P HE 4-4-91 f THE TRAFFIC OF THE" 'SOBWAY OF THE Interborcugh Rapid Transit Company of New York City. SUBMITTED TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION f=OR THE FIRST DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BY BION J. ARNOLD, Special Consulting Engineer. REPORT No. 6, December 31st, 1908. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, 154 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. [Form 2125] [looo— D '08 (B)] 'n 7X6 2. a- MARTIN B. BROWN * PRESS* NEWW'YORK LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. New York, December 31st, 1908. Public Scrz'icc Coiinnissiou for the First District of the State of Nczu York, 154 Nassau Street, New York City : Gentlemen — I have the honor to submit herewith my report upon "The Traffic of the Subway," this being the sixth of a series of reports which I have prepared for you upon the present Subway of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company. This report contains the results of studies of the passenger and train movements which have been made from time to time in the preparation of the reports I have already submitted covering the safety, the comfort and the capacity of the present Subway. Parts of this report might have been issued before, but it has been thought best not to submit the traffic data used in drawing the concUisions reached in my other reports until they could be combined into a comprehensive record. This report, therefore, shows a record of the traffic in the Subway as I found it a year ago; shows the results of the improvements that have been made during the past year and indicates the benefits that may be expected if other possible improve- ments are finally carried out. This report also shows the advantages that are being enjoyed by the citizens of Greater New York as a result of the operation of the present Subway. To design, build and operate an expensive system of subsurface transportation furnishing facili- ties for a 1714 miles continuous ride at high speed through the heart of a crowded city, and underneath a broad river, for one five cent fare is an accomplishment which appears more creditable as the difficulties of duplicating it become appreciated. The information in this report emphasizes the fact that has already been pointed out,— that one of the most serious defects of the present Subway is its lack of over- load capacity; that is, its inability properly to carry the peak load traffic which must be handled twice each business day. In the building of future Subways this defect should be remedied, and in the operation of the present Subway every effort should be made to increase the carrying capacity during these rush hour periods. During the past few months the carrying capacity during rush hours of the ex- press tracks of the Subway has been increased about 10% by changes in the signal ()80860 system, and of the improvements that will further increase this capacity there still remain to be carried out the following: I. — Additional doors in each side of each car. (Now being installed on experimen- tal trains.) 2. — Speed control signals at the approach to each express station. (Now being developed and in operation at one point.) 3. — The elimination of the 96th Street crossover and the introduction of reservoir tracks at this point. (Now under construction.) 4. — The running of all express trains to Brooklyn by providing a shuttle train ser- vice between Bowling Green and South Ferry. (Necessary changes to accomplish this now under construction.) 5. — The adding of an additional car to each express train during the rush hour periods. 6. — The adoption of an automatic coupler so that trains can be quickly made up and broken up at intermediate points to save dead car mileage. Much has been said in regard to furnishing "a seat for every passenger." With the present Subway there are more seat miles operated each day than there are pas- senger miles traveled, and therefore, if the passenger movement could be made to coincide with the seat movement, there would be a seat for every passenger and some seats to spare. However, as the passengers cannot be expected to travel to fit the convenience of railroad operations, unremitting efforts should be made to move the seats coincident with the passenger movement. In adopting a method of regula- tion for the future car movement of the present Subway upon a basis which will not be unjust to the Subway company, my recommendation is to divide the probable num- ber of passengers by a constant determined as shown in the report, in order to establish the number of car miles that should be run, and then prepare a schedule calling for thi^ number of car miles so distributed as to carry the greatest number of seated passengers. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BION J. ARNOLD, Consulting Engineer. THE TRAFFIC OF THE SUBWAY OF THE INTER- BOROUGH RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY OF NEW YORK CITY. The system of transportation which is popularly known as the New York Subway is a rapid transit railroad in the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx with a re- cently opened extension to the Borough of Brooklyn. Fully 75% of this road has been built beneath the surface, where its operation is not interfered with by the con- gested street traffic and its technical success during the three years a large part of it has been running demonstrates the practicability and desirability of a subsurface system of transportation under the conditions existing in New York City. Location. , Plate I, showing the location and configuration of the routes, indicates that the part of the line serving Manhattan and The Bronx roughly resembles the letter "Y," the base of which is located at the southern extremity of Manhattan Island. The branching occurs at 103d Street and Broadway ; the end of the westerly branch being at 242d Street near Van Cortlandt Park, and the end of the easterly branch at i8oth Street and West Farms Road near Bronx Park. The Brooklyn division extends under the East River at nearly right angles to the stem of the "Y" serving lower Manhattan and ends at the intersection of Flatbush Avenue and Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, con- venient to the terminal station of the Long Island Railroad. In general the districts served by the Subway may be classified as follows: I. — Brooklyn Terminal at Flatbush Station of Long Island Railroad. 2. — Business and Civic Center of Brooklyn. 3. — Ferry connections at South Ferry Station. 4. — Business District in the vicinity of Wall Street. 5. — Brooklyn Bridge Terminal and City Hall. 6. — Shopping Districts at 14th Street and 23rd Street. 7. — New Yark Central and Suburban train connections at Grand Central Station. 8. — Theatre District at Times Square. 9. — Residence District, upper Manhattan and Harlem. 10. — Van Cortlandt Park. II. — Residence District, The Bronx. 12. — Bronx Park. To serve the demand for transportation by means of the Subway, a combination of local and express service has been provided whereby the local service in addition to carrj-ing passengers fronv one local station to another local station acts also in a col- lecting and distributing capacity for certain points along the route, between which points a more rapid transit can be obtained by means of the express service. This transfer privilege is one of the distinguishing features of the New York Subway. To carry out this idea, that nortion of the system represented by the sten: of the "Y" is operated for the most part as a four-track road, the two inner tracks being operated as express tracks, tlic two outside tracks carrying the local service. An extension of this idea has been put in operation on the westerly branch of the system, whereby an express service in a downtown direction in the morning, and in an uptown direction in the evening is obtained. This is accomplished by using a third track between 137th Street and 96th Street during the morning and evening rush hours for an express service in the manner just indicated. The points or stations between which express service is given arc Brooklyn Bridge, 14th Street, Grand Central station, 72nd Street and 96th Street, and in addition at 137th Street as noted above. Plate II shows the relative distance between stations and the disposition of the tracks in detail. From the Brooklyn Bridge station to 96th Street station the line is four-tracked. On the Broadway branch (including 103rd Street station) there are three tracks to 145th Street, then two tracks to Dyckman Street, then three tracks again to Bailey Avenue. On the Bronx Park or Lenox branch there are two tracks to Brook Avenue, and from that point to Bronx Park (180th Street) there arc three tracks. On the Lenox Avenue spur to 148th Street there are two tracks; on the City Hall loop, one track; on the Battery Park loop two tracks. The Brooklyn extension is a two track line through separate tubes under the East River to Borough Hall and practically a four-track line between Borough Hall and Atlantic Avenue. Liberal provision has been made in planning the line between Borough Hall and the end of the Brooklyn extension to take care of future extensions and connections. In IManhattan there is a storage yard under Broadway between 137th Street and 145th Street on the Fort George branch, another on the surface at the end of the Lenox Avenue spur, Lenox Avenue and 148th Street, and a third on an elevated structure in The Bronx at Boston Road and I78tli Street. There is a repair shop and inspection shed on the surface adjoining the Lenox Avenue spur at Harlem River, near 148th Street, and an insocction shed at the storage yard at Boston Road and 178th Street. Length of Line. The following table shows the shortest distance by way of the Subway lines between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street; between Brooklyn Bridge and 242nd Street, Broadway line; between Brooklyn Bridge and 180th Street on the Lenox Line, and from Brooklyn Bridge to Atlantic Avenue on the Brooklyn extension. The total length of the Subway system is 25.8 miles. Table I. Length of Road, Conparcd zvith Shortest Distance. Straight Subway. Line. Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street 6.43 miles 5.84 miles Brooklyn Bridge to 242nd Street I4-I7 " 13-32 Brooklyn Bridge to 137th Street 8. 55 " 7.87 Brooklyn Bridge to 180th Street 13.46 " 11.08 Brooklyn Bridge to i4Sth Street 9. 45 " 8.18 Brooklyn Bridge to Atlantic Avenue 3.25 " 2.43 This table shows the shortest distance in miles from Brooklyn Bridge to these same points, and therefore indicates the extent of the diversion of the Subway from a straight line. If the Subway had been built down Broadway from the Times Square Building to 14th Street instead of being diverted down 42nd Street to pass by the Grand Central Station, about ^s of a mile would have been saved in the length of the line from Brooklyn Bridge to upper Manhattan. On the other hand, if the Lenox branch could have made connection directly with the Subway at the Grand Central Station instead of being carried west to Broadway, all of the Lenox passengers would have saved nearly one mile's travel each way be- tween Brooklyn Bridge and The Bronx. In addition to the larger diversions of the road, there are many small curves which not only add to the length of the. line but also reduce the possible speed that could be economically maintained. Fully 25% of the total length of line is upon curves, the least radius of curvature being 147 feet. Upon the approaches to the tunnels under the Harlem River and East River there are grades of 3% and this is the maximum grade to be found in the Subway. The longest continuous ride in the Subway without change of routes is from Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn to 242nd Street — a distance of 17.5 miles. The longest continuous ride on the Manhattan elevated system is one of 14.6 miles on the Third Avenue Elevated line and the longest contintious ride without transfers on the surface lines is 12.3 miles on the Third Avenue line from the Post Office to Fort George. Variations in Yearly Traffic. In order that a comprehensive idea of the magnitude and growth of the passenger traffic of the Subway may be obtained, the data of Table II, shown graphically in Figure I, may be studied to advantage. Table II. Comparative Passenger Traffic by Years. Tickets Period. Sold. *Oct. 27, 1904, to Dec. 31, 1904 16,241,869 Tan. I, 1905, to Dec. 31, 1905 116,209,313 Jan. I, 1906, to Dec. 31, 1906 I49>778,370 Jan. I, 1907, to Dec. 31, 1907 182,559,990 Jan. I, 1908, to Dec. 31, 1908 220,991,212 * The date the Subway was opened to traffic. ZZ6. 000,000 21 0,000,000 I 92,000,000 |6S,000,000 M^.ooopoo Q _J [^ 12 0,0 00,00 Ul t p IL 9 6.000,0 00 g (0 t: 72,000,000 z ■48,000,000 24.OOO.0O0 I 2.000,000 6.000.0 u~'"T - -^ H 1 ~ iC ir V, ; v' , . 1..., ,. ,_. j r / T 7 7 7 1 : z .z -JL^IZ f ? : ^^'^ . ^^ . ."^ / / / X 7 y^ X / _ _ 13C4 /^ /. .- -^ / u ^ T - - /: 4: ^ it -!! i t -F ^ . -p.- ^ "4- '^ . I5C£-<'^ -i_- ^t,- 4_ . X^ Z x"^ ' ^^^ 3 ^^ A ^"^ -.'^ - -«= ^ t IMC'.*, , ' > E A R -' / B^riL J tl r i t f- - J t X- t •_.■_. Il t X , Ij i X- t 4 i r 4 iz r^ 1 u iJ i^ t ^ E i^Q J S y 1: :ni L _ f E R e» L £ t ^ __it: _ x_ _ _ _ 1904 i905 ISO 6 ISO 7 I9< >d FIGURE I. Showing Increase in Subway Passenger Traffic by Years. < ^ PQ < n ! 1^ o i, o o •;; O to '^ r-. ^*-< n n w ►^ — 1X Cft 1^ CO o O n i-t t^ Cv o o o t^ o t^vqoo ^ .c' o" ^ tn o \o rr o c^ rt •^ in 0,30 Cf. • ? <; (i, h. U ■1^ U ft. 3 "-J o ti^S O o 00 ~ ^^ ri in» W5 " Ci 0\ "2 •- O fO 0\ PO o" -^ O OoO fo >oo, o," •" O o 1^ •- l^ o o "^00 o M o m" o '-^ O CO \o Tf <•! f) „ „ ID fOsO *^ ON m" i^ " >J3 W ^' tl owo M n lo" i-Noo f r ■- " « o " - O =0 M \o ►- o "■• •*od "f OOO M 'O O lO t^N ■^ "1- tvp C . ^ 33J ^ l; O — — .TO o rt ^ III I ■^ " u o O 5 -"I— 1 4, y-I. U - o o " ^ " tn C >.^ rt S o O is 5 u_^.S ■" ,, _ 5P t* ^ 3 *- O i- 1- ^ 3 H ii "^ c *i 11 c T3 3 -a o y uT a •T3 1) S o "ir ■^ O ? U CO C a "3 o i2 V . 5 *' o;- W ^ " '" ir.^ o — « ■- B Co — ^ — •'*' ■-■a M ! a c 0/ u 1) V, :— W.X.' C^ C bc^ c O O D..S 3 j;-5w „ ° 3 in o rt o C •„ - o >.7^ 3 3 ^-= ~ « 3 3-- H5 ^ «;-3 o -■= >-" 5_ 5 "^ « CO ,,^ ■B H ■? -^ ^ 0! Eg o 3 J=^ 3 •^ u t rt ,», t/i p- rri u rt to _ ^' ^ — 3 u 3 i; "•",.— ° S " "t^ic « o 3 S:~ >;"i; o j. o u Z^-Bo 53 O ^^ O 5 r-'O 1, M Q ^J= EhJ"" ^■g — V- V o 5 :5 . !=H'^t-^^ • ii'^ -3J:: "LU * "^ :S.2 4'*' j^ ,uj= — — - — 1 — -_ — -- — _ _ _ _- . « i 1 _ Ar////£ns 4: 30 • ^ 29 • -- — t- li / ■ . -.-. 7£ ^l^Wt\iZ'^ h' tAil »jr £L'"''C^ J3^ ^>^ fc: 56^ t^^nts -i' DM i z: t ' JL ^^ s^ .«^ t ^^' y-l/i "'TA "" ii ^ ^ ^.^ 35^> 5T iS/r il ^s^il f i^J \ tZ^f 23 _|^r a^ ^ ^^ ^ p^ 53 _UI J**--^ ^R- ^ T-+- 2 ^^' ■ ± 1 ■" " T-^ i s t -,^ 71 mt t j^t ^L / 1 21 ^ -H — hi — \ — r- '-' \ / ,r -■7 ' 1 ' i ^--'^ i' ^ /.(?• ji i^ ! ^_|_^ ^""iii-, _ + ^ la U iL_ 1 ! -ill t- IC- V t ^ /^ ■ I 1 i .^/y.g'iiiaiA /^Jf \ ' ^ ff? ^ ^' IT V -n / ^ J . '° ^ .J -i-V J / u / L? /7 tv ;-^ / \ f 'v; /"^H. ^j.*^"" 1 i ci If, t-J-XV ^ ? -h- -^ V A § '^ ■ S^iol it .- ^^ -. ^ '^ s /v ^ ^ T-iLqi L 3I1 v ^ 15 ■ tL ^ L ^ ti /■* ^l *' V ■•'' « '^ V ^ ._ it v^ /».jt4l it _E ^ IP 1: ^ '^ ^^. ^ 4: > /;> ' ^ X - t IT it ^ '* '»-./ // . -^ '^^ " /^s;^ ,^^'"',^^Ln'£^ //7 ^ y "" "» SJ / 1 '^ >> 1 », ^ /C/ > 'S/'l'^,^ *'''^' <7 1 ^ — --- fl, ,^^^"^3^^ If ^■~>.=3" it ^^^ -!5>lt ^ y. -^^ S^ it ^^ ^^ ^v^^^ -^^ Z^-7^ ~ 'V^lt Z ^^ ^^^ ^ ^.it ^i:,^'' it it ^^ z 0. _x 'v__Z 4.-. ^32'^?:;jk^ j.--tt--_=_=^__^_i^_- i !: = ^^__^^^ 2 ^■'T'^'^IH'^'^ 1 . g' M Ml 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 11 1 ll 1 1 1 M M 1 III M 1 1 M H UN ? m m 1 ^ § sj ^ I ^ ? ^ I u ^ ^ /907 ^ f^ »< -> Si «o ■^ *o c:i '/908 I FIGURE 2. Comparative Passenger Traffic by Months. Subway and Manhattan Elevated Roads. The subway traffic has been steadily increasing. This diagram shows the comparative falling off of patronage during the summer months of the Elevated and the Subway lines. lO Traffic By Stations. The yearly ticket sales for the years 1906 and 1907 at the different stations are shown by Figure 3, the lightly shaded sections showing the sales for 1906 and the black sections representing the increase in sales during the year 1907, tlic distance from the base line to the top of the black sections thus representing the sales for 1907. This diagram represents at once therefore not only the relative ticket sales at the various, stations but also shows the stations at which the business is increasing the fastest; for instance, it will be noted that the business at the Times Square station is increasing more rapidly than the business at the Grand Central Station, making it probable that the Times Square station may soon handle as many pay passengers as those who nozu purchase tickets at the Grand Central Station. To show the geographical distribution of the Subway patrons, the relative ticket sales at various stations have been shown by means of circles upon the map, Plate II. This map indicates at once that the Lenox branch is much better patronized than the Broadway line and attention is at once attracted to the fact that the stations at the out-lying ends of both branches show comparatively the least number of ticket sales. The opening of the Brooklyn extension to Borough Hall station on January ist, 1908, and to Atlantic Avenue on May ist, 1908, has decreased the number of ticket sales sold at the Brooklyn Bridge station by over 20% and at the same time has increased considerably the ticket sales at Bowling Green, Wall Street and Fulton Street. From present appearances the ticket sales during the year 1908 will be about 3,500,000 at Bowling Green, 10,000,000 at Fulton Street and 7,000,000 at Wall Street and these figures have been shown by the dotted circles at the respective stations in Plate II. The total increase in ticket sales at these three stations will show an increase of approximately 5,000.000 tickets during 1908 which will offset the falling off of ticket sales at Brooklyn Bridge. As a result the entire ticket sales on the Brook- lyn side of the tubes under the East river may be taken as the measure of the in- fluence of the Brooklyn extension on the earning power of the Subway. As near as the earnings can be estimated at present the ticket sales at the various Brooklyn stations after May ist, 1908, will be at about the following rates per year: Borough Hall 7,500,000 Atlantic Avenue 9,500,000 Nevins Street 2,500,000 Hoyt Street 2,500,000 — or a total for the Brooklyn extension of 22,000,000 passengers per year. The passenger traffic to and from Brooklyn is a fortunate addition to the Subway business as a large portion of the Brooklyn passengers ride a comparatively short distance and in a direction opposite to the Manhattan load tending to use more effectively the return cars and thus cut down the proportion of empty seats. II ??500 OOO eioooooo I 95000 OO leoooooo I6500000 1 5000000 (0 I350O0OO u O i?oooooo F IL I0500000 ec lu ^ 9000000 o z: 7SOOOOO 6OOOOO0 /1500000 This diagram the "West Farms districts. FIGURE 3 Yearly Ticket Sales ,'i.v Stations by Years. =ho\vs grar.hically the relative patronajJe from llie stations on the "Broadway" and branches and indicates the small amount of patronage served in the outlying 12 Monthly Variations in Traffic. Figure 4 shows the variation of ticket sales from month to month, which sales may, for the purpose of this report be taken as a measure of the passenger travel for the periods in question. The curves show a characteristic variation throughout the year, the lowest values occurring during July and August of each year and the highest during December. Table V shows the percentage relation of the lowest and highest monthly values to the average monthly value for the corresponding year, and the ratio each year be- tween the maximum month and the minimum month. It will be noticed that this latter ratio is decreasing; that is, that the falling off in patronage during the summer months is less evidenced each year. Table V. Showing comparison of number of passengers during month of heaviest travel and month of lightest travel with average travel : Year Monthly average Lowest month Percentage of monthly avera.yc Highest monlh Percentage of monthly average Ratio of maximum month to minimnm month 1905 9,684,109 1906 12,481,530 1907 15,202,000 6,070,908 8.555. 795 1 1,550,000 62.77« 68.67% 76. % 13.704.570 15,609.516 I 7.7iO.00O 141.5 Vo 125.1% 1 16. 8% 2.2s 1.82 1.58 Figure 2 shows the number of tickets sold each month during 1907 and 1908 in the Subway system and also on each of the four Manhattan Elevated lines for the corresponding months. This diagram indicates plainly that the decrease in the traffic of the Subway during the summer months is much more marked than the decrease in patronage of the elevated roads during the same time. Some of the patrons of the Subwa}^ leave the city for the summer months while many other passengers who regu- larly ride in the Subway prefer the elevated and surface cars during the summer. While the Subway does not get its proportion of passengers during the summer months it more than makes up this loss in the winter months when riding in the Sub- wav is more comfortable than in the surface or elevated cars. Daily V.vriation in Traffic. Information with regard to the daily variation in trafific has not been shown as the ticket sales cannot be considered a measure of the number of passengers carried, since many persons acquire a small stock of tickets for convenience, thus apparently in- creasing the day's traffic. The effect of such practice on the apparent volume of traffic when considering periods of more than a day, however, is minimized to such an extent that it can be neglected. As a matter of general o])servation, it may be stated that the lightest traffic occurs on Sunday and the heaviest on Monday, the latter being due to the travel of shoppers attracted by the advertising in the Sunday papers. 13 2 2.0 00.000 eo.ooo.ooo I e.o 00,000 I 6,000,000 M.000.000 49a€- _j 12.000.000 (0 h y 10,000,000 laasl Q 8.000.000 OH u (0 D < E ^ FIGURE 4. Ticket Sales by Months for Years 1904 to ic 14 At the present time the Subway is carrying from 650,000 to 750,000 passengers per day. At the time of writing this report the heaviest record of ticket sales for one day was 886,000 on Monda\', December 21, 1908. Upon Sunday the traffic fluctuates between 350,000 and 450,000 passengers per day except in bad weather. Daily Schedules. Upon ordinary week days the cars and trains are run upon pre-determined sched- ules. These schedules, as at present operated, dispatch the cars from five different points and the following table shows these routes together witli the length of each route, the number of cars each way each day from each terminal, and the total length of time required to make a trip in one direction from one end of the route to the other. TABLE VI. Details of Train Schedules. Broadway I-ines — Local from 137th Street to Brooklyn Bridge.... Local-Express from 242d Street to South Ferry.. . Local-Express from Dyckman Street to South Ferry Lenox Avenue Line — Local from 145th .Street to Brooklyn Bridge.... Local-E.xpress from i8oth Street to Atlantic Ave- nue, Brooklyn 17-52 Minimum Total Length Cars each number of time to of route wav each cars to run one in miles dav maintain way, schedule minutes 8.55 Q54. 90 .3.3 15.16 840 104 47 12.68 741 96 38 9-45 1,020 125 37 17-52 1,726 278 50 The running or schedule time of the trains upon the various routes is shown by Table VII. These time cards only show the time for four routes, as the Dyckman Street Broadway express uses the same time card as the express leaving 242nd Street with the exception of the Sy^ minute interval required to run from 242nd Street to Dvckman Street. TABLE VII. Time Cards. From To Time Broadway — Local . . . 137th St. 96th St. 7 minute- 96th St. 72nd St. 4^ " 72nd St. Grand Central 7 (jrand Central 14th St. 6 14th St. Brooklyn Bridge 8/, " 15 From To Time Broadway — Local-Expresses. Lenox Avenue — Local Lenox Avenue — Local-Expresses. 242nd St. Dyckman St. 96th St. 72nd St. Grand Central 14th St. Brooklyn Bridge Dyckman Street 96th St. 72nd St. Gran4 Central 14th St. Brooklyn Bridge South Ferry 8]/2 minutes 3 5 4 " 4 5 47 145th St. ■ 96th St. 96th St. Brooklyn Bridge II " 26 37 180th St. 96th St. Brooklyn Bridge 96th St. Brooklyn Bridge Flatbush Avenue 23 " 16 11 " Actual Time as Compared with Schedule Time. Many observations have been taken of the time actually required by the trains to make the various runs in regular service. Under normal conditions and in non- rush hours, the trains are generally on time showing that the time cards are not unreasonable. At the beginning of the rush hours, the trains keep up to their schedule ■satisfactorily, indicating that even with heavy loads the motors are sufficiently large to maintain the speed that is necessary to make the trips on time. As soon, however, as the rush starts in, the trains are held longer at the plat- forms, the delays begin to accumulate and a general congestion of train movement spreads along the line, particularly in that part of the system between 96th Street and Brooklyn Bridge. The individual causes for the various delays- to which the trains are subjected during rush hours have been pointed out in detail in other reports. ■One record of the effect of these delays on the train schedule is shown graphically by Figure 5 in which the ."schedule time is shown in comparison with the actual time of several north bound express trains running between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street. The distance between these two stations is 6.43 miles and the regular running time from a start at Brooklyn Bridge to and including a stop at 96th street is 16 minutes. This results in a schedule of speed of 24 miles per hour if a 40-second station wait at 96th Street is included and 25 miles per hour if the time is counted from the time the train begins to leave the Brooklyn Bridge platforms until it comes to rest at the 96th Street station. The prolonged station waits at the express stations, particularly at Grand Central station, however, and the delays due to the cross over at 96th Street, during rush •hours and the consequent congestion due to the signal system cause constant i6 TTTT" ~]-^i:\,- _4_L i ^ -a i'r_l ■" |' Tt: .. ^^ -[ 1 - -L-Z" . \ 1 -L 1 V r- - M 1 ■ Tl I -^ , _LZ MM ± t T I^ il T+ ^ ^^ mit ii +■- ■*■ I 1 _lI . _L 1 . i y y" ^""" i ' J- II , t -,^ V i^ + + "Tm ^ ± ^ ^ ^ ^ ~rr 1 IT Itu £+ ^ ^ <^ X X X ji ± ^^qi^j:'^ z: t it ^ -1- ^ -^l^-^J^-^y lU ^ ^ Sy+ZIM/I^i^ir. X t 4 ^2 ^ ^Z ittt ^^ 4^4^ tt Z ^ itit itt ^1 ^^+^^ A- / i "Hx -X 14 -^- ^^' j/f i/ 1 , X X 1 ^X ^ ^-ly'^^/' X -M — h-+ XX -''' ■^ X '' ^ ' ^' .^ / V / ^ \ vT t^ J >' .^''i ,J yLi^4^ D ^^ 1^ A / \ -^ >'^ .•'^ y '-'y^ -^ 3 3 ■ '"X / / C v^ ^'1 / xl---?^ ;8 S 5$X ^ y^ X ^ -t X^- X ^It^Tt ^ T- ^ isl ^ >x^^?: y :X y A^^t J^ 11 ^ i; tit/^ y'^ y'^it-^ X ^ -.'^ \-/ « ' :L i X ^ /^X4 ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ UJ , , ^'^■- J /^ ,>^ j y' ,^^ / _ ^ I ^ ^^t '^ /.^ A^^^ ^^^ -.^+ti - ^ ^'' X^ X -u V^ ^A^ X''' 4 ^^ 1- 1 ^^ t z x 1 ,^ x^^ 4t -^ 14 s ^^ A X ^X-.4 ^^ ^ X ^ it ^ ^^ ^ X-7 / -.2^ ^^ ^-^ 4^ ^-' It j^ 1 ^ i. jt ^ 1 r ^'^ ji , -, »'' ,r^ _J J 1 y 1 ^ >i ^'' ^i ^ ^^ it^^J / ^X /\-.^ ^"4 X ^^ ^^ i^ .'^ y ^^ it -^ X ^ y Y y y - -^^^ X-^ lo^ ^^ it J J^ y ^ 4tit '° > ,^ty^ X - -= 4 .-■^ ^^ y / y'^ '^ + ^^ :^ t / A% ^^ ^ - Z k R ^-^ ,i ^ ^^ i" i ^ ■ ti ® ^"^ ^xs J^ t % '^ ^^Xi^ y^ ^-4 it 4 ^^ X X '^ ^ 4 -^4 fi -^"^ ^^ 321 "^t^' 4 4 It ^^ :z ty'^ ^-^ 4 % y y'^^^/ ^^ ' T X -- :^ x^ ■-'' % X4 4 .i^^ ^ ^ ^it % (I ;:<^ :^^.t IX - % ^ it ^x^^^l 1 ^ 7^ ^^x iJi 1 1 X 2 <^ ^:^^ 1: \ -4- ^ 2 "^ ^'s- T 1 M! - ^iJ^ I Z 4 ^ J^ itt 1 II ^ It «^£ ±1 ± 1 _ 1 ^± -34 )4 ; 73 5.22 6.43 3.ie FIGURE s. DiAGHAM OF KCSH IIoiJR SCIIEDUL,'! (EXPRESS RUNS). S/ioM'!"g Actxtal Time Compared u'ith Time Table. Solid lines show actual running times as found from tests made December i8, 1907. Broken line shows running time as per time table. 1/ delays which rapidly accumulate until the actual running time from Brooklyn Bridge to g6th Street sometimes amounts to 21 minutes as shown by the diagram. The average speed of these delayed express trains is thus cut from 25 miles per hour to 18 miles and less per hour just at a time when the delays affect comparatively the greatest number of passengers. Recent observations show that the improvements whicli have been made in the signal system have removed some of the causes for delay, and that the express trains are often moved during rush hours between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street at an average speed of 21 miles per hour, corresponding to a delay of about 2'j minutes behind schedule time, instead of a delay of 5 minutes as indicated above. At the same time the express trains are being delayed a corresponding delay is taking place as a rule in the local service. The running time for the local trains between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street is 26 minutes, corresponding to an average speed of nearly 15 miles per hour. This run, however, during rush hours usually requires from 28 to 30 minutes, thus cutting down the average speed of the local trains to about 13 miles per hour, except during non-rush hours when the schedule is ordinarilj^ maintained. The delays in the local service are due primarily to the prolonged station waits at the transfer stations. Graphical Record of Train Movements. The trains are started from the various termini upon headways which vary from time to time during the day, and the number of cars constituting each train also changes once or twice during the day, an effort being made by these changes to reduce the number of cars operated over the line as the passenger traffic falls off during the non-rush hours and to send as many cars over each route as the capacity of the Subway will admit during the rush hour periods. Since I have been making a study of the Subway four different schedules have been in operation ; it having been necessary- to change the schedule which was in opera- tion during the Winter of 1907 to a new schedule upon the occasion of the opening of the Brooklyn extension to Borough Hall on January loth, 1908, and again the schedule was changed when the Brooklyn extension was opened to Atlantic Avenue on May ist, 1908. The last schedule was put in operation December i, 1908. Three schedules have been plotted graphically as shown in Figures 10 to 14 inclusive. Each of these diagrams shows : 1st — The number of cars in each train ; 2nd — The headway in minutes between trains at different times of the day; 3rd — Resulting cars per minute leaving any given terminal. The results of the first schedule have been indicated upon the charts by a heavy line, the results of the second schedule having been shown by a line shaded in one direction, and the results of the last schedule indicated by a light line shaded in another direction, as shown by the key. i8 _ - - - KC :5c: 2 JKi^iLl tMflftpB frHrTWTtrj-rtr-ir ■ 2 JlixJ- 'Tj.a2S ES3Sq3^3S:E 1 _ I.A t 1.2-2 \.'m :: :: W\--' === = = = r ' 'Jj& ^K 4- -Jl-I*,,^ «,- '•*** ^^ 2 5^1 BSSiss^^'^^HsIF— -i- .8 J Willis §§ii^il^+:=!l^J:== +: fiEI S3L ?^5«?5^^5555| IIr 3ss •2-tj jj. j^ jl J! II la I [ Jl ifl!.,__iL__Jl Jat-iBL ,...,..... •0 J 'y o3 t ^ »i R/ s «i i ru *^ o •* Bq '^ -• 2 ■B 3 |m 2 ■ \ 3 ftffl rH*wfl! R-" it ... Jr -> ^a-riSsa: ri'tSI E' ^ K V^v « s n'TSbJfsTi J 51 Jji ^1 sasS j ' >3^ p-B ^5 , 3 " ~ ~ "" ~ •i^ -,»--«-, r-r,*™ R W^TTWrTn sssEsssssssssab^L 4-1 '^ B 4=^-=l= aS E, ^v^n-FnnT< •5 ft 3S5SS5^5 o i! 1 ^t ■B - - .. ,. . , 1 i ' '■ ^ '■ it _ _ 11' r '1 M A.M. It N PM. 1^ M FIGURE 6. Graphical Record of Daily Schedule. Broadway Local Line from izyth Street to Brooklyn Bridge. These charts indicate that very little change was made in the operation of the 137th Street local trains. The last two schedules call for the 5-car trains to be continued untfl 8:10 p. m., whereas the first schedule reduced the length of trains from 5 cars to 3 cars about ; : 00 i>. m. 19 .._... -1... --... — --..- — - _____ ___. .,.. — - ~ _ Kin .. . '...." i z.7v^r'<7.'?r.7 ... _ L -i li-L-SSSSCSCSC /J) - - - ■"■ ■ 1 ~^ ~ Ijy _ C r 1 R 1 u .2 Jc L JL y y. BxJ tS^^ P' RS j R —X' ijg sWB' la' gj s g L m K^BrffifrfeUiaia h •*^_ J_p3|L !-^»^§?*^?***Lli ^ii— 1 1 — ^ ' B ffi^ J !L m •^52 535322^*^ ^_ *|^*- jE.__.;i A.. ..i\......i\ ..13, ,..18, V.......A JL__jL-. , Ja,,_JBi Ju •«• 5 '5if' ":!SS52S5"" ^ /^ ,4 p jS . v^ zn. n W \\ i,\^ *t \X ' IBSK I*? ' 1 i ' j8 Jis J j^ s L i J ^v \lftil IB ^ jJv "ij^ So k\ \i^ Sh 1 K' ^S^^ in 3 ' < \ XB jw 1 1^ \<' So 1 Jk jfc _ / , ^M '1 jRjK; 5c.^^- \uJjL SlFS ^ / /^SivS «? > ?S S 5 / B** ^ ff ' 1 ^ S 'i' K A^'' &t '^ZvJ^ -» 3 4L -* 3 _ «iiW46M«^ T I ' ' r ^ ^ i - ' ' _ - a: ^1 ; „ W. Sj ___»u _ ^ ^i »J ^ L-lt,«,™««« Lfl Hpfq pWpWW^ 4* ^_ ^ 1 5 ^ 'i*^^^^*.*,^*- V "^ '5SS5SSS22S§L - . - s::____l:_j_ _ __ ^ _ •2 1 2 5 4 M 5 <• 7 O 9 AM. K) II It 1 K 2 5 4 S C 7 S 9 /O l( It PM. M. FIGURE 7. Graphical Record of Daily Schedule. Broadway Local 'Express from 230th Street to South Ferry. It will be noted that the schedule put in operation on May ist increased the headway of the trains leaving 230th Street between 5:00 a. m. and 6:15 a. m. from 6 minutes to 8 minutes. Other- wise the two last schedules are practically the same. 20 ~i "" — " ~ K r Y k - - - h *r .UltlLLC- Mf r r - ^ ;:; u - - - L - - r - _ ■ L rz V Z2^ 7- -77 - - _ ^ 1 T_ ; ' 1 T* 2 , 2. >>3 M I" .s If I'd K gfc 7^ jN _ _ _ h- _ -•^S?3 %9ml t^i - — ,_ ^ a/' — _ — _ .e. d - - - - Vi p?« fe ^ S r ^ V - "^T \k\ ■ — — — — A »l • % 1 at J X ^. * " .2 u ' S K S » F ^ \ 1 ip 1 > \ JL ji ja 1 t 1 «l i I 1 \i 1 K> J 5 ^ ^ i* ^ f^ "S 15 J? Kk Kc Kk a. kF 1 r ^ IZ i R cJ If ^ R . j 'H 4 ^ !i^ ■{^?fl S' ij _;? S> ; "" I ^ > 1/ , \o z vV ' •J o ? ^f. \z\' -. ;-Si T N S-i b e \ Jrs /• jj I >S^^ S 1 iof^ ' Y _j S ' c- > / ' ' 'L D • ' % 7/ ' r -» L Ij s 1 2 52SJ ?32SSB B2 fy )^ y *« i^ "« W 'y-J'^ t-i ^^ 5 s s IT r s IT ? & F- p J< IT ft ■ 5 1 "i « n _ir ? k^ ;j^ ^ X * !^ !?^ _ir IT _i: -i VJ -± M. A.M PM. IZ M. FIGURE S CiRAPHicAL Record of Daily Schf.dvle. Broadway Local Express from Dychman Street to South Ferry and to Atlantic Avenue During Rush Hours. It will be noted that the Dyckman Street express trains tlo not start in until 6:05 a. ni. and that a number of IJyckman Street trains were cut alT when the Brooklyn extension was ojien to Atlantic Avenue on May 1st, igtiH, at which time the Dyckman Street trains were run through the Brooklyn tubes instead of around the South Ferry loop as previously. 21 — ~ "~ "" ~ fc .1:1: - . 1 _ L- ^ _ _ 1 - — - — — — — h ^'ZTLT^l.'ZT.'ZT^'T.Zi'T. . -i^: -ssssnscsrsa _ ».7 HM 1.3 M Y IB '^ \— — ~^ ' ~' " ~* ~1 1 1.0 ■a J —> _ _ 1 _j kK^ ^^a i- -3 7 1 - —] - ^ ■^ Ti^S??!?!! !5S^S8SSr 11! i k S .5 ^ s iSigsssgin t 1 isi? 1 n ^ 'j^i t 1 P \ < , \ t i i , . >"> JL__JI ik JL_. .JLI JQl lifl H )0 ^ ^? <^ -Bs, ] K^ 8 ir L tts h 1 hmB^ 7 H [KflK^ Hiicv fi, 2 ^ffl^ j: nI isssES^it: • Z SSSSSS'!£ S> S £ s^s z: 7 J 5 5 ^ p?% W^ 85S A t o ja,^^ > 1 Q S JSS3E^ . 3 IT 5 3 ' ftJRs ^ i _ij J 1 P _L I . .S 1 _ _ _ _ _ ^___ 3H) 4 jE - - - - vgW9< !S8:S2e!2 SB 1 ~ i 1 VK 3 ft! ii : "-r 4- ^B IT t: a ■■ 1 1 " "" ~ ■ \ 1 1 ■! i 1 1 !r ill J 1 i L rf ^ t i s 10 IZ Z 4 6 a 10 iz M. AM N. RM. M FIGURE 9. Graphicai. Rlcord of Daily Schedule. Lenox Avenue Local Trains from i45'/j Street to Brooklyn Bridge. Very few changes have been made in the operation of the 145th Street locals, the three schedules being similar. It will be noted that the schedules call for a tliree-minute headway during both the morning and the evening rush hours and that this headway is scheduled for nearly an hour in the morning but for much less time during the evening rush hour. 22 _. II ! ' 1 i 1 1 i I 7r II uiajnj rln?S9l ^^ y S £9 uy 3 1 S Sxj JK 91 1 ' S 2§ i 1 1 1 3j 3^^ I 1 i r is ' '^^ 1 in B 1 1 S8 ' _i'2aL ' ^' 1 T^S S' ■'S j 1^ ^^ 1 \ >| M<'' "^ 16 "^ ^ ^ T^ ■ J wv 'vai i'ix ^ IN' !?t^ J' t^ S V ^H '" /'. lo ^ ^ '' /^ D 2 ^ KB i^ ^ i^Kl L^ : 1 ^brf rf n B nir -r rr n aS ' ' ?fla ■: 3t ■• ^ 7 |!^ - nsS?SS555S?a |g555| 1 JdB '' vn 1 '• (u < ? ' 81 s si 1 a It '-' ' i ad r '^ 1 ' t /^ 1 y ^^3 n 5^ "J ^ ^ j( ^ xB J? X V ' V 5 ^■ J /; 'JK rt ^^ V ' ' /y / r-i-7r-.T'-J-7-.T '/ r X .z^i^^l^^m>^ sssssss^s 4: IP !! -t .ii-. ..Ji JP. »?, .,«' . .•'^ -<>- -11- J^ -li ■ r ' ' ' •^ >8SX*^J^6'r- K-r ■^1 ^T i lY i .. '2 '7T-,r.7-r/r.'7Ty7y \0 ,. ,^ '^^vT^^^T^'s'xr^T' C^ S ii i g S± -!£. 1 S,r, JiS2 55S IT t: - fi uc «a 5 X IS ^^^ - i^P^-s^ c ~ /^ ^!> J>i sSfl JR C' c B '^Sl J JE " / 8fl. Jl Q 8Sa 5s 2 /^ S IcSufc^ Xw! K5 ^SSjJ -+ C /'3. A^ 31 JR n ' > jB f TR S 8 X N 8 r [p^ ■ a b aaB 1 ffiX ' 2 L .llf r I SgOxS ^^yS^oV' „ If ®"3 !:S3SSSSS3 !S3SS£SSS9SSZSSSSSS" it 2 ^ S !- ^i : t _ S;_ c^E ^ S CP ^ > . ^; "^^222222^22^^!^ it " ""385338525 * it S 3|^^„^,„^,^,S ^J2^SSS^S^^^ A.M. IX N PM. iO IZ M. FIGURE 10. Graphical Record of Daily Schedule. Lenox Avenue Local Express Train from iSoth Street to Flatbush Avenue. It will be noted that this schedule calls for three-mitiute headway or twenty trains per hour during tlic rush hour periods and that the theatre rush was recognized by sending out a number of additional trains between 10:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. in. The schedule put in operation on May ist at the time the Dyckman Street-Broadway trains were first sent through the Brooklyn tubes shows that a number of the Lenox Avenue express trains were taken out of service particularly between 9:15 a. m. and io:jo a. m. Study of Passenger Movement on Individual Trains. Observers were placed on dififerent trains during various days and in the rush hour periods to count the passengers getting on and off at the various stations in order to determine a — Location and extent of the standing load; b — Average length of travel of passengers on the express and the local trains ; c — Relative carrying efficiency of the express and the local trains ; d — Distribution of passengers throughout the different cars of the trains. The trains chosen for these observations were 8 local trains during various days in February and March, igo8, and lo express trains during January and February, 1908. Subsequently when the Subway system was extended to 242d Street and the Brooklyn extension was opened to Atlantic Avenue, observations were made on 6 ad- ditional express trains in order to measure the influence of the fall traffic and the longer runs due to the two extensions upon the averages already obtained. The results of the detailed observations have been plotted and shown in Figures II to 39 inclusive. To each diagram has been appended a description showing the number of pas- sengers boarding the train, the greatest number on the train at any one time, the time lost between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street and the average length of passenger travel. Attention is also called to the characteristics of the passenger movement in each case. The information in regard to the trains which were observed during January, February and March, 1908, is shown by Table VIII. The information in regard to the trains which were observed during October, 1908, is shown by Table IX. The comparison of the local trains with the express trains and also the compari- son between the express trains during January and February, 1908, and during October, 1908, is shown by Table X. A study of the figures in these tables and of the diagrams showing the passenger movement with each individual train will show the following conclusions : a — Taking an average of eight local trains, the total number of passengers carried on each trip averaged 2.58 times the maximum number carried on the train at any one time while with the ten express trains first taken this ratio averaged but 1.62, and with the six express trains in October, 1908, this ratio averaged 1.64. These figures indi- cate that the local trains are used to much better advantage than the express trains. b — The ratio of the total number of passengers boarding the train to the num- ber of seats in the train shows that these local trains carried 4.36 passengers for every seat while the express trains carried 3.24 and 3.62 passengers per seat, thus showing again that the seating capacity of the locals is used more efficiently than the .•seating capacity of the express trains. c — The ratio of the number of passengers in the train at the time of max- imum load to the total number of seats provided which indicates the comparative crowding of the trains is less with the local trains (i./O than with the express trains which show averages of 2.17 passengers and 2.20 passengers per scat in the trains at points of heaviest loading. d — The average disUmce traveled by passengers on local trains, taking the results of the eight local trains shown by the table, was found to be slightly more than two miles and the average distance traveled by passengers on the ten express trains studied was found to be 5.5 miles and of the later six ex])ress trains to l)e 5.75 miles, thus indicating the extent to wdiich the local trains get the benetit of the short haul passengers and also the extent of the burden of the long haul passengers upon the express trains. e — The average length of passenger haul on the express trains is gradually increas- ing as the road is added to and as the outlying districts become built up. The total num- ber of passengers entering a train is a measure of its earning power, whereas the num- ber of car miles traveled by the train is a measure of the expense involved in moving the passengers ; therefore, if tlic number of passengers upon any train is divided by the number of car miles made by the train in making a trip in one direction, the result will be the average number of passengers per car mile, and the higher this result, the greater will be what might be called the earning power of the train. This ratio for the eight local trains shows 26 passengers per car mile, whereas the result from the express trains shows 12.6 and 11.4 passengers per car mile, thus indicating that during rush hours the locals have an earning power equal to fully twice that of the express trains. TABLE VIIT. 25 TABLE IX. Recapitulation of Traffic Data in 'ZI.52 140.40' tipresz express Broddnay l.enox Ave. 7ooth firry PyckmanSt i^CcvrtiaPh OyOfmJn Sf Atlantic flv« eiantic Ave fi± ocr zi, i9oa Ocr 21. I90B Oct 19, I90e Oct 19,1903 Oct 20.'l90a Odf.'20J90B ,3^9 iB\ZS ta'iz !'9\09 3 526S 5960 e73W7 rytaBt BT!9qe msBo TABLE X. Average of 8 Average of lo Average of 6 Local Trains Express Trains Express Trains Feb. & Mar. Jan. & Feb., October, 1908. 1908. 1908. Time lost between 96th St. and Brooklyn Bridge.. Ratio of the total number of passengers boarding the train to the maximum number on the train at the time of heaviest load Katie of the total number of passengers boarding the train to the number of seats provided Katio of the maximum number of passengers on the train at the time of heaviest load to the number of seats provided Average length of trip of each passenger, miles... Average number of passengers per car Average number of passengers per car mile n. 20 sec. 5 min. 52 sec. 2 mm. 27 sec 2.58 1.62 1.64 4-36 3-24 3.62 1 . 71 2.17 2.20 2.08 5 -52 5 -75 3 69-5 6S.S 6 12.6 II. 4 26 — 1 -lOOO 900 aoo 1 1 T 1 . t 1 1 1 or ! 1 1 Z 60 __j ] ki 5 soo 0- I c 3 V 400 ■XC Mr ' -r / )\I MiL J 2 SS Q tf 7 /CTySf ^ C n (I 300 1 3 yTW^WM X Q X kxWYW 1 X 5 O 200 U < bJ 1 OO to 1 Rua m^^ in Mi :-» i5i Jl^^Ii^ ; n«aS XmBSwS g^Z^m ^^t^^^ m^^^Lw 1 ■k Wft ^M ::::::::::::::: Wm^ ^^^ ^^^m ^^^^ M^^mmo! ^^^^^^^Mjr ' 1 o 300 ^^^^^ UKAWfiWOm ^^wwoktSEwfi^^^S! MonenwCoS WMJOO ^Ss^QgUflKfifiS """ ~ ~' j^ym ' ^liiiz 11 tE QU iii 2 ZOO '■"> l^TT 1 1 .^'t:,^. __ 0) 1 OO o 1 OO 1 ■ u tf :^ bl 1 1 L o ' ~] 1 ■ H 1 1 ■ I ^^^HH z . ii^nx |'~:"U3T1 l_^^^HW ^ 1 :^^i ; I ' ^ I^^^^^^BB^k^H~ -| Bte v,JK S^ 'f^'Am Ttml V Wfi£ i^LM Si ^ (^ rtfl ft t Pm Si 1 L j K^ pS u. ll. 200 K^ Kdr ; I • • R2 ^ ' 1 'rMJr I 1 I I : 1 IM 1 300 dsxj OJ •iMMU S n'' *J*- ''^1,1 tUU) ^ vl . J . . . . a»a\j!|ii yjlCiJtiiir^i ^isiiivctc vfiOfiB ^KS ^i)|^i)^o^i)vbvilI]_l n • • - • . . . •t^Hc M*:; ■ , , J . : .. ,ui-i Jan.V4tm'08. 7 -- U _i < ^ " " FIGURE II. Broadway Local. Leaving City Hall for 137th Street at 5:58 P. M. January lith, iqo8. Total number of passengers 1213 Greatest number of passengers at any one time 521 Length of time from Brooklyn Bridge to 96tli Street 35 min. 53 sec. Time lost between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street 9 min. 53 sec. Average length of passenger travel .2.09 miles This diagram indicates characteristics of north bound local tr.iins during the evening rush hours. Standing passengers appear at Bleecker Street and Astor Mace, but tlie exodus of passengers at 14th Street empties the train of tlie standing passengers. The largest number of passengers boarded this local train at 23rd Street and there were standing passengers until the train reached 86th Street. 27 ^|-u>ow^fi-^o(T)N^pDo"uW'0'''aJ^a'J <•"? Feb.Kth'OO. .< X z < I Jan.iSt.m'66. FIGURE 13. Broadway Local. Leading isyth Street for City Hall at 8:24 A. M. January 15th, 1908. Total number of passengers °5° Greatest number of passengers at any one tinie 323 J^ength of time from 96th Street to Brooklyn Bri.lge 28 min. 47 sec. Time lost between 56th Street and Brooklyn Bridge 2 min. 47 sec. Average length of passenger travel 'u'^ miles This diagram indicates that the local trains, running south during the morning rush hours are not loaded to as great an extent as the evening local trains running in the opposite direction. Stand- ing passengers appeared upon this train only between Grand Central and 23rd Street stations and a few between J4th Street and Astor Place. 29 — 1 1 lOOO 300 SOO — -] ~ "T n "^ ~r "T ■ ~~ n .._ ~1 ~ ■" "1 "n ' ■ n 1 - - ""iiri^i'^p 1 i 1 1 i 1 LlL -- r- Zj'' H ^ 1 ! 1 ! 1 __ 1 - L - "i -^ 1 ~^ 1 (1 1 1 u. '^" U- 1 (J Z 600 - - - - - -J -- 1 lJ - 1 hJ - ;; 1 <0 -1 - - 1 1 < SOO 1 a. [ r y 400 1 r 1 1 1 o 1 1 ^ 300 - - i 1 - 1 ^ j 1 X ^ I— , , i 2 fri if ) *7 = ^ r ■^ - eoo u h u too -. — - - -T- ^f- T 1 1 £r ^ -| E - - -i - - - - 1'- |. . - -m pl^ 1 J % -- - - _ - - - - - - 1 ^w ^m w »Sf M 1 LJ ^5! mi j^ ^m ms> ■ i 1 1 1 m P ' 1 K NvS OHwH 8 1 30 O -ItitiAll'-k *-f n\i ND 1 r r /> 1 - 1 ^ 200 ipi] or kJ 2 1 oo o 1 oo 1 ■ t- - ■ ■ il ■ m u^ nil &■'- ■ U 1 H ■ I^LJ. (0 - _ - - - - s 1 ^^ m II - _ _ - - _ < h- - "" "^ ~ "1 "1 -k- - 1- H "^BIM" ss - - - - - - Q 1 » u: zoo - 1 1~ -] 1 1 i, M- - < ~* -1 ' ' 300 i "vO ^UH)" ^'^m H) "/ i'^ -1; ^ tJ) in"' fililfo'' Ifil^i 1 >? .. ! n '■ tdt*£ ^ titi 4» 9> Vi in o w"fl ' 1 1 Ij • . ^'^ * ? . A T ., 1 __!_ " |4J K ^^ T H •( St ). rzii Nh(0O 10 1 -< I 2 < E et H" h< > ttiO si 5i3 FIGURE 14. , Broadway Local. Leaving 13-th Street for City Hall at 8:20 A. M. February i.\th, 1908. Total number of passengers g22 Greatest number of passengers at any one time 337 Length of time from 96th Street to Brooklyn Bridge 29 min. 1 1 sec. Time lost between 96th Street and Brooklyn Bridge 3 min. 11 sec. Average length of passenger travel " i . 76 miles The data secured for this train taken one month later than those for Figure 13 show almost pre- cisely the same characteristics, indicating that these south bound local trains at this time during: morning rush hours were not over crowdsd and were being used efficiently. 30 irrrrFiixr NCVJWCJU H .Qfv Dec.9TM'07. CO ^.<-T u. q8 or FIGURE IS. Broadway Kingsbridge Express. Leavinz South Ferry for 230111 Street at s:.^q P. M. December gth. 1907. ■J otal number of passengers IJSO (jreatest number of passengers at any one time 922 Length of time from Brooklyn Bridge to Q6tli Street 21 min. 58 sec. Time lost between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street 5 >"'"• SS sec. Average length of passenger travel S-875 miles This diagram which was prepared before the Brooklyn Extension was opened shows an excessive number of standing passengers and indicates that standing passengers appear at Brooklyn Bridge and that large additions were made to tlic standing load at 14th Street and Grand Central stations, con- gestion being somewhat relieved bv a large number of passengers leaving the train at 96th Street many of whom transferred to a local or Dyckman Street express, as this train did not stop at 103rd Street, iioth Street, ii6th Street or Manhattan Street stations. 31 xrrrzhirrr (-Hi-t-< T5P ;^NT-i ' \\ i^ ' 300 W « X D n h\ ! .-Q w-e . "" ' ] ? < - 6 jJi^K &1 - K) lA K Ul i) ( I -cij ? . . / (Od r EE y.J ^9 T ri'O a. rirrzi-rxix t-|-HH- 7 tc < Id y "iSeSffi 5 xf > X 2 V (5^5S? S52 i ( 2Sffi^ S2 S X L^ ^ «Q^SJ ^2^ Zi mx ij 2 c & ^ X 1 SxOxu xSS J AiJUL X« X r 2^ J A 2 5 25225 2 X r •VWtVwN^A J/ \ V A r 2 S2aC A^ vJ X c u (yOOvyyiQr V 2 5 Q X c 5 zaxss? 5 2 tf) i^^X/DUUuxV c 2 c 2 V 2 ?\ 2 5 n A V J ' X C X n ^0\jOflxVMW r 5 Y A V 2 & A/ A C Xi? 2 u S < )D0QbxjX|01 7 A n y jT* \ y 1^ Y A V / )^ X \ n xywOTxior J X r y7\ JO Q 2 £ SS A y ? ^ '7 1 I - *w?xv{awG SESRKaS 35 SBS^ i gszsy ^ i^. -40ot --- --;k^^^ ^^^m ^^^^ ^^^^ B^mI U£j=£ilLL Zi ^^m ^^ffi ^^B ^B ,1 C — . 300 - — "r^^^^^ ^^^^m ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ M^^TO XfifiawCOoXoa 9GWCMiQwOgOQ« xOQoouSlliffyjdd^ S^w^^^wctSuL b ._. '^^^M ^^^M ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ • 200 - — ^^^^^ ^^^^^W ^^^^p 9^^^^^ J miiHN^^Ss XM^^^n^ j^^^^^ ^w^n^^s ) ^n^ ^^^P ^^^ ^^^^ vwvwwyQwt i^vwiffiyi^Yi^ nWf^ttwmSi^ QnvwOGinHoSa nrrOifvffiXr^iSH^ HyKm^^^flHw^ XMTOQBfiflBwgM wvwOl94w!Kn XXnOAffi mtfiSn^mlw S^wSuPwQnSvwnS QooSwHlxHiJI rVnnwnnfWnn' noKmOnffi^^ o ' - - — --- IliHT.a jQiJiJiiE ^!i££2i 3- . 2 c s "K H jB ■ H H ■ < 1 fli ■1 ■ (t "-r H 1 ■ u ■1 H "B* ■ u ~B 'H -T ■ u _ -__ -it- --g- M — -M- JT" -- -Hf- 1 o ^ im P9 |S (S : ■■ ■--- : (0 < w?] m CT Kwl Sml A ^ K _ ^M ssj S Q. ^ffl ^ L L c ■ m nm ^ r4 ^ ^ s. _ — . ■ I Cw 1 II t In > i?r?j 5 F " -^sSo-S^ ' " - 5 5 300 ~ __ a ^ "oodqo OK tf ^ - -lOi- K)i*;-IOtit --- -- --JBtl tB^^itijtfittt f tf ir :::J:: - * " IT B) If u: -^ Jan.ISth'OB _J H < - J -i J u. o ^ in u o a: (0 zt-riiizxior o <<(ni-hi-h< KWh T rl"' — f — ■) 600 4 'V/'\ /V< r- ±i:- : . ^4_..- x^M& -4-lTc - iD . . ._^^^ 1 , p- lO 1 '^ rriT < PnYn'yY^YfS < 1 ' 1 i 1 1 1 f) ^^^o^p^ox-"^' "T r^'- ' Ti iT 1 t-rr^-^lSS o i 2»6o 4-- ^r^^^M 1 1 j-J ^ E ^fe a U !. :■) vmnfflnf ' ' t ~"i ^^^^^^^ HfJlMmli» 1 i ' a: jjgSBHM J- r juJoonflSI j 1 1- - 1 ' #i-5- .i~^^^^^^W ^Hps-i — [, ?ooi !..!-l.| 1 i 1 n^^^mml I BSjKJijfaiioJgMBgj 1 1 J 1 1 ${agfll3SoCTX^M 1 ) n i ESJMWffl^^ ' ! oo ;-!-] ^^^M (j|||({j|2S{ggnm iii^p:::::::: ^ r nil 1 . 1 _ ■ - tf 4- '■oo - - tVrlX a — ^JT c - <9 r^ r\. m of ■ Zfl u H iL u 1 n hmn -- B hdH 2 ---»"-- -t- -- ■ ' H IIHLb hi if 1 1 1 1 IB I^^HH* (D ^^^'^m^f^^n^ ijfflSH n t "T* nPN? IS^^^^^^ iS^S 1 f 1 < MrojmCT^ ^ 9 ^Bj EmI i^ ~r m 1 1 il u C Cfid M _ t 1 1 ■ I I I iKfl 1 t ■ SB)! ijj ■ U3 !^2^J2|S"S u; J— ^. ~- -._ g ;2Sg^:::: :: 300 5 «<94'i<^-^«4i - -- ^ ' :? ■ -f-ff' ^i«?t 1^ ■•.,..... , ID ' ' zi-rriizxror I . . Jan.ISth'OS. U H .ZV 7Jija: 1:5 a"^ V 3 z5 FIGURE 20. Broadway Dyckman Express. Leaving South Ferry for Dyckman Street at 6:09 P. M. January i6tli 1908. Total number of passengers ' lo^i Greatest number of passengers at any one time '. . .'. . 719 Length of time from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street 26 min. 40 sec. Time lost between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street 10 min. 40 sec! Average length of passenger travel 5.2 miles On account of the opening of the Brooklyn extension, the standing passengers on this train do not appear until the train reaches 14th Street and a comnaratively large number of passengers leaving the train at 96th Street left few standing passengers north of that point. These passengers were about equally distributed at each of the five stations between Manhattan Street and i8ist Street inclusive. 36 . a JA T V )tM vVvvv*^^^ 1 NA 7 =nS^rii ^'vm-'P' 'J2ki S ?5 ^1 V M^/ V X) \ --H-j-'- ^Mffi^^ |s||-^ 300 (-- III lll..,,,,,, Se&ljl 2 O O ^^^^^a " iiMr'^^B ^^^M^M JffliiriiTlWjtr ^K WffltiftWfljBWHJM 1 OO --j-l - 1 — Jj-g-.-^^B ^Hl '--' 1 1 mCMSSSSS^m 'Y StwliW o 1 ljjj|j)jjj)jjj}(flfjffl|^^ _J .-^ i .^-J i_; Li, i— ( i- iir jr ^'^ LT>--6ffilU:j: ^(5.£i, 30 O 1 U 1 r~! J 2 OO ._4„ -|_- _j. n i ■1 ' 1 1 ■ H 1 1 ■ II 1 M 1 1 1 H '^ - n 1 LH 1 1 1 1 1 II H Jl ■_] 1^ 11 1 1 II 1 ' 1 LJ ■J^^^BH 1 ^H^^^^Lm HRHH^^^^^ '«8 non ■■ "H ra ^ ^ ^ ra ffl Wi cm m "n M ^ - . ._. _ S '" t'^' 1 I I 1 1 1 Ega ~^^ -T g . -T -r -I -IT . T^Nffitpi-i/rafl ^I'lil ja^TTjUF-or^ • 300 — ( -On T^ Q) PT T^ TO f^ 'b 10 < T .: : vi >C iJ5ni)|VB|vl)ni] aiJ(yD>a(oUii(Cti Di(g|q (J vjy; vj ij IT IT I?) tf; -J rrrrrrhxiQrinxin dxq ictctu-Jro^ lOioi/njo (0 - iDiTiN ^lOO r z"^* '^®''"*- ^ - ^ "^S)- D hZ. z!: J a uj(n _iu <^ -I ^c U ID ID riAf^. 2nd 08. FIGURE 21. Lenox Avenue Local. ■53 P. -1/. Leaving City Hall for 145th Street at March 2nd, 1908. Total number of passengers , 1478 Greatest number of passencers at any one time '. 591 Length of time from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street 37 niin. 57 sec. Time lost between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street ; "11 min. "57 sec. J\verage length of passenger travel 2-575 miles This diagram shows the characteristics of all north bound local trains due to the collection of passengers at stations intermediate between the express stations and the delivery of a large number of these passengers to the express trains. At 96th Street, however, the situation is reversed, and a (^% ""',"ber of nassengers board the locals at tiiis point to be delivered to various stations north of 90th Jitreet. This diagram shows that a large number of passengers transfer from the Broadway express trains to the Lenox Avenue local trains at 96th Street. 37 ~T~i tooo z O 700 (0 Z Of < 9 '^600 J Q 30 O 30 O -■ 2 00 5 u ' 00 0-) 1 y -LJL — — _J__^ _ -^_ _-p- _ _ 1 ' 1 j 1 1 '11 1 1 1 i "1 -4-it'~ t- ' ' ~^~^ "" ^ iT' " , r- f-t- -^ - -hi- 1 1 1 ._..__ Ii ^^ ' 4_ _t_ _ - ■ - - - T n~ 1 r : - ■ - 1 II II 1 r"~ X 1 1 1 1 J_ -\ - T 1^^ + r r -;._ 1 1 _4_ _i_ ' —I— 1 1 1 " ' -4 J" " J ' '_e_ 1 1^ 1 1 1 Oj C, I yl (? vl •"! w[7 7 lu I )\S '-T(?0 jV Jn ^ "■ ' )cl_ X Y ^ r K C ]fl)()? n ' y Jv^ A ^ / ^ f 7 '^ Kp a C ^~ 'v5xKS^))(yr ■'^^'^ ' 1 1 A K 0{a y^ K^ f) X ' J ' ' i ^ , Y X (xv v^X* X C , ' ' i 1 i V X SY^i 5 Y A "^ / 1 ' ^ ' ' r \ SxvC S V J('nXiKXjH'\'^^i "1 I ' M 1^ ^Djj a fl^T^^iT \niH^rkVt'f/t'iLj;J — *— - ! * ' 50 * E '^ T S HS^^moc yl^SWJTOpSt^^ ami ro^Cww^xUX WiX^xi/AMMv'X'A^'^^jHfe rawnv k^^^^^^M ^^K^ i-^^^^ra 1 Kmnv^S ^ yvfv^ 1 Eflh^^V ^^ i^^vw? 1 ng^nw? 'f^- ^ i^^ 1 ^^^^ <■ >^ 1^ i^^ ^^ffiS^'^'ft^ *^ JSf^^S3?S "^ '^ ?!l*'^'?^'?ill4i!lffi r ^K^^j?" ««|io — Sr /kLfL:'J:L3DLiND^_ii!m. 1 1 _ H H lu & ^m Ffj KB H ^'^JIH H ^^k KJH^^^H ■ IB ^^^B__^^^^^^^^^H _ seMi lifflllll I] lJlft^^^^^nRV^T^~ ^^MMif^y^'CT^^y 4-W^- j^Mit^™ P ^w P§ "TOfl Wf^ ^m 1!^ ra ^H w ffi mj EwEon ral HB i n ^m m ^ Z ^ f-* S "* "* ~* ! "'^""T'"^ Si3l5J?^SS^a-"^S^''i2^-5SI5l5^4 ':k\.---i- ^ 1 ■ r r o o o ■ H V) "" ■ tf ■ u 1 1 IHJ H y , ^. ■ H r 1 _^t^ 1 S H jKiHt-il E^B H 1/) — o RBfflRMiM!! !!! SS !!! nl ifl , ■^ +1-1-'""" - -#- ffi ''^^^^^^^p^ < Km ^ ^^M D K9 H w t P* c '^ J : ' 1 : 1 • . : 1 ; t t ; 1 t 1 : 1 • : ; 1 t j~ eH<;i«G-«©--« -t -hl-t-)-H-<0HI-ZI-5HUJQcci-KHI-OliJZ'',- o ;^ (0 o FIGURI-; -'.?. jAN.iaTH'OS. (D Lenox Avenue IvOCal. Leaving \/^ith Street for City Hall at 7:59 A. M. January jSth, 1908. Total number of passengers 915 Greatest number of passengers at any one time • • • • 366 J-ength of time from 96th Street to Brooklyn Bridge 29 min. 21 sec. Time lost between 96th Street and Brooklyn Bridge 3 >"'"• 21 ^ec. Average length of passenger travel 1-8.38 miles This diagram when compared with the one shown in Figure 24 indicates at once that the south bound local trains are not -so crowded as the north hound trains and that there are seats for all until 14th Street is reached and then the standinc: load is comparatively small and lasts but for one or two stations. The time schedule shows that th^^se trains are operated much nearer the schedule than the north bound trains during evening rush hours. 39 H . . . orKOrJi- -iH . , .u-i 10 -(0(f)l-w aio ■ O^ lOU1iniCOlD-VCa)Wlfl2ort« -- r'^i ■ ' '. 1 IL 2x35 5:!(.«avk«.ftisL<'>':«T _ _. __ r _ _ ( -(- - Fi-Tffi ■■■va,v»»!«v;ai!;i:««»va VAI ~ -- -- ^ - -- 7 \n c^^ ] lM i U UJ ■■■vA!»%ao»:»wa.«»ri -ti-f-M h" Ei7A<»aVAOWA»»VAUt»% lu 500 , AGO 300 - [-- - ~ -+-— ild ■■:€»:«:«A»;««iW,%»TA;>i!i:«»T.«.».»i. r^fi = j^ j- - -- -- - - -J _^ - _- «) ~ "" ~ ~ -H- -m nj^^^ <;)^s!*'^v 2SC 5XS — — " -~ — p "" — — < III X Y r \ 2 Q* 1 1 J V 5 c n X i 1 X /vC V *i^!i:«fi»i 'AHiV, 7 Q Yw- - - - - Eg *»i«w «»« 4ltVk ^iUU ?<"**« - Jt H u -- 2 ~ ~ ~I ^ SI X'Xv'Mv! ~ ~- --A z 1 -Jz --tt^^ WM& K _H _ II .■•!■■•■'. _- -_ J _ _ p: — — -1- Ei X^^ 'W0. ~" "~ : -1 : ~ ~ ~T- ~ "" s^^^ :vl*;v;v>>;.';y; v;.v,v. V. :•;•>;.; ~" H r~ ~ K^mraS ^w^j'tvlx!: Ill ,v.VrW.y,^.'. — — -- ra^^ IBS !T" -_ _ _ _ — — - s^^^ 1 -- - - - -- flffirvnraninwn y v»'.v'V v»'V>'f - , IwMHnffxwwv^ V.V»\ViV» .'.'.' 'I'iviiv! ♦*''«Viv*''''»'X'*'*'' 1 gjRrasKMB^ :v;vv; ''S*.vy''t\'>*'**.s» j 1 i^ffl^p !'!'*•'♦'•*.* /.'>*♦ '.'X«*IvX'Va* 3- ~ - - - - -- A \ \^l r " ' ~ _ _ _ _ -M-fJitir " 4J _ _ _ __ — — - - !:_-li^iC lJ^2lLli]x£X -- -- - - - -- ■ Zm in 1 I 1 cc 100 1 00 ■ y kj - ■ ■ 1 13 L 1 1 _ I ■ ■ H 1 ■■ Hr urn — ; ■ - - - m % mSm i!~ - ■■' I-, - _j _ _ __ m ^^^^ra K^^m 1 ~ — m M -- - -- - - r -- 4 |MP9nM |S| SopjmfiBM /A 0. Rh M P kqS^ m _ _ H _ _i M-l- m _ sx __ 1 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ u. u. n 200 - - "- i ~";";7 --eS-t = "T^- E - -- 7~ 7 7- ;- - - - -- _ _ — _ ^.. (^rt "^n _ - r du _ _ _ _ __ _ - - I u H n: TK C C Ifitff ilipi 1 - L-i« ^ -H iS'st u;=i - - - -- gi^^---t!- - -| -- into f SI 1 - - - -- __ : I - - u «Hfi^««« «^4<9 [--^B- - -^ iS" — -- (^tf If ^ '-Z H - - -- ys ain ^ in hH'QoOairi-Hi-i-i- H ,-. xf E ? u 10(0 o 10 Lo »p y 0. ^ -1 H H In : a X z h 5 C^ Z 't > N < FIGURE 28. luH .Of -J °zJai IQ Teb agiaOB West Farms Express. Leafing BoroMgh. Hall for Bronx Park at 5:43 P. M. February 2StIi, 1908. Total number of pasisengcrs ." 1527 Greatest number of passengers at any one time 894 Length of time from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street 23 minutes Time lost between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th street 7 minutes Average length of passenger travel 5.34 miles This diagram has the same characteristics as the previous one although the total load is smaller; the number of passengers boarding the train at 14th Street is larger and the number of passengers leaving the train at Third Avenue is smaller. 44 m FIGURE 29. West Farms Express. Leaving g6th Street at s •.0.3 P. M. February 27th, 1908. Length of time from 96th Street to Brooklyn Bridge '..... 19 min. 10 sec. Time lost between 96th Street and Brooklyn Bridge 3 niin. 10 sec. The information for this diagram was secured in order to sliow the characteristics of tlie travel to Brooklyn during the evening rush hour, and therefore the information was not secured of the passenger movement on and off the train north of 96th Street. This diagram shows a large number of passengers riding to Brooklyn boarding the train north of Brooklyn Bridge; that is, considerable traffic is being accommodated from Grand Central station and 14th Street directly through to Brooklyn. 45 'l M ., -. IOCX> — - - n n I- "■ ~ - ~ ~ "T — -p -T- — — '~ ~ ~ ~ - - : .- - H : 800 700 ""^ ^ yr- « - -- i X. X 60 J rV X f ^ (\ iV )v - k ft? Jy 500 51 ix (y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ ♦'»> Mii - - -^ - - - - - - H - - A — - r - ^400 J - - '^••^•••••T*T*V.'* ';^;;?-T:':^:;^:^:^ssanri:3ioB: 5-?:'':':':':v!?xv?'? mm - _ _ -\ _) _ _^ _ _ _ , _, _ _ _ _^ 300 - - - h - - - - " - - - 5S! :v;;:;;;;;;.i;s:|-.:;.,v;;:i|ig -- - - - -^ - .;: : .■; /X; •:::■ :■>:■ vX :•;■:■: :•:•:■: :.:.x xXvl-x x-x :■:■: II - 200 -■ - - "~" ^ ■;■:■:■ »:• •:■:;■: :■;■:• :;■:• •:■:-; fi': ■:■:•: : :•:■: fe- ■:■:':■ ■:•:•• ¥;':■ :■:•■■■;■:•:■ ■:■:■> ■.;■:'•:■:■: :•;■■> w - - ■.-. •>■;■;■ ■:■;■; '.■■•'■• ;■>;-: /.-ivivX Xv ■.;■;.: ;■;■:■; :x- ■:■:■;■ ■x-'' •■■:■; ■- ■■ Xv: >:■:■■'•■'•'■ ■■■■■■■ '■■•■■■ ■■'■< vi'S: few' S ■ /■/,':■:':■ S -J) ':';■: Si' :';':■ vS -iv;' Sv ■:■:': Sx S S 100 ill; SI S'S::' ■>>v?Sv&Vvv:v' - - - - - i ■xx-X'Xv:' •■ - 1 lCUUL r-n ; A 1 ■ r 1 F F ai: — *" --H - - - - - - n B ZOO ~H H -4 - 1 H 1 H ' 00 H_ d H ■ ■ ■■ _ ■ ■ H _B ■ .......... -0 ■ ■ H 1 - ■1 T - -- •H - R H R m ™ n -J mi H S9 H ' 00 QM -M 9 18 H m w . at S n , : 1 s |- (i IQ > n 4 i K - — ' 6 Iv B^ K^ LI IVJ -^ a'uii?) |- |< 1/ i^ (T (^ f'U-'iT^JS'^^ CQ 03 FIGURli: si- West Farms Express. Leaving Borough Hall at 9:14 A. M. February 27th, 1908. Length of time from lirooklyn Bridge to Q6th Street 15 min. 13 sec. Time gained between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street 47 sec. Ihis diagram was prepared to show ihe travel of passengers from Brooklyn to Manhattan during the morning rush hours and indicates that there was a standing lead on the Brooklyn train only from Borotigh Hall to Bowling Green. This diagram also shows that a number of passengers traveled from Borough Hall tlirough to Grand Central station. 47 — 1 n :'^°° TU: ""A'~" - - 4- ■ 4-U -n~ t 1 1 1 1 SCO -1- + iL IL i 1 i [T.- ± it L i ; i H- -^ -^' r^ ^^ . . m • kJ 1 i I h 1 1 1 o -. ,^ 1 1 1 38OO -L- --J- H- j^-4- 1 ^ j- -f- y 1 ±it: T X ; 1 _i_ _J_ _ _u -U 3 -70^ mit lu- XI -, X ^ < X X ' "X 4- ~ ' -r 1 -„^H -'-^ — X^ "--^ X X XX ~^ 1 ^. 00 -p -M-'j-i- 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ; ,X^ ^ 1 -- - i H 1- . . . ^ _n r---,^ '■'■" X 1 ! ^ \ soo pi-J- -^-f-l — h H — ^--l j ■'■ 1 1 1 ■ 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 „ f 1 j ; 1 *lS"-'^ ''^ 5!|i ^-i' f -^-wo 1 1 j ■ j 1 M i ' ' 1 Jam ' 1 1 1 i ' wmB { j — - ! ' ' wSi < ■-- '^ *- 1 1 i 1 1 slnn 1 ' ' i ' ' ffin ' "^ i ''II i Ibimwi uffi iiBiwilnilllW!^^ " i r3 -^ i i 1 ^win™ Bf 8i Iff liWIBM^ffiiiffi^ ~H — L, — ^j_LU_^! — g^^^^^^^^H^^MWm h-H — r H — r ~n~ — i^^B^H^Wff^^W^W — \ [ T" T'TT"' ^^"^ i ' 1 ' 1 ™ iB ' — iifj '■'■_[ jjij^"Lii__Bdj' '^ r '• ?'F RiE "^ ?■ - ffll i < (rt or LI u lo- in 1 i ( 1 ■ 1 ' 1 I ' 1 i ' 1 ^ eoo -■■■ X M ■ ■[ r-\ ■ j ' 1 ^ .[■ ' i i J 1 - Ml ^ 'ro '1 X ' ' i j j 1 1 i ' ■! ' ' ■ ^ M ^L Ilia ■9'*'-' ' H 1 1 HyT' ' Pi BSH 1 1 1 nc^ wim 1 1 HB" 1 Lj' 1 H ; 1 1 a. T ' T_ 1 1 ^'^^ ** 1 M 1 11 . - _^ , i IC S^^^^"*^ -t- ' ^i■ "q<^-o-"r, <( L_ i 1 fflc (HIcr (Tjdocrcjl i_ J L_- UH .-Q?-; rEB.2aTH.1908. ID I !fz-iai 1-2 Q K tt^C-'Z iD W i: 't C^H^-S^ 01 N < - ^-JSrlO s "^ FIGURE 32. West F.'^rms Express. Leaving Borough Hall at 9:13 A. M. February sSth, 1908. Length of time from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Stiect 15 niin. 33 sec. Time gained between Brooklyn Bridge and 96th Street 27 sec. This diagram indicates the same characteristics as the previous diagram, showing that while a large number of the Brooklyn passengers left the train at Bowling Green station and still a larger number at Wall Street station, at the same time some of the Brooklyn passengers were being carried as far north as 14th Street and Grand Central station. Both of the trains indicated by the two last diagrams, being comparatively empty, made the run from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street in less than scheduled time. 48 Ocf.B/./903. 22 ^ )- . - . u . , <$ "ob 2^ ^^ ?^ iii Oa./9./90S FIGURE 36. Broadway Dyckman Express. Leaving Dyckman Street for Atlantic Avenue at 8:06 A. M. October 19, 193S. Total number of passengers i39S Gieaiest number of passengers at any one time 928 Length of time from 13rooklyn Bridge to 96th Street 18 min. 23 sec. Time lost by train between Brooklyn Bridge and 96tlx Street 2 min. 23 sec. Average length of passenger travel S--6 miles 52 rr lOOO i_i_ O). » Z7. Oct20./f08. o FIGURE 37. West Farms Express. Leaving Atlantic Avenue for i8o' ! 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 i 1 > S^ f j ^ 1 / 1 I 1 / 1 > ^ 1 5 1 f s [ 1 ^ f / N w' ^ > ^ - L > S ' s .+■ ' > / 1 - 1 \i 1 i IT \ r 1 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 ! 1 i i 1 i\ ! 1 i \ / 1 1 1 1 1 \ ! oiri: ^ .III 1 '\| 1 ___ JJ^ 1 V ' 1 1 ;\ i M ! 1/ i 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 i ^ \ 1 I ' ' ' 1/ \ 1 1 1 \ 1 f] 1 1 1 ' : \l 1 ; 1 ' J 1 1 i 1 1 1 i\ 1 i^ 1 1 1 i\ M riz 1 1 ; ; 1 ^l> f \ i 1 i L 1 ! ! ,/i 1 1 i 1 V 1 1 1 li : rri 1 1 T 1 ; \ M/ 1 1 i 1 1 1 TS". P-k 1 :t"i 1 N 1 1 r'y'i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! i J _^ 1 1 3 ' i * 1 1 i ^^ ^r • \ 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ^J n^ i 1 ; 1 ^ 1 1 III! i 1 ! -!J ^ -4-U J IlLJ 1 1 J 1 1 ^rr-\ n-j] nr i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 2 1 1 I UU- 1 i 1 ' { I 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 1 1 III!! i i ! r 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 ! ; i 1 i i 1 1 1 rr i r- i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 ~ - 1 - ■ ] O ,-L i ^ _ J J — 1 1 1 ^HII|M|rinHII||l|H^ ■/soz- -IQO&j I'lGURE 44. Showinz Ratio of Number of Passengets to Number of Car Miles. 62 This ratio of the number of passengers to the number of car miles has been determined for each month's operation of the present Subway during the years 1907 and 1908, and the results are shown graphically by Figure 44. It will be noted that compared with the ticket sales, relatively more cars are operated in the summer season than at any other time of the year, and that during the latter part of this year this ratio ran up higher than it has ever been before. It would appear from this curve that, if the service in the Subway is to be regulated so as to provide for the constantly increasing traffic and not be zvorse in the future than it has been in the past, an effort should be made to anticipate the requirements of the service, and provide a schedule calling for sufficient car miles, so that the ratio between passengers and car miles will never exceed 5. Judging from the curve showing past results, this ratio can be bettered during the summer months. From a study of the record of the past year, it would appear to be fair to the Subway Company to require a ratio of 5 during the months of October to April inclusive, 4.5 for May, 4. for June, July and August, and 4.5 for September. After determining the number of car miles that should be furnished to take care of any anticipated passenger traffic, the next problem is to so arrange a schedule that will move as many as possible of these car miles in the direction and at the time of passenger movement. In the present Subway two vacant seats mean a standing passenger at some other part of the route, or at some other time of the day. Every efifort, therefore, should be made to cut down the number of empty seats, and to move the seats when and where they are needed. It costs -nearly as much to move an empty car as it does a car comfortably filled with seated passengers, and as only a certain number of car miles can be run with a given income the importance of cutting out the empty cars during non-rush hours and also at the ends of the road becomes apparent. With the present Subway little is to be expected of the possibility of storing cars so as to avoid empty car miles in the direction opposite to the peak load travel, but considerable economy is to be expected eventually from the adoption of an automatic coupler which will allow the breaking up and assembling of trains at some inter- mediate point instead of running full length trains to the extreme ends of each, division as is done at present. Without any of these refinements, however, there still remains considerable room for improvement in the arrangement of the Subway schedules, as the last curves of the traffic observations indicate that there are useless car miles being operated, many of which might be eliminated and on the other hand there are standing passengers when more cars should be provided. 63 TsMCcrOv FIGURE 45. Diagram Showing Schedule Number of Seats Compared to Number of Passengers Carried. Southbound Express Traffic, Grand Central Station, December, 1908. This diagram indicates that more cars can and should be operated in the southbound express service during the morning rush hours — that is, that the maximum schedule now in force from 7 a. m. until S.30 a. n;. £,t Grand Central Station should be continued until 10 a. m. 64 Z J 4 TmtorDfr FIGURE 46. Diagram: Showing Schedule Number of Seats Compared to Number of Passengers Carried. Northbound Express TraKc, 14th Street Station, December, 1908. This diagram indicates that more cars can and should be operated in the northbound express eervice during the evening rush hours-;;-that is, that the maximum schedule now in force from 5.23 p. m. to 6.33 p. m. at 14th Street Station should be maintained from 4.45 p. m. to 6.45 p. m. 65 Study of the Transfer System. In order to determine the characteristics of the transfer system prevailing be- tween the local and the express tracks in the Subway, a careful record of passenger movement upon the station platforms and into and out of the trains was made during the evening rush hours at the five express transfer stations. The results of this canvass ai^e shown in Table XII and the figures have also been plotted graphically and are shown in Plate III. These diagrams indicate the number of passengers traveling for one hour during the evening rush period on both the local and the express north bound trains from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street. At each station a careful count was made for one hour showing the number of passengers entering both classes of trains from the street, the number leaving both trains to reach the street as well as the number trans- ferring from the locals to the express trains and vice versa. The diagrams therefore indicate the total number of passengers using each class of train during the hour; where these passengers came from and where they went to, and the number of passengers who were standing, as compared with those who were seated while in the trains. A studjf of these figures shows the following conclusions, it being understood that all of the facts relate to the north bound trains during the evening rush hours. a — The express trains carry their maximum loads as they leave Grand Central station and the local trains are most heavily loaded as they enter Grand Central station. b — More passengers leave both classes of trains to reach the street at the Grand Central station than leave the trains at any other express station. Nearly twice as many passengers leave the express trains and go directly to the street at this station as leave the local trains at this station for the street. c — Four times as many passengers take the express trains at the express stations from the street as take the local trains from the street; that is, of the number of passengers entering the five transfer stations from the street 20% do so to take a local train. The express trains secure a large increase in load at Brooklyn Bridge and at 14th Street. d — Of the passeogers on the express trains an average of 326 on each train transfer to other trains. About 40% of this transferring now takes place at 96th Street and about 25% at Grand Central Station. e — Of the passengers on the local trains an average of 474 transfer from each train to an express train and of this movement about 40% takes place at 14th Street and about 30% at Grand Central station. f — Relatively the total transferring between both classes of service is done as fol- lows : At Brooklyn Bridge 3%; at 14th Street 32%; at Grand Central station 28%; at 72nd Street 13% ; and at 96th Street 24%. 66 g — The average number of passengers entering the doors of the express trains is 1300 per train, of which an average of 326 or 25% transfer to the local service — that is, the local distributing service is used by 25% of the patrons of the express service. h — The average number of passengers entering the doors of the local trains is 1400 per train, of which an average of 474 or 34% transfer to the express service — i. e. the express trains are the destination of 34% of the local train patrons. i — Of 1400 passengers, therefore, using a local train, 326 have come from ex- press trains and 474 are on their way to express trains leaving 600 passengers or 43% of the total number using the local trains who are strictly local passengers riding from •one local station to another. j — -The express stations contribute an average of 114 new passengers and the ex- press trains transfer an average of 326 passengers making a total of 440 passengers to each local train to offset the 474 passengers which the locals furnish to the express service. k — Of the 1400 passengers who patronize a local train there are 474 who transfer to the express trains. The income from this local trip may therefore be taken at (1400 — 474) X 5c., or $46.30, and as this train is composed of 5 cars and has traveled an average of 9 miles in one direction the income per car mile for this part of the $46.30 trip is equal to • — ■ • or $1.03 per car mile for rush hour service. 5x9 1 — In a similar way the income from an express train carrying 1300 passengers may be found by deducting the 326 passengers who transfer to the local trains, mak- ing the income for one express train north bound trip (1300 — 326) x Sc or $48.70. This express train however consists of 8 cars and travels an average of 15.38 miles 48.70 in one direction, thus reducing the income per car mile to or 39 cents. 8 x 15.38 m — This result confirms the conclusions that the earning efficiency of the local service is more than twice that of the express service. The advantage which the local trains possess over the express trains is that they serve the short haul pas- senger in a short run train of comparatively few cars while the express trains carry long haul passengers who pay the same 5c. fare in long trains, running long distances. n — Even crediting the local train with an average of 600 strictly local passengers only, the resulting $30.00 income divided by the fewer number of car miles required to maintain a local train in service will make a showing of earnings per car mile, equal to that of the express train earnings figured without any deduction for transfer passengers. That is, the local service is capable of not only maintaining itself, but it can also earn enough more to maintain the burden of the entire collecting and dis- tributing system of which it is a part and assist in compensating for the loss due to long haul business carried by the express trains. 6^ Short Haul Passengers in Short Kaul Cars. It is comparatively easy to draw the conclusion that "all the money is made from the short haul passengers." This popular conception is undoubtedly true but it has been necessary to collect considerable data to determine just how much of a burden the long haul passengers are upon the system as a whole. The Subway system has now been in operation long enough to demonstrate that, in order to make this method of transportation self-sustaining upon the present flat fare basis, the income should average at least one cent per passenger mile. In other words, zvith a tmiform fare of 5 cents the average length of ride should not exceed 5 miles. The analysis resulting from the study of the passenger movement on individual trains proves that the average length of travel on the express trains is now S^ miles or slightly above the critical average whereas the average length of ride on the local trains is but two miles. It is apparent that as the Subway is extended and the out-lying districts become more thickly populated that the average length of the long haul rides will become greater, and that unless the fare for these longer rides is increased, it will be necessary to cultivate the short haul business and increase the profit from that source if the present S-cent flat fare is to be retained. The extension of the present Subway to Brooklyn was a move in this direction as the total business was increased about io% and the average haul of the Brooklyn pas- sengers will be about four miles, thus tending to reduce the average haul. The benefits to be derived from the Brooklyn business however are somewhat offset by the fixed charges on the first cost of the extension consisting of two tubes under the East River, each nearly 7,000 feet long, and about a mile of expensive four to six track subway construction in Brooklyn. Moreover, many passengers who formerly patron- ized the Subway from the Brooklyn Bridge station now ride to and from Brooklyn through the tunnels under the river and thus many former short haul passengers were changed, at the time the Brooklyn extension was opened, to long haul passengers, and in these particular cases the expense of handling the passengers was increased while nothing was added to the income. The trains which serve the Brooklyn passengers are used again on each trip for the Manhattan and the Bronx passengers so that the earn- ing power of those express trains which now run to Brooklyn has been increased and the average income per car mile should show some improvement on account of this Brooklyn extension. As the Brooklyn line however is extended the average length of haul will be increased and a point will eventually be reached where the business of this section will not tend to decrease the average length of haul. The problem of the future, therefore, if the fixed fare of 5 cents is retained, will be to find a way to handle short haul passengers in short haul cars and to make enough profit on this short haul business to be able to sustain the loss due to the long haul burden. In other words, the fact that the local trains in the present Subway are proven by careful analysis to have twice the earning power of the express trains, points out 68 the solution of the problem of eventually developing a comprehensive Subway system for Greater New York. The development of the short haul business must be en- couraged by furnishing a convenient, rapid, safe and comfortable service of ample capacity. It is not improbable that a commercial demonstration of the moving plat- form may prove that the short haul passengers can be transported at a lower cost by means of a moving platform than by the present local train method. Irrespective of whether the short haul business is handled by means of moving platforms or by cars — the profit made from the short haul rides should be so used as to offset the losses due to the long haul. The building of Subways should start at the centre of the city and work out rather than start from the out-lying districts and work in. Any plan for future Subways which fails to make ample provision for the down-town local business, in a degree greater than is done with the present Subway, will suffer from a fundamental defect which will not only cripple its usefulness from the start but this defect will become more apparent as the out-lying districts develop and as the average- length of the long haul becomes greater. C0^XLUSI0NS. Briefly, the conclusions that may be drawn from this report are as follows : 1. The capacity of the express tracks of the present Subway can be increased (from 12,500 seats per hour) to 18,000 seats per hour, and as the peak load is now over 28,000 passengers per hour, and increasing rapidly, every effort should be made to augment the maximum carrying capacity. Additional doors should be put in the sides of the cars, and the speed control signal system which has now been developed should be installed at all express stations. These improvements should be followed by the addition of one extra car on each express train, and the use of an automatic coupler should receive early consideration. The installation of a shuttle train service at Bowling Green station, in order to increase the capacity of the Brooklyn tubes, should be pushed, and eventually the cross-overs should be eliminated at 96th Street. 2. The equitable way to control the number of cars which should be furnished to provide for the constantly increasing Subway trafific is to determine upon a constant by which the number of passengers to be expected can be divided. The result will be the number of car miles which the schedule should provide. Judging from past records, this constant during the winter months may be taken as 5. 3. A more thorough study should be made to determine where useless car miles can be eliminated from the present schedule, and where an equal number of car miles can be introduced in such a way as to reduce the standing load to a minimum. 4. A study of the transfer system indicates that the local tracks have a greater earning power than the express tracks. If a uniform fare of 5 cents is to be main- tained with the present and future Subways, progress must be made along the lines of cultivating and effectively serving the short haul business by providing a compre- 69 hensive system of local short haul trains. In this connection the merits of the moving platform system of transportation should be thoroughly investigated. 5. The measure of the ultimate usefulness of any Subway is its peak or overload capacity. If the present Subway could handle 60 trains an hour on each express track, its usefulness would be materially increased over its present service of 30 trains, and beyond its ultimate capacity of 40 trains per hour. Future Subways should be planned to get the full advantage of the investment in the main line tracks, by running 60 trains an hour during the morning and evening rush periods. Note — Since this report was written, the special speed control system recommended in my report upon "The Signal System of the Subway" has been apparently success- fully developed by the Subway Company, and is nearly ready for installation on the express tracks at each express station. Under these circumstances I believe it will be wise to hold the improvements at 96th Street until the full effect of the speed control signal system improvement can be tested, as the latest reports on this device indicate that it will add considerably more to the carrying capacity of the Subway than at first thought possible. It may be found that the expenditure of $1,000,000 which the removal of the 96th Street cross-overs eventually would cost will not be necessary at present. i^oiaaiMMoo 3oivR3a ou JfART!SI/fAflTa»qAf? ' 1^ » iji I 'iiiiiiii| [|iii||iipfj;TinniTi — 7inmnniilfnnniifinmnnJ|nnrii — ^ nnniinnnnnnjlnnni K-innnrnnnifinnnr-ir i^rS^-.' t ,^n'ft-.'''''ii 1 '" ''S'i-^^S^ ^ . H^-lf--Z"iT I I ^ or — 4- ■»««»= — Plate II. To accompany report upon The Traffic of The Subway by Bion J. Arnold. December, 1908. Location and Length of Tracks, Interborough Subway, New York City. Plate II. To accompany report upon The Traffic of The Subway by Bion J. Arnold. December, 1908. 7Mij»4 "S'i*ViT^ »;*»■« TRArnc Chart ■ -Subway Express Station 5- TABLE Xn. Record of Passenger Traffic, from 5:30 to 6:30 p. m. Northbound from Brooklyn Bridge to 96th Street. Brooklyn Bridge 10,380 16,024 14th Street i5t490 zi.S?! Grand Central 24,100 23.358 72nd Street 26,062 zs.S-sS 96th Street 25.790 23.677 Totals Average passengers per train — (Total - 30) To Trains from Street. Kxpic sto L 6.231 435 4.604 1.802 >,3S8 2.351 23S l,22g 581 3.166 13.012 9.783 Local to Express, fro This diagram shows a typical distribution of cars and of passengers for one hour during the ev&ning rush at the northbound express stations. A separate diagram is shown for each of the five express or transfer stations. Each dia- gram shows for one hour (a) the number of seats on both the express and the local service; (b) the number of passengers both entering and leaving the sta- tion on each class of trains; (c) the number of passengers entering and leaving the station from and to the street; and (d) the number of passengers trans- ferring from local to express trains, and vice versa. The exact figures are shown by the table. Plate III. To Accompany Report Upon The Traffic Of The Subway by Bion J. Arnold. December, 1908. 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