PHYSICAL TRAINING MANUAL BY CARL ZIEGLER, M. D. Koessler Bros., Printers and Publishers, Cincinnati. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. , Oats Physical - Training Manual For use in Public Schools, Normal Schools and Gymnasia BY CARL ZIEGLER, M. D., Superintendent of Physical Training and Hygiene in the Cincinnati Public Schools. CINCINNATI : ROKSSI-KK BROTHERS. PRINTKRS, 1904. ? ^lAHIS Manual is an exact copy of that used in the Cincinnati Public Schools, printed from the same plates, at the author's expense, to meet the frequent requests for copies from persons not connected with the schools. I INTRODUCTION. This manual is intended as a guide for teachers to enable them to give the gymnastic lessons in such a manner, that the greatest good to the pupils may result therefrom. / The present manual is the result of a careful study of the needs and abilities of the pupils, and of the conditions under which the work is to be done, and is based on twelve years' experience in the public schools of this city. In order that the greatest possible good may accrue to the pupils the teachers must study carefully the "Instructions to Teachers," the descrip- tion of the exercises and the commands, as well as the lessons which are to be given. The}' must observe closely the work of the special teachers and study the best methods of giving gymnastic lessons, using the limited time allowed this subject, to the best possible advantage. In order to accomplish this the teacher must learn the lessons, so as to be able to give them without continual reference to the book. Furthermore, the teacher should have a regular time in the daily pro- gram for the gymnastic lesson, and adhere to the program as closely as possible, giving at this time th : complete lesson as prepared. Should the teacher find, however, that the pupils become listless or in- attentive during the day, she will find it of great value to give them a few vigorous exercises. The conditions under which the work is conducted, in the class room, are obviously not the most favorable ; for this reason the success or failure will depend largely upon the attitude of the class teacher toward this sub- ject. The fidelity and faithful cooneration of the teachers and those in charge of the schools will determine largely the results attained. The manual contains twenty lessons for each grade, each lesson being intended for two weeks. Teachers, however, may review previous lessons at their discretion, but should always leave the new lesson for the special teacher, unless otherwise instructed. The lessons are progressive and the degree of perfection attained in the execution of one lesson will determine the ease or difficulty with which the new lesson may be mastered. The formal work of the first four grades consists of "Calisthenics;" that of the fifth grade of "Calisthenics" and "Dumbbell Exercises ;" and in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades "Wands" are added to the other forms of exercise. Several "Games for the School Room" are added for the first and second grades, which are to be used at the discretion of the teachers. Several "Games for the Playground," suitable for all grades, are also given, and it is hoped that the teachers will find the time and opportunity to teach these to their pupils. In the spring and autumn the "Gymnastic Period" may occasionally be taken for this purpose. The recess will offer an excellent opportunity for the teaching of these games. That the manual may meet with the approval of the teachers, and ac- complish the end for which it is intended, is the earnest wish and sincere hope of the writer. CARL ZIEGLER, M. D, Superintendent of Physical Training and Hygiene. Cincinnati, O.. September, 1904. THE PURPOSE OF GYMNASTICS IN SCHOOLS. Obviously this is not the place for a discussion of the question whether gymnastics should, or should not form a part of the course of study. But a general statement of facts may be permissible. One of the evils consequent to modern school methods is the long con- finement of the pupils, often in large numbers, from five to six hours per day. The very nature of our school organization requires that the pupils sit quietly at their desks during the greater part of this long period, and as the desks are often ill-fitting and out of proportion to the size of the pupils, much physical harm results therefrom. The immediate results of this sedentary life are disturbances of many natural functions : digestion and fiuTntion arc impared ; the respiration becomes shallow ; the circula- tion is retarded; soft and rapidly-growing bony structure is frequently pressed upon and distorted, causing physical deformitites. To counteract these evil tendencies, at least in a measure, gymnastics have been made a part of the school work in almost every large city. It is also useful in furnishing not only a slight relaxation from the confine- ment, but also a recreation from the mental strain of study. M-USCular_work stimulates the different organs ; the heart beats more rapidly and stroTigTy ; respirations become more frequent and deeper ; and the digestion is improved. But in addition to all this, well regulated ex- ercise brings about a straightening of the various limbs; the muscles of the body are strengthened, so that they not only prevent bony deformities, but will correct existing abnormalities. In addition to the developmental and hygienic functions of gymnastics, the educational value must als) be considered. Through daily exercise the pupils are led"fo think more of their physi- cal condition. Their attention is directed to the many things that help to undermine health, and they are taught to appreciate the value of a strong, well-proportioned body, and to detect their own and others' shortcomings. The habit of exercise is formed and continues with them in later life. The direct training of the motor nerves ensures better coordination, resulting in a lesser expenditure of vital energy in any and every kind of muscular work, besides lending grace to every movement. Of equal im- portance with the motor training is the training of the inhibitory powers. To supress the natural desire for motion, inherent in all persons, is one thing, but to train the will so as to control the many involuntary movements, is quite another. Both forms of nerve training must result from all properly conducted physical exercises. Since so much depends on the manner in which a gymnastic lesson is given, it is the duty of every teacher to become thoroughly familiar with every phase of the work, in order that the greatest possible good may result to the pupils under her care. 5 INSTRUCTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. Before beginning the lesson be sure that the air in the room is pure, or will become so before the lesson is far advanced. Ventilate the room thoroughly. Insist upon the pupils removing overcoats, overshoes, cloaks, and wraps of all kinds. Impress upon them the evil effects of wearing such things indoors; also the wearing of tight-fitting garments of every kind. Let the boys unbutton their coats. The movements should be as free as possible. In the first and second grades give at least three lessons a day. In the third and fourth grades give at least two lessons a day; one short period between 11 and 11:30 o'clock, and a longer period between 2:15 and 2:45 o'clock. In the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades give at least one lesson per day, preferably about the middle of the afternoon session. The minimum time to be given for this subject is 15 minutes a day. In the longer periods give the entire lesson as prepared; in the shorter periods give at least one arm movement, the various trunk exer- cises, and one leg movement. Close every lesson with a breathing ex- ercise, if the air in the room is pure. Each lesson should consist of: (a) The march to places. (All grades but the first.) (&) Several preliminary exercises, consisting of several facings, starting positions, etc. (c) The exercises contained in the lesson. (d) The breathing exercise, (e) The march back to seats. Be precise in giving commands. (See below.) Give every new exer- cise by command ; if necessary, repeat several times before beginning to exercise in rhythm. When the class is exercising in rhythm count the dif- ferent movements of the exercise ; as, 1-2, if two movements compose the exercise, and 1-2-3-4, if the exercise is composed of four movements. Do not require pupils to memorize the lesson. Repeat each exercise six to ten times, according to the muscular effort required. , Let the exercises follow each other as quickly as possible, i. e., do not waste time in correcting individual pupils, or in making lengthy explana- tions. Remember that the prime object is exercise. Keep the pupils busy. Remember that to show the exercise once is better than several explana- tions. Insist on a proper standing position at all times, also on correct movements. When a musical instrument is .--.yailable it may be used, so long as the pupils exercise with that vim and vigor which characterize efficient work. The movements should never be allowed to become mechanical. Exercises may be given: (a) by command; (&) by count; (c) in rhythmic succession. (a) All new exercises must be given by command, in order that the pupils may fix the movements in their minds. The command for each part of the exercise should be given separately; as, "Arms forward Raise!" "Arms Down !" (b} If an exercise is difficult, as in the case of a combination exer- cise, it should be repeated several times by command, or numbers may be substituted for the commands, but there must be a command or count for each movement, the pupils moving only by the guidance of the teacher. The counts may be given at longer intervals or in rapid succession as the occa- sion demands, but without any attempt at rhythm. (c) After an exercise has been learned it can be executed in rhyth- mic succession. The rhythm is indicated either by counting, by tapping with a pencil or the foot, or by music. The former is preferable, for, by accenting the various counts, the pupils are inspired to more vigorous and energetic movements. The rhythm should vary according to the exercise. A simple exercise may be executed more rapidly than one that requires the coordination of a large number of muscles, or one in which there are large movements of the whole body. Ordinarily the rhythm should be about march-time, but trunk exercises should be about half as fast. Exercises may also be given in double or quadruple time, the pupils moving on the odd numbers, or on the first of four counts, holding the position during the even counts or from 1-4 as the case may be. When an exercise is to be executed in rhythmic succession, give the command: "In time Begin!" and immediately begin to count: "1-2," etc. When the exercise is to cease give the command "Stop !" instead of the last count; as, "1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-Stop!" If the pupils are marching use the command "Halt!" Give the command "Halt!" when the pupils are raising the right foot. They should then take one more step with the left foot, and stop with the right. When an exercise requires a starting position give the command for that before giving the command for any part of the exercise. If the starting position is fatiguing, and if there are several exercises which require the same position give the command to resume the fundamental position after each exercise, in order that the affected muscles may be momentarily re- lieved from the strain. Never fatigue a muscle or a group of muscles. The exercises of a lesson should follow each other in quick succession ; and explanations and corrections should be as brief as possible. When the class is exercising in rhythm the teacher may make corrections by calling the attention of individual pupils to errors without stopping the work of the class : as, Willie, hold up your head ; Mary, stretch your arms ; George, you are bending the wrong leg, etc. Stop the class for corrections only when a number of pupils are at fault. Remember that it is often better to commend a pupil who is doing well than to find fault with the one who is in error. Therefore it is sometimes advisable to let one who does an ex- ercise correctly show the class how well it can be done. Call attention fre- quently, especiallly before beginning the lesson, to a good standing position ; as. Stand erect! Feet turned out! Heels and knees together! Chest raised ! Hips back, etc. A straight-line drawing of a difficult position will often help the pupils to understand the same. As it is impossible to see all the movements of all the pupils from the same place, the teacher should move about, to different parts of the room ; a side or rear view of the class will often reveal errors that are not visible from the front. Pupils who do their work poorly should not stand in front of the class. Imitation is a large factor in education, and, therefore, the pupils should see only good models. A self-conscious pupil will work better when standing behind another, than when directly under the eye of the teacher. After the different exercises have been mastered much time can be saved by changing from one exercise to another without stopping, the teacher giving the command for the next exercise while the class is work- ing, and then giving the command "Change !" on the last count of the exer- cise which the class is performing. Thus changing from one exercise to another, or a movement from one side to the other, or alternating two ex- ercises that are similar, should be done without pause. The special teachers will visit each class once in two weeks to teach the new lesson. The Superintendent will visit each room at least twice a year to see how the class teachers conduct the work. At these visits he will take note of the following points: The manner of giving the lesson : clearness and accuracy in giving commands; emphasis and precision in commanding and counting; correct- ing faulty execution. Attitude of the class : attention of the oupils ; interpretation of com- mands ; promptness, correctness, and vigor- of execution ; poise of the pupils, correct standing and walking. COMMANDS. The proper giving of the commands is of the utmost importance. Upon the ability to give commands depends largely the success or failure of the teacher. The motor activities as well as the inhibitory powers are de- veloped by the prompt response to well-given commands, while the tone of voice and the emphasis determine largely the amount of vigor and energy the pupils put into their work. Therefore every teacher should make it a duty to study carefully the commands and to acquire the habit of giving them correctly. Every command should have two parts : "Explanatory" and "Execu- tive." The first part, in which the class is informed of what it is to do, should be as terse and precise as is consistent with clearness, and should be in the form of a complete sentence, conveying clearly the idea of the motion or motions to be executed; as, "Raise arms forward" is the first part of a command. However, to complete the command the second, or executive part is necessary in order that the pupils may know when to raise the arms. For this part of the command the verb which indicates the movement is generally used, although in exercises having a succession of movements a number may be used instead. When using the verb as the command of execution, it is well, in order to avoid repetition of the word, to use the inverted form, placing the verb last, thus: Arms forward Raise! If the movement be compound, i. e., if two or more parts of the body are to be moved at once, use the last verb for the command; thus: Arms forward and heels Raise! or, Raise left leg and arms forward Stretch ! The explanatory part of a command should always be given in a clear and distinct manner. Then there should be a pause of greater or lesser duration, which is followed by the command for execution, and this ^should always be given in an accented and forceful manner. The call for "Atten- tion!" should be used sparingly, as it is presumed that all pupils, when exercising are attentive. When it is used, it should be in the manner of an executive command. When an exercise is to be discontinued use the command "Stop!" or "Halt!" Thi- should also be as decisive as a com- mand for execution. In specifying direction, movement, or part of the body, the teacher should always use the exact term; as, forward, upward, raise, thrust, stretch, left leg, right knee, etc., so that the pupil will not be in doubt as to the meaning of the command. In this manual technical terms are avoided as much as possible. The term "Bendkneestep" which is used, is a contraction of the sentence : "Bend (right) knee and step forward with the (left) foot." This con- traction gives us "Bendkneestep forward left." All other technical expres- sions are so plain that they are self-explanatory. The use of the suffix "ward" in connection with the word side, giving "sideward,"* is used for the sake of uniformity with upward and forward. * See Standard Dictionary. EXPLANATION OF POSITIONS. ^.-FUNDAMENTAL POSITION. The position for exercising should always t: an erect one, or what is commonly known as that of the soldier. The heels and knees should be close together ; the toes turned outward to an angle of about 90 ; the body, erect and well balanced upon the hips, should be inclined slightly forward so as to throw the weight a little more upon the balls of the feet than upon the heels ; the chest active ; the shoulders level and well back ; head erect and eyes forward ; arms at the side with the fingers touching the thigh a little behind the middle line. Command: In Position Stand ! If it becomes necessary to allow the pupils to stand in any other posi- tion, give the command : In Place Rest! The pupils will then place the right foot backward, grasp hands back- ward and stand in an easy but erect attitude. The teachers should at all times insist upon the pupils standing in a proper position, whether for exercising or for recitations. S.-STARTING POSITIONS. A large number of exercises are executed from the "Fundamental Position;" for others it may be necessary or desirable to have the arms or legs in a certain position from which to begin the exercise. These are called "Starting Positions."* They are as follows: a. Hands on hips Place! Hands Down! The hands are placed so that the palms rest upon the crest of the ilium, fingers closed and directed forward, thumbs backward, shoulders and elbows well back. The forearm and hand should form a straight line from the elbow to the finger-tips. /;. Hands backward Grasp! Hands Down! The hands are grasped behind, the elbows extended and the shoulders well back. c. Arms forward Fold! Arms Down! The arms are raised forward, elbows on a level with the shoulders, the forearms crossed, the hands grasping the upper arm. d. Arms backward Fold! Arms Down! The arms are folded behind the back, the hands grasping the opposite arm. e. Hands on shoulders Place! Hands Down! The arms are raised outward and bent so as to bring the hands above 'the shoulders; the elbows are directed sideward and on a line with the shoulders; the wrist and hand are slightly curved. f. Arms to thrust Bend! Arms Down! The arms are bent to an acute angle, elbows well back, forearm hori- zontal, upper arm inclined backward, wrist straight and hands clenched (fist). The muscles of the arms should be tense. g. Hands behind neck Place! Hands Down! Raise the arms outward; bend them so that the hands will be behind the neck, and place them so that the finger-tips touch at the base of the skull. The elbows must be in line with the shoulders and the head well back. * In the lessons of this manual the commands for the starting posi- tions, as well as the return commands, are printed in larger type than the commands for the exercises. h. Arms upward Bend! Arms Down! Bend the forearm upward so that the hands are in front of the shoul- ders, the fingers pointing upward, the palms towards the shoulders. i. Arms inward Bend! Arms Down! Raise the arms so that the elbows and forearms are in a line and on a level with the shoulders, finger-tips touching, palms downward. y. Arms to strike Raise! Arms Down! Place the clenched fists above the shoulders, the knuckles backward. The arms are in the same position as in "e." k. Hands for clapping Raise! Hands Down! Raise the left forearm so that the hand is in front of the middle of the body, palm upward; the right hand is raised just a little higher and above the left, with the palm downward. /. Stride position Stand! In position Stand! Place the foot indicated in the desired direction, forward, sideward or backward, about two foot lengths from the other, allow the body to move in the same direction, and stand firmly on both feet ; the weight of the body being equally divided. m. Stride position sideward, both feet sideward Place! In position Stand! Place the left foot about one foot length to the left and the right foot the same distance to the right; the body does not move, the weight being equally divided on both feet. EXPLANATION OF EXERCISES. Head (a) The head can be lowered forward, backward, and side- ward left and right. Forward Drop the head forward so that the chin will rest upon the chest. Backward Move the head backward so that the face will be turned up- ward, but the chin should be close to the neck. Sideward Incline the head toward the shoulder. Command: Head forward Lower! Head Raise! Other directions similarly. (fc) The head can be turned to the left and right. It should be perfectly erect and turned as far as possible in the direction indicated. Command: Head to the left ( _ Turn! right / Front Turn! NOTE. All head exercises should be executed slowly. Trunk. The trunk can be bent forward, downward, backward and sideward ; also obliquely forward and backward. It can also be turned or twisted. (a) Forward The forward bending is not a true bending of the trunk but a lowering of the whole body forward, but to avoid confusion, and for ease in giving tke command, the word "bend" will be used to designate this movement. The body, which should be in an erect position, with the chest active and head well poised, is in- clined forward to a greater or lesser degree; the movement is en- 10 tirely at the hips; the back must be flat (no curve); the head retains its relative position, except that the chin is raised so as to turn the face toward the front. Command : Trunk forward Bend ! Trunk Raise ! (b) Doivnward Unlike the forward movement the spine is bent as well as the whole body inclined forward. The head, although in the same relation to the body, should be below the level of the hips, and the spine curved with the convexity upward. Command: Trunk downward Bend! Trunk Raise! (c) Backward The backward bending must be a true bending of the spine. Movement below the hips should be entirely avoided. The upper part of the body is bent backward ; the chest well raised ; the head in the same relative position, and the face upward. The legs should be straight, and should in no wise participate in the movement. Command: Trunk backward Bend! Trunk Raise! (d) Sideward The trunk is bent, so that the upper part of the body is inclined toward the side; the head squarely above the shoulders. The flexion is entirely above the hips ; the legs must be straight, and care must be taken not to raise the foot on the opposite side. The body must not twist or incline forward or backward. Command: Trunk sideward Bend! Trunk Straighten! (e) Obliquely forward Turn the body (without moving the feet) so as to face half way between forward and sideward, then bend for- ward as under "a." Command: Trunk obliquely forward Bend! Trunk Raise! / (/) Obliquely backward Turn as under "e," then bend backward, as under "c." When bending obliquely backward, left, the turning is toward the right. Command: Trunk obliquely backward Bend! Trunk Straighten ! (g) Turning Turn or twist the body so as to bring the broad axis of the chest into the deep axis (or nearly so) ; the hips should not participate in the movement, nor should the legs be twisted. Command: Trunk to the left / _ Turn! Forward Turn ! NOTE. All trunk exercises should be executed slowly. For musical accompaniment a waltz (3-4 time) "s preferable, the move- ment taking place on the first beat of each measure. In all trunk exercises the body must be in a good position. The chest must be active, i. e., well raised, and the muscles which help to expand it, in action. The abdomen should be back ; the head, well poised. Arms. The arm exercises are classified under the following headings : (a) Raising; (fe) Swinging; (c} Stretchipg; (d) Thrusting; (e} Throw- ing; (/) Striking; (g) Circling; (h) Rotating; (*) Winding. NOTE. Teachers should be careful to distinguish every exercise by its proper name. 11 (a) Raising Raising the arms implies that they are eltvatecl from a lower to a higher level. They should remain straight during the entire movement, ex- cept when both arms are raised sideward left or right. When raised forward ; or sideward ; they are on a level and in a direct line with the shoulders. The palms of the hands are downward. When raised upward ; they are vertical, close to the head, as far apart as the shoulders, and the palms of the hands are toward each other. When raised obliquely upward; they are half way between for- ward and upward, the hands as in the upward position. When raised diagonally; one arm is obliquely sideward up- ward, the other sideward downward; the hands are in pronation. When raised sideward ; left or right ; one arm is straight side- ward, the other bent to a right angle, with the hand in front of the opposite shoulder, both arms on a level with the shoulders; the hands in pronation. When raised forward upward, or sideward upward, the hands are turned after they pass the horizontal plane. Command: Arms forward Raise! Arms Lower ! Other positions similarly. ( b ) Swinging 1. The arms are moved quickly forward and backward as a pendulum. :.'. With arms sideward ; swing them up and down quickly so-called "Flying Movement." 3. With both arms sideward left ; swing them on the same level, to the position sideward right. 4. The arms may also be swung in a circle forward, backward, side- ward, inward and outward. In all these movements the arms must be straight. (c) Stretching To stretch the arms they must be previously bent. They arc stretched from the position, "Hands on hips," "Hands on shoulders," or "Arms upward Bend!" When stretching from hips, the hands are first raised to the height of the shoulders, the hands are turned in the direction in- dicated, and the arms quickly extended to their full length. If stretched upward the hands must pass close in front of the should- ers and go straight up past the head. When stretching from shoulders ; the hands are also first turned in the direction indicated by the command. From the position, "Arms upward Bend!" the stretching is the same as in the foregoing, except that the bending and stretch- ing may be separate movements, or counts, or the bending and stretching may be in rapid succession, or in one count, as one movement. NOTE. The hands are in the same position when the arms are straight, as when they are raised. In all stretching, the fingers are straight, and precede the arms. Command: Arms forward Stretch ! Arms Bend ! Other directions similarly. (d) Thrusting This is the most vigorous arm movement. It must be preceded by taking the position "Arms to thrust." From this posi- tion the first is raised in front of the shoulders, then turned in the direction indicated in the command, and the arm forcibly ex- 12 tended. As the arm is straightened, the forearm is turned so as to bring the hand into pronation. In the return movement, which should be as vigorous as the thrust, the forearm is again turned so that the hand is in supination. Command: Arms forward Thrust! Arms Bend I Other directions similarly. (c) Throwing This movement is executed either from "Hands on shoulders" or from "Arms inward Bend!" It consists in forcible extension of the forearm, bringing it in a line with the upper arm ; the latter does not participate in the movement. When the exercise is from the shoulders the hand is in supina- tion, when the arm is straight; when from "Arms inward Bend!" it is in pronation. Command: Arms sideward Throw! Arms Bend! (/) Striking From position "Arms to strike" extend the arm vigorously sideward as in throwing, but the first remains clinched, the knuck- les backward. Command: Sideward Strike ! Arms Bend ! ( g ) Circling From position "Arms sideward" move the arm a short dis- tance in the direction indicated, then lower it slightly ; move in the opposite direction, and continue the movement upward and in the first direction. The hand should describe a circle of from twelve to fifteen inches in diameter. Command: Arms forward ) p,-.-!*' backward ( ~" Cir (//) Rotation This is a turning of the arm around its long axis. The hand being alternately in pro- and supination. It may be executed in any position of the arms. Command : Arms Turn! (i) Winding Raise the arms, slightly bent, in front of the body, describe a circle with the hands, and stretch the arms vigorously in a given direction forward, sideward or uoward. Winding inward, when the movement begins upward and toward the body ; outward, when reversed. Shoulders. The shoulder exercises are limited to raising, which is an exaggerated form of shrugging, and to moving forward and backward. In both exercises the rest of the body, especially the head, must not move. In raising the shoulders ; they move straight up and down ; in moving for- ward and backward ; they must remain at the normal level throughout the exercise. Command: Shoulders Raise! Lower! Shoulders backward ) . T forward ( Leg's. The leg exercises are classified under the following headings : (a) Raising Heels; (b) Knee Bending; (Y) Leg Raising; ( Bein senkt ! 19 Knieheben (e) Fersenhebenlmksj_ hebt! Bein _ senkt , (/) 1. Schrittstellung vor- ,eit- ruecK- Kreuzschrittstellung vorlings ) , , . 1 ruecklingsf Beine schliesst ! ( / ) 2. Siehe Ausgangsstellungen 1 und m. (/) 8. Auslage (schritt) vor- Beine schliesst ! (/) 4. Ansfall vor- Beine schliesst ! (g] Kniebeugen in der Graetschstellung : Linkes rechtes Knie beugt ! streckt ! ( Beide) Kniee beugt ! streckt ! Der Befehl /.inn I 'eben ini Takt ist : Im Takt uebt ! I "in die Uebung zu beschliessen gebe man den Befehl Halt ! und /\var auf den letzten Takt der Uebung. Harschieren. GI-IUMI am Ort Geht ! oder Am Ort Marsch ! Zum Schluss gebe man den Befehl Halt! stets auf den Schritt. Seitwarrts ( marsch Halt ! Kucck \\acrts ) (//) Skipping Hopsergang. (i) Double ot Gallop step = Galopp huepfen < (j) Treble or Polka steps Schottisch Gang. Mit Huepfen Schottisch huepfen. Facings D re h u nge n . About Face! kehrt urn ! 20 BREATHING KXKRCISES. Breathing exercises have a threefold effect. They increase the lung capacity, strengthen the organs of respiration, and moderate the rapid heart action consequent to vigorous exercise. The breathing exercise should consist of a long, deep inhalation. thoroughly expanding the chest and filling all parts of the lungs. It is especially desirable that the apexes be inflated, by forcing the air to the upper part of the lungs. The exhalation should be somewhat forced, so as to expel as much of the residual air as possible. Both the time of inhaling and exhaling should be lengthened with the increasing age of the pupils; also the number of repetitions. Care must be taken not to overdo either. For smaller pupils, count six or eight while inhaling, two to four to hold the breath, and four to six while exhaling. Older pupils may be required to count as high as 12 for in- haling, 4 or 6 to hold the breath, and 8 to exhale. Do not hold the breath too long. The counting should be in the same time as for exercises. Arm movements which act on the muscles of respiration may be added to the breathing, as they greatly enhance the effect. In connection with the reading lessons, breathing exercises with vocal- ization will be found useful. EXPLANATION OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. ABBREVIATIONS. FORVV. Forward; toward the front. SIDEW. Sideward ; toward the side or sides. BACKW. Backward ; toward the rear. UPW. Upward ; in the direction above the head. DOWN. Downward ; toward the floor. INW. Inward; toward the middle line of the body. Pos. Position; to stand in the fundamental position. STRTG. Pos. Starting position; the position other than the fundamental position, taken for the execution of a certain exercise. RET. TO Pos. Return to position ; reverse the order of movements so that there is a return to the position from which the exercise started. OBL. Obliquely ; midway between any of the straight lines. DIAG. Diagonally; when one arm is extended obi. upw., the other obi. dpwnw., in the opposite direction. When left arm is up, it is "left diagonal," the onoosite "right diagonal." When used in connection with a leg exe/cise the downw. arm is parallel with the straight leg. 21 ROUTINE FOR BEGINNING AND CLOSING THE LESSON. (a) Ventilate ! (b) Command: Prepare for exercises! Pupils arrange their desks, remove superfluous clothing, and sit erect, hands on desks. (c) Command: On the right (left) side Stand! Pupils place the corresponding foot in the aisle and rise, assuming immediately a correct standing position. (rf) Where seats can be turned up Command: Raise seats 1! Pupils bend forward and take hold of seats; 2! Straighten up and lift the seats; 3! Grasp hands behind. O) Command: For marching About Pace! Pupils in alternate aisles face to the rear, turning right about. (Instead of the alternate files, the outside files may all turn to the rear, leaving only the two middle files facing forward.) (/) Command: To your places March! The pupils will march around the various sections of seats to places previously assigned to them. They should be so arranged that boys stand in one aisle and girls in another, or if preferable, boys on one side of the room and gifls on the other; the smaller pupils should be in front, the taller behind. As the pupils get to the places assigned to them, they step between the desks, if the seats are turned up, or with their backs to the seats, if the latter are stationary. (g) Command: In the aisle Stand! The pupils step into the aisles, facing the teacher ready for exercises. After the lesson Command: For marching About Face! Same as (d) above. Command: To your seats March! Same as (e) above, except that the pupils go to their regular seats. If the seats are sta- tionary the pupils sit down immediately. Command: Into the aisle Step! Same as (/") above. Command: Seats lower 1! Pupils take hold of seats; 2!. Pupils bend forward, pushing down the seat; 3! Pupils stand erect. Command: Sit! Pupils t)lace the corresponding foot under the desk, and sit as before the lesson. FIRST GRADE FIRST HALF. Pupils of this grade will stand beside their seats, changing only when absolutely necessary. The exercises in the first five lessons are to be given by command, without counting. The simple exercises may be executed in rhythmic suc- cession, but every movement should be designated by the term which stands for it; as, Raise! Lower! Bend! Stretch! etc., instead of one! two! Show each exercise, but do not neglect to give each exercise its cor- rect name. LESSON I. 1. Show pupils how to stand correctly. NOTE. Frequently, during the lessons, refer to correct position. Hands for clapping Raise! 2. Clap hands (several times). Hands Down! Arms forward Raise! 3. Shake hands! (The movement is only at the wrist.) Arms Lower ! Arms sidew. Raise! 4. Shake hands, as in 3. Hands on hips Place! NOTE. Teach this position correctly, and see that it is maintained throughout. 5. Trunk forward Bend! Straighten! (several times). NOTE. At first bend but slightly, then gradually increase the bend- ing in subsequent lessons. 6. Knees Bend! Straighten! (several times). NOTE. Pupils of this grade should be taught to bend to a right angle only. It is not necessary to raise the heels, but the body must remain erect. Hands Down ! Hands backw. Grasp! 7. Mark time March! Halt! 8. Breathing exercise. LESSON II. 1. Left arm sidew. Raise! The left hand Shake! Raise right and lower left arm Shake right hand ! Change several times. Arm Lower ! 2. Arms forw. Raise! Clap! Lower! (6-8 times). Hands on hips Place! 3. Shoulders Raise! Lower! (6-8 times). 4. Trunk forw. Bend! Straighten (4-6 times). Hands backw. Grasp! 5. Heels Raise! Lower! (6-8 times). 6. Knees Bend! Straighten! (4-6 times). Hands for clapping Raise! 7. Mark time and clap hands March ! Halt ! 8. Breathing exercise. LESSON III. 1. Arms forw. Raise! Close and open hands -(".I. --e! Open! 12 times). Arms Lower ! 2. Arms forw. Raise! Lower! (8-10 times). Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Head to the left Turn ! Front! (6-8 times). 4. Same to the right. 28 Hands on hips Place! 5. Trunk forw. Bend! Straighten! (4-6 times). G. Trunk sidew. to the left Bend ! Straighten! (4-6 times). 7. Same to the right. Hands backw. Grasp! Heels Raise! Lower! (6-8 times). Knees Bend! Straighten! (4-6 times). Mark time, and clap hands on every other count (1-3-5, etc.) March! Halt! XOTE. Breathing exercises are to be a part of every lesson, although no mention is made of it in subsequent lessons. LESSON IV. 1. Arms outw. Raise! Close and open hands. While pupils are do- ing the exercise, have them raise arms upw., then lower forw., and finally lower to the side before giving the command to stop. :.'. Arms in front Fold! Behind Fold! (Repeat several times, stop- ping with the arms folded behind.) 3. Head forw. Lower! Raise! (4-6 times). 4. Head backw. Lower! Raise! (4-6 times). Hands on hips Place! '>. Trunk forw. Bend! Straighten! (4-6 times). 6. Trunk sidew. Bend! Straiehten ! (several times to the left, then to the right). 7. Feet Close! (bring feet together); Open! (turn feet outward), (8-10 times). \ 8. Knees Bend! Straighten! (4-6 times). 9. Mark time and clap on the first of four counts March ! NOTE. In the subsequent lessons directions for repetitions are omitted. LESSON V. 1. Arms outward Raise! Lower! Hands on hips Place! 2. Stretch arms downw. Stretch ! On hips Place ! 3. Arms forw. Fold ! Backw. Fold ! Arms Lower! Hands on hips Place! 4. Trunk backw. Bend ! Straighten ! i Make a distinct pause after each movement; show the exercise re- peatedly.) 5. Trunk forw. Bend ! Straighten ! G. Trunk sidew. left Bend ! Straighten. 7. Same, right. S. Left heel Raise! Lower! Same, right. After some practice: Raise left heel, lower left and raise right at same time, and continue. Com. : Left heel Raise ! Lower left and raise right Change ! Con- tinueLeft! Right! Left! Right! etc. '.'. Mark time and clap hands on the first of eight counts. LESSON VI. . 1. Arms forw., upw. Raise ! Close and open hands ! Lower sidew. and continue hand exercise ! Lower to side and stop. 2. Arms forw. upw. Raise ! Lower forw. down ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands backw. Grasp! ::. Head sidew. left Lower ! Raise! Begin 1-2 ! 4. Same, right! 24 Hands on hips Place! 5. Trunk forw. Bend ! Straighten! Begin I-:,'! 6. Trunk backvv. Bend! Straighten! 7. Trunk to the left Turn ! Front! Begin 1-2 ! 8. Same, right! Begin 1-2 ! Hands backw. Grasp! 9. Feet Close! Open! Begin 1-2 ! 10. Knees Bend! Straighten! Begin 1-2 ! 11. Mark time and clap on every left step March! Halt! NOTE. Pupils should now begin to keep step, so that the clapping will be simultaneous with the movement of the left foot. LESSON VII. 1. To the left Turn! To the front Turn ! To the right Turn! To the front Turn ! 2. Arms sidew. upw. Raise Arms Lower! Begin 1-2! NOTE. Clapping hands will facilitate the teaching of this exercise. Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Head forw. Lower! Raise! Begin 1-2! 4. Head backw. Lower ! Raise ! Begin 1-2 ! Arms forw. Fold! 5. Trunk forw. Bend! Straighten! Begin J -:.' ! Arms backw. Fold! 6. Trunk backw. Bend ! Straighten! Begin 1-2 ! Hands on hips Place! 7. Trunk to the left Turn ! Front ! Begin 1-2 ! 8. Same, right! Begin 1-2 ! NOTE. Explain difference between turning as in 1, and turning the body only. 9. Raise left heel 1 ! Lower left and raise right 2! Begin left! right ! or 1-2 ! 10. Mark time and clan four counts, then four counts without clapping March! Halt! LESSON VIII. Preliminary to the lesson repeat facing of the foregoing lesson. 1. Hands on hips Place ! Down ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands on hips Place! 2. Stretch arms forw. and clap hands Clap ! On hips Place ! Be- gin 1-2 ! 3. Head to the left Turn ! Front ! Begin 1-2 ! 4. Same, right ! Begin 1-2 ! Arms backw. Fold! 5. Trunk backw. Bend! Straighten! Arms forw. Fold! 6. Trunk forw. Bend! Straighten! Begin 1-2! Hands backw. Grasp! 7. Heels Raise ! Lower ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands on hips Place! 8. Trunk sidew. left Bend ! Straighten! Begin 1-2! 9. Same, right! Begin 1-2! 10. Knees Bend! Straighten! Begin J-2! 11. Mark time, and clap hands on first of eight counts. LESSON IX. Repeat facings of Lesson VII. 1. Hands on shoulders Place! Down! Begin 1-2! 25 Arms sidew. Raise! 2. Hands under shoulders Place ! Sidew. Stretch ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Head sidew. left Lower ! Raise ! Begin 1-2 ! 4. Same, right! Begin 1-2! Arms forw. Fold! 5. Trunk backw. Bend ! Straighten ! 6. Same, forw. ! Begin 1-2 ! Arms forw. Fold! 7. Trunk to the left Turn ! Front ! Begin 1-2 ! 8. Same, to the right ! Begin 1-2 ! 9. Raise left heel ! Begin 1-2 ! 10. Same, right! Begin 1-2! 11. Heels Raise ! Lower ! Begin 1-2 ! 12. Mark time, and turn to the left on the first of four counts. Repeat four times, or until pupils are facing front. LESSON X. Drill on facings. 1. Raise left arm forw. upw. 1 ! Lower left and raise right arm 2 ! Change ! Change ! Begin 1-2 ! Arm Lower! :.'. Anns inw. Bend! Lower! Begin 1-2! Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Lower head forw. 1 ! Raise 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! 4. Same, backw. ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands on hips Place! 5. Trunk backw. Bend ! Straighten ! 6. Same, forw. ! Begin 1-2 ! 7. Same, sidew., left ! Begin 1-2 ! 8. Same, right! Begin 1-2 ! Hands backw. Grasp! 9. Bend knees 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! 10. Mark time, and turn to the right on the last of four counts. Repeat as in Lesson IX. FIRST GRADE SECOND HALF. SECOND GRADE FIRST HALF. LESSON XI. 1. To the left Turn! Left Turn ! Left Turn ! Left Turn ! 2. Raise arms forw. and clap l! Lower 2! Begin 1-2! 3. Raise arms sidew. 1 ! Lower 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands backw. Grasp! 4. Turn head left 1 ! Front 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! 5. Same, right ! Begin 1-2 ! Arms backw. Fold! 6. Bend trunk backw. 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! Arms forw. Fold! 7. Bend trunk forw. 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! 8. Raise left heel 1 ! Lower left and raise right 2 ! Alternate! Be- gin 1-2 ! Hands on hips Place! 9. Bend trunk sidew. left 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! 10. Same, right! Begin 1-2 ! 11. Bend knees 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! 26 12. Mark time, ami clap hands on the first, third, fifth, sixth and seventh of eight counts. (Drum beat.) NOTE. In the following lessons, the return movements the command to "Begin " and the counts are omitted, it being presumed that the teach- ers will have acquired the habit of giving the commands properly. Only the first movement of an exercise will he given, the return movement being always understood. LESSON XI I. 1. Facings as in Lesson XI, but to the right. 2. Raise arms forw. upw. Arms inw. Bend! 3. Throw arms outw. Hands backw. Grasp! 4. Lower head backw. Hands on hips Place! 5. Bend trunk backw. 6. Same, forw. 7. Bend knees. Arms backw. Fold! 8. Turn trunk to the left. 9. Same, right ! 10. Raise left leg forw. 11. Same, right. 12. Mark time as in Lesson XL NOTE. In the subsequent lessons facings are not mentioned, but teachers will drill on those already given. The second grade will take in additon : To the rear Right about Turn ! Left about Turn ! LESSON XIII. 1. Raise arms outw. Hands on shoulders Place! 2. Stretch arms upw. Hands on hips Place! 3. Lower head forw. 4. Bend trunk backw. 5. Same, forw. Hands backw. Grasp! 6. Raise left leg forw. 7. Same, right. Arms backw. Fold! 8. Bend trunk sidew. left. 9. Same, right. 10. Raise left and right heels alternately. 11. Skip around the room. First lire begin Skip ! LESSON XIV. 1. Raise arms forw. upw. Arms outw. liaise! 2. Move arms up and down (Flying movement). Count rapidly. Hands on hips Place! 3. Lower head to the left. 4. Same, right. Arms backw. Fold! .">. Bend trunk backw. 27 Arms forw. Fold! 6. Bend trunk forw. 7. Raise heels. Hands on hips Place! 8. Turn trunk to the left. 9. Same, right. 10. Raise left knee forw. 11. Same, right. 12. Skip as in Lesson XIII, but with swinging arms as in second exercise of this lesson. LESSON XV. 1. Raise arms sidew. upw. and clap hands overh. Hands on shoulders Place! 2. Throw arms sidew. Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Turn head to the left. 4. Same, right. Hands on hips Place! 5. Bend trunk backw. f>. Same, forw. 7. Raise left knee forw. 8. Same, right. Arms backw. Fold! 9. Bend trunk sidew. left. 10. Same, right. 11. Raise left leg sidew. 12. Same, right. 13. Mark time, and face to the left on the first of every four counts. After some practice, clap hands while facing to the sides. LESSON XVI. I. Raise arms forw. kaise arms outw. Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Lower head forw. 4. Turn trunk to the left. 5. Same, right. Arms upw. Bend! 6. Stretch arms upw. After some practice add raising heels. Hands on hips Place! 7. Bend trunk backw. 5. Same, forw. Hands Down! 0. Raise left knee and left arm forw. 10. Same, right. 11. March as in Lesson XV, but turn to the right en fourth count. LESSON XVII. 1. Raise arms forw. upw. :J. Raise arms sidew. upw. and clap hands c verh. H"i:ds backw. Grasp! wer head backw. -end trunk forw. Hands on hips Place! f>. Bend trunk backw. 6. Bend knees and clap hands. 28 Arms backw. Fold! 7. Bend trunk sidew. left. 8. Same, right. Hands on shoulders Place! 9. Raise left heel and stretch left arm upw. 'lO. Same, right. 11. Alternate, right going up when left is lowered. Hands Down! 12. March three steps forw. (4 counts). Com.: Bight about Turn! Repeat. LESSON XVIII. 1. Hands on shoulders! (as an exercise). 2. Raise shoulders and place hands under same. Arms backw. Fold! 3. Lower head backw. 4. Bend trunk backw. Arms forw. Fold! 5. Bend trunk forw. Arms Down! 6. Bend knees and raise arms forw. Hands backw. Grasp! 7. Turn trunk to the left. 8. Same, right. 9. Raise left leg forw., and (after some practice) raise arms forw. 10. Same, right. 11. Mark time 4 steps, then march forw. as in Lesson XVII, stopping on the eighth count. LESSON XIX. Hands on shoulders Place! 1. Stretch arms upw. Hands Down ! 2. Raise arms sidew. Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Lower head sidew. left. 4. Same, right. Hands on hips Place! 5. Bend trunk backw. 6. Same, forw. Raise heels and the arms sidew. Raise! 7. Swing arms up and down and move heels up and down. (Heels are not to touch the floor.) In position Stand! Hands on hips Place! 8. Bend trunk sidew. left. 9. Same, right. Hands Down ! 10. Bend knees and raise arms forw. 11. Repeat marching exercise in Lesson XVIII, but take four steps for the turning and stop on 12. LESSON XX. 1. Raise arms forw. upw. 2. Raise arms sidew. upw. Hands on shoulders Place! 3. Turn head to the left and throw the left hand sidew. 4. Same, right. 29 Hands on hips Place! 5. Bend trunk forw. y 6. Same, backw. Arms inw. Bend! 7. Bend knees and thrcm arms sidew. Hands backw. Grasp! 8. Turn trunk to the left. 9. Same, to the right. U Sa^e/r'ight^ 8 ^^ } After some practice add : Raise arms sidew. I'. 1 March as in the foregoing lesson, but make the exercise continuous until pupils are in their original places. 24 counts in all. SECOND GRADE SECOND HALF. XMTE. In the following ten lessons the exercises are chiefly in four counts. It will be well to give the command for each movement separately, although in Lessons XXII to XXX, inclusive, these commands are omitted. LESSON XXI. 1. Raise arms forw. l! Lower 2! Raise arms sidew. 3! Lower 4! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Hands backw. Grasp! 2. Turn head to the left 1 ! Front 2 ! To the right 3 ! Front 4 ! Begin 1-2-15-4 ! Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk forw. 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Bend backw. 3 ! Straighten 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Hands on shoulders Place! 4. Stretch arms upw. and raise heels 1 ! Hands on shoulders and lower heels 2 ! Begin 1-2 ! Hands on hips Place! 5. Bend trunk sidew. left 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Bend to the right 3 ! Straighten 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 6. Raise left knee 1 ! Lower 2 ! Raise right knee 3 ! Lower 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Hands Down! 7. Same, with raising arms forw. Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 8. Repeat marching exercise of Lesson XX, but clap hands four times while marking time. LESSON XXII. Hands on hips Place! 1. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. 2. Stretch arms upw. and downw. Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Lower head forw. and backw. Arms forw. Fold! 4. Bend trunk forw. and backw. Hands backw. Grasp! :.. Raise heels and bend knees. (Alternate.) 6. Turn trunk to the left and right. 7. Raise left and right leg forw. 8. Same, but also raise arms forw. 9. March around the room and clap on the 1st, 3d, 5th, 6th and 7th of counts. (Drum beat.) 30 LESSON XXIII. 1. Rais<> arms for\v. upw. and sidew. upw. Hands on hips Place! 2. Lower head sidew. left and right. 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. Arms sidew. Raise! 4. Bend and straighten knees and swing arms downw. and upw. Bend knees but slightly. NOTE. Count quickly 1-2, or down, up, etc. The arms move the same as in the flying movement. Hands on hips Place! 5. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. 6. Raise left and right leg sidew. 7. Same, but also raise arms sidew. 8. Four double-steps forw., left foot leading, about face and repeat. Re- peat with right foot leading. LESSON XXIV. 1. Raise arms <>ut\v. and circle arms backw. Arms inw. Bend! 2. Throw left and right arm sidew. 3. Same, and turn head left and right. Arms backw. Fold! 4. Bend trunk forw. and backw. 5. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. Hands Down! 6. Raise left arm forw. upw. and raise left heel; same, right. (Alternate in 4 counts.) Hands backw. Grasp! 7. Raise left and right leg backw. 8. Four double steps forw. left, then four right. About face, and repeat. LESSON XXV. 1. Raise left arm sidew. upw. (curved), right forearm across the back; same reversed. Alternate, in four counts. Also in two courts. Hands on hips Place! 2. Lower head sidew. left and raise left shoulder ; same, right ; alternate. 3. Turn trunk left and right and clap hands in front of chest. (Arms are not to be straight.) Hands Do wn ! 4. Bend knees and raise arms sidew. upw. to circle overhead. Arms forw. Fold! 5. Bend trunk backw. and forw. Hands backw. Grasp! 6. Touchstep sidew. left. Same, right. Alternate. 7. Raise heels and the arms forw. upw. 8. March four steps forw. and backw. LESSON XXVI. Hands on shoulders Place! 1. Stretch arms upw. and sidew. 2. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. . Hands Do wn ! 3. Turn head to the left and right, and point in the direction indicated. 31 Hands on hips Place! 4. Bend trunk backw. and forw. 5. Raise left and right foot backw. Arms backw. Fold! 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. 7. Raise left and right foot backw. and the arms forw. 8. Odd numbered rows march four steps forw. and backw., the even rows backw. and forw. Also reverse. LESSON XXVII. Arms upw. Bend! 1. Stretch arms upw. and forw. 2. Stretch arms sidew. and turn head left and right. Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Lower head forw. and backw. Arms forw. Fold! 4. Bend trunk backw. and forw. Hands on hips Place! 5. Raise heels and bend knees. (Alternate.) 6. Turn trunk left and right and clap hands. (Arms extended forw.) Arms upw. Bend! 7. Raise heels and bend knees, and stretch arms upw. and outw. v March as in Lesson XXVI, but without stopping on the eighth count, *'. e., odd numbers four steps forw., eight backw., eight forw., etc. Tlu- even numbers in the opposite direction. LESSON XXVJII. 1. Rai-e arms forw. 1; upw. 2; lower forw. 3; down 4. (Succes- -ive.) 2. Lower head to the left and raise right arm sidew. upw. (curved) ; same opposite. (Alternate.) Hands on hips Place! :;. Bend trunk backw. and downw., touching toes on third count. I. Raise heels, bend knees, straighten knees, and lower heels. (Succes- >ive.) Arms backw. Fold! I'.end trunk sidew. left and right. 6. Tonclisu-p forw. left and right. 7. March as in Lesson XXVII, but in the forw. movement; use double >tep. LESSON XXIX. 1. Raise arm> forw.: >\\ in.u outw., forw., and lower. Hands backw. Grasp! 2. Lower head forw. and backw. .:. T.end trunk backw. and forw. Hands on hips Place! 4. Raise left and right knee forw. 5. Turn trunk to the left and right and stretch arms forw. fi. Touchstep sidew. left and right. 7. Touchstep forw. left and right, and stretch arms forw. Any of the foregoing marching exercises. LESSON XXX. 1. Raise arms sidew. 1; upw. 2; lower sidew. 3; down 4. (Succes- sive.) 2. Lower head backw. and raise arms sidew. upw. to a circle overhead. 32 Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and downw., touching toes on third count. 4. Raise left and right foot backw. 5. Same, and stretch arms forvv. Arms backw. Fold! 0. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. Hands backw. Grasp! 7. Touchstep backw. left and right. 8. Any of the foregoing marching exercises. SCHOOL-ROOM GAMES. These games were compiled by the late Miss Adelaide Spills, Assistant in the Physical Training Department. BEAN-BAG OR PAPER-BALL. 1. Each child has a bean-bag in the left or right hand. At a signal each begins to toss his bag upward, catching it with the same hand, continuing until signal to stop. Later they may toss in time to the counting of the teacher. 2. Several bags are thrown at random by the teacher ; those who catch the bags return them, and the game continues. 3. The above may be played by having those who catch the bags form a line in front, and each in order throwing his bag at random; then the next group; this continues. 4. The teacher throws one bag, at the same time calling the name 01 a child, who stands quickly, tries to catch it, and returns it to her. Later, if he is successful in catching, he may come to the front and call the name of one of his classmates, and toss. When the bag is not caught, it is returned to the teacher. 5. Each child in the first section has a bag. -At a signal he hands it to the one in the second section, he to the next, and so on, until it has reached the last section, when it is returned in the same manner to the first. The row getting it to the first section first, wins. In all games of passing the bag or ball, both hands must be used. 6. The same game may be played by having the bags started, one from each front desk and passed backward, by having the class face the aisle and pass sideward, or remain facing front and pass overhead, with both hands. 7. With the class facing front and a bag on each front desk, at a signal the bags are passed back. When the last child in each section gets it. he mns forward, places it on the front desk, and returns to his seat. That section of which the last child gets back first, wins. 33 The first child in each section, with the bag in the left hand, stands in the right aisle, facing the rear wall. At signal they run back, touch the wall, return down the same aisle, giving the bag to the second, who starts off quickly, and gives it to the third, etc. When the last one gets it, he touches the wall and runs to the front, giving it to the first. Since each section is playing independently, the line getting the bag to the front desk first, wins. 9. There are as many bags on each front desk as there are desks in the section. The first child in each section stands. At signal to begin, they place one bag on each desk, taking only one at a time. The first one through, is winner. Number two of each section stands. At signal, they begin to collect the bags, going to the last desk first and bringing that bag to the first desk, thus only one at a time. Number three distributes them, and so on. 10. A basket or bucket is placed on the front floor, or a circle, about two feet in diameter, may be drawn on the floor. Each child has a bean-bag, and in turn, standing at a specified distance from the circle, tries to throw his bag into it. After all have finished, each will be interested to know where his bag is. 11. A hoop is suspended from the ceiling or the frame of the ante-room door at a convenient height. Each in turn, passes to a place marked by the teacher and tries to throw the bag through the hoop. A boy stands on the other side <>f the hoop to catch the bag and toss it to the one next in turn. Tn this and the preceding game, as the throwing becomes more accu- rate, the distance is increased, and both the left and right hands are to be used. 12. The class is arranged in a circle around the room ; each child has a bag. The teacher decides upon the number of times the bag is to be tossed upward, by the left or right hand, and at signal each begins to toss. The one finishing first without having dropped the bag, wins. 13. A number of bags are placed on the front desk of each section. The first child in the section stands, and at the signal, places one bag on the last desk in its row, returns for the next and carries it to the same desk, and so on, until all the bags are on the last desk; then the child returns to his own place. The first through, is winner. The second one starts from the last desk and carries the bags to the first. Continue until all have had a turn. RUNNING AND JUMPING. 1. The class rises and assumes the correct standing position, with lips closed. Hands may be on the hips. The first section starts to run around the room, the others following. Later the class may clap in time with the running. The running is done on the balls of the feet. N. B. In all games where the entire class is actively engaged, the room should be well ventilated. 34 2. A string is attached to the wall, at an average height for the tallest and smallest in the class, and is held horizontally by the teacher. The class stands in correct position, facing the rear wall. The last section starts to run. Each child reaching the string jumps and tries to touch it, with left or right hand, returning to his desk and sitting in order. There should he a distance of six or eight feet between those running, to allow for the time consumed while jumping. 3. Place two light, movable boxes (or books or slates on end) on the floor, and across these a stick. The class stands in position. The pupils, by sections, start to run around the room, jumping over the stick with left, right, or both feet, returning to their desks. This may also be done hopping on one foot. 4. The above may be played by having the class jump over a jumping- rope, held by two children. 5. A. The class, in a good standing position, raises left or right foot backward, holding it with the hand on the same side. Standing on the ball of the other foot, they hop in place in time to the counting of the teacher. Later they hop, without holding the foot, a fixed number of times on each foot, changing quickly. H. With imaginary rope, and raising both feet backward at once, alighting on the balls of the feet, while they are jumping in place. C. Raising the left and right foot backward (flexing the leg), altern- ately, while they are running in place. Place a number of erasers, ten or twelve, on the floor, parallel about one foot apart. Each child in turn passes to the erasers, hops over them on one foot without lowering the other, and returns to his desk. The game may be a "contest," the successful ones remaining in the game, the last one up being the winner. 7. The above may be played by having the first child place the erasers on the floor in position, without lowering the other foot. The second child will hop over one, pick it up, then over the next and pick it up, until he has them all, keeping the foot raised. 8. All stand in poMtion. facing the sick- of the room. At the first signal, each places one hand on the edge of his desk and the other on the ed.ue of the desk behind. At the second signal they jump over the scat, alight- ing on the balls of the feet. Signal, all turn and repeat 9. Vary the above, by having the last section run to the rear and around to the desk in the first section directly across from his own. This con- tinues until each is at his own desk. - 36 - 10. The class forms a line across the rear of the room, holding out one hand. One is the tagger, who touches the outheld hands along the line and finally tags the hand of a child behind an aisle, and runs. The one tagged must catch him before he reaches the front floor. If caught, he either goes to his desk, or remains on front floor, and is out of the game. If he is not caught, he has another turn then the other child is out. This may be played by having the girls at one end of the line, the boys at the other, and have two taggers. 11. Two children step to the front of the room, and grasping right hands st.Mid in stride position, the right feet touching. At the signal, both pull, each trying to move the other from his place. 12. Two children grasp right hands, stand on right foot, with left foot raised backward. Both pull : the one succeeding in pulling his opponent over is the winner. 13. First two children step to front of the room, take hold of a wand with Imth hand-, right hand forward. Stand in stride position, right feet aliiif the n>>in. One in each circle starts a feather into the air. Each child endeavors to keep it up. but must not leave his place. The first feather to the floor makes its circle the loser. The windows have been opened and the room well ventilated. "Birds." Each section assumes the name of a bird. When the teacher calls for one say the robin the robins fly around the room; the boys may imitate his call. This continues until all have been out. "Rope and Ring." This Bailie is to teach the children the control of the hands, when moving in opposition. The class is arranged in a circle, standing almost shoulder to shoulder, with both hands on a rope or strong twine. One child is in the center. Somewhere on the rope is a ring. At a signal, all begin to move both hands on the rope ; the ring is then on its way around, the child in the i-enter trying to locate it. If he is successful, the one who had it takes his place in the center. "The Band." The class marches around the room, following a good captain. The girls sing a chosen song, while the boys represent the band and are play- ing imaginary instruments, thus : the drum-beat, fife, horn, and others, but following the melody of the song. "Seasons" After a lesson on one of the seasons, a few moments of relaxation will be enjoyed, particularly if the sports of the season are brought out. The following are suggestions for fall : 38 - In the fall we go to the woods, running around the room until \ve reach our desks the woods. On the way, we crossed a small stream, jumping across it a stick placed on two boxes. We gather nuts all stooping; or at signal, we jump for the nuts on the trees. The leaves are cleared away ; at signal, all stoop, and gather the leaves. Another signal, they are thrown to one side. This is re- peated several times. Then there is a game (call it "Leap Frog"), but play the game of jumping over the seats, given on a former page; or play the "Winds," given below jump an imaginary rope. We then walk home singing on the way and someone closing the windows. "The Wind* This is to be used for an opportunity to ventilate the room, expand the lungs, and to relax. The clas> -aands, each representing a good, strong, tall tree, with strong branches (outstretched arms), twigs ''the fingers). Finally, the little twigs move; next, the top of 'the tree (head); then the branches move up and down; now, the whole tree is bending (trunk bending and turning). During all this the wind has been blowing and getting louder (inhale through the nostrils and exhale between the partly-open lips). Finally, the wind is more gentle, and the movements gradually stop in turn, ending with the little movements of the twigs. "Cat and Mouse." Arrange children in a circle, with hands grasped. Two players are chosen one, the cat outside, and one the mouse, in the center of the ring. One says, "I am the cat ;" the other, "1 am the mouse." The cat : "I will catch you ;" the mouse, "You can't do it." Whereupon both run, the cat trying to catch the mouse, running up and down the aisles or in and out of the circle. If the room is too small to form a circle, all remain seated. The cat and mouse are selected, and run up and down the aisles until the mouse is caught. The next two children then take their places. The following list is given as additional material for use in the school- room and as adjuncts to the games: Miss Eleanor Smith : "Songs, Vol. II," "Fly, little bird" (page 40) might be used with our "Bird" game. "Come, little leaves" (page 21) may be sung with the gathering of the leaves in the fall. "I put my right hand in" (page 47, Vol. II). "Dancing Song" (page 45, Vol. II). "Daffy-down-dilly" (page 82, Vol. II). In Miss Beebe's book of "School-Room Plays :" "Washing Day." "Ironing Day." "Here's' a little Kittie." "Swinging 'neath the Apple Tree" (Barrows) may be used with the "Swinging" game, by having half of the class sing. "Kinderlied und Kinderspiel." "Gymnastic Stories and Plays," by Rebecca Stoneroad. 3ft THIRD GRADE FIRST HALF. XOTE. The preliminary exercises, which are to precede every lesson, may consist of the different facings, arm positions, a step forw., backw. or si dew. A breathing exercise should terminate every lesson, if the air in the room is pure. Frequently call attention to correct standing. Arrange the pupils according to size and sex. After the first lesson, the commands are not o-iven in full. The move- ments are only indicated. The teacher, however, must give the commands for each movement separately, as shown in the first lesson. LESSON I. 1. Raise arms forw. l! Lower 2! Raise arms outw. 3! Lower 4! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Arms inw. Bend! 2. Throw left arm sidew. and turn head to the left l! Return 2! Same, to the right 3! Return 4! Begin 1-2-3-4! Hands on hips Place! 3. IK-IK! trunk backw. l! Straighten 2! Bend trunk forw. 3! Straighten 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! / Hands backw. Grasp! 4. Raise heels l! Lower 2! Bend knees :'. ! Straighten 4! Be- gin 1-2-:; i ! Hands on hips Place! Pend trunk sidew. to the left l! Straighten 2 ! Same, to the right 3 ! Straighten 4 ! Begin 1-2-3- ! ! '.. Touchstep forw. left l! Return 2! Same, right 3! Return 4! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 7. Touchstep sidew. left 1 ! Return 2 ! Same, right :: ! Return 4 ! I '.rgin 1-2-3-} ! 8. Raise arms forw. and raise heels l! Lower 2! Raise arms sidew. and bend knees 3! Return l! Begin 1-2-3-4! LESSON II. 1. Raise arms forw. upw. and sidew. upw. (alternately). Arms to strike Raise! Strike sidew. left and right and turn head left and right. Arms forw. Fold! :;. I 'end trunk backw. and forw. Hands backw. Grasp! 4. Raise left and right foot backw. .">. Turn trunk left and right, fi. Raise arms forw". and touchstep forw. left and right. 7. Same, sidew. 8. Raise arms forw. upw. and raise left and right foot backw. XOTE. As time permits, take some of the marching exercises given on pages 1 ."> and 1<>. including the "Double step" and the "Treble step." LESSON III. Hands on hips Place! 1. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. 2. Same, upw. and downw., and bend head backw. on the first count. Arms backw. Fold! 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. 40 Hands backw. Grasp! 4. Raise left and right knee fonv. ">. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. '). Touchstep bnckw. left and right. Hands on hips Place! 7. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. with touchstcp iorw. and sidew. with left foot. x. Same, with right foot. LESSON IV. Hands on hips Place! 1. Stretch left arm upw.. right downw, and reverse. 2. Stretch left arm sidew.. right forw.. and reverse, turning head sidew. left and right. :;. Bend trunk bnckw. and downw., touching the toes on the third count. Hands Down! 4. Raise arms forw. upw. and touchstep backw. left and right. .">. Turn trunk left and right and clap hands in front of chest on first and third count. Hands on hips Place! 6. Stretch arms forw. and raise left and right knee. 7. Stretch arms upw. and raise left and right foot backw. 8. Stretch arms sidew. and touchstep sidew. LESSON V. Hands on shoulders Place! 1. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. :>. Stretch arms downw. and upw. Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw., with bending arms inw. on third count. 4. Raise heels and bend knees (alternately). 5. Bend trunk sidew. left and right and raise the right and left hand (opposite from the bending) to a semi-circle overhead. Hands backw. Grasp! 6. Raise left and right leg forw. 7. Same, sidew. Hands on shoulders Place! 8. Stretch arms upw. and sidew. with raising heels and bending knees. LESSON VI. Arms to strike Raise! 1. Strike left and right arm sidew. (alternately). Also both. Also alternating in two counts. Arms inw. Bend! 2. Throw both arms sidew. and turn head sidew. left and right. Hands on hips Place! ?>. Bend trunk backw. and forw. and bend arms inw. on first and third counts. 4. Raise left and right leg backw. 5. Turn trunk left and right and clap hands in front of chest. Arms to strike Raise! 6. Strike sidew. left and right with raising left and right leg sidew. Hands Down ! 7. Bend arms inw. 1 ! Throw outw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 8. Same, but raise heels on first, and lu-nd knee.*> on second counts. 41 LESSON VII. Arms to thrust Bend! 1. Thrust arms forw. and sidew. 2. Thrust arms up\v. and downw. Arms Down ! 3. Bend trunk backw. and fold arms backw., then bend forw. and fold arms forw. 4. Bend arms inw. and raise heels 1 ! Throw sidew. and bend knees 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 5. Bend trunk sidew. left and right and raise right and left arm to semi- circle overhead. Arms to thrust Bend! 6. Thrust arms forw. and raise left and right leg forw. 7. Same, sidew. 8. Thrust upw. and raise left and right leg backw. LESSON VIII. 1. Raise arms forw. l! Swing arms sidew. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! (Clap hands on third count.) 2. Raise anus forw. 1 ! Swing left arm sidew. and turn head to the left:. 1 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Same, right. 3. Bend arms inw. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 4. Same, but bend trunk forw. Hands backw. Grasp! Stride pos. left foot forw. Place! I'.t-nd and straighten left knee (two counts). Feet Change! 6. Same, with right knee. In position Stand! 7. Turn trunk left and right and dap hands in front of chest. Stride pos. left foot forw. Place! 8. Raise- anus forw. 1! Swing arms sidew. and bend left knee 2! Swing anus forw. and straighten knee 3! Lower arms 4! (The foot remains forw. for repetition.) Feet Change! 9. Same, bending right knee. In position Stand! LESSON IX. 1. Raise arm- forw. I ! Raise arms upw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! -.' lv;ii-e ann> sidew. l ! Raise to circle overhead and lower head backw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 3. Fold arms backw. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 4. Same, but fold arms and bend forw. Stride pos. both feet sidew. and hands on hips Place 1-2! 5. Mend left and right knee (alternately). Also alternate in two counts. In position Stand! 6. Raise amis sidew. 1 ! Turn trunk to the left and swing right arm to the left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 7. Same, opposite. Stride pos. both feet sidew. Place 1-2! 8. Bend left and right knee and raise arms sidew. LESSON X. Arms inw. Bend! 1. Throw arms sidew. and turn head left and right. Hands Down ! 2. Bend trunk backw. and place hands on hips ; bend trunk downw. and touch toes. 42 Hands backw. Grasp! 3. Stride forw. left 1 ! Bend left knee 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 4. Same, right. 5. Bend trunk sidew. left and right and raise arms to circle overhead on first and third counts. 6. Stride forw. left and bend arms inw. 1 ! Bend left knee ; throw arms sidew. 2 I Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 7. Same, but stride right. 8. Stride forw. left and raise arms forw. 1 ! Bend left knee and raise arms npw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 0. Same, but stride right. THIRD GRADE SECOND HALF. FOURTH GRADE FIRST HALF. See notes preceding Lesson I. LESSON XL 1. Raise arms forw. l! Raise arms upw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 2. Raise arms sidew. 1 ! Raise arms upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. 4. Stride position left 1 ! Bend left knee 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Same. right. Grade IV may alternate after some practice. 5. Stride sidew. left 1 ! Bend left knee 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Same. right. Grade IV alternate. 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. Hands Down! 7. Raise arms and stride forw. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and bend left knee 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also^with stride forw. right. 8. Raise arms sidew. and stride sidew. left 1 ! Raise arms "i>\v. and bend left knee 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also with stride sidew. right. See note following Lesson II. LESSON XII. 1. Bend arms upw. 1 ! Stretch upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 2. Same, but stretch forw. 3. Raise arms forw. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 4. Same, but bend forw. Stride pos. both feet sidew. and arms to strike Place ! 5. Bend left knee and strike arms sidew. 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Same, right 3-4 ! Also alternate in two counts. In position Stand! 6. Raise arms sidew. l! Bend sidew. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Same, with bending to the right. 7. Bend arms upw. 1 ! Stretch forw. and touchstep forw. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also with touchstep right. 8. Bend arms upw. 1 ! Stretch upw. and touchstep sidew. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also with touchstep right. LESSON XIII. Hands on shoulders Place! 1. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. 2. Stretch left arm upw., right downw., and reverse. 43 Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk obliquely forw. left and right. 4. Bend trunk backw. 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Bend sidew. left 3 ! Straighten 4! Also with bending to the right. Hands backw. Grasp! 5. Touchstep backw. left and right. Hands on shoulders Place! 6. Stretch arms upw. and touchstep backw. left and right. Hands Down! Hands on shoulders Place! 7. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. with raising heels and bending knees. Hands Down ! Hands on shoulders Place! 8. Stretch left arm downw., right upw., and touchstep backw. left 1 ! Ret. to pos. 2 I Same, reversed 3-4 ! LESSON XIV. Arms to thrust Bend! 1. Thrust arms forw. and sidew. 2. Thrust arms upw. and downw. Arms Down! 3. Raise arms sidew. l! Bend trunk backw and bend arms imv. 2 ! Ret. to pos. ;:-4 ! 4. Same, but bend trunk forw. Hands backw. Grasp! 5. Bendknee-tep sidew. left and right. Arms Down ! 6. Turn trunk left and right and raise arms ferw. (in the direction the body is turned). Arms to thrust Bend! 7. Thurst arms fidew. and touchstep forw. and sidew. with the left foot. Also with the right foot, v Tiiuchsu-p backw. left and right and thrust the corresponding arm backw., the other upw. Arms Down ! 'LESSON XV. 1. Raise arms sidew. left and right. 2. Raise arms sidew. left 1 ! Upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 3. Bend arms imv. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. and throw arms sidew. 2 ! Ret. to pos. :;- 1 ! 4. Same, but bend forw. Hands backw. Grasp! 5. Bendkneestep backw. left and right. 6. Raise arms outw. 1 ! Turn trunk to the left and swing arms forw. (right to left) 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also to the right. 7. Raise arms sidew. left and right and bendkneestep sidew. left and right. 8. Raise arms and bendkneestep sidew. to the left 1 ! Arms upw. and closestep 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Same, to the right. LESSON XVI. 1. Raise arms forw. upw. and sidew. upw. (alternately.) 2. Raise arms to strike 1 ! Strike sidew. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. ; bend trunk downw. and stretch arms downw. 4. Raise arms to strike 1 ! Strike sidew. with bendkneestep sidew. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also with bendkm-estep right. Hands on hips Place! 5. Turn trunk left and right and stretch arms fonv. Hands Down ! 6. Bendkneesten backw. left and right and raise arms fonv. upw. 7. Same, sidew. and raise arms sidew. upw. 8. Bendkneestep backw. left and swing left arm backw., the right ob- ilquely forw. upw. 1 ! Ret. to pos. 2 ! Same, opposite :i-4 ! (See that pupils do not turn body.) LESSON XVII. 1. Hands on shoulders 1 ! Stretch arms upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 2. Same, but stretch sidew. 3. Same, but stretch forw. Arms backw. Fold! 4. Bend trunk obliquely forw. left and right. 5. Bend trunk obliquely backw. left and right. 6. Hands on shoulders 1 ! Stretch arms upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also with the bendkneestep backw. right. 7. Same, but stretch and step sidew. 8. Hands on shoulders 1 ! Stretch arms forw. and raise left leg forw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also raising right leg. LESSON XVIII. 1. Bend arms to thrust 1 ! Thrust forw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 2. Same, but thrust sidew. Hands behind neck Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. 4. Raise heels 1 ! Bend knees 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Hands Down ! 5. Exercise 4, with bending arms inw. and throwing sidew. Hands behind neck Place! 6. Bend trunk sideW. left and right. Hands Down! 7. Bend arms to thrusj l! Thrust arms and raise left leg forw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also with right leg. 8. Same, but thrust arms upw. and raise left leg 1>nck\v. Also with right leg. LESSON XIX. Hands on hips Place! (For all exercises.) 1. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. 2. Stretch arm* upw. and diagonally, right up (alternately), also left up. 3. Stretch arms forw. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 4. Same, but bend downw., touching toes. 5. Bendkneestep sidew. left and right. 6. Same, backw. 7. Raise arms to circle overh. 1 ! Bend trunk sidew. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also bend to the right. 8. Stretch arms forw. and raise left knee 1 ! Ret. to pos. 2 ! Stretch arms upw. and raise left foot backw. 3! Ret. to pos. 4! Also with right leg. 46 LESSON XX. 1. Bend arms upw. l! Stretch upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 2. Same, but stretch sidew. ?>. Same, but stretch forw. Hands behind neck Place! 4. Bend trunk obliquely forw. left and right. Hands Down! 5. Bend arms upw. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Hands behind neck Place! 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. Hands Down! 7. Bend arms upw. l! Stretch upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also with bendkneestep right. 8. Same, but stretch and step sidew. FOURTH GRADE SECOND HALF. LESSON XXI. 1. Raise arms sidew. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. 2 ! Lower arms sidew. right .'{ ! Lower arms 4 ! Also to the right. 2. Arms to strike 1 ! Strike sidew. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk obliquely backw. left and right. 4. Same, forw. 5. Stride forw. left 1 ! Bend left knee 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also right. 6. Same, stepping sidew. left and right. Hands behind neck Place! 7. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. Hands Down! Stride pos. both feet sidew. Place! 8. Bend left knee and raise arms sidew. left 1 ! Straighten knee and raise arms upw. 2 ! Bend right knee and lower to the right 3 ! Straighten right knee and lower arms 4! Also beginning to the right. LESSON XXII. 1. Raise arms forw. 1 ! Upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 2. Same, sidew. 3. Bend arms inw. 1 ! Throw arms sidew. and bend trunk backw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 4. Same, bending forward. Stride pos. both feet sidew. and arms to strike Place! 5. Bend left and right knee and strike sidew. Also alternating in two counts. In position Stand! 6. Bend arms inw. 1 ! Throws arms sidew. and bend trunk sidew. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also bending right. 7. Raise arms and stride forw. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and bend left knee 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also stepping forw. right. 8. Same, but raise arms and step sidew. LESSON XXIII. 1. Wind arms inw. and stretch forw. 1 ! Swing outw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 2. Same, but stretch sidew. and raise upw. 3. Same as Exercise 1, but bend trunk backw. on second count. 46 * 4. Same, but bend trunk forw. and lower the arms. Hands behind neck Place! 5. Raise heels 1 ! Bend knees :> ! Ret. to pos. .3-4 ! Hands Down! 6. Wind in\v. and stretch arms sidew. 1 ! Bend trunk sidew. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also bending right. 7. Wind inw. stretching arms forw., and raise left leg forw. 1 ! Lower arms and leg 2! Same, raising right leg ::-l ! 8. Same, but stretch arms and raise leg sid<- - v. LESSON XXIV. Hands on hips Place! (For all exercises.) 1. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. 2. Stretch arms diagonally, left and right. 3. Bend trunk obliquely backw. left and right. 4. Same, forw. 5. Touchstep sidew. left l! Raise left foot inw 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also rig'lit. 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right and raise the opposite arm to semi- circle overhead. 7. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. and raise left leg forw. and sidew. Also right leg. 8. Stretch arms diagonally, right up, and raise left leg sidew., also opposite. LESSON XXV. 1. Bend arms upw. and stretch upw. 2. Same, but sidew. 3. Same, but forw. 4. Hands behind -neck l! Bend trunk backw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 5. Same, but bend forw. 6. Bend arms upw. and touchstep sidew. left 1 ! Stretch arms upw. and raise left foot inw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also right leg. 7. Hands behind neck 1 ! Bend trunk sidew. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also bend sidew. right. 8. Bend arms upw. and touchstep backw. left 1 ! Stretch arms npw. and raise left foot backw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also raise right foot. LESSON XXVI. 1. Hands on shoulders l! Stretch forw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 2. Same, upw. 3. Same, but throw arms sidew. 4. Raise arms sidew. l! Bend trunk backw. and bend arms inw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! ."). Same, but bend trunk forw. 6. Raise arms sidew. 1 ! Bend trunk sidew. left and raise arms to circle overhead 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also bend sidew. right. 7. Hands on shoulders 1 ! Stretch arms forw. and raise left leg forw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also with right leg. 9. Same, but upw., raising legs backw. LESSON XXVIT. 1. Raise arms forw. 1 ! Swing sidew. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! 2. Same, but raise upw. on second count. 3. Raise arms sidew. 1 ! Raise upw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. .'5-4 ! Hands behind neck Place! 4. Bend trunk backw. and forw. 5. Bend sidew. left and right. 47 Hands Down ! 6. Raise arms and stride forw. loft 1 ! Swing arms sidew. and bend left knee 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also stepping right. 7. Raise arms and stride sidew. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and bend left knee 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also stepping right. 8. Raise arms and stride forw. le,ft. 1 ! Raise arms upw. to a circle overhead and bend both knees 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also step- ping right. LESSON XXVIII. Arms to thrust Bend! 1. Thrust arms forw. and sidew. 2. Thrust arms upw. and downw. Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and sidew. left. (Alternate.) 4. Same, forw. and sidew. right. 5. Bendkneestep sidew. left and fight. 6. Same, backw. Arms to thrust Bend! 7. Thrust arms sidew. with bendkneestep sidew. left and right. s. Thrust anus upw. and bendkneestep backw. left and right. LESSON XXIX 1. Bend arms to thrust- .1 ! Thrust forw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 2. Same, diagonally. 3. Same. upw. 4. Bend arms to thrust l! Bend trunk backw. and thrust upw. 2! Ret. t> pos. 3-4 ! 5. Same, but bend forw. and thrust downw. Hands on hips Place! 6. Bemlkneestep forw. left and right. 7. Bend arms to thrust l! Turn trunk left and thrust arms forw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also turning right. 8. Bend anus to thrust l! Thrust upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also stepping right. '.i. Mend arms to thrust l! Thrust diagonally, right up, and bendknee- step ^idcw. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also opposite. LESSON XXX. Arms to thrust Bend! (For all exercises.) 1. Thrust arms forw. 1 ! Swing sidew. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also to the right. 2. Thrust arms sidew. l! Raise upw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! :;. Thrust arms upw. l! Lower forw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! 4. Mend trunk backw. and forw. and thrust upw. and downw. ." Mend trunk sidew. left and right and thrust arms sidew. 6. Thrust arms forw. 1 ! Swing sidew. left and bendkneestep sidew. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Also to the right. 7. Thrust arms sidew. l! Raise upw. and bendkneestep backw. 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also stepping right. 8. Thrust arms upw. 1 Lower arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Also stepping right. 48 DUMBBELLS. The dumbbells that are used in these grades are of iron and weigh approximately one pound. While all freehand exercises can be executed with dumbbells, some arc better adapted for their use than others. In the following series, the lessons that are not well adapted for the use of dumbbells are marked "C" (Calisthenics), while those especially prepared are marked "D" (dumbbells). Lessons marked "D" or "C" may be taken with or without the bells. The position of the hands holding the bells is always the same as for freehand exercises. An exercise well adapted for dumbbells, but which does not appear in the lessons, is "Arm rotation." Teachers may insert it at will in the middle or close of the lesson. Hold the bells in any given position and turn the hand from pronation to stipulation, and reverse. Do not let the arms be in the same position too long, as the arms will tire quickly. Change the arm position after 8 to 12 counts. To get the dumbbells before, and to return them after the lesson, the following routine is suggested : Place the boxes in front of the front desks of the two outer sections ; proceed as for calisthenics, but instead of every other line facing to the rear, have all face about except those in the two center aisles. The pupils in these aisles pass forward across the front of the room toward their respective boxes, take a pair of dumbbells, pass down the aisle nearest the wall, to the rear of the room, and proceed to the places assigned them for gymnastics. The other pupils follow, passing forward in the center aisles, and pro- ceeding to their respective places. Return the bells in the same way. The pupils should place hands on hips as soon as they have their bells, and retain them there until directed otherwise. FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES. The preliminary exercises, which are to precede every lesson may con- sist of the different facings, arm positions, one or more steps forw., backw., or sidew. A breathing lesson should terminate every lesson if the air in the room is pure. Frequently call attention to correct standing. Arrange pupils according to size and sex. After the first lesson the commands are not given in full, the move- ments are only indicated. The teacher must, however, give the commands for each movement, separately, as shown in the first lesson. LESSON I. C. 1. Raise arms and left leg forw. 1 ! Pos. 2 ! Same, raising right leg 3 ! Pos. 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 2. Raise arms and left leg sidew. 1 ! Pos. 2 ! Same, raising right leg 3 ! Pos. 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Hands on hips Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Bend trunk forw. 3 ! Straighten 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Hands Down! 4. Raise arms forw. upw. and raise heels l! Pos. 2! .Raise arms outw. upw. and bend knees 3 ! Pos. 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 49 Hands behind neck Place! 5. Bend trunk sidew. left 1 ! Straighten 2 ! Bend trunk sidew. right 3 ! Straighten 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Hands Down ! fi. Raise arms forvv. upw. and left leg backw. l! Pos. 2! Same, raising right leg 3 ! Pos. 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 7. Raise arms sidew. upw. and left leg inw. 1 ! Pos. 2 ! Same, raising right leg 3! Pos. 4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! LESSON II. C. 1. Raise arms forw., with touchstep forw. left and right. 2. Raise arms sidew. left and right, with touchstep sidew. Hands behind neck Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. Hands Down! 4. Raise arms forw. upw., with touchstep backw. left and right. Hands behind neck Place! 5. Turn trunk left and right. Hands Down ! 0. Raise arms forw. upw., with bendkneestep backw. left and right. 7.' Raise arms sidew. upw., with bendkneestep sidew. left and right. 8. Raise arms sidew. left and right, with bendkneestep sidew. LESSON III. C. 1. Wind arms and stretch forw. with touchstep forw. left and right. 2. Same, but stretch and step sidew. 3. Same, but stretch upw. with cross-touchstep. Hands behind neck Place! 4. Bend trunk obliquely forw. left and right. 5. Same, backw. Arms to strike Raise! (>. Strike sidew. with bendkneestep sidew. left and right. Hands Down! ' 7. Bend trunk sidew. left and right and raise opposite arm to semi-circle overhead. 8. Wind arms and stretch upw. with bendkneestep backw. left and right. 9. Same, but stretch and step forw. LESSON IV. D. All exercises from starting position: "Hands on hips!" 1. Stretch arms forw. and now. alternately. 2. Stretch arms diagonally, alternating right upw. and left upw. 3. Bend trunk forw. and backw. (Grade VI, stretch arms upw. and downw.) Half left (right) face! 4. Stretch arms forw. and sidew. with raising heels and bending knees. (Alternate.) Front face ! 5. Bend trunk sidew. left and right. (Grade VI, raise opposite arm to semi-circle overhead.) 6. Stretch arms forw. and raise left and right knee forw. 7. Stretch arms upw. and raise left and right foot backw. S. Stretch arms diag. (Ex. 2) and raise left and right leg sidew. 50 LESSON V. D. All exercises, except 5, from starting position: "Hands on hips!" 1. Stretch arms forw. with touchstep forw. left and right. 2. Stretch arms upw. with touchstep backw. left and right. 3. Stretch arms diag. with touchstep sidew. left and right. 4. Bend trunk obliquely forw. left and right; also backw. Stride pos. both feet sidew. and arms to strike Place! 5. Bend left and right knee alternately and strike sidew. left and right. In position Stand! 6. Bend trunk sidew., raising opposite arm to semi-circle overhead. 7. Stretch arms forw. with touchstep forw. left 1-2; stretch arms upw. with touchstep backw. left 3-4. Also with right foot. 8. Stretch arms diag. with touchstep sidew. left 1-2; stretch arms np\v. with cross-touchstep left 3-4. Also with right foot. NOTE. Exercise 5 may also be alternated in two counts. LESSON VI. D. Stride pos. left foot forw. and hands on hips Place! 1. Bend left knee and stretch arms upw. 1-2; bend right (rear) knee and stretch arms forw. 3-4. Feet Change 1-2! 2. Same, bending right and left knee. (Remaining in stride position.) 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. (Grade VI, may stretch arms upw. when bending backw.) Feet Change! 4. Repeat trunk exercise. In position Stand! Both feet sidew. and hands on hips Place! 5. Bend left knee and stretch arms diag. 1-2; bend knee and stretch arms upw. 3-4. Also opposite. 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right and raise opposite arm to semi- circle overhead. In position Stand! Hands on hips Place! 7. Stretch left arm downw., risrht upw., and raise lelf leg backw. 1-2; same opoosite 3-4. 8. Stretch arms diag., and raise left and right leg sidew. LESSON VII. C. OR D. Grade VI will take "Wand Exercises," page 58, lessons 1-2-3, in- stead of lessons 7-8-9 of this series. 1. Raise arms forw. with touchstep forw. left 1-2; raise arms and touchstep sidew. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 2. Raise arms forw. upw. with touchstep backw. left 1-2; bend arms invv. with cross-touchstep left 3-4. Same with right leg. Hands on hips Place! 3. Raise heels 1-2 ; bend trunk backw. 3-4. 4. Bend knees 1-2; bend trunk forw. 3-4. 5. Turn trunk left and right, stretching arms forw. Hands Down ! 6. Raise arms forw. with bendkneestep forw. left and right. 7. Same, but sidew. 8. Raise arms diag. (right forw., left backw.), with bendkneestep backw. left 1-2; same, opposite -.".-4. 51 LESSON VIII. C. OR D. 1. Raise arms forw. with bendkneestep forw. left 1-2 ; raise arms forw. upw. with bendkneestep backw. left 3-4. Also with right leg. 2. Raise arms sidew. with bendkneestep sidew. left 1-2; raise arms sidew. upw. and raise heels 3-4. Also with right leg. (If dumb- bells are used, raise arms forw. upw.) Hands behind neck Place! (With dumb-bells; on shoulders.) 3. Bend knees 1-2; bend trunk backw. 3-4. 4. Same, but bend trunk forw. Hands Down! 5. Raise arms sidew. left and right with bendkneestep sidew. Hands behind neck Place! 6. Raise heels 1-2 ; bend trunk sidew. left 3-4. Same, bending sidew. right. 7. Raise arms forw. upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 1-2 ; raise arms sidew. upw. and bendkneestep sidew. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 8. Exercise 7 in alternate rows. Odd numbers begin with 1; even num- bers begin with 3. LESSON IX. C. 1. Raise arms fnrw. upw. and lunge forw. left and right. 2. Raise arms sidew. upw. and lunge sidew. left and right. Hands behind neck Place! 3 Bend trunk obliquely backw. left and right. 4. Same, forw. Hands backw. Grasp! .'). Lun.uv bncku. left and right. (Grade VI, raise arms forw.) 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right, raising arms to circle overhead. 7. In alternate rows: Odd numbers, exercise 1; even numbers, exercise 2. (Grade VI may al><> alternate the two exercises in eight counts.) LESSON X. C. 1. Raise arms forw. and touchstep forw. left 1-2; raise arms forw. upw. and lunge forw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 2. Raise arms sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 1-2; raise arms sidew. upw. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same with right leg. Hands on hips Place! 3. Stretch arms forw. a'nd touchstep forw. left 1-2; bend trunk back and stretch arms upw. 3-4. Same with touchstep right. 4. Stretch arms upw. and touchstep backw. left 1-2 ; bend trunk downw. and stretch arms downw. (touching toes) 3-4. Same with touch- step right. 5. Lunge backw. left and right and stretch arms forw. 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and right, and stretch arms sidew. 7. Lunge forw. left and right, and stretch arms diag. Arms to strike Raise! 8. Lunge sidew. left and right, and strike sidew. Arms Down ! LESSON XI. C. 1. Raise arms and left leg forw 1-2 ; raise arms forw. upw. and touch- step backw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 2. Raise arms and left leg sidew 1-2 raise arms sidew. upw. and cross- tonchstep left 3-4. Same with right leg. 52 Hands on hips Place! 3. Stretch arms forw. and bend knees 1-2 ; bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. 15-4. 4. Stretch arms outw. and bend knees 1-2; bend trunk downvv. and stretch arms dowmv. (touch toes) 3-4. Hands Down! 5. Raise arms forw. upw. and the left leg backw. 1-2; raise arms sidew. upw. and bendkne^step backw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. Hands on hips Place! 6. Stretch arms upw. and raise heels 1-2; stretch arms outw. and bend trunk sidew. left 3-4. Also bend sidew. right. Hands Down ! 7. Raise arms diag. and left leg backw., raise arms forw. and bendknee- step forw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 8. Raise arms diag. and the left leg sidew. 1-2; raise arms and bend- kneestep sidew. left 3-4. Same, right. LESSON XII. D. All exercises from starting position: "Arms to thrust." 1. Thrust arms forw. and raise left and right leg forw. 2. Thrust diag. and raise left and right leg sidew. 3. Thrust forw. and bend knees 1-2; bend trunk backw. and thrust upw. 3-4. 4. Same, but bend trunk and thrust downw. 5. Thrust upw. and raise right and left leg backw. 6. Thrust upw. and raise heels 1-2; turn trunk left and thrust forw 3-4. Same, right. 7. Thrust forw. and raise left and right knee. 8. Thrust upw. and raise left and right foot backw. LESSON XIII. D. All exercises from starting position: "Arms to thrust." 1. Thrust forw. and touchstep forw. left and right. 2. Thrust upw. and touchstep backw. left and right. Stride pos. left foot forw. Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and forw. with thrusting upw. and downw. Feet Change! 4. Repeat trunk exercise. In position Stand! 5. Thrust diag. and touchstep sidew. left and right. Stride pos. both feet sidew. Place! 6. Turn trunk left and right and thrust arms forw. In position Stand! 7. Thrust forw. and touchstep forw. left 1-2; thrust diag. and bend- kneestep sidew. left 3-4. Same with right leg. LESSON XIV. D. All exercises from starting oosition : "Arms to thrust." 1. Thrust forw. and bendkneestep forw. left and right. 2. Thrust diag. and bendkneestep sidew. left and right. 3. Thrust upw. and raise heels 1-2 ; bend trunk backw. and thrust upw. 3-4. 4. Same, but bend and thrust downw. 5. Thrust upw. and bendkneestep backw. left and right. 6. Thrust sidew. and bend trunk sidew. left and right. 53 7. Thrust forw. and bendkneestep forw. left 1-2 ; thrust diag. and bend- kneestep sidew. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 8. Thrust forw. and raise left knee 1-2; thrust upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. LESSON XV. C. OR D. Grade VI will take Wand Exercises, rages 59 and 60, lessons 4-5-6, instead of 15-16-17 of this series. If dumb-bells are used, place hands on shoulders in Exercises 3 and 4, and in Exercise 6 raise opposite arm to semi-circle overhead, the other hand on hip. In Exercise 2. thrust diag. both times. Arms to thrust Bend! 1. Thrust forw. and bendkneestep forw. left 1-2 ; thrust upw. and hinge forw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 2. Thrust sidew. and bendkneestep sidew. left 1-2; thrust diag. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same with right leg. Stride pos. left foot forw. Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. and place hands behind neck 1-2; same bending forw. 3-4. Feet Change ! 4. Repeat trunk exercise. In position Stand! Arms to thrust Bend! 5. Thrust upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 1-2; thrust forw. and lun.ue backw. left ::-4. Same with right leg. 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and raise arms to circle overhead. In position Stand! Arms to thrust Bend! 7. Lunge forw. left and right and thrust diag. 8. Lunge Mdew left and right and thrust diag. LESSON XVI. C OK 1 >. When hands are on shoulders, give command to lower arms after each exercise. Hands on shoulders Place! (Starting pos. for Ex. 1-2-5-7-8.) 1. Raise left and right knee, and stretch arms forw. 2. Raise left and right foot backw., and stretch arms upw. Stride pos. left foot forw. and hands on hips Place! 3. Stretch arms upw. and raise heels 1-2; bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. 3-4. Same, bending forw. and stretching downw. Feet Change! 4. Repeat Exercise 3. In position Stand! 5. Stretch arms forw. and raise left knee 1-2 ; stretch arms upw. and raise left foot inw. 3-4. Same, right. Stride pos. both feet sidew. and hands on hips Place! 6. Bend left knee and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2; same, right 3-4. In position Stand! 7. Stretch arms upw. and raise heels 1-2 ; stretch arms outw. and bend knees 3-4. (If dumb-bells are used, command: "Half left Face!" before beginning the exercise.) 8. Same, in alternate rows ; odd numbers begin with raising heels ; even, with bending knees. 64 LESSON XVII. C. OR D. Stride pos. left foot forw. and hands on shoulders Place! 1. Stretch arms upw. and bend left knee 1-2; stretch forw. and bend right (rear) knee 3-4. Feet Change! (When left foot moves backw., lower the arms and replace on shoul- ders when the right foot moves forw.) 2. Repeat Exercise 1. Hands on hips Place! (Remaining in stride position.) 3. Bend right knee and bend trunk forw. 1-2; bend left knee and bend trunk backw. 3-4. Feet Change ! 4. Repeat Exercise 3. In position Stand! Stride pos. both feet sidew. and hands on shoulders Place! 5. Bend left and right knee and stretch arms diag. Hands behind neck Place! (Remaining in stride position.) 6. Bend left and right knee and the trunk sidew. left and right. In position Stand! Stride pos. left foot forw. and hands on shoulders Place! 7. Stretch arms upw. and raise heels 1-2; stretch arms sidew. and bend both knees 3-4. Feet Change ! 8. Repeat Exercise 7 in alternate rows. (See previous lesson.) In position Stand! LESSON XVIII. C. OR D. Starting position for Exercises 1-2-4-6-7-8: "Arms to thrust." 1. Thrust sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 1-2; thrust upw. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 2. Thrust forw. and touchstep forw. left 1-2; thrust upw. and lunge forw. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. Arms Down! 3. Raise arms sidew. upw. to a circle overhead and bend trunk backw. 1-2 ; same forw. 3-4. 4. Thrust upw. and touchstep backw. left 1-2; thrust forw. and lunge backw. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. Arms Down ! 5. Raise right arm to semi-circle overhead, place left hand on hip and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2; same, opposite 3-4. 6. Thrust sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 1-2 ; thrust diag. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 7. Thrust forw. and touchstep forw. left 1-2 ; thrust diag. and lunge forw. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 8. Thrust upw. and cross-touchstep left 1-2 ; thrust obliquely forw. upw. and lunge backw. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. NOTE. If dumb-bells are used, let odd numbers begin with the first, and the even with the second part of Exercise 2 ; in Exer- cise 6, thrust upw. on first count. LESSON XIX. C. Starting position for all exercises: "Hands on shoulders." Lower arms after each exercise. 1. Stretch arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. left 1-2; stretch sidew. and lunge forw. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 56 2. Stretch arms sidew. and bendkneestep sidew. left 1-2; stretch upw. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 3. Stretch arms upw. and bend trunk backw. 1-2 ; stretch upw. and bend forw. 3-4. (The arms must be alongside the head.) 4. Stretch arms upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 1-2; stretch forw. and lunge backw. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 5. Stretch upw. and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2; same to the right 3-4. 6. Stretch arms sidew. and bend knees 1-2; stretch diag. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 7. Stretch arms upw. and raise heels 1-2 ; stretch diag. and lunge forw. left 3-4. Same, with ri^ht leg. 8. Odd numbers, lunge sidew. left and right and stretch arms diag. ; even numbers, same forw. (After several repetitions, change.) LESSON XX. C. 1. Raise arms forw. uwp. and raise heels 1-2 ; raise arms forw. upw. and lunge forw. left 3-4. Same with right leg. 2. Raise arms sidew. upw. and bend knees 1-2 ; raise arms sidew. upw. and lunge sidew. left 3-4. Same, with right leg. 3. Raise arms obliquely forw. upw. and lunge backw. left and right. 4. Raise arms forw. upw. and bend trunk backw. 1-2 ; same forw. 3-4. 5. Raise arms sidew. upw. and bend trunk sidew left and right 6. Raise arms forw. and bendkneestep forw. left 1-2; raise arms forw. upw. and lunge backw. right 3-4. Same, opposite. 7. Raise arms and hendkneestep sidew. left 1-2; raise arms sidew. upw. and lunge sidew. right 3-4. Same, opposite. 8. Raise arms side. upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 1-2; raise arms fnrw. upw. and lunge forw. right 3-4. Same, opposite. WAND EXERCISES. The wands for school use are of wood, 30 to 36 inches long and 1^ to \Y 4 inches thick. The lessons in the following series are arranged specially for the school room. Since the space between the desks is limited, many useful and beneficial exercises are necessarily omitted. In order to facilitate the work of the class teacher, technical terms are not used, only when absolutely necessary the wand is named. The necessary positions of the arms and hands are given, and these, in most cases, will give the position of the wand. Since it is a source of pleasure to pupils to "play soldier," the drill movements, as given in the "Infantry Drill Regulations," are given, in a modified form, and should frequently be practiced, either before or after the regular lesson. To get the wands and to return them after use, the following routine is suggested : Begin as for calisthenics. Place the crate containing the wands in front of one of the centre desks. The pupils in the aisles on either side of this row face to the front, all others to the rear. Those facing front pass forward, and, as they pass the crate, take a wand and carry it as described below. They then pass to the outside aisles toward the rear, and from there to their respective- places for exercise. At the same time, those facing to the rear pass backward, then for- ward into the centre aisles, following the first pupils, each going to the: assigned place for exercise. 56 To return the wands, pupils proceed as above, replace the wands in the crate, and pass to the regular seats in the same way as IK- ton-. The starting position for all lessons is : "Wand low in front." The wand is to he held so that the little fingers are near the ends, and grasped with the whole hand ; the wand will he in front, touching the thighs. Carrying the Wand: Carry the wand at the right shoulder; the lower end resting on the first phalanx of the index and middle linger, the thumb, ring and little finger closing around the wand. The hand is pressed against the thigh in such a manner that the back of the hand is toward the outside ; the arm is extended. The upper part of the wand rests in the depression in front of the shoulder. The wand should be verti- cal. To bring the wand to the starting position command : Wand low in front Place 1-2-3! On the first count the left hand is raised sidew. and upw., bent over the head, the left hand grasping the upper end of the wand from behind,' the little finger toward the end; on second count the left arm is lowered, and on the third count the right hand changes to the regular hold. To return the wand, proceed in reverse order. In many exercises it is impossible to hold the wand firmly at both ends, as in ''Arms sidew.," or "Arms crossed in front." Pupils should be instructed to let one or both hands glide easily toward the center as far as may be necessary, but holding the wand firmly whenever it is possible to do so. The few exercises in which it is deemed advisable to name the wand are : (a) W and behind shoulders. The wand passes over the head and down to about three inches below the top of the shoulders, and is pressed firmly against the back. The wand is horizontal. (b) Wand loiv behind. As far as it is possible, the wand is held the same as when "Low in front," excepting that it is behind the thighs. To reach the position, the wand must be passed overhead and backwards. INFANTRY DRILL REGULATIONS, UNITED STATES ARMY (1891). (Slightly modified for drill with the wand.) I. Position of "Carry Arms." The end of the wand rests on the first phalanx of the middle and index fingers; the thumb, ring and little fingers closing around it; the finger-tips are pressed against the thigh, the knuckles turned outward; the arm is extended; the wand is vertical, the upper part resting in the hollow in front of the shoulder. II. Being at the Carry Command: Order Arms! (One) Grasp wand with the left hand, the forearm being hori- zontal across the body, let go with the right hand ; lower the wand with the left, regrasp with the right hand near the thigh ; the end of the wand is about three inches from the floor ; the left forearm is extended downward and inward, wrist and fingers straight. (Two) Lower the wand gently with the right hand, end of wand near the right foot, drop the left hand by the side, and stand in position of "Order Arms!" III. Being at the Order Command: Carry Arms! (One) Raise the wand vertically with the right hand, grasp with left below right, change right to end and resume the carry. (Two) Drop left hand. 57 IV.^ Being at the Order Command : Parade Best! Carry the right foot six inches straight to the rear, left knee slightly bent, carry the upper end of wand in front of center of the body; grasp the upper end with left hand just above the right. At the command: In position Stand! Resume position of the Order, the right foot being replaced and the left hand dropped to the side. V. Being- at the Carry Command: Present Arms! (One) (irasp the wand with the left hand about twelve inches above the right and carry it in front of the center of the body, the left forearm being horizontal and resting against the body. (Two) Change the right hand so that the little finger will be toward the end of the wand, thumb above, knuckles in front. At the command: Carry Arms! (One) Resume the Carry. (Two) Drop left hand. VI. Being at the Carry or Order Command: Bight shoulder Arms! ( ( )ne ) Raise the wand vertically with the right hand, grasp it with the left about twelve inches from the end, and raise this hand until it is at the height of the chin; at the same time grasp the wand with the right hand at the end. (Two) Place wand on the shoulder ; the right forearm is horizontal, elbow close to the body: the wand is directed backward, upward, and slightly in- ward. (Three) Drop left hand. VII. Being at the Bight Shoulder Command: Carry Arms! (One) Lower the wand with the right hand; grasp it with the left (as One, VI), hand at height of chin. (Two) Resume the Carry. (Three) Drop left hand. VIII. Being at the Bight Shoulder Command: Order Arms! (One) Take same position as One, in VII. (Two) Lower the wand with left hand, at same time regrasping it with right near the middle, and lower it to about three inches from the floor. ( Three) Take position of "Order Arms!" as in II. IX. Being at the Carry or Order Command: Port Arms! < ( )ne ) Raise and throw the wand diagonally across the body, ,nra>]> it smartly with both hands, the right, palm down, about six inches from the end, the left, palm up, about ten inches higher, wand sloping to the left, crossing the middle of left shoulder; right forearm horizontal; wand near the body. To resume the Carry Command: Carry Arms! (One) Return m position of "Carry Arms!" (Two) Drop left hand. To resume the Order Command: Order Arms! Take the second and third positions of Order from right shoulder, (VIII). X. Being at the Bight Shoulder Command: Port Arms! (One) Lower the wand with right hand, grasp it with left at height of chin. (Two) Take position of "Port Arms!", changing right hand. To return to Bight Shoulder Command: Bight shoulder Arms! (One) Change the right hand and carry wand with left hand to shoulder. (Two) Drop left hand. 58 WAND EXERCISES SIXTH GRADE. LESSON I. Wand low in front Place! 1. Arms forw. and touchstep forw. left 1-2 ! Same, with touchstep right 3-4 ! 2. Arms upw. and touchstep backw. left 1-2 ! Same, with touchstep right 3-4 ! Arms upw. Bend! 3. Bend trunk forw. 1-2 ! Bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. 3-4! Wand low in front Place! 4. Arms sidew. left and touchstep sidew. left 1-2! Same, right 3-4! 5. Arms upw. and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2 ! Same, bending right 3-4! 6. Arms upw. and raise heels 1-2 ! Arms forw. and bend knees 3-4 ! 7. Exercise 6 in alternate rows. Odd numbers begin with 1-2, even numbers with 3-4. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON II. Wand low in front Place! 1. Arms upw. and raise left knee 1-2 ! Same, right 3-4 ! 2. Left arm upw., right hand at left shoulder, and raise left foot backw. 1-2 ! Same, opposite 3-4 ! Wand behind shoulders Place! 3. Bend trunk backw. 1-2 ! Bend forw. 3-4 ! Wand low in front Place! 4. Left arm sidew., right upw., and raise the left leg sidew. 1-2 ! Same, opposite 3-4 ! 5. Turn trunk left, arms forw., right up, and left down 1-2 ! Same, op- posite 3-4 ! 6. Arms upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 1-2! Same, right 3-4! 7. Arms sidew. left, and bendkneestep sidew. left 1-2 ! Same, right 3-4 ! 8. Arms forw., left up, right down, and bendkneestep forw. left 1-2! Same, right (right arm up) 3-4! Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON III. Wand low in front Place! 1. Left arm upw., right hand at left shoulder, and bendkneestep backw. left 1-2! Same, right (right arm up) 3-4! 2. Left arm sidew., right hand on left hip, and bendkneestep sidew. left 1-2 ! Same, opposite 3-4 ! 3. Wand behind shoulders and bend trunk backw. 1-2! Same, bending forw. 3-4 ! 4. Left arm forw., right hand on left hip, and bendkneestep forw. left 1-2! Same, opposite 3-4! 5. Wand behind shoulders and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2! Same, right 3-4 ! 6. Arms upw. and lunge forw. left 1-2! Same, right 3-4! 7. Left arm upw., right sidew., and -lunge sidew. left 1-2 ! Same, op- posite 3-4 ! 8. Arms forw., left upw., right downw., and lunge backw. left 1-2 ! Same, right (right up) 3-4! Wand at right shoulder Place! 69 LESSON IV. Wand low in front Place! 1. Left arm forw., right hand under left shoulder, and raise the left leg forw. 1-2! Right arm forw. and raise right leg 3-4! 2. Arms sidew. left, and raise left leg sidew. 1-2! Same, to the right 3-4 ! 3. Arms crossed, left over right, and bend trunk backw. 1-2! Same, right over left, and bend forw. 3-4 ! 4. Arms upw. and raise heels 1-2 ! Arms crossed, left over right, and bend knees 3-4! (In the repetitions cross the arms alternately, left over right, and right over left.) 5. Arms crossed, right over left, and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2 ! Same, but left over right, and bend right 3-4 ! 6. Arms upw. and raise left knee forw. 1-2 ! Left arm upw., right hand at left shoulder, and raise left leg backw. 3-4! Same, right. 7. Arms sidew. left and raise left leg sidew. 1-2 ! Left arm upw., right sidew., and raise left foot inw. 3-4 ! Same, right. 8. Arms forw. and raise left leg forw. 1-2 ! Wand behind shoulders and raise left foot backw. 3-4 ! Same, right. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON V. Wand low in front Place! 1. Left arm obliquely sidew. downw., right hand at chest, and bendknee- sidew. left 1-2! Same, to the right 3-4! 2. Left arm obliquely backw., right hand at left shoulder, and bendknee- step backw. left 1-2! Same, on the right side 3-4 ! 3. Loft arm forw., right hand on left hip, and bendkneestep forw. 1-2! Same, on the right side 3-4 ! 4. Arms crossed, left over right, and raise heels 1-2! Bend trunk backw., arms upw. 3-4 ! 5. Cross right arm over left and raise heels 1-2! Bend trunk forw., wand behind shoulders 3-4! 6. Right arm upw., left hand at right shoulder, and bend trunk sidew. left 1-2 ! Same, to the other side 3-4 ! 7. Arms upw. and raise heels 1-2! Left arm obliquely backw., right hand at left shoulder, and bendkneestep backw. left 3-4 ! Same, with right backw. 8. Arms forw., left hand up, right down, and bend knees 1-2! Left arm obliquely sidew. downw., right hand at chest, and bendknee- step sidew. left 3-4! Same, to the right. Wand at right shoulder Place! 60 LKSSOX VI. Wand low in front Place! 1. Left arm obliquely sidew. upw., right hand at chest, and lunge- sidew left 1-2 ! Same, opposite :;-4 ! 2. Right arm obliquely forw. upw., left hand at chest, and lunge forw. left 1-2 ! Same, ooposite 3-4 ! 3. Arms forw., left down, right up, and lunge backw. left 1-2! Same, opposite 3-4 ! 4. Arms upw. and bend trunk backw. 1-2 ! Same, bending forw. 3-4 ! (Arms must be alongside the head both times.) 5. Turn trunk to the left, left arm forw., right hand under shoulder 1-2 ! Same, opposite 3-4! 6. Right arm obliquely sidew. downw., left hand over shoulder (wand behind right shoulder), and lunge sidew. left 1-2! Same, op- posite :!-4 ! 7. Same as Exercise 6, but the straight arm extended backw., lunging forw. 8. Exercises 6 and 7 in alternate rows. Wand low in front Place! - 61 DUMBBELLS. The dumbbells that are used in these grades are of iron and weigh approximately one pound. While all freehand exercises can be executed with dumbbells, some are better adapted for their use than others. In the following series the lessons that are not well adapted for the use of dumbbells are marked "C" (Calisthenics), while those especially pre- pared are marked "D" ( Dumbbells). Lessons marked "D" or "C" may be taken with or without the bells. The position of the hands holding the bells is always the same as for freehand exercises. An exercise well adapted for dumbbells, but which does not appear in the lesson-, is "Arm rotation." Teachers may insert it at will in the middle or at the close of the les- son. Hold the bells in any given position, and turn the hand from pro- nation to supination. and reverse. Do not let the arms be in the same position too long, as the arms will tire quickly. Change the arm position after N to 1:2 counts. To get the dumbbells before, and to return them after the lesson, the following routine is suggested: Place the boxes in front of the front desks of the two outer sections; proceed as for calisthenics, but instead of every other line facing the rear, have all face about except those in the two center aisles. The pupils in these aisles pavs forward across the front of the room toward their re- spective boxes, take a pair of dumbbells, pass down the aisle nearest the wall, to the rear of the room, and proceed to the places assigned them for gymnastics. The other pupils follow, passing forward in the center aisles, and proceeding to their respective nlaces. Return the bells in the same way. The pupils should place hands on hips as soon as they have their bells, and retain them there until directed otherwise. WAND EXERCISES. The wands for school use are'of wood, thirty to thirty-six inches long, and I'* to 1 ! 4 inches thick. The lessons in the following series are arranged specially for the school room. Since the sp.--.ce between the desks is limited, many useful and beneficial exercises are necessarily omitted. In order to facilitate the work of the class teacher, technical terms are not used: only when absolutely necessary the wand is named. The neces- sary positions of the arms and hands are given, and these, in most cases, will give the position of the wand. Since it is a source of pleasure to pupils to "plav soldier," the drill movements. : ^ given in the "Infantry Drill Regulations," are given, in a modified form, and should frequently be practiced, either before or after the regular lesson. To get the wands and to return them after use, the following routine ifl -ingested: lU-gin as for calisthenics. Place the crate containing the wands in front of one of the center desks. The pupils in the aisles on either side of this row face to the front, all others to the rear. Those facing front pass forward, and, as they pass the crate, take a wand and carry it as described below. They then pass to the outside aisles toward the rear, and from there to their respective places for exercise. 62 At the same time, those facing to the rear pass hackward, then forward into the center aisles, following the first pupils, eath going to the assigned place for exercise. To return the wands, pupils proceed as above, replace the wands in the crate, and pass to the regular seats in the same way as before. The starting position for all lessons is : "Wand low in front." The wand is to be held so that the little fingers are near the ends, and grasped with the whole hand ; the wand will be in front, touching the thighs. Carrying the Wand: Carry the wand at the right shoulder; the lower end resting on the first phalanx of the index and middle finger, the thumb, ring and little finger closing around the wand. The hand is pressed against the thigh in such a manner that the back of the hand is toward the outside; the arm is extended. The upper part of the wand rests in the depression in front of the shoulder. The wand should be vertical. To bring the wand to the starting postition, command : Wand low in front Place 1-2-3! On the first count the left hand is raised sidew. and upw., bent over the head, the left hand grasping the upper end of the wand from behind, the little finger toward the end; on second count the left arm is lowered, and on the third Count the right hand changes to the regu- lar hold. To return the wand, proceed in reverse order. In many exercises it is impossible to hold the wand firmly at both ends, as in "Arms sidew." or "Arms crossed in front." Pupils should be instructed to let one or both hands glide easily toward the center as far as may be necessary, but holding the wand firmly whenever it is possible to do so. The few exercises in which it is deemed advisable to name the wand are: (a) Wand behind shoulders. The wand passes over the head and down to about three inches below the top of the shoulders, and is pressed firmly against the back. The wand is horizontal. (&) Wand low behind. As far as it is possible, the wand is held the same as when "Low in front," excepting that it is behind the thighs. To reach the position the wand must be passed overhead and backwards. INFANTRY DRILL REGULATIONS. UNITED STATES ARMY (1891). (Slightly modified for drill with the wand.) I. Position of "Carry Arms." The end of the wand rests on the first phalanx of the middle and index fingers ; the thumb, ring and little fingers closing around it; the finger-tips are pressed against the thigh, the knuckles turned outward ; the arm is extended : the wand is verti- cal, the upper part resting in the hollow in front of the shoulder. II. Being at the Carry Command: Order Arms! (One) Grasp wand with left hand, the forearm being horizontal across the body, let go with the right hand ; lower the wand with the left, regrasp with the right hand near the thigh ; the end of the wand is about three inches from the floor ; the left fore- arm is extended downward and inward, wrist and fingers straight. (Two) Lower the wand gently with the right hand, end of wand near the right foot, drop the left hand by the side, and stand in position of "Order Arms!" 63 III. Being at the Order Command: Carry Arms! (One) Raise the wand vertically with the right hand, grasp with left below right, change right to end, and resume the Carry. (Two) Drop left hand. IV. Being at the Order Command: Parade Best! Carry the right foot six inches straight to the rear, leit knee slightly bent, carry the upper end of wand in front of center of the body; grasp the upper end with the left hand just above the right. At the command: In position Stand! Resume position of the Order, the left foot being replaced, and the left hand dropped to the si(k\ V. Being at the Carry Command: Present Arms! (One) Grasp the wand with the left hand about twelve inches above the right, and carry it in front of the center of the body, the left forearm being horizontal and resting against the body. (Two) Change the right hand so that the little finger will be toward the end of the wand, thumb above, knuckles in front. At the command: Carry Arms! (One) Resume the Carry. (Two) Drop left hand. VI. Being at the Carry or Order Command : Bight shoulder Arms! (One) Raise the wand vertically with the right hand, grasp it with the left about twelve inches from the end, and raise this hand until it is at the height of the chin : at the same time grasp the wand with the right hand at the end. (Two) Place wand on the shoulder; the right forearm is horizontal, elbow close to the, body; the wand is directed backward, upward, and slightly in- ward. ( Three) Drop left hand. VII. Being at the Bight Shoulder Command: Carry Arms! Lower tin- wand with the right hand; grasp it with the left (as One, VI) hand at height of chin. (Two) Resume the Carry. (Three) Drop left hand. VIII. Being at the Bight Shoulder Command: Order Arms! (One) Take -aim- position as One, in VII. (Two) Lower the wand with the left hand, at the same time regrasping it with right near the middle, and lower it to about three inches from the floor. ( Three ) Take position of " Order Arms!" as in II. IX. Being at the Carry or Order Command: Port Arms! (One) Raise and throw the wand diagonally across the body, grasp it smartly with both hands, the right, palm down, about six inches from the end, the left, palm up, about ten inches higher, wand sloping to the left, crossing the middle of left shoulder; right forearm nori/ontal ; wand near the body. To resume the Carry Command: Carry Arms! (One) Return to position of "Carry Arms!" (Two) Drop left hand. To resume the Order Command: Order Arms! Take the second and third position of Order from right shoulder, (VIII). X. Being at the Bight Shoulder Command: Port Arms! ( ( )ne ) Lower the wand with right hand, grasp it with left at height of chin. (Two) Take position of "Port Arms!", changing right hand. To return to Bight Shoulder Command: Bight shoulder Arms! (One) Change the right hand, and carry wand with left hand to shoulder. (Two) Drop left hand. 64 SEVENTH AND EIGHTH (iRADES. NOTE. Tlie prelimianry exercises which are to precede every "lesson, may consist of the different facings, arm positions, stepping one or more steps forw., backw., or sidew. A breathing exercise should terminate every lesson if the air in the room is pure. Frequently call attention to correct standing. Arrange the pupils according to size and sex. After the first lesson the commands are not given in full, the move- ments are only indicated. The teacher, however, must give the commands for each movement separately, as shown in the first lesson. LKSSON T. C. 1. Raise arms and tonchstep forw. left 1. ! Raise arms npw. and touch- step hackw. left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Same, right ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 2. Raise arms sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and cross-torchstep left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Begin 1-2-3-4! Same, right ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 3. Raise arms forw. 1 ! Bend trunk hackw. 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 !< Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 4. Same, but bend trunk forw. Begin 1-2-3-4 ! f>. Raise arms and touchstep forw. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and bend- kneestep backw. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! Same, right ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! <]. Raise arms .sidew. 1 ! Bend trunk sidew. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Begin-^-1-2-3-4 ! Same, right! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 7. Raise arms sidew. and bendkneestep sidew. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and cross-touchstep sidew. left 2 ! Ret. to pos. 3-4 ! Begin 1-2-3-4! Same, right! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! 8. Raise arms and bendkneestep forw. left 1 ! Raise arms upw. and touchstep backward, left 2! Ret. to pos. 3-4! Begin 1-2-3-4! Same, right ! Begin 1-2-3-4 ! LESSON II. C. 1. Raise arms and left leg forw. 1 ! Swing arms sidew. and touch- step sidew. 2! Return 3-4 ! Same, right. 2. Raise arms and left leg sidew. 1 ! Raise arms upw. and cross-touch- step sidew. 2 ! Return 3-4 ! Same, right. 3. Raise arms sidew. 1 ! Bend trunk backw. and bend arms inw. 2 ! Return 3-4 ! 4. Same, but bend trunk forw. 5. Raise arms and the left leg forw 1 ! Raise arms upw. and touchstep backw. 2! Return 3-4 ! Same, right. 6. Raise arms and the left leg forw. 1 ! Arms diagonally and bendknee- step backw. 2 ! Return 3-4 ! Same, right. 7. Raise arms sidew 1 ! Beifd trunk sidew. left, and hands behind neck 2 ! Return 3-4 ! Same, right. s. Raise arms and the left leg forw. 1 ! Arms diagonally and bendknee- step sidew. 2 ! Return 3-4 ! Same, right. 65 LESSON III. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Bend arms upw. 1 ; stretch forw. and touchstep forw. 2 ; return ::-4. Same, with touchstep right. 2. Bend arms upw. 1 ; stretch upw. and touchstep backw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, with touchstep right. 3. Bend arms upw. 1 ; bend trunk backw. and stretch upw. 2 ; return 3-4. 4. Bend arms upw. 1 ; bend trunk forw. and stretch forw. 2 ; return 3-4. (Arms in line with trunk.) 5. Bend arms upw. and raise heels 1 ; stretch forw. and bend knees 2; return 3-4. 6. Bend arms upw. 1 ; stretch forw., left hand down, right up, and turn trunk to the left :.' : return 3-4. Same, turning right (right hand down). 7. Bend arms upw. 1; stretch upw. and bendkneestep backw. left 2; return 3-4. Same, with bendkneestep right. 8. Bend arms upw. 1 ; stretch forw.. left hand up, right down, and bendkneestep forw. left 2; return 3-4. Same, but right hand up and bendkneestep right. Wand at right shoulder Place! LKSSON IV. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Arms forw. 1; arms sidew. left and touchstep sidew. left 2; re- turn 3-4. Same, right. 2. Arm< sidew. left 1; arms upw. and bend knees 2; return 3-4. ::. Arm- crossed left over right 1: bend trunk backw. and arms upw. 2; return 3-4. 4. Arms upw. 1 ; arms iTi-*ed right over left and bend trunk forw. 2; return .'5-4. r>. Arms sidew. left and bendkneestep sidew. left 1 ; arms upw. and cross-touchstep 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. (> Arms upw. 1; arms crossed right over left and bend trunk sidew. left 2; return :;-4. Same, to the right (left over right). 7. Arms forw. and touchstep forw. left 1 ; arms upw. and bendknee- step backw. left 2; return 3-4. Same, with right leg. 8. Arms upw. and touchstep backw. left; arms crossed left over right, and bendkneestep forw. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, with right leg. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON V. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Left arm forw.. right hand under shoulder and touchstep forw. left 1; arms upw. and lunge forw. 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 2. Arms crossed left over right and cross-touchstep left 1; left arm obliquely sidew. upw.. right hand at chest, and lunge sidew. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 3. Arms upw. and raise heels 1 ; wand behind shoulders, lower heels and bend trunk forw. 2 ; return 3-4. 4. Same, but bend trunk backw. 5. Arms upw. and raise heels 1 ; arms forw., left up, right down, and lunge backw. left 2; return 3-4. Same, right (right arm up). 6. Arms forw. and bend knees 1 ; arms upw., stretch knees and bend trunk sidew. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 66 7. Arms upw. and lunge forw. left 1 ; wand behind shoulders and change knee-bending 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Arms upw. and lunge sidew. left 1; left arm obliquely sidew. downw., right hand over shoulder (wand behind left shoulder), and change knee-bending 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 9. Arms forw., left up, right down, and lunge backw. left 1 ; left arm upw., right hand at left shoulder, and change knee-bending 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON VI. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Left arm forw., right hand under left shoulder, and bendkneestep forw. left 1; arms upw., closestep and raise heels 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 2. Arms sidew. and bendkneestep sidew. left 1 ; arms upw., close- step and raise heels 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 3. Right hand on hip, left arm overhead and bendkneestep backw. left 1 ; arms upw., closestep and raise heels 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 4. Bend arms upw. and touchstep backw. left 1 ; bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, with touchstep right. "> Arms upw. and touchstep backw. left 1; wand behind shoulders and bend trunk forw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, with touchstep right. 6. Arms sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 1 ; raise left arm upw. and bend trunk sidew. right 2 (wand must be in line with the body) ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 7. Left arm forw., right hand over left shoulder (knuckles touch shoul- der), and touchstep forw. left 1; arms upw., closestep and bend knees 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Arms sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 1 ; arms upw., closestep and bend knees 2 ; arms sidew. and touchstep to the right 3 ; posi- tion 4. Same, beginning right. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON VII. D. 1. Bend arms to thrust 1; thrust forw. with touchstep forw. left 2; return 3-4. Same, with touchstep right. 2. Same, but thrust upw. with touchstep backw. 3. Bend arms and thrust 1 ; bend trunk backw. and thrust upw. 2 : re- turn 3-4. 4. Same, but bend forw. and thrust downw. Half left Face! 5. Bend arms to thrust 1 ; thrust sidew. and touchstep sidew. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. Front face! ft. Bend arms to thrust 1 ; bend trunk sidew. left and thrust sidew. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 7. Bend arms to thrust 1 ; thrust upw. with bendkneestep backw. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Bend arms to thrust 1 ; odd numbers thrust forw. with bendknee- step forw., the even numbers thrust sidew. with bendkneestep sidew. 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 9. Same as 8, but odd numbers sidew.. even numbers forw. Same, right. 67 LESSON VIII. D. 1. Bend arms upw. 1 ; stretch upw. and raise heels 2 ; return 3-4. Half left or right Face! 2. Bend arms upw. 1; stretch sidew. and bend knees 2; return 3-4. 3. Bend arms upw. and raise heels 1; stretch sidew. and bend knees :.' : return 3-4. Front face ! Hands on hips Place! 4. Bend trunk backw. and stretch arms upw. 1 ; bend forw. and place hands on hips 2; return 3-4. 5. Bend trunk forw. and stretch arms downw. 1 ; bend backw. and place hands on hips 2; return 3-4. 6. Bend trunk sidew. left and raise right arm to semi-circle overhead 1; bend right and raise left arm (right arm remaining up) 2; re- turn 3-4. Same, bending opposite. 7. Ilend arms upw. and touchstep forw. left 1; stretch upw. and raise the leg backw. 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Bend arms upw. and cross-touchstep left 1 ; stretch diag. and raise the leg sidew. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 9. Bend arms upw. and touchstep backw. left; stretch forw. and raise k'.ir forw. 2; return 3-4. Same, right. LESSON IX. D. 1. Bend anus to thrust 1; thrust upw. and lunge forw. left 2; re- turn 3-4. Same, right. 2. Same, but thrust diag. and lunge sidew. :;. Saim-. but thrust forw. and lunge backw. 4. liaiul- m hips and touchstep backw. 1; bend trunk backw. 2; re- turn :;-4. Same, with touchstep right. 5. Same, but step and bend forw. 6. Same, but step and bend sidew. 7. Bend arms to thrust and touchstep forw. left 1; thrust upw. and lunge forw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Same, sidew., but thrust diag. 9. Same, backw., but thrust upw. LESSON X. D. 1. Hands on shoulders and cross-touchstep left 1 ; stretch arms upw. and lunge forw. 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 2. Same, but stretch arms diag. and lunge sidew. 3. Hands on shoulders and touchstep forw. left 1 ; bend trunk forw. and stretch arms downw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, with touchstep right. 4. Same, but step and bend trunk backw., stretching arms upw. 5. Hands on shoulders and cross-touchstep left 1 ; stretch arms forw. and lunge backw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 6. Hands on shoulders and touchstep sidew. left 1; bend trunk sidew. left and stretch arms sidew. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. Hands on shoulders Place! 7. Stretch arms upw. and lunge forw. left 1 ; change knee-bending and lower arms forw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Same, but lunge sidew. and lower arms sidew. left. Same, right. 6S LESSON XI. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Arms forw. 1 ; left arm up, right at left shoulder, and raise left leg backw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 2. Arms forw. 1 ; left arm obliquely sidew. upw., right hand at chest, and raise right leg sidew. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 3. Arms crossed left over right 1 ; arms forw. and raise left leg forw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 4. Arms sidew. left and raise left leg sidew. 1 ; closestep, bend trunk backw., arms upw 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 5. Arms upw. and raise left foot backw. 1 ; closestep, bend trunk forw., wand behind shoulders 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 6. Arms crossed left over right, and cross-touchstep left 1 ; closestep, bend trunk sidew. left and cross right arm over left 2; return 3-4. Same, right. 7. Arms sidew. left and raise left leg sidew. 1 ; arms upw. and raise left foot inw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, right. 8. Arms forw. and raise left leg backw. 1; arms upw.. and raise left knee 2; return 3-4. Same, right. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON XII. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Arms upw. and cross-touchstep left 1 ; right arm obliquely sidew. downw., left hand over shoulder (wand behind right shoulder) and lunge sidew. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 2. Same, but lunge forw. and extend the straight arm backw. on 2. 3. Arms forw., left upw., right downw., and lunge backw. left 1 ; bend trunk backw., arms upw. 2 ; return 3-4. Same, lunging right, right hand up on 1. 4. Arms upw. and lunge forw. left 1 ; bend trunk forw., wand behind shoulders 2 ; return 3-4. Same, lunging right. 5. Right arm sidew., left upw., and lunge sidew. left 1 ; turn trunk to the left, arms forw., left down, right up 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 6. Arms upw. and cross-touchstep left 1 ; left arm obliquely sidew. upw., right hand at chest, and lunge sidew. left 2 ; return .,-4. Same, opposite. 7. Arms upw. and cross-touchstep left 1 ; right arm obliquely forw. upw., left hand at chest, and lunge forw. left 2 ; return 3-4. Same, opposite. 8. Exercise 6 and 7 in alternate rows. Wand at right shoulder Place! LESSON XIII. WANDS. Wand low in front Place! 1. Arms sidew. left and bendkneestep sidew. left 1 ; arms upw., close- step and raise heels 2 ; arms sidew. right and bendkneestep right 3; position 4. Same, beginning right. 2. Left arm forw., right hand on left hip, and bendkneestep forw. left 1 ; arms upw., closestep and raise heels 2 ; right arm forw. and bend- kneestep right 3 ; position 4. Same, beginning right. AMERICAN GYMNASIA CO, BOSTON, MASS. BOOK DEPARTMENT. UNIVERSITY OF OAl*lf THIS BOOK IS DUB ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL. BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 5 AUG 8 1337 JA JAWO 6 1992 DEC o 6 1993 Oaylord Hro>. Makers Syracuse. N.V. ^ PAT. JW. ?V 1908 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES C03fi^45535 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY