To this extent, therefore, I approach our subject with a bias in favour of the existence of a real historical kernel in the Biblical sources at our 1 'A Theory of the Developement ot Israelite Religion in Early Times', Journal oj Theological Studies, April, 1908, pp. 321-52. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 11 disposal ; if that can be called a bias which is (as I think) the outcome of a sound process of reasoning. The conception which we gather from the Book of Joshua as it stands with regard to the conquest of Canaan by the tribes of Israel under the leadership of Joshua is doubtless very familiar to you, and need not be set forth at length. The narrative is a direct continuation of the preceding Pentateuchal narrative, which closes with the death of Moses, leaving the twelve tribes of Israel en- camped at Shittim in the plains of Moab, and ready under their new leader to cross the Jordan and begin the conquest of Canaan. It will be recollected that most of the strip of country east of Jordan is pictured as already won, and as promised by Moses to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half Manasseh, on the condition that they show their willingness first to assist their brethren in the conquest of the territory west of Jordan. After the passage of the Jordan,^ Jericho, in the Jordan valley, is invested, and speedily falls.'^ An advance is then made against Ai,^ on the eastern side of the Hill-country, and, after an initial repulse, this city is also captured.'* These successes lead the inhabitants of Gibeon,-' and three neighbouring cities, Kephirah, Beeroth, and Kiriath-jearim ^ — all situated in the central part of the Hill-country still farther west — to send envoys to Joshua who pass themselves off as belonging to a far-distant country, and thus succeed in obtaining an alliance with Israel." The kings of five important Amorite cities farther south — Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon^ — then ^ Joshua iii. 1-iv. 20. "^ Joshua vi. The ancient site of Jericho is now known as Tell es-Sultan, a large mound which lies in the Jordan valley five miles west of Jordan, and at the foot of the central range of hills, close to the mouth of the Wady el-Kelt, which affords a passage into the Hill-country, and is thought to be the ancient valley of Achor. The modern Jericho (Eriha) lies one and a half miles south of Tell es-Sultan. ^ Probably Hirbet Hayyan, about three miles south-east of Bethel (Betin). ^ Joshua vii. 1-viii. 29. ^ El-Gib, five miles NNW. of Jerusalem, and one mile due north of Neby Samwil, the ancient Mizpah. ® The name Kephirah is preserved in the modern Kefirah, five miles WSW. of el-Gib. Beeroth may be el-Birah, about nine miles north of Jerusalem on the road to Shechem, and four miles NNE. of el-Gib. Kiriath-jearim is probably Kuryet el-'Enab on the carriage-road from Jerusalem to Jaffa, about seven miles WNW. of the former city, and some five miles south-west of el-Gib. For the grounds upon which this identification is based cf. Burney, Judges, p. 430. ■^ Joshua ix. 3-26. * Jarmuth was situated in the Shephelah (Joshua xii. 11, xv. 35). Its site 12 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN make an attack upon Gibeon on account of its defection to the invading Israelites ; Gibeon sends an urgent summons to Joshua for assistance ; and the Israelite leader immediately makes a forced night-march from his camp at Gilgal in the Jordan valley, and falling suddenly upon the Araorites at Gibeon succeeds in routing them, and pursues them westward by the way of Beth-horon as far as Azekah and Makkedah, in, or bordering on, the lowlands to the west of the central range,^ capturing and executing the five Amorite kings. ^ All this narrative of the campaign in southern Canaan, in so far as it gives us a description of the course of military events, is formed by combination of elements from the two old nai'ratives J and E, emanating respectively from the Southern and Northern Kingdoms, which can be traced throughout the Pentateuch ; though literary analysis makes it clear that in the Book of Joshua the composite narrative from J and E, constructed as in the Penta- teuch by a redactor R''^, has been subsequently re-edited by an historian of the Deuteronomic school, whom we may call R° is commonly supposed to be marked by the modern Hirbet el-Yarmuk, sixteen miles WSW. of Jerusalem. Lacliish has almost certainly been identified in the important site Tell el-Hesy, some thirty-four miles south-west of Jerusalem, where the Shephelah meets the maritime plain : cf. Petrie, Tell el-Hesy; Bliss, A Mound of many Cities. Two miles north of Tell el-Hesy is Hirbet 'Aglan, which accurately preserves the name' of Eglon. The site, however, shows fev/ traces of ancient remains, and it is likely that the name may have been shifted to a new site after the destruction of the ancient city : cf. Cheyne in Encyclo- paedia Bihlica, 1204. ^ The two Beth-horons — still distinguished, as in Biblical times, as Upper Beth-horon (Bet-'ur el-foka) and Lower Beth-horon (Bet-'ur et-tahta)— lie, the former five miles, the latter somewhat under seven miles, WNW. of Gibeon (el-Gibj, and command one of the most important roads from the maritime plain into the Hill-country, the route being one of the three employed by General Allenby in his attack upon the Turkish position at Jerusalem (cf. Dispatch, § ISj. Azekah and Makkedah are unidentified. As the site of the latter. Sir Charles Warren has suggested el-Mugar ('the Caves') in the vale of Sorek, some twenty-five miles west of Gibeon and two and a quarter miles south-west of 'Ekron ('Akir), upon the ground that 'at this site alone, of all possible sites for Makkedah in the Philistine plain, do caves still exist ' (cf. Hastings, Diet, of the Bible, iii, p. 218 a), the existence of a well-known cave at this site being postulated by the narrative in Joshua x. 16 if. If, however, the Azekah with which Makkedah is coupled is the city of that name mentioned in 1 Sam. xvii. 1 as in the vale of Elah (Wady es-Sunt) not far from Socho (Hirbet Suwekeh), the inference is that the Amorites did not extend their flight far out into the maritime plain, but turned left-handed in order to regain the shelter of the hills by one of the southern passes. * Joshua X. 1-27. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 13 (Deuteronomic Redactor). This editor's additions, however, which are easily distinguishable by their strongly-marked Deuteronomic phraseology,^ do not up to this point modify the course of military operations as narrated in JE ; his comprehensive statement in ix. 1, 2 that ' all the kings that were beyond Jordan ', from the Lebanon southward, ' were gathered together to fight with Joshua ' immediately after the capture of Ai, and before narration of the events which led to the limited league of the five Amorite kings in the south against Gibeon, being so obviously without sequel in the succeeding narrative that it hardly affects our conception of it in the slightest degree. After the narrative of the defeat of the Amorite kings, however, we have, from the hand of R"^, a summary account of the conquest of southern Palestine,^ in which it is stated that Joshua captured Makkedah, Libnah, Lachish, Gezer, Eglon, Hebron, and Debir.^ Finally, the editor concludes with, the state- ment that the whole of southern Palestine, except the maritime plain belonging to the Philistines, fell into Joshua's hands. He mentions ' the Hill-country ' or central range ; ' the Negeb ', i. e. the arid steppe-region extending from a Jittle south of Hebron, where the hills gradually sink, to Kadesh-Barnea about fifty miles south of Beer-sheba ; ' the Shephelah ' or Lowland, i. e. the range of low hills or downs lying between what was subsequently the Judaean Hill-country to the east and the maritime plain to the west, and extending as far north as the vale of Aijalon ; * and ' the Slopes ', i. e. the fall of the Hill-country to the maritime plain north of Aijalon, where no Shephelah or Lowland intervenes.^ It is, how- ever, to be noticed that Judges i. 16, 17 attributes the conquest of the Negeb to the tribes of Judah and Simeon acting in concert apart from the co-operation of the other tribes ; and the capture of 1 Cf. Driver, Introd. to the Literature of the 0. T. (9th ed.), pp. 99 ff., 105 ff., 116. • Joshua X. 28-43. ' Libnah is unidentified. The site commonly accepted for Debir is ez- Zahariyyeh, about eleven miles south-west of Hebron, but the identification is purely conjectural, and is open to more than one objection. Gender's statement {Tent Work, p. 245) that Debir 'has the same meaning' as ez-Zahariy3'eh is wholly incorrect: cf. Burney, Judges, pp. 10 f. On Gezer cf. p. 20, and on the other cities mentioned p. 12, foot-notes. * This (as pointed out by G. A. Smith, Historical Geographi/, pp. 201 ff.) seems to represent the proper usage of the term Shephelah, though there are indica- tions of a wider and looser usage including under the term the maritime plain of Philistia. Cf. Burney, Judges, pp. 7 f . ^ On the difference of physical configuration south and north of the vale of Aijalon, which is accurately indicated by the distinction in nomenclature, cf. G. A. Smith, Historical Geograpliy, pp. 203 f. 14 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN Debir, or Kiriath-sepher, and Hebron is represented in Joshua xv. 14-19 = Judges i. 10-15 as due to Caleb the Kenizzite. It can hardly be doubted, therefore, that R° ascribes to Joshua more than he actually carried out, and that we have in his summary a mere generalization for which no facts from ancient sources were forth- coming. This conclusion we shall presently substantiate through examination of the document embodied in Judges i. We next hear, in ch. xi. of a confederation of the kings of northern Palestine under Jabin, king of Hazor.^ The kings of the cities of Madon, Shimron, and Achshaph - are specified in i;. 1 ; but V. 2 adds inclusive reference to ' the kings that were on the north, in the Hill-country, and in the Arabah to the south of Chinneroth, and in the Lowland, and in the heights of Dor on the west, the Canaanites on the east and on the west, and the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Jebusites in the Hill-country, and the Hivvites under Hermon in the land of Mizpah '." It seems clear that this verse, with its allusion to six out of the ' seven nations' of Canaan, including the Jebusites who are otherwise known only as inhabitants ol Jerusalem in the south, is, to some extent at least, an editorial amplification. On this occasion for the first time the Israelites had to encounter a foe equipped with chariots and horses. Joshua met and defeated them at the waters of Merom,'* the defeat was followed up and turned into a rout, their horses were captured and destroyed and their chariots burnt. The ^ The name Hazor seems to be preserved in the modern name of the valley Merg (* meadow ') el-Hadirah on the northern side of the Wady 'Auba which runs into the lake of Huleh, and in (jebel (' hill ') Hadirah immediately to the east of the 'meadow'. There are no traces of an ancient city upon this hill, and it is therefore supposed that Hazor may have been one of the ruined sites upon the hills still farther east: cf. Buhl, Geoyyapliie des alten Palclsthia, p. 236. 2 The name Achshaph is accurately reproduced in Hirbet Iksaf a little south of the great bend of the river Litany, though it may be doubted whether this identification suits the mention in .Joshua xix. 25, where a city of this name is enumerated as belonging to Asher. The other two cities are unidentified. " It is probable that ' Hittites ' and ' Hivvites ' have here accidentally changed places (cf. LXX, Cod. B), and the same change is to be made in Judges iii. 3 (cf. Burney, Judges, ad loc). 'The land of Mizpah ' seems to be the same as 'the valley (Hebrew hik'a) of Mizpah ' in v. 8, i. e. probably the southern portion of the great plain between the two Lebanon-ranges now called el-Buka . On the use of the term Shephelah, ' Lowland ', in application to a region in northern Canaan cf. G. A. Smith, Historical Geograyluj, p. 208, n. 3. ■' The site is uncertain, identification with the lake of Huleh being very pre- carious. (Jf. S. A. Cook in Encyclopaedia Bihlica, 3038. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 15 remainder of the chapter (vv. 10-23) is from the hand of BP. In vv. 10-15 this editor generalizes the effect of Joshua's victory in the north, just as he has already done in the case of southern Palestine. It is stated that Joshua captured and burned the city of Hazor, and then proceeded to take the cities of all the kings who had joined in the confederation, together with the kings themselves, placing them and their subjects under the ban, and utterly destroy- ing them. The chapter closes with an editorial summary of the conquests of Joshua throughout Palestine. Thus we have reviewed the account given in the old (JE) narrative of Joshua's conquests in Canaan. We find that these conquests are divided into two campaigns : (1) a campaign in southern Palestine in which the cities of Jericho and Ai are cap- tured, and a coalition of five Amorite kings is defeated and cut to pieces ; and (2) a campaign in northern Palestine in which Jabin, king of Hazor, heads an indefinite number of the kings of the north, and the arms of Israel are again victorious. We have seen, further, that R" regajcds Joshua's conquests as more far-reaching than the old narratlAfcl^eems to warrant, assuming that he not only defeated the noruieri^md southern confederacies in pitched battle, but also followed uj^ his victories by capturing the cities of the north and south so thoroughly that practically the whole of the Hill-country of Palestine fell into Israel's hands through Joshua's exertions and uuring his lifetime. A list of the kings conquered by Israel under Moses and Joshua is given by R^ in ch. xii ; and in ck. xiii. 2-6 we have a notice from this editor of the territory still remaining un- conquered, which may be summarized as the southern part of the maritime plain from the border of Egypt ^ as far north as Ekron, the most northerly of the five principal cities of the Philistines ; the Phoenician coast-land stretching from Accho northwards ; ^ and ^ 'From the Shihor which is before (i.e. eastward of) Egypt.' The refer- ence probably is to the eastern (Pelusiac) branch of the Nile. The usual defini- tion of the south-western boundary of Canaan is ' the wady of Egypt ' (/nJ DnVJ^), i. e. the modern Wady el-'Aris. ^ Reading '■ and from Accho which belongeth to the Zidonians, unto Apliek '. We amend i3yx?1 (a suggestion not hitherto offered) in place of the incompre- hensible nnjjpi of M. T. (R. V. ' and Mearah '), where the JD is clearly the pre- position |D defining the starting point (cf. v. 3 "lUT'ti'n P). Sennacherib's enumeration of the Phoenician cities makes Accho the southernmost : — * Great Sidunnu, Little Sidunnu, Bit-zitti, Sariptu, Mahalliba, Usu, Akzibi, Akku ' (cf. Taijlor Ci/linder, col. ii, 1. 38). Aphek is probably the modern Afka, near the source of the Nahr Ibrahim. 16 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN the Lebanon with its environs.^ This practically represents the state of affairs during the greater part of the monarchy-period. Let us now turn to Judges i, which offers us a portion of an old document of the first importance for the history of Israel's settle- ment in Canaan. As the chapter now stands in the Book of Judges, it professes to give us an account of events which happened 'after the death of Joshua' {v. 1), as related in Joshua xxiv. 29, 30 (E). The editor who prefixed this statement to the chapter assumes that he is taking up the narrative from the point reached in the closing chapter of the preceding book. The proper continua- tion of Joshua xxiv is found, however, in Judges ii. 6ff., where vv. 6-9 (narrating Joshua's dismissal of the people after his fare- well-address recorded in Joshua xxiv, the fact that the people served Yahweh during the lifetime of Joshua and the elders who survived him, and the death and burial of Israel's great leadei-) are almost verbally identical with Joshua xxiv. 28, 31, 29, 30. So far from dealing with events which happened subsequently to Joshua's death, the old narrative incorporated in Judges i. 1-ii. 5 pictures Israel as still encamped at Gilgal (ii. 1), or close by at Jericho (i. 16), shortly after the passage of the Jordan, and before the tribes had entered upon their inheritances. Judges ii. 6-iii. 6 is the real introduction to Judges as the book left the hand of the main editor, and ch. i. 1-ii. 5 has been added by a later editor for the purpose of explaining the unsettled condition of affairs as related in the narrative of Judges by the addition of details known to him which had not been incorporated by the main editor in his introduction. From examination of the phraseologj'' of the old narrative embodied in Judges i. 1-ii. 5 the fact emerges that it is derived from the Judaean document J.^ Extracts from the same narrative ' Reading ii3n^3 nb?iin psni 'and the land which bordereth on the Lebanon' (i.e. Coele-Syria), with Buhl and Steuernagel, in place of M. T. fiJ^pHv^l v??l' r^-^'^1, i^ which the first two words will not construe (R. V. ' and the land of the Gebalites ' demands an original v??ili J* v v"!)- ^ The following words and phrases in Judges i. 1-ii. 5 are characteristic of J: — 'the Canaauites' as a general term for the inhabitants of Palestine E uses 'the Amorites ' in the same general sense), i. 1; 'the Canaanites and the Perizzites' coupled, i. 5 ; 'at the first' (n7nn3>, i. 1 ; 'deal kindly with' (lit. ' do kindness with ', DJ? IDH H^'J?), i. 24 ; ' dependencies ' (lit. ' daughters ', ni33), i. 27 five times ; 'and it came to pass, when ' ("'3 \"IM), i. 28 ; ' dwelt in the midst of (mpa yy), i. 29, 30, 32,33; 'prevailed' (lit. 'was heavy', n33), i. 35 ; ' the Angel of Yahweh ', ii. 1. Cf. the list of characteristic J phrases in Carpenter and Harford-Battersby, Hexateiich, i, pp. 185 ff. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 17 are to be found in the Book of Joshua, several of them being parallel to passages in Judges i, and, where not identical in wording, appearing in a more original form. Thus Joshua xv. 14-19 = Judges i. 20, 10b (in part), 11-15; Joshua xv. 63 = Judges i. 21 ; Joshua xvi. 10 = Judges i. 29 ; Joshua xvii. 11-13 = Judges i. 27, 28. Further extracts from the same narrative, not contained in Judges i, are found in Joshua xiii. 13, xvii. 14-18, xix. 47, and probably in Num. xxxii. 39, 41, 42.^ Now the picture drawn by this old narrative of Israel's settle- ment in Canaan differs from that of R° in Joshua in two respects. In the first place, the conquest of various districts is represented as due to the efforts of individual tribes. And, secondly, the tribes, in making their settlement, appear in many or most cases to have been unable to drive out or exterminate the races in possession, and to have been content to settle down side by side with them, making their way, eventually, largely by a process of more or less peaceful penetration. We read first that the tribe of Judah enlisted the mutual co-opera- tion of Simeon, and attacked and conquered Adoni-Bezek, who seems to have been king of Jerusalem {vv. 3-7). There is reason for thinking that the name Adoni-Bezek is a corruption of Adoni- Zedek ; and, if this is so, it is not unlikely that this Adoni-Zedek is the same that appears in the story of the Amorite league against Joshua, and that we have here a variant tradition as to his fate. According to this tradition, the Judaeans contented themselves with cutting off the king's thumbs and great toes, thus disabling him for warfare ; and the narrative then informs us that ' they (i.e. we must assume, Adoni-Bezek's own followers) brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there '. The late editor, however, doubt- less concluding that the subject of the verb is the victorious Judaeans, inserts at this point the statement that ' the children of Judah fought against Jerusalem, and took it, and smote it at the edge of the sword, and the city they set on fire ' {v. 8). This asser- tion, however, is directly contradicted by the statement of the old narrative a little farther on (v. 21) that ' the children of Benjamin (or, according to the parallel passage in Joshua xv. 63, ' the children of Judah ' -) did not dispossess the Jebusites dwelling in Jerusalem ; ^ The original form of the narrative has been skilfully reconstructed by Budde, Richter und Samuel, pp. 84 ff. Cf. also Burney, Judges, pp. 47 fF. ^ The reading 'Judah' is the more original. The alteration to ' Benjamin' m Juflges 1. 21 was probably made by the editor in accordance with Joshua xviii. l(i P, which, in describing the lot of the children of Benjamin, makes the B. C 18 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN but the Jebusites dwelt with the children of Benjamin (Joshua, " Judah ") in Jerusalem unto this day.' The con-ectness of the old narrative, as against the editor, is corroborated by the storj- of Judges xix, according to which Jerusalem in the days of the Judges is ' a city of the Jebusites ... a city of foreigners who are not of the children of Israel' (w. 10-12) ; and also by the fact that the capture of the Jebusite stronghold was one of the great achieve- ments of David in the early years of his reign (2 Sam. v. 6 ff.). Following on this, the editor states that the Judaeans advanced against the Canaanites dwelling in the Hill- country'', the Negeb, and the Shephelah, and attacked and captured Hebron, smiting the Anakite clans which dwelt there {vv. 9, 10), The following verses {vv. 11-15) are parallel to Joshua xv. 14-19, from which it is clear that it was the Kenizzite clan of Caleb, and no^ the tribe of Judah as a whole, which captured Hebron. From this point of vantage Debir, or Kiriath-sepher, fell to Othniel, a leader, or more probably a subordinate clan, of the clan of Caleb. We are next informed (vv. i6, 17) that Hobab the Kenite,^ Moses' father-in-law, accompanied the Judaeans into the Negeb, and settled down among the Amalekites "^ (among whom, it may be remem- bered, we find the Kenites in the narrative of Saul's campaign against the Amalekites : 1 Sam. xv. 6). Judah then goes with Simeon and smites the Canaanites inhabiting Zephath (an unidenti- fied site in the Negeb), devoting the city to destruction — whence, according to the old narrator, the name by which the city was subsequently known was Hormah (interpreted as meaning ' devoted to the ban' : Heb. herein). On this little narrative we shall have more to say in the next lecture. The editor then states that Judah captured the Philistine cities Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron,^ ' with the borders thereof,' i. e. the contiguous territory [v. 18). This editorial statement is con- tradicted by the very next verse {v. 19), which belongs to the old narrative, where it is stated that ' Yahweh was with Judah, and he border run south of Jerusalem so as to include the city, and mentions it among the cities belonging to the tribe in v. 28. ^ Reading ''^''i^n ^^hl with most modern commentators in place of M. T. lyj? ''jni 'And the children of Kenite ', which cannot be original, since the gentilic adjective ' Kenite ' cannot be used of an individual without the article, which is tacitly inserted in R. V. , '^ M. T. Cyn 'the people ' is clearly a remnant of an original ^p.^^l!'^' "wliich occurs as a doublet {lura raii Xnov 'AfioKrjK) in the LXX MSS. defsz (notation of Brooke and M'^Lean) and Coptic. CWd Latin ' cum eo Amulec '. ' The modern Gazzeh, 'Askalan, and 'Akir. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 19 gained possession of the Hill-country ; for he was not able to dis- possess the inhabitants of the Vale, because they bad chariots of iron '. The Vale (Heb. hd-'emel-) is the regular term for the maritime plain in which these Philistine cities were situated. The narrative next passes {vv. 22 ff.) to the doings of ' the house of Joseph ', a term which may include not merely Ephraim and Manasseh, but also Benjamin. We read that they ' went up ' to BetheP (i.e. presumably, 'up' from the camp at Gilgal in the Jordan valley), and having captured a Bethelite and learned from him the most advantageous point for assault, they smote the city ' at the edge of the sword ', i.e. without giving quarter to the inhabitants. This account seems to picture an independent attack made by the Joseph-tribes upon the Hill-country, and we shall see later on that this surmise is probably correct. In the narrative of Joshua viii. 17 the men of Bethel are mentioned as aiding the men of Ai to repel Israel's attack upon the latter city ; but the reference, which finds no place in the LXX text, is out of harmony with the context, and is almost certainly to be regarded as a late gloss. We have no account in the Book of Joshua of the capture of Bethel, though R^ in Joshua xii. 16 mentions the king of Bethel in the list of kings smitten by Joshua. Then follows (vv. 27-29) reference to the failure of the Joseph- tribes to dislodge the Canaanites from their strongholds. Manasseh was unable to capture a series of fortified cities lying to the north of the central Hill-country on the southern border of the great plain of Esdraelon. These are enumerated as Beth-shean in the fall of the plain to. the Jordan valley in the east, Ibleam in the centre, and Taanach and Megiddo farther west ; ^ as well as Dor upon the sea-coast,^ which we know from the Egyptian story of Wenamon ^ to have been, at or about this time, in the possession, not of the Canaanites, but of the Takkara, a people who invaded Palestine together with the Philistines during the reign of the Egyptian king Ra'messe III. These cities, with their ' daughters ' or smaller dependencies, thus formed a belt across the land, to some ^ The modern Betin, about ten miles north of Jerusalem. ^ The first three names are preserved in the modern Besan, the Wady Bel'ameh (cf. the form cySzi, 1 Chron. vi. 70, Heb. Text v. 55), and Tell el-Ta'annuk. Megiddo is identified with Tell el-Mutesellim (' the mound of the governor'), an important ancient site five miles north-west of Tell el-Ta'annuk. ^ Probably the modern Tanturah, some eight miles north of Caesarea. * Cf. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, iv. §§ 557 ff'. ; Maspero, Fojjulur Stories of Ancient Egypt, pp. 202 ff'. c 2 20 ISRAELS SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN extent cutting off the Joseph-tribes from the Israelite tribes farther north. We read that ' when Israel was waxen strong, thej- impressed the Canaanites for labour-gangs ', but, it is significantly added, ' they did not drive them out at all.' Similarly, Ephraim, farther south, ' did not dispossess the Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer ; but the Canaanites dwelt in the midst of them in Gezer '. With this state- ment it is hard to reconcile the assertion of R° in Joshua x. 33 that, when Horam, king of Gezer, came to the assistance of Lachish, ' Joshua smote him and his people until he had left him none remaining.' It will be recollected that Gezer was still in the hands of the Canaanites in the reign of Solomon, when it was captured and burnt by the Pharaoh who was king of Egypt at that time, and given as a dowry to his daughter on the occasion of her marriage with the Israelite king (1 Kings ix. 16). Gezer is situated upon an outlying spur of the Shephelah, over-looking the Philistine plain, and about eighteen miles west-north-west of Jerusalem. We now reach a narrative of the greatest interest and importance in the history of the settlement of the Joseph-tribes. We have just seen that the tribe of Manasseh, though apparently successful in effecting a settlement in the Hill-country to the south of Esdraelon, was debarred from entrance to the great plain through failure to conquer the belt of Canaanite cities which guarded its southern extremity. At this point in the narrative, then, there seems originally to have followed the passage from the old document J which now stands in Joshua xvii. 14-18. The house of Joseph approach Joshua and complain that they have only received one lot, which is insufficient for their numbers, the extent of this lot being further diminished owing to the fact that part of it falls in the Vale (i.e. the plain of Esdraelon), where the Canaanites are too strong to be ousted owing to their possession of iron chariots. Joshua, in acknowledging the justice of their complaint, recommends them to go up 'into the forest' and cut down for themselves, this forest being further described as ' Hill-country ' in V. 18. That the reference, however, cannot be to any part of the Hill-country west of Jordan seems to be clear. The situation presupposed is that the west- Jordan country has already been allotted among the tribes, and the house of Joseph have not found the difficulties of gaining a footing in the portion of Hill-country (in contrast to the Vale) allotted to them to be insuperable. Thus Prof. Budde ^ has suggested, with great plausibility, that the Hill- ^ Richter unci Samuel, pp. 32 ff. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 21 country which Joshua mvites them to conquer is the Hill-country of Gilead, which is appropriately described as yaar, forest, or jungle-land.^ The sequel is found by Budde in the passage from J which now stands in Num. xxxii. 39, 41, 42, describing the successes of Manassite clans in the Gilead region. Finally, there probably followed the J passage Joshua xiii. 13, which mentions the fact that the Aramaean clans of the Geshurites and Maa- chathites were not expelled by Israel from their positions east of Jordan. The whole narrative, then, with some slight omissions in Joshua xvii. 14 ff. which are clearly due to textual conflation,^ seems originally to have run as follows : — ' And the house of Joseph spake unto Joshua, saying, " Why hast thou given me but one lot and one territory for an inheritance, seeing that I am a great people, forasmuch as hitherto Yahweh hath blessed me? The Hill-country doth not suffice for me ; and all the Canaanites that dwell in the land of the Vale have chariots of iron, both they that are in Beth-shean and its dependencies, and they that are in the vale of Jezreel." And Joshua said unto the house of Joseph, "Thou art a great people, and hast great power : thou shalt not have one lot only. For the Hill-country of Gilead shall be thine : get thee up into the forest and cut down for thyself there ; since the Hill- country of Ephraim is too narrow for thee." Then Machir the son of Manasseh, went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorites that were therein. And Jair the son of Manasseh v.'ent and took the tent-villages thereof, and called them the tent- 1 Cf. the account of David's battle with the forces of Absalom in 2 Sam. xviii. The scene of the battle is in Gilead, in a forest country {yaar). The charac- teristics of the region are the same at the present day. G. A. Smith speaks of 'the ridges of Gilead, where the oak branches rustled and their shadows swung to and fro over the cool paths' ; and, again, states that ' Gilead, between the Yarmukandthe Jabbok,hasits ridges covered by forests, under which you may march for the whole day in breezy and fragrant yhade ' (cf. Historical Geography, pp. 521, 522). '•* The words of v. 15 D\S3-ini man ps*2 ' in the land of the Perizzites and the Rephaim ', which are wanting in LXX, are probably a corrupt doublet of the following OnSX "in "J7 fX ''3 'since the Hill-country of Ephraim is too narrow for thee '. The main part of v. 18, with its five-times-repeated O and its apparent ascription of iron chariots to the Canaanites inhabiting the Hill- country, appears in its present form to be due to the Priestly editor as a weak summary of his view of the situation, viz. that what is contemplated is a further extended conquest west of Jordan. Other editorial additions ai'e v. 15a ' And Joshua said . . . great people ' (from v. 17), v. 16 a 'And the children of Joseph said' (an addition necessitated by the dislocation oi v. 15), v. 17 'to Ephraim and to Manasseh', explanatory. The order of the remainder is vv. 14, 16, 17, 18a (down to 'thine 'j, 15. 22 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN villages of Jair. And Nobali went and took Kenath and its depen- dencies, and called it Nobah after his own name. But the children of Israel did not dispossess the Geshurites and the Maachathites ; but Geshur and Maachath dwelt in the midst of Israel, unto this day.' ^ The remainder of the old narrative refers to the very indiflferent successes of four other tribes in establishing themselves west of Jordan ; viz. Zebulun and Asher in the north ; Naphtali possibly in the north, where we find the tribe in later times; but more probably south-west of Ephraim in the neighbourhood of Dan, which is the fourth tribe mentioned. Zebulun, north of Manasseh in the plain of Esdraelon, failed to dispossess the inhabitants of Kitron and Nahalol, 'but the Canaanites dwelt in the midst of them, and became labour-gangs' {v. 30). Asher was even less successful. Failing to drive out the Canaanites from the coast- cities of Phoenicia, from Accho northwards, they ' dwelt in the midst of the Canaanites inhabiting the land; for they did not dispossess them' (vv. 31, 32). The phrase 'dwelt in the midst of the Canaanites ' — in contrast to ' the Canaanites dwelt in the midst of them ', as is said of Ephraim and Zebulun — embodies a distinc- tion with a difference, implying that the Phoenician Canaanites all along continued to hold the upper hand. The case was similar with Naphtali, who failed to dispossess the inhabitants of Beth- shemesh and Beth-anath, and ' dwelt in the midst of the Canaanites inhabiting the land'; though the narrative adds the statement that the inhabitants of these cities ' became labour-gangs for them ' {v. 33). As for Dan, we are informed that the Aniorites — or, as w^e should probably read, the Canaanites ^ — pressed them out of ^ In favour of the conclusion that the settlement of half Manasseh east of Jordan took place through an overflow-movement from the west of .Jordan, we may note the fact that, according to the narrative of Num. xxxii. 1, it is the tribes of Reuben and Gad only that petition Moses to allow them to settle east of Jordan in the portion of Gilead already conquered (south of the Jabbok) ; though reference to half Manasseh is introduced at the end of the narrative {v. 33) by the hand of the redactor, and Deut. iii. 13 ff. makes the assigning of east-Jordan territory to part of this tribe the work of Moses. The kernel of Num. xxxii is clearly old ( JE), though it has been worked up with portions of the document P by a late redactor. Of. Gray, Niinibers {Internut. Crit. Comtn.), p. 426 ; Carpenter and Harford-Battersby, Hexateuch, ii, p. 239. An old allusion to Gad's claim to territory east of Jordan, and to his undertaking to assist in conquering the west-Jordan territory, is perhaps to be found in the so-called ' Blessing of Moses ', Deut. xxxiii. 21. '^ The use of the term ' Amorites ', here and in v. 35, as a general designation for the inhabitants of Canaan (elsewhere in the narrative called 'Canaanites', THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 23 their settlements in the Shephelah and maritime plain into the Hill-country, 'for they did not suffer them to come down into the Vale' {v. 34). The original continuation of this notice is found in Joshua xix. 47, which (with a necessary emendation ^) runs as follows : ' So the border of the children of Dan was too strait for them ; and the children of Dan went up, and fought with Leshem, and took it, and smote it at the edge of the sword, and took posses- sion of it, and dwelt therein; and they called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.' This migration is further related in Judges xviii, where the conquered city is called Laish (vv. 7, 27). Thenceforwai'd Dan figures in the phrase ' from Dan to Beersheba ' as the northernmost limit of Palestine. We have left discussion of the position occupied by Naphtali, as pictured in our old narrative, until after mention of the enforced movements of the tribe of Dan. It is usually assumed that the tribe was occupying its northern home as defined in the late Priestly document Joshua xix. 3.2-39, a district to the north of Zebulun, bounded by the territory of Asher on the west, and by the Jordan on the east. Prof. Steuernagel ^ has suggested, how- ever, with considerable plausibility that, since Naphtali and Dan were originally offshoots of a single stock (sons of the handmaid Bilhah; i.e. probably, originally forming a single tribe known as Bilhah), and since Dan at first dwelt south-west of Ephraim, Naphtali's early home was probably in the same neighbourhood, and he, like Dan, was obliged eventually to seek a home farther north. Thus, in the statement that ' Naphtali did not dispossess the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh and Beth-anath ' (v. 33), the refer- ence may be to the southern Beth-shemesh, i.e. the modern *Ain- sems which stands on an eminence south of the Wady Sarar (the ancient ' vale of Sorek ') and within sight of the Danite city Zorah on the northern side of the wady. The mention of Beth-shemesh and Beth-anath in the north (where neither has been identified) in Joshua xix. 38 is then a later assumption, based on the fact that Naphtali eventually occupied a northern position. This view gains some support from the blessing of Naphtali in Deut. xxxiii. 23 in accordance with the regular practice of J) is strange. Probably the term has been substituted by a later hand, under the influence of the textual cor- ruption ' Aniorites ' for ' Ildomites ' in v. 36. Cf. discussion in Bumey, Judges, ad loc. * Read DHD , , , "IV'1 ' was too strait for them ', in place of DniD . . ♦ N2f>), R. V. ' went out beyond them '. ^ Die Einivanderung der israelitischen Stamme in Kanami, pp. 28 f. 24 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN — ' Possess thou the Sea and the South ' (nc>-i^ omi D"'). Here Naphtali (according to Steuernagel) appears, like Dan, to be hard pressed by foes, and the wish is expressed that he may exert his power and conquer the Philistine maritime plain (yam), and the ddrom, or South, i.e. the Shephelah, which is so designated in later Jewish usage.^ On the ordinary assumption that Naphtali is here pictured as occupying his fin&;l northern position, ' Sea ' is explained as the sea of Galilee ; but no commentator has succeeded in offering a plausible explanation of ddrom. Followirig on the notice of the fortunes of Dan, the statement is made that ' the Amorites persisted in dwelling in Har-heres, in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim ; j^et the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed, and they became labour-gangs' (v. 35).^ The only one of these cities which has been certainly identified is Aijalon, the modern Yal6 on the southern side of the vale into which the ]iass of Beth-horon opens out (the vale of Aijalon, Joshua x. 12). The other cities were doubtless in the same district, and must have formed, with Gezer and Jerusalem, a belt of strongholds more or less shutting off the Joseph-tribes from Judah on the south. This con- cludes our information from this old J document, in so far as it concerns the settlement of Israel within the land of Canaan. The conception which we have formed from our survey of this old narrative of Israel's settlement in Canaan may be summarized, then, as follows : In the southern Hill-country the tribe of Judah, with certain Kenizzite (Caleb, Othniel) and North Arabian (Kenite) elements which were subsequently reckoned as part of the tribe, and with the tribe of Simeon, makes its way by gradual conquest, especially in the Negeb ; but is debarred from expansion into the western maritime plain by the 'Philistines with their iron chariots, and has in the Hill-country to the north the Jebusite stronghold of Jerusalem still unreduced, and, we may suppose, to some extent at least, dominating the district in its vicinity. In the centre the Joseph-tribes successfully occupy the Hill-country, but are shut off from the plain to the south-west by Canaanite strongholds ; the Canaanites in this direction, who were themselves doubtless feeling the pressure of the Philistine immigrants on their western side, having succeeded in ousting the main part of Dan, and possibly ^ Cf. Neubauer, Geographie clii Talmud, pp. 62 f. ; Buhl, Geoaraphie des alten Pcdastiiia, p. 85; and references in Onomastica Sacm ('the naine-lists ' of Eusebius and Jerome, ed. P. de Lagarde) to Daroma, where we find such cities as Eleutheropolis, Eshtemoa, and Ziklag assigned to this region. '^ On the use of the term ' Amorites ' cf. p. 22, n. 2. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 25 also Naphtali, from positions which these tribes had at first attempted to occupy, and in compelling them to seek a fresh home in the extreme north. North of the Joseph-tribes is a belt of Canaanite cities extending right across the land where the Hill- country falls to the plain of Esdraelon, and continued to the coast in 'the maritime plain south of Carmel. North of this, again, the remaining west-Jordan tribes live as best they can among the Canaanites whose strong cities they are (so far as our information goes) quite unable to reduce. Dan indeed succeeds in obtaining a new home in the far north by right of conquest ; but Zebulun and Naphtali, in so far as they eventually gained a position of pre- dominance, seem to have done so by peaceful penetration rather than by more drastic means. ^ Aslier always remains subordinate to the Canaanites upon the northern coast-land (the Phoenicians). Issachar is unmentioned in this narrative, probably through acci- dental editorial omission; but, if we may repair this omission through the allusion to this tribe in 'the Blessing of Jacob', Gen. xlix. 14, 15, it seems to have been no better off than Asher, for there we read : ' Issachar is a strong ass, Couching down between the sheep-folds: And he saw a resting-place that it was good, And the land that it was pleasant ; So he bowed his shoulder to bear, And became a toiling labour-gang.' In later times the population of this northern district remained largely foreign. It is called by Isaiah (viii. 23) OHU hag-goyim, ' the circuit {or district) of the heathen ' ; and is elsewhere dis- tinguished as hag-Gdlil, 'the circuit' (Joshua xx. 7, xxi. 82; 1 Chron, vi. 61 ; 1 Kings ix. 11), i.e. the Galilee of New Testament times. Comparing this ancient presentation of the character of Israel's settlement in Canaan with that which we have in Joshua i-xii as edited by R^, it is obvious (1) that the two cannot stand side by side as equally authentic narratives of the course of events, and (2) that, in making our choice between the two presentations, we are bound to attach far greater weight to that which pictures the conquest as gradual and partial than to the other which conceives of it as comparativel}^ thorougligoing and complete. For, sup- posing the theory of K^ in Joshua to be correct, we can offer no ' Cf. however the interpretation of the tradition as to the battle with Jabin, king of Hazor, and his allies oflered on p. 53. 26 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN explanation why the theory of J in Judges i should ever have been put forward ; but, on the other hand, supposing the account of the old J document to represent the historical course of events, we can explain the existence of R^'s theory as the reading of the conditions of a later time (David's reign and onwards) into the period of Israel's first occupation of the Promised Land. It is even more obvious that we cannot make use of the Priestly document^ incorporated in Joshua xiii. 15-xxi. 42, which defines the heritages of each of the tribes, as historical evidence for the state of afiairs existing at the close of Joshua's lifetime. This document is of immense value for the topographical information which it affords, and as an indication of the districts occupied by the different tribes at a period when Israel became practically dominant in Palestine and the tribes had been welded into a nation, i.e., we may say approximately, from the r^ign of David and onwards ; but the view which regards Joshua as settling by lot the districts to be occupied by the tribes in such a thorough and final manner as to define with precision the boundaries between the diSerent heritages, is of a piece witli the view which supposes the whole of Palestine with the exception of the maritime plain occupied by the Philistines and Phoenicians to have fallen completely into the hands of the Israelites as the fruits of Joshua's victories — a view which, as we have seen in the light of earlier evidence, does not represent the historical course of events. ^ This document, though of the same character and age as the document P in the Pentateuch, cannot be shown to have belonged originally to the same source. It may very well have originally formed an independent document. The part which is borne by the Priestly writer in Joshua seems to be somewhat different to that which is fulfilled by P in the Pentateuch. In. Gen. -Num. the narrative of P is to a large extent complete in itself, and forms as it were the framework of the narrative. In Joshua i-xii, on the other hand, the traces of the Priestly hand are comparatively insignificant, amounting in all to some 10| verses. LECTURE II THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED {Continuation) In my first lecture I contrasted the picture of Israel's settlement in Canaan drawn by the old J document in Judges i with that which we find in Joshua i-xii as edited by R°. We noticed that, while the former represents this settlement as gradual and partial in character, affected mainly by the efforts of individual tribes, and only meeting at first with a very limited measure of success, the latter exhibits it as a well-organized and victorious campaign of the whole of the Israelite tribes under the leadership of Joshua, resulting comparatively speedily in the reduction of all Canaan from south to north, with the exception of the sections of the maritime plain and coast occupied by the Philistines and Phoenicians ' and the Lebanon - district with its immediate environs. Our conclusion was that J's view is more nearly authentic than that of R° in the Book of Joshua, the latter resulting from the reading of the conditions of later ages, from David onwards, into the earlier history of Israel in Canaan. If, however, R°'s conception of the thoroughgoing character of the conquest and settlement of the tribes under Joshua was not to be regarded as historical, still less were we able to accept as historical the theory of the Priestly document in Joshua xiii. 15-xxi. 42, which regards the accurate delimitation of the whole of Canaan among the tribes as Joshua's crowning achievement. "We now have to notice that there is one particular in which the J narrative of Judges i seems, as it stands, to agree with the con- ception of the Deuteronomic redactor and the Priestly writer in the Book of Joshua. The tribes of Israel, however isolated and single-handed they may appear according to this narrative in winning each a footing for itself, yet seem to be pictured as starting from a common point in the Jordan-valley — Gilgal (Judges ii. 1) or Jericho (Judges i. 16), and as having each its special heritage predetermined by lot, and therefore, we may assume, under the direction of a common leader and arbiter, viz. Joshua. Judah, at 28 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN any rate, is pictured as sajang to Sinneon his brother, ' Go up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites, and I also will go up with thee into thy lot ' (v. 3). There exist weighty reasons for holding this conception of an early organized unity of the tribes as the reading of later conditions back into a period when they were not so existent. Evidence, when carefully weighed, seems to postulate the conclusion that Joshua was not the leader across Jordan of a united body of twelve tribes, but of a certain section only — the Joseph-tribes, and that the remaining tribes entered Canaan and won their heritages by other means and at other periods. The evidence for this conclusion depends partly upon internal Biblical indications and partly upon the external indications supplied by archaeology. The latter we shall have to notice in the final lecture. To-day we must more closely examine the Biblical evidence ; and we will begin by taking two outstanding instances in which tribal settlements clearly seem to have been made independently of Joshua. The account of the conquest of Arad ^ in the Negeb by Judah and Simeon, which is given in Judges i. 16, 17, cannot be considered apart from the very similar narrative which is found in Num. xxi. 1-3 (J). This latter narrative states that, during the period of Israel's sojourn in the wilderness, the king of Arad advanced against them, apparently because they were encroaching upon his territory, fought against them, and took some of them prisoners. Israel thereupon vowed a vow to Yahweh that, if Yahweh would deliver up the Canaanites into their hands they would place their cities under a ban (hereTn), and utterly destroy every inhabitant. On the successful issue of the battle the vow was performed ; and the name of the district was thereafter known as Hormah, a name in which there is an assumed connexion with herein. This narrative, which implies a northward advance of Israel into the Negeb, is at variance with the preceding narrative in Numbers (xx. 14-21 JE), which seems to pictui'e the whole of the Israelites as turning southwards fsom Kadesh in order to compass and avoid the land of Edom. It is also difficult to understand why an immediate settlement in the conquered territory was not effected by at least a portion of the Israelites, when the whole of the Canaanites inhabiting it had been put to the sword. The author ^ The modern Tell Arad, described by Robinson {Biblical Researches in Pales- tine, 3rd ed., ii, p. 101) as a ' barren-looking eminence rising above the country- round '. The site lies seventeen miles nearly due south of Hebron. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 29 of the introduction to Deuteronomy, who apparently bases his information upon E, gives, in i. 41-6, an account of a disorganized attempt made by the IsraeHtes to conquer the Negeb, after the failure of the mission of the spies, and against the express command of Moses. This was repulsed by ' the Amorite who inhabited that Hill-country ', Israel being put to the rout, and beaten down ' in Seir as far as Hormah'. This narrative corresponds with Num. xiv. 40-5, which apparently combines elements from J as well as from E, and in which the foe appears not as ' the Amorite ', but as ' the Amalekite and the Canaanite ' (vv. 43, 45). No mention is made in Deuteronomy of Israel's subsequent success, and their extirpation of the inhabitants of the district ; and we are probably correct in inferring that these details were not contained in the E source. The question is further complicated by the account of the conquest of Arad which occurs in Judges i. 16, 17. Here it is the tribes of Judah and Simeon, together with the Kenites, who are related to have effected the conquest, moving southwards from the City of Palm trees (i. e. Jericho) subsequently to the passage of the Jordan under Joshua. As in the narrative of Numbers, however, the origin of the name Hormah is explained by the fact that the Canaanites inhabiting a city (previously named Zephath) were smitten, and the city placed under the ban and utterly destroyed. The narratives of Num. xxi. 1-3 and Judges i. 16, 17 are obviously parallel, and cannot, as they stand, be reconciled. It is easy to supply a reason for the occurrence of the narrative of Judges as a duplicate to that of Numbers, viz. the view that all conquests and annexations of Canaamte territory by Israel took place under the direction of Joshua as part of a single organized campaign, and that no settlement of Israelite tribes in any part of Canaan can ex hypothesi have taken place prior to, or apart from, this one big movement ; but, if the narrative of Judges be taken to be correct in its present position, it is not easy to divine why the narrative of Numbers should have pictured an incident of Joshua's cam- paign — the outcome of a movement southivard from Jericho — as taking place during Israel's stay at Kadesh-Barnea, as the result of a northward movement from that district. Adopting, then, the view that the position of the narrative as it stands in Numbers is the more correct, and that the conquest of Arad in the Negeb took place through a tribal movement northward from the neighbourhood of Kadesh, the infei'ence becomes plausible that this movement was effected, as related in Judges, by the tribes 30 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN of Judah and Simeon in alliance with the Kenites. It is a well- known fact that the tribe of Judah consisted of mixed elements : the genealogy of 1 Chron. ii includes among the descendants of Judah the North Arabian tribes of the Kenites and Jei'ahmeelites, and the clan of Caleb which was of Kenizzite, i. e. of Edomite, origin (cf. Gen. xxxvi. 11,15, 42). Whether or not these clans origin- ally formed an integral part of the tribe of Judah, it is clear that so early as the days of David they were regarded as standing in a very intimate relation to the tribe. In 1 Sam. xxvii. 7 ff., which relates David's stay as an outlaw with Achish, king of Gath, we read that David made pretence to Achish that his occasional raids were directed ' against the Negeb of Judah, and against the Negeb of the Jerahmeelites, and against the Negeb of the Kenites ' ; and Achish remarks to himself with satisfaction, ' He hath made his people Israel utterly to abhor him ; therefore he shall be my servant for ever.' Again, in 1 Sam. xxx. 26-31, David sends presents 'of the spoil of the enemies of Yahweh ' to the Judaeans of the Negeb, including the Jerahmeelites and the Kenites. If, then, clans which originally inhabited the region south of the Negeb are subsequently found occupying the Negeb and forming part of the tribe of Judah, what is more probable than that this change of locality was effected through conquests gained in the Negeb by a movement directly northwards, as is suggested by the narrative of Num. xxi. 1-3 ? We seem, in fact, to be upon the track of an ancient Calibbite tradition, embodied in the Judaean document J, which originally narrated the way in which this northward movement was effected by the clan of Caleb, and probably other kindred clans. ^ It may be conjectured that this tradition lies at the bottom of the older (JE) narrative of the mission of the spies which is combined with the P narrative in Num. xiii and xiv. In this older narrative (in contrast to that of P) it is the Negeb only which is explored ; Caleb is the only spy who is mentioned by name ; and it is Caleb only who maintains, against the opinion of the other spies, that the conquest of the district is quite a feasible undertaking, in spite of the race of giants — the sons of Anak— inhabiting it : 'We can easily go up and possess it,' he says, ' for we are well able to overcome it ' (Num. xiii. 30).^ 1 Cf. Stanley A. Cook, Critical Notes on 0. T. History, pp. 38 f., 81 f. * P's narrative of the spies, as compared with that of JE, is an instructive example of the reading back into earlier history of the conception of the organic unity of the twelve tribes, as realized in later times. While in JE the THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 31 As a matter of fact, the conquest of these sons or clans of Anak and their cities is directly ascribed to Caleb in Joshua xv. 14-19 = Judges i. 20, 10 b (in part), 11-15, from the narrative of J. Is it not, then, at least a plausible theory that the original Calibbite story related that Caleb, after first spying out the Negeb, then proceeded to go up and conquer it 1 It seems probable that the present form of the combined JE narrative of the spies, which makes the project of conquest fail in spite of Caleb's protests, is due to the theory that the conquest of any part of Canaan did not take place until the country as a whole was invaded by a combined movement from the east made by the whole of the tribes under the leadership of Joshua. This theory, as we have seen, accounts for the present form of Judges i. 16, 17, which makes the conquest of the Negeb to have been effected through a movement which took its start from Jericho. It is the Judaean document J which embodies the Calibbite tradition in Num. xxi. 1-3. The Ephraimite E, on the other hand (which is naturally the principal repository of the Joshua-tradition), from which is drawn the narrative which is found in Deut. i. 41-6, while mentioning the defeat of the Israelites, knows nothing, or at any rate will have nothing, of the subsequent victory as narrated by J. Our inference, then, is that clans which went to form the tribe of Judah (including North Arabian clans then or subsequently embodied in the tribe) advanced northward from Kadesh-Barnea ; and, in combination with the remnant of the tribe of Simeon (which, as we shall see later, after a disastrous attempt to effect a settlement in Central Palestine, appears to have moved south- ward), conquered the territory of Arad, and settled down in it, afterwards advancing their conquests farther north, into the country which is known to us later on as the Hill-country of Judah. If this inference be correct, it will help to explain to us a very number of spies is not mentioned and only Caleb is named, in P they are twelve, one from every tribe (so in Deut. i. 23), and their names are given ; in JE they confine their investigations to the Negeb and the Hill-country to its immediate north, as far as Hebron (xiii. 22), but according to P they explore the land ' from the wilderness of Zin unto Rehob, to the entering in of Hamath ' (xiii. 21), i. e. the whole of the territory which subsequently belonged tolsrael, when the kingdom was at the zenith of its prosperity (the reigns of David and Solomon). For an analysis of the narrative cf. Carpenter and Harford- Battersby, Hexateuch, ii, pp. 204 tf. ; Gray, NuDibers {Internat. Crit. Comm.^, pp. 138 ff. 32 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN striking fact in the later history, viz. the isolation of Judah and Simeon from the rest of the tribes. From the Song of Deborah, which celebrates the great victory over the forces of Sisera, it is clear that an organized attempt was made on that occasion to unite the tribes of Israel against the Canaanites. Ten tribes, including the tribes from the east of Jordan, are mentioned, either for praise as having taken part in the contest, or for blame as having held aloof. Judah and Simeon alone remain unnoticed. We must infer, therefore, that at that period they were so far isolated from the rest of the tribes that they were not even expected to take part in the common interests of Israel, and therefore received no call to arms. This single instance is in itself so striking that we need do no more than allude briefly in passing to the fierce rivalry which is pictured as existing between the men of Israel and the men of Judah in the days of David (2 Sam. xix. 41-3), and to the fact that the superficial union between Judah and the rest of the tribes which was effected under Saul, David, and Solomon, was readily dissolved at the beginning of Rehoboam's reign. Another striking instance in which our old J narrative ascribes to Joshua's initiative a movement which almost certainly took place independently of him — in this case at a later period— is seen in the migration of clans of Manasseh across the Jordan from west to east. The evidence which we have to notice concerns the important clan of Manasseh which bore the name of Machir. Machir is men- tioned in the redactional passage Joshua xvii. 1 b. 2 R^ as the first- born son of Manasseh, and in Num. xxvi. 29 P as the only son— a description which clearly implies that it was the predominant clan of its tribal group. Both passages associate Machir with the land of Gilead east of Jordan : in Joshua he is ' the father of Gilead ' pyS^n ' the Gilead ', i. e. clearly the district and not a person), and is termed ' a man of war ', possessing ' the Gilead and the Bashan '. In the same passage of Numbers (vv. 30 &.) six grandsons (sons of Gilead) are assigned to Machir, of whom at any rate Shechem ^ and I'ezer, i. e Abi'ezer (cf. Joshua xvii. 2), pertained to the territory of the u'estera division of Manasseh. In Joshua xvii. 1 b. 2 we find that the six grandsons of ^lachir according to P in Numbers are set down as his younger brothers. If this late evidence were all the information which we possessed with regard to Machir. we should naturally infer that this pre- ^ Vocalized ^~p, whereas the city is always Uy^' ; but the identity of the two caimot be doubted. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 33 dominant section of Manasseh settled first in Gilead, and that it was only subsequently that some of its clans made their way into central Canaan west of Jordan. If, however, the reconstruction of the original J narrative of the tribal settlement in Canaan which we adopted in the first lecture ^ is substantially correct, and Num. xxxii. 39, 41, 42 forms the sequel of Joshua xvii. 14 ff". which certainly belongs to this narrative, then Manasseh first of all effected a settlement in the Hill-country west of Jordan, and it was only subsequently to this that the clan of Machir, together with Jair and Nobah, finding their west-Jordanic territory too exiguous, pushed their way to the east of Jordan and made settlements there, acting, as we have seen (according to this narrative), at the advice of Joshua. There is, however, another reference to Machir which is most important of all, since it comes from a document which is regarded, on good grounds, as contemporary with the events which it narrates. The Song of Deborah alludes to Machir among the patriotic tribes which responded to the call to arms. The passage in the poem (Judges V. 13-15) which refers to these tribes runs, as I read it,^ as follows : Then down to the gates gat the nobles ; Yahweh's folk gat them down mid the heroes. From Ephraim they spread out on the Vale ; ' After thee, Benjamin ! ' mid thy clansmen. From Machir came down the commanders, And from Zebulun men wielding the truncheon. And thy princes, Issachar, were with Deborah ; And Naphtali was leal to Barak : To the vale he was loosed at his heel. Here we have Machir mentioned among west-Jordanic tribes, immediately after the other Joseph-tribes, Ephraim and Benjamin. It can hardly be doubted that the allusion is to west Manasseh. If this is not the case, there is no allusion at all to this part of Manasseh ; and supposing that a tribe so intimately associated with the scene of the battle had refused its aid, it would certainly have been bitterly censured in the Song. On the other hand, Gilead east of Jordan is mentioned, independently of Machir, and is censured for holding aloof (v. 17) ; the reference probably being to the tribe of Gad, which inhabited the southern portion of Gilead (south of 1 Cf. pp. 20 f. ^ For the emendations adopted in this passage cf. Burney, Judges, ad loc. B. D 34 ISRAELS SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN the Jabbok). We seem, therefore, to have choice of two hypotheses. Either the term ' Machir ' isused in the Song, by poetic licence, of Manasseh as a whole, and here refers to west Manasseh to the exclusion of Machir in Gilead ; or, the Manassite settlements at this period were west of Jordan only ; and the migration of Manassite clans (Machir, Jair, Nobah) to the east of Jordan, which the J narrative of the settlement supposes to have been carried out under the direction of Joshua, really only took place later than the victory of Barak and Deborah. This latter hypothesis is certainly to be preferred ; and, if correct, it forms a second illustration of the fact that our old J narrative of the settlement assigns to the direction of Joshua movements which were really undertaken independently of him, and at a different period. These facts being so, we now have to ask what credence we can attach to the tradition of an Israelite invasion of conquest from the east of Jordan under the leadership of Joshua. That Joshua is a genuinely historical figure, and that he actually did lead tribes across Jordan to the conquest of central Canaan, I see not the slightest reason to question. The combined J E tradition of a thrust from the east right across the Hill-countrj'', along the line marked out by Jericho, Ai, Gibeon, Beth-horon, the vale of Aijalon, is certainly not pure invention. It may very likely have gained accretions and embellishments during the oral stage, in the course of telling and retelling ; but that there underlies it a substratum of actual histor}' is inherently probable to say the least. This much might be affirmed with some confidence if we were dependent merely upon J and E with the lono- course of oral transmission which must be presupposed for the traditions which they offer us relating to these early times. It must not, however, be overlooked that we have, in Joshua X. 12, 13 (probably from the narrative of E), one of those precious fragments from an ancient song-book which we meet with here and there in the old narratives. The narrator tells us that, during the pursuit of the Amorites, Joshua said in the sight of Israel, ' " Sun, over Gibeon halt ! And thou moon o'er the vale of Aijalon ! " Then halted the sun, and the moon stood still. Till the folk requited its foes ; ' and he adds the comment that the passage is derived from a written source, the Book of Jashar, from which are also derived David's Lament over Saul and Jonathan, 2 Sam. i. 17 ff.. and (according THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 35 to the LXX text *) the words ascribed to Solomon at the dedication of the Temple in 1 Kings viii. 12, 18. Though the compilation of the Book of Jashar is obviously not earlier than the reign of Solomon (assuming it to be a fact that 1 Kings viii. 12, 13 was drawn from it), yet many of the poems contained in it were doubt- less indefinitely ancient, and are more likely than prose-narratives to have been handed down substantially unchanged. Whether it be the product of a ballad-maker who sang of the traditions of a much earlier time, or (as is quite possible) a contemporary composition like the Song of Deborah and David's Lament, tlie poetical frag- ment in any case offers us an additional source of confirmation for the events to which it refers, and that in written form certainly older than the prose-traditions of J and E. Who, then, were the tribes that, under the leadership of Joshua, made this bold and comparatively successful bid for supremacy in Canaan by force of arms ? Not Judah and Simeon in the south, as we have seen. Hardly, again, the tribes which Judges i simply pictures as there in Canaan maintaining a precarious footing in the midst of the Canaanites, whose fortified cities they could not reduce, and to whom they appear at first, to some extent at least, to have been subordinate. The fact is surely noteworthy that, apart from Judah and Simeon (with whom we have dealt), the only tribes to whom our old J narrative attributes any conquest are the central group, the Joseph-tribes, whom we find attacking and capturing Bethel, two or three miles north-west of Ai, which was captured, according to the Joshua-narrative, by Joshua's forces. The passage in Judges i certainly seems to picture an independent attack made by the Joseph-tribes upon the Hill-country, to which they go ivp, i. e. presumably, from the Jordan-valley after the passage of the river; 2 and it is not improbable that it originally formed part of a longer account in which this section of Israel carried out its campaign under the leadership of Joshua. This is the view of Budde, who suggests that J's narrative originally ran, ' And the house of Joseph went up to Ai ', and then followed on with an account of the capture of Ai, as in Joshua viii, before mentioning ^ This adds the words ovk Ibov avrrj yiypairrai iv /3i/3Xi&) (var. iir\ fii^Xiov) r^f coSj}? ; Here t»j? ,T is that of Geii^er iUrschriJi) nr.^n ^V^i*;, 'Then didst thou defile the couch of Bilhah.' THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 51 Jacob's handmaid-wife Bilhah which brought down the patriarch's curse upon his firstborn son — a figure which, if correctly divested of its symbolism and interpreted of inter-tribal relations, seems to picture some sort of aggression upon the rights of the Bilhah-clan. As we have seen, the two sections into which this clan was ultimately split, Dan and Naphtali, appear originally to have occupied a position together on the edge of the Hill-country east of Jerusalem (north and south respectively of the Wady Sarar, the ancient vale of Sorek). Now the description given by the P document in Joshua of the boundary-line between Benjamin and Judah mentions, as one of the defining points, the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben ' (Joshua xv. 6, xviii. 17), on the eastern section of the line where it rises from the Jordan valley to the Hill-country ; and the name seems to imply a tradition that the tribe of Reuben once occupied the district — a position from which it would have been easy to encroach upon the territory of the Bilhah-tribes to the wet. Reuben's subse- quent tribal misfortunes are traced to this incident in Gen, xlix. 4 ; but whether actually proiiter hoc or merely 'post hoc we have no means of determining, as we do not know why or when the tribe sought a new home east of Jordan.^ The eventual insignificance of Reuben was probably due to the fact that the territory in which it settled was a perpetual bone of contention between Israel and Moab. As to the early history of the tribes of Issachar and Zebulun there is even less to be said. Zebulun is in northern Canaan in Judges i. 30 ; but it is possibly significant that, in the short notices of the ' minor ' Judges, Tola, who is a man of Issachar, dwells in Shamir in the Hill-country of Ephraim ^ (Judges x. 1, 2) ; while ^ As Steuernagel remarks (Einwaiiderung, pp. 15 f.), the name may originally have been, not jHS J3N;, but il'^ f5^< ' thumb-stone ', owing to the resemblance of the stone to a thymb. Later on the stone was thought to resemble a human figure, and Bohan was taken as the name of a son of Reuben who had been punished by being turned to stone (cf. Gen. xix. 26). Possibly Bohan was pictured as the son of Reuben and Bilhah, and the punishment was thought to have resulted from the parents' sin (cf. 2 Sam. xii. 15). - We cannot be sure whether Reuben was west or east of Jordan during the period of the Judges. The Song of Deborah, after alluding to Reuben's failure to respond to the call to arms, goes on to state that ' Gilead (i. e. Gad) abode beyond Jordan ' ; and while the mention of the two tribes one after the other may imply contiguity east of Jordan, we might expect that the words ' abode beyond Jordan ' would have been applied to the first east-Jordan tribe which is mentioned, rather than to the second. ^ The term Q''"lD^J "in ' Mount Ephraim ' seems to have included the whole of the central part of the western mountain- range as far north as the plain of e2 52 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN Elon the Zebulonite is buried in Aijalon^ (Judges xii. 11, 12). This Aijalon is said to have lain ' in the land of Zebulun ' ; but the only Aijalon with which we are otherwise acquainted (the modern Yald) lies in the vale of the same name into which the Beth-horon road opens out. The notices of the ' minor ' Judges are late additions to the Book of Judges, and picture clans as individuals in the aiyle of the post-exilic Priestlj'- school ; but it is not unlikely that the information which they embody may be derived from an early source, and if so, there is some plausibilitj'^ in Prof. Steuernagel's suggestion that we have here traces of the earliest positions occupied bj^ these two tribes.^ If this assumption as to the early positions of Issachar and Zebulun be correct, we find five of the six Leah-tribes grouped together in early times in the central Hill-country, viz. Simeon and Levi in the Shechem-district, Issachar in a position which we are unable accurately to define, Zebulun in the south-west, and Reuben in the south-east. This may represent the distribution of these tribes in Canaan at a period possibly long prior to the entry of the Joseph-tribes under Joshua. The remaining Leah-tribe is Judah, concerning which the onl}^ evidence which we have so far deduced is that north Arabian clans subsequently included in it worked their way northward from the district south of the Negeb. The curious legend of Gen. xxxviii J pictures Judah, however, as enter- ing into relations with Canaanite clans in the neighbourhood of Adullam, probably west-south-west of Bethlehem ; and if this is a reflection of the earliest doings of the tribe, it may refer to the original Judah-nucleus, prior to its reinforcement by the north Arabian clans to which its name was subsequently extended. As Dr. Skinner has pointed out,^ the legend seems to belong to a stratum of tradition which ignored the Exodus, and traced the occupation of Canaan back to Jacob and his immediate descendants. Before leaving Issachar and Zebulun, we may notice that, when they reached their northern home, their tribal boundaries (if we are justified in speaking of ' boundaries '} seem to have been somewhat Esdraelon (i. e. the territory of Benjamin and Manasseb, as well as that of Ephraim proper) : cf. Hogg in Enci/c. Bill. 1311. ^ It is of course possible that the distinction between the name of the Judge |ib^N, and that of his burial-place P^'?<, which is one of vowel-points only, may be merely artificial. Elon is really a clan — and not a personal— name, and maj' very possibly have been borne by the village or district in which the clan resided. Cf. Noldeke, Untetsuchungen zur Kritik des A. T., p. 184. " Einwandenmg, pp. 12ff. ^ Cf. Genesis {Inteniat. Crit. Comnt.), pp. 419 f. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 53 different from those which are indicated in the Priestly document in the Book of Joshua. 'The Blessing of Moses' pictures them together as touching the Mediterranean, doubtless in the neighbour- hood of Accho and Carmel (Deut. xxxiii. 18, 19) : ' Rejoice, Zebulun, in thine outgoiugj And Issachar in thy settlement : ^ They call the peoples to the mountain; There they sacrifice sacrifices of righteousness: For they suck the abvmdance of the seas, And the hidden treasures of the sands,' Here ' the mountain ' is probably Carmel, which seems to have been the scene of an ancient festival, which 'the peoples' (other tribes) were accustomed to frequent. ' The hidden treasures of the sand ' refers to the manufacture of glass from the sand about Accho.^ Similarly, ' the Blessing of Jacob ' pictures Zebulun as dwelling by the sea (Gen. xlix. 13) : ' Zebulun shall dwell by the shore of the sea, And shall abide (?) in ships ; ^ And his flank shall be on Zidon.' According to Joshua xix, however, both tribes are entirely inland, and it is Asher that occupies the seaboard as far south as Carmel. It seems likely that the tradition of a conflict between Israel and a league of northern Cauaanites under Jabin, king of Hazor, which, as we saw in the first lectui-e,^ has been magnified by R'' in Joshua xi. 1 ff. into an attack by the whole of the Canaanites of the north upon the whole of Israel under the leadership of Joshua, really refers to a coalition of much less magnitude against two Israelite tribes only, the Leah-tribe Zebulun and the Bilhah-tribe Naphtali. Comparison of the prose and poetical accounts of the victory of Deborah and Barak in Judges iv and v makes it clear that ' Jabin, king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor ' is an intruder ^ T'?'^^?) usually rendered ' in thy tents ', in accordance with the ordinary usage of bni< in Hebrew. The term is, however, the philological equivalent of Arabic 1*1 'community of settlers', Babylonian dlu, 'city', originally 'settle- ment ' ; and we have in the present passage a survival of this wider and more primitive usage. Cf. also Deut. xvi. 7, Joshua xxii. 4, 6, 7, 8, Judges vii. 8, xix. 9, XX. 8, 1 Sam. xiii. 2, xx. 1, 22, 1 Kings viii. 66, xii. 16. ^ Cf. Di-iver, Deuteronomy (Internat. Cn't. Comni.), pp. 409 f. ^ The Hebrew text reads ' And be at the shore of ships ' ; but this can hardly be original. We desiderate a verb, and have followed Ball in emending ~W\ Cf. Judges v. 17. * Cf. pp. 14 f. 54 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN into the former. As the prose narrative stands, it is involved in serious difficulties, whether examined in relation to the Song or independently of it. Assuming, however, that Jabin, king of Hazor, (who has no place in the Song) is the king who figures in Joshua xi. 1 ff., and that we have in Judges iv a duplicate of Joshua xi. 1 fF. wrongly interwoven with the story of Deborah and Barak, then the difficulty of combining the prose and poetical accounts vanishes for the most part, and the Song (a contemporary composition) gives remarkable confirmation to the general accuracy of the prose narrative.^ Among the discrepancies between the prose and poetical accounts which call for explanation is the fact that, while the Song speaks of an attempted muster of ten Israelite tribes, six of which responded and did valiantly, the prose account speaks of Zebulun and Naphtali only {vv..6, 10). It may well be that the reference to these two tribes really belongs to the Jabin-narrative ; and considering the fact that the old narrative in Joshua xi. 1 mentions only Jabin, king of Hazor, and the kings of Madon, Shimi'on, and Achshaph, while the indefinite expansion of the league in vv. 2, 3 is editorial, it is likely that the truth is to be found in the supposition of a battle between these four Canaanite kings and the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali only. This collision may well have occurred when the two Israelite tribes left their home in the central Hill-country and migrated northward. Finally, we must consider veiy briefly the implication which is involved in the picturing of four Israelite tribes as sons of hand- maids and not full wives of Jacob. It is highly probable that these tribes were originally regarded as not fully Israelite, i. e. as partially (or, it may be, wholly) of alien extraction, and that it was only by degrees that they won their full place in the circle of the tribes. Let us take the case of Dan. The section of ' the Blessing of Jacob * which refers to this tribe begins with the couplet (Gen. xlix. 16), ' Dan shall judge his people As one of the tribes of Israel.' This can scarcely be explained to mean simplj^ that he shall main- tain his independence as successfully as any other tribe. It un- doubtedly implies that he will vindicate his claim to be reckoned as an Israelite tribe, i. e. will raise himself out of a position in which he was looked down upon as outside the full blood-brotherhood. As we shall see in the next lecture, there exists external evidence which seems to prove that the Zilpah-tribe, Asher, was already * Cf. Burney, Judges, pp. 78 ff. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 55 settled in its final position in north-western Galilee at a period prior to the Exodus ; ^ and it can hardly be doubted that all four tribes had occupied the land without a break for some time prior to that event. Whether the other Zilpah-tribe, Gad, was ever west of Jordan we cannot say. The terms of ' the Blessing of Jacob' (Gen. xlix. 19), ' Gad, raiders shall raid him ; And he shall raid their rear,' is entirely suitable to the position occupied by the tribe in Gilead in close proximity to Aramaean rovers to the north-east. There is a difference in the character of the tribal names of these handmaid-tribes as compared with the names of the full Israelite tribes (so far as we can explain them) which may possibly be significant of diversity of origin. The three names of handmaid-tribes which can be explained are the names or titles of deities, two of whom at any rate seem to have been astral in character.^ Gad is the god of fortune, whose worship among the renegade Israelites of post-exilic times is men- tioned in Isa. Ixv. 11, and who, as inscriptions prove, was venerated among the Aramaeans and Phoenicians.^ Baal-Gad in the Lebanon- district (cf. Joshua xi. 17, xii. 7, xiii. 3) was probably an important centre of his worship. Similarly, Asher seems to have been the masculine counterpart of the goddess Ashera, who, in her Arabian form Atirat, appears as consort of the Moon-god. It is probable that the curious expression ''ItJ'Xa which is put into the mouth of Leah as an explanation of the name of this tribe (Gen. xxx. 13 J), and is with difficulty interpreted ' In my good luck ', i. e. ' I am in luck ', is an intentional alteration of an original 1??'?| ' With (the help of) Asher ' ; * just as the similar expression "^J^ (Gen. xxx. 11 J) 1 Cf. pp. 82, 83. 2 This may also have been the case with Gad as the god of fortune. Cf. (according to the restoration of de Vogiie) the dedication QV^ ?'\U?, answering to the Greek 'Ayadfj Tvxn in a Phoenician inscription from Larnaka of about the fourth century B. c. {Corpus Iiisci-i2). Semit. i. 95). The terra 7JP is used ol the planets, regarded as stars of good or ill fortune {Bereshith rabba, 10, 10 c, &c.). ^ Cf. Baethgen, Beitrage zur semitischen Reliriionsfieschichte, pp. 76 ff. * Ball, SBOT. ad loc, proposes nn^rxn ' with (the help of) Ashera'. There is weighty evidence which points to the primitive connexion of Yahweh with the Moon-god (cf. Additional Note in Burney, Judges, pp. 249 ff.j ; and since it can now be shown conclusively that Yahweh or Yahu was originally an Amorite deity (cf. Additional Note in Burney, Judges, pp. 243 ff.), it seems to follow that 56 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN seems to mean ' With (the help of) Gad ', and has likewise been modified in the vocalized text (the K^re) into "ij >d Abha»dlnn(/eu, ii, p. 209) is inclined to think that traces may be found in the old Testament of Asher as a surname of Yahweh in several old poetical passages, especially in Deut. xxxiii. 29, which he renders, [Yahweh] is the shield of thine help, And Asher the sword of thine excellency. Such an explanation certainly relieves the difficulty of ^nixa 2'\r\ "it^NI, where 1t5'N, as vocalized in M. T., is taken for the relative pronoun ; R.V. ' And that is the sword, &c.' — a very awkward and unpoetical construction. Cf. further, note on 'the Ashera' in Burney, Judges, pp. 195 fif. ^ Cf. Burney, Judges, p. 352. THE BIBLICAL TRADITION EXAMINED 57 be proved from the Epic of GilgameS to have existed among the Semites.^ In the names of the purely Israelite tribes, on the other hand, divine names of this class seem to be non-existent ; but there are a number of names which are susceptible of explanation as animal- names, and which perhaps (as among the Arabs 2) point back to a primitive totemistic stage. Thus Le'ah, and perhaps Levi, seem to mean ' wild-cow ' or ' bovine antelope ' ; ^ Rachel is the ' ewe ' ; Sime'on very possibly the ' hj'^ena-wolf hybrid ',* and Re'uben more doubtfully the ' lion '.^ The Kenizzite clan Caleb incorporated in Judah is the ' dog '-clan. Tola' and Pu'ah, two ' sons ', i. e. clans of Issachar (cf. Gen. xlvi. 13; Num. xxvi. 23 P), mean respectively the cochineal insect,^ from which a red dye is extracted, and a plant which is a species of madder (Rubia tinctorwm),'^ the root of which is likewise used to produce a dye of similar colour. I have no theory to account for the fact that the two groups of tribes bear names of such different classes — the one group astral and the other perhaps totemistic. Possibly it may be accidental that they so divide themselves ; but the fact is at any rate worthy of notice. The reason why Bilhah is represented as the handmaid of Rachel, while Zilpah is the handmaid of Leah, seems obviously to be that, at the stage at which the legend originated, the Bilhah-tribes, Dan and Naphtali, dwelt in contiguity to the Joseph-tribes upon their ^ Cf. Additional Note in Burney, Judges, pp. 391 fF. * Cf. Robertson Smith, 'Animal worship and animal tribes among the Arabs and in the Old Testament ', Journal of Philology, ix (1680), pp. 75 ff. ; reprinted in Lectures and Essays, pp. 455 flf. ' Arabic la^y. Cf. Noldeke, ZDMG. xl, p. 16; Robertson Smith, Kinshij), ed. 2, pp. 227, 255 ; Delitzsch, Prolegomena, p. 80; Gray, Hebrew Proper Names, p. 96 ; Ed. Meyer, Israeliten, p. 426, note 3. * Arabic sim\ The identification of Sime'on with sim' goes back (accord- ing to Hogg, Encyc. Bibl. 4531) to Hitzig, Geschichte des Volkes Israel, p. 45, and is adopted by nobertson Smith, Journal of Philology, 1880, p. 80 ; and others. ^ Arabic rVhdl, ' lion ' (or ' wolf), makes plural ra'dbtl, which in a shortened form ra'duil would give Hebrew ?5iXl : cf. the form of the name 'Pov^qXos in Josephus, Antiquities, i. 19. 7 ; PeshittS, ^^^o*». So Lagarde, Onomastica Sacra, ed. 2, p. 367. * Hebrew V^iW, which means ' worm ' in Exod. xvi. 20 (more commonly fern. ny^^n ; cf. Babylonian iultti), is used in Isa. i. 18, Lam. iv. 5 to denote the crimson dye prepared from the insect. ■^ Arabic fuwicah. The Hebrew form nj3 Puwwah is given in Gen. xlvi. 13, Num. xxvi. 23. Eusebius explains Puah as fpvdpd : cf. Onomastica Sacra, 200, 1. 98. 58 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN south-west, whereas the Zilpah-tribes, Asher and Gad, were among the Leah-tribes, the one in the north, the other east of Jordan. Having reached this point in our discussion, we are in a position to pass on to the external evidence afforded by archaeology, in order that we may seek for light frqm that source upon the early movements of the tribes of Israel. LECTURE III EXTERNAL EVIDENCE AND CONCLUSIONS In attempting a survey of external evidence offered by archaeo- logical discovery which may possibly throw light upon the early movements of the Israelites and their ancestors, a natural starting- point to select is the Hyksos-domination of Egypt. Current theories as to the migration of Israel's ancestors from Canaan to Egypt take us back to this period ; and it is from this period that we have the earliest occurrence of a name which may possibly be brought into connexion with the Biblical tradition. Concerning the Hyksos our information from Egyptian sources is unfortunately very scanty. We know that they were foreign invaders who poured into Egypt from the north-east, subjugated the country for the most part, and established themselves there for a considerable period. The conclusion that they were Asiatic Semites seems now to be established. Whether the Egyptian annalist Manetho, upon whom we are still dependent for the main part of our information concerning this people, is right in explaining their title as meaning ' shepherd-kings ' ^ (from Egyptian Hyh = 'king', and 'soi>' = 'shepherd ', or rather 'nomad freebooter') is a disputed question ; ^ but at any rate some of the names of Hyksos chieftains which have come down to us from contemporary Egyptian sources are indisputably Semitic in character. Hyan, the most important Hyksos king known to us, bears a good Semitic name ; ^ ^ Cf. Josephus, Contra Apionem, i. 14. ^ On this interpretation sos is probably the Egyptian sasxt, a term applied to the Asiatic Bedawin. Breasted [History of Egypt, p. 217) objects to this explanation, and suggests that the real meaning of Hyksos is 'ruler of countries '—a title which Hyan, one of the Hyksos kings, often gives himself on his monuments. Cf. also Griffith in Proceedings of the Soc. of Bihl. Arch., xix (1897), pp. 296 f.; W. M. Miiller in Mitteilungen der Vorderasiat. Gesellsch., 1898, 3, pp. 4 ft-. ^ The name is borne by an Aramaean king of Ya'di in northern Syria in the ninth centur)^ B. c, and is written Ha-ia-ni in the annals of Shalmaneser III (cf. Keilinschriftliche Bihliothek, i, p. 170), and ST! in the inscription of Kalumu, the succeeding king of Ya'di (cf., for inscription, references given in Buruey, Judges, p. 174). GO ISRAELS SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN and among other names of autonomous chieftains there occur one which seems to represent the Semitic 'Anath-el, and another (most interesting to us in view of our present inquiry) which may be read as Jacob-el.^ When eventually driven out of Egypt by xVhmosi I, we find the Hyksos making a stand in Sharuhen (i. e. no doubt the city of that name mentioned in Joshua xix. 6 as assigned to Simeon in southern Judah), where they are besieged by Ahmosi for three years, and finally defeated by him in northern Syria ; ^ and we have, therefore good ground for the assumption that they were, in origin, the more or less civilized people of Amurru (to use the term applied by the Babylonians to the region stretching west- ward from the Euphrates, and including the whole Syrian littoral), and that their line of retreat lay, as was natural, into the land occupied by their kindred. The cause which originally led to the invasion of Egypt by these Semitic inhabitants of Amurru lies outside the scope of our present inquiry. We may, however, briefly observe that (as suggested by Mr. H. R. Hall) the almost contem- porary incursion into Western Asia of the Kassites from Ir^n and the Hittites from Asia Minor ' must have caused at first a consider- able displacement of the Semitic population, which was pressed south-westwards into southern Syria and Palestine ', and it may well have been as a result of this pressure that the Semites ' burst the ancient barrier of Egypt ', and invaded it in full flood.^ The length of the period covered by the Hyksos invasion and domination of Egypt is most uncertain. Prof. Petrie accepts and defends Manetho's statement that 511 years elapsed from their first invasion to their ultimate expulsion ; but Prof. Ed. Meyer and his followers allow conjecturally no more than one hundred years.* Mr. Hall seems to have good sense on his side in arguing for a figure between these two extremes — perhaps about two hundred years.^ The accession of Ahmosi I, who expelled them from Egypt, is dated c. 1580 B. C.6 ^ Cf. Petrie, Hi/ksos and Israelite Cities, pp. 68 f.; Hall, Ancient Histoiy of the Near East, 'p. 217 ; Spiegelberg in Orientaliatische Liieraiurzeitimg, vii (1904), col. 131. "^ Cf. the autobiographies of the two Egyptian officers named Ahmosi who took part in this war: Breasted, Ancient Eecords of Egypt, ii, §§ 1 if. ^ Cf. Hall, Ancient History of the Near East, p. 212 ; Luckenbill in American Journal of TJieology, xviii (1914), p. 32. * Cf. Meyer, Geschichte des AUeiiiinis, ed. 2, I. ii, p. 293 ; Breasted, History of Egypt, p. 221. 6 CI. Hall, Ancient Histoy of the Near East, pp. 23 If., 216 f.. 218. '^ The accession-dates given for Egyptian kings are those of Breasted. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 61 Invasion of Palestine and Syria, thus begun by Ahmosi I, the founder of the Eighteenth Egyptian dynasty, was carried farther by subsequent kings. Thutmosi I (c. 1539 B. c.) advanced vic- toriously through Syria as far as Naharin, i. e. the district included in the river-systems of the Orontes and the upper Euphrates, and set up a boundar3--tablet on the bank of the Euphrates to mark the northern limit of his kingdom.^ Thutmosi III (c. 1501 B.C.) did more than any other Egyptian monarch to win and consolidate an empire in Western Asia in a series of seventeen campaigns , lasting from c. 1479 to 1459 B. c.^ The first of these was signal- ized by a victor}'^ at Megiddo over a big coalition of ' the people of Upper Retenu ' (i. e. southern Syria, including Palestine). A list on the walls of the temple of Amon at Karnak of ' the people of Upper Retenu whom his Majesty shut up in wretched Megiddo ' contains 119 place-names, and is of great geographical interest.^ {'^ Among the names is one which is read as Jacob-el, and another, much more doubtfully, as Joseph-el.* Succeeding campaigns enabled Thutmosi gradually to extend his power farther north, and it was in the eighth of these that he reached the climax of his successes. Advancing into Naharin, he met and defeated ' that foe of wretched Naharin ', i. e., probably, the king of Mitanni, a considerable state which, though ultimately confined, through Thutmosi's victories, to the region beyond the upper Euphrates, seems at this time to have extended south-west of the Euphrates, and to have included Naharin. In the same campaign Thutmosi captured Carchemish, and crossing the ' 1. j Euphrates, set up his boundary-taljlet upon its eastern bank, beside that of Thutmosi I. ' Heta the Great', i.e. the Hittites of Cappadocia, now sent him presents ; and it is even possible that he may have received presents from Babylon.^ Thutmosi's remaining '■ Cf. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, ii, §§ 79, 81, 85. "- Ibid., ii, §§ 391 ff. ' Cf. W. M. Miiller, ^sien und Europa, pp. 157 ff.; Die PulSstinaliste Thut- mosis III (Mitteilungen der Vorderasiat. Gesellsch., 1907, 1). Petrie, History of Egypt, ii, pp. 320 ff., attempts to find a systematic arrangement in the list, and offers identifications, many of which must be deemed highly precarious. * Egyptian Y-'-k-b-d-ra and Y-s-p-'d-ra (Nos. 102 and 78). The latter equiva- lence is very doubtful, since the sibilant does not correspond with that of ^pi\ ^ It is a disputed question whether we should find allusion to ' tribute of the chief of Shin'ar ' (Heb. ly^C' a name of Babylonia), or whether the reference is to the modern Gebel Singar, north-west of Nineveh. Cf. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, ii, § 484 (foot-note) ; Hall, Ancient History of the Near East, p. 2 12. 62 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN campaicns in Syria were occupied in quellini;- revolts and generally consolidating the broad territory which he had won. It is from the reign of Thutuiosi III and onwards that we find occasional reference in Egyptian documents to a people called 'Apuriu or ^Apriu. The name is preceded by the Determinative which denotes foreigners. The allusion which falls in the reign of Thutmosi III comes from a tale which is said not to be a con- tempoi'ary document. It relates how, when Joppa was captured by a ruse by Thuty, a general of Thutmosi, Thuty sent a message to his troops outside by one of the 'Apiiriu. Other allusions, which belong to the reigns of Ra'messe II (c. 1292-25), Ra'messe III (c. 1198-67), and Ra'messe IV {c. 1167-61), picture the 'Aimrin in Egypt, performing (like the Hebrews of Exod. i. 11 ff'.) heavy manual labour in connexion with the building operations of the Pharaohs, especially the quarrying and transportation of stone. The theory that the 'Apurixi are the Hebrews (Heb. 'ibhrhn) was long ago advanced.^ but met with little success, the main consensus of Egyptological opinion being opposed to it. Lately it has been revived, and supported by arguments of some weight ; ^ and if the philological difficulty of equating the two names (the representation of Hebrew b by Egyptian p)) be not insuperable, it seems possible that the names may coincide.^ Since, however, the latest reference to this people as employed in Egj^^pt dates from the reign of Ra'messe IV — a period at which, on any plausible hypothesis, the Exodus must already have taken place, our inference (if we accept the identification) must be that some Hebrew^s (not necessarily Israelites) were still in Egypt after the Exodus. As is well known, the Israelites were a part only, and not the wdiole, of the Hebrew stock ; and, assuming that the 'A2Jurm were the Hebrews, we can ^ Cf. Chabas, Melanges Egyptologiqties, I Ser., 1862, pp. 42-55 ; II. Ser., 1864, pp. 108-65; Ebers, Aegypten nnd die Biicher Mose's, 1868, p. 316; Durch Gosen ziim Sinai, ed. 2, 1881, pp. 505 f. 2 Cf. especially Heyes, BiheUind Agypten, 1904, pp. 146-58. The identifica- tion is regarded as plausible by Skinner {Genesis in Int'ernat. Crit. Conim., pp. 218 ft'.), Driver {Exodus in Cambridge Bible, pp. xli f., where a synopsis is given of all mentions in Egyptian inscriptions), and other Biblical scholars ; though among modern Egyptologists Maspero {Les Premieres Melies des Peuples, p. 443, n. 3; Contes piopidaires, p. 119, n. 3) and Breasted {Ancient Records of Egypt, iv, § 281, n. e) definitely reject it, while W. M. Miiller [Encijc. Bibl. 1243) more guardedly refi>6es to decide either for or against it. 3 That the interchange between Hebrew b and Egyptian/), though rare, does actually occur is proved by Heyes, op. cit., p. 148 (his best instance is Eg. hurpu = Heb. nnn ' sword '). Cf. also Burchardt, Die altkanaanaischen Fremd- uoiie iind Eigennamen im AegyptitcJien, § 50. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 63 only accept the identification in the widest sense borne by the name, and must not (on present evidence) narrow it down specifi- cally to the Israelites. The value of the identification (if such it be) lies in its confirmation of the Biblical tradition that Hebrew clans migrated with ease into Egypt, and were employed there in heavy manual task- work. Egypt's Asiatic empire was maintained unimpaired under Thutmosi Ill's successors, Amenhotp II (c. 1448 B.C.) and Thut- mosi IV (c. 1420 B.C.); though both these monarchs had to quell rebellions which broke out in northern Syria and Naharin at, or shortly after, their accessions. The authority of Egypt was, how- ever, efi'ectively maintained by official representatives and garrisons in the larger towns ; and the system of allowing the Syrian cities a large measure of autonomy under their petty chieftains proved, on the whole, to be justified. The marriage of Thutmosi IV with the daughter of Artatama, king of Mitanni, was a judicious measure which gained for Egypt an ally upon the north-eastern limit of her Asiatic kingdom ; and it was probably owing to this that Amen- hotp III, the son of Thutmosi by his Mitannian queen, succeeded to the empire without having to meet any insurrection on the part of the turbulent elements in Naharin. For the reigns of Amenhotp III (c. 1411 B.C.) and his successor Amenhotp IV (c. 1375 B. c.) we possess the evidence of the corre- spondence discovered at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt in 1887,^ which is of unique importance for the history of Syria and the surrounding- countries of Western Asia in their relation with Egypt and with one another. At this period (as the Amarna letters first proved to us) the language of diplomacy and commerce in Western Asia was Babylonian, and correspondence was carried on in the cuneiform script, written upon clay tablets. Many of these letters are addressed to the king of Egypt by the independent rulers of the neighbouring kingdoms of Western Asia — Babylonia or Kardunias (to give the kingdom its Kassite name), Assyria, Mitanni, &c.— who were naturally concerned to preserve good diplomatic relations ^ The most recent edition of the Amarna letters is that b}- J. A. Knudtzon, Die el-Amarna Tafeln (1908-15), which takes the place of H. Winckler's edition (KeilinschriftHche Bihliotheh, v, 1896) as the standard edition for scholars. The cuneiform text of the Berlin collection of tablets has been published by Abel and Winckler, Der Tlionlafelfund von el-Amarna (1889), and that of the British Museum collection by Bezold in Budge and Bezold, Tel el-Amarna Tablets in th<> Brit. Mus. (1892). All the original tablets were exhaustively collated by Knudtzon for his transliteration and translation of the texts. Bohl, Die Sprache der Amarnahriefe (1909), is important for philology. 64 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN with Egypt. These, tliough of first importance for the history of the times, do not here concern us, except incidentally. It is the correspondence of the subject-kinglets which brings most vividly before us the condition of Syria and Canaan at the time, and the causes which were leading to the gradual weakening of Egypt's hold upon her Asiatic possessions. In the i-eign of Amenhotp III the Egyptian Empire was at its zenith, and the luxury and magnificence of the kingdom had never been surpassed. This, however, was due to the continuous eftbrts of the Pharaoh's warlike ancestors : he seems himself to have been content to enjoy the fruits of past achievement, and not to have been greatly concerned M'ith the maintenance of the tradition of empire-building. Thus already in his reign we discover the be- ginning of movements which were destined ultimately to bring about the decline of Egypt's suzerainty over the coast-land of Western Asia. It was under Amenhotp IV, however, that the crisis became acute. This king is remarkable as the introducer into Eg^^pt of a new form of religion, a kind of philosophic monotheism which centred in the worship of the solar disk (called in Egyptian, Aton). Repudiating the name Amenhotp, he adopted the name Ahnaton (' Spirit of Aton ') ; and having removed his capital from Thebes, where the power and influence of the old religion were naturally at their strongest, he founded a new capital, some 300 miles lower down the Nile and about 160 miles above the Delta, to which he gave the name Ahetaton (' Horizon of Aton '). This is the modern Tell el-Amarna. Wholly absorbed in his religious speculations and in domestic life, the king cared little about the fate of his Asiatic provinces; and letters from the native princes and governors of Syria and Canaan speak again and again of the growing spirit of disaffection towards Egypt, or beg for assistance in the face of open revolt. The trouble arose principally from the encroachment of the Hittites upon northern Syria. The Hittites were an Anatolian people, concerning whose earlier history we have but scant informa- tion. Probably they formed at first a collection of semi-independent tribes, 'loosely united by the bond of a common extraction. About the time of which we. are speaking, however, there arose among them a powerful leader named Subbiluliuma, son of a certain Hattusili who was king of a city named KuSsar, who succeeded in binding the Hittite clans into a strong confederation. Subbi- luliuma's reign, of probably some forty years (c. 1385-1345 B. c), was EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 65 a long career of conquest resulting in the creation of an empire which lasted under one dynasty for nearly 200 years. His capital city, which was called Hatti, lay east and north of the river Halys in the district which was known in later ages as Cappadocia. The site of this city is marked by the modern village of Boghaz Keui ; and here Prof. Winckler recently discovered the Hittite archives, containing an immense store of tablets written in cuneiform, some in the Babylonian, and others in the Hittite language. The Hittite language is for practical purposes as yet undeciphered, but the Babylonian tablets have added immensely to our knowledge of the Hittites and their foreign relations, even though at present we are dependent upon Winckler's preliminary account, containing translations of the more important inscriptions, which was published in the Mitteilungen der deutscJien Orient- Gesellschaft in December, 1907.^ Publication of full transcriptions of the documents has been long delayed ; but two fasciculi con- taining many important inscriptions were brought out in Germany at the end of last year.^ In the latter years of Amenhotp III we find Subbiluliuma crossing the Taurus, and leading his forces to the attack of northern Syria, The safe retention of Naharin as an Egyptian province depended as we have noticed, largely upon the goodwill of the king of Mitanni ; and the alliance which had been contracted through the marriage of Thutmosi IV with a Mitannian princess had been further cemented by the union of Amenhotp III with Gilu-Hipa, sister of Tusratta, the reigning king of Mitanni, and subsequently with Tadu-Hipa, Tusratta's daughter, who, after the death of Amenhotp III, became a wife of his successor Ahnaton. TuSratta, however, had succeeded to a kingdom weakened by internal intrigues, his brother Artassumara, who reigned before him, having been assassinated. He was strong enough to repel the Hittites from Mitanni for the time being, but could not prevent Subbilu- liuma from invading Naharin, where the projects of the Hittite king were furthered by another brother of Tusratta, named (like his grandfather) Artatama. This prince, having very possibly been implicated in the murder of Artassumara, had been obliged to fly from Mitanni to Naharin, and, with his son Sutatarra, and grandson Itakama, of whom we hear later on as prince of Kinza or Kid§a (i. e. the district of which the principal city was Kadesh on the ^ Hereafter cited as MDOG. ^ Keilschrifitexte aus Boghazkoi, Autographien von H. H. Figulla und E. F. Weidner, Oktober 1916. B. F 66 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN Orontes), welcomed the opportunity of intriguing with the Hittites against Tusratta. Farther south, Abd-Asirta was chieftain of Axiiurru, a name which in the usage of this period is restricted to the region immediately south of Naharin, i.e. the Lebanon-district and the desert country to the east as far as the Euphrates,^ em- bracing the important series of oases which mark the short route from Babylonia through Syria to Egypt. This Amorite prince perceived that his own interests would best be served by making common cause with the Hittites, and attacking the rulers of the Phoenician coast-cities, who were loyal to Egypt. For a time he and his son Aziru managed with amazing astuteness to pass them- selves off as faithful vassals of Egypt, in spite of the urgent repre- sentations of Rib-Adda, the governor of Gebal, who displayed the utmost energy in the Egyptian cause. Amenhotp III seems at length to have been convinced of the true state of affairs, and to have dispatched an army; and the tension was temporarily relieved.^ Under Ahnaton. however, no such help was forthcoming ; and the Phoenician cities fell one after another into the hands of the Amorites.^ Meanwhile in the south affairs were little better ; local dissensions were rife among the petty Canaanite princes, and we find them engaged in active intrigue against their suzerain, and at the same time sending letters to the Pharaoh full of protestations of loyalty and accusations against their neighbours. So far as we can judge, ARAD-Hiba, the governor of Jerusalem, stood faithfully for the interests of the Egyptian king ; but he seems to have stood almost alone. His letters make urgent and repeated requests for the dispatch of Egyptian troops, and state that, unless they can speedily be sent, the whole country will be lost to Egypt. The part played by the Hittites and Amorites in the north is filled in the south by a people called Habiru.'^ The Habiru are mentioned under this name in the letters of ARAD-Hiba'^ only. He states that they have plundered all the ' Cf. p. 76, n. 1. = Cf. Knudtzon, no. 117, 11. 21 ff. ^ For a detailed account of the movements of Subbiluliuma and the north Syrian rebellion cf. Hall, Ancient History of the Near East, pp. 341 fF. * Most writers refer to this people as Habiri ; but, as Knudtzon points out (cf. p. 45 note), out of the seven (or eight) passages in which they are mentioned the form is Hahiru in the two cases in which the name stands as a Nominative, Habiri (with the Genitive tei-mination) being in all occurrences an oblique form. So Dhorme in Retme BibJique, 1909, p. 67, note 2. ^ This name, which means ' Servant of (the goddess) Hiba ', is probably J* EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 67 king's territory and occupied his cities ; unless the king can send troops before the end of the year the whole of his territory will certainly fall away to them. Certain of the vassals, notably one Milkili and the sons of Labaya, are accused of conspiring with the Habiru and allowing them to occupy the king's territory ; and the district of Shechem ^ seems to be specified as having passed into their hands. The cities of Gezer, Ashkelon, and Lachish appear to have been implicated in assisting them.^ Indeed, ARAD-Hiba states that he has been obliged to tax the king's own high-com- missioner with playing into their hands, and that on this account he has been slandered to the king. In this last reference the question addressed by ARAD-Hiba to the commissioner, ' Wherefore lovest thou the Habiru, and hatest the city -governors ? ' — sets them in contrast to the latter,^ who represent the delegated authority of Egypt. Hittite-Mitannian, since Hiba or Hipa is known to have been a Hittite- Mitannian goddess (cf. the names Gilu-Hipa, Tadu-Hipa borne by Mitannian princesses ; Pudu-Hipa, wife of the Hittite king Hattusili II) ; and, if this is so, it follows that the Sumerian ideogram AR AD, ' servant ', probably stands for the Hittite or Mitannian word for ' servant ', which is unknown to us. The ordinarily accepted form Abdi-Hiba (reading the Hebrew or Canaanite ''I^J? for the ideogram "-ti^y) is based upon the assumption that the man was a Semite, which is very improbable. Cf. Burney, Judges^ Introd. p. Ixxxvi. ^ (Matu) §a-dlc-mi, according to Knudtzon's reading (no. 289, 1. 23). Winckler (no. 185) fails to make sense of the passage. "^ This is an inference only ; though a fairly certain one. In the letter in question (Knudtzon, no. 287) there comes a break of about eight lines, after which ARAD-Hiba continues, ' Let the King know that all the states are leagued in hostility against me. Behold, the land of Gezer, the land of Ashkelon, and Lachish gave unto them food, oil, and everything that they needed ; so let the King have a care for his territory, and dispatch bowmen against the men who have done evil against the King my lord.' Here it can scarcely be doubted that the object implied in ' gave unto them ' is the Habiru, who must have been mentioned in the missing passage. So Weber in Knudtzon, p. 1337. ^ The term 'hazan{n)u, hazianii, plur. hazanutu, is doubtless the same as New Heb. |jn which means 'inspector' or 'overseer'. Cf. the referenco ^o Jacob as a ' city-overseer' (sno JTn) under Laban, quoted by Buxtorf, Lexicon, S.V., from Baha mesia. The ordinary New Heb. usage of pn to denote a synagogue-overseer or minister is technical and secondaiy. Besides the title hazanu, the ordinary title by which the Syrian vassal-chieftains describe themselves to the Egyptian king, and are described by him (cf. Knudtzon, no. 99), is amehi, ' man ' of such and such a city. To outsiders they are miruni, 'kings' (cf. Knudtzon, no. 30), a title which is fam'iliar to us as applied to them in the Old Testament, and which was doubtless always claimed by them when independent of the suzerainty of P^gypt. f2 68 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN The question of the identity of the Habiru has aroused greater interest and keener discussion than any other point raised by the Amarna Letters. Were they, as has often been alleged, identical with the Hehreivs, i. e. with the clans which are pictured in Genesis - / as the descendants of Abi-aham the Hebrew, who may well have f • f been pressing into Canaan at about this period ? Were thej' even (as has been more boldly suggested) the tribes of Israel engaged j "1 under Joshua in the invasion and conquest of the Promised Land ? The acceptance of this latter view involves (as we shall presently see) the abandonment of the commonly received conclusion as to the date of the Exodus, and the placing of this event at least two hundred years earlier. The philological equivalence of {aineliXtu) Ha-hi-ru ^ with ^1'^V Hbhri, ' Hebrew '■ — or rather, since the form is not a gentilic, with l^y 'Ebher, LXX "E^ep (Gen. x. 21, xi. 14, &c.)— is perfect. About this there can be no doubt at all. As is well known, Hebrew y 'Ay in corresponds to the two Arabic sounds c 'A in and p. Gain; and the evidence of LXX transliterations of Hebrew names indi- cates that, when Hebrew was a spoken language, two sounds of y, a softer and a rougher, were distinguished as in Arabic. Thus y = c is represented in LXX by a light breathing ^ (e. g. ''^V = 'HXi, nn]y = 'A^apid), whereas y = p appears as a P (e. g. 'ijy = Fa^d, iTiby = Fofioppa, "ly^' = ^rjyoap, Zoyop). Since "^V. appears in LXX as "E^ep, and ''I^V as 'EfSpaio^, we infer that the initial y is of the softer kind. Instances of soft y represented by H in the Amarna Letters are frequent. The following may be noted : Canaanite ' glosses ' (i. e. Canaanite words inserted in the Letters in explanation of Babylonian words) : hi-na-ia = ''^''V. (Arabic ^^), gloss on ini-ia (written iilGI-ia) : Knudtzon, no. 144, 1. 17. ha-pa-ru ^ = "isy (Arabic root_^), gloss on ijira (written SAGAR- ra): Knudtzon, no. 143, 1. 11. ha-zi-ri = "^"'>*V (probablj' passive participial form for "i^^'V- Arabic rootle), gloss on i-ka-al : Knudtzon, no. 138, 1. 130. ziL-ru-uh = y"""!] (Arabic pKi), gloss on kdt (written SU) : Knudtzon, no. 286, 1. 34; no. 2g7, 1. 27. The same form is also used ^ Ameliitu, ' men ', or sing, amelu, ' man ', are used as Determinatives before the names of tribes or classes. ^ It would be more accurate to say that it was unrepresented in writing, the breathings being absent in the earliest MSS. 8 We also find the gloss a-pa-ni : Knudtzon, no. 141, 1. 4. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 69 twice in place of the Babylonian term : Knudtzon, no. 286, 1. 12 ; no. 288, 1. 14. Similarly, ha-ah-lwin = -'5?? (LXX ^daX, Arabic Jx>) in the proper names Pu- ba-ah-la, Mu-ut-ba-ah-lum: Knudtzon, no. 104, 1. 7; no. 255, 1. 3. Ha-nnu = '"^y (Arabic *c) in the proper name Ha-onu-ni-rl ^ (cf. the same element in Ha-am-mu-ra-hi) : Knudtzon, no. 137, 11. 15, 66,69,88; no. 138,11. 52, 132. Place-names : (ondtu) Ki-na-ah-hi (variants Ki-na-a-ah-hi, Ki-na-hl, Ki-na-ah- na, Ki-na-ah- III) = |y?3 (LXX Xavdav) : frequent. (dlu) Sa-ar-ha = '"i^"]? (LXX Hapad, modern Arabic ic^) : Knudt- zon, no.^273, 1. 21. (dlu) Hi-ni-a-na-hi = 235? pj? : Knudtzon, no. 225, 1. 4. (dlu) Ta-ah-\^nu-kct\ = 'H^V^ (LXX ©aai^dx, modern Arabic di-Lx.)) : Knudtzon, no. 208, 1. 14. Were it necessary to go outside the Amarna letters, this list might easily be increased by the addition of Amorite proper names in Babylonian First dynasty tablets, e. g. A-bi-e-su-uh (by the side of A-bl-e-ki-') = y'lti'nN (South Arabian yn>3s) ; Ya-di-ih-el = ^xi?n^; Ya-as-ma-ah-^'"' Da-gan = fJ'^V^f ! ; &c. The vocalization of Ha-bi-ru is also agreeable to an equivalence with ">?y. P^re Dhorme's statement ^ that Habini is a participial form is unwarranted (we never find it written Ha-a-hl-ru, i. e. Hdbiru). Habiru is not a gentilic form like Hebrew sing. ''l^V, plur. D''"!9V (the Babylonian gentilic form would be Hahird : cf. p. 77), but a substantive form like "1?^ (the eponym of "'I^V) with the nominative case-ending. The short i vowel in Habiriv might very well vary: cf. Ai'mu, Aramu, Arimu, ^rur/iu = Hebrew Ci"3X, A good analogy for Habiru = l^J? may be seen in Bit-Adini = Discussion of the identity of the Habiru with the Hebrews is closely bound up with another question of identification. As we have ob- served, the (amehltu) Ha-bi-riv (or -ri) are only mentioned in this form (i.e. their name only occurs spelt out syllabically) in the letters of ARAD-Hiba. Many other letters, however, mention a people whose name is written ideographically (ameliltu) SA-GAZ, who ^ Also written Am-mii-ni-ra : Knudtzon, no. 136, 1. 29; no. 141, 1.3; no. 143, 1. 3. * Revue Biblique, 1909, p. 72. ^ Probably ]"!]} should be HV, but is differentiated by M. T. from the I"!}? of Gen. ii : cf. W, M. Muller, Asien tind Euwpa, p. 291, note 4. 70 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN occupy a position as freebooters and aggressors against constituted authority identical with that occupied by the Habiru. The question is whether SA-GAZ is merely the ideographic method of writing Habiru, and the reading Habiru to be assumed wherever the ideogram occurs. The importance of this is to be found in the widespread character of the aggressions of the SA-GAZ. If the Habiru are identical with them, they must have permeated not merely southern and central Canaan, but also Phoenicia and northern Syria ; for the SA-GAZ are mentioned, e.g., witli especial frequency in the letters of Rib- Adda, governor of Gebal, as employed by Abd-Asirta and Aziru in the reduction of the Phoe- nician cities.^. The view that SA-GAZ is to be read as Habiru, *» which has always been regarded with favour by the majority of scholars, is now generally supposed to have been placed bej^ond question by Prof. Winckler's discovery of the interchange of the two terms in documents from Boghaz Keui. This scholar states that, besides mention of the SA-GAZ-people, there is also reference to the SA-GAZ-gods, and that as a variant of this latter there exists the reading ildni Ha-bi-ri, i.e. ' Habiru-gods '.^ This dis- covery, while certainly proving a general equivalence of the Habiru with the SA-GAZ, does not, however, necessarily involve the con- clusion that SA-GAZ in the Amarna correspondence was always and everywhere understood and i^ronounced as Habiru: indeed, the contrary can be shown to be the case. We have definite evidence in proof that (amelu) SA-GAZ was ordinarily read in Babylonian as habbatum, ' robber ' or ' plunderer '." No doubt the common Babylonian verb sagdsu, which means to destroy, slay, and the like, is a semiticization of the Sumerian ideogram ; and the element GAZ, which in its pictographic form clearly represents a cutting or striking weapon,* has by itself the ^ All allusions to the SA-G-AZ are collected by Weber in Knudtzon, p. 1147. 2 Cf. MDOG. XXXV, p. 25 note. For the former, cf. Figulla and Weidner, Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoi 1, no. 1, Rev. 1. 50; no. 3, Rev. 1. 5; for the latter, no. 4, Rev. col. iv, 1. 29. ^ In a syllabary given in Rawlinson, Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, ii. 26, 13 g-h, {amelu) SA-GAZ is explained by liah-h[a-tum]. In another tablet (cf. R. C. Thompson, The Reports of Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon, i, no. 103, obv. 7) the ideogram is glossed by hab-ha-a-te. Pi The pictographic linear script was written from top to bottom of a document. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 71 values ddhu, ' to kill, fight, strike ', mahdsu, ' to smite, wound' (Heb. yno), &c.^ Possibly the root hahdtu, from which habbatum is derived, though it regularly means ' to plunder ', may have an original connexion with the root hbt which runs through Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic with the sense ' to strike or beat ' — in which case the root-sense of habbatu')n would be ' cut-throat ' rather than ' thief ' (the two actions implied are commonly united among the nomad tribes of the Arabian desert). "WTien the pictographs came to be modified into groups of wedges (cuneiform), and the lines ran from left to right, the signs were correspondingly turned sideways, and the ideogram in question became J^^^_j^» The explanation of the ijictograph given above is likewise adopted by Barton, The Origin and Development of Buhijlonian Writing, no. 194 ('some instrument for crushing or fighting or both '). This GAZ seems to be the root which under- lies a large number of Semitic triliterals which have been modified in different ways to express different kinds of cutting ; e. g. Heb. rffJ, whence T\''\l ' cutting ', so 'cut stone', New Heb. XJ3, Syr. )j^'to cut off; Heb. TIJ 'to shear', whence "3 'fleece shorn off' (Aram. NJ3, Syr. JTx^. Bab. gizzu Sa sent), ' mown grass ' ; Heb. ?"\^ 'to tear away', Ar. J-a. 'to cutoff'; Heb. D"M, whence D|3 'locusts' as devouring (cutting off) vegetation. New Heb. DW, Syr. pI^ Ar. 'Ji, Eth. VHffD ' to cut oft' ' ; Heb. yi:, whence y]?. ' stock, stem ' as cut portion (Syr. )l^)<4s,)> ^^'- 9-j^ 'to cut off', Eth. VHO 'to saw in two'; Heb. Ti: 'to cut, divide ', New Heb., Aram., Ar., Eth., id. GAZ appears in the slightly modified forms KAS, KAS, KAS, and we have the first of these running through another large series of roots; Heb. 2"^P 'to cut off', 3^i? 'shape', also 'extremity' as cut off; n-Vp 'to cut off', nifi? ' end, extremity', New Heb., Aram., Nl|i?, Syr. )lo 'to break off', Ar. US ' to be remote ' ; Heb. .Tifp, whence pif^ 'judge' as deciding, Ar. ^ ' to decide judicially ', ^l3 Kddi (the differentiation between ^ and Us appears to have been made for the purpose of differentiating the sense) ; Heb. y"i*P ' to break off ', when yifpO ' corner-buttress ', Syr. ^is, Ar. Iki (if for ^^) ; Heb. y)ip 'to cut off', Y\>. 'end', Syr. ^ 'to make an agreement ' (decision), Ar. ^% Bab. kasdsu ' to cut off ' ; Heb. TSp ' to be short' (lit. 'cut short'). New Heb., Aram., Syr., Ar. id. (but probably not lip ' to reap ', whence T'Vi? ' harvest ', which seems to embody, not the idea of ctitting, but that of linding, and should be analysed as n^-p, belonging to the SAR, SAR, ZAR, TAR, TAR, DAR series with the sense ' go round ', ' surround ', 80, in some cases, 'bind.' We notice an ascending scale of prefixed initial gutturals employed for triliteralization in 1i*~X^ nx-y, lifn, "lif-p : cf. Burney, Judges, p. 69; Ball, Semitic and Sumerian in HiJprecht Anniversary Volume, pp. 41 f.). The Sumerian knife-sign in its values KUD(T, T), KUD(T, T), GUD(T, T) appears to represent an allied root. 1 Cf! Brunnow, 4714ff. 72 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN That (cnnelu) SA-GAZ has its normal value in the Amarna letters is placed beyond doubt by the occurrence, in a letter from Yapahi of Gezer ^ of the form (amelu) SA-GAZ-ME§ (-tum).^ Here -tiLTii is a Phonetic Cc'.nplement,2 pointing to a Babylonian equiva- lent which ends with this syllable — a fact which indicates the equivalent habbatum and excludes Habiru (or -ri). In view of this we may infer that in a letter from Dagan-takala,* in which he begs help of the king of Egypt — ' Deliver me from the mighty foes, from the hand of the '(amel'dtu) SA-GA-AZ-ME§, the robber- people {ciineliXtu ha-la-ti), the Sutu (ameliitu Su-ti-i) ' — we have, not the specification of three distinct classes of foes, but of two only, aTJieMtu ha-ba-ti being simply an explanatory gloss upon {ameUhi) SA-GA-AZ-MES.^ We conclude, then, that wherever the ideogram SA-GAZ stands in the Amarna letters, the equivalent that was understood and read was not Hahiru but habbatum, 'the robber-people' or 'brigands'. It is a different question whether. the Habiru were included among the people who could be classed as habbatum. That this is to be affirmed appears to be certain from the equivalent *SA-GAZ-gods' = 'Habiru-gods', discovered by Winckler in the 1 Knucltzon, no. 299, 1. 26. ^ MES, which means ' multitude ' (explained in syllabaries by Babylonian tna'adu), is used as the sign of the plural. ^ A Phonetic Complement is often used in cuneiform in order to obviate doubt as to the precise Babylonian word or form denoted by an ideogram. Thus, e. g.,the name Uta-napistim, which is commonly written ideographically UD-ZI, often has the syllable -tim added to indicate that ZI has the value napiHim. MU, which means ' to speak' in Sumerian, and so can be used for the Babylonian zakciru with the same meaning, may be written MU(-rtr), ^IU(-;'a) to indicate the precise form of the verb izakkar, izakkara. Thus perfect clearness is gained without the labour of writing the forms syllabically i-zak-kar, i-zak-ka-ra. * Knudtzon, no. 318. ^ It is true that ameliitu ha-ba-ti is not preceded by the diagonal wedge which as a rule marks a gloss; but this is sometimes omitted (cf. Knudtzon, no. 14y, 1. 31 ; no. 288. 1. 34. In no. 288, 1. 52 the wedge follows the gloss at the beginning of the next line.) The fact that Dagan-takala (or his scribe) did not know the ideogram GAZ, and so was obliged to write GA-AZ (which only occurs in this passage), favours the view that he may have glossed the ideogram in order to avoid misunderstanding. Dhorme [Revue Biblique, 1909, p. 69) compares Knudtzon, no. 195, 11. 24 ff., where Namyawaza offers to place his SA-GAZ and his Sutu at the disposal of the Pharaoh. ' These in fact are the two designations which describe the soldiers of the irregular and rebel army. There is no ground for regarding the Ha-ba-ti as a third group. Everything thus favours reading GAZ or S.\-GAZ as Habbatu.' In Knudtzon, no. 207, 1. 21, we actually find (anielu) GAZ-MES followed by the diagonal wedge and then the syllable ha-, after which the tablet is broken and illegible. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 73 documents from Boghaz Keui.^ When, further, while ARAD-Hiba refers exclusively to the encroachments of the Habiru, and does not mention the SA-GAZ, other princes in the south refer in a similar connexion and in similar terms to the encroachments of the SA-GAZ and make no allusion to the Habiru, the inference is inevitable that the terms Habiru and SA-GAZ refer in these letters to one and the same people.^ We must next notice that SA-GAZ, though meaning habbatum, ' robbers ', is not, as used in the Amarna Letters, a mere class-term (i. e. applicable to any body of people, of whatever race, who might adopt a bandit-life), but is definitely employed of a tribe or tribes from a 2^ciTticular locality, and united by racial affinity. This is clear from the fact that the ideogram is followed in two of its occurrences by the affix KI, ' countiy ' or ' place ',^ which is used both with the names of countries and districts and with the names of tribes emanating from such districts. In one occurrence of Habiru we likewise find KI added/ marking the term similarly as racial and not merely appellative. We may assume, then, with confidence that the connexion between the Habiru and the SA-GAZ was a racial one ; though it does not necessarily follow that all the SA-GAZ were Habiru — since, on the evidence which we have ' Cf. p. 70. ^ Cf. especially ARAD-Hiba's statement, ' Behold, this deed is the deed of Milkili and the sons of Labaya, who have given up the King's territory to the Habiru ' (Knudtzon, no. 287, 11. 29 ff.), with the statement of Biridiya ot Megiddo, ' Behold, two sons of Labaya have gi[ven] their money to the SA-GAZ ' (Knudtzon, no. 246, 11. 5 S.). Cf. also the words of Labaya, ' I do not know whether Dumuya has gone with the SA-GAZ ' (Knudtzon, no. 254, 11. 32 ff.) ; and of Milkili, ' Let the King my lord know that hostility is mighty against me and Suwardata ; and let the King deliver his land out of the hand of the SA-GAZ ' (Knudtzon, no. 271, 11. 9 ff.) ; and of Belit-UR-MAG-ME§ ('the mistress of Leba'oth ' ? Cf. Joshua xv. 32, xix. 6. UR-MAG-ME§ means 'lions'), 'the SA-GAZ have sent to Aijalon and Zorah, and the two sons of Milkili were nearly slain ' (Knudtzon, no. 273, 11. 18 ff.). The fact that Labaya and Milkili should themselves represent their relations with the SA-GAZ some- what differently from ARAD-Hiba and Biridiya is only to be expected. The statements of ARAD-Hiba — 'Let the King hearken unto ARAD-Hiba thy servant, and send bowmen, and bring back the King's territory to the King. But if there be no bowmen, the King's territory will certainly fall away to the Habiru ' (Knudtzon, no. 290, 1]. 19 ff.) ; ' Should there be no bowmen this year, the King my lord's territories are lost' (Knudtzon, no. 288,11. 51 ff.) — are strikingly similar to the statement of Bayawa, ' Unless Yanhamu [the Egyptian plenipotentiary] arrives this yeai-, the entire territories are lost to the SA-GAZ ' (Knudtzon, no. 215, 11. 9ff.) ; and it can hardly be doubted that the reference in each case is to the same peril. 3 Cf. Knudtzon, no. 215, 1. 15 ; no. 298, 1. 27. * Cf. Knudtzon, no. 289, 1. 24. 74 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN reviewed, there is nothing to forbid the theory that the Habiru may have been but a single clan of a larger body of people called SA-GAZ.^ Is it probable, then, that the Habiru were merely the southern branch of the racial movement into M'estern Syria represented by the aggressions of the SA-GAZ ? That they had gained a footing not merely in the south (the district round Jerusalem), but also in central Canaan, is clear from the fact that the}^ are mentioned as in occupation of Shechem,^ and that the prince of Megiddo expresses anxiety as to their movements.^ But there is another reference in one of ARAD-Hiba's letters which seems to identify them with the SA-GAZ still farther north. ' When there was a ship {or a fleet ?) at sea ', he Avrites, ' the Kino-'s strono- arm held the land of Nahrima and the land of Kapasi (1) ; but now the Habiru hold all the King's cities.'* Here the allusion undoubtedly is to the Egyptian fleet which, since the victorious campaigns of Thutmosi III, had pos- sessed a base in the Phoenician harbours, and enabled the Pharaoh to reach Naharin (Nahrima) with little delay, and suppress any inclination to revolt in the extreme northern part of his Asiatic Empire. Now, however, in the absence of this fleet, the Habiru are in the ascendant, and are holding either the cities of Nahrima in the north, or (more probably) the Phoenician cities which it was necessary for Egypt to hold in order to maintain her footing in the ports. Adopting this latter hypothesis, we see at once that the SA-GAZ to whom Rib-Adda of Gebal so constantly refers as employed by the Amorite chieftains Abd-Asirta and Aziru for the reduction of the Phoenician cities were Habiru, as well as the southern aggressors. This is a point of the first importance for the elucidation of the Habiru-question. The close connexion of the SA-GAZ-Habiru with the people called Sutu is evident. Both peoples are in the service of the chieftain Namyawaza as mercenaries;^ both commit aggressions upon Dagan-takala ; ^ and, apparentl}', upon Yapahi of Gezer." Rib- 1 So Dhorme, Eevue BiUiqne, 1909, p. 69. 2 Cf. p. 67. 3 Cf. p. 73, foot-note 2. * The rendering here adopted is that which is generally accepted (cf. Winckler, no. 181, 11. 32 fip. ; Ball, Light from the East, p. 92; Rogers, Cunei- foi-m Parallels, p. 274), from which there seems no reason to depart. It is difficult to believe that Knudtzon's rendering is correct (no. 288, 11. 32fF. ; followed by Barton, Archaeology of the Bible, p. 347); still less that of Ungnad in Texte iind Bihler, i, p. 133. 5 Cf. Knudtzon, no. 195, 11. 27 ff. « Cf. Knudtzon, no. 318. ' Ct. Knudtzon, nos. 297-9. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE 75 Adda of Gebal, who complains repeatedly of the aggressions of the SA-GAZ, also states that one Pahura has sent Sutu who have killed his Serdanu mercenaries.^ Concerning the Sutu we happen to be fairly well-informed. We learn from a chronicle that the Kassite king of Kardunias, Kadasman-Harbe I (c. end of the fifteenth century b. c), ' effected the conquest of the marauding Sutu from east to west, and destroyed their power, built fortresses in Amurru, &g.'^ Adad-Nirari I of Assyria (c. 1325 B.C.) states that his father Arik-den-ili 'conquered the whole of the wide- spreading Kutu. the Ahlamu, and Sutu '." The Ahlamu are known to have been an Aramaean nomadic or semi-noraadic people. The Hittite king, Hattusili II, makes ' the Ahlamu-peril ' his excuse for having ceased diplomatic relations with the king of Kardunias (Kadasman-Enlil IIj.-i Tiglath-Pileser I (c. 1100 B.C.) tells us that he defeated ' the Aramaean Ahlamu ' who inhabited the district in the neighbourhood of Carchemish.^ It is clear from these references that the Sutu must have been a nomad tribe inhabiting the northern part of the Syrian desert to the west of the upper Euphrates ; ^ and with this agrees the statement of Asur-uballit of Assyria that the Sutu have detained the messengers of Ahnaton,'' since the Egyptian envoys would have to cross this desert on their way to Assyria. We may now observe that the Egyptian term for the Semitic nomads of the Asiatic desert is t^asu, a word which seems to be foreign to the language, and which has been plausibly connected with the West-Semitic root •IDK' §dsd, 'to plunder'.^ The 6asio 1 Cf. Knucltzon, no. 122, 11. 31 ff. 2 Cf. Winckler, Alt oriental ische Forschungen, i, p. 115. Winckler makes Kadasman-Harbe the second king of that name {c. 1252 B. c.) ; but cf. King, History of Babylon, jj. 243, n. 1. The 'fortresses in Amurru' were probably built to command the important caravan-route from Babylonia to Assyria ; cf. p. 76, foot-note 1. 3 Cf. Tablet, 11. 19 f, in Keilinschriftliche BiUioihek, i, p. 4 ; Budge and King, Annals of the Kings of Assyria, p. 6; and, for the reading Arik-den-ili and not Pudi-ilu (as the name was formerly read), King and Hall, Egypt and Western Asia, p. 396. * Cf. Winckler, 3ID0G, xxxv, p. 22 ; Figulla and Weidner, Keilschrifttexte cms Bogliazk'Oi^, no. 10, obv. 11. 36 f. 5 Cf. Annals, v, 11. 44 ff. in Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, i, p. 32 ; Budge and King, Annals of the Kings of Assyria, p. 73. •^ It is generally supposed that Shoa' and Koa of Ezek. xxiii. 23 are the Sutu and Kutu. On the Sutu in relation to the Aramaeans cf. Streck, Ueber die iilteste Geschichte der Aramaer, in Klio, vi (1906), pp. 209 IF. ' Knudtzon, no. 16, 11. 37 ft'. « Cf. W. M. Miiller, Asien nnd Europa, p. 131 ; Ed. Meyer, Israeliten, p. 324. 76 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN then, are simply ' the phinderers ' or ' brigands ' ; and the agreement in meaning of this designation with the Babjdonian hahbatum, which, as we have seen, is the equivalent of the ideogram SA-GAZ, can hardly be merely accidental. We shall see presently that the Egyptian king Sety I, in referring to the tSasu, undoubtedly means the SA-GAZ-Habiru who were making aggressions in Canaan. While, therefore, the meaning of SA-GAZ favours the conclusion that the appellation belongs to a nomad-people, the connexion of the SA-GAZ with the Sutu suggests that, like these latter, they belonged to the north S3^rian desert, the region which both cuneiform and Biblical records associate with the Aramaeans. These facts should be taken in connexion with the further facts that the SA- GAZ are principally mentioned as employed by Abd-Asirta and his sons, and that the land of Amurru, over which these chieftains held sway, extended (as Winckler has proved from the Boghaz Keui documents ^) from the Lebanon eastward across the Syrian desert to the Euphrates, thus embracing precisely the northern part of the desert inhabited by Aramaean nomads. Hence the conclusion that the SA-GAZ — and therefore the Habiru — were Aramaean nomads seems to be raised to a practical certainty. Now the Old Testament definitely connects the ancestors of the Hebrews with the Aramaeans. Abraham is not himself termed an Aramaean, but he has Aramaean connexions. Rebekah, the wife of The Semitic root is only known to occur in Hebrew, and is of fairly frequent occurrence in the Old Testament. Meyer (loc. cit., n. 1) notices the interesting fact that it is used in 1 Sam. xiv. 48, which relates Saul's conquest of the Amalekite Bedawin on the border of Egypt : — ' he smote Amalek, and delivered Israel from the hand of his plunderer' (IpID'B'). 1 MDOG, XXXV, pp. 24 f. Cf. also King, History of Babylon, pp. 237 f. The evidence is found in the important letter of the Hittite king Hattusili II to Kadasman-Enlil II, king ofKardunias (Babylon), to which allusion has already been made (p. lb). The Babylonian king had made complaint against Banti- ?inni, chieftain of Amurru (a successor of Abd-Asirta and Aziru), the vassal of Hattusili, on the charge of harassing his land, and when taxed by the Hittite king with the misdemeanour, Banti-sinni had replied by advancing a counter- charge for thirty talents of silver against the people of Akkad. It seems, therefore, to follow that the district known as Amurru, which was under the SAvay of Banti-sinni, must have extended to the Euphrates and been contiguous with the territory of the king of Kardunias. The Amorite chieftain would thus have command of the imj^ortant caravan-route from Babylonia to Syria, and failure to satisfy the demand for dues which he doubtless exacted from the caravans using the route seems to have led him to indemnify himself by encroachments upon Babylonian territory. The full text of the letter has now been published in Figulla and Weidner, Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoi^, no. 10. The relevant portion will be found in Rev. 11. 26 if. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE '71 his son Isaac, is brought from Aram-naharaim, and is the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor his brother (Gen, xxiv Jj. Bethuel is termed ' the Aramaean ' (Gen. xxv. 20 P, xxviii. 5 P), and so is his son Laban, the brother of Rebekah (Gen. xxxi. 20, 24 E). Jacob's wives are Aramaeans (the daughters of Laban), and he himself is called ' a vagabond Aramaean ' (inN ■'Qis', Deut. xxvi. 5 j. On his return from Paddan-Aram he re-enters Canaan bearing the new name Israel (Gen. xxxii. 28 J, xxxv. 10 P), together with his many sons (or clans), and takes up his abode at or near Shechem, con- cerning his relations with which city variant traditions are extant.^ The mere fact, then, that the situation pictured in the Amarna letters is that Aramaean nomads are flocking into Syria-Palestine and taking forcible possession of many of its cities might by itself lead us plausibly to infer that the eastern wing of this immigration probably included the ancestors of Israel — more especially since ARAD-Hiba states that they (the Habiru) are in possession of the land of Shechem.2 When, moreover, we add to this the fact that the equivalence between the names ' Habiru ' and ' Hebrew ' is perfect,^ the inference is surely raised to a high degree of probability. The only fact which may make us hesitate in assuming the identity of the Habiru with the Hebrews as proved bej-ond the possibility of a doubt is the occurrence of the term Ha-bir-a-a, i.e. a gentilic form 'Habiraean', in two Babylonian documents; in each case in application to men who bear Kassite names — Harbisihu * and Kudurra.^ If, as it is reasonable to suppose. Ha-hir-a-a is the gentilic of Habiru,^ the fact that the only two names of Habiru- people that are known to us should be Kassite is certainly remark- able ; and the conclusion that the Habiru were Kassites has been ^ Cf. pp. 43 f., and the note on Shechem in Burney, Judges, pp. 269 f. 2 Cf. p. 67. 3 Cf. pp. 68 f. * Cf. Rawlinson, Cuneifoiin Inscriptions of Western Asia, iv.^ 34, 2 ; and, for translitei'ation and translation of the document, Winckler, Altorientalische Forschungen, i, pp. 389-96. The letter, written by an unnamed Babylonian king, mentions a king of Assyria named Ninib-Tukulti-Asur, ■who seems to have reigned towards the end of the thirteenth century B. c. (cf. Johns, Ancient Assyria, pp. 66 if.), i. e. during the latter part of the Kassite period in Babylon. ® Cf. Scheil, Recueil deTravaux, xvi (1894), pp. 32 f. The name occurs on a boundary-stone of the time of Marduk-ahi-erba of the Fourth Babylonian dynasty (1073 b. c). ^ Hommel, however, regards the similarity between Habiru and Habira as purely fortuitous, taking the latter to mean an inhabitant of the land Hapir or Apir, i. e. that part of Elam which lay over against eastern Arabia. Cf. Ancient Hebrew Traditiotx, p. 236 ; Gnindriss, p. 7. 78 ISRAEL'S SETTLEMENT IX CANAAN adopted by several scholars.^ Recently, Pere Scheil has published a tablet bearing a brief memorandum which mentions the Habiru (amelii Ha-hl-ri exactly as in the Amarna Letters) at Larsa in the reign of the Elamite Rim-Sin, the conteraporarj'- of Hammurabi, seven centuries earlier than the Amarna Letters.^ This scholar's conclusion (based on this occurrence and on the Kassite names above mentioned) is as follows: 'The Habiru were in origin an Elamite, KaSsite, or Lower Mesopotamian people ... In any case they served among the forces of the Elamite dynasty at Larsa. Without doubt they were also employed in the far countries to the west, where the supremacy of Kudur-Mabuk, Hammurabi, Ammiditana, &c., main- tained itself with more or less authority, thanks to the presence of armed troops.' The proof that Kassite troops were stationed by these monarchs in Syria-Palestine is, however, non-existent ; and still less (apart from the assumption that the Habiru were Kassites) can the presence of such troops in the west be proved for six centuries later." There is no reason, so far as we can say, why Rim- Sin should not have employed Aramaean (Hebrew) tribesmen as mercenaries ^ So Halevy in Jbtt^viflZ Asiatique {\S^1), p. 547 ; Scheil in Recueil de Travaux, loc. cit. ; Hilpreclit, Assi/riaca (1894), p. 33 n. ; Reisner in Journal of Biblical Literature (1897), pp. 143 ff. ; Lagrange in Bevue BiUiqae (1899 , pp. 127 ft'. ^ Revue d'Assyriolorfie. xii (1915), pp. 114 f. The memorandum runs : ' These are 4 ior 5 ?) garments for the officers of the Habiru which Ibni-Adad . . . has received. Levied (?) on the property of the temple of Samas by Ili-ippalzam. [Month of] Nisan, 11th day, [year of J Rim-Sin, king.' ^ It is true that ARAD-Hiba speaks of the outrages committed by the KaSi people, who seem on one occasion nearly to have killed him in his own house , THE LAND OF CANAAN, to illustrate the sites named in the Lectures 0_ 5 to 20 English Miles Ill Earliest migration of ancestors of Israel (Abraham) into Canaan, dated, according to Biblical tradition, about the time of Hammurabi (c«>. 2100 B.C.). A migration from S. Canaan into Egypt with the Hyksos may be indicated by the tradition of Gen. xii. 10-20. Cf. pp. 78 f.. 84 f., 89. IV Beer-sheba THE LAND OF CANAAN. Theory of the distribution of the Leah-tribes and Handmaid tribes in Canaan cir. 15th century B.C., prior to the arrival of th6 Joseph-tribe. Cf. pp. 37, 43 f., 50 ff., 85. VI ^'^ ^%^>,-v:-'''"v THE LAND OF CANAAN Final position of the tribes of Israel in Canaan. m THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 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