liiilliiiil:: Hh'-i-" R t' '*'.■'■ : ■ ■ '. 1 w ■ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY ',>wj--/'^'.(;yi7M.>»;-j'M;.ir .. T-H E LAW O F f' farQ^^'^-^^^ USES and TRUSTS, C^c ^OOKS printed for R. Gosling, rJ the Crown and Mitre againfi Fet- ter-Lane in Fleet-Street. ATreatife of Teflaments and Laft Wills, compiled out of the Laws Ecclefiafti- cal. Civil and Canon ^ as alio out of the Common Laws, Cuftoms and Statutes of this Realm. The Whole digefted into Se- ven Parts, -y/z. i. What a Teftament or Laft Will is, and how many Kinds of Te- ments there be. 2. What Perfons may make aTeftament, and who may not. 3. De- fcribing what Things, and how much may be difpofed by Will. 4. Decyphering the Forms, and in what Manner Teftaments or Lafts Wills are to be made. 5. What Per- fon m.ay be Executor of a Teftament, or is capable of a Legacy. 6. Of the Office of an Executor, and of the feveral Kinds of Executors. 7, Shewing by what Means Teftaments or Laft Wills become void. By Henry Swinhiirnc^ fometim.e Judge of the Prerogative Court of Tork. The Fifth Edi- tion, correded and very much enlarged, with all fuch Statutes, Decrees in Chance- ry, and Refolutions of Common Law Cafes relating to this Subject, and which have hi- .therto been publifhedi with an exa61 Table t'o'the Whole 2 Kings xx. i. Put thine Uoitfe in Order , for thou JJj alt die, and not li'ue. Price I /. \s. An exadt Abridgment of all the Statutes .*^' in Force and Ufe, beginning with Magna Cbarta^ in the 9th Year of He72ry III. and now brought down to the 4th Year of his prefent Majefty KlngGeorge's Reign, alpha- betically digefted under their proper Titles. In Eight Volumes. Price 2 /. A-: rf '•■ .■ .^^^^v/^'^^^''^^ 1,-^ JL JL &*«- / O F Colleded and Digefted In a proper Order, from the Reports of adjudg'd Cases, in the Courts of LAW and EQ.UITY3 and other Books of Authority. Together with A Treatife of DOWER. To which is added, A Complete TABLE of all the MATTERS therein containU In the S A VO Y: Printed by E.and R.Nu t t, and R. G o s 1.1 n G,(Afligns of E. Sayer, Efq;) for IS, (I5oflmg, at the Crown and Mitre againft Fetter-Lam in Fleet Street, M dcc xxxiv. ^ [I 3 THE LAW O F USES and TRUSTS. AN USE is where the legal Eftate of Lands is in a certain Perfon, and a Truft is alfo repofed in him, and all Perfons claiming in Privity under him, concerning thofe Lands that feme other Perfon ftialj take the Profits, and be fo feized or pofTefl'ed of that legal Eftate, to make and execute Eftatcs according to the Direction of the Per- fon or Perfons for whofc Benefit the Truft was created. 9 H By the Rules of Common Law, he for whofc Ufe fuch Perfon was fo fciz- ed, had neither jW i/i Ke^ nor ad Rem i for i£ he came upon the Land, he was a 'rrcfpafTer ; and the Reafon was, be- caufe where Lands were given to one, to the Ufe of another, according to the Conftruftion of the Common Law, which is meerly upon the Words of a Contra «5^, the Limitation of the Ule was adjudged repugnant and void, becaule by that Law he can't be othcr- v.'ife than a plenary Proprietor; and confcquently he mull have it to whom the Property was firft limited by ex- prcfs Words ; and by another Rule of Law no PcliefTion could pafs from one to another without folemn Livery ; and tho' the Confideration was never fo valuable, if that Ceremony was omitted, nothing was transferred. But the Chancery, that examines tlie Confcience, with Regard to Men's Adions, confiders with what Defign A- greements arc made ; and 'tis contrary to natural Equity, that when any Man has taken Lands to keep for another, he flioiild deceive him, and take tlie Pro- fits himfclf ,• or that a Purchafer, when he has paid his Money, fliould not have a fufficient Conveyance in Law executed, and a fpecifick Per- formance MUs ana %mm. formance of the Thing contraded for, and take the Profits according to the Agreement. The Original of Ufes was from a Title under the Civil Law, which allows of an ufufruduary Pofleffion, diftind from the Subftance of the Thing it felf ,• and 'twas brought over to us from thence by the Clergy, who were Ma- fters of the Civil Law, for when they were proiiibited from taking any Thing in Mortmain, and after feverai Evaii- ons by purchafing Lands of their own> Tenants fuffering Recoveries, and pur- chafing Lands round the Church and making them Church-yards, by Bull from the ^Pope^ at lafl this Way was invented of conveying Lands to others to their own Ufe ,• and this being pro- perly Matter of Equity, it met with a very favourable Conflrudion from the Judge of the Chancery Court, who was in thofe Days commonly a Clergyman ; and the Clergy thought this a Statute contrary to natural Juf- ticc, and fo could ealily tolerate any Adt in evading it. Thus this Way of Settlement begun ; but it more gene- rally prevailed among all Ranks and Conditions of Men, by Reafon of the civil Commotions between the Houfes of Lcinccifier and Torh^ to fecretc the B s Pof- 4 Mit^ arm drafts. PoffefTions, and to preferve them to therr Hue notvvithftanding Attainders : And henee began the Limitation of Ufes with Power of Revocation. And here is to be coniidered, I ft, mm \^ m Batute of ace0 at Common Latu* 2diy, mm alterations ate matic t]) 27 H. 8. jficff, at Common latu. And here are to be confidered eight Things. 1 . Who 7;2qy he feized to an Ufe. 2. What are the 'Properties of aji JEftate in an life' 3. Who may raife an life, 4. To whom it may he raifed, 5. Where J a7id what Co7ifideratio7is ttre necejfary for the raifing an Ufe. 6. In what Ma2mer Ufes are decla- red, 7. l*he fe^^™' pofed to take it to his own Ufe, for Vfes 340. otherwife he would not have siiven an ^ 5 c. 6. -T-> • - ^ Dy.5406. Equivalent. ^ , And. If a Feoffee to Ufes makes a Feoff- 3 '3' ment in Fee by Deed, upon an equita- ble Confideration to J, S. and his Heirs, to the Ufe of his Heirs exprefly, y, S. fliall be feized to his own U'^q^^ tho' he had Notice of the former Truft^ for where the Deed exprelTes the Ufe, an implied one cannot be averred. A Feoffee to the Ufe of J. makes 3° "• S- a Leafe to S. referving a Rent, tho^fu//''-^' B. has Notice of the Ufe, he fhall be 339, 47* feized to his own ; for Words of De- \ "^"^^ mife equally pafs an Ufe as if there ^^ were exprefs Words to transfer it. If a Feoffee to an Ufe makes a Feoff- 1 Co. 122. ment in Fee upon a valuable Confidera-^^^* ^^' tion, with Notice, the fecond Feoffee fhall be feized to the former Ufes^ for the Confideration imports a Seifin to his B 4 0W11 8 Mttu ana %mfls. own Ufe, the Notice, a Seifin to the for- mer Ufes, and where the A6t is capable of a double Interpretation, that mud be taken which confifts moft with Equity, s Co. 122. If a Feoffment be made with Consi- deration, and without Notice, the Feof- fee fliall be feized to his own Ufe, for here the A6t is capable of no other Conftrudion. iCo.122. 1^ ^- ^^ enfeoffed to the Ufe of S. and J» enfeoffs C without Confidera- tion or Notice, 'tis fiill to the Ufe of ^, for tho' when a Man aliens with- out Confidcration, 'tis to the Ufe of the Feoffor, yet in this Cafe it cannot St to the Ufe of J, becaufe he him- fclf held it to the Ufe of jB. ^'e^and A* in Confidcration of natural Affec- Viiiers. tion, covenants to ftand feized to the Ufo 7j^^r^^' ^^ ^ii^^^^Jf foi- ti^c, the Remainder to his Daughter for Life, with contingent Remainders over. A, reciting the Ufes, grants the Reverfion to F. and his Heirs exprcfly, but without Confidera- tion, Jp. fliall take it fubjed to the U- les, caiifa qua fupra. Hob. 548. J' S' feized to the Ufe of J, in Tail, Ea^-Jof the Remainder to B. in Tail, Remoain- J. join in a Feoffment to three, two of ^vhich have Notice of the former Ufes, and therein they limit new Ufes, the new Wiks am %mus. 9 new Ufes fliall ftand ,• for J. has a Power to difcontinuc his own Eftate in Tail, and the Remainder alfo ; which is done by this Feoftmcnt ; and they cannot be rc-continued by the Entry of jf. S. who casnot enter contrary to his own A(5l. Hob. 349, But S. will have a Jlcmedy againfi- S5^- all the Confederates in the Breach of thisTruft, 'vlz. J. S. the Feoffees that had Notice, and oat of the Eftatc of J. If a Feoffee to an Ufe binds himfrlf BraF^af. in a Statute, CTc. and the Conufce l^g^^^J* takes out Execution, he fliall have it ^' to his own Ufe^ for the Chancery will not relieve againft the Ad of Law, where the Property is vefted upon va- luable Confideration, and with no frau- dulent Defign. A Feoffee of a Manor to the Ufe of ^r-*' ib. y, S^ releafes to the Tenants, they iiliall not have it to the Ufe of 'J. S. for the Seigniory is drowned in the Tenancy which they had to their own Ufe, and there can be no Trufi without an Eflatc in Being. But by the modern Courfe of Chan- Jickfon' eery, if the legal Eflate be merged, and f^^'iCa/J, the Owners of the Land have Notice Nat. Ar^! of the Trufl, the Land is invefled with '4- it, and they fliall be enforced by a Decree in Chancery to fet it up again, for the Land was at firfl bound, and attcn- I© Mtts atto %mRs. attendant to anfwcr the Truft ,• and where the Owners of the Land knew of this Truft, 'tis Iniquity in them to deftroy it. 1 Rep. ^ DilTeizor, Abator, or Intruder, can- \ll. t i^ot be feized to an Ufe, for they taj^e 139' it under no Truft, but defeat the E- flate to which the Truft was fub- joined, and the Chancery has no Power to try the Right of Inheritance between them, for the Right of that Title is tri- able only at Common Law ; but if he, v/ho has the Ufe, exhibits a Bill againft the Feoffee to i^n Ufe, the Chancery will order him to try the Title with the Difleizor at Common Law. I Rep. If a Feoitinent be made to one for ^^^' Life, Remainder in Fee to the Ufe of J. S. and the Tenant for Life aliens in Fee, with Notice, the Alienee fhall not ftand feized to the firft Ufes i for the Tenant for Life has no Power fo to a- lien, and now the Feoflee is in of an EUate by Wrong, quite diifcrent from that to which the Trufts were annexed. I Rep. J Lord by Efiheat fhall not be ^^^'l' feized to an Ufe, becaufo he is in by Bro. Fsoff. a Title paramount, and feized of an E^ 358. a. 6. ftate antecedent to that to which the Ufe is annexed. Lord of a Villain, a Lord that enters for Mort?nainj or re- covers by Cejfadty or a L'enant by the Qmtefie I R 122. Mtts ana %mfts. 1 1 Cmtefie cannot be feized to an Ufc, for they claim by the general Laws and Statutes of the Kingdom, which the Chancery has no Power to alter, and do not take as Subftitutcs under thofe private Contrat^ts, to which Trufts arc annexed, and fo cannot be puniflied as corrupt Breakers of that Trufi: which they never undertook. But a Tenant in Dower may be feiz- Hard. ed to an Ufe, for a Tenant in Dower j.^^\ ■ . . , 1 -» /r • A ^O. Lit. clamis by the Marriage Agreement, 239. and a fufiicient Provifion is made for ^ ^^V- her by Law, which is a third Part of^ro!F"T<,' his Eftate ,• and flnce a private Con-u/e^, 33S. trad \s the Original of her Title, llie ^* ^°* continues the Eftate of her Husband as he purchafed it, and under the fame Truil and Agreements. An Occupant may be feized to an Hard. Ufe, for an Occupant continues the '2-\ro.FecW. ftate of Tenant for Life, as his Subfti- to u/es, tute, and fo rauft take it as he had it. 558- «. Tenant in Tail cannot be feized to ' an Ufe, for the Land is by the AO: ofcro.'jaci Parliament appropriated to Tenant in 400. z Tail and his Heirs j fo that the Chan- ^g°j f^^- eery, which is bound by the Act ofRo.'iiep, Parliament, cannot turn it to any other 5»5- r> _ r ^^0. F. to Purpofe. U/..538.1 a. S. 10. Where 1 2 lifts atiD xtttSs. ^CciaS. Where there is a Tenant for Life, ^* the Remainder in Fee to the Ufe of another, and he in the Remainder en- ters and diffeizes the Tenant for Life, he takes the^Eflate as a Diflfeifor, and is not capable of taking any Eftate after the Trufc ended, for he cannot be remitted contrary to his own A(5t. 1 Ro.Ab. If a Man poiieifed of a 'Term in ' °* Truft, commits Treafo/i^ whereby the Term is forfeited to thcX/V/^, the Ki/zg is not fubjedl to that Truft, for he is in the Toft, and the Law difpofing the Property of all Criminals to the Ufe of the King, he cannot take it under the Truft limited. Top. 72, Where there is a Ten a fit for Life^ '^* the Reviaiuder to J, to the Ufe of B, and the Tenant /or Life makes a Fcolf- nicnt in Fee, and A* releafes to the Feoffee, the Ufe is gone for ever^ catifa qua fifpra. Hard. If Mention be made of Perfons in the ^^^' Poft, it fjcms, by the Opinion of the Lord Hale, they fliall be liable to the Truft. Bro. F. to If a Man grants a Seigniory to J, to 7s; Tt the Ufe of B. and the Tenancy Ef- cheats, J, fliall hold the Tenancy to the fame Ufe j for a Seigniory fuppofes an old Property after the prefcnt Fee is determined, and ftnce J, has taken 3 it it up to the Ufc of ^. when the Te- nancy comes in, he ilia 11 have it to thofc Ufes to which the Property was at firft granted. ^ Where Feoffee to y/.'sXl|| vouches and recovers Land in Value, he ilSll be feized to his firft Ufe, for the Recom- pcnce muft enfuc the I.ofs, and Ceft?i}' que Ufe loft his Ufe by the Recovery. Where J, Feoffee to thf Ufe of B. P,ro. T. t9 grants a Rent to C having Notice of ^/"> 3?7« the Ufe, the Rent fliall be to the Ufe f/as.^, of ^. for J. has the Freehold in him, and now at the Common Law may raife a Freehold out of it, but he has the Fee in Truft, and lb in Confciencc cannot raife a Freehold but under the fame Truft; and fince in that Cafe he gave Notice of the Truft, he has cre- ated the Rent under the Truft accor- ding to his Powers and fo if^. makes a Feoffment to ^. without Notice, and B. releafes to Z). after the Stat, of R. 3. and before the Stat, of // 8. this did extinguifli the Rent; for by that Stat, the Releafe of CeJiiJj que Ufe is an Adt fufficient to convey the Freehold of the Rent, and fo *tis merged in the Land. But if Feoffee to a Ufe grants to Bro. f. tt 7. S» a W^ay or Common for his Beads, Vf''^ 55S. tiu:> 14 Mite mh %xnU3. this, ex fiattira rei^ cannot be but to the Ufe of the Grantee. Bro. K to The Feoffee to ah Ufe may grant t7/^^^, 339- the Office of a Steward, Bailiff, Keceiv- ' ^^' er, &c. for he is the Inftrument to con- vey the Profits to Ceftuy que JJfe^ and now it may be in his Power to ap- point all Means in order thereunto ,• but Jt)id. this it fecjiis mufl: be by the Confcnt o£ Ceftuy que Ufe v for this Appoint- ment is wholly to convey the Profits to him. Bro. F. to But during the Minority of the Heir ^Ues, r:,9. oi Ceftny cpie Ufe^ all Feoffees may ^* ^^* grant fuch Offices without his Affent, for the Law fuppofes a tacit Confcnt when 'fis for the Benefit of the Infant. Ibid. But they cannot fettle Fees to fuch Officer during Life, without the Affent of the Infant when he comes to his full Age, for that may be to his Prejudice. Trin. 9. ^A Feoffee to a Charitable Ufe makes Car.Eaii- r^ Feoffment upon valuable Confidcra- ftead'T tion, and without Notice, the Purcha- cafe, ^ fer fliall not be feized to a charitable ^f^'-rrr Ufc, Tor ttuy Perfons claiming under <;o,6i,62, him, tho they have Notice ^ tor he is ^5- exprefly excepted by the Statute, and the Lands once difchargcd are never after chargeable. But Wiits ant) %md^s. i $ But if the Feoffee to a charitable ^ Ufc makes a Feoflfmcnt to J. for a va- ton'^'^J^' luable Confideration, and without No- Coie- tice, and A enfeoffs ^. for a valuable ^;;|f* Confideration, without Notice, ^. lliall Heme be feized to the charitable Ufe ; for the i35. i?^. Words of the Statute are, that the Com- l^l] ^^'*' milTioners fhall come and order the Lands and Tenements to be employed according to the Party's Intent, fo that the Statute appropriates the Lands to the charitable Ufes in the Hands of J, and S. his Subftitute takes it under the Charge, and in fctting forth the Ti- tle how he has obtain'd them, he muf.: fhew the original Purchafe which was under the Charge. If a Man gives Land to J, and a J^^^^^J"^^^ Rent out of it to charitable Ufes, ^. er/14^^' purchafes the Land, with a good Con- Car. Mic. lideration, and Vv-ithout Notice, he fiiall ^^^^^^ hold it charged ; for firft the Rent is Town of not extind by the Purchafe, becaufe ap- J'',^^^' propriated by the Statute to the cha- p^o^km. ritable ViQ^ and fo cannot be merged Hii!. 14. according to the Rules of Common ^-^-^^ Law while the Charity continues. ,4. x-jeij 2. 'Tis not within the Exception of Eefcent of an Ufe i?i 'Kevevfion. I. Of the Defcent of an Ufe in Pof- feflion. If an Ufe be limited to a Man and his Heirs, the Court of Chancery will direct it to go to fuch Perfons as the Common Law has appointed to reprefent him,- for the Chancery can- 1 Co.iii. not alter the common Import of Words, or fet up Rules of Property oppolite to the Rules of Law; for there is no legiilative Power in the Chancery i and to abrogate and fet afide Laws, is equal to the Power of ma- king Laws. i^Co.i2i. There \spojfe0ofratris of an Ufe, for B-cp^Jz. the Rules of Inheritance govern in Chan- Chancery j now none can make him- felf Heir, but he that reprefents the Per- fon that was laft in PofTcflfion ,• for he that laft poflelTed it had the entire Do- minion and Property, which none elfe can have but by {landing in his Place ; and no Man can ftand in his Place but one of the whole Blood. If Lands defcend on the Part of the Co.L. 13. Mother, and the Party makes a *g^°*^^' Feoffment in Fee, without Con{idera-Dy.'i79. tion, or referving this Ufe to him and Co. L. 22. his Heirs, the Ufe fhall defcend to the iV,,^Hob; Heirs of the Part of the Mother ; for st.Dy. the Land would have gone to the ^54- fff'*-. Heirs of the Part of the Mother, and u/J, 3*58*. a Ufe is but an Eftate in Equity, Part a. s. 10, of the Eftate in the Land ; for the Rule of Law that tends to the Eftabliftiment of Families and Encouragement of In- duftry, is, that thofe that take Bene- fit as Reprefentatives fliould convey it all along in the Blood of the firft Pur- chafer, from whom the Benefit was de- rived, and the Ufe and PoflefTion was derived from the Mother, and the Ufe was never parted with, but the Poffef- fion only ; fo the Ufe muft be all along conveyed to the Heirs on that Side. If a Man for a valuable Confidera- gro. F. to tion purchafes Lands, or the Ufe of cr/^j, 337» them, to himfelf, yet they fhail de-j'^^j^^^ G fcendi. 1 8 Mtte ano %tu&s. fcend to his Heirs ^ for there wants not the Word Heirs to create an Inheritance in an Ufe ^ for 'tis Equity that a Per- fon, who gave a Confideration for the Fee, fhould have it j and that is not fetting up any other Rules of Property oppofite to the Rules of Law, but mi- cro Er ti§^*i"§ ^"^ difpenfing with the Rules 478.' of Law, in particular Cafes, where they fhould happen to fhelter Diflio- nefty and Opprelfion : But now (ince the Statute, no Inheritance can be rai- fed without the Word Heirs, becaufe now the Ufcs are transferred into Pof- feflion, and muft be governed by the Rules of PoffelTions at Common Law, as to the Words that create new E- ftates. The TojfeJJio fratris of an Ufe fol- lows the Analogy of Defcents at Law j and fo if a Man feized in Fee of an Ufe, had liTue a Son and Daughter by one Ve7iter, and a Son by another Ve7i- ter, and devifcs it for Years, and dies, and the Son dies during the Term, the Daughter fhall have it, and not the Son ,• otherwife it had been if he had devifed it for Life. 1 iiety. -^^ ^^ Court of Chancery cannot . 101. alter the Defcent of the Land, fo it can- 5 Ed. 4. 7. not alter the Law and Cuftom of a a Ro. A*b. Place ^ 780. C.L. 23. 13 Co. ^^. Hob. 311 Dy, 134 fc;5^y4. Place i for all immemorial Ufages are Part of the Laws of the Land : And fo if a Man makes a Feoffment in Fee of Lands in Gavel-Kind, or Burrough En- glifh, without a Confideration, to the Ufe of the Feoffor and his Heirs, this fhall go to all the Sons, or to theBr.959.1 youngeft, according to the Cuflom. 5^* If there is a Cuftom, that Lands iliall 2Ro.Ab. go to the eldefl Daughter only, and 7S0. the Party makes a Feoffment in Fee j^^^^^^'^^ to the Ufe of him and his Heirs, the Ronsby. Ufe fhall go to the eldeft Daughter. 2. OfOefcefits of a Iie Xtutts, a Dower was annexed to it to alien the Lands. Allen 1 6, I. At Common Law, Cefi^y que TJfe Plow, might alien the U^e, becaufe every one ^*^* • may difpofe of the Rights that were in him i or he may prefer a Bill in Chancery to make the Tertenant exe- cute the Ufe in himfelf. But at Common Law, if Ceftuy que Ufe had entered and made a Feoffment in Fee of the Lands, this had not been good to pafs the Eftate to the Feoffee,- becaufe Ceftuy que Ufe had not the Freehold in him., and fo could not pafs it to another ^ but by his Entry he was a Diffeifor : Yet in this Cafe, if the Feoffees of Cefiny que Ufe had re- plow, entered upon the Purchafer, the Feof- fees would not have had the Lands to their own Ufe by the original Truft ; and they would not have ftopd feized to the Ufe of Ceftuy qtie Ufe^ becaufe he had transferred the Ufe to another. If Ceft7jy que Ufe makes a Leafe for Years, rendering Rent, the Refervation is void, unlefs it be by Deed ^ for the Rendering Rent to a Man is an Ac- knowledgment of the holding Lands from him i but here the Lands are not held of Ceftuy que Ufe^ but of the Feof- fees who have the Reverfion. But if the Refcrvation be by Deed, the Feof- b fee^ tares anD XmVts. 27 ' fees arc eftopped by their own At5i ^^S^^ ^',3'' deny the Tenure of Ceftz/y que Ufe, ■ sX\,\\^] If Ceftiiy que Ufe may make a 'Let- 26. ier of Attorney to give Lvoery^ ^^^''^i ^/."'/./J,. or if the Ad confines it to the Act of i. is/' Q/?^J que ufe. 2. By the Statute of i R, 3. c. i. a Power was annexed to a Ufe, that C^/?/// <7/^^ Ufe fliould alien the Lands. The Reafon of that Statute was, be- caufe Ceftny que Ufe in Poflelfion often aliened the Lands, and then the Feof- fees entered, which caufed a great deal of Vexation and Chancery Suits \ and f6 the Statute gave to Cefttiy que Ufe ajn immediate Power of Alienation,^ without the Concurrence of the Feof- fees. Firft, Who are ivithin the Statute, Secondly, What Authority is given hy it. I. By the Statute Ceftuy que Ufe has Plow, tio Power of Alienation, when he has 3^^-^'^' a naked Right to a Ufc^ and not a Ufe in Bjjfe I unlefs it be in order to con- firm an Eftate in Being ,• becaufe the Intent of the Statute was only to give Ceftuy que Ufe a greater Power, and to transfer his Eftate, and not any other Remedy to regain and reveft it ^ and tinlefs he has the Uf\ he cannot pafs tho ^8 Witts am %m(ts. the U/e, much lefs the Pofleflfion to an- other : And Co if Jl, feized of Lands to the JJ/e o£ !B. cnfcofe J. S, and dies without Iflue, C has no other Way of regaining the Ufe but by the Entry of the Fcorfcc J and he has no Power to alien by this Statute till the Uje be re- vcftcd. Plow. But if the Feoffee to a Ufe in Fee •551.6.1. i-^Q diifcifcd, and Cefi/jy q7ie Ufe releafc^ to the Ditlcifor, this extinguiilics the Ufe^ and by the Statute bars the Entry of the Fcoifec. Bro F. io Where Feoifces to an Ufe arc DifTei- Vfei, 531- fees, and after the Diffeifor enfeoffs ^'- H 8 C^^ftuy ^^^^ Ufe-, who enfeoffs a Stranger ; * this is good, and iliall bind the Feof- fees i for the Feoffment is good to pafs the PoiTefiion, and Right of the Ufe^ wjiich he had in him ; and the Feoffees Cannot enter to revive an Ufe^ which the Party himfelf by his own Ad has cxtina;uilhcd. 2. The Statute is to be underflood of Cefny que Uft\ tliat has an Ufe in FjTcy in Oppolition to him that has only a Re- vcriion or Remainder of an Ufe, j'low. If a Feoffment be made to the Xlfs iCo i"" ^^ ^' ^^^^' ^^^^^-y Remainder to S. in b. * *" I'ce, A' may a hen in Fee, becaufe the Feoffees claim the whole Efl:atc for the Ufe of A. during his Life^, and he has Mtts ano Xtniis. 29 has the whole Advantage of it ; and the Statute that gives the prefent PofTelfor of the Ufe a Power of Alienation, has provided an immediate Remedy for the Remainder Man. But if the Tenant for Ufe of an Ufe Plow, aliens in Fee, and dies, the Feoffees ^damcr may enter on the Alienee j for by the avd Bar- Words of the Statute, the Alienation ^^^!^\^^ is good againft Cefl^i)^ que Ufe and hisp^;^J„/ Heirs, and Perfons claiming only to his foived, Ufe : So when Feoffees claim to the Ufe of the Remainder Man, the Feoff- ment of Tenant for Life, according to the Authority given by the Statute, is no longer valid to bar the Feoffees of the Entry ; for their Right is by the Common Law. But if there be a Feoffment in Fecpiow. to the Ufe of A, for Life, the Remain- 250- *• der to g. in Fee; S. has no Power of f/^^J^"-^' Alienation by the Statute, during the 339. fc.44. Continuance of the Eftate for Life, J ^o-*^^- becaufe the PolTelTion is, as is faid, to the Ufe of J. only, during his Life, and fo the Remainder Man has nothing to do with the PolfeiTion j and if the Re- mainder Man would enter on the Feof- fees and make a Feoffment, either the Ufe of Tenant for Life would be de- ftroyed, or the Feoffees muft re-enter and create a particular Eftate to them- felves. felvesj without being fubjed to IDower 5 for by the Common Law, every par- ticular Eftate is derived out of the Fee Simple by the Agreement of the Par- tics in Interefl: ^ but here are no Par- ties to fuch Agreement, and the Sta- tute has not altered the Law in this Cafe, Plow. But if there be a Tenant for Life, Remainder in Fee, he in Remainder may make a Lcafe for Years, or grant a Rent-Charge to begin after the Death of Tenant for Life ,• for he cannot en- ter and take the Pofleflion out of the Feoffee j but *tis an Executory Cen- tral on which the Statute operates af- ter the Death of Tenant for Life. Tenant for Life to the Ufe of A. and the Reverfion is granted with At- tornment to another, to the Ufe of B» for Life ^ the Reverlion in Fee is grant- ed to a third, to the Ufe of C i* and C may grant their Eftates prefently, becaufe there is a Divifion of EftateSj and each has a Tertenant of his own 5 fo that the transferring one Eftate does not difpolTefs another Tertenant, or make any particular Eftate than what is created' by the Parties. iCo.iaS. A Feoffment to the Vfe of A'T, Remainder to the Ufe of Tail, Re- mainder to J» in Fecj A, makes a Fcoft- ment ^its attti XrttftjS. 3 1 ment to the Ufe of himfelf, for Life, the Remainder to his eldeft Son in Tail, and then the Statute of H* 8. is made, and the Father dies ^ the firft Feoffees may re-enter, and revive the former Ufe ; for y^, could only make a Feoffment in Fee determinable upon his own Life ,• but as this Contract rnufl be taken ftrongeft againft them, 'tis a Difpofition and Alteration of the Remamder in Fee, according to the Vfes limited. 2. What Juthority is given by the Statute* If a Lord or Grantee of a Rent, be Co. Lir» alfo Cejitiy que Ufe of the Land, and 5^- ^^ makes a Feoffment in Fee accord- ing to this Statute, the Rent is extin(5t ; but if the Tertenant gives a Letter of Attorney to the Lord or Grantee of a Rent-Charge, and he makes a Feoff- ment accordingly, this does not ex- tinguifh the Rent j for in the firfl Cafe he paffes alfo his own Interefl and Eftate in the Land ; but in the laft Cafe he himfelf pafles nothing, for he is but fubflitute to another, and the Eflate paffes only from the Ter- tenant, If 32 Wiits anti Xmtts^ Co. Lit. If Ceftiiy que Ufe makes a Feoff- Bro! F. ai nicnt in Fee upon Condition, and af- Vfes^ 558. ter enters for the Condition hrokeny ^* *5- he fliall be feizcd of the Eftate in the Land ,• for the whole Eftate is diverted out of the Feoffees by the Feoffment, and they cannot enter for the Condition hrokeny becaufe no Parties to it. This Statute does not give Cefttjy que Ufe any Power to dcvife the Land j for there are no Words that alter the Law in that Point. D. 14;. If Cefttiy que Ufe in Tail, aliens the Vfes, fs?!^^"^ ^y ^^^^^ ^"^ Releafe, or Feoff- s. 2I9? menti this only binds the Feoffees du- 37H.8.15. ring his Life, becaufe he has no longer Power of Alienation ; 'vid. the Stat. If this Ceftuy que Ufe aliens by Fifie^ this is good, and bars the Entry of the Feof- fees after his Death j for that would difpoffefs the Eftate in Tail by the Stat, of 4 H. 7. and if he aliens by Reco'very, it does not bind the IJJhey Ibid. s. 7. becaufe he is not Tenant to the Tre- cipe ; fo that would be no Bar at Common Law, and this is not helped by any Statute : For tho' a Recovery here be exprelly mentioned, and fo binds the Party himfelf, yet the Right of the Eftate in Tail is fevered. , Ch.Caf. If Tenant in Tail of a Truft levy a 2 ch.caf. Fii^^3 or fuffer a Recovery, this is an 63. 64. equi- Mtts ano %vufis. 33 equitable Bar of the Eftate, tho' the Tiuftec does not join in the Recovery to make a legal Tenant to the Tr^- cipe i for as the Fine and Recovery pafs the Entail in a legal Eftate at Com- mon Law, fo it palTes the Entail of a Truft in the Court of Equity. But if Tenant in Tail of a Truft ^ ^^ ^^^^ makes a Mortgage, or acknowledges 119, lao! a Judgment or Statute, and then le- vies a Fine and fettles a Jointure, the; Jointrefs fliall hold it fubjed to the Mortgage or Judgment, in the fame Manner as if the Mortgagor or Conu- for had been Tenant in Tail of the legal Eftate, and after the Mortgage or Judgment had levied a Fine and made a Jointure ; bec^ufe the fubfe- quent Declaration of the Ufe of the Fine is mcerly the Adt of Tenant in Tail, and he cannot by any A6t of his dvVn make a fubfequent Conveyance take Place of a precedent -, and the rather becaufe the Feme claims under that Fee which Tenant in Tail got by the Recovery or Fine ; and that Fee was fubjed to ail the Charges he had laid upon it. If a Man recovers by an erroneous 5,,^ j: ^^ Judgment, and makes a Feoffment to Vfei, 337. his own Ufe, and upon a Writ of Er- ^-5^ g ror the Judgment is reverfed, the Party ^ D ihaU 34 ^ffS atlD Xttld^S. fliail enter without a ^SV^/r^ facias a- gainft the Feoffees j for this is with- in the Letter of the Statute. Bro. F. ai If Cejifjy que life makes a Leafe ^^^. 537. for Years, referving a Rent, he jliall 2*7h!8.i3. ^^^^'c an Adion o£'Deht upon the Con- trad i but he iliali not ^C(?iy, becaulb the legal Eftate of the Reveriion is ftill in the Feoffees, fince he has put the Eftate out of them but for a Term ; but the equitable Eftate is in him, and he may difpofe of it, and the Rent paffes i but the Feoffees ihall punifh for Wajie done by the Tenant, and enter for a Forfeit ure-^ &c. Bro. F. ai If Cefltiy qne Ufe makes a Leafe for ujes, 338. Years, referving a Rent, this fliall 5.2;, 359. go to his Heirs ^ for fince the Statute B.F.«/u/"ei has given him Power to make Eftates Co^iJr!^' ^^ Law, they are governed by the 47. Rules of Common Law. ^^8* s^T* ^^ ^^J^W ^^^ ^fi makes a Leafe for ^^ ■ '^ ' Years, referving a Rent, with a Claufe o£ He-entry for Nonpayment of the Rent, and the Rent is behind, Ceftfiy qtie iffe may enter i for he only can take Advantage of his own Condition. And fince the Statute allows the Adl of Re-entry by allowing him Power to make Leafes, he Ihall for ever keep the PoffefTion againft the Feoffees, 2.ii<£re tamm^ 4- 9 For the Reafon why Lands were 'Treatife of not originally devifeable, was, becaufe ^^"''''" the Ceremony of Lwery was required i co. to the Tranfniutation of the PodelTion, ^-s- ^' which is not NecelTary to the Difpofal ^ " . ^'^ of an Ufe i for Lhery is to give No- h. s. 8. tice asrainft whom the Triccipe is to^^^-^""* be brought, and the Tr^cipe is only zz, h. 8. of an Eftate of Freehold. If a Man makes a Feoffment in Fee 6 Co. 18. to the Ufe of his laft Will, the Feoffor ^;';/'^^- has it to the Ufe of himfelf and lusb.ziz.b. Heirs; for until a Man has actually Buir. 200. difpofed of the Ufe, the Ufe is in him \l^- J"'* only: It is fo in this Cafe,- and if heSemainVj devifes, the Parties muft claim their ^''^* Intereft by the Devife. But if a Man makes a Feoffment in ^ ^°- ^^• Fee to t\\Q Ufe of fuch Perfon and^/^j^. i.* Perfons, and of fuch Eftate and Eftates as he fhall appoint by his laft Will i there by the Words of the Conveyance he has a qtialified Fee, determinable upon the Limitation of other Eftates ; and the Feoffment mentions the future Eftates that fliall rife on his Denomi- nation, which plainly conveys an Exe- cutory Fee to the Perfons nominated ; and 'ti$ pnly the Office of tlie WiH to D 2 nomi- 36 Witts ano Xtutts. nominate ; for the Intereft is transfer- red and difpofed of by the Feoff ?nent. But in the former Cafe there is in the Feoffment no Words of Difpofition, (^c. and there the Parties muft claim by the Detife, 4 Co. 25. If a Copyholder furrenders to the 2 Leon, ufe of his laft Will, the Land is ftill ^^^' in the Copyholder ^ and he may difpofe of it by an Ad in his Life-Time j if he does not, by any Will, it iliall go to his Heirs y if he makes a Will, it Cro. El. palTes by the Surre?ider^ and not by 441, 2- the Will ; for the Property of the Co- pyhold is not altered by a private A(5t of the Tenant, but by an open and fo- lemn Att in the Lord's Court ; but at Common I^aw the Ufe of the Land may pafs by a Demfe^ as is faid -, and the Freehold it felf fince the Stauite, 6.C0. 18. If ^ Man fufifers a Reco'vety to the Hob. 349. Ufe of his Lafl Wilh ^^ ^ri^y difpofe of the Eftate by a Conveyance de no'vo during his Life j but he cannot, during his Life, limit new Ufes on the old Recovery^ fo as to be thereby bound from any Alteration ,• for the whole In- tereft of the Recovery was declared to be to the Ufe of his Wilh which is changeable in its Nature. B.F.«/T7/. A Man makes a Feoffment in Fee 337./. 79. to the Ufe of his Laft Will, and in the the Deed he expreffes the JJfe of the Will to be to hiiTifclf for Life, and then to his Son in Tail, and afterwards makes a Leafe for Years, and dies; this fhall bind the Son ,• for it being ex- prefly declared to the UJe of his Will, it fuppofes a Power in him to change it. Ceftf/y que Ufe devifes, that his Feof- B. F. 558. fees may alien the Land to J*S, the Feoffees may enfeoff B, and ^. may alien to J. S, Ceftuy qtie Ufe devifes, that his Feof- ibid. fees fhould alien the Land for Payment of his Debts, the Creditors may compel him in the Court of Chancery to do it. If Cejluy que Ufe devifes^ that his ibid. Feoffees lliould alien the Land, this is in the Heir till Alienation. 5. 'T/x 7iot extendable or Affets, Becaufe there is no Procefs at Law Rep. i. but upon Eflates at Law; and Ufes are ^'pl^/u/. meerly Creatures of Equity, on which 5 59-5.25. the Common Law can award no Exe- J^^'j^s.'^' cution I and they are not Jjfets^ becaufe they go in the Courfe of Inherica?ice^ and not to Executors, But if a 'Term be limited to attend "^^'''i' a Fee, this fhall be Jffets for the ^ ^' Payment of juft Debts ; for the Court ©f Chancery will not carry it out of its D ? due 3$ Mtts antj grafts. due Courfe, where there is any Preju- dice or Inconvenience. But by the Stat of i^. 3. 'tis held ex- tejidahk upon a Statute Staple or Mer- cha7it ; for this is in the Nature of a B.F. aivf. Qra72ty or Leafefor Tears j and Grants 559.S.25. of Leafes are made good againft Ceftuy i^^o-^Si- ^^^Q jjj} ai^d the Feoffees^ by the Statute. I Chan. But finco the Statute of Frattds and Rep. 128. ^gjyiiries^ they feem to be Jjjets in the Heir for the Payment of juft T)ehts\ the Heir being obliged to pay all juft Debts out of a real Eftate that de= fcends from the Anceftor. 6. '^is not forfeitable. Hard. 1. Not for Telony ; for in Cafe of ^sSfJdSo ^^^^^^y ^^^ Lands are caft on the Lord ig.F.^/u/.of whom they are holden, for Want 339- s. of Heirs ^ but a life is holden of no 55^- Body. Hard. 2. Not for Treafon ; for all Tenures 492, 495' are forfeited by the Breach of Fidelity and Duty owed to the Lord ,- for un- der that Condition the Tenants take their Eftates, and confequently all Breaches of Allegiance forfeit the E- ftate to the King, fince it originally came from him, confequently the E- ftate which is holden may be forfeited ; but hvLt a Ufe is holden of no Body : But this is altcr'd by the Statute. If a Term be limited in Truft, and ^^ "• s^ Ceftiiy que T^ritft commits 7'reafiu orH.s^'. JFeJofiy^ the Term is forfeited 5 for the ^n joha perfonal Property goes with the Perfonsi ^^r?^*"^ * when the Polfeflion is forfeited, the Par- Alien kj. ty is incapable of perfonal Property, Holland'^ and confcgucntly the Right is in the ^^^'^{'^'/i^*^. Publick, and the King has the Ufe of 44- Hani. the Term in this Cafe. ^^^> 495- 3ut if a ^er7/2 be limited to attend Hard. the Inheritance in Truft, it is not for- ^^7* feited for Felo?iy^ becaufc it does not veft in his Perfon and go to his Execu- tors, but belongs to the hiheritance^ like the Charters which are not for* feited. 3. KLIfio map 5ecliire t^ tnife tlje W.t^. I. Since the Chancery^ as hath been faid before, does not fet up Rules of Property contrary to Rules of Law, thofc that have not a difpofing Power •by the Law, cannot raife a JJfe j and .<:onfequently a Husband and Wife can- not declare Ujes upon a Feoffment, fo as to bind the Wife. But Baron and Feme may levy a Mo, 197. Wine which will bind the Wifc^ for^Co.j?-*. P 4 h<^f^ 75)S. ^o tlfesi auD Xmfts. ' here the Law allows her a difpofing Power, becaufe Hie is privately exa- iiiin'd, confcqucntly the Chancery muft allow them to declare what is the De- lign of that Fine; and therefore fuch Declaration by them both fhali bind the Wife. jiC9 57,.T. If the Husband only declares the f^l^'""'' Ufes, this fliall bind the Wife; for fince fhe joins in the Fine, flic muft be prcfumcd to concur in the Defign of that Fine, uniefs the contrary ap- pears by fome manifeft Sign of her DiiTcnt. ? Co. 57. But if the Husband declares the BcX'^^' LT^j- of the Fine one Way by Deed, and w^th'sCafeAho Wife another by Deed, this binds ^iixre the Husba^id during the Coverture, but il/e^ecia- ^"^^t the W^ifc aftorwards ; for the Huf- '^ation be band cannot declare the Ufes without 'f,otn,eeriy Concurrence of the Wife, " becaufe he 2C0.57.rt. has no Eftate ; and ilie cannot be pre- ^' 5S'^' fumed to concur where the contrary appears by her Deed i and flie cannot declare the Ufes alone, becaufe during IvTarriage fhe is not fi/i juris ; and with- out the Husband ilie has no difpoling Power: And if there be no Ufe declar'd iipon this Fine, it is to the t/fe of the Wife j for where there is no other In- tent of a Fine declared, it is fuppo- icd tp be deiign'd fs a farther Security to the prefcnt PofTcflbr i and the Ufe ' is ftill in the Wife, fince in this Cafe ilie has not departed with it. If Hz/sba/^d and IVife fell the Lands ^^o- 57' for Money, and levy a Fine, the Ufes ^ r^aW may be averred without any Deed vjS. from the Wife, to prove her Aifent. If S^arou and Fe?//e levy a Fine, and ^ ^p- Ab, there be an Indenture in the Name of p^j^".^^^' the Husband and Wife, declaring the Ufes^ which is brought to the Wife to feal, and flie refufes, the l/fes do not bind the Wife ,• for fhe cannot be pre- fumed to concur after fuch a Refu- fal. If Baro?i and TemCj zuithiu Age, 2R0, ai>. levy a Fine, this fliall bind her : for ^^5 „ ,1 T r I - 1 - Co. 58./!. tho an ijijafit ought not to levy a q^ r^h&' Fine, yet when done it is valid, becaufe '^^^»' ^^« there is no Averment againfl: Records -, ^Zr}lhh and if the Law allowed it to be valid, /o)- the it is reafonable the Parties fliould have ^'"^f."^ Power to declare the Intent of it. duvm^hm ^aro7i and ¥€7ue levy a Fine of the Niw^.^e ; Land of the Wife, and both feal an f-^^l Indenture; and in Confideration of El. 129,* Money, limit the JJJe to the Conufee, ^5?- and there is a Claufe of Re-entry upon ^ ^^ ' Payment of the Principal nnd 10 per Ce//t. which is more than the lawful Intercft, whereby it becomes an Ufuii- Qus Contrad, becaufe the Parties cn- 2 joyed 4^2 WLits anti Xtitfts* joyed the Profits of the Land ; bcfides, if the Husband afterwards, and before the Fine be engrolfed, rectifies it, and explains their Intention by another Deed, wherein the Conufce covenantSj that the 'Baron and Feme ihould take the Profits in the mean Time, altho" the Wife docs not agree to the fccond Deed, it iliall bind lier ; for the firft Deed declares the Intent of the Fine, and pallcs the Ufes^ and the laft Deed only declares the Intent of the firft to reftify the Matter of the Ufury. « C0.5S.4- A Man of 71071 (me Mej/iory may de- clare tjic Vfe of a Fine levied, canfa qna fupya, 3.Co.^Sa. 2, Every Man may dcciai'C and difpofe of the Ufe according to the Eftatc and Intereft he has in the Land ^ and therefore if two Join tenants levy a F/;/f, and declare the Ufes feverally, each Man difpofes of his own Moiety ^ but if they declare no UfeSy they arc feifcd as before. 'Ibid. If Tenant for Life^ and he in Re- mainder in Fee join in a Fi/^e^ with- out declaring any Ufes, they are feifed as they were before. IJjid- J, feifed of certain Lands, and Bo a Stranger join in a Fh/e^ it lliall be to the Ufe of J. ioi' iince there is no 2 Con- Confideration to part with the Land, the Ufe is ftiil in him. So if J, feized in Fee of certain a R. Ab. Lands, and S. a Stranger joins in a^^^* Common Recovery, without declaring any Ufes, the Ufe fliail arife to him that had the Intereft in the Landj and not to the Stranger. 4. Co tMljom a afe map hz taifetr^ I. Not to Aliens. An Jlieu could not compel the Feof- Ai. kj. fees to execute a Ufe ; for 'tis contra- ^'^•'^' ^^• ry to the Policy of the Law that auip. '*' Jlleu fhould plead, or be impleaded, Sryle zi. touching Lands, in any Court of the Kingdom. The King fhall have the Ufe of an All. id. 'JlieT^ upon his Purchafe ; for the Ad- ^^'^°' vantage a Man receives from his Duty j^y, * can extend no farther than the Obliga- tion of that Duty reaches, but the Allegiance of an Jlieu is temporary, therefore fo is his Property ; and lince he is incapable of Perpetualnefs of Sub* jedion, he cannot be prGte(5ted in any Eftate that is of perpetual Conti- nuance ; and the Inconvenience is the fame if this be a Freehold at Law, or a Tritft. But 44 ^ftSf ^ttO %tti(tS. Sty. 40. But in this Cafe the King fhall not feize the Land of an Jlie/i^ unlefs it be executed in him by a Decree in Chancery ; for there was no Right in the Cefttiy que JJfe to feize the Lands without a Decree, and the King has only the Rights of the Ceftuy que life. Q, B.Ea/u/. Secondly^ Tho' the King cannot have 338- «. Feoffees to his Ufe^ becaufe he cannot * ^^* take but by Matter of Record ; yet he may take it when the Ufe is found of Record, where an Office is found of the whole Matter. 'B.F.aivf. 'Thirdly^ A Mo7ik cannot have a Ufey |?9- a, becaufe he has vowed perpetual Pover- ty, and therefore cannot have Property ,• but he may be an Executor, becaufe polfeifed to another's Ufe. 8 H. 7. 8. Fourthly^ The Limitation of a Ufe rpl^^*^^ the Poor of the Parifh of "Dak, is s.^19.' good, tho' no Corporation i for tho* Mich. 10. they are capable of no Property at ha*m V. ' Common Law, in the Thing trufted, Warren, becaufc the Rules of pleading require ^J*^"^' Perfons claiming to bring themfelves War- under the Gift ,• and no indefinite vick. Multitude, without publick Allowance, JlY"i4a. can take by a general Name, yet they 33 H. 8. are capable of a Truft ; for here the '- IP' Complainants do not derive to themfelves ^4/^5!^' any Right or Title to the Eftate, but ihew fKcw that it has been abufed and mif- employed by the Owners, contrary to Confcience, Fifthly, 2B6ere anti iDftat Confitiera^ tion 10 neceffacp to tfje Kaifing of It being, (as is faid) the Ufe of the Country to deHver Lands to be fafely kept, the meer Alteration of the Pof- felTion does not in Equity give a Right, but it fhall be to the Ufe of the Donor, unlefs in two Cafes. 1. Where the Ufe is exprejfed. 2. Where there is a 'valuable Cofifi- deration, I. Where the Ufe is expreffed on the Tranfmutation of the PolTefTion j for fince there is no Property without a Power of Difpofal, the Chancery, with- out oppofing the Rules of Law, can- ^ not fet afide a Difpofition, or prefume that it is delivered in Truft for a Man's felf, againft his own exprefs Words i and therefore here no Confideration is necelTary to the raiiing fuch an Ufe» If a Man levies a Fi?ie to the Ufe 2 Ro. Ab. of J. a Stranger, this is good without ?^s» 7?^* any Confideration. So 4^ Mks atio XtttftiS* 2 Ko. 79. So if a Man levies a Fine, and in Znv.^' Confideration of Blood, and the Mar- Sonard. riagc of his Baftard-Daughter, covenants that the Comifee fhall be feized to the Ufe of the Daughter ; this is good. 2C0. 7eed^ and after declares other Ufes by Tcirol^ and the Fine or other Conveyance be purfued according to the Deed, tho firft Ufes fhall ftand -, for a Deed can- not be contradided but by fomething of equal Validity. 5C0. is.h If the Declaration of the Ufes and 2 Co. 76. the Fine differ in Perfons, in Quantity, 2 Ro.Ab. or Quality of the Land, or any other 799. Circuniftances, and there be no other Declaration, this lliall ftand ; for the Law prefumes that this Deed declares the Intent of the Fine, tho' they differ in Circumftances ,• becaufe it ought to fupport Men's Contracts, and take them ftrongeft againft the Grantors; but there is no Room for a Prefump- tion, or GuefTmg at their Mind, where a contrary Intention is exprefled. If a Man declares Ufes by Deed, and sCo.zC.h. afterwards declares other Ufes by Ta-^ °'^^' * roly and thefe two Declarations differ in thofe lefTer Circumftances of Quantity, Time, or Perfon, and the FtTie is con- formable to the laftDeclarationjthat fhall (land ,• for this is not an Averment contra- ry to the Deed : For then they muft be fo apparently different that both cannot be confiflent. But where the Averment de- clares the Ufe of a different Fine, 'tis not contrary to the former Deed : But the Fine mentioned in the Deed, and the Fine levied, being in their Circumftances really different, they cannot be prefumed to be the fame by the Law, becaufc the Intent of the Fi/ie levied is exprefled to be different from the Intent of the Fi/ie mentioned in the Deed. Now tho' the ExprefTion of a Man's Mind cannot be contradi<5led, but by ExprefTions of equal Solemnity, yet where his Mind is only prefumed, it may be contradided by any Expref- fion. If the Indentures preceding, and thofe 5 Co. 16. fubfequent to the Fme differ, the Fine '*• ^* cannot be dire(5ted, Part by the one, and Part by the other j but, (as it is fa id) it muft be by the latter ,- for the latter Con-' tradt of the fame Nature always deftroys the former* E 4 If 56 Mtts atm Xmfts. ^ If a Man levies a Fine or fuffers a 782.° Reco'ver}'^ he may afterwards declare the Ufes, for the Ufes are in him in that Cafe ; and therefore 'tis Equity he fhould difpofe of it when, and as he pleafes to bar himfelf and his Heirs. 9 Co. 10. If a Man levies a Fine, and then ao Car. <^cclares the Ufes by Parol, and after- 4. c. wards by an Indenture declares other Ufes, yet the firft fhajl ftand ; for the firft is a Difpofition and Transferrence of his Ufe j and therefore there can be no other Difpofition, for nothing is in him to difpofe of,- and this is al- fo executed now by the Statute, and cannot be divefted. pCo.ji.,?. If a Man levies a Fln-e, and after* wards grants a Rent-Charge, and then declares the UfeSy Cefitiy que Ufe fhall hold it charged, unlefs he can prove a com pleat Agreement before the Grant of the Rent-Charge i for otherwife he muft take it as a Subftitute of the other, and as he could grant it. J Ufe cannot he ralfed without a ^eed or Feoffment* % RocAb, If a Man levies a Fine of a Rent^^ '^^* he cannot limit the Ufe of it to a Stranger, without a Deed ,• for the Ufe and PoflelHon of that which has its Nature Witts anti %tn1!ts* 57 Nature and Being by a folemn Agree- ment by Deed, cannot pafs without fuch Agreement ; for otherwife there would be a greater Evidence that the Z/fe continued with the Party, than that it was difpofed of. On a Fi/w, fur Coniifajice de 1)roit taiitum^ Ufcs may be raifed without a Deed ^ for affe^io tua ifupofzit nomen operi Uio j and therefore where-ever there is an A6t that alters the Polfefifion, the Party's own Words may declare the Intent of the Ad ,' and this being according to the Policy of the Com- mon Law, has not been altered by any Statute. On a Fine fur Grant & Render^ a different Ufe cannot be averred by Words only ; for in this Fifie there is a Ufe implied, becaufe there is a Con- iideration, {mz) pro finali concordia^ (^c» and where-ever a Ufe is either expreflfed or implied, there can be no verbal Averment to the contrary ; for there is a greater Sign that the Minds of the Parties are altered from the verbal Agreement, than that they continue the fame, when they leave no folemn Teftimony that there was fuch a one. But 58 mts atto xttifts. A Co. 7 5, gut by Deed a Ufe may be raifed 1 AnV. upon a Fine /^r Grant & Render; So,8i,82. for other wife the Deed muft be wholly pK^^'?! ^^^ '^^^^ ^^^^^^ *^^ Parties have never cancelled, for that is capable of no other Meaning j but the Fine has a plain and diret^ Senfe, different from the Implication of palTing a Vfe^ (piz) to pals the legal Eftate ; and here it paffes that only, becaufe when two Contracts are niade, there muft be fuch a Conftru(^ion of them, if poffible, that both may have Effect; efpecially here, where by the Words of the Deed it appears, a Relation was dedgned to each other. But if the Fi7ie differs from the Deed in Quantity or Quality, or of the Land, or of the Perfons, or in any other Circumftances, a verbal Aver- ment may be allowed to reconcile them ,• and the TJfes may well pafs by the Deed catifa qua fnpra„ A Man feized of a Manor in Fee, to which there is an Jdmwfon appen- dant^ bargains and fells them in Fee, rendering Rent to the Bargainor in Fee, provided the Bargainee regrant the Advowfon for Life, ^c. The Bar- gainor covenants to levy a Fiiie of the Manor, cJ'r. to the Bargainee, and the Bargainee mutually covenants to render back Mtts atio %tuV^s, 5P back the Rent, by the fame Fi/ze^ to the Bargainor, the Bargainor and Bar- gainee join in a Fine to J, S. who grants and renders the Manor, (^c» to the Bargainee in Fee, and the Rent to the Bargainor in Tail, the Remain- der in Fee to J, N. tho' the Bargain- aCa/ww or and Bargainee join in the Fine to 70 to 82. y. S. whereby the abfolute Eftate^^^^"^^ feems to be lodged in him, and the to Sp. Condition difpenfed with, and he ren- ^^°?' ders over the Eftate to the Bargainee, q^// as abfolute as he had it ; yet is not the Bargainee f&ized of an abfolute Eftate by the Grant and Render ; for the JJfe of this Grant and Render will rife, on the Deed declaring the Intent of the Fine, Cmfa qua ftipra ; and according to that the Bargainee has but a Con- ditional Eftate ; And tho' the Deed and Fine differ in Perfons, it being levied to J, S. and in the Manner of limiting the Rent, yet the Ufe as in the Deed, may be averred to be the Intent of the Fine. At Common Law any Ufe might be 2 inft. raifed by Words only. ^^^' For Averment of Confiderations, fee Dy. 229. Confideration, 1 1 Co, Secondly, Secondly, ^j what Words Ufes ?/iay he raifed, vid. By A Man, in Confideration of S.'s w'^rd ur ^^^^^^'^S^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^°^ ^' covenants, may he ^^at after his Death, the Lands iliall raifedjtnce remain to the faid J» and S. and the Fo/id'' ^^^^^ ^^ ^' ^^^' *^^ Marriage takes Effed, yet the Ufes do not rife by this Covenant ; for here the Seifin of the Father is not appropriated to the feve- ral Ufes, but only a Remainder limit" ed after the Father's Death, which can- not be without a particular Eftatej nor that without a particular Contrad, and no Man can contract with him- felf. aRo.Ab. The fame Law is if a Man grants '^^* the faid Lands to his Son JB. after his own Deceafe, to have and to hold to S. and the Heirs of his Body begotten, the Remainder to C in Tail. 2 Ro.Ab. If ^ Man feized in Fee fuffers a 787- Common Recovery, in Truft and Confidence that the Recoveror would execute it to him in Tail, Remainder in Fee to his Son j tho' no Confideration be exprelfed, or any Covenant to com- pel him to execute it, the Court of Chancery would have formerly forced him MM ann %tms, a him to it, and confcquently the Statute will now execute it in him. If a Man feized of Lands in Tally le- 9 Co. fo. vies a Fiue, or fuffers a Recovery ^ and ^ ^ "^j^^ declares no Ufes^ the ZT/^ refults to the 7, 8/9. Tenant in Tail, and he becomes feized Jenk.cent in Fee byVirtueof the Recovery ,becaufe *'** the Recoveror is Tenant in Fee Simple, and then no Ufes are declared of that Recovery j and where no Confidera- tion appears from the Recoveror, the Recovery can be to no other Purpofe than to dock the Entail. If the Ufes of a Fine or Recovery be declared by a precedent Indenture, all Parties are eftopped from averring any other Ufes of fuch Fine or Reco- very, becaufe that was the original In- tention of fuch Fine or Recovery ; but if the Ufe be declared by an Inden- ture fubfequent, no Parties are eftopped from declaring other Ufes^ but fuch as are Parties to the Deed j becaufe it does not appear to be the original Intention of fuch a Fine ^ and therefore a De- claration of other Ufes may be averred, and no Body is eftopped from fuch an Averment, but thofe that are Parties to the fubfequent Deed. 9 Co* 10, h^ ill a* Caf inTarL 144, 145. 4 Mod^ 163. 5 Co. 26. a. Cro,Jac. 29, But €2 Mtts atiD %mft6. But if the Fi^e varies from the pre-* cedent Deed, then any Perfon, as well the Parties to fuch Deed as StrangerSj may aver any other Ufes ; becaufe the Deed not referring to the fame Time is fubftantive, and the Ufes may be averred as if there were no Deed at all. But by 29 Car. 2. of Frauds and Per- juries, the refulting Ufe upon any Fine or Recovery could not be altered with- out Deed ; and then it became a Doubt whether the refulting Ufes were not executed, and thereby any fubfequent Deed excluded : And therefore for that Purpofe the Stat of 4 A;w. c. 16, declares again, that a fubfequent Deed may limit the Ufes of fuch Fine and Recovery, a Ro. Ab. If a Man gives, grants and confirms 78<>, 787. Jiis Lands to H. and his Heirs, with a Claufe of Warra72ty^ and the Deed be indented and enrolled, this fhall raife an Ufe j becaufe it does not appear ta be the Intent of the Parties to pafs it by Way of Feofifment, notwithftand- ing the Warranty ; inafmuch as a Ce- fiuy qm Ufe can rebutt by Force of the Fo. 2z. Warra7ity^ tho' he cannot vouch. "B-Eaivf. If a valuable Confideration was gl- F0.53.S.4 ven, the Fee palfed without the Word Vid. Fo. jj^jjrj . for it was Confcience to con- vey vey the Fee, (as 'tis faid) but the Law is altered. A Ufe may be entailed j for the co. Lit, Chancery is bound up to the Mind of ^o- ^■ the Donor by the Intent of the Ad of {^; ^l' Parliament i and this Ufe may be bar- red by the Fifie or Reco'very of the Tenant in ^ail^ notwithftanding the Party has not the legal Eftate, if there be a Confideration for fuch a Convey- ance ; for fuch a Perfon is out of the Reach of the Statute : But where there is no Confideration there is lefs Equity in the Cafe, and therefore lefs Reafon for the Chancery to interpofe. If a Man feized of Lands in Fee makes a Leafe for Life, and then co- venants on valuable Confideration, to ftand feized to the Ufe of Tenant in Tail, and then Tenant for Life fuffers a Common Recovery voluntarily, this is no Forfeiture ; for tho' he has only an Eftate for Life by Law, and confe- quently it would, by the Rules of Common Law, be a Forfeiture, yet iince he in Reverfion held it under fur- ther Trufts for Tenant for Life, he is out of the Rule ; for there is no E- quity that a Man fhould forfeit that to another, which the other is bound to preferve and keep for him^ and cannot lay 64 Wiits mn %mtt8. lay hold of at any Time for his own Advantage. Thirdly, Hozv an Ufe may he raifed hy Lnpli cation of Law. a Ro.Ab. If a Man feized of Lands alone, ^9' or with a Stranger, levies a Fine and ^' ^^^' limits no Ufe^ it fhall be (as has been faid) to his own Ufe by ImpHcation of Lawj and the fame Law is of a Re- covery or Feoffment. "^ If a Man feized of Lands in 'Tail^ levies a Fi72e or fuffers a Keco'very^ and declares no TJfes^ the Vfe refults to the Tenant in Tail, and he be- comes feized in Fee by Virtue of the Recovery, becaufe tne Recoveror is Tenant in Fee ,• and when no JJfes are declared of that Recovery, and no Confideration arifes from the Reco- veror, no Intent for levying that Fine, ^c* it ihall be conftrued only to dock the Entail. If the JJfe of a Fine or Recovery be declared by a precedent Indenture, all Parties are eftopped from averring any other Ufes of fuch Fine or Recovery; but if the XJfes be declared by an In- denture fubfequent, no Parties are e- ftopped from averring other Ufes but fuch as are Parties, cJ'c. Vid. all this ante. If mtts ano %mfis. 6$ If a Man makes a Leafc for Life or ^ Ro.Ab. for Years, this fliall be to the Ufe of the '^^' Lciree,or if a Leflce forLife orYears grants over his Term, it is to the Ufe of the Grantee ,• for (as is faid) the IJje of the Country to declare Lands to be fafely kept, has made the meer Delivery of PoffelTion no Evidence of Right, without a valuable Confideration. But thefe leifer Eftates were not ufed to be deli- vered to be kept for the future Sup- port and Proviiion of the Family, and therefore the meer Ad of delivering PolTeirion palTed a Right, without Confi- deration j fince there is no Prefumpti- on from the Ufe of the Country that thefe Eftates were transferred under fe- cret Trufts ; efpeciaJly fince Rents were ufually referved, and they fubjed to Wafte and other Forfeitures. If Leffee for Life or Years grants over a Ro. Ab. his Eftate, and limits the Ufe but of Par- ^^^* eel of the Eftate to the Grantee, the Re- mainder of the Eftate fhall be to the Ufe of the Grantee by Implication of Law, cat fa qua ftipra. Seventhly, %\)t fctjeral €)0^tj3 Of Wz^. I. Jhfohtte or Contingent^ of which hereafter* F 2. Sole 66 tilfes ana %t\xtts. 2, Sole or coujoi/Jt JJfes^ and co7ipi7it Vfes may he dwided i?ito Eftates of Jointenancy and 'tenancy in coin-, mon, Jointenancy comes under a two-fold \yV vifion. 1. ^oint l*rufls» 2. Joint Bjfi ate s in life of'Truft, FirAj Joint trufls are again two-fold^ with or without an Intereji. With an Intereft ; as if one devifeshis Land to his Executors, to be fold, or his Land to be fold by his Executors j Co. Lit. which is all one, and equally transfers i36,i8i.6|.j^g-£(^^^g„ for to devife Lands fignifies to give, grant or difpofe of it by Will. Without an Intereft ; as if one devifes that his Executors fhall fell the Land j for this does not only transfer it^ for to grant that another iliall difpofe of it by an A(ft of his, is not, till the A(ft be ac- compli (lied, any Difpofition. Co. Lit. And in the former Cafe the Intereft xSi.^. furvives, and the Truft with it. Cr^o'car ^^ ^" Bi^oXe be granted to J, and $. ;ijj' j^j' for their Lives, to the Ufe of C. for Life, if ^^. and g. die, the Eftate of C is deter- mined. But But if an Eftate be granted to thei>yi8M40'^ to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, and of^\ fuch a Wife as he fliail afterwards take, they are Jointenants ^ for here the Huf^ band has no Property in the Land, nei- ther jf^/j iri re, nor ad rem^ but the Feof- fee has the whole Property at firft to the Husband only, and upon the Contingen- cy of Marriage to them both entirely; and this is the only Rule of Equity to fupport the Truft in the fame Manner the Parties have limited it, and now it is executed by the Statute in the fame Form as it was governed in Equity. If a T^iffeifm be made to the Cy^^aLif. of two, and one agrees at one Time, , co. jk. and another at another Time, yet they Co. Uu are Jointenants i for every fubfequent ^^Lcon, Confent is equal to a Command pre- 225. cedent; and if both had commanded the Diffeizw, the firft Adt had been the Ad of both i and therefore from that Ad done, they are now efteemed as Joint T)iJJeifors, If a Man infeoffs A to the Ufe of A "^ff/^^ and ^. they are Jointenants, tho' S.gave no Coniideration, becaufe the Ufe is dif- pofcd of exprefly to him. -' F4 u 72 tmfes antj %n\tts. Cha.Rep. If Father and Son join in the Pur- Scroope chafe of Lands, on a valuable Confide- uerfus ration, and the Father afterwards devi- Scroope. £^3 ^hofe Lands, the Court of Chancery will not fuppofe the Concurrence of the Son was only in Truft for the Father ; but that he was made Jointenant for his own Advantage ; and this was the anti- cnt Way of Purchafe to avoid Wardfhips, Eighthly, -CIjc Jnconijcnicncieg of Tho' thefe Ufes had a very equitable Beginning i yet like all new Models and general Schemes of ordering Property, it introduced a great many unforcfeen In- conveniencies, and fubverted in many In- ftances the Inftitution and Policy of the Common Law. Firft:, Eftates paffed by Way of Ufe^ from one to another, by bare Words on- ly, without any folemn Ceremony or Stat. 27, permanent Record of the Tranfacftion ; H.8. CIO. -vvhereby a third Perfon that had Right 4. °* ^^'knew notagainft whom to bring his Ac- 1 And. tion. Poph. 73. Secojidly, UJes pafling by Will, the ^* Heirs were dilinherited by the inadver- tent Words of dying Pcrfons, Thirdlj:,^ "Thirdly, Lords loft their Wardfliips, ibid. Reliefs, Marriages and Efcheatsj the Truftees letting Ceftuy que Ufe continue the Poflcilion ; whereby the real Tenants that held the Lands could not be difco- vercd. Fonrthl}\ The King loft the Eftates ibid of Aliens and Criminals ^ for they made their Friends Truftees, who kept PofteC fion, and fccretly gave them the Profits fo as the Uje was undifcovered. Fifthly, Purchafers were unfecure jfor ibid, j the Alienation of Cefttiy que Ufe in Pof- feflion was at Common Law a T>ifjeifiriy and I R. 3. f. I. gave him Power to a- lien what he had ,• yet the Fcoftces may ftili enter to reveft a Remainder or con- tingent Ufe, which were never publiflied by any Record or Livery, whereby the Purchafer could know of them. Sixthly, The Ufe was not fubjcd to ibii. the Payment of Debts, caufa qua fiip'r/^ fol. 7. Eighthly, Many loft theit Rights by ibid. Perjury, in Averment of fecret Ufes. Ni/ithly, Ufes might be allowed in ^bld. Mortmain. See The Meratio7i of 'Property by 'the Stat. 27 H. 8. cap. i6. The Defign of this Law was utterly Vaugh. to abolifti and deftroV that pernicious 5^- ^Vay 74 ^ft^ ^tto %mtts. Way of Conveyance ,• and the Means they took to do it was to make the Poueflion fall in with the Ufe in the fame Manner as the Ufe was limited i and where they were all Freeholds, it was thought they would be then fubjcd to the Rules of Common Lawj but the Method has not anfwered the Legifla- ture's Intent ,• for it has introduced feve- Tal Sorts of Conveyances quite oppofite to the Rules of Common Law : For now wherever a Ufe is raifed,the Statute gives Cefttiy que Ufe the PoiTefTion ; fo that 'tis only neceUary to form a Ufe^ and the PoltelTion palTes, without any Li'very or Record at all, and the Re- Co. Lit. verfions, without the Attornment of par- ^°^' ticular Tenants ^ and how the other Purpofes of the Statute be evaded will after appear. Here is to be confidered,- Firft, ^he federal Sons of Ufes executed hy the fonner Clanfe of the Statute^ ajid their fe'veral Incidents, Secondly, I'he Execution of Jointures hy the latter Qlaufes cf the Statute. .Thirdly, ne Cafes out of the Statute, Firjl;, Of the feveral Kinds of Ufes i and they are two-fold ^ c^/^, I. Ufes //ijEffe. ;z* Ufes in Poflibility, Firft, Mtts anu %xms, 75 Firftj Ufes tu Effe ,• aud they are rai- Jed by T'ra?ifjmitatio7i of ToJ}e[fio?ij or without tt. Firft:, Of Ufes raifed by Tranfmutatlorx of Pofleffion i as upon a Fine^ Feoff"., pe7}t^ or Reco'very* If In what Ma7mer they are rait fed. V. Poftea. 2. I/i what Mariner they are exe- 0itedfince the Statute. V. Poftea, 3. In what Manner they are plead- abko pirftj In what Manner they are raifed iince the Statute, dj'c. !• ^J ^^^t Rules of Law Ufes are go- ^er72ed. A Feoffment is made to the TJfe of ^''^•^^ J. S. and his Heirs Males lawfully be- Dy.159. gotten, with Remainder oyer, this does ^ Co. S7. not pafs an Eftate Tail, but a Fee Si7Jiple^ fincethe Statute j for fincethc Statute has brought theUfes into PoffefTion^they ought to be governed by the Rules of Eftates in Poflefifion, as to the Words that are elTential to the creating fuch Ufes. JSpWj if there be no Words eflential to the 76 Mfts ano %vn1is. the Creating of an Eftatc,- there is no fuch Eft ate at Common Law, and the Statute has not abrogated the Common Law fo far as to allow an Eftate in Being, without Words neceflary to cre- ate it ; and here no body is limited from whence the Heirs of the Tail may proceed. Alfo no Fee Simple can be created in Ufes^ without the Word Heirs y fmce the Statute, for the fame Rcafon. aRo.Ab. j£ ^ j^j^^^ makes a Feoffment to the Sed o.pcr Ufe of himfelf for Years, the Remain- ?J^» . -^ dcr to B. in Tail, Remainder to his own order to Right Hcirs, and after B. dies without make this Ifluc, living the Feoffor, the Remainder d^Zl'lin- to the Right Heirs, is void, becaufe it gent, the bcing Contingent, there is no Eftate of Limhatt- Fi'eehold to fupport it ; for here is no ^ot'toLtoT'^^^^^it to the Trecipe; and the not iheVfe ^/having a perpetual Tenant to the rear7 Re- '^^^^clpe was an Inconvenience the Sta- mainder to tuto cxprefly defigncd to redrefs, and B.;» Trti/, confequently to this Rule the Statute has der^To"' fubmitted all Ufes. He right If a Man makes a Feoffment in Fee c%1he ^^ *^^ Ufeoij, for Life, the Remainder Cafe^as re- to his firft Son in Tail, the Remainder to fortedin ^^ [^ Fcc ; \£ A. dics, liis Wife being taken he"e,P^'^''^^^^^^^t 'E7tfie7it ^ and a Son is aftcr- doeinot wards born, he fhall take nothin g : for ancar to •£ ^}^^ Remainder does not veft*the De- be a con- ^ , Singent Remainder, Stc. tcrmmatibq WLtts ani) Xnifts. 77 termination of the particular Eftatc, it iliall never veil: ,- for, as is faid before, the Statute does not change the Na- ture and Being of Eftates that were fettled at Common Law, and a Re- mainder ^-x ci Termifii fuppofes a par- ticular Eftate, of which it doth remain. If a Man makes a Feoffment in Fee to the Ufe of J. his Son for Life, and afterwards to the Ufe of every Perfon that iliall be his Heirs, for Life only, 'tis not good to the Heir ,• for it is a- gainft the Rules of Common Law, that a perpetual Freehold for Life only iliould defccnd, becaufe it creates a i C0.13S Perpetuity ; but it feems in this Cafe, '^' as if the Chancery (fince there is fup- pofed a good Confideration) would have executed a Fee in J. according to the Intent of the Parties. 2. What Rt/ks of Law are fet ajide hy the Statute* If a Man makes a Feoffment in Fee^ to the Ufe of A in Fee^ but upon Pay- ment of 1 00 /. or any other Contingen- cy to the Ufe of S. in Fee, if the Con- tingency happens, the Fee fhall be executed in B, for though, according to the Rules of Common Law, a Fee cant be limited on a Fee, becaufe a Tee Sivipk is the largell Eftate that can can be limited ; and therefore will not bear a Remainder over, by Way of Limitation j and this can't be conftrued a conditional Eftate ; becaufe, to avoid Maintenance, the Common Law al- lows no Stranger to take Advantage of a Condition: But the Neceflfities of Commerce and Family Settlements in- duced the Chancery to pafs by this Rule, and the Statute has executed the PoifeflTion in the fame Manner and Form as the Party had the Ufe, Now fince he had but a conditional Fee in the TJfi before the Statute, he can't have an ab- folute and unconditional Eftate, fince the Statute ; for that is to fet up an E- ftate diredly contrary to the exprefs ^Words of the Statute* Secondly, I/i what Mcumer Ufes are ex^ ecuted by the Statute. Ante, If there be a Tenant in Tail, the Rd- rnainder in Fee, and Tenant in Tail makes a Feoffment in Fee, and dies, the llTue lliall not be remitted, t)avtfon*f Where a Feme is Tenant to Life, Re- ^Y*' mainder to the Heirs of the Husband, aaz. and the Husband makes a Feoffment in iin 348 Fee, to the Ufe of himfelf and his Wife^ for their Lives, the Remainder to their own Right Heirs, the Husband dies, the Wife ij not remitted. The The Reafon is, becaufe no Man can be remitted contrary to his own A^ft, and a Statute is interpreted to be the Ad of every one, and therefore the Feme Covert and Heir, that are in by the Sta- tute^ can't be remitted. If a Man fuffers a Recovery 07i the Ro* Ab. Morrow of all Souls^ and an Indenture is ^^harfon dated the Firft of Noveinher^ wherein andWcm- he expreiTcd, that all Recoveries here- ^°^^'*' after to be fuffered between the Parties, ihall be to the TJfes contained in this hideiiture^ the JJfes limited in this /«- dejitnre fhall not be executed on the Bje^ covery fuffered before ^ for tho' the Term be as of one Day, and Judgment as of the kft Day of the Term, the Reco- veries being taken as common Afluran- ces and JJfes^ according to the Parties Intent, the Word hereafter excludes the JJfes from being executed on the Re- covery. If a Man pofTeffed of a Term afTigns Pop, 7^' it over, or grants it to a Ufe^ this is not executed by the Statute, becaufe the Words of the Statute are, whofoever is feized to a Ufe^ the Ufe ihall be ex- ecuted, ^c* But there is Seifin only of an Eftate of Freehold, and the Incon- veniencies, that this Statute defigns to redrefs, lay in Freeholds only. But So Mits atiD %tntt&. ainft.ijjr. g^t a Man may limit the Ufes of a 1^^^- 55. Freehold for Years, and the Z7y^ lliall be executed by the Statute. To the Execution of a Ufe four Things are ncceflary. 1. There ot/ght to be a Person Seized^ 2. Ceftuy que Ufe in Rerum Natura. 3. J Ufe //^ Effe ?';/ ^offe[fi07U, Recer- fioji or Remai?ider» iCo. ii5. ^. That the EJiate of the Feoffees may 'veft in Ceftuy que Ufe, and here o?ily the fir ft and fourth Thing is to he confidered j for the fecond and third Confideration fall under co7itingent Ufes. Tirfi^ There ought to be a Perfon feized, for the Words of the Statute are, if any Perfon ftand or be feized, and if the Feolfees be dilfeifed, and then the Statute were made, the Feoffees have only a Right of Poffeffion, and that be executed 5 for the Words of the Sta- tute are, that the Eftate, Right and iCo. la^. Polfeflion fhall be in Ceftuy que Ufe^ *• yet this muft be referred to the pre- ceding Words, and that is in Cafe where the Feoffees ftand feized. Thirdly, Mits tim %vnns. 8 1 Thirdly, //? what Manner they are pleadable. If a Man makes a Feoflfment in Fee Owen u, to J, to the Z7/^ of S. S. may plead this Feoffment, and fliew that J, S* dif- 2,7wir- feized him, without laying any aUual m"an. Entrjr\ for the Statute executes the Pof- lefTion in him ^ he may alfo plead it without iliewing any Agreement there- to, becaufe the Freehold is in him, un- lefs he difagree, and then it mufl: be owen S7, iliewn on the other Side, for thereby . the Freehold is immediately out of him. But in Trefpafs he muft fhew an ac- tual Entry ; for this Adlion is grounded on the Difturbance of his PolTcilion, or the Violation of his Right by taking the adual Profits, which no Man could hinder him from, or difturb him in, till he fliews he was in Poifefiion. In Tkadi72gt\ic Party iliew'd that A^^Si^'of- was feifed to the Ufe of B. and lay a ^"5, ^ijfeiziny without fhewing how he c. 8. 10. came to be feized, and it was held good ,• ^/^vf ''■^ Ceftity qm Ufe can't juftify the taking 338.1.13, of Beafts lDa?nage-feafa7it before the Statute, becaufe he had no Eftate at Common Law i but he may iince the Statute. G if 82 mts atiD XtuRs;. Bro. F. If a Man pleads that he bought the l[^{c\ S. Land for 20 /. without (hewing the Mo- j 5. a. ncy paid, or a Day alledged for the Pay- ment of it, this is good; for Buying implies Payment of the Money; and if there was none paid, the Plaintiff may reply, he did not buy, dc. Secondly, Of Ufcs that pafs without "Traufmutation of TofTeffto/iy and they are two-fold according to the two- fold Confideratiofi before*Me/itioued» tirft, Raifed hj Way of Bargain a7id Sale, on the Conjideration of Mo?iej\ Secondly, 'By Way of Covenant tojiand feizedy on the Confidemtion of Blood. Flrjl^ By Bargain and Sale. Bargain and Sale is a Contract in Confidera- tion of Money, pafling an Eftate in Lands by Deed indented and inroUed, if a Freehold of Inheritance; if other- wife, by Word only j and here it is to be coniidered, li ithe fe'veral Tartr ff the Defini- tion. 2. T'he EfeB of this Conveyance. 3. ^he Expq/ition of it, 4. The Pleading of B^rgsilns and Sales, Firji, Firfiy The feveral Parts of this Defini- tion, and they are five, fi. W^o may Bargain and Sell* ,2. !7o Whom, a7id both thefe are im\ plyed i7i its being a Coiitra'ci- 3. T^he Confideration, of which is al- ready /pokeu, 4. What may be Bargained and Sold, 5. In what Maimer a Bargain and Sale may be made* Firft, Who may Bargain and Sell. The King and all other Perfons that 44 eHz.^ can't be feized to a Ufe^ can t bargain ^' g'"^°^* and Sell i for when a Man had fold his ki„s and Land for Money, without giving Li- Lung. *very^ the Ufe pafled in Equity, as it is faid; and this is executed and becomes a Bargain and Sale by the Statute, and antecedent to any fuch Execution i here muft be a JJje well raifed, which can't be without a Perfon capable of be- ing Seized to a Ufe, If T^eiiant in T,ail bargains, and fells icCo.'p^^ his Land in Fee, this pafles an Eftate ^\^^^ determinable upon the Life of Tenant in .^o, Ui\ Tail J for at Common Law, the JJfe could not be granted of any greater Eftate than the Party had in him. Now Te- G 2 nant S4 tmfejs mh %t\tfts. nant in T^ail had an Inheritance in him, but he could difpofe of it only du- ring his own Life, and therefore when he fells the Ufe in Fee, Ceftf/y que Ufe has a Kind of Inheritance, yet deter- mining within the Compafs of a Life ; and the Statute executes it in the fame Manner as he has the Ufe^ and confe- qucntly he will have fome Properties of a T^e7ia7it in Fee^ and fome of a l!e' iC.i4,T5. fiant for Life onlyj but if T'e/iant for ^tub^ Life bargains and fells in Fee^ this paf- fes only an Eftate for Life, for he could not pafs the Ufe of an Eftate for Life to the Bargainee, and the Statute ex- ecutes the PofTeflion as the Party has the Ufe* Secondly, To who7n a Bargain a?id Sale maji he made. 7 Co. 40- A Man may jBargai/z and Sell to his Cro^Eh''"* ^^"5 ^"^ y^^ *^^ Confideration of Mo- 394. TiSy ought to be expreffed, and it ought I Vern. to have all the other Circumftances of ^^^' a ^Bargain and Sale 3 but this ihall ope- rate as a Co'venant to ft and Seized^ if there be none but the Confideration of natural Love and Affedion exprefled. loCo. 24, A Man may bargain and Sell to a ^R Ah Corporatioji', for they may take a Ufe jss!" '^'tho' the Money be given by the Gover- nors Witts mh Xtufts. 8 J nors in the natural Capacity, and a JBar- gain and Sale in Truft to them is good, tho' the Truft be void when limited to other Perfons, cciufa qua fnpra. Thirdly, Of the Confideration^ of which fufficie7it hath heenfaid before. Fourthly, What may he hargai7ied and fold. Any Freehold or Inheritance in Pof- 3^^°- 54- feflion, Reverfion, or Remainder up- J^^2^\, on an Eftate for Years or for Life, or co. 69. ^ in T^ail may be bargained and fold, and it fliall be enrolled. A Rent in B.Jfe may be bargained and fold, becaufe this is a Freehold within the Statute. A Man pofTeffed of a Term can't bar- Pop. 76^. gain and fell it fo as to be executed by the Statute, caufa qua fiipra, A7itea. But a Man feized of a Freehold may ^^nft.^yT. bargain and fell it for Years, ca7ifa ^^Ip^^"', qua fuprUr^ ibid. And this fliall be exe- 6, 94, ■ cuted by the Statute of l/fes, but it ^f""-^^^ need not be enrolled by the Statute of* Enrollment. Before the Statute, a Rent newly created might be bargained and fold ; becaufe when the Money as an Equi- valent was given, and Ceremonies or Words of Law were wanting, the Chan- Roll 8;, G 3 eery 8^ Wiits atiti %t\xtts* eery fupplied them ; therefore this was good to pafs the Eftate without any Words of Granting. 1 Co. 125. But fince the Statute, a Re^t newly iAnd.327 created, can t be bargained and fold, becaufe there ought to be a Freehold in fome other Perfon to be executed in Cefttiy que TJfe ,• but there can be no Seizin or this Re7it in the Bargainor, be- caufe no Man can be feized of a Rent in his own Land ; and confequently there can be no Eftate to be executed in the Bargainee. Keii.84. If a Man fells 20/. Worth of his « Co. ^-l'. Land, parcel of a Manor, this is void, for that 'tis neither certaiii in it felf nor reducible to a Certainty i for no Man is made a Judge of the Value ; otherwife it feems, if he had granted the 20 Acres Parcel of this Manor, for an Acre is a Thing certain, and the Situation may be reduced to a Certain- ty by his Eledion. Keil. S4. If a Son bargains and fells the Inhe- J^'c ^ ' ritance of his Father, this is void • be- caufe he hath no Right to transfer, and the fame Law is of a Releafe, But if the Son makes a Feoffment of the Inheritance of his Father, this paf- fes an Eftate during the Son's Life^ for Co. Lit. it is a Dijfeiziii to the Father j and the ^^5'"^ Son after the Father's Death, can't a- void tares atin Xrufts; 87 void it ; for no Man can al ledge an In- jury in any voluntary A6k of his own. But if the Son rekafes^ with Warra7ity^ ibid. he and his Heirs are for ever hereafter barred of the Rebutter. If there be two ^ointejiants-^ and one of them bargains and fells all his Eftate, and before Inrollment the o- ther dies, the jBargaiuee hath only a Moiety, and the Bargainor is in of a Moiety furviving. If Husha?id^ feizcd of Lands, in Right j ?"^'' 5* of his Wife, or Tenant in Tail h^^- ^^l i„^°' gains and fells Trees in the Lands, and Biuingly dies before Severance, the ^^"g^^^^^^'fc^^ca/e, hath nothing ; for they are not Chat- Moor 41! ties ; and as fuch, not difpofable till Se- verance. Fifthly^ In what Ma7mer it may he Bar- ainft-^75' gained and Sold ; a72d here is^ i ft. To he cofifidered^ hy what Words it may he Bargained a7id Sold, sdly. Of the Inrollment. Firft, By zvhat Words it f/iay he Bargain- iina.eis- ed aTid Sold. At Common Law, Lands might be P7,u^^'. bargained and fold by Words only, for cJ/e. it was the Coniideration that in Equity Poph. 4S, raifed the Ufe j but,fmce the Statute oi'ttr/.. 1 4 the and Co. 88 MttS mh %Xttii&. the 32 o^ H. Z.cap, 16. Lands can't pafs without an Indenture, py. 169. 'Tis not necelTary to a TJfe that the Words 'Bargain and Sell are there, but any Words equivalent are fufficient to make a Covenant to ftand feized j for va- luable Conlideration will raifea JJfe-^ fo will theWord Gm^ Grants and Co7ifirm. Cro. jac. The Words Bargain and Sell will Moor -4.^^^* P^^^ ^ Reveriion until Attornment, iCro. El. unlefs it be enrolled^ but the Word J- ^^^' lien will i nor will the Words Gi've and Grant J without a valuable Confideration or Attornement, pafs a Rent, tho' the Deed be inrolled. 'Tis already fnewn that if a Man makes a Charter of Feoffme7it upon valuable Confideration, with a Letter of Jftor- ney to deliver Seizin\ the Party may chufe either to receive Li'very^ or to have the Deed inrolled, and fo take it by Bargai?^ and Sale, aCo. 35. A Man demiles, Bargains and Sells wa/d'j ^ Manor, Part in Demefne, and Part in X^afe. Tenants Hands, for 17 Years, the Party may chufe either to take it by Way of Leafe at Common Law ^ and then the Tenants rauft attorn i or by Way of Bargaifi and Sale without Attornment; and this agrees with the Policy of the Common Law, to#take every Man's Grant, fo to pafs an Intcreft, as fliall be moft mtts attu %tntts. $9 mofl: advantageous for the Grantee: And fince in this Cafe the Words allow a double Way of taking it, the Grantee * Leonard fliall be at Liberty to judge which is moft ^f b\. beneficial : So at Common Law, if J, Co. Lie. makes a Leafe for Years to S. and after- 49- wards makes a Charter of Feoffjiisnt to B* who is in PolfelTion, by the Words T>ecli O'Co/iceJJi with aLetter of Attorney ^to de- liver Seizin, before Livery he may make Ufe of the Deed as a Confirmation, and afterwards as a Feoffment ^ and a Grant to Tenant at Will, may enure as a Confirmation, fince no hwerj is necef- Dy. 169, fary to one in Poffellion. Where Tenant for Years makes a Char- ter of 'Feoffment upon a valuable Confide- tion, by the Words 2)^^/ CJ Conceffi^ with a Letter of Attorney, to deliver Seizin, which is done accordingly ^ this is a For- feiture, for this ilitdl not be taken as a 'Bargain and Sale^ whereby the Term^y*-*^-- only is palled, which the LelTee might lawfully pafs ^ but here Livery of Seizin is authorized by him, which ever paf- fes a Freehold, and is a DilTeizin to the Reverfioner, and confequently a For- feiture of his Term, J. hy hide ?it we y\\i Confideration of na- tural Affedion, grants to B. a Rc7it in Effej hahefii to B. for Life, the Remain- der to C in 'lail^ the Remainder to the Right 49 Right Heirs of J. after J.\ Death, and there is an Attornment, and it is found C was Coufin to J, and adjudged that this lliould rife by Way of JJfe without Attor7iment ; for there can be no Eftate jackfon'/^t Common Law by Attornynent after Pafch. *^^® Death of the Grantor ,• for to every 1 6 5 7« Contract a Grantor and Grantee is necef- Co. Lit. £^j.y ^ ^^^ j£ ^j^y q£ ^q{q are wanting when the Contra(f^ begins to take Ef- fed, 'tis wholly void and infignificant. Secondly^ Of the Enrolhnent^ it has been already fhewn, that the Statute of the 2'jH.^.cap. i o. by executing all i7/fx raifed, introduced a fecret AVay of Con- veyance, contrary to the Policy of the Common Law ; and to remedy this, the Enrollment of the Deeds o£ Bargaiji and Sale was invented ; which \)ycap,i6, was to be within fix Months after the Date. And here three Things are to be con- fidcrcd. 1. 'J he Relation hetweeji the Enroll- ment a7i.d the Deed, 2. What E dates are to he em'olkd. 3. Whefz they are to he enrolled* Fir fly The Relatio7i ■ between the JEI//* rolhiiefit and the T>eed, At Common Lazv^ the Ufe paflfed from ipiie Delivery or Date of the Deed ^ by the the Sfat, of the 27 of //.8. c. i o. the Tof Jejfion pafTed, as the Party had the Ufe^ which then was from the Delivery of the Deed; but 'twas thought convenient to add further Circumftances to thefe Con- trafts; and therefore cap* 16. provided, ^hat the Toffeffioji jJjojtld not ftafid or alter from one to ajiother -■, or any Vfe he made^ hy Reafoji of any bargain and Saky nnkfs it he hy *Deed ijidented ajid enrolled within fix Months, So that the Bargain and Sale is void and ineffc(5lual to any Purpofes^ unlefs it hath the Qualifications required by the Statute : Dy. 218. But if it hath thefe Qualifications, it "^^^^^ hath the fame Effed it had before at4Co. 71. Common Law, (to wit,) to raife thefol-57- Ufes from the Delivery j for the Words of the Statute are only to add fome Things, and not to abolifh or fet afide the Force it had formerly j and if the Ufe palfes from the Date of the Deed, the PolfelTion muft pafs in the fame Manner by the 27 //. 8. c. 10. for this Statute of Enrollment doth not deftroy the Operation of the Stc\tute of Ufes^ if the Conveyance be made cftcdtual by all Circumftances required by this Statute j and then the Statute of Ufes muft have its Effetft, according to its own Words, and pafs the PoflelTioa imme- diately. From From hence it follows, that the.^^r- gai7iee hath not the Freehold till En- rollment j for till then, there is no Con- tract effectual to alter the Property. M?"l!!* ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ bargains and fells his Manor -y jac. in to which there is an Advowfon appen- ^'"'"S^y daiit^ the Bargainee can make no Title fe"y-jC/j/e,^o prefent before 'Rjtrollment, Mackrcis A Heleafe to the Bargainor before m'\ Co. ^^^^ollment^ is good ,• and it enures to 56.' rt. ' the Bargainee, becaufe the Releafor can't claim the Right that he hath paf- fed out of himfelf by his own Rekafe, Bro;Tir. jf there be two Jointenajits^ and one -Ti. Is. of them makes a Bargain and Sale of his 9. 6 E. 6. own Eftate in Fee, and then the other Cro.jac. ^-^^^ the other Moiety fhall furvive to Co. Lie. the Bargainor ; for fince the Freehold 3^8^. is in the 'Bar^ai^ior. the Joi72tme con- j^ tniues. i*Rep. If a Man bargains and fells his Land, JJ*"'^'-' and then fuifers a Reco'ver}'^ levies a Mo^or Fine, or makes a Feqff7ne7it to the Bar- 681, 337- gainee, and then the Deed is E^^rolkd ; ?6t"l*o^-! ^^^ L^nd paifcs by the Reco'very., Fine 4Leon. 4. or Feoffment \ for fInce the Freehold Poph49. and life is in the 'Bargamor till En- -o ^^^'j-ollment, it muft pafs by the Recove- ry, (jc. And when it has pafTed by the Recovery, the Ufe can't rife, nor the Poffcfifion be executed from the Date of the Deed. But Wiits ano %tnfis. ^3,^ But if the Land had been in any City, ^'^;['^ Burrough or Town Corporate^ that have Jjj^^"^:^* the Privilege of Eftrolhie?it^ it had been otherwife ; for they are excepted out of the Statute of Enrollment ^ and fo the PoflefTion is executed from the Date of the Deed. If a Man "Bargaitis and Sells Land to J, and then grants a Kefit-Charge to S. and then levies a Fi7ze to the K.i7ig^ and then 'tis to be enrolled, he fhall hold the Land difcharged ; for the Land paffes by the Grant,- for Grants to the King muft be by Matter of Record, and not Deeds recorded, as are the Sales of common Perfons ,• and there can be no Averment or Proof againft a Record ; and by the Record, it appears, if any Intereft were transferred, it palled from the Date which was before the Fine : Alfo when fuch Deed is acknowledged • in Court, 'tis good without Enrollment ; for *tis not the Enrollment, but the Ac- knowledgment of it, in a Court of Jufcice which gives it the Sanation of a Record. Fro?n hence it likewife follows^ that af- ter Inrollment, the Freehold is in the Bargainee /f^;// the Date of the Deed, If the bargainor or Bargainee dies ^^n&.6U' before Enrolhnent^ it may be enrolled ; f ^^nd.'*^* tor 229, vide Godbolr, C«/ff 537. 94 ^ftsf atio %m(ts* for here are Parties to give and take the Iiitereft when it begins to veft ; for it vefts from the Date of the Deed ; o- therwife it is in Cafe of Attornment- If a Man Bcirgm72S and Sells his Lands, the Bargainee may be T^e7ia?it to the ^Precipe before Enrollment. He may, by the better Opinion, re- ceive a Heleafe before IBjfirolhneiit, I And. The ^^r_^^///^^ may maintain an Jf- ^^^* pze before Ejirollment. If there be two JointeiiantS', and one of them Bargains and Sells to another Statuvi fmirn in Fee, and dies before ILti-^ rollment^ and after *tis enrolled, his Moi- ety pafl'es to the Bargainee^ and fhall not furvive. Hale ani If ^ Man "Bargains and Sells a Re- iaJhcs verfion, and the Rent is incurred ^ and 151. afterwards the Deed is enrolled, the Bar- isid. siOgr^//;^^ {hall have the Rent unpaid ^ but 2odboit, if the Rent be once paid to the Bar- Cafe io9'gainor, that will be a good Payment by the Tenant of the Land ; and the Bargainor is not accountable ; becaufe the Contrad had not any Effeifr to pafs the Eftate from the Bargainor before Enrollment; and the Relation of the Law can't make void an Adt that was lawful J for it can't be fct afide, but by an exprefs and pofitive Law, If If a Man makes a Leafe for Life, Owcn ^ 9, with a Claufe of Re-entry^ referving a Rent i and then 'Bargains and 4^^//^ the K.e'verfiojij and the Bargainee demands the Rent, and the Leffee refufes, and then the Deed is enrolled, the Bargai- nee can't E72ter for the Forfeiture -, for till E7irolhnent, he is not Grantee of the Reverfion within the Statute, ca- pable of the Duty j and confcquently 5 h. s, at the Day, could make no legal De- ^- 54- mandj which was precedently necelTa-. ry to his Eutry* If Tenant for Life be impleaded af- ter a 'Bargain and Sale of the Rever- fion, and then the Deed is enrolled, the Bargainee fliall be received ; though no Man fhallbe received by the Stat.Weftm* ^vvcn 70, 2. that purchafes the Reverfion, pe7i' de?ite lite. If a Man feized in Fee^ is bound m Owen 70, a Recog7iiza7ice^ and then Bargai7is \> *• and Sells all his Lands, and then the Re- 2i"nft.ower^ and all other Incumbran- ces whatfoever made in the mean Time, H 2. What i 98 MUs ano %mfxs. 2. Wh^f BJiates ought to he e7irolkd<. An Eftate of Freehold or Inheritance *^"^*-7i- muft be enrolled,- but not Terms for Years ,• for they are not within the Words of the Statute. If a Man Bargains and Sells Lands t Co. 40. to his Son, in Confideration of Mojiey^ ^a(f' ^^^^ ^^^^ *^^"^ ^^ Efirolled, *^^' But if the Father in Confideration of Mici 5.45) Natural Love and AffeUioii., and alfo w^s^ 'rtwrf "^ Confideration of Money ^ grants Lands Dick'i to his Son, this need not be enrolled i ^s^\' qs ^*°^' Covenants to ftand fcized are not Co,\m. * within the Words of the Statute i and Lit.45K where the Confideration of Blood is expreiTcd, it may enure as a Covenant to ftand feizedi but *tis only a Sale when the Confideration of Money is alone expreffed j for that excludes all other tacit Confiderations : And Cities, Burroughs, (^c* that have the Privilege of Enrollments, are not within the Ad '3 for tho' the Intent of the Makers of that Statute might be not to have excepted them from Enrollments in the Courts of Wejijmnller -, yet the Statute IS fo worded, that they are dif- charged from any Enrollment at all. The Words arc," Provided always, that il this Adl, nor any Thing therein con- tained *^ tained extend not to any Mami':, " Lands^ &c. 3. Wloeji it inay he eiir oiled* It muft be enrolled zmthin fix Mo?tths from the Date which lliall be account- ed according to the Computation of twenty-eight Days per Month ; for a^^"?-^74. Month in its proper and original Signi-cafl^n-*' fication is the Space Time meafured byay of Co. fup, the Tiate in this Cafe, is taken ail one, nl'ifelf n 1 r^ n c i^ 5 Dalilon4. as it IS m ail Other Cafes or Computa- Hob. 140. tion ,• and therefore the Enrollment may ^"^^^"^ 40f be on the 1)ay of the T>ate^ or on the oinft.674. laft Day of the fixth Month after the 2R0.520. T>ay of the T>ate; for tho' when an ^^;l^^' Intereft palfes from the Day of the<5Coj,<5» Date, the Day itfelf is excluded j yet when a Time is ftinted, in which an A(5t ought to be done, it is in Order to haften the doing of that A(5t \ and therefore the doing it on the Day from whence the Period is firft reckoned, within the Time appointed, and the laft Day of the fixth Month, is within the Words of the Time given. H 2 If loo mfes ant) Xmfxs. Hob. T40. If the 7)eed has no T>ate, the fix Moo/42. Months are to be reckoned from the Ve- liceryy but not otherwife. Secondly, I'he EfftU of a Bargain anS. Sale. It works no Difcontinuance* Sand.260. A Tenant in Tail, bargains and {cWs Moor 42! ^is Lands in Fee, only an Eftate of Freehold pafTes j bccaufe it is determina- ble within the Compafs of a Life, and, therefore he can't devife it ^ for the Sta- tute of 32 ^. I. 35^. 8. 3. give only a Power to devife a Fee Simple, which is the exprefs Expofition of the Word hiheritaiice, iCo. 98i. gut- yet ^-j^e 'Bargainee hath feveral 25i. ' , Properties of a Teuant in Fee^ he is 1jifpfJ7iiJl3ahle of Wdfte^ doth not forfeit by Alienation ; and the Reafon is, be- caufe, as he gave a Coniideration for the Ufe of the Fee, 'tis fit he fhould have all the Properties of the Fee that were not prejudicial to the Right of ibid.Sandthe IJfue in 'Taily and were not within the Power of the Father to difpofe of. ^ If the Wife he dowahle, J Sand. ^^t i^ Tenant in Tail Bargains and a6i. Sells Lands in Fee, and afterwards Le- Br^ Feoff. '^^^^ a Fine:, the bargainee is then 7*^/337.3.5. 7, lu H. 8. 21, fcizcd fcifcd of a Fee-fimpk determinable on the Eftdte Tail, inafmuch as the Iffhe in Tail is barred by the Fi/ie^ for that bars all Parties and Privies, tho' not the Remainder Man j and when the Right of the Tenant is extinguiflied the JJJhe hath no Claim againft the Tenant of his Anceftor; but if the JBar^ gai/jee had levied a Fl/^e^ the Iffue, by the Statute of Fines has five Years from Cro. tii'i, the Defcent ,• for the Anceftor could ^^'^• not claim in his Life-time. If the bargainee in this Cafe dcvi- fes the Lands, and 6^v:^s^ and afteru^ards the Bargainor levies a Fine^ the Heir of the Bargainee fhall have it, and not i Sand. the Devifcc, for the Devife is Con- ^•^* fummate at the Time of the Death of the Devifor, and if then it be void, it cannot after be made good. If Tenant in Tail Bargaijis and Sells * ^^"^' his Land in Fee, and then levies a Fi72e ^ in Fee to a Stranger, thu Bargainee hath a Fee-fi?nple determinable upon the E- ftate Tail ; for Tenant in Tail hath to all Purpofes departed with his whole Eftatc, tho' the Right of the Iffne is fav'd, and confequently he can pals no- thing to the Conufee of the Fine. A Bargain and Sale works no For- feiture ; But if a Man levies a Fine of an Jdvo^J^jon^ or any Thing lying in H 3 C&antj 162 Mtts ano Xvnfis. Grant ; tho' this divefts not the Re'ver^ fion^ yet it works a Forfeiture, For a Forfeit nre Is a Punifhment, for doing fonicthing contrary to the Nature and Being of the Eftate he hath, and contrary to the Truft and Fidelity due to the Perfon from whom it was deri- ved, or his Subftitutes ^ therefore if the Tenant for Life, by Feoffment or Grajit* i72g it by Recordi or any other A6t, took upon him the Right to the Fee, it was a Forfeiture; but otherwife, it was, if he fold the life in Fee ; for Ufes are on- ly the Creatures of Equity, and not taken Notice of at Common Law \ and the Chancery in Favour of a Purchafer W. fvof. for a valuable Conilderatidn, fince there tig ("2. ^s no Prejudice to the Reverlioncr, will allow this, as a Man grants the C^/'t' or an Eftate for Life, and the Statute ex- ecutes the Pofleflfion, as the Party has the Ufe^ which is only during the Life of the "Bargainor^ and works no For- feitnre. 4 Co. 115. A "Bargainee cannot VoUclo by Force '•• of a Warranty^ annex'd to the Eftate of ft "9 a.' t^**^ Lands j for he that is in by the Sta- tute, is in the ^Poft 5 for he is not inf . the Poftlftion by the meer Contract of the Party, but by the general LaW of the Land ; and therefore by the Writs of En- try^ cannot be faid to be in thcp^r, that is H by fucli a one ; and he that is in the Toft can't vouch •Jox9.lVarra7itj/ i^^Co'venafit^ annexed to the Freehold, whereby the Party agrees to take it up when con- troverted, and to defend it -, it can there- fore only extend to thofe that claim the Freehold from him, and not to thofe that come to it any other Way, but he may Rebut ; for tho' he hath not cove- nanted to defend the Lands to him, yet he can t claim them, becaufe when a- ny Man covenants to defend the Lands, be it to whom it will, it appears there- by the W^irrafitor can have no Right to ^Ro. Ab. claim them, unlefs a new Title appears '' ^* after the Wcirra?ity. The Ufe and TojfeJfio7i palTcs to the^^"^;^54.^,. fame Intent j and therefore a Man may bargain and Sell^, referving a Rent ; for tho' no Refit be referved out of an Ufe^ for a Re7it had its Nature and Being at Common Latv^ and accordingly refer- vable I yet now the TJfe and Poffeffion carry a Relation to the fameMoment that the Rejit is well referved, and there is an Eftate out of which it may ilfue. If a Man fells a Re^jerfwn upon a j„ Mal- Leafe for Life or Years, the ^argai?i£e\or'sCafe^ fliant take Advantage upon a Demand ^5 Co. 114. of the Rcjit^ without Notice of the cro. Jac. Bargain and Sale\ for Ic was never the u^j- Intent of the Statute of Jlnrollment, H 4 that 1 04 mifes anti Xtnixs, that tlie Farmer ^ould be forced eve- ry fix Months to fearch for the Efiroll- 7nents in Defence of his own Tenure. Co, Lit. At Common Law^ no Man could re^ ^^^' ''' ^ leafe to T!e7iant for Tears^ unlefs in Pof-r fefTion i for all PoffelTions were transfer- red by Livery folemnly, and there can be no Livery where the Party is in Pof- fcifion before ^ therefore there the Inte- rcft muft pafs by Way of Releafe ; but where he is not in Polfeflfion, he is with- in the Rule, and therefore muft take by Li'vejy. Co. Lit. If a Man makes a Leafe for Life Vau-h. o^* Tears^ and after grants the Rever- 44,5^6,7, fion for Life or Tears^ and the Te7ia7it s,9, 51- attorns, the Leffor rnny releafe to the Grajitee ; for there is no Need of a new Grant and new Attornment, where the Party is already in Attornment of the lleverfion. Cro. jae. if a Man Bargains and Sells Lands f^'^' , for Years, he may releafe to the Bar- Liuvvych . '. , -' Til -J. Mihov. gai7iee^ without Lntryj or it he bargains and fells the Reverfion for a Year, he may releafe to the ^argainee^ without JttoYiimeiit^ becaufe the PoflefTion is vefted in the Lejfee by the Statute 5 and confequentiy is capable of a Releafe^ ^ ^ caufa qua fupra, F"-^-^--. If a Man, dcfigning to convey Lands -s^'^plc ^^ ^' ^cmifes, grants, bargains and fells v'car. B. R. Grotton Lejfee of Sir John Dorrel. them Mtcs ano Xmfxs. loy .tliem to J. for Years, and afterwards Releafes them to J. for the Ufe of B, this Releafe is good before there is any Agreement of J. to take the Rckafe by Way of Bargain and Sale -, and if J^ afterwards chufes to take this as a Rer leafe at Common Law, whereby a PolfefTion would be neceffary to the O- pcrationof a Rekafe; yet iliall not this deftroy the Eftate of R. becaufe J, be- ing exprefled to be made ufe of but as an Inftrument to convey it to R. fuch ar> Expofition muft be made, as will make him capable of doing it ; and not {ugh as would make the Conveyance of no Signification. Thirdly, 'The '^xpofition of a Bargain aH-y.^-^t a7id Sale. Every Bargain and Sale fhall be ex- pounded equally and indifferently be- tween both Parties, becaufe they had their Original in Equity i but other- wife it is of Gifts and Grants at Com- mon Lazv^ which are taken ftrongeft a- gainft the Grajitors. If before the Statute, a Man had Kdi. 85, Bargained and Sold to J, and after- wards had executed an Eftate by Lii'e- rj to B, the firft Vendee had been with- out Remedy, ca7ifa qua fupra, A Bar- 106 Witts ann Xmfis. Cro. Jac. A Bargain and Sale of Land to 7. S. 659, 660. .^ p^^^ ^.^j^ ^ Provifo, that if the^Bar- gai7ior pay fo much at fuch a Time, the ^argaiji and Sale fhaJl be void j and the Bargainee covenants not to in- ter-meddle with the Profits ; but for the Default of Payment, the Bargai7ior is Dowfly ^. Tenant at Will to the Bargainee-, and BUck- if he makes a Leafe for Years, he is no Bridg- T)ij)eizor to the Bargainee, becaufe no man 121. Wrongful Intention ; and when the Leafe expires, he is T^enant at WiU* Fourthly, The Manner of T leading Bargains and Sales. Co. Lit. A Bargain and Sale is a Deed En- V^'h rolled^ and as fuch muft be pleaded j ii]. L ^^^ Deed it felf, whereby the JJfe it 5C0. 53.4:. felf originally pafles, is a Matter in jP^/j, and muft be iliewn to the Court, and not the Tenor of the Deed ' which is on the Roll of Record j for the Enrollment is the Tranfadtion of the King, or his Courts of Juftice ,• and therefore they have the Efteem of un- doubted Fruits i and confequently Grants to the King, or Inftruments to any Sub- jeds made in open Court, are Records, and uncontroulable ; but the T)eeds of Subjc(5ts privately made, not in open Court, when the Party claims from the Date tmfcs auo Xmtts. 107 Date or Execution of thcfe Contrads, have not the Sanction of Records:, tho' the Deeds be after pubiickly Jckuozu- ledged and Enrolled; for the private Co^itrad may be faifely and fraudulent- ly dated, or ill executed ; and therefore, 'tis ncGcfiaKy they themfelves fhould be fhevvn, fince the Party from their Com- mencement derives his Title. But the Tenor of an Enrolhie?it Is a ibid. Record which can't be produced; be- caufcj tho' 'tis certainly an authentick Copy, yet it may be the true Copy of a falfe Deed. But the A(5t of Efirolhnetit is a Tranf- 4C0. 71. adion of the Court, and therefore can't be denied,- but as all other Rf^rorix may, by Pleading Nut tiel Record^ and the ^Ro.Rep only Trial is, by fhewing it ,- but the ^ ^* ^^°* Time of Enrollmejit ^ when it doth not appear on the Rolls it felf, as antiently it did not, was to be tried by a "^tiry ; but when the Time doth appear on the Roll it felf, as it hath done (ince the Office of Efirollments^ it lliall be tried by nothing but it felf. Hence it follows, that if an /;/- alnft'«>75' f{i?it Bargaius and Sells his Lands by Deed, indented and enrolled, yet he may plead Nofiage ; for notwidi- ftanding the Statute, the Bargainee claims by the Deed as at Common Eaw^ which 1 o8 Mfts aitD %tms. which was, and therefore is ftill defea- fable by Nonage, «inft.675. Y>\Xi if an hifant contrads in open 'Enroll ^ Court \ as if he acknowledges a Statute^ 528. (J-f. he can't plead Nonage again ft it ; 5-5,1 i>i4- for if the Court have allowed him to have a contrading Power, there can be no Averment to the contrary. iinft675. If an Jnfa72t makes an Obligation, Bro. ibid, ^j^j afterwards acknowledges and en- rolls it in open Court, he can't plead Nonage ; for the Recognition of any Perfonal Contradl, amounts to the ma^. king of one, for the Defign of all Perfo- nal Contracts is but to acknowledge an Obligation, which, when done in Court, is not to be controverted; but in real Contrads, the Defign of the Statute is, that the Inftrument it fclf, with apt and lignificant Words Should pafs the In- tereft, and not the Recognizance^ which is only a folemn Act appointed for fur- ther Notoriety; and therefore* the Par- ty muft claim from the Words that transferred the Eftate, which are only in the Deed, ^inft.^yd. But if an Infant acknowledges the Sta- tute or Obligation in Court, he may avoid it by an Audita Querela^ for he is infped- ed in Court, and the former Ad may be annulled by an A6t of equal Autho- rity. By By the Commou Law^ a Deed ac- knowledged by the Hushaiid and Wife^ binds only the Husband ; for the Wife can't be examined by any Court, with- out a Writ, and there is no Writ allowed in this Cafe, for the better Security of WweSy who are, by our Law, entirely fubjcdted to the Will of the Ihsha72dj fo that the Court is not impower'd to take fuch an Ohligatmi^ but it is an A(ft extrajudicial. But the Ciiftoin of London^ that al- g^^^^/j5- lows them to trade feparately, binds s. °7. them alfo by fuch Ohligatioji, If a Man acknowledges and enrolls ^'■°-^^''^* a Deed, he can't afterwards plead Moor 4:, 'Durefs, If a Man makes a JLeafe for Tears ^*®" '. the I oth of May^ and afterwards Bar- Thomas ga'ms and Sells his Land, and antedates HowardV the Deed, the Acknowledgment and En- ^"^^ rollment the loth of Aprils the Lefl'ee is without Remedy ,• becaufe there is an Averment againft the Record. The Party that claims by any Bar- Ydv.iij. gain and Sale muft fhew in what Court ^^^-i-'h the Deed is enrolled \ becaufe he muft fliew all Things in certain that make out his Title, and otherwife his Ad- verfaries would be put to an infinite Search before he could traverfe with Security, Secondly, no Mke ano %t\iUs. Secondly, Of Co've7ia7its to Jfandfeized npon Conjideratioji qf Blood j ofijohich fee before. Billing- The Original of it was in tl>is Man- Moriey'! "^^ before 27 H^ 8. When any Man co- Mich. 9! venanted to ftand feized to the JJfe of ^' another, the Remedy was twofold. Firfl^ By jUmi at Co?u7mn Law upon the Covenant, and thereby 2)/i- mages only were recovered. Bro.Fwf. Secondly^ In Chaiicery \ and here the 1%. Remedy arofethus; when any Man co- 5. 1(5. venants to do a Thing, the Party is firft bound in Confcience to perform the Thing it felf \ and if that can't be, then to render T^amages for not doing of it -, therefore the Chancery that examines the Confcience of Men's Atflions requires ti fpecifick TcrforiJiance of the Thin^ it felf, where it can be had : But the Coifi^ mo7i Law could not carry this Covenant Plow. fo far without offering Violence to its Com. 508. ^^^^ Rules j for the Com7no7i Law re- quires Lwery^ and to allow an Adion ; for a fpecifick Terfoniiarice makes the Agreement binding without it ,• but by the 27 ^. 8 thefe Ufes are executed, and therefore no A(5tion lies ; for there can be no Complaint for not transferring the Thing, when the Statute transfers it to the Party himfeif. Co've-^ nits ana %mns. 1 1 1 Cove?ia?its to ftatid Seized in Confi- P'ow. deration of Marriage, need not be in- ^°™'5°'' dented or enrolled, for they are not within the Statute of the i6th i for Mar- riage makes it publick, and it was not thought fit to publifh it any otherwife. And here 'tis to be confide red, i. Wl^o 7nnji Covenant to ftani Sei- zed, and to whom. Seconly, What Confideration is necef- jary to a Covenant to flajid feized. Thirdly, ^y mhat Words a Man may Covenant to ftafid Seized. Fourthly, The EffeU of a Coveiiant to. Jia?id feized, Firft, Who may Covenant to ft and Seized^ a7id to whofu. Tenant in Tail Covenants to ftand Cro. El. Seized to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, %\^,^^. Remainder to his eldeft Son in Tail ,• field's fince he had only the Power of difpo- ^^■^^•. ^"^ fing of an Eftate for JLife^ by the Sta- ^Xn and tute de T)QmSy which he hath not paf- Biyth- fed out of himfelf, it is ftill in him as ^^"^ ^.^ it was before ^ and the Remainder is void in its Creation,and therefore there can be no Execution of it, for the Execution^ muft be immediate by the Statute of TJfes':, and therefore a Fi?ie afterwiirds levied can't help it. But 1 1 2 Witts ano XtnUs. But it feems in this Cafe, that before the Statute, the Chancery would oblige to a Specifick Terforma7ice by Fi^^e a- ga'md the Party hinifelf, but not againft his IJIf/e i ^lare. Secondly, What Confideration is iiecef- fary to a Covenant to fiand Seized, and how far it extends^ Tho' a Man can't Bargain and SM but upon Co7ifideratio7i of Money ^ yet he may Co'venant to ftand Seized upon o^ ther Confiderations befides that of Blood* Cro. 1:1. If a Man, in Confideratioii that 'j. S. 35>4- was bound in a Recognizance for him> Ccvenants to ftand Seized to his Ufe^ this is good j for the Chancery will o- blige a Specifick Recompence upon any Agreement, where a Confideration was performed on one Side -, and where the Chancery would raife an Ufe the Sta- tute executes it. 1 Leon. If a Man, feized of certain Lands, in 1,^5- , Confideration that J, S. will pay his Caf^. ' Debts, and certain Sums of Money that he fhall appoint, out of the Profits of the Land, Covenafits to ftand Seized to the Ufe of jf. S. for twenty-four Years, this fhall not raife a Vfe-^ for fince the Debts are to be paid out of the , Profits " of Mtts ano %mtts. u? of tHe Land ; this is no Confideration to part with them, or veft an Intercft in y. S- for the Confideration arifes from his own Property, and not from any E- quivalent j but otherwife it had been, if the Debts were to be paid out of the proper Lands ofy. S. can fa qua fnpra» If a Man Covenants to ft and Seized to the Vfe of three Perfons, for the per- forming feveral Trufts to himfelf, his Wife and Children, and one of thefc is his Brother, to him alone there is a Confideratio7i ,• and therefore he alone Cro. Car. is feized of the Intereft under the T^rufi 529* aforefaid. ^^^ There is a Difference between a Co- 1 Leon. (venant to ftand Seized and a Feoffment; ^^5- jo- for if a Man Coveiiajzts to ftand Seized piowdei. to the Ufe of A> a Stranger for Years, Com. 307 Cjc. the Remainder to B, his Son in *^°"^' Tail, this is void as to A. for Want of a Confederation^ and the Ufe vefts im- mediately in B. and a void Ufe is as if no TJfe be limited; and if no Ufe be limited, B. muft take immediately, and not by Way of Remainder, or elfe he can*t take at all ; for a Remainder ex li T^ermini fuppofes a particular Eftate, •and B» muft not be excluded, becaufe Ufes being Creatures of E^//?Vjr,theParties Intent muft be made good as far as pof- fibicj where there is a juft and good I Ground et ens 114 Mtt6 ano %t\xfts. Ground for any Part of the Conveys' ance. i Leon. gut if a Man makes a Feoffment in 197. per Man- ^^^ ^o ^^^ Ufe of A. and a Stranger, wood. or Baftard for Life, the Remainder to his Son in Tail, this is good to A, for upon a Feoff?/ie7it there needs no Co7i fide- rat io7i to raife the Ufe^ as is faid. •5 C0.8. b. If a Man, feizcd of three Acres, makes a Leafe of one to A, for Life, and of another to ^.for Life, and of ano- ther to C' in Tail, and then reciting the feveral Eftatcs, Co'veiiants after all the Eftates finifhed, toftandfeized to the Ufe Q,{\x\^Br other in Fee ^ if ^.dies, the Bro- ther fliallhave the Rcverfioji of that Acre immediately, and not expect till the other Eftates are determined j for it muft be conftrued fecu7idum ftihjeBciiii materiam\ and the Co've7ia7itor hath three diftinct Kc'VerJmis in him. Thirdly, By zvhat Words a Ma7t viay co've7ia7it to fta7id feized. Vent. 158 If a Man, in Confideration of Natu- M^d Re"' ^'^^ Loz!ey and for Angme7ttatio7i of his /row 1 7^5^ daughters Tortio7i^ Gives, Grants, Bar- ^^ i79» gains and Sells, Aliens, Enfeoffs and Con- aRo. Ab. ^j,j^^ certain Lands to 5- S. his Daugh- ter, with a fpecial Warranty, and the Deed is enrolled, this enures by Way of MUs ano Xxnas. 1 1 $ of Co'vefiant to (land Seized^ in Rcfpcd of the Co7ifideratkn. But if the CoiifidcratioJi be not ex- cp- fup. preffed in the Deed, it feems no life a- ^capo^'g rifes. Cafty If a Man, in Co7?fideration of Mar- ^^^^'^^ riage of his Son's Di3\;ghter, covenants iioorus. that his Land fliail Defcend, Come and ri. 267. Remain to him, or her, this is only a ^yo-^^'^' Cooejiant Executory^ upon which an A(5tion lies, and the Force of the Co'Ve- nant is not to alter the Defcent; but 'tis no Co've7ia72t to ftand Seized^ whereby he may be intitled in Chancery to a Specitick Performance. If a Man feized of a R.e'verfio7i Ex- 1 ^^"f- petla7it upon an Eftate for Life, Gives, ^^n ^^^ Grants, and Confirms the fame to his Jones Son in Fee, in Co?ifideratio7i of Nattt- ^^^^^' red Lo've and AfftUio7i^ exprelTed in the ^. dix. Deed to the Vie of himfelf for Life, the Remai7ider to his Son in 'Tal/y the Re- 7nai7ider to a Daughter, without Attor7i- me7it or Enrollment, this Conveyance is void, and can't enure by Way diCove7iant to ftand Seized; for if it enures by Way of Cove72a7it to ftand Seized the legal Eftate out of which the Uje^ rife re- main in the Co'Ve7ia7itor : But the Intent of the Conveyance is to raife the U/es by Way of 'Ira7if?iintatio7i of Tojjejji- 077 y and to transfer the Freehold, out I 2 of 116 Mtts atiD ^mftsf. of which the Ufes are to rife to the Son ; but this Conveyance will not pafs that Freehold for Want of Jttorn7ne7ity and fo the Ufes can never arife by this Deed. Fourthly, 'The EffeU of a Covenant to ftand Seized. 2 Ro. Ab. If a Man Covenants to ftand Seized 190. N. 5. of the Manor of T>. to the Ufe of J. S. this is void, though he afterwards pur- chafes the Manor in Fee. NoyF.ip. If a Man Co'venants to ftand Seized 401.' ^'* ^^ *^"^^ 'L^nd that he Ihall hereafter pur- chafe to the Ufe of his Son, and after purchafes Land to the Ufe of himfclf and his Heirs, the Fee is in the Father. For if a Man binds any Lands, you muft fuppofe him to have a Power to oblige them ; for no Man can do that which he hath no Power to do ; but he that hath no Inter eft, hath no Power to Ibid, per oblige them ^ and therefore fuch a Co- omnas, cjenant in Equity^ before the Statute, could not oblige him to a Specifick ^Per- formance^ for that were in Equity, to bind the Land, which is abfurd j and fince the Co'venafit is void in Equity, there can be no Execution by the Sta- tute; for the Rules of Law are equal- ly ftri^ in avoiding this Repugnancy j for Mits atiD Xmfts. 117 for in Law, every Difpofal fuppofes a precedent Property ^ and by Confe- quence, every Co've/iaut to ftand Seized prefuppofes a precedent Seizi//. By the fame Rule tis faid, that if^oT. the Mortgagor, in Confideration of fo much Mo7iey paid by J. S* Covena7its, that after Redemption, he will ftand feized to the JJfe of 5* ^- ^"^ ^^is Heirs, this is a void Covenant i but if a P^o^- Noy i$. i'/V^/^? be made to A» to enfeoff JB» to the £/)^ of C and J, enfeoffs B. with- out the Limitation of any Uje i yet it iliall be to the Ufe of C So if a Man covenants to purchafc Land by Michaelmas next, and before Eafter following, to levy a Fi72e to fuch Cro. El. Vfes, and accordingly purchafes Land, *°^- and levies a H//^, it ihall he averred to Noy 19. i^e to the JJfes limited in the Covenant, For a Man may declare the Intent of a future Ad:, which he had no Power to do at the Time of the Declaration ; for to declare the Intent of a future A^l, doth not fuppofe an immediate Power of doing it j but the doing any A(5l it felf, which the Law allows to be good and effe(5tual, prefuppofes the Power of doing. Another Reafon why the Ufe deck- Cm EL red upon the Covenant in the tirft Cafe ^J' j^ of Land after purchafed is bad, is this ; I 3 be- 1 1 8 tares ano %mti&. becaufe the Uje muft be limited by the T>onor or Feoffor -y for he muft limit the ljft\ that at the Time of Limitation had the Difpofal : Now in this Cafe the Donor limits the Fee to the Purcha- fer, which controuls the Intent of the Cove7iant. Secondly, Of Ufes in Poflibility. Firft^ Of Executory Fees. Secondly, Contingent Remainders. F/V/?, Of Executory Fees. How Ex- ecutory Fees begun, and how the Rule of Law, that no Fee can be limited upon a Fee, is evaded, is already fhewn ,• and when an Executory Fee is well raifed, that it can't be deftroycd but upon Alie- nation, upon good Confidcration, (jc» is fliewn ; and how Executory Fees may be limited, is here to be confider- ed, and they are to be governed by three Rplcs. 1, That all Limitations that tend to the Pi'ovifion of the Family, and to fe- cure againft Contingencies that are with- in the Parties own immediwate Profped, arc to be favoured. 2. All Limitations that Perpetuate or tend to Terpetttity^ are in themielves void void and repugnfint to the Policy of the Law. 'Jfid therefore it is to he feeji what is a Perpetuity. A Perpetuity is the Settlement of an Ca[e cf Intereft defcendable from Heir to Heir, ^'g^t?;; fo that it fhall not be in the Power of Arg. 6. him in whom it is vefted to difpofc of p^p- 79» it, or turn it out of the ChafweL iCo. i;S, The ///^o/zc^^/i/tv/cav of which are, that 9. i And. the Eftate is made uncapable of anfwer- J^^^^^^ep ing the Ends for which perpetuity is 221.' maintained and eftablifhed ,• for it puts it out of the Power of the Owner to pro- vide for the Necefllties of his Family, or the Extremity and various Changes of his own Affairs out of die Eftate; befides it would be of univerial Damage to the Common Wealth ; for it would fhut up allConverfe, by making theWay of Communication between Land and Money utterly impradicable ; to know therefore how far a Limitation maybe alio wed, without theDanger of being con- ftrued a Perpetuity ^ 'tis to be confidered, what Limitations are confiftent wi^ thefc Rules of Reafo7i and Tolicy. Fir ft ^ the Law in all Cafes, allows the Liviitations of Eftates foi' Life, to Perfons in Being ; for there can be no Danger in fuch a Common Limitation, .I2 Mtts ano %mRs. nor any Defign to Terpettmte-^ and therct fore here the Party is reftrained from A- lie7iation farther than for his own Life. Seco7idly^ The Law allows of no E- ftate of Inheritance that goes in lineal SuccelTionj but what is under the Power of that Pcrfon to whofe Reprefentatives the Eftate mufl: defcend, and to eftablifli a Right of SuccefTion, and yet to reftrain the Power of Alienation is X.oTerpetuate ; and therefore to limit an Eftate of Suc- cefTion, determinable upon remote Con- tingency, tends to a 'Perpetnity^ fincQ none can purchafe with Security, while fuch a Cloud hangs over the Eftate. Which Rules are equally obfervable. in Freeholds and Chattels. Firft, l7i Freeholds, Cro.jac. j^ ^^ -g^^^g ^^^ deviled to J.S, in Roll. 2. Fee, and if he dies without Iftue in the Rep.i9(j, Life of 7. iV. then to J, K. in Fee, this Lcon.^64. is good ; for an Eftate determinable up- ^Y' 44. on the Compafs of a Life, is equally a- ^^' '• greeable to the Policy of the Common Law, and can't but be as good as the Limitation during a Life ; for why may not a Fee be contraded to an Eftate for Life, as an Eftate for Life be prolonged Per Holt xo a Fee upon a Contingency. Dy "44.^' But if an Eftate be limited to J. S. i^y- 7- in Fee while J, N. hath Iffue, Remain- Vaugh, <^ej. Hlfes atio Xrufts;* 121 fler to 5- ^- this is void to J, 2). for this comes within the Danger of a Perpetui- ty, and doth not determine within the Common Compafs of anEftateforLife, Secondly, Chattels. A Grant of a Leafe for Years to J, S» co. 8 il for Life, Remainder to y. N. is not 95« good to y. N. for as Leafes for Years being under the Power of the Freehol- der, they are recovered as Chattels, and go to the Executors ; and a Chattel can't be limited for Life with a Re- mainder overi becaufe this would cre- ate great Infecurity in Common Traf- fick. But in Cafe of TicjifeSy the Courts of Common Law are governed by the Jlules of Equity to fupport the Intent of the Teftator : and therefore fince the Time of H. 8. when long Leafes could firft be made with Security, a Devife of a Terrn for Years to one for Life, with the Remainder oyer, has been allowed, and the Chancery has forced the Te- nant for Life, to give Security to the Remainder Man j but becaufe this was found to multiply Suits and Vexation, it was thought more convenient, that the Tenant for Life fliould alien according to the Intereft he had in him, which was only during his own Life. But 122 Ilfesatta Xnxus. SCO. 87. But the 7:>ecife of a Term for Years Lov"*^^' in Tail, with Remainder over, is void Cafe. to the Remainder-Man ; for that, accor- iiiq.Ab. ^jj^g |.Q ^j^g former Rules, would intro- vcnfthorpduce a Perpetuity. and A{h~ fhc Limitation of a Term for Years l^Ar^V^'^ Tail, is an abfolute Difpofition of Rcevc'i the Term, and it Hiall go to the Ex- C'^f^' ecutors, Mod.Rep If ^ Term for Years be limited to a 115. Bur- Man and his IlTue, and if the Man dies Burses^ without Iflue, the Remainder over, this Not. I.* is void, becaufe the Contingency is not ^.'•^•^: to happen till after a Succelfion. Buck- " If ^ Term be limited to J. for Life, hurifs Remainder to his ifl^ 2 J, and 3 J Son in ^''^'' Tail fuccefUvely, the Remainder to a Daughter, or to B. (a Terfou i/i ^Jfe) if the Party hath no Sons^ but after- ward a Daughter, neither the Daughter or B^ fliall take this Remainder i for this is an Affe(5tation of a Perpetuity, and is not a Limitation meerly upon an E- ftate for Life ; but it amounts to a Limi- tation upon the Failure of tlie Perfon in the lineal Order to Succeed into the fame Efrate. ^/' '• But if it be limited to J. and if he xz.zArg.dies without Iflue, to S. the Remain- 19. Hale ^(.j. i^ gQQ^ . £qj. |^gj.g j^ isnota Limitati- 44^ vide on to the IfTue, but upon a Contingen- QhMandcy^ which if it doth not happen, it Sllcro "I'^^kes the whole Term veft in the Can 459* Party Witts ana %m^&. 123 Party; and if the Contingency doth fall, the Remainder - Man has it up- on the Determination of an Eftate for Life. 2 Not. I. Jrg, i^, 17. If a Term be devifcd to J. for 1 8 Years, the Remainder to S, for Life, the Remainder to the firft Iffue of B* this is good. If a Term is limited to H. and the j. , e Heirs of his Body, and if T, dies with- Norfolk".^ put Iffue in the Life of/f. Remainder c^/^.Tnn to C' and his Heirs, this is good; forS^Car. 2. Zf.'s Term is not taken from him by any Contingency, which muft of Nccei- fity happen, during the Life of him in whom the Eftate is vefted. Where a long Leafe is limited to J. Trin. zu for 60 Years, if he lives fo long. Re- car. 2. mainder to !B» his Wife for 60 Years, saunders. if fhe live fo long. Remainder to C Pol. 35. his Son, and his Executors, if he out- live J. and S. but if he dies in their Life-Time, leaving IlTuc, then to the If- fue ; and if he died without Iffue, li- ving J, or B. the Remainder to 2). In this Cafe, if C dies without Iffuc in the Life c^ J. or B. T>. iliall have the Remainder ; for the Remainder of the whole Term is vefted in C. which is not divefted out of him, and vefted in 2). upon Failure of lineal Succeffion to C but not till the Death of C without If- fue, during the Life of A or. S. A5 124 ^f^s ann ictttfts* ■?^<"- ^- As the legal Eftate of a Term may ^''^' ^' be devifed, fo the Truft of a Term may be limited. Chan.^ A Limltatio/i of a Term for Years Gonng* to twenty diftindt Perfons in EJfe is find Bick- good ,' but the Lifnitation of a Term erftaff. ^^ j^ ^^^ jj^^^ ^j^^ Remainder to the Right Heirs of "B, a Perfon in EJfe^ is a void Remainder ; and after the Death of J, it fhall revert to the Donor ; be- caufe this might tend to theEftablifhing an Eftate of Inheritance in a Chattel, and putting it out of the Courfe the Law had fettled for it, whereby it ought to go to the Perfonal Reprefcntative. If a ^erjii be limited to J, for Life, the Remainder is in the Donor ; if a Chan. l^etin be limited to J, for Life, the Re- Rcp. 8. maindcr to the Right Heirs of the Do- nor, this is a void Limitation, becaufe the Re'verjmi is in him. If the Traft of a Term be limited to J. for Life, the Rejnaijider to 2^. S. * may difpofe of the Keviaiiider \ but if a 'Term be devifed to A* for Life, the Rej/iainder to S. S. can't difpofe of this Remamder ; for by theRules of Common Ch. Rep. Law, a PolTibility can't be granted o- Co. 4. R. ^^^» ^^^ ^ -^^^ that only may have 66, 6, 10. Right, has at prcfent no Right in him ; ^•47' and while the Rules of Law fay he has no Right, it is contradictory and and repugnant, to allow him to a<5t as a Perfon having Right by transferring an Intereft to another. JB» in this Cafe has only a Poflibility to have a Right, becaufe the Eftate of J. being of uncer- tain Duration may outlaft the Term for Years ; but in Chancery, where the Truft is examined, they allow a Man to provide for his prefent Occafions out of what he may poflfibly have ; and a Purchafer of it fliall not lofe the probable Advantage, fince he hath gi- ven for it a valuable Confideration. As to FjXec7itory FeeSj there is ano- ther Difference, where they rife by Way of Ufej and where by Way of Firft, If it rifes by Way of Z7r^,Cro.Ei. there muft be a Seizin in Somebody wood ^wi to be executed in the Grantee of the Reynolds contingent Ufe, whenfoever the Con-*^°"^^' tingency happens ,* for if there be not Cro. Jac. a Pei^fon that can be feized of a Ufe^ l^^- there can be no Ufe ; and confcquent- ^^i ^„j ly there can be no Execution of it ,• 74^- therefore if a Man covenants to ftand Seized to the Ufe of himfeif in Fee, till fuch a Marriage takes Effcd, and then to the Ufe of himfeif for Life, the Remainder to his Wife, his Son, (^C' and before the Marriage he makes a Feoffment in Fee, Gift in Tail, or Ixafe 169 1 26 mus ano %tnUs* Leafc for Life, upon good Canfiderati- on, without Notice of the U/eSy the E- ftates limited after the Marriage fliall ne- ver arife ^ bccaufe here is Nobody feiz- cd to fuch UfeSy and the fame Law is of Feoftments to fuch contingent Ufes. Cro.El. gut if in this Cafe he had made a Wood then to B* in Fee ^ J. devifes his Land, and dies, it dcftroys the Contingent Eftate; other- wife it is, if he had devifed Portions out of the Land, for that could not alter the Freehold, cro. ]ac. A Keco'very doth not bar an Execu- )9i, 3- toty Fee y for the Recoveror with No- tice, and without Conlideration, is feiz- ed to the former Ufes, Seco7idz I Moor 733* Seco/idh':, By Way of T>e'vife j if a Man devifes Lands to J. in Fee, and upon fuch Contingency to B» m Vce, A. makes a Feorfment in Fee ^ this^Ro-Ab. doth not deftroy the Co7itinge7icy ; for ''^^* by a Devife, the Freehold it felf is transferred, and there needs no Per- fon to be feized to execute aw Eftate in the Devifce, ns mufl: be where a Feoffment is made to Executory TJfes. But if a Man devifes it to jj, for^Ro. Ab. Life, with a Contingent Remainder; 793« if J, makes a Feoffment in Fee, this deftroys the Conti?igent Remaifider ; be- caufe there is no particular Eftate to fupport it. Secondly, Contingent Remainders -, a72d here it is to he co7ifidered:> ift, Li what Ma7i72er they are to he execu- ted. As if a Feoffment be made to J, S. in Fee, to the JJfe of J. for Life, Re- mainder to his i^, 2d and 3J Son, the Remainder to B. in Fee, there are three plain Preliminaries to this En- quiry. jR>/?, There ought to be a Peffon iCo. iii> feized to the Ufe at the Time when "■ b the 128 Mits auD Xtntts. the Ufe is executed j and this, as is faid before, is Plain by the Words of the Statute J to ferve the Contingejit Ufe when it fallsj ^nd that this Eftate was deter- l^o. u^. K minablc"^' 130 tstfes atin %vni!ts. mlnable upon the Rifing and Execution of the Eftate in the Sons, (^c» But this could not bejFirftjbecaufe this is contrary to the fecond Preliminary j for thereby an Eftate is immediately iCo. 129. vefted in J, and B. but by this Opini- on, the Eftate in B, is only jExecutoiyy for it arifes to him upon the fame Contingency that the Eftate of J, S> rifes, for he could not have a Fee before j for then there would be a dou- ble Fee, Secondly, Becaufe y. S. would have a ^emaiuder without any Grantor, and iCo; 128. the Law leaves it to Parties to limit their own Eftatesj and where Nobody has limited an Eftate, there can be no le- gal Limitation. Thirdly, If a Remainder be vefted in y, S. he muft ptmijh Wcifle^ and en- ter for a Forfeiture -y but the Party de- figned him no fuch Benefit, but made him only an Inftrument to convey it to others. The true Opinion isy that the legal Eftate is executed in A, and S. but the contingent Remainders are not utterly loft, becaufe the ^ojfejfion by the Statute muft be executed in the fame Manner as thp life is limited i therefore there re- remains a Poflibility of T^ojft^ffiou to the Feoffees, to this Purpofe only, that when the Contingency happens, then the Poffellion may be transferred to the Remainder-Man ; and if this is an Eft ate not known before, and fo has no Determination at Common Law, yet it is fuch a one as muft be raifed by the Intent of the Statute, and all its Ends could not be anfwered without it ; and therefore to fuppofe, as in the other Opinions, no Eftate in the Feof- fees, or to reduce it to the Standard and Rules of Common Law is equally falfe and impracticable. Secondly, How they may he defeated. I ft. Where there is no Tower of Re- 'vocation gioe?i, 2dly, Whe7i there is exprefs Tozver qf Relocation, Firfiy Where there is no Power of Revocation expreifed ; fince Executory Fees, as is faid, and Contingent Re- mainders tend to Perpetuities, they are conftrued according to the ftrideft Rules of Law, and as far as pofifible, put un- der the Power of the Eftate that fup- ports them. 132 Mtts ano XtuUs. And hence came the Diverfity be- tween deftroying and contingent Re- mainders, and an Executory Fee. A Remainder is the Rcfidue of a particular Eftate difpofed of by the fame Conveyance,- therefore ex ci T'ermini it fuppofes,. Firftj J particular Eftate i?i Being, Secondly, Tihat indim dual Eftate that was made hy the fame Convey aiice as the 'R.emainder, Pop. /row Thirdly, It fuppofes an Exifte7ice of 70/083. ^y^^-j. mi^f^ when the other goes out of Being, Fourthly, Jt fuppofes the Eftate JJoould remaifi in the fame Manner as it tvas difpofed, tCc. from Therefore if a Man makes an Eftate ITo!" to the life of A for Life, Remainder lAnd. to his jft^ 2d, and ^d Son in Tail, Re= from 509 niainder to ^. in Fee, and J, makes a chadiey'i Feoffment in Fee, and then a Son is Cafe. barn, the Contingent Remainder is de- ^^r^*. ^^oycd ; for by the Feoffment, the par- ticular Eftate is extinguiflied, and after- wards, by the firft Rule, there would arifc no Remainder of it. 4 Leon. If Lands be given to one in Tail,if ^. ^5*. 237- comes to Wejimi7ifter^ and the Remain- der to him in Fee, Tenant in Tail dles^ th© theEftatedcfcends on Copartners^ they make Partition, tho' J. S* docs come to Wefimijifier^ &c. he fhall take no- things for the individual Eftate is alter- ed, and the Freehold altered by the Partition contrary to the fecond Rule. If Lands be given to J, and B' for 4 Leon, the Life of C the Remainder to the -37« Right Heirs of the Survivor ; if J, re- leafes to B. the Heirs fliall take no- thing, caiifa q7ia fnpra. A. feized in Fee devifes his Land to Ray. 28. his eldeft Son Thomas for Life, and if^^^'Jj^^p he dies without IlTue living at the Time J, 9^ '^^' of his Death, to Leo7iard another Son, iSaik. and his Heirs j but if T^homas has liTue ^^"^^ ^^5' living at the Time of his Death, then that the Fee fliould remain to the Right Heirs of T! horn as for ever. T!homas en- ters after the Death of the Devifor, and fuffers a Comvioii Keco'very ,• it was refolved that the Fee that defcends to l^ho?Jias immediately after the Death of the Devifor, did not merge the Eftate for Life, contrary to the exprefs Words of the Devife ; for the Remainder to Leonard muft be conftrued to be a Con- tinge jit Rejnaindery becaufe it is limited to take Place upon the Determination of the Eftate for Life: for and can't be ' conftrued as an Executory Fee ; becaufe K 3 there i 34 M(t& ano %m&s* there is no Fee limited to Thomas, but upon a Contingency- and therefore if the Law iliould conftrue the old Inhe- ritance that defcends to 'Thomas^ in the mean Time to be a Merger of the E- ftate for Life, it would immediately have deftroycd the Co7iti72g€nt K.e?nai7i- ders i for the Eftate to Leonard would not arife as an JP^xecutory Fee out of the Inheritance, (ince that was not devifed, but dcfcended j and therefore they con- ftrucd the Eftate for Life to have a Continuance in I'koiiias^^infX that the Re- verfion did not execute in him ^ for if they had not conftrued it to be a diftind Eftate for Life in T^homas^ there would have been no Foot for a Co7ttingent 'Kemai7ider to Leo7iard ^ and they could not conftrue it as an JExeaitofy Fee^ in Leo7mrdj when there was no 'Pre- cede7it Fee limited to T^hoiiias \ and {ince it was a Co7itifige7it Re7nai72der in T^homas^ the Recovery deftroyed the particular Eftate \ and by Confequence deftroyed the Co7iti7ig€7it 'R.e7iiai7ideY^ before fuch Contingency happened, i Leo, fol. 1 1 . Tkmket and Hohnes. % Saund. A Man dcvifcs Lands to his Wife for £787.^° Life, and if ilie has a Son, named Sampfcn Sci7/ipjon^ thc Remainder to him and Sheironj j^j^ Hcirs, thc Dcvifor dies, thc Wife '''^'' takes takes another Husband; the Hoir at Law, to whom the Revcrfion dcfcended, bargains and fells in Fee to the Hus- band and Wife j a Son called Savipfoii is born, he iliall not take the Remainder ,• i Sand. for when the particular Eftate deter- 5^^* iiiines by Merger, the Remainder can't vei\ and though the Wife had after difagrred to the Purchafe, this would only have revived her own Eftate, but would never be good to limit on it a new Remainder. But if it had been by the fame Con- 1 co. Sq. veyance, it had been otherwife ,• as if a Levin. Feoffment in Fee had been made to ^^^^^ * ^, S» to the Ufe of a Husband and Co. Lie. Wife, Remainder to the Eldeft Son in ^\^^^ Tail, Remainder to the Husband's 587. Wife in Tail, ^~c. here is a Tail exe- cuted in the Husband and Wife imme- diately j but this doth not drown the Contingent Remainder i but when a Son is born, the Eftate opens and lets it in, after the Eftate for Life in the Husband and Wife is determined. For in Equity, the Trufts arofe in this Manner, becaufe this appeared to be the Parties Intention by their own Limitation, and the Statute executes the Toffejfiofiy as the Ufe is limited. K4 Te- 2 3^ Mf t6 ana Xtutts. Tenant for Life with a Contingent Remainder, Tenant for Life is diffeized. Fop. 8^. the Contingency happens, the Remain- der vefts ; for fince Tenant for Life is put out by Wrong, he has a Right En- try, and in Judgment of Law his E- ftate continues. Tenant for Life, with a Co/zti/^ge/Jt Hemaijider^ Tenant for Life is diffeiz- ed, a Collateral Warranty bars the Co7it'mge7tcy ; tho' it afterwards hap- pens, during the particular Eftate; be- caufc no Man can claim that which he is obliged, as Heir, to defend to another. a Ro. Ab. If a Feoffment is made to J, S. to l^s'd'ti ^^^ ^ ^^ ^' ^°^ ^^^^' Remainder to Lp, 157'"^* ^^^^ Wife for Life, Remainder to C. for Life, Remainder to the firft Son of C. in Tail, J. makes a Feoffment in Fee, this doth not deftroy the Cofi- ti?ige7it Ke?j2ai7ider to the Son of C for Life, who had a Jiight of Efitry for the Forfeiture ^ and a particular Eftate in Right, on which the ConWigeiit Re- mahider will depend. If in this Cafe, the Wife had enter- ed after the Husband's Death i this could not only have revived her Eftate, but the Eftate of C and the Contin- gent Remainder thereon, which had never Witts mt) %mfi6. 137 never been put out of Being ; other- wife 'tis, as is faid, in Sampfou Shekons Ccife^ if the Contingent Remainder had depended upon the Eftate of B. If in this Cafe, the Son had been born during the Life of C and neither S. nor C» h^d entered, the Son could not, but the Feoffees might,- for the Poffeflion of the Feotfees muft be ex- ecuted by the Statute in the Son, be- fore he can have a Remainder by the Rules of Common Law ^ till therefore by the Entry, they have revived the Eftate, the Son has nothing i if J, S* in this Cafe, releafes to the Feoffee of J, or to the Difleifor, the Cojitingent Re?mi7sder could never veft ^ for J. S. could never enter contrary to his own Releafe, J. makes a Feoifment to the Ufe of 2 Ro* Ab» his Wife for Life, Remainder to ^. his ^^^J. El. Son for Life, Remainder to him in 630, Tail, that fhall be the eldeft Iffuc of S. at his Death J ^.dies, the Wife makes a Leafe for Years to B, who makes a Feoffment and levies a Fine to 7- ^• this does not veft the Contingent Re- mainder -, but if B. dies having Iffue in the Life of the Wife, the Iffue fhall take it ; for the Feoffment of B. drowns his own Eftate for Life, and is a For- feiture t3S Wifts atiD %mtts. felturc to the Wife, and her Entry prc- ferves the Conti?ige7it Ufe^ which now immediately depends upon her Eftate, as if S.'s Eftatc were worn out by Ef- fluxion of Time ^ and if it be the Re- fidue of any of the fame Eftates that were created by the fame Convey- ance, it anfwers the Notion of a Re^ maifider. Hoy 1 2a. A Man covenants to ftand feized to Cro. Jac.the Ufe of his Son for Life, Remain- ^Ro.^^lj,dcr to fuch a Wife as he ilia 11 after- 793- wards marry, the Covenantor makes ?.°vvil- ^ Lcafe for Years , this will not prevent fen. the Rifmg of the Contingent Remain- der ^ nor bind it; for the Ccvenantor has no Power to demife any thing but the Re'verfion ; and confequently the Freehold remains unaltered to fupport the Contingent Remainder ; but if the Covenantor, in this Cafe had referved for himfelf a Power of making Lea- fes, this Leafe would have been good ^ and a Revocatiofi of the former Ufes. Moor 742 Tenant for Life, Remainder to his \.A'v. Wi^^ ^or Life, and if fhe be difturbed Burton, during her Life, the Remainder to the Wife in Fee, the Husband makes a Leafe to begin after the Wife's Death, tho' flie be difturbed, fhe fhall not have the Reverfion ; for the Leafe has alter- ed Mks and Xmfts. 139 ed it ; fo there is the fame Eftate to be executed in the Wife as was in Being at the Difpofition of the particular Eftate. If J' gives Lands to $. for Life, Re- 2 Ro. Ab. mainder to the firft Son of S. Re- 794^^^ mainder to the right Heirs of S. and i^^, ^^' B' makes a Leafe for Years ; and then a Son is born, this iliall not deftroy his Eftate i for there is the Rent of the fame Eftate as was limited ; for the Freehold it felf receives no Variation by the making of a Leafe for Years, and if the Remainder to the Son arifes, it can't be bound by the Leafe for Years ; for Tenant for Life had only Power to devife it during his own Life i Qnare ta- men* If A* feized of a Copyhold in Fee, ^ Ro. Ab. furrenders it to the life of his laft Will, 794. and after devifes it to S. for Life, with ^„7low. a CoTitingent Kej/iai7ider j and after S. dall is admitted Tenant, and after he fur- renders it to the Lord of the Manor to the Ufe of his Will? the Contingency happens, S. dies, his Surrender did not deftroy the Cont'mgent Kemainder j for in Copyholds a Surrender doth not put the Eftate out of the Tenant, as it doth in t\\QQsi{Qo£Fra7ihTe7ie7ne7its i ^nd therefore there is a particular E- ftatc K40 ^ftS *tl6 XttxS^S. (late to fupport the Conti?tge7it 'Kevtaiii- der. Hughes Tenant for Life, with a Co7itinge?tt Rep. 27i ^ejnainder^ Tenant for Life bargains Cafe 0,0. and Sells the Lands in Fee^ this doth Hard.4,5,not deftroy the Remainder, for this pafl'es but an Eftate for Life, as is faid before ^ and fo the Eftate of the Bar- gainee will fupport the Re?namder, Secondly, Where there is a Tower of Revocation. Co. Lit, A Teoffment or F/;/^, ^c. with Pow- ^57- ■^er of Re'voccitiofi is void at Common Law as to all Power of Re'voccition j for the Words of Enfeoffing or Grant- ing, &£. transfer the whole Right, Pro- perty and Power of Difpofal to the Feof- fee, &€. and therefore for the Party to limit to himfelf a Power of Kevo- catio7i^ and Difpolkl is repugnant to the Force of the precedent Words, and would introduce a double Power feated in diftind Pcrfons over the fame thing, which the Common Law difallows j but this Rule of Law was fet aiide by the liime Conftrudion that hath brought in Exec7itory Fees ; for when before the Statute UJes were limited with Power to revoke, as the Occafion, Cireum (lan- ces Mtts ana %m^s, 141; ces and Mind of the Party altered it, it was thought reafonable that the Party Ihould have Liberty to Revoke accor- ding to their own apparent Intent, by which JJfes are ever governed ; and iince the 'PoJJejJion is executed by the Statute, as the Party had the Ufe^ the Eftate continues Rewcabk, A Tower of Revocation is two-fold -, Hard. 4^3 ift. /z Tower relatmg to the Laiid. F- "ak. 2. J Tower fmij^ly Collateral to the Xjdudi Firft-, A Power relating to the Land is where a Power is limited to one that had, hath, or ihall have an Eftate or Intereft in the Land. This is again two-fold. X. Appendant or Annexed to the ^^Hardfii, pate in the Land* ■2, In Grofs, P/r^, Appendant or annexed to the Eftate in the Land, is when a Man hath an Eftate in the Land \ and a Power of Rez>ocation^ and the Execution of the Power 142 M(ts atio %m&s* Power falls within the Compafs of the Eftate in the Lands ,♦ as if Tenant for Life with Power to make Leafes or 'Re'vokcy Grants a Re^t-Charge^ and then makes a Leafe according to his Power, the Leffee fliail hold it charged during the Life of the Tenant for Life* for he hath Power to charge his own Intereft, which, by his own Ad can't be avoided. And if in this Cafe, he covenants to (land feized to the Ufe of a Stranger, he can t, by any After- A-d, Revoke the t/fes i for fincc, as is faid, the Executi- on of this Power falls within the Com- pafs of the Eftate; fo that, unlefs it be executed during the Continuance of the Eftate, it can never be executed ; therefore whatever A6t palles away the Eftate hinders the Execution of this Power of demifing ; for a Man can't demife that Eftate which he hath paff- ed away to another. Seco72dly^ In Grofs^ is where a Man hath an Eftate and Power of Revocati- on, and the Execution of the Power falls out of the Compafs of the Eftate ,* as if there be Tenant for Life, Remain- der in Tail, with a Power lodged in Tenant for Life to make a Leafe for Hftra.^U^i Ye^rsj to commence after his Death, to to raife Portions to his Daughters ; this is a Power i/i Grofs i and if Tenant for Life ^ar^ains and Sells the Lands in Fee, this doth not deftroy the Pow- er J for fince the Execution of the Pow- er doth not fall within the Compafs of his own Eftate^ the felling of his own Eftate only doth not hinder the ma- ing Ufe of the Power. But if he had levied a Fifie^ or made Hara.41^ a Feoffment in Fee^ this Power had been deftroyed, for here he abfolutely paffes the entire Eftate, and diverts all the Remainders, and thus, by pafllng the whole Eftate to another5he hath dc- 4lroyed all the Power of Kemcatio?i^ and limiting new Ufes to his own Be- nefit j for this Power can't be executed but out of the Remainders i and he hath prevented the Execution of it by ha- ving already difpofed of the whole Eftate to another. He mayRe/eafe fuch a Power o£Ke; iufimtmi* Second- Witts atiD %mM. 147 Secondly, "The Exectitiofi of Jomtures ^'K.e^.i.h by the la ft Claiife of the SiaUite. The Original of Jointures was in this Manner i nioft Lands were fettled in Ufe^ whereof Women were not ^owa- hle J and therefore the Wife upon Mar- riage ufed to procure the Husband to take the Eftate of the Feoffees^ and fet- tle it to the TJfe of him and herfelffor Life or in Tail, with what Remainder over he pleafedj for therd was no Con- fidence at all in thofe Times in the ^ozver at Comino7t, Upon the Execution of Ufes^ there were feveral Maxims at Common LaWy which would have given the Wife a dou- ble Provilion, as that no Right could be barred before it accrued, and no cal- lateral Thing could be received in Sa- tisfittion of" a frank Tenant, in which it muft have been adjudged, that the Wife muft have Do^juefy notwithftanding her Jointure j and therefore the Statute provides, that the Intent of the Parties m this Change of Property, which is made, fhould be obferved, as that the Wife (hould not claim both her Dower and Settlement, contrary to Juftice. To make a good Joi72t7ire within the Statute, (ix Things are regarded. L 2i Ti^'Jif 148 ^its atiD Xtntts. Firfi, The Eftate muft of Neceffity take Efedt immediately after the Death of the Husband. If the Husband be Tenant for Life, the Remainder to the Wife for Life, this is a good Jomture^ tho* not with- in the exprefs Examples of the Statute, for *tis within the Equity and Deiign of it. 4 Rep. If the Remainder be limited to the Alhton's Wife, upon Condition, her Acceptance ^'*''' of fuch a Conditional jointure makes it goodj for this Eftate fupports the Wife well enough, and 'tis in her Pow- er to continue it during her Life ,• there- fore an Eftate durante iiiduitate is a good Jointure. 4 Rep. 5. If ^" Eftate had been made to the Husband for Life, the Remainder to 7. S. for the Life of the Husband, to fupport Co7itinge7it Refnainders^Reniain- der to the W^ife^ this is a good Join- ture. Hutton If an Eftate be made to the Hus- M- band for Life, the Remainder to the * ^P' 5* Wife for a 'Joi?iture i this is no good ^ointf/re ; for 'tis not within the Words or Intent of the Statute j for the Sta- tute deiigned nothing as a Satisfa^^rion for T)owery but that which came in the 3 fame Mfts attD Xttttte. 149 fame Place, and is of the fame Ufe to the Wife j and tho' J. S. dies during the Life of the Husband ,• yet this is not good J for every Intercft not equivalent to T)ower^ being not within the Statute is a void Limitation to deprive the Wife of her Dower^ and a void Lifmtatio?i is as if there were none at all. If an Eftate be made to the Ufe of 4 Co. %. J. for Life, the Remainder to the Wife "°^- ^5«- for Life, this is not good, tho' J. dies living the Husband. If an Eftate be made to the Husband Hotron for Life, the Remainder to J, S. for ^[^^^ Years, the Remainder to the Wife for 35. her Jointure^ this is not good. If a Man makes a Feoffinejit to the Tffe of himfelf for Life, Remainder to the Son and his Wife, and the Heirs of the Body of the Son, this is no good Jointure^ tho* the Wife hath an imme- ibid, diate Franktenemeiit \ for to be within the Cafes of the Statute, whereby IDozver is barred, the Wife muft have a fole Property after the Death of her Husband. A Jointrefs o£h2inds mortgaged, and Bertue it was decreed in Chancery,that the Wife ^ifan"^^* fiiould pay the Mortgage, and to hold Rep. 171, the Land, not only during her Life, but till fhe and her Executors be re-paid with Intercft. L3 A 1^0 tllfes atiD %mftB. A Feoffment in Fee to the Ufc- oi the Feoffee for Life, the Remainder to 1 Sid. 3-4. the Ufe of his fccond Son for Lifej Re- Bride- Hiainder to the TJfe of fuch Wife as man, the Son fliall take. Remainder to the ch. Ju- Heirs of the Son, the Father dies, the Son marries and dies, the Wife is not by this Settlement barred of her Dozi'- er i for this at the Time of the Creati- on, was no certain Provifion for the W^ife's Life; for the Son might have married and died in the Life of the Father. iBulf. It may be immediately either after a^H 4. the Natural or Civil Death; and there- Co. Lit. fore if the Husband be baniflied, the '3*- Wife fhall have Tjocufr. Seco7idlyi it muft be for Term of her own Life, or a greater Eflate, otherwife it doth not anfwer the Defign of the Co. Lit. ^ozver; therefore if an Eftate be made 3*^* to the Wife in Tail or in Fee, this is a good Jointure* If an Eftate be made for the Life or Lives of many others, this is no good Jointnre* Ibid. A Leafe of loo Years, if the Wife jive fo long, or abfolutcly is no good Joifiture, For the Statute provides, that when the Wife hath an Eftate for Life by Settlement, fhe fhall be barred of her Vozuer jD,ozver at Cofmno7i JLaw^ if fhc hath a- ny greater Eftate, fhe hath an Eftate for her own Life included in it ,• but if fhe hath any lefs Eftate 'tis out of the Statute. T^hirdly^ it muft be made to her felf, Co. Lir„ and not to others in Truft for her, tho' ''^* by her AiTent, and expreffcd to be in Satisfaction of her T>ower ; for the Sta- tute only bars the Dozver, when by it the Poffeflion (which was formerly a life) is executed in her. Fourthly, It muft be in Satisfadion Co Lit. of her whole T)ozver^ and not of Part 5^_^- only; for if it be in Satisfadion ofl ^" * Part, 'tis uncertain, for what. Part ; 'tis in Satisfaction of her jDotver: But if it be expreffedof what Part, J^j^re li good. If an Eftate be made to the Wife in Satisfaction of Part of her T)ozver be- fore Marriage, and after Marriage o- ther Lands are conveyed, wherein it is faid to be in full Satisfaction of all her ^oiver^ if fhe waives the Lands convey- ed to her after Marriage, fhe fhall have T>ower for all the Lands of her Husband, notwithftanding the Settlement is in Sa- tisfaction of Part. Fifthly^ It muft be exprefted to be in Co. Lit. Satisfaction of T)ower, 5emfe of an Eftate for Life cannot be averred to be in Satisfaction of a 'Dower y unlefs it be exprefled fo in the Will, for there can be no Averment contrary to the Will, and confcquently there can be no Averment contrary to the Conflderation implied in every De- vije^ which is the Kindncfs of the Tcfta- tor ; and fo it cannot be averred, that the quitting of TDoM/^r was the Conflderation Owen 3 5. of this ^D^e^Z/^jbecaufe'tis not fo exprefled. If an AfTurancc be made to a Wo- man for her Joijitiire^ and this is not exprcflbd in the Deed but averred, fuch Averment is not travcrfable ; for 'tis not material by the exprefs Words of the Statute i and therefore 'tis not a necef- iary Point to entitle themfelves to it by the Benefit of this Difcharge. Sixthly^ A Jointure may be made either before or after Marriage. If it be made before Marriage^ fKe is Sole, and as fuch under no Man's Pow- er ,• if after Marriage^ ihe takes a Join- ture Co. Lir. 36.6. 4 Rep. 3 a. Co. Lir. 36. b. tnre in Satisfa6tior> of a 'Dower^ fl^.e may wave it after Coverture ; but if ilie enters and agrees thereto, ilie is concluded i for tho' a Woman is not bound by any Ad:, when ilie is not at her own Difpofal j yet if (he agrees to it when fhc is at Liberty, 'tis her own Ad, and (he cannot avoid it. If a Joif/ture be made to the WifeiBuiC before Co'verti/re, and the Husband and^^'^,|j. Wife alien by Fir/e^ the Wife iliall not ^6. i. afterwards be endowed of any Lands of her Husband's; for fince flic quitted her Doiver when flie was at her own Difpofal, fhc can claim nothing but the Jointtire ; and that flie has piiiVd away by the Fi7ie levied; but if the Joiji- tnre was made during the Coverture, and then ilie rclinquifVied it by Fint\ yet fhe fliall have her Dozver of the other Lands ,• for the Acceptance of a yoiu- ture^ during the Coverture, is no Bar of her 'Dozver.y and fhe pafTmg it by F.h/t\ cannot be conflrued as an Acceptance of Property in them, fince that Ad is capable of another Conflrudion ; ( cv'^:. ) to bar her of her T)ower in thofe Lands. The Wife may waive her Joifiture y^o. zS. by Tarol in pais^ for the Ufe may be p ^^^ limited by Parol at Common Law ; and therefore may be devefted by Ta- rolj aiid the 24 H» 8. by its cxprefs Words, 1^4 ^f^s attif 5Ltttfts. Words, has no Power to execute the Freehold in her when {he refufes. Co. Lit. If an Eftate fee made to the Wife for 3.9. i. ]ier Joi7iture during the Coverture, the Remainder to J, S» in Fee, and the Wife ijoaves this Joinuire^ J» S* fhall liave the Remainder j for here was a particular Eftate at the Time of crea- ting the Remainder ,- fo that it had the Circumftances of a Remainder, being the Refidue of a particular Eftate then in Being j and fince the particular E- ftatc was dcfcafablc by an Ad that could not hurt the Remainder, the Remain- der upon fuch Dcftrudion of the par- ticular Eftate comes in Being. A Man covenants to ftand fcizcd to the Ufe of hiinfelf in Tail, the Re- mainder to his Wife for Life, the Re- mainder to S. in Tail, and then he makes a Tcoffme^n in Fee to the Ufe of himfeif and his Wife for their Lives as a JoiiJtnre^ the Remainder to C* and Co. Li"r. dies without lifuc, the Wife is Remit- 348- '*• ted i for where a Later, and Defcafa- ble, and a Former, and Indefeafable Title concur in the fame Perfon, there muft be a Remtter. But in this Cafe the Wife hath two Titles both waivable by her, the firft indefeafable by any third Perfon ; the later defeafable by a third Perfon; for for upon her Claiming by the fccond Title, ihe waives the firft, and confe- quently the Remainder in B- commen- ces, and he fhall have his Adion j and therefore fhe mufl: be in her former Ti- tle to fave the Contention and Trou- ble of the Action. But if an Eftate be made to the Hus- Co. Lir. band in Tail, the Remainder to the Wife y^'^ ^^ for Life, the Remainder to the Right /,.*'* Heirs of the Husband ; the Husband after- wards makes a Fcoff?/ie7it in /vt' to the Uje of the Husband and Wife for their Lives, the Remainder to the Right Heirs of the Husband J the Husband dies with- out Iffue, the Wife may claim, by which fhe pleafes, and is not Remitted tiokns 'Volens\ becaufe here are not two Titles, the one indefeafablc, and the other de- feafable by a third Pcrfon,but both equal- ly firm; for the Right Heir of the Huf band, upon the W^aiver of the firft E- ftate, by the Wife, can claim nothing in the Land, contrary to the FeoJf?/ie7it of his Jjicejior j and therefore that E- ftate which the Wife claims is inde- feafable, and no Stranger is prejudiced, by being put to his Action. 'But if fhe makes no Elc^ion, fJie^Ro.Ab. fliall be fuppofed to be in of her elder ^^\\^^ .^ Eftate, becaufe every one is prefumed 19. to chufe what is moft for his Benefit. If 1^6 Witts atiB %tutts* Cro. Jac. If the Wife has an old Right before *^°* the Coverture, and afterwards takes a jointure of the fame Lands flie fhall be Remitted. Hob. 72. An Eftate fettled to the Husband for Life, Remainder to the Wife for a Joifi- turt\ except fuch of the Lands as the Husband iliould dcvifc, this Exception is repugnant to the Grants becaufe the Scttlenncnt might be avoided by the Husband devifins the whole. •a Of Pleading Jointures. Hob. 7i. In a Writ of 'Dower the Tenant pleads a Joifiture in Bar of ^ozver^ and concludes that the Wife claimed after the Cocertwe^ by Force of the Joijiture^ the Wife makes a Title to the fame Lands by another Conveyance, and concludes her Replication without traverilng the Claim a Hedged in the Bar^ but the Tenant cannot rejoin, that the Wife claimed by Force of the yo/«///rf , Cro. JfCo ^yithout traverfmg her Claim by the Ti- ^^^' tie alledged in the Replication ;and the Reafon of the Difference is this, the Claim by Force of the Jointure alledg- ed in the Bar is out of Time, and idly pleaded ; and therefore requires no Tra- verfe ^ for by the general Words of the Statute a jQinture is a good Plea in Bar Witts atiD Xvntts. 1^7 of TDozver ; but there is an Exception "ob. lu in thefe Words, provided if the Lands be affurcd, during the Coverture^ ilie may have Liberty to refufe them -, fo that the Wife, to avoid the Bar of the Statute, muft plead that fhe is within the Exception of the Statute ; for fhe muft lliew what is for her own Purpofe and Advantage ^ but when fhe fets up a Claim by another Conveyance in the Replication, the Tenant cannot plead a Cro. Jac. Claim by the Jointure without tra-'*^°* verfing her Claim by the other Con- veyance, bccaufe the Matter muft be brought to Trial when any Difterence in Fa(5l is ftated ; and he that denies the Fad of any thing properly and fit- ly pleaded muft draw to the Ifluc by offering a Travtrfe, Of the jrifey Jllez/atiou of her Join- ture. By the \i H* 7. 20. If a Woman hath an Eftate in Joijitiire or in ^oo;- er^ and aliens by Recoi'erjj or other- wife, he that hath an Intereft, and to whom the Land ought to belong, may enter as if the Woman were dead, with- out T}if continuance or Recovery. A IJje at Common Law, fettled by the Huiband on the \yife for her Join- ture^ tnre^ is within the Intent of theStatute; for 'tis an Hereditament within the Words of the Statute j and tho' the Statute fpeaks that it muft be by Di- fcent or Purchafe of the Husband j yet it mufl: be an JJfe newly raifed to be within the Law; becaufe 'tis Part of the old Eftate which the Husband had by Difcent or Purchafe. Since the Execution of Ufes^ an Ufs fettled in Marriage on the Wife by the Husband, \s within the Statute ^ lor it comes within the exprefs Words (given to the Husband and Wife, by any feiz- ed to the Ufe of the Husband) for eve- ry one is Party to an A6t of Parliament; and therefore the Feoffees transfer their Intcrefl in the Manner that it is fet- tled. A Woman feized of Lands in Fee Simple takes a Husband, and has IlTue a Son, and fhc and her Husband levy a Fine of her Lands with a Grants an4 Keitder back to them both in fpecial Tail, the Remainder to her Right Heirs, if the Husband dies, and the Wife after levies a Fine of thefe Lands, this is no 'J)ifco72tinuance within the Statute; fo if a Woman conveys Lands to the Anceftors of her intended Huf- band, who re-conveys it to the Husband and Wife in Tail, the Wife, after the Co- Mtts auD Xxtitts. 159 Coverture may alien ; and yet be out of the Danger of the Statute j for the Statute intended to redrefs the Mifchief of the Wife's Alienation of the Huf^ band's Lands, and thefe were originally her own. If Lands be fettled to the Ufe of the Husband and Wife in Tail fpecial for her Joijiture^ the Husband dies, the Wife AUe7is in Fee^ the lifue may enter in the Life of the Wife; for by the i Kich. 3. c. I. the Ads of Oftuy que Ufe fliall bind the Feoffees, and according to his Title and Intereft in the Lands -, fo that the Feoffee of a Ufe in Tail might have entered after the Difcontinuance of Ceftii)/ qt^e Ufe in Tail, without being put to their Fotiuedou ; and therefore if the Statute of H> 7. did not give an Entry in the Life of Ceftidj que Ufe in Tail, it would be to no Purpofe. Husband and Wife, Tenant in Tail Brown'f Special, Remainder to the Heirs of the^''-^^*. Husband, -the Husband dies, the I{fueRep'j„ k'vies a Flne^ and by it grants all his Intereft to J, S. tlic Wife makes a Leafe, for three Lives, not warranted by the 32 ^. 8. 7. S. may enter immediately, and ouft the LefTeci for J. S. is the Per- fon that has an Intereft, and to whom the Lands ought to belong ; for the Fine concludes the IfTue of the Tail ; by 1 60 tifes ano %xn1is. by the 52 ^. 8. 35. a p//^^ levied of a* ny Lands intailcd to any of the Ance- ftors of the Conufor is a Bar to all In* tents and Purpofcs^ and the Remainder is granted by the Common Law ; fo that 7' ^' ^^^^ the next immediate Intercft, and confequently may enter for this Alienation in the Life of the Wife. If the Wife be Tenant for Life of the Husband's Lands, the Reverlion to the I(fue in Tail, and Tenant in Tail fuffers a Reco^'ery by Diffeizin of the Wife, and then the Wife rcleafes to the Recoveror with Warranty, the Wife dies, the Iflue in Tail dies leaving IfTue, his Iflue fhall not avoid the Collateral Warrajity of the Wifcj for if the immediate Heir in- heritable, either before, or at the Time of the Alienation, confents upon Record, he is not within the Benefit of this Sta- tute by the laft Provifo j but if after the Alienation of the Wife, the Iflue in Tail had releafed upon Record, this had been no Bar of the Tail ; for when the Iflue has any Right as Tenant in Tail, he cannot by his Adt bar his Iflue,^ Wefij/nnft, 2 C i . and fince the Statute de ^ofiis is not repealed by exprefs Words, a Confent to part with any Right accrued to Tenant in Tail, is within the Verge of the Statute. There There is a Difference between this Sta- tute and the 6 of R, the 2* for there the next of Kin to the Perfon raviihed fhall enter, and by the Words of the Statute, (hall hold it y//re Hareditatis ; and therefore if a Daughter entered and held it Jure Hareditarioy the Son born afterwards fliall not diveft itj but here the Statute fays, That the Terfm that has Inter eft fljall enter and hold it j and therefore if a Daughter enters^ a Son born afterwards Ihall diveft it. Thirdly, Of the Cafes out of the Sta- tute, and they are two-fold, 1. Where Ufes are limited tipon Ufes. 2, Where the Ufes of Terms are li- mited, Tlrftt Where Ufes are limited upon TJfesi if a Man bargains and fells his Lands to A, to the Ufe of B. the Sta- tute cannot execute the Ufe in S. for by the Bargain and Sale, which implies a Confideration, there is a Ufe in J. and before the Statute it was impoflible that two diftind Perfons fhould have the Vfe of the fame Land. And by the Statute, tiie firft C5^canno|t be executed in J, fince there could not be two plenary Polfcff^lirs, and the fe- M cond 1 62 MUs anhXtufxS. coiid L'fe being contrary to the Difpofi- tion to J, muft be null and void ^ but Vangh^5. ^j-je Qba/jccr}' that looks upon the latc- ii^, -1,5.* reft of the Parties in Conveyances, con- ftrucs yj. only as an Inftrument to take the legal Eftatc, and that in Confcience he is bound to anlwer the Truft to S. which he hath taken ,• Qtiacre taine7iy if the Confidcration moves from J, Pop. Si. If a Man doth Enfeoff another to the Ufe of J, S» and his Heirs, and up- on this Confidcration, that if y. N. Uiall pay fo much Money, then the faid y. S» and his Heirs fnali be feized to the Ufe of y. N. and his Heirs, y. N. pays the Money, the Ufe is not executed in him by tlie Statute, cmifa qua fnpra i bu*t the Court of Cha?icety will undoubt- edly fupport fueh Truft. 4 Rep- 4' A 'Dc'vife fuppofes a Co7ifideratiofiy and therefore it cannot be averred to any other Ufe than to the Ufe of the Devifce, for that were an Averment contrary to the Dcfign of the Will ap- pearing in the Words, a Vent. But if an Ufe be expreffed, it fliall 3'^' be to the Ufe of Ceftjiy que Ufe^ and will execute ; for the Will has only an implied Uf\ where no other is limited, and Expreffum facit Ceffare T^acitim. a Venr. But if Lands be devifed to A' during Che;!"" the Life of J5. in Truft for ^^. the Re- PurdanL- ' juaindcr mainder to the Heirs of !B. now living ^ this is a ChctJicery I'ruji in j§. and not executed by the Statute ; for this was the Defign of limiting an Eftate to J, that a T'ail might not be executed in j§. whereby he might have a Power to dock it. Secondly, Where the Ufes of 'Terms are limited out of the Statute^ fee before ; and thefe Limitations are tzvo-fgfd, Firft, Of Such as wait on an Lzhe^^ rita7ice. Secondly, Terms in Grofs* Firft^ Such as wait on the Inheritance: TJ.-.e Cafe The Original of this was in the Time j(^^'^^^°? of ^tieen Elizabethj when Mortgaging ton'^ Ar- by Way of raifing Terms was invented igument, and then if a Marriage Settlement was ^'^* made, or a Purchafe upon valuable Confiderationj and the Mortgage was difcharged by the Purchafe-Money, or the Marriage-Portion, it was thought fit to take an Alignment of the Term in Truft to the fame Perfons to whom the Inheritance was limited, to prote(5t it againft latter Mortgages. And hence it is that the Inheritance c^/e of v/as limited in Tail, with Remainder ^'.^''^^fV M 2. over, 6, n. 164 ilfes atrt Xtntts. over, the Truft of the Term might be li- mited in the fame Manner,- and there- fore if the 'Tail was docked by Fi/ie and Recovery -i the Truft of the Tail and Remainders ceafed, and attended the Inheritance in Fee, for the Trufts could not protcdl or attend thcfe Eftates that were not in Being, and the Truftee, who is but an Inftrument to protc<^t others cannot have it to his own TJfe, The Intailing a Term is not within the Statute de l^onis Condit, jEpr that ibid.5.ii.5t.^t:ute extends only to Eftates of In- heritcince, and not to Chattels, which the the Rules of Common Law have car- ried into another Channel. And therefore in this Cafe the Truflee and Tenant in Tail may difpofe of it ibU.j.i I. without a FiKc or KeccJery ; and this upon \'aiu; ble Confidcration, will bind the hi'ue .; becaufc. tince the Chancery are not bouud by tli'^ St itute, they are at LiUrty "j dir d the Kulcs of Equity, and 'tis not Equity to fet up the Truft to uie Jijtic when the Jncefior has re- ceived ior it a Vcdnchle Co7ifideratio?i, Ibid 3. 11. Aid it 'v,Il be Jjjlts to pay Inte- r.ires Dcbr^. for nil Chattels of Inte- fi-atos fre .^i/k/ ac Ccv.vion Laiv ; and 'tis 1:01 8i:^uiry ro direct it oth'-rwl{e. Eut if t! Inhcrittince of an TJfe be int liltd, ti:o Alienation of Tenant 2 in in Tail, will not divefl it out of the If- Co Lit.;] fue, for 'tis within the Intent of the ^° Statute de T)oms^ which fays that if an Eftate be thus limited, the 7Jo7/ee iliall not alien to prejudice his liTue ; and the Chancery in interpreting Mens Contracts, is bound by the Intent of an JU of Tarliaiiiait, If a T^erin be given to A. in T'ruft I'ukeof for J5. in Tail, with Reinaindcr over, cl}f ^'''' attendant on an Inheritance, and A. fur- mu i. renders to B, this fliall not dcdroy the -^'■'^- »• Remainder ^ for tho' the Surrender de- * '^'^* ^ ' ftroys the Eftate at Laiv^ yet the Truft remains in Equity^ if the Party had No- tice, But in Cafe, if J, or B. had aliened cafe of upon valuable Confideration, without '^'^''^'^'- "• Notice, this would have deftroycd the Equity of the IlTue and the Remain- der Man. Secondly, T'evms in Grofs. Of Execu- tory Trufts, or Terms J7i Grofs, ii al- ready fpoken in the Laic of Execu- tory Trufts. If a Leafe be limited in ^rufl'^ and Chan, the Trufhe renew the Leafe, it iliili bj ^^^^'- '''* to the Benefit of Ccfttiy que Irfj/t; for if the Truftee takes on him the Truft, he takes upon him to ad for the Bene- :^i s fit 166 Hftsano %tufi^. fit of the Party to whom the Advan- tage of the Term was originally de- figned. The Father made a Truft for his Will, and dcvifed 500/. to each of the Daughters^ payable at their full Age or Marriage ; or if any or all of them died before, then to others ; the "Triiftee out of this cannot allow Maintenance to the Daughters, tho' they have no other Maintenance, becaufe the whole is de- vifed to others i and therefore, if the ^I'rtiftee dcduiSts any Part of it, they do not follow the Intent of the Will. 1 Co,iio. Where J. lince the Statute of the ^^' 27 of //. 8. enfeoffed B. in Fee to the Ufe of himfelf and his Heirs, during the Life of C then to the Ufe of the firft Iflue Male of C. in Tail, fo on to the tenth lUue ; then to the Ufe of 2). in Tail, then to the Ufe of F. in Tail, Kemainder to the Ufe of the Right Heirs of ^, 21 enfeoffed C before the 7 C?>.i37. g^.^h of any Iflue, without any Confi- deration ; and having Notice of the Ufes^ afterwards, on a Trial between the Feoffee of C. and his liTue, this Matter came in Queftion ,• and the Point of the ? Co. 13 5. Cafe was, whether or no thefe contin- ^' gent Ufes are dcftroyed by the Feoff- ment to C. and it was refolved that they arc. In handling this Cafe, I fhali firft firft endeavour to'fhew that C the Feof- fee of S. did not ftand feized to the for- mer [7/^J notwithftanding the Feoffment was made without Conlidcration, and he had Notice of the Ufes ^ for this Feoffment divefts all the Ertate out of others, and by it S. gained a new E- flate iw Fee by Wrong, which he palT- ed over to C fo that C. is not feized of the old Eftate, fubjed to fuch and fuch XJfes^ but he has a new Eftatc that is fubjcd to no Ufes^ becaufe not cxpref- fed or limited i and the Law, by Con- ftrU(5tion, will not make his Eftate fub- jed to tZ/e-j annexed to an old E-fcatCj now gone and only remaining in Right ^ for were the Land chargeable with the Jjfes into w^hofefoever Hands it cair.e^ this would be a Terpettdty \ for by limiting a great many contingent TJfcs^ and charging the Lands with them ra- tmie poffejfionis^ into w^iole Hands fo- evcr it came ; and it being in the Pow- er of Nobody to bar and defeat thcfe contingent £7/6^j (as it cannot be) (were the Lands charged into whofe Hands foGver it came) with them, all the'e Inconvenicncies, the neceffiry quences of a Perpetuity, muft need foi- low. Therefore a Ufe \\-c\s not a Thing at CommoJi Laiv annexed to the Pof- felTion of the Land, but the Privity of ?J 4 Eil'-ite J 16% tafefi ana Xtiitts. Eftate J iherefore the Chancery did not charge all the Perfons that had the Lands, but only thofe Perfons that came into the Lands by Privity of EftatCy and with the Truft and Confidence at firft repofed in the TCertmants i and that for the Reafon aforefaid, left they might encourage Perpetuities ; and they Bro. ""S conftrued in a Court of Equity^ the #. Pi.Vo." Limitations of Ufes^ as thofe of Eftates in PolTeflion were at the Courts of Coimnon Law j for the Chancery would not fet up a Rule of Property diftin(5t from that at Comvton Law^ efpecially in Cafes fo inconvenient ; for if the con- tingent future Ufes might not be de- ftroyed as well as contingent Remain- dersi then by the Limitation of them, a% Eftate of Inlieritancc would be fo fettered, that Nobody would meddjc with the Purchafe of it ; and what Rear fon can there be afTigned, why a contin- gent UJe cannot be deftroyedas well as a Ufe in EJfe^ which was daily deftroy? ed, and that by the Conftru^ion of the greateft Equity j for if the Feoffee to an l/fe^ had for good Confideration cn^ feoffcd another who had no Notice, the JJfe was dcftroyed, tho' the Feoffee came in by Privity of Eftate j and this tor the fame Reafon, for if the Landi lyp^P phargcd with the Ufe into who ' Hands H^nds focvcr they came, the Inconvc- piencies ♦£ a Terpetjjity would imme^ diatcly follow ; for who would meddle with Lands, that they could with no Poflibility know whether it was charg- ed with a JJfe-i or not ; for that it might be limited in fo fecret and private a Manner, that it were impolfible to come to the Knowledge of \t. There- fore fuch Feoffee ftood feizcd to his own JJfe; and the only Remedy for the for- mer Cefti/y que UJe, was to complain in Chancery of the Feoffee's Breach of Trufl. So if T>iffdzor had entered up- on the Feoffee^ he had not ftood feized to the TJfe^ &c. but the FeoflPge mud have entered, and then have revived thclf'^'Hr^v Ufe^ which as it feems to me, he might ^"^fJ^Jj^ be compelled to do in Chancery i and to defeat if he had ftood feizcd to the UJh he *^^ ^'^Z; would have been punifhed by Law, as i'/„cfwtth- a Wrong-Doer, for taking the Eftatc, /'»'"'''»iJ ^nd thofe Profits to himfelf he had no{;f J/^^ Jlight to J and yet would have been an- d. Nor/ fwerablc to the Cejiuy que Ufe for thc^a. H Profits, as was the Feoffee i bcl~idcs he came not in Privity of Eftatc, and fo was not liable to any Contrad or A- grcemcnt made by other Pei ions concern- ing thofe Lands he claimed not by or from any of them ; neither was any Confidence rcpofcd in him. An jliefiee^ iCo.iii. nor nor Pcrfon JttaiM^ were not capable of having any Lands to the JJfe of o- hfeemsanXX^cr Pcifons i for they were not capa- ^'rTS ^^^ ^^ having any Lands themfelves, "o'^nVfe. for the BenlJfit of any but the King ,• Harcl.46S. the Pcrfon Attaiiit is only capable to have a Purchafe of Lands for the Ki7i^s Ufe and Benefit, and that excludes all others;. neither can an Alien have Lands, and then he cannot be feized to an Ufe, A Corporatio7i ^cannoty by the Comvion ZjaiJOy be feized to a JJfe \ for in their Conftitution, they* are a Body of Men colleded by Force of the King's Z/f?- ters Tateiity to fuch Intents and Pur- . pofes; all which are only for the Bene- fit and Advantage of the Corporation And therefore they cannot have Lands as a Corporation (which implies to the own ijfe and Behalf) to the Vfe of an- other ; for they we not at firfl: created to that End, and they having no Pow- er as a CorporatioJi^ any other than they receive- by Force of the Letters Tate7its y and by that they being con- ftitutcd only' to fuch and fuch Ends they want Power as a Corporation^ to take 'Lands to the Vfe of other People-j for that is an End Nobody could think of, in the Ercdion 6{- o, Corpona'tion y neither fliall the King fland feized to a Ufe. for all the Lands he is feized of, he be is feizcd /;/ Jiire Coro//^^ for the Maintenance and Support of his Crown find Dignity, and the well Government of the Common Wealth , which is a Ufi the Law defigned him pri?mtfis^ and confcqiiently 'tis exclufive of all o- ther TJjt'S : Neither can it be imagined that the King fliould in Point of Ho- nour ftand feized of Lands only to the Benefit and Advantage of another, and 2R0.7S0. fo be a Sort of Bailiff to him. 'Tennnt by the Conrtefy^ or Te7ia7it in T}oiur cannot be feized to Ufcs^ be-Hard.4d9 caufe they come to thefe Eftatcs by the Difpolition of Law, for the Ad- vancement and Encouragement of Ma- trimony,- and thofc Eftates are given them for their own Maintenance, and are confequently exclulive of all other ZTj^j, for the Advantage of other People. 2^/dre if at this Day ah Eftate be Qnjcrc, given to a Man and his Heirs, to the Ufe of him and his Heirs, in Truft for ano- ther and his Heirs, whether the Wo- man iliall be endowed without anv Traft ; for if flic be not, then here will be an Eftate of inheritance in Fee Sm- ph\ fo fettled that no Woman can have HJdzvcr of it i for a Woman is notdow- able of a Truft ; ideo Qjicsre, Lord by Efcheat cannot be feized to an Vfe^ for he comes in and claims above the Vfe 172 Wiks atio %vtttt8. Ufey by a Condition in Law fccrct- ly annexed to his Eftate in its Com- mencement ; 'viz* That, if the Feoffee died without Heir, he ihould re-enter i and fo he claiming in by Force of a Title Paramont to the Ufe, ihall never be fubjcd to any Charges that take their Rife and Date from an inferior Time and Title, Bcfidcs he has the Land in Satisfac- tion for his Services that arc now gone j but what Satisfaction will it be if he is ft ill to hold the Land charged with the l/fi- A Man pofTcfrcd of a ^erm in j'rufi for another, is attainted of Treafon ; the Kw(^ is not fubjcdt to this trnft* i Roll 780, Othcrwife of ^e72atit in 'Dower ; be^^ caufe fhe comes in in the per^ by the Afifignmcnt of the Heir, and not in the pofty as lenaiit hy the Courtefy, i In^, 239, or 'Bro, Feoff, Ufis 338, a. makes a Difference between Uoiver at Cop/j^ inon L^zv^ and ad ofilfjm Ecclefi^^ and ex Jffe7ifn patris-, for they arc by ex- prcfs Alfignment, Where J, Feoffee to the Ufe of B, grants a Rent to C. who has Notice of the IJJe, he fliall hold the Rent to the l/Je of J?, and if J, enfeoff !D. with- out Notice, and B, after Stat, R. 3. re- ieafcs leafcs to 2). by this the Rent of C is extin(5t. Bro. 337. Cb. lo. 14 ^.8.4. If Feoffee to Ufe grants to J, S. or Common^ this ex Natt/ra Rei could not be to the Ufe of Ceftiiy que Ufe, 'Bro* 338. 10, See Contingent Remain- ders. 3. b» Where a Feoffee to Ufe makes a Leafc for Life or for Years, or a Gift in Tail, either with a Rent referved, or without, tho* the Leffee or Donee have Notice of the former Ufcs ; yet he fliall not ftand feized to thofc Ufcs but to his own. Bro, 339. 47. 340. a. 1 Jrid, 314. If a Seigniory be held to the Ufe of J, and the Tenancy efchcats, that ihall be to the Ufe of ^. fo if Feoffee to an Ufe vouches and reco- vers in Value, he lliall be feized to the firft Ufe, Bro. i^Ji.pL 10. Where a Feoffee to Ufe enfeoffs ano- ther upon Coniideration of Blood, that Feoffee iliall be feized to the former Ufes ; but *tis otherwife, if the firft Feoff* ment were in Confideration of Blood, 2 Roll, Ah. qqS' 3 Co. 81. 2 JRo. 781. 2 L.tott, 15. T);'. 340. h. Where 5- ^- is a Feoffee to the Ufe of A. in Tail, Remainder to B. in Tail, Remainder to the Right Hc^rs of A* and the Feoffee and J, join in a F^off- mc^t to three, (two whereof have No- tice 1 74 Mks ano XtnUe. tice, the other not) to nevy Ufis^ they Ihall be feizcd to the new U/es ; for J. had a Power over his own Eftate for Life and in Fee ; but the two Feoftees ought to make Recompence to J. for the Lofs that every body elfc fuftained. Hob. 349. If a Feoffee to an Ufc doth enfeoff one upon a valuable Confideration, who has Notice of the former Vfes to ex- prefs Ufes, he fliall (land feized to thofc e.xprefs Uj'es^ and not to the former Ujes. Hob. 349. 2 J/id. Sro. Feoff, al UfeSj 340. Dy. 341. h. i Jud. 313. But Qj^itsre if a Reverfion be fubjed to fu- ture Vfes^ and is granted to a Man and his H'.'irs without Confidcration, to the Ufe of the Grantee and his Heirs ; yet whether 'tis fubjei^ to the former Vfes, 2 Roll. 79. T>y. 340. h. 2 KgIL ']o6. 1 Sid, 124. 157. ($4. A. agrees with B. to make him a Leafe of Black- Acre for Years, then makes a Feoffment to C. upon a valuable Confidcration, who has Notice of the JJfe^ he fhall be compelled to make it. 2 Roll. 781. ?/. Com. 3 5 1 . I D*. 1 2 2. S. Feoffee to an Ufe cannot appoint a Bailiff without the Confent of Ccfluy que ilfe-y nor allow him Fees unlefs the Ceffjy que UJe be an Infant. jBro. 338 to 339. 27. 2 Thus Thus have we fhcwn how Jjfes in EJfe were deftroyed at Common Lazv^ and by Confequcncc how thofe that are FuUivey and which 'tis uncertain whe- ther ever they will come in EJfe^ may be deftroyed i for the fame Arguments that hold for the Deftrudion of prefcnt UfeSj hold good for the Dcftrudtion of future Contingent IJfes : For if he that i Co. 121, comes in of another Eftate, than that^' which the Feoffee to the Ufe had, fhall not be feized to the JJfes in EJfe ; by the fame Reafon, neither fliall he bo to future and contingent Ufes. The fame Law is of Corporations, A- liens, (^c. If then (x Ufe ho, not a Thing annexed to the Land, it will be asked Ccw«/ee\/ of me,.What it is? To which I anfwer, ^^f^^^'.^.^ that a U/^ is an equitable Right to have io vfes. ' the Profit of Lands, the legal Eftatc ^ro^ss?- whereof is in the Feoffee^ according to ^' the Truft and Confidence repofed in him, which equitable Right alfo extends it felf to thofe that come to the Lands in Privity of Eftate to the Feoffee, and under the fame Truft and Confidence that he did i fo that, to every Ufe two Things are incident j a Confidence in the Pcrfon, and a Privity of Eftate ; and when any of thefe failed, the Ufe w^as either fufpended or deftroyed, A ' 176 MttS um iCttifiS* A life is defined by my Lord Coke to be a Tiuft arid Confidence, which h not ilTuing out o£ the Land, but as £t Thing collateral, annexed in Pritity to the Eftcitey and the Perfon touching the Land^ tCo. 151. The acknowledging a Statute by Sro. ""9 Ceftuy que tlfe^ was the fame Thing as 25.' ^' making a Leafe within I K. 3. and Hard. 49 5 therefore the Feoffees Land was ex- J,^^''^"tendable upon it. Ufes were to fonie Intents reputed in Law as ChattelSy and therefore were devifable j for the Cotirt of Ooancery^ in the dircding and judging concern- ing UfeSy always made luch Conftruc- tions as were moft reconcilable to the Intent and Will of the Parties, where no Inconvenience would follow ^ there- fore it appearing to be the Intent and Defign of the Parties, that the Vfe ihould be to the ^Devifee^ they ad- judged it in him i yet there was a Tof- feffiofr arris of a £7/9, and it was intail- cd within the Statute de 'Donis^ &c» for Reafon would that the Sifler of the whole Blood ihould have the Ufe before the Brother of the half, for the fame Reafons as hold good in Freeholds, and the Chancery in Equity fupported the Will of the T>onor y fo if the Ufe fliould come to his IlTuc, for that the Intent Intent of the Parties is there a great Diredion for the Guidance of .the Judg- ment j Ufes were neither Jjfets to the- Heir or Executor, their original Infti- tution being for fuch Intents and Pur- pofes, that no Execution, cJ'c. might be had of them. But £.^dre why in E- quity, they fliould not have been li- able to Execution, (^c» It may be asked. What this Privity of Eftate iS) that is requifite to the {landing feized to an UfeF And it is when a Perfon comes into the fame Eftate the Feoffee to Ufe had in and by Contrad with him, for a Diffeifor comes into the fame Eftate, but not by Contrad and Agreement ; and therefore he is in the pqfi j /. e. claims not hy or from the Feoffee : And why a Privity of Eftate is requifite to the ftanding feiz- ed to a Ufey has been already accounted for in a great many particular Cafes i But in genera], 'tis becaufe he that comes not in Privity of Eftate claims not the Eftate by and from the Feoffee^ who ftood feized to the Ufe^ and confequent" ly claims not the Eftate as it was fub- jcd: to the Ufes; but one above that clear and free ; and he that claims an Eftate by no Contrad or Agreement with the Feoffee^ but either by Title above his^ or by the Difpofition and Gift of Law, N cannot 178 Mtts anti %x\ifis. cannot (land feizcd ; for this would in a Manner defeat his Title, and fruftratc the Benefit of the Eftate the Law gave him, and why fhould a Man ftand feiz- ed to an Ufe when he claims not theE- ftate by Agreement with him that did fland feized, or has not the Eftate that was charged to the Ufe j for Confidence in the Perfon is as well rcquifitc as Pri- vity of Eftate i for fo firft began Ufes^ by enfeoffing fome Friend to the Ufi^ in Dy.^o.h. whom the Feoffor repofed a Confidence and Truft ; and if the Feoffee perform* ed not the Truft, the only Remedy for the Ceftuy que Ufe was to punifh him for his Breach of that Truft. But where there is no Tf/^, there can be no Breach of ^rtift^ and confequently no Puniili- ment for it i of NecelTity therefore^ wherefoever the I'rujl and Confidence fail, the Ufe is gone, becaufc the Re- medy is gone -, and before we have file^vn feveral Reafons why the Ufes muft ceafe, the Lands not being charg- ed with them rat tone poffeffionis^ for the Danger of a Terpetmty i but only the Perfon being charged, is refpondent of the Privity of Eftate^ and Confidence repofed in him. Confidence in the Per- fon is either exprefs or implied, and if that fails, the Ufe is gonej as if a Feof- fee to an Ufe^ for good Confideration, 4 doth Mit8 ano %mas. 179 doth enfeoff one who has notNotice of the UJe-) the Ufe is gone, for here is no Truft in him ; he not knowing that there were any Ufes, no Truft could be repofcd in him to lit the Cejiiiy que Ufe take tha ProfitSi but if he had Notice, a Truft might well be faid to be repofcd in him, becaufe he took the Land, knowingly, wath the Ufes: If the Feoffment had been without Confideration, tho* he had no Notice of the Ufe i yet he ftood feiz- ed to the Ufe-, for the Law implied No- tice of the Ufe^ and fo there is a Truft ^ and this introduces no Manner of In- convenience in charging him with a Ufe J becaufe he lofes nothing, having given no Confideration ; for he would be feized to the Ufe of the Feoffor, if no Ufe were limited, and then the Feoffor muft be anfwerable for the Va- lue of this Ufe to the Cefiuy que Ufe^ which would be a vain Security. It feems, tho' this Teoffmeiit were to Ufes exprel^ly, yet the Feoffee fliould ftand feized to the old Ufes,, becaufe he came to the Lands, without any valuable Confideration, and perhaps the firft Feof- fee to Ufe was not refponfible for his Breach of Truft ; but the other Cafe of a Feoffment^ with Confideration, without Notice of the Ufes^ is widely different from this ; for were he is charg* N 2 ed iSo Witts ans %xvifts. ed with all the Ufes^ all the Inconvc- nicncies of a Perpetuity inftantly follow. For the Limitation of Ufes may be fo fccretj that it is impofliblc to know of them, and then who would purchafe Lands; fothat ofNecefllty, Land would be fo fettled, that it would not be in the Power of the ^I^erte7ia72t to difpofe Piow.^ of it, but it muft neceffarily remain in °'"'^^°' the Family which is a Perpetuity. There is a Diverfity taken in Tlozvde/i between the Feoffment of the Feoffees and of Ceftiiy que life ; for if the Cejit/y que XJfe for Life or in Tail made a Feoff- ment in Fee, either with or without Confideration, all the old Ufes weredif- continued, and the ancient Eftate which the Feoffees had, is gone, and they have a new Eftate fubjed to thefe new Ufes created by the Feoffment ; for when Ceftuj que JJfe made a Feoffment in Fee, which by the i Rich* the 3d. he might lawfully do, he palfed a Ufe in Fee Simple to the Feoffcci which being ii new Ufe to the Feoffee, all the old Ufes were difcontinued, and confequent- ly the Eftate of the Feoffees muft be altered ,- for were it the ancient Eftate, it were ftill fubjcdt by the former and elder Limitation of Ufes to the old Ufes; therefore have the Feoffees, by Con- Ilrudicn, a new Eftate to the new Ufes j 4 but Mtts ant) Xttxtts. 18 1 but if the Feoffees themfelves had made a Feoffment without Confideration, the Feoffees had ftood feized to the old Ufes, for here was no Ufe nor new E- ftate ; but as it feems they both agree upon the whole, for if one have an E- ftate for Life to the Uiie of another, and he makes a Feoffment in Fee, (and this is really the Cafe of Ceflny que Ufe) the Feoffee iliall not (land feized to an Ufe, for he has a new Eftate, and not the old one fubjcd to Ufes. Qj^ure whether, by the Feoffment o^Ceftiiy qite Ufe^ only a Ufe paffed, or whether the legal Eftate paffed ; for it feems by Tlozu- den^ that only a Ufe paffed ; but by i Co. Confequence the legal Eftate paffed, '52- a. which, as it feems, is Law ; the Lands Trufts were liable in the Hands of the Feoffees ^^^^ 4/*- to an Ufe to Execution for the Debt of {'^//, Cefttiy que Ufe ,• and for Relief and He- 2 Cap. 3- riot after the Death of Cefiuy que Ufe, after the 19 ^. 7. c. 15^. Having thus Ihevved, that by the Co///- mon Lctiv^ fuch a contingent Ufe as in the Cafe firfl put, had been deftroyed by the Feoffment, we come now to fhcw the 27 H. 8. did not intend the Prefer- vation of them i for the very End and Delign of that Ad upon Confiderati- on of the many Mifchiefs and Inconve- nicncies that had been introduced by N 3 Ufes, 1 82 tmfes ano %t\ifts. iCo. 124. Ufes, was utterly to extinguifli and fupprefs them ; if therefore it fhould be conftrued fo far in the Favour of Ufes as to fupport and preferve contingent Ufes in thefe Cafes, where before at Common Law they were utterly de- flroyed, the A<5t would be expounded againft the End of its Sandion, and all thofe Inconveniencies it was made to fupprefs, would be ftill in Beings for who could be furc of a Purchafe of Lands, when by the Limitation of a future Ufa in a fecret Manner, which by no Ad could be deftroyed or defeated, he jliould loofe his Land j when that came in Play, the Makers of the 27 ^. 8. r. 10. thought I Co. 12 5. tj^^f ^fi-gj. that A(5t,no Land could pafs by Way of Ufcjbutby Common Law, which was the Way they dcfigned to retrieve and bring in an Ufc again ; and there- fore they provided by a Saho for the Right of all others, that they had before the making of that Adj yet they pro- vided no Saho for any body's Right af- ter the Statute ; but feem to give all Lands that are feized in Truft to the Ceftf/y que I'mft^ without any Man- ner of Provifion for the Rights of other People,- therefore if J. do diffeize ^. fincc the Statute, and makes a Feoff- ment to C in Fee, to the Ufe of 2). in Fee, the Right of £, is not favcd by mtts atiD %nx(ts. 183 by the exprefs Letter of th^ Ad, for that gives the Land to 23. without any Manner of Sitho for the Right of j&. but by equitable Conftrudion the Judg- es have faved the Right of B* fince that Way of Conveying is in Ufe, which the Makers of 27 II. 8. thought would be no more in Pradice ; and therefore made no Provifion for the Right of thofe af- ter the Ad ; but this the Makers of the Ad took for granted ; for the Way of conveying byUfeis not any Ways prohibi- ted by the Ad, but only the PolTellion ex- ecuted to the Ufe. Therefore this Man- ner of Conveying not being prohibited, and being much pradifed, the Snho for others Right is abfolutely ncceflary for every Man's Safety ,• but becaufe the Ma- kers of the Ad thought the Way of Con- veying by Ufe, would ft ill be ufed by Way of bargain and Sak^ that that alfo might be notorious, and on the fame Level with Conimo7i Law AlTu- ranees, they afterwards, at the fame Parliament Enaded, That they fhould be enrolled; and this fliews,that the In- tent of the Law-Makers was not to fliew any Manner of Favour to Ufes in JBjffe or Co72ti7igeiicy \ and as the Prefcr- vation of contingent Ufes is clearly out of the Intent of the Statute, fo it is out of the Remedy of the Body of the N ^ Ad 1 84 Witts atto xtttftjs. Ad provided againft the Mifchiefs that were before the A61 \ for the only In- tent and Dcfign of the Ad is to execute the PolTefTion in thofe that have the Ufe ; fo that to the Execution of every Ufe within the Intent and Meaning of the Ad, it isneceifary that fome body fhould be feized to the Ufe of fome other Per- fon j fo that if there be no Perfon feized to the Ufe, there can be no Execution of the Ufe, by the Force of the Statute, and there muft be a Ufe in Bffe^ and not a Right of an Ufe only, for the Words of the Ad are, That every Ter- fo72 that haSj or hereafter Jhall have a- fiy Ufe:, &c. So that the Ufe muft be in EJfej in Poflefiion, Rcverfion or Remain- der, and the Ceji^jj que Ufe muft be in Effe-, for the Words of the Ad arc, St a7id feized to the Ufe of any Terfon or Terfo7is ; for how can the Ad exe- cute the Ufes to the PoffefTion, if there be no Perfon to take the Ufe in Being ; and the Eftate of the Feoffee, muft veil in Cejity que Ufe ; for the Ad fays, " That the Eftate of fuch Perfon feiz- *^ ed to an Ufe fhall be adjudged in " Ceftuy que Ufe' : And when any of thefc fail, there can be no Execution by Force of the Statute ; and this Con- (Irudion is abfolutely ncceftliry, that the Words of the 27 //. 8. may have their full full Scope and Meaning ; fo the Makers of the Ad did wifely in making no Pro- vifion for Ufes /;/ futtiro ; for if they had, all thefe Inconvcniencics at Co7n- vion Law had ftill remained, and Per- petuities had been preferved by the Li- 1C0.78.L mitation of contingent Remaifiders^not to be deftroyed ; Eftates would have been fo fettered, that no body could have dif- pofed of them ; fo that the Statute ha- ving made no Provifion for thefe Remai/i- ders^ they are left to the Conftrudion of the Common Law ; and then the con- tingent Remainder in the Cafe firft put had been deftroyed for the Reafons be- fore, when we treated concernin.^ thefe 2 Leon. Remainders at Co?nmo7i Law : IF there ^59« be no Seizin, in the Feoffees, when the Ufe comes in Effe, it cannot be execu- ted, drC' and if the Feotfees be barred of their Entry and Right to come at SeizWj the Tojfejfion can never be exe- cuted to the Ufe i were the Lands charg- ed with contingent Ufes, into whofe Hands foever it came by Force of this Statute i then a Corporatioji Diffeifor of the King, (^c, fhould ftand feized to the Ufe, as before has been fliewn thev cannot ; and the Nature of the Ufe would now be quite altered ,• for before it was a Truft and Confidence in the Perfon, now it would be a Sort of Attendant 186 Mtts anu Xmfts* on the Land, or annexed thereto j and tncn it were a new Hereditament ,• by Conftrudion of this Statute, the Heir of the Part of the Father, fhould have the Ufc, tho' the Lands moved from the Mothers Side,- and thi§, would be con- trary to diverfe fettled Refolutions. If 2 Tnf a. there be a Tenant for Life, the Remain- l^ °' ^^^der in Fee, and the Remainder-Man co- venants, that if the Tenant for Life fhall die in four Years, he will ftand feized to the Ufe of J, S. in Fee, and the Tenant for Life makes a Feoffment in Fee, the Feoffee likewife covenant- ing to ftand feized to the Ufe of 7« N' if the Tenant for Life dies in four Years, the Statute cannot preferve and execute both thefe future Ufes at once ; there- fore one of them mufl be toll'd, and then the Statute has not the Effe<5t to preferve future Ufcs. Before the Statute if the Feoftee had bargained and fold, and made over no legal Eftatc to the Bargainee, no Ufe had paffed j for the Pri- vity of Eftate and Contidcnce remain ; and therefore the old Ufe continues. OhjeH. But then it may be objc(5tcd, if future contingent Ufes are not preferved and all executed by the 27 H. 8. how can the PolfefTion be ever executed to them, fincc the whole Eflatc is out of tho jirfp. Feoitces. To this I anfwcr, that only that tltts ano Xxiifis. 187 that Eftatc is executed to the Ufc, by the 27 //. 8. that has the Requifites be- fore-mentioned to the Execution of a PoiTelTion to an Ufe,- and it is impoffiblc a future Ufe fliould have the PofTeflion executed to it by the Statute, when 'tis uncertain whether it will ever come in Ejje or no : But the Feoffee has a PoiTi- bility to ftand feized to the Ufe, and when the Ufe itfelf comes in Fj[l'e, thcnij^o- ^^9- the Poifibility is come to a Certainty ^ y- ^"^ "• ^iz. an Eftate to the Ufe of Ceftii)^ que TJfe^ and fo is executed by the Statute ; but if the Eftate of the Land be alter- ed by a T^ijS'eifin or Feoffment, fo that 'p<»« ^»^ the Poifibility of the Feoffees is fuf-^t/'" pended, there he muft enter to revive iivaytheh the future Ufe is abfolutely deft roved, ^"''"y* 1 T^ n . • I 1^ V ^ Leon. and no Eitate remains in the rconeej^js, 259. for the Benefit of a future Ufe i for then, if a Feoffment were made to the Ufe of a Man for Life, and then to the Ufe of his firft Son, not yet born, in T^ail^ the Kemaiiider to 'B> in I^ee^ he would be a Tenant for Life, the Remainder to the Feoffee and his Heirs, as long as the Sons fhould have Heirs of their Body, the Re?naijider to 'B. in Fee^ and fo there would be a Fee upon a Fee^ and the Feoffee might punifh tlie Te- nant for Life for Wafte, or perhaps en- ter for a Forfeiture, when perhaps the con- 1 88 WeiSattD XtnUs. contingent Remainder would never come in EJJe : So that of Ncceflity he mufthavc nothing butaPolTibilityjWhich when it comes in Ejfe^ is fuch an E- ftate in him as may ferve to anfwer the future Ufe, and be executed to it accor- dingly, by Force of the Statute j for as he had a whole Fee to fuch Ufes, fo the Statute parcels out of his Eftate, accor- ding to the Ufes ; and as there had been no Execution of the PolTelTion, he muft have flood fcized to the future Ufe, when it came in EJfe : So now the Sta- tute gives that Eltate in PolfefTion to the Ufe, when it comes in EJfcy as it does to Ufes in Ejfe prefently. But if when the future Ufe comes in Effe, there is an Eftate adjudged in the Feoifee, it may be asked what Eftate there is in 78^°*^^' liinij or what Eftate did he gain when 1 C0.12CJ. he enters to revive a future Ufe ^ for his ^57- old and antient Eftate he cannot get when that is executed by Force of the Statute in others. It feems that in both Cafes, he has but fuch an Eftate as may ferve to be executed by Force of the 2j H^ 8. in the Ceftt/y que Ufe ; for ho cannot diveft the Eftate lawfully vefted before by the Forceof that Aft of Parlia- ment. So that if the future Ufe be for the life of Cefiuy que Ufe, when this comes in J^//^, it fcems the Fcoftee has a legal Witts ano XtuftiS* 189 a legal Eftate to him and his Heks, du- ring the Life of Ceftj qm life-, ^vbicll is that Inftant executed in the Ceftiiy qne Ufe^ by Force of the Statute ^ the llimc Law is, if he had entered to revive the Ufci fo if the Cejiffj/ que Ufe had an E* date Tail in the Ufe, the Feoffee ihall, when this Ufe comes in Being, have an Eftate to him and his Heirs as long as the Cefiity que Ufe has Heirs of his Bo- dy. Then it may be asked. How he can have fuch an Eftate which is a Fee, and yet many Eftates Tail, and a Re- mainder in Fee expectant upon it ? But it may be anfvvered, if he hath it only of Nccefifity, that the Ceftuy que Uje may have an Eftate Tail in him, which is eo irijianti executed in him, the Thing being momentaneous -, and fo there can be no Manner of Objc(5tion made of the Inconveniencics following upon the Limitation of a Fee upon a Feci there muft be an Eftftte in the Feoftees to ferve the future Ufe ; for the Statute fays. That the Eftate that was in fuch Perfon, (j'c* iliould be adjudged and deemed in him that has the Ufe, ^c» fo that of NecelTity, fome Eftate muft be adjudged in the Feoffee, that it may iCo. 129, be executed by Force of the Statute ^ c^^T^., and tho' the Feoffee hath a particular iCo. 13 7* Eftate in the Land by his Entry without '^• any 190 tlfes mh Xrtiiis. fliiy IDomr^ this is not any Abfurdity, it being done by Force of the Statute, tho* regularly at Common Law, no fuch Eftatecan be created. No Limitation of a Ufe is good, but where the like Limi- tation of an EJiate in PofTclTion were good at Common Law -, for the Defign of 27 //. 8. was to revive the ancient Common Law, and this Conftrudion muft be allowed of NecelTity j for now the fame Reafon that had forbidden, jCo.ijo.'^'Jch a particular Limitation of Eftate in Polfeliion at Common Law, forbids the like Limitation of a Ufe j becaufe the PoficiTion is by the A6t executed to iCo, 158. the Ufe ; therefore muft the fame Incon- veniencies necefiarily enfue ; fo that if a Man makes a Feoffment to the Ufe of one for Years, Remainder to the Ufe of the Right Heirs of J. S. who is li- ving, this Ufe limited tothe Heirs o^J. 5". is cwJ, for the fame Reafon as if an E- ftate had been made to one for Years, Remainder to the Right Heirs of J, S> becaufe that the Freehold is now here, fo that there cannot be a Tenant to the Ti'djcipe^ (yet this were good of a Ufe at Common Law) and fo if any one hath a Caufc of Adion, he may be de- layed of his Right, and the like Incon- venience there is in a Ufe fo limited ,♦ for for no Eftate is left in the FeofieCjas be- ^Co. i35' fore has been faid, but only a Poifibil'^v. '*' So in all other Cafes , the Execution of the PoffefiTionto aUfCjis conftrued accor- ding to the Rules of Coiitmo7i Laiv^ be- caufe the fame Reafons hold there. So if a Feoffinefit be made to the Ufe oij. for Life, and then to the Ufe of her who fliould be the Wife of B. J, dies, 'B. takes a Wife, flie {hall take nothing be- caufe a contingent Remainder ought to veft at Commo7i Law ; either during the particular Eftate, or eo l?ifta?iti that the particular Eftate determines. Yet perhaps in both thefe Cafes at Common Law^ the Chancery might have fup- ported the Ufe in Remainder, becaufe there was no Inconveniency in it then, ?.s there would be now. 'Tis objeded, that if a Privity of Eftate is requi- lite, then no future Ufe can be ex- ecuted by the Force of the Statute ,• for when the Statute has executed the prefent Ufe in EJfe^ they are in the Tofi^ that have the Ufe fo ex- ecuted; and fo are not Privies in E- ftate to the Feoffee^ from which the future Ufes may arife. To this I anfwer, that the Statute requires that thefe Eftates that were limited by Way 192 %Uts auD %mfts. iCo. 150. w^iy of ijj-^ in the fame Convey- ance with a future Ufe^ and were ex- ecuted by the Statute, iliould ftill remain and continue till the future ZJJe comes in Fffe j and this Privity, of Eftate is, where two Perfons have- an Intcreft created by the fame Con- veyance in one Eftate, by one Con- veyance; becaufe then they come .to one Eftate by a Contrad or Agree- ment, to which both are Parties and Privies, (/. e.) conufant; and why the Eftate jliould continue till the future Z/Jes would arife, we have already accounted for, to prevent the Danger of a Terpcti/itj' ; and for many other Reafons; which fee before. All Statutes, that have been made in fupprelTing the Inconvcnicncies arifing from Ufes<, have always been extended by Equity iCo. 138. beyond the Letter of them. It was "I'A^l' '^' the Opinion of fome Judges, m Chttd- leys Cafe, that the future Ufes^ limi- ted upon a Conveyance were in j4' hj'a?ice J and alfo the Eftate being executed to them by Virtue of the Statute, it was one - entire Eftate in Jhejarice, But the other Judges for very good Reafons were of a contra- ry Perfwalion i for thq Statute, as before has lias been faid, extends only (by the very exprefs Words of it) to execute the Pof- feffion to the life where the UJe is in Effh and not to a Pofifibility of a Ufe, and what Ground can there be for an ^ *;^' equitable Conftrudtion to carry an E- ftate in certain to the Pofifibility of an Ufe^ when the Words of the Statute warrant no fuch Expofitions i fo that a future Ufe^ notwithftanding the Sta- tute, remains as it was at Covimon LaWy 'till it comes in Bffe^ and then the Statute executes the PofleiTion to it. It was alfo held in Clmdkys Cafe, that future Ufes muft not arife out of the Eftate of Ceftiiyque Ufe:, but out 100.157. pf the Eftate of the Feoffee ; therefore "*' if J. doth infeoff S. to the UJe of C. and his Heirs, and if T>. fliould pay C 100. then C iliould ftand feifed to the JJfe of Z). and his Heirs, this XJfe to i>, is Vt)id, not being raifed out of the Eftate of the Feofee -, the Rea- fon of which Refolution feems to have been, that he that ftands feifed to an Ufi^ muft come in in Privity of that Eftate to which the Ufe is annex'd j but here the Cejiuy que Life comes in by the Statute, and fo in the ^Poft ; but now it feems to me that the Li- mitation to 7). would be fupportcd as a Cha?icery Tirnjl^ fince they have O found 194 ^ft^ atm %nifis. found out a Way to creep out of the Statute, if a Feoffment be made in Fee to the Ufe of the Feoffee and his Heirs in Truft for J. S. and his Heirs ; f/r ^^^'^^'^j Whether this Eftate be not exe- Poph. 8i. cuted in y. 5'. by the Statute ; for as it feems, the Feoffee is in by the Coi/i^ V1071 Law ; and fo the Statute not fa- tisfied ; fo that it feems the Way of Bargai7i and Sale is good to raife a Truft i yet it was adjudged that if a ^^ ^-7- ]VIan bargained and fold his Lands in Fee to one, to the l/fe of one for Life^ with other Limitations of Ufes to O- thers, that they were void, becaufe a Ufe could not be limited of a Ufe^ which is the only Reafon of the Cafe next before.. Feoffee to an Ufe of a Manor re- ieafes to the Tenants, they cannot have the Services to the Ufe of Cefttty que Ufe^ becaufe they are drowned ; and there can be no Truft without an Eftate in Being. Bro, 138. a. But it feems in fucli Cafes, they would be compelled by the Court of Chancery, to anfwer the Rents to the Ccftuy que Ufe* Duke of Norfollis Cafe^ 140 2 Co. 78. h. Sir Edzvard Cooke being obliged by Order of the Councii-Table^ to make a Settlement -of his Eftate in this M"" •- ner, (that is to fay) to covenant to ftand feized to the Ufe of himfelf, for Life, then to the Ufe of Elizabeth UattoUy his Wife, for Life, then to the Ufe of his Daughter Elizabeth y for Life, for a Moiety of thofe Lands, and then to the Ufe of her Sons in ^ail^ 'till the Tenth Son, and then for the other Moiety to the Ufe of his other Daughter Frances^ for Life; then to the Ufe of her firft Son in Tail, and io on 'till the Tenth Son, with Crofs Re- mainders to each of the Daughters, if the other died without Iflue, then to the Ufe of the Right Heirs of Sir Ed- ward Cooke ; yet that he might have it neverthelefs in his Power to defeat or preferve the contingent Remainders to his Daughters Sons, for which End he covenanted to ftand feized, and fo no more was out of him than what was vefted in the Ceftu^ que TJfe^ and did not make a Feoffment to Ufes^ and put the whole Eftatc out of him, and put it in the Power of the Feoffees to pre- ferve or deftroy them, as it was in Chfjdkys Cafe ^ but here he makes a Lcafc to one for Years, and then grants his Reverfion to another in Fee, without confidering, that fo he coming in in Privity of Eftate, under the Confi- '^^nce Sir Edward had, might ftand Q 5 feized 196 Mks an& ICmfts* feized to the future Ufes^ that the E- ftate of Sir Edward was fubjedt to, and then he makes a Feoffment in Fee to others ; fo that had he feen Reafon to fupprefs thefe future Ufes, he would have deftroyed the Deed of Grant of the Rcverfion, and trump d up the Deed of Feoffment,- but had he feen any Reafon to preferve the Remain- ders, he would have fuppreffed the Feoff- ment, and fliewed only the Grant of the Reverfion i but none of thefe a Roll. Things being done, it became a ^^•" rvent! ft^(>^^ between the Feoffees and the Son i88, ^. of one of the Daughters, (the other dying without IfTue) and 'twas refolved in Favour of the contingent Ufe^ and fo ' againft the Feoffees i a particular Te- nant having entered after the Feoff- ?nent made by Sir Edzvard, but 'twas agreed that if Sir Edward had made a Feoffment before he made a Grant of the Reverfion, the future Vies had been deftroyed ; for then the Feoffees had come in of another Effate, not of that fubje(5t to the U/^j-, as was before fliewed in Chrdkys Cafe^ the future Ufes were to have arifen out of the Efti^te that Sir Edward had in him, as in the Cafe of the Feoffees it doth out of their Eflate; and if he had paffed away the whole Fee then, as in the Cafe Cafe of the Feoffees, a Pofifibility only remained in him, then when Sir Ed- ward Cook grants away, by legal Con- veyance, his Eftate to another, with- out Confideration, the Gra7itee of this Eftate bein*g in the Privity of Eftate, Sir Edward had, and under the fame Truft and Confidence, implied by Law that the future Ufes may well rife out of his Eftate. The next Thing then to be confidered is, what is to be opc-= rated to the Deftrudion of thofe future Ufes, by the Feoffinent that Sir Ed- ward made, and that can have no Operation to their Deftrudion j for though he thereby difcontinued all the Eftates, and the Feoff^ee ftood fubjc(5l to the new Ufes^ yet when the particu- lar Tenant entered, then all the E- ftates again were recontinu'd, and con» fequently the Eftate of the Gra7itee of Sir Edward^ was again fubjed to the future Uje\ but this Leafe made by Sir Edward would have bound the fu- ture Ujes, though not the Remainder Men, becaufe the future JJfes were to arife out of the Eftate of Sir Edtvardi and fo far as that was defeated, fo far was the contingent JJfes -, and had that 'been wholly dcftroyed, the future UJ'es had been fo too.-^If a Man Bargain^ and Sells Lands to one for Life, thcf] 3 tP ,198 mfes ana %tu1l8^ to .his firft Son in Tail, who is not yet born, it feeiiis this is a good contingent 'Re7nawder^ rifing put of the Eftate of the bargainor ; but 'tis faid by Judge Ntidigatei that by Bargain and Sale only, no contingent Ufe can be fupported, it feems he means by the iEftate of the bargainee , but Qu^^- re. Whether it may not, ut ante^ but it feems a Feoffment or Fine is the fureft Way, and fo to put it out of the Power of the Owner of the Land to drftroy the future Ufes. ^^re^ Whether the Confideration given by the Party in Ufes will create a JJfe to one not in B.j^e, A, pofleffed of a Leafe for Term of Years, grants it over to B* and C. and their Alligns, to the Ufe of Ao and his Wife, and the longer Liver of them i A" grants away to another fuch In- tereft as he then had in the faid Lands, Cj-c. and it was adjudg'd that Ah Grant was void > for he had nothing but a Pyc:c ^rufi^ which he could not aflfign over j aVn'ft. ^"^^ ^ T^rufl cannot be afligned over, be- ^71. caufe it lies in Privity ^ and though A' 4 inft. 85. jjiay repofe a Urufi and Confidence in the Lejfee, yet his Affignee^ that is no Party to the Agreement, cannot do ]it, becaufe not privy (/. e>) not conufant of, nor Party to that Agreement i where- by by by the Contrad between the Parties, a 'Tn(ft was repofed in the Tenant of the Land ; for though he might be willing to ftand intrufted for the Benefit of his Friend, it does not therefore fol- low that he would for every Body's Advantage. But it feems to me, in this Cafe, that if J, had afifigned over the Land itfelf, it woutd be good by I i?. 3. but the Words he ufed were not fufficient to pafs the Land itfelf, for he had no Intereft therein ; for 27 ^.8. executes no PoflelTion to ^ Ufcy but where fome Body is feized to the Ufe of another for Years, Life, p^ph. -ji drc. fo that the Tenant muft have a Freehold in the Land, elfe the Statute executes no Polfelfion to the Ufe ; but if a Fifie be levied to the Uje of one for Years, then it is executed, for the Conufee of the Tim is feized. A Man Bargains and Sells his Land for Years, that is executed by the Statute, if the Bargainor had a Freehold for only a Ufe paifed at Common Law, and fo had flood feized to an fjfe ; and what- ever Intercft the Ceftuy que Ufe lias in the Ufe^ 'tis executed by the Statute, if any Body be feized to that JJfe, J. Feoffee to the Ufe of :^. and his |ieirs before the Statute, Bargains and Sells the Land to C and his Heirs, P 4 PQ 200 Witts attti Xtntts. I in^- no Ufe had paffcd to C for there cannot i7I. h. -^ - * - . . - S72. a. *^*' ' be two Ufes of one and the fame Land, and the Ufe of S. continued, for the Privity of Eftate and Trufl: and Confi- dence remained, and therefore did the Ufeo^ !B. prior to C's Title; for Ufes cannot be deftroyed nor altered without a Tranfmutation of the PoffefTion, by which the Privity of Eftate, or the Truft and Confidence is altered and gone. The fame Law is of Covenants to ftand feized. 7 Co. 72. J' covenants to fuffer a Reco'very of ^- ^ fuch Land to the Ufe of B. and his vlnll'An Heirs, rendering to J. an annual Rent ^z. ^ ' of 42/. it was held that upon the Recovery J, Ihall have the Rent exe- cuted in him, by 27 H. 8. c, 10. and may diftrain for the Rent ; for though there be no Claufe of Diftrefs nor Co- venant; for the Reco^eror was feized to the Intent another fhould have the Rent ; and though the Appointment of the Rent was after the Limitation of the Ufes; as if the Defign was that the Rent fhould ilTue out of the Eftates executed by the Statute ,- yet that is not material, for the Intent being that a Rent fhould IfTue there, fuch Con- ft ruction fhall be made ^t Res mcigis valeat quam per eat* But Witt& ano Xtnfts. 201 But if J. difTcizes S. to the Ufe of 6*. and his Heirs, and then Bargai/is and Sells the Lands to 2). a Ufe will pafs to him j for though J, committed the DifTeifin to the UJe of £, and his Heirs, yet has S- no fuch Ufe as can be exe- cuted by the Statute, ijfeifin being done to the TJfe of C. it feems he may enter upon B» and have the Lands, the' he have no fuch JJfe as is to be executed by the Statute. 'Tis regu- larly true, that if the Cefttiy qm Ufe enters upon the Feoffee, he was a Tref- paflbr ; yet in fome Cafes, by Intend- ment of Law, he might enter and oc- cupy the Lands at the Will of the Feoffee ; therefore if a Man before the Statute made a Feoffment in Fee^ to the Intents to perform his Laft Will, yet might the Feoffor enter and occupy the Land at the Will of the Feoffee ,• and fo as it feems, in the Cafe of a Feoffment to future Vfes^ the Feoffor might enter and occupy at Will. If the 502 Mtt$ anD Xttttts. the Weoffment were made without Con- fideration, as the Cafe is to be intend^ ed J for the Law gave the Feoffor and his Heirs a Ufe till the future Ufe came in EJJe ; and a Ufe is nothing but a E.ight to take the Profits to that End j Hard, therefore it gave him Leave to enter ^^' and occupy the Lands at the Will of the Teoffee $ and fo as it feems from Lit, 1 Sid. ^^^. ^S/\, may his Heir do after him, *^ ' and in giving him the Ufe in the mean Time^ till the future JJfe comes in JEffe^ it gives him Leave to take the Profits. But then 'twill be obje(aed. If the Law gives not a Man Leave in Cafe where there is a Ufe exprefly limited to him, but makes him a Trefpailbr, how can it give him Leave to enter, ^r. where there is no fuch exprefs Limitation to him? To which I an- fwcr, that where the Law by Intend- ment gave him an JEnirj to occupy at Will, 'tis but to give him Leave to take what the Law gives him ; but when a Ufe is exprefly given to a Man there to give him Leave to enter, is to make a Cooftrudion quite contrary to the Meaning of the Parties expreifed in their Deeds, by which it appears^ that the Feoffee was to have the Pof- feflion and Occupation of the Land^, ■and to anfwer over xk^.^ Profits to the Cefmy. Ceftt/y que Ufe; fo that the Difference is this i in the one Cafe there is but a reafonable Conftruftion made to let a Man have that prefently which he would have at the Iqng run, that is to fay, the Profits of the Land, when there is nothing repugnant to fuch Con- ftrudtion,- in the other Cafe to ex- pound the Entry of the Feoffor to be lawful, is to make a Conflrudion quite contrary to the plain Intent and Meaning of the Parties fully expref- fed, which would be to introduce all Manner of Uncertainty in the Expoii- tion of Deeds. "Where the Will of the Parties ought to be fupported, if no Inconvenience follow from it, it ap- pears by Lit, SeB* 464. what Ufe5iCo.4», were at Common Law j for there he^- fays that Cejiuy que life fhould be a l^^ Juror, if the Land were worth 40 s* per Awi, therefore when the Statute ordained that a Juryman fhould have 40/. fer Ann* the Judges con (trued it according to the Common Law, that Ceftuy que Ufe fhould be the Perfon, arid not the Feoffee, ^fj0 $04 Mtts atiD XtttCtS* mi)o map fitiU a Wz. All. 516. If an Ufe be limited to an Jlie//, Bro. 339. j^g cannot have it, but it is forfeited to Stiles 40. the King, who cannot feize the Lands, Hard.49 5. but may have a Stihpoejia to get the Pro- t'°v^'i9' ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Eftate executed to him. 29- The King cannot have a Ufe^ becaufc I Co. 23, j^g cannot take but by Matter o£ Record-, I Hern, but if the Ufe be found by Office, up- '32- on Record, then he may take. If a TJfe be limited to the Poor of \ the Parirfi, 'tis good, thovigh they are no Corporation. vid. poll When a Man makes a Feoffment in nvhere this Fee, to the Intcnt to perform his Lafl Diftinaion ^j|i_^ ^j-i^ afterwards devifes the Lands IS reje e . ^^ another, and dies, the ijecifee is in by the Will j but if a Man makes a FeoffjJiejit in Fee to the Ufe of fuch Perfons, and of fuch Eftate as he fliall 2inft47i.appoint by his Laft Will, and then li- *• j^ mits the Ufe^^ by Will to another, the A. 112. f. Devifee is in by the Execution of Ufes 6C0. iS. upon the Feoffineiit^ by the Statute- ^' and the Reafon of the Divcrfity feems to be this, in the firft Cafe, he having limited no TJfes^ and having a Ufe to him and his Heirs, the Feoffviejit in both Cafes being made without Con- lideration, the Statute executes the E- ftate Witts mt^ Xrufts* 205f ftate fully in him again, and leaves no- thing in the Feoffee; but in the latter Cafe, there being Ufes exprefly named, tho' the Feoffor had his Eftatc again, yet there is a PolTibility left in the Feoffee^ which becomes an Eftate when the Contingency happens: But then it will be objed:ed that the firft Feoffment being made upon Frnft and Cojifi- dejice to perform his Laft Will, this was a JJfe in Contingency ,• and fo there is the fame Reafon for this Cafe as for the other,- but it may be anfwered. That this is no JJfe ,• or if it were one at Common Law^ yet that 'tis now de- ftroyed by the Feoffee^ who can never perform the Truft repofed in him, be- caufe the Eftate is prefcntly by the A<5t out of him, at Common Lciw^ it might be a Ufe^ for he had an Eftate in him, fo that he could perform the ^ ^"^' ^5- Will of the T)evifor ; but in the other 2 Roll. Cafe the Will is but a Direcfrion of 780. the Perfons and the Eftates they ftiall ^^'°;J''' have according to this Power refcrved i Rol. upon the Feoff iiieiit^ and there upon the ^^P 555- original Feoff)nent there was nothing ^. for the Feoftees to do.— —Tenant in -^^oor Tail cannot ftand feiz'd to an Ufe ; for ^°]^'^^ the Intent of the Statute 2)^ doiiis z Ands-, was, that he fliould have the Lands y^^*^ and the Profits of them, and he cannot ".^^^ execute 206 Mtt& atiD %mtts. execute the Eftate to the Ufe^ arid therefore cannot anfwer the End of the Creation of Ufes, {viz^ that the Ter- tenant fli6ufd make Eftatcs according to the Dircdions of Cefitiy que Ufe ; and it appears by the Intent and Scope of the A<^5 that the Makers did never intend that the Tuejiant in T^ail ihould (land feized to an TJfe^ for they have re- ftrained him to alien to prejudice his Iflue i but if he u^ere to (land feized to an TJfe^ as it was a Part of the Truft rcpofed in him to make Eftates accord- ing to the DirC(5tion of Ceftiiy que Ufe ; fo it would be a Prejudice to the If- fue f and the Statute would never have fo carefully prefervcd the Land to the lifue, if he might have it only to an- 2 inft. other's Ufe.-' — If a Baftard hath gotten 1 1 5' ^- a Name by Reputation, to be fuch a Dyer 574* One's Son, yet 'tis not a Confideration h' fufficient to raife a Ufe to him^ for ftill in Law, he is look'd upon as 72ulliuS filius i therefore the Law can ne- ver fupport that as a good Ufe to him, as the Son of fuch one, in re- fpe6t of the natural Affedtion that a Father bears to his Sons, when by an- other Maxim the Law fuppofes, and fays, he is miUHis films ^ and fo no Body can have any natural Aifedion for him. A Maa Wifts ana Xtntts* 207 A Man levies a Fine, and cove- ^^o. 75, nants by Indenture, in Confideration of ^*„^^/ ''' natural Love and Afeftion, Blood and Marriage of his Baftard Daughter, that the Conufee fhall (land feized to the Ufe of the Baftard Daughter, tho' this be not a fuflicicnt Confideration to raife a Ufe upon a Covenant, yet .'tis expref- five of the latent of the Party ,• and therefote fliall ferve as a fufficient De- claration of a Ufe upon the Fine, where there needs no Confideration. Ufes, (as has been faid) may be raifed either upon the Tranfmutation of Pof- feflion, as upon a Fine, Feoffment or Recovery, Cyc, or where there is no Tranfmutation of PolTeflion, as upon a Covenant or Grant upon good Confide- ration, as upon a Bargain and Sale, where there muft be quid pro quOy fomething given for fomethingi but if in a Covenant there be but a good Confideration^ though nothifig he gi difpofe of the Land by Will, which, as Owner, he might do before, and not that he dclign'd him- felf to raife a particular Authority ta limit an Ufe to this or that Perfon, upon the Feoff7ue72t i fo the Feoffment being made without Confideration, was to the JJfe of him and his Heirs ; and there- fore when he difpofes of the Land, tho"^ he did it as having a Power by the Feoffment^ yet the Will took Effed, as he was Owner of the Land ^ but this Diftindion feems to me to have no Manner of Reafon or Ground for it, in any fair ConftruCtion. When a Man makes a Feoff)nent in Fee to the JJfe 1 /if 1*1 2. o^ ^^^^^ Pcrfons, and of fuch Eftate as Hob. 312. he iliall appoint by his Laft Will, the 6 Co. 18. Feoffor is in the mean time feized of a lAnd. qualified Fee, and lias a double Power 245. over the Land;, either as Owner of it I to Mtts ano %miis. 21 1 to difpofc of it by Will, without ta- king any Notice of his Power referved upon the Feoff mtfit^ or by limiting TJfes and EJiates y according to that par- ticular Power. If therefore he devifes his Lands by the Will, generally, it takes Effed as if he were Owner of the Land i for having Liberty to chufe whether he will make any Ufe of the Power referved to him upon the Feoff- ment, and yet having Power, as Owner of the Land to difpofe of it, when he de- vifes it generally without any Relation to his Power, it feems his plain Intent was to waive the Execution of the particular Power he had upon the Feoff- meiity and to make Ufe of the gene- ral Power he had as Owner of the Land ^ and now fince the Lands are o£ Socage Tenure, devifable by Will, in every fuch T)evije by Will, the T)e-vifee would be in by the Will, tho' fomc- times, in Cafe of Knight-Service, Lands were othcrwife ,- as if after fuch Feoff- mejity or by fuch Veoffment of three cro. Ei Acres, he had difpofed of it to A.'^i^-- and afterwards by Will generally had devifed the third, the ^eoifee had been in by the Feoffment ^ and not by the Will^ bccattfe as Owner of the Land he was reftrained fronj making any Y)q\i^q at all j and therefore that V % * the 21 z Mtte am %m(ts. the Will might be of forac EfiFed:^ (which was moft certainly the 2)^- "vifofs Intent) it was expounded, and that moft reafonably to be a purfuing of his Authority according to the Power refcrved to him upon the 'Feoffment -y but if he had made no Difpofition of the Lands, but only as general Owner of them had devifed them, there, be- caufe the Will was of Effed to pafs two Acres, the *De'vife was void for the third. J, fuffers a Recovery to the Ufe of his Laft Will, if he declares Ufes by Deed in the mean Time ^ yet they are revocable, being founded on a Recovery fuffered to Ufes that were alterable at the Will of J, therefore in fuch a Cafe he may either declare new Ufes, or if he makes a Leafe for Years, that fliall bind the Pcrfons no- minated by the Declaration of the Ufes to the Will. Hob. 349. Bro. 337. h. 19 H.S,i2. T>yer 166, 324. T €0,175. In an A(5tion on the Cafe for flan- anfe. dcring his Title, the Defendant pleads^ that one Sir Hez/rj Sharh/gtou was feized of the Lands whereof, dc. and had IlTue three Daughters, and cove- vanted with others, in Coniideration of a Jointure to be made to his Wife, the Advancement of his Iffue Male, if he Mies mt^ Xxntts. 213 he fliould have any^ the Preferment of his Daughters, and the Continuance of the Land in his Blood ; and for divers other good Confiderations, to ftand feized of the Lands E. G- of fix hun- dred Arcres, to the Ufes, Intents and ^Furpofes^ and under the 'Pro'vifo cnfu- ing, {'viz.) to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, and after of Three hundred A- cres in certain, to the JJfe of his Wife for Life, for a Jointure, and of the other 300 Acres after his Death j and of the other Three hundred limi- ted for his Wife's Jointure, after both their Deaths, to the Ufe of the Heirs Male of his Body engendered ; and for Default of fuch Iflbe, then of the Three hundred Acres not limited for his Wife's Jointure to tiie Ufe of his three Daughters fevcrally, and the Heirs of their Bodies ; and for Default of fuch Ilfue to the Ufe of the right Heirs of Sir Hemy j and then there was the like Limitation of the other Three hundred Acres ; and if any of the faid three Daughters die without IlTue, then her Portion to the Survi- vors by Moieties, Remainder to the Right Heirs of Sir Heur}\ and then comes this Provifo : 'Provided akvays, and it is covenanted and agreed he- tmeeu aU the faid Tarties^ that it JJoall P 3 ^^ ti4 MMmti%m&s. he lawful for the faid Sir Henry, hj his Will J m Writing y to liviit ajiy ^art of the [aid 'Lands to any Tcr- jhn or Terfons^ for T'erm of Life^ Zji'i'es or Tears, for Tajment of his UDehtSj perforniiiig of his Legacies y ^referme7it of his Children^ or any pther reafonahle Coiifideration^ as to hijnfclf JloaU he thought good j a7id all ^erfons thereof feized to fiajid feized to the life of ftich Terfons^ and for fuch hiterefts as fljall he fo limited after hj his Will- Afterwards Urfula^ the eldeft Daughter died without liluc i Afterwards the faid Sir He7irji by his Will in Writing, for the Advancement of his J)aughter Oliffe^ and her Huf- band, and the Heirs of the Body of the faid Oliffe^ limited a great Part limited to Qrace^ to the faid OZ/jft*, for 1000 Years, without referving any Rent ; and afterwards the faid Sir Jieiiry died without Iffue Male, and fo the Defendant juftifies his faying, that Oliffe and her Husband had Right to the Lands j and upon this Tlea the Plaintiff ^evmrs^ and this Limitation for I GOO Years was adjudged to be void, and confcquently the Defendant had llandered the Tlai7itiffs L'itle ; and fo Judgment was given for the Plain- tiff^ and that by the Opinion of all the Mks aiiD %vntts. ^i$ the Juftices in E/zg/a^zd ; and that up- on thcfc Grounds and Rcafons. Tiio' * c°'^7<'' upon a Feoffment, Jj/es may be limit- ed without Confidcration, yet they cannot by Coce//d7it or Bnrgaizi and Sale i and the Rcafon feems to be this, when a Man made a Feoff?iie7it in Fee^ without Confidcration, and without cx- prciling any Ujes^ wh.creby the Feoffee came iato the Land for notliing, it was thought very reafonable and equi- table that the Feqffee coming to a cvhich was mentioned before, and was the 2 22 Wes ano %mfis. the ^onlidcration for raiiing the Ufi iri the I7ide72ture, If the Provifo had been that upon the Confideration of Blood he might have- made Leafes to any of his Kindred, it feems the Intent had been good; for the Leafe might rife up- on the Confideration, which was as good in that Cafe as in any Cafe of Blood ; and the Perfons to whom it was to be made were to be thofe expreffed in the; Confideration ; but if it had been that for Confideration of Blood he might have made Leafes, it had been void, though the Leafe iji faUo were made to one of his Blood ,• for the Power was too general at hrft, and fo void. 2 Roll 260. Cro. Jac, 180. like Cafe Where ^'^^^^ ^'^^^ ^^^'^' ^^^' ^ ^"^^ ^ 77* ^^^^^ there is a ^ 7 ^ * Recovery If a Teoffiiient be made, or a Tine' to the In- be levied, or Recovery be fuffer'd, with- tent to /^ - J ■ 1 - viakefuch out Conlideration, and no Ujes are ex- £>f./, /;eprcifcd, it is to the Ufe of the Feoffor uhh'own ^"^ ^^^^ Heirs. But if any Ufes be ex- Vfe in the prcifed, it lliall be to thofe Ufes^ tho' ^*^^ no Confideration be had; and herein is Moor the Difference between raifing Ufes by ^03- Fme^ Feqffmeiit^ or other Conveyance Moor operating hy \[rci72fmutatio7i of ToJJef- 509- of fejjioji and IJfcs raifed by Co'venaiit ,• for ing^n '^' UP^" ^^ fi'^^? if "o TJfes were expref- Qranu fed, it is^ Equity that affigns the Feoffor to a^ to have the Vfe i for by the Law, ^ ^^"ff- the Feoffor has parted with ail his In- co"jidT tereft ,• but where he exprefics UfeSy ration, t- there can be no Equity in giving him^^i^'"^ the Vfe againft his own Will j and there f^V l?;/"^, can be no Prcfumption that the Con- ^^'^y /''^'^ veyance was to the Ufe of the Feoffor f^J'U,^^,^'^ againft his own Declaration^ but in Dyer 169. Cafe of a Coveimnt. it is Equity that ^'^- ^'''^' muft give a UJe ; tor the Perlon can gued at have no Right by Law ; therefore in ^^'"''• fuch Cafe there can be no Ufe with- c",^, ^35. out a Confideration ; for there is no JEquity there fhould. Husband and Wife levy a Fiue of the show. Wife's Land to the Uje of the Heirs of J;^'*'-^^' the Husband, begotten on his Wife, Re- aSaik. mainder to the Heirs of the Husband, ^7 5' this is a void Limitation j for the Huf-'J,.,^ ' band had no Uje i7i pr^feutij and fo the other Ufes cannot be fupported, A F'rnft is limited thus, If fuch a^arLCa. Marriage takes Effed, after Ji.'s Age ^'^' of 16, being the Daughter of H. and (he fliall have llTuc Male of the Body of S. then to both far Life, he marries her at 1 2 Years of Age, flie lives 'till near 17, and dies without liTue, he fhail have no Truft for Life j becaufe flie having no Iffue Male, there was a Failure of the precedent (Qualification to enable him^ it fecms flic living 'till after Sijc- tCCil ?24 tUts auB %mBs. tccn fulfills the firfl: Words well enough, drc. if the Marriage fhould take Effe4 Ibid. 87. after her Age of 16, after the Dctnh of ' S. and M. the Daughter of //. without IlTue. The Truft was limited over tq others i but ^ccvccd that 'till the Daugh- ter of owery but ^bid. 7> againft an Heir perhaps flie may. i Vcnu If Ctfii^y que Uje enters upon the ^',cT Feoffee, he is Tenant at Will. See hour '■^n. Ufes are executed by the Statute, i ^'^'■'' Leo7/. 298. ail Pernancy of Profits is P' '^t* frono by the 27 H. 8. fo as now no Body can be Tcm'.nt to the Tr(ccipe^ in Re- fpedt of that. Tenant in Tail, Remainder in Fee, a Co. 15. he in Remainder, in Confideration that l^loor ^\^Q Land lliouid continue in his Bloodj !?-* and for divers other good Confider^- tions, Qovefiants to ftand feifed to the JJfe of himfelf in Tail Male, then to the Jj[e of his Brother in Tail Male, then to the Ufe of the King in Fee, no Ufe is hereby raifcd to the King, unlefs ibmc valuable Confideration be averr'd ' " - ' ■ ■ 'to Witts ano %x\xil8. 22 j to be given by the King j and if this Ufe in the King fliould preferve the E- ftate from being barred, yet that could be no Rcafon to give the King an equi- table Right to take the Profits,- for that is no Advintage to him. If the Ufe had been limited to the King, in^^<^'*5. Confideration that he was the Head of the Commonwealth, and had the Care and Government of his Subjedts, yet had no Ufe been raifed to him, for that is no particular Confideration to entitle him to the Profits of thofe Lands ; neither has he any more Rea- fon to have them now than before ^ for JE^: officio he takes Care of the Com- monwealth, and to that End he has a fulBcient Revenue. Where the Lord ^aget feiz'd of Lands in Fee, covencmts with T*. F, and o- thers, in Confideration of the Char- ges of his Funeral Expences, Payment of Debts and Legacies, out of the Pro- fits of his Land, and for the Advance- iCo. 154- ment of his Son, Brother, and others of '^Ycoh his Blood, that he and his Heirs would ,65. (land feized of the faid Manors to the Moor Ufe of the faid J, R for the Life oP-^^- the Lord Tdg;ety and after his Death to the Ufe of C. 73. for the Term of Twenty-four Years, and then to the Ufe Q. of 2 26 Mits am xtttfts^ of W' "P- liis Son in Jnil^ with divers Remainders overi it was adjudged in this Cafe, that my Lord Tnget had an ECtate for his own Life j and the Rea- fon given is, bccaulb all the Remain- ders were to commence after his Deaths and fo the Eftate remained in him, during his own Life j but it feems that this muft be underftood, that all thofc Eftates that were good, and upon a va- luable Confideraiion, w^ere to com- mence after his Death ; for all Eftates were limited to the Co'ue72anteeSy du- ring the Life of my Lord Taget -, but it doth not appear to be on a valuable Confidcration ^ it was alfo refolved that C T* took not the Eftate for Twenty-four Years, becaufe there was no Confideration to raife it to him j for they had nothing to do to pay his Debts and Legacies, neither were they thereto chargeable; but if they had been his Executors, it had been good ; for that had been their proper Work and Em- Moor ployment: It was alfo refolved that 594. j^. 'P. fhould take before the Twenty- four Years expired, becaufe the Words were after the End or Expiration of the faid Term of Twenty-four Years, which fignilics the legal Intereft, and not the Time ; and the faid Term be- ing voidj the I\cmaindcr Man's Intereft; com- pudte. mtts ano %mfls. 227 commenced prefcntly ,• for it was the Defign of the Party, that he fhould take after that Intercft determined ; and if there be no Intercft, he ought to take it prefently, or elfe the Deed would be conftrued moft in the Gra7ito/s Favour j but if the Words had been, a7id after the twenty-four Tears expired, theu to the Ufe of W. P. in Tail, there, tho' the Term had been void, yet no TJfe had been raifed to him, 'till after the Years expired i for by exprefs Limita- tions, the Ufe was then to commence. In this Cafe, there was this Diverfity taken by Majzwood Chief Baron. If a Man covenajits to ftand feized to the Ufe of one for Life, then to the Ufe of another in Fee, and the Tenant for Life refufcs, the Remainder Man's In- tereft {hall not commence prefently ; for it rauft be Equity that gives any Body a Right to take the Profits, du- ring that Eftate for Life, and the Re- mainder Man's Intercft is not to com- mence *till after his Death ; fo that in the mean Time no Body being able to claim any Intercft upon any good Con- lideration, the Ufe muft remain in the Covenantor ; but if a feoffment in Fee be made to the Ufe of one for Life, then to the Ufe of another in Tec, and the particular Tenant refufes, the Re- Q 2 maindei: 228 Mtts ano Xtntts* niainder Man's Intcrcft fhall commence prefcntlyi for the Feoffor had difpofed of the whole Land ,• and it is Equity that gives him a Ufe when the Feqff- ment is made without Confideration ; but againft his exprefs Limitation, there can be no Equity in giving him a Ufe^^ and the Feoffee paying no Confidera- tion, there is no Reafon that he fhould have any ; and there being a Ufe limit- ed to commence after the Eftate for Life, which now is not, it is Reafon, that it iliould commence. Qj^tare of this Divcrfity, and whether. If the Feoffment was made in Fee^ upon 6b//- fideration^ the Feoffee iliould not have had the Ufe during the particular E- ^^f^^f ftate. My Lord Hale (liid that ^ Truft ^£ve being a Thing created by the Contrad S^'tr/" °^ ^^ Party, is wholly diredcd by the Jn^'he Party,- confequently thofe that come hour.A hy in the Toft^ are not liable to a Truft, r^^^'poT becaufc they are not within the Di- can he rccfllou of the Party, unlefs they are hound. named, and then he fcems to think they are bound, as thus : If an Eftate is given to a Man and his Heirs, in Truft, thofe that do not come under 5 Co. s. h. that Limitation are not charged with 516^ Sec' A Man makes a Feoffment in Fee 1 Co. 85, to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons, ^^' and Mtts atiD %m(ts. 229 and of fuch Eftate and Eftates, as h6 has or ihall appoint by his Lafl: Will and Teftament, which was made be- fore, and pubhilied again after the . Feoffment, ^l/xre whether the Eftates be prefently executed according to the Limitation of thofe Deeds, or hebefeiz'd of a qualified Fee. The Stat. 27 H* 8. fo executes the PofTeflion to the Ufe, in the fame Manner, Plight and Qua- lity as the Ufe, ^c, but that muft be underftood where the Eftate to the Ufe is large enough \ for if Lands be given to A* and IB, during their Lives, to the Dyer Ufe of C if ^. and B. dies, Ch Eftate ^ss. j^^ is determined ; for the Seifin to Ufe, .[^' .^j* that A» and B. had, was only for their Hob. 840 Lives, and the Execution of it in C ^3^; ^""^^ cannot make the Eftate larger. "Where Perfons fliali be Jointenants for the Limitation of a Ufe to them, fee Inft* 188. ^. If the Father and Son purchafe Lands jointly, the Law will not fuppofe that the Son purchafed only inTruft for the Father, and confequently fhali furvive to the Son. The Stat. 27 H- 8. executes the Pofldfion prefently, as to the Eftate i fo if a Man Bargains and Sells for Years, the Lelfee is in Poffeflion pre- fently, and the Lelfor has a Rever/ion, Q.3 ■ ^^ 230 Mits atto %mR6. fo as there are two divided Interefts before any Entry by the Lcffce, yet the Leffee cannot have Trefpafs be- fore actual Entry j but by a Common Law Leafe the Eftate is not divided before the Entry of the Leffee ; fo fays Cookcy upon a Bargain and Sale the Freehold paiTes prefently ^ but the adual Freehold is not in him till an Entry ; for it is impolfible an A«5t of Par- liament fhould give any more than a Civil Seifinj it cannot give a natural one i but a Releafe may be made to one that has nothing but a Freehold in Law,- fo it feems upon a Bargain 1 inft. and Sale for Years, the Party being in 266. b. poffeiTion of the Eftate of the Lands for that Time, a Releafe to him will be good to increafe his Eftate ^ but in Cafe of a Common Law Leafe, it feems a Releafe will not be good be- fore the Entry of the Leffee ,• for the Eftates are not devifed till then, and fo there can be no Privity of Eftate, and theLelTor can have no Demand upon the Leffee, which a Releafe fuppofes ; but in Cafe of a Bargain and Sale there is a Privity, and the Demand of the Rent fliall incur before a(^ual Entry. J, feized in Fee of three Acres of Land, makes a Leafe to J. of one 4 Acre Mks ano Xv^^f^s. 231 Acre for Life, to B, of another Acre for Life^ and a Gift in Tail to C. of the other Acre, and cove7iants after all the Eftates ended to ftmid feized to the JJfe of his Brother in Fee, S. diQSy his Brother lliall have that Acre m Fee prefently, and {hall not ftay 'till the other Eftates are ended ^ for if he fhould, perhaps that would never be ,• but if the laft had been a Leafe for Life, it had been all one, as it feems; for this Cove7iaiit fliould be expound- ed, Redde7ulo Singula Singulis* Where the Lord releafes to a Copyholder in Fee, to have and to hold to him and , j^^n his Heirs^ to the JJfi of another, thatAbr. 7SSi is a good Ufe ; for the Rekafe enures by \Vay of Enlargement of his Eftate, and by this Rekafe the Copyhold E- ftate is extin(5t and gone, as it feems, to the Execution of a Uje into Poffcirion j by the Stat, it is requilite that there muft be a compleat PoffeiTion ; for the Feoffee muft make an a(5tual Entry,- for the Intent of the Stat, was not to 5C0. na, help out a Polfeflion already good; fo^' ^^' it feems, if a Re'verfin7i be granted to one to the Ufe of another, that this is not executed before Attor7iment^ for the Pvcverfion paftes not 'till then ; but a 10(1.510, if a Man hath a R^^f/yF^// granted to ^^«"'* him by Fiiie^ and before Attornme7it^^^ Q>4 ^'"^ 232 Mtts atiD %x\itts. he Bargains and Sells it to another, the Re'verfion is executed by the Stat, in the Sargaiuee ; for as in the firft Cafe the Grautee had no Reverfion for want o£ Attorm/ient ; and itconfequently could not be executed^ fo in the laft Cafe, Cro, El. the Cojmfee had a Re'verfion before At- '^^' torn?i2ent^ which he palfcd the Ufe of to another, and then the Stat, executes the Poffeflfion to the Ufe^ but in the fame Plight as the Uje was, and confequently ftill 'till Attoiiiinent ^ there wants a Privity of Diftraining, ^c. A* makes sinftsop. a Leafe for Years to S. and then fi. grants the 'R.e'verfion by F'uie or Bar- gaiu and Sale to 2). to the Ufe of C this is executed by the Stat, in C without Attcriiment j becaufe a Re- verfion was granted and prefently exe- cuted by the Stat, eodem inftafiti i fo that there could be no Time for the Tenant to Attorn to the Grantee j and if an Attor7ime7it was necelfary, no Grant could be made by F'uie to the Ufe^ 35^ but he that has the prefent Ufe in Pof- J co.i-s felfion ; fo if there be Feoffees to the t. Ufe of A* for Life, then to the Ufe of ^ro. 339^ j^. in Fee; tho' by the Stat. A. niay pyerj-o. make a Feoffment in Fee of the Land, becaufc during his Life the whole E- ftate 240 Mits ann Xxutts. ftate is to his Uje, and after the Death of J. the Feoffees may enter and re- vive the Ufe to !B. yet B. cannot, du- ring the Life of J. make a Feofffuent of the Lands, becaufe the whole Eftate is to the Ufe of A and B^ has no Kight to a PoffefTion, and the Feoffees cannot enter to gain a particular Eftate ; for that would be without any T)o7ior. But if there be Tenant for Life to the Ufe of J. and then the Reverfion is gran- ted for Life to the Ufe of S. and then the Reverfion in Fee to the Ufe of C here being feveral Eftates, '£. may grant the Re'verfiofi that is to his Ufe^ and fo may C for none of the Incon- vcnicncies follow from hence that there do in other Cafes where the Eftate is but one ^ but if there be one Eftate to the ufe of A. for Life and to the Ufe of S. in Fee, tho' i?. can make a Feoffment^ and thereby pafs the PolfclTion, yet it feems he may make a Leafe or Grant of a Rent to commence after the Death of J, He that has a Ufe in EJfe^ has Power by i jR. 3. to make a Feoff nie7it^ but not he that has a Ufe in Right only 5 but fuch Perfon may do an A(5t that extinguiflics his Right, as by releafing, (Jr. The Intent of the Stat, was to give Remedy to transfer an Eftate, net rcvcft it ^ fo that if one I be M(ts ana %tntts. 241 i)e fcized of Lands in Fee, to the Ufe of J. in Tail, Remainder to S. in Fee, J, by Force of the Statute makes a Feoff- ment in Fee, and cjies without iffue, S. has no Power to gain this Ufe i but by the Entry of the Feoffees^ and 'till then he has no Power by i J^. 3. to do any thing with the Land^ but if the Feoffee to an UJe be dilfeized, and Ceftuj que Ufe releafes to the Dilleizor, this extinguiflics the Ufe^ and by the Statute bars the Entry of the T)ijfeifee. Where Feoffees to an Ufe are dillcilod, and afterwards the T)lJfeifor enfcofls Ceftuy que Ufe^ who enfeoffs a Stranger, by this the Ufe and PofTeflion both paf);, and the Feoffees cannot enter to revive the Ufe-, it fcems, tho' a Ufe were de- u^q. ^^^^ vifable at Common Juaw^ yet no Power h. s. is given by i R. 3. for the Ccfliiy qite^f^^'^' • TJfe to devife the Land ; for the Intent of the Statute was not to make Land devifable, but only to give Power to the Cefluy que Ufe to alien, during his Life, iDy an Ad executed. If the Lord ^ycr of a Seigmorjy or the Grantee of a ]^^^l^{'\^ Rent-Charge^ be alfo Ceft/yj que Ufe a.'i of the Land J and by Virtue of i R.3. makes a Feoff meiit in Fee^ by tliis the Seigniory and Rent are both dcftroy'd; but if they both had made the Feoff- ment as Attornies, the Rent remained. l^ if 242 tUeS aiiD %tnfis* I In a. If Ccft^jy que life made a Feoffment in- icz. ^. -p^,^ upon Condition, and entered for the Condition broken, he ilaalt be fei-- Bro.-*--. ^^'^^ ^^' ^^^ ^^'S^^^ Eftate of the Land. 2. ^^'* If Ct////>' qneUfe in Tail makes a Feoff- i^H. 8. mcnt in Fee, this only is during the *^' Life of Cejluy que life -, for he had ao longer Power over it ; but if he aliens by WiJiCj that it fccms is good to bind the IfTue, if the Alienation were fince Bro. 337. the Stat, of //. 7. but it feems a ^^- ?• covery had againft him, does not bind the Iflue, becaufe he is not Tenant to the Precipe, and there can be no Re- covery in Value by him, to rccompcnce the llTue. If a Man recovers by erroneous Judg- ment, and makes a Feoffmeiit to his iT'Jo *own Ufe, and upon Error, the Tudfir- 5' 539* . ' r 1 .1 r^ . JO 16. ment is reverled, the Party may enter Br^.^339. -^rithout a SciYe fac'ias againft the Tlrr/'^jS, Feoffees -, for it is plainly within the »5 Letter of the Statute j if Cejit^ qne Ufe makes a Leafe for Years by Deed indented, referving Rent, he may have an Adion of Debt upon the Contrad, for the Lejjee is eftopped ; but he can- not avow Taking the Diftrcfs, becaufe he has not the Reverhon. If the Re- fcrvation of the Rent be not by Deed: indented, it is not good, becaufe he has not the Reverfto?!^ 4 S^^icre^ Mtts mil %xti(tSi H3- ^lare^ Whether Ceftuy que TJfe may make a feoffinent by Letter of Attor- ney. If Ceftuy que Ufe makes a Leale, ch. Rep. the Reverfioner fliall punllli the Wafte 49> ^8. done, and enter for the Forfeiture j if he recovers the Rent it ihall go to his Heirs : If a Co/idition be added to the Non-payment of Rcnt^ he muft enter ; but ^(idre whether he fhall retain it again ft the Feoffees. Ceftuy que Ufe could not diftrain the Bcafts Damage- feafant, before the Statute but fincc ho may : A Truft may be entailed, as it fcems, and then the Fine of Ceftuy qne Ufe will bar it j and there fecms the faille Reafon for a Co7nmo7i Recovery. A l^ruft in Fee is not forfeitable for riiuJ, Felony y for no Statute made Ufes for- 495^ feitable in fach Cafe^ but it feenis by my Lord Hale, that it is by Force of 26H.%, 20. the iaft of which menti- oned Vfcs. which Statute being modo f-» ter 27 //. 8. muft mean Trufts, as now Uf ^"^ ^^ ^^ "^^y ^^^y ^ -^^"^ Dow^^ fcf^ with her Husband, fhe may declare Difaffeyit ^hc Ufes i for that is but purfuant to Ilv/i Be- the End and Intent of the Fine ; and iiaraticii if thc Htisha?id alone declares the Ufes ''^.„^-^'^' of fuch a Fine, that is 2;ood, and it it feems, {\va\i bind the Feme^ if her Difaflent Finder the (Jqcs not appear j for the Will of the Operatm, j.^^^^^ ^^-^^ .^ ^^^ Difpoflll of hcr Ihf DedArjh hand-, he being reputed as the Head, flnd they two being confidered in Law but as one Perfon, the Declaration made by him is confidercd as the Declaration ■ 3 . ^^ i«K. of both, when nothing appears to the contrary, and confequently, though the Eftate of the Land moves from the Wife, yet if fhe alone declares the Ufes of a Fine levied of her own Land, fuch Declaration is null and void i for it is made by one that has by Law no difpofing Power, even of her own E- ftate, but has her Will fubjcdcd to the Husband^ s Will, and fo is not jui Ju- ris -^ but yet on the other hand, if the Hushafid make one Declaration of Ufcs, and the Wife another, both Declarations are void ,• the Wifes is fo upon the Rea- fon before mentioned; and tlic Hitf- hafids is fo becaufe the Eftate being the Wife's, and fo not in the Difpofal of the Hushafid, without the Concurrence of the Wife ; after the Fine levied, he might make what Declarations he pleafed of the Ufes ^ he might difpofe of the Eftate as he pleafed, in Spite of his Wife ; and fo all the Care the Law takes for the fecret Examination of Feme Coverts, in the levying a Fine,, would be vain and fruitlefs, and the Declaration of the Ufes is but purfuant to the Dcfign of levying the Fine j and fo fhc ought to confent to that as well as the other"; and fo though an In- fimt can do no Ad to oblige himfelf, yet if he levies a Fine, he is enabled R 3 by 246 ^tts end %tti&s* by Law to declare the Ufes ; and if he rcverleth not the Fine, during his Nou- age^ the Declaration of Ufes will ftand 5 Leo. good for ever j for tho' that be a Mat- ^55- ter i7i pais^ and all fuch Acts an In- fant may avoid at any Time after his full Age, if he do not confent ; yet being made in Purfuance of the levying a Fine, which Fine muft ftand good for ever, fo will the Declaration of Ufes too. izCo. So if one No?i co7npos levies a Fine, *\'" , it is unavoidable ; but yet he may, by a Ana. , , i i -rrr^ r i t-«- 14). Deed, dccHire the Ufes ot that Fine, which Declaration of Ufes will alfo ftand good for ever. If the Jinsbajzd and Wife agree in tlic Declaration of Ufes of Part of the Lands, and dilagree for the Refidue, the Declaration of Ufes for that Part they agree in ftiall {\.'^t^\\ good, and be void for the reft ; for as to that Part in which they both agree, all the Re- (juifites arc found neceilary to make a Declaration, and the Defotfl of the €)tker Part can have no Influence on that which is good ; but if they agree in the Limitation of Ufes for Part of the Eftate m the Lr^nd, and difagree in the other Efta.tes, there all is void ; for cifo there will be another Moulding of the Eftatcs than the Feme deftgns, and her Mft& AttO Xrttft6* 247 lier Confent is requifite to every Efttitc that fliall be created by the Limitation of Ufes ; and it is to be ordered by her Diredion. Thus if the Husband de- clares the Ufes to himfclf and Wife for Life, the Remainder to the Heirs of the Wife^ and the Wife declares the Ufes to herfelf for Life, and then to her own Right Heirs, both Declarations are void, and it Ihall not ftand good for the Remainder in Fee, aqd be void for the refti for the Eftate moving from the IVifej whatever Ufes do take Effcd muft be by her Diredion and Confent, and in the fame Manner as ihe pleafeS ; tho* the Huiha7id has Power over the Eftate of the Wife^ duiing Coverture, yet if (lie declares the life one Way, and he another, his Declaration is abfolutely void, and it ili^U not ftand good, during the Cover- ture. The Reafon of the Difterence feems, that in other Cafes the Huf- ha7id having Power over the Wife's Eftate, he may grant an Intereft as from himfelf, during the Coverture, for fo long as he has Power over her EftatCi byt when they levy a Vine in Fee, the Eftate paftes folely and en- tirely as one Eftate in Fee-fimplc from the Wife i and the Ufes that are de- clared thereupon muft be all with the R 4 Confent 248 tafesi anu %tn(ts, Confent of the Jf^ife for the whole E- ftate, becaufe the whole Eftate and In- tereft paffes from the Wife ; but if a Jointenant levies a Fine, and one declares the UJe one Way, and another another Way, here both the Declarations fhall ftand, W2. the Declaration of each lliall ftand for his Moiety in Refped of their feveral Interefts. If Baro?i and Feme levy a Fi7ie^ and an Indenture in both their Names, is brought to the Wife to feal, declaring the Ufes of the Fine^ and the Wife refufos to feal, this De- claration fliall not bind her, becaufe, tho* a Declaration of the Husband be fufficient, yet here her Refuiing to feal was a fufiicient Declaration of her Dif- ^J^°^' aflent. When "Baron and Feme fell the »' him, this fliall bind the Feme j yet here aR.798- js iio Declaration of Ufes j but it is prefumed to be to the XJfe of the Co- nufee, and his Heirs, and confcquently is binding. If a Fine^ levied by Baron and Feme, be reverfed by Reafon of the Nonage of the Wife^ the whole E- Itate ihall be reverted prefcntly in the Feme \ and there fliall not be any Dif- foo '^T. poiition during the Coverture. NotcT^e Baron and Feme feizcd of Lands, ^^'A.^<'^''''and Baron covenants by Indenture, in '"cers&c, Conlidcration of 2 c/. to fuffer a Re- covery Mtt^ ano Xttttts. 249 covery of Lands to the Ufe of the Rc- coverors, till they have made a good and indefeafable Leafe for forty Years, and then to the Ufe of the Husha?id and Wife^^ and the Heirs of the Huf- band -, it was held that this Declaration fhould bind the Wife, the Husband alone making it. Where 'Baro7i and Fe7/ie levy a Fine of the Wife's Land, and both by In- denture, in Confideration of a Sum of Money, limit the \J{q to the Conufee, with a Condition and Claufc of Re- -entry, upon Payment of fuch Sum which was allowing lo^^rCtv/f. which, with the taking the Profits together, made it an Ufurious Contradt ; but before the Fine engrdifed, there was z Kloll another Deed, wherein it was cove- Abr. 79S. nanted that the Conufor fhould take the Profits till Default of Payment ; at the Day appointed, the Fe?f2e difagrees to the Deed j yet it was held fhe was bound y for the lirft Deed was Decla- ratory to the Ufcs to which ilie agreed, and the laft Deed was but Explanatory of the firft ^ the laft Contract was about the Money which the Fe?ne had no- thing to do with, but was tke H///- hajid's. If A. be Tenant for Life, Remain- ihid. der to B. in Fee, and they levy a Fine, * ^^°' 5^' this 2SO Mtts mtt %tu(ts. this (liall be to the Ufe of J, for Life, and then to the Ufe of 2?. in Fee ; fo if the Owner of the Land, and a Stran- ger levy a Fine, it fiiall be to the Ufe of the Owner only. If an Infufit Bargains and Sells Lands, and then levies a Fine to the Bargainee, though the Bargain and Sale be made, yet it i>iall amount to and ftand as a Declaration of Ufes upon the Fine ; fo Moor if \yy Cuftoni an hifant of the Age of ^**' Fifteen may make a Feoffment^ and he accordingly makes one to the Ufe of his Laft Will, tho' he cannot by Law make a Will, vet he may declare the V[es upon the Feoffmeiit, s And. Husband makes a Feoffment of the "^^ Wife"^ Land to A. and he and his Wife lew a Fine to A, this iliall be to the Ufeoi A Ulijat Canfinctnticiitd arc ftiffident u taiTe a (LICc* 7 Co. 4. Brotherly Love and Aflfedion is a ^s^°'^ good Confidcration to raife a Ufe^ ac- piow. cording to the Cafe of 'Bedd ; and the 3°7- Continuance of the Land in the Name, (^c. is a good one j fo that all the Con- fiderations in this Cafe are good to raife a Ufe^ tho' taken iingly and apart. If a Man covenants, in Confideration of Natural Natural Love and Afte(aioa to his Bro- ther, to (knd feizcd to the Ufe of him and his Wife ; it feems that is good to raife a Ufe to his Wife, they being both but one Perfon j fo that the Love and Favour he bears to his Brother may be very well faid to extend to his Bro- ther's Wife i and accordingly in the Cafe of Boiild and Ipynfton^ it is ad- judged that where the Father cove- nants, in Confidcration of Natural Love and Affedion to his eldcft Son, to ftand feized to the Ufe of him for Life, and ^J"- J^*^- then to the Ufe of fuch a Feme as he [ rqh fhould marry for Life, that was a good 78, 4. Confideration to raife d. Ufe to the^o"]*'* Wife, as well as if a Man covenants,^ in Confideration of the Marriage of his Son with fuch a Fcme^ to ftand feized to the Ufe of the Son, and the Son's Wife^ this is a good Confideration to raife a Ufe to them both -, tho' a Confi- \^^'^^^' deration be abfolutely requifite to the ,85. raifing a Ufe upon a Covenant, yet no Confideration needs be mentioned in the Deed s but if the Perfon be fuch an one as has an obvious Confideration of his Side, a Ufe fhall prefently rife to him ,• as if a Man covenants to ftand feized to the Ufe of his Wife or Brother^ or any of his Kindred, this is fufficicnt to raife a life to them, without any Mention 2 5^2 MUsmt)%mi&s^ - T 1 Co. 24. ]vf entioii of a particular exprefs Confl- 105. "* deration; for the Love and Affe(5tion be- Cro.Car. twecn them is obvious i which being a Moor Conlideration in it felf lufficient to raife 495, 554. a Ufe, it fliall be prefumed that it was to the Intent the Ufe was limited ,• nay, if there be a Confideration to fome certain Perfon, and afterwards a Ufe is iimited to another Perfon, that does not come under the Confideration ex- prefTed ; yet if he be a Perfon on whofe Side there is a manifeft Prefumption of If a m ^I'^other Confideration, he fhali have he itnihed the Ufe limited to him by that Confi- to a i^Vo- deration, tho' he could not take by Vir- "jXyJlge] tue of the firft. Thus if a Man co- rjuithout venunts, in Confideration of Natural ^bn'^'T ^^^^ '"^"^ Afteaion that he bears to his ycr but if a Confideration be cxprelTed for Moor ^'^^ raifing a Ufe to a Perfon, that would 50J-. take by the implied Confideration, with- out out any exprefs orxCj-yetif that exprefs one fails, no Ufe fliall be ralfed by Force of the implied one, for exprejftmi facit cejfare taciturn* Thus if a Father^ in Confideration of loo/. covenants to^°* ^^^ (land feized to the Ufe of his Son, this muft be enrolled, or elfe no Ufe palTes i yet if no Money was paid, a Ufe would rife to the Son by the implied Confi- deration, without any Enrolment. So if a Man, in Confideration of the Na- tural Love and Affet^ion he bears to his Children, covenants to ftand feized to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, then to the Ufe of his Wife for Life, (Jr. this will raife a Ufe to the Wifej for tho* ilie does not come within the Confi- deration, yet there is a manifcft Confi- deration of her Side J and con fequently Flow, fhall a Ufe very well arife to her. 5o5« The Confideration of ancient Ac- a RoU quaintancc, or being Chamber- Fellows 7^^' together, or entire Friends, will not raife a Ufe. If J, in Confideration of Bh being bound in a Recognizance for him. Bar- gains and Sells the. Land to him, no 27j^ Will arife to him, becaufe it is not a Bargain and Sale ,• there is not quid pro quo ; but yet it is agreed that fuch a Con- Cro. EL fideration is fufficicnt to raife ixUfe upon 594 ^ , , -^, , ■' ^ 2 Roll a Covenant j but the Words ware not ,^3. apt 2^4 ^ff^ ^^^ Xm&s. apt to make a Covenant to ftand fciz'd, and fo the Deed had not any Opera- tion. Quxre, If a Man, in Confideration of Love ^^'l^^^r and Affcdion to his Wife and Children, Mo"ey be and to the Intent to fettle his Lands in a good 1^15 Name and Blood, covenants with Co.jidera- j^-^ g^othcr and Strangers, to ftand fciz'd raife a to the Ufi of himfcif for Life, then to u/e, or^ ^i^Q uc^. of j^js \Yife for Life, and then BVgah to the Ufe of the Covenantees, and and Sale, ^hcir Hcirs j it was held that no Ufe 78^^790. ^ro^^ ^o Strangers, becaufe they could not come within the Confide ration ; Cro.Car. yet it did arife to the Brother, both 5-9- from the Confideration expreffcd of fet- 78^°79i. ^^'"S ^^^^ Land in the Name and Blood ^' of, &c. and alfo becaufe he was his Brother, yet there was a Truft limited after the tffe to him. -8^.° If ^ ^^^^ ^" Confideration of Money i inft. given by J. covenants to ftand feiz'd piow-o.^^ the Ufe of A and B, and C or owjoy. ^^ ^. for Life, Remainder to S. for Life, Remainder to C in Fee, this is good, and fhall raife Ufes to them all ; for tW the Money be given but by one, yet it is a CbnfideFation for all the E- ftafes, and ihall be prefumcd to be gi- ven for all ; but Natural Love, (jc. is A pcrfonal Confideration, appHcable to no Striiflger \ and £b no Ufe can arife by by Force of the Conlideration to any Body but to thofe that come under it. There is a Cafe in Rolfs that goes fo far as to fay, that if a Confideration of ^^^ Money be given by J. and confcquent- J ^;//'^^ ly the Owner of the Land covenants Son. by Deed with B. and C to ftand feiz d to their L//^, 'viz. to the Ufe of B. and C that by this a good Ufe is raifed to J'J°^' them, and the Money is look'd upon Moor as paid for them. If a Man, in Confi- 505- deration of the Marriage of his Son ^•^//f'^ with fuch a Woman, covenants to ftand J. s. will feizcd to an Ufe, the Remainder to C "'''^' '^Z this IS void to C became he is a ^t'-an- have a gcr ', but yet it is faid by Counfel, m pavticuUy Tbwd. that if the Eftatc to C. be ii-^;IJ^j^ mited firft, and afterwards there is an Whether is Eftate limited to the Son and his Wife, ^^ h^°^- that in fuch Cafe the Ufe to C is good,,^ ,^ y-J^ bccaufe the Ufe limited afterwards \sprt ary good, and that is not to commence 'till ^^^^'^lY^''' after the Eftate of C ended ,• and fo the 784, Ufe to C fhall be held good to fupport the Ufes to the others that follow j but f^UiSi'e well of that, for if the Limita- tion be void, it fcems the other Ufes may as well be fupportcd without Lt^. and Roll that has took almoft every Thing that is remarkable aut of that Cafe, yet has left this, out. 2 5^6 Wiits anuxtttfts^ a Roll If a Man, in Confideration of Na-» 785, Love, drc. to J, S. taken and re- puted as his Son, covenants to ftand fciz'd to his Ufe, by this no Ufe is raifed to a Baftard Son. If a Man for divers good Caufes and Confiderations, covenants, (jc» no Ufe arifes, the Confideration is too general, and the Certainty ought to appear, for the Court to judge whether the Confi- deration be fufficient or not. But if a Man Bargains and Sells Lands for a certain Sum of Money, that is fufficient to raife a Ufe^ without men- tioning any Sum of Money in certain ; Ibid. 785. for whatever the Sum be, it is fufficient to raife a Ufe i and fo there needs no Averment of any Sum in certain, for the Court to determine. A Man covenants, in Confideration of Money, to (land feized of the Lands to the Ufe of J. and his Heirs, and be- ing feized of other Lands, covenants that if he fhould afterwards fell them, J, fhould have the Refufal ; and if he went about to fell them to any Body, without making him the Offer, that from thenceforth he would be feized to t4ie Ufe of him and his Heirs, he afterwards goes about to make a Sale a Roll of them, without offering him the Lands, ' ^' it was held that the Ufe arofe to him j '%" for mfte ano %t\xfts. 2$ 7 for the Money paid for the other Lands was alfo a Confideration for the Covenant. It feems at Common Law, the Party had two Remedies to come to the Effect of his Covenant, either to fuc in Chancery, and have a fpeci- fick Performance of the Covenant, or elfe to have an Adion, If a Man covenants now to ftand Plow, feized to a Ufe, and there is no Con- 5^^- lideration, lo that there can be no {jje r>ou raifed by Law. Qj^idre whether or no Dyer 9^. the Party may have an A<5tion of Co- ^" venant, and recover Damages. Where the Party lliall convey by Way of Ufe^ and not by Common Law Convey- ance. A Man covenants, that in Confide- Dyer 96. ration A. had conveyed divers Lands'** to him, after the Death of A^ to levy a Fine of his Lands to the life of him- felf for Life, and then to A* in Tail^ the Fine is not levied, ho JJfe iliall rife by Force of that Covenant ,• for the In- tent was not that it flioiild rife pre- fently. Co tDfiat Clfe0 a Contjepaiice Ojan %t fain to be fjati* A Fine is levied to feveral Conn- M^f^r fees, with a Render to one for thirty 4/^' Years, and feveral void Remainders, the S Fine 258 Witts ano Xmtts. Fine fliall be to the Ufe of the Conu- feesi for otherwife the Render can- not be good i for if it be to the Ufe of the Conufor, the whole Eftate will be in him, as before, and the Render naught i but if the Render had been void in all, then the Ufe lliould be according to the Intent of the Render. Qudve^ Why it may not as well be to that Ufe^ where but Part of the Ren- der is void. CottfiUetatiott. - Roll ^^ ^ yi2cci covenants, in Confideration Abr. 790. of Natural Affection to his Son , to ftand feized to his Ufe^ tho' there be no other Confideration mentioned, nor no general Words, as for divers other good Caufes and Confiderations, it may be averred that it was in Confideration of Payment of Debts of the Father by the Grand-father ^ and alfo of Lands fettled by the Grand-father upon the Father ; for thefe Confiderations are not contrary to the Deed, but may well concur. If a Man covenants in Confideration of a Marriage to be had between him and B. to ftand feized to the Ufe of himfelf and B» for Life, no Ufe rifes till the Marriage j and if they fhould marry marry, and be divorced C^tifa pracon- trah\ it feems the Ufe to S- would ceafe. A Man covenantSj in Confidcration of the Marriage of his Nephew, and of two hundred Marks paid by the Father of the Woman he is to marry, to ftand feized, C^c. the Marriage takes no Ef- fcdt j it was held by the Judges that a 27Je would not rife upon the Money. A Man covenants that two Perfons Moor fkall quietly enjoy his Land ; no JJ/e \°^{^^ ^j, arifes. ILimitatioii of afess upoit Con5je?= Tho' the Appointment and Limita- 5 Co. 16' tion of UfeSj by an Indenture in Wri- ting, precedent to a Fine or Recovery, do not bind the Eftate of the Land, yet being made in fb folemn a Man- j^^jj ner, it is not to be controuled, but by 291, Matter of as high a Nature ^ and fo if the Ufeso^a Fine or Kecot'ery to be had, be declared by a Deed precedent, no Averment by Parol will alter the De- claration in Writing, according to the Maxim, nniiviqiiodqne diffohitur eo li- $/°'^» 7- % r A Jones, a. gamine quo Ugatum ejt-i became an A- Morley, greement by Deed, for the Dircdion of XJjes is hot obligatory as to the Eftate S 2 of 260 Mtts anti %m&s. oF the Land, but only a bare Contrad between the Parties, and confequcntly by Deed it may be difannulled ^ as all Contrafts, by Confent of the Parties, may lofe their obligatory Power j fo if the Party declares other U/es by Deed, before the levying the Fine, the laft Declaration fhall (land, as the laft De- claration of the Mind of the Party. If there be any Variance between the A- greements Declaratory of the Ufes of the Fine, and the Fine itfelf, as in the Number of Acres, Time, Perfons, or the like, there a Declaration of Ufes by 2 Co. 75. Parol, (hall ftand good, tho' pofterior *' to a former Declaration by Deed ; for when there is a Variance between the Agreement and the Fine levied^ then it cannot be prefumed to be the Fine intended by the Agreement, becaufe different from it, and then it fhall be guided by the parol Declaration, which may well dired the Ufes of it, be- caufe being different from the Deed of Agreement, there is no need to guide the Ufes of the Fine ; but if there be no parol Declaration of Ufes, the Fine fliould be guided by the Declaration Ib(d,T6.a.o£ Ufes Contained in the Deed, not- withftanding fome Variance there may be between the Deed and the Fine ^ for when no other Fine is levied, or no other other Declaration of Ufes made, there the Fine fliall be that prefumed to be mentioned in the Agreement. Where there are two fcverai Dccharations of Ufes, by Deed precedent to the Fine, 'there the lafl: fliall (land i/i toto^ for it is wholly a Revocation of the former j and fo the Fine fhall not be to the JJfes of both Deeds compounded and thrown into one another. It came to be a Qudsre in T)ow?nms 9 Co. 9. Cafe, Whether a fubfequent Declara- tion of the Ufes of the Recovery were good to raife Ufes upon the precedent Recovery ; for the Intent of the UfeSy as was agreed, muft either be precedent or prefent with the Recovery i but it was adjudged to be good ,♦ for when there is no other Declaration of Ufes^ then the fubfequent one is fuppofed to be the Intent of the Party at the Time of the Recovery fuffered ,• for fo the Parties thcmfelves have declared it to ]^''^^^^^„ be J but where the Declaration of Ufes for and Us by Indenture precedent and fubfequent H«>f, hm differ, that againft precedent Dcciara- l]l]' ^,,. rations no parol Averment is to be ad- cedent and mitted ; but againft a fubfequent De- J"/"^ *»-» claration by Deed, there may be a pa-y^^ ^^y rol Averment ; for if before, or at the aver. Time of the Recovery fuffercd, there ^^I'J'l was fuch a particular Declaration oflMoiicy. S 5 Ujes z62 Witts mn %mtts. Ufes by Parol, then the Eftate was pre- fently executed to thofe Ufes j and then any Manner of Declaration by Deed comes too late i if in the mean Time between the Recovery and the Deed ilibfequent Declaratory of the Ufes^ * there be any Leafe, (Jr. made of the Lands, then the fubfequent Declaration is not fufficient of itfelf to fliew that the Intent of the Parties was that the Recovery fliould be fuffer'd to thofe very Ufes declared by the Deed fubfequent, and thereby to avoid all mean Eftates and Charges ; but there muft be fome other very good Proof that fuch was the Intent at the Time of the Recove- ry had. Where a Recovery is fuffered without Confideration, it is to the Ufe of the Recoveree, who confequently may declare the Ufes of it by Deed fubfequent, when it is fuffered with Confideration -, and fo the Eftates fliall be executed. J^u^re, Whether the Reco- veree can declare the Ufes by any fub- fequent Deed J tho' he feems to ftand in the fame Place with the Recoveror, where it is without Confideration. If any Claufe, Privilege or Confideration be added to a Ufe declared by Parol, yet the Declaration of the JJfe fhall ftand good, though the Claufe, dyc» be void. An Indenture for Years, after the Mtts mn %tu(t8. 263 the Recovery was held fufficient to de- ^y^^ clare the Ufes of that Recovery, I^koM 782. pieantitD: of ^(tn. The Form of pleading Ufes Is to fay 9 Co. n. that a Recovery was had to fuch and fuch Ufes j and in an Allize, by the Lord Cro?nweU againft Jndrezvs^ of Lands and Tenements in Jkxto//^ Indentures were giving in Evidence,- whereupon the Jury a Co. dp. find a fpeciaj Vcvdia.'viz. that J.B, was ^^^; '°^» feized of the Manor of J, in Fee, and z And, of the Advowfon of the Church of A ^9- thereto belonging,- and by Deed Bar- gained and Sold the Manor, with the Appurtenances, to J, J, to ha've and to hold to him and his Heirs, to the TJfe of him and his Heirs, in the fame Manner and Form as is aforefaid in the Indentures mentioned ^ and by the fame ' Indenture, J, ^. covenanted to fuffer IV* R» or R. J. to recover the faid Manor, with the Appurtenances, by a Common Recovery to the Ufes following, to the Uf of J. J. and his Heirs, rendering forty-two Pounds to J6. and his Heirs, at two Feafts, with a Claufe of Diftrefs, and Noiuine p(E7Zi£ L and it was further covenanted that Bhmty before E after next, iliould levy a Fine of the faid Manor to J, 84^. and 2 64 ^fts fttiD %tniis. J. and his Heirs ; and by the fame Fine J, J, iliould render forty-two Pounds per Ann* to the faid J. B* and his Heirs, ^romded always that the faid A* A. fliall by his Deed fuflicient in the Law, give the Advowfon and Parfonage of the faid Church to the iaid jf. S. during his Life \ and if it happens not to be vacant in his Life, then one Turn to his Executors ^ and it was further agreed, that all Manner of Eftates, Aflurances and Conveyan- ces hereafter to be made, fhould be to the ^fes and Intents comprized in the Indenture, and to no other Intent or Zffe^ and accordingly a Recovery was had againft J*B, and then 7* -^- ^"'^ J, A» levied a Fine to R. i?. and his Heirs, who granted and rendered the Kent of forty-two Pounds to J, B. and the Heirs of his Body, the Re- mainder to my Lord Moimt]oy^ in Fee, and the Land he rendered to J, B* and his Heirs, and the Jury find that this Fine was levied to the XJfe in the Indenture mentioned, A» A- died be- fore he made any Grant of the Ad- vowfon, according to the Provifo. J, B. having never requefted it, the Church became vacant in the Life of 5* ^' E. A' enters upon the Manor as Heir to A» A> and J, B» enters for the Coodition tUfes atto %mtts. 26 f Condition broken, and Bargains and Sells the Manner to the Lord Cro7nweU^ ori whom J, A, enters ,• Lord Cromwell dies, and his Heirs enter, upon whom JE. J. and the reft, by his Command, re-enter, and whether it was a Diffeifin, was referred to the Court ; and firfi^ it was refolvcd, that though the firft Deed of Bargain and Sale palfed no Eftatc, not being enrolled, but ferved only as a Declaration of JJfes^ yet the Word ^rovifo mado a Conditim \ and fo all the U(es afterwards vaifed and execu- ted by the Recovery were Conditio- nal ; for as there may be a Deed pre- cedent to raife the TJfes of the Reco- very; fo there may be a Confideratioa added to tbofe Ufes which will make the Eftate Conditional, when it is after- wards exfcuted; and the Condition need hot bo made at the fame Time the Eftate is made t, for making a Condi- tio7ial Uje makes afterwards a Condi- tional Eliate^ the Statute 27 H' 8. 10. executing the Poflefiion in the fame Manner and Plight that the Ufes are in. Seco7idly^ It was refolved, that up- on the Recovery the Rent in Fee was executed accordingly in j^. S. by Force of 27 ^, 8. T^hirdly^ It was refolved, that the Eftate being executed Condi- tionally upon the Recovery, the Fine after- 266 Mtts ant) xmtts. afterwards by J. S* who had the Con- dition, and by J, J, who had the Eftate, to 2). did not extinguifh the Condition ,• for tho', generally fak- ing a Fine will extinguiih all Manner of Right and Title that a Man hath to Lands ; yet if there be an antecedent Agreement to qualify and reftrain its Operation, it fKall have its "E^e^t accor- ding to the Agreement ,• as here it was covenanted that all Manner of AfTuran- ces afterwards to be had, ihould be to the Ufes in that Indenture mentioned, which controlled the general Ufe of the Fine, and preferved the Condition, according to the Intent of the Parties i for when Men agree and levy a Fine, generally, there all the Conufee's Right ihall be extinguifhed ; and when they both agree in reftrainmg and abridging the Ufe of the Fine, there is no Rea- fon to extend the Operation of that Fine beyond the Intent of the Party, A Lord may releafe his Right, refer- ving a Rent, and one may enter into Warranty, with a Saho to his Rent ; and the like Cafe, as to the Point of Extinguifliment, was referved in the $yer Cafe of Tut7zam and T>unco?nh^ where *57- it feems alfo to be agreed, that if fuch Indenture between two, if the Fine be afterwards levied to one accordingly, no Mfts ano %mV^6* 267 he is concluded from faying the Fh^e feoffment was to any other Ufe ^ or if he rcfufe ^^y-^^^' to take the Fine to thofe JJfes^ then 3 J. Rent, the Fine is only to the Ufe of the Co- 5*^f"'•^'* nufor, and his Heirs i and there is a Fi„e jg^ Cafe where a Fine was levied by Qif»rther Hushand and Wife to one who grants ;^f;;^^^'» and renders a Rent to them two, and 3I. Rent^ then they agree that a Recovery fhall be '^^ "''' futfcred, wherein the Hushand and ?^^ Jahs!^' fliall be vouched to thofe £7/^j, that and he the ^/Tfo^ and Feine fhould have the ^^^^^ 7^"^*^ Rent and the Conufee the Land, and Veed. in the Recovery they are vouched, and ^^^"^ enter generally into the Warranty ; yet ^ ^' *'^* it was held the Rent was faved by Vir- tue of the Agreement ,• fo that the Rent may be faved either by a Collateral Agreement or a Special Entry j whereas it was infifted in CromwelW Cafe, that in fuch Cafe the Salvo ought to ap- pear upon the Record and Fine itfelf, and not by Matter T>ehors, But it Dyer was other wife refoived ^ and according- 1 ^o. 74^ ly it was held in the Cafe of Crom- ivelly when it came in Queftion before, a precedent Feoffment will guide a fubfequent Fine j as if there be a Feoff- ment to two, and their Heirs, to the J/fe of them and their Heirs, and a Fine is levied to them and the Heirs of one ^ this will not prejudice their Eftatei z6$ WLttS atlD %VUtt8. Eftate- for they lliall both have the Fee ftill, for in the Fine there is a Neceifity that the Fee fliould be li- mited to one. A Fine Si/r Grafit and Render^ cannot be averred by Parol to be to any other Ufes than what are mentioned in the Fine ,• fo that if an Eftate in Fee be granted and rendered back to one in Tail, he fhall have it to his own Ufe ,• and fo if the Conufee keep the Fee, he fhall have it to his own Ufe i but by Deed the Ufe of a Fine fur Grant and Render may be directed ; and if there be a Deed to lead the Ufes of fuch a Fine, tho' there be &C0.75. fome Variance between the Deed and the Fincj yet it fhall be faid to be to the Ufes of the Deed, if there be no other Ufes^ and that that was the Intent. iCo.75. If A has ten Acres and S. has ten *• Acres, and J, levies a Fine to S. of Twenty, who renders Twenty, it is good ; but for Ten, unlefs there be a Special Agreement ; for he cannot ren- der more then he receives : It was ob- jeded, that (ince there can be no Decla- ration of Ufes upon a Fine fur Grant fo Render J but by Deed, and this Limitation by Deed was not good to bind Terkins^ who had the Eftate of the Land, but was a Stranger to the Decd^ and confequently no Deed by them Mfts ano XtttftS; 269 them would be of any Effect to bind him i and there being no Ufe but what was implied upon the Fifie^ there was no Conditional EftatOj but it was an- anfwered that T* was but an In- ftrument to convey the Land in the fame Manner as J, B, and Ji 'J. had agreed, and fo had nothing to do to limit the Ufes ; for if he would not make the Render as they w^ould have him, he had not been employed ,• and if after the Fine levied he had refufed to render, yet the former Agreement would declare the Ufe of his Eftate, tho' a Stranger, according to the In- tent and Purport. So if A Bargains and Sells Lands to S. and covenants to levy a Fine to him, and that C fhall bring a Writ of Entry, C^r. and fo a Common Revovery iliall be had, which fhall be to the Ufi of B* and his Heirs, in this Cafe, tho' C be but a Stranger, yet being but an Inftrument, the Declaration of Ufes by the othec two fliall be good i the Render of C cannot extinguifh the Condition ; for his Seifin is but inftantaneous, and only to the Purpofe to render back the Eftate. There was an. Eftate in Fee in the Rent, upon the Recovery ; but tha£ Rent, and the new one created upon the 270 Mtts and %mfi8* the Fine, but that was nothing to the ZJfe of the Land, and could not alter that neither one Way nor other ,• for tho' there be a new Rent in Being, yet there is no new Ufe in J. and fo his Eftate re- mains Conditional upon a Fine that enures by Way of Releafe or Extin- guifhment. a Co. 78. No Ufe can be limited unlefs there *• be fome other Conveyance, as it feems, J95! b. which pafles the Eftate 5 for there it 13 Co. 5 5. feems they are taken as one Convey- ance ; neither can the Surrender of a particular Eftate be to a Ufe, If the Diffeifee limits the Ufe to one, and the Diffeifor to another, and the Conufee to a third, the Ufe of the Dif- feifee fhall ftand j fo if the Recoveror • limit the Ufe to one, the Vouchee to another, and the Owner to a third, the Declaration of the Owner fhall ftand ; tho* a Condition concurring with that in the Deed may be averred by Parol, yet no Ufe can be averred by faroly when there are Ufes contained in the a Co. 76. Deed exprefly. A Man cannot cove- iinft. "^"^ ^^^^ ^^^ Wife to ftand feized to 112.^. her Ufe; it feems at Common Law a *88°^^ t/j^ might have been raifed by Word^ upon a Conveyance that paffed the Pof- feffion by fome folemn Ad, as a Feoff* ment j but wh«re there was no fuch A^^ I th#r© mtts atiti Xtntts. 271 there it feems a Deed Declaratory of the Ufes was neceffary j for as a Feoff- ment which pafled the Eftate, might be made at Coinmon Law^ by 'Parol; fo by the fame Reafon might the Ufes of the Eftate be declared by Tarol ; but where a Deed was requifite to the pafling of the Eftate itfelf, it feems it was requifite for the Declaration of the UfeSy as upon a Grant of a Rcnt^ or the like. So it feems, a Man could not covenant to ftand feized to a Ufe, Pop. 49. without a Deed, there being no folemn Moor Aa i but yet a Bargain and Sale by Pa-fj^j^^^^, rol has raifed a UJe without, and it Hole, has been held to do fo fince the Sta- Jj*^^** *• tute. In Cities exempted out of thepye/^* Statute, it has been held, that if a Fine 229* a- be levied of a Rent, no Ufe can be li-^ ^t/*^' mited of it without Deed ^ but now by may devife 29 Car, 2. c. 3. all Declarations of'''^^^' Truft, other than fuch as arife by Im- plication of Law, are to be in Writing, and figned by the Party, who is by Law enabled to declare fuch Trnfl^ or clfc it muft be by his Laft Will in Writing. A Man fuffers a Common Recovery OU, Mich, and the 14th of Kovem- her next, by Indenture, he declares that the Ufes of all Recoveries hereafter to be fuffered, ftiall be fo and fo, and lb this Indenture does not declare the Vfes 2 72 Mtts atio Xtnfts. a Roll uj}j of the Recovery precedent, tho' jfy^er the Term be reckoned but as one Day 136. 4. in Law ; but yet it feems, if there be an Averment, that it was the Intent of the Party in that Indenture, to guide the Ufes of the precedent Recovery, it will be goodi but Qfi^re fince the Statute 29 Car. 2, whether that will do ; for as the Statute of Wills requires that a Will ihould be in Writing, and if that be not fufiicient that is writj no Averment will help out the Defe(fl ^ fo the Sta- tute 29 Car. 2, requiring a Declaration of Ufes to be in Writing, it feems by the fame Reafon, no Parol Averment can help it, A Man covenants to levy a Fine to four, to fuch Ufes^ and after two die, and it is levied to the Survivors, the TJfes iliall be direded by the firft In- denture, Cro. Jac. A Man grants a Rent of 10 L per 510,512. jj2fi, and covenants to levy a Fine to thefe JJfes^ mz, that if it lliall happen the faid yearly Rent to be in Arrear, and not a fufficient Diftrefs found, or any Rcfcous or Replevin be made, then that the Grantee fliall enter, (jc, in this Cafe the Rent was in Arrear, and then the Fine levied, and then a Di- ftrefs taken, and a Replevin fued* Two Judges held that the Uje being I raifed Mies atiD Xtiitts. 273 raifcd by the Fine, it could not extend to thofe Averments that were before the Fine; but the other two held it ftiould, the whole being reckoned but as one Conveyance. J. covenants to levy a Flf^e of one hundred Acres, within the Year, and after the Year, a Fhie is levied but of eighty ; it fliall be guided by the Co- venant before. Husband and Wife feized of Lands to them, and to the Heirs of the H/if- Moor hafid^ Bargain and Sell the Land to one 680. T' upon Condition that if they or any of them, their Heirs, Executors, Ad- miniftrators and Alligns of the Huf- band, ihouki at fuch a Day pay 500/. to the faid ^. that then it fliould be lawful for the Husband and Wift\ ^nd the Heirs of the Husband to enter, and fo hold it as in their former Eftate, aud that after the Payment, this Indenture, and all Fines and other Affurances fhould be to the Ufe of the Hush and ^ and his Heirs, this being Contradii5tory to what went before, is void, or elfe fhall ferve only to dircCt the XJfcs of the Fee-fmiple, after the Death of the W'lf"' ^Vhen Vfes are declared by a Deed precedent, no Writing will con- trol that, tho* under Hand and Seal, unlefs it be a Deed ; us was the Cafe 1^ df 2 74 ^^^^ ^^^ %mfis. of Jones and Morky^ where a Ty^cdi declared the Ufes of a Fine^ to be le- vied next HilLTermy to one and his Heirs, before the Fine levied, Husba/id and ^j^fe^ by Writing under Hand and Seal, de- clare it iliall be to the Ufe of her and her Heirs jr it was held that if the Fine had been purfuant, this would not have controlled the former Deed ,• but be- caufe the Agreement was in Hill' Term? to levy it next HilL Term, and the Fi/ie was levied the fame Term, there was a Variance j and fo the former I>eed was controlled. If Lands be granted to J. Hahe7idim to J. and B. and I'i, Co. their Heirs, to the Ufe of them and 55^- their Heirs, tho' ^, can take no E° (late, becaufe named tafter the Habeii- dum^ yet the Limitation of the Ufe is good, and by that they fball both be Jointenants. If a Man covenants to ftand fcized of all the Lands he has, or which he fhall afterwards purchalc to the Vfe of A* this will only bind the Lands he then had ; for if he af- terwards purchafe other Lands, no TJfe lliall arife upon it ^ for a Covenant to ftand feizcd, is a Covenant that affe^fts X Roll an Alteration of the Land itfelf, which JJ®Qj. no Man has Power over but the Owner,- 342. and it is not now ia the Nature of a Contra & 3 Mtts anu Xmfts. 27 ^ Contra(5t to do any thing but that which reaches the Lands thcmfelves. So if oxiQ~^oi72te7ia7it covenants to ftand feized of the Moiety of his Com- panion, after his Companion's Death, to fuch TJfeSj no Ufe will thereby arifc, tho' he does furvive his Companion ,• for he could not then Charge the Moiety. But if a Man covenants to purchafe Lands before Michaelmas ^ and to levy a Fine of them to "B. which iliall be to the Ufe of J. and his Heirs, and this is done accordingly, it is good ; for this Agreement was not defigned to raife the Ufes of its own Force, but only that it fliould be an Agreement precedent to direct the Ufes of the Fine to be levied. ^,! If a Man levies a Fine of his Lands, ^ ^°^^ and covenants, in Confidcration of Na- ^^*^' ^^ " tural Love, and the Marriage of his Baftard Daughter, that the Conufee fliall ftand feized to her UJe^ this is a fufficient Declaration of the t/fe to her, tho' it be not fufficient upon the Co- venant to raife a Ufe, See about CoJi- tingejit Ufes before, and Title Co?iti?i- gent Remai/zders, A Man may have an Affize upon a Qwcn S6, Feoffment to his own Ufe^ without an?^°'^''* adual Entry, and without Laying an Agreement i for the Statute executes it T 2 in 2 76 Witts ann %vnfts. in him ; but an Adion of Trefpafs he cannot have, before nn a^al Entry. A Man may plead that fuch a one was feizcd to his c//^, without fhewing the Commencement of the Ufe, A Man brings a Writ of Wafte^ the Writ fets forth a Feoffment to fuch Perfons, to feverai Ufes^ but does not fay the Feoff- ment was to them and their Heirs ,« and if it were not a Feoffment in Fee, the Vfs could not rife J but it was held Hob. 84. well enough, becaufe all the Forms of the Writs had been (b; and yet the Plaintiff might have had a general Writ, and declared Specially. J» feized of twenty-five Acres at Jf^, covenants to levy a Fine of them all^ and that twenty-four of them fliall be to the Uje of C in Tail ; and for the other it fliall be to the Ufe of him in Fee 5 afterwards a Fine is levied of twenty-four j Qj/dre whether the Ufes of them twenty-four, are not directed by the precedent Conveyance. a Roll A Man makes a Feoffment in Fee, 791- and afterwards declares by Indenture, that this Feoffment was to the TJfe of himfelf, and after Marriage with J. to her for Life, and then to the Ufe of his own Right Heirs, this is a good Limita- tion o£Ufes; and after Marriage J. fliall have a JJfe^ and in the mean Time he ^ is Witts ano %mtts. 277 is feized to the Vfi of himfelf and his Heirs. A Man covenants, in Confidcration of Marriage to be had between him and J?, to convey certain Lands to their Ufis for Life, and afterwards he levies a Fine to thofe Ufes^ there is an Eftate vefted in them, tho' the Mar- riage iliould take no Effed; for it was a Declaration of Ufis upon the Fine, which is good, tho' there be no Confi- dcration i but if there had been nothing but a Covenant to ftand feized to Z/feSy no Ufis had then rifen without a Mar- riage. And if a Man covenants, in Confi- 2 Roll deration of the Marriage of his Son '^^^' with S, to ftand feized to the Ufi of his Son and B. and they are married i/ifra annos nuhiks, and afterwards they difagree, the Ufi to B* iliall ceafe \ and it feems there is the fame Reafon the Ufi to his Son fliould ceafe, fince the Consideration ceafed, the Mar- riage being the only thing the Ufe was founded upon. A Man covenants to ftand feized to. the Ufi of B, and his Heirs, if fuch an A(^ be not done, JB. dies, the Adl is not done, a Ufe ftiall arife to the Heir of 'B, who iliall be in by Di- fccnt. T 3 A Man 278 tElfes atiD Xtttfts* 2 Roll A Man covenants, in Confideration of ^^^' Natural Love, (jc. to (land feized to the Ufe of himfclf for Life, then to his Son for Life, then to 7). his Ba- ftard for Lifc^ with fcveral Limitations over, and covenants to make a Feoff- ment for further AfTurance to the fame Ufes ; and accordingly a Feoffment is made, yet ©• fliall take nothing, be- z Roll caufe the Feoffment was made but for Mo! "85. f^i^thcr Alfurances, according to the Covenant, by which he could take no- thing, if it were only faid to the fame Ufe J J and not for further AfTurance. ^zi^re^ Whether fD. would not take. Cro. Jac. A Man covenants to convey his Land ''^°' to fuch and fuch Ujes before Eafler next, and covenants to ftand feized of fo much as fliall not then be conveyed to the Ufe of the fame Perfons, none is conveyed before Eafiej\ the Ufes of the whole fhall riffj. ven. 168, Tenant for Life, with Power of Re- vocation, levies a Fuie^ and by Deed, ten Days after, declares the Ufes of that Fine, which Deed had ail the Circumflances required in the Deed of Kevocation, and whether the Power of Revocation was extincfl by the P///^, or that the Deed of the Declaration of Ufes was to be reckoned together, with the Fine, as one Conveyance 5 and fo his 5,71. MM anti 5Ctttft«f. 279 Ills Power executed was the ^xre ^ and it was liejd that the Power was cxtind by the Fifie^ and the Deed af- terwards came too late, for the Fine pafled it away, and the Deed after- wards ihall not deveft any thing Jaw- fully vefted by that Fine ; yet if the Intent at the Time of the Fine levied \vas to make fuch a Deckration by i ven. 'DQQdk^ ^(cre whether the Fine will 291, 195* extinguifh it, but a bare Declaration ^"fj^^"j. afterwards, without full Proof of the very are Intent, at the Time of the Fine levied, ^^* '^' will not control the natural Opera- ^^"J^^'jr,^* tion of that Fine. A Man has Power they have to revoke by Deed fealed and figncd ^;^^;; ^/' in the Prefence of two Witneffes, and 2 vtn. covenants by Deed, having tbofe Cir- 5 '• cumftances to levy a Fine to other Rep.* 150 Ufes^ which he does^ and it was rc-Cro. Cat folved to be but as one Conveyance, f;^^* and It mould amount to a Revoca- Cafe. tion. The Deed of itfclf amounting ^ Co. to a Revocation, bccaufe it looked as fomething to be done, and the Fine of itfelf could not, becaufe it had not thofe Circumftances. A Feoffment is made to Hushand ^ Vcq and Wife^ for their Lives, Remainder ^5'<=- feniori puero^ Remainder to 7c. in Fee, Bushafid and irife levy a Fine, and by Indenture declare the Ufes to T 4 Hushafjd 2 8o Mtts attn %mtts. Moor Husha7id and Wife for Life, and then '''*• to the eldcft Child, then to K. in Fee i it was refolvcd the Fine did not deftroy the Eftate in Remainder, but it was in Abeyance i and that the Indenture leading the Ufes of the Fine put it out of all Difputc that the Remainder iliould go to the eldeft Child, whether ISIale or Female i and yet it does not appear, there was any Defign before- hand, or Agreement to levy this Fine ; it was held likewife that the Daughter may aver that feniori piiero was intend- ed the eldefl: Child, Male or Female. I Vefit, 19), Where two Deeds or Ads done at feveral Times, iliall be look'd upon in Law but as one and the fame, Moor fee Cro. Jac, 643. Tenant in Tail le- 1'^- vies a Fine, without Confideration, or ^!"°; *^" cxprellmg any Ufe^ he fliall be feized in Vaugh '\Fail^ as before j for it is by Coveyance ^^' of Law that he hath any Eftate, and whatfocvcr Eftate he rakes by Law, muft be rightful, and according to the Rules of Law : and to give him an Palm. abfolute Eftate in Foe, would be to 359' the Prejudice of him in Reverfion. (hure if it be not the fame of a Re- covery. dlfint Witts ano %mfis. 281 tOl&at map ht giaiiteti to an Clfc* All Lands and Inheritances real may be granted to an Ufe^ but no Inheri-jones tance perfonal can be granted to an n?. JJfe as Annuities, and the like^ for their having the Inheritance confifts in taking the Rents; fo he cannot have the Freehold upon the Truft and Con- fidence to permit another to take the Profits i fo Things which are mere Rights cannot be conveyed by Way of Ufey as Commons, cJ'c. Ways in Grofs ; Paim. for a Man cannot walk over Another^s 349- Ground to the Ufe of a third Pcrfon. The Lords decreed that the Office of High Chamberlain could not be grant- ed by Way of Ufe ; nothing that paf- fes by Way of Extinguifhment can be granted to an Ufe. A- Man feizcd of the Manor of ^S*. in O. and of divers other Lands in O. fuffered a Recovery of all, and limits the ufe of all his Lands and Tene- ments in 0' to his Wife for Life, and of the Manor of S. to his younger Son in Tail ; it was held the Wife had no- thing of the Manor of S, A Devifc may be made to a Ufe ; but j^ure if tlie Limitation of the Ufe be void^ whether the Devifec fliall be feizcd to the Ufe of the Devifor and his Heirs j tho' if an Eftatc pafles by 282 Wiks ano %mtts. palm, by Way of Extinguilliment, no Ufe can ^^^* be limited upon it,- yet if Tenant for Life furrenders his Eftate to him in Remainder, to the Intent to fuffer a Recovery, which is accordingly done, if no other Ufe be limited, it fliall be to the Ufe of him for Life^ if they both join in a Feoffment to the Ufe of y. So and his Heirs, who fuffcrs a Recovery, and doth vouch, this it feems fhall be to the former UfeSy becaufe the Ufe was to j^e S' and his Heirs j yet that was only to keep the Eftate in him, to the intent that he might be a Tenant to the fa id Tftecipe. Cro. Car. If a Man covenants to levy a Fine i'^^* to Ujes, the Fine mull: be drawn ac- 40^*! cording to the Covenant, or elfe he is not obliged to levy the Fine. J, en- feoffs B. and covenants to make fur- ther Afl'u ranees, ^. leafes to J. who then levies a Fine to B. this bears and conveys the Eftate for Years, without a precedent Agreement, odierwife it goes in Corroboration of it. Hob. 275, A Man conveys Lands to one, ana -74, i/S- covenants to do Ads for farther Aftu- ranee, and then levies a Fine to him, this will be to the Ufe of the Bargainee; for the Covenant is a Declaration of the Ufe to him, but that Covenant is to be confidered by the Eft^cs Hiat pafs Mtts atiD %m(t6. 283 pafs by the firft Conveyance; and it is to be looked upon as a Declaration oF no more ; as if a Man pafTes the third Part of his Lands to J, S.^ and cove- nants to make further AfTurances of his Eftate to him, and levies a Fine of all to him, this Covenant iliall de- clare the Ufe of the Fine to the Ven- dee, for the third Part; but the other fhall have the Ufe of the two other Parts. A Recovery is fuflfcred to the 2 Leo. Intent the Recoverors fhould make fach n- Eftates, the Ufes are not in the mean ^s^[°* Time to the Recoveree ; for that would prevent the Execution of the Eftates. A Man fuffers a Recovery to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, Remainder fe/uorl puero in Tail, in contingent Remain- der to himfelf in Tail, he levies a Fine ^ Leo, and declares the Ufes by another Inden- ^'^' turc to him for Life, Remainder to his eldeft Child in Tail, Remainder to himfelf in Tail ; it was refolvcd the Fine did not deftroy the Remainder feniori pmro i for it goes in Corrobo- ration of the Eftate, and that the la ft Indenture declared the Intent of the firft to mean by fjiiori puero, either Boy or Girl, according as they fhould be born firft. A Fine is levied to four, to the In- lent they lliould make an Eftate of the faid -84 Mit& attD %m{ts. {■did Land to fuch a Perfon as the Co- nufor fhould name, and that they jfliOLild not be feized to any other Ufe but to that Specially j it was held that before the Nomination they were feiz'd to their own Ufe ; and if the Conufor died before Nomination, to the i^ of his Heir 5 and one Jufigo held the Co- nufor might name which of the Co- nufees he pleafed, but the other two held not ; but he ought to be fuch a one as would take the Eflate ,• and one Jointenant cannot give from his Com- panion. Qj^^re^ If a Man grants two Acres in 2). and covenants to levy a t iioH Fine for further Affurancc, and levies Rep. 103. ^ piiic of all in 2). and he has four Acres there for the Surpiufage, whether the Ufe fliali be to the Conufor. £)f 28^ 0f l&atrsaing atiu ^aies. NO Perfon that cannot be fcized to a JJfe can pafs Lands by Way of44El. !Bcirgai?i and Sak^ for it only paffes an c. B. rot. Ufe at Common Law ,• and tho' the ^^^' Poffeffion and Ufes pafs both together, tanqtiafn tmo fiatu^ yet there muft be^g°°^ a Seifin to a TJfe in every Bargain and Atkins v. Saky elfe there could be no Execution by ^°"g Force of the Statute ; yet every Body that comes in by a Bargain and Sale^ comes in by the Statute ; therefore the King, nor any Corporation, cannot Bar- gain and Se/l ; and there feems the flime Landi let Reafon for an Aliens but if there be /<"' « ^^f^*'-* a proper^JZ^onfidcration, it feems a 'Bar- p{!l'^^!^ " gaiji and Sale may be made to any comy if Body ; but then the Confideration muil: ^^'"'^^»'^< be Money, for nothing elfe will make jg^^.^^ •» it a Bargain and Sale ; and it may ^^d Saie. amount to a Covenant to ftand fcized, jo^co^za or an Exchange, but not a Bargain ^i^. and Saky without the Confideration of * ^'^^^ Money. Money given by the Cover- ' nors of an Hofpital is a good Confide- ration to raife a Ufe to them in their publick Capacity ; and tho' a Body Po- litick cannot be feizcd to a Ufc^ yet upon a Bargains and Sale to them, a l^ruft 286 £)f Batgai'tiiS atiD ^aies;. Truft may be limited that they fliall difpofe of the Rents and Profits of the fiimc amongft the Poor of the faid Cor- poration. It feems any thing that a i inft. jyj^j^ jj^j ^ Freehold or Inheritance in, '*' may be Bargained and Sold by Force of the Statute ; for fo are the Words of the Statute ; but a Man pofleffed of a Term for Years, cannot ^argai7i and Sell it by Force of the Statute 27 H* 8. c, 10. to have it executed, bc- caufe it is not within the Statute. At Common Law upon a [Bargain and ^ ^"^- Sale^ a Vfe would rife, tho* the Bar- Vyct gain and Sale were by Parol ; but now, *i^ as to Eftates of Freehold and Inheri- tance, they are reftrained by the 27 H, 8. c. 16, for now they muft be made by Deed indented and enrolled i but a Bargain and Sale for Years was out of the Statute; and therefore might, as it feems, be made by Parol j and Houfes and Lands in Cities, where the Mayor, Crc. had Power to enrol Evi- dences, being excepted, it has been iincc rclblvcd that a Bargain and Sale is good by Parol there, for the Statute was Defe(aive ; for it executed fuch Lands, (jc, out of the Statute of Enrolments, but does not enad that the Sale of fuch Eftates iliouid be enrolled in thofe Cities. It feems by the Statute for execu* £)f I5atsains am ^aits. 287 executing Ufes into PolTelTion, a Rent new created may be bargained, c^f. but now it cannot be, becaufe there f^^'^^^ muft be a Seifin to an Ufe^ or elfe ^. ' ^ * there can be no Execution by the Sta- Pop. 49> tute, before the Intent of the Party was ^°" regarded and fupported by Chancery j and this feems to be, my Lord Hales wary putting of the Cafe of Jackfo?:^ which fee. The Words ^argai?i and Sell are not neceffary to make it a Bar- » Inft.^r^^///^^, -makes the Eftate pafs ah initio^ by Force of U the Hob. 156. the 27 H. 8. c. ic. which pafTes the 408*, jr ^/^-^ ^"^ ToffegjoTi both together iii- ftantly. Hard.4ro. Whcrc Tenant for Life, with Power to make Lcafes to commence after his Death, Bargains and Sells the Land in Fee, the Power does not pafs. A Bar- gain and Sale will not pafs a contin- i^i^' 41 • ggj^t l/fe in the Bargai?wr^ but a Feofl- ment will. If one Jointenant Bargains and ^y^/// all the Lands, and before Enrolment the other dies, his Part fhall furvive • for the Freehold not be- ing out of him, the Jointure remains i iinft.136. but yet when afterwards the Deed is cro. Tac. enrolled, only a Moiety ihall pafs i for 53. the Enrolment by Relation cannot Bro.328. J^^^^Q ^he Grant of any better Effed ^' than it would have been if it had took Effed immediately ^ but tho' that En- rolment be made, he that Bargains and Sells the whole ihall have the other's Part by Survivorlliip, tho' the Deed be af- terwards enrolled, and fhall relate to the Delivery j becaufe tho' the Rela- tion will work for the Benefit and Ad- vantage of the Bargai?iee^ yet it fhall not prejudice the Bargainor \ yet in fucii Cafe, if the Bargainor dies, his Part fhall not furvive j for the Relation the Deed afterwards by Enrolment has, 4 fupports £)f ^atgainiS atia Mies. 291 fupports the Iiitcreft of the %argai7ie€^ as pafling ah initio* If the jBargai7icey before Enrolmont, a inft^ bargains and ^^'/Zr to another, and then ^^^' both Deeds are enrolled, according to Cooke^ it is good, which feems rea- fonable that the Relation fhould as well confirm his own Ads againft him- felf, as protcd him from the Ads of the ^Bargainor 5 but as the Cafe is re- ported by Cro. the Judges were divided ; ci-o. jac. and it fecnis by him in another Place, as 5h 4oS. if it were adjudged not to be good ,• and ^,7^^^* fo it is reported by Bob, A Man Sar- Hob. ;<;. gains and Sells the Seventh, and ac- ^^°' ^^^' knowledges the Statute the Eighth , owcn and afterwards the Deed is enrolled, 150- and upon an Iflue whether the bargainor f°J was fcized the Eighth, it was held that he was not in Rcfpcd of the Relation ; but in another Cafe afterwards the 2 inii„ Judges were divided, and fecmed to ^'4 ^ be againft it, tho' Coke be exprefs, and ^ ^Vd^ fays that as to palTing Eftates, the En- 161. rolmcnt makes the Deed relate even as Cro. car, to Strangers as well as Parties. ^^'• A Man feized of a Copyhold in Fee, Ow. 70. by the Cuftom of which Manor, the Wife of every Copyholder that died feized of any Eftate, iliall be endow- ed, becomes a Bankrupt, the Commif- floners Bargain and Sell the Land i the U 2 Bank- 292 £)f jsarsaitijS attfi ^m&. Cro. Car. bankrupt dics, the Deed is enrolled. ^^^' It was held that the Wife fhould not be endowed ; for now by Relation he did not die Tenant j and this confirms what my Lord Cooke fays, that the E- ftate fliall pafs by Relation^ even as to Strangers. So if one does Bargain and Sell Land, and takes a Wife, and dies, and then the Deed is enrolled, the Wife of the bargainor fliall not have T>oiV' er i for by the Relation the Eftate paf- fed before flie was his Wife ; and by the fame Reafon, if the Eftate fliall be faid to pafs as to Strangers, ah witio, for their Disadvantage, it fliall pafs for their Advantage. And therefore if a Bargain and Sale be made to a Man, and he dies, and then the Deed is en- rolled, it feems his Wife ought to be endowed, cro. Car. ^^ ^ ^^^ ^cirgatjis snd Sells Lands 517. by Deed indented to one, and thcnS/zr- owcn gains and Sells them to another, and Jwr 'the firft Deed is enrolled within the fix 218. h Months, the laft bargain and Sale is Bro. 128. ;^ ^^^ ^^ -^ 1^ if a Man do after the faid Bargain and Sale levy a Fine of the Lands to another, and then the Deed is enrolled, the Fine is of no Manner of Ufe^ and fo it is, if the laft Bargai7i and Sale be firft enrolled. But if the firft Bargaui and Sale be 4 never rot. £)f J0arff ains a n a ^aie5» 293 never enrolled,- fo as it never takes Ef- ^*^b. £c6ty then it feems the Second, (jc. iliall c!b/',.o (land good, like the Cafe of two Sur- 1507. renders of Copyhold Lands, a Relcafe ^ ^"^' to the Bargai?iee^ before Enrolment, is ow! 70. good, and a Reco'very fuffered againft him is good ; for he is T'ejiant to the 'Frdcipe^ by the Enrolment afterwards, which farther proves what my Lord Cooke fays, that even as to Strangers, • the Relation works ^ as to palTing the Eftate it is not material when the DQcd is acknowledged, provided it be enrol- led within the fix Months. It feems the ^argalmej before En- Cro. Car, rolment, may grant a Rent out of the ^ V _, Lands, this Relation is not properly a Fiiftion in the Law j but here are fe- veral divided A(frs that have aReal^jj/d*, which when they happen, are reckon'd at Law but as one Ad ,• whereas a i And. Fidtion in Law, is what the Law fup- ^^^[ pofes to be in effe-^ and it is really not fo j if Tenant for Life be impleaded, the Bargnh/ee of the Reverfion iliall be received after Enrolment ; but yet if one purchafes a Reverfion, hanging the Writ, he fhall not be received. If a Man Bargaijis and Sells Land, and then a Stranger enters, and the Deed is enrolled, the 'Bargainee may, as it U 3 feems ^94- ^ ^atgaittS aito ^aieg. feems, maintain an AfiTize j for now by Relation, it is a Difleifm to him. Hob. ztz. If a Man ^argah/s a-nd Sells Lands, ^Co. 71. and then grants a Rent-charge, and then Jevies a Fine ol: the Land to the ^ar^aifiee^ it feems the Bargaijiee ftiall hold it charged, becaufe he comes in Lat. 157. t»y the Fine. A Man makes a Leafc I Sid. 5 10. for Years, rendering Rent, and then cro. Car. _gj;,.^^/;;j and Sells the Reverfion, and *''* then a Rent-Day incurs, it feems the Rent docs belong to the Sargai/iee ; and fo if a Bnrgaiji and Sale be fuade of an Advowfon, and before Enrol- ment the Church becomes vacant, it feems it belongs to the Bargnmee to prefent -, for the Enrolment hath Rela- tion to make the Deed pafs, as to iBrafc.«. Strarigersy /?^ initio^ as appears from the '"'"*' Cafes ', a jnulto fortiori it has betweea the Parties themfelves j but yet it was Qw« 3s«- held by the Juftices, in Sir Vieiiry T>i?n' cock's Cafe, that Payment to the Bar- gainor^ by the LefTee, was good, apd the Bargainee has no Remedy ; which Cafe feems to agree that the Right be- longs to the Bargainee^ but allows Payment to the Bargainor^ becaufe Godbolr ^^c Bargainee^ before Enrolment, has 490. not the Reverfion compleatly in him^ ^^{^' atid therefore if the Bargainee dernands the Pvcntj and there is a Claufe of Re- entry, entry, and then the Deed is enrolled, the 'JBargamce cannot enter, becaufe not compleat Grantee before Enrol- ow. 6% ment'i if the Bargaiuor continues Pof- Noy feifion after Enrolment, he is a Diffci- '°^' for. If a Releafe be made to the Bar- gai/jofy it feems it is good, and fliall enure to the Bargainee. W^zn tje (l^itrolment mtiff be, ants of U)!)at. The Enrolment muft be within fix Lunar Months after the Date, excluding the Day of the Date y and if the Deed z inft. bears Date one Day, and be delivered ^74- the next, or fome long Time after, yet the Enrolment muft be within fix Months after the Date. If the Enrol- ment be on 'the Day it bears Date, it feems it is well enough j for tbo* when i Leon. an Intercft is given to commence from ^§4' the Day of the Date, that Day is ex- cluded J for the Grantee ought not to take before the Intereft was defigned him ; for that would be to the Preju- dice of the Qra7itor ; yet where a Time is given for a Thing to be done, if it Kob. 140. be done before the Time, or before that Space it was allow'd to commence from, it is within the Reafon of the Al- lowance of any Time, and fo feems to \] a ' bo 2 96 €>f Bargains ana ^aies. a Roll l^e good ; and yet it would be good Moor if i^ wci'G done the laft Day of that jp. Time, as the laft Day of the fix Months, ^y^^ excluding the Day of the Date, bccaufe 6.^ ' it is within the Time exprefly allow'd. All Eftates of Freehold and Inheri- 671! ' • tance that pafs by Way oi ^argaiji and 7 Co- 40. ^ah\ muft be enrolled ; but Eltates for Years need not ^ bat if a Ufe be dc- iigned to be raifed to one upon valu- able Confideration of Money, the Deed Mich. muft be enrolled, tho' that Perfon was Jj^^^' fuch a one that a Ufe would have rofe . Watts c. to him, without the Confideration of Dicks. ]y[oney j but if there be both a Cove- Ji^Co?^ nant to ftand feized, and a Grant for a4> 25 Money, if the Deed be not enrolled, it will rife upon the Covenant. Lands, (jc. in Cities and Boroughs that hav^ the Privilege of Enrolment, are not within the A<5t of Bargains and Sales^ and need not be enrolled at all , for the Intent feems to be that they fhould be enrolled in the Cities and Boroughs^ Dyer Y^t thefc are only Words to except 229. them out of the Statute, but none to \ ^"^; , enforce the Enrolment in any other ^/^' ^ Place. If the Courts of Weftmmfter are adjourned to another Place, yet the En- rolment muft be where the Courts are, for it is confined to the Courts, and not to Jfefimi7{fter itfelf. If a Man has iDf Ji^atgaitts^ atiD ^aits. 297 has Power to revoke UJes, and he 5^r- ^ ^^<^"f' gaws and i5'^//j- the Lands in Fee, it^^^' feems this need not be enrolled. €8e Cffea of a 'Batnaiit anti ^a(c> A Bargaiu and ^y^/^ works no T>if- 9^0,100. tout 17111 an ce j for at Common Law no- ^'^ ^^ ^ thing but a t//^ paffed^ in which Cafe^. it was Equity that no more (hould ^ Saund. pafs than what lawfully might, and i j^nft. the Statute executes the PoScfTion in 5^7,^3=1 the fame Manner as the tffe; therefore ^J^-^^"^; if Tenant in Tail 'Bargains and Selh^^ in Fee, nothing but an Eftatc defcend- ablc, during the Life of Tenant in Tl palfes i for by the Common Law there is no Difcontinuance without folemn Ad or Livery. If Tenant for Life Bargains and Sells his Land to one and his Heirs, the Bargainee has but an E- ftate for the Life of the Bargainor, and he is liable to forfeit or to be punifhed for Waftc, and the like i but when Te- nant in Tail bargains in Fee, the Bar- gainee has an Eftate to hi7n "^ and his * The Bargainee of a Tenant in Tail, has a hafe Fee not determinedy nor determinable 'till the Entry of the If- ffe. Salk. 619. I Sand. 260. Took /i»i Glafcock was there denied; as alfo Lit. feft, 5 12. if literally taken. Heirs. 098 £>f jsatgatns atto s^ms^. 10 Co. JJeirSy during the Life of Tenant in ^^' Tail ,- but he is difpunifhable of Wafte, and his Wife fhall be endowed j and the Reafon of the Difference is bccaufe 1 Sand, that the Perfon that fhould take Ad- -^^* vantage of thefe Things, has palfed away all his Right ; a Bargai/iee can- not vouch by Force of a Warranty. annexed to his Eftate, becaufe he comes 2 Co. 125. ^"^ ^^^^ Toft y but he may rebut upon a 'J. Bargaiu and Sale of Lands, a Rent l^f^ may be referved, becaufe the 'Pojeffiou i intt. and Ufe palTes both together, tariquajn ^75* eodem mfiaiul. The Bargainee of a Re- cro^ >c. verfion cannot take Advantage of the 14^. Non-payment of Rent, upon a De- 8 Co. 92. mand, without giving Notice of the bargain and Sale ; but it feems he may have an Adion of Wafte and Debt for Rent, without any Notice. When a Man is. in PolTeirion, there the Inheritance may be conveyed to him I inft ^y ^^y ^^ Rcleafe ; and if a Man ^^l.'a. makes a Leafe for Years, or for Life, and then grants the Reverfion to C for YearSj and the Tenant attorns, he may releafe to the Gra72tee of the Re- vcrlion, to enlarge his Eftate, So if a cro. jac. -jyj^^ Bargains and Sells to one for Years, he may releafe to the Bargainee before Entry ; for he has PoflclTion by Force of the Statute i fo if he Bar- gaim. gai72S and 4S't//j' the Reverfion for a Year, he may releafe to the ^Bargainee^ for he has the PolTeflion in him by Force of the Statute, without any Attorn- ment i and this is the modern Way of Conveying Lands. A' defigning to convey Lands to B, Grants^ T>emifes^ Bargains and Sells them to C and before any Entry, re- leafes them to C and his Heirs, to the Ufe of B^ and his Heirs, the Lands iliali pafs by Way of BargaiJi and Sale^ iit res inagis oaleat^ (jc. And if C afterwards chufes to take by Way of Demife at Common Law ; yet that r Roll {hall not deveft the Eftate of B. C. 7^?^ being but an Inftrument to convey : Every Bargain and Sale fliall be ex- pounded indifferently between the Parties, ^ and not like a Grant at Common Law, a. moft againft thcGrantor i becaufe it was ^ ^^^^ Equity that always made the Conftruc- 7^?;^ tion of Bargains and Sales. A Freehold Loafcs in Law paffes before Entry. -^ pieatitno: of OBatpftt^E? anti %^W. A Bargain and Sale by Deed inden- . jj,.^, ted and enrolled, is but a Deed record- 235- *• ed, and therefore in pleading, the Tro- l^^^^,J^' f * muft be made of the Deed itfelf, 67?, n- 1 not of the Tenor of it enrolled j fo 300 £>f Barsai'njs ann ^nus. fo that if an Infant Bar^ams and Sells Lands by Deed indented and enrolled, yet notwithftanding that he may plead his NoTiage; for it takes Effedl as a Deed, notwithftanding the Enrolment j but if an hifaiit binds himfelf in a Bond, and afterwards enrolls it, he can- not plead Nonage to it j for it is now a Kecordj and it is turned into a Thing of a higher Nature, the Effed of both being the fame- but when a Deed is had of Lands, in fuch Cafe Lands pafs by the Deed, and therefore cannot af- terwards pafs by Acknowledgment and Enrolment* inft. A Deed by the Common Law ought '5-^ to be enrolled iov the Husband only, ^ro. p. '\ ^^^ j^Q^ |-^j, ^l^g IVife; but if flie do acknowledge it, it fhall not bind her. If a Man acknowledges and enrolls a Deed, Qii^re whether he may af- terwards plead IJwefs ; for the ac- •" inft. knowledging it afterwards is voluntary. 673. If a Man pleads a Deed enrolled, he Cro. El. j^-j^^^ fhew in what Court it was en- Bro. 52s, rolled i and becaufc it was not done, 8-fc. it was held ill, even after a Verdi(5t, 46?°L. t>ecaufc by the Statute the Enrol- Yclv.zt5 ment is to be in fome certain Court,' and therefore he ought to fliew it was Cro. Tac. "Ccording to the Statute ; and the fay- 291. ing it was fecundin/i . formam Stat- is not Bro M iBatswins an5 ^aiCiS* 301 not fufficicnt j the E7irol7J2C7it is Matter ^ Co. 7. of Record, and fliall be tried by the^'^^,-^, .,. Record y but the Time of the Enrol- 2 Roll ment is Matter iji paiSj and fliali be^'^P'"^' tried by the Country,- but this, as it feems, muft be underftood where the Time of the Enrolment was not en- tered upon the Record ; fcr where it is, there it is proved of Record ^ for {ince 16 Eliz. the Pracftife has been to enter the Time of the Enrolment ; and there- fore it was refolved that where a Man ow. 15S. made a Leafe for Years on the loth of ^^^o"* Mciy, and 'Bargai72ed and Sold by Deed, \>^l'^ dated loth of Jpril, and enrolled alfo 504. as of that Time, that in fuch Cafe no Averment could be taken, but that the Deed was of that Time. If a Man pleads a Bargain and Sale, Qt^ure whether he need aver Payment of the Money. loor Cf B 3D 2 M itmhnltnt Coni^ep^ \Y the Coviino7i Law^ if a Man had a Right and Title to a Thing, or 5 Co. 83. a juft Debt owing to him, he might ^38- avoid any fraudulent Conveyance made to deceive him of that Right or Debt^ as if a Man had a Right to Goods, and he that had them fold them by Dyer Covin in Market Overt, to alter the 294, 1^0. Property of it ^ or if any paffes away Goods to deceive a Creditor ; thefc Ads might have been fet afide j but if the Gift were precedent to the Right or Debt, there was no Way, in fudi Cafe to fet afide the Conveyance ; but the 13 EL and 27 El. have remedied thi.s Inconvenience ^ by Virtue of which Laws all Conveyances made to deceivp Creditors or Purchafers are void, as again ft them ; and if Conveyances arc made for good Confideration i yet if they are made with a Dcfign to deceive Creditors, they are void by thofe Sta- tutes j and if made hojia fide^ if with- out Confideration, they are alfo void, as againft them j but it feems this muft be undei flood with feveral Reftridions. Ihus, a Man made a fraitdiilent Tiecd of all his Goods to one of his Credi- tors j and it was held within the Sta- tute, tute, and void againft another Creditor. Thus if one be indebted to feveral, and then makes a Gift of all his Goods Cro- Car, to his Son, in Confidcration of Natu- ^^^'^jj ral Affc(aion, tho' this Gift be made Rep. 306. hona fide^ yet it iliall be void againft ^ ^'^• Creditors i but if it fliall be made be- j vcnr. fore the Debts contracted and ho7ia fide^ 194- it feems it would not be fet afide ^ ^^^^ Rep.' 119. the Intent of the Ad was not to fet afidc all voluntary Settlements; but if a Gift be made upon any Triifly either exprelfed or implied, between T)ouor and Do/iee, tho' made bo7^a fide^ yet it fhall be within the Statute ; for all Statutes made for the fupprefllng of Fraud are liberally expounded ; and therefore the Word Forfeiture :i tho' mentioned among Penalties, and the like, fhall be expounded to extend to all Forfeitures to the King and Subject. 50JS, 3. relieves Creditors, when their Debtors fly to Privileged Places, having given their Tenements and Chattels to their Friends in Truft, and fo docs 2 R» 2, Stat^ 2. r. 3. and by 3 //• 7. all Deeds of Gift of Goods in Truft, for the Perfons that made the Gift fhall be of no Force. By the 27 Eliz. it is €71- a^edy That If a Man fettles Lands to Z/feSy with a Power of Revocation, and afterwards fells the Lands for valuable Confide- 304 ifrattDttlettt €onUv^ntts. Confideration, that the former Ufes iliall . be revoked to him ; but the A6t only mentions 'Pzir chafers ,- and there- fore as to Creditors, if it were not made with an Intent to deceive them, it feems it fliall not be avoided by them I for they are not mentioned in the Ciaufe ^ and if a Man, having a future Power of Revocation, Bargaijis and Sells the Land before his Power commences, yet it is within the Acft j Moor ^^ ^^ ^^^^ Power of Re-twcatio7i be re- 605. fervcd, with the Confent of J, and he. conveys his Land, not having revoked, the Conveyance {hall be good. So if one having a Power of Revocation, ex- tinguiflics by Feoftment, and then fells, the S^i/e fhall be good ,• for the Feoffment comes within the Law of all fra?idu' lent Con-jcyaiices. If a Man makes a fraudulent Leaje^ and then another ho72a fde^, without Rent or Fine, the fecond Lelfee fliall not avoid the fir ft Leafe j for no Pur- chafer fhall avoid a former frandulent CoU'VeyaiKe \ hut a Purchaicr for va- luable Confideration, which excludes all Confideration of Bloody and the like ; and he that will, by Virtue of tlicfe Ad>, avoid a former fraiu\iile7n CoJi'-jtyance^ inuft be fuch a Purchaser, and muft alfo come in without any Travd 3 And. ^\cor Fraud or Guile -y if a Gift be made to ^oor deceive one Creditor, it is void againft ^ co. do, all Creditors that are within the Sta-Gooche'i tute j it is not neceffary that he that ^''■^^• contraded the Debt fhould make the fraudulent Convey a?ice i for if a Mafi binds himfelf and his Heirs in a Bond, and Lands defcend to his Heir, who makes a fraudulent Co?weja7ice of thofc Lands, the Creditor fhall avoid !t» If a fratidulent Conveyance be made 5 Co. do. to deceive ^urchafers, and one having ^* Notice thereof purchafes the Land, he fhall avoid the former fraudulent Con- C'^j'JWf, notwithftanding his Notice ^ for it is by the Statute made abfolutcly void. The Father makes a Leafe to <5 Co. 72 "• the 45*0^/, who makes a fraudule-at Jif- fignment of that Leafe, the Father dies the Son fells the Inheritance, the /^(?7^/^^^ fhall avoid the Term j and if the Son loCo. ^7, had only fold the Terra, the Vendee Hiould have avoided that fraudulent JffignmenL A Man makes a Jointure to his Wife, with an Intent to deceive Purchafers, they fliall avoid it, A 10 Co, f?. Feoffment was made to deceive Cre- '^^ d iters j and tho' by Event, the King was cheated of his Ward, yet being only to that Intent and Purpofe, it was not _^ to be extended further. So a H.edemife to o|j. ^v X A^ to 306 iftauottient €on\>tviintts. J, to the. Intent the Wife of the Te- nant lliould not be endowed^ during the Life of J, it is not to be extended to any other Intent or Purpofe. If Lands are given to the King, with an Intent to deceive Turchajers^ the Pur- chafer fliail avoid fuch Gift ; fo if a Re- verfion be granted to the King, on Pur- II Qo!^' pofe to hinder Docking the Reverfion, 74'* and the Tenant fuffers a Recovery, and fells, and dies without Iflfue, the Tur- chafer fliall hold againfl the King. picaning^ teratinry to fraatiiilent €m tiepancejs^ 5 Co. 6o. ^ fratidnhnt Co7i'veya?ice may be gi- ven in Evidence upon the general If- fue, and need not be pleaded. Covin muft be pleaded exprefly by Averment,, and cannot be prefumed ^ and therefore in a Special VerdiB^ if the Jury find fuch Circumftances in the Cafe, as might very well have induced them to joCo. 57 find Frauds yet if they dio not exprefiy Yeiv.196- find it, it ihall never be prefumed. Cro.jac. 't\iQ fraudulent Gift is good againft Cro.El. every Body but Creditors, (jc» it ftands «i9- between the Parties themfelves ,• for it ^n^, feems by the Cafe of Hawes and Load- A?8. ^r, that the Executors cannot main- 3 tain tain the PoflfelTion of the Goods againft theT)o;ieej even tofatisfy Creditors ; but q/wad the Creditors, they are all liable in his Hands. One held of divers Lords by Heriot Cuftom^y and to the Intent to deceive one, made a Gift of all his P^"^ Beajis Hcriotahk^ the Lord aggrieved i Leon, brought his Adion for the Value of all s, 9' the Beafts ; and held by two Judges that it was well, and another co7it, and by one that they ought to have joined. A Man having a Leafe for Years, C0'.L't.5» forges another for Ninety, and fells the forged Leafe, and all Right and Title to the fame, and his - Intercft in the Land ; and altho' by the general Words, his true Intereft in the Land palTed, yet it was refohed he was not a Ttircha- far for a valuable Confideration, within the Statute j for the Purchafe and Con- tradt was for the forged T^erm i tho' in a Gift of Goods, if one continues the PolfcfTion, it is a great Sign of Fraud ; i Rep. 5. yet in Mortgages it is none at all. If a Man fettles Lands in Truft upon himfelf for Life, and then to his Child, not fraudulent, and then for valuable Confideration fells the Land to another, J^^ ep^o^, ^lidre whether the former Conveyance fhall be avoided during his Life ^ and if a Man enfcofts others with Power of He-' X 2 voca- 3o8 ftmhvdtnt €on\)tv^ntt&; mcatiofi^ and then covenants to ftand fei- fed to another's Ufe^ who fells the Land, the firft Fecffmeiit is not hereby avoided, the Covenant to ftand feized^ being only upon Confideration of Bloody which is not a Confideration that will avoid a precedent Eftate. A Woman Covert purchafes Land with the Money llie had in another's Name in T^rufi for he^ the Truftee jacejis in extrefnis^ at her Requeft makes a Leafe for two hun- dred Years in ^nifi for her, upon Con- ^deration, that if he fliould furvive the Firft of Jtme^ and pay Twelve- pence, the Leafe ihould be void j he does furvive, but does not pay, ^nd then for loo/. makes a Leafe to an- other, without any Diredion from the Fejne ; and whether the fecond Lejfee lliould avoid the firft Leafe^ or no, was ^51. the Queftion, but 7iot refohed, A Man binds himfelf in a Bond to- ^f^-J^^- pay Money, and then in a Statute ta ^ ' ^"' make fuch a Conveyance, (^c. a frau-- d7ik7it Co7rjeyance is made contrary to the Dcfeafance of the Statute, tho' the Conveyance be void againft the firft Debtor, yet it is a Breach of the Confidcration of the Statute, and he fliall be fatisficd before the Debt upon Bond, •IF ftmmitnt €on\)tvmcts. 309 If one makes a Leafe for Years, with a jPro'vi/h to be void upon Payment of loj. this Leafc will be void againft Turchafers ; but if it be a Mortgage for a conliderable Sum of Money, tho* it be in the Power of the Mortgagor, yet it is not void. So if one promifes a Wo?/m7i, before cro. jac. Marriage to make her a Jointure of455' 1000/. a Year, and after Marriage makes a Leafe to commence afcer his Death, for i oo /. a Year, with a ^Prooifo that on making the Settlement the t-eafe fhould be void \ yet it was held a good Leafe againft the ^Pur chafers. And a her Truftees, whereby, in Confideration pf the intended Marriage, and of the Love 3 1 4 Mtts mt) %m{ts. in Confide- Love and Affediion he had and bore to ""anZeL ti^e faid Jane, and the Heirs Male of cd Mar- thclr two Bodics, he doth for himfelf^ rw?''. his HeirSj Executors and AfTigns, co- to^'^thl^ venantj promifc and grant, with the Trnfieei, faid Truftces, their Heirs and AfTignSjthat *fo^^Ig, he would, at his own Cofts and Char- ges, before the End of two Years next after the Date thereof, at the Requeft of the faid Truftecs, their Heirs and Affigns, fettle, convey and affure to the faid Truftees, and their Heirs, as they or their Heirs, or their Counfel fhould dircd and appoint the Lands in Quef- tion, to the fevcral Limitations and Ufcs in thefe Prefents mentioned and exprefled ; and alfo in the faid Settle- iTicnt and Conveyance, as fhould be agreed on by the lixid Sir Johji T're'vo>\ William Salisbury and Sir Richard Lloyd, and to no other Ufe or Ufes r-5 ^''v tr<; whatfoever, 'viz. to the Ufe of Sir of Sir IT. JqJj;^ ^recor for Life, without Impeach- {r^r J X '^-^ent of Wafte, and after his Deceafe, Ufe of Kii to the Ufe of the fiid Jane Ttdeflorz^ intended f j^^^. ^jp ^j ^^.^^ '^^^ DcCCafe tO Life, Re- the Ufe of the Heirs Males of the Body P!ab7de^ to of the f lid Sir Joh/i Trezw, upon the Body fhe Tin of the faid Jane Ttdeflofi to be begot- MaUi of ten, and the Heirs Males of fuch Heirs !f%fr% ^^^^^ iH'uingi and for Default of fuch 1ntbeBo'lii\^i to the Ufe of fhe Right Heirs of Sir Sir John I'revor for ever, with a Qo-^y°fthe ycnant from Sir Johji T^re'vor, with the ^kJ for ' Truftees, and their Heirs, that the faid £>aine y,a7ie his Wife, for Life, Remainder to the Heirs Males of his Body, on the Body of the faid Dame Jane to be be- gotten i and reciting that his Son Ed- ivard (the Plaintiii) was very weak and difordeicd in his Underftanding, and that all jMcthods to improve him had been inefl'ecluai ; and alio reciting, that he had married with a ftrange Wo- man, and thereby brought Difgrace on his Family, to the Ruin thereof ^ and that he was of a furious Spirit towards his Brothers and Sifters i therefore, and for feveral other Caufes and Conlidera- tions. Sir Johu declare^ that it was the Intent and Meaning of the faid Parties, at the Time of levying the faid Fine, that the fame fhould be and enure to. the Ufe of himfelf for Life, without Impeachment of Wafte, then to the Ufe Ufe of the faid Dame ^ane for Life, Remainder to the Delendant, yohi Tre'vor, his fecond Son, and the Heirs Males of his Body, with like Remain- ders to Jrthur and Tudor T'revor^ his two youngeft Sons, with Remainder to his own Right Heirs ,- and a Tromfoy that if any of his three younger Sons ihould marry without his Confent, that then he fliould have Power to demife or leafe the faid Premiflcs for the Term of 500 Years, referving Rent, or no Rent, as he thought fit, to any Per- fon or Perfons he fhould think fit ,- and on the 1 6th of O^oher next follow- ing, he makes the like Settlement of other Lands, of the Value of 630/. pei' Jnn. and upwards, and the Twentieth of Maj-i ^1^1* dies inteftate, leaving a Perfonal Eftate to the Value of about 40000 /. and alfo a Real Eltate in Ire- land^ of the yearly Value of 750/. or thereabouts, being let out on Leafes for Lives, and worth to be fold, about 24000/. and alfo fome new purchafed Lands in England^ of the Value of 300/. per Ann, or thereabouts, and by his Death the new purchafed Lands, and the Eftate in Ireland^ defcended to the Plaintiff, his eldcft Son, who alfo became entitled to his Share of the Per- fonal Eftate, which amounted to up- wards 3 1 8 tsifes atio %mtts, wards of poco/. After his Death John 'Tre'vor entered on the Lands fettled on him, as aforefaid, for which he being provided for beyond his Share of the Perfonal Eftate, could have no Part thereof, by Reafon of the Statute of Diftributionsi and this confiderably aug- mented the Shares of Edward the eld- eft Son, and the other Brothers and 7^eP/^;»- Sifters ; notwithftanding virhich, the fdljitn. Plaintiff, the eldeft Son, brought his hroueht bis'2ii\\ to havc the Truft performed, and BiU^ to ^ fpecifick Execution of thefe Articles, fpecifck and that the Lands coniprifcd in the Execution Articles may be conveyed to him, and Arhcfes, ^^^ Heirs Males of his Body, according to the Purport of the faid Articles, and to have a Difcovery of the Deeds and Writings, and an Account of the Rents and Profits from the Time of his Fa- ther's Death. It appeared that thefe Articles had been thrown by for feve- ral Years as ufelefs, and were, after Sir Joh/i T^re'vors Death, found at the Bottom of an old Trunk ; but the Plaintiff having gotten the fame intd his Cuftody, brought this Bill for a fpccifick Performance thereof For the Defendants it was infifted, that though by the firft Part of the Ar- ticles they feemed to be only execu- tory, yet by the laft Part, by the Co- venant M(ts atio XxnRS^ 3 1 9 vcnant to ftand feifed, that they were ^"^ t^e adually and immediately executed ;^tjf^f^ that he thereby covenanted to i\.?ind Settlement feifed to the before-mentioned Ufes, ^^Jj"^^^^ till a Settlement was made thereof /&e u/-«'* accordingly; that no fuch Settlement ""^'w'^^'' having ever been made, the Ufes con- [°J^^^ 'l^ tinued to be executed by Virtue of that virtue cf Covenant i that by thefe Ufes he ^^^^^oveniit - plainly Tenant in Tail, then by the^^/7j&«/ Fine had bound his lifue^ and made*;' tH^ himfelf Mafter of this Eftate, which he,^^';^f^^.^„ might fettle and difpofe of as he thought ly Tenant fit; that he was Tenant in Tail, ^p-'^'^/^f' peared from this, that if a Settlement X Fine had been made purfuant to the very had bound ■U^rds of the Articles, he had an Eftatc- 't'. ^iZl .,._p , ', , «w« made tail m himfelr ; that wherever the An- him/eif ceftor takes an Eftate for Life, and af- ^^''^'Ijf terwards in the fame Deed, a Limita- ^;,;,/ "J/* tion is made to the Heirs Males or Heirs ^{q^t fet- Females of his Body to be begotten ; Jf'J^f that in fuch Cafe the Heirs Males, or^/. his Heirs Females take by Dcfcent, and not by Purchafe ; that this is a known and ftanding Rule of Law which has never yet been fhaken ; that the Limi- tation after to the Heirs Males of fuch Heirs Males was Tautology, and of no Ufe ; that it was faying no more than what the Law would have fiid without thofe Words ; and therefore. 3 2d MttS ^ttO %mit8. if there were two fuch Limitations one after another, they would not impeach or controul the nrft Limitation ; and this appears clearly by She/leys Cafe, *J/cafe, I Co. and in a Cafe of * Legat and infra Le*t- Sewell in this Court, where the Judges *caff'^ of C. B. by Certificate under their refortld Hauds, gavc their Opinions according- cone*, ly^ that the Settlement being adually executed, the Law was open, and the Plaintiff had no Occafion to come into this Court for a fpecifick Execution of what was already executed ; that this was plain from the Covenant, that the Wife fiiould enjoy during her Life, free from Incumbrances j and this Covenant does not go to the whole Eftate agreed to be fettled, but only to the Eftate for Life of the Wife ,• that if the Ilfue were intended to take as Purchafers, this Covenant would have been extended to the whole Eftate, as the Iftue under this Marriage Contradl were Purchafers of it, as well as the Wife i but the Heirs Males of the Body of Sir Johfi T're'VOfy coming in only by Virtue ofthelntail, it would have been vain and idle to have carried that Covenant beyond the E- ftate for Life of the Wife, beCaufe it would only be a Covenant for himfelf, that the Claufe without Impeachment of Wafte did not neccffArily argue an 3 Eftate iEftate for Life in Sir Johu Tre'vor ; that it was for the Sake of the intervening Jointure to his Wife, which would have obftru6ted that Power without ex- prefs Words j and he might have been enjoined for Wafte in this Court, for the Prefcrvation of her Jointure, if he had not referved to hinifelf an exprefs Liberty of committing Wafte ; that this Court was not bound in all Cafes to carry Articles executory (^admitting this were fo) into Execution ,• that if the Nature and Circumftance of the Cafe were fuch as to make it unequitable and unconfcionable, this Court would never decree a fpecifick Execution of Articles,- that in this Cafe it was un- reafonablc to ask AfTiftance of this Court, when fo much greater Compen- fation was to come to the Plaintiff ,• that by the Defcent of fo a Real Eftate, and the Acceflion of fo great a Share of the Perfonal Eftate, the Plaintiff was abundantly recompcnfed for the Value of the Eftate in Queftion ,• that it was in Sir Johu T^re'Vor^s Power to have prevented them of either, and his not doing it was equivalent to an exprefs Devife thereof to him, and there-- fore ought to be looked on as a Satif- fadion^ that in the Cafe of Bkindy Wigfuor^y ia this Courtj where the Hu(^ Y band. 322 Mits ann %xvi^8^ band, before Marriage, gave a Bond to leave his Wife worth 500/. if fl-iC fur- vived him j and he afterwards died inr tefbite ; and her diftributive Share came to above 500/. this was adjudged a Satisfaction of the Bond; that Sir Johu 'Jre'vor plainly took it, he had a Power over this Eftatc^ that his Judgment was fo well known, that he never would have attempted it, if he had not thought it clear ^ that the Dif- obedicnce and Behaviour of his Son, the Plaintiff, were fuch, as put him un- der a NecelTity of confidering the Na- ture and Extent of his Power over this Eftate i and fince he, who was fo good a Judge in Cafes of this Nature, had difpofcd of the Eftate, this Court would prefumc he had Power fo to do, and that the Motives of his Proceeding here- in were juft and warrantable. But de- .4-But notwithftanding thefe Reafons, it cyeed for^ ^^^5 agrccd for the Plaintiff i my Lord Ilk ^^^ Chaficellor faid, this ought to be con- fidered now as if this Bill had been brought within two Years after the Ma- king of the Articles ; that if a Bill had been then brought, there could have been no Doubt but that a Settlement mufl have been decreed purfuant to the Intention of the Articles ; that upon Articles the Cafe was ftronger than on I a Will a Willi that Articles were only Minutes ^"r the or Heads of the Agreement of the Par- /^f ^^ ties, and ought to be fo modelled when cies was they come to be carried into Executi- ^J'ff ^"^ on, as to make them effedual ; that la-u'e^bln'^ the Intention of the Parties was only an Ejiate to give Sir Johu T'remr an Eftate for ■^'"' ^'^^' Life,- that if it were otherwifc, it would have been vain and inef]fed:ual j and it would have been in his Power, as foon as the Articles were made, to have de- ftroyed them ; that then the Confide- ration of Love and Affedion which he had to Jane^ and the Heirs Males of their two Bodies, would have run thus i that he did, in Confideration thereof, fettle an Eftate on himfelf, which he might give away from his Heirs Males whenever he thought fit ^ that this was much ftronger, by Reafon of the Li- mitation, and to the Heirs Males of fuch Heirs Males iifuingj that the Con- ftrudion contended for by the Defen- dant, would make thefe Words per- fedly ufelefs and idle ; that he did in- deed admit it to be fo reported in Shel- lejs Cafe, i Co. but he faid, \fi^ That was not material to the Principal Point in Qiieftion there, idl)'^ That in Jn- derjhis Report of that Cafe, nothing like it was taken Notice of, and he faid, that few or none of the Points Y 2 reported 324 Mtts ano %mtt8. reported by Lord Cook:, were the Re- folutions of the Court. 3 J/y, That the Reafon of the Cafe was, for that if it had veftcd in the el deft Son by Pur- chafe, and that Heirs Males of the Bo- dy fhould have been a Defcription of a Perfon i that then, if he had died without llTue, there had been (as was then held) an Eftate-tail, and none of the younger Sons could have fucceeded itj but this has been held otherwife (ince that Time, and a Judgment in Point, in Carters Reports^ (as he re- membered) that the Eftate-tail fhould go to all the Sons fucceifively, notwith- ftanding its vefting in the eldeft Son by Afjd a Purchafe ; that he did not know how plain In. ^|^^ q^^q q£ Lc^cit and Sewcll was i but tent of the .„ . -^ i i i i . -I Articles to ii it wcrc as citcd, he thought it not maize the L^iw j that tlic Intention of the Arti- ^lati^ar- ^^^^ '"''^^^ plain, to make the IlTue of that riage p«*- Marriage Purchafers ; that they were chafer, whollv relative to a fubfequcnt Settle- That the •' , i i . i ^ a other Vfes mcut to bc made, that the Agreement nvithin to fettle to the Ufes therein, and alfo Zlted^t'o in the faid Settlement to be agreed up- beraifed on, could ouly bo intended to fuch by theAr- other UJes as were necclTary to make mt"to he' the Settlement effc(5lual ,• and that it repugnant could ncvcr be intended other Ufes 7o 7heA?- iiiconfiftent with, and repugnant to thofe tides. Articles j that if that had been their Intent^ MttS atlD %XVittS. 32^ Intent, it had been in Eflfed but Agrees ment with the Truftces to fettle thofe Lands as he thought fit ; that the other UJes to be agreed upon, mud: not be fuch as would overthrow the prefent Ufes^ but fuch as would eftablifh and fupport them,- that this could only be by a Limitation to Truftees to fupport ...<.., the contingent Remainders; that this contingent Limitation to the Heirs Male of his W" there Body was in Effect but a Limitation to ZiTb"el * his firft and other Sons; and if the Ar- tiepoyed by tides had been fo penned, would not ^^ ^"^»^ this Court have decreed a Limitation to of chan- Truftees to preferve them ? or if by ^^7 -^"^^ Fine, or otherwife, they had been de-^^j^^-'^' ftroyed before they took Place, would agaitt. not this Court have fet them up again ? that the Limitation to the Heirs Males of his Body, upon thefe Articles, was but a contingent Remainder, and yet fuch as within the Intent of the Par- ties ought to be preferved ; that the Covenant to ftand feifed was until fuch Time as the Ufes therein were well and truly raifed, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the Arti- cles ; that if a Settlement had been made Defedive in any Particular, that would not have been final or conclu- five ; that a fecond Settlement muft have been made till the Ufes therein Y 3 were 326 Mtts atitj %mfts. were well and truly raifed, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the Articles i that if a Settlement had been made Defective in any Particular, that would not have been final or eonciu- iive^ that a fecond Settlement muft have been made till the Ujes therein were well and truly raifed ; that this Covenant for ever fubfifted till fuch Settlement were made ; that he did not believe it was Sir Johfi Ire'vor's Opi- nion, that he was abfolute Maftcr of this Eftate, and might difpofe of it as he thought fit ; that if that had been his Opinion, he would have thought it fufficient to have levied a Fine thereof, without tranfmitting down his Son to Pofterity with fuch a Blemilh ^ that the Reafon of that could only be to dif- courage his Son from attempting to break in to the Settlements he had made of this Eftate ^ that if it were otherwife, he thought it no Imputati- on on Sir Johu Ire'vors Judgment ; that the Provocations he might be un- der from his Son's Difobedience and Mif- bchaviour, might fo far biafs his Judg- ment, as to incline him to think he had Power over this Eftate, that he would not look on tliefe Settle* ments in 1 699. as made by Sir Joh/^' 'Trevor^ Mafter of the Rolls^ but as made mus atiD %tttft8. 327 made by a Father, provoked by the undutiful Behaviour of an eldcft Son ; that he hoped never to fee the Time when this Court ihould fo fir have Power as to judge what Behaviour of a Son fhould amount to a Forfeiture of his Eftate ,• and therefore thought, if the Settlement had been made, no Mif- behaviour of the Son could amount to a Forfeiture of it j that as to the Eftate defcended on the eldeft Son, this came to him by Accident, it was not given to him by his Father in Satisfadion of the Articles ; and there may happen a Cafe where no Eftate at all may dc- fcend to an elded Son ,• and if a Father, upon fuch Articles iliould have Power to defeat an eldcft Son, and leave him no other Provifion, it would be of dan- gerous Confequencc to eftablilli a Pre- cedent of fuch a Power ; that tho' the eldeft Son in this Cafe happened to be well provided for, fo were the younger Sons too i and ^s they were fufficiently provided for, there was the lefs Reafon to take away this from the Eldeft j that this Eftate being fpecificaily agreed to be fettled, it was a Truft for the eldell . Son, which he came here to have an Execution of, and not to have a Re- compence or Sdtisfa<5tion for it ,• that this Traft paifed with the Lands into Y 4 whofe 32S M(ts atiD %tnft6. 'And there- wliofc Htinds focver they came, and tyam?"' could not bc defeated by any Ad of Zas de- the Father, or the Truftees i and there- creed to he ^^^^ dccrccd a Convcyance to the Plain- 'tuThin' tiff, and the Heirs Males of his Body, i'^^ '^"^ and an Account of the Profits from the the Heirs p^.j^^j.^^ Death, and the Deeds and Wri- his Body; _ tings to be dehvered up. Trtn, iji9* and an bctwccn T're'vor and Tre'vor, This Dc- ff'ThTpro- cree was affirm'd in the Houfe of Lords. fts from fbe Father i Veath, and the Veeds^ &c. to be delivered up. Hill 1 1 Geo. in Chancery. Modern 'T^^HE Father of the Tlai7mf^ and Cafes ill J^ the T>efenda7it^ in Confideration EqTuty, of his Marriage with their Mother, sd Parfj and of a Portion in Money, did in the 1^^' Year 1673. article to fettle his Eftate to the Ufe of himfelf for Life^ then to /:'// inte?2ded Wife for Life, then upon 'Tr^ifteeSs to preferve continge7it Kejnain' de^'j^ then to the fiji Sofi of that Mar- riage, and to all and every the Sons, drc. in Tail Male^ with feveral Kemaiii- ders over, with Power to make a Join- . ture to any Wife of loooL per jinn, and a 'Prot'ifo that it fhould be law^ful for him, by and with the Confent of the Truftees, to fell tke Eftate, and with the Witts auD Xtn^s. 329 the Money ariiing by fuch Sale, to pur- chafe other Lands, and to fettle the fame to the like Ufes^, as in the faid Deed, dated Jum 1673. Afterwards the Father fold the Lands, and with the Money purchafed other Lands, now in Queftion ,• and in the Year 1692. he fettled the new purcha- fed Lands, by and with the Confent of the Truftees, in the firft Settlement, to the life of himfelf for Life, Re- mainder to the Defendant for Life, {who hy the firft Settkme/it had an JB- ftate-taily Remainder to Truftees, to preferve contingent Remainders, then to his firft and every other Son in Tail Male, with feveral Remainders over, with a Power to make a Jointure to any Woman he fhould marry, of the yearly Value of 600I, and foon after the Father died. Then the Defendant, who was his eldeft Son, in Confideration of his Mar- riage, and of a Marriage-Portion by Deed, dated 1698. conveyed the new purchafed Lands to Truftees to the XJfe of himfelf for Life, then to his intended Wife for Life, then to Truftees to preferve contingent Remainders, then to his firft and every other Son in Tail Male, with feveral Remainders O'ver, The 330 Wites atin Xtutts. The Defendant, T'homas Ree'veSy ha- ving only a Daughter, and no IlTue Male by his faid Marriage, would now fell thcfe Lands, alledging that the Remainders limited to the IlTue Male, were oohmtary^ not being within the Conlideration of the Settlement made by him in the Year i6p8. Therefore this Bill was exhibited by the next in Remainder to obftrud the Sale, and to oblige the to en- ter to preferve the contingent Remain- ders, and that the Deeds and Evidences may be brought into Court to know how the Title ftands, he fuggefting that by the Marriage Jrticks of their Fa- ther, dated J?mo 1673. he covenanted to fettle his Eftate, as aforefaid, but with a Provifo to fell the fame, by and with the Confent of the Truftees, and to purchafe other Lands, and to fettle them upon the fame Ufes^ as in the firft Settlement, cJt. And it was argu d for the Defendant, that the Settlement in 1673. made up- on the Marriage of the Father, both of the Plaintiff and Defendant, though mentioned to be by Articles only, was and is a good Settlement, by Way of Co'vefiant to ftand feifed^ and that the Defendant is by the exprefs Words of that Settlement, made Tenant in l^ail pf the Lands fold, and the Provifo be- ing M(t& atiD %mtts, 331 ing to fettle the new purchafed Lands to the fame UfeSy as in the firft Settle- ment, it was not in the Power of his Father to make him Tena7it for Life^ by any other Settlement wh?tfoever ; fo that he muft (till remain 'Te7icmt i7t T^ail of the fiew purchafed Lands^ and that Settlement made by his Father in the Year 1692, when he purchafed thofe Lands as far as it crofTes the Li- mitations in the firft Settlement is en- tirely void, being 'voluntary ; fo that the Settlement made by the Defendant in the Year 1698. upon his Marriage, is good, and fuch of the Lands which are not contained in that Settlement, the Defendant may fell, and the Plain- tiff hath no Right to conteft the Sale, even of thofe Lands, he being no Ways within the Conlideration of that Set- tlement. On the other Side it was infifted for the Plaintiff, that this Settlement made by the Father, in the Year 1692. of the new purchafed Lafzds^ appears on the very Face of it, to be made in Confideration of the Settlement made by him in the Year 1673. which tho' mentioned to be by Articles j yet ftrid- ly fpeaking, thofe Articles amounted to a Co'vena72t to fta7id feifed^ and the Settlement made in 1692, being in Execu" 332 MftS atlD %t\ltt8. Execution of that Covenant, and ac- quiefccd under ever fince it was made, niuft be now taken as a full and entire Execution of that Covenant ; and tho' the Father could not be compelled by a Court of Equity to make the Defen- dant T^e/iaut for Life^ who by the firft Settlement was ^eiiajit i?i T*ail^ yet the Father having of his own Ac- cord, and with the Confent of the Truftees, made this Settlement, and no Objcdlion made to it, during his ' Life, the Defendant fhall not be ad- mitted to fay it is not good, it not cor- refponding with the Provifo in the firft Ssttlemcnt. This is not the like Cafe of Jfakely againft Wcikelj^ where the Father on his Intermarriage, (^c» articled to con- vey his Eftate to the Ufe of himfelf and his Wife, for Life, Rewamder to the Heirs of their two Bodies i and af- terwards he had Iflfue a Son, who com- ing of Age, the Father, by his Laft Will, which he mentioned to be in Execution of the Articles, devifed the Eftate to his Son for Life^ Remainder to his firft and every other Son, cJr. in Tail Male, with feveral Remainders over, and afterwards the Son brought his Bill in this Court, to be relieved againft this Devifc, it not correfponding with with the Articles,- and the Court de- clared that tho', by the Equity of the Jrticles^ the Son ihould be T'e7iant in T'ail i and if he had fued in this Court, to compel the Father to an Execution of the faid Articles, the Court would have decreed an Eftate-tail to him j yet if the Father, by the Confcnt and Ap- probation of the Truftees, had made fuch a Settlement, this Court would never fet it afide. , But in that Cafe the Father had done it by his Laft Will, without the Con- fent of the Truftees, and without the Confent of the Son, who was then of Age, and by that Means the Son, ha- ving no Power to make a Jointure, or any Charge on the Lands, to make Provifion for the younger Children, that Devife was fet afide. But in the Principal Cafe, the Set- tlement in 1692. was made by the Con- fent of the T!ruftees in the firft Settle- ment, which is therefore good, and a full Execution of the Covenant in that Settlement. And fo is Mathews s Cafe^ who by his Father's Marriage Articles, was made '[feiiant 171 T'ail ; but fome Time afterwards the Father made a Settle- . ment, by which Mathews . was made tenant for Lifs^ vvith a Power to fet- tle 334 ^f^sf ^ttO %m&s. tie a Jointure of 600/. a Year, on any Wo- man he fhould marry; and being about to marry, it was the Opinion of feveral emi- nent Lawyers, he could make no greater Jointure j for tho' he was T!enant in Tail^ hy the Jrticles ,• and if it refted there, he might have made what Jointure he thou gilt fit, yet hei7ig Tenant for Ijife^ by a fubfequent Settlement varying from the Articles, he could not make the Join- ture beyond 600/. i^er Annum^ and thereupon he applied to the Parliament, and obtained an Ad to make up the Jointure 1000/. per Anntnn^ but that his Eftate in PolTeflion, and all the Re- mainders over, fhould continue as be- fore. Next, the Counfel for the Plaintiff cited the Cafe of Bmto7i againfl Hafi- ingSy in this Court, which was thus, {fviz») By the Marriage Articles the Wife's Eftate was to be fettled on the Husband and Wife, and on the Heirs of their two Bodies to be begotten, and afterwards it was fettled to the Ufe of the Husband and Wife, during their Lives, Remainder to the firft and eve- ry other Son of the Husband in Tail Male, Remainder to the Heirs of the Body of the Wife j they had no Son, and but one Daughter, the Husband died, aod the Widow married again, and mtts anti icmfts. 335 and then the Husband and Wife joined in a Fine, and fettled the Eftate to other UfeSy thereupon the Daughter exhibited her Bill, and prayed Relief on the Articles j becaufe by the Equity thereof, the Husband and Wife ought to be but T'enants for Life^ and the fub- fequent Settlement could not enlarge the Eftate of the Wife to an Eftate- tail general, {mZ') to her and the Heirs of her Sody ; but Ihe had no Relief; the Lord Chancellor Cowper declaring he could not relieve againft the Settle- ment, tho' if it refted on the Articles, without any Settlement made, he would have decreed that the Articles Ihould be carried into Execution. It was further infifted for the Plaintiff, that be was proper in this Application, and had Reafon to pray the Aid of this Court ; and for that Purpofe a Cafe was cited between Sir Richard Mead and the Lord Kerry^ which was thus, {'Viz.) The lute Lord Kerry, in Confi- deration of a Marriage and a Marriage Portion, fettled his Eftate to the Ufe of himfelf for Life, then to Truftees to preferve contingent Remainders, then to his firft and every other Son, in Tail Male, (^c. and before he had any IlTue, he borrowed Money of the Plaintiff; and for fecuring the Repayment thereof, with 336 mtS atlD XVttttS. with Intereft) he levied a Fif^e, &c* and upon a fpecial Verdid found in the Caufc, the Queftion was if the Charge was good againft the prefent Lord i for that on his Father's levying the Fine, the Truftees did not enter to pre- ferve the contingent Remainders ; fo that it is very proper that the Plaintiff in the PrincipalCafelhou id come into this Court to compel the Truftees to enter, in order to preferve the contingent Re- mainders, efpecially (ince the Plaintiff is a Purchaler under the Settlement made 1692. for that his Father, who made that Settlement ^ had thereby abridged his Power of Charging the Eftate with 1000/. per J?mu?f2^ which by the Settlement made J7i720 1673. he had Power to do. Curia. Every Remainder Man hath a Right to come into this Court, and pray the Aid thereof, to compel Perfons to bring in the Deeds and Evidences relating to the Eftate i but this is a Bill of the firft Impreflfion, as to the Prayer ; for the T'ntftees to enter to preferve co?2ti?i- ge7it Remai/idersi for their Title is meerly at Law, neither doth it appear in Cauie that the Truftees refufed to enter. Now, if this Cafe is confidered upon the Deed made Jnno 1^73. the Dc- I fendant fendant is I'enant in Tail of the Lands thereby fettled ; but the Deed made 1691. of the new pur chafed Lands^ was intended to be a Family Settle- ment^ and a full Execution of the Co- venant in the Deed, made 1573. by which Deed the Defendant being made tenant for Life^ he fliall not be at Liberty to incumber any Part of the Lands thereby fettled by his Father 3* therefore the Decree was for the Plain- tiff. And in pronouncing this Decree, the J^ord Chancellor faid, that where a Set- tlement is made by the Father, or other lineal Anceftor, in Confidera- tion of the Marriage of his Son, in fuch Cafe all the Remainders limited to his Children and their Pofterity, are within the Confideration of that Set- tle?nent ,• but when it is made by a Bro- ther, or any other collateral Anceftor, on his Marriage^ after the Lijnitations to his own iflue, all the Remainders limited to his Collateral Kindred are voluntary, and not within the Confide- tion of the Marriage Settlements % ^mt 338 tsifes atiii %tuRs^ MiiXlt againft his Father, Lord J5arnato* Tr/«. 7 Annae, in Chancery ; Chancel/or Cowper. THE Lord Barnard-^ for the Ad- vancement of the Plaintiff, a younger Son, in Marriage, Sir' ^ Jolliff's Daughter enters into Articles with Sir %lliff^ to this Effed : Joliiff covenants and agYQCsJnter aliay to fettle Lands free from Incumbrances, according to the ufual Limitations in Marriage-Settlements,- and in Confide- ration thereof j the Lord B. covenants and agrees to fettle Lands, by the Name of the Value of 2000/. per A^imim^ (but with a Life or two upon them) upon Truftees, to like Ufes \ but with thefe Words, T^hat in fuch Settlement there jhall he Coveiiants that he is fei- fed in Fee^ has good Right to coiwey^ and that the Tn^ftees Jhall enjoy-, free from Incumbrances, It happen 'd that thefe Lands were charged by Lord B-s ov^m Marriage-Settlement, with 6500/, to be paid to fuch Daughter or Daugh- ters, as fhould be living at my Lord's Death, and not provided for, a The MM atio %mfts> 33^ The Bill was to have a fpecifick Per- formance of the Articles^ by my Lord's paying off, or otherwife giving collate- ral Security againft this contingent Por- tion of 6500/. he having then one Daughter about Sixteen Years old. It was urged for the Plaintiff, that it was ufual for this Court to decree a fpeci- fick Performance of Articles and Co- venants, and not to depcad only upon the uncertain Reparation of Damages which the petfonal Eftate m^y per- haps not be able to fatisfy ; and this was not controverted where it was pof- fible to be done. But the Lord Chan- cellor held, that here was not any Covenant that the Lands were free from Incumbrances, but only a Cove- nant that he would, in the Settlement (which was after to be executed) co- venant for that Purpofe ; fo that the Parties feem'd to be fatisfied wi*h a bare Covenant only i and the Marriage- Articles were only a Covenant to co- venant ; fo that inferting that Cove- nant in the future Settlements, was a fpecifick Performance of thofe Ai ticks ^ and was all that my Lord agreed to do, or that the Plaintiif, by his BilJ, dclir'd to have. My Lord Chancellor faid, Notice or ho Notice of this Incumbrance was 7, 2 7cry 340 ilfeiS auD Xttttts. very material in this Cafe ; for a Co- venant is in this Manner : If any Incum- brance is difcover'd between the Exe- cuting the Articles and Sealing the Deed of Settlement, whereof the Par- ty had no Notice, that Incumbrance fhail be difcharg'd, even before Sealing the Deed of Settlement, both upon Ac- count of the Fraud, in concealing fuch Incumbrance ; and becaufe it would be needlefs to enter into a Covenant| which before entering into it is already known to be broke. But againft all other Incumbrances difcovercd after- wards, there is the Parties Covenant only. Now where you have Notice of an Incumbrance, before executing the Articles, it is a ftronger Cafe than the laft i for you covenant with your Eyes open, to accept the Parties Covenant againft an Incumbrance you were aware of i and when you have chofcn your Method of Security your felf, this Court will give you no other, nor make the Party do a farther Ad than by the Articles he has agreed to do j and the rather in this Cafe, for that the Portion it not a certain Incumbrance, but a contingent one ,• and therefore it is rea- fonable to fuppofe, that my Lord Bar- nard would not be compell'd to charge his remaining Eftate, at ^all Hazards, -i 3 to Mtts an& %t\t&s. 241 to fecure againft an Incumbrance that was but contingent, to the Prejudice of his eldeft Son, cfpecially when he had provided for the younger Son fo plenti- fully. And decreed that my Lord S. fhould execute a Deed of Settlement, with Covenants exa(5lly purfuant to the Articles only. But becaufe the Eftate was fubjed to a prefent Charge, 'uiz. to the Payment of a yearly Sum for the Daughter's Maintenance, from her Birth ; that the Lord S. fhould pay and difcharge all Arrears of that and the growing Annuity, as it iliall arife, taking Acquittances from his Daughter, and leaving them with the Plaintiff for his Security, It was ftrongly urged by Mr. Ver- non^ That fuppofing thefe Articles were but a Covenant to covenant, yet as foon as the Articles were performed, by fcal- ing the Deed of Settlement, then they might come the next Day and exhibit their Bill to enforce an Execution, fpe- cifically of the Covenant in fuch Deed of Settlement,- and why may not the Court decree that to be done now, as well as that which after the Performance of this Decree, they will immediately decree upon a new Bill. Lord Chancellor faid, in this Cafe, they could not^ for the Incumbrance Z :; was 342 tllfes attD SCtttfts. was not noceflary, but contingent ^ and if you brought an Adion at Law upon fuch a Covenant, you fhould not recover 1 wo-pence Damages, 'till a Breach, which polTibly may never happen. Be- {idvs the Covenant in the Deed of Set- tlement, is not to be that the Eftate is free from Incumbrances, but that the Truflces (hall enjoy free from Incum- brancesi which fo long as they do,the Co- venant is not broke , and it feems the Por- tion being contingent, and notcertain,was the Rcafon of this Part of the Decree, becaufe it is plain, by the latter Part of the Decree, where the Incumbrance was certain {d-z. the Payment of a cer- tain Sum) the Lord 2^. was decreed immediately to difcharge it^ tho* by the Articles he did but Covenant to Covenant, as is aforef^id ; and there is no other Difference between thofe two Matters, in controverting the Point of Notice in this Cafe. It appeared that Sir Edward Northey was employ 'd as Counfcl by the Plaintiff^ and Jolliff had Notice, as he owned, but after- wards, he not being able to difpatch it fall: enough, the Matter was taken out of his Hands, and one Sir^ was employed, who drew the Writing, and finifli'd the Matter, and no Proof was made, that he had any Notice of this Incum- Incumbrance ; whereupon the Queftion was. Whether Notice to a Counfel, ot Agent, that is once employ 'd, and goes not through with the Bufinefs, fhall be Notice to the Party himfelf ? for it was allowed on all Hands, that if he goes through Notice to Counfel, Attorney, Scrivener, or any other Agent, it is fufficient Notice to the Party himfelf. The Chancellor was in Doubt, but another Proof of Notice being accident- ally difcover'd, this Matter was not de- termined i for it appears that in thefe Articles, Notice was taken of my Lady jS.'s Jointure in thefe very Lands, which neceifarily leads to the Deed, whereby that Jointure is made ; and in that Deed there was this Portion charged upon the Lands, and whatever is con- tained in a Deed to which any other neceffarily leads you, you are prefumed to know, which was allowed, without a Word more. Note the Difference between a pre- fent Covenant, that Lands are free from Incumbrance, and that a Man fhall execute a Deed, with a Covenant that the Lands are free. And between a Covenant that Lands are free, and that the Truftees fhall en- joy the Lands free. Z 4 If 44 ^tts atto %mtts. If a Man deyifes 1500/. to A and S. for fuch Ufes as the Teftator had declared to them, and by them not to be difclpfed, and he difclofes the Truft tp J, who by Letter difclofes it to S. this Ihall be a Truft, and the Letter is a good Declaration thereof, tho' ei- ther or both the Truftees be dead. ^rw. i62>9o between Crooke and Srook- ing* 2 J^er^i, io6» But if a Man devifes Forty Pounds to be paid to his Coufin J, S- and by him to be difpofed of in fuch Manner as the Teftator fhould by a private Note ac- quaint him with, and dies without ha- ving made any fuch Appointment, this fhall be a good Requeft to j^. S» and fhall not go to the Executors, from whom it was intended to have been given away» i Cha;i, Cafes 198. If an Impropriator devifes to one that fcrved the Cure, and to ail that fhould ferve the Cure after him, all the Tithes and other Profits, (jc» tho' the Curate is incapable of Taking by this pevife, in fuch Manner, for want of feeing Incoipcrate, and having Succef- fion, yet the Heir of the Devifee fhall be fcifed in Truft for the Curate for the U"" ime being. 2 p^eut, 349. decreed by ^''i/jch Lord Chancellor, J. lent ji. lent S. loo/. and in the Note which was given. Mention was made that it fliould be xlifpofed of as J. Ihould direift, on a Bill exhibited for it i the Court declared it was a 7)epO' fiuiin^ or Truft, and decreed Payment of it, tho' it was barred by the Statute of Limitations. 2 J^en, 345. If J. in Confideration of Eighty Pounds, conveys an Eftate abfolutely to S. and afterwards J, brings a Bill to redeem, and B, by Anfwer, in lifts that the Conveyance was abfolutcj but confelTcs that after the Eighty Pounds paid, with Intereft, it was to be in Truft for the Wife and Children of J. and J, replies to the Anfwcr, though there be no other Proof of the Truft, yet it will be decreed for the Wife and Children, ^afch, 1693. between Hamp- t07i and Spencer, 2 Vern, 288, 289. So if J, S. makes his Will, and his Wife Executrix, and the Son afterwards prevails on his Mother, by telling her, drc. to get y. S. to make a new" Will, and name him Executor therein, he pro- mifing to be a Truftee for the Mother, which is done accordingly ; and in that Will there is but a fmall Legacy given the Wife, this will be decreed a Truft for the Wife, on the Point of Fraud, notwithftanding the Statute of Frauds and 34^ ^ft5 ano Xttxtts. and Terjtiries, Hill 1684. between ihy?i and T/^//. i ^^f;^. 296. If a Man purchafes Lands in another's Name, and pays the Money, it will be a Truft for him that paid the Money, tho' there be no Deed made, declaring the Truft thereof j for the Statute of 'Frauds and '^Perjuries extends not to Trufts raifed by Operation of Law. 2 Vent, 361. I Vern, ^66, S* T* ad- mitted i but there faid that the Proof muft be very clear that he paid the Pur- chafe-Money. If there are three Leflees of a Church, ^nd one of them furrenders the old Leafe, and takes a new Leafe in his own Name, it iliall be a Truft for all. Mich. 1684. between Palmer and Xotmg. .1 Ver7io 276. per Cnriaiiu J. and S. agreed together to take a Leafc of a Colliery for lefs than three Years, for which they contracted at a certain Rent ; but by the Agreement, the Leafe was taken in A*^ Name only, tho' at the Time of the executing there- of, the Leftbr infiftcd that B. iliould be a Joint Leftee with A. and fhould receive a Moiety of the Profits, and be anfvverable for a Moiety of the Rent, and refufed to let it on any other Terms, and accordingly demanded and received a Moiety of the Rent from ^. on £, on a Bill brought by S. A plead- ed the Statute of Frauds and Terju- rieSy and that there was no Declaration of a Truft in Writing, S. infifted that it was good, being a Leafe for Icfs than three Years -, or if his Title was not good on that Account, yet it was good, as a refulting Truft ^ as to the firft, the Court held, that tho' a Leafe for three Years may be good by Parol, yet when fuch a Leafe is made in Writing, the Truft of that Leafe cannot be dcclar'd by Parol j and as to the fecond, order- ed the Plea to ftand for an Anfwer ^ the Judge who fate in my Lord Chan- cellor's Abfence, being in Doubt about it, tho' he inclin'd to over-rule the Plea. Mich, 1682. between Riddle and Rvier- foji. I Ver72, 108. J's Father had executed a Grant of the next Avoidance of a Church, to S. the Defendant's Father, who was a Clergyman, and a Perfon much intru- fted and employed by him, and the Grantee knew nothing of the making of this Grant; and being cxamin'd in a Caufe, had dcpofed that he did not purchafe it ; and it was held that this was a refulting Truft to the Grantor, there being no other Truft declared. Hill. 169^, between the Duke of Nor- folk and Broivn. But 3^8 Wiits anu Xmfts* But if the Mortgagee aiTigns over his Mortgage to J. S. and declares a Truft thereof by Parol, for J, and S. only, it iliall prevent a refulting Truft to the AfTignor ; for the Statute of Frauds^ which faves refulting Trufts, ej^tends only to fuch as were refulting Trufts before the Statute, and a bare Declaration by Parol, before the Ad would prevent any refulting Truft. ^riTj, 169^. between Lady Bellajfis and Compton. 2 V'er7i. 294. but no Decree. If a Father purchafe Lands in the Name of his eldeft Son, this fhall be fin Advancement for the Son, and not a Truft for the Father, though the Fa- ther has been in PoffelTion of it, and has rcceivM the Rents and Profits thereof. /////. 28 Car, 2. between Lord Gray nnd Lady Gra)\ i Chaji, Cafes 296. I Cha?i, Cafes 27. S. T. 2 Chajh Ca- fes 231. S/P» and there^ faid to be the conftant Rule. So where the Lord of a Weft-Coun- try Manor, his Tenants refufing to renew, made a Leafe to his Daughter, for Ninety-nine Years, and afterwards fold the Eftate to J. S. who had No- tice of the Leafe, and took a collateral Security that the Daughter fliould re- leafe within Four Years after flie at- tained her Age of Twenty-one Years ; and mtts ana %x\xfts^ 349 and though it was infifted that this was a Truft for the Father ; and that it was the ufual Method that Lords of Weft- Country Manors took, when the Te- nant in Poifeflion refufed to renew ; yet my Lord Chancellor held it no Truft for the Father, but an Advancement for his Child ; and that the Purchafer having purchased with Notice of it, and ta- king a Collateral Security, he muft make the beft of his Security. 7r///. i^Sy, between Jemmigs and Selkch i Ver72» 467. decreed. So if a Father purchafes a Copyhold Tenement, in the Name of his eldeft Son, an Infant of about Eleven Years old, and lays out 400/. in Improve- ments, pays the Purchafe-Money, and all the Fines, and enjoys it, during his Life, but having furrendered it to the life of his Will, devifes it to his Wife for Life, and after to his younger Chil- dren, who were othcrv^iie unprovided for, and the eldeft Son recovers in E- jedment, the Wife and Children can- not be relieved againft it j for the Pur- chafe fhall be confider'd as an Advance- ment for the Son, and not a Truft for the Father, tho' he enjoyed it during his Life; for the Son was but an In- fant at the Time of the Purchafe. Tafch. 1687. Mumma and Mjimma, 2 Verji, 3jro Witts ano Xvtxtts. 2 Veru. 19. 2 Vern. 28. S, T. de- creed. A Man bought Copyhold Lands of the Nature of Borough Efiglijh^ in the Name of his eldeft Son, but there was no Declaration of Truft in Writings but the Plaintiff would have had it a Truft; for the Father, who as well as the Eldeft, were both dead i it was agreed the Father paid the Purchafe- Money, and many Witnefles were ex- amin'd on both Sides. And Ads of Ownerfliip, as Receipts of Rents, Repairs, (^c. prov'd in both Father and Son I fo that the Proofs, as to the Mat- ter, feem'd to be pretty equal -, but there being no Declaration in Writing that it was a Truft for the Father, the Court decreed it an Advancement for the Son, which was affirmed in the Houfe of Lords. Tri72, 1701. between Shales and Shales. So if a Father purchafes in his eld- eft Son's Name, and the Son is put in- to Pofteflfion, who afterwards falls (rcks and in his Sicknefs the Father gets him to feal a Deed, declaring his Name was made ufe of only in Truft for him, and the Son recovers and continues in Polfeflion, and marries, after his De- ceafe his Wife fliall be endow'd, not- withftauding this Declaration of Truft ; and and though the Father had got a Con- veyance of the legal Eftate from the younger Son ,• for this is a Secret and fraudulent Deed of Truft, to deceive Creditors and Purchafers. Tafch. 1702. between Bateinan and ^atemath 2 T^ern. 4^6. If the Grandfather takes Bondsj in the Name of his Grandchildren, the Fa- ther being dead, this fhall be an Ad- vancement for the Grand Children, and not a Truft for the Grandfather ; for the Father being dead, the Children are under the immediate Care of the Grandfather, ^afch, 32 Car. 2. be- tween Ehrand and T>ancer* 2 Chmi^ Cctfes 26, If Lands are devifed to Truftees and their Heirs, in Truft for a Feme Co-- vert, and that the Truftees iliaii from Time to Time pay and difpofc of the Rents and Profits to the faid Feme Co- vert, or to fuch Perfons as fhe, whc- ther Sole or Covert fhall appoint j and that her Husband fliall have no Benefit thereof j and as to the Inheritance in Truft to fuch Perfons as flic by Will, or other Writing, under her Hand (liould appoint; and for Want of fuch A|> pointment to her aud her Heiis, this ihall be a Truft, and not an Ufe execu- ted by the Statute. Mich- 1686. be- tween 3^2 Mits attn xttitts. tween Neml and Samiders. i ^rf?; 415- But where a Man devifed the Rents and Profits of certain Lands to Tl S. the Wife of W. S. duritig her Natural Life, to be paid by his Executors, into her own Hands, without the Intermed- ling of her Husband i and after her Dc- ceafe he devifed them to others,- and it was held by Rokehy and Eyre, Ju- ftices, that the Lands themfelves be- long d to the Wifcj againft Holt Chief Juftice, who held ftrongly that the Exe» cutors were only Truftees for the Wife^ Between South and Allen. 1 Salh 2283 A Short (3^3 ) A Short and Accurate TR FATTSF O F ACTIONS relating to Eftates for Life, concern either Eftates in T)ozvery or other Eftates for Life. Fir fly relating to Eftates in Slower; and they are either Droitural or Polfef- fory* 1, Droitural, as the Writ of Right of UJozver, concerning theQjia- rentine. 2. Poffeffory, as 4 a I, The 3^4 ^^ SOotbtt* 1. The Writ of T>owei\iiJide nihil hahet, 2. The Writ of Advieafurevteiit of ^otver. \ 3. The Writ T)e dote affignanda. Seco7idIy^ Anions relating to Eftates for Life, as a Writ of ^oi ei de- forciat, Firft, ©f tlje mtii Of Eigljt of Doluer. The *Dower is the Provifion which i^r^rf* the Law makes for the Wife-i after the Vowef Is. Deceafe of the Husha7id i and in {a) Socage T'emire^ it was originally Half during the Widowhood, becaufe what- foever was got during the Coverture, was fuppofed to be by the joint Induftry of them both j but Half only during the Widowhood, becaufe it was not to be carried away from that Family into ( i -iir • r .{irecHed to> ii thc Fe^/jc DC to luc torth a Writ or tieFeope. j^^gjof of T/ozver, it feemeth that flie fliall fue her Writ of Right of T)o'voer\ dirc(5tcd to thc Feoffee i for after the Endowment, the Feoffee fhall be her Lord, and flie fliall hold the T)ower of him, by Fealty ; but before the Statute of 2.1^1 a Emptor es\ (jc if the HiJshajid enfeoff a Stranger of Parcel of his Lands, to hold of him ; then if the Fe7/ie be to fue a Writ of Right of T)Gzver again ft the Feoffee, the Writ il-jall be fued in the H' ir's Court, and Where to dirctlcd to the Heir, for the Seigniory the Heir. ^\^^^ icmaincth in him. And fo if thc Ifmband^ at this Day, giveth Parcel of his Manor in Tail, to hold of him, and dieth, the Fane iliall fue her Writ of Right of 'Dozver^ in the Court of the Heir of her Husband, and and againft the T>072ee in Tail, and the ^^^^ ^'^'-'' Writ fhall be direded to the Heir. But if the Husband makes a Gift in Tail, of all the Lands that he hath, and dies, and the Feme is to fue a Writ of Fiight of T>otver of that Land, then ^f/'^f/^ her Husband's Heir cannot have any a^lL/tiH Court, bccaufe he hath but a SeigJiiory i^or>ee, dt- 171 grofs i and therefore it ftands with '^;f ^"^/l Reafon, that flie fliould have her W^rit ri^. of 'Dower againft the T>072ee in Tail, dirci^ed to the Sheriff, returnable in the Common Pleas i and ihe iliall have this Claufe in the Writ, j^ia B. capitalis *Dominus feodi illitis noUs inde remifit Curiam fuam* 'Dower is the Confequence of the ■^^^'j* Marriage Contract, which was under- thTclvfe- ftood, that the Wife fhouid have the c^uene cf Third Part of the Eftate, the Hmha7id*^^^Yr' was feifed of, during the Coverture, to''' fuftain herfelf and younger Children, during her Life, becaufe flic was fup- pofed to be equally concerned in the Acquilition. In lOiight-Sermce^ llic had For ivhat a Third, becaufe one Third was al- ^;2S lowed for the extraordinary Burthen of the T'e7za7it^ and one Third for fultain- ing the Heir \ fo ilie always equally di- vided with him ^ but the Heir was al- w^ays to fct it out ^ and fiie was not to carve for herfelf, becaufe the \^i{Q. held 364 £)f Dolbet. held of the Husband's Reprefentatlve, fls inferior to the Husband, and confe- quently as (ubjod: in Tenure to the To ivhom Heiry who reprefented him ,• but if the to apply Jl^ij, ^jjj j^Qj. fcf Quf according to E- Dfiw^, quality in his Court, fhe might apply to the County-Court -i and to the KiJigs Courts and where the Heir had no Court, fhe may enter a T^omijiiis re- niiftt Curiam jnam ; and hereby the Writ of R-ght of 7)ozver was return- i\ble into he Kin^^s Court j but if the Heir had a Feudal Couit, fhe might have had it there fet out ^ and then it was either aifign^d, and fet out by the Heir himfclf, or by h'x'^ spares ; for this was an Acl: that he himf-^f might do, as well as his Tares in that Court -, be- Hoc-jj It caufe it was prefumed that he would "^lood before rather be more Beneficent to his Mo- ihe Sta- (.|^^p^ ti^^j^ .^^ according to the ftrid Empt^m Dividon required by Law ; and this Terra- Power continued to the Heir, as long ''^'^'' as the Tenure continued; fo that he had a Power over the Lands, as a Feu- dal Lord, before the Statute J^^/ia Emp- toreSy &c. And if the Husha/zd aliened the Lands to hold of himfeif, fince the Feof- fee continued Feudatory to the Huf- band, the Heir was to alfign Dower in bis Court; but fince the Statute, the FcQftep Feoffee holds oF the fuperior Lord ; ^\^l\*]l therefore the Htir remits his Court j ^^ ^^^^^^j^^, and the Writ of Rio^ht of T>oa:er is to be brought in the King's Court by the *Do7mfij{s reviijlt Oniani iuaiii ; but the Tenant in Tail or for Life, &c^ did after the Statute hold of the Lord ,- and therefore the Heir's Alfignment of ^ower continues. And fo if the Hushand makes ^^^^l^tt Leafe of all his Lands unto a Stranger i^ower *cj for Life, and dieth, and the FcVie is to ^^-^^ '*« bring a Writ of T>ower againft the ^^^^''^^^^ Leffec, for Life, then it feems reafon- L#e fof able, that the Fejne have her W^rit of^'^' Right of T)ozver againft the Leffee for Life in the Common Pleas i becaufe that he in the Reverfion hath not any Court. And altho' that this Claufc, (^/na^'^'^'e^e n^e B. capitalis iSnus, &c. be put into the ^^J;;;;^^ Writ, the Lord has not any Court tohitUCom- hold, becaufe it is a Seigniory in Grofs, JJ^V^^^'''^ and not any Deraefnc Land to hold a J/^^y^ Court, C^^. and then altho' the Lord Quia Ca- did never remit his Court, and that g^^j'^^^^ there is not any Matter apparent vc- he not in maining in the Chancery, to prove <^« f^^''^- the Lord's Will, or Allignment, to re- mit his Court ,■ yet the Writ returned into the Common Pleas, before the Ju- ftices there, is goods and they iliall proceed 366 £)f 2>otbet; proceed thereupon ; if the Lord hath not any Court to hold Pleas of this Matter. jvdthe And it feems, that the Lord fhall kZt Z "^^ ^'^^'^ ^^^ Adion againft the T)e- ABionfor maudaiit^ for fuing the Writ in the ^"'^%u • Common Pleas, if he hath got no %Z''* Court to hold Plea thereupon, and to do Right unto the Party. Wheve he But if the Lovd hath a Court to r p,tS- ^old Plea, then he may have a Prohi- im. bition to the Juftices of the Common Pleas, that they do not proceed upon the Pka, othervvife not. ^are de hoc* Where a Whcn the Hushafidj being Lord, aliens Dominus jj^^^^^ ^q \^q\^ ^f the fuprcam Lord, of Curiam Conlcqucnce they are no more Atten- fuam, u (Jant to his Court ,» and therefore zrr^Ued. ^\^q^q j^ inipUcd a T)o7mmis rejnifit Oi- riam [nam j fo that no A(^ion lies for the Heir^ for bringing the Writ in- to the Kings Court, fince the An- ceftor remitted his Court, by fuch Alie- nation ; and no Adion lies by the Mefji-e Ijord-y bccaufe the Title of the Wife begins before the Tenure arofe to him i for the Wifes Title arifes from the Seifin of the H7isha7id^ which was preceding the Alienation, whereby the Alienee is attendant upon the next Lord, and by Confequence, the Court 4 is IS remitted to the Crown by Aliena- tion. And this Writ of Right of T)ozvei\ mere a licth where a Fe7/2e is endowed of Par- ^'f^ " eel of her T>ozver, and ilie would de-'/'Zf.f niand the Rcfidue againft the famt lerVoru/er, Tenant^ and in the fame Town ; then ^^'^J'^f^ fhe ought to fue this Writ of T)ozver i wm of for the Words of the other, mz. nndt ^'i^^* "f 7iihil hahetj will notferve, becaufe that^"*^**^* ilie hath received Part of her 1)ozver ; and therefore, of NccelTity, it behoves her to fue this Wrt of Right ofl^ozxer^ to recover the Refidue,- and the Writ fhall be directed to the Heir, or to his Guardian, if he be in Ward, as a Writ of Right Tate7it fhall be, (jjc. The Reafon of this is, becaufe the^'?'^ <^'« Polfeffory Writ, as the Writ Unde 72il^ffj2 hahet is, muft demand the who\oT>ozver of the whole Eftate of the Husband ; and that Polfefibry Writ fhe can have but oncci therefore if fhe omits out of the Writ of Uude nil hahet any of the Lands which the Husbfind was fei- fed of, during the Coverture, flie is put to her Writ of Right of "Dozver qjwad W^^ere a the Lands. IZhh- And if a Fejne lofes her Land which ilfaJt, ilie holds in T)ozver by Default in a^^ ^"^y T recipe quod reddat ; yet, according ^-^J^^J to the Opinion of fomc Men, flie fhari Right cf have^°^''^^' 368 £)f 2Dolbet> have a Writ of Right of 'Dower-, but it fcems by the Equity of the Statute of Wt:ft. 2. c. 4. That if a Fetne lofe, by Defoult, the Land whereof fhe hath had T>ower^ that by that Statute fhe may have a Qjwd ei *Deforciatj to re- cover that Land ; and before the Sta- tute, fhe had no Remedy to recover the Land, but only in an A<5tion of Ijifceit^ if fhe were not fummoned. Tetjant At Co?/imo?i Law^ if T^enajit for Life ^blryldin ^^^s barred in the PefTelTory Aaion, he a Pojfejfory novcY could have the Acflion T)roirurali ARton, {^^^ j£ ^Q y^^^^ barred of his Seifin, as hnve a he vvas in the PoiTefTory Action, he was Droitural barrcd of his Right for ever j and the ccTnion Rcafon is, becaufe no Body could have La'o;. a final Judgment to Perpetuity, to put the Lands in Peace, by the 'very 'Te* najit^ or Tieiiant in Tee-fimpk of thofe Lands, and that bound the Right for ever againft all Pcifons, even againft all Strangers that did not Claim within the ' Year and Day j but Tenant for iJfe of Lands, claims the Seifin only, therefore whatever barred the Seifin, was a Bar to their Right, fince they had not a mccr Right, diftin(5t from the Seifin j and therefore, if even the Tf- 7ia72t in jD^ertT vvas barred by Default, in a Writ of Dower, Unde nihil habety flic was perfectly barred thereby, be- 4 caufe caufe the Bar to her Seifin was a Bar to her Right ; but if the Lands were omitted in the Writ of ^ozver U7ide 7iihilhabet:> the Judgment in the Writ could be no Bar quoad the Tiower in thofe Lands, becaufe the Judgment was not concerning the fame ,• but as to the Lands mentioned in the Writ, Judgment by Default was a Bar, 'till helped by the Statute of Wefi, 2. c. 4. which gives the Qiiod ei T>eforcicit, And if the Fe?/ie hath Tioz^cr^ and ^^^^ lofe the fame by Affize^ or Adion hfivg Ut tried, it feems ihc hath no Remedy but ^^'J ^/^^ by Attamt ; for it feems fhe fliali have ^Remedy h no Remedy to recover by a Writ of ^"'^''^f* Kight of ^ower^ becaufe llie had the Land once aifigned to her in T>ower j and ilie was in PofTefTion of the fame ,• fo that the Title was executed, and fo llie ought to fue an Adrion of her own PoffefTion, if flie be afterwards de* forced* For the Statute extends only to IB.-TheRnt- ftates for Life, or in Dozve}\ where the Z^"- Tenants lofe by Default, and not where they are barred by Judgment^ upon the Merits of tlieir Caufe. And after the Plea removed into the The Pro- Common Picas, the Procefs is then a '^^f^ ''f*^" Grand Cape, and a "P em Cape ; and in ^'""'"'^' the Heir's CourtJtheManl■ie^is to make a B b Procefs 370 ^f 2[>oMjer* Pfocefs in the Nature of a Su7mn07is^ and of a Grand and ^etit Cape; and the Writ to the Heir is thus, REX A. falttte?i2. Tracip. tihi qttod ThcForm r^^^ dilatio7ie plenum reUum te?ieas B. ot the ' >, . -^ , . ^ J Writ. qn£ juit nxoT C de tertia parte decern acr. terr^ cimt pertment* in W. quavi clcimat tenere de te in dote per liherinn fermtium terfu partis tmiiis denarii per A7inmn^ pro 07mii fer'vitio qmd ei de- forciat^ &c. a Moiety, of Right of T>ower of the Moiety, ac- cording to the Ufage of Qa'Delki7idy where flie hath received Part, and is deforced of Part. Where di- Alid alfo it appcarcth in the Regi- IIThX fi^^-> ^^^^^ ^^^ -^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^"^ of Right of ^ozver directed unto the Heir himfclf, where he himfelf de- forceth her of the Profits of an Office, and the Writ is thus, The Form REX h, fahte7f2, Trtccip. tihi qjiod \vrif 'of P^^^^^^^f^ reUiwi te7ieas B. de tertia parte Dower, exitimiu prove7iie7itiu7nde CtiflodiaQaola to rhc Jhhati(£ Weft 7/1. & de tertia parte triinn the^th°rd Rodarim terrie77i 'vel per fepti7na7ia7n c^"/ per A7mu7n cim perti7ie7itiis i7i 'villa Wefiin, qiias da- 7uat perti7iere ad liheriwi te7ie7Jientmii fun77i fmwi quod de te ttjiet in dote dr tenere clamat de te ifi libtrum fer- mtium in^DtfiienduM tibi tertiam par^ tew Cuftod. pro Cujiodia GaoU pr^^ diB. & porta ejufd, Abbaties pro oimii fewitio quod ipfa deforciat^ (jc. Vide 15 Ed. 3, Dower bi. TDozver demanded of the Profits com- '^i'^Pre- ing from a Fair de N* 11 El. 3. l^ow,paiu '^ 85. C. Lit, ^2. Dower is demand ible of the Moiety of Stallage^ coming from the Fair of 2). and good^ without faying the Moiety of the Profits of Stallage^ for Stallage is a Profit. Ra.E77t, of Stat- 234. TJe tertta parte exit, (j proficJ^g^' de qnodaj/i juercato qnoUbet aiino iji fefio, S. Mich, i 2 Ed. 3. T)ozver may be well demanded of theThi'd Part of the Profits of a Bailiff's Office, Parker, ^^f;;' (^c. without demanding the Third Part of the Office, becaufe entire,- dz-zbita- ttir in the Office of F. v. 45 Ed» 3. Dower 50. where the Fe7/ie is endow'd of the Third Part of the Profits of aOfaMHh Mil/, and had the Freehold of the J'^'^^^.^j^ Third Part of the Mill in her. 21 Ed.^. Dower,^ ° 51. Dozver, of the Third Part of thePi-s^.^ Office of the Marj7jaljea. ^oiver of And by the Writ it appcareth, that ^5,'^^^''^, the Fe7/ie lliall have a Writ of 'Dozver '^pp''^ '^^"^ of what is appendant, or ^PP-^^tenanc f^J^^J^^^^^^ B b a to 372 £)f SDoitoet. to the Land which ilie holdeth in Dozvtry if fhe be deforced thereof. ^f n UXtit De Quarentina Habenda. The Writ "^"^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ 2l^are7iti7ia Hahenda^ DcQua- lieth where a Man dieth fcifed of a H^b^'^d- ^I^^^'^^S^ ^'^''^'^ Lands, and immediately ^hen it ' after the Death of the Htishafid^ the iies. Hev,\ or he who ought to have the Lands after his Death, wall put the Wife cut of the MefTuage, ^c, then the Wife wall have this Writ ^ for by the Statute of Mag7ia Charta^ cap. 7. the Wife fhall remain in the Capital Mef- fuage Tifter the Death of the Husband, forty Days, if it be not a Ccifile^ and T,:cii h Is ^^^'^^^ ^^^"^^ ^^ Vicoti72ti€l^ and fhall be di- a Wyit reded to the Sheriff, and he fhall hold vicoun- p|g. thereof. By'rcvhat This Writ was given by the Statute Statiits of Magnet Charta^ c, 7. find therefore ^'^'"' the Statute is recited in the W^rit; and it v;as for the Time which the Wife w^as to continue in the Hiisha72d\ Houfe, and until fhe had got an Alfignment of her Dower ,• and that the unnatural Heirs fhould not turn her out imme- djately \ therefore the V/rit is Vicowi^ tiel^ that the Sherif! might reftore her i in Cafe flic was put out before the for- ty Days were ended. And And the Writ is in this Form, HEX oicecomlti falutem^ or, baUivis T^^^orm fnis jaUit, Ex querela B. q/M ftilt uxor vvnc, D. acdephmts q?iod ami in Mngna Charta de lihertatilms Anzjlit co?iti~ 7ietm\ quod 'vidt/cc mcmea7it iJi capitali Mejfiiagio mar itoY itm fiiorum fer dies 40, nifi Mejjuag, lUud cnjlr, fit^ ijifra quod temp us dotes fii£ ajjig-nentur eif- dem^ (j'qtiod interim habeant rationabi- lia efio'veria de bonis eorundem^ J. de C. ipfa^n B. ftatim poft mortem pr^di'cl^ ■ mri fill J de capitali Mejfjiag, quod fuit tyisdem D. in H. licet nee c aft rum fit^ 7zec dos ei aftignat afuerit .^oiolefiter ejecit^ (J ipfa efto'jeria fna de bo?iis ej//fd. D. percipcre non pcrmittit^ ad ipjius B. damnum non modicum CT graca- 7/ien^ & contra tenore?// chart^e pricdicid:^ (y quia pr^fat. B. i72j?iriari nolnmns 171 hac parte mbis prdeclpimus^ quod- mcatis coram I'obis partibus priedi'ci. (j' afiditis hinc & i7ide earnm ratiombus eidem V).plena7;i& celere7n jnjiitia^n inde fieri faciatis j/jxta tenor em chart cs prcc- iiUiC^ 710 pro defeZin juftiticc querela ad 7Z0S 'jenerit^ i^efte^ (jc. And upon that Writ, t'le Sheriff ilia] I award PiOcefs againft tic Paly, to B b q cojiiG 374 ^f SDoiajet. Ho-a; <_&e come and aufwer t.he fame, and fliali dem'^n '" ^^^ ^^Y ""^11 tlic County-Court be hinifeif Iioldcn i for this Writ is a Commiffion ihereen. ^^ j^jj^^ ^^^ upon the fame he fhall immediately make Proccfs to anfwer, CjC' within two or three Days, accor- ding to his Dircdion ; and thereupon to proceed as Juftices fhould do in a Com- milTion of Oyer and T^erm'mer^ (^c* SDotuet unde nihil Habet. A Writ of A Writ of Dower m/de fiihil hahety Dower \[q^Yi in q.^{q where a Woman taketh m Haber ^ Husharid who is fole feifed of Lands nvhere it ov Tenements, to him and his Heirs, in hes, Fee-fimplc, or to him and the Heirs of his Bodyi or if the Husha72d^ during his Marriage, be folcly feifed in Fee- fmiple, or Fee-tail of fuch Eftate, that the lifue begot between him and his Wife, may inherit the fame; then if the Htishand doth alien the fame, or dieth feifed thereof, or be diffeifed and dieth, his Wife fhall have a Writ of Dower unde nihil hahety againft him who is Tenant of the Freehold of the Land, or againft him who is Guardian by Kni^t' Service of the Land, And And the Form of the Writ is thus, REJC ^iC' fal'ejn. Mandamus vohis The Form qtiod ]ufie & fine dilatmie redd, B. qii<£ ^^^^^^ juit uxor C. rationaUkm dot em ftiam^harm. qim ei contingit de tenemento quod f nit pradi5i. C. qaofidam n)iri fid in N. unde nil hahet^ nt dicit^ (^ tmde que- ritnr quod A. ei deforciat^ (^ nifi^ Note ; Altho' the Writ be conditio- ?*'^*^»- 1 ' r* r ' r dani not nal, 7iijt jecerit^ tunc jummofieas , yet i^und to ,. the ^ema7idant is not bound to ac- accept sha I ■ cept the Tender in pais -, for then llie J^^^'^ ihould lofe her Damages for the Time paft j nor is the Tenant bound to tender it there , and yet he may plead in the Common Pleas, touts temps pri ft. i iH,4, 62. II H. 4, 405 41. It is plain the Wife cannot have Da« From iviat mascs but from the Time of her De- Z?'"^ *^^ mand, becaufe the Tenant of the Land dam to cannot fet out the Uower^ 'till the^^''-"^^^ Feme be there to accept it ^ and there- ^'^^^^' fore when the Writ of T>ower comes to him, he is not bound to fet out the ^oiver 5 becaufe the ^owrefs is not with the Sheriff to aecept it : Indeed, if fhe comes with the Sheriff, it will make a Demand in paisy from thence B b 4 . to 37^ £)f 2r>o«3et, T^rr ^° recover her Damages in the fame be^-was Z- Manner as if {he had made her Re- ivays rsa- qucft bcfore the Writ brought ; but if ''^* flie has not made fuch Demand i;2 pais, the Defendant may plead touts te?//ps prifi^ fince, as it is faid, he is intitled to the Profits, 'till Default ; but he can- not plead touts temps prift^ againft her after an Efloin caft ^ becaufe by that, his Delay appears on Record. And againft the Guardian the Writ is thus, The Form Trdclpe A. cuftod. tervd J. qticd red- gainft the 9 H. 5. 4. Note 13 Ed. 3. Brev. 242. Guar. if he be Guardian of the Land and ^^"' Body, he ought to be named fo in the Writ ; othenvife itiliall abate. 18 Ed. 2, Sre^\ 832. That he is Bccaufo if the TDozvrefs do not name medGuar- ^^^^"^ Giiardiafi of both in the Writ, ilie (iia». does not intitle herfelf to the Action againft him ^ for he is not to fet out ^ozver for her, but as Gtiardiau of the Infant. Ought to And note ; She ought to make him ■■rZ l^ls ^^ W the Writ to him that was laft Heir to feifcd. II Ed. 2,' Sr^'c. 471. becaufe if Umiaji ^u^ ^y.jt )qq brought againft the Heir je.JeC, ^ of the Arfignec oF the Hiish.vid^ unlefs fhe fhews that the Tenant is Heir to the Pcrfon that was laft fcifed, die does not intitlc herfclf to an AlTignment from him, Othcrwife where fhe is endowed ad oftium Ecckfu^ it is thus, ^ri£cipe A. q?wd redd. B. qr/^e fu'it p^ o^ uxor C. ce7tt. aa\ terr^c^ ami ptrti?/.^^^^'^'"^ in N. de qidhus pr^diil. C. qiioiidaiii Ecclcfiac, mr ipfius B. ea?n dotavit ad ofliim Ec- ckfiiC^ qua?ido earn defpojijazit^ luide nil habeti (jc And if (lie be endowed T>e affl/jfu patris-i then thus, Tr^ccipe A. qmd reddat B. q7fcC f7jit'^^ ^^'^.^ fjxor C. ce/n. acr, terr^c, (jc. de qnihiis ^i^^""° prddiU. & fill us (J k^res ipjius A. quo7idavi 'viri ip/i?h B. de ajfe//)// (j co- luJttate ipfiiis A. patris fui^ earn dota- ■vit ad ojh Ecckficc^ imde^ (jc. And the Writ of Dower fmde 7iihii ^"'^^'' . hahet^ may be fued in the County bc-U^huber, fore the Sherilf, by a Jufticies^ ?^\\di. a nm^ he Wife iliall be endowed of an Advow-^^^'^^^^'; fon, Villains, Commons, (jc. and oti'shenShj other Profits and Liberties of which '^..I"'^^" her Husband had any Ellatc of Inheri- '^'^"'" tancCj 37 S £)f ^OMU tance, which Eftate the lilue, betwixt them, by PoiTibility, may inherit, (jc. And the Tf^ife may fue a Writ of Lands or Tenements in Londo7i ; and the Writ fhail be direded to the Mayor and Sheriffs of Loudon^ and it fliali be fach : Frascipe KEX f/iajori & mc Lond. fah Trower^ then the Heir at full Age may fue this Writ againft the Wife; and thereby flie fliali be admeafurcd, and the Surplu- {•ciga fhc had in ^ower, fhall be re- ftorcd to the Heir; but in fuch Cafe, there Hiail not be affigned a-new any Lands to hold in *Dozver^ but to take from her fo much of the Lands as fur- p:;tiTcth the Third Part whereof (he ought to be endowed J and he need not fct forth of whofe AlTignment fhe holds. 17 Ed.}. 66^ a View is not grantable on this Writ ijEd.} 6'j.cont,adjndgd^']%Bj> ^^ . 3* -o- ^nd itfeems that the Heir within t^mn"" ^g^> ^'^'^^^ hii^e an Admeafureniejit of ^g^' 1)o'uer of his own Alignment, -j E. }» Jdmeafiuremeiit B. but if the Heir, at Srif fuli Age, affigns "Boiler, he lliall not jttit A!^s have this Writ again ft his own AlTign- laaiittou y|-jg,^t. 6 H.}. Admeafiive7iie7it \%. Where ihe And if the Htir within Age, before Gmrd\nn ^|^(^ Quardian enters into the Land, do jcHtHhave aflfign to the Wite iiiore Land in UJozver theWi'iu than ilie ought to have, then the Gncir- dicm fliall-have the Writ of Advieaftire- me?it againft the Wife^ by the Statute of Wefi. 2. c. 7. and if the Qiiardiafi brings the Writ, and does purfue it iigai'nft the Wife, yet the Heir at his full Age, by the flimc Statute, fliail have the Writ of Admeafurcment of ODozver again ft the Vs^ife. And the Writ is Vicotmtiel, and fliill be fucd in the County before the She- riff, and is thus : REX zncecojuiti fahitejii* Qj.tejiiis efl The Form mbis A. films & h<£res B. qmd C qjtiC ti»ercQf. fuit uxor pTiediU* B. plus hahet in do- tern de lihero tenemento qtiod fuit prs- diU. B. quondam mi fiiiy in N. qiiam Jo ere debet ^ (j ad ipfa?n pertinet h abend. ideo tibi pracip, quod jrijie^ &c. admen- fnrari facias dotem illam^ it a qnod prd- diU. C. 7ion habeat plus in dotem de hd- red. pr^diU: A. quam habere debet (!r ad ipfa?;/ pertiiiet habendum fecnnduni rationabilevi dotem fnam^ & pr^diUus A. habet de dote ilia id quod h'ere de- bet cJ' ad ipfa/n pertinet habendmn ne ampliuSj (jc. Tefie^ &c* The Writ of Ad?ueafure7nent lieth lYhereit upon the AlTignment of T)ower by the a lieth Heir, within Age, or his Guardian , ''jg^en becaufe any A6t of fuch Heir cannot of Doiver, intitle her to more than is due by the h t^^ Lawi and by Confequence a Writ of ^j^'Jjr^^ Admeafurement muft lie, and there was no View in this Writj becaufe it proceeded on a Suppofition, that it had been viewed, and found to be more than a Third Part j and therefore to have allowed 382 £>f SDotbet. allowed a View afterwards, in order to fee fucli an Error, was to fuppofe that the Writ had originally no Foundation j Where it is ^^'^^ it WHS Vico7/7itiel^ becaufe it was Vjcoun- prcfumed the firft Aflignmcnt was in ^'^el. the Court of the Heir j and if thero was any Miftake there, it was to be rec- tified in the Court of the Slieriff. Vide 13 ^.3. JdmeajnTeJuent 17. Yet 'Brauto?i Whenith^^^s^ if fhe hath I,ands in T>ovoer in ?°'''."^. divers Countries, there it ousht to be riis. cora?/i jiijiictariis ; and note, there the Tenant fhall have feveral Writs. 'All tie So note firft^ In every Writ of Jd- 'hemmed, ^^'^eafurevie^it ^ all the Land which he hnth in the fame County, iliall be nam'd and admeafur'd. Winrc Secondhy If he hath Lands in feve- tZ (eve- ral Counties, there fhall be feveral Writs vai Writs, and feveral Extents of the whole Land, whereof the Party died feifedj and it feems he may have one Co7/7/t and one JdjJieafiire?ne72t, Qjj^cre how it fhall be made. 13 Hd. 4. Admenfuremefit 17. yet note -j R. 2. ibid. 4. the Defendant was put to anfwer^ notwithftanding this Exception. rhe Rea- '^^^^ Reafon why the Writs muft be fon why coram Jnfliciariis^ where the Lands are tioeWrt is j^ feveral Counties, is, becaufe the She- ram ju- nlt'> of two Counties cannot fet out a fticiariis. perfcd TJotven for they cannot meet I "' out out of their Cities, in order to do it ; and the T>ower might have been Right in the whole, though it was out of Pro- portion in one of the Counties ; there- fore there is no corroding 'Dower fet forth in two Counties, nor confidering ' it whether juft or nor, but only by con- fidering it cora?n Jujiidariis ; but the Tenants muft have feveral Writs, be- caufe an Inqueft muft be taken before the JtLJiices in feveral Counties j but tho' there be feveral Writs, yet the Count muft be upon them all, becaufe the Qiieftion before the Court, is touch- ing the Aflignment of the "Dower, which is one entire Thing ; and there- fore the Judgment muft be of the Af- fignment upon all the Writs, tho' the Inqueji muft be feveral upon each of them. It feems the hiquefts muft be taken in every County, where the De- fendant is dowable, of how much more or lefs than a Third is alTigned in every County ; and upon comparing all the Inquefts returned, the Jttflices are to give Judgment, that the Heir ftiould recover thofe Acres that were over af- figned, and by the Confequence of that Judgment, the Defendant will hold the reft as a reafonable Dower. jcj^^ ,j^ And, it feems, that in the Coimt the condu- Conclulion is, Et mde prodncit fi^^^^'/tl"cM 0" muft bet 3^4 0f ^ovott. 6 pt'tit admtjifuratio7iem dxc. as in the Count of Admcafurcment of Pafture | and if the Dowrefs can plead nothing in Bar of the Admeafurement, her Man- Uonv the ner of pleading is, T^e^iit & T>efendit f/F'^I^' '^'i^fi & ?/^;//r qimJido:, (^c. & co/icedit admcj2\uYatio?ie7u pr<£d. fieri -^ (jc, idco The a- pr^ct-piivi eft lic, (of the feveral Coun- the Writ ^^^^^ ^^'^^ ciffiimptis fectwi I 2 lih, CD' ' legal. ho7//imbi/Sy (jc. per qiiosj (jc qui ncc^ (be- in propria perfoiia fiia acce- dant ad pr^dictam terrain admenfu- randam^ (j quod per eornm facrtim ad- menjiirari fact ant terrain illa?/i, it a quod pr^di^L IMfend, nil Weat in ilia plus ifi dotem^ quavi ad ipfam perti7iet hahe7idiwi^ fecundnm dotaUlem dot em ftmn^ (b admenjtiratiojievi qnain^ (jc- Scire facias hie tali die fiib figillo^ &c. figillis, &c. When the Writ is returned, it is en- tered up in this Manner, How TER quod pr^diBfis vie, adtuiic CJ try is to i^idevi admenjjirari fecerit terr. illam^ be, ^\yQii tain per di^cretionem jiiam^quam per fa- thc Writ ^^.'^^;/^ 1 2 pYoh. (J legalii/m hominnm ad cd. hoc jurat* qui dicmit juper [acramenttim fuuiiij quod in mlla de H. x. acr^s terra funt affignatiC prted' Uefend. plus quam ilia habere debet^ (j plus quam ad ip- fam pertinet habendum jecundum ratio- nabilem dotein juam:, and then the Judg- ment is^ ^^od (the Heir) recuperet x. £icras tsrVi^ prc^diUas, And And where the Lands arc in fcveral f^^'jf^^ tounties, there arc fcveral Inqucfts, and '"^"'^'' one entire Judgment i for the Number of the o'verphs Acres are contained in all the tnqucfts. Kafialh E/itrlcSy Ad- meaftirefnent de ^afi, fol. 2i» And for the Guardian^ the Writ is thus, Q^teflta eft mhis A. Cufios t'err^ & h£- Wrir for red, C. quod B. qt/a fnit uxor pradi'ci, ^Jl^^^J""- C. plus hahet in dotein ipftus^ &c. ita quod non haheat plus in dotein^ (^c, & quod pradiB.^ Cuflos haheat-, &c» ne am- plius^ &c. t'ejiey &c» And when the Plea is iii the Coun- when the ty, the Plaintiff may remove it with- Piahtiff out any Caufe fet forth in the Writ ; ;j;j;;;; and the Defendant may likcwife vc-Kvitbcut' tnovc it without any Caufe in the Wrir.^'"''""^ •. Ti 1 • ''forth /t as m Replevin. Reaforj. And if the Writ be removed into The Pro- the Common Pleas, by a Tone, i^ndlfjj;^ i?rocefs be awarded againft the Defbn- the Ad- dants, according to the Statute, which ^'4»^'-^, is Sujmnons^ Attachment and i)ijfrefs^ Z7dii " (jc» then the Sheriff Cannot make the Admeafurement, but toi extend all the Landsj particularly, and to return the fame into the Common Picas; and Q e there* 586 thereupon the Ad7Jieaj'urcme7it iliall be made by the Jufticcs. And if the Guardian affign for Dow- er to the Wife, more than llic ought X to have, and afterwards grants over his Eftate, his AlHgnee fhall not have a Writ of Admeajnrement, Note thefe Points following are well refoived. Where the Flrf},^ If the Quavdiau alTign T)ower^ Gyantee to ^,, J arants ovcr the Ward, the Grantee have the ~ , , , . , p ^ Wvit. liiail not Jiave Admeajurement, Where the Sccoudly^ If thc J?iceftor adlgns T)oz^- Heir, and ef^ aud dlcs, thc Qnardian of his Heir cLnSw ^^^^ never have Admeafuremeiit^ but to have u. his Ht/f fliall have iti but this feems to be in Cafe whicre thc Anceftor was within Age at thc Time of the Alfign- ment. Where the 'j'blrdl}'^ Whoro the /OV/^ feifes a |l7/til" //'j;W, to which he hath no Right, the it. Guar diem lues an Oufter U maiii^ and lias it, faha dote^ it feems, in this Cafe, the Guardian fliall have Admeafure- ment i otherwife it is of the Aflignec Where the O^ GrautCC of thc King. J R. 2, Ad- Heir jioaii meaftireiiieiit 4. Note there alfo, if the ^AMe^'' ^J(/A^/yor endow the Wife cf more than The Ilea- a Third Part, the Hdr fnall have an *JayTtlil^ The Reafon is, bccaufe the Grajitee it, and not comes iu Under the Gnardia?!, and thcre- the^eir, ^ ■ ^^^^^^^ bv his Acts ; but if tlic Helv at fus Ttiil J • -' ^/e. be be of full Ag'j, and affigns TJozt'cr^ and dies, his Heir fhall have no Writ of Ad?/ieafm'e7/ie7it ^ tho he afTigned too inucbj becaufe he is bound by the Ad . of his Anceftor,- but if the Heir ^'^iftheHeir within Age, and affigns Dower, and he wUhin dies, his Heir being of full Age, hc^^^^^^- ihall have a Writ of Admeafuiemcnt, becaufe his Anceftor was not bound by his Ad, during the Minority i but if the Heir be within Age, when he af- figns Dower, and dies, leaving an Heir within Age, fuch Heir fliall have an Admeafuremcnt when he comes of full Age, when he may be thereby bound ; and the Qiiardiajz lliall not have there- by a new Admeafurement during the Minority, becaufe he muft take the E- ftate in the Condition the Anceftor left it, tho' fuch Aifignment of the Anceftor was to the Prejudice of the Guardian. And if the "Diffeifor endows thcJVife^'^g of more than a Third Part, the Heir jj^aii haze fliall have an Affife, becaufe he had no^"4I^/«- Right to alTign 'Doiuer:, and therefore the Wife does not come in under a Per- fon who had Power to make an AfHgn- mcnt, quoad that Part \vhtch is more than her Dower,- fo that in that, ilie is looked upon as a Diifeifor i and by Gonfequence the Heir may have an Jf- Q c 2 And 3 88 £)f 2Dotbcr; Where the And fo if the Heir, within Age^ a^ fjaTkive ^^gr's to the Wife more in TDotver than a Writ of ihc ought to have, (jc. the Gt/ardiaji Mmea. i^ Right may have a Writ of Jdmea- Doaver, jiiremtrit i but ir he Grants over hisE- but not his ftdtc, his AJfigiiee, who is Guardian in ^^^gnec, p,^^^^ £^^jj ^^^^ j^.^^^ ^j^^ ^j.-^.^ becaufc it was a Thing in Action given to him, and the Heir fball have a Writ of Ad- meafurement of Uozver for Dower af- figned in the Tmie of his Anceftor, hoc lideturi if the Anceftor was within Age at the Time, (f;c. Where the And if a Jfo7//au bc endowed in utefhl" ^^^'^^^^^y by ^^^^ -^^"^4?, the Heir fliall j^Jt)' have a Writ of Jdmeafnremerit again ft and the her, if llic has more a{%ned unto her Vo^ReLdy ^"^^ l^owcr than Hie ough't to have. If hyAffife,^ upon Recovery of the Third Part in *«'^^.^*^'- Dower, the Sheriff afllgns a Moiety, the Tenant hath no Remedy againft the Sheriif by JJfijt\ but he may have a Scire facias to alfign Dower de iwjo. 23 R, 2. E:ozver alTigned by the Infant, more rot to be than was ncccifary, jliall not be avoid- "^^Jf/'^^y cd by Entry. Vide 10 Ed. 3. 21. Tiozv- "'^' er ftiall not be admeafured by a Writ of Z)oavr. 19 Ed, 5. 2:^iiir€ Imped it y The. The Reafon is., when the Feme re- ^^'^^re the covers ^otuej'y and the Sheriff aifigns it ,Jn^,j by Award of the Court, and by the In- wo m-ong- queft of twelve Men, the Sheriff is no ^^H'u^f/ Wrong-doer, tho' he afligns more than car} have her Share, fo that the Heir can liave »» -^IPf'- no Jffife ^gainft him, but he muft ap- ply himfelf to the Court for a new Inqueft ,• and therefore muft call in the j^^ y^, 'Tenant in "JDozvcr^ by Scire facias, vant to he And when the Heir afli^ns, during his f'^'"^^, '" Minority, more than is neceflary, he tlcias. cannot, at his full Age, avoid it by Entry, becaufe Part is well aifigncd, fince flie was intitled to fome Dower, and confequently he cannot avoid, but quoad the Overplus, and fuch Overplus cannot be diftinguifhed till it be afl- meafured. Secondly^ This Affignment was fup- Artjjpjrn- pofed to be done with the Approba- ^'"[ "/ tion of the ^ares of the Heir's Court, /^^^^/J^^^ and fo could not be avoided without *« ^or^e an Inqueft ; but if the Wife brings a j;;;',^'["' Writ of T)owei\ and the T>ozver be fet avoided out under the Diredion of the Court, *"' h the Heir (hall not have Jdmcafure- ^"'^'"'■^' ment when he comes of full Age, be- caufe it is fuppofed the Court will take Care of the Intereft of the Infant ,• therefore its Adt cannot be impeached, tho' the fnfe had thereby more than C c 3 ihe 390 M ^omt. the lirir ^"lySrir ^^'^ ought i but J^^m'e whether the Tnlyhave Hcir w.ay Ho't havc a Scire facias, if a Scire facias, ?JOt-lv:th~ ftavdh-.g menftire mien the Shcriijf has fet out in ore than he jught i and if the Guardian do aiTign 7Joiver more than fhe ought to have, in ir.qi^ej}. i\-^Q Hcir, during his Nonar*^, fhall not havc a Writ of i\dineaiurement ; but if he himfclf docs, (jc then it fcems rea- fonable that he himfelf, during his Non- age, .may have the Writ of Adnieafure- nient of Dower. J^i/^ere tamui. Improve' But if the Wife, after the AlTignmcnt ihe Tenant ot Ijovjef, clo lOiprove the Land, ana in Lower, ^yiol^Q jt bcttor tliau it was at the Time TJhenfrcm of tho Alfignnicnt, an Admeafurement her by Ad- docs not llo of that Improvement. 14 //. 3. Admeafi.ireme72t 10. 13 £. i.ihid, 37. but if the Improvement be by Cafualty, as a Mine of Coals, or of Lead, which are in the Land, (^c. which have been occupied in the Huf- band's Time, the Doubt is the more ; but {he fhall not ^ig new Mines, for that would be W^afte. The T)ifti7iBio7i^ touching the Mine, Veme^ta- fccms to bc this, That where a Mine ie;i, as to j^ ^^^ opcn, {hc cannot work it at all, Sc^u of becaufe it will be Wafte^ if it be open, improve- j^d in W^ork, it fccms to be only a ca- TcafolJual Profit i and a cafual Profit fliaii tu not avoid an Aflignmcnt, or be fo ad- mcafured as to vacate it, fince it is not Z)#' £)f SDoVbci:. 391 not certain to continue during the Life of the T)ozv]'efs i and therefore not to be com]3uted into the Vtiliie of that Part which flie poiTelles, unlefs the Va- lue was cocxtcnlive with the Eftate which flic is to have in it. And if the j7iceftor dieth fcifed, and^^'' the Hushcmd die before he entereth in- [ndo.j!d\ to the Land, yet the Wife fliall be en- '^'^' the dowed, tho' her Hnsband had but a f f ;f ^ PolTelTion in Law. Vcjfejpon. But a Man fliall not be T^e7ia7it Aiicer of by the Curtefy of Land, if the Wife ^ ^'^"""^ had not a Poifeinon in Deed,, if it be A'/^ not in Special Cafes, as of an Ad-vov:- fo7i^ of ^e7it^ where flie dies before the Day of Payment. And in that Cafe, if the King's Te- na7it die feifed, and the Tcr-tcnant dies before he enters, then the Wife fliall be endowed. But if the Hdr enters and intrudes wheve the upon the King's PoiTelHon, and after- ^/^ «ot wards dies before he fueth his Livery^ dJjed"' the Wife fliall not be endowed by the r^here the Statute of Tvcerog. Reg, c. 1 2. which ^'^'j '"" is, that if the Heir intrude upon thQtZiCi^o'" King's Poffeilion, that 7iiillnni accrefcit Pof^JpoK. ei lib. te7iemc7itnvi. Where a Womajz takes a Lcafe for Years of Land, fiie fliall not be endowed of the (iime Land, during the Term i accordingly C c 4 where 392 £)f Dotbtt, me'lo' ^^^^^'^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ the Commitment }>( embiv- o£ the Wardlliip from the Grant of the ed, tbo' the Kingj without any Execution of IJoivery fe'^naii ^^^ ^'^^^^ ^c ^^'^rc^ ^^ T^omr, during iej^ ij the the Nonage of the Heir. 6 //.4.7. But Beir he jf x\\c ^Baroii be attainted, and dies, ^'^^" ' and the Wife takes a Leafe for Years of the Land, from the Grant of the King, the Heir of the Husband being aifo in Ward of the King for other Tenements that were intailed ; and af- terwards by Aft of Parliament, or Repeal pf Judgment, thcHdrls reftor'd, now Ihe jliail have hci' T)otveri for that the Leafe was made before the Title of T^otver commenced. So if J. makes a Leafe to a Feme for Years, and afterwards they intermarry, J, dies within the Tcrip, his jn/e (hall be endowed. 6 II, 4. 7. 8. Sir yoJm Cornwallis's Cafe, ^yer q6. X^'nant at Will ihall l^c in ^Oiver of the fame Lands. The Rea- The Rcafou pf this Cafe is, bccaufe /flfl itereof, when thc jr/fe takes a Term, or has a Term in the Land, by her own A(ft, ilie agrees to hpld it under the Kefervation of the Rent ^ therefore jlic cannot af- tcrvvards recover a Freehold in that E- flatc, which would make a Merger of the Term, qwnd that third Part i and by Confcquence take away the Sccuri» ty vyhich the Heir had for his Rent, fmpj fmce he could not afterwards diftraln ^'^''f ^** in that third Part for his Rent, c\nd ^^i^f^^/' therefore fuch Term will be a Bar to of a Term the Wife's recovering T^ozvtr in ^^^^^{^''p*^^ Land, fince ilic has covenanted with Aiiter the Ilcir to hold of him in another "/ '^^ ^'- Manners but though the Wife were;'^^;„^ Tenant at Will, ilie may bring T)ozuer, at wui. bccaufe the bringing the Writ is a De- termination of the Will. And where the Eftate, which the Husband hath during the Marriage, is ended, there the Wife fliall lofe her T)ozver» As i( Tenant in Tail do difcontinue ^^:^^^'^^;J in Fee, and afterwards taketh a Wife, ic/e her and diflcifeth the Dicontinucc, or the ^o^'j; h^ Pifcontinuee doth enfeoff him, and af- ^;,J,'j!" ' terwards the Tenant in Tail dieth fei- 1 inrt.;x. fed, his Heir is remitted, and the Wife ^y*-'" ^^° fhall lofe her ^ozver^ becaufe the Heir is feifed of another Eftate of Inheri- tance than the Hnsha?id had during the Coverture. Vide infra. And fo if a Man have a Title of Ac- vnere the tjon to recover any Land, and ^f^^r- /^/^f^*** wards he entereth and diifcifcth t\\Q vower.tbe Tenant of the Land, and dieth feifed, ^^j**'^'* and his Heir entereth, his Heir is re- {^"^cifor, mitted unto the Title which His An- ceftor had, and the Husband's Wife fiiall lofe her Dower, for the ElUitc which the Husband \ii\(l is determined ^ for 394 ^f 2Doti)er. for that was an Eftate in. Fee by Wrong, and the Heir hath the Eftate in Fee, vviiich his Anceflor had by Right. According; to this Diverfity. Vide lo Eci' 3. 27, v/i^ye the If a Man makes a Gift in Tail, re- iVifeofthe^Qxy'iii^ a Rent to him and his Heirs, f°zi7mt ^"- afterwards tlie JJo/wr hath a Wife, ie endowed and diclh, and the T'ena7it in Tli// dieth oj ^ ^^"*' without Iffue, the Wife of the Donor ^ExtlrS^ lliall not be endow'd of the Rent5becaufe the Rent is extinft ,- for it was referved upon the Eftatc-tail, which is ended ^ but altho' that the Tenant in Tail dieth without Iffue, yet his Wife lliall be en- dowed, becaufe the Land continueth, and is not determined, as the Rent is. Where the JV. ^. If a Rent be granted to J. S^ ^/^^^'^fand his Heirs, upon Condition that if er'^Mj a " thc Grantcc or his Heirs be within Age, Ron, but the Rent fliall ccafc during their Non- ccmio'"''' ^gc> ^^^ ^^'y'^ ^^^^ recover 7Jozver of during the the Rt?it againft thc Ter-tcnant i but Nonage ^^jp,f exec lit io during the Nonage. 12 nJr E* ^* Co?iditio7iyTerki72s foL6^, Tl'^-'ii' Whevstie If the Grandfather dies feifed, and f^/« "/ after the Father dies fcilcd, and the tautr ^^^^ hath the Land, and then the Wife 'havejiiw- of the Grandfather is endowed of the J!ttthevi the Wife of the Father fliail not have third Pari. Dower of thc third Part. !^da dos de dote peti 7io7i debet. The The Tiowrefs holds of the Heir ^ but by the Inftitution of the Law, flic is in of the Eftatc of her Husband ^ fo that after the Heir's Afifign men t, fhe holds by an Infeudation from the im- mediate Death of the Husband : Hence it is that Tiovoer defeats T>efcent^ be- ^^^'^^ ^^^ caufe the Lands cannot be faid to ^^- jeaaDe- fcend as Demefnc, which arc in Te-Af«^ niirc, and the AfTignment of T)ower being in Nature of I?ifetidatio7i^ and taking Place immediately from the Death of the Husband, there arc only two Thirds which defcended as Dc- mefne : Hence the Maxim arofe that there could not be 2)ox ex dote \ for if ^'^*]^^, there were Grandfather, Father and Son, not he ck ^c. nt fupra^ the Mother was not in- dote, titled to be endowed of a third Part of that Third, bccaufe it was in Tenure of the Grandmother, during the Life of the Father, and he was never feifed of it. But if the Qva7idinother had died, m^ere/s* during the Life of the Father, the f f ^.^^ Mother mould be endowed j becaute endo'tiieL the Tenure of the Dowrcfs's Grand- mother was determined, and fo was Demefnc in the Life of the Father. So if the Qrandfather had enfeoffed the Father, and died, and the Graiid- mother had recovcr'd IJower of the Father. 396 £>f SDotber. The lih Father, and then theFather died, thcM«- Part-lbicb ther fiiould be endowed, not only of the the Grand' Eftatc in PofTcflion, but of one Third ZTl inRevcifion, ofthat Part (ciz.) which Di'wer. the Grandmother held in ^Jozvtr^ bccaufe the aclual Scifin of the Father, by the Feoffment, was before the Tenure of the Grandmother took Place upon the Eftate, tho' the Title to fuch Tenure was precedent ,- therefore the I'itle of the Grandmother does not avoid the Seifin of the Father^ which he attain'd by the precedent Livery, but only bur- thens it with an Eftate for Life ; fo that the Seifin of the Father^ in this Cafe, being not defeated by the Te- nure of the Gnuidmother, as it was in the former Cafe, fuch Seifm muft there^ fore be eftcemM to have Continuance during the Coverture ; and from this Notion it is clear, that if Tenant in Tail difcontinucs, and after takes a mfl\t '^^^'^'^^^ ^"^ diljeiles the T>ifconti?mee^ the 3ifei- and dies, his Wife fliall not be endow*d5 ^y/oiver ly by Metes and Boimds^ quoad the Heir ^ j^^J^^^^^"'* becaufe it is a Tenure of the Heir, and therefore muft be divided from his Dc- mefnes. And if a Wife be endow'd of a Mill, How to y or of an Olhce, flie ihall have the third '^-^'^^^f 'f Part of the Profits thereof afTigncd to an 0^\e.^ her, and fhe iliall have a Freehold in the third Part of the Mill, (jc. ill. 4J. E^l* A Woman at the Age of Nine Years, or more, at the Death of her Husband, fhall have jDozver of his Land; but if fhe be of lefs Age, 6v,. then (he fhall have no Doiver. If a Wornaji be endowed, and after Tenant in lofcth it by an Action tried, if ilie prays ^«"^."'. in Aid of him in the Revcrfion, ^(^Xdcfhim ihall be endowed of that which remain- '» R^^r- eth. Vide 4 E. ^. ij, 36. 10 £. 3. 7- tl ,t" yet there feems this Diverilty, if 2i dewed. Wife be endowed by a l^iffeifbr^ fhe ihall have the Warranty ^ but if the Rever- 398 £)f iDOllbet; Reverfion of thofe Lands be only gran- ted over by the Heir, fhe hath loft the Warranty againft the Grajitee. 17 E. 3. 7. 21 E. 3. 48. 10 £. 3. ^lid jw ris^ 41. toiver cf If the H?isha7id exchangeth Lands, LanHaeid^^^ and aftcrwards dieth, if the Wife change., have IDozuef of the third Part of the Land taken in exchange, flie fhall not have TDozver of the other Lands, (jc, which were given in Exchange. Where a If a Woman be Gnardia/i in Socage^ Sr^L^ and llie brings a Writ of Doa^er againft pe holds a Stranger, he may plead that ilie hold- Lavds in Q^h Lands in Socage^ of which {he may ^^^^ ' endow herfelf de la pirns Seale^ and then upon that the Wife may endow herfelf of thofe Lands, unto the Value of the third Part, which flie ought to have of the other Lands which the Guardian holdeth, (jc\ Whether And whcthcr fhe may endow hef- Jhe may f^lf dt' kl pluis Bedky UUtO thc Vd" Jeipof^" lue of the third Part, which flie ought Lands de to have of all her Husband's Lands or Bcai^'' *no, (hme. For fome hold that Dower dc la plnis Beak fliall endure but du- ring the Minority of the Heir which is in Ward. Where the ^hc Sou would havc cndow'd ills «»lw"cT Wife of a Reverfion of Land, which afli-nru one held for Life, ex ajjhifn patrisi P""s- 2 and and held not good, ]\L 4. E. 3 - bccaufe it was not in Poflelfion, whereof a Right of 1)ozver may be claimed. And the Writ of Dower e^c ajfenfu ^'here patris lies as well againft the Guardian *!'.''* ^'''"''^ as againft the Tenant of the Free- hold. If the T'e7iaut fore-judge the Mefi/e, v/here the yet the Mefne's Wife iliali be cndow'd. ^f'f' "f If a Man recovers in Value againft the ^reLntio Husband, by a Warrct72tj! ancejirel^ yet he endorjf^ the Wife lliall be endowed, bccaufe ^^^• the fame is by Force of the Warranty made, and not by Reafon of a para- mount Title to the Land. Where the Hushcmd's Lands are ev'ic- ^^.^^g fj,g ted by a Title Paramount, the jrife ^'f^ f<^»- cannot be endow'd, becaufe the Jfy^'Zj^'"^ cannot be intitled to an Infcudation_, Lands where the Husband is not intitled to ^^'^t^^ h the Land it(l:ilf j but if Land be re- p^ J_ * cover'd by Way of Recompencc in Va- niounh lue, either by Homage ajiceftrel^ or otherwife, fuch Rccompcnce binds the Land only from the Judgment of fuch Land being preccdently bound. By the v/here pe Wife's Title to her Dower, flie iliali >^^'^-'^"^ 1 I T-v p 1 T 1 Dcwer cut have her Dower out ot the Lands re- of Layids cover'd in Value ; and if the Wife be riccvered evi(fted in any Part of thofc Lands af-"* {igncd unto her for her Dower, ilie is intitled to recover in Value againft the Aliignor 406 ^f k^oi^tt. ^ Affignor of Dower, be he DifTeifor or Heir ^ becaufe it was not an Infeuda- tion of that Third to which ilie was intitlcdj but ilie iliall not recover a- Pst a- g^inft the Heir's Gra^itee o{ the Rcfidvie fahij} the of the Lands, becaufe he did not make GraJtee. ^^^^ Infeudatiop, and the I'enure is not in him, but the Revcrfion ftill conti- nucs in the Heir ; and albeit, the Heir had granted the Revcrfion of the third Part, yet ilic could not recover againft tlie Grantee^ becaufe the Heir could not grant over the Rcverfion, without her Attornment ,• and ilie is not obliged to attorn, unlefs fach Gra7itee of the Revcrfion will enter into a Warranty to defend her Eftate ; and it feems that the Recompcnce which the Wife has, is only againft the Perfon who made the Aifignmcnt of Dower, and doth not touch any Eftate not fubje(5t to fuch Infeildation. The younger Son iliall not aifign T)otuer to his Wife, ex ajjefi- ju patris of the Father's Laiid, becaufe no Heir apparent. n'lat The Endowment ad ofiiujn Txclefi£^ Vo'^tf Qj-^ ,,v. njfcrifii Tcitris^ are particular Ecdcfix, Infcudations in the Life of the Huf- ard ex band, though to take Place after his facris! D^^ccafe, and therefore the Ulfe may enter without any Aifignmcnt of the //t7>'5 or any further Specification of 2 th^ the Father, than what was contained in his original Deed ,• becaufe the Te- nure was erected in the Life of the Husband ,• and none can endow in this Manner, but the Heir apparent; becaufe no Body elfe can be certainly intitled to the Demefne, and therefore they cannot make fuch Sort of Infendation out of them, nor could the Heir do it, without the Alfcnt of the Father; becaufe the Demefnes are in him, nor could the younger Son even in So- rotigh JEngUfl) do it, becaufe there may Co. Lfr be a younger ,• and thefe Sort of Dow- 55- *• ers were fo conftituted as to take Place pZrp7fe'' at all Events, either in the Life oicovptHted the Father, by his AlTent, or after his Death by the Infeudation of the Huf- band. if the Ht4sha7id enters into Religion, a Wife the Wife fhall not have "Dower ^ ^x^^ixY^gnottohAve his Life ; for the entering into Reli- J'^^lci- gion is only a Separation, and no Dif- t^ii 'Death folution of the Marriage ; and if he "^ *f^ . were dermg7/ea, he may enter upon his and why, Eftate again ; and it feems the Eccle- fiaftical Law will give the JVife Ali- mony, during his Life , but fhe can- not have a fcparate Intereft, by Way of Dou^er^ during the Marria^^e. The Wife fliall have the Third Part of an Advowfon for her Dower : If D-d tha 402 €>f lootbet* May lofe ([iQ Wife do clopc fiom her Husband^ I'yAdT''^^^ remain with tlie Adulterer, fhe tery. lliall lofe her Dower. But not ;/ J^ut if flie remain in Adultery, upon ;ijtf h upon the Husband's Lands or Tenements, the Land. ^^ jj^^^ \^^^q Tiowef ^ bccaufc the fame is not an Elope7ne7it. How the By the old Vetidal Lnzv^ the Vaf- %tI^Znf^h if he committed Adultery wiih Viiiemge his Lord's Wife, it was a Forfeit of wrtj in i^is p^^/dj and confcqucntly if the Wife of a Tenant committed Adultery, (he forfeited the Infeudation of her i)ozv^ er i but the fubfequcnt Laws put it upon Elopement ; becaufe by that the Adultery became flagrant, and they would not allow fecret Adulteries to be pretended after the Death of the Husband, by which the Heir blemifli'd the Reputation of his Anceftor. i/ocy pe If the Husband be attainted of Fe- lerDoifer ^^^^^^ t>y Outkizvjy^or: otherwife,flie fliall before the lofc hcr ODozven J^ide the Common Laivwai Law alter'd in this Cafe, i E,6. c. altered. 1 E. 6. I 2. c. 12,9. When the Hnshajid's Eftate efcheat- Co. Lin ^^ ^^ ^he Lord for Felony, or to the 9t 55- 44- King for Trcafon. there was an End of the Wife's Dower, becaufe the King or Lord came in by Title Paramount, and the Eftate of the Husband was at an End, out of which the Infeudation was 4 to to be ; fo if the Husband had enfeoffed ^^'" i^'« any Perfon, and had committed ^rea-^Z"'' fou or Felofiy J flie could not haveDcwej-y claimed her T>otoer from the Feoffee ^*^''^'°^''' becaufe the Feoffee after the Death of the Husband, held of the fuperior Lord,- and the Eftate of the Husband^ which he had during the Coverture, is for- feited ; but if the Husband had not committed the Treafon or Felony, then ilie might have claim'd her T)ozver of the Feoffee^ tho' fince the Statute of ^ia Emptores, the Feoftee holds of ^^^ ff the fuperior Lord, becaufe the Isl^x- fince the riage is confidered as a Charge upon the statute Eftate to any Perfon that comes in the Emp*torcs ^er y as under the Conveyance of Terra- the Husband, and therefore the Wife's ^""^* Dower was confider'd as an Infeudatioa charged on the Eftate of the Feoffor; but if the Husband had committed a Forfeiture after Feoffment, it would have work'd as an Efcheat of the Mef- nalty, and confcquently the Feoffee would have held of the Lord Para- mount J and the Wife could not there- fore have had Dower j but where there was no Forfeiture, the Mefnalty had a Continuance, and then the Wife's Dow- er was to charge the Feoffee^ as a prior Infeudation ariiing out of the Marriage Contrad. D d 2 But 404 €)f iDOtbet; The like. But after the Statute of 2,^ia E7/ip- tores ^ &C' this Diftindtion, which arofe out of the Mefne Tenure, be- came obfolete ; and therefore they thought, fince the Husband could not by his Alienation, defeat the Wife*s Dower, fo neither ought he by his Ad of Forfeiture ,^ therefore, agreeable to this, the Statute of i E. 6. c» 12, was made to preferve the Wife's Dower where the Husband had forfeited. jVife of a If one 'i}oi?ite7infit makes a Forfeiture fointe- of bis Part, his Wife lliall not be en- ^^"^' dow'd, becaufe the Husband was never fole feifed. The like. In that Cafe of Johitena^icy^ during the Joint Seilin, the Wife's Contra<^ of Dower can never attach upon the E- ftate i becaufe the other Jointenant comes in by the Feudal Contract, fu- perior to the Marriage Contraift, fo to the Wife's Infeudation j for though the Marrirge Contra(^ had been prior to the Jointenancy, yet it will not attach up- on it, becaufe the Eftate in Jointenancy is fo created, that it fiiould furvive, Et cu'pis efi dare ejusdem dtfpojiere-, therefore, though the Marriage were precedent, yet it cannot take Place up- on this Infeudation j but as foon as the fole Seifin commences, the Wife of the Feoffee fliall be endow'd, and the Wife of £)f 2Do»)er; 40 J of the former Companion of the A- lienoi'5 who is now become l!enant in Com?no7i with the Feoffee. Endowment ex ajfe^ifu inatris is good, ^«': ex but ex affe7ifii fratris^ is holden not^^t^jg good. and fra- And Dowment ex ajfe7zfu patris, af- ^^^^^-^.^ ^^ ter Marriage, is good. Dowment ex myitis, affenfu matris is good, becaufe the Son is Heir apparent of her Lands ; but ex ^h mt affenfu fratris is not fo, becaufe one f^^^^jf^"^^ Brother cannot be faid to be Heir appa- rent to another, feeing the Brother may marry, and have Children, and the Dowment ex affenjti,^ dye. is good, at any Time during Marriage • becaufe it is only afcertaining the Quantity of Infeudation, nor is there any Obje^ioii that this fliould over-reach a Purcha- fer ; becaufe. when ever an Heir Ap- parent is married, it is fufficient Notice to enquire into the Settlement of the Land of the Father. If a Man marry a Woman in a Chamber, Dowment ad ^^^^^^^^^ ojliwji Cavierts^ is not good. ■ Dowment ad oftiit7n EcclefiiS of the ^^fj^ ^ Moiety of the Land, is good. ^^°age t7^ And a Woman married in a Cham- have ber, iliall not have Dower by the Com- ^'''^"'* mon Law. H, 16 H. i, Qj^^sre of Marriages made in Chapels not confe- ^rated, ^c* for many are by Licence P d 3 from 406 £)f SOotbet. from the Bifhops married in Chapels, (j'c, and it feemeth reafonable they in fuch Cafes, ftiould have T>ozver. Mow Formerly they held, if they were formerly- ^^^ niarricd at the confccrated Church, that the Wife fhould not be endow'd ; becaufe the Contrad not being folemn- ly made, was no fufficient Foundation for an Infeudation j but afterwards, when the Solemnization of Marriages in confccrated Chapels were allow'd, £ *"' ^y i-^icence from the BilliopSi and when Tims- it came to be held that Marriages were good, tho' done in Private, and in un- confecrated Places, fince they held that the Sacrament depended on the Prieft, and not on the Place, they then deter- mined (fince that the Heir's Title to the Pemefnes depended on the fame Title as the Wife's Claim to Dower) that Dower was demandabie upon fuch pri- vate Marriages. jflg^i a And in fome Places the Wife fliall Moiety, havc the Moiety in ^ower^ as in Get- When tie And in fome Cities fhe fliall have all may be afligned by Law ; yet ''^^^^ ' at this Day, it feemeth that the AlTign- ment ad oftiutn Ecclefu^ of more than the Third Part, is good ,• and ilie fliall not be admeafured for it. TheReafon why inG//3//2^///t?'s Time, TheRea- Endowment ad ofi/i/m Ecckfi^e of more-^"" ."^ /^* • 1 r\ ^ r ancient than a Third Part was not good, fecms vfe»inthat to be, becaufe it hurted the Fruit of the ^'*^- Lord's Feudal Service, during theMino- rity, but fince it fublifts on a Contra(5l made on a Condition of Marriage, it ought to prevail, though it exceeds a Third ; and this is the Reafon of the latter Refolution. And the Wife iliall not be diftrain'd ^^«''^/* in the Lands which flie holdeth in T)ow- f^ jjf'"' er for the Debts of the Husband in his Deha dus Life due to the King, nor in the Lands '^^J^^'^ of Inheritance of the Wife, nor in the Lands, which fhe hath by PurchafCj made by the Husband, to him and his Wilott)et. diftrain'd by the Sheriff, fhe may fue forth this Vv^rit, The Form REJCclc, d;c* fahte7/2. Cum fectiu- t)f thac j;/;;2 l^gi^^ ^ confuettiSa 'Regni noflri R^g!* ^//g//'^, Mulieres in terris & tejmnefitis Prev. ' qua tenejit in dotein de do?w mroruvi idz. b. j]iQfiiyi^ ci^cl qji£ de hicr edit ate fua fmt n)el qtu fibi per qid fiver ant ^ pro debit i^ 'virorum [nor urn Reddendo di- jlringi 72on debeant^ Ac ^u B. qtia ftiit ■uxor A. diffiringis in terris & te/ie- me72tis has qtu tenet iii dotem de T>ono pYicdi^, A. cJ' etiam-i &c. qiice fiterunt de hicredit. ipfiiis B. ficidt ex querela, fud accipimus^ T^ibi pracipimns quod ipjam B. in terris (j tenemejitis fiiis quiC te72e7itur in dotem c'f/ fint de hisreditate fua propria ^vel ex perqui- fito ipjtus B. pro debito ipfius A. quofi- dam liri jni Reddend, ne difiringi fecer co/itra legem ^ confuetiidi^zem pYtsdi'ci. (J difiriliionem fi quavi^ &c» ei redeliberar facias^, T^efte^ (jc» 'Another There is another Form of the Writ; #w- jj^ ^\^Q Regiflcr for Tenant in T)owery which is diredcd to the Sheriff, com- manding him that he do not diftrain the Wife in thofe Lands which fhe hold- eth in U^ozver, or of her own Inheri- tance for her Husband's Debt^ but that Writ Writ hath thefe Words in the End of it, T>tmi ta?ne?i h^eredes & Exectitores with this tefiameiiti ipjius A. ad debit a ilia no- '^'fj'S"* his Keddenda^ fiifficiefit^ tion T)ifiri72g ; ^^^[ '^^ and by thefe Words in the Writ, it feemeth, that if the Heir or Executor, have not fufficient of Lands or Goods to pay the Debt, that the Wife fhall be charged, and the Debt diftrain'd for her Purchafe in the Joint Lands made by her Husband and her, but not in her Lands of Inheritance, nor in the Lands, wherein flie had Title of TJower^ before the Husband became indebted to the King ; and that the firft Writ is ac- cording to Law in thefe Cafes. But if the Htisha7id be indebted to^^^^^«^ the King before ilie hath Title of T)ow- ^/^ *£i*^^ er, it feemeth to be otherwife. Vide 4 -4ffife 36, 53. Jffife, 5 Tijer 224. Sir Williaj/i St» Lewis's Calb accor- dingly. And there h another Writ in the Re- ^ ^''' gifter for the Wife, directed to the J^^J ,>' Sheriff, that he do not diftrain her in the Landi Lands and Tenements which her Huf-j;;^;^^-^^ band and (he purchafed jointly ; before Baron and the Husband was indebted to the King, ^^"'°- if they purchafe the Lands jointly to them in Fee, the Lands, afrer the Death of the Husband, in the Handi pf the Wife^ and her Heir$, fhall 41 o £)f SDOttjet^ be difcharged of the Debt ^ and if flic be diftrained, that he deliver them again to the Wife. Where the And by the fame Reafon, tho' the M'ife Mds H/isha?id be before indebted to the difcharged ^i^^g^ that if he and llie purchafe the Kil% Land jointly in Fee to them, after the T)ebt. Death of the Husband, the Wife, and her Heirs, be difcharged of the Debt. Where Te- And there is another Writ in the Re- mnt in gifter, for Tenant in T>owerj direded ^o7Idi- to the Sheriff, that he do not dif^rain pvJmd the Wife for the Husband's Debts, be- •(or the caufe that the Heir, who ought to pay S/ the fame out of the Lands, is within Age, and in Ward to the King ; or be- caufe that other Tenants, who fhould be charged with the Payment thereof, are omitted. The like. And fo, it fecmeth, the Land of the Tenant in 'Dower fhall be difcharged, if there were other Lands of the Huf- band's to pay the Debts,- and, thofe Writs appear in the Reglfter^foL 143. Another And another Writ dirc(5ted to the She- Writ in Yiff^ that he do not diftrain the Wife Jtcr^X who holdeth Lands in "Boiver, for the to difirain Debts of the Husband, which he owed for the ^Q the liCing, before the Contrad of S/ Marriage between him and the Wife purchafed jointly in Fee, for the Huf- band's DcbtSj which he bccaii.e Debtor for jDf SDotbet^ 411 for before the Purcliafci and flie may have fuch Writ out of Chancery, di- rected unto the Treafurer, and Barons of the Exchequer, commanding them that they enquire thereof ^ and if they find the fame, that they furceafe and difcharge the Wife, with this Provifo of the Writ, ^ro'vifoj quod dehita ilia de Execut. (j" Hared. pr^diB. A. ac tenentihus tenartimqits fuerunt fiite (j' que dote a[fii^7ia7ida lieth, E M- where it is found by Office that the iignanda King's Tenant was feifed of Tenements Ueth. jj^ YqQj or Fee-tail, the Day he died, C^r. and held of the King in Capite, then the Wife may, and ought to come into the Chancery, and there make Oath, that ihe will not marry without the King s Licence ,• and thereupon the King may aifign her T>oiver in the Chancery of thofe Manors and Lands. MaftUgs There was to be no Marriage of the d/ Dow" powrcfs, durin'g the Nonage of the ''('■' Heir, Heir, that was in Ward cf the King, without the King's Licence,^ bccaufe, by the general Conftitution of the Feu- dal Law, every Feudatory of the Crown was to marry with Licence, that there might be no Difparagcment to the Family, whilft they were under the Care of the Crown j and the Dow- er being affigned by the Crown, was i^ccver 4- ' in the Nature of a Royal Infcudation,-/|"J^^J{,^^^ therefore under the fame NeceiTity to take out a Licence, and thereupon ilie fhall have a Writ unto the Efcheat- of, where the Lands arc, which fliall be thus, REX efcheaior fi/o in Co?/!. B. fa- The wri lut€?i2. Sclatis quod de T'erris (j ^^^-^^"^r'u^ . me7itis qudfitertmt N. defunUi^ qin <^^tor. nobis temiit in Cnpite^ (7 ^^/^ occajto- Reg. 726 mortis ejv,[dem N. capt. efi in via-^^^^''^'^ 72iim Jiofiram cijjign. J. qn^c fnit nxor pr^sdiU. N. tertiam partem vianer* de T. (^ C. in Com. T. cum pertinen- tiis^ 72ec7ion tertiam parte?n purpart, qu in !Bali'va tua die quo ohiit^ & pofl 7/wrtem ipfius B. iu fnan^ noflra\ exift. (jc* at fupra. B t And 41 8 M 2D0»)tt* And the J ike Writ may be fued by the Wife, for Lands which her Huf- band held by Knight-Service of the Ma- nor of him who is in Ward of the King, by Reafon of his Nonage j but there ilic fhall not make Oath that fhe will not marry, (jc, no more than in the precedent Cafe j em/a qaa^ dxc. And the King may aflign Lands in ^ower^ in the Chancery, rendering Rent yearly, (jc. to the King, becaufe the Lands do exceed the Value of the Third Part of all the Tenements, whereof ilie ought to have jDozver ;■ and then upon that Aifignment made in the Chancery, flie iiiail have fuch Writ to the Efcheator. Writ to KEX Efckeat, faL Sci^tisy qmd de the Ef. terris dy te^em€7Jtis, q7td: fuerti?it E. de where'^' ^'defmi^iyquide nobis temiit in capite^ there is (^ qii^ occajione mortis ejt/sdem E. cap- * ?*^" J f^ f^^^ i^^ ^fiMius noftras^ al]igna'vi?jws ^^^^^^ ' y[, q^^ fait uxor pr^sditi* E.- maner^ fnhfcripta^ mz* de B. C. cjc. cimi per- tinejitiis in Com, T. qus ad loo //- hras extend, per Ann* habend. in do- tenh ipfcim de terr. & tenement, pre- dict, jeciifidmii legem & cojijuetad, Reg- ni nojtri JngliiC^ co^itinge^it, Reddend. inde nobis per Atmumy ad Scaccarium nojlnmi tatltum^ quod excedit dot^m fu- pra- pneditiam. Ideo tibi prdcipimiis^ quod eidefn M. diU. ma72er. cum pertbieii- tits liheres : hahend in dotem [ttam^ iji forma pradiUa^ T^^ft^^ &c» And if the Wife be impotent, fo as llie cannot come into the Chancery, to make Oath, and to demand her UDozver ^VJ^ere to be alfign'd by the King, if ftie will de- ^'^l^^ ^ mand T^ozver^ (he may have a Spc- the dczv-^ cial Writ, dire(5ted to certain Perfons''^/^'-'^-''''' to take her Oath, and receive an At- torney for her, to fue for her X)oajer in the Chancery, de* the Writ ap* peareth in the Regifici\ /. 298. And if the King makes Livery unto the Heir, at his full Age, Hiving unto the Wife her T)ozve}\ to be aiilgn'd by Lively h the King, then if the Wife will dc- the Heir; mand i)ower^ fhe ought to fue for ^^'fvo'*/ the fame in Chancery ,• and if ,Oie do dc- Do®r-^ raand her "Dower there, then iliali iilue a Special Writ unto the Efchcator, that he may warn the Heir to bo in Chancery at a certain Day, (jc. and there the Wife iliall have the fume Day to receive her Dotver^ (jc, and the Writ which fhall iffue againd the Heir is, R EX Efcheat, faL Cum Ed. nuper Rex J7igliie^ 'Pater 710ft er 1 1 die Jan. 'fhe Wrii prox, prater* ceperit hoinaginii J. de B. ^hcar^or^'" filii ^ hm'cdis J. de B, d'funUi^ de in tiisf * E e 2 oumlhus ^^-^^ 420 £)f SDOlDet. Re?" onmlhus terr, CD' tenement, qu^e idem ^IV.'a. J' P^^^^^' f^i'^'^ tentdt de di'ct* patre 7ioflro die quo ohiit^ &c» & terras^ & telle 11 lent a ilia reddiderit^ ea qua fM viand, Uherari^ faho jure cujnflihet^ (J- faha M. qii^e fmt uxor pr^diU* J. rationahili dote fita ipfavi de terr, (^ tenement, prddift, fecnndim le- gem & C07ifiietijdi7ie7/i Keg7ii 7ioflri J7iglia; co7iti7igeht, (j ei pront 7noris efi njfignand, ficut per i7ifpe^io7ie7n Ro- ttdornm Cancel, nobis co7iflat^ ac prd- fat, M. 7iobis f/jpplicaozuer of thofe Lands, be- caufe the King made Livery generally of thofe Lands by his Writ, without any Refer vation of Dozv^r to be aflign'd by him, dxc* And if the King makes a Rcferva- tion of T)ozver^ to be afllgncd by him, by his Writ of Livery, which is direc- ted to the Efcheator, if the Wife ne- ver demanded Uotvef\ or if Hie have T>ower affign'd to her by the King in ^'''' f^'' Chancery ; yet after the AfiTignmentyJ'^^f^^^ made by the King, the Reverlion there- of a Re- of is in the Heir, and he fliall not fuc J'j/^'^^- Livery of that Reverfion, after the Death of Death of the Tenant in "Dozuer, be- Tem»t in caufe the Writ of Livery doth not re- ^°^^''' ferve any Thing to the King, but Alignment of T)ozvcr to the Wife ; but the Writ doth command the Efcheator to deliver Seifin of all the Lands, and that the Efcheator doth, and by that the Livery of all the Land palfeth from the King ; and therefore it fol- lovveth, that when the Wife is alTign'd her l^ozver by the King in Chancery, yet the R.cvcrllGn doth remain in the E c 3 Heir^ 42 2 i©f 2)otber; Heir J (!;c. for which he iliall not fue a new Livery of that Reverfion, after the Death of the Tenant in Dower, &c» tamcii ^i.(£re of that Cafe. 'Xhat the When the King's Feudatory dies, du- ^erf^aihe ^"^"° ^^^^ Minority of the Heir, the King llYeuda- is to perfed the Infeudation of ^Dower^ iior. of and therefore to make the AfTignment ; tT^lere. ^^'^^ ^ho' the King does not make the Airignment, during the Minority, yet lie may referve to himfelf the Power of Aliignment after the Heir's full Age, and that is a Prerogative for the Bene- fit of the Dowrefs, fince it may be better, and more compendioufly done by a Petition in Chancery, and fctting it out by the Efcheator, than by a Suit -at Law, which is fubjedt to great De- lay ; and therefore the King may, if he pleafes, on the Livery to the Heir, jnake an Exception of his Prerogative, touching the AlTignment of ^Dower^ and then the King fliall affign iJower tit the full Age of the Heir ; but then fuch AfTignment, being an Infeudation of the Dowrefs, in delivering the Dower out of the King's Hands j by Confequencc, the Heir need not fue IJvcry of the Reverfion ; but if the Powrcfs does not Petition, then the King often granted the Livery to the Heir, v^athout any Exception, touching his 0f SDottec. 423 his Prerogative of alligning Dower , and then the Dowrcfs was put to her Suit at Common Law, againft the Heir, if he did not alTign, becaufe Livery giving the whole Demefnes out of the King's Hands, into that of his Te- nantSj without any Referve, the King parts with his Power of making any Infeudations of that Eftate j and that muft be conftrued to be the Intent of the Livery, where it is without any Refcrvation, but the Onus of the Dow- refs follows it, into the Hands of the Heir, where (lie mud obtain it, as by Law ilie may. And if the Wife be afllgn'd T)ozcer ^here the m the Chancery, and afterwards it '^s ^'J^f jj'^" furmifed by the Heir, or by Another mit ta for the King, that the Land atTign d to '^* ^f- the Wife, is not extended to the very '/f^^^; ^ Value, but that the Land afligned neiu Ex- ilnto her, is much more in Value ''"^* than it is extended at, and that the Lands which remain in the King's Hands are extended to the very Value, ^r. then the King iliall fend a Writ to the Efcheator, to make a new Extent i and upon that Writ returned, if it be found that the Land aiTign'd to the Wife, is of greater Value, (^c. then upon re- turn thereof, a Scire facias ihall be awarded againft the Wife, to Hiew E c 4 caufiJ 424 ^f SDolber. Caufe wherefore ihe iliall not be a^ new endow'd, (j-c, and if (he be warn'd, and make Default, it feemeth flie iliall be a-new endow'd for the Default i or if flie appear, and cannot fay any Thing contrary to that new Extent, fhe fhall be endow'd a-new, fo as Part of the Land nlTignM to her, fliall be taken from her at the King's Pleafure ; or the King may make a new Aflignment of all that fhe had in Dower, if he pleafeth, and a new Writ fliall be to the Sheriff, to deliver her Scifin thereof, fo newly ailign'd to her. Where the Oliver 6 thc Ufc of this Point. liowrefs So if thc Dower of the Feme be Kr eviaed upon elder Title, upon the Re- facias to cord brought into Chancery, by which re-feize the ^Q was cviftcd, flic fliall hawcaScire facias to re-feize the Lands, and to be endow'd de no'vo of the Rcfidue, tho' after Livery made to the Heir, 43 Jjf, 32. it leems alfo, that if Dower be af- lign'd to the Wife, within Age, in Chan- cery, and after Livery is made to the Heir, flie may have a Writ of Dower of the Refiduc. 18 £. 3. 29. When thi And if the Wife maketh Oath that Kijpaii^Yic will not marry herfeif without thc fVrit^to King's Licence, and is endow'd upon the Ef- the fame, CJc\ -ind afteiwards flie marri- 're-}lZJ' eth without Licence, dr. then the King the Lands, fliall fhall fend a Writ to the Efchcator, that he re-fcize all the Lands which {he holdcth in Tiower^ as appearcth by the Re^Jfter^ and not all the other Lands which flie or her Husband had in their own Right ; and the Writ is, REX Efchent\ &c. Onn A. ^//^ The Form fuit uxor J. de B. defmcii^ qui de /^o-^rir.''' his tenidt in capitt\ qud mipcr jhcra- mentmn prctjiitit corpovak q?tod fe non merit aoerit L>iceiitia noflra fup^r hoc priiis 7ion ohtejitd^ nt accipiniJ^s tmnen fe fine tali Licejitia jiuper ?//arifuJft\ 710S contempt um hinnfmodi nolcntes tranfire iuipitnitmu^ tihi pr£t'cipim//'s^ ijwd fi ita ei% tunc terras^ O' tene- ment a om?iia qii^ pr^di^a A. tenet in dote?n de Hdredit, ipjiiis J. in 'Bali'va tna^ fme dilatione cnplas in vianus no- fir as ^ ita qitod de exitihus inde proi'eni- entihus nobis refpo?ideas^ ad Scaccariuvi fwftrimi qimifqne 7iohis de forisfaciurd ad nos ifide pro'vejiic^ite Jatisfa'cl. fnerit. ■vel aliud inde dnxeriin, demand* Tefie^ &c m 42 6 £>i a Witit De Quod ei De- forciat. 'HE Writ of 2!,^od el deforciat:, ■m^i^ it A \\K:t\\ where Tenant in Tail, or ^^' Tenant in Dower, or by the Curtefy, or for Term of Life, lofe their Lands by Default, in a Tr^cife quod Reddat^ brought again ft them, they have not any other Remedy, if they were fum- mon'd according to Law, (jc. but this Writ, which is given by the Stat, of IVcftm, 2. c, 4. and the Writ is men- tioned in the Statute. I'he Writ of Ojiod ei deforciat feems p,,„ to have arifen from the Inconvcnioncy Kvhff^c: it wTijch Wivcs fuftcr'd, by a Trick, to '^^^- dii^ippoint them of Tiozver -, for the Husband was wont to be impleaded by his Alienees, and lofe by Default^ and judgment being given for the Alie- nee to recover, on fuch Default of the Husband, his Seifin, he came in by Title Paramount, and therefore de- feated the Seifm of the Husband, and confcqucntly the Title of the Wife to Dower, and it was generally held that no judgment by Default, could be defeated, but' by tlie very Tenant ; and there- fore fuch was Mifchievous, not only to Tenant in Dower, but to Tenant for Life, end Tenant in Tail, that hap- pened De Quod ei Deforciat. 427 pcn'd to lofe by Default ; for they could not have a Writ of Right, bc- caufe they were not Tenants in Fee, fo this Statute gave them a J^uod ei de- forciat^ by which that Recovery could not bar the Demandant's Right, but the Defendant was oblig'd to fue an elder Title i but the Iffue in Tail could not have this Writ, 4)ecaufe he had his For- medon in the Difcender, by the Sta- tute T)e dofiisi yet the Writ or Count do not fuppofe any Recovery. 18 //. 6. 25. is upon loling by Default in a Ceffa'vit^ Reg, Br en), 171. and the fame is fuch, REX c;k\ &c. Tr^cipe A. ^//^^ rhcForm. reddat B. qf/a ftdt uxor C. nfiuvi ?ne/- fuagium cum perttJiejit, in N. qmd da- mat effe rationahilem dotein jua?/iy (^ quod idem A. ei ijijujie deforciat^ nt dicit^ dj^c. And if the Tenant in Frank-mar- riage bring fuch Writ, it is, j^od ju/ie, dxc* reddat^ (jc, quod cla7/jat effejus & maritagit/m fmm^ & qiwd idem J. ei injufie deforciat. And if Tenant in Tail. Tr^cipe^ dxc, quod cla?nat te/sere Jih\ & hared, de 4*2 8 De Quod ei Deforciat. de corpore [no exeuntihus^ ^ quod pY diui. A. ei iujujie deforciat, (jc* It is good, without fliewing whofe Gift it is in his Count. 29 E. 3. 47. 30 E. 3. 31. for the Writ is brought on- ^ iy after a Recovery by Default of his own Seifin j and therefore who made the Gift, is not material, but Matter of Evidence only ^ and confequently need not be fet out in the Count. And for Tenant for Life, the Writ is, Q^/od clamat te?iere ad teriniiitiiit m- t(£ fiu, (and if Tenant by the Curte- fy) Qtwd cltvnat teiiere per legem J71- gVu, That the ^^^^^ ^^^ Regifter is, That this Tnmvt iy\Slnt for Tenant by the Curtefy, is by treOirte- ^^qyity of thc Statute, and in this Man- ^t'Jdtothe ner, tho' not nam'd by the 24th Chap- ^Vrit- tcr of this Statute,- but if the Tenant in Tail, or fuch other Tenant, who hath a particular Eftate, lofe by De- fault, where he is not fummon'd, (^c. then he may have a Writ of Difceit^ or a Qfjod ei deforciat, as he pleafeth. Lojinphy If a 'Man lofe by Default in an Ac- DejMiit. tion of Wafte fucd forth againft him, he fhall not have a ^I'od ei deforciat, tor thc Verdiift which found the Wafte. Accord De Quod ei Deforciat. 429 Accord, as to Wafte, 3 H» 6. 29. by Rolf. 'Brooke^ Quod ei deforciat, 7. T)uhitatur* And if a Man lofe any Land by^^i^^?.^ Default, in a Writ of Right, in a Court- a mit^of Baron, he may remove that Record in- Right. to the Common Pleas, and have a ^f/od eii (jc. upon that Record. Be?/:, If he do not remove it ,• but then, it feems, that the £7/od ei^ &€. lliall be fued in the Common Pleas, or in the Court- Baron, were he lofeth the Land, as he pleafeth ; tamen ^{£re. Note '^ Upon a Recovery, by Dc- What n:> fault, in a Court-Baron, ^7Jod ei, (jcM"'" lies in the Court of the Kingi and therefore it is no Iffue to fay, N^d tiel Record -, but he ought to fay no fuch Record or Recovery, by which it appears that the Tenements were loft by Default. 2 ^. 4. II- 10 ^. 7. p. 6 H, In the 23^od ei^ &c, it was enough WLit for the Plaintilf to ihew that he was'^'y^/" Tenant for Life, by the Curtefy, or mfj'^if^f^ Dower, ^f. and he was not oblig'd to fet forth the Recovery in his Writ or Count, but that came on the Defen- dant's Side; and he might plead that there was no fach Record or Recovery in Abatement of the Writ -, for if there was no Recovery bv Defriult, then the Piaintifi 430 De Quod ei Deforciat. Plaintiflf has mifconceiv'd his Writ ; for he might recover by Aflize or Writ of Dower; and it would be impertinent to clog the Plaintiff's Writ or Count, with a Recovery by Default, becaufe that is Part of the Defendant's Title ; and therefore comes properly on his Side to fliew , and if there be fuch Re- covery, the Defendant muft fet it forth in Bar; and alfo his Title, as if it be by a Gift in Tail j and he had re- cover'd by Default, in a Formedon, he muft fet forth and fay, that he is Tara- tus manutemre jus & tittikim per do- num pradi5t» and the Defendant, by Way of Replication, may traverfe the Gift, or traverfe the Seifin of the Dower. Kaft' Entries 537. but the Plaintiff can never traverfe the Recovery, becaufe that is the Foundation of his own Writ i but if the Defendant traverfes it in Abatement of the Plaintiff's Writ, if the Record be in a Court-Baron, then it may be remov'd by a Recordari into the Common Pleas ; but if the Reco- very, by Default, be in a Court of Re- cord, it muft be remov'd by Certiorari and Mittimus, That it And the^oi, (jc. lies againft a Stran- lies againfi g^f to the Rccovcry J as if a Man reco- lefjZ vers by Default, and maketh a Fco^- ibeReco- mcnt after, the ^AoijC^t:. fhall dq brought *^7' 3 againft De Quod ei Deforciat. 431 againft the Fcoftee. 44 E. 3. 43- accord. T>Mtatur, 11 E, 3. 30. 2ucd And if a Woman lofe by Default, J^J^^«^ «# and taketh Husband, he fliall have|^^/^^: the ^n/ody &c* but if Tenant in Tail medom. lofeth byDefault, (jc. his Heirs fhall not have a Writ of ^wd^ (jc. but a For- msdon^ for that is his Writ of Right. Where a Woman hath Dower ^^'^^Sk fign'd to her in Chanceiy, for the^^J^j^^ Nonage of the Heir, who is m Ward^'>^'- of the King ^ and afterwards the Heir, at full Age fucth a Scire facias in the Chancery, to avoid that Endowment, and recovercth on that Scire facias^ in Default of his Wife,- now the Wife iliali have a ^lod^ (^c. in the Com- mon Pleas, upon that Recovery. And fo if aMan recovers in the King's Tn^ '"^ Bench, any Land by Default, upon a Scire facias fued out of a E^ecord, which is there, the Tenant, who ioft by De« fault, ihall have his ^.^od ci, (^c- and fhall fue the fame in the Common Pleas. If two Coparceners, Tenants in Tail, ^^P^*-^ lofe their Land by Default, they fiiaii ^'' join in a ^.^wd eiy (jc. and yet the Default of one is not the Default cf the oth?r. M a6, E. 3> And 432 De Qiiod ei Defdrciiit. Temntfor 7\nd in a 'Praecipe qmd reddat^ if the Life, or In r-.^ . r i C ■ ri-t -i Tail ma- 1 cnaiit tor Lire, or in lail, appears^ hKg've- and after departs in Defpight of the fault. Court, he fhaii lofc his Land, and yet he iliali have a J^i/od ei^ (jc. for that Recovery was by Default, bccaufe he did not appear when he was demanded. Departure And if Tenant in Tail, or Tenant i"^£'s^*£or Life, after the Mife joined in a CoHTtl Writ of Right, depart in defpight of the Court;, he lofeth his Land, and there he fhall not have a ^/W ei de- forciat^ becaufe Judgment final iliall be given agaiiift him in that Cafe. TheRea- The Reafon of the Diftin(5tion in the foncf the foregoing Cafes, feems to be, becaufe Lifiimon, ^" ^ Trddpe quod reddat, in Entry, the Plaintift only recovers Seifin ; and thereupon, in this Cafe, the J^iod lies, which was intended in this particular Cafe, inftead of the Writ of Right for thefeTenantSi but where the iV/(/^ is join- ed upon the mere Right, and the Tenant departed in Defpight, C^c. Judgment Fi- nal was given againft him ; and there could be no new Writ cf Right ; there- fore in thefe Cafes, no new Writ of Q//od ei deforciat was given in Lieii thereof. iBaron anci If the Husband and Wife be feifed of ^""'- Lands, in Right of the Wife, for the Life of the Wife, and they lofe the 3 ' Land JDe Qiiod ei Deforciatc 45^ Land in Tr^cipe^ by Default, yet they ihall have a ^cod ei, d'c. And if Tenant for Life^ lofe his Tenani Land in a Ceffamt brought againft him, {'L^'{^* by Default, yet he fliall have a Sjiod TtTfauu, eiy &c* by the Statute of Weftm. 2 H. '" * ^efe J. C. i. and ilf. 6E. 3. bccaufe the^*""'^* Lord, in this Cafe, as well as in all other Cafes, by Default, makes Titld by the Cefler, in Maintenance of the Default. And if the Tenant, by a Receipt fen^iHt upon the Default of Tenant for Life ^If^ ^^^ appearcth, and is receiv dj and plead- eth, and afterwards lofeth by Adion tried, yet the Tenant for Life {hall have £1 £^^/od ei\ (jc, for the Judgment is given againft hint by his Default* 33 ^* 3* 2^iod ei, &c. 17. 3 ff. 4. 150 33 £. 3. A'vowry 255. And if the Tenant vouch, and the Whihef Vouchee will not appear, for which the ^^^jflHf Tenant lofeth by Default of the Vou- {leyVrii- ched, it is to fee whether the Tenant lliall have a J^/jod ei, (jc* for he lofetii theiand by Default, tho* not his own,- for the Statute is, Et ciifii temporihut retroatlls awt aliquis armfijfet terra Jd [nam per defaltam, lie haheat atiud re-^ Ciiperclri qnam per Bre've de recio 5 and there it doth not fay, 'Per defaltam fmm^ but generally; but after in the F £ Statute 434 ^^ Quod ei Deforciat* Statute, it fays^ Tromftnn fit quod de catero no?i fit eortivi defalta eis it a pre-^ judicialisy drc. and by that, it fecm- eth that the Tenant ought to make Default j and it feemeth, that the De- fault of the Vouchee, is the Default of the Tenantj and fo Default in botL ^<£Te hoc. Thsiih, But if the Tenant vouch, and the Vouchee appeareth, and entercth iijto the Warranty, and afterward lofeth by Default} now if the Tenant lofe by the Default of the Vouchee, he fhali not have a J^^uod ei, (jc, becaufe he fhali not have Judgment over in Va- lue againfl the Vouchee, by Default of the Vouchee, for that is not the Default of the Tenant ; ergo Quare, If the Vouchee do not appear, it is the Default of the Tenant, in not bringing in his Vouchee at the Day, in order to defend his Title ; therefore the Demandant recovers by Default; and by Confequence the Writ lies for the Tenant that lofes upon fuch De- fault, who becomes Demandant in a ^od ei deforciat^ to make the former Demandant iKew his Title, on which. he could maintain his former Writ, Indeed if the Vouchee came in, and af- ter made Default, no Writ of (^iod ei deforciai lies^ but fueh a Kccovery ina^ De Quod ei Deforciac. 43! rnay be pleaded as a Bar to the ^md eiy &c. becaufc the Demandant in the former Adtibn had Jiidgraent to re- cover in Value j and therefore having the Recompence by the former Judg- ment, he could never maintain this Writ, to recover the Thing itfelf ^ but in the former Cafe, Vouchee not ap- pearing at all, there could be no Judg- ment for Recompence in Value j and if the particular Tenant had hot this Writ, he would be without Remedy i and this is the Reafon, why in a Com-« liion Recovery, Tenant in Tail can- not implead the Recovcror in a ^od ei deforcidt. And if Husband and Wife \o{q^ hf Baron m Default, the Land of the Wife^ which^^'^^'- fhe holdeth for Life, if the Husband- 'dietb, fhe fliall not have a ^tiod ei de- forciat^ but a Cui in mta j for it is a Demife made by the Husband. The Statute Wefim. 2. f. 3. exprclly gives a Cui in ^Sita^ in this Cafc^ there- fore not within the Statute that giVes a Qiiod ei deforciat ^ aud when he bringeth the Quod ei deforciat^ tie count- cth that he was feifcd of the Land iri Demefne, as of Freehold, or in his De- mefnein Tail, without ilicwing of whofe Leafe or Gift he was fcifcd ; and he J? f i €>ugh€ 436 De Quod ei Deforciat. ought to alledge Efplees, in himfelf> Isgenemi Wc have already mention'd why he need not fhew of whofe Leafe or Gift he holds in the Count or Writ ^ but ou- ly in general fay, that he himfelf was Ohferva- feifed, nt jupra^ becaufe to alledge ^^"'onthe'^^ generally, was fufficient to entitle himfelf to the Writ, bccaufc he lays the Efplees, which fhews the Seifin; and if he fliews the Seifin, he need not fay of whofe Gift, becaufe the Oufter is of that Seihn, which he has laid to be adually in him, and then the^ Defendant ought to deny the Right of the Demandant, (jc. and fliew how^ that at another Time, he recovered the Land againft the Demandant, by a FormedcTi, or other A(5tion; and ilial! fay at the End of his Plea, Chiod ipfe paratiis eft ad 7namite7ic7idnm jiis^ & tit?/h/m fmun pj'ddiEi. per do72inn fr£diU\ (jc» inde petit jp.dicium^ &c. and then the De- mandant in the Ouod ei deforcicU^ fliall traverfe that Title, or fhew Matter to bar that Title, (jc. but he fliall not make a Defence, and then plead in Bar^ as he fliall do in the For me don ^ &c. The Meaj\ing of this is, tliat in the Formedojij after the Defendant has en- tered into the Defence, that is, Vemt & defends jus [nuvi qj/cmdo^ Oc* & dicit qwd De Quod ei Deforciat. 437 quod prad' the Plaintiff AUioiiein fnam iverfus ettm habere ?i07i debet quia dicit (^c. and fo fhews Matter to defend himfelf from the Plaintiff's Adion. But in the ^wd ei deforciat, the Defendant, by Way of Bar, is to fet up his former Recovery, by Default, and prote<5t that Recovery by Ti- tle, and fo to aver the Defence of that Title, whereby he recover'd -, therefore it would be very improper for him to fay AUio7tem fnam 'verfns etim habere non debet, bccaufe the Tenant has ex- prefly given the Adion, where there was a Recovery by Default ,• and to begin his Defence in that Manner, would be an Averment againft the Sta= twte. Ff3 A TA- Jl a 1j jl t To the feveral M A T T E R S contained in the two foregoing Treatifes, di- vided under the following Heads. KJf the Trpfts of ap Alien p^e 243 X. That a Ufe was not Affets, and why 37 ^, That a Term liinitted to attend a Fee, Ihall be Aflets 37 ij. That fince the Statute of Frauds, they feem to be A^Tets 38 Tfaat a Man may have an Affife upon a Feoffment, to his own Ufe, without an »6tual Entry Page 275 1. What liiall arife by Way of Ufe, with- out Attornment 90 8. That there can be no Eftate at Common Law, by Attornment, after the Death of the Grantor 90 %. That the Words Bargain and Sale, will not pafs a Reverfion 'till Attornment, nor the Words Give and Grants without a Confideration. 88 4. A Reverfion granted to an Ufe, the Ufe is not executed 'till Attornment, other- V?ife if grafted by $ Fine ?3i> 232 i. Where the Autliority by a Devife, to fell Lands furvives, and where not 68 3. How the Court of Chancery will inter- pofe, that an Authority to fell, may be executed 68 3. That Perfons authorifed to fell, are of Neceflity excluded from buying. 69 F f 4 ^tttinucuti. '4 TJBLE. i. What Confideration no.r to be averred, Vide Confideration, where a Bargain and Sale i§ void, unlefs Money be averred Page 51 ^. No Averment or Evidence rs to be ad- mitted againft a Confideration exprelTed in the Deed ibid^ 5. That no Averment cgn be allowed by the Heir, that the Confideration is falfe againft the Deed and Conveyance of his Anceftor. 52 4. Where Money is to be averred the Con° fideration 51 5. That a Devife cannot be averred to any other Ufe but to the Ufe of the Devifee 162 6. Otherv.ife, if a Ufe be exprefled, it is executed ihid. »/. A different Ufe cannot be averred upon a Fine Stir Grant and Render 57 8. Where Parties are eftopped from aver- ing other Ufes upon a Fine, and where a Declaration of other Ufes may be aver-*- red 61 5 64 9. That there piay be a parol Averment againft a fubfequent Declaration of Ufes 261, 262 J p. Where the Confideration may be aver- red 258 11. Where no Averment by Parol, ftiall ^Iter the Declaration in Writings 259, 260 Vide Confideration 11 A T A B LE. 1. What a Bargain and Sale is, and the fe- veral Parts of its Definition PagcSz^ 297, 295) 299 2. The EiFe6l of a Bargain and Sale Sz 3. The Expofition thereof ibid. 105 4. Who may Bargain and Sell 83 5. That the King cannot Bargain and Sell to a Ufe ibid. 6. To whom a Bargain and Sale may be made 84 7. That a Man may Bargain and Sell to his Son ibid. 8. That a Man may Bargain and Sell to a Corporation ^ ibid. 9. What may be Bargained and Sold 85 ID. That a Man feifed of a Freehold for Life, may Bargain and Sell it for Years ibidf XI. How a Rent might be fold before the Statute, and how fmce ibid. 86 12. That a Sale of 20/. loj. worth of Land, and Part of a Manor, is void, and why ; and what other Bargains and Sales are void ibid. 87 J 3. In what Manner Eflates may be Bar*, gained and Sold, and of the Enrolment ibid. 14. Py what Words Lands may be Bar^ gained and ^a\d ibid. 15. Of the Effed of a Bargain and Sale, and that it will work a Difcontinuance 100 16. That A TABLE. 1 6. That a Bargain and Sale works no Fof» feiture Vage loi, 102 17. That a Man may Bargain and Sell, re- ferving a Rent, and why 103 J 8. That before 27 W. 8. a Ufe in Fee, by a Bargain and Sale, had pafled upon a Confideration^ without the Word Hein 238 19, But now fince the Statute, there Is the fame Reafon to require Words of Li- mitation, in fuch Cafes, as in Common Law Conveyances 239 20. Selling E% "oi 'Termini fuppofes a Man's transferring a Right to fbmething, for Money 50 a I. Of Pleadings relating to Bargains and Sales 299, 300, 301 22. What a fufficient Confideration upon a Bargain and Sale, tho* no Money certain is mentioned 256 513. What neceflary to Bargains and Sales to have them executed by Force of the Statute 285 {24. Where a Bargain and Sale pafled no Eftate, it not bei«g enrolled, but it ferved only as a Declaration of Ufes 264, 265 25. Of the Enrolment, Confideration, and other Requifites, neceflary to a Bargain and Sale 286, 287, 288, 289, 29* Vide Confideration 9j iJ Vide Covenants to ftand feifed 4 Vide Enrolme^it A TABLE. 'Bdxmmi anil Ol5nrpinee* ^. That a Bargainee in Fee of Tenant in Tail, hath feveral Properties of a Te^ nant in Fee, and the Reafon thereof Page ICO ^i Where a Bargainee in Fee is feifed of a Fee-fimple, determinable on the Eftate^- tail ibid. lor 3. That a Bargainee cannot vouch by Force of a Warranty annexed to the Eftate of the Land, and why 102 4« If a Man fells a Reverfion upon a Leafe for Life or Years, the Bargainee (hail not take Advantage upon a Demand of the Rent, withoutNotice given of the Bargain and Sale, and why 105 5. Where the Bargainor may be termed a Tenant at Will, to the Bargainee, and ^ Leafe for Years made by him, makes nim no Difleifor 106 6. Where the Bargainee by a Fine Sur Grant and Render, Ihall not be feifed of an abfolute, bpt of a conditional Eftate on- ly 59 ^, Where the Bargainee (hall be received, tho' the Deed be enrolled after the Te- nant for Life is impleaded. 8. That the Bargainee in Fee of Tenant for Life, has but an Eftate for the Life pf the Bargainor 297 A T: A BLE. 'Baton anti iFcme* t. Where an Eftate-tail is executed in the Wife immediately Page 135 2. That by the Common Law a Deed ac- knowledged by the Husband and Wife, binds only the Husband, and how the Cuftom of London varies the Common Law 109 3. Where the Husband and Wife, levying a Fine, are in of the old Reverfion 20, 21 4. That the Wife may wave her Jointure by Matter if2 pais 153 $, What is an Eftate-tail vefted in the Huf- band for Life 67 6. Where an Ufurious Contraft is made up- on one Deed to declare Ufes, and there ijS a fubfequent Deed to redtify the U- fury, the VVife fhall be bound by the firft Deed 42 7. What is not a good Ufe to the W^ife made by the Husband of the Wife's Alienation of her Jointure 54 5. That after an Alienation, the Party in- terefted may enter, as if the Woman was dead 157 9. Where the Alienation by the Wife, works a Forfeiture, and he in Remain- der may enter immediately 160 10. Where the Alienation by the Wife, in Fee, gives an Entry to the Heir, in the Life of the Wife 159 11. That the Husband cannot be Tenant, by Curtefy, of an Ufe 2$ 12. Of A TABLE. 12, Of Declarations of Ufes by Husband and Wife Page 244, 246, 247, 248, 249 1, Where a Ufe fhall not arife ta a Ba- ftard, upon a Covenant to Hand feifed 278 2. That no Ufe will arife to a Baftard, 256 Celitii que dlie. The Eflate of Ceflui que Vie, for the Life of yf. is determined by the Death of ^. 66 Cefttii que Clfe* 1. Where a Leafe by Cefttd que Ufe is void, and where good, and why 26 2. That at Common Law, the Entry of Ceflui que Ufe made him a DilTeifor, and why 26 3. That at Common Law Ceftui que Ufe might alien the Ufe, and why ibid> 4. What Authority is given to Ceflui que Ufe, by I il. 3. c. i. 27 5. That the Statute of i R. 3. gives na Authority to Ceflui que Ufe 10 devife the Land 52 6. That by the Statute Ceflui que Ufe has no Power of Alienation, when he has a na- ked Right, and a Ufe in Efl['e, unlefs it be in order to confirm an Eilate in Being, and why 27 7. Who are within the Statute of i R. ^. c. I. by which a Power of Alienation was annexed to the Eftate of Ceflui que Ufe,, and the Reafon of that Statute 27 8. Where A TABLE. t. Where the Feoffees to an Ufe, (Hall be bound, the Cefiiii que Ufe enfeoffing the Diflreifor, and why Page 28 9. Where Cefitii que Ufe may alien in Fee, and why ibid, io. Where Ceftni que Ufe^ being a Feoffor upon Condition, entering for a Condi- tion fhall be feifed of the whole Eftate 32 11. Where Ceftut que Ufe^ m Tail, aliens by Leafe and Releafe, it only binds the Feoff'ces otherwife by Fine, but binds not the Iflue by a Recovery ibid. 12. If Cefini que Ufe aliens by Fine, it bars the Entry of the Feoffees after his Death ibid. 13. The Confequence of a Devife by Cefiui que Ufe 37 14. How Feoffees of Cejlui queUfe m^y alien according to the Devife of CeJ^ui que Ufe ibidi 1$, Where Cefui que Ufe fhall have an Ac- tion of Debt, but cannot avow, and why . 34^ 242 i6. Where Ceftui que Ufe fhall enter for a Condition broken 34 17. A Rent refer ved by Ccjiui que Ufe fhall go to iiis Heiis ibi£ 18. Where Ceftui que Ufe^ under a Fine^ fhall hold the Lands charged with a Ufe 56 19. Where a Grantee of a Rent from the Feoffee to an Ufe, fhall hold it to the Ufe of Ceftui que Ufe 1 'Ji xo. Wh,ere the Tinants of a Manor fhall a anfwei' A T ABLt. atift^er the Rents to the Cejiui que Ufe^ tho' the Services are drowned Page 194 »i. Whatever Intereft the Cajitii que UJe has in the Ufe, it is executed by the Sta- tute 199 52. That Cejiui que Ufe could not enter up- on the Lands 239 23. That tho* it is generally true that if Ccjiuf que Ufe entered upon the Feoffee, he was a Trefpaflbr, yet in fome Cafes, by Intendment of Law, he might enter *and occupy the Lands at the Will of the Feoffee, and in what Inflance 2ioi, lot 24. What gives CcJlui que Ufe the legal E- ftate 239 25. Where CeJlui que Ufe of & Remainder in Fecj after fevcral Eftates of different Natures, fhall have his Remainder, when the Eflates happen to determine, and fhall not ftay 'till they are all determined, tho' the Words are after all the Eftates ended 231 •6. The Conflrudiort of the Judges upon, the Statute appointing a Juryman to have 40 s. per Anmim^ that Cejiui que Ufe was within that Statute 205 ContiitiDm What was held not to extinguifh a Condi- tion 266 Vide Cejiui que Ufe 9, 15 Contiitional aw^ Oi Cortditional Vk»* 26^ A r A 2L£: CouCtJctatiom 1. That Confiderations of raifihg an Ufe upon a Covenant, are two-fold. Blood or Money Vage 47, 4S 2. That the tWo Confiderations which are allowed to be valuable in a Deed, are Marriage and Money 47 3. Brotherly or Paternal Love, are good Confiderations: So of Marriage, but not Friendfhip or Acquaintance 48, 251 4. Nor is Natural Love a good Confidera-s tion 48 5. What Confideratioh is neeeflary to the raifing an Ufe 45 6. Upon a Fine 47 7. What Confideration is neeeflary to a Co- venant to^ Hand feifed, and how far it extends 112, 307, 252, 253, 254, 255, ^56, tsn 8. What are, and what not good Confide- rations in Covenants to ftand feifed 4-8 9. That no Ufes will arife without a Confi- deration upon a Bargain and Sale, or Covenant to ftand feifed 46 10. Where a Ufe may be raifed without a Confideration ihidi XI. No Confideration to be averred, but what ftands with the Confideration ex- pr efled ihid. 12. Tho' Blood be good Confideration to raife an Ufe, yet muft the Intent of the Party be declared by aDeed, and the Court of Equity muft foliQW that Intent 4S 2 j|. Whaf ARABLE. 13. What Confideration is neceflary to a Bargain and Sale, and what to a Cove- nant to ftand feifed Pt^.ge 112 14. Where there needs no Confideration to raife an Ufe 114 15. Where no Ufe arifes, unlefs there be a good Confideration of Money 52 16. Where the Ufe Ihall ceafe becaufe the Confideration ceafed 277 Vide Prior and future Ufes Vide Covenants to fiand feifed Vide A'verment, 1 Vide Bargains and Sales -^ 22 Vide Covenants to fiand feifed Conficmatfoit* 1. Where the Leflee for Years may make Ufe of a Deed, as a Confirmation, and afterwards as a Feoffment 89 2. Where a Grant to a Tenant at Will may enure as a Confirmation 89 €0mi?eC ill a JflllC* vide Vine^ 18, 28 Conu^ec of n Statute* vide Vraudu- lent Conveyances^ 6 €ontiltfl:ent iKemaUltier^^ vide Re- mainders .COpatCenetSf* vide ^wd el Deforciat, la Vide Contingent Remainder, 8 G g Cop]v A r A B L£, How a Copyholder, furrendering to the Ufe of his Laft Will, may difpofe of his Eftate Page 3^6 Vide Releafe, i Vide Contingent Remainder, 8 CO^pO^ationiS* Vide Seifm to Ufes, 7 1. Whether a Man may have an A6lion of Covenant, to recover Damages^ tho' no Ufe could arife 257 2. The Difference between a Covenant that Lands are free from all Incumbrances, and that a Man fhall execute a Deed, \vith a Covenant that the Lands are free 343 3. The Difference between a Covenant that the Lands are free, ^c. and that the Truflecs fhall enjoy the Lands free, &e. 343 ColJcnnnt^ to Clant! fctfc^* 1. Of Covenants to ftand feifed, in Confi- deration of Blood, and their Original no 2. Who may covenant to ftand feifed, and to whom HI .^. By what Words a Man may covenant to ftand feifed 114 4. That a Bargain and Sale in Confideration of Love, and for increafing his Daughters Portions, A TABLE. Portions, fhall enure by Way of Cove- nants to ftand feifed Page 114,115 5. What fhall be conftrued a Covenant Executory, and not a Covenant to ftand feifed 115 6. Where a Conveyance, without Attorn- ment or Enrolment is void, and cannot enure by V/ay of Covenant to ftand fei- fed 115 7. The EfFed of a Covenant to ftand fei- fed, and where fuch Covenant is void 116 8. Where a Covenant being void in Law, is void in Equity ibid. 9. That every Covenant to ftand feifed, prefuppofes a precedent Seifin 116, 117 10. That if a Mortgagor covenants after Redemption to ftand feifed to the Ufe of J. S. it is a void Covenant , and how in Cafe of a Feoffment 117 11. Where a Covenant by the Father, to ftand feifed to the Ufe of his Son, fl^all ftill make the Fee in the Father 116 12. A Covenant to ftand feifed to the Ufe of the Nominee of J. S. is void, but to fuch of the Covenantor's Coufm as J. S. fhall name, is good 49 13. The Difference between a Covenant to ftand feifed and a Feoffment to a Ufe 113 14. Where the Covenantor to ftand feifed, fhall be conftrued to have an Eftate for his own Life, becaufe all the Remain- ders were to commence after his Death 26 15. Whether a Covenant, being Contra- tradidory to what went before in the G g 2 fame A TA B LE. fame Deed, fhall be void, or how far it Ihall extend Page 272 Vide Dower, 49 Debt* Where Cejiiii que Ufe fhall have an Aclion of Debt 34 2?rclaration0 of oresf* 1. Who may declare Ufes 39, 40, 41, 42, 435244 2. That one Non compos mentis may de- clare Ufes 42,246 3. That an Infant may declare Ufes 245, 246,251 4. See more of Declarations of Ufes, by Infants 251 5. Declaration of Ufes by Jointcnants, fe- verally 42 6. A Baron and Feme cannot declare Ufes upon a Feoffment, fo as to bind the Wife 39 7. What became a Doubt upon the Statute of Frauds, concerning a refulting Ufe, and that by the Statute of 4 yimie, c. 16. a Man may declare the Ufes of a Fine and Recovery, by a fubfequent Deed 62 8. What is fufficient to declare an Ufe which would not have been fufficient to zMz, lOzMtsu nnti Dcl3ircc. 1. If a Limitation of a Ufe in a Devife, be void, whether the Devifee fhall be feifed to the Ufe of the Devifor, and his Heirs 281 Vide Averment, $ 2. Where the Devifee claims by the Sta- tute of Ufes 204 3. That a Ufe is devlfable 35 4. The Confequences of a Devife to an Ufe Vide Fine, 4 Vide Jointures, 9 Gg3 2:)iTccnt. A TA B LE. 2)ifccnn 1. If the Bargainee dies before Enrolment, his Heirs fiiall take by Difcent Page 2S9 2. Of Difcents of an Ufe in Reverfion 19 3. What are the Difcents of an Ufe in Pof- feffion, and what in Reverfion i6 Vide Dcwcr, 112 Vide Heirs, 5 Vide Perpetuities, i, 3 DiTcontiimancc* Vide Bargains and Sales, 15 What no Difcontinuance within the Statute of 1 1 H. 7. c. 2 o. Vide Doivcr, 106, 116 Di!fciTin, DifTnToi, nnti DilTciTer* 1. Every fubfequent Confent is equal to a Command precedent to make a Joint DifTeifin ; and tho' the A&: of Difleifin be done by one, yet a fubfequent A61 of the other makes them, in Law, efleem- ed Joint DifTeifors 71 2. Where the Ufe and PolTellion both pafs by the Feoffment of the Diffeifor 241 3. Where a Releafe to the Diffeifee ex- tinguifhes the Ufe 241 4. Where the Ufe of the DiiTeifee Ihall ftand good 270 Vide Cejiiii que Ufe, 2, 7 Vide Doner, loS, n6 Vide A TABLE. Vide Feoffment^ Feoffor^ and Feoffee, 5. Vide Pleadings, 5 Vide Cefiui que Ufe, 26 Vide Dower 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 JDomi niin Donee. Vide Dower, 12, Vide Limitations, 2 Dotucr* £. What Dower is 354 2. That the Writ is a Writ Patent 357 3. That the Wife may remove the Plaint 358 4. That the Tenant cannot, without fhew- ing Caufe i^id- 5. Where it may be removed by a Recordare 359 6. Not to be done by a Pone, but by a Tolt i^i^' 7. To whom the Writ is to be direfted ihid. 8. Where fhe might have a ^olt on a //>/> 0/ R?g/^? 361 9. Where the Plea is to be removed by a Re cor dare ibid. 10. Where the Writ is to be direded to the Feoffee 362 11. Where to the Heir 3^2,363 G g4 12. Where A r A B L £. 12. Where the Writ is to be againft the Donee, direded to the Sheriff Page 362, 363 13. That Dower is the Confequence of the Marriage ibid, 14. For what Purpofes allowed ibid. 15. To whom to apply for her Dower 364 1 6. How it ftood before the Statute ^tia Emptorcs 'Terrartim ibid. 17. Where the Writ is to be brought 365 iS. Where the Tenant in Dower is to have the Writ againfl; the Leffee for Life ibid, 19. Where the Writ may be returnable in the Common Pleas, tho' the Claufe ^lia Capitalis Dominus^ ^c, be not in the Writ 365 20. And the Lord to have no A6lion for fuing the Writ there 366 21. Where he may a Prohibition ibid. 22. Where a Doinimis remifit Curiam [uam^ is implied ibid. 23. Where a Wife is endowed of Part of her Dower, fhe muft have her Writ of K.ight of Dower 367 24. And the Reafon thereof ibid. 25. Where a Feme lofeth by Default, fhe may have her Writ of Rigk of Dower ibid. 26. Tenant for Life barred in a Poffeflbry Adlion, could not have a Droit nr el IVrit at Common Law 368 27. And the Reafon thereof 369 28. Feme lofing her Dower by AfTife, her Remedy is by Attaint 369 29. Th; Reafon thereof ibid. JO. The A T A B LE. 30. The Procefs after Removal Page 369 31. The Form of the Writ 370 32. Dower of a Moiety jhid. 33. Where to be directed to the Heir ibid. 34. The Form of the Writ of Dower, to the Heir, for the Third Part ibid. 35. Of the Profits of a Fair 371 36. Of Stallage ^^/^. 37. Of an Office ibid. 38. Of a Mill ii^id, 39. That fhe ftiall have Dower of what is Appendant and Appurtenant ibid. 40. Of the Wcit De ^arentina Habenda^ when it lies 3»72 41. That it is a Writ Vifcountiel ibid. 42. By what Statute given ibid. 43. The Form of the Writ 373 44. How the Sheriff to demean himfelf thereon 3 7 j. 45. A Writ of Dower, Unde nihil habet^^*]^ 46. Where it lies ;^;^. 47. The Form of the Writ in Latin 375 48. The Demandant not bound to accept the Tender of Dower Hid. 49. From what Time the Demandant to have Damages Hid, 50. When the Defendant to plead that he was always ready, ^c. 376 51. The Form of the Writ again ft the Guardian md. $2.. That he is to be named Guardian ibid. 53. That the Defendant ought to fhew that the Heir was Heir to him laft feifed ibid. 54. A Precipe of Dower ^d ojiium Ec- elejjcs 377 SS' Ex A 1 A'B LE. ^$. Ex ajfenfii patris Page siJ 56. Dower Wf^de nihil hahet may be fued before the Sheriff, by a Jufiicics 377 57. Praecipe to the Sheriffs of London 378 58. Dower in London^ againft feveral Te- nants ibid. 59. One cannot have two Writs of Dower Unde nihil habet^ at one and the fame Time, but the latter (hall abate 376 60. Where there may be a fecond Writ ibid. 61. Where a Writ of Admeafurement of Dower Heth tbid, 62. Who may have it 380 63. The Heir within Age ibid. 64. Where the Heir at full Age fhall not ibid. 65. Where the Guardian to the Heir fhall have the Writ ibid. 66. The Form thereof 381 67. Where it lieth upon an Aflignment of Dower, by the Heir, or the Guardian ibid. 68. Where it is Vicotintiel 382 69. Where it is Coram Jufiiciariis^ ^c. ibid. 70. All the Lands to be named ibid. *ji. Where there are to be feveral Writs ibid. 72. The Reafon why the Writ is to be Co- ram Jiijiiciariis Hid. 73. How theConciufiOR of the Count muft • be 383 74. How the Dowrefs is to plead 3 84 7j:. The Award of the Writ ibid. 76. How the Entry i^ to be when the Writ is returned ibid. 77. Where A r A BLE. 77. Where there are feveral Inquefts P^. 385, 78. A Writ for the Guardian ibid. 79. When the Plaintiff to remove the Plea, without fitting forth a Reafon ibtd. 80. The Procefs ibid. 81. And by whom the Admeafurement to be made ibjd. 82. Where the Grantee of the Ward is to have the Writ 386 83. Where the Heir, and not the Guardian is to have it ibid^ 84. Where the Guardian fhall have it ibid. 85. Where the Heir fhall have an Affife ibid. 86. The Reafon why the Grantee may have this Writ 386 87. And not the Heir at his full Age ibid. 88. Otherwife if the Heir be within Age 387 89. W hether the Heir fhall have an Aflife ibid. 90. Where the Guardian fhall have a Writ of Admeafurement of Dower, but not his Aflignee 388 91. Where the Heir fhall have the Writ ibid. 92. And the Tenant no Remedy by Aflife, but by Scire facias ibid. 93. Dower not to be avoided by Entry ibid. 94. Where the Sheriff is conflrued no Wrong- doer 389 95. And where the Heir can have no A(- fi^e /^/^. ^6. The Tenant to be called in by a Scire fiicias ibid 97. An A TABLE. 9*7. An AlTignment of Dower, fuppofed to be done Per Pares, not to be avoided but by Inqueft Page 389 $8. Whether the Heir may have a .St/r^ Z^- r/'^j, notwithftanding an Inqueft 390 99. Improvements of the Tenant in Dower, not to be taken from her by Admeafure- ment ibid. 100. A Difference taken as to the feveral Sorts of Improvements ibid. 1 01. Where the Wife was endowed, tho* the Husband had noPoflTeflion 391 102. The like of a Tenant by the Curtefy ibid. 103. Where the Wife not to be endowed when the Heir intrudes upon the King's Polfeffion ibid. 104. Where the Wife to be endowed, tho' the Husband be attainted, if the Heir be reftored 392 105. The Reafon thereof ibid. 106. Where the Wife's Acceptance of a Term, Ihall bar her Dower 393 107. Alitcr of the Acceptance of a Tenan- cy at Will ibid. 108. Where the Wife (hall lofe her Dower by a Difcontinuance ibid. 109. Where the Wife fliall lofe her Dow- er, the Husband being a Diffeifor ibid. 110. Where the Wife of the Donor fhall not be endowed of Rent, it being ex- tind 394 XII- Where the Wife fhall have Dower of a Rent, but Ce[fat Excctitio, during the Nonage of the Heir ibid. iiz. Whero A TABLE. 112. Where the Wife of the Father (hall not have Dower of the Grandmother's Third Part Page 394. 113. Where Dower defeats Difcent 395 114. Where Dw cannot he Ex dote ibid. 11$' Where the Mother fhall be endowed ibid, 116. The like of that Part which the Grandmother held in Dower 396 117. Where the Wife of the DifTeifor of the Difcontinuee fhall not be endowed ibid. 118. How the Wife of a Tenant in Com- mon to be endowed 397 119. Dower by Metes and Bounds ibid. 120. How to be endowed of a Mill or an Office ibid. 121. Tenant in Dower praying Aid of him in Reverfion, how to be endowed ibid. 122. Dower of Lands held in exchange 398 123. Where a Stranger may plead that fhe holds Lands in Socage ibid. 124. Whether flie may endow herfelf of Lands, Dc la plnis Beale ibid. 125. W^here the Son cannot endow Ex af- fenfu patris ibid. 126. Where that Writ lies 399 127. Where the Wife of the Mefne Tenant to be endowed ibid. 128. Where the Wife cannot be endowed of Lands evided by a Title Paraniouiit ibid. 129. Where fhe Ihall have Dower out of Lands recovered in Value ibid, 130. Where not againft the Heir's Grantee 400 i^i. What A TA B LE. 131. What Dovjtr Ad ojiium Ecclefue^ and E% ajfcnfa patris are Page 400 132. For what Purpofe conftituted 401 133. A Wife not to have Dower upon the civil Death of the Husband, and why ibid. 402 134. That (he may lofeher Dower by Adul- tery 402 135. But not if (lie is upon the Lands ibid, 136. How the old Law ftood when Villen- age was in Ufe ibid. 137. How Ihe might lofe her Dower before the Law was altered ibid. 138. When file could not claim Dower of the Feoffee 403 139. How the Ll;w is fince the Statute of ^lia Emptor ei ^errarnm 403, 404 140. Wife of a Jointenant, where not to be endowed 404, 405 141. Dower Ex ajjenfii matris & fratris ibid. 142. Patris q3 matiis ibid. 143. Why not Ex ajfejjfu fratris ibid. 144. Ad oft i urn Ecclefix ibid. 145. What a good Marriage to be entitled to Dower ibid. 146. How formerly ibid. 147. How in later Times ibid. 148. When Dower is to be of a Moiety 406 149. When of the whole ibid. 150. The Original of Free-Bench ibid. 151. Dower Ad oftiiim Ecclcfice^ how much to be afligned 407 152. The Reafon of the ancient Ufe in that Cafe ibid. 4 153. Wife A TABLE. 53. Wife not to be diftrained for Debts due to the King "Page 407 54. The Form of her Writ to be relieved 408 $$. Another Form 409 S$. Dower afligned by the Cro\vn 413 (>6. The Writ to the Efcheator ibid. 67. When flie may have a Writ to the Efcheator - ^j^ 68. Another Writ to the Efcheator 415 69. When the Wife is to fue in the Chan- cery 417 70. A Writ to "the Efcheator, when the Lands are held of Spiritual Lords ibid, 71. A Writ to the Efcheator, where there is a Rent referved 418 72. Where a Dcdimus to gC to take the Dowrefs's Oath 419 173. Li- A 1 ABLE. 173. Livery to the Heir, with a Sal^uo of Dower ?age 419 174. The Writ to the Efcheator, in that Cafe ibid. 175. When the Words SaVoa ^of^ are not to be in the Writ 421 176. Where the Heir fhall fue Livery of a Reverfion, after the Death of Te- nant in Dower ihidn 177. That the King is to perfe<5t the Infeu- dation of Dower, and where 422 178. Where the King fhall fend a Writ to the Efcheator, to make a new Extent ,423 1 79. Where the Dowrefs fhall have a Scivt facias to re-feife the Lands 424 180. When the King fhall fend a Writ to the Efcheator to re-feife the Lands ibid. 181. The Form of the Writ. 425 Vide Jointures^ 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, i o, 1 1, 16, 1 7 Vide Dower, 26 SDureffi?. Vide Pleadings, 7 1. Where the Party may chufe to take an Eflate by Way of Leafe, at Common Law, or by Bargain and Sale, with At- tornment 88, 89 2. Where the Party may chufe to accept Livery, or to have the Deed enrolled 88 4 CnroU A T: ABLE. €m:oImeut> 1. What an Enrolment is Vage io6 2. When introduced, and for what Rea- fon 96 3. What the Tenor of the Enrolment is^ and of the A6i: of Enrolment 107 4. When the Enrolment muft be, and what pafleth before, and what by the Enrol- ment 295, 296 5. What Power before or after Enrolment 292, 293, 294 o. That the Statute of Enrolment does not deftroy the Operation of the Statute of Ufes 91 7. What Contra6ls that are not enrolled, are conftrued to be 106, 107 8. The Relation between the Enrolment and the Deed 90 ^. That after the Enrolment, the Freehold is in the Bargainee, from the Date of the Deed 93 io. That the Bargainee hath not the Fee till Enrolment, and why 92 ji. Where the Bargainee (hall have the Rent in Arrear, before Enrolment 94 12. That the Bargainee may enter for a Forfeiture, bfefore Enrolment _ 95 13. That the Bargainee may be Tenant to the Precipe, may receive a Releafe, or maintain an Aflife before Enrolment 94 *i\. Where the laft Deed of Bargain and Sale, firft enrolled, fhall not take away the Effea of the firft . 96 H h IS' Thae A T A BLE. \$. That an Eftate of Freehold or Inheri- tance, muft be enrolled, and not a Term for Years, and why, and where the Deed muft be enrolled Page 98 16. That the Bargainee can make no Title to pvefent to an Advowfon, before En- rolment 92 17. How a Releafe to the Bargainor enures before Enrolment 92 18. When it may be enrolled 99 19. If the Bargainor or Bargainee die be- fore Enrolment, yet it may be enrolled 94 20. From the Date, and from the Day of the Date, is all one, and therefore an Enrolment may be on the laft Day of the 6th Month, after the Day of the Date 99 21. How the Enrolment mvft be, where the Deed has no Date 100 22. Where there is a Bargain and Sale, and a Recovery, or a Feoffment, and the Deed enrolled, the Land pafles by the Recovery 92 23. That a Party who claims by a Bargain and Sale, muft ftiew in what Court the Deed is enrolled, and why 109 24. That Covenants to ftand feifed, in Confideration of Marriage, need not be enrolled 1 1 1 25. That the Bargainee dying before the Enrolment, his Heirs ftiall take by Di- fcent 289 26. Where the Party ihall be in by the Fine, tho* the Deed be enrolled after- terwards 289 Vide A TABLE. Vide Bargains and Sales, 13, 24, 2.$ Vide Leafe, i3c. i Vide Pleadings, 7 Cittaih Vide Fine, 2 Vide Trufts, 12 1. That a LelTee cannot have an Adion of Trefpafs before an adual Entry P^g5 236 2. By a Bargain and Sale, the Freehold in Law palTes prefently, but not an adual Freehold 'till an Entry ibid, 3. That a Releafe may be made to one that has but a Freehold in Law 230 4. Where a Feoffee of a Recoveror, by an erroneous Judgment fhall be entered up- on without a Scire facias 34 Vide Dower 93 Vide Jointures, 9 Vide Baron and Feme, 9 Vide Pleadings, 2 equity 1. That fince the Statute has brought the Ufes into PofTellion, they ought to be go= verned by the Rules of Eftates in Pof° feflion I and therefore there muft be apt Words 75 2. Where an Aj, 83, 90 ^)abeniium* Vide Deeds, 2 1. Where the Word Heirs is not a Name of Purchafe, but of Limitation 23 2. And where it is not a Word of Limita- tion, but of Purchafe 24 3. Where a Remainder vefts in the Feoffee to an Ufe, fo that his Heirs claim by X Difeent a ■ A TABLE. Difcent ^ and where not, fo that his Heirs take by Way of Purchafe Pa. 23, 24 ' 4. What is conftrued a Remainder vefted in the Heir, and for what Reafon 25 5. Where Heirs take by Difcent, as in the old Reverfion 20 6. Where the Ufe fhall defcend to the Heirs of the Part of the Mother, and where to Heirs on the Part of the Father, and where to the Heirs on the Part of the Purchafor 17, 18, 19, 238 7. Where the Eftate of Ceftui que Ufe fhall be in the Heirs, till Alienation by the Feoffees, purfuant to the Will 37 8. Where a Ufe fhall arife to the Heir, up- on a Covenant to fland feifed, and he fhall take by Difcent 277 9. Where the Heir of the Devifee fhall be feifed in Truft, for the Cure of a Church, for the Time being 344 10. That a Man limiting an Eflate to his own Right Heirs, makes him feifed of the whole Eflate 5 and the like of an Ufe 19 Vide Averment J 3 Vide Bargains and Sales^ 18, 19 Vide Baron and Feme, i o Vide Ceftui que Ufe, 17 Vide Dower, 11, 33? 533 ^3? 64, 66, 82, 87, 88, 90, 94,97, 102, 103, 129, 172,175 I. Where the Deed exprefTes a Ufe, an implied one cannot be averred 7 2. Of A T A B L E. ■ 2. OWfes raifed by Implication Page 7, 6, 9 3. How a C^ may be raifed by Implication of Law 643 6$ Vide 'J'rnjls Infant "Vide Declaration of Ufes, 3 Vide Infant-i 3 Slnqticft* Vide Dower J 16, 97, 9 Intent of tlje pnttie^* Vide Confideratmiy 12 31ointfnnnt0* i. Whether Perfons to whom a t}^ is rai- fed by a Fine, or by a Leafe at Com- mon Law, are Jointenants or Tenants in Common 70 z. Whether a Fine levied to the life of the *Gonuzor and B. and their Heirs makes them Jointenants or Tenants in Com- mon ibid. 3. Where the Ufe being jointly limited to two, made thtm Jointenants 20, 235 4. A Leafe for Life, Remainder in Fee to the Right Heirs of 5^. and K. N. alive, the Heirs are Tenants in Common, and "why 70 5. But A i: A BLE. |. But in Cafe o^ 2iUfe there may be Join- tenants; tho' they do not take at the fame Time Page 71 6. Where the Father and Son purchafmg Lands Jointly, the Eftate fliall furvive to the Son 72, 229 7. Where the Moiety of a Jointenant fhall pafs to the Bargainee, and not furvive 194 8. Of Bargains and Sales By Jointenants 290 9. Where no Ufe fhall arife from a Jointe- nant to the Survivor 275 ID. On a Sale by one Jointenant of his Moiety, the other fhall furvive 92 Vide Declarations of Ujesy 5 Vide Dower^ 139 1. Of Joint TrUfts with an Intereft 65 2. Of Joint Trufts without an Intereft 69 3. If there be a Joint Truft, and one re* fufes to a6t according to the Truft, the other cannot ad only as to his Intereft 67 4. Of Joint Eftates in ^Ufe or 'ffufi 70 5. At the Common Law Joint Trufts were taken for bare Authorities, and did not furvive 77 I. What was the Original of Jointures 25, 147, 239, 289 li 2. What A T ji B L E. 2. What Requifite to make a good Join- ture within the Statute Page 147 3. FirJ^j That the EOrate muft of Necef- fity take Eifedt immediately after the Death of the Husband 148 4. Secondly, That it mull be for the Term of htr own Life, or of a greater Eflate, or elfe it doth not anfwer the Defign of Bower, for which it is to be a Recom- pence 150 5. 'ttbirdly^ It muO: be made to herfeif, and not to others in Trull for her, tho' by her AfTent, and exprefled to be in Satisfac- tion of her Dower 151 6. Fourthly, It muft be in Satisfa^ion of her whole DoTJuer, and not of Part only ; for if it be in Satisfa6lion of Part only, it is uncertain ibid. 7. Fifthly, It muft be exprefled to be in Satisfaction of her Dower ibid. 8. That a Jointure may be made either before or after Marriage 152 9. That an Agreement to her Jointure made after Marriage, by her Entry into the Lands, concludes her from claiming her Dower 153 I o. That a Devife of an Eftate for Life, cannot be averred to be in Satisfadtion of Dower, unlefs it be exprefled fo in the Will, and why 152 11. Where an Averment was fufficient to fhew that the Jointure was made in Sa- tisfaclicn of her Dower ibid. 12. That an Averment of a Jointure, being in Satisfaction of Dower, is not - travcrfeable ibid. 13. Where A TABLE. 13. Where an Acceptance of a Conditi* onal Jointure is good Page 148 14. Where a Remainder to the Wife, af- ter a Remainder to fupport contingent Remainders, is a good Jointure ibid. 15. Where an Eftate limited to the Wife, by Way of Remainder, is not a good Jointure ibid. 149 16. That a Leafe for the Life of another, or a long Term, is no good Jointure to bar a Woman of her Dower 150 17. What was no good Jointure to bar the Wife of her Dower upon a Settlement made by her Husband's Father, becaufe it was uncertain whether the Eftate would commence ibid. 18. Where a Jointrefs Ihall hold Lands fubjeft to a Mortgage or Judgment by Tenant in Tail of a Truft, making a Mortgage or fuffering a Judgment, and why 33 Vide Baron and Feme, 4, 7 Milt lit Cai'ft Vide ^lod ei Deforciat, 7 Vide Marriage Vide Cojitingent Remainders, 23 3Iu(ficiesf. i « 1 A TA B LE. The Law will fuppofe a Man's AAions ra- ther Juft than other wife 7 1. Where the LefTee is without Remedy, by the Leflbr's felling the Lands and da- ting the Deed and Enrolment before the Leafe 1 09 2. A Power of making Leafes may be re- ferved upon a Feoffment, Fine or Re- covery to Ufes 4^ 3. Where one of three Leflees furrenders up the old, and takes a new Leafe to himfelf, it fhall be in Truftfor all 346 4. Tho' a Leafe for three Years be good by Parol, yet when fuch a Leafe is in Writing, the Truft of that Leafe can- not be declared by Parol 347 5. What was held a refulting Truft to the Grantor 347 6. What fhall prevent a refulting Truft to the Affignor of a Mortgage 348 7. Where Notice of an Incumbrance was necelTary, and where not 309, 310 8. Where a Notice to Counfel or Attor- ney, ^c. IS good 34> Vide Cefitti que Ufe^ 1 Vide Confirmatio?t^ i Vide Do-wcr, 18 Vide Ele^wn-i i Vide A TABLE. Vide Fraudulent Conveyances^ 8 Vide Prior and future Ufes Vide Kemaindersy 20, 21, 29 Vide Jointures, 4 Limitation. I. That by a Man's limiting a Ufe to his own Right Heirs, the Ufe is ftiJl in him- felf, and why Page 19 a. But a Man's limiting a Uf^ to his Re- prefentatives, with a particular Qualifi- cation, fb alters the Eftate, that the Ufe jhall alter and defcend in fuch Manner as it is dire 1. Where the Rent is extinft by the Lord or Grantees being alfo Ceftui que Ufe^ and what will not extinguilh the Rent by an A'(5t of the Ter-tenant only 31 2. What will extinguilh a Rent 13? 3 1 3. Who fhall not take Advantage upon De- mand of a Rent, without Notice 103 Vide I A TABLE. Vide Bargains and Saks^ 1 1 Vide Dower J no, 1 1 1 Vide Exth2guijbment^ 2, 3 Vide Enrolment^ 10 - 1 Vide Purcbafers^ 2 Vide Prerogative^ 2 Vide i^^y^5 5, 6 Eeuocation of dfejof* 1. The different Powers of Revocations Page 141 2. Where a Power of Revocation may be referved, and where not 140 3. Of a Power of Revocation appendant, annex'd to theEftate of the Land 141, 142 4. Of a Power of Revocation in Grofs, what it is, and what does not deftroy fuch Power ibid. 5. Where a Fine or Feoffment in Fee, deftroys all the Powers of Revocation, and where not 143, 144 6. That a Tenant for Life may releafe a Power of Revocation to him in Remain- der 143 7. Where the Power of Revocation is Am- ply Collateral 144 8. Of the Manner of Revocation ibid, 9. That a Tenant for Life, having a Power of Revocation, upon his revoking, is feifed of his former Ufe ibid. 10. Where a Power of Revocation is ap* pendant and annex'd to the Eftate, nn- K k 3 Uefs A TA BLK lefs it be executed during the Continu- ance of the Eftate, it can never be exe- cuted Page 142 II. Whether a Power of Revocation was extinft by the Fine, or that the Deed of Revocation of Ufes was to be reckoned together as one Conveyance 278, 279 Vide Fraudulent Conveyances^ 13 J 2. If there be Tenant for Life, with a Power to revoke the Remainders, and limit new ones, he may do both by the fame Conveyance 145 13. If a Man makes a Feoffment, with Power of Revocation, when he hath executed that Power, he cannot limit new ones upon the fame Feoffment 146 14. He may revoke Part at one Time and Part at another. Revocation of Ufes not being like to a Condition, which is in its Nature entire T45 15. What is a good Tender of Payment of Money, to fave the Power of Revoca- tion 146 16. A Power of Revocation is in feme Cafes a Forfeiture, and where it is fo, and where not ibid, I. That a Perfon who only may have a Right, has at prefent in Law no Right in him^ and therefore it is a Contra- didion to allow him to ad as a perfon having a Right, by transferring an In- terefl to another ; and fee an Example according to this Rule 125 2. He ^ T^BLE. 2. He that has a Ufe in EJfe^ has Power by I R. 3. to make a Feoffment, but not he that has a Ufe in Right only ^ but fuch a Perfon may do an Ad to extin- guifli his Right Page 240 3. The meer A6t of delivering Pofleflion, paiTes a Right in lefler Eftates, but in greater Eftates Polfeflion is no Evi- dence of a Right 6$ 1. Where a Scire facias is not maintain- able to have Execution of Lands in the Hands of the Bargainee 95 2. Where the Party may enter without a Scire facias 243 Vide Dower^ 92, 98, 179 Vide Merger 1. No Ufe is to arife till there be Seifm where a Charter of a Feoffment is made, with a Letter of Attorney to deliver Seifin 49 2. Otherwife, if a Man, for a Confidera- tion, fells Lands, with a Letter of At- torney to deliver Seifin 50 K k 4 ecifin A TA B LE. ^tiUn to Wz0. 1. Who may be feifed to an Ufe, and what is neceflfary thereto Page 5 2. Firfi^ That the Perfon be capable of a Confidence and Truft tbid. 3. Secondly^ That he take it up under the Truft limited 6 4. That Bodies Politick are not capable, and why 5 5. That the King is not, and why 5, 6 6. That Aliens and Perfons attainted, are act capable of an Ufe^ and why 170, 171 7. That Corporations are not, and why ibid, 8. That Tenant by the Curtefy, or in Dower are not, and why ibid. ^. That a Lord by Efcheat cannot, and why 171, 172 I o. Where the Grantee of a Seigniory Ihall hold the Tenancy to a U[e 12 11. Where a Feoffee, being a Recoveree, fhall be feifed to an U[e 13 3 61 12. That the Purchafer of a Charitable life fhall not be feifed to fuch Ufe 14 13. Yet where a Feoffee of a Purchafer 'fhall 15 14. He that comes in of another Eftate than that which the Feoffee to the Ufe had, fhall not be feifed to U[es in Ejfcy nor to future and contingent Ufes 1 75 15. That a Tenant in Tail cannot be feifed %o an Ufe, and why 1 1 1 6. Thai A TABLE. 1 6. That an Occupant may, and why Page II 1 7. That a Difleifor, Abator or Intruder, cannot be feifed to an Ufe 10 18. Where the Alienee of Tenant for Life fhall not be feifed to an Ufe^ and why xo 19. Where a Feoffee, being a Recoveror in Value, fliall be feifed to his firft Ufe Vide Covenants to ftand feifed Vide Dower^ 94 1. The feveral Sorts of Ufes executed by the former Qaufe of the Statute, and their feveral Incidents 74. 2. The Execution of Jointures, by the lat- ter Claufes of the Statute ibU. 3. The Cafes of the Statute tbid, 4. The Difference between the Statutes of 6 R. 2. and 11 H. 7. 161 5. The Reafon af the Statute of i R. 3. c. 1. 27 6. Who are within that Statute 27, 28, 29530331 7. What Authority is given by that Sta- tute 31, sz 8. The Alteration of Property, as to Ofes^ by 27 H, 8. ff, 10. A TABLE. Vide Leafe^ 3 Vide Contingetit Kemainder^ 12 Where the Intereft Ihall furvive, and the Truft with it Page 66 Vide Authority^ i Vide Jointenants^ 6, 7, 9, 10 Ccitant0 in Common* Vide Bower ^ 118 Vide Jointmants-i 2, 4 tenant m Sttt* Vide Bargainor and Bargainee^ i Ceitant ill CaiU 1. The Confequence of a Sale of Lands in Fee hy 7'enants in Tail 83 2. That Tenant in Tail has fome Proper- ties of a Tenant in Fee, and others only of Tenant for Life 84 3. Where an Eftate-tail is veiled in the Anceftor 21 4. Where Tenant in Tail, levying a Fine, Ihall ftill be feifed in Tail as before 280 Vide Bargainor and Bargainee^ i Cenant A TABLE. Cenattt fo^ Life^ Where the Ufe fliall be to Tenant for Life Page 249, 250 Vide Bargatnof mtd Bdrgainee^ 7, 8 Vide ^od ei Deforciaty 13, 1 6 Vide Forfeiture, 6 Vide Kekafe^ 4 Vide Revocation, 6, 9, Vide Contingent Remainder Sy 11, 15 tenant ftp tjje Curttrp^ That a Man cannot be Tenant by the Cur* tefy of an Ufe, and why 239 Y'ldQ Baron and Fern ey 11 Vide Dower, 102 Vide %{od ei Deforciaty 4 Cennnt ftp Ecceipt* Vide ^iod ei Deforciat^ 17 Cennnt to t6c precipe* Vide Recovery, i Vide Enrolment, 13 Ceitaitt at 22liII> Vide Bargainor and Bargainee, 5 Cenant in 2)otDer* Vide Prerogative, 3 Vide Dower Cenant foi geat^/ Vide Releafe, $ Cermsi of f ^atsf. I. The Original of Terms that attend the Inheritance, and when created, and for what Purpofe 163 jj. That Entailing of a Term is not within the Statute De Denis i^^- 4 3. That A TABLE. 3. That the Tenant in Tail may difpofe of a Term without a Fine and Recovery Page 164 4. That a Term will be Aflets to pay In- teftates Debts ibid, 5. Of Terms in Grofs 165 6. Where a Term limited to attend a Fee fhall be Aflets, and why 37 7. Where a Term limited in Truft is for- feitable for Treafon, and why 39 8. Where a Term limited in Truft to at- tend the Inheritence, is not forfeitable, and why ibid. Vide Limitationsy 4 Citle paramount That a Perfon claiming by Force of a Title Paramount to the Ufe, fhall never be fubjed to any Charges that take their R;fe and Date from an inferior Time and Title j*j^ Vide JDowefy 128 Colt. Vide Dower, 6 Vide yowturesy 12 Vide Pkadingsy 9 Cmrom Vide Forfeit ure^ 3, 4 Vide FkadingSy p A TABLE. What to be tryed by Nul tiel Record, and what by a Jury Page 107 I. That the Manner of Taking a Truft may be by exprefs Words ,or by Imph'ca- tion only 6 2.. And how by exprefs Words ihid. 3. And how by Implication 8, 9, lo, 11, 12, 13,14, 15 4. That Equity will fet up a Truft where the legal Eftate is merged 29 5. That there can be no Truft without an Eftate in Being 19 6. What fhall be deemed a Truft for the Wife, and not an Ufe executed by the Statute 351 7. Where the Lands fhall be adjudged to beloug to the Wife, and not to the Execu- tors in Truft for the Wife 352 8. What Money lent to be difpofed of as A. fhould diredl, was held a Depojltum or Truft 345 9. Where the Over-plus of an Eftate, af- ter the Mortgage-Money paid off, was adjudg'd to be a Truft for the Wife and Children 345 10. Where the Son promifing to be a Truftee for his Mother, prevails upon her Husband to make a Will at the Son*s Requeft, and to name the Son Executor, made him a Truftee for his Mother 345 4 II. What A 1 A'BLE. 11. What was decreed a Truft for him that paid the Purchafe-Money, tho' the Lands were purchafed in another's Name Page 346 12. That a Truft may be entailed 243 13. What Trufts are liable to Debts, and by what Statutes ibid. 14. That a Truft of a Fee is not forfeit- able ibid. Vide Alien Vide Father and Son Vide Fine Vide Leafe, 3 Vide Prerogative, 3 Vide Dower, 50 dloUmtntp Settlement* Vide Fraudulent Conveyances Vide Marriage m\\m\\% Cottttacf* Vide Baron and Feme, 6 1. What Is a Ife i 2. The Conftrudlioii of the Common Law and of Equity, as to an C^ s 3. The Original of Ufes, and the Reafon of their prevailing with Mankind 3 4. What is the Nature of Ufes at Common Law 4 5. The A TABLE. 5. The feveral Sorts of Ufes Abfolute or Conditional, Sole or Conjoint Page 66 6. That two Things are neceflary to an life i firfi. That the Perfon be capable of Confidence and Truft ; fecondly^ That he take it up under the Truft appoin- ted, 5 7. The Inconveniency of Ufes^ for which the Statutes of i Kic. 3. and 27 H. 8. was made 72, 73, 74 8. The Alteration made by the laft Sta- tute 4 9. What was the Nature of Ufes at Com- mon Law 4 10. That a C^ was not a Thing at Common Law, annex'd to the PoflTeflion of the Land, but to the Privity of Eftate 167 1 1 . That Ufes are only Creatures of Equi- ty, and not taken Notice of at Common Law 1 02 12. That they have been always changed and modified according to the Intent of the Parties interefted 20 13. That the Court of Equity will diredb an Ufe to fuch Perfons as the Common Law appoints Reprefentatives 16 14. By what Rules of Law Ufes are go- VxCrned 75 15. How a Ufe paflTed at the Common Law 905 91 16. What was provided by 27 H. 8. c, io» and what by c. 16. 91 17. Who may be feifed to an C^ 4 18. That Bodies Politick, Aliens, and Per- fons attainted, nor the King cannot 5 19. That A 1 ABLE. J 9. That a Lord by Efcheat, or entering for Mortmain, or Recovering by Cejfavit^ and a Tenant in Tail cannot be feifed to an life Page i o, n 20. That the King poflTefTed of a Term forfeited for Treafon, cannot 12 21. That he in Remainder being a Diffei- for, cannot ihid. 22. That a Tenant in Dower, or an Oc- cupant may 11 23. Where a Grantee of a Rent fhall be feifed to an Ufe 1 3 24. That a DifTeifor cannot ftand feifed to an Ufcy and theReafbn 201 25. That he who ftands feifed to an Ufe^ muft come in in Privity of that Eftate to which the Ufe is annex'd 193 26. Where the Alienee fhall not be feifed to former Ufes 10 27. Who may declare or raife Ufes 39 28. By what Words Ufes may be raifed 60 29. In Cafes of Marriage ibid. 3c. To whom a Ufe may or may not be raifed 43, 44 31. To an Alien, but the King Ihall have the Ufe gained by Purchafe, and why ihid. 32. How the King may have an Eftate of his Feoffees, to Ufe 44 33. That a Monk could not have an Ufe^ and why ibid. 34. That a Baftard, by Reputation, the Son of fuch a one, cannot have a Ufe 206 35. An Ufe to the Poor of the Parifh of Dale IS good, tho* no Corporation 44, ^ 204 56. That 1 A TA BLE. 36. That theKing cannot have an UfcPa.20^ 37. Where no Ufe will arife to Strangers 254 38. In what Manner Ufes may be raifed 53 39. That a Ufc cannot be raifed without a Deed or Feoifment $6 40. What are the feveral Properties of an Eftate in an Ufe 16 41. That there may be PojfeJJlo fratris of an Ufe^ and why 16, 17, iS, 238, 239 42. That an Ufe was not originally alienable or devifeable, and why 35 43. How a Ufe is alienable 25 44. That a Ufe cannot be limited upon an Ufe 194 45. That a Ufe is not Extendible or AfTets, and why 37 46. Where a Term limited to attend a Fee fhall be AfTets . ibid. 47. Where and what Confideration is ne- cefTary to the raifing an Ufe 45, 46 48. That there cannot be two Ufes of one and the fame Land 200 49. In what Manner Ufes are executed by the Statute 76 50. What necefTary to the Execution of an Ufe-, firft^ a Perfon feifed ; fecond^ ly-f in Keriim Natnra ; thirdly-, that the Eftate of the Feoffees may veft in Cefini que Ufe 80 51. Where a Feoffment in Fee is made to the Ufe of fuch Perfons as the Feoffor fhall appoint by his Laft Will, which was made before, and publlfhed after the Feoffment, whether the Eftates are executed 229 L I 52. If A TABLE. 52. If a Feoffment be made in Fee to tKe Ufe of the Feoffee and his Heirs, in Truft for 7. S. and his Heirs, whether this Eftate be executed in J. S. by the Sta- tute Page 194 53. Where the Tenant muft have a Free- hold in the Land, otherwife the Statute executes no PofTefTion to the Ufe 5 yet if a Fine be levied to the Ufe of one for Years, it is executed 199 54. Where the Recoveror fhall have a Rent executed in him, by the 27th of H. 8. €. 10. and may diftrain for the Rent 200 55. Whether a Covenant, in Confideration that the Lands Ihould remain to the Heirs Male of the Body of the Cove- nantor, and in Confideration of Brother- ly Love and Affedion, and that the Lands fhould remain in the Blood of the Covenantor, was fufficient to raife an Ufe 208 $6. That a Term affigned over is not exe- cuted by the Statute 79 57. Yet a Man may limit the Ufes of a Freehold for fix Years, and it will be executed 80 58. Where there are two Ufes limited, when the new Ufes fhall ftand 8, 9 59. A Ufe fhall not be fufpended or be ex- t'lnSi by a Joint or Sole Seifin of the Lands 236 60. That Ufes cannot be deflroyed or al- tered without a Tranfmutation of the Poffeflion, by which the Privity of E- ftate, 4 A TA'BLE. ftate, or the Truft and Confidence is al- tered and gone Page 200 61. Of Ufes raifed by Tranfmutation of the Pofleffion, as upon a Fine, Feoffment or Recovery 75 62. That a Releafe from Ceflui que Ufe to the Dijfesfor, extinguifhes the Ufe 28 63. Where he in Remainder releafing to Tenant for Life, deftroys the Ufes 232 64. Of Ufes that pafs without a Tranfmu- tation of PoiTeflion 82 65. Of Ufes raifed by Way of Bargain and Sale, on the Confideration of Money 66. Of Ufes raifed by Way of Covenant to ftand feifed, on the Confideration of Blood ibid. 67. Of Limitations of Ufes upon Convey- ances 2'59 68. Of Ufes in Poflibility 118 69. Why a Ufe declared upon a Convey- ance of Lands after Purchafed,isbad 117 70. Where the Court of Chancery would, before the Statute, have forced the Par- ty to execute an Ufe which is now exe- cuted by the Statute 60 71. As to the Execution of Ufes by the laft Claufe of the Statute 147 72. Where a Man has a new Eftate that is fubjedt to no Ufes, the Law by Con- ftru6tion will not make his new Eftate fubjeA to Ufes annex'd to an old Eftate 167 73. What Rules of Law are (ct afide by ' the Statute of Ufes 77 74. If A rABL£. 74.' If Ufcs were executed, they were de- fcendible as Eftates-tail Page 237 75. Whether Contingent Ufes are dellroy- ed by a Feoffment of the Feoffee to Ufes 166 76. What fhall not raife a life itz 77. How a Man may declare the Intent of a future A61:, and why 117 78. By what Words Ufes may be raifed 60, 6ij 62 79. That a Ufe may be entailed, and why 63 80. To what Ufes a Conveyance fhall be faid to be made 257, 258 81. What may be granted to an Ufe 281, 282, 283 That a Warranty is a Covenant annex'd to the Freehold, and its Confequences 103 Vide Bargainor and Bargabiee^ 3 1. That a Man may have an Adion of Wafle, tho' he does not alledge the Feoff- ment to be made to the Feoffees, and their Heirs 276 2. Who fhall punifh Wafte 243 mnt of Kiryfjt* Vide Dower^ 8, 23, 25 mtit aifcoautieU Vide Dower, 41, 68 FINIS. ERRATA. "JjAGE 9. in the Margin for Hat, read Not, p. iS, Jt Line l. for Dower r> Power ^ p. 32. /. 30. for fevered r. faved, p. 37. /. 15. for him r. them. p. 67. /. 22. for fointenants r. yo'mt Tfufiees, p. 69. I. 2. r. can't take EffeB^ /». ill. for muji r. w/jy, />. 120. /. 2. for be prolonged r. belongs p. 151. I. 26. for for r. of, p. 166. /. 4. for 7r;/^ r. Trtffieey p. 170. /. 1 9. for ihe r. //je«>, /. 20. for behalf r. behoof, /. 21. for we r, <<;«»•«, p. 173. /. 3. r. a Way or Common, p. 179. «//. /. for 'y;«re r. where, p> 218. /. 35. for «r w, p. 2' 30. ^.23. for devifed r, divided. li o SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRJ^Y 'oil 1 ^-'* ^■^- — LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 831 019 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book Is DUE on the last date stamped below.