m ii CRADOCK NOWELL % Cale of Ijje icin jforest. RICHARD DODDRIDGE BLJCKMORE, AUTnOB OP " CLARA. VArOHAN,"' " You have said : whether wisely or no, let the forest judge." As You Like It, Act HI. So. 3 IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. L LONDON : CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY ,S S G 8 T » 1366 [7'/t« right of Traiislaflon is reserved.^ , . ; . , . '', LOlvDOK . PiflVfliT; RT C. wSfl^rfG* BEACtORT HOUSi:, STIfAXD. Co t^e mtcmorn OP MY DEAR FRIEND THOMAS JAMES SCALE, THIS WORK (in ,which, prom month to month, he took the kindest interest) IN gratitude, affection, and affliction, DEDICATED. R. r>. B. IS- 7 2 91 CRADOOK NOWELL. CHAPTER I. AYiTHix tlie New Forest, and not far from its western boundary, as defined by the second per- ambulation of the good King Edward the First, stands the old mansion of the Nowells, the Hall of Nowelhurst. Not content with mere exemption from all feudal service, their estate claims privi- leges, both by grant and custom. The benefit of !Morefall trees in six Avalks of the forest, the right of digging marl, and turbary^ illimitable, common of pannage, and license of drawing akermast, pastime even of hawking over some parts of the Crown land, — all these will be catalogued as claims quite indefeasible, if the old estates come to the hammer, through the events that form my story. With many of these privileges the Royal ^ Commissioners will deal in a spirit of scant cour- tesy, when the Nowell influence is lost in the neighbourin(r borouijhs : but as vet these claims VOL. I. B 2 CRADOCK NOWELL : have not been treated like those of some poor commoners. " Pooh, pooh, my man, don't be preposterous : you know, as well as I do, these gipsy freedoms were only allowed to balance the harm the deer did." And if the rights of that ancient family are ever called in question, some there are which will require a special Act to abolish them. For Charles the Second, of merry memory (saddened some- what of late years), espied among the maids of honour an uncommonly pretty girl, w^hose name was Frances Nowell. He suddenly remembered, what had hitherto quite escaped him, how old Sir Cradock Nowell — beautiful Fanny's father — had saved him from a pike-thrust during Cromwell's "crowning mercy." In gratitude, of course, for this, he began to pay most warm attentions to the Hampshu'e maiden. He propitiated that ancient knight with the only boon he craved — craved hitherto all in vain — a plenary grant of easements in the neighbourhood of his home. Soon as the charter had received the royal seal and signature^ the old gentleman briskly thrust it away in the folds of his velvet mantle. Then taking the same view of gratitude which his liege and master took, home he went without delay to secm^e his privileges. When the king heard of his departure, without any kissing of hands, he was in lop wise discon- certed ; it was the very thing he had intended. But when he heard that lovely Fanny was gone in the same old rickety coach, even ere he began to A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 3 •wliisper, and with no leave of the queen, His Majestv swore his ntmost for nearly half an hour. Then having spent his fury, he laughed at the " seiy as he would have called it if the slang had been invented, and turned his royal attention to another of his wife's young maidens. Nowelhurst Hall looks too respectable for any loose doings of any sort. It stands well aAvay from the weeping of trees, like \'irtue shy of sen- timent, and therefore has all the Avealth of foliage shed, just where it pleases, around it. From a rising ground the house has sweet view of all the forest changes, and has seen three hun- dred springs wake in glory, and three hundred autinnns waning. Spreading away from it wider, wider, slopes " the Chase," as they call it, with great trees stretching paternal arms in the vain attempt to hold it. For two months of the twelve, when the heather is in blossom, all that chase is a glow- ing reach of amaranth and pui-ple. Then it fades away to pale orange, dim olive, and a rusty brown when Christmas shudders over it ; and so through- out young green and russet, till the July tint comes back again. Oftentimes in the fresh spring morning the blackcocks — " heathpoults" as they call them — lift their necks in the livening heather, swell their ruffing breasts, and crow for their rivals to come and spar with them. Below the chase the whiskers of the curling wood converge into a giant beard, tufted here and there with hues of a vary- ing richness ; but for the main of it, swelling and e2 4 CEADOCK NOWELL : waving, crisping, froncling, feathering, coying, and darkening here and there, until it reach the silver mirror of the spreading sea. And the seaman, looking upwards from the Avar-ship bound for India, looking back at his native land, for the last of all times it may be, over brushwood waves, and billows of trees, and the long heave of the gorse- land : " Now, that's the sort of place," he says, as the distant gables glisten ; " the right sort of berth for our jolly old admiral, and me for his butler, please God, when we've licked them Crappos as ought to be." South-west of the house, half a mile away, and scattered along the warren, the simple village of Nowelhurst digests its own ideas. In and out the houses stand, endwise, crossways, skewified, any- how except upside down, and some even tending that way. It looks like a game of dominoes, when the leaves of the table have opened and gape betwixt the players. Nevertheless, it is all good English ; for none are bitterly poor there ; in any case of illness, they have the great house to help them, not proudly, but with feeling ; and, more than this, they have -a jDarson who leads instead of driving them. There are two little shops exceed- ingly anxious to under-sell each other, and one mild alehouse conducted strictly upon philosophic principles. Philosophy under pressure, a caviller would call it, for the publican knoAvs, and so do his customers, that if poachers were encouraged there, or any, uproarious doings permitted (ex- A TALE OF THE NEW EOKEST. 5 cept ill the -week of the old and new year), down would come his license-board, like a flag hauled in at sunset. Pleasant folk, who there do dwell, calling their existence " life," and on the whole enjoying it more than many of us do ; forasmuch as they know then* neighbours far better than themselves, and perceive each cousin's need of trial, and console him when he gets it. Not but what we our- selves partake the first and second advantages, only we miss the fruition of them, by turning oiu' backs on the sufferer. Nowelhurst village is not on the main road, but keeps a straggling companionship with a quiet parish highway which requires much encoui-age- ment. This little highway does its best to blink the many difficulties, or, if that may not be, to compi'omise them, and establish a pleasant foot- ing upon its devious wandering course from the Lymington road to Eingwood. Here it goes zig to escape the frown of a hea\y-browed crest of furzery, and then it comes zag when no soul ex- pects it, because a little stream has babbled at it. It even seems to bob and dip, or jump, as the case may be, for fear of prying into an old oak's storey or dusting a piece of grass land. The hard-hearted traveller who lives express, and is bound for the train at Riugwood, curses, too often, up hill and down dale, the quiet lane's inconsistency. What right has any road to do anything but go straight on end to its purpose? What decent road stops L^ 6 CKADOCK NOWELL : for a gossip with flowers — flowers overhanging the steep ascent, or eavesdropping on the rabbit-holes? And as for the beauty of ferns — confound them, they shelter the horse-fly — that horrible forest-fly, whose tickling no civilized horse can endure. Even locusts he has heard of as abounding in the New Forest ; and if a swarm of them comes this very hot weather, good-bye to him, horse and trap, newest patterns, sweet plaid, and chaste things. And good-bye to thee, thou bustling " traveller" — whether technically so called or otherwise, — a very good fellow in thy way, but not of nature's pattern. So counter-sunk, so turned in a lathe, so pressed and rolled by steam-power, and then con- densed hydraulically, that the extract of flowers u^Jon thy shirt is but as the oil of machinery. But we who carry no chronometer, neither puff loco- motively — now he is round the corner — let us saunter down this lane beyond the mark-oak and the blacksmith's, even to the sandy rise whence the Hall is seen. The rabbits are peeping forth again, for the dew is spreading quietude : the sun has just finished a good day's work and is off for the western waters. Over the rounded heads and bosses, and then the darker dimples of the many- coloured foliage — many-coloured even now with summer's glory fusing it — over heads and shoul- ders, and breasts of heaving green, floods the lucid amber, trembling at its own beauty — the first acknowledged leniency of the July sun. Now every moment has its difference. Having once A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 7 acknowledged that lie may have been too down- right in his ride of triumph, the sun, lilce every generous nature, scatters broadcast his amends. Over holt, and laioU, and lea, and narrow dingle, scooped with shadow wliere the brook is mmpUng, and tlu'ough the breaks of grass and gravel, "where the heather pui'ples, scarcely yet in prune flush, and do^^'n the tall -wood overhanging, mossed and lichened, green and gi'ey, as the grove of Druids — over, through, and under all flows pervading sun- set. Then the birds begin discoursing of the thouo;hts within them — thoughts that are all happiness, and thrill and swell in utterance. Through the voice of the thicket-birds — the mavis, the whinchats, and the warblers — comes the tap of the yaffingale, the sharp, short cry of the honey-])uzzard above the squirrel's cage, and the plaining of the tm'tle-dove. But from birds and flowers, winding roads and woods, and waters where the trout are leaping, come we back to the only thing that interests a man much — the life, the doings, and the death of his fellow-men. From this piece of yellow road, where the tree-roots twist and ■wrestle, we can see the great old house, winking out of countless ■NA-indows, deep with sloping shadows, mantlmg back from the clasp of the forest, in a stately, sad reserve. It looks like a house that can endiu'c and not talk about affliction, that could disclose some tales of passion were it not undignified, that remembers many a generation, and is mildly sorry 8 CEADOCK NOWELL : for them. Oh ! house of the Nowells, grey with shadow, wrapped in lonely grandeur, cold with the dews of evening and the tone of sylvan nightfall, never through tAventy generations hast thou known a darker fortune than is gathering now around thee, growing through the summer months, deep- ening ere the leaves drop ! All men, we know, are born for trial, to work, to bear, to purify ; but some there are wdioni God has marked for sorrow from their cradle. And strange as it appears to us, whose image is inverted, almost always these are they who seem to lack no probation. The gentle and the large of heart, the meek and un- pretending, yet gifted with a rank of mind that needs no self-assertion, trebly vexed in this way- faring, we doubt not they are blest tenfold in the everlasting equipoise. Perhaps it was the July evening that made me dream and moralise ; but now let us gaze from that hill again, under the fringe of avitumn's gold, in the ripeness of October. The rabbits are gone to bed much earlier — comparatively, I mean, with the sun's retirement — because the dew is getting cold, and so has lost its flavour ; and a nest of young weasels is coming abroad, "and really makes it unsafe, my dear," says Mrs. Bunny to her third family, " to keep our long-standing engagements." " Send cards instead," says the timid JNIiss Cony ; " I can write them, mamma, on a polypod." Now though the rabbits shirk their duty, we can see the con£i;reo;ation returnma!; down the villao-e from the church, which is over the bridge, towards A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 9 Lymington, and seems set aside to meditate. In straggling groups, as gossip lumps tliem, or the after- noon sermon disposes, home they straggle, wonder- ing whether the girl has kept the fire up. Kept the fire " blissy" is the bodily form of the house- thought. But all the experienced matrons of the village have got together; and two, who have served as monthly nurses, are ready to pull side- hau" out. There is nothing like science for settino- people hard by the ears and the throat-strings. But we who are up in the forest here can catch no huzz of voices, nor even gather the point of dispute, while they huny on to recount their arguments, and triumph over the virile mind, which, of course, Ivnows nothing about it. The question is, when Lady Nowell will give an heir to the name, the house, the village, the estates, worth fifty thousand a year — an heir long time expected, hoped for in vain through six long years, now reasonably looked for. All the matrons have settled that it must be on a Sunday; everybody knows that Sunday is the day for all grand cere- monies. Even Nanny Gammon's pigs But why pursue their arguments — the taste of the pre- sent age is so wonderfully nice and delicate. I can only say that the Gammers, who snubbed the Gaffers upon the subject, miscarried by a fortnight, though right enough hebdomadally. They all fixed it for that day fortnight, but it was done while they were predicting. And not even the monthly nm-ses anticipated, no one ever guessed at the con- tingency of — twins. 10 CKADOCK NOWELL CHAPTER n. " Whishtkew, ^yllishtrew, every bit of me ! Whativer will I do, God knows. The blue ribbon there forenint me, and the blessed infants one to aich side!" The good nurse fell against a chest of drawers, as she uttered this loud lament ; the coloui' ebbed from her cherry cheeks, and her sturdy form shook with terror. She had scarcely tm'ned her back, she could swear, upon hdi* precious charges ; and now- only look at the murder of it! Two little cots stood side by side, not more than four feet asunder; and on each cot fast asleep lay a fine baby, some three or four days old. Upon the floor between them was a small rosette of blue ribbon. The infants were slumbering happily ; and breath- ing as calmly as could be. Each queer little dump of a face was nestled into its pillow ; and a small red podge, which was meant for an arm, lay cross- wise upon the flannel. Nothing could look more delicious to the eyes of a fine young woman. A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 11 Nevertheless, that fine young woman, Mrs. Biddy O'Gaghan, stood gazing from one cot to the other, in hopeless and helpless dismay. Her comely round face was drawn out ^^dtll hon'or, her mouth AA-ide open, and large tears stealing into her broad blue Irish eyes. "And the illigant spots upon them, as like as two Blemishing spannels ; nor the blissed saints in heaven, if so be they was tuk to gloiy, afore they do be made hairyticks, cudn't know one from the ither, no more nor the winds from the brazes. And there go the doctor's bell again ! Oh whurra- strew, AvhmTa, whurra!" Now Biddy O'Gaghan would scarcely have been head-nurse at Nowelhurst Hall, before she was thuly years old, but for her quick self-reliance. She was not the woman therefore to wring her hands long, and look foolish. Her Irish wit soon suggested so many modes of solution, all so easy, and all so delightfully free from reason, that the only question was how to listen to all at once. First she Avent and bolted carefully both the doors of the nursery. Then, with a look of triumph, she rushed to her yellow workbox, snatched up a roll of narrow tape, some pins, and a pair of scissors, and knelt upon the floor very gingerly, Vvliere the blue ribbon lay. Then, having pinned one end of the tape to the centre of the rosette, and the rosette itself to the carpet, she let the roll run Avith one hand, and ch'ew the tape tight with the other, until it arrived at the nose of the babe 12 CUADOCK NOWELL : ensconced in the right-liand cot. There she cut it . off sharply, with a snip that awoke the child, who looked at her contemplatively from a pair of large grey eyes. Leaving him to his meditations, she turned the tape on the pin, and drew it towards the nasal apology of the other infant. The measure would not reach ; it was short by an inch and a half. What clearer proof could be given of the title to knot and pendency? But alas for Biddy's triumph ! The infant last, geometrised awoke at that very moment, and lifting his soft fat legs, in order to cry with more comfort, disclosed the awkward fact that his left knee was nearer by three inches to the all-important rosette, than was any part of his brother. Biddy shook anew, as she di'ew the tape to the dimples. What is the legal centre of a human being ? Upon my word, I think I should have measured from the 6iJ,(f)a\6s. Ere fm-ther measurement could be essayed, all the premises were gone utterly ; for the baby upon the right contrived to turn in the flannels, as an unsettled silkworm pupa rolls in his cocoon. And he managed to revolve in the wrong du'ection ; it was his fate through Hfe. Instead of coming to- wai'ds the rosette, as a selfish baby would have done, away he went, with his grey eyes blinking at the handle of the door. Then he put up his lips, like the ring of a limpet, and poked both his little fists into his mouth. " Well, I never," cried Bridget ; " that settles it A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 13 . altogether. Plase the saints an' he -were a rogne, it's this Avay he'd ha' come over on his blessed little empty belly. My darlin' dumplin' dillikins, it's you as it belongs to, and a fool I must be to doubt of it. Don't I know the bend o' your nose, and the way your purty lips dribbles, then ? And to think I was near a robbing you ! What Avith the sitting up o' nights, and the worry of that carroty spal- peen, and the way as they sends my meals up, Paddy O'Gaghan, as is in glory, wud take me for another man's wife." With great relief and strong conviction, ^Irs. O'Gaghan began to stitch the truant rosette upon the cap of the last-mentioned baby, whence (or from that of the other) it had dropped through her own loose carelessness, before they were cuddled away. And Avith that ribbon she stitched upon him the heritage of the old famil}', the name of " Cradock Nowell," borne by the eight last baronets, and the largest estates and foremost rank in all the fair county of Hants. '•' Sure an' it won't come off again," said Biddy to the baby, as she laid down her needle, for, like all genuine IrishAA'omen, she des]>ised a thimble ; " and it's meself as is to blame, for not taking a nick on your ear, dear. A big fool I must be only to plait it in afore, and only for thinkin' as it Avud come cross-ways, Avhen you wint to your blissed mammy, dear. And little more you be likely to get there, I'm afeared, me darlin'. An' skeared anvbodv Avould be to hoort so mvich as a hair o' 14 CRADOCK NOWELL : your skull, until sucli time as you has any, you little jule of jewels, and I kisses every bit on you, and knows what you be thinking on in the dead hoor of the night. Bless your ticksy-wicksies, and the ground as you shall step on, and the childer as you shall have.'' Unprepared as yet to contemplate the pleasui'es of paternity. Master Cradock Nowell elect opened great eyes and great mouth, in the untutored wrath of hunger ; while from the other cot arose a lusty yell, as of one already visited by the injustice of the world. This bitter cry awoke the softness and the faint misgivino;s of the Irishwoman's heart. "And the pity of the world it is ye can't both be the eldest. And bedad you should, if Biddy O'Gaghan had the making of the laws. There shan't be any one iver can say as ye haven't had justice, me honey." Leaving both the unconscious claimants snugly wrapped and smiling, she called to her assistants, now calmly at tea in an inner room. " ]\Iiss Penny, run down now just, without thinking, and give my compliments, Mrs. O'Gaghan's kind compliments to the housekeeper's room, and would JMrs. Toaster oblige me with her big square scales ? No weights you needn't bring, you know. Only the scales, and be quick with them." "And please, ma'am, what shall I say as you wants them for ? " " Never you mind, Jane Penny. Wait you till your betters asks of you. And mayn't I weigh my A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 15 grandfather s silver, without ask you, Jane Penny? And likely you'd rather not, and good reason for that same, I dessay, after the way as I leaves it open." Overlooking this innuendo, as well as the slight difficidty of weighing, without weights, imaginary Ijullion, Miss Penny hurried away ; for the wTatli of the niu'se was rising, and it was not a thing to be tampered with. When Jane returned with the beam of justice, and lingered fondly in the door- way to watch its application, the head-nurse sidled her grandly into the little room, and tmnied the key upon her. " Go and finish your tea. Miss Penny. No draughts in this room, if you please, miss. Save their little sowls, and divil a hair upon them. Now come here, my tAvo chickabiddies." Adjusting the scales on the bed, where at night she lay with the infants warm upon her, she took the two red Imnps-jof innocence in her well-rounded ^^ arms, and laid one in either scale. As she did so. they both looked up and smiled : it reminded them, I suppose, of being laid in their cradles. Blessing them both, and without any nervousness — for to her it could make no difference — she raised by the handle the balance. It was a very nice question — which baby rose first from the countei'pane. So very slight was the difference, that the rosette itself might almost have turned the scale. But there was a perceptible difference, of perhaps about lialf an ounce, and that in favour of the sweet-tempered 16 CKADOCK NOWELL : babe who now possessed the ribbon ; and who, as the other rose slowly before him, drew up his OA\ai little toes, and tried prematurely to crow at him. Prematurely, my boy, in many ways. No further mistrust was left in the mind of Mrs. O'Gaghan. Henceforth that rosetted infant is like to outweigh and outmeasure his brother, a hundred- fold, a thousandfold, in every balance, l^y every standard, save those of self, and of true love, and perhaps of the kingdom of Heaven. A TALE OF TEE NEW FOItEST. 17 CHAPTER III. The reason why Mrs. O'Gaghan, generally so prompt and careful, though never very lucid, had neglected hetter precautions in a matter so im- portant, Avas simply and solely this — Lady Nowell, the delicate mother, was dying. It had been known, ever since the birth, that she had scarcely any chance of recovery. And Biddy loved her with all her warm heart, and so did every one in the house who owned a heart that could love. In the great anxiety, all things were upside down. None of the servants knew where to go for orders, and few could act without them ; the housekeeper was all abroad ; house-steward there was none ; head-butler Ilogstaff cried in his pantiy, and wiped his eyes with the leathers ; and, as for the master of them all. Sir Cradock Nowell himself, he rarely left the darkened room, and when he did he could not sec well. VOL. I. a 18 CEADOCK NOWELL : A sweet frail creature tlie young mother was, wedded too early, as ]iap})eiis here more often than we are aware of. Then disappointed, and grieving still more at her husband's disappointment, she had set her whole heart so long and so vainly upon prospective happiness, that now it was come she had not the strength to do anything more than smile at it. And smile she did, very sweetly, all the time she knew she was dying ; she felt so proud of those two fine hoys, and could not think how she had them. Ever so many times Sir Cradock, hanging fondly over her wan, sweet face, ordered the little wretches away, who would keep on coming to trouble her. But every time she looked up at him with such a feeble glory, and such a dash of humour, — " You've got them at last, and now you don't care a bit about them ; but oh ! please do for my sake ; " every time her fading eyes followed them to the door, so that the loving husband, cold with the shadow of the coming void, had to whisper, ^' Bring them back, put them here between us." Although he knew that she was dying, he could not feel it yet ; the mind admitted that fearful truth, but the heart repulsed it. Further as she sunk, and further yet, from his pleading gaze, the closer to her side he crept, the more he clasped her shadowy hands, and raised. her drooping neck; the fonder grew the entreating words, the wdiispers of the love-time, faint smiles that hoped to win her smile, although they moved in tears. And smile she did once more on earth, through the ashy hue A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 19 — the shadow of the soul's wings fluttering — when two fresh Kves, bought Ly her death, were shown for tlie f areweU to her. "And if it's wrong, then, she'll make it right," thought the conscientious Biddj. " I can take my oatli on't she knowed the differ from the very first, though nobody else couldn't see it, barring the caps they was Jput in. Now, if only that gossoon will consent to her see them once more, and it can't hmi; the poor darlin' — and the blessing as comes from the death's gaze " !Mrs. O'Graghan's doubts were ended by the entrance of the doctor, a spare, short man, Avith a fiery face, red haii', and quick little eyes. He was not more than tliirty years old, but knew his duties thoroughly ; nevertheless, he would not have been there but for the sudden emergency. He was now come to fetch the nurse, having observed that the poor mother's eyes were gleaming feebly, once and again, towards the door that led to the nursery; and at last she had tried to raise her hand, and point in that direction. So in came Biddy, sobbing hard, A\dth a babe on either ann ; and she cm*tseyed cleverly to Sir Cradock without disturbing the equi- poise. But the mother's glance was not judicial, as poor Biddy had expected — her heart and soul were far beyond rosettes, and even titles. Li one long, yearning look, she lingered on her new-born babes, then tm'ned those hazy eyes in fondness to her kneeling husband's, then tried to pray or bless the three, and shivered twice, and died. c2 20 CEADOCK NOWELL : For days and weeks Sir Cradock Nowell bore liis life, but did not live. All his clear intellect and strong will, noble plans, and useful labours, all his sense of truth and greatness, lay benumbed and frozen in the cold track of death. He could not bear to see his children, he would not even hear of them ; " they had robbed him of his loved one, and what good were they ? Little red things ; perhaps he would love them when they grew like their mother." Those were not his expressions, for he was proud and shy ; but that was the form his thoughts would take, if they could take any. No Avonder that he, for a time, was lost beyond the verge of reason ; because that blow, which most of all stuns and defeats the upright man, had descended on him — the blow to the sense of justice. This a man of large mind feels often from his fellow-men, never from his Maker. But Sir Cradock was a man of intellect, rather than of mind. To me a large mind seems to be strong intellect quickened with warm heart. Sir Cradock Nowell had plenty of in- tellect, and plenty of heart as well, but he kept the two asunder. So much the better for getting on in the world ; so much the worse for dealing with God. A man so constituted rarely wins, till over- borne by trouble, that only knowledge which falls (like genius) where our Father listeth. So the bereaved man measured justice by the ells and inches of this world. And it did seem very hard, that he who had lived for twenty years, from light youth up to the balance age of forty, not only without harming any A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 21 fellow-mortal, but, upon fair average, to do good in the world — it seemed, I say — it was, thought he — most unjust that such a man could not set his serious heart upon one little treasure without losing it the moment he had learned its value. Now, W'ith pride to spur sad memoiy — bronze spurs to a marble horse — he remembered how his lovely Violet chose him from all others. Gallant suitors crowded round her, for she was rich as well as beautiful ; but she quietly came from out them all for him, a man of twice her age. And he who had cared for none till then, and had begun to look on woman as a stubby-bearded man looks back at the romance of his first lather, he first admired her grace and beauty, then her warmth of heart and wit, then, scorning all analysis, her own sweet self; and loved her. A few days after the funeral he was walking sadly up and down in his lonely librar}", caring no whit for his once-loved books, for the news of the day, or his business, and listless to look at anything, even the autumn sunset ; when the door was opened quietly, and shyly through the shadows stole his schoolfellow of yore, his truest friend, John Eosedew. With this gentleman I take a very serious liberty; but he never yet was kno-vvii to resent a liberty taken honestly. That, however, does not justify me. " John Eosedew" I intend to call him, because he likes it best; and so he would though ten times a Bachelor of Divinity, a late Vice-Principal of his college, and the present Hector of Nowelhm'st. Formerly I did my best, 22 CEADOCK NOWELL : loviiig well the character, to describe that simple- minded, tender-hearted yeoman, John Iliixtable, of Tossil's Barton, in the county of Devon. Like • his, as like any two of Natm^-e's ever-varied works, were the native grain and staple of the Rev. John Eosedew. Beside those little inborn and indying vai'iations which Nature still insists on, that she may know her sons apart, those two genial Britons differed both in mental and bodily endo\vments, and through education. In spite of that, they were, and are, as like to one another as any two men can be who have no smallness in them. Small men run pretty much of a muclniess ; as the calibre increases, so the divergence multiplies. Farmer Huxtable was no fool ; but having once learned to sign his name, he had attained his maxi- mum of literary development ; John KosedeAv, on .the other hand, although a strong and well-built man, who had pvilled a good oar in his day, was not, in bulk and stature, a match for Hercules or Milo. Unpretending, gentle, a lover of the truth, easily content with others, but never with himself, even now, at the age of forty, he had not overcome fthe bashfuhiess and diffidence of a fine and sensi- tive nature. And, first-rate scholar as he was, he would have lost his class at Oxford solely through that shyness, unless a kind examiner, who saw his blushing agony, had tm-ned from some common- place of Sophocles to a glorious passage of Pindar. Then, carried away by the noble poet, John Rose- dew forgot the schools, the audience, even the row A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 23 of examiners, and gave grand thoughts their grand expression, breathing free as the winds of heaven. Nor till his voice began to falter from the high emotion, and his heart beat fast, though not from shame, and the tears of genius touched by genius were difficult to check, not till then knew he, or guessed, that every eye was fixed upon him, that every heart was thrilling, that even the stiff exa- miners bent forward like eager cliildi'en, and the young men in the gallery could scarcely keep from cheering. Then suddenh*, in the full sweep of magnificence, he stopped, like an eagle shot. Now the parson, ruddy cheeked, with a lock of light bro^^^l hair astray upon his forehead, and his pale, blue eyes looking much as if he had just awoke and rubbed them, came shyly and with deep embarrassment into tlie darkening room. For days and days he had thought and thought, but could not at all determine whether, and when, and how, he ought to visit his ancient friend. His own heart fii*st suggested that he ought to go at once, if only to show the bereaved one that still there were some to love him. To this right impulse — and the im- pulse of a heart like this could seldom be a wTong one — rose counter-checks of worldly knowledge, such little as he had. And it seemed to many people strange and unaccountable, that if ]\Ii'. Eosedew piqued himself upon anything whatever, it was not on his learning, his purity, or benevo- lence, it was not on his gentle bearing, or the chivalry of his soul, but on a fine acquirement, 24 CEADOCK NOWELL : whereof in all opinions (except, indeed, his own) he possessed no jot or tittle — a strictly-disciplined and astute exjierience of the world. Now this supposed experience told him that it might seem coarse and forward to offer the hard grasp of friendship ere the soft clasp of love was cold; that he, as the clergyman of the parish, would appear to presume upon his office ; that no proud man could ever bear to have his anguish pryed into. These, and many other misgivings and ob- jections, met his eager longings to help his dear old friend. Suddenly and to his great relief — for he knew not how to begin, though he felt how and mis- trusted it — the old friend turned upon him from his lonely pacsing, and held out both his hands. Not a word was said by either ; what they meant required no telling, or was told by silence. Long time they sat in the western window, John Rose- dew keeping his eyes from sunset, which did not suit them then. At last he said, in a low voice, avhich it cost him much to find — ''What name, dear Cradock, for the younger babe ? Yom' own, of course, for the elder." " No name, John, but his sweet mother's ; unless you like to add his uncle's." John Eosedew was puzzled lamentably. He could not bear to worry his friend any more upon the subject ; and ^yet it seemed to him sad, false concord, to christen a boy as "Violet." But he argued that, in botanical fact, a violet is male as A TALE OF THE XEW FOEEST. 25 well as female, and at. such a time lie could not think of tlnvarting a widower's yearnings. In spite of all his worldly knowledge, it never occurred to his simple mind that poor Sir Cradock meant the lady's maiden surname, which I believe was " Incledon." And yet he had suggestive precedent brought even then before him, for Sir Cradock Nowell's brother bore the name of " Clayton ;' which name John Rosedew added now, and found relief in doing so. Thus it came to pass, that the babe without rosette was baptized as "Violet Clayton," while the owner of the bauble received the name of " Cradock" — Cradock Nowell, now the ninth in lineal succession. The father was still too broken down to care about being present ; godfathers and godmothers made all their vows by proxy. Mrs. O'Gaghan held the infants, and one of them cried, and the other laughed. The rosette was there in all its glory, and received a tidy sprinkle ; and the wearer of it was, as usual, the one who took things easily. As the common children said, who came to see the great ones " loustering," the whole affair was rather like a white burying than a baptism. Nevertheless, the tenants and labourers moistened their semi-regenerate clay with many a fontful of good ale, to ensure the success of the ceremony. 26 CEADOOK NO WELL : CHAPTER IV. It is not pleasant to recur, to have a relapse of chronology, neither does it show good management on the part of a ^vriter. Nevertheless, being free of time among these forest by-ways, I mean to let the pig now by the ear unfold his tail, or curl it up, as the weather suits him. And now he runs back for a month or two, traiUng the rope from his left hind-leg. Poor Lady Nowell had become a mother, as in- deed we learned from the village gossip, nearly a fortnight before the expected time. Dr. Jellicorse .Buller, a very skilful man, in whom the Hall had long confided, was suddenly called to London, the day before that on wliich we last climbed the hill towards Eingwood. With Su' Cradock's full con- sent, he obeyed the tempting summons. So in the hurry and flutter of that October Sunday, it seemed a most lucky thing to obtain, in a thinly-peopled district, the prompt attendance of any medical man. And but that a gallant regiment then hap- A TALE OP THE NEW FOEEST. 27 pened to be on the march from Dorchester to Southampton, there to embark for India, no mascu- line aid ^vovdd have been forthcommg till after the event. But the regimental surgeon, whose name was Eufus Huttoii, did all that human skill could do, and saved the hves of both the infants, but coidd not save the young motlier. Having earned Su* Cradock's lasting gratitude, and Biddy O'Ga- ghan's strong execrations, he was compelled to rejoin his regiment, then actually embarking. The t-^nns grew fast, and throve amain, imder Mrs. O'Gaghan's motherly care, and shook the deep-rooted country faith, that children brought up by hand are sui*e to be puny weakhugs. Nor was it long till nature reasserted her authority, and claimed her rights of compensation. The father Ijegan to tliink more jmd more, first of his duty towards the dead mother, and then of his duty towards his children ; and ere long affection set to work, and drove duty away till called for, which happened as we shall see pre- sently. By the time those two pretty babies were "busy about then* teeth," Cradock NoweU the .elder was so deep in odontology, that Biddy lier- .'fielf could not ans^^er him, and was afraid to ask any questions. He watched each Httle white cropper, as a girl peers day by day into a starting hyacinth. Then, when they could wall?, tliey fol- lowed daddy everywhere, and die never was liappy without them. It was a pretty tiling to see them toddhng down the long passages, stopping by the 28 CKADOCK NOWELL : walls to prattle, crawling at the slippery parts, where the newly-invented tiles shone. And the father Avould dance away backwards from them, forgetting all about the grand servants, clapping his hands to encourage them, and holding an orange as prize for a crawling-race — then whisk away round a corner, and lay his cheek flat to the wainscot, to peep at his sons, and learn which of them was the braver. And in those days, I think, he was proud to find that Cradock Nowell, the heir of the house, was by far the more gallant baby. Which of the two was the prettier, not even sliai-p Biddy could say ; so strongly alike they were, that the palm of beauty belonged to the one who had taken least medicine lately. Then, as they turned two years and a half, and could jump with .both feet at once, without the spectator growing sad on the subject of biped defi- ciencies, their father would lie down on the carpet, and make them roll and jump over him. He would watch their little spotted legs with intense appreciation ; and if he got an oral sprinkle from childhood's mid sense of humour, instead of de- pressing him, I declare it quite set him up for the day, sir. And he never bothered himself or them by attempts to forecast their destinies. There they were enjoying themselves, uproariously happy, as proud as Punch of their exploits, and the father a great deal prouder. All three as blest for the moment, as full of life and rapture, as God meant His creatures to be, so often as they are wise I A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 29 enough ; and, in the name of God, let them be so! But then there came a time of spoiling, a time of doing just what they liked, even after their eyes were opening to the light and shadow of right and AATong. If they smiled, or pouted, or even cried — though in that they were very moderate — - in a fashion which descended to them from their darling mother, thereupon great right and law, and even toughest prejudice, fell flat as rolled dough before them. So they toddled about most glo- riously, with a strong sense of owning the universe. Next ensued a time of mighty retribution. Astrgea, with her feelings hmt, came down for a slashmg moment. Fond as he was, and far more weak than he ever had been before. Sir Cradock No well was not a fool. He saw it was time to check the license, ere mischief grew irretrievable. Something flagrant occun'ed one day ; both the childi'en were in for it ; they knew as well as pos- sible that they were jolly rogues together, and together in their childish counsel they resolved to stand it out. The rumour was that they had stolen into Mrs. Toaster's choicest cupboard, and hardly left enough to smell at in a two-pound pot of green- gage jam. Anyhow, there they stood, scarlet in face and bright of eye, back to back, with their broad white shoulders, their stm'dy legs set wide apart, and their little heels stamping defiantly. ;Mi-s. Toaster had not the heai't to do anything but 30 CEADOCK NOWELL : kiss them, with a number of "O fies!" and thej accepted her kisses indignantly, and wiped their lips \^'ith their pinafores. They knew that they were in the wTong, but they had not tried to con- ceal it, and they meant to brazen it out. They looked such a fine pair of lords of the earth, and vindicated their felony with so grand an air, such high contempt of all justice, that Cookey and Hogstaff, empannelled as jury, said, "Drat the little darlings, let 'em have the other pot, mem !" But as their good star would have it, Mrs. O'Gra- ghan came after them. Upsetting the mere 7iisi 2)rius verdict, she marched them off, one in either hand, to the great judge sittuig in banco, Sir Cra- dock himself, in the library. With the sense of heavy wrong upon them, the little hearts began to fail, as they cKmbed "vvith tugs instead of jumps, and no arithmetic of the steps, the narrow flight of stone stairs that led from regions culinary. But they would not shed a tear, not they, nor even say they were sorry, otherwise Biddy (who herself Avas crying) would have let them go with the tap of a battledore. Poor little soulsj they got their deserts with very scanty ceremony. When Biddy began to relate their crime, one glance at their father's face was enough; they hung behind, and dropped their eyes, and flushed all under their curling hair. Yet little did they guess the indignity impending. Hog- staff had followed all the way, and so had Mrs. Toaster, to plead for them. Su* Cradock sent them A TALE OP THE NEW FOEEST. 31 both, away, and told Biddy to wait outside. Then he led his children to an inner room, and calmly explained his intentions. These were of such a nature that the young offenders gazed at each other in dumb amazement and horror, which very soon grew eloquent as the sentence was being exe- cuted. But the brave little fellows cried more, even then, at the indignity than the pain of it. Then the stem father ordered thera out of his sight for the day, and forbade every one to speak to them until the following morning ; and away the twins went, hand in hand, down the cold cruel passage, their long flaxen hair all flowing together, and shaking to the sound of their contrite sobs and heart-pangs. At the corner, by the steward's room, they turned vnth. one accord, and looked back wistfidly at their father. Su* Cradock had been saying to himself, as he rubbed his hands after the exercise — " A capital day's work : what a deal of good it will do them ; the self-willed little rascals !" but the look cast back upon him was so like their mother's when he had done anything to vex her, that away he rushed to his bedroom, and had to wash his face afterwards. But, of course, he held to his stern resolve to see them no more that evening, otherwise the lesson would be utterly thrown away. Holding to it as he did,, the effect surpassed all calculation. It was the tm'ning-pohit in their lives. " My boy, you know it hurts me a great deal more than you," says the hypocritical usher, who 32 CEADOCK NOWELL : rather enjoys the cane-swing. The boy knows It is hypocrisy, and is morally hurt more than phy- sically. But wholly different is the result when the patient knows and feels the deep love of the agent, and cannot help believing that justice has flogged the judge. And hitherto their flesh had been intemerate and inviolable ; the strictest orders had been issued that none should dare to slap them, and all were only too prone to coax and pet the beautiful angels. Little angels: treated so, they would soon have been little devils. As for the warning given last week, they thought it a bit of facetiousness : so now was the time, of all times, to strike temperately, but heavily. That night they went to bed before dark, with- out having cared for tea or toast, and Biddy's soft heart ached by the pillow, as they lay in each other's arms, hugged one another, having now none else in the world to love, and sobbed their little troubles off into moaning slumber. On the following morning, without any concert or debate, and scarcely asking why, the little things went hand in hand, united more than ever by the recent visitation, as far as the door of their father's bedroom. There they slank behind a curtain ;' and wdien he came out, the rings above fluttered with fear and love and hope. Much as the father's heart was craving, he made believe to walk onward, till Craddy ran out, neck or nothing, and sprang into his arms. After this great event, their lives flowed on very A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 33 happily into boyhood, youth, and manhood. They heartily loved and respected their father ; they could never be enough with John Rosedew; and although they quarrelled and fought sometimes, they languished and drooped immediately when parted from one another. As for Biddy O'Gaghan, now a high woman in the household, her only dif- ficulty was that she never could tell of her two boys which to quote as the more astounding. " If you plase, ma'am," she always concluded, " there'll not be so much as the lean of a priest for anybody iver to choose atwane the bootif ul two on them. No more than there was on the day when my bHssed self — mui'der now ! — any more, I manes, nor the differ a peg can find 'twane a murphy and a ])urratie. And a Murphy I must be, to tark, so free as I does, of the things as is above me. Says Patrick O'Geoghegan to meself one day — glory be to his sowl, and a gintleman every bit of him, lave out where he had the small-pux — ' Biddy,' he says, 'hould your pratie-trap, or I'll shove these here bellises down it.' And for my good it would have been, as I am thankful to acknowledge that same, though I didn't see it that day, thank the Lord. Ah musha, musha, a true gintleman he were, and lave me out his fellow, ma'am, if iver you comes acrass him." But, in spite of Biddy's assertion, there were many points of difterence, outward and inward too, between Cradock and Clayton Nowell. By tliis time the "Violet" was obsolete, except witli Sir VOL. I. D 34 CEADOCK NOWELL : Cradock, who rather liked it, and with young Crad, who had corrupted it into the endearing " Viley." John Rosedew had done his utmost to extinguish the misnomer, being sensitive on the subject, from his horror of false concord, as attributed to him- self. Although the twins were so much alike in stature, form, and feature that it required care to discern them after the sun was down, no clear- sighted person would miscall them when they both were present, and the light was good. Clayton No well's eyes were brown, Cradock' s a dark grey ; Cradock's hair was one shade darker, and grew more away from his forehead, and the expression of liis gaze came from a longer distance. Clayton always seemed up for bantering ; Cradock anxious to inquire, and to joke about it afterwards, if occa- sion offered. Then Cradock's head inclined, as he walked, a little towards the left shoulder ; Clayton's hmig, almost imperceptibly, somewhat to the right ; and Cradock's hands were hard and dry, Clayton's soft as good French kid. And, as regards the inward man, they differed far more widely. Every year their modes of thought, fancies, tastes, and habits, were diverging more decidedly. Clayton sought command and power, and to be admired ; Cradock's chief ambi- tion was to be loved by every one. And so with intellectual matters ; Clayton showed more dash and brilliance, Cradock more true sympathy, and thence more grasp and insight. Clayton loved the thoughts which strike us, Cradock those which A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 35 move us subtly. But, as they lived not long to- gether, it is waste of time to finesse between them. Whatever they were, they loved one another, and could not bear to be parted. jNIeanwhile, their " Uncle John" as they always called Mr. Rosedew — their uncle only in the spmt — was niu'sing and making much of a little daughter of his o^^^^. Long before Lady Nowell's death, indeed for ten long years before he obtained the living of Nowelhurst, vni\\ the little adjmict of Rushford, he had been engaged to a lady-love much younger than himself, whose name w^as Amy Venn. Not positively engaged, I mean, for he was too shy to pop the question to any one but himself, for more than seven years of the ten. But all that time Amy Venn was loA^ng him, and he was loving her, and each would have felt it a grievous blow, if the other had started sideways. Miss Venn Avas poor, and had none except her widowed mother to look to, and hence the parson was trebly shy of pressing a poor man's suit. He, a very truthful mortal, had pure faith in his Amy, and she had the like in him. So for several years he shmmed the common-room, and laid by all he could from his fellowship, college-appointments, and professorship. But when his old friend Sir Cradock Nowell presented him to the benefice — not a very gorgeous one, but enough for a quiet parson's family — he took a clean white tie at once, vainly strove to knot it grandly, actually got his scout to brush him, and after three glasses of d2 36 CEADOCK NOWELL : common-room port, strode away to his Amy at Kid- lington. There he found her trainmg the apricot on the south wall of her mother's cottage, one of the three great apricot-trees that paid the rent so nicely. What a pity they were not peaches ; they would have yielded so fit a simile. But peach- bloom will not thrive at Kidlington, except upon ladies' faces. Three months afterwards, just when all was arranged, and Mrs. Venn was at last persuaded that Hampshire is not all pigs and rheumatism, forests, and swamps, and charcoal, when John, with his voice rather shaky, and a patch of red wdiere his whiskers should have been, had pro- claimed his own banns three times — for he was a very odd fellow in some things, and scorned the " royal road" to wedlock — just at that time, I say, poor Lady Nowell's confinement upset all calcula- tion, and her melancholy death flung a pall on wedding-favours. Not only through respect, but from real sympathy with the faithful friend, John Kosedew and Amy held counsel together, and de- ferred the long-pending bridal. " "Oaa ^loKporepov, Toa-a naKaprepov," said Jolin, who always thought in Greek, except when Latin hindered him ; but few young ladies will admit — and now-a-days they all understand it — that the apophthegm is applied well. However, it did come off at last ; John Rosedew, when his banns had been rolling in his mind, in A TALE OP THE NEW FOBEST. 37 the form of Greek seuarii, for six months after the first time of out-asking, set to and read them all over again in public ; to revive their efficacy, and to surrebut all let and hindrance. He was accus- tomed now to so many stops, that he felt surprised when nobody rose to interpellate. And so the banns of John Rosedew, bachelor, and Amy Venn, spinster, &c., were read six times in Nowelhurst Church, and six times from the desk at Kidling- ton. And, sooth to say, it was not without significance. " Tautte luolis erat to produce our beautiful Amy." On the nuptial morning, Sir Cradock, whom they scai'cely expected, gathered up his broken courage, sank his own liap in another's, and was present and tried to enjoy himself. How shy John llosedew Avas, how sly to conceal his blushes, how spry when the bride glanced towards him, and nobody else looked that way — all this very few could help observing ; but they liked him too well to talk of it. Enough that the friend of his youth, thoroughly understanding John, was blessed with so keen a perception of those simple little devices, that at last he did enjoy himself, which he deserved to do for trying. When the twins were nearly three years old, Mrs. liosedew'presented John with the very thing he wished for most, an elegant little girl. And here the word " elegant" is used with forethought, 18729^ 38 CEADOCK NOWELL : and by prolepsis; though Mrs. O'Gaghan, lent for a time to the Eectory, employed that epithet at the first glance, even while announcing the gender. "Muckstraw, then, and she's ilhgant intirely; an' it's hopin' I be as there'll only be two on her, one for each of me darlin' boys. And now cudn't you manage it, doctor dear ? " But alas ! the supply was limited, and no dupli- cate ever issued. Lucina saw John Rosedew's pride, and was afraid of changing his character. To all his Oxford friends he announced the fact of his paternity in letters commencing — "Now what do you think, my dear fellow, what do you think of this — the most astounding thing has hap- pened," &c. &c. He thought of it himself so much, that his intellect grew dreamy, and he for- got all about next Sunday's sermon, until he was in the pulpit. And four weeks after that he made another great mistake, which horrified him des- perately, though it gratified the parish. It had been arranged between his Amy and himself, that if she felt quite strong enough, she should appear in church on the Sunday afternoon, to offer the due thanksgiving. In the grey old church at Nowelhurst, a certain pew had been set apart, by custom immemorial, for the use of good- wives who felt grateful for their safe deliverance. Here Mrs. Rosedew was to present herself at the proper period, with the aid of Biddy's vigorous arm down the hill from the Rectory. As yet she was too delicate to bear the entire service. The A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 39 August afternoon was sultry, and the church doors stood wide open, while the bees among the church- yard thyme drowsed a sleepy sermon. As luck would have it, a recruiting sergeant, toling for the sons of Ytene, finding the road so dusty, and the alehouse barred against him, came sauntering into the church during the second lesson, for a little mild change of air. Espying around him some likely rustics, he stationed himself in the vacant " churching pew," because the door was open, and the position prominent. " All right," thought the rector, who was very short-sighted, " how good of my darling Amy to come ! But I wonder she wears her scarlet cloak to come to chm*ch mth, and in such weather ! But perhaps Dr. Buller ordered it, for fear of her catching cold." So at the proper moment he drew his sui-plice romid him, looked full at the sergeant standing there by the pillar, and commenced majestically, though with a trembling voice — "Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of His goodness to give you safe deliverance, and hath preserved you in the great danger of child- birth, you shall therefore give hearty thanks unto God and say " The sergeant looked on very primly, with his padded arms tightly folded, and his head tlu'own back, calling war and victory into his gaze, for the credit of the British army. Then he wondered angrily what the those chawbacons could see in him to be grinnmg at. 40 CRADOCK NOWELL : " I am well pleased," &c., continued John Rose- dew, sonorously ; for he had a magnificent voice, and still refijardino; the sergeant with a look of tender interest. Even Sir Cradock Nowell could scarcely keep his countenance ; but the parson went through the whole of it handsomel}'' and to the purpose, thinking only, throughout it, of God's great mercies to him. So beloved he was already, and so much respected, that none of the congrega- tion had the heart to tell him of his mistake, as he talked with them in the churchyard ; though he thought even then that he must have his bands, as he often had, at the back of his neck. But on his way home he overtook an old hobbler, who enjoyed a joke more than a scruple. " How are you, Simon Tapscott? How do you do to-day? Glad to see you at chm*ch, Simon," said the parson, holding his hand out, as he always did to his parishioners, unless they had disgraced themselves. " Purty vair, measter ; purty vair I be, vor a woald galley baggar as ave bin in the Low Coun- tries, and dwoant know sin from righteousness." This last was a gross perversion of a passage in the sermon which had ruffled ancient Simon. " Can't goo much, howiver, by rason of the rhymatics. Now cud 'e do it to I, measter ? cud 'e do it to I and I'll thraw down bath my critches ? Good ver one sojer, good vor anoother." "Do what for you, Simon? Fill your old A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 41 canteen, or send you a pound of baccy?" asked the parson, mildly chaffing. " Noo, noo ; none o' that. There baint noo innard parts grace of the Lord in that. Choorch I handsomely, zame as 'e dwoed that strapping soger now jist." " "VVliat, Simon ! Why, Simon, do you know what you are saying " But I cannot bear to tell of John Rosedew humiliated ; he was humble enough by nature. So fearful was the parson of renewing that recollection within the sacred walls, that no thanks were offered there for the bh'th of sweet Amy Rosedew, save by, or on behalf of, that recruiting sergeant. 42 CEADOCK NOWELL CHAPTER V. When Cradock and Clayton were ten years old, they witnessed a scene which puzzled them, and dwelt long in then' boyish memories. Job Hog- staff was going to Ringwood, and they followed him down the passage towards the entrance-hall, emphatically repeating the commissions with which they had charged him. Old Job loved them as if they were his grandsons, and would do his utmost to please them, but they could not trust his memory, or even his capacity. " Now, Job," cried little Cradock, pulHng at his coat-lappet, "it's no good pretending that you know all, when you won't even stop to listen. I'm sure you'll go and make some great mistake, as you did last Tuesday. Mind you tell Mr. Stride it's for Master Cradock Nowell, and they must be sure to give you a good one, or I shall send it back. Now just tell me what I have told you. I ought to have written it down, but I wasn't sure how to spell ' groove.' " A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 43 "Why, Master Crad, I'm to say a long spill, very sharp at the end." " Sharp at the point, Job, not blunt at the end like a new black-lead pencil." "And whatever you do. Job, don't forget the catgut for my cross-bow, one size larger than last time." " Hold yoiu- jaw, Viley, till I've quite finished ; or he'll ask for a top made of catgut." Both the boys laughed at this ; you could hear them all down the long passage. Any small folly makes a boy laugh. "Well, Master Crad, you must think me a *^muff,' as you call it. And the groove is to go quite up to the spill ; there must be two rings below the crown of it." " Below the cro^vn, indeed ! On the fat part, I said three times. Now, Viley, you know you heard me." "Well, well," cried Job in despair, "two rings on the fat part, and no knot at all in the wood, and at least six inches round, and, and, well — ^I think that's aU of it, thank the Lord." " iVll of it, indeed ! Well, you are a nice fellow ! Didn't I tell you so, Viley ? Wliy, you've left out altogether the most important point of all. Job. The wood must be a clear bright yellow, or else a very rich gold colour, and I'm to pay for it next Tuesday, because I spent my week's money yesterday, as soon as ever I got it, and — oh, Viley ! can't you lend' a fellow sixpence ?" 44 CEADOCK XOWELL : " No, not to save my life, sir. Why, Craddy, you know I Avouldn't let you go tick if I could." The boys rushed at one another, half in fun and half in affection, and, seizing each other by the belt of the light-plaid tunic, away they went dancing down the hall, while Hogstaff whistled a polka gently, with his old eyes glistening after them. A prettier pair, or better matched, never set young locks afloating. Each put his healthy, clear, bright face on the shoulder of the other, each flung out his short-socked legs, and pointed his dainty feet. You could see their shapely calves jerked up as they went with double action, and the hollow of the back curved in, as they threw asunder reck- lessly, then clasped one another again, and you thought they must both reel over. Sir Cradock Nowell hated trousers, and would not have their hair cropped, because it was like their mother's ; otherwise they would not have looked one quarter so picturesque. Before the match Avas fairly finished — for they were used to this sort of thing, and the object always was to see which would give in first — it was cut short most unexpectedly. While they were taking a sharp pirouette down at the end of the hall — and as they whirled round I defy their father to have known the one from the other — the door of the steward's room opened suddenly, and a tall dark woman came out. The twins in full merri- ment dashed up against her, and must have fallen if she had not collared them with strong and bony A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 45 arms. Like little gentlemen, as they were, every atom of them, they turned in a moment to apolo- gise, and their clieeks were burning red. They saw a gaunt old woman, wide-shouldered, stern, and forcible, " Oo, ah ! a bonnie pan' ye've gat, as I see in all my life lang. But ye'll get no luck o' them. Tak' the word o' threescore year, ye'll never get no luck o' them, you that calls yom*sel' Cray dock No well." She was speaking to Sir Cradock, who had fol- lowed her from the steward's room, and who seemed as much put out as a proud man of fifty ever cares to show himself. He made no answer, and the two poor children fell back against a side- bench. "I'll no talk o' matters noo. You've a gi'en me my refoosal, and I tak' it once for all. But ye'll be sorry for the day ye did it, Craydock Xowell." To the great amazement of Hogstaff, who was more taken aback than any one else. Sir Cradock Nowell, without a word, walked to the ■s^^de front door with ceremony, as if he Avere leading a peeress out. He did not offer his arm to the woman, but neither did he shrink from her ; she gathered her dark face up again from its softening glance at the children, and without another word or look, but sweeping her skirt around her, away she walked down the bi*oad front road, as stiff and as stern as the oak-trees. 46 CEADOCK NOWELL CHAPTER VI. The lapse of years made little difference with the Reverend John Rosedew, except to mellow and enfranchise the heart so free and rich by nature, and to pile fresh stores of knowledge in the mind so stored already. Of coiii'se the parson had his faults. In many a little matter his friends could come down upon him sharply, if minded so to do. But any one so minded would not have been fit to be called John Rosedew's friend. His greatest fault was one which sprang from liis own high chivalry. If once he detected a person, whether taught or untaught, in the attempt to deceive or truckle, that person was to him thenceforth a thing to be pitied and prayed for. Large and liberal as his heart was, charitable and even lenient to all other frailties, the presence of a lie in the air was to it as ozone to a test-paper. And then he was always sorry afterwards when he had shown his high disdain. For who could dis- A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 47 prove that John Rosedew hhnself might have been a thorough Har, if trained and taught to consider truth a poHceman with his staff drawn ? Another fault John Rosedew had — and I do not tell his foibles (as our friends do) to enjoy them — he gave to his books and their bygone ages much of the time which he ought to have spent abroad in his own little parish. But this could not be attributed to any form of self-indulgence. Much as he liked his books, lie liked his flock still better, but never could overcome the idea that they would rather not be bothered. If any one were ailing, if any one were needy, he would throw aside his Theophrastus, and be where he was wanted, ■vvith a mild sweet voice and gentle eyes that crannied not, like a crane's bill, into the family crocks and dustbin. It was a part, and no unpleasant one, of his natural diffidence, that he required a poor man's invitation quite as much as a rich one's, ere ever he crossed the threshold ; unless trouble over- flowed the impluvium. In all the parish of Nowel- hm'st there was scarcely a man or a woman who did not rejoice to see the rector pacing his lei- smx'ly rounds, carrying his elbows a little out, as men with large deltoid muscles do, wearing his old hat far back on his head, so that it seemed to slope away from liim, and smiling quietly to him- self at the children who tugfjed his coat-tails for an orange or a halfpenny. He never could come out but what the m'chins of the village were down upon him as promptly as if he were apple-pie; 48 CRADOCK NO WELL : and many of them had the impudence to call him " Uncle John " before his hair was grey. Instead of going to school, the boys were ap- prenticed to him in the classics ; and still more pleasantly he taught them to swim, and fish, and row. Of riding he knew but little, except from the treatise of Xenophon, and a paper on the Pele- thronian Lapiths; so they learned it as all other boys do, by dint of crown and hard bumpage. Moreover, Mark Stote, head gamekeeper, took them in hand very early as his pupils in woodcraft and gunnery. To tell the truth, Uncle John objected to this accomplishment ; he thought that the wholesome excitement and exercise of shooting afforded scarcely a vahd reason for the destruction of innocent life. However, he recollected that he had not always thou.ght so — his conversion having been wrought by the shrieks of a wounded hare — neither did he expect to bind all the world AAith his own girdle. Sir Cradock insisted that the young idea should be taught to shoot, and both the young ideas took to it very kindly. Perhaps on the whole they were none the worse for the want of public-school training. What they lost thereby in quickness, suspicion, and V effrontery, was more than balanced by tlie gain in purity, simplicity, love of home, and Idndliness. For nature had not gifted them with that vulgar arrogance, for Avhich the best prescription is " cal- citration nine times a day, and clean the boots for kicking you." Every year their father took them A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 49 for a month or two to London, to garnish with some coui'tly frilHng the knuckles of his Hamp- shire hams. But they only hated it ; thorough agricoles they were, and well knew their own blessings : and sweet and gladsome was tlie morn- ino; after each return, thouo-h it mio'ht he blowino; a gale of wind, or drizzling through the ash-leaves. And then the headlong rush to see beloved Uncle John. Nature they loved in any form, sylvan, agi*a- rian, human, when that human form was such as they could climb and nestle in. And there was not in the parish, nor in all the forest, any child so rough and dirty, so shock-headed, and such a scamp, that it could not climb into the arms of John Rose- dew's fellow-feeling. But I must not dwell on these pleasant days, the father's gloiy, the hopes of the sons, the love of all ^vho came near them, and the blessings of jMrs. O'Gaghan. They were now to go to Oxford, and astonish the natives there, by showing that a little Idc, Jiwc, hoc, may come even out of Galilee ; that a youth never drawn through the wire-gauge of Eton, Harrow, or Kugby, may carry still the electric spark, and be taper and well-rounded. Half their learning accrued sub dio, in the manner of the ancients. Uncle John would lead them between the trees and down to some forest dingle, the boy on his right hand construing aloud or parsing veiy slowly, the little spark at his left all glowing to explode at the fu'st mistake. AeltoVetpo? made VOL. I. E 50 CEADOCK NOWELL : the running, until he tripped and fell mentally, and even then he was set on his legs, unless the other was down upon him ; but in the latter case the yoke-mate leaped into the harness. The stroke-oar on the river that evening was awarded to the one who paced the greatest number of stades in the active voice of expounding. The accuracy, the caution, born of this warm rivalry, became at last so vigilant, that the laoy who won the toss for the right-hand place at starting, was almost sure of the stroke-oar. So they passed the matriculation test with con- summate ease, and delighted the college tutor by their clear bold writing. They had not read so much as some men have before entering the University, but all their knowledge was close and firm, and staunch enough for a spring-board. And they wrote most excellent Latin prose, and Greek Averse easily flowing. However, Sir Cradock was very nervous on the eve of their departure for the first term of Oxford residence, and led John Rosedew, in whose classical powers he placed the highest confidence, into his private room, and there begged him, as a real friend, tested now for forty years, to tell him bluntly whether the boys were likely to do him credit. " Don't spare me, John, and don't spare them : only let us have no disappointment about it." "My dear fellow, my dear fellow !" cried John, tugging at his collar, as he always did when non- plussed, for fear of losing himself ; " how on eartli A TALE OF THE NEW POKES T. 51 can I tell? Most likely the men know a great (leal more in the University now than they did ■when I had lectm'es. Plaven't I begged you fifty times to have down a young first-classman ?" " Yes, I know you have, John. But I am not quite such a fool, nor so shamelessly ungrateful. To upset the pile of your ten years' labour, and rebuild it upon its apex ! And talk to me of young first-classmen ! Why, you know as well as I do, John, that there is not one of them, however bril- liant, with a tenth part of yom* knowledge. It could never be, any more than a young tree can carry the fruit of an old one. Why, when you took yoiu* o^\^l first-class, they coidd only find one man to put with you, and you have never ceased to read, read, read, ever since you left old Oriel, and chiefly in taste and philology. And such a memory as you have! John, I am ashamed of you. You want to impose upon me." And Su" Cradock fixed the parson's eyes with that keen and point-blank gaze, which was especi- ally odious to the shy John Rosedew. " I am sure I don't. You cannot mean that," he re})lied, rather waiinly, for, like all hnaginative men, Avhen of a diffident cast, he was desperately matter-of-fact the moment his honom* was played with. His friend began to smile at him, drawing up his grey moustache, and saying, "Yes, John, you are a donkey." " I know that I am," said John Kosedew, shutting Ids eyes, as he loved to do when he got on a favoLU'- 'e2 52 CRADOCK NOWELL : ite topic ; " by the side of those mighty critics of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — the Sca- ligers, the Casaubons, the Vossii, the Stephani, — what am I but a starving donkey, without a thistle left for him? But as regards our English critics — at least too many of them — I submit that we have been misled by the superiority of their Latin, and their more slashing style. I doubt whether any of them had a tenth part of the learning, or the sequacity of genius " " Come, John, I can't stand this, you know ; and the boys will be down here directly, they are so fond of brown sheny." " Well, to return to the subject — I own that I was surprised and hurt when a former Professor of Greek actually confounded the JEolic form of the plusquam perfectum of so common a verb as " " Yes, John, I know all about that, and how it spoiled your breakfast. But about the boys, the boys, John?" " And again, as to the delicate sub-significance, not the well-known tortuousness of ivapa in com- position, but " " Confound it, John. They've got all their things packed. They'll be here in a moment, pre- tending to rollick for our sakes ; and you won't tell me what you think of them." "Well, I think there never were two finer fellows to jump a gate since the days of Castor and Pollux. ' Hunc equis, ilium superare pugnis.^ You A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 53 remember bow you took me down for construing ^pugnis^ \\Tongly, wben we were at Sberborne?" " Yes, and bow proud I was, Jobn ! You had been at tbe bead of tbe form for tbree montbs, and none of us could stir you; but you came back again next day in tbe fifth iEneid. But here come tbe villains — now it's all over." And so the boys went awa}', and their father could not for his life ascertaui what opinion bis ancient friend bad formed as to tbe chances of their doing something good at Oxford. Simple and straightforward as Mr. Rosedew was, no man ever lived from whom it was harder to force an opinion. He saw matters from so many aspects, everything took so many facets, shifting lights, and playing colom's, from the versatility of liis mmd, that whoso could fix him at such times, and extort his real sentiments, might spin a diamond ring, and shave by it. He had golden hopes about his " nephews," as he often called them, but he would not pronounce those hopes at present, lest the father should be , disappointed. And so tbe boys went up to Oxford, half a moon before the woodcocks came. 54 CEADOCK NOWELL : CHAPTER VII. I DO not mean to write at large upon University- life, because the theme has been out-thesed by men of higher powers. It is a brief Olympic, a Derby premature, wherein to lose or win depends — train- ing, health, ability, and industry being granted — upon the early stoning or late kernelhng of the brain. Without laying claim to much experience, any one may protest that our brains are worked a deal too hard at the time of adolescence. We lose thereby then' vivific powers and their originality. The peach throws off at the critical period all the fruit it cannot ripen ; the vine has no such abjective prudence, and cripples itself by enthusiasm. The twins were entered at Merton, and'^iad the luck to obtain adjoining garrets. Sir Cradock had begun to show a decided preference for Clayton, as he grew year by year more and more like his mother. But this was not the only reason why he would not listen to some fool's suggestion, that A TALE OP THE NEW FOREST. OD Cradock, the heir to the property, shoukl be ranked as a " gentleman-commoner." That stupid distinc- tion he left for men "who requu'e self-assertion, admiring as he did the sense and spirit of that Master, well known in his day, who, to some golden cad insisting that his son should be entered in that college as a gentleman-commoner, angrily replied, '' Sir, all my commoners are gentlemen." But the brothers were very soon parted. Clay- ton got sleeved in a scholar's go-svn, while Cradock still fluttered the leading-strings. ^^ Et timicce mamcas-^jon effeminate Viley!" said Cradock, admiring hugely, when liis twin ran up to show himself off, after winning a Corpus scholarship; " and the governor won't allow me a chance of a parasol for my elbows." Sir Cradock, a most determined man, and a very odd one to deal \\'ith, had forbidden his elder son to stand for any scholarship, except those few which are of the University corporate. " A youth of your expecta- tions," he exclaimed, with a certain bitterness, for he often repined in secret that Clayton was not the heir, " a boy placed as you are, must not compete for a poor young lad's viaticum. You may go in for a University scholarship, though of coiu'se you will never get one; an examination does good, I have heard, to the unsuccessful candidates. But don't let me hear about it, not even if, by some accident, you should be the lucky one." Craddy was deeply hurt ; he had long perceived his father's partiality for the son more dashing, yet more 56 CEADOCK NO WELL : effeminate, more pretentious, and less persistent. So Cradock set his heart upon winning Craven, Hertford, or Ireland, and never even alluding to it in the presence of his father. Hence it will be evident that the youth was proud and sensitive. " Amy amata, peramata a 7ne," cried the parson to his daughter, now a lovely girl of sixteen, straight, slender, and well-poised ; " how glad and proud we ought to be of Clayton's great success !" "Pa, dear, he would never have got it, I am quite certain of that, if Cradock had been allowed to go in; and I think it is most unfau", shamefully unjust, that because he is the eldest son he is never to have any honour." And Amy coloured bril- liantly at the warmth of her own championship; but her father could not see it. "So I am inclined to think" — John Kosedew was never positive, except upon great occasions — " perhaps I should say perpend, if I were fond of hybrid English. I don't mean about the unfair- ness. Amy ; for I think I should do the same if I were in Sir Cradock's place. I mean that our Crad would have got it, instead of Clayton, with health and fortune favouring. But it stands upon a razor's edge, eVl ^vpovs la-TaTai. dK/x^y. You can construe that, Amy?" " Yes, pa, when you tell me the English. How the green is coming out on the fir-trees ! So faint and yet so bright. Oh, papa, what Greek sub- significance, as you sometimes call it, is equal to that composition?" A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 57 ^' Well, my poppet, I am so short-sighted, I would much rather have a triply composite verb " "Than three good kisses from me, daddy? AVell, there they are, at any rate, because I know you are disappointed." And the child, herself more bitterly disappointed, as becomes a hot ])artisan, ran away to sit under a sprawling larch, just getting new nails on its fingers, for the spring Avas awaking early. It was not more than a week after this, and not very far from All-Fools'-day, when Clayton, directly after chapel, imshed into Cradock's garret, hot, breathless, and unphilosophical. Cradock, calm and thoughtful, as he usually was, poked his head through the open slide of the dusthole called a scout's room, and brought out three willow-pattern plates, a little too retentive of the human impress, and an extra knife and fork, dark-browed at the tip of the handle. Then he turned up a corner of tablecloth, where it cherished sombre memories of a tearful teapot, and set the mustard-pot to control it. Nor long before he doubled the coffee in the strainer of the biggin, and shouted " Corker ! " thrice, far as human voice would gravitate, down the well of the staircase. Meanwhile Master Clayton stood fidgeting, and doffed not his scholarly toga. Corker, the scout, a short fat man, came up the stairs with dignity and indigna- tion contending. He was amazed that any fresh- man "should have the cheek to holler so." Mr. 58 CEADOCK NOWELL : Nowell was such a quiet young man, that tlie scout looked for some apology. " Corker, a commons of bread and butter, and a cold fowl and some tongue. Be quick now, before the buttery closes. And, as I see I am putting you out in your morning work, get a quart of ale at your dinner-time." " Yes, sir, to be sure, sir; I wish all the gentlemen was as thoughtful." "No, Craddy, never mind that," cried his bro- ther, reddening richly, for Clayton was fair as a lady, " I only want to speak to you about — well, perhaps, you know what it is I have come for. Is that fellow gone from the door ? " "I am sure I don't know. Go and look your- self. But, dear Viley, what is the matter ? " *'0h, Cradock, you can so oblige me, and it can't matter much to you. But to me, with no- thing to look to, it does make such a difference." Cradock never could bear to hear this — that his own twin-brother should talk, as he often did, so much in the pauper strain. And all the while Clayton was sure of 50,000^. under their mother's settlement. But Crad was full of wild generosity, and had made up his mind to share Nowelhurst, if he could do so, with his brother. He began to pull Clayton's gown off; he would have blacked his shoes if requested. He always thought himself Viley's prime minister. "Whatever it is, my boy, Viley, you know I will do it for you, if it is only fan' and honour- able." A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 59 " Oh, it is no great thing. I was sure you would do it for me. To do just a little bit under your best in this hot scrimmage for the Ireland. I am not much afraid of any man, Crad, except you, and Brown, of Balliol." " Viley, I am very sorry that you have asked me such a thing. Even if it were in other ways straightforward, I could not do it, for the sake of the father, and Uncle John, and little Amy." "Don't you know that the governor doesn't want you to get it? You are talldng nonsense, Cradock, downright nonsense, to cover your own selfishness. And that frizzle-headed Amy, in- deed!" " I would rather talk nonsense than fraud, Clay- ton. And I can't help telling you that what you say about my father may be true, but is not brotherly ; and yom: proposal does yovi very little honoiu' ; and I never could have thought it of you ; and I will do my very utmost. And as for Amy, indeed, she is too good for you to speak of — and — and " He was highly wroth at the sneer about Amy's hair, which he admired beyond all reason, as indeed he did every bit of her, but without letting any one know it. He leaned upon the table, with his thumb well into the mustard-pot. This was the first real quan'el with the brother he loved so much ; and it felt like a skewer poked into his heart. "Well, elder brother by about two seconds," cried Clayton, twitching his plaits up well upon 60 CEADOCK NOWELL : his coat-collar, " I'll do all I can to beat you. And I hope Brown Avill have it, not you. There's the cash for my commons. I know you can't afford it, until you get a scholarship." Clayton flung half-a-crown upon the table, and went down the stairs with a heavy tramp, knock- ing over a dish with the college arms on, wherein Corker was bringing the fowl and the tongue. Corker got all the benefit of the hospitable doings, and made a tidy dinner out of it, for Cradock could eat no breakfast. It was the first time bitter words had passed between the brothers since the little ferments of childhood, which are nothing more than sweetwort the moment they settle down. And he doubted himself ; he doubted whether he had not been selfish about it. It was the third day of the examination, and when he appeared at ten o'clock among the forty competitors, he was vexed anew to see that Clayton had removed to a table at the other end of the room, so as not to be even near him. The piece of Greek prose which he wrote that morning dis- satisfied him entu'ely ; and then again he rejoiced at the thought that Viley need not be afraid of him. He had never believed in his chance of suc- cess, and went in for the scholarship to please others and learn the nature of the examination. Next year he might have a fairer prospect; this year — as all the University knew — Brown, of Balliol, was sure of it. Nevertheless, by the afternoon he was in good A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 61 spirits again, and found a mixed paper which suited him as if Uncle John had set it. One of the examiners had been, some twenty years ago, a pupil of John Rosedew, and tliis, of course, was a great advantage to any successor alumnus ; though neither of them knew the other. It is pleasant to see how the old ideas germinate and assimilate, as the olive and the baobab do, after the fires of many summers. Clayton, a placable youth (even when he was quite in the wTong, as in the present instance), came to Craddy's rooms that evening, begged him not to apologise for his expressions of the morning, and compared notes with him upon the doings of the day. "Bless you, Crad," he cried, after a glass of first-rate brown sherry — not the vile molassied stuff, thick as the sack of Falstaff, but the genuine thing, with the light and shade of brown olives in the sunset, and not to be procured, of course, from any Oxonian wine-dealer ; — " oh, Crad, if we could only wallop that Brown, of Balliol, between us, I should not care much which it was. He has booked it for such a certainty, and does look so cocky about it. Did you see the style he walked off, before hall, arm in arm with a INIaster of Arts, and spouting his own iambics ? " "First-rate ones, I dare say, Viley. Have a pipe, old fellow. After all, it doesn't matter much. Folk who have never been in them think a deal the most of these tliino;s. The wine-merchant Q2 CEADOCK NOWELL : laughs at beeswing ; and so, I suppose, it is ^^'itll all trades." Cradock was not by any means prone to the discourse sententious ; and the present lapse was due, no doubt, to the reaction ensuing upon his later scene with Viley, wherein each had pro- mised heartily to hold fast by the brotherhood. On the following Saturday morning, John Eose- dew's face flushed puce-colour as he opened his letters at breakfast-time. " Hurrah ! Amy, dar- ling; hurrah, my child! Terque quatei'que, et novies evoe ! Eat all the breakfast, melimel ; I won't tell you till I come back." " Oh, won't you, indeed ? " cried Amy, with her back against the door and her arms in mock grim- ness folded. " I rather think you will, papa ; unless you have made up your mind to choke me. And you are half way towards it ah'eady." John saw that peculiar swell of her throat which had frightened him so often — her dear mother had died of bronchitis, and he knew nothing of medical subjects — and so he allayed her excitement at once, gave her over to Miss Eudoxia, who was late in her bedroom as usual, and then set off at his utmost speed to tell his old friend, Sir Cradock. And a fine tm'u of speed he still could show, though the whiskers under his college-cap (stuck on anyhow in the hurry) were as white as the breast of a martin quivering mider the eaves. Since he lost his wife he had never cared to walk fast, subsiding into three miles an hour, as thought- ful and placid men will do, when they begin to thumb A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 63 their waistcoats. But now through the waking life of "the Chase," where the broAvn fern-stalks bent over the Ammon horn of the lifting frond, and the fescue (jrass was beadincj rough with dew already, here and among the rabbit-holes, nimbly dodging the undermine, ran as hard as a boy of twelve, the man of threescore, John Rosedew. Without stopping to knock as usual, he bui'st in upon Sir Cradock, now sitting all alone at his simple, old-fashioned breakfast. Classical and theological training are not locomotive, as we all know to our cost; and the rector stood gasping ever so long, with both hands pressed to his side. " Why, John ; quick, quick ! You frighten me. Is your house on fire ?" '• Old fellow — old fellow ; such news ! Shake hands — ever since the chmia forestcv ; shake hands again. Oh, I feel rather sick ; pray excuse me ; ; of all born darlings?" "I am sure I don't know, Clayton. Only I beg your pardon." He gave her no time to beg it twice, with those wistful eyes upon him, but made her earn it tho- roughly, with her round arms on his neck, and other proceedings wherewithal we have no right to meddle. 86 CEADOCK NOWELL : " Yes, you may call me now your own" — ever so many interruptions — " your own ; yours only, for ever." " And you would rather have me than my elder brother?" " Sooner than a thousand elder brothers, all as grave as Methusalem." Clayton was so delighted hereat, that he really longed to squeeze her, although it is a thing which young ladies now-a-days never think of allowing. Let them hope that he did not do it. The proba- bilities are in their favour. " Oh, Clayton, how can I be such a simpleton ? What ivould my father say to me?" " What do I care, my gem, my jewel, my warm delicious pearl? For three long months I have been dying to kiss you ; and now I won't be cheated so. Surely you are not afraid of me, my beautiful wild rose ? ' ' Her gardening hat had fallen off, her eyes were bright with tears, and the glow upon her cheeks had faded to a pellucid gleam. So have I seen the rich red Aurora weep itself, in a pulse-throb, to a pearly and waxen pink. " No, Clayton, I am not afraid of you. I know that you are a gentleman." " Well," thought Clayton, " she must be a witch^ or the cleverest girl in the universe, as well as the most beautiful. She knows the way to manage me, as if we had been married fifty years." A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 87 He looked so disconcerted at the implied rebuke, that she could have found it in her sweet heart to ii'ive him fifty kisses : but, with all her warmth of passion, she was a pure and sensitive maiden, full of self-respect. Though abashed for the moment, and bowing her head to the sunrise of young affec- tion, she possessed a fine and very sensible will and Avay of her own. She was just the wife for Clay- ton Nowell — a hot, impulsive, wayward youth ; proud to be praised by every one, more than proud of deserving it. With such a wife, he would ripen and stiffen into a fine, full character ; with a weak and volatile spouse, he would swing to and fro to his ruin. His goodness as yet was in the ma- terial ; only a soft, firm hand could fashion it. So she kept him at his distance ; except every now and then, when her wtu'm, loving natm'e looked forth from her eyes, for fear of hurting his feel- ings. Hand in hand they walked along, as if they still were children, and held much counsel, as they went, about the difiiculties between them. But happen what would, they made up their minds about one thing; and for them henceforth both plural and singular were entirely merged in the dual. That sentence is priggish and pedantic, but I think young lovers can solve it ; if not, let them put their heads together, and unriddle it in Nothing ever, ever, ever, in the world of fact, or in the reach of imagination, should hold apart 88 • tUADOCK NOWELL : that faithful pair, Avhose all in all was to each the other. This they settled with much satisfaction, before discussing anything else. "Except, of course, you know, darling," said the more thoughtful maiden, " if either of us should die." Clayton shuddered at the idea, for it was a dark place of the wood, and the rustle of the i"\y-leaves seemed to whisper " die." Then he insisted upon his amends for such a nasty suggestion ; and she, with the tender thought movinc; her heart, could not refuse strict justice. " And so you say, love, I must stay at Oxford until I take my degree. What a long time it does seem ! Doesn't it ?" " Never mind, dearest, how long it is, if we are true to one another." " Oh, that of course there's no doubt about. And you think I must tell my father ? " " Of course you must, Clayton. We are not very old, you know; he will think that he can part us, and that may make him less angry," — here she laughed at her own subtlety, — " and put- ting that out of the question, neither of us could bear to be deceiving him so long. After all, you are but a younger son ; and I am a lady, I hope. I have been thoroughly educated ; and there is nothins; but monev aijainst me." She looked so proud in the shade of the spruce, that lie was obliged to stop and admire her. At A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST» 89 least lie tliouglit it his duty to do so, and the opinion did not offend her. "But what will your brother Cradock say? He is so different from you. So odd, so determined and — upright.*' " I don't care tliat for what he says. Only he had better be civil. He treated me very badly that time about the Ireland. I have a very great regard for Cradock ; he is a very decent fellow ; but I must teach him his proper place." " A nd you can beat him easily in Latin ; my father says you can. What a shame that he would not go in for the Hertford, that you might turn the tallies upon him ! He would not even have got a proxy, or whatever it was he gave you." " I don't know that," said Clayton, who was truthful in spite of vanity ; " very likely he would have beaten me. But I have cut him out in two things ; for I can't help thinking that he has a hankering after you." He looked at her vA\\\ a keen, shrewd glance, for he was desperately jealous. She saw it, and smiled, and only said — "Would you believe that he could help it? But it happens that I know otherwise." " Oh, then, you Avould have had him, if you could?" "Now, Clayton, dont be childish. In your heart you know better." Of course he did, a m-eat deal better. Then 90 CEADOCK NOWELL : there was that to make up again, because she looked so hurt and so charming. But we can't stop here all day, or follow all these little doings, even if honour allowed us. " And another thing, not so important, though, I have cut him out in, most decidedly," said Clay- ton, lifting his head again ; " the governor likes me long chalks better than he does Cradock, I can tell you." "No doubt of it, I should say, dear. But I don't think you ought to talk of it." " No, only to you. No secrets from one's wife, you know. But you won't tell your father yet, till I've opened upon Sir Cradock ? " " Why not ? I intend to tell him directly I get home. And one thing is certain, Clayton, he will be more angry than yours will." Clayton found it very difficult to change her determination. But at last he succeeded in doing so. " But only for a week, mind ; I will only put it off for a week, Clayton ; and I would not do that, only as you say he would rush off at once to Sir Cradock ; and I must give you time to take your father at the very best opportunity." " And when will that be, my sweet prime minis- ter, in your most sage opinion ? " "Why, of course, on my dear love's birthday, next week, when all those rejoicings are to be at his brother becoming of age." A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 91 The young lady meant no mischief at all, but her lover did not look gracious. " My brother ! oh yes, to be sure, my brother ! And I dreamed last night that I was the elder. He used to talk about giving me half; but I haven't heard much of that lately. As for my majority, as the lawyers are pleased to call it, nobody cares two straws for that. All my life I shall be a minor." " Yes, somebody cares for it, darling ; and more than all the hundreds put together who will shout and hurrah for your brother." And she looked at him fondly from her heart. What a hot little partisan ! The whole of that heart was now with Clayton, and he felt its strength by sympathy. So he lifted her hand to his lips, as a cavalier does in a picture. For the moment all selfish regrets lost their way in the great wide world of love. " And my fealty shall be to you," he cried, kneeling half in play before her ; " you are my knightly fee and fortune, my castle, my lands, and my home." They had stopped at a jioint where two forest- paths met, and the bushes fell back a little, and the last of the autumn sunset glanced through the pales of a moss-grown gate, the mark whereby some royalty, or right of chase, Avas limited. Kneeling there, Clayton Nowell looked so courtly and gentle, with the bowered light of the west half 92 CEADOCK NOWELL : saddening liis liappy, affectionate countenance, that liis newly-betrothed must needs stoop gra- ciously, and kiss his uncovered forehead. While Clayton was admiring secretly the velvet of her lips, back she leaped, as if stung by a snake ; then proudly stood confronting. Clayton sprang up to defend her; but there was no an- tagonist. All he saw Avas a man on horseback, passing silently over the turf, behind a low bank crowned ^vith fern. Here a narrow track, scarce visible, saved the traveller some few yards, sub- tending as it did the angle where the two paths met. Clayton could not see the horse, for the thick brake-fern eclipsed him. But he felt that the nag was rather tired, and getting sad about supper-time. The rider seemed to be making a face, intended to express the most abstract philo- sophy possible, and superlunary contemplation. Any rabbit skilled in physiognomy would have come out of his hole again, quite reassured thereby. A short man he was, and apparently one meant by his mother for ruddiness ; and still the brick-red of his hair proclaimed some loyalty to her inten- tion. But his face was browned, and flaked across, like a red potato roasting, and his little eyes, sharp as a glazier's diamond, and twinkling now at the zenith, belied his absent attitude. Then as he passed by a shadowy oak, which swallowed him up in a moment, that oak (if it had been duly vocal) would have repeated these words — " Well, if that ain't the parson's daughter, grind A TALE or THE NEW FOREST. 93 me micler a curry-stone. Wliat a sly minx ! — but devilisli pretty. You're a deal too soft, John liosedew." As lie passed on towards Nowelliurst the lovers felt that they had been seen, and perhaps watched ever so long; and then they felt uncomfortable. The young lady was the first to recover presence of mind. She pressed on her glossy round head the ]iat which had been so long in her left hand, and, di'awing a long breath, looked point-blank at the wondering stare of her sweetheart. " Well, Clayton, we may make up our minds for it now." " For what, I should like to know ? Who cares for that interlopiiig, beetroot-coloured muff?" " He is no muff at all, I can tell you, but an exceedingly clever man. Do you mean to say you don't know him ? " " Not I, from Esau or Ishmael. And he looks like a mixture of both." " He is Doctor Rufus Hutton." Cla}i;on indulged in a very long whistle, in- drawn, and not melodious. 'Twas a trick he had learned at Oxford; it has long been discarded elsewhere, but at both Universities still subsists, as the solace of newly-plucked men ; the long-drawn sound seems to wind so sootliingly down the horns of dilemma. Then the youth jumped up, and gathered a nut, cracked it between his white front teeth, and offered it, husk and all, without any thought of hygromctry, to his beautiful frightened 94 CRADOCK NOWELL : darling. She took it, as if his wife ah'eady, and picked out the thin shell, piece by piece, anxiously seeking the kernel. He all the while with admira- tion watched the delicate fingers moving, the reflex- play of the lissome joints, the spiral thread and varying impress of the convex tips, and the faintly flushing pink beneath the transparency of her nails. Then she laughed and jumped, as it proved to be a magnificent double nut — two fat kernels close together, shaped by one another. Of course she gave him one, and of coui'se we know what they did about it. I will only state that they very soon forgot all about Dr. Rufus Hutton, and could scarcely part where the last branch-path was quite near to the maiden's window. Even there, where the walks divided, when neither could see the othei', each steppped aside, very proud of love's slyness, to steal the last of the other's footfall; and soon, witli a blush of intuition, each knew that the other was lingering, and each felt ashamed of himself or herself, and loved the other all the more for it. So they broke from the bushes, de- tected and laughing, to put a good face upon it, and each must go to tell the other how it came about. They kissed once more, for they felt it was right now that the moon was risen ; then home ran both, with a warmth of remembrance and hope glowing in the heart. A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 95 CHAPTER XI. Whatever the age, or the intellect of the passing age, may be, even if ever arise again such a galaxy of great minds as dawned upon this country three hundred years ago, though all those great minds start upon their glorious career, com- prising and intensifying all the light engendered by, before, and since the time of Shakspeare, Bacon, Newton ; then, though they enhance that light tenfold by their own bright genius, till a thousand waking nations gleam, like hill-tops touched with sunrise — to guide men on the human road, to lead them heaven-ward, all shall be no more than a benighted river wandering away from the stars of God. Do what we will, and think as we may, enlarging the mind in each generation, growing contemptuous of contempt, casting caste to the winds of heaven, and antiquating prejudice, nevertheless we shall never outrun, or e^•en o^-er- take Christianity. Science, learning, philoso]:)hy. 96 CKADOCK NOWELL may regard it through a telescope : they touch it no more than astronomy sets foot upon a star. To a thoughtful man, who is scandalized at all the littleness felt and done under the holy name, until he almost begins to doubt if the good outweigh the evil, it is reassurance to remember that we are not Christians yet, and comfort to confess that on earth w^e never can be. For nothing shows more clearly that our faith is of heaven, than the truth that we cannot rise to it until it raise us thither. And this reflection is akin to the stately Avriter's sentiment, that our minds conceive so much more than our bodies can perform, to give us token, ay, and earnest, of a future state. Of all the creeds which have issued as yet from God, or man, or the devil, there is but one which is far in advance of all human civilization. True Christianity, like hope, cheers us to continual effort, exalts us to unbounded prospect, flies in front of our best success. Let us call it a worn- out garb, wiien we have begun to wear it ; as yet the mantle is in the skies, and we have only the skirt with the name on it. Such thoughts as these were always stirring in the heart of a man of power, a leading character in my story, a leading character eveiywhere, whithersoever he went. Bull Garnet was now forty-five years old, and all who met him were surprised at his humble place in the common- wealth. A sense of power so pervaded even the air he breathed, that strong men rebelled instinc- A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 97 lively, though he urged no supremacy ; weak men caught some infection from him, and Avent home and astonished their families. Strong and weak alike confessed that it was a mysterious thing how a man of such motive strength, and self- reliance illimitable, could be content with no higher post than that of a common steward. But neighbourly interest in this subject met with no encouragement. Albeit his views of life expanded into universal sympathy, his practice now and then admitted some worldly-wise restrictions. And so, while really glad to advise on the doings of all around him, he never permitted brotherly inter- ference with his own. AVhoever saw Bull Garnet once was sure to know him again. If you met him in a rush to save the train, your eyes would turn and follow him. "There goes a man remarkable, whether for good or evil." Tall though he was, and large of frame, with swinging arms, and a square ex- pression, it was none of this that stopped the bystander's glance into a gaze. It Avas the cubic mass of the forehead, the span between the enor- mous eyes, and the depth of the thick-set jowl, which rolled with the volume of a timer's. The rest of the face was in keeping therewith : the nose bold, broad, and patulous, the mouth large and well banked up, the chin big and liea\dly rounded. No shade of a hair was ever allowed to dim his healthy colouring, his head was cropped close as a Pm'itan's, and when beard gi'ew fast he VOL. I. U 98 CRADOCK NOWELL : shaved twice in a day. Higli culture was a neces- sity to him, whether of mind, or body, or of the world external; he would no more endm'e a moustache on his lip than a frouzy hedgerow upon his farm. That man, if you came to think about him, more and more each time you saw how dif- ferent he was from other men. Distinctness is a great merit in roses, especially wdien the French rosarians have so overpiled the catalogue. It is pleasant to walk up to a standard, and say, " You are 'Jules Margottin,' and your neighbour the ' Keepsake of Malmaison ; ' I cannot mistake you for any other, however hot the weather may be." Distinctness is also a merit in apples, pears, and even peaches ; but most of all in man. And so, without knowing the reason, perhaps, we like a man whom we cannot mistake for any other of om' million brethren. The same principle tells in love at first sight. But, lo ! here again we are wandering. Mr. Garnet's leading characteristic was not at first sight amiable. It was, if I may be allowed for once, upon the strength of my subject, not to mince words into entremets — a fmnous, reckless, damnable, and thoroughly devilish temper. All great qualities, loving - kindness, yearnings for Christian ideals, fell like sugai-canes to a hui'ricane in the outbui-st and rush of that temper. He was always grieved and deeply humbled, when the havoc was done ; and, being a man of generous nature, would bow his soul in A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 99 atonement. But in the towering of his wrath, liow grand a sight he afforded ! as fine as the rush of the wikl Atlantic upon St. David's Head. For a time, perhaps, he woukl chafe and fret within the straits of reason, his body surging to and fro, and his mind making grasp at boundaries. Then some httle aggravation, some trifle which no other man would notice — and out would leap all the pent-up fury of his soul. Plis great eyes would gather volume, and spring like a mastiff from a kennel ; his mighty forehead would scarp and chine like the headland when the plough turns ; and all his aspect grow four-square with more than hydraulic pressure. Whoever then could gaze unmoved at the raging fire of his eyes must he either a philosopher or a fool — and often the two are synonymous. But touch him, even then, with a single word of softness, the thought of some one dear to him, a large and genial sentiment, or a tender memory — and the lines of his face would relax and quiver,, the blazing eyes be suffused and subdued to a tremulous glow ; and the man, §o far beyond reason's reach, be led back, like a boy, by the feelings. All who think they can catch and analyze that composite, subtle, volatile gas — neither body nor spirit, yet in fief to the laws of either — which men call "human natm-e," these, I say, will opine at once, from even this meagre description, that Mr. Bull Garnet's natm'e was scant of that playful ele- h2 100 CRADOCK NOWELL : ment, humour. If thought be (as German philo- sophers have it) an electric emanation, then wit is the forked flash, gone in a moment ; humour the soft summer lightning that shows us the clouds and the depth, the background and night of ourselves. No man of large humour can be in a passion, with- out laughing inwardly at himself. And wrath, which laughs at itself, is not of much avail in busi- ness. Mr. Garnet's wrath, on the contrary, was a fine, free-boiling, British anger, not at all amenable to reason, and therefore very valuable. By dint of it, he could score at night nearly twice as much work done in the day as a peaceable man could have reckoned. Man or woman, boy or girl, Mr. Garnet could extract from each all the cubic capa- city, leaving them just enough of power to crawl home stiff, and admire him. For the truth of it is, as all know to their cost, who have had much to do with spade or plough, hod or hammer, that the British workman admires most the master Avho makes him sweat most. Perhaps it ought not to be so. Theoretically, we regard it thus, that a man ought to perspire, upon principle, when he is work- ing for another man. But tell us where, and oh ! where, to find the model British labourer who takes that view of the subject. Sith it wdll na better be, let us out and look for him. The sky is bright blue, and the white clouds flock off it, like sheep overlapping each other. What man but loves the open air, and to walk A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 101 about and think of it, with fancies flitting lazily, like fluff of dandelion ? What man but loves to sit under a tree, and let the winds go wandering, and the shadows come and play with him, to let work be a pleasant memory, and hm'ry a storm of the morning? Everybody except Bull Garnet. 102 CKADOCK NOWELL CHAPTER XII. All the leaves of the New Forest, save those of the holly and mistletoe, some evergreen spmes, and the blmder sort, that know not a wink from a nod — all the leaves, I mean, that had sense of their position, and when to Llush and when to retire, and how much was due to the roots that taught them — all these leaves were beginning to feel that their time in the world was over. The trees had begun to stand tier upon tier, in an amphitheatrical fashion, and to sympathise more with the sunset ; while the sun every evening was kissing his hands, and pretending to think them younger. Some outspoken trees leaned forward, well in front of the forest-galleries, with amber sleeves, and loops of gold, and braids of mellow abandonment, like liberal Brazilian ladies, bowing from the balconies. Others drew away behind them, with their mantles folded, leaning back into unprobed depths of semi- transparent darkness, as the forest of the sky A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 103 amasses, when tlie moon is rising. Some had cast off their childi'en in parachutes, swirling as the linden berries do throughout September; some were holding their treasures grimly, and would, even when they were naked. Now the flush of the grand autumnal tide had not risen yet to its glor}^, but was freaking, and glancing, and morrising round the bays and the juts of the foliage. Or it ruffled, among the ferny knaps, and along the winding alleys. The sycamores truly were redden- ing fast, and the chestnut palms growing bronzy ; the limes were yellowing here and there, and the sere leaves of the woodbine fluttered the cob of clear red berries. But the gi'eat beechen hats, which towered and darkened atop of the moorland hollows and across the track of the woodman — these, and the oaks along the rise, where the turtle- dove was cooing, had only shown their sense of the age by an undertint of olive. It was now the fifth day of October — a day to be remembered long by all the folk of Nowelhurst. !Mr. Garnet stood at the end of his garden, where a nan'ow pinewood gate opened to one of the forest rides. Of course he was doing something, and doing it very forcibly. His life was a fire that burned very fast, having plenty of work to poke it. But the little job which he now had in hand was quite a relaxation : there was nothing Bull Garnet enjoyed so much as cutting down a tree. He never cared what time of year it was, whether the leaves were on or off, whether the sap were up or down, 104 CEADOOK NO WELL : as we incorrectly express it. The sap of a tree ia ever moving, like our own life-blood ; only it feels the change of season more than we who have no roots. Has a dormouse no circulation, when he coils himself up in his elbowed hole ? Is there no evaporation from the frozen waters'? The two illustrations are wide apart, but the principle is the same. Nature admits no absolute stoppage, except as death, in her cradle of life ; and then she sets to, and transmutes it. Why Bull Garnet so enjoyed the cutting down of a tree, none but those who themselves enjoy it may pretend to say. Of course, we will not refer it to the reason assigned in the well-known 'epigram, which contains such a wholesale condemnation of this arboricidal age. In another century, London builders will perhaps discover, when there are no trees left, that a bit of tuck-pointing by the gate, and a dab of mud- plaster beside it, do not content the heart of man like the leaves, and the drooping shadowy rustle, which is the type of himself. Bull Garnet stood there in the October morning, with the gate wide open, flung back by his strong hand upon its hinges, as if it had no right to them. The round bolt dropped from the quivering force, dropped through the chase of tlie loop, and bedded deep in the soft, wet ground. With much satis- faction the gate brought up, and felt itself anchored safely; Bull Garnet gave the bolt a kick, which hurled all the rusty screws out. Then he scarcely stopped to curse the blacksmith ; he wanted the A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 105 time for the woodcutters. At a glint from the side of his vast round eyes — eyes that took in every- thing, and made all the workmen swear and believe tliat he could see round a corner — he descried that tlie axemen were working the tree askew to the strain of the ropes. The result must be that the comely young oak, just proud of its first big crop of acorns, would swerve on the bias of the wind, stagger heavily, and fall headlong upon the smart new fence. There was no time for woi'ds — in a moment he had kicked the men right and left, torn off his coat, and caught up an axe, and dealt three thunderino; strokes in the lao;£;ard twist of the breach. Away went the young oak, swaying wildly, trying once to recover itself, then crashing and creaking through the brushwood, with a swish from its boughs and leaves, and a groan from its snaggy splinters. A branch took one of the men in his face, and laid him flat in a tussock of grass. "Serve you right, you lubber; I'm devilish glad," cried Bull Garnet ; " and I hope you won't move for a week." The next moment, he went up and raised him, felt that his limbs were sound, and gave him a dram of brandy. "All right, my fine fellow. Next time you'll know something of the way to fell a tree. Go home now, and I'll send you a bottle of wine." But the change of his mood, the sudden soften- ing, the glisten that broke through the flash of his eyes, Avas not caused this time by the inroad of 106 CRADOCK NOWELL : rapid Christian feeling. It was the approach of his son that stroked the down of his heart the right way. Bull Garnet loved nothing else in this world, or in the world to come, with a hundredth part of the love wherewith he loved his only son. Lo, the word " love" thrice in a sentence — nevertheless, let it stand so. For is there a word in our noble tongue, or in any other language, to be compared for power and beauty with that little word " love ? " Bob came down the path of the kitchen garden at his utmost speed. He was like his father in one or two thino;s, and most unlike in others. His nature was softer and better by far, though not so grand and striking — Bull Garnet in the young Adam again, ere ever the devil came. All this the father felt, but knew not : it never occurred to him to inquire why he adored his son. The boy leaped the new X fence very cleverly, through the fork of the fingers, and stood before his father in a flame of indignation. ]Mi*. Garnet, with that queer expression which the face of a middle-aged man wears when he recalls his boy- hood, ere yet he begins to admire it, was looking at his own young life with a contemplative terror. He was saying to himself, " What cheek this boy has got ! " and he was feeling all the while that he loved him the more for having it. " Hurrah, Bob, my boy ; you're come just in time." ]Mr. Garnet tried very hard to look as if he ex- pected approval. Well enough all the time he knew ^ A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 107 that he had no chance of getting it. For Bob loved natui'e in any form, especially as expressed in the noble eloquence of a tree. And now he saw why he bad been sent to the village on a trifling errand tliat morning. " Just in time for what, sir ? " Bob's indigna- tion waxed yet more. That his father should dare to chaff him ! '•' Just in time to tell us all about these wonderful red-combed fvingi. What do you call them — some long name, as wonderful as themselves ? " Bob kicked them aside contemptuously. He could have told a long story about them, and things which men of thrice his age, who liave neglected their mother, would be glad to listen to. Natui'e, desiring not revenge, has it in the credulous itch of the sons who have turned their backs on her. " Oh, father," said Bob, with the tears in his eyes ; " father, you can't have known that three purple emperors came to this oak, and sat upon the top of it, every morning for nearly a week, in the middle of July. And it was tlie most handsomest thirty-year oak till you come right to Brockenhurst bridge." " Most handsomest. Bob ! " cried Mr. Garnet, glad to lay hold of anything ; " come along with me, my son ; I must see to your education." Near them stood a young spruce fir, not more than five feet high. It liad thrown up a straight and tapei'ing spire, scaled with tender green. Be- low were tassels, tufts, and pointlets, all in triple 108 CRADOCK NOWELL : order, pluming over one another in a pile of beauty. Tlie tips of all were touched with softer and more glaucous tone. But all this gentle tint and form was only as a framework now, a loom to bear the web of heaven. For there had been a white mist that morning — autumn's breath made visible ; and the tree with its net of spider's webs had caught the lucid moistm'e. Now, as the early sunlight opened through the layered vapours, that little spruce came boldly forth a dark bay of the forest, and met all the spears of the orient. Looped and traced with threads of gauze, the lacework of a fairy's thought, scarcely daring to breathe upon its veil of tremulous chastity, it kept the wings of light on the hover, afraid to weigh down the whiteness. A maiden with the love-dream nest- ling under the bridal faldetta, a child of genius breathing softly at his own fair visions, even an infant's angel whispering to the weeping mother — what image of humanity can be so bright and ex- quisite as a common tree's apparel ? " Father, can you make that ? " 'Mr. Garnet checked his rapid stride ; and for once he admired a tree. " No, my son ; only God can do such glorious work as that." " But it don't take God to undo it. Smash ! " Bob dashed his fists through the whole of it, and all the draped embroidery, all the pearly filigree, all the festoons of silver, were but as a dream when a yawning man stretches his scraggy arms A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 109 forth. The little tree looked wobegone, stale, and drao-sled with drunken tears. " AATiy, Bob, I am ashamed of you." " And so am I of you, father." Before the bold speech was well out of his mouth. Bob took heartily to his heels ; and, for once in his life, Mr. Garnet could not make up his mind what to do. After all, he was not so very angry, for he thought that his son had been rather clever in his mode of enforcing the moral ; and a man who loves ability, and loves his boy still more, regards Avith a liberal shrewdness the proof of the one in the other. Alas, it is hard to put Mr. Garnet in a clear, bold stereoscope, without breach of the third commandment. Somehow or other, as fashion goes — and happily it is on the go always — a man, and threefold thrice a woman, may, at this especial ]ierio(l, in the persons of his or her characters, break the sixth commandment lightly, and the seventh with great applause. Indeed, no tale is much approved without lese-majeste of them both. Then for what subterranean reason, or by what diabolical instrumentality (that language is strictly parliamentary, because it is words and water), is a writer now debarred from reporting Avliat his people said, unless they all talked tracts and milk, or rubrics and pommel-saddles? In a word — for sometimes any fellow must come to the point — Wliy do our judicious and highly-respecteil Sosii score out all our d — ns ? 110 CEADOCK NOWELL : Is it not true that our generation swears almost as hard as any? And yet it will not allow a writer to hint the truth in the matter. Of covirse we should do it sparingly, and with due reluctance. But, unless all tales are written for women, and are so to be accepted, it is a weak attempt at imposture on our sons and grandsons to suppress entirely in our pictures any presence not indecent, however unbecoming. Mr. Garnet was a Christian of the most advanced intelligence, so far as our ideas at the present time extend. He felt the beauty and perfection of the type wdiich is set before us. He never sneered, as some of us do, at things which were too large for him, neither did he clip them to the shape of his own oesophagus. Only in practice, like the rest of us, he was sadly centrifugal. Now with his nostrils widely open, and great eyes on the ground, he was pacing rapidly np and down his sheltered kitchen garden. Every square was in perfect order, every tree in its proper com- pass, all the edging curt and keen. The ground was cropped wdth that trim luxuriance which we never see except under first-rate management. All the coleworts for the winter, all the well- earthed celery, all the buttoning Brussels sprouts, salsify just fit to dig, tmniips lifting whitely forth (as some ladies love to show themselves), modest savoys just hearting in and saying "no" to the dew-beads, prickly spinach daily widening the clipped arrowhead — they all had room to eat and A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. Ill drink, and no man orudged his neighbour ; yet Puck himself could not have skipped through with dry feet during a hoar-frost. As for weeds, Bull Garnet — well, I must not say what he loould have done. Suddenly a small, spare man turned the comer upon him, where a hedge of hornbeam, trimmed and ch'essed as if with a pocket-comb, broke the south-western violence. Most men Avould have shown their hats above the narrow spine, but Rufvis Hutton was very short, and sel- dom earned a chimney-pot. " Sir, what can I do for you ? " said Mr. Grarnet, much suprised, but never taken aback. " Excuse me, sir, but I called at your house, and came this way to find you. You know me well, by name, I believe ; as I have the pleasure of knowing you. Rufus Hutton ; ahem, sir ! Delightful occupation ! I, too, am a gardener. ' Dumelow Seedling,' I flatter myself. Know them well by the eye, sir. But wliat a difference the soil makes ! Ah, yes, let them hang till the frost comes. What a plague we have had with earwigs ! Get into the seat of the fruit ; noAv just let me show you. Ah, you beggars, there you are. Never take them by the head, sir, or they'd nip my fingers. Take them under the abdomen, and they haven't room to twist upon you. There, now ; what can he do ? " "Not even thank you, sir, for killing him. And now what can I do for you ? " " Ish. Garnet, I will come to the point. A man 112 CRADOCK NOWELL : learns that in India. Too hot, sir, for much talk- ing. Bless my heart, I have known the thermo- meter at 10 o'clock P.M., sir — not in the barracks, mind me, nor in a stifling nullah " " Excuse me, I have read of all that. I have an engagement. Dr. Hutton, at eight minutes past eleven." "Bless my heart, and I have an appointment at 11.9 and five seconds. How singular a coin- cidence !" Bull Garnet looked down at the little doctor, and thought him too small to be angry with. Moreover, he M'as a practical man, and scarcely knew what chaff meant. So he kept his temper wonderfully, while Rufus looked up at him gravely, with his little eyes shining like glow-worms be- tween the brown stripes of his countenance. "I have heard of you, Dr. Hutton, as a very skilful gardener. Perhaps you M^ould like to look round my garden, while I go and despatch my business. If so, I will be with you again in exactly thirty-five minutes." " Stop, stop, stop ! you'll be sorry all your life, if you don't hear my news." So Rufus Hutton thought. But Mr. Garnet was sorry through all the rest of his life that he ever stopped to hear it. A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. lliJ CHAPTER XIII. Bull Garnet forgot his appointment for eight minutes after eleven ; indeed it was ahnost twelve o'clock when he came out of the summer- house (made of scarlet-runners) to which he had led Dr. Hutton, when he saw that his tale was of interest. As he came forth, and the noonday sun fell upon his features, any one who knew him would have been surprised at their expression. A well-knoA\m artist, employed upon a fresco in the neighbourhood, had once described Mr. Garnet's face in its ordinary aspect as " violence in repose." Epigrammatic descriptions of the infinite human nature are like tweezers to catch a whale with. The man who unified so rashly all the Garnetian impress, had only met ISIi*. Garnet once — had never seen him after dinner, or playing with his children. Now Rufus Hutton, however garrulous, was a kind and sensible man, and loth to make any mis- chief, lie ran after ]SIr. Garnet, Iiotly. Bull VOL. I. I 114 CEADOCK NOWELL : Garnet had quite forgotten him, and Avould take no notice. The doctor made a short cut through a quarter of Brussels sprouts (which almost knocked off his wide-awake hat) and stood in the arch of trimmed yew-tree, opening at the western side upon the forest lane. Here he stretched his arms to either upright, and mightily barred all exit. He knew that the other would not go home, be- cause he had told him so. Presently Bull Garnet strode up : not with his usual swing, however; not with his wonted self- confidence. He seemed to walk off from a stag- gering blow, which had dulled his brain for the moment. He stopped politely before Mr. Hutton (who expected to be thrust aside), and asked as if with new interest, and as if he had not heard the tale out — "Are you quite sui-e. Dr. Hutton, that you described the dress correctly?" "As sure as I am of the pattern of my own unmentionables. Miss Rosedew wore, as I told you, a lavender serge, looped at the sides with purple — a pretty di'ess for Christmas, but it struck me as warm for IMichaelmas. Perhaps it was meant for the IMichaelmas daisies ; or perhaps she suffers from rheumatism, or flying pains in the patella." " And the cloak and hat, as you described them — are you sure about them ? " " My dear sir, I could swear to them both if I saw them on a scarecroAV. Hoav can I speak of A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 115 such a thing after tliat lovely creature ? Such an exquisite fall of the shoulders — good wide shoul- ders too — and such a delicious -waist ! I assiu'c you, my dear sir, I have seen fine ■women in India " " Dr. Hutton," said ]SIi'. Garnet, sternly, " let me hear no more of that. You are a newly- manied man, a man of my time of life. I will have no warm description of — of any young ladies." Ruf us Hutton was a peppery man, and not very easily cowed. Nevertheless, his mind was under the pressiu'e of a stronger one. So he only re- lieved himself Avith a little bratj. " Why, Mr. Garnet, you cross-examine me as I did the natives when I acted as judge in Churra- muttee, when the two chuprassies came before me, and the water-carrier. I tell 3'ou, sir, I see more in a glance than most men do in a long set stare, when they are called in to appraise a thing. I could tell ever}' plait in yom' shirt-front, and the stuff and cut of your coat, before you could say ' good morning.' It Avas only last Thursday that Mrs. Hutton, who is a most remai'kable woman, made an admirable observation about my rapid perception." " I have not the smallest doubt of it. And I beheve that you fully deserved it. You will there- fore perceive at once that this matter must go no further. Did you see mv — son at the house here?" i2 116 CRADOCK NOWELL : " No. Only the maid-servant, avIio directed me where to find you." "Then you did not go in at all, 1 suppose?" " No ; but I admired greatly your mode of training that beautiful tropaBolum over the porch. I must go and look at it again, with your kind permission. I never neglect the chance of a wrinkle such as that." "Another time, Dr. Hutton, I shall hope to show it to you ; though you must have seen it all at a glance, for it is simpler than my shirt-fronts. But my business takes me now to the Hall, and I shall be glad of your company." " Hospitable fellow, with a vengeance !" thought little Ruf us. " And I heard he had some wonder- ful sherry, and it's past my time for a snack. Serves me right for meddling with other people's business." But while he stood hesitating, and casting fond glances towards the cottage, jSlr. Garnet, without any more ado, passed his powerful long arm through the little wino; of Ruf us, and hurried him down the dingle. " Excuse me, sir, but I have never much time to waste. This, as you know, is a most busy day, and all the preparations are under my sole charge. I laugh at the fuss, as a matter of course. But that question is not for me. Cradock Nowell is a noble fellow, and I have the highest respect for him." " Well, I rather prefer young Clayton. Having A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 117 brought tliem both Into the Avorld, I ought to understand them. But I hope lie won't make a fool of himself in this matter we have been talking of." Mr. Gai'uet jerked his companion's arm, and his face went pale as Portland stone. " Make a d — d rogue more likely. And he won't be the first of his family." " Yes, as you say," replied the doctor to all he could catch of the muttered words, which flew over the crown of his hat, " beyond all doubt the first family in this part of the kingdom, and so they must have their jubilee. But I trust you will use "with the utmost caution what I thought it best to confide to you, under the bond of secresy. Of course, I could not think of telling papa, either of lady or gentleman ; and knowing how you stand ■v\^th the family, you seemed to me the proper person to meet this little difficulty." " Beyond a doubt, I am." " Pooh, sir, a boy and a girl. I wonder you think so much about it. ^len never know their own minds in the matter until they arrive at our age. And as for the chits on the other side — whew, they blow right and left, as the feathers on their hats do." "That is not the case with my family. We make up our minds, and stick to them." " Then your family is the exception, which only proves my rule ; and I am glad that it is not con- cerned in the present question." When they came to that part of the lawn in 118 CEADOCK NOWELL : front of the ancient Hall where the fireworks' stage had been reared on a gently-rising mound, Cradock Nowell met them, with a hook in his hand. To- morrow he would be twenty-one ; and a more honest, open-hearted fellow, or a better built one, never arrived at man's estate, whether for wealth or poverty. He had not begun to think very deeply ; indeed, who could expect it, where trouble had never entered ? It is pain that deepens the channel of thought, and sorrow that sweeps the bar away. Cradock as yet was nothing more than a clever, fine young man, an elegant and accurate scholar, follo-^ang thought more than leading it. Nevertheless, he had the material of a grand un- selfish character — of a nature which, when per- fected, could feel its imperfections. Sorrow and trial were needed for him; and God knows he soon got enough of them. He shoved away his Tauchnitz Herodotus in his shooting-coat pocket. Neither of the men he met was a scholar ; neither would feel any interest in it. Being driven forth by his father's grumbling at the little pleasure he showed in the fuss that was making about him, he had brovight his genial, true cosmopolite to show him a thing which his heart would have loved. Cradock had doubled down the leaf whereon was described the building of the boat-bridge over the Hellespont. Neither had he forgotten the interment of the Scythian kings. It was not that he purposed to instruct the carpenters thertce, or to shed any light on their doings ; but A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 110 that he hoped to learn from them some words to jot down on the margin. He had discovered ah'eady, being helped thereto by the tongue of Ytene, that hmich-eds of forcible Saxon words still lurk in the crafts to which the beaten race betook itself — words which are wanted sadly, and pieced out very unpleasantly by roundabout foreign fanglements. Even the gratitude now due to the good-will of all the neighbourhood, had failed to reconcile his mind to the turgid part before him. At Oxford he had been dubbed already " Caradoc the Philo- sopher;" and the more he learned, the less he thought of his own importance. He had never regarded the poor around him as dogs made for him to whistle to; he even knew that he owed them some duties, and wondered how to discharge them. Though lired of high Tory lineage, and corded into it by the twists of habit and educatiouy he never could hang by neck and gullet ; he never could show basement only, as a well-roped onion does. Encased as he was by strict surroundings, he never could grow quite straight and even, with- out a seed inside him, as a prize cucumber does in tlie cylinder of an old chimney-glass. Some of this dereliction sprang, no doubt, from his granulation, and some from the free trade of his mind with the great heart called " John Rosedew." Now he came up, and smiled, like a boy of four- teen, in Mr. Garnet's face; for he liked Bull Garnet's lai'ger qualities, and had no fear of his 120 CEADOCK NOWELL : smaller ones. Mr. Garnet never liked ; he always loved or hated. He loved Cradock Nowell heartily, and heartily hated Clayton. " Behind my time, you see, Cradock. I am glad jou are doing my duty. — Ha, there ! / see you, my manr The man was skulking his work, in rigging out with coloured lamps an old oak fifty yards off. That ancient oak, the pride of the chase, was to represent, to-morrow night, a rainbow reflecting "Cradock Nowell." Young Crad, wdio regarded it all as ill-taste, if it were not positive sin, had lifted his voice especially against that oak's bedizen- ment. " It will laugh at us from every acorn," he had said to his father. But Sir Cradock was now a man of sixty; and threescore resents being budded. The incision results in gum only. At the sovmd of that tremendous voice, the man ran recklessly out on the branch, the creaking of which had alarmed him. Snap went the branch at a cankered part, and the poor fellow dropped from a height of nearly forty feet. But the crashing wood caught in the bough beneath, which was sound and strong, and there hung the man, un- injured as yet, clinging only by one arm, and struggling to throw his feet up. In a moment Cradock had seized a ladder, reared, and fixed, and mounted it, and helped the poor fellow to slide off upon it, and stayed him there gasping and quiver- ing. Bull Garnet set foot on the lowest rung, and Rufus Hutton added his weight, which was not A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 121 very considerable. A dozen workmen came run- ning up, and the man, whose nerves had quite failed him, was carefully eased to the ground. " j\Ir. Garnet," said Cradock, with flashing eyes, " would you have walked on that branch yourself ? " " To be sure I would, after I had looked at it." " But you gave this poor man no time to look. Is it brave to make another do what you yourself would fear?" " Give me your hand, my boy. I was wrong, and you are right. I wish every man to hear me. Jem, come to my house this evening. You owe your life to ^Ir. Cradock." Nature itself is better than the knowledge of hmnan nature. Mr., Garnet, by generosity quicker than quickest perception, had turned to his credit an incident which would have disgraced a tyrant. A powerful man's confession of wrong always increases his power. "While the men were falling to work again, e-\-ery one under the steward's eyes, Sir Cradock Nowell and Clayton his son came cantering up from the stables. The dry leaves crackled or skirred away crisply from their horses' feet, for the day was fine and breezy; the nags were arching their necks and pricking their ears with enjoyment ; but neither of the riders seemed t-o be in high spirits. The workmen touched their hats to them in a manner very different from that with which they received Mr. Garnet or Cradock Nowell. There was more of distant respect in it, and less of real interest. 122 CEADOCK NOWELL : Sir Cradock now was a perfect specimen of the well-bred Englishman at threescore years of age. Part of his life had been touched by sorrow, but in the main he had prospered. A man of ability and high culture, who has not sviffered deeply, is apt, after passing middle age, to substitute tact for feehng, and common sense for sympathy. Mellow and blest is the age of the man who soberly can do otherwise. Sir Cradock Nowell knew his age, and dressed himself accordmgly. Neither stiffness nor laxity, neither sporting air nor austerity, could be perceived in his garb or manner. He respected himself and all whom he met, until he had cause to the contrary. But his heart, instead of expandmg, had narrowed in the loneliness of liis life; and he really loved only one in the world — the son who rode beside him. He had loved John Rosedew well and truly for many an honest year ; of late, admiration was uppennost, and love grown a thing to be thought about. The cause of the change was his own behaviom-, and John's thorough hate of injustice. That old friend of the family could not keep silence always at the preference of Clayton, and the disparagement of Cradock. The father him- self could not have told whence arose this prefer- ence. Year by year it had been growing, for a long time unsuspected ; suspected then and fought with, then smothered at once and justified ; allowed at last to spread and thrive on the right of its own existence. And yet any one, to look at Sir Cra- dock, would have thought him justice personified. A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 123 And so he was, as Cliairmaii of the Quarter Sessions. Clear intelligence, quick analysis, keen perception of motive in others, combined with power to dispense (when nature so does) with reason, and used with high sense of honour — all these things made him an oracle to every one but himself. Although he had never been in the army, he looked like a veteran soldier ; and his seat on horseback was stiff and firm, rather than easy and graceful. Tall, sjmre figure, and grey moustache, Eoman nose, and clear, bright eyes, thhi lips, and broad white forehead — the expression of the whole bespoke an active, resolute, upright man, not easily pleased or displeased. As every one was to keep holiday, the fanners had challenged the Ringwood club to play them a game of cricket, and few having seen a bat till now, some practice seemed indispensable. Ac- cordingly, while Bull Garnet was busy among the working men, the farmers, being up for play, were at it in hard earnest, labouring with much applause and merriment, threshing or churning, mowing or ploughing, and some making kicks at the ball. Rufus Hutton looked on in a spirited manner, and Cradock was bowling with all his might at the legs of a petty t3Tant, when his father and brother rode up between the marquees and awnings. The tymnnical farmer received a smart crack on the shin, and thought (though he feared to say) « d— n." "Hurrah, Crad! more jerk to your elbow!" cried Clayton, who also disliked the man ; 124 CEADOCK NOWELL : "Blackers, you mustn't break the ball, it's against the laws of cricket." Grinning sympathy and bad wit deepened the bruise. of the tibia, till Farmer Blackers forgot all prudence in the deej) jar of the marrow. "Boul awai, meester, and be honged to you. I carries one again you, mind." To the great surprise of all present there, Sir Cradock did not look at the speaker, but turned on his son with anger. " Sir, you ought to know better. Your sense of justice will lead you, I hope, to apologise to that man." He did not wait to see the effect of this public reproof, which was heard by a hundred people, but struck his mare hastily on the shoulder, called Clayton, and rode away. Cradock, who now had the ball in his hands, threw it a hundred feet high. " Catch it who will," he said ; " I shall bowl no more to-day. Farmer Blackers, I apologise to you ; I did not know you were so tender." Feeling far more tender himself (for all that was the youth's bravado), he went away, doubting right and wrong, to his own little room on the ground floor. There he would smoke his pipe, and medi- tate, and condemn himself, if the verdict were true. That young fellow's sense of justice was larger, softer, more deeply fibred, than any Sir Cradock Nowell's. A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 125 CHAPTER XIV. Men of high culture and sensitive justice, who have much to do with ill-taught workmen, lie under a terrible disadvantage. They fear to pre- sume upon the mere accident of tlieu* own position, they dread to extract more dues from another than they in his place would render, they shrink from saying what may recall the difference betwixt them, they cannot bear to be stiff and dogmatic, yet they know that any light word may be taken in heavy earnest. True sympathy is the only thing to bring master and man together ; and sympathy is a subtle vein, direct when nature hits it, but (;rooked and ungrammatical to the syntax of education. Cradock No well often touched it, without knowing how ; and hence his popularity among the " lower classes." Clayton hit upon it only in the softer sex. Bull Garnet knew how to move it dee])ly, and owed his power to that know- ledge, even more than to his energy. 126 CEADOCK NOWELL : Cradock was pondering these things in the pijDe of contemplation, when a pair of keen eyes twinkled in at the window, and a shrewd, shrill voice made entry. " Pray let me in, Mr. Cradock Nowell ; I want to inquire about the grapes." "What a wonderful man that is !" said Cradock to himself, as he came from his corner reluctantly to open the French window ; " there is nothing he doesn't inquire about. Erotetic philosopher ! He has only been here some three or four days, and he knows all our polity better than we do ! I wish his wife would come ; though I believe he is an honest fellow." Unconscious of any satirical antithesis, he opened the window, and admitted the polypragmonic doc- tor; and, knowing that homceopathic treatment is the wisest for garrulous subjects, he began upon him at once. Nor omitted a spice of domesticity, which he thought would be sovereign. "Now, Dr. Hutton, it is too bad of you to wander about like a bachelor. How long before we have the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Hutton?" "My dear boy, you know the reason; I hope you know the reason. Your roads are very rough for ladies, especially when in delicate health, and om- four-wheel is being mended. So I rode over alone ; and what a lovely ride it is ! Ah, Clayton — yes, I saw Clayton somewhere. But youi' father has promised most kindly to send a carriage to- A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 127 morrow to Geopharmacy Lodge — the name of our little place, sir." At tlie thought of his home, the little doctor pulled up both his shirt-collars, and looked round the room disparagingly. " Oh, I am very glad to hear it. Meanwhile, you would like to see our grapes. Let me show you the way to the vinery ; though I cannot take you without misgivings. Your gardening fame has frightened us. Our old man, Snip, is quite afraid of yoiu' new lights and experience." " Sensible lad," muttered Rufus Hutton, who was pleasantly conceited — "uncommonly sensible lad ! I am not at all sure that he isn't a finer fellow than Clayton. But I mvist take my oppor- tunity now, while he has his stock off. There is something wrong : I am sure of it." " Excuse me a moment," said Cradock ; " I am sorry to keep you waiting, but I must just put on my neckerchief, if I can only find it. How very odd ! I could have declared I put it on that table." " What's that I see on the floor there, by the corner of the bookcase ? " Rufus pointed his cane at the tie, which lay where himself had thrown it. " Oh, thank you ; I must be getting blind, for I am sure I looked there just now." While the young man stooped forward, the little doctor, who had posted himself for the pur- 128 CEADOCK NOWELL : pose, secured a quick glimpse at the back of his neck, where the curhng hair fell sideways. That glance increased his surprise, and confirmed his strange suspicions. The surprise and suspicion had broken upon him, as he stood by the farmer's wicket, and Cradock sprang up to the bowling crease ; now, in his excitement and curiosity, he forgot all scruples. It was strange that he had felt any, for he was not ver}"- sensitive ; but Cradock, with all his good nature, had a certain unconscious dignity, from which Dr. Hutton re- treated. " Tlie grapes I came to inquire about," said Rufus, with much solemnity, " are not those in the vinery, which I have seen often enough, but those on your neck, Mr. Nowell." Cradock looked rather amazed, but more at the inquirer's manner than at his seeming imper- tinence. " I really cannot see how the ' grapes,' as some people call the blue lines on my neck, can interest you, sir, or are important enough to be spoken of." " Then I do, Cradock Nowell. Do you refuse to let me see them ? " " Certainly not ; though I should refuse it to almost any one else. Not that I am sensitive about such a trifle. You, as a medical man, and an old friend of my father, are welcome to your autopsy. Is not that what you call it, sir ? " Nevertheless, from the tone of his voice, Rufus Hutton knew that he liked it not — for it was a A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 129 familiarity, and seemed to the youth a childish one. " Sit down, young man, sit down," said the doctor, very pom])ously, and waiying further dis- cussion. "I am not — I mean to say you are taller than when I first — ah, yes, manipulated you." As the doctor warmed to his subject, he grew more and more professional, and perhaps less gen- tlemanly, until his good feelings came into play, for his heart, after all, was right. All the terms which he used shall not be repeated, because of their being so medical. Only this, that he said at last, after a long inspection — " Sir, this confirms to a nicety my metro- stigmatic theory." "Dr. Ilutton, I know not what you mean, neither do I wish to know." Cradock put on his neckerchief anyhow, and walked to his chair by the mantelpiece, although no fire was burning. The medical man said no- thing, but gravely looked out of the windo\\'. Presently the young gentleman felt that he was not acting hospitably. " Excuse me, sir, if I liaye seemed rude ; but you do not know how these things 1 mean, when I think of my mother. Let me ring for some sheiTy and sandwiches ; you haye had no lunch." " Ring for some brandy, my boy ; and giye me a cheroot. Fine property ! Look at the sweep of tlie land — and to think of losing it all !" VOL. I. K 130 CKADOCK NOWELL : Instead of ringing, Cradock went and fetched the cognac himself, and took down a glass from a cupboard. " Two glasses, my dear boy, two." " No, sir ; I never touch it." "Then take it now, for the first time. Here, let me feel your pulse." " Once for all, I beg you to tell me what is all this mystery? Do you think I am a child i*^" " Fill your pipe again, Avhile I light a cigar." Cradock did as he was told, although with trembling hands. Rufus Hutton went for a wine- glass, filled it with brandy, and pushed it across, then gulped down half a tumblerful ; but Cradock did not taste his. "Now, my boy, can you bear some very bad news indeed?" "Anything better than this suspense. I have heard some bad news lately, which has seasoned me for anything." He referred to Amy Rosedew. "It is this. You are not your father's heir; you are only the younger son." "Is that all?"" "All! Isn't that enough? Good God! What more would you have? — you don't deserve brandy." " My father will be glad, and so will Clayton, and — perhaps one other. But I don't mean to say that I am." A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 131 " I should rather fancy not. But j^ou take it most philosophically ! " Dr. Hutton gazed at the poor young fellow in surprise and admu'ation, trying vainly to make him out. Then he reached over to Cradock's elbow, took his glass of cognac, and swallowed it. " This has upset me, my hoy, more than you. How miserable I felt about it ! But perhaps you place no faith in the assertion I have made ? " " Indeed, it has quite amazed me ; and I have had no time to think of it. My head seems spin- ning round. Please to say no more just for a minute or two, unless you find it uncomfortable." He leaned back in his chair, and tried to think, but could not. Kufus Hutton said nothmg. In spite of all his experience, the scene was very strange to him ; and he Avatched it out with interest, which deepened into strong feeling. " Now, Dr. Hutton," said the youth, trying to look as he thought he ought, though he could not keep the tears back, " I beg you to think of me no more. Let us have the strictest justice. 1 have not known you so long — so long as you have known me — but I feel that you would not say what you have said, without the strongest evidence." " Confound me for a meddlesome fool ! My dear boy, no one has heard us. Let us sink the matter entii'ely. Least said, soonest mended." k2 132 CRADOCK NO WELL : "What do you mean? Do you think for a moment that I would be a blackguard ? " " Hush ! — don't get so excited. AVhy, you look as fierce as Bull Garnet. All I mean is — you know the old saying — ' Quieta non movere.'" "The motto of fools and dastards. 'Have it out,' is an Englishman's rule. No sneaking tricks for me, sir. Oh, what a fool I am ! I beg yom' pardon with all my heart; you will make allow- ances for me. Instead of being rude, I ought to be grateful for kindness which even involves your honour." And he held out his hand to the doctor. " Crad, my dear boy," exclaimed Mr. Hutton, with a big tear twinkling in each little eye, " the finest thing I ever did was showing you to the day- light. If I rob you of what has appeared your birthright, curse all memorandum-books, and even my metrostigmatic treatise, which I fully meant to immortalize me." " And so I hope it may do. I am not so calm as I ought to be. Somehow a fellow can't be, when he is taken off the hooks so. I know you will allow for this ; I beg you to allow for nothing else, except a gentleman's delicacy. Give me your rea- sons, or not, as you like. The matter will be for my father." Cradock looked proud and beautiful. But the depth of his eyes was troubled. A thousand A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 133 tliouglits were moving there, like the springs thiit feed a lake. " Hah, ho, very hard work !" said Rufus Hutton, puffing; "I vote that we adjourn. I do love the open air so, ever since I took to gardening." Rufus Hutton hated " sentiment," but he could not ahvays get rid of it. 134 CEABOCK NO WELL CHAPTER XV. On the morning of that same day, our Amy at her father's side, in the pretty porch of the Kec- tory, uttered the following wisdom : " Darling Papples, Papelikidion — is there any other dimi- nutivicle half good enough for you, or stupid enough for me? — my own father (that's best of all), you must not ride Corsebus to-day." " Amy amata, peramata a me, aim of m}' life, amicula, in the name of sweet sense, why not!" " Because, pa, he has had ten great long carrots, and my best hat full of new oats ; and I know he will throw you off." " Scrupulum injecisti. I shouldn't like to come off to-day. And it rained the night before last." So said the rector, proudly contemplating a pair of new kerseymeres, which Channing the clerk had made upon trial. "Nevertheless, I think that I have read enough on the subject to hold on by liis mane, if he does not kick unreasonably. And if A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 135 he ghes me time to soothe him — that horse is fond of Greek — and, after all, the gromid is soft." " No, (lad, I don't think it is prudent. And you won't ha^e me there, you know." " My own pet, that is too true. And with all your knowledge of riding ! Why, my own seems quite theoretical by the side of yours. And yet I have kept my seat under very trying circumstances. You remember the time when Corasbus met the traliea?" " Yes,' pa ; but he hadn't had any oats ; and I was there to advise you." " True, my child, quite true. But I threw my equilibrium just as a hunter does. And I think I could do it again. I bore in mind what Xenophon says " " Pa, here he is ! And he does look so fat, I know he will be restive." " Prepare your Aunt Doxy's mind, my dear, not to scold more than she can help, in case of the worst — I mean, if the legs of my trousers want rubbing. How rash of me, to be sure, to have put them on to-day ! Prius dementat. I trust sin- cerely — and old Channing is so proud of them, and he says the cut is so fashionable. Nevertheless, I heard our Clayton, as he went down the gravel- walk, treating, with what he himself would have called 'colores orationis,' upon Uncle John's new bags; OvXaKoi, I suppose he meant, as opposed to dva^vpiBes. I was glad that the subject possessed so lively an interest for him ; notwithstantUng which, 136 CEADOCK NOWELL : I Vt^as very glad Mr. Charming did not liear him." " The impudence ! Well, I am astonished. And to sec the things he brou2;ht back from Ox- ford — quince-coloured, with a stripe that wide, like one of my fancy gourds. I'll be sure to have it out with him. No, I can't, though ; I forgot." And Amy looked down with a rosy smile, remem- bering the delicacy of the subject. "But I am quite sure of one thing, pa : Mr. Cradock would never have done it. Rsebus, don't kick up the gravel. Do you suppose we can roll every day? Oh, you are so fat, you darling ! " " When the sides are deep," said the rector, quoting from Xenophon, " and somewhat pro- tuberant at the stomach, the horse is generally more easy to ride. What a comfort, Amy ! Stronger, moreover, and more capable of enjoying food." " He has enjoyed a rare lot this morning. At least I hope you have, you sweetest. Why, pa, I declare you are whistling !" " It also behoves a horseman to know that it is a time-honoured precept to soothe the steed by whistling, and rouse him by a sharp sound made between the tongue and the palate." " Oh, father, don't do that. Promise me now, dear, won't you ? " " I will promise you, my child, because I don't know how to do it. I tried very hard last Wed- nesday, and only produced a guttural. But I A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 137 tliink I shall xinderstand it, after six or seven visiting days. At least, if the air is shai'p." "No, pa, I hope you won't. It would be so reckless of you ; and I know you will get a sore throat." "Sweet of my world, cor cordium, you have wrapped me with three involucres tighter than any hazel-nut. They will all go into my pocket the moment I am round the corner." " No, daddy, you won't be so cruel. And after the rime this morning! Rsebus will tell if you do. Won't you now, my pretty ? " Corsebus was a handsome pony, but not a hand- some doer. He could go at a rare pace when he liked, but he did not often like it. His wind was short, and so was his temper, and he looked at things unpleasantly. Perhaps he had been dis- appointed in love in the tenderness of his youth. Nevertheless he had many good points, and next to himself loved Amy. He would roll his black eyes, put his nose to her lips, and almost leave oats to look at her. His colour varied sensitively ac- cording to the season. In the height of summer, a dappled bay ; towards the autumnal equinox, a tendency to nuttiness ; then a husky bristle of deepest brown flaked with hairs of ginger ; after the clips a fine mouse-colour, with a spirited sense of nakedness, fierce whiskers, and a love of buck jumps. Then ere the blessed Christmas-tide, nature began to blanket him with a nap the coloiu" of black frost; and so through the grizzle of 138 ckadoce: nowell : spring he came round to his proper bay once more. Amy declared she could tell every month by the special hue of Corgebus ; but, albeit she was the most truthful of girls, her heart was many de- grees too warm for her lips to be always at dew- point. Both in the stable and out of it, that pony had a bluif way with his heels, which none but himself thought humorous. He never meant any harm, however — it was only his mode of expressing him- self ; and he liked to make a point when he felt his new shoes tingling. But as for lacking his Amy, he was not quite so low as that. He would not even jump abovit, when she was on his back, more than was just the proper thing to display her skill and figure. " Oh, you sad Oorseby," always brought him to sadness ; and he expected a pat from her little gloved hand, and cocked his tail with dignity the moment he received it. Never- theless, for her father, the rector of the parish, he entertained, wlien the oats were plentiful, noncon- formist sentiments, verging almost upon scepticism. He liked him indeed, as the whole world must ; he even admired his learning, and tui'ned up his eyes at the Greek ; but he was not impressed, as he should have been, by the sacerdotal office. Fatal defect of all, he knew that the rector could not ride. John Rosedew was a reasoning man, and uncommonly strong in the legs, but a great deal too philosophical to fit himself over a horse well. He had written a treatise upon the Pele- A TALE OP THE NEW FOEEST, 139 tliroiiian Lapitlis (which he could never be brought to read before a learned society), he knew all about the Olympics and Pythics, and Xeno- phon gave him a text-book ; but, for all that, he never put his feet the right way into the stirrups. " Look at him now," said John, as the boy led the pony up and down, while Amy was knotting the mufflers so that they never might come undone again ; '' how beautifully Xenophon describes him ! ' When the horse is excited to assume that artificial air which he adopts when he is proud, he then delights in riding, becomes magnificent, ter- rific, and attracts attention ! ' And again, ' persons beholding such a horse pronounce him generous, free in his motions, fit for military exercise, high- mettled, haughty, and both pleasant and terrible to look on.' Pleasant, I suppose, for other people, and terrible for the rider. But why our author insists so much upon the horse being taught to *rear gracefully,' I am not horseman enough as yet to understand. It has always appeared to me that Corgebus rears too much already. And then the direction — ' but if after riding, and copious perspiration, and when he has reared gracefully, lie be relieved immediately both of the rider and reins, there is little doubt that he will spontaneously advance to rear when necessary.' What does that mean, I. ask you? I never find it necessary, ex- cept, indeed, Avhen the little girls jump up and pull my coat-tails, in their inquisition for apples, and then 1 am alwavs afraid that thev mav suffer 140 CRADOCK NOWELL : some detriment. But let us not overtask his patience ; here he comes again. Jem, my boy^ lead him up to the chair." " Any jam in your pocket, father '? " " No, my child, not any. Your excellent Aunt Eudoxia has it all under lock and key. Now I will mount according to Xenophon, though I do not find that he anywhere jirescribes a Windsor chair. '■ When he has well prepared himself for the ascent, let him support his body with his left hand, and stretching forth his right hand let him leap on horseback, and when he mounts thus he will not present an uncomely spectacle to those behind. There, I am up, most accurately ; excellent horse, and great writer ! And now for the next direc- tion : ' We do not approve of the same bearing a man has in a carriage, but that an upright posture be observ^ed, with the legs apart.' " "How could they be otherwise, pa, when the horse is between them ? " " Your criticisms are rash, my child. Jem, how dare you laugh, sir ? I Avill buy a j)air of spurs, I declare, the next time I go to Ringwood. Good- bye, darling ; Aunt Doxy will take you up to the park, when the sun comes out, to see all the won- derful doings. I shall be home in time to dress for the dinner at the Hall." Sweet Amy kissed her hand, and curtseyed — as she loved to do to her father ; and, after two or three wayward sallies (repressed by Jem with the A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 141 gardening broom), Coraabus pricked his little ears, and shook himself into a fair jog-trot. So with his elbows well stuck out, and shaking merrily to and fro, his nght hand ready to grasp the pommel in case of consternation, and one leg projected beyond the other, after the manner of a fowl's side-bone, away rode John Kosedew in excellent spirits, to begin his Wednesday parochial tour. Being duly victualled, and thoroughly found, for a voyage of long duration and considerable hazard, the good ship "John Kosedew" set sail every Wednesday for commerce with the neigh- bourhood. This expedition was partly social, partly ministerial, in a great measure eleemos}- nary, and entirely loving and amicable. There was no bombardment of dissenters, no firing of red-hot shot at Papists, no up with the helm and run him down, if any man laimched on the mare magnum, or any frail vessel missed stays. And yet there Avas no compromise, no grand circle sailing, no luffing to a trade-wind ; straight was the course, and the chart most clear, and the good ship bound, with favour of God, for a haven beyond the horizon. Barnacles and vile teredoes, algJB and desmidious trailers : — I doubt if there be more sins in our hearts to stop us from loving each other than parasites and leeching weeds to clog a stout ship's bottom. Nevertheless she bears them on, beautifies and cleanses them, until they come to temperate waters, where the harm has failed 142 CEADOCK NOWELL : them. So a good man carries with him those wlio carp and fasten on him ; content to take theb Httle stings, if the utterance purify them. The parish of Nowelliurst straggles away far into the depths of the forest. To the southward indeed it lias moorland and heather, with ridges, and spinnets, and views of the sea, and fir-trees naked and worn to the deal hy the chafing of the salt winds. But all away to the Avest, north, and east, the dark woods hold dominion, and you seem to step from the parish churchyard into the grave of ages. The village and the village warren, the chase, and the Hall above them, are scooped from out the forest shadow, in the shape of a hunting boot. Lay the boot on its side with the heel to the east, and the top toAvards the north, and we get pretty near the topography. The village scattered along the Avax'ren forms the foot and instep, the chase descending at right angles is the leg and ancle, the top will serve to represent the house with its lawns and gardens, the back seam may run as the little river which flows under Nowel- hurst bridge. The shank of the spm* is the bridge and road, the rowel the church and rectory. Away to the west beyond the toe, some quarter of a mile on the Ringwood-road, stands the smithy kept by the well-knoAvn Roger Sweetland, who can out- swear any man in the parish, and fears no one except Bull Garnet. Our sketchy boot will leave unshown the whereabouts of the Garnet cottage, unless we suppose the huntsman to insert just his A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 143 toe in the stiri'up. Then the top of the iron rung will mark the house of the steward, a furlong or so north-west of the village, with its back to the lane which leads from the smithy to the Hall. And this lane is the short cut from Nowelhurst Hall to Ringwood. It saves three-quarters of a mile, and risks a little more than three-quarters of the neck. Large and important as the house is, it has no high road to Ringwood, and gets away with some dif- ficulty even towards Lyndhurst or Lymington. Bull Garnet was always down upon the barbarity of the approaches, but Sir Cradock never felt sore on the subject, save perhaps for a week at Christ- mas-tide. He had never been given to broad in- discriminate hospitality, but loved his books and his easy-chair, and his friend of ancient standing. The sun came out and touched the trees "svith every kind of gilding, as John Rosedew having done the village, and learned every gammer's alloverishness, and every gaffer's rheumatics, drew the snaffle upon Cor^ebus longside of Job Smith's pigsty, and plunged southward into the country. He saw how every tree was leaning forth its gi'een with yellowness ; even proud of the novelty, like a child who has lost his m-andmother. And thouffh he could not see very far, he observed a little thing which he had never noticed before. It was that while the other trees took their autumn evenly, the elm was brushed with a flaw of gold while the rest of the tree was verdure. A single branch would stand forth from the others, mellow against 144 CRADOCK NOWELL : their freshness, like a han-est-sheaf set up perhaps on tlie foreground of a grass-plot. The rector thought immediately of the golden spray of iEneas, and how the Brazilian manga glistens in the tropic moonlight. Then soothing his pony with novel sounds, emulous of equestrianism, he struck into a moorland track leading to distant cottages. Thence he would hear to the eastward, arrive at his hostel by one o'clock, visit the Avoodmen, and home through the forest, with the evening shadows falling. A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 145' CHAPTER XVI. Beside the embowered stream that forms the eastern verge of the chase, young Cradock Nowell sat and gazed, every now and then, into the water. Through a break in the trees beyond it, lie could see one chimney-top and a streak of the thatch of the Rectory. In vain he hoped that Dr. Hutton would leave him to himself ; for he did not wish to go into the proofs, but to meditate on the consequences. Some bitterness, no oubt, there Avas in the corner of his heart, when lit thought of all that Cla}i;on now had to offer Am;, Rosedew. He had lately been told, as a mighty secret, some- thing which grieved and angered him ; and the more, that he must not speak of it, as his straight- forward nature urged him. The secret was that innocent Amy met his brother Clayton, more than once, in the dusk of the forest, and met him by appointment. It grieved poor Cradock, because he loved Amy with all his unchangeable heart; it VOL. I. L 146 CEADOCK NOWELL : angered him, because he tliought it very mean of Clayton to take advantage of one so young and ignorant of the world. But never until the pre- sent moment, as he looked at the homely thatch in the distance, and the thin smoke curling over it, had it occurred to his honest mind, that his brother might not be like himself — that Clayton might mean ill by the maiden. And now for the moment it seemed more likely, as he glanced back at the lordly house, command- ing the country for miles around, and all that country its fief and its thrall, and now the whole destined for Clayton. He thought of the mean- ness about the Ireland, and two or three other little things, proofs of a little nature. Then he gazed at the Rectory thatch again, and the smoke from the kitchen chimney, and seemed to see pure playful Amy making something nice for her father. " Good God ! I would shoot him if he did ; or strike him dead into this water." In the hot haste of youth he had spoken aloud, with his fist gathered up, and his eyes flashing fire. Rufus Hutton saw and heard him, and thought of it many times after that day. " Oh, you are thinking of Caldo, because he snapped at me. There are no signs of hydro- phobia. You must not think of shooting him." " I was not thinking of Caldo. I hope I did not mean it. God knows, I am very wicked." " So we are all, my boy. I should like to see a A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 147 fellow that wasn't. I'd pay fifty pounds for his body, and dissect him into an angel." Cradock Nowell smiled a little at such a reward for excellence, and then renewed his gaze of cbeary bewilderment at the water. " Now let me show you my tracings, Cradock. Tlu'ee times I have pulled them out, and you won't condescend to glance at them. You have made up your mind to abdicate upon my ipse dixi. Now look at the bend sinister, that is yours ; the bend dexter is for the elder brother." " Dr. Hutton, it may be, and is, I believe, false shame on my part; but I wish to hear nothing about it. Perhaps, if my mother were living, I might not have been so particular. But giving, as she did, her life for mine, I cannot regard it medi- cally. The question is now for my father. I will not, enter into it." |ji.Oh the subjectiveness of the age !" saidRufus Hutton, rising, then w^alkino; to and fro^ on the bank, as he held discourse with himself; 'ihere is a youth wdio ought to be proud, although at the cost of his inheritance, of illustrating, in the most re- markable manner, indeed I may say of originating, my metrostigmatic theory. \ He carries upon the cervical colmnn a clear impression of grapes, and they say that before the show at Rorasey the gai'dener was very cross indeed about his choice Black Hamburgs. His brother carries the identical impress, only with the direction in^'erted — dexter in fact, and dexter was the l2 148 CRADOCK NOWELL : mark of the elder son. This I can prove by the tracing made at the time, not witli any view to future identification, but from the interest I felt, at an early stage of my experience, in a question then under controversy. If I prove this, what happens? Why, that he loses everything — the importance, the house, the lands, the title ; and becomes the laughing-stock of the county as the sham Sir Cradock. What ought he to do at once, then ? Why, perhaps to toss me into that hole, where I should never get out again. By Gad, I am rash to trust myself with him, and no other soul in the secret !" Here Dr. Hutton shud- dered to think how little water it would take to drowTi him, and the river so dark and so taciturn ! " At any rate, he ought to fall upon me with forceps, and probe, and scalpel, and tear my evi- dence to atoms. For, after all, what is it, without corroboration ? But instead of that, he only says, 'Dr. Hutton, no more of this, if you please, no more of this ! The question is now for my father."' And he must know well enough to which side his father -will lean in the inquiry. Confound the boy ! If he had only coaxed me with those great eyes, I would have kept it all snug till Doomsday. Oh what will my Rosa say to me? She has always loved this boy, and admired him so im- mensely." Perhaps it was his pretty young wife's high approval of Cradock which first had made the testy Eufus a partisan of Clayton. The cause of his A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 149 )iaving settled at " Geopharmacy Lodge " was, that upon his retiu-n from India lie fell in love with a Hampshire maiden, whom he met " above bar" at Southampton. How he contrived to get intro- duced to her, he alone can tell ; but he was a most persevering fellow, and little hampered with diffi- dence. She proved to be the eldest daughter of Sir Cradock's largest tenant, a man of good stand- ing and education, who lived near Fordingbridge. As I^ufus had brought home tidy pickings from his appointment in India, the only thing he had to do was to secure the lady's heart. And this he was not long about, for many ladies like high colour even more than hairiness. First she laughed at his dancing Avays, incessant mobility, and sharp eyes; but very soon she began to like him, and now she thought him a wonderful man. This opinion (with proper change of gender) was heartily reciprocated, and the result was that a happier couple never yet made fools of themselves, in the judgment of the world ; never yet enjoyed them- selves, in the sterling wisdom of home. They suited each other admirably in their very differ- ences ; they laughed at each other and themselves, and any one else who laughed at them. " Well, I shall be off," said Dr. Hutton at last, in feigned disgust ; " you will stare at the water all (.lay, Mr. Cradock, and take no notice of me." " I beg your pardon, I forgot myself ; I did not mean to be rude, I assure you." " I know you did not. I know you would never 150 CKADOCK NO WELL : be rude to any one. Good-bye, I have business on hand." " You will be back, Dr. Hutton, when my father returns from his ride ? It is very foolish of me, but I cannot bear this suspense." " Trust me. I will see to it. But he wdll not be back, they tell me, till nearly four o'clock." " Oh, what a time to w^ait ! Don't send for me if you can help it. But, if he wants me, I will come." "Good-bye, my lad. Keep your pecker up. There are hundreds of men in the world with harder lines than yours." " I should rather think so. I only wish there were not." Cradock attempted a lively smile, and executed a pleasant one, as Rufus Hutton shook his hand, and set off upon his business. And his business was to ride at once as far as the " Jolly Foresters," that lonely inn on the Beaulieu-road, at the eastern end of the parish, whereat John Rosedew baited Coraabus at the turn of the pastoral tour. The little doctor knew well enough, though he seldom passed that way, how tlie smart Miss Penny of former days, ^Irs. O'Gaghan's assistant, was now Hie important ^ii's. George Cripps, hostess of the " Jolly Foresters," where the four roads met. Meanwhile, the scaffolds went on meiTily under Mr. Garnet's care, and so did the aA'saiings, mar- quees, &c., and the terraces for the ladies. The lamps in the old oak being fixed, the boughs were A TALE OP THE NEW FOREST. 151 manned, like a frigate's yards, with dexterous fel- lows hoisting flags, devices, and transparencies, all prepared to express in fire the mighty name of Cradock. All the men must finish that night, lest any one lose his legitimate chance of being ances- trally dnuik on the morrow. Cradock Nowell, wandering about, could not bear to go near them. Those two hom's seemed longer to him than any year of his previous life. He went and told Caldo all about it ; and that helped him on a little. Caldo was a noble setter, pure of breed, and high of soul, and heavily feathered on legs and tail. His colour was such a lily white, that you grieved for him on a wet fallow ; and the bright red spots he was endowed wath were like the cheeks of Helen. Delicate carmine, enriched with scarlet, mapped his back with islands ; and the pink of his cheeks, where the whiskers grew, made all the young ladies kiss him. His nostrils were black as a double-lined tunnel leading into a pencil-mine ; and his gums were starred with violet, and his teeth as white as new mushrooms. In all the county of Hants there was no dog to compare with him ; for he came of a glorious strain, made perfect at Kingston, in Berkshire. Lift but a finger, and down he went, in the height of his hottest excite- ment ; wave the finger, and off he dashed, his great eyes looking back for repression. For style of ranging, all dogs were rats to him, anywhere in the New Forest ; so freely he went, so buoyant, so care- ful, and yet all the while so hilarious. Only one 152 CEADOCK NOWELL : fault he had, and I never knew dog without one ; he was jealous to the backbone. Cradock was dreadfully proud of him. Any- thing else he had in the world he would have given to Clayton, but he could not quite give Caldo; even though Clayton had begged, instead of back- ing his Wena against him. Wena was a very nice creature, anxious to please, and elegant ; but of a different order entirely from the high-minded Caldo. Dogs differ as widely as we do. Who shall blame either of us "? Cradock now leaned over Caldo, with the hot tears in his eyes, and gently titillating the sensitive part of his ears, and looking straight into his heart, begged to inform him of the trouble they were both involved in. "Have they taken the shooting from us ? " was Caldo's first inquiry ; and his eyes felt rather sore in his head that he should have to ask the question. "No, my boy, they haven't. But we must not go shooting any more, until the whole matter is settled." "I hate putting off things till to-morrow," Caldo replied, impatiently ; " the cock-pheasants come almost up to my kennel. What the deuce is to come of it ? " " Caldo, please to be frigido. You shall come to my room by-and- by. I shall be able then to smoke a pipe, and we will talk about it together. You know that I have never cared about the title and all that stuff." " I know that well enough," said Caldo ; " never- theless, I do. It gives me a status as a dog, which I thoroughly appreciate. Am I to come down A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 153 from goodly paunches to liver and lights and horses' heads and hounds' food? I tlon't think I could stand it. But I would live on a crust a day, if you would only come and live with me." And he nuzzled up to his master, in a way that made his tears come. Cradock was sent for suddenly. Old Hogstaff trotted across the yard (wherein he seldom ventm-ed) to say that Sir Cradock Nowell wished to see his son. Cradock following hastily, with all his heart in his mouth, Avondered at the penny-wort, the wall-rue, and the snap-dragons, which he had never seen before. Hogstaff tottered along before him, picking uneasily over the stones, bobbing his chin, and muttering. Sir Cradock sat in the long heaA^y room known as the "justice-hall," Avhere he and his brother magistrates held oyer of many a culprit. The great oak table Avas dabbed Avith ink, and the gi*ey walls with mop-shaped blotches, where sullen prisoners had thrown their heads back, and refused to answer. At the lower end was Rufus Hutton, jerky, dogmatical, keenly important ; while the old man sat at the head of the table, with his back to the pointed window, and looked (perhaps from local usage) more like a magistrate than a father. Straight up the long room Cradock walked, as calmly as if he were going to see where his quoit was stuck ; then he made salutation to his father, as his custom was, for many bygone fashions were retained in the ancient family. Sir Cradock was 154 CKADOCK NOWELL : proud of his son's self-command and dignified manly carriage, and if Dr. Hutton had not been there, he would have arisen to comfort him. As it was, he only said, with a faint and doubtfid smile — " So, sir, I find that, after all, you are but an impostor." Young Cradock was a proud man — man from that day forth, I shall call him " lad " no longer — ay, a prouder man, pile upon pile, than the father who once had spoiled him. But his pride was of the right sort — self-respect, not self-esteem. So he did not appeal, by word or look, to the sym- pathy ku'king, and no doubt working, in the pith of his father's heart, but answered calmly and coldly, though his soul was hot mth sorrow — " Sir, I believe it is so." His eyes were on his father's. He longed to look him down, 'and felt the power to do it ; but ch'opped them as should a good son. Although the white-haired man was glad at the promotion of his favourite, his heart was yearning towards the child more worthy to succeed him. But his notions of filial duty — which himself had been called upon to practise chiefly in memory, having seen very little of his father, and having lost him early — were of the stern, cold order now, the buckle and bucla'am style ; though much relaxed at intervals in Master Clayton's favour. Finding no compunction, no humility in his son's look, for a mistake which was wholly of others, and receiving no expression of grief at the loss of A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 155 heirship, Sir Cradock liardened back again into his proper dignity, and resumed his air of in- quiry. " I wish John RosedeAv were here," he thought, and then it repented liim of the wdsh, for he knew how stubborn the parson was, and how he would liave Craddy the foremost. Rufus Hutton, all this time, was in the agony of holding his tongue. He tried to think of his Eosa, and so to abstract himself airily from the present scene. He had ridden over to see her yesterday, and now dwelt upon their doings. Rosa was to come to-morrow, and he would go to fetch his wife in a carriage that would amaze her- Then he met Cradock Nowell's eyes, and won- dered what he was thinking of. "Now, Sir Cradock Nowell, tliis won't do at all. How long are we to play fast and loose with a finer fellow than either of us ? " Oh, that hot- headed Rufus, what mischief he did then ! " Al- though I have not the honour, sir, of being in the commission of peace for this little county, I have taken magisterial duty in a district rather larger than Ireland thrown into Great Britain. And I can grow, per acre, thrice the amount of corn that any of yovu' farmers can." His coloiu* deepened with self-assertion, like the central quills of a dahlia. " We must have yoii to teach us. Dr. Hutton. It is a thing to be thouglit about. But at pre- sent you are kindly interested in — in giving your evidence." Even then, if Dr. Hutton, with all his practised 156 CKADOCK NOWELL : acumen, had mixed one grain of the knowledge of men, he might have done what he Hked with Sir Cradock, and re-estabhshed the dynasty ; unless, indeed, young Cradock Avere bent upon going through with everything. But the only mode Rufus Hutton knew of meeting the world was antagonism. " Yes, sir, you may think nothing of it. But I have hunted a thing for three hundred leagues, and got at it through the biggest liars that ever stole a white man's galligaskins." " Thank you. Dr. Hutton," said Cradock, divert- ing the contest ; " X(07ro8vTr]s is the w^ord you mean. And I fear it applies to me also." "Perhaps, young man," cried Rufus Hutton, ^' you know more Hindustani than I do. Trans- late ," and he pom'ed out a sentence which I dare not try to wTite doAvn. " But, my good fel- low, you forget it is we who are stealing yours." " I think," said Sir Cradock, slowly, and seriously displeased — Good Heavens ! to joke about the succession to the Nowelhurst title and lands ! — " I think, sir, this can hardly be looked upon as evidence. I always cut short the depositions, sir. As Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, I always cut short the depositions." " And so you wish to cut short, sir, the deposition of your son." Rufus laughed at his own bad joke, and expected the others to laugh with him. It made things worse than ever. Sir Cradock w^as afraid to speak, lest he might say anything un- A TALE OP THE NEW FOREST. 157 seemly to a visitor. The young man saw his opportunity, and took advantage of it. " Father, I beg you to let me go. You would not wish me, I am sure, to be here ; only you think it my right to be. If you please, I will waive that right ; I can wholly trust your de- cision." He bowed to his father with cold respect, being hurt at his rapid conviction, to Eufus Hutton with some contempt and a smile at the situation. Then he marched do^vn the long room placidly, and whistled when he was out of it. The next moment he bolted away to his bedroom, and wept there very' heavily. "Glorious fellow!" cried Dr. Hutton. "But we don't at all appreciate him. Requires a man of mind to do that. And now for JVIrs. O'^aghan ! " Leaving Sir Cradock this speech to digest, he arose and rang the bell sharply. He felt himself fully invested now with supreme judicial authority, and he longed to be at the IrisliAvoman, who had called him a "red gossoon." 158 CRADOCK NOWELL : CHAPTER XVII. Biddy O'Gaghan was hard at work, boilinc clown herbs and blessing them, drying and botthng cleverly, scraping, and picking the cloves out. She had turned the still-room of the house into her private laboratory; and she saved all the parish and half of the hundred from "them pisoners, as called theirselves doctors." Now, she was one of those powerful women — common enough, by-the- by — who can work all the better for talking ; and, between her sniffs at the saucepan-lids, and her tests upon the drying-pans, she had learned that sometliing strange was up, and had made fifty guesses about it. Blowing the scum and the pearly beads from a pot of pellitory of the wall (one of her stamich panaceas), she received a command most peremptory to present herself in the justice-room. " Thin was that the way as they said it, Dick ? No sinse nor manners but that ! An' every bit of A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 159 tlic blessed while they kiiowed it for my biliii'-day ! Muckstraw, thin, is Bridget O'Gaghan no more count than a pisonin' doctor ? Hould that handle there, Dick. If iver you stirs it the bridth of one on your carroty whiskers from that smut on the firebar, till such time as you sees me agin, I'll do^vn with it arl in your crooked back bilin', and youi" chilthers shall disinherit it." Leaving Dick rooted in trepidation, for she was now considered a witch, she hurried into her little bedroom ; for she had the strongest sense of pro- priety, and would not "make herself common." Then she dashed her apron aside, and softened the fire-glow from her nose, and smoothed the creases of her jet-black hau", which curled in bars like crochet-work. This last she did, with some lubricous staple of her own discovery, applying it with the ball of her thumb. " The hairs of me head," as she always called them, were thick of number and strong of fibre, and went zig-zag on their road to her ears, like a string of jockey's horses shying, or a flight of jack-snipes. Then a final glance at her fungous looking-glass, just to know if she were all right ; the glass gave her back a fine, A^arm-hearted face, still young in its rapid expression, Irish in every line of it, glazed with lies for hatred, and beaming with truth for love. So Biddy gave two or three nods thereat, and knew herself match for fifty cross-examiners, if she could only keep her temper. As she marched up to the table, with her head 160 GEADOCK NOWELL : thrown back, her portly shape made tlie most of^ and the front of her strong arms ghstening, then dropped a crisp curtsey to Sir Cradock without deigning to notice Ins visitor, the little doctor's experience told hira that he had caught a thorough Tartar. All his solemn preparations were thrown away upon her, though the biggest Testament in the house lay on the table before him ; and a most impressive desk was covered with pens, and paper, and sealing-wax. Dr. Hutton would not yet open his mouth, because he wished to begin augustly. Meanwhile, Sir Cra- dock kept Avaiting for him, till Biddy could wait no longer. Turning her broad back full upon Kufus, who appreciated the compliment, she made another short scrape to her master, and asked, with an ogle suppressed to a mince — " And what wud your honour be pleased to want with the poor widow, Bridget O'Gaghan, then?" " Bridget, that gentleman. Dr. Hutton, has made an extremely important discovery, affecting most nearly my honour and that of the family. And now I rely upon you, Bridget, as a faithful and valued dependent of ours, to answer, without reser- vation or attempt at equivocation, all the questions he may put to you." " Quistions, your honour 1 " and Biddy looked stupid in the cleverest way imaginable. " Yes, questions, Bridget O'Gaghan. Inquiries, interi'ogations — ah ! that quite explains what I mean." A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 161 '• Is it axing any harm, thin, any ondacency of a poor lone Avidder woman, your honour -vvud be afther?" She took to her brogue as a tower of refuge. Bilingual races are up to the tactics of rats with a double hole. " Sir Cradock Nowell," said Rufus, from the bottom of his chest, "you, I believe, are a magis- trate for this county of Hants, Vice-Lieutenant, Colonel of Yeomanry, the representative of the sovereign. I call upon you now, in all these capacities, to administer the oath to this pre- varicating woman." The penultimate word rather terrified Bridget^ for she never had heard it before ; but the last word of all reassured her. She turned round suddenly on little Rufus, who had jumped from his chair in excitement, and standing by head and shoulders above him, she opened her great eyes down upon him, like the port-holes of a frigate. " Faix, thin, and I niver seen this young man at all at all. It's between the airms of the cheer he were, and me niver to look so low for him ! 'Tis the black measles as he've tuk, and I've seen as bad a case brought through with. The luck o' the blessed saints in glory ! I've been bilin' up for the same. If it's narse him I can to the toorn of it, I'm intirely at your sairvice. Sir Craduck, I likes to narse a base little chap, sin' there's no call to fear for his beauty." This last was uttered gently, and quite as a VOL. I. M 162 CEADOCK NOWELL : private reflection; but it told more tlian all the rest. For ever since Dr. Hutton had married a woman half his age, he had grown exceedingly sen- sitive as to his personal appearance. By a very great effort he kept silent, but his face was almost black with wrath, as he handed the great book to Sir Cradock. The magistrate presented it very solemnly to Bridget, wlio took it as patly as if it had been a flat iron. A score of times she had sworn according to what was thought good for her, years ago, in Ireland. At the right moment of dictation, she gave the book a loud smack that required good binding to stand it, and then crossed herself very devoutly, to take the taste away. Of a heretic oath she had little fear, though she would not have told a big lie to her priest. Then she dropped her eyes, and chastened her aspect, as if overcome by the sens9 of solemn responsibility. " Bridget O'Geoghegan," began the worthy doctor, emphasising slowly every syllable of her name, and prepared to write down her replies, " you are now upon your solemn oath, to declare the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And if you fail in this, remember, you will place your precious soul in the power of the evil one." " Amin to that same, thin. And more power to yer." " Bridget, do you remember the night when your master's children were born ? " A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 163 " Sure an' I do, thin. Unless it Avur the mornin'. How wnd I help reminiber it ? " " And do jou remember the medical gentleman who was suddenly called in ? " " And if I wur ten times on my oath, I don't remimber no gintleman. A bit of a red-haired gossoon there was, as wor on the way to be trans- ported." " Do you remember his name ? " " Remimber it ? Let me see, thin. It wor hardly worth tlie throuble of forgittin. Button, or Mut- ton ; no, faix.I b'lieve it wor Rubus Rotten." " AYell, never mind his name " " My faith, and I niver did, thin, nor the little spalpin ayther. But to my heart I was sorry for the dear, good, beautiful lady — glory be to her soAvl — along o' that ignorant, carroty, sprawlin', big- knuckled omadhawn. Small chance for her to git over it." " Silence, woman, how dare you ? " said Su' Cradock, very angrily. " And I thought it Avas arl the truth as yer honour said I was to tell." Here Biddy looked hurt and amazed. " Have the little clerk got it all in black and white?" With a sigh for his in- capacity, she peered over the desk at his paper. "Now, Mrs. O'Gaghan, no trifling!" Her master spoke sternly and sharply. But Rufus could not speak at all. He was in such a choking passion. m2 164 CEADOCK NOWELL : " If SO be I have said any harm, sir, for tlie best of us is errowneous, I axes a humble pardon. Iver since I lose my good husband — and a better hus- band there cudn't be, barrin only the bcllises, and I wudn't deny upon my oath but what I desarved the spout now and thin " " Airs. O'Gaghan," said Dr. Ilutton, trying very hard to look amiable, "do your best for once, I entreat you, to prove yourself, if there is such a thing, a respectable IrisJnuoman." From that moment the tables were turned. Her temper boiled up like a cauldron. It is quite of a piece with a thing that is all pieces — the genuine Irish nature — that, proud as they are of their country, they cannot bear to be told of their citi- zenship. " Irish, thin, is it ? Irish indade ! Well, and I knows I'm Irish. And if I ain't, what do I care who knows I am ? " She flung up her head superbly, and great tears ran from her eyes. Kufus Hutton perceived his advantage, and, though not at all a mean fellow, he was smarting far too sharply from the many attacks on his vanity, to forego his sweet revenge. " You remember, then, when the doctor gave you the first-born child, that he made some odd remark, and told you to keep it separate ? " " And how can a poor Irishwoman remimber anything at all?" "' Come, you know very well that you remember that. Now, can you deny it ? " A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 1G5 " Is it likely you'll catch me deny anything as is a lie, then, Irish or not, as you plases 1 " Her bosom still was heaving with the ground-swell of her injury. " Well, now, for the honour of old Ireland, tell us the truth for once. What were the words he said?" " Save me if evir a bit of me can tell. Mayhap I might call to mind, if I heer'd them words agin." " Were they not these — ' Left to right over the shoulder, and a strapping boy he is ? ' " " Bedad thin, and they might have been." " I want to know what they M^ere." " Plow can I tell what they were ? I only know what they was." « Well, and what was that?" " Thim very same words as you've said." She turned towards the door with a sullen air, while he looked at Sir Cradock in triumph. Nevertheless, he still wanted her evidence as to the subsequent mistake. He had been, as I said, to the "Jolly Foresters" and seen the Miss Penny of old ; who now, as the mother of nine or ten children, was kindly communicative upon all questions of in- fancy. " So then, Mrs. O'Gaghan, with the best inten- tions in the world, you marked the elder child with a rosette, as I saw on the following day." " Thrue for you as the Gospel. And what more wud you have me do ? " 166 CEADOCK NOWELL : " Nothing. Only take a needle and thread to it ; instead of crimping it into the cap." Poor Biddy started from where she stood, and pressed one hand to her heart. " It's the divil himself," she muttered, " as turns me inside out so. And sure that same is the reason he does be so black red." Then aloud, with a final rally — " And who say they iver see me take a needle and thread? And if I did, what odds to them ?" " No, that was the very thing you omitted to do, until it was too late. But when you sent to !Mrs. Toaster for her large butter-scales, what was it you put on each side 1 " " What was it? No lining at all. Fair play for the both of them, as I hope to be weighed in j)urgatory." Sir Cradock was looking on, all this while, with the deepest amazement and interest. He had not received any hint beforehand of this confirmative evidence. " And, pray, what was the reason that you wanted to weigh them at all ? You know that it is considered unlucky among nurses to weigh infants." " Why else wud I weigh them, except to see which wm' the heaviest ? " " And pray, Bridget, which was the lieavier?" asked Sir Cradock, almost smiling. ^' Mr. Cradock, as is now, your honour. I'd swear it on my dying bed. Did you tliink, then, I'd iver wrong him, the innocents as they was ?" A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 167 " And did you weigli them with rosettes on ? " Rufus Hutton had not finished yet. " How cud I, and only one got it ?" '■' Oh, then, you had fastened it on again ? " " Do you think tliey was born with ribbons on?" This was poor Biddy's hist repartee. She lost heart and told everything afterwards. How she had heard that there was some difference in the marks of the infants, though what it was she knew not justly; having, like most Irishwomen, the clearest perception that right and left are only re- lative terms, and come wa'ong in the looking-glass, as they do in heraldiy. How, when she fomid the rosette acMft, she had done the very best she could, according to her lights, to work even-handed justice, and up to this very day believed that the heft of the scales was the true one. Then she fell to a-crying bitterly that her darling Crad should be ousted, and then she laughed as heartily that her dear boy Clayton was in for it. With timid glances at ]\Irs. O'Gaghan, like a boy's at his schoolmaster, Jane Cripps came in, and told all she knew, saying " please sir," at every sentence. She had seen at the time Dr. Hutton's sketch, which was made without Biddy's know- ledge, because she never would have allowed it, on account of the bad luck to follow\ And Mrs. Cripps was very clever now everything was known. She had felt all along that things went queerly on the third day after the babes were born. She had 168 CEADOCK NOWELL : made up her mind to speak at the time, only IVIi's. O'Gaghan was such — excuse her — such a dis- ciplinarian, that — that — and then Lady Nowell died, and everything was at sixes and sevens, and no one cried more violent, let them say what they like about it, than she, Jane Penny as had been. " If Sir Cradock thought further evidence need- ful, there was Mrs. Bowyer, a most respectable woman, who washed thirty shilling a week, Mrs. Cripps' first cousin and comate, who had heard at the time all about the drawing, and had not been easy about the scales, and had dreamed of it many times afterwards, as indeed her Aunt Betsy know ; and her husband was no man, or he never would have said to her " By this time the shadows came over the room, and the trees outside were rustling, and you could see them against the amber sunset, like a child's scrawling on his horn-book. Volunteers through- out the household longed to give their evidence. Their self-respect for a week would be hostile, if it were not accepted. But Sir Cradock kept the door fastened, till Mrs. O'Gaghan slipped out, and put all the wenches down the steps backwards. Mrs. Toaster alone she durst not touch ; but Mrs. Toaster will never forgive her, and never believe the case tried on its merits, because she was not summoned to depose to the loan of the scales. Ha, so it is in our country, and among the niggers also. When wealth, position, title, even bastardom from princes, even the notoriety Avhicli A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 169 a first-rate murderer stabs for — when any of these are in question, how Ave crowd into the witness- box, how we feel tlie reek of the court an aureola on our temples. But let any poor fellow, noble imknown, an upright man now on the bend with trouble, let him go in to face his creditors, after the uphill fight of years, let him gaze around with work-worn eyes — which of his friends will be there to back him, who will give him testimony ? After all, what matters it except in the score against us? We are bitter Avitli the world, we make a fuss, and feel it fester, we explode in small misanthropy, only because Ave liaA'e not in our heart-sore the true balm of humanity. No longer let our AvatchAvord be, " Every man for liimself, and God for us all," but " Every man for God, and so for himself and all." So may Ave do aAvay Avith all illicit process, and return to the primal axiom that " the greater contains the less." 170 CEADOCI-: XOWELL : CHAPTER XVIII. The rays of the level sun were nestling in the brown bosom of the beech-clump, and the fugitive light went undulating through the grey-arched portico, like a reedy river ; when Cradock and Clayton Nowell met in the old hall of their child- hood. With its deep embrasures, and fluted piers, high-corniced mantel of oak relieved with alabaster figures, and the stern array of pike, and steel- cap, battle-axe, and arquebus, which kept the stag- heads over against them nodding in per^^etual fear, this old hall was so impressed upon their earliest memories, that they looked upon it, in some sort, as the entrance to their lives. As the twins drew near from opposite doors, each hung back for a moment : knowing all that had passed that day, how would his brother receive him? But in that moment each perceived how the other's heart was ; Cradock cried, " Hurrah, all right !" and Clayton's arms were round his A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. . 171 neck. Clcayton sobbed hysterically — for lie liad always been woman-hearted — while Cradock coaxed him with his hand, as if he were ten years the elder. It was as though the days of childhood had returned once more, the days when the world came not between them, but they were the world to each other. " Crad, I won't have a bit of it. Did you think I, would be such a robber, Crad ? And I don't believe one syllable of their humbugging nursery stories. Why, every fellow knows that you must be the eldest brother." " Viley, my boy, I am so glad that it has turned out so. You know that I have always longed to fight my way in the world, and I am fitter for it than you are. And you are more the fellow for a baronet, and a big house, and all that sort of thing ; and in the holidays I shall come every year to shoot with you, and to break your dogs, and all that ; for you haven't got the least idea, Viley, of breaking a dog." " Well, no, I suppose I haven't," said Clayton, very submissively; at any other time he Avould have said, " Oh, haven't I ? " for it was a moot point between them. " But, Craddy, you shall have half, at any rate. I won't touch it, unless you take half." " Then the estates must go to the Queen, or to jSIr. Nowell Corklemore, your especial fiiend, Viley." Clayton was famed for his mimicry of the pom- 172 CRADOCK NOWELL : pous Mr. Corklemore, and he could not resist it now, though the tears were still in his eyes. " Haw, yes ; I estimate so, sir. A mutually agreeable and unobjectionable arrangement, sir. Is that your opinion? Haw!" and Clayton stroked an imaginary beard, and closed one eye at the ceilino;. Cradock laughed from habit ; and Clayton laughed because Cradock did. Oh that somebody had come by to see them thus on the very best terms, as loving as when they whipped tops together, or practised Sir Roger de Coverley ! They agreed to slip away that evening from the noise of the guests and the wine- bibbing, and have a quiet jug of ale in Cradock's little snuggery. There they would smoke their pipes together, and consider the laws of inheritance. Already they were beginning to laugh and joke about the matter ; what odds about the change of position, if they only maintained the brotherhood ? Unluckily no one came near them. The servants were gathered in their own hall, discussing the great discovery ; Sir Cradock was gone to the Rectory to meet John Rosedew upon his return, and counsel how to manage things. Even the ubiquitous Dr. Hutton had his especial alibi. He had rushed aAvay to catch Mr. Garnet and the illumination folk, that the necessary changes might be made in the bedizenment of the oak-tree. Suddenly Clayton exclaimed, " Oh, wliat a fool I am, Craddy ! I forgot a most important thing, until it is nearly too late for it." A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 173 " What ? " asked Cradock, cagerl}*, for he saw there was great news coming. " When I was out with the governor to-da}^, what do you think I saw ? " " What, what, my boy ? Out with it." " Can't stop to make you guess. A woodcock, sir ; a woodcock." " A Avoodcock so early ? Nonsense, man ; it must have been a hawk or a night-jar." "Think I don't know a woodcock yet? And I'll tell you who saw it, too. Glorious old Mark Stote ; his eyes ai*e as sharp as ever. We marked liiin down to a T, sir, just beyond the hoar-witheys at the head of Coffin Wood ; and I should have been after him two hours ago if it had not Ijeen for this rumpus. I meant to have had such a laugh at you, for I would not have told you a word of it ; but noAv you shall go snacks in him. Even the governor does not know it." " Fancy killing a woodcock in the first week of October ! " said Cradock, with equal excitement ; " why, they'll put us in the paper, Viley." " Not unless you look sharp. He's sure to be off at dusk. He's a traveller, as Mark Stote said : sailed on from the Wight, most likely, last night ; he'll be off for Dorset, this evening. Run for your gun, Crad, your pet Purday ; I'll meet you here with my Lancaster in just two minutes' time. Don't say a word to a soul. Mind, we'll go quite alone." " Yes ; but you bring your little Wena, and I'll 174 CEADOCK NOWELL : take my Calclo, and Avork him as close as possible. I promised liim a run this afternoon." Away they ran, out of different doors, to get their guns and accoutre themselves ; while the poor tired woodcock sitting on one leg, under a holly bush, was drawing up the thin quivering coverlet over his great black e}' es. Cradock came back to the main hall first, with his gun on his arm, and his shot-belt across him, his broad chest shown by the shooting- jacket, and the light of hope and enterprise in his clear strong glance. Before you could have counted ten, Clay- ton was there to meet him ; and none but a very ill-natured man could have helped admiring the pair of them. Honest, affectionate, simple fellows, true West Saxons as could be seen, of the same height and figure as nearly as could be, each with the pure bright Nowell complexion, and the straight- forward Nowell gaze. The wide forehead, pointed chin, arched eyebrows, and delicate mouth of each boy resembled the other's exactly, as two slices cut from one fern-root. Nevertheless, the expression — if I may say it without affectation, the mind — of the face was different. Clayton, too, Avas beginning to nurse a very short moustache, a silky bright brown tasselet; while Cradock exulted rationally in a narrow fringe of young whiskers. And Viley's head was borne slightly on one side, Cradock's almost imperceptibly on the other. With a race to get to the door first, the twins went out together, and their merry laugh rang A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 175 round tlie hall, and leaped along the passages. That hall shall not hear such a laugh, nor the passages repeat it, for many a winter night, I fear, unless the dead bear chorus; The moment they got to the kennel, which they did by a Avay of their own, avoiding all grooms and young lumbermen, fourteen dogs, of different races and a dozen languages, thundered, yelled, and yelped at the guns, some leaping madly and cracking their staples, some sitting up and begging dearly, with the muscles of their chest all quivering, some di'awing along on their stomachs, as if they Avere thoroughly callous, and yawning for a bit of acti- vity ; but each in his several way entreating to be the chosen one, each protesting that he was truly the best dog for the purpose — whatever that might be — and swearing stoutly that he would " down- charge" without a hand beino; lifted, never run in upon any temptation, never bolt after a hare. All the while Caldo sat grimly apart ; having trust in human natm-e, he knew that merit must make its way, and needed no self-assertion. As his master came to him he stood upon his hind-legs calmly, balanced by the chain-stretch, and bent his fore- arms as a mermaid or a kangaroo does. Then, suddenly, Cradock Nowell dropped the butt of his gun on his boot, and said, with his face quite altered : " Viley, I am very sorry ; but, after all, I can't go with you." " Not come with me, Craddy, and a Avoodcock 176 CRADOCK NOWELL : marked to a nicety ! And you witli your vamplets on, and all ! What the deuce do you mean ? " " I mean jnst what I say. Don't ask me the reason, my dear fello"w : I'll tell you by-and-by, when Ave smoke our pipes together. Now I beg yovi, as an especial favour, don't lose a moment in arguing. Go direct to the mark yourself, and straight powder to you ! I'll come and meet you in an hour's time in the spire-bed by the covert." " Crad, it's no good to argue with you ; that I have known for ages. Mind, the big-wigs don't dine till seven o'clock, so you have plenty of time to come for me. But I am so sorry I shan't have you there to wipe my eye as usual. Nevertheless, I'll bring home Bill Woodcock ; and what will you say to me then, my boy ? Ta, ta ; come along, Wena, won't we astonish the natives ? But I wish you were coming with me, Crad." The brothers went out at the little gate, and there Cradock stopped and watched the light figure hurrying westward over the chase, taking a short cut for the coverts. Clayton would just carry down the spinney, where the head of the spring was, because the woodcock might have gone on there ; and if ever a snipe was come back to his home yet, that was the place to meet him. Thence he would follow the runnel, for about a third of a mile, down to the spot in the Coffin Wood, where the hollies grew, and the hoar-witheys. When quit of that coppice, the little stream stole away down the valley, A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 177 and so past ]VIr. Garnet's cottage to the Nowelhurst • water beyond the church bridge. Now whether this were the self-same brook on Avhose marge we observed Master Clayton last week walking, not Avholly in solitude, is a question of which I will say no more, except that it does not matter much. There are so many brooks in the New Forest ; and after all, if you come to that, how can the most consistent of brooks be identical with the special brook which we heard talking yesterday ? Isn't it running, running on, even as our love does ? Join hands and keep yoiu' fingers tight ; still it will slip through them. When Clayton was gone but a little way over the heather and hare-runs, his brother made oif, with his gun uncharged, for the group still at work in the house-front. Bull Garnet was there, with Kufus Plutton sticking like a leech to him ; no man ever was bored more sharply, or more bluntly expressed it. The veins of his temples and close- cropped head stood out like a beech-tree's stay roots ; he was steaming all over with indignation, and could not find a vent for it. ^Vlien Cradock came up. Bull saw in a glimpse that he was ex- pected to say something; in fact, that he ought, as a gentleman, to show his interest, not his surprise. Nevertheless he would not do it, though he loved and admired Cradock ; and for many reasons was cut to the heart by his paulo-postponement. So he left Craddy to begin, and presented no notch in VOL. I. N 178 CKADOCK NOWELL : his swearing. His swearing was tremendous, for he hated change of orders. " Mr. Garnet," said Cradock, at last, " I liave heard a great deal of bad language, especially among the bargees at Oxford and the piermen at Southampton ; and I don't pretend to split hairs myself, nor am I mealy-mouthed ; but I trust you will excuse my observing, that up to the present moment I have never heard such blackguardly lan- guage as you are now employing." Bull Garnet turned round and looked at him. If Cradock had shown any sign of fear, he would have gone to the earth at once, for his unripe strength would have had no chance with Garnet's prime in its fury. The eyes of each felt hot in the other's, as in reciprocal crucibles ; then !Mr. Gar- net's rolled away in a perfect blaze of tears. He dashed out his hand and shook Cradock's mightily, quite at the back of the oak-tree ; then he patted him on the shoulders, to resume his superiority; and said : " My boy, I thank you." "Well," thought Cradock, "of all the extraordi- nary fellows I ever came across, you are the most extraordinary. And yet it is quite impossible to doubt your perfect sincerity, and almost impossible to call in question your sanity." These reflections of Master Cradock were not so lucid as usual. At least he made a false antithesis. If it had been possible to doubt Mr. Garnet's sin- A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 179 cerlty, he would not liave been by any means so extraordinary as he was. " Not much trouble, after all," cried Rufus Hutton, rollicldng up like a man of thrice his true cubic capacity ; " ah, these things are simple enough for a man with a little vovs. I shall explain the whole process to Mrs. Hutton, she is so fond of information. Never saw a firework before, sir — at least, I mean the machinery of them — and now I understand it thoroughly; much better, indeed, than the foreman does. Did not I hear you say so, George?" " Eh, my mon, I deed so " — the foreman was a shrewd, dry Scotchman — "in yoiu* own opeenion mainly. But ye havena peyed us yet, my mon, for the dustin' o' your shoon." Rufus Hutton began, amid some laughter, to hunt his French pui"se for the siller, when the foreman leaped up as if he Avere shot, and dashed behind the oak-tree. " Awa, mon, awa, if ye value your life ! Dinna ye see the glue-pot burstin' ? " Rufus dropped the purse, and fled for his life, and tlu'ew himself flat, fifty yards away, that the explosion might pass over him. Even then, when the laugh was out, and Mr. Garnet had said to him, " Perhaps, sir, you will explain that process for the benefit of jSIrs. Hutton," instead of being disconcerted he was busier than ever, and took Mr. Garnet aside some little way down the chase. " They want to make a job of it, I can see that n2 180 CEADOCK NOWELL : well enough. To charge for it, su' ; to charge for it." " Thank you for your advice, Dr. Hutton," re- plied Bull Garnet, crustily ; he was very morose that afternoon, and surly betwixt his violence ; " but perhaps you had better leave them to me, for fear of the glue-pot bursting." " Ah, I suppose I shall never hear the last of that most vulgar pleasantry. But I tell you they can't see it, or else it is they won't. They are de- termined to do it all over again, and they need only change fom^ letters, and the fixings all come in again. For the E. they should put an L, for the D a Y ^Bless my soul, Mr. Garnet, what is it you see there?" No wonder Rufus Hutton asked what Mr. Garnet saw, for the steward's eyes were fixed intently, wrathfully, ferociously, upon something not very far from the place where his home lay among the trees. His forehead rolled in three heavy furrows, deep and red at the bottom, his teeth were set hard, and the muscles of his shoulders swelled as he clenched his hands fast. Dr. Hutton, gazing in the same direction, could see only trees and heather. " What is it you see there, Mr. Garnet?" Rufus Hutton by this time . was quivering with curiosity. "I'd advise you, sir, not to ask me:" then he added, in a different tone, " the most dastardly scoundrel poacher that ever wanted an ounce of A TALE OP THE NEW FOKEST. 181 lead, sir. Let us go back to the men, for I have little time to waste." " Cool fellow," thought Rufus ; " waste of time to talk to me, is it ? But what eyes the man must have!" And so lie had, and ears too. Bull Garnet saw and heard every single thing that passed within the rim of his presence. No matter what he was doing, or to whom he was talking, no matter what was afoot, or what temper he was in, he saw and heard as clearly as if his whole attention were on it, every moving, breathing, speaking, or spoken thing, within the range of human antennae. So a spider knows if even a midge or a brother spider's gossamer floats in the dewy unwoven air beyond his octagonal subtlety. From this extraordinary gift of Bull Garnet, as well as from his appear- ance, and the force of his character, the sons of the forest were quite convinced that he was under league to the devil. In half an hour's time or less, when the dusk come down like wool, Cradock cast loose his fa- vourite Caldo, and set out for the Coffin Wood. From habit more than forethought, and to give his dog some pleasure, there by the kennel he loaded his double-barrelled gun. He had made up his mind to shoot no more upon his father's land, until he had express permission from Sir Cradock Nowell. This was a whim, no doubt, and a piece of pride on his part ; but the scene of 182 CEADOCK NOWELL : that afternoon, and his father's bearing towards him, had left some hitter feeling, and a sense of alienation. This was the reason why he would not go with Clayton, much as he longed to do so. Now, with some dull uncertainty and vague de- pression clouding him, he loaded his gun in an absent manner ; putting loose shot, No. 6, in one barrel, and a cartridge in the other. " Hie away, boy!" he cried to Caldo, who had crouched at his feet the Avhile ; then he struck off hot foot for the westward, with the gun upon his shoulder. But just as he started, one of the lads, who was often employed as a beater, ran up, and said, with his cap in his hand, in a manner most insinuating — " Take I 'long of 'ee, Meestur Craduck. I'll be rare and keerful, sir." " No, thank you, Charley, not this time. I am not even going shooting, and I mean to go quite alone." Poor Cradock, unlucky to the last. Almost ever\'thing he had done that day had been a great mistake; and now there was only one more to come, the deadliest error of all. Whistling a dreamy old tune, he hurried over the brown and tufted land, sometimes leaping a tussock of bed-furze, sometimes following a narrow hare-run, a soft green thread through the heather. The sun had been down for at least half an hour, and under tlie trees there w\is twilight ; but here, in the open, a tempered brightness flowed A TALE OF THE KEW FOEEST. 183 from some yellow clouds still lingering in the west. You might still know a rabbit from a hare at fifty or sixty yards off. And in truth both bunnies and hares were about ; the former hop- ping, and stopping, and peeping, and pricking their ears as the fern waved, and some sitting gravely upon a hillock, "svith their backs like a home-made loaf; the hares, on the other hand, lopping along, -svith their great ears drooping warily, and the spring of their haunches gathered up for a dash away any whither: but all alike come abroad to look for the great and kind God who feeds them. Then, from either side of the path, or the sandy brows of the gravel-pit, the diphthong cry of the partridge arose, the call that tells they are feeding. Convivial and good-hearted bird, who cannot eat "VN-ithout conversation, nor without it be duly eaten ; no marvel that the Paphlagonians assign you a brace of hearts. The pheasants were flo^\^l to the coverts long ago (they are fearful of losing the way to bed), two or three brown owls were mousing about, and a horned fellow came sailing smoothly from the deep settlements of the thicket, as Cradock Nowell leaped up the hedge, a hedge overleaning, over- twisting, stubby, and crowded with ash, rose, and hazel, the fence o^ the Coffin Wood. Though Caldo had stood picturesquely at lea^t a dozen times, and looked back at his master reproach- fully, turning the white of his eye, and champing his under lip, and then dropped as if he himself 184 CRADOCK NOWELL : were shot, when the game sped away with a whirr, Cradock, true to his resolution, had not pulled trigger yet. And though the repression was not entirely based upon motives humane, our Cradock felt a new delight in sparing the lives of those poor things who have no other life to look to. At least so we dare to restrict them. So merry and harmless to him they seemed, so glad that the dangerous day was done, so thankful for having been fed and saved by the great unknown, but felt. Feeder, Father, and Saviour. A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 185 CHAPTER XIX. Meanwhile Sir Cradock Nowell had found, at tlie peaceful Rectory, a tumult nearly as bad as that which he had left in his own household. In a room which was called by others the book-room, by herself "the library," Miss Eudoxia sat half choked, in a violent fit of hysterics. Amy and fat Jemima doing their utmost to console her and bring her round. Sir Cradock had little expe- rience of women, and did the worst thing he could have done — that is to say, he stood gazing. ^' Amy," groaned Miss Eudoxia — " Amy, if you don't want to kill me, get him out of the room, my child." "Go, go, go!" cried Amy, in desperation. " Can't you see, godpapa, that we shall do better without you; oh, ever, ever so much?" Sir Cradock Nowell felt a longing to box pretty Amy's ears ; he had always loved his godchild, Amy, and chastened her accordingly. He now 18 G CRADOCK NOWELL : loved Amy Ijest in the world, next to his pet son, Clayton. To tell the truth, he had bathed himself in the sunset-glow of match-making, all the way down the chase. Clayton, proclaimed the heir and all that, should marry Amy Rosedew ; what could it matter to him about money, and where else would he find such a maiden? Then, in the course of a few more years — so soon as ever there were five, or, say at the most six children — he. Sir Cradock, Avould make over the management of the property ; that is, if he felt tired of it, and they were both very steady. And what of Cradock, you planning father, what of your other son, Cradock ? In faith, he must do for a parson. Sir Cradock retired in no small flurry, and went to the garden to look for Jem. Miss Eudoxia became at once unconscious, as she ought to have been long ago ; and thenceforth she would never acknowledge that she had seen the intruder at all ; or, indeed, that there had been one. However, it • cured her, for a very long time, of those sad attacks of hysteria. This present attack was the natural result of a violent conflict with Amy, who was not going to be trampled upon, even by Aunt Doxy. It appears that, early in the afternoon, the good aunt began to wonder what on earth was become of her niece. Of course she could not be at the school, because Wednesday was a half-holiday ; she was not in the library, nor in the back-kitchen, nor even out at Pincher's kennel. No, nor even in the garden, A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 187 altlioiiii;Ii slic had a magnificent lot of bulbs to plant, for -whicli she had saved up ever so much of her little pocket-money. "Well," said Miss Eu- doxia, who was thirsting for her gossip, which 'she always held after lunch — "well, I must say this is most inconsiderate of her. And I promised John to take her to the park, and how am I to get ready? Girls are not what they used to be, though Amy is such a good girl. They read all sorts of trashy books, and then they go eloping." That last idea sent the good aunt in hot haste to Amy's becU'oom ; and who should be there, sitting by the wandow, with a small book in her hand, but beautiful Amy herself. " Vi'eW ! " cried ^liss Eudoxia, heavily offended ; " indeed, I am sm'prised. So this is what you prefer, is it, to your own aunt's conversation? And, I declare, what a colour you have ! And panting, as if you had asthma ! Let me see that book this moment, miss!" " To be sure. Aunt Eudoxia," said Amy, rather indignantly ; " but you need not be in a pet, you know." " Oh, needn't I, indeed, when you read such books as this ! Oh, what will your poor father say ? And yoii to have a class in the Sunday-school!" Of all the grisly horrors produced to make the traveller s hair creep, one of the most re])ulsive and glaring was in Amy's delicate hand. A hideous ape, with an open razor, was about to cut a young lady's throat. Chuclding, he drew her fair neck 188 CKADOCK NOWELL : to the blade by her dishevelled hau% At her feet lay an elderly woman, dead ; while a man with a red cap was gazing complacently in at the window. The back of the volume was relieved by a ghost, a death's head, and a pair of cross-bones. "Well!" said Miss Eudoxia. Her breath was gone for a long while, and she could say nothing more. " I know the cover is ugly, aunt, but the inside is so beautiful. Oh, and so very wonderful ! I can't think how any one ever could imagine such splendid horrible things. Oh, so clever. Aunt Doxy; and full of things that make me tingle, as if my brain were gone to sleep. And I want to ask papa particularly about galvanizing the mummy." " Indeed ; yes, galvanizing ! and pray does your father know of your having this horrible book?" "No; but I mean to tell him, the moment I have got to the end of it." " Good child, and most dutiful ! When you have swallowed the poison, you'll tell us." " Poison indeed, Aunt Eudoxia ! How dare you talk to me like that ? Do you dare to suppose that I would read a thing that was unfit for me ? " " No, I don't think you would, knowingly. But you are not the proper judge. Why did you not ask your father or me, before you began this book!" " Because I thought you wouldn't let me read it." " Well, that does beat everything. Candid im- A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 189 pudence, I call that, perfectly candid insolence!" Aunt Doxy's throat began to swell ; there was weak ororge in the family. ^Meanwhile, Miss Amy, who all the time had been jerking her shoulders and standing upright, in a manner peculiarly her own — Amy felt that her last words required some explanation. She had her father's strong sense of justice, though often pulled crooked by woman- hood. "You know well enough what I mean, aunt, though you love to misrepresent me so. I mean that you Mould not let me read it, not because it Avas wrong (which it isn't), but for fear of making me nervous. And upon that subject, at least, I think I have a right to judge for myself." " Oh, I dare say ; you, indeed ! And pray who lent you that book ? Unless, indeed, in your self- assertion, you Avent to a railway and bought it." " That is just the sort of thing I would rather tlie than tell, after all the fuss you have made about it." " Thank you ; I quite perceive. A young- gentleman — not to be betrayed — scamp, whoever he is." It was Clayton Nowell who had lent the book. " Is he indeed ? I wish you were only half as upright and honourable." Ilei'eupon Miss Eudoxia, who had dragged her niece down to the book-room, with dialogue ail down the stau's, muttered something about her will, that she had a httle to leave, though not much, but 190 CKADOCK NOWELL : honestly her own — God knew — and down she went upon the chair, with both hands to her side. At the sequel, as we have seen, Sir Cradock Nowell assisted, and took little for his pains. After this, of course, there Avas a great recon- ciliation. For they loved each other thoroughly; and each was sure to be wild with herself for having been harsh to the other. They agreed that their eyes were much too red now to go and see the nascent fireworks. "A gentleman's party to-night ; my own sweet love, how glad I am ! I ought to know better, Amy dearest; and they have never sent the goulard. I ought to know, my own lovey pet, that we can trust you in everything." " No, aunty dear, you oughtn't. I am as obsti- nate as a pig sometimes; and I wish you would box my ears, aunt. I hope my hair won't be right for a month, dearest aunt, where you pulled it; and as for the book, I have thrown it into the kitchen-fire long ago, though I do wish, darling aunt, you could have read about the descent into the Maelstrom. I declare my head goes round ever since! What amazino; command of lano-uage! ~ Co And he knows a great deal about cookinn;." James Pottles, groom and gardener, who even aspired to the hand, or at any rate, to the lips, of the plump and gaudy Jemima, was not at all the sort of fellow you would appreciate at the first interview. His wits were slow and mild, ar.d had A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 191 never yet been hurried, for his parents were un- ambitious. It took him a long time to consider, and a long time again to express himself, \Yhich he did w-ith a roll of his tongiie. None the less for that, Jem Pottles was quoted all over the village as a sayer of good things. No conclusion was thought quite safe, at least by the orthodox women, until it had been asked with a knowing look — " And what do Jem Pottles say of it?" Feeling thus his responsibility, and the gravity of his opinion, Jem grew slower than ever, and had lately contracted a habit of shutting one eye as he cogitated. As cause and effect always act and react, this added enonnously to his repute, until IMark Stote the gamekeeper, and Keuben Cviff the constable, ached and itched with jealousy of that " cock-eyed, cock- headed boy." Sir Cradock found Jem quite at his leism*e, sweeping up some of the leaves in the shrubbery, and pleasantly cracking the filberts which he dis- covered among them. These he peeled very care- fully, and put them in the pocket of his stable waistcoat, ready for Jemima by-and-by. He swished away very hard with the broom the moment he saw the old gentleman, and touched his hat in a way that showed he could scarcely spare time to do it. " A^'hat way, my lad, do you think it likely yoiu' master will come home to-day ? " This was just the sort of question upon which Jem might commit himself, and lose a deal of 192 CKADOCK NOWELL : prestige ; so he pretended not to hear it, and brushed the very ground up. These tactics, how- ever, availed him not, for Sir Cradock repeated his inquiry in a tone of irritation. Jem leaned his chin on the broom-handle, and closed one eye deli- berately. "Well, he maight perhaps come the haigher road, and again a maight come the lower wai, and I've a knowed him crass the chase, sir, same as might be fram alongside of Meester Garnet's house. There never be no telling the wai, any more than the time of un. But it's never no odds to me." " And which way do you think the most likely now?" " Not to say ' now,' but bumbai laike. If so be a cooms arly, a maight come long of the haigher road as goes to the 'Jolly Foresters;' and if a com'th middlin' arly, you maight rackon may be on the town wai ; but if he cometh unoosial late, and a heap of folks be sickenin, or hisself hath pulled a book out, a maight goo round by Westacot, and come home by Sqviire Garnet's wai." Rich in alternatives, Jem Pottles opened the closed eye, and shut the open one. "What a fool the fellow is !" said Sir Cradock to himself ; " I'll try the first way, at any rate. For if John is so late, I could not stop for him, with all those people coming. How I wish we were free from strangers to-night, with all these events in the family ! But perhaps, if we manage it well, it will carry it off all the better." A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 193 Sir Cradock Nowell was in high spirits as he started leisurely for a saunter along the higher road. This was the road which ran eastward, both from the Ilall and tlie Rector}-, into the depth of the forest. In all England there is no lovelier lane, if there be one to compare with it. Many of the forest roads are in fault, because they are too open. You see too far, you see too much, and you are not truly embowered. In a forest we do not want long views, except to rejoice in the amplitude. And a few of those, just here and there, enlarge the great enjoyment. What we want, as the main thing of all, as the staple feeling, is the deep, mysterious, wondering sense of being swallowed lip, and knowing it : swallowed up, not as we are in catacombs, or wine-vaults, or any railway tunnel ; but in our own mother's love, with God around us everywhere. To many of us, perhaps to most, so placed at fall of evening, there is a certain awe, a dread which overshades enjoyment. If so, it springs in part at least from our unnatural nature ; that is to say, the education which teaches us so very little of the things around us. How the arches spring overhead, and the brown leaves flutter among them ! In and out, and through and through, across and across, Avith deli- cacy, veining the very shadows. For miles we may wander beneath them, and see no two alike. How, for fear of wearying us, after infinite twists and turns — but none of them contortions — after playing across the heavens, and sweeping away VOL. I. o 194 CRADOCK NOWELL : the sunshine, now in this evening light they hover, and rustle like the sku'ts of death. Is there one of them with its lichen-mantle copied from its neighbour's? Is there one that has borrowed a line, a character, even a cast of complexion from its own brother rubbino; against it ? Their arms bend over us as we walk, we are in their odour and influence, we know that, like the ]Magi of old, they adore only God and His sun ; and, when we come out from under them, we never ask why we are sad. A TALE OF THE NEW FOKEST. 195 CHAPTER XX. There is a long, mysterious thrill, a murmur rather felt than heard, a shudder of profundity, which traverses the woodland holloAvs at the sun's departure. In autumn most especially, when the glory of trees is saddening, and winter storms are in prospect, this dark disquietude moves the wood, this horror at the nightfall, and doubt of the coming hours. Touched as with a subtle stream, the pointlets of the oak-leaves rise, the crimped fans of the beech are fluttered, and lift their glossy ovals, the pendulous chains of the sycamore swing ; while the poplar flickers its silver skirts, the tippets and ruffs of the ivy are ruffling, and even the three-lobed bramble-leaf cannot repress a shiver. Touched with a stream at least as subtle, we, who are wandering among the dark giants, shiver and shrink, we know not why ; and our hearts beat faster, to feel how they beat. Tlie cause is the same both for tree and for man. Earthly 02 106 CRADOCK NOWELL : nature lias not learned to count upon immortality. Therefore all her works, unaided, loathe to be un- done. Whether it were this, or his craving for his dinner, that made Sir Cradock Nowell feel chilled, as he waited under the shuddering trees for his friend John Kosedew — far be it from me to say, be cause it may have been both, sir. And the other cause to which he always ascribed it — after the event — to wit, a divine afflatus of diabolical pre- sentiment, is one we have no faith in, until we own to nightmare. Anyhow, there he was, for upwards of an hour ; and no John liosedew came up the hill, which Sir Cradock did not feel it at all his duty to descend, on the very safe presentiment of the distress revocare gradum. Meanwhile John Kosedew was speeding merrily, according to his ideas of speed (which were rela- tive to the last degree), along a narrow bridle- way, some two miles to the westward. It would be a serious insult — so the parson argued — to the un- derstanding of any man who understood a horse, and now John Rosedew had owned Corsebus very nearly nine months, and though he had never owned a horse before, surely by this time he could set papers in the harhara celarent of the most re- condite horse-logic — or was it dialectics? — an insult it would be to that Hippicus who felt him- self fit now to go to a fair and discuss many points with the jockeys, if anybody suggested to him that Coraebus ought to trot. A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 197 "Trot, sir!" cried John Rosedew, to an ima- oinary Hippodamas, " hasn't he been trotting for nearly an hour to-day, sir? Quite an equus tolu- tarius. And upon my word, I only hope he is not so sore as I am." Then he threw the reins over the pony's neck, and let him crop some cytisus. " CorsBbus, have no fear, my horse, you shall not be overworked. Or if Epirus or Mycenae be thy home and birthplace — incertus ibidem sudor — thrice I have Aviped it off, and no oaten particles in it ; vrit aveiKP, so I suppose oats must dry the skin. ' Ad terramque fluit devexo pondere cervix,' a line not to be rendered in English, even by my Oradock. How fine that Avhole description, but made up from alien sources ! Oh how Lucretius would have done it ! Most sad that he was not a Christian." A believer was what John Rosedew meant. But by this time he was beginning to look upon all his classical friends as in some sort Christians, if they only believed in their own gods. Wherein, I fear, he was far astray from the text of one of the Articles. Cob Cornsbus by this time knew his master thoroughly ; and exercising his knowledge cleverly, made his shoes last longer. If the weather felt muggy and " trying" — from an equine view of pro- bation — if the road was roua;h and against the grain, even if the forest-fly came abroad upon business, Corajbus used (in sporting parlance) to " shut up" immediately. This he did, not in a defiant tone, not in a mode to provoke antagonism ; 198 CRADOCK NOWELL : he was far too clever a horse for that ; but with every appearance of a sad conviction that his master had no regard for him. At this earnest appeal to his feelings, John Rosedew would dismount in haste, and reflect with admu-ation upon the weeping steeds of Achilles, or the mourn- ing horse of Mezentius, while he condemned with acrimony the moral conveyed by a song he had heard concerning the " donkey wot wouldn't go." Then he would loosen the girths, and, remonstrat- ing with Corgebus for his want of self-regard, carefully wipe with his yellow silk pocket-handker- chief first all the accessible parts of the cob that looked at all uncomfortable, and then his own capacious forehead. This being done, he Avould search around for a juicy mouthful of grass, or dive for an apple or slice of carrot — Corsebus at the same time diving nasally — into the depths of his black coat pocket, where he usually disco- vered his lunch, which he had altogether forgotten. While the horse was discussing this little refresh- ment, John would put his head on one side, and look at him very knowingly, revolving in his mind a question which very often presented itself, whether Corsebus were descended from Corytha or Hir- pinus. However this may [have been — and from his *' staying qualities " one would have thought him rather a chip from the old block of Troy — he was the first horse good John Rosedew had ever called his own : and he loved and admired him none the A TALE OF THE NEW FOREST. 199 less for certain calumnies spread by tlie envious about seedy-toes, splints, and spavins. Of these crimes, whatever they might be, the parson found no mention in Xenophon, Pliny, or Virgil, and he was more than half inclined to believe them clumsy modern figments. As for the incontestable fact that Correbus began to whistle when irrationally stimulated beyond his six miles an hour, why, that John Rosedew looked upon as a classical accom- plishment, and quoted a line from Theocritus. Very swift horses were gifted with this peculiar powder, for the safety of those who would otherwise be the ^^ctims of their velocity, even as the express train always whistled past Brockenhurst station. After contemplating the animal till admiration was exhausted, and wondering why some horses have hairy, while others have smooth ankles, he would refresh himself with a reverie about the Numidian cavalry ; then declaring that Jem Pot- tles was "impoiitioe notandus," he would pass his arm through the bridle, and calling to mind the Pseon young lady who unduly astonished Darius, pull an old book from some inner pocket, and stroll on, wath Coraebus sniffing now and then at his hat-brim. To any one who bears in mind what a punctual body Time is, this account of the rectors doings will make it not incredible that he w^as often late for dinner. But he never lost reckoning altogether in his circumnavigation, because his leism'c did not begin till he had passed the " Jolly Foresters ;" for 200 CRADOCK NOWELL : there he must be by a certain hour, or Corsebus would feel aggi'ieved, and so would Mrs. Cripps, who always looked for him at or about 1.30 p.m. For some mighty fine company was to ])e had by a horse who could behave himself, in the stable of the " Jolly Foresters," about middle-day on a Wed- nesday. Several high-stepping buggy-mares, one or two satirical Broughamites, even some nags who gave a decided tone to the neighbourhood, silver- hamed Clevelands, and champ-the-bit Clydesdales : even these were not too proud — that they left for vulgarian horses — to snort and blow hard at the " Foresters' " oats, and then eat them up like wink- ing. To this select circle our own Corajbus had been admitted already, and his conversational powers admired, when he had produced an affidavit that his master Avas in no way connected with trade. Corsebus uoav bade fair to be spoiled by all this grand society. Every Wednesday he came home less natural, more coxcombical. He turned up his nose at many good horses, whom he had once re- spected, fellows who Avandered about in the forest, and hung down their chins Avhen the rain came ! And then he became so affected and false, Avith an interesting languor, Avhen Amy jumped out to caress him ! Verily, friend Corsebus, thou shalt pay out for this ! What call, pray, hast thou to become a humbug, from seeing hoAV men do flourish ? John RosedeAv aAvoke quite suddenly to the laws A TALE OF THE NEW FOEEST. 201 of time and season, as the hazel branches came over his head, and he could see to read no longer. Tlie gre}^ wood closed about him, to the right hand and to the left ; the thick shoots of the alder, the da])pled ash, and the osier, hustled among the taller trees whose tops had seen the sunset ; tufts of grass, and blackberry-tangles, hipped dog-roses leaning OA-er them, stubby clumps of buckthorn, brake-fern waving six feet high where the ground held moisture — who, but an absent man, would have wandered at dusk into such a labyrinth ? " ' Actum est' Avith my dinner," exclaimed the parson aloud, when he awoke to the situation ; " and wliat, perhaps, is more important to thee, at least, Corajbus, thine also is ' pessum datum.' And tlicre is no room to turn the horse round without scratching his eyes and his tail so. Nevertheless, this is a path, or at one time must have been so ; ' semita, callis, trames ' — that last word is the one for it, if it be derived from ' traho ' (which, how- ever, I do not believe) — for, lo ! there has been a log of wood dragged here even during a post- diluvial period : we will follow this track to the uttermost ; what says the cheerful philosopher : — * navToir^v 0i6roio rdfjiois oSoi/.' Surely a gun, nay, two, or, more accurately, two explosions ; now for some one to show us the way. Cora^bus, be of good cheer, there is supper yet in thy (pai-vj], not iv^i