REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ,190 83043 '. Class No. OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE BY GREENOUGH WHITE A.M. B.D. PART I THE MIDDLE AGES BOSTON U.S.A. AND LONDON GINN & COMPANY PUBLISHERS 1895 COPYRIGHT 1895 BY GREENOUGH WHITE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN TOKEN OF GRATITUDE FOR THE LIBERALLY ACCORDED USE OF THE TREASURES OF ITS LIBRARY WITHOUT WHICH THIS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN WRITTEN AND FOR THOSE EARLIER INTELLECTUAL OPPORTUNITIES THAT FURNISHED ITS FIRST SUBSTANCE THIS WORK IS PRESENTED BY A LOYAL ALUMNUS 83043 PREFACE. IN view of the excellent treatises upon English literature that have multiplied of late years until they form by themselves a veritable library, the only excuse that the present work can allege for being is that in it the great subject is considered under a somewhat new light. To describe the process of men- tal development; to determine the limits and character of literary ages ; to get at the basal principle of each successive age and trace its derivation from that which preceded it, such has been the motive of the work. The lives of authors, therefore, have not been a primary concern, yet it is hoped that the personal element in literary history has not been unduly depressed and that the leading characteristics of men of com- manding and formative genius have been firmly grasped and forcibly presented. It is best to explain at the outset that in prosecuting his endeavor the author has welcomed any light that contemporary history, literature or art seemed to afford ; he has refused to regard any event in the progress of European civilization as not germane to the subject and has selected many facts that may at first sight seem remote from it to illustrate his theme. The result may prove to have a reflective value ; for in laying European history under contribution in order to interpret Eng- lish literature, that literature in its turn may make the course of contemporary history more perspicuous. vi PREFACE. In this First Part of the work in particular, which treats of the ages known as mediaeval, the author will never regret any pains he has taken if he be deemed to have been success- ful in breaking up the stark unity which those great and mis- understood ages so often dismissed as Feudal and Catholic present to many minds ; in unfolding the mighty movement that went on in them and discovering in some measure the source of their subtle attraction ; and in showing how great is the value they possess for culture a value, indeed, which nothing that preceded them can supply. It is right to add that the above was written in Cambridge the last day of the year 1892, when the work, since subjected to repeated revision, seemed to be approaching completion. CHARLESTON February 1895. OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. INTRODUCTION. IT is customary to begin treatises upon English literature with an account of Anglo-Saxon, or as some of late prefer to say, Old English writings. Without detracting in the least from the value of the study of the Anglo-Saxon language as an intellectual discipline, from its necessity for a complete knowl- edge of English, from the importance and interest of some of its literary remains, one may question whether it is truly scien- tific thus to identify Anglo-Saxon with English literature; whether it conduces to clearness, or tends to obscure differ- ences and cause confusion ; whether without affectation a work can be included in English literature which an intelligent Eng- lishman of the present day can enjoy only in translation, unless he would take all the pains necessary for learning a foreign language. Acquaintance with Latin is necessary for a thorough knowledge of Italian, but histories of Italian literature do not therefore begin with Ennius. And yet the connection between Latin and Italian literature is exceedingly close, and the influ- ence of the ancient upon the modern authors has been over- whelming, while the influence of Anglo-Saxon upon English literature has been just nothing. It was as late as the year 1832 that the treasures of the Vercelli book, among them Cynewulf's best work, were first made known to the world ; the same year Benjamin Thorpe edited and translated Caed- mon's Scripture paraphrase ; the year following J. M. Kemble 2 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY brought out the first English edition of Beowulf, and thus at last made that noble epic, the most precious relic of Anglo- Saxon poetry, accessible to students, and by a prose translation of it in 1837 first unfolded its beauties to the general reader. In 1842 Thorpe edited the collection known as the Exeter book. Thus at last the body of that old poetry was brought to the light of day, and yet, a full generation later, an Anglo-Saxon scholar could complain of the slow awakening of interest in the subject, and the unaccountable neglect of that ancient litera- ture in its native land. That neglect is sufficiently explained by the lack of original- ity which, with the brilliant exception of Beowulf, pervades the whole mass of Anglo-Saxon composition. There are passages of power and beauty in Caedmon and Cynewulf, but on the whole one cannot fail to be struck by the absence of native energy and invention, which leaves to the body of that compo- sition a purely antiquarian interest, and thus deprives it of the right claimed for it by some near-sighted scholars to be re- garded as genuine literature. A glance at those old writings will reveal, beside, the difficulties that beset any attempt at a philosophical history of them ; for their. arrangement fluctuates with the tides of criticism, an important piece being assigned by different authorities to different generations or centuries even ; nothing is known about the authors of some of the most important works, and little that is certain about those whose names are known. These facts, lack of original thought, and uncertainty about dates of composition, to which we may add the gaps in the literary record, render a philosophical interpretation of the phases of the literature almost impractica- ble. A survey of its main divisions gives evidence, however, in a general and unsatisfactory way, of a certain movement. Before and above all its relics stands the epic of Beowulf, the solitary finger of the sun that rises from the Saxon plain to take rank among the mighty monuments of world literature. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 3 The tale possesses a deep and ever vital interest, in that it is a record of the conflict between heathen and Christian ideas in the Teutonic mind ; and as it reflects the passage of Saxons and Angles over the wild North Sea from their old to their new home, so too it marks the great transition from faith to faith, in it we may see the revolution in belief in very process. The most significant antithesis of ideas in this old poem, this Christian graft upon a heathen stock, is that of the two explanations of world history offered by Fate and by Provi- dence that divided the author's and redactor's minds. That man's life is bound by fate is the thought that lies deepest in the mind of the hero Beowulf as he prepares for the deadly conflict with the monster Grendel, but at last he decides to lay aside his weapon and to wrestle with the foe, leaving the outcome of the fight to the disposition of the all-wise God, the holy Lord. Over and over again the poet expresses his faith in a righteous and all-powerful God of battles, the true gov- ernor of human affairs, and yet at the end, when Beowulf is about to die by the fire-dragon's bite, it is said that his Weird, that is, his Fate, was approaching. In one place the poet tries to overcome the antithesis by identifying the blind Fate, the gloomy Destiny of heathendom, with the holy will of the per- sonal sovereign of the world : Fate, he says, is the Providence of God. The thought about nature revealed in the poem is of deep interest, and shows that in the convert's mind his former gods did not cease to be, but were simply metamorphosed into demons, and believed to haunt the fens, moors, crags, and waste places of the earth. He seems to have thought that powers of nature malignant to man were directed by evil spir- its. The dreadful Grendel is a sort of personification of the deadly miasma of the marshes, and of any other natural influ- ence hostile to human life. He towers at last to the dimen- sions of a Satan ; he is an outcast, dwelling in darkness and 4 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY the shadow of death, tormented by sight and sound of human happiness ; he stalks over marsh and moor with a company of monsters, giants, and ogres, the brood of Cain; he is the abomination that makes desolate, the foe of man, at once the thrall and the thane of hell, the adversary of God. Yet he re- tains something of human form, he is a Caliban, only more ghastly ; he destroys thirty warriors in one night. Night is the time when the fire-dragon flies abroad, when fiends have power, they flee at the approach of dawn. By night the splendid hall of Hrothgar is deserted ; the king and his train come trooping back by day. This horror of darkness and joy in the daylight illustrate the dualism that underlies the whole work; its theme is the ancient conflict between good and evil. One striking touch is the gladness of nature when Grendel's horrid dam, the hag of the mere, whose home is a cavern un- der a torrent, is slain by Beowulf with a magic sword ; instantly the sunlight grows brighter, the turbid water clears. The lingering influence of heathenism is shown by those warriors who seek to save themselves from Grendel by propi- tiating the goblins, by sacrificing to idols ; ' They knew not God,' is the stern comment of the poet. At last Beowulf is sent to destroy the pest, by the high grace of the holy God. Beautiful is the picture of the friendly relations of Beowulf and his band and the sage old King Hrothgar ; beautiful the stately courtesy of the queen to the hero. Throughout the poem loyalty is lauded as the crown of human virtue, the very bond of social life; disloyalty receives the severest condemna- tion. Charming, too, are the scenes of mirth in the royal hall ; the warriors and their guests seated at long tables decked with barbaric gold, passing around ornamented ale-cups and flagons, while gold-embroidered hangings wave along the walls. The next most important relic of Anglo-Saxon poetry is Caedmon's paraphrase of portions of the books of Genesis and Exodus, the story of Daniel and the Three Children, and OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 5 fragments of a life of Christ. The fall of the rebel angels and the rage of Satan are described with spirit and power ; the fall of man is boldly told, with interesting variations from the Biblical account ; but after that the paraphrast becomes tame and dull, goes lumbering through the genealogies, sticks closely to his text, not attempting, for instance, to harmonize the conflict- ing details in the story of the flood. The escape of the chil- dren of Israel from Egypt is more freshly treated. Though of far less value than Beowulf, this paraphrase, with its variations, is significant by reason of its deep earnestness of tone ; in those two works we seem to see the Teutonic mind coming to its-elf. It ought to be said that Caedmon's poem is regarded by scholars as a composite work, traces of many hands being found in it; also that neither it nor the tale of Beowulf are extant in manuscripts older than the tenth century, later by many ages than the originals, and, moreover, written in a dif- ferent dialect from theirs. About the time when those poems were being composed, that is, at the end of the seventh century and throughout the first generation of the eighth, the erudite and saintly Bede the glory of the Northumbrian monasteries was preparing in Latin a veritable encyclopaedia of the knowledge of his age. The most remarkable passage in his works is, perhaps, the account in the "Ecclesiastical History" of Brother Drithelm and his vision of hell. Bede finished while on his death-bed a translation into the vernacular (long since lost) of the Gospel of St. John. To the same period, probably, belong the poems of Cynewurf ; but which and how many they are, and who Cynewulf was, are still vexed questions among scholars. That ancient bard is indeed a problematical character ; he has roamed like a rest- less ghost through centuries far apart, appearing now in the latest, now in the earliest period of the literature. He has been identified as an abbot of the eleventh century, as a bishop 6 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY of the eighth, and, finally, all ecclesiastical rank has been denied him. To increase our uncertainty, there has been a tendency to attribute to him almost all the floating, anonymous minor poems in the language ; beside his Riddles, the Phoenix, and Elene the Finding of the Cross, Andreas, Crist, Juliana, Guthlac, and the Wanderer have been fathered upon him. His case is a notable example of the difficulty that attends any attempt at a reliable interpretation of the develop- ment of the literature. The genuine specimens of Cynewulf's work that have come down to us possess considerable beauty of thought and style ; they show that their author derived real pleasure from the gentler aspects of nature : his ideal land- scape was a smooth plain, green and flowery and dotted with sunny groves, under a bright sky traversed by little clouds. With the lamentable decay in Northumbrian power and pros- perity that was going on through the eighth century, a shadow fell upon Anglo-Saxon literature that rested upon it for more than a hundred years. And yet that was the period of the rise of the power of Wessex, under Egbert, who had spent many years at the court of Charles the Great, in company with his countryman Alcuin the leading scholar of his age in the west, and had returned in the year 800 to assume the crown, and to put in practice as far as he could what he had learned from the example of Charles. By the year 827, the authority of King Egbert was recognized over all England ; and his able administration, his military and political success, must have been accompanied, it would seem, by some intellectual awaken- ing. We should expect at this epoch some manifestation of interest in the operations of the mind, some study of logic and the laws of thought, and therewith a development, however slight, of the critical faculty, and of argumentative composition. The age of great poetry being past, we should look, with the study of grammar and rhetoric, for the formation of a good prose style. Some evidence of observation, if not investigation, OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 7 of external nature might be expected : the motions of sun, moon, and stars, of winds and rivers and the sea, the proper- ties of plants and minerals, the habits of animals. Already the Arabians were beginning their chemical studies, and were fascinated by watching the effect of herbs and minerals upon the human system. With his training and executive ability and capacity for organizing, it might be supposed that Egbert would introduce in his realm of Wessex a more thorough and comprehensive system of education ; that he would teach his people the benefits of an improved economy, and would en- courage agriculture and handiwork of all sorts and the erection of better buildings ; and that in every way he would promote social stability and domestic comfort. But if there was move- ment in any or all of these directions, we have no literary or architectural proofs of it. This, to be sure, does not prove that there was no such movement for fire destroys both books and buildings, and Egbert's reign went out in the dark- ness of Danish invasion. The probability is, however, that there was no great intellectual activity in that age ; perhaps King Egbert found that he could not communicate to a back- ward people the ideas that he had gathered at the court of Charles the Great, and so left much to be done by his grand- son Alfred, fifty years later. That noble prince, steadfast, wise, and good, the very per- sonification of moral energy, was nourished as a boy upon the songs of his native land and language ; and was of himself sufficient to create a literary age. In tranquil intervals amid his Danish wars, while engaged in recovering his realm from bar- barism, in rebuilding cities and restoring arts and commerce, he made time to do an astonishing amount of literary work. He translated for the instruction of his people the History of the World by Paulus Orosius, a Spanish churchman, contem- porary and friend of St. Augustine ; the Pastoral Care of Pope Gregory I ; Bede's Ecclesiastical History ; and (most signifi- 8 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY cant of all) Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy. The aim of this latter work is to inculcate self-knowledge and self-mastery : it discusses the supreme good, the problem of evil, vice and virtue, misery and happiness, and seeks to reconcile the free- dom of the human will with God's foreknowledge. Various comments of his own which the king incorporated in his trans- lation show what a strong interest he felt in those great themes. It will be seen that Alfred's work partakes of the imitative nature of Anglo-Saxon writing in general ; none of it is original, except the annotations just mentioned, and an account of the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan which he added to his trans- lation of Orosius. Yet by his labors he became the father of Anglo-Saxon prose-style. In his time, too, the meagre entries of the ancient Chronicle become more copious, and swell it into a record worthier of the national history. The next literary epoch was shaped by the influence of great ecclesiastics like Odo and Dunstan, who elevated the altar above the throne, controlled the course of political events, and brought their church into closer conformity to the Roman model. The central point in their policy may be divined to have been the introduction of the doctrine of transubstantiation, in support of which miracles even were alleged : it was cur- rently reported that once, while Odo was breaking the con- secrated bread, great drops of blood fell from it to the confusion of the incredulous. In this respect those English churchmen shared in the general heightening of dogma that was in progress upon the continent of Europe. Odo was trans- lated from the see of Sherborne to the archbishopric of Can- terbury in the year 942 ; the year following, Dunstan was appointed abbot of Glastonbury. The cathedral of Canterbury was rebuilt at this time. Upon the death of Odo, Dunstan was raised to the primacy in 961, and was the ruling spirit throughout the reign of Edgar. With the king's help he restored many monasteries all over the OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 9 land, naturalized the Benedictine order, and ejected secular canons from cathedral chapters, putting monks in their place. This last measure was carried out at Winchester by Bishop Ethelwold, in the teeth of furious opposition ; it was approved, however, by a voice that seemed to come from the great crucifix. In this reign the practice of receiving the sacrament fasting was canonically enforced. The long and remarkable career of Dunstan, as monk, artist, and musician, scholar, and ecclesiastical statesman, came to a close in the year 988. Such were some of the conditions under which the new liter- ature arose ; and its most celebrated names were those of ecclesiastics, ^Elfric and Wulfstan. It was almost exclusively religious in its character, consisting of sermons, translations of the Scriptures, a paraphrase of the Psalms, and lives of saints ; and it was chiefly 4rujprose, the most conspicuous exception to the character thus given of it being the spirited song of the fight at Maldon, in the year 991. ^Elfric was a pupil of Bishop Ethelwold, and taught grammar in the school at Winchester. Eighty homilies of his have come down to us, fine specimens of pure and mellow Saxon prose; in composing them he depended largely upon the writings of the Fathers of the church, freely translating and compiling from their stores. He translated beside the first seven books of the Old Testament. ^Elfric was made an abbot; he has even been identified (erroneously, as it seems to many) with the archbishop of Canterbury of that name, who died in 1006. One homily of his, though not original, is important as giving evidence of a reaction in the mind of the English church against the recent development of eucharistic doctrine and toward the ancient, spiritual view. Wulfstan, archbishop of York from 1002 to 1023, composed homilies in a rugged, picturesque style quite different from ic's; in one fervent address, of great interest and value, 10 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY he describes the forlorn condition of the country under the oppression of its Danish marauders. The political and social outlook was so dark, indeed, that it seemed to both those preachers as if the coming of Antichrist, the day of doom, and the end of the world were near. The sun of the Saxon state, after suffering a long eclipse during the supremacy of the Danes, shone out again with a pathetic, evening light in the time of Edward the Confessor, and set forever upon the field of Hastings. By the year 1071, the Norman conquest of England was complete : and Saxon nationality, as a freely developing, self-conscious entity, as an end in itself, existed no more. Its extinction is fitly typed in the failure of the male line of the Saxon kings. The church, too, was involved in the ruin of the state : native bishops were ejected from their sees to make room for foreigners, a process significantly illustrated by the deposition of Stigand, native archbishop of Canterbury, and the installation of Lan- franc, an Italian, in the year 1070. Canterbury cathedral was destroyed by fire in the first year of the Norman conquest, a loss that seriously impairs our knowledge of Saxon architecture. The national literature participated, inevitably, in the general decline ; yet it lingered on, a thin stream, ever ready to die in the sand, until the middle of the following century. Some homi- lies were written and the Chronicle was brought down to the year 1154 when, with the Norman dynasty, it too came to an end. And then ensued a period of half a century which is practically a total blank in the history of composition in the language of the conquered people. A few more homilies belong to that period, composed in a dialect already so far removed from the form of the Saxon classics that those who spoke it could no longer understand the earlier writings : ^Elfric's homilies had to be modernized for their benefit. Anglo-Saxon language and literature had shrunk into a possession for monastic antiquaries. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 11 Even from a survey as swift as this of ours has just been it is apparent that these compositions form a distinct literary department which cannot legitimately be merged in any other but must be isolated for special study. To understand and enjoy this literature a^special discipline is necessary : the language must first be learned a language which those who know most about it admit to be totally new and strange to the Englishman of to-day, only to be acquired by long study. By reason of its peculiar form Anglo-Saxon verse especially is hard to understand, as much so indeed as difficult German. The literature, moreover, is circumscribed in its scope ; Beowulf alone soars into the empyrean of universal poetry ; for the rest it consists almost entirely of paraphrases, translations, and homilies largely compiled from foreign sources, for the sake of a special audience in a period long since gone by. Its work has long been done ; it is now of interest only to the philologist, the antiquarian, the student of Saxon civilization. It is a literature at second-hand, for the Saxon mind, assimilative, imitative, cared chiefly about the reproduction of the thought of stronger minds. And finally, the gaps in the record, and our ignorance or uncertainty about the authorship or approxi- mate date even of much that remains, are such that the result of the most patient attempt at a philosophical interpretation of it must still be somewhat unsubstantial. Fresh discoveries and closer agreement among critics must precede any complete and comprehensive theory of its development. 12 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY I. IN the twelfth century the intellect of England found expres- sion in Latin and Norman- French, and though works composed in those languages cannot, of course, be included in English literature merely because they sprang on English soil, and though at first sight they seem further removed from it than the Saxon classics even, yet in reality, from a literary point of view, some of them are much nearer, being allied to it in subject : in them appeared those images of chivalry and devo- tion that have swum in enchanting vision before the eyes of great English poets ; have stirred the emotions of myriads of hearers and readers, and still have power to charm ; that run like a golden chain through all these seven centuries of English literature, binding them in one, the tales of Arthur and his knights of the Round Table, of Lancelot and Galahad and the search for the mystic Grail. The charm of those old stories, the surpassing beauty and mystery of the conception of the Grail, invite us to consider the genius of the age from which they sprang. For several generations there had been in progress a remark- able religious revival, which, beginning silently in centres far apart, had gradually widened in influence and gathered such strength that at the close of the eleventh century it gave a dis- tinctive character to the age. As far back as the close of the tenth century a young nobleman of Ravenna named Romuald was suddenly converted from a worldly to an ascetic life ; he exerted an extraordinary influence upon all who came in con- tact with him, and converted many, so that he became at last the founder of a new brotherhood : he left his cell in the Ravennese marshes, in the year 1009, to found a monastery at OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 13 Camaldoli, in the region of Arezzo. Even before his time the monks of Clugny, in Burgundy, had developed an intense religious zeal which told at last upon the papacy itself, and raised it from the turpitude into which it had fallen : in 1049, a brother of Clugny mounted the papal throne as Leo IX, and carried out stringent reforms, with the aid of his friend and counsellor, also a brother of the order, the mighty Hildebrand. In 1038, a Florentine named Gualbert, inspired by a visit to Camaldoli, started in Vallombrosa a vale of willows a fraternity pledged to observe in all its strictness the primitive rule of Benedict. Several affiliated houses were soon formed ; at the time of the founder's death, in 1073, there were twelve in the order. Still the deepening of the religious life went on ; the enthusiasm for starting new orders continued unabated ; in 1084, Bruno of Cologne founded in a desolate site near Grenoble the first Carthusian monastery, to which, following an example set by Gualbert, he admitted lay brethren; in 1098, an aged Benedictine monk named Robert started in a wood at Citeaux, in the neighborhood of Dijon, a brotherhood which, after it was joined by the fervent young Bernard, in 1113, out- rivalled all others in popularity. Soon after, Bernard became abbot of an affiliated house which he had founded in the wild valley of Clairvaux. His genius dominated the age; for a generation he exercised throughout Europe a primacy of piety. Norbert of Cleves, cousin and almoner of the Emperor Henry IV, was converted from a life of luxury to one of rigorous asceticism in consequence of an accident which had nearly proved fatal to him : while out riding one day he was over- taken by a fearful thunderstorm, and was thrown by his horse, terrified at lightning which struck near at hand. Donning beggar's clothes, Norbert travelled about in Germany and Brabant, preaching repentance. On Christmas day of the year 1 12 1 he established forty monks in a spot which had been shown him in a vision, the lonely wooded valley of Pre- 14 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY montre. This was the germ of the Premonstratensian order, which soon ramified over Europe, and exerted great influence. At the same time, Gilbert of Sempringham, in Lincolnshire, the only English founder of an order, instituted one, chiefly for women, which was known by his name. At meals, Gilbert always had beside him what he called " the dish of the Lord Jesus," in which he put aside, for the poor, the best of what- ever was on the table. The spiritual fervor of these ascetics ; their phantasmal view of nature ; their abnormal mode of living, their prolonged silence, fasts, and vigils ; their periods of rapt contemplation ; the beautiful services in which they took part, the chant- ing of the hours at evening and in the night-time, all tended to produce occasional conditions of ecstasy, especially when, after long fasting, in a state of physical and mental tension, they assisted at what was the supreme event of their life and worship, the celebration of the mass. About that their visions clustered thickest, and serve to render intelligible to us the apparition of the Grail. Thus, for example, a young Norman nobleman named Walthen, who joined the Cistercians at Rievaulx Abbey, and died as abbot of Melrose in the year 1 1 60, once, while celebrating mass, saw the host in his hands vanish into the figure of the infant Jesus, who smiled upon him, and was changed into the host again. Beside this religious strain, the next most important char- acteristic of the age was the spirit of warlike adventure which the Normans infused into Europe. Their bounding blood, their fresh activity found relief in voyages of discovery, in free- booting expeditions and feats of arms, which easily took on a religious cast, and the freebooter became a pilgrim, combining the congenial search for further adventure with the search for relief from the consciousness of past crime. Robert the Mag- nificent (also called the Devil), father of William the Conqueror, who lies under grave suspicion of having poisoned his brother OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 15 in order to attain the ducal crown, died in Asia Minor upon his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The Normans were indefatigable pilgrims, many doubtless from compunc- tion of conscience ; many drawn by mere religious glamour blended with the longing to see strange lands ; many from a desire to dignify or make decent with a pious motive their aim- less search for adventure, their plundering expeditions even. Now just at the time when Norman power was in the ascendant, and when the new birth of devotional enthusiasm was urging increasing numbers of pilgrims and penitents to- ward the Holy Land, the fierce Seljuk Turks got possession of the holy places, and made access to them difficult and danger- ous. This was all that was wanting to fire the zeal of the enthusiast, to make the blood of the Norman boil : the tide of pilgrimage, checked by the barbarities of the Turks, steadily mounted against the barrier until at last it poured over it in the First Crusade. The main motive-power of the Crusades was the instinctive conviction, rooted ineradicably in the human breast, that there are places where man can draw nearer to God than he can elsewhere ; and to the mind of that age Pales- tine was preeminently the place where heaven touched the earth. The crusading armies, spite of all alloy of baser motives, were in reality pilgrim hosts, going armed that they might repel force by force, and obtain for themselves and others unimpeded access to the scenes of the Saviour's life. That chivalrous devotion to the person of Christ and loyalty to his memory that were the very flower of the feudal age, that blind feeling after his humanity and longing to make it real to mind and heart that inspired the Crusades, certainly make those mighty movements deeply affecting as well as impressive. It was the thought of Incarnation, indeed, which gave to that and succeeding ages their strange spiritual glow, midway be- tween the gloom of the dusk ages and the glare of modern times. On the eve of the^ First Crusade the saintly Anselm 16 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY began in England and finished in a Calabrian monastery his epoch-making treatise a conspicuous sign of the stir of a new intellectual life in Western Europe in which he grounded the necessity of the Incarnation upon the facfrof sin. In the armed devotion of the Holy Wars, in which bishop and baron, monk and knight took part, we see revealed the very form and pressure of the time. Emotional self-abandon- ment was the note of the era ; men were extreme in whatever they did. The swing of the soul from tumults of military ferocity to a tumult of devotion is vividly exemplified in the case of Godfrey and his crusaders, when, after the carnage at Antioch and after having marked with blood their course through Syria, they arrived at last, on that day in June of the year 1099, within sight of Jerusalem, and in a moment their souls were melted to contrition, and they fell on their knees, weeping and groaning, and kissed the earth, and laid aside their armor, and in the raiment of pilgrims walked barefooted toward the holy city ; then armed again, and after a fearful siege took the city, heaped the streets with slain, waded in blood, and then donned white garments, went to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, and bowed down in a passion of humiliation. In the excitement of battle as well as in the silence of mon- astic cells men saw visions, or transmuted what they saw into wondrous apparitions. The Crusaders were nerved in their assault upon the walls of Jerusalem by the figure of a knight that appeared over upon Mount Olivet, whom they took to be St. George the Martyr. The incident of the discovery at Antioch of the tip of the lance said to have pierced the Saviour's side, and its immedi- ate effect in reviving the spirit of the host, is a striking ex- ample of the belief of those days in a miraculous virtue, a mysterious power of communicating influence, inhering in the bones of saints and martyrs, or in objects that had touched ENGLISH LITERA\UFLE} ' " hi their bodies. But most significant of all was tKe" discovery at Caesarea, in noi, of a bowl of greenish glass, said to be emerald, which was fully believed to be the dish out of which Christ ate the broth of bitter herbs at his last passover, and in which Joseph of Arimathea afterward caught the blood issuing from his crucified body. An important development of the Crusade and of the age was the order of the Knights Templars. In those military monks we see the perfect blend of the two passions of the age, worship and warfare. Within twenty years after the founding of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, a few knights banded themselves together to protect pilgrims on their way to the holy places ; they obtained from Baldwin II the right to lodge in the precincts of his palace, on the site of Solomon's temple, thence their title was derived. They chose as their habit a white mantle marked with the red cross of the Crusaders. As members of a religious order they were bound to attend the daily services of the church ; and at their meals no voice was heard save that of the reader of the Bible-lesson for the day. Upon entering the order, in sign of utter self-renunciation, the knight gave up all his private property, pledged himself to chastity, and to kiss no woman, not even his nearest relative, and vowed unquestioning obedience to the master, whose bidding should be to him as God's. Two forms of disobedi- ence, which were yet one, were punishable by expulsion from the society : one was desertion to the infidels, the other, dis- loyalty to the faith, that is, heresy, and both were treason. A few years after the institution of the order Bernard was chosen as its patron, and after that it gained great and speedy prestige ; before the Second Crusade, of which their patron and they were the chief promoters, the knights had established themselves in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and England. In England the twofold interest of the age was illustrated by massive monuments that still endure the castles and 18 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY cathedrals that the Normans raised. Gundulph, military architect and engineer of William the Conqueror, was also bishop of Rochester ; he re-built his cathedral, and reared near by it the castle whose mighty keep still frowns upon the Medway. Bishops were famous castle-builders' in those days : King Stephen got into trouble by attempting to destroy some of their fortresses. All over the land, on commanding sites, rose the threatening walls, the massive keeps with machicolated battlements of the castles of the Norman lords, temporal and spiritual. Meanwhile, the splendid fanes of Winchester, Dur- ham, Norwich, Peterborough, Ely, and Gloucester were also rising, and in its lovely vale the stately nave pf Fountains Abbey, over whose ponderous pillars the pointed arches the first to be seen in England gave evidence, possibly, of the influence of Saracenic art. Such was the world into which Geoffrey of Monmouth was born, and before which he held up the figure of the legendary Arthur as the mirror of chivalry. Geoffrey came, like his hero, from the west of Britain ; he was the son of a priest named Arthur, of the household of Robert, Earl of Gloucester, natural son of King Henry I. He studied at Oxford, and became a man of learning according to the pattern of the age. There he gathered material for his history ; there, at a churchman's bidding, he rendered into Latin the " Prophecies of Merlin." About the year 1140 he was appointed archdeacon of Llandaff, through the influence of his father's brother, who was bishop there. Meantime he was slowly shaping his Latin " History of the Kings of Britain," making use, probably, of some old collection of legends long since lost. The work assumed its final form, it is believed, in 1147 the year of the Second Crusade. In 1151, Geoffrey was promoted to the bishopric of St. Asaph ; he died at Llandaff in 1154. During his lifetime and for half a century after there was extraordinary literary activity among the Welsh. Beside his OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 19 friend, the chronicler Carodoc, there appeared a veritable galaxy of bards. Through Geoffrey part of this energy was projected into the general literature of the world. In his work appeared a troop of figures that were destined to a literary immortality. Herein is manifest the difference between a vein of Anglo-Norman writing and the whole body of Anglo-Saxon literature : the latter contributed not one great theme to English literature, while the stories of British kings that Geoffrey told, the error of Lear, the conquests and mag- nificence of Arthur, and his mysterious end, have exercised over it a sovereign charm. It is interesting to notice that, just at the time when the Norman Conquest had drawn England into the current of European history, Geoffrey coordinated the legendary history of the island with that of ancient Rome : both were made to spring from the same Trojan stock. His book played an important part in the literary awakening of mediaeval Europe ; its influence upon the continent was as great as it was in England. It was soon translated into French verse by Robert Wace, a Norman trouvere, under the title of " Brut," or Brutus the grandson of ^Eneas, fabled to have become the first of the British kings. During the life-time of Geoffrey another literary tradition, deeply religious in its nature, was taking shape, which was destined shortly to be grafted upon his and to transform it. Among the chroniclers of the twelfth and thirteenth cen- turies who compiled in Latin their Histories of England, men who were scandalized by Geoffrey's presumption in calling his fictions a history, William of Malmesbury only is con- nected with our subject through his Latin treatise " On the Antiquity of the Church of Glastonbury." He is believed to have been the son of a Norman father and a Saxon mother ; he certainly exemplified in his person that union of conquerors and conquered which was in process earlier than is commonly supposed, an historic illustration of it is the marriage* of 20 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY Henry I to Matilda, daughter of Queen Margaret of Scotland a princess of the Saxon line. William entered the Benedic- tine monastery at Malmesbury, and after a time was made custodian of its manuscripts. He was befriended by Geoffrey's patron, the earl Robert of Gloucester. His history of England ends with the year 1142, and probably indicates the time of his death. His treatise above referred to tells of the wandering of Joseph of Arimathea and his companions to Glastonbury, where they preached to the natives, and gathered the first Christian church in Britain. It is worth noting that in the legend Joseph and his fellow-missionaries make up the mystic number twelve. Now the romantic interest of the story of Joseph centred in the dish that he had brought with him, which had been used at the Last Supper, and which held the blood that issued from the five wounds of the Lord. Moreover, his body and King Arthur's both lay enshrined, according to fable, in the sacred precincts at Glastonbury. When we consider this and bear in mind the general character of the age, we see clearly how just one touch of poetic imagination might fuse the two lines of romance in one, illumining the secular with the sacred, chang- ing tales of bloodshed, passion, and demonic arts into descrip- tions of the search for ideal purity and holiness, as suddenly and wonderfully as the mood of the Crusaders was changed when they came within sight of the walls of Jerusalem. It was apparently by a churchman named Walter Map, or Mapes, that that final touch was given. He was born, probably, in the west of England. He attended lectures at the University of Paris, and after his return to Eng- land was made a canon of Salisbury in the Arthurian region. His talents gained him the favorable notice of King Henry II ; he was employed at court, and accompanied the king upon his progresses through the realm. In 1173, he visited Gloucester as itinerant justice of the district. The same year, Thomas OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 21 a Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, who had been slain three years before, was canonized by Pope Alexander III. It must have been about this time that Walter wrote, in Norman-French, his prose romance of the Quest of the Holy Grail. We cannot but feel some connection between that work and the great events of those years, the barbarous murder of the archbishop, who murmured with his last breath, that in defence of the church he was willing to die, the disasters that soon after ensued, and almost overwhelmed the king, the canonization, the painful humiliation of Henry before the shrine of the martyr at Canterbury, these events produced that excitation of imagination that precedes a great conception, that atmosphere of horror and fearful expectancy, of wonder and religious awe, upon which flashed in blinding light the apparition of the Holy Grail. Walter also wrote, in part at least, the romance of Lancelot du Lac. He was present, as an English delegate, at a council held by Pope Alexander III, probably that of the Lateran in the year 1179. In 1196, he was appointed archdeacon of Oxford. He was still living in the reign of King John. With his Latin works we are not concerned here. A significant fact in connection with the Quest of the Grail is that in the twelfth century the sacramental wine began to be generally withheld from the laity. Parallel with this change came a change in the thought of the Grail : from the dish it became the cup used by Jesus at the institution of his supper, that is, the chalice, a symbol of the central mystery of the Christian faith. The thrill that accompanied its appearance is like the touch of a ghostly presence. And so the vision of the Grail became the ideal of the Middle Ages ; it was a glimpse of heaven, God's presence with men ; it was purity and holi- ness and perfect faith and peace. And only like could com- prehend like. Indescribably beautiful and pathetic is Arthur's grief when his knights, with one accord, vow to undertake the 22 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY quest : he knows that the charm of the Round Table is over- come by a more potent spell ; that its glory is departing for- ever ; that his company of gallant knights will gather round him no more. It is the sundering of human ties by the con- straining power of a great ideal. Like Geoffrey's romance of Arthur, the legend of the Grail soon won wide popularity upon the continent ; it stimulated the imagination of the age, deeply impressed its finest poets, and was the motive of its most spiritual poetry. At the French court Robert de Boron produced his prose version of the story of Joseph of Arimathea, and Chrestien de Troyes, a prolific versifier, who flourished in the years 1180-1190, made the Grail the motive of his romance of " Percevale." A profoundly imaginative version of this work was the " Parzival " of the German knight, Wolfram von Eschenbach. In lighter vein, with frequent touches of satire, Wolfram's contemporary and rival, Godfrey of Strassburg, recounted the history of the fateful passion of Tristram and Isolde a theme that hardly yielded to the legend of Arthur in popular interest. At this period the great popular epic of Germany, the Nibelungenlied, took its final form a form interesting to compare and contrast with that of Beowulf, a savage, heathen core with a faint burnish of Christian or rather ecclesiastical terms. And as Denmark was drawn in the twelfth century into the political system of the Empire, so do her ancient ballads seem to circle, like satellites, in orbits more or less remote, round the great luminary, the Lay of the Nibelungen. In France, the " Chansons de Gestes," a mass of verse dealing with Charlemagne and his paladins, deeply imbued with the feudal spirit, had already been produced. This, too, was the era of the troubadours, chief among whom were Geoffrey Rudel, Bertrand de Born, and Pierre Vidal ; it was indeed the golden prime of that Provencal poetry of love and war, so soon to be extinguished by the ferocious crusade OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 23 that desolated Languedoc, and by the Inquisition thereupon established. In Spain, the first and greatest monument of the young Spanish language, the grand poem of the Cid, champion of the faith and of the nation, emerged at this time amid the tumult of the Holy Wars that were going on in that peninsula. The history of Spain, partly by reason of its very aloofness from the common interests of the rest of Europe, presents the more striking analogies to them, chief among these being the religious orders of knighthood that emulated the glory of the Templars and the Knights of St. John. The order of Cala- trava originated in an heroic defence of that place against the Moors in the year 1158 ; and the Knights of Santiago, who for many years had protected pilgrims to the famous shrine of Compostella, were formally instituted in 1175 by a bull of Alexander III. It is believed that the epic of the Cid as we have it was shaped from an earlier collection of ballads that sprang from the fierce border warfare of Moors and Spaniards by an eccle- siastic who ' refined, idealized, and Christianized the whole. This gentle graft upon a savage stock would then present an interesting parallel to the introduction of the Grail-motive into Arthurian romance. And now, at the close of the chapter, we return to England, to take note of the poet Layamon, in whose work the course of English literature, properly speaking, begins. It may seem that we have travelled far and wide before making a beginning, but it will prove to have been well worth our while to do so. We have gained a general impres- sion of the character of the age ; have traced the working out of a great conception ; and have seen how widespread and productive was the fresh literary enthusiasm of the twelfth century. Now our footing is firm ; we have secured a point of departure for the literary developments that are to come. The latter half of the twelfth century, though remarkably barren of English writings, was, for that very reason largely, 24 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY the seed-time of English speech. Freed from the restraining influence that works of genius exert upon the tendency to linguistic change, unused in the services of the church, in the homes of the learned and the great, the language of the people passed through a period of confusion from which it emerged as archaic English. The changes it underwent were chiefly of two kinds, inflexional and lexical : first, a general reduction of the various Anglo-Saxon endings for case, gender, number, person, mood, to e or en on its way to e ; and second, the intro- duction of new words from Norman-French. Both modes of development are exemplified in Layamon's poem, although, long as it is it contains over thirty-two thousand lines there are hardly one hundred and seventy words of French derivation to be found in it. Layamon was a priest who lived on the banks of the Severn, in Worcestershire. His alliterative poem in which now and then a stammer of rhyme is heard belongs to the threshold of the thirteenth century, and stands at the head of English literature : its author has been called the English Ennius. A qualification is necessary, however; Layamon wrote in a dia- lect, in the speech of the south of England one of the three dialects among which English writings are to be divided for the next hundred and fifty years. His language is difficult, no doubt ; special preparation is required to understand it, and a glossary must be constantly consulted; but it is not like learn- ing a foreign tongue, two or three hours of study a day for three or four days would make one master of the grammatical difficulties that stand in the way of one's enjoyment of the poem. It is called the " Brut," and is a translation, with many additions, of the Brut of Robert Wace. It is the first account in English of those mythical British kings that were to play so great a part in English literature. Here we have the story of Lear (who, as romance says, gave his name to Leicester), as OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 25 Geoffrey of Monmouth told it : the injured king visits his daughter " Cordoille " in France, and obtains from the king her husband a force sufficient to re-conquer England, over which he reigns gloriously until his peaceful death, three years after. Following this comes the story of " Fereus and Poreus," and shortly after of " Kinbelin," in whose time Christ was born, who, in the theology of our poet, is "Father in heaven, Son on earth of the good maiden, and holds with himself the Holy Ghost." Soon there ensues the voluminous account of the deeds of Arthur, who became king at the age of fifteen years ; he was prosperous, rich in gold, liberal, strong, stern to wrong-doers, dear to those who did well, the noblest of kings, the Britons' darling. The most interesting portion of the vast work, and that which best repays reading, is the de- scription of Arthur's coronation, which extends for about five hundred lines onward from line twenty-four-thousand two- hundred and forty-one. Here are reflected the brilliant dis- play of regal power, the stately ceremonial, and all the external magnificence of the poet's own age the age of Richard I and the Third Crusade. The coronation takes place on Whit- sunday at the British capital, Kaerlion-on-Usk, a wealthy and splendid city, second only to Rome in the whole world. Thither have gathered from every quarter Arthur's vassal kings, earls, and thanes, and ladies in gay array. Dubricius, archbishop of Kaerlion, and the archbishops of London and York, take part in the solemn ceremony ; Dubricius, the chosen of Christ, the Pope's legate, leads the procession, and places the crown upon Arthur's head. Then follow the coronation feast, and the games, all through the long summer afternoon, upon the meadows about Kaerlion. Thus sweetly, with the glamour of poetry, did the Britons and their king take captive the descendants of their Saxon conquerors, as they had already, through Geoffrey's Latin romance, enthralled their conquerors' conquerors. Thus, too, 26 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY by the memory of Saint Dubricius, was the fame of the ancient British church restored. The harmonizing effect of these old legends upon the mixed population of England must have been great indeed. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 27 II. REMARKABLE differences appear between the work of Laya- mon and the writings of the age that succeeded his, differ- ences that were rooted, of course, in the altered character of the time. Certain notable events help us to determine the bounds of the new period: it extended from the year 1204, when Normandy was lost to the English crown, to 1265, the year of the first typical English parliament, the battle of Eves- ham, and, let us add, of the birth of Dante Alighieri. It is hardly necessary to say that the formative influences of the period were at work years before the former date (they are dis- tinguishable upon the continent at least as early as 1170), and though waning were yet operative years after the latter. A conspicuous sign of the time was the decay of crusading zeal. Early in the thirteenth century the name crusade was prostituted by being applied to shameless attacks upon Chris- tians. A great expedition designed for the recovery of trie Holy Sepulchre was diverted, by the pride and greed of the Venetians, into a siege and capture of the city of Zara, and soon after of Constantinople, and resulted in the temporary subversion of the hollow Empire of the East. The ruthless " crusade " against the Albigenses, which for twenty years desolated the fairest provinces of France, was another instance of abuse of the name for purposes of mischief. The crusade of Andrew of Hungary in Palestine, in 1217, ended in failure and speedy retreat. Europe and Asia alike were growing weary of the long and costly struggle ; the only considerable successes of the time were the bloodless victories of the Emperor Frederick II, in 1229, and Richard, Earl of Corn- wall, in 1240, who, by negotiation with the infidels, obtained 28 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY possession of Jerusalem and neighboring towns. The zeal of the former age burned brightly in the breast of Louis IX alone, and never with a purer flame; but his first expedition was disastrous in the extreme, and he died, in the year 1270, upon the torrid sands of Tunis ere the second had fairly begun. That was the last of the crusades. The forces of the Saracens drew round the doomed town of Acre, the last stronghold of the Christians in Palestine ; but the crash of its walls awoke not an echo in Europe, and the reddened waves washed the corpses of its defenders along the coast. At the other extremity of the Mediterranean, Ferdinand III, the sainted King of Spain, was achieving great success in his struggle with the Moslem power ; he took town after town in Andalusia, and in 1236 had the pleasure of converting the many-pillared mosque of Cordova into a cathedral. In 1249 he took Seville, the largest city in the peninsula, after a pro- tracted siege ; and at last all that remained to the Moors was their province of Granada, enclosed, like a promontory, by the Christian power. But the absorbing interest of the age was the deadly strife between the papacy and the house of Hohen- staufen, which ended in the extermination of the latter in the year 1268, when the boy Conradin, grandson of Frederick II, and last of his line, went to a cruel death upon the scaffold in a public square at Naples. Grievous as the conflict was, it yet shows that the mind of Europe had become more deeply engaged in its own concerns than in the support of a shadowy kingdom far off upon the Asiatic shore. It is this introversion of the mind that gives tone to the whole period. The most remarkable religious phenomenon of the thirteenth century, and in religious movements the philosophy of all these ages practically consists, was the foundation of the great mendicant orders. Their originating principle was that longing for complete disengagement from the world that was manifested with fresh force by Francis of Assisi, who pro- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 29 posed a self-renunciation so absolute that it seemed fanatical and impracticable even to the churchmen of those days. We cannot but honor the motive that underlay the practice of such excessive poverty ; it was designed to disencumber the brothers of all burdens so that they might move around freely among the growing towns, preaching the word of God. A similar zeal for preaching joined with a similar poverty had already been manifested by the Waldenses, whose apostolical missionaries had penetrated, in the time of St. Francis, into all the great countries of Western Europe, having even crossed over into England. We must recognize this movement as the evan- gelical phase of mediaeval piety. Francis' attitude respecting this world's goods was deter- mined by a thorough-going change in his character. Between the lines of his life we may read something of the pain that attends every transition from one age of the spirit to another, the misunderstanding of the new by the old, the condemnation of the old by the new, the mental distress, the domestic agony, that should teach us a deep reverence and sympathy for the heroes of every spiritual renascence. Francis practised strange austerities to bring and keep his body in subjection; with that quaint humor that helped to win him others' hearts he called his body " Brother Ass," because it was made only to slave and be beaten and to be supported by the coarsest food. His order was recognized by Pope Innocent III in 1210, and from that time to his death Francis held the primacy of piety in Christendom. In 1219, it was estimated that five thousand friars attended the general chapter of the order. The virgin Clara, also of Assisi, founded an order for women under Francis' rule, which soon numbered twelve houses in Italy, with others in Germany. A little later, the princess Isabel, sister of St. Louis, became the patroness of the Clares in France. Clara was as deeply enamoured of poverty and ascetic practices as was her model : she went barefoot ; wore a 30 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY shift woven with sharp bristles ; lived on bread and water, and slept upon the bare floor. We are not surprised to hear that she suffered much from sickness, yet even her ill turns she improved by spinning fine linen thread to be woven into altar- cloths and corporals for the churches of Assisi. After the death of Francis, in 1226, his work was carried on in the same spirit by Anthony of Padua (born in Lisbon, in 1 195). He was the most noted preacher of his age, and un- dertook long missionary tours in France, Spain, and Italy. Within a few years the Franciscan order produced its brightest light, the saint and doctor Bonaventura, who was five years of age at the time of the founder's death, took the habit at the age of twenty-two and became erelong general of the order. Among his voluminous works is one that he wrote at Francis' retreat upon Mt. Alverno : the little golden treatise of mediae- val mysticism, the " Itinerarium Mentis in Deum." At the same time the rival mendicant order, the Dominican, brought forth its great saint and doctor, Thomas Aquinas, whose " Summa," or system of theology, is a monument of in- dustry and exhaustive analysis. Aquinas drew a strict line of demarcation between the provinces of faith and reason in matters of religion, a psychological distinction fertile of future controversy and speculation. The three other mendicant fraternities, Carmelite, Augus- tinian, and Servite, never attained the popularity and power of the former two. The Servites originated in Florence, about the year 1233. The devout Filippo Benizi was one of the founders, and in time became general of the order. He was an earnest preacher, and once undertook an extensive mission- ary journey through France and Flanders. The glory of the Augustinians in this age was Nicholas of Tolentino, in the march of Ancona. He too was a fervent and persuasive preacher, but his usefulness was impaired by his ascetic rigors, which brought upon him many painful infirmities, which he OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 31 mistook as punishments for his laxity. He chastised his re- bellious flesh by binding it about with heavy iron girdles; he ate only the simplest and coarsest food ; his bed was a board, his pillow a stone. The little that we have said of the monks and friars is the very least that was due to men who contributed a large part of the literature of mediaeval Europe, and copied and preserved the rest in their libraries. An interesting episode of the time was the military mission- work of the Teutonic Knights. As the crusading fever abated, they devoted their attention more and more to their boreal provinces about the Baltic Sea. Having converted the natives to Christianity at the point of the sword, and having established some scattered bishoprics in Esthonia, Livonia, and Courland, they caused the whole region to be erected into an ecclesi- astical province, with its archiepiscopal see at Riga, in the year 1255. As it was throughout Europe in general, so was it in England in particular: interest in home affairs and a spirit of religious reflection superseded the interest of the preceding age in things without and far away. The conquest of Normandy by Philip of France served greatly to stimulate, even if it did not create, this new self-consciousness of the English people. That event was followed by two generations of internecine strife, the most confused period of English history, yet fruitful of future good beyond almost any other. It was a protracted struggle be- tween a monarchy that aimed to be absolute, that carried beyond endurance its abuse of power, that rested upon ex- ternal sanction and support, and a nobility that however turbu- lent was yet determined to be free ; between sovereigns like John and his son Henry III on the one hand, the first tyran- nical, cowardly, and evil, the other capricious and weak, who, to gain the support of the Roman curia against their own vassals, and to wring from them the sums of money of which 32 , OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY they stood in perpetual need, were willing to sell the liberties of the English church, and on the other hand, a series of able and independent ecclesiastics, like Langton, Edmund of Can- terbury, and Robert Grosseteste, who resented the intrusion of Italian prelates into English livings and the exactions of the popes, together with the great barons, led by the Marshalls and Simon de Montfort, who resented the insolence of royal favor- ites, the heaping of favors upon foreigners, and all the injuries of irresponsible, personal government by the king. It is evident, moreover, that this opposition to royal incapacity and oppression which was in truth the national party, in spite of the selfish motives that may have swayed many of its adherents, was buoyed up by the sympathy of the people, and the rising influence of the towns. It was a dark and troublous age, yet in it were planted upon imperishable foundations the rights of persons, the liberties of Englishmen. The charter drawn up by barons and churchmen at Runnymede, and signed by King John in June, 1215, was confirmed over and over again in the following reign ; and Henry's bad faith and neglect of its provisions led at last to the events of the year 1258, when a wearied nation decided that he was unfit to rule. Matthew Paris, the best of England's mediaeval chroniclers, through whose monkish Latin can be clearly discerned a kind- ling national consciousness, is our authority for a great part of the reign of Henry III, and exhibits in the plainest way the dependence of English upon papal politics ; the supreme im- portance of the contest between empire and papacy, and the distress it caused all thoughtful minds ; the plunder of the English and their church to which the pope's necessities drove him, and the king's connivance at it for his own selfish ends. The chronicler shows, too, with startling distinctness, how that awful contest palsied all crusading effort, partly by withholding aid from Europe, partly by stirring up strife between Hospital- lers and Templars in Palestine. And further, by an occasional OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 33 naive remark he discloses the ill-feeling that existed among members of the long-established monastic orders toward their young, active, and popular rivals, the friars. In the midst of these manifold antagonisms, and offering, as it were, a refuge from them, there rose those chaste examples of early Gothic architecture in which the deepening religious consciousness of the time found expression. In France, the cathedrals of Chartres, Rheims, and Amiens, in Germany, those of Freiburg and Strassburg were more or less advanced toward completion, and the reconstruction of the choir of Cologne was begun. A significant change in the ground-plan of churches accompanied in England the substitution of the pointed arch for the round : a square eastern end replaced the Norman apse. The cathedral of Lincoln was covered with a substantial vault, the first probably that was constructed in the kingdom. At Salisbury was rising, between the years 1220 and 1258, the most symmetrical of English cathedrals, the only one that was completed according to the original design in the same generation in which it was begun. Westminster Abbey was rebuilt by King Henry III in the latter half of his reign. It is necessary to bear these noble monuments in mind in order to do justice to an age that is inadequately represented by its literary remains. The truth is that the spirit of poetry expressed itself mutely then in cathedral columns, walls, win- dows, pinnacles, and spires, it had not yet found a tongue. How inadequate as a literary medium the English language yet seemed to educated men is shown by the fact that the patriotic Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, used French in writing his doctrinal and allegorical poem, the " Chateau d' Amour " (the " Castle " being the body of Mary the Virgin), in which he told of Creation, Redemption, the Judgment, the pains of Hell and the joys of Heaven. Now to gather in a focus all that has been said of the period, to tell its secret in a word, we must recur to the thought of the 34 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY Grail. That was the supreme ideal of the preceding age, at once its culmination and the beginning of its dissolution ; it was the pivot on which thought revolved into a new stage. The vision of the Grail, that is, a foretaste of heaven, could only be attained by those whose lives were spotlessly pure ; and in the thirteenth century, chastity meant the extirpation of physical desire. For the body was regarded as impure, and as the seat and source of impure appetites and imaginations. To quell them, therefore, its strength must be reduced ; to live out of the body, as if one had no body even, was the ideal of Francis of Assisi and his companions. Hence the ascetic rigors already noted, hence the snapping of all ties held to be earthly, hence the straining to be free from worldly pursuits and possessions. Thus only, it was thought, could one live a heavenly life. Erelong the inevitable consequences of such a mode of striving toward the ideal made themselves felt ; the flesh, which men abused and attempted to ignore, rebelled, thrusting itself upon their notice ; then ensued a more desperate struggle to overcome it, followed by more violent revenges; the ideal seemed ever more remote, and the spirit, groaning under the bond it hated yet had to endure, conscious of its own weakness, vexed by prurient suggestions, torn by doubt, became a prey to melancholy. It is in such mortal strife be- tween body and soul that self-consciousness grows clear ; in such a time psychology begins. The course of English literature in this period may be thus summarized : devotional works appear, aiming to excite enthusi- astic love for the Redeemer by pictures of his suffering; lives of saints hold up examples for imitation ; sermons instruct, exhort, and endeavor to make religion a more inward thing, a matter of the heart ; soon an undertone of sadness begins to be heard, a consciousness of failure, and marks of what the mystics well term " interior desolation " ; and this ends in a realization of the antithesis between soul and body as a fierce antagonism, which induces final despair. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 35 The first and lengthiest specimen of this group of writings is a series of sermons in metre called the " Ormulum " by its author, who was an Augustinian canon named Orm. He wrote in the dialect of the English midland. His plan was simple ; patience only was needed for its execution, and of that quality Orm had good store. It was to turn into English the gospel- lesson for the day, and then append an exposition of it, and in compiling the latter the author often laid under contribution the writings of the great patron of his order. How laborious he was may be gauged by this, that the fragment of his work we possess, though amounting to more than twenty thousand lines, only reaches, with many gaps, to the thirty-second ser- mon, and beyond that stretched, in endless perspective, scores, perhaps hundreds of gospel paraphrases with their homiletic commentaries. That such a work should be com- posed or read was owing, probably, to the fact that some knowledge of the Scriptures which were now being withheld from the laity could thus be imparted in a form not subject to censure by the ecclesiastical authority. A council at Tou- louse, in the year 1229, inhibited the use of translations of the Scriptures, but left a way open for paraphrases of portions of them like the work of Orm. The Ormulum flows on in unrhymed lines of eight and seven syllables alternately. Its iambic metre is exceedingly regular, and does certainly course onward with a lilt that bears the reader easily along. In the Southern dialect and in prose were composed the Lives of Saints Juliana, Margaret, and Katharine ; the " Ancren Riwle," or Rule of Anchoresses, giving in detail the pattern according to which nuns should frame their lives ; a long homily called "Soul's Ward " (or " Guardian ") which urges, in allegorical fashion, rejection of Self-Will and submission to heavenly Wisdom as the guide of life; and a devotional treatise, " The Wooing of Our Lord," which in the swoon of divine love 36 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY that it labors to induce by holding before the gaze the picture of Jesus' poverty, humiliation, passion, flagellation, and cruci- fixion, reminds one of the ecstasies of St. Francis, and of the morbid desire of many in that age to produce in their own flesh a semblance of the five wounds of the Lord. Similar to this in spirit is a short poem called "A Good Orison of Our Lady," in halting lines on the basis of the iambic pentameter, rhyming in couplets,' in which the beauty and glory and power of Mary are chanted, and she is entreated to bring her worshippers at last to the blessed heaven where she is. To a later date than any of these about the middle of King Henry's reign belong a quaint metrical Bestiary that breaks into occasional rhyme, and a freely flowing version in octosyllabic couplets of portions of the books of Genesis and Exodus. Both are couched in the Midland dialect. .The Bestiary is a version of a Latin work ; it is a curious example of that mixture of legend and allegory that passed as natural history in the middle ages. After the description of an animal and its supposed habits, often apocryphal, but accepted without suspicion on the authority of the author, there follows an application to human conduct for every habit, imaginary or otherwise, was believed to be symbolical, and capable of conveying a moral lesson. As the Ant, for instance, gathers food in season, so should we gather spiritual sustenance ; as winter is to her death is to us ; and as she drops the barley she is carrying when she finds a grain of fine wheat, so should we discard the old law, the new is better. The representative piece of the period, and best worth con- ning, is a rhyming homily of not quite four hundred lines which has been poorly entitled " A Moral Ode." " An Earnest Call to a Godly Life " would be a better description of its character; its burden is, "Do Good while yet there is Time." The author's soul was heavily weighted with a sense of the extent OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 37 and power and fearful end of sin ; he felt a pressing responsi- bility for the souls of others, he must "warny" all his friends to shun the path that leads to endless pain. His voice comes sounding to us out of the very heart of that sad age ; this is proved by the demand that there was for the poem through many years : several copies of it are still extant, some dating from the beginning, some from the end of the period. Its long lines, with their monotonous rise and fall, chime well with the solemn thought they convey. It begins with a lament for wasted time : the poet's youth is past, and now he cannot do the good he then neglected to do ; his example and his regret should incite his readers to do well while they can, else like him they will sorely repent. Every man must stand by himself, trust no kinsfolk, not even wife or child, and the wife must not trust her husband : none but Christ can save another's soul. Let each avail of every opportunity of doing good, for a time of reckoning is to come, when every man will be judged by his works. God is gracious ; to him a little gift that comes of good will is dear : ah, do good before it is too late. At the day of doom devils will be our accusers; they will bring to light all our evil deeds, and we shall be our own judges, for there is no witness like a man's own heart; every man knows himself best, his works and his will, and shall judge himself as the testimony of his works may compel him, either to death or to life. The pains of hell are terrible and without end ; a week's pleasure here must be paid for with seven years of sorrow there ; if one could experience that pain for only one hour now he would abandon wife and child, father, sister and brother, and all the pleasures and possessions of the world, and be ever in prayer that he might escape hell-fire and arrive at last in heaven. Oh listen ! in hell are hunger and thirst, heat and cold ; no rest, but ever-burning fire for the false, lust- ful, and covetous ; adders and snakes to tear and fret the proud ; darkness and smoke and dreadful fiends, no tongue 38 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY can tell the horrors of that place ; compared to them the great- est pain we suffer on earth is glee. And many bad Christians are there, without hope, oh, warn your friends as I do mine. We are weak and sinful ; we suffer for our forefather's fault ; but God is merciful. Two words, love to God and man, sum up the whole of God's law : if we have those two loves we shall taste the joys of heaven. Reflect before it is too late ; keep yourself from the world and its love ; nine men in every ten are pressing down the broad way ; few take the narrow way of God's commandment, surrendering their own wills. Let us take that path, for it leads to heaven ; there God is all in all, those who are near him lack nothing. There shall those see more of him who loved him more here, and find in him all that man can desire : they have enough that have him who possesses all things. May God bring us to that bliss. Pray, dear friends, for the soul of him who wrote this, that he may attain it. The earnest dualism of this pathetic exhortation gives place to despair in a remarkable poem called " The Debate of the Body and the Soul," which was widely popular in many lands in the thirteenth century. Its grotesqueness and savage dual- ism were highly characteristic of the age. The author dreams that he sees a knight's body lying on a bier, and the soul that has just parted from it standing by. The soul gibes at the body, and curses it for its disobedience : it would go its own gait, and now its gluttony and lust have brought them both to hell. The corpse slowly rears its head and replies : " Thou dost wrong to lay all the blame upon me. I was entrusted to thy guidance, and did nothing but what thou didst whisper in my ear. Thou art lost by thine own fault, and but for thee I should be as a sheep or an ox, and not be bound to hell." The soul retorts : " I could do nothing without thee. We were both born of one woman; I loved thee, but thou wast unruly; I was thy slave, and now must suffer for thy deadly sins." " Nay, OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 39 the thought of every sin came first from thee, Soul ! I knew not what was right or wrong except as thou didst teach me. I was inclined to sin, as is the race, and thou didst allow me my pleasure, though it was for thee to beat and bind." " I gave thee good advice," says the soul, "but the fiend and the world deceived thee. O ye traitors ! combining against my bliss : ye led me as an ox is led by the horn, and have brought me to hell-pain. Now no prayer avails ! " " Oh that I had died at birth ! " cries the corpse, " then I had not known sin." " 'Tis too late, Body! We must go our way, but oh, that thou hadst amended only a little while ago ! Here come the fiends, farewell ! We shall meet at doomsday." Then the devils swoop upon the wretched soul, strike their claws into it, tousle it hither and thither, drag it to the pit of hell, hurl it over the brink and the dungeon door closes upon it. With the horror the sleeper rouses up, aghast ; and thanks God that he is still in the land of the living, and by repentance may hope to escape that fearful fate. If we turn to contemporary literature upon the continent of Europe we shall find there also interesting evidence that a serious spirit was abroad that was quite out of touch with the spirit of those light romances, full of love and war and adven- ture, in which the former age delighted. Among the songs of Walther von der Vogelweide the prince of the Minnesingers (the German troubadours) there are many verses that show how acutely he felt the discord of his time. Although he is remembered now for his love-songs, and especially for his lively touches of natural description, a serious, moralizing strain was yet the chief characteristic of his genius. The shadow of the end seemed to him to be falling upon the world; he saw corrup- tion spreading in the church, and anarchy impending in the state. The correctness of this latter forecast appeared before the next generation had passed away; the fall of the house of Hohenstaufen was followed by the disorders of the Interreg- 40 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY num, during which the flower of German song faded, and the line of Minnesingers, like their imperial masters' line, became extinct. Sometime about the year 1250 appeared a book of moral in- struction called "Der Winsbecke," purporting to be a father's advice to his son. At this time all Germany was ringing with the eloquence of Berthold Lech, a friar of the order of St. Francis, a preacher of repentance, and of interior piety as con- trasted with reliance upon indulgences, the merit of pilgrimages, and the intercessions of saints. So vast were the crowds that thronged to hear him that no building would hold them, and he had to preach in the fields. His sermons are models of clear German prose. In France, too, the religious revival stimulated by the men- dicant orders gave rise to much sermon-writing in the mother- tongue. How generally prevalent was the didactic spirit exemplified by " Der Winsbecke " is shown by the appearance of a similar work in French, " Le Castoiement d'un Pere " "A Father's Counsel" in which rules of conduct are im- pressed upon the memory by apposite stories. The contrast between the two great periods that we have been studying is well illustrated by the works of the famous chroniclers, Ville- hardouin and Joinville : the former wrote a history of the con- quest of Constantinople (in which he took part) in the year 1204, which is full of the stir and color of the times; the latter wrote, in a sober tone that was suited to a graver period, a history of his royal patron, St. Louis. Of writings in verse we can do no more than mention the lays and fables of Marie de France ; the lyrics of Thibault de Champagne ; and the " Roman de la Rose," begun by Guillaume de Lorris, who died about the year 1260. This voluminous work, popular for ages in many lands, has been suggestively termed a "psychological epic"; it is an allegory, and through it all a moral purpose runs ; the Rose, to obtain which is the object of the lover's endeavor, is OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 41 the recompense of faithful love, and personified sins such as Sloth and Hatred stand in the way of its attainment. After the blighting Albigensian crusade the sceptre of poetry passed from Provence to Northern Italy, where it was wielded by the severe Sordello of Mantua, whose shade in after years guided Dante through the valley to the gate of Purgatory. A few troubadours, leaving the desolate halls of their patrons, who had fallen in the wars, wandered over the Pyrenees and sought a livelihood in Catalonia and Aragon. Chief among these was Pierre Cardinal, who found a patron in Jayme I, king of Aragon ; but his spirit was embittered by misfortune, and in satirical songs he poured contempt upon his age. The last of the troubadours was Giraud Riquier of Narbonne, who was befriended by Alfonso the Wise, king of Castile. His verses suffer from that didacticism which is the death of poetry. The representative poet of Spain in this age was the priest Gonzalo of Berceo, in the neighborhood of Calahorra. He composed rhyming lives of saints, "The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence," and the "Merits" and "Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary." He died sometime after the year 1260. At the end of the century appeared a Spanish version of "The Debate of the Body and the Soul." 42 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY III. THERE stands a church upon the embattled acropolis of Car- cassonne the old church of St. Nazaire the body of which, dating from the eleventh century, is gloomy indeed. Its west- ern end was walled up long ago, in time of war, and lets in no light ; half a dozen heavy pillars on either side divide the aisles from the nave ; overhead lowers a cavernous vault, pierced by no openings. The chancel end is bright, and going toward it one finds himself surrounded by tinted light that almost dazzles after the darkness left behind. Right and left extend spacious transepts, above are springy vaults, and round about are graceful columns, carvings, and large windows filled with the elegant tracery of the fourteenth century, and the gleam of painted glass. Something like that is the change we experience on passing from the shadows of the last age into the light of the one before us. We are greeted by an English carol that begins in this way : " Spring is come with love in its turn, with blossoms and with birds' songs, that brings all this bliss ; day's-eyes in the dales, sweet notes of nightingales, every bird sings its song. The thrustlecock chides them ever ; away is their winter woe when woodruff springs. These birds sing wondrous many, and whistle in their winter joy so that all the wood rings." This is one of a number of refreshing little songs of love and budding branches, spring flowers ancl returning birds. A clever poem of considerable length, showing the same genial appreciation of nature and a new-born sense of humor, is " The Owl and the Nightingale," in which, in sprightly couplets well suited to the theme, those birds flout each other, peck each other's character to pieces, and celebrate their DIVERSITY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE)^ own good qualities. " Each said of the other's habits the very worst that they knew "; it was a " stiff debate." The nightingale sat on a fair bough, among blossoms, in a thick hedge mingled with spire (tall grass) and green sedge; near by, on an old ivy-covered tree-trunk, stood the owl. The night- ingale taunts her enemy with her evil look and "guggling" note ; she is a tyrant, hated by small birds ; moreover, she feeds on nasty creatures like snails and mice and such "foul wights." The owl swells with rage : "Why won't you fly out into the open," she says, "and let us see which of us two is fairer ? " "I don't care to have you claw me with your sharp cleavers," retorts the nightingale ; " shame on you for your treachery ! Tell me, monster, why do you sing your doleful song by night, never by day? 'Tis a grisly shriek to hear. You fly by night too, you love darkness." "I sing better than you, chatterer ! My loud note is not like your feeble piping. You sing all day and all night long ; your piping tires everybody." " Not so, owl ! Everything is glad when I come. The blossoms begin to spring and spread on tree and in meadow ; the lily with her fair beauty welcomes me, prays me to fly to her ; the red rose too, on the thorny bush, begs me to sing for her love." " I have a fine dwelling too," rejoins the owl : " big trees with thick boughs, all overgrown with green ivy that never fades in frost or snow ; in winter it keeps me warm, in summer cool ; my house is bright and green when nothing is left of yours. You jeer at me for my food, but what do you eat, pray ? Is it not spiders and flies and worms ? But I keep men's houses and barns free from mice, churches, too, I cleanse of them ; no foul wight that I can catch ever comes to Christ's house." At this the nightingale is out of all patience : " One song of my mouth is better than all that ever you could do. My notes are sweet, like the songs of Holy Church ; in heaven there is such singing. I help the priests at matins, and they rejoice in my song." After further wrangling, the night- 44 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY ingale bursts out, as if victorious, into loud warbling, in which a choir of other birds join, thrush and throstle and wood-wale; the wren calls for a decision ; Nicholas of Guilford (the author's name, no doubt) shall be the umpire. Away they fly to find him "but how they sped in their judgment I can't tell you; here is no more of this tale." In verse similar to that of this playful piece but far more fluent, brighter yet in color, sprightlier in fancy, is a short poem called " The Land of Cokaygne " " Kitchen-land." It is a satire upon the luxury that was already beginning to invade and corrupt conventual life, but its tone is by no means bitter, it is rather that of amusement ; it was written in the spirit of a wag, not of a reformer. Better than Paradise where there is fruit but no meat, and nothing but water to drink is the land of Cokaygne, that flows with oil, milk, honey, and wine. "Well is him that there may be." In that land there is an abbey of white and grey monks where there is store of flesh and fish ; the very walls are built of pasties ; in the cloister is a tree of spices ; a well of treacle is hard by. To that abbey roast geese fly, bringing garlic. After dinner, the young monks go out to play, and here the humor of the piece becomes outrageous. In conclusion it is said that to reach that delectable land one must wade for seven years up to his chin in swines' filth. " The Land of Cokaygne " is one of the best specimens of light satire in the language. The appearance of such a piece signifies much : it means that a critical spirit is abroad; that fresh powers of observation are coming into play ; that thought is growing independent. Collections of proverbs those digests of popular experi- ence were made at this time, and were in great demand. One of such goes by the name of Hendyng some legendary sage, some rustic Solomon, whose name became a generic term for all makers of proverbs. After a ballad-like stanza, in which OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 45 some bit of popular observation is unfolded, the whole is com- pactly summed up in one of Hendyng's sayings, and often made yet more portable by being clinched with a rhyme or an assonance. In this old collection occur many proverbs that are still current : "A good beginning makes a good ending," - "a burnt child dreads the fire." Other examples are : " Hope of long life beguiles many a good wife," "when need is highest, help is nighest," - " seldom comes loan laughing home," " well he fights that well flies." In the last two the assonance is still preserved, it is obscured by our modern pronunciation in the following : " A fool's bolt is soon shot." The poetical pieces thus far noticed were simply the prelude to masses of rhyme. Long rhyming chronicles appeared, in which Arthur and the other ancient British worthies figured again upon the scene. Romances full of love and fighting and adventure gathered bulk proportionate to the popularity of their heroes. It is plain that there was a resurgence in some measure of the spirit of the age of Layamon. Portions of Scripture history, beginning with the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ, were dramatised and acted in con- nection with the Corpus Christi festival, first instituted by Pope Urban IV in 1264, and appointed to be kept on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday. These representations were called miracle-plays, and at last mysteries (in order to distinguish them from other miracle-plays founded on the lives of saints) : it is believed that a series of them was acted at the town of Chester within a few years from the date given above. This promising, fresh beginning of English literature is to be explained by the spirit of the age of Edward I. As unlike his father's as was the character of that great sovereign, so unlike the former age was that which had supervened. The pendulum of thought and feeling had swung over a wide arc ; a new set of ideas had replaced the old. Whereas the world, in its double sense of external nature and human society, had seemed to be 46 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY hopelessly evil, opposed in its very essence to heaven and to God, and whereas the human body had been despised and hated as the loathly prison of the soul, now, on the contrary, instructed doubtless by the unhappy consequences of that view of things, men began to discover goodness and beauty in the world and the body ; regarded nature with the genial interest we have already noted ; and received gratefully the pleasures of the senses. The human spirit began to feel at home in the body, looked about it, and exerted itself to improve its condi- tion. Thus was a higher unity secured after the painful dis- cord of the previous period. At such a time natural science is born ; and the striking witness to this fact is the renowned Franciscan friar, Roger Bacon. The story of his troubled life marks him out conspic- uously as the intellectual pioneer and martyr of his age. His investigations having aroused the suspicion of his superiors in the order, he was kept under guard in Paris for a whole decade, and was deprived of instruments and books. Happily for him, a friend of former years was raised to the papal throne in 1265 as Clement IV; for him Bacon managed to compose a work the "Opus Majus," a synopsis of science as he under- stood it, which brought about his liberation, and in 1268 he was in his native land of England once more. He was too eager to be discreet; his impatience with ignorance and mental immobility in high places made him enemies ; the general of the Franciscans in special disliked and suspected him ; and in 1278 he was confined at Paris again. Ten years later, the general was chosen pope, with the title Nicholas IV; and it was not until his death, in 1292, that Bacon was set free. He returned to England to die. By making mathematics the ground of all science Bacon gave unity to his speculations. He excelled in alchemy and optics, studies in which the Saracens had been without peers for fully five centuries. As an explanation of the back- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 47 vvardness of science throughout Christendom, Bacon alleged four causes : unquestioning submission to authority, the force of habit, prejudice, and self-sufficient ignorance. The only remedy, he said, was to go directly to nature, and question her without fear and without prepossession. The scholastic method of argument had failed to increase or advance knowl- edge : that could only be done by experience, by experience in its twofold sense, external observation and experiment and internal comprehension, conception, understanding. The causes of sensation, the two principles of physical existence, he made to be matter and " virtue " (in the sense in which we speak of the virtues, properties, or powers of herbs): these were the elements of natural science. Creation, motion, any effect he explained by the action of a " virtue," or quality, or power, upon matter. Out of mere justice to the age one is obliged to say thus much about Bacon, although his writings, being all in Latin, do not belong to English literature. It is interesting to compare with him his almost equally mis- understood and ill-used contemporary, the star-gazing king of Castile, Alfonso X. To him we owe the simplification of our arithmetic by the introduction of Arabic numerals. Bacon had experimented much with lenses, but it was left for an Italian, Alessandro Spina, first to put them to practical use in the manufacture of eye-glasses. Another Italian meanwhile, the Neapolitan Flavio Gioja, was experimenting with the loadstone, and about the year 1302 devised a compass and magnetic needle. The epoch was further signalized by the dissection of two human bodies at Bologna, in 1315, by the professor of anat- omy, Mondini di Luzzi, in the presence of the medical students of the university. Up to that time, the interior structure of the human body had been inferred from that of lower animals : the great Galen even derived what he knew of it from the 48 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY bodies of apes. Mondini's work the result of his investiga- tions was not superseded as a text-book in anatomy for two hundred years. The head of the medical profession in England at this time was John Gatesden, or Gaddesden, a graduate of the newly founded Merton College, Oxford, who about the year 1299 began to study medicine, and soon became a successful practi- tioner in London. He gained celebrity by his fanciful treat- ment of a son of Edward I for small-pox, and the boy recovered. Toward the close of that king's reign Gatesden compiled his " Rosa Medicinae," drawing heavily upon the writings of Arabian doctors. He lived to a great age, dying in 1361; and not many years after he was ranked by Chaucer among the greatest physicians of all time. A feature of the age quite as remarkable as this progress of science and medicine was the development of another profes- sion, that of the law. Out of the tumult of the previous period sprang a longing for order, for security of life and limb and property, that favored the growth of law, and goes far to explain the rise of strong governments in Europe toward the close of the thirteenth century. In England, that longing was responded to by Edward I, one of the greatest of her kings, whose name is a synonym for order, able government, and legal and political reform. The battle of Evesham, in 1265, had established anew the royal authority, and Edward took advantage of the tranquil period that ensued to go to Palestine as a continuator of St. Louis' last crusade. There his valor and military prowess gained him high renown, stirred the patriotic pride of his people, and won him their admiration and affection ; upon the death of his father he returned to England, in 1274, to take up the reins of government in an auspicious season. The kingdom was at peace, and commerce was flour- ishing. The year after his return, parliament made a begin- ning of customs legislation by according him a duty on OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 49 exported wool, which was all that was needed to replenish his treasury. From the first Edward directed his attention to the strict execution of justice throughout the realm, and to the development of law and of a better judicial system. Interest in the subject had been greatly increased by a valuable com- pend, "Of the Laws and Customs of England," by a late learned jurist, Henry Bracton. Edward broke up the old king's court into its constituent parts, and established these as distinct courts, those of King's Bench, the Exchequer, and Common Pleas ; he also parted the martial from the civil func- tion of the justices (the union of which was characteristic of the feudal age), it is said that Ralph Hengham, first chief justice of the reconstructed court of King's Bench, was the first who did not wear under his ermine a coat of mail. Great as Edward was as a law-giver and administrator, he was equally great and successful in his military undertakings ; indeed, it is the brilliant extension of his authority over all Britain, whereby he made of it an island-empire, that mention of his name in general first suggests. Those conquests of his, moreover, accelerated the growth of sound constitutional gov- ernment, for the king's necessities forced him to have contin- ual recourse to parliaments, and to gain the confidence and support of shires and towns by giving them representation, and grants of money were secured by concessions on his part. In 1282 came the conquest of Wales (one cause, without doubt, of the revival of interest in Welsh legends which we have already observed) ; the year following, Edward called four knights from every shire and four burgesses from every corpo- rate town to devise some means of meeting the cost of the war. In 1294, in consequence of a serious quarrel with Philip the Fair of France, he had to make a similar appeal ; and in 1295 there met a parliament that became the model of all such assemblies in the future. Then followed the war with Scotland for Edward had allowed himself to be persuaded by his 50 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY lawyers that he had a just claim to the overlordship of that kingdom, and this time his necessities led to the confirma- tion of the charters, in the year 1297. In the winter of 1301, he had again to make large concessions in order to obtain from the barons unanimous rejection of the arrogant and unprece- dented claim lately put forth by Pope Boniface VIII to the suzerainty of Scotland. In 1303, Edward made a triumphant military progress through that kingdom, his fleet meanwhile skirting its shores. Among contemporary sovereigns Edward had no equal as a great national king. Philip IV (the Fair) was a successful despot, but he was not great ; he was selfish and cruel ; his influence and example, and the result of his strongly central- ized government, were disastrous to France. Yet in many respects the careers of the two monarchs were remarkably like, and show in an instructive way with what different motives the same line of policy may be pursued. Like Edward, Philip bent all his energies to the depression of feudalism, and to that end favored the jurists, extended the jurisdiction of the Parlia- ment of Paris to the virtual suppression of lesser courts, and called the people to his aid. In 1302, during the height of his contest with Boniface VIII, he convened, beside the clergy and nobles, representatives of the Third Estate. It was the first meeting of the States-General, and was analogous to Edward's parliament of 1295. That contest between pope and king was the chief concern of the era ; it was a mortal combat between a declining and a rising power; the legal, critical, slightly skeptical temper of the time was all on the king's side. After the collapse of the papal power, Philip's influence in the conclave secured the election of a Frenchman as pope, who took the name of Clement V, was invested at Lyons, and fixed his residence at Avignon. Having humbled the mightiest insti- tution of the middle ages and made it subservient to his ends, Philip continued his war with feudalism by attacking its OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 51 wealthiest, proudest, and most powerful representatives, the Knights Templars. He forced the pope to his will, and Clement abolished the order in the year 1312. The tone of French literature was prevailingly satirical in this period, as is shown by the poems of Rutebceuf, and yet more conspicuously by the continuation of the " Romance of the Rose" by Jean de Meung he introduced into it a new and significant allegorical personage, " False-Semblance," and grafted upon a dreamy exposition of the metaphysic of love a prolix satire upon the society of his day. A consummate example of long-drawn and remorseless satire was also taking shape, the great beast-fable of the middle ages, the " Roman du Renart." There is something terrible in the cynical con- tempt of honor displayed in this poem, this apotheosis of base- ness, this triumphant career of coarse and cruel trickery, hypoc- risy, and lust. It is indicative of the emergence of an ignoble element in the social life of the time, destitute of any high ideal, yet quick to discern any discrepancy between profession and practice on the part of its superiors, and stirred to admira- tion only by successful cunning. Late in the thirteenth century the sarcastic Adam de la Halle produced the first comedy of modern times " Li Jus Adam." Interesting evidence of the reaction against the gloomy ideas of the former age is afforded in German literature by some of the songs of Friedrich von Sonnenburg. The world, he de- clares, is fair and good ; and he proves it in true mediaeval fashion by reference to the bodies of Christ and his saints, which were formed of its substance and by it were nourished ; the resurrection bodies of the redeemed, moreover, will be framed of it. We should not despise the world, he concludes, but be glad that we are in it. While Friedrich was preaching this wholesome doctrine, the energetic Rudolf of Hapsburg, king of the Romans, was mak- ing his part of the world pleasanter to live in, by restoring 52 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY order and maintaining the peace of the Empire as far as he was able. He repressed the violence of the barons, razed the castles of the refractory, and cleared the highways of the rob- ber bands that infested them. He was wise in his generation, and made friends of the people. With the rise of the people in political importance, a vein of satire cropped out in German literature also, appearing most conspicuously in the homely verse of Hugo von Trimberg. Even the hastiest survey of the age would be incomplete were we not to mention again that remarkable man, Alfonso X (the Wise), brother-in-law of Edward I, his sister, the noble Eleanor, become Edward's queen. Alfonso had the Bible translated into Spanish, and had a chronicle of Spanish history and a great code of laws and customs compiled, also in the native language. The Code took its title " Las Siete Parti- das " from its seven main divisions. These were the first great monuments of Spanish prose. . A little later the fluent Italian language was moulded by the mighty genius of Dante, who stands, Janus-like, between two worlds, his backward gaze piercing depths of gloom until it is lost in the silvery light of classic literature, while his forward face, flushed with the sun- rise of the Renascence, seems to command all coming time. To Aquinas and Bonaventura Dante was profoundly in- debted, and he more than paid what he owed them : the theol- ogy of the one and the mysticism of the other, transmuted by him into poetry, were freed from the shackles of the technical and professional, and attained a universal validity. It is, of course, unnecessary to look beyond the sixth book of the ^Eneid for the suggestion of the general design of the Divine Comedy, but in the middle ages more than one monkish vis- ionary had made the same awful journey as Virgil's hero, and had not been deterred, as he was, from exploring the terrific city of Dis, and in their steps Dante trod. Bede's account of Drithelm's vision was mentioned long since ; yet more strik- ing and detailed is the account given by Roger of Wendover (a precursor of Matthew Paris), among his annals of the year 1196, of a certain monk of Evesham who, while his body lay in trance, was conducted by St. Nicholas through the doleful regions where souls received fitting punishment for their sins. The Divine Comedy may be read as the history of a soul that has struggled from darkness into light. It is a record of the travail of its author's own century, as it passes out of the horror of great darkness, the lurid gleams and deadly fear of the Inferno, through the milder shades of Purgatory, to the peace and faith and radiance of the Paradise. The lofty invo- cation to the Virgin at the very close of the vast poem merits special attention ; it was in Dante's time that the cultus of Mary reached its consummation ; it was firmly established henceforth as an essential element in the popular faith, was defended and expounded by doctors, enriched the services of the church, and became the inspiration of poets and artists. To the Franciscan order this access of devotion was primarily due ; St. Bonaventura composed a Litany of the Blessed Vir- gin, and about the year 1300 Duns Scotus, the subtle school- man, defended with many refined arguments the lately devel- oped doctrine of her immaculate conception. In this he antagonised the conservative Aquinas, as he did his theological system in general, enlarging the domain of faith in doctrinal matters at the expense of that of reason. The Carmelites strove to outdo the Franciscans in devotion to Mary; they called themselves her friars, and boasted that she had shown their order peculiar favor. The Servites took their title from the special service they professed to her. The first great Christian painter, Giovanni Cimabue, thrilled the heart of Florence with joy by his colossal picture of the Madonna, and a little later the new cathedral of that city, built by the eminent architect Arnolfo, was dedicated to St. Mary of the Lily. 54 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY A clue to the secret source of this outburst of devotional fervor is afforded by the two wonderful hymns of the thirteenth century, the " Dies Irae " and the " Stabat Mater," the former uttering in awe-struck accents the burden of the first half of the century, the latter opening out in the last half a way of relief. Both are believed to have been composed by Francis- can friars. The Dies Irae exhibits a soul conscious only of two awful facts itself and God: its poverty, helplessness, sin- fulness, and abysmal alienation from a terribly majestic and offended Deity. The Stabat Mater interposes a screen be- tween the trembling soul and its Maker; the Virgin Mother is the intermediary who dispenses grace and pardon from above, stirs up holy affections in the human heart, and will plead for the sinner at the judgment so shudderingly expected. Thus the awful gulf was bridged, and the guilt-burdened spirit poured itself forth in the very abandonment of adoration to- ward that gracious figure, all mercy and mildness, who had herself sounded the depths of human sorrow, and forgot its own anguish in contemplating hers. This motion of sympathy broke up the stony ground of the heart, and a spring-tide of art ensued. To the year 1288 the first of the pontificate of Nicholas IV, for whom it was done belongs the great mosaic representing the Coronation of the Virgin in the apse of S ta Maria Maggiore at Rome. In the church of S ta Maria sopra Minerva a mosaic over the tomb of Durandus, who died in 1296, presents the great symbolist and ritualist on his knees before a Madonna that might have been designed by Cimabue. At Florence and Siena flourish- ing schools of fresco-painting arose under Giotto and Duccio. Those great masters loosed the swathing bands of art; their work is characterized by a mobility, lifelikeness, and varied expression of feeling before unknown. In his department Giotto was as eminent a man as his friend Dante (whose por- trait he painted) was in his ; it is pleasant to think of the OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 55 intercourse between them at Padua, Dante looking on and conversing while Giotto covered the walls of the Arena Chapel with scenes from the lives of the Virgin -Mother and her son. The epoch was further rendered illustrious by a revival of sculpture, under a fresh and direct study of nature and of remains of ancient art. Now it was that the Pisani carved and cast their pulpits, statues, tombs, and doors. The reign of Edward I was the flowering time of mediaeval English art. Gothic architecture then attained its relative perfection in the introduction of geometrical tracery, which, coming midway between the severity of the lancet style and the weakness of flowing tracery, was capable of endless variety without extravagance and of perfect adaptation to openings of any form. This beautiful style is exhibited in the Angel Choir at Lincoln, which belongs to the early years of Edward I, and in the nave of York and the Chapter-house at Wells, begun about the middle of his reign. The sculptures of the Angel Choir, too, give evidence of the taste and skill of the period. The leafy capitals of columns show the effect of the new study of nature, as do the carvings of the exquisite crosses reared by Edward wherever the body of Queen Eleanor rested on its way to interment in Westminster Abbey. The fine recumbent fig- ures in bronze upon the tombs of Henry III and Eleanor were the work of William Torel, but who he was it is impossible now to ascertain; some insist that he was an Englishman, others, that he was an Italian of the school of the Pisani. The latter claim at least testifies to the excellence of his work. The beautiful grille by Eleanor's tomb is a specimen of the delicate iron-work of his time. After this sweeping glance at the manifold activity of the age we turn again to the literature, which we are now better prepared to appreciate. One of the first points to arrest our attention is the great influence of French literature and lan- guage upon English : the statutes of Edward's reign were 56 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY couched in French (instead of Latin as before) ; chronicles, romances, mysteries, were done into English ; and French words were naturalized in the language in such numbers as to make this an epoch in its history. The first who thus enlarged the vocabulary was the monk Robert of Gloucester, who, about the year 1300, wrote in the southern dialect a rhyming history of England that begins with the mythical Brutus and ends with the reign of Henry III. Thus the first part of his chronicle covers the same ground as Layamon's, but Robert greatly abridges the history of the British kings in order to make room for later dynasties. Like Layamon, he dwells upon the story of Arthur in a tone of admiration and regret. This new invasion of English literature by the Britons made amends for the recent conquest of Wales. One cannot fail to see in the good monk's record of British, Saxon, Danish, Nor- man, and Angevin dynasties an evidence of patriotic pride, of the rising national spirit, and of the union of races now hap- pily achieved. His chronicle contains twelve thousand lines equivalent to twice as many of the short lines of Layamon. To Robert has been ascribed a set of Lives of Saints Kath- arine, Lucy, Christopher, Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins, Swithin, Dunstan, Edmund the Confessor and others that are written in the same dialect and verse as his history. In the life of St. Swithin occurs an interesting touch of criti- cism of the bishops for their pageantry in the consecration of churches, the good Swithin did not make such display. In the year 1303, Robert Mannyng, of Brunne, in Lincoln- shire, a member of the order of St. Gilbert of Sempringham, translated into English verse a French treatise called "The Hand-book of Sins." He called his version " Handlyng Synne" using the term "handling" in the sense of "touch- ing " or " concerning." It deals with the seven deadly sins pride, envy, anger, covetousness, sloth, gluttony, lechery, illustrating them with stories that enforce the duty and advan- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 57 tage of practising their contrary virtues. Many years later, at the bidding of his prior, Mannyng translated, also out of the French, a rhyming history of England. This work, which was designed for the instruction and entertainment of the common people, goes over the ground that Robert of Gloucester had lately occupied, with the addition of the reign of Edward I whom Mannyng greatly admired. An English version of St. Bonaventura's " Meditations on the Lord's Supper, and Hours of the Passion," which is marked by much sweetness of phrase and feeling, has been attributed to him. These writings are of importance in the history of the lan- guage. They are in the Midland dialect, and show it in its final phrase, just before it rose to recognition as the English language proper. The changes that we noticed in connection with the speech of Layamon have been progressing ; the various terminations of Anglo-Saxon have become (with few exceptions) indistinguishable, having been melted down to a universal ol to the most absolute monarch in Europe : the city of Berne, instigated by Louis, rushed into a war with Charles, drew with it the other cantons, and inflicted upon the rash duke a series of crushing defeats that culminated in his death upon the field of battle early in the year 1477. ^ was left for Louis, in the seven remaining years of his reign, triumphantly to gather in the fruit of his dextrous policy. His exultation at the fall of his powerful rival, however, caused him to forget the caution that was necessary in prosecuting one of his favorite projects, the marriage of his son to Charles's daughter Mary, heiress of Burgundy : he allowed his rapacious, treacherous disposition to appear so plainly in his dealings with her that the young duchess, disgusted and indignant, threw herself into the arms of the imperial faction, and in August, 1477, wedded Maximilian of Austria, and Louis had the mortification of seeing the wealthy provinces of the Netherlands transferred as an hereditary possession to the House of Haps- burg. This was the second marriage of rare consequence in that period. It was the chief success attained by the emperor Frederick III Maximilian's father in his reign of more than half a century (one of the longest in history), in the course of which he suffered every ignominy. Frederick is a conspicuous example of the way in which the princes of his time rallied around the rehabilitated papacy : none of them surpassed him in devout submission to it, and OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 157 he had his reward. He surrendered to Eugenius IV the privi- leges that the council of Basel had secured to the German church ; and some years later, when his incapacity and neg- lect of imperial interests had so disgusted the electors that they began to think seriously of deposing him, Pius II came to his support and held him on the throne. He carried on his private studies, astrological and medical, careless though the empire fell to pieces under the blows of the invading Turks. In public affairs he pursued a Fabian policy of inactivity, but under a phlegmatic exterior concealed far-reaching designs for the aggrandizement of his house which were realized at the end of his reign, after the Burgundian match. The founding of German Universities has been mentioned as evidence that the wave of humanism was travelling north- ward ; in the year 1467, Desiderius Erasmus, destined to become the great exponent of northern humanism, was born in Rotterdam. In France, during the conflict between Louis XI and Charles of Burgundy, there occur several indications that the future triumph of the Renascence was preparing : Terence was done into French for the king, and a fresh translation of Ovid's " Metamorphoses " was made, while for the duke Quin- tus Curtius' life of Alexander and Caesar's " Commentaries " were translated. In the year 1483 a romance based upon the JEneid appeared in print. In 1465 died Charles, duke of Orleans, a poet whose work belongs to the past generation, when Louis XI was yet Dauphin, but who may be placed here because he illustrates well an intellectual attitude that greatly furthers political abso- lutism like Louis' a tendency of cultivated minds, enamoured of beauty and pleasure, to abstract themselves in stormy periods from all interest and interference in public affairs, and to create for themselves worlds apart where, as Charles himself urged, they can think at their ease, and banish care and sad- ness. In the present case, this attitude of mind excites no 158 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY wonder : the duke of Orleans had had his full share of the tribulations of his disastrous time. Taken captive at Agincourt and detained long years in England, when he was allowed to return he secluded himself in his chateau at Blois amid a world of music and song, and practised poetical composition in the pretty, artificial forms then in vogue. Among his gay and dainty little verses those on the changing seasons of the year are especially pleasing. The representative poet of the reign of Louis XI was one much younger than he, and of a condition of life as different as could be imagined "a poor little scholar who was called Francois Villon " the poet of the Paris streets. A spendthrift and libertine, he was acquainted with all the profligacy, penury, squalor, and misery of the worst purlieus of the Paris of his time. Yet he was bred for better things and had something of an education, and the contrast between what was and what might have been made him wretched. When he thought of it he spoke out with a passion of regret or a settled sadness that brought into French poetry a new and thrilling note of personal experience and appeal. The upshot of it all was his resignation in thought to a cheerless fatalism, he would make the stars responsible for his faults : " I am a sinner, I know it well," he cries, " and what the planets have made me I shall be." In other moods an experience like his gives rise to satirical reflections; much of his work is instinct with that spirit of satire that was characteristic of the period and grew sharper as the century grew older. A notable expression of it is the cynical " Fifteen Joys of Marriage " an attack on women a prose work ascribed to Antoine de la Salle, who is believed also to have had a hand in composing a famous set of prose tales, the " Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles," which Louis XI richly enjoyed. The taste for dramatic representations continued unabated, and gave rise in this period to new forms of art. The old mys- tery-plays now rolled up into series of huge bulk, and the great OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 159 number of clever farces that have been preserved from the end of the fifteenth century proves that these were a favorite form of popular diversion. Such, in sum, is the historical and literary setting of the dynasty of York. The years of Edward IV's reign 1461 to 1483 exactly coincided with those of his French rival, Louis XI. The two halves of the fifteenth century do not offer a contrast more vivid than that that Edward offered, in aspect and character, to the poor king whom he displaced a man weak in feature, intellect, and will, whose virtues fitted him rather for a cloister than a throne. Edward was a youth of nineteen years when he assumed the crown. He was the handsomest prince of his time : Comynes assures us that he was the handsomest man he ever saw. He was vigorous, a good fighter, devoted to pleasure, luxurious, lascivious even, and cruel on occasion, as men of his stamp generally are. His accession signified the triumph of the principle of legitimacy, of natural right, over parliamentary enactment, by which the House of Lancaster held. Royal authority was now in the ascendant ; parliamentary power declined. Edward had large possessions in his own right and was further enriched, after his success at Towton, by the estates of a host of attainted lords and gentry ; parliament, moreover, helped him to greater independence and diminished its own consequence by granting him the customs (now increas- ing in productiveness) once for all, for the term of his life. As a result of this and of the peace with France it was rarely summoned during his reign. To balance this constitutional regression there came about a signal development of law, its practice and interpretation, a condition of things character- istic of strong reigns : Louis XI ever sought to give his arbitrary acts a color of legality. In 1461 the first solicitor- general of the crown was appointed ; in 1471 the first attorney- general. In John Markham, a consistent Yorkist, Edward 160 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY found a useful ally, and he was appointed chief justice of the Court of King's Bench ; but because he would not go the length the king wished in straining the law to suit his ends he had to make way, toward the middle of the reign, for a more pliant tool of power, Thomas Billing, who balked at nothing so it pleased the king. The latter part of the reign was adorned by the labors of the learned jurists Sir John Fortescue and Thomas Littleton. In 1481 Littleton's famous treatise "On Tenures" was printed. It was couched in the old French of the law-courts and was divided into three parts, treating respectively of tenancies in general, of the rights and duties of lords and tenants, and of means of acquiring and surren- dering rights in land. It was the first work of the kind in England, and so clear were its definitions, so thorough its analysis, so systematic its arrangement, that it aroused real enthusiasm in the profession, an enthusiasm that may be gauged by the fact that William Hussey, Edward's attorney- general and last chief-justice, got it by heart. Fortescue was a faithful Lancastrian. He had been Henry VPs sergeant and chief- justice, and after the battle of Towton, in which he took part, he fled with Margaret and her little son to Scotland and suffered attainder. He accompanied the queen in her wander- ings upon the continent as tutor to the prince, for whom he composed, in Latin, his " Praises of the Laws of England." After the extinction of the male line of the house of Lan- caster in 1471 he gave in his submission to Edward IV and his attainder was reversed. About this time, probably, he wrote his treatise, in twenty short chapters " On the Govern- ance of England." In this work he had the courage to use English. He begins by drawing a comparison between abso- lute and constitutional monarchy and their effects as exhibited in France and England respectively, goes on to show the necessity of an ample revenue for the king, greater than that of any subject, discusses the means of raising it, and OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 161 winds up with a recommendation (acted upon later) to form a body of councillors who should advise the king in financial matters especially. We have spoken of the increasing value of the customs : it sometimes seems as if the most significant feature of the revo- lution that raised the house of York to power is that it was a victory of the townsfolk, artisans, traders of what is called the middle class. Great advances were now made in commerce and manufactures : English merchants began to compete with the men of the Hanse towns even in the Baltic Sea : for the encouragement of home-industry a highly protective statute was passed in 1463 by which importation of woollen and leather goods and specified articles of hardware was forbidden. For the farmer's benefit a corn-law was also passed forbidding the importation of wheat when it was under a specified market price. Artisans and manufacturers prospered in this period their work was well paid for, their hours of labor were few ; rural laborers on the contrary suffered, their day was long, their wages were low. Little by little the farm-lands of England were being converted into pasture, into enormous sheep-walks, to supply the great English staple, wool, in constant demand in foreign markets. It was some time before the nature of the new monarchy was fully disclosed ; at first it seemed allied in policy as well as by blood and fellowship in arms with the great house of Neville and its head, the popular and powerful earl of Warwick, the full-blown flower of the feudal age. We have not in our possession every link in the chain of events that led up to the inevitable crisis, the mortal conflict between the new monarchy and the old feudalism on Barnet field. Edward's marriage with the beautiful young widow, Elizabeth (Wood- ville) Grey, made known in the fall of the year 1464, is com- monly held to have begun the breach, which was widened by the favor shown the new queen's relatives and by another 162 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY marriage, that of the king's sister Margaret and Charles of Burgundy brought about by the Woodville interest in 1467. On both occasions Warwick was planning a French match, for he favored alliance with Louis XI ; in the latter instance he was cruelly discredited, for he had already begun negotiations with the French king. The antagonism of sentiments and ideas grew keener ; in the summer of 1469 Warwick gave proof of his power, actually making the king his captive but soon released him. It is unnecessary to search for the disgusts that hurried on the final catastrophe : Edward was restive under his great vassal's overshadowing influence and Warwick divined that the king's policy was inimical to his whole system. In 1470 he rose again ; but this time Edward was prepared and the earl had to take refuge in France. There his affiliations underwent a radical change ; he turned Lancastrian, was recon- ciled to Margaret of Anjou, and contracted his daughter to her son, to whom he pledged the crown of England after the demise of Henry VI. Surprising as this change of connection was, we yet feel that there was an inner fitness in it ; it was the des- perate embrace of the Lancastrian and the feudal cause, destined to sink together. With aid from Louis XI which he hardly needed, so popular was he, Warwick landed in England in September; in a few days he was at the head of a large army ; Edward was deserted and fled with his brother Richard on fleet horses to Lynn just in time to escape on a ship bound for Holland where he arrived with no other possessions than the clothes he wore. Warwick now had Henry VI pro- claimed and reigned in his name for half a year. But in the spring of 1471 came the amend : with some little help from his brother-in-law, Charles the Bold, Edward returned, nominally to recover his duchy, really to try his fortune once more ; finding the way clear he pushed on to London and was warmly wel- comed by the citizens. Turning back he encountered Warwick at Barnet and in the sanguinary battle that followed the great OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 163 earl fell. Edward promptly marched across the kingdom to meet Margaret of Anjou who had landed in the west, defeated her at Tewkesbury and caused the prince her son to be slain. Immediately after Henry VI perished in the Tower, and Edward was sole master in the kingdom. His restoration was the triumph of London and of trade : the Hanse merchants had contributed toward it and as a reward he confirmed their privileges in London and granted them beside factories at Lynn and Boston. Another point deserves notice, his victo- ries were won with gunpowder. By this time the long-standing prejudice against that medium was wearing out ; its use was pretty well understood and was henceforth constant and the relics of feudalism were wiped away. The sun of York was now supreme in an unclouded heaven and the king, freed from every rival, every apprehension, in the pride of youth and conquest and a power greater perhaps than any of his predecessors had ever enjoyed, gave himself up to the pursuit of pleasure, and tournaments, hunting-parties and banqueting were the order of the day. A type of the new nobility was the head of the family of Howard which now rose into prominence : Edward created him duke of Norfolk and showered offices upon him. But the particular ornament of the court, the mirror of courtesy, of elegant tastes and chivalrous manners, was the queen's brother, Anthony Wood- ville, Caxton's patron ; and second only to him came the lord Hastings. As an instance of the refinement, the intellectual atmosphere of the court, we note that the first royal poet- laureate in England was appointed in this reign, a writer of Latin verse named John Kay. A scarce perceptible dawn of new learning ' began to spread as a slender succession of scholars returned from Italy, some of them bringing manu- scripts. Thus the downfall of scholasticism was heralded ; but the humanists were not numerous or influential enough to stamp the age, it was Caxton rather and the mediaeval themes 164 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY over which he labored that gave it its literary character. In 1477 he introduced the art of printing into England, an event sufficient of itself to make the reign illustrious. We have seen English used for the first time in the discus- sion of problems in political philosophy by Sir John Fortescue ; he was preceded by several years in this serious use of the mother tongue by Bishop Pecock, against whom this very indictment was brought by his enemies, that he wrote in English. As a result he is vindicated to-day with acclamation and his enemies are put to confusion, their memories are only revived to be covered with contempt and consigned again to oblivion while his " Represser " stands forth a model of argumentative composition and without question the most considerable work produced in England in the course of the fifteenth century. At first it seems difficult to place him : he was rejected by the Lancastrians and his case was not bettered by the revolution that put Edward IV on the throne : in 1476 we find that king, who in such matters took his cue from the opinion of those about him, commending the authorities at Oxford for suppressing Pecock's works and bidding them withhold the degree of doctor in divinity from some theologian who was believed to have been infected with his obnoxious ideas. But the fact that his books were circulating at the university and making many converts during this reign makes their examination fitting at this point ; the title of his principal tractate, moreover, is a helpful indication, it was intended to "repress" the Lollards, to put a stop to their fault-finding with the church clergy, an end pretty effectually realized by Edward IV : it is a remarkable fact that after his accession the Lollards subsided, disappeared beneath the surface ; the church was heartily Yorkist and held to the monarch a relation of close and mutual support. More than all we feel in the bishop's work the breath of the new epoch ; he occupied in truth a transitional position. His fate was that of most com- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 165 prehensive minds, to be misunderstood and abused on all sides, proof enough of the independence and originality of his views. His tolerance extraordinary in that age, his willingness to see what was good in the contentions even of his opponents, his desire to do justice to all parties, his recognition of the claims of the papacy, the English church, and the Lollards, brought it to pass that he was suspected and hated by all. His work was of deep significance, for it was instinct with that fine humanity, that respect for ancient usages which yet does not preclude all timely change, that loyalty to Scripture, that large reasonableness, fairness in dis- cussion, soundness of mind and heart, that came to be known later as the spirit of Anglicanism, a truly catholic spirit. Beside his " Represser " Pecock wrote in English a grammar of morals which he called his " Donet " and a " Treatise on Faith " in which he met the Lollards half way, admitting that Scripture is the rule of faith. He also wrote " Of Matrimony" and projected a work on logic. His relation to the ages of religious thought that we have traversed may be stated thus. It will be remembered that in past centuries the reason had been held to be a useful organ of religious knowledge, competent to prove some if not all of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity ; that later it had been discredited and the authority of the church had been declared the ground of faith ; and that finally the Bible had been set over against that authority as the sole depository of unadul- terated truth. It was left for Pecock at the close of these ages to combine the results of all and to set forth with vary- ing degrees of clearness and consistency, the reason, the Bible, and the church as the threefold root of religious knowledge. Thus he curiously exemplified in his theological culture the composite character of the age ; but as has been shown by reason of its strenuous reaction against Wyclif's ideas the age was one-sided and intolerant in regard to the Bible and so 166 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY could not appreciate Pecock's liberal attitude ; and though his defence of the constitution of the church and certain of its popular practices was agreeable to some it displeased others by its moderation, and all took alarm at his appeal to the reason. The " Represser " falls into two main divisions, the first part general, clearing the ground and establishing principles, the second particular, applying those principles to some special usages chiefly objected to by the Lollards. It begins by setting forth three radical errors of theirs : (i) That no ordinance is of God that cannot be found in the Bible (some are so "smart and wanton " as to ask of any usage they dislike, "Where groundest thou it in Holy Scripture?"); (2) That any humble Christian can discover the true sense of any passage in the Bible ; (3) That when that sense is thus gained one should not listen to any argument about it. Then follows the doctrine of the reason ; it is not the office of Scripture to establish any law or truth that reason may discover. The Moral Law is of equal authority with Scripture : upon it temperance, justice, and reverence toward God are based ; it is the law "of kind," of nature, the "doom" or judgment of natural reason, written in men's souls by the finger of God ; it is the * print and image of God,' not grounded on the Bible but presup- posed by it, to be dutifully kept by men though there were no Bible as was the case, for instance, before Abraham's time. The principles of morals are not founded upon any words of Christ but were presupposed by him. Whenever there seems to be a conflict concerning a point of morals between the out- ward letter and the law within the heart the former must be harmonized with the latter for that is of absolute obligation. And the larger part of God's law is written on the heart ; acquaintance with moral philosophy, therefore, is necessary to Christians. Let none disparage or seek to diminish that " inward Scripture." Next, as to the Bible ; it certifies to truths OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 167 intuitively derived, publishes anew the moral law, and estab- lishes beside points of faith, some of which are laws (as, for instance, baptism), and some not (as historical facts). Pecock would not forbid the laity to read the Bible ; he pays by the way this fine tribute to Wyclif's version : the Scripture in the mother tongue is delectable and sweet and draws men to devo- tion and love of God, hence it is esteemed beyond reason. Many lawful things are not ordained or even mentioned in it, as articles of clothing, cooking, clocks, translations of itself, shaving, laughing, singing, quoit-throwing, ale and beer-making (much worse than images!). "Vain, disputatious women appeal to express statements of Scripture : how, then, dare they wear kerchiefs or wash and anoint themselves ? They may not adduce the example of Susannah for that is an apocryphal book!" The Lollards' argument from the sole authority of Scripture is thus reduced to absurdity and they are brought back to reason. From laymen's conflicting interpretations and quarrels over the sense of Holy Writ is deduced the need of a learned ministry ; and from the divisions among the sectaries is drawn a powerful argument for the authority of the church. " You Bible-men differ, some of you are called Opinion- holders, some Neutrals ; you are full of schism, ought you not to admit the doom of reason and return to the catholic and general faith and lore of the church ? " In the second division of his work the bishop applies himself to a defence of eleven points in the constitution or practice of the church which were commonly brought in question by the Lollards. It is interesting to learn that these were the use of images, pilgrimages, property in land, the hierarchy, ecclesias- tical laws, religious orders, invocation of saints, costly church ornament, the mass, taking of oaths, and maintaining the law- fulness of war and capital punishment. He opens his defence with a philosophical classification of the whole body of knowledge according to its derivation (i) from reason, which 168 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY is Philosophy, (2) from revelation, by testimony, apprehended by faith, that is, Theology. Further, all truth may be classed as either " speculable " or " doable " (practical) ; and the latter may be distributed into actions approved, forbidden, or left undetermined by faith and reason, that is, actions lawful, unlawful, or indifferent and those of the last class may gen- erally be considered lawful. Any who deny these distinctions are out of the pale of argument. Herein the bishop forces into clear relief the nature of the difference between his and the church's view of the Bible and the Lollard view ; they may be distinguished as broad and narrow ; according to the former all usages are lawful that are not forbidden by Scripture, accord- ing to the latter none are lawful that Scripture does not enjoin. One by one the points above mentioned are passed in review ; the procedure is simple, it is to bring each to the dual test of reason and the Word of God. The first matter in dispute is the use of images ; it is usual but not apposite to refer to the second commandment as condemning these ; in fact it con- demns idols only, not images used as " minding signs." These are approved by Scripture, God himself commanded the brazen serpent to be made, the cherubim, the bosses and images of the Temple ; Christ used money stamped with Caesar's image. Crucifixes therefore are lawful. Reason, moreover, does not forbid them, for no one in his senses wor- ships them or supposes that any divine virtue inheres in them ; nor are they to be put out because some abuse them to super- stition, for other good things are subject to abuse, the Bible in English for instance ! To use " seeable, rememorative signs," such as the sacraments are is both permissible and helpful ; they assist the memory like a knot in* one's girdle, they are like portraits of dead or absent friends. Pilgrimages when tried by Scripture and reason are not found lacking, the women who visited the sepulchre very early in the morning were pilgrims, and though these too are liable to abuse yet OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 169 when rightly used they quicken devotion. But the Lollards contend that the Bible and preaching are better reminders than images and pilgrimages and that living men are better repre- sentations of Christ " than is any unquick stock or stone graved and orned with gold and other gay paintures " and that God is equally present everywhere so that one place is no holier than another. But this is not true : "God chooseth to give his grace one place before another, therefore that place is holier." Such a spot was Bethel, and Jacob said, dreading : " How gastful is this place ! " And out of the bush God said to Moses : "Undo the shoes off thy feet for the place in which thou standest is holy land." Again, the Bible is a "hearable " not a " seeable " sign of the Lord, and a glance of the eye brings to mind much and long matter more quickly and easily than hearing and reading do and there are many who cannot read. Finally, an image must resemble its object and nothing else, and no living man can represent Christ as truly as a crucifix does. Here is the conclusion of the matter: "what- ever reason deemeth to be done is moral law of God and his pleasant service even in case it cannot be found specially wit- nessed to by Holy Scripture." A digression on the origin of idolatry follows ; Pecock thinks it began in the worship not of dead men but of the stars. The third point, as to ecclesias- tical rights in land : some of the laity declare that those who defend them are in a state of damnation. Yet such holdings are not condemned in either testament : the Levites were endowed with forty-eight cities ; and if Christ's example of poverty be of universal obligation so also should his celibacy be. Human law does not forbid endowments. The bishop has a fling at Wyclif's doctrine of dominion : " a clerk verily to say a heretic" asserts that if the clergy misapply their property the temporal lords may take it away : but the evil deeds of an unfaithful servant should not prejudice his inno- cent heir for otherwise bad kings might be similarly deprived. 170 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY Further : some of the laity say that all ranks above the priest- hood bishops, archbishops, patriarchs, the pope are anti- Christian ; yet they are not forbidden by reason or Scripture, remember the Jewish high-priest and Christ's appointment of Peter. The remaining points are briefly treated, the method of disposing of them had been amply illustrated and the bishop was growing tired of the discussion. Some call religious orders devilish; yet they are not prohibited by Scripture. It is objected that they were not instituted by Christ, neither was the Lord Mayor of London. The habits of the brothers are "seeable signs," like liveries, and in their "lordly mansions" they are given to hospitality. The bishop's last retort sounds somewhat flippant : it was in truth a flash of not unjustifi- able indignation at the perversity of his opponents' temper, one cannot call it reasoning. It is clear that the pristine evangelical fervor of Wyclif's followers had declined and that the sect was muffling itself in a mantle of legalism, a carping literalism, the veriest formalism, and that of an ugly kind. It was just as well that it should lift its voice no more. In writing his book Pecock evidently had access to many documents long since lost or destroyed. The " Represser " is thus a precious record of a highly important controversy. We turn now to the civilization of the age upon its domestic and material side. And here we are exceedingly fortunate in possessing a mass of correspondence that brings the times of Edward IV before us with the vividness of lightning. The letters of the Paston family present us pictures of real life so broad and animated and full of detail that they transport us into the period with an immediacy quite unprecedented. This remarkable collection begins well back in the reign of Henry VI but is most intimately associated with the following reign for it attains its greatest interest and volume during the time that Sir John Paston figures upon the scene. He was the same age as Edward and the companion of his revels ; and OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 171 after his death at the end of the year 1479 the correspondence loses its vivacity and gradually dwindles away. In the epistles of the sportive knight we get an inkling as to the license in speech and manners of the boon companions of the king. A rueful remark of his after the battle of Barnet shows us what men of the world inferred from the recent course of events as to the divine government in general : it seemed to them sheer caprice : "God hath showed himself marvellously like Him that made all and can undo again when him list, and I can think that by all likelihood shall know Himself as marvellous again and that in short time." The fact that Sir John had turned Lancastrian after Edward's flight the year before gives point to the sentiment. In her correspondence extending over forty years his mother, Margaret Paston, sus- tains the reputation of her sex in the art of letter-writing ; he furnishes the high-lights, the glimpses of a courtier's life, she puts in the shadows, and some of them are black indeed, the vexations, difficulties, and dangers of a country gentle- woman's life in the epoch of the Wars of the Roses. We com- miserate her anxieties, the constant hard times, the difficulty of getting in the rents, the neighborly quarrels, the general insecurity; we shudder at deeds of violence committed on property and person, at mention of the thieves that prowl by the highways, at fearful visitations of the plague. Looking through these letters and the documents found among them we can see the cottages of the peasantry in a wretched state of disrepair: well for the poor people if they can get rushes from the lord's marsh and windfallen sticks from his trees to mend them with! and little wonder that in these forlorn haunts, living on unwholesome and often scanty food, they suffer from fevers, scurvy, and leprosy. Up at the hall if it be late autumn we can see them laying in the winter's supply of beef; can watch the swing of the butcher's axe, the liberal use of the salt-bushel, and see the salting-tubs and barrels 172 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY ranged in the larder ; if it be late in the winter we note the arrival of a horse-load of herring and some eels as a Lenten supply. Passing through the kitchen we mark the yawning fireplace well-furnished with its "great brass pot," caldron, spits, flesh-hook, pot-hook, and other utensils, mortars and pestles both brass and stone ; and in the buttery may inspect the gallon bottles, leather pots, wooden trenchers, pewter basins, ewers, and candlesticks, the silver spoons and dishes, some chased and bordered with gilt, the precious pottlers enameled with violets and daisies, the salt-cellar "like a bas- tille " gilt with roses. The living rooms seem to our eyes scantily furnished ; save for the formidable array of armor and weapons at its upper end bassinets, gauntlets, cuirasses, cuishes and greaves, cross-bows, spear-heads, swords and guns used moreover not long since to protect the manor from assault, the great hall has nothing in it but a long table, some chairs or benches, and a pair of andirons, tongs and fire shovel. The walls are lined with arras and pieces of tapestry curiously embroidered : one has on it a hawking-scene, another a group of archers shooting birds with cross-bows, another, a lady harping by a castle, another, a savage with a child in his arms, these last being subjects drawn, no doubt, from old romances. The bed-rooms have one or two chairs each, a fire- pan, tongs and bellows, but the one piece of furniture is the bed, with tester and curtains of linen or say (a necessary defence against draughts), fine sheets, fustian blankets, silken coverlets and down-pillows cased in green or purple silk or the rare magnificence of red velvet. Next we may inspect the wardrobe the splendid gown of cloth of gold, velvet and woollen gowns purfled with fur, black and purple girdles "har- nessed with silver," jackets of blue, russet, red and black velvet and figured satin, damask, deep green, scarlet and purple hoods and black and scarlet hose. The wardrobe of a young student of good family is as follows : a short musterdevelers OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 173 gown, other short gowns, green and blue, the latter made out of a silk dress, one of murrey silk made only a year ago and one of russet silk furred with beaver "was made this time two year." The walk of letters was not all of flowers to this youth ; his mother or grandmother writes to ask if he is "doing his devoir in learning" and adds, "if he do not well nor will not amend pray [his tutor] that he will truly belash him : so did the last master and the best that ever he had at Cambridge." Family relations were harsh and unlovely, bearing the impress of the feudal system: "homage" was rigorously exacted of the young as is indicated by the " lowly terms " of address to be met with in the Paston letters : a daughter begins a humble letter home with " Right worshipful and my most entirely beloved mother" ; and Madame Paston writes with some asperity to Sir John because he has omitted a cus- tomary form : " I think ye set but little by my blessing ; if ye did ye would have desired it in your writing to me." Children were felt to be troubles to be " bestowed " as early as pos- sible ; it was usual to send them to serve in families of dis- tinction to be taught good manners ; daughters were then disposed of to the first fair bidder or even offered as time wore on with a bonus, and if the heart of one revolted from a match arranged by her parents it was of no consequence except perhaps a merciless beating. In one of her epistles Mistress Margaret urges her husband to look out a good mar- riage for his sister for his mother is fain to be delivered of her : let him inquire about widower Kny vet's livelihood. John Paston, a light-hearted, careless boy, was often in disgrace ; we have a "lowly" letter of his to his displeased father and one from his mother on the same occasion pleading for him : " Vouchsafe to be his good father for I hope he is chastised." Erelong he ran away and joined Edward IV ; his father was very angry and visited his indignation upon his mother : she 174 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY writes, "I durst not let him know of the last letter that ye wrote me because he was so sore displeased with me at that time." More than a year passes and this cry is wrung from her: " I understand that ye will not that your son be taken into your hous'e: for God's sake, sir, a pity on him, and at the reverence of God be ye his good father, and have a fatherly heart to him and the blessed Trinity have you in His keep- ing." How pitiable this paternal anger seems, seen in the deep light of four hundred years ! ' Romances (among them Guy of Warwick, the Green Knight, and the Belle Dame sans Mercie), chronicles, and lives of . saints formed the staple reading of the household. For pas- times they had, indoors, chess, cards, " playing at the tables," music (harp, lute, and song), " disguisings," and the ladies had, of course, their embroidery ; out of doors, they pursued the venerable amusements of hawking, hunting, and jousting. What a far-away, romantic sound has the following piece of news in one of the Paston letters ! it rings in the ear with a mournful music as out of an infinite past. "There is one come into England, a knight out of Spain, with a kerchief of pleasance iwrapped about his arm, the which knight will run a course with a sharp spear for his sovereign lady's sake." Having finished our progress through the hall we may next visit the chapel of the estate and admire its appointments all the property of the lord of the manor, the altar-cloth " with the Trinity in the midst," the silver-gilt crucifix, silver candlesticks, pyx and cruets, chalice and paten, and pax (a small plate with a raised crucifix on it to be passed round and kissed during mass), the antiphoners and missals with silver clasps, the alb, tunicle, cope and other vestments. While we examine these we are aware that the lady of the manor has sunk on her knees before the altar and is rapidly running over her rosary of " chalcedony beads, gaudied with silver gilt." On a Sunday we might hear a sermon on Lydgate's text: "this world is but a thoroughfare and full of woe." OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 175 Last of all, and the closing scene of this old-world history, we are permitted to attend the funeral obsequies of the father of the family, We catch his parting sigh : " For the more hasty deliverance of my soul from the painful flames of the fire of Purgatory, let them faithfully deal my goods." We mix in the crowd of priests, friars, bell-ringers and torch-bearers whose lights so fill the church with smoke during the dirge that the windows have afterward to be taken out to purify the air. We share the funeral baked meats, beef, mutton, pork and capons: there are also fish and eggs in abundance, barrels of beer, and a " roundlet of red wine." In the deserted church a solitary light is burning over the newly filled tomb, which will finally be closed by a memorial slab with a flat brass figure inlaid. It is interesting to know that during the most prolific years of the Paston correspondence a similar revelation of home life in distant Florence was being made in winsome Italian by Alessandra degli Strozzi, in her letters to her exiled sons. All we need do to correct any exaggerated estimate we may have formed of the Paston letters as literary productions is to put the best of them side by side with hers : the English examples have the charm of perfect sincerity, of unconscious self-revela- tion, but only rare and accidental touches of any literary value ; Madam Strozzi's have also that indefinable charm, and her letter on the death of her youngest son is an exquisite produc- tion, rising a whole Apennine above the Paston lowland : it is a pure and perfect blend of tender human affection and divine faith. The most eminent literary man of the Yorkist era was William Caxton, merchant, printer and translator. Because he produced no original work one is apt to overlook his claim to regard in the history of literature. The work he did was of great importance in his age ; he was its representative man of letters ; it was an age not of creative energy but of culture, 176 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY and he responded perfectly to its demands. He was versed in Latin and French and put his knowledge to account in multi- farious translations ; and as he was guided in his choice by the desires of his cultivated public the list of books he published is a faithful register of the taste of his time. Until his fiftieth year he was known only as a man of affairs and a courtier : in 1465 he was made superintendent of the colony of English merchants at Bruges, and he was employed by Edward IV to negotiate a commercial treaty with the duke of Burgundy. In 1471 he finished with the Duchess Margaret's encouragement, his first translation, the " Recuyell [or collection] of the His- tories of Troy." The work was soon in such demand that enough copies could not be supplied in manuscript and Caxton was glad to put it into print some three years later. By that time he had finished his second piece of literary labor, a trans- lation of a work belonging to the end of the thirteenth century "The Game and Play of the Chess Moralized" in which under the figure of the pieces of the game and their func- tions king and queen, knights, rooks, "alphins," and pawns the duties of various ranks in the social order are set forth. After this was printed he left Bruges and established himself and his press at Westminster where he brought out in 1477 "TheDictes and Sayings of Philosophers" the first book printed in England. The translating had been done by the accomplished Anthony Woodville. Henceforth until his death fifteen years later Caxton kept the reading public supplied at the rate of three or four publications a year. The most significant thing in his list of productions is an omission : there is no Bible or portion of the Bible in the mother tongue to be found in it. A Latin psalter he did print, and the " Hours " according to the use of Sarum. Another striking feature of his work is that beyond a version of Tully on Old Age and Friendship it betrays hardly a trace of the revival of interest in classic authors. Some of it is distinctly practical OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 177 and didactic, as for example a French and English vocabulary for the use of travellers, a Governal of Health, and books of Courtesy and Good Manners. The popularity of Lydgate's minor works is attested by numerous publications ; and we find translations of Alain Chartier's letter on the vexations of court life, Christine de Pisan's Moral Proverbs and Feats of Arms and Chivalry, and one of those moral treatises belonging to their time, a Chevalier's advice to his daughters. Quite early in his career Caxton published an edition of the Canterbury Tales and followed it up with other of Chaucer's works, his version of Boethius, Parlement of Fowls, and Troilus and Cressida. He also printed Gower's Confessio Amantis. ' Going further back in our history we find him selecting for translation and publication an English Chronicle, Reynard the Fox, the Golden Legend (lives of saints), Bonaventura's Mirror of the Life of Christ, and finally touching the spring of the litera- ture in Malory's great compilation, the Noble Histories of King Arthur and some of his Knights. The worthy old printer rounded his career appropriately with the sequel to the story of Troy, bringing out his translation of the French romance drawn from the ^Eneid ; in his conclusion he appeals to a rising literary light, " Master John Skelton, poet-laureate of Oxford," to amend the work where necessary. From this review it appears that the result of Caxton's labors was to create a library of mediaeval literature for English readers. His work was to gather up the literary treasures of a closing cycle. That is the right way to envisage it, - as resulting in a real mediaeval encyclopaedia. It is a fact worth noting that the writings of Edward IV's reign were almost without exception in prose, and of that prose Sir Thomas Malory became by long practice the prin- cipal master: it attained its highest relative beauty in his Morte d'Arthur. Rhymed romances, however, were still so popular as to warrant the production of new ones; as an 178 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY example of these and not from any inherent merit, as an illustration also of the witchery of Geoffrey of Monmouth's legends, potent enough to convert many a fugitive tale into a satellite of the Arthurian system, we may give an idea of " Sir Launfal," a version of a French original made by an other- wise unknown rhymer named Thomas Chester. Launfal was one of Arthur's knights. He disapproved of the king's mar- riage with the Irish princess Guinever; and at the wedding feast she marked her displeasure by bestowing gifts on all but him. He forsook the court forthwith and haunted the woods about Caerleon, until one day two lovely damsels came on him in his poverty and conducted him to the splendid pavilion of their mistress, the Lady Tryamour. She showed him peculiar favor, gave him a magic purse in which whenever he put his hand he should find a piece of gold, gave beside a charm against the dangers of the tourney, a steed named Blanchard, and a page to wait on him, enjoining him at the same time never to speak of her in the presence of others. Thus equipped and attended he returned to Caerleon where he lived right royally for a while and was victorious in many jousts. His fame flew afar, and Sir Valentine, the champion of Lom- bardy, sent him a challenge. Launfal journeyed thither, defeated the haughty hero, killing him in the conflict, then slew his would-be avengers and returned to Arthur's capital in a blaze of glory. Guinever now made advances to him which he rejected scornfully and in his indignation forgot the due government of his tongue, declaring that his lady's ugliest maid was as fit to be queen as she. The furious woman went straight to the king and reported his insolence, adding a foul slander thereto. Meantime Sir Launfal feeling in his purse found no gold, saw his page spurring away on Blanchard, and bitterly repented his disobedience to his mistress's command. Summoned to Arthur's presence and bidden to produce his incomparable mistress he was in a desperate strait when on OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 179 a sudden ten beautiful maidens appeared, each fairer than the queen, and after them the dazzling Tryamour. She cleared the happy knight from Guinever's calumny and breathing on that wicked woman turned her blind ; then rode away with her lover and her maids to the magic isle of Oleron. "Thus was Sir Launfal borne away to faery and never seen more by mortal men." The spell of Arthurian legend and the Sancgreal was laid with fresh power upon the England of Caxton's day. It is a significant fact that in Wales there had been in progress for fully a century a revival of song largely connected with Glen- dower's war of independence. Some time in the reign of Henry VI a voluminous and singularly dull rhymed version of the familiar story had been produced, destined speedily to be effaced, together with all previous versions, by Sir Thomas Malory's rendering, completed, as he tells us, in the ninth year of the reign of King Edward IV that is, in 1469 or the winter of 1470. Though in prose this work, unlike the poem just mentioned, is anything but prosaic; it is in fact a prose- epic ; into that mould was poured the aspiration of an age that would otherwise have found vent in poetry. Malory caught the naive narrative manner and poetic charm of his French originals ; his concluding book especially the Morte d' Arthur proper has in both style and subject the true epic cadence. And so it came to pass that an enchanted wind of high and chivalric romance blew through those money-getting days of Edward IV, and the mystic light of the Grail silvered them, touching with exquisite refinement and spirituality an age in which the body was re-asserting itself imperiously and the senses were grossly indulged, but that glamour could stir strange yearnings even in the sensual breast. And the old knight's prose-epic has remained one of the chief legacies that the Middle Ages have bequeathed to after-times: its theme universally known, itself more widely read and loved in the 180 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY land of its birth than any other composition of those periods. It has been a great poetic factor, richly nourishing the imagination, awakening perennially the sense of wonder. Those tales of the Round Table are the doubly distilled essence of the four centuries during which they were in process of elaboration ; they are a compend of the ages of chivalry, feudalism, and Latin Catholicism, the embodiment of what we call the mediaeval spirit, its sensuality and asceticism, its ferocity and loyalty, its superstition and spirituality. Their real hero, Sir Launcelot du Lake, is its consummate type, and second only to him comes Sir Tristram de Lyoness. These rival champions form, with Arthur and Guinevere, Mark and Isoud respectively, two triads of souls deeply sinned against and sinning, in each triad an imperfect marriage, a love per- fect and passionate yet guilty when it might have been holy, such is the simple and tragic motive of the double action in this vast aggregation of romances. It may not be called immoral for not the representation but the justification of immorality is immoral and that is not suggested here. Upon the treat- ment of the theme our judgment must be based and then the tales of Tristram and Launcelot will be acquitted of any solici- tation to illicit love ; a heavy sense of a law broken weighs upon the spirit of the actors, and in the suffering, penitence, and agony of the guilty ones, even to the rending asunder of soul and body, poetic justice is duly meted out. Many episodes in the working out of the plot cannot be thus acquitted save as they are truthful reflections of a moral lawlessness rife in those times, largely consequent upon enforced and unhappy marriages unworthy of the name. Beside, a frank submission to the demands of the senses was undoubtedly a latent charac- teristic of the Middle Ages, often erroneously supposed to be peculiar to the Renascence, a fact that should be sufficient warning to those who seek to make rigid separation between those periods, ruling any touch of Renascent life out of its OF ENGLISH LITERATURE 181 legitimate connection with mediaeval history. The most vehe- ment expression of this riot in the blood is an incident in Tris- tram's career, when a fresh wound, bleeding freely, cannot assuage his raging lust. The ferocity, the lust of fighting of those knightly ages is expressed in what are perhaps the most tedious passages in the volume descriptions of battles in which knights " hurtle like wild boars," one smiting down one and another another in wearisome repetition until the ground is covered with blood. A propensity to magic runs through the whole romance as was inevitable in an age that practised it and explained every- thing beyond common experience as the result of magical influ- ence. The prominent parts played by the wizard Merlin and Arthur's witch-sister, Morgan le Fay, come instantly to mind : in a highly imaginative passage the Fay, being pursued and nearly overtaken, turns herself and her steed into a great marble stone. Other enchantresses are Dame Brisen and the Lady of the Lake. The diabolical mantle that the unnatural Fay sends her brother the king, his sword Excalibur and other enchanted or fated brands, suggest a strain of Saracenic magic imported at the time of the Crusades. Violent love and hatred are the result of witchcraft, as in the case of Sir Pelleas and the lady Ettarde, practised upon by the sorceress of the lake; a classic example is the philtre shared by Tristram and Isoud, " whose love never departed after for weal or woe." Works of art are a product of subtle craft, as the twelve gilded statues of kings that Merlin made with the figure of King Arthur above them all, his drawn sword in his hand. The sovereign enchantment is that of the blessed Grail, which heals deep wounds, dispels madness, and spreads the board with delicate viands. The landscape through which the knights course on their quest is solemn, grand, and vague, as befits the breadth and 182 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY mystery of the action; there are no touches of minute observa- tion, but the large, primitive elements of natural scenery are ever present mountain and valley, lake and river, wood and sea ; almost always an old chapel, abbey, or castle may some- where be discerned, and the May sun or the moonlight of romance irradiates the scene. Of the crowning glory of nature the human form a fine appreciation is displayed that only needed a little quickening to turn into the passionate admiration felt by the artists of the Italian Renascence. Thus Sir Galahad's beauty moved all who saw him (and whoever would behold his semblance, an ideal knight "without villany or treachery," may go to Florence and in the St. George of Donatello see it immortalized in stone). A unique touch occurs in the romance of Tristram, where the king, riding in the forest, discovers a " fair naked man " sleep- ing by a spring, his sword lying on the grass beside him, it is his nephew, Sir Tristram, who has gone distracted through suspicion that Isoud is deceiving him. The suggestion of shining water, the gleam of steel on the soft green grass, the tint of flesh, and the figure of the king on horseback, pushing through the boughs of the forest, these few simple elements make up a picture of rare beauty. Enjoying this perception of the beauty of the nude male form without which the highest art can never be it is somewhat remarkable that that generation gave birth to no fine painting or sculpture; the absence of these indicates a conspicuous defect in the English genius. The final gorgeous efflorescence of English Gothic architecture was indeed then preparing : in this the artistic impulse of the time found satisfaction. It was certainly nour- ished by Malory's narrative, which constantly blossoms out into passages of high pictorial value that make it in truth a mine for artists. A few extracts will help to illustrate what has been said and will afford a taste of the enchantment of the tale. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 183 " So they rode till they came to a lake the which was a fair water and broad. And in the midst of the lake Arthur was ware of an arm clothed in white samite that held a fair sword in the hand. ' Lo,' said Merlin, ' yonder is the sword that I spake of.' With that they saw a damsel going upon the lake. ' What damsel is that ? ' said the king. ' That is the Lady of the Lake,' said Merlin, ' and within that lake is a rock and therein is as fair a place as any on earth and richly beseen; and this damsel will come to you anon and then speak ye fair to her that she will give you that sword.' "... "Right so there came by the holy vessel of the Sancgreal with all manner of sweetness and savor but they could not readily see who bare that vessel. But Sir Percivale had a glimmering of the vessel and of the maiden that bare it, for he was a perfect clean maiden. And forthwithal they both were as whole of hide and limb as ever they were in their life days." . . . " And then the king and all estates went home unto Camelot and so went to evensong to the great minster, and after that to supper, and every knight sat in his own place as they were toforehand. Then anon they heard cracking and crying of thunder that hem thought the place should all to drive. In the midst of this blast entered a sunbeam more clearer by seven times than ever they saw day and all they were alighted by the grace of the Holy Ghost. Then began every knight to behold other and either saw other by their seeming fairer than ever they saw afore. Not for then there was no knight might speak one word a great while and so they looked every man on another as they had been dumb. Then there entered into the hall the Holy Grail covered with white samite, but there was none might see it nor who bare it ; and there was all the hall fulfilled with good odors and every knight had such meats and drinks as he best loved in this world. And when the Holy Grail had been borne through the hall then the holy vessel departed suddenly that they wist not where it became. Then had they all breath to speak and then the king yielded thankings to God of his good grace that he had sent them. ' Certes,' said the king, 'we ought to thank our Lord Jesu greatly for that he hath showed us this day at the reverence of this high feast of Pentecost.'" . . . " And at the last he came to a stony cross which departed two 184 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY ways in waste land ; and by the cross was a stone that was of marble but it was so dark that Sir Launcelot might not weet what it was. Then Sir Launcelot looked by him and saw an old chapel and there he weened to have found people. And Sir Launcelot tied his horse to a tree and there he did off his shield and hung it upon a tree and then went to the chapel door and found it waste and broken. And within he found a fair altar full richly arrayed with cloth of clean silk and there stood a fair candlestick which bare six great candles, and the candle- stick was of silver. And when Sir Launcelot saw this light he had great will for to enter into the chapel but he could find no place where he might enter ; then was he passing heavy and dismayed. Then he returned and came to his horse and did off his saddle and bridle and let him pasture ; and unlaced his helm and ungirded his sword and laid him down to sleep upon his shield before the cross." . . . " ' But my time hieth fast,' said the king unto Sir Bedivere ; ' take thou Excalibur my good sword and go with it to yonder water side and when thou comest there I charge thee throw my sword in that water' ... So Sir Bedivere departed and by the way he beheld that noble sword that the pommel and the haft was all of precious stones and then he said to himself, 'if I throw this rich sword in the water thereof shall never come good but harm and loss.' And then Sir Bedivere hid Excalibur under a tree ; and as soon as he might he came again unto the king and said he had been at the water and had thrown the sword in. 'What saw thou there?' said the king ... 'Sir' he said, 'I saw nothing but the waters wap and waves wan.' ' Ah, traitor untrue ! ' said King Arthur : ' But now go again lightly for thy long tarrying putteth me in great jeopardy of my life. For I have taken cold, and but if thou do now as I bid thee if ever I may see thee I shall slay thee with mine own hands, for thou wouldest for my rich sword see me dead.' Then Sir Bedivere departed and went to the sword and lightly took it up and went to the water side ; and there he bound the girdle about the hilts and then he threw the sword as far into the water as he might, and there came an arm and a hand above the water and met it and caught it and so shook it thrice and brandished, and then vanished away the hand with the sword in the water. So Sir Bedivere came again to the king and told him what he saw. ' Alas ' said the king, ' help me hence for I OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. ^ dread me I have tarried over long/ Then Sir Bedivere took the king upon his back and so went with him to that water side ; and fast by the bank hovered a little barge with many fair ladies in it, and among them all was a queen, and all they had black hoods, and they wept and shrieked when they saw King Arthur. ' Now put me in the barge,' said the king, and so he did softly. And there received him three queens with great mourning and so they set him down, and in one of their laps King Arthur laid his head ; and then that queen said, Ah, dear brother, why have ye tarried so long ? ' And so then they rowed from the land. Then Sir Bedivere cried, Ah, my lord Arthur, what shall become of me now ye go from me and leave me here alone among mine enemies ? ' 1 Comfort thyself ' said the king, ' and do as well as thou mayest for in me is no trust for to trust in. For I will into the vale of Avilion to heal me of my grievous wound.' " With such dirgelike music the Morte d' Arthur draws to its close, and not there only, but through the whole complex of romances as well may be heard a like asolian strain, swelling and dying away and rising again with the wind of inspiration. For poetry of form as well as substance we must cross the northern border, for such was produced in this era by one man only in Britain and he a subject of James III. Robert Henry- son, schoolmaster at Dunfermline, in his bright and picturesque Scotch verse both openly confesses and unconsciously reveals the sway that Chaucer's genius exerted over him ; he was though no servile follower: he linked his work to the master's by writing a " Testament of Cresseid," intended as a supple- ment to Chaucer's " Troylus," but in the act gave evidence of his independence of spirit, for in his sequel he proposed to correct what he deemed amiss in the moral of his original by inflicting upon Cressida a fit punishment for her faithlessness. His " Robyne and Makyne," a comic pastoral, is the first of its class in British poetry. Makyne, a lovelorn country lass, has long teased with her affection the insensible Robyne ; just as she, weary of his hardness of heart, is beginning to catch his 186 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY spirit of indifference he begins to relent and erelong grows ardent but she is now heart-whole and cold; the moral is, " He that will not when he may, when he will shall have a nay." But it is by his clever fables, thirteen in number, that Henryson is best remembered ; the demand for such reading was general in his day, Caxton printed a version of the fables of ^Esop. Two of Henryson's "The Dog, Sheep, and Wolf," and " The Wolf and Lamb " are palpable hits at the rich and powerful for their oppression of the poor people, the commons. For his " Chaunticleir and Fox " Henryson was indebted to the Can- terbury Tale told by the nun's priest. His beautiful prologue to the fable of the Lion and Mouse is an excellent example of his descriptive powers : his delicate observation of nature sup- plies a notorious want in contemporary English literature, indeed, he is often startlingly modern in his sensitiveness to external impressions. During the reign of James III a prolix narrative poem on the national hero, William Wallace, was produced by a Scottish minstrel popularly known as Blind Harry. This effort was suggested, doubtless, by the success achieved by Barbour's " Bruce," - to which it serves as an introduction. It is inspired by a bitter hatred of the English. In the time of Edward IV, apparently, the old mystery-plays were matured into the form in which we now possess them. Among the Wakefield or Towneley mysteries are two lively pictures of rustic manners the " Cain," and the Second Play of the Shepherds. Cain is naively represented as an English boor of the fifteenth century; he is a burly brute, lustful, greedy, irascible, envious an incarnation of all the deadly sins: a full-blooded "Iniquity" as compared with that old abstraction, the Vice of the moral plays. Chaucer's canon's yeoman's tale may be read as an intro- duction to this age which was infected fully as much as his with a rage for alchemical pursuits. To the first half of OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 187 Edward's reign belongs an imposture called " The Book of Quint- Essence " a panegyric on that purest of substances, the " Water of Life," incorruptible, and imparting incorrupti- bility, able to restore old feeble men to the strength of youth : a walnut-shell full of it is a panacea for every ill. To make it, " distil one thousand times," etc., etc. George Ripley, a Carmelite friar, was a celebrated alchemist ; he dedicated his rhymed " Compound of Alchemy " to the king. Incited by his success, another of these philosophers named Thomas Norton produced an "Ordinal of the Chemical Art," also in verse, which he presented in 1477 to Archbishop Neville, his patron brother to the fallen Warwick. Roger Bacon was Norton's paragon, a fact that we may record as one among many indications of a certain sympathy between this age and that of Edward I. A cursory view of the condition of the mainland of Europe at the end of the century reveals an extraordinary development of the principle of centralized government so forcibly expounded by Louis XI. Nowhere is this more striking than in the Spanish peninsula, where political affairs had long been in a state of distraction amounting almost to anarchy. Now, under the resolute control of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Hermandad, or league of towns for mutual defence, was developed into an effective police for the whole kingdom ; the nobility even was subjected to its jurisdiction; and crime and disorder were repressed. Justice was everywhere unflinchingly administered and a revision of the Castilian law-code was taken in hand. Not less remarkable were the financial and economic reforms, by which the state of the coinage was improved, and the royal revenues were largely augmented, and the industrial awakening, extraordinary for Spain, that ensued upon the restoration of credit : trade and agriculture revived, and the roads now freed from robbers were put in better condition. A step symbolical of the changed relations of the feudal 188 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY aristocracy and the new monarchy was taken in the year 1476, when at the death of Rodrigo Manrique, grandmaster of the famous order of Knights of Santiago, Ferdinand assumed the headship. The incorporation of the masterships of the other military orders with the crown followed in due course and was erelong made perpetual by a papal provision. Manrique's death was the occasion of one of the noblest poems in Spanish literature the sonorous "Coplas " or stanzas of his son Don Jorge, a young hero who died on the field of battle three years later. Beginning with some solemn reflections on death's universal empire over the race, the relentless sweep of time, and the transiency of this world's pleasure and glory, the monody passes to a few particular instances of the power of death and change drawn, in a manner that reminds us of one of Villon's ballads, from recent Spanish history, and con- cludes with a. tribute of filial love and pride to the memory of Don Rodrigo, a typical Castilian cavalier, brave and devout. Solemn as the poem is it is yet nowhere gloomy for it is relieved by a perfect faith in a brighter and an enduring world. In 1492 the protracted war of conquest waged against the Moors of Granada to which Spanish zeal gave the character of a last Crusade and which afforded an opportunity for a final glorious display of mediaeval chivalry was brought to a conclusion and made amends in some measure for the losses that Christendom had lately sustained at the other end of the Mediterranean. Later in the same year the discoveries of Columbus gave to Castile and Leon a new world. At this period the dramatic pieces of Juan de la Enzina were being performed, an edition of them was published in 1496. They are remarkable for the light they throw upon the process of transition from the ancient mysteries to the comedy of real life. In 1499 was published a clever play called " Celestina " from the tricky woman who is the leading char- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 189 acter ; it was written by a law-student at Salamanca named Rojas. Beside the creation of these new forms in the drama active work was done in translating popular romances. It is interest- ing to note that about the same time with Malory Spanish translators were busy with French versions of Arthurian fiction : a Spanish " Merlin " and " Artus " appeared in print at the turn of the century. Then, too, was completed a translation of the Portuguese fiction, " Amadis of Gaul," and bulky as it was it proved so fascinating that numberless additions were grafted upon it. Feudalism was annihilated in Portugal and the monarchy made absolute by John II, who reigned from 1481 to 1495. Louis XI was his model. Like Ferdinand and Isabella he made use of the representatives of the people in his contest with the feudal nobility and when his end was gained calmly dispensed with their services and stood alone and supreme. The first year of his reign he struck severe blows at the power of the great nobles by setting on foot an inquiry into their titles to their estates and by ordering the suppression of their courts of justice. The duke of Braganza, the proudest of them all, for nearly a third part of Portugal was in his fee, led the way in opposing these measures : he was summarily arrested, tried, and put to death in the year 1483. A relative of his, the duke of Viseu, stepped into his place, and was stabbed to the heart by the king's own hand the year following ; a hecatomb of his confederates was then sacrificed and the ruthless work was done. The king could now turn his atten- tion to cannon-founding, ship-building and the progress of his mariners along the African coast, and to the encouragement of the study of classic literature. The policy of Louis XI was carried to its triumphant con- summation when Brittany, the last feudal area in France, was annexed to the crown by the marriage of his son Charles VIII 190 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY to its Duchess Anne in the year 1491. The French power thus consolidated was now the most formidable in Europe, but a rival speedily appeared in Spain, aggrandized by the conquest of Granada : the two powerful states began to try conclusions with each other and the theatre of war was hapless, divided Italy. Imperial prerogatives were endangered by French aggression there and Maximilian of Austria, emperor-elect, was hence involved in the struggle. At the same time united England under the strong government of her Tudor kings was ready to begin her role in the new political system of Europe. A novel aspect was thus given to the face of Christendom: the great powers, united within, began to direct their energies outward, came into manifold relations with each other, formed league after league, now for the partition of Italy, now to counterpoise an overgrown and threatening power : the history of the next twenty-five years is one of incessant, confusing, kaleidoscopic changes. In 1494 the ambitious young king Charles VIII, his head full of fantastic ideas of conquest, descended upon Italy to enforce his claim to the sovereignty of Naples. His course was like a triumphal progress and excited such apprehensions that Milan, Venice and the pope, Spain and Austria formed a confederacy to cut off his retreat. Charles had to leave Naples in haste and fight a battle against great odds in order to save himself ; his conquest was transient but the impression it made sufficiently long-lasting ; one consequence of it was that the French carried home with them fruit of the Renascence. In 1496 took place a profoundly important union, the com- plement of the famous marriages formerly noticed, that of Philip, son of Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy, and Joanna, daughter, and eventually heiress, of Ferdinand and Isabella. In the last year of the century there was born to the young pair a son upon whose head were to be heaped coronets and crowns. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 191 At this epoch Louis XII, who had just succeeded his young cousin Charles upon the throne of France, bringing to it a decidedly questionable claim to the duchy of Milan, made an easy conquest of that rich province and then entered into a nefarious alliance with Ferdinand of Aragon for the partition of Naples. The kingdom was speedily overrun by their armies but in the division of the spoils the allies quarreled ; the French were defeated in several desperate engagements and their forces wasted by disease ; and at the end of the year 1503 the per- fidious Ferdinand remained in sole possession. Untaught by this reverse, Louis immediately, and it must be said wantonly, projected with Maximilian a partition of the territories of the republic of Venice. Thus was formed the league of Cambrai, to which the pope and the minor princes of Italy acceded, and in a short campaign in the spring of 1509 the republic was despoiled of its possessions on the mainland. From this sorry triumph, however, Louis reaped no advantage, for the pope the belligerent Julius II suddenly veered round and nego- tiated with Spain, England, Venice and the Swiss the Holy League for the purpose of driving the French out of Italy an end that was soon successfully accomplished. An astonishing figure dominated Florence in the last decade of the fifteenth century the last and greatest of that line of preachers of repentance the origin of which we have seen the eager Dominican friar, Girolamo Savonarola ; an extraor- dinary apparition like a Hebrew prophet of old rising in the midst of renascent Italy to convict her cultured ones of sin and startle them to contrition, to cast a lurid light upon the vices of a great city, to denounce the skepticism and immorality that were infecting the literature and art of the Renascence, to proclaim the necessity of a reformation in the church, and to establish a momentary theocracy under which gay Florence grown devout took Jesus for her king. In other lands as well eloquent preachers arose to inculcate righteousness and call the 192 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY people back to a spiritual religion and the attentive crowds that assembled to hear them showed that they satisfied a widely felt need. The Breton-born Franciscan brother, Olivier Maillard, whose life overlapped Savonarola's by some years, preached in many parts of France and in Flanders, exhorting to holiness of life, rebuking the sins of every class, sparing not those in highest place : his sermons lacked the intense glow of the great Dominican's but he was an earnest and persuasive preacher in the allegorical style then in vogue and his exceed- ingly direct and familiar address to his congregations, the satirical touches, anecdotes, and scraps of verse with which his discourse was enlivened, his frequent improprieties in matter and manner, simply enhanced his popularity. Another eloquent Franciscan, Michel Menot, a slightly younger contemporary of his, far outdid Maillard in these homiletical extravagances, examples of which were afforded in German literature by the sermons of Geiler of Strassburg, in which we find the same true piety and zeal to do good with a like quaintness of illustration, allegory, amusing and satirical anecdote. An instance of Geiler's appeal to the public taste is the fact that he drew texts for a number of sermons from Sebastian Brandt's " Ship of Fools " an extremely popular and not ungenial satire that issued from the press of Basel in 1494. Two versions of that Leviathan of fables, " Reynard the Fox," demand notice, one in Dutch prose the one that Cax- ton used, the other in Low German verse based upon the first. That mordant satire upon all lofty pretensions, with its ridicule of royal authority, personated by King Lion, its mock- ery of religious profession by the Fox's sanctimony, manifests the sharp, quite disenchanted vision of the common folk. Denying with a grin all that is knightly, romantic, ideal, and spiritual, it is to the Morte d' Arthur as nadir to zenith, but both must be attentively perused by any who would apprehend the Middle Ages in their entirety. The Morte d'Arthur was <9/' ENGLISH LITERATURE. 193 bandied back and forth between England and France, Rey- nard, between the Netherlands, France and Germany ; and it may be doubted whether any other two productions can give one as clear a notion of the spirit of those times. Of the many German artists of that day we may mention one of the most eminent, Peter Vischer of Nuremberg, because of his conception of King Arthur presented in bronze at Inns- bruck. It is a noble figure and the helmeted face, especially as seen in profile, is severely beautiful. Vischer's work other- wise deserves our attention as indicative of the transition from Gothic to Renascent art. During the fifteenth and first quarter of the sixteenth century, while Denmark was exercising an hegemony over the other Scandinavian states, final transcriptions of almost all of her old ballads were being made. Through the veil of the language of this later age it is not difficult to see how these interesting little poems can be arranged in groups correspond- ing to the grand divisions of European literature in the centu- ries we have traversed. Thus some of them are based on legends of saints ; one remarkable ballad pictures the soul of a rich man just dead as seated on the body's breast bewailing and accusing it : others are poems of tender sentiment, the supreme type of these being the beautiful and pathetic tale of the loves of Axel and Walborg ; others again are humorous, among them a delicious parody of the turgid style of the romances of chivalry, quite in the spirit of Chaucer's Sir Thopas or Pulci's Morgante. The fall of Richard III on Bosworth field in 1485 and the elevation of his rival to the throne as Henry VII put an end to the Wars of the Roses ; thereby was effected indeed a pro- found dynastic change but no real revolution. The policy of the new king was a continuation of that of Edward IV whose daughter he married. He projected a war with France and got subsidies for it from parliament which, according to a 194 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY precedent set by Edward, he reinforced by "benevolences " or loans exacted from wealthy subjects and then sold peace at a high price to the French king, making heavy profits on all sides by the transaction. He promoted commerce, making treaties with Florence, the Scandinavian countries and Riga. He provided John and Sebastian Cabot with ships for their voyage over the western ocean ; and in June, 1497, they dis- covered the North American continent in the neighborhood of Newfoundland. The key to Henry's character and system of government is a simple one, avarice. Studying the vicissitudes of the past generation he perceived that Henry VI was poor and unfor- tunate, his successor rich and fortunate, and he inferred a causal connection between those terms. So he decided that to ensure his dynasty and the nation against a return of those disorders the one thing needful was money, and he cast about to accumulate it in a manner that suggests that the task was congenial to his nature. His policy of repressing the great lords chimed with it ; parliament had passed a statute reducing their large retinues to safer limits and the king was keen in discovering through his agents any breach of the law and inexorable in exacting the penalty. Ingenious instruments of his rapacity were found in the lawyers Dudley and Empson; and no device by which sums of money could be extorted and which could bear a semblance of legality was left untried by them. These exactions were popularly represented by the dilemma known as " Morton's fork " from the king's minister, Cardinal Morton : it was said that none could escape being impaled upon one or the other of its horns, for if he lived splendidly he was asked to give the king of his superfluity, if economically, to contribute of his savings. By these various artifices, by a pacific policy that traded upon the expectation of war, by the device of benevolences, by fines and forfeitures and by a rigid parsimony, Henry managed to amass an enor- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 195 mous treasure and to keep himself quite independent of parlia- ment. He is to be reckoned among the astute sovereigns of that day. The ridiculous pretensions of Simnel and Warbeck and the measure of credit they gained are curious examples of popular credulity, the unsettled state of men's minds and the preva- lency of plots and imposture in that period. Warbeck's attempt had at least one substantial result, for under color of repelling the Scottish king's invasion in his behalf Henry wrung fresh subsidies from parliament. The utter failure of the plot revealed beside to foreign powers how firmly the king was seated on his throne, and he was now able to negotiate brilliant matches for his children, of unforeseen consequence. In 1501 he married his son Arthur a name that yields historical evi- dence of the power of romance to the princess Catherine, younger daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella. The frail young prince died in the following spring but the king provided a substitute for him in his 'second son, Henry, then in his twelfth year, for otherwise the princess would have had to return to Spain and with her her precious dowry. Soon after Henry gave his eldest daughter Margaret in marriage to the king of Scots, James IV, and thus secured peace on his northern frontier. We have seen how exquisitely the changing sentiment of ages is registered in architecture; fresh and striking illustra- tions of this law now confront us. The principal monument of Edward IV's time is the beautiful church of St. Mary Redcliffe at Bristol one of the finest churches in England not a cathe- dral, a peculiarly attractive specimen of the perpendicular style. But the crowning artistic glory of Henry VII's reign and of the age is the vaulting known as fan-tracery, superbly exhibited in the three royal chapels of Windsor, Cambridge, and Westminster. In the system of fan-vaulting each section is in idea a half of a spreading cone up the surface of which 196 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY splay numerous ribs all of the same length and same curve, like the fingers of a bent fan. The concave-sided lozenges left in the roof between the crowns of the vaulting segments are filled with elaborate tracery or droop in pendants. The effect of the whole, especially as seen in St. George's chapel, Windsor, is rich, elegant and buoyant. The inception of the new style has been thought to belong to the last years of Edward's reign ; thus the Divinity school at Oxford is referred to the year 1480 but it is roofed in the manner of the next century. Both St. George's chapel and that of King's college, Cambridge, were begun by 1479; ^ was ^ e ^ f r Henry VII and his son to finish them; and so we have an architectural parallel to what was said above regarding Henry's policy : he built upon the foundations Edward laid. The nave of St. George's was vaulted in 1490, its choir in 1507. A pleasing specimen of the style is the "new building" at the eastern extremity of Peter- borough minster, begun as a receptacle for relics quite early in the century but not completed until" this and the following reign. Bath Abbey is another example. To the year 1502 belongs the tiny chantry of the lamented Prince Arthur at Worcester ; and then his father's sumptuous mortuary chapel at Westminster was begun. Here, arching ribs spring from the wall free for a space, pushing forward and piercing complete and highly decorated cones. They resemble arms holding torches and with the whirling flounces of tracery, the aston- ishing pendants in the middle seeming to rest on air, exert a truly bewildering effect. It is the very flamboyancy of vaulting, the dolphin-death of Gothic architecture. Considerable progress was made in the revival of classical learning during the reign of Henry VII. Thomas Linacre, a fellow of All Souls', Oxford, went to Bologna in 1485 to per- fect himself in Greek as an aid to advanced medical study and putting by y , the mediaeval versions of their works read Aristotle and Galen in the original. He visited Florence OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 197 (where he met Poliziano), Rome, Venice and Padua. William Grocyn, a fellow of New College, learned Greek of an Italian resident at Oxford; in 1488 he went to Florence and spent two years in Italy studying. He was followed by one Latimer in 1489; and both returned to Oxford to teach what they had learned in the favored haunts of classicism. John Colet was born in London in 1466. In 1483 he entered Magdalen College ; there he studied Greek and read the works of Plato. After ten years he visited Italy and herein the wide difference between him and the scholars just mentioned appears: they returned thence polished humanists, he returned with something more than learning with religious convictions greatly deepened and a grave sense of the necessity of a reform in the faith and morals of the clergy. It has been suggested with a large measure of probability that he owed to Savonarola this deepening of his religious con- sciousness ; it is certain that he was in Florence during the great preacher's supremacy, and a soul like Colet's could not fail to be moved by that impassioned eloquence. In 1497 we find him back at Oxford imbued with the teaching of St. Paul, delivering lectures on his epistle to the Romans, not in the jejune style of the scholastic scribes with their endless patristic references, but fresh, helpful, rich in suggestion, vibrating with the note of personal experience. The hall was crowded when- ever he lectured ; it was felt that a new spiritual force was manifesting itself at the University. A disciple and friend of Colet was the young Thomas More, son of a justice of the court of King's Bench. He had served as a lad in the household of Archbishop Morton (afterward Cardinal), and was distinguished even then by his intelligence and uprightness of character. In 1492, at the age of fourteen years, he was entered at Oxford: in 1496 at Lincoln's Inn. When he was about twenty years old he underwent a severe religious experience and sought peace through the ascetic discipline 198 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY still in vogue among earnest souls: he wore a harsh shirt of hair next his skin, scourged himself, and slept on the bare floor. While in this mood he made the acquaintance of Erasmus, then on his first visit to England, who, though eleven years his senior, felt an instant attraction to the young Englishman and the two became fast friends. The great scholar exerted a wholesome influence, without doubt, upon More's sensitive nature, helping him gently out of the thorny thicket of his spiritual anxieties into the flowery path of letters again. Erasmus moreover now ripened into intimacy an acquaintance he had formed with Colet upon the continent some time before. It is a charming group, an intercourse delightful to think upon, that of these three scholars and sympathetic, ardent souls especially in an epoch otherwise singularly barren in literary attraction. More became the fairest type of an English humanist. It is a pity that he and Colet did not trust more than they did the capacity of expres- sion of their native language : had they done so their fame and Colet's in particular would now be greatly enhanced. Kay's successor as poet-laureate royal was Bernard Andre, a scholar from the south of France. About the middle of Henry's reign he composed a panegyric in French verse, " The Twelve Triumphs of Henry the Seventh," in which that monarch and his brave exploits were compared with Hercules and his labors. About that time, too, the slender ranks of English humanists received an accession in the person of Polydore Vergil, a native of Urbino, who, having been de- spatched to England by Pope Alexander VI to levy Peter's- pence found his situation there so agreeable that he decided to remain and was erelong rewarded by preferment in the church. A native 'scholar of considerable celebrity was John Skelton, to whom, it will be remembered, Caxton looked up and whom even Erasmus extolled. According to a custom of the time OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 199 he had received the degree of poet-laureate from the University of Oxford for his skill in Latin versification. In a rhyme of some length, pleasing in spots, entitled "The Garland of Laurel," and addressed to some ladies who had worked a wreath, the insignia of his rank, upon his court gown, he vin- dicates his title to the poet's crown, adducing a number of his poems. The king was his patron : he was appointed tutor to Prince Henry and had the honor of producing a " morality," since lost, before his majesty and the court at Woodstock. When he had reached middle age he took orders and was presented with a living in Norfolk; his biographers seem to suppose that at this time his character underwent a sudden change and that from a scholar he became the coarsely abusive satirist that his name now first suggests. But in his earliest known effort, a dirge for Edward IV, we find the moral- izing tone, the note of disenchantment, of disgust with the world, that proclaims the embryo satirist; and if we had his poems in chronological order they would no doubt reveal that his temper grew more savage as the character of the times became plainer. In the piece just referred to he quotes St. Bernard to the effect that " a man is but a sack of stercory and shall return to worm's meat," and upon that hideous text great part of his produc- tion hangs. Skelton had a morbid sense of the loathsomeness of physical decay, disease and death ; in a repulsive poem he held up a grinning death's head to the age as a picture of the end of all its strength and splendor. An oft-printed piece of his, "The Tunning of Elinor Rumming," is a superlative example of nauseous realism. The testimony of Alexander Barclay, translator of Brandt's " Ship of Fools," is that the England of his day was given over to " Lewdness and Folly." Brandt's famous satire had by this time been translated into several languages. Its conception was furnished by the chariot shaped like a ship and peopled by droll figures, the "naval car " that is believed to have given 200 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY its name to the carnival, at which it used to be a principal show, being dragged along in procession. Brandt fancied its passengers and crew to be representatives of over a hundred classes of fools ; his motive was to expose the myriad devia- tions from common sense that make men ridiculous. Barclay's free English version with alterations was produced in 1508 and printed the following year. He explains that its title might have been " The Satire, or Reprehension of Foolishness." The book was illustrated with quaint German wood-cuts, among them two representations of that antique machine, long a poetic property, the wheel of Fortune. Amid the crowd of fools we note the bibliophile, the superannuated man of fashion, the young man who has married an old woman for her money, the petulant woman, the fat-witted person who cannot understand a joke, the boaster, the gambler, and some choice specimens of the fcrol in orders the ignorant priest, the covetous bishop. In marked contrast to these specimens of satire indicative, whether coarse or dull, of some deep-seated disorder in the social framework a schism fast becoming too grave to be borne between what was and what ought to have been is the placid rehabilitation of mediaeval ideals in Stephen Hawes' " Pastime of Pleasure." To an Oxford education Hawes added the polish of travel in his own country and in France. He was something of a linguist and was especially conversant with French. He was a student of literature, a critic even after his kind : thus he would draw comparisons between Chaucer and Lydgate, magnifying the excellences of the latter bard. Lydgate he adopted as his master, his patron saint in letters; for his memory he showed an extraordinary veneration and affection. In paying his tribute of respect to the three lords of English song he despatches Chaucer and Gower in three stanzas while he devotes ten to Lydgate. Here we have the unmistakable sign-manual of the literary dilettante, of one who would establish an esoteric cult in poetry by reversing the OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 201 popular, the vulgar estimate, who seeks distinction by an amiable eccentricity of judgment, an affectation of special insight. Hawes was in fact the representative man of letters of the reign, the exponent of its culture; he was its product, for he was yet young when towards its close he composed his principal work. He was an ornament of the court, being in great request for his talents in composition, conversation and recitation from the elder poets for he had a capacious memory. The king made him his Groom of the Chamber. "The Pastime of Pleasure" was produced in 1505-1506 and printed in 1509. Although the author, in accordance with a long-standing fashion, prays to Venus for success in love and to Mars for the meed of enduring fame, and though this desire of fame is felt to be a potent motive in its composition, the poem is yet essentially mediaeval in general design and detail. Its groundwork is that of the romances of chivalry : it is the quest of a knight, Grand Amour, toward union with the feminine ideal, La Belle Pucelle. It is allegorical in intention as these titles indicate and exceedingly didactic mediaeval characteristics both. Its characters are those of a " morality " : thus Grand Amour in his quest encounters an ugly dwarf, False Report, slays the three-headed giant Falsehood, and is instructed by Counsel. In its execution it develops into a little cyclopaedia of mediaeval culture, for the typical knight must be a master of all the sciences : Grand Amour is bidden by Doctrine to perfect himself in. the studies of the trivium grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and of the quadrivium, - arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy. His course in the school of Rhetoric occasions quite an interesting analysis of that art as taught in Hawes's day: its parts, we learn, are Invention, Disposition or arrangement of narrative or argu- ment, Elocution that is, choice of words, expression (well exemplified by Lydgate !), Pronunciation, and Memory. In the tower of Music its patroness sits surrounded by a heap of 202 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY instruments tabors, sackbut, dulcimers, rebeck and soft recorders, and we are treated to a little essay on the moral influence of the art: it banishes evil thoughts and gladdens the heart. Under Astronomy several sciences are included. We are taught first of all that omnipotent God, the "chief astronomer," has made Nature to be his vice-gerent. A treatise of mediaeval psychology follows : the five external " wits " or senses are five gates through which information streams in upon the first of the five internal senses, the " Com- mon wit " or understanding ; the other four are Imagination, Fantasy (" finishing " the matter afforded by the former), Esti- mation (whose function it is to comprehend space, time, cause and effect), and finally Memory. Hawes here takes occasion to explain that his " native language is obscure." A bit of physiology comes next, for under the " high influence of the planets " falls the discussion of the four elements and four humors. His tuition finished, Grand Amour proceeds to the Tower of Chivalry and forth thence to slaughter giants with his sword Clara- Prudence and finally to pierce with it a metallic monster, Malice, after which feat he is received by Pucelle in a hall paved with precious stones, its windows of crystal, its walls covered with arras, its roof "of marvellous geometry." There they are wedded by Church-Law. In another passage, descrip- tive of Fortune's hall with its "curiously branched roof," Hawes reminds us that he belonged to the epoch of fan-tracery : like it his work is studied and ornate. He has some passages that are full of color, notably the description of Doctrine's palace. His characteristic lines lending themselves easily to quotation read like echoes of the proverbial philosophy of his day: " After an ebb there cometh a flowing tide "... " After the day there cometh the dark night : For though the daye be never so long At last the bell ringeth to evensong." OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 203 His literary enthusiasm finds expression in a highly character- istic line, in praise " Of famous poets many years ago." " Farewell, sweetheart, farewell, farewell, farewell," if read with ever fainter breath, a vanishing effect, a dying fall, will give a just impression of the pensive sweetness long drawn out, the attenuated grace of Stephen Hawes. His was a mild St. Martin's summer of mediaeval poetry; he was the darling of the ladies of the court of Henry VII. Part of the verse-production of this reign as of previous ones was anonymous and popular, taking the form of ballads. It is cause for regret that as in the case of the Danish ex- amples most of them have been preserved to us only in the adulterated versions of a later time. One entertaining speci- men, among the best of its class, may be safely ascribed to the earlier portion of Henry's reign the ballad of the Nut-brown Maid, composed presumably by a woman to vindicate the con- stancy of her sex in love. The maid's lover subjects her affection to a series of severe tests ; he pretends that he has committed some breach of law and must away to the greenwood for refuge: she promises to accompany him and is not deterred by his clearly drawn picture of the discomforts and dangers of woodland life. Finally he declares that he is already provided with a sweetheart in the forest who is fairer than she and whom he loves better, but the maid stands even this search- ing test triumphantly : " ' Though in the wood I understood ye had a paramour, All this may not remove my thought but that I will be your ; And she shall find me soft and kind and courteous every hour, Glad to fulfil all that she will command me, to my power ; For had ye, lo ! an hundred mo, yet would I be that one, For in my mind, of all mankind, I love but you alone.' " This supreme surrender overcomes her lover who comforts her telling her that he had only said it to prove her and re- 204 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY veals what he had hitherto concealed, that he whom she has won for her husband by her enduring love is an earl's son and no banished man. As regards domestic life in this reign we are provided, but slenderly as compared with Edward IV's time, with the corre- spondence of some Yorkshire gentlefolk that serves as a con- tinuation to the Paston letters, beginning where they leave off but it is by no means as voluminous or as interesting as that famous collection. The centre of the new correspondence was Sir Robert Plumpton, warden of Knaresboro' Castle ; and his wife, the Lady Isabel, held to it a relation similar to that that Margaret Paston held to the earlier series. We are afforded a vivid glimpse of the straits of one among the many families that were drawn into the toils of Richard Empson, the king's agent ; he began proceedings against Sir Robert in 1497. "The great man E[mpson] sits for assessing of fines for knights,"- fines, that is, levied upon persons who might re- ceive knighthood but who sought to avoid the attendant trouble and expense and his correspondent goes on to warn Sir Robert: "Your, adversaries intend surely to attempt the law against you." Erelong we hear Lady Plumpton complaining that she can neither borrow money nor sell wood upon the estate for everybody knows that she is eager to sell and next to nothing is offered for the largest trees and meanwhile there is Lenten stuff to buy. None can tell what the land would bring for the title is insecure. " We are brought to beggar-staff." Later, her husband sends her warning: " If any precept come from the sheriff to take your cattle obey ye it not. No cattle should be taken thereby but your husband's cattle and he hath none and so may ye make the bayly answer." A curious but by no means exceptional instance of affection traded upon is offered by a kinsman of the Plumptons who considers whether it might not be as well to give his sister in OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 205 marriage to a gentleman who loves her so devotedly that he would probably take her with a smaller dowry than any other would demand. Leaving Yorkshire we cross the northern border once again. The young king of Scots, James IV, handsome, pleasure-loving, popular, was enjoying an influence rare for the crown in his distracted country which had lately been rent by discords worse than ordinary. Under his energetic administration which re- flected the spirit of the age Scotland enjoyed a respite from strife and a measure of prosperity. James had splendid tastes, in especial a passion for architecture ; the palaces of Stirling, Holyrood, Linlithgow and Falkland were built, restored or decorated in his reign. He loved music and song : minstrels, rhymers and scholars were welcome at his gay court and gave it a finer lustre. Its greatest literary ornament and, indeed, the chief of Scottish poets throughout the two-hundred years' course of independent Scottish literature, was William Dunbar. Formerly a Franciscan friar he had discarded the frock to become a dependent of the king whom he served in several foreign missions. He flattered the taste of the age by his alle- gorical poems which are unusually successful specimens of their class. His "Golden Targe " opens with a pretty descrip- tion of May impaired as was inevitable then by classical allusions. The " Targe " is the shield with which Reason de- fends the poet for awhile against the darts of Beauty. Dunbar's finest production in this vein, his best-known work and one that possesses a permanent charm, is the graceful epithalamium he composed for the king upon his marriage with the Tudor prin- cess Margaret. " The Thistle and the Rose " is its symbolic title : it is instinct with light and color the best and most characteristic properties of Scottish poetry. Removed by a whole hemisphere from such play of fancy and sentiment are the satirical pieces that Dunbar penned in an altered mood : indeed, but for the well-known vicissitudes 206 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY of mood to which the human spirit is subject it would be hard to believe that species of writing so different could proceed from the same author. In his versified report of the confabu- lation of some female ribalds, "Two Married Women and a Widow," there is a cynical display of an almost savage lust, of hypocritic cunning aevoted to the service of animal instinct, that uncovers an abyss of moral evil in the social life of Scot- land as the Middle Age was drawing to a close. (The king himself was a notorious libertine.) Another tale of coarse humor and intrigue, " The Friars of Berwick," may be ascribed to Dunbar ; it is quite in the manner of the baser element in the Canterbury Tales. We have from him a Scotch version of the " Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins" and surely that grotesque subject has never been treated with more force, originality and grewsome realism. He addressed to the king many rhymed petitions for places in the church ; and repeated disappointment appears to have inspired a series of despondent, moralizing poems that remind one of Lydgate's favorite themes : " the world is false and unstable," and "all earthly joy returns in pain." He wrote "Of the World's Vanity," and "Of the Changes of Life," and once when he was sick and in fear of death composed a lament for the famous poets of Britain from Chaucer's to his own day. A like occasion, a like mood doubtless inspired his " Confession " of all sorts of sins : a line in it tersely expresses the religious attitude of his age and of a character such as his : " I trow in the kirk, to do as it commandis." Submissive as he became he could not escape accusation of heresy ; in a " Flyting " or humorous dispute in verse his con- temporary and literary friend, Walter Kennedy, charged him with being a "Lollard laureate, a lamp of Lollards," doubt- less because of his shrewd hits at the priests and the religious orders. Kennedy was of noble birth, well-educated, and had OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 207 travelled upon the Continent. He composed some devotional poems, a "Passion of Christ " and a " Ballad in Praise of our Lady " wherein he blesses her from top to toe and begs her intercession for " KENNEDY her man." Another noble author and of greater distinction was Gavin Douglas, whose " Palace of Honor," addressed to King James, is one of the polished, artificial allegories then in vogue at court a dream of adventure on a May morning among myth- ological personages, classic heroes and poets, including a course over classic geography. As may be imagined, it is tedious reading to-day ; yet it contains some gorgeous coloring and reveals its author's genuine and undiscriminating passion for the antique : it is thus a monument of the spread of renascent sentiment into remote Scotland. Of that sentiment Douglas was the one exponent in his day and corner of the world. By it he was nerved to accomplish his great feat a translation of the ^Eneid into the Scotch dialect, in heroic couplets. He prefaced every book with an original prologue, the seventh and twelfth of which are gems of natural description. In the former we have a picture drawn from his own observation of the effect of winter wind and cold upon the sea, upon streams and fields, cattle and men ; in the latter, the converse of this, the effect of the spring sun upon the atmosphere, the sea and land, cities and meadows, trees, flowers, birds and beasts, and finally upon man. Many passages in these are almost startlingly modern in delicacy and accuracy of observation, in the light with which they are irradiated and the color with which they are imbued. At the very close of our period printing was introduced into the northern kingdom and the new literature was thus put into wider circulation by Walter Chepman, a cloth-merchant of Edinborough. Under the king's patronage, Chepman set up a press in his house and furnished the capital, a junior partner, Andrew Miller, who had learned the art in France, doing the printing. In the autumn of the year 1507 they received a royal 208 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY patent " to imprint books of laws, acts of parliament, chronicles, mass-books and legends of Scotch saints, and all other books that shall seem necessary." Poems, romances and ballads, in the judgment of the shrewd partners, seemed evidently to belong to the last class and issued from their press before the heavier kind of literature specified in the patent. In 1508 the first book printed in Scotland was put upon the market : it comprised some popular romances of chivalry, the " Gest of Robin Hood," the "Maying" of Chaucer, the "Golden Targe," "Book of Good Counsel to the King," "Two Married Women and the Widow," and "A Lament for the Makers" (/>., poets), all by Dunbar, and the " Flyting " of Dunbar and Kennedy. Then appeared a breviary, in parts, completed in the summer of 1510; of other works that may have issued from Chepman's press nothing is known. The defeat and death of James IV at Flodden demoralized the nation: the light of literature paled and a press could no longer be supported. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 209 VII. WE now approach one of the mightiest periods in human history the era pf the Reformation; an era crowded with great characters and great events, confused with conflicting aims ; it is at once one of the most tempting and difficult of subjects, it seems inexhaustible, oceanic. In the first half of the sixteenth century there appeared in Europe a constellation of crowned heads, effulgent, almost ab- solute in might and glory, foremost among them being Henry VIII, Francis I, and Charles V. Off in the extreme south-west reigned a most opulent king, John III of Portugal, the rich- est sovereign in Europe, for his treasuries were filled with the gold and silver of the Indies and his capital, Lisbon, which had attracted to its capacious port the eastern trade formerly enjoyed by the cities of Italy, was now become the principal mart of the world. In the extreme north-east there rose a strong and beneficent king, Gustavus Vasa founder of the greatness of Sweden. All these monarchs were practically absolute within their several dominions ; only among them- selves was any effectual constraint put upon each other's power and pretensions. The collapse of feudalism was complete. The supreme political factors upon the continent of Europe were four in number, and three of them were marshalled against one the emperor Charles V. It is necessary to bear in mind the tremendous power of Spain throughout this century: the union of Castile and Aragon and the resulting conquest of Granada had created a potent nationality cemented by a som- bre religious enthusiasm, and Spain was suddenly lifted to the first place in Europe. At the same time streams of pre- cious metals poured in upon her from the new world but 210 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY this was not an unalloyed blessing : the Spaniards came out of the Middle Ages with a knightly contempt of labor, they got gold by fighting, and it enervated the realm at last: the indus- trial movement of the preceding generation, slight enough as it was, subsided under the blight of the American conquests and erelong ceased. For the time being, however, the strength and influence of Spain were vast, sufficient of themselves to give her young king a commanding position in the polity of Europe. Charles was beside king of the Two Sicilies ; Aus- tria and the Netherlands were in his domain ; in the year 1519 the crowns of Lombardy and the Empire were united upon his brow : thus he had the whole continent in his grasp, his was the widest sway since Charlemagne. This prodigious power was a menace to the liberty, to the very existence of the other states of Europe; Charles was more dreaded than the pitiless Turk; Francis I made it his life- work to struggle with him and with the cooperation of the Protestant princes of Germany and of Suleiman II managed to make head against him and to maintain a precarious bal- ance of forces. Such were the four political factors of the Reformation era. A singular spectacle ! a Catholic king of France, German Protestants and a Turkish sultan forced into combination against the power of Charles V. The transition from feudalism was accomplished ; that from mediaeval Catholicism was now in progress. It is commonly taught that the Middle Ages came to an end with feudalism, but that was only one and on the whole a lesser feature of those ages ; while the mediaeval church yet stood, with its system of education, morals and worship, its monasteries and nunneries, cardinalate and papacy, it is erroneous to say that the Middle Ages were over. That could not be said, either, until their municipal life was extinct ; until the civic activity of old, the freedom of the city republics of Italy, the power of a great institution like the Hanseatic League had also passed OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 211 away. Never had the mediaeval church seemed more magnifi- cent than in the first quarter of the sixteenth century under the splendid pontificate of Leo X ; we can now see that its institutions that then seemed impregnable were in reality but hollow shells only needing a touch to crumble away. The principal interest of the history of the first half of the century lies in the mighty religious revolution that went forward despite many checks in the north of Europe. It was a conflict of north and south, of Teuton, Saxon, Norseman against Roman, Celt and Frank, of the more moral against the more ideal, of the English and German languages against the universal Latin, of the ideas of Wyclif, Huss and the Lollards against those of the succeeding age; and not of Wyclif and Huss only but also of the reformers of a century or two before their time : of the almost forgotten Waldenses, of Friar Berthold and Robert of Lincoln. The historian would err greatly who neglected the thought and work of those early leaders of the reformation, of a strenuous evangelicalism that was never totally extinguished throughout the Middle Ages and that emerged with power at their close. And so we behold a tremendous conflict waged over all Europe with alternate failure and success between evangelical doctrine, the Scriptures and preaching on the one hand, and on the other the sacramental and sacerdotal system of the mediaeval church. The tide of reform flowed and ebbed and flowed again ; there were eager forward movements and violent reac- tions : it was a giant oscillation that cradled a new world into being and it went on with the greatest ease, evenness and success under the strong hands of Henry VIII and Gustavus Vasa. In the capital of Christendom itself the faith of former time was dead : skepticism was so general and daring that the fifth Lateran council, held by Leo X, thought it expedient (to Luther's great disgust) to promulgate anew the doctrine of 212 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY the immortality of the soul against the philosopher Pompo- nazzi, who had denied that it could be proved by reason or out of the writings of Aristotle. From the same synod issued a fresh assertion of papal supremacy and shortly, with almost cynical disregard of the awakening conscience of Europe, there was published by the Curia a greatly enlarged and scien- tifically classified inventory of sins with the prices of accom- panying pardons. Yet in the days of Leo X Italian humanism put forth its consummate flower, not as winsome, fresh and fragrant as in the time of Lorenzo his father, but full-blown and gorgeous : rarely in the annals of mankind has there shone such a galaxy of genius and talent as then graced the courts of Rome, Florence, and Ferrara. Leo's secretary was the cultivated and fastidious Bembo, who piqued himself on the classic purity of his Latinity and the almost equal elegance of his Italian style. He encouraged the use of the vernacular by men of letters and gave them an example of refined rhetoric in the elaborate discussion as to the nature of love held by "gli Asolani." Of greater importance for universal literature was the dramatic poet Gian-Giorgio Trissino : his tragedy of " Sofonisba " achieved such conspicuous and instantaneous success that it secured for its author the favorable notice of the pope, who appointed him to be one of his ambassadors. The work appeared in the year 1515: it was the first of its kind in Italy that gave evidence of spontaneity of native genius : there had been nothing before but feeble imitations of the antique. As is natural in nascent drama, " Sofonisba " is a tale of turgid passion couched in a style that is by com- parison weak and frigid : it is full of long, studied and declama- tory speeches : but its significance can be gauged by this, that they are cast in blank verse. The origin of so important a form is of such interest that Trissino's reasons for using it are worth citing; in the dedication of his tragedy to Pope Leo he explains that he uses Italian so as to be popularly understood OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 213 and blank verse because it is best suited to express emotion : rhyme, which suggests careful thought, is not adapted for emotional utterance, which as it is not must not seem studied : moreover, blank verse has a certain dignity. This last remark is weightier than it seems : there can be no doubt that the new poetic medium originated in an endeavor to catch the effect of the inimitable unrhymed measure of the ancients. And so Trissino has the credit of having devised this simple, flexible and hence- forth indispensable form one of the most precious legacies of the Italian Renascence to modern literature. There is evidence, however, that before him others were experimenting in this line ; the credit of prior invention would seem to belong to Giacomo Sannazaro, a Neapolitan, in the fourth eclogue of his " Arcadia," published fully ten years before the " Sofo- nisba," there occurs a considerable passage in blank verse. The work is otherwise of importance, for it heads the list of those classico-romantic pastorals that were exceedingly fashion- able for many generations, pictures of an ideal country life in the open air colloquies of Platonic shepherds and shep- herdesses on mountain lawns or in flowery fields by running streams under green boughs. Giovanni Rucellai, a cousin of the pope and his ambassador to the court of France, was the next distinguished writer to employ blank verse, in a didactic poem of fifteen hundred lines inspired by one of Virgil's Georgics, " Le Api "- " the Bees." He also produced a tragedy, "Rosmunda," for his cousin's entertainment. Meanwhile in Florence the sinister Macchiavelli had just published his manual of a portentous political science which was yet nothing more than the practice of the rulers of Italy in his day : they had succeeded in effecting a divorce of govern- ment and morals quite as complete as that already achieved between morals and religion. When a state has been con- quered, says Macchiavelli, every scion of the reigning family 214 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY should be killed off, or, if it has been accustomed to govern itself, it should be effectually ruined and then garrisoned. A successful usurper should establish his power by a general massacre. A prince may abide by his engagements when convenient ; he should seek a reputation for honor and talk much of good faith ; he should also be accounted liberal and to this end should be lavish of the possessions of his enemies but scrupulous as to laying fresh taxes upon his people. Macchiavelli breaks out in admiration and commendation of the triumphant craft of Caesar Borgia : he was his political paragon. A characteristic discussion is that as to whether it is better for a ruler to be feared or loved ; the misanthrope concludes that human nature is so changeable, selfish and contemptible that it is better to be feared : punishment is the surest means of control. "The Prince" merely spoke out the open secret of all the tyrants of Italy. When he had finished it Macchiavelli turned to his profound " Discourses upon Titus Livius." The greatest poet of the age flourished at the court of the Estes at Ferrara. There in the last century, in his " Orlando Innamorato," Bojardo had told over again the story of the favorite hero of mediaeval romance in verse that was too rude for a later, more refined generation. The subject was worked over in a bright style by Francesco Berni, but the final and incomparable version was Ariosto's. In the year 1516 appeared forty cantos of his "Orlando Furioso"; six supplementary cantos were added later ; the first complete edition was pub- published at Ferrara in 1532. The following year the poet died. It is to be noted that the incidents, the theme of this great poem the fury in love and warfare of Charlemagne's paladin, Roland are thoroughly mediaeval ; though touched with the finer taste, fancy and sensuousness of the Renascence it is yet a tale of chivalry. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 215 This was the period of the utmost glory of Renascent art, of the exquisite school of Milan under da Vinci, Luini and Ferrari, the sumptuous school of Venice under Giorgione, Palma and Titian, of Correggio at Parma, del Sarto and the rest at Florence, and Bazzi at Siena; it was typed in the magnificent reception that Pope Leo gave to the reconstructed college of cardinals in apartments of the Vatican just decorated by Raphael. But there was a spirit that deeply felt the differ- ence between what was and what ought to have been, and in the wonderful figure of " the Slave " the indignant Angelo compressed the speechless agony of his great soul over the enslavement of his native land. His tutor Torrigiano spent several years in England making the famous tomb of Henry VII and his queen that may be seen in his fan-vaulted chapel at Westminster. Another Italian artist named Benedetto was engaged by Wolsey to execute a tomb for him at Windsor. The gabled halls of Brasenose College at Oxford, begun in the year 1512 (the year that Torrigiano arrived in London), are interesting relics of the collegiate architecture of Henry VIII's reign. At the same time the beautiful tower of Mag- dalen was rising. The intellectual ambition of the time found expression in many scholastic foundations : Margaret, Countess of Richmond, mother of the late king, had just established two colleges at Cambridge ; at Oxford, Bishop Fox began to build Corpus Christi, Wolsey endowed a Greek lectureship, and in 1524 suppressed an old priory and erected Christ Church upon its site. We have in this church a fine example of fan- tracery vaulting ; English architecture was still Gothic and mediaeval. Scholasticism still cumbered the ground, but the vehement efforts its partisans made to sustain it, their loud vociferations, showed that the system was in its last stages. Feeling ran high between the disciples of the old and the new learning ; 216 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY the quiet cloisters of Oxford rang with their debates which not seldom ended in blows. The old order was changing, giving place to new. One would have an inadequate idea of the age of Henry VIII who did not perceive under its external brilliancy the pathos that attends the decline and fall of great and once beneficent institutions. A profound pathos invests the decay of old ideals but God fulfils himself in many ways lest one good custom outgrown should corrupt the world. And the grief is generally forgotten in the midst of the magnificence of the age. It was the last effulgence of mediaevalism the last intense crimson and golden glow of the long mediaeval day. But there was a light within that light ; the sunset of the Middle Ages paled before the new sun of modern times, and the color of the former half of Henry's reign faded out into the broad white glare of the latter part. So it was with the century : it began mediaeval, it ended modern. We have in Henry VIII a striking illustration of the popular belief that fathers transmit their peculiar qualities to their daughters and mothers to their sons, for his character is illuminated by reading into it that of his maternal grandfather. With Edward IV we are already acquainted ; his daughter Elizabeth (queen to Henry VII) inherited from him her fine figure, beautiful countenance and engaging manners, and transmitted them, together with his appetite for pleasure and magnificence and most important of all his determined will, to her son. Henry was seventeen years old when he came to the throne and a burst of popular rejoicing, long pent up under the severe represssion of his father's reign, greeted the handsome young prince at his accession. His was certainly an attractive, indeed a superior character. His physique was fine and he was fond of all knightly exercises. He was a good scholar, especially in languages, and had refined tastes loved painting and music, which he practised a little himself ; OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 217 he composed some masses that were sung in his royal chapel. He was moreover well instructed in mediaeval divinity and polity and piqued himself somewhat upon his attainments in that line ; he was an expert in theological discussion. The force and fascination of his personality may be estimated by this, that he retained, if not the early affection, at least the admiring awe of his people all through his long reign of nearly forty years. He was crowned with his queen, Catherine of Aragon, in June, 1509, a few days before his eighteenth birthday. He and his people were at one in their willingness to make a sharp distinction between his and his father's administration : Empson and Dudley, the instruments of the old king's rapacity, were cast into the Tower and erelong beheaded, and his chancellor and minister, Archbishop Warham, a man of mediocre talents whom Henry never regarded with particular favor, was eclipsed and at last edged out by Thomas Wolsey. The young king hastened to waste the treasure so painfully collected by his father in tournaments, splendid entertainments and wars. He continued the time-worn, ancestral policy of hostility to France, invaded that country in the summer of 1513, and achieved a glittering success in the Battle of Spurs. The year following, however, perceiving that he was being tricked by his father-in-law of Spain, he veered round, made a peace with the French king which he cemented by the gift of his sister Mary in marriage, and began a series of negotia- tions that culminated in the pageantry of the Field of the Cloth of Gold in the summer of 1520. His position was a novel one for an English king ; in possession of a copious treasure, at the head of an insular kingdom, strong, compact, and happily freed from the burden and embarrassment of con- tinental dependencies (which it was well that he could not recover), Henry was able to play a distinguished part upon the theatre of European diplomacy and to pose as an arbiter between mighty opposites. 218 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY In Wolsey the king found a minister after his own heart. Of affable manners and splendid tastes, fond of architecture, fine gardens, spectacles and shows, yet of extraordinary capacity for public affairs, Wolsey was unique in English history in the number of great offices that were heaped upon him in succes- sive years. Beginning as royal chaplain and almoner, he was summoned to the king's council, was appointed dean and then bishop of Lincoln, and was almost immediately afterward elevated to the archbishopric of York. The next year 1515 Pope Leo made him a cardinal at the king's own request and the great seal of the chancellor, taken from Warham, was conferred upon him. In 1517 the pope, still acting under pressure from the king and as a special favor to him, invested Wolsey with legislative powers over the English church. He was now the lordliest, most magnificent prelate that England had ever beheld, the final, full-blown type of an ecclesiastical statesman of the Middle Age ; he held to the church the same relation that the great earl of Warwick held to English feudalism. And that very year Martin Luther posted his theses against indulgences on the door of the castle church at Wittenberg. Strange as it may seem, a weighty motive of this accumula- tion of high offices was a desire of reform : a feeling was gaining ground that something must be done to reform the corrupt church. Archbishop Warham had attempted the task in a feeble way and found it too great for his powers ; he was thrust aside and Wolsey was invested with unlimited power over the church. For as papal legate he was superior to the archbishop of Canterbury and moreover could do what no bishop could he could inspect, control, suppress monasteries. To effect a disciplinary reform of the clergy both regular and secular such was in large measure the motive of these combinations. In the early years of the reign, in the midst of the jubilant rebound from the repression of former years, Lollardy rose to OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 219 the surface ; prosecutions for heresy were renewed, the prin- cipal point involved being transubstantiation ; in the year 1511 the movement excited general attention and alarm, several Lollards were forced to recant, some preferred to suffer death. The Lollards of London flocked to hear the evangelical preaching of the dean of Saint Paul's, John Colet altogether the most significant character in the English church at that day. He deplored schism and advocated a reform within the church : his was a voice coming from within, like conscience, calling upon the body to repent and when such warning voices die unheeded the retribution and the only remedy is schism. His prophetic, apostolic character was manifested in his self-denying life and simple attire. The king respected and admired him for with all his earnestness he was free from taint of fanaticism. When the spread of heresy impelled the summoning of convo- cation in the winter of 1512 Colet was chosen as preacher ; it was the opportunity of his life and in a stirring sermon, in Latin, he proclaimed the duty, the necessity of immediate reform. He attributed to the evil lives of her ministers the patent corruption of the church ; the impurity of priests, he said, is the most grievous heresy. He took his text from the twelfth chapter of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans and admonished the assembled bishops and clergy in fearless tones not to be conformed to the world in pride of place, feasting and pleasures of the senses, pursuit of rich benefices, worldly business and distractions, but to be reformed to humility, temperance, charity and a spiritual life. And the reform must commence with those of highest station : the bishops should be spiritually-minded men, clear of all simony, should reside in their sees, abstain from everything unbecoming their high office and carefully strain out unworthy applicants for orders : thus the reformation would be extended to the priesthood and through it finally to the people. 220 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY Colet's sermon made a deep impression ; it was translated into English and purely practical though it was the bishop of London brought against the preacher a charge of heresy ; he was however protected by a powerful sympathizer the arch- bishop of Canterbury, and the year following was invited to preach before the king. The whole country was looking forward to the war with France upon which the king had set his heart but Colet in the courage of his convictions con- demned that war. The king's conscience was touched ; he sent for the preacher and for more than an hour they conferred together in the palace garden. From that hour none of Colet's foes ventured to assail him. A picturesque event was the pilgrimage that Colet and Eras- mus took together a last pilgrimage to Canterbury. The two friends found the relics exhibited, the mouldering rags and bones, repulsive to a degree, and were completely convinced of the inefficacy of pilgrimages as a means of salvation. In the fall of 1515 the great preacher had an opportunity to inculcate sound politics in the sermon he was asked to deliver upon the occasion of Wolsey's installation as cardinal. His friend More had just embodied a social ideal in his " Utopia." The brightest minds of the day were much exercised over the political and economic situation. Colet's attitude toward the schoolmen was antagonistic : he condemned Aquinas for having adulterated the simplicity of the Gospel with philosophical refinements. Toward the new learning upon its purely literary side he was no less hostile ; he exhorted his hearers to shun pagan culture as a vain and worldly thing and to beware of the books of heathen philoso- phers unless they would become associates of demons. Herein his Montanistic strain is revealed ; such a narrow and partial outlook contrasts painfully with Erasmus's genial, catholic suggestion : " Perhaps the spirit of God is shed abroad more widely than we think." OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 221 Colet was a reformer and of too earnest a spirit to jest and enjoy. His business was to call men back to the Bible, especially to the writings of St. Paul, whom he esteemed as the " wisest of men." He was uncompromising in his Augustinian- ism : man is by nature evil, ignorant, utterly without the divine ; the world is like the restless sea and men are as fish beneath its surface, in a state of death and darkness, they have to be drawn from it to see the light. In this body of ours, so vile, dark and mortal, a pure, bright and deathless soul may yet dwell. And God knew before those who should be fitted for his mysteries, those who cleave less closely to this world ; they are called and chosen out of the mass according to his wise and holy will ; their minds are illumined by his presence, their wills corrected. For the divine artificer moulds men as wax, moves them as stones, and so constructs his church. The thought of one Spirit in many persons is a favorite one with Colet. With such postulates as to our nature the union of the divine and the human becomes a serious problem. Colet's view of the Incarnation was that the iron of Christ's humanity was attracted and upheld by his divinity as by a magnet. His teaching on the subject of marriage proves that he still belonged to the monastic age: marriage is God's condescension to man's weakness ; it is not good in itself and is but the lesser of two evils ; if one can do without it he ought to. " If only all the faithful had remained chaste the heathen would have supplied new material for the church, and when all the heathen were converted the kingdom of God would have come, and if all men had thus come to an end what end more desirable to this pilgrimage ? But man's weakness delays Christ's return ! " In his project of a disciplinary reform within the church Colet was ably and ardently seconded by Erasmus, who brought to the cause a finer scholarship and a trenchant weapon of 222 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY satire and gave the idea currency upon the continent. In his " Praise of Folly " Erasmus launched out in unsparing satire upon luxurious popes and bishops, lazy and ignorant monks and friars and quibbling schoolmen nor did he fail to score, in passing, those princes who careless of the public good sought only their own pleasure. The book attained a European circulation ; indeed, Erasmus recalls Petrarch by the dicta- torial position he occupied in the republic of letters. In 1516 appeared his revision of the Greek text of the New Testament a monument of critical scholarship. A like reformatory movement was in progress in France inspired by a like enthusiasm for Biblical studies. Lefevre d' Staples, of the University of Paris, commented upon the New Testament in the original, dwelling especially upon the epistles of St. Paul, applied himself to amending the text of the Vulgate and even ventured to translate the Gospels and Pauline epistles into the vernacular. Conservative Spain too felt the stir of the new Biblical scholarship : at the University of Alcala, lately founded by the austere Cardinal Ximenez, and under his patronage, the learned Lebrija got out a famous polyglot edition of the Scriptures. If Colet commanded the respect, more, the veneration of rasmus, More drew forth his admiring affection and surely is one of the most lovable characters in history. The subtle blend of seriousness and humor that made him so winning comes out in the "Utopia," in which deep thoughts far in advance of the age are mingled with many a playful fancy. The beings of that Platonic dream held that reasonable pleasure is accordant with the will of God ; they therefore condemned the ascetic life as cruel to one's self and thankless to the Creator, as though one would not be indebted to him and so refused all his gracious gifts. In Utopia was no persecution for conscience' sake, for they held that a man cannot force his religious beliefs and that various forms of worship might OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 223 proceed from the same God, who might inspire different men different ways and be pleased with that variety. A novel liberality ! It is a pity that More did not entrust the work to his native language for it would then have enjoyed a wider and longer circulation. His " History of Richard III " shows how well he could write in English, though its style doubtless because it was a first essay at historical composition is still too much in bondage to Latin syntax. It is bright and interest- ing reading and is set off with speeches in character, in the manner of Thucydides, the argument of the queen-mother in sanctuary at Westminster is acute and spirited. At the end of the description of Jane Shore occurs the author's mournful comment : " Men use, if they have an evil turn, to write it in marble ; and whoso doth us a good turn we write it in dust." In Germany the first tide of reformation was at flood in the year 1520, when Luther, his thought having been clarified by controversy, began to realize his spiritual kinship to Huss and was forced, however reluctantly, to the conclusion that even an ecumenical council might err. In his address to the Ger- man nobility he assailed the papal supremacy and speedily followed this by a thorough-going criticism of the . sacramental system of the mediaeval church, to which he attributed her various maladies and upon which the papal supremacy seemed plainly to be based. He rejected all but three of the seven sacraments and repudiated the dogma of transubstantiation. The German knights put forth their last strength in behalf of Luther's reform, and the union was symbolized by the literary labors, the satires and ardent appeals of Ulrich von Hutten, one of their noblest representatives. But upon the threshold of the third decade of the century a marked reac- tionary sentiment manifested itself and at the Diet of Worms the ban of the empire was pronounced against Luther and his adherents, his writings were burnt and all future dissemination of his teaching was forbidden. Had the decree been enforced 224 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY it would have gone very hard with him and the cause but the fall of Belgrade into the power of the Turks that same year created a timely diversion. In France the reaction attained sufficient strength to drive d'fitaples from the kingdom and to wring a retractation from his pupil and protector, the bishop Bric.onnet. In England it was signalized by the entry of the king into the lists of theological controversy ; by a " Defence of the Seven Sacraments against Luther " he won from the grateful Leo the title, " Defender of the Faith." In his book Henry assumed perforce the position of bishop Pecock when attacking the Lollards, namely, that much is lawful which is not expressed in Scripture ; and in the judgment of the reac- tionary party he achieved success. Whatever the effect of the work may have been upon the continent, for England it was of real moment, for in it Henry put himself on record as a devoted Catholic and from that position he never receded. Having once assumed it all his pride, all his obstinacy of will, not to speak of his convictions, held him to it, and through life he remained a consistent mediaeval Catholic in all that concerned doctrine, a determined upholder of the dogma of transubstan- tiation. So ow for several years reform languished ; Colet was dead, and the only apparent use that Wolsey made of his legatine commission was the suppression of a few monasteries. Henry's book and Luther's reply in which he handled his royal opponent pretty roughly had this important conse- quence, that a decisive breach was thereby effected between the great reformer and Erasmus. The latter cordially assented to Henry's thesis ; their relations were otherwise of the friend- liest; and Erasmus, scandalized by Luther's incivility, now came out as a representative of the reaction. He examined the reformer's writings, found the weak spot he sought in his doctrine of predestination and published a severe animadver- sion upon it. A truculent German monk named Murner rushed into the fray in the king's behalf with a book bearing OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 225 the sensational title, "Is the King of England a Liar or is Luther?" and his singular defence must have been gratify- ing to Henry, for he invited him to visit England. Murner was a universal satirist, sparing no class, no dignity, equally bitter against the hierarchy of the old church, the monks and friars, and the reformers. Such general discontent is indicative of some deep-seated malady in the social frame. A like raucous note was raised in England by John^ kelton T who grew more abusive as he grew older and the times worse. In the short, rattling lines of his "Colin Clout," running through odd lists of rhymes, he rails at bishops, priests, friars, schoolmen, Lollards and Lutherans ! His ire was especially excited by the unprecedented grandeur of Cardinal Wolsey, to whose adminis- tration he ascribed all the misfortunes of the reign. " Why come ye not to Court ? " is a ferocious attack upon " linsey Wolsey, who rules all the roost with bragging and boast, with pomp and pride ; who nods and becks in the Star Chamber and regards lords no more than potsherds, all the barons fear the butcher's dog." This coarse personal satire so roused the cardinal that its author had to flee from his vengeance to Westminster sanctuary. Skelton composed the best moral-play of the period designed without doubt as a salutary warning to King Henry VIII. It shows how Magnificence, seduced from Moderation by Self-Will and Craft, loses both Liberty and Felicity and becomes a prey to Adversity, Poverty and Despair; he is saved by Hope, Redress, Circumspection and Perseverance, who instruct him in genuine mediaeval fashion as to the mutability of things. In "The Manner of the World nowadays" Skelton probed many a social sore spot of the age. (He always had a curious taste for mortality, the grotesque, and the loathsome.) " So many good sermons and so few devotions saw I never; so well apparelled wives and so ill of their lives widows so soon wed 226 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY after their husbands are dead, so proud and so gay, so rich in array and so scant of money, saw I never; so many places untilled, so many beggars, such increase of thieves, all England decays." This pessimistic outcry in which we catch clear echoes of Piers Plowman of old had only too much reason in the existing frame of things. The kingdom was in a deplorable economic condition. The mediaeval system of cultivation by which a farm was divided into three fields, one growing wheat, another beans or peas, while the third lay fallow was fast wearing out. Food was dear ; the prices of wheat, pork and poultry doubled during the middle of the reign. As the profit on English wool was high the passion for sheep-farming continued and was shared by both spiritual and temporal lords ; lands were enclosed, small farms were blotted out and holdings grew ever more extensive. The evicted tenants flocked to the towns where they helped to swell the pauper and criminal classes. As villages were deserted their churches fell into disrepair and were used as folds for the sheep that pastured in the burial grounds. The whole Isle of Wight was turned into a vast sheep run. In the cities poverty and suffering were great and general ; the streets were filthy, the houses unventilated and noisome ; the old-time guilds that controlled labor and its materials were rapidly declining, manu- factures decayed, and there were constant complaints of trickeries practised in trade of light weights, small measures and adulterations. The divorce of ethics and economics was as marked as that of ethics and politics, or religion. And when the hard struggle for subsistence was made harder by heavy taxation and a forced loan to build the king's ships and carry on his wars the popular discontent came near exploding in an armed insurrection. War had been declared with France for the political and military corollary of the religious reaction was a drawing away from the French toward a Spanish alliance. Of this war there OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 227 remains a literary memorial of worth, for the king, wishing to kindle the enthusiasm of his subjects by reviving the recollec- tion of the great deeds of their forefathers in the glorious wars of old, gave Lord Berners as a task the translation into English of Froissart's Chronicle a task which he accomplished with much graphic power. The emperor attached Wolsey to his cause by holding out to him a golden lure the popedom, in the attainment of which summit of his ambition he promised to use all his influence over the college of cardinals. Charles and Henry now entered into a nefarious confederacy to parti- tion France ; Henry was to revive his obsolete claims to the crown of that country and in the division was to have its western half. But the emperor never intended to lend his power to the aggrandizement of his ally's, and after the terrible defeat of the French at Pavia and the capture of their king, Charles made his own terms with him in utter disregard of Henry and let him go. He had just shown how lightly he regarded his compact with Wolsey by permitting a scion of the Medici family to be raised to the papal chair as Clement VII. If Wolsey in his resentment now put it into the king's head (as Catherine always supposed) to offer a mortal insult to the emperor by repudiating his queen, Charles's aunt, he bitterly atoned for it later, for that troublous divorce was the rock on which all his hopes were wrecked. Catherine was several years older than the king; all their children had died in infancy save Mary, now a sickly child of some ten summers ; and Henry interpreted their loss as a divine judgment upon him for having married his brother's widow. His longing was for a male heir ; it was impossible for men to see clearly then how far removed England was from any danger of a return to the distressful condition of the Wars of the Roses ; Henry really dreaded another succession war and thought it essential to his dynasty and the welfare of the kingdom that he should have a son, and Wolsey was commissioned to negotiate a divorce, which 228 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY implied a revocation of the papal dispensation for the marriage. The matter first bruited in the year 1526 was a conse- quence of the breach with the emperor already determined on. Copies of William Tyndale's version of the New Testament, just printed at Cologne, were burnt in London that year and it was forbidden to bring others into the kingdom. In Scotland a distinguished martyr to the reformed opinions was found in the young Patrick Hamilton but his death at the stake marked the culmination of the reaction : its force was now spent and combinations favorable to renewed progress were forming. In Germany the Lutheran princes leagued together and at the Diet of Speyer secured the right of administering religious affairs in their respective dominions. This result was achieved through the emperor's alarm at a fresh irruption of the Turks; by their terrible victory at Mohacz the ancient Catholic kingdom of Hungary was annihilated : the king and his principal lords fell on the field of battle and a famous mediaeval state, which had been a bulwark of civilization against the Turks for more than a hundred years, came to an end, losing its independence. The following year, 1527, the reformation was carried out in Sweden by Gustavus Vasa, who met the churchmen in diet at Westerns and bade them choose between him and the pope. Henry and Francis, scandalized at the sack of Rome by the imperial forces, consummated a treaty that paved the way for an onward march of reform in their dominions. It was of no avail to Wolsey that he obtained a bull from Clement VII authorizing the suppression of some more monasteries : that trifling measure could not avert the great catastrophe: he could not arrange the divorce and he felt that he was doomed. As a prince of the church his lot was cast with Rome ; the question lay between a text in Leviticus and a papal dispensation which he could not but believe to be valid; he did his best to please the king, failed, and was banished from the court Henry seized his OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 229 palace of York-place (Wolsey had before presented him with his other palace of Hampton Court) and ordered him to retire to his archbishopric. But his enemies were not satisfied with his fall from power ; they wanted his life ; and in the autumn of 1530 they prevailed upon the king to summon him to London on a charge of high treason. The old cardinal, broken down, that is, in body and spirit, though not old in years, started to obey the king's command but was prostrated upon the journey; at an abbey by the road he took to the bed from which he never rose again, and with him mediaeval ecclesi- asticism expired in England. A new set of characters appeared upon the stage : Thomas Cromwell, formerly one of Wolsey's servants, destined to be for the next ten years the minister of the most absolute mon- archy that England had ever known ; Thomas Cranmer, who had suggested an appeal to the universities of Europe concern- ing the divorce case and who was shortly to be made arch- bishop upon the death of Warham ; and Anne Boleyji, who had some time since supplanted her mistress, Queen Catherine, in the king's affections and was soon to replace her upon the throne. Interest led her to ally herself with the reformers. In 1531 came the humiliation of the clergy, who were forced to pay an enormous sum to obtain Henry's pardon for having submitted to that legatine authority of Wolsey which he himself had procured. Convocation, overawed, passed a resolution that the king was supreme head of the church of England. In 1533 he was married to Anne Boleyn, and Cranmer, now arch- bishop of Canterbury, adjudged the marriage with Catherine to have been invalid. It was a triumph of the Protestant prin- ciple of appeal to Scripture as against the authority of a pope. The new queen was now crowned with sumptuous ceremony and in September gave birth to a daughter who was named Elizabeth. In 1534 the obsequious parliament, echoing the definition of the terrified convocation, declared the king su- 230 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY preme head on earth of the church of England. This royal supremacy was precisely analogous to the principle lately established at Speyer. While these events were transpiring in England the pros- pects of Protestantism were brightening upon the continent as well. The Augsburg Confession was followed by the League of Schmalcald, by which the Lutheran princes opposed a firm front to the emperor, and in 1532 Suleiman and his Turks appeared before the walls of Vienna. Charles was compelled to reconcile himself to the Protestant princes and signed with them the religious peace of Nuremberg by which he granted them free exercise of their religion within their own territories. A prosperous period ensued : state after state joined the Protestant cause, Wiirtemberg in 1534, Brandenburg and Saxony in 1539 : by the latter year Bavaria was the solitary principality in Germany that remained solidly Catholic. In France the reformers enjoyed the sympathy of the king's sister, Margaret, queen of Navarre. Francis too favored them at first, willing to use them as instruments against his rival the emperor, but by the year 1535 he began to feel anxious at the progress that reformed ideas were making in his kingdom; some of their representatives moreover were either fanatical or were falsely accused of having posted some daring placards that appeared upon the walls of Paris, even upon the king's palace doors; several persons were arrested therefore and burnt at the stake. And yet Francis concluded that year an alliance with the Turkish sultan, subordinating religion to policy. At the same time that he was allied with the infidel he was burning reformers in Paris and encouraging them in Germany. News of these martyrdoms came to John Calvin in his retreat at Basel and he began forthwith his master-work, the " Chris- tian Institution," in which he regarded the whole circle of Christian doctrine from the point of view of justification by OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 231 faith: the result was a clear, logical, severely systematic treatise. He composed it in Latin and soon translated it into French for the benefit of a larger public. Luther had recently completed his translation of the Bible into German and an Italian version had appeared at Venice, the work of Brucioli, a capable Greek and Hebrew scholar. Cultivation of the popu- lar speech was everywhere a feature of the Reformation. The most eminent Hebraist in England was Robert Wake- field, for whom a lectureship in Hebrew was founded at Oxford. In 1535 the king commanded that Greek should be taught in all the colleges there, and this definitive triumph of the new learning was celebrated by the students by a general immola- tion of the works of the schoolmen. But Henry did to death that year the new learning's fairest representative, Sir Thomas More. He fell a sacrifice to the royal supremacy in religious matters, and the following year the king got Tyndale burnt at Antwerp as a sacrifice to the mass. Such was the policy, as tortuous as that of Francis I, by which Henry daunted his subjects. The monasteries represented the ancient polity in an especial manner and consequently the tide of reform as it rose was bound to break about those old institutions ; with the collapse of papal authority they too were doomed. In 1536 Henry caused his submissive parliament to institute a commission of inquiry into the state of the monasteries and in consequence of their report nearly four hundred were suppressed. In 1537, to make relic-worship more ridiculous, the frauds perpetrated at various shrines were exposed ; Becket was declared a traitor, his ashes were cast out, his shrine was demolished and two great chests full of jewels from it escheated to the Ipng. In 1538 it was ordered that throughout England every statue that had been worshipped should be pulled down. And now the turn of the remaining and greater monasteries came and the pope, out of all patience, published the bull of excommunication 232 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY that he had ready some years before but had delayed at the entreaty of Henry's ally, the king of France. One who looks into the literature of those ten years must be amazed to note the awe approaching adoration in which the English held their king. He made, interpreted and executed laws to suit himself ; parliament and bench were as putty be- tween his fingers; although for form's sake he made use of his subservient parliament it came at last to this, that his procla- mations had the force of law. He was invested with the attri- butes of the highest secular and ecclesiastical authority and to the majority of his subjects he appeared as a kind of earthly divinity. Never has the doctrine of regal irresponsibility been more boldly expressed than by William Tyndale, the spokesman of that iconoclastic decade : " The king is in this world without law and may at his lust do right or wrong and shall give ac- count but to God only." This apotheosis of earthly sovereignty sprang from the thought of the divine, upon which it was grounded, of which it was the visible analogue. Tyndale clear- ly reveals the connection : God is absolute, inscrutable : we may not ask why he saves one and not another ; " God hath power over all his creatures of right, to do with them what he list; he will be feared and not have his secret judgments known." And God rules the world through kings : " he that resisteth the king resisteth God " ; even an evil king is a bene- fit of God, for " it is better to suffer one tyrant than many." Such is the passive " Obedience of a Christian Man " incul- cated by this Protestant Macchiavelli, and his defence is that only so could the yoke of Rome be broken. In Tyndale the English Protestant appears in plain colors. He was a disciple of Colet but his radicalism registers the rise of the tide of reform far above the limits his master would have assigned. He disparaged sacraments, ceremonies, consecrated buildings ; of the first he rejected all but two, baptism and the Lord's supper and the latter he defined as a memorial of OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 233 Christ's everlasting sacrifice but not itself a sacrifice. Confir- mation he declared to be "a dumb ceremony " reserved by bishops to increase their power but "the wagging of a bishop's hand is not blessing." In like manner he ridiculed auricular confession, pilgrimage, saint-worship and priestly celibacy. The spirit that razed Gothic shrines and shattered statues comes to light in his dictum, God is in all places alike : what careth he for the temple ? " The temple wherein God will be worshipped is the heart of man " and no place is holier than any other. God's absoluteness, man's nothingness were the poles of his thought. Original sin he defined as birth poison remaining in all men in this life ; the freedom of the will and the gospel of works seemed to him the most odious heresy. "That faith only before all works and without all merits but Christ's only justifieth, is proved by Paul"; that the outward deed justifies and makes holy is the error of "the pope's sect." He vindicated his translation of the Bible ; the papists, to quench the light, call it impossible, unlawful, hereti- cal to translate the scriptures but "will ye resist God? Hath he not made the English tongue ? Why forbid ye him to speak in the English tongue then as well as in the Latin ? " He charged his opponents with wresting Holy Scripture from its plain meaning by their doctrine of multiple senses and alle- gorical interpretation, whereas " it hath but one simple, literal sense," and brushed aside the old and common argument about its difficulty: "a man without the spirit of Aristotle may by the Spirit of God understand Scripture." His fling at the light literature of the day is characteristic, Puritanic: "the priests permit the reading of Robin Hood, Bevis of Hampton, Hercules, Hector and Troilus, with a thousand histories and fables of love and wantonness and of ribaldry as filthy as heart can think, to corrupt the minds of youth withal, clean contrary to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles." He magnified preach- ing as the great duty of churchmen and defended it from the 234 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY charge that it was accountable for grave public disorders : not preaching the gospel but the evil life of ecclesiastics causes dis- obedience and insurrection. Wyclif is justified : " he preached repentance unto our fathers not long since, and they repented not. What followed ? the French and civil wars that made the land a wilderness." Such was his prophetic philosophy of history. His practical teaching is of interest. He sought to recall the daily and economic life of man to its moral and religious basis : " Let every man of whatsoever craft, whether brewer, baker, tailor, victualler, merchant or husbandman serve his brethren as he would do Christ himself, and so his occupa- tion pleaseth God." All occupations, either washing of dishes or preaching the word, are alike if done with the spirit of God. His teaching concerning the family is marked by a curious contradiction : all generation, all life is of God, he says, and in the next breath bids children remember that they are their parents' good and possession (a piece of bad logic from which has ever sprung most of the misery of the world). A child should dread its parents for "when they are angry with thee God is angry with thee and his vengeance will not depart from the disobedient till they be murdered, drowned or hanged. The marriage of children pertaineth unto their elders " by the fifth commandment a truism then, yet one to which all romance gives the lie. "The husband is to the wife in God's stead" and the master to the servant: "his command- ments are God's." All heads up therefore in marital and paternal absolutism the analogue in the family to the regal in the state and the divine in heaven. By a contradiction similar to the above Tyndale bids his autocratic king remember that the people are God's and not his. Thomas Starkey, sometime Henry's chaplain and intermedi- ary between him and his relative, Reginald Pole, reflects the king-worship of the hour. He wrote an apology for the royal supremacy and the king's second marriage for in OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 235 saying " My kingdom is not of this world " Christ designed to leave all such things to the governance of man and worldly policy ! This exegesis did not convince Pole ; he sent his kinsman an insulting book upon the points in dispute, identi- fied his interest with that of the papacy, visited Rome and was raised to the cardinalate. It was a terrible blow to his agent Starkey, to whom it was "great grief if the king should not be good lord to him and gracious." His disgrace begot in him a "contempt for this life and its vain pleasures." To recover favor he wrote and dedicated to Henry an imaginary but instructive " Dialogue " between Pole and a royalist named Thomas Lupset, one of Colet's pupils. It treats in an interest- ing manner of the origin of civil life and of existing economic evils. Pole, it would appear, was a determinist in his psychol- ogy : " the mind of man first of itself is as a clean and pure table " and will is as opinion is. He advances the anarchic postulate that for years men lived without a prince or a common council and that life was then more virtuous, more accordant with the dignity of human nature than it is under the existing social order. He prefers a country to a city life "I had rather live in the wild forest." Lupset replies that civil life is grounded in man's better nature and is therefore truly natural ; that cities are " stars upon earth " and that instead of abandon- ing them and returning to barbarism one should study how to remove their imperfections. Pole declares for elective mon- archy : Lupset regards hereditary succession as a safeguard against civil war. The prince is the heart of the social order ; from the heart all life and wisdom spring ; and now is the time to labor for the state while we have " so noble a prince ; never prince had more fervent love to the wealth of his subjects than hath he." True, in a sense not intended ! Starkey had a relish for proverbial philosophy : " Matters be ended as they be friended ; many eyes see better than one ; it is easier to spy two faults than amend one ; he was never 236 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY good master that never was scholar, nor never good captain that never was soldier," are some of the sayings embodied in the dialogue. With so excellent a prince it is a marvel that the condition of society continued as bad as ever ! Both disputants agree that England is in a bad way ; castles and towns are dilapi- dated, lands lie waste, poverty is increasing and population declines while beggars grow more numerous. This gloomy picture is corroborated by Elyot : " What an infinite number of English men and women at this present time wander in all places throughout this realm as beasts brute and savage abandoning all occupation, service and honesty ! " Starkey complains of the oppressive number of priests, canons, monks and friars ; lawyers, those ' cormorants,' are out of all propor- tion to the number of artisans and farmers ; bishops care only for the wool of their flock and ape the secular lords ; common- ers too seek to imitate lords in their expense and show. The conclusion arrived at is that a remedy for these ills is to be sought in encouraging marriage : priests should be allowed to marry, bachelors should be well taxed and poor men with five children exempted from taxation. For the due repair of decay- ing towns and the health of the citizens the old office of edile should be revived. The general idleness might be corrected by instruction in manual arts and more and better schools should be established. The earnest mind of Sir-Thoirias_Elyot was equally exercised over the political situation and he preceded Starkey in sug- gesting a better method of education as a specific. He was one of the most learned men of the reign, an ardent friend and admirer of More's and a servant of the king on diplomatic embassies. In 1531 appeared his " Governor " an ideal of culture for an English youth destined to public office. From the unity of the supreme ruler Elyot, like Tyndale, derives his correspondent earthly monarchy : aristocracy and democracy, OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 237 he avers, are ever subject to division and discord : by examples drawn from Scripture and the experience of Greece, Rome and several Italian states he unfolds his philosophy of history. In a single sentence he couches the apology of that revolu- tionary decade : " From God only proceedeth all honor and neither noble progeny, succession nor election be of such force that by them any estate or dignity may be so established that God being stirred to vengeance shall not shortly resume it and perchance translate it where it shall like him." The " education of a gentleman " who is to serve his king as a lesser " governor " or magistrate should begin in infancy. He should hear no coarse word but only pure English and Latin, which may be made familiar to him from his earliest years. The refining influence of music is not to be forgotten ; it is a solace and a pleasant science and was so regarded by the ancients. If the child is inclined to paint or form images in stone or "tree," he should be encouraged contempt of art and artists suppresses genius and so we have to apply to strangers when we would have anything painted or carved. The boy's tutor should be selected with care, for an ignorant and cruel master dulls wits as daily experience shows. (Children suffered untold misery at their teachers' hands in those days.) While learning Greek the little student is to con- verse in Latin, and he should begin to read authors before he gets wearied of the grammar, which should serve simply as an introduction to literature. It is good to commit to memory and to practise verse-composition. At fourteen years the lad should have read Homer and Virgil, Ovid, Horace, Lucan, Hesiod and selections from other classics ; he may then take up logic and rhetoric, and geography as a preparation for history which, with poetry, stimulates courage. Elyot defends poetry ; much may be learned, he says, even from comedies. At seventeen years the youth should learn to restrain his ardor by reason and philosophy especially that branch called 238 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY moral: now he may study Aristotle, Cicero and above all Plato. To make the physical frame strong and supple, wrest- ling and running are recommended by the example of the ancients ; swimming is good though it be not of much repute now ; sword-play and battle-axe afford good exercise, hunting and hawking give one an appetite for supper. "All dancing is not repugnant unto virtue "; it may be a noble and virtuous pastime and should be turned to account in gentle education. The mixed dance signifies matrimony and that is a sacra- ment. Among other amusements and exercises Elyot dissuades from dice as an invention of the devil ; cards are not so bad but chess is best of all. " Shooting with the bow " is highly commended, but ten-pins, quoit-throwing and foot-ball are proscribed the last because of the "beastly fury and vio- lence " it excites and the danger of strain incurred. So far the training of the youth ; the second part of the work treats of the virtues which one in authority should prac- tise, of his apparel and his dwelling. He should be affable, benevolent, liberal. A forcible sentence dissuades from anger that hideous passion : " who, beholding a man by fury changed into an horrible figure, his face infarced [swollen] with rancor, his mouth foul and imbossed [frothy], his eyne wide staring, not speaking, but as a wild bull roaring and braying out words despiteful and venomous, forgetting his estate or condition, forgetting learning, yea, forgetting all reason, will not have such a passion in extreme detestation ? " (Such a spectacle, one might suppose, should cure the beholder and the shame consequent on the exhibition the offender of any disposition to fly into a like rage or commit a repetition of such a scene.) A magistrate's house should have its walls adorned with arras, painted panels and figures representing famous deeds and persons, and the board should be set out with plate and vessels engraved with histories or wise sentences. The duty OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 239 of decorating churches inspired what is perhaps the most glow- ing sentence in the work ; " These material churches where- unto repaireth the congregation of Christian people, in the which is the corporal presence of the Son of God and very God, ought to be pure, clean and well adorned, as the heaven visible is most pleasantly garnished with planets and stars resplen- dishing in the most pure firmament of azure color." Eljot was the type of a cultivated, Catholic humanist of the latter half of the reign of Henry VIII. He was overpowered by the wealth and authority of classic literature ; among his numberless examples drawn therefrom, his constant reference to ancient authors, we long for more nervous, original thought. He remains nevertheless (perhaps we ought to say therefore) a typical Englishman of the Renascence. At the court John Heywood made merriment by his witty talk and song, epigrams and light dramatic pieces. He had been recommended by Sir Thomas More to the young princess Mary. In his dialogue of "The Pardoner and the Friar" written before the breach with Rome we are transported even to Chaucer's day ; the atmosphere is still mediaeval. The two sinners strive to outdo each other in popular favor ; the pardoner vaunts his power to absolve from every sin and the miraculous efficacy of his relics, while the friar celebrates the good deeds of his order ; they preach at each other in alternate lines, work themselves into a passion and finally come to blows. In " John the Husband, Tyb the Wife, and Sir John the Priest " the woes of a henpecked husband are set forth, the ill usage he sustains at the hands of a faithless wife and a profligate priest, but the brightest of Heywood's pieces is " The Four P's." A palmer, a pardoner, a 'pothecary and a pedlar rival each other in telling monstrous stories : at the last the palmer avers that he never saw a woman out of patience in his life : the others, agape, profess that he has won, for that is the greatest lie of all. 240 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY John Bale, a zealous partisan of the Reformation, composed mysteries and interludes, but for the best dramatic relic of the day the best morality, perhaps, ever written in Britain we have to cross once more the Scottish border. Owing to the treaty with France there was relative peace between England and Scotland, and at the court of the young king, James V, we discern a transient blush of letters and arts, a touch of renascent scholarship, a freedom of thought and speech, a moment of gayety that recall the palmier time before Flodden. Among the scholars at the court was John Bellenden, whose version of Boece's Latin history of Scotland so pleased the king that he commissioned him to turn the work of Livy into the popular dialect. In 1537 James concluded a romantic courtship by bringing home from France the delicate young princess Madeleine as his bride and in her train there came a page named Pierre Ronsard. The poor girl lived only a few weeks after her arrival in the north, dying before she could be crowned and Sir David Lindsay gave expression to the general sorrow in a poetical lament. He had been the king's preceptor and it was he who wrote the moral-play mentioned above. It is entitled "A pleasant Satire of the Three Estates" the spiritual and temporal lords, that is, and the burgesses but the first of these had to bear the brunt of the satire which can hardly have been " pleasant " to them : and the first part of the play was designed as a lesson for the king a warning and rebuke of his sensual propensities. King Humanity desires to rule his realm well but is tempted by Wantonness to yield to Sensuality ; good Counsel comes to recover him, to the alarm of Flattery and Falsehood, who disguise themselves as friars, change their names to Devotion and Wisdom, beguile the king and drive Counsel away. Now Truth appears and is accused to the bishops of having an English Testament in her hand: an abbot advises a charge of heresy and summary ban- ishment, but for the present she is put in the stocks. Chastity OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 241 next seeks to save the king but Sensuality bids him choose between them and he banishes Chastity on pain of death. But now Correction who has been reforming the rest of Christen- dom arrives in Scotland: Flattery robs the king and runs away: Correction looses and recalls Counsel, Truth and Chastity and drives away Sensuality who takes refuge with the bishops and abbots. The play was enacted before the court at Linlithgow palace in the year 1540. Lindsay used a plainness of speech that is an extraordinary revelation of the manners of the day. It speaks well for the king that he took his old tutor's remon- strances in good part: and without his protection Lindsay could hardly have ventured upon such bold criticism of the higher clergy. He illumines for us the ghastly abyss of corrup- tion the surface of which the common histories skim with euphemistic, deceptive propriety. The gross sensuality of the decaying church is his dominant theme : " the Roman church is the lamp of lechery : the cardinals and bishops have banished chastity from Rome. Most of the prelates of this nation have concubines some have three. The marriage of the clergy is criminal, is irksome, but a change of concubines innocent and pleasant." And the biting satire was irrefutable, so extreme was the moral dissolution finally induced by monastic restraint upon natural instinct and a canonical impediment to a lawful connection. And his clerical associates, counsellors and con- science-keepers connived at if they did not actually encourage the young king in his loose way of life. Such were the morals of the parties that combined to suppress the reformation in Scotland and the corruption and tyranny of the Scottish episcopate is the sufficient explanation of the force that presby- terianism there acquired. In the latter part of the satire which recounts the oppres- sion of John Commonweal whose money is drained Romeward occur some quaint touches: a pardoner just from Rome finds 242 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY his traffic diminishing and curses the New Testament, Luther and St. Paul as the cause ; and the spiritual lords agree that "it had been good that Paul had ne'er been born! " Among Lindsay's shorter poems is a remorseless exposure of the immoral suggestions of the confessional and the frivolous and mercenary nature of the penances prescribed. In his " Answer to the King's Flyting " he scores his royal pupil's profligacy in downright terms. In other coarse but clever verses he ridicules a passing fashion in ladies' dress and his " Justing between Watson and Barbour " is a satire with a double edge ; it is a lampoon upon the professors of medicine and a Rabelaisian caricature of the courtly entertainment of the tournament and when a once honored institution becomes a subject for jest and burlesque its end is near. The best known by far, the most read and loved to-day of all the writers of the reign of Henry VIII are the poet friends Wyatt and Surrey ; to them belongs the credit of having intro- duced the sonnet and blank verse into English literature. Wyatt was of the more masculine genius. Of his sonnets the octave is correct, Petrarchian ; the sestet is composed of an ordinary or inverted quatrain and a couplet. In one experj- ment there are only three rhymes, two running alternately through twelve lines, the third forming the terminal couplet. He also composed rondeaux, songs, epigrams etc. in a single Chaucerian stanza or Boccaccian octave, and satires in the rhyming system of Dante's Divine Comedy. So deeply was his genius swayed by Italian influence, though French too was not wanting. His verse is analytical, reflective, its subject is the passion of love. One pretty sonnet the crystalline form is singularly adapted to contain distilled emotion tells of the signs of love ; another, of a dream that he had his love in possession ; another describes the lover's woful state, now freezing, now burning his life is compared to a ship tossed at sea and again to the Alps. There is scant observation of OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 243 external nature in these poems: love is compared to a tiger, a stream, fire, wind, the sea, but there is no landscape, no picture; external objects are introduced in a frigid, merely decorative way. He complains of his mistress' cruelty and his own lack of liberty ; yet again though beloved by her he loves he suffers still and makes the discovery that there is pain even in love's fruition. He continues to analyze his feelings, his doubts: "by love hell may be felt ere death assail." (Perhaps it was in this mood that he took to trans- lating the seven penitential psalms !) At last by an effort of will he breaks his bonds and adopts a manlier strain, rejoicing that he has regained his freedom, having broken the snares of love like a bird. His satires are in similar vein : he exults that he has escaped from the court where speech is not free, where one must speak fair to wealth and rank, where life is no life but flattery and slavery: now he is free "in Kent and Christendom," and there he invites a friend to join him. He sums up his experience of life for his young reader's : " If thou wilt mighty be flee from the rage Of cruel will and see thou keep thee free From the foul yoke of sensual bondage . . . For He that hath each star in heaven fixed . . . Alike hath made thee noble in his working, So that wretched no way may thou be Except foul lust and vice do conquer thee." Stars and the moral law ! They are a young man's poems, self-conscious, introspective, aspiring ; in them we perceive the soul turning in upon itself, studying its own workings ; here is the personal element, self-analysis, contrast of outer and inner, the note is distinctly modern, the age is growing meta- physical, psychological, ethical. Nature enters largely into Surrey's sonnets ; one of them is a pretty description of spring and in truth his was the spring- 244 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY time of modern poetry. " The sun, when he hath spread his rays " reveals a wide landscape : " The mountains high and how they stand, The valleys and the great mainland, The trees, the herbs, the towers strong, The castles and the rivers long." Roaming about the streets of London one night with frolic- some companions, Surrey broke the big glass windows of some of the staid citizens and was speedily lodged in the Fleet prison ; but there, instead of using the time for repentance, he penned a satire upon the city, the modern Babylon, and the vices of its inhabitants, whose windows he broke to mind them of God's judgment ! He wrote many quatrains, versified several chapters of the book Ecclesiastes and several psalms but his chief contri- bution to his country's literature was a translation of the second and fourth books of the ^Eneid in blank verse. We note that his caesura usually falls after the fourth syllable the second foot, rarely after the fifth ; on an average one line in seven begins with an accented syllable ; an alexandrine sometimes intrudes itself ; and the lines, of which only one in six runs on into the following, never end with a redundant syllable. So formal and mechanical at its introduction was that most plastic and ductile form of verse. It is interesting to learn that at this very epoch the sonnet was introduced into French literature by Mellin de Saint Gelais. The fashion of psalm-translating was exemplified with eminent success by Clement Marot a prote'ge of the queen of Na- varre. He was an expert beside of polished taste in all kinds of mediaeval measures. His version of the psalms was widely popular and for thus abetting the religious movement and for his liberal opinions he was forced to flee into Italy. Another of Margaret's protege's Bonaventure des PeViers was a satirist of all religions : he was no doubt a collaborator with - OF ENGLISH his royal patroness in her famous Heptameron or " tales of the seven days " with which a supposed party of fashionable visitors to the springs of Cauteretz beguiled an enforced delay on their return. Genuine mediaeval license marks many of their tales. The traits just slightly touched on are sufficient to indicate the fatal weakness in faith and morals by reason of which the French after many noble efforts surrendered themselves to the remodelled church of Rome. Deeply significant in this regard is the huge satire, the grotesque allegory, " Gargantua and Pantagruel " the chief literary landmark of that time, and a cloaca, as it would seem, for all the ordure of the Middle Ages. Rabelais has ever been a problematical character ; he was a monk, but a monk out of his cloister, a student of medi- cine and of the new learning ; he was sincere in his uncouth satire upon the monastic and scholastic systems and for the latter he propounded a natural and sensible substitute, yet he was not a Protestant, hardly a man of the Renascence ; his eye was fixed upon the animal part of our nature and though he had glimpses of higher things he contented himself with mockery. So it was with his countrymen : France laughed with Rabelais and abandoned the ideal. Sonnets had been written in Spanish, it will be remembered, long since, but the form was now fairly naturalized in Castilian literature by the poetic pair Juan Boscan and Garcilasso de la Vega, who afford a pleasing and forcible comparison with their English contemporaries Wyatt and Surrey. Their sonnets are tuned to the same pure and meditative strain and the young Garcilasso's are of even superior grace. They also experi- mented with blank verse, Boscan in a long tale, his friend in a poetic epistle. Boscan's best production is an allegory of love in Boccaccio's octave. A sample of Spanish prose and of the politico-didactic interest of the period is the " Dial of Princes " by Antonio de 246 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY Guevara, historiographer to the emperor Charles V. It was widely read and translated. And a class of writings character- istic of Spanish literature, thence imported and made popular in many languages, was headed by Diego de Mendoza with his comic history, written during his student days at Salamanca, of the clever rogue and lackey, " Lazarillo de Tormes." An interesting literary reaction against the late poetic move- ment under Italian tutelage was led by Christoval de Castillejo from about the year 1540. He advocated with all his might a return to old-time modes of verse. The date is memorable for it was signalized by a strenuous ecclesiastical reaction whose capital expression was the institu- tion of the Jesuit order. In 1541 the conciliatory conference at Regensburg in which a basis of agreement was sought for both Catholics and Protestants broke up in failure. In 1543 a Spanish Testament was suppressed and the Inquisition was introduced into Italy ; the following year a Spaniard was burnt for Lutheran heresy ; and in 1545 the great reactionary Coun- cil of Trent was convened. Its objects were a reformation of the church and suppression of heresy but the former point though pressed by the French bishops was by Spanish and Italian influence postponed to the latter, and the decrees on the Scriptures and justification were carefully worded so as to exclude the reformers' views. The Roman church had at last awakened to the necessity of repressive measures and disci- plinary reform if it would save itself from dissolution and that awakening connotes the close of mediaevalism proper in southern Europe and the collapse of Italian humanism. The sack of Rome had scattered the humanists thence, Medicean tyranny had exiled others from Florence and numbers of scholars and artists wandered into France to enjoy the pro- tection and patronage of its munificent king. Conspicuous among these and one of the first was the Florentine Luigi Alamanni, author of a didactic poem on agriculture patterned OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 247 after Virgil's Georgics, in blank verse. The sculptor Cellini, the painter Bordone, the novelist Bandello followed and the last was gratified by the gift of a bishopric. The Jesuit reaction was the finishing blow to declining humanism in Italy, and perhaps it came none too soon. It was merited ; for the indecencies of Pietro Aretino, the egotism, extravagance and license of Cellini, were indicative of the degeneration of genius and demanded a curb. In the tales of Matteo Bandello the Boccaccio of this later Renascence concupiscence moves the characters about like pawns on a chess board. They are not worthy of the name of characters : change of name and incident alone give variety the intrigue is ever the same. The conversion of the aged Bembo is symbolical of the change that came over the spirit of Italy: he was made a cardinal in 1539 and forthwith forswore the cultivation of classic literature as profane. In 1542 Andrea Palladio began his careful measurements of old Roman buildings, published erelong a set of plans and restored elevations and elaborated for the builders of the reac- tion a congenial architectural style, ornate, mechanical, new Roman : of round arches, round or gabled window-heads, superimposed tiers of pilasters of different orders, and balus- traded eaves. During those years Giorgio Vasari, Angelo's pupil, occupied himself in collecting, before it was too late, information con- cerning the artists of past time which he digested in his incomparable " Lives." It was a last effort of the mediaeval memory, summing up the results of a long day of creative activity. We remark finally a glowing Italian version by Bernardo Tasso of a romance long popular in the Spanish peninsula the Amadis of Gaul. In the realm of natural science the overthrow of outworn authority went on for of investigations in the sphere of 248 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY matter the powers that be are rarely apprehensive. Under and through the alchemy of the Middle Ages modern chemistry was working and protruding like the thumb of Ptah through his swathing-bands. In 1541 the troubled career of Paracelsus closed at Salzburg. He first made science stammer in the German tongue and though beset by teeming, mystical fan- cies struck into original and practicable paths of research. In token of his breach with past authority he gave the works of Galen to the flames. The supremacy of the great Roman anatomist was more cautiously and surely undermined by the Fleming, Vesalius, whose discoveries also superseded Mondini's; he was the father of modern anatomy. Shortly before his death in 1543 Nicholas Copernicus pub- lished his " Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies," relegating the Ptolemaic system to the past ; but strange to say that momentous work that wrought a revolution in astronomy only to be compared with Luther's in religion or with the discov- eries of Columbus and da Gama remained without effect until the ensuing century. The same year the first great botanic garden was laid out at Padua. And through the decade the young Swiss naturalist, Conrad Gesner, was travelling far and wide, studying plants, which he aimed to classify according to a natural system, gathering materials for his epoch-making work on animals. The reactionary spirit of the decade was not without its influence on the temper of Luther ; as he aged he grew harder, his opinions crystallized, he waxed ever more bitter against the Calvinists, more intolerant of all variations from his standard. Sebastian Franck's protest was especially irritating to him. Franck was a theologian of mystical tendency who made appeal from Luther's growing dogmatism to a higher spiritual court that of conscience and inward conviction of religious truth. He was the spokesman of much secret dis- OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 249 content among Germans with some of the results and princi- ples of the Lutheran reformation. The sympathetic attitude of Diirer and Cranach, however, reminds us that Luther never made the breach with art that Zwingli and Calvin made. Indeed, he composed a series of forcible sermons against iconoclasts that are beside good specimens of his German style. He had the wisdom to set his hymns to popular melodies and thus they enjoyed immense vogue. Popular literature too was ever his ally ; Hans Sachs, the rhyming shoemaker of Nuremberg, in countless songs and homely satires and narratives helped to advance his cause. In England the late spring-tide of reform began to ebb. Henry felt that the religious and intellectual movement had gone far enough and needed a check which he proceeded to apply through the notorious Six Articles that he caused his parliament to pass in the year 1539. Though it be hard to recollect these in detail it is easy to remember that their pivot was the mass. The first declared that the doctrine of tran- substantiation was that of the church of England ; this was followed by assertions of the sufficiency of communion in one kind and the efficacy of private masses ; confession to a priest was declared to be a pre-requisite to communion; and in remaining articles the condition of celebrants was touched on : sacerdotal celibacy was enforced and the binding nature of the second monastic vow was set forth. This last was a pecu- liarly arbitrary provision ; it was levelled at the hosts of monks that wandered up and down the land, many of whom after their ruthless ejection from their old homes were seeking to make new ones by entering the marriage relation ; by this article they were forbidden to become thus merged in general society. For an attempt he made to attach the king to the protestant interest in Germany Thomas Cromwell paid the forfeit with his head. After the death of Jane Seymour, his third queen 250 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY doubly endeared to him as the mother of his son Edward his minister pressed upon Henry an alliance with the princess Anne of Cleves. A portrait of her taken by Holbein to whom we are indebted for likenesses of many distinguished personages of the reign so attracted the king that the match was arranged but when Anne appeared his disappointment was grievous : the cunning painter had flattered her, and she could speak nothing but German, of which he understood not a word. He offered therefore to become her affectionate brother ; she was to receive a pension and take precedence next after his queen and daughter. Anne was complaisant, agreed to a divorce and assumed her singular position at the English court. But Cromwell went to the block on a charge of heresy, and the very day of his execution the king wedded a second Catherine, of the great Catholic house of Howard. The familiar political combinations of the past now repeated themselves as by an inner necessity ; Henry became estranged from his late ally of France, drew toward his imperial friend of former times and the partition agreement of twenty years before was reverted to. Francis thereupon renewed his alli- ance with Suleiman II and we behold again the familiar groups, the king of France, German Protestants, and Turks against emperor and king of England who has now also per- force a war with Scotland on his hands. From 1543 to 1545 the European war dragged on ; it was not pressed with energy by either party ; Europe was exhausted by the tremen- dous conflicts of the past half-century; and more than all Francis himself desired reconciliation with the church and the emperor, he too would become a prominent representative of the reaction. The three great sovereigns now grown old were ready and willing to sustain as best they could authority and the old order, so in 1545 peace was made between them, a peace that Francis made haste to solemnize by a ferocious massacre of the Vaudois the Protestants of the south of OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 251 France. Henry wielded over England his "whip with six strings," sending Protestants to the stake for infringing his articles while Catholics went to the block for denying his eccle- siastical jurisdiction ; the land was overawed by his capricious, inscrutable policy; his closing years were a true reign of terror. His minister now was Stephen Gardiner, bishop of Winchester a rigid sacramentarian, who made desperate efforts to bring Cranmer into discredit, instigating against him charges of heresy. Hugh Latimer, who had resigned his bishopric of Worcester upon the passage of the Six Articles, was sent to the tower. Yet ever and anon the reformers were heartened by some act like that which directed that copies of the Bible in English (Tyndale's version as revised by Coverdale and others) should be exhibited in parish churches, or that which provided for the publication of part of the service in the mother tongue. Henry's marriage to his last queen, Catherine Parr, was regarded as auspicious to their cause toward which she was well inclined, but in con- versations with the king on doctrinal subjects she gave too free expression to her views, was for an instant in grave peril and only extricated herself by a prudent submission. Among the victims offered up to the dogma of transub- stantiation none engaged deeper sympathy than the gentle, devoted and long-suffering Anne Askew, who was burnt at Smithfield in 1546. The height of the reaction headed in Scotland by the evil Cardinal Beaton was marked that year by the burning of George Wishart, a distinguished evangelical preacher. The domestic condition of England continued unprosperous. The king's necessities led him to commit one of the gravest injuries a government can inflict on its people ; he debased the coinage, and workers found their wages shrivel in their hands they understood not why. The discontent and suffering were grievous. In consequence partly of the industrial depres- 252 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY sion, partly of the suppression of the monasteries where relief has been dispensed of old, vagabondage and pauperism attained dimensions so alarming that the rudiment of a poor- law had to be devised : "sturdy vagabonds " voluntary pau- pers were to be repressed and the deserving poor to be relieved from funds dispensed by episcopal almoners. The defect of the measure was that public charity alone was relied on to supply the funds which were hence uncertain and in bad times quite inadequate. The literature of the end of the reign was scant and scarce worth mentioning ; indeed, none could flourish in that atmos- phere of fear and suspicion ; in his determination to suppress all opposition to his arbitrary will Henry would seem to have been animated by a desire to annihilate literature. One by one its foremost representatives were killed off. Tyndale and More had been extinguished ; upon the fall of Cromwell Wyatt was committed to the Tower, and having been commanded to join the king at Falmouth died on the journey of a fever contracted in his anxious haste ; and a crowning injustice was the execu- tion of Surrey because there coursed in his veins a strain of royal blood. The king even brought legislation to bear upon literature and the drama, his object being the suppression of all publications in English upon the subject of religion. By an act of the year 1542 he put a stop to the performance of the old mysteries and forbade all religious plays, ballads and songs (of which many satirical specimens were current) as " noisome to the peace of the church." Before his decease in 1546 Sir Thomas Elyot had the satis- faction of seeing his hints on archery expanded into an elaborate treatise, the " Toxophilus " or " School of Shooting," by his young friend Roger Ascham. It is in the form of a dialogue. Archery is pronounced a most honest pastime, indulged in by the ancients, wholesome for princes and students ; cards are OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 253 condemned as devoid of exercise and honesty ; and music of the new school " so nicely fingered, so sweetly tuned " is dis- countenanced as too nearly resembling the Lydian mode : beside, Galen has said that " much music marreth men's man- ners." An exception is made as to old-fashioned plain-song which is declining and should be encouraged. Here accord- ingly we have a quaint musical corollary to the doctrinal reaction ! By that time John Leland, who held the unique office of king's antiquary, had finished his great tour over England in the course of which he visited every city, manor-house, castle and monastery in the kingdom if we may believe his declara- tion, and saved as many manuscripts as he could from the wreck, distressing to his honest soul, of the monastic libraries. That archaeological survey at the moment when the Middle Ages were expiring was like memory, recapitulating at eventide the toils and triumphs of the day. It testified to the rise of national sentiment and an historic sense, uncritical though it might be : in Leland the Arthurian legends found a last defender : he published a Latin assertion of their genuineness. Now it was that written sermons began to supersede the old fashion of free and familiar delivery. Precision of statement and literary finish might thus be attained but it was at the expense of the energy, picturesqueness and directness of appeal of the extemporaneous style. Luther died in 1546, none too soon for him he just escaped witnessing a seeming obliteration of German Protestantism. The year 1547 was the low- water mark of the reaction; the protestant leaders were divided among themselves and para- lyzed by doubt and treachery ; their wholly inadequate force melted away before the emperor at Miihlberg and Germany was at his feet. But the same year Henry and Francis passed away leaving the stage clear for new characters Cardinal Beaton had paid for his tyranny with his life, and western 254 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY Europe breathed more freely. Slowly the tide began to turn and a fifth chapter in Reformation history opened a fresh and even more vigorous forward movement than the last. In the course of a few years Charles lost the magnificent position he had gained by his victory at Miihlberg ; the new king of France allied himself with the protestant princes to undo its results and received from them a bit of territory on the bank of the Rhine with the title " Protector of the Liberties of Ger- many"; in 1552 the Turks took Temesvar ; and the emperor was constrained to conclude with the Protestants what was to him the humiliating truce of Passau, granting them freedom of worship according to the terms of that early decree of Speyer. In 1555 this was made the basis of the general and lasting religious pacification of Augsburg ; the labor of his life seemed thrown away and the unhappy old emperor, bitterly repenting that he had let Luther escape him, conscious that his whole long career was a failure, abdicated and went into a monastery where he soon after died. Henry's attempt to graft a reformed, national polity upon the old system of faith and worship had proved impracticable and in his son's reign the latter went by the board. The boy-king Edward was a zealous little Protestant ; his maternal uncle and guardian, the duke of Somerset, was hand and glove with the reforming party ; Cranmer's star was in the ascendant, Latimer was released from the Tower where he had spent the years of reaction, and radical changes in the mode of worship were con- summated ; in fact the existing ecclesiastical system of England was then fully inaugurated. The Six Articles were rescinded ; with the doctrine of the corporal presence of Christ in the eucharist private masses ceased, both elements were adminis- tered to the laity, and the clergy were allowed to wed. The liturgy was done into English; in the year 1548 the Book of Common Prayer appeared the famous " First Book of King Edward VI." These sweeping changes seemed revolutionary OF ENGLISH LITER A TURE. 255 to Bishop Gardiner and his compeer Bonner of London ; they remonstrated, were cast into prison and shortly deprived of their sees. Ridley was appointed in Bonner's room and Hooper to be bishop of Gloucester : his scruples about wearing the episcopal vestments, which he called idolatrous and impious, delayed the latter's installation. In Hooper the lineaments of the Puritan can be plainly discerned. To minds of his stamp it seemed that the church was not yet reduced to the just evangelical model ; the agitation went on ; after the crushing defeat of Miihlberg several eminent continental reformers took refuge in England and pointed out defects in the prayer-book which permitted quite too many of the old ceremonies for their taste. More statues and pictures were removed from the churches ; the ancient stone altars gave place to communion tables and candles were no longer seen; in the year 1552 the Second Book of Edward VI registered the further rise of the tide. Objectionable practices allowed by the former book were dropped ; the sentences used when administering the elements were altered to accord with the merely commemorative view ; and worship became in outward form and in inward spirit evangelical. It is interesting to observe how Wyclif's fame after its long eclipse came out now in full lustre: indeed, through the vary- ing phases of doctrine that we have been studying, what men thought of him was a ready gauge of their position. Cranmer took issue with Gardiner about him : " John Wyclif was a singular instrument of God in his time to set forth the truth of Christ's Gospel, but Antichrist that sitteth in God's temple boasting himself as God hath by God's sufferance prevailed against many holy men and sucked the blood of martyrs these late years." The passage occurs in the archbishop's "Answer to a Crafty and Sophistical Cavillation " of his old enemy "against the true and godly doctrine" of the sacrament. The treatise is not agreeable either in temper or style it 256 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY could scarcely be expected to be, but it defines clearly its author's position. He believed that "the very body of the tree or rather the root of the weeds beads, pardons, pil- grimages, indulgences, service in Latin etc. is the popish doctrine of transubstantiation." He appealed to Christ's in- stitution : none of his apostles were so " fond " as not to know that the bread was not his body nor the wine his blood. Our opponents " teach that Christ is in the bread and wine. But we say according to the truth that he is in them that worthily eat and drink the bread and wine. My meaning is that the force, the grace, the virtue and benefit of Christ's body that was crucified for us and of his blood that was shed for us be really and effectually present with all them that duly receive the sac- raments but all this I understand of his spiritual presence. . . . Nor no more truly is he corporally or really present in the due ministration of the Lord's Supper than he is in the due ministration of baptism." Bread, wine and water are signs and tokens, not to be worshipped ; yet Christ is in them as he is in his Word " when he worketh mightily by the same in the hearts of the hearers"; he is not present in the voice of the speaker but uses it as he does his sacraments. The noblest figure in the English reformation was without question that of Bishop Latimer, a brave man, earnest, large- hearted, buoyant of spirit of all the reformers of the island- kingdom he most resembled Luther. In his youth as he himself testified he was as " obstinate a papist as any in the kingdom, zealous without knowledge " like Saul the perse- cutor; when he was converted he became a sturdy pillar of evangelic faith. He was much the most popfilar preacher of the day and he magnified his office. His famous " Sermon on the Plough," conceived in the quaint, allegorical style that the people loved, enforced the duty of preaching. It was delivered at St. Paul's in the winter of 1549. Taking a passage out of St. Luke's gospel as his starting-point, " the Seed is the of ENGLISH LITERATURE, 257 Word of God" -he proceeded to draw a parallel between the ploughman and a preacher. Erelong he rose into a pro- phetic strain, denouncing the pride and wickedness of London, calling upon its people to repent, "but London cannot abide to be rebuked, such is the nature of man ; they will not amend their faults and they will not be ill spoken of." Nevertheless he hesitated not fearlessly to expose its sins and to score those "unpreaching prelates" whom he held to be largely responsible for the wide-spread ignorance and wrong-doing. We can divine the hush that fell upon the great congregation as the orator engaged closer attention by the sudden question, "Who is the most diligent bishop and prelate in all England that passeth all the rest in doing his office ? I can tell for I know him well. But now I think I see you listening and harkening that I should name him. Will ye know who it is ? I will tell you ; it is the Devil. He is the most diligent preacher of all other, he is never out of his diocese, ye shall never find him unoccu- pied, he keepeth residence at all times, he is ever at his plough." The ensuing Lent, Latimer delivered a series of six sermons before the boy king and on one occasion in the following year preached to him both in the morning and afternoon of the same day. Still in prophetic vein he chose as his subject avarice and lust and their connection, which he illustrated by the adulteries that follow marriages for money. He returned to his charge against London as wicked a city as Nineveh, equally in need of repentance. An example of his homiletic allegorizing almost as good as his sermon on the plough was that " on the Card," in which he drew a moral from the popular pastime : in the game of life " hearts is trumps, as I said." " If thou build a hundred churches, give as much as thou canst make to the gilding of saints and honoring of the church and offer as great candles as oaks, if thou leave the works of 258 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY mercy and the commandments undone these works shall nothing avail thee,"- yet of themselves they are good. Latimer was not an iconoclast. In 1549 appeared a metrical version of parts of the psalter the work of Thomas Sternhold, who died that year. The collection was subsequently enlarged by John Hopkins and enjoyed for generations an extraordinary popularity. A single dramatic effort is extant of the reign of Edward VI the comedy of "Ralph Roister Doister " by Nicholas Udall, formerly master of Eton College. Other plays that he com- posed have been lost. Ralph is a brainless, rakish fellow of the town who is beguiled by a cunning parasite called Mery- greek an English Lazarillo and is helped and hindered by him in a vain but persistent suit he pays to a well-to-do widow. The rhyme, metre and diction of the play are those of the homely popular tales of former times, the dialogue is easy and familiar, and the action progresses through well- defined acts and scenes. The date of its appearance is fixed by a reference made to it by Thomas Wilson, the rhetorician, who published a treatise on rhetoric and logic in the year 1553. His object was the purifi- cation of the spoken language from the classic and foreign terms with which scholars, travellers and the fashionable delighted to encrust it. There is much sensible advice in the book : " Never affect inkhorn terms or be over-fine. Only the foolish fantastical Latin their tongues; journeyed gentlemen, for show, talk a French or Italianate English and the fine courtier talks nothing but Chaucer." Men were still half-ashamed of their native tongue which was then just emerging from its state of immaturity ; it is evident that it was undergoing that expansion of vocabulary that was to make it the great medium of expres- sion for the coming generation ; but many in their half-culture, their would-be elegance, were making mistakes in taste and selection. Against such Wilson's was a manly and useful protest. OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 259 Sir John Cheke, the most eminent classical scholar in the kingdom and Edward's tutor in Greek, who had in the last reign had a sharp controversy with bishop Gardiner as to the proper pronunciation of that language, was equally jealous of the purity of his native speech and sought to expunge from its vocabulary words and phrases that had crept into it from foreign languages. He also suggested a simplification of its spelling. We note elsewhere interest in the vernacular ; Sir David Lindsay penned a vigorous defence of his in the opening of his " Dialogue concerning the Monarchy," a long metrical account of ancient empires that winds up with an attack upon the papal monarchy in the style with which we are already familiar. It was the last monument of the old northern or mediaeval Scottish dialect, the literary history of which we have traced for two hundred years ; its author died soon after. A highly interesting parallel to these efforts for the extended use, enrichment and purification of the vernacular is offered by a school of French writers that rose at this very era. Its programme was set forth in an enthusiastic " Defence of the French language " published in the year 1549, the maiden essay of a young poet named Joachim du Bellay whose dawning talent had been marked by king Francis and the queen of Navarre. After the fashion of the Renascence he was dubbed " the French Ovid." His defence of his mother tongue con- sisted in a word in the proposition that it was quite capable of appropriating spoil from Latin and Greek. A favorite analogy was the practice of the Latin authors who, though profoundly versed in Greek, did not therefore discard their own language but applied their scholarship to its enrichment and regulation. For the attainment of these ends du Bellay and his followers accordingly introduced into the language shoals of classic terms and to give it exquisite polish cultivated the sonnet with especial zeal. 260 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY After the appearance of his treatise which was the literary sensation of the hour, du Bellay visited Rome where he spent some years. He exemplified his theory in a set of over a hun- dred sonnets "To Olive " and returned in the year 1552 with forty-five more on "The Ruins of Rome." He was henceforth a particular star at the court of Henry II. His contem- porary, Pierre Ronsard, cooperated powerfully in the movement and erelong eclipsed his fame, winning from the admiring court the title "Prince of Poets." He applied himself to composing French odes in imitation of Horace. His preceptor in the classics, Jean Dorat "the French Pindar" was the Nestor of the movement, which progressed in spite of the ridicule of Rabelais now approaching his end. The year that du Bellay returned from Rome a disciple of his, fitienne Jodelle, then but twenty years of age, made him- self the pioneer of an important form classic tragedy by his play " Cleopatra." It was characterized by the mingled weakness and extravagance, the frigid, imitative rendering of heroic passions common to first efforts in this line, but it was hailed by Ronsard the arbiter as equal to anything of Sophocles and it furnished a model of its kind for coming centuries. The four poets just mentioned made up with some lights of less magnitude the celebrated group of the Pleiade. One of the latter, Baif by name, translated two of Euripides' tragedies and became an exemplar of the tendency of the school to degenerate into mere academic correctness. While the affairs of the Protestants were prospering in Ger- many the death of Edward VI in the summer of 1553 opened the way for a third Catholic reaction, the most vehement of all, proportioned to the thoroughness of the late reform. It was the sixth and last chapter in the long contest between mediae- val and modern ideas. The princess Mary came to the throne at the mature age of thirty-six, her nature embittered by many OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 261 injuries and by the thought of the ill-usage endured by a mother whom she deeply loved and whose memory it was her dearest consolation to defend. She inherited her father's tenacity of will but she was more than half her mother's daughter ; her affections were fixed upon her mother's land of Spain. Hence from the first her whole heart was engaged in the project broached by the emperor of a marriage with his son Philip. Her devotion to her mother's faith was absolute : to restore it in its integrity was the object of her reign. She passed over therefore the latter part of her father's reign, aiming not only to maintain as he had done Catholic doctrine but also to restore the ancient form of church government, and took as her ideal the system of his earlier years, of her mother's time. Gardiner's star was now in the ascendant; he was restored to his see and was appointed chancellor. Hooper and Cover- dale were incarcerated in the Fleet, Ridley and Latimer in the Tower where they were soon followed by Cranmer; other prominent reformers fled to the continent. Bonner was rein- stated in his bishopric of London and straightway the old crucifixes reappeared in the churches of his diocese and the texts with which the reformers had decorated their walls were blotted out. Proceedings were hastened to reconcile England with the see of Rome. The queen's obsequious parliament declared that the marriage of Henry and Catherine had been valid and reversed Cranmer's sentence of divorce ; every act of the late reign touching religion was revoked ; and Mary's kinsman, Cardinal Pole, came sailing up the Thames in his barge to receive as papal legate the submission of the kingdom through its representatives. Parliament bent the knee, was absolved by him from the sins of heresy and schism, and renewed the act for burning heretics. The sacrament became afresh the subject of impassioned controversy ; the advocates of tran substantiation, flushed with 262 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY triumph, balked not at its ultimate absurdity, asserting that at the Last Supper Jesus ate his own body. The celibacy of the clergy was enforced, married ministrants were ejected from their livings. The queen's forwardness was yet too slow for the ungrateful pope : he demanded restitution of all the old church lands ; but here Mary's hands were tied. Of her own means however she managed to found anew a few abbeys. There is something pathetic in this half heart-sick attempt to stay a vanishing ideal. That the mediaeval revival might be whole and entire the old-time culture was brought into fashion again ; the literature, amusements and popular customs of past centuries were revived by authority. The mystery-plays lately forbidden were sanctioned once more, the May-games and dances ; again on the Feast of Fools boys played the bishop or abbot and mimicked the solemn ceremonies of the church. By such strange pastimes an outlet had been provided for the latent skepticism of the mediaeval populace lest its mocking mood should flash into something more serious. In 1554 a fine edition of Gower's " Confessio Amantis" was gotten out, in 1555 a like one of Lydgate's Troy-book; and the same year (a symbolic act) Chaucer's bones were reinterred in a Gothic tomb, the first of poets in the since famous corner of England's historic abbey. That year too the legend of the Sangreal appeared in a Spanish dress a romantic emblem of the alliance subsisting between the two countries. In 1557 a certain Richard Tottell got out a collection of poems by various hands Surrey's and Wyatt's among the number from which we single out two for particular mention because they were written in blank verse. Their subjects were the deaths of Cicero and Zoroas (an Egyptian astrologer of Alexander's day), their author was one Nicholas Grimald (of Italian descent, as his name implies). These new speci- mens of English blank verse are marked by more variable OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 263 caesura than Surrey's and are altogether more flexible than his ; run-on lines are frequent and light endings even appear. In the last reign Grimald had been Bishop Ridley's chaplain but under Mary he made little difficulty about conforming to the reestablished mode of worship. The jocund John Heywood was among the contributors to Tottell's " Miscellany." He had suffered some shrewd turns in the late inconstant times ; toward the end of Henry's reign he had been taxed with treasonable views touching the king's ecclesiastical supremacy and had made unconditional surren- der ; under Edward it is said, perhaps jocosely, that his droll wit alone saved him from hanging. The accession of his former patroness was hailed by him with joy ; it promised a safe covert from such reverses for his sentiments accorded entirely with hers ; the years of her reign were fulfilled of halcyon days for him. He greeted her upon her coronation with a congratulatory address in Latin, and celebrated her union with Philip in a song. His humor was grateful to her and often lightened her melancholy moods. In 1556 he pro- duced a lengthy allegorical poem in his quaint vein, "The Spider and the Fly,"- the Protestants being figured by the ruthless spiders, the Catholics by the innocent flies: the heroine of this epic fable was of course the queen, who appeared in the character of a house-maid, wielding the broom of her temporal power at the bidding of her Lord and sovereign Lady, the church. The laureateship of the reign was about evenly divided be- tween Heywood and William Forrest the queen's chaplain. In Edward's time he had been forced to conform sorely against his will to the reformed worship. He addressed to the young king a long didactic effort bearing the sounding alliterative title "A Pleasant Poesy of Princely Practice " in which he enlarged upon the unhappy condition of the laboring poor and the duty of a prince in such an exigency. Only a few 264 OUTLINE OF THE PHILOSOPHY months before Mary's death he finished and presented to her in manuscript his metrical vindication of her mother's memory, containing his interpretation of recent history. Catherine of Aragon in the character of the Second Griselda gave title to the work, which was couched in the Chaucerian stanza. Ere the exemplary queen was deposed the land flourished in plenty, God's service was maintained and the rich helped the poor Griselda in special was kind to them. She attended matins at Greenwich priory and had an image of Christ's passion made "not of idolatrous intent as certain miserable men hold." The rhymer is severe on Wolsey, who was no friend to Griselda; "yet he had an edifying end God shield his soul from the infernal flame ! " With the divorce began the affliction of both church and realm ; schisms, sects and heresies of Satan's own raising entered in ; the king " expressed by the name of Walter was led somewhat by light persons "; bad counsellors and agents took the place of good, self-will was the chief ruler, truth was set aside, the saints were slandered, the blessed Virgin Mary was no better esteemed than any other woman and any dunghill was as good as the sanctuary : " These mischiefs with hundredfold moe began At the incoming of this new Queen Anne." Now the realm rapidly decayed, the poor suffered penury, rents were raised and there was dearth ; fasting was made a jest, down went crosses, churches and monasteries. But Gri- selda's life was a pattern of piety and she made a good end, receiving extreme unction. " Now she prays for us though wretched men seduced by Satan say that saints' prayers profit nothing : through hers I firmly believe we have been called back of late from the damnable race we were running." The leading representative of the new learning fell a sacrifice to the violent ecclesiastical rebound. Men of the old school were thoroughly convinced that Greek letters had been largely responsible for the late religious upheaval: and in Sir John OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 265 Cheke a conspicuous victim was found. His heart was wholly in the cause of the reform ; but now in age and weakness, in prison, trembling at the threat of torture, he sent in his recan- tation and was released only to die of shame and distress of spirit for his betrayal of the truth. The queen's Spanish match was generally unpopular and was made the pretext for a rising which was speedily put down but which involved the execution of the sweet and hapless Lady Jane Grey, a gentle representative of the new learning and the reformed faith. The princess Elizabeth even was in danger : she was suspected of complicity in the insurrection and was lodged for a time in the Tower. The inmost nature of the desperate doctrinal reaction, the madness of a failing cause, had to be revealed, the connection of papal supremacy, the mass and persecution to be plainly exhibited. Squibs and satires upon the mass were many and were a vexation of spirit to Mary and her counsellors as similar ones had been to her father in his age. Under the lately re- vived statute for the punishment of heretics the burning of protestant martyrs began. The design was by a few single examples to intimidate the whole body. So early in 1555 Hooper was burnt at Gloucester and Bishop Farrar of St. David's at Carmarthen ; in the autumn Ridley and Latimer were sacrificed at Oxford, the latter crying out as the fagots were heaped around them, " Be of good cheer, Master Ridley, and play the man, for we shall this day light such a candle in England as I trust shall never be put out." Gardiner died a few weeks after in remorse of soul and dismay at the magnitude of the odious task to which he was committed : the number of victims greatly surpassed his expectations. The following spring Archbishop Cranmer also perished in the flames at Ox- ford. He had shown little of the spirit of the hero, but his case was pitiable in the extreme and excited general com- miseration. Cardinal Pole was now invested with the primacy. 266 OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY. In the course of this oppressive reign about three hundred persons suffered an excruciating death. Kent the scene of the late insurrection the city of London and the eastern midland furnished most of the victims. In its frenzy the re- action destroyed itself; evangelical faith received its baptism of blood and fire and evinced its truth and power by the forti- tude of its martyrs. In 1557 the queen's infatuation for her Spanish partner involved her in a disastrous war with France in the course of which Calais and Guisnes, last remnants of once broad posses- sions, were lost to the English crown. Worn out with ill health and depression of spirits, full of misgivings as to the impending failure of her whole policy and repining at Philip's continued absence, Mary died, a disap- pointed woman, in the month of November, 1558. The tidings of her death were brought to her sister Elizabeth as she was walking under the autumn oaks at Hatfield. The Middle Ages were over forever. ADVERTISEMENTS SKETCH OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. By GREENOUGH WHITE, A.M. 12mo. Flexible cloth, iv + 66 pages. Introduction price, 30 cents. By mail, postpaid, 35 cents. This essay points out the connection between our country's literature and history, and shows how new forms in letters and arts have arisen as advancing thought required. It may be used as a key to the whole subject, as well as to the excellent and extended treatises upon it and the numerous compilations that have recently appeared. It is a book that will interest the general reader (it can be read at a single sitting), and the experienced teacher will find it highly valu- able in inculcating in more advanced classes habits of sound and scholarly appreciation of American intellectual life. Professor Barrett Wendell: As a guide to study I should think the book ad- mirable. It is well-digested in substance, rationally put together from beginning to end, and written in a perfectly direct, fine style. Professor F. J. 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Stedman, author of " Poets of America," etc., etc. : The precis seems to me to be successful and to go to the root of the matter i.e. to show the philosophy of the development of the suc- cessive phases of our national literature. Phillips Brooks : I am much interested by the philosophical spirit in which the treatise is conceived, and am sure that its readers will thank its author for much sug- gestion and food for thought. Oliver Wendell Holmes : An interest- ing study of some of our earlier and more recent authors. John Greenleaf Whittier: It was difficult to compress in the space of a brief essay all that might be said of the develop- ment and trend of our literature and thought, but so far as it goes it is a valuable and well-considered paper in proof of the fact of an unborrowed and independent American Literature. GINN & COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, New York, Chicago, London, 10 HIGHER ENGLISH. Minto's Manual of English Prose Literature. Designed mainly to show characteristics of style. By WILLIAM MINTO, late Professor of Logic and English Literature, University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 12mo. Cloth. 566 pages. Mailing price, $1.65 ; for intro- duction, $1.50. HHHE main design is to assist in directing students in English composition to the merits and defects of the principal writers of prose, enabling them, in some degree at least, to acquire the one and avoid the other. The Introduction analyzes style : elements of style, qualities of style, kinds of composition. Part First gives exhaustive analyses of De Quincey, Macaulay, and Carlyle. These serve as a key to all the other authors treated. Part Second takes up the prose authors in historical order, from the fourteenth cen- tury up to the early part of the nineteenth. Hiram Corson, Professor of Eng- lish Literature, Cornell University : Without going outside of this book, an earnest student could get a knowl- edge of English prose styles, based on the soundest principles of criti- cism, such as he could not get in any twenty volumes which I know of. Katharine Lee Bates, Professor of English, Wellesley College : It is of sterling value. Minto's Characteristics of the English Poets. From Chaucer to Shirley. By WILLIAM MINTO, late Professor of Logic and English Literature, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 12mo. Cloth, xi + 382 pages. Mailing price, $1.65 ; for introduction, $1.50. chief object of the author has been to bring into as clear light as possible the characteristics of the several poets within the period chosen. As a secondary object he endeavors to trace how far each poet was influenced by his predecessors and con- temporaries. College Requirements in English. Entrance Examinations. Second Series. By Rev. ARTHUR WENTWORTH EATON, Instructor in English in the Cutler School, New York. 12mo. Cloth. 104 pages. Mailing price, $1.20; for introduction, $1.12. J. Scott Clark, formerly Prof essor of Rhetoric, Syracuse University : We have now given Minto's English Prose a good trial, and I am so much pleased that I want some more of the same. A. W. Long, formerly of Wofford College, Spartariburg, S.C.; I have used Minto's English Poets and Eng- lish Prose the past year, and am greatly pleased with the results. HIGHER ENGLISH. 11 Selections in English Prose from Elizabeth to Victoria. 1580-1880. By JAMES M. GABNETT, Professor of the English Language and Liter- ature in the University of Virginia. 12mo. Cloth, ix-j-701 pages. By mail, $1.65: for introduction, $1.50. rpHE selections are accompanied by such explanatory notes as have been deemed necessary, and will average some twenty pages each. The object is to provide students with the texts themselves of the most prominent writers of English prose for the past three hundred years, in selections of sufficient length to be characteristic of the author, and, when possible, they are com- plete works or sections of works. H. N. Ogden, formerly of W. Vir- ginia Univ. : The book fulfills my ex- pectations in every respect, and will become an indispensable help in the F. B. Gummere, Prof, of English, Haverford College: I like the plan, the selections, and the making of the book. work of our senior English class. Macau lay's Essay on Milton. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by HERBERT A. SMITH, Instructor in English in Yale University. 12mo. Paper. pages. Mailing price, cents ; for introduction, cents. A CONVENIENT and well-edited edition of Macaulay's masterly essay on Milton. The introduction and notes are especially valuable to students. Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year. History of the Plague in London. Edited by BYRON S. HURLBUT, Instructor in English in Harvard University. 12mo. Cloth. pages. Mailing price, cents; for introduction, cents. rpHE book is intended to meet the requirements of students pre- paring to take the college entrance examinations, and to supply a convenient edition for general use. Biography. Phillips Exeter Lectures. By Rev. PHILLIPS BROOKS, D.D. 12mo. Paper. 30 pages. Mailing price, 12 cents; for introduction, 10 cents. 12 HIGHER ENGLISH. The Art of Poetry : The Poetical Treatises of Horace, Vida, and Boileau, with the trans- lations by Howes, Pitt, and Soame. Edited by 'ALBERT S. COOK, Professor of the English Language and Literature in Yale University. 12mo. Cloth. Iviii + 303 pages. Mailing price, $1.25; for introduction, $1.12. Bliss Perry, Prof, of English, Princeton University : The fullness and accuracy of the references in the notes is a testimony to his patience as well as his scholarship. ... I wish to express my admiration of such faithful and competent edit- ing. Shelley's Defense of Poetry. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by ALBERT S. COOK, Professor of English in Yale University. 12mo. Cloth, xxvi + 86 pages. Price by mail, 60 cents; for introduction, 50 cents. John F. Genung, Prof, of Rhetoric, Amherst College: By his excellent editions of these three works, Pro- fessor Cook is doing invaluable service for the study of poetry. The works themselves, written by men who were masters alike of poetry and prose, are standard as litera- ture; and in the introduction and notes, which evince in every part the thorough and sympathetic scholar, as also in the beautiful form given to the books by the printer and binder, the student has all the help to the reading of them that he can desire. Cardinal Newman's Essay on Poetry. With reference to Aristotle's Poetics. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by ALBERT S. COOK, Professor of English in Yale University. 8vo. Limp cloth, x -J- 36 pages. Mailing price, 35 cents ; for intro- duction, 30 cents. Add/son's Criticisms on Paradise Lost Edited by ALBERT S. COOK, Professor of the English Language and Literature in Yale University. 12mo. Cloth, xxiv+200 pages. Mailing price, $1.10; for introduction, $1.00. V. D. Scudder, Instructor in Eng lish Literature, Wellesley College : It be welcome as an addition to our store of text-books. seems to me admirably edited and to What is Poetry ? " Leigh Hunt's Answer to the Question, including Remarks on Versification. Edited by ALBERT S. COOK, Professor of the English Language and Literature in Yale University. 12mo. Cloth. 104 pages. Mailing price, 60 cents ; for introduction, 50 cents. Bliss Perry, Prof, of Oratory, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. : Professor Cook's beautiful little book will prove to the teacher one of the most useful volumes in the series it represents. HIGHER ENGLISH. 13 Essays and Letters selected from the Writings of John Ruskin. With Introductory Interpretations and Annotations. By Lois G. HUFFORD, Teacher of English Literature in the Indianapolis High School. 12mo. Cloth, xxix x 441 pages. Illustrated. Mailing price, $1.10; for introduction, $1.00. rpHESE essays are characteristic expressions of Ruskin's viewc on social questions and ethical culture. They are accom- panied by interpretative introductions and explanatory notes. The main introduction gives Ruskin's theory of life and art, a biographical sketch, showing what influences contributed to the formation of his character, and the characteristics of his literary style. The Beginnings of the English Romantic Moue- ment, A Study in Eighteenth Century Literature. By WILLIAM LYON PHELPS, Ph.D., Instructor in English Literature, Yale University. 12mo.. Cloth, viii+192 pages. Mailing price, $1.10; for introduc- tion, $1.00. book is a -study of the germs of English Romanticism between 1725 and 1765. No other work in this field has ever been published, hence the results given here are all the fruit of first-hand investigation. It is believed that this book is a contribution to our knowledge of English literary history ; and it will be especially valuable to advanced classes of students who are interested in the develop- ment of literature. Archibald MacMechan, Prof, of English, Dalhousie College, Halifax, N.S. : It is a valuable contribution to the history of English literature in the eighteenth century. Barrett Wendell, Prof, of Eng- lish, Harvard University : Among the most scholarly and suggestive books of literary history. Studies in the Evolution of English Criticism. By LAURA JOHNSON WYLIE, Graduate Student of English in Yale University. 12mo. Cloth, viii + 212 pages. Mailing price, $1.10 ; for introduction, $1.00. PPHE critical principles of Dryden and Coleridge, and the con- ditions on which the evolution of their opposite theories depended, are the subjects chiefly discussed in this book. 14 HIGHER ENGLISH. A Primer of English Verse. By HIRAM CORSON, Professor of English Literature in Cornell Univer- sity. 12mo. Cloth. iv + 232 pages. By mail, $1.10; for introduction, $1.00. leading purpose of this volume is to introduce the student to the aesthetic and organic character of English Verse to cultivate his susceptibility to verse as an inseparable part of poetic expression. To this end, the various effects provided for by the poet, either consciously or unconsciously on his part, are given for the student to practice upon, until those effects come out distinctly to his feelings. J. H. Gilinore, Prof, of English, University of Eo Chester : It gives a thoroughly adequate discussion of the principal forms of English verse. The University Magazine, New York: Professor Corson has given us a most interesting and thorough treatise on the characteristics and Analytics of Literature. uses of English metres. He dis- cusses the force and effects of vari- ous metres, giving examples of usage from various poets. The book will be of great use to both the critical student and to those who recognize that poetry, like music, is constructed on scientific and precise principles. A Manual for the Objective Study of English Prose and Poetry. By L. A. SHERMAN, Professor of English Literature in the University of Nebraska. 12mo. Cloth, xx + 468 pages. Mailing price, $1.40; for introduction, $1.25. book was written to embody a new system of teaching literature that has been tried with great success. The chief features of the system are the recognition of elements, and insuring an experience of each, on the part of the learner, according to the laboratory plan. The principal stages in the evolution of form in literature are made especial subjects of study. Edwin M. Hopkins, Instructor of English, University of Kansas: I am delighted with the fruitful and suggestive way in which he has treated the subject. Bliss Perry, Prof essor of English, Princeton University : I have found it an extremely suggestive book. . . It has a great deal of originality and earnestness. Daniel Dorchester, Jr., Prof, of Rhetoric and English Literature, Boston University : It is a very use- ful book. I shall recommend it. HIGHER ENGLISH. 15 Fiue Short Courses of Reading in English Litera- ture. With Biographical and Critical References. By C. T. WINCHESTER, Professor of English Literature in Wesleyan University. Sq. 16mo. Cloth, v + 99 pages. Mailing price, 45 cents j for introduction, 40 cents. nHHIS little book lays out five short courses of reading from the most prominent writers in pure literature of the last three centuries, beginning with Marlowe and ending with Tennyson. The book contains also information as to the best editions for student use, with extended and well chosen lists of critical and biographical authorities. Le Baron K. Briggs, Professor of English, Harvard University : I am much pleased with it. It cannot help being useful. Synopsis of English and American Literature. By G. J. SMITH, Instructor of English, Washington (D.C.) High School. 8vo. Cloth. 125 pages. By mail, 90 cents; for introduction, 80 cents. /^NE finds here in every case the author's full name, the dates of birth and death, the class of writers to which he belongs, the chronological place of that class in the development of litera- ture, his most important works, his most distinguished contem- poraries, the leading events of the time, and, in most cases a few clear words of explanation or criticism. W. B. Chamberlain, formerly Prof '. ofEheloric,Oberlin College: Its clear- ness, compactness, and readiness for reference, must make it one of the most useful tools for either teacher or student. It gives a vast amount of most valuable information in the most economical manner possible. A very valuable feature is its correla- tion of literary with political and general historical events. I regard it as a decided success. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Hamlet. For the use of Colleges, High Schools, Academies and Clubs. By CAR- ROLL LEWIS MAXCY, A.B., Associate Principal and Instructor in Eng- lish, Troy (N.Y.) Academy. Square lOmo. Cloth. 200 pages. Mail- ing price, 50 cents; for introduction, 45 cents. AT the close of each scene is appended an extensive body of questions covering all the points of action, and leading to a thorough appreciation and familiarity with the play. The Philosophy of American Literature. By GREENOUGH WHITE, A.M., Professor in Univ. of the South. 12mo. Flexible cloth, iv + 66 pages. By mail, 35 cents ; for in trod., 30 cents. 16 HIGHER ENGLISH. The Best Elizabethan Plays. Edited with an Introduction by WILLIAM R. THATEE. 12mo. Cloth, 611 pages. By mail, $1.40; for introduction, $1.25. rPHE selection comprises The Jew of Malta, by Marlowe; The Alchemist, by Ben Jonson ; Philaster, by Beaumont and Fletcher; The Two Noble Kinsmen, by Fletcher and Shakespeare ; and The Duchess of Malfi, by Webster. It thus affords not only the best specimen of the dramatic work of each of the five Elizabethan poets who rank next to Shakespeare, but also a general view of the development of English drama from its rise in Marlowe to its last strong expression in Webster. Felix E. Schelling, Professor of English, University of Pennsyl- vania: All professors of English literature must welcome such intel- ligent and scholarly editions of our enduring classics. Charles F. Richardson, Professor of English, Dartmouth College: The book is an excellent one, well edited, equipped with brief and sensible notes, and introduced by a preface of real critical insight. A Method of English Composition. By T. WHITING BANCROFT, late Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Brown University. 12mo. Cloth. 101 pages. Mailing price, 55 cents ; for introduction, 50 cents. Notes on English Literature. By FRED PARKER EMERY, Professor of Rhetoric, Dartmouth College. 12mo. Cloth. 152 pages. By mail, $1.10; for introduction, $1.00. HHHIS book follows the critical, comparative, and philosophical method of the best universities, and combines the advantages of the tabulated synopsis of authors and books with those of the critical literary history The Rhetoric Tablet By F. N. SCOTT, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, University of Michi- gan, and J. V. DENNEY, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Ohio State University. No. 1. 5|x 9 inches. White paper (ruled). No. 2. Tinted paper (unruled). 7^x9| inches. Sixty sheets in each. Mailing price, 20 cents ; for introduction, 15 cents. AS a substitute in English work for composition-books or other manuscript-paper, the Rhetoric Tablet offers the following advantages: (1) Uniform paper throughout the school, (2) a broad margin for corrections, (3) a minute and systematic analysis of the most common errors in composition, (4) references to standard rhetorics. 22 HIGHER ENGLISH. The Classic Myths in English Literature. Based chiefly on Bulfinch's " Age of Fable." Accompanied by an inter- pretative and illustrative commentary. Edited by CHARLES MILLS GAYLEY, Professor of the English Language and Literature, Univer- sity of California. 12mo. Half leather, xlv + 540 pages. Mailing price, $1.65; for introduction, $1.50. New Edition, with 16 full-page illustrations. work is recommended both as the best manual of mythol- ogy and as indispensable to the student of English literature. Some special features are : 1. An introduction on the indebtedness of English poetry to the literature of fable, and on methods of teaching mythology. 2. An elementary account of myth-making and of the prin- cipal poets of mythology, and of the beginnings of the world, of gods and of men among the Greeks. 3. A thorough revision and systematization of Bulfinch's Stories of Gods and Heroes: with additional stories, and with selections from English poems based upon the myths. 4. Illustrative cuts from Baumeister, Roscher, and other standard authorities on mythology. 5. The requisite maps. 6. Certain necessary modifications in Bulfinch's treatment of the mythology of nations other than the Greeks and Romans. 7. Notes, following the te?:t (as in the school editions of Latin and Greek authors), containing an historical and interpretative commentary upon certain myths, supplementary poetical cita- tions, a list of the better known allusions to mythological fiction, references to works of art, and hints to teachers and students. Albert S. Cook, Professor of the English Language and Literature, Yale University : I can cordially rec- ommend it to colleges and schools. It is scholarly, attractive, stimu- lating, and refining. C. K. Adams, President Univer- sity of Wisconsin: An admirable volume. It is just what hundreds of thousands of students need. William T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education: It is the most satisfactory book yet pub- lished on this theme. . . . Every reader of literature should have this book within reach on his table. Katharine Lee Bates, Professor of English Literature, Wellesley Col- lege : It is well worth doing and well done. F. J. Miller, Professor of Latin, University of Chicago: I am more than charmed with it. 26 HIGHER ENGLISH. ATHENJEUM PRESS SERIES. ISSUED UNDER THE GENERAL EDITORSHIP OF PROFESSOR GEORGE LYMAN KITTREDGE, of Harvard University, AND PROFESSOR C. T. WINCHESTER, of Wesleyan University. FT is proposed to issue a series of carefully edited works in English Literature, under the above title. This series is in- tended primarily for use in colleges and higher schools ; but it will furnish also to the general reader a library of the best things in English letters in editions at once popular and scholarly. The works selected will represent, with some degree of completeness, the course of English Literature from Chaucer to our own times. The volumes will be moderate in price, yet attractive in appear- ance, and as nearly as possible uniform in size and style. Each volume will contain, in addition to an unabridged and critically accurate text, an Introduction and a body of Notes. The amount and nature of the annotation will, of course, vary with the age and character of the work edited. The notes will be full enough to explain every difficulty of language, allusion, or interr>retation Full glossaries will be furnished when necessary. The introductions are meant to be a distinctive feature of the series. Each introduction will give a brief biographical sketch of the author edited, and a somewhat extended study of his genius, his relation to his age, and his position in English literary history. The introductory matter will usually include a bibliography of the author or the work in hand, as well as a select list of critical and biographical books and articles. See a/.so Announcements. Sidney's Defense of Poesy. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by ALBERT S. Cook, Professor of English in Yale University. 12mo. Cloth, xlv + 103 pages. By mail, <)0 cents; for introduction, 80 cents. William Minto, Late Prof, of Lit- erature, University of Aberdeen: It seems to me to be a very thorough and instructive piece of work. The interests of the student are consulted in every sentence of the Introduction and Notes, and the paper of ques- tions is admirable as a guide to the thorough study of the substance of the essay. HIGHER ENGLISH. 27 Ben Jonson's Timber: or Discoveries Made upon Men and Matter, as they have Flowed out of his Daily Readings, or had their Reflux to his Peculiar Notions of the Times. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by FELIX E. SCHELLING, Profes- sor in the University of Pennsylvania. 12mo. Cloth, xxxviii + 166 pages. Mailing price, 90 cents ; for introduction, 80 cents. is the first attempt to edit a long-neglected English classic, which needs only to be better known to take its place among the best examples of the height of Elizabethan prose. The intro- duction and a copious body of notes have been framed with a view to the intelligent understanding of an author whose wide learning and wealth of allusion make him the fittest exponent of the scholarship as well as the literary style and feeling of his age. Edward Dowden, Prof, of English, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland : It is a matter for rejoicing that so valu- able and interesting a piece of liter- ature as this prose work of Jonson should be made easily accessible, and should have all the advantages of scholarly editing. Selections from the Essays of Francis Jeffrey. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by LEWIS E. GATES, Instructor in English in Harvard University. 12mo. Cloth, xlv + 213 pages. By mail, $1.00; for introduction, *K) cents. fPHE selections are chosen to illustrate the qualities of Jeffrey's style and his range and methods as a literary critic. The introduction gives a brief sketch of the history of Reviews in England down to 1802* and suggests some of the more import- ant changes in critical methods and in the relations between critic and public which were brought about by the establishment of the Edinburgh Review. This volume is especially valuable for classes that are beginning the independent study of literary topics and methods of criticism. Charton Collins, London, Author of "Bolinybroke and Voltaire," "Jonathan Swift," etc. : The intro- duction gives succinctly and clearly all the facts which enable students to understand Jeffrey's character- istics as a man, his relative position to his contemporaries, his excellence, his deficiencies and his limitations. . . . I have no hesitation in saying that the book supplies a real want, and supplies it excellently. 28 HIGHER ENGLISH. Old English Ballads. Selected and edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Professor F. B. GUMMERE of Haverford College. 12mo. Cloth, xcviii + 380 pages. By mail, $1.35; for introduction, $1.25. fPHE aim has been to present the best of the- traditional English and Scottish ballads and also to make the collection repre- sentative. The pieces have been arranged by subject, but not divided into groups or classes. The glossary will be found full but simple. Philological details have been given only when the explanation of the passage rendered them necessary. The notes have been prepared according to the same principle, the eluci- dation of the text and the thought. The introduction presents a detailed study of popular poetry and the views of its chief critics, with notes on metre, style, etc. Lever ett Spring, Professor of Rhet- oric, Williams College : A thorough and scholarly piece of literary work. Isaac N. Demmon, Professor of Michigan: Admirably done through- out and seems to supply an im- portant piece of apparatus for the teaching of English in our schools. English Literature, University of Selections from the Poetry and Prose of Thomas Cray. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by WM. LYON PHELPS, Instructor in English Literature at Yale College. 12mo. Cloth. 1 + 179 pages. By mail, $1.00 ; for introduction, 90 cents. rpHIS volume contains all of the poems of Gray that are of any real interest and value, and the prose selections include the Journal in the Lakes entire, and extracts from his Letters of auto- biographical and literary interest. The Introduction, besides containing a Life of Gray, a Bibliography, etc., gives a summary of his historical significance, with a critical review of his work. The Notes on the Prose are very brief, and simply explanatory. This volume of Gray, besides being adapted for the general reader, will be especially useful in schools and colleges. Hiram Corson, Professor of Eng- lish, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.: The editorial part of this work is admirably done. George C. Chase, President of Bates College, Lewiston, Me. : An excellent text, competent editing and scholarly notes. HIGHER ENGLISH. 29 A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics. Selected and edited, with Introduction, Notes and Indices, by FELIX E. SCHELLING, Professor of English Literature in the University of Penn- sylvania. 12mo. Cloth. Ixix + 327 pages. By mail, $1.25 ; for intro- duction, $1.12. T1HE selections have been drawn from the works of individual authors, from Plays and Masques, and from the Miscellanies, Song Books and Sonnet Sequences of the age: each selection is given entire. The poems are arranged as nearly chronologically as is possible in order that the collection may be representative. The introduction sets forth the general nature of the Elizabethan lyric in its thought and form, briefly treating of the changes wrought in style and versification, the sources of the selections, questions of text and authorship. Herrich: Selections from the Hesperides and the Noble Numbers. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Professor EDWARD E. HALE, Jr., of the State University of Iowa. 12mo. Cloth, pages. By mail, ; for introduction, rpHE editor has made a selection of Herrick's best poems. In the introduction he endeavors to mark the varied develop- ment of Herrick's poetic thought and to find bases for proper infer- ence concerning the poet's life. He has, however, kept in mind throughout that Herrick is of real interest as a consummate artist of exquisite quality, and not as an available object for critical methods. Carlyle's Sartor Resartus. Edited, with an Introduction and Commentary, by ARCHIBALD MAC MECHAN, Munro Professor of English in Dalhousie College, Halifax, N.S. 12mo. Cloth. pages. By mail, ; for introduction gARTOR RESARTUS is Carlyle's first important book. It contains in essence all his teaching for his age, and possesses also much interest as his spiritual autobiography. Though no book needs annotation more, on account of its many and remote allusions, this is the first attempt since its publication to deal fully with the difficulties which it presents. BOOKS IN HIGHER ENGLISH. IntroA. Price. Alexander: Introduction to Browning $1.00 Athenaeum Press Series : Cook : Sidney's Defense of Poesy 80 Gummere : Old English Ballads 00 Schelling: Ben Jonson's Timber t .80 Baker : Plot-Book of Some Elizabethan Plays .00 Cook : A First Book in Old English 1.50 Shelley's Defense of Poetry 50 The Art of Poetry 1.12 Hunt's What is Poetry ? 50 Newman's Aristotle's Poetics 30 Addison's Criticisms oa Paradise Lost 1.00 Bacon's Advancement of Learning 00 Corson: Primer of English Verse 1.00 Emery : Notes on English Literature 1.00 English Literature Pamphlets: Ancient Mariner, .05; First Bunker Hill Address, .10; Essay on Lord Clive, .15 ; Second Essay on the Earl of Chatham, .15 ; Burke, I. and II. ; Webster, I. and II. ; Bacon ; Wordsworth, I. and II.; Coleridge and Burns; Addison and Goldsmith Each .15 Fulton & Trueblood : Practical Elocution Retail 1.50 Choice Readings, $1.50; Chart of Vocal Expression . 2.00 College Critic's Tablet 60 Garnett: English Prose from Elizabeth to Victoria .... 1.50 Gayley : Classic Myths in English Literature 1.50 Genung : Outlines of Rhetoric 1.00 Elements of Rhetoric, $1.25; Rhetorical Analysis . 1.12 Gummere : Handbook of Poetics 1.00 Hudson : Harvard Edition of Shakespeare's Complete Works : 20 Vol. Ed. Cloth, retail, $25.00; Half-calf, retail . 55.00 10 Vol. Ed. Cloth, retail, $20.00; Half-calf, retail . 40.00 Life, Art, and Characters of Shakespeare. 2 vols. Cloth, 4.00 New School Shakespeare. Each play : Paper, .30 ; Cloth, .45 Text-Book of Poetry ; Text-Book of Prose . .Each 1.25 Classical English Reader 1.00 Lockwood: Lessons in English, $1.12; Thauatopsis 10 Maxcy : Tragedy of Hamlet 45 Minto : Manual of English Prose Literature 1.50 Characteristics of English Poets 1.50 Newcomer : Practical Course in English Composition 80 Phelps : English Romantic Movement 1.00 Sherman : Analytics of Literature 1.25 Smith : Synopsis of English and American Literature ... .80 Sprague : Milton's Paradise Lost and Lycidas 45 Thayer : The Best Elizabethan Plays 1.25 Thorn : Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations 1.00 White : Philosophy of American Literature 30 Whitney : Essentials of English Grammar 75 Whitney & Lockwood : English Grammar 70 Winchester : Five Short Courses of Reading in English Literature, .40 AND OTHER VALUABLE WORKS. CINN & COMPANY, Publishers, Boston, New York, and Chicago. 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