'^u' £ r "- r 0. UC-NRLF $C 35 bbfl 1 3U £hort ipanteltiSt of Gngtijrtj $Iap& Basques, anb $ogeant& from the time of <©ueen <£li3anetft to tijc Restoration, $tinteo, but not jtubliSbcb, for the ugc of the fdublitation Committee of Stye <*BroIier $ton& Basques, ano $agcant& from tfjc time of <£ucen uMi$)eb, for t|)c u£c of tfje publication Committee of €f)e <*3roiier €luo. ^etogorft, SDetemfier, 1293. • C * • ' * 511 £ljort ^anteHigt of <£ngft#j #Iap& a9a£quc& ano $agcantg from tfje time of Darius. ) 5 The Monarchicke tragedies. viz. : Croesus. Darius. The Alexandraean. Julius Caesar. 6 The Monarchicke tragedies. Third edition. 7 Recreations with the muses. Edinburgh, 1603 London, 1604 London, 1605 1604 1607 1616 1637 4 HAND-LIST. ARMIN, Robert. 8 Two maids of More Clacke. 1609 BARCLAY, Sir William. 9 The lost lady. ^38 BARNES, Barnaby. 10 The devil's charter. 1607 BARON, Robert. 1 1 Mirza. n , & BARRY, Lodowick. 12 Ram Alley. !6 lr 13 do ^36 H do !6 39 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. 15 Works. !6 47 16 do 1679 17 Philaster. 1620 18 do !6 2 8 J 9 do X 6 34 20 do ];6 3g 21 The Maid's tragedy. i^ig HAND-LIST. 5 22 The Maid's tragedy. 1622 1630 1638 1641 1650 1661 1619 1625 1631 1639 1655 1661 1616 1625 1635 1639 1651 1637 1637 1651 1661 1678 1629 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 2 7 do 28 A king or no king. 29 do 3° do 3 1 do 32 do 33 do 34 The scournful lady. 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 The elder brother. 4i do 42 do 43 do 44 do 45 The faithful shepherdess. 'HAND-LIST. 46 The faithful shepherdess. 1 634 47 do 1656 48 do 1665 49 do n. d. 50 Wit without money. 1639 51 do 1661 52 Monsieur Thomas. 1639 53 The bloody brother. ) 1639 54 Rollo, Duke of Normandy. ) 1640 55 Rule a wife and have a wife. 1640 56 Knight of the burning pestle. 1613 57 do 1635 58 The night walker. 1640 59 do l6 6i 60 Cupid's revenge. 161 5 61 do 163° 62 do 1635 63 Two noble kinsmen. (By Fletcher and Shakespeare.) 1634 64 Thierry and Theodoret. 162 1 65 do 1648 66 do i 6 49 67 The woman hater. i 6o 7 68 do l6 48 69 do l6 49 HAND-LIST. 7 70 The beggar's bush. 166 1 71 do 1717 72 Masque of Grayes Inn and the Inner Temple. n. d. BELCHIER, Dabridgecourt. 73 Hans Beer Pot. 1618 BIRKHEAD, Henry. 74 Colas Fury. 1646 BRANDON, Samuel. 75 The virtuous Octavia. 1598 BRATHWAITE, Richard. 76 Mercurius Britannicus. 1641 BREWER, Antony. 77 The country girl. 1647 78 The love-sick king. 1655 BROME, Alexander. 79 The cunning lovers. 1654 BROME, Richard. 80 The northern lass. 1632 81 do 1635 HAND-LIST. 82 The northern lass. 83 do 84 The sparagus garden. 85 The antipodes. 86 A jovial crew. 87 do 88 do 89 The Queen's exchange. 90 do 91 Five new plays: viz. : Mad couple well matcht. ^ Novella. Court beggar. City wit. Damoiselle. 92 Five new plays : viz. : The English moor. Love-sick court. Covent garden weeded The new academy. Queen and Concubine. ) 1663 1684 1640 1640 1652 1684 1686 1657 1661 1653 1659 BULTEEL, John. 93 London's triumph. 1656 BURNELL, Henry. 94 Landgartha. Dublin, 1 64 1 HAND-LIST. 9 CAMPION, Thomas. • 95 Description of a maske in honour of Lord Hayes. 1607 96 Relation of the royal entertainment given by Lord Knowles. 1 6 1 3 97 Description of a maske. (Squire's masque.) 16 14 CAREW, Lady Elizabeth. 98 Marian, the fair queen of Jewry. 16 13 CAREW, Thomas. 99 Coelum Britannicum. 1634 CARLELL, Lodowick. 100 The deserving favorite. 1629 101 do 1639 102 Arviragus and Philicia. 1639 103 The passionate lover. 1655 104 Heraclius. 1664 105 Two new plays: viz. : The fool would be a favorite. Osmond the great Turk. 1657 CARPENTER, Richard. 106 The pragmatical Jesuit new leavened. n. d. io HAND-LIST. CARTWRIGHT, George. 107 The heroic lover. 1661 CARTWRIGHT, William. 108 The royal slave. 1639 iog do 1640 no Comedies. 1651 CHAMBERLAIN, Robert. in The swaggering damsel. 1640 CHAMBERLAIN, William. 112 Love's victory. 1658 CHAPMAN, George. 113 The blind beggar of Alexandria. 1598 114 A humorous day's mirth. 1599 115 All fools. 1605 116 Eastward Hoe. (With Jonson and Marston.) 1605 117 do 1605 118 do 1605 119 The gentleman usher. 1606 120 Monsieur d'Olive. 1606 121 Bussy d'Ambois. 1607 122 do 1608 HAND-LIST. 1 1 123 Bussy d'Ambois. 16 16 124 do ^41 125 do 1646 126 do 1657 127 Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron. 1608 128 do 1625 129 May day. 1611 130 The widow's tears. 161 2 131 Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois. 16 13 132 Masque of the Middle Temple. n. d. 133 Caesar and Pompey. 1631 "34 do ^31 135 do !6 5 3 Chabot. See Shirley. The ball. See Shirley. CHETTLE, Henry. 136 Hoffman. 1631 The blind beggar of Bethnall green. See Day. The death of Robert Earl of Huntington. See Munday. Patient Grissel. See Dekker. COCKAIN, Sm Aston. 137 The obstinate lady. 1657 12 HAND-LIST. 138 Poems. ^58 1 39 do !66 2 140 do ^69 141 Plays. 1669 COOKE, Jo. 142 Greene's Tu quoque. 16 14 143 do 1622 144 do n. d. COWLEY, Abraham. 145 Love's riddle. ^38 146 The guardian. 1650 147 The Cutter of Coleman Street. 1663 DABORNE, Robert. 148 A Christian turned Turk. 161 2 149 The poor man's comfort. 1655 DANIEL, Samuel. 150 Vision of the twelve goddesses. 1604 151 Queen's Arcadia. 1606 152 Tethy's festival : or the Queen's wake. 1 6 1 o 153 Hymen's triumph. 1613 HAND-LIST. 13 DAVENANT, Sir William. 154 Albovine. 1629 155 The cruel brother. 1630 156 The temple of love. (With Inigo Jones.) 1634 157 The triumphs of the Prince d' Amour. 1635 158 The platonic lovers. 1636 159 The wits. 1636 160 Britannia triumphans. (With Inigo Jones.) 1637 161 The just Italian. 1630 162 Salmacida Spolia. 1639 163 The unfortunate lovers. 1643 164 Love and honour. 1649 165 The siege of Rhodes. 1656 166 do 1659 167 First day's entertainment at Rutland House. 1657 168 The man's the master. 1669 169 Two excellent plays: viz. : The wits. 1 The platonick lovers. \ ' 170 Works. J 673 DAVENPORT, Robert. 171 A new trick to cheat the devil. 1639 172 King John and Queen Matilda. 1655 H HAND-LIST. 173 King John and Queen Matilda. 1662 174 The city nightcap. 1661 DAVIES, Richard. 175 Chester's triumph in honor of her prince. 1610 DAY, John. 176 The isle of gulls. 1606 177 do 1633 178 The travels of three English brothers. 1607 179 Humour out of breath. 1608 180 Law tricks, or who would have thought it. 1608 181 The parliament of bees. 1641 182 The blind beggar of Bethnall Green. 1659 DEKKER, Thomas. 183 The shoemaker's holiday. 1600 184 do 1610 185 do 1618 186 do 1631 187 do 1657 188 Old Fortunatus. 1600 189 Satiromastix. 1602 190 Patient Grissel. (With Haughton and Chettle.) 1603 191 Entertainment given to King James. London, 1604 HAND-LIST. 15 192 Entertainment given to King James. Edinburgh, 1604 193 The honest whore. (With Middleton.) 1604 194 do 1605 195 do 1615 196 do 1616 197 do 1635 198 The whore of Babylon. 1607 1 99 Troia nova triumphans. 1612 200 Britannia's honor. 1628 201 London's Tempe. 1629 202 The second part of the honest whore. 1630 203 Match me in London. 1631 204 If it be not good the devil is in it. 1612 205 The wonder of a kingdom. 1636 206 The sun's darling. (With Ford.) 1656 207 do i657 Northward Hoe. See Webster. Westward Hoe. See Webster. Sir Thomas Wyat. See Webster. The roaring girl. See Middleton. The witch of Edmonton. See Ford. DENHAM, Sir John. 208 The Sophy. 1642 1 6 HAND-LIST. D'OUVILLY, George Gerbier. 209 The false favorite disgraced. 1657 DRUE, Thomas. 210 The Duchess of Suffolk. 1631 DUGDALE, Gilbert. 211 The time triumphant. 1604 FIELD, Nathaniel. 212 Amends for ladies. 161 8 213 do 1639 The fatal dowry. See Massinger. FISHER, Jasper. 214 The true Trojans. 1633 FLETCHER, Phineas. 215 Sicelides. 163 1 FORD, John. 216 The lover's melancholy. 1629 217 'Tis pity she's a whore. 1633 2 1 8 Love's sacrifice. 1 633 219 The broken heart. 1633 220 Perkin Warbeck. 1634 HAND-LIST. 17 221 The fancies chaste and noble. 1638 222 The ladies trial. 1639 223 The witch of Edmonton. (With Dekker.) 1638 The sun's darling. See Dekker. FORDE, Thomas. 224 Love's labyrinth. 1660 FOUNTAIN, John. 225 The rewards of virtue. 1661 FREEMAN, Sir Ralph. 226 Imperiale. 1639 227 do 1655 FULWELL, Ulpian. 228 Like will to like. 1568 229 do 1587 GARTER, Thomas. 230 Susanna. 1578 GASCOIGNE, George. 231 The glass of government. 1575 1 8 HAND-LIST. GAYTON, Edm. 232 Charity triumphant. 1655 GLAPTHORNE, Henry. 233 Argalus and Parthenia. 1639 234 Albertus Wallenstein. 1639 235 do 1640 236 Wit in a constable. 1640 237 The Hollander. 1640 238 The ladies privilege. 1640 GOFFE, Thomas. 239 The raging Turk. 1631 240 The courageous Turk. 1632 241 Orestes. J 633 242 Three excellent tragedies. 1656 243 The careless shepherdess. 1656 GOMERSAL, Robert. 244 Ludovick Sforza. 1628 245 do 1633 GOUGH, John. 246 The strange discovery. 1640 HAND-LIST. 19 GREENE, Robert. 247 Orlando Furioso. 1594 248 do 1599 249 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. 1594 25° d ° 1599 251 do 1630 252 do 1655 253 do 1666 254 James the fourth. ^98 255 Alphonsus of Arragon. ignn 256 The Pinner of Wakefield. 1599 A looking-glass for London and England. See Lodge. GREVILLE, Fulke, Lord Brooke. 257 Mustapha. 1609 HABINGTON, William. 258 The Queen of Arragon. ^o HARDING, Samuel. 259 Sicily and Naples. 1640 HAUGHTON, William. 260 Englishmen for my money, or, a woman will have her will. !6i6 20 HAND-LIST. 261 Englishmen for my money, or, a woman will have her will. 1626 262 do 1631 Patient Grissel. See Dekker. HAUSTED, Peter. 263 The rival friends. 1632 HAWKINS, William. 264 Apollo shroving. 1627 HEAD, Richard. 265 Hie et ubique ; or, the humours of Dublin. 1663 HEMING, William. 266 The fatal contract. 1653 267 The Jew's tragedy. 1662 HEYWOOD, John. 268 The play of love. An interlude. John Waley. n. d. 269 The pardoner and the friar. !533 270 The play of the weather. x 533 271 do n. d. 272 The four PP. Middleton. n. d. HAND-LIST. 21 273 The four PP. Copland, n. d. 274 do Allde. 1569 HEYWOOD, Thomas. 275 Edward IV. 1600 276 do 1605 277 do 1613 278 do 1619 279 do 1626 280 If you know not me, you know nobody. Part I. 1605 281 do 1606 282 do 1608 283 do 1613 284 do 1632 285 do 1639 286 If you know not me, you know nobody. Part II. 1606 287 do 1623 288 do 1633 289 do 1 ^39 290 The fair maid of the exchange. 1607 291 do 1625 292 do 1634 293 do 1637 294 A woman killed with kindness. 1607 22 HAND-LIST. 295 A woman killed with kindness. 1607 296 do 1617 297 The rape of Lucrece. 1608 29S do 1609 299 do n. d. 300 do 1630 301 do 1638 302 The golden age. 1611 303 The silver age. 161 3 304 The brazen age. 161 3 305 The four prentices of London. 161 5 306 do 1632 307 The fair maid of the west. Two parts. 1631 308 London's jus Honorarium. 1631 309 The iron age. Two parts. 1632 310 Londini artium et scientiarum origo. 1632 311 Londini emporia. l &33 312 The English travellers. 1633 313 A maidenhead well lost. 1634 314 The late Lancashire witches. 1634 315 Londini sinus salutis. 1635 316 Love's mistress. 1636 317 do 1640 318 do 1640 HAND-LIST. 23 319 A challenge for beauty. 1636 320 The royal king and the loyal subject. 1637 321 Londini speculum. 1637 322 Pleasant dialogues and dramas. 1637 323 Porta pietatis. 1638 324 The wise woman of Hogsdon. 1638 325 Londini status pacatus. 1639 326 Fortune by land and sea. 1655 HOLIDAY, Barten. 327 Technogamia. 1618 328 do 1630 HOWELL, James. 329 Nuptials of Peleus and Thetis. 1654 INGLELAND, Thomas. 330 The disobedient child. (c. 1565) JONES, John. 331 Adrasta. 1635 JONSON, Ben. 332 Works. 16 1 6 333 Works, 2 vols. 1640 24 1. HAND-LIST. 334 Works. 1692 335 Every man out of his humour. Ling. 1600 336 do Home. 1600 337 Every man in his humour. 1601 338 Cynthia's revels. 1601 339 Poetaster. 1602 340 A particular entertainment of the Queen and Prince. 1603 341 Entertainment to King James. 1604 342 Sejanus. 1.605 343 Hymenoei. 1606 344 Volpone. 1607 345 The character of two royal masques. n. d. 346 The case is altered. 1609 347 The masque of Queens. 1609 348 Epicoene. 1609 349 do 1612 350 do 1620 351 Catiline. 1611 352 do 1635 353 The alchemist. 1612 354 The masque of augurs. 1621 355 Love's triumph through Callipolis. 1630 356 Chloridia: rites to Chloris and her nymphs. 1630 HAND-LIST. 25 357 The new inn. 1631 Eastward Hoe. See Chapman. The widow. See Middleton. JORDAN, Thomas. 358 The walks of Islington and Hogsdon. 1657 359 Fancy's festivals. 1657 360 Money is an ass. 1668 361 A new droll; or, the counterscuffle. 1663 362 The goldsmith's jubilee. 1674 KILLIGREW, Henry. 363 The conspiracy. 1638 1653 KILLIGREW, Thomas. 364 The prisoners. 1641 365 Claracilla. 1641 366 Comedies and tragedies. 1664 KILLIGREW, Sir William. 367 Pandora. 1664 368 The imperial tragedy. 1669 369 Three plays : viz. : Selindra. Pandora. \ 1665 Ormasdes. les. ) 26 HAND-LIST. 370 Three plays. Second edition. 371 Four new plays: viz.: The siege of Urbin. Selindra. Love and friendship. Pandora. 1674 Oxford. 1666 KINASTON, Sir Francis. 372 Corona Minervae. 1635 KIRKE, John. 373 The seven champions of Christendom. 1638 KIRKMAN, Francis. 374 The wits, or sport upon sport. 1672-3 KNEVETT, Ralph. 375 Rhodon and Iris. 1631 KYD, Thomas. 376 Cornelia. 377 d ° 378 The Spanish tragedy. 379 do 380 do 381 do 382 do 1594 1595 1594 n. d. 1599 1602 1602 HAND-LIST. 27 383 The Spanish tragedy. 384 do 385 do 386 do 387 Jeronimo. 1610 1611 1623 1633 1605 LODGE, Thomas. 388 The wounds of civil war. 389 A looking-glass for London and England. (With Greene.) 390 do 391 do 392 do 1594 J 594 1598 1602 1617 LOWER, Sir William. 393 The phoenix in her flames. 394 Polyeuctes. 395 Horatius. 396 The enchanted lovers. 397 d° 398 The noble ingratitude. 399 The amorous phantasm. 400 Three new plays. 1639 i6S5 1656 Hague. 1658 London. 1659 Hague. 1659 Hague. 1660 London. 1661 28 HAND-LIST. LUPTON, Thomas. 401 All for money. 1578 LYLY, John. 402 Alexander and Campaspe. 1584 403 do 1584 4°4 do 1 591 405 Sapho and Phaon. 1584 406 do 1 59 1 407 Endimion. 1591 408 Galatea. 1592 409 Midas. 1592 410 Mother Bombie. 1594 411 do 1598 412 A woman in the moon. 1597 413 Love's metamorphosis. 1601 414 Six court comedies. 1632 MANUCHE, Cosmo. 415 The loyal lovers. 1652 416 The just general. 1652 417 The Bastard. 1652 MARKHAM, Gervase. 418 The dumb knight. 1608 HAND-LIST. 29 419 The dumb knight. 1633 420 Herod and Antipater. (With W. Sampson.) 1622 MARLOWE, Christopher. 421 Tamburlaine. Part I. 1590 J 59° J 59 2 1593 1597 1605 159° J 592 1597 1606 J 594 iS98 1612 1622 1604 1609 1611 1616 1620 1624 422 do 423 do 424 do 425 do 426 do 427 Tamburlaine. Part II 428 do 429 do 43° do 43i Edward II. 43 2 do 433 do 434 do 435 Doctor Faustus. 43 6 do 437 do 438 do 439 do 440 do 30 HAND-LIST. 441 Doctor Faustus. 1631 442 do 1663 443 Dido, Queen of Carthage. (With Nash.) 1594 444 Rich Jew of Malta. J 633 445 Massacre at Paris. n. d. MARMION, Shackerley. 446 Holland's leaguer. 1632 447 do 1633 448 A fine companion. 1633 449 The antiquary. 1641 MARSTON, John. 450 Antonio and Mellida. 1602 451 Antonio's revenge. 1602 452 The malcontent. (With Webster.) 1604 453 d ° i6°4 454 The Dutch courtezan. 1605 455 Parasitaster. 1606 456 do 1606 457 Sophonisba. 1605 458 do 1606 459 What you will. 1607 460 The insatiate countess. 1613 HAND-LIST. 31 461 The insatiate countess. 161 6 462 do 1631 463 Works. 1633 Eastward Hoe. See Chapman. MASON, John. 464 The Turk. 1610 1632 MASSINGER, Philip. 465 The virgin martyr. 1622 466 do 1 63 1 467 do 1654 468 do 1661 469 The Duke of Milan. 1623 470 do 1638 471 The bondman. 1624 472 do 1638 473 do 1638 474 The Roman actor. 1629 475 The picture. 1630 476 The renegade 1630 477 The emperor of the east. 1632 478 The maid of honor. 1632 32 HAND-LIST. 479 The fatal dowry. (With Field.) 480 A new way to pay old debts. 481 The great Duke of Florence. 482 The unnatural combat. 483 The city madam. 484 do 485 Three plays: viz.: A very woman. The bashful lover. The guardian. The old law. See Middleton. 1632 1633 1636 1639 1658 1659 i 6 55 MAY, Thomas. 486 The heir. 487 do 488 Antigone. 489 Julia Agrippina. 490 Cleopatra. 491 The old couple. 492 Two tragedies : viz. : Cleopatra. 1 Agrippina. ) MAYNE, Jasper. 493 The city match. 494 do 495 The amorous war. 496 do 1622 (?) 1633 1631 1639 1639 1658 1654 1639 1658 1648 1659 HAND-LIST. 33 MEAD, Robert. 497 The combat of love and friendship. 1654 MERITON, Thomas. 498 Love and war. 1658 MIDDLETON, Thomas. 499 Blurt, Master Constable. 1602 500 The phoenix. 1607 501 do 1630 502 Michaelmas terme. 1607 503 do 1630 504 A trick to catch the old one. 1608 505 do 1608 506 do 1616 507 The familie of love. 1608 508 Your five gallants. n. d. 509 A mad world, my masters. 1608 510 do 1640 511 The roaring girle. (With Dekker.) 161 1 512 The triumphs of truth. 161 3 513 do 1613 514 Civitatis amor. 1616 515 Triumphs of honor and industry. 161 7 34 HAND-LIST. 516 A faire quarrel. (With Rowley.) 161 7 5 ! 7 do 1617 518 do 1622 519 Triumphs of love and antiquity. 1619 520 The Inner Temple masque. 1619 521 The world tost at tennis. 1620 522 The sun in Aries. 1621 523 Honourable entertainment composed for the service of this noble city. 1621 524 Triumphs of honor and virtue. 1622 525 Triumphs of integrity. 1623 526 Triumphs of health and prosperity. 1626 527 A chast mayd in Cheape-side. 1630 528 The widow. (With Jonson and Fletcher.) 1652 529 A game at chess. Leyden. n. d. 53° do Leyden. n. d. 531 do Leyden. n. d. 532 do London, n. d. 533 The changeling. 1653 534 do 1668 535 The Spanish gipsy. 1653 53 6 do 1661 537 The old law. (With Massinger and Rowley.) 1656 538 No wit, no help like a womans. 1657 HAND-LIST. 35 539 The mayor of Quinborough. 1661 540 Anything for a quiet life. 1662 541 Two new plays : viz. : More dissemblers besides women, > Women beware women. ) " The honest whore. See Dekker. MILTON, John. 542 Comus. 1637 MONTAGUE, Walter. 543 The shepherd's paradise. 1659 MUNDAY, Antony. 544 The death of Robert Earl of Huntington. (With Chettle.) 1 60 1 545 Reunited Britannia. 1605 546 Camp-bell, or the Ironmongers' fair field. 1 609 547 Chrysothriambos. 16 ti 548 Old drapery. 16 14 549 Himatia-Poleos. 1614 550 Metropolis coronata. 161 5 551 Chrysanaleia. 16 16 552 Sideto-Thriambos. 1618 553 Triumphs of the golden fleece. 1623 36 HAND-LIST. NABBES, Thomas. 554 Microcosmus. j6, 7 555 Hannibal and Scipio. 1637 556 Tottenham Court. 5638 557 do ^39 558 Covent Garden. 1638 559 do l639 560 The spring's glory. ^38 561 do ^39 562 The bride. ^40 563 The unfortunate mother. ^40 NAILE, Robert. 564 Entertainment to Queen Anne. 1613 NASH, Thomas. 565 Summer's last will and testament. 1600 Dido. See Marlowe. NELSON, T. 566 Device of the fishmongers' pageant. 1590 NEVILE, Robert. 567 The poor scholar. 1622 568 do 1662 HAND-LIST. 37 NEWCASTLE, Duchess of. 569 Plays. 1662-8 NEWCASTLE, Duke of. 570 The country captain. 1649 571 The variety. 1649 572 The humorous lovers. 1677 573 The triumphant widow. 1677 PALSGRAVE, John. 574 Acolastus. 1540 PEAPS, William. 575 Love in its extasy. 1649 PEELE, George. 576 The device of the pageant, &c. 1585 577 Polyhymnia. 1590 578 Descensus Astraeae. 1591 579 Edward I. 1593 580 do 1599 581 Battle of Alcazar. r 594 582 The old wives' tale. 1595 583 The love of King David and fair Bethsabe. 1 590 38 HAND-LIST. PICKERING, John. 584 Orestes: a new interlude of vice. 1567 PORTER, Henry. 585 Two angry women of Abington. 1599 586 do J 599 PORTER, Thomas. 587 The witty combat. 1663 588 The carnival. 1664 PRESTON, Thomas. 589 Cambyses. n. d. n. d. QUARLES, Francis. 590 The virgin widow. 1649 591 do 1656 RANDOLPH, Thomas. 592 The jealous lovers. 1632 593 do 1634 594 Aristippus. l6 3° 595 do 1630 596 do 1 63 1 597 do i 6 35 HAND-LIST. 39 RAWLINS, Thomas. 598 The rebellion. 1640 599 do l6 54 RICHARDS, Nathaniel. 600 Messalina. 1640 RIDER, William. 601 The twins. 1655 ROBERTS, Henry. 602 Entertainment of the King of Denmark. 1606 603 England's farewell to Christian the fourth. 1606 ROWLEY, Samuel. 604 When you see me, you know me. 1605 605 do 1613 606 do 1621 607 do 1632 608 The noble soldier. 1634 ROWLEY, William. 609 A new wonder, a woman never vext. 1632 610 All's lost by lust. 1633 611 A match at midnight. 1633 40 HAND-LIST. 612 A shoemaker is a gentleman. 1638 613 The birth of Merlin. 1662 The world tost at tennis. See Middleton. A fair quarrel. See Middleton. The Changeling. See Middleton. The Spanish gipsey. See Middleton. The old law. See Middleton. The witch of Edmonton. See Ford. Fortune by land and sea. See Heywood. A cure for a cuckald. See Webster. The Thracian wonder. See Webster. RUTTER, Joseph. 614 The shepherd's holiday. 615 The Cid. Part I. 616 do 617 The Cid. Part II. 1635 1637 1650 1640 SACKVILLE, Thomas. 618 Gorboduc. (Ferrex and Porrex.) 619 do 620 do 621 do 1565 1569 157' 1590 HAND-LIST. 41 SADLER, Anthony. 622 The subjects' joy for the king's restoration. 1660 SAMPSON, William. 623 The vow breaker. 1636 Herod and Antipater. See Markham. SAVILE, John. 624 King James his entertainment at Theobalds. 1603 SHAKESPEARE, William. 625 Works. 1623 626 do 1632 627 do 1663 628 do 1664 629 do 1685 630 Romeo and Juliet. 1597 631 do 1599 632 do 1609 633 do n. d. 634 do 1637 635 Richard II. 1597 636 do 1598 637 do 1608(2) 42 HAND-LIST. 638 Richard II. 161 5 639 do 1634 640 do 1681 641 Richard III. 1597 642 do 1598 643 do 1602 644 do 1605 645 do 161 2 646 do 1622 647 do 1629 648 do 1634 649 do 1700 650 Henry IV. Part I. 1598 651 do 1599 652 do 1604 653 do 1608 654 do 1613 655 do 1622 656 do 1632 657 do 1639 658 Titus Andronicus. 1600 659 do 1611 660 do 1686 661 Merchant of Venice. Roberts. 1600 HAND-LIST. 43 662 Merchant of Venice. 663 do 664 do 665 Love's labour's lost. 666 do 667 Henry V. 668 do 669 do 670 Much ado about nothing. 671 Henry IV. Part II. 672 Midsummer night's dream. 673 do 674 Merry wives of Windsor. 675 do 676 do 677 Hamlet. 678 do 679 do 680 do 681 do 682 do 683 do 684 do 685 do Hayes. 1600 1637 1652 1598 1631 1600 1602 1608 1600 1600 Fisher. 1 600 Roberts. 1600 1602 1619 1630 1603 1604 1605 1611 n. d. 1637 1676 1685 1695 44 HAND-LIST. 686 Hamlet. 1703 687 King Lear. 1608 688 do 1608 689 do 1655 690 Troilus and Cressida. 1609 691 do 1609 692 Pericles. 1609 693 do 1609 694 do 161 1 695 do 1619 696 do 1630 697 do 1635 698 Othello. 1622 699 do 1630 700 do 1655 701 do 1687 702 do 1695 703 The taming of the shrew. 1631 704 Macbeth. 1674 705 do 1687 706 do 1695 707 do 1710 708 Julius Caesar. 1684 709 Henry the fourth, altered by Betterton. 1700 HAND-LIST. 45 SHARPE, Lewis. 710 The noble stranger. 1640 SHARPHAM, Edward. 711 The Fleire. 1607 7 12 do ^10 713 do ^15 714 do 1621 7 1 5 Cupid's whirligig. ^07 716 do 1611 717 do 1616 718 do 1630 SHEPPARD, S. 719 The committee man curried. 1647 SHIRLEY, Henry. 720 The martyred soldier. 1638 SHIRLEY, James. 721 The wedding. 1629 722 do 1633 723 do 1660 724 The grateful servant. 1630 725 do 1637 46 HAND-LIST. 726 The grateful servant. n. d. 727 The school of compliment. 1631 728 do 1633 729 do 1637 730 do 1667 731 The changes. 1632 732 Honor and Riches. ) l ^>33 733 Honoria and Mammon. \ '659 734 The witty fair one. '633 735 The bird in the cage. 1633 736 The triumph of peace. 1633 737 do l6 33 738 do 1633 739 The traitor. 1635 740 do 1638 741 Hyde Park. 1637 742 The lady of pleasure. 1637 743 The young admiral. 1637 744 The example. 1637 745 The gamester. 1637 746 The Duke's mistress. 1638 747 The royal master. 1638 748 Chabot. (With Chapman.) 1639 749 The ball. (With Chapman.) 1639 HAND-LIST. 47 750 The maid's revenge. 1639 751 The opportunity. 1640 752 Love's cruelty. 1640 753 The coronation. 1640 754 The humorous courtier. 1640 755 Arcadia. 1640 756 St. Patrick for Ireland. 1640 757 The constant maid. (Love will find out the way.) 1640 758 do 1661 759 do 1667 760 Cupid and death. 1653 761 do 1659 762 The gentleman of Venice. 1655 763 do 1655 764 The politician. 1655 765 do 1655 766 Six new plays : viz. : Brothers. Sisters. Doubtful heir. Imposture. Cardinal. Court Secret, j 767 Two plays: viz.: The Constant Maid. j St. Patrick for Ireland. \ l6s7 SMITH, William or Wentworth. 768 The Hector of Germany. 161 5 1653 48 HAND-LIST. SQUIRE, John. 769 The triumphs of peace. 1620 STEPHENS, or SWALLOW, John. 770 Cynthia's revenge. 161 3 STILL, John. 771 Gammer Gurton's needle. 1575 772 do 1 66 1 STRODE, William. 773 The floating island. 1655 SUCKLING, Sir John. 774 Aglaura. 1638 775 The discontented colonel. (Brennoralt.) n. d. SWINHOE, Gilbert. 776 The unhappy fair Irene. 1658 TAILOR, Robert. 777 The hog hath lost his pearl. 16 14 TATHAM, John. 778 Love crowns the end. 1640 779 do l6 57 HAND-LIST. 49 780 The distracted state. 1651 781 The Scots Figaries. 1652 782 London's triumphs. 1657 783 do 1658 784 do 1659 785 London's glory. 1660 786 The royal oak. 1660 787 The rump. 1660 788 London's triumphs. 1661 789 Neptune's address to Charles II. 1661 790 Aqua triumphalis. 1662 791 Londinium triumphans. 1663 792 London's triumphs. 1664 793 Knavery in all trades. 1664 TAYLOR, John. 794 England's comfort, and London's joy. 1641 795 The triumphs of fame and honor. 1634 TOMKIS, Thomas. 796 Albumazar. 16 15 797 do l6 34 798 do 1668 50 HAND-LIST. TOURNEUR, Cyril. 799 The revenger's tragedy. 1607 800 do 1608 801 The atheist's tragedy. 161 1 802 do 1612 TOWNSEND, Aurelian. 803 Albion's triumph. 1631 804 Tempe restored. 1631 UDALL, Nicholas. 805 Ralph Roister Doister. (15 66 ) WAGER, Lewis. 806 The repentance of Mary Magdalen. 1 566 807 do 1567 WAGER, W. 808 The longer thou livest the more fool thou art. (1 570) WAPULL, George. 809 The tide tarrieth no man. 1576 WEBSTER, John. 810 Sir Thomas Wyat. (With Dekker.) 1607 811 do 1612 HAND-LIST. 5 1 812 Westward Hoe. (With Dekker.) 1607 813 Northward Hoe. (With Dekker.) 1607 814 The white devil. 161 2 815 do 1631 816 do 1665 817 do 1672 818 The Duchess of Main. 1623 819 do 1640 820 do n. d. 821 The devil's law case. 1623 822 Monuments of honor. 1624 823 Appius and Virginia. 1654 824 do 1659 825 do 1679 826 A cure for a cuckold. (With Rowley.) 1661 827 The Thracian wonder. (With Rowley.) 1661 (Nos. 826 and 827 are sometimes bound together with a general title-page added.) The malcontent. See Marston. WHETSTONE, George. 828 Promus and Cassandra. 1578 WILKINS, George. 829 The miseries of enforced marriage. 1697 52 HAND-LIST. 830 The miseries of enforced marriage. 161 1 831 do 1629 832 do 1637 WILLAN, Leonard. 833 Astrea; or, true love's mirror. 165 1 WILMOT, Robert. 834 Tancred and Gismond. 1591 835 do 1592 WILSON, J. 836 Andronicus Comnenus. 1664 WILSON, Robert. 837 The three ladies of London. 1584 838 do 1592 839 The three lords and three ladies of London. '59° 840 The pedlar's prophecy. 1595 841 The cobbler's prophecy. 1594 WOODES, Nathaniel. 842 The conflict of conscience. 1581 HAND-LIST. 53 YARRINGTON, Robert. 843 Two lamentable tragedies. 1601 ZOUCH, Richard. 844 The sophister. 1639 3Enonpmoug ant> iBnmgip 2tttrifcute& $fap£. 845 Certaine devises and shewes presented to her Maj- estie by the gentlemen of Grayes Inne, at her highnesse Court in Greenwich, the twenty-eighth day of Februarie, in the thirtieth yeare of her Majesties most happy raigne. 8vo. 1587 846 Gratiae Theatrales : or, a choice Ternary of Eng- lish plays, composed upon especial occasions, by several ingenious persons. Contents : The London Maid. By T. W. The marriage broker. By M. W. Grim, the Collier of Croydon. 12 mo. 1662 847 Actaeon and Diana. n - d. 848 do ' 6 5 6 849 Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany. 1654 850 Andromana; or the merchant's wife. By J. S. 1660 851 Andronicus: a tragedy. l6 6i 852 Appius and Virginia. By R. B. J 575 853 Arden of Feversham. x 59 2 854 do J 599 855 do i 6 33 856 Arraignment of Paris. J 5 8 4 54 HAND-LIST. 55 857 Band, Cuff, and Ruff. > 1615 858 do I 1661 859 Exchange ware. J 1615 860 Bloody banquet. 1639 861 Bottom the weaver, The merry conceited humors of. 1661 862 Caesar and Pompey, Tragedy of. n. d. 863 do 1607 864 Captain Stukeley. 1605 865 Charles I. Famous tragedy of King Charles I. basely butchered. 1649 866 Contention between liberality and prodigality. 1602 867 Contention betwixt the two famous houses of York and Lancaster. J 594 868 do 1600 869 do 1600 870 do n. d. 871 Costly whore. 1633 872 Cromwell's conspiracy. 1660 873 Cromwell, Lord. 1602 874 do 1613 875 Cruel war. 1643 876 Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru. 1658 877 Damon and Pithias. 1571 878 do 1582 56 HAND-LIST. 879 Darius. i5 6 5 880 Drake, The history of Sir Francis. 1569 881 Edward III. (Attributed to Marlowe.) J 59 6 882 do r 599 883 do 1609 884 do 1612 885 do 1617 886 do 1625 887 Entertainment of King Charles, June 15, 1633. Edinb. 1633 888 Entertainment to the Queen's Majesty at Elvetham. i59i 889 Every woman in her humor. 1609 890 Extravagant shepherd. A pastoral comedy. By T. R. 1654 891 Fair Em. n. d. 892 do 1631 893 Fair maid of Bristol. 1605 894 Famous victories of Henry V. 1598 895 do 1617 896 Flowers, Masque of. 1614 897 Florimene, Pastoral of. 1635 898 Gesta Grayorum : or, the history of the high and mighty prince, Henry Prince of Purpoole, Arch- Duke of Stapulia and Bernardia, &c. 1688 HAND-LIST. 57 1653 J i 6 55 899 Ghost ; or the woman wears the breeches. 1 900 Gossip's brawl ; or the woman wears the breeches. 901 Hectors: or, the false challenge. 1656 902 Histriomastix ; or the player whipped. 161 o 903 Honest lawyer. By S. S. 161 6 904 How a man may choose a good wife from a bad. 1602 905 do 1605 906 do 1621 907 do 1630 908 do 1634 909 Impatient poverty. A new interlude. 1560 910 Jack Drum's entertainment. 1601 911 do 1616 912 do 1 6 1 8 913 Jack Juggler. (1563) 914 Jack Straw. 1593 915 do 1604 916 Jacob and Esau. 1568 917 John, The troublesome reign of King. 1591 918 do 1 6 1 1 919 do 1622 920 King and Queen's entertainment at Richmond. 1636 921 Knack (A) to know a knave. 1594 58 HAND-LIST. 922 Knack (A) to know an honest man. 1596 923 Knave (A) in grain new vampt. By T. D. 1640 924 Lady Alimony. 1659 925 Larum (A) for London. 1602 926 Leir, True chronicle history of King. 1605 927 Lingua. 1607 928 do n. d. 929 do 1617 930 do 1622 931 do 1632 932 do 1657 933 Locrine. 159 5 934 London prodigal. (Attributed to Shakespeare.) 1605 935 London's love to the royal Prince Henry. 16 10 936 London chanticleers. 1659 937 Look about you. 1600 938 Luminalia; or, the festival of light. 1637 939 Lust's dominion. (Attributed to Marlowe.) 1657 940 Lusty Juventus, An interlude called. W.Copland. (c. 1560) 941 do Abraham Vele. (c. 1560) 942 Maid's metamorphosis. 1600 943 Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1651 944 Merry devil of Edmonton. 1608 945 do l6t2 HAND-LIST. 946 Merry devil of Edmonton. 947 do 948 do 949 do 95° Mucedorus. 95i do 952 do 953 do 954 do 955 do 956 do 957 do 958 do 959 do 960 do 961 do 962 do 9 6 3 Nero, Tragedy of. 964 do 9 6 5 Nero, Tragedy of Claudius Tiberius. 966 New custom. (Interlude.) 967 News out of the west. 968 Nice wanton, A pretty interlude called, 969 Nobody and somebody. 59 1617 1626 1631 1655 1598 1606 1610 1611 1613 1615 1618 1619 1626 1634 1639 1668 n. d. 1624 1633 1607 1573 1647 1560 (1607) 60 HAND-LIST. 970 Oldcastle, Sir John. 1600 971 do 1600 972 Orgula; or, the fatal error. By L. W. 1658 973 Pathomachia; or, the battle of affections. 1630 974 Petronius Maximus, The famous history of. By W. S. 161 9 975 Prince of Prigs' revels. By J. S. 165 1 976 Puritan, The. 1607 977 Queen, (The,) or, the excellency of her sex. 1653 978 Queen Hester. A new interlude. 1561 979 Rare triumph of love and fortune. 1589 980 Rebellion of Naples. 1649 981 do 165 1 982 Revenge for honour. (Attributed to Chapman.) 1654 983 Return from Parnassus. 1606 984 Richard Duke of York, True tragedy of. 1595 985 do 1600 986 Richard the third. J 594 987 Robin Hood. W. Copland, n. d. 988 do E. White. n. d. 989 Royal passage of her Majesty to Whitehall. 1604 990 Selimus, Emperor of the Turks, Tragical reign of. J 594 991 do 1638 992 Sir Cliomon. 1599 993 Sir Giles Goosecap. 1606 HAND-LIST. 6 1 994 Sir Giles Goosecap. 1636 995 do n. d. 996 Soliman and Perseda. (Attributed to Kyd.) 1599 997 do n. d. 998 Spanish bawd. 163 1 999 Swetnam the woman-hater. 1620 1000 Taming of a shrew. 1594 1001 do 1596 1002 do 1607 1003 Titus, or, the palm of Christian courage. 1644 1004 Tom Tyler and his wife. 1661 1005 Trial of chivalry : with the life and death of Cavaliero Dick Bowyer. 1605 1006 do 1605 1007 Trial of treasure. (Interlude.) 1567 1008 Two merry milk maids. By J. C. 1620 1009 do 1 66 1 10 ro Two wise men and all the rest fools. 1619 1011 Unfortunate usurper. 1663 1012 Ungrateful favorite. 1664 1013 Valiant Scot. By J. W. 1637 1 014 Valiant Welshman. By R. A. 161 5 1015 do 1663 1016 Warning for fair women. 1599 62 HAND-LIST. 1017 Wars of Cyrus. *594 1 018 Warwick (Guy), Earl of. 1661 1019 Weakest (The) goeth to the wall. 1600 1020 do 1618 1 02 1 Wily beguiled. 1606 1022 do 1623 1023 do l6 3° 1024 do '635 1025 do 1638 1026 Wine, beer, and ale. i 6z 9 1027 do 1630 1028 do l6 5 8 1029 Wisdom of Dr. Dodipoll. 1600 1030 Wit of a woman. *6°4 1 03 1 Woman is a weather-cock. 161 2 1032 Work for cutlers. l6l 5 1033 Yorkshire tragedy. '608 1034 do 1619 1035 Youth, The interlude of. John Waley. n. d. 103 6 do W. Copland, n. d. €ran£tete& $lap£. BERNARD, Richard. 1037 The comedies of Terence. 1588 1038 do 1607 1039 do 1621 1040 do 1641 CHEEKE, Henry. 1 04 1 Free will. (From the Italian.) (c. 1560) DANCER, John. 1042 Aminta. A pastoral. (From Tasso.) 1660 DYMOCK, Charles. 1043 D pastor fido. (From Guarini.) 1602 1044 do 1633 FANSHAWE, Sir R. 1045 II Pastor Fido. (From Guarini.) 1647 1046 do 1648 1047 do 1664 63 64 HAND-LIST. 1048 II Pastor Fido. (From Guarini.) 1676 1 049 Querer por solo querer : to love only for love's sake. (From Mendoza.) 1670 1050 do 1671 GOLDSMITH, Francis. 1 05 1 Hugo Grotius his Sophompaneas. 1652 HEYWOOD, Jasper. 1052 Troas. (From Seneca.) n. d. 1053 do n. d. 1054 Thyestes. (From Seneca.) 1560 1055 Hercules Furens. (From Seneca.) 1561 HOOLE, Charles. 1056 The six comedies of Terence in English and Latin. 1663 KYFFIN, Maurice. 1057 Andria. (From Terence.) 1588 NEWMAN, Thomas. 1058 The Eunuch. (From Terence.) 1627 1059 Andria. (From Terence.) 1628 NUCE, Thomas. 1060 Octavia. (From Seneca.) (15 66 ) HAND-LIST. 65 NEVILE, Alexander. i 06 i Oedipus. (From Seneca.) 1563 PEMBROKE, Countess of. 1062 Antonius. (From the French.) 1592 1063 do 1595 PRESTWICH, Edmund. 1064 Hippolytus. (From Seneca.) 1651 RANDOLPH, Thomas. 1065 Hey for honesty, down with knavery. (From Aristophanes.) 1651 REYNOLDS, John. 1066 Aminta. A pastoral. (From Tasso.) 1628 SANDYS, George. 1067 Christ's passion. (From Grotius.) 1640 1068 do 1687 SHERBURNE, Sir Edward. 1069 Medea. (From Seneca.) 1648 1070 Troades, or the royal captives. (From Seneca.) 1679 66 HAND-LIST. STUDLEY, John. 107 i Agamemnon. (From Seneca.) 1566 Medea. (From Seneca.) 1566 WASE, Christopher. 1072 Electra of Sophocles. 1649 Snnonpmoujtf €ran$ator£. 1073 Menaechmi. By W. W. (From Plautus.) 1595 1074 Andria. (From Terence.) 1629 1075 Phillis of Scyros. By J. S. (From the Italian.) 1655 67 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OP 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 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