THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS CALIFORJSriA STATE MINING BUREAU. J. J. CRAWFORD, State Mmeralogist. BULLETIN No. 10. San Francisco, September, 1896. A BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING TO THE Geology, Paleontology, and Mlneral Resources CALIFORNIA By ANTHONY W. VOGDES, Captain Fifth Artillery, U. S. A., Fellow American Geological Society, American Association for the Advance- ment of Science ; Member of the New York Academy of Sciences ; also of the Georgia, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Cali- fornia Academies of Natural Sciences. SACRAMENTO: A, J. JOHNSTON, :::::: supt. state printing. 1896. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA DAVIS rvx /' aHiNiNca orriV CONTENTS Page. INTRODUCTION, WITH LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO STATE MINERALOGIST vii PART I. Publications of the State of California. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALI- FORNIA (JOHN B. TRASK, STATE GEOLOGIST) 1 SURVEYOR-GENERAL'S REPORTS 3 PUBLICATIONS OF THE SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALIFORNIA (J. D. WHITNEY, STATE GEOLOGIST).. 3 PUBLICATIONS OF CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU 13 CALIFORNIA SENATE AND ASSEMBLY" DOCUMENTS 18 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS.. 19 PART II. Publications of the United States Government. REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR 26 U. S. NAVY^ DEPARTMENT 29 REPORTS OF EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS 29 REPORTS OF MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI 33 REPORTS TO UNITED STATES MINT 36 UNITED STATES CENSUS REPORTS-IOth AND 11th 37 UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS WEST OF THE 100th MERIDIAN 38 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS OF THE TERRITORIES 39 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY' 39 iv Contents. PART III. Publications of Scientific Societies, and Periodicals. Page. AMERICAN ASSOCIATIONS FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE - - 45 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY 46 AMERICAN NATURALIST _... 47 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GEOLOGISTS, AMERICAN COM- MITTEE REPORTS, 1888 48 AMERICAN GEOLOGIST 48 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS 50 AMERICAN MINING GAZETTE . — 57 ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY.. 58 ARCH. DES SCIENCES 67 BRITISH ASSOCIATIONS REPORTS 68 BULLETINS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 58 BULLETINS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY DE FRANCE 68 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES... 61 C0MPTE8 RENDUS DE L'ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES.- 67 FOREIGN SOCIETIES 67 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE JOURNAL AND AMERICAN MECHANICS MAGAZINE 69 GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 67 HUTCHINGS'S ILLUSTRATED CALIFORNIA MAGAZINE.. 69 HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE 69 JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY 69 JOURNAL OF GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 67 MIM\<. MA(iAZINE 70 MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS 71 MONATSBER K. PREUS8. AKAD. WI8S. BERLIN 67 NATURE 71 NEWPORT NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY 73 NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 71 NEUE8 JAHRBUCH MINERALOGIE GEOL. PAL JilONTOLOGIE ..67-68 OVERLAND MOKl 111 i - > 72 PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL 72 PHIIX)80PHICAL 80CIETY OF WASHINGTON 72 Contents. Page. PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES 73 PUBLICATIONS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM 75 SANTA BARBARA SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY 76 ST. LOUIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES .- 76 SCIENCE *- 77 SCHOOL OF MINES, COLUMBIA COLLEGE 78 WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST 78 TRANSACTIONS ALBANY INSTITUTE 79 TRANSACTIONS EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 68 TRANS ACTIONS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS 79 VERHANDL K. K. GEOL. REICHSANSTALT 68 YERHANDL. DER RUSSICH KAISERLICHEN MINERALOGIS- CHEN GESEI.LSCHAFT ZU ST. PETERSBURG.. 69 ZOE _ 80 PART IV. Publications of State Geological Surveys other than that of California. REPORTS MISSOURI GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 81 PART V. Miscellaneous Publications. ALPHABETICAL LIST 82 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Hon. J. J. Crawford, State Mineralogist: I have the honor to submit this bibliography for publication by the State Mining Bureau, with the following brief remarks: The literature relating to the natural resources of California is widely scattered, and, to a great extent, inaccessible to any one but the specialist. The few descriptions of fossils printed in the State Geological Reports were issued nearly thirty years ago. Since that date a large number of papers on geology, palaeontology, and descrip- tions of local mining regions have appeared, either in the trans- actions of learned societies or in special publications with but a limited distribution. In many cases these descriptions have been brief, and those of fossils without illustrations. Besides these, there are many articles incorporated in the official publications of the United States, and in volumes whose very existence is almost unknown to the general reader. I have labored to bring this mass of literature together and make it accessible to the student and general reader. Some may ask, What is the advantage of such a catalogue? But let them take up any special line of investigation, and the first thing wanted will be a list of books of reference to know what has been published on the subject. To the compiler such compilations are dry and laborious, and many think afterward I could do better; but let all those who think so, labor to improve this catalogue. The palaeontologist has to deal with the different species under each genus. I have, therefore, included a full list of fossils under each reference, which will save the student many a weary viii Letter of Transmittal. hour of laborious research through many volumes and trans- actions of learned societies. The catalogue has been arranged under different heads, such as State geological reports, transactions of learned societies, etc., which will give the student a direct reference to the con- tents of different publications. The palaeontology of California differs greatly from that of the Atlantic States in the existence of an extensive bed of the Tertiary formation, with but few of the older formations, indi- cating that the elevation of the Paciffc Coast was chiefly made since the Mesozoic age, and a great part of it as late as the Quaternary. Nearly all the coast ranges and the low foothills of the Sierra Nevada are covered with thick beds which contain fossils identical with living species, with others extinct along the Californian shores, but living farther to the north or south. To make a complete catalogue, works on recent conchology of the Pacific Coast should be included, but the author has deemed it best to omit the most of them. Part IV of the catalogue contains an alphabetical list of miscellaneous publications. Many of them are references to early reports on gold and other minerals, including trips to the gold fields of California. All of these are not strictly geolog- ical reports, but now and then they contain valuable references to local geology. The author regrets that he has been unable to give many notes in this part, most of the works being inac- cessible. ANTHONY W. VOGDES. Fort Mason, San Francisco, Cal.y September 1, 1896. A BIBLIOGRAPHT RELATING TO THE y, PALJNTOLOGW AND MINERAL OF OALlFORISriA. PART I. Publications of the State of California. FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALIFORNIA. Dr. JOHN B. TRASK, State Geologist. Report of the Special Committee in favor of a Geological Survey of California. Submitted by Mr. Randall, April 24, 1851. 19 pp. Report of 1853, Geology of the Sierra Nevada or California Range; by John B. Trask. Sacramento, 1853. 31 pp. (2,000 copies printed.) Report on the Geology of the Coast Mountains, embracing their agricultural resources and mineral productions, also portions of the Middle and Northern Mining Districts; by Dr. John B. Trask, State Geologist. Senate Doc, No. 14. Sacramento, 1855. 95 pp. This report contains a description of the physical geography of the coast mountains ; geology of the coast mountains ; Tertiary rocks of the coast mountains ; primitive rocks of the coast mountains ; vol- canic rocks of the coast mountains ; geology of the San Bernardino Mountains ; stratified rocks of the San Bernardino chain and plains of IjOS Angeles ; extent of the infusorial group ; plains of Los Angeles ; artesian borings ; soils and productions of Los Angeles ; mineral pro- A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. ductions of Los Angeles; country north of the American River; mineral district of the upper Sacramento Valley; geology of the northern coast mountains ; local geology of the northern coast mountains; Carboniferous limestone of the eastern part of Shasta County ; Trinity County ; structure of the Sacramento Valley ; Ter- tiary rocks and other deposits of the Sierra Nevada ; placer mining ; quartz veins ; quartz mines, with descriptions of mines, and statistics. Report on the Geology of the Coast Mountains and part of the Sierra Nevada, embracing their industrial resources in agriculture and mining; by Dr. John B. Trask, State Geologist. Assembly Doc. No. 9, Session of 1854. 92 pp. This report contains a description ot the geology of tjie Monte Diablo range, Salinas Valley, from Point Pinos to the Nacimiento River, Santa Cruz Mountains ; structure of the valleys of Sacramento and San Joaquin ; review of the geological changes in the coast mountains and Monte Diablo range ; classification of the rocks of the coast mountains and Monte Diablo range ; position and relation of the volcanic rocks to the Tertiaries ; volcanic rocks preceding the Tertiary era; most recent volcanic rocks of the coast mountains; changes of level and river terraces ; soils of the valley Santa Clara and shores of the Bay of San Francisco ; valley of the Salinas ; soils of the Salinas ; Pajaro Valley ; Livermore Valley ; mineral resources of the coast mountains ; mineral districts, embracing parts of the counties of Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, and Calaveras ; quartz veins, and their relative age in California ; character and position of the older veins below the surface ; present government of metallic veins ; descriptions of mines, with list of gold mines. Report on the Geology of Northern and Southern California, embracing the mineral and agricultural resources of those sections; with statistics of the Northern, Southern, and Middle mines; by Dr. John B. Trask. Assembly Doc. No. 14, Session of 1856. 66 pp. This report contains a description of the physical geography lying in the coast mountains north of the Bay of San Francisco ; geolog- ical structure of the coast mountains; mineral character of the primitive rocks of the coast mountains ; soils of Petaluma County ; plains west of the Sacramento River ; San Bernardino ; geology of Table Mountain, Tuolumne County ; Carboniferous rocks of the Northern district; salines of the upper Sacramento Valley; Mam- moth Mines Seventy-six, Jamison Creek; descriptions of mines, etc.; analysis of saline waters from Lick Springs, Shasta County; gold mines in operation in 18&5; table of altitudes. Publications of the State of California. SURVEYOR-GENERAL REPORTS. Geology of a part of Calaveras County. December, 1854. By William Patton. In Report to the Surveyor-General of California; Document No. 5, Appendix F, pp. 86-88. Sacramento, 1855. The tract noticed embraces an extent of the county between the Moquelumne River and Middle Fork, and the Stanislaus and North Fork, longitudinally ; and latitudinally, the space between the foot- hills and the headwaters of the San Antonio branch of the Calaveras. Report of a survey of a portion of the eastern boundary of California, and a reconnoissance of the old Carson and .Johnson immigrant roads over the Sierra Nevada. In Annual Report of the Surveyor-General, 1856 ; Assem- bly Document No. 5, Session of 1856, pp. 91-186. This report, by George H. Goddard, contains a few geological notes on rocks along the route. SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALI- FORNIA. J. D. WHITNEY, State Geologist. The Geological Survey of California. An address delivered before the Legislature of California, at Sacramento, Tues- day evening, March 12, 1861, by .J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. To which is appended a copy of the Act authorizing the survey. San Francisco, 1861. 50 pp. Letter of the State Geologist relative to the progress of the State Geological Survey, by J. D. Whitney. San Fran- cisco, 1862. 7 pp. Lecture on Geology, delivered before the Legislature of Califor- nia, at San Francisco, Tuesday evening, February 27, 1862, by J. D. Whitney. San Francisco, 1862. 33 pp. Lecture on Geology, delivered before the Legislature of Califor- nia, at Sacramento, Tuesday evening, March 19, 1863, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1863. 17 pp. 4 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Annual Report of the State Geologist of California for the year 1862. Sacramento, 1862. 12 pp. Annual Report of the State Geologist for the year 1863. Sacra- mento, 1864. 7 pp. Letter of the State Geologist, relative to the progress of the State Geological Survey during the years 1864-65, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1866. 14 pp. Letter of the State Geologist, relative to the progress of the State Geological Survey during the years 1866-67, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1867. 15 pp. An Address on the propriety of continuing the State Geological Survey of California, delivered before the Legislature, January, 1868, by J. D. Whitney. San Francisco, 1868. 23 pp. Report of the State Geologist on the condition of the Geological Survey of California, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1869. 7 pp. Letter of the State Geologist relative to the progress of the Geological Survey during the years 1870-71. Sacra- mento, 1871. 13 pp. Statement of the progress of the State Geological Survey of California during the years 1872-73, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1873. 14 pp. Report of the Joint Committee on the Geological Survey of the State, made to the Legislature in 1874. Report of sub-committee of the Committee on Mines and Mining Interests of the Senate, concerning the State Geological Survey. Sacramento, 1866. 5 pp. Mining Statistics, No. 1. Tabular statement of the condition of the auriferous quartz mines and mills in that part of Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties lying between the Merced and Stanislaus Rivers; by A. Remond. April, 1866. 16 pp. Publications of the State of California. The Yosemite Book. A description of the Yosemite Valley and the adjacent regions of the Sierra Nevada and Big Trees of California. New York, 1868. pp. 4 to 116. 2 maps and 28 photographs. 4to. (250 copies printed.) Another edition. Cambridge, 1870. viii and 155 pp., and 2 maps. Another edition. Cambridge, 1871. vii and 133 pp., and 2 maps. Another edition, revised and corrected. Cambridge, 1874. viii and 186 pp., and 4 maps. Geographical catalogue of the Mollusca found west of the Rocky Mountains, between latitudes 33° and 49°; by J. G. Cooper. San Francisco, 1867. 40 pp. This catalogue was based on that published by P. P. Carpenter, Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1863, with the addition of about 130 species. Catalogue of the Invertebrate Fossils of the Western Slope of the United States, Part II ; by J. G. Cooper. San Fran- cisco, 1871. 39 pp. This catalogue was intended merely as a check-list and for labels ; supplementing the catalogue published in 1867. The author gives a list of the Post Pliocene, Pliocene, and Mio- cene fossils described in detail in " Palaeontology of California." Palaeontology, Vol. 1. Carboniferous and Jurassic fossils, by F. B. Meek. Triassic and Cretaceous fossils ; by W. M. Gabb. Philadelphia, 1864. xx and 243 pp. S2 plates. The following fossils are described and illustrated in this volume : CARBONIFEROUS— FoRAMiNiFBRA — FusuUna rohxista, Meek; F. gracilis, Meek; F. cylindrica, Fischer ? ZooPHYTA — Lithostrotion mamillare f, Castlenau ; L. f Californiense, Meek; i. sp.?; Clisiophyllum Gabbi, Meek. Bkachiopoda — Orthis (sp. undt.); Productus semireticulatus, Martin ; Rhynchonella (sp. undt.) ; Spirifer lineatus, Martin ? ; Spiriferina (sp. undt.); Retzia compressa, Meek. Gasteropoda — Euomphalus Whitneyi, Meek. Triassic fossils of California and adjacent Territories; by W. M. Gabb. Orthoceratites Blakei, n.sp.; Nautilus Whitneyi, n.sp.; N. multicame- ratus, n.sp.; Goniatites laevidorsatus, Hauer; Ceratites Haidingeri, Hauer; C. Whitneyi, n.sp.; Ammonites Blakei, n.sp.; A. ausseanus, Hauer; A. Homfrayi, n.sp.; A. Billing sianus, n.sp.; A. Ramsaueri?^ 6 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. (^uenst; Myacites {Panopoea?) Humboldtensis, n.sp.; Panopoeaf Re- mondi; Corbula Blakei, n.sp.; Mytilus Ilomfrayi, n.sp.; Avicula Hom- frayi, n.sp.; A. macronata, n.sp.; Halohia? duhia, n.sp.; Monotis subcircularis, n.sp.; Ehynchopterus, n.gen.; E. obesus, n.sp.; Posido- nomya Stella, n.sp.; P. Day tonensis, n.sp.; My ophoria alta, n.sp.; Pecten deformis, n.sp.; Terebratula Humboldtensis, n.sp.; Rhynchonella lingu- lata, n.sp.; B. sequiplicata, n.sp.; Spirifer Ilomfrayi, n.sp. Jurassic fossils ; by F. B. Meek. Rhynchonella gnathophora, Meek ; Terebratula sp.?; Gryphoea sp.?; Limaf sinuata. Meek; L. recticostata, Meek; L.f cuneata, Meek; Pec- ten acittiplicatus, Meek; Inoceramusf obliquus, Meek; l.f rectangulus, Meek ; Trigonia pandicosta, Meek ; Mytilus muUistriatus, Meek ; Astarte ventricosa, Meek; Unicardiumf gibbosum, Meek; Myacites depressus, Meek ; Belemnites sp.? Cretaceous fossils, by W. M. Gabb. Crustacea — Callianassa Stimpsoni, n.sp. Cephalopoda — Belemnites impressus, n.sp.; Nautilus Texanusf, Shum.; Aturia Mathewsoni, n.sp.; Ammonites subtricarinatus, D'Orb ; A. Newberryanus, Meek; A. Breweri, n.sp.; A. Haydeni, n.sp.; A. Peruvianus, DeBuch?; A. Traski, n.sp.; A. ramosus, Meek; A. Hoff- mani, n.sp.; A. RSmondi, n.sp.; A. Batesi, Trask; A. Chicoensis, Trask; A. complexus, H. & M.?; ? A. Cooperi, n.sp.; Hamites Van- couverensis, n.sp.?; Helicoceras vermicularis, n.sp.; H. Breweri, n.sp.; H. declive, n.sp.; Turrilites (sp. undt.); Ptychoceras xquicostatus, n.sp.; P. (? Hamites) quadratus, n.sp,; Crioceras {Ancylocerasf) RSmondi, n.sp.; C. latus, n.sp.; C. percostatus, n.sp.; Ancyloceras (sp. undt.); Baculites Chicoenis, Trask ; B. (sp. undt.). Gabtisirofod A— Typhis antiquus, n.sp.; Fusus Martinez, n.sp.; F. Matthewsoni, n.sp.; F. Averilli, n.sp.; F. diaboli, n.sp.; F. aratus, n.sp.; F. flezuosus, n.sp.; F. Kingi, n.sp.; F. Calif or nicus, Conrad; subgen. Hemifusus; Fusus {Hemifusus) Horni; F. {H.) Cooperi, n.sp.; F. {H.) R6mondi,n.sp.] ci. Pyrula penita, Conrad; Neptunea curvirostris, n.sp.; N. ponderosa,n.sp.; N. perforata; f N.supraplicata, n.sp.; N.Hoffmani, n.sp.; N. gracilis, n.sp.] Perissolax brevirostris, n.sp.; P. Blakei, Conrad; Turris Claytonensis, n.sp.; T. (sub.gen. Drillia) varicostata, n.sp.; Cordi- era microptygma, n.sp.; Tritonium Horni, n.sp.; T. Diegoensis, n.sp.; T. paucivaricatum, n.sp.; Cancellaria (Heilprin, Ter. Geol., p. 113; badly figured); T. Whitneyi, n.sp.; Buccinum liratum, n.sp.; Nassa cretacea, n.sp.; N. antiquata, n.sp.; Haydenia, n.gen.; H. impressa, n.sp.; Pseu- doliva lineata, n.sp.; P. volutxformis, n.sp.; Olivella Mathewsoni, n.sp.; Ancillaria elongata, n.sp.; f Fasciolaria Iscviuscula, n.sp.; F. sinuata, n.sp.; ? i^. Jo., n.sp.; Volutilithes Navarroensis, Shum.; Mitra cretacea, n.sp.; Whitney a, n.^en.: W.ficus, n.sp.; Morio (suh.gen. Scoiisia) ; M. tuberculatus, n.sp,; Ficusf; F. cyprwoides, n.sp.; Lunatia avellana, n.sp.; L. Shumardiana, n.sp,; L. Horni, n.sp.; L. nuciformis, n.sp.? ; L. iGyrodesf) Conradiana, n.sp.; Oyrodes expansa, n.sp.; Neverita secta, n.sp.; Naticina obliqua, n.sp.; {Sigaretus, Heilprin Ter. Geol., p. 113); Amauropais oviformis, n.sp.; A. alveata, n.sp.; Cinulia obliqua, n.sp.; C. Matheivaoni, n.sp.; C. pinguis, n.sp.; Ringicula varia, n.sp.; Nerinea dispar, n.sp.; Acteonina f pupoides, n.sp.; A. Californica, n.sp.; Globi- Publications of the State of California. concha {Pkasianellaf) RSmondi, n.sp.; Cylindrites brevis, n.sp.; Chem- nitzia Spillmani, Conrad; Niso polita, n.sp.; Cerithiopsis alternata; Architectonica Veatchi, n.sp.; A. cognata, n.sp.; A. Horni, n.sp.; A. inornata, n.sp.; Margaritella crenulata, n.sp.; 3f. globosa, n.sp.; Disco- helix leana, n.sp.; Straparollus paucivolus, n.sp.; S. lens, n.sp.; Angaria ornatissima, n.sp.; Comts Jiemondi {Volutilithes Calif ornica, Conrad); C. Horni, n.sp.; C. simiatus, n.sp.; Rostellaria (sub.gen. Rimella); R. canalifera, n.sp.; R. {Rimella) simplex, n.sp.; Pugnellus haviulus, n.sp.; P. manubriatus, n.sp.; Tessarolax, n.gen.; T. distorta, n.sp.; Apor- rhais falciformis, n.sp.; A. angulata, n.sp.; A. Californica, n.sp.; A. exilis, n.sp.; Cyprxaf Bayerquei, n.sp.; Potamides diadema, n.sp.; P. <«nMts, n.sp.; Littorinaf compacta, n.sp.; Turritella infralineata, n.sp.; y. sma«tw-gfra7iMZao- 5t?ita elevata, Gabb (Heilprin, Ter. Geol., p. 115, refers this to Disiniopsis Meeki, Conrad); Z>. pertenuis, n.sp.; D. gyrata, n.sp.; 2). inflata, n.sp.; Tapes Conradiana, n.sp.; T..? quadrata, n.sp.; Trape- zium carinatum, n.sp.; Cyprinella, n.gen.; C tenuis, n.sp.; Cardium {Lxvicardium) annulatum, n.sp.; C Remondianum, n.sp.; C Cooperi, n.sp.; C. Breweri, n.sp.; (7. (Protocardium) Placerensis, n.sp.; Cardita Horni, n.sp.; Lucina nasuta, n.sp.; i. postradiata, n.sp.; i. subcircularis, n.sp.; i. cumulata, n.sp.; i..^ cretacea, n.sp.; Loripes? dubia, n.sp.; Mysiaf polita, n.sp.; ^s^arfe Conradiana, n.sp.; .4. Mathewsoni, n.sp.; J.. Tuscana, n.sp.; Eriphyla, n.gen.; ^. umbonata, n.sp.; Crassatella grandis, n.sp.; Anthony a, n.gen.; ^. cultriformis, n.sp.; ?7?ito penultimus, n.sp.; Mytilus pauperculus, n.sp.; J/, ascia, n.sp.; ilf. humerus, Conrad; Modiola Siskiyouensis, n.sp.; J/, ornata, n.sp.; Jlf. cylindrica, n.sp.; Lithophagus oviformis, n.sp.; Septifer dichotomus, n.sp.; Crenella concentrica, n.sp.; ^vtcwia pellucida, n.sp.; Inoceramus Piochi, n.sp.; Pinna Breweri, n.sp.; Trigonia Tryoniana, 8 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California.>.; T.Evansi, Meek; T. Gibhoniana, he&l; Meekia, n.gen.; M. Sella, n.sp. (there is already a genus named Meekella, after Meek, so this will not stand); 3L radiata, n.sp.; M. navis, n.sp.; Area Breweriana, n.sp.; A. Horni, n.sp.; A. gravida, n.sp.; A. decurtata, n.sp.; Cucullsea Mathewsoni, n.sp.; C. truncata, n.sp.; Azinxa Veatchi, n.sp.; A. (Limopsisf) sagittata, n.sp.; A. cor, n.sp.; Nucula truncata, n.sp.; Leda protextaf, Gabb ; L. translucida, n.sp.; lAmopsis transversa, n.sp.; Pecten Traski, n.sp.; P. operculiformis, n.sp.; P. Galifornicus, n.sp.; iima microtis, n.sp.; X. appressa, n.sp.; Plicatula variata, .; Anemia lineata, n.sp.; Ostrea Breweri, n.sp.; 0. malleiformis, n.sp.; Gryphxa vesicularis, Lam.; Exogyra parasitica, n.sp.; Terehratella obesa, n.sp. ZooPHYTA — Flabellum Remondianum, n.sp.; Trochosmilia (subgen, ^crosmt'Zta); T". sfria^a, n.sp.; snhgen. Ellipsosmiliaf granulifera, Ji.8ip.; Astroccenia? petrosa, n.sp. The Appendix contains descriptions of the following fos- sils : Fusus mamillatus, n.sp.; Natica Uvasana, n.sp.; Scalaria Mathew- soni, n.sp.; Turritella infra-granulata, n.sp.; /S^oZen Diegoensis, n.sp.; Chionef angulata, n.sp.; Tapes f cretacea, n.sp.; Crassatella Uvasana, Conrad; Cardita veneriformis, n.sp.; Barbatia Morsei, n.sp.; Yoldia nasuta, n.sp.; Placunanomia inornata, n.sp. Palaeontology, Vol. 2. Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils, by W. M. Gabb. Philadelphia, 1869. xiv and 299 pp., with 36 plates. Section I. Tertiary invertebrate fossils: Cancer Breweri, n.sp.; Triptera clavata, n.sp.; Trophon ponderosum, n.sp.; Neptunea recurva, n.sp.; Metulaf Rimondi, n.sp.; Clavella gravida; n.sp.; C. sinuata, n.sp.; Pleurotoma (Surculaf) Carpenteriana, Gabb; P. {b'.) Tryoniana, n.sp.; P. (/S.) perversa, Gabb; P. Fo.;/*, n.sp.; Clathurella Conradiana, n.sp.; Ranella Mathewsoni, n.sp.; Guma biplicata, n.sp.; Ancillaria Fishi, n.sp.; Columbella (subgen. Alia) Richthofeni, n.sp.; Neverita callosa, n.sp.; Cancellaria (subgen. Euclid) Tritonidea, n.sp.; C (-B.) vetusta, n.sp.; Bittium asperum, Gabb; Melania Taylori, n.sp.; Lithasia antiqua, n.sp; Littorina RSmondi, n.sp.; Turritella Hoffmanni, n.sp.; Trochita filosa, n.sp.; Pachypomaf biangulata, n.sp.; Turcica (subgen. Ptychostylis) coffea, Gabb; Callios- toma tricolor, Gabb; Zirphxa dentata, n.sp.; Pandora scapha, n.sp.; Hemimactra lenticularis, n.sp.; Muliniaf densata, Conrad pars.; /ScAi zodesma abscissa, n.sp.; Pseudocardium, n.gen.; P. Gabbi, R6mond; Gart (subgen. Psammocola) alata, n.sp.; Fenw.s Kennerlyi, Rve.? Mercenaria perlaminosa, Conrad ; Chione Mathewsoni, n.sp.; C. Whitneyi, n.sp.; Callista Voyi, n.sp.; Dosinia Staleyi, n.sp.; Z>. Conradi, n.sp.; Tapes? truncata, n.sp.; Cyrena Californica, n.sp.; Cardium Meekianum, n.sp.; Conchocele, n.gen.; C disjuncta, n.sp.; Lucina (sub- gen. Here); L. {H.) Richthofeni, n.sp.; Crassatella Collina, Conrad; Mytilus Mathewsoni, n.sp.; Modiola multiradiata, n.sp.; ^rca suZci- co«£a, n.sp.; Yoldia Cooperi, G&hb ; Pecten Cerrosensis, n.ap.; P. Veatchi, n.sp.; 0#tr«a Bourgeoisie R6mond; 0. ^S. (Surculites) inconspicus, n.sp.; Heteroterma, n.gen.; 11. tro- choidea, n.sp.; Bela clathrata, n.sp.; Cordiera mitrxformis, n.sp.; Tri- tonium Californicum, n.sp.; T. (subgen. Trachytriton) Tejonensis, n.sp.; T. (T.) fusiformis, n.sp.; Brachysphingus, n.gen.; B. liratus, Gabb; Bulla {Molopophorus) striata, n.sp.; Turbinella crassitesta, n.sp.; Mitra cretacea, Gabb; Ficopsis Remondi, Gabb; F. Horni, Gabb; F. Cooperi, Gabb; i7rosyca, n.gen.; U.caudata,n.sp.', Sy codes, n.gen.; S. cyprxoides, Gabb ; Euspira alveata, Conrad ; Neverita globosa, n.sp.; Ampullina striata, n.sp.; Terebra Californica, n.sp.; Chemnitzia planulata, Gabb ; Pugnellus hamulus, Gabb ; P. (Gymnarus) manubriatus, Gabb ; Cyprxa iLuponia) Bayerquei, Gabb; C. (Epona) Mathewsonia, n.sp.; Anchura 2 10 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. f alcif ormis, G&hh ] A. transversa, n.s][>.; fA. carinifera,n.sp.', Helicaulax hicarinata, n.sp.; H. costata, n.sp.; Loxotrema tnrrita, n.sp.; Atresius, n.gen.; A. liratus, n.sp.; Turritella Martinezensis, n.sp.; Nerita {Theli- ostyla) triangulata, n.sp.; Calliostoma radiatum, n.sp.; Ataphrus, n.gen.; A. crassus, n.sp.; Margaritella angulata, n.sp.; Acmasa Tejonensis, n.sp.; Actxonina pupoides,Galoh', Actseonella oviformis, n.sp.; Liocium, n.gen.; L. punctatum, n.sp.; Ringinella polita, n.sp.; R. pingxds, Gabb. AcKPHALA — Martesia clausa, Gabb; Solen {Hypogella) cicneatus, n.sp.; S. (H.) Diegoensis, Gabb; Corbula Horni, Gabb; C. alxformis, n.sp.; Anatina quadrata, n.sp.; Pholadomya Oregonensis, n.sp.; Pleu- romya papyracea, n.sp.; Arcomya undulata, n.sp.; Homomya con- centrica, Gabb; Mactraf tenuissima, n.sp.; Cymhophora, n.gen.; C. Ashburneri, Gabb; Asaphis multicostata, n.sp.; Tellina Remondi, Gabb; T. Hoffmanni, Gabb; T. xqualis, n.sp.; T. undulifera, n.sp.; Bonax latus, n.sp.; Venus sequilateralis, n.sp.; Meretrixf fragilis, n.sp.; M. Horni, Gabb; Caryatis nitida, Gabb; Thetis? elongata, n.sp.; Car- dium {Lsevicardium) annulatum, Gabb; C. {Protocardium) transluci- dum, n.sp.; Cardita Horni, Gabb ; Clisocolus, n.gen.; C. dubius, Gabb ; Lucina nasuta and L. postice-radiata ; Crassatella grandis, Gabb; C. compacta, n.sp.; Unio Hubbardi, n.sp.; Mytilus quadratus, n.sp.; Modi- ola major, n.sp.; Meleagrina antiqua, n.sp.; Inoceramus Elliotti, n.sp.; I. Whitneyi, n.sp.; Aucella Piochi, Gabb ; Pinna Breweri, Gabb ; Trigonia asquicostata, n.sp.; Axinsea sagittata, Gabb ; Nucula {Acila) truncata, Gabb; N. solitaria, n.sp.; Leda Gabbi, Conrad; Pecten Tra^H, Gabb; P. Martinezensis, n.sp.; P. complexicosta, n.sp.; P.inter- radiatus, n.sp.; Neithea grandicosta, n.sp.; Lima Shastaensis, n.sp.; L. Tnultiradiata, n.sp.; Anomia Vancouver ensis, n.sp.; Ostrea Idriaensis, n.sp.; 0. appressa n.sp.; (0. Idriaensis (Gabb), White, 4th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Sur., p. 291.) Brachiopoda — Rynchonella Whitneyi, Gabb. Radiata — Smilotrochusf curtus, n.sp. Part 2 contains a synopsis of the Cretaceous invertebrate fossils of California. Section III contains description of the Cretaceous fossils from Mexico; by W. M. Gabb. Geology, Vol. 1. Report of progress and synopsis of the field- work from 1860 to 1864. Philadelphia, 1865. xxxii and 498 pp., and plate. Part 1 of this report contains: Geology of the Coast Range, Contra Costa hills, Monte Diablo group, Mount Hamilton group, Monte Diablo group, south of Pacheco's Pass; the Peninsula of San Fran- cisco ; the coast ranges north of the Bay of San Francisco ; the coast ranges south of the Bay of Monterey; the coast ranges from the vicinity of Los Angeles south ; the region between the Cafiada de las Uvas and Soledad Pass. Part 2. The geology of the Sierra Nevada ; the undisturbed marine sedimentary rocks along the foothills of the Sierra; the mining regions of California, embracing the great auriferous belt along the Publications of the State of California. 11 western slope of the Sierra Nevada ; the high Sierra region about the head of Kern, Kings, San Joaquin, Merced, Tuolumne, and ]\Iokel- umne rivers; the eastern slope— Mono Lake and its vicinity, Owen's Valley, the Great Basin, etc. Appendix A. Tabular statement of the operations of the principal quartz mills ; by W. Ashburner. Appendix B. Description of fossils from the auriferious slates of California ; by F. B. Meek. The following fossils are described and illustrated in this report : Amussium aurariiim, Meek ; Aucella Errlngtoni, Gabb; A. Erringtoni var. linguUfromis ; Pholadomya f orbimdata, Gabb ; and Belemnites Pacificus, Gabb. Contributions to barometric hypsometry, with tables for use in Califorhia. Cambridge, 1874. 88 pp. (Supplemen- tary chapter added in 1878; pp. 89-112.) Supplementary chapter, and practical application of the tables to the observations of the year 1870-71, and a. discussion of the results obtained; by J. D. Whitney. Cambridge, 1878. 24 pp. Botany, Vol. 1. Polypetalse, by W. H. Brewer and Sereno Watson. Gamopetalse, by Asa Gray. Cambridge, 1876. XX and 628 pp. Ornithology, Vol. 1. Land-birds; edited by S. F. Baird from the manuscript and notes of J. G. Cooper. Cambridge, 1870. xi and 592 pp. Map of region adjacent to the Bay of San Francisco. 2 miles to 1 inch. New York, 1873. Map of California and Nevada. 1873. State Geological Sur- vey of California; J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Drawn by F. von Leicht and A. Craven. Scale, 18 miles to 1 inch. Same, 2d edition. Revised by Hoffmann & Crane, and issued by authority of the Regents of the University of California, May 12, 1874. Same scale. Same, 3d edition. Published by W. D. Walkup & Co. San Francisco, 1878. Same scale. A new edition by W. D. Walkup & Co. 1887. The following volumes and memoirs are to be credited to the Geological Survey of California, J. D. Whitney, Director, as a 12 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. continuation, in part, of the work stopped by the Legislature in 1874; permission having been given to the late State Geologist, by the Board of Regents of the University of California, in whose hands the matter was left, to continue the publications : Geology, Vol. 2. The Coast Ranges. Appendix. Cambridge, 1882. 148 pp. 5 plates. (Uniform with publications of the Geological Survey of California, J. D. Whitney, State Geologist.) This report contains — A. Detailed description of the Monte Diablo coal fields ; by W. A. Goodyear. April, 1870. B. Additional notes on the Monte Diablo coal mines; by W. A. Goodyear. June, 1873. C. Statistics of the Monte Diablo coal mines ; by W. A. Goodyear. January, 1874. ♦ D. Notes descriptive of the condition of the Corral Hollow coal mines ; by W. A. Goodyear. August, 1870. E. Chemical examination of the Pacific coals ; by S. F. Peckham. I, July, 1872; II, September, 1872. F. Examination of the Bituminous Su"bstances in Southern Cali- fornia ; by S. F. Peckham. Part I, Geological and Historical (June, 1866). Part II, Chemical Investigations : Section 1, February, 1867 ; Section 2, January, 1871. G. Report on an examination of the Quicksilver Mines of Califor- nia ; by W. A. Goodyear. May, 1871. H. Notes on the Geology of Lower California ; by W. M. Gabb. Botany, Vol. 2; by Sereno Watson. Cambridge, 1880. xv and 559 pp! The water-birds of North America; by S. F. Baird, T. M. Brewer, and R. Ridgeway. Issued in continuation of the publications of the Geological Survey of California. Boston, 1884. Vol. 1, xi and 537 pp.; Vol. 2, 552 pp. Report on the fossil plants of the auriferous gravel deposits of the Sierra Nevada; by Leo Lesquereux. Cambridge, 1878. viii and 62 pp., with 10 double plates. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Vol. VI, No. 2. This report contains descriptions of the following fossil plants: Acer xquidentalum, n.sp.; A. Bolanderi, n.sp.; Aralia angustiloba, n.sp.; A. Whitney i, n.Bp.] A. Zaddctchif Keer-, Betulaaequalia, n.Bp.\ Cercocar- put antiquuSy n.sp.; Castaneopsis chrysophylloides, n.sp.; Cornus Kel- loggi, n.sp.; C. ovalU, n.sp.; Fagus antipofi, n.sp.; F. pseudo-ferruginea, Publications of the State of California. 13 n.sp.; Ficus microphylla, n.sp.; F. sordida, n.sp.; F. tilisefolia, Al. Br.; Ilexprunifolia,n.sp.; Juglans Calif ornica, n.sp.; J. Oregoniana,n.3p.', J. laurinea, n.sp.; iLiquidambar Calif ornicum,n.sp.; Magnolia Californica, n.sp.; M. lanceolata, n.sp.; Platanus appendiculata, n.sp.; P. dissecta, n.sp.; Popxilu.'i Zaddachi, Heer ; Persea pseudo-carolinensis,n.ap. Quer- cus Boweniana, n.sp.; Q. chrj/sophylloides, n.sp. ; Q. convexa, n.sp., Q. distincta, n.sp.; Q. elxnoides, n.sp.; Q. Goepperti, n.sp.; Q. Nevadensis, n.sp.; Q. pseudo-lyrata, n.sp.; Q. Voyana, n.sp.; Rhus Boweniana, n.sp.; B. dispersa, n.sp.; R. metopioides, n.sp.; R. mixta, n.sp.; R. myricxfolia, n.sp.; i?. typhinoides, n.sp.; Sabalites Californicus, n.sp.; /SaZtx Califor- nica, n.sp.; S. elliptica, n.sp.; Ulmus affinis, n.sp.; Z7. Californica, n.sp.; U. pseudo-fulva, n.sp.; Zanthoxylon diversifolium, n.sp.; Zizyphus micro- phyllus, n.sp.; Z. piperoides, n.sp. The auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California; by J. D. Whitney. Cambridge, 1879-80, pp. 1-288; pp. 289-569, 1880. 24 plates and 2 geological maps. The climatic changes of later geological times. A discussion based on observations made-in the Cordilleras of North America. By J. D. Whitney. Cambridge, 1880-82. 394 pp. CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU. HENRY G. HANKS, State Mineralogist. Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, from June 1, 1880, to December 1, 1880. Sacramento, 1880. 43 pp. This report contains analysis of clay from a deposit at Lincoln, Placer County. Second Report of the State Mineralogist, from December 1, 1880, to October 1, 1882. Sacramento, 1882. 288 pp., map and 4 photographs, with appendix. (The index to this report was published separately.) The report contains articles on placer, hydraulic, and drift mining ; general geology; iron ores and iron industries of California; lum- ber and fuel ; the occurrence of salt in California, and its manufac- ture ; mud volcanoes ; the Colorado Desert ; diamonds in California ; notes on mica ; diatoms and diatomaceous earths ; contribution to ethnology and geology of the Pacific Slope, by Philip Harvey. The appendix contains the following papers: 1. Forest trees of California, by A. Kellogg; 2. Notes on hydraulic mining, by P. W. Robinson; 3. Hydraulic and drift mining, by H. Degroot; 4. On the milling of gold quartz, by M. Attwood ; 5. Rare minerals recently found in the State, by William P. Blake. 14 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Contributions to the Geology and Mineralogy of California; by William P. Blake. Sacramento, 1881. 15 pp. This report contains a description of new mineral localities. Ko. 2. Section from Merced to Coulterville and Big Oak'Flat. No. 3. Coulterville to Chinese Camp. No. 4. Chinese Camp to Sonora. No. 5. Occurrence of vanadates of lead at the Castle Dome mines. Contributions to the Geology and Mineralogy of California: On the milling of gold quartz; by Melville Attwood. Sacramento, 1882. 20 pp. First Annual Catalogue of the State Museum of California, being the collection made by the State Mining Bureau during the year ending April 16, 1881. Sacramento, 1882. 350 pages. Third Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending June, 1883. Sacramento, 1883. Ill pp. and 1 map. Part 2 contains a report on the borax deposits of California and Nevada, by Henry G. Hanks. Fourth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending May 15, 1884. Sacramento, 1884. 410 pp. and 2 plates. This volume contains a general account of the agricultural, com- mercial, manufacturing, and other resources, interests, and industries of California, by Henry Degroot. Also, a catalogue and description of the minerals of California as far as known, with special reference to those having an economic value. Alphabetically arranged. Fifth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending May 15,- 1885. Sacramento, 1885. 235 pp., 1 plate and 4 sections. Sixth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending June 1, 1886. Part I. Sacramento, 1886. 145 pp. and 1 map. This report contains an article on building-stones and building- materials in California ; table of altitudes ; record of strata in artesian well, Kern County; mineral springs in California; Calistoga silver mines; a general account of San Diego County, with map of Julian District. The report closes with a list of California minerals. Publications of the State of California. 15 Catalogue of books, maps, lithographs, photographs, etc., in the library of the State Mining Bureau at San Francisco, May 15, 1884. Sacramento, 1884. 19 pp. Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Vol. 2, being the collection made by the State Mining Bureau from April 16, 1881, to May 15, 1884. Sacramento, 1885. 220 pp. WILLIAM IRELAN, Jr., State Mineralogist. Sixth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending June 1, 1886. Part II. Sacramento, 1887. 222 pp. Illustrated. Contains reports on the mines of Amador, Butte, Calaveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Nevada, Sierra, and Tuolumne Counties. Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Vol. 3, being the collection made by the State Mining Bureau from May 15, 1884, to March 31, 1887. Sacramento, 1887. 195 pp. Seventh Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending October 1, 1887. Sacramento, 1888. 315 pp. This report contains an article on petroleum, asphaltum, and natu- ral gas of California, by W. A. Goodyear; also, a report on coal, with reports on natural gas and coal in California, by A. H. Weber ; petro- leum and asphaltum in portions of Northern California, by A. H. Weber; building-stones of California, by Prof. A. Wendell Jackson; production of precious metals, report of Wells, Fargo & Co. ; with a catalogue of fossils, by J. G. Cooper. Eighth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending October 1, 1888. Sacramento, 1888. 948 pp. Illustrated. This report contains the mineral resources of the State, considered by counties, with reports on natural and artificial cement, building- stones, etc. ; reports on Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Tulare Counties, by W. A. Goodyear; Mono County, by H. A. Whiting ; Ventura County, by S. Bowers ; drift mining in Cali- fornia, by R. L. Dunn ; lithology of wall rocks, by M. Attwood. Bulletin No. 1. A description of the desiccated human remains in the California State Mining Bureau; by Winslow Anderson, M.D. Sacramento, 1888. 41 pp. and 6 plates. 16 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Ninth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending December 1, 1889. Sacramento, 1890. 352 pp. and 34 plates. This report contains an article on Santa Clara County, by A. H. Weber; the geology of San Nicolas Island, by Dr. Stephen Bowers; the auriferous gravels of California, geology of their occurrence and methods of their exploitation, by John Hays Hammond ; San Diego County, by W. A. Goodyear; Santa Cruz Island, by W. A. Goodyear; stray notes on the geology of the channel islands, by Dr. L. G. Yates ; the mollusca of the channel islands of California, by Dr. L. G.Yates; with reports on Los Angeles County, by E. B. Preston, and San Ber- nardino County, by James H. Grossman ; the value of fossils as indi- cations of important mineral products, by Dr. J. G. Cooper; with report on clays, by W. D. Johnston ; etc. Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending December 1, 1890. Sacramento, 1890. 981 pp. Maps and plates. This report contains a geological map of the State, with the follow- ing special reports relating to geology, viz.: Geology of the Mother Lode region ; by H. W. Fairbanks. Geological features of Placer County, pp. 414-418. Geology of Nevada County, p. 368, * Geology of the Colorado Desert, pp. 907-919. Geology of Trinity County, p. 695. Geology of Orange County, pp. 399-409. Fossils of the Carboniferous period, p. 917. Fossils of Orange County, pp. 407-408. List of Cretaceous fossils in Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, p. 400. Fossils of Ventura County, p. 762. With other reports containing geological information. Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Vol. 4, being the collection made by the State Mining Bureau from March 31, 1887, to August 20, 1890. Sacramento, 1890. 261 pp. Catalogue of the Library of the California State Mining Bu- reau, San Francisco, September 1, 1892. Sacramento, 1892. 149 pp. Eleventh Report (First Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1892. Sacramento, 1893. 612 pp. This report contains the following special articles on geology, viz.: Geology and mineralogy of Shasta County ; by H. W. Fairbanks, pp. 24-63. Publications of the State of California. 17 Notes on the geology and mineralogy of portions of Tehama, Colusa, Lake, and Napa Counties ; by PI. W. Fairbanks, pp. 54-75. Geology of San Diego County, also of portions of Orange and San Bernardino Counties; by H. W. Fairbanks, pp. 76-120. Geology of Calico District, San J3ernardino County, pp. 337, 338, 339, 340, 343. Geology of the Lava Bed District, San Bernardino County, pp. 349 and 350. Geology in the region of Mineral Spring, Siskiyou County, pp. 451, 452 ; etc., etc. J. J. CRAWFORD, State Mineralogist. Twelfth Report (Second Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1894. Sacramento, 1894. 541 pp. Maps and illustrations. This report contains an article on— The auriferous conglomerate in California ; by R. L. Dunn. Preliminary report on the mineral deposits of Inyo, Mono, and Alpine Counties ; by H. W. Fairbanks. Ancient channel system of Calaveras County ; by W. H. Storms. Geology of northern Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, and San Benito Counties ; by H. W. Fairbanks. Bulletin No. 2. San Francisco, June, 1894. Methods of mine- timbering; by W. H. Storms. Sacramento, 1894. 58 pp., with illustrations. (A second edition was issued in 1896.) Bulletin No. 3. San Francisco, August, 1894. The gas and petroleum yielding formations of the Central Valley of California; by W. L. Watts. Sacramento, 1894. 100 pp. Maps and illustrations. Bulletin No. 4. San Francisco, September, 1894. Catalogue of California fossils. Farts II, III, IV, and V; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Sacramento, 1894. 6 plates. (Part I was published in the Seventh Annual Report of the State Mineralogist for 1887.) The following new species are described and figured : Cretaceous and Eocene Fossils — Teretra Wattsiana, Surcida ere- natospira, S. monilifera, S. inconstans, Pleurotoma Perkinsiana, P. decip- iens, Drillia ullreyana, Mangilia suturalis, Cordiera gracillima, Can- cellaria Irelaniana, Ancilla (Oliverato) Californica, Bittium longissi- mum, Cerithium Fairbanksi, Potamides carbonicola, P. Davisiana, Fusus supraplanus, Mitra simplicissima, Stomatia intermedia, CaUiostoma Kempiana, Tornatella normalis, Bulla assimilata, Tornatina erraticttf Siphonaria captdoides, Astarto semidentata, Crassatella lomana, Cucul^ 18 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Issa Bowersiana, Corbula triangulata, Mytilus dichotomus, Crenella Santana, Megerlia dubitanda, Waldheimia imhricata. Tertiary-Miocene and Pliocene — Agasoma Barkerianum, Tropho- sycon (n.subgen.), Agasoma? {Trophosycon) Kernianum. Fresh-Water Fossils — Limnea Contracosta ; Planorhis Pahloanus ; Anodonta {Nuttalliana) lignitica; Amnicola Yatesiana; Pinna. Ala- medensis, Yates; P. Venturensis, Yates; Pecten discus, Conrad; Liro- pecten estrellanus. Conrad. Bulletin No. 5. San Francisco, October, 1894. The cyanide process, its practical application and economical results; by Dr. A. Scheidel. Sacramento, 1894. 140 pp. Catalogue of West North American and many foreign shells, with their geographical ranges. For labels, exchange, and check-lists, with a supplement. By J. G. Cooper. Printed for the State Mining Bureau, April, 1894. Sac- ramento, 1894. Bulletin No. 6. California gold mill practices; by Ed. B. Preston. Sacramento, 1895. 85 pp. Bulletin No. 7. Showing, by counties, the mineral productions of California for the year 1894; by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1895. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 8. Showing, by counties, the mineral productions of California for the year 1895; by Charles G. Yale. Sacramento, 1896. Tabular sheet. Bulletin No. 9. Mine drainage, pumps, etc.; by Hans C. Behr. Sacramento, 1896. 200 pp. 206 illustrations. CALIFORNIA SENATE AND ASSEMBLY DOCUMENTS. California Senate and Assembly Journal, 15th Session. Transactions California State Agricultural Society during the year 1863. Gives a list of gold mines, pp. 101-118. Mining Review for 1863. Contains an article on placer gold min- ing; also a notice of silver mining, of quartz gold and silver mining, and of copper, coal, iron, petroleum and asphaltum, quicksilver mines, etc. pp. 176-193. Publications of the State of California. 19 California Senate and Assembly Journal, 16th Session, 1866. Vol. 3, pp. 314-356. Gives an account of California marble, p. 314. Mining Keview for 1865. Gives the extent of the mining field, variety of ore, mineral products, placer and surface diggings, quartz raining, silver mines, coal, quicksilver, petroleum, etc. pp. 315-334. Annotated catalogue of the principal mineral species hitherto recognized in California and adjoining States and Territories ; by W. P. Blake. March, 1866. pp. 335-356. Notes on the geographical distribution and geology of the precious metals and valuable minerals of the Pacific Slope, pp. 359-364. [Prof. W. P. Blake was appointed the Geologist of the State Board of Agri- culture in 1866, and made a report on the minerals of California under the above title. The report was also published in pamphlet form, with the same title. Reviewed Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. 42, 1866, pp. 114-118.] The same volume also contains a Report of Assembly Committee on Mines and Mining Interests, concerning the State Geological Sur- vey ; also, the Report of the State Geologist for 1863-64. California Senate and Assembly Journal, 17th Session. No. 3. Gold, silver, platinum, and rare metals. Sacramento. 1867. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. Report on Mount Diablo coals; by S. B. Christy. In reports to the President of the University, from the Colleges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, pp. 70-74. Sacra- mento, 1877. Report on the genesis of cinnabar deposits; by S. B. Christy. Berkeley, 1878. Report of Professor J. D. Whitney to the honorable the Board of Regents of the University of California. In Biennial Report of the Regents of the University of California for the years 1877-79, pp. 82-85. Sacramento, 1879. List of recorded earthquakes in California, Lower California, Oregon, and Washington Territory. Compiled from published works and from private information, by Ed- ward S. Holden. Printed by direction of the Regents of the University of California. Sacramento, 1887. 78 pp. 20 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Bulletin of the building-stones of California; by A. Wendell Jackson. California University, Berkeley, 1888. Sup- plement to Secretary's report. This paper gives notes and microscopic examinations of Santa Su- sanna sandstones, Henly sandstones, Campo Seco tufa, Colton mar- bles, etc. List of printed maps of California; by J. C. Rowell. Univ. of Cal., Library Bull. No. 9. Berkeley, 1887. The geology of Carmelo Bay, by Andrew C. Lawson ; with chemical analysis and cooperation in the field, by Juan de la C. Posada. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, pp. 1-59, pis. 1-4. Berkeley, 1893. This report contains a general statement of the geology of the dis- trict survey, with special chapters on the granites and eruptive rocks. The soda-rhyolite north of Berkeley; by Charles Palache. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 61-72, pi. 5. Berkeley, 1893. The eruptive rocks of Point Bonita; by F. Leslie Ransome. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 71-114, pis. 6-7. Berkeley, 1893. The Post Pliocene diastrophism of the coast of Southern Cali- fornia; by Andrew C. Lawson. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 115-160, pis. 8-9. Berke- ley, 1893. The Iherzolite-serpentine and associated rocks of the Potrero, San Francisco. On a rock from the vicinity of Berkeley, containing a new soda Amphibole; by Charles Palache. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, Nos. 6-6, pp. 161-192, pis. 10-11. Berkeley, 1894. The geology of Angel Island, by F. Leslie Ransome; with a note on the Radiolarian chert from Angel Island and from Buri-buri Ridge, San Mateo County, California. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 193-240, pis. 12-14. Berkeley, 1894. The lladiolaria (suborder Sphxroidea) described in this report are of the genera Cenosphxra, Carposphn'ra, Cenellipsis, MUpsidium, Lithapium; suborder Discoidea, genera TripocycUa, Ilagiastruvi; suborder Cyrtoidea, genera Dictyoniitra, Lithocampe, and Sethocapsa. Publications of the State of California. 21 The geomorphogeny on the coast of Northern California; by- Andrew C. Lawson. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geol- ogy, Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 241-272. Berkeley, 1894. On analcite diabase from San Luis Obispo County, California; by Harold W. Fairbanks. Univ. of Cal., Bull, of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 9, pp. 273-300, pis. 15-16. Berkeley, 1895. On Lawsonite, a new rock-forming mineral from the Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, California; by F. Leslie Ban- some. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 301-312, pi. 17. Berkeley, 1895. Critical periods in the history of the earth; by Joseph Le Conte. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 11, pp. 313-336. Berkeley, 1895. A list of tjipe specimens in the Geological Museum of the Uni- versity of California, which have served as originals for figures and descriptions in the palaeontology of the State Geological Survey of California under J. D. Whitney. Compiled for the use of workers in California geology, by John C. Merriam. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geol- ogy. Berkeley, 1895. 3 pp. In a few cases the supposed type differed slightly, but unessen- tially, from the figure. Names of such species are followed in the list by an interrogation point. CRETACEOUS. Callianassa Stimpsoni, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 9, fig. la, 16. Amm. {Haploceras) Breweri, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 10, fig. 7. Amm. Cooperi, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 14, fig. 23, 23a. Amm. Haydeni, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 10, fig. 8. Amm. jugalis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 10, fig. 5. Amm. Peruvianus, Von Buch ; Vol. 1, pi. 10, fig. 9. Amm. {Hoplites) R6mondi, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 12, fig. 14. Amm. (Phylloceras) ramosus, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 11, fig. 12, pi. 12, fig. 126. Amm. suciaensis, Meek ; Vol. I, pi. 21, fig. 11. Amm. Tehamaensis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 10, fig. 4. BacuUtes Chicoensis, Trask ; Vol. I, pi. 14, fig. 29. Belemintes impressus, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 9, fig. 2. Crioceras latus, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 15, fig. 25. Helicancyclus xquicostatus, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 13, fig. 20. Helicoceras declive, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 28, fig. 200, 200o. Helioceras Breweri, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 14, fig. 22. 22 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Actxonina Californica, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 19, fig. 68 (fragments). Actceonina piipoides, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 19, tig. 67. Chemintzia planulata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 19, fig. 70. Cylindrites brevis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 29, fig. 223. Eripachya Hoffmanni, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 18, fig. 41. Fusts Averilli, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 18, fig. 34. Fusus Kingi, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 28, fig. 204. Globiochonca lUmondi, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 19, fig. 69. Lunatia Conradiana, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 29, fig. 219. Lysis dupUcostata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 21, fig. 98. PugneUus manubriatus, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 29, fig. 229, 229a. Ringinella pinguis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 29, fig. 221a. Tessarolax distorta, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 20, fig. 82, 82&. Turritella Chicoensis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 21, fig. 91. Turritella seriatim-granulata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 20, fig. 88. Turritella Veatchi, Gabb (?) ; Vol. I, pi. 20, fig. 90. Anatina lata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 126. Anomia lineata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 26, fig. 193. Area decurtata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 31, fig. 265, 265a. Area gravida, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 264. Astarte tuscana, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 257. Aucella Piochi, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 173, 174. Corbula cultriformis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 122. Cyprinella (Diodus) tenuis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 23, fig. i5la. Dosinia inflata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 23, fig, 149. Homomya {Fanopea) concentrica, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 119. Lithophagus oviformis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 168. Martesia clausa, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 115. Meekia navis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 180. Meehia radiata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 179a. Meretrix long a, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 23, fig. 147. Meretrix ovalis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 251. Modiola cylindrica, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 167. Mytilus pauperculus, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 165. Ostrea Breweri, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 26, fig. 191. Pholadomya Breweri, Gabb ; Vol. I, .pi. 22, fig. 123. Pholadomya nasuta, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 124. Pinna Breweri, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 175. Tellina decurta, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 23, fig. 137. Tellina monilifera, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 134, 134a. Tellina ooides, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 135, 135a. Terebratella obesa, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 26, fig. 194. Trigonia Oibboniana, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 178. Trigonia Tryoniana, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 176. Venus {Cldone) varians, Gabb ; Vol. 1, pi. 23, fig. 140. Flabellum liSmondianum, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 26, fig. 199. A$trocssnia (f) petrosa, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 31, fig. 274, 274a.. BOCENB (TBJON). Fusus Tnartinez, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 18, fig. 32. Margaritella crenulata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 20, fig. 74. Neptunea supraplicata, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 18, fig. 40. Fublications of the State of California. 23 Neptunea gracilis, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 18, fig. 42. Trachytriton {Tritoniam) Diegoensis, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 18, lig. 44. Crypta {spirocrypta) pileum, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 29, fig. 233, 2436. Area JTorni, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 263. Avicula jyellucida, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 25, fig. 172. Barhatia Morsei, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 32, fig. 286. Dosinia gyrata, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 23, fig. 148. Lucina cumulata, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 24, fig. 254. Mysia poHta, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 256. Mytilus ascia, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 30, fig. 259. Nesera dolabrxformis, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 22, fig. 125. Pectunculus (Axnixa) cor, Gabb ; Vol. I, pi. 31, fig. 268, 268a. Stalagmium {Crenella) concentricxun, Gabb; Vol. I, pi. 24, fig. 169.. ' Unio penultimus, Gabb (?); Vol. I, pi. 24, fig. 164. MIOCENE. Cancer Breweri, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 1, fig. 1. Scutella Gibbsi, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 13, fig. 66. Echinarachinus Brewerianus, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 12, fig. 64. Ancillaria Fishi, Gabb (?); Vol. 11, pi. 2, fig. 15. Indet ; Vol. II, pi. 3, fig. 29. Indet ; Vol. II, pi. 3, fig. 30. Triptera clavata, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 1, fig. 2. Trochita inornata, Gabb (?); Vol. II, pi. 14, fig. 8. Conchocele disjuncta, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 7, fig. 48. Modiola muUiradiata, Gabb (?); Vol. II, pi. 8, fig. 62. Ostrea Attwoodi. Gabb ( ?); Vol. II, pi. 11, fig. 58&. Ostrea Tayloriana, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 12, fig. 60. Tapes truncata, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 7, fig. 44. Venus (Chione) pertenuis, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 5, fig. 37. Venus (Chione) Whitneyi, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 5, fig. 40. PLIOCENE. Area sulcicosta, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 9, fig. 53. Callista {Standella) Voyi, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 5, fig. 41. Gari {Psammocola) alata, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 5, fig. 36. Lucina {Here) Richthofeni, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 8, fig. 49. Zirphsea dentata, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 3. fig. 31, 31a. QUATERNARY. Cancellaria {Euclia) tritonidea, Gabb ; Vol. 11, pi. 2, fig. 18. Clathurella Conradiana, Gabb (?); Vol. II, pi. 1, fig. 12. Muricidea paucivaricata, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 14, fig. 1. Surcula {Pleurotoma) Carpenteriana, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 1, fig 8.. Surcula {Pleurotoma) Tryoniana, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 1, fig. 9. Mercenaria perlaminpsa, Gabb ; Vol. II, pi. 5, fig. 38. Pecten Cerroensis, Gabb; Vol. II, pi. 9, figi55. 24 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. On Malignite, a family of basic, plutonic, orthoclase rocks, etc.; by Andrew C. Lawson. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 371-428. Berkeley, 1896. Sigmogomphius Le Contei, a new castoroid rodent from the Pliocene, near Berkeley, Cal.; by John C. Merriam. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 13, pp. 363-370. Berkeley, 1896. The Great Valley of California: a criticism of the theory of isostasy; by F. Leslie Ransome. Univ. of Cal., ^ Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 1, No. 14, pp. 371-428. Berkeley, 1896. The geology of Point Sal; by H. W. Fairbanks. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-92, pis. 1-2. Berkeley, 1896. On some Pliocene Ostracoda from near Berkeley; by Frederick Chapman. Univ. of Cal., Bull. Dept. of Geology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 93-100, plate 3. Publications of the United States Government. 25 PART II. Publications of the United States Governnnent. SENATE AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and in Oregon and North California in the years 1843-44; by Bvt. Capt. J. C. Fremont, U. S. Army. Washington, 1845. 693 pp., 24 plates, and 3 maps. 28th Cong., 2d sess.. Senate Doc. 174. The first part of this report was a reprint of the expedition of 1842. (Senate Doc. 243, 27th Cong., 3d sess., 1842.) The report contains a few geological notes of California, and a description of the fossils, by James Hall. The specimens described are all from Muddy Creek, Wyoming. Geographical memoir upon Upper California in illustration of his map of Oregon and California; by John Charles Fremont. Addressed to the Senate of the United States. Washington, 1848. 67 pp. map. (30th Cong., 1st sess., Senate Misc. Doc. 148.) Map of Oregon and Upper California, from the surveys of John C. Fremont and other authorities. Drawn by C. Preuss under the order of the Senate of the United States. Washington, 1848. Scale, 1 : 3,000,000. Notes of a military reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California; including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers; by Maj. W. H. Emory, U. S. Army. Washington, 1848. 416 pp. 41 plates and map. (30th Cong., 1st sess., Ex. Doc. 41.) Report of Lieut.-Col. P. St. George Cooke of his march from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to San Diego, Upper California. Washington, 1848. 13 pp. and map. (30th Cong., 1st sess., Ex. Doc. 41, pp. 551-563.) 3 26 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Journal of Capt. A. R. Johnson, U. S. Army. (Expedition from Santa Fe to San Diego.) Washington, 1848. 48 pp. (30th Cong., 1st sess., Ex. Doc. 41, pp. 567-614.) Journal of the march of the Mormon Battalion of Infantry Volunteers, under the command of Lieut.-Col. P. St. George Cooke, from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to San Diego, California. Washington, 1849. 85 pp. (30th Cong., spec, sess.. Senate Doc. 2.) United States Exploring Expedition, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. Navy. Vol. X, Geology, by James D. Dana. Philadelphia, 1849. pp. xii, 9, and 756. 5 maps and folio atlas of 21 plates. Only two hundred copies of this report were published. (Letter of J. D. Dana, September 2, 1890.) The author gives an account of the geology of Shasta Mountains, also that of San Francisco Bay, with a description of the fossils of Astoria, Oregon. A synopsis of this report was published in Wilkes's Western America, including California and Oregon, with maps of those regions and of "The Sacramento Valley," from actual surveys. Philadelphia, 1849. REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. Information in relation to the geology of California : Report of P. T. Tyson upon the geology of California. 31st Cong., 1st sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 47. Washington, 1850. 74 pp. 9 sections and 1 map. This report contains articles on the geology of part of the Sierra Nevada; geology of the Coast Range; geological structure of Sacra- mento Valley ; review of the geological changes in California ; gold regions of the Sierra Nevada ; the quicksilver mines ; other mineral resources, and their industrial applications. Report by General Smith, dated October 7, 1849. pp. 75-108. Report of Lieutenant Talbot to General Smith, dated Octo- ber 5, 1849. pp. 108-116. Report of Professor Frazer on minerals forwarded by Gen- eral Smith; dated March 21, 1850. pp. 116-117. Publications of the United States Government. 27 Report of General Riley, dated January 1, 1850. pp. 118- 119. Report of Lieutenant Ord to General Riley, dated October 31, 1849. pp. 119-127. Part 2. Report of the Secretary of War in further compliance with the resolution of the Senate, calling for copies of Report on the Geology and Topography of California. Washington, 1850. 37 pp., and 3 maps. (31st Cong., 1st sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 47.) This report contains : A topographical memoir accompanying maps of the Sacramento Valley, etc.; by Lieut. G. H. Derby, pp. 2-16. Reconnoissance made by Capt. "SV. H. Warner of a route through the Sierra Nevada by the upper Sacramento, pp. 16-34. Exploration of Monte Diablo, and the valley lying between this mountain and the southern shore of Suisun Bay; by Lieut. R. S. Williamson, pp. 34-37. Geology and industrial resources of California; by Philip T. Tyson. Baltimore, 1851. xxxiv, 127, and 37 pp. 9 sections and three maps. A republication of the above report, with an introduction and an index. The Report of Secretary of War. 1850. (31st Cong., 2d sess.. Senate Ex. Doc. 1.) The report of Major D. H. Vinton contains an account of borings near Benicia. pp. 278-279. T. Butler King's report on California. 1850. (31st Cong., 1st sess.. Ho. of Rep. Ex. Doc. 59.) This document was published in Washington in another form by Gideon & Co., 1850. 72 pp. 8vo. The author gives an account of the geology of the Gold Regions. Letter from Col. Richard B. Mason. (31st Cong., 1st sess.. Ho. of Rep. Doc. 17, 1850, pp. 528-536.) This letter is the first official report on the discovery of gold in California. Colonel Mason states that on the 12th of June, 1848, in company with Lieut. W. T. Sherman, he started on a tour through the northern part of California to visit the newly discovered gold placer region in the valley of the Sacramento. He gives a description of the country along the American River and an historical account of the mining regions. He also gives a description of the quicksilver mines near San Jos6. 28 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of Californ la. Tour of the gold regions ; by Bvt. Brig. -Gen. Bennett Riley. (31st. Cong., 1st sess., Ho. of Rep. Doc. 17, 1850, pp. 785-792.) United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, under the orders of Lieut.-Col. W. H. Emory. Geology and Palaeontology of the Boundary, by James Hall ; pp. 103-140, Part 2. Description of Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, by T. A. Conrad; pp. 141-165. (34th Cong., 1st sess.. Senate Ex. Doc. 108. Washington, 1857.) Chapter V contains description of the geology of Southern Cali- fornia, with a section of lignite bluff near San Diego. Notes on route from near the Tejon Pass, through western New Mexico and the Colorado to Santa Fe in the fall of 1853; by Capt. F. C. Aubrey. 12 pp. [Published by Congress in 1854 and in the California journals.] This was the route through the gold country on the head (southern) waters of the San Juan and the upper branches of the Rio Salodo, or Salinas, of the Gila River. Report upon Pacific wagon roads. Washington, 1858. (35th Cong., 2d sess.. Ho. of Rep. Ex. Doc. 108, Senate Doc. 36.) Report of Survey on the Union and Central Pacific Railways; by W. T. Twining. Washington, 1875. (44th Cong., 2d sess.. Ho. of Rep. Doc. 38.) Mining debris in California. Preliminary report; by Col. Geo. H. Mendell. Submitted January 31, 1881. Mining debris in California rivers. Letter of the Secretary of War. A final report upon the system to prevent further injury to the navigable waters of California from mining debris. 1882. 110 pp. 2 maps. (47th Cong., 1st sess., Ho. of Rep. Ex. Doc. 98.) Mining debris in California. Letter of the Secretary of War. Report of Board of Government Engineers respecting the adjustment of the conflict between the mining and farming sections, and the rehabilitation of the mining industry in California. 1891. 124 pp. 2 maps. (Ex. Doc. 267, H. R., 51st Cong., 2d sess.) Publications of the United States Government. 29 The future of silver, by Suess Edward; translated by Robert Stein, U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, 1893. 101 pp. (53d Cong., 1st sess., Senate Misc. Doc. 95.) The author gives a sketch of the California gold fields. U. S. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, inclosing report of ex- periments on the coal of the Pacific Coast, in compliance with a resolution of the House of March 22, 1872. (42d Cong., 2d sess.. Ho. of Rep. Ex. Doc. 206.) This report of Chief Engineer B. F. Isherwood, U. S.Navy, contains a report on the brown coal from Mount Diablo coal mines of Cali- fornia. REPORTS OF EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS For a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. III. Resume of a geological reconnoissance, extending from Napoleon, at the junction of the Arkansas with the Mississippi, to the Pueblo de los Angeles, in California; by Jules Marcou. pp. 165- 175. This r^sum^ was reprinted from the preliminary report of Lieuten- ant Whipple. Chap. VI, p. 40, House Doc. 129. Washington, 1855. The report has a geological map of the route explored near the parallel of 35° north latitude, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Vol. V. Routes in California to connect with the routes near the 35th parallel and 32d parallel explored by- Lieut. R. S. Williamson in 1853. Geological report by William P. Blake. Washington, 1856. (33d Cong., 2d sess.. Senate Ex. Doc. 78.) This report contains general observations upon the geology of the route : Chapter I. San Francisco to the San Joaquin River. II. Grayson's Ferry, on the San Joaquin, to Fort Miller. III. Fort Miller and the vicinity ; Fort Miller to Ocoya Creek. 30 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. IV. Ocoya Creek to the Tejon. V. Tejon to San Amedio ; Canada de las Uvas. VI. Tejon to the Great Basin and Pass of San Francisquito ; Pass of San Francisquito to the Mojave River. VII. Mojave River, by Williamson's Pass, to San Fernando and Los Angeles; Los Angeles to San Bernardino; Cajon Pass. VIII. San Bernardino to the Colorado Desert ; Colorado Desert to Carrizo Creek and Warner's Valley. IX. Warner's to the Colorado Desert ; Colorado Desert to the mouth of the Gila ; Camp Yuma and the vicinity. X. Fort Yuma to Carrizo Creek ; Carrizo Creek to San Diego. XI. Observations on the orography and general features of relief of the middle and southern portions of Cali- fornia. XII. Geology of the vicinity of San Francisco. XIII. Tertiary formations of Ocoya Creek, ^Monterey, and other localities. XIV. Observations on the Tulare Valley. XV. Geology of the Tejon Pass and Cafiada de las LTvas ; section of the Sierra Nevada. XVI. Observations on the southern part of the Great Basin. XVII. The Colorado Desert. XVIII. Notes on the Gold Region. XIX. Building materials ; coal ; lignite ; bitumen. XX. Metals, ores, and minerals. Appendix, Article I. Notice of the fossil fish; by Louis Agassiz. pp. 313-316. plate 1. The following species from Ocoya Creek are described and figured ; Echinorhinus Blakei, n.sp. ; Scymnus occidentalis, n.sp ; Galeocerdo productus, n.sp. ; Prionodon antiquus, n.sp. ; Hemipristic hetero- pleurus, n.sp, ; Carcharodon rectus, n.sp. ; Oxyrhina plana, n.sp. ; 0. tumula, n.sp. ; Lamna clavata, n.sp.; L. ornata, n.sp.; Zygobates sp.? Appendix, Article II. Descriptions of the fossil shells ; b}^ T. A. Conrad, pp. 317-329. plates 2-9. From Cafiada de las Uvas : Cardium linteum, n.sp. ; Dosinia alia, n.sp. ; Meretrix Uvasana, n.sp. ; M. Californiana, n.sp. ; Crassatella Uvasana, n.sp.; C. alta, Conrad; Mytilus humerus, n.sp.; Cardita planicosta; Natica cetites, Conrad; N. gibbosa, Lea; N. atveata; Tur- ritella Uvasana, n.sp.; Volutatithes Californiana, n.sp.; Busyconf Blakei, n.sp. ; Clavatula Californica, n.sp. From Ocoya Creek: Meretrix decisa, n.sp. ; Natica Ocoyana, n.s}). ; N. geniculata, n.sp. ; Bulla jugularis, n.ap. ', Pleurotoma trans montana, n.sp. ; P. Ocoyana, n.sp. ; Syctopus Ocoyana, n.sp. ; Turritella Ocoyana, n.sp. ; Colus arctatus, n.sp. ; Tellina Ocoyana, n.sp. ; Pecten Nevadanus, n.sp.; P. catilliformis, n.sp.; Cardium sp. ?; Area sp. ?; Solen sp. ? ; Dosinia sp. ? ; Venus sp. ? ; Cytherea decisa, Conrad. From San Diego : Cardium modestum, n.sp. : Nucula decisa, n.sp. ; Corbula Diegoana, n.sp. ; Tellina Diegoana, n.sp. ; Mactra Diegoana, n.sp. ; Narica Diegoana, n.8p. ; Trochita Diegoana, n.sp. ; Crucibulum spinfisum, n.sp. From Monterey County: Meretrix uniomeris, n.sp.; Tellina con- gesta, n.sp. ; Modiola contracta, n.sp. PMlcations of the United States Government. 31 From Tulare Valley: Meretrix Tularena, n.sp.; Area microdonta, n.sp.; Stramonita petrosa, n.sp. From San Pedro: Tellina Pedroana, n.sp.; Tapes diversxim, n.sp.; Saxicava abrupta, n.sp.; Petricola Pedroana, n.sp.; Schizothcerus Nut- talli, n.sp.; Mytilus Pedroana, n.sp.; Penitella spelxa, n.sp. (Recent); Fissurella crenulata, Sow.; Buccinum inter striatum f From Carmello : Lutraria Traskei, n.sp. From Colorado Desert: Pecten deserti, n.sp.; Anomia subcostata, n sp.; Ostrea vespertina, n.SY).; 0. Heermanni, n.s^. ; Anodonta Calif or- niensis, Lea. From San Fernando : Ostrea sp.? Pecten sp.? From Benicia : Turritella biseriata, n.sp.; Trochus sp.? Appendix, Article IV. Letter from Prof. J. W. Bailey, describing the structure of the fossil plant from Posuncula River, p. 337. (This plant was from a bowlder in the bed of Kern River, west slope of the Sierra Nevada.) Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. VI. Geological report of routes in California and Oregon explored by Lieuts. R. S. Williamson and H. L. Abbott; by John S. Xewberry. (33d Cong., 2d sess.. Senate Ex. Doc. 78. 1857.) This report contains the following : Chapter I. Geology of the vicinity of San Francisco. II. Geology of the Sacramento Valley. III. Geology of the Western range, Sierra Nevada. IV. Geology of Pit River and Klamath Basin. Vol. VI, No. 2. Description of the Tertiary fossils col- lected on the survey; by T. A. Conrad. The following species are described and figured in this report : Schizopyga Californiana, n.sp., Santa Clara, Cal. Cryptomya ovalis, n.sp., Monterey County. Thracia mactropsis, n.sp., Monterey County. Mya Montereyana, n.sp., Monterey County. M.f subsinuata, n.sp., Monterey County. Arcopagia medialis, n.sp., Monterey County. Tapes Hnteatum, n.sp., California. Area canalis, n.sp., Santa Barbara. A. trilineata, n.sp., Santa Barbara. A. congesla, California. Axincea Barbarensis, n.sp., Santa Barbara. Mulinia densata, n.sp., Santa Barbara. Dosinia longula, n.sp., Monterey. D. alta, n.sp., Monterey. Pecten Pabloensis, n.sp., San Pablo Bay. Pallium estrellanum, n.sp., Estrella Valley. Janira bella, n.sp., Santa Barbara. Ostrea titan, n.sp., San Luis Obispo. Malea ringens; Dolium ringens (Cassis), Swainson. Turritella altilira, n.sp., Gatun, Isthmus of Darien. T. Gatiinensis, n.sp , Gatun. 32 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Triton, sp.?; Cytherea(Meretrix) Dariena ; Tamiosoma gregaria,n.sY>., Monterey County. Pandora bilirata, n.sp., Santa Barbara. Cardita occidentalism n.sp., Santa Barbara. Diadora crucibuliformis, n.sp., Santa Barbara. The author discusses the age of the formation afterward called by the California geologists the Chico group. Newberry admits the Ter- tiary character of a part of the fossils, but is inclined to refer the formation to the Cretaceous, because of the presence in it of Ammo- nites, etc. Pacific Railroad Reports, Vol. VII. Routes in California to connect with the routes near the 35th and 32d parallel and routes near the 32d parallel, between the Rio Grande and Pimas villages, explored by John G. Parke in 1854-55. Geological report by Thomas Antisell. (33d Cong., 2d sess., Senate Ex. Doc. 78. 1857.) This report contains chapters on the physical geography of the Pacific Coast ; geology of the Coast Ranges ; Santa Clara Valley and Pajaro River Valley ; Salinas River Valley ; Santa Margarita Valley ; Point Pinos Mountains and Sierra San Jos6 ; Santa Maria River and Cuyama Valley ; Santa Lucia Mountains ; Valley of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara Mountains ; geology of the Sierra Susanna and Mon- ica ; Plains of San Fernando ; Los Angeles and San Bernardino ; with the geology of the Cordilleras, etc.; Estrella River; Panza and Carrizo; Mojave River Valley; bituminous effusions; Quaternary period in California ; geology of the district from San Diego to Fort Yuma, and from Fort Yuma to the Pimas villages ; etc., etc. Report on the Palaeontology of the survey; by T. A. Con- rad. Chapter XXIX, pp. 189-196, with 10 plates. The author remarks that the Miocene of Santa Barbara contains a group of shells more analogous to the fossils of the Atlantic slope than to the existing shells of California ; but it is evident that there must be subdivisions in the Tertiary deposits of California, which range between the Eocene and Pliocene periods, for the group of the Estrella Valley and Santa Ynez (Barbara) Mountains does not appear to contain one species, even, analogous to any in the Santa Barbara beds, and, on the contrary, some of them remind us of the existing Pacific fauna. The author describes and figures the following new species: From Santa Margarita, Salinas Valley : Hinnetes crassa. From San Rafael Hills and Santa Barbara County : Pecten Meeki; P. altiplicatus ; Arcopagia undo. From Carrizo Creek, Colorado Desert, and Estrella River Valley: Pecten deserti, Conrad; Palliuvi Estrellanum; Spondyhis Estrellanus; Arcopagia unda; Cyclas Estrellana; Ostrea panzana; Glycimeris Es- trellanus; Balanus Estrellanus ; Astrodapsis Antiselli. From Santa Ynez and Santa Ynez Mountains: Pecten discus; Pachydesma Inezana; Pecten magnolia; Crassatella collina; Mytilvs Ftiblications of the United States Government. 33 Inezensis; TurriteUa Inezana; T. variata; Natica Inezana; Tapes Tnezensis. From San Buenaventura : Tapes montana. From Pajaro River : Venxis Pajaroana. From Sierra Monica : Ci/clas perinacra ; Ostrea subjecta. From San Luis Obispo Valley : Area Obispoana. From GaviotaPass: Ostrea panzano ; Mactraf Gaviotensis ; Trochita costellata. From Salinas River, Monterey County: Dosinia alta; D.longula; D Montana; D. subobliqua. From Ranch Triumpho, Los Angeles: Lutraria transmontana ; Axinea Barbarensis. Report of Mr. T. A. Conrad on the fossil shells collected in California by Wm. P. Blake, Geologist of the Expedi- tion under the command of Lieut. R. S. Williamson, etc. Washington, 1855. 34 pp. (House Doc. 129.) The fossils described in this report were afterward republished, with figures, in the fifth volume of Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. REPORTS ON MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI. Report of 1867; by J. Ross Browne and James W. Taylor, U. S. Mining Commissioners. Washington, 1867. 360 pp. Historical sketch of gold and silver mining on the Pacific Slope ; by J. Ross Browne and J. W. Taylor, pp. 13-36. Geological formation, etc., of Pacific Slope ; by William Ashbumer. pp. 37-49. (Contains articles on the gold-mining interest of Califor- nia ; characteristics of the gold belt ; northern mining district ; mining in the Sierras.) Condition of gold and silver mining on the Pacific Coast ; by J. Ross Browne and James W. Taylor, pp. 49-85. The copper resources of the Pacific Slope ; geological formation in which copper is found ; by J. Ross Browne and James W. Taylor. Section V, pp. 138-169. Quicksilver mines in California; New Almaden mines, products and exports. Section VI, pp. 170-178. (This article contains a de- scription of the New Almaden mines, with extracts of a report by Prof. B. Silliman, Jr., from the Am. Jour. Sci. for September, 1864.) Borax, sulphur, tin, and coal. Section VII, pp. 178-193. (Contains articles on the discovery of borax in California, etc.; reports on tin, from the Geological Survey of California, Vol. 1, p. 180 ; with report on A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of Calif the coal mines of the West Coast of North America, by W. M. Gabb.) Annotated catalogue of the principal mineral species hitherto recognized in California and adjoining States and Territories; by- William P. Blake. Section IX, pp. 200-215. (This article also contains notes on the geological distribution and geology of the precious metals and valuable minerals on the Pacific Slope of the United States, with a section across the Mariposas.) History of California ; by E. Randolph, pp. 268-305. Acquisition of California ; by John W. Dwindle, pp. 306-320. Report of 1868; by J. Ross Browne, U. S. Mining Commis- sioner. Washington, 1868. 674 pp. General condition of the mining interest; by J. Ross Browne, pp. 12-298. Lower California geographical and physical features ; by W. M. Gabb. pp. 630-639. So little is accurately known in regard to the geology of Lower California, that it seems desirable to include this notice and a list of the works on Lower California in this bibliography. The most important publications with regard to the geology of Lower California are: 1. Notes on the geology of Baja California, Mexico; by W. Lindgren. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d series, VoL 1, 1888, p. 173; Vol. 2, 1889, p. 1; Vol. 3, 1890, p. 26. 2. Some geological notes are also found in the reports of the Mexican boundary and Pacific Railway surveys. 3. Geological sketch of Lower California; by S. I. Emmons and G. P. Merrill. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 5, 1894, pp. 489-514, with map. 4. Explorations in the Cape Region of Baja California; by Gustav Eisen. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1895, p. 733; map. The Mother Lode Qf California, pp. 14-19. Miscellaneous minerals of Pacific Coast, pp. 207-266. Agricultural resources of California, pp. 266-281. Treasure shipments ; precious metals, etc. pp. 289-298. Report of 1869; by R. W. Raymond, U. S. Mining Commis- sioner. Washington, 1870. 256 pp. This includes notes on the Almaden mines and a chapter on the Mother Lode of California. Report of 1870; by R. W. Raymond, U. t^. Mining Commis- sioner. Washington, 1870. 805 pp. California mines ; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 13-87. Dead rivers of California ; by J. 8. Hittell. pp. 63-67. Report of 1870; by R. W. Raymond, U. S. Mining Commis- sioner. Washington, 1872. 566 pp. Chapter on California mines; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 11-92. Deep placer mining in California ; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 52-90. List of stamp-mills in California. Chapter 16. Publications of the United States Government. 35 Report of 1871; by R. W. Raymond. Washington, 1873. 566 pp. Chapter on California ; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 13-140. Diamonds in El Dorado County ; by W. A. Goodyear, p. 27. Report of 1872; by R. W. Raymond. Washington, 1873. 550 pp. Chapter on California; by W.'A. Skidmore. pp. 7-107. List of mining claims in California, pp. 102-107. Treatment of gold-bearing ores in California ; by G. F. Deetken. Chapter 11. Pliocene rivers of California ; by A. W. Bowman. Chapter 16. Hydraulic mining in California ; by Chas. Waldeyer. Chapter 17. This report also contains a geological map of the United States, by C. H. Hitchcock and W. P. Blake ; also, a map showing a portion of the mining region in Placer and El Dorado Counties, and maps of Slate Creek Basin, Sierra County. Report of 1873; by R. W. Raymond. Washington, 1874. 585 pp. Chapter on California ; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 13-154. Quicksilver in California ; by Chas. G. Yale. pp. 27-29. Beach sands of Gold Bluff ; by A. W. Chase, pp. 145-147. Mining and metallurgy of quicksilver in California ; by Louis Janin, Jr. Chapter 11. The geological formation of iron deposits in California is given on p. 44, extract from James D. Hague and Clarence King's report of the Sierra Iron and Mining Company. Report of 1874; by R. W. Raymond. Washington, 1875. 540 pp. Chapter on California ; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 11-194. Seam mining, p. 81, / Geology of the Sierra Nevada in its relations to vein mining, with map and tabular exhibit of results of mining ; by Amos Bowman. Chapter 18. History of relative values of gold and silver. Chapter 19. An abstract of Dr. J. G. Cooper's paper on the discovery of lignites in Amador County and other counties in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada is given on p. 75. Report of 1875; by R. W. Raymond. Washington, 1877. 519 pp. Chapter on California ; by W. A. Skidmore. pp. 3-131. Quicksilver in California ; by J. B. Randol. pp. 4-21. Extinct rivers of the auriferous belt of California ; by C. J. Brown, pp. 65-68. Geology of Plumas County, with map ; by J. A. Edman. pp. 109-128. Petroleum in California ; by F. A. Clarke, pp. 21-22. 36 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Report of 1880. Statistics of production of the precious metals in the United States for 1880; by H. C. Burchard, Director of U. S. Mint. Washington, 1881. 443 pp. Contains chapter on California mines, by W. A. Skidraore and Chas. G. Yale; Contributions to California geology, by Melville Attwood ; Auriferous gravels, by Chas. G. Yale. Report of 1881; by H. C. Burchard, Director of U. S. Mint. Washington, 1882. 765 pp. Contains chapter on California mines, by A. M. Lawver ; Milling of gold quartz, by Melville Attwood ; Mining machinery in California, by Chas. G. Yale ; Gold from sulphurets, by Melville Atwood ; Aurif- erous gravels of California, by John Hays Hammond ; Old river-beds of the Sierra Nevada of California, by Jas. J. McGillivray. Report of 1882; by H. C. Burchard, Director of U. S. Mint. W^ashington, 1883. ' 873 pp. Contains chapter on California mines, by J. R. Hardenburg ; Placer gold in California, by Henry G. Hanks. Report of 1883; by H. C. Burchard, Director of U. S. Mint. Washington, 1884. 858 pp. Contains chapter on California mines, by J. R. Hardenburg ; Con- dition of mining in California, by W. A. Skidmore ; Drift mining in California, by R. L. Dunn. Report of 1884; by H. C. Burchard, Director of U. S. Mint. Washington, 1885. 644 pp. Contains a chapter on California mining, by A. M. Lawver ; Gold and silver mining in California, past, present, and prospective, by W. A. Skidmore ; Forms in which gold occurs in nature, by W. P. Blake. Reports of 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888; by Jos. P. Kimball, Director of U. S. Mint. In each of these reports the chapter on California mining is by Israel Lawton. Reports of 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892; by E. O. Leech, Director of U. S. Mint. In each of these reports the chapter on California mining is by Chas, G. Yale, except in 1892, when it was by W. H. Dimond. Reports of 1893, 1894, 1895; by R. E. Preston, Director of U. S. Mint. In each of these reports the chapter on Californiii milling is by Chas. G. Yale. Publications of the United States Government. 37 UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY. Report of 1855. Observations on the physical geography and geology of the coast of California from Bodega Bay to San Diego ; by W. P. Blake, pp. 376-398. 4 plates. Part 2. Geology of the principal bays and ports from Point Reyes to San Diego: 1. Punta de los Reyes. The end of the point composed of granite ; form of the point ; Tertiary strata ; etc. 2. San Francisco. Golden Gate ; character of the shores ; rocks forming the points of the peninsula of San Francisco ; sandstone strata uplifted; quarries; probable age; metamorphosed rock; erupted rocks and serpentine alluvial deposits ; sand dunes ; etc. 3. Monterey. Point Pinos ; Cypress Point ; San Carlos ; Point Pinos of granite; Tertiary strata; fossils and infusoria; rocks of Cypress Point; granite and conglomerate; rock formation of San Carlos Bay ; Point Lobos. 4. San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. Recent Tertiary strata; mountains, probably of sandstone; resemblance to volcanic rocks. 5. San Pedro and vicinity. Absence of mountain ridges ; banks of Tertiary strata ; sandstone with sun-cracks ; disturbance of the strata ; fossils ; bitumen. 6. San Diego. Tertiary strata forming rounded hills ; Tertiary strata of the slope ; fossils ; trappean rock. 7. Islands near the coast. Probably composed of sandstone and shale ; flexures of the strata of Santa Catalina : etc. Notice of earthquake waves, etc.; by A. D. Bache. Idem, p. 342; also, in Report of 1862, p. 238. U. S. CENSUS KEPORTS. Report on the physical and agricultural features of the State of California, with a discussion of the present and future of cotton production in the State; also, remarks on cotton culture in New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Mexico; by E. W. Hilgard. 10th U. S. Census Report, Vol. VI, part 2, 1884. A general description of the geology of the State is given on page 8. The outlines of the physical geography of the State, pp. 7, 83. 38 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Report of mineral industries of the United States. 11th U. S. Census Report, 1890. Contains special reports as follows : Gold and silver, by R. P. Roth- well ; Quicksilver, by James B. Randol ; Coal, by John H. Jones ; Petroleum, by J. D. Weeks ; Natural gas, by J. D. Weeks ; Asphaitum, by E. W. Parker ; Stone, by W. C. Day ; Precious stones, by G. F. Kunz ; Infusorial earth, by E, W. Parker ; Chapter on California mines, by Chas. G. Yale. " U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SUR- VEYS WEST OF THE 100th MERIDIAN. Lieut. GEO. M. WHEELER, U. S. Corps of Engineers, in charge. Vol. Ill, Part i. Report on the geology of portions of Nevada, Utah, California, and Arizona, examined in the years 1871-72; by G. K. Gilbert. Washington, 1875. Annual report of Lieut. George M. Wheeler, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876. « Annual report of Chief of Engineers. 1876. Appendix JJ. Report on the geology of a portion of Southern California; by Jules Marcou. Idem, Appendix H^, pp. 378-392. This report contains articles on the Pliocene rocks of Los Angeles ; the sierra of Santa Monica ; Sierra Madre ; Pacona or Pacoima Cailon ; geology of the vicinity of the San Fernando Mission ; the San Fernando sierra ; asphaitum and mineral oil near San Francis- quito Ranch; Sierra Liebre and California desert; Tertiary rocks, Canada de las Uvas, Fort Tejon, and of California; glacial rocks of Southern California and Pike's Peak; mountain chains and their ages ; Coast Range ; sierras of San Fernando and Santa Monica ; hills of Los Angeles, etc. Report on the geological and mineralogical character of South- ern California and adjacent regions; by Oscar Loew. Idem, Appendix H2, pp. 393-419. Report on the geology of the mountain ranges from La Veta Pass to the head of the Pecos; by A. R. Conkling. Idem, Appendix H4, pp. 419-422. Publications of the United States Government. 39 Report of 1877. Geological report on the portions of Western Nevada and Eastern California between the parallels 30° 30' and 38° 30'; by A. R. Gonkling. Report of Chief of Engineers, 1877, Appendix H, pp. 1285-1295. The area examined is bounded on the north by a line drawn through Truckee, Cal., and Washoe City, Nev.; on the east by the Mount Davidson range and the Como Mountains ; on the south by Job's Peak and Pyramid Peak ; and on the west by the Western sum- mit and the Truckee Rivers. Nearly all this region is covered by granites, with occasional outbursts of basaltic rocks. No fossils were found, except at Carson City, at the State Prison quarries. U. S. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SUR- VEYS OF THE TERRITORIES. F. Y. HAYDEN, U. S. Geologist, in charge. Twelfth Annual Report of the U. S. Geological and Geograph- ical Survey of the Territories. A report of progress of the exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the year 1878. In two parts. Part I. Washington, 1883. On page 132, Dr. White describes Productus giganteus, Martin, from McCloud River, Shasta County, California. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. J. W. POWELL, Director. Report for 1883-84; by Albert Williams. Contains: Report on coal fields of United States, pp. 14-143 ; Iron on the Pacific Coast, by C. G. Yale, pp. 286-290 ; Quicksilver reduction at New Almaden, by S. B. Christy, pp. 503-534; The asphaltum deposits of California, by E. W. Hilgard, pp. 938-948 ; with reports on other minerals. Sixth Annual Report, 1884-85. Division of Mesozoic Inverte- brates, by Charles A. White, pp. 72-74. 1885. The author states his conclusions in regard to the Chico and Tejon groups, and the auriferous slate series of California. He gives the name of Wallala group to a Cretaceous formation in Mendocino County. 40 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc.^ of California. Sixth Annual Report, 1884-85. Administrative report, by- George F. Becker, pp. 67-70. The author discusses the age and time of uplift of the Coast Range formations and the equivalency of different .4Mce?;a-bearing beds. Report for 1885; by David T. Day. Contains : Reports on coal of California, pp. 15-16 ; Petroleum, pp. 148-152 ; Iron on the Pacific Coast, by C. G. Yale, pp. 196-199 ; Quick- silver, pp. 284-296 ; with reports on other minerals. Seventh Annual Report, 1885-86. Report on California divi- sion of geology, by George F. Becker, pp. 93-97. 1888. References to the diabase pebbles, etc., at Steamboat Springs, Nev.; the relations of the early and the late Cretaceous of the Coast Ranges ; the identity of the older strata of the Coast Ranges with the fossil- iferous rocks at the southern end of the gold belt in the Sierra Nevada, and the age and history of the Chico and Tejon series, etc. Report for 1886; by David T. Day. Contains : Quicksilver, pp. 160-168 ; with reports on other minerals. Report for 1887; by David T. Day. Contains: Quicksilver, pp. 118-125 ; with reports on other minerals. Report for 1888; by David T. Day. Contains : Iron ores of Rocky Mountain division, by F. F. Chisolm, pp. 35-39 ; Quicksilver, pp. 97-107 ; with reports on other minerals. Eighth Annual Report, 1889. Quaternary history of Mono Valley, California; by Israel C. Russell, pp. 261-394. 24 plates and 5 maps. Geology of Lassen Peak District; by J. S. Diller. pp. 395-432. 7 plates. This report contains an account of the geologic formations in the Lassen Peak district; auriferous slates series; carboniferous lime- stone; serpentine; age of the auriferous slate district. Cretaceous— Chico beds, composition, distribution, age of the fossils, upper and lower limits. Miocene — Composition of the Miocene strata, distribu- tion and relations, fossils found in the Miocene strata, hypsographic and climatic conditions during the Miocene. Pliocene— Upheaval of the Piedmont region, structure of the Sierras, etc. Summary of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific Slope; by George F. Becker, pp. 961-985. 3 plates. For list of contents, see Monograph X£1I. Publications of the United States Government. 41 Report for 1889-90; by David T. Day. Contains : Quicksilver, pp. 94-109 ; Petroleum, by Joseph D. Weeks, pp. 287-365 ; Borax, by Charles G. Yale, pp. 494-506 ; with reports on Other minerals. Report for 1891; by David T. Day. Contains : Quicksilver, pp. 117-126 ; with reports on other minerals. Report for 1892; by David T. Day. Contains : Quicksilver ore deposits, by George F. Becker, pp. 139- 168 ; with reports on other minerals. Report for 1893; by David T. Day. Contains: Quicksilver, pp. 111-118 ; with reports on other minerals. Report for 1894; by David T. Day. The report forms Parts III and IV of the Sixteenth Annual Report of the Survey. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1895. The rocks of the Sierra Nevada; by H. W. Turner. Washington, 1895. pp. 441-495. ^pls. 48-59. The gold-silver veins of Ophir, California; by Waldemar Lindgren. pp. 249-284. . Tertiary revolution in the topography of the Pacific Coast; by J. S. Diller. pp. 403-433. Fifteenth Annual Report, 1893-94. Sketch of the geology of the San Francisco peninsula ; by Andrew C. Lawson. pp. 399-476, pi. v-xii, Sixteenth Annual Report, 1894-95. Parts III and IV contain reports on mineral resources. Part IV contains reports on the production of coal in 1894, by F. W. Parker, pp. 1-217 ; Petroleum, by Joseph D. Weeks, pp. 315-404 ; Asphaltum, by E. W. Parker, pp. 430-435 ; Stone, by William C. Day, pp. 436-510 ; with reports on other minerals. » On the Quaternary and Recent mollusca of the Great Basin, with descriptions of new forms; by R. Ellsworth Call. Introduction is a sketch of the Quaternary lakes of the Great Basin, by G. K. Gilbert. Bulletin No. 11, Vol. 2. Washington, 1885. 56 pp. 6 plates. 4 42 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. On the Mesozoic and Cenozoic palaeontology of California; by C. A. White. Bulletin No. 15, Vol. 3. Washington, 1885. 33 pp. This report contains general remarks on the geology of the coast ; the Shasta group ; relations of the fauna of the auriferous slates to that of the Shasta group ; the geological age of the Aucella-hea.Ting strata of California; remarks on certain Californian fossils which have been identified with Eastern species ; etc., etc. Notes on the stratigraphy of California; by George F. Becker. Bulletin No. 19, Vol. 3. Washington, 1885. 28 pp. This report treats of the metamorphic rocks of the Coast Ranges ; the non-conformity between the Knoxville beds and the Chico ; iden- tity of the Mariposa and Knoxville beds ; relation of the Cascades to the Sierra and the Coast Ranges of California ; Mesozoic beds ; Pala^o- zoic rocks of California ; etc. On new Cretaceous fossils from California; by C. A. White. Bulletin No. 22, Vol. 3. Washington, 1885. 25 pp. 5 plates. The following species are described in this bulletin : Coralliochama n.gen; C.Orcutti; Tr ochus{Oxy stele) euryostomus; Nerita,sp.7; Cerith- ium PilUngi; C. totium; Sanctorum; Solarium Wallalensis. Notes on the geology of California; by J. S. Diller. Bulletin No. 33, Vol. 5. Washington, 1886. 23 pp. This bulletin contains articles on the character and distribution of the Carboniferous limestones ; structure of the Sierra Nevada range ; age of the faulting of the Sierra Nevada range ; age of the auriferous slates ; general distribution of the metamorphic, volcanic, and Creta- ceous rocks ; relations of the Sierra, Coast, and Cascade ranges. On invertebrate fossils from the Pacific Coast; by Charles A. White. Bulletin No. 51, Vol. 8, 1889, pp. 433-532, pis. 1-14. ' (Abstract Am. Geologist, Vol. 5, 1890, pp. 109-110.) This paper contains : 1. New fossil mollusca from the Chico-Tejou series of California; 2. Equivalents of the Chico-Tejon series in Ore- gon and Washington ; 3. Cretaceous fossils from Vancouver Island region ; 4. Molluscan fauna of the Puget group ; 5. Mesozoic mol- lusca from the southern coast of the Alaskan peninsula. The earthquakes in California; by James E. Keeler. Bulletin No. 68. Washington, 1890. 25 pp. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States (second edition); . compiled by Henry Gannett. Bulletin No. 76. Wash- ington, 1891. 393 pp. Publications of the United States Government. 43 A late volcanic eruption in Northern California, and its peculiar lava; by J. S. Diller. Bulletin No. 79. Wash- ington, 1891. 33 pp. 17 plates. Correlation Papers: Cretaceous; by Charles A. White. Bulletin No. 82. Washington, 1891. 273 pp. 3 plates. Correlation Papers: Eocene; by W. B. Clark. Bulletin No. 83. Washington, 1891. 173 pp. 2 plates. Earthquakes in Cahfornia in 1890-91; by E. S. Holden. Bul- letin No. 95. Washington, 1892. Earthquakes in California in 1892; by C. D. Perrine. Bulletin No. 112. W^ashington, 1893. Earthquakes in California in 1893; by C. D. Perrine. Bulletin No. 114. Washington, 1894. Earthquakes in California in 1894; by C. D. Perrine. Bulletin No. 129. Washington, 1895. Contributions to the Cretaceous palaeontology of the Pacific Coast. The fauna of the Knoxville beds; by Timothy W. Stanton. Bulletin No. 133. Washington, 1895. 85 pp., 20 plates. This bulletin contains a definition of the Knoxville beds, geographic distribution, local developments in Tehama, Colusa, Lake, and Napa Counties, Mount Diablo, and other localities southward, etc., with descriptions of the following species : Brachiopoda — Rhynchonella Schucherti, n.sp.; R. Whitneyi, Gabb; Terehratella Californica, n.sp.; Terebratula, sp.? MoLLUSCA — Ostrea, sp.; Anomia senescens, n.sp.; Sjwndylus fragilis, n.sp.; Lima imdtilineata, n.sp.; Pecten Calif ornicus, Gabb? ; P. complexi- costa, Gabb ; Avicula (Oxytovia) Whiteavesi, n.sp.; Aucella Piochi, Gabb ; A. crassicollis, Keyserl ; Inoceramtis ovatus, n.sp.; Modiola major, Gabb ; Myoconcha Americana, n.%^.] Pinna, sp.?; Area Tehamaensis, n.sp; A. textrina, n.sp.; Pectunculus f ovatus, n.sp.; Nucula Gabbi, n.sp.; N. Storrsi,; Leda glabra, n.sp.; Cardiniopsis, n.gen ; C.unioides, n.ap.; Solemya occidentalis, n.sp.; Astarte corrugata, n.sp.; A. Californica, n.sp.; A. trapezoidalis, n.sp.; Opis Californica, n.sp.; Lucina oralis, n.sp.; L. Colusa^nsis, n.sp.; Cyprina occidentalis, Whiteaves ; Solecur- tus f dubius,n.8p.; Corbulaf per sulcata, n.sp.; C.filosa,n.Bp.; Dentalium Californicum, n.sp.; Helcion granulatus, n.8p.; Fissurella bipunctata, n.sp.; Pleurotomaria, sp.? ; Turbo Paskentaensis, n.sp.; T. Wilbtirensis, n.sp.; T. trilineatus, n.sp.; T. Colusaenis, n.sp.; T. Morganensis, n.sp.; T.f humerosus, n.sp.; Amberleya Dilleri, n.sp.; Atresius liratus, Gabb; Turritella, sp. ? ; Hypsipleura f occidentalis, n.sp.; H. gregaria, n.sp.; 44 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Cerithium Paskentaensis, n.sp.; C. strigosum, n.sp.; C, sp. ? Aporrhais, sp.; Phylloceras Knoxvillensis, n.sp.; Lytoceras Batesi, Trask; Desmo- ceras Californicum, n.sp.; Olcostephanus {Simhirskites) inutabilis, n.sp.; 0. {Polyptychites) trichotomus, n. sp.; Hoplites Hyatti, n.sp.; H. Storrsi, n.sp.; H. angulatus, n.sp.; IT. crassiplicatus, n.sp.; H. DUleri, n.sp.; Perisphinctes, sp.; Diptychocerasf, sp.; Crioceras latus, Gabb ; Apty- chus f Knoxvillensis, n.sp.; Belemnites impressus,Ga,hh ; 5. Tehamaensis, n.sp.; Belemnites, sp. Monographs, Vol. XIlI. Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific Slope, with atlas; by George F. Becker. Washington, 1888. xix and 486 pp. 7 plates, with atlas of 14 sheets. The general heading of the chapters of this work are as follows : Chapter I. Statistics and history. II. Notes on foreign occurrence of quicksilver. III. Sedimentary rocks. IV. The massive rocks. V. Structural and historical geology of the quicksilver belt. Appendix to Chap. V, Remarks on the genus Aticella, by C. A. White. VI. Descriptive geology of the Clear Lake region. VII. Descriptive geology of Sulphur Bank. VIII. Descriptive geology of the Knoxville district. IX. Descriptive geology pf the New Idria district. X. Descriptive geology of the New Almaden district. XI. Descriptive geology of the Steamboat Springs district. XII. Descriptive geology of the Oathill, Great Western, and Eastern districts. XIII. Other deposits of the Pacific. Coast. XIV. Discussion of the ore deposits. XV. On the solution and precipitation of cinnabar and other ores. XVI. The origin of the ore. XVII. Summary of results. The report contains geological maps of the Oathill, Great Western, and Eastern districts ; geological map of the Mayacmas range, with figures of foreign and American species of the genus Aucella. Geological atlas of the United States. The following atlas sheets of California have been issued : Jackson, folio 11. Washington, 1894. 4 sheets, with text. Lassen Peak, folio 15. Washington, 1895. 3 sheets, with text. Marysville, folio 17. Washington, 1895. 4 sheets, with text. Smartsville, folio 18. Washington, 1895. 4 sheets, with text. Placerville, folio 3. Washington, 1894. 4 sheets, with text. Sacramento sheet. Washington, 1892. 4 sheets, with text. Statistical Papers: Mineral resources of the United States; by Albert Williams. Report for 1883. Contains : Iron on the Pacific Coast, p. 148 ; Quicksilver, pp. 387- 398; Clays of the Pacific Coast, p. 476; with reports on borax, coal, copper, iron, lead, nickel, salt, tin, and other minerals. Publications of Scientific Societies. 45 PART III. Publications of Scientific Societies, and Periodicals. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. Published at Salem, Massachusetts. Vol. 1, 1849— Vol. 43, 1896. On the characters and probable geological age of the sandstone formation of San Francisco; by W. P. Blake. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 9th Meeting, August, 1855, pp. 220-222. On the grooving and polishing of hard rocks and minerals by dry sand; by W. P. Blake. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 9th Meeting, August, 1855, pp. 216-220. Remarks upon the geology of California from observations in connection with the IT. S. survey and explorations for a railroad route to the Pacific; by W. P. Blake. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 9th Meeting, August, 1855, pp. 222-225. Studies in the formation of mountains in the Sierra Nevada, California; by John Muir. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 33d Meeting, at Hartford, 1874, pp. 49-64. Address by Prof. Joseph LeConte, the retiring president of the Association. Theories of the origin of mountain ranges. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 42d Meeting, August, 1893. Supplementary notes on the metamorphic series of the Shasta t region of California; by J. P. Smith. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 44th Meeting, August, 1896, pp. 137-138. 46 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Published at Philadelphia. Vol. 1, 1865— Vol. 7, 1871. Observations on certain Eocene fossils described as Cretaceous by Mr. W. M. Gabb in his report published in the Palaeon- tology of California; by T. A. Conrad. Am. Jour. Conch., Vol. 1, 1865, pp. 362-365. The author remarks that Mr. Gabb makes two divisions of his Cre- taceous strata, A and B. The former is, doubtless, Cretaceous ; and the latter, I am sure, will prove to be older Eocene. Fusus Califor- nicus, Gabb, the author does not recognize as " my ? Clavatula Cali- fornica." Volutilithes Navarroensis belongs to "my genus RosteUites.^' Fusus Remondi is a species of Perissolaz allied to P. penita. Amaurop- sis alveata is a species of Globularia. Fiscus mamillatus is probably Sycotypus modeshis, Conrad. Perissolax is a genus nearly related to Sycotypus. Chemnitzia Spillmani is very distinct from any species I described under that name. Aturia Matheivsoni is Atuira zic-zac. Dosinia elevata is Dosineopsis alta. D. Uvasana is Dione ovata, Rogers. Meekia sella is probably Cyprina hisecta. M. navis is a species of Yoldia. Mactra Asburneri is propbably M. albaria, Conrad. Nucula truncata — two species are evidently confounded under this name. Leda pro- texta f— there are two species here united, neither of which is the protexta— one Eocene, the other Cretaceous. A reply to these criticisms of Mr. Conrad is given by Mr. W. M. Gabb in the second volume, pp. 87-92. Reply to Mr. Conrad's criticism on Mr. Gabb's report on the Palaeontology of California; byW. M. Gabb. Am. .Jour. Conch., Vol. 2, 1866, pp. 87-92. Further observations on Mr. Gabb's Palaeontology of California; by T. A. Conrad. Am. Jour. Conch., Vol. 2, 1866, pp. 97-100. The author remarks that Volutilithes Navarroensis has the external sculpture and form of a species of Rostellites found in New Jersey. Perissolax, Gabb, is limited to one species, but it is very different from Busy con Blakei, Conrad. Hemifusus Ilorni, 11. Cooper i, and //. Rimondi, Gabb, and Fusus mamillatus, Gabb, are members of my proposed genus Ficopsis. Amauropsis alveata, Gabb, is a member of Lamarck's genus Ampullina. Venericardia Jlorni, Gabb, is a very different variety from the V. planicosta. Hamites Vancouverensis I believe to be an Ancyloceras. Ptycoceras aiqincostatus is more likely to be Hamites. Neptunea curvirostris I believe to represent an unde- scribed genus. The controversy which, for a long time, was maintained between Conrad and Gabb as to the age of the Tejon rocks of California, Publications of Scientific Societies. 47 referred by Conrad to the Eocene and by Gabb to represent the uppermost member of the Cretaceous (Division B of tlie California Reports), can be found in the following papers : Conrad. Am. Jour, of Conchology, Vol. 1 (1865), pp. 362-5; Vol. U (1866), pp. 97-100 ; Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLI V (1867), pp. 376-7. Gabb. Am. Jour, of Conchology, Vol. 11 (1866), pp. 87-92; Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLIV (1867), pp. 266-9 ; Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Vol. Ill (1867), pp. 301-306. Heilprin, in his article on the age of the Tejon rocks, etc., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1882, p. 196, remarks, in a footnote, " that Con- rad finally yielded his position, but he has been unable to discover the evidence of such a change of opinion in any of that author's writings." Descriptions of some secondary fossils from the Pacific States; by W. M. Gabb. Amer. Jour. Conch., Vol. 5, 1870, pp. 5-18, pis. 3-7. Orthoceras Blakei, Gabb ; Ammonites Nevadanus, Gabb ; A. Colfaxi, Gabb ; A. Billingsianus, Gabb? ; Turbo regius, Gabb ?; T. elevatus, Gabb ; Pholadomya multilineata, Gabb ; P. Nevadana, Gabb ; Goniomya aperta, Gabb ; Myacites depressus, Meek ; Cardium arcasformis, Gabb ; Astarte appressa, Gabb ; Cardinia ponderosa, Gabb ; Posidonomya Blatchleyi, Gabb; Pinna, sp.; Crassianella lingulata, Gabb; Lima {Plagiostoma), sp. undt.; Monotis circularis, GaMb \ Pecten acutiplicatus,Meek; Plica- tula perembricata, Gabb ; Splrifer obtusus, Gabb. The author publishes the opinion that all the Jurassic deposits of the Sierra Nevada and their vicinity were probably of Triassic age. (page 5.) THE AMERICAN NATURALIST. Published in Philadelphia. Remarks on fossil shells from the Colorado Desert ; by Robert E. C. Stearns. Am. Nat., Vol. 13, No. 3, March, 1879. The author illustrates Physa humerosa, Gould ; Tryonia protea, and varieties semi-fossil from Colorado Desert, California; Anodonta Calif orniensis, Lea ; Amnicola longinqua, Gould ; Anondonta, Owens River, Cal. ; Anodonta, Bear River, Utah. Mountain upthrusts; by C. A. White. Am. Nat., Vol. 22, 1888, pp. 399-408. Notes on the glaciation of Pacific Coast; by G. F. Wright. Am. Nat., Vol. 21, 1887, pp. 250-256. Mesozoic and Cenozoic realms in North America; by E. D. Cope. Am. Nat., Vol. 21, 1887, pp. 445-462. 48 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Across the Santa Barbara Channel; by J. Walter Fewkes. Am. Nat., Vol. 33, 1889, pp. 211-217, 387-394. Includes references to some geologic features and history of Santa Cruz Island, and the origin of some sandstone bowlders near Santa Barbara. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GEOLOGISTS, AMERICAN COMMITTEE REPORTS, 1888. On nomenclature of Cenozoic formations; by Joseph LeConte. International Congress of Geologists, American Commit- tee Reports, 1888, pp. 17-18; American Geologist, Vol. 2, 1888, pp. 283-284. Reference to the nomenclature of the Tertiary and the position of Cenozoic unconformity in California. THE AMERICAN GEOLOGIST. Published at Minneapolis, Minn. Vol. 1, 1888— Vol. 17, 1896. Flora of coast islands of California, in relation to recent changes of physical geography; by Joseph LeConte. Am. Geol., Vol. 1, 1888, pp. 76-81. Lavas of Northern California; by J. S. Diller. Am. Geol., Vol. 1, 1888, pp. 125-126. (From Am. .Jour. Sci., Jan., 1887, Vol. 33, pp. 45-50.) Describes beds of volcanic ash in place, inclosing the stumps of more or less decayed trees, the nature, origin, and occurrence of which is discussed at length. Effects of pressure of a continental glacier; by A. Winchell. Am. Geol., Vol. 1, 1888, pp. 139-143. The views here enunciated were published in the University Argo- naut, in March, 1886. Glacial action on flanks of higher Sierra Nevada. Am. Geol., Vol. 3, 1889, pp. 340-341. This is an editorial note of the glacial planing on Upper and Lower Bardine Lakes, near Young America Mine. Publications of Scientific Societies. 49 Notes on the geology and scenery of the islands forming the southern line of the Santa Barbara Channel; by Dr. L. G. Yates. Am. GeoL, Vol. 5, 1890, pp. 43-52. Geology of the Mother Lode gold belt; by H. W. Fairbanks. *Am. Geol., Vol. 7, 1891, pp. 209-222. The pre-Cretaceous age of the metamorphic rocks of the Califor- nia Coast Range; by H. W. Fairbanks. Am. GeoL, Vol. 9, 1892, pp. 153-166. ISotes on a further study of the pre-Cretaceous rocks of the California Coast Ranges; by H. W. Fairbanks. Am. GeoL, Vol. 11, 1893, pp. 69-84. plate. Some recent contributions to the geology of California; by H. W. Turner. Am. GeoL, Vol. 11, 1893, pp. 307-324. ' Geological notes on the Sierra Nevada, Part 1; by H. W. Turner. Am. GeoL, Vol. 13, 1894, pp. 228-249. Geological notes on the Sierra Nevada, Part 2; by H. AV. Turner. Am. GeoL, Vol. 13, 1894, pp. 297-316. Notes on some localities of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic, in Shasta County, California; by H. W. Fairbanks. Am. GeoL, Vol. 14, 1894, pp. 25-31. This report contains notes on the Trias of Squaw Creek, the Car- boniferous of the McCloud River, and the Devonian of the Sacra- mento River, near Kennett Station. Notes on the geology of the Coast Ranges of California; by H. W. Turner and T. W. Stanton. Am. GeoL, Vol. 14, 1894, pp. 92-98. A contribution to the geology of the Coast Ranges; by Andrew C. Lawson. Am. GeoL, Vol. 15, 1895, pp. 342-356. ^ Auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada; by H. W. Turner. Am. GeoL, Vol. 15, 1895, pp. 371-379. Notes on the geology of Eastern California; by Harold W. Fair- banks. Am. GeoL, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 63-74. The mineral deposits of Eastern California; by Harold W. Fair- banks. Am. GeoL, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 144-158. 50 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. Published at New Haven, Conn. 1st series : Vol. 1, 1819— Vol. 50, 1845. 2d series : Vol. 1, 1846— Vol. 50, 1870. 3d series : Vol. 1. 1871— Vol. 50, 1896. California, elevation of, during the Tertiary epoch; by T. A. Conrad. Am. Jour. Sci., 1st ser., Vol. 35, 1839, p. 245. In the author's article, "Notes on American Geology," in this jour- nal, the author remarks: "On the coast of California Mr. Nuttall found shells of recent species two hundred feet above the sea. These are so much more remote from the axis of elevation than the Ter- tiary shell of New York that the uplift of the Rocky Mountains must have been far greater during the upper Tertiary period than was any part of the Atlantic chain." Fossil shells from the Tertiary deposits on the Columbia River, near Astoria; by T. A. Conrad. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 5, 1848, pp. 432-433. 14 woodcuts. The author describes and figures the following fossils, principally - from cement-stone bowlders at Astoria, Oregon : Nxicula devaricata, n.sp.; N.cuneiformis, n.sp.; N. abrupta, n.sip.; Mactraalbaria, n.sp.', Tel- Una Oregonensis, n.sp.; T. obruta, n.sp.', Loripes parilis, n.sp.; Cytherea Oregonensis, n.sp.; C. vespertina, n.sp.; Nucula penitn, n.sp.; Bullina petrosa, n.sp.; Pyrula modesta, n.sp.; Fusus Oregonensis, n.sp.; Solen curtus, n.sp. The following species were collected by the writer at Astoria, and sent to the American Museum at New York. As the list is unpub- lished, it may be well to include it as a note to Mr. Conrad's paper: Nucula devaricata, Con.; N. impressa, Con.; Tellina albaria. Con.; So- lemya ventricosa, Con.; Pecten propatulus, Con.; Area devincta, Con.; Venus bisecta, Con.; Pectunculus nitens, Con.; Venus angustifrons, Con.; Tellina emacerata, Con.; T. arctata. Con.; Lucina aculitmeata, Con.; Cardita sublenta, Con.; Terebratula nitens, Con.; Dolium jyetrosium, Con.; Eostellaria indurata, Con.; Fusus geniculus; Sigeretus(Lumatia) scopulosa; Teredo substriatus; A dentalium; Naulitus angulatus, Con. Besides these there are three or four species of bivalves and ^ four of Gasteropods, undetermined, and one Brachipod. These fossils were collected from the cement stones and argillaceous shales ; all belong to one geological period, as the same species are found in each to some extent, though most are different. Mines of cinnabar in tipper California ; by C. S. Lyman. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 6, 1848, pp. 270-271. Gold in California. Amer. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol 7, 184^, pp. 125 and 262. Publications of Scientific Societies. 51 Notes on Upper California, by James D. Dana, from observa- tions made during the cruise of the U. S. exploring expedition, under Capt. Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 7, 1848, pp. 247-264. Observations on California ; by Rev. C. S. Lyman. Am. .Jour. Sci., 2d ser., 1848, p. 291, also 305 and 307. Platinum and diamonds in California. Am. Jour, of Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 7, 1848, p. 294. California gold region ; by Rev. C. S. Lyman. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 8, 1849, p. 415. Gold of California ; by Rev. C. S. Lyman. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 9, 1849, p. 126. Observations on the Pluton geysers of California ; by Forest Shepherd. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 12, 1851, pp. 153-158. On the Diluvial or Quaternary deposits in California ; by James Blake. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 13, 1852, pp. 385-391. Notes on the Almaden mine, California ; by T. S. Hart. Am. .Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 16, 1853, pp. 137-139. Infusoria of California. Ehrenberg (Monatsb. d. k. Pr. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, Aug., 1852, p. 528) gives the list published in Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 16, 1853, p. 134. On some new localities of fossil Diatomacese in California ; by J. W. Bailey. Am. .Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 17, 1854, pp. 179-180. Quicksilver mines of Almaden, California; by W. P. Blake. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 17, 1854, pp. 438-440. Recent earthquake shocks in California. Letter of W. P. Blake, in Am. .Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 17, 1854, p. 151. Account of some volcanic springs in the Desert of the Colorado, in Southern California; by John L. Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 18, 1855, pp. 1-6. 52 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Observations on the extent of the gold regions of California and Oregon, with notices of mineral localities in Cali- fornia and some remarkable specimens of crystalline gold; by W. P. Blake. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 20, 1855, pp. 72-85. Earthquakes in California during the year 1856; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 23, 1857, pp. 341- 346. Fossil plants of recent formations; by Leo Lesquereux. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 27, 1859, pp. 359-363. On the direction and velocity of the earthquake, in California, of January 9, 1857; by John B. Trask. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 25, 1858, pp. 146-148. Progress of the Geological Survey of California; by J. D. Whit- ney. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 38, 1864, pp. 256-264. Notes on the New Almaden quicksilver mines; by B. Silliman, Jr. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 38, 1864, pp. 190-194. Notice of the explorations of the Geological Survey of California, in the Sierra Nevada, during the summer of 1864; by J. D. Whitney. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 39, 1865, pp. 10-13. Petroleum in California; by B. Silliman, Jr. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 39, 1865, p. 101, also p. 341. On the deep placers of the South and Middle Yuba, Nevada County, California, in connection with the Middle Yuba and Eureka Lake Canal Companies; by B. Silliman, Jr. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 40, 1865, pp. 1-19. On the borax in California; by J. D. Whitney. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 41, 1866, pp. 255-258. Alleged discovery of an ancient skull in California; by W. H. B. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 42, 1866, p. 424. On the naphtha and illuminating oil from heavy California tar (maltha); by B. Silliman, Jr. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 43, 1867, pp. 242-246. Publications of Scientific Societies. 53 Note upon the occurrence of fossil remains of the tapir in Cali- fornia; by W. P. Blake. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 45, 1868, p. 381. The remains of a tapir occur in the auriferous gravel of Wood's Treek, near Sonora, Tuolumne County. Reply to Mr. Gabb on the Cretaceous rocks of California; by T. A. Conrad. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 44, 1867, pp. 376-377. On the subdivisions of the Cretaceous rocks of California; by W. M. Gabb. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 44, 1867, pp. 226-229. On human remains along with those of the mastodon in the drift of California; by Dr. C. F. Winslow. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 46, 1868, p. 407. Notes on the chemical geology of the gold fields of California; by J. Arthur Phillips. (Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. XVI, p. 294.) Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 47, 1869, pp. 134-139. On the supposed absence of northern drift from the Pacific Slope of the Rocky Mountains; by Dr. Robert Brown. Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 50, 1870, pp. 318-324. On the discovery of actual glaciers on the mountains of the Pacific Slope ; by Clarence King. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 1, 1871, pp. 157-167. Notice of a fossil forest in the Tertiary of California; by O. C. Marsh. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 1, 1871, pp. 266-268. On the Owen's Valley earthquake; by J. W. Whitney. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 4, 1872, pp. 316-318. (From the Overland Monthly, August and September numbers, 1872.) Le Conte, Joseph. Theory of formation of great features of the earth's surface. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 4, 1872, pp. 345-460. Note in Vol. 5, 1873, p. 156. Reply to Prof. T. Sterny Hunt. Vol. 5, 1873, p. 448. 54 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. On some of the ancient glaciers of the Sierras; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 5, 1873, pp. 325-342. map. On the Klamath River mines: remarkable gravel deposits of the Lower Klamath — a sketch of their geology; by A. W. Chase. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 6, 1873, pp. 56-59. On the great l%va-flood of the West, and on the structure and age of the Cascade Mountains; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 7, 1874, pp. 167-180; also pp. 259-267. See also Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873, p. 214. On the auriferous gravel deposits of Gold Bluff; by A. W. Chase. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 7, 1874, pp. 379-384. On the probable existence of microscopic diamonds, with zir- cons and topaz, in the sands of hydraulic washings in California; by B. Silliman. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 5, 1873, pp. 384-385; see also p. 133 of Vol. 6. On actual glaciers in California; by John Muir. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 5, 1873, pp. 69-71. (From the Overland Monthly for December, 1872.) On mountain sculpture in the Sierra Nevada, and the method of glacial erosion; by E. S. Carr. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 7, 1874, pp. 515-516. (From the Overland Monthly for May, 1874.) Ancient glaciers of Sierra Nevada in Lake Valley; by J. Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 10, 1875, p. 126. See also Proc. Cal. Acad Sci., Vol. 5, 1873. On the evidence of horizontal crushing in the formation of the Coast Range of California ; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Joiir. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 11, 1876, pp. 297-304. Formation of Coast Ranges; by J. Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 11, 1876, p. 297. The age of the Tejon group, California ; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 14, 1877, p. 321. (From Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Nov. 16, 1874.) Publications of Scientific Societies, 55 On the structure and origin of mountains, with special refer- ence to recent objections to the contraction theory ; by Joseph Le Conte. Read before the National Academy of Science. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 16, 1878, pp. 95-112. Volcanoes about Lake Mono, and their relation to the glacier drifts ; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 18, 1879, pp. 35-44. The relation of secular rock disintegration to Loess glacial drift and rock basins ; by Raphael Pumpelly. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 17, 1879, pp. 138-144. See note on p. 139, regarding California rocks. Mono volcanoes, and relation to glacial epoch ; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 18, 1879, p. 79. The old river-beds of California ; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 19, 1880, pp. 176-190. Origin of jointed structure in undisturbed clay and marl deposits ; by John Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 23, 1882, pp. 233-234. The phenomena of metalliferous vein formation now in progress at Sulphur Bank, California ; by Joseph Le Conte and W. B. Rising. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 24, 1882, pp. 23-33. The relations of the mineral belts of the Pacific Slope to the great upheavals ; by George F. Becker. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 28, 1884, pp. 209-212. The geometrical form of volcanic cones and elastic limit of lava ; by George F. Becker. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 30, 1885, pp. 283-293. On mineral vein formation now in progress at Steamboat Springs, compared with some at Sulphur Bank; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 25, 1883, pp. 424-428. ■On the genesis of metalliferous veins; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 26, 1883, pp. 1-19. 56 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. On origin of bitumen; by S. F. Peckham. Am. Jour. Sci., Sd ser., Vol. 28, 1884, pp. 105-117. Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of California; by George F. Becker. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 31, 1886, pp. 348- 357. . A Post Tertiary elevation of the Sierra Nevada, sliown by the river-beds; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 32, 1886, pp. 167-181. Notes on the geology of Northern California; by J. S. Diller. (Abstract of paper from the Proc. Phil. Soc. of Wash- ington.) Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 33, 1887, pp. "152-153. The latest volcanic eruption in Northern California, and its peculiar lava; by J. S. Diller. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 33, 1887, pp. 45-50. The texture of massive rocks; by George F. Becker. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 33, 1887, pp. 50-58. (Abstract from Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 31, 1887, pp. 425-426.) Discusses the relation of texture in igneous rocks to the conditions under which they were cooled, etc. The author also restates his con- clusions in regard to the disputed age and relations of the Washoe rocks. The flora of the coast islands of California, in relation to recent changes of physical geography; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 34, 1887, pp. 457-460. See also, Cal. Acad. Sci. Bull., Vol. 2, 1887, pp. 515-520; Am. Geol., Vol. 1, 1888, pp. 76-81; Nature, Vol. 37, 1887, p. 358. A discussion of the Post Tertiary physical changes of the coast region of California, as indicated by the flora and fauna of the coast islands. On the occurrence of Hanksite in California; by Henry (i. Hanks. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 37, 1889, pp. 63-66. Publications of Scientific Societies, 57 On the origin of normal faults and the structure of the basin region; by Joseph Le Conte. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.^ Vol. 38, 1889, pp. 257-263. Origin and mechanism of faults, especially those of the Great Basin. Notes on the Cretaceous rocks of Northern California; by J. S. Diller. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 40, 1890, pp. 476- 478. The validity of the so-called Wallala beds as a division of the California Cretaceous; by H. W. Fairbanks. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 45, 1893, pp. 473-478. Discovery of Devonian rocks in California; by J. S. Diller and Charles Schuchert. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 47, 1894, pp. 416-422. An auriferous conglomerate of Jurassic age from the Sierra Nevada; by W. Lindgren. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 48, 1894, pp. 275-280. Lower Cambrian rocks in Eastern California; by Chas. D. Wal- cott. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. 49, 1895, pp. 141-144. Some reptilian remains from the Triassic of Northern California; by J. C. Merriam. Am. Jour. Sci., 3d ser.. Vol. 50, 1895, pp. 65-57. The author describes the saurian remains of two individuals from black Triassic limestone of Shasta County under the name of Shasta- saurus pacificus, n. gen. et sp. nov. THE AMERICAN MINING GAZETTE. Published at New York City. Gold; its discovery and progressive development in the United States. Am. Min. Gazette, Vol 1, 1864, pp. 221-235. The Mariposa estate. Am. Min. Gazette, Vol. 1, 1864, p. 431. 5 58 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Published at New York City. 1st Series : Vol. 1, 1824— Vol. 11, 1876. Catalogue of shells collected at Panama, with notes on synon- ymy, station, and habitat; by C. B. Adams. Ann. N. Y. Lyceum of Nat. Hist., Vol. V, 1852, pp. 229-548. (Also published separately.) The author gives full notes and descriptions, but no illustrations. Out of nearly 500 species, over 100 were new ; but few of them extend to California, though many of the species are found living or fossil farther north. BULLETINS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Vol. 1, 1890— Vol. 6, 1894. Orographic movements of the Rocky Mountains; by S. F. Em- mons. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 1, pp. 245-286. April 7, 1890. Sandstone dikes; by J. S. Diller. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 1, pp. 411-442, pis. 6-8. April 21, 1889. The structure of a portion of the Sierra Nevada of California; by George F. Becker. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 2, pp. 49-74. January 10, 1891. Antiquities from under Tuolumne Table Mountain in Califor- nia; by George F. Becker. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 2, pp. 189-200, pi. 7. February 20, 1891. Notes on the Early Cretaceous of California and Oregon ; by George F. Becker. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 2, pp. 201-208. February 20, 1891. Tertiary and Post Tertiary changes of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, with a note on the mutual relations of land elevation and ice accumulation during the Quaternary Publications of Scientific Societies. 59 period; by Joseph Le Conte. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 2, pp. 323-330. March 16, 1891. The geology of Mount Diablo, California ; by H. W. Turner. With a supplement on the chemistry of the Mount Diablo rocks ; by W. H: Melville. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 2, pp. 383-414, pi. 15. March 30, 1891. Geology of the Taylorville region of California ; by J. S. Diller. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 3, pp. 369-394. July 15, 1892. Jura and Trias at Taylorville, California ; by Alpheus Hyatt. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 3, pp. 395-412. July 15, 1892. Stratigraphy and succession of the rocks of the Sierra Nevada of California ; by James E. Mills. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 3, pp. 413-444, pi. 13. August 8, 1892. Cretaceous and Early Tertiary of Northern California and Oregon ; by J. S. Diller. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 4, pp. 205-224, pi. 4. April 14, 1893. The faunas of the Shasta and Chico formations ; by T. W. Stanton. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 4, pp. 245-266. June 8, 1893. Two Neocene rivers of California ; by W. Lindgren. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 4, pp. 257-298, pi. 5-9. June 19, 1893. Age of the auriferous slates of the Sierra Nevada ; by James P. Smith. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 5, pp. 243-258. February 27, 1894. Trias and Jura in the Western States; by *Alpheus Hyatt. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 5, 1894, pp. 395-434. The author places the relative age of the rocks of California, in different localities, as follows : Trias— American and Sailor's Canons. Lower Jura— Inyo County, Cal.; Taylorville, Cal. Middle Jura— Taylorville, Cal. Upper Jura— Taylorville, Cal.; Mariposa Basin. Cal.; Colfax Basin, Cal. 60 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. The following new species of fossils are described, but not figured : From American Cafion: Monotis semplicata; M. symmetrica. From Sailor's Canon: Daonellaf subjecta; D. hochiformis ; D. carcli- noides; Hemientoliumf sp.? ; Panopeaf sp.? ; Entolium sp.?; Gry- phxa sp.? Upper Jura fossils of the gold belt slates: Cardioceras duhium, Texas Ranch, Calaveras County; Perisphinctes virgtilatiformis, near Reynolds Ferry; Perisphinctes sp.?, the same; P. Jili'plexf, Quenstedt, Tuolumne River, etc.; P. Colfaxi, Gabb, one mile west of Colfax; P. Muhbachi, El Dorado County ; Olcostephanics Lindgreni, near Colfax ; Oecotrautes denticulata, Stanislaus River ; Belemnites Pacificus, Gabb, Mariposa County, American Canon ; Avicula sp.?, Stanislaus River ; Amusium aurarium, Meek, six miles from Copperopolis ; Aucella Erringtoni, Meek, var, arcuata, Tuolumne River, etc.; A. elongata, Stanislaus River; var. Elongata orbicularis, A. aviculxformis, near Reynolds Ferry; var. acuta, six miles frojn Copperopolis; A. orbicu- laris, Calaveras County. The Shasta-Chico series; by J. S. Diller and T. W. Stanton. Bull. Geol. Sci. of America, Vol. o, pp. 435-464. April 12, 1894. The authors give the following conclusions : That the discovery of Coralliochama Orcutti, in the basal portion of the Chico beds, in the Sacramento Valley, demonstrates that the Wallala beds are only a phase of the Chico. The Shasta-Chico series is composed of the Knoxville, Horsetown, and Chico beds, which are each characterized by its own fauna. The fauna of adjacent beds, however, are so bound together by many common species that there is no palaeontologic break. The Mariposa and Knoxville beds are faunally distinct and unconformable; the former Jurassic, and the latter Cretaceous. Geological sketch of Lower California; by S. F. Emmons and G. P. Merrill. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 5, pp. 489-514, pi. 19. April 21, 1894. ^Review of our knowledge on the geology of the California coast ranges; by H. W. Fairbanks. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 6, pp. 71-102. December 24, 1894. Characteristic features of California gold-quartz veins; by W. Lindgren. Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 6, pp. 221-240, pi. 11. March 5, 1895. Publications of Scientific Societies. 61 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Published at San Francisco, Cal. Memoirs : Vol. 1, 1868— Vol. 2, 1895. Bulletins : Vol. 1, 1884— Vol. 2, 1886-87. Occasional Papers: Nos. 1-4, 1890-95. Proceedings, 1st series : Vol. 1, 1854— Vol. 7, 1876. Proceedings, 2d series : Vol. 1, 1888— Vol. 6, 1896. The natural system of volcanic rocks ; by F. Baron Richt- hofen. Memoirs Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, Part 2. San Francisco, 1868. 95 pp. The following is the classification of volcanic rocks: Order First : Rhyolite— Family 1. Nevadije, or granitic rhyolite. 2. Liparite, or porphyritic rhyolite. 3. Rhyolite proper, or lithoidic and hyaline rhyolite. Order Second : Trachyte — Family 1. Sanidin trachyte. 2. Oligoclase trachyte. Order Third: Propylite— Family 1. Quartzose propylite. 2. Hornblendic propylite. 3. Augitic propylite. Order Fourth : Andesite— Family 1. Hornblendic andesite. 2. Augitic andesite. Order Fifth: Basalt- Family 1. Dolerite. 2. Basalt 3. Leucitophyre. On certain fossils from San Luis Obispo County; by Dr. Anti- sell. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 34-35. Description of Ammonites Batesi; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, p. 39. Descriptions of fossil shells; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 40-42. Chemnitzia papulosa, n.sp. ; Tornatella eUiptica, n.sp. ; Murex fragUiSf n.sp. ; Fustu BarbarenHs, n.8p. ; F. robustus, n.sp. ; F. rugosus, n.sp. On the cause of tides, earthquakes, rising of continents, etc.; by Dr. C. F. Winslow. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 48-51. 62 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California, Remarks on certain geological specimens; by Horace Davis. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, p. 62. Report on mineral waters from Red Bluff; by Dr. Lanszweert. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 72-74. On earthquakes in California from 1812-1857; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 85, 102, 109, and 121. ' Republished Am. Jour. Sci , 2d ser., Vol. 22, 1856, pp. 110-116. Description of new species of Ammonite and Baculite; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, p. 92. , Ammonite Chicoensis, n.sp. ; Baculite Chicoensis, n.sp. Description of three new species of the genus Plagiostoma from the Cretaceous rocks of Los Angeles; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 93-94, pi. 3. Plagiostoma Pedroana, n.sp. ; P. annulatiis, n.sp. ; P. truncata, n.sp. On the mud volcanoes in the Colorado Desert; by Dr. .John A. Veatch. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, 1854-57, pp. 116- 120. Republished Am. Jour Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 26, 1858, p. 258. The Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences in- cluded in Vol. 1 were originally printed in ''The Pacific,", a newspaper published in San Francisco. This volume was afterward published by the Academy in two editions. Earthquakes in California in 1858-59; by Dr. J. B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 2, 1858-62, pp. 38-39. Description of two new species of bivalved shell from the Ter- tiaries of Contra Costa County; by A. Remond. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, p. 13. Cardium Gabbi, n.sp.; OHrea BourgeoLn, n.sp. Description of four new species of Echinodermata from the Tertiaries of Contra Costa County; by A. Remond. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863, pp. 52-53. Astrodapsis Whitneyi, n.sp. ; A. tvmidus, n.sp. ; Echinarachnitis Brewerianiis, n.sp. ; Clypeaster Qabbi, n.sp. Publications of Scientific Societies. 63 Earthquakes in California from 1800-1864; by John B. Trask. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 130-144. For articles on same subject, see p. 190; also, p. 239. Notes on some fossils from the gold-bearing slates of Mariposa, with description of some new species; by W. M. GaV>b. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 172-173. Linia Erringtoni ; Pholadomya orbiculata; Belemnitea Pacificus. Communication on the San Luis Obispo quicksilver fossils; by W. M. Gabb. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, p. 173. New mineral oil regions in the Tulare Valley; by William P. Blake. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, p. 193. Notice of a human skull recently taken from a shaft near Angels, Calaveras County; by J. D. Whitney. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 277-279. See also "The Pacific," Vol. XVIII, No. 48; Congregationalist, Sep- tember 27, 1876, and Rev. des Deux Mondes, Vol. XII, 3d ser., p. 288. Miscellaneous notices; by William P. Blake. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 289-291. 1. New locality of fossils, in the gold-bearing rocks of California. 2. Tooth of the extinct elephant. Placer County. 3. Shark teeth and other remains, Tulare County. 4. Quarry of gold-bearing rocks. This volume contains also other short notices on fossils from Mare Island, Oregon Bar, Mariposa, etc., with mineralogical notices. On the subdivisions of the Cretaceous formation in California; by W. M. Gabb. . Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 301-306. On the fresh-water infusorial deposits of the Pacific Cokst, and their connection with the volcanic rocks; by J. D. Whit- ney. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 319-324. Notice of new localities of diamonds in California; by B. Silli- man. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, 1863-68, pp. 354-357. Earthquakes on Kern River, in the central portion of the Sierra Nevada; by J. E. Clayton. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868-72, pp. 38-40. 64 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Remarks on the first discoverer of glaciers in the United States; by George Davidson. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868- 1872, p. 162. Remarks on surface geology as affected by upheavals; by George Davidson. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868-72, p. 179. On the coast surface and scenic geology; by Amos Bowman. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868-72, pp. 244-245, with plates. On some of the ancient glaciers of the Sierras; by Joseph Le Conte. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868-72, pp. 259-262. Remarks on recent earthquake waves; by George Davidson. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868-72, p. 268. Notes on the geology of the coast of Oregon; by W. A. Good- year. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, 1868-72, pp. 295-298. Remarks on the auriferous gravel deposits in Placer County; by J. M. Wiley. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 14-16. The abrasions of the continental shores of Northwest America, and the supposed ancient sea-levels; by George Davidson. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 90-96. On the artesian wells of Los Angeles County; by A. W. Chase. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 104-107. On the auriferous gravel deposits of California; by George ]!)avidson. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 145-146. Notes on the high Sierra south of Mount Whitney; by W. A. Goodyear. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 180-183. On the great lava flood of the Northwest, and on the structure and age of the Cascade Mountains; by Joseph Le Conte. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 6, 1873-74, pp. 214-220. Publications of Scientific Societies. 65 On the auriferous sands of Gold Bluff; by Mr. Chase. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 246-247, with illus- trations. Notes on some Tertiary fossils from the California coast, with a list of the species obtained from a well at San Diego, California, with a description of two new species; by W.H. Dall. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 296-299. The new species described are : Chrysodomus JDiegoensis, Waldheimia Kennedyi. Remarks on California coal; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 384-386. California during the Pliocene epoch; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 389-392. California in the Miocene epoch; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 401-404. The Eocene epoch in California: Are there really no Eocene strata? by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, pp. 419-421." Note on the Tertiary formation of California; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc.^ Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1873-74, p. 422. Cinder cone age of eruption; by H. A. Harkness. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1874, p. 408. On some of the ancient glaciers of the Sierra; by Joseph Le Conte. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 6, 1875, pp. 38-48, with plate. The glacial period, its origin and development; by J. E. Clay-. ton. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 6, 1875, pp. 123-131. On the result of the glacial action at the head of Johiison's Pass in the Sierras; by James Blake. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Vol. 6, 1875, pp. 170-175. There were no geological reports in Vol. 7 of the Proceed- ings of the California Academy of Sciences, published in 1876. 66 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. West Coast Pulmonata: fossil and living; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser., Vol. 1, 1888, pp. 11-24. (Continued from Bulletin Xo. 8, p. 514.) Notes on the geology of Baja California, Mexico; by W. Lind- gren, U. S. Geological Survey. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 1, 1888, pp. 173-196, with 5 plates. Description of Pleistocene, Tertiary, Cretaceous, Eruptive, basal granites, and structural features. The author gives a geological pro- file from San Diego to the Colorado Desert, pi. JII. There were no geological reports in Vol. 2, second series, of the Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, pub- lished in 1889. An illustration of the flexure of rock; by George H. Ashley. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 3, 1890-92, pp. 319- 324. Geological surveys in the State of California; by Anthony W. Vogdes. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 3, 1890-92, pp. 325-337. On the discovery of Proetus elliplicuSj Meek, in the Carboniferous limestone of Shasta County; by A. W. Vogdes. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 3, 1890-92, p. 376. On some Pliocene fresh-water fossils of California; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 4, 1894, pp. 166-172, PI. XIV. Margaritana subangidata, n.sp. The Neocene stratigraphy of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California; by George H. Ashley. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d ser.. Vol. 5, 1895, pp. 273-365, Pis. XXII-XXV. t On fossil and sub-fossil land shells of the United States, with notes on living species; by Dr. J. G. Cooper. Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci., No. 4, 1886, p. 235; No. 7, 1887, p. 355; No. 8, 1887, p. 497. The Washoe rocks; by George F. Becker. Bull. Cal. Acad. Sci.^ No. 6, 1887, pp. 93-120. See also American Naturalist, Vol. 22, 1888, pp. 639-640. Publications of Scientific Societies. 67 FOREIGN SOCIETIES. Origin of continents; by W. O. Crosby. Geol. Mag., Vol. 10, .June, 1883, pp. 241-252. Lower Californian eruptive rocks; by E. Ritter. Arch, des Sci., Vol. 33, 1895, p. 330. Die Californischen Bacillarien-Gebirge; by J. D.Whitney. Mon- atsber. K. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1872, pp. 124-139. Zwei profile durch die Sierra Nevada; von E. Reger. Neues jahrbuch IV, Beilage Band 1886, pp. 291-326, plates XVII, with 24 illustrations. Ueber die wachsende kenntniss des unsichtbaren Lebens als felsbildende Bacillarien in Calif ornien; von Ehrenberg. Berlin Akad. Abhandl., 1870, pp. 126-132; Berlin Monatsber. Akad., 1870, pp. 259-264. On the gold regions of California ; by J. S. Wilson. .Jour. Geol. Soc. of London, Vol. 10, 1854, pp. 308-321. The author gives a geological sketch-map of part of Upper Cali- fornia, comprising the southern mines ; section across Upper Cali- fornia from the Pacific to the Sierra Nevada, length 70 miles ; Fig. 3, section of auriferous detritus at Sullivan's Gulch ; Fig. 4, section of quartz vein in Carson's Hill ; Fig. 5, section at Murphy's Deep Diggings. A contribution to the history of mineral veins ; by J. Arthur Phillips. Jour. Geol. Soc. of London, Vol. 35, 1879, pp. 390-396. On the hot springs of California. Geologic — Observations sur les gesements auriferes de la Cali- fornie; par M. L. Simonin. Comptes Rendus de I'Aca- de'mie des Sciences, 20 Fevrier, 1860. t. 50, p. 389. Paris. Sur Paction des anciens glaciers dans la Sierra Nevada de Call-, fornie et sur I'origine de la vallee de Yo Semite; par W. P. Blake. Comptes Rendus, Paris, 22 July, 1867. 3 pp. '68 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. On the geographical distribution and physical characteristics of the coal fields of the North Pacific Coast; by Robert Brown. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc, 1868-69. 23 pp. Contains Tertiary coals of the North Pacific: 1. Monte Diablo, California; 2. Coos Bay, Oregon; with analysis of native and im- ported coals. Note sur le geologic de la Californie; par Jules Marcou. Bull. Soc. Geol. of France, 1883, pp. 407-435; with geological map of California. Catalogue of recorded earthquakes from 1606 B. C. to A. D. 1850; by Robert Mallet. Report British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1854. Report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the mollusca of the west coast of North America; by Philip P. Carpenter. Report British Assoc. Adv. of Science, 1856, pp. 159-368. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the mollusca of the west coast of North America; by Philip P. Carpenter. Report British Assoc. Adv. of Science, 1864, pp. 517-686. See also Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections No. 252. Wash- ington, 1872. Untersuchungen in Californien; von Jules Marcou. Verhandl. d. K. K. Geol. Reichsanstalt, 1875, pp. 215-216, No. 12. Sur le gisement de Tor en Californie; par Jules Marcou. Bib- liotheque Universalle de Geneve, Fevrier, 1854. Geneve. Mikroskopische beobachtungen an Californischen gesteinen; von M. Schuster. Neues Jahrb. 1887, V. Beil. Bd. ss. 451- 578, tafel 17-20. (Abstract from American Naturalist, Vol. 22, 1887, p. 452.) Detailed description of the micro-petrography of eighty rock speci- mens from the Sierra Nevada, and a discussion of the mineralogic constituents. Mittheilungen iiber die Geologic Californiens; von Jules Marcou. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Paleeon- tologie, Jahrgang 1883, Bd. II, pp. 52-58. Publications of Scientific Societies. 6^ Beitrag zur Kenntniss der geognostischen Beschaffenheit Cali- forniens; von Dr. G. Grewingk. Verhandlungen der Rus- sisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen-Gesellschaft. zu St. Petersburg. Jahr. 1847, pp. 142-162. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE JOURNAL AND AMERI- CAN MECHANICS' MAGAZINE. Published at Philadelphia. Experiments on various coals of the Carboniferous and Cre- taceous periods, to ascertain their relative potential and economic vaporizations; made by Chief Engineer B. F. Isherwood, U. S. Navy, at the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, in 1871. Journal of Franklin Institute, Vol. 27, 3d ser., No. 6, June, 1872, pp. 392-402. See Report U. S. Navy Department. House Doc. 42d Cong., 2d ses- sion, Ex. Doc. 206, 1872. HUTCHINGS'S ILLUSTRATED CALIFORNIA MAGAZINE. A mammoth tusk. Hutchings's Illustrated California Maga- zine, Vol. 2, 1857-58, pp. 15-16. HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE. A history of the discovery of gold in California; by Geo. M. Evans. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, Vol. 31, p. 385. JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY. Published at Chicago, 111. Vol. 1, 1893— Vol. 3, 1895. Revolution in the topography of the Pacific Coast since the Auriferous period; by J. S. Diller. Jour. Geol., Vol. 2,. 1894, pp. 32-54. 70 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. The Arkansas coal measures in their relation to the Pacific Carboniferous province ; by James Perrin Smith. Jour. Geol., Vol. 2, No. 2, February-March, 1894. The author refers to the Pacific Carboniferous sea under the follow- ing headings: Revolution in Devonian time ; the Carboniferous sea; Upper Carboniferous in the West ; the Pawhuski limestone ; inter- change of life between East and West ; replacement of limestone by the coal-bearing formation in Western Europe ; land areas in the West ; the Permian Pacific Ocean ; Triassic Pacific Ocean. The Metamorphic Series of Shasta County, California ; by James Perrin Smith. Jour. GeoL, Vol. 2, No. 6, Sep- tember-October, 1894. The author, under "Stratigraphy," gives the following general heading to his article : Columnar section of the metamorphic series : Sacramento forma- tion — Kennett limestones and shales. McClond formation— occur- rence and character. Baird shales — distribution and fossils ; aflSnities of the fauna. McGloud limestone — occurrence and character ; fauna of the McCloud limestone. Pitt formation— genevaX character of the rocks ; the Carboniferous argillites ; the Triassic shales and conglom- erates. Cedar formation — distribution and character; Swearinger slates; Hosselkus limestone ; Atractites beds ; Spiriferina beds ; etc. Bend formation — Jura-Trias uncomf ormity. Mesozoic changes in the faunal geography of California; by J. P. Smith. Jour. GeoL, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1895, pp. 369-384. The age and succession of the igneous rocks of the Sierra Nevada; by W. H. Turner. Jour. GeoL, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1895, pp. 385-414. The stratigraphy of the California coa^ ranges; by H. W. Fair- banks. Jour. GeoL, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1895, pp. 415-433. Studies in the Miocene of California; by Geo. H. Ashley. Jour. GeoL, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1895, pp. 434-454. THE MINING MAGAZINE. Published at New York. Geology of the Sierra Nevada, or California, range; by Prof. John B. Trask. Mining Mag., Vol. 1, 1853, pp. 6-23. Publications of Scientific Societies. 71 Mineral districts of Central California; by Prof. John B. Trask. Mining Mag., Vol. 3, 1