A i A s =^. A — '.n \ f\ ^ = — - \ = = Z m ^= 3D 7 = / ^ 8 m u 7 = ^^ 33 8 e 1 = = - 1 1^ Lf-» :i '»V- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECT LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODIC AI.S) ON LABOR PAJBTICULARLY RELATING TO STRIKES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. IP. C. G-RIFFIlSr CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 lii LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECT LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) ON LABOR PARTICULARLY RELATING TO STRIKES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. F». C. O^RIFFIlSr CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 MIL 12 ^n^ 94f:ic INTRODUCTION. This is one of a number of lists upon topics of current interest which have been compiled to meet requests by letter. So far as it could be distributed at all it has hitherto been distributed in typewritten form. The applications have become so numerous that it has now been reduced to print, so as to be available for more general distribution. It has no claim to completeness, nor does it even attempt to exhaust the resources of this Library on the subject. Its purpose is merely to present some of the authorities of interest to the general inquirer. The special investigator must, of course, go much further. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of Bibliograpliy. Heebert Putnam, Lihrarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, March 26, 1903. 3 LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. Adams, Charles Francis. Letter to the "Evening Post." {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 433-439. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Letter written in Augu.st, 1901, at the time of the steel strike. Experience of the Massachusetts Railroad Commission in dealing with the strike on the Boston and Maine Railroad given as an instance of "the nearest practical approach possible to what is called 'compulsory' arbitration." American academy of political and social science. Social legis- lation and social activity. Being addresses delivered at the sixth annual meeting. Published for the American academy of 2)olitical and social science of Philadelphia, hy Mc Clure, Phillips dh company. New Yorh, 1902. vii, 30J^ pp. 5°. Contents: Part I. The annual address. Social effects of transporta- tion, Martin A. Knapp. Part II. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. — Industrial concil- iation and arbitration, Marcus A. Hanna; Limitations of concil- iation and arbitration, Samuel Gompers; Results accomplished by the Industrial Department, National civic federation, Oscar 0. Straus; Co-operation of labor and capital, William H. Pfahler; Harmonizing labor and capital by means of industrial partnership, Alexander Purves. Part III. The housing problem. — Tenement house regulation: The reasons for it; its proper limitations, Robert \V. De Forest; Housing problem in Chicago, Miss Jane Addanis; Certain aspects of the housing problem in Philadelphia, report prepared by the Octavia Hill Association; Housing conditions in Boston, Robert Treat Paine; Housing conditions in Jersey City, Miss Mary B. Sayles. Part IV. The child labor problem. — Child labor legislation, Mrs. Florence Kelley; Child labor in the department store, Frank- lin N. Brewer; Necessity for factory legislation in the South, Hayes Robbins; Child labor in New Jersey, Hugh F. Fox; Child labor in Belgium, Ernest Dubois; Machinery and labor, Henry White. Part V. Factory legislation and inspection. — Tendencies of fac- tory legislation and inspection in the United States, Sarah S. Whlttelsey. Part VI. Juvenile courts: Probation and juvenile courts, Mrs. Emily E. Williamson; The juvenile court in Philadelphia, Abra- ham M. Beitler; .luvenile courts in Buffalo, Frederic Almy Part VII. Proceedings of annual meeting. 5 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Der Arbeiterfreund. Zeitschrif t f iir die Arbeiterfrage. Organ des Central -Vereins fiir das Wolil der arbeitenden Klassen. Berlin: OttoJanke& Co., Leonhard Simion, 1863-1902. 1^0 wis. 8°. Appended to Jahrgang 1902, Heft 1 is: Bibliographie der Arbeiterfrage fiir 1901. Zusammengestellt von Peter Schmidt. Bibliographies of lal)or are throughout the volumes. Ashley, W. J. The railroad strike of 1-894: the statements of the Pullman company and the Report of the Commission; with an analysis of the issues, and a brief bibliography. Cambridge, Mass. : The Church social union, 1895. iv, {16), SJ^pp. 8°. Australia. Queensland. Papers relating- to the Pacific Island labour- ers' act, 1901, of the Commonwealth of Australia. Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. September, 1902. London, 190'B. 6 JU^. F°. (In Great Britain. Sessional papers, 1902. [Cd. 1285.]) Barker, Wharton. . The great issues. Reprints of some editorials from The American, 1897-1900. Philadeljyhia: [W. Barker'], 1902. 391pp. 12°. Pp. 276-311 contain editorials concerning the coal strike of 1897 under the captions: "The courts inciting to riots; Are the rights of capital superior to the rights of man? Organized labor's crisis." Belgium. Ministere de Vinterieur. Enquete sur la condition des classes ouvrieres et sur le travail des enfants. Bruxelles: Th. Lesigne, I8J1.6-I8J1.8. 3 vols. 8°. Qflce du travail. Annuaire de la legislation du travail. 1897-1901. Bruxelles: J. Lehegue ef Cie., 1898-1902. 5 vols. 8°. Office du travail et admninistration des mines. Rapports annuels de I'inspection du travail. 189.5-1899. Bruxelles: J. Lehegueet Cle., 1896-1900. 5 vols. 8°. Bliss, W. D. P. Socialism and single tax: how to unite labor and capital in the same man. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 378-387. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Bocci, P. Anastasio. La democrazia e la questione sociale. Firenze: Tip. dl E. Ariani, 1893. 3 parts in 1vol. 16°. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOK AND STKIKES. 7 Booth, Charles, ed. Life and labour of the people iu London. London and Nefio York: Macmillan and co.^ 1892. 9 vols. Maps. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. Bo-wley, .Vrthur L. Wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: At the University press, 1900. vi., (^), 1^8 jpp. Folded tables. 8^. Bo-wstead, William, The law relating to factories and workshops as amended and consolidated by the factory and workshop act, 1901. With all orders, special rules, and requirements now in force, and the provisions of the truck acts, elementary education acts, and other statutes and regulations so far as they affect factories and workshops. London: Sweet <& Maxwell.^ 1901. xxvi., 3Jf3 pp. 8°. BrentanOjL., ^^. Arbeitseinstellungen und Fortbildung des Arbeits- vertrags. Berichte von E. Auerbach, W. Lotz, und F. Zahn. Leipzig: Duncker & LLumblot.^ 1890. Ixxviii, Ji-70., (1) j^P- 8^. {ScJiriften des Yei'eins fur Socialpolitik, vol. JfS.) Brooks, John Graham. The social unrest. Studies in labor and socialist movements. NefiV) Ym'h: Macmillan comj)any., 190S. {6), oJ^Jf-pj). 12°. Bry, Georges. Cours elementaire de legislation industrielle. Travail industriel et questions ouvrieres. Propriete industrielle. Delits de contref ayon et concurrence deloyale. Paris: L. Larose, 1895. (^), 800 jyp. 8°. ^ "Appendice contenant un aper^'u de la legislation du travail des principaux projets et des plus importantes decisions de la jurispru- dence concernant les questions ouvrieres depuis I'annee 1895." Burgoyne, Arthur G. Homestead. [Pa.] A complete history of the struggle of July, 1892, between the Carnegie steel com- pany, limited, and the Amalgamated association of iron and steel workers. Illustrated. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Rawsthorne printing go. , 1893. viii, 298 pp. Woodcuts. Ihrtraits. 12°. Burns, \\ . F. The Pullman boycott. A complete histor}' of the great R. R. strike. St. Paid: McGill p>rintvag CO., 1891j.. vi, 311pp. Portrait. 12°. 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Calmettes, Pierre. Le travail de nos ouvriers modernes d'art et d' industrie. Illustrations del'auteur. Preface de Charles Formentiu. Park: Ernest Flmnmarion, [1902.] (2), xii, 292, (3) pp. Illustrations in text. 8°. Car-wardine, William H. The Pullman strike. Chicago : Charles II. Kerr and company, 189 J^. 135 pp. Illustrations. Portrait. 12°. i Casson, Herbert N. Organized self-help. A history and defence of the American labor movement. Mw York : Peter EcUer, {1901.] 211 pj>. W. Centralverband deutscher Industrieller. Verhandlungen, Mitteil- ungen und Berichte. Herausgegeben von H. A. Bueck. Berlin : Deutscher Verlag, 1902. 8°. Chase, John C. Socialism and single tax: the abolition of competi- tion. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 374-377. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, No. 98.) Clark, E. E. Compulsory arbitration: order of railway conductors. (In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 238-244. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day. No. 98.) Clark, John Bates. Do trusts benefit laborers ? {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, j^p. 27-31. New Y'ork, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day. No. 98. ) Clark, Victor S. Labor conditions in Cuba. {In United States. Department of Labor. Bulletins, vol. 7, July, 1902, pp. 663-793. Washington, 1902. ) Cogley, Thomas S. The law of strikes, lockouts, and labor organiza- tions. Washington, D. C. : W. H. Lowdermilk & co. , 189^. xii}, {2), 377 pp>' ^°' , • Cohen, Hermann J. atid George Howell. Trade union law and cases, a text book relating to trade unions and to labour. London: Sweet (& Maxwell, 1901. xiii, 250 pp. 12°. Cooke, Frederic H. The law of trade and labor combinations as applicable to boycotts, strikes, trade conspiracies, monop- olies, pools, trusts, and kindred topics. Chicago : Callaghan and company, 1898. xxv, (1), 214- pp. 8°. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STKIKES. 9 Courcelle, Louis. Code aiinote des lois ouvrieres. Paris : Marchal et Blllard, 1902. (^), xxiv, 321 jop. 7^°. {Petite hibliotheque pratique., 25.) Bibliography at end of each chapter. Traite de legislation ouvriere. Contrats de travail. Bureaux de placement. Contestations et conflits entre patrons et ouvriers: Coalitions, greves, conciliation et arbitrage. Travail dans Tindustrie. Accidents du travail. Conseils des prud'hommes et du travail. Associations ouvrieres, prof essionnelles, cooperatives. Societes de secours mutuels. Rocompenses et retraites ouvrieres, etc. Avec une preface de M. Paul Beauregard. Paris: Y. Giard <& E. Brie re., 1902. {2), Hi, (1), xv, (1), 084. pjj. 8°. Croker, E. J. O'B. Retrospective lessons on railway strikes in the United Kingdom. London: Slm^kin, 1898. 212pp. 5°. Crcsby, Ernest Howard. Socialism and single tax: fair play. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 400-414. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Dacus, J. A. Annals of the great strikes in the United States. A reliable history and graphic description of the causes and thrilling events of the labor strikes and riots of 1877. Chicago: L. T. Palmer & co., 1877. vi,{8), JfGS pp. Plates {woodcuts). 8^. Davies, Henry.* How shall labor and capital be reconciled? Educa- tion the solution. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 3-12. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Dill, James B. Trusts, their uses and abuses. {[n Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 32-43. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) "The original of this article was an address before the Merchants' Club of Chicago, November 9, 1901." Douglas, W. L. Voluntary arbitration: experience of a shoe factor}^ {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 275-279. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Drage, Geoti'rey. The labour problem. London: Smith, Elder c§ co., 1896. xv, {1), 4^1 pp. 8"^. 10 HBKARY OF CONGRESS. Dupin Andre. Du mouvement syndical ouvrier dans I'industrie Allemande. Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1902. xii., IfiJi.pp. 8"^. Eddy, Arthur J. The law of combinations embracing monopolies, trusts, and combinations of labor and capital; conspiracy, and contracts in restraint of trade, together with Federal and State anti-trust legislation and the incorporation laws of New Jersey, West Virginia, and Delaware. Chicago : Callaglmn and company^ 1901. '2 vols. 8°. Paged continuously. "Combinations of labor — Legal and illegal," pp. 245-464. Eidlitz, Otto M. Voluntary arbitration : experience in the building- trades, {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 259-267. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Ely, Richard T. The labor movement in America. New edition, revised and enlarged. JVew York: Thomas Y. Crowell & compamy., [1902.] (2)., xvi, 399 pp. 12'^. Fieldhouse, Walter. Need of a national court of arbitration. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 179-184. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Fox, Martin. Voluntary arbitration: experience of iron moulders. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 287-298. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) France. Rapport adresse le 20 Mai 1902 par le ministre des travaux publics au president de la Republique sur I'exploitation des mines en France depuis le 1'''" Juillet, 1899. {In Journal ofhciel de la Republique fran^aise, 34'^ annee, June 2, 1902, pp. 3791-3795. Paris. ) Ministre des affaires etrangeres. Les conditions du travail aux Etats-Unis. I. Etats-Unis. — II. Etat de New- York. — III. Etats compris dans la circonscription du Consulat de France a Chicago. Rapports par le Ministre de la Repub- lique Franyaise a Washington. Berger-Levrault et cie.., Paris, 1891. Ill pp. 8°. "Greves," pp. 82-89. Ministere du commerce de V industrie et des colonies. Annuaire statistique de la France. Douzieme annee. 1889. Nancy: Berger-Levrault et cie., 1889. xxiii, 516 pp. 8°. "Statistique des greves qui se sont produites en 1886," pp. 262-263. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOK AND STRIKES. 11 France. Ministere du commerce de V industrie'et des colonies. Sam^e. Treizierae an nee. 1890. Pari>i: Imjyrimerie nationale, 1890. xxv, 553 pp. 8^. "Statistique des greves qui se sont produites en 1887," pp. 260-261. Stati.stiqueg-eneralede la France. Statistique annuelle, 1885-1887. Paris: Berger-Levrault et cie., 1888-1889. 3 vols, in 2. 8^. Annee 1885, t. xv, pp. 72-87, "Statistique des greves." Annee 1886, t. xvi, pp. 136-141, "Tableau des greves qui se sont produitsen 1886." Annee 1887, t. xvii, pp. 40-44, "Tableau des greves qui se sont produites en 1887." Office du travail. Les associations ouvrieres de production. Paris: Imprirnerie nationale^ 1897. 613 pj). 8^. Les associations professionnelles ouvrieres. Paris: Im.primerie nationale, 1899-1901. 2 vols. 8^. De la conciliation et de I'arbitrage dans les contlits collectifs entre patrons et ouvriers en France et al'etranger. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1893. {Ii), vi., 610 pj). 8°. Le placement des employes, ouvriers et domestiques en France. Son histoire — Son etat actuel. Paris: Berger-Levrault et cie., 1893. vii, 73Jf. pp. Folded tables. 8°. Legislation ouvriere et sociale en Australie et Kou- velle-Zelande. Mission de M. Albert Metin. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1901. vii, 200 p>2>. 8°. Statistique des greves et des recours a la conciliation et a Tarbitrage survenus pendant Tannee [s] 1893-1900. Paris: Impyrimerie nationale, 189Jir-1901. 8 vols. 8^. Frankenstein, Kuno. Der Arbeiterschutz-Seine Theorie und Politik. Leipzig, C. L. HirscTifeld, 1896. x, 381^. pp. 8^. {Iland- und Lehrhucli der Staatswistsenschaften, Erste Ahteilung: VolJii^wirtschaftslehre, vol. 11^,.') Bibliographie, pp. 319-384. Ghent, W. J. Our benevolent feudalism. iSev:) York, London: Macnvillan company, 1902. vii, 202 pp. 12^. Contents: Utopias and other forecasts; Combinations and coales- cence; Our magnates; Our farmers and wage-earnei-s; Our makers of law; Our interpreters of law; Our moulders of opinion; Gen- eral social changes; Transition and fultilment. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Gibbons, James, Cardinal. National and industrial arbitration. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 140-142. New York. 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Grilman, Nicholas Paine. A dividend to labor. A study of employers' "welfare institutions. Boston and New York: Houghton.^ Miffljin^ and company, 1899. m, (2), 4.00 pp. 12°. Model industries: a dividend on Avages. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 330-343. New •York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Going, Charles Buxton. Arbitration: will it pay? {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 168-178. New- York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Gompers, Samuel. [Extracts from an address on arbitration, before the Arbitration conference held at Chicago JU. , December IT, 1900, under the auspices of the National Civic Federation.] {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 448-457. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Labor unions and strikes. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 62-74. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Great Britain. Board of trade. Statistical tables and report on trade unions, 1887-1901. London, 1887-1901. i^°. ,, In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1st annual report for 1887; 1887, vol. 89. 2d annual report for 1888; 1888, vol. 107. 3d annual report for 1889; 1889, vol. 84. 4th annual report for 1889-90; 1890-91, vol. 92. 5th annual report for 1891; 1893-94, vol. 102. 6th annual report for 1892; 1894, vol. 93. 7th annual report for 1893; 1895, vol. 107. 8th annual report for 1894-95; 1896, vol. 93. 9th annual report for 1896; 1897, vol. 99. 10th annual report for 1897; 1898, vol. 103. 11th annual report for 1898; 1899, vol. 92. 12th annual report for 1899; 1900. 13th annual report for 1900; 1901. Foreign office. Report on recent labour strikes in the United States. (2), 2 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1888. Miscellaneous series, no, 90.) Report on the cause, extent, and result of recent strikes in France. (2), 6 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1888. Miscellanons t-eries, no. 109.) LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 13 G-reat Britain. Foreign office. Report on recent Belgian legislation atfecting- economic and labour questions. (2), 14 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1888. Miscellaneous series, no. 110.) Summar}" of the report of the chief inspector of fac- tories in Hungar}^ (2), 7 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1889. Miscellaneous series, no. 128. ) Report on the recent strike of Westphalian miners. (2), 17 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1889. Miscellaneous series, no. 135. ) Report on the recent strike of dock labourers at Rot- terdam. (2), 4 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1889. Miscellaneous series, no. 147. ) Report on the strikes in northern France. (2), 4 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1889. Miscellaneous series, no. 148. ) Report on the labour agitation and recent strikes in France. (2), 5 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1890. Miscellaneous series, no. 169. ) Report on the condition of labour in Italy. 83 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1891. Miscellaneous series, no. 211.) Report on the present state of the labour question in Germany. 31 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1891. Miscellaneous series, no. 212.) Report on the present state of the labour question in France. 20 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1891. Miscellaneous series, no. 213.) Report on the present state of the labour question in Belgium. 58 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1891. Miscellaneous series, no. 214.) — Report on the condition of labour in Russia. (2), 20 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1892. Miscellaneous series, no. 217.) 14 LIBKAHY OF CONGRESS. G-reat Britain. I^orelgn office. Report on the evidence taken at Rot- terdam and Amsterdam by the Dutch labour commission. (2), 15 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1892. Miscellaneous series, no. 220.) Report on the condition of labour in Switzerland. (2), 106 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1892. Miscellaneous series, no. 244. ) France. Report on the relations between capital and labour. (2), xxx, 196 pp. Folded sheets. 8°". (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1892. Miscellaneous series no. 258. ) Further report on the condition of labour in Italy. (2), 48 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1893. Miscellaneous series, no. 276. ) Report on labour time and labour wages in Germany. (2), 31pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1893. Miscellaneous series, no. 283. ) Report for the year 1893 on the position of the labour question in Italy. 36 pp. 8°. (Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1894. Miscellaneous series, no. 337. {CommeTcial, no. 22, 1877.) Reports respecting the late industrial conflicts in the United States. (2), 58 pp. F°. (Jh. Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1877, vol. 84. ) Pp. 14-29, report by Mr. Plunkett on the late industrial conflicts in the United States. Labour department. Report on the strikes and lockouts 1888 to 1901. London, 1889-1901. F°. In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. Report for 1888 Report for 1889 Report for 1890 Report for 1891 Report for 1892 Report for 1893 Report for 1894 Report for 1895 Report for 1896 Report for 1897 Report for 1898 Report for 1899 Report for 1900 1889, vol. 70. 1890, vol. 68. 1890-91, vol. 78. 1893-94, vol. 83, pt. 1. 1894, vol. 81. pt. 1. 1894, vol. 81, pt. 1. 1895, vol, 92. 1896, vol. 80, pt. 1. 1897, vol. 84. 1898, vol. 88. 1899, vol. 92. 1900. 1901. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 15 G-reat Britain. Lahour department. Report on agencies and methods for dealino- with the unemployed. September 18, 1893. (2), ii, 438 pp. Folded map. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 82. ) Parliament. First annual abstract of foreign labour statis- . tics. 1898-99. viii, 325 pp. 8°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1899, vol. 92.) Same. Second abstract. 1901. xi, (2), 325 pp. 8=^. (Jn Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1901, vol. 73.) Report on changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in the United Kingdom in 1900. With statistical tables, xciv, 273 pp. 8°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1901, vol. 72.) Reports from Her Majestj^'s representatives in Europe and the United States on the laws affecting the hours of adult labour in the countries in which they reside. Presented to the House of Commons, May 16, 1889. 88 pp. F°. (Jw Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1889, vol. 76. ) Royal commission appointed to inquire into the trades unions and other associatio7is. Reports, together with minutes of evidence. London, 1867-1869. F°. {lst-4(h reports in Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1867, vol. 32. ) {5ih-10th reports in Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1867-68, vol. 39.) (11th and final report in Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1868-69, vol. 31.) The eleventh and final report has "An appendix containing a digest of the evidence, correspondence with Her Majesty's missions abroad regarding industrial questions and trades unions, and other papers." lioyal commission on lahour. First report. Presented to both houses of Parliament, April, 1892. -4 parts. F^. (7n Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1892, vol. 34. ) Second report. Presented to both houses of Parlia- ment, June, 1892. (4), vii, (1), 596 pp. F^\ {In Great Britain, Parliament. Sessional papers, 1892, vol. 36, pt. 1.) Third report. Presented to both houses of Parlia- ^'^ ment, February, 1893. 2 parts. F'^ (//(Great Britain. Parliament. Ses.sional i)aiiers, 1893-94, vol.32. ) 16 LIBEAKr OF CONGKESS. Great Britain. Labour department. Fourth report. Presented to both houses of Parliament, June, 1893. 2 vols. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, pts. 1 and 2. ) Reports on the labour question in foreign countries — Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Spain and Portugal, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Balkan States, vol. 39, pt. 2. Fifth and final report. 2 parts. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1894, vol. 35.) Report on the labor question in the United States. (4), 55 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1892, vol. 36, part 5. ) Contains Section B, pp. 10-15, Causes of strikes and lockouts. Section C, pp. 15-20, Development, organization, and conduct of strikes and lockouts. Section D, pp. 20-21, Cost and general results of strikes and lockouts. Section E, pp. 21-23, Prevention and set- tlement of strikes and lockouts. Report on the labour question in Newfoundland and the Dominion of Canada, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, Cape Colony and Natal, Crown Colonies, India, with an appendix on the migration of labour. 256 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1892, vol. 36, part 5. ) Report on the labour question in Holland. 37 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2. ) Report on the labour question in Germany. 110 pp. Colored map. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2.) Report on the labour question in Belgium. 64 pp. F°. ( In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2. ) Report on the labour question in France. 143 pp. Colored maps. Diagrams. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2.) Report on the labour question in Switzerland. 48 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2. ) LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 17 Great Britain. Royal com in! s^i cm on laJjonr. Report on the labour question in Austriu-Hung-aiy and the Balkan states. 225 pp. Folded colored maps. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2. ) Report on the labour question in Itah'. 100 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliairent. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2. ) Report on the labour question in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and Spain and Portug-al. Q'j pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2. ) Report on the labour question in Russia. 62 pp. Col- ored map. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-94, vol. 39, part 2.) ^ Select committee on comhinations ofuiorhmen. First and second reports, together with the minutes of evi- dence, appendix, and index. Ordered hy the House of Com- mons to be printed, 14 June, 1838, 30 July. 1838. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional joapers, 1837-38, vol. 8. ) Contains: I. Result of general and partial strikes. II. Causes of strikes; reluctance of men to engage therein. III. Circumstances connected with the Glasgow cotton-spinners' strike in 1837; its causes and effects. [See Index, p. 69.] Grenell, Judson. Economic tangles; industrial problems explained through lessons drawn from passing events. Chicago: Purdy publication co.^ 190^. 2W pp. 8°. Grey, J. Grattan. Australasia old and new. London: Ilodder and Stoughton^ 1901. xvi.,^-396 pp. Por- trait. 5°. "Industrial conciliation and arbitration," pp. 364-375. Gumplowicz, Ludwig. Das oesterreichische Staatsrecht (Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht). Ein Lehr- und Handbuch, 2. , viel- fach vermehrte und verbesserte Autiage. Wien., 1902. Manzhche h. u. l\ Ilof- Verlags- tmd Univer- sitdts-Buchhandlimg. xiv.^ (2), 671 pp. 8^. " Arbeiterschutzrecht," pp. 631-667. Hadfield, R. A. a^id H. de B. Gibbins. A shorter working day. Methuen (& co.., London, 1892. viii, 184, pp. 12°. {Social questions of to-day. ) 22079—03 2 18 LIBEAEY OF CONGKESS. Halevy, Daniel. Essais sur le mouvement ouvrier en France. Paris: Socidte nouvelle de librairie et d' edition {Lihrairie Georges Bellais), 1901. 300 ]jp. c9°. Hall, Bolton. Socialism and single tax: restoration of the land to the laborer. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 388-399. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Hall, Fred. S. Sympathetic strikes and s^^mpathetic lockouts. Columbia university \Macinillan company], Hew York, 1898. {Ii), via., 118 pp. 8°. {Columhia university. Studies in history., economics., and pvblic law, vol. 10, number 1.) Hardie, J. Kier. Socialism and single tax: public ownership of land and capital. (/n Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 363-368. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) w Hirsch, Max. Democracy versus socialism. A critical examination of socialism as a remedy for social injustice and an exposi- tion of the single-tax doctrine. London: Macmillan and co., 1901. xxxiv, JfSl pp. 8°. "The wages of labour," pp. 144-160. "Competition," pp. 166-171. Hobson, John A. The evolution of modern capitalism. A study of machine production. London: Walter Scott. Charles Scrihner''s sons, New York. 1891^. xiv, {2), %88pp). 12°. Problems of povert3^ An inquiry into the industrial condi- tion of the poor, ith ed. Meth'uend; CO., London, 1899. vi, {2), 232 j^P- 16°. {Social questions oj" to-day.) '"The sweating system,'" pp. 64-88; "The causes of sweating," pp. 89-103; " Remedies for sweating," pp. 104-132; " Over-supply of low-skilled labour," pp. 133-148; "The industrial condition of women workers," pp. 149-170; "'Socialistic legislation,'" pp. 182-200; "The industrial outlook of low-skilled labour," pp. 201-227. The social problem. Life and work. London: James Nishet (& CO., 1901. x, {2), 295 pp. 8°. Pp. 174-186, Public and private industry. Hogan, Thomas J. Voluntary arbitration: experience of stove manu- facturers. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 280-286. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 19 Holt, George C. Trusts and labor unions from a legal aspect: laws and their enforcement. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 95-109. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Howell, George. Labour legislation, labour movements, and labour leaders. London: T.Fisher JJmvin, 1902. xxiii., {!)., Ji.99 j>P' Po'"- trait. 8'. Progress of unionism, strikes, etc., pp. 67-77; Labour movements, strikes, and prosecutions in 1874, pp. 350-366; Labour movements and legislation from 1876 to 1890, pp. 389-406; Conciliation and arbitration in labour disputes, pp. 433-447; Labour movements and legislation, 1890-1902, pp. 447-459. Hoyt, II. W. Voluntary arbitration: experience of the founders. (in Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 268-274. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Irvine, R. F., and T. J. Alpers. The progress of New Zealand in the centur3\ London, Toronto., Pldladelphia: The Llnscott publishing company, 1901. xvii, (1), 4-^0 pp. Plates. 8°. {The Nineteenth century series, vol. 12.) The labour laws of New Zealand, pp. 331-353. James, Jean. Etudes socialistes. Sixieme edition. Paris: Lihrairie Paid Ollendorff, 1902. xxiii^ (2), 27 l^ pp. 16^. Jeans, J. Stephen, ed. American industrial conditions and competi- tion. Reports of the Commissioners appointed by the British Iron Trade Association to enquire into the iron, steel, and allied industries of the United States. London: 1902. Illustrations. 8°. Jones, Benjamin. Co-operative production. With prefatory note by the Rt. Hon. A. H. Dyke Ackland. Oxford: At the Clarendon press, 189 J^. 2 vols. 12^. Jones, Samuel M. Socialism and single tax: equality and co-operation. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 369-373. New York. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Keefe, Daniel J. Responsibility of labor unions. {In Peters, John P. ed. Labor and capital, pp. 75-97. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Kelley, Florence. The United States Supreme Court and the Utah eight-hour law. {hi The American journal of sociology, vol. 4 (July, 1898), pp. 21-34.) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Koehne, Carl. Die Arbeitsordnungen im deutschen Gewerberecht. Berlin^ 1901. SiemenrotJi c6 Troschel. viii, 271., (1) pp. 8°. Leavitt, John Brooks. Rio-hts of propert^y and rig-hts of men. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 110-118. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. Democracy and liberty. .New York: Longmans, Green., and co.., 1896. 2 vols. 12^. "Labour questions," vol. 2, pp. 370-503. Trades unions, vol. 2, pp. 377, 386, 430, et passim. Lee, Gu,y Carleton. Source-book of English histor3^ Leading doc- uments together with illustrative material from contem- porary writers and a bibliography of sources. JVew York: Henry Holt and company, 1900. xvii., 609 p>p. 12°. "The statute of labourers," pp. 206-208. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. Les nouvelles societes Anglo-Saxonnes. Australie, Nouvelle-Zelande, Afrique du Sud. Nouvelle edition entierement refondue. Paris: Armand Colin., 1901. xx, Jt87 p)}!. 12°. "La democratie et le socialisme," pp. 126-144. Levasseur, Pierre Emile. Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de I'indus- trie en France avant 1789. 2'' ed., entierement refondue. Paris: Arthur Roussea'u, 1900-1901. 2 vols. 8-. L'ouvrier Americain. L'ouvrier au travail. L'ouvrier chez lui. Les questions ouvrieres. Paris: L. Larose et ForceL 1898. 2 vols. 8°. ' — The American workman. An American translation b}' Thomas S. Adams. Edited by Theodore Marburg. Baltimore: The JoJms Ho2)Mns press, 1900. xx,517 p>p). 8°. Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Arbitration courts a logical necessity. (7u Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 185-199. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) A country without strikes. A visit to the compuisor}^ arbi- tration court of New Zealand. With introduction by Wil- liam Pember Reeves. New York: Doiibleday., Page di co.^ 1900. xlv, (2), 183 pp. 12°. Labor copartnership. Notes of a visit to co-operative work- shops, factories, and farms in Great Britain and Ireland, in which employer, employe, and consumer share in owner- ship, management, and results. JVeio York and London: Harp>er di hrothers., 1898. (6), 351 pp. Plates. 12°. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOE AND STRIKES. 21 Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Newest Enoland. Notes of a democratic trav^eller in New Zealand, with some Australian compari- sons. New Yorh: Doulleday, Page cfe co., 1900. (5), 387 pp. Plates. 5°. Pp. 233-275, "A country without strikes." A strike of millionaires against miners; or, the story of Spring Valle}". An open letter to the millionaires. Chicago: Belford-Clarle CO., 1800. 261i. pp- ^^°. {''Our had ivealth'''' series no. 1.) Lo-well, Josephine Shaw, cor)rp. Industrial arbitration and concilia- tion. Some chapters from the industrial history of the past thirty years. Neio York: G. P. PidnanCs sons., 1893. v, 116 pp. 8°. {Questions of the day., no. 76.) Lusk, Hugh H. Compulsory arbitration: the experience of New Zealand. (In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 221-237. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Mackay, Thomas, ed. A plea for liberty. An argiiment against socialism and socialistic legislation. Consisting of an intro- duction by Herbert Spencer and essays by various writers. 2d ed. London: John 3£urray, 1891. xxiA., {2), lf,llppp. 8^. McMackin, John. The moral element in industry. {hi Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 161-167. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy and evolution. A study of the rights, the origin, and the social functions of the wealthier classes. New York and London : MacmiUan <& co.., 1898. xxxiii, (^), 385 pp. 8°. Mannheim, C. De la condition des ouvriers dans les manufactures de Tetat, (Tabacs-allumettes.) Paris: Giard et Brier e., 1902. 8^. Massachusetts. State hoard of conciliation and arbitration. Annual reports. Boston: Wright <& Potter printing co., 1886-1902. 16 vols. 8°. Mavor, James. Scottish railway strike, 1891; a history and criti- cism. London: Simjjkin, 1891. 66 pp. 8^. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Meffert, Franz. Arbeiterfrage und Sozialismus. Vortrage. Mainz: Frans Khchhehn, 1901. (8), 386 2?2^- <'^°- Menger, Anton. The right to the whole produce of labour. The ori- gin and development of the theor}^ of labour's claim to the whole product of the industry. Translated by M. E. Tan- ner. With an introduction and bibliography by H. S. Foxwell. London and New York: Macinillan and co.^ 1899. cxviii., (^), mi ijp. i'2°. Pp. 187-271, Bibliography of the English socialist school. Metin, Albert. Le socialisme sans doctrines. La question agraire et la question ouvriere en Australie et Nouvelle-Zelande. Park: Felix Alcan, 1901. {2), Hi, 281 pp. 8°. Mitchell, John. Compulsory arbitration: The coal miners. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 245-251. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Recognition of the trade-unions. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 440-447. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) From "Independent," August 15, 1901. Moses, Jacob M. The law applicable to strikes. Prize thesis, 1895, University of Maryland. Baltimo7'e: Printed hy King hros.., 1895. {2), 62 pp. 5°. National association for the promotion of social science. Trades' societies and strikes. Report of the committee on trades' societies. Presented at the fourth annual meeting, Glas- gow, September, 1860. London: John W. Parker and so7i, 1860. {2).,xxi., {1).,651 pp. National civic federation. National conference on industrial concil- iation. Held at . . . New York, December 16 and 17, 1901. New York: The JLiiickerhocker press., 1902. xiii,278p)P' 12^ • Same. New York and London: G. P. Putnam? s sons., 1902. xiii, (1), 278pp. 12"^. {Questions of the da\j, no. 99.) Nelson, N. O. Model industries: the associated workers' idea. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 344-352. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Neville, Reginald J. N. Strikes: a concise statement of the criminal law relating to intimidation and picketing, and other of- fences occurring during disputes between employers and employed. London: Published hy William Clowes db sons., 1890. mii., (2), Ifi p)p. 8^. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 23 The New South Wales industrial arbitration act. {Ill New Zealand. Department of labour. Journal, vol. 10, March 10, 1902, pp. 336-353. Wellington, N. Z., 1902. 8°.) NeTV South Wales. Royal comrnission on strikes. (Appointed No- vember 25, 1890.) Report, 1890-91. Sydney: George Stephen Chapman., 1891. J{£6, 28 If.., W9 pp. (Contains Literary appendix.) NeTV York. State. ■ Board of mediation and arbitration. Annual reports. Albany: James B. Lyon., 1887-1901. 1]^. vols. 8^. Bureau of statistics oflaljor. Ninth annual report, for the 3^ear 1891. Part II. Strikes and boycotts. 1891. Albany: James B. Lyon, 1892. {}i),\583yil06, {]f!2)i}p. 5^. Tenth annual report, for the year 1892. Part II. Strikes and boycotts, 1892. Albany: James B. Lyon, 1893. (2), 572, 19 pj?. 8^. Nicholson, J. Shield. Strikes and social problems. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1896. viii, 238pp. 12^. Consists of reprints of articles in magazines, etc. Discusses "strikes and a living wage," "Labour combinations," "Capital and la- bour," etc. Parker, Edward W. The production of coal in 1901. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 179 pp. 8°. {Department of the interior. U. S. Geological survey.) ^ "Extract from Mineral resources of the United States, calendar year 1901." Labour statistics, pp. 26-28; Labor troubles, p. 35. (Previous accounts of labor troubles appear in Annual reports of Geological survey. ) Paul-Boncour, J. Le federalisme economique. Etude sur le syndi- cat obligatoire. Preface de M. Waldeck-Rousseau. Deux- ieme edition, revue et augmentee. Pai'is: Felix Alcan, 1901. xxiv, {2), JfJfS pp. 8^. Peck, Bradford. The world a department store. A story of life under a cooperative system. Bradford Beck: Lewiston, Me. Boston: [1900]. xv, (2), 311pp. Plates. Plans. Folded frontispiece. 12'"^. Pennsylvania. Bureau of industrial statistics. Reports, 1872-1899. Ilarrisburg: 1871^-1900. 27 vols. 8^. Contain annual reports on strikes and lockouts. 24 LIBllAEY OF CONGRESS. Pennsylvania. Legislature. Senate document no. 39. Report of the committee on the judiciary (general) of the Senate of Pennsylvania in relation to the coal difficulties, with the accompanying- testimony. Read March 24, 1871. {In Pennsylvania legislative documents, 1871, pp. 1515-1733. Har- risburg, 1871.) Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital: a discussion of the relations of employer and employed; ed., with an introduction by John P. Peters. G. P. Putnam'' s sons: New Yorh and London, 1902. xliv, lf.63 pp, 12°. {Questions of the day., no. 98.) Contents. — -i. General questions. — ii. Combinations of employers and emjDloyed — are they mutually beneficial? — iii. Trusts and labor unions from a legal aspect. — iv. Conciliation and arbitra- tion. — V. Model industries. — vi. Socialism and single tax. — vii. The unemployed. — Appendix. The contributors to this volume are: W.D. P. Bliss, John C. Chase, E. E. Clark, John Bates Clark, Ernest Howard Crosby, Henry Davies, James B. Dill, W. L. Douglas, Otto M. Eidlitz, Walter Fieldhouse, Martin Fox, Cardinal Gibbons, Nicholas Paine Gilman, Charles Buxton Going, Samuel Gompers, Bolton Hall, J. Kier Hardie, Thomas J. Hogan, George C. Holt, H. AV. Hoyt, Samuel M. Jones, Daniel J. Keefe, John Brooks Leavitt, Henry Demarest Lloyd, Bugh H. Lusk, John McMackin, John Mitchell, N. 0. xVel- son, William Richmond Peters, Eltweed Pomeroy, Henry Codman Potter, Warren A. Reed, Conrad Reno, James Bronson Reynolds, Jacob August Riis, Frank P. Sargent, John M. Stahl, William T. Stead, Anson Phelps Stokes, Josiah Strong, William H. Tolman, John De Witt Warner, Everett P. Wheeler, Henry White, and Carroll D. Wright. For their contributions, see the different names; also see Adams, Charles Francis. * Peters, William Richmond. Benefits of trusts. {In Peters, John P. ed. Labor and capital, pp. 50-54. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) "The original of this article appeared as a letter in the New York Times, August 2, 1899." Phipson, Cecil Balfour. The redemption of labour; or, free labour upon freed land. London: Swan Sonnenschein.jLowTey & co.., 1888. 2 vols. 8°. Piccinelli, Ferdinando. Le societa industrial! Italiane per azioni. M'ilano: U. LLoepU., 1902. xxxvi, 53Jf.p)2). Folded table. 12°. Pinkerton, Allan. Strikers, communists, tramps, and detectives. New York: G. W. Carleton& go.., 1878. xil, Ji.12 pp. Illus- trations. Portrait. 12°. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOE AND STRIKES. 25 Pomeroy, Eltweed. Model industries: Democracy versus prolit and prosperity" sharing. {In Peterg, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 353-357. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Potter, Henry Codman. The citizen in his relation to the industrial situation. JVeioYorl:: Charles Scr liner's sons, lOO'E. (8), 24.8 pp. 13^. Contents: The industrial situation; The citizen and the working man; The citizen and the capitalist; The citizen and the consumer; The citizen and the corporation ; The citizen and the state. Labor unions and arbitration. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 133-139. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Price, Lang-ford L. F. R. Industrial peace; its advantages, methods, and difficulties. A report of an inquiry made for the To3'n- bee trustees, with a preface by Alfred Marshall. London and New York: Macrmllan and co.^ 1887. xxxi, 1'27 j)J>' Frontisjpiece. 8^. Pullman, Geo. M. The strike at Pullman. Statements of . . . Geo. M. Pullman and . . . T. H. Wickes, before the U. S. strike commission. Also published statements of the company during the continuance of the strike. In. p. 1894?^ 38 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Rae, John. Eight hours for work. London andJVew York: Macmillan and co. , 189Ii,. xU., 3JfO pp. Reed, Warren A. ' Conciliation and arbitration in Massachusetts. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 143-152. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Reeves, William Pember, State experiments in Australia and New Zealand. In two volumes. With two maps. London: Grant Richards, 1902. 2 vols. Folded Maps {col- ored). 8°. Vol. 2, pp. 1-242. The labour question — Labour laws: their ori- gin; Factory laws; The minimum wage law in Victoria and South Australia; Industrial arbitration; Shops and shopping laws; Minor labour laws; The unemployed and state employment. Reno, Conrad. Industrial courts to administer industrial justice. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 200-220. New York, 1902. 12°. Questionsof theday, no.98.) 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Reynolds, James Bronson. Benefits of labor unions {In. Peters, John P.,ed. Labor and capital, pp. 55-61. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Riis, Jacob A. The unemployed: a problem. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 425-431. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Roberts, Peter. The anthracite coal industry. A study of the eco- nomic conditions and relations of the co-operative forces in the development of the anthracite coal industry of Penn- sylvania, with an introduction by W. G. Sumner. JVew York, London: The Macm.iUan eo., 1901. xiii, 261pp. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. Charts. 8'^. Robertson, John M. The eight-hours question. London: Swa7i Sonnenschein & co.^ 1893. vi., (^), IBQ pp. 12^. Rogers, James E. Thorold. The economic interpretation of History. (Lectures delivered in Worcester College Hall, Oxford, 1887-88.) New York: G. P. Putnarn's sons., 1889. xvii, (I), 64.7pp. 8". " Legislation on labour and its effects," pp. 23-45. "The guild and apprentice system," pp. 295-317. Six centuries of work and wages. The history of English labour. JVew York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1884. 591 pp. 8°. Same. London: TF. Swan Sonnenschein d; co., 1884. 2 vols. <§°. Six centuries of work and wages. A history of English labor. (Abridged.) With charts and appendix by Rev. W. D. T. Bliss. JVew York: The Humboldt puhlishing co.., \1891.\ xiv., (2), 160 pp. Folded charts. 12^. Rose, U. M. The law of trusts and strikes. {In American bar association. Report of the 16th annual meeting, pp. 287-32L Phila., 1898. 8°.) Rousiers, Paul de. The labour question in Britain. Translated by F. L. D. Herbertson. London: Mactnillan and co., 1896. xxvi, 393 pp. 8°. "The miners' strike of 1893," pp. 200-230. "The dockers' unions," pp. 353-363. Rutten, G. C. Nos greves houilleres et Paction socialiste d'apres une enquete faite sur place. Bruxelles: J. Goemaere, 1900. (^), Hi, 583 pp. 8°. {Fcole des sciences politiques et sociales de V Unive7'site de Louvain.) LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 27 Saint-Leon, Etienne Martin. Histoire des corporations de metiers depuis leurs orig-ines jusqu'si leur suppression, en 1791 suivie d'une etude sur revolution de I'idee corporative au xix** siecle et sur les syndicats prot'essionels. Paris: Guillaumm et cie.^ 1897. (J^).^ x^ 671 fp. 8^. Salmons, C. H., eom^?. The Burlington strike: Its motives and methods, including the causes of the strike, remote and direct. Aurora, III. : Press of Bunnell and Ward., 1889. {12), J^80 jyj)' Plates. Portraits. 12°. Sargent, Frank P. Voluntary arbitration: the obstacle to arbi- tration. (/»i Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 299-304. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) SchafiQe, A. The theorj'^ and policy of labour protection. Edited by A. C. Morant. London: Swan Soomenscheindsco., 1893. viii,252 pj). 12°. Schoenhof, Jacob. Econoni}' of high wages: An inquir}^ into the causes of high wages and their effect on methods and cost of production, with an introduction by T. F. Bayard. JVew York: G. P. Putnani's sons, 1892. xvii, 4-^4- PV- -^^°' {Questioois of the day, no. 72.) Sering, Max, ed. Arbeiter-Ausschiisse in der deutschen Industrie. Gutachten, Berichte, Statuten. Leipzig: Duncker& Humhlot., 1890. vi,176 pp). 8°. {Sehrif- ten des Yereins fur Social politik, vol. 1^6.) Spahr, Charles B. America's working people. Lo7igmans, Green and co.: Neio York, London, and Boinhay, 1900. vi, 261pp. 12°. "The coal miners of Pennsylvania," pp. 120-141. " The iron centers," pp. 142-166. "The trades-union movement in Chicago," pp. 167-190. Stahl, John M. Compulsory arbitration: the innocent public. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 252-258. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Stead, William T. Model industries: profit sharing plus co-partner- ship. (Jn Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 323-329. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Stimson, F. J. Handbook to the labor law of the United States. N'e^v York: Charles Seribner^s sons, 1896. xxii, 385 pp. 12°. 28 LIBRARY OB' CONGRESS. Stokes, Anson Phelps, The trust question. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 44-49. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Strong, Josiah. Are the interests of employer and employed mutual, and, if so, how can this mutualitj" of interests be made effective? Duel or duet? [hi Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 13-21. New York, 1902. 12°. Qnestions of the day, no. 98.) Taussig, F. W. Wages and capital. An examination of the wages fund doctrine. JSfew Yorl-: D. Appleton and com^pany^ 1896. xviii, 329 j^J)- Tiedeman, Christopher G. A treatise on state and federal control of persons and propertj^ in the United States considered fi-om both a civil and criminal standpoint. St. Louis: The F. 11. Thomas Lain hooh co.., 1900. 2 vols. " Labor combinations, trades unions, strikes," pp. 416-432, "Strikes, continued, and boycotts," pp. 4.32-466. Tolman, William H. Model industries: prosperity sharing. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 309-322. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 9^) Toynbee, Arnold, Lectures on the industrial revolution in England. Popular addresses, notes, and other fragments. Rimngstons.^ London., I88I1.. xxxvii.^ (^), 256 yp. p. Folded tahles. 5°. ( Vol. XVII of the Commission'' s reports.) Strike commission. Report on the Chicago strike of June- July, 189J:, . . . with appendices containing testimony, proceedings, and recommendations. Washington: Government printing office, 1895. liv, 681 21^- 8°. ^ Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Untersuchungen iiber die Lage der Anges tellten und Arbeiter in den Verkehrsgewerben. Leipz'ig: Duncherc& ILnnhlot, 1902. 5792)2^. 8°. {Schriften des Vereins fur Social p>olitih, vol. 99.) Verhandlungen der am 26 und 27 September 1890 in Frankfurt a. M. abgehaltenen Generalversammlung iiber die Reform der Landgemeindeordnung in Preussen und iiber Arbeits- einstellungen und die Fortbildung des Arbeitsvertrags. Leipzig: Dmicher d; HumUot, 1890. {6), 288 2^1- S°. {Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitil', vol. Ji7.) Vigouroux, Louis. L'evolution sociale en Australasie. Paris: Armand Colin, 1902. ix, {2), Iflil pp). Folded map. 12"^. Walker, Henry de R. Australasian democracy. London: T. Fisher Ummn, 1897. xi, 255 pp. 8°. Liberalism and laljour in South Australia, pp. 1-34. LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AND STRIKES. 33 Warner, John De Witt. Trusts and labor unions from a legal aspect: the mai\y and the few. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 119-125. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98. ) Webb, Beatrice, ed. The case for the factor}^ acts. With a preface by Mrs. Humphry Ward. London: Grant Richards, 1901. xvi, 233 jpp. 12°. Contents: I. The economics of factory legislation. Mrs. Sidney Webb. II. The historical development of the factory acts. Miss B. L. Hutchins. III. The more obvious defects in our factory code. Miss Gertrude Tuckwell. IV. Colonial developments in factory legislation. Mrs. W. P. Reeves. V. Some current objec- tions to factory legislation for women. Miss Clementina Black. Appendix — Books recommended. Webb, Sidney, a7id Beatrice Webb. The history of trade unionism. 2ded. London: Longmans, Green and co.., New YorJc and Bombay, 1896. xvi, 558 pp. 8°. Strikes, pp. 332, 444-448. Appendix VI, List of publications relating to trade unions and com- binations of workmen, pp. 496-558. Same. New edition. Longmans, Green and co., London, New York, and Bombay, 1902. xxxiv, 558 p)P' Folded chart. 5°. Industrial democracy. Longmans, Green and co., London, Nevj York, and Bombay, 1897. 2 vols. 8'^. Pp. 879-900 contain bibliography of trade unionism, supplementing that to the "History of Trade Unionism." ■ /Same. New edition in two volumes bound in one. Longmans, Green and co., London, Neio York, and Bombay, 1902. Ixi, 929 pp. Folded sheet. 5°. Bibliography, pp. 879-929. Problems of modern industry. Longmans, Green and co. , London, New York, and Bombay, 1898. via, 286 pp. 8°. Same. London: Longmans, 1902. xxxii,286 j>p. 5°. "The Trusts, we are told, have demonstrated the fact that 'hired men,' as distinct from 'profit makers,' form at least three-fourths of the population in England and the United States, and that about nine-tenths of all realized property belongs to a small class consisting of only one-tenth of the population." 22079—03 3 34 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS. Weber, Max, ed. Die Verhiiltnisse der Landarbeiter in Deutsch- land. Leipzig: Duncker <&IImnUot,1892. 3 vols. 8°. {Schriften des Vereinsfur Socicdpolitih, vol. 53-65.) Weeks, Joseph D. Labor differences and their settlement. A plea for arbitration and conciliation. I^eiD York: The society for political education., 1886. (6), 79 jpp. 12^. {Economic tracts, no. W.) Report on strikes and lockouts occurring within the United States during the calendar year 1880. (In his Report on the statistics of wages in manufacturing industries. Washington: Government printing office, 1886. v, 28 pp. 4°.) ( U. S. Tenth census, vol. 20. ) Weeks, Lyman Horace. The other side. A brief account of the development of industrial organizations in the United States and a study of the advantages that capital, labor, and the consuming public derive from them. National pid>lishing company., New York. \1900.'\ 229 jpj). Wheeler, Everett P. The unemplo3^ed: education of the worker, ( In Peters, John P., «Z. Labor and capital, pp. 419-424. New York. 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) White, Henry. Labor unions and the living wage. [In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 80-89. Xew York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) Willoughby, W. F. Foreign labor laws. Great Britain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, German}^, Austria, Russia, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Australasia, and the Canadian provinces. ( Jn United States. Dei^artment of Labor. Bulletin, vol. 4, no. 25, pp. 768-856; vol. 5, no. 26, pp. 77-177; no. 27, pp. 314-379; no. 28, pp. 552-597; vol. 6, no. 33, pp. 173-304. Washington, 1899- 1901. 8°.) Wright, Carroll D. The Chicago strike. {In American economic association. Publications, vol. 9, pp. 503- 519. 1894. 8°.) Industrial conciliation and arbitration. Boston: Band, Avery & CO., 1881. 173 j)j>. 8°. Objections to compulsory arbitration. {In Peters, John P., ed. Labor and capital, pp. 153-160. New York, 1902. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 98.) LIST OF BOOKS ON LABOR AISID STRIKES. 35 Wright, Carroll D. Outline of practical sociology. With special reference to American conditions. New YorJc: Longmans, Green cmd co., London and Bombay^ 1899. XXV, {2), If31 pp. TaUes. Map. 12'^. Questions relating to strikes and lockouts, pp. 287-306. Report to the President on anthracite coal strike. {la United States. Department of Labor. Bulletin no. 4.'5, Novem- ber, 1902, pp. 1147-1228. ) Accompanying the report are the following appendices: Appendix A. — Statement of the Delaware and Hudson company, showing position of the operators, September, 1900, pp. 1167-1173. Appendix B. — Correspondence between Mr. John Mitchell, president of the United ^line Workers of America, and Mr. Olyphant, president of the Delaware and Hudson company, relative to pro- posed conference in March, 1901, pp. 117.3-1175. Appendix C. — Correspondence between United Mine Workers of America and operators; letters and telegrams; operators' claims, pp. 1175-1187. Appendix D. — -Report of Mr. E. E. Loomis, superintendent of the coal-mining department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West- ern Railroad Company, pp. 1187-1202. Appendix E. — Report of interview of Commissioner of Labor with Messrs. George F. Baer, R. M. Olyphant, E. B. Thomas, and David Wilcox, pp. 1202-1213. Appendix F. — Statement of Mr. E. B. Thomas, representative of Erie Railroad Company and Lehigh Valley companj^, pp. 1213- 1215. Appendix G. — Statement of Mr. David Wilcox, vice-president and general counsel of the Delaware and Hudson company, pp. 1216- 1218. Appendix H. — Contract of bituminous coal miners and operators, pp. 1218-1228. Some ethical phases of the labor question. Ameft'ican unitarian association, Boston, 1902. (8), 207 pj?. 12°. Young, Edward. Labor in Europe and America: A special report on the rates of wages, the cost of subsistence, and the condi- tion of the working classes in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, and other countries of Europe; also in the United States and British America. Washington: Government printing office, 1875. vi, 864- pp. 8°. Zanten, J. H. van. Die Arbeiter-schutzgesetzgeljung in den euro- paischen Landern. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1902. xii, oJ8 pp. 8°. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1859. Strikes, 1810-1858. Quarterly review, vol. 106 {July- Oct., 1859): J^85-522. 1860. Strikes: Their tendencies and remedies. Henry Fawcett. Westminster review, vol. 18 {July 1, 1860): 1-23. 1865. An ironmaster's view of strikes. William Robinson Hopper. Fortnightly review ^ vol. 1 {Atig., 1865): 7Ii.2-756. 1867. On strikes and combinations, with reference to wages and the conditions of labour. Jacob Waley. Statistical society. Journal, vol. 30 {3far., 1867): 1-W. 1868. The eight-hour strikes. Hunfis 7nerchants' magazine, vol. 59 {Aug., 1868): 91-9Ii.. 1870. Strikes and lockouts, from the workman's point of view. George Potter, Contemporary review, vol. 15 {Aug. , 1870) : 32-5 1^.. 1871. "Concerning" the public. [Coal strike.] E. L. Godkiu. Nation, vol. 12 {Mar. 2, 1871): 136. 1871. The true history of the coal trouble. J. B. Hodgkin. Nation, vol. 12 {Mar. 9, 1871): 152-15 J^. 1871. The latest phase of the coal troubles. J. B. Hodgkin. Nation, vol. 12 {Apr. 13, 1871): 251^-255. 1871. How protection affects labor. [Coal troubles.] E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 12 {May 25, 1871): 352. 1876. A strike in the United States. All the year round, vol. 35 {Feb. 19, 1876): 1^87-1^90. 1877. The prevention of railroad strikes, Charles F. Adams. Nation, vol. 25 {Aug. 30,1877): 133; {Sept. 6, 1877): 150. 1877. The labour war in the United States. Goldwin Smith. Contemporary review, vol. 30 {Sept., 1877): 529-5 Ii^l. IQll. The recent strikes. Thomas A. Scott. North American review, vol. 125 {Sept.- Oct., 1877): 351-362. 1877. The railroad disorders. Henry H. Barber. Unitarian review, vol. 8 {Sept. , 1877) : 311-317. 36 LABOR AND strikes: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 37 1877. The labor war in the United States. Goldwin Smith. Eclectic magazine^ vol. 89 {Nov., 1877): 530-538. 1877. The great strike: its relations to labor, property, and govern- ment. E. H. Heywood. RacUcal revieio, ml. 1 {Nov., 1877): 553-577. 1877. The truth about the strike. Robert P. Porter. Galaxy, vol. U {Dec, 1877): 725-732. 1879. Strikes: their cost and results. George Howell. Fraser's magazine, vol. 100 {Dec, 1879): 767-783. 1880. The strikes of the past ten years. G. Phillips Bevan. [With discussion.] Statistical society. Journal, vol. Jf3 {Mar., 1880): 35-6 Ip. 1884. Strikers' methods. Amefrican architect, vol. 15 {Mar. 1, 188 J^): 103. 1886. Arbitration of labor disputes. W. Gladden. American social science association. Journal, vol. 21 {1886) : U7-158. 188C. Strikes, lockouts, and arbitration. Geo. May Powell. Century, vol. 31 {Apr.. 1886): 91^.6-952. 1886. The eight-hour demand. Extent of the demands. Number of employees striking. Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {May 1, 1886): 27 Jf. 1886. The short-day strikes. BradstreeCs, vol. 13 {May 8, 1886): 290. 1886. The short-hour totals. Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {May 15, 1886): 306. 1886. Cost of the strikes. Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {May 22, 1886): 322. 1886. The way the southwestern strike was ordered. Nation, vol. 1^2 {May 20, 1886): J^18. 1886. Strikes and arbitration. T. V. Powderly. North American review, vol. llf.2 {May, 1886): 502-506. 1886. The short-hour day. Results of the late movement, s Bradstreefs, vol. 13 {June 12, 1886): 39 J^. 1886. The legal aspect of strikes. Legal news, vol. 9 {Oct. 9, 1886): 326. 1886. Legislation for labor arbitration. H. M. Williams. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 1 {Oct., 1886): 86-91. 38 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS. 1887. Strikes and boycotts as indictable conspiracies at common law. Clijfford Brio-ham. American laio review^ vol. 21 {Jmi.-Feh., 1887): If.1-69. 1887. The South-Western strikes of 1886. F. W. Taussig. Quarterly journal of economics., vol. 1 {Jan.., 1887): 18Ji.-'222. 1887. Cost of the strikes. Bradstreefs, vol. 15 {Feb. 12, 1887): 115. 1887. The end of the strikes. Bradstreefs, vol. 15 (Feb. 19, 1887): 131. 1887. The strike — an American anomal}^ Frances C. Sparhawk. Fducatlon, vol. 7 {Mar., 1887): 501-509. 1887. Arbitration to prevent strikes. John P. Altgeld. Chicago legal news, vol. 19 {July 30, 1887): 375-377. 1887. The coal miners' strike. Bradstreefs, vol. 15 {Sept. 17, 1887): 615. 1888. Strikes in 1887. Bradstreefs, vol. 16 {Jan. 21, 1888): 1^2. 1888. American law of strikes. Arthur James Self ridge. American laio revieio, vol. 22 {Mar. -Apr., 1888): 233-250. 1888. The coal strike. Olney Searles. North American review, vol. IJ^B {Mar., 1888): 31^.1. 1889. The receding strike wave of 1886-87. Bradstreefs, vol. 17 {Jan. 26, 1889): 51^-55. 1889. The prevention of railroad strikes, Charles Francis Adams. Scribner''s magazine, vol 5 {Apr. , 1889) : If,2Jf-Ji30. 1889. Economics of the strike. G. H. Hubbard. Neio Englander, vol. 50 {May, 1889): 321^-332. 1889. The warning of the English strikes. Henry George. North American revieio, vol. W {Oct., 1889): 385-398. 1890. The labor situation. Special reports . . . from one hun- dred and ten cities. Bradstreefs, vol. 18 {May 3, 1890): 278. 1890. The short-day demand. An average of sixteen strikes and six thousand strikers daily from May 1 to May 9. The demand generally granted. Bradstreefs, vol. 18 {May 10, 1890): 29 J^. 1890. The labor situation and the outlook. Bradstreefs, vol. 18 {May 31, 1890): 3^2. LABOE AND STKIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 39 1890. Labour disputes in America. W. H. S. Aubl•e3^ Fortnighthj review, vol. 5 J/, {Aug. 1, 1890): 238-^46. 1890. The iron molders' strike. F. I. Vassault. Overland riumthly, vol. 16 {Aug., 1890): 113-121. 1890. The oreat Australian strike. A. Patchett Martin. National revieio, vol. 16 {Nov., 1890): 397-Ifi6. 1891. Mr. H. H. Champion on the great Australian strike. John D. Fitzgerald. Nineteenth century, vol. W {Mar.., 1891): Ji,Ii£-IfS3. 1891. The impolicy of strikes. E. M. Stevens. Westminster review, vol. 135 {March, 1891): ^7-267. 1891. Conflict between labor and capital. Quarterly reme^v, vol. 173 {July- Aug., 1891): 253-278. 1892. The anthracite trade situation. The problem before the com- mission. Thomas L. Greene. American law register, vol. 31 {Mar., 1892): lJiS-155. 1892. Strikes and lockouts in 1890. R. H. H. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 55 {March, 1892): 127-132. 1892. Some results of the great dock strike. James G. Adderley. Economic revieio, vol. 2 {April, 1892): 202-213. 1892. The railroad leases to control the anthracite coal trade. Are they void under the constitution of Pennsylvania? Sydney G. Fisher. American law register and revieiv, vol. 31 {May, 1892): 289- 301. 1892. Labor troubles between 1834: and 1837. Evans Woollen. Yale review, vol. 1 {May, 1892): 87-100. 1892. Confederation of labor organizations essential to labor's pros- perity. Eugene V. Debs. American journal of politics, vol. 1 {July, 1892): 63-71. 1892. The Homestead strike. Joseph D. Weeks. Magazine of Christian literature, vol. 6 {Aug., 1892): 372-376. 1892. The Carnegie conflict. Social economist, vol. 3 {Aug. , 1892) : 108-118. 1892. The Homestead riot. W. M. Jones. American journal of politics, vol. 1 {Sejyt., 1892): 275-283. 40 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS. 1892. Strikes and their remedies. A report from the antipodes on conciliation and arbitration. American ntionthly remew of revieivs, vol. 6 {Sept., 1892): 168-171,,. 1892. The Homestead strike. I. A Congressional view. William C. Gates. II. A constitutional view. George Ticknor Curtis. HI. A Knight of Labor's view. T. V. Powderly. Worth American review., vol. 155 {Sept., 189'2): 355-375. 1892. The industrial situation. Social economist., vol. 3 {Sept.., 1892): 163-169. 1892. The Buffalo strike. Theodore Voorhees. Worth American revieiv., vol. 155 { Oct. , 1892) : Jfi7-Ji,17. 1893. Ethics of strikes and lockouts. C. H. Reeve. American jour7ial of politics., vol. "2 {Jan.., 1893): 75-85. 1893. The courts and striking railroad employees. The Ann Arbor cases. American law register and review, vol. 32 {May, 1893): Jp81-J^89. 1893. The Ann Arbor strike. Frank P. Sargent. Worth American review, vol. 156 {May, 1893) : 563-566. 1893. Economics of strikes and boycotts. George Gunton. Social economist, vol. 4- {May, 1893) : 257-266. 1893. The eight-hours day and the unemployed. John Rae. Conteiivporary review, vol. 63 {June, 1893) : 790-808. 1893. The Homestead strike. F. W. Taussig. Economic journal, vol. 3 {June, 1893): 307-318. 1893. The Hull strike. W. H. Abraham. Econoirdc review, vol. 3 {July, 1893): 357-363. 1893. Strikes and trusts. U. M. Rose, Ainerican law review, vol. 27 {Sept.- Oct., 1893): 708-71,0. 1893. The American law of conspiracy relative to strikes and other labor combinations. Scots law times, vol. 1 { Oct. IJ,, 1893) : 221. 1893. The history of strikes in America. Arthur A. Freeman. Engineering magazine, vol. 6 {Wov., 1893): 176-186; {Dec, 1893): 301,-312. 1893. Breach of contract by strikes. Percy Edwards. Canadian law times, vol. 13 {Dec, 1893): 287-29J,. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 41 1893. Strikes in Italy. Francesco S. Nitti. Eco no I nlc journal, vol 3 {Dec, 189o): 719-733. 1894. The Chicago strike. Carroll D. Wright. American economic association. Publications, vol. 9 {1894): 503-519. 1894. The coal war. James Chadburn. Economic review, vol Jj, {Jan. , 189 J() : 68-86. 1894. The eight-hours day and foreign competition. John Rae. Contempoi'ary review, vol. 65 {Feb. , 1894) •' 189-W6. 1894. The Homestead strike. Edward W. Bemis. Journal of political economy, vol. 2 {Jane, 1894) •' 369-396. 1894. Are we awakened ? H. von Hoist. Journal of political economy , vol. 2 {Jtme, 1894i): 4-85-516. 1894. The law of strikes. American law review, vol. 28 {July- Aug. , 189 Ji) : 587-591. 1894. Cogley on strikes and boycotts. American law review, vol. 28 {July- Aug. , 189 Jf) : 629-638. 1894. Incidents of labour war in America. W. T. Stead. Contemporary review, vol. 66 {July, 189 Jf): 65-76. 1894. The Pullman boycott. H. White. Nation, vol. 59 {July 5, 189 J4): 5. 1894. The limits of arbitration. Nation, vol. 59 {July 19, 189Ii): 4.2. 1894. Vital points of expert opinion. Chaunce}'^ M. Depew. Oxtr day, vol. 13 {July- Aug., 189 J^): 356-364-. 1894. Vital points of expert opinion, G. M. Pullman. Our day, vol. 13 {July- Aug., 189 If): 364.-368. 1894. Vital points of expert opinion. Joseph Medill. Our day, vol. 13 {July- Aug., 1891^): 368-370. On pensions for faithful workingmen. 1894. The Pullman boycott. From President Debs's point of view. Public opinion, vol. 17 {July 5, 1894): 305. Part of appeal issued, by E. V. Debs. 1894. The railway strike. Samuel Gompers. American federationist, vol. 1 {Aug., 189 li): 121-124.. 1894. Pullman and its lessons. Thomas Burke Grant. American magazine of civics, vol. 5 {Atig. , 1894) •' 190-204- ^ 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1894. Coal [miners'] strikes, cause and prevention. R. M. Benjamin. Chicago legal news^ vol. 26 {Aug. 11, 189 Jf) : 4.O6. 1894. Principles involved in the recent strike. D. McG. Means. Forum, vol. 17 {Aug., 1894): 633-6 J^3. 1894. The lesson of the recent strikes. Nelson A. Miles and others. North. American review., vol. 159 {Aug. , 189Ii) : 180-W6. 1894. The strike commission taking testimony' at Chicago. Public opinion, vol. 17 {Aug. 30, 1894): 5U; {Sept. 6,1894): 54,2. 1894. The state and social law of strikes. Social economist, vol. 7 {Aug. , 189 Jf) : 75-85. 1894. The latest labor crisis: Is Yale a rich men's college. Yale review, vol. 3 {Aug., 189 J^): 113-120. 1894. Strikes from an economic standpoint. E. D. M'Creary. Amefrican journal of politics, vol. 5 {Sept., 1894): 2 4-1-2 4-7. 1894. The year in its constitutional aspects: the lawyer as a teacher and leader. [Address, Thomas M. Cooley.] American law review, vol. 28 {Sej)t.-Oct., 189 Jj): 64-1-670. Gives opinions on boycotts and labor organizations. 1894. Legal restraint of labor strikes. William P. Aiken. , Yale law journal, vol. 4. {Oct. 1894): 13-26. 1894. Federal intervention in strikes and use of United States mili- tary. M. F. Tuley. Chicago legal news, vol. 27 {Sept. 22, 1894): 28. 1894. The great coal strike of 1894. Josephine Sha\y Lowell. Charities review, vol. 4- {Nov. , 1894) ■' 4-^-4^ • 1894. The report on the Chicago strike. P. Ogden. Natio7i, vol. 59 {Nov. 22, 1894): 376. 1894. The Federal interference with strikes. Richard C. McMurtrie. Peimsyl/vania lau) series, vol. 1 {Nov., 1894): 4-~l-<^' 1894. The Federal commission's report upon the Chicago strike. Public opinion, vol. 17 {Nov. 22, 1894): 809. 1894. Press comment on the strike report. PuMic o2nnion, vol. 17 {Nov. 22, 189 1^): 810. 1894. Society and sympathetic strikes. Social economist, vol. 7 {Nov., 189 Jf): 257-269. 1894 The railroad strike in California, 1894. Thomas R. Bacon. Yale review, vol. 3 {Nov., 1894): 24-1-250. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 43 1895. The Chicago strike. Carroll D. Wright. Araerican economic association. Publications^ vol. 10 {1895): 5Jt,-6J,. 1895. Labor .strikes in the United States. Tabular history, from the earliest recorded to those in 1894. The World almanac, ml. 2 {1895): 96-99. 1895. The humiliating report of the strike commission. Harry Perr}" Robinson. Foriim\vol. 18 {Jan., 1895): 523-531. 1895. The significance of recent labor troubles in America. Carroll D. Wright. International journal of ethics, vol. 5 {Jan., 1895): 137-1]^7. 1895. [Strikes and how to avoid them.] Albany law joitrnal, vol. 51 {Feb. 2, 1895): 66-69. 1895. Mandamus as a means of settling strikes. Stephen B. Stanton. American law register and review, vol. SIf. {Feb. , 1895) : 102- 119. 1895. The Pullman strike commission. George McDermot. Catholic world, vol. 60 {Feb., 1895): 627-635. 1895. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. E. R. L. Gould. Yale review, vol. 3 {Feb. , 1895) : 376-lf07. 1895. The great miners' strike of 1894. American federationist, vol. 2 {March, 1895): 8-10. 1895. Report of the Chicago strike commission. David F. Schloss. EconoTnic journal, vol. 5 {Mar., 1895): 83-86. 1895. How to prevent strikes and lockouts. Stockton Bates. North. American review, vol. 160 {March, 1895): 371-371/. 1895. Strikes and .society. Social econoQuist, vol. 8 {March, 1895): 129-133. 1895. "Strikes excepted" [in contracts]. /Scots law times, vol. 3 {May 18, 1895): 2. 1895. Monopolism and militarism in the city of churches. A review of the Brooklyn street railway strike. G. Eniil Richter. Areola, vol. 13 {June, 1895): 98-117. 1895. Labor troubles — Causes and proposed remedies. James H. Hyslop. . International journal of ethics, vol. 5 {July, 1895): Jf.IiJf.-Ii.61. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1895. Industrial arbitration in the United States. Edward Cum- mings. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 9 {July, 1895): 363-371. 1896. Injunction — strikes — interstate commerce — obstruction of the mails — contempt. In re Dehs. Annotated case. Arde- mus Stewart. American and English decisions in equity, vol. 2 {1896): 36 If,- 1896. Injunction [against] strikes. Annotated case. Central law journal., vol. If'B {Jan. ^Jf., 1896): 7Jf-78. 1896. Industrial arbitration: its methods and its limitations. S. N. D. North. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 10 {July, 1896): lf.07. 1896. Strikes. Law times, vol. 101 {Aug. W, 1896): Jt09. 1896. Compulsory arbitration — practicable remedy. Norman T. Mason. Arena, vol. 16 {Sept., 1896): 622. 1896. Strikes in Russia. GuntonJs magazine, vol. 11 { Oct. , 1896) : 253-257. 1896. The law of strikes. Amefrican law review, vol. 30 {Nov. -Dec, 1896): 926-927. 1896. Arbitration in labour disputes. Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Nineteenth century, vol. Jt-O {Nov., 1896): 7Ji3-768. 1896. "Picketing." Injunctions against strikers. Harvard law review, vol. 10 {Dec. 26, 1896) : 301. 1897. Effect of strikes upon rights and liabilities of a carrier. An- notated case. Laioyeri reports annotated, vol. 36 {1897) : 623-633. 1897. Strikes as a factor in progress. M. E. J. Kelley. North American review, vol. 16 J^, {Jan. , 1897) : 2Ii.-31. 1897. Compulsory arbitration. Frank Parsons. Arena, vol. 17 {Mar., 1897): 663. 1897. Strikes in Japan. Fusataro Takano. Gunton's magazine, vol. 13 {July, 1897) : 27-33. 1897. A practical remedy for strikes. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 13 {Aug., 1897): 88-98. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 45 1897. Federal injunction against strikes and lockouts in West Vir- ginia. American law review^ vol. 31 {Sejyt.-Oct., 1897): 761-761).. 1897. Strikes and the coal miners. Samuel Gompers. Forum, vol. 21^ {Sept., 1897): 27-33. 1897. Latest American strike. Natimial review, vol. 30 {Oct., 1897): 272. 1897. The workino- of compulsory arbitration in labour disputes. W, Pember Reeves. National review, vol. 30 {Nov., 1897): 360-370. 1898. The coal miners' strike of 1897. Strikes and lockouts 1897. J. E. George. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 12 {Jan., 1898): 186-208. 1898. Trades-union tactics in relation to law and order. Colliery strikes of 1892 and 1893. Samuel Fothergill. Westminster review, vol. 11)9 {Jan., 1898): 82-93. 1898. The engineering struggle. Benjamin C. Browne. National review, vol. 30 {Feb., 1898): 937-91)6. 1898. The dispute in the engineering trades. Ernest Aves. Economic journal, vol. 8 {Mar., 1898): 115-12]).. 1898. Industrial arbitration in Congress. Carroll D. Wright. GuntoTibS m.agazine, vol. 11) {April, 1898): 236. 1898. Great railway strike in Japan. Fusataro Takano. American federationist, vol. 5 {May, 1898): J).8-50. 1898. The national arbitration law. F. J, Stimson. International journal of ethics, vol. 8 {July, 1898): J)09-J),22. 1898. The settlement in the coal-mining industr3^ John E. George. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 12 {July, 1898) : J)I),7-J)60. 1899. Compulsory industrial arbitration. Economic jourTUil, vol. 9 {Mar., 1899): 85. 1899. Compulsory arbitration. Inderpendent, vol. 51 {Jidy 27, 1899): 2029-2030. 1899. The boycott as a legitimate weapon. Araerican federationist, vol. 6 {Oct., 1899): 192-195. 1899. The other side of strikes. Qunton's magazine, vol. 17 {Oct., 1899): 275-285. 1900. Strikes, trusts, boycotts, and blacklists. Francis D. Tandy. Arena, vol. 23 {Feb., 1900): 19J).-203. 46 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS. 1900. The delusion of compulsory industrial arbitration. Paschal H. Coggins. Arena, vol 23 {May, 1900): 1^99-515. 1900. Compulsory and other arbitration. H. White. mitlor^ vol. 70 {June 21, 1900): pi. 1900. The [anthracite] coal strike. Independent, vol. 52 {Sept. 20, 1900): 2239. 1900. The [anthracite] coal strike. Independent, vol. 52 {Sept. 27, 1900): 2297. 1900. The coal strike. Outlook, vol. 66 {Sept. 29, 1900): 250-252. 1900. The coal miners' strike. Outlook, vol. 66 {Sept. 29, 1900): 255-258. 1900. The coal strike. PuUic opinion, vol. 29 {Sept. 20, 1900): 362. 1900. The coal strike in politics. PuUic opinion, vol. 29 {Sept. 27, 1900): 392. 1900. The coal miners' strike. George Gunton. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 19 { Oct. 1900) : 316-323. 1900. The anthracite strike. John Carroll. Indejjendent, vol. 52 {Oct. 18, 1900): 2508-2513. 1900. The anthracite coal strike. J. Wagner. Independent, vol. 52 {Oct. 25, 1900): 2557-2561. 1900. Republicans and the strike. Nation, vol. 71 {Oct. Jp, 1900): 265. 1900. The coal strike. I. Families of the miners. Lilian W. Betts. II. The wages of miners. A letter from A. Pardee & co. Outlook, vol. 66 {Oct. 13, 1900): 142-1^18. 1900. The coal strike. PuUic opinion, vol. 29 {Oct. 25, 1900): 520. 1900. Settlement of the coal strike. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Nov., 1900): 533. 1900. The anthracite coal strike. Demands and answers. J. R. Commons. Collier's weekl3\ Mining conditions. Har- pers' weekly. Miner and operator. Outlook. Current literature, vol. 29 {Nov. , 1900) : 562-566. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 47 1900. End of the [anthracite] coal strike. Independent, vol. 52 {^^v. 1, 1900): 2598. 1900. The great coal strike. John Mitchell. Inde])endent, vol. 52 {Nov. 1, 1900): 2613-2616. 1900. End of the coal strike. H. White. Motion, vol. 71 {Nov. U 1900): 31^1. 1900. The anthracite miners' strike of 1900. George O. Virtue. Journal of jpolitical economy, vol. 9 {Dec, 1900): 1-23. 1901. The anthracite coal strike. Frank Julian Warne. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 17 {Jan., 1901): 15-52. 1901. The anthracite coal strike. Ernest Ludlow Bogart. BiUiotheca sacra, vol. 58 {Jan., 1901): 136-161. 1901. As to compulsory arbitration. Henry White. American federationist, vol 8 {Feb., 1901): 38-1^2. 1901. The American trade-unions and compulsor}^ arbitration. W. Macarthur. Forum, vol. 30 {Feh.. 1901): 737-751. 1901. L'epidemie de greves. L'attitude gouvernementale, la jour- nee de travail et les retraites. Paul Leroy-Beaulieu. Feconomistefrangais, vol. 29 {Mar. 9, 1901): 297-299. 1901. La greve a Montceau-les-Mines. J. Gautier. Reforme sociale, vol. Jj-l {Mar., 1901): If00-Jf.0Jf.. 1901. The American trade unions and compulsoiy arbitration. AA'alter Macarthur. American federationist, vol. 8 {Apr., 1901) 107-11^. 1901. Justice Brewer on strikes and lawlessness. American federationist., vol. 8 {Apr., 1901): 121-123. 1901. The anthracite coal crisis. Talcott Williams. Atlantic mojithly, vol. 87 {Apr. 1901): U^-Jt56. 1901. Labor legislation in France under the third Republic. Wil- liam Fianklin Willoughby. Quarterly joirrnal of economics, vol. 15 {May, 1901): 390-]fl5. 1901. Greves, arbitrage et syndicats. Albert de Mun. jReforme sociale, vol. J^l {May, 1901) : 7Jf.8-779. 1901. Les crises ouvrieres et patronales a Montceau-les-Mines. J. de Bellefond. Reforme sociale, col. ^ {May, 1901): 780-819. 48 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS. 1901. La conciliation et I'arbitrao^e en France pendant Tannee, 1900. Revue de statistique^ vol. Jf. {May ^^, 1901) : 97-98. 1901. Les greves en France en 1900. Revue de statistique^ vol. ^ {May 19, 1901) : Sl-SJf.. 1901. Les greves et les lockouts en Autriche en 1899. Revue de statistique, vol. If- {June ^, 1901) : 121-1'2'2. 1901. Industrial arbitration. Chauncey H. Castle. American machinist .^ vol. ^If- {Aug. 5, 1901) : 901-90J^. 1901. A candid view of the steel strike. George Gunton. Gimton^s magazine, vol. '21 {Aug. , 1901) : 118-128. 1901. The significance of the Pullman strike. A. P. Winston. Journal of political econmny, vol. 9 {Sept. 1901): 5Jfi-561. 1901. The evolution of the strike. H. P. Willis. Nation, vol. 73 {Sept. 19, 1901): 218. 1901. The steel strike. Mr. Shaffer, his accusations. Their refu- tation. American federationist, vol. 8 ( Oct. , 1901) : If-lB-JfSl. 1901. The lesson of the steel strike. Gunton' 8 magazine, vol. 21 {Oct., 1901): 331-338. 1901. Strikes — Are they ever lost? Denis A. Hayes. Independent, vol. 53 {Oct. 26, 1901): 2506-2509. 1901. Personal liberty and labor strikes. John Ireland. North American review, vol. 173 {Oct., 1901): 4,4S-453. 1901. Les revendications des mineurs. Delcourt-Haillot. Reforme sociale, vol. j^2{Sept., 1901): 590-602; {Oct., 1901): 666-675. 1901. Strikes and the philosophy of the strikers. Frank K. Foster. International monthly, vol. If, {Nov. , 1901) : 629-61^.7 . 1901. La production et le commerce du travail. G. de Molinari. Journal des economistes, 5e serie, vol. JfB {Nov. , 1901) : 161- 181. 1901. Compulsory arbitration in New Zealand. Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Bulletin.^ no. 20 {Nov., 1901): 128-137. 1901. An American view of the strikes. A protest against striking union leaders. Henry E. Highton. Overland monthly, vol. 38 {Nov., 1901): 3Jf6-35Ii.. LABOR AND strikes: ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS. 49 1901. Trade unionism in coal mining. Iron and coal trade revieio^ vol. 63 {Nov. ^^, 1901): 1^262; {Dec. 6, 1901): 1399. 1901. Employers and labor unions. George Gunton. Guntonh magazine^ vol. 21 {Dec, 1901): 538-551. 1901. Progress of industrial arbitration. H. White. Nation, vol. 73 {Dec. 26, 1901): Jf88. 1901. Les avantages accordes aux ouvriers mineurs par les com- pagnies. Delcourt-Haillot. Reforme mciale, vol. 1^2 {Dec, 1901): 829-835. 1902. Der Stahkrbeiterstrike vom Sommer 1901 und seine Lehren. Ein Beitrag zum Verstandniss des amerikanischen Kapi- talismus. H, Waentig. Arcldv fur soziale Gesetzgehung und Statist li, vol. 17 {1902): 51,9-588. 1902. Die englische Fabrikgesetzgebung in den Jahren 1878-1901. Henr}" W. Macrost}'. Archiv fur soziale Gesetzgehung und Statistik, vol. 17 {1902): 670-685. 1902. Der Trade-Unionismus in den Vereinigten Staaten von Araer- ika. Carroll D. Wright. Zeitsckriftfilr Yolhswirtschaft, Socialj^oUtik und Verwaltung, vol. 11 {1902): 181-192. 1902. The San Francisco strikes of 1901. Ed. R. Rosenberg. Am ericaii federal ionist, vol. 9 {Jan., 1902): 15-18. 1902. The rights of striking miners. Alhany law journal, vol. 6 J,. {Feb., 1902): 1,8-52. 1902. Labor laws in Europe. Henry W. Wilbur. Gunton' s magazine, vol. 22 {Feh. , 1902) : 158-166. 1902. The eight-hour bill. Iron age, vol. 69 {Feh. 20, 1902): 8-10. 1902. Quarterh^ record of strikes in Massachusetts. Ilassachusetts. Bureau of statistics of lahor. Bulletin, no. 21 {Feb., 1902): 31-32; no. 22 {May, 1902): 61-61,; no. 23 {Aug., 1902): 80-82; no. 21^ {Nov., 1902): 105-107. 1902. Strikes in France in 1901; in Denmark, 1900; in Austria, 1900; in Belgium in 1901. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. Bulletin, no. 21 {Feb., 1902): 36. 22079—03 4 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1902. The conference for industrial peace. Oscar S. Straus. North American review^ vol. 17 J4. {Feb. , 1902,) : 175-181. 1902. The successful prevention of strikes: Seven years of compul- sory arbitration in New Zealand. World's worh, vol. 3 {Feb., 1902): 1781-1783. 1902. The eight-hour labor bill. Iro7i age, vol. 69 {Mar. 6, 1902): 3-6. 1902. Les travailleurs industriels en France. Eevue de statistique, vol. Jf. {Mar. 2, 1902): 737-7 U. 1902. The coal-miners' strike. Independent, vol. 51^ {May 22, 1902): 1255-1256. 1902. National civic federation and strikes. J. B. Bishop. International monthly, vol. 5 {May, 1902) : 61^9-652. 1902. Strikes in Germany, 1900; in Austria, 1901. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. Bulletin, no. 22 {May, 1902): 65, 66. 1902. Coal-miners' strike. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 17, 1902): U7. 1902. The San Francisco car strike. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 17, 1902): U8. 1902, Organized labor in the anthracite coal fields. Frank Julian Warne. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 21^, 1902): 273-276. 1902. The miners' strike: Impressions in the field. Charles B. Spahr. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 31, 1902): 321-325. 1902. Limitations of conciliation and arbitration. Samuel Gompers. American federationist, vol. 9 {June, 1902): 307-310. 1902. The anthracite strike. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 25 {June, 1902): 652-651^. 1902. The coal strike unveiled. Natio7i, vol. 7J^ {June 19, 1902): 14-78. 1902. Miners' defence. Nation, vol. 7 If. {June 26, 1902): Jf99-500. 1902. Decisions of the courts. The right to strike. New York." State. Department of labor. Bulletin, vol. 1^. {June, 1902): 133-11(5. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 51 1902. Strikes in the United States. Carroll D. Wright. Worth American revieio, v(jI. 17 J/. {June^ 1902): 757-768. 1902. Fundamental principles. Outlook, vol. 71 {J line 28, 1902): 58^.-535. 1902. Chicago labor troubles and their settlement. G. C. Sikes. Outlook, vol. 71 {June U, 1902): US-JfSO. 1902. Anthracite coal strike. Outlook, vol. 71 {June 21, 1902): P9-I^80. 1902. Strikes in the United States. Carroll D. Wright. North American review, vol. 17 If, {June, 1902): 757-768. 1902. Factory legislation, considered with reference to the wages, etc. George Henry Wood. Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 65 {June 30, 1902): 281i.-321^. 1902. Providence and Pawtucket railway strike. Street railway journal, vol. 19 {June 21, 1902): 776-778. 1902. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. Marcus A. Hanna. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20 {July, 1902): 19-26. 1902. The limitations of conciliation and arbitration. Samuel Gompers. American academy of political and social science. Annals^ vol. 20 {July, 1902): 27-3^ 1902. Anthracite coal mines and mining. Rosamond D. Rhone. American monthly ■)eview of reviews, vol. 26 {Jidy, 1902): 5Jt,-63. 1902. A general view of the coal strike. Talcott Williams. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 26 {July, 1902): 64-66. 1902. The anthracite carrying railways. H. T. ^ewcomb. American monthly revieio of reviews, vol. 26 {July, 1902): 66-69. 1902. The mine workers' convention. Indej^endent, vol. 51^ {July 3, 1902): 16 12-16 U. 1902. The miners stand bv their contracts. Independent, vol. H {July 21^, 1902): 1786-1787. 1902. Industrial arbitration in Australia. H. T. Burgess. Independent, vol. 51^ {July 31, 1902): 1835-1837. 52 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS. 1902. Constitutional government in industiy. Independent, vol. 5J^ {July 31, 1902): 1850-1851, 1902. The mining .situation. Nation, vol. 75 {July 31, 1902): 8J^-85. 1902. Strikes and the public welfare. John Handiboe. North American review, vol. 175 {July, 1902): 91-98. 1902. Chicago freight handlers' strike. Outlook, vol. 71 {July 19, 1902): 711. 1902. Unfair workmen and boycotted prayers. W. F. Gibbons. Outlook, vol. 71 {July 19, 1902): 733-73^. 1902. Mine discipline and unionism. W. E. Weyl. Outlook, vol. 71 {July 19, 1902): 734,-737. 1902. Mine workers' statement of the coal strike. Outlook, vol. 71 {July 28, 1902): 521. 1902. Le travail dans le grande Industrie. I. Les mines de houille: L'organisation du travail; L'age des ouvriers; Le temps de travail et la peine; La production et le salaire; Le contrat de travail. Charles Benoist. Revue des deux mondes, 5^ ^9eWc>^g, vol. 10 {July 1, 1902) : 5-26; {Aug. 15,1902): 8^5-871; vol. 11 {Sept. 15,1902): 285-310. 1902. The real issue of the coal strike. M. G. Cunniff. World's iDork, vol. 4 {July, 1902): 23U-23U' 1902. Arbitration or litigation. Engineering, vol. 7 4 {Aug. 1, 1902): 11^9-151. Editorial discussing the working of the English arbitration act of 1889; considering some recent cases. 1902. The resumption of anthracite mining. K. W. Raymond. Engineering and mining journal, vol. 7 If. {Aug. 9, 1902): 176- 177. A discussion of the difficulties to be met. A reply to opinions pub- lished in the N. Y. Evening Post and the N. Y. Times. 1902. The anthracite coal strike. William Mailly. International socialist review, vol. 3 {Aug. 1, 1902): 79-85. 1902. La production et le commerce du travail. G. de Molinari. Journal des economistes, 5^ serie, vol. 1^9 {Mar., 1902): 321- 3^0; vol. 51 {Aug. 15, 1902): 161-176; vol. 52 {Oct. 15, 1902): 322. 1902. The industrial arbitration act of New South Wales. B. R. Wise. National revieiv, vol. 39 {Aug., 1902): 880-896. LABOR AND STRIKES: AKTR'LES IN PERIODICALS. 53 1902. The real cause of the miners' strike. F. J. "Warne. Outlool, vol. 71 {Aug. 30, 1903): 1053-1057. 1902. How labor is organized. Ray Stannard Baker. World's work, vol. ^ {Aug., ^1902): 2k27-21i3r. 10, 1902): 1529-1531. 58 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS. 1902. La greve du charbon et M. Roosevelt. La refmwte wciale, vol. U {^ov. 16, 1902): 776-777. 1902. La greve et la politique. Fr. Daveillans. La revue hlanche, vol. 29 {JVov. i, 1902): 383. 1902. La tendance collectiviste. Adolphe Prins. Revue des deux inondes., 5e jjeriode., vol. 12 {JVbv., 1902): 172-203. 1902. L'application de la loi italienne sur la reparation des accidents du travail. Georges Eeckhout. Bevue generale, vol. 76 {Wov., 1902): 749-762. 1902. Salaires industriels. Edgard de Ghelin. Bevue generale, vol. 76 {Mv., 1902): 763-770. 1902. La greve des mineurs. (Documents.) La revxie socialiste, vol. 36 {Nov., 1902): 594-612. 1902. Report to the President on anthracite coal strike. Carroll D. Wright. United States. Department of labor. BullePm., vol. 7, no, Jf3 {Nov., 1902): 11^7-1167. Appendices: 1167-1228. 1902. A defence of trade unionism. T. Good. Westminster review, vol. 158 {Nov., 1902): 4S3-4S6. 1902. Can arbitration in labor troubles be effective? World's work, vol. 5 {Nov., 1902): 2789-2790. 1902. The work of the industrial commission; the hazards of arbitra- tion. Tale review, vol. 11 {Nov., 1902): 225-228. 1902. The report of the industrial commission. I. Labor. Richard T. Ely. Tale review, vol. 11 {Nov., 1902): 229-250. 1902. The anthracite conflict. Peter Roberts. Tale review, vol. 11 {Nov., 1902): 297-307. 1902. Legislation to control the anthracite coal corporations. R. M. Benjamin. Albany law journal, vol. 64 {Dec, 1902): 41^-425. 1902. The trade-unionist and the monopolist. Herbert N. Casson. Arena, vol. 28 {Dec, 1902): 596-60 L 1902. The co-operative association of America. Hiram Vrooman, Arena, vol. 28 {Dec, 1902): 602-609. LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 59 1902. The trade union and the superior workman. Ambrose P. Winston. Atlantic moiitUy, vol. 90 {Bee, 1902): 79^-801. 1902. La greve et I'arbitrage. Leon de Seilhac. Correspondant, vol. 7J^ {Dec. 10, 1902): 820-84^. 1902. Romances of the world's great mines. I. The Comstock and its great bonanza, Samuel E. Moffett. Cosmopolitan, vol. 34 {Dec, 1902): 212-218. 1902. Is the strike over? Current literature, vol. 33 {Dec, 1902): 676-677. 1902. Coal strike. Economic journal, vol. 12 {Dec, 1902): 573-575. 1902. A word more on the coal mines. H. W. Chaplin Green hag, vol. U {Dec, 1902): 570. 1902. Essentials of labor union success. Guntonh magazine, vol. 23 {Dec , 1902) : Jt95-J{^7. 1902. Coal strike negotiations interrupted. Independent, vol. 5 4 {Dec 4, 1902): 2857-2858. 1902. The coal strike hearing. Independent, vol. 54 {Dec 18, 1902): 2986. 1902. The American workman and the French. Andre and Jules Seigfried. International quarterly, vol. 6 {Dec-Mar., 1902-1903): 353- 365. 1902. The passing of the coal strike. John Cummings. Journal of political economy, vol. 11 {Dec, 1902): 55-74- 1902. The incorporation of trade vinions — The position in England. W. G. S. Adams. Journal of political enonomy, vol. 11 {Dec, 1902): 89-92. 1902. Industrial arbitration in New South Wales. F. R. Sanderson. Juridical review, vol. 14 {Dec, 1902): 394-4^3. 1902. Arbeider-organisationerne i de Forenede Stater. (Efter Car- roll D. Wright: Contemporary review.) Kringsjaa, vol. 20 {Dec, 15, 1902): 740-744. 1902. Stories of the miners. Literary diged, vol. 25 {Dec 27, 1902): 861. 1902. The coal strike. John Mitchell. McClure's magazine, vol. 20 {Dec, 1902): 219-224. 60 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS. 1902. The American labour war. Samuel E. Moffett. New liberal remew.ml. U {Dec, 1902): 653-657. 1902. La greve generale. Henri Dagan. La nouvelle revue, vol. 19 {Dec. i, 1902): 305-318. 1902. The coal inquiry to go on. Outlook, vol. 72 {Dec. 6, 1902): 76 J^. 1902. The united mine workers and publicity. Outlook, ml. 72 {Dec. 13, 1902): 905-907. 1902. The rights of the "strike-breaker." Outlook, vol. 72 {Dec. 20, 1902): 925-926, 957. 1902. Is authoritative arbitration inevitable? John Bates Clark. Political science quarterly, vol. 17 {Dec, 1902): 553-567. 1902. Strikes and strike remedies. Protectionist, vol. 11^ {Dec, 1902): J^lfi-lt.10, 1902. Criminal aspects of a strike. Public opinion, vol. 82 {Dec 5, 1902): 709. 1902. Le droit de greve. J. Domergue. La reforme economique, IP annee {Dec 21, 1902): 1723-1725. 1902. Le travail dans la grande Industrie. II. La metallurgie; L'organisation du travail. Charles Benoist. Revue des deux mondes, 5^ periode, vol. 12 {Dec 1, 1902) : 586-6U. 1902. L'ouvi'iere aux Etats-Unis. B. van Vorst. Revue des deux mondes, 5^ periode, vol. 12 {Dec 1, 1902): 657-690. 1902. La greve des mineurs de Pensylvanie. Jean Longuet. La revue socialiste, vol. 36 {Dec , 1902) : 703-720. 1902. Le mouvement syndical ouvrier. Francois Maury. Revue xmiverselle, vol. 2 {Dec 1, 1902) : 589-593. 1902. La greve des charbonnages americains. Paul de Rousiers. La science sociale, vol. 31/, {Dec , 1902) : JfB5-50J/. 1902. Trade unions and the law. Speaker, vol. 7 {Dec 27, 1902): 320. " The growth of the Unions gradually provided the needed counter- poise to the increased strength of capital. At the present day it is to them alone that ' we can look for effectual organized resist- ance to the newly augmented power of large accumulations of wealth." LABOR AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 61 1902. Arbitration of labor disputes, compulsor}-. W . W. Willoughby . World to-day, vol. 3 {Dec, 1902): 2153-2155. 1902. A means to effective arbitration. Frederick W. Job. ^YorJd's worl; vol. 5 {Dec, 1902): 2856. 1903. Some features of tiie labor system and manag-ement at the Baldwin locomotive works. John W. Converse. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): 1-9. 1903. The premium system of wage payment. Alexander E. Outer- bridge, jr. American academy of political and social science. AnyiaJs, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): 10-19. 1903. The effect of unionism upon the mine worker. Frank Julian Warne. American academy of p)olitical and social science. Annals, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): 20-35. 1903. The investor's interest in the demands of the anthracite miners. Edward Sherwood Meade. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): 36-4.5. 1903. Labor unions as they appear to an employer. W. H. Pfahler. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): lfi-54. 1903. The evolution of negro labor. Carl Kelsey. American, academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): 55-76. 1903. The labor situation in Mexico. Walter E. Weyl. America7i academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 21 {Jan., 1903): 77-93. 1903. A year's review of trade unionism. American federationist, vol. 10 {Jan., 1903): 1-13. 1903. The social effects of the eight-hour da3^ Frank L. McVey. American journal of sociology, vol. 8 {Jan., 1903): 521-530. 1903. Scope of the anthracite inquiry. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 27 {Jan., 1903): Jf,. 1903. Good lessons from the strike. Amo'ican monthly revieio of reviews, vol. 27 {Jan. , 1903) : Jf,. 62 ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1903. The great coal strike and its lessons: 1. The, industrial battle and the public. Frank Parsons. 2. Our real masters. Geo. Fred. Williams. 3. Still a democracy. Eltweed Pomeroy. 4. The strike and the consumer. Bolton Hall. 5. Violence and arbitration. Ernest H. Crosby. Arena, vol. ^9, {Jan., 1903: 1-25. 1903. A unique labor experiment. (The "Zeirs foundation "at Jena.) L. Katscher. Arena, vol. 29 {Jan., 1903): 53. 1903. Labor and the trusts. E. S. Wicklin. Arena, vol. 29 {Jan., 1903): 63. 1903. The better way as to labor. Century magazine, vol. 65 {Jan., 1903): Jt78~Jf81. 1903. Le social ismecontemporainetlemondeouvrier. Jean Steens. Correspondant, 75e annee {Jan. 25, 1903): 222-253. 1903. The labour movement and social democracy in Denmark. Fernando Linderberg. Economic review, vol. 13 {Jan. 15, 1903) : 85-91. 1903. The past and future of factory legislation. Edinburgh review, vol. 197 {Jan., 1903): 171^-201. 1903. The incorporation of trade unions. L. D. Brandeis. Green hag, vol. 15 {Jan., 1903): 11. 1903. The non-union man vs. the "scab." GuntoiTbS magazine, vol. 21p {Jan., 1903): 19-2Ji.. 1903. The long fuel crisis. Independent, vol. 55 {Jan. 29, 1903) : 274,. 1903. Who said "scab?" John Murray. International socialist revieio, vol. 3 {Jan. 1, 1903): 412-415. 1903. Lettre des Etats-Unis: Quelques resultats de la grande greve de 1902. La question de la nationalisation des mines de charbon. Le projet d'arbitrage de Tindustrie du batiment. La construction dans TOuest. George Nestler Tricoche. Journal des ecotiomistas, 5e seric t. 53 {Jan. 15, 1903): 89-95. 1903. The non-union miners. Literary digest, vol. 26 {Jan. 3, 1903): 1-2. LABOE AND STRIKES: ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS. 63 1903. The right to work. The story of the non-strikino- miner. R. S. Baker. Mc Clure's magazine, vol. '20 {Jan. , 1903) : 323-336. 1903. Industriewucher. Gustav Hooh. Die Neue Zelt, vol. 21 {Jan. 17, 1903): ^92-Jf98; {Jan. 24, 1903): 533-538. ^ 1903. La legislation du travail comparee et Internationale. Prosper PouUet. Revue generale, vol. 77 {Jan. , 1903) : 17If.-175. 1903. How shall labour and capital be reconciled ? Charles Frederick Adams. Westminster review, vol. 159 {Jan. , 1903) : 18-23. 1903. A country without strikes. Alice Henry. Westminster revieio, vol. 159 {Jan. , 1903) : 2If.-28. 1903. Americanism for British trade-unions. A. Moseley. World's work, vol. 5 {Jan.. 1903): 3018-3023. 1903. What the British unionists saw. M. G. Cunniff. WorlcTs work, vol. 5 {Jan., 1903): 3023-3027. 1903. Ueber den Einfluss der Fabrikarbeit auf die geistige Entwick- lung der Arbeiterschaft. Fr. Schuler. Zeltschriftfiir Sozialwlssenschaft, vol. 6 {Jan., 1903): 15-29. 1903. Should trade unions incoiporate? Clarence S. Darrow. American federationist, vol. 10 {Feb., 1903): 79-80. 1903. Trade unionism in Austria. Hans Felilinger. American federationist, vol. 10 {Feb., 1903): 87-88. 1903. Labor unions and the law. The recent Taff Vale decision in England, making unions liable for damages. A. Maurice Low. American monthly revieio of reviews, vol. 27 {Feh., 1903): 200-201. 1903. The child workers of the coal mines. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 27 {Feh., 1903): 2U-215. 1903. The nonunion man and the " scab." American monthly review of reviews, vol. 27 {Feh., 1903): 215-217. 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1903. Should labor unions be incorporated? American 7}wnthly review of reviews, vol. 27 {Feb., 1903): 217-219. 1903. A remedy for strikes: investigation and publicity as opposed to compulsory arbitration. Charles Francis Adams. Gassier' s magazine, vol. 23 {Feb., 1903): 558-565. 1903. Some of the rights of traders and laborers. Edward F. Mc- Clennen. Harvard laio review, vol. 16 {Feb. , 1903) : 237-25Ii.. 1903. Histoire d'une greve. (La greve des mineurs des bassins anthraciteux de la Pensylvanie en 1902.) Paul Ghio. Journal des econom.istes, vol. 53 {Feb. 15, 1903): 172-185. 1903. Children of the coal shadow. Francis H. Nichols. McClure^s magazine {Feb., 1903): 1^35-}^,^-. 1903. Trade unions and the law. T. Artemus Jones. Neio liberal review, vol. 5 {Feb. , 1903) : 50-58. 1903. Wage boards in Victoria. Henry W. Macrosty. New liberal review, vol. 5 {Feb., 1903): 90-100. 1903. A workingman's view of trade-unions. James G. Hutchinson. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 53 {Feb., 1903): 290-298. 1903. Labour and compulsion. Saturday review, vol. 95 {Feb. 7, 1903): 160-161. 1903. Native labor in the Transvaal. Spectator, vol. 90 {Feb. 7, 1903): 205-206. 1903. British trade-unionists in America. I. The origin and objects of the commission. Alfred Mosely. H. What the British unionists saw. M. G. Cunniff. ^¥orld's worh {London), vol. 1 {Feb., 1903): 303-310. 1903. Some paradoxes of the anthracite coal strike. Yale review, vol. 11 {Feb., 1903): 333-338. 1903. The non-unionist — Individualist. A. S. Leitch. American federationist, vol. 10 {Mar., 1903): 163-16 Ji-. 1903. The labourer and the law. R. B. Haldane. Contemioorary review, vol. 83 {March , 1903) : 362-372. 1903. The South African labour question. E. Jerome Dyer. Contemporary review, vol. 83 {March, 1903) : Ji.89-Ii,If5 . 1903. The anthracite coal strike in its social aspects. Peter Roberts. Economic journal, vol. 13 {Mar., 1903): 20-29. LABOR AND STRIKES*. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 65 1903. The Chinese and the South African labour question. Hiram S. Maxim. Fortnightly review^ vol. 73 {March., 1903) : 506-511. 1903. The present legal position of trade unions. S. P. J. Merlin. Magazine of commerce^ vol. 2 {March.^ 1903): 128-132. 1903. Trades-unionism and the individual. Outlook, vol. 73 [Jlar. 28, 1903): 706-708. 1903. The efficiency of union labor. A. J. Boulton. Outlook, vol. 73 {Mar. 28, 1903): 715-720. 1903. The question of a maximum wage. Outlook, ml. 73 {Mar. 28, 1903): 721-722. 1903. State arbitration and the minimum wage in Australasia. Henry W. Macrosty, Political science quarterly, vol. 18 {Mar. , 1903) : IW-lJfi. 1903. Organization or demoralization. Henry White. American federationist, vol. 10 {April, 1903) : 255-257. O 22079—03 5 J3 9E UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles 1 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. m 2 6 1998 JAN 12 ]Sfl2 i j 1 1 \ 24231 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 278 781 o '^^* ■N','U>- kV k J^'x^^