LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF PROF. Class DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTBY. VOL. L LONDON PRINTED BY S r O T T I 8 W O O D E AND I! O NEW-STREET 6QUAIIH A DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTEY AND THE ALLIED BRANCHES OF OTHER SCIENCES, BY HENRY WATTS, B. A., F. C. S. EDITOR OP 'THE JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY.' ASSISTED BY EMINENT CONTRIBUTORS. IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. I. ABICHITE CONGLOMERATE. LONDON: LONGMANS, GEEEN, AND CO. 1866. Wf V/, I PREFACE. THIS WORK was originally intended as a New Edition of URE'S Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy ; but the great changes made in chemical science since the publication of the last edition of that Dictionary (1831) changes, not merely consisting in the addition of new discoveries, but involving a complete revolution in the mode of viewing and expressing chemical reactions have rendered it almost impossible to adapt any matter written so long ago to the existing requirements of the science. The present must therefore be regarded as essentially a new work, in which only a few articles of URE'S Dictionary are retained, chiefly of a descriptive character. In compiling it, the Editor has freely availed himself of the stores of information in GMELIN'S " Handbook," GERHARDT'S " Chimie Organique," ROSE'S " Traite" d' Analyse Chimique," DANA'S " Mineralogy," RAMMELSBERG'S " Mineralchemie," the " Handworterbuch der Chemie," &c. ; and has endeavoured, by careful consultation of original memoirs, to bring the treatment of each subject down to the present time. He has also been fortunate in obtaining the co-operation of several chemists of acknowledged ability and eminence, who have kindly con- tributed articles on subjects to which they have paid special attention: a List of their names is given on the next leaf. The work is essentially a Dictionary of Scientific Chemistry, and is intended as a Companion to the New Edition of URE'S Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, to which therefore reference is, for the most part, made for the details of manufacturing operations ; but those branches of chemical manufacture which have come into existence, or have received important developements, since the publication of that work, are described in this Dictionary as fully as its limits will allow, and in all cases ex- planations are given of the principles on which manufacturing processes are conducted, and the chemical changes which they involve. Particular 237603 vi PREFACE. attention has also been given to the description of processes of Analysis, both qualitative and quantitative. In order that the work may, as far as possible, truly represent the present state of scientific chemistry, it has been found absolutely necessary to make the modern or " unitary " scale of atomic weights the basis of the system of notation and mode of exposition adopted. Especial care has, however, been taken that the treatment of all Articles which are likely to be consulted, for the sake of practical information, by manufacturers, or others not exclusively occupied in chemical pursuits, shall be such as to make them readily intelligible to all who possess a general knowledge of chemistry, though they may not have followed closely the recent developements of the theoretical parts of the science. Hence, in all such Articles (as ACETIC ACID, ANTIMONY, COPPER, &c.) the formulae are given according to the old notation (printed for distinction, in Italics), as well as according to that adopted in the rest of the work. Temperatures are given on the centigrade scale, excepting when the contrary is expressly stated. HENRY WATTS. 7 PROVOST ROAD, LONDON, N.W. July 1863. LIST OE CONTRIBUTORS. EDMUND ATKINSON, Ph.D. F.C.S. Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. FRANCIS T. CONINGTON, M.A.. F.C.S. Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and late Examiner in Natural Science at that University; Author of a < Handbook of Chemical Analysis.' WILLIAM DITTMAE, Esq. Principal Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory of the University of Edinburgh. GEORGE C. FOSTER, B.A. F.C.S. Lecturer on Natural Philosophy at the Andersonian University, Glasgow. EDWARD FRANKLAND, Ph.D. F.R.S. Foreign Secretary of the Chemical Society, and Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. FREDERICK GUTHRIE, Ph.D. F.C.S. Professor of Chemistry at the Royal College, Mauritius. A. W. HOFMANN, LL.D. F.K.S. V.P.C.S. Professor of Chemistry at the Government School of Mines. WILLIAM S. JEVONS, M.A. (lately) Gold Assayer in the Sydney Royal Mint. CHARLES E. LONG, Esq. F.C.S. (the late) Analytical Chemist. WILLIAM ODLING, M.B. F.R.S. Secretary to the Chemical Society, and Professor of Chemistry at St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Author of a ' Manual of Chemistry.' BENJAMIN H. PAUL, Ph.D. F.C.S. Consulting Chemist. HENRY E. ROSCOE, Ph.D. F.C.S. Professor of Chemistry at Owens College, Manchester WILLIAM J. RUSSELL, Ph.D. F.C.S. Of University College, London. ALEXANDER W. WILLIAMSON, Ph.D. F.R.S. Pres. C.S. Professor of Chemistry at University College, London, and Examiner in Chemistry at the University of London. (A. W. W.) ARTHUR WINCKLER WILLS, Esq. Analytical and Manufacturing Chemist, Wolverhampton. (W. W.) *#* Articles communicated by the several contributors are signed with their initials j articles taken from UEE'S Dictionary of Chemistry (fourth edition, 1831) are signed with the letter U ; those which have no signature are by the Editor. DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. ABXCHITZ:. (Aphanesite, Strahlerz, Strahlenkupfer.) A native arsenate of copper, found chiefly associated with other copper ores and veins in Cornwall, and in the Hartz. The crystals belong to the monoclinic or oblique prismatic system, but they seldom exhibit any definite shape, being aggregated in radiating groups, or disposed, as extremely minute individuals, in cavities of quartz. Sp. gr. 4 - 2 to 4-4. Hardness, 2'5 to 3. Translucent or opaque, with vitreous lustre. Colour, blackish green inclining to blue. Streak, bluish-green. Dana (Mineralogy, ii. p. 428) gives for this mineral the formula SCuO.AsO* + 3CuO.HO*, or AsCu 3 4 + Cu 3 HO, deduced from the analyses of Eammelsberg andDamour. L. Gmelin (Handb. v. 471) fives the formula dCuO.AsO 5 + 5fIO, deduced from the analysis of Chenevix, who rand 54 per cent, of protoxide of copper, 30 per cent, of anhydrous arsenic acid, and 16 per cent, of water. AEIETIC ACID, C 20 H 30 ? When Strasburg or Canadian turpentine (ob- tained respectively from Abies picca and Abies balsamea,} is distilled with water; the residue exhausted with absolute alcohol ; the solution evaporated to dryness ; the re- sidual resin boiled with twice its weight of solution of carbonate of potassium ; the alkaline liquid poured off; and the residue, which is a mixture of abietin and abietate of potassium, treated with 30 times its weight of water, abietin separates in the crystalline form, while abietate of potassium remains in solution. This solution may be decomposed by sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, and the precipitated abietic acid purified by digestion in hot aqueous ammonia. As thus obtained, it is a resinous mass which dissolves easily in alcohol, ether and volatile oils, forming acid solutions, from which it separates in the crystalline state. At 55 it becomes soft and trans- lucent. Its barium-salt is said to contain 191 parts of the acid to 76'6 parts (1 at.) of baryta. The acid is perhaps identical with sylvic or pymaric acid. (Caillot, J. Pharm. xvi. 436; Gerh. iii. 656.) ABXETSivr. Prepared as above. It is a tasteless inodorous resin, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, especially at the boiling heat, also in ether, rock-oil, and strong acetic acid, and separates in the crystalline form from these solutions by evapo- ration. It melts when heated, and solidifies in a crystalline mass on cooling. It is not acted upon by caustic potash. (Caillot.) ABRAZXTS. ( Gismondin.) A mineral of the zeolite family, containing, according to Marignac's analysis : 8(CaKO.Si0 2 ) + 4Al-'0 3 .Si0 2 -f 18ITO ; [Si = 28 ; = 16]. or 2(CaO.KO},Si0 3 + 2(Al s O 3 .SiO 3 )^-9HO; [#-21 ; = 8]. It is found on Vesuvius, at Aci-Castello in Sicily, and at Capo di Bove, near Home. It occurs united with Phillipsite in quadratic octahedrons, generally aggregated in * The atomic weights adopted in this work are those of the unitary system (II 1 ; O = 1G ; S = 32 ; C = 12). Frequently, however, the formulas of compounds will likewise be given according to the dualistic system (0= 8, S= 16, C = 6) ; and for distinction, these Utter formulas will be printed in italics. VOL. I. B : , JlBSINTHIN ACEDIAMINE. masses. Transparent or translucent, with greyish-white colour. Hardness = 4'5. Sp. gr. = 2'265. Gives off one-third of its water at 100. Easily dissolves in acids and gelatinises. It was formerly supposed to be a variety of Phillipsite or lime- harmotome ; but it differs from harmotome in composition as well as in crystalline form, the latter mineral crystallising in the dimetric system. (Dana, ii. 322.) ABSIKTTHIW. C 16 H 22 5 . The bitter principle of wormwood (Artemisia absin- thium). It is prepared in the pure state, according to Luck, by exhausting the leaves of wormwood with alcohol, evaporating the extract to the consistence of a syrup ; and agitating with ether. This ethereal solution is evaporated to dryness, and the residue treated with water containing a little ammonia, which dissolves the resin, and leaves the absinthin nearly pure. To complete the purification, it is digested with weak hydrochloric acid, washed with water, dissolved in alcohol, and treated with acetate of lead, as long as a precipitate is formed. After the removal of this precipi- tate by filtration, the excess of lead is precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the eolution is evaporated. The absinthin then remains as a hard, confusedly crystalline mass, possessing an extremely bitter taste. It is but slightly soluble in water, very soluble in alcohol, and less so in ether. It possesses distinctly acid characters, and is dissolved by potash and ammonia. (Me in, Ann. Ch. Pharm. viii. 61 ; Luck, ibid. Ixxviii. 87; Gerh. iv. 258.) ABSORPTION OF GASES. See GASES. AC ACIST, or AC ACI A-G-ITIWC. Known in commerce as gum-arabic. See ARABIN and GTJM. ACAXtXOXtXTE. A variety of chabasite from New Caledonia, distinguished by its large amount of alkali. (Hayes, Sill. Am. J. [2] I. 122.) ACAJOU. The stem of the Acajou or Cashew-nut tree, Anacardium occidental, yields a yellow gummy substance, sparingly soluble in water, which is a mixture of ordinary gum and bassorin. The pericarp of the nuts of the same tree contains a large quantity of a red-brown resinous substance, which produces inflammation and blistering of the skin. It may be extracted by ether, and the ethereal solution when slowly evaporated, leaves a residue consisting of a network of small crystals of ana- cardie acid, soaked in an oily liquid called cardol, to which the resin owes its acrid pro- perties (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiii. 137). The name acajou is also applied to a gum and resin obtained from the stem of the mahogany-tree. The gum re- sembles that of the cherry-tree. ACAROXD RESIN*. The resin of XanthorrJica hastilis, a liliaceous tree grow- ing in New Holland ; also called resin of Botany Bay. It has a yellow colour, an agree- able odour, and is soluble in alcohol, ether, and caustic potash. Its potash-solution treated with hydrochloric acid deposits benzoic and cinnamic acids. Nitric acid con- verts it into picric acid, and so readily, that this resin appears to be the best raw material for obtaining picric acid. By distillation, the resin yields a light neutral oil, which ap- pears to be a mixture of benzol and cinnamol, and a heavy acid oil, consisting of hydrate of phenyl, mixed with small quantities of benzoic and cinnamic acids. (Stenhouse, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivii. 84.) ACECHLORIDE OP PLATINUM. See ACETONE, Decompositions (p. 29). ACEiDIAIVlINE. C 2 H 6 N 2 . When hydrochlorate of acetamide is heated in a sealed tube to 180 200, and the product afterwards distilled, or when acetamide is dis- tilled in a stream of dry hydrochloric acid gas, several volatile products pass over, and a residue is left consisting of hydrochlorate of acediamine, mixed with sal-ammoniac. (See ACETAMIDE) : 2C 2 H 5 NO + HC1 = C^^ 2 . HC1 + C 2 H 4 2 . Acetaraide. Hydrochlorate Acetic acid, of acediamine. Alcohol extracts the hydrochlorate of acediamine from this residue, and deposits it by spontaneous evaporation in prismatic crystals, which may be completely freed from adhering sal-ammoniac by solution in a mixture of alcohol and ether, and evaporation in vacuo. The hydrochlorate decomposed by sulphate of silver, yields the sulphate of acediamine (C 2 HN 3 ) 2 . S0 4 H 2 , which crystallises in colourless nacreous laminae, easily soluble in water. The aqueous solution of the hydrochlorate mixed with dichloride of platinum yields the chloroplatinate of acediamine, C 2 H 6 N 2 . HC1. PtCl 2 , in rather large, bard, yellowish red prisms. Acediamine is very unstable, and cannot be obtained in the free state. When the sulphate or hydrochlorate is heated with potash or baryta, ammonia is given off, and an acetate of the alkali is produced : C 2 H 6 N 2 + 2H 2 = C 2 H 4 2 + 2NH. ACETAL. 3 Acediamine may be regarded as ammonia in which 1 at. H is replaced by the mona- tomic radical C 2 H 4 N (azethyl), its rational formula being then N.H 2 . C 2 H 4 N or as a double molecule of ammonia, N 2 H 6 , having 3 at. H replaced by the triatomic radical C 2 H S , making its formula N 2 .H 3 . (C 2 !! 3 )"' It bears the same relation to acetamide as ethylamine to alcohol : C 2 H0 + NH 3 = C 2 H 7 N + H 2 : and C 2 H S NO + NH 3 = C 2 H 6 N 2 + H 2 0. (Strecker, Ann. Pharm. ciii. 328.) AC23PHOSGEWTZC ACXX and ACEPHOSSIC ACID. Compounds produced by the action of phosphorus on acetone (see page 28). ACETAX.. C 6 H U 2 . [G-m. ix. 38 ; Gerh. ii. 268;] A product of the oxidation of alcohol, first observed by Dobereiner, more fully examined by Liebig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. v. 25; xiv. 156), still further by Stas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xix. 146), who first correctly determined its empirical formula, and finally by Wurtz (Compt. rend. xlviii. 478 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlviii. 370 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. cviii. 84). It is also obtained from aldehyde. ("Wurtz andFrapolli, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvii. 228.) Preparation. I. From Alcohol. 1. By the imperfect oxidation of alcohol, under the influence of platinum-black. Pieces of pumice-stone previously washed and ignited are moistened with nearly absolute alcohol, and placed at the bottom of a large wide-necked flask, which is then filled up with capsules containing platinum- black, covered with a glass plate, and exposed to a temperature of 20, tiU the whole of the alcohol is acidified. Alcohol of 60 per cent, is then poured into the flask, in quantity not quite sufficient to cover the pumice-stones, and the flask left to itself for two or three weeks in a room at a temperature of 20, the glass plate being removed from time to time to admit fresh air. The thickish liquid is then drawn off, and the same process repeated with fresh alcohol, till several quarts of thickish acid liquid are obtained. This liquid is neutralised with carbonate of potassium, saturated with chloride of calcium and distilled, and the first fourth of the distillate is saturated with fused chloride of calcium, which separates from it a mixture of alcohol, acetic-ether, aldehyde, and acetal. The aldehyde is removed by distillation over the water-bath ; the residue treated with strong potash to decompose the acetic ether; the alcohol removed by washing with water ; and the remaining liquid, the acetal, dried over chloride of calcium and rectified. (Stas.) 2. By distilling alcohol with dilute sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese. A mixture of 2 parts alcohol, 3 parts peroxide of manganese, 3 parts sulphuric acid, and 2 parts water (the proportions given by Liebig for the preparation of aldehyde), is subjected to distillation as soon as the frothing which first ensues has ceased ; 3 parts of liquid are distilled off; the distillate is rectified ; and the portion which goes over at 80 is collected apart from that which distils between 80 and 95. The first portion is mixed with chloride of calcium and rectified, the distillate obtained below 60 chiefly consisting of aldehyde, while above 60 a product is obtained, which, when treated with a strong solution of chloride of calcium, yields an ethereal liquid. The portion of the former liquid which came over between 80 and 95, is also rectified, and the first portion of the resulting distillate treated with strong solution of chloride of calcium, whereupon it likewise yields an ethereal liquid. These ethereal liquids, containing aldehyde, acetic ether, &c. and acetal are united, and shaken with caustic potash to resinise the aldehyde and decompose the acetic ether. The brown liquid which floats upon the potash-solution is separated and distilled ; the distillate again mixed with chloride of calcium ; the liquid thus separated is heated to 100 for twenty-four hours with twice its volume of caustic potash in a sealed tube ; the lower stratum is rectified ; the distillate again shaken with chloride of calcium ; and the separated liquid is digested with pulverised chloride of calcium, and submitted to simple rectification. Pure acetal then distils over from 100 to 105. (Wurtz.) 3. By the action of chlorine upon alcohol, acetal being indeed the principal pro- duct of that reaction, so long as no substitution-products are formed : 3C 2 H 6 + 2C1 = C 6 H 14 2 + 2HC1 + H 2 0. Chlorine is passed through 80 per cent, alcohol cooled to between 10 and 15, till a portion becomes turbid on the addition of water, indicating the formation of substi- tution-products. One fourth of the strongly acid liquid is then distilled off; the dis- tillate neutralised with chalk ; one fourth again distilled off; and the distillate, con- sisting of alcohol, acetic ether, aldehyde and acetal, treated as above to separate the acetal. (Stas.) According to Lieben (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] lii. 313), the chief products of the action of chlorine on alcohol of 80 per cent, are monochloracctal and dichloracetal. (p. 5.) II. From Aldehyde. 1. 15v treating aldehyde with pentabromide of phosphorus, n 2 4 ACETAL. whereby it is converted into bromide of ethylidene C 2 H 4 Br 2 (a compound isomeric with bromide of ethylene), and acting on this compound with ethylate of sodium. C 2 H 4 Br 2 + 2C 2 H 5 NaO = 2NaBr + 2C 6 H 14 2 . This mode of preparation is, however, very troublesome, on account of the difficulty of obtaining the bromide of ethylidene. Chloride of ethylidene C 2 H 4 C1 2 , (produced by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on aldehyde) does not appear to yield acetal when treated with ethylate of sodium. 2. By passing hydrochloric acid gas into a mixture of 1 vol. aldehyde and 2 vols. absolute alcohol immersed in a freezing mixture, whereby the compound C 4 H 9 C10 is obtained in the form of an ethereal liquid floating on aqueous hydrochloric acid, and treating this compound with ethylate of sodium : C 2 H 4 + C 8 H 6 + HC1 = C 4 H 9 C10 + H 2 and C 4 H 9 C10 + C 2 H 8 NaO = NaCl + C 6 H U 2 (Wurtz and Frapolli, Compt. rend, xlvii. 418 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. cviii. 223.) Properties. Pure acetal is a colourless liquid, less mobile than ether, having a pecu- liar agreeable odour and a refreshing taste, with an after-taste like that of hazel nuts. Sp. gr. 0-821 at 22-4. Boils at about 105 C., with the barometer at 0768 met. Vapour density = 4'141. It dissolves in eighteen times its volume of water at ordinary temperatures, the solubility increasing as the temperature rises. From the aqueous solution it is sepa- rated by chloride of calcium and other soluble salts. Ether and alcohol dissolve it in all proportions. Decompositions. 1. Acetal is not altered by mere exposure to the air, but in contact with platinum-black it is quickly converted, first into aldehyde, and then into acetic acid: C 6 H 14 0* + 20 = 3C 2 H 4 + H 2 0. Acetal. Aldehyde. It is likewise oxidised by nitric and by chromic acid. 2. Caustic alkalies do not decom- pose it, if the air is excluded. 3. Chlorine abstracts hydrogen from it and forms sub- stitution-products. 4. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves and then decomposes it, the mixture turning black. 5. Hydrochloric acid likewise dissolves and blackens it, form- ing choride of ethyl. 6. Pentachloride of phosphorus acts strongly upon it, forming a large quantity of chloride of ethyl, together with other products. 7. Heated in a sealed tube with several times its weight of glacial acetic acid, it yields acetic ether, more than 1 atom of that compound being formed from 1 atom of acetal. These reactions tend to show that acetal is an ethyl-compound. Stas regarded it as a compound of 1 at. aldehyde with 1 at. ether : C 2 H 4 + C 4 H 10 = C a H 14 2 ; and "Wurtz, in his earlier researches on glycol (Compt. rend, xliii. 478), regarded it as glycol TT 2 [ 2 > i 11 which 2 at. hydrogen are replaced by ethyl, ^-rp^ I O 2 . This view of its constitution was corroborated by the result of distilling a mixture of alcohol and wood-spirit with sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, whereby a distillate was /"12TT4 \ obtained consisting of dimethylate of ethylene /nrpmf O 2 , and methylethylate of ethy- lene PUT-, /loirs f 0*- Subsequent researches have however shown that acetal is not L>J B .Lrl ) identical, but only isomeric with diethyl-glycol, or diethylate of ethylene C 2 !! 4 . (C 2 H 5 ) 2 . 2 . For, when glycol C 2 H 4 .H 2 .0 2 is treated with sodium, 1 at. hydrogen is eliminated, and the compound C 2 H 4 . NaH.O 2 is obtained. This compound treated with iodide of ethyl yields ethylate of ethylene C 2 H 4 . C 2 H 5 . H.O 3 , whence, by the action of potassium, the compound C 2 H 4 . C 2 H 5 . K.O 2 is produced ; and, lastly, this compound treated with iodide of ethyl yields diethylate of ethylene C 2 H 4 . (C 2 H 5 ) 2 . O 2 . Now this liquid has a specific gravity of 0'7993 at C., and boils at 123-5 C., whereas acetal has a sp. gr. of 0-821 at 22-4, and boils at 105, that is to say, 18'5 lower. Eecent experiments byBeilstein (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxii. 240) seem to indicate that the rational formula of acetal is C 4 H 9 O.C 2 H 5 .O. Chloracetals (A.Lieben,Ann.Ch. Phys. [3]lvi. 313). Three of these compounds have been obtained ; viz. mono-, di-, and tri-chloracctal. The two former are produced by the action of chlorine on alcohol of ordinary strength (80 per cent.) When the chlorine has been passed through for some time, and the heavy oil which separates on addition of water is washed several times with aqueous chloride of calcium, and sub- mitted to fractional distillation, it begins to boil at 80, and the boiling point gradually ACETAMIDE. 5 rises to 200, not, however, remaining stationary at any intermediate point. The por- tion which distils below 120 consists of aldehyde and compound ethers; that which distils above 120 (which is the larger portion) contains monochloracetal and dichlor- acetal. On again submitting it to fractional distillation, the greater part goes over between 170 and 185; this portion consists chiefly of diehloracetal, which may be obtained pure by subsequent rectification. To separate the monochloracetal, the por- tion of the second distillate boiling below 170, and the portion of the first distillate which passed over above 120, are heated for several days with aqueous potash, whereby a watery liquid is obtained, containing chloride and formate of potassium, and an oily liquid consisting chiefly of monochloracetal mixed with dichloracetal ; these compounds are finally separated by fractional distillation. According to Lieben, the product of the action of chlorine on alcohol of ordinary strength does not contain acetal. This is contrary to the statement of Stas, who, in fact, prepared acetal by this very process. Probably the relative quantities of acetal, monochloracetal, and dichloracetal obtained depend on the duration of the action of the chlorine (compare page 3). Monochloracetal, C 6 H 13 C10 2 , is a colourless liquid, having an ethereal aromatic odour, and boiling at about 155. Vapour-density, by experiment 5'38 ; by calculation (2 vols.) 5'29. It is perfectly neutral, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. It is not attacked by aqueous potash, and does not precipitate nitrate of silver. Dichloracetal, C 6 H 12 CP0 2 , is a colourless neutral aromatic liquid of sp. gr. 1-1383 at 14. Boils at about 180. Vapour-density, by experiment 6-45 ; by calculation (2 vols.) 6-435. (Lieben.) Trichloracetal, C (i H u Cl 3 2 , is produced, together with dichloracetal, by the action of chlorine on highly concentrated but not absolute alcohol. (Dumas, Lieben.) AC EXAMINE. C 2 H 5 NO = KH 2 .C 2 H 3 0. Produced : _ 1. By heating acetate of ethyl with strong aqueous ammonia to about 120 : C 2 H 3 O.C 2 H 5 .0 + NH 3 = NH 2 .C 2 H 3 + C 2 H 5 .H.O Acetate of ethyl. Acetamide. Alcohol. 2. By the action of ammonia on acetic anhydride : (C 2 H 3 0) 2 + NH 3 = NH 2 .C 2 H 3 + C 2 H 3 O.H.O Acetic Acetamide. Acetic acid, anhydride. 3. By distilling acetate of ammonium (C 2 H 4 0'.NH 3 = C 2 H 5 NO + H 2 0). A large quantity of ammonia is given off at first, then at 160 an acid distillate, consisting chiefly of acid acetate of ammonium ; above 1 60, a distillate containing acetamide which crystallises in the condensing tube; and above 190 nearly pure acetamide. By saturating glacial acetic acid with dry ammoniacal gas, and then distilling, \ of the acetic acid may be converted into acetamide. (Kundig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 277.) Acetamide is a white crystalline solid, which melts at 78 and boils at 221 or 222. It deliquesces when exposed to the air, and dissolves readily in water. Heated either with acids or with alkalis, it takes up water, and is converted into acetic acid and ammonia. Distilled with phosphoric anhydride, it gives up water and is converted into acetonitrile or cyanide of methyl C 2 H 3 N. Heated in a stream of dry hydrochloric acid gas, it yields a liquid and a crystalline distillate, and a brownish non-volatile residue. The liqiiid portion of the distillate consists of strong acetic acid, together with small quantities of chloride of acetyl, and perhaps acetonitrile. The crystalline distillate is a mixture of hydrochlorate of acetamide, and a compound of acetamide and diacetamide C 2 H 5 NO.C 4 H 7 N0 2 ; the latter compound may be extracted by ether, in which the hydrochlorate of acetamide is insoluble. The non-volatile residue con- sists of hydrochlorate of acediamine mixed with sal-ammoniac. The decomposition is represented by the following equations : 2C 2 H 5 NO + HC1 = C'H^O 2 + NH'Cl Diacetamide. 2C 2 H 5 NO + HC1 = C 2 H 6 N 2 .HC1 + C 2 H J 2 Hydrochlorate Acetic of acediamine. acid. C 2 H 5 NO + 2IIC1 = C 2 H 3 OC1 + NH 4 C1 ; C 2 H 5 NO - H 2 = C 2 H 3 N. Chloride of Acetonitrile. acetyl. Acetamide acts both as a base and as an acid, combining with hydrochloric and with nitric acid, and likewise forming salts in which 1 atom of its hydrogen is replaced by a metal. B 3 6 ACETAMIDE. Hydrochlorate of Acetamide, (C 2 H 5 NO) 2 .HC1 is prepared : 1. By mixing acetamide fused 'at a gentle heat with oxy chloride of phosphorus, dissolving the resulting crystalline mass in absolute alcohol, and leaving the solution to cool, or better, mixing it with ether; hydrochlorate of acetamide is then obtained in colourless crystalline needles. The crystalline mass first produced, appears to be a compound of acetamide and oxychloride of phosphorus, and this, on addition of alcohol, yields phosphate of ethyl and hydrochloric acid, which unites with the acetamide : 2C 2 H 5 NO + POC1 8 + 3(C 2 H 5 .H.O) = (C 2 H 5 NO) 2 .HC1 + P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 0* + 2HCL 2. By directing a stream of dry hydrochloric acid gas on a solution of acetamide in alcohol and ether cooled from without, washing the resulting crystalline mass with anhydrous ether, and dissolving it in warm alcohol. The solution on cooling, or more quickly on addition of ether, deposits the hydrochlorate in crystals. This mode of preparation is preferable to the former. The compound forms long spear-shaped crystals, having an acid taste and reaction, easily soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether. Heated in a sealed tube to between 180 and 200, it decomposes, yielding the same compounds that are obtained by heating acetamide in dry hydrochloric acid gas. (Strecker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ciii. 321.) Nitrate of Acetamide, C 2 H 5 NO.N0 3 H, is obtained by dissolving acetamide in cold strong nitric acid. It forms colourless acid crystals, which melt at a moderate heat, and detonate at a higher temperature, leaving scarcely any residue. CHLORACETAMIDES. Monochloracetamide, C 2 H 4 C1.NO = N.1I 2 .C 2 H 2 C10, is obtained : 1. By the action of ammonia on monochloracetate of ethyl: C 2 H 2 C10.C 2 IP.O -H NH 3 = N.H 2 .C 2 H 2 C10 + C 2 H 6 0. 2. By bringing perfectly dry ammoniacal gas in contact with chloride of mono chloracetyl : C 2 H 2 C10.C1 + 2NH 3 = KH 2 .C 2 H 2 C10 + NH 4 C1. The product is a white amorphous mass, from which absolute alcohol extracts the amide, and deposits it in large shining laminae. The amide dissolves in 10 parts of water and 10| parts of alcohol at 24, but is very sparingly soluble in ether. It is decomposed by potash, yielding chloride and acetate of potassium. (E. Willm. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlix. 99.) Trichloracetamide. C 2 H 2 C1 3 NO = KH 2 .C 2 C1 3 0. This compound is produced by the action of gaseous or aqueous ammonia : 1. On chloride of trichloracetyl : C 2 CPO.C1 + 2NH 3 = N.H 2 .C 2 C10 + NH 4 C1. 2. On trichloracetate of ethyl : C 2 C1 S O.C 2 H 5 .0 + NH 3 = N.H 2 .C 2 C1 3 + C 2 H 8 0. 3. On chloraldehyde, C 2 C1 4 0, or the polymeric compound, perchlorucetic ether, C 4 C1 8 2 : CTC1 4 + 2 NIP = C 2 H 2 CPNO + NIPC1. Also by the action of ammonia on the perchlorinated ethylic ethers of formic, carbonic, oxalic, and succinic acids, all these compounds yielding chloraldehyde when heated. The best product is obtained from perchloracetic ether. The mass is treated with cold water to dissolve the sal-ammoniac, and the! trichloracetamide is crystallised from ether. It then forms snow-white crystalline laminae. It dissolves also in boiling water and in alcohol, and crystallises from the aqueous solution in ta- bular crystals belonging to the rhombic system. It has a sweetish taste ; melts at 135, begins to turn brown at 200, and boils at about 240. It gives off ammonia when heated with potash. Ammonia dissolves it after a while, and the solution yields, by evaporation, beautiful prisms of trichloracetate of ammonium. Anhydrous phos- phoric acid converts it into chloracetonitrile or cyanide of trichloromethyl : C 2 H r 'CPNO -H 2 = C 2 C1*N. (Cloez, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 305; Malaguti, ibid. xvi. 5 ; Cahours, ibid. xix. 352; G-erhardt, Compt. chim. 1848, 277; Traite, i. 760; Gm. ix. 270.) Tetrachlor acetamide, C 2 HC1'NO^N.H.C1.C 2 CFO; sometimes called chlora- cetamic acid, is formed by exposing trichloracetamide, slightly moistened with water, to the action of chorine in sunshine. It then sublimes in needles, which may be purified by crystallisation from ether. It is permanent in the air, melts when heated, and partly sublimes undecomposed. It is nearly inodorous, but has a harsh disagreeable taste. Insoluble in water, but dissolves pretty readily in alcohol and wood-spirit, and very easily in ether. It dissolves without decomposition in cold aqueous alkalis, forming ACETIC ACID. 7 crystallisable salts. When boiled with potash, it gives off ammonia, and leaves chlo- ride and carbonate of potassium : C 2 HC1 4 NO + 3H 2 = NH 3 + 4HC1 + 2 CO 2 . (Cloez, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 305.) Bromacetamides and lodacetamides are likewise known. DIACETAMIDE, C^'NO 2 = NH(C 2 H 3 0) 2 . The ethereal solution of the compound of ncetamide and diacetamide obtained by the action of hydrochloric acid gas on ace- tamide, deposits, when hydrochloric acid gas is passed through it, spicular crystals of hydrochlorate of acetamide, and the liquid filtered therefrom yields by evaporation over sulphuric acid, crystals of diacetamide, easily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. The crystals when boiled with acids are resolved into acetic acid and ammonia, but not so readily as acetamide. The alcoholic solution boiled with dichloride of platinum deposits chloroplatinate of ammonium. (Strecker.) ETHYLACETAMIDE. See ETHYLAMINE. MERCTJRACETAMIDE, C 2 H 4 HgNO. An aqueous solution of acetamide saturated with mercuric oxide deposits by evaporation in vacuo, colourless crystalline crusts sparingly soluble in alcohol. Silver-acetamide, C 2 H 4 AgNO, is obtained in a similar manner in crystalline scales. PHENYLACETAMIDE, or ACETANILIDE, see PHENYLAMINE. ACETEIffE. Synonyme of ETHYLENE and OLEFIANT GAS. ACETIC ACID. Essigsaure, Acide Acetigue. C 2 H 4 2 = C "^. <0 | 0, or C 2 H 3 2 .H. The hydrate or hydrated oxide of acetyl ; it may be regarded as a molecule of water (IPO), in which half the hydrogen is replaced by acetyl C 2 H 3 0. (It was formerly supposed to be derived from a radicle, C*H 3 , also called acetyl, which, in combination with 3 atoms of oxygen, formed anhydrous acetic acid C^H^O 3 ; and this in com- bination with an atom of water 210, formed hydrated acetic acid, C 4 H S O 3 .HO = 6'W 4 6> 4 ] See ACETYL. Sources. Acetic acid exists, in nature, in the organic kingdom only, being found in the juices of many plants, especially of trees, and existing probably also in several of the animal secretions ; but more commonly it results from the decomposition and oxidation of organic bodies. Formation. 1. By the destructive distillation of organic substances, especially of wood.. 2. By the action of oxidising agents, viz. atmospheric oxygen, chromic acid nitric acid, hypochlorous acid, &c., on alcohol and other organic bodies. 3. By the action of hydrate of potassium or hydrate of sodium at a high temperature on various organic bodies, e.g. succinic acid, oleic acid, malic acid, sugar, alcohol, &c. 4. By heating cyanide of methyl with aqueous caustic alkalis : CIF.CN + 2H 2 = C*H 4 2 + NH 3 . 5. By the action of carbonic anhydride on sodium-methyl ; CO 2 + CH 3 Na = C'-H 3 Na0 2 (acetate of sodium). 6. By the reducing action of zinc or sodium-amalgam on chloracetic acid. Preparation. 1. From alcohol. Alcohol is converted into acetic acid by various processes of oxidation ; e. g. by the action of spongy platinum. If a tray of finely- divided spongy platinum be placed on a triangle over a porcelain dish containing a little alcohol gently warmed, and the whole covered with a bell-glass standing on a wedge, and open at the top so as to allow a gentle current of atmospheric air to pass through the apparatus, the oxidation of the alcohol proceeds rapidly, acetic acid condensing in abundance on the inside of the bell-jar. By this process, however, much of the alcohol is converted into aldehyde, and lost by volatilisation. It would appear, in fact, that, in the formation of acetic acid by direct oxidation, aldehyde is always developed as an intermediate product, especially if the oxidising influence be not sufficiently rapid C 2 H 6 + = C 2 H 4 + H 2 ; and C^O + = C 2 H 4 2 . Alcohol. Aide- Aide- Acetic hyde. hyde. acid. The oxidation of alcohol by atmospheric oxygen is greatly promoted by the presence of ferments ; and, in fact, in the ordinary processes for making vinegar, an alcoholic solution is exposed to the joint influence of air and a ferment. In France and Ger- many wine is usually employed, and in England malt. WINE VINEGAR ( Wdnessig, Finaigre).Tlie following is the plan of making vinegar practised in Paris. The wine destined for vinegar is mixed in a large tun with a quantity of wine-lees, and the whole being transferred into cloth-sacks, placed within a large iron-bound vat, the liquid matter is squeezed through the sacks by superin- cumbent pressure. What passes through is put into large casks set upright and B 1 8 ACETIC ACID. having a small aperture at the top. In these it is exposed to the heat of the sun in summer, or to that of a stove in winter. Fermentation supervenes in a few days. If the heat should then rise too high, it is lowered by cool air and the addition of fresh wine. In the skilful regulation of the fermentative temperature consists the art of making good wine-vinegar. In summer, the process is generally completed in a fortnight ; in winter, double the time is requisite. The most favourable temperature is between 25 and 30 (77 and 86 F.). The vinegar is then run off into barrels containing several chips of birch wood. In about a fortnight it is found to be clarified, and is then fit for the market. It must be kept in close casks. At the same time that the alcohol is thus acidified, the nitrogenous organic matters which have served as ferments have likewise assumed new forms, and settled at the bottom of the vessel in the form of a white gelatinous mass, known as "mother of vinegar." This substance, which has been described by Mulder as a fungoid plant, under the name of Mycoderma Vinl, is a nitrogenised body, which has the power of exciting the acetification of pure alcohol in the presence of atmospheric air, probably in consequence of its own tendency to change. By treating it with potash, the whole of the nitrogen is removed, pure cellulose alone remaining. A slight motion is found to favour the formation of vinegar, and to endanger its decomposition after it is made. Chaptal ascribes to agitation the operation of thunder, though it is well known, that when the atmosphere is highly electrified, beer is apt to become suddenly sour, without the concussion of a thunder-storm. Vinegar does not keep well in cellars exposed to the vibrations occasioned by the rattling of carriages. The lees, which had been deposited by means of isinglass during repose, are thus jumbled into the liquor, and promote the fermentation. Almost all the vinegar of the north of France being prepared at Orleans, the manu- facture of that place has acquired such celebrity as to render the process worthy of a separate consideration. The Orleans casks contain nearly 400 pints of wine. Those which have been already used are preferred. They are placed in three rows, one over another, the upper ones having an aperture of two inches diameter, kept always open. The wine for ace- tification is kept in adjoining casks containing beech shavings, to which the lees adhere. The wine thus clarified is drawn off to make vinegar. One hundred pints of good vinegar, boiling hot, are first poured into each cask, and left there for eight days ; ten pints of wine are mixed in, every eight days, till the vessels are full ; and the vinegar is allowed to remain in this state fifteen days, before it is exposed for sale. The manufacturers at Orleans prefer wine of a year old for making vinegar ; but if the wine has lost its extractive matter by age, it does not readily undergo the acetous fermentation. The used casks, called mothers, are never emptied more than half, but are succes- sively filled again, to acetify new portions of wine. In order to judge if the mother works, the vinegar makers plunge a spatula into the liquid; and according to the quantity of froth which the spatula shows, they add more or less wine. In summer, the atmospheric heat is sufficient. In winter, stoves heated to about 76 Fahr. main- tain the requisite temperature in the manufactory. Quick method of Vinegar-making (Schnellessigbcreitung'). Since the efficient con- version of the alcohol into acetic acid essentially depends upon the completeness of the oxidation, the German chemists have proposed to promote this result by enlarging the surface of the liquid exposed to the air. This is effected by allowing the alcoholic liquor to trickle down in a fine shower from a colander through a large oaken tube (called the vinegar generator, or graduator), filled with beech chips, up which a cur- rent of air ascends through apertures in the sides. By the oxidation which goes on, the temperature of the liquid rises to 37 or 40 C. (100 or 104 Fahr.). The liquid requires to be passed three or four times through the cask before the acetification is complete, which takes place in twenty-four or thirty-six hours. Care should be taken to allow a sufficient supply of air. In England the same result is often attained by causing the alcoholic liquor to be distributed by means of a Barker's mill or other contrivance, over the beech shavings in a tun, whilst a current of air is forced up through it by two floating gasometers which are made to rise and fall alternately by steam power. Wine vinegar is of two kinds, white or red, according as it is prepared from white or red wine. It contains, besides acetic acid and water, sugar, colouring matter, gum, and salts, especially bitartrate of potassium. Its specific gravity varies from 1*014 to 1-022. MALT VINEGAR. This is prepared from malt or a mixture of malt and raw barley, which is mashed with water as in the ordinary operation of brewing ; the wort is then submitted to the vinous fermentation and the liquor thus obtained is converted by oxidation into vinegar. This effected in two ways ; either by the process of field inq or stoving. When fielding, that is, exposure to the open air, is resorted to, the wort must be ACETIC ACID. 9 made in the spring months, and then left to finish during several^ months of the warm season. In consequence, therefore, of the length of time required, the latter, or staving process, is more generally used. The wash is introduced into barrels standing endways, tied over with a coarse cloth, and placed close together in darkened chambers, artificially heated by a stove. The liquor remains in these barrels until the acetification is complete. This usually occupies several weeks or months. The product is next introduced into large tuns with false bottoms, on which rape (the residuary fruit from the making of British wines) is placed, and allowed slowly to filter through them. Below the false bottom and above the true one is placed a tap which allows the vinegar to flow into a back or cistern. From this cistern a pump raises the liquid to the top of the vessel, and thence it flows through the rape to be again returned. Or sometimes the rape tuns are worked by pairs, one of them being quite filled with vinegar from the barrels, the other only three parts, so that the acetification is excited more readily in the latter than the former, and every day a portion of the vinegar is conveyed from one to the other, till the whole is finished and fit for sale. Malt vinegar has a yellowish red colour, an agreeable acid taste, which is due to acetic acid ; but the aromatic odour which distinguishes both it, and also wine vinegar, from pyroligneous acid (to be afterwards described) is imparted to it by the presence of acetic and other ethers. Vinegar of four different strengths is sold by the makers, distinguished as Nos. 18, 20, 22, and 24. The last, which is the strongest, and is called proof vinegar, contains 6 per cent, of real acetic acid; its specific gravity is 1-019. _ (Pereira.) Vinegar is liable to undergo a putrefactive decomposition, which was believed by the makers to be prevented by the addition of sulphuric acid, and they are allowed by law to add one-thousandth part by weight of sulphuric acid. It is now known that this is unnecessary ; nevertheless the practice is still continued. DISTILLED VINEGAR. By submitting wine or malt vinegar to distillation it is deprived of its colouring and other non- volatile matters, a colourless limpid liquid being obtained which is known in commerce as distilled vinegar. The product is, however, always weaker than the vinegar from which it has been derived, because the boiling point of strong acetic acicl is above that of water ; it is also liable to be contaminated with a small quantity of alcohol and empyreumatic bodies. 2. From Wood. WOOD VINEGAR, or PYROLIGNEOUS ACID. The greater part of the acetic acid now employed in the arts is obtained by the destructive distillation of wood. The wood is heated in large iron cylinders like gas retorts, connected with a series of condensing vessels, the uncondensable gases which are evolved in large quantity being conveyed by pipes into the fire and aiding to maintain the heat. The liquid which condenses in the receivers consists of water, tar, wood-spirit or methylic alcohol, acetate of methyl, and acetic acid. The watery liquid, after being separated from the tar, is redistilled, the wood-spirit passing over among the first portions of the distillate, and the acetic or pyroligneous acid afterwards. The acid thus obtained is coloured, and has a strong tarry flavour, which cannot be removed by redistillation. To purify this crude acid, it is converted into acetate of sodium, either by direct saturation with carbonate of sodium, or more economically by saturating it with carbonate of calcium, and decomposing the calcium-salt with sulphate of sodium; and the acetate of sodium is purified from tarry matter, first by gentle torrefaction, and afterwards by recrystallisa- tion. It is then decomposed by strong sulphuric acid diluted with half its weight of water, whereupon the sulphate of sodium, being insoluble in acetic acid, separates in the crystalline form, and may be separated by simple decantation ; and the acetic acid thus separated is purified from the last traces of sulphate of sodium by distillation. The process just described yields a very pure acid, but it is too expensive, princi- pally in consequence of the large quantity of fuel which it requires. A more economical process has been proposed byVolckel (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxii. 49 ; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 274). In this process the crude wood-vinegar is immediately saturated with lime, without previous rectification. Part of the tarry matter then separates in combination with the lime, while the rest remains in solution with the acetate of calcium. The liquid, aft or being clarified by repose, or by filtration, is evaporated down to half its bulk in an iron pot, and mixed with a quantity of hydrochloric acid, sufficient to give it a slight acid reaction. The greater part of the tarry matter then separates, and may be skimmed off from the surface. The hydrochloric acid also decomposes certain compounds of the lime with creosote and other volatile substances, which are then expelled by heat ; 33 go-lions of crude wood- vinegar require for purification from 4 to 5 Ibs. of hydrochloric acid. The acetate of calcium thus purified is completely dried and distilled with hydro- chloric acid, 100 parts of the dry salt requiring from 90 to 95 parts of hydrochloric acid of sp. gr. 1-15 (or 20 Bm.). The sp. gr. of the acetic acid thus obtained is about 1'06 (8 Bm.). If it contains hydrochloric acid, it may be purified by redistillation, with addition of a small quantity of carbonate of sodium, or better, 2 or 3 per cent, of 10 ACETIC ACID. bichromate of potassium, which, at the same time, destroys certain organic impurities that impart a peculiar odour to the acid. The presence of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid in vinegar is easily detected by boil- ing the liquid for about twenty minutes with a small quantity of potato-starch, then leaving it to cool and adding a few drops of iodide of potassium. If the vinegar is pure, the blue colour of iodide of starch immediately makes its appearance, but not if sulphuric or hydrochloric acid is present, because these acids boiled with starch con- vert it into dextrin, which is not coloured blue by iodine (Pay en). Sulphuric acid may also be detected by chloride of barium, and hydrochloric acid by nitrate of silver. [For further details of the manufacture of acetic acid, see the new edition of Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, vol. i. pp. 5 to 20.] CRYSTAI/LISABLE or GXACLAX ACETIC Aero. This term is applied to the pure acid C 2 H 4 2 , [or C*H 4 4 ] of sp. gr. 1-0635, because it is at ordinary temperatures a crystalline solid. The acid obtained by either of the processes above described consists of this com- pound more or less mixed with water. On distilling this dilute acid, a weaker acid passes over, and a stronger acid remains behind, because the boiling point of aqueous acetic acid increases with its concentration ; and by repeated fractional distillation, an acid is at length obtained which crystallises at a low temperature. Crystallisable acetic acid is, however, more conveniently obtained by distilling certain acetates in the dry state with an equivalent quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid or disulphate of potas- sium ; thus with acetate of potassium : 2C 8 H 3 K0 2 + S0 4 H 3 = 2C 2 H 4 8 + SO'K 2 . and: C 2 H 3 K0 2 + S0 4 IIK = C-H 4 2 + S0 4 K 3 . The proportions required are 98 pts. of dry acetate of potassium, or 82 acetate of sodium, or 79 acetate of calcium, or 163 acetate of lead, to 49 parts of monohydrated sulphuric acid, S0 4 H 2 , or 136 parts of disulphate of potassium, S0 4 HK. Glacial acetic acid may also be conveniently obtained from diacetate of potassium, C 2 H 3 K0 2 .C 2 H 4 2 by simple distillation. When neutral acetate of potassium is mixed with aqueous acetic acid, not too dilute, and distilled, part of the acetic acid unites with the neutral acetate, and a weaker acid passes over. But as the distillation goes on, the acid potassium-salt decomposes, the distillate becomes continually richer in acetic acid, and at length the pure crystallisable acid distils over. The temperature must not be allowed to exceed 300 ; otherwise the acid suffers partial decomposition, and becomes coloured (Me Is ens, Compt. rend. xix. 611). Crystallised acetate of copper also yields glacial acetic acid, when dried at a temperature between 160 and 180 and afterwards distilled at a higher temperature. Towards the end of the distillation the acid becomes mixed with acetone : that which passes over towards the middle must be redistilled to free it from copper mechanically carried over, probably in the form of cuprous acetate. The acid obtained by this process was formerly called Spiritua Aeruginis or Spiritus Veneris. Properties. Pure acetic acid solidifies at or below 15 C. in prismatic or tabular crystals. In closed vessels it remains liquid at 12, and does not solidify till the vessel is opened and shaken. Its specific gravity in 1 the solid state is 1 -100 at 8*5 (Persoz). It melts at 16 (Lowitz), at or above 22-5 (Mollerat), forming a thin colourless liquid of sp. gr. 1*063 (Mollerat) ; T065 at 13 (Persoz) ; 1-0635 at 15 (Mohr); 1-0622 (Sebille-Auger); 1-08005 reduced to (Kopp, Pogg. Ann.. Ixxii. 1). It boils at 119 (Sebille-Auger); at 117'3 (Kopp). The density of its vapour is different at different temperatures, compared with an equal bulk of air at the same temperature. At temperatures considerably above the boiling point, it follows the ordinary law of condensation to 2 volumes ; thus at 300 and upwards the sp. gr. of the vapour is found by Cahours to be 2*00, which agrees almost exactly with the calcu- lated density, supposing the molecule to occupy 2 volumes. For the atomic weight of acetic acid, compared with hydrogen as unity is 60 (= 2C + 4H + 20 = 24 + 4 + 32); and if this be the weight of 2 volumes of the vapour, it follows that the weight of 1 volume of vapour, or in other words, the specific gravity as compared with hydrogen, will be 30 ; and multiplying this number by 0-0693, the sp. gr. of hydrogen referred to air as unity, we obtain for the sp. gr. of acetic acid vapour referred to air as unity, the number 2'079. But at temperatures near the boiling point, the density of the vapour is much greater, exhibiting a condensation to |- volume, or even less. The following table ex- hibits the den ity of the vapour at various temperatures as determined by Cahours (Compt. rend. xix. 771 ; xx. 51) : Temperature. 125 130 140 150 160 170 190 200 230 250 300 Density. 3'20 3'12 2-90 275 2-48 2'42 2'30 2-22 2-17 2'09 2'08 The tension of the vapour is 7mm. at 15; 14'5mm. at 22, and 32mm. at 32. (Bincau, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xviii. 226.) ACETIC ACID. 11 The acid has a pungent sour taste and odour, blisters the skin, and acts as an acrid poison. It does not redden litmus paper per se, but very strongly when mixed with water. Decompositions. 1. The vapour of acetic acid is inflammable, and burns with a blue flame, producing water and carbonic acid. When it is passed through a red-hot tube, the greater part remains unaltered, but a portion is decomposed, yielding free carbon and combustible gases, together with acetone, napthalin, hydrate of phenyl and benzol. (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiii. 295.) 2. A mixture of glacial acetic and strong sulphuric acid blackens when heated, giving off carbonic and sulphurous anhydrides. Fuming sulphuric acid mixes with glacial acetic acid without evolution of gas ; but the mixture becomes hot, and if it be raised to a higher temperature, carbonic anhydride is given off, mixed with only a small quantity of sulphurous anhydride. Sulphuric anhydride dissolves in acetic acid without evolution of gas, and on heating the mixture, sulphacetic acid is produced. 3. Acetic acid is not sensibly attacked by nitric acid. 4. Periodic acid converts it into carbonic or formic acid, with formation of iodic acid and separation of iodine. 5. Chlorine in sunshine converts acetic acid into monochloracetic and trichloracetic acids, the quantity of the one or the other being greater, according as the acetic acid or the chlorine is in excess. See CHLORACETIC ACID. 6. Glacial acetic acid heated with bromine in a sealed tube forms bromacetic and dibromacetic acids. Iodine has no action on acetic acid even in sunshine. 7. With pentachloride of phosphorus, glacial acetic acid forms hydrochloric acid, chloride of acetyl and oxychloride of phosphorus : C 2 H 3 O.H.O + PCP.Cl 3 = C 2 H 3 O.C1 + HC1 + PO.C1 3 . 8. With pentasulphide of phosphorus, it forms thiacetic acid and phosphoric anhydride : 5(C 2 H 3 O.H.O) + P 2 S 5 = P ? 5 + 5(C 2 H 3 O.H.S). The difference between the mode of action of the pentachloride and pentasulphide of phosphorus, the former giving rise to two distinct chlorine-compounds, C 2 H 3 O.C1 and HC1, whereas the latter forms only one sulphur-compound, is very remarkable, and shows clearly the propriety of regarding chlorine as a monatomic, and sulphur as a diatomic radicle. AQUEOUS ACETIC ACID. Acetic acid mixes with water in all proportions, impart- ing to it its taste and smell. The density of the aqueous acid varies with its strength in a remarkable manner. When water is gradually added to glacial acetic acid, the density increases till a hydrate is formed containing 79 pts. of crystallised acid to 21 water, and having the composition C 8 H 4 0*. H 2 0. This hydrated acid has a density of T073 and boils at 104. All further additions of water diminish the density of the acid. The following table constructed by Mohr (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxi. 277) gives the quantity of crystallisable acetic acid in 100 pts. of the aqueous acid of different densities. Perc. Sp. Gr. Perc. Sp. Gr. Perc. Sp. Gr. Perc. Sp. Gr. Perc. Sp. Gr. 100 1-0635 80 1-0735 60 1-067 40 1-051 20 1-027 99 1-0655 79 1-0735 59 1-066 39 1-050 19 1-026 98 1-0670 78 1-0732 58 1-066 38 1-049 18 1-025 97 1-0680 77 1-0732 57 1-065 37 1-048 17 1-024 96 1-0690 76 1-0730 56 1-064 36 1-047 16 1-023 95 1-0700 75 1-0720 55 1-064 35 1-046 15 1-022 94 1-0706 74 1-0720 54 1-063 34 1-045 14 1-020 93 1-0708 73 1-0720 53 1-063 33 1-044 13 1-018 92 1-0716 72 1-0710 52 1-062 32 1-042 12 1-017 91 1-0721 71 1-0710 51 1-061 31 1-041 11 1-016 90 1-0730 70 1-0700 50 1-060 30 1-040 10 1-015 89 1-0730 69 1-0700 49 1-059 29 1-039 9 1-013 88 1-0730 68 1-0700 48 1-058 28 1-038 8 1-012 87 1-0730 67 1-0690 47 1-056 27 1-036 7 1-010 86 1-0730 66 1-0690 46 1-055 26 1-035 6 1-008 85 1-0730 65 1-0680 45 1-055 25 1-034 5 1-007 84 1-0730 64 1-0680 44 1-054 24 1-033 4 1-005 83 1-0730 63 1-0680 43 1-053 23 1-032 3 1-004 82 1-0730 62 1-0670 42 1-052 22 1-031 2 1-002 81 1-0732 61 1-0670 41 1-051 21 1-029 1 1-001 12 ACETIC ACID. M oiler at, Ann. Cliim. Ixviii. 88, and Ad. van Toorn (J. pr. Chem. vi. 171) have also given tables of the specific gravities of acetic acid of different degrees of concen- tration. It will be seen from the preceding table that the specific gravity of acetic acid varies but slowly, a difference of 1 per cent, corresponding to a difference of only -001 in the density, and sometimes even less. For this reason, the determination of the strength of commercial acetic acid by the hydrometer or acetometer, as it is called when gra- duated for this purpose, is not much to be depended on. The presence of colouring matter, saline substances and other impurities, which frequently occur in vinegar, are of course an additional source of inaccuracy in this method of estimation. It is better, therefore, to determine the strength of the acid -by ascertaining the quantity of a standard solution of caustic soda or ammonia, reqiiired to neutralise a given volume. (See ACIDIMETRY and ANALYSIS, VOLUMETRIC.) This method, when applied to acetic acid, is affected with a slight source of inaccuracy, arising from the fact that the normal or neutral acetates of the alkalis exhibit a slight alkaline reaction. The error thence arising is, however, of small amount, not exceeding ^ per cent, for an acid containing 10 per cent, of crystallisable acetic acid, as shown by Otto (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 69). Moreover, it may be completely obviated by iising a solution of caustic soda, graduated for the purpose by means of a solution of pure acetic acid of known strength (ANALYSIS, VOLUMETRIC). Greville Williams (Pharm. J. Trans, xiii. 594) recommends for the volumetric estimation of acetic acid a graduated solution of lime in sugar- water. Acetic acid mixes in all proportions with alcohol. It dissolves resins, gum-resins, c';KD])lior, and essential oils. Its use for culinary purposes is well known. Its odour is employed in medicine to relieve nervous head-ache, fainting fits, or sickness occa- sioned by crowded rooms. Pungent smelling salts consist of sulphate of potassium moistened with glacial acetic acid. Pyroligneous acid is largely used in calico-printing ; the tar and empyreumatic substances present in it appear to be rather advantageous than otherwise for that purpose. Large quantities of acetic acid are also used for the preparation of the acetates of lead, copper, aluminium, &c. (See Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines.) .Acetates. Acetic acid is monobasic, the general formula of its normal salts being C 3 H S 8 .M [or C*H 3 0\M = C H H 3 O 3 .MO], the symbol M denoting a metal. It also forms basic salts, which may be regarded as compounds of the normal acetates with oxides. The normal acetates all dissolve in water, and most of them readily. The least soluble are the silver and mercury salts, so that solutions of other acetates added to mercurous nitrate or nitrate of silver, throw down white shining scales of mercurous acetate or silver-acetate ; but generally speaking, acetates are not formed by precipita- tion : they are produced by the action of acetic acid on metallic oxides or carbonates ; many carbonates, however, the barium and calcium salts, for example, are not decom- posed by acetic acid in its most concentrated state, but only after addition of water. All acetates are decomposed by heat, most of them yielding carbonic anhydride, ace- tone and an empyreumatic oil. Those which are easily decomposed, and likewise contain bases forming stable carbonates, are almost wholly resolved into acetone and a car- bonate of the base ; this is especially the case with acetate of barium : 2C-II 3 2 Ba --= C S II G + CCPBa 2 . Those which, like the potassium and sodium salts, require a higher temperature to de- compose them, yield more complex products, but always a certain quantity of acetone. Among the products are found certain homologues of acetone, viz. methylacetone C S H 5 (CH 3 )0 and ethyl acetone C 3 H 5 (C 2 H 5 )0, together with dumasin C 6 H I0 0. (Fittig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 17). Acetates containing weaker bases, give off part of the acetic acid undecomposed, the remaining portion being resolved into acetone and carbonic anhydride, or if the heat be strong, yielding empyreumatic oil and charcoal : the residue consists sometimes of oxide, sometimes, as in the case of copper and silver, of reduced metal ; in this case part of the acetic acid is burnt by the oxygen abstracted from the metal. Acetates heated with a large excess of fixed caustic alkali, are resolved at a temperature below redness into marsh gas and alkaline carbonate, e. g. : C-H 3 K0 2 + KHO = CII 4 f C0 3 K 2 . Acetates distilled with sulphuric acid, give off the odoxir of acetic acid, and yield a distillate which dissolves oxide of lead, and acquires thereby an alkaline reaction. Dis- til led with sulphuric and" alcohol, they yield acetate of ethyl, recognisable by its odour. The neutral acetates impart to solutions of ferric salts a reddish yellow or red-brov, 11 colour, according to the degree of dilution. Acetates heated to redness with ar- penious acid give off the odour of cacodyl. The acetates of the alkali-metals, and probably others also, treated with oxychloride of phosphorus, yield chloride of acetyl, together with a tribasic phosphate: 3(C-IPO.Na.O) + PO.CP = 3C 2 H'OC1 + PO'Na". ACETIC ACID. 13 ACETATES OF ALUMINIUM. a. Triacetate. As aluminium is sesquiatomic (Al 2 being equivalent to H 3 or Al^ to H) the normal salt should be a triacetate C 2 H 3 2 .A13 or (C 2 H 3 2 ) S .A1 8 , [or AP0 5 .3C 4 H 3 3 , regarding it as a compound of alumina with an- hydrous acetic acid]. This salt, however, exists only in solution, and is decomposed by evaporation. The solution is obtained by digesting recently precipitated trihydrate of aluminium in strong acetic acid, or by precipitating a solution of the trisulphate with acetate of lead : (S0 4 ) 3 A1 4 + 6C 2 H s 2 Pb = 3S0 4 Pb 2 + 2(C 2 H 3 2 ) 3 A1 2 . This salt is largely used as a mordant in dyeing and calico-printing, and is generally prepared for this purpose by precipitating alum with acetate of lead. The solution thus formed contains sulphate of potassium as well as acetate of aluminium. /3. Diacetate. When the solution of the triacetate obtained by decomposing trisul- phate of aluminium with acetate of lead is evaporated at a low temperature, with sufficient rapidity, as by spreading the concentrated liquid very thinly on plates of glass or porcelain, exposing it to a temperature not exceeding 100 F. (37*7 C.), and, as it runs together in drops, rubbing it constantly with a spatula, diacetate of aluminium remains in the form of a dry powder containing ^ , 4 ' ( O 4 + 5H 2 [or, using the smaller atomic weights of carbon and oxygen, 2C*H 3 0*.A1 2 3 + 5HO}. The diacetate thus obtained dissolves easily and completely in water, and the solution when heated deposits dihydrate of aluminium soluble in water. (See ALUMINIUM.) But when the solution, instead of being quickly evaporated, is left to itself in the cold for some days, it deposits a white saline crust, which is an allotropic diacetate of aluminium insoluble in water. Heat effects the same change more rapidly, and the insoluble diacetate then separates in the form of a granular powder. At the boiling temperature, the liquid is thus deprived in half an hour of the whole of its alumina, which goes down with f of the acetic acid, leaving | in the liquid. The insoluble diacetate digested in a large quantity of water is gradually changed into the soluble modification, part of which is, however, decomposed during the process into acetic acid and the soluble dihydrate. (Walter Crum, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi. 217.) ACETATES OF AMMONIUM. a. Normal acetate. C 2 H 3 2 .NH 4 . A white odourless salt, obtained by saturating glacial acetic acid with dry ammonia. It is very difficult to obtain it in the crystalline form : for its aqueous solution loses ammonia on evapora- tion, and is converted into the acid salt (/3). It is readily soluble in water and alcohol. Its aqueous solution, known in the Pharmacopeia as Spiritus Mindereri, is prepared by saturating aqueous acetic acid with ammonia or carbonate of ammonium. This solution is transparent and colourless, with a peculiar odour and cooling pungent taste. When kept it is decomposed, and becomes alkaline, owing to the formation of carbonate of ammonium ; by heat it is converted into a solution of the acid salt ()8). . Acid Acetate, C 2 H 3 2 .NH 4 .C 2 H 4 2 [or C t H 3 3 .NH 4 + C*H 3 3 .HO]. Obtained as a white crystalline sublimate when dry powdered chloride of ammonium is heated with an equal weight of acetate of potassium or calcium, ammonia being given off simultaneously. A warm saturated solution of this salt, kept in a closed bottle de- posits long needle-shaped crystals. This salt is also obtained in a radiated crystalline mass, by evaporating the aqueous solution of the normal salt (a). The crystals redden litmus and deliquesce rapidly in the air. They melt at 76C. and sublime undecomposed at 121. The composition of this salt is probably that expressed by the above formula. ACETATE OF BARIUM, C 2 H 3 8 Ba. Prepared by decomposing carbonate or sulphide of barium with acetic acid. The solution evaporated at a gentle heat yields flattened prisms containing 2C 2 H 3 0-Ba + H 2 0, but when cooled to C. it yields rhomboidal prisms, isomorphous with acetate of lead, and containing 2C 2 H 3 2 Ba + 3H 2 0. The crystals dried at yield the anhydrous salt in the form of a white powder, which, when strongly heated, is resolved into acetone and carbonate of barium. ACETATE OF BISMUTH separates in micaceous laminae from a warm mixture of nitrate of bismuth and acetate of potassium. Acetic acid mixed with a solution of nitrate of bismuth prevents the precipitation of a basic salt of that metal by water. ACETATE OF CADMIUM. Small prismatic crystals very soluble in water (Stromeyer). According to Meissner and John, it is not crystallisable, but forms a gelatinous mass. ACETATE OF CALCIUM, C 2 H 3 2 Ca, crystallises in prismatic needles, which effloresce in the air, and dissolve in water and in alcohol. The salt is decomposed by heat into acetone and carbonate of calcium. A solution of acetate and chloride of cal- cium in equivalent proportions yields by slow evaporation, large crystals containing C 2 H 3 2 Ca.ClCa + 5H 0. ACETATE OF CERIUM. Small needles sparingly soluble in alcohol. 14 ACETIC ACID. ACETATES OF CHROMIUM. The chromous salt, 2C 2 H 3 2 Cr + H 2 is, produced by pouring protochloride of cliromium into a solution of acetate of potassium or sodium. It forms red transparent crystals, which when moist absorb oxygen very rapidly from the air, undergoing a true combustion. The chromic salt is obtained as a green crystalline crust, very soluble in water, by dissolving chromic hydrate in acetic acid : the so- lution scarcely reddens litmus. ACETATES OF COBALT. The red liquid formed by dissolving carbonate of cobalt in acetic acid, yields by evaporation a red residue which turns blue when heated. It may be used as a sympathetic ink. The oxides Co 4 3 and Co 3 2 also dissolve in acetic acid without separation of oxygen, forming brown solutions. The solution of the sesquioxide sustains a boiling heat without decomposition. ACETATES OF COPPER. a. Cuprous Acetate, C 2 H 3 2 Ccu. [Ccu = Cu 2 = 63-2]. This salt sublimes towards the end of the distillation of normal cupric acetate. According to Berzelius, it is contained in common green verdigris, and sublimes when that sub- stance is distilled. It forms soft, loose, white flakes, which redden litmus and have a caustic astringent taste. Water decomposes it into normal cupric acetate and yellow cuprous hydrate. b. Cupric Acetates. (Berzelius, Pogg. Ann. ii. 233; Traite, iv. 173; Gm. viii. 323; G-erh. i. 728.) Four of these salts are known, viz. : Normal Cupric Acetate C 2 H 3 2 Cu = C*H 3 3 . CuO. Sesquibasic. . . (C 2 H 3 2 Cu) 4 . Cu ? = (C 1 H 3 3 )*. (CuO) 3 . Dibasic . . . (C 2 H 8 2 Cu) 2 . Cu 2 = C*H*C* . (CuO)*. Tribasic . . . C 8 H 3 OCu . Cu 2 O = C t H 3 3 . (CuO) 9 . 1. The normal salt C 2 H 3 2 Cu, called also Crystallised Verdigris, Verdet, Cristaux de Venus, is produced by dissolving cupric oxide or common verdigris in acetic acid, or by precipitating a solution of normal acetate of lead with sulphate of copper : in either case, the liquid must be highly concentrated and then left in a cool place. It forms dark bluish-green prisms belonging to the monoclinic system, and containing 2C*H 3 2 Cu + H 2 O. The ordinary combination is ooP . OP . + P.-r2Po>. Twin- crystals also occur. Eatio of the axes: a : b: c = 0'6473 1 : 0-5275. Inclination of the axes => 63. Inclination of the faces, ooP : ooP in the plane of the ortho- diagonal and the principal axis = 108 ; ooP : OP - 105 30' ; OP : 4 2Pco = 119 4'. Cleavage parallel to OP and QO P. The salt is efflorescent, soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, and poisonous like all soluble copper-salts. The crystals after drying in vacuo at ordinary temperatures, suffer no further diminution in weight at 100, but give off 9-6 per cent, of water between 110 and 140, then nothing more below 240 ; between 240 and 260 strong acetic acid, which when rectified yields 32 per cent, of the crystallisable acid ; at 270 white fumes which condense into white flakes of cuprous acetate ; and lastly a mixture of carbonic anhydride and a combustible gas. At 330 the decomposition is complete, and a reddish substance remains consisting chiefly of metallic copper. The solution boiled with sugar yields a red precipitate of cuprous oxide. Acetate of copper crystallised at a temperature near 8, yields crystals containing 2C 2 H 3 Cu + 5H 2 0. 2. The basic cupric acetates are contained in common verdigris (vert-de-gris, Griinspan), a substance obtained by exposing plates of copper to the. air in contact with acetic acid, and much used as a pigment and as a mordant in dyeing wool black. There are two varieties of this substance, the blue and the green, the former consist- ing almost wholly of dibasic cupric acetate, the latter of the sesquibasic salt mixed with smaller quantities of the dibasic and tribasic acetates. The dibasic salt or blue verdigris is prepared at Montpellier and in other parts of the south of France, by ex- posing copper to the air in contact with fermenting wine-lees. The wine-lees are loosely packed in casks together with straw, till they pass into the state of acetous fer- mentation ; and when that is ended, they are arranged in pots covered with straw, in alternate layers with rectangular plates of copper, which when used for the first time, are previously moistened with a cloth dipped in a solution of normal acetate of copper, and then dried. At the end of three weeks, the plates are taken out ; placed in an upright position to dry ; dipped six or eight times in water in the course of as many weeks ; and again left to dry, during which operations the verdigris continually swells up. It is then scraped off, the plates again arranged alternately with sour wine-lees, and the same processes are repeated till the plates are quite corroded. The same compound is obtained by exposing copper plates to damp air in contact with normal acetate of copper made into a paste with water. It forms delicate, silky, blue, crystalline needles and scales, which yield a beautiful blue powder. They contain 6 at. water, which they give off at 60, and are then converted into a green mixture of the monobasic and tribasic salt : (C 2 H 3 0-Cu) 8 .Cu 2 = C 2 H 3 2 Cu + C 2 TF0 2 Cu . Cu'O. ACETIC ACID. 15 By repeated exhaustion with water, it is resolved into the insoluble tribasic salt, and a solution of the normal and sesquibasic salts : 5(C 4 H 6 3 .2Cu 8 0) = 2(C 4 H 6 3 .3Cu 2 0) + 2C 4 H 6 3 .3Cu a O + C 4 H 6 3 .Cu 2 0. The following table exhibits the composition of several kinds of blue verdigris as determined by Berzelius and by Phillips : Phillips. French. English. Calculation. Berzelius. Crystallised. Compressed. 2Cu s O . . 160 . 43-24 . 43-34 . 43-5 . 43'25 . 44-25 C 4 H 6 3 . . 102 . 27-57 . 27'45 . 29-3 . 28-30 . 29-62 6H 2 O . . 108 . 29-19 . 29-21 . 25-2 . 28'45 . 25-51 Impurities 2-0 . . . . 0*62 370 . 100-00 . 100-00 . 100-0 . 100-00 . 100-00 The sesquibasic acetate is obtained in a state of purity by adding ammonia in small portions to a boiling concentrated solution of the normal salt, till the precipitate is just redissolved, and leaving the solution to cool; or by treating common green ver- digris with cold or tepid water, and leaving the filtrate to evaporate. It is then deposited in bluish scales containing (C 2 H 3 2 Cu) 4 . Cu 2 + 6H 2 0. It gives off half its water at 60, and becomes greenish. Green Verdigris, according to Berzelius, is a mixture of this salt with small quan- tities of the dibasic and tribasic salts, sometimes also containing cuprous acetate and other impurities. It is manufactured at Grenoble by frequently sprinkling copper-plates with vinegar in a warm room ; and in Sweden by disposing copper-plates in alternate layers with flannel cloths soaked in vinegar, till the green salt begins to form, then exposing them to the air and frequently moistening with water. The greenest kind contains according to Berzelius, 49-9 per cent, of cupric oxide, and 13*5 per cent, of water and impurities ; the pure sesquibasic salt contains 43*5 per cent. Cu'-'O. The tribasic acetate, C-'H 3 2 Cu.Cu-0 + H 2 0, is the most stable of aU the acetates of copper. It is obtained by exhausting blue verdigris with water ; also by boiling the aqueous solution of the normal salt, or by heating it with alcohol, or again by digesting the same solution with cupric hydrate. The last method yields the salt in the form of a green powder ; as obtained by the other methods, it forms a bluish powder composed of fine needles or scales. It gives off its water at 160, and decomposes at a higher tem- perature, yielding acetic acid. Boiling water decomposes and turns it brown. The brown substance thus formed was regarded by Berzelius as a peculiar basic acetate, containing C 4 H 6 3 . 48Cu 2 ; but it is more probably a mixture of the tribasic salt with excess of oxide. Acetate of Copper and Calcium. C 2 H 3 9 Ca . C 2 H 3 2 Cu + 4H 2 0. Obtained by heating a mixture 1 atom of normal cupric acetate and 1 atom hydrate of calcium with 8 times its weight of water and sufficient acetic acid to dissolve the precipitated oxide of copper, and evaporating the green filtrate at a temperature between 25 and 27. It forms large, blue, transparent, square prisms, often converted into octagonal prisms by truncation of the lateral edges. They effloresce slightly in the air ; fall to powder at 75, giving off acetic acid ; and dissolve readily in water. An- other cuprico-calcic acetate, C'-'H s 2 Ca + (C 2 H 3 O 2 Cu). Cu 2 + 2H 2 0, often exists in crystallised verdigris : its optical properties differ from those of the normal cupric acetate. Aceto-arsenite of Copper. C 2 H 3 2 Cu.3As0 2 Cu, or C*H 3 0*.CuO + 3(AsO*.CuO'). Schweinfurt green, Imperial green, Mitis green, and when mixed with gypsum or heavy spar, Neuwieder green, Mountain green. Used as a pigment, and prepared on the large scale by mixing arsenious acid with cupric acetate and water. 5 parts of verdigris are made up to a thin paste, and added to a boiling solution of 4 parts or rather more of arsenious acid in 50 parts of water. The boiling must be well kept up, otherwise the pre- cipitate assumes a yellow-green colour, from formation of arsenite of copper; in that case, acetic acid must be added, and the boiling continued a few minutes longer. The precipi- tate then becomes crystalline, and acquires the fine green colour peculiar to the aceto- arsenite. The salt is insoluble in water, and when boiled with water for a considerable time, becomes brownish and gives up acetic acid. Acids abstract the whole of the copper, and aqueous alkalis first separate blue cupric hydrate, which when boiled with the liquid, is converted into black cupric oxide, and afterwards into red cuprous oxide, an alkaline arsenate being formed at the same time. ACETATES OF IRON. a. Ferrous Acetate. When metallic iron or the protosulphide is dissolved in strong acetic acid, and the solution concentrated, small colourless silky needles are obtained, which dissolve easily in water, and rapidly absorb oxygen from the air. 16 ACETIC ACID. 0. Ferric Acetate. Obtained by dissolving ferric hydrate in acetic acid, or by decom- posing a solution of ferric sulphate with acetate of lead. It is uncrystallisable and very soluble in water, forming a red-brown solution; soluble also in alcohol. The aqueous solution, when kept in a state of ebullition for about 12 hours, undergoes a remarkable modification, acquiring a brick-red colour, and remaining clear when viewed by transmitted light, but appearing opaque and opalescent by reflected light. At the same time, it loses entirely the metallic taste of iron salts, and acquires that of vinegar ; it forms a brown instead of a blue precipitate with ferrocyanide of potassium, and no longer exhibits the characteristic red colour with sulphocyanides. Traces of sulphuric or phosphoric acid, or of alkaline salts, precipitate the whole of the iron in the form of a red-brown precipitate, which, at ordinary temperatures, is perfectly in- soluble in acids, even the most concentrated; hydrochloric and nitric acids throw down a red granular precipitate, which, when perfectly freed from the acid mother- liquor, dissolves easily and completely in water. (P6an de St. Grilles, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlvi. 47.) A mixture of the two acetates of iron, called pyrolignite of iron (liqueur de ferraille, bouillon noir\ is prepared on the Jarge scale by treating iron with wood-vinegar, in contact with the air. It is used as a mordant for black dyes ; also for preserving wood. ACETATES OF LEAD. The normal acetate C'IF0 2 Pb, or PbO.&irO* (Sugar of lead, saccharum Saturni, sel de Saturne, Bleizucker) is prepared by dissolving oxide or carbonate of lead in acetic acid, wood-vinegar being used on the large scale, or by immersing plates of lead in vinegar in vessels exposed to the air. It crystallises in prisms containing 2O'H s O-Pb + H 2 0, and belonging to the monoclinic system. Ordinary combination : oo P . OP . oo P oo , sometimes with the face OP predominating, so as to give the crystals a tabular form. The length of the orthodiagonal is to that of the clino-diagonal, as 0'4197 to 1. Inclination of the axes = 70 28'. Inclination of the faces : oo P : oo P = 128; oo P : oo Poo = 116 ; oo P : OP = 98 30' ; OP : oo P oo = 109 32. Cleavage parallel to OP and oo P oo . The crystals are efflorescent, soluble in 0'59 parts of water at 15'5 (60 F.), and in 8 parts of alcohol. The salt has a sweet, astringent taste, and is very poisonous. It melts at 75'5 ; begins to give off water with a portion of its acid a little above 100 ; and is completely de- hydrated at 280. Above that temperature it decomposes, giving off acetic acid, carbonic anhydride, and acetone, and leaving metallic lead very finely divided and highly combustible. The aqueous solution is partially decomposed by the carbonic acid of the air, carbonate of lead being precipitated, and a portion of acetic acid set free, which prevents further decomposition. The solution is not precipitated by ammonia in the cold, but yields crystals of oxide of lead when heated with a large excess of ammonia. Normal acetate of lead forms crystalline compounds with chloride of lead and with peroxide of lead. (Berzelius, Ann. Chim. xciv. 292 ; Schindler, Brande's Archiv, xli. 129; Payen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixv. 238, and Ixvi. 37; Wittstein, Buchner's Eepert. Ixxxiv. 170; G-m. viii. 310; Gerh. i. 736.) Four basic acetates of lead have been described, viz. : The sesquibasic acetate . (C'IFOTb) 4 . Pb 2 or (C*H*0*y. (PbOf. The dibasic . (C 2 H 3 2 Pb)X Pb 2 or C*H*0* . (PW)\ The tribasic . C-H 3 2 Pb . Pb 8 or C*H 3 O 3 . (P60) s . Thesexbasic . (C'H 3 2 Pb) 2 .(Pb 2 0)or C*H 3 0* . (PbO) 6 . All of these however, except the tribasic salt, are of rather doubtful composition. The sesquibasic salt is obtained by heating the normal salt till it melts, and subse- quently solidifies in a white porous mass. By dissolving the residue in water and eva- porating, the salt is then obtained in nacreous laminse containing 2 [(C 2 H 8 0~Pb) 4 .Pb 2 0] + H 2 0. It is more soluble in water and alcohol than the normal acetate, and forms alkaline solutions. (Payen, Schindler.) The dibasic acetate is deposited in the crystalline form when oxide of lead (massicot) is dissolved in the proper proportion in the normal acetate. The crystals contain 2 atoms water, half of which is given off at 70, and the rest at 100. (Schindler.) The tribasic acetate is obtained in the crystalline form, when a solution of the normal salt saturated in the cold and mixed with f of its volume of ammonia, is left to evaporate ; also by digesting 7 parts of massicot in a solution of 6 parts of the crys- tallised normal acetate. It forms long silky needles, very soluble in water, but in- soluble in alcohol. The aqueous solution becomes turbid on exposure to the air. According to Payen, the crystals contain 2(C 2 H 3 2 Pb . Pb 2 0) + H'O, but according to Berzelius, they are anhydrous. The sexbasic salt is obtained by digesting the solution of either of the preceding salts with excess of oxide of lead. A crystalline precipitate is then formed, which ACETIC ACID. 17 dissolves sparingly in boiling water, and separates in silky needles containing 2[(C 2 H 3 2 Pb) 2 .(Pb v O) 5 ] + 3H'0. (Berzelius.) Tho liquid called Goulard's lotion, lead-vinegar, acetum Batumi, is a mixture of the aqueous solutions of these basic acetates of lead, chiefly the tribasic salt. It is prepared by digesting oxide of lead in acetic acid, or in a solution of the normal acetate. It is an alkaline liquid which is decomposed by the carbonic acid in the air. It pre- cipitates a large number of vegetable substances, such as gum-resins, colouring matters, &c. and from its power of coagulating mucus, is much used as a lotion for wounds and sores. ACETATE OF LITHIUM. C 2 H 3 2 Li + 2 H 2 0. Eight rhomboi'dal prisms, deliquescent in moist air, soluble in less than a third of their weight of water at 15, and in 4 "6 pts. of alcohol of sp. gr. 0'81 at 14. ACETATE OF MANGANESE. Pale rose-coloured splinters or small prisms grouped to- gether ; soluble in 3 pts. of water. ACETATES OF MERCURY. Mercurous acetate, C 2 H 3 2 ,Hhg, [Hhg = Hg 2 = 200], is obtained by precipitating mercurous nitrate with a soluble acetate. It forms anhydrous micaceous laminae, sparingly soluble in water. Heat decomposes it into metallic mer- cury, carbonic anhydride, and acetic acid. Mercuric Acetate, C 2 H s 2 Hg [or C 4 H 3 3 .HgO], is prepared by dissolving red oxide of mercury in warm acetic acid. It crystallises in brilliant micaceous laminae, soluble in their own weight of water at 10, and somewhat more soluble in boiling water. Alcohol and ether decompose it, separating mercuric oxide. Acetate of Mercurammonium, OIPO*. (NH 3 Hg) + H 2 0, is obtained by agitating recently precipitated mercuric oxide with a solution of acetate of ammonium. It crys- tallises in rhomboi'dal plates, very soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. At 100 it gives off from 30 to 31 per cent, of its weight, and is converted into acetate of tetrar.ier- curammonium, C 2 H 3 8 (NHg 4 ). ACETATE OF NICKEL crystallises in apple-green prisms, slightly efflorescent, soluble in 6 pts. of cold water, insoluble in alcohol. The solution is decomposed by hydro- sulphuric acid, which throws down sulphide of nickel. ACETATES OF POTASSIUM. Normal acetate. C 8 H 3 2 K [or C 4 H 3 3 .KO]. (Terra foliata Tartari, Arcanum Tartari, Tartarus regeneratus, Bldttererde, gebldtterte Weinsteinerde). This salt exists in the juices of many plants. It is prepared by dissolving carbonate of potassium in acetic acid. When brown vinegar is used for the purpose, the car- bonate of potassium should be added by small portions, so as to keep the solution constantly acid. The object of this precaution is to avoid the formation of coloured products by the contact of free alkali with the foreign matters in the vinegar. Pure acetate of potassium is a white salt, difficult to crystallise, very soluble in water and deliquescent, soluble also in alcohol, and precipitated by ether from the alcoholic solution. Carbonic acid gas, passed into a solution of the salt in absolute alcohol, throws down carbonate of potassium, and liberates acetate of ethyl. The salt melts below a red heat, forming a limpid oil, which solidifies in an extremely deliquescent mass on cooling. It requires a very high temperature to decompose it, and then gives off acetone, empyreumatic oil, and inflammable gases, and leaves a residue of carbonate of potassium mixed with charcoal. Heated with excess of hydrate of potassium, it yields carbonate of potassium and marsh gas : C 2 H 3 2 K + KHO = CH 4 + C0 3 K 2 . Heated with arsenious anhydride, it yields cacodyl. (See ARSENIDES OF METHYL.) Chlo- rine, passed into the aqueous solution of acetate of potassium, liberates carbonic anhydride, and forms a bleaching liquid, which however loses its decolorising power on exposure to the air. When an electric current is passed through a strong aqueous solution of acetate of potassium separated into two parts by a porous diaphragm, hydrogen alone is evolved at the negative pole ; while, at the positive pole, there is evolved a gaseous mixture of methyl and carbonic anhydride, together with acetate of methyl and a small quantity of oxide of methyl. The principal decomposition is represented by the equation : C 2 H 4 2 = CH 3 + CO 2 + H, the acetate and oxide of methyl being secondary products. (Kolbe, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixix. 257.) Acid Acetate or Diacctate of Potassium, C 3 H 3 0*K:.C 2 H 4 3 , [or C 4 If0 3 .HO + When the normal acetate is evaporated with an excess of strong acetic acid, this VOL. i. C IS ACETIC ACID. acid salt is deposited in needles or laminae, or by slow evaporation in long flattened prisms, apparently belonging to the rhombic system. It is very deliquescent, melts at 148, and decomposes at 200, giving off crystallisable acetic acid. On this property is founded an easy method of obtaining the crystallisable acid. Diacetate of potassium is formed when the nprmal acetate is distilled with butyric or valerianic acid ; but neither of these acids decomposes the salt thus produced. Hence, when butyric or valerianic acid is mixed with acetic acid, a separation more or less complete may be effected by half neutralising the liquid with potash, and distilling. If the acetic acid is in excess, diacetate of potassium alone remains behind, the whole of the valerianic or butyric acid passing over, together with the remainder of the acetic acid. If, on the contrary, the other acid is in excess, it passes over, unmixed with acetic acid, and the residue consists of diacetate of potassium, mixed with butyrate or valerate. By repeating the process a certain number of times, either on the acid distillate or on the acid separated from the residue by distillation with sulphuric acid, complete separation may be effected. (Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 355.) Anhydrous Diacetate of Potassium, 2C 2 H 3 2 KC 4 H e 3 [ = KO. Z&IPO 3 ] is pro- duced 'by dissolving melted acetate of potassium in acetic anhydride at the boiling heat, or by the action of potassium on acetic anhydride. Forms colourless needles very soluble in water, less deliquescent than normal acetate of potassium. It is de- composed by heat, giving off acetic anhydride. (Gerhardt, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii. 317.) ACETATE OF SILVER, C 2 H 3 2 Ag. Obtained by precipitating nitrate of silver with acetate of sodium. Crystallises from boiling water in thin, flexible laminae ; soluble in 100 pts. of cold water. ACETATE OF SODIUM, C 2 H s 2 Na [or C 4 H 3 9 .NaO.] Terra foliata tartari crystal- lisabilis, Terre foliee miner ale. Prepared either by dissolving carbonate of so- dium in acetic acid, or by decomposing acetate of calcium with sulphate of sodium. Forms large transparent prisms belonging to the monoclinic system. Ordinary combination: ooP.[oo Poo]. OP. P; more rarely with oo Poo, + P, + 2Poo. Katio of the axes: a : b : c = 0-8348 :.l : 0-8407. Angle of the axes = 68 16'. In- clination of the faces : oo P : oo P in the plane of the orthodiagonal and principal axis = 95'30; P: +P, forming the obtuse edges of the pyramid +Pin the plane of the oblique diagonal and principal axis = 117"32; ooP: OP = 75-35. Cleavage parallel to OP and ooP. (Gerhardt, Traite i. 725.) The crystals contain 3 at. water. They effloresce slightly in dry air, completely at a moderate heat, and melt below 100. They dissolve in 3 -9 pts. of water at 6, in 2*4 pts. at 37, and in 1*7 pts. at 48 (Osann). According to Berzelius, a solution saturated at the boiling heat, contains 0'48 pts. water to 1 pt. of salt, and boils at 124-4. The salt is less soluble in alcohol. It has a bitter, pungent, but not disagreeable taste. ACETATE OF STRONTIUM crystallises like the barium-salt in two different forms, con- taining different quantities of water. The salt deposited at 15, contains 4-23 p. c. water (? 4C 2 H 3 2 Sr + H 2 0), and that which is deposited at low temperatures con- tains C 2 H 3 2 Sr + H 2 0. The latter forms prisms belonging to the monoclinic system, oo P : oo P = 124 54' ; oo P . oo P oo =- 107 33' ; OP : P oo = 153-12. Cleavage indistinct, parallel to ooPoo . ACETATE OF TIN. Boiling acetic acid dissolves tin slowly, with evolution of hy- drogen ; the hydrated protoxide dissolves easily in the boiling acid, and the solution evaporated to a syrup and covered with alcohol yields small colourless crystals. Hy- drated dioxide of tin also dissolves in acetic acid, and the solution yields a gummy mass when evaporated. Bichloride of tin forms a crystalline compound with glacial acetic acid. ACETATE OF URANIUM. Uranous Acetate, obtained by evaporating a solution of oxide in acetic acid, crystallises in green needles grouped in warty masses. Uranic Acetate, or Acetate of Uranyl, C 2 H S 2 (U 2 0)* [ = W 3 <9 4 ./ 2 6> 2 ], is ob- tained by heating uranic nitrate till it begins to evolve oxygen, dissolving the yellow- ish red mass, which still contains nitric acid, in warm concentrated acetic acid, and evaporating to the crystallising point ; all the nitric acid then remains in the mother liquid. From a very concentrated, or from an acid solution slightly cooled, the salt separates in beautiful rhomboi'dal prisms, C 2 H 8 2 (U 2 0) + H 2 0, belonging to the mo- noclinic system ; boiling water decomposes them with separation of uranic hydrate, but the solution yields the same crystals by evaporation. A more dilute solution cooled below 10 deposits square-based octahedrons containing C 2 H 3 2 (U 2 0) + 1 H 2 0, or * Uranyl, U 2 O, is a monatomic radicle/supposed to exist in the uranic compounds. ''See URANHM.) ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. 19 2C 2 H S 2 (U 2 0) 4- 3IFO. They give off | of their water at 200, and the rest at 275, leaving the yellowish red anhydrous salt. Uranic acetate combines with the acetates of the more basic metals, forming double acetates. The ammonium, potassium, and sodium salts are obtained by adding the solutions of the carbonates to a solution of uranic acetate, till a precipitate is formed consisting of a uranate of the alkali-metal, redissolving this precipitate in a slight excess of acetic acid, and cooling the solution till it crystallises. The other double salts of this group are obtained by boiling the carbonates with uranic acetate, till the whole of the uranic oxide is precipitated, redissolving the precipitate in acetic acid, and evaporating. The lead and cadmium salts consist of 1 at. of uranic acetate combined with 1 at. of the monobasic acetate, their formula being C 2 H 3 Pb0 2 . C 2 H 3 (U 2 0)0 2 + 3H 2 and C 2 H 3 Cd() 2 .C 2 H 3 (U 2 0)0 2 + f H 2 0. All the rest contain 2 at. uranic acetate with 1 at. of the monobasic metal, their general formula being C 2 H 3 M0 2 . 2C 2 H 3 (U 2 0)0 2 + ftH 2 0. Most of these salts crystallise with facility, the potassium and silver salts in the quadratic system ; the sodium salt forms regular tetrahedrons. The strontium and calcium salts are very soluble in water, and difficult to crystallise. The sodium salt is anhydrous ; the rest contain water of crystallisation. (Wertheim, J. pr. Chem. xxix. 209; Weselsky, Chem. Gaz. 1858, 390.) ACETATE or YTTRIUM, C 2 H 3 2 Y + H 2 0. Ehomboidal prisms with trihedral sum- mits. They are permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures ; give off their water, and become opaque at 100 ; dissolve in 9 pts. of cold water, and in a smaller quantity of boiling water ; also in alcohol. (Berlin.) ACETATE OF ZINC, C 2 H 3 2 Zn + |H 2 0, or 2C 2 H 3 2 Zn + 3H 2 [ = C*H 3 ZnO*+ 3HO], Obtained by dissolving either the metal, the oxide, or the carbonate in acetic acid. Crystallises in nacrtous efflorescent laminse belonging to the monoclinic system (Kopp's Krystallographie, p. 310). Ordinary combination : OP. oo P. o> Poo . + P . + 2Pco , the face OP predominating. ' a : b : c = 0-4838 : 1 : 0'87. Inclination of axes = 4630'. Inclination of faces, oo P : oo P in the plane of orthodiagonal and principal axis = 112 36'; ooP.OP = 112 28'; OP: oo Poo =113 30' ; OP: Poo =80; OP: +P = 75 30'. Cleavage parallel to OP. The salt dissolves very readily in water. At 100 it melts, gives off its water with a little acetic acid, then solidifies, and does not liquefy again till heated to 190 or 195, at which temperature anhydrous acetate of zinc sublimes in nacreous scales. At higher temperatures, complete decomposition ensues. (Larocque, Eecueil des Trav. de la Soc. Pharm. 1847-54.) ACETIC ACID, SUBSTITUTION* PRODUCTS OF. The following acids (which will be more fully described hereafter), are derived from acetic acid by substi- tution : Brcmacetic acid C 2 H 2 BrO ) Q H ) Dibromacetic acid C 2 HBr 2 ) Q H ) Chloracetic acid ..... Trichloracetic acid ^^Tll * lodacetic acid . . TT > Diniod-acetic acid . . C *SJo -CM Thiacetic acid ..... The brominated and chlorinated acids are produced by the direct action of bromine and chlorine on acetic acid ; the iodated acids by the action of iodide of potassium on bromacetate and dibromacetate of ethyl ; and thiacetic acid by treating glacial acetic acid with pentasulphide of phosphorus (p. 11). All these acids are monatomic, like acetic acid itself, correspond to it in nearly all their reactions, and are formed upon the same type. ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. C 4 H0 3 = (C 2 H 3 0)*0. Anhydrous Acetic acid; Oxide of Acetyl; Acetate of Acetyl (Gerhardt, Traite, i. 711.) This compound is obtained : 1. By the action of oxy chloride of phosphorus, POC1 3 , on acetate of potassium. The acetate deprived of water by fusion, is introduced into a tubulated retort, and the oxychloride of phosphorus admitted through the tubulus, drop by drop. A violent action takes place, the mixture becoming very hot without c 2 20 ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. the application of external heat, and a liquid distils over, which is the chloride of acetyl, while tribasic phosphate of potassium remains in the retort : 3C 2 H 3 K0 2 + POC1 3 = P0 4 K 3 + 3(C 2 H 3 O.C1). If now this liquid be poured back again three or four times into the retort, so that it may remain for some time in contact with the acetate of potassium, that salt being also in excess and pretty strongly heated, a further action takes place between the acetate of potassium and the compound C 2 H 3 O.C1, the result of which is the forma- tion of acetic anhydride : thus, C 2 H 3 K0 8 + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = KC1 + C 4 H 6 3 . The acetic anhydride enters into combination with the acetate of potassium, and a considerable degree of heat is required to destroy this compound and cause the anhy- dride to distil over. The distillate is more or less contaminated with acetic acid and chloride of acetyl ; but on redistilling the crude product, these impurities pass over at the commencement, before the temperature rises to 137'5, after which the pure anhydride distils over. 2. By the action of terchloride of phosphorus on acetate of potassium. When the liquid chloride is added drop by drop to the acetate of potas- sium (about 1 pt. PCI 3 to more than 2 pts. of the acetate), the action begins without application of heat, and chloride of acetyl, amounting in quantity to about half the chloride of phosphorus used, distils over mixed with a small quantity of chloride of phosphorus. On heating the residue after this action has ceased, acetic anhydride distils over free from chloride, and in quantity equal to about a third of the chloride of phosphorus used. The product contains a small quantity of a phosphorus-compound, which causes it to impart a brownish colour to nitrate of silver ; but it may be freed from this impurity by a second distillation with acetate of potassium. 3. By the action of chloride of benzoyl, C 7 H 5 O.C1, on fused acetate of potassium. The first products of the action are chloride of- potassium and acetate of benzoyl, C 9 H 8 3 : C 7 H 5 0. Cl + C 2 H 3 K0 2 = KC1 + 0. But if the acetate of potassium is in excess, and the mixture is heated somewhat above the temperature at which the original substances act upon each other, a further action takes place, and a colourless liquid distils over, which is acetic anhydride, while benzoic anhydride remains in the retort in combination with benzoate of potassium. These new products are formed by double decomposition between 2 atoms of the benzoic acetate : H5 U_ C'H 5 0) n C 2 H 3 0) n |C 2 H 3 OJ U ~ C'H 5 OJ u + OTEPOJ" 4. By the action of chloride of acetyl, C 2 H 3 OC1, on dry benzoate of sodium. The reaction, which takes place without the aid of heat, is precisely similar to the preceding. Acetic anhydride is a colourless, very mobile, strongly refracting liquid, having a powerful odour, similar to that of the hydrated acid, but stronger, and recalling at the same time that of the flowers of the white-thorn. Sp. gr. 1-073 at 20 0> 5, which is nearly that of the hydrated acid, O'H 4 2 + H 2 O, at its greatest density. Boiling point 137'5 under a pressure of 750 mm. Vapour density = 3'47 (by calculation 3-531 for a condensation to 2 volumes). Fuming sulphuric acid becomes heated by contact with acetic anhydride, carbonic an- hydride being given off and a conjugated acid produced, which forms a gummy salt with lead. Potassium acts violently on acetic anhydride,, evolving a gas which does not take fire if the potassium be introduced by small portions at a time. The liquid, after a while, solidifies into a mass of needles, consisting of a compound of acetic anhydride with acetate of potassium (p. 33). An oily substance is also produced, having a very pleasant ethereal odour. Finely divided zinc acts upon acetic anhydride in a similar manner, but less energetically, and only when heated in the water bath ; hydrogen gas is then given off, and a soluble salt formed, which is deposited in microscopic crystals on the surface of the metal, and greatly retards the action. On saturating the excess of acetic acid in the residue with carbonate of sodium, the ethereal odour above mentioned is perceived. The hydrogen evolved, if collected immediately, has the same odour, burns with a bluish flame, and the product of the combustion renders lime-water turbid ; but after passing through potassium, it is inodorous, and when burnt yields nothing but pure vapour of water. Acetic anhydride does not combine immediately with water, but when poured into that liquid, falls to the bottom in oily drops which dissolve after a while, if the liquid is heated or agitated. It absorbs water from the air, and must therefore be kept in well closed vessels. ACETIC ETHERS. 21 Acetic anhydride combines with aldehydes. With ordinary aldehyde, it forms a liquid compound, C 4 H 6 3 . C 2 H 4 (Geuther), and a similar compound with valeral. C'H 6 3 . C S H'0 (Guthrie and Kolbe) ; also with bitter almond oil (Geuther). C 2 H 3 ) ACETOBENZOIC, or BENZoACETic ANHYDRIDE, C 9 H 9 3 = r 0. Acetate of Benzoyl, Benzoate of Acetyl. Obtained by the action of chloride of acetyl on benzoate of sodium. Heavy oil smelling like Spanish wine. Neutral to litmus. Boils at 120 C. and is resolved into acetic and benzoic anhydrides (p. 35). Besolved into acetic and benzoic acids by boiling with water, and more quickly with alkalis. ACETO-CINNAMIC ANHYDRIDE, C 2 H 3 O.C 9 H 7 0.0. Acetate of Cinnamyl, $c. A very instable product obtained by the action of chloride of acetyl on cinnamate of sodium. Oil heavier than water, something like the preceding compound. ACETO-CUMINIC ANHYDRIDE, C-H 3 . C 10 H U . 0. Acetate of Cumyl. Eesembles the preceding compounds. In the moist state it quickly turns acid, and yields beautiful laminae of cuminic acid, the odour of acetic acid becoming perceptible at the same time. ACETO-SALICYLIC ANHYDRIDE, C 2 H 3 . C 7 H 5 2 .0. Acetate of Salicyl, $c. Salicylate of sodium is strongly attacked by chloride of acetyl, even at ordinary temperatures, the mixture liquefying at first, but becoming perfectly hard in a few seconds. The product dissolves with effervescence in carbonate of sodium, the anhydride being con- verted into acetate and salicylate of sodium. (G-erhardt, Traite, iii. 319.) ACETIC ETHERS. These compounds are the acetates of the alcohol-radicles, and may be divided into the following groups : 1. IMtonatomic Acetic Ethers. ACETATE OF ALLYL, C-H 3 O.C 3 H 5 . Prepared by treating acetate of silver with iodid of allyl, and rectifying once or twice over acetate of silver. It is a colourless liquid, lighter than water, having a pungent, aromatic odour, and boiling between 98 and 100. Boiling potash decomposes it into acetate of potassium and allyl-alcohol. (Cahours and Hofmann, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. x. 322.) ACETATE OF AMYL, or ACETATE OF PENTYL, C 2 H 3 2 .C 5 H H . This compound is slowly produced when amylic alcohol is left in contact with acetic" acid, and may be conveniently prepared by distilling 2 pts. of acetate of potassium, or 3 pts. of de- hydrated acetate of lead, with 1 pt. of strong sulphuric acid, and 1 pt. of amylic alcohol, agitating the distillate with milk of lime, then dehydrating over chloride of cnlcitim, and rectifying. It is a transparent, colourless liquid, of sp. gr. 0-8572 at 21, and boiling a't 133'3, under a pressure of 27" 8'", with a platinum wire immersed in it. Vapour-density 4'458. Odour ethereal and aromatic, like that of acetate of ethyl. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol, ether, and fusel oil. It is decomposed very slowly by aqueous potash, but quickly by alcoholic potash, yielding amylic alcohol and acetate of potassium. Chlorine passed through it at 100, converts it into di-chlorinatcd acetate of a my I, C 7 H I2 C1 2 0'-, and this, by the action of chlorine in sunshine, is converted into a higher chlorine-compound. ACETATE OF BENZYL, C 2 H 3 2 .C 7 H 7 . Produced by treating 2 vol. benzyl-alcohol with a mixture of 1 vol. sulphuric acid and 4 or 5 vol. acetic acid, or by boiling chloride of benzyl with alcoholic acetate of potassium. Colourless oil, heavier than water, and having a very agreeable odour, like that of pears. Boils at 210 C. Boiled with potash-ley, it yields acetate of potassium and benzylic alcohol. (Cannizzaro, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxviii. 130.) ACETATE OF ETHYL. Acetic ether, Etht/lic Acetate, Essigdther, Essignaphtha, Es- sff/aaiires Mthyloxyd, Ether acetique. C 4 H 8 2 = C-H 3 2 .C 8 H 5 . or CWO^CWO. (Lauragais, Journ. d. S9avans, 1759, 324; Thenard, Mem. d'Arcueil, i. 153; Dumas andBoullay, J. Pharm. xiv. 113; Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. v. 34; xxx. 144 ; Gm. viii. 493 ; Gerh. i. 743). Discovered by Lauragais in 1759. It is formed by heating alcohol with acetic acid, or with an acetate and strong sulphuric acid, or by distilling ethyl-sulphate of calcium or potassium with glacial acetic acid. The best mode of preparing it is to distil a mixture of 3 pts. of acetate of potassium, 3 pts. of absolute alcohol, and 2 pts. of sulphuric acid; or 10 pts. of acetate of sodium, 6 pts. of alcohol, and 15 pts. of sulphuric acid; or 16 pts. of dry acetate of lead, 4^ pts. of alcohol, and 6 pts. of sulphuric acid. The acid is first mixed with the alcohol, and the liquid poured upon the salt reduced to fine powder. The mixture is then distilled to dry ness, the heat being moderate at first, but increased towards the end of the process. The product is purified by digesting it with chloride of calcium and rectifying the decanted liquid. c 3 22 ACETIC ETHERS. Acetate of ethyl is a colourless liquid, baying a pleasant ethereal odour. Sp. gr. 0-91046 at (Kopp); 0*932 at 20 (Gossmann). Boils at 74 0> 3, when the barometer stands at 760mm. (Kopp). Vapour-density 3 '06 (Boullay and Dumas). It dis- solves in 11 or 12 pts. of water, at ordinary temperatures (Mohr, Arch. Pharm.[2] Ixv. 1), in all proportions of alcohol and ether. It burns with a yellowish flame, giving off the odour of acetic acid, and leaving that acid in the liquid state. It is permanent when dry, but in the moist state gradually decomposes into alcohol and acetic acid. The same decomposition takes place more quickly under the influence of alkalis. Heated with strong sulphuric acid, it is resolved into oxide of ethyl and acetic acid. Hydro- chloric acid converts it into acetic acid and chloride of ethyl. Action of Chlorine on Acetate of Ethyl. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xx. 367; ibid. [3] xvi. 2, 58; Leblanc, ibid. [3] 197; Cloez, ibid. [3] xvii. 304., When acetate of ethyl is introduced into a bottle filled with dry chlorine gas, in the proportion of 1 atom acetate of ethyl to 8 atoms chlorine, and the action allowed to go on, first in the shade and afterwards with continually greater exposure to sunshine, a number of chlorinated compounds are formed in which 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 atoms of hydrogen in the acetate of ethyl are successively replaced by an equal number of chlorine-atoms. It is however not always possible to obtain the particular compound required, the compounds C 4 H 6 C1-0 2 , C 4 HC1 7 0-, and C 4 C1 8 2 , being the only ones that can be produced with certainty. Other products are also formed, among which are acetic acid, trichloracetic acid, and sesquichloride of carbon. If the acetate of ethyl is at once exposed to sunshine in contact with chlorine, an explosion takes place, attended with deposition of charcoal. Dichlorinated Acetate of Ethyl, C 4 H 6 C1 2 2 , is the product obtained when the acetate of ethyl is kept cool and in the shade during the action of the chlorine. On distilling the product to separate the more volatile portions, till the boiling point rises to 110, washing the brownish residue with water, and drying it over lime and sulphuric acid, the compound is obtained as a transparent colourless oil, of sp. gr. 1-301 at 12. It smells somewhat like acetic acid, has a peppery taste, and produces irritation in the throat. It is slowly decomposed by water, yielding hydrochloric and acetic acids. C 4 H G C1 2 2 + 2^0 = 2C 2 H 4 2 + 2HC1; slowly also by aqueous potash, but quickly by alcoholic potash, yielding acetate and chloride of potassium. (Malaguti.) Trichlorinated 'Acetate of Ethyl, C 4 H 5 C1 3 0", was obtained by exposing the di- chlorinated compound for some time to the action of chlorine in a bottle, covered at the upper part with black paper, so that the light fell only on the lower part of the liquid. It resembles the preceding compound, but cannot be distilled without alteration. It is isomeric with trichloracetate of ethyl, C-CP0 2 .C-H 5 . See TRICHLOKACETIC ACID. (Leblanc.) Tetrachlorinated Acetate of Ethyl, C 4 H 4 C1 4 0' ? , was obtained by exposing the di- chlorinated compound to the sun in autumn, in bottles filled with dry chlorine. After rectification, washing, and drying, it forms an oil of sp. gr. 1-485 at 25. It is de- composed by potash, yielding chloride, acetate, and trichloracetate of potassium (Leblanc). The five-chlorine compound, C 4 H 3 CP0 2 , was obtained in the same manner as the preceding, excepting that the gas above the liquid was protected from the action of the solar rays ; the six-chlorine compound C 4 H 2 C1 8 C 2 , by exposing the last compound to the sun for two days, in a bottle filled with dry chlorine. Sp. gr. 1-698 at 23-5. The seven-chlorine compound, C 4 H01 7 C 2 , was produced by exposing the dichlorinated compound in bottles filled with dry chlorine, to the sun for some months in winter. It forms rather soft crystals, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol of ordinary strength, very soluble in ether. They melt ^elow 100, but do not appear to be volatile without decomposition. An oily liquid isomeric with this com- pound, and having a sp. gr. of T692 at 24-5, is obtained by exposing trichloracetate of ethyl to chlorine in the shade, as long as any action goes on. (Leblanc.) Perchlorinated Acetate of Ethyl, C 4 C1 8 2 , is prepared by exposing di- or tri-chlori- nated acetate of ethyl to the brightest summer sunshine, and at the same time heating it to 110; even then the substitution takes place very slowly (Leblanc). The pro- duct is distilled in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, to remove free chlorine. It is a colourless oil, which remains liquid at a few degrees below 0, and has a strong pungent odour like that of chloral. Sp. gr. 1*79 at 25. Boils, with partial decomposition, at 245 (Leblanc). When its vapour is passed through a tube filled with fragments of glass, and heated to 400, it is partly converted into the isomeric compound chlor- aldehyde, C 2 C1 4 O (Malaguti). In contact with water or moist air, it is gradually decomposed, yielding trichloracetic and hydrochloric acids. A similar decomposition is instantly produced by strong aqueous potash (Leblanc) : C 4 C1 8 0* + 2H 2 = 2C 2 IIC1 3 2 ACETIC ETHERS. 23 Ammonia, either gaseous or dissolved in water, acts strongly on the compound, pro- ducing sal-ammoniac and trichloracetamide(Malaguti) : C 4 C1 8 2 + 2NH 3 = 2HC1 + 2C 2 IFC1 3 NO With absolute alcohol, the compound becomes strongly heated, and is completely con- verted into hydrochloric acid and trichloracetate of ethyl (Malaguti) : OCPO 2 + 2C 2 H 6 = 2HC1 + 2C 4 H*C1 3 2 . When exposed for a long time to the action of chlorine, it yields crystals of sesqui- chloride of carbon. (Leblanc.) Perchloracetic ether may be regarded as a trichloracetate of pentachlorethyl, C 2 C1 3 2 . C 2 C1 5 ; and in like manner, all the preceding compounds which contain more than 3 atoms of chlorine, may be viewed as trichloraeetates of ethyl-radicles, in which the H is more or less replaced by Cl: e.g. pentachloracetic ether, C 2 H 3 C1 5 O 2 = C 2 C1 3 2 .C 2 H 3 CF. Some of them appear however to be susceptible of isomeric modifications. ACETATE OF METHYL, C^O 2 = C 2 H 3 . CH 3 . Methylic Acetate, Essigsaurer Holzdther. (Dumas and Peligot (1835), Ann. Ch. Phy's. Iviii. 46. Weidmann and Schweizer, Pogg. xliii. 593. H. Kopp, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iv. 181. Grm. viii. 484; G-erh. i. 741.) This compound occurs in crude wood-vinegar (Weidmann and Schweizer). The liquid called Mother lignosus or Spirit us pyroaceticus appears to be impure acetate of methyl. Preparation. 1. Two pts. of wood-spirit are distilled with 1 pt. of glacial acetic acid and 1 pt. sulphuric acid ; the distillate is shaken up with chloride of calcium, the acetate "of methyl then rising to the top ; and this product is freed from sul- phurous acid by agitation with quicklime, and from wood- spirit by 24 hours' contact with chloride of calcium, which takes up the latter substance (Dumas and Peligot). 2. When 1 part of wood-spirit is distilled with 1 pt. acetate of potassium and 2 pts. of sulphuric acid, acetate of methyl passes over first, then sulphurous acid, acetic acid, methylic oxide, and a small quantity of methylic sulphate. The first receiver must therefore be removed as soon as sulphurous acid begins to escape ; its contents shaken up with water ; and the separated ether rectified over chloride of calcium and quicklime (Weidmann and Schweizer). 3. A mixture of 3 pts. wood-spirit, 14^ pts. dehydrated acetate of lead, and 5 pts. sulphuric acid is distilled ; the distillate is shaken up with milk of lime ; and the stratum of methylic acetate which rises to the surface is dehydrated by repeated treatment with chloride of calcium, then decanted from the lower liquid, and rectified. (H. Kopp.) Acetate of methyl is a colourless liquid, having a very agreeable odour, like that of acetate of ethyl, sp. gr. 9-0085 at 21; 0-9562 at (Kopp). Boiling point, 56-3 under a pressure of 760 mm. (Kopp, Pogg. Ann. Ixii. 1); 55 under a pressure of 762mm. (Andrews, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. i. 27). Vapour-density 2"563 (Dumas and Peligot), by calculation 2-564. Index of refraction 1-3576. (Delffs, Pogg. Ann. Ixxxi. 470.) Acetate of methyl dissolves in water, and mixes in all proportions with alcohol and ether. The aqueous solution suffers but little decomposition by boiling. Solutions of caustic alkalis convert the compound into wood-spirit and an alkaline acetate. When poured on pulverised soda-lime, it is decomposed with violence, yielding a mixture of acetate and formate of sodium, and giving off h}'drogen. In contact with strong sul- phuric acid, it becomes heated, gives off acetic acid, and forms methylsulphuric acid. With chlorine it forms a number of substitution-products. Dichlorinated Acetate of Methyl, C 3 H 4 C1-O 2 , is formed by passing dry chlorine gas through acetate of methyl, assisting the action by a gentle heat towards the end. It is purified like the corresponding ethyl-compound. It is a colourless neutral liquid, having a pungent odour ; its taste is sweet at first, but afterwards alliaceous and burning. Sp. gr. 1*25. Boils between 145 and 148, but begins to decompose and give off fumes at 138. It burns with a yellow flame, edged with green at the bottom. It is decomposed slowly by water, quickly by aqueous potash, and violently by alcoholic potash, yielding formic, acetic, and hydrochloric acids : C 3 H 4 C1 2 2 + 2H O = CIPO 2 - C 2 H 4 8 + 2IIC1. This compound is isomeric if not identical with dichlorinated formate of ethyl. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 379.) Trichlorinated Acetate of Methyl, C 3 H 3 C1 3 2 , is obtained by passing chlorine very slowly into acetate of methyl, as long as any decomposition takes place, and purifying the product by repeated fractional distillation. It is a colourless oily liquid, heavier than water, boiling at 145, and distilling without decomposition. It is decomposed by caustic potash, yielding chloride and formate of potassium, and chloromethylase, CHC1 : C 3 H 3 C1 3 2 + 2K 2 = 2KC1 + 2CHKO 2 + CHC1. c 4 21 ACETIC ETHERS. It is isomerlc but not, identical with trichloracetate of methyl, C C1 3 8 . CH S , produced by distilling wood-spirit with trichloracetic acid and a small quantity of sulphuric acid. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxiii. 25.) Perchhrinated Acetate of Methyl, C S C1 6 2 . (Cloez, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 297, 311.) This compound, which appears to be identical with perchlorinated formate of ethyl, is produced by exposing acetate of methyl to the action of chlorine in sunshine, as long as the gas continues to be absorbed. It is a colourless liquid, having a suffocating odour and a disagreeable taste, which soon becomes intolerably acid, from decomposition. Sp. gr. 1'705 at 18. Boils at about 200, with partial decomposition. It is quickly decomposed by water and by moist air, yielding hydrochloric, carbonic, and terchloracetic acids : C 3 C1 6 2 + 2H 2 = 3HC1 + CO 2 + C 2 HCP0 2 . Similarly by the fixed alkalis in solution. With aqueous ammonia, it forms tri- chloracetamide, together with chloride and carbonate of ammonium : C 3 C1 6 2 + 6NH + 2H 2 = KH 2 .C 2 C1 3 + 3NH 4 C1 + CO 3 (NH 4 ). 2 With alcohol it forms hydrochloric acid, trichloracetate of ethyl, and monochlori- nated fonniate of methyl : C 2 C1 6 2 + 2C 2 H"0 = 2HC1 + C 8 C1 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + C 2 H S C10 2 . Similarly with wood-spirit it yields trichloracetate of methyl, and monochlorinated formate of methyl. The vapour passed through a red-hot porcelain tube is decomposed into chloraldehyde and chloro-carbonic oxide (phosgene) gas: C 8 C1'0 2 = C 2 C1 4 + COC1 2 . ACETATE OF OCTYL, C 2 H 3 2 . C 8 H 17 . Prepared by passing hydrochloric acid gas through a mixture of acetic acid and octylic (caprylic) alcohol ; or, better by dis- tilling a mixture of octylic alcohol, acetate of sodium, and sulphuric acid. It is a liquid of very agreeable odour, insoluble in water, boiling at 1 90. (B o u i s, Compt. rend, xxxviii. 937.) ACETATE OF PHENYL, C 2 H 3 O.C 6 H 5 . Produced by the action of chloride of acetyl on acetate of phenyl : also by boiling an alcoholic solution of phosphate of phenyl with acetate of potassium. After all the alcohol has evaporated, the temperature of the mixture rises rapidly, and acetate of phenyl distils over in the form of an oily liquid. It is heavier than water, and slightly soluble in that liquid. Boils at 190. Boiling potash decomposes it, yielding acetate of potassium and hydrate of phenyl. (S c r u g h a m, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vii. 241.) ACETATE OF TETRYL, or ACETATE OF BUTYL, C 2 H 3 2 . C 4 H 9 . Obtained by heating iodide of tetryl with a slight excess of very dry acetate of silver in a sealed flask at 100: also by distilling in an oil-bath equivalent quantities of acetate of po- tassium (recently fused) and tetryl-sulphate of potassium : C 2 H 3 2 .K + S0 4 .K.C 4 H 9 = C 2 H 8 2 .C 4 H 9 + S0 4 .K 9 ACETATE OF TRITYL, or ACETATE OF PROPYL, C 2 H 3 2 .C 3 H 7 . Obtained by distilling propylic alcohol with a mixture of acetic and sulphuric acid. Eesembles acetate of ethyl. Boils at 90. (Berthelot.) It is a colourless liquid of agreeable odour. Sp. gr. 0-8845 at 16 C. Boils at 114. Vapour-density 4*073 (calculation, 4-017). Boiling potash converts it into acetate of potassium and tetrylic alcohol. 2. Diatomic Acetic Etbers. (Grlycolic Ethers.} These compounds are derived from the diatomic alcohols or glycols by the substitution of 1 or 2 at. acetyl (C 2 H 3 = Ac), for 1 or 2 at hydrogen. They are related to the glycols in the same manner as the monatomic acetic ethers just described are related to the monatomic alcohols. The following have been obtained : Monoacetate of Ethylene ^c H Diacetate of Ethylene ^jffl' \ 2 Diacetate of Propylene ^S / ' f O 2 Ac 2 Diacetate of Benzylene ?" I'' [ 2 The diacetates are produced by the action of acetate of silver on the chlorides, bromides, or iodides of the several diatomic alcohol-radicles : e. g. Diacetate of Butylene Diacetate of Amylene (C 5 H 10 )" J Q2 ACETINS. 25 Bromide of 2 at. acetate of Diacetate of ethylene. silver. ethylene. Monoacetate of ethylene is obtained by heating acetate of potassium with an alco- holic solution of bromide or chloride of ethylene, or by heating in a sealed tube a mixture of 1 at. hydrate of ethylene and 1 at. acetic anhydride : All these compounds when distilled with potash are converted into the corre- sponding diatomic alcohols. They will be more fully described in connection with these several alcohols. 3. Tri atomic Acetic Ethers; Acetins. (Berth elot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xli. 277; Gin. ix. 496 ; G-erh. iii. 950; Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] liii. 433). Compounds obtained by the union of 1 at. glycerin, C 3 H 8 3 , with 1, 2, or 3 at. acetic acid C 2 H 4 2 , with elimination of an equal number of atoms of water. They may be regarded as glycerin, C 3 H 5 S .H 3 , in which 1, 2, or 3 at. hydrogen are replaced by acetyl. Monoacetin, C 5 H 10 4 = C 8 H 5 3 .H 2 .C 2 H 3 0, is produced by heating a mixture of glycerin and glacial acetic acid to 100 for 24 hours. Slight traces are also formed by mere contact of the liquids at ordinary temperatures. It is a neutral liquid, having a slightly ethereal odour. Sp. gr. 1/20. Mixed with half its bulk of water, it forms a clear liquid, which becomes turbid on the addition of two or more volumes of water; but the acetin does not separate from it, and the emulsion continues opalescent even after the addition of a large quantity of water. Treated with alcohol and hydrochloric acid, it forms glycerin and acetate of ethyl. It mixes with ether. Diaeetin, also called Acetidin, C 7 H 12 5 = C 3 H 5 3 .H.(C 2 H 3 0) 2 = C 3 H S 3 + 2C 2 H 4 2 2H'-'0, is obtained by heating glacial acetic acid with excess of glycerin to 200 for 3 hours ; by heating the same two liquids together at 275 ; by heating glycerin to 200 with acetic acid diluted with an equal bulk of water ; and by heating to 200 a mixture of 1 pt. of glycerin with 4 or 5 pts. of acetic acid. It is a neutral odori- ferous liquid having a sharp taste; sp. gr. about 1*85. Boils at 280, and distils with- out alteration. Assumes a viscid consistency at 40. It becomes slightly acid by prolonged contact with air. 100 pts. of it saponified with baryta, yield 52*4 pts. of glycerin and a quantity of acetate of barium corresponding to 66 -4 pts. of acetic acid ; calculation requires 52'3 glycerin and 68'2 acetic acid. "With alcohol and hydro- chloric acid it yields glycerin and acetate of ethyl. It dissolves in ether and in benzol. Triacetin, C 9 H 14 6 = C 3 H 5 3 .(C 2 H 3 0) 3 = C 3 H 8 3 + 3C 2 H 4 - 3 H 8 0. Obtained by heating diacetin to 250 for 3 hours with 15 to 20 times its weight of glacial acetic acid. Eesembles the preceding compound. Sp. gr. 1-174 at 8. Volatilises without residue. 100 pts. saponified with baryta yielded 80 '6 pts. acetic acid, and 43'1 glycerin; by calculation it should be 82*6 acetic acid and 42'2 glycerin. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute alcohol. A compound of acetic acid and glycerin, probably triacetin, appears to exist in cod- liver oil (De Jongh, Berz. Jahresber. 1843), and in considerable quantity in the oil obtained from the seeds of Euonymus europcsus (Schweizer, J. pr. Chem. liii. 437). Acetic acid was also observed by Chevreul among the product of the saponification of fats. Aeetochlorhydrin, C 5 H 9 C10 3 = C 3 H 9 3 -i- C 2 H 4 2 + HC1 - 2H 2 0, is obtained by passing hydrochloric acid gas to saturation into a mixture of acetic acid and glycerin heated to 100, and saturating the liquid with carbonate of sodium, after leaving it at rest for several days. This process yields the compound mixed with dichlorhydrin. It is also obtained, together with the following compound, by the action of chloride of acetyl on glycerin. It is a neutral oil, smelling like acetate of ethyl and volatilising at about 250. Acetodicklorkydrin,C 5 IL 8 Cl 2 2 = C 3 H S 3 + C 2 H 4 2 + 2HC1 - 3H 2 0, is obtained by adding chloride of acetyl to glycerin externally cooled, as long as any action takes place, distilling the product, and purifying the distillate obtained between 180 and 160, by agitation with water and then with an alkali, drying with chloride of cal- cium and quicklime, and fractional rectification. It is a transparent neutral oil having a refreshing ethereal odour, sparingly soluble in water and distilling at 205 without decomposition. (Berthelot and De Luca.) Diaci'tochlorht/drin, C'HC10 4 = C 3 H 8 3 + 2C 2 H 4 2 + IIC1 - 3H 2 0, is obtained by the action of chloride of acetyl on a mixture of equal volumes of glycerin and 26 ACETINS ACETONE. glacial acetic acid. It is a neutral liquid which volatilises at 245. (Berthelot and De Luc a.) Similar compounds are produced by the action of bromide of acetyl on glycerin. By treating glycerin with a mixture of chloride and bromide of acetyl in equal numbers of atoms, acetochlorbromhydrin, C 5 H 8 ClBr0 2 = C 3 H 8 3 + C 2 H 4 2 " + HC1 + HBr - 3 IPO, is obtained as a neutral colourless liquid, smelling like acetate of ethyl and bromide of ethylene, boiling at 208, and distilling without decomposition. It is somewhat coloured by exposure to light. (Berthelot and D e L u c a. ) The formulae of all these compounds may be derived from that of a triple molecule HHO of water HHO. By replacing 3 at. hydrogen in this formula by the triatomic HHO H radicle, glyceryl C 3 H 5 , we obtain glycerin H(C 3 H 5 )0. Keplacing 1, 2 or 3 at. II in H this formula by acetyl (C 2 H S = Ac), we obtain monoacetin, &c. ; and, lastly, the re- placement of one or two molecules of peroxide of hydrogen (HO), by chlorine in the formulae of monoacetin and diacetin gives the acetochlorhydrins. Thus : H Monacetin. . . . Ac(C 8 H)'"0 H H Acetochlorhydrin . . Ac(C 3 H 5 ) /// Cl Cl Acetodichlorhydrin . . Ac(C 3 H 5 )'"0 Br Acetochlorbromhydrin . Ac (C"H'y"0 Cl Ac O Diacetochlorhydrin . . Ac(C 3 H 5 )'"0 Cl Triacetin .... Ac 3 (C 8 H 5 ) /// 0". Cl ACETXTE. A compound formed from acetic acid and mannite in the same manner as acetin from acetic acid and glycerin. (Berthelot, Compt. rend, xxxviii. 668.) ACETO1WETER. A hydrometer graduated for determining the strength of com- mercial acetic acid according to its density. (See ACETIC ACID.) ACETONE. C 3 H 6 = C 2 H 3 O.CH 3 [or C*H H 0*]. Pyroacetic spirit, Essiygcist, Brenzessiggeist (Gm. ix. 1 ; xiii. 462; Gerh. i. 700; iii. 943 ; iv.906). This compound has long been known as a product of the destructive distillation of acetates (p. 2S). It is also produced by passing the vapour of acetic acid through a red-hot tube ; by heating gnm, sugar, tartaric acid, citric acid and other vegetable substances in contact with lime ; and by heating citric acid with permaganate of potassium, or with a mixture of binoxide of manganese and dilute sulphuric acid. (Pean de St. Gilles, Compt. rend, xlvii. 555.) C 6 H 8 7 + = C 3 H 6 + 3C0 2 + H 2 0. Citric acid. It is prepared : 1. By distilling acetate of barium or acetate of calcium at a mode- rate heat, the metal then remaining in the form of carbonate : 2C 2 H 3 Ba0 2 = C 3 H 6 + C0 3 Ba 2 . Acetate of barium when dry and pure, yields a perfectly colourless neutral distillate, in fact pure acetone. The calcium-salt requires a higher temperature to decompose it, and the distillate is in consequence contaminated with an empyreumatic oil, called dumasin, C 10 H 16 0. 2. By distilling in an iron retort or quicksilver bottle, a mixture of 2 pts. of acetate of lead and 1 pt. of pounded quicklime, rectifying the product several times over chloride of calcium, and finally distilling over the water-bath. Acetone is a limpid, very mobile liquid, of sp. gr. 0*792 at 18 (Liebig), 0-814 at (H. Kopp). Itdoes not solidify at 15. Boils at 56 (Dumas), at 56-3 (Kopp) under a pressure of 760 mm. Evaporates quickly, producing a considerable degree of cold. Vapour-density 2'002o (D urn as). It has un agreeable odour, and a biting taste like that of peppermint. It is very inflammable, and burns with a white flame, without smoke. Acetone mixes in all proportions with water, alcohol, ether, and many compound ethers. It does not dissolve potash or chloride of calcium. It dissolves many cam- phors, fats and resins. Acetone forms definite compounds with the alkaline bisulphites. The potassium salt, C 3 H 6 + SO 3 (KH), and the sodium-salt, C 3 H0 + S0 3 (NaH) crystallise in nacreous scales (Limpricht). The ammonium-salt, C 3 H S + SO* (NH 4 H,) is de- posited on mixing an alcoholic solution of bisulphite of ammonium with acetone, in ACETONE. 27 laminae resembling cholesterin, which quickly aggregate into a heavy crystalline powder. (Stadeler.) Acetone was regarded by Kane as an alcohol, C 3 H 5 .H.O, containing the radicle C 3 H 5 , which he called mesityl. According to this view, however, the oxidation of acetone should yield products containing C 3 , just as the oxidation of common alcohol, C 2 H 6 yields aldehyde and acetic acid containing C 2 ; but no such products are obtained. A more probable view of the composition of acetone is that of Chancel, who regards it as aldehyde coupled with methylene, C 2 H 4 O.CH 2 , or, which comes to the same thing, that of G-erhardt and Williamson, who regard it as aldehyde in which the basic hy- drogen is replaced by methyl; jp f This view is quite in accordance with the decomposition of acetates into acetone and carbonates. For acetyl may be regarded as a compound of methyl with carbonic oxide ; [C 2 H 3 = CH 3 . CO.] ; and it is easy to conceive that 2 atoms of acetate of barium ~' 0, may decompose in such a manner that the CO of the one may unite with the two atoms of barium and the two external atoms of oxygen, to form carbonate of barium, while the methyl remains in combination with the other atom of acetyl, forming acetone : /CH 3 .CO> \ _ CO) Q2 CH 3 .CO) M Ba ) "" Ba 2 { CH 3 1 Acetate of barium. Carbonate Acetone. of barium. The same view is strengthened by the fact (discovered by Williamson) that when a mixture of acetate and valerate of barium is heated, an acetone is formed containing acetyl coupled with tetryl (C 4 H 9 ), or valyl (C 5 H 9 0) with methyl: thus CH 3 .CO ) n C 4 H 9 .CO ) n CO ) n . C 2 H 3 ) Ba \ + Ba \ = Ba 2 j + CTP { Decompositions of Acetone. 1. Acetone passed in the state of vapour through a red- hot tube, deposits charcoal and is converted into a peculiar oil called dumasin, which generally passes over together with acetone in the distillation of acetates. 2. Acetone is decomposed by chlorine, a portion of its hydrogen being replaced by that element ; but it is not possible in this manner to replace the whole of the hydro- gen by chlorine; even a mixture of chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid does not appear to be capable of replacing more than two of the hydrogen atoms by chlorine. The higher chlorinated acetones, may however be obtained by the action of chlorine, or the mixture just mentioned, on other organic bodies. (See CHLOKACETONES, p. 29.) Chlorine, in presence of alkalis, converts acetone into chloroform : C 3 H 6 + 12 Cl + H 2 = 2CHC1 3 + CO 2 + 6 HC1. Bromine, in presence of alkalis, acts in a similar manner, producing bromoform : but iodine forms only a dark pitchy mass. 4. Hydrochloric acid gas is absorbed in large quantity by acetone, and according to Kane, yields chloride of mesityl (or chloropropylene) C 3 H 5 C1. Hydriodic acid gas passed into acetone forms, according to Kane, iodide of mesityl, C 3 IPI, which distils over with the hydriodic acid ; iodide of pteleyl C 3 H 3 I (or rather tri-iodomesitylene, C 9 H 9 I 3 ), which remains suspended in the residual liquid, in the form of yellow scales ; and mesityl-hypophosphorous acid, C 3 H G O.PHO, which separates in silky needles as the liquid cools. Friedel (Compt. rend. xlv. 1013) stated that a solution of hydro- chloric acid gas in acetone yielded, when heated to 100, acetic acid and chloride of methyl (2C 3 H G + 4HC1 = C 2 H'0 2 + 4CH 3 C1), and similarly with hydriodic acid ; but he has since admitted that these results were obtained with impure acetone con- taining wood-spirit. 5. With pcntachloride of phosphorus, acetone yields chloropropylene, C 3 H 5 C1, boiling at about 30 and methylchloracetol, a compound isomeric with chloride of propylene, C 3 IPC1 2 . This body treated with silver-salts, ammonia, ethylate of sodium, or alco- holic potash, is resolved into hydrochloric acid and chloropropylene, identical with the body obtained by the action of alcoholic potash on C 3 H 6 C1 2 . Hence it appears that acetone is related to the propylene series. (Friedel, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxii. 236.) 6. Strong nitric acid acts violently on acetone, giving off copious red fumes, and forming mesitic aldehyde, C 3 H 4 0, and nitrite of pteleyl, C 3 H 3 N0 2 . [or rather trinitro- mesitylene, C 9 H 9 (N0 2 ) 3 ], together with oxalic and cyanuric acid (Kane). By dropping acetone into fuming nitric acid contained in a flask externally cooled, and adding water as soon as the action ceases, a heavy oil is obtained, which explodes with violence when heated, giving off red fumes. (Fittig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 45.) 7. Acetone mixed with strong sulphuric acid becomes heated, and, according to the quantity of acid present. and the rise of temperature which takes place, forms either 28 ACETONE. oxide of mesity], C S H 10 0, or mcsitylene, C 9 H 12 , together with mesitylsulphuric acid, S0 4 .C 8 H 5 .H, and sulphurous acid. (According to Kane, the composition of mesitylsul- phuric acid is C 6 H a O.H O.SO 3 , and there is formed at the same time another acid called pcrmcsitylsulphuric acid, C 6 H 6 0' Z . 2 S0 4 H). 8. Glacial phosphoric acid forms with acetone a dark brown mass, partly consisting of mesity Iphosphoric acid. (Kane.) 9. A solution of phos2)horus in acetone turns acid when kept for some weeks, and more quickly when heated, even in perfectly air-tight vessels. According to Zeise, the change consists in the formation of three peculiar acids, to which he gives the names, phosphacctic, acephosgenic and acephoric acids ; but their nature and composition have not been clearly made out. Products of like nature are obtained witli sulphur. Sulphide of phosphorus forms with acetone a peculiar acid, and an oil which has a powerful odour but no acid reaction. (Zeise.) 10. A solution of ammonia in acetone yields, by spontaneous evaporation, a colour- less syrupy residue, which gradually changes into an alkaline liquid, consisting of acetonine, C B H 18 N 2 , an organic base, which bears to acetone the same relation that amarine bears to bitter-almond oil : 3C 3 H 6 + 2 NIP = C 9 H 18 N 2 + 3H 2 0. The non-basic compound first formed is perhaps isomeric with acetonine. (Stadeler, Chem. Gaz. 1853, 241.) 11. By the action of ammonia and sulphur on acetone, Zeise obtained a number of products, which however do not present any definite characters. (Gm. ix. 11.) 12. By the simultaneous action of ammonia and hydrosulphuric acid, acetone is converted into thiacetonine, a sulphuretted base consisting probably of C 9 H 9 NS 2 . It crystallises in shining yellowish rhombohedrons, having an alkaline reaction, sparingly soluble in water, but dissolving with facility in alcohol, ether, acetone, and dilute acids. (Stadeler.) 13. When 1 volume of acetone is mixed with 1 vol. disulphide of carbon and 2 vols. aqueous ammonia, laminated crystals, resembling ice, form in the liquid after a- few days ; but these gradually disappear, and are succeeded by large yellow crystals, which are insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in ether, but dissolve, with decomposition, in warm alcohol and in boiling hydrochloric acid (Hlasiwetz, J. pr. Chem. li. 355). Hlasiwetz assigns to these crystals the improbable formula C 30 H 52 N K S 9 . Stadeler, on the other hand, regards them as the hydrosulphate of an organic base, carbothiacetonine, C 10 H 18 N-S 2 , and represents their formation by the equation, 3C 3 H 6 + 2NH 3 + CS 2 = C 10 H 18 N 2 S 2 4- 3H 2 0. The formula C 10 H 18 N 2 S 2 . H 2 S agrees pretty nearly with the analytical numbers ob- tained by Hlasiwetz. A ' platinum a brownish yelk tained by Hlasiwetz. A cold alcoholic solution of the crystals forms with dichloride of dish yellow, amorphous precipitate consisting of C 10 H 18 N 2 S 2 .PtCl 2 .PtS, and with mercuric chloride a white precipitate, which, according to Stadeler, is merely Hg 2 Cl 2 S mixed with a small quantity of hydrochlorate of carbothiacetonine. 14. Acetone heated with a mixture of hydrocyanic and hydrochloric acid, is con- verted into acctonic acid, C 4 H 8 3 (Stadeler): C 3 H 6 + CNH + 2 IPO = C 4 H 8 3 + NH 3 . 15. Acetone distilled with dichromate of potassium and sulphuric acid, gives off acetic and carbonic acids, but no formic acid : C 3 H 6 + 40 = C 2 H 4 2 + CO 2 + H 2 0. 16. Caustic alkalis, such as hydrate of potassium and quick lime, exert a dehydra- ting action on acetone, several products being formed, according to the proportion of water abstracted. Lowig and Weidmann, by subjecting acetone to the action of hydrate of potassium, obtained a dark brown mass, consisting chiefly of xylite-oil, C 12 II IS O, which boiled at 200 P , together with a resin which they call xylite-resin. Volckel, by leaving acetone for some time in contact with quick lime, also obtained an oil boiling above 200, which he regarded as xylite-oil. But, according to Fit tig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 32), the products obtained by the action of quick lime in closed vessels, are oxide of mesityl, C 6 H 10 2 , boiling at 131, and a liquid isomeric or iden- tical with phorone, C 9 H 14 0. It must also be noticed that Schweizer and Weidmann (J. pr. Chem. xxiii. 14) obtained xylite-oil, and likewise xylite-naphtlia, C 12 H 22 3 , by the action of potash and of strong sulphuric acid on a compound produced from crude wood-spirit) which those chemists called xylite, assigning to it the improbable formula C 6 H 6 2 \, but which was probably nothing but somewhat impure acetone. On the w r hole it appears that the action of alkalis on acetone is similar to that of sulphuric acid (p. 52), consisting in an abstraction of the elements of water. The products ACETONE. 29 obtained by the action of these dehydrating agents on acetone may be arranged as fol- lows, according to their boiling-points : Boiling-point. Xylite-naphtha . C^H^O 8 = 4 C 3 JFO - H 2 0. .110 to 320 Oxide of Mesityl C 6 H lfl O = 2 C 3 H 6 - IPO . . 131 Mesitylene . C 9 H 12 = 3 C 3 H 6 - 3H-0 . . 155 160 Phorone ? . C 9 H H = 3 C 3 H fi O - 2H 2 . . 210 220 Xylite-oil . C 12 H I8 = 4C 3 H ti O - 3H 2 . . above 200 Vapour of acetone passed over heated hydrate of potassium or potash-lime is resolved into marsh-gas and carbonic anhydride : C 3 H 6 + 2 KHO = C0 3 K 2 + 2 CH 4 ; or if the heat is not very strong, the chief products are acetic acid, formic acid and hydrogen : C 3 H 6 + 2 KHO + H 2 = C 2 H 3 K0 2 + CHKO 2 + 6 H. 17. Sodium is violently attacked by anhydrous acetone, but without evolution of hydrogen, and hydrate of sodium is separated in white flakes. The liquid gradually assumes a pasty consistence, and the sodium becomes coated with oxide, so that it no longer acts perceptibly on the acetone. On distilling the mass, undecomposed acetone passes over first, and afterwards a watery liquid collects in the receiver, covered with a yellowish oil. On pouring the distillate into a basin, so that the undecomposed acetone may evaporate, the watery layer solidifies in a white crystalline mass, from which the oil may be separated by pressure between paper. The crystals consist of hydrate of pinacone, C 6 H 12 + 7 H 2 0, and the oily liquid is phorone, C 9 H H 0. The pinacone is produced by the abstraction of 1 at. oxygen from a double molecule of acetone : 2 C 3 H 6 + 2Na = Na 2 + C 6 H 12 ; and the anhydrous pinacone thus formed appears to take water from another portion of the acetone, converting it into phorone : 3 C 3 H 6 - 2 H 2 = C 9 H 14 0. By heating the crystals of hydrated pinacone in a narrow glass tube, a viscid liquid is obtained, which absorbs water rapidly from the air, and is reconverted into the crystalline hydrate. This liquid appears to be anhydrous pinacone ; but it is difficvilt to expel all the water (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 277). Fittig (ibid. ex. 23) assigns to the hydrated crystals, the formula C 3 H 6 + 3H 2 0, regarding them as the hydrate of paracetone, a compound isomeric with acetone, which he also states is ob- tained in anhydrous crystals, by the action of ammonia on acetone. Fittig's formulae do not, however, agree with the results of analysis so well as Stadeler' s (see PINACONE); moreover it is very unlikely that sodium should act with violence on acetone, without abstracting a portion of its oxygen. The action of ammonia on acetone, produces, ac- cording to Stadeler, not a crystalline compound, but a liquid organic base, acetonine (p. 32). 18. Dry dichloride of platinum dissolves in acetone with evolution of heat, and forms a brown solution, which, when evaporated, gives off hydrochloric acid, and leaves a resinous mass, containing among other products, a yellow crystalline substance called acechloride of platinum or cMoroplatinite of mesityl, C 6 H 10 O.Pt 2 Cl 2 . (?) This compound may be obtained in larger quantity, by triturating dichloride of platinum with acetone to the consistence of a thick paste, leaving the mass in a close vessel till it liquefies and ultimately forms crystals, washing these crystals with acetone, and purifying them by crystallisation from boiling acetone. Acechloride of platinum thus obtained, is yellow, inodorous, sparingly soluble in water, alcohol and ether, more readily in aqueous chloride of potassium or sodium. Cold acetone dissolves ^ of it ; boiling acetone a little more. The aqueous solution reddens litmus. The compound is decomposed and dissolved by potash, forming a brown solution. When boiled with water, it deposits a black substance called aceplatinous oxide, probably C 2 Pt 2 0. The same substance is deposited on boiling the mother-liquor of acichloride of platinum. The acichloride yields by distillation a residue of carbide of platinum, PtC. (Zeise, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiii. 29 ; Grm. ix. 31.) SUBSTITUTION-PRODUCTS OF ACETONE. Chloracetones. Each of theatoms of hydro- gen in acetone may be replaced by chlorine, giving rise to six chlorinated acetones. The first of these compounds is obtained by the action of nascent chlorine on acetone ; the second by that of chlorine or the oxides of chlorine on acetone ; the third and fourth by the action of chlorine on crude wood-spirit, probably containing acetone ; the fifth and sixth can only be obtained by the action of chlorine or the oxides of chlorine on other organic compounds. 30 ACETONE. Monochloracctonc, C 3 IPC10, is obtained by the action of a feeble electric current (from three Bunsen's cells) on a mixture of acetone and hydrochloric acid, the chlorine set free at the positive pole from the hydrochloric acid, acting on the acetone and taking the place of 1 at. hydrogen. It is an oily, colourless liquid, which, when separated from the watery solution and rectified, boils at 117, has a sp. gr. of 1*14 at 14, and vapour-density = 3 '40. Its vapour acts strongly on the nose and eyes, pro- ducing a copious flow of tears. (Eiche, Compt. rend. xlix. 176.) Dichlor acetone, C 3 H 4 C1 2 (Kane's mesitic chloral}, is produced by passing dry chlorine into anhydrous acetone, or better, according to Stadeler, by mixing acetone in a capa- cious flask with twice its volume of strong hydrochloric acid diluted with an equal bulk of water, and adding pulverized chlorate of potassium by small portions. It is an oily liquid of sp. gr. 1-331 (Kane); 1*236 at 90 (Fittig). Boils at 116'5 (Sta- deler); at 121 0- 5 (Fittig). Vapour-density 3 -2. Its vapour smells like chloro- form at first, but, after a few seconds, attacks the nose and eyes with violence. The liquid blisters the skin like cantharides, producing wounds which are difficult to heal (Liebig, Kane, Fittig.) It is insoluble in water, but mixes in all proportions with alcohol and ether. Trichloracetonc, C 3 H 3 CPO, is obtained by the action of chlorine on wood-spirit. "When chlorine gas is passed into ordinary (unpurified) wood-spirit, crystals are formed consisting of C S H 10 C1 2 2 (chloromcsitate of methi/lene), biit if the action of the chlorine be further continued, the crystals disappear, and an oily liquid is formed, which is terchlorinated acetone. It is heavier than water, has an extremely pungent odour, and cannot be distilled without decomposition. ( B o u i s . ) Tctrachloracetone, C 3 H 2 C1 4 0, is obtained by dissolving the crystals just mentioned in wood-spirit and passing chlorine through the solution. It is an oily very volatile and pungent liquid, which blisters the skin. When exposed to moist air, it forms crystals containing C 3 H 2 C1 4 + 4 H 2 0, which melt at 35, and dissolve in water, alcohol and ether, forming solutions which are not precipitated by nitrate of silver. The crystals distilled with phosphoric anhydride yield the original anhydrous compound. This and the preceding compound are doubtless formed from acetone contained in the wood- spirit. (Bouis, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxi. 111.) Pentachloracetone, C 3 HC1 5 0, is obtained by the action of a mixture of chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid on seveial organic compounds, viz. kinic, citric, gallic, pyrogallic, catechucic and salicylic acids, also kinone, muscular flesh, albumin, indigo and tyrosin. The best mode of preparing it is to add a considerable quantity of chlorate of potassium to a boiling solution of kinic acid, and then add strong hydro- chloric acid in such portions that chlorine and chlorous acid may be continually evolved. The distillate is concentrated by rectification over chloride of calcium. It then, if tolerably pure, solidifies into a crystalline hydrate when covered with water at 4 or 5. If no solidification takes place, the product is contaminated with other oils, and must be purified by agitating it with ice-cold water, and heating the de- canted and clarified liquid to 60 ; the greater part of the oily impurities then separate out. To purify it completely, it is converted into the crystalline hydrate as above men- tioned, and the crystals are pressed between paper. The pure anhydrous compound may be obtained by melting the crystals in a glass tube, whereupon they separate into a watery and an oily liquid, the latter, which is undermost, being pure anhydrous pentachloracetone. It is a colourless rather mobile oil, having a burning aromatic taste, and an odour like that of chloral. Sp. gr. between 1-6 and 1*7. It remains liquid at 20 and boils at 190. The hydrate, which crystallises in rhombic tables, contains 4 atoms of water. Water dissolves ^ of its volume of anhydrous penta- chloracetone, and on the other hand, this compound takes up a certain quantity of water without change of appearance ; but it then becomes turbid at the heat of the hand, like hydrated conine. Pentachloracetone dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. The alcoholic solution mixed with alcoholic potash deposits chloride of potassium together with scaly crystals, probably consisting of dichlor acetate of potassium, and the solution is found to contain formic acid : C 3 HCPO + H 2 = CHOI 3 + C 2 H 2 C1 2 2 Chloroform. Dichlnracetic acid. and: CHOP + 2 H 2 = 3 HC1 + CH 2 2 . (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 277.) Hexachloracctone, C 3 C1 6 (discovered by Plantamour, who assigned to it the formula (C 8 C1 16 3 ), is obtained by the action of chlorine in sunshine on an aqueous solution of citric acid. It is an oily liquid of peculiar pungent odour, sp. gr. 1*75 at 10, and boiling between 200 and 201. It makes transient grease spots upon paper, gra- dually reddens litmus paper, and forms with water, at temperatures not above 6, a ACETONES. 31 crystalline hydrate, C 3 C1 6 O 4- H 2 0, which melts at a temperature above 15, with separation of an oil. Bromacetone, C 3 H 5 BrO, is produced similarly to monochloracetone, viz. by the action of a feeble electric current on a mixture of acetone and hydrobromic acid. It is colourless when first prepared, but turns brown in a few minutes, and is decomposed by distillation, the greater portion however passing over between 140 and 145. Its va- pour irritates the eyes so strongly that the spilling of a few drops renders the air of a room unendurable. (E i c h e. ) lodacetone appears also to be formed in small quantity by the electrolysis of a mix- ture of acetone and hydriodic acid. (Kiche.) Methylacetone, C 4 H 8 = C 3 H 5 (CH 3 )0. When crude commercial acetone, or, better, the brown liquid which floats on the top of it, is dehydrated with chloride of calcium and then subjected to fractional distillation, pure acetone passes over below 60 and the distillate which is obtained between 60 and 130, yields, after about thirty fractionations, three distinct compounds, viz. methylacetone, boiling between 75 and 77, ethylacetone, C 5 H 10 0, between 90, and 95 and dumasin, C 6 H 10 0, between 120 and 125. (Fittig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 18.) Methylacetone is a colourless liquid of sp. gr. 0*838 at 19 C. having the odour of acetone, miscible in all proportions with water and alcohol. It combines with acid sul- phite of sodium, forming a crystalline compound, 2C 4 H 7 NaS0 3 + 3 H-0, which is very soluble in water. Ethylacetone, C 5 H 10 = C 3 H 5 (C 2 H 5 )0. Transparent, colourless liquid, smelling faintly like acetone, sparingly soluble in water, but miscible in all proportions with alcohol, sp. gr. 0*842 at 19. Boils between 90 and 95. With acid sulphite of sodium it forms the compound 2C 5 H 9 NaS0 3 + 3 H 2 0, which crystallises in colourless nacreous laminae very soluble in water. (Fittig.) ACETONES or ELETOCTES. This term is applied to a class of compounds which, like that just described, are composed of an acid-radicle united with an alcohol-radicle. Nearly all the acetones at present known consist of the radicle of a fatty acid combined with one of the corresponding alcohol-radicles ; their general formula being C m H 2m + 1 . C 11 !! 211 " 1 0. where m may be either greater or less than n. When m = 0, the acetone becomes an aldehyde, H.C n H 2n - = C n H 2n O ; the acetones may therefore be regarded as aldehydes in which 1 at. hydrogen is re- placed by an alcohol-radicle. Acetones are either simple or compound. In the simple acetones, m = n 1, so that their general formula is C n ~ 1 H 2n - 1 .C B H 2n ~ 1 0. = C 2n ~ 1 H 4u - 2 ; thus, acetic acetone, for which n =_ 2, is CH 3 .C 2 H 3 0. The simple acetones are produced by heating the barium or calcium salts of the fatty acids, 2 atoms of the salt being decomposed in such a manner that the acid radicle of one of them is resolved into the next lowest alcohol-radicle and carbonyl (CO), so that a carbonate of calcium or barium is formed at the same time : CH 2n - 1 0) n CO.C n --H 2n - J ) n C B H 2 - 1 0) C0) n , Ca J u Ca i u = C n - 1 H>- 1 j + Ca 2 j U> The formation of acetic acetone or methyl-acetyl (p. 26) by the decomposition of acetate of barium, is a particular example of this process. In like manner, propione or ethyl-propionyl, C 2 H 5 .C 3 H 5 0, butyrone or trityl-butyryl, C 3 H 7 .C 4 H 7 0, valerone or tetryl-valyl, C 4 H 9 .C 5 H 9 0, are produced by the decomposition of the propionates, butyrates valerates, &c. These simple acetones were the only ones known, till Williamson in 1851 (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 238) showed that, by distilling a mixture of the barium or calcium salts of two different fatty acids, acetones may be obtained in which an acid radicle is as- sociated with an alcohol-radicle which is not the next below it in the series [m greater or less than n 1] : these are the so-called compound or intermediate acetones. If the acids whose salts are distilled together contain p and atoms of carbon, the decom- position may be represented by the equation : Ca | + Ca [ = Ci- 1 H 2 i- 1 [ + C or, since it is indifferent which of the acid radicles we suppose to be decomposed, the formula of the acetone thus produced may also be ^5^ [ Thus a mixture of acetate and valerate of calcium yields by distillation either methyl-valyl, CH 3 .C 5 H 9 0, or tetryl-acttyl, C 4 H 9 .C 2 H 3 0, either of these formulas being equal to C 6 H 12 0. Possibly two isomeric compounds having these formulae, may be produced together. If one of the mixed salts is a formate, ^ J 0, the alcohol-radicle separated from it is reduced to an atom of hydrogen, and the acetone becomes an aldehyde. (See AI/DEHYDES.) C 5 H 10 = CIP . C 4 H 7 C 5 H 10 = C-IP.C 3 H 5 C K H 12 = C* H 5 . C 4 H' O C fi H 12 = C H 3 . C 5 H 9 C 7 H 14 = C 3 H 7 . C 4 H 7 C 8 H 16 = C H 3 . C 7 1I 13 C 9 H 18 = C 4 H 9 . C 5 H 9 C n H 22 = C 5 H".C 6 H n O C is H 3o = C'H 15 . C 8 H 15 C 17 II 31 = C 8 H 17 . C 9 H 17 C"H 23 . C 12 IP 3 C 31 IP 2 = C 15 H 31 . C 16 H 31 32 ACETONES. The compound acetones are also produced, together with the simple acetones and other products, when a calcium or barium salt of a fatty acid is distilled alone. Thus the distillation of butyrate of calcium yields, besides butyrone and a small quantity of butyral, a considerable number of hydrocarbons (Berthelot, Compt. rend, xliii. 236); and among these, methyl and ethyl appear to occur, and give rise to the formation oiethyl- butyryl, C 2 H 5 .C 4 H 7 0, and mcthyl-butyryl, CH 3 .C 4 H 7 0. (Friedel, Compt. rend, xlvii. 553.) The following is a list of the acetones, or ketones, at present known, which are de- rived from the fatty acids : Methyl-acetyl (Acetone) . . . C 3 H 6 = CH 3 . C 2 H 3 Methyl-butyryl Ethyl-propionyl (Propione) Ethyl-butyryl .... Methyl-valyl . . Trityl-butyryl (Butyrone) . Methyl-oananthyl Tetryl-valyl (Valerone) Amyl-capronyl (Capronone) Heptyl-capryl (Caprylone) Octyl-pelargonyl (Pelargonone) Laurone Myristone .... Palmitone or Margarone . Stearone Some of the compounds in this table are isomeric, e. g. propione and butyracetone. Among the higher terms of the series, the number of such isomeric compounds is doubt- less very great, though but few of them have yet been obtained. These bodies, with the exception of acetic acetone, have not been much studied. Their reactions, so far as they are known, resemble those of common acetone already described. The lower terms of the series unite with the acid sulphites of the alkali- metals, generally forming c^stalline compounds. The best mode of purifying the acetones is to shake them up with a strong aqueous solution of acid sulphite of potassium or sodium, and distil the resulting solid compound with potash. The acetone then passes over pure. But little is known respecting acetones belonging to other series of acids. Two have been formed containing the radicle benzoyl, viz. benzophcnone, or phenyl-benzoyl, C 13 H 10 = C 6 H 5 .C 7 H 5 0, the acetone of benzoic acid, obtained by heating benzoate of potassium ; and methyl-benzoyl, C 8 H 8 = CH 3 .C 7 H 5 0, obtained by distilling together equivalent quantities of acetate and benzoate of calcium (Friedel). Benzophenone treated with nitric acid yields nitrobenzophenone, C 13 H 8 (N0 2 ) 2 0. The calcium-salt of camphoric acid, which is dibasic, yields by dry distillation an oily liquid called phorone, which has the constitution of an acetone : C 9 H"0 + C J Phorone. and suberate of calcium, C 8 H I2 4 Ca 2 , yields in like manner suberone, C 7 H 14 0, mixed with other products. These are the only two acetones of dibasic acids yet discovered. (Gerhardt, Traite, iv. 640.) A-CETONIIffB. C 9 H 18 N 2 . Produced by the action of ammonia on acetone (p. 28), either when a solution of ammonia in acetone is left to evaporate spontaneously to a syrup, or when acetone saturated with ammonia is heated to 100 in a sealed tube. It is a colourless liquid, having a peculiar urinous odour, a burning taste and alkaline reaction, easily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It unites with acids, forming salts. The oxalate C 9 H 18 N 2 .C-H 2 4 + H 2 crystallises from a hot saturated alcoholic solution in delicate colourless prisms, which are soluble in water, insoluble in ether, give off half their water at 100, the rest between 115 and 120, and decompose at a higher tem- perature. The ckloroplatinatc, C 9 H 18 N 2 .HGl.PtCl 2 , forms lustrous, orange-coloured, four- sided prisms with oblique terminal faces. It is soluble in water, also in boiling alcohol containing hydrochloric acid; insoluble in ether. (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 30? .^ ACETONTTRIIiE. C 2 H 3 K A compound obtained by ti eating acetate of am- monium or acetamide with phosphoric anhydride : C 2 H 3 2 .NH 4 - 2H 2 = C 2 H 3 tf ; and C 2 H 5 NO - IPO = C 2 IPN. Acetate of ammonium. Acetamide. ACETONYL ACETYL. 33 It is identical with cyanide of methyl, obtained by distilling cyanide of potassium with niethylsulphate of potassium. (See CYANIDE OF METHYL.) Chloracetonitrile, C'-'C1 3 N, or cyanide of trichloromethyl, CCP.CN, is obtained by dis- tilling trichloracetate of ammonium or trichloracetamide with phosphoric anhydride. It is a liquid boiling at 81; of sp. gr. 1-4441. With boiling potash, it yields ammonia and trichloracetate of potassium. It is violently attacked by potassium. ACETOWYI*. C 6 H 12 . A hypothetical radicle supposed by Hlasiwetz to exist in the yellow crystals formed by the action of ammonia and bisulphide of carbon on acetone. Hlasiwetz assigns to these crystals the formula C 30 H 5 -N 6 S 9 , and regards them as sul- pkocyanate of acetom/l with sulphocarbonate of sulphacctonyl = 2(C 6 H 12 .2CNS) 4- 2 C 6 H 12 S.C 2 H 4 N 2 S 3 . Stadeler's view of the constitution of this compound (p. 52), is much more probable. ACETOSYIi. The name given by G-erhardt to the hypothetical radicle C 2 H 3 or C 1 H 3 , originally called acetyl, and supposed by some chemists to exist in acetic acid and its derivatives. (See ACETYL and VINYL.) ACETOXYL. Kolbe's name for the radicle C 2 H 3 or C*H 3 2 , usually called acetyl, which see. ACETUREID. Syn. of Acetyl-urea. ACETYX,. C 2 H 3 or C*H 3 2 . Acctoxyl, Othyl A. radicle not yet isolated, but supposed to exist in acetic acid and its derivatives, the rational formula of acetic /^2TT3(^) ) f^*TT3O ) acid being, on this hypothesis, > 0, and that of acetic anhydride, p 2 TT 3 / > [ 0. The reason for assuming the existence of this radicle in the acetic compounds is, that the formula to which it leads, affords the simplest representation of the most im- portant reactions of acetic acid and the other bodies of the series. Thus, when acetic acid -rr f is treated with a metallic oxide or hydrate, the basic atom of hydro- ^ C 2 H 3 gen is replaced by a metal, and an acetate of that metal , .- is produced. On treating the same compound with pentasulphide of phosphorus, P 2 S 5 , the external atom O2TT3/") ) of oxygen is replaced by sulphur, and thiacetic acid, S is formed ; and by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus, the group HO is replaced by Cl, and chloride of acetyl C 2 H 3 O.C1 is produced. (See ACETIC ACID, and ACIDS, p. 44.) Formerly, however, acetic acid, and the other members of the same group, were sup- posed to be derived from the radicle C 2 H 3 or C 4 H 3 ; and to this the name acetyl was originally applied. Thus, anhydrous acetic acid was regarded as a trioxide of this radicle, viz. C*H 3 .0*, and the hydrated acid as a compound of this oxide with water, viz. C*H 3 3 .HO. &c. To apply the same name to two different radicles would of course create confusion ; hence the terms acetoxyl proposed by Kolbe, and othyl (ab- breviation of oxygen-ethyl) by Williamson, for the radicle C 2 H 3 0. Most chemists, however, are of opinion, that the radicle supposed to exist in acetic acid and its deri- vatives, is most appropriately designated by the term acetyl; and accordingly, this term is now generally applied to the group C 2 H 3 0, while C 2 H 3 , which more properly belongs to another series of compounds derived from alcohol, ether and ethylene, and having a less intimate distant relation to acetic acid, is called by a different name. (See ACETOSYL and VINYL.) Acetyl, C 2 H 3 is regarded by Kolbe as a compound or conjugate radicle, containing methyl and carbonyl, viz. CH 3 ,CO ; and in like manner, propionyl, C 3 H 5 O, is regarded as a compound of ethyl: C 2 H 5 .CO ; butyryl, C 4 H 7 O, as a compound of trityl : C 3 H 7 .CO, &c. each radicle of a fatty acid being supposed to contain the next lowest alcohol-radicle associated with carbonyl. This view, which has been adopted by Gerhard t, in his " Traite de Chimie Organique" is based upon the fact that certain methyl-compounds may be obtained from acetic acid and its derivatives, and the contrary ; similar transformations likewise taking place in the other terms of the series. Thus, a solution of acetate of potassium subjected to electrolysis, yields methyl and carbonic anhydride : CH 3 .CO = CH 3 + CO 2 + H "7 - ' 7? Methyl. Acetic acid. Cyanide of methyl boiled with aqueous potash gives off ammonia and forms acetate of potassium: CH'.CN + KHO + H 2 = CHS - C JO + NH 3 ; Cyanide of * - , ' methyl Acetate of potassium. VOL. I. D 34 ACETYL. and acetate of ammonium (CH 3 .CO).NH 4 .0, treated with.phosphoric anhydride, gives off 2H-0, and is reduced to cyanide of methyl, CH 3 .CN. Marsh-gas, or hydride of methyl, CH 3 .H, is produced by the decomposition of acetates (p. 12) ; and cacodyl As(CH 3 ) 2 , by the decomposition of acetic acid. The formation of acetone or methyl-acetyl, CH 3 .C 2 H 3 O, from acetates, and the corresponding transformations of propionates, valerates, &c. (p. 26), is another example of the same kind of decomposition. Again it has been shown by "Wanklyn (Chem. Soc. Q. J. xi. 103), that sodium-ethyl subjected to the action of carbonic anhydride is converted into propionate of sodium : C 2 H 5 .Na + CO 2 = (C 2 H 5 .CO).Na.O ; Sodium- Vropionate of sodium, ethyl. and in like manner, acetate of sodium may be prepared from sodium-methyl. Lastly, many organic compounds, such as sugar, starch, alcohol, and acetone, which are convertible into acetic acid by oxidation, may also, under the influence of chlorine, or bromine, be converted into bodies belonging to the methyl-series, viz. chloroform, C(HC1 2 ).C1, and bromoform, C(HBr 2 ).Br. It must be observed, however, that the representation of acetic acid as a methyl-compound applies chiefly to a state of transi- tion, just as the acid is being produced from or converted into a body belonging to a different series, and exhibiting different chemical relations ; so long as we are concerned with the transformation of one acetyl-compound into another, such as that of acetic acid into chloride or bromide of acetyl, or of the chloride into acetic anhydride, the C 2 H 3 ) formula TJ > is sufficient for the representation of all the changes which take place. The hydrogen in acetyl may be partly or wholly replaced by other elements, viz. chlorine, bromine, &c. ; and hence arise the conjugate or derivative radicles, bromacetyl, chloracetyl, &c., which, like acetyl itself, are hypothetical, not having yet been isolated. The following table exhibits a general view of the compounds of acetyl and of the radicles derived from it by substitution. Bromide of Acetyl Chloride Iodide Hydride Hydrate Oxide Peroxide Sulphydrate Sulphide Nitrides Hydrate of Bromacetyl . Nitride Hydrate of Dibromacetyl Nitride . Hydride of Tribromacetyl Hydrate of Chloracetyl . Nitride . Chloride of Trichloracetyl Hydride C 2 H 3 O.Br C 2 H 3 O.C1 C 2 H 3 O.I C 2 H 3 O.H C 2 H 3 O.H.O (C 2 H 3 0) 2 .0 C 2 H 3 0.0 C 3 H 3 O.H.S (C 2 H 3 0) 2 .S (C 2 H 3 O.H 2 .N \ (C 2 H 3 0) 2 .H.N (C 2 H 3 O.C 2 H 5 .H.N &c. &c. C 2 H 2 BrO.H.O C 2 H 2 BrO.H 2 .N C 2 HBr 2 O.H.O C 2 HBr 2 O.H 2 .N C 2 Br 3 O.H C 2 H 8 C10.H.O C 2 H 2 C10.H 2 .N C 2 C1 3 O.C1 C'CPO.H Hydrate C 2 C1 3 O.H.O Nitride .... Phosphide Hydrate of lodacetyl Nitride . Hydrate of Di-iodacetyl . Nitride Hydride of Tri-iodacetyl . C 2 C1 3 O.H 2 .N. C 2 C1 3 O.H 2 .P. C 2 H 2 IO.H.O C 2 H 2 IO.H 2 .N C 2 HI 2 O.H.O C 2 HI 2 O.H 2 .N. C'FO.H. Aldehyde Acetic acid Acetic anhydride Thiacetic acid Thiacetic anhydride Acetamide Diacetamide Ethyl-acetamide Bromacetic acid Bromacetamide Dibromacetic acid Dibromacetamide Bromal Chloracetic acid Chloracetamide Chloraldehyde Chloral Trichloracetic acid Trichloracetamide Trichloracetyphide lodacetic acid lodacetamide Di-iodacetic acid Di-iodacetamide lodal Bromide of Acetyl. C 2 H 3 O.Br. Prepared by slowly adding glacial acetic acid to pentabromide of phosphorus in a tubulated retort, distilling, and rectifying : C 2 H 3 O.H.O + PBr'.Br 8 = C 2 H 3 O.Br + HBr + PBr 3 0. It is a colourless liquid, boiling at 81. When exposed to the air, it fumes strongly and immediately turns yellow. It colours the skin yellow, and is said to impart to it the odour of phosphuretted hydrogen ; but this must arise from impurity. Water ACETYL. 35 decomposes it into acetic and hydrobromic acids. (Ritter, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcv. 209.) Chloride of Acetyl. C 2 H 3 O.C1. Produced by the action of oxychloride of phos phorus on acetate of potassium : 3(C 2 H 3 O.KO) + POC1 3 = 3C 2 H 3 OC1 + P0 4 E? ; or in the same manner as the preceding compound, by distilling glacial acetic acid with pentachloride of phosphorus : C 2 H 3 O.H.O + PCP.C1 2 . = C 2 H 3 O.C1 + HC1 + PCPO. Gerhardt, who discovered this compound (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii. 294), pre- pared it by adding oxychloride of phosphorus, drop by drop, to fused acetate of potassium. A brisk action then takes place, and sufficient heat is produced to cause the chloride of acetyl to distil over into the receiver, which must be well cooled. The distillate may be freed from excess of oxychlor-ide of phosphorus by re-distillation over acetate of potassium, then distilled by itself, and the liquid which passes over at 55 collected apart. The re-distillation over acetate of potassium is, however, attended with some loss, in consequence of the formation of acetic anhydride. C 2 H 3 O.C1 + C 2 H 3 O.K.O = (C 2 H 3 0) 2 + KC1. For this reason, Ritter recommends the preparation of chloride of acetyl by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on glacial acetic acid, the product being thereby ob- tained in larger quantity and more easily purified. Chloride of acetyl is a colourless, very mobile, strongly refracting liquid, of specific gravity M25 at 11, 1-1305 at 0, and 1-1072 at 16 (Kopp). Boils at 55. Vapour- density, 2*87 (G-erhardt) : by calculation (2 vol.) = 2718. It fumes slightly in the air, and has a pungent odour like that of acetic and hydrochloric acid. The vapour at- tacks the eyes and respiratory organs very strongly. Chloride of acetyl is decomposed with explosive violence by water, yielding acetic and hydrochloric acids : C 2 H 3 OC1 + H 2 = C 2 H 4 2 + HCL Ammonia acts strongly upon it, forming acetamide : C 2 H 3 O.C1 + H 3 N = C 2 H 3 O.H 2 .N + HC1. Similarly with phenylamine, it forms phenylacetamide C 2 H 3 O.C 8 H 5 .H.N. Distilled with acetate of potassium, it yields acetic anhydride : C 2 H 3 O.K.O + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = (C 2 H 3 0) 2 + KC1 ; and with benzoate of potassium it forms benzoate of acetyl or acetate of benzoyl : C : H 5 O.K.O + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = C 2 H 3 O.C 7 H 3 0.0 + KC1; and similarly with the salts of other acids. With thiacetate of lead, it forms chloride of lead, and probably also thiacetic anhydride : C 2 H 3 O.Pb.S + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = (C 2 H 3 0) 2 S + PbCl. When it is heated with zinc in a sealed tube, the metal is strongly attacked ; and a black tarry subtance is formed, from which water dissolves chloride of zinc, and sepa- rates a liquid having an ethereal odour. Hydride of Acetyl. See ALDEHYDE. Iodide of Acetyl. C 2 H 3 O.I. Obtained by the action of iodide of phosphorus on acetic anhydride (Guthrie, Phil. Mag. [4] xiv. 183), or on acetate of potassium ; (Cahours, Compt. rend. xliv. 1253). After being shaken up with mercury and re- distilled, it forms a transparent colourless liquid, of sp. gr. 1-98 at 17. It boils at 108 (G-uthrie); between 104 and 105 (Cahours). It fumes strongly in the air, has a very pungent odour, and an intensely sour caustic taste. Iodide of acetyl is partially decomposed by distillation. Water decomposes it with violence, forming hydriodic and acetic acids. It acts strongly upon alcohol, forming acetate of ethyl. It is decomposed by zinc and by sodium at ordinary temperatures, also by mercury in direct sunshine, iodide of mercury being formed, and little or no permanent gas being given off. Peroxide of Acetyl. C 2 II 3 0.0. Discovered byBrodie in 1858 (Proceedings of the Royal Society, ix. 361.) It is obtained by mixing acetic anhydride and peroxide of barium, in equivalent proportions, in anhydrous ether. The mixture must be effected very gradually, as it is attended with great evolution of heat. The products are acetate of barium and peroxide of acetyl, the latter remaining dissolved in the ether : (C 2 H 3 0) 2 .0 + BaO = C 2 H 3 O.Ba.O + C 2 H 3 0.0. D 2 36 ACETYLOUS ACID ACHMITE. The ethereal solution, after filtration from the acetate of barium, is carefully distilled at a low temperature, and the remaining liquid is washed three or four times with water till the wash-water ceases to be acid. The residue is peroxide of acetyl. It is a viscid liquid, extremely pungent to the taste, the smallest portion placed upon the tongue burning like cayenne pepper. It is a powerful oxidising agent, and highly explosive : a drop heated on a watch-glass explodes with a loud report, shivering the glass to atoms. Baryta-water poured upon it is instantly converted into peroxide of barium, with formation of acetate of barium. Acetyl-urea. (See UREAS (Compound) and CABBAMIDE.) ACETYXiENE. (See ADDENDA, p. 1111.) ACETYXiOUS ACID. AXtDEHlTDXC ACID. Lampic acid, Etheric acid, An acid supposed to be produced by the slow combustion of ether or of alcohol, and under certain circumstances by the oxidation of aldehyde. When ether is repeatedly distilled, or allowed to fall in successive drops on a solid body heated to about 129, so that its vapour may come in contact with the air at a high temperature, a disagreeable pungent odour is produced, supposed to be that of aldehydic acid. The compound possessing this odour is formed in larger quantity, when a spiral of fine platinum wire, previously heated to redness, is suspended over a basin containing ether, and the whole covered with a bell-jar. The wire then continues to glow, the ether undergoing a slow combustion without flame, and an acid liquid is formed, which runs down the sides of the bell-jar, and may be collected in a vessel placed below. This liquid is colourless, has a very sour taste, and gives off a pungent vapour which excites tears, and causes great oppression when inhaled. The same compoimd is obtained, according to Liebig, by heating oxide of silver with aqueous aldehyde ; part of the silver is then reduced, while the other portion remains in solution in the form of acetylite of silver, and by decomposing this silver-salt with sulphuretted hydrogen, the acid may be obtained in the free state. It is, however, very liable to decompose, as also are its salts. When the silver-salt is boiled with baryta-water, silver is reduced and acetate of barium remains in solution. 2C 2 IPAgO + 2BaHO = C 2 H 3 BaO + C 2 H 3 Ba0 2 + 2Ag + H 2 Aidehydate of Hydrate of Aldehydate Acetate of silver. barium. of barium. barium. Gerhardt (Traite i.) is of opinion that the so-called aldehydic or acetylous acid is merely a mixture of aldehyde and acetic acid, the aldehydate or acetylite of silver being in fact merely aldehyde in which 1 atom hydrogen is replaced by silver. ACHIX.X.EA TCXX.X.EFOX.ITriM[ (Millefoil.) The ash of this plant has been analysed by Way and Ogston. 100 parts of the dry herb left 13*45 per cent, ashes con- taining in 100 parts 30*37 parts of potash, 13*40 lime, 3*01 magnesia, 0*21 sesquioxide of iron, 2*44 sulphuric anhydride, 9*92 silica, 9*36 carbonic anhydride, 7'13 phosphoric anhydride, 20*49 chloride of calcium, and 3 '63 chloride of sodium. ACHIXiXiEXC ACID. An acid said to exist in millefoil (Achittea Millefolium). It crystallises in colourless prisms, soluble in 2 parts of water at 12 '5. With the alkalies it forms salts which are easily soluble in water, but sparingly in alcohol. The solutions are precipitated by neutral acetate of lead, whereas the free acid is precipi- tated by the basic acetate only. The potassium, sodium, and calcium salts are crys- tallisable : the ammonium and magnesium salts dry up to amorphous masses. The quinine salt is said to be obtained in fine crystals grouped in stars, when its aqueous solution is mixed with alcohol, then boiled and left to cool slowly (Zanon, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iviii. 31). Neither the acid nor its salts have been analysed. L. G-melin, (Handbook, x. 207) suggested that this acid might be impure malic acid. According to Hlasiwetz (J. pr. Chem. Ixii. 429) it is aconitic acid. ACHIXiliEXN. A bitter substance of unknown composition, extracted by Zanon from millefoil. It forms a hard, yellowish brown extract, having a peculiar ocloxir and bitter taste, easily soluble in water and in boiling alcohol, sparingly in cold alcohol and insoluble in ether ; but on treating it with a few drops of any acid, it becomes easily soluble in ether; it dissolves also in ammonia. It is said to be useful as a remedy against fever. ACHXRZTE. (See DlOPTASE.) ACHIMCXTE. A mineral first distinguished by Strom. It has a brown-black or red-brown colour on the outside, blackish or dark greyish green on the fractured sur- faces; in thin fragments it is translucent, and exhibits a yellowish-brown colour. Sp. gr. 3*43 to 3*53. Scratches glass. Melts to a black bead before the blowpipe. It crystallises in oblique four-sided prisms with truncated lateral edges and very sharp four-sided terminal faces, the edges of which correspond with the lateral edges ACHROITE-ACIDIMETRY. 37 of the oblique prism. It has four cleavages, two parallel to the sides of the oblique prism, and the other two less obvious parallel to the truncations of the acute lateral edges. According to the analyses of Berzelius and Rammelsberg, its composition is XaO.SiO 3 * Fe 2 3 . 2Si0 3 (Si = 21 -5 . =8) or 2Na 2 0.3SiO' 2 + 2(Fe 4 3 ,3Si0 2 ) (Si = 28-5 . = 16.) It occurs, though rarely, embedded in granite at Eger, and in syenite, near Porsgund in Norway. ACHROXTS. A name given to the colourless variety of tourmalin. ACHTAHATtfDITE. A name given by Breithaupt to a doubtful mineral, hitherto found only in decomposed crystals (trigonal dodecahedrons) which occur in association with vesuvian from Vilui (viluite) : they are perhaps derived from helvin. ACIBROIVIIDES, ACXCHXiORXXJQBS, &c. (See OxYBROMiDES, OXYCHLOJBIDES, &c. &c.) ACICUXiITE. (Acicular Bismuth, Needle ore,} a native sulphide of bismuth, con- taining also sulphides of copper and lead. The formula assigned to it by Dana is (SCtiS + BiS 3 } + 2(3PbS + BiS 3 ) showing it to be analogous to Bournonite, with which it is isomorphous. It occurs embedded in white quartz, and accompanying gold, at Beresof, in Siberia. ACXDIMZZTRIT. The determination of the quantity of real acid in a sample of hydrated acid, is a problem of frequent occurrence, both for scientific and for technical purposes. As the specific gravity of a mixture of acid and water always increases with the proportion of acid present, and as, moreover, a certain specific gravity always corresponds to a certain strength, provided no foreign substances are present, it follows that if the specific gravity corresponding to each particular percentage of real acid has once been accurately determined and tabulated, the strength of any given sample of aqueous acid may always be determined by taking its specific gravity and referring to the tables. (See SULPHURIC, NITRIC, HYDROCHLORIC ACID, &c.) This method is in fact much used, the density being generally taken with the specific gravity bottle for scientific purposes, and with the hydrometer for commercial estimations. This method, however, necessarily supposes that the acid is pure ; the presence of any foreign substance, such as nitrate of sodium in nitric acid, cream of tartar and ex- tractive or colouring matter in vinegar, &c. would altogether destroy the accuracy of the result. Moreover, in some acids, the specific gravity varies so little for consider- able difference of strength, that a very slight inaccuracy of observation entails a large error in the result. In acetic acid, for example (p. 11), an increase of strength amount- ing to 1 per cent, produces on the average, an increase of density not exceeding 0-0034. For these reasons it is essential, especially for technological purposes, to adopt some ready and exact method of determining the strength of an acid, independently of its specific gravity. The strength of an acid may be estimated : a. By Volumetric analysis, that is by ascertaining the measured quantity of a standard alkaline solution required to saturate a given volume of the acid. (See ANALYSIS, VOLU- METRIC.) b. By Weight analysis. This mode of estimation might be conducted in various ways : for instance, by converting a given quantity of the hydrated acid into a neutral salt of potassium, sodium, barium, lead, silver, &c. either by saturation or precipita- tion, weighing the salt thus formed, and calculating the quantity of acid from its known composition. This method is indeed constantly adopted in scientific chemistry ; but is for the most part too tedious for technical purposes. A quicker method is to decompose a known weight of the acid with an excess of acid carbonate of sodium or potassium, and estimate by weight the quantity of carbonic anhydride evolved. The quantity of real acid in the sample of hydrated acid is then easily calculated ; for each atom of a monobasic acid, expels 1 atom of carbonic anhydride (CO 2 = 44,) and each atom of a dibasic acid expels two atoms of carbonic anhydride (2C0 2 = 88) : this will be seen from the following equations : For hydrochloric acid : C0 8 NaH + C1H = CINa + CO 2 4- H 2 0. CO 2 : C1H = 44 : 36-5 For acetic acid : C0 3 NaH + C 2 H 3 2 .H = C 2 H 3 2 .Na + CO 2 + H 2 CO 2 : C 2 H 3 2 .H = 44 : 60 For sulphuric acid : 2C0 3 NaH + S0 4 H 2 = S0 4 Na 2 + 2C0 2 + 2H 2 2C0 2 : S0 4 H 2 = 88 I 98 =-- 44 : 49 Suppose, for example, that 13 P 5 grm. of hydrated sulphuric acid thus treated with i) 3 38 ACIDIMETRY. Fig. 1. acid carbonate of sodium, eliminate 1/4 grains of carbonic anhydride. The quantity of real acid (S0 4 H 2 ) in the 12-5 grm. is then 1-4 x ~ = 1-47 grm. and the 44 quantity of real acid in 100 parts of the hydrated acid will be given by the equation : * - " 7 x IFs - l0 ' 89 ' A convenient apparatus for these determinations is a small light glass flask (fig. 1) of aboutlOO cubic centimetres (3 or 4 oz.) capacity, having a lipped edge, and fitted with a cork perforated with two holes. Into one of these apertures is fitted a bent tube #, carry- ing a drying tube b, filled with chloride of calcium, and into the other, a narrow tube c, reaching nearly to the surface of the liquid, and bent at an obtuse angle above the cork. A convenient quantity of the acid whose strength is to be determined, having been weighed out in the flask, a quantity of acid carbonate of sodium or potassium more than sufficient to neutralise the acid, is placed in a small test-tube about an inch long, and having its lip slightly turned over, so that it may be suspended by a thread, This tube is then let down into the flask by the thread, but not low enough to come in contact with the acid ; the thread is fixed in its place by inserting the cork into the neck of the flask, and the whole apparatus is weighed. The orifice of the bent tube e, is then closed with a plug of cork or wax, the cork of the flask loosened sufficiently to allow the short tube t, containing the alkaline carbonate to drop into the acid, and the cork immediately tightened. The carbonate is now decomposed by the acid, and carbonic anhydride escapes through the drying tube, the chloride of calcium retaining any moisture that may be carried along with it. When the effervescence ceases, the flask must be warmed to ensure the complete removal of the carbonic acid from the liquid, and after it has cooled, the plug must be removed from the bent tube c, and air drawn through the apparatus by applying the mouth to the extremity of the chloride of calcium tube, in order to remove all the carbonic anhydride remaining in the flask, and replace it by air. The whole is then again weighed, and the loss of weight gives the qiiantity of carbonic anhydride which has escaped. At the completion of the experiment, a piece of blue litmus paper must be thrown into the liquid in the flask ; if it remains blue, the determination may be con- sidered exact ; but if it is reddened, there is still free acid in the flask, showing that the quantity of carbonate intro- duced was not sufficient to decompose it. In that case, a second small tube containing alkaline carbonate must be introduced as before, the apparatus again weighed, and the whole process repeated. The second loss of weight added to the first, gives the total quantity of carbonic anhydride evolved. Another form of apparatus for these estimations, devised by "Will and Fresenius, is shown in fig. 2. A and B are two small flasks, having strong necks turned over in a lip. Each of them is closed with a tight-fitting cork pierced with two holes. Through the cork of A there passes a straight tube a, reaching nearly to the bottom of the flask ; a tube c, bent twice at right angles, passes through both corks, termi- nating just below that of A, bat reaching nearly to the bottom of the flask B ; a straight tube d also passes through the cork of B, terminating just below it. The tube a is closed at the extremity b with a plug of wax. The acid to be estimated is weighed out in the flask A ; the other flask B is filled to about one-third with strong sulphuric acid ; and the whole apparatus is connected in the manner shown in the figure, the proper quantity of acid car- bonate of sodium being introduced into A in a short test-tube, suspended by a thread in the manner described with the former apparatus. The whole apparatus is then weighed, the cork a loosened, so as to allow the tube containing the carbonate to fall into the acid, and the cork im- mediately secured. Carbonic anhydride is now evolved, and is obliged to pass through the sulphuric acid in B, whereby it is completely dried. As soon as gas ceases to escape, the flask A is immersed in water at about 50 or 60 C. till the fresh evolution of gas thereby occasioned ceases. The wax-} 'lug is then loosened, to Fig. 2. ACIDS. 39 prevent the sulphuric acid in B from being forced into A, in consequence of diminished pressure in that vessel ; the apparatus is removed from the hot water ; and air is sucked through the tube d as long as any taste of carbonic acid is perceived. Lastly, the apparatus, when quite cold, is re-weighed, and the loss of weight gives the quantity of carbonic anhydride evolved. , This apparatus is much heavier and more bulky than that before described, and does not appear to possess any advantage over it. Mohr points out, as a source of inaccuracy in its use, that the large surface of the two flasks, being heated during the experiment, is not likely, on cooling, to condense exactly the same quantity of moisture as was attached to it before. It is of the utmost importance that the acid carbonate of sodium or potassium., used in these determinations, be quite pure and free from neutral carbonate. The acid carbonates give a white precipitate with chloride of mercury, and the neutral carbonates a red-brown precipitate ; but this test will not indicate the admixture of a small quantity of neu- tral carbonate with the acid carbonate. A more certain test of purity is to weigh out two equal portions of the acid carbonate, ignite one in a platinum crucible, and determine the quantity of carbonic anhydride given off from the other by the action of the acid in the apparatus represented in jig, 2 (See ALKALIMETRY). The quantity of neutral carbonate of sodium remaining after the ignition should be to that of the carbonic anhydride evolved as 53 to 44 ; and that of the neutral carbonate of potassium to the carbonic an- hydride as 69 : 44. If the acid carbonate is not pure enough to give a white precipitate with chloride of mercury, it should be at once rejected. Commercial acid carbonate of sodium, which will stand that test, may be further purified by triturating it to a uniform powder, covering it with an equal weight of cold distilled water, leaving it. for 24 hours, then washing it two or three times on a filter with a small quantity of cold water, leaving it to drain, and drying it by exposure to the air without heating. Acid carbonate of potassium may be purified by recrystallisation. (For further details on Acidimetry, see Dic- tionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, new edition, vol. i. p. 23.) ACIDS. Salts of hydrogen. The following properties are common to the most important acids, 1. Solubility in water. 2. A sour taste. (In those acids which possess the most strongly marked characters, this property can be perceived only after dilution with a large quantity of water.) 3. The power of reddening most organic blue and violet colouring matters (for ex- ample, litmus), and of restoring the original colour of substances which have been altered by alkalis. 4. The power of decomposing most carbonates, causing effervescence. 5. The power of destroying, more or less completely, the characteristic properties of alkalis, at the same time losing their own distinguishing characters, and forming alkaline salts. The last is the only one of these properties which can be considered essential to acids ; indeed, comparatively few acids possess them all. Moreover, there are many substances which possess, in a greater or less degree, all these properties, but which are never included among acids ; of these it will be sufficient to mention alum (sulphate of potassium and aluminium). Alum is soluble in water ; its solution has a taste which, though not purely sour, approaches much more nearly to sourness than that of many acids (benzoic acid, for example) ; its solution also reddens litmus, causes brisk effervescence with alkaline carbonates, and neutralises completely the alkalinity of potash or soda, forming an alkaline sulphate. In order to get a more exact idea of what it is which essentially constitutes acidity, it may be useful to consider briefly the opinions which have successively been held upon the subject by the chemists of past times. In ordinary language, acid is equivalent to sour ; and in both Greek and Latin, the idea of "sourne.-s" was expressed by almost the same word as that used for "vinegar," the only acid known to the ancients (thus, Gr. 6vs, sour; ous, vinegar: Lat. acidus, sour ; acetum, vinegar). It does not, however, appear that very great importance was at any time attached to sourness as a characteristic of acids from a chemical point of view. The number of known acids was first increased by the labours of the Arabian chemists * ; and the solvent power which many of them exert on substances which are insohible in water, seems first to have caused them to be regarded as a special class of substances. Thus, Geber (middle of the eighth century), who was acquainted * Almost all the historical statements containod in this article, for which no reference is given, are nude on the authority ol Kopp, " Gesdiithte tier Chcmie," 4 vols. 8vo. Brunswick, 1843 - 47. D 4 40 ACIDS. with nitric acid and with an impure kind of sulphuric acid, speaks of these bodies under the common name of aqiue dissolutivce. The idea of corrosiveness, or at least a kindred idea, which may perhaps be expressed with tolerable accuracy as that of chemical activity, seems to have been long connected by chemists with the idea of acidity. For example; Van Helmont (lived 1577 to 1644) attributed the active properties of quick-lime to a peculiar acid, which he supposed limestone to obtain from the fire during burning. Stahl (lived 1660 to 1734), who supposed the earths and alkalis to have the same qualitative composition (see Art. ALKAU), represented the alkalis as containing, in larger proportion than the earths, an acid principle to which they owed their greater chemical activity; and even as lately as 1764, a similar idea to that of Van Helmont was applied by M eye r to explain a large number of phenomena. This chemist endeavoured to explain the different properties of the caustic and car- bonated alkalis and alkaline earths, by supposing the former to be combinations of the latter with a substance which he called acidum pingue (fatty acid), because, as he thought, fat-like properties could be perceived by the sense of touch in its combinations with alkalis (caustic alkalis). The idea that corrosiveness is the most important cha- racteristic of acids, was also plainly uppermost in the mind of Lemery, when (1675) he attributed the properties of acids to a sharp-pointed form of their smallest particles. That the properties of acids are, in some important respects, opposed to those of alkalis, was perceived at a comparatively early period. This opposition of properties was in fact the basis of the medical theory of the latro-chemists (from the first quarter of the 16th century to the middle of the 17th century). According to them, the con- stituents of the human body had, some of them an acid, the rest an alkaline nature ; the undue preponderance, or want of acidity or of alkalinity was the cause of disease, the condition of perfect health being a particular relation between these two opposing qualities. Otto Tachenius, a chemist of this school, gave, in 1668, as the essential character of an acid, its power of combining with alkalis to form salts ; and accord- ingly he included silica among acids. Boyle was well acquainted with the properties which are now considered most distinctive of acids. He characterised acids by the solvent power which they exert on various substances with various degrees of energy ; by their power of precipitating sulphur and other substances from solution in alkali ; by their power of changing the blue colour of many plants to red, and the red of many others to bright red, and of bringing back to their original colour those which have been changed by alkali ; and lastly by their forming with alkalis so-called neutral salts, at the same time losing the properties just mentioned. This enumeration of the dis- tinctive qualities of acids differs in no important respect from that given at the be- ginning of this article. Various suppositions have been made, from time to time, in order to account for the properties possessed in common by the most strongly marked acids. In order to un- derstand these, it must be borne in mind that the distinction which most chemists are now accustomed to make between acids and salts, dates only from the time of La- voisier, that is, from the end of the last century ; and that, till his time, acids, alkalis, and the substances now by preference called salts, were all included under the common term salts. But since the acids then known were comparatively few, and, as was natural, were those of which the acid properties are most evident, the apparent dif- ference between acids and other salts was much greater then than it is now. The first theory of the constitution of acids was proposed by Becher in his " Physica Subterranea," published in 1669. He attributed the common properties of acids to their containing a common principle of acidity (acidum primigenium\ formed by the union of primitive earth * and water, and supposed that the distinguishing characters of each acid were due to the particular substance which it contained mixed with the primitive acid. The ideas of Lemery regarding acids have already been referred to. He was followed by Stahl, who, in 1723, revived and extended Becher's theory. The following may be taken as a summary of Stahl's views: The essential pro- perties of all saline substances are : to affect the sense of taste, or to have sapidity ; to be soluble in water ; and with regard to other chief properties, such as specific gravity and fixity, to be intermediate between water and pure earth. In some salts the saline properties are very marked, in others they are less prominent, and in some they are barely perceptible. Those substances which are most saline, acids and alkalis, have a great tendency to combine with bodies which have not saline pro- perties, and to impart such properties to them. Hence we may conclude that some substances are in themselves essentially saline, while others exhibit saline properties merely because they contain a substance essentially saline as one of their constituents. * According to Becher there were three pri mercurial, which were the cau corresponding to what the alch j were three primitive earths, the vitrifiable, the combustible, and the auses respectively of fusibility, of combustibility, and of volatility ; thus itmuts understood by salt, sulphur, and mercury. ACIDS. 41 "We must regard as belonging to the former class those bodies which not only possess saline properties (taste, solubility, &c.) but which can impart these properties to other bodies by combining with them, and which, when separated from their combinations, recover their original qualities. Hence, all acids and alkalis, fixed and volatile, liquid and solid, must be considered as essentially saline. But, comparing these bodies among themselves, we find that even they possess saline properties in very various degrees. It appears, therefore, that there is only a very small number of actual pr-imitive salts, or rather that there is only one such substance, which is a constituent of all other saline bodies, and is the cause of their saline properties. It is obvious that this substance must be sought among bodies which most distinctly and most invariably manifest saline properties, and which are, at the same time, most simple in their composition. Following this rule, we may at once exclude neutral salts, as being resolvable into more simple saline substances ; again, alkalis are more subject to alteration and to loss of their saline properties than acids ; they must, therefore, be excluded. Of acids, we may select mineral acids as the most energetic. Lastly, of all mineral acids, vitriolic (sulphuric) is the most active, has the greatest solvent powers, adheres most forcibly to the matter dissolved, is the most deliquescent, &c. &c. Ac- cordingly, acids must be considered as the basis of all other saline bodies, and vitriolic acid as the basis of all acids. (Macquer's Dictionnaire de Chimie [1st. Edit, pub- lished anonymously, Paris, 1766] Articles " Acide" and "Sel; " Kopp, iii. 15 ; also Encyclopedic, ou Dictionnaire raisonne des Sciences, des Arts, et des Metiers, * * mis en ordre et public par MM. Diderot et D'Alembert, t. xiv. [Neufchatel, 1765] Article " Sel et Sels." The chemical part of this work was by Malouin). Such were the ideas respecting acids and the cause of acidity, which, with unim- portant variations, were held by almost all chemists until the rise of the antiphlogistic system of chemistry. (See COMBUSTION.) But before the downfall of the older system, chemists had begun to have more exact notions than formerly of what were elementary bodies, and to feel the necessity of considering as elements all bodies which they could not decompose. Hence, although Stahl regarded sulphuric acid as a secondary principle, formed by the union of the primitive principles of earth and water, and the other acids as compounds of sulphuric acid with various substances, many of the last upholders of the phlogistic theory regarded most of the inorganic acids as simple substances. For instance, phosphoric and sulphuric acids were sup- posed to be elements which, when combined with phlogiston, formed phosphorus and sulphur respectively. Sulphurous acid was one of the few inorganic acids which were regarded as compounds ; it was supposed to be sulphuric acid combined with less phlogiston than was needed to convert it into sulphur ; or, what was the same thing, to be sulphur deprived of part of its phlogiston. But all previous ideas about acids were gradually superseded by those of Lavoisier. Having found, experimentally, that carbonic, nitric, phosphoric, sulphurous and sul- phuric acids, all contained the then newly-discovered substance oxygen (discovered August 1st, 1774), Lavoisier concluded that oxygen was a constituent of all acids, that it was the acidifying principle. (Lavoisier, Traite elementaire de Chimie (1st edit. 1789), i. 69 et passim; Kopp, i. 308; also iii. 17.) He first proposed this theory of acids in 1778 ; and, although acids were known in which no oxygen could be detected, nearly all chemists continued for about thirty years to consider the assumption, that acidity was in every case due to the presence of oxygen, as a necessary part of the antiphlogistic doctrine. Berthollet, indeed, as early as 1789, pointed out that hydrosulphuric and prussic acids contained no oxygen; but it was not till about 1810, after Davy's and G-ay-Lussac and Thenard's researches on muriatic and oxy-muriatic acids (hydrochloric acid and chlorine) that chemists generally began to admit the existence of acids free from oxygen. The conclusions drawn from these experiments were confirmed by G-ay-Lussac's discovery of hydriodic acid in 1814, and by his examination of prussic acid in 4 1815. From this time, most chemists re- cognised two classes of acids those containing oxygen (oxygen-acids), and those containing no oxygen (hydrogen acids). Attempts, however, were still made to dis- cover a constituent common to all acids, to which their common properties could be ascribed. Thus, on the one hand, Berzelius continued till 1820 to assert the necessary existence of oxygen in all acids ; while, on the other hand, some chemists maintained that all acids contained hydrogen as an essential constituent. The latter opinion was advocated by Davy. His ideas about acids appear to have been essentially the following.: No one substance ought to be regarded as the acidi- fying principle ; the chemical properties of acids, as well as of other bodies, depend not only on the nature of their constituents, but also on their corpuscular arrangement. The so-called hydrated acids are the only true acids, and have a constitution similar to that of their salts. Hydrated chloric acid is a ternary compound of chlorine oxygen, and hydrogen, analogous to chlorate of potassium, which is a ternary compound 42 ACIDS. of chlorine, oxygen, and potassium. The whole of the oxygen may be removed from the acid, and it will remain acid ; the whole of the oxygen may be removed from the neutral salt, and it will remain neutral. We have no proof that in either of these bodies the oxygen ^is divided between the chlorine and the other constituent, or that either of them contains so-called anhydrous chloric acid. Similarly, there is no proof that sul- phates or nitrates contain anhydrous sulphuric or nitric acid. Hydrated sulphuric and hydrated nitric acids are the true acids, and are ternary compounds, like the sulphates and nitrates. (Davy, Journal of Science and the Arts, i. 285 288; also Gilbert's Annalen, liv. 377381 ; Phil. Trans. 1815, 212, 213; 218, 219; also Kopp.) In 1816 Dulong proposed the theory, since known as the binary or hydrogen-theory of acids. He endeavoured to show that all acids were similar in constitution to hy- drochloric acid ; that they were all compounds of hydrogen with a radicle which was in some cases simple (as in hydrochloric and hydriodic acids), in other cases compound (as in hydrocyanic, oxalic, sulphuric, and nitric acids). His view of the constitution of these acids may be expressed by the following formulae : Hydrochloric acid H (Cl) Hydriodic H (I) Hydrocyanic H (CN) or H(Cy) Oxalic H(C*0*) Sulphuric H (SO*) Nitric H(N0 6 ) Salts, according to this theory, were represented as compounds of an acid-radicle with a metal instead of with hydrogen ; thus : Hydrochloric acid . . H (Cl) Nitric acid . . . H (NO 6 ) Chloride of potassium . K (Cl) Nitrate of potassium . K (NO 6 ) Dulong's theory resembled Davy'<* in so far as it restricted the term acid* to sub- stances containing hydrogen (hydrated acids), and assigned an analogous constitution to acids and their salts, but differed from Davy's theory in representing the atoms of every acid as arranged in a specific manner : namely, all the atoms except hydrogen as grouped together to form a compound radicle. -These views did not attract much attention till they were applied by Liebig, in 1837, to explain the constitution of several organic acids, and of the various modifi- cations of phosphoric acid (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 170 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. Lxviii. 70.), and although they are explained and discussed in a large proportion of the Manuals of Chemistry published during the fifteen or twenty years following that date, they have never been generally adopted. Until a comparatively recent date, almost all chemists continued to regard oxygen-acids as a class of bodies essentially distinct from hydrogen-acids and from metallic salts. Confining the name of oxygen-acids to the substances now known as ANHYDRIDES, they regarded oxygen-salts as bodies formed by the direct union of acids with metallic oxides, and recognised no essential distinc- tion between actual hydrated acids (acids in the sense of Davy and of Dulong) and mere solutions of the anhydrides in water. An important extension in the then existing views respecting acids resulted from the discovery announced by Berzelius, in 1826 (Berzel. Jahresb. vi. pp. 184etseq.), that certain metallic sulphides, such as those of arsenic and antimony, were capable of imiting with the alkaline sulphides so as to form well-defined salts perfectly analogous to those formed by the combination of the corresponding metallic oxides with the alkalis. From this time, the existence of three new classes of acids (and corresponding salts) was recognised, namely, acids in which the oxygen of ordinary acids was replaced by sulphur, or by the analogous elements, selenium and tellurium. We owe the ideas of the nature of acids, now very generally entertained, chiefly to the advance of organic chemisty, which has brought to light a very large number, not only of new acids, but of new substances of all kinds, whose chemical relations cannot be adequately expressed upon the system formerly universally adopted, of regarding all * Notwithstanding the more strict use, which was made by both Davy and Dulong, of the word acid, very many chemists still use it to express bodies belonging to two very different classes : acids and anhydrides. Thus the bodies HC1, UNO 3 . H 2 SCM, N^O 5 , SO 3 are all of them frequently called acids, although the first three possess marked resemblances among themselves and equally marked differences from the other two. Again, the bodies H 2 SO 4 and SO 3 are often called by the same name, sulphuric acid, although they cannot be obtained in any case by the same process, and although, when caused to act upon one and the same substance, they almost always give rise to products essentially unlike. This confusion between acids and anhydrides dates from the earliest knowledge of the latter class of bodies, and was caused by the fact that the anhydrides which were first discovered immediately produce acids when thev come in contact with water. Thus, Lavoisier, by burning phosphorus in oxygen, obtained pirns- phori anhydride, but since the solution of this substance in water contained phosphoric ;icid, he suppo-ed the anhydride to be the acid, and regarded the real phosphoric acid as a combination of phosphoric acid and water. Similarly, sulphuric acid was looked upon as containing "dry sulphuric acid" (sulph of thiacetic acid H S, of sulpho- /~1Q< fTO" PI carbonic acid TT 2 S 2 , of sulphocyanic acid JT S, of hypochlorous acid Vr 0. If in any of these formulae we replace the radicle by its equivalent quantity of hydro- gen (see EQUIVALENTS) and the sulphur (where it occurs) by its equivalent of TT TT2 oxygen, we obtain the formula of one, two, or three, atoms of water TT 0, jT 2 O 2 , TT3 or r 3 O 3 . Moreover, the decompositions of which water is susceptible are essentially quite similar to those of acetic acid. Thus, when converted into a hydrate by the ac- tion of a metal or of an oxide, water loses one atom of hydrogen K + H 2 O = H V HKO, or Ca 2 + H 2 = CaHO + HCaO ; oxychloride of phosphorus converts water into hydrochloric acid, removing from it one atom of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. ACIDS. 45 3H 2 + POCP = 3HC1 + P0 4 H 3 ; lastly, pentasulphide of phosphorus converts it into hydrosulphuric acid, removing from it one atom of oxygen : 5H 2 + P 2 S 5 = dH 2 S + P 2 5 . It is in this sense that water is taken as the type, or standard of comparison for acetic acid and all other acids which undergo similar double decom- positions. Another class of acids are, in the same way, referred to the type hydrochloric acid, HC1. These acids are susceptible of only one kind of double decomposition :_ their atoms are separable into only two groups, hydrogen and a radicle. Hydrobromic acid HBr, hydriodic acid HI, hydrocyanic acid HCN, are of this class. There is still a third class of acids which may be referred to the type ammonia, NH 3 . Succinimide, C 4 H 5 N0 2 , cyanic acid (carbimide), CONH, and sulphocyanic acid (sulphocarbimide), CSNH, are acids of this kind. Under the influence of metallic oxides, and hydrates they part with one atom of hydrogen, and take up in exchange an atom of metal : H 2 0. 2(C 4 H 5 N0 2 ) + Ag 2 = 2(C 4 H 4 AgN0 2 ) + Succinimide. Argento-succini- mide. CHNO + HKO = CKNO + H 2 0. Cyanic acid. . 1 Cyanate of potassium. When boiled with dilute acids, they break up into two groups, a carbonised radicle on the one hand (which combines with oxygen or with oxygen and hydrogen derived from the water of the dilute acid), and the group HN (which combines with two atoms of hydrogen) on the other hand. CHNO + H 2 = CO.O + HN.H 2 . Carbonic Ammonia anhydride. 2H 2 = C 4 H 4 2 .H 2 2 + HN.H 2 Succinimide. Succinic acid. These reactions show that the rational formulae of these acids must consist of three parts : an atom of nitrogen, an atom of hydrogen, and a radicle composed of the ( C 4 H 4 2 remaining atoms. Thus the formula of succinimide must be N.H.C 4 H 4 2 or N j ^ that of cyanic acid N.H.CO, or N $^. The substance called by Gerhardt nitride of benzoyl, sulphophenyl and hydrogen (C 13 H n S0 3 N) is another acid deriving from the type ammonia. Its decompositions have not yet been much studied, but its be- haviour with metallic oxides and its formation from ammonia by the successive action of the chlorides of sulphophenyl and of benzoyl (C 6 H 5 S0 2 C1 and C'H'OCl) require that its rational formula should be composed of the four parts N, H, C"H 5 S0 2 and C 7 H 5 0. Since the constituent atoms of this acid are separable into four groups, it is evidently susceptible of undergoing even more numerous decompositions than either the acids deriving from the type H 2 0, or those previously mentioned as deriving from the type NH 3 , whose atoms are separable into only three groups. In regard to their chemical constitution, we may thus divide acids into' three prin- cipal classes, which have the same mutual relations of formation and decomposition as hydrochloric acid*, water, and ammonia, and which may therefore be regarded as deriving from these bodies as types. But, in the same sense as some of the acids which we have been considering, are formed from two, or from three atoms of the same type (from H 2 C1 2 , IPO 2 , H 6 3 , &c.), there are certain others which are formed from two or more atoms of two (or perhaps three) different types ; for example, sulphuric acid S0 4 H 2 , derives from the type O 2 , thus ( S 2 /' | O 2 , while sulphamic acid, S0 3 H 3 N, and chlorhydrosulphuric acid, S0 3 HC1, derive respectively from the double types ]^j and^ j; thus ^ S 2 ^ 3 Q j = sulphamic acid; ^ TT o ( ~ c ^ or ^ 1 y^ rosll ^P^ lur i c ac ^ Acids of this kind may be called, for the sake of distinction, intermediate acids. The so-called amic acids (see AMIC ACIDS) afford the most numerous and best known illustrations of this * Since the reactions of the acids of the first class are also possessed by those of the second and third classes, it is plain that, if we have regard to these reactions only, all acids may be referred to the type hydrochloric acid. To. this extent, but no further, the hydrogen -theory represents correctly the con- stitution of all acids. 46 ACIDS. class. Like sulphamic acid, they derive from the type TT 2 Q [ They can give rise to two kinds of double decomposition ; that is, they can decompose either as hydrates (derivatives of water), or as amides (derivatives of ammonia), according to the nature of the body with which they react. In like manner, chlorhydrosulphuric acid and analogous substances can decompose either as hydrates or as chlorides (derivatives of hydrochloric acid). Another way in which acids may be classified has reference to their basicity : they maybe divided into monobasic, dibasic, and tribasic* acids. Graham was the first to call attention to the existence of polybasic acids in his paper on arsenic and phos- phoric acids (Phil. Trans. 1833, 253; Phil. Mag. iii. 451, 469). The distinctions which he established between monobasic and polybasic acids, had reference merely to the composition of their salts. In 1837 Liebig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 138; Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixviii. 35) showed that tartaric, citric, meconic, and some other organic acids were polybasic, but he pointed out no new general characters of polybasic acids, nor any new way of distinguishing them from monobasic acids. Grerhardt (Precis de Chimie Organique (1844), i 71 84) was the first to connect the basicity of acids with other facts than the composition of their metallic salts, and he and Laurent (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xviii. 266; Methode de Chimie, 6276, or Cavendish Society's Transla- tion pp. 50 62) first placed the question on its present footing. Mono-, di-, and tri-basic acids may be defined, in a few words, as containing respec- tively, one, two, and three atoms of hydrogen replaceable by other metals, or by com- pound groups of analogous function. This definition, taken by itself, is, however, obviously insufficient to decide the basicity of any particular acid, since, by properly multiplying or dividing its formula, we can represent it as possessing whatever basicity we please. Hence, before we can decide what the basicity of an acid is, we must know its atomic weight, and conversely, in order to fix the atomic weight of an acid we require to know its basicity : in other words, the determination of its basicity and the determination of its atomic weight are the same thing. To decide either of these points, we must take into consideration the general beha- viour of the acid with other bodies, and the nature of its derivatives. The following are the most important general differences shown by acids of different degrees of basicity : a. Each dibasic acid can form two ethers; one of them neutral, the other acid. (Thus, sulphuric acid forms sulphate of ethyl and ethyl-sulphuric acid.) Two volumes of the vapour of the neutral ether con- a. Each monobasic acid can form but one ether. This is neutral in its pro- perties. Two volumes of its vapour contain only one volume of ethyl, or alcohol- residue. Monobasic acids do not form acid ethers. b. Monobasic acids cannot form stable, well-defined acid salts, or salts with two or more metallic bases. c. Monobasic acids cannot form double or multiple ethers, that is, ethers con- taining two or more kinds of alcohol-residue. tain two volumes of ethyl or alcohol-residue. b. Dibasic acids can form, with each metallic base, a neutral salt and an acid salt, which last is exactly intermediate in composition betweeen the neutral salt and the free acid. They can also form well-defined double salts containing two metallic bases, as well as hybrid salts containing two or more metallic bases in in- definite proportions. c. Dibasic acids can form double ethers, that is, ethers containing two kinds of alcohol-residue. (Ex- ample, double oxalate of ethyl and methyl.) a. Each tribasic acid can form three ethers ; one of them neutral, the other two acid. (e.g. phosphoric acid forms phosphate of ethyl and monethyl- and diethyl- phosphoric acids.) Two vo- lumes of the vapour of the neutral ether contain three volumes of alcohol-residue. b. Tribasic acids can form three salts with the same metallic base, two of them acid, and one neutral. They can also form double, triple, and hybrid salts. * It is probable that tetrabasic acids also exist, but none have yet been much Investigated : pyro- phosphoric and silicic acids seem to be such. ACIDS. 47 The above distinctions apply to acids of all kinds, from whatever type they derive. The following apply only to acids which derive from the type water (oxacids). d. Each monobasic oxacid can form a chloride, in two volumes of the vapour of which is contained only one volume of chlorine. Each such chloride can take up an atom of oxygen and an atom of hydrogen in ex- change for an atom of chlo- rine to re-form the normal acid, but there is no com- pound intermediate in com- position between the chlo- ride and the normal acid. e. Monobasic oxacids, by reacting with ammonia, or its derivatives, form neu- tral amides, in two volumes of the vapour of which is contained only one volume of nitrogen. There are no compounds intermediate be- tween these amides and the corresponding acids. d. Each dibasic oxacid can form a chloride, in two volumes of the vapour of which are contained two volumes of chlorine. Di- basic oxacids can also form chlorides which contain, in two volumes of vapour, only one volume of chlo- rine, and are exactly inter- mediate in composition between the chlorides last- mentioned and the normal acids ; that is, they can take up an atom of chlorine in exchange for an atom of oxygen and an atom of hydrogen, to form chlorides containing two volumes of chlorine in two volumes of rapour ; or they can take up an atom of oxygen and an atom of hydrogen in exchange for an atom of chlorine, to re-form the normal acid. Thus, sul- phuric acid, S0 4 H 2 , forms chloride of sulphuryl or chlorosulphuric aldehyde S0 2 C1 2 , and the interme- diate compound chlorhy- drosulphuric acid, S0 3 HC1. e. Dibasic oxacids, by reacting with ammonia, or its derivatives, form neu- tral amides, in two volumes of the vapour of which are contained two volumes of nitrogen. Intermediate in composition between these amides and the corre- sponding acids are com- pounds, generally acid (amic acids), in two vo- lumes of the vapour of which is contained but one volume of nitrogen. For, example, oxalic acid, C 2 4 H 2 , forms neutral ox- amide, C 2 2 H 4 N 2 , and the intermediate compound oxamic acid C 2 3 H 8 N. d. Each tribasic oxacid can form a chloride in two volumes of the vapour of which are contained three volumes of chlorine. /. Monobasic oxacids' do not form acid compounds (so-called conjugate acids) by reacting with hydro- /. Dibasic oxacids form acid compounds (conjugate acids) by reacting with hydrocarbons or other neu- e. Tribasic oxacids, by reacting with ammonia, or its derivatives, form neu- tral amides, in two volumes of the vapour of which are contained three volumes of nitrogen. Intermediate in composition between each of these amides and the cor- responding acid, there may exist two acid compounds, one monobasic and contain- ing in two volumes of va- pour two volumes of nitro- gen : the other dibasic and containing in two volumes of vapour only one volume of nitrogen. For example, citric acid, C 6 H 8 7 , forms with phenylamine (aniline) neutral citrophenylamide, C 6 H 8 4 Ph 3 N 3 , (Ph = C H H 5 = phenyl), and the interme- diate monobasic citrodiphe- nylamicacid, C 6 H 8 5 Ph 2 N 2 ; the dibasic citromonophe- nylamic acid, C fi H 8 6 PhN, has not yet been discovered. f. Tribasic oxacids form acid compounds by reacting with hydrocarbons or other neutral substances. For 48 ACIDS. carbons, or other neutral tral substances. For ex- example, phosphoric acid substances. ample, sulphuric acid re- reacts with glycerin to form acts with benzene to form phosphoglyceric acid. sulphobenzidic (phenylsul- phurous) acid, and with glycerin to form sulpho- glyceric acid. (Compare Odling, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xi. 127.) In addition to these, other properties of acids might be mentioned, which are con- nected more or less intimately with their basicity ; but, notwithstanding the number of comparatively very well-defined characters which they severally possess, it is im- possible to establish any absolute distinction between monobasic and dibasic, or between dibasic and tribasic acids. There are many acids, which, in relation to a particulai set of reactions, have the properties of monobasic acids, but, in relation to another set of reactions, behave like dibasic acids ; others, again, appear from one point of view to be dibasic, while from another point of view they seem to be tribasic. This will ap- pear more distinctly by considering what degree of generality belongs to each of the differences we have pointed out between acids of different basicities. a. Number of ethers. Perhaps the only exception to this law is afforded by phospho- rous acid, which forms three ethers, one of them containing, in two volumes of vapour, three volumes of alcohol-residue, although, as regards its metallic salts, it is only dibasic. b. Number of metallic salts. Acetic and formic acids, which possess in a special degree most of the characters of monobasic acids, form, each of them, two potassium- and two sodium-salts. c. Multiple ethers. No exception to this law is known so far as regards mono- and di-basic acids. Tribasic acids ought by analogy to form ethers containing two or three kinds of alcohol residue ; none such have yet been obtained, but there is no reason to suppose that they might not easily be formed. d. Number of chlorides. Some acids, which according to a, b, and c would be classed as monobasic, form chlorides containing two volumes of chlorine, as well as intermediate chlor- acids. For instance, Wurtz' s chlorured'acetylechlore, C' 2 H 2 CPO (Ann.Ch.Phys. [3] xlix. 60) reacts with one atom of water to form chloracetic acid, C 2 H 3 C10 2 ; and this, with a second atom of water, forms glycollic acid, C 2 H'0 3 . These three bodies are there- fore related in the same way as chloride of sulphuryl, chlorhydrosulphuric acid, and sulphuric acid. Again, lactic acid, C 3 H 6 3 , a homologue of glycollic acid, is decom- posed by pentachloride of phosphorus, giving chloride of lactyl, C 3 H 4 CPO, which re- acts with alcohol to form chloropropionate (chlorhydrolactate) of ethyl, C 5 H 9 C10 2 , (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvii. 192) ; that is to say, the ether of an acid intermediate between chloride of lactyl and lactic acid. The intermediate acid itself is produced C 3 H 5 C10 2 , by the action of chloride of lactyl on water. (Ulrich. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xii. 23 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. cix. 268.) So far then as their chlorides are concerned, glycollic and lactic acids resemble dibasic and not monobasic acids. (See also ob- servations on e.) In the case of tribasic acids, no intermediate chloracids are known, such as would correspond to chlorhydrosulphuric acid and other derivatives of dibasic acids. It is probable that each tribasic acid can form two such compounds, that phosphoric acid (PH 3 4 ), for example, can form chlorhydrophosphoric acid (PH 2 C10 3 ,) dibasic?) and dichlorhydrophosphoric acid * (PHCPO 2 , monobasic ?) e. Number and nature of amides. Some monobasic acids form amides containing, in two yolumes of vapour, two volumes of nitrogen. For instance, acetic acid forms acediamine, C 2 H 6 N 2 , between which and acetic acid C 2 H 4 2 , acetamide C 2 H 5 NG is exactly intermediate, (just as oxamic acid, C 2 H 3 N0 3 , is intermediate between oxamide, O'H 4 N 2 2 , and oxalic acid, C 2 H 2 4 ) ; acetamide, however, is neutral, not acid, in its properties. Certain other acids, generally considered monobasic, form amides containing one atom of nitrogen, which possess some of the properties of acids. Thus glycollic acid, C 2 H 4 3 , forms glycocoll, C 2 H 5 N0 2 , a substance capable of acting -as an acid, and pos- sessing the same relation of composition to glycollic acid, that oxamic acid does to ox- alic acid, or acetamide to acetic acid. The so-called benzamic, toluamic, cuminamic. &c. acids, are substances of a similar constitution : they are to oxybenzoic, oxycuminic, &c. acids what glycocoll is to glycollic acid. In short, glycollic and similar acids, though in the strict sense monobasic are diatomic ; that is, they form but one salt * Chlorhydrosulphuric acid is formed; when sulphuric anhydride is brought in contact with dry hydrochloric acid (SO 3 +HC) = SHC1O 3 ). Similarly, a liquid, which probably contains one or both of the compounds mentioned in the text, is formed when phosphoric anhydride is exposed to dry hydro- chloric acid (P2O'+311C1 = PH2C10 3 +PHC1202_?) ACIDS. 49 with each metallic base are monobasic as regards their metallic salts, but resemble dibasic acids so far as regards their other derivatives (chlorides and amides). /. Formation of complex acids. The difference in respect of acidity between com- pounds formed by the reaction of monobasic and of polybasic acids on neutral sub- stances, is a particular case of a general rule which was first announced by G-erhardt (Precis de Chim. Organ, i. (1844) 102 ; Compt. rend. Trav. Chim. 1845, 161) in the following form ; B b' + b 1, where B denotes the basicity of the body resulting from the the reaction, b .and b' the basicities of the reacting substances (the basicities of alkaline or neutral substances, and of mono-, di-, and tribasic acids being estimated re- spectively as 0, 1, 2, and 3). Strecker (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixviii. 47) showed that the rule admitted of a somewhat more extended application in the form B = b + b' aq, where aq denotes the number of atoms of water which separate in the reaction. P i r i a (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvi. 381), observing that, when more than two substances reacted upon each other, the number of atoms of water formed was usually one less than the number of reacting substances, expressed the rule of basicity in the following form, =. b + b' + b 1 ' + . . . . (n 1), (n being the number of reacting substances). In all these expressions, one substance only is regarded as the essential product of the reaction, but, if we take into consideration the basicity of all the products (water, hydrochloric acid, &c. as well as more complex subatances) and regard water as a monobasic* acid, we arrive at the following expression The sum of the basicities of the products of a reaction is equal to the sum of the basicities of the reacting bodies. Examples : HC1 + KHO = KC1 + H 2 Basicities 1 + 0=0 +1 H 2 S0 4 + KHO = KHSO* + H 2 Basicities 2 + = 1 +1 H 2 S0 4 + KHO + KHO = K 2 S0 4 + H 2 + H 2 Basicities 2 + + = +1+1 Acetate of Acetic acid. Alcohol. ethyl. C 2 HK) 2 Basicities 1 + C 2 H 4 2 + NH 8 Basicities 1 + Acetochlor- hydrobrom- Glycerin. hydrin. C 2 H 4 2 + HC1 + HBr + C 3 H 8 3 = C 5 H 8 2 ClBr + H 2 + H 2 + H 2 Basicities 1+1+1+0= +1 + 1+1 Fhosphamide. PONH* + H 2 + H 2 + H 2 = H 3 PO + NH 3 + NH 3 + NH 3 Basicities +1 + 1 + 1=3+0+0+0 The application of the rule of basicity to substances which, like glycollic acid, are monatomic in some relations but diatomic in others, or, like phenylic alcohol (carbolic acid), are intermediate between neutral bodies and acids, often leads, as might be ex- pected, to contradictory results. It must be looked upon, not as a law universally true, but as a rule applicable to the majority of cases, and always dependent on our defini- tions of acidity and basicity. (Comp. Kekul6, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 130.) It has been pointed out by B eke toff" (Bullet, de 1' Academic de St. Petersbourg, xii. 369) that this law, in any of the forms yet given to it, gives contradictory results when applied to the three following reactions, which nevertheless are strictly com- parable with each other. * If water be also considered as a monacid base,, the acidity of bases (or the number of atoms of acid with which they react, a property correlative with bast, -fty,} [is usually conformable to the following rule : The sum of the acidities of the products of a reaction ts equal to the sum of the acidities of the reagents. The representation of water as a monobasic acid and as a monacid base expresses the fact that it easily takes up 1 atom of an electro-positive, or of an electro-negative radicle in exchange for an a'om of hydrogen, or, an electro-positive and an electro-negative radicle in exchange for the two atoms of hydrogen. The representation of water as a dibasic acid (or as a diacid base) expresses the possi- bility of replacing both atoms of hydrogen by the same radicle (formation of anhydrides). This re- placement though not unfrequent, certainly takes place less readilv than the replacement of 1 atom of hydrogen only, or than the replacement of the two by radicles of different electro-chemical qualities. Either view, however, is evidently entirely relative. VOL. I. E 50 ACIDS. Benzole acid. Alcohol. 1.CTPO* + (SPO Basicities 1 + Benzoate of ethyl. = + IPO 1 Benzoic acid. Acetic acid. Aceto- benzoic anhydride. Basicities 1 + 1 = cSS? + + H 2 1 Alcohol Methylic alcohol. Methyl- ethyl ether. CH*0 = C 3 H 8 + H 2 Basicities 0+0 0+1 According to the conventions which have been made above, the sum of the basicities of the products of the first reaction is equal to the sum of the basicities of the re- agents, but in the second reaction it is less, and in the third it is greater. The obviously artificial character of the law of basicity, which is sufficiently shown by these instances, induced Beketoff to propose to compare the whole quantity of replaceable hydrogen in the reagents with that in the products, instead of merely comparing their basicities, or the number of atoms of hydrogen which are easily re- placeable by basylous radicles. If the so-called typical formulae (see FORMULA, RATIONAL) are employed in writing the above reactions, it at once becomes evident that in each case the whole quantity of replaceable hydrogen is two atoms, both in the products and in the reagents ; and in all regular double decompositions, the whole number of atoms of replaceable hydrogen remains similarly unaltered (For an account of all that is important in Beketoff' s paper, and for an extended criticism of the law of basicity, see Kekule, Lehrbuch d. organisch. Chemie, pp. 210 219.) A general classification of acids according to their composition cannot yet be given. There are but few elements which are known to form more than two or three distinct acids ; and, although many remarkable relations can be pointed out among the acids formed by different elements, these relations are more important as indications of analogies among the elements, than as serving for the classification of the acids them- selves.* There is, however, one element carbon which, in combination with hy- drogen and oxygen, forms a very large number of acids, the best known of which, generally exhibit, when compared together, certain gradations of chemical composition and properties, in accordance with which they can be arranged in a number of homo- logous series. (See HOMOLOGY.) The most important of these series are the fol- lowing : a. Monobasic acids represented by the general formula OH 2n 2 . Formic acid CH 2 2 , Caproic acid C 6 H 12 2 , Acetic C 2 H 4 2 , (Enanthylic C'H0 2 , Propionic C 3 H0 2 , Caprylic C 8 H 16 2 , Butyric C 4 H 8 2 , Pelargonic C 9 H 18 2 , Valeric C S H 10 2 , Rutic or capric C 10 H 20 2 , &c. The acids of this series are found in various vegetable and animal products ; several of them occur in combination with glycerin as the chief constituents of most natural solid and liquid fats. The first four have been found in mineral waters (Scheerer, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcix. 257). They are produced artificially by a great variety of processes, the most important of which are the following : 1. The oxidation of the alcohols OH 2n + 2 C 2 H 6 + O 2 = C 2 H 4 2 + IPO. Ethyl- Acetic alcohol. acid. 2. The decomposition of the so-called nitriles, or cyanides of alcohol-radicles, of the formula C n H 2n - 'N, by alkaline hydrates. C 3 H 5 N + 2H 2 = C 3 H 6 2 + NH 8 . Acetonitrile Propionic or cyanide acid. of ethyl. * For an able exposition of nearly all that can yet be said on this point, see Od ling, Phil. Mng. xviii. 3f)8; also a lecture on " Acids and Salts," delivered by the same at the Royal Institution, 30th March. 1860, Chemical News, i. 220. ACIDS. 51 3. The combination of the potassium- and sodium- compounds of the alcohol-radiclea OH 2n+1 with carbonic anydride. C 2 H 5 Na + CO 2 = C 3 H 5 Na0 2 . 4. The oxidation, destructive distillation, fermentation, or putrefactive decompo- sition of complex organic compounds. When a fixed- alkaline, or alkaline-earthy salt of one of these acids is subjected to dry distillation, a carbonate and an acetone are generally produced. These products are formed by the decomposition of two atoms of the salt. The dry distillation of a mixture of the fixed-alkaline, or alkaline- earthy, salts of two acids of this series gives rise, in like manner, to a carbonate and to an acetone intermediate in composition between the two acetones corresponding to the acids employed. When one of the salts is a formate, a similar reaction takes place, but an aldehyde is then produced instead of an acetone. In some cases the dry distillation of salts of these acids produces (besides acetones) aldehydes, or isomeric compounds (butyral, valeral ) and hydrocarbons. (See ALDE- HYDES, ACETONES.) When distilled with excess of alkaline hydrate, they give hydrocarbons of the formula OH n2+2 (hydrides of alcohol-radicles) and alkaline carbonate. C 2 H 3 K0 2 + HKO = CK 2 3 + CH 4 . Acet. potas- Hydride sium. of methyl. With pentachoride of phoshorus they produce chlorides of the formula C n H 2n ~ 1 OCl ; C 2 H 4 2 + PC1 5 = C 2 H 3 OC1 + FOCI 3 + HC1 Acetic acid Chloride ofacetyl. Their alkaline salts distilled with arsenious anhydride give compounds of arsenic with the alcohol-radicles. (See ARSENIC.) Subjected to electrolysis, they give carbonates, alcohol-radicles, hydrogen and hy- drocarbons of the form C D H 2n and OH 2 "- 1 " 2 . Under the influence of chlorine (or bromine) they lose one or more atoms of hydro- gen, and take up in exchange an equivalent quantity of chlorine, forming chloracids whose general properties usually resemble closely those of the normal acids from which they are formed. C 2 H 4 2 + Cl 2 = C 2 H 3 C10 2 + HC1. Acetic acid. + Br 4 - C 2 H 2 Br 2 2 + 2HBr. + Cl 6 = C'HCPO 2 + 3HC1. b. Acids represented by the formula OH 2n O s , di-atomic, but usually monobasic. The acids of this series differ from those of series a by containing three, instead of two, atoms of oxygen. Carbonic acid . . . . . . CH 2 3 , Glycollic C 2 H 4 3 , Lactic C S H 6 3 , Butylactic , C 4 H 8 3 , Valerolactic (Buttlerow) . . . . C 5 H 10 3 , Leucic , C 6 H 12 3 . These acids are formed 1. By the reaction of the protochloro- or protobromo- derivatives of the acids of series a with hydrates. C 8 H 3 C10 2 + HKO = C 2 H 4 3 + KC1. Chloracetic Glycollic acid. acid. E 2 52 ACIDS. 2. By the oxidation of the diatomic alcohols, C n H 2n + 2 2 (glycols). C 2 H 6 2 + O 2 = C 2 H 4 3 + H'O. 3. By the oxidation of certain amides of animal origin (glycocol and homologues), especially by nitrous acid. (OTNO 2 + NHO 2 = C 2 H 4 3 + N 2 + H 2 0. Glycocol. Glycollic acid. 4. By fermentation. The acids of this series are decomposed by heat into anhydrides and water. (In the case of carbonic acid, this decomposition takes place at the ordinary temperature.) With pentachloride of phosphorus, they produce diatomic chlorides of the formula C"H 2 - 2 OC1 2 ; e.g. C 3 H 6 3 + 2PC1 5 = C 3 H 4 OC1 2 + 2POCP + 2HC1 Lactic acid. Chloride of lactyl. Lactic acid heated with hydriodic acid produces water, iodine and propionic acid (Lautemann) : CWO 3 + 2HI = C 3 H 6 2 + H 2 + I 2 Lactic acid. Propionic acid. This will probably be found to be a general method of converting acids of series b into the corresponding acids of series a. c. Dibasic acids represented by the formula C"H (2ll ~ 2) 4 . The acids of this series represent the acids of series b, in which 2 at. hydrogen are replaced by an equivalent of oxygen. Oxalic acid . . . C 2 H 2 4 Malonic . C 3 H 4 4 Succinic . C 4 H 6 0* Lipic . C 5 H 8 4 Pimelic acid . . . C'H 12 4 Suberic C 8 H 14 4 Anchoic . C 9 H 16 4 Sebacic ,. , C IO H 18 4 . Adipic . C 6 H 10 4 These acids are, for the most part, products of oxidation. They are solid at ordinary temperatures, and are not volatile without partial or complete decomposition. Some of them are decomposed by heat into carbonic anhydride and a monobasic acid of series a. C S H 4 4 = C 2 H 4 2 + CO 2 . Malonic acid. Acetic acid. Several of them also produce acids of series a, when fused with excess of alkaline hydrate; the reaction is accompanied by evolution of hydrogen (Gerhard t). Suberic and sebacic acids heated with a great excess of baryta, lose the elements of of 2 at. carbonic anydride and yield the hydrocarbons C 6 H 14 and C 8 H 18 ; it is pro- bable that other acids of this series would be decomposed in like manner if similarly treated. (Riche.) Pentachloride of phosphorus reacts on the acids of this series, producing at first the corresponding anhydrides, which are afterwards converted by excess of the chloride into chlorides of the formula OH> 4 2 C1 2 ; e. g. 1. C 4 H 6 4 + PCI 5 = C 4 H 4 3 + 2HC1 + POC1 3 . Succinic Succinic acid. anhydride. 2. C'H 4 3 - PCI 5 = C 4 H 4 2 C1 2 + POC1 3 Succinic Chloride of anhydride. succinyl. There is a certain number of acids which do not enter into any of these three series, but which are related to certain members of them in the same way that the acids be- longing to the different series are related to each other. For instance, glyoxylic acid, C 2 H 4 4 , differs from glycollic acid, C*H 4 3 , in the same way that the latter differs from acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 ; namely, by containing one more atom of oxygen. And just as bromacetic acid when boiled with oxide of silver produces bromide of silver and glycollic acid C 2 H 3 Br0 2 + HAgO = C^BX) 3 + AgBr Bromacetic Glycollic acid. acid. ACIDS. 53 bromoglycollic acid, when similarly treated, yields bromide of silver and glyoxylic acid (Perkin and Duppa), C 2 H 3 Br0 8 + HAgO = C 2 H 4 0* + AgBr. differ from succinic acid by containing respectively one and two atoms more oxygen and they can be converted into succinic acid by heating them with hydriodic acid, in the same way that lactic acid can be converted into propionic acid (Schmidt); moreover, dibromosuccinic acid is decomposed, when boiled with oxide of silver, into bromide of silver and tartaric acid, just as dibromacetic acid is decomposed under similar circumstances into bromide of silver and glyoxylic acid (Perkin and Duppa). The same relation that exists between malic and succinic acids exists also between their homologues, tartronic and malonic acids C 3 H 4 5 and C 3 H 4 4 , but in the case of these acids, the conversion of one into the other has not yet been effected. There is little doubt that these acids glyoxylic and glyceric, tartronic and malic, and tartaric represent homologous series running parallel with the three first described, but of which the other terms are as yet unknown. The relation of all the series of acids, of which we have yet spoken, to each other and to the alcohols homologous with common alcohol, glycol, and glycerine, is shown in the following Table, giving the general formulae of each series. It will be seen that of the formulae written one above another, each contains one atom of oxygen more than the formula next above it, and that of the formulae written in the same horizontal line, each contains two atoms of hydrogen less, and one atom of oxygen more, than the one directly to the left of it. Where known, a special illustration of each general formula is given. Monatomic. ALCOHOLS. ACIDS. CH?n+20 Propylic, CPH S O. Monobasic. CnH2n()2 Propionic, C3H6Q2 and acids of series a. OH2n 2Q3 Pyruvic, C 3 H 4 O 3 ? CnH2n 4Q* Diatomic. C n H2 n -M02 Propylic glycol, (j3Hoi CH2n03 Lactic, C3H6Q 3 and acids of series b. Dibasic. CnH2n-2O M;ilonic, C3H0* Succinic, C 4 R6Q4 and acids of series c. CnH2n-40^ Mesoxalic, C 3 H2O Triatomic. CnH2n+2Q3 Glycerin, C3H8Q3 CnH2n{)4 Glyceric, C3H6Q* CuH2n-2Q5 Tartronic, C 3 H4O 5 Malic, C 4 H 6 Qi Tribasic. CnH2n-60< Tetratomic. C n H2n+2O' CoH2n+Q 5 OH2n 2Q6 Tartaric, C4H6Q& CnH2n-4Q7 Citric, Cfill*O7 Another series of acids is represented by the general formula OH 2 " 2 2 . They are monobasic like the acids of series a, but differ from these by containing 2 atoms less hydrogen combined with the same quantity of carbon and oxygen. None of them have yet been very thoroughly investigated, and the empirical composition even of some of them is still open to discussion. The terms of this series hitherto more or less known are Acrylic acid . . C 3 H 4 2 Campholic acid . . C 10 H 18 2 Crotonic . . C 4 H 8 2 Moringic . . C 15 H 28 2 Angelic . . C 5 H 8 2 Hypogaeic . . C^H^O 2 Pyroterebic . . C 6 H'0 2 Oleic . . C 18 H 34 2 Damaluric . . C 7 H I2 O- Brassic . . C 22 H 42 E 3 54 ACONITIC ACID. The following dibasic acids represented by the general formula OH 2n - 4 4 , are related so far at least as composition is concerned to the last series, in the same manner as the acids of series c are related to those of series a. Fumaric acid . . C 4 H 4 4 Citraconic ) Itaconic > acids . . C 5 H 6 4 Mesaconic ) Terebic. . . . C 7 H 10 4 Camphoric . . . C IO H 16 0* There are still two other series of acids, presenting the same mutual relations as the series a and b, several terms of which have been very fully studied. They are, 1. Monobasic acids of the general formula OH 2 " *0 2 . " Benzoic acid ....... C 7 H 6 2 Toluylic ....... C 8 H fl 2 Cuminic ....... C'H I2 2 2. Diatomic acids of the general formula OH 2n - 8 3 . Oxybenzoic acid ...... C 7 H B 3 Oxytoluylic ...... C 8 H 8 3 Phloretic ...... C 9 H 10 3 Oxycuminic ...... C 10 H 12 3 The position which a few of the yet remaining organic acids occupy in relation to the series already recognised can be indicated with tolerable certainty ; but the greater number are still so imperfectly known that they cannot be included in any classification which is not entirely articifial and empirical. CK C. F. ACOWITIC ACI3>. C (i II 6 6 = g3 O 3 [or <7 12 # 6 <9 12 ]. Equisetic acid, Citridic Acid. (G-m. xii. 408; Gerh. ii. 110; iii. 960; iv. 922.) An acid found in the roots and leaves of monkshood (Aconitum Napellus) and other aconites, and in the herb of Delphinium Consolida, collected after flowering. It is also produced by the metamorphosis of citric acid under the influence of heat. It exists in the aconite as aconitate of calcium, which crystallises out on evaporating the juice, and on account of its insolubility may by freed from the colouring matters and other impurities, by washing with water and alcohol. The aconitate of calcium is then dissolved in very dilute nitric acid, and the filtered liquid is precipitated with acetate of lead. The aconitate of lead, after being well washed, is decomposed by hydrosulphuric acid, the sulphide of lead filtered off, and the solution which contains the aconitic acid is evaporated to dryness, and the residue treated with ether, in which the acid dissolves, leaving the impurities. To obtain it from citric acid, the acid is heated till it ceases to give off inflammable vapours ; and the residue dissolved in alcohol is treated with hydrochloric acid, by which aconitic ether is formed, and separates on addition of water, as an oily liquid, which by treatment with potash is converted into aconitate of potassium. This salt is next converted into a lead salt, and the acid is liberated by hydrosulphuric acid as in the preceding process. On evaporating the ethereal solution, it is left as an amorphous mass, very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. When heated to 160 it is converted into an oily liquid, which is itaconic acid, C 6 H 6 6 = C 5 H 6 4 + CO 2 . It is distinguished from fumaric acid by being more soluble in water, and from maleic acid by not crystallising. Aconitic acid is tribasic, and forms three classes of salts, viz. C 6 H 3 M 3 6 ; C 6 H 3 (M 2 H)0 6 ; and C 6 H 3 (MH 2 )0 6 . The aconitates of ammonium, potassium, sodium, magnesium Hnd zinc, dissolve readily in water ; the rest are insoluble or sparingly soluble. The soluble aconitates form with solutions of lead and silver, white flocculent precipitates, which do not become crystalline either by ebullition or after prolonged immersion in the liquid, whereas the lead and silver precipitates formed by fumaric and maleic acid are crystalline. "With ammonium and potassium, aconitic acid forms salts, corresponding to each of the three formulae above given ; with sodium, a disodic and a trisodic salt. Aconitate of calcium, C 6 H 3 Ca 3 6 + 3H-0 ? occurs in large quantity in extract of aconite. It may also be prepared by dissolving lime in aconitic acid, or by precipitating chloride of calcium with aconitate of sodium. It dissolves in 99 parts of cold water, more readily in boiling water. The solution evaporated at a gentle heat, and without agitation, yields a gelatinous mass which dries up to a gum ; but if a few crystals of the salt be introduced into the solution, the whole is deposited in delicate crystals. Aconitate of manganese, C 6 H 3 Mn 3 O 6 + 6H 2 0, is obtained by boiling the acid with carbonate of manganese. Small rose-coloured octahedrons, sparingly soluble in cold water. Aconi- tate of lead, 2C 6 H 3 Pb 3 6 + 3H-0, is sparingly soluble in boiling water, and gives off 5'29 per cent, water at 140, Aconitate of silver, C 6 H 3 Ag 8 8 . Nitrate of silver is not ACON1TINE. 55 precipitated by the free acid, but with the alkaline aconitates it forms a white, amorphous, sparingly soluble precipitate, which is partly reduced to the metallic state by boiling with water. Aconitate of Ethyl, C 6 H S (C 2 H 5 ) 3 6 , is prepared by dissolving aconitic acid in five times its weight of absolute alcohol, and saturating the solution with hydrochloric acid. On addition of water, the ether separates in the form of an oily layer. It is a colourless liquid, having an aromatic odour, and very bitter taste. Boils at 236, and has a density of 1'074, at 14. Aconitanilic acid or Phenyl-aconitamic acid. C 12 H 9 N0 4 = an amic acid formed on the type ] TT , three of the hydrogen-atoms in the am- monium being replaced by the triatomic radicle, aconityl, and the fourth by phenyl. It is obtained by the action of water on the (not yet isolated) compound, C 12 H 8 N0 3 C1, produced by treating citranilic (phenyl-citramic) acid with perchloride of phosphorus ; probably thus : C 12 HN0 5 + 2PC1 5 = C 12 H 8 N0 3 C1 + 2POC1 3 + 3HC1; Citranilic acid. and C 12 HN0 3 C1 + H 2 = C 12 H 9 N0 4 + HC1. When 1 at. citranilic acid is mixed with 2 at. perchloride of phosphorus, added by small portions, and the action is assisted at intervals by a gentle heat, the whole dissolves, forming a yellow liquid; and on treating this liquid with water, hydro- chloric acid is evolved, and aconitanilic acid separates in the form of a soft substance, which, by solution in hot water and cooling, may be obtained in small yellow needles, but cannot be rendered colourless even by repeated crystallisation. The acid dissolves sparingly in water, easily in alcohol, and very easily in aqueous ammonia ; and the ammoniacal solution mixed with nitrate of silver, yields rose-coloured flakes of the silver-salt, C'-HMgNO 4 . (Pebal, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcviii. 83.) Aconitodianil or Diphenyl-aconito-diawAde, C 18 H 14 N 2 3 = N 2 .(C fl H 3 3 .)" / (C (5 H 5 ) 2 .H, is produced (together with aconitanilide), by the action of aconitic acid upon aniline : C 6 H 6 6 + 2C 6 H 7 N = C 18 H I4 N 2 3 + 3H 2 0. also by the action of oxychlorocitric acid upon aniline : C fi H 8 6 Cl 2 + 2C 6 H 7 N = C 18 H 14 N 2 3 + 3H 2 + 2HC1. It is insoluble in water, very sparingly soluble in cold alcohol. From solution in a large quantity of boiling alcohol, it crystallises on cooling in slender, pale yellow needles. (Pebal.) Aconitanilide or Tripkenyl-aconito-triamide, C 24 H 21 N 3 3 = N 3 (C 6 H 3 8 )" / (C 6 H 5 ) 3 .H 3 , appears to be formed simultaneously with aconitodianil, by the action of aconitic acid or oxychlorocitric acid on aniline : C 6 H 6 6 + 3C 6 H 7 N = C 24 H 21 N 3 3 + 3H 2 and C 6 H 8 G C1 2 + 3C 6 H 7 N = C 24 H 21 N 3 3 + 3H 2 + 2HC1. It is an amorphous substance, insoluble in water, but very soluble in cold alcohol, and is thereby easily separated from aconito-dianil. (Pebal.) The amides of aconitic acid have not yet been obtained. ACOTTITIlffE. (7H 47 NO 7 [or C' 6e # 47 A 7 O n ]. (Geiger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. vii. 269 ; Morson, Pogg. xlii. 175; v. Planta, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 245.) The alkaloid contained in the Aconitum Napellus, and probably in all the acrid aconites. It is obtained by exhausting the leaves with alcohol, saturating the extract with milk of lime, separating the lime by sulphuric acid, evaporating the filtered solution of sulphate of acontine at a gentle heat to expel the alcohol, then diluting with water, and treating the solution with carbonate of potassium, which precipitates impure aconitine. The product is purified by redissolving it in alcohol, treating the solution with animal charcoal, reconverting the base into sulphate, again decomposing this salt with hydrate of lime, and treating the precipitate with ether, which dissolves nothing but the aconitine. Pure aconitine is deposited from solution in dilute alcohol in white pulverulent grains, or sometimes in a compact, vitreous, transparent mass. It is inodorous, but has a persistent, bitter, and acrid taste. It dissolves sparingly in cold water, and in 50 parts of boiling water, forming a strongly alkaline solution. It is very soluble in alcohol, less in ether. At 80 it melts into a vitreous mass, without loss of weight ; at 120 it turns brown, and at a higher temperature suffers complete decomposition. It is dissolved without colour by nitric acid. Sulphuric acid colours it first yellow, E 4 56 ACONITYL ACROLEIN. then violet ; tincture of iodine forms with it a kermes-coloured precipitate. It is in- tensely poisonous, 5^ of a grain sufficing to kill a sparrow in a few minutes, and ^ of a grain killing it instantly. The salts of aconitine do not crystallise readily. They are not deliquescent, but dissolve easily in water and alcohol. The solutions yield a precipitate of aconitine with alkalies. The hydrochlorate, C 30 H 47 N0 7 .2HC1, is obtained by passing dry hydro- chloric acid gas over dry aconitine. Its solution is not precipitated by chloride of platinum, but yields a white precipitate with chloride of mercury, yellow with chloride of gold, and also with picric acid. ACQWITYIi. C 6 H 3 3 ; the triatomic radicle of aconitic acid and its derivatives. ACRENE. A name given by Laurent to the hydrocarbon, C 3 H 4 . (See ALLYLENE.) jA.CROX.EZXT. C S H 4 [or CWO 2 ]. (Eedtenbacher, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlvii. 114; Geuther and Cartmell, ibid. cxii. 1 ; Hiibner and Geuther, ibid. cxiv. 35; Gm. ix. 365; xii. 550; Gerh. i. iv. 779, 914.) This body constitutes the acrid prin- ciple produced by the destructive distillation of fatty bodies, resulting in fact from the decomposition of glycerin. It is also produced by the action of platinum-black or of a mixture of acid chromate of potassium and sulphuric acid on allyl-alcohol, being indeed the aldehyde of the allyl series. (Cahours and Hofmann.) (See AIXYL.) Acrolein is best prepared by distilling in a capacious retort a mixture of glycerin and acid sulphate of potassium, or phosphoric anhydride. When phosphoric anhydride is used, the distillate consists entirely of acrolein ; but the contents of the retort are very apt to froth over. With acid sulphate of potassium, the distillation is easier, but the acrolein is contaminated with acrylic acid, sulphurous acid, and other pro- ducts. The distillate is collected in a receiver kept very cold, and provided with a long discharge-tube passing into the chimney in order to carry off the vapours, which are intensely irritating to the eyes. To purify the acrolein, it is digested with oxide of lead, which removes the acid impurities, then rectified in the water-bath, dehydrated over chloride of calcum, and again rectified. As acrolein oxidises very rapidly by contact with the air, all these operations must be conducted with a stream of dry carbonic acid gas passing through the apparatus. (Redtenbacher.) Hiibner and Geuther distil 1 pt. of glycerin with 2 pts. of acid sulphate of potassium, over an open flame, the bottom of the flask being protected by wire-gauze, and a quantity of oxide of lead being placed in the receiver to neutralise the acid products. According to these chemists, the process consists of two stages, the acid sulphate of . potassium first dissolving in the glycerin, forming glycerosulphate of potassium, with elimination of water, so that the first portion of the distillate consists chiefly of water, with but little acrolein ; but, afterwards, when the liquid becomes more concentrated, the glycerosulphate is decomposed, and acrolein passes over with only a small quantity of water. This latter portion of the distillate is subsequently purified as in Redten- bacher's process. Acrolein is a colourless, limpid, strongly refracting liquid, lighter than water, and boiling at 52^4 (Hiibner and Geuther). Vapour-density 1 '897. Its vapour is so intensely irritating, that a few drops diffused through a room are sufficient to render the atmosphere insupportable. It burns readily with a clear bright flame. It dissolves in about 40 parts of water, and very readily in ether. The solutions are neutral at first, but gradually turn acid by contact with the air. Acrolein cannot be preserved long, even in closed vessels, as it changes spon- taneously into a flocculent substance called by Redtenbacher disacryl, and more rarely into a resinous substance, disacryl-rcsin. It sometimes solidifies immediately after being prepared, even in sealed tubes. It undergoes the same transformation under water, which at the same time becomes charged with acrylic, formic and acetic acids. Vapour of acrolein passed through a red-hot tube is decomposed, with formation of water and deposition of charcoal. Caustic alkalis convert acrolein into resinous products. By oxidising agents it is converted into acrylic acid. It reduces oxide of silver with considerable evolution of heat, forming acrylate of silver, which remains dissolved. Nitrate of silver forms with aqueous acroleiu a white curdy precipitate (probably C^H^AgO) which, however, gradually decomposes, yielding metallic silver and acrylate of silver. On adding a few drops of ammonia, and boiling the liquid, the silver is immediately reduced, but not in the specular form as with aldehyde. Nitric acid attacks acrolein strongly, converting it into acrylic acid. Strong sulphuric acid blackens it, giving off sulphurous anhydride at the same time. With chlorine and bromine, it forms heavy oils, to- gether with hydrochloric or hydrobromic acid. Perchloride of j)~hos]jh(jrus acts violently on acrolein, forming dichloride of allylene C 3 H 4 .C1 2 (see ALI,YI-ENE), and another oily liquid which appears to be isomeric- with it. With acetic anhydride, it unites directly, forming the compound C 3 H'O.C 4 H G 3 , which is identical in every ACRYLIC ACID. 57 respect with the compound resulting from the action of acetate of silver on dichloride of allylene (Hiibner and G-euther), and may therefore be regarded as diacetate of aUylene (C 3 H 4 )".(C 2 H 3 0) 2 .0. Acrolein-ammonia. C 12 H 20 N 2 8 = C 12 H I8 N 2 2 .H 2 0. Acrolein acts strongly on ammonia, forming a solid compound (first obtained by Eedtenbacher) : 4C 3 H 4 + 2NH 3 = C 12 H-N 2 3 + H 2 0. It is best prepared by gradually adding a saturated solution of ammonia-gas in alcohol to an alcoholic or ethereal solution of acrolein, and precipitating by addition of ether. It is a white or yellowish, amorphous, odourless compound which turns brown at a gentle heat and begins to decompose at 100, giving off volatile basic products. In the moist state it dissolves readily in cold water and warm alcohol ; less in hot water. It dissolves readily in acids, and is precipitated therefrom by alkalis and alkaline carbonates. Hence it appears to be a base. Its solution in hydrochloric acid forms with dichloride of platinum, a light yellow precipitate containing, when dried at 100, C'2H 20 N 2 2 . 2HC1. 2PtCl*, or C 6 H 10 NO.HCl.PtCl 2 . (Hiibner and G-euther.) Acrolein with Acid Sulphite of Sodium. When acrolein is poured into in aqueous so- lution of acid sulphite of sodium, its odour is destroyed, and by evaporation over the water-bath, a brown deliquescent syrup is obtained which does not deposit crystals, and from which neither acrolein can be separated by boiling with carbonate of sodium, nor sulphurous acid by boiling with sulphuric acid. (Hiibner and G-euther.) Hydrochlorate of Acrolein, C 3 H 4 O.HC1. Produced by passing dry hydrochloric acid gas into anhydrous acrolein in a vessel surrounded by cold water. The viscid product, washed and dried over oil of vitriol in vacuo, yields hydrochlorate of acrolein as a mass of velvety crystals, which melt at 32 into a thick oil, having the odour of rancid fat. It is insoluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol and ether, on the evaporation of which it remains as a thick oil. It is resolved by heat into acrolein and hydrochloric acid. It is not apparently altered by boiling with water, or by the action of dilute solutions of the alkalis. Heated with ammonia to 100 in a sealed tube, it yields chloride of ammonium and acrolein-ammonia. Strong hydro- chloric acid decomposes it, setting the acrolein free ; a similar action is exerted by dilute sulphuric or nitric acid. Hydrochlorate of acrolein in alcoholic solution does not combine with dichloride of platinum, and very slowly reduces a boiling ammo- niacal solution of nitrate of silver. Gaseous hydriodic acid passed into acrolein exerts a violent action, attended with a hissing noise like that of red-hot iron plunged into water. The product is a resinous body which is insoluble in alcohol, ether, acids and alkalis, gives off iodine when heated, and yields a small quantity of free iodine to bisulphide of carbon. METACROLEIN. Hydrochlorate of acrolein heated with hydrate of potassium gives off hydrogen, and yields an oily distillate, which solidifies in magnificent colourless, needle-shaped crystals, consisting of metacrolein, a compound isomeric or more pro- bably polymeric with acrolein. It is lighter than water, has an aromatic odour, and a cooling taste with burning after- taste. It melts at 50, solidifies at about 45, or volatilises a little before melting, so that it may be distilled with vapour of water. By heat, it is changed into common acrolein. It is not affected by dilute alkalis, but when heated with mineral acids it is changed more or less into acrolein. In a stream of dry hydrochloric acid gas, it melts and is converted into the hydrochlorate of acrolein above described. Hence it is probable that the compound so named is really a hydrochlorate of metacrolein, perhaps C 6 H 8 2 .2HC1. Hydriodate of Metacrolein is produced by passing dry hydriodic acid gas over meta- crolein, as a heavy yellow liquid which resembles the hydrochlorate in taste and appearance, and after washing in water, shows a tendency to crystallise at ordinary temperatures. When placed over oil of vitriol, it decomposes, turning brown and giving off iodine. Hydriodic acid gas acts violently upon acrolein, producing a resinous substance which is insoluble in alcohol, ether, acids and alkalis, and gives up iodine when heated or when digested with bisulphide of carbon. (Geuther and Cartmell.) ACRTZXXC ACID. C 3 H 4 2 = C 3 H 3 O.HO (or <7 6 // 4 4 ). (Gm. ix. 369; Gerh. 783 ; iv. 914.) Acroltic acid. This acid, discovered by Redtenbacher, is produced by the oxidation of acrolein. The best agent to employ is oxide of silver, which, when di- gested with acrolein, yields a deposit of metallic silver, and a solution of acrylate of silver. This salt is decomposed by hydrosulphuric acid, and the acrylic acid thus set free is purified by rectification. It is necessary carefully to cool the vessel during the decomposition of the silver salt; otherwise, the heat developed is so great that an explosion results. The acid is likewise obtained by the action of chromic acid on oxide of allyl. (Hofmann and Cahou> s.) (See ALL YL.) 58 ADIPIC ACID. When purified, it is a colourless liquid, of an agreeable, slightly empyreumatic odour. It is miscible with water in all proportions, and its boiling-point is inter- mediate between that of formic and acetic acids. It is a monobasic acid, its salts having the formula, C 8 (H 3 M)0 2 . They closely resemble the formates and acetates, and are generally very soluble in water. Acrylate of Sodium. 2C 3 (H 3 Na)0 2 + 5H 2 0, is obtained by saturating the acid with carbonate of sodium and evaporating. It crystallises in transparent prisms. Acrylate of Barium. C 3 (H 3 Ba)0 2 , is also a soluble salt. Acrylate of Silver, C 3 (H 3 Ag)0 2 , forms white needles, having a silky lustre, and very soluble in water. Acrylate of Ethyl is obtained, though not in the pure state, by distilling acrylic acid, or its sodium or barium-salt with alcohol and sulphuric acid. (Hedtenbacher.) ACTXXTOXiXTE. A variety of Hornblende (q. v.) ADAMANT. See DIAMOND. ADAM ATJTI3ME SPAR. See CORUNDUM. ADAPTER or ADOPTER. A piece of tube of more or less conical form, used to elongate the neck of a retort, and to connect it with a receiver. ADHESXOXT. (See COHESION.) ADHESIVE SI. ATE. (See SLATE.) ADIAPHAXJOUS SPAR. (See GEHXENITE and SAUSSUEITE.) ADXI^QXiE. A compact impure felspar, better known as petrosilex. It differs from jaspar, which it otherwise much resembles, in being fusible before the blowpipe. ADIPXC ACZD. C 6 H 10 4 = O 2 | C jp 8 , 2 [or 12 # 10 8 = C }2 H0 6 .2HO]. Adibasic acid forming the fifth term of the series C 2 H 2n - 2 4 the lowest term of which is oxalic acid, C 2 H 2 4 , and the highest at present known, sebacic acid, C 10 H 18 4 . It is produced by the action of nitric acid on oleic acid, suet, spermaceti, and other fatty bodies. To pre- pare it, tallow or suet is boiled in a capacious retort with nitric acid of ordinary strength, which must be frequently renewed, and the distillate poured back till the fatty matter disappears and crystals separate on cooling. The Liquid is then evaporated over the water-bath till it solidifies in a crystalline mass on cooling ; this mass is washed in a funnel, first with strong nitric acid, then with dilute nitric acid, and lastly with cold water ; and the acid is finally purified by crystallisation from boiling water (M a 1 a g u t i). Other acids of the same series are doubtless formed at the same time ; but according to Malaguti, the crystals obtained in the manner just described have all the same appearance, excepting the very last. Wirz (Ann. Ch. Pharm. civ. 257) obtains this acid, together with several other members of the series, by the continued action of nitric acid on the solid fatty acids of cocoa-nut oil. The action is continued for several weeks till the mass solidifies to a crystalline magma. This product is resolved by water into a mixture of several acids of the above series, and a heavy oil ; and the acids are separated one from the other by fractional crystallisation from water and alcohol, and lastly by fractional crystallisation of the silver-salts. (See ANCHOIC Aero. ) The acid separates from its aqueous solution in crystalline crusts composed of soft, white, opaque, hemispherical nodules, which appear to be aggregations of smaller crystals. According to Wirz, these crystals dried at 100 contain water of crystallisation, their formula being 2C 6 H 10 4 + H 2 [anal. 46-2, 46'4 and 47 '8 p. c. carbon, 6 '6 and 6*8 Lc. hydrogen; calc. 46*4 C and 7'0 H]. At 140 they melt and give off water, ving the anhydrous acid C 6 H I0 4 [analysis, 48-2, and 48'3 C; 6'8 and 6'9 H; calc. 49. 3 C and 6 -8 II] ; which soon afterwards sublimes in long slender needles [the sublimed acid gave by analysis 49 '5 C and 6 '6 H]. 100 parts of water at 18 dissolve 7'73 of the crystallised acid : a hot solution which deposited crystals abundantly on cooling, still retained 8-61 pts. of the acid in 100 pts. at 18 (Wirz). The acid dissolves very readily in hot alcohol and ether. The adipates, C fl H*M 2 4 , are for the most part soluble in water and crystallisable ; insoluble in alcohol. The ammonium-salt crystallises in needles (Laurent, Bromeis). The barium-salt dried over sulphuric acid, forms opaque warty masses not containing water of crystallisation (Wirz). The strontium-salt forms microscopic needles con- taining 2C 6 H s Sr 2 4 + 3H 2 (Laurent). The calcium-salt resembles the barium-salt in appearance, but contains 1 atom of water [C 6 H 8 Ca0 4 + H 2 0] which is given off between 100 and 200 (Wirz). The silver-salt, C 6 H 8 Ag 2 4 , obtained by precipitating the ammonium-salt with a considerable quantity of nitrate of silver, is a white powder. Adipate of Ethi/l, C 6 H 8 4 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 , obtained by saturating the alcoholic solution of the acid with hydrochloric acid gas, is a yellowish oil of sp. gr. 1-001 at 20'5 which lx)ils, with decomposition, at 230. It has a strong odour of apples and a bitter ADIPOCERE AESCULIC ACID. 59 caustic taste. Chlorine decomposes it, giving off hydrochloric acid and forming a viscous mass. (Malaguti.) ADXPOCERE. (From adcps, fat; and cera, wax.) A peculiar white substance, pro- duced by the decomposition of animal matters under the influence of moisture and in situations from which the air is excluded. It was first found by Fourcroy in the Cimetiere d$s Innocents at Paris. A number of coffins had been piled one upon another, and remained interred for about 20 years. The bodies were found compressed, as it were, at the bottom of the coffins, and converted into a soft white substance resembling cheese, which bore the imprints of the linen in which they had been wrapped. This matter enclosed the bones, which were broken on the slightest pressure. It was found to consist chiefly of margarate of ammonium together with the margarates of potassium and calcium. ADUXiARXA. (See FELSPAR.) AEX>m,FORSXTE. (See EDELFOKSITE.) AEG-XRXHT or AEGYRXW. (Handwork d. Chem. i. 169.) A mineral of the augite family, occurring in the neighbourhood of Brevig in Norway, sometimes in very la.rge and well-defined crystals belonging to the monoclinic system, and having the general character and cleavage of augite. Colour greenish-black to leek-green. Lustre vitreous. The edges exhibit various degrees of translucence, down to complete opacity. Sp. gr. 3-43 to 3'50. Harduess about that of orthoclase. The mineral con- tains a considerable quantity of iron, partly in the state of protoxide, partly of sesqui- oxide, besides alumina, lime, magnesia, and soda, sometimes also protoxide of man- ganese and potash, associated with silica, and sometimes with titanic acid. The formula is not perfectly established, but it is probably of the general form, 3(M 2 O.Si0 2 ) -t- rc(M 4 3 .3Si0 2 ) = 3M 2 SiO s + wM'Si f 8 AERATED "WATERS. (See CARBONIC ACID and WATER.) AEROX.ITE. (See METEORITE.) AEROSXTE. (See PYRARGYRITE.) AESCHirTCXTE. (Handwork d. Chem. i. 192.) A mineral occurring at Miask in the Ural, and consisting, according to Hart wall's analysis, of 56 titanic acid, 20 zirconia, 15 eerie oxide, 3*8 lime, 2'6 ferric oxide, 0'5 stannic oxide (making together 97*9), but according to Hermann's more recent analysis, of 25-90 titanic acid, 33*20 columbic acid, 22*20 eerie oxide, 5*12 cerous oxide, 5'45 ferrous oxide, 6'22 oxide of lanthanum, 1-28 yttria, and 1'20 water ( = 100'57). By its crystalline form and properties, as well as by its chemical constitution, it appears to be closely related to Polymignite, Polycrase, Euxenite, &c. AESCUI.ETXN- or ESCUXETXW. C 9 IP0 4 , or C 18 H*0*. A product of the de- composition of sesculin, discovered in 1853 by Kochleder and Schwartz (Ann. Ch. Phai-m. Ixxxvii. 186; Ixxxviii. 356), and independently by Zwenger (ib. xc. 63). It is obtained^ 1. By boiling sesculin with hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric aeid. The liquid on cooling deposits a crystalline mass which, when washed with cold water, dissolved in hot alcohol, and treated with acetate of lead, yields a lead-compound of sesculetin from which the latter may be separated by hydrosulphuric acid. 2. A cold saturated solution of asculin mixed with emulsin (the fermenting principle of sweet almonds) and left in a warm place, deposits after a while, small crystals of cesculetin. Asculetin forms shining needles or scales which are bitter, sparingly soluble in cold water and alcohol, more soluble in the same liquids when warm, but nearly in- soluble in ether. The aqueous solution is fluorescent like that of aesculin (q. v.), but in a much less degree ; the fluorescence is however considerably exalted by addition of a small quantity of carbonate of ammonium. When gradually heated, it gives off 6-64 p.c. water at 100, melts above 270, and then distils with decomposition. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it without alteration ; nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. It is also decomposed by hot concentrated sulphuric acid. It dissolves in alkalis, forming solutions of a fine gold-yellow colour ; its solution in boiling aqueous ammonia deposits on cooling a yellow substance, which decomposes rapidly in contact with the air. .ZEsculetin imparts a dark green colour to ferric salts. It reduces nitrate of silver at the boiling heat ; precipitates red oxide of copper from cupric salts dissolved in potash ; and forms with acetate of lead a yellow precipitate containing C 9 H 4 Pb 2 O 4 . AESCVXiXC ACXX>. Obtained as a white precipitate by boiling saponin (a substance contained in the horse-chesnut and in many other plants) with dilute hydro- chloric or sulphuric acid, or by boiling saponin with potash-ley and decomposing the resulting sesculetate of potassium with an acid. It is insohible in water, but soluble in alcohol, and is deposited therefrom in granular crystals on cooling. Nitric acid 60 AESCULIN-AGALMATOLITE. transforms it into a yellow resinons nitro-compound. It is but a weak acid. The alkaline aesculates are soluble in water, and crystallise from solution in alcohol. The formula of sesculic acid, according to Fremy (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Iviiii. 101) is CPH^O 12 . Bolley (Ann Ch. Pharm. xc. 211), who calls it sapogcnin, assigns to it the formula C 12 H 18 5 . According to Kochleder and Schwarz (Ann. Ch, Pharm. Ixxxviii. 357) it is identical with chinovatic acid C 6 H 10 2 . AESCUXIiff or ESCULIW. C 21 H 24 13 , or 26 . (Gerh. ir. 291, Hand- wort. d. Chem. i. 196.) A crystalline fluorescent substance obtained from the bark of the horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum) and of other trees of the genera Aesculus and Pavia. It was first observed by Frischmann, more closely investigated by Trommsdorff the younger in 1 835 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xiv. 198), afterwards byRochleder and Schwarz (ibid. Ixxxvii. 186 ; Ixxxviii. 156), and by Zwenger (ibid. xc. 63). The aqueous extract of the bark is precipitated with acetate of lead ; the precipitate is washed, suspended in water, and decomposed by hydrosulphuric acid ; and the liquid is filtered at the boiling heat. Or better : the aqueous extract is mixed with solution of alum and excess of ammonia ; the liquid filtered to separate the fawn-coloured pre- cipitate of alumina mixed with the colouring matter of the bark ; the yellowish filtrate neutralised with acetic acid and evaporated to dryness ; the residue containing the sulphates and acetates of potassium and ammonium, boiled with a little strong alcohol to extract the aesculin ; the alcoholic filtrate evaporated till it crystallises ; and the sesculin thus obtained, is purified by pressure between bibulous paper, and recrystallisa- tion. (Kochleder, J. pr. Chem. Ixxi. 414 ; Chem. Gaz. 1858, 96.) Aesculin forms colourless, needle-shaped crystals. It is inodorous, has a bitter taste, is sparingly soluble in cold water and alcohol, more soluble in the same liquids at the boiling heat, and nearly insoluble in ether. Aesculin is coloured red by chlorine ; it forms a yellow precipitate with subacetate of lead, and reduces the protoxide of copper to suboxide, like glucose. It melts at 160 ' and decomposes at a somewhat higher temperature, yielding various products among which is a small quantity of sesculetine. Boiled with hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid, it is resolved into sesculetin and glucose : = C 9 H 6 4 + 2C 6 H 12 8 The aqueous solution of sesculin is highly fluorescent (see LIGHT), the reflected light being of a sky-blue colour. Nearly the same fluorescent tint is exhibited by an in- fusion of horse-chestnut bark. The colour is however slightly modified by the presence of another fluorescent substance, paviin, recently discovered by Prof. Stokes (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xi. 17). The latter is separated from sesculin by its greater solubility in ether. Its solution exhibits a blue-green fluorescence. Aesculin and paviin appear to exist together in the barks of all species of the genera Asculus and Pavia, aesculin being however more abundant in the former and paviin in the latter (see PAVHN). The fluorescence of both sesculin and paviin is augmented by alkalis, but destroyed by acids. AETHAXi. (See CETYL.) AETHER, AETHYX., &c. (See ETHEE, ETHYL, &c.) AETHXOPS. An old pharmaceutical term applied to various mineral preparations of black colour or approaching thereto : e. g. Aethiops antimonialis obtained by triturating together mercury, sulphide of antimony, and sulphur ; Aethiops martialis black oxide of iron ; Aethiops mineralis, black sulphide of mercury obtained by tritu- rating mercury with sulphur; Aethiops narcoticus (or hypnoticus,} sulphide of mer- cury obtained by precipitation ; Aethiops per se, the grey powder obtained by exposing impure mercury to the air. AETHOXIRRIW. The yellow colouring matter of the flowers of Antirrhinum lAnaria. AFFINITY. (See CHEMICAL AFFINITY.) AFTOXTXTE. (See APHTONITE.) AGAXiftlATOXiXTE [from &ya\fj.a, an image ; and \i6os, stone] ; Bildstein. This name was originally given to a soft mineral or rather a number of such minerals used by the Chinese for carving grotesque figures and idols. These minerals vary in colour from greyish-green to yellow and red ; they are all more or less soft and unctuous to the touch and capable of being cut and polished. The Chinese agalmatolites are of three kinds : viz. 1. Hydrated silicates of aluminium and potassium : a. 9Si0 2 .3Al 4 3 .lK 2 0.3H^O = GSi0 3 .3Al 2 3 .lK0.3HO 6..3Si0 2 .lAl 4 3 .M 2 0.1H 2 = M denotes potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, &c. AGAR-AGAR AGARICUS. 61 2. Hydrated silicates of aluminium. a. 9Si0 2 .2Al 4 O s .6H 2 = 3Si0 3 .lAP0 3 .3HO b. 15Si0 2 .4Al 4 3 .4H 2 = 58iO t .24PO t .ZHO 3. Hydrated silicates of magnesium : 15Si0 2 .12Mg 2 0.4H 2 = 5Si0 3 .QMg0.2HO There are also several European minerals which in composition and physical cha- racter closely resemble the Chinese agalmatolites. 4. Agalmatolite from Magyag in Hungary has the same composition as the Chinese mineral, 1, a. 5. Agalmatolite, from Ochsenkopf in the Saxon Harz, and Orikosin from Posseggen in Salzburg, have a composition expressed by the formula : 9Si0 2 .3Al 4 3 .2M 2 0.3H 2 = 6Si0 3 .3Al 2 3 .2M0.3HO. 6. Mother of Diaspore, a mineral in which the diaspore of Schemnitz in Hungary is intergrown, has the composition 2, a above. 7. Parophite from Canada has a composition corresponding to the formula : 9Si0 2 .3Al 4 O s .3M 2 0.4fH 2 = 6Si0 3 .3AP0 3 .MOAHO 8. Dysyntribite, from Diana and other localities in St. Lawrence county, New York, appears also to have a constitution resembling that of the agalmatolites. 9. Kaolin, which is a hydrated silicate of aluminium, containing (2Si0 2 .Al 4 3 .2H 2 0) = 4Si0 3 .3Al?0 3 .6HO, exactly resembles the agalmatolites in physical character. 10. Neolite, from Eisenach and other localities, containing 9Si0 2 .Al 4 O s .3M 2 O.H 2 = 6Si0 3 .lAF0 3 .3M0.1HO, also forms masses resembling agalmatolite. All these minerals have a specific gravity ranging from 2'75 to 2*85 ; rarely as high as 2'90. In hardness, they are intermediate between gypsum and calcspar. They are more or less translucent, unctuous to the touch, do not adhere to the tongue, and are easily carved and wrought. The true agalmatolites are 1, a; 4, 5, 6, and 7 : the rest may be regarded as allied species. (Handw. d. Chem. i. 375.) AGAPHITE. (See TURQUOISE.) AG AR-AG AR, or Bengal Isinglass : a dried sea -weed from Singapore, consisting of small transparent colourless strips, is almost completely soluble in water, and forms a large quantity of thick, tasteless, and odoiirless jelly. AGARICIW. (See AMANITIN.) AGARICUS. A genus of the order Fungi. Many fungi, especially of the genus Agaricus are commonly used as food, and it is remarkable that the amount of nitrogen contained in their dried substance exceeds that in peas and beans, which are generally regarded as the most nutritious of all articles of food. The following table exhibits the percentage of nitrogen and of ash in various species of fungi, as determined by Schlossberger andDoppi ng (Ann. Ch. Pharm. lii. 106 to 120). The plants were dried at 100 C. The quantity of water averaged about 90 per cent. Nitrogen. Ash. Agaricus deliciosus .... 4-68 6-9 arvensis 7-26 glutinosus . . . ,4'61 russula . . . . . . 4-25 cantharellus . . . . 3'22 muscarius . . . .6-34 Boletus aurens 4-7 Ly coper don echinatum . . . .6*16 Polyporus fomentarius .... 4-46 D&dalea quercina 3-19 19-82 4-8 9-5 11-2 9-0 6-80 6-2 3-0 The ash contains a large proportion of phosphates. The solid tissue of fungi, for- merly regarded as a peculiar substance, fungin, is nothing but cellulose: it may be ex- tracted by treating the fungi successively with water, weak soda-ley, hydrochloric acid, and alcohol Agarics were found by Schlossberger and Dopping to contain mannite and fermentable sugar, but no starch. The acid contained in agarics and other fungi was formerly supposed to be of peculiar nature, and called boletic cxfungic acid; but it has been shown by Bolley and Dessaignes that many agarics contain fumaric acid, some- times associated with malic, citric, and phosphoric acid. 62 AGATE AGROSTEMMINE. AGARXC17S XtfXXTERAXiXS, the mountain milk, or mountain meal, of the Ger- mans, is one of the purest of the native carbonates of lime, found chiefly in the clefts of rocks, and at the bottom of some lakes, in a loose or semi-indurated form. The name of mineral agaric, or fossil meal, was also applied by Fabroni to a stone of a loose consistence found in Tuscany in considerable abundance, of which bricks maybe made, either with or without the addition of a twentieth part of clay, so light as to iloat in water, and which he supposes the ancients used for making their floating bricks, This, however, is very different from the preceding, not being even of the calcareous ;enus, since it appears, on analysis, to be a hydrated silicate of magnesium mixed with id a small quantity of iron. Kirwan calls it argillo- alumina, and a small quantity of iron. Kirwan calls it argillo-murite. AGATE. A mineral, whose basis is calcedony, blended with variable proportions of jasper, amethyst, quartz, opal, heliotrope, and carnelian. Ribbon agate consists of alternate and parallel layers of calcedony with jasper, or quartz, or amethyst. The most beautiful comes from Siberia and Saxony. It occurs in porphyry and gneiss. Brccciatcd agate ; a base of amethyst, containing fragments of ribbon agate, constitutes this beautiful variety ; it is of Saxon origin. Fortification agate, is found in nodules of various imitative shapes, imbedded in amygdaloid. This occurs at Oberstein on the Ehine, and in Scotland. On cutting it across and polishing it, the interior zig-zag parallel lines bear a considerable resemblance to the plan of a modern fortification. In the very centre, quartz and amethyst are seen in a splintery mass, surrounded by the jasper and calcedony. Mocha stone. Translucent calcedony, containing dark outlines of arborisation, like vegetable filaments, is called Mocha stone, from the place, in Arabia, where it is chiefly found. These curious appearances were ascribed to deposits of iron or manganese, but more lately they have been thought to arise from mineralised plants of the cryptogamous class. Moss agate, is a calcedony with variously coloured ramifi- cations of a vegetable form, occasionally traversed with irregular veins of red jasper. Dr. M'Culloch has detected, what Daubenton merely conjectured, in mocha and moss agates, aquatic confervse, unaltered both in colour and form, and also coated with iron oxide. Mosses and lichens have also been observed, along with chlorite, in vegetations. An onyx agate set in a ring, belonging to the Earl of Powis, contains the chrysalis of a moth. Agate is found in most countries, chiefly in trap rocks and serpentine. Hollow nodules of agate, called geodes, present interiorly crystals of quartz, colourless or amethystine, having occasionally scattered crystals of stilbite, chabasite, and capillary mesotype. These geodes are very common. Bitumen has been found by M. Patrin in the inside of some of them, among the hills of Dauria, on the right bank of the Chilca. The small geodes of volcanic districts occasionally contain water in their cavities. These are chiefly found in insulated blocks of a lava having an earthy fracture. When they are cracked, the liquid escapes by evaporation ; it is easily re- stored by plunging them for a little in hot water. Agates are artificially coloured by immersion in metallic solutions. Agates were more in demand formerly than at present. They were cut into cups and plates for boxes ; and also into cutlass and sabre handles. They are still cut and polished on a considerable scale and at a moderate price, at Oberstein. The surface to be polished is first coarsely ground by large millstones of a hard reddish sandstone, moved by water. The polish is afterwards given on a wheel of soft wood, moistened and imbued with a fine powder of a hard red tripoli found in the neighbourhood. M. Faujas thinks that this tripoli is produced by the decomposi- tion of the porphyrated rock which serves as a gangue to the agates. The ancients employed agates for making cameos (see CALCEDONY). Agate mortars are valued by analytical chemists, for reducing hard minerals to an impalpable powder. The oriental agate is almost transparent, and of a vitreous appearance. The occiden- tal is of various colours, and often veined with quartz or jasper. It is mostly found in small pieces covered with a crust, and often running in veins through rocks like flint and petrosilex, from which it does not seem to differ greatly. Agates are most prized when the internal figure nearly resembles some animal or plant. U. AGEX>O*XXi. A name applied by Caventou to a crystaltisable substance obtained from liquorice-root ; identical with asparagin. (Henry and Plisson.) AGNESXTE. Syn. with BISMUTITE. AGROSTEAHHIVTE. A crystalline basic substance obtained from the seeds of the corn-cockle (Agrostemma Githago). The seeds are exhausted with weak alcohol acidulated with acid ; the acid is concentrated by evaporation and mixed with magnesia; and the dried precipitate is treated with alcohol. Agrostemmin crystallises in pale yellow scales which are but slightly soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol, to which they impart an alkaline reaction. It is decomposed by boiling potash, with evolution of ammonia. AIR ALANINE. 63 The sulphate, chloro-aurate and chloroplatinate of agrostemmine are crystallisable ; the phosphate forms a bulky precipitate. (Schulze, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvm. 350.) AIKINITE. Syn. with ACICITLITE. AIR. The term "air" (Latin, aer) is now exclusively employed to denote the com- ponent gases of the earth's atmosphere. Amongst the older writers on science, we find the word "air" made use of to designate the gaseous or aeriform condition of a body ; thus carbonic acid gas was called "fixed air," hydrochloric acid gas "marine acid air, hydrogen gas " inflammable air," &c. (See ATMOSPHERE.) A JUG A REPTAHTS (Creeping Bugle). (Handw. d.Chem.i. 385.) This plant, grown on the even ground of the Lechthal, yielded, when gathered in the beginning of June, 84-3 p.c. water, and 10'4 p.c. ash (a) ; that which grew on the chain of hills ad- joining the valley, yielded at the end of June, 81-6 p.c. water and 9'5 p.c. ash (6). Potash 37*31 36-39 Soda , Lime 23-73 Magnesia 10'70 Sesquioxide of iron . . . 279 Manganoso-manganic oxide . . trace Phosphoric anhydride . . 5*46 Sulphuric . . . 3/63 Chloride of potassium . . o'04 Chloride of sodium .... 2'66 Silica. .... 8-61 4-81 15-70 5-43 1-70 2-29 5-51 3-68 2-78 21-71 AKANTXCON. (See EPIDOTE.) AKCETHXar. (See ACETONE.) AKIKXTE. (See ACHMITE.) AK.OKTTITE. A variety of arsenical pyrites. AXiABANDXN. (See MANGANESE-GLANCE.) AXiAB ASTER. Granular gypsum, Albatre gypseux. The technical name for granular gypsum or sulphate of calcium. Alabaster is among the several varieties of gypsum what marble is among carbonates of calcium, and like marble is used for sculp- ture, especially for objects of small dimensions. The hard, fine-grained, snow-white, translucent alabaster from Volterra near Florence, is especially valued for these purposes. AX.AX.XTE. (See DIOPSIDE.) AXiAXOrxWE. C'IFNO 8 . (A. Strecker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxv. 29; Grin. ix. 434 ; G-erh.i. 678.) An organic base obtained by heating aldehyde-ammonia with hydrocyanic acid in presence of excess of hydrochloric acid. C 2 H 3 2 .NH* + CNH + HC1 + H 2 = C'H'NO 2 + NH'Cl. To prepare it, an aqueous solution of 2 pts. aldehyde-ammonia is mixed with aqueous hydrocyanic acid containing 1 pt. of the anhydrous acid, hydrochloric acid is added in excess, and the mixture is boiled and afterwards evaporated to dryness over the water-bath. The residue consisting of hydrochlorate of alanine and a large quantity of sal-ammoniac, is digested in a little cold water, which leaves the greater part of the sal-ammoniac undissolved ; the solution of hydrochlorate of alanine is boiled with hydrate of lead, added in small portions as long as ammonia continues to escape ; the liquid is filtered ; and the dissolved lead is precipitated from the solution by sulphu- retted hydrogen. The filtered liquid yields crystals of alanine by evaporation, and an additional quantity may be obtained from the mother-liquor by addition of alcohol. Another and better method is to treat the mixture of hydrochlorate of alanine and sal-ammoniac with alcohol and ether, in which the former only is readily soluble, con- centrate the solution by evaporation, and remove the hydrochloric acid by boiling with hydrate of lead. Properties. Alanine crystallises on cooling from a hot saturated solution in colour- less needles having the form of oblique rhombic prisms united in tufts. They have a pearly lustre, are hard, and grate between the teeth. At 200, it sublimes and falls down again in fine snowy crystals ; when rapidly heated, it melts and suffers partial decomposition. It dissolves in 4-6 pts. of water at 17, and in a smaller quantity of hot water ; it is very sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, and quite insoluble in ether. The aqueous solution has a sweet taste, does not affect vegetable colours, and forms no precipitates with any of the ordinary reagents. Alanine is isomeric with urethane, lactamide, and sarcosine ; from the two former it is distinguished by not melting below 100 ; from the last by being soluble in water, and by its behaviour with metallic oxides. 64 ALANINE-ALBUM GR^ECUM. Decompositions. Alanine is not altered by boiling with dilute acids, or with alkalis. It dissolves in strong sulphuric acid, and the solution does not blacken on boiling. Fused with hydrate of potassium, it gives off hydrogen and ammonia, and yields cyanide and acetate of potassium. When its aqueous solution is boiled with peroxide of lead, it is resolved into aldehyde, carbonic anhydride, and ammonia : CH 7 N0 2 + = C 3 H 4 + CO 2 + NH 3 . The aqueous solution is also decomposed by nitrous acid, with evolution of nitrogen and formation of lactic acid : C S H 7 N0 2 + N0 2 H = C 3 H 6 S + 2N + H 2 0. Alanine. Nitrous Lactic acid. acid. _ Compounds of Alanine. Alanine acts both as a base and as an acid. It unites directly with acids, and when boiled with metallic oxides forms compounds consisting of alanine with 1 atom of hydrogen replaced by a metal. With hydrochloric acid, it forms two compounds, viz. 2C 3 H 7 N0 2 .HC1, obtained by treating alanine with dry hydro- chloric acid gas, and C 3 H 7 N0 2 .HC1, produced by evaporating a solution of alanine in excess of hydrochloric acid. Both these compounds dissolve readily in water, sparingly ^in alcohol; the latter is very deliquescent, but may with some difficulty be obtained in crystals. On mixing a solution of alanine in hydrochloric acid with excess of bichloride of platinum, and evaporating, the chloroplatinate, 2C 3 H 7 N0 2 .HCl.PtCi ;i , crystallises in slender yellow needles, soluble in water and alcohol, and even in a mixture of alcohol and ether. Nitrate of alanine, C 3 H 7 N0 2 ,HN0 3 is obtained by evaporating a solution of alanine in dilute nitric acid, in long colourless needles, which deliquesce in damp air, and dissolve very readily in water, less in alcohol; at 100, they turn yellow and decompose. Sulphate of alanine is very soluble in water, and remains as a syrupy mass when its solution is evaporated ; it may be washed with cold alcohol. It is not precipitated from its aqueous solution by alcohol, but a mixture of ether and alcohol separates it in the form of a thick syrup. The copper-compound of alanine, 2C 3 JFCuN0 2 + H 2 crystallises from a solution of alanine which has been boiled with cupric oxide, in dark blue needles and thicker rhombic prisms. It forms a dark blue solution in water, but is nearly insoluble in alcohol. The crystals remain unaltered at 100, but at 120 they give off water, and are reduced to C 3 H 6 CuN0 2 assuming at first a lighter blue colour, and afterwards crumbling to a bluish-white powder. The silver-compound, C 3 H 6 AgN0 2 , is obtained in a similar manner, and separates as the liquid cools, in small yellow needles united in hemispherical groups. They assume a darker colour when exposed to light, and also when heated to 100 in the moist state; but when dry they sustain that tempe- rature without alteration. A solution of nitrate of silver mixed with alanine, yields by spontaneous evaporation, colourless rhombic tables, which are decomposed by heat, with slight detonation, and leave a residue of spongy silver. A lead-compound, C 3 H 6 PbN0 2 .PbHO, is obtained in colourless glassy needles, by boiling protoxide of lead in aqueous alanine, and evaporating and cooling the solution. It is also pre- cipitated in radiating crystals, on mixing the aqueous solution with alcohol. The crystals dried over sulphuric acid, give off water and crumble to a powder which is no longer completely soluble in water. (See INULIN.) A white, crystalline, resinous substance extracted from gutta percha by alcohol or ether. It is best obtained by treating gutta percha with ether, and digest- ing the resulting extract with alcohol, which dissolves a yellow resin, and leaves a white substance to which Payen gives the name of alban. After recrystallisation from absolute alcohol, it forms a white pulverulent mass, which begins to melt at 100, is perfectly fluid and transparent between 175 and 180, and contracts strongly in cool- ing. It dissolves with facility in oil of turpentine, benzol, sulphide of carbon, ether, hot alcohol, and chloroform, and separates from the solutions in the crystalline form. The crystals are wetted by watery liquids. They exhibit with sulphuric acid the same reactions as native gutta percha. (Payen, Compt. rend. xxxv. 109.) AXiBENE. A name given by Volckel to a white substance which, according to his observations, remains undissolved when melam is boiled with water. Volckel assigns to this substance the composition C H 9 N 10 0* (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixii. 90). (See APOPHYLUTE.) Soda-felspar. (See FELSPAB.) ALBUM GRJECUIVT. An obsolete name for the excrements of the dog, formerly used as a remedy in medical practice. The substance contains about 79 per cent, of phosphate of calcium. ALBUMIN. 65 (Gerh. iv. 433 ; L eh m a nn, Physiological Chemistry i. 330; also Zoochemie in G-melin'sHandbuch, Bd. viii. Pelouze et Fremy, Traite deChimie generale, vi. 67.) Albumin is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of egg and of the serum of blood, and occurs in all those animal substances which supply the body or individual parts of it with the materials required for nutrition and renovation. It forms about 7 p. c. of blood and 12 p. c. of white of egg ; it is a principal constituent of chyle, lymph and of all serous fluids. It occurs also in the juice of flesh, in the brain, the pancreas, the amniotic liquid, and generally in a greater or smaller quantity in all the liquids (transudates) effused from the blood-vessels into the cellular tissues of the organs, into the cavities of the body, or on to the surface. It is found in the solid excrements of man and of other animals, the quantity in- creasing in disorders of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal. It is not found in normal urine, but is present in that liquid in many states of disease, espe- cially in affections of the respiratory organs, which interfere with the process of oxidation. Albumin exists in two very distinct modifications, viz. the soluble form, in which it always occurs in the animal body, and the insoluble form, into which it may be brought by the action of heat, as when white of egg or blood-serum is boiled. These two modifications of albumin are identical in chemical composition, the difference between them being due, partly, perhaps, to peculiarity of molecular aggregation, but chiefly to the presence of certain mineral salts which are always associated with the soluble variety. In fact, albumin does not occur in the animal body in the free state, but in the form of an alkaline albuminate ; white of egg, serum, and all liquids which contain albumin, leave, when incinerated, an ash chiefly consisting of alkaline carbonate. Insoluble albumin does not appear to exist in the living animal organism, unless indeed, fibrin may be regarded as coagulated albumin, which is by no means improbable, inasmuch as there is no exact method of distinguishing between the two. Preparation. Albumin may be prepared either from white of egg, or from blood- serum. White of egg consists of transparent thin-walled cellules, enclosing an alkaline solution of albuminate of sodium. On beating it up with water, the cellular sub- stance separates in pellicles, while the albuminate of sodium remains in solution, together with chloride of sodium and phosphate of calcium. To remove these mineral substances, the liquid, after being filtered from the cellular substance, is mixed with a small quantity of subacetate of lead, which produces an abundant precipitate (an excess of the lead-salt would redissolve it). The mass, after being washed, is stirred ' up with water to the consistence of a paste, and carbonic acid gas is passed through the liquid. The albuminate of lead is thereby decomposed, carbonate of lead remains suspended in the liquid, and the albumin in the free state remains dissolved. The solution is filtered through paper previously washed with dilute acid, and, as it still retains traces of lead, it is treated with a few drops of aqueous hydrosulphuric acid, and cautiously heated to 60, till it begins to show turbidity ; the first flocks of albumin thus precipitated carry down the whole of the sulphide of lead. When the liquid which after filtration is perfectly colourless, is evaporated in large capsules at 40, a residue is obtained consisting of pure soluble albumin (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 27). The same method applied to the albumin of blood-serum does not yield a pure product. To obtain pure albumin in the coagulated state, white of egg, diluted with an equal bulk of water, filtered, and reduced to its original volume by evaporation at 40, is mixed with a strong solution of potash, whereby it is soon converted into a translu- cent, yellowish elastic mass. This is divided into small portions and exhausted with cold water as long as the water removes any alkali, the whole being kept as much as possible from contact with the air. It is then dissolved in water or boiling alcohol, and the solution is precipitated by acetic or phosphoric acid. The precipitate, after washing, leaves no appreciable residue when incinerated. (Lieberkiihn.) Properties. Soluble albumin, dried in the air, forms a pale yellowish, translucent mass, easily triturated and reduced to a white powder. The specific gravity of the albumin of the hen's egg, from which the salts had not been removed, was found by C. Schmidt (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xi. 156-167), to be 1-3144, and after calculating for the elimination of the salts, the density of pure albumin was found to be T2617. It becomes electric by friction, and is tasteless, inodorous and neutral to vegetable colours. It swells in water, assuming a gelatinous appearance ; it does not dissolve freely in pure water, but very readily in water containing any alkaline salt. After being dried in vacuo, or at a temperature below 50, it may be heated to 100 with- out passing into the insoluble modification. Soluble albumin dried at 60 loses 4 p. c. water at 140, remaining, however, soluble in water. The aqueous solution of albumin deviates the plane polarisation of a ray of light to the loft. It becomes opaline at 60, begins to deposit the albumen at 61 to 63, VOL. I. F 66 ALBUMIN. nnd at a temperature a little higher the whole coagulates in a mass. When very dilute, it becomes turbid without coagulating ; but if the liquid be then concentrated by evaporation, it deposits the albumin in pellicles or flocks. Coagulated albumin is white, opaque, elastic, and reddens litmus (Hruschauer, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlvi. 348). When dried, it assumes a yellow colour, and becomes brittle and translucent like horn. When immersed in water, after drying, it gra- dually absorbs about five times its weight of the liquid, and resumes its primitive consistence. When coagulated albumin is boiled in water for about 60 hours, it gradually dis- appears, being transformed into a substance soluble in water, and consisting, ac- cording to Mulder and Baumhauer (J. pr. Chem. xx. 346 ; xxxi. 295), of trioxide of protein, C^H^N^ 8 (C = 50-98 p. c. ; H = 6-69; and S = 5'01 ; N = 27'32). Coagulated albumin, heated to 150 with a small quantity of water in a sealed tube, gradually forms a limpid solution, which has no longer the property of coagulating by heat. (L. Gmelin.) Albumin is insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Strong alcohol added in large excess, precipitates albumin from its aqueous solution in the same state as when it is coagulated by heat; but the precipitate produced by a small quantity of weak alcohol redissolves completely in water. When alcohol is added to a somewhat dilute solution of albumin, so as to render it slightly opaline, the liquid after a while, solidifies in a jelly, which, however, is again liquefied by heat. Coagulated serum, or white of egg, may be made to dissolve in alcohol by the addition of a little alkali. (Scherer.) Ether shaken up with a solution of albumin coagulates but a small portion of it ; if, however, the albuminous solution is concentrated, it thickens so much as to appear coagulated. Albumin is not acted upon by oils either fixed or volatile. Nearly all acids precipitate albumin from its solutions. Nitric acid precipitates it with peculiar facility, and may therefore be used as a test of the presence of soluble albumin. Strong hydrochloric acid aided by heat dissolves coagulated albu- min, forming a blue or violet solution, which turns brown when boiled in an open vessel, and according to Bopp (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixix. 30) yields chloride of am- monium, leucine, tyrosine, and other products of unknown composition. With aqua regia, albumin yields both chlorinated and nitro-compounds. Strong sulphuric acid coagulates albumin by the heat which is evolved when the " two liquids come in contact. Dilute sulphuric acid precipitates albumin after some time only, not however combining with it, as the acid may be completely removed from the precipitate by washing. Tribasic phosphoric acid, acetic, tartaric, and most other organic acids do not form precipitates in moderately concentrated solutions, of albumin ; but when either of these acids is added in excess to a highly^ concentrated solution of serum or white of egg, the liquid solidifies in the cold to a jelly which liquefies like gelatin when heated, and again forms a gelatinous mass on cooling. The aqueous solution of this jelly remains perfectly transparent when boiled, but it is precipitated by a neutral salt of either of the alkali-metals. (Lieberkiihn.) When a small quantity of acetic acid is added to white of egg or serum, so as just to saturate the alkali, and the liquid is then largely diluted with water, flocks of albumin are deposited after awhile. If the supernatant liquid be then decanted, and the precipitate treated with a small quantity of solution of nitre or common salt, it immediately dissolves, and the solution is coagulated by boiling. (Scherer.) Serum or white of egg mixed with a certain quantity of common salt or other salt of an alkali-metal, forms a liquid precipitable by phosphoric, acetic, tartaric, oxalic, lactic acid, &c. Conversely, a solution of albumin (or other albuminoidal sub- stance) in acetic acid is precipitated by the salts of the alkali-metals. The precipi- tation is greatly facilitated by heat, and likewise takes place with greater facility as the proportion of salt added is greater. The precipitate dissolves in pure water, with greater facility in proportion as less heat has been applied in producing it ; the solution is not coagulated by heat. It is soluble also in acetic acid, phosphoric acid, and even in alcohol, provided it has not been altered by desiccation, or by contact with the air. The aqueous solution is precipitated by certain salts, ferro- cyanide of potassium, for example. Dried soluble albumin suspended in acetic, tartaric, or citric acid, swells up and is converted into coagulated albumin, which may be completely freed from acid by washing. Acetic, tartaric, and tribasic phosphoric acid dissolve coagulated albumin when heated with it. Arsenious acid does not combine with albumin. Chlorine and bromine precipitate albumin. Alkalis do not in general precipitate albumin from its solutions ; but a strong solution of potash added in considerable quantity to a solution of albumin, forms a ALBUMIN. 67 gelatinous mass of albuminate of potassium. Dilute solutions of potash and soda mix with albumin in all proportions, and on boiling the liquid, an alkaline sulphide is formed. When albumin is heated with hydrate of potassium melted in its water of crystallisation, the water being renewed as it evaporates, ammonia and hydrogen are evolved, leucine and tyrosine are produced, together with oxalate, butyrate valerate, &c. of potassium. Alkaline carbonates added to a solution of albumin prevent its coagulation by heat. Coagulated albumin digested at a gentle heat with neutral carbonate or acid carbonate of sodium, displaces the carbonic acid, and forms with the alkali a compound, which, after washing, is perfectly neutral to test paper, but leaves when incinerated a considerable quantity of alkaline carbonate. Albumin subjected to dry distillation yields water, carbonate of ammonium, hydrosulphate of ammonium, volatile alkalis of undetermined composition, empyreu- matic oils, &c. Coagulated albumin putrifies when left in contact with water, yielding valeric and butyric acids, a crystalline body having a penetrating odour, an oily acid, and a substance which dissolves in hydrochloric acid, producing a liquid of beautiful violet colour and yielding tyrosine, together with other products (Bopp, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixix. 30). The oxygen of the air has no action on serum or white of egg. Recently extracted serum left for a fortnight in contact with oxygen in a tube standing over mercury absorbs but a very small quantity of the gas, and does not form carbonic acid. Albumin distilled with a mixture of peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid yields acetic, propionic, butyric, and benzoic aldehydes, together with formic, acetic, butyric, valeric, and benzoic acids, and probably also propionic and caproic acids. Nearly the same products are obtained by distilling albumin with sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium, this mixture yielding in fact, hydrocyanic acid, a heavy oil having the odour of cinnamon, cyanide of tetryl (valeronitrile), also . benzoic, acetic and butyric acids, with small quantities of formic, caproic and propionic acids, and of benzoic and propionic aldehydes (Gruckelberger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiv. 39). Al- bumin does not decompose oxygenated water. Composition of Albumin. Albumin obtained from various animal fluids exhibits the same composition, as shown by the following analyses : From White of Egg. Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Sulphur "Wurtz's analysis was made with soluble, the rest with coagulated albumin. Mulder supposes that albumin contains also 0*4 per cent, phosphorus. Most of the preparations with which the above analyses were made, contained small quantities of phosphorus in the form of phosphate of calcium. From Blood-serum. ' Dumas ^ Mulder. Scherer. and Cahours. Rilling. Wurtz. Liebeikuhn. . 53-4 . . 54-3 . . 53-4 . . 53-4 . . 52-9 . . 53-3 . 7-0 . . 7-1 . . 7-1 . . 7'0 . . 7'2 . . 7-1 . 157 . . 15-9 . . 15-8 . . . 15-6 . . 15-7 . . . . . 22-1 1-7 to 1-8 . 1-8 Dumas and Cahours. Mulder. Ruling. Scherer. Carbon 53-3 53-5 . . 53-4 53-1 54-5 Hydrogen 7-1 7-3 . . 7-1 7-0 7-0 Nitrogen 157 15-8 . . 15-6 . . 157 Oxygen . Sulphur . .'.' .' .' 1-3 1*3 Mulder supposes that blood-albumin contains also 0*3 per cent, phosphorus. Ruling found the amount of sulphur in eight analyses to vary from 1-29 to 1*39 per cent. Scherer. Weidenbusch. Baumhauer. a b c rf e Carbon 54-2 . . 54-1 . . 54-0 . . 53-3 . . 54-3 Hydrogen . Nitrogen 7-1 . . 15-5 . . 7-2 . . 15-8 . . 7-0 15-8 . . 7-0 .. . . 157 . . 7'1 15-8 Sulphur a from a hydrocele ; b from a congestion-abscess ; c from pus ; d from flesh of poultry ; e from the flesh of fish. From these and other analyses, Liebig deduces the formula C 2 ' 6 H 338 N 5I S 3 68 Mulder, c > H m N *2 S0 8o. Lieberkiihn, C"H I1 *N 18 S0 22 . Each of these formulae gives numbers F 2 68 ALBUMIN. agreeing nearly with the analytical results. Mulder regards albumin as a compound of (hypothetical) protein with (hypothetical) sulphamide, viz. : C 90 H 139 N 22 S0 80 = 5C 18 H 27 N 4 8 + N-II 4 S Protein. Sulphamide. Liebig's formula is intended merely to express in a simple form certain relations between albumin and other animal substances. Lieberkiihn, on the other hand, regards his formula as actually expressing the composition of the molecule of albumin as it exists in the metallic albuminates (q. v.) According to Lebonte and Groumoens ( J. Pharm. [3] xxiv. 17) albumin is not a pure proximate element, but a mixture of two bodies, one of which is insoluble in glacial acetic acid, while the other dissolves in that acid and is precipitated therefrom by potash. The properties of albumin vary in some degree with the source from which it is derived. The differences may in some cases be attributed to the presence of different mineral substances ; but in others they are of such a nature as rather to point to the existence of different modifications of albumin. Thus, Fremy and Valen- ciennes have found (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] 1. 138) that the albumin of the eggs of certain tribes of birds exhibits peculiar modifications. That from the eggs of different species of gallinaceous birds always exhibits the characters above described ; but the eggs of swimming and wading birds yield an albumin which, when diluted with 3 measures of water, is not coagulated by heat, but is precipitated by nitric acid ; and the albumin from the eggs of predaceous birds, and of some kinds of perching and climbing birds is neither coagulated by heat nor precipitated by nitric acid. The composition was, however, found to be the same in all cases. Blood-albumin exhibits the same reactions as that from white of egg, excepting that the latter when boiled gives up part of its sulphur in the form of sulphuretted hydrogen, which blood-albumin does not ; nevertheless coagulated white of egg appears to contain more sulphur than blood-albumin. Paralbumin. Scherer found in a liquid obtained from a case of ovarian dropsy, a substance resembling albumin, but differing from it in not being completely preci- pitated by ebullition, even after addition of acetic acid, and in dissolving in water after being precipitated by alcohol. Metalbumin is the name given by the same chemist to another supposed modification of albumin, likewise obtained from a pa- thological fluid, which exhibited similar peculiarities to the preceding, and was further distinguished by giving no precipitate with hydrochloric acid, or with ferro- cyanide of potassium after acidulation with acetic acid. Other substances more or less resembling albumin are : globulin or crystallin existing in blood-globules and in the crystalline lens of the eye ; hcematocrystattin, a crystalline body obtained from blood, and vitellin, existing in the yolk of eggs (see these substances). Quantitative Estimation of Albumin. The best mode of precipitating albumin from alkaline liquids (serum, for example), for quantitative estimation, is to neutralise or slightly acidulate the liquid with acetic acid, and then coagulate the albumin by boiling. The precipitate thus obtained is flocculent and may be easily collected on a filter and washed, the liquid passing through perfectly 1 clear, whereas if the albumin be 'coagulated by heat alone, it is very apt to clog the filter. Another reason for using the acetic acid is, that mere boiling does not precipitate the albumin completely from alkaline solutions. The precipitated albumin, after being thoroughly washed, may be dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid or in a current of warm air. Uses of Albumin. Albumin is much used for clarifying vinous and syrupy liquids, inasmuch as, when boiled with them, it coagulates, and takes hold of the colouring matter and other impurities, thereby removing them, and carrying them to the bottom or to the surface of the liquid, according to its density. In cookery, white of egg is employed for this purpose, but in large operations, such as sugar-refining, the serum of blood is used. Albumin is applied to a considerable extent for fixing colours in calico-printing ; it is also used in photography. Its property of forming a hard compound with lime renders it very useful for making cement for laboratory pur- poses and for mending broken earthenware. A paste made of white of egg and slaked lime, acquires after a while the hardness of stone. ALBUMINATES. (Lassaigne, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Ixiv. 90 ; Lieberkiihn, J. Pharm. [3] xxxiii. 398 ; Lehmann, Physiol. Chem. i. 332; Grerh. iv. 447.) Albumin is a weak acid, and apparently dibasic. Its compounds with the alkalis are soluble and are obtained directly by treating albumin with caustic alkalis or alkaline carbonates. The other albuminates are insoluble and are obtained bv precipitation. Albuminate of Barium, C 72 H MI BaN li) S0 22 + IPO (?) A solution of albuminate ALBUMIN. 69 of potassium in dilute alcohol forms with barium-salts, a precipitate which, dries up to a white powder, insoluble in water, alcohol and ether. White of egg mixed with caustic baryta, strontia or lime, forms an insoluble compound, which becomes very hard when dry. Albuminate of Copper, C 72 H 1IO Cu 2 N 18 S0 82 + H 2 (?) Obtained in like manner forms when dry, a green, brittle mass, insoluble in water and alcohol. Acids deco- lorise, but do not dissolve it (Lieberkiihn). According to Lassaigne, double albu- minates of copper with potassium, or barium, or calcium, may be obtained by heating hydrate of copper with solution of albumin and solution of potash, baryta or lime. There is also an albuminate of copper and magnesium which is insoluble and has a lilac colour. Albuminate of Lead is a white insoluble salt, obtained by mixing the solution of albumin and subacetate of lead ; it is soluble in excess of the lead-salt, and is decom- posed by all acids. Mercuric Albuminate is a white substance obtained by precipitating corrosive sublimate with albuminate of sodium (white of egg). It is insoluble in pure water, but soluble in saline liquids ; for this reason, when white of egg is \ised as an antidote in cases of poisoning by corrosive sublimate, endeavours should always be made to produce vomiting ; otherwise a portion of the mercuric albuminate may remain dissolved in the gastric juice, which contains chloride of sodium. Albuminate of Potassium, C 72 H 110 K-N 18 SO- 2 + H 2 0. Prepared by mixing a con- centrated solution of white of egg with strong potash-ley, and washing the result ing gelatinous mass with cold water, as long as any alkali dissolves out, then dissolving the residue in boiling alcohol, and precipitating by ether. After drying, it is no longer soluble in boiling alcohol or in water. The aqueous solution is not coagulated by boiling or by addition of alcohol. With a small quantity of acetic, tartaric, citric or phosphoric acid, it yields an abundant white precipitate easily soluble in excess of acid. These characters are the same as those of casein ; hence, Gerhardt considers it probable that casein may be really albuminate of potassium. Albuminate of Sodium is contained in blood-serum and in white of egg, together with chloride of sodium and phosphate of calcium. Serum and white of egg have a slight alkaline reaction, are more soluble in water than pure albumin, and when boiled, coagulate in a gelatinous mass, not in flakes. After boiling, the filtered liquid is more alkaline than before, and still contains albuminate of sodium, whereas the coagulum is free from alkali. Hence, Gerhardt thinks it probable that serum and white of egg contain an acid albuminate of sodium, C 72 H 1H NaN 18 S0 8 -, which is decomposed by heat into the neutral albuminate, and free albumin which separates from the liquid. This view is, moreover, in accordance with the composition of dried white of egg, which, according to Lehmann's analysis, contains 1-6 per cent. of soda, the formula C 72 H ni NaN 18 SO'- 2 + H 2 requiring 1-8 per cent. White of egg or serum treated with strong caustic soda, yields a gelatinous mass nearly insoluble in cold water, and closely resembling the compound produced under the same cir- cumstances by potash. This gelatinous salt appears to be the neutral albuminate of sodium, C 72 H 110 Na 2 N 18 S0 22 + H 2 0. It contains, according to Lehmann, 3'14 per cent. soda (by calculation 37). Albuminate of Silver, C 78 H 110 Ag 2 N 18 S0 22 + H 2 (?) Obtained by precipitation. White, flocculent, blackens when exposed to light. Albuminate of Zinc, C 72 H 110 Zn 2 N 18 S0 2 * + H*0 (?) White powder insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. , VEGETABLE. (Gerh. iv. 444; Handw. d. Chem 2 te Aufl. ii. 147.) -7 Most vegetable juices contain a substance which appears to be identical in composition and properties with the albumin of blood or of white of egg. The same compound appears also to exist in the solid form in certain parts of plants, especially in the seed. Vegetable juices containing albumin deposit it, when heated to 65 or 70, in flocks, which are often coloured greenish by chlorophyll, and contain tatty and waxy substances mechanically enclosed. To remove these matters, the coagulum must be washed, first with water, then with boiling alcohol and with ether. Albumin is especially abundant in tbe juice of carrots, turnips, cabbages, and the green stems of peas, but it is more easily prepared from potatoes, by cutting them into Alices, covering them with very dilute sulphuric acid (of 2 p.c.), leaving the liquid to itself for 24 hours, then adding fresh potatoes, and repeating the same operation once more, afterwards neutralising the solution with potash, and boiling. A considerable quantity of albumin is then deposited in thick white flocks. Wheat-flour also contains a considerable quantity of albumin, which may be ex- tracted with cold water. For this purpose, the water which runs off in washing the paste of wheat-flour for the preparation of gluten (q. v.) is left at rest till the stai-ch F 3 70 ALBUMINOIDS. is completely deposited; the clear liquid is then heated to the boiling point, where- upon it deposits a small quantity of albumin ; on evaporating the solution a larger quan- tity is obtained. Oleaginous seeds likewise contain albumin, which may be extracted by beating the seeds with water into an emulsion, extracting the fat by agitation with ether, and the albumin by boiling. When sweet almonds which have been freed from their envelopes are reduced to a pulp by rasping, and the pulp is digested for a few minutes in boiling water, the sugar, gum, and the greater part of the legumin contained in the almonds enter into solution ; and on depriving the residue of fatty matter by means of ether, nothing is left but coagulated albumin, exhibiting the same characters as coagulated white of egg. a b c de Carbon . 54-0 . 637 . 51-9 to 52-0 . 53-1 . 52-0 Hydrogen . 7'8 . 7'1 . 6-9 . 7-0 . 7*2 . 6-8 Nitrogen . 15'8 . 157 . 18-4 ......... Oxygen .......... ...... Sulphur ............. 0-97 . 079 . 1-0 . 077 a, albumin from rye,analysed by Jones (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xl. 66) ; b, from wheat- flour, by Dumas and C ah onrs (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] vi. 309); c, from wheat-flour byBoussingault (ibid. [2] Ixiii. 225); d, from potatoes by Killing (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iviii. 306) ; e, from peas by Killing; /, g, from rye, by Mulder. Vegetable albumin is distinguished from legumin (vegetable casein) by being coagulated by heat, and not precipitated by acetic acid. It exhibits the same re- actioHS as animal albumin with acids, alkalis, tannin, chloride of mercury, &c. The mode of its occurrence differs, however, remarkably from that of animal albumin in this respect, that it is always found in plants in neutral or acid liquids, whereas animal albumin exists only in alkaline liquids (p. 25). The albumin of sweet almonds is remarkable for the facility with which it decom- poses, and by its property of acting as a ferment, and determining the metamorphosis of amygdalin, salicin, and other organic bodies. This altered albumin is distinguished by the terms emulsion and synaptase (q. v.~) The myrosin of mustard-seeds likewise resembles vegetable albumin. Lastly, the diastase of germinated barley, beer-yeast, and wine-lees are likewise albuminoidal substances in a state of alteration. . Oonin. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. i. 404.) The name given by Couerbe to the substance of the cells which enclose the white of birds' eggs. It is obtained by exposing white of egg for a month to temperature between and 8, in the form of a white filmy substance, which when dried is white, translucent in thin laminae and easily friable. It does not contain nitrogen, and consequently does not evolve ammonia when heated. It is insoluble in water, whether hot or cold, but swells up in hot water, forming a gummy mass. It is not acted upon by alcohol, ether, or acetic acid. Nitric and sulphuric acids decompose it. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid, and on adding water to the solution, a white powder is precipitated. It dis- solves in caustic potash, forming a solution which is rendered turbid by acids, but not precipitated. ALBUMINOIDS. Protein-compounds. Blutbilder. (Gerh. iv. 430 ; Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 120.) This term is applied to a class of compounds which play an important part in the functions of animal and vegetable life. Three of them, albumin, casein, and. fibrin are distinguished by well-marked characters. Fibrin separates spontaneously in t,he solid form from blood, soon after its removal from the living body ; albumin is contained in the serum or more liquid portion of the blood, and separates from it as a coagulum on the application of heat; and casein is contained in milk, from which it may be separated, not by heat, but by the addition of an acid. The same substances are found in plants, viz. fibrin, in the grain of wheat and other cereal plants ; albumin in most vegetable juices, and casein (or legumin) in the seeds of the pea, bean and other leguminous plants. The other bodies of this class are less distinctly characterised ; indeed, most of them appear to be mere modifications of the one or other three above-mentioned : thus, syntonin, 'the essential constituent of the muscular fibre, closely resembles blood-fibrin ; vik llin, a substance occurring in the yolk of eggs, is scarcely distin- guishable from albumin ; and f/ and hfematocn/stallin, two substances con- tained in the blood, resemble albumin in the property of coagulating by heat. Moreover, albumin, fibrin, and casein, though clearly distinguished from one another by the different conditions under which they pass from the liquid to the ALBUMINOIDS. 71 solid state, nevertheless possess many characters in common. They all dissolve in caustic potash or soda, and when boiled with those alkalis, yield solutions from which acids precipitate them in a more or less altered state, and at the same time eliminate hydrosulphuric acid. When subjected to diy distillation, they all give off ammonia (or compound ammonias). They all decompose and putrefy with great facility when ex- posed to moist air, and in that form are very active as ferments ; thus, yeast, wine-less, diastase, &c., are merely albuminoidal substances in a peculiar state of decomposition. All albuminoids treated with oxidising agents, such as mixtures of peroxide of manganese or acid chromate of potassium and sulphuric acid, yield the same products, viz. acids and aldehydes of the acetic and benzoic series (see AXBUMIN, p. 67). Albu- minoids dissolve in very strong hydrochloric acid, forming a solution which is yellow if kept from contact with the air, but assumes a fine blue or violet colour on exposure to the air. A solution of mercury in an equal weight of nitric acid imparts to these bodies a very deep red colour, this test serving to detect the presence of 1 part of albumin in 100,000 parts of water. All the albuminoids exhibit the same or nearly the same constitution. In the living organism, albumin, fibrin, and casein are constantly being converted one into the other. The casein of milk supplies the material for the formation of albumin and fibrin ; and conversely, albumin and fibrin are converted into casein. Indeed, the analyses of different bodies of the class do not differ from one another more than analyses of the same body from different sources or by different experimenters. They contain 50 to 54 p. c.- carbon, about 7 p. c. hydrogen, 15 to 17 p. c. nitrogen, about 25 p. c. oxygen, and from 0*9 to 1 P 8 sulphur. According to some analyses, however, fibrin contains rather less carbon and more nitrogen than albumin. Albumin and fibrin have been supposed by some chemists to contain also a small quantity of phosphorus as an organic constituent, but its existence is not well established. Most albuminoids are associated with small quantities of mineral substances, including phosphate of cal- cium, which cannot be separated from the organic matter by acids. This great similarity of composition and properties exhibited by these bodies has led to various views of the relation between them. Mulder supposed that all the albuminoids contain the same organic group, C 18 H 27 N 4 6 , which he called protein, combined with different quantities of sulphur and phosphorus, and that the con- version of one of these bodies into the other depends upon the assumption or elimina- tion of small quantities of one or both of those elements (see PROTEIN). Mulder also stated, that when an albuminoid is treated with caustic alkali, the sulphur and phosphorus are removed and the protein remains. The researches of other chemists have shown, however, that this view is untenable. Neither of the albuminoids contains phosphorus, and the proportion of sulphur appears to be the same in them all : at all events, fibrin and egg-albumin, which perhaps exhibit the greatest dif- ference of physical and chemical properties, do not differ perceptibly in amount of sulphur. Moreover, the sulphur of albuminoids cannot be completely extracted by the action of alkalis, so that the existence of the so-called protein is merely hypothetical. Gerhardt was of opinion that all the albuminoids are identical, not only in com- position, but in chemical constitution, and that they differ from one another only in molecular arrangement, and by the nature of the mineral substances with which they are associated ; in fact, that they contain a common proximate element which, like many other organic compounds, is capable of existing in a soluble and in an insoluble modification. Designating this common element by the name albumin, he sup- posed that white of egg and serum consist of acid albuminate of sodium (p. 99), which is separated by heat into free albumin and neutral albuminate of sodium, the latter remain- ing dissolved ; that casein, which is soluble and non-coagulated by heat, consists of neutral albuminate of potassium, from which the organic compound may be precipitated by neutralising the alkali with an acid ; and that fibrin is albumin in the insoluble state, more or less mixed with earthy phosphates. This view is in accordance with the fact that fibrin and casein may be dissolved in neutral potassium-salts (better with addi- tion of a little caustic alkali), forming a liquid which coagulates by heat, and deflects the plane of polarisation of a luminous ray to the left, like albumin ; and that fibrin and albumin, dissolved in a certain quantity of caustic alkali, exhibit the characters of soluble casein. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain the albuminoids in some cases wholly, in others very nearly, free from mineral matters, and nevertheless exhibiting their _ distinguishing characteristics. Moreover, it is certain that all these bodies contain the same proportions of carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur. Strecker (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 124) supposes the albuminoids to be composed of a great number of radicles (a supposition in accordance with the variety of their products of decomposition) ; that the greater number of these radicles are the same in all hence their great similarity, but that each contains one or more such radicles peculiar to itself. Thus, when casein is converted in the animal body F 4 72 ALCOHOL. into albumin and fibrin, it may take the radicles required for that transformation from the other constituents of the milk, viz. the fat and the sugar. (See ALBUMIN, BLOOD, CASEIN, CRYSTALLINE, FIBRIN, GLOBULIN, H^EMATOCRYSTALLIN, LEGUMIN, MILK, VITELLIN.) AXiBUiraiXTOBZi. This term is applied by Bouchardat to a product of the decom- position of animal fibrin by very dilute hydrochloric acid (see FIBRIN), and by Mialhe, to a peculiar substance into which he supposes albumin to be converted by the action of the gastric juice before it is assimilated. ALC AR.R./V.ZAS. Very porous vessels of slightly burnt clay used in hot climates for cooling water and other liquids. The liquid oozes through the pores and stands on the outside of the vessel in a sort of dew, which rapidly evaporates, especially if the vessel is exposed to a current of air, and thereby cools the liquid. AIiCH&lVTIXiXiA VUXiCARIS. 100 pts. of the fresh plant contain, according to Sprengel : 76'0 pts. water, 10*3 pts. extractable by water, and 7 '8 by dilute potash- ley; 5-6 woody fibre and l - 66 ash free from carbonic acid. The ash contained in 100 pts. ; 30-5 potash, 2-4 soda, 33'6 lime, 4'9 magnesia, 0'9 alumina, 14-4 silica, 4-4 sulphuric anhydride, 5 '4 phosphoric anhydride, 3 '5 chlorine, and traces of the oxides of iron and manganese. ALCOHOL. C 2 H 6 = C 2 H 5 .H.O [or C 4 H0* = &IPO.HO.']. This compound, which is the spirituous or intoxicating principle of wine, beer, and other fermented liquors, may be regarded as the hydrate or hydrated oxide of ethyl, or as a molecule of water, HHO, in which half the hydrogen is replaced by the radicle ethyl, C' 2 H 5 . It has also been regarded as a compound of ethyl ene and water, C 2 H 4 .H 2 0. History. Intoxicating drinks produced by fermentation of vegetable juices contain- ing sugar, have been known from the earliest times ; but it was not till the twelfth century that the method of obtaining pure spirit of wine or hydrated alcohol from these liquids by distillation, was discovered by Abucasis ; and the dehydration of this liquid was first partially effected by means of carbonate of potassium by Eaimond Lullius in the thirteenth century. The mode of obtaining perfectly anhydrous alcohol was afterwards discovered by Lowitz. Formation. 1. By the decomposition of glucose (grape-sugar) under the influence of ferments, that is to say, of nitrogenous organic substances, such as yeast, which are themselves undergoing decomposition. The sugar is then resolved into alcohol and carbonic anhydride : C 6 H i2 6 = 2C-'H 6 + 2CO*. Other kinds of sugar, cane-sugar for example, as well as starch, woody fibre and other vegetable substances, also yield alcohol under the influence of ferments, but they are first converted into glucose. 2. From ethylene or olefiant gas, by addition of the elements of water : C 2 H 4 + H 2 = C 2 H 6 0. Olefiant gas briskly agitated for a long time with strong sulphuric acid, is absorbed, and on diluting the liquid with water and distilling, alcohol passes over. This mode of formation, first observed by Hennel (Phil. Trans. 1826, p. 240), haslately been con- firmed and fully examined by Berthelot(Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliii. 385). As olefiant gas can be obtained from inorganic materials, it follows that alcohol may be produced without the agency of living organisms. Preparation. 1. Of Hydrated or Aqueous Alcohol. When wine and other liquids which have undergone the vinous fermentation are distilled, alcohol passes over together with a considerable quantity of water ; and by subjecting the product to repeated dis- tillations, spirit is obtained continually richer in alcohol, because the alcohol, being more volatile than the water, passes over in larger quantity than the latter. But it is not possible to remove the whole of the water by simple distillation. The residue of the distillation, if continued long enough, is nothing but water containing small quan- tities of acetic acid (produced by oxidation of the alcohol) and fusel oil. Portions of these impurities also pass into the rectified spirit. The greater part of the acetic acid however, and a considerable portion of the fusel oil are left in the residues of the several distillations. The last portion of the acid is easily removed by distillation over a small quantity of carbonate of potassium or wood-ashes : and the fusel oil, which adheres more obstinately, and imparts a very unpleasant odour to the spirit, is best removed by adding to the spirit about 07 of its weight of coarsely powdered charcoal, leaving the mixture to stand for several days, and stirring it repeatedly, then decanting and distilling. Bone-black or blood-charcoal may also be used. 2. Of Anhydrous or Absolute Alcohol. Alcohol cannot be completely dehydrated by distillation, because, at the boiling-point of pure alcohol (78 C.), the vapour of water possesses a considerable tension. The most highly rectified spirit obtained by frac- ALCOHOL. 73 tional distillation, still retains about 9 per cent, of water. The last portions of water must be removed by the agency of some substance which has a powerful attraction for it. Carbonate of potassium, chloride of calcium, and quick lime, are the substances most commonly used for this purpose, more rarely acetate of potassium, sulphate of copper, and other salts. a. By Carbonate of Potassium. Highly rectified spirit is shaken up with ignited carbonate of potassium, which forms a watery or pasty layer at the bottom. The alcohol, whose density is thereby lowered to 0'815, is poured off into a distilling vessel containing twice the quantity of pulverised and recently ignited carbonate of potassium, left to stand for 24 hours, and then two-thirds of it are distilled off (Lowitz). This method does not however remove the last minute portions of water. b. A more com- plete dehydration is effected by chloride of calcium. The salt f used or dehydrated by a heat of 400 C. is added in thick lumps to twice its weight of spirit containing 90 per cent, of real alcohol ; and the mixture left for some days in a closed vessel and occa- sionally shaken up, after which it is distilled in a retort over a fresh quantity of fused chloride of calcium. The retort is heated in a sand or oil bath with its neck directed upwards to prevent the contents from spirting over. When the quantity of alcohol is large, a second treatment with chloride of calcium is necessary to effect complete dehydration. c. By Quick lime. A retort is two-thirds filled with small pieces of quick lime, and a quantity of 90 per cent, spirit poured in sufficient to nearly cover the lime. The lime soon slakes and becomes heated ; the mixture is left to digest for some hours ; and the anhydrous alcohol is then distilled off in the water-bath. The distillation must be care- fully conducted, otherwise the distillate will be contaminated with lime. Alcohol con- taining fusel oil acquires a very unpleasant odour when treated with lime. This is by far the easiest method of obtaining absolute alcohol. d. When aqueous alcohol is enclosed in a bladder, and exposed to warm air, the water gradually percolates through the bladder and evaporates, and absolute alcohol is left inside. (Sommering.) Alcohol may be regarded as anhydrous if sulphate of copper previously burnt white does not acquire any blue colour when immersed in the alcohol in a close vessel (Cas- soria), or if it forms a perfectly clear mixtxire with benzol (G-6'rgeu). It is doubtful however whether either of these tests will indicate the presence of a very minute quantity of water. Properties. Alcohol is a transparent, colourless, very mobile liquid, having a strong refracting power. Its specific gravity, according to Kopp (Pogg. Ann. Ixxii. 1), is 0792 at 20 ; or 07939 at 15-5, or 0-8095 at 0. If its volume at C. be taken for unity, the volume at any temperature t is given by the formula : v = 1 + 0-00104139* + 0-0000007836;! 2 + 0-000000017618* 3 . and therefore for the temperatures : ()C. 5C. 10 C. 15 C. 20 C. 25 C. 30 C. the volumes of a given quantity of alcohol are as the numbers : 1-00000 1-00523 1-01052 1-01585 1*02128 1-02680 1-03242 Alcohol has never been reduced to the solid state, but becomes viscid at very low temperatures, as when it is surrounded with a mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether under an exhausted receiver. It boils at 78'4C. (173'1 Fah.) when the baro- meter stands at 076 met. (G-ay-Lussac, Kopp.) Vapour-density = 1-613 (Gray- Lussac); by calculation, for a condensation to 2 volumes, it is 1-591 when referred to air as unity, and 23 when referred to hydrogen as unity [ - ^ = 23. ) Alcohol has an en-livening odoiir and a burning taste, and when unmixed with water exerts a poisonous action. It is a very slow conductor of electricity. Decompositions. 1. By Heat. Alcohol- vapour passed through a red-hot glass or por- celain tube yields carbonic anhydride, water, hydrogen, marsh-gas, olefiant gas, naphtha- lin, empyreumatic oil and a deposit of charcoal. If the tube be filled with fragments of pumice-stone, the solid and liquid products consist of nalphthalin. benzol, hydrate of phenyl, acetic acid (?) and aldehyde, together with a number of solid compounds of not very definite character, some of them smelling like musk, others like garlic (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiii. 285). Alcohol-vapour does not undergo decomposition at 300 C. in a tube containing fragments of porcelain, but gives off gas even at 220, if the tube contains spongy platinum. (Reiset andMillon, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] viii. 280.) 2. By Electricity. Absolute alcohol scarcely conducts the voltaic current, but when potash or potassium is dissolved in it, decomposition takes place, hydrogen being 74 ALCOHOL. evolved at the negative pole and aldehyde-resin formed at the positive pole. (Connell.) 3. By Oxygen. Alcohol is very inflammable, and burns in the air with a dull blue flame, yielding water and carbonic acid. It does not readily deposit soot, even when the supply of air is limited, but absolute alcohol deposits it more readily than ordinary spirit. Alcohol- vapour mixed with air explodes by contact with flame or by the electric spark. Imperfect Combustion. When alcohol or its vapour comes in contact with air, and at the same time with platinum or certain other metals, an imperfect oxidation of the alcohol takes place, the metal being generally heated to redness, and the alcohol being converted, partly into carbonic acid and water, partly into aldehyde, acetic acid, formic acid, acetal, and a peculiar compound having an excessively pungent odour. Some metals excite this action at ordinary temperatures, others only when more or less heated; but in all cases the action is more powerful as the metal is more finely divided and consequently exposes a larger surface to the alcohol- vapour. The most powerful action is exerted by platinum black. When this substance is shaken on paper mois- tened with alcohol, it makes a hissing noise and becomes red-hot, sometimes setting fire to the alcohol, or else continuing to glow, and inducing the slow combustion above mentioned. If the platinum be previously moistened with a small quantity of water, or at once covered completely with alcohol, the ignition is prevented, and the slow combustion induced with greater certainty. If a number of watch-glasses containing moist platinum black, be placed above a dish containing alcohol, and a bell jar open at top inverted over them, the alcohol turns sour in a few weeks, and is found to contain aldehyde, acetal, acetic acid, and acetic ether. This action of platinum black affords an excellent means of discovering the presence of alcohol in the air or in watery liquids. The liquid, neutralised, if necessary, with alkali, to prevent the escape of volatile acids, is introduced into a retort, into the neck of which, and near the bulb, is thrust a little boat containing platinum black, and on each side of this boat is placed a piece of litmus paper, in contact with the platinum. The retort is then gently heated in the water-bath, when, if alcohol is present, its vapour will be converted into acetic acid by contact with the platinum black and the paper will be reddened (Buchheim). [Other volatile organic liquids might exert a similar action.] Spongy platinum and clean platinum wire act in a similar manner to platinum black, but not so quickly. If a coil of platinum wire be placed round the wick of a spirit- lamp, the alcohol set on fire till the wire becomes red-hot, and the flame then blown out, the wire will continue to glow and the alcohol- vapour to burn slowly, producing acetic acid, aldehyde, &c. The same effect is produced by a ball of spongy platinum. This is the lamp without flame, or glow lamp of Sir H. Davy. 4. By Chlorine. Chlorine gas is rapidly absorbed by alcohol, imparting to it a yellow colour and causing considerable rise of temperature, which, if the liquid is ex- Ced to light, may even cause it to take fire. At the same time it rapidly abstracts irogen, which is partly replaced by chlorine, thereby producing hydrochloric acid, aldehyde, acetal, acetic acid, acetate of ethyl, chloride of ethyl, and finally chloral. The mixture of these substances, freed by washing with water from the soluble constituents, was formerly called heavy hydrochloric ether. The formation of these several products is represented by the following equations : C'H'O + 2 Cl = C 2 H 4 -f 2 HC1 Alcohol. Aldehyde. C 2 H 4 + 6 Cl = C 2 HC1 3 + 3 HC1 Aldehyde. C 2 H0 + HC1 = C2H 5 C1 + H 2 Alcohol. C'H 6 + H 2 + 4 Cl = C 2 H 4 2 + 4HC1 Acetic acid. C 2 H'0 2 .C 2 H 5 + H 2 Alcohol. Acetic acid. Acetate of ethyl. Acetate of ethyl may also be formed by the direct action of chlorine on the alcohol ; thus : 2 C 2 H"O + 4C1 = C 2 H 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + 4 HC1 The acetal, which is probably formed at the beginning of the process, according to the equation : 3C-H 6 + 2C1 = C 6 II 11 2 + H 2 + 2HC1, ALCOHOL. 75 is for the most part subsequently converted into acetic acid : C 6 H 14 2 + 4H 2 + 10 01 = 3C 2 H 4 + 10HC1. When the action of the chlorine is continued for a long time, chloral is always the principal product. Chlorine in presence of alkalis, converts alcohol into chloroform and carbonic anhydride : C 2 H 6 + 8C1 + = CHOP + 5HC1 + CO 2 . The same products are formed by distilling dilute alcohol with hypochlorite of cal - cium (chloride of lime, bleaching powder). (See CHLOROFORM.) Bromine acts upon alcohol in a similar manner to chlorine, producing bromal, hydro- bromic acid, bromide of ethyl, bromide of carbon, formic acid, and other products not yet thoroughly examined. Iodine is at first dissolved by alcohol without decomposi- tion, and forms a brown solution ; but after a while, hydriodic acid is produced, and acting upon a portion of the alcohol, forms iodide of ethyl. An alcoholic solution of potash treated with iodine yields iodoform and iodide of potassium, the former of which compounds may be separated by water. 9. Chloric acid, in the concentrated state, sets fire to alcohol ; when diluted, it forms acetic acid, the action being sometimes attended with evolution of chlorine. Perchlo- ric acid mixes with alcohol without decomposition at ordinary temperatures, but the liquid when heated first gives off alcohol, then ether, and ultimately white vapours smelling like oil of wine, the residue at the same time turning black. 10. Strong Nitric acid decomposes alcohol, with great evolution of heat and brisk ebullition, a mixture of various elastic fluids, the ethereal nitrous gas of the older chemists, being evolved and an acid liquid remaining behind ; if the nitric acid is dilute, the action does not take place without application of heat. Part of the nitric acid unites directly with the alcohol, forming nitrate of ethyl, but the greater part is reduced to nitrous acid which then forms nitrite of ethyl (nitrous ether) with a portion of the alcohol, while the remainder of the alcohol is oxidised and converted into aldehyde, acetic acid, formic acid, saccharic acid, oxalic acid, glyoxal, glyoxylic acid, and glycollic acid, together with water and carbonic anhydride, which escapes as gas, together with nitric oxide and the vapours of the more volatile among the compounds just mentioned. The formation of glyoxal, glyoxylic acid, and glycollic acids is represented by the equations : C 2 H 6 + 30 = C 2 H 2 2 + 2H 2 Glyoxal. 30 = C 2 H 4 3 + H 2 Alcohol. Glycollic acid. C 2 H 2 2 + H- H*0 = C 2 H 4 4 Glyoxal. Glyoxylic acid. If urea be added to the mixture of nitric acid and alcohol so as to decompose the nitrous acid as fast as it is formed (see UREA), the chief product of the action is nitrate of ethyl N0 3 .C' 2 H 5 . Hydrocyanic acid has also been observed among the products of the action of nitric acid upon alcohol. When strong alcohol is heated with red fuming nitric acid (containing nitrous acid) and nitrate of silver or mercuric nitrate is added, white fumes are given off, containing aldehyde and other oxidised products, and a crystalline deposit of fulminate of silver or mercury is formed, its production being due to the action of the nitrous acid on the alcohol: e.g. C 2 H 6 + 2 N0 2 Hg = C 2 N 2 Hg 2 2 + 3 H 2 Alcohol. Mercuric Fulminate nitrite. of mercury. But when a solution of mercury in nitric acid free from nitrous acid is added at a temperature below 100 C. to alcohol of sp. gr. 0.8'44, no action takes place at first; but on raising the temperature to 100, a white crystalline precipitate is formed, which is a compound of mercuric nitrate with a nitrate of ethyl in which the whole of the hydro- gen is replaced by mercury (Sobrero and Selmi; Grerhardt): 2 N0 3 H + 3 Hg 2 + C 2 H 6 = NOHg.NO s (C 2 Hg) + H 2 + 3 H 2 Crystalline compound. 11. Sulphuric acid forms with alcohol, a number of products varying in quantity according to the proportions in which the two liquids are mixed, their degree of con- centration, and the temperature to which the mixture is exposed. 76 ALCOHOL. Strong sulphuric acid mixes with alcohol, producing considerable evolution of heat, and forms ethyl-sulphuric or sulphovinic acid, the acid being at the same time brought to A greater state of dilution : C 2 H 5 .H.O + SO.H = S0 4 .H.C 2 H 5 + H 2 Alcohol. Ethyl-su'phuric acid. When the strongest sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1-825) is digested for some time at a gentle heat, with excess of absolute alcohol, more than half the sulphuric acid is con- verted into ethyl-sulphuric acid. If the acid or the alcohol is diluted with water, a con- siderable quantity of the sulphuric acid remains unaltered. Sulphuric acid containing 1 at. water (S0 4 H 2 .H 2 0) forms ethyl-sulphuric acid only when heated. As the forma- tion of ethyl-sulphuric acid is necessarily accompanied by that of water, a certain portion of the sulphuric acid must always remain unconverted into ethyl-sulphuric acid. Formation of Ether. A mixture of 1 pt. alcohol, and from 1 to 2 pts. strong sulphu- ric acid heated in a distillatory apparatus, boils between 120 and 140 C., at first giving off ether, together with more or less undecomposed alcohol, then at 140 scarcely any- thing but ether, at 160 ether and water, and at length when, in consequence of the decomposition of the alcohol, the proportion of sulphuric acid has become excessive, and the temperature rises above 160, the mixture blackens and gives off olefiant gas together with sulphurous acid and other products hereafter to be mentioned. If how- ever the alcohol be allowed to flow constantly into the vessel in a thin stream, so as to maintain the proportion of 5 pts. alcohol to 9 pts. sulphuric acid, the temperature re- mains constant at about 140, no sulphui-ous acid or olefiant gas is formed, but the alcohol, as fast as it is supplied, is given off again in the form of ether and water. The alcohol converts a molecule of sulphuric acid into ethyl-sulphuric acid and water, as above : C 2 H 5 .H.O + S0 4 .H 2 = S0 4 .C 2 H 5 .H + H 2 Alcohol. Sulphuric Ethyl-sulphuric Water, acid. acid. and the ethyl-sulphuric acid coming in contact with another molecule of alcohol, yields ether and sulphuric acid : S0 4 .C 2 H 5 .H + C 2 H 5 .H.O = (C 2 H 5 ) 2 + S0 4 H 2 . Ethyl-sulphuric Alcohol. Ether. Sulphuric acid. acid. The sulphuric acid thus reproduced acts in like manner upon another molecule of alcohol, and in this way the process continues as long as the supply of alcohol is kept up. Etherification is therefore a continuous process, a given quantity of sulphuric acid being capable of etherifying a very large quantity of alcohol. The water, how- ever does not all pass off as it is formed, so that the sulphuric acid becomes continually though slowly weaker, and consequently a continually larger quantity of alcohol passes over undecomposed with the ether and water. The explanation just given of the process of etherification is due to "Williamson (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 106, 229). Its correctness is strikingly exhibited by the analogous reaction which takes place between common alcohol and amyl-sulphuric acid. When amyl-alcohol is dissolved in sulphuric acid, amyl-sulphuric acid is produced : C 5 H".H.O + S0 4 H 2 = S0 4 .C 5 H".H + H 2 0. Now, on heating this mixture and passing a stream of ordinary alcohol through it, as above, ethamylic ether, or oxide of ethyl and amyl passes over first, then common ether, and ethyl-sulphuric acid remains behind in place of amyl-sulphuric acid : S0 4 .C 5 H".H + C 2 H 5 .H.O = C 2 H 3 .C 5 H n .O + S0 4 H 2 Amyl-sulphuric Alcohol. Oxide of ethyl Sulphuric acid. and amyl. acid. The sulphuric acid thus reproduced acts upon the ethyl-alcohol in the manner already described, the products being ethyl-sxilphuric acid, ether, and water. The same products are obtained by distilling a mixture of ethyl-alcohol and amyl-alcohol with sulphuric acid. The formation of ether from alcohol was formerly regarded as a simple process of dehydration. Ether being regarded as C*H*0 and alcohol as its hydrate, C^H^O.HO, it was supposed that the sulphuric acid simply abstracted the water and left the ether. Against this view, however, it must be alleged that the quantity of water given off in the distillation is very nearly equal to the whole quantity supposed to be separated from the alcohol, which could not be the case if it were retained by the sulphuric acid. Moreover, the molecule of ether referred to the same vapour- volume as that of alcohol. ALCOHOL. 77 C*H S 2 , is not C 4 H b O, but C 8 H 10 2 ', or, according to the atomic weights adopted in this work, alcohol being C 2 H 6 0, ether is C 4 H 10 0. For these reasons, Mitscherlich, Berzelius, and other chemists have regarded the action of sulphuric acid upon alcohol as a, contact-action, or catalytic action, a mode of expression which simply states the fact without explaining it. Another objection to the views just mentioned, is that they take no account of the formation of ethyl-sulphuric acid. That this, however, is an essential step in the process of etherification is shown by the fact that, on distilling a mixture of alcohol and strong sul- phuric acid, the quantity of ethyl-sulphuric acid constantly diminishes as the ether passes over, and that, if the acid be diluted so far as not to form ethyl-sulphuric acid, the mix- ture yields no ether by distillation. Liebig therefore supposed that the ethyl-sulphuric acid is resolved at a certain temperature (120 to 140 C.) into ether, sulphuric acid, and sulphuric anhydride : 2(C 2 H 5 .H.S0 4 ) = C 4 H'0 + S0 4 H 2 + SO 3 and that the sulphuric anhydride, uniting with water also present in the mixture, re- produces sulphuric acid. But ethyl-sulphuric acid when heated alone gives off, not ether but alcohol, even when heated to 140 or above in sealed tubes ; but when heated with alcohol, it immediately yields ether. We are therefore led to regard the formation of ether as a result of the mutual decomposition of alcohol and ethyl-sulphuric acid, in the manner already explained. When alcohol and strong sulphuric acid are heated together in sealed tubes, the alcohol being in excess, a layer of ether forms on the top of the liquid, but no ethyl-sul- phuric acid is found in the lower stratum. If the sulphuric acid is in excess, no ether is formed (Graham, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 24). In the former case, it is probable that ethyl-sulphuric acid was first formed, and afterwards converted by the excess of alcohol into ether and sulphuric acid. Acid sulphate of potassium (Grr ah am) and various other sulphates heated with alcohol in sealed tubes, also etherify it more or less completely, the sulphate being in some cases converted into a basic salt. The alums, namely common alum, ammonia-alum, potassio-ferric sulphate, and potassio-chromic sulphate heated with an equal weight of 98 per cent, alcohol, etherify it completely. In all these cases, the sulphate appears to give up a portion of its sulphuric acid, which then acts on the alcohol as above. (Eeynoso, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxviii. 385.) Formation of Olefiant gas. When 1 pt. of alcohol is heated with 3 or 4 pts. of strong sulphuric acid, the mixture begins, between 160 and 180 C., to blacken and thicken, swells up considerably and gives off olefiant gas C 2 H 4 , together with variable quantities of sulphurous anhydride, carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, oil of wine, acetic acid, acetic ether and formic acid, and a black residue is ultimately left con- sisting of a peculiar acid called thiomelanic acid and free sulphuric acid. By passing alcohol- vapour through a boiling mixture of 10 pts. of strong sulphuric acid and 3 pts. of water, olefiant gas and water are obtained, with scarcely any coloration of the mixture or formation of secondary products : C 2 H 6 = C 2 H 4 + H 2 0. 12. Sulphuric anhydride, SO 3 , is dissolved by absolute alcohol, with evolution of heat, and forms neutral sulphate of ethyl SO*.(C 2 H 5 ) 2 . When the vapour of the anhy- dride is passed into absolute alcohol, crystals of sulphate of carbyl, C 2 H 4 .2S0 3 , are formed, together with ethionic, isethionic, ethyl-sulphuric and sulphuric acids. 13. Phosphoric acid mixed with alcohol at ordinary temperatures, converts part of it into ethyl-phosphoric acid. A mixture of phosphoric acid with a small quantity of alcohol yields olefiant gas but no ether ; but if the alcohol is in excess, ether is first given off, then olefiant gas and a thick acid distillate probably consisting of neutral phosphate of ethyl, P0 4 .(C 2 H 5 ) 3 . Phosphoric anhydride absorbs the vapour of an- hydrous alcohol, forming ethyl-phosphoric acid Pd 4 .C 2 H 5 .H 2 , and diethylphosphoric acid, P0 4 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H. Arsenic acid acts very much like phosphoric acid, producing ether and ethyl-arsenic acid. Boric anhydride (vitrefied boric acid) in the state of powder heated with absolute alcohol, gives off olefiant gas and leaves boric acid. 14. Hydrochloric acid gas is absorbed in large quantity by alcohol, and the solution when heated gives off chloride of ethyl. The same compound is obtained by distilling alcohol with strong hydrochloric acid, or with a mixture of common salt and sulphuric acid ; but when a mixture of hydrochloric acid with a large excess of alcohol, either anhydrous or hydrated, is heated to 240 in a sealed tube, ether is formed as well as chloride of ethyl, these two liquids forming a layer on the surface, while the lower stratum consists chiefly of water and hydrochloric acid. The ether results from the action of alcohol on the chloride of ethyl already formed : C 2 H 5 .C1 + C 2 H 5 .E.O = (C 2 IP) 2 + HO, 78 ALCOHOL. The same transformation takes place, though slowly, even at 100 C. (A. Key no so, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlviii. 385.) 15. Many metallic chlorides act upon alcohol in a similar manner to hydrochloric acid, producing ether and chloride of ethyl. Chloride of zinc converts anhydrous alcohol into chloride of ethyl with a small quantity of ether. "With hydrated alcohol, it yields at 155C., ether and oil of wine, the quantity of which increases as the distillation goes on ; hydrochloric acid is also given off, and basic chloride of zinc remains. When dichloride of tin is distilled with a considerable quantity of alcohol, ether and chloride of ethyl pass over between 140 and 170, afterwards a compound of chloride of ethyl with dichloride of tin. (Kuhlmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiii. 97, 192.) Crystallised protochloride of tin distilled with alcohol yields ether, but no chloride of ethyl (March and) ; the same decomposition takes place in a sealed tube at 240. Crystallised chloride of manganese and protochloride of iron also etherify alcohol com- pletely when heated with it in sealed tubes to 240; the chlorides of cadmium, nickel, and cobalt partially ; in all these cases, the etherification takes place without blacken- ing of the contents of the tube, and with little or no escape of gas when it is opened (K ey noso, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlviii. 385). The formation of ether in these reactions, may be explained by the following equations, given by Williamson for the case of chloride of zinc : C 2 H 5 .H.O + ZnCl = C 2 H 5 .Zn.O 4 HC1. C 2 H 5 .H.O 4- HC1 = C 2 H 5 .C1 + H 2 0. C 2 H 5 .C1 + C 2 H 5 .Zn.O = (C 2 H 5 ) 2 + ZnCl. With sesquichloride of iron, alcohol yields ether and chloride of ethyl between 130 and 140C., afterwards hydrochloric acid and water, the residue consisting of sesqui- chloride of iron mixed with sesquioxide. With chloride of aluminium, chloride of ethyl is given off between 170 and 200, afterwards hydrochloric acid, and alumina is left behind. Trichloride and pentachloride of antimony convert alcohol into chloride of ethyl, with a little ether, the residue consisting chiefly of oxychloride of antimony. Protochloride of platinum boiled with alcohol of sp. gr. 0'813 to 0-893 is converted into a black explosive powder called detonating platinum-deposit, C 2 H 4 Pt 2 0, the liquiJ acquiring a strong acid reaction and the odour of chloride of ethyl : C 2 H 6 + 2PtCl = C 2 H 4 Pt 2 4- 2HC1. The chloride of ethyl is formed by the action of the hydrochloric acid on another por- tion of the alcohol. (Zeise.) Asolution of 1 pt. of dichloride of platinum in 10 pts. of alcohol of sp. gr. 0*823, dis- tilled to |, yields aldehyde, chloride of ethyl, and hydrochlorie acid. The residual dark brown liquid deposits a considerable quantity of the black detonating powder just mentioned, and retains in solution the so-called inflammable chloride of platinum, C 2 H 4 Pt 2 Cl 2 , according to Zeise, or C 2 H 3 Pt 2 Cl 2 , according to Liebig. Its formation is represented by one of the following equations : 2C 2 H 6 + 2PtCl 8 = C 2 H 4 Pt 2 Cl 2 + C 2 H 4 + H 2 + 2HC1. (Zeise.) Aldehyde. 3C 2 H 6 + 4PtCl 2 = 2C 2 H 3 Pt 2 Cl 2 + C 2 H 4 4- 2H 2 4- 4HCL (Liebig.) Aldehyde. The formation of the black deposit is not an essential part of the reaction, and in- deed takes place most abundantly when the dichloride of platinum contains proto- chloride. Mercuric chloride, HgCl, dissolved in alcohol is slowly reduced to mercurous chloride Hg 2 Cl. Potash added in excess to the alcoholic solution heated to 50C., forms an amor- phous yellow precipitate containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and mercury, the hydrogen being in smaller proportion than in alcohol. This precipitate heated to 200, explodes without leaving any residue ; heated in the moist state, it decomposes less violently, yielding mercury, water, and acetic acid (Sobrero and Selmi). Gerhardt and Werther did not succeed in preparing this compound. 16. Trichloride of phosphorus readily decomposes alcohol, forming chloride of ethyl, hydrochloric acid, tribasic phosphite of ethyl and phosphorous acid. (Be champ Compt. rend ad. 944.) 6(C 2 H 5 .H.O) + 2 PCI 3 = 3C 2 H 5 C1 4- 3 HC1 4- P0 3 .(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + POMI 3 . 17. With pentachloride of phosphorus, the products are chloride of ethyl, hydro- chloric and chlorophosphoric acid, PC1 3 O : C 2 H 5 .H.O -t- PC1 3 .C1 2 = C 2 H 5 C1 4 HC1 T PCP.O. ALCOHOL. 79 18. Pentasulphide of phosphorus, on the other hand, converts alcohol, not into two separate sulphides, but into the single compound mercaptan, or sulphide of ethyl and hydrogen : 5(C 2 H 5 .H.O) + P 2 S 5 = 5(C 2 H 5 .H.S) + P 2 5 . These last two reactions illustrate in a striking manner, the difference between mon- atomic and diatomic elements or radicles. In the former, the single atom of oxygen in alcohol is replaced by two atoms of chlorine, one of which unites with the ethyl, and the other with the hydrogen of the alcohol, forming two perfectly distinct chlorides; whereas in the latter, the oxygen of the alcohol is replaced by 1 atom of the diatomic element, sulphur, which being indivisible, binds together the ethyl and hydrogen into one single molecule of mercaptan. (Compare page 11.) 19. The bromides and iodides of phosphorus, hydrogen, and the metals, act like the chlorides. Hydrofluoric acid appears to convert alcohol into fluoride of ethyl. 20. Potassium and sodium rapidly decompose absolute alcohol, 1 atom of hydrogen being evolved and its place supplied by the metal ; the resulting compound is an ethyl- ate of potassium (C 2 H 5 KO) or ethylate of sodium, which crystallises from the saturated solution. The same compound appears to be formed by dissolving hydrate of potassium or sodium in absolute alcohol: C 2 H 5 .H.O + KHO = C 2 H 5 .K.O + H 2 The solution thus obtained exhibits in many cases the same reactions as that which is produced by dissolving the metal in alcohol. 21. Alcohol heated with hydrate of potassium (or sodium) yields hydrogen gas and an acetate : C 2 H 6 + KHO = C'H 3 K0 2 + 4H. To produce this decomposition, a mixture of equal weights of the alkaline hydrate and pounded quick lime is moistened with alcohol, the excess of alcohol driven off at 100, and the mixture gently heated without access of air. Hydrogen is then evolved, together with a small quantity of marsh gas, and the residue contains acetate of potas- sium, which, at a higher temperature, is resolved into marsh gas and carbonate of potassium (p. 17). 22. Alcohol-vapour passed over anhydrous baryta heated nearly to redness, yields olefiant gas, marsh gas and hydrogen, with a residue of carbonate of barium. 23. Gaseous Chloride of cyanogen is readily absorbed by alcohol, but does not decom- pose it immediately. After a few days however, or more quickly if a little water is present or if the liquid is heated to 80, chloride of ammonium separates out, while chloride of ethyl, carbamate of ethyl (urethane) and carbonate of ethyl remain in solu- tion. The urethane and carbonate of ethyl are formed in the manner represented by the two following equations : C 2 H 6 4- CNC1 + H 2 = C'ETCO 2 + HC1 2C 2 H 6 + CNC1 + H 2 = C0 3 (C 2 H 52 + NH 4 C1 The chloride of ethyl results from the action of the hydrochloric acid, produced as in the first equation, on the alcohol. (Wurtz. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxix. 77.) 24. Many organic acids when heated with alcohol convert it into compound ethers, with elimination of 1, 2, or 3 atoms of water, according as the acid is monobasic dibasic, or tribasic : e. g. C 2 H 5 .H.O + C 2 H 3 O.H.O = C 2 H 3 O.C 2 H 5 .0 + H 2 Alcohol. Acetic acid. Acetic ether. 2(C 2 H 5 .H.O) + C0 2 .H 2 .0 2 = C0 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 2 + 2H 2 Alcohol. Oxalic acid. Oxalic ether. 3(C 2 H S .H.O) + C 6 H0 4 .H 3 .0 S = C 6 H 5 4 .(C 2 H 5 ) 8 .0 3 + 3H 2 Alcohol. Citric acid. Citric ether. "With some acids, e. g. acetic and butyric acids, the transformation is easily effected ; with others, as oxalic and hippuric acid, it takes a considerable time : in other cases again, as with benzoic acid, no ether is formed when the acid and the alcohol are merely 80 ALCOHOL ATES ALCOHOLOMETRY distilled together; but on passing hydrochloric gas into the alcoholic solution of the acid, the ether is quickly formed. In this case, chloride of ethyl is first formed and afterwards decomposed by the organic acid. Other strong mineral acids, such as sul- phuric acid, also facilitate the formation of these compound ethers. Many polybasic organic acids form acid ethers when digested with alcohol ; thus tartaric acid forms ethyl-tartaric acid C'H G 4 (C 2 H 5 .H)0 2 . The anhydrides of monobasic acids quickly convert alcohol into the corresponding ethers. (See Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines.) Compounds of Alcohol. Alcohol has a very strong affinity for water, and mixes with it in all proportions. The mixture is attended with slight evolution of heat, and also with contraction of volume, which gradually increases till the mixture contains 116 pts. water to 100 pts. alcohol. Strong alcohol absorbs moisture from the air. It abstracts water from the moist parts of the animal body, and coagulates them if they are of albuminous nature ; hence its iise in the preservation of anatomical preparations. From the same cause it destroys life in the veins. Alcohol dissolves iodine and bromine ; also sulphur and phosphorus in small quan- tities. Gases for the most part dissolve in alcohol more readily than in water. (See GASES, ABSORPTION OF.) Salts are, generally speaking, less soluble in alcohol than in water ; indeed many salts quite insoluble in alcohol are easily soluble in water ; e. g. the alkaline carbonates and sulphates. Chloride of mercury is, however, an exception to the general rule, being more soluble in alcohol than in wafer. Inorganic compoimds, sparingly soluble in water, are, for the most part, quite insoluble in alcohol ; so likewise are efflorescent compounds. But all deliquescent salts, excepting carbonate and phos- phate of potassium and a few others, are soluble in alcohol. Since alcohol does not dissolve all compounds which are soluble in water, it follows that many substances, when dissolved in alcohol, do not exhibit the same reactions towards other substances as when dissolved in water. Thus many acids, when dis- solved in absolute alcohol do not redden litmus or decompose carbonate of barium or calcium, probably because the resulting calcium or barium salt would be insoluble in alcohol. Alcohol readily dissolves resins, ethers, essential oils, fats, alkaloids, many organic acids, and in general, all substances containing a larger proportion of hydrogen. ALCOHOIATES. Alcohol unites in definite proportion with several salts, forming crystallisable compounds, which however have but little stability and are almost all decomposed by water. These compounds were first obtained by Graham. (Graham, Phil. Mag. Ann. iv. 265. 331; Einbrodt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 115; Chodnew, ibid. Ixxi. 241; Lewy, Compt. rend. xxi. 371; Eobiquet, J. Pharm. [3] xxvi. 161.) Nitrate of magnesium dissolved in alcohol forms, on cooling from a boiling hot solu- tion, a crystalline mass like margarin, containing 3C 2 H 6 O.N0 3 Mg. Fused chloride of calcium dissolves in absolute alcohol, and the solution if surrounded with ice, deposits crystals containing 2C 2 H 6 O.CaCl. This compound subjected to dry- distillation yields nothing but carburetted hydrogen. If the alcohol contains a small quantity (about 1 per cent.) of water, the solution yields by evaporation sometimes a crystalline mass, sometimes a syrup, which dries up in vacuo to a white amorphous mass. Both the crystals and the syrup contain 2C 2 H 6 0.3CaCl + H 2 0. Chloride of zinc forms with absolute alcohol a crystalline compound which contains C 2 H 6 O.ZnCl, and yields when heated, alcohol, chloride of ethyl, hydrochloric acid and oxide of zinc, but no ether. Dichloride of tin and absolute alcohol, brought together in a vessel immersed in a freezing mixture, unite immediately, and on evaporating the solution in vacuo, over sulphuric acid and sticks of potash, crystals are formed containing 4C 2 H G O.Sn 2 Cl 6 0. The crystals are very soluble in alcohol. They distil at 80 almost without decompo- sition (Lewy.) By cooling a mixture of 11*5 pts. of anhydrous alcohol, and 32*4 pts. of dichloride of tin in a frigorific mixture, Robiquet obtained a white powder which, when dissolved in alcohol, yielded by evaporation in vacuo over sulphuric acid, crystals containing 2C 2 H 6 O.SnCl 4 . With baryta, alcohol forms the compound 2C 2 H 6 O.Ba 2 0. which is obtained by add- ing anhydrous baryta to absolute alcohol, filtering, and again adding baryta. If the alcoholic solution be then boiled, the compound separates in the form of a granular precipitate which redissolves on cooling. Water added to the solution throws down hydrate of barium. (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlvi. 222.) The following substances also form crystalline compounds with alcohol : sesquichloride of iron, protochloride of iron nitrate of calcium, and protochloride of manganese. (Graham.) ALCOHOLOMETRY. 81 The alcohol in all these compounds may be regarded as analogous to water of crys- tallisation. AI.COHOli-3A.SES. This name is frequently applied to the organic bases pro- duced by the substitution of alcohol-radicles for the hydrogen in ammonia ; such, as ethylamine, phenylamine, &c. (See AMINES.) AXiCOHOXiOXVIBTRlT. (Alcoometric.} The value of spirituous liquors depends upon the quantity of alcohol which they contain. This may be determined in various ways : viz. by the specific gravity of the mixture, by its boiling-point, by the tension of its vapour, by its rate of expansion, and by estimating the proportion of carbon contained in it by combustion with oxide of copper. But of all these methods, that which depends upon the density is almost always employed for practical purposes, other methods being resorted to only when the mixture of alcohol and water is associated with foreign substances, such as sugar, or colouring matter, or salts, in sufficient quantity to produce a material alteration of the density. To determine the amount of alcohol in a spirituous liquor by its density, it is neces- sary to know beforehand the density corresponding to each particular proportion of alcohol and water. If these liquids were capable of mixing without alteration of volume, the specific gravity of each particular mixture might be calculated from the proportions of alcohol and water contained in it, and the known specific gravity of absolute alcohol. This however is not the case, the combination of alcohol and water being attended with a contraction of volume varying in amoiint with the temperature. For this reason the specific gravity of each mixture of alcohol and water must be determined by direct experiment, and the results collected in tables. The importance of this object for the purposes of revenue induced the British government to employ Sir Charles Blagden to institute a very extensive and accurate series of experiments on the density of spirit of various degrees of strength. The determinations, which were made by CHlpin under Blagden's direction, were first pub- lished in 1790, afterwards twice repeated to obtain greater accuracy, and published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1794. The specific gravity of the mixtures of alcohol and water was determined by accu- rately weighing a quantity of the liquid in a flask having a long narrow neck, and filled with it up to a certain mark, the weight of an equal quantity of distilled water having been previously ascertained. In this manner, the specific gravity of 40 mixtures was determined, each at 15 different temperatures. The standard alcohol used to mix with the water was not absolute, but had a specific gravity of 0*82514; for conve- nience, however, it was supposed to be = 0'825, a corresponding deduction being made from all the numbers in the table. TABLE I. Showing the Specific Gravity of various mixtures of Alcohol (of Specific Gravity 82500 at 60 Fahr.) and Water at different Temperatures, the Specific Gra- vity of water at 60 Fahr. being 100000. Heat. The pure spirit. 100 : rains of spirit to 5 gr. of water. 100 gniins o! spirit to 10 gr. of water. 100 grains o' spirit to 15 gr. of water. 100 grains of spirit to 20 gr. of water. 100 grains ot spirit to 25 gr. of water. 100 grains of spirit to 30 gr. of water. 100 grains of spirit to 35 gr. of water. 100 grains of spirit to 40 gr. of water. 100 grains of spirit to 45 gr. of water. 100 grains of spirit to 50 gr. of water. 30 F. 83896 84995 85957 86825 87585 88282 88921 89511 90054 90558 91023 35 83672 84769 85729 86587 87357 88059 88701 89294 89839 90345 90811 40 83445 84539 85507 86361 87184 87838 88481 89073 89617 90127 9059(: 45 83214 84310 85277 86131 86905 87613 88255 88849 89396 89909 90380 50 82977 84076 85042 85902 86676 87384 88030 88626 89174 89684 90160 55 82736 83834 84802 85664 86441 87150 87796 88393 88945 89458 89933 60 82500 83599 84568 85430 86208 86918 87569 88169 88720 89232 89707 65 82262 83362 84334 85193 85976 86686 87337 87938 88490 89006 89479 70 82023 83124 84092 84951 85736 86451 87105 87705 88254 88773 89252 75 81780 82878 83851 84710 85496 86212 86864 87466 88018 88538 89018 80 81530 82631 83603 84467 85248 85966 86622 87228 87776 88301 88781 85 81291 82396 83371 84243 85036 85757 86411 87021 87590 88120 88609 90 81044 82150 83126 84001 84797 85518 86172 86787 87360 87889 88376 95 80794 81900 82877 83753 84550 85272 85928 86542 87114 87654 88146 100 80548 81657 82639 83513 84038 85031 85688 86302 86879 87421 87915 VOL. I. ALCOHOLOMETRY. TABLE I. (continued}. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Bert grains of spirit to grains of spirit to grains of spirit to grains of spirit to grains of grains of spirit to spirit to grains of spirit to grains of spirit to grains of spirit to grains of spirit to 55 gr. of 60 gr. of 65 gr. of 70 gr. of 75 gr. of , 80 gr. of 85 gr. of 90 gr. of 95 gr. of 100 gr. of water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. 30 D F. 91449 91847 92217 92563 92889 93191 93474 93741 93991 94222 35 91241 91640 92009 92355 92680 92986 93274 93541 93790 94025 40 91026 91428 91799 92151 92476 92783 93072 93341 93592 93827 45 90812 91211 91584 91937 92264 92570 92859 93131 93382 93621 50 S0596 90997 91370 91723 92051 92358 92647 92919 93177 93419 55 90367 90768 91144 91502 91837 92145 92436 92707 92963 93208 60 90144 90549 90927 91287 91622 91933 92225 92499 92758 93002 65 89920 90328 90707 91066 91400 91715 92010 92283 92546 92794 70 89695 90104 90484 90847 91181 91493 91793 92069 92333 92580 75 89464 89872 90252 90617 90952 91270 91569 91849 92111 92364 80 89225 89639 90021 90385 90723 91046 91340 91622 91891 92142 85 89043 89460 89843 90209 90558 90882 91186 91465 91729 91969 90 88817 89230 89617 89988 90342 90668 90967 91248 91511 91751 95 88588 89003 89390 89763 90119 90443 90747 91029 91290 91-531 100 88357 88769 89158 89536 89889 90215 90522 90805 91066 91310 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of Heat. spirit to 100 gr. of spirit to 100 gr. of spirit to lOOgr. of spirit to lOOgr.of spirit to lOOgr. of spirit to lOOgr.of spirit to 100 gr. of spirit to 100 gr. of spirit to lOOgr.of spirit to 100 gr.of water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. w att-r. 30 F. 94447 94675 94920 95173 95429 95681 95944 96209 96470 96719 35 94249 94484 94734 94988 95246 95502 95772 96048 96315 96579 40 94058 94295 94547 94802 95060 95328 95602 95879 96159 96434 45 93860 94096 94348 94605 94871 95143 95423 95703 95993 96280 50 93658 93897 94149 94414 94683 94958 95243 95534 95831 96126 55 93452 93696 93948 94213 94486 94767 95057 95357 95662 95966 60 93247 93493 93749 94018 94296 94579 94876 95181 95493 95804 65 93040 93285 93546 93822 94099 94388 94689 95000 95318 95635 70 92829 93076 93337 93616 93898 94193 94500 94813 95139 95469 75 92613 92865 93132 93413 93695 93989 94301 94623 94957 95292 80 92393 92646 92917 93201 93488 93785 94102 94431 94768 95111 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of grains of Heat. spirit to spirit to spirit to spirit to spirit to spirit to spirit to spirit to spirit to 100 gr. of 100 sr. of lOOgr.of 100 gr. of lOOgr.of 100 gr. of lOOgr.of lOOgr.of ICOgr.of water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. water. 30 F. 96967 97200 97418 97635 97860 98108 98412 98814 99334 35 96840 97086 97319 97556 97801 98076 98397 98804 99344 40 96706 96967 97220 97472 97737 98033 98373 98795 99345 45 96563 96840 97110 97384 97666 97980 98338 98774 99338 50 96420 96708 96995 97284 97589 97920 98293 98745 99316 55 96272 96575 96877 97181 97500 97847 98239 98702 99284 60 96122 96437 96752 97074 97410 97771 98176 98654 99244 65 95962 96288 96620 96959 97309 97688 98106 98594 99174 9171 JOfil 8947 8825 9253 9150 9039 8924 8801 J232 9128 9016 8901 8778 75 80 85 90 8896 8764 8623 8469 8875 8743 8601 8446 8854 8721 8579 8423 8832 8699 8556 8401 8S10 8676 8533 8379 8787 8653 8510 8355 8765 8631 8488 8332 8743 8609 8165 8309 8720 8585 8441 8285 8697 8562 8468 8262 8673 853S 8.394 8238 8619 8514 8370 8214 REDUCTIONS FOR A Brass INSTRUMENT. To be deducted from -5 I -4 the Specific Gravities. -3 | -2| -2 ITo be addec | +1 I to the Specific Gravit +2 1 +2 | +3 ies. +4 ALCOHOLOMETRY. 89 In Table III. the specific gravity of the spirit is supposed to be compared with that of water at the maximum density, and to be corrected for the expansion of the vess< or instrument with which the determination is made. These densities may be reduced to those compared with water at 60 F. (as in Table II.), by multiplying them all by 1-0009. .,, To find by means of this table the strength of a spirit, when either the specific gravity or the temperature is not given exactly as in the tables, we proceed by interpo- lation as in the calculations connected with Table II. (p. 85.) But if neither tempe- rature nor specific gravity is exactly given in the table, the calculation is made as in the following example. Let it be required to find the strength of a spirit of sp. gr. 0-9321 at 77 F. Specific Gravity Per cent, of Alcohol. at 75 F. at 80 F. Difference. 45 9367 9347 20 50 9272 9251 21 Difference T 95 96 Hence the sp. gr. for 77 F., and for : on 45 p. c. alcohol is 9367-2 x ^ = 9359 o 50 9272-2 x ^ = 9263-6 Difference = 95'4 Calling this difference 95, it follows that to each 1 per cent, of alcohol there corre- sponds at 77 F. a difference of 19 in the specific gravity, and consequently the volume per cent, of alcohol corresponding to the specific gravity 9321 is 45 + 9359 - 9321 =45+ 38 =47Tolpe- This result shows that the spirit in question, when cooled down to the normal tem- perature of 60 F. contains in 100 measures, 47 measures of absolute alcohol; this is not, however, the actual proportion by volume at 77, because alcohol and water ex- pand at different rates. Table IV. exhibits in the same manner as Table III. the strength of spirit according to its specific gravity, but on the supposition that the specific gravity is determined with a glass instrument, and is not corrected for the expansion of the glass : hence the expression " apparent specific gravity." If the specific gravity of a sample of spirit has been determined at one temperature and its volume measured at another, the amount of alcohol in it may be calculated as in the following example : 350 quarts of spirit are measured out at 75 F., and the specific gravity determined with a glass instrument at 65 F. is 0-8609. By Table IV. the strength of this spirit is 80 per cent., that is to say, 100 volumes of it measured at 60 F. contain 80 vol. of alcohol. By Table III. the specific gravities of spirit of 80 per cent, for the temperatures 60 and 75 are 8631 and 8560. Consequently the volumes of a given weight of the spirit at 60 and 75 are as 8560 : 8631, and therefore the 350 quarts of spirit would, if cooled to 60, measure 350 x . = 347*12 quarts; and this 8631 volume of liquid at the strength of 80 per cent, contains 277*7 quarts of real alcohol To ensure perfect accuracy, the expansion of the vessel in which the spirit is measured ought to be taken into account ; but for commercial purposes, to which calculations of this kind chiefly apply, this correction is too small to be of any importance. The quantity of alcohol of 60 F. in 100 volumes of spirit of the same temperature is called the strength (StarJce; force), of the spirit ; and the quantity of alcohol of 60 F. in 100 volumes of spirit of any given temperature is called the real amount of alcohol (wahrer Alkoholgehalt ; Bichesse). Thus in the example just given, the strength of the 077.7 spirit is 80. but the real amount of alcohol is x 100 = 79'3. 350 The following Tables, V. and VI., exhibit the strength and the real amount of alcohol of a sample of spirit, according to the indications of the alcoholometer and the ther- mometer. If, for example, the alcoholometer marks 75 per cent, in a spirit whose temperature is 50 F., we find from line 16, column 6, of Table V. that the strength of the spirit is 767, and from the corresponding place in Table VI. that its real amount of alcohol is 77*1 per cent. ALCOIIOLOMETRY. TABLE V. Showing the Amount of Alcohol which a given sample of Spirit would contain at 60 F. according to the indication of a glass Alcoholometer, immersed in it at any oilier temperature. 9 S| Strength of the Spirit, when tested by the Alcoholometer at the following temperatures. ll 2 4 f, 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 54 R - 2 5 5 7'5 10 12'5 15 17-5 20 22-5 25 27'5 30 C. !< 32 36-5 41 45-5 50 54-5 59 63-5 68 72-5 77 81-5 % F. 0-3 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-2 5 5-4 5-5 ft* 5-5 5-4 5-2 5-0 4~7 ~4'4 4-1 ~3-7 3-2 2-5 10 11-2 11-1 11-0 10-9 10-7 10-4 10-1 9-7 9'2 8-8 8-3 7'8 7-3 15 17'8 17-4 17-0 1G-5 16-0 15-6 15-1 14-6 14-0 13-4 12-8 12-2 11*6 20 24-7 23-9 23 1 2-2-3 21-7 .209 20-2 19-5 18-8 18-0 17-2 16- 5 15 7 31-2 30-1 28-9 280 27-1 26-1 25-2 24'4 23-5 22-5 21-6 20-7 198 30 365 35-4 34-3 333 32-3 31-3 30 2 29-2 29-3 273 26-3 25 3 2J-3 35 41-4 40-4 39-3 38-3 37-3 30-2 35-2 31-2 33 2 32-2 3!'2 302 29-1 40 46-1 45'1 44-1 43-1 42-1 41-2 40-2 39'2 38-2 37-2 36-2 3V2 34-2 45 50-8 50-0 49-0 48-1 47-1 46 2 45-2 44'2 43-2 42-3 41-3 40-4 3!>'4 55-6 54-7 53-9 53-0 52 51-1 so-s 49-3 48-4 47'4 46-5 4.V5 44-6 55 60-4 59-5 SB- 7 57-8 56'9 56-1 55-2 54-4 53-5 526 51-6 50-7 49'7 60 65-2 64-4 63-6 62-7 61-9 61-1 60-2 59-4 53-5 57-6 5G7 55-8 54-9 65 70-0 69-3 68-5 677 66-9 66-1 65-2 64-4 635 62-7 61-8 (.0-9 59-9 70 74-8 74-1 73-4 72-6 7T8 71-0 70-2 69-4 68-6 C7-8 66-9 66-1 65-2 75 797 79-0 78-2 77-4 76-7 75-9 75-2 74-4 73-7 72-8 72-0 71-2 70-3 80 84-4 83-7 83-0 82-3 81-6 80-9 80-2 79-4 78-7 779 77-2 76-4 75-6 85 89-1 88-5 87-8 87-2 86-5 85-8 85-1 84-5 83-7 83-0 82-3 81-5 80-8 90 93-7 9:5-2 92-6 92-0 91-4 90-8 90-1 89-5 88-8 88-2 87-5 86-8 86-1 06 98'2 97-7 97-1 96*7 96-1 95-6 95-1 94-6 94-0 93'4 92-8 92'8 91-fi 100 """ ~~ " lOO'J 99-6 99-1 98-5 98'0 97-5 972 TABLE VI. Showing the Real Amount of Alcohol in Spirit at different Temperatures according to the indications of a glass Alcoholometer. 55 R?al Amount of Alcohol at the following Temperatures. o| ll 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 R. 25 5 7'5 10 1 2-5 18 17-5 20 22-5 25 275 30 C 32 36-5 41 45-5 50 54-5 59 63-5 68 72T) 77 81-5 86 F "= < o 0-3 0'4 0-4 0-4 0-4 02 . _ 5 5-4 5-5 5-5 8-5 5-4 5-2 ~5'0 4-7 4-4 4-1 1-7 3-2 2-5 10 11*1 11-1 11-0 10-9 10-7 10-4 10-1 9'7 9-2 8-7 8-3 7-8 7'3 15 17-7 17-4 17'1 16-4 160 15-5 15-1 14-5 14-0 13-4 12-8 12-2 11-5 20 24-9 240 23-1 22-4 21-7 21-0 20-2 19-5 18-8 18-0 17-2 16-4 156 25 31-3 30-2 29-2 28-2 27-2 26-2 252 24-3 23-4 22-5 216 20-7 19-8 30 37-0 357 34-6 33-4 32-4 31-3 302 29-2 28-2 27-2 26-2 25-2 24-2 35 42-0 40-7 39-6 38-5 37-4 3'2 35-2 34-1 33-1 32-1 31-0 30-0 28-9 40 466 45-5 14-5 434 42-3 41-2 40-2 3'J-l 38'0 37-0 360 35-0 33-9 45 51-5 50-4 494 48-3 47-3 46-2 45 2 44-2 43-1 42-1 41-1 40-0 39-0 50 56-3 553 54-3 53-3 52-3 51-2 50-2 492 48-2 47'1 40- 1 45 44-0 55 6I"_> 60-2 59-2 58-2 57-2 56-2 55-2 M-2 53-2 52-2 51-2 50-2 49-2 60 66-2 6V 2 64-2 632 62-2 61-2 CO-2 59-2 r.8-2 57-2 56-3 553 54 3 65 71-1 70-1 fi9M 6H-1 67-2 66-2 65-2 64-2 63-3 62-3 61-3 60-3 59-3 70 76-0 750 74-1 73-1 72-1 71 I 702 69 3 68-3 67-3 66-4 65-4 64-4 75 80'9 79-9 79-0 78-1 77-1 76-1 75-2 743 733 72-3 71-4 70-4 G9-4 80 85-7 849 839 83-0 82-0 81-1 80-2 79-3 7K-3 774 7C-4 75-5 74 5 85 90-5 89- .", 88-8 87-9 87-0 86-1 85-2 84-3 83-4 8-2-4 81-5 80-6 7 91-3 9H'5 92-7 91-9 91-1 <)0-2 100 100-8 100-2 99- C 99-0 98-3 97-6 J6-9 95-7 The scale of Tralles' alcoholometer is constructed as follows. Suppose the cylindrical or prismatic stem of the instrument to be divided into a number of equal parts, of arbitrary length ; and let v be the volume of that portion of the neck between two consecutive divisions ; V the volume of liquid of sp. gr. 1, displaced by the alcoholo- meter, and P the weight of the alcoholometer ; then P = V.I. If now the division to which the instrument sinks in this liquid be marked 0, the divisions being numbered upwards therefrom, and if the instrument be immersed in spirit of specific gravity s to the mark n, we have P = ( V + n v} s, which equations give, V l\ \ V 1 ? r-(r + ).,-- (--i) -f--r ALCOHOLOMETRY. 91 The arbitrary quantity v is fixed by Tralles at such a magnitude that 1 5 n = 10000 - s Now for 60 F. the specific gravity of water compared with that of water at its maxi- mum density (Table I.) is 0-9991 : hence for the division in which the instrument sinks in pure water at 60, we find, 1-0-9991 n = 10000 - Q . 9991 = 9. Again, spirit of 80 per cent, has at 60 F. the sp. gr. 0'8631 : hence, for the division to which the instrument sinks therein, we have : 10000 . 1-0-8631 = 1587, 0-8631 and in like manner the values of the other divisions of the scale may be found : they are given in Table VII. To graduate an alcoholometer by means of this table, the instrument is first im- mersed in pure water at 60 F., and the point of the stem to which it sinks is marked 9. It is next immersed in spirit of known strength, and the point marked to which it sinks when the liquid is at 60 F. Thus if spirit of 90 per cent, be used, the num- ber of the division will be 1 0-8340 n = 1000 ' 0-8340 = 2002 - The interval between these two marks is then to be divided into 2002-9 = 1993 equal parts, and the divisions continued upwards as far as 2597, which corresponds to absolute alcohol. The percentages in the first column of Table VII. are then marked on the scale by the side of the numbers of the divisions in the second column. To verify the scale of an alcoholometer already divided, the specific gravities of a number of samples of spirit varying in strength by nearly equal intervals between and 100 per cent, may be determined by any of the ordinary methods ; the correspond- ing strength found from Tables L, II., or III. ; the temperatures of them all then reduced to 60 F. ; and the alcoholometer immersed in them in order to ascertain whether its indications agree with the strengths so determined. The intermediate points may be tested by comparison with the numbers in the columns of Table VII. marked " Differences." TABLE VII. Alcoholometer-scale for Volumes per Cent, at 60 F. Amount of Alcohol by Volume. Length of immersed part of Stem. Differ- euces. Amount of Alcohol by Volume. Length of immersed part of Stem. Differ- ences. Amount of Alcohol by Volume. Length of immersed part of Stem. Differ- ences. 9 22 277 11 44 588 19 1 24 15 23 288 11 45 608 20 2 39 15 24 299 11 46 628 20 3 54 15 25 310 11 47 648 20 4 68 14 26 321 11 48 669 21 5 82 14 27 332 11 49 690 21 6 95 13 28 344 12 60 712 22 7 108 13 29 355 11 51 735 23 8 121 13 30 367 12 52 758 23 9 133. 12 31 380 13 53 782 24 10 145 12 32 393 13 54 806 24 11 157 12 33 407 14 55 830 24 12 169 12 34 420 13 56 854 24 13 180 11 35 434 14 57 879 25 14 191 11 36 449 15 58 905 26 15 202 11 37 465 16 59 931 26 16 213 11 38 481 16 60 957 26 17 224 11 39 498 17 61 984 27 li 235 11 40 5i5 17 62 1011 27 19 245 10 41 533 18 63 1039 28 20 256 10 42 551 18 64 1067 28 21 266 10 43 569 18 65 1096 29 92 ALCOHOLOMETRY. TABLE VII (continued}. Amount Length of Amount Length of Amount Length of of Alcohol Immersed Differ- of Alcohol immersed Differ- of Alcohol immersed Differ- by Volume. part of Stem. ences. by Volume. part of Stem. ences. by Volume. part of Stem. ences. 66 1125 29 78 1514 36 90 2002 47 67 1154 29 79 1550 36 91 2050 48 68 1184 30 80 1587 37 92 2099 49 69 1215 31 81 1624 37 93 2150 51 70 1246 31 82 1662 38 94 2203 53 71 1278. 32 83 1701 39 95 2259 56 72 1310 32 84 1740 39 96 2318 59 73 1342 32 85 1781 41 97 2380 62 74 1375 33 86 1823 42 98 2447 67 75 1409 34 87 1866 43 99 2519 72 76 1443 34 88 1910 44 100 2597 78 77 1478 35 89 1955 45 The following is a similar table for percentages by weight. TABLE VIII. Alcoholometer-scale for Weights per Cent, at 60 F. Amount of Alcohol by Weight Length of immersed part of Stem. Differ- ences. Amount of Alcohol by Weight Length of immersed part of Stem. Differ- ences. Amount of Ale., hoi by Weight Length ol immersed part of Stem. Differ- ences. 9 _ 1 28 19 35 547 20 68 1411 31 2 46 18 36 568 21 69 1442 31 3 64 18 37 589 21 70 1473 31 4 82 18 38 610 21 71 1505 32 5 98 16 39 633 22 72 1536 31 6 114 16 40 655 22 73 1568 32 7 130 16 41 677 22 74 1600 32 8 145 15 42 700 23 75 1632 32 9 159 14 43 724 24 76 1664 32 10 173 14 44 748 24 77 1697 33 11 187 14 45 772 24 78 1730 33 12 201 14 46 797 25 79 1763 33 13 214 13 47 822 25 80 1796 33 14 227 13 48 847 25 81 1830 34 15 240 13 49 873 26 82 1865 35 16 252 12 50 899 26 83 1901 36 17 264 12 51 925 26 84 1938 37 18 277 13 52 951 26 85 1975 37 19 291 14 53 978 27 86 2012 37 20 304 13 54 1005 27 87 2050 38 21 317 13 55 1033 28 88 2088 38 22 330 13 56 1061 28 89 2126 38 23 343 13 57 1089 28 90 2165 39 24 357 14 58 1117 28 91 2204 39 25 371 14 59 1145 28 92 2254 40 26 386 15 60 1173 28 93 2286 42 27 402 16 61 1202 29 94 2329 43 28 419 17 62 1231 29 95 2372 43 29 435 16 63 1261 30 96 2415 43 30 452 17 64 1290 29 97 2458 43 31 469 17 65 1320 30 98 2503 45 32 487 18 66 1350 30 99 2549 46 33 507 20 67 1380 30 100 2597 48 34 527 20 ALCOHOLOMETRY. 93 Various other hydrometers or areometers are also used for Fig. 3. taking the specific gravity and ascertaining the strength of spirits.' s hydrometer is the one used in levying the spirit duty in this country. This instrument has a four- sided stem b, divided into 11 equal parts, and fitting into a brass ball a, which carries at the bottom a small conical stem c, terminating in a pear-shaped loaded bulb. It is also pro- vided with 9 circular weights, numbered 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, having slits by which they fit into the stem. The instrument is adjusted so as to float with the zero of the scale coinciding with the surface of the liquid in spirit of specific gravity 0-825 at 60F. which is the " standard alcohol" of the excise (p. 82). In weaker spirit it will not sink so low; and if the density of the liquid be much greater, it will be necessary to add one or more of the weights, to cause the entire immer- sion of the bulb. The sum of the numbers of the weights to- gether with the number on the scale which is at the level of the liquid, gives, by means of a table provided for the purpose, the amount of proof spirit in the sample, proof spirit being, according to Act of Parliament, such as at 51 Fahr. weighs if as much as an equal bulk of water, or in other words has a specific gravity of 0-923077 at 51, or 0-919 at 60 F. When spirit is said to be 30 per cent, (for example) above proof, the meaning is, that 100 measures of this spirit, when diluted with water, would yield 130 measures of proof ^^ ^ TnTfi ^ spirit; on the other hand, spirit 30 per cent, below proof $H| lUffr! contains in 100 measures, 100 30 or 70 measures of proof Mfl|/ spirit. It is often required to find the quantity of water which must be added to spirit containing a given percentage of alcohol in order to reduce it to a lower percentage. If the actual and required amounts are given in weights per cent., a and a f , the weight x of water to be added to 100 Ibs of spirit to reduce the percentage of alcohol from a to a', is given by the proportion : 100 + x : a = 100 : ', whence x = 100 f- f 1 If, for example, spirit containing 90 Ibs. of alcohol in 100 Ibs. is to be reduced to spirit containing 60 Ibs. per cent., the quantity of water required is 100 | - 1 ) \oO / 100 x 0-5 = 50 Ibs. Next, let it be required to find what volume of water must be added to 100 volumes of spirit containing v volumes per cent, of alcohol to reduce it to v' volumes per cent. If P be the weight, and S the specific gravity of the spirit we have : P = 100 8. and if to this we add w volumes of water, the weight of which will also be w (its specific gravity being 1), we obtain a volume V of spirit, whose specific gravity may be denoted by S', and its amount of alcohol in volumes per cent, by v'. Then, P + w = 100 8 + w = V8', and V I 100 = v : V 1 , or, V = 100 . * because the diluted spirit still contains the v volumes of alcohol which were present in the liquid before dilution. From these two equations we find For example, to reduce spirit of 80 volumes p. c. to spirit of 40 volumes p. c. we find, w = 100 . / . 0-9519 - 0-8639^ = 103-99 so that 100 measures of the given spirit require 103-99 measures of water at 60F. to reduce them from 80 to 40 per cent. S4 ALCOHOLOMETRY. The volume of diluted spirit produced by the mixture is Q/\ In the example just given, 100 = 200 volumes, less therefore than the sum of the volumes of the liquids mixed. On the principles just explained, the numbers in the following table are calculated. It must be observed, however, that the specific gravities are given as determined by Gay-Lussac, and correspond to 15 C. on which account the result of the calculation just given does not agree exactly with the number in the table. The original volumes per cent, of the spirit are placed at the tops of the columns, and the percentages to which they are to be reduced in the first column of the table. Thus to find how much water is required to reduce spirit of 75 per cent, to 40 per cent, look in the column headed 70 for the number on a level with 40 in the first column ; we thus find that 7 7 "5 8 volumes is the quantity of water required: TABLE IX. Showing the quantity of Water required to reduce 100 volumes of a stronger Spirit to a Spirit of lower strength. 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 85 6-56 80 13-79 6-83 75 21-89 14-48 7-20 70 31-05 23-14 15-35 7-64 65 41-53 33-03 24-66 16-37 8-15 60 53-65 44-48 35-44 26-47 17*58 8-76 55 67-87 57*90 48-07 38-32 28-63 19-02 9-47 50 84-71 73-90 63-04 52-43 41-73 31-25 20-47 10-35 45 105-34 93-30 81-38 69-54 57-78 46-09 34-46 22-90 11-41 40 130-80 117-34 104-01 90-76 77-58 64-48 51-43 38-46 25-55 35 163-28 148-01 132-88 117-82 102-84 87-93 73-08 58-31 43-59 30 206-22 188-57 171-05 103-53 136-04 118-94 101-71 84-54 67'4o 25 266-12 245-15 224-30 253-61 182-83 162-21 141-65 121-16 100-73 20 355-80 329-84 304-01 278-26 252-58 226-98 201-43 175-96 150-55 15 505-27 471-00 436-85 402-81 368-83 334-91 301-07 267-29 233-64 10 804-54 753-65 702-89 651-21 601-60 551-06 500-59 450-19 399-85 A similar but much more extended table for this purpose is given by Gay-Lussac. (See Haudworterbuch d. Chem. i. 504.) To determine what quantity of a weaker spirit must be added to a stronger one to produce a spirit of given mean percentage, we proceed as follows. Let v be the volume of alcohol in 100 measures of the stronger spirit, S its specific gravity, and P its weight. Also let F x be the volume of the weaker spirit added, v t its percentage of alcohol, 8 1 its specific gravity, and P t its weight ; and lastly, let F 2 be the volume of spirit resulting from the mixture, v 2 its percentage of alcohol, S z its spe- cific gravity, and P 2 its weight. Then : P = 100 3 : PJ. = or 100 S + F^ = F 2 S 2 . The quantity of alcohol contained in this mixture is, P + (1). But since the mixed spirit is to contain F 2 volumes per cent, of alcohol, this quantity of alcohol is also represented by F 2 100 2 Hence the equation : F 2 v 2 = 100 v + Fjflj. . . . (2). And eliminating F 2 between the equations (1) and (2), we have, 100 S + F 1 S 1 r , i-i- v a = 100 v + F^v, ALCOIIOLOMETRY. 95 whence we obtain : 100 - 8 - 100 8 v _ v* #1 - ^ S 2 The numerator of this fraction is the quantity of water which must be added to 100 volumes of the stronger spirit to produce a spirit of the required strength. The de- nominator may be written in the form, and is therefore the volume of water which must be added to * volumes of spirit con- taining v 2 per cent, of alcohol to bring it to the percentage v r . To determine the amount of alcohol in spirituous liquors, such as wine or beer, con- taining foreign matters, as volatile oils, sugar, mucilage, saline substances, &c., the liquid may be distilled, and the distillate, which will be free from the fixed impurities, may be treated by the methods already described. Volatile oils are for the most part of nearly the same specific gravity as alcohol, and the small quantities of them existing in vinous liquors do not make any essential difference in the specific gravity. Other physical characters have also been resorted to for determining the strength of spirituous liquors, viz. the boiling-point, vapour-density, rate of expansion, &c. The boiling-point of hydrated alcohol has been proposed by Groning as a means of determining its strength. For this purpose, he has constructed the following table. Per Cent, of Alcohol. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Boilir.g- Point. 96-3 C. 92-9 91-0 89-1 87-5 86-2 85-0 Per Cent, of Alcohol. 40 45 50 50 60 65 Boiling- Point. 84-1 C. 83-4 83-1 82-2 81-9 81-5 Per Cent, of Alcohol. 70 75 80 85 90 95 Boiling- Point. 80-9 C. 80-3 797 79-4 79-0 78-4 According to Dalton, alcohol of 43 per cent, boils at 84 C. J. J. Pohl (Denkschriften d. math, naturw. Classe d. Wien, Akad. II. abstr. Wien, Akad. Ber. 1850 ; Marz. 246 ; Jahresber. 1850, 455) has also determined the boiling-point of hydrated alcohol of various strengths. He finds that, at the commence- ment of the ebullition, the thermometer remains constant for a short time, then slowly rises a little, and afterwards remains constant for a somewhat longer time (from 4 to 16 seconds when 14-6 grms. of liquid were used). The temperatures at the second stationary interval are given in the following table (Bar. at 760 mm.) Percentage of Alcohol. . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 Boiling- Point. 100-00 c. 98-79 97-82 96-S5 95-90 95-02 94-21 Percentage of Alcohol. 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 Boiling. Point. 93-43 C. 92-70 92-03 91-40 90-83 90-27 The presence of sugar in the liquid up to 15 p. c. appears not to exert any percep- tible influence on the boiling-point (a mixture of 10 pts. alcohol with 15 sugar and 75 water boiled at the same temperature as a mixture of 10 alcohol and 90 water). Instruments, called Ebullioscopcs, for directly ascertaining the strength of hydrated alcohol by its boiling-point, have been constructed by Broissard-Vidal and by Conaty. (See a report on these instruments byDespretz, Pouillet, andBabinet, Comptrena. xxvii. 374. A description and figure of a Vidal-instrument are given in the Pharm. J. Trans, vii. 166.) Ure (Pharm. J. Trans, vii. 166 ; Pharm. Centr. 1847, 422) by means of an instrument similar to Conaty's (which is merely an ordinary thermometer, having a moveable scale which can be shifted so as to correspond with the variations of the barometer, and has the percentages of alcohol marked on it) has determined the boil- ing-points of hydrated alcohol as follows : 96 ALCOHOL RADICLES. Specific Boiling. I Specific Boiling. Gravity. Point. Gravity. Point. 0-9200 0-9321 0-9420 0-9516 0-9600 81-4 C. 82-1 82-5 83-3 841 0-9665 .... 85-3 G 0-9729 .... 87-2 0-9786 .... 88-8 0-9850 .... 91-3 0-9920 94-4 Silbermann has proposed to determine the strength of hydrated alcohol by its rate of expansion by heat, and has constructed an instrument for the purpose (Compt. rend. xxvii. 418). A thermometer is filled up to a certain mark with the spirit at 25 C. and after this liquid has been exhausted of air by the air-pump, an observation is made of the amount by which it expands when heated to 50 C. The amount of alcohol is then found by means of a scale graduated by direct observation upon a number of samples of spirit of known strength. The indications of this instrument are not sen- sib y affected by the presence of sugar or salts in the liquid. Another instrument for the same purpose has been constructed and described by Makin. (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ii. 224.) For further details on alcoholometry, see the new edition of lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, vol. i. pp. 44-64. ALCOHOL-RADICLES. The radicles which, when they replace half the hy- drogen in a molecule of water form alcohols, are capable of uniting, though not directly, with chlorine bromine, iodine, cyanogen, oxygen, sulphur, &c., with the radicles of acids, and with metals : in short they exhibit in their chemical relations the character of electro-positive elements or metals. Only a few of them have yet been isolated ; and of these, all but one (allyl) belong to the first series of alcohols mentioned in the preceding article, and are represented by the general formula OH 2n+1 , or C 2n H 4n+2 . They are obtained : 1. By the action of sodium, potassium, zinc, &c., at high temperatures, on their iodides or bromides. In this manner ethyl was first isolated by Frankland. 2. By the electrolysis of the acids of the series C n H 8n O*. The general formula of the decom- position is, OH 2 "0 2 = O-'H 2 *-' + CO 2 + H. In this manner, acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 , yields methyl, CH 3 ; valeric acid, C 5 H I0 2 , yields tetrylor butyl, C 4 H 9 ; caproic acid, C 5 H 12 2 , yields amyl, C 5 H 1J ; and cenanthylic acid C 7 H 14 2 yields hexyl or caproyl, C 6 !! 13 . 3. Some of these radicles, viz. trityl or propyl, tetryl, amyl and hexyl, are also found among the products of the dry distillation of Boghead Cannel coal. (Or. "Williams, Chem. Gaz. 1857, pp. 29 and 95.) Methyl and ethyl are gaseous at ordinary temperatures ; trityl, tetryl, amyl, and hexyl, are liquids, the first boiling at 68 C, the second at 108, the third at 155, and and the fourth at 202. They do not unite directly with any of the elementary bodies, and it has not yet been found possible to reproduce from them, by direct union, any of the bodies of the methyl, ethyl series, &c. At the moment of isolation, how- ever, from their iodides by the action of metaiS, they exhibit a strong tendency to unite with the metal: in this manner, zinc-ethyl, C 2 H 5 Zn and zinc-methyl, C 2 H 3 Zn, are formed by the action of zinc on the iodides of those radicles. The constitution of these bodies has given rise to considerable discussion. The formulae CH 3 , C 2 H 5 , &c., originally assigned to them by Frankland and Kolbe, repre- sent their vapours as condensed to 1 volume, whereas the usual mode of condensation in organic compounds is to 2 volumes (see ATOMIC VOLUME). For this reason, and likewise because all organic compounds whose formulae are well established, are found to contain even numbers of hydrogen-atoms, Gerhardt (Compt. chim. 1848, 19; 1849, 11) proposed to double the formulae of these radicles in the free state, making PITTS ) r*2TT5 ) them C 2 H S or njp[> C 4 H 10 or X>jp[ &<* This duplication of the formulae was after- wards supported byHofmann (Chem. Soc. J. iii. 121) on the ground that the boiling- points of the consecutive terms of the series of these bodies differ by about 47 C., an in- terval more than double of that which generally corresponds to a difference of CH 2 in bodies of the methyl, ethyl, trityl series, &c. But the decisive argument in favour of the double formulae is afforded by the experiments of Wurtz, who has shown that by the action of mixtures of the iodides of these radicles (iodide of ethyl and iodide of tetryl, for example) with sodium, or by the electrolysis of a mixture of the potassium-salts of two fatty acids, e. a. acetate and oenanthylate of potassium, compound radicles are ob- tained, viz. ethyl-tetryl, 4T j 9 Lmethyl-hexyl, 6 Tj 13 > &c.; and moreover that when these mixed radicles are compared with the simple radicles with double formulae, a regular gradation of physical properties is observed as the number of atoms in the molecule increases. This will be seen from the following table. ALCOHOLS. 97 Radicle. Formula. Specific Gravity at ti C. Vapour-Density Boiling- Point. Observed. Calculated. Ethyl-tetryl . Ethyl-amyl Methyl-hexyl . C 7 H 16 = C 7 H 16 = C 2 H 5 C 4 H 9 C'H 5 C 5 H n CH 3 0-7011 0-7069 3-053 3-522 3-426 2-972 3-455 3-455 62 C. 88 82? Tetryl . C 8 H 18 = C 4 H 9 0-7057 4-070 3-939 106 Tetryl-amyl . C 9 H 20 = JJ^ 0-7247 4-465 4-423 132 Amyl C'OH 22 = j*E" 0-7413 4-956 4-907 158 Tetryl-hexyl . C"H 2 * - jg| 9 3 ? 4-917 4-907 155 Hexyl . C12H26 = {C-H- 0-7574 5-983 5-874 202 It is clear that if the simpler formulae of tetryl, amyl and hexyl were retained, the accordance between the gradation of properties and increase of atomic weight which the preceding table exhibits would be completely lost. Viewed in this light, the formation of the simple radicles is strictly analogous to that of the mixed radicles, as will be seen from the following equations : C 2 H 5 I + C'H 9 I + ZnZn = 2ZnI * C 2 H 5 .C 4 H 9 and 2C 2 H 5 I + ZnZn = 2ZnI +C 2 H 5 .C 2 H 5 . AXiCOHOXiS. The term alcohol, originally limited to one substance, viz. spirit of wine, is now applied to a considerable number of organic compounds, many of which, in their external characters, exhibit but little resemblance to common alcohol. The alcohols are all compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are divided into several homologous groups, but their rational formulae may all be derived from one, TT ^ TT 2 ) TT 3 ) two, or three molecules of water, -a- [ 0, -rp [ O 3 , -rp [ O 3 , by substitution of an or- ganic radicle containing hydrogen and carbon for half the hydrogen in the type. Alcohols are accordingly monatomic, diatomic, or triatomic, e.g. Ethyl-alcohol (monatomic) = C ^0, Glycol (diatomic) = ^ C " H X|o 2 , Glycerin (tria- H tomic) (C 3 H 5 )'" H 3 O 3 A. IKonatomic Alcohols. whose general formulae are OH 2 ' 1. Alcohols of the form OH 2 "*^ = Of these there are several series, containing radicles \ OH 2n - ', OH 2 "-'', C D H 2n ~ 7 - C " ' ' - 0. These alcohols, of which nine, or perhaps ten, are at present known, are intimately related to the fatty acids (p. 50)* To every alcohol of this series there corresponds an acid of the series C n H 2n 2 , which may be formed from the alcohol by oxidation, O being substituted for H 2 . The following table exhibits the names and formulae of these alcohols, together with those oi those of the corresponding acids : Alcohols, H Methylic or protylic . . . CH 4 Ethylic or deutylic . . . C' 2 IFO Propylic or tritylic . . . C 3 H 8 Butylic or tetrylic . . . C 4 H 1C Amylic or pentylic . . . C 5 II 12 Caproylic or hexylic . . . C 6 H 14 CEnanthylic or heptylic . . C 7 H 16 Caprylic or octylic . . . C 8 H 18 Cetylic C 16 H 34 Cerotylic ....'. C 27 H 56 Melissylic .... CPIT^O VOL. L H Acids, OH 2 " - >0 H Formic . . . . CH 2 2 Acetic C 2 H 4 2 Propionic .... C 3 H fi 3 Butyric C 4 H 8 2 Valeric C 5 IT0 2 Caproic C fi H 12 2 CEnanthylic .... C 7 H 14 2 Caprylic .... C 8 H 16 O 2 Palmitic .... C 16 H 32 2 Cerotic C 27 H 54 2 Melissic . , 98 ALCOHOLS. These alcohols are also designated as Hydrates, or Hydratcd Oxides, of Methyl, Ethyl, &c., or as Methylate, Ethylate, Tritylate, $c. of Hydrogen. The numerical tern is protyl, deutyl, trityl, &c. were proposed by Gerhardt. They are in most cases pre- ferable to the older names : but the terms, methyl, ethyl, and amyl, are too much con- secrated by use to be discarded. Methyl-alcohol, or wood-spirit, was first recognised as a compound similar in nature and constitution to common alcohol by Dumas and Peligot in 1835. In the following year, the same chemists showed that ethal (cetyl-alcohol), a substance first obtained from spermaceti by Chevreul in 1823, is also of alcoholic nature. Fusel-oil was re- cognised as an alcohol somewhat later by Cahours and Balard. Cerotyl-alcohol and melissyl-alcohol were discovered by Brodie in 1848; octyl-alcohol by Bouis in 18.51 ; tetryl-alcohol by Wurtz in 1852 ; trityl-alcohol by Chancel in 1852, and hexyl-alcohol by Faget in the same year. Methyl-alcohol is found among the products of the distillation of wood. Ethyl- alcohol and the four following alcohols are produced by fermentation of sugar, (C 8 H 12 6 ), perhaps in the manner represented by the following equations : CPH^O 6 = 2C 2 H 8 + 2C0 2 Ethyl- alcohol. 2C 6 H 12 8 = 2C 3 H 8 + C 2 H 6 + 4C0 2 + H 2 Trityl- Ethyl- alcohol, alcohol. C 6 H 12 8 = C 4 H 10 + 2C0 2 + H 2 Tetryl- alcohol. 3C 6 H 12 8 = 2C 5 H 12 + C 2 H 8 + 6C0 2 + 3H0 Amyl- Ethyl- alcohol, alcohol. 2C 6 H 12 8 = C 8 H 12 + C 3 IPO + 4C0 2 + 2H 2 Amyl- Trityl- alcohol. alcohol. 5C 8 H 12 8 = 4C 5 H 12 + 10C0 2 + 6H 2 Amyl- alcohol. 3C 6 H 12 6 = 2C 6 H 14 + 6C0 2 + 4IFO Hexyl- alcohol. Octyl-alcohol is said to be obtained by saponifying castor-oil with potash, and dis- tilling the resulting ricinolate of potassium with excess of the alkali at a high tempe- rature. The ricinolic acid is then converted into octyl-alcohol, sebate of potassium, and free hydrogen : CiBH 34 3 + 2KHO = C 8 H 18 + C 10 H 16 K 2 4 + 2H Ricinolic Octyl- Sebate of acid. alcohol. potassium. Bouis (Compt. rend, xxiii. 141). Other chemists, however, who have examined this reaction, state that the alcohol produced by it is not octylic, but heptylic. Ac- cording to Stadeler (J. pr. Chem. Ixxii. 241) two reactions take place simultaneously, the one giving rise to the formation of heptylic alcohol, sebate of potassium, and hydride of methyl (marsh gas), the other to the formation of methyl-cenanthyl, an acetone isomeric with caprylic aldehyde, C 8 H 16 0, and free hydrogen ; thus : C i8 H 34 3 + 2KHO = C T H 16 + C'H 16 K 2 4 + CH 3 .H Ricinolic Heptyl- Sebate of Hydride acid. alcohol. potassium. of methyl. CiH 84 3 + 2KHO CH 3 .C 7 H 13 + C 10 H 16 K: 2 4 + H 4 Ricinolic Methyl- Sebate of acid. cenanthyl. potassium. According to Dachauer, on the contrary (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 270), the products of the distillation are methyl-cenanthyl and octylic alcohol, the formation of this al- cohol differing from that of methyl-oenanthyl only by the elimination of two atoms of hydrogen instead of four. It does not appear that Stadeler actually observed the evo- lution of marsh gas. Cetyl-alcohol (or ethal) is obtained by decomposing spermaceti (which consists chiefly of cetin,C 32 H. 64 2 ') with alkalis, palmitic acid being formed at the same time: KHO ^ C'OH^O + C Ifl H 3I K0 3 Cetin. Cetyl- Palmitateof alcohol. potassium. ALCOHOLS. 99 In the same manner, cerotyl-alcohol is formed from Chinese-wax, and melissyl- alcohol from bees-wax. C 54 H io8 2 + KHO = c^H^O + C 27 H M K0 2 Chinese- Cerotyl-- Cerotate of wax. alcohol. potassium. Some of these alcohols have also been formed from the corresponding hydrocarbons OH 2 ", e. g. common alcohol from olefiant gas, C 2 H 4 , and trityl-alcohol from tritylene, C 3 H 6 , by dissolving these gaseous hydrocarbons in strong sulphuric acid, and decom- posing the resulting ethyl-sulphuric or trityl-sulphuric acid by distillation with water. Methyl-alcohol has been formed from marsh-gas, CH 4 , by exposing that compound to the action of chlorine in sunshine, whereby chloride of methyl is obtained, and decom- posing this body with aqueous potash (Berthelot, Compt. rend. xlv. 916) : CH 3 C1 + KHO = CH 4 + KCL The first eight alcohols of the series are liquid at ordinary temperatures. Methylic and ethylic alcohols are mobile watery liquids ; the others are more or less oily, the viscidity increasing with the atomic weight! Cetyl-alcohol is a solid fat : cerotylic and melissylic alcohols are waxy. Oxidising agents convert these alcohols into aldehydes, OH 2n O, or acids, C n H 2n 2 , in each case with elimination of one atom of water : = C n H 2n O + H 2 and OH 8n+2 + O 2 = C n H 2n 2 + H 2 These changes take place on exposing the alcohols to the air, especially in contact with platinum-black, and more quickly on distilling them with a mixture of dilute sul- phuric acid and chromate of potassium. The alcohols are also converted into fatty acids by heating them strongly in contact with soda-lime (a mixture of quick lime with caustic soda) ; e.g. amyl-alcohol thus treated yields valerate of sodium. The alcohols of this series contain one atom of hydrogen replaceable by metals or compound radicles. Many of them, when treated with potassium or sodium, give off hydrogen, and form solid compounds containing 1 atom of the alkali-metal, e. g. ethylate of sodium, C 2 H 5 NaO. In this respect the alcohols partake of the nature of acids. The compounds thus formed are easily decomposed, and are not easily ob- tained in a definite form. On treating these potassium- or sodium-alcohols with the iodide of an alcohol-radicle, iodide of potassium or sodium is precipitated, and an ether is formed, that is to say, a compound derived from an alcohol by the substitution of an alcohol-radicle for the basic atom of hydrogen : thus ethylate of sodium with iodide of ethyl yields ethylic ether (C-H 5 ) 2 0, and with iodide of amyl, ethyl-amyl ether, C 2 H 5 .C 5 H n .O (p. 76). The alcohols are also converted into ethers by the action of strong sulphuric acid chloride of zinc, fluoride of boron, and other powerful dehydrating agents, at a certain temperature. The ultimate change is represented by the equation : >n-H H r ' Alcohol. Ether. For the intermediate steps of the process see page 76. This particular change takes place only between certain limits of temperature, e. g. for the etherification of common alcohol by sulphuric acid, the limits are 140 and 160 C. At higher temperatures, a further dehydration takes place, and a hydrocarbon OH> is obtained : C"H 2 e. g. common alcohol heated above 160 with strong sulphuric acid, yields olefiant gas C-'H 4 . With the greater number of acids, alcohols yield compound ethers ; that is to say, salts in which the basic hydrogen of the acid is more or less replaced by the radicle of the alcohol. With monobasic acids, only neutral ethers are formed : thus common alcohol heated with strong acetic acid yields acetate of ethyl, with elimination of water : C 2 H 5 ) C 2 H 3 0) C 2 H 3 _, ft H H = C 2 H 5 +H0 The formation of these ethers is greatly assisted by the presence of strong sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, to take up the water. They are commonly prepared either by distilling the alcohol with sulphuric acid, and a salt of the other acid (e.g. acetate of ethyl, by distilling alcohol witli sulphuric acid and acetate of sodium), or by passing H 2 100 ALCOHOLS. hydrochloric acid gas into an alcoholic solution of the acid. The former method is applicable to the more volatile ethers, the latter to those of higher boiling-point. With dibasic and tribasic acids, the alcohols generally form acid ethers or alcoholic acids, that is to say, compounds in which only a portion of the basic hydrogen of the acid is replaced by the alcohol-radicle. Thus, when amyl-alcohol is mixed with sul- C 5 H M ) ( S0 2 V ) phuric acid and the mixture kept cool, amyl-sulphuric acid, TT [ SO 4 or ATTH TT ( O 2 is produced : C 5 H) n H) q04 C 5 H) qn4 . H H> U + TTf' 5 *-' = TT fU* + ) &) H- ) In like manner, phosphoric acid and amyl-alcohol yield amyl-phosphoric acid, P0 4 .C 5 H n .H 2 . Hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic acids convert the alcohols of this series into chlorides, &c., of the alcohol-radicles, with elimination of water : A similar transformation is effected by the chlorides, bromides, and iodides of phos- phorus: e.g. " PC12 - C13 = c 5111 ^ 1 + HOI + POCP Amyl- Penta- Chloride alcohol. chloride of ofamyl. phosphorus. With the chlorides of acid radicles, the alcohols form compound ethers, hydrochloric acid being at the same time eliminated : Ethyl- alcohol. Persulphide of phosphorus transforms the alcohols of this series into mercaptans (sulphur-alcohols) : 5OH 2n+2 + P 2 S 5 2. Alcohols of the form OH 2n O = JT ( convertible by oxidation into acids of the form C"H 2 - 2 2 . Only one term of this series is at present known, viz. : Allyl-alcohol or Hydrate of AUyl, C 3 H 6 = 0. This alcohol was discovered by Cahours and Hofmann in 1856. It is con- verted by oxidising agents into acrylic aldehyde or acrolein, C 3 H 4 0, and acrylic acid, C 3 H 4 2 , and moreover exhibits all the transformations of the bodies of the pre- ceding series (see AXLYL). It is probable that to every acid of the series OH 2n - 2 2 (angelic, terebic, oleic acid, &c), there corresponds an alcohol of the form OH 2n O. These alcohols are isomeric with the aldehydes of the preceding series; e.g. allyl- alcohol with propionic aldehyde. 3. Alcohols of the form OH 2n - 2 = CnH ^~ 3 |o. Only one alcohol of this kind is known, viz. : Camphol, or Bornean Camphor, C 10 H 18 = JT [ 0. It is a solid substance which, when distilled with anhydrous phosphoric acid, yields the hydrocarbon, C 10 H 16 = C 10 H 18 H 2 O. It forms neutral ethers with stearic and benzoic acids. 4. Alcohols of the form C n H 2n - 6 O = H g ? | 0, and corresponding to acids of the form OH 2n - 8 2 . Three of these alcohols are known, viz. : Benzyl-alcohol, or Hydrate of Benzyl, C 7 H 9 jj { Cumyl-alcohol, or Hydrate of Cumyl, C 10 H 14 = CI ** 13 } Sycoceryl-alcohol, or Hydrate of Sycoccryl, ALCOHOLS. Benzyl-alcohol was discovered by Cannizzaroin 1853; cumyl-aicbh:ol J by*Krautinl854 ; these two alcohols are obtained by treating the corresponding aldehydes (bitter- almond oil and cuminol) with an alcoholic solution of potash : 2C 7 H 6 + KBO = C 7 H S + C 7 H 5 K0 2 Benzyl- Benzoate of alcohol. potassium. Moreover, the aldehydes themselves may be formed from acids, by distilling a mix- ture of the calcium-salt of the acid with formate of calcium, thus : C 7 H 5 ) CO.H > Q = C 7 H 5 j Ca \ CaJ H; Benzoate of Formate Hydride of Carbonate calcium. of calcium. of benzoyl. of calcium. Hence it appears that these alcohols may be formed from the corresponding acids. Benzylic and cumylic alcohols are liquids which volatilise without decomposition. They are converted into aldehydes and acids by the action of oxidising agents ; they form compound ethers when treated with a mixture of sulphuric acid and other oxygen-acids (e.g. acetate of benzyl, C 2 H 3 2 .C 7 H 7 , is formed by treating benzyl- alcohol with a mixture of sulphuric and acetic acids), and yield the chlorides of the corresponding radicles when treated with hydrochloric acid ; thus chloride of benzyl, C 7 H 7 C1 is obtained by treating benzyl-alcohol with strong hydrochloric acid. With sulphuric acid or chloride of zinc, they yield resinous masses, which are probably hydro-carbons analogous to olefiant gas: anhydrous boracic acid converts benzyl-alcohol into benzyl-ether (C 7 H 7 ) 2 0. They do not appear to form conjugated acids like ethyl- sulphuric acid. By caustic potash, at high temperatures, they are converted into the corresponding acids and hydrides of the alcohol-radicles ; e.g.: 3(C 7 H 7 .H.O) = C 7 H C 2 + 2(C 7 H 7 .H) + H 2 Benzyl-alcohol. Benzoic Hydride of acid.- benzyl. Sycoceryl-alcohol was discovered by Warren DelaKueand Hugo Miiller,in 1859 (Proc. Koy. Soc. x. 298). It exists in the form of a natural acetic ether in the exuda- tion from an Australian plant, the Fict(S rubiginosa. This ether is readily obtained in beautiful crystals, and when treated with sodium-alcohol, yields acetic acid and sycocerylic alcohol, in feathery crystals resembling caffeine or asbestos. Treated with nitric acid, it yields an acid which appears tu be sycocerylic acid ; and with chromic acid, it yields a product which is probably the corresponding aldehyde. 5. Alcohols isomeric with the last, but differing from them in forming conjugated acids with sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, &c., and in not being converted into acids and aldehydes by the action of oxidising agents. Two of these alcohols are known, Phenyl-alcohol, or Hydrate of 'Phenyl, C 6 H 6 = Cresyl-alcohol, or Hydrate of Cresyl, C 7 H 8 = ^ O. The former was identified as an alcohol by Laurent, in 1841 ; the latter was discovered by Williamson and Fairlie, in 1854. Both of these compounds occur among the products of the destructive distillation of coal, and are separated by fractional distillation. Phenyl-alcohol is also produced by the destructive distillation of salicylic acid : C 7 H 6 3 = C 6 H 6 + CO 2 . Phenyl-aZcohol is solid and crystalline at ordinary temperatures, melts at 35, and distils without decomposition at about 185. Cresyl-alcohol is liquid at ordinary temperatures. These alcohols are easily decomposed by potassium and sodium, like common alco- hols, hydrogen being evolved, and compounds formed analogous to ethylate of potas- sium. They exhibit more decided acid characters than any of the preceding alcohols : phenyl-alcohol indeed is sometimes called phcnic or carbolic acid : it forms a series of salts, called phenates or carbolates, containing 1 at. metal in place of the basic hydrogen. These alcohols are not converted into simple ethers or hydrocarbons by heating with sulphuric acid. Strong nitric acid converts them into nitro-acids, e. g. phenyl-alcohol into trinitrocarbolic or picric acid, C G H 3 (NO 2 ) 8 0. H 3 roe ALCOHOLS. With pentachlb ri&e of' phosphorus, they yield a chloride and a phosphate of the radicle together with hydrochloric acid : e.g. 4(C 6 H 5 .H.O) + PCP.CP = P0 4 (C 6 H 5 ) 3 + C 6 H 5 C1 + 4HC1 Hydrate of Phosphate of Chloride phenyl. phenyl. of phenyl. With the chlorides of the acid radicles, they form compound ethers, thus : C 6 H 5 .H.O + C 7 H 5 O.C1 = C 7 IT0 2 .C 6 H 5 + HC1 Hydrate of Chloride of Benzoate of phenyl. benzoyl. phenyl. / > 1 n TT2n 9 ) 6. Alcohols of the form OH 2n - 8 = ^ H j 0. Two only of these bodies are known, viz. : ri9TT9 Cinnamic alcohol, Hydrate of Cinnamyl, or Styrone, C 9 H 10 jj Cholesterin ...... C 2G H 44 = C ' 6]GC ^ Styrone is obtained by heating styracin (cinnamate of cinnamyl), with caustic alkalis ; cholesterin is found in the bile and other products of the animal economy. Styrone is converted by oxidising agents into cinnamic aldehyde, C 9 H 8 0, and cinnamic acid, C' J H 8 0*, and forms with fuming sulphuric acid a conjugated acid, the barium-salt of which is soluble in water. Cholesterin heated with strong sulphuric acid gives up water and forms a resinous hydrocarbon, C 26 H 42 (Zwenger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 5). Heated to 200, with acetic, butyric, benzoic, and stearic acids, it forms com- pound ethers, with elimination of water, thus : C' 8 H 35 0> n C 26 H J3 > n C 18 H 35 Stearic Cholesterin. acid. 7. Saligenin, C 7 H 8 2 , an alcohol of the salicyl-series, and Anisic alcohvl, C 8 II I0 2 , produced by the action of alcoholic potash on hydride of anisyl, C 8 H 7 2 .H, are probably monatomic ; if so, they must contain oxygen-radicles, their rational formulae O 2 p7TT7i~j ) P 8 TT 9 D ) P 7 TT6 ) being l jjfO and H[ ; but thev may also be ^a* 01 alcohols, jf 2 ? and TT 2 [ O 2 ' Their reactions are not sufficiently known to decide the question. B. Diatomic Alcohols, or Glycols. OH 2n + 2 2 = ( C " ^2 \ O 2 . These com- TT 2 pounds, discovered by Wurtz, are derived from a double molecule of water, TT2^ 2 > *. which half the hydrogen is replaced by a diatomic radicle OH 2n . Four of these have been obtained, viz. Efhylene-glycol, or Hydrate of Ethylene, C 2 H 6 2 lene-glycol, C 3 H S 2 , Butylene-glycol, C 4 H'0 2 , and Amylene-glycol, C 5 H 12 2 . The simple name glycol is especially applied to the first of these, just as the term alco- hol is especially applied to hydrate of ethyl, the most important of the monatomic al- cohols. Grlycol is obtained by treating iodide of ethylene with acetate of silver, whereby di- acetate of ethylene is formed : 2 at. acetate of Diacetate of silver. ethylene. and heating the distilled diacetate of ethylene with potash, whereby it is decom- posed, Like other compound ethers, yielding acetate of potassium and hydrate of ethylene : (C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 It was discovered by Wurtz in 1856. The other bodies of the series are obtained by similar processes. They are oily liquids, which distil without decomposition. They contain two atoms of basic hydrogen, one or both of which may be replaced by metals or other radicles. Glycol treated with sodium yields monosodic glycol, C' J H 4 (NaH)0 2 , and this com- ALCOHOLS. 103 pound, fused with excess of sodium, yields disodic glycol, C 2 H 4 Na 2 2 . By treating monosodic glycol with iodide of ethyl, the product with potassium, and this product again with iodide of ethyl, the compounds C 2 H 4 (C 2 H 5 .H)0 2 , C 2 H 4 (C 2 H 5 .K)O 2 , and C 2 H 4 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 2 , are successively obtained. The last is isomeric with acetal, but not identical with it (p. 3), inasmuch as it boils at a temperature 20 below that compound. Dehydrating agents, such as sulphuric acid and chloride of zinc, do not act upon the glycols in the same manner as upon the corresponding monatomic alcohols. Ethyl- alcohol, C 2 H 5 .H.O, acted upon by sulphuric acid, or chloride of zinc, at certain tempe- ratures, is converted into ether, (C 2 H 5 ) 2 0, a second atom of ethyl being introduced in place of the remaining hydrogen. If glycol were acted on by these reagents in the same manner, the result would be a glycolic ether containing (C 2 H 4 ) 2 2 . Instead of this, the change which takes place is a simple abstraction of water, and the resulting compound is aldehyde, C 2 H 4 O, a body of isomeric composition, but only half the atomic weight : H 2 = C 2 H 4 0. Similar results are obtained with the other glycols. The aldehydes are isomeric with the ethers of the diatomic alcohols (see ETHERS, and ETHYLENE, OXIDE OF); and their mode of formation from these alcohols differs from the etherification of the mona- tomic alcohols in the same manner as the conversion of dibasic acids into anhydrides differs from that of monobasic acids, the latter being converted into anhydrides by duplication of the radicle: e. g, acetic acid = C 2 H 3 O.H.O ; acetic anhydride = (C*H 3 0) 2 O, whereas dibasic acids pass to the state of anhydrides by simple abstraction of water, e.g. S0 4 H 2 - H 2 = SO 3 . (Wurtz, Compt. rend, xlvii. 346.) By treating diatomic alcohols, first with hydrochloric acid and afterwards with potash, compounds are obtained isomeric with the aldehydes, and resembling them in some of their properties, but differing in others ; thus, ethylene-glycol, heated in a sealed tube with hydrochloric acid, yields monochlorhydric glycol, C 2 H 5 C1O, a compound intermediate between glycol and chloride of ethylene, C-H 4 C1 2 , and formed from glycol by the substitution of Cl for 1 atom of peroxide of hydrogen : C 2 H 4 .H 2 2 + HC1 = C 2 H 4 .HO.C1 + H 2 O; and this compound, treated with potash, yields oxide of ethylene, a body isomeric with acetic aldehyde : C 2 H 4 .HO.C1 + KHO = C 2 H 4 + H 2 + KC1. This oxide of ethylene resembles aldehyde in being miscible with water, and in form- ing a crystalline compound with acid sulphite of sodium ; but differs from it by boiling at a lower temperature, and by not forming a crystalline compound with am- monia. Similar results are obtained with propylene-glycol. (Wurtz, Compt. rend. xlviii. 100.) The glycols corresponding to the other series of monatomic alcohols, have not yet been obtained ; but several diatomic compound ethers containing benzylene, C 7 H 6 , have been produced, viz. the acetate, valerate, and benzoate, C 7 H 6 .(O'H 3 0) 2 .0 2 , &c. ; the methylate, ethylate, and amylate, C 7 H G .(CH 3 ) 2 .0 2 , &c. ; the sulphate, S0 4 .C'H 6 , and the succinate, C 7 H 6 .C 4 H 4 2 .0'. The diatomic alcohol, C 7 H 6 .H>'0 2 , corresponding to those compound ethers, has not yet been obtained, not being produced when the ethers are decomposed by alkalis. (W. Wicke, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 363.) C. Triatomic Alcohols, or Glycerins. The general formula of these compounds C u H 2n ~ ' ) is O 3 , the radicle OH 2 "- l being equivalent to three atoms of hydrogen. One "* /-13TT5 \ term of the series has long been known, viz. ordinary glycerin, C 3 H 8 3 = Tr 3 > s , the sweet oily liquid obtained in the saponification of fats. It was first shown to be a triatomic alcohol by Berthelot, in 1853. (Compt. rend, xxxvii. 398.) The neutral fats of the animal body, stearin, palmitin, olein, &c., consist of glycerin, in which three atoms of hydrogen are replaced by acid radicles; and by heating glycerin with acids in different proportions, a large number of compounds may b,e formed, in which |, |, or the whole of the replaceable hydrogen is thus replaced, the formation of these compounds being accompanied by the elimination of 1, 2, or 3 atoms of water. Thus, with stearic acid, C^H^O 2 , the following compounds are obtained: Monostearin = C 21 H 4Z 4 = C 3 H 8 S + C I8 H 36 2 - H 2 O Distearin = C S9 H 76 5 = C 3 H0 + 2C' 8 H 36 2 - 2H*O - 3IFO H 4 104 ALCOHOLS. Precisely similar actions take place on heating glycerin with hydrochloric, hydro- bromic, or hydriodic acid ; but to refer the resulting compounds to the same type, it is best to write the formula of glycerin thus : C 3 H 5 (HO) 3 , representing it as a compound of glyceryl with 3 at. peroxide of hydrogen : then the compounds just mentioned may be represented as glycerin in which 1, 2, or 3 at. peroxide of hydrogen are replaced by Cl, Br, I, &c. Thus : Monochlorhydrin = C 8 H 7 C10 2 = C 3 H 8 3 + HC1 - H 2 = C 3 H 5 C1(HO) Pichlorhydrin = C 3 H 6 C1 2 = C 8 H 8 3 + 2HC1 - 2H 2 = C 3 H 5 C1 2 (HO) Tricblorhydrin = C 3 H 5 C1 3 = C 8 H 8 0' + 3HC1 - 3H 2 Bromhydrodichlorhydrin = C 3 H 5 Cl 2 Br = C 3 H 8 3 + 2HC1 + HBr - 3H 2 0. The chlorhydrins and bromhydrins are likewise produced by treating glycerin with either of the bromides or chlorides of phosphorus. (See GLYCERIN.) By treating glycerin with the chloride of an acid radicle, or by passing hydrochloric acid gas into a solution of glycerin in the corresponding acid, compounds are formed which may be regarded as glycerin, in which the peroxide of hydrogen is replaced partly by chlorine and partly by the peroxide of the acid radicle ; thus with acetic acid [Ac =. C 2 H0] : Acetochlorhydrin = C 5 H 9 C10 S = C 8 H 8 3 + C 2 H 4 2 + HC1 - 2H 2 = C 3 H 5 .Cl(AcO)(HO). Diacetochlorhydrin = C 7 H U C10 S = C 3 H 8 3 + 2C 2 H 4 2 + HC1 - 3H 2 = C 3 H 5 .Cl(AcO) Acetodichlorhydrin = C 5 H 6 C1 2 2 = C 3 H 8 3 + C 2 H 4 2 + 2HC1 - 3H 2 = C 3 H 5 .Cl 2 AcO. (For further details, see ACETINS, p. 25.) All these compounds, when heated with caustic alkalis, or with metallic oxides and water, reproduce the acid and the glycerin ; thus stearin heated with caustic potash, yields glycerin and stearate of potassium : C3H5 C3HS C 18 H 35 Glycerin may also be formed synthetically in a similar manner to glycol, viz. by heating tribromhydrin, C^^r 3 , with acetate of silver, whereby triacetin, C 3 H 5 Ac 3 3 ia formed, and heating this compound with solution of caustic baryta. The other glycerins have not yet been obtained in the free state, but the acetate of ethyl-glycerin (C 2 H 3 ) / "Ac 3 3 appears to be obtained, together with glycol, by the action of iodide of ethylene on acetate of silver. I >. Alcohols not included in any of the preceding: groups. Berthelot has shown that a considerable number of substances, not usually classed as alcohols, nevertheless possess one essential character of those bodies, viz. that they unite with acids, producing neutral compounds, the formation of which is attended with elimina- tion of water ; and these compounds, when heated with alkalis, reproduce the sub- stances from which they have been formed. The bodies in question are chiefly ot a saccharine nature, viz. Mannite, C 6 H 12 5 .H 2 0, the sugar of manna; Dulcin, C 6 H 11! O 5 .H'-'O, a saccharine substance from an unknown plant, brought from Mada- gascar ; Finite, C 6 H 12 5 , a sugar from the Pinus lambertiana, a tree growing in California ; Quercite, C 6 H 12 5 , the sugar of acorns ; Erythromannite, Erythroglucin, or Phycite, C 6 H 14 8 , a sugar obtained from certain lichens, and from the Protococcus vul- garis. Orcin, C 7 H S O 2 , a sweet crystalline substance, existing in the lichens which yield archil and litmus ; Trehalose, C 6 H 10 5 , also a kinS. of sugar ; Glucose, C 6 H 12 6 , and Meconin, C 10 H I0 4 , an acrid crystalli sable substance, obtained from opium. The following are examples of the compounds formed : C 6 H i2 5 + 2C 2 H 4 2 - 2H 2 = C 10 H I6 7 Mannitan. Acetic acid. C 6 H I2 5 + 4C 18 H 36 2 - 2H 2 = C 78 H 152 Mannitan. Stearic acid. C 8 H 12 5 + GC^H^O 2 - 6H 2 = Mani.itan. Stearic acid. 2C 7 H 6 O 2 - 2H 2 = C 20 H"0 9 Phycite. Benzoic acid. C 6 H i4 a + 6C 7 H 6 2 - 6H 2 = C 48 H 38 18 Phycite. Benzoic acid. CH 12 + 2C J8 H 36 2 - 3H 2 = C^H^O 7 Glucose. Stearic acid. C io H io 4 + 2C 1S H 36 2 - 2H 2 = CHO. Meconin. Stearic acid. ALDEHYDE. 105 The compounds formed by all these bodies, excepting the last two, with acids, readily yield the original saccharine substance and the acid. The compounds formed with glucose are not very definite, and not easily decomposed ; but when treated with dilute sulphuric acid, they yield the original acid and a fermentable sugar, which reduces copper salts. (Berthelot, Compt. rend. xli. 452; xlvii. 262.) ALDEHYDE. C 2 H 4 = C 2 H 3 O.H. [or<7 4 # 4 <9 2 = C*H*O.HO\. Acetic aldehyde, Hydride of Acetyl (Gm. viii. 274; xiii. 437; Gerh. i. 658). A volatile liquid produced by the oxidation and destructive distillation of alcohol and other organic compounds. It was first obtained in an impure state by Dobereiner, who called it Light oxygen ether, and was afterwards prepared pure and thoroughly examined by Liebig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xiv. 133 ; xxxvi. 376). The name aldehyde is an abbrevia- tion of alcohol dehydrogenatum, inasmuch as the compound may be regarded as alcohol deprived of two atoms of hydrogen. Formation. 1. In the oxidation of alcohol, either by slow combustion in contact with platinum-black, chromic oxide, &c., or by the action of chromic acid, nitric acid, chlorine water, or a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese (see ALCOHOL, p. 74). 2. When the vapour of alcohol or -ether is passed through a tube heated to dull redness ; also in the slow combustion of ether. 3. In the decomposition of acetate of ethyl, and probably also of other ethylic ethers, by a mixture of sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium. 4. By heating ace tal with glacial acetic acid to between 150 and 200 C. for two days. Acetic ether and alcohol are formed at the same time, and on distilling the mixture, aldehyde passes over below 60 : C 6 H 14 2 + C 2 H 4 2 = C 2 H 4 + C 4 H 8 2 + C 2 H 6 O Acetal. Acetic Aldehyde. Acetic Alcohol, acid. ether. also by heating acetal with acetic anhydride : C 6 H n Q2 + G 4 H fi 3 = C 2 H'0 + 2C 4 H"0 2 . A few drops of liquid are also obtained boiling above 150, and probably consisting of a compound of aldehyde with acetic anhydride (Beilstein, Compt. rend, xlviii. 1121). 5. By heating ethyl-sulphuric acid or one of its salts with a mixture of sul- phuric acid and peroxide of manganese. This formation of aldehyde is said to take place. under circumstances which altogether preclude any previous formation of alcohol (Jacquemin and Lies-Bodard, 1'Institut, 1857, p. 407). 6. When hemp-oil is passed through a gun-barrel heated to low redness, a liquid is formed containing a large quantity of aldehyde, together with alhehydic or lampic acid (Hess). 7. By the dry distillation of lactic acid, lactic anhydride, and lactates with weak bases, such as lactate of copper, carbonic oxide being given off at the same time : C 6 H 12 O e = 2C*H 4 + 2CO + 2H 2 0. Lactic Aldehyde, acid. 8. Lactic acid and the lactates also yield considerable quantities of aldehyde when dis- tilled with sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxix. 333). 9. In the decomposition of animal albumin, fibrin, casein, and gelatin by a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, or bichromate of potassium (Guckelberger), also of vegetable fibrin by sulphuric acid and peroxide ef manganese (Keller). 10. By the dry distillation of a mixture of acetate and formate of calcium in equal numbers of atoms (Limpricht. See ALDEHYDES, p. Ill ; also ACETONES, p. 31). C 2 HCa0 2 + CHCaO 2 = C 2 H 4 O + C0 3 Ca 2 . Acetate of Formate of Aldehyde. calcium. calcium. Preparation. 1. Two pts. of 80 per cent, alcohol are mixed with 3 pts. peroxide of manganese, 3 pts. oil of vitriol and 2 pts. water, and distilled into a receiver kept at a very low temperature. The mixture is gently heated till it begins to froth slightlv, and the distillation is interrupted as soon as the liquid which passes over begins to redden litmus, which it does when the distillate amounts to 3 pts. The distillate, consisting of aldehyde, alcohol, &c., is mixed with an equal weight of chloride of calcium, and distilled (the receiver being constantly kept very cold), till l pt. has passed over, and this distillate is again rectified with an equal weight of chloride of calcium till f pt. has passed over. This last portion is anhydrous, but contains alcohol and certain compound ethers as well as aldehyde. To purify it, 1 vol. is mixed with 2 voL. ether, the mixture surrounded with cold water, and dry ammoniacal gas passed into it to saturation ; the gas is absorbed rapidly and with great evolution of heat, and the aldehyde separates out in crystals of aldehyde-ammonia. These crystals are washed three times with absolute ether and dried as above. (Liebig.) 108 ALDEPIYDE. 2. A mixture of 1 pt. 80 per cent, alcohol and 2 pts. water is saturated with chlorine gas (being kept cool all the while), and the liquid distilled, as soon as it has lost the odour of chlorine, till ~ has passed over. That which distils over afterwards is alcohol, which may be collected in a separate receiver and again treated with chlorine as above. The first distillate is again freed from water by repeated distillation so far as to admit of its being saturated with ammonia as above, and yields a very large crop of crystals. (L i e b i g. ) 3. One part of alcohol of sp. gr. 0'842 and 1 pt. of bichromate of potassium are in- troduced into a capacious tubulated retort and 1| pt. oil of vitriol admitted by drops through the tubulus. The heat evolved by the chemical action which ensues is suffi- cient to begin the distillation, but towards the end, heat must be applied from without. A large quantity of carbonic acid gas is evolved, and the aldehyde condenses in the well cooled receiver, contaminated with only a small quantity of acetic acid and other substances, so that the distillate may be immediately mixed with ether, and ammoniacal gas passed through it as above (W. and K. Eodgers, J. pr. Chem. xl. 248). The modes of formation 5, 6, and 8, above given, may also be advantageously used for the preparation of aldehyde. To obtain the pure anhydrous aldehyde from the aldehyde-ammonia formed by either of these processes, a solution of 2 pts. of the aldehyde-ammonia in 2 pts. water, is distilled in a water-bath at a gentle but increasing heat, with a mixture of 3 pts. sulphuric acid and 4 pts. water, the distillation being interrupted as soon as the water in the bath begins to boil, and the receiver kept as cold as possible, The hydrated aldehyde which passes over is dried by contact with coarse lumps of chloride of cal- cium in a well closed vessel, and then rectified in a water-bath, at a temperature not exceeding 30. Properties. Aldehyde is a thin, transparent, colourless liquid, having a pungent suffocating odour. Its specific gravity is 0-80002 at (Kopp) ; 0-80551 at (Pierre). It boils at 20 - 8 when the barometer stands at 760mm. (Kopp); at 22, with the barometer at 758-2 mm (Pierre). Vapour-density 1-532 (Liebig) ; (by calculation, 1-520, for a condensation to 2 vol.) It does not redden litmus, even when it is dissolved in water or alcohol. Aldehyde may be regarded either as the hydride of acetyl, C 2 H 3 O.H, or as the hy- C 2 H 3 ) drate or hydrated oxide of vinyl, TT [ 0. Its chemical reactions may for the most part be explained equally well on either hypothesis; but according to the recent observations and calculations of Kopp, the formula C 2 H 3 O.H, is most in accordance with the observed atomic volume of aldehyde, which is between 56-0 and 56-9, the calculated atomic volume being 56-2, as deduced from the first formula, and 5T8 as deduced from the second. (See ATOMIC VOLUME : also Graham's Chemistry, 2nd Ed. vol. ii. p. 581.) Aldehyde is isomeric, but not identical, with the oxide of ethylene, C 2 H 4 .0, recently discovered by Wurtz. Aldehyde mixes in all proportions with water, alcohol, and ether. A mixture of 1 pt. aldehyde and 3 pts. water boils at 37. Chloride of calcium added to the aqueous solution separates the aldehyde, which then rises to the surface. Aldehyde dissolves sulphur and phosphorus, also iodine, forming a brown solution. Dry sulphurous acid gas passed into anhydrous aldehyde surrounded with cold water, is rapidly absorbed, 11 pts. of aldehyde absorbing 9 pts. of the gas, with increase of volume. The absorption-coefficient of aldehyde for sulphurous acid gas is 1-4 times as great as for alcohol, and 7 times as great as for water. (Greuther and Cartmell, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 17.) Decompositions. 1. Aldehyde is very inflammable, and burns with a blue flame. 2. When kept in close vessels, it is often converted into a less volatile liquid, or into two crystalline bodies, which are isomeric modifications of aldehyde (p. 109). 3. In ves- sels containing air, it absorbs oxygen, and is converted into acetic acid ; the action is greatly accelerated by the presence of platinum black. 4. Chlorine-water and nitric acid also convert aldehyde into acetic acid. 5. By strong sulphuric acid, it is thickened and blackened, also by phosphoric anhydride. 6. When an aqueous or alcoholic solution of aldehyde is heated with potash, it becomes yellowish and turbid, and a red-brown resinous mass, the resin of aldehyde, separates on the surface, the liquid at the same time emitting a spirituous and disagreeably pungent odour. The solution is afterwards found to contain formate and acetate of potassium. This is the most characteristic reaction of aldehyde. 7. When vapour of aldehyde is passed over red- hot potash-lime, acetate of potassium is formed and hydrogen evolved : C 2 H 4 + KHO = C 2 H 3 K0 2 + 2H. 8. Potassium (or sodium") acts on aldehyde in the same manner as on alcohol, hydro- gen being evolved and aldehydate of potassium, C'-'H 3 KO, produced. 9. When an ALDEHYDE. 107 aqueous solution of aldehyde is heated with oxide or nitrate of silver, mixed with a small quantity of ammonia, the silver is reduced, forming a beautiful specular coating on the side of the vessel, and acetate of silver is formed in the solution. This reaction affords an extremely delicate test for aldehyde. 10. Chlorine gas in contact with alde- hyde, both being dry, decomposes part of the aldehyde, forming chloride of acetyl, which then unites with the undecomposed aldehyde, forming the compound, C 2 H 4 O.C 2 H S OC1. 11. When dry hydrochloric acid gas is passed into anhydrous aldehyde surrounded by a freezing mixture, the gas is absorbed, and the liquid separates into two layers, the lower consisting of water saturated with hydrochloric acid, and the upper of oxy- chloride of ethylidene, C 4 H 8 C1 2 (A. Lieben, Compt rend. xlvi. 662) : 2C 2 H<0 + 2HC1 = C 4 H 8 CPO + H 2 0. According to Geuther and Cartmell (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxii. 13 ; Proc. Eoy. Soc. x. 110) the first product of the action is the body, C S H 12 C1 2 2 , which, when gently heated in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, splits up into aldehyde, C 2 H 4 0, and C 4 H 8 C1 2 0. rphe Com p 0un( i C 6 H 12 C1 2 2 , may be regarded as a triple molecule of alde- hyde (C 6 H 12 3 ), having one atom O replaced by Cl 2 . 12. Aldehyde mixed with twice its bulk of absolute alcohol, and saturated in the cold with hydrochloric acid gas, yields the compound C 4 IPC10, which, when treated with ethylate of sodium, forms acetal (p. 3). 13. With pentachloride of phosphorus, aldehyde yields chloride of ethylidene, C 2 H 4 C1 2 , and with pentabromide of phosphorus it yields bromide of ethyli- dene, C 2 H 4 Br 2 , which is converted by ethylate of sodium into acetal (p. 4). 14. Ckloro- carbonic oxide (phosgene gas) converts aldehyde into chloride of vinyl, C 2 H 3 C1, with evolution of hydrochloric acid and carbonic anhydride. (Harnitz Harnitzky, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 192.) C 2 H 4 + COC1 2 = C 2 H 3 C1 + HC1 + CO 2 . 15. Hydriodic acid gas appears to act upon aldehyde in the same manner as hydro- chloric acid, but the product is very unstable. 16. When aqueous aldehyde is satu- rated with hydrosidphuric acid gas, a viscid oil is formed, consisting of hydrosul- phate of acetyl-mercaptan : C 12 H 26 S 7 = SH 2 .6C 2 H 4 S. On treating this oil with strong hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, hydrosulphuric acid escapes, and a white crystalline mass remains, consisting of acetyl-mercaptan, C 2 H 4 S, a compound related to aldehyde, in the same manner as ethyl-mercaptan, C 2 H 6 S, to alcohol. 17. Cyanic acid vapour evolved from cyanuric acid is quietly absorbed by anhydrous aldehyde at ; but even at ordinary temperatures the mixture becomes heated, gives off carbonic anhydride, and ultimately froths up and solidifies into a mass consisting of trigenic acid, C'H 7 N 3 0-, together with small quantities of cyamelide, aldehyde-ammonia, and other products (Liebig and Wohler): C 2 H 4 + 3CNHO = C 4 H 7 N'0 2 -f CO 2 . ALDEHYDATES. Aldehyde may be regarded as a monobasic acid, inasmuch as it contains one atom of hydrogen replaceable by metals. Thus, when potassium is gently heated with aldehyde, hydrogen is evolved, and aldehydate of potassium, C 2 H 3 KO, produced : and by evaporation in vacuo this salt may be obtained in the solid state. Aldehydate of silver, C 2 H 3 AgO, is produced when oxide of silver is heated with aldehyde and ammonia. The most important of these salts is the am- monium-salt : Aldehydate of Ammonium, Aldehyde-ammonia, Acetyl-ammonium, C 2 H 4 O.NH 3 = C 2 H 3 O.NH 4 , or Oxide of Vinyl and Ammonium, C 2 H 3 .NH 4 .O. Ammoniacal gas passed into pure aldehyde combines with it, giving off heat, and forming a 'white crystalline mass. If the aldehyde be previously mixed with ether, the compound separates in distinct crystals ; the finest are obtained by mixing a concentrated alcoholic solution of aldehyde-ammonia with ether (Liebig). The crystals are acute rhombohedrons with terminal edges of about 85, often truncated with the faces of another rhombohedron (Gr. Kose) ; they are transparent, colourless, shining, strongly refractive, of the hardness of common sugar, and very friable. The compound melts between 70 and 80 C., and distils unaltered at 100. In the state of vapour or in aqueous solution, it reddens turmeric paper. Its odour is ammoniacal, but has like- wise the character of turpentine (Liebig). It dissolves very easily in water, less easily in alcohol and ether. Aldehyde- ammonia is very inflammable. In contact with the air, especially if also exposed to light, it becomes yellow, and acquires an odour resembling that of burnt animal substances. By distillation it may again be obtained in the colourless state, and leaves a brown residue, which is soluble in water, and contains acetate of am- monium and another ammoniacal salt. Even the weaker acids, such as acetic acid, separate the aldehyde from the compound. Sulphuric acid and potash act upon it in 108 ALDEHYDE. the same manner as upon aldehyde. Its aqueous solution, digested with oxide of silver, reduces part of this oxide and dissolves the rest, forming aldehydate and acetate of silver mixed with ammonia, from which the oxide of silver is precipitated by baryta- water, and reduced when the liquid is heated, while acetate of barium remains in solution. Aldehyde-ammonia treated with hydrosulphuric acid yields thialdine, C 6 H 13 NS 2 : 3(C 2 H 3 O.NH 4 ) + 3H 2 S = C 6 H 13 NS 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 S + 3H 2 0. Similarly, with hydroselenic acid, it yields selenaldine, C 6 H' 3 NSe 8 . With bisulphide of carbon it forms carbothialdine : 2(C 2 H 3 O.NH 4 ) + CS 2 = C 5 H 10 N 2 S 2 + 2H 2 Aldehyde-ammonia heated with hydrocyanic and hydrochloric acids yields alanine : C 2 H 4 O.NH 3 + CNH + H 2 + HC1 = C 3 H 7 N0 2 + NH 4 C1. Aldehyde- Hydro- Alanine. ammonia. cyanic acid. But when a mixture of aldehyde-ammonia and hydrocyanic acid, with sufficient hydro- chloric acid to give it a distinct acid reaction, is left to itself for some time, in a closed vessel, especially in sunshine, colourless needle-shaped crystals are formed, consisting of hydrocyanaldine, C 9 H 12 N 4 : 3(C 2 H 4 O.NH 3 ) + 3CNH + 2HC1 = C 9 H 12 N 4 + 2NH 4 C1 + 3H 2 0. Aldehyde-ammonia heated in a sealed tube to 120 C. is decomposed, and yields two layers of liquid, the upper consisting chiefly of aqueous ammonia, with small quanti- ties of other volatile bases, while the lower, which remains behind on distilling at 200, contains a substance which has the composition C 10 H 13 NO, and may be regarded as an aldehydate of tetravinylium : = C 2 H 3 O.N(C 2 H 3 ) 4 . Its formation is represented by the equation : 6(C 2 H 3 O.NH 4 ) = C 10 H 15 NO + 4KH 3 + 4H 2 0. By treating this compound with baryta-water, the group C 2 H 3 is replaced by HO. and hydrate of tetravinylium is formed. C ? H 3 O.N(C 2 H 3 ) 4 + BaHO = C 2 H 3 O.Ba + N(C 2 H 3 ) 4 .H.O. (Babo, J. pr. Chem. Ixxii. 88 ; Chem. Gaz. 1858, 136.) Concentrated aqueous solutions of aldehyde-ammonia and nitrate of silver yield, when mixed, a fine-grained white precipitate, probably consisting of N0 8 Ag. 2(C 2 H 3 O.NH 4 ). It dissolves very sparingly in alcohol, easily in water. Sulphite of Aldehyde-ammonia, or Sulphite of Vinyl-ammonium, C 2 H 3 (NH 4 )O.S0 2 = (C-H 3 .NH 4 ).S0 3 . Sulphurous acid gas passed into a solution of aldehyde-ammonia in absolute alcohol is rapidly absorbed ; and if the liquid be kept cool, sulphite of alde- hyde-ammonia is deposited in small white prisms, which may be washed with alcohol and dried in vacuo. This compound is isomeric with taurin, C 2 H 7 N0 3 S a substance produced by the metamorphosis of a sulphur-acid contained in the bile but possesses very different properties. It is soluble in water and in aqueous alcohol, very sparingly in absolute alcohol. The crystals decompose slowly in the air at ordinary temperatures, turn brown and lose weight at 100^, and are completely decomposed at higher temperatures, leaving a spongy carbonaceous residue. Acids decompose them, liberating aldehyde and sulphurous anhydride. When strongly heated with potash- lime, they give off ethylamine (Gossmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xci. 122), or rather perhaps dimethylamine : C'IF.NmSO' + KEO = C 2 H 7 N + S0 4 .HK. COMPOUND OF ALDEHYDE WITH ACETIC ANHYDEIDE, C 6 H 10 4 = C 4 H 6 3 .C 2 H 4 0. When 1 at. acetic anhydride and 1 at. pure aldehyde are heated together in a sealed tube to 180 C. for about 12 hours, they unite and form a liquid compound which may be freed from unaltered aldehyde and acetic anhydride by fractional distillation, further purified by washing the portion which passes over above 140 with hot water, and dehy- drated over chloride of calcium. It then boils at 168. It has an alliaceous odour and slight acid reaction, probably arising from decomposition during distillation. Heated with hydrate of potassium, it yields acetate of potassium, giving off the peculiar odour of aldehyde when similarly treated. This reaction distinguishes the compound from Wurtz's acetate of ethylene (acetate of glycol), C 2 II 4 (C 2 H :| 0)*.0'' 8 with which it is isomeric: for that compound heated with caustic alkalis, yields hydrate of ethylene (glycol), with- out any odour of aldehyde. (Geuther, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 249.) Aldehyde appears to form similar compounds with benzole and sc.ccinic anhydrides. ALDEHYDE. 109 COMPOUND OF ALDEHYDE WITH CHLORIDE OF ACETYL, C 4 H 7 C10 2 = C 2 H 4 O.C 2 H a OCl. Chloride of acetyl and aldehyde heated together to 100 for three hours in a sealed tube, unite and form a liquid which distils completely between 90 and 140 C. and yields by fractional distillation a considerable quantity of liquid, boiling between 120 and 124. This liquid is lighter than water ; is very slowly decomposed by cold water, more quickly by hot water ; and dissolves easily in dilute potash, forming chloride and- acetate of potassium, and yielding free aldehyde which is partly resinised by the potash. Moist oxide of silver also decomposes it, forming chloride and acetate of silver. (Maxwell Simpson, Compt.-rend. xlvii. 174.) The same compound is produced, according to Wurtz (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliv. 58), together with chloride of acetyl, by introducing perfectly dry aldehyde into a large vessel filled with dry chlorine. Its formation is due to the union of the chloride of acetyl first produced with the remaining aldehyde (compare p. 106). Wurtz, how- ever, regards it as a double molecule of aldehyde (C 4 H 8 2 ), having 1 at. H replaced by chlorine. MODIFICATIONS OF ALDEHYDE. Aldehyde is susceptible of four isomeric modifica- tions, two liquid and two solid. . Liquid 'modifications. 1. Pure aldehyde sealed up in a tube changes in the course of a few weeks into a liquid, which has a pleasant ethereal odour, boils at about 81, and no -longer forms a resin with potash; it may be exposed to the air without oxidising, and floats on water without mixing. (Lie big) 2. Pure aldehyde mixed with about half its bulk of water and a trace of sulphuric or nitric acid, and cooled to C., changes into a liquid which is no longer miscible with water, and after being purified by agitation with water, and rectification over chlo- ride of calcium, boils at 125. It has a peculiar aromatic burning taste, and is soluble in alcohol and ether, sparingly also in water. Its vapour-density is 4-583, which for a condensation to 2 volumes, corresponds to the formula C 6 H 12 3 . When left to itself, or in contact with water, it readily changes into an acid, and then becomes miscible with water ; occasionally also crystals separate from it at the same time. When heated with a small quantity of sulphuric or nitric acid, it is converted into ordinary aldehyde. (Weidenbusch, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 155.) b. Solid modifications. 1. Solid and fusible Elaldehyde. Anhydrous aldehyde, en- closed in a tube, together with pieces of chloride of calcium, for two months in winter, yielded long transparent prisms, which, however, disappeared again after a fortnight, so completely that not a trace of them could be perceived in the liquid. These crys- tals melt at + 2 C., forming a liquid which solidifies at 0, and boils at 94, giving off a vapour whose density is 4-5157. In the fused state, this substance has an ethereal odour ; more agreeable and less pungent than that of aldehyde ; its taste is some- what burning. Its burns with a blue flame ; its vapour passed through a red-hot tube yields a combustible gaseous mixture, and a small quantity of a liquid having an empyreumatic odour. Oil of vitriol blackens the crystals slowly in the cold, imme- diately when heated. The crystals may be heated with potash-ley for some time with- out becoming coloured, and solidify again on the surface as the liquid cools. When heated with aqueous nitrate of silver, they throw down the silver in the form of a grey powder, not as a specular coating. When dissolved in ether, they do not absorb ammoniacal gas but remain unaltered. ' (Fehling, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvii. 319.) Geuther and Cartmell (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 16) have obtained a similar modi- tion, by saturating common aldehyde with sulphurous acid gas, dissolving the result- ing liquid in water, saturating the acid with chalk, distilling, and treating the dis- tillate with potash, which separates the remaining common aldehyde in the resinous form, and leaves the modified aldehyde in the form of a clear liquid, which boils at 124 C., like the modification obtained by Weidenbusch, and solidifies at 10, starting into crystals which also begin to melt at 10. 2. Solid and infusible Mctaldehyde. Anhydrous aldehyde kept for some time in a sealed tube or well stoppered bottle, frequently deposits transparent, colourless, four- sided prisms, which traverse the whole liquid like a network. The crystals remain solid at 100 C., but at a stronger heat sublime undecomposed, in the form of transpa- rent, colourless, shining, rather hard needles, which are easily pulverised, inodorous, combustible, scarcely at all soluble in water, but easily soluble in alcohol and ether (Liebig). Fehling, by exposing pure aldehyde to the cold of winter for several weeks, once obtained the same crystals, mixed, however, with a larger quantity of the crystals b. They are hard and easy to pulverise; at 120 they sublime without previous fusion. When they are suffered to evaporate in the air, the vapour condenses in fine snowy flakes (Liebig). Heated for some time to 180 in sealed tubes they are reconverted into ordinary aldehyde. (G-euther, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 252.) ALDEHYDE-RESIN. A resinous body obtained by heating aldehyde with potash, either in aqueous or in alcoholic solution, especially the latter. It is also formed in solutions 110 ALDEHYDES. of the alkalis in alcohol, and in acetal, when kept for a long time. According to Weidenbuseh (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 153) it is a substance of a fiery orange colour which is reduced by drying at 100, to a powder, having a paler tint. It dissolves in alcohol and ether, sparingly in water, scarcely at all in alkalis, partially in strong sulphuric acid, from which it is precipitated by water. When purified as completely as possible, it contains 76'4 per cent, of carbon, and 8'0 per cent, of hydrogen: its formation is accompanied by that of acetic, formic and acetylou-i [?] acid; at the same time a pungent odour is evolved, proceeding from a peculiar substance which adheres obstinately to the resin. This substance is oily and volatile when first pro- duced, but soon thickens, even when alone and still more quickly under the influence of nitric acid, and is converted into a golden-yellow, viscid resin, which smells like cinnamon, dissolves in alcohol and ether, and sparingly in water, and is different from the true aldehyde-resin. AIiDEHYDES. A class of organic compounds intermediate between alcohols and acids. They are derived from alcohols by abstraction of 2 atoms of hydrogen, and are converted into acids by addition of 1 atom of oxygen : thus in the fatty acid OH 8n O, and OH 8 + = C"H 2n 2 Alcohol. Aldehyde. Aldehyde. Acid. Aldehydes may be regard d as derivatives : 1, Of a molecule of hydrogen HH, half the hydrogen being replaced by an oxygen-radicle : e. g. benzoic aldehyde or bitter- almond oil, C 7 H 6 = C'IPO.H. 2. Of a molecule of water, half the hydrogen being replaced by a monatomic hydrocarbon, e.g. benzoic aldehyde = f O; acetic alde- hyde = TT [ 0. 3. Of a molecule of water, in which the whole of the hydrogen is replaced by a diatomic hydrocarbon: e.g. acetic aldehyde = (C 2 H 4 .) // 0. According to this last view, which is strongly corroborated by the action of sulphuric acid and chloride of zinc upon glycol (p. 102), the aldehydes are isomeric with the ethers or an- hydrides of the diatomic alcohols, and are related to them in the same manner as the dibasic anhydrides to the dibasic acids ; thus Type H 4 2 Type H 2 Sulphuric acid Sulphuric anhydride SO 2 . Glycol H 2 [ 2 Aidekyd 6 C 2 H 4 .0. The following are the aldehydes at present known. 1. Aldehydes of the form C n H 2n O = ^^"''JO = C 2n H 2n - ! O.H. Acetic aldehyde Propionic Butyric Valeric CEnanthylic C 2 H 4 C 3 H 6 C 4 H 8 C 5 H 10 C 7 H 14 2. Aldehyde of the form OH 2 - 2 = Acrylic aldehyde, or Acrolein, C 3 H 4 0. 3. Aldehyde of the form OH 2 -0 = Campholic aldehyde, or Camphor, C IO H 16 0. 4. Aldehydes of the form C"E>- 8 Benzoic aldehyde, or Bitter-almond oil, C 7 H 6 0. Cuminic aldehyde, or Oil of Cumin, C 8 H 8 0. 6. Aldehyde of the form C"E>- 10 = Cinnamic aldehyde, or Oil of Cinnamon, C 9 H 8 0. 6. Aldehydes of the form C"H>- 8 2 = Cn Salicylic aldehyde, or Salicylous acid, C 7 H 6 2 . Anisylic aldehyde, or Anisylous acid, C 8 H 8 0*. Caprylic aldehyde [?]. Enodic . Laurie . Palmitic . C 9 H 16 O C n H 22 C 12 H 24 C 16 H 32 C 2 H 2 --O.H. = C"H 2 - 5 O.H = OH^-'O.H. ' or C n H ?n -O.H. , or C-H 2 "- 9 8 .H. ALDEHYDES. Ill The aldehydes corresponding to known alcohols may all be formed from those alcohols by oxidation, either by exposure to the air in contact with platinum-black, or by distillation with a mixture of dilute sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese or acid chromate of potassium. Aldehydes may also be prepared from the corresponding acids by a general process, viz. by distilling a mixture of the barium-salt of the acid with an equivalent quantity of formate of barium, thus : C 7 H 5 (Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 368; Piria, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlviii. 113). This process is a particular case of Williamson's method of producing compound ace- tones (p. 31). Several aldehydes, as benzoic, acetic, propionic, butyric, &c. are produced by the distillation of albumin, fibrin, casein, and gelatin with peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid. Some are formed in the destructive distillation of organic acids, as acetic aldehyde from lactic acid, cenanthylic aldehyde from ricinolic acid. Caprylic aldehyde is said by some chemists to be produced (together with the corresponding alcohol), by distilling ricinolic acid with excess of potash. According to Bouis (Compt. rend. xli. 603), a new acid, C 10 H 18 2 , is formed at the same time : C 18 H 34 3 = C 8 H 16 + C 10 H 18 0' 2 . Ricinolic Caprylic acid. aldehyde. But according to Malaguti (Cimeuto, iv. 401), the acid formed is sebacic acid thus: C 19 H 34 3 + 20 = C 8 H 16 + C 10 H 18 4 Caprylic Sebacic aldehyde. acid. This decomposition is supposed to take place simultaneously with that by which octylic (capryHc) alcohol is produced (p. 97). The aldehyde might indeed be pro- duced by oxidation of the alcohol. According to Stadeler, on the other hand ( J. pr. Chem. Ixxxiii. 241), the product C 8 H 16 thus formed is not caprylic aldehyde, but methyl-cenanthyl, CH 3 .C 7 H 13 0, a body isomeric with it (p. 97). Many aldehydes are obtained directly from plants, either existing ready formed in the plants, or being given off as volatile oils on distilling the plants with water. Thus, benzoic aldehyde constitutes the essential part of bitter-almond oil, cinnamic alde- hyde of cinnamon oil, cuminic aldehyde of Roman cumin oil, and salicylic aldehyde or salicylous acid, of oil of spiraea. Oil of rue consists principally of euodic aldehyde, mixed with a small quantity of lauric aldehyde (C. Of. Williams , Proc. Koy. Soc. ix. 167). It was formerly supposed to be capric aldehyde. Benzoic aldehyde is also pro- duced by the action of nascent hydrogen (evolved by the action of zinc on hydrochlo- ric acid) on cyanide of benzoyl, hydrocyanic being formed at the same time : C 7 H 5 O.Cy + HH = C'IPO.H + CyH. This mode of formation corresponds with the representation of aldehydes as hydrides of acid radicles. All the known aldehydes (except palmitic aldehyde, which is a fatty solid) are liquids, which volatilise without decomposition. They are very prone to oxidation, being converted into acids more or less quickly by mere exposure to the air. In con- sequence of this tendency to oxidation, they easily reduce the oxides of the noble metals (see p. 106). Many aldehydes are converted by hydrate of potassium, espe- cially in alcoholic solution, into the corresponding alcohols, and the potassium-salt of the corresponding acid : thus, with bitter almond oil : 2C T H 6 + KHO = C'H 8 + C'H 5 K0 2 Benzyl- Benzoate of alcohol. potassium. Cuminic aldehyde and anisylic aldehyde are decomposed in like manner. The al- dehydes of the first series (corresponding to the fatty acids) and acrylic aldehyde, are not decomposed in this manner : acetic aldehyde treated with potash yields acetate and formate of potassium and a brown resinous mass. All aldehydes form definite, and for the most part crystalline, compounds with the acid sulphites of the alkali-metals, e. g. bitter-almond oil with acid sulphite of sodium, 112 ALDEHYDES. C 7 H G O.SO s NaH ^aj 808 + H2 == NaC 7 II 5 | 2 + H2 ' These com P luld3 are for the most part soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in saturated solutions of the bisulphites. Hence by shaking a liquid containing an aldehyde with excess of such a saturated solution, the aldehyde may be completely separated in the form of a crystalline compound. This is an excellent method of purifying those volatile oils which have the constitution of aldehydes. The acid sulphites of potassium and sodium are, generally speaking, the best adapted for this purpose, as the compounds which they form with the aldehydes are much less soluble in the solution of the sulphite than the corresponding ammonium-compounds, and therefore crystallise more readily. From all these compounds, the aldehyde may be set free by the action of the stronger acids, or by neutralisation with an alkaline carbonate, and may then be obtained in the pure state by distillation. The aldehydes of the first series combine with ammonia, forming crystalline com- pounds like aldehyde-ammonia, C 2 H 4 O.NH 3 , (p. 106), and valeral-ammonia, C 5 H 10 O.NH 9 . These compounds treated with sulphuretted hydrogen yield sulphur-bases, like thial- dine, C 6 H 13 NS*, and valeraldine, C 15 H 31 NS 2 , thus : 3(C S H 10 O.NH 3 ) + 3H 2 S = C I5 H 31 NS 8 + (NH 4 ) 2 S + 3H 2 0. Heated with hydrocyanic and hydrochloric acids, they yield bases similar to the last, but containing oxygen in place of sulphur : e. g. : C 5 H'".O.NH 3 + CNH + C1H + H-'O = C^'NO 2 + NH 4 C1. Leucine. Acrylic aldehyde appears also to combine directly with ammonia, forming a white amorphous compound. The remaining aldehydes yield with ammonia peculiar amides called hydramides, the formation of which is attended with elimination of 3 atoms of water, e. g. 3(C 7 H 6 .0) + N 2 H 6 = N 2 (C 7 H) 3 + 3H 2 Hydrobenza- mide. N 2 H 6 = K 2 (C 7 H 6 0) 3 + 3H 2 Salicylic Salhydramide. aldehyde. Aldehydes also combine with anhydrous acids (anhydrides), forming compounds which are isomeric, but not identical with the diacid glycol-ethers. Thus acetic alde- hyde unites with anhydrous acetic acid, forming the compound, OH 4 O.C 4 H 6 3 , isomeric with acetate of ethylene, C 2 H 4 .(C 2 H 3 0) 2 .0 2 ; also with anhydrous benzoic and succinic acids. Valeral forms with anhydrous acetic, and benzoic acids, the compounds C 5 H'O.C 4 H 6 3 and C 5 H 10 O.C 14 H0 3 , isomeric with acetate and benzoate of amylene, C 5 H'.(C 2 H 3 0) 2 .0 2 and C S H'.(C 7 H 5 0) 2 .O 2 . These compounds heated with caustic alkalis yield acetates, benzoates, &c., of the alkali-metals, and reproduce the original aldehydes, whereas the acetates, benzoates of ethylene, amylene, &c., under the same circumstances, yield glycols, or hydrates of ethylene, amylene, &c. (Greuther, Ann. Oh. Pharm. cvi. 249 ; Ghithrie u. Kolbe, ibid. cix. 296.) The calcium and barium-salts of certain monobasic organic acids, butyric and valeric acids, for example, yield by dry distillation, together with acetones (p. 31), compounds isomeric with the aldehydes, but distinguished from them by not combining with am- monia: these compounds are called butyral, valeral, &c. (Chancel, J. Pharm. [3] vii. 143; Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xc, 111.) Many of the aldehydes are susceptible of polymeric transformations. Acetic alde- hyde exhibits three or four such modifications (p. 108) ; and benzoic aldehyde is very apt to pass into the solid substance benzoin, C 14 H 12 8 . The acetones or ketones are aldehydes in which the basic atom of hydrogen is re- placed by an alcohol-radicle, thus : Aceto^e Valeracetone - . C,PO AXiDXDE. The generic name applied by L. Grmelin, in his Handbook, to the alde- hydes, the latter term being by him restricted to acetic aldehyde. In Gmelin's system, the term includes several organic anhydrides and other compounds not generally re- garded as aldehydes. (Handb. vii. 192.) ALEMBIC ALIZARIN. 1 1 3 ALEMBIC. An apparatus for distillation, much used by the older chemists. ! t consists of a body a, to which' is adapted a head b, of conical shape, and having its external circumference or base depressed lower than . . the neck, so that the vapours which rise and are con- ^ "' ' densed against the sides, run down into the circular channel formed by its depressed part, whence they pass through the nose or beak c, into the receiver d. The alembic is now scarcely used in the laboratory, being superseded by the retort, which is simpler and less expensive. Nevertheless, the alembic has its advantages. In particular the residues of distilla- tions may be easily cleared out of the body a ; and in experiments of sublimation, the head is very con- venient to receive the dry products, while the more volatile portions pass over into the receiver. Glass alembics are now used in some manufactories of sulphuric acid for effecting the final concentration of the acid. AXiEMBROTH-SAXiTr A name given by the alchemists to one of the double chlorides of mercury and ammonium, 2(NH 4 Cl.HgCl) + H 2 0, also called Salt of wisdom. ALEXANDRITE. (See CHRYSOBERYL.) AXi&AROTH (Powder of). The alchemical name for the oxychloride of anti- mony, produced by throwing the chloride (butter of antimony) into water. . A hydrated silicate of alumina, occurring in New Jersey, and crys- tallising, sometimes in right, sometimes in oblique prisms. The following analyses of it have been given by Hunt and Crossley : Silica . . . . . . . 52-16 52-00 Alumina ...... 26 '08 25 -42 Sesquioxide of Iron .... 1*94 1'54 Magnesia . . . . . 1-21 5'39 Potash ...... 10-69 10'38 Water ....... 7 '92 5-27 100 100-00 ALIMENTARY* SUBSTANCES. (See NUTRITION.) AXiXSItXXNT, An acrid, bitter extract, probably a mixture of several compounds, obtained from the water-plaintain (Alisma Plantago} (Jach, Kepert. Pharm. iv. 174 ; vi. 246.) AXiXXXA-CAMPHOR. A crystalline substance, sometimes deposited on the inner surface of the bark oiAlixia aromatica. The crystals are white and capillary, with a slight aromatic taste and the agreeable odour of the plant. They sublime un decom- posed between 70 and 80C., but at higher temperatures they melt and form a brown substance. They are insoluble in cold, but soluble in warm water, forming a neutral solution, which deposits the crystals unaltered ; so likewise does the distillate obtained from this solution. They dissolve readily in alcohol of 80 per cent., in ether, oil of turpentine, caustic potash, carbonate of potassium, and caustic ammonia. Nitric acid of sp. gr. 1-2 does not dissolve, but merely colours them yellow. (Handwork d. Chem. i. 431.) AXiZZARXC ACID. Obtained by Schunck by the action of nitric acid on alizarin, and shown by Wolff and Strecker to be identical with Laurent's phthalic acid (which see.) AX.XZARXH-. C IO H 8 J + 21^0 [or C"H 6 O e + HO]. Uzaric acid, A. red colour- ing matter obtained from madder. It was first prepared by Robiquet and Colin (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxxiv. 225), who obtained it by digesting pounded madder with water at 15 or 20 C., exhausting the gelatinous extract thereby obtained with alcohol, and treating the alcoholic solution, after concentration, with dilute sulphuric acid. A pre- cipitate was thereby obtained, which, when washed, dried, and sublimed, yielded alizarin in long, brilliant needles, having the red colour of native chromate of lead. Alizarin is identical with Runge's madder-red ( J. pr. Chem. v. 362), and with the somewhat impure matiere colorante rouge, obtained from madder by Per soz andGaultier de Claubry (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlviii. 69), and has been prepared in the pure state by Schunck (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 174), by Debus (ibid. Ixv. 351), and by Wolff and Strecker (ibid. Ixxv. 1). It appears not to exist ready formed in madder, but to be produce^ by the decomposition of rubian and ruberythric acid. ^See MADDER.) VOL. I. I 114 ALIZARIN. Preparation according to Wolff and StrecJccr. Madder is exhausted with boiling water; the decoction is precipitated by sulphuric acid ; and the washed precipitate while yet moist, is boiled with a concentrated solution of alumina in hydrochloric acid, whiclTdissolves the colouring matters, and leaves a dark brown residue. The solution mixed with hydrochloric acid deposits red flakes, consisting of alizarin, more or less contaminated with purpurin and resinous matters. This precipitate is dissolved in alcohol, or in dilute ammonia, and the solution is treated with hydrate of alumina, which unites with the colouring matters ; and the alumina-compound thus formed is boiled with carbonate of soda, which dissolves the purpurin and leaves the alizarin in combination with the alumina. Lastly, this compound, after being freed from resinous matters by digestion in ether, is decomposed by hot hydrochloric acid which dissolves the alumina ; and the alizarin thus separated is washed, dried by simple exposure to the air, and purified by repeated crystallisation from alcohol. According to Schwartz (Bull, dela Soc. industr. de Mulhouse, 1856, No. 135), the purest alizarin is obtained by subliming on paper an alcoholic extract of madder having at least 35 times the colouring power of the root itself. According to Plessy and Schiitzenberger (Compt. rend, xliii. 167), when an extract of madder prepared with wood-spirit, is triturated with a tenfold quantity of water, and heated to 250 in a closed vessel, the water on cooling becomes filled with crystals of alizarin ; and the fused extractive mass remaining at the bottom of the vessel, yields, when again treated in the same manner, an additional quantity of very pure alizarin. Anderson, by treating opianic acid (0 10 H 10 5 = alizarin + 2H 2 0) with sulphuric acid, obtained a colouring matter (probably alizarin), which yielded all the madder colours with alumina and iron mordants. (Edinb. Phil. Trans, xxi. 1, 204.) Alizarin in the anhydrous state forms red prisms, inclining more or less to yellow, according to the size of the crystals. It combines with 2 at. water, forming scaly crystals like mosaic gold. These crystals give off their water at 100 C., becoming opaque and of a darker colour. At 215 the compound sublimes, yielding a crystalline sublimate of the same composition as alizarin dried at 100 ; nevertheless a consider- able quantity of charcoal is always left behind. The following are the mean results of the analyses of alizarin dried between 100 and 120 or sublimed : IOC 6H 3 O Calculation. Robiquet. Schunck. Debus. Rochled^r. . 120 68-96 6972 69-4 68-96 67-93 6 3-45 3-74 4-0 3-78 3-77 . 48 27-59 26-54 26-6 27-26 28-30 174 100-00 100-00 100-0 100-00 100-00 C 10 H 6 3 Shnnck assigns to crystallised alizarin the formula C I4 // 5 4 -r 1HO According to the formula C10H6Q 3 , alizarin is clo-ely related to Laurent's chloronapthalic acid, C 10 H 5 C1O 3 . The latter, when boiled with nitric acid, yields phthalic and oxalic acid, like alizarin (vid. inf.). Alizarin dissolves but sparingly in water, even at the boiling heat ; but according to Plessy and Schiitzenberger (loc. cit.} its solubility is much increased by heating to higher temperatures in close vessels, 100 pts. of water dissolve 0'034 pt. of alizarin at 100 C. ; 0-035 at 150 ; 0'82 at 200 ; 170 at 225 ; and 3'16 pts. at 250. Alcohol and ether dissolve it, forming yellow solutions. It is not decomposed by hydrochloric acid. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming a brown solution from which the alizarin is precipitated by water in orange-coloured flakes. Nitric acid at the boiling heat dissolves it, with evolution of red vapours, forming phthalic acid and probably also oxalic acid (Wolff and Strecker): C 10 H 6 3 + IPO -i- 40 = C 8 H 6 O + C 2 H 2 4 Alizarin. Phthalic Oxalic acid. acid. It is also converted into phthalic acid by boiling with ferric chloride or nitrate (Schunck). Chlorine converts it, when suspended in water, into a yellow substance which dissolves in alkalis without much colour, and yields a colourless sublimate when heated. Alizarin dissolves in caustic alkalis and in alkaline carbonates, forming deep purple solutions, from which it is precipitated by acids in orange-coloured flakes. The ammo- niacal solution gives off all its ammonia by evaporation, and forms with the chlorides of barium and calcium purple precipitates which become nearly black when dry. The potash solution is completely decolorised by lime-water, a precipitate being formed containing 2C'H fi 3 .3CaHO, or 2C* H 6 6 .3(CaO,HO\ With baryta, in a similar manner, two compounds are formed, viz. 2C 10 H0 3 .3BaHO and C IS H 6 3 .2BaHO. Alu- mina decolorises an alcoholic solution of alizarin, forming a beautiful red lake. An timinoniacal solution of alizarin forms with salts of magnesium, iron, copper, and silver, ALKALI. 115 purple precipitates with a re-1 or bluish iridescence. The silver precipitate becomes reduced after some time. The alcoholic solution of alizarin forms with an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead, a purple precipitate containing 4C lo H 5 Pb0 3 .3Pb 8 0, or 2C*H*Pb0 6 .3PbO, according to Schunck, and 3C l H 6 3 .2Pb 2 0, according to Debus. ALIZITE. (See PIMELITE.) AXiKJlXiX. Alcali, Laugensalz. The word alkali is used in various senses. In its most restricted, but most usual sense, it is applied to four substances only : hydrate of potassium (potash), hydrate of sodium (soda), hydrate of litlmun (lithia), and hy- drate of ammonium (which may be supposed to exist in the aqueous solution of ammonia). In a more general sense, it is applied to the hydrates of the so-called alkaline earths (baryta, strontia, and lime), and to a large number of organic substances both natural and artificial, which are more fully described in the articles ALKALOIDS and AMMONIUM- BASES. The first four bodies are sometimes spoken of as alkalis proper, when it is wished specially to distinguish them from the other alkalis. As the individual alkalis are described with sufficient detail in the articles specially devoted to each, we shall confine this article to a discussion of those properties which they all possess in common ; in order, as far as possible, to define the essential nature of alkalinity, and to point out upon what grounds this or that particular body is classed as an alkali. These objects will probably be best attained by tracing the most im- portant of the successive steps by which the word alkali, which was at first the name of a single substance, has come to be the generic name of an indefinite number of bodies. The term alkali was first used in chemistry to designate the soluble part of the ashes of plants, especially of sea-weed (carbonates of sodium and potassium). It was, how- ever, soon extended to several similar substances which were obtained by other pro- cesses : for instance, to salt of tartar, and to carbonate of potassium obtained by heat- ing nitre with charcoal. The substances obtained by these processes, and by others of like nature, were regarded as identical, or at most, as mere varieties of the same substance. Alkali was, therefore, not yet used as a generic name, but as the specific name of a particular substance. The character which was chiefly depended upon for distinguishing alkali from other substances was the property of effervescing with acids. This property was supposed to be characteristic of, and essential to, alkaline bodies, till after the middle of the 18th century. Another property of alkali which was early observed was its opposition to acids, and power of destroying their most distinctive characters. On account of its possessing these properties, carbonate of ammonium, which had been known since the thirteenth century, was, from the beginning of the seventeenth century, regarded as a kind of alkali. The power of alkali to change many vegetable colours was recognised at a later period than the properties above mentioned, but was well known to Boyle, who also knew that colours which had been thus altered could be restored by acids. It was first clearly established in 1736, by Duhamel, that there existed two essentially distinct kinds of fixed alkali. From this time, three kinds of alkali were recognised, vegetable alkali, mineral alkali, and volatile alkali, corresponding respectively to potash, soda, and ammonia, or to their carbonates. We have already said that, far on in the eighteenth century, the power of efferves- cing with acids was regarded as an essential property of alkalis. Boyle had indeed observed, in 1684, that volatile alkali could be obtained by distillation over quick lime in a condition in which it no longer effervesced with acids, although it retained all its other usual properties. But, notwithstanding isolated observations of this kind, non- effervescing alkalis were regarded rather as subordinate varieties of the ordinary alkalis than as essentially different substances. Moreover, it was known at a very early date, that quick lime altered, some of the properties of alkali. This alteration was expressed by calling alkali, which had not been acted on by lime, mild, and alkali which had been so acted on, caustic. The effect of the lime was ascribed by Basil Valentine (latter half of the fifteenth century) to heat (" die Hitze aus dem lebendigen Kalk") which it imparted to the alkali. And the idea that lime in burning combined with an active principle " matter of fire " which it gave out again partially to water (when slaked), and completely to alkali, remained long dominant. Van Helmont (circ. 1640) regarded the substance taken up by lime as a kind of sulphuric acid, whence the heat evolved in the action of water on quick lime. Meyer, as recently as 1764, supposed the lime-salt of a peculiar acid, acidum pingue, to be formed during the burning of lime, and that when this salt was treated with a mild alkali, a corresponding alkaline salt (caustic alkali) was obtained. The greasy feel of the caustic alkalis suggested the name of the acid which Meyer supposed them to contain.* * It is a remarkable illustration of the change which takes place in the ideas attached to the same wonl. that both Van Helmont and Meyer should have attributed what we consider an exaltation of the alkaline property to the agency of an acid. (See Arms, p. 40.) I 2 116 ALKALI. The true nature of the difference between caustic and mild alkalis was discovered by Black in 1755. Black's investigation of this subject occupies so important a place in the history of general chemical theory, that it is worth while to consider a little in detail his experiments and the conclusions he derived from them. His first observation was that quick lime, when deadened by exposure to air, became heavier, not lighter, as was to be expected, if the change which took place consisted in the escape of fire-matter. He made a similar observation in the case of magnesia (a substance which he had previously found to be distinct from lime). He found further that magnesia, in the state in which it effervesces with acids, lost considerably in weight when calcined, and that it then no longer effervesced with acids, although it formed with them salts exactly similar to those of effervescing magnesia. In order to find out what was the substance which effervescing magnesia lost when calcined, he repeated the calcination in a retort connected with a well cooled receiver. In this experiment, he obtained nothing but a small quantity of water ; it occurred to him, however, that a gas might have escaped, and that this gas might be the same as that which is evolved during the solution of magnesia alba (effervescing magnesia) in acids. Following out this supposition, he came to the conclusion that the effervescing mag- nesia which is precipitated by a mild alkali from a solution of calcined (not effervescing) magnesia in acid, could obtain the gas, which caused it to effervesce when dissolved, from no source except the alkali. Hence he concluded further that the mild alkalis contain the same gas as is expelled from magnesia alba by calcination ; that, when they combine with acids, this gas is separated and causes effervescence ; and that, when a magnesia salt is precipitated by a mild alkali, the gas leaves the latter and unites with the magnesia, in cmbination with which it is precipitated. These con- clusions were verified by the following quantitative experiment. A weighed quantity of magnesia alba was calcined ; it then dissolved in sulphuric acid without effervescence. The solution was precipitated by mild vegetable alkali (carbonate of potassium), the precipitate washed, dried, and weighed : its weight was almost exactly the same as thatof the original magnesia alba, and it behaved' in every respect like that substance. On a further examination of the gas, which is expelled by acids from the mild alkalis and lime, and from magnesia alba, Black found it to be the same as that which is formed during fermentation, and gave it the name fixed air. From the sum of his observations, Black deduced the following general conclusions. The effervescing earths and alkalis contain fixed air, which can be expelled from the former by heat, though not from the latter, but which is expelled from both by acids ; the alkalis and earths are caustic when they contain no fixed air, and therefore their causticity does not depend on the presence of any peculiar constituent, but is a pro- perty possessed by them in a state of purity; quicklime renders the alkalis caustic, not by imparting to them any principle of causticity, but by the removal from the in of fixed air ; lastly fixed air partially neutralises the alkalis by combining with them, insomuch as it destroys their causticity. Two of the most important effects which the adoption of Black's theory had upon the received ideas of alkalinity were that it caused chemists to perceive (which they had not done before), a necessary opposition between the causticity of an alkali and its power of effervescing with acids, and caused the term alkali to be transferred from the carbonated to the caustic alkalis. Besides the substances to which the name alkali was first given, it was soon per- ceived that certain kinds of earth possessed, in some degree, alkaline properties ; that is to say, the power of effervescing when acted on by acids, and of neutralising their acid properties. Earths which possessed these qualities were called terr . C 20 H 24 N 2 2 J . C 22 H 28 N 2 2 . '. C 9 H 7 N . '. C u H n N! . C 10 H 9 N. Source or Mode of Formation. Cyananilide (cyanophenylamine) and phenylainine. Chloride of cyanogen on naphtylamine. Creatine or creatinine heated with oxide of mereury. Chloride of cyanogen on toluidine. Opium. Eeduction of nitronaphtylene. Opium. Tobacco. Reduction of dinitronaphtylene. Opium. Distillat. of bituminous shale of Dorset- shire. Cissampelos pareira, L. (Antilles). Eeduction of nitrobenzene, &c. Sulphite of cinnamyl-ammonium distilled with lime. Eeduction of nitrophtalene. Coal-tar. Piperine distilled with potash. Pepper (Piper nigrum, P. longuni). Bone-oiL Isomeric transformation of quinine, or of quinidine. Cinchona bark. Quinine or Cinchonine distiL with potash. * According to unpublished analyses by Matthiessen and Foster. 124 ALKALOIDS. Name. Sarcine . Sarcosine Sinamine Ethylsinamine Sinapine Sinapoline . Siucaline Sparteine Strychnine . Tetrylamine (Petinine) Thebaine Theine. (See CAFEINE.) Theobromine ? Thiacetonine Thialdine . . . Thiosanime . Ethylthiosanimine Toluidine (Toluylamine) Diethyltoluidlne Ethyltoluidine . Tritylamine . Formula. ' C 3 H 7 NO* .' C 6 H'N 2 . C 16 H 28 N0 5 . C 7 H I2 N 2 . C 5 H I3 NO . C S1 H 22 N 2 2 . C 4 H"N . C 19 H 21 N0 3 . C 7 H 8 N 4 2 . C 9 H 19 NS 2 . C 6 H 13 NS 2 . C*H 9 N 2 S . C 6 H 12 N 2 S . C 7 H 9 N . CH"N. . C 9 H 13 N. . C 3 H 9 N. Urea (Carbamide . . . CHWO. Allylurea .... C 4 H 8 N 2 0. Amylurea .... C 6 H 14 N 2 0. Diallylurea. (See SINAPOLINE.) Diethylurea . . . C 5 H I2 N 2 0. Diphenylurea. (See FLAVINE.) Ethylallylurea Ethylamylurea . Ethylpiperylurea Ethylurea . Methylethylurea Methylpiperylurea Methylurea Naphtylurea Phenylallylurea Phenylurea Piperylurea CH 12 N 2 0. C 8 H 18 N 2 0. C 8 H 16 N 2 0. . C 4 H 10 N 2 0. . C 7 H 14 N 2 0. . C 2 H 6 N 2 0. '. C 10 H 12 N 2 0! . C 7 H 8 N 2 0. C 6 H i2 N 2 0< Sulphallylurea. (See THIOSINAMINE). Tolylurea .... C 8 H 10 N 2 0. Valeraldine . Veratrine ?Vinylamine . C 15 H 31 NS 9 Source or Mode of Formation. Juice of flesh. Baryta- water on creatine. Oxide of mercury on thiosinamine. Ethylthiosinamine heated with hydrate of lead. White mustard. Hydrate of lead in oil of mustard (sul- phocyanate of allyl). Alkalis on sinapine. Spartium scoparium, L. (Cytisus scopa- riiis, Linck.) Strychnosnux vomica, S.Ignatii, S. colu- brina. Bone-oil. Opium. Cacao-beans. Ammonia and hydrosulphuric acid on acetone. Hydrosulphuric acid on aldehydam- monia. Ammonia on sulphocyanate of allyl (oil of mustard.) Ethylamine on sulphocyanate of allyl. Keduction of nitrotoluene. Hydrosulphuric acid on yaleral ammonia. Veratrum album. Cliloride of ethylene on ammonia. 2. Alkaloids comparable to hydrate of ammonium, forming salts by combining with acids and eliminating water. C 10 H 25 NO. Naine. Formula. Amylium. Hydrate of Methyldiethylamylium .... ,, Tetramylium ..... Triethylamylium C S1 H 27 NO. Brucium. Hydrate of Ethylbrucium ALKALOIDS. 125 Name. Formula. Oonium. Hydrate of Diethylconium C 12 H 25 NO. Methylethylconium C n H 23 NO. Ethylenium. Hydrate of Trimethylethylenium C 5 H 1S NO. Ethylium. Hydrate of Methyltriethylium C 7 H 19 NO. Tetrethylium C^'NO. Methylium. Hydrate of Tetramethylium C 4 H 13 NO. Nicotium. Hydrate of Ethylnicotium C 7 H 13 NO. Methylnicotium OT^NO. Phenylium. Hydrate of Ethyltriphenylium C 20 H 21 NO. Methylethylamyjophenylium . . . C H H 25 NO. Triethylphenylium C 12 H 21 NO. Piperylium. Hydrate of Diethylpiperylium C 9 H 21 NO. Pyridine. Hydrate of Ethylpyridine C 7 HNO. Strychnium. Hydrate of Amylstrychnium C 26 H 34 N 2 3 . Ethylstrychnium C* 3 H 28 N*0 3 . Tolylium. Hydrate of Triethyltolylium C 13 H 23 NO. There are some substances not included in the above list, such as acetamide, C 2 H 5 NO, acetonitrile, C 2 H 3 N, &c., which possess the most important properties of alkaloids to quite as great an extent as some of the bodies there enumerated, but which, in most of their relations, are associated with other well denned groups of com- pounds, and are in consequence seldom classed among alkaloids. On the other hand, this list contains some bodies, such as urea and its derivatives, which also find their places in other classes, but which had long been regarded solely as alkaloids before their relations to other compounds were discovered. This inconsistency is unavoidable. There is not in nature any sharp distinction between alkaloids and other substances ; hence, in determining whether particular bodies ought, or ought not, to be classed as alkaloids, we must sometimes decide by reference to customary usage, or other circum- stances equally arbitrary. G-. C. F. Alkaloids, detection of, in chemico-legal investigations. The certain detection of the poisonous alkaloids in chemico-legal investigations involves their sepa- ration, in a state of purity, from the substances with which they are mixed. When, as is often the case, a very small quantity of an alkaloid is contained in a large quan- tity of a complicated mixture of animal or vegetable matter, its accurate separation is a problem of considerable difficulty. The first chemist who gave a systematic method of proceeding in such cases was Stas (Bulletin de 1' Academic Eoyale de Mede- cine de Belgique, xi. 304 (1851) ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiv. 379 ; J. Pharrn. Chim. xxii. 281), and the method which he proposed continues to be the one most generally employed. His process consists in the successive and systematic use of various solvents, such as dilute acids, alcohol, and ether. The method of carrying it out is as follows : When an alkaloid has to be sought for among the contents of the stomach or intestines, the substances to be examined are treated with twice their weight of pure absolute alcohol, to which from 0'5 gramme to 2 grammes of tartaric or oxalic acid (the former is preferable) have been added, and the mixture is heated in a flask to between 70 and 75 C. (When an entire organ, such as the liver, heart, or lungs, has to be examined for an alkaloid, it must first be divided as finely as possible, then moistened with pure absolute alcohol, squeezed, and afterwards washed with alcohol till all the soluble constituents are removed. The liquid thus obtained is treated in the same way as a mixture of suspected matter and alcohol.) When quite cold, the mixture is filtered, the insoluble part washed with strong alcohol, and the alcoholic solution evaporated either in vacuo, or in a rapid current of air at a temperature not exceeding 35 C. If the residue left on evaporating the alcohol contains fat or other insoluble matter, 126 ALKALOIDS. it must be filtered again through a filter wetted with distilled water, the filtrate must be evaporated nearly to dryness in vacuo over sulphuric acid, and the residue ex- hausted with cold absolute alcohol. The alcoholic solution is once more evaporated at the atmospheric temperature, either in the air, or better in vacuo, and the acid residue of this evaporation is dissolved in the smallest possible, quantity of water. To the solution so obtained, pure, powdered acid carbonate of potassium or of sodium is added very gradually until there is no more effervescence. The neutralised solution is shaken with from four to five times its bulk of pure ether, and then allowed to settle. When the layer of ether has become perfectly clear, a little of it is decanted into a glass capside, and left to. spontaneous evaporation in a very dry place. If, after the evaporation of the ether, slight streaks of liquid appear on the side of the capsule, and run together slowly to the bottom of it, a liquid and volatile alkaloid is probably present. If this be the case, the warmth of the hand will be sufficient to cause the contents of the capsule to exhale a disagreeable smell which, according to the nature of the alkaloid, is more or less sharp, choking, and irritating. If these indications are wanting, the alkaloid, if any is present, is probably solid and non-volatile. Ac- cording to the nature of the alkaloid, as indicated by this preliminary trial, Stas recommends different processes for its further purification. A. The alkaloid is liquid and volatile. In tnis case 1 or 2 cub. cent, of strong solution of caustic potash or soda are added to the contents of the flask, from which the small quantity of the ethereal solution was taken, and the whole is again well shaken. After standing for a sufficient time, the ether is poured off, and the residue is again shaken three or four times with fresh quantities of ether. The ethereal liquids so obtained, containing the alkaloid in solution, are united and shaken with 1 or 2 cub. cent, of a mixture of 4 parts by weight of water and 1 part of sulphuric acid ; after being allowed to stand, the ether is poured off, and the acid liquid is washed with a second quantity of ether. As the sulphates of the volatile alkaloids are soluble in water, but almost all insoluble in ether, the alkaloid sought is contained in the dilute sulphuric acid, in the form of pure sulphate *, while the animal matter which the ether may have taken up from the alkaline liquid together with the alkaloid, remains still dissolved by it. In order to obtain the alkaloid from the solution of its sulphate, the latter is mixed with a strong solution of caustic potash or soda; the mixture is well shaken, and then exhausted with pure ether, which dissolves the alkaloid together with ammonia. The ethereal solution is allowed to evaporate f at as low a temperature as possible, and in order to remove from the residue the last traces of ammonia, the vessel containing it is placed for an instant in vacuo over sulphuric acid. The alkaloid then remains in a state of purity, with its characteristic chemical and physical properties. B. The alkaloid is solid and fixed. If on evaporating a small quantity of the ether with which the liquid neutralised by acid carbonate of sodium has been mixed (see above), there is no sign of the presence of a volatile alkaloid, the liquid must be fur- ther examined for fixed alkaloids as follows. Caustic potash or soda is put into the flask containing ether and the neutralised solution, the mixture is again vigorously shaken, the ethereal layer is poured off as soon as it is clear, and the watery alkaline liquid is several times washed with a considerable quantity of fresh ether. The ether now contains the free alkaloid in solution J, and on evaporation leaves either a solid residue or a colourless milky liquid containing solid particles in suspension. The smell of this residue is disagreeably animal, but not sharp ; it colours red litmus-^ paper permanently blue. In order to obtain the alkaloid in the crystalline state, a few drops of alcohol are poured into the capsule containing it and allowed to evaporate. Usually, however, it is still too impure to crystallise in this way. When this is the case, a few drops of water made very slightly acid by sulphuric acid, are poured upon the residue left by the evaporation of the alcohol, and made to come in contact with the whole of it by properly inclining the capsule in various directions : the alkaloid is thus dissolved, while the fatty impurities remain adhering to the capsule. The acid solution, which, if the last operation has been well performed, is clear and colourless, is poured off, the capsule is washed with a few drops more of the acid water, the washings are mixed with the first solution, and the whole is evaporated over sulphuric acid to about three quarters of its bulk. A saturated solution of pure carbonate of potassium * Sulphate of conine being not quite insoluble in ether, a little of this alkaloid may remain in the ethereal solution ; tin- greater part, however, is always in the aqueous acid solution. t If conine be; present, a great part of it will evaporate with the ether. j If morphine has to be sought for ihe liquid should be shaken with ether immediately after being neutralised with rarbonate of sodium, and the ether should be po red off as quickly a- possible, for, if the alkaloid have time to separate in the crystalline form, scarcely any of it is dissolved hy the ether, (Otto.) ALKALOIDS. 127 is added TO the remaining liquid, and the mixture is treated with absolute alcohol, which dissolves the liberated alkaloid, but leaves undissolved the sulphate and excess of carbonate of potassium. On evaporating the alcoholic solution, the alkaloid is obtained crystallised, and in a state to show its characteristic reactions. According to Otto (Ann. Ch. Pharm. c. 39) the above process of purifying the fixed alkaloids may be advantageously modified as follows. Instead of decomposing the impure tartrate or oxalate by acid carbonate of potassium or sodium, and obtain- ing a solution of the free alkaloid in ether, as described in the first part of this article, the salt dissolved in a small quantity of water is washed with ether, as long as the ether is coloured by it and leaves a residue on evaporation, and afterwards the solution is neutralised by carbonate of sodium and ether added to dissolve the alkaloid as already described. On evaporating the ethereal solution thus prepared, the alkaloid is left in a state of great purity. Or, the acid sulphate of the alka- loid may be formed and washed with ether, as in the process for purifying a volatile alkaloid. Another method of detecting and separating the organic alkaloids from mixtures of other substances has been given by Sonnenschein (Ann. Ch. Pharm. civ. 45). This method is founded upon the property which the alkaloids possess, in common with ammonia, of giving precipitates in an acid solution of phosphomolybdate of sodium : it is very easy of execution, and seems to give very accurate results. Phosphomolybdate of sodium is thus prepared. The yellow precipitate obtained by mixing acid solutions of molybdate of ammonium and phosphate of sodium is well washed, suspended in water, and heated with carbonate of sodium till it is completely dissolved. The solution is evaporated to dryness, and the residue ignited till all ammonia is expelled : if any reduction of molybdic acid take place during the ignition, the product is moistened with nitric acid and again ignited. It is then heated with water, nitric acid added till the solution has a strongly acid reaction, and the gold-yellow solution thus obtained is diluted till 10 parts of the solution contain 1 part of solid residue. It must be carefully preserved from contact with ammonia. This reagent is applied to the separation of the alkaloids in the following manner. The whole of the organic matter to be examined is repeatedly exhausted with very dilute hydrochloric acid : the extract is evaporated at a heat of 30 C. to the consis- tence of a thin syrup, then diluted, and left for some hours in a cool place before filtration. The filtrate is precipitated by excess of phosphomolybdic acid, the precipi- tate collected on a filter, thoroughly washed with water containing phosphomolybdic and nitric acids, and introduced while moist into a flask. Caustic baryta is added, to a distinct alkaline reaction : and the flask having been fitted with a delivery- tube which is connected with a bulb-apparatus containing hydrochloric acid, heat is gradually applied, when the ammonia and volatile organic bases distil over, and are collected in the hydrochloric acid. The residue in the flask (containing the non- volatile alkaloids) is freed from excess of baryta by a current of carbonic anhy- dride, carefully evaporated to dryness, and extracted with strong alcohol. On evaporating the alcoholic solution, the bases are commonly obtained in a state of such purity that they will at once exhibit their characteristic reactions : occa- sionally, however, they require to be further purified by recrystallisation from alcohol or ether. A process has been employed by Graham and Hofmann (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 173 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 39; Pharm. J. Trans, xi. 504) for the detection of strychnine in beer, which might doubtless be employed with equal advantage for the detection of other alkaloids in large quantities of liquid. It consists in leaving the liquid to be examined in contact with about a fortieth of its weight of good animal charcoal for a day, the whole being frequently shaken, collecting the charcoal on a filter, washing it once or twice with water, and then boiling it for half an hour with alcohol, which dissolves out the alkaloid. The alcoholic solution is evaporated, the residue is made alkaline by the addition of a few drops of potash or soda, and then shaken up with ether, which, when poured off and evaporated, leaves the organic base with its characteristic properties. Schulze (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cix. 177) has indicated the acid liquid obtained by dropping pentachloride of antimony into aqueous phosphoric acid as a very delicate reagent for certain alkaloids, and as a substance which may probably serve for the separation of the alkaloids in general. When an alkaloid has been separated in a state of purity by one of the above processes^ or by any other, its chemical and physical properties must be carefully observed in order to determine its individual character, and the reactions obtained should in every case be controlled by comparison with those given by a pure speci- men of the substance suspected. 128 ALLANTOIC AND AMNIOTIC LIQUIDS. From what has been stated above relative to the absorption of the alkaloids by animal charcoal, it is evident that that substance should never be employed to decolorise a solution previous to its being examined for poisonous organic bases. The employment of basic acetate of lead for the same purpose should also be avoided, since it not only introduces a poisonous metal into the substance to be examined, but the sulphuretted hydrogen, which is required to remove the lead, is apt to combine with some of the organic matters present, forming compounds which, in contact with the air, give rise to highly coloured and disagreeably smelling products, very difficult afterwards to get rid of. (Stas.) For further details concerning modifications of Stas's process, and for some methods which are not mentioned in this article, the reader is referred to the article on the same subject in Liebig, Poggendorff, and Wohler's " Handworterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie," 2nd edition, i. 464 ; and for the reactions of the individual alkaloids, to the various articles in this Dictionary in which they are specially de- scribed. G. C. F. The commercial name of two different plants. True alJcanet con- sists of the leaves and roots of the Lawsonia inermis, which grows wild in the Levant. The leaves pulverised and made into a paste with water yield a yellow dye. The root, which contains a red pigment, is used as a cosmetic. False alJcanet (Orcancttc, Radix alcannce spurice) is the root of Anchusa titic- toria, which grows in France, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Greece. It is inodorous, has a faint, somewhat astringent taste, and colours the saliva. It is used in dyeing to produce a very brilliant violet and a grey ; and for this purpose, linen or cotton goods previously prepared with alum-mordants for violet, and with iron-mordants for grey, are dipped in an alcoholic extract of the root. It is also used for dyeing silk, but not for wool. The colouring matter is called Anchusin (which see). AXiXARGEN and AXiKARSXlff. (See AESENIDES OF METHYL.) AXiXiAGXTE. A mineral which appears to be an intimate mixture of hornstone and silicate of manganese, perhaps also with carbonate of manganese. Syn. of DIOPSIDE and ATJGITE. AX.X.ANXTX:. (See ORTHITE.) ALXiANTOXC and AlttlUIOTIC LIQUIDS. The foetus of most mammi- ferous animals is enveloped in two membranes, the outer of which is called the allantois, and the inner the amnium. The space between the two is connected by a duct with the urinary bladder of the foetus, and contains a liquid called the allantoic liquid, which is in fact the urine of the foetus. The amnium at first lies close upon the foetus, but gradually separates and becomes filled with a liquid in which the foetus floats suspended by the umbilical cord. This liquor is the liquor amnii. The allantoic liquid is especially distinguished by containing allantoin, together with albumin, alkaline lactates, chloride of sodium and phosphates, and sometimes glucose. The amniotic liquid contains albumin, pyin, a substance resembling mucus, extractive matter, and in some instances glucose, together with alkaline chlorides, sulphates and phosphates. These liquids have been investigated by many distinguished chemists, but the most exact analyses of them are those which have been recently made by Schlossberger (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvi. 67, and ciii. 193), and by Majewski (Dissert, de Substan- tiaram, &c., Dorpat, 1858; J. pr. Chem. Ixxvi. 99), Majewski's results are as follows : Both liquids, in the earlier stages of development of the embryo of cows and sheep, are clear and colourless : at a later stage, the amniotic liquid of the cow becomes gummy and yellowish, also turbid ; in sheep and swine on the contrary, it always remains clear and colourless, and never becomes gummy. The allantoic liquid becomes yellower with age, and at last reddish yellow, but remains clear, excepting in swine, in which it is always turbid. Both liquids generally exhibit an alkaline reaction. In both liquids, the solid constituents, organic and inorganic, increase for the most part in quantity as the development of the foetus progresses. In the human foetus, how- ever, the quantity of solid matter in the amniotic liquid decreases considerably towards the time of birth (see table). The same result was obtained by Vogt and by Scherer. the latter of whom found 2*416 per cent, of solid constituents in the amniotic liquid in the fifth month of gestation, and only 0'852 at birth. The amniotic liquid retains its albumin up to the period of maturity of the foetus. but (as appears from investigations on the human embryo) this amount decreases in the later period of the development of the embryo, and this diminution appears to be ALLANTOIC AND AMNIOTIC LIQUIDS. 129 connected with the formation of the placenta. In the amniotic liquid of the cow, the albumin may be recognised by its ordinary properties in the earlier stages of develop- ment, but afterwards the liquid becomes gummy and no longer exhibits the usual reaction with nitric acid. The same result was obtained by Schlossberger, (p. 130). The allantoic liquid increases in quantity and consistence as the development of the embryo advances ; it is always clear (excepting in swine) and resembles saturated urine. The allantoic liquid of swine contains iron and a peculiar compound of lime and albumin. In both liquids, the quantity of sugar gradually increases from the earliest period of foetal life, and is greatest a short time before birth. Sugar appears however to be present only in the vegetable feeders : in human embryonic liquids it cannot be detected. The quantity of inorganic salts increases as development advances. Both liquids contain chlorides, phosphates and sulphates, the quantity being greater in the allantoic than in the amniotic liquid. The following table exhibits a summary of the quantitative results obtained by Majewski: In 100 parts. Period of Development. Amnios Allantois ' cent. / Spec, grav. Water. Solid sub- stance. Or- ganic. Inor- ganic. Albu- min. Sugar. Urea. P2O5 A S03 Week 3-4 { 27 1-0029 99-357 0-643 0-459 0-184 0-243 <- { Amnios Allantois 19 63 1-0018 1 0066 99-460 98-980 0-540 1-020 0-100 0-650 0-140 0-370 0-105 0-063 0-241 0-20 0-40 0-0047 0-0052 Embryo of Sheep. 6J-9 { Allantois 62 59 1-0047 1-008V 98-945 98-127 1-055 1-873 0-685 1-198 0-370 0-675 0125 0-114 0-449 0-302 0-500 0-0078 0-03.% 0-0061 0-11069 10-12J { Amnios Allantois 163 119 1-0069 1-0 100 98-51/i 97-453 1-485 2-547 0-917 1-671 0-5S8 0-87ti 0-170 0-172 0-642 0-370 0606 0-0 14S 0-013? 0-0054 0'01 0-022 0-022 0-097 21-27 { Amnios Allantois 698 1236 1-0075 1-0163 98-076 96-160 1-924 3-840 1-171 2-767 0-753 1-073 0-215 0-302 0-642 0-426 0-857 0-016 0-038 0-022 0-112 Human f Embryo. ( In the 2nd month At birth . Amnios 1-0049 95-405 98-490 3-595 1-510 0-95 5-600 2-288 0-357 none none 0-380 ofSe { Between six and ( eight weeks \ Allantois 60 18 1 -0064 1-OOS8 98-114 97-580 1-886 2-420 1-218 1-705 0-638 0-715 0-562 trace trace 0-240 0-358 Schlossberger found in the embryonic liquid of cows the following quantities of water and inorganic salts : The ages of the foetus were: of (a) 30 weeks ; (b) 18 weeks ; (c) 15 weeks ; (d) 78 weeks ; (e) 5 weeks, and (/) 3 weeks : Amniotic liquid. ~\ d. Allantoic liquid. Water. 97-18 97*28 98-96 98-67 / 98-12 c. 97-33 e 98-76 /. 97-35 Ash. 0-72 1-02 0-89 0-93 0-73 0-71 Soluble Saks. 0-694 1-00 0-86 0-91 0-70 Insoluble. Salts. 0-026 0-02 0-03 0-02 0-03 The liquids, even in the fresh state, exhibited an alkaline reaction, and effervesced briskly with acids : and they all exhibited the reactions of sugar, the amniotic liquid of d containing 0-092 per cent, of that substance, and the allantoic liquid of the same, 0-454 per cent. Schlossberger did not find urea in the amniotic liquid. The albuminoidal substances of both liquids exhibited differences of character amongst themselves, and many unusual reactions, indicating the presence of com- pounds intermediate between albumin casein, mucus and pyin. The reactions ob- served by Schlossberger are given in the following table: VOL. I. K 130 ALLANTOIC AND AMNIOTIC LIQUIDS. Appearance. Keaction on boiling and on addition of acetic acid. Amniotic liquid of a and c. Allantoic liquid of b and c. a. Viscid like white of egg : mixed easily with water, and filtered readily. On boiling, became more mobile, with scarcely perceptible turbidity. On neutralising with acetic acid : scarcely perceptible tur- bidity, the liquid remaining vis- cid. On boiling, small flocks separated. The greater part of the protein-substance remained dissolved. On evaporation : films. b. Not viscid. Remained perfectly clear when boiled, either alone or with acetic acid. b. Not viscid; clear on boil- ing. Acetic acid produces slight turbidity, and redissolves | the flocks but slowly, even in ex- cess and at the boiling heat. c. Coagulates even when boiled alone, the coagulum being but partially soluble in acetic acid. On evaporation : films. Both b and c become very turbid when boiled with chlo- ride of calcium or sulphate of magnesium, especially c. The turbidity (arising in b most pro- bably from carbonates) disap- pears on adding acetic acid. Alcohol. a. Throws down flocks solu- ble in warm water. c. No change. b. No change. c. Turbidity. Nitric acid. - a. Slight turbidity, disappear- ing with excess of acid. c. No turbidity. Liquid does not become yellow on boiling. b. Scarcely perceptible turbi- dity. c. Precipitate and yellow colour on boiling. HgCL a. Slight turbidity : small flakes on boiling. c. Turbidity. (WithN0 8 Hg: copious precipitate). b. No change. c. Precipitate. Ferrocyanide of potassium. a. No change. c. Turbidity only after addi- tion of acetic acid. b. No change. c. After acidulation : flocks. Acetate of lead. Basic acetate of lead. Tannin. Copious precipitates. Copious precipitates. Alum. No change in any instance. r. C 4 H 8 N 4 S , or C 9 H 6 N*0^. Discovered by Vauquelin and Buniva (Ann. Chim. xxxiii 269) in the amniotic liquid of the cow.* Lassaigne (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xvii. 301) obtained it from the allantoic liquid of the cow, and Wohler (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 220) from the urine of calves. It is formed arti- ficially by treating uric acid with water and peroxide of lead. (Liebig and Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 244.) C 5 H 4 N 4 8 + H 2 + 2PbO = C 4 HN 4 3 + CPb ? 3 ; Uric acid. Allantoin. Carbonate of lead. or with a mixture offerricyanide of potassium and caustic potash. (Schlieper, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvii. 216.) ' C 5 H 4 N 4 8 + 2C 6 N 8 Fe 2 K: s + 4KHO = C 4 H 8 N 4 3 + CK 2 8 + 4C 3 N 3 FeK 2 + H 2 0. Uric acid. Ferriryanide of potassium. Allantoin. Carbonate of potassium. Ferrocyanide of potassium. Preparation. Pulverised uric acid is suspended in water, nearly at the boiling heat, and finely pounded oxide of lead is added by small portions, and with frequent stirring, till the last portions no longer turn white. The liquid filtered while hot deposits on As, however, subsequent experimenters have not been able to obtain it from that source, it is pro- bable that the amniotic liquid was mixed with allantoic liquid. ALLANTOIN. 131 cooling, crystals of allantoin, while urea remains in solution, and oxalate of lead is left on the filter. The two latter compounds are produced by the action of the excess of peroxide of lead on the allantoin. (Liebig and Wohler.) C 4 IPN 4 3 + 2PbO + H 2 = 2CH 1 N 2 + C 2 Pb 2 4 . Urea. Oxalate of lead. To obtain allantoin from the allantoic liquid, the liquid is evaporated to a fourth of its bulk, and the crystals which are deposited on cooling are decolorised with ani- mal charcoal. From calves' urine, it is prepared by evaporating the liquid to a syrup, and leaving it at least for several days, then diluting with water; washing the deposit with water to separate a quantity of gelatinous matter, chiefly consisting of urate of magnesium ; boiling the crystalline residue of allantoin and phosphate of magnesium with water and animal charcoal ; filtering at the boiling heat ; and adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid to the filtrate to retain in solution the small quantity of phos- phate of magnesium dissolved in the boiling liquid. The allantoin is then deposited in crystals on cooling. Properties. Allantoin forms shining colourless prisms, having a vitreous aspect, and belonging, according to Dauber (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 68), to the monoclinic system. It is tasteless and without action -on vegetable colours. It dissolves in 160 pts. of water at 20 C., and in 30 pts. of boiling water. Alcohol dissolves it in larger quantity. Decompositions. By dry distillation, allantoin is resolved into carbonate and cyanide of ammonium, a small quantity of empyreumatic oil and a very porous charcoal. When gently heated with nitric or hydrochloric acid, it is converted into urea and allanturic acid. (Pelouze, Gerhardt.) C 4 H 6 N 4 8 + H 8 = CH 4 N 2 + C 3 H 4 N 2 3 Allanturic acid. Heated with sulphuric acid, it is resolved into carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and am- monia. (Liebig and Wohler.) C 4 H 6 N 4 3 + 3H 2 = 2C0 2 + 2CO + 4NH 3 . Boiled with baryta water, it gives off ammonia and precipitates oxalate of barium : C 4 H 6 N 4 3 + 4BaHO + H 2 = 4NH 3 + 2C 2 Ba 2 4 . Similarly with aqueous potash (Liebig and Wohler). A solution of allantoin .in cold potash deposits all the allantoin unaltered, if immediately mixed with acids ; but in the course of a day or two, it changes spontaneously into hydantoate of potassium (C 4 H 7 KN 4 4 ), and is then no longer precipitated by acids, gives off but little ammo- nia when boiled, and does not form any oxalic acid : C 4 H 6 N 4 3 + KHO = C 4 H 7 KN 4 4 ; by the further action of the alkali, the hydantoate of potassium is resolved into urea and lantanurate of potassium : C 4 H'KN 4 4 = CH 4 N 2 + C 3 H 3 KN 2 3 . When the aqueous solution of allantoin is "boiled with metallic oxides, compounds are formed which may be called salts of allantoin. Some of them consist simply of allantoin in which 1 at. H is replaced by a metal ; thus, the cadmium-compound is C 4 H s CdN 4 O 3 : and the s//#er-compound, obtained by mixing a solution of allantoin with nitrate of silver and then with ammonia, is C 4 IPAgN 4 O 3 . But most of them con- tain an excess of the metallic oxide; thus, the zinc-compound is Zn 2 0.2C 4 H a ZnN 4 8 , and the lead-compound Pb 2 0.4C 4 H 5 PbN 4 3 . These compounds are insoluble or sparingly soluble in water, and decompose at 100 or a little above (Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxviii. 94). The silver-compound was obtained by Liebiyr and Wohler. When a solution of allantoin is boiled with excess of mercuric oxide, the filtrate becomes milky on cooling, and after a while deposits an amorphous powder containing Hg 2 0.3C 4 H 5 HgN 4 3 , or 5Hg0.3C s H 5 N*0 5 . Three other compounds are said to be obtained from the mother-liquor. Allantoin does not precipitate corrosive sublimate ; but with mercuric nitrate, in a cold and very dilute solution, it forms a precipitate containing 3Hg 2 0.4C 4 H 5 HgN 4 3 , or dHgO.ICt&WO*. On this last property is founded a method for the quantitative estimation of allan- toin, by precipitation with a graduated solution of mercuric nitrate. The method is similar to Liebig' s process for the estimation of urea (q. v.\ but is applicable to the estimation of allantoin only in liquids not containing urea. To precipitate 100 grins, of dry allantoin, C 4 II OCHROXTE. A variety of garnet, fine-grained, massive, and of dark dingy colour. (See GARNET.) AZiXiOGONXTX*. Syn. with HERDEBITE. AXiXiOMORFHXTE. Breithaupt's name for a mineral from Eudolstadt, which, according to the analysis of Gerngross, appears to be merely sulphate of barium. AXiXiOPHAXTE. A hydrated silicate of aluminium, of a blue and sometimes green or brown colour, occurring massive, or in imitative shapes, in a bed of iron-shot limestone, or greywacke slate in the forest of Thuringia. It is transparent or trans- lucent on the edges, moderately hard, but very brittle. Fracture imperfectly con- choidaL Lustre vitreous. Specific gravity 1'89. According to Stromeyer's analysis, it contains 2T92 silver, 32'2 alumina, 3'06 ferric hydrate, 73 lime, 0'52 sulphate of calcium, 3'06 carbonate of copper, and 4T30 water. Bunsen found in a specimen from a bed of lignite near Bonn, nearly the same composition, with a slight admixture of the carbonates of calcium and magnesium, but no copper. The mineral appears from the analyses of Walchner, Berthier, Guillemin, and others, to vary considerably in composition, but irrespective of foreign admixtures it agrees nearly with the formula Al 4 3 .3Si0 2 + 5H 2 0. Schnabel (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1850, s. 731), has, however, analysed several allophanes containing from 14 to 19 per cent, of oxide of copper. p2TT3>J2r)2 > AX-iOPHAiariCACID. C 2 H 4 N 2 3 = ^ 0. Ureo-carbonic acid. (Gm. ix. 266 ; Gerh. i. 418.) By passing the vapour of cyanic acid into absolute alcohol, Liebig and Wohler obtained in 1830 a peculiar ether, which they regarded as cyanate of ethyl; but in 1847 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. lix. 291), they discovered that the substance thus formed was the ether of a peculiar acid which they called allophanic acid. This acid contains the elements of 2 at. cyanic acid and 1 at. water : C 2 H 4 N 2 3 = 2CHNO + IPO. Its ethers are produced when the vapour of cyanic acid comes in contact with the corresponding alcohols, and these ethers, treated with caustic alkalis, yield the cor- responding salts of allophanic acid. The acid itself is not known in the separate state ; when its salts are decomposed by a stronger acid, it is resolved into carbonic anhydride and urea : C 2 H 4 N 2 S = CO 2 + CH 4 N 2 0. In like manner the salts when heated in the state of aqueous solution, are resolved into carbonic anhydride, a carbonate, and urea. Allophanate of Barium. Obtained by dissolving allophanate of methyl or ethyl in baryta-water, whereby wood-spirit or alcohol is set free. The best method is to tri- turate allophanate of ethyl with crystals of hydrate of barium and baryta- water, without applying heat, till the ether disappears ; filter from the remaining bary remaining baryta-crystals ; and ALLOPHANIC ETHERS. 133 set aside the filtrate for some days in a closed vessel ; the barium-salt then separates gradually in hard crystalline nodules and crusts. The crystals are separated from the vessel under the liquid ; the liquid quickly decanted ; any carbonate of barium that may have been formed, is separated by elutriation ; and the crystals are washed a few times with a small quantity of cold water, and dried on paper at the temperature of the air. The barium-salt has an alkaline reaction. When heated alone, it does not give off a trace of water, but evolves monocarbonate of ammonium, and leaves cyanate of barium. Its aqueous solution becomes turbid below 100 C., gives off carbonic anhydride with effervescence, deposits all the baryta in the form of carbonate, and afterwards contains nothing" but urea in solution : 2C 2 H 3 BaN 2 3 + IPO = C0 3 Ba 2 + CO 2 + 2CH 4 N 2 0. This salt, when an acid is poured upon it, is decomposed with brisk effervescence, yielding carbonic anhydride and urea ; even carbonic acid produces this decomposition, though slowly ; neither cyanic acid nor ammonia is formed. AUophanate of Calcium. Prepared like the barium-salt. Crystallisable. Sparingly soluble in water. AUophanate of Potassium. A solution of allophanic ether in alcoholic potash quickly deposits this salt in laminae resembling those of chlorate of potassium. AUophanate of Sodium. Obtained like the potassium-salt, or by triturating the barium-salt, without application of heat, with an equivalent quantity of aqueous sul- phate of sodium, and pouring alcohol upon the filtrate, which causes the sodium-salt to crystallise out in small prisms having an alkaline reaction. The aqueous solution of the salt evaporated without heat in vacuo, leaves the salt in the form of an iridescent gelatinous mass ; evaporated between 40 and 50 C. it leaves the salt partly un de- composed, partly resolved into urea and carbonate of sodium. The aqueous solution mixed with nitric acid gives off carbonic anhydride and deposits shining scales of nitrate of urea. It does not precipitate chloride of barium, in the cold, but, when heated with it, forms an immediate precipitate of carbonate of barium. Allophanic Ethers. These compounds contain the elements of 2 at. cyanic acid, and 1 at. of an alcohol, monatomic, diatomic, or triatomic, e. g. AUophanate of Ethyl . . . C 4 H 8 N 2 3 = 2CNHO + C 2 H 6 AUophanate of Ethylene . . C 4 H 8 N 2 4 = 2CNHO + C 2 H 6 2 AUophanate of Glyceryl . . C 5 H 10 l!s-0 5 = 2CNHO + C 3 H: 8 3 They are obtained by passing the vapour of cyanic acid into the alcohols. AUophanate of Amyl, C 7 H"N 2 3 = C 2 H 3 (C 5 H U )N0 3 . Amylic alcohol rapidly absorbs the vapours produced by the action of heat on cyanuric acid, the liquid, after a while, solidifying into a magma of crystals, which may be purified by solution in boiling water. (Schlieper, Ann. Ch. Pharm. lix. 23.) AUophanate of amyl forms nacreous scales, unctuous to the touch, and without taste or odour. It is insoluble in cold water, and its solution in hot water is neutral to vegetable colours, and does not precipitate metallic salts. It is very soluble in alcohol and in ether, and is precipitated from the solutions by water. It is not attacked by chlorine, bromine, nitric acid, or hydrosulphuric acid. It melts at a gentle heat, and sublimes without alteration ; but its melting-point is very near that at which decom- position takes place. When heated above 100 C. it boils, gives off vapours of amylic al- cohol, and leaves a residue of cyanuric acid, 3C 7 H 14 N 2 0* = 3C*H I2 + 2C 3 N'H 3 S . Distilled with fixed alkalis, it gives off amyl-alcohol (Schlieper). According to Wurtz (Compt. rend. xxix. 186), hot potash-ley converts it into carbonate of potassium, amylamine, and ammonia : C 7 H i4 N 2 3 + 4KHO = 2C0 3 K 2 + C 5 H I3 N + NH 3 + H 2 0. AUophanate of Ethyl.ov Allophanic Ether, C 4 H 8 N 2 3 = C 2 H 3 (C 2 H 5 )N 2 3 . When the vapours evolved from heated cyanuric acid are passed into absolute alcohol, the liquid becomes very hot and gradually deposits crystals of aUophanic ether. The product is washed with a small quantity of alcohol, then dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, and left to crystallise by evaporation (Liebig and Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iviii. 2GO ; lix. 291). According to Debus, aUophanic ether is likewise produced by the action of ammonia on dicarbonate of ethylic di sulphide. Allophanic ether crystaUises in colourless transparent needless, having a strong lustre. It is insoluble in cold water, but dissolves in boiling water and in alcohol, sparingly in ether. The solutions are neutral to test-papers, have no taste, and do not precipitate metallic salts. The ether dissolves in ammonia somewhat more freely than in water, and crystallises K 3 134 ALLOPIIANIC ETHERS. therefrom, apparently free from ammonia. It dissolves in dilute sulphuric and nitric acid at the boiling heat, apparently without decomposition. The crystals when heated in an open vessel melt and volatilise, the vapours con- densing in the air in woolly flocks. Treated with cold alcoholic potash or baryta- water, it yields a metallic allophanate and alcohol ; with a boiling solution of potash, it forms cyanurate of potassium. Allophanate ofEthylene, C 4 H 8 N 2 4 = ^H^-H^ 2 ' Allo P hanate f Glycol.-^ Grlycol (hydrate of ethyl one) absorbs cyanic acid vapour with considerable force, so that it is best to cool the liquid during the absorption. The product is a white mass which dissolves in boiling alcohol, and separates on cooling in colourless shining laminae. It is soluble in water, and melts at 100 C. without decomposition, to a clear colourless liquid, which solidifies in the crystalline form on cooling. At a stronger heat, it gives off carbonate of ammonium, and a thick viscid liquid, while cyan uric acid remains behind. Strong acids decompose it. With hydrate of barium, it behaves like the glycerin-compound next to be described ; also with alcoholic potash. Strong aqueous potash Likewise decomposes it, without formation of cyanuric acid. (Baeyer, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiv. 160.) P 2 TT 3 N 2 O 2 ) Allophanate of Glyceryl, C 5 H'N 2 5 = H 2 (C^IP)'" [ 8 ' ^ttophanate of Gly- cerin. Glycerin absorbs cyanic acid vapour, and is thereby converted into a white sticky mass, which dissolves in alcohol, leaving only a small quantity of cyamelide. The hot saturated solution, on cooling, deposits allophanate of glyceryl in hard crusts, composed of small translucent nodules. The crystallisation is often slow, especially when much glycerin is present ; hence it is best to wash the crude product with cold alcohol before dissolving it in hot alcohol. The nodules, after recrystallisation from alcohol and drying at 100, gave by analysis 3 3 -6 per cent, carbon, 57 hydrogen, and 15-5 N, the formula requiring 337 C, 5-6 H, and 157 N. Allophanate of glyceryl has neither taste nor smell, dissolves slowly but abundantly in water, and with tolerable facility in boiling alcohol. Heated in the dry state, it melts at about 160 C. to a colourless liquid, which solidifies in a gelatinous mass on cooling. On raising the temperature, a large quantity of carbonate of ammonium is evolved, and the mass ultimately turns brown and emits an odour of burnt horn. It is not decomposed by dilute adds at ordinary temperatures, but strong nitric and sulphuric acids decompose it, with evolution of carbonic anhydride. When triturated with water and hydrate of barium, it dissolves with facility ; but the clear filtered solution deposits, after a short time, a bulky crystalline precipitate of carbonate of barium. The precipitation takes place even when the quantity of baryta is less than sufficient to saturate the allophanic acid present, so that it does not appear possible to prepare allophanate of barium in this manner. A certain quantity of that salt appears, however, to be formed, inasmuch as the liquid, after long standing, still deposits carbonate of barium when heated. If alcohol be added to the liquid containing an insufficient quantity of baryta, allophanate of ethyl is produced, probably by a catalytic action. Allophanate of glyceryl heated with baryta- water, yields nothing but carbonate of barium, urea, and glycerin. In an alcoholic solution of potash, allophanate of glyceryl cakes together to a sticky mass, then gradually dissolves, the solution after a while depositing long needles which gradually change to small bulky masses of needles, apparently consisting of ethyl-carbonate of potassium. (Baeyer.) Allophanate of Methyl, C S HN*0 = C 2 H 3 (CH 3 )N 2 3 . Discovered by Ri chard- son in 1837 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxiii. 128), and originally called ureo-carbonate of methyl. When cyanic acid vapour is passed into methyl-alcohol, colourless crystals are obtained, which must be repeatedly washed with water, and then dried at 100 C. When heated, they partly volatilise undecomposed, and are partly resolved into ammonia, methylene gas (?), carbonic anhydride, and cyanuric acid : 3C 3 H 6 N 2 8 - SNIP + 3CH 2 + 3C0 2 + O'H 3 N 3 3 . Heated with potash, they are decomposed in the same manner as the ethyl-compound. They dissolve readily in water, wood-spirit, and alcohol, especially when heated, forming neutral solutions. Allophanate of Eugenic acid, C 12 H 14 N 2 4 = C 2 H 3 (C 10 Hp)N 2 3 . Eugenic acid rapidly absorbs cyanic acid vapour, forming a thick mass, which dissolves in hot alcohol and separates in long shining needles on cooling. At 100 C. it gave 57'0 57-9 per cent. C, 57 5-9 H, and 11-3N (calc. 57'6 C, 5-6 II and 11-2 N). It contains the elements of 2 at. cyanic acid, and 1 at. eugenic acid (2CNHO + C 10 H I2 2 ), and is therefore analogous in composition to the allophanic ethers. It is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, abundantly in hot alcohol. ALLOXAN. 135 It exhibits strong tendency to crystallise, so that even small quantities of the solution yield needles of proportionally considerable length. It is very soluble in ether, is destitute of taste and smell, has a silky lustre, and is permanent in the air. Strong acids decompose it. Triturated with water and hydrate of barium, it forms a stiff paste, consisting of eugenate and allophanate of barium. Alcoholic potash does not appear to convert it into allophanate of potassium. When heated, it is resolved into eugenic and cyanuric acids. (Baeyer, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiv. 164.) See ISOMEEISM. AX.X.OX.a.2?. (Alloxanhydridc, Laurent.) C 4 H 2 N 2 4 , or History. Discovered in 1817 by Brugnatelli, who designated it Eryihrlc acid: first completely investigated by Liebig and Wohler, in 1838 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 256); more recently by Schlieper (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iv. 253). Formation and Preparation. Alloxan is one of the numerous products of the oxida- tion of uric acid. Its preparation is a matter of some nicety. Liebig and Wohler (loc. tit.) and Gregory (Phil. Mag. 1846), prepare it by the action of nitric acid on uric acid: concentrated nitric acid specific gravity 1'4 to 1'42), must be employed, and the temperature must not be allowed to rise above from 30 to 35 C. The process is thus conducted. From 1| to 2 parts strong nitric acid are placed in a beaker or por- celain basin, surrounded with cold water, and 1 pt. uric acid is added in successive small portions, with constant stirring, care being taken not to add a fresh portion of uric acid until the action caused by the addition of the former portion has quite sub- sided. Carbonic anhydride and nitrogen are evolved with effervescence, the action becoming gradually less violent as the operation proceeds ; and crystals of alloxan gradually separate out. When the decomposition is complete, the mixture is left over night in a cool place, and the crystalline magma is then thrown on a funnel plugged with asbestos or coarsely pounded glass, and the last portions of the mother-liquor are carefully removed by washing with ice-cold water, till the washings have only a faintly acid reaction. Schlieper recommends removing the alloxan as it forms, in order to withdraw it from the further action of the nitric acid. The crystals of alloxan are dried by standing on filtering-paper or a porous tile, and then purified by solution in the smallest possible quantity of water at from 60 to 80 C. ; the solution is filtered, and cooled till it crystallises : by evaporating the mother-liquor at a heat not exceed- ing 50 C. further crystals are obtained. The mother-liquor from these crystals, as well as that originally drained off, still contains alloxan, which is best separated by being previously converted into alloxantin. For this purpose, Schlieper proceeds as follows : The mixed mother-liquors are nearly neutralised by carbonate of calcium or sodium if the neutralisation were complete, the alloxan would be converted into alloxanic acid and of the mixture are saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, whereby sulphur and alloxantin are precipitated, some dialuric acid being also formed by the further action of the gas. The remaining | is then added, the alloxan in which reconverts the dialuric acid formed into alloxantin. The alloxantin, which separates out completely in 24 hours, is freed from sulphur by solution in boiling water and crys- tallisation. In order to convert it into alloxan, one half of it is boiled with twice its volume of water, nitric acid being added drop by drop until the evolution of nitric oxide is perceptible, and the whole is heated in a water-bath until effervescence has ceased : small portions of the remaining half are then added successively, until a fresh addition produces no effervescence, then a little nitric acid, and so on till the nitric acid is completely decomposed, a little alloxantin remaining in excess. The solution is then filtered hot, and 3 or 4 drops of nitric acid added to the filtrate, which deposits crystals of alloxan on cooling. The total weight of alloxan thus obtained, should be about equal to that of uric acid employed. It is not advisable to operate on more than 70 to 80 grm. nitric acid at once. Schlieper prefers chlorate of potassium to nitric acid as an oxidising agent. Into a basin containing 124 grm. or 4 oz. of uric acid, and 240 grm. or 8 oz. of moderately strong hydrochloric acid, he adds in successive portions, with constant stirring, 31 grm. or 6 dr. pulverised chlorate. Heat is evolved, which must not be allowed to rise above a certain limit ; and a solution is obtained, containing only alloxan and urea (C 5 H 4 N 4 3 + IPO + = C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + CH 4 N 2 0). If proper care be taken, no gas is evolved. The solution is diluted with twice its volume of cold water, and de- canted after three hours from any undissolved uric acid, which is heated to 50 with a little strong hydrochloric acid, and oxidised by a fresh portion of chlorate. In order to separate the alloxan from the urea, it is converted into alloxantin and reconverted into alloxan in the manner above described. The alloxan prepared by the above methods contains 1 or 4 atoms of water of crys- tallisation. Anhydrous alloxan is obtained by heating the monohydrated compound K 4 136 ALLOXAN. to 1/50 160 C. in a stream of dry hydrogen : the tetrahydrated compound must be first converted into the monohydrate by very careful heating to 100. (Grmelin.) Properties. Anhydrous alloxan is of a pale reddish colour, which is probably due to the action of heat. When crystallised, it contains 1 or 4 atoms of water of crys- tallisation. The crystals obtained by evaporating a warm aqueous solution, contain 1 atom of water : they are oblique rhombic prisms, belonging to the monoclinic system, having the appearance of rhomboidal octahedra truncated at the extremities ; they arc large, transparent, and colourless, of a glassy lustre, and do not effloresce in the air. Liebig and Wohler regarded this compound as anhydrous. Those obtained by cooling a warm saturated aqueous solution are transparent, pearly crystals, often an inch long, belonging to the trimetric system : they effloresce rapidly in warm air, and when heated to 100 are converted in the monohydrated compound. According to Gregory, there exists a third hydrate containing 2| atoms of water. Alloxan is readily soluble in water or alcohol, forming colourless solutions, whence it may be precipitated by nitric acid. Its aqueous solution has an astringent taste, and colours the skin purple after a time, imparting a peculiar and disagreeable smell. It reddens litmus, but does not decompose alkaline-earthy carbonates : neither does it attack oxide of lead, even on boiling. The following is the percentage composition of the three varieties : C 4 . . . 48 33-8 H a . 2 1-41 N*. . . 28 19-72 O 4 ., . _63 45-07 C 4 H 2 N 2 4 . 142 100-00 C'JBPN'O* H 2 C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + aq. C 4 H Z N 2 4 + H 2 3H 2 C 4 H 2 N 3 4 + 4 aq. 142 18 160 160 54 '214 Calc. 88-75 11-25 100-00 Calc. 74-77 25-23 100-00 L. a. W. 73-5 26-5 100-0 Gm. 88-65 11-35 "100-00 Gm. 74-72 25-28 100-00 Decompositions. 1. By Heat. When heated, alloxan melts, and is decomposed, forming, besides other products, cyanide of ammonium and urea. (Handwb. d. Chim.) 2. By Electrolysis. An aqueous solution of alloxan is decomposed by the voltaic current, oxygen being evolved at the positive pole, and crystals of alloxantin formed at the negative pole. 3. By Nitric acid. Hot dilute nitric acid converts alloxan into parabanic acid and carbonic anhydride : C 4 IPN 2 4 + = C 3 H 2 N 2 3 + CO 2 Parabanic ac. Further action of nitric acid converts the parabanic acid into nitrate of urea and car- bonic anhydride. Monohydrated alloxan is scarcely attacked by heating with strong nitric acid. (S c h 1 i e p e r. ) 4. By Hydrochloric and Sulphuric acids. When heated with these acids, alloxan is converted into alloxantin, which gradually separates, and the mother-liquor yields on evaporation acid oxalate of ammonium. The decomposition goes through several stages : first, alloxantin, oxalic and oxaluric acids are formed ; then the oxaluric acid is decomposed into oxalic acid and urea ; and the urea is finally resolved into carbonic an- hydride and ammonia, which last combines with the oxalic acid. (Lie big and Wohler.) 5. An aqueous solution of alloxan is decomposed by boiling into carbonic anhydride, parabanic acid, and alloxantin, which separating on cooling : 3C 4 H 2 N 2 4 = CO 2 + C 3 H 2 N 2 3 + C 8 H 4 N 4 7 * 1 Alloxantin. Parabanic acid. 6. By reducing agents, alloxan is converted into alloxantin. This decomposition is effected by protochloride of tin, sulphuretted hydrogen, or zinc and hydrochloric acid (nascent hydrogen) : 2C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + H 2 = C 8 H 4 N 4 7 + H 2 the further action of the two latter reagents converts the alloxantin into dialuric acid : C 8 H 4 N<0 7 + IP + H 2 = 2C 4 H 4 N 2 0* Dialuric acid. ALLOXANIC ACID. 137 The same decomposition is effected when an aqueous solution of alloxan is boiled with excess of sulphurous acid. When, however, aqueous alloxan is saturated with sul- phurous anhydride, and the solution evaporated at a gentle heat, it yields on cooling large efflorescent tables of a conjugated acid, which, by analysis of its potassium-salt, appears to contain the elements of 1 atom alloxan and 1 atom sulphurous anhydride (Gregory). When a cold saturated solution of aqueous alloxan is treated with sul- phurous acid in excess, ammonia added, and the whole boiled, thionurate of ammonium is formed : C 4 H=N 2 0* + NH 3 + S0 3 H 2 = C 4 H 5 N 3 SO + H 2 Thiontiric acid. 7. By faced alkalis and alkaline earths, alloxan is converted into alloxanic acid : C 4 H 2 N -2 4 + H 2 = C 4 H 4 N 2 5 Alloxanic acid. Aqueous alloxan gives with baryta- or lime-water a gradual white precipitate of allox- anate of barium or calcium : a similar action is produced by a mixture of chloride of barium, or nitrate of silver, with ammonia. If the alkali be in excess, the precipitated alloxanate contains mesoxalate, and the nitrate contains urea (Schlieper). By boil- ing with aqueous alkalis, alloxan is decomposed into mesoxalic acid and urea : C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + 2 H 2 = C 3 H 2 5 + CH 4 N 2 Mesoxalic Urea, acid. 8. "By Ammonia. A solution of alloxan in aqueous ammonia tnrns yellow when gently heated, and on cooling forms a yellow transparent jelly of mycomelate of am- monium : the liquid retains in solution alloxanate and mesoxalate of ammonium and urea (Liebig) : C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + 2NH 3 = C 4 H 4 N 4 2 + 2H 2 Mycomelic acid. 9. With ferrous salts, aqueous alloxan gives a deep blue colour, but no precipitate unless an alkali be added. 10. When aqueous alloxan is heated with peroxide of lead, carbonic anhydride is evolved, carbonate of lead precipitated, and urea is contained in the solution : C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + 4PbO + H 2 = CH 4 N 2 + 2C0 3 Pb 2 + CO 2 . 11. When aqueous alloxan is gradually added to a boiling solution of neutral acetate of lead, mesoxalate of lead is precipitated, and urea remains in solution. When the lead-solution is added to the alloxan-solution, alloxantin and oxalic acid are formed. F. T. C. AX.X.OXAIO-XC ACID. C 4 H 4 N 2 5 . = alloxan + H 2 0. History. Discovered byLiebig and Wohler, in 1838 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 292), further examined by Schlieper. (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iv. 263, Ivi. 1.) Formation and Preparation. Alloxanic acid is formed when alloxan is brought into contact with aqueous fixed alkalis (see AXLOXAN), alkaline carbonates, or acid carbonate of calcium (S t a d e 1 e r). It is prepared by decomposing alloxan ate of barium by sulphuric acid. The salt is suspended in a little water, and a slight excess of dilute sulphuric acid added, with constant agitation: 5 pts. salt require 1| pt. strong sul- phuric acid, duly diluted. After digestion for some time at a gentle heat, the excess of sulphuric acid is removed by pure carbonate of lead, the excess of lead by sul- phuretted hydrogen, and the excess of gas by heat : the solution is then filtered, and evaporated to a syrup, either over sulphuric acid in vacuo, or at a temperature not exceeding 40 C. Properties. Thus prepared, alloxanic acid forms hard white needles, arranged in radiated groups, or in warty masses : if it has been heated above 40 C. it crystallises with difficulty, or not at all. The crystals are permanent in the air: have a sour taste, but a sweetish aftertaste ; are readily soluble in water, less readily, viz. in 5 to 6 pts. alcohol, still less in ether. The solution is acid to litmus, readily decomposes car- bonates and acetates, and dissolves zinc, cadmium, &c., with evolution of hydrogen. Its composition is : C 4 . . . 48 30-0 H* . 4 ... 2-5 N 2 ... 28 ... 17-5 0* . . . _80 . . . 50-0 C 4 H 4 N'0 S 160 133 ALLOXANIC ACID ALLOXANTIN. It is a dibasic acid, forming acid as well as normal salts : the formula of normal alloxanates is C 4 H 2 M 2 N 2 5 , of acid alloxanates, C 4 H 3 MN 2 5 . It also appears to form basic salts with some heavy metals. Alloxanates are mostly obtained by the action of aqueous alloxanic acid on metallic carbonates. The alkaline alloxanates are soluble in water : the normal salts of other metals are generally more or less insoluble, the acid salts readily soluble. They part with their water of crystallisation at temperatures varying from 100 C. to 150 ; and require a stronger heat for their decomposition. The alloxanates have been investigated principally by Schlieper (loc. cit.}. The only one which requires special mention is the normal barium-salt, which is employed for the preparation of alloxanic acid. It is obtained by mixing 2 vols. of a cold satu- rated solution of alloxan with 3 vols. of a cold saturated solution of chloride of barium, heating the mixture to 60 or 70, and adding gradually potash-solution, with constant agitation. Each addition of potash produces a white curdy precipitate, which soon redissolves: at last the precipitate remains permanent, and the liquid suddenly becomes filled with alloxanate of barium, which falls down as a heavy crystalline powder, and may be freed from chloride of potassium by washing with cold water. If too much potash has been added, a persistent curdy precipitate forms, consisting of basic alloxanate and mesoxalate of barium ; it must be redissolved by the addition of a little alloxan-solution. A less abundant, but more certainly pure product is obtained by adding baryta-water to aqueous alloxanic acid. Decompositions. 1. By Hea.t. When heated, the acid melts with intumescence, becomes carbonised, and evolves vapours of cyanic acid. Alkaline alloxanates are decomposed by heat into a mixture of carbonate and cyanide. An aqueous solution of alloxanic acid is decomposed by boiling, carbonic anhydride being abundantly evolved, and two new bodies formed, one of which, leucoturic acid, being insoluble in water, separates as a white powder when the solution, after evaporation to a syrup, is diluted with water; while the other, difluan, remains in solution, but may be preci- pitated by alcohol. The latter is formed in far the larger quantity. The composition of these bodies is not accurately established : Schlieper assigns to the former the for- mula C 3 H 3 N ; 3 , to the latter, C 3 H 4 NW or C 6 H 4 N 2 5 . Schlieper states that a third substance is also formed, soluble in water and alcohol, with the formula C 3 H 5 N 2 2 . The alcoholic solution of alloxanic acid is not decomposed by boiling. Alloxanates are decomposed by boiling with water into mesoxalate and urea : C 4 H 4 N 2 5 + H 2 = c*H 8 5 + CH 4 N 2 2. When heated with nitric acid, alloxanic acid is decomposed into parabanic acid and carbonic anhydride : o = C 3 H'N 2 3 + CO 2 + H 2 0. 3. Alloxanate of potassium gives a dark blue precipitate with ferrous-salts. (See ALLOXAN.) Alloxanic acid is not decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, or by boiling with bichromate of potassium or bichloride of platinum. According to Ghnelin, the compound described byVauquelin (Mem. du. Mus. vii. 253) by the names acide purpurique blanc or urique suroxigenee (oxuric acid) is to be regarded as impure alloxanic acid. F. T. C. (Uroxin.} C 8 H 4 N 4 T +3H 2 [or C 16 H 4 N*0 1 \+6HO]. History. Probably first noticed by P r o u t ; first described by L i e b i g and W 6 h 1 e r in 1838 ; further examined by Fritz sche, who called it uroxin (J. pr. Chem. xiv. 237). Formation and preparation. Alloxantin is formed in various reactions. 1. By the action of warm dilute nitric acid on uric acid. 2. By the action of electrolysis, or of reducing agents on alloxan, or by heating it with water or dilute sulphuric acid (see ALLOXAN) : also by dissolving alloxan in dialuric acid. 3. By heating dialuramide (uramil) with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, or thionurate of ammonium with a large quantity of dilute sulphuric acid. 4. By the action of the air on dialuric acid. 6. In the decomposition of caffeine by chlorine. (Rochleder.) The following are the most usual processes for the preparation of alloxantin. 1. Dry uric acid is added gradually to warm, very dilute, nitric acid, as long as it is dissolved, and the solution evaporated till it has an onion-red colour; or dilute nitric acid is added to 1 pt, uric acid in 32 pts. water, till all is dissolved, and the solution evaporated to two-thirds ; the crystals obtained in either case are purified by re-crys- tallisation from hot water. 2. Sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through an aqueous solution of alloxan. till a crystalline magma forms ; this is dissolved by heat, the pre- cipitated sulphur filtered off hot, and the filtrate crystallised. 3. A solution of alloxan in dilute sulphuric acid is heated for a few minutes, when it becomes turbid, and do- posits crystals of alloxantin on cooling. 4. Dialurate of ammonium is evaporated at ALLOXANTIN. 139 a gentle heat with a large excess of dilute sulphuric acid ; when dialuric acid crystal- lises out, which is converted into alloxantin by the action of the air, without changing its crystalline form. (Gregory.) Properties. The alloxantin obtained by the above methods, contains 3 atoms of water of crystallisation, which it does not lose till heated to above 150C. Of the properties of anhydrous alloxantin nothing is known. The crystals are small, trans- parent, colourless, or yellowish, oblique rhombic prisms, hard, but very friable. In those prepared by methods 1, 2, and 3, the angle of the obtuse lateral edge is 105 : in the dimorphous crystals obtained from dialurate of ammonium, it is 121. They redden litmus, but do not exhibit acid properties in other respects. They are very slightly soluble in cold water, more abundantly, but still slowly, in boiling water, from which solution the alloxantin separates almost completely on cooling. The fol- lowing is the percentage composition of anhydrous and hydrated alloxantin. Anhydrous. Calc. Crystals. Calc. L. and W. Fritz sche. C 8 96 35-8 C 8 96 29-81 30-52 30'06 H 4 4 1-5 H 10 40 3-11 3-15 3'04 N 4 56 20-9 N 4 56 17'39 17'66 17'52 O 7 112 41-8 O 10 160 48-67 48-67 49'38 T6(H) C 8 H 4 N<0 7 +3aq.322 100-00 ICMHM) lOO'OO s. 1. By heat, alloxantin yields a peculiar crystalline product. 2. By oxidising agents, alloxantin is converted into alloxan. This change takes place slowly, when its aqueous solution is exposed to the air, much more rapidly when it, is heated with chlorine- water ; or when it is diffused in boiling water and a small quantity of nitric acid added. Selenious acid also converts the hot solution of allox- antin into alloxan, with separation of selenium. 3. By reducing agents, e. g. sulphuretted hydrogen, a hot solution of alloxantin is converted into dialuric acid : C 8 H 4 N 4 7 + H 2 S + H 8 = 2C 4 H 4 N 2 4 + S. Dialuric acid. 4. When boiled with excess of hydrochloric acid, it is partly decomposed, and de- posits on cooling, a white powder of allituric acid, C 3 H 3 N'-0 2 (Schlieper). At the same time, alloxan and parabanic acid are formed, together with an acid which Schlieper calls dilituric acid, which he has not succeeded in isolating. 5. With baryta-water, alloxantin gives a violet precipitate, which, on boiling, turns white, and then disappears ; the solution contains alloxanate and dialurate of barium, C s H 4 N 4 7 + 3BaHO = C 4 H 2 Ba 2 N 2 5 + C 4 H 3 BaN 2 4 + H 2 0. Alloxanate Dialurate Ba. Ba. 6. By ammonia, alloxantin is converted into purpurate of ammonium (murexide). CH 4 N 4 7 + 2NH S = C 8 H 8 N 6 6 + IPO Murexide. This change takes place either in the wet or the dry way. In the dry way it occurs when alloxantin is heated to 100 C. in an atmosphere of dry ammonia (Gmelin) : or when it is exposed at the ordinary temperature to air containing ammonia. In the wet way, an aqueous solution of alloxantin is coloured purple-red by ammonia : the colour disappears on further heating, or when left for some time in the cold. When nitric acid is gradually added to the hot alloxantin-solution, so as to form alloxan, the addition of ammonia produces a deeper purple colour as the quantity of nitric acid, and consequently of alloxan, increases ; but the coloration ceases when the alloxantin is entirely converted into alloxan. When a solution of alloxantin in tho- roughly boiled water is mixed with ammonia, and boiled till the purple colour has disappeared, crystals of dialuramide (uramil) are deposited : the yellow mother-liquor becomes purple by exposure to the air, deposits crystals of purpurate of ammonium, and finally coagulates into a jelly of inycomelate of ammonium : C 8 H 4 N 4 7 + 4NH 3 = C 4 H 5 N 3 3 + C'H 7 N 5 2 + 2H 2 0. Uramil. Mycomel. amm. The formation of murexide depends upon the oxidation by the air of some of the uramil which is dissolved in the ammonia. When a solution of alloxantin in aqueous ammonia is repeatedly evaporated at a gentle heat in an open vessel, the residue being each time dissolved in ammonia, pure oxalurate of ammonium is finally obtained : if the air be excluded, this substance does not form. 7. Aqueous solutions of alloxantin and sal-ammoniac, both freed from air by boiling, 1 40 ALLOXANTIN ALL YL. form a purple-red mixture, which soon becomes paler, and deposits colourless or reddish scales of uramil : the mother-liquor contains alloxan and hydrochloric acid : C 8 H 4 N 4 7 + NH 4 C1 = C 4 H 5 N 3 S + C 4 H 2 N 2 4 + HC1. Uramil. Acetate or oxalate of ammonium acts like the chloride. 8. "When aqueous alloxantin is heated with oxide of silver, carbonic anhydride is evolved, silver reduced, and oxalurate of silver formed : C 8 H 4 N 4 7 + 4Ag 2 + H 2 = 2C 3 H 3 AgN 2 4 + 2C0 2 + 6Ag. Oxalurate silver. From nitrate of silver, alloxantin precipitates metallic silver: the filtrate gives a white precipitate with baryta-water. Aqueous alloxantin dissolves mercuric oxide with evolution of gas, probablv forming mercurous alloxanate. By peroxide of lead alloxantin is converted like alloxan. 9. Aqueous alloxantin is decomposed by long keeping, even out of contact with air, and is converted into alloxanic acid. (Gregory.) Te tram ethyl -Alloxantin, C 8 H 14 N 4 8 = C 4 (CH 3 ) 4 N 4 7 + H 2 0. This composi- tion is assigned by Gerliardt to a product of the action of chlorine on caffeine, disco- vered byKochleder (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 1), also called Amalic acid (q. v.) F.T. C. AX.X.OYS. (See METALS.) ALLtTAUDITE. (See TuTPHYLINE.) AX.X.YX.. Acryl, Propylenyl. C 3 H 5 . Berthelot and De Luca in 1854 (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliii. 257), by acting on glycerin with iodine and phosphorus, obtained the compound C 3 H 5 I, which they regarded as iodotritylene, that is to say, tritylene, C 3 H fi , having 1 at. H replaced by iodine, but which is now rather regarded as the iodide of the radicle allyl. Ziniu, in 1855 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcv. 128) by acting on this iodide with sulphocyanate of potassium, obtained a volatile oil, the sulphocyanate of allyl, C 3 H 5 .CyS, identical with volatile oil of mustard, and afterwards (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvi. 361) prepared the benzoate, acetate, &c. of the same series. Hofmann andCahours, in 1856 (Compt. rend. xlii. 217 ; more fully, Phil. Trans. 1857, 1; Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 285; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. x. 316), discovered allylic alcohol and prepared a great number of its derivatives. Lastly, Berthelot and De Luca in the same year isolated the radical allyl, and prepared the dibromide and diniodide. The existence of this radicle in the oils of mustard and garlic was first demonstrated by Wertheim. (Ann. Ch. Pharm. li. 289; Iv. 297.) Allyl is the third term in the series of homologous radicles C"!! 11 - 1 , vinyl C 2 H 3 being the second; it is the only radicle of the series that has yet been isolated. Allyl, in the free state, C 6 H' = C 3 H 5 .C 3 H 5 , is obtained by decomposing the iodide, C s iPI, with sodium at a gentle heat, and afterwards distilling the liquid product. It is a very volatile liquid having a peculiar pungent, ethereal odour, somewhat like that of horse-radish. Specific gravity 0-684 at 14. Boils at 59 C. Vapour-density by ex- periment 2-92 , by calculation from the formula C y H 10 (2 vol.) 2'89. Allyl is but little attacked by strong sulphuric acid. Fuming nitric acid changes it into a neutral liquid nitro-compound, soluble in ether and decomposed by heat. Chlorine acts strongly upon it, hydrochloric acid being evolved and a liquid compound formed heavier than water. Bromine and iodine unite directly with it, forming the com- pounds C 3 H 5 Br 2 and C 3 H 5 I 2 . (Berthelot and De Luca.) AX.X.-KX-AX.COHOX.. Hydrate of Allyl, C 3 H 6 = G ^ J 0. Prepared by the action of ammonia on oxalate of allyl, oxamide being formed at the same time : (C 2 2 )"(C 3 H 5 ) 2 O a + 2NH 3 = 2(C 3 H 5 .H.O) + N 2 .(C 2 2 )" .H 4 . Oxalate of allyl. Allyl-alcobol. Oxamide. Dry gaseous ammonia is passed into oxalate of allyl till the whole is converted into a solid mass of oxamide saturated with allyl-alcohol. The latter is then distilled off in a bath of cliloride of calcium, and rectified over anhydrous sulphate of copper. The alcohol appears also to be produced by distilling benzoate or acetate of allyl with potash (Zinin, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvi. 362). It is a colourless liquid, having a pungent but not unpleasant odour, and a spirituous burning taste. It mixes in all pro- portions with water, common alcohol, and ether. It burns with a brighter flame than common alcohol. Boiling-point 103 C.* It gave by analysis, 62*08 per cent. C and 10-43 H, the formula C 3 H 6 requiring 62-07 C, 10'34 H, and 27'5 9 0. * One sample of the alcohol very carefully prepared, Wris found to boil between 00 and 100 C. Thig, h< \vi-ver, may h;ive arisen Irom decomposition ; at all events, the number 10H agrees with the differ- ences generally ob>erved in analogous ethyl and allyl-compuunds. (Hofmann.) ALLYL, BROMIDES OF. 141 Allyl-alcohol is strongly attacked by phosphoric anhydride, a colourless gas, pro- bably C 3 H 4 , being given off, which burns with a very bright flame. It is violently oxidised by a mixture of acid chromate of potassium and sulphuric acid, with forma- tion of allylic aldehyde (acrolein), C 3 H'0, and acrylic acid, C 3 H 4 O 2 . The same trans- formation is effected, though more slowly, by platinum black. Potassium (or sodium) decomposes allyl-alcohol, with evolution of hydrogen and formation of a gelatinous mass of allylate of potassium, C 3 H 4 KO. Strong sulphuric acid acts on it in the same manner as on common alcohol, converting it into allyl-sulphuric acid, C'HAH.SO 4 . With potash and disulphide of carbon, it yields the potassium-salt of allyl-xanthic acid, C 4 H 6 S 2 0. BROIVKIDES OP. The monobromide, C 3 H 5 Br, which is isomeric, or perhaps identical with bromotritylene, is obtained by the action of bromide of phos- phorus on allyl-alcohol (Hofmann and Cahours); or by distilling dibromide of tritylene, C 3 H ti Br 2 (or hydrobromate of bromotritylene, C 3 H 5 Br.HBr) with alcoholic potash (Cahours). Its specific gravity is 1-47, and boiling-point 62 C. (Cahours.) The hydrobromate of this compound, or dibromide of tritylene, is produced when bromine is gradually passed into an excess of tritylene gas ; but when tritylene is passed into excess of bromine, a number of compounds are formed which may be re- garded as compounds of hydrobromic acid with bromide of allyl having its hydrogen more or less replaced by bromine. (See TBITTLENE.) Dibromide of Allyl, C 3 H 6 Br 2 . Allyl unites directly with bromine, the com- bination being attended with evolution of heat. If the action be stopped just as the liquid begins to show colour from excess of bromine, and to give off hydrobromic acid, and if the liquid be then treated with potash, dibromide of allyl is obtained as a crystalline body, very soluble in ether. It melts at 37 C. and when once fused, sometimes remains liquid at ordinary temperatures. It may be volatilised without decomposition (Berthelot and De Luca). The allyl in this compound takes the place of 2 at. H. Tribromide of Allyl, C s H 5 Br 3 . Obtained by gradually adding bromine to iodide of allyl in a vessel surrounded by a freezing mixture. The mixture is left to itself till the next day ; freed from crystallised iodine by washing first with alkaline and afterwards with pure water ; then dried and distilled ; the liquid which passes over is again washed and distilled, collecting apart that which goes over from 210 to 220 C.; the purple liquid then obtained is cooled to C. whereupon it solidifies in a crys- talline mass ; the mother-liquor is drained off; and the product is fused and again rectified. By this method, tribromide of allyl is obtained as a colourless neutral liquid, of not unpleasant odour, specific gravity 2*436 at 23 C., boiling at 217 or 218, and solidifying below 10. By slow solidification, it yields shining prisms, which melt at 16. (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Ix. 84.) Alcoholic potash converts it into an ethereal substance boiling at 135 C. Heated to 100 in a sealed tube with alcoholic ammonia, it is converted into Dibromallylamine, N.H.(C 3 H'Br) 2 (M. Simpson, Phil. Mag. [4] xvi. 257). The decomposition appears to consist of two stages ; in the first, the compound C 8 H 5 Br 3 , is converted into C 3 H 4 Br 2 , and in the second, this latter is converted into dibromallylamine : C 3 H 5 Br 3 -t- NH 3 - C 3 H 4 Br 2 + NH 4 Br. (C 3 H 4 Br and 2C 3 H 4 Br 2 + 3NH 3 = N^C 3 H 4 Br + 2NH 4 Br. ( H Dissolved in glacial acetic acid, and heated with acetate of silver to 120 125 C. for a week, it yields bromide of silver and triacetin (p. 25.) + 3AgB, The radicle C 3 H 5 in this compound is triatomic, replacing 3 at. hydrogen, as seen in the reaction just mentioned ; in other words the compound is formed on the type H 3 .H 3 . Wurtz has obtained two compounds (or perhaps only one) isomeric with it, by the ac- tion of bromine on bromotritylene, C 3 H 5 Br. and on the isomeric body bromide of allyl. These compounds are perhaps formed on the type H 2 .H 2 , their rational formula being C 3 H 4 Br.Br*. They both have a specific gravity of 2'392 at 23 C., and boil at about 195 ; but they differ somewhat in odour and in their action on silver-salts, the former being more energetic in both respects than the latter (Wurtz). The action of bromide of bromallyl on ammonia is totally different from that of tribromide of allyl, giving rise, not to dibromallylamine, but to the compound C 3 H 4 Br 2 .C 3 IPBi :S . ^Simpson.) 142 ALLYL-COMPOUNDS. HXiORIDE OP. Chlorotritylene, C 3 H 5 C1, is obtained like the bro- mide, by the action of chloride of phosphorus on allyl-alcohol, or by treating chloride of tritylene, C 3 H 6 .CF (hydrochlorate of allyl-chloride, C 3 H 5 C1.IIC1) with alcoholic potash. The last mentioned compound treated with excess of chlorine yields substi- tution-products similar to those obtained with the bromide. (See TKITYUENE.) AZ.Z.YX. HYDRIDE OP, C 3 H 6 = C 3 H 5 .H. Tritylene or propylene, the third term in the series of hydrocarbons C"H 2n , is perhaps the hydride of allyl. AXiXTSTXi, IODIDES OP. The monoiodide (iodotritylene) C 3 H 5 I, is obtained by distilling glycerin at a gentle heat with diniodide of phosphorus ; 2C 3 H 8 S + 2PI 2 = 2C 3 H 5 I + P 2 3 + 3H-0 + 21. A quantity of tritylene-gas is given off, due to a secondary action, and a mixture of oxygen-acids of phosphorus with iodine and undecomposed glycerin remains in the retort. Tri-iodide of phosphorus may also be used, but the action is less regular. The distillate is purified by rectification, the portion which passes over at 100 C. being collected apart (Bert helot and De Luc a). Iodide of allyl is also produced by the action of iodine and phosphorus on allyl-alcohol. (Hofmann and Oahours.) "When first prepared, it is colourless, and has an ethereal alliaceous odoxir ; but by the action of air and light, it becomes coloured and then gives off irritating vapours Specific gravity 1'789 at 160 C. Boiling-point 101. It is insoluble, in water, but dissolves in alcohol and ether. By the action of zinc or mercury, and hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid, it is converted into tritylene (hydride of allyl) : C 3 H 5 I + 4Hg + HC1 = C 3 H 8 + Hg 2 Cl + Hg 2 I. and C 3 IPI + 2Zn + HC1 = C 3 H e + ZnCl + Znl. Iodide of allyl is decomposed by silver-salts, iodide of silver being formed, and the acid radicle being transferred to the allyl. Diniodide of Allyl, C 3 H 5 I 2 . Obtained by dissolving 6 or 7 pts. of iodine in 1 pt. of allyl at a gentle heat. The mixture, which is liquid at first, solidifies after a few minutes ; and by triturating the mass with aqueous potash, then digesting in boiling ether, and evaporating the ethereal solution, the diniodide of allyl is obtained in the crystalline form. It is decomposed by distillation, yielding iodine and a neutral liquid. It is scarcely attacked by aqueous potash ; but alcoholic potash decomposes it, producing a liquid which smells like allyl. It is not acted upon by mercury and hydrochloric acid. (Berthelot and De Luc a.) Iodide of Mercurallyl, C H 5 Hg 2 I, is obtained by agitating iodide of allyl with metallic mercury. On crystallising the resulting yellow mass from a boiling mixture of alcohol and ether, nacreous scales are formed, which turn yellow when exposed to light, especially if moist. They dissolve but sparingly in cold alcohol, and are nearly insoluble in boiling alcohol. Heated to 100 C. they sublime in rhombic plates; at 135 they melt, and solidify in a crystalline mass on cooling. When quickly heated, they decompose, yielding a yellow sublimate and a carbonaceous residue. The alco- holic solution treated with oxide of silver, yields a strongly alkaline liquid, which when evaporated leaves a syrupy mass, probably consisting of hydrate of rnercurallyl. (Zinin.) AX.X.YX., OXIDE OP. AUylic ether, (C 3 H 5 ) 2 0, is produced by the action of iodide of allyl on ally late of potassium : C 3 H 5 KO + C 3 H S I = KI + (C 3 H 5 ) 2 0; also by the action of oxide of silver or oxide of mercury on iodide of allyl : 2C 3 H 5 I + Ag 2 = 2AgI + (C 3 H 5 ) 2 0. A body having the same composition was obtained by Wertheim (Ann. Ch. Pharm. li. 309 ; Iv. 297), by acting on oil of garlic, (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S, with nitrate of silver, and dis- tilling the crystalline product thereby produced; also by heating oil of mustard (sulphocyanate of allyl), with fixed alkalis, e. g. with soda-lime. Oxide of allyl is a colourless liquid, lighter than water, and insoluble in water. It boils at 82 C. (Hofmann and Cahours) ; between 85 and 87 C. (Berthe- lot and De Luc a). It forms with sulphuric acid a conjugated acid yielding a soluble barium-salt. Nitric acid converts it into a nitro-compound heavier than water. "With iodide of phosphorus, it yields iodide of ally]. Heated with butyric acid it is decomposed, with formation of butyrate of allyl. (B. and L.) Ethyl-allyl-ether, C 5 H 10 = C-H 5 .C 3 H 5 .0, is obtained by the action of iodide of ethyl on allylate of potassium, or of iodide of allyl on ethylate of potassium. It is a colourless aromatic, very volatile liquid, boiling at about 84 C. Similar compounds ALLYL, SULPHIDE OF. 143 are produced by treating iodide of allyl with methylate, amylate, and phenylate of potassium (Hofmann and Cahours). Amyl-allyl-ether boils at about 120 C. (Berthollet and De Luca.) Oxide of Allyl and Glyceryl, or Triallylin, C 12 H 20 3 = [cH*)'| 3 - Iodide of aUyl distilled with potash and glycerin yields this compound in the form of a liquid, boiling at 232 C., soluble in ether, and having a disagreeable odour. (Bert he lot and De Luca): (C 3 H 5 )"'.H 3 .0 3 + 3C 3 H 5 I = SHI + (C 3 H 5 )"'.(C 8 H 5 ) 3 3 . The formula is that of a triple molecule of water H 6 3 , in which 3 at. H are replaced by the triatomic radicle glyceryl, and the other three by 3 at. of the monatomic radicle allyl. AXiXiYX., OXYGEK'-SAI.TS OP. Acetate, oxalate, sulphate, &c. (See the several acids.) AX.X.1T3J, SULPHIDE OF. Oil of garlic, C 8 H'S = (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S [or CH 5 S~\. This compound is produced by distilling iodide of allyl with protosulphide of potassium : 2C 3 H 5 I + K 2 S = 2KI + (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S, and is contained in the essential oils produced by distilling with water the leaves and seeds of various plants of the liliaceous and cruciferous orders. It forms the principal constituent of the oil obtained from the bulbs of garlic (Attium sativum), from which it was first obtained in the pure state by Wertheim in 1844 ; and it exists in smaller quantity in oil of onions (Allium cepa). It occurs also, together with 10 per cent, of oil of mustard (sulphocyanate of allyl), in the herb and seeds of Thlaspi arvense, passing over when these matters are bruised with water and dis- tilled. The leaves of Alliaria officinalis distilled with water yield oil of garlic ; the seeds yield oil of mustard (Wertheim). The bruised seed distilled after maceration in water, yields a mixture of 10 per cent, oil of garlic, and 90 oil of mustard ; but the seed produced in sunny places yields only the latter. The herb and seeds of Thlaspi arvense yield a mixture of 90 per cent, oil of garlic, and 10 oil of mustard. The herb and seeds of Iberis amara likewise yield a mixture of the two oils ; and very small quantities of the same mixture are obtained from the seeds of Capsella Bursa Pas- toris, Eaphanus Raphanistrum, and Sisymbrium Nasturtium. (PI ess, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iviii 36.) To obtain the whole of the mixed oils, the several parts of the plants, especially the seeds, must be macerated in water some time before distillation. For, in the seeds of Thlaspi arvense, for example, the oils do not exist ready formed ; the seeds, in fact, emit no odour when bruised, and if before distillation with water, they are heated to 100 C. or treated with alcohol, no oil passes over; and if the seed be ex- hausted with alcohol, and the filtrate evaporated, there remains a crystalline residue mixed with mucus, which, when triturated with water and with the seed of Sinapis arvensis, yields, not oil of garlic, but oil of mustard. (PI ess, Ann. Ch. Pharm, Iviii. 36.) Preparation, a. From Iodide of Allyl. The iodide is cautiously dropped into a concentrated alcoholic solution of sulphide of potassium, the liquid then becoming very hot, and an abundant crystalline deposit of iodide of potassium being formed. As soon as the action ceases, the liquid is mixed with a slight excess of sulphide of potassium ; water is then added, and the oil which rises to the surface is rectified. b. From Garlic. The crude oil is obtained by distilling bruised garlic-bulbs with water in a large still. The oil passes over with the first portions of water, the pro- duct amounting to 3 or 4 oz. from 100 pounds of the bulbs. The milky water which passes over at the same time, contains a large quantity of oil in solution, and serves therefore for cohobation. The crude oil is heavier than water, of dark brownish- yellow colour, and has a most intense odour of garlic. It decomposes at 140 C. ; that is to say, somewhat below its boiling-point, which is 150, becoming suddenly heated, assuming a darker colour, and giving off intolerably stinking vapours, without yielding a trace of garlic oil ; the residue is a black-brown glutinous mass (Wertheim.) Preparation of the rectified oil. The crude oil is distilled in a salt-bath (in the water-bath the distillation is slower) as long as anything passes over. One-third of the crude oil remains behind as a thick dark-brown residue. The rectified oil is lighter than water, and of a pale yellow colour, or after two distillations, colourless, and smells like the crude oil, though less offensive. Does not evolve a trace of of ammonia when treated with hydrate of potash. It covers potassium with a liver- coloured film of sulphide of potassium, depositing an organic substance, and giving off a small quantity of a gas which burns with a pale blue flame. With fuming nitric 144 ALLYL, SULPHIDE OF. acid, oil of vitriol, hydrochloric acid gas, dilute acids and alkalis, corrosive sublimate, nitrate of silver, bichloride of platinum and nitrate of palladium, it behaves like pure sulphide of allyl. Even after being several times rectified and dried with chloride of calcium, it exhibits a variable composition and a certain amount of oxygen, and must therefore contain, besides sulphide of allyl, an oxygen compound, probably oxide of allyl, the presence of which is indeed indicated by the reaction with potassium. (Wertheim.) Preparation of pure Oil of Garlic or Sulphide of Allyl. The rectified oil is again rectified several times ; dehydrated over chloride of calcium ; decanted ; a few pieces of potassium introduced into it ; and as soon as the evolution of gas thereby produced has ceased, the oil is quickly distilled off from the residue. The rectified oil appears to contain oxide as well as sulphide of allyl, together with excess of sulphur, these impurities either pre-existing in the crude oil, or being formed from sulphide of allyl by the action of atmospheric oxygen, that portion of the sulphide which takes up the oxygen, giving up its sulphur to the rest. If the potassium be not suffered to complete its action before the liquid is distilled, it merely removes the excess of sulphur, but does not decompose the oxide of allyl, and a distillate is obtained, con- taining from 65-17 to 6475 per cent. C, and 9'22 to 9-15 H. (Wertheim.) Properties. Colourless oil, of great refracting power, and lighter than water. Boils at 140 C. May be distilled without decomposition. Smells like the crude oil but less disagreeably. It dissolves sparingly in water, readily in alcohol and ether. Calculation. Wertheim. 60 . . 72 . . 63-16 . . 63-22 10H . . 10 . . 8-77 . . 8-86 S . . 32 . . 28-07 . . 27-23 (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S 114 100-00 99-31 Decompositions. 1. Sulphide of allyl dissolves with violent action in fuming nitric acid ; the solution when diluted with water, deposits yellowish- white flakes, and is found to contain oxalic and sulphuric acids; according to Hlasiwetz (J pr. Chem. li. 355) oil of garlic treated with nitric acid, yields formic and oxalic acids. 2. With cold oil of vitriol, it forms a purple solution, from which it is separated by water, apparently without alteration. 3. It absorbs hydrochloric acid gas in large quan- tities ; the deep indigo-coloured mixture becomes gradually decolorised on exposure to the air, and immediately if gently heated or diluted with water. 4. From nitrate of silver, it throws down a large quantity of sulphide of silver, whilst nitrate of silver and allyl remains in solution (Wertheim). It is not altered by dilute acids or alkalis, or by potassium. Combinations. Sulphide of allyl does not precipitate the aqueous or alcoholic solu- tions of acetate of nitrate of lead, or acetate of copper ; neither does it precipitate the solution of arsenious or arsenic acid in aqueous sulphide of ammonium. With solutions of gold, mercury, palladium, platinum, and silver, it forms precipi- tates, consisting of a double sulphide of allyl and the metal, either alone or associated with a double chloride. Gold-precipitate. Sulphide of allyl forms with aqueous trichloride of gold, a beauti- ful yellow precipitate, which resembles the platinum-precipitate, but soon cakes together in resinous masses, and becomes covered with films of gold. Mercury-precipitate. Alcoholic solutions of oil of garlic and corrosive sublimate form a copious white precipitate, which when left to stand for some time, and espe- cially if diluted with water, increases to a still greater quantity. It is a mixture of the compounds a and b, which may be separated by continued boiling with strong alcohol, only the compound a being soluble therein. (Wertheim.) a. The alcoholic filtrate, when left to itself or evaporated with water, and after washing and drying, yields a white powder, agreeing in composition with the formula (C 3 H 5 )*S.2Hg 2 S + 2(C 3 H 5 C1.2HgCl), or 2(C 3 H 5 )'- : 8.Hg-S.6HgCl (anal. 10-91 C, 1-61 H, 63-67 Hg, and 16-41 Cl : calc. 11-32 C, 1'57 H, 62-87 Hg, and 1670 01). It blackens superficially on exposure to the sun ; when heated, it gives off vapours smelling like onions,and yields a sublimate of calomel and mercury. When immersed in moderately strong potash-ley, it acquires a light yellow colour from separation of oxide of mercury; if this oxide be then removed by dilute nitric acid, there remains a white substance, probably = (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S.2Hg 2 S. When distilled with sulphocyanate ^of potassium, it yields oil of mustard, together with other products. It is insoluble in water, and dis- solves but sparingly in alcohol and ether. (Wertheim.) b. The portion of the mercury-precipitate insoluble in hot alcohol contains the same constituents, and has the carbon and hydrogen likewise in the ratio of 6 : 5 at., bufc is much richer in mercury. (Wertheim.) ALLYL. 145 Palladium-precipitate. When rectified oil of garlic is gradually added to a solution of nitrate of palladium, kept in excess, a brown precipitate is formed, which appears to contain 2C s H 10 S.3Pd 2 S. Chloride of palladium forms with oil of garlic a yellow precipitate, probably consisting of the preceding compound mixed with chloride of palladium. Platinum-precipitate. Oil of garlic forms a yellow precipitate with dichloride of platinum. This precipitate is obtained of a finer yellow colour by the use of alcoholic solutions ; but when strong alcohol is used, its formation is gradual, becoming instanta- neous however on addition of water. If the water be added too quickly and in too great quantity, the precipitate is yellowish-brown, resinous, and difficult to purify ; the addi- tion of water must therefore be stopped as soon as a strong turbidity appears ; in that case, if the oil of garlic is not in excess, a copious flocculent precipitate is sure to be ob- tained, resembling chloro-platinate of ammonium. The precipitate is washed on the filter, first with alcohol, then with water, and dried at 100 C. When heated considerably above 100, it changes colour, and leaves sulphide of platinum in so porous a condition that it takes fire at a higher temperature, and continues to glow till it is reduced to pure platinum. Fuming nitric acid decomposes and dissolves the precipitate completely, forming dichloride of platinum and platinic sulphate. When immersed in hydrosulphate of ammonium, it is gradually converted into the kermes-brown compound next to be described. Aqueous potash and sulphuretted hydrogen have no action upon it. The precipitate is nearly insoluble in water, and dissolves but sparingly in alcohol and ether. It gives by analysis 17*85 per cent. C, 2'87 H, 48'53 Pt, 18-29 S, and 13-22 CJ, whence Wertheim deduces the somewhat improbable formula, 3(C e II IO S.2PtS) + 2(C 3 H 5 Cl.PtCl 2 ), which requires 1777 C, 2-47 H, 48-88 Pt, 1777 S, andl3;ll Cl. Kermcs-brown compound, (C i H 5 ) 2 S.2PtS. Formed, together with dissolved sal- ammoniac, when the platinum-precipitate just described is left in contact and shaken up -with hydrosulphate of ammonium. The brown compound heated to 100 C. emits an alliaceous odour, and gives off 4-88 per cent, of sulphide of allyl. The darker substance containing excess of platinum which remains, continues unaltered till it is heated to 140 C. but between 150 and 160, gives off 5'17 per cent, more, therefore in all 9'55 per cent, of sulphide of allyl, leaving a still darker compound of (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S with 3PtS. The kermes-brown compound is insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. (Wertheim.) Silver-precipitate. When a solution of nitrate of silver in aqueous ammonia is mixed with excess of sulphide of allyl, .one portion of the compound resolves itself into oxide of allyl, which rises to the surface as an oil, and nitrate of ammonium ; but there is also formed at the beginning a white or pale yellow precipitate, which perhaps consists of (C 3 H 5 ) 2 S + J?Ag'-'S. For if it be immediately washed with alcohol, and dried between paper, it is resolved by distillation into sulphide of allyl and a residue of sulphide of silver. But if it remains half an hour immersed in the liquid, it assumes a continually darker brown colour, and is finally converted into black sulphide of silver. (Wertheim.) AX.Z.YX. and' HYDROGEN, SITX.PHXDE OP. Allyl-mercaptan, C 3 H fi S = C 3 H 5 .H.S. Produced by distilling iodide of allyl with sulphide of hydrogen and potassium : C 3 H 5 I + KHS = KI + C 3 H 5 .H.S. It is a volatile oily liquid, having an odour like that of oil of garlic, but more ethereal. It boils at 90 C. It is powerfully attacked by nitric acid, assuming a red colour, and yielding an acid analogous to ethyl-sulphurous acid. It acts with great energy on mercuric oxide, forming a compound C 3 H 5 HgS, which dissolves in boiling alcohol, and separates from the solution in pearly scales resembling mercaptide of mercury. (Hof- mann and Cahours.) AX.Z.YX,, SU1.PHOCYANATE OF. C 4 H 5 NS = CNS.C 3 IF. Volatile Oil of Mustard. (See SULPHOCYANIC ETHERS.) AX.X.YX.-SUX.PHGCARBAXVEXC,orSlTX.PHOSZarAPXC ACID. C'IFNS 2 = ( "NT ( CSV C 3 H 5 H S j Jj^ ' . This acid is not known in the separate state, but its soluble Baits, viz. those containing the metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths, are obtained by treating oil of mustard with the hydrosulphates of those metals : e. g. C 4 H 5 NS + KHS ~ C . (A 1 ) ) based upon the isomorphism of the aluminium-compounds with other compounds of corresponding character, which are known or supposed to contain sesqui-equivalent radicles : thus, alumina, the only known oxide of aluminium, is isomorphous with scsiiiitoxide of iron and sesquioxide of chromium; and common potash-alum (A1 2 )'"K'(S0 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 0, is isomorphous with iron-alum (Fe 2 )'"K'.(S0 4 )- + 12IFO, and chrome-alum (Cr 2 )'"K'.(S0 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 0. All these formulae may, however, ho re- duced to others containing mono-equivalent radicles, the values of which are two-thirds of those of the corresponding sesqui-equivalent radicles. For instance, the aluminium- compounds may be supposed to contain a radicle (aluminicum), al = A1 = f . 13 ~75 10-31. The formula of the chloride will then be aid; that of alumina, al 2 ; that of the sulphate /-S0 4 ; that of alum, afK.SO 4 . It is sometimes convenient to write the formulae in this manner. Most compounds of aluminium are colourless. The oxide, hydrates, borates, phos- phates, arseniates, and silicates, are insoluble in water; most other aluminium-com- pounds are soluble. All of these, excepting the silicates, are soluble in hydrochloric and sulphuric acid, at least if they have not been strongly ignited. The aqueous solutions have an acid reaction, and an astringent disagreeable taste. They are not precipitated by any free acid. With sulphide of ammonium and other soluble sulphides, they give a white gelatinous precipitate of trihydrate of aluminium, the formation of which is attended with evolution of hydrosulphuric acid gas. The precipitate is insoluble in excess of that reagent, but soluble in caustic potash or soda. With solution of potash or soda, the same gelatinous precipitate of the hydrate is pro- duced, soluble in excess of the alkali, and reprecipitated by boiling with sal-ammoniac, or by cautious neutralisation with hydrochloric acid. With ammonia, the same preci- pitate, insoluble in excess. With alkaline carbonates, the same, carbonic acid being given off, and not entering into combination with the alumina. of potassium, a white gelatinous precipitate, after some time. With phosphate of sodium, gelatinous precipitate, closely resembling the hydrate in appearance, and dissolving with the same facility in hydrochloric acid and in potash. From these solutions it is precipitated in the same manner as the hydrate, viz. from the hydrochloric acid solu- tion by ammonia, and from the potash-solution by sal-ammoniac ; it is distinguished ALUMINIUM (ALLOYS). 155 from the hydrate however, by its insolubility in acetic acid, and by exhibiting certain reactions of phosphoric acid (q. v.) Most compounds of aluminium, when moistened with a small quantity of nitrate of cobalt, and ignited before the blowpipe, exhibit a fine characteristic blue colour. This character is best exhibited by placing a small quantity of alumina, precipitated as above, on charcoal or platinum-foil, heating it to redness, then moistening with nitrate of cobalt, and igniting again. Quantitative Estimation of Aluminium. Aluminium is usually precipitated in the form of hydrate by excess of ammonia or carbonate of ammonium, or better by sul- phide of ammonium, because an excess of ammonia or its carbonate dissolves a small but perceptible quantity of the hydrate, which can then be reprecipitated only by boiling the liquid till every trace of ammonia is expelled. The precipitate when ignited leaves anhydrous alumina, containing 53'26 per cent, of the metal. Aluminium may also be very conveniently separated from its solutions by boiling with hyposulphite of sodium; alumina is then precipitated together with sulphur, while sulphurous acid is expelled, and a sodium-salt of the acid previously combined with the alumina remains in solution : thus, if the aluminium exists in solution as sulphate : S 3 12 A1* + 3S 2 3 Na 2 = A1 4 3 + 3S + 3S0 2 + 3S0 4 Na 2 . The liquid should be dilute, and must be boiled till it no longer smells of sulphurous acid ; the alumina then separates quickly in a compact mass, not at all gelatinous, and very easy to wash. The sulphur mixed with it is very easily expelled by ignition. (G-. Chancel, Compt, rend. xlvi. 987.) This mode of precipitation by hyposulphite of sodium, serves also to separate aluminium from many metals, especially from iron, the latter metal being reduced to the state of protoxide, and remaining in solution as a sodio-ferrous hyposulphite. To ensure complete separation, the solution must be nearly saturated, if necessary, with an alkaline carbonate, diluted to a considerable extent, and mixed with the hypo- sulphite while cold ; otherwise the alumina separates too quickly, before the iron is completely reduced to protoxide, and then carries some of the iron down with it. After the separation of the alumina, the iron is re-oxidised by nitric acid and preci- pitated by ammonia. (Chancel.) Aluminium may also be separated from the alkalis and alkaline earths, by .precipi- tation with ammonia or sulphide of ammonium. In thus separating it from the alkaline earths, however, care must be taken to protect the solution from the air, otherwise carbonic acid will be absorbed by the excess of ammonia, and will preci- pitate the alkaline earth together with the alumina. From barium, aluminium is most easily separated by sulphuric acid. Alloys of Aluminium. Aluminium forms alloys with most metals. With zinc and tin it unites readily, forming brittle alloys ; with cadmium it forms a malleable alloy. With iron, aluminium unites in all proportions, forming alloys which are hard, brittle, and crystallise in long needles, when the proportion of iron amounts to 7 or 8 per cent. Aluminium containing iron dissolves in acids more readily than the pure metal. (Deville.) Aluminium alloyed with even a small proportion of silver, loses all its malleability. An alloy containing 5 per cent, of silver may, however, be worked like the pure metal, and has been used for making knife-blades. An alloy containing 3 per cent. of silver is used for casting ornamental articles. It has the colour and lustre of silver, and is not tarnished by sulphuretted hydrogen. (Deville.) The alloys of aluminium and copper are of especial importance. One in particular, containing 10 pts. of aluminium with 90 pts. of copper, called aluminium-bronze, possesses very remarkable properties. It is a definite compound, containing Cu 9 Al. It has the colour of gold, takes a high polish, is extremely hard, and possesses a tenacity equal to that of the best steel ; it is also very malleable. Another alloy con- taining only 2 Or 3 per cent, of copper, is used for casting ornamental articles of large dimension, intended to be chased. Aluminium may be easily plated on copper. The plates of the two metals are prepared in the usual manner, and well rubbed with sand, then placed between two plates of iron, the whole being well bound together, heated to low redness, and then strongly pressed. (Deville.) Alloys of aluminium may be prepared by heating a mixture of alumina and the oxide of another metal, such as copper, iron, or zinc, or a mixture of alumina with carbon and the other metal in the free state, granulated copper, for instance, the materials being all very finely divided, and mixed in atomic proportions ; or rather with the carbon slightly in excess. This method, due to a foreign inventor, has been patented in this country in the name of E. L. Benzon (1858, No. 2753). 1.56 ALUMINIUM. Amalgamation and Gilding of Aluminium. According to Cailletet, aluminium may be amalgamated by the action of ammonium-amalgam or sodium-amalgam and water, also when it is connected with the negative pole of the voltaic battery, and dipped into the mercury moistened with acidulated water, or into nitrate of mercury. Ch. Tissier (Compt. rend. xlix. 56), confirms this statement respecting the amalgamation of aluminium in connection with the negative pole of the battery, and adds, that if the aluminium foil is not very thick, it becomes amalgamated throughout, and very brittle. The same chemist finds that aluminium may be made to unite with mercury. merely by the use of a solution of caustic potash or soda, without the intervention of the battery. If the surface of the metal be well cleansed and moistened with the alkaline solution, it is immediately melted by the mercury and forms a shining amal- gam on the surface. The amalgam of aluminium instantly loses its lustre when exposed to the air, becoming heated and rapidly converted into aluminium and metallic mercury. It decomposes water, with evolution of hydrogen, formation of alumina, and deposition of mercury. Nitric acid attacks it with violence. (Tissier.) To gild aluminium, 8 grammes of gold are dissolved in aqua regia, the solution is diluted with water and left to digest till the following day, with a slight excess of lime ; after being well washed, it is treated at a gentle heat with a solution of 20 grms. of hyposulphate of sodium. The filtered liquid serves for the gilding of aluminium, without the aid of heat or electricity, the aluminium being simply immersed in it, after having been well cleaned by the successive use of potash, nitric acid, and pure water. (Tissier.) It is somewhat difficult to solder aluminium, partly because no flux has yet been found that will clean the surface without attacking either the aluminium or the solder, partly because the surface of the aluminium is not easily melted by metals more fusible than itself. An imperfect soldering may indeed be effected by means of zinc or tin, but a better method, devised by M. Hulot, is to coat the aluminium with copper, by the electrolytic method, and then solder in the ordinary way. (Devi lie.) Arsenide of Aluminium. (See ARSENIDES.) Boride of Aluminium. Boron unites with aluminium under the same circum- stances as silicon (p. 160), and alters its properties in a similar manner. Bromide of Aluminium, APBr 3 , is obtained by the action of bromine on pulveru- lent aluminium, the metil being in excess. By sublimation, it is obtained in white, shining laminae, which melt at 90, forming a mobile liquid which boils at about 265 C. It is decomposed when heated in contact with the air. It dissolves in bisulphide of carbon, forming a solution which fumes strongly in the air. It dissolves in water, and the solution evaporated in vacuo over oil of vitriol, leaves needle-shaped crystals containing APBr 3 + 6H 2 0. With bromide of potassium, it forms the double salt KBr.APBr 3 . It absorbs ammonia and hydrosulphuric acid, forming compounds which are decomposed by heat. (R. Weber, Pogg. Ann. ciii. 254.) Chloride of Aluminium, APC1 3 . The finely divided metal heated to redness in a current of dry chlorine gas, takes fire and is converted into the chloride, which sublimes (Wohler). The compound is also produced bypassing dry chlorine over an ignited mixture of alumina and charcoal : and this is the method adopted for pre- paring it. Hydrate of aluminium precipitated from a hot solution of alum by an alkaline carbonate is made up into small pellets with oil and lampblack, and the mix- ture is strongly ignited in a crucible : the oil is then decomposed and an intimate mixture of alumina and charcoal remains. This is introduced into a porcelain tube or tubulated earthen retort placed in a furnace, and connected at one end with an apparatus for evolving chlorine, and at the other with a dry receiver. On raising the heat to bright redness, and passing chlorine through the apparatus, chloride of aluminium is formed and condenses in a solid mass in the receiver. A similar process is adopted in preparing the compound on the large scale. Alu- mina or clay is mixed with coal, pitch, tar, resin, or any organic substance that will decompose by heat and leave a considerable quantity of charcoal, and the mixture, after being well calcined, is heated to redness in a cylinder of earthenware or cast iron, through which a current of dry chlorine is made to pass. The vapours of chloride of aluminium pass into a condensing chamber lined with plates of glazed earthenware, on which the chloride collects in the solid state. If clay containing a considerable proportion of iron is used in the preparation, it must first, after ignition with carbonaceous matter whereby the iron is reduced to the metallic state be treated with a dilute acid to dissolve out the iron, then washed and dried. Chloride of aluminium is a transparent waxy substance having a crystalline struc- ture like talc. It is colourless when pure, but generally exhibits a yellow colour, due ALUMINIUM (CHLORIDE OXIDE) 1 57 perhaps to the presence of iron. It is fusible in large masses, and according to Liebig, boils at about 180 C. A small quantity volatilises immediately when heated. It fumes in the air, and smells of hydrochloric acid. It is decomposed at a heat below redness by potassium or sodium, aluminium being set free. When it is dis- tilled with sulphuric anhydride, sulphurous anhydride and chlorine are given off and sulphate of aluminum remains. (H. Kose.) 2 ATOP + 6S0 3 = A1 4 (S0 4 ) 3 + 3S0 2 + 601. Chloride of aluminium is very deliquescent, and dissolves readily in water. The solution left to evaporate in a warm dry place, yields the hydrated chloride A1 2 C1 3 . 6H-0 in six-sided prisms. The same solution is formed by dissolving alumina in hydrochloric acid. The anhydrous chloride cannot be obtained by heating the hydrated chloride, because the latter is thereby resolved into alumina and hydro- chloric acid. Chloride of Aluminium and Sodium, NaCl.ATOl 3 , is obtained by fusing together the component chlorides in the proper proportions ; by passing the vapour of chloride of aluminium over fused chloride of- sodium ; or by adding the proper quantity of chloride of sodium to the mixture of alumina or aluminiferous matter and carbon used for the preparation of chloride of aluminium, and igniting the mass in an atmosphere of dry chlorine or hydrochloric acid, and condensing the vapour in the same manner as that of the simple chloride. It is a crystalline mass which melts at 200 C., and crystallises on cooling. It is perfectly colourless when pure, much less deliquescent than chloride of aluminium, and being quite fixed at ordinary temperatures, may be handled with facility. These qualities render it much more convenient than the simple chloride for the preparation of aluminium. When ignited with sodium, it yields nearly the theoretical quantity (14 p. c.) of aluminium. Fluoride of Aluminium, APF 3 , is produced by the action of gaseous fluoride of silicon on aluminium. The product is at first mixed with reduced silicon, but this may be easily removed by digestion with a mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids. Fluoride of aluminium then remains in a colourless mass of cubical crystals, which have but little refracting power. It volatilises at a bright red heat, is insoluble in water, and resists the action of all acids. (Deville, Compt. rend, xliii. 49.) Fluoride of Aluminium and Potassium, 3KF.APF 8 , is obtained as a gelatinous pre- cipitate by dropping a solution of fluoride of aluminium into a solution of fluoride of potassium, till the latter remains in only slight excess. A precipitate of similar cha- racter, but consisting of 2KF. A1 2 F 3 , is obtained by stirring up a solution of fluoride of aluminium with a quantity of fluoride of potassium not quite sufficient for complete saturation. Both precipitates dry up to white powders, and give off the whole of their fluorine as hydrofluoric acid when heated with sulphuric acid. (Berzelius.) Fluoride of Aluminium and Sodium, 3NaF.Al 2 F 3 . Found native as Cryolite, and prepared artificially by pouring hydrofluoric acid in excess on a mixture of calcined alumina and carbonate of sodium in the proportions indicated by the formula, then drying and fusing the mixture. Cryolite belongs to the quadratic or dimetric sys- tem. It is colourless and transparent, softer than felspar, of specific gravity 2 -96, melts below a red heat, and forms an opaque glass on cooling : so likewise does the artificially prepared salt. It is found in large quantity at Evigtok in Greenland, but has not hitherto been discovered in any other locality. It is used, as already described, for the preparation of aluminium, and also in Germany for the manufacture of soda for the use of soap-boilers. Iodide of Aluminium, Al 2 ! 3 , is obtained by heating the metal with iodine or iodide of silver in sealed tubes. After repeated sublimation over metallic aluminium, it forms a snow-white crystalline mass, which melts at about 185 C., and boils at a tem- perature above the boiling-point of mercury. It resembles the bromide in most of its properties. With water it forms the hydrate AFI 3 .6H 2 0, which may also be obtained by dissolving hydrated alumina in hydriodic acid. It forms double salts with the alkaline iodides, and absorbs ammonia, forming a snow-white powder. It does not appear to combine with hydrosulphuric acid. (Weber, Pogg. Ann. cvii. 264.) Oxide of Aluminium. Alumina, Al'O 3 , or Al*0 3 . This, which is the only known oxide of aluminium, is formed by the direct combination of the metal with oxygen. Aluminium in the massive state does not oxidise, even at a strong red heat ; but in the state of powder it burns brightly when heated to redness in the air or in oxygen gas, and is converted into alumina, 53*3 pts. of the metal taking up 46-69 pts. of oxygen to form 100 pts. of alumina. The atomic constitution of alumina cannot be determined from this or any other direct experiment, because there is no other oxide of aluminium with which to compare it ; but it is inferred to be a sesqui- 158 ALUMINIUM (OXIDE). oxide, because it is isomorphous with the sesquioxides of iron and chromium, and is capable of replacing those oxides in combination in any proportion. Alumina occurs native, and very nearly pure, in the form of corundum, varieties of which, distinguished chiefly by their colour, are the sapphire, ruby, oriental topaz, oriental amethyst, &c. The colourless variety is called hyaline corundum. The crys- talline forms of these gems all belong to the rhombohedral or hexagonal system, tiie primary form being a rather acute rhombohedron. Alumina in the crystalline state has a specific gravity of about 3*9, and is, next to the diamond, the hardest sub- stance known. An opaque variety of corundum called emery, which has a brown red colour, arising from oxide of iron, is much used in the state of powder for polish- ing glass and precious stones. Alumina is prepared artificially : 1. By precipitating a boiling solution of common alum (sulphate of aluminium and potassium), free from iron, with carbonate of am- monium, washing the precipitate with water, and igniting it to expel the combined water. 2. By igniting sulphate of aluminium or ammonia-alum. In the former case, sulphuric anhydride is given off ; in the latter, that compound, together with sulphate of ammonium, and alumina remains : A1 4 .3S0 4 r= A1 4 3 + 3S0 3 and 2(A1 2 .NH 4 .2S0 1 ) = A1 4 3 + (NH 4 ) 2 .S0 4 + 3S0 3 . Alumina thus prepared is apt however to retain a small quantity of sulphuric acid, and if the original salt contained iron, the whole of that impurity remains in the residue. 3.* By digesting clays, felspathic rocks, or other minerals containing alumina in a strong solution of caustic potash or soda, assisting the action, if necessary, by boiling under pressure, or by heating the same minerals with kelp or soda-ash in a reverberatory furnace, and lixiviating the fused product with water. A solution of aluminate of potassium or sodium is thus obtained, a silico-aluminate of the alkali generally remaining un dissolved and the alumina may be precipitated from the solu- tion as a hydrate by passing carbonic acid through the liquid ; by treating it with acid carbonate of sodium, or with neutral or acid carbonate of ammonium ; by saturating with an acid (using by preference the last vapours of hydrochloric acid evolved in the manufacture of that compound) ; by treating it with chloride of ammonium, where- upon, ammonia is evolved, chloride of potassium or sodium remains in solution, and alumina is precipitated ; or by mixing the solution of the alkaline aluminate with chloride of aluminium, the result being the precipitation of the alumina from both compounds : A1 2 K 3 3 + APC1 3 = A1 4 3 + 3KC1. 4. By mixing cryolite with rather more than f of its weight of quick lime, adding a small quantity of water to slake the lime, then a larger quantity, and heating the mixture by a current of steam. The products of this operation are fluoride of calcium and aluminate of sodium : APNa'T 6 + 3Ca 2 = 6CaF + Al 2 Na 3 3 Cryolite. The aluminate of sodium is decanted from the heavy deposit of fluoride of calcium, and decomposed by carbonic acid as above. If any insoluble aluminate of calcium should be formed, it may be decomposed by digestion with carbonate of sodium. (Deville.) 5. The slag obtained in the preparation of aluminium from chloride of aluminium and sodium, with fluor-spar or cryolite as a flux (p. 150), contains about 40 per cent, of fluoride of aluminium, together with soluble chlorides ; and the residue of the extraction of sodium by Deville' s process (see SODIUM), which consists in igniting a mixture of carbonate of sodium, carbonaceous matter and chalk, contains about 14-5 p. c. carbonate of sodium, 8'3 p. c. caustic soda, and 29'8 p. c. carbonate of calcium. Now, by heating to redness a mixture of 5 or 6 pts. of the sodium-residue with 1 pt. of the aluminium-slag, freed by washing from the soluble constituents, and lixiviating the product after cooling, a solution of aluminate of sodium is obtained which may be decomposed by carbonic acid as above. (D eville.) Alumina prepared by any of the preceding processes contains iron. From this it may be purified by dissolving it in caustic alkali and precipitating the iron by a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen (Deville). It may then be reprecipitated by car- bonic acid. The alumina thus precipitated always contains a certain quantity of * This process, the invention of M. L- Chatelier of Paris, is patented in this country in the name of H. F. Newton, 1858, No. 198S, and 1859 alkaline carbonate, which cannot be removed by washing with water. It may, how- ever, be separated by digestion, with the aid of heat, in a small quantity of dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid, or by digestion with chloride of aluminium in excess. (Le Chatelier.) Artificially prepared alumina is white, and if it has been exposed only to a moderate red heat, is very light and soft to the touch ; but after strong ignition, it cakes together, becomes so hard as scarcely to be scratched with a file, and emits sparks when struck with steel. According to H. Kose (Pogg. Ann. Ixxiv. 430), the specific gravity of alumina ignited over a spirit-lamp is between 3'87 and 3'90; after six hours' ignition in an air furnace, it is between 3'725 and 375 ; and after ignition in a porcelain furnace, 3*999, which agrees very nearly with that of native corundum. Alumina is infusible at all temperatures below that of the oxy-hydrogen flame ; but at that degree of heat, it melts into transparent globules which assume a crystalline structure on cooling. If a small quantity of chromate of potassium be added before fusion, the melted alumina on cooling retains a deep red colour, and resembles the natural ruby. When a mixture of 1 pt. of alumina and 3 or 4 pts. of anhydrous borax is exposed for a considerable time to the high temperature of a porcelain fur- nace, the alumina dissolves in the fused borax, and as the borax is volatilised by the heat, remains in crystals resembling corundum ; in this case also, the addition of a very small quantity of chromate of potassium causes the crystals to exhibit the colour of the ruby. This method is applicable to the artificial formation of a great number of crystallised minerals. (Ebelmen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxii. 211.) Alumina is not decomposible by heat alone. Potassium at a white heat deoxidises it partially, forming an alloy of potassium and aluminium which decomposes water. It is not decomposed by chlorine at any temperature, unless it be mixed with charcoal, in which case a chloride of aluminium is produced. Anhydrous alumina is perfectly insoluble in water. After strong ignition, it is like- wise insoluble in most acids, c6ncentrated hydrochloric or sulphuric acid being alone able to dissolve it. In the crystallised state it is insoluble in all acids. It may, how- ever, always be rendered soluble by fusion with hydrate of potassium or sodium. HYDBATES or AI/UMINIUM, or OF ALUMINA. These compounds are three in num- ber, viz. : Monohydrate .... A1 2 H0 2 or APO\HO. Dihydrate A1 4 H 4 S APO\1HO. rate . ... A1 2 H 3 3 ,, AP0 3 .3HO. JJmydral Trihydre The monohydrate is found native as Diaspore, a mineral which forms translucent granular masses of specific gravity 3 '43, and crumbles to powder when heated, but does not give off the whole of its water below 360 C. It is insoluble in water, and even in boiling hydrochloric acid. The trihydrate is the ordinary gelatinous precipitate, obtained by treating solutions 01 aluminium-salts, alum, for example, with ammonia or alkaline carbonates ; it is also thrown down from the same solutions by sulphide of ammonium, the aluminium not entering into combination with the sulphur. When dried at a moderate heat, it forms a soft friable mass, which adheres to the tongue and forms a stiff paste with water, but does not dissolve in that liquid. At a strong red heat, it parts with its water, and undergoes a very great contraction of volume. It dissolves with great facility in acids, and in the fixed caustic alkalis. When a solution of alumina in caustic potash is exposed to the air, the potash absorbs carbonic acid, and the trihydrate of aluminium is then deposited in white crystals which are but sparingly soluble in acids. The trihydrate of aluminium has a very powerful attraction for organic matter, and when digested in solutions of vegetable colouring matter, combines with and carries down the colouring matter, which is thus removed entirely from the liquid if the alumina is in sufficient quantity. The pigments called lakes are compounds of this nature. The fibre of cotton impregnated with alumina acquires the same power of retaining colouring matters ; hence the great use of aluminous salts as mordants to produce fast colours. (See DYEING.) Trihydrate of aluminium occurs native as Gibbsite, a stalactitic, translucent, fibrous mineral, easily dissolved by acids. Dihydrate of Aluminium, A1 4 H 4 5 , or A1 4 3 ,2H 2 0. When a dilute solution of diace- tate of aluminium is exposed for several days to a temperature of 1 00 C. in a close vessel, the acetic acid appears to be set free, although no precipitation of alumina takes place. The liquid acquires the taste of acetic acid, and if afterwards boiled in an open vessel, gives off nearly the whole of its acetic acid, the alumina nevertheless remaining in solution^ This solution is coagulated by mineral acids and by most vegetable acids, by alkalis, and by decoctions of dye-woods. The alumina contained in it is, however, no longer capable of acting as a mordant, Its coagulum with dye-woods has the 160 ALUMO-CALCITE ALUM- SLATE. colour of tlie infusion, but is translucent and totally different from the dense opaque lakes which ordinary alumina forms with the same colouring matters. On evapora- ting the solution to dryness at 100 C. the alumina remains in the form of dihy- drate, retaining only a trace of acetic acid. In this state, it is insoluble in the stronger acids, but soluble in acetic acid, provided it has not been previously coagulated in the manner just mentioned. Boiling potash converts it into the trihydrate (Walter Crum, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi. 225). The dihydrate is said to occur native at Beaux (B erthier, Schw. J. xxxiv. 154). Hydrargyllite, a mineral occurring in regular six-sided prisms is also a hydrate of aluminium, but its exact composition is not known. (G. Eose, Pogg. Ann. xlviii. 564; 1. 656.) Aluminates. The hydrogen in trihydrate of aluminium, maybe replaced by an equivalent quantity of various metals ; such compounds are called aluminates. Ac- cording to Fremy, a solution of alumina in potash slowly evaporated [out of contact of air ? ] deposits granular crystals of aluminate of potassium, APKO 8 , or Al'O 3 , K' 2 0. Similar compounds occur native; thus Spinellia an aluminate of magnesium, Al-MgO 2 ; Gahnite, an aluminate of zinc, Al 2 Zn0 2 . Oxygen-Salts of Aluminium. The general characters of these salts have already been described (p. 154). The most important of them are the sulphate AWSO 4 3 , with its double sulphates, especially common alum, the sulphate of aluminium and potassium, and the silicates and double silicates. [For the detailed descriptions of these salts, see the several Acids.] Phosphide of Aluminium.- -Obtained by heating pulverulent aluminium to red- ness in phosphorus vapour. It is a dark grey mass, which acquires metallic lustre by burnishing, and is decomposed by water, with evolution of non-spontaneously in- flammable phosphoretted hydrogen. ( W 6 h 1 e r. ) Sillcide of Aluminium. Aluminium combines readily, and in all proportions, with silicon. When strongly heated in contact with any silicious substances, such as glass or porcelain, it reduces the silicon and unites with it. Nevertheless aluminium may be fused in glass or earthen vessels, without undergoing the slightest alteration, provided no flux be used, because it does not then come into intimate contact with the substance of the vessel ; but the addition of a flux produces instant decomposition. The properties of the compound vary with the proportion of silicon. An alloy con- taining 10'3 per cent, of silicon, called cast aluminium (fonte d' aluminium} is grey and very brittle. A compound containing 70 per cent, silicon, still exhibits metallic properties. All the compounds of aluminium and silicon are much more easily altered by exposure to the air, or by the action of ,ids and alkalies, than either pure aluminium or pure silicon. Selenide of Aluminium, Al 4 Se 3 , or APSe* Produced with incandescence when aluminium is heated in selenium vapour. It is a black powder, which acquires a dark metallic lustre by burnishing, and is readily decomposed by water or by a moist atmosphere, with formation of alumina and hydroseleuic acid. Sulphide of Aluminium, A1 4 S 3 , or APS*. Sulphur may be distilled over alu- minium without combining with it ; but when thrown upon the red-hot metal, it is ab- sorbed with vivid incandescence (W 6 h le r). The sulphide may be prepared by passing the vapour of disulphide of carbon over red-hot alumina. It is fusible, decomposes water at ordinary temperatures, yielding hydrate of aluminium and hydrosulphuric acid, and thus perhaps contributes to the formation of natural sulphur springs. (Fremy.) AXiTTXtXO-CAXiCXTX:. A mineral from Erbenstock, in the Saxon Harz, having the appearance of opal. Specific gravity 2'1 to 2'2, scarcely harder than mica. Con- tains, according to Kersten's analysis, 6'25 per cent, lime, 2'23 alumina, and 40 water. It is probably a mere residue of decomposition. AI.Tnvi-E.A.R.TH. A massive variety of aluminous schist, found in the neighbour- hood of tertiary lignites, as in several parts of the valley of the Oder, on the Khine, in Picardy, and other localities. It has not a distinct slaty structure, but is a soft, friable, usually dark brown mass. AliUlVI-SIaATS. A clay slate, containing bitumen and sulphide of iron, gene- rally found in the transition-strata, but sometimes in more recent formations. It is found in the north of England and in Scotland, in Scandinavia, in the Harz, in the Ural, the Vosges, the lower Rhine, and other localities. There are two varieties of ft, viz. 1. Common. This mineral occurs both massive and in insulated balls of a greyish- black colour, dull lustre, straight slaty fracture, tubular fragments, streak coloured like itself. Though soft, it is not very brittle. Effloresces, acquiring the taste of alum. 2. Glossy Alum-slate. A massive mineral of a bluish-black colour. The rents dis- play a variety of lively purple tints. It has a semi-metallic lustre in the fracture, ALUNITE AMARINE. 161 which is straight, slaty, or undulating. There is a soft variety of it, approaching in appearance to slate clay. By exposure to air its thickness is prodigiously augmented by the formation of a saline effloresence, which separates its thinnest plates. These afterwards exfoliate in brittle sections, causing entire disintegration. ALUNITE, or AliUXVI-STOWE. A basic sulphate of aluminium and potas- sium, A1 2 K.2S0 4 + 3A1 2 H 3 3 or A ^J j 4S0 3 + 3(A1 4 3 .3H 2 0), found chiefly in vol- canic districts, viz. at Tolfa, near Civita Vecchia, at Solfatara, near Naples, at Puy do Garcey, in Auvergne, and other localities. Used for the preparation of Eoman alum. It is either massive or crystallised ; the former is usually greyish white, and some- times red. It is translucent', easily frangible, scratches calcareous spar, but is scratched by fluor spar. The crystals are generally situated in the cavities of the massive sub- stance, they are small, shining, sometimes externally brownish, their form is an obtuse rhomboid, variously modified. The crystals have the composition above given : the massive variety contains in addition a considerable quantity of silica. AXiUrffOGCHT. Native sulphate of aluminium. (See SULPHATES.) AXVIAXiGAXVl. A combination of mercury with another metal. (See MERCURY.) AftlAIiGAIlXATXON'. The process of extracting gold and silver from their ores by dissolving them out with mercury. (See GOLD and SILVER.) AlMAXiXC ACID (from a/u.a\6s, soft, on account of its feeble acid reaction.) A product of the decomposition of caffeine by chlorine (see CAFFEINE), discovered by Eochleder. Its composition is that of alloxantin, having the whole of its hydrogen replaced by methyl : C 4 (CH 3 )*N 4 7 + H 2 0. "It forms transparent colourless crystals, which do not give off their water at 100 C. At a higher temperature, it melts and volatilises, leaving scarcely a trace of charcoal, but giving off ammonia, and yielding an oil and crystallised body. It slightly reddens litmus, and produces red stains on the skin, imparting to it an unpleasant odour, like alloxantin. It reduces silver-salts like alloxantin. Nitric acid converts it into a crys- talline substance. When exposed to vapour of ammonia, it gradually assumes a deep violet colour, and forms a compound which dissolves in water with the colour of murexide : the solution yields a crystalline body, to which Eochleder gives the name murexoin. With baryta, potash, and soda, it forms compounds of a deep violet colour. AMARTXTXHTE. An organic base obtained by Letellier from the fly agaric (Agari- cus miiscarius, or Amanita muscaria), and from Agaricus bulbosus, and supposed by him to be the poisonous principle of these agarics. According to Apaiger and Wiggers, on the other hand, the fly agaric contains a peculiar acid (muscaric acid), as well as a base, and it is to the acid that the poisonous action is due. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. i. 663.) AXVCA&IXJX:. C 21 H' 8 N 2 . Benzoline, 'Pikramin^Hydrureffazobenzoiline. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 306; Fowrnes, Ann. Ch. Pharm. liv. 363; Gossmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciii. 329; Gm. xii. 193.) This compound was discovered simultaneously by Laurent and by Fownes. It is isomeric with hydrobenzamide, from which it is generally prepared. 1. When hydro- benzamide is heated for three or four hours to 120 130 C., the vitreous mass, when cool, dissolved in boiling alcohol, and excess of hydrochloric acid added, white crystals of hydrochlorate of amarine separate out (Bertagnini). 2. Hydrobenzamide is boiled for some hours with caustic potash, the resulting resin dissolved in dilute sul- phuric acid, the solution precipitated by ammonia, and the precipitate washed with water and crystallised from hot alcohol (Fownes). 3. A solution of bitter-almond oil in alcohol, when saturated with gaseous ammonia, solidifies in 24 48 hours into a crystalline mass. This is boiled with water, and saturated while hot with hydro- chloric acid, when an oily substance separates out, together with crystals of a peculiar acid (see BENZIMIC ACID). The hot solution is decanted, and the residue again extracted with boiling water, until all the hydrochlorate of amarine is dissolved out. The solution is precipitated by ammonia ; and the precipitate is washed, dissolved in boiling alcohol, mixed with hydrochloric acid, and reprecipitated by ammonia : pure amarine then crystallises out (Laurent). 4. When the dry compound of bitter- almond oil and acid sulphite of ammonium is heated in a large retort to 180 200 with 3 or 4 times its volume of slaked lime, amarine and lophine distil over. The former, which collects partly in the receiver, partly in the lower part of the neck of the retort, is dissolved in alcohol, and purified as in the former process. (Gossmann.) Amarine crystallises from alcohol in shining six-sided prisms. It melts at 100C. and solidifies to a vitreous mass on cooling : when heated more strongly, it volatilises VOL. I. M 162 AMARONE. almost completely, ammonia being evolved : an oil smelling like benzol distils over, and a sublimate collects in the neck of the retort, which Fownes calls pyrobcnzoline, and which, according to Laurent, is identical with lophine. Amarine is inodorous, taste- less at first, but afterwards slightly bitter. It is insoluble in water, soluble in al- cohol and ether ; the alcoholic solution is strongly alkaline. Amarine becomes strongly electrical by friction. Unlike its isomer, hydrobenzamide, it exerts a poisonous action on animals. Amarine is readily attacked by bromine, hydrobromate of amarine being formed together with a resinous mass. When it is boiled with a mixture of sulphuric and chromic acids and water, a brisk action takes place, and benzoic acid is abundantly formed. Nitric acid acts similarly, but less violently. Fused potash does not attack it, save at a very strong heat. Amarine-salts are formed by the direct combination of amarine with acids. With the exception of the acetate, they are all but slightly soluble. The hydrochlorate, C 21 H 18 N 2 ,HC1, crystallises in small shining needles, which effloresce in vacuo, or when heated to 100. When hydrochloric acid is poured upon amarine, a colourless oil in formed, which gradually solidifies on drying, and may be drawn into threads when heated. It distils without decomposition, passing over as an oil which solidifies to a transparent mass. It is soluble in alcohol and ether. The chloroplatinate separates in yellow needles, when boiling alcoholic solutions of the hydrochlorate and of dichloride of platinum are mixed together. Fownes found in it 19 '8 per cent, platinum; the formula PtCl s .C 21 H 19 N 2 requires 19-58 per cent. The sulphate crystallises from an acid solution in small colourless prisms resembling oxalic acid. The nitrate is obtained by treating amarine with hot dilute nitric acid ; a soft, amorphous mass is produced, which dissolves in boiling water, and on cooling deposits small crystals, which remain unaltered in vacuo. The acetate is very soluble, and yields on evaporation a gummy non-crystalline mass. Diethylamarine, C 21 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 H 16 N 2 . Amarine heated with iodide of ethyl, yields a crystalline salt, which is the hydriodate of this base. The base itself is ob- tained by distilling the hydriodate with potash. It crystallises readily in oblique rhombic prisms, is nearly insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. It melts between 110 and 115 C. but does not solidify again till cooled down to 70. At a stronger heat it decomposes. The hydrochlorate crystallises in oblique rhombic prisms. The platinum-salt is a yellow powder, insoluble in water and in ether, but soluble in alcohol, from which it crystallises in small prisms. (B or o dine, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 78.) Diethylamarine treated with iodide of ethyl yields the hydriodate of another crystal- line base, probably triethylamarine, which however has not yet been analysed, and this base again treated witli iodide of ethyl, yields a third crystalline base. (Borodine.) Trinitramarine, C 21 H 15 (NO 2 ) 3 N 2 (Bertagnini, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxix. 275). This compound is formed from trinitrohydrobenzamide, with which it is isomeric, just as amarine is from hydrobenzamide. Triuitrohydrobenz amide is boiled with 1 vol. caustic potash of 46 Baum6, and 50 vols, water; the resulting brown resinous mass (which becomes brittle on cooling) is dissolved in hot alcohol ; a little ether added ; and the solution is precipitated by hydrochloric acid. The hydrochlorate is redissolved in alcohol, alcoholic ammonia added to the solution, and the precipitated trinitramarine is washed with water, and recrystallised from alcohol Trinitramarine is also obtained by heating trinitrohydrobenzamide in an oil-bath to 125 130 C. It crystallises slowly from its alcoholic solution in white hard nodules. It melts in boiling water, and dissolves slightly, forming an alkaline solution. It is soluble in boiling alcohol or ether, most readily in a mixture of the two. A hot saturated solution deposits it on cooling as an amorphous powder. Its salts are but slightly soluble in water. The hydrochlorate separates in small shining needles when hydrochloric acid is added to an alcoholic solution of trinitra- marine ; it is nearly insoluble in cold, slightly soluble in boiling alcohol. The nitrate crystallises in needles from boiling alcohol. An alcoholic solution of trinitramarine forms with dichloride of platinum; small, yellow, heavy nodules insoluble in alcohol ; and with mercuric chloride, a somewhat crystalline precipitate. F. T. C. A7V5AROWTE. C 16 H"N (Laurent, Rev. Scient. xviii. 207, &c). A compound formed by the dry distillation of azobenzoyl, benzoylazotide, or hydrobenzamide. The sublimate obtained by heating benzoylazotide is washed with ether, and then freed from lophine by boiling in alcohol containing hydrochloric acid ; the residue is washed with alcohol, dried, crystallised from boiling rock-oil, and washed with ether. It forms small, colourl ss, inodorous needles, which melt at 233 C., and solidify to a radiated mass on cooling. It is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, more readily in ether. It dissolves in cold sulphuric acid, with a fine blood-red colour, which dis- AMARYL AMBER 163 appears on addition of water, the araarone separating out. It dissolves sparingly in hot nitric acid, and crystallises unchanged on cooling. It is not decomposed by boiling with alcoholic potash. F. T. C. A name given by Laurent to a substance which he afterwards found to be impure nitrate of lophine. A1VTARYTHRIN. Syn. with ERYTHRIN-BITTER or PICBO-ERYTHRIN. AMASATiar. Syn. with ISAMIDE. A1KAUSXTE. Compact FELSPAB. AMAZOlff-STOM'E. A variety of orthoclase, coloured green by copper. It is found chiefly in the shores of Lake Ilmen in Eussia, also in Norway. It is used for making trinkets. AIVXBER. Sziccin, Elecfrum, Ambra flava, Bernstein, Agtstein, gelbes Erdharz. - A hard brittle tasteless substance, sometimes perfectly transparent, but mostly semi- transparent or opaque, and of a glassy surface ; it is found of all colours but chiefly yellow or orange, and often contains leaves or insects. Its specific gravity varies from 1-065 to 1 - 070 ; hardness 2 to 2*5 ; slightly brittle; fracture conchoidal. It is susceptible of a fine polish, and becomes electric by friction : hence the word electricity (from ij\Krpov, amber). When rubbed or heated, it emits a peculiar smell. It is insoluble in water and alcohol, though the latter, when highly rectified, extracts a reddish colour from it. It is soluble in sulphuric acid, to which it imparts a reddish purple colour, but is reprecipitated on addition of water. No other acid dissolves it, nor is it soluble in essential or expressed oils without decomposition ; but pure alkalis dissolve it. According to Berzelius, amber contains a volatile oil, succinic acid, and two resins soluble in alcohol and ether. According to Schroetter and Forchammer, amber when deprived by ether of all its soluble constituents, possesses the composition of camphor viz. C'H I6 0. The dry distillation of amber presents three distinct phases, characterised by the nature of the products. When submitted to the action of heat, amber softens, fuses, intumesces considerably, and gives off succinic acid, water, oil, and a combustible gas. If now the residue (Colophony of Amber) be more strongly heated, a colourless oil passes over. Lastly, when the residue is completely charred, and the heat is raised till the glass nearly fuses, a yellow substance sublimes of the consistence of wax. The oil thus produced is a mixture of several hydrocarbons. The more volatile portion wnich passes over between 110 and 260- C., is decomposed in the cold by sulphuric acid, and coloured blue by hydrochloric acid, and by chlorine ; the less volatile portion produced by a heat approaching redness, begins to boil at 140, and then rises to 300 ; sulphu- ric and hydrochloric acid and chlorine do not alter it. According toPelletier and Walter (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 89), these oils present the composition of oil of turpentine, containing 88'7 percent, of carbon, and 11'3 of hydrogen. The crude mixture of the two oils is used in pharmacy under the name of oil of amber, being in fact one of the constituents of Eau de Luce, a preparation sometimes used as a remedy for the bites of venomous animals, and consisting of 1 part of oil of amber, 24 of alcohol, and 96 of caustic ammonia. The wax-like solid which passes over in the dry distillation of amber is a mixture of oil, yellow matter, a white crystalline substance, and a brown bituminous substance ; these bodies are separated by treatment with ether and alcohol. The yellow matter appears to be identical with chrysene (C 94-4, H 5*8). It is scarcely soluble in boiling alcohol and ether, is pulverulent rather than crystalline, and requires for fusion a temperature of 240 C. The white matter (succisterene) is tasteless and inodorous, it is scarcely soluble in cold alcohol, but little soluble in ether, but more soluble than the yellow matter ; it melts between 160 and 162, and distils above 300. Nitric acid resinises it in the cold. It contains, according to Pelletier and Walter, 95'6 per cent, of carbon and 5-6 of hydrogen. When amber is treated with fuming nitric acid, a resin is formed (artificial musk) which is soluble in an excess of nitric acid, and contains C 15 H 16 N 2 2 . When powdered amber is distilled with a strong solution of potash, a watery liquid passes over, together with a white substance which exhibits all the properties of com- mon camphor. Amber occurs plentifully in ^egular veins in some parts of Prussia, especially between Palmnicken and Grosz-Hubenicken. In East and West Prussia there is scarcely a village where it has not been found, and thence it extends into Mecklenburg and HoJ- stein and in fact along the whole Baltic plain. It has likewise been found in southern Germany, in France, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Norway ; also on the shores of the M 2 164 AMBERGRIS AMBLYGONITE. Caspian, in Siberia, Kamtschatka, China, Hindoostan, Madagascar, North America and Greenland. In Britain it is thrown out by the sea on the shores of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, and has also been found in the sands at Kensington. In the Royal Cabinet at Berlin there is a mass of 18 Ibs. weight, supposed to be the largest ever found. Haiiy has pointed out the following characters by which amber may be distin- guished from mellite and copal, the bodies which most closely resemble it. Me] lite is infusible by heat ; a bit of copal heated at the end of a knife takes fire, melting into drops, which flatten as they fall; whereas amber burns with spitting and frothing, and when its liquefied particles drop, they rebound from the plane which receives them. Various frauds are practised with this substance. Neumann states as the common practices of workmen the two following : The one consists in surrounding the amber with sand in an iron pot, and cementing it with a gradual fire for forty hours, some small pieces placed near the sides of the vessel being occasionally taken out for judging of the effect of the operation. The second method, which he says is that most generally practiced, is to digest and boil the amber about twenty hours with rapeseed oil, by which it is rendered both clear and hard. The chemical properties and mode of occurrence of amber leave no doubt of its being the produce of extinct coniferse. It has been found encrusting or penetrating fossil wood exactly like resin at the present day, and enclosing the cones and leaves of the trees. Numerous insects, the inhabitants of these ancient forests have been em- balmed in it. To the tree which principally produced it, Goppert gives the name of Pinitcs sitccinifcr, but there was probably more than one species. Amber is often stated to occur in the brown coal beds of Northern Germany, but Goppert states that he knows of no instance of this, the substance found in those beds being retinite. (Handw. d. Chem. 2te Aufl. ii. 972; Dana, ii. 466; Gerh. iv. 394). AMBERGRIS. (Ambra, Ambra grisea), is found in the sea, near the coasts of various tropical countries ; and has also been taken out of the intestines of the sperma- ceti whale (Physeter macrocephalus). As it has not been found in any whales but such as are dead or sick, its production is generally supposed to be owing to disease, though some have a little too positively affirmed it to be the cause of the morbid affection. As no large piece has ever been found without a greater or smaller quantity of the beaks of the sepio octopodia, the common food of the spermaceti whale, interspersed throughout its substance, there can be little doubt of its originating in the intestines -of the whale : for if it were merely occasionally swallowed by the animal, and then caused disease, it would much more frequently be without these bodies, when it is met with floating in the sea, or thrown upon the shore. Ambergris is found of various sizes, generally in small fragments, but sometimes so large as to weigh near two hundred pounds. When taken from the whale, it is not so hard as it afterwards becomes on exposure to the air. Its specific gravity ranges from 0-780 to 0'926. If good, it adheres like wax to the edge of a knife with which it is scraped, retains the impression of the teeth or nails, and emits a fat odoriferous liquid on being penetrated with a hot needle. It is generally brittle ; but, on rubbing it with the nail, it, becomes smooth, like hard soap. Its colour is either white, black, ash-coloured, yellow, or blackish ; or it is variegated, namely, grey with black specks, or grey with yellow specks. Its smell is peculiar, and not easy to be counterfeited. At 62-2 C. it melts, and at 100 C. is volatilised in the form of a white vapour; on a red-hot coal it burns, and is entirely dissipated. Water has no action on it ; acids, except nitric acid, act feebly on it ; alkalis combine with it, and form a soap ; ether and the volatile oils dissolve it ; so do the fixed oils, and also ammonia, when assisted by heat ; alcohol dissolves a portion of it. The principal constituent of ambergris is ambrein (q. v.) Succinic and benzoic acids are said to be sometimes found among the products of its destructive distillation. Its inorganic constituents are carbonate and phosphate of calcium, with traces of ferric oxide and alkaline chlorides. An alcoholic solution of ambergris, added in minute quantity to lavender water, tooth powder, hair powder, wash balls, &c. communicates its peculiar fragrance. Its retail price being in London a guinea per oz. leads to many adulterations. These consist of various mixtures of benzoin, labdanum, meal, &c. scented with musk. The greasy appearance and smell which heated ambergris exhibits, afford good criteria, joined to its solubility in hot ether and alcohol. It has occasionally been employed in medicine, but its use is now confined to the perfumer. Swediaur took thirty grains of it without perceiving any sensible effect. U. AMBIiYGOKTITE. A greenish-coloured mineral of different pale shades, marked on the surface with reddish and yellowish-brown spots. It occurs massive and crystallised in oblique four-sided prisms. Lustre vitreous ; cleavage parallel to the sides of an oblique four-sided prism of 106 10' and 77 50' ; fracture uneven ; fragments rhom- boidal; translucent; hardness as felspar; brittle; specific gravity 3'0: intumesces AMIC ACIDS. 165 with the blowpipe, and fuses with a reddish-yellow phosphorescence into a white enamel. It occurs in granite, with green topaz and tourmaline, at Chursdorf and Arnsdorf, near Pinig, in Saxony. A specimen from Arsndorf analysed by Kammelsberg gave 47-15 phosphoric anhydride, 88'43 alumina, 7'03 lithia, 3'29 soda, 0'43 potash. and 8' 11 fluorine, agreeing very nearly with the formula: (5A1 4 3 .3P 2 5 + 5M 2 0.3P 2 5 ) + 2 (A1 2 F 3 + MR) (Handwork d. Chem. 2te Aufl. i. 665 ; Dana, ii. 409.) By digesting ambergris in hot alcohol, specific gravity 0'827, the peculiar substance, called ambrem by Pelletier and Caventou, is obtained. The alcohol, on cooling, deposits the ambrem in very bulky and irregular crystals which still retain a very considerable portion of alcohol. Thus obtained, it has the following properties : It is of a brilliant white colour, has an agreeable odour, of which it is deprived by repeated solution and crystallisation. It is destitute of taste, and does not act on vegetable blues. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether ; and in much greater quantity in these liquids when hot than when cold. It melts at 30 C. (86 G F.) softening at 25 C. When heated above 100 C., it is partly volatilised and decomposed, giving off a white smoke. It does not seem capable of combining with an alkali, or of being saponified. When heated with nitric acid, it becomes green and then yellow, eliminates nitrous gas, and is converted into an acid, which has been called ambreic acid. This acid is yellowish white, has a peculiar odour, reddens vegetable blues, does not melt at 100 C., and does not evolve ammonia when decomposed at higher temperatures. It is soluble in alcohol and ether ; but slightly so in water. Ambreate of potassium forms yellow precipitates with chloride of calcium, protosulphate of iron, nitrate of silver, acetate of lead, corrosive sublimate, protochloride of tin and chloride of gold. ' (J. Pharm. v. 49.) Ambrein is perhaps impure cholesterin, -which substance it greatly resembles in its properties. Pelletier (Ann. Ch. Pharm. vi. 24) found it to contain 83-3 p. c. C, 13-3 H, and 3'32 0, which is nearly the composition of cholesterin: if this be so, ambreic acid is probably identical with cholesteric acid. AltXETH AWES. A name applied to the ethers of the amic acids, e. g. oxamethane to oxamate of ethyl. (See AMIC ACIDS.) AIWETHYST. The amethyst is a gem of a violet colour, and great brilliancy, said to be as hard as the ruby or sapphire, from which it differs only in colour. This is called the oriental amethyst, and is very rare. When it inclines to the purple or rose colour, it is more esteemed than when it is nearer to the blue. These amethysts have the same figure, hardness, specific gravity, and other qualities, as the best sap- phires or rubies, and come from the same places, particularly from Persia, Arabia, Armenia, and the West Indies. The occidental amethysts are merely coloured crystals of quartz. U. (See QUARTZ and SAPPHIRE.) AnxiANTHOID. A variety of Hornblende (q. v.) AMIANTHUS. Mountain flax. (See ASBESTOS.) AMIC ACIDS. By this name are designated a class of nitrogenised acids, which differ from the acid ammonium-salts of polybasic acids by the elements of one or more atoms of water ; and which, under certain circumstances, are capable of taking up the elements of water, and regenerating ammonia and the original non-nitrogenised poly- basic acid. They bear a considerable resemblance to amides in their modes both of formation and of decomposition : but they differ from these bodies in possessing invariable and decided acid properties, and in not deriving from the type NH 3 . With regard to their constitution, amic acids are best regarded as deriving from the double type NH S ,H 2 0. They represent this type in which 2, 3, or 4 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by other radicles, one of which must be the radicle of a polybasic acid : and they may be divided into 3 classes, according as 2, 3, or 4 atoms of hydrogen are so replaced. In class 1, therefore, it is obvious that 2 atoms of hydrogen in the type must be replaced by 1 diatomic acid radicle ; in class 2, three atoms of hydrogen may be replaced by 1 triatomic, or by 1 diatomic and 1 monatomic acid radicle ; and so on. No amic acid is formed by the substitution of an acid radicle of less than 2 atoms of hydrogen in the type : if 1 atom of hydrogen in NH 3 ,H 2 be replaced by the radicle of a monobasic acid, the only result is the formation of the ammonium-salt of that acid, e. g. : NH 3 (C 2 H 3 0)HO = C 2 H 3 O.NH*.0 Acetyl. Acetate of ammonium 166 AMIC ACIDS. Neither can an amic acid be formed by replacing 2 atoms hydrogen in the type by 2 monatomic acid radicles ; for when benzoic anhydride is treated with ammonia, the 2 atoms of benzoyl, each equivalent to H, do not remain combined, forming an amic acid, but separate, forming 2 distinct compounds, benzamide and benzoate of ammonium : (C'H 5 0) 2 .0 + 2NH 3 = N.C'H'O.H 2 + C'H 5 O.NH 4 .0 Benzoic anhyd. Benzamide. Benzoate of anim. But when a dibasic anhydride is treated with ammonia, the acid radicle, equivalent to H' 2 , being indivisible, is incapable of separating so as to form two distinct compounds ; so that a single compound is necessarily formed, the ammonium-salt of an amic acid : S0 2 .0 + 2NH 3 = Sulphuric Sulphamate of anhyd. amm. Hence it follows that a monobasic acid is incapable of forming an amic acid : in fact the possession of this property is perhaps one of the most distinguishing characteristics of polybasic acids. We now proceed to describe the modes of formation, properties, and reactions of amic acids, dividing them into 3 classes, according as 2, 3, or 4 atoms of hydrogen are replaced in the type. Class 1. They represent the type NHHH HHO in which 2 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by one diatomic acid radicle : //* tt Sulphamic acid ....... NH.H.S0 2 .H.O Carbamicacid ....... NHJLCOH.O Oxamic acid Succimamic acid ....... NH.H.C 4 H 4 2 .H.O They are formed 1. By action of heat on the acid ammonium-salt of a dibasic acid : C 2 2 .(NH 4 )H.0 2 - H 2 Acid oxalate of amm. Oxamic acid. In some cases, e. g. comenamic acid, NH 2 .C 6 H 2 3 .H.O, prolonged boiling of the am- monium-salt with water is sufficient. 2. By action of ammonia on anhydrides : C 10 H 14 2 .0 + NH 3 = NH 2 .C 10 H 14 2 .H.O Camphoric Camphoramic acid. anhyd. The best mode is to dissolve the anhydride in absolute alcohol, and to lead dry ammonia into the solution. The reaction takes place with 2 atoms of ammonia, an amate of ammonium being formed. 3. By action of ammonia on acid salts of organic radicles : C 7 H 4 0.(CH 3 )H.0 2 + NH 3 = NH 2 Tc ; H 4 aH.O + CH 3 .H.O Acid salicylate of methyl. Salicylamic acid. Methylic (Methyl -salicylic acid.) alcohol. 4. By action of aqueous ammonia on ethers of dibasic acids. (G-erhardt, Chim. org. iv. p. 668.) C 10 H 16 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .0 2 + NH 3 + H 2 = NHWHJI.O + 2/C 2 H 5 .H.O\ Sebamicacid. V Alcohol. ) 6. Imides, boiled with dilute ammonia, take up H 2 0, and form amic acids : some alkalamides exhibit the same reaction : N.C 4 H 4 2 .H + H 2 = NHTc 4 H 4 2 5.0 Succinimide. Succinamic acid. AMIC ACIDS. 167 N.C 4 H 4 2 .Ag. + H'O = NH 2 .C 4 H 4 2 .Ag.O Argento-succini- Succinamate of silver, mide. 6. Some primary diamides, boiled with mineral acids or alkalis, take up H 8 0, and form amic acids, or amates of ammonium : N 2 .C 4 H 4 8 .H 4 + H 2 = NH 2 jC 4 H 4 6tH.O + NH 3 Malamide. Malamic acid. (A¶gine.) (Aspartic acid.) 7. Some amic acids are formed by the action of hydrosulphuric acid on nitro-conju- gated acids : C 7 H 4 (N0 2 )O.H.O + 3H 8 S = NH?c5 4 oS.O + 2H 2 + 3S Nitrobenzoic acid. Oxybenzamic acid. The acid thus formed is commonly called benzamic acid ; an impossible name, as benzoic acid is monobasic. We regard it as the amic acid of oxybenzoic acid, C 7 H 4 O.H 2 .0 2 , a diatomic acid, although it does not form acid salts. Strecker regards this amic acid as phenylcarbamic acid, NH.C 6 H 5 .CO.H.O. Class 2. They represent the type NHHH HHO in which 3 atoms hydrogen of are re- placed ; (a) by 1 triatomic acid radicle, (b) by 1 diatomic and 1 monatomic acid radicle, (c) by 1 diatomic acid, and 1 monatomic basic radicle. a. 3H are replaced by 1 triatomic acid radicle : /// // Phosphamic acid, NH.PO.H.O, formed by the action of ammonia on phosphoric anhydride : P 2 5 + 2NH 3 = 2(N.HPO.H.O) + H 2 0. b. 3H are replaced by 1 diatomic and 1 monatomic acid-radicle : Benzoylsalicylamic acid .... NH.C 7 H 5 O.C 7 H 4 O.H.O Sulphophenyl-succinamic acid . . . NH.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 4 H 4 2 .H.O. Obtained by boiling certain tertiary amides with aqueous ammonia (G-erhardt and Chiozza): KC 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 4 H 4 2 + NH 4 .H.O = Sulphophenyl-succina- Sulphophenyl-succinamate of amm. mide. c. 3H are replaced by 1 basic monatomic and 1 acid diatomic radicle : Ethyloxamic acid Phenylsulphamic (sulphaniHc) acid . . . NH.C 6 H 5 .SO 2 .H.O Phenylsuccinamic (succinanilic) acid . . . NH.C 6 H 5 .C 4 H 4 2 .H.O. These compounds (which may be called alJcalamic acids) are obtained by the sarm reactions that serve for the formation of acids of class 1, a primary amine being sub stituted for ammonia: 1. By heating the acid salts of organic alkalis : - H 2 2. By action of primary amines on dibasic anhydrides : Acid oxalate of me- Methyloxamic acid. thylium. C 5 H 6 2 .0 + N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 Pyrotartaric Phenylamine. Phenylpyrotartramic acid. anhyd. M 4 168 AMIDES. 3. By heating alkalimides with dilute ammonia : N.C 6 H S .C 4 H 4 3 + H 2 Phenylmalamide. Phenylmalamic acid. Class 3. They represent the type NH 3 ,H 2 in which four atoms of hydrogen are replaced by other radicles, one of which must be a polyatomic acid radicle. The only known members of this class are a few phenyl-compounds : phenylcitramic acid, N.C B H S .C 6 H 5 4 .H.O, is an example. There are also certain nitrogenised acids, which either exist ready formed in nature, or are products of the decomposition of other compounds, which we may regard as amic acids. Thus glycocoll, C 2 H 5 N0 2 , is the amic acid of glycollic acid,C 2 H 2 O.H 2 .0 2 , and maybe written NH 2 .C 2 H-O.H.O. Hippuric, choleic, and other acids may also be regarded as amic acids ; but their constitution is as yet but imperfectly understood. Amic acids are distinct monobasic acids : they form well defined salts, which are generally more soluble than those of the corresponding dibasic acids. They are mostly solid, crystalline, not volatile without decomposition. When heated, many of them lose the elements of 1 atom of water, and are converted into imides: others are decom- posed into a dibasic anhydride and a primary amine. When boiled with mineral acids or alkalis, they mostly take up the elements of 1 atom of water, and regenerate the corresponding dibasic acid, and ammonia or a primary amine : in some cases, the mere boiling of their aqueous solutions suffices for this reaction ; in others, fusion with solid potash is required : // // H 2 = C 4 H 4 2 .H 2 .0 2 + N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 Phenylsuccinamic acid. Succinic acid. Phenylamine. With nitrous acid, many amic acids regenerate the corresponding dibasic acid, with evolution of nitrogen : NHO 2 = C 4 H 4 9 .H 2 .0 2 + N 2 + H 2 0. Malamic acid. Malic acid. Like all decided acids, amic acids form ethers, i. e. salts of alcohol-radicles. These amic ethers are sometimes called urethancs (or amethanes), the former name having been applied to the earliest discovered, carbamic ether. They are formed by the in- complete action of ammonia on the ethers of dibasic acids : C 2 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .0 2 + NH 3 = HmCWcS'.O + C 2 H 6 .H.O. Oxalic ether. Oxamic ether. Alcohol. They are isomeric with alkalamic acids. When boiled with water, acids, or alkalis, they are converted into dibasic acids, alcohol, and ammonia : NH 2 .C 2 2 .C 2 H 5 .0 + 2H 2 = C 2 2 .H 2 .0* + C 2 H 5 .H.O + NH 8 . Oxamic ether. Oxalic acid. Alcohol. Excess of ammonia converts them into primary diamides (q. v.} F. T. C. Amic Bases. This name may be given to a class of bodies produced by the action of ammonia on the oxides, or chloro- or bromo- hydrates of polyatomic alcohol-radicles, and which are related to the polyatomic alcohols in the same way as the amic acids to th polyatomic acids. Their leading properties may be expressed by representing them as derived from a combination of the types NH 8 and H 2 0. The following bodies belonging to this class are already known : Anisamine, C 8 HNO Dianisamine, C 16 H 19 NO = ^ jj?'0i Diglycolamine, C 4 HN0 2 = Glyceramine, C 3 H 9 NO = Diglyceramine, C 6 HN0 2 = (C%> H S N ) 2(H 2 0)S Triglycolamine, C 6 H 15 N0 3 ~ w ~ 8 ' JQ; t 7P e 3()| AMIDES. 169 AMIDES. Ammonia, NHHH, is capable, under certain circumstances, of ex- changing each atom of its hydrogen successively for a metal, or for a compound radicle, acid or basic, thus giving rise to a numerous class of compounds, all deriving from the same type, NHHH. The earliest discovered of these compounds were some of those in which one atom of hydrogen was thus replaced, e. g. NHHK, which was re- garded as a compound of NH 2 (amidogeri) with potassium, NH 2 K, and called amide of potassium, analogous to the cyanide, CNK. In process of time, compounds came to be discovered, deriving from the type NHHH, in which 2 or 3 atoms of hydrogen were replaced by metals or compound radicles, to which the name amide in its original sense of a compound containing amidogen, NH 2 , was plainly inapplicable ; accordingly these compounds were designated by other names, imides, nitriles, &c., the introduction of which has caused considerable confusion, since they in no way indicate the common derivation of all these compounds. Of late years attempts have been made, chiefly by Gerhardt, to remedy this confu- sion, by assigning to this numerous class of compounds a rational constitution which shall render evident their common derivation, and a nomenclature by which this con- stitution is at once expressed. These attempts have been attended with considerable success : and the classification adopted in this article is based upon that given by Gerhardt and Chiozza (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlvi.), certain modifications being introduced where greater clearness seems thereby to be attained. Since the hydrogen in ammonia is capable of being replaced either by acid- or by base- radicles (simple or compound), the first obvious division of the compounds thus formed is one based upon the nature of the radicle which has been substituted for hydrogen. These compounds thus fall into three great divisions : 1. Ammonias in which 1 or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by an acid-radicle. To this division we propose to confine the name of amides. In the case of each in- dividual member of the class, the generic name is preceded by a prefix, which indicates the particular acid radicle or radicles contained in the compound, e.g. acetamide N.C 2 H 3 O.H 2 , diacetamide N.(C 2 H 3 0) 2 H, &c. 2. Ammonias in which 1 or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by ias^-radicles. This division we call amines. For examples of the nomenclature of individuals, we may take potassamine, N.K.H 2 , ethylamine, N.C 2 H 5 .H 2 , methylethylamine, N.CH 3 .C 2 H 5 .H, &c. 3. Ammonias in which 2 or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by acid- and base-radicles. This division we call alkalamides. Examples are ethylacetamide, N.C 2 H 5 .C 2 H 3 O.H, phenyldibenzamide, N.C 6 H 5 .(C 7 H 5 0) 2 . This primary classification enables us to perceive in compounds deriving from fh.> type ammonia, NHHH, the same seriation of properties which was first pointed out by Gerhardt in the compounds deriving from the type oxide, OHH. As in the latter case, we have metallic oxides (bases) occupying the positive extreme, acids the negative extreme, while the middle place is filled up by salts, containing at once an acid- and a base-radicle ; so in the former case, we have amines at the positive extreme, amides at the negative, and alkalamides between the two extremes. A further ground for division is furnished by the fact that amides, amines, and alkalamides may derive from 1, 2, or 3 molecules of ammonia, according as they con- tain monatomic, diatomic, or triatomic radicles. Hence we have a further division of amides into 1 . Monamides (or amides), deriving from 1 mol. ammonia NHHH. 2. Diamides 2 mols. N 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 . 3. Triamides 3 mols. N 3 H 3 H 3 H 3 . The same subdivision applies to amines and alkalamides. In each of these types, NHHH, N 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 , N S H 8 H S H 3 , one third, two thirds, or the whole of the hydrogen may be replaced by acid- or base-radicles : hence arises a further division of amides, diamides, and triamides into : 1. Primary, in wh. | of the hydrogen is replaced, NAHH, N 2 A"H 2 H 2 , N 8 A'"H 3 H 3 2. Secondary, in wh. of the hydrogen is replaced, NA 2 H, N 2 (A") 2 H 2 , N 3 (A"') 2 H 3 . 3. Tertiary, in wh. the whole of the hydrogen is replaced, NA 8 , N 2 (A") 3 , N 3 (A'") 3 . ' The same subdivision applies to amines, and (partially) to alkalamides. Having thus indicated the general principles of classification which we adopt, we now proceed to the more detailed consideration of amides, amines, and alkalamides. It is not our purpose to give a complete list of these compounds, but merely to cite a sufficient number of them to illustrate our classification ; and to enumerate the prin- cipal reactions by which the formation and decomposition of each group is effected. 170 AMIDES. AMIDES. I. Monamides or Amides. 1. Primary Amides. They represent 1 molecule of ammonia, in which I atom of hydrogen is replaced by a monatomic acid-radicle (of a monobasic acid) : Acetamide N.C 2 H 3 O.IP Propionamide N.C 3 H 5 O.H 2 Benzamide N.C 7 H 5 O.H 2 Cyanamide N.CN.H 2 Sulphophenylamide N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .H 2 . They differ from the ammonium-salt of their acids in containing the element of 1 atom of water less : C 2 H 3 2 (NH 4 ) - H 2 = N.C 2 H 3 O.H 2 Acet. amm. Acetamide. They are formed : 1. By the action of ammonia on anhydrides (G-erhardt). (C'H 5 0) 2 + NH S = C 7 H S O.H.O + N.C 7 H 5 O.H 2 Benzole anhyd. Benzole acid. Benzamide. 2. By the action of ammonia (Liebig and Wohler), or of carbonate of ammonium (G erhardt) on the chlorides of acid-radicles : CNC1 + NH 3 = HC1 + N.CN.H 2 Chloride of Cyanamide. cyanogen. This method is especially adapted to the formation of those amides which are insoluble or nearly so, in water. 3. By the action of ammonia on ethers : C 2 H 8 9.C 2 H 5 .0 + NH 3 = C 2 H B + N.C 2 H 3 O.H 2 Acetic ether. Alcohol. Acetamide. This method is peculiarly adapted to the formation of soluble amides. Glycerides, with ammonia, also yield an amide, and glycerin. (Bert helot.) 4. Some primary amides have special methods of formation : e. g. benzamide is formed by oxidising hippuric acid with peroxide of lead : C 9 H 9 N0 3 + 30 = N.C 7 H 5 O.H 2 + 2C0 2 + H 2 Primary amides are mostly solid and crystalline, easily fusible, neutral to test paper, volatile without decomposition. Some of them, e. g. acetamide, combine with acids : others e. g. benzamide, can exchange 1 atom of hydrogen for a metal, forming metallic salts, or alkalamides. They are generally soluble in alcohol or ether : some in water. Reactions. 1. Boiled with acids or with alkalis (some with water), they take up H 2 and regenerate the acid and ammonia. 2. Treated with phosphoric anhydride, they lose H 2 0, and yield the corresponding nitrile. The same reaction frequently takes place when they are passed in the state of vapour over caustic lime. N.C 2 H 3 O.H 2 - H 2 = N.C 2 H 3 Acetamide. Aceto- nitrile. 3. Treated with pentachloride of phosphorus, they behave as though they were oxides, yielding oxychloride of phosphorus, and the chloride of the radicle which they may be supposed to contain, if derived from the type HHO (Gerhard t): C 7 H 6 N.H.O + PCI 5 = PC1 3 + HC1 + C 7 H 6 N.C1 Benzamide. Chloride of benzamyl. The chloride thus formed is readily decomposed by heat, frequently below 100 C. into hydrochloric acid and the corresponding nitrile, C 2 H 4 NC1 = HC1 + N.C 2 H 3 (aceto-nitrile). 4. With nitrous acid they yield their corresponding acid, with evolution of nitrogen : N.C 7 H 5 O.H 2 + N0 2 H = NN + H 2 + C 7 H 6 2 Benzamide. Benzoic acid. 2. Secondary Amides. They represent 1 molecule of ammonia, in which 2 atoms of hydrogen are replaced : (a) by 2 monatomic acid-radicles, (b) by 1 diatomic acid- radicle of a (dibasic acid). AMIDES. 171 a. H 2 are replaced by 2 monatomic radicles : Diacetamide . . . . . . N.(C 2 H 3 0) 2 .H Sulphophenyl-benzamide .... N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.H They are formed: 1. By the action of chlorides of acid-radicles on primary amides, or their metallic salts (Gferhardt) : N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .H 2 + C 7 H 5 O.C1 = HC1 + N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.H. Sulphophenylamide Chloride of Sulphophenyl-benzamide. benzoyl. 2. By action of dry hydrochloric acid on primary amides, at a high temperature (Strecker): 2(N.C 2 H 3 O.H 2 ) + HC1 = NH 4 C1 + N.(C 2 H 3 0) 2 .H Acetamide. Diacetamide. These amides are readily seluble in ammonia. They exhibit acid properties, red- dening litmus, and exchanging their remaining atom of hydrogen for a metal: the metallic salts thus formed dissolve in ammonia, producing compounds which Grerhardt regards as dialkalamides, but which, as they contain only monatomic radicles, it is perhaps preferable to regard as monalkalamides containing a compound ammonium : N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.Ag. + NH 3 = N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.NAgH 3 (monalkalamide). or N 2 .C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.Ag.H 3 (dialkalamide). According to Grerhardt (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] liii.), penfcachloride of phosphorus acts on secondary amides in the same way as on primary amides : N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.H + PCI 5 = PCPO + HC1 + N(C 7 H 5 )(C 6 H 5 S0 2 )C1 Sulphophenylbenzamide. Chloride ofsulphophenyl- and the chloride formed is decomposed by heat : N(C 7 H 5 )(C 6 H 5 S0 2 )C1 = N.C 7 H 5 + C 6 HS0 2 .C1 Benzo- Chloride of nitrile. sulphophenyl. b. H 2 are replaced by 1 diatomic radicle. These are the bodies generally called imides, being regarded as containing imidogen, NH. Though we reject this view of their constitution, we retain the name for convenience sake. Carbimide (cyanic acid) N.(CO)".H Succinimide N.(C 4 H 4 2 )" . H Camphorimide N.(C IO H H 2 )".H. They differ from the acid ammonium-salts of their acids by containing 2 atoms of water less : C 4 H 4 4 (NH 4 )H - 2H 2 = N.C 4 H 4 3 .H Acid succinate of Succinimide. ammonium. They are formed much more easily than secondary amides (a) : 1. By heating the acid ammonium-salts of dibasic acids. 2. By heating primary diamides : N 2 .C 4 H 4 3 .H 4 = N.C 4 H 4 2 .H + NH S . Succinamide. Succinimide. 3. By heating amic acids (Laurent): KC 10 H 14 8 .H 2 .H.O = H 2 + N.C 10 H I4 2 .H Camphoramic acid. Camphorimide. 4. By heating dibasic anhydrides with ammonia : C 4 H 4 2 .0 + NH 3 = H 2 + KC 4 H 4 2 .H Succinic anhy- Succinimide. dride. ' Imides possess decided acid properties, and readily exchange their basic hydrogen for a metal ; carbimide in fact is identical with cyanic acid. Reactions. 1. Boiled with acids or alkalis, they take up 2H 2 and regenerate the dibasic acid and ammonia : KC 4 H 4 2 .H + 2H 2 = C 4 H 4 4 .H 2 + NH 3 . Secondary amides (a) also exhibit this reaction. 2. Boiled with dilute ammonia, they form the ammonium-salt of the corresponding amic acid : N.C 4 H 4 2 .H + NH 4 .HO = N.C 4 H 4 2 .H 2 .NH 4 .0 Succinamate of amm. 172 AMIDES. 3. Tertiary Amides. They represent 1 molecule of ammonia, in which all the hydrogen is replaced : (a) by 3 monatomic, (6) by 1 diatomic and 1 monatomic, (c) by 1 triatomic, acid-radicle : a. H 8 are replaced by 3 monatomic radicles : Sulphophenyl-benzoyl-acetamide . . N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C 7 H 5 O.C 2 H 3 0. b. H 3 are replaced by 1 diatomic and 1 monatomic radicle : Sulphophenyl-succinamide . . . N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .(C 4 H 4 2 )". They are formed by the action of chlorides of acid-radicles on the metallic salts of secondary amides (tertiary alkalamides) : KC 6 H 5 S0 2 .C'H 5 O.Ag + C 2 H 8 O.C1 = AgCl + KC 6 H S S0 2 .C 7 H S O.C 2 H 3 N.C 4 H 4 2 .Ag + C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C1 - AgCl + KC 4 H 4 2 .C 6 H 5 S0 2 . Their reactions are but little known. Boiled with dilute ammonia, the amides of class (6) give the ammonium-salt of the corresponding amic acid : N.C 4 H 4 2 .C 6 H 5 S0 2 + NH 4 .H.O = NC 4 H 4 2 .C 6 H 5 S0 2 .H.NH 4 .0. Sulphophenyl-succina- Sulphophenyl-succinamate of mide. ammonium. c. H s are replaced by 1 triatomic radicle. To this group, by their reactions and mode of formation, the following mineral compounds belong : N.(PO)'" . Gerhardt's biphosphamide (phosphorylamide) = P0 4 (NH 4 )H 2 - 3H 2 N.N.'" . Free nitrogen (Nitroso-nitrile) = N0 2 .NH 4 - 2H 2 O N.(NO)'" . Nitrous oxide. (Nitro-nitrile) = N0 3 .NH 4 - 2H 2 0. II. Diamides. 1. Primary Diamides. They represent 2 molecules of ammonia in which 2 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by 1 diatomic acid-radicle. Sulphamide . . . . . N 2 .(S0 2 )".H 4 Oxamide N 2 .(C 2 2 )".H 4 Succinamide N 2 .(C 4 H 4 2 )".H 4 Carbamide (urea) .... N 2 .(CO)".H 4 They differ from the normal ammonium-salts of their acids in containing 2 atoms of water less : C 2 4 (NH 4 )* - 2H 2 = N 2 .C 2 2 .H 4 Oxalate of Oxamide. ammonium. They are formed 1. By the action of ammonia on ethers : C*0 4 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 + 2NH 3 = 2C 2 H d O + N 2 .C 2 2 .H* Oxalic ether. Oxamide. 2. By the action of ammonia on chlorides of acid-radicles : C 4 H 4 2 .C1 2 + 2NH 3 = 2HC1 + N 2 .C 4 H*0 2 .H* Chloride of Succinamide. succinyl. 3. By heating normal ammonium-salts of dibasic acids (Dumas). 4. By the action of ammonia on imides (Wohler) : N.CO.H + NH 3 = N 2 .CO.H* Carbimide. Carbamide. By the action of ammonia on dibasic anhydrides, not primary diamides, but amic acids, are generally formed. Many primary diamides exhibit decidedly basic properties, combining with acids and forming definite salts : e. g. urea, asparagine, &c. Eeactions. 1. Many of them, when heated, evolve ammonia and yield imides. 2. Boiled with acids or alkalis, they take up 2H 2 0, and regenerate the acid and am- monia : N 2 .C 2 2 .H 4 + 2H 2 = C 2 4 .H 2 + 2NIP. 3. With nitrous acid, they regenerate their dibasic acid, with evolution of nitrogen (Piria, Malaguti): N 2 .C 2 2 .H 4 + 2N0 2 H = 2NN + C 2 4 .H 2 + 2H 2 0. Oxamide. Oxalic acid. Intermediate between primary and secondary diamides must be classed the bodies AMIDES. 173 lately discovered by Zinin (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliv. 57), which he describes as ureas, in which 1 atom of hydrogen is replaced by an acid radicle. They are of course diamides, in which 3 atoms of hydrogen are replaced, 2 by a diatomic, and 1 by a mon- atomic radicle. Acetocarbamide (acetyl-urea) . . N 2 .CO.C 2 H 3 O.H S Benzoearbamide (benzoyl-urea) . . N 2 .CO.C 7 H 5 O.H 3 . They are formed by the action of chlorides of acid-radicles on urea : N 2 .CO.H 4 + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = HC1 + N 2 .CO.C 2 H 8 OH 3 Carbamide. Chloride of Acetocarbamide. acetyl. Attempts to replace more than 1 atom of hydrogen in urea by an acid-radicle, have hitherto failed. > These bodies are crystallisable, and do not combine with acids. They are not volatile, being decomposed by heat into cyanuric acid and a primary amide : 3(N 2 .CO.C 2 H 3 O.H 3 ) = C'N 3 3 H 3 + 3(N.C 2 H S O.H 2 ) Acetocarbamide. Cyanuric acid. Acetamide. Here too must be placed Gerhardt's phosphamide (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xviii.) N 2 .(P())'".H 3 , formed by saturating pentachloride of phosphorus with ammonia, and boil- ing with water : PGP + 2NH 3 + H 2 = N 2 .PO.H 3 + 5HC1. It differs from monacid phosphate of ammonium by the elements of 3 atoms of water : P0 4 (NH 4 ) 2 H - 3H 2 = N 2 .PO.H 3 . 2. Secondary Diamides. They represent 2 molecules of ammonia, in which 4 atoms hydrogen are replaced by 2 diatomic acid-radicles, or by 1 diatomic and 2 monatomic radicles. None of these have yet been formed. (Handwb.) 3. Tertiary Diamides. They represent 2 molecules of ammonia, in which all the hydrogen is replaced by acid-radicles, one of which at least must be dibasic : Trisuccinamide .... N 2 .(C 4 H 4 2 ) 3 Succinyl-disulphophenyl-dibenzamide . N 2 .(C 4 H 4 2 ).(C 6 H 5 S0 2 ) 2 .(C 7 H S 0) 2 . They are formed by the action of chlorides of acid-radicles on the silver-salts of secondary amides : 2(N.C 4 H 4 2 .Ag) + C 4 H 4 2 .C1 2 + N 2 .(C 4 H 4 2 ) 3 + 2AgCl. Argentosuccinamide. Chloride Trisuc- of succinyl. cinamide. III. Triamides. 1. Primary Triamides. They represent 3 molecules of ammonia, in which 3 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by a triatomic acid-radicle : Phosphamide .... N S .(PO)'".H 6 . Citramide N 3 .(C 6 H 5 4 )'".H 6 . They differ from the normal ammonium-salts of their acids by containing 3H 2 less : C 6 H 5 7 (NH 4 ) 3 - 3H 2 O = N 3 .C 6 H 5 4 .H 6 . Citrate of amm. Citramide. Phosphamide is formed by the action of ammonia on oxychloride of phosphorus : POC1 3 + 6NH 3 = 3NH 4 C1 + N'.PO.H 8 . (Schiff. Ann. Ch. Pharm. ci. 300.) Citramide is formed by the action of ammonia on citric ether : C 6 H 5 4 .(C 2 H 5 ) 3 .0 3 + 3NH 3 = N 3 .C 6 H 5 4 .H 6 + 3(C 2 H 5 .H.O) Citric ether. Citramide. Alcohol. Heated with acids or alkalis, they take up 3H 2 0, and regenerate their acid and ammonia. 2. Secondary Triamides. ) They represent respectively 3 mols. ammonia, in which 3. Tertiary Triamides. \ two-thirds and the whole of the hydrogen is replaced by acid-radicles, one of which at least must be triatomic. No member of either of these groups has yet been formed. Gerhardt (Chim. org. iv. p. 767) regards melam, C 3 H 6 N 6 , as a primary triamide, N 3 .C 3 N 3 .H 6 : -and indeed we may admit the existence of a triatomic radicle, C 3 N 3 , and regard hydrocyanic acid as tribasic, C 3 N 3 H 3 : otherwise such compounds as ferro- cyanide of potassium, C 3 N 3 PeK 2 , present the anomaly of bodies deriving from a triple type (H 3 C1 3 ), and yet containing only monatomic radicles. 174 AMIDES. AMINE.S. I. Monamlnes or Amines. 1. Primary Amines. They represent 1 molecule of ammonia, in which 1 atom of hydrogen is replaced by a monatomic base-radicle, whether a metal or an organic radicle. They are sometimes called amide-bases. Potassamine tf.KH 2 Platinamine N.Pt.H 2 . Methylamine. . . . N.CH'.H 2 Ethylamine N.C'H'.H 2 Phenylamine (Aniline) . . . N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 . Primary amines containing metals are generally obtained by the action of ammonia on the metal or its oxide. Zincamine is formed by the action of ammonia on zinc- ethyl: ZnC 2 H 5 + NH 3 = H.C 2 H 5 + NZnH 2 . When treated with water or acids, they are mostly decomposed, like primary amides, yielding ammonia and the hydrate of the metal. Primary amines containing organic radicles are formed : 1. By action of ammonia on hydrobromic or hydriodic ethers (Hofmann) : CH 3 I + NH 3 = HI + N.CH 3 H 8 Iodide of Methylamine. methyl 2. By action of potash on cyanic or cyanuric ethers (Wurtz): N.CO.CH 3 + K 2 H 2 2 = CO.K 2 .0 2 + N.CH 3 .H 2 Cyanate of Carbonate of Metliyl- methyl. potassium. amine. 3. By action of reducing agents, viz. alkaline hydrosulphates (Zinin), acetate of iron (Bechamp), on certain nitro-conjugated hydrocarbons: C 6 H 5 (N0 2 ) + H 6 = 2H 2 + N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 Nitrobenzene. Phenylamine. Their formation is also observed in the dry distillation of several nitrogenised organic substances. (For the various modes of formation of monamines in general, primary, secondary, and tertiary, see K^kule', Lehrb. d. org. Chemie, pp. 451 456.) These primary amines are mostly liquid, boiling at a low temperature, and volatile without decomposition. They strikingly resemble ammonia in all their properties: like it they have a strong alkaline reaction ; they combine directly with acids, forming salts, whence they are expelled by the fixed alkalis ; they precipitate metallic solu- tions ; with anhydrides, ethers, and chlorides of acid-radicles, they react precisely like ammonia (forming alkalamides, )'". They are formed 1. By the action of heat or dehydrating agents (e.g. phosphoric anhydride) on ammoniacal salts of monobasic acids : C 2 H 3 2 .NH 4 - 2H 2 = N.C 2 H 3 . Acetate of amm. Acetonitrile. These nitriles differ from primary amides in containing H-0 less. 2. By the action of cyanide of potassium on sulphate of ethyl and potassium (or a homologous salt), or on hydriodic ethers : S0 2 .(C 2 H 5 ).K0 2 + CN.K = S0 2 .K 2 .0 2 + CN.C 2 H 5 Sulphate of ethyl Sulphate of Cyanide of aud potassium. potassium. ethyl or propio-nitrile. This mode of formation shows that nitriles may also be regarded as cyanides (N.C 2 H 3 = CN.CH 3 ), deriving from the type C1H : and it is in this light that they are usually considered. But, if we consider their formation from ammoniacal salts, and their behaviour when boiled with acids or alkalis, when they regenerate their acid and ammonia, NC 2 H 3 + KHO + H 2 = C'H'O-K + NH 3 , we may fairly regard them as deriving from the same type with amides. And we are led to consider them as amines rather than as amides, by the fact that, in one of them at least, the radicle is clearly a basic one ; in propio-nitrile, N.C 3 H 5 , the radicle is glyceryl, the triatomic radicle of the triatomic alcohol, glycerin, C 3 H 5 .H 3 .0 3 . Moreover, that they resemble amines in the property of combining with acids, is shown by the compounds which Grerhardt obtained by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on primary amides (q. .) CTBFNC1 = N.C'H 5 + HC1. In order to show the connection between nitriles and the acids from whose ammonium-salts they are formed, e.g. of acetonitrile N.C-H 3 , with acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 , and acetic compounds generally, it may be observed that acetic compounds may be represented as containing the triatomic radicle C 2 H 3 . Thus acetic acid may be written (C 2 H 3 ) '.H.O 2 , deriving from the double type H 4 2 : acetamide, N.H.C 2 H 3 .H.O, de- riving from the double type NH 3 + H 2 : chloride of acetyl, C1.C 2 H 3 .O, deriving from the double type C1H + H 2 : acediamine, N 2 .C 2 H S .H 3 , deriving from the double type N 2 H. "We have already seen that, when an amine which contains any replaceable hydrogen (primary or secondary amines), is treated with the iodide of an organic basic radicle, the result is the replacement of the basic hydrogen by the organic radicle : but that when tertiary amines, in which all the basic hydrogen is already replaced, are similarly treated, the result is a direct combination of the iodide with the amine. Hence we are enabled to class as tertiary amines many natural organic alkalis, which combine directly with organic iodides ; of whose constitution, as they cannot be formed artificially, we should otherwise be ignorant. Among these are the following homo- logous alkalis, obtained by the dry distillation of animal matter : Pyridine N.C 5 H 5 Picoline N.C 6 H Lutidine N.C'H 9 Collidine N.C 8 H Parvoline N.C'H 13 . Also the numerous vegetable alkalis or alkaloids (quinine, strychnine, morphine, &c.), which have been extracted from plants. The majority of these latter compounds contain oxygen-radicles : as many of them contain 2 atoms of nitrogen, it is possible that they must be regarded as diamines. How many radicles they may contain, we have as yet no means of determining. II. Diamines. 1. Primary Diamines. ) They represent 2 molecules of ammonia, in which 2. Secondary Diamines. \2 and 4 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by 1 and 2 diatomic base-radicles. The only representatives of these groups are the compounds lately obtained by Hofmann, by the action of bromide of ethylene on ammonia; they contain the diatomic radicle ethylene, C 2 H 4 : Ethylenamine ...... N 2 .(C 2 H 4 ).H 4 Diethylenamine N 2 .(C 2 H 4 ) 2 .H 2 . AMIDES. 177 They are thus formed : C 2 H 4 .Br 2 + N 2 H 6 - 2HBr + N 2 .C 2 II 4 .H* Bromide Ethylenaniine. of ethylene. 2C 2 H 4 Br 2 + N 2 H fi = 4HBr + N 2 .(C 2 H 4 ) 2 .H 2 Di-ethylenamine. Intermediate between secondary and tertiary diamines, is Hofmann's diphenyl- formylamine, N 2 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .CH.H, obtained by the action of chloroform on phenylaniine ; 2(N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 ) + CHOP = N 2 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .CH.H + 3HC1. 3. Tertiary Diamines. They represent 2 mols. ammonia, in which all the hydrogen is replaced ; (a) by 3 diatomic, (b) by 2 diatomic, and 2 monatomic base-radicles. a. Hofmann has obtained triethylenamine, N 2 .(C-H 4 )', by the reaction : 3C 2 H 4 Br 2 + N 2 H 6 = 6NHBr -h N 2 .(C 2 H 4 ) 3 . In this group may be classed the compounds known as hydramides : Benzhydramide (hydrobenzamide) .... N 2 .(C 7 H G ) 3 Salhydramide N 2 .(C 7 H 6 0) 8 . They are obtained by the action of ammonia on certain aldehydes : 3C 7 H 6 -f- N 2 H 6 = 3H 2 + N 2 .(C 7 H 6 ) 3 Benzoic al- Benzliydra- dehyde. mide. They are crystalline, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, not volatile without decomposition. They are decomposed by hydrosulphuric acid, yielding sulph-aldehydes. (Cahours.) N 8 .(C 7 H 6 ) 3 + 3H 2 S = N 2 H + 3C 7 HS. The view here taken of the constitution of hydrobenzamide is confirmed by its formation from chlorobenzol, C 7 H 6 C1 2 , and ammonia (Engelhardt), by the manner in which iodide of ethyl reacts upon it (B or o dine), and by the existence of a number of bodies obtained from chlorobenzol, which may be regarded as the methylate, ethylate, acetate, valerate, benzoate, &c. of the diatomic radicle C T H 6 . b. Hofmann has obtained diethylene-diphenylamine, N 2 .(C''H 4 ) 2 (C 6 H 5 ) 2 , by the action of chloride of ethylene on phenylamine : 2(C 2 H 4 .C1 2 ) + 2(N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 ) = 4HC1 + N 2 .(C 2 H 4 ) 2 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 . Here too should probably be classed cyanogen, or oxalo-nitrile, N 2 C 2 , which bears the same relation to normal oxalate of ammonium that acetonitrile does to acetate of ammonium : C 2 0'.(NH 4 ) 2 - 4H 2 = N 2 C ? . C 2 H 3 2 .NH 4 - 2H-0 = N.CH 3 ; also nitride of boron, N 2 B 2 . III. Triamines. 2 SeooiSrv I They re P resent 3 molecules of ammonia, in which 3, 6, or 9 atoms 3 Tertia ) f h y dro g en are replaced by 1, 2, or 3 triatomic basic radicles. The only triamine known is Frankland and Kolbe's Cyanethine, C 9 H 15 N 3 , which, according to Hofmann, should be regarded as triglycerylamine, N 3 .(C 3 H 5 ) 8 , a tertiary triamine. Tetramlnes and Pentamines. We know but little of any complex ammonia- molecules of a higher order than the triamines ; nevertheless it appears that under certain circumstances, four, five, or even a greater number of atoms of ammonia are capable of coalescing into a complex molecule. The only well characterised tetramines with which we are acquainted are qlycosiiir, N 4 .C (i H 6 , a product of the action of ammonia on glyoxal, which may be regarded rs N'(C'4r 2 ) 3 , and hcxamethylenamine, N 4 .C 6 H 12 , formed by the action of ammonia on dioxymethylene, which maybe written N 4 (C'-H 4 ) 3 (Buttlerow, Bullet, dela Soc. Chim. de Paris, i. 221.) There are also some natural bases containing 4 at. nitrogen, e. ci. caffi-ine, C 8 H 10 N 4 2 , and thcobromine, C 7 H 8 N 4 2 , but we know nothing of the radicle* which they contain. VOL. I. N ;78 AMIDES. Pentamines appear to be produced by the action of ammonia on certain metallic oxides. Some of the ammoniacal compounds of cobalt appear to be of this character ; but further investigation is necessary to give accurate ideas of their constitution. FHOSPHINES, AR SINES, STIBINES. In connection with the basic derivatives of ammonium, we must also mention a class of bodies derived from phosphoretted hydrogen, PH 3 , arsenetted hydrogen, AsH 3 . and antimonetted hydrogen, SbH 3 , by the substitu- tion of alcohol-radicles for the hydrogen. All the compounds thus formed, are basic, like the alcoholic derivatives of ammonia, and form salts of exactly analogous charac- ter. Up to the present time, however, the only phosphines, arsines, and stibines, that have been obtained are those in which the whole of the hydrogen in the type is replaced by an equivalent quantity of an alcohol- radicle, e. g. : Triethylphosphine P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Trimethystibine Sb(CH 3 ) 3 These bases have not yet been obtained by direct substitution from the hydrides of phosphorus, arsenic and antimony; but they are produced, either by submitting a metallic compound of phosphorus, arsenic, or antimony to the action of the iodides, bromides or chlorides of the alcohol radicles, e. g. : Na 3 As + 3C 2 H 5 I = 3NaI + As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Trisodic Iodide of Triethyl- arseuide. ethyl. arsine. or, better in most cases, by treating the metallic compounds of the alcohol-radicles with the iodides, bromides, and chlorides of phosphorus, arsenic and antimony ; thus, 3CH 3 Zn + PCI 3 = 3ZnCl + P(CH 3 ) 3 Zinc-methyl. Trirmthyl- pliosphine. These compounds, when treated with the bromides or iodides of the alcohol-radicles, behave exactly like the corresponding nitrogen-bases, producing the bromides or iodides of bases containing 4 at. of the alcohol-radicle and belonging to the ammonium type: e.g.: P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + C 2 H 5 I = P(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I Triethyl- Iodide of Iodide of phosphine. ethyl. ethylphos- nium. P(CH 3 ) 3 + C 2 H 5 I = P(CH 3 ) 3 (C 2 H 5 )I. Trimethyl- Iodide of trimethyl- phosphine. ethyl-phosphonium. The phosphines treated with diatomic bromides (dibromide of ethylene, for example), yield, among other products, the monobromide of a phosphonium-molecule, in which the 'fourth atom of hydrogen is replaced by a brominated alcohol-radicle ; thus triethyl- phosphine, treated with dibromide of ethylene, yields the monobromide of broinethyl- triethyl-phosphonium : P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + C 2 H 4 Br 2 = P[(C 2 H 4 Br)'.(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ]Br. (See AMMONIUM-BASES.) ALKALAMIDES. I. Monalkalamides or Alkalamides. 1. Secondary Alkalamides. They represent 1 vol. ammonia in which 2 atoms of hydrogen are replaced, one by an acid, the other by a base radicle. Mercurobenzamide N.Hg.C 7 H 5 O.H. Argentosulphophenylamide .... N.Ag.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .H. Ethylformamide N.C'HACHO.H. Ethylacetamide N.C-H S .C 2 H 3 O.H. Phenylbenzamide (benzanilide) .... N.C 6 H 5 .C'H 5 O.H. Ethylcyanamide N.C 2 H 5 .CN.H. Those which contain metals are formed by the action of primary amides on metallic oxides ; they are decomposed by most acids, which remove their metal. Those con- taining silver are readily attacked by chlorides of acid-radicles, yielding secondary amides and chloride of silver : N.Ag.C 6 HS0 2 .H + C'H 5 O.C1 = AgCl + N.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .C'H S O.H. Argentosulphophe- Chloride of Sulphophenylbenzamide. nylaimde. benzoyl. ALKALAMIDES. 179 Those containing organic base-radicles, are formed by the same reactions as primary amides, a primary amine being substituted for ammonia : li By action of primary amines on monobasic anhydrides (G-erhardt) : N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 + (C 7 H 5 0) 2 = C 7 H 5 O.H.O + N.C 6 H 5 .C 7 H S O.H. Phenylamine. Benzoic an- Benzoic acid. Phenylbenzamide. hydride. 2. By action of primary amines on chlorides of acid-radicles (G-erhardt): N.CIP.H 2 + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = HC1 + N.CH 3 .C 2 H 3 O.H Methylaniine. Chloride of Methylacetamide. acetyl. 3. By action of primary amines on ethers : KC 2 H 5 .H 2 + C 2 H 3 O.C 2 H 5 .0 = C 2 H 5 .H.O + N.C S H 5 .C 2 H 8 O.H. Ethylamine. Acetic ether. Alcohol. Ethylacetamide. 4. By action of monobasic acids on cyanic ethers (Wurtz) : CHN.H.O + KC 2 H 5 .CO = CO.O + N.C 2 H 5 .CHO.H. Formic acid. Cyanate of Carbonic Ethyl-formamide. ethyl. anhyd. They are crystalline, and generally do not combine -with acids ; boiled with acids or alkalis, they take up H 2 0, and regenerate their acid and primary amine : N.CH 5 .C 2 H 3 O.H + H 2 = N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 + C 2 H 8 O.H.O. Phenylacetamide. Phenylamine. Acetic acid. Those containing cyanogen act as weak alkalis, forming with concentrated acids com- pounds which are decomposed by water. By heat they are decomposed in rather a peculiar manner, yielding a tertiary alkalamide, and a kind of intermediate dialkala- mide, which contains only monatomic radicles : 3(N.C 2 H 5 .CN.H) = N.(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .CN + N 2 .C 2 H 5 .(CN) 2 .H 3 Ethylcyanamide Diethylcyana- Ethyldicyandiamide. mide. According to G-erhardt (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] liii. 307) secondary alkalamides are acted upon by pentachloride of phosphorus in the same way as primary and secondary amides : N.C 6 H 5 .C 7 H*O.H + PCI 5 = N(C 7 H 5 )'"(C 6 H 5 )C1 + POC1 3 + HC1. Phenyl-benzamide. Chloride ot phenyl- benzamidyl. 2. Tertiary Alkalamides. They represent 1 molecule of ammonia in which all the hydrogen is replaced ; (a) by 1 basic and 2 acid monatomic radicles ; (6) by 2 basic and 1 acid monatomic radicles ; (c) by 1 basic monatomic, and 1 acid diatomic radicle. a. H 3 are replaced by 1 basic and 2 acid monatomic radicles : Ethyl-diacetamide N.C 2 H 5 .(0 2 H 3 0) 2 Phenyl-dibenzamide N.CH 5 .(C 7 H 5 0) 2 They are formed : 1. By action of chlorides of acid-radicles on secondary alkalamides (Gerhardt and Chiozza): N.C 6 H 5 .C 7 H 5 O.H + C 7 H 5 O.C1 = HC1 + N.C 6 H 5 .(C 7 H 5 O) 2 . Phenylbenzamide. Chloride of Phenyldibeiizamide. benzoyl. 2. By action of monobasic anhydrides on cyanic ethers (Wurtz): (C 2 H 8 0) 2 .0 + N.C 2 H 5 .CO = CO.O + N.C 2 H 5 .(C 2 H 3 0) 2 Acetic anhy- Cyaiiate of Ethyldiacetamide. dride. ethyl. They are neutral bodies, combining neither with acids nor with bases. b. H 3 are replaced by 2 basic and 1 acid monatomic radicle: Methyl-ethyl-cyanamide N.CH 3 .C-H 5 .CN Diethyl-cyanamide N.(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .CN. The only members of this group hitherto formed, contain cyanogen as the acid- radicle. They are formed by the action of chloride of cyanogen on secondary amines (Cahours and Cloez): N.C 2 H 5 .C 6 H 5 .H + CKC1 = HC1 + KC 2 H S .C 6 H 5 .CN. Ethylphenylamine. Ethylphenylcya- namide. They are liquid and volatile without decomposition. Heated with acids or alkalis, N 2 180 AMIDES. they regenerate a secondary amine and cyanic acid, which latter is further decom- posed into carbonic anhydride and ammonia : K(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .CN + HHO = N.(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H + CN.H.O. Diethyl-c) r ana- Diethylamine. Cyanic acid, mide. N.CO.H -t- H 2 = NH 3 + CO.O Cyanic acid. c. H s are replaced by 1 monatomic baste, and 1 diatomic acid, radicle. As these compounds correspond to those secondary amides which are commonly called imkles we will retain the same termination for them : Phenyl-succinimide (succinanile) .... N.C 6 H 5 .(C 4 H 4 2 )" Ethyl-carbimide (cyanic ether) KC ; H 5 .(CO)" "With the exception of cyanic ethers, the only members of this group that have been studied are those containing phenyl as their basic radicle; they are commonly called aniles. They are obtained by the action of phenylamine on dibasic anhydrides or acids (probably also on the corresponding chlorides) : N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 + C 10 H' 4 2 .0 = H 8 + N.C 6 H 5 .C 10 H"0 2 Camphoric Phenylcamphorimide. anhydride. N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 + C 10 H H 0'.H 2 .0 2 = 2H 2 + N.C 6 H 5 .C 10 H 14 2 . Camphoric acid. Boiled with dilute ammonia, they form the ammonium-salt of an amic acid : N.C 6 H 5 .C 4 H 4 2 + NH 4 .H.O = Phenylsuccinimide. Phenylsuccinamate of ammonium. Fused with potash, they regenerate phenylamine and their acid : N.C 3 H 5 .C 4 H 4 2 + K 2 H 2 2 = C 4 H 4 2 .K 2 .0 + KC 6 H 5 .H 2 . Succinate of potassium. As cyanic acid may be regarded as carbimide, cyanic ethers may obviously be regarded as alkalimides. With potash they exhibit the same reaction as the foregoing alkalimides : N.C 2 H 5 .CO + K 2 H 2 2 = CO.K 2 .0 2 + N.C 2 H 5 .H 2 . By the action of water or ammonia, they form Dialkalamides (compound ureas) : N 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .(CO) 2 + H 8 = CO.O + N CO.(CH 5 ) 2 .m 2 mol. cyanic ether. Diethylcarbamide. N.C 8 H 5 .CO + NH 3 = N 2 .CO.C 2 H 5 .H S . Etliylcarbamide. II. Dialkalamides. There are no primary dialkalamides : but there exists a class of compounds occupy- ing ail intermediate place between primary and secondary dialkalamides. They re- present 2 mols. of ammonia, in which 3 atoms of hydrogen are replaced, 2 by a diatomic acid-radicle, and 1 by a monatomic base-radicle. With the exception of phenyl-oxamide, N 2 .C 6 H 5 .C 2 0-.H 3 , the only members of this class are the compound ureas, representing urea or carbamide in which 1 H is replaced by a base-radicle : Ethyl-carbamide (ethyl-urea) .... N 2 .(CO)".C 2 H 5 .H 3 Phenyl-carbamide (phenyl-urea) .... ^.(COy'.OIP.H 3 . They are formed by the action of a primary amine on cyanic acid, or of ammonia on cyanic ethers : N.C 2 H 5 .H 2 + KCO.H = N 2 .CO.C 2 H 5 .H 3 NH 3 + N.CO.C 2 H 5 = N 2 .CO.C 9 H 5 .H 3 They are decomposed by potash, yielding carbonate, a primary amine and ammonia : N 2 .CO.C 6 H 5 .H 3 + H 2 .K 2 .0 2 = CO.K 2 .0 2 + N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 + NH 3 . 2. Secondary Dialkalamides. They represent 2 molecules of ammonia in which 4 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by 2 monatomic base-radicles and 1 diatomic acid radicle : Dimethyloxamide N 2 .(CII 3 ) 2 .(C 2 2 )".H 2 Diphenylsuccinamide N 2 .(C (J H 5 ) 2 .(C 2 H 4 2 )..H 8 Diethylcarbamide (diethyl-urea) .... N 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .(CO)".H 2 ALKALAMIDES. 181 They are formed: 1. By heating the normal salts of organic alkalis : C 2 4 (N.CH 3 .H 3 ) 2 - 2H 2 = N 2 .(CH 3 ) 2 .C 2 2 .H 2 Oxalate of iriethy- Dimethyloxamide. Hum. 2. By action of primary amines on ethers of dibasic acids : C 2 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .0 2 - N 2 .(CH 3 ) 2 .H 4 = (C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H 2 .0 2 + N 2 .(CH 3 ) 2 .C 2 2 .H 2 . Oxalate of ethyl. 2 mol. methyl- 2 inoi. alcohol. Dimethyloxamide. amiue. 3. By action of primary amines on chlorides of acid-radicles : N 2 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .H 2 .H 2 + CO.C1 2 = 2HC1 + N 2 .(C 6 H S ) 2 .CO.H 2 . 2 mol. phenylamine. Chloride Diphenylcarbamide. of carbonyl. The compound ureas (alkal-carbamides) belonging to this group are also formed by the action of water on cyanic ethers : 2(N.CO.C 2 H 5 ) + H 2 = CO.O + N 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .CO.H 2 . Cyanateof Diethylcarbamide. ethyl. All these secondary dialkalamides are decomposed by potash, yielding a primary amine, and the normal potassium-salt of their acid : N 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) S .C 2 2 .H 2 + H 2 K 2 2 = N 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H 4 -t- C 2 2 K 2 .0 2 Diethyloxamide. 2 mols. ethyl- Oxalate amine. potass. Hofmann regards melaniline, C 13 H 13 N 3 , and a compound, C 19 H 17 N 3 , which he has ob- tained by the action of dichloride of carbon on phenylamine, as cyan-diphenyldiamide, N 2 .CN.(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .H 3 , and cyantriphenyldiamide, N-.CN.(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .H 2 , respectively,*, e. as dialkalamides containing only monatomic radicles. Considering the reaction by which the latter at least of these compounds is formed, it may perhaps be preferable to regard it as deriving from 3 molecules of ammonia, in which a portion of the hydrogen is replaced by the tetratomic radicle, C"" viz. as N 3 .C.(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .H 2 . Pebal has described the following compounds, intermediate between secondary and tertiary dialkalamides : Diphenylcitrimide N 2 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .(C B H 5 4 )'".IT Diphenylaconitimide N 3 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .(C 6 H 3 3 )'".H. They correspond to the monacid phenylium-salts of tribasic acids, less the elements of 3 atoms of water : C 6 H 5 7 (N.C 6 H 5 .H 3 ) 2 H - 3H 2 - N 2 .(C S H 5 ) 2 .C 6 H 5 4 .H. 3. Tertiary Dialkalamides. They represent 2 molecules of ammonia in which all the hydrogen is replaced by base- and acid-radicles, one of which at least must be polyatomic. This process is represented by compound-ureas, in which all the hydro- gen is replaced by basic radicles, e.g. Tetrethylcarbamide or tetrethyl-urea, N 2 .(CO)".(C 2 H 5 ) 4 . Also by Buff's sulphocyanide of ethyleue (efaylene-disulphocarbamide) N 2 .(CS) 2 .(C 2 H 4 )". obtained by boiling chloride of ethylene with an alcoholic solution of sulphocyanate of potassium (Proc. Eoy. Soc. viii. 188), and by Hofmann' s diphenyl- carboxamide, N 2 .(CO)".(C 2 2 )(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ", obtained by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on dicyanmelaniline. C 15 H 13 N + 3HC1 + 3H 2 . 3NH 4 C1 + N 2 .CO.C 2 2 .(C 6 H 5 ) 2 More might probably be obtained by the action of secondary amines on chlorides of acid radicles, or on ethers of dibasic acids : 2(N.(CH 3 ) 2 .H) + C 4 H 4 3 .C1 2 - 2HC1 + N 2 .(CH 3 ) 4 .C 4 H 4 2 . Tetramethylsucci- namide. 2[K(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H] + C 4 H 4 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .0 2 = 2(C 2 H 5 .H.O) + N 2 .(C 2 H 5 ) 4 .C 4 H 2 3 Succinate of ethyl. Tetrethylsuccinamide. III. Trialkalamides. 1. Secondary Trialkal amides. They correspond to 3 molecules of ammonia, in which 6 atoms of hydrogen are replaced by 1 triatomic acid-radicle and 3 monatomic base-radicles. Examples are Pebal's triphenylcitramide, N 3 .(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .(C H H 5 4 )'".H 3 , ob- tiiined by the action of citric acid on phenylamine : C 6 H 5 4 .H 3 .0 3 + 3(N.CH\H 2 ) = N 3 .(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .C 6 H 5 4 .H 3 + 3H 2 It corresponds to the normal citrate of phenylium, less the elements of 3 atoms of water. Also Schiff' s triphenylphosphamide, N 3 .(C 6 H 6 ) 3 .PO.H 3 , and trinaphtylphos- N 3 132 AMMONIA. phamide, N 3 .(C )0 H 7 ) 3 .PO.H 3 , obtained by the action of phenylamine and naphtylamine respectively on oxychloride of phosphorus (Ann. Ch. Pharm. ci. 300) : POC1 3 + 3(N.C 6 H 5 .H 2 ) = N 3 .(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .PO.H 3 . + 3HC1. 2. Tertiary Trialkalamides. The cyanuric ethers maybe placed in this divi- sion, e. g. cyanurate of ethyl, N 3 .(CO) 3 .(C 2 H 5 ) 8 . F. T. C. ATVnVEEIiXDE and AaXMEXiXNTE. See CYANTJKAMIC ACIDS. .aittMIOiXTE. A red earthy mass from Chile, containing 36'5 antimony, 14'8 tellurium, 12'2 copper, 22'2 mercury, and 2'5 quartz, besides oxygen; probably a mixture. (Eammelsberg 's Mineralchemie, p. 426.) /LIvnvEONIA. NH 3 . (Synonymes, Volatile alkali, Alkaline air, Ammoniacal gas, Ammoniaque, Ammoniak.) History. The earliest mention of aqueous ammonia, which was known long before the gas itself, is made by Eaymond Lully, in the thirteenth century : he prepared it from urine, and called it Mercurius vel spiritus animalis. Basil Valentine, in the fifteenth century, first prepared it from sal-ammoniac : he still retained the name spiritus urines. It was Bergman (1782) who first designated it by the name ammonia. Am- moniacal gas was discovered by Priestley, who describes it in 1774 by the name of alkaline air ; he also observed its decomposition by the electric spark. Scheele, in 1777, ascertained that it contained nitrogen, regarding it as a compound of nitrogen and phlogiston. Its true composition was first ascertained by Berthollet (1785) ; and it was finally analysed with still greater exactness, by his son Am. Berthollet in 1808. Natural Sources. Ammonia exists in the air as carbonate of ammonium : in rain- water, especially in that of thunder-showers, as nitrate. In sea-water, and in many mineral springs. In most kinds of clay and soils : in sesquioxide of iron, and in the majority of iron-ores. Sal-ammoniac and ammonium-alum are found as minerals, the former chiefly in volcanic regions, and in some specimens of rock-salt. As ammoniacal- salts, in animal fluids and excrements (especially in mine), and in the juices of many plante. Formation. Ammonia cannot be formed by the direct combination of its elements in the free state. When 1 vol. nitrogen and 3 vols. hydrogen are passed through a red-hot tube, no ammonia is formed, not even if spongy platinum be present. But it is formed with great readiness by the combination of its elements, when one or both of them is in the nascent state : i. e. at the moment of its liberation from another compound : and in this manner ammonia may be formed from many substances, organic and inorganic. 1. From inorganic substances. On igniting a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, and excess of hydrogen, nitrate of ammonium is formed. (Th. Saussure.) a. Formation from nascent hydrogen and free nitrogen. Water containing at- mospheric air yields nitric acid at the positive pole, and ammonia at the negate pole of a voltaic battery (Sir H. Davy). Moistened iron-filings, in contact with atmo- spheric air or nitrogen at the ordinary temperature, induce the formation of ammonia (Chevallier, Berzelius). (Will states that no ammonia is thus formed.) This reaction accounts for the existence of ammonia in rust of iron, and iron ores generally. When liver of sulphur is fused with an equal weight of iron-filings, and water dropped on the hot mass, ammonia is evolved (Hollunder). When certain metals which combine readily with oxygen (potassium, arsenic, lead, iron, &c.) are heated with the hydrates of potassium, sodium, barium, or calcium, in contact with air, ammonia is formed. Faraday states that this formation of ammonia takes place even in an atmo- sphere of hydrogen : a fact explained by Bischof as arising from the difficulty of obtaining hydrogen free from atmospheric air. Eeiset also points out that the hydrogen will contain nitric oxide, if the sulphuric acid employed for its generation contains nitric acid or nitric oxide. b. Formation from nascent nitrogen and free hydrogen. A mixture of 2 vols. nitric oxide and 5 vols. hydrogen passed over gently heated spongy platinum, yields ammonia and water (Hare; Ville, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlvi) The same gases when passed through a red-hot tube, only yield ammonia when some porous substance is present ; pumice-stone, or ferric oxide acts most energetically (Reiset). Nitrous oxide and hydrogen in excess yield ammonia when in contact with hot spongy platinum or plati- num-black. Hydrogen saturated with nitric acid vapour acts in a similar manner. c. Formation from nascent hydrogen and nascent nitrogen. Moist nitric oxide passed over heated iron-filings yields ammonia. A mixture of nitric oxide and hydro- sulphuric acid, passed over heated soda-lime, yields ammonia (Ville). Certain metals which decompose water at a high temperature (iron, zinc, &c.), when treated with dilute nitric acid, or the aqueous solutions of certain nitrates, yield ammonia. Ammonia is formed when nitric acid is added to zinc and sulphuric acid in a hydrogen AMMONIA. 183 apparatus, also by the decomposition of chloride, iodide, and phosphide of nitrogen, and of all bodies belonging to the class, amides, by water. When a mixture of baryta and carbonaceous matter is heated in contact with air, cyanide of barium is formed, a compound which is decomposed by steam at 300 C. into carbonate of barium and ammonia : Margueritte and Sourdeval have lately proposed to employ this process for the preparation of ammonia on the large scale. (Rep. Chim. App. ii. 170.) 2. From organic substances. Many non-nitrogenous organic bodies form ammonia by prolonged contact with air and water : e. g. in the process of putrefaction. Sugar, oxalates, tartrates, &c. yield ammonia when heated with alkaline or alkaline-earthy hydrates, in contact with air. Oxygen-compounds of nitrogen, heated with organic reducing agents, e.g. nitric oxide with alcohol- vapour, nitric acid with gum, form ammonia. Most mtrogenised organic compounds yield ammonia, either free or com- bined, in the processes of putrefaction or of dry distillation : it is from this source that the ammonia existing in nature is chiefly derived. Preparation. Powdered sal-ammoniac is mixed with twice its weight of slaked lime, the mixture covered with a layer of coarsely powdered quick lime, about equal in weight to the sal-ammoniac used, and the whole heated gradually in a flask or retort : for the preparation of ammonia on a large scale, iron vessels are used. The gas is passed through a two-necked bottle, in which aqueous vapour is condensed, and any solid particles that may be carried over are arrested ; it is then dried by passing over solid potash or quick lime or better, a mixture of the anhydrous oxides of potassium and copper, obtained by heating nitrate of potassium with finely divided copper reduced from the oxide by hydrogen (Stas), (chloride of calcium absorbs the gas) and collected over mercury. If the gas is pure, it should be entirely absorbed by water. In order to obtain perfectly dry ammonia, Vogel recommends saturating a concentrated aqueous solution of ammonia with solid chloride of calcium, heating gently, and passing the gas over solid potash. Properties. Colourless gas, of a pungent smell, and strong alkaline taste. Its specific gravity is (calculated) 0-5893 ; (H.Davy) 0'5901; (Thomson) 0-5931; (Biot and Arago) 0'5967. 1 litre at C. and 760mm. barometric pressure weighs 0'7752 grm. (Biot and Arago). Its specific heat (water = 1) is 0*508 (Eegnault). Its refractive power (air = 1) is 1*309 (Dulong). It does not support either combustion or respiration : animals die when immersed in it. It is feebly combustible : when issuing in a thin stream into atmospheric air, it may be kindled, and burns with a pale flame. It colours turmeric paper brown, and reddened litmus blue : the colours disappear on exposure to the air. It may be condensed by cold and pressure, and obtained both in the liquid and solid form. Faraday prepares liquid ammonia as follows : Ammonio-chloride of silver is introduced into a very strong glass tube, closed at one end, which is then bent at an acute angle, the chloride being in the longer limb. The shorter limb is then sealed and immersed in ice, and the chloride gradually heated : it fuses at 38 C., and be- tween 112 and 119 C. gives off all its ammonia, which condenses to a liquid by its own pressure in the cool part of the tube. As the chloride of silver cools, the liquid ammonia boils violently, and is reabsorbed by the chloride. Guy ton de Morveau and Bunsen have condensed ammonia without pressure by a mixture of chloride of calcium and ice, the former at 52 C., the latter at 40. Liquid ammonia is a colourless, very mobile liquid, refracting light more powerfully than water; specific gravity 0*76: boiling-point at 749mm. barometic pressure, 33*7 C. (Bunsen.) Its tension at -1778 C. = 2-48 atmospheres: at C. = 4*44 atm. : at 10'8 C. = 6 atm. : at 19-44 C. = 7-60 atm.: at 28-31 C. = 10 atm. Faraday has obtained solid ammonia by exposing the dry gas to a pressure of 20 atmospheres and to a cold of 75 C., produced by solid carbonic anhydride and ether. It is a white, transparent, crystalline body, which melts at 75 C., and has a higher specific gravity than liquid ammonia. Decompositions. Dry ammonia is decomposed by a succession of electric sparks : the resulting gas is double the volume of the original gas, and consists of 1 vol. nitroge;: and 3 vols. hydrogen. Also by being passed through a red-hot porcelain tube contain- ing copper or iron wire; gold-, silver-, or platinum- wire acts similarly, but less ener- getically. No change is produced in the gold and platinum-wire : the copper and iron wire are rendered brittle, and sometimes increased in weight, owing to the formation of a nitride. 2 vols. ammonia mixed with not less than 1, nor more than 6 vols. oxygen, are exploded by the electric spark : the products, if the oxygen be in excess, are water and nitrate of ammonium ; if the ammonia be in excess, water, nitrogen, and hydrogen, Aqueous ammonia, in contact with finely divided copper or platinum, and oxygen or atmospheric air, is converted into nitrite of ammonium, both its con- stituents undergoing oxidation (Handwb.j Ammonia is decomposed by several of the oxygen-compounds of chlorine and nitrogen. Dry ammonia mixed with dry hypo- 's 4 184 AMMONIA. chlorous anhydride explodes violently at the ordinary temperature, with separation of chlorine. Aqueous ammonia added gradually to aqueous hypochlorous acid, the mixture being kept cool, yields nitrogen, and chloride of nitrogen. Ammonia mixed with proper proportions of nitrous or nitric oxide, explodes by the electric spark, yield- ing water and nitrogen. Ammonia is violently decomposed at the ordinary temperature by peroxide of nitrogen, whether liquid or gaseous, with evolution of nitric oxide and nitrogen (Dulong). In contact with chlorine in the cold, ammonia burns with a red and white flame, forming chloride of ammonium and free nitrogen (4NH 3 + Cl 3 = 3NH 4 C1 + N) ; when chlorine is passed into strong aqueous ammonia or a solution of an ammoniacal-salt, chloride of nitrogen is also formed. Iodine does not decompose dry ammonia : in presence of water, iodide of ammonium and an iodine-deriva- tive of ammonia are formed. With bromine, ammonia yields bromide of ammo- nium and free nitrogen. Passed with vapour of phosphorus through a red-hot tube, ammonia yields phosphide of hydrogen and free nitrogen. Passed over red-hot char- coal, ammonia yields cyanide of ammonium and free hydrogen. With bisulphide of carbon, ammonia gives hydrosulphuric and sulphocyanic acids (NH 3 + CS 2 = H'-S + CSH). When potassium or sodium is heated in dry ammonia, hydrogen is evolved, its place being supplied by the metal, and nitride of potassium and hydrogen (potassa- mine), NKH-, is formed. In contact with zinc-ethyl, ammonia gives zinc-amine NZnH* and hydride of ethyl, C 2 H 6 . Many metallic oxides decompose ammonia with the aid of heat : the products are sometimes water, nitrogen, reduced metal, and more or less of an oxygen-compound of nitrogen ; sometimes, water and a metallic nitride. Ammonia reacts with anhydrous acids, chlorides of acid-radicles, and many compound ethers, giving amio acids, or amides. In like manner, it gives with many derivatives of the alcohols, amic bases or amines. (See AMIC ACIDS, AMIC BASES, AMIDES, AMINES.) We have seen that ammonia is decomposed by certain metals and metallic oxides, hydrogen being liberated, and compounds formed representing ammonia in which a part or the whole of the hydrogen is replaced by a metal. There are certain organic compounds (e. g. monobasic anhydrides, compound ethers, &c.) which are capable of decomposing ammonia in a similar manner, with formation of compounds representing ammonia in which the hydrogen is wholly or partially replaced by an organic radicle, acid or basic. The numerous and interesting class of compounds which are thus formed from ammonia by the partial or total replacement of its hydrogen by other radicles, organic or inorganic, acid or basic, is known by the generic name of amides : under which name they are fully described. Combinations. 1. With Water (Solution of ammonia, Aqueous ammonia, or simply Ammonia, Spirits of hartshorn, SalmiaJcgeist, Liquor ammonii). Both water and ice absorb ammonia with great avidity, with considerable evolution of heat, and with great expansion. Davy found that 1 vol. water at 10 C. and 29*8 inches barometric pressure absorbs 670 vols. ammonia, or nearly half its weight: the specific gravity of this solution is 0*875. According to Dalton, water at a lower tem- perature absorbs even more ammonia, and the specific gravity of the solution is 0'85. According to Osann, 100 pts. water at 24 C. absorb 8'41 pts. at 55 C. 5'96 pts. am- monia. 1 vol. water by absorbing 505 vols. ammonia, forms a solution occupying 1-5 vols., and having specific gravity 0'9 : this, when mixed with an equal bulk of water, yields a liquid of specific gravity G'9455 : whence it appears that aqueous ammonia expands on dilution. (Ure.) Preparation. 1 part of sal-ammoniac in lumps is introduced into a glass flask, with 11 parts slaked lime, and from 1 to 11 parts water : and the^flask is connected by bent tubes with three Woulfe's bottles. The first bottle, which is intended to arrest any solid particles that may be carried over mechanically, and any empyreu- matic oil contained in the sal-ammoniac, as well as to condense aqueous vapour, con- tains a small quantity of water (Mohr prefers milk of lime). The second bottle con- tains the water to be saturated with ammonia : it should contain a quantity of water about equal in weight to the sal-ammoniac employed, and should not be more than three parts full, to allow for the expansion. These two bottles should be placed in cold water, and each provided with a safety tube. The third bottle contains a little water, to retain any ammonia that may pass through the second bottle. The flask is then heated in a sand-bath, care being taken that its contents do not boil over : and the operation continued till about half the water in the flask has distilled over into the first bottle. The first bottle then contains a weak and impure solution of ammonia : the second a pure and strong solution (if a perfectly saturated solution be required, the quantity of water in this bottle should not exceed the weight of the sal-ammoniac employed) : the solution in the third bottle is weak, but pure. The proportions of lime and water to be added to the sal-ammoniac in order to pro- duce the largest yield of ammonia have been variously stated : those given above are AMMONIA. 185 now most generally received. According to the equation, CaHO + NH 4 C1 = Nil 3 + CaCl + IPO, the amount of slaked lime should be to that of sal-ammoniac as 37 : 53-5, or 69 parts of the former to 100 parts of the latter. But in practice it is always found necessary to employ a larger proportion of lime ; for not only is the lime of commerce always impure, but also it is impossible to bring the whole of it into such contact with the sal-ammoniac, as woxild ensure the completeness of their reaction. The object of adding water is to ensure the gradual solution of the sal-ammoniac, and consequently its more complete contact with the lime. There are also other disad- vantages which attend the absence of water. If the lime and sal-ammoniac are mixed in a state of powder, a large quantity of ammonia is lost before the mixture is intro- duced into the flask ; and the heated mass expands on cooling so as invariably to break the flask. These inconveniences are avoided by first placing the sal-ammoniac in lumps in the flask, and then covering it with the powdered lime : but in this case the heat required is sufficient to volatilise the sal-ammoniac, which is liable to stop up the delivery-tube and cause a dangerous explosion. Moreover a larger quantity of empyreumatic oil passes over with the ammonia : and the chloride of calcium formed in the flask obstinately retains a portion of the ammonia, which is consequently lost. On the other hand, the addition of too much water diminishes the pi-oduct of am- monia, and hampers the operation in other ways. In the preparation of aqueous ammonia on a large scale, the gas is generated in cast-iron or copper vessels : earthenware vessels are generally found not to answer, owing to the porosity of their structure. The aqueous ammonia thus prepared may contain the following impurities, which are easily detected^: Carbonate of ammonium. Occurs when the lime employed contains much carbonate, or when the solution has been exposed to the air. Causes turbidity when heated with chloride of barium. Chlorine. Owing to chloride of ammonium having been sublimed, or carried over mechanically. The solution, saturated with nitric acid, gives a cloudiness with nitrate of silver. Lime. Carried over mechanically. Gives a precipitate with oxalic acid : left as a solid residue on evaporation. Copper or Lead. Derived from the generating vessel. The former is detected by the solution becoming tinged with blue on evaporation ; the latter by hydrosulphuric acid. Empyreumatic oil. From the sal-ammoniac. The solution has a yellow colour and a peculiar smell. Properties. Aqueous ammonia is a colourless transparent liquid, smelling of ammonia, and having a sharp burning, urinous taste. Its specific gravity varies from 1-000 to 0'85, according to the amount of ammonia it contains: its boiling-point varies similarly (see D alt on ' s table, infra.} A perfectly saturated solution freezes between 38 and 41 C., forming shining flexible needles: at - 49 C. it solidifies to a grey gelatinous mass, almost without smell (Fourcroy and Vauquelin). It loses almost all its ammonia at a temperature below 100 C. The following tables have been constructed, showing the amount of real ammonia contained in aqueous ammonia of different densities : DALTON. H. DAVY. UHE. Specific- gravity. Percentage Ammonia. Boiling Point Specific gravity. Percentage Ammonia. Specific gravity. Percentage Ammonia. Specific gravity. Percentage Ammonia. 0-85 353 -4 0-8750 32-3* 0-8914 27-940 0-9363 15-900 086 326 +3-5 8857 29-25 0-8937 27-633 09410 14-575 0-87 29-9 10 0-9. oo 26'00 G'8967 27-038 0-9455 13-250 0-.S8 27-3 17 0-9054 25-37* 0*S9>i3 26-751 0-9510 11-925 0-89 24-7 23 0-9166 2207 9000 2G-.VO 0-9564 10'600 0*90 22-2 30 9255 19-4 9045 '5-175 09614 9 275 0-91 19 8 37 0-9326 17-52 0-9090 23-S50 7*950 0-92 17-4 44 0-0385 15-88 0-9133 22-525 0-9716 6-625 0-93 16-1 50 0-9435 14 53 0-9177 21 200 0-9768 (i 91 12-8 57 0-9476 13-46 0-9227 19-875 0-i96 29-2 0-9156 2.52 0-9340 17'2 0-9549 11-2 0-9781 5"2 0-8804 35-0 0-9f)()l 29 0-9162 23-0 0-9317 17'0 0-9556 11 0-9790 5-0 08*68 34-8 0-9006 28-8 0-9168 2*2" 8 0-9353 16-8 9o63 10-8 0-9799 4-8 0-8K72 346 0-9011 28-6 0-9174 22-6 0-9360 16-6 0-9571 10-6 0-9807 4-6 0-8877 34-4 0-9016 28-4 0-9180 22-4 0-9:500 16-4 0-S.V8 10-4 0-9815 4-4 0-8881 34*2 0-9021 28-2 0-9185 222 0-9373 16-2 0-9586 102 0-9823 4-2 0-8885 340 09026 28-0 0-9191 22-0 0-9380 16-0 0-9503 10-0 9:5i 4-0 0-88s9 33-8 0-9031 27-8 0-9197 218 09386 158 0-9601 9-8 0-9839 3-8 08*94 336 0-9036 27-6 0-9203 21-6 0-9393 15-6 9008 9-6 09847 3-6 0' 98 334 0-9041 27-4 0-9209 21-4 0-9400 15-4 0-9616 9-4 O-qHflS 3-4 0-8903 33-2 0-!)047 272 0-9215 21-2 0-9407 15-2 09623 9-2 0-9863 3-2 0-8907 33-0 0-9052 27-0 0-9221 21-0 0-9414 15-0 0-9031 9-0 0-98'3 3-0 0-8911 328 0-90-7 26-8 0-9227 20-8 0-9420 14-8 0-9639 8-8 09882 2-8 0-8916 326 ()-90f,3 26-6 9233 20-6 0-9427 146 0-9647 8-6 0-9890 2-6 O'*920 32-4 0-906H 20-4 0-9239 20 4 0-9434 14-4 0-9654 8-4 0-9S99 2-4 08925 322 0-9073 26-2 0-924.T 20-2 0-9411 14 2 0-9002 8-2 0-9907 2-2 0-8929 320 0-9078 26-0 0-9251 2-.-0 0-9449 14-0 09670 8-0 0-9915 2-0 0-8931 31-8 0-9083 25-8 0-9257 19-8 0-9456 13-8 0-9677 7-8 0-9924 18 0-8938 31-6 0-<)089 25-6 0-<>2G4 196 09403 13-6 0-9685 7-6 0-9932 1-6 08943 31-4 09094 25-4 0'9'27 1 19-4 0-9470 134 0-9 93 7-4 0-9941 1-4 0-8948 31-2 O'tlOO 25-2 09277 19-2 0-9477 1:5-2 0-9701 7'2 0-9950 1-2 08953 31-0 0-9106 25 92*3 19-0 09484 13-0 0-9709 70 0-9959 1 0-8957 ' 30-8 09111 24-8 0-929 1S-8 09191 128 0-9717 6-8 9907 0-8 8<02 30'6 0-9116 24-6 0-9290 18-0 0-9498 12-6 0-9725 6-6 0-9975 0-6 0-8967 304 0-9122 24-4 0-93(W 184 9505 12-4 0-973:$ 6-4 0-99*3 0-4 0-8971 30-2 0-9127 24-2 , 0'9308 18-2 0-9512 12-2 0-9741 6-2 0-9991 0, | By the aid of these tables, the strength of aqueous ammonia, like that of commercial alcohol, may be approximately ascertained by taking its specific gravity. (See also Griffin's Table given in lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, vol. i. p. 132, and Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 260.) Roscoe and Dittmar (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xii. 147), have determined the amount of ammonia-gas absorbed by water at various pressures and temperatures. The results are given in the two following tables. Table A shows the weight of ammonia-gas in grammes Cr absorbed by 1 gramme of water at C. and various partial pressures P.* * By partial pressure is meant the total pressure under which the absorption occurs, minus the tension of aqueous vapour at C. AMMONIA. 187 TABLE A. p. G. * P. G. P. G. P. G. 0-00 o-ooo 25 0-465 0-85 0-937 1-45 1-469 0-01 0-044 030 0-515 090 0-968 1-50 526 0-02 0-084 0-35 0561 0-95 001 1-55 1-584 003 0-1-20 0-40 0-607 1-00 037 1-60 f>45 0-04 0-149 045 0-646 05 075 1-65 707 005 0-175 0-50 0-690 10 117 1-70 770 0-75 0-2-M 0-55 0-731 15 161 1-75 835 0-100 0-275 oc-o 0-768 20 208 180 906 0-125 0'315 0-65 0-804 25 258 1-85 976 0-150 0-351 0-70 0-840 30 310 1-90 2-046 0-175 0-382 0-75 0-872 -35 361 1-95 2-1-20 0-200 0-411 0-80 0-906 1-40 415 2-00 2-195 From these numbers it appears : (1) that the quantity of ammonia absorbed by water at C. is far from being proportional to the pressure ; and (2) that for equal increments of pressure up to about 1 metre of mercury, the corresponding increments of absorbed ammonia continually diminish, but that above this point, the amount of dissolved gas increases in a more rapid ratio than the pressure. Table B shows the weight in grammes of ammonia (column II.), absorbed by 1 gramme of water under the pressure of 0'76 m . and at various temperatures (column I). TABLE B. '. 11. i. II. I. II. . 11. oc. 0-875 16 C. 0582 3'2 C. D-ssa 48 C. 0-244 2 0-H33 18 0-554 3'1 0-31/2 5<.- 0-2-29 4 0-792 20 0526 36 0343 52 0-JI4 6 0'751 22 0-4!'<) 38 6-324 54 0-200 0-713 24 0-474 40 307 56 0-1 06 10 0-'J79 26 0-449 42 0--HO 12 0645 28 0-426 41 0-275 14 612 3 0-403 4(> 0-A r i9 Aqueous ammonia possesses the property of dissolving many salts which are insoluble in water. Thus it dissolves chromic and stannic oxides, the protoxides of tin, cadmium, zinc, &c., the oxides of copper and silver. The compounds tims formed are decomposed by heat, losing ammonia, sometimes with explosive violence. Many other salts are also soluble in aqueous ammonia, e. g. phosphate, chloride, bromide of silver, &c. : in some cases, the original salt can be recovered unchanged by evaporating off the ammonia ; in others a more intimate combination is effected. 2. With alcohol. (Liquor ammoniac! alcoholicus). Alcohol, Like water, absorbs ammonia in great quantity, with considerable expansion and evolution of heat. The alcoholic solution is prepared in precisely the same way as the aqueous solution, alcohol of 85 90 p. c. being substituted for water in the second bottle. The proportion of alcohol to the sal-ammoniac employed should be somewhat less than in the case of water. The specific gravity of the solution of course varies with the amount of alcohol and ammonia which it contains. 3. With metallic salts. Ammonia forms solid compounds with certain metallic oxides (of gold, silver, platinum, mercury, antimony, &c.) which are decomposed by heat, frequently with explosive violence. Certain metallic chlorides, bromides, and iodides (of silver, calcium, &c.) absorb ammonia, frequently with evolution of heat. Some of these compounds lose their ammonia when exposed to the air ; others, but not all, when heated. Some dissolve in water without decomposition, forming solutions from which the whole of the ammonia is not precipitated by dichloride -of platinum : the majority are decomposed by water, which sometimes dissolves the original salt and separate's ammonia, sometimes precipitates the metal as hydrate. Similarly, certain crystalline salts, when freed from their water of crystallisation, absorb ammonia abundantly and in atomic proportion, forming compounds which are decomposed by heat or by wat r. Ammonia also combines with metallic cyanides, with fluoride of silicon, and other bodies. 4. With acids, forming ammoniacal salts. (See AMMONIACAL SALTS.) 5. With poll/basic anhydrides, forming the ammonium-salts of amic acids. (See AMIC ACIDS.) p 1 . T. C. 183 AMMONIAC AL SALTS. fUtXXtXOXflTXACAXi SAXiTS. Ammonium-salts, Sets aiiirnoniacaux, Ammonidk* salze. Ammonia combines very readily with acids, which it neutralises completely, forming definite crystalline salts, known by the name of ammoniacaT. or ammonium-salts. These salts are isomorphous with those of potassium, and are in their general properties so closely analogous to metallic salts, that they are universally regarded as belonging to this class of bodies. There is, however, a characteristic difference in their mode of formation. While other metallic salts are formed by the substitution of a metal for the hydrogen of an acid, e.g. chloride of zinc, ZnCl = HC1 + Zn H : ammoniaoal salts are formed by the direct combination of ammonia with the acid, without elimi- nation of hydrogen, r.g. chloride of ammonium, NH 4 C1 = NH 3 + HC1. Among the various theories by which it has been proposed to represent the consti- tution of these salts, that which most clearly expresses their analogy with other metallic salts is unquestionably the Ammonium Theory of Berzelius. According to this theory, ammoniacal salts contain a compound metal, ammonium, Nil 4 , analogous to potassium, sodium, and other metals, the salts of which, ammonium-salts, are analogous to other metallic salts. Thus, chloride of ammonium, C1NH 4 , is analogous to chloride of potassium, C1K ; sulphate of ammonium, S0 4 (NH 4 ) 2 , to sulphate of potassium, S0 4 K 2 , &c. This hypothetical metal has never been isolated. An amal- gam of mercury and ammonium is, however, known to exist, which affords strong corroborative evidence, not only of the existence of ammonium, but also of its metallic nature, metals being the only bodies which are capable of forming amalgams with mercury. This singular substance, discovered simultaneously in 1808, by Seebeck, at Jena, and by Berzelius and Pontin, at Stockholm, was originally prepared by the action of electricity upon aqueous ammonia in contact with mercury. A strong solution of aqueous ammonia in which mercury is placed, is brought into the voltaic circle, the negative pole dipping into the mercury, and the positive pole into the liquid. An- other method is to dip the negative wire into mercury, which is placed in a cavity hollowed out of a fragment of a solid ammonium-salt, carbonate, sulphate, phosphate, or chloride, the positive wire being inserted into the salt itself, or connected with a metallic plate on which the salt rests. Oxygen, or, if chloride of ammonium be em- ployed, chlorine, is evolved at the positive pole, but scarcely any gas at the negative pole ; while the mercury increases very largely in volume, and assumes the consistence of butter. When completely saturated with ammonium, the amalgam is lighter than water : obtained by the former method, it has frequently a crystalline structure. It is a very unstable compound, decomposing spontaneously as soon as it is removed from the voltaic circle, being resolved into liquid mercury, and a mixture of 2 vols. am- monia, NH 3 , and 1 vol. hydrogen, H. When cooled below C., it solidifies and crys- tallises in cubes. At a very low temperature, it contracts, and becomes brittle ; decomposition does not begin till the temperature rises to 29 C. According to Sir H. Davy, it contains 1 atom NH 4 to 753 atoms mercury. The amalgam may also be prepared without the intervention of electricity, by bringing potassium- or sodium- amalgam the latter is more energetic in its action into contact with an ammonium- salt, either solid and moistened with water, or as a concentrated aqueous solution. The amalgam thus prepared contains, according to Gay-Lussac and Thenard, 1 part nitrogen and hydrogen to 1800 parts mercury. It contains a certain portion of potas- sium or sodium, and on this account is less unstable than the amalgam prepared by either of the former methods : it may be preserved for a considerable time in anhy- drous rock-oil, or in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Formation. Ammonium-salts are formed by bringing ammonia or carbonate of am- monium, directly into contact with acids. Properties. Ammonium-salts are isomorphous with potassium-salts. They have mostly a pungent, saline, somewhat urinous taste. They are all soluble in water, generally with facility : less soluble in alcohol or ether. Ammonium-salts of colourless acids are colourless. Reactions of Ammonium-salts. Tests for Ammonia. Ammonium-salts are variously affected by heat : all, however, are wholly or partially volatilised, with or without decomposition. The carbonate, and those which contain no oxygen (chloride, iodide, &c.), are volatilised "undecomposed. All others lose their ammonia when heated. Some, e.g. the phosphate, and borate, evolve ammonia undecomposed, leaving the acid. Others, e. g. sulphate, evolve nitrogen, the acid being more or less completely reduced by the hydrogen of the ammonia: the nitrate is decomposed into nitrous oxide and water. Their aqueous solution, when exposed to the air (still more rapidly when evaporated), generally loses ammonia, an acid salt, or a normal salt mixed with excess of acid, being formed : hence, in crvstallising an ammonium-salt, ammonia must be occasionally added during evaporation. When treated with chlorine, their aqueous solution yields hydrochloric acid and nitrogen ; or, if the salt contains a powerful acid, AMMONIAC AL SALTS. 189 hydrochloric acid and chloride of nitrogen (D nl o n g). "With a solution of hypochlorous acid, dry ammonium-salts yield water, chloride of nitrogen, and nitrogen, while nitrogen and chlorine remain in solution (B alard). In solution they are decomposed by pro- toxides, with liberation of ammonia ; not by sesquioxides. When heated, either solid or in solution, with a fixed alkali, baryta, lime, oxide of lead, &c., they evolve ammonia : magnesia expels only half the ammonia, forming a double salt. The reaction by which ammonium-salts are generally detected, is their decomposition when heated with jfcm alkalis or alkaline earths. If the ammonia evolved be in so minute a quantity that its characteristic smell cannot be perceived, it is easily recognised by its property of restoring the blue colour to reddened litmus-paper, and of forming dense white fumes by contact with a glass rod moistened with dilute hydrochloric acid. If the evolved ammonia be brought into contact with a strip of paper moistened with a dilute neutral solution of subnitrate of mercury, sulphate of copper, or sulphate of manganese, in the first case a black stain is produced on the paper, in the second a blue, in the third a brown. A solution of molybdate of sodium containing phosphoric acid (phos- phomolybdate of sodium), gives with ammonium-salts, a yellow precipitate, soluble in alkalis and non-volatile organic acids, insoluble in mineral acids : in very dilute am- monium solutions, the formation of the precipitate is gradual ; it is accelerated by heat. When a solution containing an ammonium-salt or free ammonia is mixed with potash, and a solution of iodide of mercury in iodide of potassium added, a brown precipitate or coloration is immediately produced (Nessler). (NH 3 + 4HgI = NHg 4 ! + SHI). This is by far the most delicate test for ammonia. With dichloride of platinit/r., ammonium-salts give a yellow crystalline precipitate of chloroplatinate of ammonium, PtCPNH 4 , slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol or acids. When ignited, the precipitate is converted into pure metallic platinum, perfectly free from chlorine. With acid tartrate of sodium (or tartaric acid), they give a white precipitate of acid tartrate of ammonium, slightly soluble in cold water, readily soluble in alkaline solu- tions and in mineral acids. The carbonaceous residue left on igniting this precipitate has no alkaline reaction. A not too dilute solution of an ammonium-salt gives with a concentrated solution of sulphate of aluminium, a crystalline precipitate of ammonium- alum. Only very concentrated solutions of ammonium-salts give precipitates with perchloric or fluosilidc acid. Subnitrate of mercury gives a brown colour in solu- tions containing free ammonia. A slightly alkaline solution of an ammonium-salt gives a white precipitate with chloride of mercury. Alcoholic solutions of ammonium- salts burn with a blue or violet flame. Eeactions very similar to those just described, e. g. with phosphomolybdate of sodium, iodomercurate of potassium, dichloride of platinum, chloride of mercury, &c., are likewise produced by the salts of methylamine, ethylamine, and other compound ammonias. These organic bases may, however, be distinguished with certainty from ammonia itself by igniting the substance under examination with oxide of copper, and passing the evolved gases into baryta water, when, if carbon is present, a precipitate of carbonate of baryta will be produced. (See ANALYSIS, ORGANIC, p. 225.) Separation and Estimation of Ammoniu m. Ammonium is separated from all other metals except the alkaline metals, by its non-precipitation by hydrosulphuric acid, sulphide or carbonate of ammonium, or phosphate of sodium, in presence of chloride of ammonium. From sodium and lithium it is separated by dichloride of platinum and alcohol, which precipitates potassium and ammonium as chloroplatinates, while sodium and lithium remain in solution. The mixed chloroplatinates are converted by ignition into a mixture of metallic platinum and chloride of potassium, the latter of which is dissolved out by water, the solution evaporated to dryness, gently ignited, and weighed. The weight of platinum corresponding to the amount of potassium thus obtained being deducted from the total weight of metallic platinum, the remaining platinum represents the ammonium present : 1 atom of platinum corresponds to 1 atom of ammonium. This method is applicable only when the metals are present as salts which are soluble in alcohol, e. g. as chlorides. Sulphates are best converted into chlorides by adding carbonate of barium, and saturating the filtrate with hydrochloric acid. The best method for the separation of ammonium from all other metals is to heat the compound under examination in a combustion-tube with excess of soda-lime, and to collect the ammonia evolved in a bulb-apparatus containing hydrochloric acid. The chloride of ammonium thus obtained is mixed with excess of dichloride of platinum (perfectly free from nitric acid), and evaporated to dryness on a water-bath. The residue is treated with alcohol, which dissolves excess of the dichloride : the chloro- platinate of ammonium is collected on a weighed filter, dried at 100 C., and weighed ; or converted by ignition in a porcelain crucible into metallic platinum, from the weight of which the amount of ammonia is readily calculated. This method is not applicable to the separation of ammonia from other volatile organic bases. Ammonium-salts may occasionally be estimated by loss. This is the case when the 190 AMMONIACAL SALTS ammonium-salt is entirely volatile, and when no other volatile or decomposible com- pound is present. The substance under examination is heated in a water-bath until it ceases to lose weight : it is then moderately ignited and weighed again, when the loss of weight represents the amount of ammonium-salt present. This is a convenient method for the estimation of chloride, nitrate, or normal sulphate of ammonium, in presence of the corresponding fixed alkaline salts. Ammonia may also be estimated by distilling it into a known quantity of dilute acid, and determining volumetrically by a standard alkaline solution the excess of free acid. The following are the principal ammonium-salts : 1. ACETATES OF AMMONIUM, a. Normal acetate, C 2 H 3 2 .N-H 4 . A white odourless salt, obtained by saturating glacial acetic acid with dry ammonia. b. Acid acetate, C 2 H 8 2 .NH 4 + OH 4 2 . Obtained as a white crystalline subli- mate, when dry powdered chloride of ammonium is treated with an equal weight of acetate of potassium or calcium, ammonia being given off simultaneously. (See ACE- TATES, p. 1'2.) 2. CARBONATES OF AMMONIUM. H. Kose (Pogg. Ann. xlviii. 352) admits the existence of a considerable number of carbonates of ammonium, to which he assigns very various and complicated formulae. But, according to H. Deville (Compt. rend. xxxiv. 880 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xl. 87), there exist only two carbonates of ammonium of definite composition. a. Normal carbonate, C0 3 (NH 4 ) 2 [or CO\NH*0 = C0 2 .NH*.HO].This salt has never been isolated. The salt which crystallises from an alcoholic solution of sesqui- carbonate of ammonium saturated with ammonia, is simply sesquicarbonate. Neither can it be obtained from a saturated solution of commercial sesquicarbonate in strong aqueous ammonia. It may be obtained in aqueous or alcoholic solution, or, as sesqui- carbonate, in combination with the acid carbonate (b). (PelouzeetFremy, Traite de Chimie, ii. 222.) b. Acid carbonate, C0 3 .NH 4 .H [or CO*.NH*0 + CO S .HO.] Obtained by saturating an aqueous solution of ammonia or sesquicarbonate of ammonium with carbonic an- hydride. Or by treating the commercial sesquicarbonate finely powdered, with alcohol of 90 per cent., which dissolves out normal carbonate, leaving a residue of acid car- bonate. Sesquicarbonate of ammonium is similarly decomposed by cold water ; but in this case, a larger quantity of the acid carbonate is dissolved. All carbonates of ammonium, when left to themselves, are gradually converted into acid carbonate. It- forms large crystals, belonging to the right prismatic or trimetric system. According to Devi lie, it is dimorphous, but never isomorphous with acid carbonate of potassium. When exposed to the air, it volatilises slowly, without becoming opaque, and gives off a slight ammoniacal odour. At the ordinary temperature, it is soluble in 8 parts of water ; if this solution be heated above 36 0,, it is decomposed, evolving carbonic anhydride. Even at ordinary temperatures, the solution, whether concentrated or dilute, gradually becomes ammoniacal on keeping (G-melin). It is insoluble in alcohol; but when exposed to the air under alcohol, it dissolves as normal carbonate, evolving carbonic anhydride. It has been found native in considerable quantity in the deposits of guano on the western coast of Patagonia, in the form of white crystalline masses, with a strong ammoniacal smell. (Ulex. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 44.) c. Sesquicarbonate, C 3 9 N 4 H 18 + 2H 2 [= ZCCP.INWO + 3HO.] Obtained by dissolving commercial carbonate of ammonium in strong aqueous ammonia, at about 30 C., and crystallising the solution. It forms large transparent crystals, representing a right rectangular prism, with the faces of the corresponding rhombic octahedron resting on the angles. These crystals decompose very rapidly in the air, losing water and ammonia, and being converted into di-acicl carbonate. This salt may be regarded as a mixture or compound of 1 atom of normal carbonate with 2 of atoms acid carbonate [CO 3 . (NH 1 ) 2 + 2(C0 3 .NH 4 .H) = C 3 9 N 4 H 18 ] : a view which is confirmed by its be- haviour with water and alcohol ; which, when added in quantity insufficient for the complete solution of the salt, dissolves out normal carbonate, leaving a residue of acid carbonate: 100 pts. water at 13 C. dissolve 25 pts. sesquicarbonate, at 17, 30 pts. ; at 32, 37 pts. ; at 41, 40 pts. ; at 49, 60 pts. (Berzelius) : above this temperature, carbonic anhydride is evolved, and a solution of normal carbonate formed. Commercial carbonate of ammonium (sal volatile, salt of hartshorn, &c.) consists of sesquicarbonate, more or less pure. It is prepared on a large scale by the dry dis- tillation of bones, hartshorn, and other animal matter. The product thus obtained is contaminated with empyreumatic oil, from which it is purified by subliming it once op twice with 1| times its weight of animal charcoal, in cast-iron vessels over which glass receivers are inverted. By repeated sublimation, the salt is partially decomposed. Another method of preparing it is by heating to redness a mixture of 1 pt. chloride or sulphate of ammonium, and 2 pts. carbonate of calcium (chalk), or carbonate of potassium, CARBONATES CHLORIDE. 191 in a retort to which a receiver is luted : ammonia and water are first disengaged, and then the sesquicarbonate distils over and solidifies in the neck of the retort and the receiver. On a small scale, glass vessels are employed : on a large scale, an earthenware or cast-iron retort, and an earthenware or leaden receiver, which, when filled by repeated distillations, is broken or cut in two: 10 pts. sal-ammoniac yield from 7 to 8 pts. sesquicarbonate. (See Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 135.) The salt thus prepared is liable to contain the following impurities : Hypostupkite of ammonium: when sulphate of ammonium, or chloride containing sulphate, is employed in the preparation. The salt neutralised with acetic acid gives a white precipitate which turns black on addition of nitrate of silver. Sulphate of ammonium, from the same causes : detected by hydrochloric acid and chloride of barium. Sal-ammoniac: detected by nitric acid and nitrate of silver. Lead, from the receiver : the salt has a grey colour, and when dissolved in dilute nitric acid, gives the reactions of lead. Lime and chloride of calcium, carried over mechanically : from these and other fixed impurities the salt is freed by re-sublimation. The sesquicarbonate obtained as above is a white, transparent, fibrous mass, with a pungent caustic taste, and a strong ammoniacal smell. .Exposed to the air, it is gradually converted into acid carbonate. It is completely volatile, though not without partial decomposition. Its aqueous solution is strongly alkaline : from a hot saturated solution, the acid carbonate crystallises on cooling, but not in the ordinary crystalline form. (Deville.) The aqueous solution of this salt (spiritus salis ammoniaci), is extensively employed in me'dicine as a stimulant. It is also a very valuable reagent. The solid salt is employed in the manufacture of other ammoniacal salts. 3. CHLOEIDE or AMMONIUM, C1NH 4 . (Hydrochlorate or muriate of ammonia, Sal- ammoniac, salzsaures Ammoniak, SalmiaJc, Chlorure d 'ammonium, or Chlorure am- moniquc.') Hydrochloric acid gas and ammonia combine volume for volume, with great evolu- tion of heat, forming solid chloride of ammonium. This salt forms colourless feathery crystals, which, when examined by a lens, are found to consist of an aggregation of cubes or octahedrons. It has no smell, but a pungent taste ; its specific gravity is 1'5. It dissolves in 2*72 pts. water at 18'75 C., with great reduction of temperature ; and in about its own weight of water at 100. It is less soluble in alcohol. When exposed to the air, it loses ammonia, and becomes acid to test-paper. When heated, it vola- tilises undecomposed, without previous fusion. After sublimation, it forms white crystalline masses, which are exceedingly tough and difficult to powder : to obtain it in a pulverulent state, a hot saturated solution is evaporated to dryness very rapidly, with continual agitation, when the salt is left as a crystalline powder. Chloride of ammonium is decomposed by several metals, potassium, iron, &c., a metallic chloride being formed, and ammonia and hydrogen separated. It is also decomposed by many salts; by some, e.g. alkaline and alkaline-earthy hydrates, completely, ammonia being evolved ; by others, as by cupric and ferric salts, partially, double salts being formed. Some salts, e. g. platinic chloride, combine with it directly, forming double salts (chloroplatinates). Some metallic hydrates are soluble in a solution of sal-ammoniac, especially those of zinc and magnesium. Sal-ammoniac is found native in many volcanic regions ; also in small quantities in sea-water. It is readily formod by heating nitrogenised animal matter containing chloride of sodium, or with which that salt has been mixed. Until the middle of the last century, sal-ammoniac was obtained almost exclusively from Egypt, where it was prepared in this manner, by subliming the soot obtained by the combustion of camel's dung. It is now largely manufactured in Europe, chiefly from the impure carbonate of ammonium which is obtained in gas-works, or by the dry distillation of animal matter. This carbonate is converted into chloride by the addition of hydrochloric acid, or of the mother- liquor from salt-works, containing the chlorides of magnesium and calcium, and by evaporating the solution (ammonia being added from time to time), crystals of sal-ammoniac are obtained. These are contaminated with empyreumatic oil, which is destroyed by heating the crystals to a temperature a little below their subliming point. They are then dissolved in water, the solution decolorised by boiling with animal charcoal, and again crystallised. The salt is finally purified by sublima- tion, which is performed at a brisk heat, in large glass or earthenware bottles, the neck of which must be carefully kept unobstructed, to avoid the risk of explosion : the bottles are then broken and the sal-ammoniac removed in cakes. Metallic receivers are sometimes employed in the sublimation ; in this case, the outer surface of the sal- ammoniac is dark-coloured, owing to metallic impurities, and must be scraped off. In some manufactories, the carbonate of ammonium is first converted into sulphate, and subsequently into chloride. This is generally done by filtering the solution of carbonate through a stratum of powdered gypsum (sulphate of calcium), when insoluble 192 AMMONIACAL SALTS. carbonate of calcium is formed, arid a solution of sulphate of ammonium obtained. This solution is mixed with chloride of sodium, evaporated to dryness, and the sal- ammoniac separated from the residue by sublimation. Or the solution of the two salts is evaporated at the boiling heat, when sulphate of sodium, being less soluble at a hifji than at a lower temperature, mostly crystallises out and is removed. The solution is then cooled, when the sal-ammoniac crystallises out, since its solubility diminishes rapidly with decrease of temperature. The crystals thus obtained are purified as above described. Ferrous sulphate may be employed instead of gypsum to convert the carbonate of ammonium into sulphate ; this is a more expensive process, but it possesses the advantage of removing the greater part of the empyreumatic oil, which is carried down by the precipitated iron-salt. (Berzelius.) In the factory at Buxweiler, in Alsace, sal-ammoniac, phosphorus, and gelatin are prepared by the following ingenious process. Bones are digested in hydrochloric acid, which dissolves out the bone-earth, leaving the cartilage insoluble : the latter is em- ployed for the preparation of gelatin. The hydrochloric solution is mixed with crude carbonate of ammonium, when sal-ammoniac is formed, and phosphate of calcium preci- pitated in the finely-divided state in which it is best adapted for the preparation of phosphorus. [For further details of the manufacture of sal-ammoniac, see Dictionary of Arts, Mamtfacturcs and Mines, i. 141.] Sal-ammoniac is employed in medicine. In the laboratory it serves for the pre- paration of ammonia, and carbonate of ammonium, and for frigorific mixtures. It is employed in dyeing ; also in metal- works, as a deoxidising agent, especially for copper. A solution of chloride of silver in chloride of ammonium is employed for plating cop- per and brass. It enters into the composition of a cement used for fixing iron in stone: this cement is formed by moistening with a solution of sal-ammoniac, iron- filings mixed with 1 or 2 per cent, sulphur. Impure sal-ammoniac has recently been employed as manure. 4. HYDRATE OF AMMONIUM, NH 4 .H.O. This compound has never been isolated. The aqueous solution of ammonia behaves in many respects like a solution of hydrate of ammonium. 5. NITRATE OF AMMONITJM, N0 3 .NH 4 [or N0 5 .NH*0 = N0 5 .NH 3 .HO~]. (Nitrum flammans.} Obtained by crystallising a mixture of nitric acid with a slight excess of aqueous ammonia. It forms long flexible needles : if the crystallisation be effected very slowly, it may be obtained in six-sided prisms. When the solution is evaporated to a very small bulk, the salt solidifies into a dense amorphous mass. It has a pungent taste. It is soluble in about half its weight of water at 18 C., and in still less at 100 : its saturated solution boils at 164 C., and contains 47'8 per cent, salt: when dissolved in water it produces great cold. It is soluble in alcohol. Exposed to the air, it deli- quesces slightly, loses ammonia, and becomes acid. When heated, it fuses perfectly at 108 C., and boils without decomposition at 180. Between 230 and 250 it is de- composed into water and nitrous oxide, (N0 3 .NH 4 = N 2 + 2H 2 0). If it be heated too rapidly, ammonia, nitric oxide, and nitrite of ammonium are also formed. (Ber- zelius). When thrown into a red-hot crucible, it burns with a slight noise, and a pale yellow flame. In presence of spongy platinum, it is decomposed at about 170 C. into nitrogen and nitric acid. (M i 1 1 o n and R e i s e t.) Nitrate of ammonium is formed when a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and excess of hydrogen is submitted to the electric current ; also when hydrosulphuric acid is passed into a dilute solution of nitric acid. It is also formed by the action of nitric acid on several metals, especially tin. 6. NITRITE OF AMMONIUM, N0 2 .NH 4 [ = NO*.NH 3 .HO]. Obtained by double decom- position of nitrite of lead and sulphate of ammonium, or of nitrite of silver and chloride of ammonium : the solution is evaporated in vacuo. Or by passing nitrous fumes into aqueous ammonia, and evaporating over lime (Mi 11 on). It forms an imperfectly crystallised mass. It is decomposed by heat into nitrogen and water, (NO'^.NH 4 N 2 + 2H 2 0). Its aqueous solution is similarly decomposed, suddenly if acid, gradually if alkaline. 7. OXALATES OF AMMOXIUM. a. Normal oxalate. C 2 O 4 (NH 4 ) 2 + H 2 0. Obtain"l by neutralising oxalic acid with ammonia, and crystallising. It forms long prisms united in tufts, belonging to the rhombic, right prismatic or trimetrie sv.stem : soluble in 3 pts. cold water, insoluble in alcohol. It is very slightly volatile at ordinary temperatures. When carefully heated to 220 C. it is entirely decomposed into carbonic oxide and carbonate of ammonium ; when it is heated more strongly, some oxamide is formed. Its solution is employed as a reagent for precipitating calcium-salts. b. Acid oxalate, C 2 0'.NH 4 .H + H 2 0. - Obtained in the crystalline form by adding oxalic, sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid to a solution of the normal salt. It crys- tallises in the trimetrie system. It reddens litmus, and is less soluble than the normal PHOSPHATE SULPHIDE. 193 salt. It is decomposed by heat, yielding, among other products, oxamide, C 2 2 N 2 H 4 , and oxamic acid, C 2 3 NH 7 . c. Quadroxalate, Hyper-acid oxalate, C 2 4 .NH 4 .H + C 2 4 H 2 + 2H 2 0. Obtained by crystallising a solution of equal parts of acid oxalate and oxalic acid. The crystals belong to the triclinic or doubly oblique prismatic system, and are isomorphous with the corresponding potassium salt. They are very soluble in hot water. At 100 C. they effloresce slightly, and lose their water of crystallisation. 8. PHOSPHATES OF AMMONIUM. a. Normal phosphate, P0 4 (NH 4 ) 8 [or PO^N^O.] When a solution of monacid phosphate of ammonium is mixed with ammonia, this salt separates as a crystalline magma : it cannot be dried without losing ammonia, being converted into b. b. Diammonic phosphate, P0 4 .(NH 4 ) 2 .H [or PCP.1NIPO.HO]. (Ordinary phosphate of ammonium, formerly called neutral phosphate.') Obtained by adding a slight excess of ammonia or carbonate of ammonium to acid phosphate of calcium (solution of bone- earth in hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid) ; when phosphate of calcium is precipitated, and monacid phosphate of ammonium remains in solution. It forms large, colourless, transparent crystals, belonging to the monoclinic or oblique prismatic system. It has a cooling, saline taste, and an alkaline reaction. Exposed to the air, it effloresces slightly, losing ammonia. It is soluble in 4 pts. cold, and in a smaller quantity of boiling water; insoluble in alcohol. By a red heat, it is converted into metaphosphoric acid, P0 4 .(NH 4 ) 2 .H = P0 3 H + 2NH 3 + H 2 0). c. Monammonic phosphate, P0 4 .(NH 4 ).H 2 [or PO*.NIP0.1HO]. (Formerly called acid phosphate.) Obtained by adding phosphoric acid to aqueous ammonia, till the solution is strongly acid, and no longer precipitates chloride of barium ; or by boiling a dilute solution of b and evaporating it to crystallisation. It crystallises in the dimetric or square prismatic system. It is somewhat less soluble in water than b, and is similarly decomposed by heat. The phosphates of ammonium are employed for the preparation of metaphosphoric acid. As the residue of their ignition always retains ammonia, it must be moistened with nitric acid, and again calcined. Gay-Lussac has proposed to preserve muslins and other inflammable textures from ignition by steeping them in a solution of these salts ; the salt being decomposed by heat, the tissue is covered with a film of metaphos- phoric acid, which preserves it from contact with the air, and prevents its breaking into flame. These salts cannot, however, be applied to fabrics which have to be washed and ironed, because the heat of the iron would decompose them, expelling the ammonia. The same objection applies to sulphate of ammonium, which is otherwise efficacious in diminishing the inflammability of light tissues. From recent experiments by Versmann and Oppenheim (Pharm. J. Trans. [2] i. 385), it appears that the only salt universally applicable for rendering such fabrics non-inflammable, is the neutral tungstate of sodium. (See TUNGSTATES.) Some of the double phosphates of ammonium and other metals are of considerable importance. The phosphate of sodium, ammonium and hydrogen, P0 4 .Na.NH 4 .H, com- monly called microcosmic salt, or phosphorus salt, is much used as a blow-pipe flux, being converted by heat into transparent metaphosphate of sodium, which dissolves many metallic salts with characteristic colours. 9. SULPHATES OF AMMONIUM. a. Normal Sulphate, S0 4 (NH 4 ) 2 [or S0 3 .NH*0.] (Glauber's Sel secretum.) Obtained by neutralising dilute sulphuric acid with ammonia or carbonate of ammonium. It forms crystals belonging to the trimetric or right prismatic system, isomorphous with potassic sulphate. It is colourless, and has a very bitter taste ; it is soluble in twice its weight of cold, and in its own weight of boiling, water; insoluble in alcohol. It fuses at 140 C: above 280, it is decomposed, ammonia, nitrogen, and water being given off, and acid sulphite of ammonium sublimed. It is found native as Mascagnine. It is manufactured on a large scale (as already described \inder Sal-ammoniac) by neutralising with sulphuric acid, or decomposing by gypsum, the impure carbonate of ammonium obtained in gas-works, &c. and crys- tallising the solution. The crystals are heated, to destroy animal matter, and purified by recrystallisation. Sulphate of ammonium is employed in the manufacture of am- monium-alum : also as manure. b. Add sulphate, S0 4 .NH 4 .H, [or 2 S0 3 .NIPO.HO]. Obtained by treating a solution of a with sulphuric acid. It crystallises in thin rhombohedrons. It is soluble in its own weight of cold water, and in alcohol. It deliquesces slowly in the air. 10. SULPHIDES OF AMMONIUM. a. Sulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S. When a mixture of dry hy- drosulphuric acid and ammonia, the latter in excess, is exposed to a temperature of 18 C. 2 vols. ammonia combine with 1 vol. hydrosulphuric acid, and form sulphide of ammonium. The same compound is formed when sulphide of potassium is distilled VOL. I. O 194 AMMONIUM-BASES. with chloride of ammonium, provided the receiver be cooled to 18 C. It forms colourless crystals, which have a strong alkaline reaction. At the ordinary temperature, it is at once decomposed, losing ammonia, and being converted into sulphyclrate (6). This decomposition takes place even in an atmosphere of ammonia. Its aqueous solu- tion, which is much employed as a reagent, is prepared by dividing a saturated solution of ammonia into 2 equal parts, saturating one with hydrosulphuric acid, and then adding the other. It forms a colourless solution, which becomes yellow on keeping, owing to the formation of a higher sulphide ; by further exposure to the air, sulphur is separated, hyposulphite, sulphite, and finally sulphate of ammonium being successively formed. b. Sidphydrate or Hydrosulphate, NH 4 .H.S. Obtained by mixing dry hydrosul- phuric acid and ammonia, in any proportions, at a temperature above 18 C. It is a combination of the two gases in equal volumes. It forms colourless crystals, which have an alkaline reaction, and volatilise undecomposed, even at ordinary temperatures. Its aqueous solution is obtained by saturating aqueous ammonia with washed hydrosul- phuric acid, out of contact with the air. It forms a colourless solution, which, by ex- posure to the air, is decomposed in the same manner as the sulphide. c. Poly sulphides. Besides the above, there are several other compounds of sulphur and ammonium described, which may be regarded as combinations of the monosul- phide with sulphur, or as poly sulphides of ammonium. These are 1. The disulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 ; 2. The trisulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S 3 ; 3. The tetrasulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S 4 ; 4. The pentasulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S 5 ; 5. The heptasulphide, (NH 4 ) 2 S 7 . The most general method of preparing these compounds is by distilling the corresponding sulphide of potassium with excess of chloride of ammonium. In the wet way, they are prepared by adding sulphur to a solution of the monosulphide, and saturating the mixture alternately with ammonia and hydrosulphuric acid. The heptasulphide, to which there is no corre- sponding sulphide of potassium, is formed by the spontaneous decomposition of the pentasulphide : 3(NH') 2 S 5 = 2(NH 4 ) 2 S' + NH 3 + NH'.H.S. It forms ruby-red crystals. It is the most stable of the polysulphides of ammonium, not being decomposed at temperatures below 300 C., and but very slowly by water or hydrochloric acid. The substance known as fuming liquor of Boyle, or volatile liver of sulphur, is a mixture of two or more sulphides of ammonium. It is obtained by distilling a mix- ture of 1 pt. sulphur, 2 pts. sal-ammoniac, and 2 to 3 pts. quick lime. It is a dark yellow liquid, of penetrating smell : it fumes strongly in the air, or in any gas con- taining oxygen, not in gases free from oxygen. It is capable of taking up more sulphur, forming a syrupy fluid, which no longer fumes on contact with air. F. T. C. A hypothetical metal, whose composition is expressed by the formula NH 4 : it is supposed to be contained in ammoniacal salts. (See AMMO- NIACAL SALTS, p. 188.) AIKXKOia-XUM-.A.llXAX.G.A.XK. (p. 188.) A1VI1VTOTJIU1VI-BASES. In very many cases, the watery solution of ammonia behaves with other bodies exactly like a solution of potash or soda. We cannot express this similarity in our chemical formulae, if we regard liquid ammonia as a mere solution of ammonia, NH 3 , in water : it only becomes comparable to the fixed alkalis when we regard it as containing a compound of ammonia with water, NH 3 .H 0. In order to express this relation still more precisely, Berzelius proposed to represent aqueous ammonia as containing the hydrated oxide of the compound group, NH 4 , (NH 3 .H 2 = TT [ 0), to which he gave the name Ammonium, and by means of which the ammonia-salts can be represented as exactly analogous to those of potassium, sodium, or the metals generally (see AMMONIUM-SALTS, p. 188). In the article AMIDES, it is shown that a very large number of bodies may be formed from ammonia, by replacing a part or the whole of its hydrogen by other radicles, simple or compound. When the hydrogen of ammonia is replaced by the alcohol-radicles (methyl, ethyl, &c.), or by other bodies which more or less resemble hydrogen in their general chemical characters, the resulting compounds (Amines') retain the most important property of ammonia itself, namely, the property of forming definite salts by direct union with acids. It is evident that, if it is wished to express the analogy of the salts of these derivatives of ammonia with the metallic salts, they may be represented as containing ammonium in which part of the hydrogen is replaced by other radicles : for instance, hydrochlorate of triethylamine, NC 6 H 18 C1, may be viewed as chloride of triethylammonium, [N(C 2 H 5 ) 3 H]C1, analogous to chloride of ammonium, (NH 4 )Cl, and chloride of potassium, KC1. AMMONIUM-BASES. 195 But since only three-fourths of the hydrogen of the ammonium in ammonia-salts is derived from ammonia, the other fourth belonging to the acid, it is plain that the compounds of the derived ammonias with acids never represent ammonium-salts in which more than three-fourths of the hydrogen is replaced. But, by the combination of tertiary amines (derivatives of ammonia by the replacement of all three atoms of hydrogen by methyl, ethyl, or similar radicles), with the chlorides, bromides, or iodides of the alcohol-radicles, compounds are formed which represent ammonium-salts in which all the hydrogen is replaced by other radicles (see AMIDES, p. 175) : e.g. K(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + C-IF.I = K(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I Triethylamine. Iodide of Iodide of ethyl. tetrethylium. Notwithstanding the obvious analogy of this mode of formation to the formation of the salts of amines by the action of the iodides, &c, of alcohol-radicles on am- monia e. g. : NH 8 + C 2 H 5 I = N.(C 2 H 5 .H 3 )I; Iodide of Hydriodate of ethyl. ethylamine. the seriation which connects this class of bodies with the ammonium-salts : N.H . H . H . H . I, hydriodate of ammonia, or iodide of ammonium, N.C 2 H 5 . H . H . H .1, ethylamine, ethylium, KC 2 H 5 . C 2 H 5 . H . H . I, diethylamine diethylium, N.C 2 H 5 . C 2 H 5 . C 2 H 5 . H . I, triethylamine triethylium, N.C 2 H 5 . C 2 H 5 . C 2 H 5 . C 2 H 5 . I, iodide of tetrethylium ; and the applicability of the ammonium-theory to express the nature of the salts of the amines, as pointed out above the derivatives of the ammonium-salts by the replace- ment of all the hydrogen of the ammonium, nevertheless exhibit some important general differences from the salts of the amines. For example, when caustic potash or lime is added to a salt of ammonia, or of an amine, the salt is decomposed, even in the cold, and ammonia, or a derivative, is set at liberty ; on the other hand, iodide of tetrethylium, or a similar compound, is not decomposed by potash ; it can however be decomposed by hydrate of silver ; but, even then, there is no separation of a derivative of ammonia, but hydrate of tetrethylium, N.(C 2 H 5 ) 4 .H.O, or a similar body, is formed: N(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I + AgHO = N(C 2 H 5 ) 4 .H.O + Agl. Iodide of Hydrate of tetrethylium. tetrethylium. In the first case, the hydrate of ammonium, which may be supposed to be formed in the first stage of the reaction, is decomposed into ammonia and water : in the second case, the substance which represents hydrate of ammonium is stable and has the properties of a strong alkali. This difference makes it convenient to have some general term to dis- tinguish such bodies as hydrate of tetrethylium from such tasic hydrates as* decompose, at the moment of their formation, into a representative of ammonia and water. The former class of substances are therefore often spoken of as ammonium-bases, in contra- distinction to the amine- or ammonia-bases. The formation of the ammonium-bases is specially interesting in connection with the theory of ammonium. It is impossible to isolate the hydrate of ammonium, which, according to that theory, exists in solution of ammonia, or to obtain a corresponding compound from any of the compound ammonias; but the ammonium -bases are repre- sentatives of hydrate of ammonium, which correspond to the hydrates of potassium and sodium, not only in their formulae, but very closely in their properties. Their concentrated solution is caustic to the touch ; by evaporation, they are obtained as crystalline substances, very soluble in water, which liberate ammonia from its salts, dissolve most of the metallic oxides which are soluble in potash, and decompose com- pound ethers into the corresponding acid and alcohol. At a high temperature, they are decomposed, with formation of a tertiary amine : K(C 2 H 5 ) 4 .H.O = N.(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + C 2 H 4 + H 2 0. Hydrate of Triethyl- Ethy- tetrethylium. amine. lene. Their iodides, or similar salts, are similarly decomposed by heat : N(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I = N(C-H 5 ) 3 + C 2 H 5 .L Iodide of Triethyl- Iodide tetrethylium. amine. of ethyl. _ The tertiary derivatives of phosphide, arsenide, and antimonide of hydrogen, give rise to precisely similar compounds by combination with hydriodic ethers and suroe* o 2 196 AMMONIUM-BASES. quent decomposition of the iodide so formed, by hydrate of silver. The decomposition by heat of the hydrates of the phosphonium-bases, differs from that of the correspond- ing ammonium-bases : e. g. P(C 8 H 5 ) 4 H.O = P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + C 2 H 5 .H. Hydrate of Oxide of Hydride of tetrethyl- triethylphos- ethyl, phosphonium. phine. POLY AMMONIUM-BASES. These compounds bear to the monammonium -bases just described, the same relation that the diamines and triamines bear to the mon- amines : they may be considered as representing two or more molecules of hydrate of ammonium in which the whole or part of the hydrogen is replaced by polyatomic radicles. As in the case of the monammonium-bases, there is a difference between the polyammonium-bases in which only part of the hydrogen is replaced, and those in which it is all replaced : the former cannot be obtained in the isolated state ; the latter are stable compounds and possess strong alkaline properties. But both these classes of hydrates have been less studied, and are therefore hitherto less important, than the corresponding salts, which are for the most part equally stable, whether still containing replaceable hydrogen, or no. We shall therefore in this article treat of the poly- ammonium compounds generally, making no essential distinction between hydrates and other salts, or between those compounds in which the hydrogen of ammonium is wholly, and those . in which it is partially replaced. Moreover, as the bodies of this class containing phosphorus and arsenic have been at least as much studied as those containing nitrogen, it will be most convenient to speak of the action of polyatomic compounds on the basic derivatives of ammonia generally, taking as special examples of the various reactions hitherto known, compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or arsenic, as these or those happen to be best known. A. ACTION OF DIATOMIC CHLORIDES, BROMIDES, OR IODIDES : 1. On Ammonia. The experiments which have been made in this direction are almost confined to the action of bromide of ethylene on ammonia. The products thus formed are the following : Dibromide of ethylene-diammoniuum . . . N 2 (C 2 H 4 )H 6 Br 2 Dibromide of diethylene-diammonium . . Dibromide of triethylene-diammonium . . These compounds, when distilled with potash, give, respectively, ethylenamine, N 2 (C 2 H 4 )H 4 , diethylenamine, N 2 (C 2 H 4 ) 2 H 2 , and triethylenamine, N 2 (C 2 H 4 ) 3 , bodies which are likewise acted on by bromide of ethylene, the final product being a substance very analogous to bromide of tetrethylium, and which is probably dibromide of tetrethylene-diammonium,N 2 (C 2 H 1 ) 4 Br 2 . 2. On Primary derivatives of ammonia, primary amines. Bromide of ethylene gives with ethylamine and phenylamine : Dibromide of ethylene-diethyl-diammonium . . N 2 (C"H 4 )(C 2 H 5 ) 2 H 4 Br 2 Dibromide of diethylene-diethyl-diammonium . N 2 (C 2 H 4 ) 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 H 2 Br 2 . and similar phenyl-compounds. 3. On Tertiary derivatives of ammonia. Just as dibasic acids can combine with one or with two atoms of ammonia, so like- wise can diatomic ethers (such as chloride or bromide of ethylene, or iodide of methy- lene) combine with one or with two atoms of the tertiary derivatives of ammonia.* Thus triethylphosphine with bromide of ethylene gives the compounds " Bromide of bromethyl-triethylphosphonium" (Ho f mann ). " Bromide of ethylene-hexethyl-diphosphonium " (H of mann). The condition of the bromine contained in these compounds is worth noticing. The addition of nitrate of silver to a solution of the first compound precipitates only half the bromine contained in it, but nitrate of silver precipitates all the bromine contained in the second. This difference is explained by Hofmann, by supposing that 1 atom of Bromide of ethylene and iodide ofmethylene combine directly with only 1 atom of the tertiary amines, but the compounds with two atoms can be obtained by the action of hydrobromic, or hydriodic ethers on ethylenamine. AMMONIUM-BASES. 197 bromine in the first compound is contained in the form of bromethyl, C 2 H 4 Br : his view of the constitution of the two compounds is expressed in the names quoted above. It is not, however, difficult to account for the difference in the behaviour of the two bromides without making this supposition. When we remember that the bromine in bromide of ethyl is not precipitated by nitrate of silver, but that it becomes so immediately bromide of ethyl is combined with ammonia or an analogous body, it does not seem surprising that one of the two atoms of bromine in bromide of ethylene should become saline (or accessible to ordinary reagents) when that body is combined with one molecule of a representative of ammonia, and that both atoms should become saline when it is combined with two molecules of an ammonia-deriva- tive. In all compounds formed upon the model of the first compound, only 1 atom of the salt-radicle is precipitable by nitrate of silver ; in all those formed upon the model of the second, both atoms are precipitable. The following are the most important transformations of the above or similar bodies. a. The compound /Q2jTs-\3p ( i s decomposed by heat thus : C 2 H 4 Br 2 ) _ m , C 2 H 3 Br (C 2 H 5 ) 3 Pj = f (C 2 H 5 ) 3 Pi Bromide of vinyl-trie- thylphosphonium. b. When a dilute solution is treated with hydrate of silver, it loses all its bromine ^r^2TT4V'TT2 f)2) and gives /rj2Tp4p ' [> which may be regarded as a compound of triethylphosphine with glycoL This substance is a strong base, but, as in the bromine compound, only one half of the elements combined with the ethylene, are directly replaceable by acid p2TT4 fff) p] ) radicles (e. g. hydrochloric acid gives /Q2jp)sp* [ ) : with bromide of phosphorus, it regenerates the original bromine-compound. In a concentrated solution, hydrate of silver gives /n2TT5\sp ( differing from the last substance by the elements of an atom of water. This compound may be regarded as containing oxide of ethylene and triethyl- phosphine, and belongs to the same class of bodies as the bases * which Wurtz ob- tained by the action of ammonia on oxide of ethylene : C 2 H.0 ) 2(C 2 H 4 .0)) 3(C 2 H 4 .0)) (C 2 H 5 ) 3 Pj HN{ H 3 N C Ethylene-triethyl- Diethylene- Triethylene- hydorphosphine. dihydoramine. trihydoramine. c. The same compound is converted by acetate of silver at 100 C. into acetate of vinyl-triethylphosphonium, P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 C 2 H 3 .C 2 H 3 2 . This reaction probably has two stages : 1 2 C 2 H 4 .(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 ) _ C 2 H 3 .C 2 H 3 2 ) (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P ) ~~ (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P j If this be so, the second stage of the reaction is precisely similar to the decomposi- tion already mentioned of the bromine-compound by heat. d. By nascent hydrogen it is converted into bromide of tetrethylphosphonium : C 2 H 4 Br 2 > _ C 2 H 5 Br ) A ^ (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P( ~~ / r ^2TT5\3-Dr T JJ-L e. With derivatives of ammonia, it gives bodies of the type of the second compound. The following bodies have been so obtained. C 2 H 4 Br 2 \ C 2 H'Br 2 ) C'H'Br 2 ) C 2 H 4 Br 2 \ C 2 H 4 Br 2 \ C 2 H 4 Br 2 \ &WBj? \ \ t (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P , (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P , (C 2 H 5 )'P ,'(C 2 H 5 ) 3 P , (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P , (C 2 H') 3 P I H 3 N J CH s .H 2 Nj OT*HWj (CH 3 ) 3 N j (CH 3 ) 3 P J (C 2 H 5 ) 3 Pj (C 2 H 5 ) 3 Asj It has already been stated that bodies of this class part with all their bromine to O2TT4 TT2 O2 "i salts of silver. Hydrate of silver gives 2 [(C 2 H 5 ) 3 P] ( and 8imilar bodies. These are strong bases and give the corresponding salts by the action of acids.. M(rrrS\xpi \ C 2 H 4 ) is decomposed by heat into /(pjpxsp > a compound already mentioned, and oxide of * As rational names for bodies deriving from the mixed type jjjsjjj. namely amic bases and antic acids, the terms hydoramines and hydoramides (not to be confounded with hydramides) may be used (see further, art. NOMENCLATURE). O 3 198 AMMONIUM-BASES. C 2 H 4 Br 3 (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P (C 2 H 5 ) 3 As C 2 H 4 Br 3 ) triethvlphosphine, P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 0. (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P [ is decomposed by heat Into j triethylarsine, (C 2 H 5 ) 3 As. B. ACTION OF TRIATOMIC CHLORIDES, BROMIDES, OR IODIDES : 1. On Ammonia. Tribromide of glyceryl, (C'^H 5 )Br 3 , gives with ammonia a base containing NC 6 H 9 Br 2 , and bromide of ammonium. The reaction probably takes place according to the following stages : 1 C'H'Br* = C 3 H 4 Br 2 + HBr. 2 2(C 3 H 4 Br 2 ) + KH S - NC 6 H 9 Br 2 + 2HBr, the hydrobromic acid which is formed of course combining with ammonia. The first stage of the reaction is analogous to the conversion of bromide of ethylene into brom- ethylene by the action of alcoholic potash : the compound, C 3 H 4 Br 2 may be regarded as dibrom-propylene, or as bromide of brom-allyl, (C 3 H 4 Br)'Br. In the latter case, ((C 3 H 4 Br) the product of its action on ammonia becomes ^J/ngrm.* dibrom-diallylamine. (H (Maxwell Simpson). 2. On Primary derivatives of ammonia. Chloroform, (CH)C1 3 , reacts on phenylamine, forming the hydrochlorate of a monoacid base, containing, C 13 H 12 N 2 , and which may be considered as representing two molecules of phenylamine in which the radicle (($H) replaces H 3 ; thus (cen 3. On Tertiary derivatives of ammonia. lodoform, (CH)I S , combines with three molecules of triethylphosphine, giving j^ { , This compound parts with all its iodine to silver-salts, which accords with what is said above respecting the compounds of bromide of ethylene with trie- thylphosphine. Its solution treated with hydrate of silver does not give a correspond- ing hydrate, but hydrate of methyl-triethylphosphonium and oxide of triethylphos- phine. + 2[(C 2 IP) 3 P.O] + 3AgI. C. ACTION OP TETRATOMIC CHLORIDES, BROMIDES, OR IODIDES ON DERIVATIVES OF AMMONIA. !v Bichloride of carbon, (C)C1 4 , reacts on phenylamine thus : 3(CH 7 N) + CC1 4 ~ 3HC1 + C I9 H 17 N 3 .HC1. 3 mol. pheny- lamine. The product of this reaction may be regarded as the hydrochlorate of a base de- riving from three molecules of phenylamine by the substitution of (C) for H 4 : viz. ir (C) ) (C 6 H 5 ) 3 \ W. ' H 2 J (For details, see various papers by Hofmann, Proc. Koy. Soc. vols. ix. and x., also the Articles PHOSPHORUS, ARSENIC, ANTIMONY.) AMMONIUM-BASES CONTAINING METALS. A very large number of compounds have been obtained by treating different metallic salts with ammonia. Some of these compounds are apparently of similar constitution to the salts of the organic ammonium- bases, or to easily conceivable derivatives of them. But it is impossible to reduce the greater number of them to any consistent system, before they have themselves been more thoroughly examined, and we have more definite notions as to the atomicity of the metals contained in them. The following are examples of some of these com- pounds which can be written as analogous to known or conceivable organic com- pounds, AMMONIUM-BASES AMORPHISM. 199 Metallic Compounds. Organic Analogues. KH 3 CuCl N.H 3 .C S H 5 .C1 NH 2 (Hg)Cl .... N.H 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 C1. (or N 2 H 4 (Hi) 2 Cl 2 (?) . . . . N 2 H 4 (C 2 H 4 ) 2 .C1. 2 N(Hg) 2 Cl N(C 2 H 5 ) 4 C1. (or N 2 (Hg) 4 Cl 2 (?) .... N 2 (C 2 H 4 ) 4 C1. 2 NH 3 (Hg)Cl 2 .... 'N(CH 8 ) 8 (C 2 !k 4 ):Br. Nrn 2 NfH 2 O-j(Hg) .... OJ(C 2 H 4 ) (unknown.) ll(Hg) ll(C 2 H 4 ). NH 3 (Pt)Cl 2 P(C 2 H 5 ) 3 (C 2/ k 4 )Br 2 . N 2 H 6 (Pt)Cl 2 P 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 6 (C 2 'k 4 )Br 2 . ***Hg = 200 The attempts which have been made by some chemists to make formulae for many other metallic derivatives of the ammonium-salts, by supposing ammonium capable of replacing hydrogen in ammonium, or by assuming the existence of such radicles as PtCl or PtO, may be described in words used with reference to another subject, by the author of one such attempt, as " unwissenschaftliche Spielereien, die hier keine Beriicksichtigung verdienen." Or. C. F. A.XKXTIOTXC LIQUID. (See ALiANTOic and AMNIOTIC LIQUIDS.) .aireoiBITE. A mineral allied to nickel-glance, and probably identical with it. AXVIORPHISIVX. (G m. i. 102.) Solid bodies which do not exhibit any crystalline or regular structure, even in their minutest particles, are said to be amorphous (, privative, and fj.oprj form). Such are opal and other forms of silica, also glass, obsidian, pumice stone, bitumen, resins, coal, albuminous substances, and numerous precipitates. Such bodies have a smooth conchoidal fracture, never exhibiting a granulated appearance on the broken surface ; they have no particular planes of cleavage, such as are found in crystals, but require the same amount of force to separate them in all directions : they also conduct heat equally in all directions, and never exhibit double refraction, excepting when pressed or otherwise brought into a forced state. In short, the essential character of an amorphous body is perfect uniformity of structure in every direction, each particle being similarly related to all those which surround it, the character of a fluid without its mobility, whereas in crystallised or organised* bodies, the molecular forces act with greatest energy in certain lines or axes, thereby determining an arrangement of the particles according to fixed laws, and causing the body to exhibit different degrees of tenacity, elasticity, permeability, refracting power, and conducting power for heat and electricity in different directions. It must not be assumed that a body is amorphous because it does not exhibit a regular shape in the mass : marble and loaf-sugar have no definite external form ; but they consist of aggregates of minute crystals, and when broken, exhibit, not a conchoidal, but a granular fracture. The amorphous state is by no means peculiar to certain substances, a great number of bodies being capable of existing both in the amorphous and in the crystalline state. Sulphur, when it solidifies slowly from fusion or solution, forms regular crystals, but when poured in the melted state into cold water, it solidifies in a soft, plastic, viscid mass, capable of being drawn out into threads, and exhibiting no trace whatever of crystalline structure. Phosphorus also assumes a regular crystalline form when slowly cooled from solution in bisulphide of carbon or from fusion, but when cast into moulds and quickly cooled, it forms a waxy solid, having a conchoidal fracture ; and by other modes of treatment to be described hereafter, it may be reduced to a perfectly amorphous red powder. Carbon is crystalline in the diamond and in graphite ; amor- phous in charcoal, lamp-black, and the various other forms which it assumes when * The term amorphous is generally used in contradistinction to crystalline alone ; but its proper use is in opposition to regular, whether crystalline or organised: for organic structures exhibit many properties of which amorphous bodies, properly so called, are destitute ; thus wood, according to the researches of Dr. Tjndull, exhibits three distinct axes of cleavage, permeability, elasticity, and con- ducting power for heat. o 4 200 AMORPHISM. separated from organic bodies by imperfect combustion. Boron and silicon exhibit similar varieties. Arsenious acid, as it collects in the chimneys of furnaces in which arsenical ores are roasted, is a glassy amorphous mass ; but by dissolving it in hot water or hydrochloric acid, and leaving the solution to cool, it is obtained in the cry- stalline form (see ARSENIC). Native sulphide of antimony, which is crystalline, may be rendered amorphous by melting it in a glass tube and plunging the tube into ice- cold water : and by melting it again and cooling slowly, the crystalline structure may be restored. Similar transformations may be effected with native sulphide of mercury, also with the minerals Vesuvian and Axinite, and certain varieties of garnet. Glass, which is perhaps the most characteristic of amorphous bodies, may be devitrified by keeping it for some time in the soft state at a high temperature : it then acquires a crystalline structure and becomes nearly opaque, forming the substance called Keau- mur's porcelain. Generally speaking, rapid cooling from fusion is favourable to the assumption of the amorphous structure, while crystallisation is promoted by slow cool- ing, the particles then having time to arrange themselves in a definite manner. It is a^o true to a great extent that bodies which pass at once from the perfectly fluid to the solid state, water, for instance, crystallise on solidifying, whereas those which pass through the viscous form, like glass, solidify in the amorphous state ; to this, how- ever there are some striking exceptions : thus sugar, the solution of which is ex- tremely viscid when concentrated, solidifies by slow evaporation in crystals of great size and regularity. The passage from the amorphous to the crystalline state sometimes takes place spontaneously, the body all the while remaining solid. Vitreous arsenious acid, which, when recently prepared, is perfectly transparent, becomes turbid when left to itself for a few months, and subsequently white and opaque. Sugar which has been melted in the form of barley-sugar is in the vitreous state, but after a while acquires a crystal- line structure and becomes opaque. These phenomena show that the molecules of bodies, even in the solid state, possess a certain freedom of motion. The change from the amorphous to the crystalline condition, or the contrary, is generally accompanied by an alteration of other physical properties. Bodies are for the most part denser and less soluble in the crystalline than in the amorphous state, and have less specific heat. Vesuvian, which crystallises in square prisms of specific gravity about 3*4, and garnet, which occurs in rhombic dodecahedrons of specific gravity 3*63, both form by fusion and subsequent cooling, transparent glasses whose specific gravity is about 2*95, so that, in passing from the crystalline to the amorphous state, garnet suffers an expansion of about ^ and vesuvian of y. The glass also dis- solves readily in hydrochloric acid, whereas the crystallised minerals are quite insoluble. Many other crystalline siliceous minerals not soluble in acids become so by fusion, probably from the same causes. Quartz, which is crystallised silica, is much harder and denser than opal, which is the same chemical compound in the amorphous state. Quartz-powder dissolves but very slowly in boiling potash-ley and is quite insoluble in that liquid when cold, whereas pulverised opal is gradually dis- solved at ordinary temperatures and in a few minutes at the boiling heat. A remark- able exception to the general rule is, however, presented by arsenious acid, which is both less dense and more soluble in the crystalline than in the vitreous state. Another difference first observed by Graham is, that bodies have greater specific heat in the amorphous than in the crystalline state. Ordinary phosphate of sodium (P0 4 Na 2 H) solidifies from fusion in the vitreous state ; the corresponding arsenate in the crystalline form : now the former in solidifying gives out perceptibly less heat in a given time than the latter, a greater portion of the latent heat of fusion appearing to be retained by it. Connected with this law is the remarkable phenomenon of incan- descence which many bodies exhibit when their temperature is gradually raised. Hydrated oxide of chromium if heated merely to the point at which it parts with its water, remains nearly as soluble in acids as before, but if the heat be raised nearly to redness, the oxide suddenly becomes incandescent, and is afterwards found to be much denser and nearly insoluble in acids. Similar phenomena are exhibited by alumina and zirconia. Gadolinite (silicate of yttrium) which in its natural state exhibits a conchoidal fracture and obsidian-like appearance, becomes vividly incandescent when moderately heated, and is afterwards found to dissolve but very imperfectly in hydro- chloric acid, although before ignition it is very easily soluble ; its density increases at the same time, though its absolute weight remains unaltered. Vitreous arsenious acid also sometimes exhibits incandescence in passing from the amorphous to the crystal- line state. When a solution of the vitreous acid in hot hydrochloric acid is left to cool in the dark, the formation of every crystal is accompanied by a flash of light ; but a solution of the crystalline acid, under the same circumstances, exhibits no light what- ever. AMPELIC ACID AMYGDAL1N. 201 AMPEXiZC ACID. An acid isomeric with salicylic acid, C 7 H 6 3 , obtained in small quantity by the action of strong nitric acid upon those schist-oils which boil between 80 and 150 C. Picric acid and a flocculent matter are formed at the same time. Ampelic acid is a white substance, without odour, nearly insoluble in cold water, but little soluble in boiling water. Its solution reddens litmus. Boiling alcohol and ether dissolve it readily, and on cooling deposit it in the form of a powder, having a scarcely perceptible crystalline character. Saturated with ammonia, it exhibits the following reactions. With chloride of calcium, a white precipitate, which does not form when hot ; the mixture deposits crystals on cooling. No precipitate with the chlorides of barium, strontium, manganese, or mercury. A green precipitate with acetate of nickel ; blue with acetate of copper ; and white with acetate and nitrate of lead. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixiv. 325.) AMPEXiXXa*. A substance resembling creosote, obtained from that portion of schist-oil which boils between 200 and 280 C. The oil is shaken up several times with strong sulphuric acid, then mixed with -^ or ^ of its bulk of aqueous potash, and the liquid is left at rest for a day. The lower watery layer of liquid is then separated from the upper oily layer, and shaken up with dilute sulphuric acid, and the oil which rises to the surface is removed with a pipette, and gently heated with 10 or 20 times its bulk of water, which dissolves the ampelin, leaving a small quantity of oil. On separating this oil, and adding a few drops of sulphuric acid to the aqueous solution, the ampelin rises to the surface in the form of an oil, having a slight brownish tint. Ampelin dissolves in 40 or 50 times its volume of water, and is separated from the solution by a few drops of sulphuric or nitric acid, even when very dilute. Potash, soda, and their carbonates render the solution slightly turbid at the first instant, but it recovers its transparency when heated. Carbonate of ammonium renders it permanently turbid. Chloride of sodium or chloride of ammonium added to a solution of ampelin in caustic potash or carbonate of potassium separates the ampelin, which is then not redissolved on heating the liquid. Ampelin dissolves in alcohol, and in all proportions in ether. It does not solidify at 20 C. It is decomposed by distillation, yielding water, a light oil, and charcoal. Boiling nitric acid attacks it strongly, producing oxalic acid, and an insoluble viscous substance. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixiv. 321.) AXVIPHXBOXiE and AMPHIBOIiITE. (See HORNBLENDE.) AftXPHlX) SAINTS. A name applied by Berzelius to salts which, according to his views, are compounds of two oxides, sulphides, sclenides, or tellurides, e. g. sulphate of copper, Cu 2 O.S0 3 ; sulpharsenate of potassium, 3K 2 S.As 2 S 5 ; sulphantimonate of sodium, 3Na 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 , &c., such salts containing three ultimate elements in contra- distinction to the haloid-salts, namely, the chlorides, bromides, iodides, &c., which are binary compounds of the first order, containing only two elements, such as chloride of sodium, NaCl, iodide of silver, Agl, &c. It is evident that the so-called amphid salts are those which belong to the water-type, e. g. nitrate of copper, Cu 2 O.N 2 5 = J 2 Sulpharsenate of potassium, 3K 2 S.As 2 S 5 = -S'j^?)'", whereas the haloid- compounds belong to the type HH or HC1. AIMPHIG-EZtfE. See LETJCITE. AMP HILO CITE. See DiDBiMiTE. AMPHODEXXTE. See ANOBTHITE. AXVEYGX>AX.XC ACID, C 20 H 26 12 . Produced by the metamorphosis of amygdalin under the influence of alkalis. Amygdalin dissolves in cold baryta-water without decomposition, but on boiling the mixture, ammonia is disengaged. The ebullition is continued until the liberation of ammonia ceases altogether; a current of carbonic acid ia then passed through the liquid, to precipitate the excess of baryta ; and the acid is finally liberated from the barium-salt by cautious precipitation with sulphuric acid. It is a slightly acid liquid, which dries up to a gummy mass, insoluble in absolute alcohol, cold or boiling, and insoluble in ether. Boiled with a mixture of peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, it yields formic and carbonic acids and hydride of benzoyl. Its salts are not well defined ; they are more or less soluble in water (Liebig and Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm., Ixiv. 185.) Amygdalate of ethyl is obtained, according to Wohler, by dropping a mixture of alcohol and amygdalin into hydrochloric acid gas. (Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. AMYGDAliisr, C 2 H 27 NO + 3IPO. A crystalline principle existing in bitter- almonds, the leaves of the Ccrasus lauro-ccrasus, and many other plants, which by isolation yield hydrocyanic acid. The bitter-almond oil and hydrocyanic acid do not exist ready formed in these plants, but are the result of the decomposition of umygdaJm under the influence of enmlsin, a nitrogenised fermentable principle existin" with it in the plant. 202 AMYL. To prepare amygdalin, the oil is expressed from the paste of bitter-almonds, and the residual mass extracted with boiling alcohol. This alcoholic solution is rendered turbid by the presence of globules of oil, which are allowed to collect and separated by decantation; it is then evaporated to half its original volume, and the amygdalin separated by the addition of ether, in which it is insoluble. The precipitated amyg- dalin is pressed between folds of bibulous paper, washed with ether, and finally crys- tallised from concentrated boiling alcohol. (Liebig and Wohler.) Amygdalin crystallises in white scales having a pearly lustre, insoluble in ether, but very soluble in water, from which it crystallises in thin transparent prisms containing 3 atoms of water of crystallisation. Its aqueous solution has a slightly bitter taste. It deflects the plane of polarisation of a ray of light to the left : [a] = 3 5 '51. The change which amygdalin undergoes by the action of emulsin (and other albuminous vegetable principles), is expressed by the following equation : C 20 H 27 N0 11 + 2H 2 = C 7 H 6 + CNH + 2C 6 H 12 Amygdalin. Hydride Hydro- Glucose, ofbenzoyl. cyanic acid. By distillation with nitric acid, or other oxidising agents, it is resolved into am- monia, hydride of benzoyl, benzoic, formic, and carbonic acids. Caustic alkalis con- vert it into amygdalic acid. It is a neutral body, forming compounds neither with acids nor with alkalis. AlVTYL, C 5 H", or C 10 H 22 . (Gm. xi. pp. 183; Gerh. ii. pp. 675 708). The fifth term of the series of alcohol-radicles, OH 2n+1 . The alcohol in an impure state (potato-fusel oil), appears to have been first noticed by Scheele ; and has been inves- tigated, together with its derivatives, by Pelletan (J. Chim. med. i. 76, also Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxx. 200), Dumas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 314; Dumas and Stas, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxiii. 128); Cahours (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 81, Lev. 193); and Balard, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 294). The radicle itself was isolated by Frank- land in 1849. (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 307 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 41.) Amyl in the free state, C 10 H 22 = C'lF.C 5 !! 11 , is prepared by the action of zinc- amalgam upon iodide of amyl, the reaction being completed by the addition of potas- sium (Frankland). 2. By the action of sodium upon iodide of amyl (Wurtz). 3. By the electrolysis of caproate of potassium (Brazier and Gossleth). 4. By the destructive distillation of certain kinds of coal (Greville Williams). (1.) Pasty zinc-amalgam is brought into the copper cylinder used in the preparation of zinc-ethyl (see ETHYL) : the cylinder is then half filled with granulated zinc and iodide of amyl is added. After gently warming to expel the air, the cylinder is closed temperature. To obtain the amyl, the cylinder is heated in a water-bath at 80 C., whereupon amylene and hydride of amyl pass over. On applying the heat of a naked flame, amyl distils over, and may be purified by one rectification. (Frankland.) (2.) Iodide of amyl is warmed with sodium, and distilled; the product again dis- tilled from sodium and rectified, the portion which passes over at 158 C. being collected apart. (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliv, 275.) (3.) A concentrated solution of caproate of potassium is submitted to the electrolytic action of six zinc-carbon elements, the platinum poles being separated by a porous diaphragm. Amyl collects upon the surface of the liquid surrounding the negative pole : it is distilled from alcoholic caustic potash and washed with water. (Brazier and Gossleth, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 221.) (4.) Bog-head naphtha is submitted to fractional rectification, the portion boiling be- tween 154 169 C. being collected apart, and the product thus obtained is submitted to the action of fuming nitric acid, the action of the acid being checked by cold. The mixture on standing separates into two layers, the upper of which is again shaken with nitric acid. The product which has remained unacted upon is washed with caustic soda and water successively, dried with solid caustic potash, and distilled over sodium. The resulting liquid is again rectified at 157 160 C. (C. Greville Williams, Phil. Trans. 1857, 447.) Amyl is a transparent colourless liquid, of agreeable smell and burning taste. Specific gravity, 0'77 at 11 C. Boiling-point 155 159 C. Vapour-density 4'90. It is miscible with alcohol, immiscible with water. Amyl is not acted upon by fuming sul- phuric acid ; it is slowly attacked by nitric and nitro-sulphuric acids, and decomposed after long digestion with pentachloride of phosphorus. BROMIDE OF AMYL. Prepared by the action of bromine and phosphorus upon amylic alcohol (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 98). In three flasks are placed respec- AMYL. 203 lively 15 pts. of amylic alcohol, 2^ pts. of bromine, and 1 pt. of phosphorus. A little of the bromine is added to the amylic alcohol, and the latter is poured upon and digested with the phosphorus to decoloration. It is then poured into its own flask, and a little more bromine is added. The process is repeated, and the final product is washed with water, dried, and rectified. Bromide of amyl is a transparent colourless liquid, heavier than water. It has an alliaceous odour and sharp taste. It is soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water. De- composes by boiling with alcoholic caustic potash. CHLORIDE OF AM YL, CWCL Obtained by the action of strong hydrochloric acid upon amylic alcohol (Balard, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 294) ; also by the action of penta- chloride of phosphorus upon amylic alcohol. (Cahours.) Preparation. 1. Amylic alcohol is heated in a retort to 110 C., a rapid current of hydrochloric acid being passed through the tubulus into the amylic alcohol; the chloride of amyl as it is formed distils over. When the retort is nearly empty the distillate is poured back, and the same process repeated (Guthrie). The product is then shaken with strong hydrochloric acid, in which amylic alcohol is soluble, chloride of amyl insoluble, then with water. 2. Amylic alcohol is distilled with its own weight of pentachloride of phosphorus, washed, dried, and rectified. Chloride of amyl is a colourless, transparent, neutral liquid, of agreeable odour. It boils at 101 C. Vapour-density, 3'8. Burns with a luminous flame bordered with green. Chlorine acts upon chloride of amyl, giving rise to substitution-products, which go as far as C 5 H 3 C1 8 C1. CYANIDE OF AMYL. See CYANIDES. HYDRATE OF AMYL, or AMYL- ALCOHOL, C 5 H 12 = C5 ^ n Jo [or C^W O 2 = C l H n O.HO]. Amylate of Hydrogen. Hydrate of Amyl. Hydrate of Pentyl. Hy- dratcd Oxide of Amyl. Fusel-oil. This alcohol seems invariably to accompany ethyfio alcohol (see ALCOHOLS, p. 97) when the latter is formed by fermentation. The conditions of its formation are unknown ; it seems, however, to occur in largest quantity in those liquids which remain most alkaline during fermentation. In the distillation of vege- table juices which have been fermented, the latter portions of the distillate contain water, ethylic, propylic (?) butylic and amylic alcohols, besides the acids and aldehydes of these alcohols and probably higher fatty acids and aldehydes. To obtain the pure amylic alcohol from the crude product, it is shaken several times with hot milk of lime, decanted, dried over chloride of calcium, and rectified at 132C. Amylic alcohol is a transparent colourless liquid having a peculiar odour (the peaty smell of whisky is due to its presence in small quantities), which causes coughing, and burning taste. It burns with a white smoky flame. Solidifies at about 22 C. Specific gravity O'Sll at 19 C: Boiling-point 132 C. Vapour-density 3'147. Soluble in common alcohol and ether, nearly insoluble in water. It dissolves small quantities of sulphur and phosphorus. According to Pasteur (Compt. rend. xli. 296), ordinary amylic alcohol is a mixture of two amylic alcohols identical in chemical composition and vapour- density, but differing in their optical properties, one of them turning the plane of polarisation of a ray of light to the left, while the other is opticially inactive. A difference of solubility in some of the salts obtained from the mixed alcohols, furnishes the means of their separa- tion ; the active amyl-sulphate of barium is 2| times more soluble in water than the corresponding inactive salt. The optical rotatory power of amylic alcohol varies, on account of its being a variable mixture of these two modifications. This difference in the two amylic alcohols is said to be traceable in some other of their derivatives, e. g. caproic acid prepared from active cyanide of amyl, rotates the plane of polarisation. (Wurtz.) Decompositions of Amyl-alcohol. 1. By heat. The vapour of amyl-alcohol passed through a glass tube heated to dull redness, is resolved into tritylene (propylene) marsh-gas and other hydrocarbons. (Eeynolds.) 2. By oxidation. Amyl-alcohol is difficult to set on fire, and burns with a white smoky flame. In contact with the air at ordinary temperatures, it is very slowly oxidised and acquires a slight acid reaction. The oxidation is greatly accelerated by the presence of platinum-black, the amyl-alcohol being then converted into valeric acid : C 5 H I2 + O 2 = C 5 H 10 2 + H 2 0. Amyl-alcohol distilled with a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese or bichromare of potassium, yields valeric aldehyde, valeric acid, and valerate of amyl. The same products, together with nitrite of amyl and hydrocyanic acid, are formed by the action of nitric acid. Amyl-alcohol is also converted into valeric acid by heat- 204 AMYL. ing it to 220 C. with a mixture of lime and hydrate of potassium, hydrogen gas being evolved : C 5 H 12 + KHO = C 5 H 9 K0 2 + 4H. Amyl- Valerate of alcohol. potassium. 3. By sulphuric acid. Amyl-alcohol mixes readily with strong sulphuric acid, forming a red liquid, which contains amylsulphuric acid, S0 4 .C 5 H '.H, as well as free sulphuric acid. On distilling the mixture, the amyl-alcohol is dehydrated, and amylene, C 5 H 19 passes over, together with the polymeric compounds, C'H 20 and C*H 40 , and perhaps also amylic ether, (C 5 H n ) 2 ; at the same time, however, a portion of the alcohol is oxidised and converted into valeric aldehyde and valeric acid, sulphurous acid being evolved and a black pitchy mass remaining in the retort. 4. With phosphoric acid, amyl-alcohol yields amyl-phosphoric acid, P0 4 .C 5 H U .H 2 . Distilled with phosphoric anhydride, it is converted into amylene and its nmltiples. 5. Trichloride of phosphorus converts amyl-alcohol into phosphite of amyl, amyl- phosphorous acid, chloride of amyl, and hydrochloric acid : 3(C 5 H.H.O) + PCI 3 = P0 3 .(C s H n ) 2 .H + C 5 H n Cl + 2HC1. Phosphite of amyl. and 3(C 5 H n .H.O) + PCI 3 = P0 3 .C 5 H n .H 2 + 2C 5 HC1 + HC1. Amylphosphorous acid. 6. With pentachloride of phosphorus, amyl-alcohol forms chloride of amyl, hydro- chloric acid, and chlorophosphoric acid, or, when the amyl-alcohol is in excess, diamyl- phosphoric acid : C 5 H U .H.O + PCI 5 = C 5 H"C1 + HC1 + POC1 3 Chlorophos- phoric acid. and 9(C 5 H IJ .H.O) + 2PC1 5 = 5C 5 HC1 + 5HC1 + 2[P0 4 .(C 5 H n ) 2 .H] + H 2 0. Diamylphosphoric acid. 7. Chlorine-gas is absorbed in large quantity by amyl-alcohol and forms chloramylal, a compound homologous with chloral. 8. Amyl-alcohol absorbs hydrochloric acid gas and mixes with the concentrated aqueous acid ; on heating the mixture chloride of amyl is formed. 9. It dissolves, with the aid of heat, in a concentrated aqueous solution of chloride of zinc, forming a liquid which boils at 130C., and yields a distillate of amylene and its multiples. 10. Distilled with phosphorus and bromine or iodine, it yields bromide or iodide of amyl. 11. Distilled with fluoride of boron, or fluoride of silicon. it yields amylene and its multiples, but little or no oxide of amyl. 11. Phosgene gas is abundantly absorbed by amyl-alcohol, forming chloroformate of amyl, and the liquid when distilled yields carbonate of amyl (Medlock) [with evolution of phosgene (?)] C'ff'.H.O + COOP = CC10 2 .C 5 H + HC1. Phos- Chloroformate gene. of amyl. and 2(CC10 2 .C 5 H) = C0 8 .(C 5 H) 2 + COC1 2 [?] Carbonate of amyl. Carbonate of amyl is also obtained by adding water to the solution of phosgene in amyl-alcohol (M e d 1 o c k) : 2(CC10 2 .C*H 11 ) + H 2 = C0 3 .(C 5 H) 2 + 2HC1 + CO 2 . 21. Disulphide of carbon, in presence of potash, converts amyl-alcohol into amylsul- phocarbonic or amylxanthic acid (p. 206). 13. Chloride of cyanogen is rapidly absorbed by amyl-alcohol, and forms products similar to those which it yields with ethyl-alcohol. C 5 H 12 O + CNC1 + H 8 = C 6 H 13 N0 2 + HC1. Amyl- Amyl-ure- alconol. thane. 14. Potassium (and sodium) decomposes amyl-alcohol in the same manner as ethyl alcohol, forming amylate of potassium, C 5 H M KO with evolution of hydrogen. Amyl-alcohol combines with a few metallic chlorides in the same manner as ethyl- alcohol. With chloride of calcium and dichloride of tin, it forms crystalline com- pounds which are decomposed by water. It dissolves in caustic potash and soda. HYDEIDE OF AMYL, C 5 H".H. Iodide of amyl is heated -with zinc and its own volume of water for a few hours to 142 C. in a copper cylinder (see zinc-ethyl), and the contents are distilled from a water bath at 60. The distillate consists principally of amylene and hydride of amyl. The mixture is left for 24 hours in contact with AMYL. 205 caustic potash, and again rectified from a water-bath at 35. The distillate is immersed in a freezing mixture and treated with a mixture of anhydrous and fuming siilphuric acid, which retains the amylene. Lastly, the hydride of amyl is distilled from a water-bath (Frankland, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 41). Colourless transparent liquid, having a pleasant odour. Specific gravity 0-638, at 14 C. Boiling-point 30 C. Vapour-density 2'382. IODIDE OF AMYL, C 5 H n I. Prepared by the action of iodine and phosphorus upon amylic alcohol (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 81). Four parts of iodine are placed in one flask, and excess of phosphorus in another. Seven parts of moist amylic alcohol are poured upon the iodine, the liquid shaken till opacity is produced, then poured upon the phosphorus and digested till the colour is removed again poured upon the iodine, and so on, till all the iodine is exhausted. The nearly colourless product so obtained, is washed with slightly alkaline water, dried over chloride of calcium and rectified. The latter portions are the purest. Iodide of amyl is a colourless transparent liquid of faint odour and pungent taste. Specific gravity 1-511 at 11 C. Boiling-point 146. Vapour-density 6'675. It turns brown on exposure to light. OXIDE OF AMYL, C^H^O = (C 5 H n ) 2 [or G) fl0]. Amylic ether. Amylate of Amyl. Prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on amyl-alcohol. Strong sulphuric acid is heated to 150 C. in a retort, and amyl-alcohol allowed to enter slowly through the tubulus ; the distillate is then shaken with carbonate of sodium, washed and rectified. 2. By the action of amylate of potassium on iodide of amyl. Amylate of potassium is digested in a retort connected with an inverted con- denser, with an equivalent quantity of iodide of amyl, and the product is distilled and rectified. 3. By the dry distillation of amylsulphate of calcium (Kekule). Oxide of amyl boils at about 180 C. It is colourless and of agreeable odour. Oxide of Amyl and Ethyl, C 7 H I6 = C 2 H 5 .C 5 H n .O. Amylate of Ethyl, Ethylate of Amyl, Ethylamylic Ether. Prepared by the action of amylate of potassium upon iodide of ethyl, or of iodide of amyl upon ethylate of potassium. ( W illiamson, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 103, 234.) (1.) A known weight of potassium is dissolved in absolute alcohol in a tubulated retort ; iodide of amyl is added in sufficient quantity for there to be rather less than 1 at. of iodine for every at. of potassium in the ethylate of potassium ; the retort is connected with an inverted condenser ; and the contents are digested for some time. After distillation, water is added, and the liquid which separates out is dried and rectified. (2.) Iodide of ethyl is added to a hot solution of potash in amylic alcohol, digested &c., as in 1 (G-uthrie). Amylate of ethyl is a colourless transparent liquid of agreeable odour, similar to that of sage. It is lighter than water. Boiling-point 112 C. Vapour-density 4'04. Amylate of Methyl, or Methylate of Amyl, CH 14 = CH 3 .C 5 H u .O,is prepared in the same manner as (1) amylate of ethyl (Williamson). Boils at 92 C. Vapour- density 374. Amylate of Potassium, C^IP'KO. On bringing freshly cut potassium into dry amylic alcohol, the potassium is dissolved and hydrogen is evolved. To obtain this body in a state of purity, the action is aided by heat until the mass becomes viscid. Any globules of metal which have remained unacted upon are removed, and the pro- duct is poured upon a cold slab, and allowed to solidify. It is then strongly pressed between many folds of bibulous paper to remove the unaltered amylic alcohol. Amylate of potassium is a crystalline white body, soapy to the touch, and alkaline to the taste. It is soluble in the alcohols. By water it is instantly converted into amylic alcohol and hydrate of potassium. Amylate 0/s0dmm,C 5 H 11 NaO. Closely resembles amylate of potassium. SULPHIDES OF AMYL. Protosulphide of Amyl. (C 5 H") 2 S or C 10 H 22 S. Equivalent quantities of amylsulphate and monosulphide of potassium are intimately mixed in a retort (by solution and evaporation) and distilled (B a lard, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 248). Colourless liquid of offensive odour. Boiling-point 216 C. Vapour- density 6-3. Disulphide of Amyl, C 5 H n S. Obtained by distilling together amylsulphate and disulphide of potassium (0. Henry, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxv. 246). Amber-coloured liquid. Boiling at about 250. Specific gravity -918 at 18 C. Sulphide of Amyl and Hydrogen: Amyl-mercaptan, C 5 H n .H.S [or C 19 IP 1 S.HS.'\ Prepared by saturating caustic potash with sulphuretted hydrogen, adding the product to crude amylsulphate of potassium (prepared by mixing equal weights of amylic alcohol and sulphuric acid, neutralising with carbonate of potassium and filter- ing) and distilling from a capacious retort in a chloride of calcium bath. The oily drops in the distillate are washed, dried, and rectified (Kreutzsch, J. pr. Chem. xxxi. 1). Colourless liquid of intolerable odour. It is soluble in alcohol and ether, 206 AMYL. but insoluble in water. Specific gravity 0-845 at C. Boiling-point about 120 C. Vapour-density 3-631. It combines with metallic oxides. Amylmercaptide of mercury is obtained as a colourless liquid on bringing amyl- mercaptan in contact with mercuric oxide. The mixture solidifies to a solid mass on cooling. The compound is insoluble in water, but soluble in boiling alcohol. The other amylmercaptides are not distinctly known. Sulphide of Carbonyl, Amyl, and Hydrogen. Amylsulphocarbonic acid. Amylxanthic acid. C 6 H 12 S 2 = QSJJU -g-f S. The free acid is prepared from the potassium-salt by treating the aqueous solution of the latter with dilute hydrochloric acid (Balard, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 307). Light yellow oily liquid, of penetrating odour, heavier than water, acid to test paper. It is quickly decomposed by water. Amylxanthate of potassium, C 6 H U .K.S 2 0. A cold saturated solution of hydrate of potassium in amylic alcohol, is treated with bisulphide of carbon until the alkaline reaction has disappeared, and the yellow crystals of the potassium-salt which separate out on cooling, are washed with ether, and dried between blotting paper. The ethyl and methyl salts of amylxanthic acid, are formed by digesting equivalent quantities of ethylsulphate or methylsulphate of potassium, with amylsulphocarbonate of potassium. They are oily liquids lighter than water. (Johnson, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 142.) Dioxysulphocarbonate of Amyl, C 6 H"S 2 0. The compound so-called, which contains 1 at. hydrogen less than amylxanthic acid, is produced by the action of iodine on amylxanthate of potassium. It is an oily liquid which boils at 187 C, undergoing decomposition at the same time, and yielding among other products amylxanthate of amyl, CS 2 0.(C 5 H n ) 2 . Digested with aqueous ammonia, it yields amylxanthate of ammonium, and xanthamylamide or sulphocarbamate of amyl, ^ ~) J^j I ~. 2CH"S 2 + 2NH 3 = CS 2 O.C 5 H".NH 4 + C 6 H 13 NSO + S. Amylxanthate of Xanthamy- ammonium. lamide. The last mentioned compound, xanthamylamide, is a yellow neutral oil, which boils at 184 C. but not without decomposition, being resolved by distillation into amyl- mercaptan and cyanuric acid : 3C 6 H I3 NSO = 3C S H 12 S -f C 3 N 3 H 3 S . Heated on platinum foil, it burns with a yellow luminous flame, giving off white vapours. Boiled with hydrate of barium, it is resolved into amyl-alcohol and sulpho- cyanide of barium : C 6 H 13 NSO + BaHO = C 5 H 12 -t- CNSBa + H 2 0; similarly with potash. It is decomposed by chlorine and by nitric acid. Xanthamylamide is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. It unites with chloride of mercury, forming the compound C 6 H 13 NS0.4HgCl, which crystallises in white feathery crystals. With dichloride of platinum dissolved in water, it forms a yellow precipitate. (M. W. Johnson, Chern Soc. Qu. J. v. 142.) Amysulphocarbamic acid, C 6 H 13 NS 2 (see next page). TELLURIDE OF AMYL, or TEI.LUBAMYL, (C 5 H u ) 2 .Te. has been obtained in an impure state by distilling telluride of potassium with amylsulphate of calcium. It is a liquid having a strong disagreeable odour, and boiling at about 198 C. but decomposing at the same time, and depositing tellurium in small shining prisms. By exposure to the air it is converted into a white mass. The nitrate of telluramyl is a colourless heavy oil, obtained by heating telluramyl with moderately strong nitric acid. Treated with the bromide, chloride, or iodide of hydrogen or sodium, it yields the corresponding compounds of telluramyl in the form of viscid heavy oils. The chloride treated with oxide of silver, yields oxide of telluramyl in the form of an oily liquid soluble in water, and so strongly alkaline that it separates ammonia from sal- ammoniac. It forms a crystalline salt with sulphuric acid. (Wohler and Dean, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 1.) F. OK AMYLAMINE, C 5 H 13 N = C 5 H n .H 2 .N. Amylammonia, Amylia. This organic base is formed: (1.) By heating cyanate orcyanurate of amyl with caustic potash (Wurtz. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxx. 447) : CNO.C 5 H n H- 2KHO = C 5 H 13 N + CO 3 K 2 . Cyanate of Hydrate Am via- Carbonate amyl. ofpotas- mine. ofpotas- AMYLAMINES. 207 (2.) In the destructive distillation of animal substances (Anderson). (3.) By heat- ing amylsulphate of potassium with alcoholic ammonia to 250 C. (B e r t h e 1 o t ). (4. ) By the dry distillation of leucine, carbonic anhydride being at the same time evolved (Schwanert, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 221): CO 2 Leucine. Amyla- mine. Also by carefully distilling a solution of horn in strong caustic potash, leucine being then formed and afterwards decomposed as above (S c hwan ert). (5.) By the action of caustic potash on flannel, tetrylamine being also found among the products. (Grr. Williams, Chem. Gaz. 1858, 310.) Preparation. Cyanate or cyanurate of amyl (obtained by distilling cyanate of potassium with amylsulphate of potassium) is distilled with strong caustic potash ; the distillate is neutralised with hydrochloric acid, evaporated and recrystallised ; and the hydrochlorate of amylamine decomposed by distillation from lime and rectified over hydrate of barium. Colourless liquid. Specific gravity 075 at 18 C. Boiling- point 94 C. Amylamine precipitates most metallic oxides which are precipitable by ammonia ; it redissolves alumina. Carbonate of amylamine is formed as a crystalline solid, when its base is exposed to the carbonic acid of the air. Hydrobromate of amylamine, C 5 H 13 N.HBr, or bromide of amylium, C 5 H 14 NBr, is formed by adding hydrobromic acid to the base. Hydro- chlorate of amylamine, C 5 H 13 N.HC1 or chloride of amylium, C 5 H 14 NC1, forms' with dichloride of platinum a double salt, C 5 H 14 NCl.PtCl 2 , which is soluble in boiling water. Amylsulphocarbamate of Amylium, C n H 2B N 2 S 2 = ' 5 j S' is P roduced by the union of 2 molecules of amylamine with 1 molecule of bisulphide of carbon : (C n H 26 N 2 S 2 = 2C 5 H 13 N + CS 2 ). The mixture of the two substances becomes warm, and on cooling deposits the compound in white shining scales, insoluble in water and in ether, but easily soluble in alcohol. At 100 C. it decomposes after a while, giving off sulphuretted hydrogen. Treated with hydrochloric acid, it yields chloride of / /~1QJ\" TT f^STTll ) "M" amylium, and amylsulphocarbamic acid \ HIS' wn ^ cn * s an ^7 k d y> soluble in ether, ammonia and potash ; mixed with amylamine, it reproduces the original salt. (A. W. Hofmann, Chem. Soc. Qu. v J. xiii. 60.) DIAMYLAMINE, (C 5 !! 11 ) 2 !!^. When amylamine is heated to 100 C. with bromide of amyl. direct combination occurs, and the solid hydrobromate of diamylamine is formed. The base is obtained by distillation of the bromide with caustic potash (Hofmann, Phil. Trans. 1851, p. 357). Slightly soluble in water. Boiling-point about 170. The salts of diamylamine are difficultly soluble in cold water, more readily in hot water. TBIAMYLAMINE, (C 5 H M ) 3 N, is obtained by heating diamylamine with bromide of amyl, and distilling the so-formed bromide of triamylium with caustic potash (Hof- mann). Its properties and those of its salts are similar to those of diamylamine. It boils at about 257 C. TETKAMYLIUM, N(C 5 H n ) 4 . Tttr amyl ammonium. Ammonium in which the whole of the hydrogen is replaced by amyl. Not known in the separate state, but obtained as an iodide by the action of iodide of amyl on triamylamine, the mixture solidifying, after three or four days' boiling, into an unctuous crystalline mass. The iodide of tetramylium is also produced, but very slowly, by heating iodide of amyl in a sealed tube with strong aqueous ammonia. This salt, N(C 5 H n ) 4 I, dissolves sparingly in water, forming an extremely bitter liquid, from which it is precipitated in the crystal- line form by alkalis. Boiled with oxide of silver, it yields a very bitter alkaline solu- tion of the hydrate of tetramylium : N(C"H)U + AgHO - Agl On mixing the liquid with potash, or concentrating it strongly by evaporation, the hydrate of tetramylium rises to the surface in the form of an oily layer, which gradually solidifies. A moderately concentrated solution of the base left to evaporate in an atmosphere free from carbonic acid, deposits the hydrate in definite crystals sometimes an inch long, and containing several atoms of water of crystallisation. These crystals when heated, melt in their water of crystallisation, and ultimately leave the pure hydrate in the form of a semi-solid transparent mass. At higher temperatures, the hydrate is completely decomposed, giving off water, triamylamine, and a hydrocarbon, which is probably amylene : 208 AMfLENE. N(0H II ) 4 H.O = H 2 + N(C 5 H") 3 Hydrate of Triamy- Amylene. tetramyliiun. lamine. Hydrate of tetramylium dissolves readily in acids, forming solutions which yield crystalline salts by evaporation. The sulphate crystallises in long, capillary threads : the nitrate in needles, the oxalate in large deliquescent plates, the chloride in laminae with palm-like ramifications; the chloroplatinate, (C 4 H l! ) 4 NCl.PtCl 2 , in beautiful orange-yellow needles. (II of m an n, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 316.) F. GK (For the Amyl-phosphincs, Ar sines, and Stibines, see PHOSPHORUS, ARSENIC, and ANTIMONY.) C 5 H 10 , or C } H. This hydrocarbon, a homologue of ethylene or olefiant gas, and the fifth term of the series, OH 2n , is produced by the dehydration of amylic alcohol by sulphuric acid, phosphoric anhydride, or chloride of zinc, also by the dry distillation of amyl-sulphate of calcium (Kekule). To prepare it, a con- centrated aqueous solution of chloride of zinc is heated to 130 C., with an equal volume of amylic alcohol : and the product is distilled from a water-bath over caustic potash, and repeatedly rectified (Balard, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 320). It is a transparent colourless, very thin liquid, having a faint but offensive odour. Boils at 39 C. (Balard); at 35 (Frankland); at 42 (Kekule). Vapour-density, 2-68 (Balard), 2-386 (Frankland), 2-43 (Kekule); (by calculation, for 2 vol. = 2-4265). The vapour is rapidly and completely absorbed by sulphuric anhydride and pentachloride of antimony (Frankland). It possesses anaesthetic properties, and has been tried as a substitute for chloroform, but has been found to be very dangerous, having in more than one instance led to fatal results. Amylene is diatomic, like ethylene, uniting with 2 at. Br, NO 2 , HO, &c., and with 1 at. O, S, &c. ACETATE OF AMYLENE, C 9 H 16 4 = /V^TrsQ^ ( O 2 , is produced by heating the bro- mide C'H^Br 2 , with a mixture of acetate of silver mixed with glacial acetic acid : C 5 H 10 Br 2 + 2(C 2 H 3 O.Ag.O) = 2AgBr It is a colourless neutral liquid, insoluble in water, boiling above 200 C and easily decomposed by alkalis into acetic acid and amylene-glycol. (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Iv. 458.) BROMIDE OF AMYLENE, C 5 H 10 Br 2 , is produced by passing bromine-vapour into amy- lene. Heated in a sealed tube with alcoholic ammonia, it forms bromide of ammo- nium, and bromamylene, C 5 H 9 Br. By treating amylene with a larger quantity of bromine, another compound is formed, containing C 5 H 9 Br 3 , probably dibromide of bromamylene, C 5 H 9 Br.Br 2 . This compound, treated with alcoholic potash, yields di- bromamylene, C 5 H 8 Br 2 . (C a hours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii. 90.) /Q5TT10N ) HYDRATE OF AMYLENE, or AMYLENE-GLYCOL, C 5 H 12 2 == Jp \ 2 ' ?re P ared by distilling acetate of amylene with dry pulverised hydrate of potassium, and purified by a second distillation in the same manner, and subsequent rectification per se : (OTTO)'! * + 2KH = It is a colourless, very syrupy liquid, having a bitter taste with aromatic after-taste. When cooled with a mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether, it solidifies into a hard transparent mass. It does not affect polarised light. Its specific gravity is 0*987 at C. It boils at 177, and distils without alteration. When pure it dissolves in water in all proportions. The aqueous solution turns acid when exposed to the air in contact with platinum-black, yielding chiefly carbonic acid, with only a small quantity of a fixed acid, apparently butylactic acid. When gently heated with nitric acid, it is rapidly oxidised, the chief product of the action being butylactic acid, C 4 H 8 3 . (Wurtz, loc. cit.} Amylene-glycol, treated with hydrochloric acid, either gaseous or aqueous, is con- verted, slowly at ordinary, more quickly at higher temperatures, into the chlorhydrin of amylene-glycol, C 5 H 10 .HO.C1. This compound cannot be isolated, but remains dis- solved in the excess of acid and is decomposed by distillation. The acid solution treated with potash yields oxide of amylene. NITRYLIDE OF AMYLENE, C 5 H'(N0 2 ) 2 . Nitroxidc of Amylene. Obtained by passing peroxide of nitrogen (nitryl, NO 2 , prepared by heating anhydrous nitrate of lead) into a flask containing amylene, and surrounded by a freezing mixture. The gas is in- AMYLENE. 209 stantly absorbed, and the amylene is gradually converted into a pasty mass of minute crystals, which may be purified by washing with cold alcohol, recrystallisation from boiling ether and drying in vacuo over sulphuric acid. It gave by analysis, 3 7 '26 per cent. C, 6-51 H, and 17'66 N; the formula requiring 37'09 C, 618 H, and 17'28N. The compound may also be obtained, though less advantageously, by passing vapour of amylene mixed with air into fuming nitric acid. It is remarkable as affording the first example of the direct combination of nitryl, (NO 2 ), with an organic radicle. Heated by itself in a dry tube, it decomposes at about 95 C., giving off nitrous an- hydride, N 2 O 3 , and nitrous acid, HNO 2 , and leaving a heavy liquid apparently containing nitrate of amyl. Heated with quick lime, it gives off an aromatic body, probably con- sisting of oxide of amylene. (Guthrie, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 45, 129.) OXIDE OF AMYLENE, (C 5 H 10 )".0, a volatile liqnid, isomeric with valeric aldehyde, It boils at 95 C. Has a pleasant ethereal odour, and a rough taste. Specific gravity in the liquid state, 0-8244 at C. Vapour-density by experiment 2'982, by calcula- tion (2 vol.) = 2'805. It burns easily, with a yellow flame. It is insoluble in water, and is not converted into amylene-glycol when heated with water in a sealed tube. It dissolves in alcohol, in ether, and in a mixture of the two. It mixes with acids. It- unites with anhydrous or crystallisable nitric acid at a higher temperature, but the combination is attended with partial decomposition. (A. Bauer, Compt. rend. li. 500.) AMYLENE -WITH SULPHUR AND CHLORINE : 1. Dichlorosulphide of Amylene, C 5 H 10 SCP, or C l H"S 2 CP. Protochloride of sul- phur (SCI 2 ) is brought into a flask surrounded with ice and an excess of amylene added very gradually. The excess of amylene is evaporated off, the residue digested and washed with water, dissolved in ether, filtered, and evaporated. It is a non- volatile liquid, having a pungent odour, insoluble in water, soluble in ether and alcohol. Specific gravity, 1*149 at 12 C. Distilled with excess of alcoholic caustic potash, it yields amylene, disulphide of fusyl (C 5 H 9 S), and other products. 2. Disulphochloride of Amylene, C 5 H 10 SC1, or C 10 H lo &Cl.On treating disulphide of chlorine (SCI), with excess of amylene, and evaporating the latter, a transparent yellow, non- volatile liquid, of faint and nauseous odour is obtained, having the above composition. It is obtained pure by digestion with water, solution in ether, filtration, and evaporation. Specific gravity, 1-149 at 12 C. Soluble in ether, absolute alcohol, and sulphide of carbon. (Guthrie, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xii. 112.) Disulphochloride of amylene treated with chlorine, giA r es off hydrochloric acid, and is converted into a non-volatile liquid, of specific gravity 1-406 at 16 C., miscible with ether, insoluble in water, but soluble in hot alcohol. This liquid gave by analysis numbers agreeing approximately with the formula, CPWCPS, which may be that of chlorosulphide of trichloramylene, C^IPCl^.SCl, or that of sulphide of tetrachloramyl, C">(WCl*)S. (Guthrie, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 43.) AMYLENE WITH SULPHUR AND OXYGEN : Disidphoocide of Amylene, WH^S^O. Prepared by digesting the disulphochloride in alcoholic solution with protoxide of lead, till all the chlorine is combined, dissolving in ether, filtering and evaporating. Specific gravity, 1-054 at 13 C. Non- volatile, yellow, or almost colourless. Soluble in ether and alcohol, insoluble in water. Hydrate of Disulphoxide of Amylene, C l H l S 2 O.HO. Disulphochloride of amylene is heated in alcoholic solution for some hours, in a current of ammonia ; the liquid is then poured off from the chloride of ammonium formed, and heated for some hours in a sealed tube to 100 C. with alcoholic ammonia ; the excess of alcohol is driven off in a water-bath ; the residue treated with water ; and the oil which is thereby pre- cipitated is washed with water. Yellow liquid of meaty odour. Somewhat soluble in hot water, soluble in alcohol and ether. Non-volatile. Specific gravity 1-049 at 8. (Guthrie, Chem. Soc. Qu J. x. 120.) F. G. and H. W. ACID, C 44 H 64 7 . or C^H 32 O 7 . This acid is contained, together with cardol, in the pericarps of the cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale). The pericarps are extracted with ether, which dissolves out both the anacardic acid and the cardol ; the ether is distilled off, and the residue, after being washed with water to free it from tannin, is dissolved in 15 or 20 times its weight of alcohol. This alcoholic solution is digested with recently precipitated oxide of lead, which removes the anacardic acid in the form of an insoluble lead-salt. The lead-salt is suspended in water, and decom- posed by sulphide of ammonium, and from the solution of anacardate of ammonium, obtained after the removal of the sulphide of lead by filtration, the anacardic acid is liberated by the addition of sulphuric acid. After repeated purification by solution in alcohol, conversion into a lead-salt, and decomposition of this salt by hydrosul- phuric acid, the acid is obtained as a white crystalline mass, which melts at 26 C. It VOL. I. P 210 ANACARDIC ACID ANALYSIS. has no smell, but its flavour is aromatic and burning. When heated to 200 C. it is decomposed, producing a colourless very fluid oil. It burns with a smoky flame, stains paper, and liquefies by prolonged contact with air, emitting an odour similar to that of rancid fat. Alcohol and ether dissolve it readily, and these solutions redden litmus. Some of its salts are crystalline, others amorphous. The silver-salt is a pulverulent white precipitate, soluble in alcohol, in presence of a free acid. It contains two atoms of metal, C 44 H B2 Ag 2 7 . The lead-salt, obtained by mixing a boiling alcoholic solution of anacardic acid with an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead, is said to con- tain C 44 H 60 Pb 4 7 or (7 44 # 30 P6 2 7 ; if this formula be correct, the acid is tetnibasic [or dibasic, if the smaller atomic weights of carbon and oxygen are used]. The salts of ammonium, potassium, barium, calcium and iron, have been described, but they are not very definite, and their formulae have not been fixed. (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiii. 137.) XL18TAX.CX1KE, siO 3 + H 2 = Na 2 O.Si0 2 + Al 4 3 .3Si0 2 + H 2 or + 3(AP0 3 .2Si0 3 } + 2 HO. A. mineral belonging to the zeolite family containing, according to H. Eose's analysis, 55'7 per cent, of silica, 13*5 soda, 23'0 alumina, and 8'3 water, which agrees very nearly with the preceding formula. It belongs to the regular system. Primary form a cube ; it occurs also in leucite-octa- hedrons, and in cubes with the faces of the leucite-octahedron replacing the solid angles. Cleavage indistinct, parallel to the faces of the cube. Specific gravity from 2-1 to 2*2. Softer than felspar. In its purest form, it is colourless and transparent, but sometimes white inclining to grey or flesh-colour. According to Brewster, it polarises light in a peculiar manner, indicating a grouping of the molecules very different from that which is usually found in the regular system. Before the blowpipe, it loses water and becomes milk-white ; but when the heat is increased, it becomes clear again, and then melts quickly to a transparent glass. It is readily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, with separation of viscid silica ; after ignition, however, the decomposition is less easy. Analcime occurs frequently in clefts and geodes in granite, trap-rocks and lava. It is found on the Calton Hill, Edinburgh, at Talisker in the Isle of Sky, in Dumbarton- shire, in theFerroe Islands, in the Harz, and in Bohemia. ASLAX.YSZS The object of chemical analysis is to ascertain the composition of any substance whatever. The distinction usually made between organic and inorganic compounds, has led to a corresponding division into organic and inorganic analysis : the latter being confined to the investigation of inorganic or mineral compounds. The methods employed in this branch of analysis, are far more numerous and varied than those hitherto devised for the analysis of organic compounds. Inorganic analysis is divided into qualitative and quantitative analysis. The former teaches us how to ascertain the elements of a substance with regard to their quality only, and how to separate them one from another: the latter establishes the methods of proceeding, by which we determine the relations of weight or volume, which these elements bear to one another. It is obvious that, before we can proceed to estimate the qiiantities of each element con- tained in a compound, we must know what are the elements that it contains : hence qualitative must always precede quantitative analysis. Analysis is one of the most recent of the various branches of chemical science. Con- siderable progress had already been made in synthetical chemistry, in the preparation of chemical compounds, &c. at a time when the foundations of analytical chemistry (in the sense at present attached to the term) had not even been laid. Less than a century ago, when the properties and compounds of many elements were either entirely unknown or but imperfectly established, few problems were more difficult than that of inorganic analysis: the analyst had need of both penetration and caution in the highest degree, in order to discriminate between known and unknown substances. It is only within a comparatively recent period, that the discovery of many new elements, and the more complete investigation of the reactions of those already known, have enabled us to construct a systematic course of analysis, circumscribed within definite and well established rules. Analytical chemistry, as we have already observed, aims at two objects, each closely connected with the other : 1. To ascertain what are the elements contained in sub- stances whose composition is unknown : 2. To determine the relative proportions of those elements whose existence has previously been qualitatively ascertained. In the earliest analytical researches, both these objects were pursued simultaneously. Hence, in the very brief sketch of the history of analytical chemistry, which it is now our purpose to give, it is not possible to trace the progress of each of these branches of analysis independently of the other. For this purpose it is more convenient to adopt ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 211 the distinction of analysis in the wet and in the dry way (vide infra) : for these two branches of analysis aimed originally at different objects, and the progress of each was in great measure independent of that of the other. The earliest analytical methods of which we have any information were in the dry way. They were directed exclusively to the separation of noble from ignoble metals ; and they were generally conducted quantitatively, the object being to determine the commercial value of alloys, &c., by extracting the amount of the most precious metal contained in them. As early as the second century B.C., Agatharchides of Cnidos (quoted by Diodorus Siculus) gives an account of a method employed by the Egyptians for the extraction and purification of gold, which closely resembles the process of cupellation, at present so extensively employed for the separation of silver from lead. Strabo (about the Christian era) describes the extraction of silver from its ores by fusion with lead ; and all the analytical methods which we meet with in the course of several successive centuries are but modifications of the same process. We find a description of the process given by Geber in the latter half of the eighth century, which corre- sponds very closely with that at present employed. Strictly speaking, the employment of analysis in the dry way for qualitative pur- poses, is of much later date, commencing from the observation of the behaviour of different metallic compounds when exposed to a high temperature in contact with certain reagents, commonly called fluxes. It is to Pott, Professor of Chemistry at Berlin, circ. 1750, that we owe the first distinct record of these observations; he pointed out that it was possible, by the addition of certain fluxes, to fuse many substances which were infusible alone ; and that the colour of the fused mass afforded information as to the nature of the original substance. This method of experimenting, which was conducted by him in crucibles and furnaces, on a comparatively large scale, received an immense extension by the introduction of the blowpipe, by means of which far more accurate indications were obtained with a much smaller quantity of the original substance. The first mention of this implement occurs about 1660, in the Memoirs of the Academia del Cimento, at Florence, when it is noticed as being em- ployed by glass-blowers ; and the first indication of its use for chemical purposes, is found in Kunkel's Ars vitraria experimentalis, 1679. Cramer, a German chemist, in his Etementa Artis docimastica (1739), gives the earliest instructions for its "use as an implement of analysis. The further investigation of the results to be attained by means of this invaluable instrument, was effected mainly by a succession of Swedish chemists, of whom Cronstedt and Bergman were perhaps the most remarkable ; and it is to Berzelius that the establishment of the existing system of blowpipe analysis was finally owing. According to the present course of analysis, the method by the dry way is usually employed only in the preliminary examination : the cases are very rare in which its results can be relied upon for complete information as to all the constituents of a substance. For this purpose, recourse is now invariably had to analysis in the wet way. The early history of this method of analysis is very obscure, amounting in fact to nothing but the enumeration of a few random reactions, in the employment of which no system was observed. It was originally employed solely for the qualitative detection of adulterations in drugs, &c. It was next directed to the examination of mineral waters, to which purpose it was mainly confined until the latter half of the seventeenth century, at which period the first true perception of the problem involved in analytical chemistry was obtained by Boyle, who gave to this branch of the science the name by which it is at present designated. He was the first to establish clearly the idea of a chemical element, and to seek for methods of ascertaining what elements or known compounds are contained in any substance of unknown composition. Although these methods comprise many reactions which were known before his time, still he has the credit of being the first to generalise these scattered facts, and to collect them into a coherent system. Among the new reactions introduced in his time, we may mention the precipitation of calcium-salts by sulphuric acid, as serving for the detection of either calcium or sulphuric acid ; of silver-salts by hydrochloric acid, as a test for both silver and chorine ; that of iron with tincture of galls ; the blue colour of copper- salts with excess of ammonia, &c. Since the time of Boyle, analytical chemistry, in the hands of Marggraf, Scheele, Bergman, Klaproth, H. Kose, &c. has made continual advances, the enumeration of which cannot be attempted in a brief historical summary like the present ; until by degrees it has assumed the systematic form of which wo shall presently proceed to give an outline. The establishment of quantitative analysis, as a distinct branch of chemical science, is of comparatively recent date. For a long time it was almost entirely neglected, little if any importance being attached to the relative proportions in which elements exist in a compound. Until the latter half of the last century, it was confined to the purpose of assaying, or of determining approximately the value of ores ; and it was not p 2 2 1 2 ANAL YSIS INORGANIC. until Lavoisier, with such triumphant success, employed the balance as a means of refuting old errors and of establishing new truths, that inquiries into the quantitative composition of bodies came to be regarded as the only sure test and foundation for chemical theory. Almost all the quantitative analyses by which any reliable know- ledge of the constitution of substances has been obtained, are included in this period, and date within the last 60 or 70 years. The empirical results thus obtained, have led to the discovery of the most important theoretical truths, e.g. the theory of atoms and equivalents, the law of multiple proportions, &c., which in turn have been of in- estimable value in controlling the results of analysis, and ensuring to them a degree of accuracy which could never have been attained by merely empirical determinations. Until a comparatively recent period, the only method of quantitative analysis was that by weight. By this method, the substance to be estimated is either weighed directly, or in the form of some compound of known composition, from whose weight that of the substance to be estimated is readily calculated, the reagent by which the substance is separated being always employed in excess. More recently, another method has been introduced, which depends upon the employment of only the exact quantity of the reagent which is necessary to produce the reaction desired ; and upon the de- termination of this quantity, not by weight, but by measure. This method, known as the Volumetric method of analysis (see ANALYSIS VOLUMETRIC), is only applicable in cases where the point at which the reaction is complete can be determined accu- rately by means of some distinctly visible phenomenon occurring in the solution to be analysed. The first introduction of this method is due to Descroizilles, who, at. the close of the last century, applied it to the valuation of bleaching powder by means of indigo-solution : since which time it has been gradually extended until it has grown into a distinct and most important branch of analysis, which, in most cases, is at least equal in accuracy to the method by weight, while it is greatly superior in speed and facility of execution. The methods of qualitative analysis consist in bringing the substance under ex- amination into contact with other bodies of known properties, and observing the phenomena which ensue. These phenomena consist in alterations, either in state of aggregation, form, or colour, depending upon some chemical change. All bodies which we employ for this purpose, we call by the general name of reagents, the ensuing phe- nomena are called reactions. Acids, bases, salts, and simple bodies (elements) are alike used as reagents. By means of reagents, the chemist puts questions to the substance under examina- tion, enquiring whether it contains this or that group of chemically similar elements, or only this or that member of such group. If the question be put correctly i.e. if all the conditions under which the reaction expected can be produced by the reagent employed be carefully observed, the answer is decisive as to the presence or absence of the element, or group of elements, sought : if, on the other hand, these conditions i. e. the properties and chemical relations of the bodies formed by the chemical changes which constitute the reaction, have been wholly or partially neglected, the answer, if not certainly erroneous, is at least of doubtful accuracy. Reagents may be employed either in the wet way or in the dry way. In the wet way, the reagent in solution, i.e. in the liquid form, is brought into contact with the sub- stance to be examined, which is also in the liquid form. In the dry way, the two bodies are brought together in the solid state, and subjected to a high temperature. Of the utmost importance in analysis by the latter method, is the knowledge of the use of the blowpipe, and of the behaviour of bodies in the different flames which can be produced by it. (See BLOWPIPE.) Many reagents exhibit the same, or a similar behaviour, with a certain fixed number, i. e. with a group, of elements, and with most of the compounds of these elements ; and can therefore, be employed for the division of the elements into groups. Such reagents are termed general reagents. Others serve for the further distinction of the several members of such groups : their selection depends upon the knowledge of the special characteristic behaviour to such reagents of each single element, or of each of its several compounds. Such reagents are called special or characteristic reagents. Their number is much greater than that of the general reagents, their nature being as various as that of the substances which can come under examination : their selection depends upon the solubility or insolubility, colour, or other physical or chemical properties of the new compounds to which they give rise. They may frequently be employed re- ciprocally : thus, starch is a characteristic test for iodine, and reciprocally, iodine is a characteristic test for starch. The analyst has not only to establish that this or that body is present in a compound, but he has also to prove that no other body is present besides those which he has actually found. Hence it is evident that he must not treat the substance under ex- amination with any reagent indiscriminately. He must follow a certain fixed order, ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 213 a methodical system, in the application of reagents, which will be the jsame for all inorganic sxibstances whatever, let their elements be what they may. This systematic method, which cannot be departed from or abbreviated without danger, except in certain cases by the experienced chemist, consists in the employment of general reagents for the successive elimination of groups of elements possessing certain common chemical properties ; and finally, in the recognition of each member of such groups by the em- ployment of characterisric reagents. If the object be not a complete and accurate analysis, but merely to establish the presence or absence of some particular body, the characteristic reagent may in many cases be employed at once, without previous recourse to general reagents. The first thing to be done in the qualitative analysis of a solid body, is to subject it to a preliminary examination in the dry way, by which means important information as to its composition may frequently be obtained: after which it is dissolved, and its constituents ascertained by examination in the wet way. The course of qualitative analysis, therefore, consists of 3 parts : I. Preliminary examination in the dry way. II. Solution, or conversion into the liquid form. III. Analysis of the solution in the wet way. We shall now proceed to treat successively of each of these operations. I. Preliminary Examination. This consists partly in an accurate observation of the physical properties of the substance (its form, colour, hardness, specific gravity, &c.) : but chiefly in observing its behaviour at a high temperature, either alone, in contact with air, or with some chemical compound which produces either decomposition or simple solution. 1. The substance is heated alone in a dry test-tube, on charcoal, or on platinum-foil. Water, sulphur and its acids, ammonium-, arsenic-, and mercury-compounds are completely volatilised. Carbon burns when heated in the air. If water is evolved, observe whether it is acid or alkaline to litmus. If gases are evolved, observe whether they are combustible : and if so, whether their combustion is sustained or intermittent. Organic compounds are decomposed by heat, generally with evolution of inflammable gas and separation of carbon : when heated with strong sulphuric acid and bichromate of potassium, they evolve carbonic anhydride, which gives a white precipitate with lime- or baryta-water. Bodies which are very rich in oxygen, nitrates, chlorates, per- chlorates, bromates, iodates, deflagrate when heated on charcoal. Most alkaline, and some alkaline-earthy salts, melt without volatilising or changing colour ; after strong ignition, the residue is alkaline to test-paper. Many silicates (especially zeolites) melt when a thin fragment of them is exposed in platinum-tongs to the blowpipe flame. Borates and alum swell up : other salts, e. g. chloride of sodium, decrepitate. Of metals: antimony, lead, tin, bismuth, cadmium, zinc, tellurium, fuse readily before the blowpipe, giving an incrustation of oxide; gold, silver, and copper, fuse with difficulty, and give no incrustation; iron, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, wolfram, and platinum metals are infusible. The oxides and salts of the earthy and alkaline-earthy metals are infusible, or difficultly fusible ; they become vividly incandescent, with a white light, but do not change colour ; the earths, after ignition, are not alkaline to test-paper. The oxides and salts of some metals assume a darker colour when heated : those of zinc, tin, titanium, columbium (niobium), and antimony, become yellow : those of lead, bismuth, mercury (and chromates), become dark-brown. 2. The substance, after ignition on charcoal, is moistened with a drop of a solution of nitrate of cobalt, and again strongly heated before the blowpipe. Alkaline phosphates borates, and silicates, give a blue glass : the earths, earthy phosphates, silica and many silicates give a blue infusible mass : zinc-oxide and titanic anhydride become yellowish- green : binoxide of tin, bluish-green : antimonic and columbic anhydrides, dirty-green : magnesia and tantalic anhydrides, flesh-red : baryta, brown or brick-red : glucina, lime, and strontia, grey. 3. The substance is heated on platinum-wire (if a metallic salt, on charcoal) in the inner blowpipe flame, and the colour of the outer flame observed. A yellow colour in- dicates sodium : a violet, potassium : a carmine-red, lithium or strontium. The yellow colour imparted by sodium, completely overpowers those of the other alkaline metals : but, if the flame be observed through dark blue glass, the yellow rays are cut off, and the colours of potassium and lithium are plainly visible, even in presence of a'large excess of sodium. A reddish-yellow colour indicates calcium ; a yellow-green, barium or molybdenum ; a green, cupric oxide, phosphoric, boric, or tellurous acid ; a blue, arsenic, antimony, lead, selenium, or cupric chloride. In many cases, the colour is rendered more apparent if the substance be previously moistened with hydrochloric acid, or a p 3 1214 ANALYSIS INORGANIC. little chloride of silver added: phosphates and borates should be moistened with sulphuric acid. The delicacy and sharpness of these chromatic indications are greatly increased by a method of observation lately introduced by Bunsen and Kirchhoff. It consists mainly in igniting a metallic salt on platinum wire, in a feebly luminous and nearly monochromatic flame, such as that of a Bunsen's gas-burner, and observing the flame through a prism. Very characteristic spectra are then produced, containing luminous coloured bands coincident in position with certain of Fraunhofer's lines. Sodium gives a spectrum reduced to a single bright narrow band; lithium, a bright red and a fainter yellow band ; potassium, a spectrum nearly resembling the ordinary solar spectrum in the middle, but characterised by a bright line near the red ex- tremity, and a fainter line near the violet end of the spectrum. The strontium spectrum consists of a broad bright orange band, with some fainter red bands ; the calcium spectrum, of a broad bright green band, a somewhat narrower bright orange band, and some fainter yellow bands; and that of barium, of several bright green, yellow and orange with two faint red bands. The sodium reaction is extremely delicate, sufficing for the detection of a quantity of sodium as small as 3^5000 f a milligramme ; distinct indications are likewise obtained with 1000 9 OQO(5 of a milli- gramme of lithium, T ^ milligramme of potassium and barium, 1 . Q( f 000 milligramme of strontium, 1000 6 0000 milligramme of calcium. (For details see the article LIGHT ; also Pogg. Ann. ex. 161 ; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 270.) 4. The substance is heated on charcoal in the, reducing flame with carbonate of sodium, or with carbonate of sodium and cyanide of potassium. Most arsenic com- pounds give a smell of garlic. All sulphur-, selenium-, and tellurium-compounds, give an alkaline sulphide, selenide, or telluride, which, when moistened, leaves a black stain on a clean silver plate. Tin-, silver-, copper-, and gold-compounds give malleable shining scales : compounds of nickel, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, wolfram, and the platinum-metals are reduced to a grey infusible powder : no incrustation is formed in any of these cases. Antimony-compounds give a brittle metallic globule, and a white incrustation : bismuth, a brittle globule and a brown-yellow incrustation : lead, a malleable globule, and a yellow incrustation. Zinc and cadmium are not reduced to the metallic state, but give, the former a white incrustation, not volatile in the outer flame, the latter, a brown-red incrustation. 5. The substance is heated in a glass tube, open at both ends, held obliquely. The following substances yield gases having a peculiar smell : sulphides, of burning sulphur ; selenides, of horseradish; arsenides, of garlic; many ammonium-salts, of ammonia; fluorides (especially on addition of microcosmic salt), of hydrofluoric acid. A metallic sublimate indicates arsenic- or mercury-compounds : a white sublimate is given by arsenides (crystalline), by antimonides and tellurides, (fusible), and by many ammonium- salts. A fused sublimate is given by the higher sulphides (brown-yellow), by selenides and selenium (blackish-red), and by sulphide of arsenic (yellow). All hydrated salts or substances containing hygroscopic water yield drops of water, the acid or alkaline reaction of which should be ascertained. 6. The substance is heated in contact with metallic zinc and dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. Many metallic acids are reduced to lower oxides by this treatment, a change of colour being produced. Titanic acid gives a violet colour : tungstic acid, and the chlorides of tantalum and columbium, a blue : molybdic acid, blue, changing to green and dark-brown : columbous acid, blue, changing to dark brown ; chromic acid, green, iodic acid, brown, or if starch be added, blue. II. Solution of Solid Bodies. After having ascertained by the preliminary examination in the dry way, to what class of bodies the substance under examination belongs, the next step is to bring it into the liquid form, in other words, to dissolve it. In order to effect this, it is generally necessary, when the nature of the substance allows it, to reduce it to a fine powder by pounding in a mortar, and, if necessary, by subsequent levigation with water. This is indispensable in the case of minerals, especially of silicates, and of all other difficultly soluble, insoluble, or difficultly decomposible compounds. If the substance contains organic matter, this should be removed before proceeding further, as its presence materially interferes with the reactions of many mineral compounds. This may gene- rally be effected by heating the substance strongly for some time in contact with air (more speedily with oxygen), until the whole of the carbon is converted into carbonic anhydride. In many cases, the oxidation of the carbon is facilitated by dropping nitric acid on the heated substance. The solvents which are usually employed in the analysis of inorganic bodies are water, hydrochloric and nitric acids, and aqua-regia. The finely-powdered substance is first boiled with from 12 to 20 time'* its weight of distilled water, in order to ascertain ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 215 its complete or partial solubility or insolubility therein. If it be not completely dis- solved, the solution is filtered off from the residue, and a drop or two of it evaporated to dryness on platinum-foil, when, if the substance is partially soluble in water, a dis- tinct residue is left ; if the substance is completely insoluble, there is no residue after evaporation. In the former case, the solution is tested with litmus paper to see whether it has a neutral, acid, or alkaline reaction, and set aside for further examination. The portion insoluble in water is then treated successively with dilute and concentrated hydrochloric acid, particular attention being paid to the nature of the gases, if any, thereby evolved, and to the separation of solid products of decomposition. Carbonates evolve carbonic anhydride, with effervescence ; peroxides, chromates, and chlorates evolve chlorine; cyanides, hydrocyanic acid; many sulphides, hydrosulphuric acid; sulphites and hyposulphites, sulphurous anhydride, with separation of sulphur in the latter case. Most metals (iron, zinc, tin, &c.) evolve hydrogen ; or, if arsenic or an- timony be present, arsenide or antimonide of hydrogen. If hydrochloric acid does not completely dissolve the substance, it generally effects the complete separation of one or more elements ; for which reason the solution should be separated from the residue, and examined apart. The residue may consist of compounds undecomposible by hydrochloric acid, which existed in the original substance ; or of insoluble compounds formed by the decomposition of the original substance by hydrochloric acid. Thus sulphur is separated from polysulphides, pulverulent or gelatinous silica from many silicates, tungstic acid from tungstates, &c. ; or if lead, silver, or subsalts of mercury be present, insoluble chlorides of these metals will be formed. If the substance is not completely soluble in hydrochloric acid, the insoluble residue is treated successively with nitric acid and aqua regia. In many cases (e. g. with phosphates, arsenates, silicates, tungstates, &c.), these compounds act merely as solvents; on many other bodies they exert an oxidising action. Thus, most sulphides, when treated with nitric acid, separate sulphur, which, by prolonged digestion with the acid, collects into yellow globules which swim on the surface of the liquid, or disappears altogether, being oxidised into sulphuric acid, which may be detected in the solution, unless it forms an insoluble salt with the dissolved metal. Sulphide of lead is con- verted by nitric acid into sulphate of lead : sulphides of antimony and tin into white oxides: protosulphide of mercury is insoluble in nitric acid, readily soluble in aqua regia. Most metals are completely soluble in nitric acid : the only metals not attacked by it are gold, platinum, and the rarer metals found in platinum-ores (with the exception of palladium, which is slowly soluble in nitric acid). Gold and platinum are soluble in aqua regia. Tin and antimony are not dissolved by nitric acid, but are converted into white oxides, insoluble in the acid ; they are readily soluble in aqua regia (or hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potassium), if excess of nitric acid be avoided. When a finely powdered substance is neither dissolved by successive treatment with the above solvents, nor so decomposed or attacked by them as to give an idea of its nature, it must be rendered soluble, in order that its constituents may be determined in the wet way. The method of doing this frequently depends upon the results of the preliminary examination. The following are the principal insoluble (or difficultly soluble) substances. 1. Sulphates (of barium, strontium, calcium, and lead). When heated on charcoal with carbonate of sodium, they give an alkaline sulphide : sulphate of lead gives also a malleable metallic globule ; it is blackened by sulphide of ammonium, and soluble in basic tartrate of ammonium. They are rendered soluble by fusion with 3 4 pts. alkaline carbonate : after treating the fused mass with water, the solution contains the acid as alkaline sulphate, and the residue the base, as carbonate, which is now soluble in hydrochloric acid. In this and in all the following cases, the substance must be powdered as finely as possible before fusion. The sulphates of strontium, calcium, and lead are decomposed (the first not completely), by digestion with a solu- tion of sodic carbonate : sulphate of calcium is somewhat soluble in water. 2. Silica and silicates. When heated before the blowpipe with microcosmic salt, they swim undissolved in the fused bead. They are rendered soluble by fusion with 3 4 pts. alkaline carbonate (or hydrate of barium), treatment with hydrochloric acid, and evaporation with free acid, when the silica remains insoluble ; or by treatment with hydrofluoric and sulphuric acids. 3. Fluorides (fluorspar, &c.) When gently heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, they evolve hydrofluoric acid, which corrodes glass : if silica be present, fluoride of silicium is evolved, which gives a precipitate on contact with water. They are decomposed by fusion with 4 pts. alkaline carbonate, with addition of silica if neces- sary. 4. Alumina or Aluminates.Tkey give a blue infusible mass when heated with cobalt-solution. They are rendered soluble by fusion with 34 pts. acid sulphate of potassium. p 4 216 ANALYSIS- QUALITATIVE. 5. Chromic oxide (chrome-iron-ore). It gives a green bead in both flames with borax or microcosrnic salt. Chrome-iron-ore is decomposed by successive fusion with acid sulphate of potassium, and with alkaline carbonate and nitre. 6. Binoxide of tin, and Antimonic anhydride. They are coloured yellow by sul- phide of ammonium, and dissolved by digestion in excess of the reagent : when heated on charcoal with sodic carbonate, they yield, the first a malleable, the second a brittle, metallic globule. They are rendered soluble in acids by fusion with 3 4 pts. alkaline carbonate. 7. Tantalic, tungstic, titanic, and columbous anhydrides. They give with micro- cosmic salt a blue, violet, or (in presence of iron) a blood-red, bead : with zinc and hydrochloric acid, a coloured solution. They are rendered soluble by fusion with 6 pts. acid sulphate of potassium. 8. Chloride \ bromide, iodide, of silver ; Sulphides of molybdenum, lead, cfc. Chloride, bromide, and iodide of silver, are soluble in cyanide of potassium : when heated on char- coal with sodic carbonate, they yield metallic silver. Insoluble sulphides give off sulphurous anhydride when heated : sulphide of molybdenum gives a yellowish-green bead with microsmic salt, and is converted by roasting into niolybdic anhydride, which gives a blue colour with zinc and hydrochloric acid. 9. Metals (osmide of iridium, or residues of platinum-ores). The insoluble sub- stance has metallic lustre, or is a black powder, not affected by ignition. It is rendered soluble by mixture with chloride of calcium and ignition in a stream of chlorine ; or by fusion with potash and chlorate of potassium. 10. Carbon. The insoluble substance is black (as diamond, colourless) : it dis- appears when strongly ignited in an open platinum crucible, or before the blowpipe. It detonates when fused with nitre, forming carbonate of potassium ; and yields carbonic anhydride when ignited with oxide of copper. If the preliminary examination furnishes no distinct idea as to the nature of the insoluble substance, it must be fused with four times its weight of carbonates of potas- sium and sodium, the fused mass exhausted with water, and the residue treated with hydrochloric acid. If the substance contains any easily reducible metal (arsenic, antimony, tin, lead, bismuth, &.) it must not be fused in a platinum crucible. III. Qualitative Analysis of Solutions. The first steps to be taken in the qualitative analysis of solutions are to ascertain whether the solution is neutral, aeid, or alkaline to test paper ; and whether it contains any non- volatile constituents. For the latter purpose, a small portion of it is care- fully evaporated on platinum-foil: when, if non-volatile compounds are present, a residue is left which does not disappear when strongly heated, and should be submitted to the preliminary examination above described. These precautions are of course unnecessary when the solution has been made by the analyst himself, as described in Section II. : but they should never be neglected when the substance to be examined is already in the liquid form, since, if carefully performed, they may enable him to conclude at once as to the presence or absence of whole groups of bodies. Thus it is evident that a solution which, after careful evapo- ration, leaves no fixed residue, cannot contain any non-volatile metallic salts. A solution neutral to test-paper can generally contain only salts of the alkaline or alkaline- earthy metals, since the salts of most other metals have an acid reaction. An alkaline solution (in which no non-volatile organic compounds are present), cannot contain any metals whose salts are insoluble in alkaline liquids : if the alkaline reaction be caused by the presence of an alkaline carbonate, the presence of the alkaline-earthy metals is impossible. If, however, non-volatile organic compounds are present, an alkaline solution may contain salts of copper or sesquisalts of iron, as well as such oxides, cyanides, sulphides, &c., as are soluble in cyanide of potassium or alkaline sulphides. The presence of certain acids implies the absence of certain metals, and vice versa : thus the same acid solution cannot contain sulphuric acid .and barium, hydrochloric acid and silver, &c. Silver need not be looked for in an alloy soluble in hydrochloric acid, nor gold, antimony, tin, &c. in one soluble in nitric acid. It is advisable, when possible, to examine for acids and metals in separate portions of the solution. a. Examination for Metals. The systematic course of examination for metals which is now almost exclusively employed, depends upon the behaviour of metallic salts in solution towards the follow- ing general reagents : hydrochloric acid, hydrosulphuric acid, sulphide of ammonium, and carbonate of ammonium. It will be observed that all these reagents are volatile ; so that in their application no substance is introduced into a solution which cannot ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 217 be removed by simple elevation of temperature. Their application depends upon the different solubility of metallic chlorides and sulphides, and of the carbonates of the alkaline-earthy and alkaline metals. By means of these general reagents, as we have already observed, the metals are divided into certain groups, which are successively eliminated from the solution under examination; by which proceeding the detection of each individual member of each group is considerably facilitated. The following are the groups into which the metallic elements are thus divided : o. Metals whose chlorides are insoluble, or difficultly soluble in water or dilute acids. These are lead, silver, and mercury (the last as sub-salts). These metals are not gene- rally classed in a group by themselves, but are included in the group next following, to which they also belong." 6. Group 1. Metals whose sulphides are insoluble in water or in dilute acids. They are all precipitated from their slightly acid solution by hydrosulphuric acid. They are further divided into two subdivisions according to the behaviour of their sulphides to sulphide of ammonium. Subdivision A. Metals whose sulphides possess acid properties. Their sulphides are soluble in alkaline sulphides (sulphides of ammonium, potassium, or sodium), forming therewith soluble sulpho-salts, which are generally analogous to the oxygen salts of the same metals, oxygen being replaced by sulphur. They are arsenic, anti- mony, tin, gold, platinum, iridium, selenium, tellurium, molybdenum, wolfram, vanadium. Subdivision B. Metals whose sulphides do not possess acid properties, not com- bining with alkaline sulphides, and so being insoluble therein. They are lead, silver, mercury, bismuth, copper, cadmium, palladium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium. (Sul- phide of mercury is soluble in sulphide of potassium or sodium : sulphide of copper is somewhat soluble in sulphide of ammonium.) 7. Group 2. Metals which are not precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid, but which are precipitated by sulphide of ammonium, from acid solutions. This group also is further subdivided. Subdivision A. Metals which are precipitated as sulphides. They are nickel, cobalt, manganese, iron, uranium, zinc. Their sulphides are insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute acids, with evolution of hydrosulphuric acid: hence they are not precipitated at all by hydrosulphuric acid from acid solutions, and not completely from neutral solutions. They are however completely precipitated from an acid solu- tion by sulphide of ammonium, the acid being neutralised by the ammonia contained in it. Subdivision B. Metals which are precipitated as hydrates. They are aluminium, glucinum or beryllium, zirconium, thorium, yttrium, erbium, terbium, cerium, lan- thanum, didymium : titanium, tantalum, columbium, chromium. (The first ten metals in this subdivision are known as metals of the earths, or earthy metals'}. They do not combine with sulphur in the wet way, and so are not precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid under any circumstances. Their hydrates, however, being insoluble in water, are precipitated from their neutral or acid solutions by sulphide of ammonium, the acid by which they were held in solution being neutralised by the ammonia of the reagent, while hydrosulphuric acid escapes. Certain compounds of the earthy and alkaline-earthy metals with non-volatile acids (phosphates, oxalates, borates, &c.), being soluble in dilute acids and insoluble in water, are similarly precipitated by sulphide of ammonium. 5. Group 3. Metals whose sulphides and hydrates are soluble in water ; which, therefore, are not precipitated by hydrosulpuhric acid or sulphide of ammonium from any solution. This group includes the alkaline-earthy and alkaline metals. They are further subdivided according to their behaviour to carbonate of ammonium in presence of chloride of ammonium. Subdivision A. Metals which are precipitated by carbonate of ammonium. They are barium, strontium, calcium. Their normal carbonates are insoluble in water or in chloride of ammonium. Subdivision B. Metals which are not precipitated by carbonate of ammonium. They are magnesium, potassium, sodium, lithium, ammonium. Carbonate of magne- sium is insoluble in water, soluble in chloride of ammonium : the carbonates of the other four metals (alkaline metals), are soluble in water. The different solubility of their phosphates affords a means for the further detection of the metals of this subdivision. In the usual classification, the alkaline-earthy metals (barium, strontium, calcium, magnesium) constitute Group 3 : and Group 4 comprises the alkaline metals. The following table exhibits in a compendious form the behaviour of all the metals to the general reagents above enumerated. 218 ANALYSIS INORGANIC. Behaviour of Metallic Solutions with Hydrochloric Acid, Ammonium, Hydrochloric Acid. Hydrosulplmric Acid. Metals which are pre- i Metals which are precipitated as sulphides from their A Metals whose salts cipitated as chlorides hydrochloric acid solution by hydrosulphuric acid. are partly re- from their neutral or duced in an acid acid solutions by hy- solution by hy- drochloric acid.* drosulph. acid, with separation of sulphur.* Lead (partially), white, Soluble in sulphide of \ Insoluble in sulphide Iron as ferric crystalline, soluble in ammonium. of ammonium. salt. hot water, precipitated The solution be- thence by sulphuric comes colourless. acid. Arsenic (yellow). Mercury* \ and contains a Silver, white, curdy, Antimony (orange). Tin* (brown or yellow). ST+ <**> ferrous salt. soluble in ammonia, precipitated thence by Gold N ,, , . ) (black- Platinum [ , Copper / Cadmium (yellow). Chromium as chromate. nitric acid. I-T -j- -, ) brown j. [Indium] ' Bismuth (brown). The solution be- Mercury as subsalt, white, finely-divided, blackened by am- monia. Molybdenum f (brown). [Selenium] (red-yellow). [Tellurium] (black). [ Palladium] J \ [Osmium] ( (black- [Khodium] I brown). [Ruthenium] J comes green, and contains a chro- mic salt. * In a saturated solution of a barium-salt, hydrochl. acid gives a white precip. readily soluble in water. In an alkaline solution, hydrochloric (or nitric) acid gives a precipitate in pre- sence of Silicic x * SnS is brown, SnS* yellow. From the solution of SnS in sulphide of ammonium, hy- drochl. acid precipitates yel- low SnS2. + The sulphides of tungsten and [vanadium} are not pre- cip. by hydrosulph. acid from an acid solution : but they are when their solution in sul- * Mercury as protcs.ilt is precip. white by a little hy- drosulph. acid; black by ex- cess, t Lead is only precip. com- pletely from dilute, uot too acid, solutions. The sulphides of all the platinum-metals are precipi- tated very slowly. * Sulphur is also separated in presence of free chlorine, bro- mine, and iodine, of sulphurous, nitrous, hiipochlorous, chlo- ric, iodic, bromic acids, &c. : and gene- rally in presence of easily reducible salts Boric phide of ammonium is de- of metals which arc Antimonic ! ac j^ B . composed by an acid. not precip. as sul- Tioifjstic [ phides from an acid Molybdic I solution. Benzoic ' or of those metals whose oxides are soluble in alkalis (aluminium, &c., soluble in excess of acid) ; or of cy- anides and ferrocyanides; or of those sulphides which are soluble in sulphide of ammonium. In presence of soluble poll/sulphides or hy- posulphites, sulphur is se- parated. The metals enclosed thus [ ] are very rare, and ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 219 Hydrosulphuric Acid, Sulphide of Ammonium, and Carbonate of successively applied. Sulphide of Ammonium. Metals which are precipitated by sulphide of ammonium, in presence of chloride of ammonium. (The solution should be neutralised with ammonia before adding sulphide of ammonium.) r~ \ f \ As Sulphides : As Oxides: also precip. by ammonia. As Salts: also prec. by amm. precipitate* does not precip. Nickel* , a. soluble in potash. a. in presence of Barium \ - a. precipitable Cobalt j (black). Aluminium* ^ (colour- phosphoric acid. Strontium | by phosphate Iron ' [Grlucinum] j less). Magnesium (crys- Calcium ' , of ammonium Uranium (black-brown). Chromium (green). talline). as carbonates. (and ammonia). Manganese (flesh- red). [Tantalum] f. Magnesium Zincf (white). [Columbium or Nio- bium.] b. in presence of phosphoric, ox- (crystalline). b. insol. in potash. alic, boric or hy- b. not precip. by [Cerium] . drofluoric acid. phosphate of [Lanthanum] \ [Didymium] J ~ [Yttrium] 1 J Calcium* \ -^ Strontium | Barium ' & ammonium. Potassium. Sodium. [Erbium] s as phosphates, ox- Lithium.* [Terbium] ( |" alates, borates, Ammonium. [Zirconium] \ or fluorides. [Thorium] , 1, Titanium / * Sulphides of nickel and cobalt are difficultly soluble in acetic and dilute hydrochl. acids. Sulphide of nickel is slightly sol. in yellow sul- phide of ammonium, forming * In presence of phosphoric acid aluminium is also precip. as phosphate, sol. in potash, t Soluble after fusion with potash. * The alkaline- earthy phosphates are insol. in potash, sol. in acetic acid. Oxalate of calcium is insol. in acetic acid. * The precipitation is not complete unless ammonia is added, and the whole heated to boiling. * A concentrated solution of a li- thium-salt is pre- cip. by phosph. sod. on heating. a brown solution. t Sulphide of zinc is in- soluble in acetic acid. Carbonate of Ammonium. Metals which are precipitated neither by kydrosulphuric acid nor by sulphide of ammonium. Car- bonate of ammonium, in presence of chloride of ammonium, oot bo sought for except in special cases. 220 ANALYSIS INORGANIC. If wo suppose the case of a solution containing all the metals, it is obvious that, by the successive application of each of these general reagents, we shall separate, first, by hydrochloric acid, those metals whose chlorides are insoluble ; secondly, by hydrosul- phuric acid, those metals whose sulphides are insoluble in dilute acids ; thirdly, by sulphide of ammonium, those remaining metals whose sulphides or hydrates are insoluble in neutral or alkaline liquids ; and lastly, by carbonate of ammonium, those metals whose carbonates are insohible : so that at last we have only the alkaline metals left in solution. In order, however, to effect the complete separation of each group, the general reagents must be employed in the order above stated: for sulphide of ammonium would precipitate those metals whose sulphides are insoluble in dilute acids, as well as those whose sulphides are only insoluble in neutral or alkaline liquids ; and carbonate of ammonium, if employed before the other reagents, would precipitate most of the metals of Groups 1 and 2, their carbonates being also insoluble. The following rules, the importance of which will be obvious on the least reflection, must also be strictly observed. 1. The mineral acid employed to acidify the original solution (when it is not already sufficiently acid), is either hydrochloric or nitric acid. Both are employed dilute, and not in sufficient quantity to interfere with the formation of the sulphides of Group 1. Hydrochloric is generally preferable to nitric acid : for it serves as a general reagent, separating at once those metals which form insoluble chlorides. If nitric acid be em- ployed, these metals will be found in the precipitate by hydrosulphuric acid. 2. The precipitation by each general reagent must be complete. To ensure this, the reagent must be added gradually, allowing the precipitate to subside between each addition, until no further precipitate is produced. In the case of hydrosulphuric acid, the precipitation is complete when the solution, after agitation, still smells strongly of the gas. Gentle heat facilitates the separation of precipitates in almost every case. Arsenic (as arsenic acid), gold, platinum, iridium, rhodium, and molybdenum, are precipitated very slowly by hydrosulphuric acid. Tungsten and vanadium are not precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid from an acid solution : they are, however, included in Group 1, because their sulphides (obtained by adding sulphide of ammonium and then hydrochloric acid), are insoluble in acids, but soluble in sulphide of ammonium. 3. Each group, when precipitated, must be thoroughly freed by washing with water from all members of the subsequent groups, which may be contained in the solution. This washing is effected, according to circumstances, either on a filter, or by decan- tation. If the precipitate contains any easily oxidable sulphides, a little hydrosul- phuric acid must be added to the wash-water (if the sulphide is insoluble in dilute acids, e. g. sulphide of copper), or a little sulphide of ammonium (if the sulphide is soluble in dilute acids, e. g. sulphides of iron and manganese), in order to prevent the partial oxidation of the sulphide by exposure to the air during the washing of the precipitate. After the precipitation of each group, it is advisable to ascertain the presence or absence of any members of the succeeding groups, by carefully evaporating on platinum-foil a moderate quantity of the filtrate; if, after ignition, there is no distinctly visible residue, non-volatile substances need not be looked for further. It is obvious that, if these two precautions (complete precipitation and thorough washing) be neglected, metals belonging to one. group are liable to be found among those of another group ; and consequently, as the analysis proceeds, reactions will be obtained which will be the source of great perplexity to the unpractised analyst. Each group of metals having been separated by the application of general reagents, the presence or absence of each member of each group is ascertained by means of special or characteristic reagents. It seldom happens that the number of elements contained in any inorganic compound exceeds ten or twelve : and in most cases some distinct idea of the nature of its principal constituents is afforded by the results of the preliminary examination. In metallic minerals and alloys, the heavy metals are chiefly to be looked for : in silicates, the earthy, alkaline-earthy, and alkaline metals, iron, and manganese. It frequently happens that important information may be derived from the colour of a precipitate or of a solution. Thus solutions of cupric, chromic, molybdic, and vanadic salts, are blue or green ; those of nickel-salts, green ; those of ferrous-salts, light bluish-green ; those of chromates, gold-salts, ferric- and platinic-salts, yellow, with a red or brown tinge ; those of cobalt-salts, red, &c. These colours are not perceptible when the amount of metal present is very small, or when they are masked by the presence of other metals, the colour of whose solutions is complementary to them. In order to show the systematic method by which the members of each group are detected in presence of each other, we will now briefly go through the most important groups mentioned in the table. 1. Precipitate produced by hydrochloric acid. Chloride of lead is soluble in a large quantity of water, especially on boiling ; chloride of silver, in ammonia ; subchloride ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 221 of mercury is blackened by ammonia. (The addition of either hydrochloric or nitric acid may produce a precipitate in presence of such acids, hydrates, cyanides, sulphides &c., as are soluble in alkaline liquids, but insoluble in water; or a precipitate of sulphur, in presence of a polysulphide or hyposulphite, or a white precipitate, readily soluble in more water, in a saturated solution of a barium-salt.) 2. Precipitate produced by hydrosulphuric acid. a. Portion soluble in alkaline sulphides. Sulphide of arsenic is soluble in acid sul- phite of potassium or in sesquicarbonate of ammonium, the sulphides of antimony and tin are not. When the three sulphides are dissolved in aqua-regia, and the solution is introduced into a Marsh's apparatus, antimony and arsenic are detected by the behaviour of their gaseous hydrogen-compounds ; tin, after its separation by zinc, by its solubility in hydrochloric acid, and by the reaction of its solution with chloride of mercury. b. Portion insoluble in alkaline sulphides. The precipitate is treated with nitric acid : sulphide of mercury and sulphate of lead may remain undissolved. In the solution, lead is detected by sulphuric acid ; silver, by hydrochloric acid ; bismuth by its precipitation by ammonia, or by water if no excess of acid is present ; copper, by the blue colour of its ammoniacal solution, or by ferrocyanide of potassium ; cadmium, by the precipitation of its ammoniacal solution by hydrosulphuric acid, after the addi- tion of cyanide of potassium. 3. Precipitate produced by sulphide of ammonium. The precipitate is digested with excess of caustic potash in the cold : chromium, zinc, aluminium, and glucinum are found in the solution. Of the metals contained in the residue : cobalt, nickel, and manganese form soluble double salts with ammonia, and so are not precipitated by it : iron, uranium, the rarer earthy metals, and alkaline- earthy phosphates, oxalates, &c., are precipitated by ammonia, even in presence of chloride of ammonium. The hydrates of uranium and the rarer earthy metals are readily soluble in carbonate of ammonium : ferric hydrate is less soluble, and the alkaline-earthy salts are insoluble. Ferric salts are detected by sulphocyanate or ferrocyanide of potassium ; the alkaline-earthy salts by appro- priate characteristic reagents. 4. Precipitate produced by carbonate of ammonium. The metals which compose this group (barium, strontium, calcium) are distinguished by the different solubility of their sulphates, oxalates, chromates, &c. : and by the colours which they com- municate to the blowpipe flame, or to that of burning alcohol. 5. The solution, after the successive application of the above general reagents, can only contain magnesium and the alkaline metals. Magnesium is detected by its precipitation by phosphate of ammonium ; the alkaline metals by the colour which they impart to the blowpipe or alcohol flame, and by the different solubility of their tartrates or chloroplatinates. Ammonium is always sought for in a separate portion of the original solution : it is detected by the evolution of ammonia when any of its salts are heated with a fixed alkali or alkaline earth. Since hyposulphite of sodium is decomposed by the salts of most of those metals which are precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid from an acid solution, a metallic sulphide being precipitated, it has been proposed to employ this compound as a general reagent instead of hydrosulphuric acid, and so to avoid the unpleasant smell of the latter. This substitution, however, has not as yet been generally adopted. Carbonate of barium may also be employed as a general reagent. "When a solution containing metallic salts is shaken up with excess of this salt, in the cold : Are precipitated. Are not precipitated. Tin. Silver. Gold. Lead. Iridium. Iron \ Khodium. Nickel Palladium. Cobalt Us protosalte. Platinum. Manganese J Mercury. Zinc. Copper. Cerium. Bismuth. Yttrium. Cadmium. Glucinum. Aluminium. Magnesium. Manganese ] Calcium. Iron V as sesquisalts. Barium. Uranium j Strontium. Chromium, as sesquisalt, or as chromic acid. Ammonium. Titanium,as titanic acid. Lithium. Sodium. Potassium. 222 ANALYSIS INORGANIC. Mercury, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, and gold are precipitated by carbonate of barium only when they are present as oxygen-salts, not when present as chlorides, &c. Arsenic, antimonic, phosphoric, selenic, and sulphuric acids are not precipitated by carbonate of barium until the solutions of their salts have been acidulated with nitric or hydrochloric acid. Carbonate of barium is not much used as a general reagent ; it is however employed with advantage for the separation of the metals which are precipitated by sulphide of ammonium, since it precipitates com- pletely those which are present as sesquisalts, while the protosalts remain in solution. When, in the course of a systematic qualitative analysis, one or more members of the different groups have been recognised as constituents of the substance under ex- amination, by means of the reactions above enumerated, the results must be confirmed by certain special reactions, which will be detailed at length in the articles devoted to the several elements. b. Examination for Acids. The qualitative detection of acids, is, on the whole, more difficult than that of metals ; still, with due care, it may be accomplished with great precision. In most cases, the preliminary examination, as well as the nature of the metals already found, give infor- mation as to what acids should especially be looked for. The knowledge of the solubility of different salts, and of the reactions of their aqueous solutions with vegetable colours, is of the greatest importance in this examination. By heating the substance either alone or with concentrated sulphuric acid, the presence or absence of organic and volatile inorganic acids is at once ascertained, these acids either volati- lising undecomposed, or yielding volatile products of decomposition. For this pur- pose, a small portion of the dry substance is heated in a test-tube (not to boiling) with 3 to 4 times its volume of concentrated sulphuric acid ; when, in the case of all acids which are either volatile without decomposition, or are decomposed by sulphuric acid at a high temperature, gases or vapours are evolved, the properties of which, in most cases, indicate the nature of the acids present. 1. Non-volatile acids : whose compounds evolve no vapours when heated with sul- phuric acid, the mixture not being blackened Silicic, Boric, Phosphoric, Sulphuric, lodic, Arsenic, Selenic, Tungstic, Molybdic, Titanic acids. 2. Acids which evolve a coloured gas, the mixture not being blackened Hydriodic, Hydrobromic, Bromic, Chloric, Hypochlorous, Nitrous acids. 3. Acids which evolve a colourless gas, generally possesses an irritating smell and an acid reaction, the mixture not being blackened a. Volatile without decom- position: Hydrosulphurie, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Acetic, Benzoic, Succinic, Hydro- floric acids. The gas evolved is not inflammable, except in the case of hydro- sulphuric acid b. Decomposed Cyanic, Chromic (evolves oxygen), Carbonic, Sulphurous, Hyposulphurous, Polythionic, Oxalic, Formic, Hydrocyanic, Sulphocyanic, acids, Ferro- and Ferri-cyanides. In most of these cases, the gas evolved is inflam- mable. 4. Non-volatile organic acids: Tartaric, Kacemic, Citric, Malic, Tannic, Gallic, Uric acids. The mixture is blackened, and carbonic and sulphurous anhydrides and carbonic oxide are evolved. The behaviour of a mixture of salts, when heated alone or with sulphuric acid, is often different from that of each individual salt under the same circumstances. Thus a mixture of a nitrate or chlorate with a salt of an organic acid, does not blacken when ignited, but commonly detonates : a chloride, in presence of a nitrate, when heated with sulphuric acid, evolves chlorine and red nitrous fumes ; in presence of a chromate, red fumes of chlorochromic acid ; in a mixture of a sulphite and a nitrate, chlorate, chromate, &c., the sulphurous acid is converted into sulphuric acid ; in a mixture of a sulphide and a sulphite, the two acids decompose each other, sulphur being sepa- rated, and the characteristic smell of each destroyed. Chloride and subchloride of mercury, and chloride of tin are decomposed with difficulty, if at all, by sulphuric acid. From a solution containing volatile and non-volatile acids, the former may be separated by distillation with dilute sulphuric acid. The general reagents usually employed in the examination for acids in the wet way, are chloride or nitrate of barium ; chloride of calcium ; a mixture of sulphate of mag- nesium, ammonia, and ^chloride of ammonium ; sesquichloride of iron ; nitrate of silver ; and indigo-solution. By these reagents, the most important acids are divided into the following groups. 1. Acids which are precipitated by chloride of barium : a. from a solution acidulated with nitric or hydrochloric acid Sulphuric, Selenic, Fluosilicic acids. ANALYSIS INORGANIC. 223 b. From a neutral solution (the precipitate being soluble in acids) Sulphurous, Phosphoric, Carbonic, Silicic, Hydrofluoric, Oxalic, Chromic, Boric, Tartaric, Citric, Arsenious, Arsenic acids. The last five acids are not precipitated in presence of ammoniacal-salts. 2. Acids which are precipitated by chloride of calcium : a. From a neutral solution only (the precipitate being soluble in acetic acid) Phos- phoric, Arsenic, Boric, Carbonic, Sulphurous, Tartaric, Citric acids, and Ferrocyanides. 1. From a neutral or acetic acid solution Sulphuric, Hydrofluoric, Oxalic, Kacemic acids. 3. Acids which are precipitated by sulphate of magnesium, in presence of ammonia and chloride of ammonium Phosphoric, Arsenic, Tartaric acids. 4. Acids which are detected by sesquichloride of iron : a. Are precipitated Ferrocyanides (from a solution containing free hydrochloric acid): Phosphoric, Arsenic, Tannic acids (from a neutral or acetic acid solution) : Boric, Benzoic, Succinic acids (from neutral solutions only). b. Are coloured In presence of free hydrochloric acid; Ferricyanides (brown), Sul- phocyanic acid (red). In neutral solutions only : Acetic, Formic, Sulphurous, Meconic acids (red) : Gallic acid (black). 5. Acids which are precipitated by nitrate of silver : a. From neutral solutions only (precipitate being soluble in dilute nitric acid) Phosphoric, -Pyro- and Meta-pbosphoric, Arsenic, Arsenious, Chromic, Oxalic, Boric, Tartaric, Citric, Sulphurous, Formic acids : Silicic and Acetic acids from concentrated solutions. b. From acid solutions also (the precipitate being insoluble in dilute nitric acid). Hydrochloric, Hydrobromic, Hydriodic, Hydrocyanic, Sulphocyanic, lodic, Hydro- sulphuric acids, and Ferro- and Ferri-cyanides. 6. Indigo-solution is decolorised, without the addition of an acid, by free chlorine and bromine ; by all the oxygen-acids of chlorine, when free, and by metallic hypo- chlorites ; by free nitric acid, if not too dilute, by alkaline sulphides, and by caustic alkalis. On addition of sulphuric acid, and heating, by chlorates, bromates, iodates, and nitrates. On addition of hydrochloric acid, and heating (chlorine being evolved), by all the foregoing compounds ; also by chromates, selenates, tellurates, vanadates, manganates, permanganates, ferrates, and all peroxides. In investigating the acids contained in a soluble compound, the first step is to as- certain the behaviour of the solution to vegetable colours. When, as is frequently the case, a neutral solution is required, the solution, if acid, is neutralised by ammonia : if alkaline, by nitric acid, or, if nitrate of silver be not employed as a reagent, by hydrochloric acid. But, as many of the heavy metals, as well as some alkaline-earthy salts, are precipitated when their solution is neutralised by ammonia, it is generally necessary to remove from the solution all metals except the alkaline metals, before proceeding to test for acids ; in which process, the presence or absence of metallic acids, and of alkaline-earthy phosphates, oxalates, &c. will be ascertained. When this is not done, it is frequently necessary to substitute for the general reagents mentioned above, the nitrate of the same base, since nitric acid forms no insoluble salts : thus nitrate, instead of chloride, of barium, must be employed in solutions containing lead, silver, or subsalts of mercury. We have already mentioned cases in which the addition of nitric or hydrochloric acid to an alkaline solution will produce a precipitate. The following acids are also precipitated by the mere acidulation of their alkaline solutions : Tungstic, Molybdic, Antimonic, Benzoic, Uric acids ; Boric and Silicic acids from con- centrated solutions. Under the same circumstances, a precipitate of sulphur is produced in presence of hyposulphurous acid or polysulphides : of iodine, in a solution containing an iodide and an iodate : of acid tartrate of potassium or ammonium, in a solution containing the normal tartrates of these metals. The nature of the metals found in a solution will often imply the absence of one or more acids : generally speaking, a neutral or acid solution containing one of the metals whose salts are used as general reagents for acids, need not be examined for any of those acids which are precipitated by that metal. Thus, sulphuric or hydrochloric acid need not be sought for in soluble compounds containing barium or silver respectively. In order not to overlook the presence of uncombined volatile organic acids, the acid solution is neutralised with carbonate of sodium, evaporated to dryness, and ignited : when the organic acid, which, if free, would have been volatilised undecomposed, is decomposed, with separation of carbon. Substances which are insoluble in water or acids are rendered soluble by one of the methods already described, and the solution is examined for acids in the wet way. In- soluble compounds of the heavy metals are mostly decomposed by digestion with 224 ANALYSIS INORGANIC. sulphide of ammonium ; sulphates of strontium and calcium by digestion with carbonate of sodium : in both cases, the filtrate contains the acid, together with an excess of the decomposing agent, while the metal is found in the residue. Insoluble salts of organic acids are decomposed by boiling with an alkaline carbonate ; ferric salts of volatile organic acids by digestion with ammonia : in both cases, the filtrate contains an alkaline salt of the acid. Sulphides and all salts of the lower oxygen-acids of sulphur, yield sulphuric acid when digested with nitric acid, or any other oxidising agent. The application of confirmatory tests is as necessary in the case of acids as in that of metals. F. T. C. The methods of quantitative inorganic analysis cannot be included in one article. The processes for the separation and quantitative estimation of each element are de- scribed in the article devoted to that element. The analysis of ashes, soils, mineral- waters, &c. and volumetric analysis, are also described in separate articles. We may here however describe a method, of general application, which is found useful in many cases, viz. : The Indirect method of Quantitative Analysis. The usual method of de- termining the quantities of the several constituents of a compound or mixture, is to separate each of them in the form of a definite compound, which can be collected and weighed, e. g. silver as chloride, barium as sulphate, &c., and calculate the weight of the required constituent from the known composition of this compound. It sometimes happens however, that the complete separation of certain substances is very difficult, or even impossible, and in that case, recourse is had to a method of determination, which depends on the general principle that any number of unknown quantities may be determined simultaneously, if we can find between them a number of relations equal to that of the quantities themselves ; in other words, n unknown quantities may be determined by means of n equations. Suppose for example, we have a mixture, either solid or liquid, containing potassium and sodium, in the form of hydrates or carbonates. Take two equal portions of the mixture (it is not necessary to know the weight of these portions), convert one portion into chlorides, the other into sulphates, and weigh the two products. Let the sum of the weights of the chlorides be a, and that of the sulphates b : the unknown weight of potassium x, and that of sodium y ; then from the known atomic weights of the metals, their chlorides and sulphates, we have : 74-5 58-5 39" * + sr y - a 87 71 39 * + 23 y = b whence the quantities x and y may be determined. Another form in which the indirect method may be applied to the determination of two substances, is to bring them both together into a form in which they can be weighed, e. g. as chlorides or sulphates, and determine the.quantity of chlorine or of sulphuric acid in the mixture ; thus, suppose a mixture of potash and soda to be con- verted into chlorides : let the sum of the weights of these chlorides be s, and let the amount of chlorine in this mixture, determined as chloride of silver, be c ; then if x be the quantity of potassium and y the quantity of sodium, we have the two equations : KC1 NaCl Cl Cl ET* + -Na^ = * ; K* + K& y =C 74-5 38-5 35-5 35-4 or 3T-* + 2T^ -* ; Z9-* + W- y = s whence x and y may be found. If three substances are to be determined, e. g. barium, strontium, and calcium, we should of course require three equations, which, in the case supposed, might be obtained by weighing the three substances, first as carbonates, then as oxalates, then as sul- phates. It is seldom, however, that the indirect method is applied to the determination of more than two substances. A case in which this indirect method of analysis is often applied, is to the deter- mination of a small quantity of bromine or iodine in presence of chlorine, as in the analysis of mineral waters. The chlorine and bromine are precipitated by a solution of silver, and the mixed chloride and bromide of silver is weighed. It is then ignited in a stream of chlorine till all the bromine is expelled, and the resulting chloride is again weighed : let the difference of the two weights be d : then, since chlorine and ANALYSIS (ORGANIC). 225 bromine replace one another in the proportion of their atomic weights, viz. as 35-6 to 80, we have : 35-5 _ 44-5 ,, whence Br - an Br = d; ^ Br = d. o() ou and therefore Br = 1797 d. The indirect method of analysis can only be employed with advantage to ascertain the relative quantities of substances whose atomic weights differ considerably : with a mixture of bodies of the same atomic weight, it cannot give any definite result ; in fact the two equations which it involves become in that case identical. ANALYSIS (ORGANIC). The analysis of organic substances divides itself, like that of inorganic bodies, into qualitative and quantitative. A further division is also convenient, viz. into Elementary or Ultimate Analysis and Proximate analysis, according as the object of the inquiry is to determine the ultimate elements, carbon, hydrogen, &c., of which the body is composed, or the proximate principles, such as sugar, starch, fibrin, &c., in which those elements are grouped. I. ELEMENTARY OB ULTIMATE ORGANIC ANALYSIS. Organic bodies are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with or without nitrogen, sometimes also associated with sulphur and phosphorus : these are all the elements that occur in natural organic compounds ; those which are artificially prepared may contain any elements whatever. The detection and estimation of these elements depends essentially on the process of COMBUSTION. "When an organic compound is heated to redness in contact with free oxygen, or with a substance which gives up that element with facility, it is com- pletely decomposed, its elements being separated either in the free state or in new forms of combination. Qualitative Analysis. Carbon and Hydrogen are detected by burning the compound in a glass tube in contact with oxide of copper or chromate of lead. The carbon is then converted into carbonic acid*, which if passed into baryta-water, forms a white precipitate of carbonate of barium, and the hydrogen into water, which collects in drops in a small cooled receiver attached to the combustion-tube, or, if in very small quantity, may be rendered visible by causing the vapour to pass through a narrow glass tube lined with phosphoric anhydride, which if water is present, will be con- verted into phosphoric acid and dissolved. Carbon may also, in nearly all cases, be detected by the black residue which remains when the organic substance is burned in the air, or ignited in a close vessel, or heated with strong sulphuric acid ; very few organic bodies contain sufficient oxygen to burn away the carbon completely, even in contact with the air. The black residue of carbonaceous matter may be distinguished from black substances of inorganic origin, by burning slowly away when heated to redness, and by its property of deflagrating with nitre and chlorate of potassium. Nitrogen in organic bodies ia for the most part given off in the free state when the compound is burned with oxide of copper, but a surer mode of detecting it, especially when in small quantity, is to heat the substance in a test-tube with a considerable excess of hydrate of potassium or sodium. The carbon is then converted into car- bonic acid by the oxygen of the alkaline hydrate, while the whole or the greater part of the hydrogen unites with the nitrogen to form ammonia, which may be detected by its odour, by its action on litmus paper, and by the white fumes which it produces when a glass rod dipped in dilute hydrochloric acid is held over the mouth of the tube (see AMMONIA). A still more delicate test for nitrogen is the following, given by Lassaigne. A portion of the organic compound is fused in a test-tube with a small piece of potassium ; the mass is treated with water when cold ; and the liquid boiled with protosulphate of iron partially oxidised by contact with the air. If it be then supersaturated with hydrochloric acid, the presence of nitrogen will be indicated by the formation of a precipitate of Prussian blue, or in case of very minute quantities, by a bluish green colour being communicated to the solution. Chlorine in organic bodies is detected by igniting the compound with quick lime, whereby it is completely destroyed, the chlorine uniting with the calcium, in which state of combination it may be dissolved out by water, and the chlorine precipitated by nitrate of silver. In some organic compounds which contain hydrochloric acid ready formed, viz. the hydrochlorates of the organic bases, the chlorine may be imme- diately detected by nitrate of silver without this preliminary treatment. * Throughout this article, the term carbonic acid is used for CO 2 , in accordance with established usage, instead of the more correct appellation carbonic anhydride. VOL. L Q 226 ANALYSIS (ORGANIC) Bromine and Iodine may be detected by similar treatment ; Fluorine in the same manner as in inorganic bodies. Sulphur, Phosphorus, and Arsenic, are detected by igniting the organic compound with a mixture of hydrate of potassium, and nitre or chlorate of potassium, whereby those elements are converted into sulphuric, phosphoric, and arsenic acids, the presence of which may be demonstrated by reactions appropriate to each. Metals occurring in organic compounds, remain for the most in the form of oxides, or in the metallic state when the organic matter is burnt. Mercury may be detected in the ordinary way, by distillation with lime. Quantitative Analysis. The first quantitative analyses of organic bodies were made by Gray-Lussac and The"nard. The substance to be analysed was mixed with a known weight of chlorate of potassium, and made up into small pellets, which were dropped one by one through a stopcock of peculiar construction, into an upright glass tube heated to redness, the gas thereby produced escaping by a lateral tube and being collected over mercury. The volume of gas was exactly measured, and the carbonic acid absorbed by caustic potash. The remaining gas consisted either of pure oxygen, or (in the case of azotised bodies) of a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, the propor- tions of which were determined eudiometrically (see ANALYSIS OF GASES). Knowing then the weight of the substance burned, the weight of the chlorate of potassium used, and consequently the quantity of oxygen evolved, also the quantity of carbonic acid produced, and of the oxygen remaining after its absorption, sufficient data were obtained for calculating the amount of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the substance analysed : for, the difference between the total quantity of oxygen which had disappeared, and that which was consumed in burning the carbon (this latter quantity being equal in volume to the carbonic acid produced), gave the quantity which had united with the hydrogen to form water, and thence the amount of hydrogen was calculated. This process was a great step in chemical science, and yielded many important results ; but it was difficult of execution, requiring great skill on the part of the operator ; it was also inexact in the case of nitrogenous bodies, and totally inapplicable to liquid or volatile compounds. Berzelius simplified it by mixing the chlorate of potassium with common salt, thereby causing the combustion to go on gradually, and rendering it possible to introduce the whole of the material at once. He also collected and weighed the water produced, and thus greatly simplified the calculation. Saussure and Prout burned the organic substance in an atmosphere of oxygen. Prout's apparatus was so contrived that the substance was burnt in a measured volume of oxygen, and the volume of the gas remaining after combustion was compared with the original volume. Now, since the volume of carbonic acid produced by the com- bustion of carbon is equal to that of the oxygen consumed, while that which unites with the hydrogen to form water disappears altogether, it follows that if the organic substance contains oxygen and hydrogen exactly in the proportion to form water (as in acetic acid, sugar, &c.), the volume of gas remaining after combustion will be equal to that of the original oxygen : whereas if the proportion of hydrogen is greater (as in alcohol and ether), the volume of gas will be diminished by the combustion ; and if the proportion of hydrogen is less (as in oxalic acid), the volume of gas will be in- creased. Hence, by absorbing the carbonic acid with potash and measuring the residual gas, sufficient data were obtained for calculating the quantities of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The method now universally adopted for the estimation of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds, consists in burning the compound with a large excess of oxide of copper or chromate of lead, and determining the quantities of carbonic acid and water produced by the combustion, not by measure but by weight, the water being absorbed by chloride of calcium, and the carbonic acid by potash. The use of oxide of copper was first introduced by Gray-Lussac and afterwards adopted by Ure ; but it is to Liebig that we are indebted for those modifications of the process which have brought it to its present state of simplicity and exactness. The process, as now performed, requires the following materials and apparatus. Oxide of Copper. Prepared by dissolving copper in nitric acid, evaporating to dry- ness, and calcining the residual nitrate in a crucible at a low red heat. As thus prepared, it is a dense, soft black powder, which rapidly absorbs water from the air even before it is quite cold. If, however, it be very strongly heated, it aggregates into dense hard lumps, which, when broken into small pieces and sifted from the finer powder, yield an oxide well adapted for the combustion of volatile liquids. Oxide of copper may also be prepared by igniting copper turnings in a muffle. The oxide thus obtained is much harder and less hygroscopic than that prepared from the nitrate, but it is not so easily mixed with an organic substance in the state of fine powder. Oxide of copper must always be heated to low redness immediately before use. Chromate of Lead. Prepared by precipitating a solution of acetate of lead with \a- ELEMENTARY OR ULTIMATE. 227 chromate of potassium, fusing the washed and dried precipitate in a crucible, and pulverising it in an iron mortar ; it is then obtained in the form of a yellow-brown powder. It is but very slightly hygroscopic ; but to ensure its complete dryness, it should be preserved in stoppered bottles and heated over a lamp just before it is used. Metallic Copper. Used in the analysis of bodies containing nitrogen. The most convenient form is that of fine copper turnings, or thin foil rolled up into a spiral. As the surface, especially of the turnings, is seldom clean, the metal should first be heated in a current of air, to destroy any organic matter adhering to it, then pressed into a combustion-tube, and heated in a current of dry hydrogen gas to reduce the oxide previously formed, the heat being continued as long as vapour of water continues to be given off, and the stream of hydrogen afterwards kept up till the metal is cold. By this treatment, the surface becomes covered with finely divided copper, which is very hygroscopic and must therefore be strongly heated over a lamp before use. Finely divided copper reduced by hydrogen from the oxide, is not applicable, being found to decompose carbonic acid at a red heat. Combustion-tubes of hard glass. They must be capable of sustaining a strong red heat without melting or even softening to such a degree as to be blown out by the pressure of the evolved gases. The best are made of the hard Bohemian glass (silicate of calcium and potassium), which may now be procured without difficulty. Glass containing lead is utterly unfit for the purpose. When the temperature required for a combustion is very high, the tube should be protected by wrapping it in copper foil or brass wire-gauze, to prevent it from bending if it becomes softened by the heat. The length and diameter of tube required vary according to the substance to be burnt. For the combustion of ordinary solids, tubes of half an inch internal diameter, and 18 inches long, are well adapted : for solids containing very little carbon, a diameter of pj of an inch is sufficient : for liquids, it is necessary to use tubes ^ of an inch wide and 20 or 30 inches long, the length being greater as the liquid is more volatile. The use of tubes of larger dimensions than the particular case requires, is not to be recommended, as it involves waste of oxide of copper and increases the unavoidable errors of the operation. The tubes, after being thoroughly cleansed and dried, are drawn out into an inclined neck, and sealed at one end, while the other end is cut as Fig. 8. evenly as possible with a - -- , file, and afterwards made smooth at the edges by care- ful heating in the blowpipe flame. The best mode of sealing is to take a tube of double the length required, soften it in the middle by means of a powerful blow- / pipe flame, then draw it out j in the manner shown in fig. 8, and apply the point of the flame for an instant at the middle of the neck a, so as to divide and seal it. By this means, two tubes of the required shape are made at once. Chloride of calcium tubes. The chloride of calcium for absorbing the water gene- rated in the combustion, is usually contained in a bulb-tube of the form shown in fig. 9. The end a passes through a perforated cork fitting into the combustion-tube, and Fig. 9. the end b is fitted with a cork and narrow glass tube, which is connected with the potash- apparatus by means of a flexible tube of caout- chouc. Small plugs of cotton-wool are placed at c, d, to keep the chloride of calcium in its place. The cork d should be covered nX ' ^ ***** * ** *** ^ " absor P tion Another form of this apparatus presenting some advantages is the U-tube (fia 10} having at the end nearest to the combustion-tube, a small test-tube, t, which serves to ^]T^A^t^*^>"^^^***rt^ does not get so much wetted, and may be used several times without renewal. Chloride of calcium tubes are sometimes also made in the form of a U-tube (fig. 1 1 ), having two bulbs, the one er be n^ 7 f , ""^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ with chloride f <*lcium, and the upper being empty to receive the greater part of the water. This form of tube that iast c2 228 ANALYSIS (ORGANIC) The U-tube must always be used in preference to the straight tube (fig. 8), when the combustion is made in a stream of oxygen gas ; because the current of gas being then rather strong, is apt to carry the vapour of water through the straight tube so quickly that a portion of it escapes uncondensed, whereas the U-tube detains it longer, and is more likely to ensure complete absorption. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. The chloride of calcium should be in the spongy state in which it is obtained by drying at about 200 C. The fused chloride is not so good for the purpose, because it often contains free lime, which absorbs carbonic acid as well as water. Potash-bulbs. The solution of caustic potash which absorbs the carbonic acid, is contained in a Liebig's bulb-apparatus (fig. 12), the form of which is so contrived as to keep the bubbles of gas in contact with the solution for a considerable time, without using a long column of liquid. The large bulb a, is connected with the chloride-of-calcium tube, the other extremity of the apparatus being left open. The solution of potash should have a density of about 1-27. If a weaker ley be used, the carbonic acid will not be completely absorbed, and stronger ley is apt to froth, and in that case a portion of it is sure to be forced out at the open end of the apparatus, thereby annihilating the re- sult of the experiment. To fill the bulbs, the potash solution is poured into a small beaker or crucible, and drawn into the apparatus by means of a small suction- tube (fig. 13), attached to one end by means of a perforated cork The quantity of liquid introduced should be sufficient to nearly fill the three lower bulbs, not more : the apparatus thus filled weighs from 40 to 50 grammes. Before weighing, it must be carefully wiped on the outside; and the inside of the tube, by which the liquid has entered, must be dried by means of a thin roll of filtering paper. Corks. The connection between the combustion-tube and the chloride of calcium tube, is made by a perforated cork. The greatest pains should be taken to select for the purpose good corks, smooth, and free from flaws. They should be softened by beating or by pressure. Immediately before the combustion, the cork must be thoroughly dried in an air-bath or sand-bath at a temperature a little above 100 C.: too great a heat must be avoided, as it renders the cork brittle. Caoutchouc-tubes. The chloride-of-calcium tube is connected with the potash- apparatus by a flexible tube of caoutchouc. These tubes are easily made by binding a piece of sheet-caoutcb.ouc over a glass rod or tube of the proper size, and cutting it with a single stroke of a pair of scissors. If the edges be then pressed together, a per- fectly tight tube will be made. The connections are made air-tight by tying with silk cord. Tubes of vulcanised caoutchouc, which may be purchased ready made, may also be used, and if of such a size as to require some force to fit them to the tubes, they make an air-tight joint without tying ; they must however always be previously digested with a moderately strong solution of potash, in order to remove the sulphur, which is otherwise apt to get into the chloride of calcium tube and potash-apparatus. Combustion-furnaces. The combustion-tubes are heated either with charcoal or with coal gas : formerly charcoal was the only fuel employed ; but gas-furnaces are Fig. 13. ELEMENTARY OR ULTIMATE. 229 now coming into general use. Furnaces have also been constructed for burning spirit, ; but the high price of that material in most countries renders its use -very limited. The charcoal-furnace is made of sheet iron, in the form of a trough (Jig. 14), 22 to 24 inches long, and 3 inches high. The bottom is 3 inches wide, wth narrow aper- tures about i an inch apart, which form a sort of grate ; the sides of the furnace are inclined outwards, and 4| inches apart at top. To support the combustion-tube, pieces of strong sheet-iron of the form D (fig. 15), are riveted to the bottom of the furnace at Fig. 14. Fig. 15. intervals ; they are of exactly equal height,, with their edges ground flat, and correspond with the round aperture in front of the furnace A. The furnace is placed upon flat bricks, so that but little air can enter the grating unless the whole is purposely raised ; the draught can thus be regulated at pleasure. The heat produced by the charcoal fire is very regular, and may be raised to any degree required, higher indeed than the best combustion-tubes can bear ; on the other hand, the use of charcoal as fuel has many inconveniences; the operator is exposed to great heat and to the deleterious fumes of carbonic oxide, and the ash flies about to such an extent that it is always necessary to perform the combustions in a room apart from the general laboratory. For these reasons, it has long been considered desirable to use coal-gas as the fuel for the combustion process, and several forms of furnace have been contrived for the purpose. It is only lately, however, that the problem has received a satisfactory solution, viz. in the gas furnace constructed by Dr. Hofmann, and described by him in the Journal of the Chemical Society, vol. xi. p. 30, whence the following details and illustrations are taken. In using coal-gas as fuel, it is essential that the gas while burning be mixed with air in sufficient quantity to ensure complete combustion and prevent smoking. This is usually effected by interposing a sheet of wire gauze between the flame and the orifices from which the gas issnes. This contrivance was indeed adopted in a form of furnace for organic analysis invented some years ago by Dr. Hofmann, and has also been adopted by others. But all furnaces thus constructed are very liable to get out of order, in consequence of the speedy destruction of the wire gauze ; moreover, they do not afford sufficient heat for many combustions : hence they have not come into general use. In the new form of gas furnace, the mixing of the gas with air is attained by causing it to issue through a number of small orifices placed very close together. For this purpose, a peculiar form of burner is used, Fig. 16. called atmopyre (fig. 16). It consists of a hollow cylinder of burnt clay, closed at top, open at bottom, and having numerous per- forations in the sides. Those which are used for the combustion-furnace, are 3 inches high, | of an inch in external, and | internal diameter. The perforations, of about the thickness of a pin, are made in rows, each cylinder having 10 rows of 15 holes each. From such a clay cylinder loosely fixed upon an ordinary bat's wing burner, the stopcock of which has been properly adjusted, the gas burns with a perfectly blue smokeless flame, which en- velopes the cylinder and soon renders it incandescent. The disposition of the apparatus is shown in fig. 17. Into a brass tube a, from 3 feet to 3 feet 8 inches long, and 1 inch in diameter (shown in section in the figure), which communicates at both ends with the gas-main of the laboratory, there are screwed from 24 to 34 tubes b. These tubes, an inch wide and 7 inches high, are provided with stopcocks and carry brackets c c, f an inch long, and f of an inch in diameter, for the reception of five ordinary bat's wing burners (each consuming from 3 to Q 3 a. Horizontal gas pipe. 6. Vertical gag pipe provided with stop cock, c c. Brackets for burners. d ddd. High clay burners. e. Low clay burners. /. Combustion tube. g g. Wrought iron frame. /(A. Cast iron supports. f f. CaH 5 BrCl 2 , C 10 H 4 BrCl 3 , and C 10 H 3 Br 2 Cl 3 , shows clearly that the higher formula is the true one. When a compound is volatile without decomposition, its atomic weight may gene- rally be determined by means of its vapour-density. In nearly all cases, the mole- cule of a compound in the gaseous state is sxipposed to occupy 2 volumes (ATOMIC VOLUME), in other words, the vapour-density is half the weight of the molecule, and the formula of the compound must be calculated accordingly. Thus the vapour- density of alcohol, as determined by Gray-Lussac, is T6133, referred to air as unity, or 23*25, referred to hydrogen as unity. The double of this number, or 46-5 is therefore the weight of the molecule. Now the composition of alcohol, as deter- mined by elementary analysis, is C 2 H 6 0, and the weight of the molecule calculated from this formula is 46. The formula of alcohol is therefore C 2 H 6 and not any mul- tiple thereof. II. PROXIMATE OBGANIC ANALYSIS. The knowledge of the ultimate elements of which an organic body is composed, is not sufficient to give a complete idea of its constitution, unless the substance under examination is a definite chemical compound, such as sugar, alcohol, albumin, &c. In that case, all the knowledge that we wish to obtain, or indeed that we can obtain re- garding the constitution of the body, is derived from its elementary analysis, together with the study of its chemical reactions ; but when a complex organ, as a leaf or a root, or a vegetable or animal fluid, such as the sap, milk or blood, is to be examined, it is necessary, before proceeding to the ultimate analysis, to separate the several definite compounds o? proximate elements, of which the complex substance is made up; just as in examining a sample of granite, it is not sufficient to know the relative quantities of silicon, aluminium, potassium, oxygen, &c., which it contains, but we require also to know something of the manner in which these elements are grouped in the form of definite minerals ; in other words, to ascertain what proportions of quartz, felspar, and mica enter into the composition of the rock. The ultimate analysis of organic bodies is, as we have seen, reduced to a very com- plete system ; there is indeed no element occurring in an organic compound which cannot be detected with certainty, and estimated quantitatively within very narrow limits. But it is otherwise with the proximate analysis. With regard to vegetable substances in particular, nothing more than a few general directions can be given. In the case of animal bodies, some progress has been made towards the establishment of a systematic course of qualitative analysis, but much remains to be done before the method can approach in regularity and exactness to the processes of mineral analysis. The substance, whether vegetable or animal, solid or liquid, is divided into two parts, one for the determination of the inorganic, the other for that of the organic consti- tuents. The former is dried and incinerated (see ASHES) and the ash examined by the processes of mineral analysis. The former, if the analysis is to be quantitative, and in some instances also for qualitative analysis, is dried at a temperature between 100 and 110 or 115 C., great care being taken not to let the heat rise too high, as organic bodies are very easily decomposed by heat. Some bodies must be dried at the ordinary temperature over sulphuric acid. Liquids are first evaporated in shallow basins over the water-bath, and the residue is then dried at a somewhat higher temperature. The dried residue or the original substance, is then subjected to the action of various solvents, generally of ether, alcohol and water. Gerhardt recommends these solvents to be used in the order here indicated : this of course implies that the sub- stance is previously dried. Ether dissolves especially fatty and waxy substances, resins and camphors; alcohol dissolves the same substances with less facility, but on the other hand, it dissolves many substances which are insoluble in ether: water dissolves saccharine, gummy and amylaceous substances, and salts of organic acids. Benzol, oil of turpentine, chloroform and sulphide of carbon, are also used as solvents. Vegetable alkalis are extracted by dilute sulphuric or hydro- 250 ANALYSIS (ORGANIC) PROXIMATE. chloric acid ; organic acids by dilute ammonia or potash. The solutions of vegetable acids, and of certain other substances thus obtained, are often treated with acetate or subacetate of lead, in order to precipitate the organic principles in the form of in- soluble lead-salts, which are then decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. Acetate of aluminium and ferric acetate are also used as precipitants. The solutions obtained in this -way generally contain a mixture of proximate organic principles, which must be separated by fractional distillation, precipitation, saturation, or crystallisation : when crystals are obtained, it is mostly of great service to examine them by the microscope, in order to determine their form, and ascertain whether they are homogeneous. Fractional precipitation with acetate of lead is much used for the separation, of the higher terms of the fatty acid series, stearic, palmitic, acid, &c. The mixture of fatty acids is dissolved in alcohol ; the solution is partially precipitated with acetate of lead ; the precipitate is decomposed by sulphuric acid ; the fatty acids thereby sepa- rated are redissolved in alcohol, and again partially precipitated ; and this series of operations is repeated till the fatty acid thus separated shows a constant melting point. The method of fractional saturation applied by Liebig to the separation of some of the lower terms of the fatty acid series, may also here be noticed. When valeric and butyric acids occur together in a liquid, their separation may be effected by half saturating the mixture with soda, and distilling. If the valeric acid is in excess, pure valerate of sodium is left behind, and a mixture of butyric and valeric acids distils over ; if, on the contrary, the butyric acid is in excess, the residue contains butyrate as well as valerate of sodium : but the distillate consists of pure butyric acid. On dis- tilling the residue with excess of dilute sulphuric acid, the two acids pass over together, and by partially neutralising the distillate with an alkali, and again distilling, a fur- ther separation may be effected. At each stage of the process, the less volatile acid (the valeric) displaces the more volatile, and one only of the acids is found either in the distillate or in the residue, according as the more or the less volatile acid predo- minates. When a mixture of acetic acid with butyric or valeric acid is treated in this manner, different phenomena present themselves, the acetic acid, though the most volatile, exhibiting the greater tendency to displace the other two and remain in the residue. This peculiar behaviour is due to the formation of an acid acetate of sodium, C 2 H 3 Na0 2 .C-H'0 2 , which is not decomposed by either of the other acids. Hence, if the mixture contains more acetic acid than is sufficient to form an acid acetate with the quantity of soda added, the excess will pass over together with the whole of the butyric or valeric acid present, the residue consisting of pure acid acetate of sodium ; if, on the contrary, the quantity of acetic acid is less than sufficient to convert the whole of the soda into the acid acetate, pure valeric or butyric acid will pass over, and the residue will contain acid acetate of sodium, mixed with butyrate or valerate. Volatile oils are separated by fractional distillation. The roots, seeds, leaves, &c., containing them are macerated in water and distilled, and the oils which pass over with the aqueous vapour, are separated mechanically from the watery distillate, and subjected to fractional distillation, the portions which distil at constant boiling points or between narrow limits of temperature being collected apart. Many volatile oils have the composition of aldehydes, and these are separated from mixtures containing them, by agitation with a saturated solution of acid sulphite of sodium, with which they form crystalline compounds. In most cases, however, more information will be obtained concerning the best method of procedure in any particular case, by consulting the methods which are actually in use for separating special substances from complex mixtures in which they occur, than from any general rules : see for example the articles ALKALOIDS (DETECTION OF), BONE-OIL, CINCH ON A- BARK, OPIUM, for the methods of separating alkaloids ; the articles BILE, OLEIC ACID, STEARIC ACID, URIC ACID, &c., for the methods of separating acids ; and the articles ALBUMIN, GLYCERIN, SUGAR, &c., for the methods of separating neutral bodies. Examination of Animal Substances: Zoochemical Analysis. The general directions just given for the proximate analysis of complex organic bodies, are for the most part equally applicable to vegetable and to animal substances : but the proximate principles of the animal body being less numerous than those of the vegetable kingdom, where distinct proximate principles occur in every natural order and in many individual species, it is somewhat easier to lay down a systematic course for the qualitative analysis of animal substances. The following is the method given by Gorup-Besanez, in the Handworterbuch der Ckemie, 2 te Aufl. i. 984. a. For liquids. The physical characters must first be examined. Any turbidity or sediment occurring in the liquid is to be examined by the microscope for the detection of crystals., or bodies of any other definite form. An acid reaction of the liquid indi- ANALYSIS (ORGANIC) PROXIMATE. 251 cates the presence of free acids or of acid salts ; an alkaline reaction, that of free alkalis, alkaline carbonates or phosphates (as in blood, blood-serum, and serous transu- dates, or of ammonia resulting from decomposition (as in mine). A coagulum forming spontaneously, after a while, in a liquid originally clear, generally consists of fibrin ; it- may also consist of organised bodies, a question to be decided by examination with the microscope. The liquid, clarified, if necessary, by filtration or straining, is now to be examined as follows. 1. A portion of it is heated in a test-tube to the boiling point, acetic acid being added, before the boiling heat is attained, in sufficient quantity to produce a faint acid reaction, in case the liquid was originally neutral or alkaline. 0. If no distinct coagulum is formed, albumin is absent: pass on to (2). b. A distinct coagulum or turbidity is produced : Divide the liquid into two portions. To one portion add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid. If the precipitate dis- appears, albumin is absent, but earthy phosphates are probably present. Look for them by the microscope or by chemical tests. If the coagulum or turbidity does not disappear, add hydrochloric acid and heat to the boiling-point; if it dissolves gradually, with blood-red colour, albiimin is present : for a confirmatory test, add a few drops of nitric acid to a small quantity of the original liquid. N.B. If the coagulum formed by boiling the liquid, or the liquid itself, has a reddish- tinge, h sematin and globuli n may be present. The coagulum is then to be digested in alcohol containing sulphuric acid, and the liquid treated with the tests specially adapted to the discovery of those compounds. 2. The liquid in which no coagulum is produced by boiling, or the liquid filtered from the coagulum in the contrary case, may still contain the following albuminoidal substances: paralbumin and metalbumin, casein andglobulin. If only a turbidity was produced on boiling the liquid, paralbumin or metal- bumin may be present. Add acetic acid during ebullition; if the liquid then becomes turbid or deposits flocks, and yields a turbid filtrate, if it also gives a precipitate with ferrocyanide of potassium and nitric acid, and the last-mentioned precipitate is inso- luble in excess of nitric acid, paralbumin is present. Then look for metalbumin with alcohol and ferrocyanide of potassium. If alcohol produces a precipitate soluble in a large quantity of water, but ferrocyanide of potassium produces no precipitate, metalbumin is present. If the liquid remains perfectly clear on boiling, it may still contain the following albuminoid substances and their derivatives ; casein, globulin, glutin, chondrin, pyin, and mucus. A sample of the liquid is mixed with ferrocyanide of potassium. If it remains clear, casein and globulin are absent: pass on to (3). If a precipitate is formed, test for casein with solution of chloride of calcium and boiling, also with calf's rennet; for globulin, by observing whether a precipitate is formed by neutralising the solution after it has been made acid or alkaline. 3. To a portion of the liquid add acetic acid. If it remains clear, pyin, mucus, and chondrin are absent: pass on to (4). A precipitate is formed : test the solution with corrosive sublimate. If no precipi- tate is formed, pyin is absent. The occurrence of a precipitate indicates the presence of py i n, which may be verified by tincture of galls and neutral acetate of lead. If the corrosive sublimate produces merely a turbidity, chondrin is perhaps present. Con- centrate a portion of the liquid: the formation of a jelly indicates chondrin, the presence of which may be confirmed by its behaviour to alum and metallic salts. 4. The liquid in which acetic acid produced no precipitate may yet contain glutin. Concentrate a portion strongly, and leave it to cool: the formation of a jelly will then indicate glutin, which may be further tested with corrosive sublimate. 5. The original liquid or of it contained albumin, the liquid freed from that com- pound by boiling is concentrated by a gentle heat to | or i of its volume, then heated to boiling and left to cool. If no precipitate forms, the liquid is probably free from u rates : pass on to (6). If a precipitate is formed, add acetic acid. If the hitherto amorphous masses are then sera under the microscope to assume the form of rhombic tablets, uric acid is present and may be further tested with nitric acid and ammonia. A crystalline precipitate not altered by acetic acid points to the presence of sul- phate of calcium, or phosphate of magnesium, which may be further sub- mitted to microscopic and chemical examination. The precipitate, if crystalline, may also contain allantoin, tyrosin, hippurate of calcium, and benzoic acid. Microscopical examination and the general behaviour of the substance must then de- termine the further tests to be applied. 252 ANALYSIS (ORGANIC) PROXIMATE. 6. The concentrated liquid in which no precipitate is formed by boiling and sab- sequent cooling, or the liquid filtered from such a precipitate, is evaporated to a syrup on the water-bath, and left to itself for a considerable time. If crystals gradually form, it is left to stand as long as they continue to increase. They may consist of creatine, creatinine, glyccocoll, leucine, allantoin, taurine, sarcosine, iuosite, alkaline hippurates, chloride of sodium and other inorganic salts. It must in the first place be determined whether these crystals are organic or inorganic. In the former case, they must be tested especially for nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus (p. 221), their chemical character determined as nearly as possible, and the further examination regulated accordingly. In the latter case, they must be treated by the methods of inorganic analysis. If they blacken when strongly heated, but also leave a fixed residue, they probably consist of an organic acid combined with an inorganic base : in that case, the fixed residue will effervesce strongly with acids. 7. The syrupy residue itself, or the liquid separated from the crystals which have formed in it is evaporated nearly to dryness, and the residue exhausted with alcohol of specific gravity 0-833. a. A portion of the alcoholic solution concentrated and then diluted with water, is tested with nitric acid containing nitrous acid, for b i 1 e-p igment: b. A second portion treated in like manner, is tested with sugar and sulphuric acid for the acids of bile: c. A third portion is evaporated nearly to dryness, the residue dissolved in water, and the solution examined by Trommer's or Fehling's test for s u g ar : d. A larger portion of the alcoholic solution is evaporated to a small bulk, the cooled residue treated with nitric acid free from nitrous acid, and the vessel immersed in ice-cold water or in a freezing mixture. A laminar crystalline precipitate exhibiting the micro-crystalline characters of nitrate of urea, indicates urea (care must be taken to distinguish it from nitrates of the alkalis). A crystalline precipitate appearing after some time, or more quickly after previous heating, indicates hippuric or benzoicacid, the pre- sence of which must be verified by the microscope and by chemical reactions: e. Mix a portion of the concentrated alcoholic extract with a syrupy solution of chloride of zinc : if a crystalline precipitate forms, it may contain creatine and creatinine: if no such precipitate appears after a considerable time, creatine is certainly absent: f. The last portion of the concentrated alcoholic extract, which will exhibit a strong acid reaction, if any free acid is present, is to be heated with oxide of zinc, filtered hot, and a drop left to evaporate on a glass plate : if lactic acid is present, the cha- racteristic club and tun-shaped crystals of lactate of zinc will be seen by examination with the microscope. The presence of lactic acid may be confirmed by preparing a pure salt of the acid from a larger quantity of the liqiiid. 8. The residue insoluble in alcohol may contain, in addition to inorganic and so- called extractive matters, uric acid, guanine, hypoxanthine, and albumi- nates not precipitated by boiling. It must be exhausted with water, which takes \vp casein, pyin, and extractive matters, together with soluble salts, then with dilute potash solution, which dissolves uric acid, hypoxanthine, and guanine, and lastly, with dilute hydrochloric acid. What then remains may contain albuminates which have become insoluble, mucus, and perhaps also silica. All these substances must be further looked for by special tests. 9. Part of the original liquid is evaporated to dryness, and the residue, pulverised if possible, is exhausted with ether. The ethereal extract, chiefly containing fats in solution, is evaporated and further examined (see FATS and GLYCEKIDES). The residue insoluble in ether is incinerated, and the ash examined by the methods of inorganic analysis. /8. Tissues and Organs. In the analysis of animal tissues, it is absolutely necessary to operate with considerable quantities of material, not less than 20 pounds ; otherwise a very tedious investigation may be gone through without any satisfactory result. The tissue is first carefully comminuted and completely exhausted with cold water ; the extract is freed from albumin by boiling, and to the filtered liquid a concentrated solution of caustic baryta is added as long as any precipitate or turbidity is produced. The precipitate may contain phosphate of barium, phosphate of magnesium, sulphate of barium, uric acid, and hypoxanthine. The filtrate is evaporated to a syrup over the water-bath, care being taken to remove any mucous films like casein that form during the evaporation. These generally consist of carbonate of barium or phosphate of magnesium, but may also contain uric acid, hypoxanthine, or barium-salts of organic acids; they must, therefore, not be throAvn away. As soon as the filtrate is concentrated to the consistence of a thin syrup, it must be left to evaporate spontaneously. If small short colourless prisms form in it, they ANALYSIS (ORGANIC) PROXIMATE. 253 probably consist ofcreatine; as soon as they appear to be completely deposited, they are to be separated from the mother-liquor, recrystallised, and submitted to farther examination. The mother-liquor is then further evaporated, and mixed with small portions of alcohol, till a milky turbidity is produced, after which the mixture is left to itself for a few days ; if granular, laminar, or needle-shaped crystals form in it, they may con- tain, besides creatine and phosphate of magnesium, inosate of potassium and in o sate of barium. To obtain the inosic acid, dissolve the deposit in hot water, add chloride of barium, purify the inosate of barium which separates by crystallisation, and separate the inosic acid by precipitation with dilute sulphuric acid. The liquid separated from the deposit of inosates is now to be mixed with a fresh portion of alcohol, whereupon it generally separates into two layers, the lower being syrupy, the upper more mobile. The upper layer is decanted, and the lower is mixed with an equal volume of ether, which generally causes a fresh separation. The lower stratum thus formed may contain alkaline lactates, inosite, and salts of the volatile fatty acids; the upper, creatinine and leucine. The ether-alcoholic liquid is evaporated and left to crystallise. If the residue gradually deposits fine laminated crystals, dilute it with a little alcohol, filter off the mother-liquor, and treat the crystals with boiling alcohol ; they may contain creatine and creatinine. The creatine separates immediately as the filtrate cools ; the creatinine crystallises from the mother-liquor. The heavy syrupy liquid mixed with the mother-liquor of the creatine and creatinine is supersaturated with dilute sulphuric acid, in order to precipitate all the baryta, and the filtrate is distilled to obtain the volatile acids. The residue of the distillation, if shaken up with ether, may perhaps yield lactic and succinic acids. The residue of the distillation, after being freed from these acids, is mixed with strong alcohol, till it becomes turbid, and left at rest. Sulphate of potassium then crystallises out, and on repeatedly adding fresh portions of alcohol, more sulphate of potassium, together with inosite, which must be separated from the sulphate of potassium, as far as possible by mechanical means, and then by recrystallisation from a small quantity of warm water. To obtain hypoxauthine and uric acid from the baryta-precipitates, viz. that which separated in films at the beginning of the process, and that which was produced by adding sulphuric acid to separate the volatile acids treat the united precipitates with boiling potash-ley, filter, acidulate with hydrochloric acid, rediesolve the resulting precipitate in potash, and add sal-ammoniac. Uric acid is then precipitated as urate of ammonium, while hyp oxan thine remains in solution, and may be obtained by evaporation as a yellowish- white powder. If the filtrate from the coagulum of albumin, after being evaporated to a syrup, does not yield any well developed crystals, but after standing for some time, masses having a crystalline aspect, soft and unctuous to the touch, and appearing under the microscope as yellowish refracting spherules, the presence of leucine may be sus- pected. These masses are then to be separated from the mother-liquor, which, after standing for a longer time, deposits more of them, and the entire product strongly pressed between porous tiles and purified by repeated crystallisation from boiling alcohoL If tyro sine is present, it covers the filtrate, after it has been freed from the albumin-coagulum and evaporated, with numerous stellate groups of slender needles, which for the most part remain undissolved when treated with alcohol. They may be dissolved in boiling water, whence they separate on cooling, purified by solution in hydrochloric acid, with addition of acetate of potassium, and boiling, and then further examined. The mother-liquors from the leucine and tyrosine deposits are examined as above for volatile acids, lactic acid, succinic acid, inosite, &c. Another process for the examination of animal tissues is given by Stiidelcr and Cloetta : The extracts obtained by maceration and pressing are boiled with a few drops of acetic acid to coagulate albumin and colouring matter of blood, and the strained licniid, after being evaporated over the water-bath to ^ of its bulk, is precipitated with eubacetate of lead. The precipitate, which may contain uric aci d and inosite, is collected on a filter and washed ; the filtrate is freed from excess of lead by sul- phuretted hydrogen, and evaporated to a syrup; the residue, which generally contains alkaline acetates, is freed from these compounds by digettion in cold weak alcohol ; sulphuric acid diluted with alcohol is then added as long as a precipitate of alkaline sulphates continues to form ; and the excess of sulphuric acid is removed by careful addition of baryta-water. The clear filtrate evaporated till it no longer becomes permanently turbid when mixed with an equal volume of absolute alcohol, is heated till the turbidity disappears, and then left at rest. Any crystals which separate must 254 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC). be further examined: they may consist of creatine, but also cf tyrosine and taurine, which last compound has lately been found by Cloetta in the tissue of the lungs. The mother-liquor of the crystals, if carefully evaporated to a smaller bulk, deposits any leu cine that may be present. The precipitate produced by subacetate of lead is washed, suspended in water, and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. If the liquid filtered from the sulphide of lead deposits, after some time, small white crystalline grains, exhibiting under the micro- scope the forms of uric acid, they must be collected and examined for uric acid by the murexide test (Umc ACID). The liquid filtered from the uric acid is evaporated over the water-bath, till a sample mixed with alcohol becomes permanently turbid. The entire liquid is then mixed with an eqiial volume of alcohol, and warmed till the turbidity disappears. If after some days, a deposit forms on the bottom and sides of the vessel, consisting of crystalline masses, which, when recrystallised from water, form rhombic prisms insoluble in alcohol and ether, having a pure sweetish taste, and leav- ing no residue when burnt, inosite is probably present, and must be sought for by other tests. [For further details, and for the quantitative analysis of animal substances see Lehmann, Lehrb. d. physiolog. Chem. 2 te Aufl. Leipzig, 1853; Heintz, Lehrb. d. Zoochemie, Berlin, 1853; Robin et Verdeil, Traite de Chimie anat. et physiol. Paris, 1858 ; Gorup-Besanez, Anleitung zur zoochem. Analyse, 2 te Aufl. Niirnberg. 1854.] AZJAX.YSZS (VOXiUXVSETRXC) of LIQUIDS and SOLIDS. The method usually employed by chemists to determine quantitatively the constituents of a mix- ture, consists in separating them out one after the other, either in the pure state, or in the form of some compound of known composition, and weighing the products. Every one who has occupied himself with such separations knows how much time they usually require ; indeed the value of an analytical result is very often much less than that oi the time and trouble spent upon its determination. We are indebted to the sagacity of Gay-Lussac for the introduction of a new principle in analytical chemistry, which in many instances obviates the inconvenience mentioned. This consists in submitting the substance to be estimated to certain characteristic reactions, employing for such reactions liquids of known strength, and, from the quantity of the liquid employed, determining the weight of the substance to be estimated by means of the known laws of equivalence. Let us, for example, consider the problem which suggested to Gay- Lussac the idea of this method. Suppose it be required to determine the amount of silver in an alloy of silver and copper. The older analytical method consists in dis- solving a weighed quantity of the alloy in nitric acid, precipitating the silver as chloride by the addition of hydrochloric acid, then filtering, washing, fusing, and weighing the resulting chloride of silver. From the known fact that chloride of silver contains if^.^ of its weight of silver, the amount of silver in the alloy is calculated. The same result is evidently obtained by preparing a solution of chloride of sodium of known strength, and ascertaining how much of the solution is necessary and sufficient to precipitate the silver as chloride of silver from a solution of a weighed quantity of the alloy in nitric acid. The weight of the precipitated silver may be determined from the amount of the chloride of sodium employed; because it is known that 58'5 parts by weight of chloride of sodium are exactly sufficient to convert 108 parts of silver into chloride of silver. The liquid reagents of known strength employed in determinations of this nature are called "standard solutions." The amount of standard solution employed in a deter- mination may be estimated either by weight or by volume ; but inasmuch as the latter method has been found easier of application, it is now universally employed ; and hence the method of analysis based upon the use of standard solutions is called "volumetric analysis." At first glance it would seem that nearly all analytical methods based upon weight might be transformed into processes by volume, as in the case of the silver determination above quoted. This is, however, not always possible. A reac- tion to be applicable in volumetric analysis must satisfy two conditions. (1.) It must not occupy much time ; precipitations, for instance, which take place gradually are at once to be rejected. (2.) The termination of the reaction must be recognisable with ease and certainty. Hence the number of possible volumetric processes is much limited. On the other hand numerous reactions inapplicable in weight-analysis furnish excellent means for volumetric determinations. It is proposed in this article to give a short introduction to volumetric analysis, and for this purpose the subject will be divided into three parts : I. Description of the necessary apparatus. II. General rules for the preparation of standard solutions. III. Description of the most important volumetric methods as yet discovered. ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC). 255 I. Apparatus : description, use, and verification. Besides the apparatus necessary for ordinary chemical operations, such as beakers, basins, &c., the performance of volumetric analysis requires: (1.) a delicate balance and weights. (2.) Graduated glass vessels for the measurement and preparation of the standard solutions. A balance is necessary for the preparation of the standard solutions, and for weighing the sub- stances to be analysed. A good analytical balance capable of weighing 100 grammes is quite sufficient for both purposes. To those who have many volumetric analyses to perform, a small light sensible balance with short arms is of great use. Such balances admit of more rapid weighing than can be obtained by the ordinary laboratory balances. The absolute magnitude of the units of weight and measure adopted, may of course be chosen at pleasure. But the French decimal system of weights and measures offers so many advantages, chiefly on account of the simple relation which it establishes between the units of measure and weight, that its employment in the sequel in all data of weight and measure needs no justification. In order to be able to measure the standard solutions accurately, certain precautions are to be observed which we wil now proceed to consider more particularly. When an aqueous solution is poured out of a vessel, the vessel is, as is well known, never completely emptied ; a small portion of the solution remains always upon the the sides, even after the vessel has been long held in an inclined position. In using a measure for liquids we must, therefore, be careful to note whether the dry vessel, when filled up to a certain line, holds the required volume, or whether such volume is delivered from the vessel when it is emptied in a certain manner. In the first case the vessel is said to be graduated for the contents; in the second for delivery (a F ecoulement). The reading off is performed by bringing the eye and the surface of the liquid into one horizontal line, and noting what division of the volumetric instru- ment is opposite to the liquid surface. Now aqueous liquids which are enclosed in cylindrical glass vessels, always show a concave surface, which is the more strongly curved the narrower the vessel. But a curved surface is of course opposite to many points of the scale at once. In order to avoid the ambiguities which are here intro- duced a definite method of reading off must be invariably adopted. The following has been found practically the best. A small piece of black paper is fastened a few millimetres below the surface of the liquid by means of a caoutchouc ring; the instru- ment is brought into an exactly vertical position, one eye is closed, and the other brought to the right elevation. The meniscus then appears by transmitted light, sharply bounded below by a black line, by means of which it is easy to see with what point of the scale the former coincides (see ANALYSIS OF GASES). In order to ensure a fixed point of sight the eye, the meniscus, and a distant horizontal line, of about the same elevation as the eye, are either brought into one horizontal line, or the instrument is placed at a short distance before a vertical strip of mirror, and the eye is brought into such a position that the image of the pupil and that of the meniscus may coincide as nearly as possible : the scale is then read off. It must be mentioned that the volume of every body varies with the temperature, and that consequently the divisions on a measure for liquids, as well as the strength of a standard solution, are applicable for one temperature only. The expansion of the glass is so small that it may be always neglected in volumetric analyses. A glass vessel, for instance, which holds a liter at 15 C. contains at 15 + 10 J , one litre + 0-27 c.c. : now 0-27 c.c. ; are only the -^~ of a litre. The expansion of liquids Is greater, and must be taken into account in exact experiments. This is especially to be attended to when volumetric instruments are to be graduated by determining the weight of water which they hold. In this case the correction for the expansion of water by heat is not the only one to be made. Since one gramme is by definition the weight in vacuo of one cubic centimetre of water at + 4 C., the volume of a given quantity of water in c.c. is never expressed by the same number as its apparent weight in grammes, even at + 4 C. There is of course no necessity for employing the real cubic centimetre in volumetric analyses ; but, as everything connected with weights and measures should be as precise as possible, we think it advisable to use the words litre, cubic centimetre, &c., in their strict sense.* We therefore give the following table, by means of which the apparent weight of a certain required volume of water may easily be found. * There are, even in scientific researches, cases in which absolutely correct measures must be em. ployed; lor instance, 1 litre of air of C. has the weight of 1-293 grms., only when its tension ia equivalent to the pressure of a mercury column 076 real metres high, the litre being the volume cf s quantity of water ot 4 C., which balances in vacuo the kilogramme employed. 256 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) The weight of 1000 c.c. of water of t C. when determined by means of brass weights in air of t C. and of a tension of 076 metres, is equal to 1000 .r grms. t~ X 1 2 1 15 3 4 ri2~ 5 6 1-14 7 8 l-.'l 9 1-27 10 1-34 11 U l.&j 13 1-63 14 15 l"2.T 1 '^0 Ml 1-1-2 1-16 1-43 1-76 1 81) t 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X 204 2-20 2-;7 2-:V> 2-74 2-95 3-17 339 3<,3 3-88 4-13 4-39 4-G7 4-94 5-24 When the barometer stands at 76 + n centim., every # is to be replaced by x + 0'014 n. The variations of atmospheric pressure may however be neglected, unless a very great degree of exactness is required. If the strength of a standard resolution is known for one temperature, the strength corresponding to another temperature can only be calculated, if the rate of expansion by heat of the liquid is known. It would lead to entirely wrong results if such cal- culations were founded on the known expansion of pure water, as experiment has shown that even weak solutions of salts and acids expand far more than water (see Gerlach " Specifische G-ewichte der Salzlosungen, &c.," Freiberg). As long as the expansion of the commonly used standard solutions is not directly deter- mined, it is advisable to estimate the strength of such solutions not only by volume, but also by weight, which is easily done by weighing a known volume of the liquid immediately after its strength has been determined. The ratios of the weight of the solution to the weight of active substances in it, is of course independent of temperature. It is a matter of course that such corrections are appropriate only where the errors from other sources are not greater than the corrections themselves. "We may now proceed to describe the separate instruments. 1. Pipettes. Glass vessels of forms shown in figs. 40* and 41, provided with a single mark upon the narrow neck, and which are only graduated for delivery. In using them, they are filled, at a little above the mark, by suction, and then closed above with the forefinger of the right hand. The lower point is brought in contact with a wet piece of glass ; the liquid is allowed to flow oat, by very gentle displacement of the finger, as far as the mark ; and the finger is then removed, to allow it to run out into the vessel employed. The drop of liquid in the point of the pipette is to be kept in exactly the same conditions as during the marking of the pipette ; i. e. it is either totally neglected, or it is partly removed by holding the point against the wet side of the glass, or it is to be blown out entirely. If the same method of evacuation be always faithfully followed, we may assume that, with all thin liquids, equal volumes remain adhering to the sides of the vessel. It is convenient to be provided with such pipettes containing 100 c.c., 50 c.c., 20 c.c., 10 c.c., and 5 c.c. Pipettes of 10 and 5 c.c. may conveniently have the form of Jig. 41, larger ones the form of fig.^Q*. It seldom happens that we have to make pipettes our- selves, as they may be bought at a low price; but they should always be verified. This is easily done by filling them with water of a known temperature, pouring this into a tared flask, and weighing. The volume of the water may then be found from its weight by means of the table above given. 2. Pipettes which are divided throughout their whole length and graduated for delivery. It is sufficient to have one of 50 c.c., which is divided in half c.c. {fig. 42), and several of 2 to 3 c.c., divided into -i c.c. (fig. 43). 3. Flasks, graduated for the contents (fig. 44), in various sizes, from ~ litre to 5 litres. They may be easily made by making an arbitrary mark upon the neck of the flask, and then measuring the volume by pipettes. It is more exact to weigh the contained water. It is convenient if, but not absolutely necesssary that, the volumes of these flasks should be whole numbers, such flasks being used only for the prepara- tion of standard solutions. 4. For measuring the liquids used in an analysis the burette is most generally employed. This is an ingenious instrument invented by Gay-Lussac. Upon a glass tube (fig. 45) about 16 18 mm. wide and 30 centim. long, a narrow tube is fused at d, carried up close along the wide tube to about 2 ctm. from its upper end, and there (at c) bent and cut off in the manner shown by the figure. The divisions of f c.c. begin about one ctm. below c, and the instrument is graduated " for delivery." In using the burette it is washed out with some of the standard solution, then filled to ; the point c is slightly greased, and the required quantity of liquid is poured out of the narrow tube. After some practice it is easy to allow the liquid to flow out either in a stream OF LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS. 257 or in drops. The volume must not be read off before the surface has attained a constant height. Tenths of cubic centimetres may, after some practice, be easily judged of by the eye in burettes graduated to half cubic centimetres. It is erroneous to suppose that greater accuracy is attained by employing narrower tubes. The gain in accuracy due to the increased distance of the divisions is lost, because in narrower tubes, the meniscus is less sharply defined, and the quantity of liquid adhering to the sides is less constant. A burette of the dimensions given, contains 50 to 60 c.c., an amount more than sufficient for most analyses : larger burettes are inconvenient. If more than 50 c.c. liquid are required in analysis, the greatest portion is measured off in a pipette. (40*.) and the remainder added from the burette. In cases where greater accuracy is required than can be attained by the burette, the latter is replaced by the use of several pipettes. Mohr has substituted for Gray-Lussac's burette a simple divided tube (Jig, 46), pro- 42. 40*. 41. 43. n \ \/ 45. 46. vided below with a caoutchouc tube, which is closed by a spring clamp (fig. 47) (Quetsch-Hahri) made of brass wire. Where a great number of analyses of the same kind have to be performed, Mohr's burette is much to be preferred to Gay-Lussac's In scientific laboratories, however, where a greater diversity of analyses occur the old form is preferable, inasmuch as caoutchouc is acted upon by some solutions which are frequently employed. The verification of a burette is performed either by the balance or by the pipettes described in (1). II. Preparation of the Standard Solutions. Standard solutions maybe divided into (1) such as are immediately prepared by weighing a substance of known composition, dissolving it and diluting to a certain volume ; (2) such as are prepared by approxi- mate mixture and subsequent exact analysis. The preparation of the first kind re- VOL. I. . 258 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) quires no description. The preparation of the second may be effected by a kind of successive approximation, which is best described by an example. Let it be required to prepare a standard solution of sulphuric acid containing t grammes of hydrate of sulphuric acid S0 4 H 2 in 1 litre. The table given by Bineau of the relation between the specific gravity and strength of sulphuric acid affords the best means for determining the strength to the first approximation. Pure sulphuric acid (monohydrate, S0 4 H 2 ) is diluted with about its own weight of water; the mixture is allowed to cool, and its specific gravity is quickly and accurately determined by measur- ing 100 c.c. in a pipette, weighing this, and dividing the weight (in grammes) by 100. If the temperature be observed, the percentage of monohydrated sulphuric acid (p} may be determined by the table, to within a hundredth of its true value. According to the result of this determination every - 100 = g grms. of the solution are di- luted with water up to 1 litre. From Bineau's table (see SULPHURIC ACID) the specific gravity ($) of the required /solution may be seen. To every q grms. of acid, 1000 S q w grammes of water have to be added. An analysis performed with this mixture generally shows that it contains not t but t l grms. in 1 litre. Two cases are now possible : (1) t 1 is greater than t. It is clear that the quantity t } of sulphuric acid contained in 1 litre is sufficient for = (1 + A) litre. With every 1 litre of the mixture, A litre of water must be mixed, in order to bring it to the right strength. (2) i 1 is ^i less than t. From t } grms. of sulphuric acid only = (1 A) litre of standard solu- tion can be formed. Hence 1 litre of our mixture may be regarded as a mixture of (1 A) litre of right standard solution and A litre of water. Hence to every litre of the solution as much of the acid of p per cent, must be added as is sufficient to form the right standard solution, with A of litre water ; and since by mixing q grms. of the p per cent, acid with w grms. of water, we had obtained a mixture of nearly the right strength, it follows that the quantity of strong acid which must be added to every litre is ( q I grammes, neglecting an error which need not be considered, if A is a small fraction. After performing these operations, we must determine by experiment how nearly we have arrived at the required strength, and, if necessary, make a second cor- rection. If the corrections required are great, it will be almost invariably found, on performing the analysis, that the strength required has not been exactly attained, however carefully the mixture of the liquids may have been made. This is the case even if the above described approximate synthesis is replaced by a theoretically exact one, this cause of the inaccuracy being, that in the measurement and mixture of large quantities of liquids, small errors of measurement and losses are difficult to avoid, and that the contraction of the mixture has been neglected. If, on the other hand, the solution to be corrrected is already so nearly right, that its strength differs by only 1 or 2 per cent, from that which is required, the result will be satisfactory, even if the volume of the liquid taken was only approximately determined, provided the analysis was performed accurately, and the measurement of the small quantities of water or acid which were added, were made with sufficient care. If, for instance, we consider the case (1) and assume that the volume of the acid to be Corrected was found to be n litres, while in fact it was n (1 + a) litres, the quan- tity of water to be added would then be, not n A litres but w A (1 + a). The resulting >lu A (1 + a) _ n A = n A a. If, for instance, it is found that a = i, which seldom occurs, if moderate care is employed, and A = yi^, then the volume of the mixture would be n ^^ litres too small, and consequently the amount of sulphuric acid in 1 litre would be too large by about ^^ of its actual quantity. Similar considerations are applicable to case (2), and lead to the conclusion that in the preparation of large quantities of liquids, according to the method just described, large measures accurately divided are not necessary. Such pro- cesses are conveniently performed in large cylindrical bottles, which are divided down the side with divisions corresponding to entire decilitres. As the liquid in such cas< s is not transferred from one vessel to the other till it is quite prepared, loss is easily avoided. The strength of a solution is best noted by giving the number (n) of gramme- atoms of the active substance which it contains in 1 litre. By "gramme-atom" we understand a number of grammes equal to the atomic weight of the substance (H = 1), for instance, 108 grammes silver, 28 iron, 35*5 chlorine, &c. It is clear that the calculations are hereby simplified. For instance, 1 litre of solution of silver, con- OF LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS. 259 taining n atoms ( = n x 108 grms.) of silver exactly precipitates n x 35'5 grms. of chlorine, n x 80 grms. of bromine, n x 127 grms. of iodine. It is also evident that calculation will be facilitated by making n a small number. If it can be done without loss of time, it is in fact advisable so to adjust the strength of the standard solution that n = 1, f, ^ &c. It is of the highest importance that the standard solutions should remain of constant strength. To ensure this condition, they must be carefully protected from evaporation and other hurtful influences. Large quantities may be preserved in bottles of 1 or 2 litres capacity, provided with well ground stoppers. Bottles which are not in daily use should have have their stoppers greased and bound over with bladder or sheet caoutchouc. III. Description of the most important Volumetric processes hitherto employed. Among the many volumetric methods hitherto discovered, those only are of general scientific interest by help of which the analysis of a whole series of bodies can be made with one, or at least, a few standard solutions. These alone will be more particularly considered here. For the many methods applicable in special cases, reference must be made to the several articles of this work. Volumetric determinations may be classified as follows, according to the principles on which they are based : 1. Analysis by Precipitation. The quantity of the substance to be determined, is derived from that of the reagent required to separate it out in an insoluble state. 2. Analysis by Saturation. The quantity of a base or an acid is measured by the quantity of acid or base which is necessary to convert it into a neutral salt. 3. Analysis by Oxidation and Seduction. The quantity of substance to be deter- mined is found by the quantity of chlorine, bromine, iodine, or oxygen to which it is equivalent (regarded as oxidant), or by the quantity of chlorine, bromine, iodine, or oxygen which it requires to pass from a lower to a higher stage of oxidation. 1. ANALYSIS BY PBECTPITATION. Of the numerous methods belonging to this divi- sion, we will here consider those only which depend upon the insolubility of the com- binations of silver with the halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine, cyanogen). If the neutral or slightly acid solution of a chloride, bromide, iodide, or cyanide, is mixed with a solution of nitrate of silver, it is well known that an insoluble chloride bromide, &c., of silver is precipitated, while a nitrate remains in solution. For instance N0 3 Ag + CINa = ClAg + K0 3 Na. All these silver precipitates have the common property of forming, on violent agita- tion, a curdy mass which rapidly subsides. Hence it is possible to recognise exactly the point at which the precipitation is completed. The reactions mentioned may, therefore, be employed, on the one hand, to determine chlorine, bromine, &c., by means of a standard silver solution, and on the other, to determine silver by standard solutions of chlorides, bromides, &c. Special processes for the determination of Hydrochloric Acid and Chlorides. Necessary reagents. 1. Chemically pure silver in the form of foil or wire. 2. A silver solution (nitrate) containing i gramme-atom (10-8 grm.) silver in 1 litre. It is easily prepared by dissolving 10*8 grm. of silver in excess of nitric acid and diluting to 1 litre. 3. A solution of -^ grm.-atom == 1-08 grm. silver in 1 litre. 4. A solution of chloride of sodium of ^ grm.-atom (= 5'85) in 1 litre. a. 5-85 grm. pure recently fused chloride of sodium is dissolved in water and diluted litre. b. A solution of chloride of sodium saturated at ordinary temperatures, has a com- position almost independent of the temperature: it contains in 1 litre, 318'4 grm. of NaCl. 18-37 c.c. ( = 3^.4 ) diluted to 1 litre, gives accordingly the standard solution required. The chloride of sodium solution must, if properly prepared, be exactly equivalent to the silver solution (2). We must never neglect to try whether this is really the case by the method to be described below, and if necessary to make the proper corrections. 5. A solution of chloride of sodium containing -L grm.-atom in 1 litre = 0'585 grm. 6. Freshly prepared chloride of silver : this is obtained by mixing equal volumes of (2) and (4), shaking vigorously and pouring off the clear liquid. Performance of the Analysis. Let us at first assume that we have an approximate knowledge of the amount of chlorine in the substance to be examined. In this caso a weighed quantity is introduced into a bottle of clear glass with a well-fitting stopper, s 2 260 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) dissolved in water or nitric acid, and the previously calculated quantity of strong solution of silver (2) is added from a pipette. The quantity of substance, and that of the water employed in its solution or dilution, are to be so taken that 100 c.c. of the mixture may contain - 4 grin, to 1 grm. silver, and less than about 3 gms. of the dissolved salt. If a mixture has to be examined which is poor in chlorine, this rela- tion is no longer possible. In such cases, enough freshly precipitated chloride of silver (6) must be added to bring the quantity of silver present up to that mentioned. Small quantities of silver-precipitates disseminated through much liquid do not evince that adherence and consequent tendency to subsidence which is necessary for the accurate performance of this mode of analysis. Solutions which are poor in chlorine, such as mineral waters, must be concentrated by evaporation previous to analysis. It is also advisable in such cases not to employ a standard solution of silver, but to weigh metallic silver and dissolve it in a minimum of nitric acid. The mixture obtained as above is now to be violently and continuously shaken, till it has lost its first milky appearance, and forms a mixture of curdy chloride of silver in the midst of a clear solution. A speedy clarification is evidence of an excess of silver ; slow subsidence indicates the reverse. As soon as the chloride of silver has sufficiently subsided, | c.c. of strong solution of silver must be added, in order to determine whether chlorine is still present in the solution. If no precipitation occurs, the i c.c. silver solution is neutralised by the addition of ^ c.c. solution of chloride of sodium ; the liquid is then shaken, and i c.c. of solution of chloride of sodium being added shows whether silver is in solution. Let us assume, for example, that the addition of the chloride of sodium has shown the presence of silver in considerable quantity. The amount of solution of chloride of sodium, which is exactly equivalent to this, cannot of course be known ; but in every case we are sure of the existence of some maximum value (V c.c.) which certainly includes it. c.c. of chloride of sodium solution is then added, the mixture is shaken, and | c.c. of the same solution being added shows whether the precipitation with the first quantity was complete or not. In the first case, c.c. of silver are added ; in V the second - c.c. of chloride. In both cases, the completion of the precipitation is tested by the addition of | c.c. of test solution. By continually adding half the possible maximum of the necessary reagents, we soon arrive at a point when less than I c.c. of one of the two solutions is present in excess. When this point is arrived at, cubic centimetres are added singly of the weaker (^~ atomic) solutions, until the last cubic centimetre leaves the liquid quite clear, This last c.c. is not at all considered, and the one preceding it is considered only of the value of | c.c. In this way, a result is obtained, the error of which corresponds to less than | c.c. of the weak standard solu- tion. It is easily seen that a systematic procedure like that given is quite essential, in order to arrive quickly at a result ; by planless addition of standard solutions, we may lose much time without arriving at any result. As long as ^ atomic solutions are added, it is scarcely necessary to wait for a complete subsidence of the precipitate previously formed. The white cloudy freshly precipitated chloride of silver is easily distin- guished from the previously precipitated, violet-coloured, and coagulated chloride. As soon, however, as we begin to work with ^ atomic solutions, we must always wait for the complete clarification of the liquid before adding a fresh quantity of solution. Weak precipitations are best seen by holding the vessel against the light, with a piece of black paper obliquely behind it. The precipitation can be considered complete only when the last cubic centimetre of solution gives no more turbidity after | to 1 minute's standing. Those who make such analyses for the first time, will do well to place in several flasks some chloride of silver (6) and 100 c.c. water, then add to the several flasks |, |, 1, 2 milligrammes of silver; shake, and after subsidence add to each flask 1 c.c. of the 1^0 atomic solution of chloride of sodium. By this means the judgment is greatly assisted in the subsequent actual reactions. Experience has shown that it is not expedient to work with less than | grm. of silver at once, and that no greater accuracy is obtained by adding less at once than 1 c.c. of the jig atomic solution ; the termination of the reaction is thereby only rendered more indistinct. If it be desired to arrive at the utmost accuracy in such determinations, a second analysis may be made by dissolving 1 grm. or more of silver in nitric acid, adding the quantity of substance necessary for its precipitation, as found from the previous analysis, and completing the precipitation by means of the ^ atomic solution. The determination of atomic weights, performed in this way by Marignac and Pelouze, shows to what great accuracy the process may be brought. It has been hitherto assumed that the amount of chlorine in the substance is ap- OF LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS. 261 proximately known. If this is not the case, the definite determination must be preceded by a trial upon a small quantity of the substance. The more exact such trial is made, the quicker will be the performance of the final determination. The calculation of the analysis is very simple. The number of atoms of silver, diminished by the number of atoms of Chloride of sodium, added as standard solution, is equal to the number of chlorine-atoms contained in the substance. That which is here described for chlorine is applicable, mutatis mutandis, to 'bromine, iodine, and cyanogen. The determination of silver by means of chlorine also follows immediately from the above, and requires no further explanation.* 2. ANALYSIS BY SATURATION. All methods belonging to this division depend upon the fact that potash, soda, ammonia, baryta, strontia, and lime combine easily and directly with acids, and that the corresponding carbonates are fully decomposed in contact with stronger acids, with evolution of carbonic acid. The solutions of the i.eutral salts which the above named bases form with strong acids are without action upon litmus, while the smallest excess of acid or alkali is immediately detected by its reddening or blueing that vegetable colour. Reagents. 1. Pure anhydrous monocarbonate of sodium. If this salt be kept ready prepared in powder, it must always be ignited before use. Carbonate of sodium, fused in a platinum crucible, and cast in slabs, is less hygroscopic, but its use must be avoided, since Scheerer has shown that carbonate of sodium loses on fusing a con- siderable part of its carbonic acid. 2. Standard solution of hydrochloric acid, containing nearly or exactly 36' 5 grms. HC1 (1 atom) in 1 litre. This may be prepared in several ways. a. The most exact method is to determine the specific gravity of a sample of con- centrated pure hydrochloric acid, deduce its strength by means of lire's table t (see HYDROCHLORIC ACID, under CHLORINE), add the proper amount of water and determine exactly the strength of the mixture by means of silver solution, as described in a pre- ceding paragraph. b. A concentrated acid, whose strength is approximately known from its specific gravity, is so far diluted that it contains, as nearly as can be effected by this means, 20" 2 per cent, of HC1. If the liquid so obtained be quickly boiled in a narrow necked flask, or in a retort in contact with platinum (not in an open basin), a time soon arrives after which hydrochloric acid and water evaporate in the same proportion in which they are contained in the residue. If about one half be evaporated we may be certain that the point mentioned is attained. The percentage strength of the residue depends upon the contemporary barometric pressure, according to the following table, derived from experiments made on this subject bv Eoscoe and Dittmar. (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xii.) Height of barometer in metres 073 074 0-75 0-76 0-77 0-78 0-79 Percentage strength of [ residue in HC1 ^ ' 20-30 20-28 20-26 20-24 20-22 20-20 20-18 It will be seen that in cases where the barometer stands at about 0*76, the percentage of HC1 may, without incurring great error, betaken as 20*24. 180"3 grms. of such an acid are accordingly equivalent to 36'5 gr. of HC1. c. Concentrated hydrochloric acid of known specific gravity is so far diluted with water that it contains rather more than 36 -5 gr. HC1. In a measured quantity ( Fc.c.) of this acid, carbonate of sodium is dissolved in the cold in the proportion of 53 milligrammes to every 1 c.c. of the acid. A few grammes of sulphate of sodium are then added, and the whole is boiled to expel the carbonic acid. The sulphate of sodium is added to prevent the evolution of hydrochloric acid. The liquid so prepared contains, besides the neutral salts, only the excess of acid * Gay-Lussac's method of determining silver has recently been investigated by Mulder (see Mulder, " Die Silberprobir-methode," etc., Leipzig bei Weber). He has made the singular observatiou, that a mixture of exactly equivalent quantities of Ag and NaCl-solution gives precipitates wth both reagents. Of either of the two solutions a quantity equivalent to z ^^ of the silver just precipitated is to be added, before the formation of precipitates ceases. Stass ha~s, in the course of his determinations of atomic weights, made a similar observation ; but according to him, the limits of the state of indifferent equi- librium are narrower. These observations show that in order to attain the highest possible degree of accuracy, a strictly empirical procedure must be adopted. t For an acid whose strength is between twenty and thirty per cent, the relation between specific gravity j, and percentage />, is given by the equation p = 200 (s-l)-r- 0-3. 8 3 262 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) whose quantity has to be determined in order to find the strength of our test- acid. For this purpose the mixture is coloured slightly red with solution of litmus, and an arbitrarily diluted caustic soda solution is added while the liquid is hot, till the last drop causes a decided blue colour (without mixture of violet). The quantity of soda (t c.c.) required to produce the effect is noticed.* On the other hand, a fixed volume (v) c.c. of the test-acid is measured, and in exactly the same manner, the quantity (t l c.c.) of caustic soda required for its neutralisation is determined. From the last test, we have found that 1 c.c. of the arbitrarily diluted soda is equi- valent to r^- 1 of our acid. Hence we had previously added -j v c.c. more of this acid than is necessary for the neutralisation of V. 53 miligrm. of carbonate of soda, i. e. \V A) c.c. of test acid would have exactly sufficed to neutralise the weighed quantity of carbonate of sodium. If, accordingly, we dilute f V ^\ c.c. of acid to V c.c., then 1 c.c. of the mixture will contain exactly J. milligramme-atom of HC1. In most cases, however, it is better not to perform this dilution, but to note that 1 c. c. test-acid contains / -\ 3 6 '5 milligrammes of HC1. I v - 71 / 3. Test Sulphuric acid. It is not necessary to have this as well as the hydrochloric test-acid. Nevertheless it has over the latter the important advantage of being wholly non-volatile when boiled in dilute solution. It can be prepared according to the method described for hydrochloric acid under (c). 4. Test Caustic soda, which is, volume for volume, exactly or nearly equivalent to the test-acid. Carbonate of sodium is rendered caustic in the ordinary manner, and so far concentrated that the requisite strength is nearly attained. A small quantity more of milk of lime is then added, the liquid allowed to cool (the air being excluded), and the clear liquid drawn off by a syphon. For the exact determination of its strength, 60 c.c. test-acid are poured into a porcelain basin, a few drops of litmus are added, and then the soda-solution is poured in from a burette till the colour begins to deepen. A decided reaction is recovered by addition of 1 c.c, of test-acid ; about 2 grms. of sulphate of soda are then added (if hydrochloric acid is being employed) ; the liquid is heated to boiling, and soda is again poured in, till the liquid exhibits a distinct blue colour. The calculation of the result requires no explanation. 5. Solution of Litmus. Powdered litmus is digested in the cold with twenty times its weight of water, the solution filtered, and so exactly saturated, that 1 c.c. of the litmus solution diluted with about 100 c.c. water, is turned decidedly red by ^ c.c. of test-acid, and decidedly blue by the same quantity of test-alkali. Acidimetry. Free acids in aqueous solutions, if these be free from magnesia, alumina, and the heavy metals, and are not deeply coloured, may be determined in a manner which will be sufficiently clear from paragraph 4. If hot solutions are used, the caustic soda may without injury contain a little carbonic acid. But if we are compelled to work in the cold, in consequence of the presence of salts of ammonia, or because the acid to be determined cannot be prevented from evaporating by addition of sulphate of sodium, caustic soda must be employed which is almost perfectly free from carbonate. But even in such case, the termination of the reaction is not so easily recognisable as when the solution is warm. It is best detected by dropping in the soda rather quickly and without intermission, till the liquid, after stirring, remains distinctly blue for some seconds. The gradual change of this colour to violet is no evidence of the solution not being neutral. Such change depends upon the subsequent action of carbonic acid upon the litmus. In the determination of weaker acids, such as the organic, the same exactitude of reaction is not observed as occurs in the determination of sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, and other strong acids. It must be also noticed that many substances somewhat modify the blue colour which is the criterion of completed reaction. In presence of many substances, such as ammoniacal salts, &c., the change of colour from red to blue does not occur so quickly and decidedly as when these substances are absent ; and in a few instances, as when acetic acid is pre- sent, the real point of saturation is not reached until after the change of colour has taken place. In order to render the analysis, in such cases as these, as accurate as possible, it is advisable to make a control experiment under the same conditions as occur in the real determination. Thus, for instance, if the strength of an acetic acid be required, it will not be sufficient to make an analysis in the ordinary way, because the neutral, acetates of sodium and potassium have an alkaline reaction, and this will mask the true point of saturation ; it is best, therefore, to prepare a solution of acetic acid of * The change of colour is best seen in a porcelain basin, or in a flak standing on white paper. OF LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS. 263 known strength by adding a known quantity of standard sulphuric acid to excess of acetate of sodium, and to determine how much standard soda-solution is necessary to bring about a definite change of colour in this acid solution. The strength of the soda-solution being thus empirically determined with acetic acid, the real analysis can be made without any reference to hypothesis. Alkalimetry. Caustic alkalis and their carbonates are easily determined in a manner which is so analogous to the method given (2, c.) for the preparation of standard acid, that a fuller description is unnecessary. If many such determinations are to be made, it is advisable to employ test-sulphuric (not hydrochloric) acid, and so to dilute the soda that it saturates the test- acid, volume for volume. If ammonia is to be deter- mined, the reneutralisation by soda must be performed in a perfectly cold solution. Baryta, Strontia, and Lime, and their carbonates, are determined exactly as the the fixed alkalis. But hydrochloric acid must be employed and no sulphate of sodium can be added, otherwise sulphates of these earths are precipitated, and such preci- pitates influence the litmus reaction. If only a small excess of acid has been used, the quantity of hydrochloric acid lost by a boiling of short duration is very inconsiderable. If this excess of acid does not occur in the first analysis, it may be made to do so in a second one (see page 117). 3. ANALYSIS BY OXIDATION AND KEDTJCTION. It is known that most ele- ments combine in various proportions with oxygen or its substituents ; that lower oxides or chlorides are converted into higher oxides or chlorides, by the direct or in- direct addition of oxygen or chlorine ; and that these higher compounds often give up a portion of their oxygen or chlorine when in contact with reducing agents. Amongst the innumerable reactions of this kind, all those can be employed which occur quickly, and in which the termination of the reaction may be recognised with distinctness. Amongst the numerous methods of volumetric analysis of this kind hitherto pro- posed, we shall mention only the most important. These may be divided into two classes : (a) those in which permanganic acid is the oxidant, (b) those in which iodine acts as oxidant. (a). With PERMANGANIC ACID : 1. Determination of Iron. If a solution of permanganate of potassium be added to a strongly acid and dilute solution of a protosalt of iron, the Mn 2 4 K gives up f of its oxygen to the iron, converting it into sesquisalt, and is itself converted into a manganosum- and a potassium-salt of the acid added ; e. g. : 2Mn 2 4 K + 10S0 4 Fe 2 + 8S0 4 H 2 = 2S0 4 Mn 2 + S0 4 K 2 + 5(S0 4 ) 3 Fe 4 + 8H 2 0. The deep purple red colour of the permanganic acid is continually destroyed as long as any protoxide of iron is present ; but as soon as all the protoxide of iron is converted into sesquioxide, the next drop of the reagent, even if the solution is very dilute, gives a distinct rose-red coloration. Hence it is clear that protoxide of iron may be determined by means of permanganate of potassium. A convenient standard solution is obtained by dissolving about 8 grammes of the commercial crystallised salt in 1 litre of water ; 1 c.c. of such solution oxidises, according to the relative purity of the salt, from 12 14 milligrammes of iron present in the form of protoxide. On account of this uncertainty, and because the solution gradually though slowly decomposes, a fresh estimation of the strength of the solution must precede every series of iron deter- minations. For this purpose, 0'5 grm. of pure iron (thin harpsichord wire is almost perfectly pure) is dissolved in a great excess of pure dilute sulphuric acid, the air being as far as possible excluded. Mohr recommends the double salt, S0 4 FeNH 4 + 3H Z 0, as a standard. The air-dry salt does not oxidise in air : it contains y of its weight of iron. The solution is then allowed to cool, and is diluted with water free from air to between 0'4 and 0'5 litres. Chameleon solution is added from a burette to this liquid, till the colour of the last drop no longer disappears. From the result it is easy to calculate how many milligrammes of iron are oxidised by 1 c.c. of the chameleon solution. In order now to determine the quantity of iron in a given sub- stance, so much of the substance as will contain about 0'5 gr. of iron is dissolved, if possible, in water or sulphuric acid ; hydrochloric acid should be used only when it cannot be avoided. If all the iron is dissolved as protoxide, the solution is diluted to about 0-4 or 0'5 litres, and examined just as was done in the case of the standard solution above described. If the iron is present partly or wholly as sesquioxide, this must, previous to the dilution by boiling with zinc free from iron, be completely reduced to the state of protoxide. The reduction may be considered complete when the solution has become completely or nearly colourless. If any metals such as arsenic, copper, &c. are hereby precipitated, they must be removed by quick filtration through bibulous paper. That the determination may be accurate, it is necessary 1. That the solution be s 4 264 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) very dilute, in order that the yellow colour of the sesquioxide of iron formed may not interfere with the distinctness of the reaction. If hydrochloric acid be present, more water than usual must in general be added, because in concentrated solutions, hydro- chloric acid reduces permanganic acid. Mn 4 7 + 14HC1 = 7H 2 + 10C1 + 4MnCl 2. An excess of acid if possible, of sulphuric acid must be present. The object of this is not only to make the colour of the sesquioxide of iron faint, but also to prevent the oxygen of the air and the small quantity of air in the water used for the dilution, from exerting an oxidising action during the operation. It is scarcely necessary to mention that protoxide of iron may in this manner be determined in the presence of sesquioxide. The principal advantage of this deter- mination consists in the fact that the presence of many substances, which often greatly complicated weight-analyses, does not interfere with its simplicity and accuracy. Even the iron contained in ferrocyanides may be determined by means of permanganate of potassium. The behaviour of permanganic acid towards protoxide of iron may serve for the indirect estimation of many substances which are capable of oxidising proto-salts of iron. It is only necessary to allow the substance to act upon a known quantity of iron in excess dissolved as protoxide, and to estimate the amount of protoxide unacted upon, in the manner just described. Free chlorine, the active chlorine in chloride of lime, the higher oxides of manganese *, nitric acid, &c., may be determined in this way. We shall subsequently discuss other and better methods of estimating these substances, and will not therefore here enter into further particulars. 2. Determination of Copper. The solution of the substance in water or nitric acid is mixed 'with a quantity of tartrate of potassium and sodium sufficient to prevent precipitation by the subsequent addition of an excess of caustic potash. The alkaline liquid is heated to boiling, and milk-sugar is added, till all the copper is precipitated as suboxide. This is collected on a filter, washed with hot water, and digested, together with the filter, in strong hydrochloric acid and chloride of sodium. The resulting solution of NaCl + Cu' 2 Cl, is to be diluted and treated with permanganate of potassium, as in the determination of iron. The filter, if the operation be quickly performed, has no action upon the permanganic acid. Since in this reaction, 4 atoms of copper take up one atom of oxygen from the permanganic acid, every volume of our solution will oxidise as many atoms of copper (31 '7 grms.), as it does of iron (28 grms). 5Cu 4 + Mn 4 0' = lOCu'O + 2Mn'0 and lOFe'Q + Mn 4 7 = 5Fe 4 3 + 2Mn 2 0. 3. Determination of Oxalic acid. When oxalic acid and permanganic acid are brought together in acid solutions, the former is oxidised to carbonic acid, the latter reduced to protoxide of manganese, which unites with the acid present : Mn'O 7 + 5C 2 H 2 4 + 2S0 4 H 2 = 10C0 2 + 2S0 4 Mn 2 + 7H 2 0. Hence oxalic acid may be determined by means of permanganate of potassium in a dilute solution containing an excess of free sulphuric acid, in a manner exactly similar to that described under iron. For the determination of the permanganic acid, either pure, air-dried, crystallised oxalic acid, C 2 H 2 4 + 2H 2 0, or pure iron, is employed. A volume of test-solution which oxidises x atoms (x . 28) of iron, will convert - atoms of oxalic acid (x : 31 -5) into carbonic acid and water. The behaviour of permanganic acid towards oxalic acid may be employed for the valuation of commercial peroxide of manganese : 1 grm. of the very finely powdered peroxide is mixed with a weighed quantity (about 1-5 gramme) of crystallised oxalic acid and a considerable excess of pure dilute sulphuric acid, and warmed till the peroxide of manganese is decomposed. Water is added, the solution allowed to cool, and the excess of oxalic acid determined as above : 1 atom of peroxide of manganese transforms 1 atom of oxalic acid into carbonic acid : Mn'O 2 + C 2 IF0 4 + S0 4 H 2 = S0 4 Mn 2 + 2C0 2 + 2H 2 0. (6). METHODS IN WHICH IODINE ACTS AS OXIDISING AGENT. Iodine in aqueous solution, in presence of oxidable substances, often acts upon the elements of water so as to form hydriodic acid with its hydrogen, while the oxygen acts upon the substance present. Now as the smallest quantity of free iodine may be recognised by its property of blueing starch-solution, whereas hydriodic acid and the iodides are without action upon starch, the substances mentioned may often be determined by mixing their * The riotermination of nitric acid becomes exact only when the reaction takes place in an atmosphere of hydrogen, but this precaution being taken, N*O S oxidises exactly 12Fe. (Freseuius.) OF LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS. 265 aqueous solutions with starch-solution, and then adding a standard solution of iodine in iodide of potassium, until permanent blue coloration occurs. In order that this reaction may succeed, the substance to be oxidised must, even in very dilute solution, possess the property of decolorising the iodide of starch which has been locally formed. For examples of determinations of this kind, we will take the following. Hyposulphurous acid, as potassium-, or sodium-salt, in neutral or alkaline solutions (made alkaline by bicarb on ates of the alkalis), acts upon iodine in such a manner that tetrathionates of alkalis and metallic iodides are produced, e. g. \ 2S 2 3 Na 2 + 21 = 2NaI + S'O'Na 2 . Arsenious acid, in the form of an alkali-salt, is converted by iodine into arsenic acid, in a solution made distinctly alkaline by carbonate or bicarbonate of an alkali-metal. Iodine must be added till the iodide of starch formed is no longer decolorised on the addition of bicarbonate of sodium ; 4 atoms of iodine (508 pts.) oxidise 1 atom of arsenious acid (198 pts.) : As 2 + 41 + 2H 2 = 4HI + As 2 5 . Sulphurous add, may be determined like hyposulphurous acid in solutions rendered feebly alkaline by an alkaline carbonate. The product formed is sulphuric acid: SO 2 + 21 + 2H 2 = 2HI + S0 4 H 2 . If we endeavour to determine free sulphurous acid by iodine, very divergent results are obtained when the solution is strong. _ In such cases, the quantity of sul- phurous acid converted into sulphuric acid varies very much, according to the quantity of water present and the rapidity with which the iodine is added. If, however, before adding the iodine, the solution is so far diluted with water free from air, that less than , 0-4 grin, of sulphurous acid is contained in 1 litre of water, the reaction, 21 + 2H 2 + SO 2 = 2HI + S0 4 H 2 , occurs with perfect regularity. The circumstances under which this reaction takes place, were determined by Bun sen (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi. 265), and applied to a series of very accurate volu- metric determinations, the most important of which we shall here explain. Analyses by means of Iodine and Sulphurous Acid. Eeagents. 1. Pure iodide of potassium. 2. Pure hydrochloric acid. 3. Freshly prepared, thin, very clear starch-solution.* A dilute solution of iodide of potassium, mixed with starch and hydrochloric acid, must give a mixture which remains colourless for several minutes. 4. A standard solution of iodine in iodide of potassium, 5 grms. of commercial iodine, and 10 to 12 grms. of iodide of potassium, are dissolved in about 20 c.c. water, and as soon as all the iodine is dissolved the solution is diluted to 1 litre. 5. A solution of sulphurous acid in distilled water. This must be so diluted that about 10 volumes of it are necessary to decolorise 1 volume of the iodine-solution (4). This solution should be prepared in quantities of 10 to 20 litres, and allowed to stand about an hour excluded from the air, before use, so that the oxygen contained in the dissolved air may be absorbed by the sulphurous acid. It may be advantageously kept in an earthenware vessel, provided with a tap at the bottom, and a fine drawn out tube above to allow the air to enter. The strength of such a solution may be considered as constant during the performance of one analysis. The first question is to determine exactly the strength of the iodine-solution, already approximately known. If we had a small quantity of perfectly pure iodine of known weight, this might be easily done by comparing such iodine with the standard-solution by means of the same sulphurous acid. Such a quantity of iodine to serve as a measure, is obtained by boiling between 200 and 400 milligrammes ( = A) of pure anhydrous bichromate of potassium with fuming hydrochloric acid, and collecting the evolved chlorine in a solution of iodide of potassium (for one part of the bichromate about 20 parts iodide of potassium are employed). 1 atom ( 294 % 8) of bichromate liberates under these circumstances 6 atoms of iodine (6 x 127'0): Cr 4 K 2 7 + 14HC1 = 7IFO + 2KC1 + 2Cr 2 Cl s + 6C1 6C1 + 6KI = 6KC1 + 61 In order to perform this operation without loss, the following method is adopted. On a glass tube of about 4 5 mm. internal diameter, a bulb of about 30 c.c. capacity is blown, and a flask is thus obtained of the form shown in fig. 48. To a short piece of the same tubing, a longer and narrower tube is fused, drawn out at d, and bent as shown in the figure. If the neck of the flask and the adapter-tube be ground flat and connected with caoutchouc, in such a manner as to bring them close together, an appa- Starch-solution, when filtered and saturated with chloride of sodium, may be kept a long time with- out decomposition. (Mohr.) 266 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) Fig. 48. ratus is obtained for the evolution of chlorine, which is scarcely inferior to one con- sisting wholly of glass. The caoutchouc tube before use must be freed from adhering sulphur by boiling with very dilute caustic soda and thorough washing with water. A retort of about 150 c.c. capacity (fig. 49) serves to hold the solution of iodide of potassium. The neck of the retort is widened at a, to receive any solution driven back by the expelled air. In order to make the determination, we bring the bi- chromate of potassium into the flask, which is then filled to | with fuming hydro- chloric acid ; the delivery-tube is attached, and placed so far in the retort (filled up to the commencement of the neck with iodide of potassium solution), that the chlorine which is not immediately absorbed must collect at b. The flask is first gently heated till the decomposition is complete, then more strongly, in order to drive over every trace of chlorine into the iodide of potassium solution by means of the gaseous water and hydrochloric acid. The retrogression of the iodide can scarcely take place if some care is taken, because it can only occur very slowly, in consequence of the small volume of the apparatus and the fineness of the point d. After the hydrochloric acid vapours have been evolved for about five minutes, it may be assumed that all the chlorine is expelled. Without discontinuing the boiling, the delivery-tube is with- drawn from the retort, and the vapours are conducted into some fresh solution of iodide of potassium, the boiling being continued for a few moments longer. If this solution remains uncoloured, the operation may be regarded as successful. The contents of the retort (coloured deep brown by iodine) are quickly cooled, and poured out into a beaker glass, and portions of 400 to 450 c.c. of the dilute sulphurous acid are successively added, without loss of time, until the liquid is colourless. The measurement of the sulphurous acid is effected in a flask which contains, up to a mark on its narrow neck, from 400 to 450 c.c., but whose capacity need not be ac- curately known. The flask is rinsed out with the sulphurous acid, filled up to the mark, and emptied in a definite manner, which should be strictly adhered to during the same analysis. Direct experiments have shown that the volume of the liquid delivered is sufficiently constant. The liquid decolorised by sul- phurous acid contains an excess of this body. Starch and then normal iodine-solution are therefore added till blue coloration occurs. Let the volume of the latter necessary for this be t } c.c. Immediately after- wards, one of the measures of sul- phurous acid previously employed is taken, and the volume (t c.c.) of standard iodine-solution determined which is necessary for its oxidation. If, then, the number n of the flasks of sul- phurous acid which were added to the iodide of potassium solution from the retort has been noted, the strength of the normal solution may be easily calculated. Let us call, for brevity, the contents of the flask the " volume." From the result of the determination just given, we find that nt c.c. normal iodine-solution were necessary for the oxidation of n volumes sulphurous acid. For such oxidation, t 1 c.c. of the same iodine-solution, together with the quantity of iodine produced by the distillation of A milligrammes of bichromate of potassium with hydrochloric acid, were also sufficient. This amount of iodine (A. ] millg. is therefore equivalent to (nt t 1 ) c.c. of iodine solution. Hence 1 c.c. of the latter contains A x 3 x 127 147-4 ( t - t } \ mi ^ 1 S rammes Of free iodine, or A x 3 147-4 (nt t 1 ) = ^ mil % ramme - atoms of f ree io * 1'017 x 62 x 100 . then the fraction is = 1, and the percentage of the soda in caustic soda is =3 k, that is, simply equal to the number of c.c. of the standard acid used. 2. In the previous division (8), we have considered the determination of iron by means of iodine-solution and sulphurous acid. . If milligramme of the iron compound be employed for the analysis, the percentage (x) of iron is derived from the formula 2 x 28 x 100 in which the letters have the signification before given. It is clear that the calculation is considerably simplified if (1) T be a round fractional number, for instance, i, (2) if A be made a simple multiple of 147-4, for instance, 5 x 147 '4 milligrammes. (3). By taking e so as to be a simple submultiple of 2 x 28 x 100, for instance, 30 x 28 milligrammes. W. D. ANALYSIS (VOX.UIWCETRIC) of GASES. This branch of analysis has of late attracted much attention from chemists ; but the chief improvements and de- velopments relating to it are due to Professor Bunsen. Previous to his researches on the subject, the processes adopted for measuring and analysing gases were so ex- ceedingly imperfect, the inaccuracies introduced so numerous, and even the reagents made use of so defective, that only the most variable results could be obtained ; now, on the contrary, gases may be analysed with an accuracy which cannot be equalled in any other branch of chemistry. So far indeed as accuracy and simplicity of mani- pulation are concerned, Bunsen' s method leaves little to be desired; but it is long and tedious, even a simple analysis requiring some days for completion. The necessary calculations for the reduction and correction of the observations are also numerous and require considerable time and attention.* To obviate these inconveniences, several methods have of late been proposed, by which the composition of a gas may be accu- rately determined in a very much shorter time, and without the calculations formerly necessary. The arrangement of the subject adopted in this article is : first a description of the apparatus and general method proposed by Bunsen ; then that of the more recent and expeditious methods ; and lastly, the processes, which to a certain extent are common to all the methods, for separating and estimating the different gases. According to the method of Professor Bunsen, the gases are collected and measured in graduated tubes over mercury. For this purpose, two straight glass tubes are used ; one of them, which should be about 250 mm. long and 20 mm. in diameter, is termed the absorption-tube, and the other which is from 500 to 600mm. long, and 20 mm. in diameter, is termed the eudiometer (figs. 50, 51). The absorption-tube is pro- vided with a sort of lip as shown in the figure, to enable the operator to pass the gas easily out of this tube into the eudiometer. As this latter tube is the one in which the combustible gases are exploded, two platinum wires must be fused into the closed end of it, for the passage of the electric spark. This is done by strongly heating the end of the tube in the blowpipe lamp, and then just touching it at the point where the wire is to be introduced, with a hot platinum wire ; to this the glass strongly adheres, and by this means is drawn out to a fine thread, which, on being cut off close to the eudiometer, is found to be hollow ; through this hole a platinum wire is introduced, and the glass carefully fused all round it. A second platinum wire is then by similar means fused into the opposite side of the eudiometer. These wires should not project straight across the tube, as they are then apt to become bent and moved from their proper distance * For a more detailed account of Bunsen's method of analysis, and for further information on gasometry in general, we would refer the reader to Buust-u's " Gasometry," translated by Roscoe. ( Walton and Maberly.) OF GASES. 269 Fig. 51. f\ -= I apart on filling the tube with mercury ; if straight, they would also prevent the eudiometer from being properly cleaned : it is consequently most convenient to have them bent so as to lie against the rounded top of the eudiometer. The ends of the wires should be at the distance apart of about 1 to 2 m.m. In order to ascertain whether the wires have been properly fused in, so that the con- tact of the platinum and glass may be perfect and no probability Fig. 50. of leakage can occur, the eudiometer is filled and inverted in a mercury trough, and then, while held in a vertical position, sharply rapped against the bottom of the trough ; this communicates a move- ment to the mercury in the tube, which sinking for a moment leaves a vacuum at the top, whereupon if the wires are not fu ed in abso- lutely air-tight, a row of small bubbles will be seen rising from the defective point. Having proved the tube to be air-tight, the next operation is to etch, by means of hydrofluoric acid, a millimetre scale on it and on the absorption-tube. This may easily be done by the following process, which was also suggested by Professor Bunsen. The tube to be etched is heated up to the temperature at which bees-wax melts over a fire, being held by means of a stick which passes through a cork fitted into the open end of it. The tube is then covered as uniformly as possible with melted wax, which is best done by painting it all over with wax, by means of a brush or feather. During the cooling, it should be continually turned round in the hand, so as to keep the wax equally distributed over the whole surface. If the tube when cold is found to be completely covered with wax, it is then ready for etching. Fig. 52 represents the apparatus used for this purpose, A B is a table or large board, with a groove running along it of such size that the tube to be graduated will lie easily in it ; d d represents this tube, which is firmly held in its place by two brass plates e e, screwed down upon it. At the other end of the groove, a standard tube b b, is also firmly fixed by means of a brass plate, and on this tube is the scale which is to be exactly copied on the wax covering the tube d d. This is done by means of a long bar of wood, to one end of which is fixed a steel point, and to the other a kind of knife. The rod is held by the ends as shown in the figure, the right hand guiding the knife. In using the apparatus, the steel point is allowed to fall into one of the divisions on the standard tube, which are purposely deeply etched, and while it is held there, a cut is made by means of the knife on the wax covering the tube. The length of this cut, and the consequent breadth of the scale, is regulated by the distance between the two brass plates e e. As soon as this first stroke has been made, the wooden rod is gently moved a Fig. 52. little forwards until the point falls into the next mark on the standard tube ; then a second cut is made in the wax, and so on. The steel point should always rest against the brass plate c c, which will then serve to keep it in the same straight line. In order to render the reading of the scale more easy, it is convenient to have every fifth stroke on it longer than the others ; which is easily accomplished by having slits made in the brass plate e, at the distance of 5 mm. apart, so that when the knife arrives at one of these slits, it passes further across the tube than in other cases. Before removing the waxed tube, it must be carefully examined, and if any false strokes are seen, they may be removed by applying a thin heated wire to the spot : then, when the wax has cooled, a fresh stroke may be made. The tube is now removed, and at each centimetre, the figures indicating the number of millimetres from the top are scratched in the wax by means of a needle. If any of the wax has been removed from the tube by the pressure of the brass plates, these places must be carefully re-covered, and the tube is then ready to be exposed to the hydrofluoric acid. 270 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) Fig. 53. This is most conveniently done in a kind of long narrow leaden dish. Powdered fluor-spar is strewed along the bottom, and a large excess of sulphuric acid added ; heat may then be applied. As soon as the gas comes off abundantly, the lamp is removed, the tube laid over the dish resting on two wire supports, and the whole is covered with a sheet of paper. When the tube has remained there about three minutes it should be removed and one of the divisions examined by passing the nail over it, to ascertain to what extent the etching has taken place. In from three to six minutes, most tubes will be sufficiently acted on. The etching may also be accomplished with- out applying heat to the hydrofluoric mixture ; in this, case the tube must be left in contact with the acid for several hours. This latter method yields perhaps the most distinct graduation. In order to render the scale still more clear, it should be rubbed over with a mixture of vermilion and copal varnish, which fills and hardens in each of the divisions, rendering them very evident to the eye. Since no tube is of precisely the same diameter for any length together, the scale thus etched bears evidently no constant relation to the cubic capacity of the tube. In order then to ascertain to what extent the capacity varies in different parts of tube equal volumes of mercury must be poured into it, and the space they occupy read off on the scale. Fig. 53 represents a convenient form of apparatus for always obtaining, these equal volumes of mercury, a is a small glass tube fixed in a handle and capable of containing about that amount of mercury which is required to fill the eudiometer through 20 mm. of its length. c is a glass plate, on the top of which the two ends of a strip of caoutchouc are fastened by sealing wax, so as to form a loop which is slipped over the thumb. By turning the stopcock, which allows the mercury to flow from the reservoir b, the glass measure, the top of which must be ground perfectly even, is completely filled, and the mercury rises in a curve above the top ; on depressing the plate c, the excess is expelled and the tube obtained per- fectly full: care must, however, be taken that no bubbles of air remain adhering to the sides. In filling the measure, it is well to allow the end of the tube e to rest on the bottom of it, and only gradually to withdraw it when nearly full of mer- cury. The tube to be calibrated is firmly held in a perpendicular position by means of a clamp, and the measures of mercury are then carefully poured in, any bubbles of air which may remain adhering to the tube, being removed by means of a small stick or piece of whalebone. After each addition of mercury, the height which it occupies on the scale is read off. In order to prevent errors from parallax, this should be done by means of a telescope fastened to a clamp which moves on a perpendicular support. In all readings-off, it is the position of the highest part of the mercury meniscus on the scale that is observed. This process for deter- mining the cubic capacity of the tube should always be gone through twice, and the mean of the two series of observation taken as the basis of calculation. An example will best show how these calculations are made and the results tabulated. The height of the mercury in the tube after the successive additions of the measured quantity is, diff. 9-1 23-0 36-6 50-15 - 13-9 - 13-6 - 13-55 In the second column is expressed the height which this constant quantity of mer- cury occupied. This varies of course with the capacity of the tube, increasing as the tube diminishes, and diminishing as the tube increases in size. One of these differences, generally the largest, is taken as the standard, say 13 -9, that is, 13 '9 volumes of mer- cury have been found to occupy on the scale : mm. 1 x 13-9 - 9-1 2 x 13-9 - 23-0 3 x 13-9 - 36-6 4 x 13-9 - 50-15 OF GASES. 271 This gives the relative values of the scale at these particular points, and it only remains to interpolate the respective values of each division between these successive points. In the first instance, between 9'1 and 23 '0, each millimetre will represent exactly 1 volume of mercury ; but in the second instance, where the 13"9 vols. of mer- cury occupy only a length of 13 '6 mm. where the tube in fact is broader, each division I O.Q will have a value equal to = 1-022, and this number represents the capacity of 13'6 each millimetre between 23*0 and 36'6. Again the capacity of each division between 1 ^*Q 36-6 and 50'15 is 4 ^ = 1'025. In this way is formed a table, which, although 13"5o perfectly arbitrary, is relatively correct, the amount of error arising from the alteration of the size of the tube between each reading-off of the height of the mercury, being quite inappreciable, when the measured quantity does not extend over more than about 20 mm. The following table is calculated from the foregoing observations. In the first column, the divisions on the scale are given, in the second their arbitrary value. 9 13-80 24 28-82 39 44-17 10 14-80 25 29-84 40 45-20 11 15-80 26 30-86 41 46-23 12 16-80 27 31-88 42 47-25 13 17-80 28 32-91 43 48-28 14 18-80 29 33-93 44 49-30 15 19-80 30 34-95 45 50-33 16 20-80 31 35-97 46 51-36 17 21-80 32 36-99 47 48 52-38 18 22-80 33 38-02 63-41 19 23-80 34 39-04 49 51-43 20 24-80 35 36 40-06 50 55-45 21 25-80 41-10 51 22 26-80 37 42-12 52 23 27-80 38 43-15 53 As it is always the highest point of the meniscus of the mercury that is read off on the scale, both in calibrating the tube and afterwards in measuring the amount of gas it may contain, a slight correction must be applied to every observation to correct the error which would otherwise arise from the convexity of the mercury. By re- ferring to fig. 54, it will easily be seen how this error arises. (1) In calibrating the tube : if a o a' represent the meniscus, it is the number on the scale coinciding with the line c c', that is read off, although the tube is not full up to that point by the space a c c' a ; and (2), in analysing a gas, when the tube is in the reverse position, the same number on the scale would be read off, although the meniscus of the mercury only coincided with the curve n o n', leaving in fact a space as much below c c' unoccupied by mercury in this instance, as was left above it in the former one. Hence after re- ferring to the table to ascertain the relative value of any reading-off, there must be added to it a quantity equal to the whole space ana' n. What this number is, which has always to be added can easily be ascertained by the following process. The eudiometer being fixed in a perpendicular position with its closed end downwards, a 272 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) small quantity of mercury is poured into the tube, and its height carefully noted ; a few drops of a dilute solution of corrosive sublimate are now added, the effect of which is entirely to destroy the meniscus, and render the surface of the mercury Fij. 54. perfectly flat : the height ##' at which it now stands in the tube is read off. Twice the difference of these two readings is then the quantity to be added to each observation after referring to the table of capacities. The most convenient form of mercury-trough is that proposed by Bunsen, and represented in fig. 55. It is about 350 mm. long, and 80 mm. broad. The two sides c c, are made of thick glass plates, and the lower part of it A, is formed out of a single piece of wood hollowed out. In order to economise the amount of mercury Fig. 56. necessary, the inside of the trough is made round at the bottom instead of being square. G forms a convenient support for the eudiometer. Before using the trough, it should be well rubbed with corrosive sublimate and mercury, or else small bubbles of air are apt to remain adhering to the wood, and may afterwards rise into the eudiometer. A good thermometer and barometer are of course indispensable. The length of the degrees on the thermometer scale should be such that the position of the mercury, to a tenth of a degree centigrade, may be easily read off by means of the telescope. The barometer generally used is of the syphon form (fig. 56). The scale is etched on the glass and the closed end is bent as shown in the figure, so that the scale on the two limbs is in the same straight line. The thermometer t, is placed in the open end of the barometer, and held in its place by a small piece of whalebone, which acts as a spring. Before reading off the height of the barometer and thermometer, the latter should be gently moved a little up and down, thus communicating to the mercury in the barometer a slight movement, which overcomes any adhesion between the mercury and the glass. The kind of room which is used as a gas-laboratory when this process is adopted, is a point of very considerable importance. It should have a northerly aspect, and the walls should be thick ; in fact, the room must be protected in every way from sudden changes of temperature. The mercury trough and barometer should stand on a table immediately in front of a window, if possible a double one. The table is provided with a rim round it, in order to prevent the loss of any mercury that may happen to be spilt upon it. Between every two operations in the analysis, at least half an hour must be allowed to elapse, in order that all parts of the apparatus may return to the temperature of the room. Great care must be taken in filling the eu- diometer and absorption-tube with mercury, that no air remains adhering to the sides of the tube. This is most easily avoided by introducing the mercury through a funnel, to which is attached a narrow glass tube reaching very nearly to the top of the eudiometer ; the mercury then rises gradually, the funnel being ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) OF GASES. 273 Fig. 57. kept full, and expels the air very thoroughly from the tube. A small bubble of air will however generally be found to remain in contact with the platinum wires in the eudiometer ; this must be got rid of by placing the thumb over the open end of the tube, and holding it in an inclined position ; then, by means of a sudden jerk, the bubble may be detached from the wires, and by merely inverting the eudiometer, allowed to escape. All the readings-off, as before stated, are made with the help of a telescope, which should be at a distance of seven or eight feet from the tubes. Care should always be taken that the division to be read off is nearly in the middle of the field of the tele- scope, or a slight error may arise from parallax. It is therefore convenient to have the telescope provided with a cross wire. At each stage of the analysis, four observations have to be made : 1st, the height of the mercury in the gas-tube ; 2nd, the height of the mercury in the trough as measured on the scale of the gas-tube ; 3rd, the tempera- ture ; and 4th, the atmospheric pressure. The barometer and thermometer are always read off last ; for before doing this, it is necessary to approach the table in order to move the thermometer, as before described, and the heat given out from the body would increase the volume of gas in the tube. In order to read off accurately the level of the mercury in the trough, it is necessary so to place a piece of white paper between the glass side of the trough and the tube, that it may reflect the light from the window on to the scale. Fig. 57 shows how this is conveniently ar- ranged, the scale being seen through the slit m. After each operation in the analysis, before leaving the tubes to cool, a rapid observation should be made with the telescope, in order to see that the scale on the eudio- meter is in its right position, passing apparently exactly through the highest point of the meniscus, and also that the height of the mercury both in and outside the tube can be easily read off. In order to render the observations thus made at different temperatures and pressures comparable, they must be re- duced to a common standard, the one generally employed being dry air at C., and under a pressure of 1 metre of mercury. If v represent the volume of gas as taken from the table, m the error of the meniscus, b the height of the mercury in the gas- tube above that in the trough, t the temperature, and B the height of the barometer, the following formula will give the corrected volume V\ under the standard tempe- There is also another point which must not be overlooked in the calculation, viz. the effect of the tension of water- vapour. If the gas is saturated with moisture, and the temperature at which the observation of its volume was made is known, it is then only necessary to refer to the table of tensions of aqueous vapour and extract the number corresponding to that temperature : this must be deducted from the height of the barometer. Thus, the formula for the reduction of gases saturated with aqueous vapour is - - - - ^ - = V, where T is the tension of aqueous vapour ' J for the temperature t. To ensure a gas being completely saturated with moisture, a drop of water is always introduced into the eudiometer before filling it with mercury. In order to show more clearly how these calculations are made, the following ex- ample taken from Bunsen's Gasometry, is cited, of the measurement of the same quantity of air, first saturated with moisture and afterwards dry. Observation at the lower level of the mercury . Observation at the upper level in the eudiometer Height of the column b to be subtracted from barometer The divisions 317'3 and 3107 correspond to the volumes in the table of capacity . Correction for the meniscus .... Temperature of the air Height of the barometer ..... Tension of aqueous vapour for 20*2 C. VOL. I. T Moist. 565-9 mm. 317-3 248-6 V . 292-7 0-4 20-2 C. 0-7469 m. 0-0176 m. Dry. 565-9 mm. 310-7 255-2 286-0 0-4 20-2 C. 0-7474 m. 274 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) OF GASES. log.(F + m) = log. 293-1 = 2-46702 + log. (B - b - T) = log. -4807 = 0-68187 - i + compl. log. (1 + 0-00366)5) = compl. log. 1-0739 = Q-96903 - 1 log. V 2-11792 V 131-20. For the dry air we have : log. (V + m) - log. 286-4 = 2-45697 + log. (B b) = log. 0-4922 = 0-69214 - 1 + compl. log. (1 + 0-00366*) = compl. log. 1-0739 = Q-969Q3 - 1 log. V 2-11814 V = 131-26. A modification of Bunsen's method has been proposed by Messrs. Williamson and Kussell (Proceedings of the Eoyal Society, vol. ix. p. 218), whereby the effect of any alteration in the barometer or thermometer on the gas during the analysis is entirely eliminated : moreover, the gas operated on is always read off saturated with aqueous vapour, so that no calculations are necessary for reducing the volume to a standard temperature and pressure. The principle on which this simpli- fication depends is, that of always retaining the gas at the same degree of elas- ticity. If, for instance, a fall of temperature has occurred, then by diminishing the pressure on the gas a certain amount, its elasticity will remain unaltered ; and for a rise in temperature, the pressure must be correspondingly increased to retain the gas at the same volume. This equally applies to any alteration in the barometer. The means adopted for ascertaining exactly how much the pressure on the gas has to be increased or diminished for any variations of the barometer or thermometer, is simply to introduce a standard quantity of air into a tube over mercury, and mark off the height of the mercury on the tube, at the normal temperature and pressure ; then, at any other temperature or pressure, by raising or lowering the tube in the mercury- trough, so as exactly to bring the mercury again to the same mark, the elasticity of the air is maintained constant. The gas in the eudiometer is always read off at this constant degree of expansion, and this is done merely by raising or lowering it in the trough, until the column of mercury within the eudiometer is of exactly the same height as that in the tube containing the standard amount of air. Fig. 58 represents Fig. 58. the apparatus used in this method. A B is the tube containing the standard amount of air, and is termed the "pressure-tube:" the upper part of it is six or seven inches long, and of about the diameter of an ordinary Bunsen's eudiometer ; the lower part B is of about the same length, but only f inch internal diameter. Into this pres- sure-tube is introduced such a quantity of mercury that, when it is inverted in the trough, the mercury stands at a convenient height in the narow tube ; at this point, the mark is made which indicates the height of mercury needed at any temperature or pres- ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) OF GASES. 275 Fig. 59. sure, to reduce the enclosed air to its original volume. The mercury-trough c D differs from the ordinary form in being provided with a well E, at one end, in which the eudiometer is to be raised or lowered so as to bring the gas it contains to the same pressure as the air in the pressure-tube. Both the eudiometer and the pressure-tube are held in a perpendicular position by means of clamps F and G, which slide on up- right rods. Each clamp is provided with a simple kind of slow movement, by which the tube can be raised or lowered by the operator, whilst he is looking through a telescope at a suitable distance. Fig. 59 is an enlarged view of one of the clamps, which shows more distinctly how the slow movement is produced. A is the part which slides up and down the vertical rod ; it is furnished on the inside with a small steel peg, which moves in a groove, thus causing the arm always to remain in the same plane, c D is a tube through which the rod F, carrying the clamp, passes. E is a screw which retains the rod F in its place, and by means of which the friction on the rod passing through the tube can be increased at pleasure. G is a small cylinder fixed to c D ; on turning this round to the right or to the left, the string above or below is wound on to it, and consequently the rod F raised or lowered. In order that the heat from the body may not affect the volume of the gases in the tubes, thin iron rods, some six feet in length, are screwed into these cylin- ders, and rest on the arm carrying the telescope, as shown in fig. 58. H is merely an arrangement for tighten- ing the string. K. is a peg so placed with regard to the stop L, that when, by turning the clamp round, it is pressed against the stop, the tube is then in the right position for applying the final adjustment and reading off. In operating with this apparatus, the pressure- tube is placed immediately in front of the eudiometer, and the clamp moved up or down the vertical rod till the top of the mercury inside about coincides with the mark on the stem of the tube ; in the same way, the eudiometer is so adjusted that the internal column of mercury is of about the same height as that in the pressure-tube. The iron rods are then screwed on, and the whole allowed to cool. The method adopted in reading off the amount of gas is, while looking through the telescope, first to turn the rod connected with the pressure-tube so as to bring the mercury exactly up to the mark on the stem, then raise or lower the eudiometer so that the meniscus of the mercury inside it may coincide precisely with the meniscus in the pressure-tube. This is easily done, as the diameter of the pressure-tube is con- siderably smaller than that of the eudiometer, and the meniscus in the latter can be clearly seen on both sides of the meniscus of the pressure-tube. It is convenient also to have a second pressure-tube, the stem of which should be about three times as long as that of the one already described. By this means, when only a small amount of gas has to be measured, it can be read off at a greatly reduced pressure, and conse- quently with greater absolute accuracy. In order to render the reading made with one pressure-tube comparable with those made with the second, it is only necessary to measure the same amount of gas at each of these degrees of expansion, this at once establishes the proportion in which any amount of gas read off, at the greater degree of expansion, for instance, will have to be diminished in order to render it com- parable with gas read off at the lower degree of expansion. This method yields very accurate results, and they are obtained with less trouble than by Bunsen's method, and without any tedious calculations. The method and apparatus next to be described is that proposed by MM. Kegn an It and Keiset (Ann. Cliim. Phys. [3] xxvi. 333). Its peculiar advantage is, that analyses may be made by it with very mucli greater rapidity than is possible by oither of the methods previously described, and also that it does not require a room to be set apart for gas analysis. T 2 276 ANALYSIS (VOLUMETRIC) OF GASES. The economy of time is effected in two ways : first, by surrounding the gas-tubes with water, which almost immediately causes their contents to assume the same temperature as that of the external medium; secondly, by the use of liquid reagents instead of solid, which are necessarily used in Bunsen's method. The form and principle of M. Kegnault's apparatus will be easily understood from Jigs. 60 and 61. It consists essentially of two parts, which can be easily joined and Fig. 60 In the one part, the gas is subjected to the action of the liquid reagents, and this is termed the laboratory or absorption-tube; in the other, the gas is mea- sured, and it is termed the measuring-tube ; these are represented in the figures by / g, and a b. The measuring tube a b, is from 15 to 20 mm. internal diameter. It is divided into millimetres, and terminates above in a fine capillary tube a r, while the lower end is luted into a cast iron piece NN, having two tubulations, b and ES. Syn. of PHENYLAMIDES. ANILINE. Syn. of PHENYLAMINE. ANXlVXAIiXSATION. The process or series of processes by which food is con- verted into the constituents of the animal body (see DIGESTION and NUTRITION). The same term is used in the arts to denote the operation by which vegetable fibres, such as cotton and .flax, are made to unite with albuminous substances. ANIME RESIST, improperly called gum-anime. A resinous substance used for fumigation. There are three varieties of it, the East Indian, the "West Indian, and the u 4 296 ANIME ANISAMIC ACID. brown American. West Indian anime, sometimes called courbaril resin, is the pro- duce of the Hymencea Courbaril, a tree belonging to the order GssalpinctB, growing in the West Indies and in South America ; the other varieties are of unknown origin. The West Indian resin forms yellowish-white transparent, somewhat unctuous tears, or sometimes larger masses ; it is brittle ; of a light pleasant taste, and very agreeable odour; hence its uso in fumigation and in perfuniery. It softens in the mouth, melts easily in the fire, and burns with a bright flame. Specific gravity T028 (Bresson), 1*032 (Paoli). Insoluble in water, perfectly soluble in hot alcohol. Cold alcohol dissolves about 54 per cent, of it. The soluble portion is, according to Laurent, identical with the resin of turpentine. The insoluble portion crystallises from boiling alcohol in slender colourless needles, consisting, according to Laurent, of 83'6 per cent. C, 11-5 H, and 4'9 0, agreeing with the formula C M H 3 0. According to Filhol, the resin of Hi/mcn(ga Courbaril is nearly insoluble in cold absolute alcohol, melts at 100 C, and contains 85 '3 per cent, carbon, 11 -5 hydrogen, and 3-2 oxygen. Brown American anime softens in the mouth, and dissolves completely in cold alcohol; specific gravity 1'0781 (Paoli). Oriental anime, which, according to Gui- boust, is no longer met with in commerce, is likewise perfectly soluble in cold alcohol, has a density of 1*027, and appears to consist of two resins, differing in melting point (Paoli, Trommsdorff' s Journ. Bd. ix. St. 1; s. 40, 61; G-uiboust, Kev. Scient. xvi. 177; Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 315; Gerhardt, Traite", iii. 669; Filhol, J. Pharm. [3] i. 301, 507.) There is some confusion respecting the use of the word anime, the French designating copal as rcsinc anime ; and denoting the West Indian anime or courbaril resin, by the term Copal or anime, tcndre, ATCIRIIWE. An organic base obtained, together with three others, odorine, ammoline, and olanine, from bone-oil (Oleum animale Dippclii\ by Unverdorben in 1826 (Pogg. Ann. xi. 59 and 67). None of these bases were prepared by Unverdorben in a state of purity. Odorine was afterwards obtained pure, and more exactly inves- tigated under the name of picoline, by Anderson, who showed that it is isomeric with aniline, C 6 H 7 N. The other three bases, which were less volatile than odorine, were probably mixtures of the homologous bases lutidinc, C 7 H 9 N, and collidine, C 8 H n N, together with other substances. (See Grm. xi. 273.) AN I OTT (from aviov, that which goes up). A term used by Faraday to denote the element of an electrolyte, which is eliminated at the positive pole or anode ; the other element, which is eliminated at the negative pole or kathode, being called a kation (KCLTIOV, that which goes down). To understand these terms, we must suppose the decomposing body to be so placed that the current (of positive electricity) passing through it, shall be parallel to, and in the same direction with, that which is supposed to exist in the earth, viz. from east to west, or in the direction of the sun's diurnal motion. The positive pole or electrode will then be towards the east. (Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity, vol i. p, 196.) ANISAMIC ACID. C 8 H fl N0 3 . (Zinin, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcii. 327.) Ob- tained by passing hydrosulphuric acid into a mixture of nitranisic acid with 8 pts. of alcoholic ammonia. After twelve hours, when the acid is dissolved, the whole is boiled, with occasional addition of water, till all the alcohol is driven off; it is then filtered from the separated sulphur, and mixed with acetic acid, which precipitates anisamic acid in long brown needles: they are obtained colourless by solution in water and treatment with animal charcoal. It forms thin, brilliant, four-sided prisms, which dissolve but slightly even in boiling water, or in ether, but are readily soluble in alcohol. Hydrochloric and boiling acetic acid dissolve it unchanged ; its solution in dilute nitric acid reddens on long boiling, and by cooling deposits brown flakes and a white pulveru- lent substance. It melts at 180 C., and is decomposed at a higher temperature. The only anisamate that has been analysed is the silver-salt, C 8 H 8 AgN0 3 : it is a curdy precipitate, insoluble in water, readily soluble in ammonia and acids ; in the dry state, it may be heated to 120 C. without decomposition, but turns brown when boiled with water. The ammonium-salt is very soluble, and crystallises with difficulty in four-sided tables; its aqueous solution is partially decomposed by boiling, ammonia being evolyed, and the acid crystallising out on cooling. The lead and cadmium-salts are white precipitates. An aqueous solution of anisamic acid does not precipitate lime- or baryta-water, or silver-salts. With ammoniacal sulphate of copper, it gives, in the cold, a light blue flocculent precipitate, which, on boiling, becomes pulverulent, and of a cinnamon colour. The mode of formation of anisamic from anisic acid being analogous to that of oxy? benzamic acid from benzoic acid, it should perhaps be regarded as oxyanisamic acid, H '')N (OTTO) jg, K T. 0. ANISAMINES ANISE, OIL OF. 297 H 2 /( ) N ANXSAMXDZ:. C S H 9 N0 2 [or, rather, anisamic add, (CHOKm^ (C all ours, H ) Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxii. 353.) Obtained by treating chloride of anisyl with dry am- monia, whereupon heat is evolved, and the mixture becomes a solid mass of anisamide, which is soluble in alcohol, whence it crystallises by spontaneous evaporation in large prisms. It is also formed by the action of ammonia on anisate of ethyl in a closed vessel. F. T. C. (Cannizzaro, Compt. rend. 1.1100). These bases are pro- duced by the action of strong alcoholic ammonia on the chlorhydrin of anisic alcohol (C 8 H"OC1) : C 8 H 9 OC1 + NH 3 = C 8 HON + HC1. Anisamine. 2C 8 H 9 OC1 + NH S = C 18 H 19 2 N + 2HC1. DLuiisamine. The resulting mass is freed from sal-ammoniac by digestion in water, then dissolved in alcohol, and the residue obtained by evaporating the alcoholic solution to dryness, consists, after washing with ether, of a mixture of the hydrochlorates of the two bases. These hydrochlorates are separated by water, the anisamine -salt being much the more soluble of the two ; and the bases are obtained in the free state by adding ammonia or potash to the solutions of the hydrochlorates, then agitating with ether, and evaporating the ethereal solution. Anisamine crystallises in small needles, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and melting with colouration above 100 C. Dianisamine forms at first a thick oil, which, after a few days, crystallises in white laminae. It is soluble in alcohol and in ether; less soluble in water than anisamine. It melts and solidifies between 32 and 33 C. Both these alkaloids are strong bases. The chloroplatinate of anisamine, C 8 H u ON.HCl.PtCP, crystallises in small gold-yeUow laminse. The chloroplatinate of dianisamine, C 16 H 19 2 N,HCl.PtCl 2 + H 2 is precipitated as a brown oily liquid, gradually changing to a mass of yellow needles. The constitution of these bases may be viewed in two different ways. If anisic alcohol be regarded as monatomic = 8 H 9 O.H.O, the bases then appear as ordinary amines, containing the radicle C 8 H 9 0, viz. : ( "FT 2 ( TT Anisamine = ^mwi Dianisamine but if we suppose anisic alcohol to be diatomic = (C 8 H 8 )".H 2 .0 2 , then the bases must be regarded as hydoramines (p. 197), viz. : ( T = Nj /r )".H 2 .0 2 , famine . , Dianisamme = ANXSANXXiXDE. See PHENYiANisAHTDE, under PHENYLAMINE. ArilSE, Oil. OP. Essence d'anis. Anisbl. The name given to the essential oil which is obtained by distillation with water from the seeds of the common anise (Pimpinella anisum}, and the China or star anise (Illicium anisatum}. (According to Hees, 20 Ib. of seeds yield 5J oz. oil.) This oil contains an. oxygenated principle, which, by the action of oxidising agents, is converted into hydride of anisyl. The same principle is found in the oils extracted from fennel (Anethum fceniculum}, and tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus). All these oils may, therefore, be conveniently described in the same article, though they differ slightly in their physical properties. 1. Oil of anise and of fennel is a neutral, yellowish, somewhat syrupy liquid, possessing a peculiar aromatic smell and taste. Its specific gravity varies from 0-977 to 0-991. It is soluble in all proportions in cold alcohol of specific gravity 0'806, and in 2-4 pts. alcohol of specific gravity 0'84 at 25 C. It appears to consist of two distinct oils, one of which solidifies at temperatures below 10, while the other remains fluid at all temperatures. Scarcely anything is known of the latter of these oils ; according to Gerhardt (Trait, iii. 352 ct scq.) it is isomeric with oil of turpentine. The former, which is generally known as anethol or anise-camphor, has been examined by C ah ours (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iii. 274). The proportion of these two constituents varies in different specimens of the commercial oil ; but generally the camphor composes f of the whole. The crude oil absorbs oxygen when exposed to the air, becomes more syrupy, and finally loses the property of solidifying by cold. In order to obtain the camphor in a state of purity, it is freed from the liquid oil by pressure between folds of filtering paper, and repeatedly crystallised from alcohol of specific gravity 0'85. It crystallises in soft, white, lustrous laminse, of specific gravity 1-014, having a smell similar to, but weaker" and more agreeable than, that of the crude oil. It is very 298 ANISE, OIL OF. f rial ile, especially at 0C. ; melts at 18 C., and at 222 boils and volatilises com- pletely, but not without slight coloration. Its formula is C IO H 12 0. Its vapour-density, taken at 338 C., is 5*19 ; at lower temperatures, its density is higher. It is not affected by exposure to the air in the solid state ; but, if kept in a state of fusion, it gradually ceases to solidify on cooling, and finally resinifies completely. Nitric acid converts it into hydride of anisyl, anisic or nitranisic acid, and oxalic acid ; the products vary Avith the concentration of the acid. Generally a yellow resinous substance is also formed, to which Cahours gives the name nitraniside, and the formula C 10 H 10 (N0 2 ) 2 (?). This is a very insoluble substance, which melts at about 100 C., and is completely de- composed by distillation ; when treated with a strong solution of potash, it gives off ammonia abundantly, and is converted into a black substance, which Cahours calls mclan isic acid. Under certain circumstances, the action of dilute nitric acid produces an acid containing 10 atoms carbon (see ANISOIC ACID). When distilled with sulphuric acid and bichromate of potassium, oil of anise yields anisic and acetic acids. (Hemp el, Ann. Ch. Phann. lix. 104.) Strong boiling solutions of caustic alkalis do not attack oil of anise ; but when it is heated with potash-lime in a sealed tube to the boiling point of the oil, a peculiar acid is formed, which appears to be isomeric with cuminic acid. (Gerhardt.) Anise-camphor treated with acid sulphite of sodium, is resolved into methyl and hydride of anisyl, C'H 12 + H 2 = 2CH 3 + C 8 H 8 2 . (Stadeler and Wachter Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxvi. 172.) Anise-camphor absorbs hydrochloric acid gas abundantly, forming a liquid com- pound, C'H 12 O.HC1, which contains 19 '8 per cent, chlorine. It absorbs chlorine rapidly, with evolution of heat and vapours of hydrochloric acid, forming substitution- products, in which the number of atoms of hydrogen replaced by chlorine varies with the duration of the action of the gas. The trichlorinated compound (chloranisal} C'H 9 C1 3 0, is a syrupy liquid, which is completely decomposed by distillation, and from which, by the further action of chlorine, aided by heat, a still higher chlorine compound may be obtained. Oil of anise treated with pentachloride of phosphorus, yields a liquid boiling at a high temperature, probably C 10 H 12 C1 2 . (Aelsmann and Kraut, J. pr. Chem. Ixxvii. 490.) When anhydrous bromine is gradually added to anise-camphor, heat and hydro- bromic acid are evolved, and the whole becomes liquid, and finally, when the bromine is in excess, solidifies after a time ; it is then washed with cold ether, and recrys- tallised from boiling ether. The bromanisal, C l H 9 Br 3 0, thus obtained forms large lustrous crystals, insoluble in water, very slightly soluble in alcohol; it is decomposed by heat, decomposition commencing at about 100 C. ; it is not further acted on by bromine. When oil of anise is treated with perchloride of tin or trichloride of antimony, it thickens into a red pitchy mass, which, when boiled with water, deposits a white substance, apparently isomeric with anise-camphor. Cahours calls it anisoin. It is also formed when oil of anise is gradually mixed with 1^ pts. strong sulphuric acid, and the resulting resinous mass treated with water. It is purified by solution in ether, and reprecipitation by dilute alcohol. Thus obtained, it is a white, inodorous solid which fuses a little above 100C., and, when further heated, burns with a brilliant flame and an aromatic smell ; it is heavier than water ; insoluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol, even on heating ; more soluble in ether and volatile oils. It is soluble in strong sulphuric acid, forming a red solution, whence it is reprecipitated by water. It is not attacked by a boiling solution of caustic potash. When distilled, it partly volatilises unchanged and partly passes over as an isomeric oil. When cry- stallised from its ethereal solution, it forms very small white needles. The substance obtained by Will (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 230), by dropping oil of anise into a strong solution of iodide of potassium saturated with iodine, and treating the resulting magma with 6 or 8 times its volume of alcohol, is, according to Gerhardt, whose statement is confirmed by the recent experiments of Aelsmann and Kraiit (loc. cit.}, identical with anisoin. This substance, when treated with chlorine, yields a chlorine substi- tution-compound. Anisoin is also produced by treating oil of anise with chloride of benzoyl. (Aelsmann and Kraut.) When anise-camphor is distilled with chloride of zinc, a volatile oil passes over, which after a time generally deposits crystals, volatile without decomposition and not ^melting at 100^C. Both oil and crystals have the same composition as the original camphor; and the vapour-density of the oil is the same as that of the camphor. The oil is readily soluble in strong sulphuric acid, forming a fine crimson solution ; the addition of water destroys the colour, but does not precipitate anything. By saturating the aqueous solution with carbonate of barium, a gummy salt is ob- tained, whose solution gives a dark violet colour with ferric salts ; both acids and alkalis destroy the colour (Gerhardt). The same product is obtained when oil of anise or anise-camphor is treated with 3 4 pts. concentrated sulphuric acid, water ANISHYDRAMIDE. 299 added, the oil which separates filtered off, and the aqueous filtrate saturated with barytic carbonate. It appears to be identical with Laurent's sulphodraconate of barium, obtained by him from oil of tarragon. 2. Oil of Tarragon (Laurent, Kevue Scient. x. 6) consists mainly of a camphor isomeric with that of anise, and behaving in the same manner with nitric and sul- phuric acids and metallic chlorides. The proportion of liquid oil in this essence is very small : hence the crude oil does not boil below about 200 C., and the boiling point gradually rises to 206, where it remains stationary. Its specific gravity is 0-945 ; vapour-density 6-157 at 230. When treated with chlorine, it evolves heat and, acid vapours, and gradually becomes more syrupy ; one of the products thtis obtained (chloride of draconyl}, of about the consistence of turpentine, gave on analysis per- centages which seem to indicate the formula C 10 H 10 Cr 2 O.Cl 2 . When treated with alcoholic potash, this substance yielded a thick oil (chlorodraconyl) containing 42*5 per cent, carbon and 3*4 per cent, hydrogen. 3. Oil of Bitter Fennel (Cahours, loc. tit). This essence is composed of two oils, the less volatile of which can readily be obtained pure by fractional distillation. Its composition is the same as. that of anise-camphor ; but it does not solidify at 10 C. Its specific gravity is somewhat less than that of water ; it boils at 225 C. Treated with nitric acid, it behaves like anise-camphor ; with bromine it gives a liquid viscous pro- duct, which is very difficult to purify. The more volatile oil appears to have the same composition as oil of turpentine. It boils about 190 C. When a stream of nitric oxide is led into it, it becomes thick and turbid, and on addition of alcohol of specific gravity 0-80, yields a white, silky precipitate, which is purified by repeated washing with alcohol. This substance, which forms fine crystalline needles, contains 3C 10 H 16 ,8NO. It is discohmred when heated to 100 C., and at a higher temperature is entirely decomposed. It is scarcely soluble in alcohol of specific gravity 0'80, rather more in absolute alcohol, still more in ether ; soluble in strong caustic potash, and reprecipitated by acids. When heated with caustic soda, it yields ammonia, an oil smelling like petroleum, and a gas which attacks the eyes. When treated with sulphydrate of ammonium in the cold, and then by an acid, it gives a precipitate which explodes slightly when heated ; the filtrate gives an abundant blue precipitate with ferric salts. It dissolves in boiling sulp- hydrate of ammonium, forming a brown solution, and depositing sulphur, while a strong smell of oil of bitter-almonds is evolved. It is scarcely attacked by boiling hyposulphite of sodium. (Chiozza.) F. T. C. ATCriSHYDRAnxXDE. Hydrurc d'azoanisyl. C 24 H 24 N 2 3 . (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xiv. 487.) The action of ammonia upon hydride of anisyl is analogous to that which it exerts upon the hydrates of benzoyl and salicyl, a hydramide being formed : 3C 8 H 8 2 + 2NH 3 = C 24 H 24 N 2 3 + 3H 2 Hydride of Anishydra- anisyl. mide. This substance is obtained by abandoning for some time a mixture of 1 vol. hydride of anisyl, and 4 5 vols. of a saturated aqueous solution of ammonia, in, a closed vessel, when shining crystals of anishydramide gradually form, until, after some weeks, the whole becomes a semi-solid mass. The crystals are then freed from ad- hering liquid by pressure between folds of filtering paper, and dried. They are hard, snow-white prisms, very easily powdered; insoluble in water, soluble in boiling alcohol or ether, and in warm concentrated hydrochloric acid, whence they recry- stallise on cooling. They melt at about 120 G. When anishydramide is acted on by sulphide of ammonium, a white powder is obtained, which Cahours (Compt. rend, xxv. 458) calls thianisiol, andG-erhardt (Traite, iii. 360) hydride of sulphanisyl. Its formula is C"H 8 SO. For the probable constitution of anishydramide, see HYDKAMIDES in art. AMIDES, p. 177. When anishydramide is kept for two hours at a temperature between 165 and 170 C., it is converted into an isomeric alkaloid, to which the name anisine has been given (Bertagnini, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxviii. 128). In order to obtain this substance in a state of purity, it is dissolved in boiling alcohol, and hydrochloric acid added to the solution, when the hydrochlorate separates out in crystals. These are freed from the mother- liquor, decomposed by potash or ammonia, and the free base is recrystallised from alcohol. Thus obtained, anisine forms colourless transparent prisms, scarcely soluble either in hot or cold water, slightly soluble in ether, readily in alcohol. Its solution has a strong alkaline reaction and a bitter taste. Anisine forms crystallisable salts with acids. The hydrochlorate, C 24 H 24 N 2 3 .HC1, crystallises in colourless brilliant needles, slightly soluble in water, readily in alcohol. "When dried at the ordinary temperature, they contain 4C"H W N 2 8 .HC1 + 9IFO; they give off water at 100 C. 300 ANISIC ACID. The chloroplatinate, C M H w N*O a ,HCl,PtCl 8 , obtained by adding bichloride of platinum to the hydrochlorate, forms brilliant orange-coloured scales, slightly soluble in alcohol. F. T. C. ANISIC ACID. Hydrate of anisyl. Draconic acid, &c. C 8 H 8 3 = (C 8 H 6 0)".H 2 .0 2 . (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ii. 287; xiv. 483 ; xxiii. 351; xxv. 21 ; xxvii. 439; Laurent, Revue Scient. x. 6, 362; Grerhardt, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] vii. 292.) This acid, discovered by Cahours in 1841, is a product of the oxidation of anise-cam- phor and of the crude oils of anise, fennel, and tarragon. The acids obtained from these several oils were at first distinguished by different names; but their identity is now clearly established. The first product of the oxidation of these sub- stances is hydride of anisyl, which, by further oxidation, is converted into anisic acid. (See ANISYL, HYDRIDE OF.) Cahours prepares anisic acid by boiling oil of anise with nitric acid of specific gravity 1-2 (23 Baume), when a yellow resinous substance (nitraniside) is formed, together with anisic acid, which crystallises from the acid liquid on cooling. The crystals are washed with cold water, and dissolved in ammonia ; the ammonium-salt is repeatedly crystallised till it is colourless, and then decomposed by acetate of lead ; the difficultly soluble lead-salt is washed, and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen ; and the anisic acid is dissolved from the sulphide of lead by boiling water, crystallised, and purified (if necessary) by sublimation. Laurent's method of preparing it from oil of tarragon is as follows : 1 pt. oil together with a little water, is heated in a large retort, and 3 pts. common nitric acid are added gradually. The mixture thickens by degrees, and is finally converted into a brown, resinous, slightly crystalline mass. This is washed, and extracted with hot dilute ammonia, which dissolves all but a small quantity of a brown substance. The ammoniacal solution is evaporated to a syrup, when it deposits a further portion of the brown substance, which was held in solution by the free ammonia : if the evapora- tion be carried too far, the anisate and nitranisate of ammonium contained in the solution may be partially decomposed. The syrup is mixed with water, boiled, and filtered through animal charcoal ; and the filtrate (neutralised, if acid, by ammonia) is evaporated, when anisate of ammonium crystallises in rhomboidal tables, while the nitranisate remains in the mother-liquor. The anisate is recrystallised two or three times from alcohol, dissolved in a boiling mixture of alcohol and water, and nitric acid added to the hot solution, which, on cooling, deposits crystals of anisic acid. These are further purified by recrystallisation from boiling alcohol, and, if necessary, by sublimation. Anisic acid may also be prepared by dropping hydride of anisyl upon fused caustic potash. A soft resinous mass is obtained, which, when dissolved in water and saturated with hydrochloric acid, deposits crystals of anisic acid, which are purified as above. If hydride of anisyl be procurable, this is the most advantageous method, since the formation of nitranisic acid is entirely avoided. (Handwb.) Anisic acid crystallises in brilliant colourless prisms, belonging to the monoclinic system, often of considerable size, with angles of 114 and 66. The acute edges are mostly truncated ; the base is replaced by two principal and three smaller faces. It has no taste or smell ; is tolerably soluble in hot, but scarcely in cold, water ; readily soluble in alcohol or ether, especially on boiling; its solution reddens litmus feebly. It fuses at 175 C, and solidifies on cooling to a crystalline mass; at a higher tem- perature it sublimes without decomposition into snow-white needles. It is isomeric with salicylate of methyl. It is violently attacked by chlorine and bromine (see below, SUBSTITUTION-PRODUCTS). Hot concentrated nitric acid converts it into nitranisic acid. Fuming nitric acid converts it into dinitranisol or trinitranisol (see ANISOL), the product varying with the duration of the reaction and the proportion of the reagants. If heat be applied, a third substance, chrysanisic acid, isomeric with trinitranisol, is simultaneously formed. A mixture of sulphuric and fuming nitric acids converts it into trinitranisol. Perchloride of phosphorus attacks it violently, forming chloride of anisyl, chloride phosphoryl, and hydrochloric acid. When distilled over caustic baryta, it is decom- posed into carbonic anhydride and phenate of methyl (anisol). C 8 H"0 3 = CO 2 + C 6 IP(CH 3 )0. Anisate s. Anisic acid is usually considered as monobasic ; but it is probably diatomic, like glycollic and lactic acids. The general formula of the anisates is C 8 H 7 MO* (see ANISYL). They are mostly crystallisable : the alkaline and earthy salts are soluble, and the addition of a mineral acid separates anisic acid from their solutions. The aluminium-salt crystallises slowly in fine needles, when a dilute solution of alum is added to anisate of ammonium. The ammonium-salt, C*H 7 (NH')0 8 , is very soluble, and crystallises in large rhombic ANISIC ACID. 301 tables, the angles of whose base are 84 and 96. Exposed to the air, they become opaque : heated to 99 C. in vacuo, they lose ammonia, pure anisic acid being left behind. The barium-salt, when prepared directly by boiling anisic acid with baryta, crys- tallises first in needles, and then in rhomboidal scales. Chloride of barium does not precipitate anisate of ammonium immediately, but after some time, a difficultly soluble crystalline precipitate forms. The calcium-salt. Chloride of calcium precipitates anisate of ammonium imme- diately ; if the solutions are dilute, it crystallises in groups of needles. The copper-salt is a bluish-white precipitate. The ferric-salt is a yellow precipitate, composed of microscopic needles. The lead-salt is a white precipitate, soluble in hot water, whence it crystallises on cooling in shining scales, which retain | atom of water after drying at 120. The magnesium-salt is soluble. The manganese-salt crystallises slowly from a mixture of sulphate of manganese and anisate of ammonium. The mercuric, mercurous, and zinc-salts are white precipitates ; the first crystallises from hot water in microscopic needles. The potassium-salt crystallises in rhomboidal or hexagonal tables ; the sodium-salt in needles. The silver-salt is a white precipitate, crystallising from hot water in fine needles, or pearly scales. The strontium-salt crystallises gradually in small hexagonal or rectangular laminae, from a mixture of chloride of strontium and anisate of ammonium. ANISIC ETHERS. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xiv. 492.) Anisate of Methyl, C 9 H 10 3 = C 8 H 7 (CH 3 )0 3 . A mixture of 2 pts. anhydrous wood-spirit,. 1 pt. anisic acid, and 1 pt. strong sulphuric acid, assumes an intense carmine-red colour ; on the application of a gentle heat, wood-spirit first passes over, and then a heavy oil, which solidifies in the receiver. This is anisate of methyl. It is purified by washing with hot sodic carbonate, and with water, and recrystallisation from alcohol or ether. Thus prepared, it forms large, white, shining scales, which melt about 47 C., and solidify on cooling to a crystalline mass ; at a higher temperature it distils undecomposed. It has a faint smell, resembling that of oil of anise, and a burning taste. It is insoluble in hot or cold water ; readily soluble in alcohol or ether, especially on boiling. Unlike salicylate of methyl, it does not combine with potash or soda ; but, when boiled with a strong solution of either alkali, is decomposed into methylic alcohol and an alkaline anisate. Aqueous ammonia does not dissolve it, but gradually decomposes it into methylic alcohol and anisamide, the latter of which crystallises out. Bromine, chlorine, and fuming nitric acid attack it violently, forming respectively the methyl-salts of the corresponding substitution-acid. Anisate of Ethyl C 10 H 12 3 = C 8 H 7 (C 2 IP)0 3 . When a solution of 1 pt. anisic acid in about 6 pts. absolute alcohol is saturated at about 60 C. with hydrochloric acid gas, a fuming liquid is obtained, whence water precipitates only anisic acid. On distilling this liqiiid chloride, hydrate, and finally anisate of ethyl pass over; and on adding water to the distillate, the latter product separates out as a heavy oil, which is washed with sodic carbonate, dried over chloride of calcium, and rectified over oxide of lead. It is a colourless oily liquid, heavier than water, with a smell like that of oil of anise, and a warm aromatic taste. It boils between 250 C. and 255, is insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol and ether. It may be kept unchanged in closed vessels ; but, when exposed to the air, it gradually becomes acid. Its decom- positions are precisely analogous to those of the methyl-salt. Substitution-derivatives of Anisic Acid. BROMANISICACID. Bromodraconcsic acid (Laurent). C 8 H 7 Br0 3 . When powdered anisic acid is treated with bromine, heat is evolved, together with abundance of hydrobromic acid ; the product is washed with water, and crystallised from boiling alcohol. Bromanisic acid is thus obtained in white shining needles, slightly soluble in hot water, readily in hot alcohol or ether. It melts at 205 C., and sublimes in iridescent laminae. When distilled with lime, it yields carbonic anhydride and bro- manisol. The alkaline bromanisates are soluble; the potassium and sodium-salts yield bromanisol by dry distillation. In their solution, lead-, silver-, barium-, strontium-, and calcium-salts give white precipitates ; the last three are not quite insoluble, but crystallise gradually from dilute solutions. Bromanisate of Methyl, C 8 H 6 (CH 3 )Br0 3 , is obtained by dropping bromine on the anisate, and treating the yellowish-red product as in the case of bromanisic acid. Also 302 ANISIC ACID. in the same manner as the anisate, bromanisic being substituted for anisic acid. The mixture is boiled in a water-bath for a quarter of an hour, and water added, when the bromanisate separates in flakes, which are washed with dilute ammonia and crys- tallised from hot alcohol. It forms colourless transparent prisms, which melt at a gentle heat : it is insoluble in water ; soluble, especially on heating, in alcohol and wood-spirit; less soluble in ether. By boiling potash it is decomposed like the anisate. Bromanisate of Ethyl, C 8 H 6 (C 2 H 5 )Br0 3 , is obtained by the same process as anisate of ethyl, anisic being replaced by bromanisic acid ; or by treating anisate of ethyl with bromine. It is purified in the same way as the methyl-salt It forms long, white, shining needles, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether : it fuses at a gentle heat, and sublimes undecomposed. It is decomposed by boiling potash, and is not attacked by excess of bromine. CHLOBANISIC ACID, C 8 H 7 C10 S , is obtained by passing chlorine over anisic acid in fusion; the product is washed with water, and crystallised from alcohol of 95 per cent. It forms fine shining needles, scarcely soluble in water, readily in alcohol or ether. It melts at about 176 C., and may be sublimed without decomposition. It is not acted upon by chlorine, even in sunshine. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it by aid of gentle heat ; it recrystallises from the solution on cooling, or is at once precipitated by water. When heated with baryta, it is decomposed like anisic acid. The metallic chloranisates resemble the corresponding bromanisates in solubility and general properties. The chloranisates of methyl and ethyl are obtained by submitting the corresponding anisates to the action of dry chlorine ; the latter may also be prepared in a similar way to anisate of ethyl. Both are crystalline compounds, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether, and decomposed by boiling potash. NITRANISIC ACID, C 8 H 7 (N0 2 )0 3 , is formed by the action of strong warm nitric acid on anisic acid. It is usually prepared by boiling oil of anise with nitric acid of specific gravity T33 (36 Baume), until the oily substance which first forms has com- pletely disappeared. The addition of water then precipitates yellowish flakes of impure nitranisic acid. This is purified by washing with water, dissolving in ammonia, re- crystallising the ammonium-salt till it is colourless, dissolving it in water, precipitating the acid by nitric or hydrochloric acid, and washing it repeatedly with water. It is also formed in Laurent's process for preparing anisic acid from oil of tarragon, remain- ing in the ammoniacal mother-liquor whence anisate of ammonium has crystallised out. It is obtained thence by adding nitric acid, washing the precipitate, and boiling it for half an hour with nitric acid ; the acid solution deposits on cooling short prisms of nitranisic acid, which are washed with water, and crystallised from hot alcohol. Nitranisic acid crystallises in small shining needles, of a slight yellow tinge, without taste or smell. It is scarcely soluble even in hot water ; readily in alcohol or ether. It melts between 175 and 180. When carefully heated further, it partly sublimes, partly blackens, and is decomposed ; if heated suddenly, it decomposes at once, with evolution of light. It is not attacked by chlorine, bromine, or strong nitric acid ; by fuming nitric acid, it is acted on in the same way as anisic acid. When heated with perchloride of phosphorus, it yields a dark yellow oil, with a very high boiling point, which is probably chloride of nitranisyl, C 8 H 6 (N0 2 )0 2 ,C1 (C a hours). An alcoholic solution of sulphide of ammonium converts it into anisamic acid (p. 291). According to Laurent (loc. cit.} nit-ranisic acid combines, atom for atom, with anisic, chloranisic, and bromanisic acids, forming peculiar dibasic acids. The alkaline nitranisatcs are soluble and crystallisable : the ammonium-salt crys- tallises in fine needles, grouped in spheres ; it is soluble in alcohol. The alkaline- earthy nitranisates are difficultly soluble; those of the heavy metals generally insoluble. Nitranisate of methyl is prepared by a process analogous to that described in the case of anisate of methyl ; or by dissolving anisate of methyl in fuming nitric acid, adding water, and crystallising the precipitate from alcohol. It forms beautiful large shining tables of a yellowish hue. It is insoluble in water ; readily soluble in hot alcohol or wood-spirit, whence it separates almost completely on cooling. It melts at about 100 C., and sublimes undecomposed. Nitranisate of ethyl is prepared either by dissolving anisate of ethyl in an equal volume of fuming nitric acid, or by a process analogous to that described in the case of anisate of methyl. In the latter case, the mixture must be kept at a temperature of 60 70 C., while it is saturated with hydrochloric acid. The compound is precipitated ty water, washed with dilute ammonia, and crystallised from alcohol. It exactly resembles the methyl-salt in appearance, and solubility in water and alcohol, and melts between 98 and 100 C. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it in the cold, more readily on heating; it partly recrystallises as the solution cools, and is completely precipitated by water. Bromine exerts no action upon it. ANISIC ALCOHOL. 303 Trinitranisic Acid, C 8 H 5 (N0 2 ) S 8 , is obtained by treating anisic acid in the cold with a mixture of fuming nitric and fuming sulphuric acid, and diluting the mixture with 8 to 10 times its volume of water. It forms very beautiful salts with the alkalis, especially with ammonia and potash. SULPHANISIC ACID, C 8 H 8 3 ,S0 3 . (Zervas, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ciii. 339 ; Lim- pricht, Gm. Handb. xiii. 128.) Obtained by heating anisic acid with common sulphuric acid to 110 C. or with fuming sulphitric acid to 100, diluting the mixture with water, adding carbonate of lead, filtering at the boiling .heat, and boiling the insoluble residue with water as long as the filtered liquid yields crystals of the lead- salt on cooling. These, when decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, yield the acid (Zervas). Limpricht treats anisic acid with sulphuric anhydride. Sulphanisic acid, obtained by slow evaporation of the aqueous solution, forms needles which are permanent in the air, and give off 6'9 per cent. (1 at.) water at 100 C., and suffer no further decomposition below 170. The aqueous solution may be boiled without decomposition. Sulphanisic acid is dibasic. The sulphanisates of ammonium, potassium, and sodium crystallise readily, the first in long slender needles. The barium-salt, C 8 H 6 Ba 2 3 .S0 3 + 8H 2 0, obtained by saturating the acid with carbonate of barium, forms fine crystals, which, after drying over sulphuric acid, give off 16-9 per cent. (8 at.) water at 180 C. It dissolves easily in water, and is precipitated by alcohol. The magnesium-salt forms very soluble needles. The normal lead-salt, C 8 H 6 Pb 2 3 .S0 3 + 8H 2 6, forms beautiful needles, which give off their water at 180 C. The acid lead-salt, C 8 H 7 Pb0 3 .S0 3 + H 2 0, forms nodular crystals ; easily soluble in water. The silver-salt forms nodular crystals, sparingly soluble in water. According to Zervas, the solubility of the barium and lead-salts is diminished by repeated crystallisation. F. T. C. ANISIC ALCOHOL. Hydrate of Anisalyl, C 8 H I0 2 = (OTO.H.O. (Can- nizzaro and Bertagnini, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcviii. 188.) Formed from hydride of anisyl in the same way as benzoic alcohol from hydride of benzoyl. When a solution of pure hydride of anisyl in an equal volume of alcohol is mixed with three times its bulk of alcoholic potash of about 7 Beaume (specific gravity 1-052), a slight evolution of heat takes place, and anisic alcohol and anisate of potassium are formed, the latter in such quantity that the mixture shortly becomes a crystalline pulp. (2C 8 H 8 2 + KHO = C 8 H 7 K0 3 + C 8 H I0 2 .) After 10 or 12 hours, the alcohol is distilled off in a water-bath, and the residue is suspended in water, and extracted with hot ether. On evaporating the ethereal solution, a brown oil is obtained, and on distilling the oil, anisic alcohol passes over at about 260C., as a colourless liquid, which crystallises on cooling. This product generally contains some hydride of anisyl, which may be detected by agitating it with a concentrated solution of acid sulphite of sodium (see ANISYL, HYDRIDE OF). To purify it, it is treated again with a small quantity of alcoholic potash, distilled in carbonic anhydride, and the crystalline distillate pressed between filter-paper. Anisic alcohol crystallises in hard, white, shining needles. It distils undecomposed between 248 and 250 C., and melts at 23, when anhydrous, but at much lower temperatures when moist. It is heavier than water, has a faint spirituous, sweetish smell, and a burning taste like that of oil of anise. At ordinary temperatures, it remains unaltered in the air ; but when heated nearly to its boiling point it, absorbs oxygen, and is converted into hydride of anisyl. Oxidising agents (as platinum- black, nitric acid, &c.) convert it, first into hydride of anisyl, then into anisic acid. Potassium dissolves in it with evolution of hydrogen. Sulphuric acid, even when moderately concentrated, or phosphoric anhydride, converts it into a resinous mass. Heated with chloride of zinc, it yields water, and an oily liquid, which solidifies on cooling into a hard, transparent, vitreous mass, which melts at 100 C., and is insoluble in water and alcohol, but soluble in bisulphide of carbon. When treated with hydrochloric acid gas, it forms water and a colourless liquid, having a fruity smell and a burning taste. This substance is its hydrochloric ether, or chloride of anisalyl, C 8 H 9 O.C1, and is decomposed by alcoholic ammonia yielding chloride of ammonium, and the hydrochlorates of anisamine and dianisamine (p. 297). If, as is probable from its analogy to salicylic acid, anisic acid be regarded as dibasic, anisic alcohol becomes diatomic, (C 8 H 8 ).H 2 .0 2 ; and chloride of anisalyl will be ( TTO C 8 H 8 < i , analogous to glycolic chlorhydrin. F. T. C. ANISIC ANHYDRIDE. C 16 H I4 5 = C 8 H 7 2 .C 8 H 7 2 .0. (Pisani, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 284.) Formed by the action of oxychloride of phosphorus on dry anisate of sodium ; the mass is washed with water, and the insoluble residue crystallised from ether. It forms silky needles, soluble in alcohol or ether, insoluble in water or 304 ANISIDIXE. aqueous alkalis ; it melts at 99C., and distils at a higher temperature. By long boiling with water or aqueous alkalis, it is converted into anisic acid. F. T. C. (Mi-thylphenidine, Gerh.) C 7 H 9 NO = N.C 7 H 7 O.H 2 . (C ah ours. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxvii. 443.) The action of sulphide of ammonium on the nitro- derivative of anisol gives rise to the formation of peculiar organic bases. Anisidine is obtained by dissolving nitranisol in an alcoholic solution of sulphide of ammonium, evaporating at a gentle heat to a quarter of its volume, adding a slight excess of hydrochloric acid to the brown residue, separating the sulphur by addition of water, and filtering. The yellow-brown filtrate deposits on evaporation, needles of hydro- chlorate of anisidine, which are dried with filter paper and distilled with a strong solution of potash, when anisidine passes over with the aqueous vapour in the form of an oil, which solidifies on cooling. The properties of anisidine but are imperfectly known. It combines with acids, form- ing salts. The hydrochlorate forms fine colourless needles, soluble in water and alcohol. When a hot concentrated solution of this salt is mixed with a concentrated solution of dichloride of platinum, the chloroplatinate separates on cooling in yellow needles. The nitrate, sulphate, and oxidate are crystallisable. The products of the action of sulphide of ammonium on the higher nitro-derivatives of anisol may be regarded as nitro-derivatives of anisidine, though it is not known whether they can be formed by the action of nitric acid on anisidine. NITRANISIDINE (Methylnitrophenidine, Gerh.) C 7 H 8 N 2 3 - C 7 H 8 (N0 2 )NO. Prepared by a process similar to that described for anisidine, dinitranisol being substituted for nitranisol. The filtrate is mixed with ammonia, and the precipitate thus formed is washed with water, and crystallised from boiling alcohol. Nitranisidine forms long, garnet-red, shining needles, which are insoluble in cold, soluble in boiling, water ; soluble in boiling alcohol, whence it separates almost entirely on cooling ; also in ether, especially if heated. It melts at a gentle heat, and on cooling forms a radiated mass ; when heated gradually to a higher temperature, it gives off yellow fumes, which condense into yellow needles. Bromine attacks it violently, forming a resinous mass, which has no alkaline properties. Fuming nitric acid decomposes it violently, yielding a viscous mass, insoluble in acids. The chlorides of benzoyl, cinnamyl, cumyl, and anisyl attack it when gently heated, forming hydrochloric acid, and compounds analogous to benzamide, which are described by Cahours under the names of bmzonitranisidc, (J"H 12 N 2 4 = N.C 7 H 5 O.C 7 H 6 (N0 2 )O.H., cinnitraniside, C 16 H 14 N 2 4 , &c. These bodies are obtained pure by successively washing the products of these reactions with water, hydrochloric acid, and dilute potash, and crystallising from boiling alcohol ; they are insoluble in water or in cold alcohol. Nitranisidine dissolves readily in acids, and with many of them forms crystalline salts. The hydrochlorate and hydrobromate, when pure, form colourless needles, slightly soluble in cold, readily in boiling, water. The chloroplatinate separates in orange- brown needles from a mixture of hot concentrated solution solutions of the hydro- chlorate and dichloride of platinum. The sulphate forms concentric groups of silky needles, readily soluble in water, especially in water containing sulphuric acid. The nitrate forms large needles, much more soluble in hot than in cold water. Dinitranisidine (Mcthyl-dinitrophenidine, Gerh.) C'HTO'O 5 = C 7 H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 NO. Prepared precisely like nitranisidine, trinitranisol being substituted for dinitranisol. When dry, it is an amorphous powder, of a bright red or violet-red colour, according to the concentration of the solution from which it was precipitated. It is almost insoluble in cold water, very slightly in hot water, forming an orange solution : slightly soluble in cold, moderately in hot alcohol, and separates on cooling in violet-black crystals; slightly soluble in hot ether. It meks at a gentle heat, and solidifies on cooling into a radiated, violet-black, crystalline mass. It is much less basic in its properties than the foregoing compound : it forms crystallisable salts with hydrochloric, nitric, and sul- phuric acids, if the acids be employed in excess, but these compounds are decom- posed by water. When heated with fuming nitric acid, it is violently attacked, and yields a yellowish brown resinous mass, which dissolves in potash, forming an intcnsdy brown solution. F. T. C. ATJISITJE. See ANISHYDRAMIDE. ANISOIC ACID. C'H 18 6 . (Limpricht and Hitter, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 364.) A product of the oxidation of oil of star-anise (probably also of oil of anise, tar- ragon, fennel, &c.). The oil is heated with nitric acid, of specific gravity 1-2, and the oily layer which sinks to the bottom of the mixture is agitated with a warm solution of acid sulphite of sodium, whence anisoate of sodium crystallises on cooling. To the purified crystals, enough sulphuric acid is added to decompose the salt, the whole eva- ANISOL, 305 porated to dryness, and the acid extracted from the residue by absolute alcohol. It crystallises from its aqueous solution in small laminae, which have a strong acid reaction, and are very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; they melt at about 120 C., and are not volatile without decomposition. Anisoates are mostly readily soluble. The sodium-salt, C 10 H 17 Na0 6 , and the barium- salt, form white crystalline nodules. The silver-salt forms soluble nodules, and speedily blackens when moist. F. T. C. Stadeler and Wachter (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxvi. 169) regard this acid as identical with thianisoic acid, C 10 H 14 SO 4 ,the product which they obtain by treating anise-cam- phor with nitric acid of specific gravity 1'106, then distilling and agitating the distil- late with acid sulphite of sodium and alcohol. The atomic weights of the two acids are nearly equal (anisoic acid = 234 ; thianisoic acid = 230), so that the determina- tions of carbon and metal in Limpricht and Bitter's analyses of the silver and barium- salts will agree with the one formula, as well as with the other. Moreover in Limpricht and Hitter's analyses of both these salts, the amount of hydrogen found was much too low for the formula of anisoic acid (in the barium-salt 5'44 per cent., by calculation 5'65 ; in the silver-salt 4*0 per cent., calculation 4*98), and the absence of sulphur was not established by direct experiment. (See THIANISOIC ACID.) AITISOIW. See ANISE, OIL OF. ASTZSOZ.. Phenate of methyl Dracol C 7 H 8 = C fi H 5 (CIF)0. (C ah ours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ii. 274 ; x. 353 ; xxvii. 439.) This compound is formed by the action of caustic baryta on anisic acid, or on its isomer, salicylate of methyl: also directly from phenic acid, by the substitution of methyl for 1 at. hydrogen. It may be obtained in various ways. Anisic acid distilled with excess of caustic baryta or lime, is decomposed, anisol passing over as a volatile oil : C 8 H 8 3 + Ba 2 = C 7 H 8 + C0 3 Ba 2 . The same result follows when salicylate of methyl is dropped on finely powdered baryta, and the mixture gently distilled. A third method is to heat phenate of potassium with iodide of methyl in a sealed tube, to 100 120 C. C 6 H 5 KO + CH 3 I = C fi H 5 (CH 3 )0. + KI. The product of either of these reactions is washed with dilute potash and with water, and rectified over chloride of calcium. Anisol is a colourless, very mobile liquid, with a pleasant aromatic smell. It is in- soluble in water, very soluble in alcohol and ether, insoluble in potash. Its specific gravity at 15 C. is 0'991 ; it boils at 152 C., and distils un decomposed. It is isomeric with benzoic alcohol and taurylic acid. It may be distilled over phosphoric anhydride without decomposition. It dissolves entirely in strong sulphuric acid, and is not precipitated by water, a copulated acid being formed. This acid, which Cahours calls sulphanisolic, and Gerhardt methyl- sulphophenic acid, has the formula C 7 H 8 S0 4 . By saturating the acid liquid with carbonate of barium, a crystalline barium-salt is obtained, which contains 1 at. barium. If fuming sulphuric acid be employed, not in excess, the addition of water separates crystalline flakes of a neutral body, which Cahours calls sulphanisolide. Its formula is C 14 H H S0 4 ; it is to sulphanisolic acid as sulphate of ethyl is to ethyl-sulphuric acid. This body is best obtained by passing the vapour of sulphuric anhydride into arti- ficially cooled anisol, and adding water to the mixture ; sulphanisolide is then de- posited in fine needles, which are recrystallised from alcohol, while sulphanisolic acid remains in solution. It forms soft silvery prisms, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether. It melts at a gentle heat, and sublimes undecomposed. Strong sulphuric acid converts it into sulphanisolic acid. SrssTiTUTioN-DEKivATivES OF ANISOL. Chlorine and bromine form with anisol crystalline substitution-compounds. The chlorine-compounds have not been examined ; there are two bromine-compounds, bromanisol, C 7 H 7 BrO, and dibromanisol, C 7 H 6 Br 2 0. The latter is soluble ill boiling alcohol, whence it crystallises in brillant scales. It melts at 54 C., and at a higher temperature sublimes entirely in small shining tables. Fuming nitric acid acts energetically on anisol, forming three distinct nitro-com- pounds, Nitranisol, Dinitranisol, and Trinitr anisol, according to the proportions of the reagents and the duration of the reaction. Nitranisol, C 7 H'(N0 2 )O, is prepared by adding fuming nitric acid by small portions to anisol, the mixture being kept cool by ice. A bluish-black oily liquid is thus obtained, which is washed with dilute potash, and rectified over chloride of calcium. Anisol distils over first, and when the boiling point remains constant at about 260 C., the receiver is changed. Nitranisol is a clear amber-coloured liquid, heavier than and insoluble in water, with an aromatic smell, something like that of bitter-almond oil. It boils between 262 and 264 C. It is not attacked by aqueous potash, even on heating. When gently heated with strong sulphuric acid, it dissolves, and separates out again on the addition of water. -When heated with fuming nitric acid, it is successively converted into di- and tri-nitranisol. VOL. I. X 306 ANISYL. Dinitranisol, C 7 H 6 (N0 2 )*0, is prepared by boiling anisol for a few minutes with excess of fuming nitric acid : on adding water, a yellow liquid is separated, which soon solidifies into a yellow mass, which is recrystallised from boiling alcohol. It is also obtained by heating anisic acid to 90 100 C., for about half an hour, with two or three times its weight of fuming nitric acid : chrysanisic acid forms at the same time, and is removed by dilute potash. Dinitranisol crystallises in long pale yellow needles, insoluble even in boiling water, soluble in alcohol and ether. It melts at about 86 C., and sublimes undecomposed. Aqueous potash does not attack it, even on boiling, unless the solution be very strong, and even then long boiling is required : when boiled with alcoholic potash, it is speedily decomposed, dinitrophenate of .potassium being formed. Trinitranisol, C'H^NO 2 )^), is formed when anisol, anisic, or nitranisic acid is heated with a mixture of equal parts of strong sulphuric and fuming nitric acid. Anisic acid is generally employed for its preparation. The mixture, which at first is clear and colourless, is gently heated till it begins to become turbid, carbonic anhy- dride being copiously given off. The heat is then removed, when there gradually collects on the surface an oil, which solidifies on cooling. A large quantity of water is then added, and the solid product is washed with boiling water, and crystallised from a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and ether. The reaction is complete if 15 pts. of the mixed acids be employed for 1 pt. anisic acid. Trinitranisol crystallises in yellowish, very brilliant tables, insoluble in water, soluble in hot alcohol or in ether. It melts at 58 -60 C., and if carefully heated, sublimes. Warm sulphuric or nitric acid dissolves without decomposing it. Aqueous ammonia or dilute potash, does not attack it, even on boiling ; but moderately strong aqueous potash gives it an intense brown-red colour, and completely decomposes it on boiling, forming a slightly soluble potassium-salt of an acid, which is isomeric with, but, according to Cahours, distinct from picric, or trinitrophenic acid, which he designates picranisic acid. All the nitro-derivatives of anisol are readily attacked by alcoholic sulphide of am- monium, sulphur being separated, and anisidine and its nitro-derivatives being formed. F. T. C. The name given by Brandes and Reimann to a brown product, obtained by extracting anise-seed, after previous treatment with alcohol, water, and hydrochloric acid, with aqueous potash, and precipitating the alkaline solution by acetic acid. F. T. C. AXfXSTTRXC ACXD* C 10 H n N0 2 . An acid analogous to hippuric acid, produced by the action of chloride of anisyl on the silver-compound of glycocoll (C*H 4 AgN0 2 + C 8 H 7 2 C1 = AgCl + C IO H n N0 2 ). Acids, with aid of heat, convert it into glycocoll and anisic acid. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ciii. 90.) C 8 H 7 2 . A hypothetical radicle, supposed to be contained in anisic acid, hydride of anisyl, and other anisic compounds. It may be regarded as salicyl, C 7 H S 2 , in which 1 at. hydrogen is replaced by methyl, C 8 H 7 2 = C 7 H 4 (CH 3 )0 2 : and, in fact, anisic acid and salicylate of methyl are not only isomeric compounds, but are both decomposed in the same manner by caustic baryta. Anisic acid is, therefore, to salicylic acid, as acetic is to formic acid. If, as Piria's recent researches (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciii. 262) tend to show, salicylic acid be not monobasic but dibasic, the clear analogy between it and anisic acid, would probably lead to the conclusion that the latter acid is also dibasic ; in which case, all anisic compounds must be regarded as containing a diatomic radicle, C 8 H 6 0, rather than a monatomic radicle, C 8 H 7 2 . BROMIDE OF ANISYL. C 8 H 7 2 .Br. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xiv. 486.) Prepared by dropping dry bromine (excess of which must be avoided), upon hydride of ^anisyl : heat is evolved, hydrobromic acid given off, and the mixture solidifies. The solid product is rapidly washed with ether, pressed between filter-paper, and crystallised from ether. It forms white, silky crystals, which are volatile without decomposition. Strong boiling potash gradually converts it into anisate and bromide of potassium. CHLORIDE OF ANISYI,. C 8 H 7 2 .C1. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiii. 351.) When dry anisic acid is treated in a retort with pentachloride of phosphorus, a violent action takes place, and a mixture of products passes into the receiver. These are fractionally distilled, that part which boils between 250 and 270 C. being collected apart, washed with a little water, and rectified over chloride of calcium. Chloride of anisyl also seems to be formed by the action of chlorine on the hydride. It is a colourless liquid, with a strong smell : its boiling point is 262 C.; its specific gravity it 1-261 at^l5. When exposed to moist air, it is speedily decomposed into hydrochloric and anisic acids. In contact with dry ammonia, it evolves heat, and is converted into amsamide (q. v.). Alcohol and wood-spirit attack it energetically, forming hydro- chloric acid, and anisate of ethyl and methyl respectively. ANKERITE ANNOTTO. 307 HYDRIDE OF ANISYL, C 8 H 8 2 = C 8 H 7 2 . H. Anisylwasserstoff '; Anisylous Acid; Anisic Aldehyde; Anisal. (Cahours. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xiv. 484 ; xxiii. 354.) Formed, together with anisic acid, by the oxidation of oil of anise, or of anisic alcohol ; in the latter case, the action of platinum-black is sufficient to produce the effect. It is prepared by gently heating oil of anise for about an hour, with tliree times its volume of nitric acid of specific gravity T106 (14 Baume): the heavy oil which is thus formed is washed with dilute potash, and distilled. The distillate is agitated with a warm solution of acid sulphite of sodium, of specific gravity 1/25 ; the crystalline compound thus formed is collected on a funnel, thoroughly washed with alcohol, dissolved in as little hot water as possible, and the solution heated with excess of strong sodic carbonate, when the hydride of anisyl separates out and floats on the surface. It is then purified by redistillation. The reaction is as follows, oxalic acid being simultaneously formed : + O 6 = C 8 H 8 2 + C 2 H 2 4 + H 2 Oil of anise. Hydride Oxalic of anisyl. acid. Hydride of anisyl is a yellowish liquid, with a burning taste, and an aromatic smell somewhat like that of hay : its specific gravity at 20 C. is T09, and its boiling-point 253 255 C. It is almost insoluble in water, but soluble in all proportions in alcohol and ether. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming a dark-red solution, whence it is reprecipitated by water. When exposed to the air, it gradually absorbs oxygen, and is converted into anisic acid ; the same change is produced more rapidly by means of oxidising agents, such as platinum-black, or dilute nitric acid. Strong nitric acid converts it into nitranisic acid. Strong aqueous potash does not dissolve it till after long boiling ; fused or alcoholic potash convert it into anisate, with evolution of hydro- gen, or formation of anisic alcohol. Prolonged contact with caustic ammonia converts it into anishydramide (q. v.~). Pentachloride of phosphorus attacks it energetically, the mixture thickening, and finally becoming a black pitchy mass, and a scanty distillate is obtained, consisting of chloride of phosphoryl, together with a neutral oil having a strong smell of turpentine. Hydride of anisyl possesses the property peculiar to aldehydes, of forming crys- talline compounds with acid sulphites of alkali-metal. Sulphite of anisyl-sodium, C 8 H 7 Na0 2 ,SO- + aq. (Bertagnini, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv. 268), is obtained by agitating hydride of anisyl with a strong solution of acid sulphite of sodium : the mix- ture assumes the consistence of butter, and finally becomes crystalline. When dried and recrystallised from boiling alcohol, it forms colourless, shining scales ; but it is always partially decomposed during crystallisation. It is soluble in cold water, and is reprecipitated by acid sulphite of sodium, in which it is almost insoluble : its aque- ous solution is decomposed by boiling, hydride of anisyl being formed and sulphurous anhydride evolved. Acids and alkalis decompose it also. Ammonia dissolves it, form- ing oily drops which gradually solidify into crystals of anishydramide. Iodine and bromine decompose it readily. The potassium- and ammonium-compounds are similar to the sodium-compound, both in mode of formation and in general properties. F.T. C. -A.jM3ER,lTE. A variety of dolomite, C0 3 CaMg, in which the magnesium is partly replaced by iron and manganese. According to Berthier (Pogg. Ann. xiv. 103), it fuses to a crystalline compound with carbonate of sodium. AKTETxlBERCITE. See NiCKEL-GItEEN. (Tempering, Recuit, Anlassen.*) Many bodies when raised to a high temperature and quickly cooled, become very hard and brittle. This is a great inconvenience in glass, and also in steel, when this metallic substance is required to be soft and flexible. These inconveniences are avoided by cooling the substance very gradually ; and the process is called annealing. Glass vessels, or other articles, are carried into an oven or apartment near the great furnace, called the leer, where they are permitted to cool, more or less quickly, according to their thickness and bulk. The annealing or tempering of steel, or other metallic bodies, consists simply in heating them, and suffering them to cool again, either upon the hearth of the furnace, or in any other situation where the heat is moderate, or at least the tempera- ture is not very low. U. (See Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 162.) ANNOTTO. The pellicles of the seeds of the Bixa orcllana, a liliaceous shrub, from 15 to 20 feet high in good ground, afford the red masses brought into Europe under the name of annotto, anatto, arnatto, arnotto, orlean, and roucou. The annotto commonly met with in this country is moderately hard, of a brown colour on the outside and a dull red within. It is difficultly acted upon by water, and tinges the liquor of a pale brownish -yellow colour. In rectified spirit of wine, it dissolves very readily, and communicates a high orange or yellowish-red colour. x 2 308 ANORTHITE ANOXOLUIN. Hence it is used as an ingredient in varnishes, for giving more or less of an orange cast to the simple yellows. Ether is the best solvent of annotto. Potash and soda, either caustic or carbonated, disolve annotto in large quantity, from which solutions it is thrown down by acids in small flocks. The alkaline solutions are of a deep red colour. Chlorine de- colorises the alcoholic solution of annotto, the liquid becoming speedily white and milky. If strong sulphuric acid be poured on annotto in powder, the red colour passes immediately to a very fine indigo blue : but this tint is not permanent, changing to green, and finally to violet, in the course of twenty-four hours. This property of becoming blue belongs also to saffron. Nitric acid, slightly heated on annotto, sets it on fire, and a finely divided charcoal remains. Annotto is soluble both in essential oils, as oil of turpentine, and in fixed oils. (Boussingault, Ann. Ch. Phys. xxviii. 440.) Annotto contains a crystalline yellow colouring matter, called bixin (q.v.~), which, when treated with alkalis, in contact with air, absorbs oxygen, and is converted into a red substance called bixein. Annotto is used in dyeing, but the colours produced by it are all fugitive ; also for colouring cheese. U. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manu- factures, and Mines, i. 178.) ANODE. Faraday's term for the positive pole or electrode in the voltaic circuit. (See ANION and ELECTBICITY.) AiaORTHlTE. Ca 2 O.Si0 2 + Al 4 3 .Si0 2 = (Ca aP)Si0 4 . A mineral belonging to the felspar family. It occurs in small crystals belonging to the triclinic system ; also massive, with granular, columnar, or coarsely lamellar structure. Cleaves perfectly in two directions, inclined to, one another at 85 48'. Specific gravity 2-66 278. Hardness = 6 7. Transparent to translucent, with white, greyish or reddish colour, and vitreous lustre. Streak uncoloured. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Before the blowpipe it melts, and forms with soda a milk-white enamel. Strong hydrochloric acid decomposes it completely, but does not gelatinise it. Anorthite is found on Vesuvius and Somma, in the island of Procida, in Corsica, near Bogoslowsk in the Ural, on Hecla and in other localities in Iceland, in Java, in the island of St. Eustache in the Antilles, and in the meteorite of Juvenas. The follow- are analyses : SiO 2 Al'O 8 Fe 4 Ca 2 Mg 2 Na 2 K?0 Ni 2 and Co 2 Water G. Rose. Deville. Damour. Waltersha usen. Potvka. Somma. Antilles. Hecla. Hecla. Ural. . 44-49 . . 45-8 . . 45-97 . 45-14 . . 46-79 . 34-46 . . 35-0 . . 33-28 . 32-11 . . 33-16 . 074 . . 1'12 . 2-03 . . 3-04 . 15-68 . '. 177 ! . 17-21 . 18-32 . . 15-97 . 5-26 . . 0-9 . . . . 0-8 . . 1-85 . 1-06 . . 1-28 0-22 . . 0-55 . . 0-77 . . . . . . . 0-31 . . 100-63 100-2 99-43 99-96 100-79 The formula above given, which is that of an orthosilicate, requires 43-2 SiO 2 , 36'8 A1 2 3 , 20-0 Ca 2 0. The following are varieties of anorthite having nearly the same composition and crystalline form: 1. Amphodclite has the structure and specific gravity of anorthite; found at Logi, in Finland, and Tunaberg in Sweden. 2. Bytownite, from Bytown in Canada. 3. Diploite or Latrobtte, from the island Amitok on the coast of Labrador. Rose-red, with the form, structure, and density of anorthite. 4 Indianite, from Hindostan. Granular masses, having the structure of felspar. 5. Lepol-itc, from Logi and Orijarfvi in Finland. Resembles amphodelite. 6. Lindsayitc, from the same localities, appears to be the same altered, and containing a^ few per cent. ofwiter. 7. Polyargitc, from Tunaberg. Rose-red ; granular ; gives 'off water when heated. and becomes colourless. 8. Eoscllan, from Aker, Sodermanland. Exhibits similar properties. 9. Sundvilkite, from Kimito, Finland. Has the form of felspar; and specific gravity = 270. 10. Wilsomite, from Canada. Rose-red; specific gravity 276 277 : hardness very different in different parts ; becomes colourless when heated ; gives off water and melts before the blowpipe, swelling up to a white enamel. (Dana, ii. 234 ; Rammelsberg's Mineralchemie, 590.) ANOTTO. See ANNOTTO. According to Leconte and Go u mo ens (Compt. rend, xxxvi. 834), fibrin, muscular fibre, albumin, vitellin, globulin, and casein, contain two different s\\bstances, one of which, called oxoluin, dissolves in glacial acetic acid, while the other, anoxoluin, is insoluble in that acid. In fibrin and muscular fibre, the ANTHOKIRRIN ANTHRACOXENE. 309 anoxoluin may also be distinguished, when examined by the microscope, by its fibrous structure, from the oxoluin, which is granular. Anoxoluin dissolves with reddish colour in dilute sulphuric acid, whereas oxoluin dissolves but sparingly and with yellowish colour. Anoxoluin is precipitated of a carmine-red colour by mercuroso-mercuric nitrate : oxoluin, light rose-red. Chromic acid dissolves anoxoluin at 100 C., forming a red-brown solution, whereas oxoluin is not affected by it. Hydrochloric acid dissolves the former readily, forming a violet solution, the latter but sparingly, with yellowish colour. A boiling saturated solution of tartaric acid dissolves anoxoluin readily, but not oxoluin. The yellow colouring matter of the flowers of yellow toad- flax (Linaria vulgaris or Antirrhinum Linaria, L). It may be prepared by treating the flowers with 'warm alcohol, evaporating to dryness, exhausting with water to dis- solve sugar, gum, &c., treating the insoluble portion with alcohol, evaporating again and digesting in ether. On evaporating the ethereal solution, the colouring matter is obtained in yellow nodules. It melts when heated, and sublimes apparently without decomposition. The fixed alkalis dissolve it with red colour ; ammonia and alkaline carbonates, with dark yellow colour : from these solutions it is precipitated yellow by acids. Minerals acids dissolve it with red colour, the solutions becoming yellow on standing. The concentrated aqueous solution is precipitated reddish-yellow by acetate of lead, greenish-yellow by cupric-salts, orange-yellow by protochloride of tin. With hydrate of alumina it forms a pale yellow lake. The flowers of toad-flax are some- times used for dyeing yellow ; stuffs dyed with them have a light yellow colour, but assume a dirty yellow colour when exposed to the air. (Eiegel, Pharm. Centralb. 1842, 454.) AUTSIOXITAK 1 or CYAOTXW. The blue colouring matter of flowers. (See COLOURING MATTER.) AHTTHOXiEUCXN. The white colouring matter of flowers. (See COLOURING MATTER.) ANTHOPHlTXiXiXTE. A mineral belonging to the amphibole family. (See HORNBLENDE.) ATtfTHOSIBSRZTE. A native silicate of iron, found at Antonio Pereira, in Minas Greraes, Brazil. It has an ochre-yellow colour inclining to yellow-brown, and a fibrous radiated structure. Its composition, according to Schnedermann's analysis, is Si 9 Fe 8 24 + 2H 2 = 2Fe 4 3 .9Si0 2 + 2H 2 0. AXTTHOXAIO'THXXX. The yellow colouring matter of flowers. (See COLOURING MATTER. ) ANTHRACENE or ACTTHRACHN*. Syn. with PARANAPHTHALIN. ANTHRACITE. Blind coal, Kilkenny coal, or Glance coal. There are three varieties. 1. Massive, the conchoi'dal of Jameson. Its colour is iron-black, some- times tarnished on the surface, with a resplendent lustre. Fracture conchoi'dal, with a pseudo-metallic lustre. It is brittle and light. It yields no flame, and leaves whitish ashes. It is found in the newest floetz-formations, at Meissner, in Hesse, and Walsall in Staffordshire. 2. Slaty anthracite. Colour black, or brownish-black. Imperfectly slaty in one direction, with a slight metallic lustre. Brittle. Specific gravity 1-4 to 1-8. Consumes without flame. It is composed of 72 carbon, 13 silica, 3-3 alumina, and 3*5 oxide of iron. It is found in both primitive and secondary- rocks : at Calton Hill, Edinburgh ; near Walsall, Staffordshire ; in the southern parts cf Brecknockshire, Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire, whence it is called Welsh culm ; near Cumnock and Kilmarnock, Ayrshire ; and mostly abundantly at Kilkenny, Ireland. 3. Columnar anthracite. Small short prismatic concretions, of an iron- black colour, with a tarnished metallic lustre. It is brittle, soft, and light. It yields no flame or smoke. It forms a thick bed near Sanquhar in Dumfriesshire ; at Salt- coats and New Cumnock in Ayrshire. It occurs also at Meissner in Hesse. TJ. (See lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines.) AN THRACOXiXTE or ASTTHS ACQUITS, A variety of calc-spar or limestone, coloured black or blackish-brown, by coal and bituminous matter, occurring in certain aluminous schists, and similar formations containing vegetable and animal remains, as at Andreasberg in the Hartz, and at Christiania in Norway. When the bitumen pre- dominates, the mineral is called stinkstone, from the property which it possesses of emitting, when rubbed or cracked, an odour like that of putrefying animal remains. ANTHRACOXENE. A fossil resin which occurs in layers of great extent, and 2 inches thick, between the strata of coal at Brandeisl, near Schlau in Bohemia. It is brownish-black in the mass, but exhibits a hyacinth-red colour in thin layers ; has x 3 310 ANTHROPIN ANTICHLOR. a shining surface, and conchoi'dal fracture ; is brittle, and yields a yellowish-brown powder. It melts and swells up strong when heated, and burns with a not unpleasant, odour, leaving a residue of ferric oxide, lime, sulphuric acid, and silica. It appears to be a mixture of several substances. Ether dissolves a portion of it, leaving a resin, which has, according to Laurent, the composition C^H^O 15 . The ethereal solution deposits after partial evaporation, a brown powder, containing C SO H &1 7 , and this, when exposed to the air, takes xip oxygan, and becomes partially soluble in alcohol ; and the alcoholic solution, precipitated with acetate of copper, yields a flocculent pre- cipitate, containing oxide of copper, in combination with a resin, whose composition is expressed by the formula 6 Y80 // 56 13 . The portion left undissolved by the alcohol appears to contain C^R^GP. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 39.) .UNTHRAIUTXIXC ACID. See PHHKTLCABBAHIO Aero. AWTHH-OPIW. Heintz, in examining human fat, obtained, besides stearic acid, an acid which melted at 52 C., and gave by analysis numbers corresponding to the formula C 17 H :i2 2 . This he at first supposed to be a peculiar acid (anthropic acid) existing in the fat in the form of a glyceride (anthropin) ; but later investigations proved that it was a mixture of stearic acid with margaric or palmitic acid. (Pogg. Ann. Ixxxiv. 238 ; Ixxxvii. 233.) AltiTTXARXXT, C 14 H 20 5 + 2H 2 0. The poisonous principle of the Upas antiar, a kind of green resin which exudes from the upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria), and is em- ployed by the Javanese for poisoning their arrows. It is extracted by exhausting the upas with boiling alcohol, evaporating to dryness after the antiar-resin (see below) has deposited, treating the extract with water, and evaporating to a syrup; the antiarin then takes the form of scales, which are purified by recrystallisation. It is without odour, dissolves at 22 0- 5 C. in 251 parts of water, 70 parts of alcohol, and 2'8 pts. of ether ; the solution is neutral to test-papers. It likewise dissolves in dilute acids. When dried at ordinary temperatures, it contains 13*4 per cent of water of crystalli- sation, which it goes off at 112 C. It melts at 220 C. into a colourless liquid, which assumes a vitreous aspect on cooling, and at a higher temperatxire turns brown, and exhales acid vapours. Dehydrated antiarin contains C 14 H 20 5 (62'69 p.c. C and 7 '45 H.) Sulphuric acid colours antiarin brown. Hydrochloric and nitric acids dissolve it without alteration ; so likewise do potash and ammonia. Antiarin applied to a wound produces vomiting, convulsions, diarrhoea, and soon afterwards death ; its poisonous action is remarkably accelerated by mixture with a soluble substance, such as sugar. (Mulder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxviii. 304.) AXTTXAR REEXKT, C I6 H 24 0. The upas antiar also contains a resin which does not exhibit any poisonous action. It is extracted by treating the upas with boiling alcohol or ether, and is deposited on cooling in white, odourless, glutinous flakes, having a density of 1*032 at 20 C., melting at 60 ; insoluble in water ; soluble in 325 pts. of alcohol at 20, and in 44 pts. of boiling alcohol. Boiling ether dissolves f pt. of the resin. It dissolves readily in essential oils, and is sparingly dissolved by caustic potash. Its alcholic solution is not precipitated by alcoholic acetate of lead ; but on adding water to the mixture, a plastic mass is precipitated containing 23*44 per cent. oxide of lead. (Pelletier and Caveutou, Ann. Ch. Phys. xxvi. 57; Mulder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvii. 307.) AlffTXCHXiOR. The application of alkaline hypochlorites (chloride of lime, &c.) to the bleaching of cotton and linen, is attended with this inconvenience, that the fibre is apt to retain a quantity of free chlorine, which gradually rots and destroys it. Hence the necessity of removing this free chlorine, either by long continued washing, or by the application of some reagent which can unite with the chlorine, and convert it into an innocuous compound. Such reagents are called " Antichlors : " their use is especially necessary in the paper manufacture, in which long continued washing in- volves a considerable waste of the pulp, and on the other hand, the non-removal of the free chlorine is attended with a gradual rotting of the goods after stowage, fading of the coloured quantities, and in some instances partial obliteration of documents written upon the paper thus imperfectly prepared, besides injury of the delicate machinery of the manufactory. The first substances used for this purpose were the neutral and acid sulphites of sodium (sulphite and bisulphite of soda). A patent for this application of the acid sulphite was granted in 1847 to Mr. Henry Donkin, a manufacturer of paper- maker's machinery, &c. at Bermondsey, and it was largely used till 1853, when it was superseded by hyposulphite of sodium^ which is both cheaper to prepare and more efficacious, its practical value being just double that of the acid sulphite. (See HYPOSULPHITES, under SULPHUR.) The products formed by the action of chlorine, (or hypochlorous acid) on sulphite or hyposulphite of sodium, are sulphate and chloride of sodium, both of which are perfectly innocuous, and easily removed by washing. ANTICHLOR ANTIMON Y. 311 To ensure the complete removal of the free chlorine, the bleached paper or other material, or the wash water which runs from it, must be tested with a mixture of iodide of potassium and starch : the slightest trace of chlorine will be indicated by a blue colour. To ascertain whether an excess of the antichlor has been used, add to the mixture of starch and iodide of potassium a few drops of the bleaching liquid, so as to produce a blue colour, and then add a portion of the liquid to be tested; if the antichlor is present in excess, the colour will be destroyed. Sulphide of calcium, prepared by boiling sulphur with milk of lime, has also been used as an antichlor ; so likewise has a solution of protochloride of tin in hydrochloric acid ; in the latter case, however, it is necessary, after the completion of the bleaching process, to add carbonate of sodium, in order to neutralise the free hydrochloric acid, which would otherwise act as injuriously as the free chlorine itself. The precipitate of oxide of tin thereby produced is quite white and soft, and does not interfere with the subsequent stages of the paper manufacture. Lastly, coal-gas has been used since 1818, as an antichlor in paper making ; it does not appear, however, to be so convenient as the reagents above-mentioned. (See BLEACHING, Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines.) AlffTZCZXX.ORXSTZC THEORY. See CHLORINE. AiWTZCS-OIIZTE. A hydrated silicate of magnesium belonging to the serpentine group, found in the valley of Antigoria in Switzerland. (See SEBPENTINE.) AK-TZ2VSOSTATES. See ANTIMONY, OXIDES OF. AOTTXAXONXAXi COPPER. Native sulphide of copper and antimony, or Wolfs- bergite. (See COPPEE, SULPHIDES OF.) ANTIMOWZAIi COPPER GXiAHTCE. Also called Wolchite. A mineral found in the iron mines at St. Grertraud, in Carinthia. Short rhombic prisms with cleavage parallel to the brachydiagonal, imperfect; also massive. Specific gravity 5-7 5-8. Hardness = 3. Colour blackish lead-grey. Fracture conchoi'dal, to uneven ; brittle. Contains, according to Schrotter's analysis, 28-60 S, 16'5 Sb, 6*04 As, 29'50 Pb, 17-35 Cu, 0-40 Fe, = 95-94. (Dana, ii. 82.) AlBTTZllIONTAXi CROCUS. See ANTIMONY, OXYSULPHLDE OF. AXTTXlKORTXAXi ZiEAB ORES. See LEAD, SULPHIDES OF. ANTXIKOSTXAXi CTXCXEXi, and ABTTXltlON'XAXi SZXiVER. See ANTI- MONY, ALLOYS OF. ANTZItXONZAXi SUXiPHXDE of SXXiVER. See SILVER, SULPHIDE OF. AXfTXMOOTZTE. Native Sulphide of Antimony. See ANTIMONY, OXIDES OF. Spiessglanzmetall, Spiessglassmetatt, Antimoine, Antimonium, Stibium. Symbol, Sb. Atomic weight (as determined by the recent experiments of Schneider) = 120-3.* Some of the compounds of antimony were known to the ancients ; but the method of preparing the metal itself was first described byBasilius Valentinus towards the end of the fifteenth century. Antimony is found native, and alloyed with other metals ; viz. with arsenic, nickel, and silver ; also in combination with oxygen ; viz. as trioxide, in the form of antimony bloom, white antimony, or Valentinite, Sb 2 3 and as tetroxide, antimony ochre, OP Ccrvantite, Sb 2 4 ; in combination with sulphur, as stibnite or grey antimony ore, Sb 2 S 3 ; with sulphur and oxygen, as red antimony, antimony blende, or Jcermesite Sb 2 3 .2Sb 2 S 3 ; also as sulphide combined with various other metallic sulphides, chiefly those of lead and silver, e.g. zinkenite, Pb 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 ; miargyrite, Ag 2 S.Sb 8 S 3 , &c. (See SULPHANTLMONITES.) Lastly it occurs in ferruginous water, associated with arsenic, tin, lead, and copper. Preparation. All the antimony of commerce is obtained from the native tri- sulphide, which occurs in many localities among the older rocks, gneiss, clayslate, porphyry, &c. The sulphide is first separated from its gangue by fusion (p. 329), then converted into oxide by roasting, and the oxide is subsequently reduced by coal or char- coal; or the sulphide is at once reduced to the metallic state by fusion with a mixture of charcoal and alkali, or with metallic iron. The following details are taken from Gmelin's Handbook, vol. iv. p. 318. 1. Powdered grey sulphide of antimony, mixed with about half its weight of charcoal powder to prevent caking, is roasted at a gentle heat (on the small scale, on a * Berzelius estimated the atomic weight of antimonv at 129, wlpch number was for a long time adopted; II. Rose (J. pr. Chem. Ixviii. 115,376) obtained the number J20'7; Dexter (I'ogj;. Ami. c. 563) estimated it at 122-3. (See page 321.) x 4 312 ANTIMONY. roasting dish; on the large scale, in a reverberatory furnace), with constant stirring, the fire being gradually increased, but not sufficiently to fuse the mass. The sulphur escapes in the form of sulphurous acid, and there remains a mixture of tetroxide of antimony with a small quantity of trioxide, amounting to about of its weight (G-eiger and Eeimann, Mag. Pharm. xvii. 136), and traces of undecomposed sulphide of antimony: Antimony-ash, Calx Antimonii grisca per sc, or Cinis Antimonii. This residue is then mixed with half its weight of cream of tartar, or with 1 part of char- coal and i pt. potash, or with charcoal powder saturated with an aqueous solution of carbonate of sodium, and fused in a covered crucible at a low red heat ; the fused mass is then poured out into a hot mould partly filled with tallow, and the mould gently tapped to make the metal sink to the bottom. The slag at the top consists of a mix- ture of alkaline carbonate, double sulphide of antimony and potassium (or sodium) and charcoal. The charcoal separates the oxygen from the antimony, and from a portion of the alkali ; and the potassium or sodium thus eliminated separates the sulphur from part of the sulphide of antimony still present, and then, in the form of sulphide, unites with the remainder. 2. A mixture of 8 parts of sulphide of antimony, and 6 parts of cream of tartar is heated in a crucible, nearly to redness, and from 2 to 3 parts of nitre are added till the mass becomes perfectly fused. Or a mixture of 8 pts. of sulphide of antimony, 6 pts. of cream of tartar, and 3 pts. of nitre, is projected by small portions at a time into a red-hot crucible placed in a furnace, and the whole is heated for a short time, till perfectly fused. The mass is then poured out as before. The lower stratum consists of metallic antimony ; the upper, of double sulphide of antimony and potassium mixed with charcoal. The charcoal in the black flux with- draws oxygen from the potash; the potassium thus separated decomposes a portion of the sulphide of antimony, setting the metal free ; and the resulting sulphide of potassium unites with the still undecomposed sulphide of antimony. Probably accord- ing to the following equation : 5Sb 2 S s + 6K 2 + 60 = 3(2K 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 ) + 4Sb + 6CO. According to this, only f of the antimony contained in the sulphide should be obtained in the metallic state, or from 100 parts of the sulphide of antimony, 29'15 parts of regulus. This result accords with actual experience, 100 parts cf sulphide of anti- mony being found to yield 27 parts of antimony. According to Liebig, however, by leaving out the nitre in this process, 100 parts of sulphide of antimony produce 45 parts of the metal. 3. An intimate mixture of 8 parts of siilphide of antimony with 1 pt. of dry carbonate of sodium and 1 pt. of charcoal, heated in an earthen crucible, and constantly stirred with a stick till it fuses quietly, and then poured out into the casting mould, yields 57 parts (71 per cent.) of antimony, which is afterwards purified from iron and copper by fusion with | its weight of nitre (Duf los, Br. Arch, xxxvi. 277 ; xxxviii. 158). In this process, rather more than 3 atoms of carbonate of sodium and charcoal are used to 1 atom of trisulphide of antimony, so that a sufficient quantity of sodium is set free to separate the whole of the sulphur : Sb 2 S 3 + 3Na 2 + 30 = 2Sb + 3Na 2 S + 3CO. The fusion must be continued for a long time, during which the mass is very apt to boil over, and the antimony to burn away; the total amount obtained is only 66 per cent., and the antimony still contains the whole of the other metals which were present in the sulphide (Liebig, Mag, Pharm. xxxv. 120). 4. A mixture of 177 pts. (1 at.) of sulphide of antimony with at most 82 pts. (3 at.) of iron filings or iron nails is heated to bright redness in a closely covered crucible, and then left to cool : Sb 2 S 3 + 6Fe = 2Sb + 3Fe 2 S. The iron separates the whole of the sulphur, even at a gentle heat ; but a stronger heat is required to fuse the sulphide of iron, and cause the antimony to form a distinct stratum beneath it; at this high temperature, the antimony is apt to burn away if the crucible be not well covered ; hence a layer of charcoal powder over the mixture is useful. The addition of carbonate of potassium or sodium, or of nitre, accelerates the fusion, because double sulphide of iron and potassium or sodium is thereby formed, which is more readily fusible than pure sulphide of iron. For example, 22 pts. of nitre are added to a strongly ignited mixture of 100 pts. of sulphide of antimony and 33 pts. of iron, or 6 pts. of nitre to 100 pts. of sulphide of antimony and 47 pts. of iron ; or 100 pts. of sulphide of antimony, 43 pts. of iron, from 10 to 50 pts. of dry- carbonate of sodium, and 2 to 5 pts. of charcoal are melted together. Berthier, how- ever, found it most advantageous to fuse together 100 pts. of sulphide of antimony, 55 60 pts. of smithy scales, 45 pts. of carbonate of potassium, and 10 pts. of charcoal : this mixture yielded 69 pts. of antimony; the mass, however, was found to froth up considerably. Liebig (Mag. Pharm. xxxv. 120) gives the preference to this method ; but the regulus which it separates from sulphide of antimony containing lead is contaminated with that metal (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxii. 62). A mixture- of 100 pts. of ANTIMONY. 313 -sulphide of antimony, 42 pts. of iron, 10 parts of dry sulphate of -sodium, and 2| pts. of charcoal, yields between 60 and 64 pts. of antimony (Liebig). The slag obtained in the second process likewise yields a large quantity of antimony by fusion with iron, because the double sulphide of antimony and potassium is thereby converted into double sulphide of iron and potassium. Antimony obtained by the first, second, and third processes, the Eegulus Antimonii simplex s. vulgaris, which solidifies in the mould, and has a stellated structure on the upper surface, whence it has been called Regulus Antimonii stellatus, may contain sulphur, potassium, arsenic, lead, iron, and copper; the antimony prepared by the fourth method, Eegulus Antimonii martialis, may contain a large quantity of iron, especially when the iron has been used in excess. The powdered antimony may be freed from iron by fusing it with sulphide of antimony ; from sulphur, by fusion with carbonate of potassium ; from sulphur and potassium, by fusion with nitre ; and, ac- cording to Berzelius, from sulphur, potassium, arsenic, and iron, by fusion with from to 1 pt. of antimonious oxide. By fusing sulphide of antimony, or the slag obtained in the second process, with tin, lead, copper, silver, &c., an antimony is obtained, which may contain small quan- tities of these metals ; antimony thus prepared was formerly called Ecgulus Antimonii jovialis, saturninus, venercus, lunaris, &c. Purification. 1. By the following method, commercial antimony and likewise that prepared on the small scale, may be perfectly freed from sulphur, arsenic, iron (when not in too large quantity), and copper, but not from lead: hence the antimony sub- jected to this process, should be free from lead. A mixture of 16 pts. of coarsely pounded antimony with 1 pt. of grey sulphide of antimony and 2 pts. of dry carbonate of sodium, is fused in a hessian crucible for an hour, care being taken to prevent any charcoal from falling into the mass. When cold, the crucible is broken, and the slag completely separated from the metal, which is again coarsely pulverised, fused with 1^ pt. dry carbonate of sodium for an hour, and, lastly, after cooling and removal of the slag, once more fused with 1 pt. of carbonate of sodium. In this manner 15 pts. of pure antimony are obtained (Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xix. 22). The sulphide of antimony converts the other metals, except the lead, into metallic sulphides, which pass into the slag in combination with sulphide of sodium. The remaining arsenic is separated by the carbonate of sodium, in the form of arsenate of sodium. If any charcoal falls into the crucible, it reduces arsenic from the arsenate of sodium, whereby the antimony is again rendered impure (Liebig). Hence a black-lead crucible cannot be used; such a crucible also reduces sodium, which then mixes with the antimony (Anthon, Eepert. lix. 240). If the commercial antimony has been prepared with iron, and is consequently richer in iron, a larger quantity of sulphide of antimony must be added in the first fusion, that is to say, in proportion nearly corresponding to the iron (4 pts. of sulphide of antimony and 4 pts. of carbonate of sodium, to 16 parts of the antimony) : in this case, the loss of antimony is greater. As long as iron is present, it is impos- sible to remove the arsenic by means of carbonate of sodium (Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxix. 58; Handworterb. 2 te Aufl. ii. 45; see also Buchner, Eepert. li. 267). 2. Well washed powder of algaroth is reduced with alkali and charcoal. By this means, all impurities from the heavy metals are got rid of. Artus (J. pr. Chim. viii. 127) digests 1 pt. of finely powdered grey sulphide of antimony or glass of antimony, with 2 pts. of common salt, 3 pts. of oil of vitriol and 2 pts. of water for eight hours, then boils for one hour, and afterwards mixes the liquid with water till a permanent precipitate begins to appear ; then filters ; precipitates the powder of algaroth by adding more water; washes it thoroughly, and fuses 100 parts of the dry compound with 80 parts of dry carbonate of sodium and 20 pts. of charcoal-powder for fifteen or twenty minutes : 61 pts. of pure antimony are thus obtained. 3. A very pure metal may be obtained by heating tartrate of antimony and potassium (tartar-emetic) to bright redness, and digesting the resulting metallic mass in water, to remove any potassium that may have been reduced at the same time. (Capitaine, J. Pharm. xxv. 516 ; also J. pr. Chem. xviii. 449.) Purification from Arsenic only. The extensive use of antimonial preparations in medicine, renders the removal of this impurity a point of particular importance. 1. Four pts. of powdered commercial antimony are mixed with five pts. of nitre and 2 pts. of dry carbonate of sodium (without the latter, insoluble arsenate of antimony would be formed), and the mixture is projected into a red-hot crucible. The mass remaining after the combustion (which takes place quietly) is then pressed together, heated for ha if an hour to a higher temperature, so that it may become pasty but not fused, and pressed down as often as it swells up from evolution of gas. After this, it is taken out of the crucible with the spatula, while still hot and soft, then reduced to powder, and boiled for some time in water, with frequent stirring. The water, to- 314 ANTIMONY. getlier with the finer powder, is then poured off; the coarser powder crushed with a pestle, and boiled with a fresh quantity of water ; the two liquids with their deposits are mixed ; and the insoluble portion is freed by repeated subsidence and decantation, and, lastly, by washing on a filter, from the alkaline solution which contains the alkaline arsenate and but a very small quantity of antimonate. The washed acid anti- monate of potassium is white ; but if it contains lead, which cannot be removed by nitric acid, it has a yellow colour. It is then fused with half its weight of cream of tartar at a moderate red heat, and the resulting metallic antimony containing potassium is pulverised and thrown into water, which removes the potassium and liberates pure hydrogen gas ("Wohler, Pogg. Ann. xxvii. 628; also Ann. Ch. Pharm. v. 20.) Ac- cording to C. Meyer (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 236; Centr. Blatt. 1348, 828) the use of nitre is objectionable, because it gives rise to the formation of antimonate of potas- sium, which destroys the exactness of the process. Meyer recommends a mixture of nitrate and carbonate of sodium, whereby a mass is obtained which does not yield a trace of antimony to water. This method is so exact that it may be used to separate antimony from arsenic in quantitative analysis; moreover, the antimony thus ob- tained is not contaminated with potassium or sodium. 2. One part of pulverised antimony, prepared by the second method (p. 312), is rapidly fused with half its weight of carbonate of potassium, and the mass is poured out ; the metal obtained is then crushed, fused with one-fourth its weight of nitre, again poured out, the metal again crushed, and fused with one-third its weight of hydrated antimonic acid ; and lastly, the antimony, after being repulverised, is fused with one-third its weight of car- bonate of potassium, and poured into the mould. This method completely removes the arsenic (Th. Martius, Kastn. Arch. xxiv. 253). 3. If 32 pts. of antimony, rich in arsenic, are fused with 4 pts. of nitre, the slag contains a large quantity of arsenate of potassium ; and the resulting 30 pts. of metal fused with 3 pts. of nitre, still yields a small quantity of arsenate of potassium and 27 pts. of metal; this, if again fused with 2 pts. of nitre, yields a slag containing scarcely anything but antimonate of potassium, and metallic antimony perfectly free from arsenic. If carbonate of potassium be used instead of nitre, the separation of the arsenic is much more difficult (J. A. Buchner, Eepert. xliv. 246). 4. One part of antimony prepared by the third method, is heated with l pt. of oil of vitriol in a porcelain basin, stirring constantly as long as sulphurous acid gas continues to be evolved, and water is carefully added by small portions at a time, till a greyish-white intumescent mass is formed. This is then mixed in a vessel made of antimony, with from 0'2 to 0-4 pt. finely powdered fluor-spar, and 0'4 to 0'8 pt. oil of vitriol (according to the quantity of arsenic present). The whole is then heated, with constant stirring, as long as hydrofluoric acid and fluoride of arsenic are given off; the residue is afterwards gradually mixed with water, and washed by decantation till the wash-water ceases to exhibit an acid reaction ; and the remaining basic sulphate of antimony is reduced by fusion with half its weight of cream of tartar, in a covered crucible. If a leaden vessel were used, antimony and arsenic would be reduced together, and consequently the antimony obtained would not be free from arsenic. (Duflos, Kastn. Arch. xix. 56; also, Schw. Ix. 353; further, Schw. Ixii. 501; see also Buchner and Herberger, Eepert. xxxviii. 381, xliv. 246.) Tests for Impurities in Antimony. 1. Sulphur. The powdered metal, when heated with strong hydrochloric acid, gives off hydrosulphuric acid. 2. Potassium or Sodium. The antimony appears more grey than white, and loses its lustre on exposure to the air. Its powder has an alkaline taste, reddens moist tumeric paper, and evolves hydrogen gas when put under water, giving up alkali to the liquid. 3. Arsenic. The metal, when fused in the air, emits a garlic colour. If its powder be detonated with about \ pt. of nitre, and the resulting mass treated with water, a filtrate is obtained, which contains arsenate and antimonate of potassium, so that when supersaturated with hydrochloric acid, and rapidly saturated with hydrosul- phuric acid gas, it first gives a yellowish red precipitate of pentasulphide of antimony, and then, if rapidly filtered and preserved in a close vessel, gradually deposits a yellow precipitate of peutasulphide of arsenic. The antimony ignited with an equal weight of cream of tartar in a covered crucible, yields an alloy of potassium, arsenic, and antimony, which, if reduced to powder under water, evolves arsenietted hydrogen, recognisable by its depositing brown metallic arsenic on ignition (see ARSENIC). 4. Lead. The powdered metal boiled with nitric acid nearly to dryness, and then treated with water, yields a filtrate which contains nitrate of lead, and is consequently precipitated by sulphuric acid. When the quantity of lead is large, a solution of antimony in aqua-regia deposits crystalline needles of chloride of lead on cooling. If the antimony contains sulphur besides the lead, the lead remains undissolved in the form of sulphate, on treating the metal with nitric acid. If the antimonious oxide in the residue is then dissolved out by warm hydrosulphate of ammonia, black sulphide of lead remains ANTIMONY. 315 behind, and if iron is present, black sulphide of iron also. 5. Iron. The finely divided metal ignited with three times its weight of nitre, and washed with boiling water, leaves a yellowish residue, from which boiling dilute hydrochloric acid sepa- rates ferric oxide, which may be detected by ferrocyanide of potassium, &c. 6. Copper. When the lead has been precipitated from the nitric acid solution by sulphuric acid, according to the method above given, the cupric oxide remains dissolved, and may be recognised by its behaviour with hydrosulphuric acid, ferro- cyanide of potassium, ammonia, or polished iron. A solution of antimony in aqua- regia should give a yellowish-red precipitate with sulphide of ammonium, perfectly soluble in excess of the precipitant. If a black residue is left, it must consist of sulphide of lead, iron, or copper. (H. Kose.) Properties. Antimony is a brilliant metal, having a bluish- white colour, and highly lamellated structure. By melting it in a crucible, then leaving it to cool par- tially, and pouring out the still liquid portion, it may be obtained in rhombohedral crystals. Its tendency to crystallise is well shown in the cakes of metal which are met with in commerce, the surface of which often exhibits beautiful stellate or fern- like markings. Its density is from 6702 to 6*86. It is very brittle, and easily pul- verised in a mortar. It melts at 450 C. (842 Fah.), and may be distilled at a white heat in an atmosphere of hydrogen, but the distillation is very slow, in consequence of the small density of the vapour. Metallic antimony occurs native in small quantity, sometimes in rhombohedral crystals, at Andreasberg in the Harz, at Przibram in Bohemia, at Sala in Sweden, and at Allemont in France. Amorphous Antimony. Antimony is deposited from its solutions by electrolysis in two different states. When thus precipitated, with a positive electrode of antimony, from a solution of 5 pts. of tartar emetic and 5 pts. of tartaric acid dissolved in a mixture of 2 pts. hydrochloric acid and 30 pts. water., it has a silvery-grey colour and frosted surface, is hard in texture, has a radiating crystalline structure, and a density of 6'55. But from a solution of 1 pt. of tartar emetic in 4 pts. of the ordinary chloride of antimony (containing excess of hydrochloric acid ?) it is deposited with the colour and appearance of polished steel, and a bright, metallic, amorphous fracture. Its specific gravity is then only 5'78. This amorphous antimony, when heated or struck, undergoes a rapid and intense molecular change throughout its mass, attended with great evolution of heat (from 60 to upwards of 450 F.), increasing at the same time in density, and approaching in colour and structure to the crystalline variety. At the same time, a quantity of chloride of antimony and of gas, condensed within its pores and retained with considerable force, is given off. No such change takes place in the grey crystalline metal. By carefully triturating thin pieces of the amorphous metal under water, it may be obtained in the state of a fine powder, exhibiting the molecular property above mentioned. This change of antimony from the amorphous to the crystalline state appears to be similar to that which has been observed in sulphur, selenium, and other substances. (G. Gore, Proc. Roy. Soc. ix. 70.) In a subsequent paper (Proc. Roy. Soc. ix. 304), Mr. Gore states that the evolu- tion of heat accompanying the change " is not limited to a particular temperature, but commences between 170 and 190 F., and increases in rapidity to some point above 212 F., when it becomes sudden. The heat may be discharged either sud- denly or gradually, according to the amount to be discharged relative to the cooling influences present. The specific heat of the unchanged (amorphous) metal was found to be 0*06312; and of the same specimens, after being gradually discharged, the specific heat was not sensibly different. But the specific heat of the substance, after sudden discharge, was found to be 0-0543. The total amount of heat evolved by the substance during the change was sufficient to raise the temperature of its own weight of ordinary antimony (specific heat = 0*0508) about 650 F." An acid solution of fluoride of antimony yielded by electro-deposition, crystalline antimony not possessing the heating powers. Antimony is not sensibly altered by exposure to the air at common temperatures, but oxidises quickly when melted. At a red heat, it takes fire, burning with a white flame, and producing white fumes of the trioxide. A lump of the pure metal heated on charcoal before the blowpipe, burns brilliantly, emitting copious white inodorous vapours, and if left to cool before it is completely burnt away, becomes covered with a white network of the crystallised oxide. If, on the contrary, the antimony is con- taminated with arsenic and iron, it exhales a garlic odour, especially at the com- mencement ; becomes covered with a slag of oxide of iron ; has a dull surface ; ceases to burn as soon as the blowpipe flame is withdrawn ; and yields a yellow oxide. (Liebig.) Antimony is strongly attacked and oxidised by nitric acid, but not dissolved. The degree of oxidation varies with the strength of the acid. If the acid be moderately 316 ANTIMONY: ALLOYS. dilute, the product consists of trioxide of antimony, mixed with a small quantity of pentoxide ; with strong nitric acid, on the contrary, the product consists chiefly or wholly of pentoxide (H. Kose, Analyt. Chem. i. 258). The metal is not acted upon by dilute sulphuric acid, but when heated with the strong acid, it is converted into sulphate, with evolution of sulphurous anhydride. In the state of fine powder, it is dissolved by boiling hydrochloric acid, with evolution of hydrogen, but in the compact State, it resists the action of that acid, even at the boiling heat. Antimony forms, with acid or chlorous radicles, two classes of compounds, viz. 1. Antimonious compounds or tri-compounds of antimony, containing 1 atom of the metal with 3 atoms of a monobasic acid-radicle, Cl, I3r, &c. or 2 atoms of metal with 3 atoms of a dibasic acid radicle, 0, S, &c., e. g. : Trichloride of antimony ..... SbCP Trioxide or antimonious oxide .... Sb 2 3 Trisulphide ....... Sb 2 S 3 2. Antimonic compounds or penta-compounds of antimony, in which 1 or 2 atoms of metal are associated with 5 atoms of an acid-radicle, e. g. : Pentachloride of antimony ..... SbCP Pentoxide or antimonic oxide .... Sb 2 5 Pentasulphide ....... Sb' 2 S* In the antimonious compounds, Sb = H 3 ; in the antimonic compounds, Sb = H 5 . There are likewise a few compounds of antimony not included in either of these series ; e.g. the tetroxide, SbO 2 , which may, however, be regarded as a compound of the two oxides above mentioned, viz. antimonoso-antimonic oxide, Sb 2 3 .Sb 2 5 = 4Sb0 2 . AXiiLO YS OP. Antimony unites with most of the heavy metals, rendering them harder and more brittle. Most of the alloys are easily formed by fusing the two metals together ; some occur native. The alkali -metals likewise form alloys with antimony. For the compounds of arsenic and antimony see ARSENIC. Antimonide of Copper. Prepared by fusing the two metals together in equal quan- tities is pale violet, very brittle, and of laminar texture. According to Karsten, copper alloyed with 0'15 per cent, of antimony, becomes somewhat cold-short and very hot-short. Antimonide of Gold. The two metals unite very easily, melted gold even absorb- ing vapour of antimony. An alloy of 9 pts. gold to 1 pt. antimony is very brittle, white, and exhibits the fracture of porcelain. Gold loses its malleability by admixture with about ^ of antimony. The antimony is easily expelled from the alloy by heat. Antimonide of Iron. A mixture of 7 pts. of antimony, and 3 pts. of iron heated to whiteness in a crucible lined with charcoal, forms a white, very hard, slightly magnetic alloy, which gives sparks when filed. An alloy of antimony and iron is always formed when sulphide of antimony is reduced by iron in excess (regulus antimonii martialis}. A very small quantity of antimony (0*23 per cent.) makes refined iron both hot- and cold-short. Antimonide of Lead. The two metals unite readily in all proportions. Lead is hardened by admixture with antimony. An alloy of equal parts of the two is brittle and ringing; 12 pts. lead and 1 pt. antimony form a malleable alloy, somewhat harder than lead. Type-metal is an alloy of antimony and lead, usually containing 17 to 20 per cent, ot antimony. Sometimes other metals are added, e. g. 1 pt. bismuth to 1C pts. lead and 2 pts. tin, or, for stereotype plates, JL to ^ of tin. The specific gravity of alloys of lead and antimony is always above the mean. Antimonide of Nickel, NiSb, occurs as a metallurgic product obtained by sublimation in long hexagonal prisms, Another alloy, Ni 2 Sb, occurs as a natural mineral called antimonial nickel or Breithauptite, in thin hexagonal plates of specific gravity 7'541, hardness 5-5 ; fracture uneven; the recent fracture exhibits a light copper colour with a tinge of violet ; powder red-brown. Not magnetic. Ignited in a glass tube, it yields a small sublimate of antimony. On charcoal it forms an antimonial deposit, and can- not be fused excepting in small pieces. It is but little attacked by simple acids, but dissolves easily in aqua-regia. Analysis byStromeyer (Pogg. Ann. xxxi. 134) : Sb . . Ni . . Fe . . Pb 8 S 63-73 . . 28-95 . 0-87 . . 6-44 = 99-99 59-71 . . 27-05 . 0-84 . . 12-36 = 99'96 ANTIMONY: CHLORIDES. 317 It was formerly found in the Andreasberg mountains, with calc-spar, galena, and smaltine ; but the vein has long been exhausted. A similar alloy may be obtained artificially by melting 2 at. Ni with 1 at. Sb. (Dana, ii. 53.) Antimonide of Tin, The alloy is easily formed by fusing the two metals together, also by reducing sulphide of antimony with tin (regulus antimonii jovialis). Britannia metal is an alloy of 9 pts. tin and 1 pt. antimony, frequently also containing small quantities of other metals, as copper, zinc, and bismuth. Alloys of antimony with tin, or tin and lead, sometimes also containing copper, are now much used for machinery bearings in place of gun-metal. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i 169.) Antimonide of Zinc. Antimony forms with zinc, alloys of definite crystalline character. A fused mixture of the two metals, containing from 43 to 70 per cent, of zinc, deposits by partial cooling, silver-white rhombic prisms, containing from 43 to 64 per cent, of zinc. The alloy containing exactly 43 per cent, of zinc, appears to be a definite compound, stibiotrizincyl, SbZn 3 . Mixtures containing from 33 to 20 per cent, of zinc deposit rhombic crystals containing from 35 to 21 per cent, of zinc. The alloy containing exactly 33 per cent, is stibiodizincyl, SbZn 2 . These alloys, especially SbZn 3 , decompose water, with evolution of hydrogen at the boiling heat, and very rapidly under the influence of acids. (J. P. Cooke, SilL Am. J. [2] xviii. 229; xx. 222.) Antimonide of Potassium. Alloys of antimony and potassium may be obtained by fusing the two metals together, or by igniting metallic antimony, or its oxide or sulphide, with an organic salt of potassium. Thus, when 5 pts. of crude tartar and 4 pts. of antimony are slowly heated in a covered crucible till the mixture becomes charred, then heated to whiteness for an hour, and left to cool, a crystalline regulus is obtained containing 12 per cent, of potassium. This alloy decomposes water rapidly, and oxidises slowly in the air when in the compact state, but becomes heated and takes fire when rubbed to powder. (Lowig and S c h w e i z e r . ) Antimonide of Silver. Ag 4 Sb and Ag 6 Sb occurs native as antimonial silver or discrasite, in the form of six-sided prisms with truncated lateral edges ; also in scaleno- hedrons, similar to those of calc-spar. Specific gravity 9*4 to 9*8; hardness 3 '5 to 4 ; silver- white ; fracture uneven. Before the blowpipe, it gives off fumes of antimony, and leaves a grey, non-malleable, metallic globule ; by continuing the heat on charcoal, silver is obtained. It dissolves in nitric acid, leaving oxide of antimony. Analysis by Klaproth: Ag 4 Sb Ag fi Sb .a. b. c. Antimony . .24 24 16 Silver . 76_ 76 84 100 100 100 a is a coarse-grained variety from Wolfach, in Baden ; b lamino-granular, from Andreasberg, in the Hartz ; c fine-grained, from "Wolfach. The mineral occurs also at Wittichen, in Suabia ; at AHemont, in Dauphine ; at Casalla, in Spain ; and near Coquimbo, South America. (Grm. vi. 199; Dana, ii. 35.) Antimonide of Sodium resembles antimonide of potassium, and is prepared in like manner. Native trioxide of antimony. , BROMIDE OF. SbBr 3 . This is the only known compound of antimony and bromine, and is formed by direct combination. Antimony takes fire in bromine vapour, or in contact with liquid bromine, running about on the surface in melted globules. To prepare the compound, bromine is put into a retort, and dry antimony powder is introduced through the tubulus, agitating each time till the combination is complete. The product is then purified by distillation. It forms on cooling a mass of colourless needles, deliquescent, melting at 90C., volatile at 270. Water decomposes it, forming an oxibromide. AWTIIVIOWY, CHLORIDES OF. Antimony and chlorine unite directly when brought in contact, and if the antimony is in a state of fine division, the combination is attended with visible combustion. The compound formed is a trichloride or a pentachloride, according as the antimony or the chlorine is in excess. TBICHLOBIDEOPANTIMONY, SbCl 8 , is obtained:!. Bypassing chlorine gas slowly through a tube containing excess of antimony, or over heated trisulphide of antimony, the chloride of sulphur formed at the same time being afterwards volatilised 318 ANTIMONY : DETECTION. by a gentle heat. - 2. By distilling 3 pts. of antimony with 8 pts. of mercuric chloride, or 2 pts. of the trisulphide of antimony with 4-6 pts. of mercuric chloride : Sb + 3HgCl = SbCP + 3Hg; and Sb'S 3 + GHgCl = 2SbCP + 3Hg*S. 3. By heating the trisulphide with strong hydrochloric acid, or metallic antimony with hydrochloric acid to which nitric acid is added in successive small portions : if too much nitric acid were added, a precipitate of oxide of antimony or antimonic acid would be formed. A solution of the trichloride in excess of hydrochloric acid is thus formed, and on subsequently distilling this liquid, water and hydrochloric acid pass over first,, and afterwards the pure trichloride. Trichloride of antimony is at ordinary temperatures a translucent fatty mass thence called butter of antimony. It melts at 72 C., and boils at about 200 : fumes slightly in the air, and is very corrosive. When thrown into water, it is decomposed into hydrochloric acid and trioxide of antimony, which however remains united with a portion of the chloride, forming a white powder called powder of algaroth. The same decomposition takes place on adding water to the solution of the trichloride in strong hydrochloric acid. The precipitate is redissolved by excess of hydrochloric acid, and the solution, which contains hydrated trichloride of antimony, is the most convenient that can be used for exhibiting the reactions of antimony. The addition of tartaric acid to this solution, prevents its decomposition by water. The anhydrous trichloride combines with ammonia, forming the compound NH 3 .SbCP, and forms crystalline compounds with the chlorides of the alkali-metals. PENTACHLORIDE OF ANTIMONY, SbCP, is formed, with brilliant combustion, when finely powdered antimony is thrown into chlorine gas. It may be prepared by passing dry chlorine over pulverised antimony, gently heated in a tubulated retort provided with a receiver, or over the trichloride. Hofmann (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 65) introduces metallic antimony coarsely powdered into a combustion-tube five or six feet long, rising at an angle of 10 or 15, one end being fitted into a tubulature of a two-necked glass globe, the other neck of which is connected with a tube supply- ing dry chlorine. Combination takes place in the tube, and the products flow back- wards into the globe, whilst the long layer of antimony prevents the escape of any chlorine. Pentachloride of antimony is a colourless or yellowish, very volatile liquid, which emits suffocating vapours. Water first converts it into a crystalline hydrate and then decomposes it, forming hydrochloric and antimonic acids. It absorbs am- monia and phosphoretted hydrogen, forming solid red-brown compounds. It absorbs defiant gas, C 2 H 4 , as readily as chlorine, and forms Dutch liquid. By passing dry olefiant gas and dry chlorine simultaneously through boiling pentachloride of anti- mony, in a retort connected with an inverted condenser, large quantities of Dutch liquid may be easily obtained. The pentachloride here acts as a carrier of free chlorine, a purpose for which it may often be advantageously used (Hofmann, loc. cit.) It likewise absorbs hydrosulphuric acid gas, at ordinary temperatures, forming a white crystalline chlorosulphide of antimony, SbCPS, analogous to chlorosulphide of phosphorus, POPS. With bisulphide of carbon, the latter being in excess, it yields tetrachloride of carbon, trichloride of antimony, and free siilphur : CS 2 + 2SbCl 5 = CC1 4 + 2SbCP + S 2 . The mixture becomes very hot, and on cooling deposits crystals of trichloride of anti- mony, mixed with sulphur-crystals, the tetrachloride of carbon remaining in the liquid state (Hofmann, loc. cit.}. The pentachloride combines with hydrocyanic acid, forming a white, crystalline, volatile compound, containing SbCP.SHCy ; also with chloride of cyanogen. A white pulverulent substance containing 2SbCP.3SCl 2 , is ob- tained by heating pentasulphide of antimony in dry chlorine gas ; it is decomposed at 300 C. into chloride of sulphur, trichloride of antimony, and free chlorine. AJTTIftXOire, DETECTION 1 AND ESTIMATION 1 OF : 1. Blowpipe Reactions. Solid compounds of antimony fused upon charcoal, with dry carbonate of sodium or cyanide of potassium, yield a brittle globule of antimony, a thick white fume being at the same time given off, and the charcoal covered to some distance around with a white deposit of oxide. ' If the heat be continued for some time, the globule will be completely dissipated. The reduction with cyanide of potas- sium may be performed in a porcelain crucible without charcoal. The antimony globule is converted by nitric acid into a white oxide, soluble in a boiling solution of cream of tartar. It is insoluble in pure hydrochloric acid, but dis- solves easily on addition of a small quantity of nitric acid, forming a solution of the trichloride, which is decomposed by water, forming a white precipitate, soluble in excess of hydrochloric or tartaric acid. If tartaric acid be previously added, water produces no precipitate. ANTIMONY: DETECTION. 319 2. Liquid Eeactions. The acid solution of the trichloride gives with hydrosul- phuric acid gas, a brick-red precipitate of the trisulphide, easily soluble in sulphide of ammonium, and reprecipitated by acids. With potash, it forms a white precipitate of the trioxide, soluble in a large excess of the reagent. Ammonia forms the same pre- cipitate, insoluble in excess. Carbonate of potassium or sodium also gives a white precipitate of the trioxide, which dissolves in excess, especially of the potassium-salt, but reappears after a while. If, however, the solution contains tartaric acid, the pre- cipitate formed by potash dissolves easily in excess of the alkali, ammonia forms but a slight precipitate, and only after long standing, and the precipitates formed by the alkaline carbonates are insoluble in excess of those reagents. These last mentioned characters are also exhibited by a solution of tartar-emetic (tartrate of antimony and potassium). The solution of this salt is decomposed by the stronger acids, yielding a white precipitate, consisting of acid tartrate of potassium, mixed with the oxide or a basic salt of antimony. With solutions of barium, strontium, calcium, lead, and silver, it forms white precipitates, consisting of tartar-emetic, the potassium of which is re- placed by the other metal. A solution of trichloride of gold, added to a solution of trichloride of antimony, or other antimonious salt, forms a yellow precipitate of metallic gold, antimonic acid being at the same time precipitated in the form of a white powder, unless the solution contains a larger excess of hydrochloric acid : 4AuCl 3 + 3Sb 2 3 + 6H 2 = 4Au + 12C1H + 3Sb 2 5 . The reduction is slow at ordinary temperatures, but is accelerated by heating. In a solution of the trioxide (antimonious acid), in potash, trichloride of gold produces a black precipitate, which affords a very delicate reaction for antimonious acid. Nitrate of silver produces in a solution of trichloride of antimony, a white precipitate, from which ammonia dissolves out chloride of silver, leaving oxide of antimony undis- solved. In a solution of antimonious acid in potash, nitrate of silver produces a deep black precipitate, insoluble in ammonia. In a solution of tartar-emetic, nitrate of silver forms a white precipitate, perfectly soluble in ammonia : but if the solution be previously mixed with excess of potash, nitrate of silver produces a black precipitate insoluble in ammonia. Zinc and iron precipitate antimony from its solutions, in the form of a black powder. Copper precipitates it in the form of a brilliant metallic film, which may be dissolved off by a solution of permanganate of potassium, yielding a solution which will give the characteristic red precipitate with hydrosulphuric acid. (Odling, Guy's Hospital Reports [3] ii. 249.) Antimonic Addis distinguished from antimonious acid by the different colour of the precipitate which it forms with hydrosulphuric acid (p. 328) ; but better by its behaviour with chloride of gold and nitrate of silver. Trichloride of gold produces no precipitate in solutions of antimonic acid, not even when they contain excess of potash. Nitrate of silver, added to a solution of antimonate of potassium, forms a white preci- pitate of antimonate of silver, perfectly soluble in ammonia : if the solution contains excess of potash, the precipitate is brown from admixed oxide of silver, but even then it is completely soluble in ammonia. The slightest trace of antimonious acid present produces a black precipitate, insoluble in ammonia. If a small quantity of an oxide cf antimony in the solid state be rubbed up with water to a milky liquid in a porcelain capsule, then dried, and moistened with ammonio-nitrate of silver, a black spot will be produced, if trioxide antimony is present, either in the free state or combined with antimonic acid : but if only antimonic acid is present, no blackening will take place. This is a very delicate reaction (Bun sen, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 1). Antimonic acid may also be distinguished from the trioxide by its behaviour with hydriodic acid, The pure trioxide dissolves in hydrochloric acid to which iodide of potassium is added, producing a pale yellow liquid, containing tri-iodide of antimony, without separation of iodine ; but antimonic acid or antimonate of antimony, forms under the same cir- cumstances a solution coloured dark brown by free iodine : Sb 2 3 + 6HI = 2SbI 3 + 3H 2 and Sb-0 5 + 10HI = 2SbF + 5H 2 -!- 41. If the quantity of antimonic acid is considerable, the liquid gives off violet vapours on boiling ; but even if it does not exceed a few hundredth^ of a milligramme, the free iodine in the solution may be detected by shaking it up with a few drops of bisulphide of carbon, which then exhibits a violet or amethyst colour when it rises to the surface. It is of course essential that the hydrochloric acid do not contain free chlorine, and that the iodide of potassium be free from iodate. (Bunjen.) 320 ANTIMONY: ESTIMATION. When the presence of antimony is suspected in liquids containing considerable quantities of organic matter, as in cases of supposed poisoning by tartar-emetic or other antimonial preparations, it is best to destroy the organic matter by oxidation with hypochlorous acid. If the matter to be examined is solid, it should be cut into small pieces ; if a large quantity of liquid is present, it must be brought by evaporation to a convenient bulk. It is then mixed with strong hydrochloric acid, a gentle heat applied, and chlorate of potassium added by small portions, till the liquid acquires a light yellow colour. It is then heated till the odour of chlorine is no longer percep- tible, and afterwards left to cool and filtered. From the clear liquid thus obtained, the antimony may be precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid, or by metallic copper, and the precipitates treated in the manner already described ; or the liquid may be intro- duced into a Marsh's apparatus (see ARSENIC), with zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, and the antimony reduced, either in the escape-tube by the heat of a lamp, or on a porcelain plate held in the flame. The metallic deposit thus obtained may be dissolved in aqua-regia, and the solution treated with hydrosulphuric acid, which will pro- duce the characteristic brick-red precipitate. Another method of testing the deposit is to moisten it with nitric acid, of specific gravity 1-42, then heat the vessel over a lamp, and blow over the surface so as to cause the acid to evaporate without boiling. The white deposit then remaining consists chiefly or wholly of trioxide of antimony, which will produce a deep black spot with ammonio-nitrate of silver. A deposit of metallic arsenic, treated in the same way, gives with ammonio-nitrate of silver, either a yellow precipitate of arsenite, or a red-brown precipitate of arsenate of silver, accord- ing to the degree of oxidation produced by the nitric acid. (Bun s en.) 3. Quantitative Estimation. 1. Antimony may be accurately estimated in the form of tetroxide or antimonate of antimony, SbO 2 , that oxide being neither volatile nor decomposible at a red heat. The antimony being precipitated from solution by hydrosulphuric acid, the precipitate is washed and dried, then placed, together with the filter, in a porcelain basin covered with a funnel, and fuming nitric acid poured upon it. A violent action then takes place, the antimony and the greater part of the sulphur being immediately oxidised : the oxidation of the sulphur may be com- pleted by heating the vessel over a water-bath. The resulting white mass, consisting of antimonic acid mixed with sulphuric acid, is converted by ignition into pure anti- monate of antimony, containing 79'22 per cent, of the metal. The oxidation of the sulphide of antimony cannot be conveniently effected by nitric acid of ordinary strength (specific gravity 142), because that liquid boils at a temperature 10 C. above the melting point of sulphur, and consequently the sulphur separated at the commencement of the action collects in melted globules, which are extremely difficult to oxidise, and if left in the mass during the subsequent ignition, would reconvert a portion of the oxide of antimony into sulphide. Fuming nitric acid, on the contrary, boils below the melting . point of sulphur, and the sulphur separated by its action takes the form of a fine powder, which is easily oxidised at a gentle heat. If the sulphide of antimony is mixed with a large quantity of free sulphur (which is often the case when it has been dissolved in an alkaline sulphide and reprecipitated by an acid), it is best to remove the free sulphur by washing the precipitate with bisulphide of carbon. The oxidation of the sulphide of antimony may also be effected by igniting it with mercuric oxide (prepared by precipitating a hot solution of mercuric chloride with excess of caustic potash). When these substances are heated together in equivalent proportions, a violent explosion takes place ; but if the sulphide of antimony be mixed with between thirty and fifty times its weight of mercuric oxide, the oxidation takes place quietly. The mixture is heated in a porcelain crucible, gently, so long as mer- curial vapours go off, afterwards more strongly, and at last very strongly, to expel the last traces of mercury. Antimonate of antimony then remains in the form of a soft white powder. As mercuric oxide, even when prepared with the greatest care, always leaves a small residue when ignited, the amount of this residue must be determined once for all, and the proportionate amount deducted from the weight of the antimonate of antimony. As, however, this residue never exceeds a few thousandths of the whole, it is not necessary to weigh the oxide of mercury with great exactness. In this pro- cess, it is necessary, if the sulphide of antimony contains a large excess of free sulphur, to remove that substance by washing with bisulphide of carbon, before proceeding to the ignition; because free sulphur, even when ignited with a large excess of mercuric oxide, produces explosions which might occasion loss. The method just described has been lately introduced by Bu n s e n (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 3). It is quite exact, provided due attention be paid to the precautions above indicated. 2. The precipitated sulphide of antimony is collected on a weighed filter, dried in an oil-bath, at about 120 C., and then weighed. A known portion of it is then either decomposed by ignition in an atmosphere of hydrogen, whereby the sulphur is expelled ANTIMONY: ESTIMATION. 321 in the form of hydrosulphuric acid, and metallic antimony remains: or a weighed portion of the sulphide is oxidised by means oi hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potas- sium, the action being continued till the greater part of the sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid, and the remainder collected at the bottom of the liquid in a melted globule. The liquid is then diluted with water containing tartaric acid, to prevent the precipitation of a basic salt of antimony, and decanted ; the globule of sulphur* washed and weighed, and the quantity of sulphur in solution estimated as sulphate of barium (see SULPHUR), the quantity thus found being added to the weight of the globule. The proportion of sulphur in the precipitated sulphide of antimony being thus found, the amount of antimony is easily calculated. Antimony cannot be accu- rately estimated by merely weighing the precipitated sulphide, because the precipitate almost always contains free sulphur, and sometimes pentasulphide of antimony in unknown proportion. When antimonious and antimonic acids exist together in solution, the total quantity of antimony may be estimated by treating one portion of the liquid as above described, and the quantity existing as antimonious acid determined in another portion by means of trichloride of gold, 4 at. of precipitated gold corresponding to 3 at. of antimony (p. 313). Atomic Weight of Antimony. Berzelius (Schw. J. xxii. 69) determined the amount of tetroxide produced from a given weight of the metal by oxidation with nitric acid, and thence found, for the atomic weight of antimony, the number 129-03. The same process has more recently been followed by Dexter (Pogg. Ann. c. 579), who found the smaller number 122'33 : but even this number is generally regarded as too high, the error being supposed to arise from incomplete oxidation and the conse- quent admixture of trioxide with the tetroxide. The number at present most generally adopted is that determined by Schneider (Pogg. Ann. xcviii. 293) from the analysis of the native trisulphideby hydrogen. Stib- nite from Arnsberg, which consists of pure trisulphide of antimony mixed with only a small quantity of quartz (about | per cent.), was decomposed by ignition in a stream of hydrogen, and the reduced antimony weighed, the escaping gas being passed into aqueous ammonia to absorb any sulphide of antimony that volatilised, and this quantity being afterwards precipitated by hydrochloric acid, oxidised by fuming nitric acid, and weighed as tetroxide (its quantity did not exceed 1 or 2 milligrammes). Corrections were also made for the quartz in the mineral and for the small amount of sulphide which remained unreduced and unvolatilised ; for which purpose the residue in the reduction-tube was weighed, then digested in aqua-regia, the residual quartz again weighed, the sulphur in the solution determined by precipitation as sulphate of barium, and the amount of antimony in the residue thence determined (about 0'4 per cent.) After making these corrections, the composition of the trisulphide (81)' 2 .S <1 ) was found to be 71'480 Sb + 28*520 S = 100, whence, the atomic weight of sulphur being 32, that of antimony is : *" - isfe 48 = 120 ' 30 - This result agrees nearly with former determinations by H. Eose, and also with that found by Weber (Pogg. Ann. xcviii. 455), from the analysis of trichloride of anti- mony, viz. 1207. Dumas, by decomposing trichloride of antimony with a standard solution of silver, finds for the atomic weight of antimony the number 122. (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiii. 29.) Valuation of Antimony Ores. To estimate the amount of antimony in the native sulphide, the ore is carefully roasted, and then fused at a moderate heat with 1 to 3 pts. of black flux and about 25 per cent, of borax, the whole being covered with a layer of common salt. The quantity of metal which can be thus extracted from the sulphide does not exceed 54 to 64 per cent, the calculated quantity being 71 '5 per cent. Or the sulphide is fused with iron filings (about 42 pts. iron to 100 of sulphide), together with three times its weight of black flux, and about 25 per cent, of borax, the whole being covered with a thick layer of common salt. This process yields 66 to 68 antimony from 100 pts. of the sulphide. To estimate the amount of sulphide of antimony in a sample of the crude ore, the ore, in pieces of about the size of a walnut, is heated in a hessian crucible perforated at bottom, and standing on another crucible placed below the grate, and surrounded with ashes or sand to^keep it cool. Care must be taken to avoid applying too much heat. If the gangue is not attacked by hydrochloric acid, the amount of sulphide may be estimated by boiling a weighed portion of the ore with that acid and weighing the residue. (Kerl, Hiittenkunde, iii. 26.) 4. Separation of Antimony from other me tals. From the metals of the second and third groups (see ANALYSIS, p. 213) antimony is separated by precipitation VOL. I Y 322 ANTIMONY: FLUORIDEIODIDE. with hydrosulphuric acid ; from those of the first group, whose sulphides are insolub'e in alkaline sulphides, it is separated by precipitating with hydrosulphuric acid and digesting the precipitate in sulphide of ammonium. The sulphide of antimony then dissolves, the other metals remaining undissolved; and on mixing the filtrate with excess of hydrochloric or acetic acid, the sulphide of antimony is reprecipitated. When hydrochloric acid is used, care must be taken to keep the liquid dilute and not allow it to get hot, otherwise some of the antimony may be redissolved. When antimony is combined with other metals in the form of an alloy, it may often be separated by treating the alloy with moderately strong nitric acid, which dissolves the other metals, leaving the antimony in the form of antimonic acid, which may then be converted into antimonate of antimony by ignition. This method, however, is not rigidly exact, because the nitric acid dissolves a small portion of the antimony ; but it is near enough for commercial purposes. It is of course not applicable to the separa- tion of antimony from tin, gold, or platinum. The separation of antimony from tin may be effected by immersing in the solution a piece of pure tin, which precipitates the antimony in the form of a black powder. To render the separation complete, a gentle heat must be applied, and the solution should contain an excess of acid. The antimony is collected on a weighed filter, dried at a gentle heat, and weighed. If the sum of the weights of the two metals in the solution is previously known, the amount of tin is at once determined by difference ; if not, the metals must be precipitated together by zinc from a known quantity of the solution, and the antimony precipitated by tin from another portion. Another method of separa- tion given by Levol (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xiii. 125) is, to precipitate the two metals by zinc, and treat the precipitate with strong hydrochloric acid, without previously decanting the solution of chloride of zinc. The tin then dissolves, while the antimony remains undissolved, the presence of the chloride of zinc diminishing its tendency to dissolve in the acid. The tin may be afterwards precipitated by hydrosulphuric acid, and the sulphide converted into stannic oxide by treating it with strong nitric acid. For the separation of antimony from arsenic, gold, and platinum, see those metals. From selenium and tellurium, antimony is separated in the same manner as arsenic (q. v.) AWTIMOKTH-, FLUORIDE OP. SbF 3 . Obtained by dissolving the trioxide in hydrofluoric acid. It forms colourless crystals, which dissolve completely in water without decomposition. GZiASS OP. See ANTIMONY, OxYSTTTPHIDE OF. HYDRIDE OP, or ATffTUVTOWIDE OP HZBROGEW, generally called Antimonetted or Antimoniurctted hydrogen SbH 3 . When an anti- mony-compound, tartar-emetic for example, is introduced into an apparatus in which hydrogen is generated by the action of zinc or dilute sulphuric acid, the flame pro- duced by the combustion of the gas at the orifice of the jet, acquires a bluish tinge from admixture of antimonide of hydrogen. This compound may be obtained in a state of greater purity by dissolving an alloy of 2 pts. of zinc and 1 pt. of antimony in hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid. It is always, however, more or less con- taminated with free hydrogen. It is a colourless gas, and when free from arsenic, quite inodorous ; insoluble in water and in alkaline liquids. ^ When it is passed into hot concentrated nitric acid, a white powder is deposited, consisting of antimonic acid. When passed into a solution of nitrate of silver or chloride of mercury, it forms a black precipitate, containing the whole of the silver or mercury. The silver-precipitate has been found to be SbAg 3 , and is formed by simple substitution of silver for hydrogen. Hence the antimonide of hydrogen is inferred to be SbH 3 , analogous to ammonia, and to arsenide and phos- phide of hydrogen, AsH 3 and PH 3 . When antimonide of hydrogen is passed through a tube of hard glass and strongly heated by the flame of a lamp, it is decomposed, and a mirror of metallic antimony is deposited on the tube. If a funnel be held over the flame of the gas, a deposit of trioxide of antimony is formed on its inner surface. A cold porcelain dish held in the middle of the flame, becomes covered with spots of metallic antimony, which are darker in colour' than those formed in a similar manner by arsenic, and are further dis- tinguished from the latter by not dissolving in hypochlorite of sodium. The antimony deposit dissolves easily in aqua-regia and in permanganate of potassium, and the solution thus formed exhibits the characteristic reactions of antimony with hydro- sulphuric acid, &c. (p. 319). There are several compounds of antimony with alcohol-radicles, analogous to antimonetted hydrogen, viz. stibtrimethyl, Sb(CH s ) 3 , stibtriethyl, Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 , and stib- triamyl, Sb(C 5 H u ) 8 . ANTIIVCOTJY, XODIDS OP. Sbl 3 . Prepared like the bromide. It is a dark red body, decomposed by water, forming an oxyiodide. The sulphiodide, Sb 2 I 2 S 3 , is ANTIMONY: ORES AND OXIDES. 323 obtained as a red sublimate, by heating an intimate mixture of iodine and the trisulphide in a retort. It is decomposed by water, yielding hydriodic acid and an oxysulphide. AWTI1V10N-Y, ORES OP. See p. 311 ; for the valuation, p. 321. ANTIIVIOM'Y, OXIDES OP. Antimony forms with oxygen three definite com- pounds, viz. : the Trioxide or Antimonious oxide ..... Sb 2 8 or SbO* Tetroxide or Antimonoso-antimonic oxide . . . Sb 2 4 or SbO* Pentoxide or Antimonic oxide ..... Sb 2 5 or The tetroxide is perhaps a compound of the other two, Sb s 3 .Sb-0 5 = 2Sb 2 0*. A suboxide Sb 2 (?) is also said to be produced, as a grey film, when antimony is used as the positive pole in the electrolysis of water. It appears, however, to be merely a mix- ture of the metal with the trioxide, for, when treated with hydrochloric acid, it yields solution of the trioxide and a residue of antimony. (Berzelius.) TRIOXIDE OF ANTIMONY, or ANTIMONIOUS OXIDE, Sb 8 3 , occurs, though rarely, as a natural mineral (Valcntinite, White Antimony, Antimony-bloom, Weiss- piessglanzerz}, in shining white crystals belonging to the trimetric system; specific gravity 5*566 hardness; 2'5 3. It occurs in veins of primary rocks at Przibram in Bohemia, at Braunsdorf in Saxony, and at Malaczka in Hungary. It is found also in regular octahedrons, viz. as Scnarmontite, a mineral from the GHied Hamimim mine, in the province of Constantine, Algeria : it is therefore dimorphous. This oxide is formed when the metal burns in the air, and may be prepared by heating antimony in a crucible imperfectly closed with its cover : it is then deposited on the sides of the crucible, a little above the melted metal, in shining prismatic crystals, known by the name of flowers of antimony, flores antimonii argentei. But the easiest mode of obtain- ing it is, to heat the trisulphide with strong hydrochloric acid as long as hydrosulphuric acid continues to escape, and pour the resulting solution of the trichloride into a boiling solution of carbonate of sodium. A crystalline powder is then deposited, consisting (according to Graham) of the anhydrous trioxide: 2SbCP + 3Na 2 C0 3 = Sb 2 3 + 6NaCl + 3C0 2 . Eegnault, however, states (Cours de Chimie, iii. 239) that the oxide thus obtained is a hydrate, containing Sb 2 3 .H 2 or SbHO 8 . The trioxide is likewise obtained, though mixed more or less with antimonic acid, by treating metallic antimony with nitric acid (p. 318). The artificial as well as the native trioxide of antimony is dimorphous. The crystals produced by the rapid oxidation of the metal belong to the trimetric or right prismatic system. Sometimes, however, when the oxide is sublimed at a comparatively low temperature, as when a few ounces of antimony are heated till the metal begins to burn, and then left to cool slowly, the prismatic crystals are mixed with regular octahedrons. According to Mitscherlich (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxxiii. 394) the trioxide is also deposited in regular octahedrons from a solution in boiling soda. In each of its forms, it is isomorphous with one of the forms of trioxide of arsenic (arsenious oxide) : the two bodies are therefore isodimorphous. Antimonious oxide is white or grey isli- white at ordinary temperatures, but turns yellow when heated. It melts below a red heat, and sublimes when raised to a higher temperature in a close vessel. When heated in the air, it is partly converted into antimonic oxide. It is not decomposed by heat alone, but is reduced to the metallic state when heated with hydrogen, charcoal, or potassium. Trioxide of antimony dissolves sparingly in water, more freely in strong hydro- chloric acid; the latter solution is quite clear, provided the oxide is free from antimonic acid, but is rendered turbid by dilution with water. It dissolves when boiled with aqueous tartaric acid, and very easily in a solution of acid tartrate of potassium (cream of tartar) ; forming the tartrate of antimony and potassium, or tartar- emetic, C 4 H 4 KSb0 7 . (See TARTRATES.) It is quite insoluble in nitric acid of ordinary strength ; but dissolves in cold fuming nitric acid, forming a solution which deposits pearly scales of a nitrate, N 2 5 .2Sb"0 3 (Peligot). It dissolves also in fuming sulphuric acid, the solution depositing shining scales of a sulphate containing 3S0 3 .Sb i: 3 . It does not absorb carbonic acid; indeed, no carbonate of antimony is known to exist. Trioxide of antimony acts as a feeble acid, forming salts called antimonites. The precipitated trioxide dissolves easily in alkalis, but the resulting compounds are very unstable, being decomposed by mere evaporation. The solutions give with nitrate of silver and excess of ammonia, a black precipitate insoluble in free ammonia. They reduce trichloride of gold, precipitating the metal. More stable salts, the anti- y 2 324 ANTIMONY: OXIDES. inonoso-antimonates, are formed by the union of the antimonitos with antimonates (vid. inf.). The trioxide fused with caustic alkalis or their carbonates is converted into antimonic acid, which unites with the alkali. (Fremy.) TETROXIDE OF ANTIMONY, or Antimonoso-antimonic oxide, sometimes called Antimonious acid, Sb 2 4 . This oxide is found native, as Cervantitc or Antimony- ochre, forming acicular crystallisations, or massive, or as a crust or powder. It is yellow, or nearly white, of a greasy, bright or earthy lustre, and specific gravity 4-084. It is found at Pereta, in Tuscany (Dana, iii. 141). The same oxide is pro- duced by the action of heat upon antimonic oxide (Sb-0 5 ), by roasting the trioxide or trisulphide, or by treating pulverised antimony witli excess of nitric acid. As thus prepared, it is white, infusible, and unalterable by heat; slightly soluble in water, more soluble in hydrochloric acid. It is easily resolved into antimonious and anti- monic oxides. On boiling it with acid tartrate of potassium (cream of tartar) anti- monious oxide dissolves, and antimonic oxide is left behind ; and when a solution of the tetroxide in hydrochloric acid is gradually dropped into a large quantity of water, a precipitate of antimonious oxide is first produced, while antimonic acid remains in solution. From these and similar reactions, it has been inferred that the tetroxide is a compound of the trioxide and pentoxide, or an antimonate of antimony (Sb 2 3 + Sb 8 5 = 2Sb 2 4 ). On the other hand, it is sometimes regarded as a distinct oxide, because it dissolves in alkalis, forming salts (often called antimonites), which may be obtained in the solid state. By fusing the tetroxide with hydrate or carbonate of potassium, exhausting with cold water, treating the residue with boiling water, and evaporating to dryness, a yellow, uncrystalline, saline mass is obtained, composed of K 2 O.Sb 2 4 , and by mixing the solution of this salt with a small quantity of hydro- chloric acid, a more acid salt, K 2 0.2Sb 2 4 is precipitated. By treating the same solution with a large quantity of acid, a precipitate is formed, consisting of the hydrated tetroxide, H 2 O.Sb 2 4 . It is, however, more in accordance with the reactions above-mentioned, to regard these salts as antimonoso-antimonates, that is to say, as compounds of antimonates (containing Sb 2 5 ) with antimonites (containing Sb*0 3 ) ; thus the salt, K 2 O.Sb 2 4 , maybe regarded as (K 2 O.Sb 2 8 ) + (K 8 O.Sb 2 5 ), or KSbO 2 . KSbO*. The antimonoso-antimonates of the earth-metals and heavy metals are insoluble in water, and may be obtained by precipitation. Two of them are known as natural minerals, viz. 1. Bomcinc, or (so-called) Antimonite of calcium, found at St. Marcel, . in Piedmont, in groups of minute square-based octahedrons, of hyacinth-red, or honey-yellow colour; specific gravity 4*714 (in powder 4*675), hard enough to scratch; glass. It contains 62'18 per cent, antimony, 15*82 oxygen, 16*29 lime, 1*31 iron, 1*21 protoxide of manganese, and 2'86 silica. The formula, 3Ca*0.2Sb 2 4 , requires 61*9 per cent., Sb, 22'7 0, and 15'4 Ca (Dana, ii. 410). 2. Ammiolitc, or (so-called) Anti- monite of mercury, occurs, mixed with clay and hydrated sesquioxide of iron, in the quicksilver mines in Chili, and at Silberg, near Olpe in Westphalia. It is a red powder, containing, according to Domeyko (Ann. Min. [4] vi. 183), 12*5 per cent. Sb 2 4 , 14-0 Hg 2 0, 22-3 Fe 4 3 , 26'5 SiO 2 , and 247 water (and loss). Probably only a mixture. (Dana, ii. 142.) PENTOXIDE OF ANTIMONY, ANTIMONIC OXIDE or ANHYDRIDE, Sb 2 5 . In the hydrated state : ANTIMONIC ACID. This compound is obtained as a hydrate : 1. By treating antimony with nitric acid, or with aqua regia containing excess of nitric acid. 2. By precipitating a solution of antimonate of potassium with an acid. 3. By decomposing pentachloride of antimony with water. The hydrated oxide obtained by either of these methods gives off its water at a heat below redness, and yields the pentoxide or anhydrous antimonic acid, as a yellowish powder. The same body is obtained by heating pulverised antimony with mercuric oxide till the green antimonate of mercury at first produced is decomposed and all the mercury driven off. It is tasteless, insoluble in water and in acids, and has a specific gravity of 6*6 (Bo u Hay). At a red heat, it gives off oxygen, and is converted into the tetroxide. It is dissolved by boiling potash-ley, and when fused with carbonate of potassium expels carbonic anhydride and forms a salt, from which acids separate hydrated antimonic acid. The hydrated oxides or acids obtained by the three methods above given, are by no means identical. That obtained by the first and second method is monobasic, and ac- cording to Berzel ius, contains Sb'-0 5 .H-Oor SbHO'; accordingto Fremy, Sb 2 5 .5H 2 O, or S1)H 5 5 , when air-dried at mean temperature ; but the acid obtained by the action of water on pentachloride of phosphorus is dibasic, and contains, accordingto Fremy, Sb 2 5 .4H 2 0. The monobasic acid is called Antimonic acid; the dibasic acid, Mctanti- monic acid. _ These acids are further distinguished by the following characters. Anti- monic acid is a soft white powder, sparingly soluble' in wntcr, reddens litmus, and is dissolved, even in the cold, by strong hydrochloric acid and by potash-ley. The hydro- ANTTMONATES. 325 chloric solution mixed with a small quantity of water, yields after a while, a precipi- tate of antimonic acid, Init if diluted M r ith a large quantity of water, it remains clear. Ammonia does not dissolve it in the cold. It is converted into metantimonic acid by heating with a large excess of hydrate of potassium. Metantimonic acid dissolves in acids more readily than antimonic acid, and is dissolved by ammonia, after a while, even at ordinary temperatures. It likewise dissolves completely in a large quantity of water, and is precipitated therefrom by acids. It is very unstable, and easily changes into antimonic acid, even in water. ANTLMONATES and METANTIMONATES. Antimonic acid forms neutral or normal salts, containing M 2 O.Sb 2 5 or MSbO 3 , and acid salts containing M 2 0.2Sb 2 5 , or Sb 2 0*.2MSb0 8 . Metantimonic acid, which is dibasic, forms normal salts containing 2M 2 O.Sb-0 5 , orMWO 7 , and acid salts containing 2M 2 0.2Sb 2 5 , or M 2 O.Sb 2 5 , so that the acid metantimonates are isomeric or polymeric with the neutral antimonates.* An acid metantimonate easily changes into a neutral antimonate (Fremy, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 316, 357; xxii. 404). Heffter (Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvi. 411) analysed a series of antimonates, which, calculating from the old atomic weight of antimony (119), he supposed to contain 12 at. Sb 2 5 to 13 at. of a base M'-'O ; but on recalculat- ing the analyses with the new atomic weight (Sb = 120'3), it is found that they agree with the general formula M 2 O.Sb 2 5 . The metantimonates of ammonium, potassium, and sodium, are crystalline; the antimonates of the same bases are gelatinous and unerystallisable . The soluble acid metantimonates form a crystalline precipitate with sodium-salts ; the soluble antimo- nates do not form any such precipitate. The antimonates and metantimonates of the alkali-metals are the only ones that are easily soluble in water. All the rest are insoluble or sparingly soluble, and may be obtained by precipitation. Antimonate of Aluminium. On adding the solution of an aluminium-salt to excess of antimonate of potassium, the whole of the alumina is precipitated in com- bination with antimonic acid, in white flocks,, somewhat soluble in excess of the aluminium-salt. Antimonate of Ammonium, (NH 4 ) 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 2H 2 Q, or (NH 4 )Sb0 3 + H 2 0, sepa- rates as a white powder from a solution of antimonic or metantimonic acid in warm aqueous ammonia. Neutral metantimonate of ammonium, 2(NH 4 ) 2 O.Sb 2 5 , is ob- tained in solution by treating metantimonic acid with cold aqueous ammonia ; it is not easily obtained in the solid state. The solution mixed with a drop or two of alcohol, deposits a crystalline salt, which is the acid metantimonate of ammonium, (NH*) 2 O.Sb'-'0 5 + 6II 2 0. This salt is soluble in water, and the solution precipitates sodium-salts. It is very unstable, being converted, with loss of water, slowly at ordinary temperatures, and immediately at the boiling heat, into the insoluble neutral antimonate, with which it is isomeric. /,Sb 2 O 3 .Sb 2 5 . The tetroxide of antimony is sometimes regarded as constituted in this manner (p. 317). Antimonate of Barium, Ba 2 O.Sb 2 5 , or BaSbO 3 , is obtained by double decom- position, as a flocculent precipitate which gradually becomes crystalline ; it dissolves slowly in aqueous chloride of barittm. Antimonate of Calcium, Ca*O.Sb 2 5 , is a crystalline precipitate, which adheres closely to the sides of the vessel, like carbonate of calcium. Antimonate of Cobalt, Co*O.Sb 2 O 5 . Reddish" crystalline precipitate, which, when heated, gives off water, turns violet, and then black ; when heated to redness, it becomes incandescent, and on cooling appears nearly white. By mixing a solution of sulphate of cobalt with a hot solution of antimonate of sodium, Heffter (loc. cit.) obtained a flocculent rose-coloured precipitate, containing Co 2 O.Sb 2 O s + 7H 2 0, and the mother-liquor, after standing for some days, deposited six-sided prisms containing Co 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 12IFO. Antimonate of Copper, Cu 2 O.Sb 2 5 , or CuSbO 8 , is a greenish crystalline powder, which when heated gives off 19| per cent, water, and turns black. At a red heat, it glows like the cobalt-salt, turns white, and is afterwards unattackable by acids or alkalis in solution. On charcoal before the blowpipe, it is reduced to antimonide of copper. Antimonates of Iron. The ferrous salt is a white powder which becomes yel- lowish grey when dry, red by ignition, and is sparingly soluble in water. The/e-mc salt is light yellow. Antimonate of Lead, Pb 2 O.Sb 2 5 , or PbSbO 3 , is obtained as a yellow anhydrous powder by fusing pentoxide of antimony with oxide of lead, or as a white hydrate by precipitation ; the hydrate gives off its water when heated, and turns yellow. * If = S, the formula; of the neutral and acid antimonates are AfO.SbO* and A/0.2S60 S , and of the metautimonates, ZMO.SbO* and 2Jtf0.2S6O 9 respectively. 326 ANTIMONATES. A basic antimonate of lead, known by the name of Naples Yellow, is much used in oil-painting. It is obtained of the finest colour by mixing 2 pts. of chemically pure nitrate of lead with 1 pt. of the purest tartar-emetic and 4 pts. of common salt puri- fied by repeated crystallisation, exposing the mixture for two hours to a heat just sufficient to fuse the chloride of sodium, and dissolving out the chloride of sodium with water ; if the temperature has not been allowed to rise too high, the Naples yellow is then obtained in the form of a fine powder. The same pigment is likewise obtained, but generally of a less brilliant colour, by fusing equal parts of antimony and lead with 3 pts. of nitre and 6 pts. of common salt. Another basic antimonate of lead, 3Pb 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 4H 2 0, occurs native at Nerts- chinsk in Siberia, forming the mineral Blcinicrite. It is amorphous, reniform, sphe- roidal ; also earthy or incrusting ; sometimes with curved lamellar structure, specific gravity 3-933 (Karsten); 4-6476 (Hermann). Lustre resinous, dull, or earthy. Colour grey, brownish, or yellowish. Opaque. Streak, greyish or yellowish. It is perhaps a mechanical mixture of lead and antimony ochres, and appears to result from the decomposition of other ores of antimony. (Hermann, J. pr. Chem. xxxiv. 179.) Antimonate of Lithium. Obtained by mixing a concentrated solution of chloride of lithium with antimonate of potassium, in flocks which soon become crys- talline. It dissolves easily in hot water, and separates in grains on cooling. In dilute solutions, no precipitate is obtained. Antimonate of Magnesium, Mg 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 12H 2 0. Separates by double decomposition from boiling solutions, in colourless shining hard crystals, which are isomorphous with the corresponding cobalt-salt, give off 8 per cent, water at 100 C., 10 per cent, at 200, and 11 per cent, at 300. (Heffter.) Antimonate of Manganese. White, altered by exposure to the air, sparingly soluble in water, . somewhat more soluble in excess of the manganous salt. At a red heat, it becomes unattackable by acids, but does not glow. Mercuric Antimonate, Hg 2 O.Sb 2 5 , or HgSbO 3 , is obtained by double decom- position as an orange-yellow precipitate. There is also an olive-green mercuric antimonate obtained by heating to low redness a mixture of 1 pt. powdered antimony, and 6 or 8 pts. mercuric oxide. At a stronger heat, this salt gives off oxygen and mercury, and leaves antimonic oxide. It is biit little attacked by acids ; but boiling hydrochloric acid dissolves a small quantity of it, and ammonia added to the solution throws down a light green powder. Antimonate of Nickel. Sulphate of nickel mixed with a boiling solution of anti- monate of potassium, immediately forms a light green flocculent precipitate containing Ni-O.Sb 2 5 + 6H 2 0, and the mother-liquor, after a few days, yields crystals of darker colours isomorphous with the magnesium-salt and analogous to it in constitution. Antimonates of Potassium. The neutral salt, K 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 5H 2 0, is obtained by fusing 1 pt. of antimony with 4 pts. of nitre, digesting the fused mass in tepid water to remove nitrate and nitrite of potassium, and boiling the residue for an hour or two with water. The white insoluble mass of anhydrous antimonate is thereby transformed into a hydrate containing 5 at. water, which is soluble. The solution, when evaporated, leaves this hydrate in the form of a gummy uncrystallisable mass, which gives off 2 at. of water at 160 C., and the whole at a higher temperature. According to Heffter the anhydrous neutral antimonate is partly decomposed by pro- longed boiling with water, an acid salt 2K 2 O.Sb 2 5 remaining undissolved, and the liquid filtered therefrom yielding by evaporation the neutral salt with 7 at. water : 5 + 7H 2 0. Acid Antimonate of Potassium is obtained by passing carbonic acid gas through a solution of the neutral antimonate. It is white, crystalline, perfectly insoluble in water, and is converted into the neutral salt when heated with excess of potash. This salt is the antimonium diaphoreticum lavatum of the pharmacopeias. (Fremy.) According to Heffter, the salt thus obtained is 2K 2 O.3Sb 2 5 + 10H 2 0. Neutral Mctantimonate of Potassium is prepared by fusing antimonic oxide or neutral antimonate of potassium with a large excess of potash. The fused mass dissolves in a small quantity of water, and the solution evaporated in vacuo yields crystals of the neutral metantimonate. This salt dissolves freely and without decomposition in warm water containing excess of potash ; but cold water or alcohol decomposes it into potash and the acid matantimonate, Hence the aqueous solution of this salt gives a pre- cipitate, after a while, with salts of soda. (Fremy.) Acid Metantimonate of Potassium, K 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 7H 2 0, sometimes called granular antimonate of potassium. This salt is used as a test for soda. To obtain it, the neutral antimonate is first prepared and dissolved in the manner above described; the ANTIMONY: OXYCHLORIDE. 327 solution is filtered to separate any acid antimonate that may remain undissolved, then evaporated to a syrup in a silver vessel ; and hydrate of potassium is added in lumps to convert the antimonate into metantimonate. The evaporation is then continued till the liquid begins to crystallise, which is ascertained by taking out a drop now and then upon a glass rod, and the liquid is then left to cool. A crystalline mass is thus obtained, consisting of neutral and acid metantimonate of potassium ; the alkaline liquor is then decanted, and the salt dried upon filtering paper or unglazed porcelain (Fremy). This salt may also be prepared by treating trichloride of antimony with an excess of potash sufficient to redissolve the precipitate first formed, and adding permanganate of potassium till the solution acquires a faint rose colour. The liquid, filtered and evaporated, yields crystals of the granular metantimonate (Reynoso). This salt is sparingly soluble in cold water, but dissolves readily in water, between 45 and 50 C. When boiled with water for a few minutes, or kept in contact with water for some time, it is converted into the neutral antimonate. It must therefore be preserved in the solid state, and dissolved just before it is required for use. A small quantity of it is then treated with about twice its weight of cold water, to remove excess of potash, and convert any neutral metantimonate into the acid salt; the liquid is decanted ; and the remaining salt is rapidly washed three or four times with cold water, then left in contact with water for a few minutes, and the liquid is filtered. On adding to the solution thus obtained a small quantity of any sodium-salt, a crystal- line precipitate is formed, consisting of acid metantimonate of sodium (vid. inf."). Antimona te of Sodium is obtained in tabular aggregates of small crystals, when the wash-water, resulting from washing a deflagrated mixture of antimony and nitre, is mixed with a sodium-salt. This salt has, according to Fremy, the composition Na 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 7H 2 0. A salt of the same constitution is obtained, according to Heffter, in regular octahedrons, by boiling golden sulphide of antimony with caustic soda, and filtering the aqueous extract. It is nearly insoluble in cold water, soluble in about 350 pts. of boiling water. It gives off 2 at, water at 200 C., 2 at. more at 300, and the rest at a red heat. Acid Metantimonate of Sodium, Na 2 O.Sb 2 5 + 7H 2 0, or 2NaHO.Sb 2 5 + 6H 2 0. This salt is produced when a solution of acid metantimonate of potassium, free from excess of alkali, is added to the solution of a sodium-salt. If the solution is not very dilute the precipitate is flocculent at first, but soon becomes crystalline. It is produced immediately in solutions containing not less than 1 pt. of sodium-salt in 300 pts. of liquid. In more dilute solutions, the precipitation is gradual, the metantimonate of sodium being deposited in crystals on the sides of this vessel, the effect being apparent after twelve hours, even in solutions containing not more that j~ pt. of sodium-salt. The precipitation is accelerated and rendered more complete by adding a little alcohol. The presence of free alkali retards it. The solution of sodium to be tested in this manner should be free from salts of lithium, ammonium, and the earth-metals, all of which, when diluted to a certain extent, yield precipitates of similar character. Acid metantimonate of sodium gives off 6 at. of water at 100C.,the seventh at about 300. Antimonate of Strontium. Amorphous precipitate containing Sr ? O.Sb 2 5 + 6H 2 0. Antimonate of Zinc, Zn'-O.Sb 2 5 . Crystalline precipitate somewhat soluble in excess of the zinc-salt. When heated, it gives off water and turns yellow, but without incandescence. On charcoal before the blowpipe it does not fuse ; neither is it reduced without addition of alkali. ANTXiviOire, OXYCHLORIDE OP. Basic Chloride of Antimony, Powder of Algaroth, Pulvis Algaroiki s. angelicus, Mcrcurius Titcs, &c. A compound formed by the action of water on trichloride of antimony. It was formerly much used in medical practice, but now serves chiefly for the preparation of pure antimonious oxide and tartar-emetic. The best way of preparing it is to boil commercial sulphide of antimony in fine powder with strong hydrochloric acid, till the liquid is saturated, sulphuretted hydrogen escaping all the while ; leave the solution to cool ; add to it, with agitation, small portions of water till it begins to show turbidity ; then filter ; mix the filtrate with five to ten times its bulk of water; and wash the resulting pre- cipitate thoroughly with cold water by decantation or on the filter. The addition of a small quantity of water and filtration before the complete precipitation, is neces- sary, in order to remove a small quantity of hydrosulphuric acid, which always remains in the acid liquid, but is carried down by the first portions of oxy chloride precipitated, and thereby removed : if allowed to remain, it would cause the precipitate to turn yellow. The dried precipitate is a heavy white amorphous powder ; but if left to stand in the liquid, or if boiled with it, is converted into a mass of small shining oblique rect- angular pi-isms. It varies in composition according to the temperature of the water used for the precipitation and washing. According to Duflos and Bucholz, it is Y 4 328 ANTIMONY: OXYIODIDE SELENIDE. 2ShCl 3 .5Sb 2 3 ; according to Johnston, 4SbCl 3 .9Sb 2 3 ; according to Schneider, 2.SbOCl.Sb 2 O s ; according to Peligot, the precipitate formed in the cold is SbCl 3 . Sb-0 3 , or SbO.Cl, (chloride of antimonyl), and after it has become crystalline by heating, 2SbCl 3 .5Sb 2 3 . Continued washing with water removes more and more of the chloride, ultimately leaving nearly pure antimonious oxide; alkaline-water removes the whole of the chloride. The oxychloride is also decomposed by heat, the chloride being volatilised and oxide remaining. Antimonious oxide dissolves in about 15 times its weight of the boiling trichloride, and the solution on cooling solidifies into a pearly grey, perfectly crystalline mass, apparently consisting of Sb 2 OCl 4 .6SbCl 3 , analogous to the sulphochloride formed in like manner (p. 338). It is decomposed by absolute alcohol, with separation of powder of algaroth. (Schneider, Pogg. Ann. cviii. 407.) OXYIODIDZ OF. Antimonious iodide is decomposed by water, yielding a white precipitate, which appears to be analogous in composition to the oxychloride. An oxy iodide, 2SbI 3 .5Sb 2 3 , is likewise obtained in gold-coloured spangles resembling iodide of lead, by adding iodine to a solution of tartar-emetic, OP by treating the trichloride of antimony with solution of iodide of potassium, evaporat- ing the solution, treating the residue with water, and repeating these operations several times. It is decomposed by heat. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it, with sepa- ration of iodine. It is slightly soluble in tartarie acid and cream of tartar. Nitric acid decomposes it, separating oxide of antimony. (Preuss, Pharin. Centr. 1839, p. 311.) ANTIMONY, OXYSITX.PHIBE OP. The compound Sb 2 3 .2Sb 2 S 3 occurs native as Red antimony, Antimony blende, Kcrmcsomc, Rothspiesscjlanzerz, in needles or tufts of capillary crystals belonging to the monoclinic system : Specific gravity = 4'5 to 4 '6. Hardness = 1 to To. It has a cherry-red colour and adamantine lustre, gives a brownish-red streak, and is slightly translucent, appearing scarlet by transmitted light. Melts very readily before the blowpipe, sinking into the pores of the charcoal, and volatilising in dense clouds. Ignited in a current of hydrogen, it yields hydrosulphuric acid, water, and metallic antimony (H. Rose, Pogg. Ann. iii. 452). It contains 74*5 to 747 Sb, 5-29 to 47 0, and 20*5 S. Occurs in veins in quartz, accompanying grey and white antimony, at Malaczka near Posing in Hungary, at Braunsdorf near Freiberg, and at Allemont in Dauphiny. It appears to result from alteration of grey antimony ore. A similar compound, but of an orange-red colour and containing only 17'9 per cent, sulphur, sublimes when aqueous vapour is passed over the ignited trisulphide. (Regnault.) Various oxysulphides of antimony may be prepared artificially. They were formerly much used in pharmacy for the preparation of tartar-emetic, but are now nearly obso- lete. a. Antimonial crocus or saffron (Crocus antimonii, s. mctallorum) is a brownish- yellow substance, prepared by fusing a mixture of 3 pts. of the trioxide and 1 pt. tri- sulphide of antimony, or an oxide of antimony with the proper proportion of sulphur. A similar compound, mixed however with variable quantities of antimonite of potassium, is obtained by treating the trisulphide with caustic alkalis (p. 332). 0. Glass of anti- mony ( Vitrum antimonii) is an oxysulphide prepared by roasting the grey sulphide at a moderate heat, till it is converted into the tetroxide, and fusing this antimony ash in an earthen crucible, with about ^ of its weight of sulphur. It is a brilliant sub- stance, varying in colour from yellowish-red to hyacinth-red, according to the propor- tions used. It gives up its oxide to acids, and evolves sulphuretted hydrogen when treated with hot hydrochloric acid. 7. A compound of trisulphide of antimony with a very small portion of oxide, called Rcgulus antimonii medicinalis or Rubinus antimonii, is obtained by fusing 5 pts. of the grey sulphide with 1 pt. of pearl-ash, and sepa- rating the upper stratum (consisting of sulphantimonite of potassium) from the lower. It is a black mass, having a brilliant conchoidal fracture, and yielding a dark grey powder. According to Liebig, mineral kermes prepared by the action of alkaline carbonates on the amorphous trisulphide, is a definite oxysulphide of antimony (see p. 328) ; but kermes obtained by most other modes of preparation, appears to contain the oxide merely in a state of mixture with the sulphide. ANTIMONY, SBXiENXDX: OP. Antimony and selenium unite when heated together, to a lead-grey crystalline mass, the combination being attended with rise of temperature, often amounting to ignition. The same compound is formed by pre- cipitating a solution of tartar-emetic with seleniuretted hydrogen ; hence its formula is probably SlrSe 3 . Selenide of antimony is easily fusible, and oxidises when heated in the air, giving off selenious acid, Heated with trioxide of antimony, out of contact with the air, it melts into a muss resembling the fused sulphide. ANTIMONY: SULPHIDES. 329 AKTTXlVIOira, SULPHIDES OP. Antimony forms . two sulphides, Sb 2 S 2 and Sb 2 S 5 , corresponding to antimonious and to antimonic oxide, and perhaps also an intermediate sulphide corresponding to the tetroxide. TRISULPHIDE OF ANTIMONY, ANTIMONIOUS SULPHIDE, ANHYDROUS SULPHA.NTIMONIOUS ACID, 8b 2 S 3 ,or SbS 3 . This compound exists in the crystalline and in the amorphous state. 1. The crystallised trisulphide occurs as a natural mineral called stibnite, stibine, grey antimony, antimony-glance (Spicssglanz, Grauspiessglanzerz, Antimoine sulfure, Leo riibcr, Plumbum nigrum, Lupus metalloruni). It is the source of all the antimony of commerce. It is found in various localities in Hungary, Germany, and France, also in Cornwall, in Dumfriesshire, in Maine, Maryland, ar.d New Hampshire (U. S.), and abundantly in Borneo, always associated with the older rocks, such as gneiss, quartz, clay-slate, mica-slate, limestone, porphyry, &c., whence it is separated by simple fusion, yielding the crude antimony of commerce. The separation of the sulphide from the accompanying gangue is effected in various ways. The simplest arrangement is that which is in use at Malbosc in the depart- ment of Ardeche, in France, and at Wolfsberg in the Harz. A number of conical pots, perforated at bottom, and standing upon receivers sunk in the ground, are placed twenty -five or thirty in a row, between walls about nine inches high, the space be- tween the pots being filled with coal, and the fire lighted with brushwood. Each pot holds about 45 kilogrammes of ore, and in forty hours four meltings are made, suffi- cient to fill the receivers. The advantages of this method are that it saves the ex- pense of erecting a furnace, and may be carried on at any place to which the ore and fuel can be most easily transported. But it involves a large consumption of fuel, and is therefore advantageous only where fuel is very abundant. At Malbosc the con- sumption is 300 kilogrammes of coal and 40 kil. of wood, for every 100 kil. of crude antimony produced. Another method, somewhat different from the above, consists in heating the conical pots by the flame of a reverberatory furnace, the receivers being placed below the hearth. This arrangement is also in use at Wolfsberg, and at La Lincouln in Haute Loire. At Schmollnitz in Hungary, the pots are likewise heated by a reverberatory furnace ; but the melted sulphide runs through a channel into receivers placed outside the furnace. This arrangement effects a considerable saving of time and fuel, as it enables the pots to be filled and emptied without putting out the fire. In some localities, cylindrical tubes are used in preference to conical pots, as being more durable. An arrangement of this kind is in use at Malbosc. The ore Fig. 71. is placed in large cylinders E B (fig. 71) each holding 500 pounds of ore, and four being heated in each furnace. The cylinders are perforated at bot- tom, and stand en plates pierced with corresponding apertures. Beneath these plates, in the chambers c c, are placed earthen pots p p, to receive the melted sulphide. The process lasts three hours, and when it is finished, the residues are taken out, either through the top of the furnace, or through apertures in the lower part of the cylinders (which are stopped with clay during the melting), and then the cylinders are refilled. With this arrangement, 64 pts. of coal are consumed for every 100 pts. of crude antimony produced. Lastly, the ore is sometimes heated on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, without the use of either pots or cylinders. The furnace has an inclined hearth, and the fused sulphide flows into a receiver placed outside. This arrangement, which is in use at Linz, in Prussia, and at Eame in La Vendee, effects a great saving of fuel, and likewise dues away with the expense of the containing vessels ; but it involves a considerable loss of sulphide of antimony by volatilisation, and is therefore adopted only where fuel is very dear. Whatever arrangement may be adopted, it is important that the ore be not broken into very small pieces. If it be too much divided or pulverised, the melted sulphide cakes together with the gangue, and is very difficult to separate. Too great heat must also be avoided, as at a white heat, sulphide of antimony is perfectly volatile. The residues always contain 10 or 12 per cent, of antimony, partly as sulphide, partly as 330 ANTIMONY: TRISULPHIDE. oxide. [For further details, see Bruno Karl's " Handbuch der metallurgischen Hiittenkunde," Freiberg, 1858, iii. 25.] Native sulphide of antimony crystallises in prisms belonging to the trimetric system, with four-sided summits resting on the lateral faces. Cleavage very distinct, parallel to the shorter diagonal and the principal axis. Specific gravity 4-516 (Haiiy) ; 4*62 (Mohr). Hardness = 2. It is sectile, and in thin laminae slightly flexible; fracture subconchoi'dal. It has a metallic lustre and lead-grey colour, inclining to steel-grey, sometimes iridescent. Produces a streak of the same colour. The fused sulphide generally forms blackish -grey, radiating, specular masses, having a steel-grey lustre. It is easily fusible, thin splinters melting even in the flame of a candle. The native sulphide is seldom pure, being generally contaminated with lead, copper, iron and arsenic. "Wittstein found in four samples of crude antimony : Antimony 62-48 59-67 7C) C; 26 71'98 Lead Iron Arsenic Sulphur 10-40 11-96 0-70 0-63 0-31 trace trace 26-42 27-74 29-43 28-02 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 a. Iridescent, from Kronach in Upper Franconia ; b. Non-iridescent, from the same locality ; c. Hungarian ; d. English. The best way of detecting these impurities is to heat the finely pulverised mineral with strong hydrochloric acid, till it is completely decomposed. Lead, if present in any considerable quantity, will then separate on cooling, as crystallised chloride ; water added to the solution will throw down oxychloride of antimony, while iron, copper, arsenic, and a little lead will remain in solution ; copper may then be detected by ammonia, iron by ferrocyanide of potassium, lead by sulphuric acid. To detect arsenic, the pulverised mineral is deflagrated with nitrate and carbonate of sodium ; the fused mass boiled with water, the filtrate acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and sulphurous acid added to reduce the arsenic acid to arsenious acid, which may then be precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen. The precipitate, however, may likewise contain sulphide of antimony, and must therefore be further examined. To obtain pure crystallised trisulphide of antimony, it is best to prepare it arti- ficially, by fusing pure metallic antimony with sulphur. 13 pts. of finely pulverised antimony are mixed as intimately as possible with 5 pts. of flowers of sulphur, and the mixture is thrown by small portions into a heated crucible, care being taken not to add a fresh portion till the combination of the last portion is completed, which may be known by the incandescence which accompanies the action. When the whole has been added, the crucible is covered and left to cool. If any portion of the antimony remains uncombined, it will sink to the bottom of the fused mass, and may easily be separated from the sulphide after cooling. It is sometimes recommended to remelt the product two or three times with smaller quantities of sulphur. The reactions of crystallised sulphide of antimony are the same as those of the amorphous sulphide, to be presently described : but they take place less quickly, on account of the greater cohesion of the mass. Amorphous Trisulphide of Antimony, Mineral Kermes. Brown-red sulphide of Antimony, Pulvis Carthusianorum, Sulphur stibiatum rubrum, Stibium sulphur atum rubrum. This substance is prepared by a great variety of processes, some of which yield the pure trisulphide, differing from the native compound only in colour and in the absence of crystalline structure, while others yield the sulphide more or less mixed with the trioxide, and sometimes with other antimonial compounds. a. The pure amorphous sulphide may be obtained by the following processes. 1. By keeping the grey trisulphide in the fused state for a considerable time, and then cooling it very suddenly by throwing the vessel in which it has been melted into a large quantity of cold water (Fuchs). 2. By dissolving the native sulphide in potash- ley, and precipitating by an acid (Liebig). 3. By igniting 1 pt. of crude antimony with 2 pts. of black flax (a mixture of 1 pt. nitre, and 2 pts. cream of tartar), boiling the ignited mass with water, and mixing the clear filtrate with an alkaline carbonate, whereby the pure amorphous sulphide is precipitated (Liebig). 4. By the decom- position of alkaline sulphantimonites (livers of antimony). 5. By treating mineral kermes containing oxide of antimony, with tartaric acid, whereby the oxide is dissolved out. b. Mineral Kermes containing oxide is obtained by the action of alkalis on the tri- sulphide. The oldest method, given by La Ligerie, consists in boiling the finely pulverised grey sulphide with the solution of an alkaline carbonate, and leaving the ANTIMONY: TRISULPIIIDE. 331 filtered solution to cool : the same process is given in the last edition of the Prussian Pharmacopoeia. As however, crystallised sulphide of antimony dissolves but slowly in alkaline carbonate, it is better first to convert the crystallised into the amorphous sulphide, and prepare the kermes from the latter. The following is the process given by Lie big (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 121). 1 pt. of the pulverised grey sulphide is boiled for an hour with 1 part of solid caustic potash and 30 pts of water (or 1 pt. of the grey sulphide with 4 pts. potash-ley of specific gravity 2'25 and 12 pts. water, or 1 pt. sulphide, with 1 pt. carbonate of potassium, 1^ pts. slaked lime, and 15 pts. water), and the filtered liquid is mixed with dilute sulphuric acid, whereby amorphous sulphide of antimony is precipitated. The thickish mixture is then divided into three parts, and covered with water in three separate vessels ; the precipitate is left to settle ; the water is decanted ; and fresh water added till the precipitates are well washed : they are then placed upon three separate filters. 1 pt. of anhydrous (or 27 pts. of crystallised) carbonate of sodium is next dissolved in 34 pts. of water ; the precipitate from the first of the three filters is introduced into the filtered solution ; the liquid is boiled for an hour ; and the solution, which has taken up all the sulphide of antimony, is left to cool, whereupon it deposits kermes. The supernatant liquid is now brought to the boiling heat, the second pre- cipitate is added to it and treated in the same manner, and finally the same processes are repeated with the third. The finest coloured kermes is deposited from the second boiling. The precipitates are washed with cold water : their weight after drying, amounts to nearly the half of the grey sulphide used. [For the rationale of the process, see DECOMPOSITIONS OF SULPHIDE OF ANTIMONY, p. 333.] The solution obtained by boiling the grey sulphide with caustic potash or soda deposits kermes on cooling, provided the alkali is not in great excess ; and by boiling the mother-liquors remaining after the deposition of the kermes with the undissolved portion of the grey sulphide, fresh deposits, smaller in quantity, may be obtained. According to Duflos, the solution obtained by boiling 100 pts. of grey sulphide for a quarter of an hour whh a solution of 30 parts of hydrate of potassium in 300 pts. of water, deposits on cooling 25 pts. of kermes ; a second boiling of the mother-liquor with the undecomposed grey sulphide yields 10 pts.; a third yields 2'3 pts. The successive deposits thus formed are continually richer in oxide of antimony. A solution containing so much alkali as not to yield any deposit on cooling, yields a precipitate of kermes when carbonic acid gas is passed through it, and afterwards an additional quantity when treated with strong acids. The precipitate thus formed generally contains a little oxide, and always a sulphantimonate of potassium or sodium, of the form K 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 , because, according to H. Kose, part of the antimony is oxidised by the air, and gives up its sulphur to the trisulphide of antimony, thereby converting it into pentasulphide. Kermes may likewise be obtained by boiling sulphide of antimony with potash-ley and sulphur, or by boiling a solution of sulphantimonite of sodium with metallic anti- mony. There are also several other modes of preparation, for which we must refer to Gmelin's Handbook, vol. iv. pp. 340349, where they are fully described. The pre- parations obtained by these different methods, are, however, by no means identical ; they contain variable proportions of oxide of antimony, and many of them likewise contain sulphantimonite of potassium or sodium. Properties. The pure amorphous trisulphide obtained by Euchs's method is a dense fissured mass, harder than the native sulphide, having a conchoi'dal fracture, a grey colour, or in thin pieces, dark hyacinth-red, and yielding a red-brown powder some- what lighter in colour than ordinary kermes ; its specific gravity is 4' 15. The pure amorphous sulphide prepared by other methods is a brown-red, loosely coherent powder, which makes a brown streak on paper. It is lighter than the native sulphide, and does not conduct electricity. It contains water, which it gives off below 100 C. When treated for some time with cold hydrochloric acid, or when fused and very slowly cooled, it is converted into the crystalline sulphide. Ordinary kermes containing oxide is a brown-red loose powder, which becomes blackish-grey when washed with boiling water. By fusion and slow cooling, it is con- verted into a slag-like mass, totally destitute of crystalline structure, a property by which it differs essetnially from the pure amorphous sulphide. Hydrated Trisulphide of Antimony. The amorphous sulphide is obtained as a hydrate by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through an acid solution of the trichloride, or through a solution of tartar-emetic acidulated with acetic acid. The precipitate at first formed in a solution of the trichloride acidulated with tartaric acid, is a mixture of the hydrated sulphide with oxychloride ; but on continuing the passage of the gas, it be- comes darker in colour, and is completely converted into the hydrated sulphide. The precipitate obtained by decomposing a solution of sulphantimo'nate of potassium with sulphuric acid is probably also the hydrated sulphide. 332 ANTIMONY: TRISULPHIDE. Hydrated trisulphide of antimony when dry has a fine dark orange-colour. It gives off water when moderately heated, but to dehydrate it completely, requires a temperature of 200 C. it then turns black. At higher temperatures, it melts and solidifies in the crystalline form on cooling. Decompositions of Trisulphide of Antimony. The reactions of this compound are nearly the same, whether it be in the crystalline or in the amorphous state, the crystalline variety merely acting less quickly on account of its closer state of aggregation. 1. The dry amorphous sulphide touched with a red-hot body burns away in the air with a glimmering light, producing sulphurous anhydride, antimonious oxide, and antimonic oxide ; the grey sulphide heated above its melting point, burns with a blue flame, yielding the same products. 2. The recently precipitated amorphous sulphide is de- composed by boiling for some time with a large quantity of water, yielding hydro- sulphuric acid and antimonious oxide, which dissolve. Vapour of water passed over red-hot sulphide of antimony likewise yields hydrosulphuric acid and antimonious oxide, the latter combining with undecomposed sulphide, and an orange-yellow body subliming. 3. Chlorine, with the aid of heat, decomposes the trisulphide completely, forming trichloride of antimony and chloride of sulphur. 4. Heated in hydrochloric acid gas or boiled with the strong aqueous acid, it gives off hydrosulphuric acid, and forms trichloride of antimony, which in the latter case dissolves in the excess of acid. 6. With strong sulphuric acid, it yields sulphurous anhydride and antimonious sulphate, the sulphur being separated as a compact mass. 6. With strong nitric acid, it forms antimonious oxide and sulphuric acid, part of the sulphur, however, being set free and remaining mixed with the oxide. 7. Aqua-rcgia containing excess of hydrochloric acid dissolves the trisulphide, forming trichloride of antimony and sulphuric acid, and leaving a residue of sulphur often mixed with a little antimonic acid. 8. The trisulphide ignited with nitrate of potassium or sodium, is violently oxidised, being completely converted into sulphuric and antimonic acids, if 17 pts. or more of nitre are used to 10 of antimony ; with less nitre, a compound of sulphide of potassium, sulphide of antimony and antimonic oxide is likewise formed. 9. Many metals, e. g. iron, potassium, and sodium (or a mixture of carbonate of potassium or sodium with charcoal), decompose sulphide of antimony at a red heat, the resulting metallic sulphide sometimes uniting with undecomposed sulphide of antimony; if, on the other hand, the reducing metal is in excess, it sometimes forms an alloy with the reduced antimony. 10. The fixed caustic alkalis decompose trisulphide of antimony in the same manner in the wet and in the dry way, forming trioxide of antimony and a sulphide of the alkali-metal : 3K 2 = 3K 2 S + Sb 2 3 , but the final products of the action vary according to the state of aggregation of the antimonious sulphide, the temperature to which the mixture is exposed, and the pro- portions of the two substances present, a. When amorphous sulphide of antimony, prepared in the wet way, is triturated with cold potash-ley, it dissolves completely up to a certain point, the sulphide of potassium formed as above, taking up undecomposed sulphide of antimony, and the antimonious oxide dissolving in the potash. This solution contains sulphantimonite and antimonite of potassium. When treated with acids, it yields a precipitate of antimonious sulphide, without evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, because the quantity of that compound evolved by the decomposition of the sulphide of potassium present, is but just sufficient to convert the trioxide of antimony into trisulphide. But if the addition of the trisulphide be continued, a point is at length reached, at which the alkaline liquid cannot take up any more antimonite of potassium, and any further quantity of antimonious oxide then formed remains undis- solved, partly combined with potash, partly with antimonious sulphide, forming the mixture called crocus antimonii (328). The incomplete solution thus formed contains, however, a larger proportion of sulphide of potassium than the complete solution, the excess being proportional to the quantity of oxide left undissolved. This excess of sulphide of potassium takes up an additional quantity of sulphide of antimony, and the solution treated with acids, evolves sulphuretted hydrogen, besides giving a pre- cipitate of antimonious sulphide. The complete solution mixed with carbonate of ammonium, or with acid carbonate of potassium or sodium, yields a dirty brown pre- cipitate consisting of 3 at. antimonious sulphide with 1 at. sulphide of potassium or sodium, a portion of the alkaline sulphide also remaining in the liquid. The greater part of the ^ alkaline antimonite is likewise precipitated, because the caustic alkali which held it in solution is converted into neutral carbonate. The precipitation of the antimonious oxide, is, however, partly caused by its affinity for the sulphide of antimony previously thrown down in combination with the alkali-metal. The incomplete solution is decomposed in like manner, but the precipitate contains a ANTIMONY: TRISULPHIDE. 333 smaller proportion of antimonic oxide. The complete solution rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air ; the sulphide of potassium is first decomposed, yielding oxide of potas- sium and sulphur, which then converts the trisulphide of antimony into penta- sulphide : 3K 2 S + Sb 2 S 3 + O 2 = 2K 2 + K 2 S.Sb*S 5 so that the solution treated with acids yields a precipitate of pentasulphide of anti- mony ; and subsequently the antimonite of potassium is converted into antimonate, which collects in crystals at the bottom. b. When antimonious sulphide in excess is digested with hot caustic alkalis, the products formed are the same as in the cold, excepting that the sulphide of potassium then takes up a larger proportion of antimonious sulphide, the excess of which is sub- sequently deposited on cooling ; not, however, in the pure state, but in combination, partly with alkaline sulphide, partly with antimonious oxide, the composition of the precipitate being, in fact, similar to that which is produced by alkaline bicarbonates in a cold-prepared solution of antimonious sulphide. The supernatant liquid gives with alkaline bicarbonates a precipitate of alkaline sulphantimonite free from oxide. All the precipitates above-mentioned are altered in composition by prolonged treat- ment with cold water containing air, or with boiling water, antimonious oxide being dissolved out, in combination with alkali, and pure dark-coloured antimonious sulphide remaining. c. Crystalline antimonious sulphide is acted upon by caustic alkalis in the same way as the amorphous sulphide, but less easily, and when the action takes place in the cold, a residue of crocus antimonii is always left, whatever may be the quantity of alkali present. The resulting solution exhibits the reactions of the incomplete solution above-mentioned. 11. Alkaline carbonates, fused with antimonious sulphide, either crystalline or amorphous, give off carbonic anhydride, and form antimonious oxide and a sulphide of the alkali-metal, the fused mass containing these products in combination with excess of antimonious sulphide and alkali. With 4 pts. antimonious sulphide and 1 pt. alkaline carbonate, an easily fusible mass is formed, which, after cooling, has an iron- grey colour, is perfectly homogeneous, and is not attacked by water. A mixture of 2 pts. carbonate to 1 pt. antimonious sulphide requires a strong red heat to melt it, and yields on cooling 12 per cent, of metallic antimony, together with a light brown liver of antimony, which deliquesces in the air, and is perfectly soluble in water. The separation of the metallic antimony results from decomposition of the alkaline anti- monite contained in the mass, part of it being converted into antimonate. With intermediate proportions, the mixture fuses more readily, and the resulting liver of antimony is less soluble in water as the proportion of antimonious sulphide is greater. The insoluble residue contains the excess of antimonious sulphide in combination with a portion of the alkaline sulphide and with antimonious oxide ; it is, in fact, similar in composition to the crocus prepared in the wet way, but generally contains more sulphide of antimony. Water acts upon these livers of antimony exactly in the same manner as solutions of the caustic alkalis act upon antimonious sulphide under the same circumstances. Solutions of alkaline carbonates do not act on antimonious sulphide in the cold, but at the boiling heat, they dissolve the amorphous sulphide readily, the crystalline slowly. The hot solution, prepared out of contact with the air, contains the same Products as the complete solution of the amorphous sulphide in cold potash-ley (p. 332). t becomes turbid on cooling, and deposits a grey -brown precipitate similar in compo- sition to that which is produced by alkaline bicarbonates in the cold complete solution just mentioned, consisting, in fact, of two compounds, viz. an alkaline sulphantimonite and an oxysulphide of antimony. The liquid, after the separation of this precipitate, retains a certain portion of alkaline sulphide. If the solution of antimonious sulphide in hot alkaline carbonate be boiled for some time in contact with the air, part of the alkaline sulphide becomes oxidised, and gives up part of its sulphur to the dissolved trisulphide of antimony, thereby converting it into pentasulphide, which remains in solution after cooling. The quantity of anti- monious oxide in the precipitate remains the same, but the proportion of antimonious sulphide in it is diminished by the quantity thus retained in solution. The proportion of sulphide of sodium is likewise diminished by the oxidation. The quantity of antimonious oxide in the precipitate is now not only sufficient to replace all the alkaline sulphide in combination with the precipitated antimonious sulphide, but a certain quantity of alkaline antimonite likewise remains free in the liquid ; and there is precipitated a compound of trioxide and trisulphide of antimony, which is the true medicinal kermes ; it is generally, however, mixed with small quantities of alkaline antimonite. 334 ANTIMONY: SULPHANTIMONITES. Kermes prepared in this manner, contains, under all circumstances, -a tolerably constant quantity of antimonious oxide, because, when alkaline carbonates are used, the portion of sulphide of antimony attacked by them passes completely into the solution, without leaving any residue, and consequently the entire quantity of the products thus formed is likewise contained in the liquid. (Lie big, Handwort. d. Chem. 2 te . Aufl. ii. 125130.) 12. By ignition with baryta, strontia, lime, and other oxides, antimonious sulphide is decomposed in the same manner as by caustic and carbonated alkalis : the products are insoluble in water, and consist of mixtures of metallic sulphantimonites with an oxysulphide of antimony. SITLPHA.NTIMONITES. Trisulphide of antimony is a sulphur-acid, uniting with basic metallic sulphides. Some of these compounds, containing the sulphides of the heavy metals, are natural minerals, viz. : Zinkenite Pb 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 Miargyrite Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 Antimonial Copper-glance .... Cu'S . Sb 2 S 3 Plagionite 4Pb 2 S . 3Sb 2 S 3 Jamesonite . . . . . 3Pb 2 S . 2Sb 2 S 3 Feather-ore 2Pb 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 Boulangerite . 3Pb 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 Pyrargyrite 3Ag 2 S . A ^|s 3 Bournonite .... 3(Cu 4 S.Sb 2 S 3 ) + 3Pb 2 S.2Sb 2 S 3 ) (25) Stephanite 6Ag 2 S . Sb 2 S 3 (25) Berthierite 3Fe 2 S . 2Sb 2 S 3 Variety of Berthierite, from Anglar . . Fe^ . Sb 2 S 3 Variety of Berthierite, from Marturet . . 3Fe a S . 4Sb 2 S 3 In these formulae, the elements whose symbols are written one above the other, replace one another isomorphously. [For description, see the names of the several minerals.] The most important of the artifically prepared sulphantimonites are those which contain the protosulphides of the alkali- metals : they are called LiversofAntimony (Hcpar Antimonii'). They are obtained, mixed with oxide in various proportions, by fusing the trisulphide of antimony with alkaline carbonates, or metallic antimony with sulphate of potassium ; and free from oxide, by melting sulphide of antimony with alkaline sulphates and charcoal, or with alkaline carbonates, sulphur and charcoal, or again by melting sulphantimonate of sodium with metallic antimony. These alkaline sulphantimonites, or livers of antimony, are easily fusible, and deli- quescent or unalterable in the air, according to the proportion of the alkaline sulphide and the antimonious sulphide contained in them. They are more or less soluble in water, when the ratio of the antimonious sulphide to the alkaline sulphide is less than 2:1; insoluble, when it is greater. In the fused state, they are black or black-brown and crystalline. Their solutions boiled with pulverised antimonious sulphides, dissolve an additional quantity of it, which on cooling is deposited as a flocculent precipitate containing also the alkaline sulphide. Acids added to the solutions throw down the amorphous sulphide; so like- wise does carbonate of ammonium. Alkaline bicarbonates immediately throw down sulphantimonite of potassium or sodium ; the solution mixed with an alkaline mono- carbonate, remains clear at first, but solidifies after a while to a tremulous jelly con- taining the same compound. The same effect is produced when the aqueous solution of a liver of antimony is diluted with a large quantity of cold water. The solution of a liver of antimony changes very quickly when exposed to the air, a sulphantimonate being formed in solution, and a portion of the trisulphide of antimony being separated in brown metallic films or as a powder. PENTASTTLPHIIXE OF ANTIMONY; ANTIMONIC SULPHTDE ; ANHYDROUS SULPHAN- TIMONIC Aero. Persulphide of Antimony ; Golden Sulphuret of Antimony; Sulphur Antimonii auratum, Sb 2 S 5 , or SbS*. This compound is not found native. It is pre- pared : 1. Bypassing sulphuretted hydrogen through a mixture of the pentachloride with water and tartaric acid, or through antimonic oxide suspended in water. 2. By decomposing the solution of the sulphantimonate of an alkali-metal with an acid, the sodium-salt, for example, whereby the sulphide of sodium is decomposed, a salt ANTIMONY: SULPHANTIMONATES. 335 of the alkali metal being formed, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, and penta- sulphide is precipitated : 3Na 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 + 6HC1 = GNaCl + 3H 2 S + Sb 2 S 5 . Sulphantimonate of sodium. [For details see Gmelin's Handbook, iv. 355 ; Handworterb. d. Chem. 2* Aufl. ii. 133.] Pentasulphide of antimony is a yellowish-red powder, or loosely agglomerated mass, without any trace of crystalline structure ; it has a very feeble odour of sulphur, a sweetish sulphurous taste, and is slightly emetic. Heated in close vessels to the boil- ing point of sulphur, it is resolved into the trisulphicle and free sulphur. It burns with flame when heated in the air. Exposed to the air in the moist state, it is partly converted, after a while, into the trioxide of antimony. Hot hydrochloric acid decom- poses it, giving off sulphuretted hydrogen, separating sulphur, and forming an aqueous solution of trichloride of antimony; cold hydrochloric acid imparts to it a greyish colour, perhaps in consequence of the formation of the trisulphide and liberation of 2 at. sulphur. Triturated, out of contact of air, with aqueous ammonia, it dissolves completely, more easily in a warm acid than in a cold solution, and is precipitated therefrom by acids. If the pentasulphicle contains trisulphide, the latter remains as a brown residue ; a yellow or white residue, on the otaer hand, indicates the presence of sulphur or of antimonic oxide. The pentasulphide dissolves readily in potash or soda-ley, also in sulphide of ammonium. "With a solution of sulphate of copper or nitrate of silver, it forms Sulphantimonate of copper or silver, together with antimonic oxide. SULPHANTIMONATES. Pentasulphide of antimony is a strong sulphur-acid, uniting readily with the more basic metallic sulphides, and forming sulphur-salts, most of which have the composition 3M v S.Sb 2 S 5 , or M 3 SbS 4 [or SMS.SbS 5 , if 8 = 16], analo- gous to that of the ordinary tribasic phosphates (M 3 P0 4 ). The sulphantimonates of the alkali-metals and alkaline earth-metals, are very soluble in water, and crystallise for the most part with several atoms of water ; none of them appear to be soluble in alcohol. The sulphantimonates of the heavy metals are insoluble in water. The soluble sulphantimonates are obtained : 1. By fusing pentasulphide of antimony or a mixture of the trisulphide and sulphur, with the sulphide of an alkali-metal, or with charcoal and the carbonate or sulphate of an alkali-metal. If a strong heat is used, the addition of sulphur to the trisulphide is unnecessary, as at high temperatures that compound is resolved into metallic antimony and the pentasulphide. 2. By dis- solving pentasulphide of antimony in aqueous solutions of the alkaline hydrosulphatcs. 3. By dissolving the pentasulphide in the solution of a caustic alkali, or of an alkaline carbonate at the boiling heat ; in which process an antimonate of the alkali-metal is formed simultaneously, and deposited as a white powder. 4. By decomposing the aqueous solutions of the alkaline antimonates with hydrosulphuric acid, f of the anti- mony being thereby separated as pentasulphide, because the alkaline antimonates are monobasic, and the sulphantimonates tribasic : 3(K*O.Sb 2 5 ) + 18H 2 S = 3K 2 S.Sb-S 5 + ISIP + 2Sb 2 S 5 . or : SKSbO 3 + 9H 2 S = K 3 SbS 4 + 9H 2 + Sb 2 S 5 . The insoluble sulphantimonates are prepared by gradually adding a solution of a metallic salt to a solution of the Sulphantimonate of an alkali-metal, that of sodium being generally used, keeping the latter in excess. If, on the other hand, the solution of the other salt is in excess, and especially if the liquid be boiled, the resulting pre- cipitate contains oxygen, and the liquid is found to contain free acid. The precipitates thus formed generally contain 3M 2 S.Sb-S 5 + 5M 2 0, or rather 8M 2 S + Sb 2 5 , being, in fact, mere mixtures of a metallic sulphide with autimonic oxide, the latter being retained in them by its insolubility. (Rammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. lii. 193.) The soluble sulphantimonates are decomposed by all acids, even by carbonic acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Many of the insoluble salts are decomposed only by nitric acid and aqua-regia, The sulphantimonates of the alkali-metals are not decomposed by ignition in closed vessels ; those of the heavy metals give off sulphur at a red heat, leaving sulphantimonites containing 3M 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 , or M 3 SbS 3 . Sulphantimonate of Ammonium, 3(NH 4 ) 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 , or (NH 4 ) 3 SbS 4 , is produced by digesting pentasulphide of antimony in excess with pure sulphide of ammonium, free from excess of ammonia. It cannot be obtained in the solid state, being decom- posed both by concentration, even out of contact with the air, and by mixture with alcohol. Sulphantimonate of Barium, Ba'SbS 4 + 3H 2 0. Obtained by dissolving re- 336 ANTIMONY: SULPHANT1MONATES. cently precipitated prosulphide of antimony in sulphide of barium, and mixing the solution with alcohol, in stellate needles, which, when exposed to the air, do not deliquesce, but become covered with a brown kermes-coloured film. Sulphantimonate of Bismuth is obtained by precipitation, but is not easily obtained free from excess either of pentasulphide of antimony or of sulphide of bismuth. Sulphantimonate of Cadmium. Light orange-coloured precipitate obtained by dropping a neutral cadmium-salt into a solution of Sulphantimonate of sodium. Sulphantimonate of Calcium. Sulpho stibias-calcius. Ca s SbS 4 . Produced like the barium-salt, but cannot be crystallised. A mixture of this compound with excess of lime and saffron of antimony, constitutes the pharmaceutical preparation known as Calx antimonii cum sufphure Hoffmanni, Sulphurctum stibii cum calce, 01 Calcaria sulphurata stibiata, discovered by Hoffmann in the eighteenth century. L is prepared by igniting an intimate mixture of 3 pts. trisulphide of antimony, 4 pts. sulphur, and 16 pts. quicklime ; or 8 pts. of prepared oyster shells, 1 pt. antimony, and 2 pts. sulphur. It is a whitish-yellow, yellowish, or brownish-yellow powder, whieh has a sharp sulphurous taste, smells of sulphuretted hydrogen when exposed to mois? air, and is but partially soluble in water. The solution is colourless, and contain Sulphantimonate of calcium. Sulphantimonate of Cobalt, obtained by precipitation, is black, oxidises in the air, and is decomposed by boiling hydrochloric acid. Sulphantimonate of Copper. Cu 3 SbS 4 . Obtained by dropping a solution of cupric acetate or sulphate into a solution of Sulphantimonate of sodium. The solutions must be rather dilute ; the copper-solution must be dropped in slowly and with rapid stirring ; and the precipitate then heated, together with the liquid, with brisk stirring all the while. "Without these precautions, each drop of the copper-solution, as it enters, becomes enveloped by the precipitate ; and if the precipitate be thrown on the filter in this state, the solution of Sulphantimonate of sodium runs away first, and then the acetate of copper and Sulphantimonate of copper decompose each other, acetic acid or sulphuric acid being set free, which then acts upon the Sulphantimonate of sodium still remaining in the precipitate, setting free pentasulphide of antimony and hydro- sulphuric acid. In this manner, the precipitate becomes contaminated with pentasul- phide of antimony and sulphide of copper. Sulphantimonate of copper, when pure, is a dark brown precipitate, which when heated gives off sulphur, and leaves a residue apparently consisting of cuprous sulphantimonite (Sb' 2 S 3 with Cu 4 S). Boiling potash decomposes the Sulphantimonate, separating sulphide of copper and dissolving penta- sulphide of antimony, which is at the same time partially converted into antimonic acid. If Sulphantimonate of sodium be added to excess of cupric sulphate, and the pre- cipitate boiled for some time with the liquid, a product is obtained containing 16 at. copper, 8 at. sulphur, 2 at. antimony, and 5 at. oxygen, and the liquid exhibits a strong acid reaction : 3Na 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 + 8Cu 2 S0 4 + 6H 2 = (8Cu 2 S + Sb 2 5 ) -t- 3Na 2 S0 4 + 5H 2 S0 4 . The precipitate thus formed, may, as already observed (see above), be either 3Cu 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 + 5Cu 2 0, or 8Cu 2 S + Sb 2 5 . On boiling it with potash-ley, sulphide of copper remains behind, and a solution of antimonate of potassium is formed, which gives with acids a white precipitate of untimonic acid. On the other hand, the precipitate, when quickly and strongly heated in close vessels, gives off a large quantity of sulphurous anhydride, but no sulphur, and the residue contains sulphide of copper and pentasul- phide of antimony. Moreover the same products are obtained by igniting a mixture of 8 at. pure sulphide of copper, and 1 at. pure antimonic oxide, or of 1 at. Sulphantimo- nate of copper and 5 at. cupric oxide. So far then it is impossible to decide upon the constitution of the precipitate obtained in the manner just described. But when sulpharsenate of potassium is dropt into excess of cupric sulphate, and the mixture boiled, a precipitate is obtained consisting of pure sulphide of copper, the whole of the arsenic remaining dissolved as arsenic acid. Hence, from the analogy of the arsenic and antimony compounds, it is probable that the antimony precipitate above- mentioned is a mixture of sulphide of copper and antimonic oxide. Sulphantimonate of Iron. Ferrous sulphate dropt into Sulphantimonate of sodium forms a black precipitate, which quickly turns reddish-yellow. The sodium-salt forms with ammonio-ferric sulphate, so long as the latter is in excess, a greenish-brown precipitate, consisting merely of sulphur and pentasulphide of antimony, the whole of the iron being reduced to the ferrous state and remaining in the liquid. Sulphantimonate of Lead. Pb 3 SbS 4 . Obtained by adding acetate of lead to Sulphantimonate of sodium, with the same precautions as those described for the ANTIMONY: SULPHANTIMONATES. 337 preparation of the copper-salt. It is a dark brown precipitate, which is decomposer! by heat, giving off 2 at. sulphur, and leaving sulphantimonite of lead, 31'b' 2 S.Sb-S*, or Pb 3 SbS s , of the same composition as the mineral Boulangerite. Boiling potash-ley decomposes it in the same manner as the copper-salt. A precipitate, containing 16Pb, 8S, 2Sb, and 5O, is likewise obtained by adding sulphantimonate of sodium to excess of acetate of lead. Sulphantimonate of Magnesium. Kecently precipitated pentasulphide of antimony dissolves in aqueous hydrosulphuric acid, in which magnesia is suspended, the magnesia likewise dissolving ; but the compound cannot be made to crystallise. Sulphantimonate of Manganese. Eed-brown precipitate, produced by mix- ing the sodium-salt with sulphate of manganese; it oxidises during washing and drying. Sulphantimonates of Mercury. The mercuric salt, 3Hg 2 S.Sb 2 S 5 , or Hg 3 SbS 4 , obtained like the copper- and lead-salts, is an orange-coloured precipitate. If after washing it be immersed in solution of mercuric chloride, or a solution of sulphanti- monate of sodium be added to excess of mercuric chloride, a white substance is formed, containing 3Hg 2 S.Sb' 2 S 5 + 6HgCl + 3Hg 2 0. This substance is not a mere mixture, but a chemical compound, which is not attacked by any acid except aqua-regia. Potash decomposes it immediately, leaving mercuric sulphide, and dissolving antimonic and hydrochloric acids. Mercurous nitrate, mixed with sulphantimonate of sodium, forms a black precipitate, whichever salt may be in excess. Sulphantimonate of Nickel. Black precipitate, which oxidises in the air, and is decomposed by hot hydrochloric acid. Sulphantimonate of Potassium, K 3 SbS 4 ; in the crystallised state 2K 3 SbS 4 + PH 2 0, or 3K 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 + 9H 2 0. The anhydrous salt is obtained by fusing sulphide of potassium with trisulphide of antimony and sulphur, or sulphate of potassium with the trisulphide and charcoal, or by heating one of the potassium-livers of antimony, in which case metallic antimony separates out. The product is a brown mass, the aqueous solution of which yields crystals of the hydrated salt. The latter is, however, better obtained by boiling a mixture of 11 pts. of finely levigated trisulphide of anti- mony, 6 pts. of carbonate of potassium, 1 pt. of flowers of sulphur, and 3 pts. of lime previously burnt and slaked, with 20 pts. of water, for some hours, renewing the water as it evaporates ; or by leaving the same mixture in a covered vessel for 24 hours, and stirring frequently ; then filtering and evaporating. The hydrated salt forms colourless or yellowish, granular or radiating crystals, which give off their water when heated. Sulphantimonate of potassium is likewise formed when pentasulphide of antimony is boiled with aqueous carbonate of potassium, antimonate of potassium being formed at the same time, and separating in the solid state. Hot caustic potash-ley dissolves the pentasulphide completely ; but on diluting the solution, and adding carbonate of ammonium, a precipitate is formed, consisting merely of the pentasulphide mixed with a small quantity of sulphantimonate of potassium. Cold potash-ley of moderate strength acts upon pentasulphide of antimony somewhat differently ; the pentasulphide loses its colour; white acid antimonate of potassium (K 2 0.2Sb 2 5 + 6H-0) remains undissolved, notwithstanding the excess of potash present ; free sulphide of potassium is formed ; and the liquid yields by evaporation a colourless double salt, consisting of Rulphantimonate and antimonate of potassium (K 3 SbS 4 .KSb0 3 + 5H 2 0), crystallising in long needles, which, when exposed to the air, become covered with a kermes- coloured film. Cold water renders these crystals milk-white, dissolving a portion, and leaving a white residue of acid antimonate of potassium. Hot water dissolves the salt readily, and the solution, when mixed with acids, yields an orange-coloured precipitate, consisting of pentasulphide of antimony mixed with antimonic acid. Sulphantimonate of Silver, Ag 3 SbS 4 , prepared like the lead- and copper-salts forms a black, perfectly insoluble precipitate, which gives off sulphur when heated, leaving a fused grey residue of sulphantimonate of silver, Ag-^SbS 3 , which yields a red powder by trituration. By adding sulphantimonite of sodium to excess of nitrate of silver and boiling for several hours, a precipitate is obtained containing antimonic oxide, which may be completely extracted from it by potash. Sulphantimonate of Sodium, Na'SbS 4 + 9H 2 0, or ZNaS.SbS* + 9HO. Schlippe's salt. This salt is prepared by digesting at ordinary temperatures in a vessel that can be closed, and with frequent stirring, a mixture of 11 pts. of elutriated trisulphide of antimony, 13 pts. crystallised carbonate of sodium, 1 pt. flowers of sulphur, 5 pts. of quick lime previously slaked, and 20 pts. of water. After twenty-four hours, the liquid is strained off, the residue washed several times with water and the VOL. I. Z 338 ANTIMONY: SULPHO-CHLORIDE. solution together with the wash-water, is evaporated in a porcelain dish or clean iron pot, till a sample yields crystals on cooling. The whole is then left to cool quietly, and the resulting crystals are washed several times with cold water, and dried in the air, or better, under a bell jar, over lime or oil of vitriol. The formation of the salt is much accelerated by boiling the mixture. (Liebig, Handwort. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 139. For other modes of preparation, see Gmeliu's Handbook, iv. 384.) Sulphantimonate of sodium forms transparent, colourless, or pale yellow, regular tetrahedrons, with truncated summits, or acuminated with the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron. Its taste is bitterly metallic, and at the same time alkaline. It dis- solves in 2 '9 pts. of water at 15 C., and the solution is precipitated by alcohol. When heated, it melts in its water of crystallisation, and after all the water has gone off, forms a greyish-white mass, which crumbles to a bulky powder when exposed to the air. At a commencing red heat, it fuses, without decomposition, if the air be excluded. The fused mass is liver-coloured, and dissolves in water, leaving a small quantity of sulphide of antimony. The decomposition of the solution, as well as of the salt itself, by contact with the air, is due to the action of carbonic acid, btit is not complete even after many months. The resulting brown precipitate contains sulphantimonate of sodium with trisulphide of antimony, and the liquid is found to contain carbonate, sulphide, and hyposulphite of sodium, but no sulphate. When sulphantimonate of sodium is added to a solution of tartar-emetic, the liquid first turns red, and then yields an orange-coloured precipitate containing pentasulphide, trisulphide, and trioxide of antimony, while tartrate of sodium and potassium remains in solution : 6C 4 H 4 KSb0 7 + 2Na 3 ShS 4 = 6C 4 H 4 KNa0 6 + Sb 2 S 5 + Sb'S 3 + 2Sb 2 3 This precipitate melts at a high temperature, forming a black metallic-shining mass, exhibiting red translucence on the edges, and perfectly soluble in hydrochloric acid. Potash decomposes it, leaving a yellow residue consisting of sulphide of sodium, tri- oxide of antimony, and a compound of that oxide with potash. (Handworterbuch.) Sulphantimonate of Strontium. -Prepared like the calcium-salt: not crys- tallisable. Sulphantimonate of Uraniu m. Yellow-brown precipitate, obtained by adding ammonio-uranic chloride to sulphantimonate of sodium. Sulphantimonate of Zinc, obtained by dropping sulphate of zinc into a solution of the sodium-salt, is an orange-coloured precipitate which dissolves in the liquid when heated, and partly runs through the filter during washing. It is decomposed and dis- solved by hydrochloric acid. The precipitate obtained with excess of the zinc-salt, has the same colour, but is not easily obtained free from the preceding, even after long boiling. Fuming nitric acid decomposes it, with ignition. (Handworterbuch.) ANTIZVIOWS-, SUX.PHOCKX.ORXBE OP. SbSCl 3 . Obtained by slowly passing dry sulphuretted hydrogen into pentachloride of antimony. It is a white crystalline body, which melts at a moderate heat, is resolved at a higher temperature into sulphur and trichloride of antimony, deliquesces in moist air, and is decomposed by water into sulphur and trichloride (? oxychloride) of antimony ; with aqueous tartaric acid, it yields a precipitate of sulphide of antimony mixed with oxide. (Cloez, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxx. 374.) Other sulphochlorides of antimony have been obtained byE. Schneider (Pogg. Ann. cviii. 407). Finely pulverised trisulphide of antimony dissolves in 14 or 15 times its weight of the melted trichloride, without evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, and the light brown solution solidifies on cooling to a yellow crystalline mass. By pouring off the still remaining liquid at a certain stage of the solidification, the com- pound may be obtained in regular crystals (rhombic prisms bevelled at the ends with a macrodiagonal dome), containing Sb 2 SCl 4 .6SbCl 3 . It is very deliquescent, and is decomposed by a large quantity of water, with separation of a yellow powder ; by prolonged heating, it is resolved into volatile trichloride of antimony, and a black residue of sulphide. It is decomposed by absolute alcohol, out of contact of air, a large quantity of chloride of antimony and a little of the sulphide dissolving, and a reddish-yellow amorphous substance being left, containing 28bClS.3Sb*S 3 . This com- pound is decomposed, by heating in close vessels, into trichloride and trisulphide of of antimony, also by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid. A WTI1VIONY, SULPKIOUIDF, OP. SbSI. This compound is obtained by dis- solving trisulphide of antimony in the melted tri-iodide. It has a brilliant metallic lustre and red-brown colour, appears red and transparent under the microscope, and yields a powder of a fine cherry-red colour. (R. Schneider, J.'pr. Chem. Izzix. 422; Rep. Chim. pure, ii. 323.) ANTIMONY-RADICLES (ORGANIC). 339 When a mixture of equal parts of iodine and trisulphide of antimony is slowly heated in a retort, an iodosulphide, probably of the same composition, rises in red vapours, which condense in the receiver. Tiie same body is formed by subliming a mixture of 24 pts. antimony, 9 pts. sulphur, and 68 pts. iodine, or of 2 pts. iodine and 9 pts. iodide of sulphur, ft forms shining transparent, blood-red needles and laminae, which melt at a gentle heat, and sublime more easily than the iodide of antimony. It has a pungent taste and repulsive odour. It is decomposed at a strong heat, also by chlorine and by water. Henry and Grarot (J. Pharm. x. 511), assigned to this pro- duct the formula SbS s I 3 ; but this is doubtless incorrect. ANTXAEONY'-RADXCXiES, ORGAX7XC. Antimony combines with alcohol- radicles in various proportions, forming compounds which themselves act like simple radicles, uniting with chlorine, oxygen, sulphur, &c., in the same manner as the metals. Some of these bases are formed on the type of ammonia, NH 3 , containing 1 at. antimony.united with 3 at. of the alcohol-radicle ; others on the type NH 4 ; and a compound of antimony with amyl is known containing 1 at. antimony with 2 at. amyl. The names and formulae of the antimony-radicles at present known, are given in the following table : Antimonides of Amyl : Stibdiamyl Sb(C s H") 2 Stibtriamyl or Triamylstibine .... Sb(C 5 H n ) 3 Antimonides of Ethyl : Stibtriethyl or Triethylstibine .... Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Stibethylium or Tetrethylstibonium . . . Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 4 Antimonides of Methyl : Stibtrimethyl or Trimethylstibine . . . Sb(CH 3 ) 3 Stibmethylium or Tetramethylstibonium . . Sb^CH 3 ) 1 The existence of pentethylstibine Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 5 and pentamethylstibine Sb(CH 3 ) 5 , has also been rendered probable by the recent experiments of Mr. Buck ton (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 115). The compounds containing 3 at. of alcohol-radicle are obtained by distilling the iodides of the alcohol-radicles with antimonide of potassium or sodium, or by the action of tri- chloride of antimony on zinc-ethyl. They are liquids which volatilise without decom- position, and rapidly absorb oxygen from the air, with great evolution of heat, sufficient in the case of the ethyl- and methyl-compounds to produce vivid combustion. The compounds containing 4 at. of alcohol-radicle are not known in the free state ; but their iodides are obtained by treating the corresponding compounds containing 3 at. alcohol-radicle with the iodides of those radicles ; and these iodides when treated with oxide of silver and water, yield the hydrated oxides of the same radicles, which are fixed bases, having a strong alkaline reaction, and uniting readily with acids like the hydrates of potassium and sodium. In this respect, they resemble the correspond- ing nitrogen-bases, hydrate of tetrethylium, N(C 2 H*) 4 .H.O, &c. The antimony-radicles containing 4 at. of the alcohol-radicle, are monatomic, uniting with 1 at. chlorine, iodine, &c. ; but those which contain 3 at. alcohol-radicle, stibtri- ethyl, for example, are diatomic, uniting with 2 at. chlorine, iodine, &c., and with 1 at. oxygen, e.g. Sb(C 2 H a ) 3 .Cl 2 , Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 O, &c. The same law holds good with respect to other organo-metallic bodies similarly constituted, arsentriethyl, for example : but it does not extend to the corresponding nitrogen-radicles, such as triethylamine, tri- methylamine, &c., which, indeed, do not unite directly with oxygen, chlorine, iodine, &c., but combine with hydrated acids in the same manner as ammonia. Antimonides of A.myl, or Stibamyls.* These compounds are obtained by the action of iodide of amyl on antimonide of potassium, the process being conducted similarly to that for the preparation of stib- ethyl (p. 341). After the action has ceased, and the excess of iodide of amyl has dis- tilled off, the residue is either distilled in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride, whereby a distillate is obtained containing stibdiamyl; or the product is exhausted with ether, and the solution freed from ether by distillation, in which case a residue is left con- sisting of stibtriamyl. If the stibtriamyl thus obtained is contaminated with amylic alcohol or iodide of amyl, pure compounds may be prepared from it by dissolving it in a mixture of ether and alcohol ; adding alcoholic bromine till its colour just begins to be permanent ; precipitating the bromide of stibtriamyl by adding a large quantity of water; converting the bromide into oxide by means of oxide of silver suspended n * F. Berle, J. pr. Chem. Ixv 385; Gm. xi. 125. Z2 340 ANTIMONY-KADICLES (ORGANIC). alcohol ; precipitating the oxide by water, and dissolving it in hydrochloric acid and alcohol ; precipitating the pure chloride by another addition of water ; and freeing it from a small quantity of water by heating it to 100 C. in contact with fused chloride of calcium. STIBDIAMYL. Sb(C 5 H n ) 2 = SbAm 9 . The distillate just mentioned, after being freed from undecomposed iodide of amyl by re-distillation over antimonide of potassium, gave off at 80 C. a colourless liquid, which burnt with a white flame, diffusing a white smoke of oxide of antimony. The liquid which then remained was stibdiamyl. It was greenish-yellow, heavier than water, and tolerably mobile, with a peculiar aromatic odour and bitter taste ; insoluble in water, but miscible in all proportions with alcohol and ether. It was not spontaneously inflammable, but when set on fire, burned with a very white flame, diffusing a white fume of oxide of antimony. It exploded with great violence when heated in oxygen gas, and was decomposed by nitric acid with considerable evolution of heat. Its ethereal solution exposed to the air, left an oxide which absorbed carbonic acid; and the stibdiamyl itself heated to 100 C. in a stream of dry carbonic acid, yielded a viscid liquid, which appeared to be the car- bonate (SbAm 2 ) 2 .C0 8 . The haloid salts of stibdiamyl are gummy liquids; the sulphate and nitrate are precipitated from their alcoholic solutions by water, in the form of gummy masses, which dry up to amorphous solids. STIBTRIAMYL or TRIAMYLSTIBINE. Sb(C 5 H") 3 = SbAm 3 . Transparent slightly yellowish liquid, very viscid below 20 C., more mobile at higher temperatures. It has a peculiar aromatic odour, and a bitter, somewhat metallic and very persistent taste. Specific gravity 1'333 at 17 C. (according to Cramer, Pharm. Centr. 1855, 465, it is 1-0587). In contact with the air, it does not take fire, but fumes strongly and decom- poses, depositing a white powder. A drop of it placed on bibulous paper and exposed to the air, becomes so strongly heated as to char the paper. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves sparingly in alcohol, and readily in ether. It does not exhibit any tendency to unite with iodide of amyl, when heated with that compound in a sealed tube. Stibtriamyl is a diatomic radicle, like stibtriethyl. Its oxide, Sb(C 5 H n ) s .O = is pro- duced by slow evaporation of an ethereal solution of stibtriamyl in contact with the air ; or by decomposing the chloride, iodide, or bromide with oxide of silver. It is a greyish- yellow viscid mass, which becomes somewhat more fluid when gently heated, but decomposes at higher temperatures. It tastes and smells like the radicle itself. It is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in dilute alcohol and in ether, but dissolves easily in absolute alcohol. The alcoholic solution precipitates metallic oxides from their salts. Oxide of stibriamyl dissolves readily in acids, and the resulting compounds are precipitated from their solutions by water. 1. The chloride, Sb(C 5 H 11 ) 3 Cl 2 , obtained by dissolving the oxide in hydrochloric acid, is a yellowish translucent liquid, viscid at ordinary, comparatively mobile at higher temperatures, heavier than water, soluble in alcohol and ether. It 'tastes and smells like stibtriamyl. Decomposes at temperatures above 160 C. The bromide and iodide resemble the chloride. Nitr a t e. Sb(C 3 H n ) 3 .2N0 3 . When the chloride or iodide is mixed with an alcoholic solution of nitrate of silver, as long as a precipitate forms, and then filtered, the filtrate forms an emulsion, from which, after standing for some time in a warm place, two liquids separate, the upper being light, yellow, and mobile, and the lower a deep brown-red oil. The upper layer, when i-lowly evaporated, yields the nitrate in slender white crystals grouped in stars ; they may be purified by recrystallisation from dilute alcohol. The dark red oil likewise dissolves on addition of a large quantity of hydrated alcohol, and the solution, after standing for some time, yields the same crys- tals. These crystals melt at about 20 C. : the fused mass does not dissolve in alcohol so readily as the crystals. This salt, the only crystallisable compound of stibtriamyl, is insoluble in water and ether, but dissolves in hydrated alcohol. It has a peculiar metallic taste. The sulphate, Sb(C 5 H u )*.S0 4 , is formed by decomposing equivalent quantities of sulphate of silver and a haloid compound of stibtriamyl dissolved in alcohol. This salt was obtained only as an oily liquid body. The white powder, formed by the action of the air upon stibtriamyl is insoluble in ether, alcohol, and water : it does not dissolve in hydrochloric acid, but imperfectly in fuming nitric acid ; slowly in aqua-regia. It remains unaltered even when strongly heated, not decomposing below a rejd heat. Berle supposes it to be antimonite of stib- triamyl, SbAm 3 O.Sb 2 3 . When sulphuretted hydrogen was passed for some time through this compound suspended in alcohol, a white powder immediately separated, which gradually assumed an orange colour, and then formed a pulpy mass, which could ot be filtered. After addition of a large quantity of alcohol and ether the liquid, ANTIMONY-RADICLES (ORGANIC). 341 when left to stand in a warm place, deposited an orange-red, flocculent precipitate, which, after drying, formed a brownish-yellow powder, insoluble in alcohol, ether, and water ; this powder decomposed at a very high temperature, and took fire when fuming nitric acid was poured upon it. Berle regards this compound as sulpkami- monite of stibtriamyl, SbAm 3 S.Sb 2 S 3 (it gave 18-38 per cent, sulphur, the formula requiring 17 '59). A compound, supposed to be identical with this, is formed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen for some time through an alcoholic solution of oxide of stibtriamyl. Antimonides of EtbyJ, or Stibethyls. STIBTRIETHYL or T RIETHYLSTI BINE, commonly called Stibctht/l. Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 = SbE 3 . (L6 wig and Schweizer, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxv. 315, 327; Lowig, ibid. Ixxx. 323 ; G m. ix. 79 ; Grerh. ii. 370.) This compound is prepared by the action of iodide of ethyl on antimonide of potassium. The alloy is finely pulverised together with two or three times its weight of quartz-sand (if pulverised alone it is apt to take fire) ; the mixture is introduced into a number of small short-necked flasks, so as to fill them to about two-thirds ; and iodide of ethyl is added in quantity just sufficient to moisten the mixture of alloy and sand. The action begins in a few minutes, and is accompanied with a rise of temperature sufficient to volatilise the excess of iodide of ethyl, which is collected by itself in a small receiver ; as soon as this action is over, the flask is connected as quickly as possible with a condensing apparatus, through which a stream of carbonic acid gas is passed during the whole operation. This condensing apparatus consists of a tall wide cylindrical vessel closed by a cork having three apertures. Through one of these apertures, passes a tube proceeding from the carbonic acid apparatus, and reach- ing to the bottom of the vessel; through the second a short straight tube to carry off that gas, and through the third is inserted the distillation tube connected with the flask containing the mixture : this tube descends nearly to the bottom of the glass cylinder, and drops into the mouth of a small receiver, partly filled with antimonide of potassium. This apparatus being completely filled with carbonic acid gas, the gener- ating flask is heated very gently at first, and afterwards more strongly as long as any liquid distils over. This flask is then removed, the distillation-tube stopped with wax, till a second flask is ready to be adapted, and the operation is then repeated. The contents of 20 to 24 flasks of 3 or 4 ounces capacity yield 4 or 5 ouuces of crude product, which may thus be obtained in the course of a day. The receiver in which the distillate has been collected is then closed while still immersed in the atmosphere of carbonic acid, afterwards removed, and used as a retort in the rectification of the product, the same condensing apparatus being used as before. The first portions of the rectified product contain iodine, and deposit after a while, a number of colourless crystals consisting of iodide of stibethylium. (Lowig and Schweizer.) 2. By the action of trichloride of antimony on zinc-ethyl, similarly to the preparation of triethylphosphine. (Hofmann : See PHOSPHORUS BASES.) Properties. Stibtriethyl is a transparent, colourless, mobile, strongly refracting liquid, having a disagreeable alliaceous odour. Specific gravity 1*3244 at 16 C. It does not solidify at 29 C. Boils at 158 0> 5 (bar. at 730 mm.). Vapour-density, by experi- ment = 7'44 ; by calculation 7'18, the formula Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 , representing 2 volumes of vapour. Stibtriethyl is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. A drop of Stibtriethyl exposed to the air at the end of a glass rod, emits thick white fumes, and in a few seconds takes fire and burns with a white, strongly luminous flame. When introduced in a thin stream into oxygen gas, it burns with dazzling brightness. But if it be made to run into a glass globe containing air, in such a manner as not to take fire, it gives off dense white fumes, which collect on the sides of the vessel in the form of a powder, which is insoluble in ether, but dissolves in alcohol and water ; at the same time a transparent, colourless, viscid mass is formed, which is soluble in ether. This latter substance is the oxide of Stibtriethyl, SbE 3 ; the powder is antimonite of Stibtriethyl, SbE 3 O.Sb 2 3 . Stibtriethyl oxidises very slowly w r hen immersed in water ; hence it is best to keep it under that liquid. Sul- phur, selenium, iodine, bromine, and chlorine combine directly with Stibtriethyl, the action being always attended with evolution of heat, and in the case of bromine and chlorine, with inflammation. The compounds contain 1 at. Stibtriethyl, with 1 at. of a dibasic radicle, 0, S, SO 4 &c., or 1 at. stibethyl with 2 at. of a monobasic radicle, Cl, Br, NO 3 , &c., in which respect they resemble the compounds of stibtrimethyl, ar- sentriethyl (see p. 322). Stibtriethyl introduced into hydrochloric acid gas, yields chlo- ride of Stibtriethyl and free hydrogen : SbE 3 + 2HC1 = SbE 3 Cl 2 + H 2 . The same reaction takes place with fuming hydrochloric acid. Dilute nitric acid, with the aid of heat, acts on Stibtriethyl in the same manner as on the metals, evolving z 3 342 ANTIMONY-RADICLES (ORGANIC). nitric oxide and forming nitrate of stibtriethyl. Neither fuming nitric acid nor aqua- regia oxidises the antimony completely. Antimonite of Stibtriethyl, Sb(C z H 5 ) 3 .Sb 2 4 , or SbE 3 O.Sb 2 3 , is formed, together with the oxide, by the gradual oxidation of stibtrietliyl. The white fumes which stibtriethyl diffuses in the air consist almost wholly of this compound. It may be pre- pared by leaving an ethereal solution of stibtriethyl to evaporate spontaneously, and dis- solving out the simultaneously formed oxide with ether-alcohol. The antimonite then remains as a white, pulverulent, amorphous body. It has a bitter taste, and is soluble in water and in alcohol. The aqueous solution prepared in the cold is perfectly mobile, but when heated, becomes viscid like starch-paste, and dries up to a friable mass, having the appearance of porcelain. Water poured upon this mass dissolves the greater part, but leaves a small residue of antimonious oxide. Hydrochloric acid, added to the alcoholic solution throws down chloride of stibtriethyl ; the acid liquid separated from the chloride yields with sulphuretted hydrogen, a precipitate of kermes ; on mixing it with water, powder of algaroth is precipitated. (Lowig.) Bromide of Stibtriethyl^ Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Br 2 . -Stibtriethyl takes fire when added by drops to bromine. The bromide is prepared by adding a recently prepared alcoholic solu- tion of bromine to an alcoholic solution of stibtriethyl cooled by ice, as long as the colour of the bromine disappears. On mixing the solution with a large quantity of water, the bromide of stibtriethyl is precipitated, in the form of a colourless liquid which must then be washed with water and dried by contact with chloride of calcium. Transparent, colourless, strongly refracting liquid, having a density of 1'953 at 17 C. Has an un- pleasant odour like that of turpentine, and excites sneezing. Solidifies in a crystalline mass at 10 C. It is not volatile. When distilled, it yields, among other products a strongly acid liquid having an intolerable odour like that of chloral. It is 'decom- posed by oil of vitriol, with evolution of hydrobromic acid, and by chlorine with separa- tion of bromine. Insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. The alcoholic solution gives with metallic salts, reactions similar to those of bromide of potassium. Chloride of Stibtriethyl. Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Cl 2 . Stibtriethyl dropt into chlorine gas takes fire and burns with a bright but smoky flame. Introduced into dry hydrochloric acid gas, it forms chloride of stibtriethyl, and separates a quantity of hydrogen equal in volume to half the hydrochloric acid gas. The chloride is easily obtained in the pure state by decomposing a strong solution of nitrate of stibtriethyl with strong hydrochloric acid ; it then separates in the form of a liquid which may be purified in the same manner as the bromide. Transparent, colourless liquid, of specific gravity 1'540 at 17 C. ; it has a powerful odour like that of turpentine, and a bitter taste. Kemains fluid at 12 C. When it is distilled with water, a small portion appears to volatilise undecomposed ; when heated alone, it behaves like the bromide. Strong sulphuric acid decomposes it, with evolution of hydrochloric acid, while, on the other hand, hydrochloric acid added to a solution of sulphate of stibtriethyl throws down the chloride. In other respects, its relations are like those of chloride of potassium or chloride of sodium. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. Cyanide of Stibtriethyl appears to be formed when 2 at. cyanide of mercury, and 1 at. sulphide of stibtriethyl are mixed in the state of aqueous solution. Sulphide of mercury is then formed, together with a liquid which smells like prussic acid, and behaves with metallic salts like cyanide of potassium. Iodide of Stibtriethyl. Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ! 2 . Iodine and stibtriethyl combine together under water, with rise of temperature. On adding iodine to an ethereal solution of stib- triethyl, a violent momentary ebullition takes places, and the iodine quickly disappears. The iodide is, however, most easily prepared by adding iodine in small portions to an alcoholic solution of stibtriethyl surrounded by a frigorific mixture, as long as the colour of the iodine disappears, and leaving the colourless solution to evaporate. The iodide then crystallises in colourless needles, which must be recrystallised from alcohol, and afterwards from ether, to free them from a small quantity of adhering yellow powder. Iodide of stibtriethyl has a slight odour of stibtriethyl and a bitter taste. It dissolves in water without decomposition and readily in alcohol and ether. It melts and solidfies at 70-5 C., sublimes in small quantity at 100, without alteration, but is decomposed at a somewhat higher temperature, with formation of dense white fumes. In the fused state, it is instantly decomposed by potassium, with separation of stibtri- ethyl. With sulphuric acid and with metallic salts, it behaves like iodide of potassium. Hydrochloric oc/<2 immediately precipitates chloride of stibtriethyl. Bro- mine and chin-in-- separates the iodine; so likewise does nitric acid, forming nitrate of Btibtriethyl. With zhw-cthyl it, appears to form stibpcntethyl, SbE 3 F + ZnE = 2ZnI + SbE 5 ; but this compound is decomposed Jy distillation into stibtriethyl, ethy- ANTIMONY-RADICLES (ORGANIC). 343 lene, and hydride of ethyl ; Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 5 = Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 + C 2 H 4 + C 2 H a . (B nekton, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 116.) Oxy 'iodide of Stibtriethyl. (SbE 3 ) 2 FO = SbE 3 I 2 ,SbE 3 0. Produced by the action of ammonia on iodide of stibtriethyl : 2SbE 3 F + 2NH 3 + H 2 = (SbE 3 )-I 2 + 2NH 4 I also by mining the oxide and iodide of stibtrethyl in equivalent quantities. It forms octahedral crystals containing 36-9 per cent, iodine: by calculation 37'1 (Strecker Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 306). Merck, who obtained this compound by mixing iodide of stibtriethyl with an ethereal solution of stibtriethyl in an atmosphere of carbonic anhy- dride, supposed it to be, not an oxyiodide, but a monoiodide of stibtriethyl SbE 3 I, and explained its formation, together that with of another crystalline compound not analysed, but supposed to be SbE 3 HI, on the hypothesis that the iodide of stibtri- ethyl prepared by Lowig and Schweizer, really contained I at. hydrogen more than those chemists supposed, its true formula being SbE 3 HF, or SbE 3 LHI : SbE 3 HI 2 + SbE 3 = SbE 3 I + SbE'HI. But the formula SbE 3 . 1 is contrary to analogy, the triethyl- and trimethyl-compounds of arsenic, bismuth, and phosphorus, all uniting with 2 at. I, Br or Cl. Moreover Merck's mode of preparation, which consisted in covering the liquid with a funnel, and passing a stream of carbonic anhydride through the beak, till all the ether was evaporated, was not very well adapted to exclude the air perfectly ; hence it is probable, especially as the action took place but slowly, that oxide of stibtriethyl was first formed, and then combined with the iodide. The oxyiodide might, however, be formed without access of air, if the mixture was not perfectly dry, the compound SbE 3 HI being pro- duced at the same time : thus, 2SbE 3 + 2SbE 3 F + H 2 = (SbE 3 ) 2 I 2 + 2SbE 3 HI The oxyiodide treated with hydriodic acid yields iodide of stibtriethyl and water * (SbE 3 ) 2 FO + 2HI = 2SbE 3 F + H 2 With oxide of silver, it yields oxide of stibtriethyl, SbE 3 0, and with chloride of mercury, an oxychloride of stibtriethyl, (SbE 3 ) 2 Cl 2 0. (Strecker.) Merck supposed that the action of various mercury and silver-salts on his supposed iodide, SbE 3 I, yielded a series of compounds of analogous constitution, viz. a chloride, SbE'Cl, an oxide (SbE 3 ) 2 0, &c. Nitrate of Stibtriethyl. Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 .2N0 3 . Obtained by saturating dilute nitric acid with oxide of stibtriethyl, or by dissolving stibtriethyl in the dilute acid with the aid of heat. In this latter reaction, nitric oxide is evolved, and a small quantity of antimonious oxide separates. The salt may be obtained in crystals by evaporating the solution. At 62-5 C. it melts into a transparent liquid, which solidifies to a crystal- line mass at 57 ; at a higher temperature, it deflagrates like a mixture of nitre and charcoal. It dissolves easily in water, less easily in alcohol, and is nearly insoluble in ether. The solutions have an acid reaction and bitter taste. Oxide of Stibtriethyl. Sb(C 2 H 5 ) 3 0. Formed by the direct oxidation of stibtri- ethyl, either in the free state, as above mentioned, or dissolved in alcohol or ether ; as thus obtained, however, it is always more or less mixed with antimonite of stibtriethyl, especially when obtained from the ethereal solution. The alcoholic solution on the contrary yields but a small quantity of antimonite. Accordingly, the oxide may be obtained by leaving a dilute alcoholic solution to evaporate slowly in a loosely covered foot-glass, treating the residue with ether, which dissolves the oxide and leaves the antimonite, and repeating this treatment as long as the ether leaves any insoluble residue. The oxide may also be obtained by treating an aqueous solution of sulphate of stibtriethyl with baryta-water ; evaporating the filtrate over the water-bath ; ex- hausting the residue with alcohol, which dissolves out a compound of oxide of stibtri- ethyl and baryta ; precipitating the baryta by carbonic acid, and evaporating the filtered alcoholic solution. An alcoholic solution of stibtriethyl shaken up with finely divided red oxide of mercury, quickly reduces the mercury to the metallic state, and yields pure oxide of stibethyl. Oxide of stibtriethyl in its purest state, is a transparent, colourless, viscid, amorphous mass, which dissolves readily in water and alcohol, somewhat less readily in ether ; has a very bitter taste ; does not appear to be poisonous ; is not altered by exposure to the air ; is not volatile ; but when heated in a tube, gives off white vapours which burn with a bright flame, and leaves a residue containing antimony and charcoal. It is decomposed by potassium, at a gentle heat, with separation of stibtriethyl. Fuming nitric add decomposes it, with evolution of light and heat ; dilute nitric and str. APHACTESITE. See ABICHITE (p. 6). AFHAX3TTE. See DlOBITE. APHXiOGXSTXC X* AMP. Lamp without flame, or glow-lamp. (See ALCOHOL, p. 74.) APHRITE. Schie/erspar. Chaux carbon atee nacree. A slaty carbonate of calcium, having a mother-of-pearl lustre, found rarely in beds and veins in the older rocks, as in Cornwall, at Kongsberg, &c. A soft friable variety of it, called earth-foam (SchaumJcalk, Schaiimerde), containing silica and oxide of iron, is found at Gera, and at Eisleben in Thuringia. APHRIZITE. See TOUKMAXINE. APHRODITE. A hydratod silicate of magnesium, resembling meerschaum, found at Longbanshytta, in Sweden. Its formula is 16Mg-0.15Si0 2 + 12H-O. Now in the magnesia-silicates, 3 at. water may be supposed to replace 1 at. magnesia (see SILICATES) hence the preceding formula may be reduced to 4M"0.3Si0 2 , or ZMO.SiO 3 [M denoting a monatomic metal]. APHRONTTR1TIVE, (&4>pos froth and virpov soda.) An old name for the saline efflorescences formed on walls, commonly called wall-nitre, but consisting for the most part of carbonate and sulphate of sodium, sometimes with sulphate of magnesium. APHROSIDERITE. A silicate of iron and aluminium, containing, according to Sandberger, 26-4 per cent, silica, 21*2 alumina, I'l magnesia, 44*2 protoxide of iron, and 7'7 water. Sandberger represents it by the formula 3(3FeO.SlG 3 ) + SAP&.SiO 3 f 6HO. It is doubtful, however, whether all the iron exists as protoxide. APHTAX.OSE. See ARCANITE. APHTOXTITE. The name given by Svanberg to a mineral from Wiirmkog, in "Warmeland, resembling fahl-ore (q. v.\ but distinguished by a peculiarly large amount of basic metallic sulphides. According to Svanberg's analysis (Ofversigt af Kongl. 350 APIIN APOPHYLLIC ACID. Vatenskaps Acad. Vorhandlingar, iv. 85), its general formula is 7M' J 8.Sb 7 S 3 ; perhaps a mixture of 6M 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 with M a S. It consists chiefly of copper, zinc, silver, iron, and antimony, with only a trace of arsenic. Specific gravity 4*87. APIIN. A gelatinous substance extracted by Braconnot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 250), from common parsley (Apium pttroselinuni) by boiling with water. The boiling liquor passed through a cloth becomes on cooling a transparent jelly, like pectic acid. It is washed in cold water, and after drying over the water-bath, is treated with boiling alcohol and ether, which extract from it a certain quantity of chlorophyll. Pure apiin is a colourless powder, without odour or taste. It melts at 180 f C. into a yellow liquid, which forms a vitreous mass on cooling. It begins to decompose between 200 and 210 C. It is very sparingly soluble in cold water, but dissolves readily in boiling water, which deposits it on cooling in the form of a jelly. It is soluble in boiling alcohol and insoluble in ether. According to PI ant a and Wallace (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 262) it contains C^H^O 13 . Its solution in boiling water produces a blood-red colour with ferrous salts : this reaction is extremely delicate, sufficing to indicate the smallest traces of apiin. The aqueous solution, after boiling for a long time, no longer gelatinises on cooling, but deposits nearly white flakes, which appear to consist of C 24 H 28 13 .H 2 0. When apiin is boiled with dilute sulphuric or hy- drochloric acid, the liquor deposits on cooling, white flakes, which appear to contain C'- M H 20 O 9 , that is to say, apiin minus 4 atoms of water. Apiin is dissolved by alkalis and reprecipitated in its original state by acids. When boiled with sul- phuric acid and peroxide of manganese, it yields carbonic, acetic, and formic acids. API OS TUBEROSA or Glycine apios (Z.) A leguminous plant from North America, the roots of which have been proposed as a substitute for the potato, and the young seeds for peas. The roots are eaten in Virginia, and are said to have been used by the aborigines of the country. Pay en (Compt. rend, xxviii. 189) gives the follow- ing statement of the composition of the roots, compared with that of the variety of potato called pair ague jau ne. Apios. Potato. Nitrogenous matter 4'5 1-7 Fatty matter 0'8 O'l Starch, sugar, pectin, &c. . . . . 33'55 21'2 Cellulose and epidermis . . . .1*3 1'5 Inorganic matter 2'25 1*1 Water . 57'8 74-4 APZRIW or APlTBirJ, An alkaline substance said to be contained in the nut of Cocos nucifcra and Cucos lapidea. (Bizio, J. Chim. med. 1833, 495.) APJOHTJITE. See MANGANESE-ALUM. APIiITE. A name inappropriately given to a kind of granite, consisting chiefly of a fine-ground mixture of quartz and felspar with only a trace of mica. APX.OIVXZ:. See GARNET. APOGXiUCXC ACID. See GXUCJC ACTD. APROCRENIC ACID. See HuMic ACID. APOPH VXiXiXC ACID, C'^'NO 4 . A nitrogenous acid obtained by the de- composition of cotarnine; first prepared by Wo hi er (Ann. Ch. Pharm. i. 24), after- wards more fully examined by Anderson (Edinb. Phil. Trans, xxiii. 347 ; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 257). Preparation. 1. Cotarnine is dissolved in nitric acid diluted with twice its volume of water ; strong nitric acid is added ; and the whole is heated to boiling, whereupon abundance of red vapours are evolved. As soon as a small portion of the solution, on being mixed with alcohol and ether, quickly deposits crystals (if no crystals appear the heating must be continued), the whole of the solution is treated in the same way, and the crystals which are deposited after 24 hours, are filtered off and purified by boiling their solution which animal charcoal, and recrystallising. A great excess of nitric acid hinders the precipitation of the apophyllic acid (Anderson). 2. On decomposing chloroplatinate of cotarnine with sulphuretted hydrogen, filtering off the platinum and evaporating the filtrate with hydrate of barium, apophyllate of barium was found in the residue ; and after exti'acting the cotarnine with alcohol, and boiling the residue with dilute sulphuric acid, a yellow solution was obtained which deposited crystals of apophyllic acid after the lapse of several weeks. (Wohler.) Apophyllic acid crystallises from a boiling saturated solution on cooling, in rather lonp: anhydrous prisms, which do not effloresce when heated. It reddens litmus strongly and has a weak acid taste (Wohler). Melts at 205 C., and solidifies on cooling, into a crystalline mass. (Anderson.) APOPHYLLITE 351 a. Hydrated' apophyllic acid, C^ETNO* . H 2 0, crystallises from a saturated and not boiling solution, in colourless, very sharp rhombic octahedrons the form of which approaches to that of a square-based octahedron. Angles of the base about 88 and 92; of the lateral edges, about 106 28', 105 24', and 190. The crystals cleave very readily in a direction parallel to the base, forming faces of pearly lustre, like the crystals of apophyllite (hence the name). These give off their water, amounting to about 9 per cent, at a temperature much below 100 C. (Wohler.) Aqueous Apophyllic Acid. Apophyllic acid dissolves slowly and with great difficulty in cold water. It is soluble in sulphuric acid (Anderson); insoluble in alcohol and ether. When heated, it melts, chars, and evolves an oily, strongly alkaline liquid, which smells like chinoline ( W 6 h 1 e r). By distillation it yields a neutral oil, as well as a base, which does not become coloured when treated with chloride of lime (Anderson). 2. Nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid (Anderson). Apophyllates. Nearly all the apophyllates are soluble in water. Apophyttate of Ammonium forms small prismatic needles. It is readily soluble in water. Apophyllate of Barium is obtained in nodular crystals by digesting the acid with carbonate of barium and adding alcohol to the solution. (Anderson.) Apophyttate of Ammonium does not precipitate lead-salts. (Wohler.) Apophyttate of Silver, C 8 H 6 AgN0 4 , is obtained by digesting apophyllic acid with moist carbonate of silver and precipitating the solution with alcohol and ether. It forms a crystalline powder, which burns slowly when heated, leaving a residue of metallic silver. It is easily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether (Ander- son). On mixing a solution of apophyllate of ammonium with nitrate of silver, a double salt, consisting of apophyllate and nitrate of silver, C 9 H 6 AgN0 4 .NO s Ag, is deposited after a while in small crystalline stars, which soon increase to zeolitic groups of fine needles. The salt explodes violently when heated, like oxalate of silver. It is slightly soluble in water. APOPH"if SiX.ITE. Ichthyophthalmite, Fish-eye stone. A silicate of calcium and potassium, also containing fluorine, which is found both massive and crystallised. The crystals belong to the dimetric system. The most usual form is oo P oo . P, also with OP. Cleavage perfect, parallel to OP, imperfect parallel to oo P oo . The massive variety has a laminated structure. Specific gravity 2*3 to 2-4. Hardness about that of apatite, or generally rather less. The finest varieties are transparent and colour- less, or sometimes tinged with rose colour; translucent crystals are also found, or opaque in the mass, translucent only at the edges, and white, reddish-white, or flesh- coloured. External lustre splendent and peculiar; internal lustre glistening and pearly. The transparent crystals exhibit, according to Brewster, a peculiar optical character, which shows that each individual crystal is an aggregate of several pieces symmetrically arranged. In some places (especially at Aussig in Bohemia) a variety called albin is found, consisting of opaque crystals of peculiar form. Apophyllite, heated before the blowpipe, exfoliates (hence its name, from a.Trov\Xi&ii>\ then froths, and melts into an opaque bead. It is easily decomposed by strong hydrochloric acid, with separation of gelatinous silica. The filtrate, supersaturated with ammonia, yields a precipitate of fluoride of calcium. The composition of apophyllite, as determined by analysis, is as follows : Berzelius. Stromeyer. Silica 52-13 51-86 Potash .... 5-27 5-31 Lime (including CaF) . . 25-53 25-22 Water 16-20 16-91 99-13 99-30 100-73 From these results, L. G-melin (Handb. iii. 394) deduces the formula + 6(*' [,l. H r, phosphorus, and zinc deoxidise it at a red heat, separating metallic arsenic. I)i stilled with acetates, it yields cacodyl, a compound of 1 at. arsenic with 2 at. methyl, As(CH 3 ) 2 , which may be recognised by its peculiar and intolerable odour. When vapour of arsenious oxide is passed over red-hot lime, part off it is resolved into metallic arsenic, which sublimes, and arsenic oxide which unites with the lime, forming an arscnate (Wollaston), while another portion, greater as the heat is less, unites directly with the lime, forming an arsenite (Simon). Heated with carbonate of potassium, it likewise yields metallic arsenic and an arsenate (Gay-Lussac). As an oxidising agent, arsenic oxide is used in the manufacture of glass, for the purpose of converting protoxide of iron into sesquioxide, which yields less highly coloured glasses I him the protoxide. ARSEXITES. Arsenious acid unites with in several proportions, but the salts ARSENITES. 376 are not very stable, and have been but little examined. Those whose composition is MAsO 2 or M 8 O.As 2 3 , are generally regarded as neutral ; and besides these there are basic arsenites containing M 4 As 2 5 , or 2M 2 O.As 8 8 , and M 3 As0 3 , or 3M 2 0. As 2 3 , besides acid salts.* Arsenious oxide dissolves in caustic potash or soda, but does not neu- tralise the alkali ; the concentrated solutions are decomposed by the carbonic acid in *he air, and yield, after a while, very large and well formed crystals of anhydrous arsenious acid. The acid dissolves in ammonia more readily than in water, and remains free from ammonia when the solution is evaporated. Lime, baryta, and stron- tia, dissolve when boiled with water and excess of arsenious acid, and on adding lime-, baryta-, or strontia- water in excess to the solutions, basic salts are precipitated in white flocks. These precipitates dissolve in acids and in ammoniacal salts : hence arsenious acid cannot be precipitated by the alkaline earths from solutions containing ammo* niacal salts. The other arsenites are insoluble in water, and are obtained by precipi tation. They dissolve in hydrochloric acid, and some of them in acetic acid, also in sulphate, hydrochlorate, and nitrate of ammonium. Solutions of the alkaline arsenites give a light green precipitate with cupric salts, egg-yellow with nitrate of silver. Hydrosulphuric acid produces no precipitate unless a stronger acid is present in excess ; but all arsenites when dissolved in hydrochloric acid give a precipitate with hydrosulphuric acid ; and if the metallic base of the arsenite is likewise precipitable by hydrosulphuric acid, a compound metallic sulphide may be produced. Most arsenites are decomposed by heat : some give off arsenious oxide, and leave the base in the form of oxide : but the arsenites of the alkali-metals and the alkaline earth- metals, give off metallic arsenic and leave a salt of arsenic acid (5As 2 3 = 3As 2 5 + As 2 ). Arsenite of silver gives off arsenious oxide and leaves a mixture of metallic silver and arsenate of silver ; arsenite of lead alone withstands a red heat without decomposition, and arsenite of magnesium is but imperfectly decomposed (Simon, Pogg. Ann. xi. 435). Arsenites heated with charcoal give off metallic arsenic. Arsenite of Ammonium, NH 4 As0 2 , or (NH l ) 2 O.As 2 3 , according to Pasteur; (NH 4 ) 4 As 2 5 , or 2(NH 4 ) 2 O.As 2 3 , according to Stein, is produced, according to Pasteur, when very strong aqueous ammonia is poured upon arseiiious oxide, and forms a hard mass composed of microscopic six-sided tables belonging to the trimetric system. It exists only in contact with ammonia, quickly giving off ammonia in contact with the air. It forms a yellow precipitate with silver-salts, the solution turning acid. It is insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Arsenite of Antimony. Produced by digesting metallic antimony with aqueous arsenic acid, and is precipitated on diluting with water. It may also be ob- tained as a transparent, fused, vitreous mass, by heating metallic arsenic with anti- monic oxide. Arsenite of Barium, BaAsO 2 , or Ba 2 O.As 2 3 , is obtained by mixing a solution of chloride of barium with acid arsenite of potassium, separating after a few hours as a gelatinous mass or in dendritic ramifications. In this state it is very soluble in water, but becomes sparingly soluble after drying : the liquid decanted from the jelly likewise yields the salt by evaporation, as a heavy sparingly soluble powder. The gelatinous salt is probably a hydrate. A salt containing 2Ba'-O.As 2 3 + 4H 2 is ob- tained, according to Stein, by dropping baryta-water into aqueous arsenious acid, as long as a precipitate continues to form, and washing with dilute alcohol. It gives off 2 at. water at 100 C., and the rest at a higher temperature, arsenic, however, volatilising at the same time. A concentrated solution of arsenious acid is immediately precipitated by baryta- water, a very dilute solution after some time only, or not at all (L. Gmelin). Arse- nite of ammonium precipitates solution of chloride of barium after a while. Arsenite of Calcium. The several arsenites of potassium, added to solution of chloride of calcium, yield precipitates, but not of constant composition (Filhol). The neutral salt, CaAsO 2 , is obtained, according to Simon, by precipitating chloride'of calcium with ammonia saturated with arsenious acid ; the precipitate is increased by adding excess of ammonia, but dissolves partially when washed with water. When, on the other hand, an aqueous solution of arsenious acid is mixed with excess of lime- water, a white heavy powder (2Ca 2 O.As 2 3 , with water) is precipitated, which is very little soluble in water, somewhat more soluble in the presence of ammonia-salts, or of chloride of potassium or sodium. According to Stein, the precipitate thus ob- tained is a mixture of several basic salts, but on adding sufficient arsenious acid to dissolve part of it, the residue consists of 3Ca 2 0.2As 2 3 + 3H 2 ; this salt gives off 1 at, water at 100 C., the rest at a temperature at which decomposition begins. * If = 8, the formula are MO.AsO*, ZMO.AsO 3 , and3A/0.^0^ respectively. B B 4 376 ARSENIC: OXIDES. According to Kuhn (Jahresb. f. Chem. 1852, 379), a boiling solution of arsenious acid added to excess of lime-water throws down the salt, 3Ca 2 O.As 2 3 , or Ca a As0 3 . Arsenite of Cobalt, 3Co 2 0.2As 2 3 + 4H 2 0, is obtained by quickly mixing arsenite of potassium with a solution of chloride of cobalt containing a large excess of sal-ammoniac. Arsenite of Copper, Cu 4 As s 5 , or 2Cu 2 O.As 2 O s , is obtained by precipitating a salt of copper with arsenite of potassium, or with arsenious acid and a sufficient quantity of ammonia to neutralise the acid present (p. 361). It is a light green precipitate (Scheele's green), which dissolves in excess of ammonia without colour, yielding a solution of arsenic acid and cuprous oxide. Arsenite of potassium containing excess of alkali dissolves it readily, with blue colour, but the solution quickly deccomposes into arsenate of potassium and cuprous oxide. Vapour of arsenious oxide passed over red-hot cupric oxide does not combine with it. Aceto- Arsenite of Copper. 3CuAs0 2 .C 2 H 3 Cu0 2 . Schweinfurt Green, or Imperial Green. This compound, the preparation of which is given at page 15, is much used as a pig- ment, on account of its splendid green colour. A great deal of needless alarm has lately been excited about the supposed deleterious effects of this pigment. It is ex- tensively employed for staining wall-papers, and persons inhabiting rooms thus papered are said to have had their health seriously deranged by the arsenical fumes evolved from it ! Now it is utterly impossible that arsenic should volatilise from such a com- pound at ordinary temperatures : it does not decompose at any temperature below redness. The only way in which danger could arise from the use of paper stained with an arsenical colour, is that particles of the compound might be brushed off in in dusting the paper, and thus become mixed with the air of the apartment ; but it is not in this way that the supposed accidents are said to have occurred ; the panic has arisen from a mistaken notion as to the volatility of the arsenic. That the use of the pigment is not really dangerous may be safely inferred from the fact that no bad effects are experienced by the workmen engaged in its manufacture. (See Ure'a Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 157.) Arsenite of copper forms a similar double salt with butyrate of copper. Arsenites of Iron. There are several basic ferric arsenites. When recently precipitated ferric hydrate is digested with a concentrated solution of arsenious acid, in such proportion that the quantity of anhydrous ferric oxide present is equal to ten times the weight of anhydrous arsenious acid, the acid is completely removed from the liquid. With a smaller proportion of ferric oxide, the precipitation is nearly though not quite complete. The products formed are basic arsenites containing 3Fe 4 3 .As 2 O 3 , &c., from which part of the arsenious acid may be extracted by water. It is this power possessed by hydrated ferric oxide of removing arsenious acid from a solution, which renders it so useful as an antidote to arsenious acid (p. 374). Arsenious acid, or arsenite of potassium, forms with ferric acetate an ochre-yellow precipitate, which dries up to a brown mass containing 4Fe 2 3 .As 2 3 + 5Aq, and when heated gives off water and the greater part of the acid (Bunsen), the whole, ac- cording to Simon. Water removes part of the arsenious acid ; strong mineral acids dissolves the salt completely. Ferric sulphate or chloride is not precipitated by free arsenious acid : but gives with arsenite of potassium, according to Guibourt, a rusty- brown precipitate, containing when dry, 2Fe 4 9 .As 2 3 + 7H 2 0. According to Damour, this precipitate is slowly dissolved, with rusty-brown colour, by caustic potash, and when slowly heated, melts before giving off arsenious oxide. A rusty yellow precipi- tate, likewise containing 2Fe 4 3 .As 2 3 + 7H 2 0, is obtained by oxidising a solution of ferrous sulphate with aqua-regia, neutralising with ammonia, and precipitating by soda- ley, which has been saturated at the boiling heat with arsenious acid and freed from the excess of that acid by cooling. It is soluble in caustic soda, and the solution, evaporated to dryness, yields a red mass perfectly soluble in water. Ferrous Arsenite, 2Fe*O.As 2 3 , is obtained by mixing ferrous sulphate with a solution of arsenious acid in ammonia, as a greenish white precipitate, which becomes ochre- yellow on drying. The non-oxidised compound is soluble in ammonia. Arsenite of Lead. The neutral salt, Pb 2 O.As 2 3 , or PbAsO 2 , is obtained by pre- cipitating neutral acetate of lead with acid arsenite of potassium, or with arsenious acid (Filhol), or, according to Berzclius, with ammonia which has been saturated with arsenious acid while warm ; the precipitate obtained by the latter process contains water, becomes strongly electrical by friction, and when heated gives off some of its acid and water, and melts to a yellowish glass. Neutral arsenite of lead is somewhat soluble in water, insoluble in potash, but soluble in soda. The tctraplumbic -salt, Pb 4 As s '0 5 ,or 2Pb 2 O.As 2 O 3 , is formed, according to Filhol, by precipitating neutral acetate of lead with basic arsenite of potassium, or, according to Berzelius, by precipitating basic acetate of lead with an ammoniacal solution of arsenious acid. It w a white hydrated ARSENITES. 377 powder, insoluble in water and in ammonia-salts, melting to a yellowish glass when heated. According to Simon, it is obtained by passing the vapour of arsenious oxide over red-hot oxide of lead, as a sulphur-yellow, easily fusible glass, which sustains a considerable degree of heat without decomposing. A triplumbic salt, 3Pb 2 O.As 2 3 , or Pb 3 As0 3 , is obtained by precipitating basic acetate of lead with a boiling solution of arsenious acid. (Kuhn.) Arsenite of Magnesium. Calcined magnesia, boiled with arsenious acid, takes up a portion of it, but not in any definite amount. A precipitate of uncertain com- position is obtained by mixing sulphate of magnesium with acid arsenite of potassium, and heating. A solution of sulphate of magnesium is not precipitated by aqueous arsenious acid ; but on adding a small quantity of ammonia, a copious precipitate is formed which, according to Stein, has, after drying over sulphuric acid, the composition Mg 3 As0 3 , or 3Mg'-O.As 2 3 . It is insoluble in ammonia, but dissolves in a large excess of sal-ammoniac. (H.Rose.) Arsenite of Manganese, 3Mn 2 0.2As 2 3 + 5H 2 0, is obtained, by treating a manganous solution with arsenite of ammonium, as a rose-coloured precipitate, which oxidises rapidly in the air, gives off 1 at. water at 100 C., and at a higher temperature gives off arsenious oxide and metallic arsenic, leaving a residue of manganese and manganous arsenate. Arscnites of Mercury. The mercuric salt is obtained, by precipitating mercuric nitrate with arsenious acid, as a white powder soluble in nitric acid. It dissolves also in arsenite of potassium, and if the solution contains excess of potash, a black deposit of reduced metal is immediately formed. The mercurous salt is obtained by double decomposition, or by digesting mercury in arsenic acid, as a white precipitate soluble in nitric acid. Arsenite of Nickel. The salt 2Ni 2 O.As 2 3 is precipitated on adding arsenite of potassium to a nickel-salt. A less basic salt, 3Ni 2 0.2As 2 3 + 4H 2 0, is produced, according to Grirard (Compt. rend, xxxiv. 918), by quickly mixing a solution of chloride of nickel containing a large excess of sal-ammoniac, with arsenite of potassium. It is a greenish precipitate, which gives off 10 '3 per cent. (4 at.) water at 110C. When heated in the air, it first gives off its water, and then yields a sublimate of arsenious oxide, leaving yellow infusible arsenate of nickel : 3Ni 2 0.2As 2 3 + O 2 = 3Ni 2 O.As 2 5 4- As 2 3 . Arsenite of nickel dissolves with violet colour in ammonia. It is converted by nitric acid into arsenate ; by hydrochloric acid into arsenious acid and chloride of nickel. Arsenite of Potassium. The neutral or monopotassic salt, KAsO 2 , orK 2 O.As 2 3 , is obtained, by boiling the acid salt for some time with carbonate of potassium, and agitating the residual salt several times with alcohol : it then remains as a syrupy mass (Pasteur). Filhol was not able to prepare it pure. An acid salt, K 2 O.2As 2 3 + 2H 2 0, is obtained, by boiling potash-ley with excess of arsenious acid, whereby an alka- line liquid is produced, which gives with silver-salts a yellow precipitate, 2Ag 2 O.As 2 :? , mixed with arsenious acid, the liquid at the same time becoming acid. On mixing the alkaline liquid with alcohol, it becomes thick and turbid, deposits after a few days right rectangular prismatic crystals, adhering to the sides of vessel and after a longer time solidifies completely to a saline mass. The salt gives off 1 at. water at 100 C., whence it should perhaps be regarded as 2KHAs 2 4 + H 2 (Pasteur). The basic or tctrapotassic salt, 2K 2 O.As 2 3 , is obtained by mixing the neutral salt with, excess of potash-ley and precipitating by alcohol. It is very soluble in water, and yields with silver-salts a yellow precipitate of the diargentic salt, 2Ag 2 O.As 2 8 , the liquid remain- ing neutral. Arsenite with Iodide of Potassium. A solution of iodide of potassium yields witli arsenious acid or arsenite of potassium, a precipitate, 2KI.3As 2 3 , which is sparingly soluble in cold water, dissolves in 19 pts. of boiling water, and decomposes at 315 C., when heated with sulphuric acid (Emmet, Sill. Am. J. [2] xviii. 583). By passing carbonic acid gas into a solution of this salt in a small quantity of boiling water mixed with 3 or 4 times its volume of hot alcohol, and evaporating the resulting syrupy liquid, a crystallised compound is obtained, consisting of 2KI . 3(K 2 O.H-'O.As 2 3 ), or 2(KL3KAs0 2 ) + 3H 2 0. This salt is soluble in water and in alcohol, and reacts with metallic salts like a mixture of iodide and arsenite of potassium. Strong sul- phuric acid decomposes it, forming a red or yellowish precipitate of arsenious iodide. The hot saturated solution of this salt deposits on cooling, nodular masses, or, when carbonic acid gas is passed through it, a white powder, consisting of the salt 2KI.(K 2 O.H 2 O.3As 2 3 ), or 2(KI.KHAs 2 4 ).As 2 3 , which is sparingly soluble in water, and when heated in a narrow glass tube, gives off vapour of water and metallic 378 ARSENIC : OXIDES. arsenic, together with arsenious oxide. No iodine is given off unless the air has access to the salt. (E. Harms, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xci. 371.) Arscnite of Silver. The tetr argentic salt, 2Ag 2 O.As 2 O s = AgO'\ AKSENATES. 379 It dissolves easily in water, without reduction of temperature. The dihydrate, H 4 As z 7 , which may be regarded as a compound of the mono- and tri-hydrates, is obtained by heating the crystallised acid, 2H 3 As0 4 .H 2 0, for some time to 140 160 C.; it then sepa- rates in hard shining crystals, leaving a mother-liquor of specific gravity 2 - 36 at 16 C. It dissolves in water with moderate facility, but the solution is attended with great rise of temperature. The monohydrate, HAsO 3 , is formed by heating the before-mentioned crystals to 200, and at last to 206 C. ; the mass then suddenly becomes pasty, gives off a large quantity of aqueous vapour, and is ultimately converted into a white nacreous sub- stance consisting chiefly of the monohydrate; it dissolves slowly in cold water, with moderate facility in warm water, producing great evolution of heat. (E. Kopp, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlviii. 196.) Arsenic Oxide, Arsenic Anhydride, Anhydrous Arsenic Acid, Pentoxide of Arsenic, As'-O 5 , is obtained by heating either of the hydrates to dull redness, and remains in the form of a white mass, which has no action upon litmus ; is nearly insoluble in water, and in ammonia ; and scarcely absorbs water from moist air, even in the course of several days, deliquescing only after a long time. At a full red heat, it is resolved into arsenious oxide and free oxygen. The solutions of the three hydrates and of the anhydride exhibit exactly the same characters ; they have a sour metallic taste, and all contain the trihydrate, the other hydrates being immediately con verted into that compound when dissolved in water: in this respect, the hydrates of arsenic acid differ essentially from those of phosphoric acid. Arsenic oxide is reduced to the metallic state by charcoal, metals, cyanide of potas- sium, Sfc., at a red heat, in the same manner as arsenious oxide. Aqueous arsenic acid dissolves zinc and iron, with evolution of pure hydrogen ; but if sulphuric or hydro- chloric acid is present, the arsenic acid is reduced, metallic arsenic, and solid arsenide of hydrogen are deposited, and arsenetted hydrogen gas is evolved (p. 363). An electric current passed through aqueous arsenic acid acidulated with sulphuric or hydro- chloric acid eliminates arsenetted hydrogen, provided the solution does not contain chlorides (Bloxam). Sulphurous acid reduces arsenic acid to arsenious acid, with formation of sulpluu'ic acid. Hydrosulphuric acid slowly precipitates trisulphide of arsenic, the action being assisted by heat, or by the presence of another acid. Hyposulphite of sodium added to a solution of arsenic acid containing hydrochloric acid, likewise throws down trisulphide of arsenic mixed with sulphur : 5Na-S 2 3 + 2H 3 AsO = As'S 3 + S 2 + 5Na 2 S0 4 + 3H 2 0. Arsenic acid and its salts are very poisonous, but not in so high a degree as arsenious acid and the arsenites (Wohler and Frerichs, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 335). A strong solution of arsenic acid placed upon the skin produces blisters like burns. Arsenic acid is now extensively used in calico printing, in place of tartaric acid, for developing white patterns on a coloured ground in the chloride-of-lime vat. ARSENATES. Arsenic acid is a strong acid, expelling all the more volatile acids from their salts at high temperatures. It is tribasic like ordinary phosphoric acid, the general formula of its salts being M 3 As0 4 , in which 1 or 2 at. M may be replaced by hydrogen. The solutions of the tri- and ^/-metallic salts, M 3 As0 4 , and M"HAsO ' ; (sometimes called basic and neutral) have an alkaline or neutral reaction ; those of the wwwo-metallic (or acid) salts, MH 2 As0 4 , have an acid reaction. The di- and mono- metallic arsenates give off their water when heated, but take it up again on being dis- solved in water : consequently there are no arsenates corresponding to the pyro- and meta-phosphates. The arsenates of the alkali-metals are soluble in water; of the others, only the monometallic salts are soluble in water ; but the di- and tri-metallic salts dissolve readily in free arsenic acid, and in the stronger mineral acids, less easily in acetic acids : hence solutions of salts of the earth-metals and heavy metals are precipitated by arsenate of potassium, but not by free arsenic acid. The dimetallic arsenates of barium, strontium, and calcium, are insoluble in water, but soluble in ammoniacal salts ; hence solutions containing arsenic acid together with large quantities of ammoniacal salts are not precipitated by the salts of barium, strontium, and calcium. When solutions of metallic salts are precipitated by a dime- tallic arsenate of an alkali-metal, an insoluble trimetallic arsenate, M 3 AsO v , is often formed, the liquid at the same time acquiring an acid reaction. A solution of an arsenate in hydrochloric acid is slowly precipitated by sulphurcttul hi/drogin, the precipitate consisting of trisidphide of arsenic and sulphur in the pro- portion of the pentasulphide ; and if the metallic base of the salt is likewise thrown down by sulphuretted hydrogen from :in acid solution, a precipitate is formed consist- in" of a metallic sulph arsenate. A solution of an alkaline sulphide, with subsequent 380 ARSENIC: OXIDES. addition of hydrochloric acid, acts in the same manner as sulphuretted hydrogen. An aqueous solution of an arsenate boiled with hyposulphite of sodium, deposits trisulphide of arsenic and sulphur on addition of hydrochloric acid. Potash with- draws from the insoluble arsenates the whole or part of the arsenic acid. Solutions of the tri- and di-metallic arsenates of alkali-metal give white precipitates with baryta- or lime-water, also with salts of bari^tm, strontium, calcium, the earth- metals, manganese, zinc, and lead, also with stannous and ferric salts ; yellowish- white with uranic and mcrcurous salts, yellow with mercuric-salts ; rose-coloured with cobalt-salts, green with nickel-salts ; pale greenish blue with cupric salts ; light brown withplatinic salts ; brown-red with silver-salts. These precipitates are for the most part soluble in arsenic, sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acid, and in ammoniacal salts : arsenate of silver, however, is not soluble in ammoniacal salts. Magnesium-salts mixed with sufficient chloride of ammonium to prevent precipita- tion by ammonia, give with solutions of arsenates, a white crystalline precipitate of arsenate of magnesium and ammonium, insoluble in aqueous ammonia and in chloride of ammonium ; the latter character distinguishes it from the correspondin g salt of arsenious acid (p. 377). Solutions of arsenates added to excess of molybdate of ammonium containing nitric acid, form, when the liquid is heated, a bright yellow precipitate of arseno-molybdate of ammonium. All arsenates dissolved in water or in nitric acid, give with basic acetate of lead, a white precipitate of arsenate of lead, which when ignited with charcoal, melts and is reduced, with abundant evolution of metallic arsenic. The last three reactions afford very delicate tests for arsenic acid. The reaction with uranic salts is also very delicate, being perceptible to the twenty- thousandth degree of dilution. The arsenates are isomorphous with the corresponding phosphates. Arsenate of Aluminium, 2Al 4 3 .3As 2 5 , is obtained by double decomposition as a white precipitate, easily soluble in free acid, tind remaining as a vitreous ma*s when the solutions are evaporated. Arsenate ef Ammonium. The triammonic salt, (NH 4 ) 3 As0 4 , is obtained by supersaturating a strong solution of arsenic acid with ammonia, as a heavy soluble powder, which, when slightly heated, is quickly converted into the following salt : The diammonic salt, (NH 4 )MI.As0 4 , is formed in the manner just mentioned, and also by saturating a strong solution of arsenic acid with ammonia till a precipitat^ begins to form ; by leaving the solution to evaporate, it is obtained in prismatic crystals of the trimetric system, which effloresce in the air, giving off half their ammonia, but no water. When heated, it decomposes, yielding metallic arsenic, ammonia, water, and nitrogen gas. Its solution has an alkaline reaction. The monammonic or add salt, NH 4 .H 2 .As0 2 . is obtained by imperfectly saturating arsenic acid with ammonia. It is deliquescent, very soluble in water, and separates from the solution by spontaneous evaporation in square-based octahedrons. It is decomposed by heat like the preced- ing. Its solution has a strong acid reaction. Arsenate of Barium. The tribarytic salt, Ba 3 As0 4 , is obtained as a white powder, nearly insoluble in water, by precipitating aqxieous arsenic acid with baryta- water (Laugier), or better, by gradually dropping trisodic arsenate into chloride of barium (Graham). The dibarytic salt, 2Ba 2 HAs0 4 , is obtained when a solution of the disodic salt is added drop by drop to an excess of chloride of barium. If, on the other hand, the arsenate of sodium is in excess, the precipitate formed is a mixture of the di- and tri-barytic salts, while monobarytic arsenate remains in solution. The di-barytic salt contains, according to Mitscherlich, \ at. water (2Ba 2 IIAs0 4 + H'-'O) ; according to Berzelius, 2 at. It gives up its water at a red heat. In contact with water, it is resolved into the monobarytic salt, which dissolves, and the tribarytic salt which remains undissolved (Berzelius). The monobarytic salt, BalFAsO 4 , is ob- tained by adding baryta- water to aqueous arsenic acid till a precipitate begins to form ; also by treating the dibarytic salt with water, or better, by dissolving it in aqueous arsenic acid, and leaving the solution to crystallise. If a very large excess of arsenic acid be used, the solution evaporated nearly to dryness, and the mass treated with water, there remains a white powder, consisting of an acid salt containing Ba 2 0.3H 2 0.2As 2 5 + 2H 2 0, or 2BaH 2 As0 4 .As 3 5 + 3H 2 0. (Setterberg.) Arsrnatc of ^Barium and Ammonium, Ba*(NH 4 )As0 4 + |H 2 0, is obtained by mixing the dibarytic salt with ammonia (Baumann), and Ba(NH 4 )H0 4 , by mixing a solution of nitrate of barium with arsenic acid (Mitscherlich); both salts are formed as bulky precipitates, which become crystalline after a while. Arsenate of Calcium. The dicalcic salt occurs native, as Haidingcrite, 2Ca 2 HAs0 4 + H*O, and Pharmacohte, 2Ca 2 HAs0 4 + 5H 2 0, and may be prepared like the corresponding barium-salt. The mowcalcic salt is soluble, the tricaldc salt ARSENATES. 381 insoluble in water; the latter is obtained by precipitating chloride of calcium in excess with trisodic arsenate. (Graham.) Arscnate of Calcium and Ammonium, Ca 2 (NH 4 )As0 4 + 6H 2 0, is produced, accord- ing to Wac'h (Schw. J. xii. 285), by mixing a hot solution of arsenic acid in excess of ammonia, with nitrate of calcium, and crystallises on cooling in tables arranged like steps; if the solutions are mixed cold, the salt is precipitated as a powder. Any arsenious acid that may be present remains dissolved. Another salt Ca(NH 4 )HAs0 4 is obtained by adding ammonia in excess to a solution of dicalcic arsenate in nitric acid, as a flocculent precipitate, soon changing to a mass of needle-shaped crystals. ^ If only enough ammonia be added to precipitate a portion of the salt, and the remaining liquid be left at rest, the same salt is obtained in crystals belonging to the regular system : it is therefore dimorphous. (Baumann.) Cerous Arsenate, 2Ce 2 O.As 2 5 (?), is a white powder insoluble in water, but dissolving in arsenic acid as an acid salt, which dries up to a vitreous mass. (Hisinger and Berzelius.) Chromic Arsenate. Chromic salts yield with arsenate of potassium an apple- green precipitate. Ar -senates of Cobalt. The cobaltic salt is a brown precipitate, obtained by adding arsenate of potassium to a solution of cobaltic hydrate in acetic acid. Cobaltous Ar senate. The tricobaltous salt occurs in red crystals, as cobalt-bloom, Co s As0 4 .4H 2 (Kersten), a secondary product formed by the weathering of cobaltine (see COBALT-BLOOM) ; and is obtained artificially as a reddish powder by precipi- tating cobalt-salts with trisodic arsenate. A basic arsenate of cobalt, known in commerce as Chaux metaltique, is prepared : T. T3y adding carbonate of potassium to a solution of cobalt-glance in nitric acid or aqua-regia, as long as a white precipitate of ferric arsenate continues to form, then filtering, and treating the filtrate with more carbonate of potassium to precipitate cobaltous arsenate. 2. By fusing cobalt-glance with twice its weight of crude potash and a little quartz-sand, exhausting the fused mass with water, which takes up sul- phide of potassium, together with arsenic, iron, and potassium, and again fusing the white regulus with potash, whereby a blue slag is obtained, which is used for the pre- paration of smalt, and a pure regalus of arsenide of cobalt, which, by careful roasting, is converted into the required basic arsenate. The product obtained by either of these processes is a reddish powder, which dis- solves in ammonia with bluish-red, or in hydrochloric acid with red colour. Caustic potash extracts the arsenic acid and leaves a blue protoxide of cobalt, which, when ignited with 1 or 2 pts. of alumina yields a fine blue pigment. Oentele, by melting Chaux metallique, prepared in the wet way, in a porcelain fur- nace, obtained a mass, the cavities of which contained deep blue prisms, yielding a rose-coloured powder, easily soluble in acids, and consisting of 4Co 2 O.As 2 5 . The dicobaltous salt is not known. The monocobaltous salt is obtained by evaporat- ing in vacuo the solution of cobaltous hydrate in excess of arsenic acid. Arscnate of Copper, Cu 3 As0 4 , is obtained as a green powder by precipitating sul- phate of copper with disodic arsenate, the liquid at the same time becoming acid. If the liquid, together with the precipitate, be mixed with a sufficient quantity of ammonia to dissolve the precipitate, and the solution be then left to evaporate, crystals are obtained, consisting of Cu(NII 4 ) 2 As0 4 + NH 4 .H.O, which are permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures, but are decomposed by exposure to sunshine, or by a temperature of 300 C., ammonia and water first passing off, and arsenious oxide sub- liming at higher temperatures. Several basic arsenates of copper occur as natural minerals, viz. 4Cu 2 O.As 2 5 , occurring with 1 at. water as olivcnite, with 7H 2 as euchroite, and with 10H 2 O as liroconite ; also 5Cu 2 O.As' J 5 , occurring with 2H 2 as crinite, with 5H 2 as aphancse, and with 10H 2 as leirochroite (Kupferschauni). Arsenate of Iridium. Brown precipitate formed on adding arsenate of sodium to chloride of iridium, and heating. Arsenates of Iron. A ferric arsenate, 2Fe 4 3 .3H 2 0.3As 2 5 + 9Aq, or/e 2 HAsO 4- 3Aq, is obtained by precipitating ferric chloride with disodic arsenate, as a white powder, which turns red and gives off water when heated. At a red heat it glows slightly, and acquires a more yellowish tint. It dissolves in hydrochloric and in nitric acid, separating as a white powder on evaporation. It is insoluble in acetic acid and in ammoniacal salts. Aqueous ammonia dissolves it immediately when recently precipitated, slowly after drying. The solution when evaporated leaves a ruby-red, transparent, fissured mass, consisting of ammonio-fcrric arsenate, soluble in ammonia, but decomposed by pure water, which extracts arsenate of ammonium, together with 382 ARSENIC : OXIDES. the undecomposed portion of the salt, and leaves ferric arsenate. The ammouiacal solution remains clear when mixed with ferrocyanide of potassium, but on addition of an acid yields Prussian blue. When diferrous arsenate is oxidised with nitric acid and ammonia is added in excess, a precipitate is formed consisting of Fe 4 3 .As 2 5 , or /c 3 As0 4 , insoluble in ammonia. Potash in large excess extracts part of the acid, leaving a compound of 7 pts. arsenic acid (anhydrous) with 79 pts. ferric oxide, corre- sponding to the formula IGFe'O'.As'O 5 + 24IFO (B er z el i us). On heating this salt to redness, bright incandescence takes place, but no arsenious oxide is given off. Iron-cinder is a native ferric arsenate containing 2Fe 4 3 .As 2 O 5 + 12H-O; scorodite is Fe 4 O 3 .As-0 5 + 4JTO or /e 3 As0 4 + 2H-0 ; cube-ore is a ferroso-fcrric arsenate = Fe 2 O.Fe 4 3 .As 2 5 + 6H 2 ; pittizite or brown iron ore is a ferric arsenate, 2Fe 4 3 . As 2 5 + 12H 2 0, combined, or perhaps only mixed, with ferric sulphate and water. b. Ferrous Arsenate is obtained by precipitation as a white powder, which assumes a dirty green colour when exposed to the air. Arsenate of Lead. The triplumbic salt, Pb 8 As0 4 , is prepared by dropping a solu- tion of a lead-salt into excess of disodic arsenate, or by digesting the diplumbic salt with ammonia. "When heated, it turns yellow and cakes together, but does not melt. Insoluble in ammonia and ammoniacal salts. A tetraplumbic salt, 2Pb 2 O.As 2 5 , or Pb 4 As 2 7 , is precipitated on mixing a solution of nitrate of lead with arsenic acid, or with less than the equivalent quantity of di-ammonic, dipotassic, or disodic arsenate. It is a white crystalline powder, insoluble in water and in acetic acid, soluble in nitric and in hydrochloric acid. Arseno-chloride of Lead. In many varieties of pyromorphite, PbCl.SPbTO 4 , the phosphorus is more or less replaced by arsenic. Arsenate of Magnesium. The trimagnesic salt, Mg 3 As0 4 , is formed by preci- pitating sulphate of magnesium with disodic arsenate, or by boiling the dimaguesic salt for a long time with a strong solution of arsenate of sodium. The dimagnesic salt, 2Mg*HAs0 4 + 13H 2 (Graham), is formed as a white insoluble precipitate on mixing the dilute solutions of 3 pts. sulphate of magnesium, and 5 pts. disodic arsenate. In the recent state, it dissolves easily in nitric acid, but it is insoluble in acids after ignition. The monomagncsic salt dissolves readily in water, and dries up to a gummy mass. Arsenate of Magnesium and Ammonium, Mg'-(NH l )As0 4 + 6H O, is obtained as a crystalline precipitate by adding arsenic acid strongly supersaturated with am- monia to a solution of a magnesium-salt mixed with sal-ammoniac. At 100 C. it gives off y| of its water (44'28 per cent.), together with ammonia and a certain portion of arsenic. Like the corresponding phosphate, it is almost insoluble in water con- taining ammonia, or in sal-ammoniac, and is therefore well adapted for the estimation of arsenic acid, and for separating that acid from arsenious acid. (H. Kose, p. 367.) An arsenate of Magnesium and Calcium, containing Ca 2 HAs0 4 .Mg 2 HAs0 4 + Ca 3 AsO'. Mg 3 As0 4 + 5H 2 0, occurs native as picropharmacolite. Arsenate of Magnesium and Potassium, Mg 2 KAs0 4 , is produced by fusing arsenate of magnesium with excess of carbonate of potassium, and adding 1 at. hydrate of potassium : it is easily decomposed by water. The corresponding sodium-salt is obtained in like manner. Arsenate of Manganese, Mn 2 HAs0 4 , is obtained by saturating arsenic acid with recently precipitated carbonate of manganese. Arsenate of Manganese and Ammonium, Mn 2 (NH 4 )As0 4 + 6H 2 0. Kcddish-white precipitate, gummy at first, afterwards becoming crystalline : obtained like the corre- sponding magnesium-salt. Arsenates of Mercury. A mercuric arsenate is obtained as a yellow precipitate on adding arsenic acid to mercuric nitrate, or arsenate of sodium to mercuric chloride. The same yellow salt is produced, with volatilisation of arseuious oxide, when arsenic oxide is heated with mercury. Di-mercurous arsenate, 2Hg 4 O.IFO.As 2 5 + H 2 0, or Hhg 2 .H.As0 4 + |H 2 *, is obtained by dropping mercurous nitrate into a strong solution of arsenic acid, as a white precipitate, which turns red in drying. When, on the other hand, arsenic acid or arsenate of sodium is added to the mercurous solution, a double salt of arsenate and nitrate of mercurosum is first formed ; but it quickly decomposes, especially if heated, assuming a yellow, orange, red, and ultimately purple tint. When either of these precipitates is dissolved in warm nitric acid, and the acid is gradually neutralised with ammonia, a black precipitate is formed, which turns red when heated for some time. Dimercurous arsenate is composed of fine needles, sometimes brown-red, sometimes purple-red. When dried at 100 C., and then more strongly heated, it first gives off * Hhg = Hg = 200. ARSENATES. 383 a little water, then mercury, and leaves yellow mercuric arsenate, which, at a higher temperature, is resolved into mercury, arsenious oxide, and free oxygen. With cold concentrated hydrochloric acid, it yields a solution of arsenic acid, and a residue of calomel, which is resolved by boiling into mercury and soluble mercuric chloride. It is converted into mercuric arsenate by boiling with nitric acid, but dissolves unchanged in that acid when cold, the solution being precipitated by ammonia. It dissolves slightly in aqueous nitrate of ammonium, and separates on evaporation with fine red colour and crystalline structure. It is quite insoluble in water, acetic acid, and am- monia. (Simon, Pogg. Ann. xli. 424.) Monomercurous arsenate, HhgAsO 3 , or Hg 4 O.As 2 5 , is produced by boiling mercuric oxide, or the di-mercurous salt, to dryness with aqueous arsenic acid, triturating the dry mass when cold with water, washing the powder, and drying it over the water- bath, whereby the whole of the water is expelled. It is white and amorphous, gives off mercury at a red heat, and leaves mercuric arsenate, which then undergoes further decomposition. By careful addition of potash, it is converted into the dimercurous salt With hydrochloric acid and with boiling nitric acid, it behaves like the dimercurous salt. In cold nitric acid it dissolves less abundantly than the latter, and on heating . with gradual addition of ammonia, it yields a precipitate of the dimercurous salt. It is insoluble in water, acetic acid, and alcohol. (Simon.) A double salt, consisting of arsenate and nitrate of mercurosum, Hhg 4 As 2 7 .2HhgN0 3 is obtained, when water is carefully poured upon an equal volume of a strong solu- tion of mercurous arsenate in moderately strong nitric acid, and an equal volume of aqueous ammonia then added, without allowing the liquids to mix. The double salt is then gradually deposited in white nodules and needles. If the mercurous nitrate be mixed with a very small quantity of nitric acid, the compound is obtained in the form of powder. (Simon.) Arsenate of Molybdenum. Molybdous Arsenate is a grey precipitate, produced by mixing molybdous chloride with arsenate of sodium. The precipitate redissolves at first, but afterwards becomes permanent. Arseno-inolybdic Acid. Arsenic and molybdic acids digested together yield a colour- less acid solution, and a lemon-yellow basic salt, insoluble in water. The solution evaporated to a syrup, yields colourless crystals, which when treated with alcohol, first yield white flocks, and then dissolve. Arseno-molybdate of Ammonium. On adding arsenic acid to a solution of molyb- date of ammonium and heating to 100 C., a yellow precipitate is formed, similar to that produced by phosphoric acid. It contains 7 per cent, arsenic, and appears to be analogous to phospho-molybdate of ammonium. (See PHOSPHORIC ACID.) Arsenate of Nickel, Ni 3 As0 4 , occurs as nickel-bloom, and is obtained by double decomposition as an apple-green crystalline powder, insoluble in water, soluble in arsenic acid and in other strong acids, also in ammonia ; from the latter solution potash throws down hydrate of nickel free from arsenic. Arsenate of Palladium. Light yellow precipitate obtained by heating to- gether the solutions of neutral nitrate of palladium and arsenate of sodium. Arsenate of Platinum. Light brown powder soluble in nitric acid, obtained by precipitating platinic nitrate with arsenate of sodium. Arsenate of Potassium. The tripotassic salt, K 3 As0 4 , is obtained, by mixing aqueous arsenic acid or the neutral salt with potash-ley, and strong concentration, in small needles, which deliquesce quickly in the air. The dipotassic salt, K 2 HAs0 4 , is a deliquescent non-crystalline mass, produced by saturating arsenic acid with potash, or by fusing arsenious oxide with hydrate of potassium. The monopotassic salt, KH 2 As0 4 (Macquer's arscniJcalischcs Mittehalz), is prepared : 1. By deflagrating arsenious oxide with an equal weight of nitre, dissolving the fused mass in water, and leaving the solution to crystallise. 2. By mixing aqueous carbonate of potassium with such a quantity of arsenic acid, that the solution reddens litmus-paper but the redness disappears as the paper dries, and then evaporating. 3. A mixture of potash-ley and arsenic acid neutral to vegetable colours, deposits the monopotassic salt when partially evaporated, the alkaline dipotassic salt remaining in solution (Mitscherlich). Monopotassic arsenate is isomorphous with the corre- sponding phosphates of potassium and ammonium, and with monammonic arsenate. The crystals have a specific gravity of 2'638 ; they are permanent in the air, and give off but little water, even at 288 C., but at a red heat they melt, give off water, and are converted into a thin liquid, which on cooling solidifies into a white mass, cracked in all directions. They dissolve in 5 '3 pts. of water at 6 C., forming a solution of specific gravity, I'll 34; they are much more soluble in hot water, but insoluble in alcohol. The aqueous solution reddens litmus, but the redness disappears on drying. 384 ARSENIC: OXIDES. It does not precipitate the salts of barium, calcium, magnesium, or the other earth- metals. Arsenate of RJiodium. Yellowish-white precipitate formed by heating arsenate of sodium with chloride of rhodium and sodium. Arsenate of Silver. The tri-argentic salt, Ag 3 As0 4 , is the only one that can be obtained by precipitating nitrate of silver with soluble arsenates ; it is a dark brown precipitate which melts to a brown-red glass when heated, is converted into chloride of silver by hydrochloric acid, dissolves in acetic acid and aqueous ammonia, and when heated, in sulphate, nitrate and succinate of ammonium. It dissolves also in aqueous arsenic acid, and the solution, if left to evaporate, deposits the monargentic salt, AgH 2 As0 4 . Both this salt and the mother-liquor from which it has separated, are decomposed by water, yielding the brown triargentic salt. The triargentic salt treated with sulphuric acid yields by evaporation a double salt, Ag 4 As'-'0 7 .Ag 2 S0 4 , which is decomposed by water and by dilute sulphuric acid. (Setterberg.) Arsenate of Sodium. The trisodic salt, Na 3 As0 4 + 12H 2 is prepared by fusing 1 at. of the disodic salt with carbonate of sodium, or by mixing the aqueous solution of arsenic acid with excess of carbonate of sodium, and evaporating to a small bulk. The salt then crystallises almost completely, the excess of soda remaining dissolved. The crystals are right rhombic prisms permanent in the air ; they have an alkaline taste, melt at 86 C., and dissolve in 3^ pts. of water, the solution as well as the ignited salt absorbing moisture from the air. The disodic salt, Na 2 HAs0 4 + 12H 2 0, separates from a solution of arsenic acid slightly supersaturated with carbonate of sodium, and left to evaporate below 18 C., in large efflorescent crystals isomorphous with ordinary phosphate of sodium. By leaving a more concentrated solution to crystallise at 20 C. or above, crystals are obtained belonging to the monoclinic system, containing 14 at. water, and not efflorescent. Both kinds of crystals give off the whole of their crystallisation-water, at 200 C., melt easily at a higher temperature, and give off their basic water, leaving the anhydrous salt, 2Na 2 O.As~0 5 , or Na 4 As 2 7 ; this anhydrous salt, however, recovers its basic water when redissolved. According to Setterberg, a salt with 26 at., water of crystallisation separates from a solution cooled to C. The monosodic salt, NaH 2 As0 4 , is formed when arsenic acid is added to carbonate sodium till the solution no longer precipitates chloride of barium ; it crystallises out after a while in the cold. It is more soluble than the disodic salt, and forms large crystals isomorphous with the corresponding phosphate. Arsenate of Sodium and Ammonium, Na(NH 4 )HAs0 4 + 4H 2 0, is obtained by mix- ing the solutions of the di-ammonic and disodic salts, in crystals exactly resembling those of the corresponding phosphate (microcosmic salt). When heated to redness, they leave monosodic arsenate. (Mitscherlich.) Arsenate of Sodium and Potassium, KNaHAsO 4 + 16H 2 0. (Mitscherlich). Obtained by neutralising the monosodic salt with carbonate of potassium. The crystals contain, according to Mitscherlich' s analysis, 43-88 per cent, water, the preceding for- mula requiring 44 16 per cent. ; but as they appear to be ismorphous with the disodic salt containing 14 at., L. G-melin (Handbook iv. 299) considers it probable that they also contain the same quantity of water. Arseno-fluoride of Sodium, Na 3 As0 4 .NaF + 1 2 H 2 0. Prepared by gradually in- troducing a mixture of 1 pt. arsenious oxide, 4 pts. carbonate of sodium, 3 pts. nitrate of sodium, and 1 pt. fluor-spar, into a red-hot crucible, and ultimately heating to complete fusion. On boiling the fused mass with water and filtering, the double salt crystallises out in regular octahedrons, exactly like common alum. They have a specific gravity of 2*849 at 21 C., dissolve in 9-5 pts of water, at 25 C., and in 2 pts. at 75 C. (Briegleb, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 95.) Arsenosulphate of Sodium. A solution of 3 at. Na 2 HAs0 4 , mixed with 1 at. sulphuric acid, yields crystals containing Na 8 As G I9 .2Na 2 S0 4 , or 4Na 2 0.3As 2 5 + 2(Na 2 O.S0 3 ) ; their solution slightly reddens litmus, but still turns turmeric brown (Mitscherlich). By dissolving sulphate of sodium and disodic arsenate together in equivalent proportions, or by heating anhydrous disodic arsenate in a current of sulphurous anhydride (half the arsenic acid being then reduced to arsenious acid, which volatilises), and subsequent recrystallisation, a salt is obtained, composed of Na 2 S0 4 .Na 4 As 2 7 , which does not alter by exposure to the air, and fuses more easily than either of its component salts. (Setterberg.) Arsenate of Strontium, Sr 2 HAs0 4 . Resembles the barium-salt. By precipitat- ing its solution in nitric acid with excess of ammonia, a double salt is produced contain- ing Sr 2 (NH 4 )AsO + H 2 0. ARSENIC : OXYBROMIDE. 385 Ar senate of Thorinum, is obtained by double decomposition, as a white flocculent precipitate, insoluble in water and in the aqueous acid. Ar sen ate of Titanium. Arsenic acid added to solution of titanic oxide, throws down white flocks, which dry up to vitreous masses, and are soluble in free titanic acid, as well as in arsenic acid. Arscnates of Tin. The stannic salt, 2Sn0 2 .As 2 5 + 10H 2 0, or (Sn) 2 As-0 9 .10H 2 0, is precipitated as a gelatinous mass when a mixed solution of stannate and excess of arsenate of sodium is treated with excess of nitric acid. It is transparent when dry, and gives off all its water at 120 C. (Haeffely, Phil. Mag. [4] x. 290.) Stannous Arsenate is a white precipitate obtained by adding arsenic acid to stannous chloride or acetate. Tin heated with aqueous arsenic acid eliminates hydrogen and forms a gelatinous mass. Ar senates of Uranium. Urania arsenate, or Arsenate of Uranyl, (U 2 0) 2 HAs0 4 + 4H 2 0, is formed by precipitating uranic acetate with arsenic acid, or uranic nitrate with arsenate of sodium. It is a yellow precipitate which gives off its water at 120 C. A sodio-uranic nitrate, (U 2 0)NaAsO + |H 2 0, is obtained by mixing a solution^ of uranic nitrate with trisodic arsenate ; and by boiling uranic arsenate with solution of basic acetate of copper (obtained by digesting verdigris with water), a green cupro- uranic arsenate is formed, containing (U 2 0).CuAs0 4 + 4Aq. (Werther.) Uranous Arsenate, IPHAsO 4 + |H 2 0, is a green precipitate obtained by treating uranous chloride with disodic arsenate. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid, and the solution mixed with excess of ammonia yields a very bulky precipitate of tri-uranous arsenate, U 3 As0 4 . (Rammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. lix. 96.) Arsenates of Vanadium. A solution of vanadic hydrate in excess of arsenic acid yields by evaporation, a crust of blue crystalline granules, containing 1 at. vanadic oxide (VO) to 1 at. anhydrous arsenic acid. It dissolves very slowly in water, but easily in hydrochloric acid. A more basic salt is obtained as a syrupy mass, mixed with crystals of the preceding salt, by evaporating a solution of arsenic acid saturated with vanadic oxide. If the solution of the crystalline compound in nitric acid be evaporated till nitrous acid begins to escape, a yellow powder is deposited, which is a compound of vanadic and arsenic anhydrides, 2V 2 3 .3As 2 5 . Arsenate of Yttrium. The di-yttric salt obtained by precipitation is a white heavy powder, which dissolves in nitric acid, and separates therefrom in crystalline grains. The nitric acid solution supersaturated with ammonia yields the tri-yttric salt. Yttria dissolves in excess of arsenic acid, but the solution when heated deposits the di-yttric salt. Arsenate of Zinc. Acetate of zinc treated with arsenic acid or arsenate of sodium, yields a white precipitate, which dissolves in excess of arsenic acid, and se- parates on evaporation in cubical crystals of an acid salt. Zinc dissolves in aqueous arsenic acid, with evolution of arsenetted hydrogen, and deposition of metallic arsenic mixed with brown solid arsenide of hydrogen. When zinc and arsenic oxide are fused together, a large quantity of arsenic is reduced, with slight detonation. Trizincic Arsenate, Zn :t As0 4 + 4H 2 0, occurs as Kbttigite in the Daniel cobalt mine near Schneeberg in Saxony, forming monoclinic crystals, or crusts with crystalline structure. Specific gravity 8*1. Hardness 2'5 3. It is of light carmine or peach- blossom colour, translucent, and gives a reddish- white streak. The zinc is partly replaced by cobalt and nickel. Analysis 37'2 per cent. As 2 5 , 30'5 Zn0, 6-9 Co 2 O, 2-00 Ni 2 O, with trace of lime, and 23-4 water. (Kottig, J. pr. Chem. xlvii. 183; Naumann, ibid. 256.) Sulphate of zinc added to a solution of arsenate of sodium containing ammonia pro- duces a precipitate of trizincic arsenate, which soon changes to a crystalline compound containing, according to Bette, Zn 3 As0 4 .NH 3 .|H 3 (?) Arsenate of Zirconium. White precipitate insoluble in water. ARSETCTIC, OXYBROMIDB OP. Bromarsenious Add. AsErO. Arsenious oxide dissolves easily and abundantly in fused arsenious bromide, forming a somewhat viscid dark-coloured liquid, which does not solidify so quickly as the pure bromide. If this liquid be distilled till it becomes rather thick and then allowed to cool to about 150 (C. or F. ?) it separates into two layers, the lower of which is a soft dark-coloiired mass, consisting of the oxybromide AsBrO, while the upper, which is very viscid, is a compound of the oxybromide with arsenious oxide, probably 6AsBrO.As 2 3 ; both these bodies are decomposed by heat, giving off bromide of arsenic (W. Wallace, Phil. Mag. [4] xvii. 122). An oxybromide of arsenic is likewise formed by the action of water on VOL. I. C C 386 ARSENIC: SULPHIDES. the bromide (Serullas). When bromide of arsenic is boiled with a quantity of water containing hydrobromic acid not sufficient to dissolve it, the undissolved portion is converted into oxybromide. A cold solution of bromide of arsenic in water containing hydrobromic acid, yields, by evaporation over sulphuric acid, thin white pearly crystals, consisting of hydrated oxybromide, 2AsBr0.3H 2 0. A solution of bromide of arsenic in water, prepared at the boiling heat, deposits on cooling crystals of arsenious oxide ; but if the water contains a large quantity of hydrobromic acid, the solution deposits on cooling ,white flocks of a compound, which after drying between filter-paper, consists of 2AsBrC.3As 2 3 + 12H 2 0. When bromide of ammonium is added to a cold con- centrated solution of bromide of arsenic, six-sided tables are slowly deposited, consisting mainly of anhydrous bromide of arsenic. (Wallace, loc. cit.) ARSENIC, OXYCHZ.ORIDE OP. Chlorarsenious Acid. AsCIO, or AsCl 3 . As 2 3 . Pulverised arsenious oxide added in successive portions to boiling chloride of arsenic continues to dissolve till the liquid contains 2 at. chloride to 1 at. oxide. The same solution is obtained by passing dry hydrochloric acid gas into a vessel containing dry arsenious oxide till the latter is dissolved : great heat is evolved during the reaction. On distilling the solution obtained by either process, till it begins to froth, and leaving the residue to cool, oxychloride of arsenic separates as a viscid, translucent, brownish mass, which fumes slightly in the air, and absorbs oxygen from it, froths when strongly heated, giving off chloride of arsenic, and at the subliming temperature of arsenious oxide, leaves a hard vitreous residue, consisting of AsC10.As 2 3 . Oxychloride of arsenic is likewise produced when chloride of arsenic is treated with a quantity of water not sufficient to dissolve it completely. A solution of chloride of arsenic in the smallest possible quantity of water (8H'-'0 to lAsCl 3 ) deposits, after some days, small, white, needle-shaped crystals, grouped in stars or like prehnite, and consisting of AsC10.H 2 ; the mother-liquor yields an additional quantity when mixed with chloride of sodium. Oxychloride of arsenic unites with metallic chlorides. By mixing aqueous chloride of arsenic with a quantity of hydrochloric acid sufficient to prevent the separation of oxychloride, and then adding a lump of sal-ammoniac, crystals of that salt separate out at first, and after a few days, fibrous needles of the compound AsC10.2NH 4 01, apparently containing | at. H 2 0, which is given off when the crystals are left over sul- phuric acid. (Wallace Phil. Mag. [4] xvi. 358.) ARSENIC, OXYIODIDE OP. As 8 I 2 O n = 2AsI0.3As 2 8 . A hot aqueous solu- tion of arsenious iodide deposits, when concentrated by boiling, fine red needles of the anhydrous iodide ; but if left to cool slowly, it deposits thin pearly laminae, which after drying between bibulous paper, are composed of 2AsI0.3As 2 3 + 6H*0, and give off all their water over sulphuric acid. They are decomposed by water, and when heated yield a sublimate chiefly consisting of iodide of arsenic, while arsenious oxide remains behind (Wallace, Phil. Mag. [4] xvii. 122). The formation of this compound had previously been observed by Plisson and by Serullas and Hottot, who regarded it as a compound of arseuious oxide with arsenious iodide. (Grm. iv. 282.) ARSENIC, OXVSITIiPBIDE OP. See SUXPHOXARSENATE OF POTASSIUM (p. 395). ARSENIC, SULPHIDES OP. The sulphides of arsenic are more numerous than the oxides. There are three well defined sulphides, AsS, As 2 S 3 , and As 2 S 5 [or AsS 2 , AsS 3 , and AsS 5 , if S = 16], all of which act as sulphur- acids. The first two occur as natural minerals, realgar and orpiment, and may also be obtained in the free state by artificial processes ; the third is known only in combination. Besides these compounds, there is a subsulphide, As I2 S (?), which remains as a brown powder when the disulphide AsS is digested with caustic alkalis ; and, according to Berzelius, a per- sulphide, AsS 9 , obtained in yellow crystalline scales, by mixing a solution of dipotassic or disodic sulpharsenate with alcohol, and evaporating to about two-thirds ; but the product thus obtained is most probably a sulpharsenate with excess of sulphur. When arsenious oxide is fused with sulphur, sulphurous anhydride is evolved, and a sulphide of arsenic containing excess of sulphur remains. On distilling this residue, sulphur passes over, accompanied by a continually increasing quantity of arsenic. Much of the ordinary sulphur of commerce is a compound of this nature. BISULPHIDE OF ARSENIC. AsS. Realgar, Red Orpiment, or Ruby Sulphur ; rothes Rauschgelb, Arsenic sulphure rouge, Risigallo ; Sandaraca of Pliny and Vitruvius ; (ravSapaitri of Theophrastus and In combination : HYPOSULPH- AESENIOUS ACID. This compound occurs native as realgar, crystallised in oblique rhombic prisms of the monoclinic system, having an orange-yellow or aurora-red colour, resinous lustre, and more or less translucent: streak varying from orange- red to aurora-red; fracture conchoi'dal, uneven; sectile. Specific gravity = 3'4 to 3 '6. ARSENIC: SULPHIDES 387 Hardness = 1'5 to 2. It is found accompanying ores of silver and lead, at Andreas- burg in the Harz, Kapnik and Nagyag in Transylvania, Felsobanya in Hungary, Joachimsthal in Bohemia, and Schneeberg in Saxony. At Tajowa in Hungary, it occurs in beds of clay; at St. Gothard imbedded in dolomite; near Julamerk in Koordistan ; also in the Vesuvian lavas, in minute crystals. Strabo speaks of a mine of sandaraca at Pompeiopolis, in Paphlagonia. (Dana.) Bisulphide of arsenic may be prepared by melting metallic arsenic with sulphur or orpiment, or sulphur with arsenious oxide, in the required proportions. As thus obtained, it is transparent and of a ruby-colour, easily fusible, and crystalline after solidification from fusion. An impure product is prepared on the large scale by heat- ing in a subliming apparatus a mixture of arsenical pyrites and iron-pyrites, -and melting the product with arsenic or sulphur, according as a darker or lighter colour is desired. This commercial product is amorphous, usually brown-red, opaque, and of variable composition, generally containing arsenious oxide. It is used as a pigment, though not so much now as formerly. Bisulphide of arsenic burns in the air with a blue flame, forming sulphurous and arsenious oxides. When, deflagrated with nitre, it produces a bright white light. Indian white fire is a mixture of 24 pts. nitre, 7 pts. sulphur, and 2 pts. realgar. The disulphide heated with nitric acid, yields arsenic acid and free sulpur. With strong sulphuric acid, it forms sulphurous and arsenious acids. When it is digested in fine powder with potash-ley, part dissolves and there remains a brown powder consisting of As 12 S. (?) HYPOSULPHARSENITES. These are sulphur-salts formed by the mixing of disulphide of arsenic with basic sulphides. They are for the most part sparingly soluble in water. The little that is known of them is due to the researches of Berzelius. The ammonium-salt is deposited in small dark brown granules on the sides of a closed vessel in which neutral sulpharsenite of ammonium is kept for a long time. It absorbs ammonia-gas, but gives it off again on exposure to the air. Hyposulpharsenite of Potassium. The colourless liquid obtained by boiling trisul- phide of arsenic with moderate concentrated carbonate of potassium, deposits in the course of 12 hours, brown-red flocks of the salt K 2 S.AsS, or K 2 AsS 2 . If this compound be washed with a small quantity of cold water till it swells up to a jelly, and then treated with more water, the greater part dissolves, forming a red solution of the salt, 3K 2 S.2AsS, and leaving an insoluble dark-brown powder consisting of K 2 S.4AsS, which melts easily when heated, and solidifies on cooling to a transparent dark red mass. The basic salt 3K 2 S.2AsS, remains perfectly soluble in water, even after complete drying. The sodium hyposulpharsenitcs resemble those of potassium. Other hyposulpharsenites are obtained by precipitation. The barium and calcium salts are red-brown ; the magnesium-salt is brown ; the manganese-salt dark red. TEISULPHIDE OF ABSENIC, or ARSENIOUS SULPHIDE. In combination: SULPHAESENIOUS ACID. As 2 S 3 , or As 8 s . Orpiment, Yellow Sulphide of Arsenic, G-elbes Rauschgdb, Risigallum, Auripigmentum (Vitruvius); Arsenicum (Pliny); 'AporeWoi/ (Dioscorides) ; ' 'AfyeviKov (Theophrastus). This sulphide occurs native in^ rhombic prisms belonging to the trimetric system, easily splitting parallel to ooPoo into thin flexible laminae. They are translucent, of lemon-yellow colour, inclining to orange-yellow, with pearly lustre on the cleavage-faces, resinous elsewhere ; powder lemon-yellow ; specific gravity 3-459 (Karsten), 3*48 (Mohs, Haidinger), 3*4 (Breithaupt). Trisulphide of arsenic is obtained in the pure state by passing hydrosulphuric acid gas into a solution of arsenious acid or an arsenite acidulated with one of the stronger acids. As thus prepared, it has a fine lemon-yellow colour, becoming darker by heat, and produces an orange-yellow powder: it melts easily and volatilises at a higher temperature. An impure trisulphide is prepared on the large scale by subliming 7 parts of pulve- rised arsenious oxide with 1 pt. of sulphur. It always contains more or less oxide, inasmuch as to convert that compound completely into trisulphide requires 7 '3 pts. of sulphur to 10 pts. of the oxide : hence this preparation is much more poisonous than the pure artificial sulphide or the native sulphide. It was formerly much used as a pigment, under the name of King's yellow, but is now almost entirely superseded by chrome-yellow. The arsenious oxide may be extracted from it by boiling with water, or with dilute aqueous acids, or cream of tartar. Arsenious sulphide is also used in calico printing, the pattern being printed with a preparation containing arsenious acid, and then passed through water containing hydrosulphuric acid. A solution of orpiment in potash-ley is used in dyeing as a de- oxidising agent, especially for reducing indigo. A paste composed of slaked lime, orpiment, and water, is employed by some nations as a depilatory for removing the cc 2 388 ARSENIC: SULPHIDES. beard; but it is a dangerous preparation, and, according to Bottger may be re- placed for this purpose by sulpliydrate of calcium. Decompositions. 1. Arsenious sulphide, like all the other sulphides of arsenic, is converted by oxidising agents into oxides of sulphur and arsenic. When it is fused with acid sulphate of potasssum, sulphurous oxide (SO 2 ) is given off, and arsenite of potassium remains mixed with neutral sulphate. 2. Exposed to the action of chlorine gas, it becomes heated, and deliquesces to a brown liquid consisting of a sulphochloricle of arsenic, As 2 Cl 8 S 3 (H. Eose). 3. The vapour of arsenious sulphide passed over red- hot iron, silver, and other metals, is decomposed, yielding a metallic sulphide and free arsenic, which, if the other metal is in excess, unites with it. 4: When the vapour is passed over red-hot lime, arsenic is separated, and arsenate of calcium is produced, together with sulphide of calcium. 5. Arsenious sulphide heated with carbonate of potassium or sodium in a glass tube, yields a mirror of arsenic, together with sulpharsenate and arsenate of the alkali- metal. If the mixture is heated in an atmosphere of hydrogen, or with addition of char- coal, the arsenical mirror is increased by the arsenic reduced from the arsenate ; the Bulpharsenate remains undecomposed. (H. Kose, Pogg. Ann. xc. 565.) 6. When arsenious sulphide is heated in a test-tube with a mixture of alkaline carbonate and cyanide of potassium, the whole of the arsenic is reduced, according to Fresenius ; only part of it, according to H. Eose, because the sulphur-salt of arsenic formed at the same time resists the action of the cyanide of potassium. Hence arsenious sulphide fused with cyanide of potassium and excess of sulphur does not yield any arsenical mirror. The formation of the mirror may also be prevented by the presence of other easily reducible metals, which convert the arsenic into an arsenide, and do not give it up. 7. When arsenious sulphide is boiled with the solution of an alkaline carbonate, and the concentrated solution is filtered, a clear liquid is obtained, which deposits a brown powder, consisting of hyposulpharsenite of the alkali-metal, while a sulpharsenate re- mains in solution. A similar decomposition takes place when a soluble neutral sulph- arsenite is treated with water. 8. Arsenious sulphide is readily dissolved by cold caustic potash, soda, or ammonia, undergoing exactly the same decomposition as antimonious sulphide under similar circumstances (p. 322), the oxygen of the alkali converting the arsenic into arsenious acid, while the alkali-metal unites with the sulphur, and the basic sulphide thus formed combines with the rest of the arsenious sulphide : 4As 2 S s + 5K 2 = 3(K 2 S.As 2 S 3 ) + 2K 2 O.As 2 3 On adding an acid to this solution, no sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved, but the whole of the sulphur and arsenic are separated as arsenious sulphide : 3(K 8 S.As 2 S 3 ) + 2K 2 O.As 2 O s + 10HC1 =- 10KC1 + 5H 2 + 4As 2 S 3 SULPHA.ESENITES. Arsenious sulphide unites with basic metallic sulphides in three different proportions, forming, with potassium, for example, the compounds 3K 2 S.As 2 S 3 or K 8 AsS 3 , 2K 2 S.As 2 S 3 or K 4 As 2 S 5 , and K 2 S.As''S 3 or KAsS 2 [or 3KS.2AsS 3 , ZKS.AsS 3 , and KS.AsS 3 . Of these, the dibasic or tetrametallic salts are the most common, and are regarded as neutral or normal sulpharsenites. The soluble sulpharsenites are prepared : 1. By igniting sulpharsenates out of con- tact with the air, 2 at. sulphur then escaping. 2. by dissolving arsenious sulphide in an alkaline sulphide or sulphydrate; in the latter case, sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved. 3. By dissolving arsenious sulphide in a cold solution of caustic alkali. 4. By dis- solving arsenious oxide in an alkaline sulphydrate, in which case half of the alkali is converted into arsenite ; e.g.'. As 2 3 + 2KHS = KAsS 2 + KAsO 2 + H 2 0. The only sulpharsenites that are soluble in water are those of the alkali-metals, alkaline earth-metals, and magnesium, and even these are decomposed by water, unless the water is in considerable quantity. Hence the solutions cannot be evaporated to dryness without decomposition. The solutions are colourless or yellowish, tasting hepatic at first, and afterwards disgustingly bitter. 5. The sulpharsenites of the earth-metals and heavy metals are obtained by precipitating a solution of the corre- sponding compound of an alkali-metal, obtained by either of the methods 2, 3, 4, with a salt of the earth-metal or heavy metal. (Berzelius.) The sulpharsenites are either yellow or red. Most of them, when ignited out of contact of air, give off all their sulphur-acid ; others give up such a quantity that the residue contains 3 at. sulphur-base to 1 at. sulphur-acid ; but the sulpharsenites of the alkali-metals, even those which contain equal numbers of atoms of base and acid, give off nothing when ignited. The alkali-metal compounds obtained by the first method, SULPHARSENATES. 389 when treated with a small quantity of water, and the dilute s olutions obtained by method 2, 3, or 4, when they evaporate in the air, are resolved into brown hyposulph- arsenite which is precipitated, and sulpharsenate which remains in solution- but the decomposition is not complete till the solution is concentrated to the crystallising point of the latter salt. If the decomposed mass be digested in a large quantity of water and boiled, the whole is reconverted into sulpharsenite and redissolved. The solutions of the barium, strontium, calcium, and magnesium salts, containing 1 at. base to 1 at. acid, deposit, on boiling, a portion of the arsenious sulphide ; the ammonium, potassium, sodium, and litlmim compounds remain undecomposed. On adding alcohol to the aqueous solution of a compound of 1 at. of arsenious sulphide with 2 at. of the sulphide of an alkali-metal, a compound containing 3 at. of sulphur-base is precipi- tated, while a compound containing 1 at. of sulphur-base remains in solution : 2(2K 2 S.AsS 3 ) = 3K 2 S.AsS 3 + K 2 S.AsS 2 . But the precipitated tribasic salt soon turns black, being resolved into hyposulph- arsenite and sulpharsenate. The potassium and sodium compounds exhibit this blackening on the addition of alcohol, even when the solution contains nothing but tribasic salt (3K 2 S.As'-'S 3 ) ; but with the ammonium, barium, strontium, and calcium salts, it does not take place unless the solution contains dibasic salt (2Ba 2 S.As 2 S 3 ). Aqueous solutions of sulpharsenites exposed to the air are decomposed by oxidation (more slowly in proportion to the excess of sulphur-base), depositing orpiment and a brown compound of disulphide of arsenic with the sulphur-base. Hydrated oxide of copper, added to a solution containing a compound of sulpharsenious acid with the sul- phide of an alkali-metal, decomposes that compound, yielding twelve-basic sulph- arsenite of copper, which remains undissolved, and a hyacinth-red solution, containing an alkaline arsenite and tribasic sulpharsenite of copper, and deposits the latter on the addition of hydrochloric acid. Perhaps in this manner : 9(K 2 S.As 2 S 3 ) + 27Cu 2 = 2(12Cu 2 S.As 2 S 3 ) + 3Cu 2 S.As 2 S 3 + 3(3K 2 0.2As 2 3 ). If the hydrated oxide of copper is in excess, the arsenious acid contained in the solu- tion is converted into arsenic acid, and the protoxide of copper reduced to sub-oxide. Oxide of silver in excess decomposes the solution, forming sulphide of silver and alkaline arsenite : KAsS 2 + 2Ag 2 = 2Ag 2 S + KAsO 2 . Sulpharsenite of Ammonium, 2(NH 4 ) 2 S.As 8 S 3 . The solution of arsenious sulphide in sulphide of ammonium or caustic ammonia yields, when mixed with alcohol, a precipitate of this composition, which, however, soon turns brown. If previously mixed with sulphydrate of ammonium, it deposits white feathery crystals of the basic salt (3NH 4 ) 2 S.As 2 S 3 . Finely divided arsenious sulphide absorbs 6| per cent, of ammonia-gas, but gives it up again when exposed to the air. Sulpharsenite of Barium. The solution of arsenious sulphide in sulphydrate oi barium dries up to a red-brown gummy mass of the neutral salt, 2Ba 2 S. As 2 S 3 , perfectly soluble in water. Alcohol precipitates from the solution crystalline flakes of the basic salt, 3Ba 2 S.As 2 S 3 , which is likewise obtained by treating arsenious sulphide with excess of sulphide of barium. Sulpharsenite of Bismuth, 2Bi 2 S 3 .As 2 S 3 , is a red-brown precipitate, which turns black in drying. By fusion, a grey metallic-shining mass is obtained, con- sisting of the basic salt. Sulpharsenite of Cadmium. Cadmium-salts mixed with a saturated solution of arsenious sulphide in sulphide of ammonium, yield a yellow precipitate, 2Cd 2 S.As 2 S 3 . which becomes orange-yellow when dry, and semifluid when heated, giving off part of the arsenious sulphide, and leaving a fused grey compound containing a larger pro- portion of cadmic sulphide. Sulpharsenite of Calcium. When orpiment is digested with milk of lime, and the solution is filtered from the arsenite of calcium, which forms at the same time, a colourless filtrate is obtained, which, by spontaneous evaporation, yields feathery crystals of the basic salt 3Ca 2 S.As 2 S 8 , surrounded by a brown syrup of the neutral salt 2Ca 2 S.As 2 S 3 . This syrup digested with an additional quantity of arsenious sulphide turns yellow and deposits a brown powder consisting of hyposvlpharsenite of calcium, Ca 2 S.2AsS. The solution of the sulpharsenite containing excess of sulphide of calcium yields, with alcohol, a white precipitate of the basic salt, containing 3Ca'-S.As 2 S 3 + 15Aq. Sulpharsenite of Cerium, 2Ce 2 S.As 2 S 3 . Yellow precipitate, which acquires a deeper colour when dry, melts, and evolves part of the arsenious sulphide when heated, nd when roasted gives up all its arsenic, and is completely converted into sulphate. Sulpharsenite of Chromium, 2Cr < S 3 .3As 2 S 3 . Greyish-yellow precipitate, an 390 ARSENIC: SULPHIDES. greenish-yellow after drying. When heated, it melts and gives off part of the arsenious sulphide, and is converted into chromic oxide by roasting. Sulpharsenite of Cobalt, 2Co ? S.As 2 S 3 , is a dark brown precipitate, which becomes black in drying, dissolves in excess of the precipitant, and when ignited in close vessels, leaves a residue having the composition of cobalt-glance. Sulpharsenite of Copper. A twelve-basic salt, 12Cu 2 S.As'-'S 3 , remains undis- solved as a brown mass, when cupric hydrate is added to solution of monopotassic sulpharsenate, till the colour of the liquid is no longer altered. The tribasic salt, 3Cu 2 S.As 2 S s , is precipitated in light brown flakes on adding hydrochloric acid to the hyacinth-red solution obtained in the manner just mentioned. The neutral salt, 2Cu 2 S.As 2 S, is obtained by adding neutral sulpharsenite of sodium to a cupric salt, as . a black-brown precipitate, which acquires a metal-grey aspect by trituration. When distilled, it first gives off sulphur, then arsenious sulphide, and leaves a tumefied metal-grey substance, probably consisting of cuprous hyposulpharsenite. Sulpharsenite of Glucinum, 2G 2 S.As 2 S 3 , is a yellow precipitate, formed, without evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, on adding a neutral glucinum-salt to a solution of sulphide of sodium saturated with arsenious sulphide. Acids separate but little sulphuretted hydrogen from it, ammonia partly dissolves it, and leaves pure glucina. Sulpharsenite of Gold, 2Au 2 S 3 .3As 2 S 3 . Yellow precipitate, becoming darker as it settles down, black when dry, and yielding by trituration a yellow-brown powder. At a dull red heat, it melts, gives off part of the arsenious sulphide, and solidifies to a transparent yellow-red mass, yielding by dry trituration a yellow-brown mass, which, however, by continued trituration under water, assumes a metallic lustre, as if from reduced gold. To expel the whole of the arsenious sulphide requires a full white heat. Sulpharsenites of Iron. The ferric salt, 2Fe 4 S 3 .3As 2 S s , is an olive-green precipitate, soluble in excess of the precipitating alkaline sulpharsenite, acquiring a green colour when dry, and a fine yellow-green by trituration. It melts easily when heated, and decomposes at a red heat, leaving pure sulphide of iron. Theferrous salt, 2Fe 2 S.As 2 S 3 , / is a brown-black precipitate, also soluble in excess of the precipitant; grey-brown when dry, dark greenish after trituration. It is decomposed by heat, leaving pure sulphide of iron. The dried precipitate always contains ferric oxide mixed with the preceding salt. Sulpharsenite of Lead, 2Pb 2 S.As 2 S 3 . Red-brown precipitate, black when dry; melts to a brittle metallic-looking mass, a shining grey crystalline fracture, and yield- ing a grey powder. Sulpharsenite of Lithium resembles the potassium- and sodium-salts. Sulpharsenite of Magnesium. The aqueous solution evaporated, or cooled to 5 C., becomes light brown, and deposits a brown powder consisting of hyposul- pharsenite of magnesium ; then dries to a viscid mass, which ultimately solidifies, and is almost wholly soluble in water. Sulpharsenite of Manganese. Light red precipitate, becoming orange-yellow when dry. Heated in close vessels, it gives off a considerable portion of the arsenious sulphide, and leaves a yellow-green compound, from which hydrochloric acid extracts the manganese, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, leaving a residue of arsenious sulphide. Sulpharsenites of Mercury. The neutral mercuric salt, 2Hg 2 S.As 8 S 3 , is an orange-red flocculent precipitate, which becomes white in presence of excess of mercuric chloride, but retains its colour if the precipitant is in excess. It is dark brown when dry, and gives a yellow powder. When heated, it yields a grey metallic-shining sub- limate of Hg 2 S.As 2 S 3 , which is translucent in thin films, and yields a yellow powder when finely ground. The mercurous salt, 2Hg 4 S.As 2 S 3 , is a black precipitate, which decrepitates with explosion when distilled, giving off mercury and yielding a sublimate of mercurous hyposulpharsenite in black opaque metallic crusts, which yield a red powder. Sulpharsenite of Molybdenum. The solution of molybdic acid in hydrochloric acid forms with sulpharsenite of sodium, a dark brown powder, which becomes black in drying, and decomposes at a red heat, giving off arsenious sulphide and sulphur, and leaving disulphide of molybdenum, MoS. Sulpharsenite of Nickel, 2Ni 2 S.AsS 3 , is a black precipitate, which, when distilled, easily gives off all its arsenious sulphide, and leaves yellow sintered sulphide of nickel. Sulpharsenite of Potassium. The neutral salt, 2K 2 S.As 2 S 3 , is obtained by igniting the corresponding sulpharsenate (2K 2 S.As 2 S 5 ) till the excess of sulphur is SULPHARSENATES. 391 driven off. It is a dark yellow mass, which becomes yellow on cooling. Treated with water, it yields a solution of basic sulpharsenate (3K 2 S.As 2 S 5 ) and a residue of hyposulphursenite. When arsenious sulphide is dissolved at mean temperature in aqueous sulphydrate of potassium, till all the sulphuretted hydrogen is eliminated, the solution contains an acid sulpharsenite, K 2 S.2As 2 S 3 . This solution is decomposed by evaporation, depositing brown hyposulpharsenite of potassium, K 2 S. AsS. On mixing the solution with alcohol, a white precipitate of 3K 2 S. As 2 S 3 is formed at first ; but it soon becomes brown and syrupy, and deposits the hyposulpharsenite. When car- bonate of potassium is fused with arsenious sulphide till the excess of the latter is expelled, there remains a mass, consisting of K 2 S.As 2 S 3 . This salt is decomposed by water, the acid salt, K 2 S.2As 2 S 3 , dissolving, and a compound, still richer in arsenious sulphide, remaining undissolved. Sulpharsenite of Silver, 2Ag 2 S.As 2 S 3 , is a light brown precipitate, transparent at first, becoming black during collection ; when heated in the dry state, it melts and gives off part of the arsenious sulphide. The black fused mass yields a brown powder. When acid sulpharsenite of sodium is precipitated by a saturated solution of chloride of silver in ammonia, a dark yellow precipitate is formed, containing 6Ag 2 S.As 2 S 3 . Sulpharsenite of Sodium. Strictly analogous to the potassium-salt. Sulpkarsenites of Tin. The stannous salt, 2SnS.As 2 S 3 , is a dark red-brown precipitate, infusible, but giving off part of its sulphur at high temperatures. The stannic salt, SnS 2 .As 2 S 3 , is a gummy yellow precipitate, which becomes orange-yellow when dry. Urania Sulpharsenite, 2TJ 4 S 3 .As 2 S 3 , is a dingy yellow precipitate, which melts and gives off part of its sulphur when heated, and, after exposure to a white heat, leaves a grey porous mass, still containing arsenious sulphide. Sulpharsenite of Zinc, 2Zn 2 S.As 2 S 3 . Lemon-yellow precipitate, orange-yellow when dry ; gives off arsenious sulphide when heated, leaving a more basic compound, and at a higher temperature, pure sulphide of zinc. Sulpharsenite of Zirconium, 2Zr 4 S 3 .As 2 S 3 . Orange-yellow precipitate, quite insoluble in excess of the alkaline sulpharsenite. PENTASULPHIDE OF ARSENIC, or ARSENIC SULPHIDE. In combination: SULPHARSENIC ACID. As 2 S 5 , or AsS 5 . A substance containing arsenic and sulphur in this proportion is precipitated when a soluble sulpharsenate is decomposed by hy- drochloric acid ; but it appears to be rather a mixture of the trisulphide with free sxilphur. When sulphuretted hydrogen is passed into an aqueous solution of arsenic acid, sulphur is first separated, and remains for a long time suspended in the liquid. The precipitate contains a very small quantity of trisulphide of arsenic, which may be extracted by dilute ammonia, pure sulphur then remaining. The filtered liquid is then found to contain arsenic acid, together with a small quantity of arsenious acid ; and, if sulphuretted hydrogen be then rapidly passed through it for a short time, a precipitate of trisulphide of arsenic is obtained. If this precipitate be separated by filtration, and the passage of the sulphuretted hydrogen continued, the liquid again becomes turbid from separation of sulphur, and, by repeating these operations, the whole of the arsenic may be precipitated as trisulphide. (H. Rose, Pogg. Ann. cvii. 186; H. Ludwig, Arch. Pharm. [2] xcvii. 23.) A sulphide of arsenic corresponding to anhydrous arsenic acid, As 2 5 , does not therefore appear to exist in the free state. Nevertheless, the precipitate thrown down by acids from solutions of sulpharsenates has the composition of the pentasulphide, and as such dissolves completely in alkaline sulphides and in strong ammonia ; dilute ammonia, however, dissolves out the trisulphide and leaves the sulphur. SULPHARSENATES. These salts may be regarded as compounds of pentasulphide of arsenic with basic metallic sulphides. Our knowledge respecting them is chiefly due to the researches of Berzelius. They are for the most part mono-, di, or tribasic, a few instances only occurring of sulpharsenates with larger proportion either of sulphur- base or sulphur-acid. Their general formulae are : Monobasic or Monometallic . M 2 S.As 2 S 5 or MAsS 3 Dibasic or TetrametaUic . 2M 2 S.As 2 S 5 or M 4 As 2 S T Tribasic or Trimetallic 3M 2 S.As 8 S 9 or M 3 AsS 4 = A M.' * Or MS.AsP, 2MS.AsS\ and 3MS.At&. cc4 392 ARSENIC: SULPHIDES. The tetrametallic salts are generally regarded as neutral ; the monometallic as acid ; the trimetallic as basic. The sulpharsenates are prepared: 1. By passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution of an arsenate in water or in hydrochloric acid, thus : K 3 As0 4 + 4H 2 S = K 8 AsS 4 + 4H 2 0. 2. Byfusing orpiment with excess of sulphur and a caustic alkali or alkaline carbonate. 3. By digesting the trisulphide in an aqueous solution of a disulphide or polysulphide of alkali-metal. 4. By dissolving the pentasulphide (As 2 S 3 + 2S) in a caustic alkali, or in an alkaline carbonate at the boiling heat. In this case an arsenate is formed at the same time. 6. Those sulpharsenates which are insoluble in water may be obtained by precipitation from the solution of an alkaline sulpharsenate. The dry sulpharsenates of the alkali -metals are lemon-yellow ; the others red or brown. They are permanent in the air. Those which are soluble taste hepatic at first, afterwards intensely bitter. The tribasic salts have a tendency to crystallise ; the dibasic and monobasic salts are amorphous. The trimetallic sulpharsenates of potassium, sodium, lithium, and barium may, if air be excluded, be heated almost to whiteness without decomposition ; on cooling, they solidify to a yellow mass perfectly soluble in water. The tetrametallic and monometallic sulpharsenates of these metals give off sulphur when heated, and are converted into sulpharsenites. The silver- and mercury-salts (the latter of which sublimes) remain undecomposed at a red heat. The other tetrametallic and monometallic sulpharsenates are decomposed by ignition, first yielding sulphur and a red salt of sulpharsenious acid ; and in many cases, the sulpharsenite is resolved by continued ignition into trisulphide of arsenic, which sublimes, and the sulphur-base, which remains behind. The calcium- and magnesium-salts first evolve sulphur, and then the greater part of the trisulphide, and leave a white unfused compound of magnesium- or calcium-sulphide, with a very small quantity of trisulphide ; most of the heavy-metal-compounds evolve sulphur at first, and then all the sulphide of arsenic, so that nothing but the sulphur-base re- mains behind. The sulpharsenates, when heated in the air, give off orpiment and arsenious oxide, and leave a sulphate when the base contains an alkali-metal, and pure oxide if it contains a heavy metal. The aqueous solution of the sulpharsenate of an alkali-metal is decomposed by exposure to the air the liquid becoming turbid, and depositing sulphur, pentasulphide of arsenic (As 2 S 3 + S s ) and a brown salt of hypo- sulpharsenious acid, while alkaline arsenite and hyposulphite are formed, and the latter, by further oxidation, is converted into sulphate ; the cooler and more concentrated the solution, the more slowly does the decomposition proceed. Acids, even carbonic acid, decompose the alkaline sulpharsenates, separating hydrosulphuric acid gas of a peculiar odour, and precipitating a mixture of arsenious sulphide and sulphur. Hydrated cupric oxide, introduced into the solution of an alkaline sulpharsenate, decomposes a portion of that compound, forming alkaline arsenate and sulphide of copper, a small portion of which dissolves in the liquid. A similar reaction is produced by other heavy metallic oxides which do not retain their oxygen with very great force. (Berzelius.) Many sulpharsenates are soluble in water, namely, those of the alkali-metals, magnesium, yttrium, and glucinum. The solutions are either colourless or pale yellow. From the solutions of the dibasic salts alcohol precipitates a tribasic salt, and leaves monobasic salt, in solution. When this solution is placed in a shallow dish, and evaporated at a gentle heat, there remains a lemon-yellow residue, from which water extracts a dibasic salt. (Berzelius.) Sulpharsenate of Ammonium. 2(NH 4 ) 2 S.As 2 S 5 = (NH 4 ) 4 As 2 S 7 . The solution of pentasulphide of arsenic in sulphide of ammonium, yields by evaporation, a viscid, reddish-yellow mass, which decomposes partially in drying, and still more when heated, first giving off a liquid containing disulphide of ammonium, and then yielding a sub- limate of arsenious sulphide : (NH 4 ) 4 As 2 S 7 = 4NH 4 S + As 2 S 3 . The solution becomes brownish-yellow when boiled, and on cooling deposits a yellow powder composed of (NH 4 ) 2 S.12As 2 S 5 . The aqueous solution of the dibasic salt is precipitated by alcohol, the monammonic or acid salt, NH 4 AsS 3 , then remaining in solution. If the solution be previously mixed with sulphide of ammonium and heated, alcohol throws dqwn the tri-ammonic or basic salt (NH 4 ) 3 AsS 4 , in prismatic crystals. Sulpharsenate of Antimony is a burnt-yellow, easily fusible precipitate. Sulpharsenate of Barium. The tribarytic-salt, Ba 3 AsS 4 , is obtained by decomr posing the tetrabarytic or neutral salt: 1, by a red heat ; 2, by mixing its aqueous solu- tion with sulphide of barium, the mixture evaporated in vacuoover sulphuric acid at the freezing point, yielding the basic salt in loose, transparent, non-crystalline scales ; 3, by ARSENIC: SULPHAR SENATES. 393 precipitation with alcohol : it then falls down as a curdy precipitate, very soluble in water, probably a hydrate : The dibasic salt, Ba 4 As 2 S 7 = 2Ba 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is produced by saturating a solution of neutral arsenate of barium with hydrosulphuric acid. The solution dries up to a fissured lemon-yellow mass, which, if exposed to the air after all its water has been drawn off, absorbs water again, swelling up and falling to pieces at the same time. It dissolves in water in all proportions. With sulphate of potas- sium, it yields a precipitate of sulphate of barium, and a solution of neutral sulph- arsenate of potassium. The monobarytic or acid salt, BaAsS 3 , remains in solution when the neutral salt is precipitated by alcohol. It is decomposed by evaporation, yielding a yellow deposit of the salt, Ba 2 S.3As 2 S 5 , while the neutral salt remains in solution. Sulpharsenate of Bismuth. Both the basic and the neutral salts are dark- brown precipitates, soluble in excess of the alkaline sulpharsenate. Sulpharsenate of Cadmium is a light yellow powder. Sulpharsenate of Calcium. The basic salt, Ca 3 AsS 4 , is obtained by mixing the solution of the neutral salt with sulphide of calcium, and either evaporating or precipi- tating with alcohol ; it is not crystallisable, and when precipitated by alcohol, forms either a powder or a syrup, according to the quantity of water that it contains. It dissolves easily in water, but is insoluble in alcohol. The neutral salt, Cu 4 As 2 S 7 = 2Ca 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is precisely analogous to the barium-salt. Its solution when evaporated, coagulates to a syrup, which, if then left to evaporate further, dries up to a yellow opaque mass, becoming anhydrous at 60 C. : when exposed to the air, it absorbs water, swells up, and detaches itself from the sides of the vessel. There appears to be no acid sulpharsenate of calcium. Sulpharsenates of Cerium. The eerie salt, 2Ce 4 S 3 .As 2 S 5 , is a yellowish white precipitate, not quite insoluble in water, and consequently not appearing in very dilute solutions. The cerous salts, Ce 2 S.As' : S 5 , and 3Ce 2 S.As 2 S 5 , are obtained by double decomposition as precipitates of a fine yellow colour, which become some- what darker when dry. Sulpharsenate of Cobalt, Co 4 As 2 S 7 = 2Co ? S.As s S 5 , is a brown precipitate which becomes black when collected and dried, and dissolves with dark colour in excess ol sulpharsenate of sodium. Sulpharsenate of Copper, Cu 4 As 2 S 7 = 2Cu 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is obtained as a dark brown precipitate, by treating solutions of copper-salts with neutral sulpharsenate of sodium, or by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through an acid solution containing arsenic acid and cupric oxide : if the arsenic acid is in excess, the brown sulphur-salt is first precipitated, and then yellow sulphide of arsenic. From a precipitate of this kind, sulphide of ammonium dissolves not only the sulphide of arsenic, but likewise by its intervention, a large portion of the sulphide of copper. Very dilute ammonia likewise extracts the sulphide of arsenic : stronger ammonia acquires a brown tint by taking up some of the sulphide of copper. (Grin. v. 475.) Sulpharsenate of Glucinum. Pentasulphide of arsenic digested with hydrate of glucinum and water, is dissolved to a small amount and reprecipitated by acids. Glucinum-salts are not precipitated by sulpharsenate of sodium. Sulpharsenate of Gold. The tribasic salt, (Au)AsS 4 = (Au) 2 S 3 .As 2 S 5 , is formed by precipitating a gold-solution with tribasic arsenate of sodium. It is a dark brown precipitate, soluble in pure water. Ferrous sulphate decolorises the solution, and throws a yellow-brown substance not yet examined. The dibasic salt, 2(Au) 2 S 3 .3As 2 S 5 , obtained by precipitation with neutral sulpharsenate of sodium, dissolves in pure water, with brown red colour. Sulpharsenates of Iron. The ferric salt, 2Fe 4 S 3 .3As 2 S 5 = or /e 4 As 2 S 7 , is a greyish-green precipitate, which dissolves with very dark colour in excess of the pre- cipitant, is not altered by drying, but melts easily when heated, giving off sulphur, and being converted into ferric sulpharsenite. The ferrous salt, 2Fe 2 S.As 2 S 5 = Fe 4 As 2 S 7 , is a dark brown precipitate, which dissolves in excess of the alkaline sulpharsenate. It decomposes in drying, assuming a rusty colour, and then consists of a mixture of the preceding salt with ferric oxide. Sulpharsenate of Lead. The salts Pb 3 AsS 4 , and Pb 4 As 2 S 7 , are obtained by precipitation. The former is black-brown, the latter of a fine red colour ; both turn black in drying. Sulpharsenate of Lithium.^ basic salt, Li 3 AsS 4 , is precipitated by alcohol from the solution of the neutral salt in shining, colourless crystalline scales, soluble in hot water, and separating therefrom on cooling in six-sided prisms, and by spontaneous 394 ARSENIC: SULP II All SEN AXES. evaporation in four-sided tables with rhombic base. The neutral salt, Li'As'S 7 , is a non-crystalline lemon- yellow mass, which absorbs moisture from the air, and is perfectly soluble in water. The acid salt, LiAsS 3 , is known only in alcoholic solution, being decomposed by evaporation. The hyper acid salt, with 12 at. As'-'S 5 , is prepared like the corresponding potassium-salt. Sulpharsenate of Magnesium. The tribasic salt, Mg'AsO 4 or 3Mg 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is obtained by adding sulphydrate of magnesium to a solution of the neutral salt as long as sulphuretted hydrogen continues to escape, and afterwards evaporating the solution, or if it be not too dilute, cooling it quickly down. It forms colourless radiating crystals, which become moist on exposure to the air. Alcohol decomposes them, extracting the neutral salt and leaving a compound of 1 at. As 2 S 5 with more than 3 at. Mg 2 S, which is nearly insoluble in water. The same compound remains as a white unfused mass, when the neutral salt is heated to redness in a retort. Potash added to the aqueous solution of the tribasic salt precipitates magnesia, and forms a solution of tribasic sulpharsenate of potassium. The neutral salt, 2Mg 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is a non-crystalline, lemon-yellow mass, which does not absorb water from the air, dis- solves in water to any amount, and is precipitated from the solution by alcohol. Sulpharsenate of Magnesium and Ammonium, (NH 4 )Mg 2 AsS 4 (?) Precipitated on adding alcohol to an aqueous solution of the mixed sulpharsenates of magnesium and ammonium, in delicate white needles, which, when exposed to the air, give off sul- phuretted hydrogen and turn yellow. It dissolves easily in water. Sulpharsenate of Manganese. The neutral salt, 2Mn 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is obtained by digesting recently precipitated sulphide of manganese with water, trisulphide of arsenic and sulphur, partly dissolving in the water and partly remaining at the bottom in the form of a lemon-yellow powder, which however dissolves in a larger quantity of water. The solution when evaporated, yields sulphur, and afterwards deposits a lemon-yellow mass, no longer completely soluble in water. The neutral salt is like- wise obtained, but mixed with arsenate of manganese, when carbonate of manganese is boiled with water and trisulphide of arsenic and sulphur. Manganous salts are not precipitated by sulpharsenate of sodium. A sexbasic salt, 6Mn 2 S. As 2 S 5 , is produced by digesting the yellow powder of the neutral salt in strong ammonia. It is a brick- red powder, somewhat soluble in water, and, when ignited at one point, continues to burn. Sulpharsenates of Mercury. The mercuric salt, 2Hg 2 S.As 2 S 5 , is precipitated from mercuric chloride both by basic and by neutral sulpharsenate of sodium, as a dark yellow substance, which retains its colour after drying. It sublimes undecom- posed, and yields a powder of the colour of cinnabar. The mcrcurous salt, 2Hg 4 S. As 2 S 5 , or Hhg 4 As 2 S 7 , is precipitated black from solutions free from mercuric oxide ; if the latter is present, the precipitate is brownish-yellow, and becomes darker in drying. When distilled, it decrepitates violently and gives off mercury, and at a higher temperature yields a sublimate of the mercuric salt just described. Motybdic Acid is is not precipitated by sulpharsenate of sodium. Sulpharsenate of Nickel. Nickel-salts, if not too dilute, immediately yield a black precipitate, with neutral or basic sulpharsenate of sodium. Very dilute solutions first assume a yellow-brown colour, then yield a precipitate. Sulpharsenate of Platinum. The neutral and basic sodium-salts do not precipitate platinum-solutions, but merely colour them dark-brown. Ferrous sulphate added to the brown liquid, throws down a black-brown substance, while the solution becomes colourless. Sulpharsenate of Potassium. The tribasic salt, 3K 2 S.As 2 S 5 , or K 3 AsS 4 , is deposited as an oily concentrated solution, on mixing the aqueous solution of the neutral salt with alcohol. When dried at a gentle heat, it leaves a fibrous deliquescent mass. The neutral or dibasic salt, 2K 2 S.As ? S 5 , or K 4 As 2 S 7 , is produced by saturating an aqueous solution of dipotassic arsenate with hydrosulphuric acid and evaporating in vacuo. The residue is a viscid, yellowish, somewhat crystalline mass, which does not dry up completely, but on exposure to the air first liquefies and then solidifies in a crystalline mass of rhombic tablets. The monobasic or acid salt, K 2 S.As 2 S 5 , or KAsS 3 , remains dissolved when the aqueous solution of the neutral salt is precipitated with alcohol. The solution is decomposed by evaporation, and deposits crystals of persulphide of arsenic (see p. 386). 2 Aqueous sulphide of potassium dissolves at ordinary temperatures, more than at. but less than 1 at. of pentasulphide of arsenic. The solution, when evaporated in the air, first becomes covered with a film of sulphur, then deposits a red crust, and by this loss of sulphide of arsenic, is converted into the dibasic salt, which dries up first to a stiff syrup and then to a lemon-yellow mass. ARSENIC: SULPHAR SENATES. 395 A hyper-add salt, K 2 S.12As 2 S 5 , is precipitated when the solution of the neutral salt is decomposed by carbonic acid ; similarly on passing hydrosulphuric acid gas through monopotassic arsenate. It is a yellow powder, containing 2 '9 sulphide of potassium and 97'1 pentasulphide of arsenic. (Berzelius.) Sulphoxarsenate of Potassium. (K 2 0.2H 2 0)As 2 S 3 2 = (K 2 H 4 )As 2 S 3 5 . Produced when sulphuretted hydrogen is rapidly passed through a cold saturated solution of dipo- tassic arsenate (p. 383). The liquid first turns yellow, then deposits a small quantity of trisulphide of arsenic mixed with sulphur, and ultimately a colourless crystalline salt. When a certain quantity of this salt has been formed, caustic potash is to be added to the liquid, and the stream of sulphuretted hydrogen continued: by this means, an additional quantity is obtained. The greater part of the sulphide of arsenic must then be rinsed away with the mother-liquor, and the salt washed with very small ratities of water, pressed, and dried in vacuo. It crystallises in small white gated prisms, sometimes 1 or 2 centimetres long, slightly soluble in water. The dry salt is permanent in the air, and gives up all its water at 170 C., without melting. It fuses over the spirit-lamp, giving off, first arsenic sulphide and then metallic arsenic. The aqueous solution decomposes rapidly at a boiling heat, giving off hydrosulphuric acid and depositing sulphur. If hydrochloric acid be then added, a precipitate of sul- phide of arsenic is obtained. From the salt itself, hydrochloric acid precipitates nothing but sulphur, and the precipitation is complete; the filtrate then contains arsenious acid. Lead-salts added to the solution give a white precipitate, which soon turns black. The acid of this salt, H 6 As 2 S 3 5 (arsenic acid, having part of its oxygen replaced by sulphur), cannot be obtained in the free state. If the lead-salt, immediately after its formation, be collected on a filter and mixed with a quantity of dilute sulphuric acid less than sufficient to decompose it completely, a strongly acid liquid is obtained, which gives no precipitate with barium-salts ; but it quickly decom- poses and deposits sulphide of arsenic. (Bouquet and Cloez, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xrii. 44.) Sulpharsenate of Silver. Both the neutral and basic salts are precipitated from silver- solutions, with brown colour, turning black in drying ; the precipitates are very slow in settling down. When they are heated in the air, the sulphide of arsenic burns away, and sulphide of silver remains ; but if heated to redness in close vessels, they fuse without giving off sulphur or sulphide of arsenic, and on cooling solidify in the form of a grey, somewhat ductile cake, exhibiting metallic lustre. Sulpharsenate of Sodium, a. Tribasic salt. 3Na 2 S.AsS 5 + 15H 2 = 2Na s AsS 4 -f- 15H 2 0. Obtained : 1. By precipitating a solution of the dibasic salt with alcohol. 2. By leaving a mixture of the dibasic salt b and sulphydrate of sodium to evaporate. 3. By digesting the alcoholic solution of pentasulphide of sodium with orpiment, pouring the liquid off, washing the residue with alcohol, then dissolving out the tri- basic salt with water, and leaving the solution to crystallise. 4. By dissolving penta- sulphide of arsenic in aqueous soda-solution, and leaving the liquid to crystallise. The crystals obtained by either of these methods are washed on a filter with alcohol, then pressed and dried (Berzelius). 5. By boiling 1 pt. of sulphur, 1| pt. of orpiment, and 8 pts. of crystallised carbonate of soda with water, and purifying the crystals ob- tained from the filtrate by recrystallisation (Kammelsberg, Pogg .Ann. liv. 238). By method (1) the salt is obtained in snow-white crystals; by (4) in ill-defined rhom- boidal tables. It crystallises by slow cooling from a hot aqueous solution, in irregular six-sided prisms, with two of their lateral edges more acute than the rest ; by spon- taneous evaporation or very slow cooling, in transparent rhombic prisms with dihedral summits resting on the acute lateral edges ; and by still slower cooling, till the tem- perature falls below C., in white, opaque, rhombic octahedrons. The opaque crystals are milk-white ; the transparent crystals are yellowish, and have somewhat of a diamond lustre. (Berzelius.) The salt when dry is permanent in the air ; even in vacuo over oil of vitriol, it does not give up its water till gently heated ; it then becomes milk-white ; when more strongly heated, it gives off a small quantity of hydrosulphuric acid, and turns yellow. Heated in a retort, in fuses it its water of crystallisation, forming a very pale yellow liquid, then gives off water, and is converted into a white salt, which, when more strongly heated, decrepitates slightly, evolves the remaining water and a small quan- tity of hydrosulphuric acid, and fuses to a dark red liquid ; on cooling, this liquid solidifies and forms the yellow anhydrous compound, Na 3 AsS 4 (Berzelius). It is decomposed completely by boiling with sulphate of copper, yielding a precipitate of sulphide of copper, while soda, sulphuric acid, and arsenic acid remain in solution : Na 3 AsS 4 + 4Cu 2 S0 4 + 4H 2 = 4Cu 2 S + Na 3 As0 4 + 4H 2 S0 4 . A similar decomposition takes place with acetate of lead ; but the precipitated sul- phide of lead [if the acetate is in excess], is mixed with arsenate of lead, because that 396 ARSENIC-RADICLES (ORGANIC). salt is insoluble in acetic acid (Rammelsberg). The salt dissolves easily and abundantly in water. (Berzelius.) b. Dibasic or Neutral salt. 2Na 2 S.As 2 S 5 =Na 4 As 2 S 7 . The aqueous solution of di- sodic arsenate saturated with hydrosulphuric acid gas, and then left to evaporate spon- taneously, yields a viscid liquid, and afterwards, if gently heated, a dry lemon-yellow mass. This substance melts at a moderate heat, forming a very pale yellow liquid (losing water at the same time if warmed in an open vessel), and on cooling solidifies in a yellow mass, which softens when exposed to the air. (Berzelius.) c. Monobasic salt. Na 2 S.As 2 S 5 = NaAsS 3 . When the tribasic salt is prepared with alcohol according to method (1), the supernatant alcoholic solution contains the mono-basic salt. On distilling off the alcohol, the liquid often deposits persulphide of arsenic in beautiful crystals. d. Hyper-acid salt, Na 2 S.12As 2 S 5 . Yellow powder, obtained like the potassium compound. (Berzelius.) Sulpharsenate of Sodium and Ammonium, (NH 4 ) 3 AsS 4 .]S"a 3 AsS 4 , is obtained by mixing the solutions of the two basic salts with alcohol, and cooling slowly, where- upon it collects on the sides of the vessel in small four-sided tables ; or more easily by dissolving sal-ammoniac in an exactly proportional quantity of the basic sodium-salt and leaving the solution to evaporate ; it then separates in yellowish six-sided prisms, permanent in the air, and much more soluble in water than the sodium-salt. When distilled, it gives off sulphide of ammonium with a little water, leaving sulpharsenite of sodium. The neutral sulpharsenates of sodium and ammonium dry up to a yellow mass when mixed. Sulpkarsenate of Sodium and Potassium. Very regular four-sided tables, having a faint yellowish colour. Sulpkarsenate of Strontium. The neutral salt is obtained in the same manner as the barium-compound. On mixing the solution with alcohol, the basic salt is preci- pitated, sometimes as a syrup, sometimes as a white powder, according as it is more or less purified from the neutral salt. Sulpharsenates of Tin. Both the neutral and basic sodium-salts form with stannous chloride, a dark chestnut-brown precipitate ; with stannic chloride, pale yellow gummy precipitates, becoming orange-yellow when dry. Uranic Sulpharsenate. The neutral salt, 2U 4 S 3 .As 2 S 5 or (U 2 S) 4 As 2 S 7 , is a dingy yellow precipitate ; the basic salt has a somewhat darker colour. Both dissolve with dark brown colour in excess of the precipitant. Van a die salts give no precipitate with sulpharsenate of sodium; but the blue solution is decolorised. Sulpharsenate of Yttrium. Resembles the glucinum-salt. Sulpharsenate of Zinc. The neutral salt is a light yellow precipitate, the basic salt till lighter; both are orange-yellow when dry. Sulpharsenate of Zirconium. Solutions of zirconium-salts are precipitated, though not immediately, both by basic and by neutral sulpharsenate of sodium ; the precipitate is lemon-yellow while moist, orange-yellow after drying. Acids do not extract zirconia from it. ARSENICAL COBALT, COPPER, IRON, &c. See the several metals. ARSENICAL PYRITES. See IRON, ARSENIDES OF. ARSENICAL PYROPHORTTS. Arsenite of barium ignited with gum-traga- canth, is said by Osann to yield a greyish-yellow pyrophoric mixture. ARSENIC-RADICLES (ORGANIC). Arsenic unites with the alcohol- radicles, forming compounds analogous to those of antimony, and containing 1 at. arsenic, combined with 1, 2, 3, or 4 at. of the organic radicle. The following is a list of the compounds of this class at present known. Those to which no formulae are assigned, have been but imperfectly studied. Arsenides of Allyl. Arsenides of Amyl. Arsenides of Ethyl: Arsenethyl . As(C 2 H 5 ) Arsendiethyl, or Ethyl-cacodyl . . . As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 Arsentriethyl, or Triethylarsine . . . As(C 2 H 5 ) 8 Arsenethylium, or Tetrothylarsonium . . As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ARSENIDES OF ETHYL. 397 bromethyl-triethylium Arsenvinyl-triethylium Ethylene-hexethyl-diarsonium Ethylene-triethylarsammonium Aurarsenethylium As(C 2 H 4 Br)(C 2 H 5 ) 8 As(C 2 H 3 )(C 2 H 5 ) 3 As 2 (C 2 H 4 )"(C 2 H 5 ) 8 AsNH 3 (C 2 H 4 )"(C 2 H 5 ) s As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Au Platarsenethylium As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Pt Arsenides of Methyl: Arsenmethyl As(CH 3 ) Arsendimethyl, or Cacodyl . As(CH 3 ) 2 Arsentrimethyl, or Trimethylarsine Arsenmethylium, or Tetramethylarsonium Arsentrimethyl-ethylium Arsendimethyl-diethylium Arsenmethyl-triethyliuin. Arsendimethyl-diamylium As(CH 3 ) 3 As(CH 3 ) 4 As(CH 3 ) 3 (C 2 H 5 ) As(CH 3 ) 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 As(CH 3 )(C'H 5 ) 3 As(CH 3 ) 2 (C 5 H) Arsenide of Tetryl (or Butyl). Arsenide of Trityl (or Propyl). These compounds are produced, like the antimonides of the alcohol-radicles, by dis- tilling the iodides of these radicles with arsenide of potassium or sodium. Arsen- dimethyl, or cacodyl, is likewise formed by distilling a mixture of arsenious oxide and an alkaline acetate, and was obtained in this manner by Cadet, so long ago as 1760. The di-trityl and di-tetryl compounds appear to be produced in a similar manner, by distilling arsenious oxide with an alkaline valerate or butyrate. The compounds con- taining 2 and 3 at. of alcohol-radicle, e. g. cacodyl and arsentriethyl, have been obtained in the free state ; the rest only in combination. The compounds containing 1 at. alcohol-radicle, such as As(CH 3 ), are di-atomic and tetr-atomic, uniting with 2 and 4 at. Cl, I, &c. ; those with 2 at. alcohol-radicle, cacodyl, for example, tire mono- and tri-atomic ; those with 3 at. alcohol-radicle, As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 , for example, are di-atomic ; and .those which contain 4 at. alcohol-radicle, e.g. As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 , are monatomic and triatomic. (See OKGANO-METAXZIC BODIES.) Arsenides of Allyl. When iodide of allyl is heated with arsenide of potas- sium, a number of liquid products are formed, having an extremely offensive odour, and rising gradually in boiling point, so that their separation cannot well be effected, and at the same time, a solid crystalline mass is formed, which appears to be the iodide of arsenallylium or tetrallylarsonium, As(C 3 H 5 ) 4 I. (Cahours and Hofmann, Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 335.) Arsenides of Amyl. Iodide of amyl distilled with arsenide of potassium, yields compounds analogous to the arsenides of ethyl and methyl. (Cahours and Kiche.) Arsenides of Ethyl.* Three of these compounds, viz. arsendiethyl, As(C 2 H 5 ), arsentrictkyl, As(C 2 H s ) 3 , and arsenethylium, As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 , are obtained by a process similar to that already described for the preparation of stibtriethyl (p. 341), viz. by subjecting arsenide of sodium mixed with quartz-sand, to the action of iodide of ethyl in an atmosphere of dry carbonic acid gas. The action takes place without external heating, and when it is finished, the resulting arsenides of ethyl may be separated one from the other either by fractional distillation, or by treatment with ether. Arsenethyl, AsC 2 H 5 , is obtained by the decomposition of arsendiethyl. ARSENETHYL, or ARSENMONETHYL, As(C 2 H 5 ) = AsE. This radicle is not known in the free state ; but the di-iodide is obtained (together with iodide of ethyl), by the action of 2 at. iodine on 1 at. iodide of arsendiethyl, or of 3 at. iodine on 1 at. arsendiethyl : AsE 2 ! + P = El + AsEP AsE 2 + P = El + AsEP. The di-iodide distilled with 2 at. iodine, yields tri-iodide of arsenic (AsEP + P = El + AsP). Treated with excess of oxide of silver and water, it is converted into arsenmonethylic acid, As(C 2 H 5 )H 2 O s . (Cahours, Compt. rend. 1. 1022 ; Kep, Chim. pure, ii. 256.) ARSENDIETHYL, or ETHYL-CACODYL, As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 , is best obtained by treating arsenide of sodium with excess of iodide of ethyl, in the manner just mentioned, Landolt, Ann. Ch. Pharra. Ixxxix. 301 ; xcii. 365 ; Gm. ix. 70; Gerh. ii. 949 Cahours and Riche, Cotnpt. rend, xxxvi. 1001 ; xxxix. 541 ; Jahresber. f. Chem. 1853, 487 ; 1854, 530. Cahours, Compt. rend. xlix. 87 ; Jahresber. 1859, 430 ; further, Compt. rend. 1. 1022; R6p. Chim. pure, ii.255. 398 ARSENIC-RADICLES (ORGANIC). digesting the crude distillate with ether, mixing the ethereal extract with absolute alcohol, expelling the ether by evaporation, and mixing the alcoholic solution with water, which precipitates arsendiethyl, and retains in solution the iodide of arsenethy- lium, formed by the union of arsentriethyl with the excess of iodide of ethyl. Arsendiethyl is an oily liquid, having a faint yellowish colour, strong refracting power, and a very disagreeable, pungent, alliaceous odour. It sinks in water without mixing. Boils between 185 and 190 C. It absorbs oxygen rapidly from the air. giving off vapours of arsenious oxide, and if it has been separated by fractional dis- tillation, it takes fire when a drop of it is let fall on wood or paper ; but if it has been precipitated by water from the alcoholic solution, it does not take fire till heated to 180 C. It is rapidly oxidised by strong nitric acid, with evolution of light and heat, less completely by dilute nitric acid, which also forms with it a red substance analogous to Bunsen's erythrarsin. Arsendiethyl reduces the noble metals, silver, mercury, &c. from their solutions, and is at the same time converted into arsendiethylic add, As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 H0 2 . Arsendiethyl also unites directly with chlorine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur. These compounds are liquids having a peculiarly repulsive and persistent odour, and attacking the eyes strongly ; continued exposure to it produces headache and other unpleasant symptoms. The iodide, As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 I, is prepared by saturating an ethereal solution of arsendiethyl with an ethereal solution of iodine, and evaporating the ether. It is a yellow oil, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. The alcoholic solution mixed with nitrate or sulphate of silver, yields a precipitate of iodide of silver, and a solution of nitrate or sulphate of arsendiethyl. On gradually adding a dilute alcoholic solution of mercuric chloride to an alcoholic solution of arsendiethyl, a white precipitate is formed, which however disappears on boiling, and the solution yields on cooling a crystalline powder, consisting of 2Hg 2 O.As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 Cl s . This salt is inodorous,' sparingly soluble in cold water and in alcohol, more soluble in boiling water : it is decomposed by strong nitric acid. Two other crystalline compounds are formed at the same time, in small quantity. Arsendiethylic Acid. As(CH 5 ) 2 H0 2 . When arsendiethyl is triturated with red oxide of mercury under water, mercury separates out, and a solution of arsendi- ethylate of mercury is formed : and by precipitating the mercuric oxide with baryta- water, removing the excess of baryta by carbonic acid, decomposing the filtered solution of arsendiethylate of barium with sulphuric acid, and evaporating, arsendiethylic acid is obtained in crystals. This acid is also produced by the direct oxidation of arsen- diethyl, as when that substance is left for some time in a loosely stoppered bottle ; also, when its alcoholic solution is exposed to the air. or more quickly when that solution is shaken up with oxygen gas. The crystals contain As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 H0 2 . They are inodorous, have a slightly acid, afterwards bitter taste, deliquesce in the air, and dissolve readily in water and alcohol, sparingly in ether. They melt at 190C., forming an oily liquid, which solidifies in a crystalline mass on cooling; but at higher temperatures, they are decomposed, with evolution of arsenious oxide and stinking arsenical products. The acid is not attacked by nitric acid, aqua-regia, or by the milder reducing agents, such as sulphurous acid, and ferrous sulphate ; but phos- phorous acid reduces it, forming a pungent oily liquid, probably the oxide of arsendi- ethyl. The aqueous solution of the acid readily decomposes carbonates, and precipitates ferric, mercurous, and cupric salts ; also acetate of lead. The mercuric salt is a deli- quescent crystalline mass. The barium-s<, obtained by saturating the aqueous acid with baryta-water and evaporating, contains 2BaH0.3As(C 2 H 5 ) 2 H0 2 + |H 2 0; the water of crystallisation is not completely given off at 120 C. ARSENTBIETHYL, or TRIETHYLARSINE. As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 . This is the chief product of the action of iodide of ethyl on arsenide of sodium, and is easily separated from the other products by fractional .distillation in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride : it passes over between 140 and 180C. It is also produced by the action of trichloride of arsenic on zinc-ethyl (Hofmann and Cahours, Compt. rend. xli. 831). It is a colourless, mobile, strongly refracting liquid, having a disagreeable odour, like that of arsenetted hydrogen. Specific gravity 1-151 at 167 C. Under a pressure of 736 mm. it begins to boil at 140 C., but the boiling point quickly rises to 180, a small quantity of arsenic separating at the same time. Its vapour-density is, by experiment, 5'2783 ; by calculation (2 vol.) 5-6156. Arsentriethyl fumes and becomes heated in contact with the air, but seldom takes fire unless it is heated : the products of the oxidation are arsenious anhydride, carbonic anhy- dride and water. The oxidation takes place slowly, even under water in a closed vessel. Strong nitric acid oxidises it rapidly, with vivid combustion and explosion, but nitric acid of specific gravity 1-42, dissolves it slowly, giving off nitric oxide, and producing nitrate of arsentriethyl ; but no red compound is formed. This character serves to ARSENIDES OF ETHYL. 399 distinguish arsentriethyl from arsendiethyl : a further distinction is afforded by tho fact that arsentriethyl does not reduce the noble metals from their solutions. Arsentriethyl is a diacid radicle, 1 at. of it uniting with 2 at. of a monatomic acid radicle, e. g. As(C-H 5 ) 3 .! 2 , and with one at, of a diatomic acid radicle, e.g. As(C'-H 5 ) 3 .S. Bromide of Arsentriethyl, As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 Br 2 , is obtained by mixing the alcoholic solu- tions of bromine and arsentriethyl, the former in slight excess, and evaporating at 100 C. It is a yellowish, deliquescent, crystalline mass, the odour of which excites sneezing. When heated it melts, and burns with a white flame. It is decomposed by chlorine, by nitric acid, and by strong sulphuric acid. Iodide of Arsentriethyl, As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 I 2 , is obtained by mixing the ethereal solutions of its constituents : it is then deposited in yellow flakes which rapidly turn brown and liquefy on exposure to the air. It dissolves readily in water and alcohol, sparingly in ether. The chloride appears to be formed in small quantity by the action of hydrochloric acid on the oxide or sulphide. Oxide of Arsentriethyl, As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 0, is produced when an ethereal solution of arsentriethyl is left to evaporate in the air; but it may be obtained in a state of greater purity by exhausting the mass produced by the action of iodide of ethyl on arsenide of sodium, first with ether, and then with alcohol, evaporating the alcoholic solution, and distilling the residue. It is an oily liquid, heavier than water and not miscible with it, but soluble in alcohol, and precipitated from the alcoholic solution by water. It dissolves in dilute nitric acid, but not in sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. When left for some weeks in a loosely stoppered bottle, it is gradually converted into an inodorous crystalline substance [probably arsentriethylic acid]. Sulphide of Arsentriethyl, As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 8, is obtained by boiling an ethereal solution of arsentriethyl with flowers of sulphur. It forms beautiful prismatic crystals, which may be purified by recrystallisation from boiling water or alcohol, or better by solution in warm ether, and gradual evaporation. It has a bitter taste, but is quite inodorous when pure. It melts at 100 C., and decomposes at a higher temperature, giving off spontaneously inflammable vapours. It is rapidly oxidised by strong nitric acid. Dilute hydrochloric acid decomposes it partially, giving off small quantities of hydrosulphuric acid and. chloride of arsentriethyl, recognisable by its peculiarly pungent odour. It is not decomposed by boiling with caustic potash. Its aqueous solution precipitates metallic solutions like an alkaline sulphide. ARSENETHYLIUM or TETKETHYLARSONIUM, As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 , is not known in the free state, but is obtained as an iodide by the action of iodide of ethyl on arsentriethyl ; also, according to Cahours and Kiche, by the action of metallic arsenic on iodide of ethyl. Its compounds are analogous to those of tetrethylium, and contain 1 at. arsenethylmm with 1 at. of a monobasic acid radicle, or 2 at. arsenethylium with 1 at. of a dibasic acid radicle. The hydrate, obtained by the action of oxide of silver on the iodide, is a fixed base resembling hydrate of potassium, and dissolves readily in acids, forming salts which crystallise readily, are permanent in the air, have a bitter taste, and do not appear to be poisonous. In this respect, they differ remarkably from the com- pounds of arsendiethyl and arsentriethyl. Bromide of Arsenethylium, As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 Br, is a white, deliquescent, saline mass, which dissolves easily in water and alcohol, and exhibits with acids and metallic salts, the same reactions as bromide of potassium. Chloride of Arsenethylium forms crystals containing As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 C1.4H 8 0, which dissolve readily in water and alcohol, but are insoluble in ether. The aqueous solution immediately precipitates chloride of silver from the nitrate and forms an in- soluble double salt with mercuric chloride. With dichloride of platinum it forms the compound As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 Cl.PtCl 2 , which dissolves very sparingly in cold, somewhat more readily in boiling water. Iodide of Arsenethylium, As(C 2 H 5 )' l I, forms large colourless crystals, easily soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether. When heated, they fall to powder, give off spontaneously inflammable vapours, and yield a sublimate of arsenic. They are decomposed by nitric and by sulphuric acid. A compound of iodide of arsen- ethylium and iodide of arsenic is obtained by heating iodide of ethyl to 100 C. with metallic arsenic : 4C 2 H 5 I + As 2 = As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I.AsI 3 . This compound forms splendid red tables, which are decomposed by distillation, yield- ing iodide of arsentriethyl and iodide of arsendiethyl (Cahours and Kiche, Compt, rend, xxxix. 546 )._ It is also^ decomposed by hot potash-solution, yielding iodide of arsenethylium, iodide of potassium, and arsenite of potassium. Iodide of arsenethylium 400 ARSENIC-RADICLES (ORGANIC). heated with iodide of zinc, yields the compound As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 I.ZnI ; similarly with iodide of cadmium. Arsenethylium likewise forms a tri-iodide, As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ! 3 , analogous to the tri-iodide of tetrethylium discovered by "Weltzien. (Cahours, Compt. rend. 1. 1022 ; K6p. Chim. pure, ii. 255.) The sulphate, [As(C 2 H 5 ) 4 H]S0 4 , is formed by precipitating a solution of the iodide with an acid solution of sulphate of silver. Granular crystals, easily soluble in water and alcohol, sparingly in ether, and decomposed by heat, with evolution of acid vapours. ARSEN-BROMETHYL-TRIETHYLIUM, or BROMETHYL-TRIETHYLARSONIUM. As(C 2 H 4 Br)(C 2 H 5 ) 3 . The bromide of this radicle is obtained by heating a mixture of triethylarsine with a very large excess of dibromide of ethylene, in sealed tubes at a temperature not above 50 C., extracting the product with water, evaporating and recrys- tallising from boiling alcohol. It forms beautiful crystals, extremely soluble in water, the form of which exactly resembles that of the corresponding phosphonium-compound (see PHOSPHORUS-RADICLES, ORGANIC). It contains the elements of 1 at. dibromide of ethylene and 1 at. triethylarsine : C 2 H 4 Br 2 + As(C 2 H 5 ) 3 = [As(C 2 H 4 Br)(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ]Br. Nitrate of silver added in excess to the solution of the bromide, precipitates only half the bromine ; the other half is precipitated on treating the nitrate with ammonia (see AMMONIUM-BASES, p. 196). The platinum-salt of this radicle forms splendid yellow needles, sparingly soluble even in boiling water. (A. W. Hofmann, Proc. Eoy. Soc. xi. 62.) ARSENVINYL-TRIETHYLIUM, or VINYL-TRIETHYLARSONIUM. As(C 2 H 3 ) (C 2 H 5 ) 3 . The hydrated oxide of this radicle is obtained by treating bromide of bro- methyl-triethylarsouium with excess of oxide of silver : [As(C 2 H 4 Br)(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ]Br + Ag 2 = As(C 2 E 3 )(C-H 5 ) 3 A strongly alkaline solution is obtained which, when treated with hydrochloric acid and precipitated by dichloride of platinum, yields beautiful, rather soluble octahedrons, containing [As(C 2 H 3 )(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ]Cl.PtCl 2 - (Hofmann, loc. cit.) ETHYLENE-HEXETHYLDIARSONIUM. As 2 (C 2 H 4 )"(C J H 5 ) 6 . Obtained as a dibro- mide or dichloride, by digesting the bromide or chloride of bromethyl-triethylarsonium with triethylarsine at 150 C. for two hours. The dibromide [As 2 (C 2 H 4 )"(C 2 H 5 ) c ]"Br 2 , treated with oxide of silver, yields the hydrate [ As2 ( C2H T( C2 ^)Tjo2, which is a powerful alkali, and forms with acids a series of beautiful salts : The platinum-salt. [As(C 2 H 4 )"(C 2 H 5 ) 6 ]"Cl 2 .2PtCl 2 , is a pale yellow crystalline pre- cipitate, soluble in water and in boiling hydrochloric acid, from which it crystallises Dn cooling. The gold-salt, [As 2 (C 2 H 4 )"(C 2 H 5 ) 6 CP.2AuCl 3 , crystallises from hydrochloric acid in gold-coloured plates. (Hofmann, loc. tit.) ETHYLENE -TRIETHYLARSAMMONIUM f(C 2 H 4 )"^ TPN! * The ^roweWe of this radicle is obtained by heating the bromide of bromethyl-triethylarsonium with ammonia to 100C. for two hours. Treated with oxide of silver, it yields the caustic base [(0P = 129 37'; \ : oP = 116-57'; mPoo : oP = 120 46'. Specific gravity 1-519 at 14 C. The crystals are inodorous, have but a slight taste, and are permanent in the air. They give off water of crystallisation at 100 C. They dissolve in 11 pts. of cold, and 4-44 pts. of boiling water ; the solution has a slight acid reaction. Asparagine dissolves also in acids and in alkalis. It is insoluble in cold absolute alcohol, and nearly insoluble in that liquid at higher temperatures ; insoluble also in ether and in oils, whether fat or volatile. Asparagine dissolved in water and in alkalis, deflects the plane of polarisation of a ray of light to the left ; but when dissolved in acids, it deflects the plane of polarisa- tion to the right. The specific rotatory power of an acid solution is + 35, and of an ammoniacal solution, 11 18'. Asparagine heated with strong acids or alkalis, is resolved into aspartic acid and ammonia : C 4 HN 8 3 + H 2 = C 4 H 7 N0 4 + NH S . The crystals subjected to dry distillation also give off ammonia, and leave aspartic acid. Asparagine dissolved in cold nitric acid, yields aspartic acid and nitrate of ammonium, but when subjected to the action of nitrous acid, as when nitric oxide gas is passed through a solution of asparagine in pure and moderately strong nitric acid, it is con- verted into malic acid, with evolution of nitrogen : C 4 H 8 N 2 3 + N 8 3 CH0 S E 3 H 2 422 ASPARAGINE ASPARTIC ACID. The solution of pure asparagme-crystals may be kept unaltered ; but if the crystals are coloured, their solution soon passes into a state of fermentation, and the whole of the asparagine is converted into succinate of ammonium : C 4 H 8 N 2 3 + H 2 + H 2 = C 4 H 4 (NH 4 ) 2 4 . The hydrogen is derived from the fermenting matter. A solution of perfectly pure asparagine experiences the same change when mixed with a small quantity of the juice expressed from the young shoots of vetches (Piria). Asparagine ferments also under the influence of casein, and is converted first into aspartate of ammonium, after- wards into succinate. Asparagiue forms definite compounds with acids. The hydrochlorate, C 4 H 8 N 2 3 .HC1, is obtained in large crystals either by dissolving 1 at. asparagine in 1 at. hydrochloric acid, evaporating at a gentle heat, and adding alcohol ; or by passing dry hydrochloric acid gas over finely pounded crystals of asparagine, exposing the resulting compound to the air till it no longer gives off acid vapours, then dissolving in hot water, and leaving the solution to cool. Asparagine also forms salts in which 1 at. of its hydrogen is replaced by a metal ; thus the copper-salt is C 4 H 7 CuN 2 3 . These salts are obtained by mixing a solution of asparagine with the corresponding oxides. Asparagine also unites with chloride of mercury and nitrate of silver. Asparagine has the same composition as malamide, N 2 (H 4 .C 4 H 4 3 }, and its conversion into malic acid by the action of nitrous acid, suggests the idea that it may be really the amide of that acid. According to Demondesir, however (Compt. rend, xxxiii. 227), and Pasteur (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii. 437) the amide obtained by the action of ammonia on malic ether, differs from asparagine in crystalline form and in other properties. ASPARAGOXiXTC. An old name of the variety of apatite which has the green colour of asparagus. ASPARAGUS OFFXCXBTAIiXS. The ashes of wild and cultivated asparagus, and of the young heads of the cultivated plant, have been analysed by T. J. Hera- path (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ii. 9). 100 parts of the fresh wild plant yielded 2-42 pts. of ash; 100 pts. of same dried, 6-07 per cent. ash. The cultivated plant yielded in the fresh state 1-53, and in the dry state 6*07 per cent. ash. The young heads in a state fit for the table gave 0*81 per cent, and 11 -24 per cent. ash. The constituents of the several ashes are as follows : Soluble in water: ^ ( Carbonic acid "0 < Sulphuric acid <' (Phosphoric acid . , Potash Soda Chloride of sodium Chloride of potassium , Insoluble: Carbonate of calcium Carbonate of magnesium Basic c-phosphate of calcium . Basic ferric c-phosphate . Silica Sulphate of calcium Basic phosphate of magnesium Wild. 4-86 7-77 trace 15-81 2-72 20-51 21-43 2-62 21-67 1-70 0-85 trace trace 99-94 Soluble in water (per cent.) . 51-67 Insoluble . 48'27 Cultivated. Young Heads. 14-27 4-01 3-56) 2-loJ 31-08 32-74) 32-63 $ trace ) 13-06$ 10-06 14-61 6-96 16-21 14-05 0-46 0-21 2-97 1-00 trace trace trace trace 99-98 57-64 42-34 100-00 778 22-22 ASPARAIVIIDE. Syn. with ASPARAGINE. ASPARAXVXXC ACID. Syn. with ASPABTIC ACID. ASPARTXC ACXX>. C*H 7 N0 4 , or WH^NO*. (PI is son, Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxv. 175, xl. 303. PlissonandO. Henry, Md.yilv, 315. Boutron-ChautardandPelouzo, ibid. Hi. 90. Liebig, Pogg. xxxi. 232, Ann. Ch. Phann. xxvi. 125, 161. Piria, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxii. 160. Dessaignes, Compt. rend. xxx. 329; xxxi. 342; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 83. Pasteur, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiv. 30; Ann. Ch. ASPARTIC ACID. 423 Pharm. btxxii. 324. Gm. x. 230 ; Gerh. i. 812.) This acid, which is isomeric, if not identical with malamic acid, J g^ \ is obtained either by the decomposi- tion of asparagine, chiefly under the influence of acids or alkalis, or by the action of heat on the acid malate, maleate, or fumarate of ammonium. The acids obtained by these two processes are identical in composition, but differ in their relations to pola- rised light,- the former being optically active, the latter inactive. To prepare active aspartic acid, asparagine is boiled : 1. With water and oxide of lead, as long as ammonia continues to escape, the water being replaced as it evaporates : the resulting aspartate of lead, after being purified by boiling with water and alcohol, is decomposed by sulphydric acid, and the filtered solution is evaporated till it crystallises (PI is son). 2. With baryta- water, the aspartate of barium being decomposed by sulphuric acid (Boutron and Pelouze). 3. With potash, the liquid being afterwards evaporated to dryness with excess of hydrochloric acid, and the chloride of potassium dissolved out by water, which leaves the aspartic acid undis- solved and perfectly free from potash (Lie big). 4. With hydrochloric acid, for three hours, the solution being then evaporated to dryness, and the residual chloride of ammonium and hydochlorate of aspartic acid dissolved in a small quantity of water and half neutralised with ammonia ; the liquid on cooling deposits a considerable quantity of aspartic acid. (De s s aignes.) Active aspartic acid crystallises in very small thin, shining, rectangular plates, trun- cated at the angles ; they belong to the trimetric system. Specific gravity 1*6613 at 12'5 C. It is much less soluble in water than asparagine, 1 pt. of it re- quiring 364 pts. of cold water to dissolve it. In boiling water it dissolves more readily, but is nearly insoluble in alcohol. It dissolves readily in alkalis, and the solutions turn the plane of polarisation of a luminous ray to the left. It is also easily- soluble in the stronger acids, and the solutions thus formed turn the plane of polari- sation to the right. The specific rotatory power of the solution in hydrochloric acid is + 27 86'. (Pasteur.) Inactive Aspartic Acid is obtained by heating acid malate of ammonium to 200 C.; boiling the residue for some hours with hydrochloric acid ; dissolving the hydro- chlorate of aspartic acid, which crystallises from the liquid on cooling, in hot water, and half saturating the solution with ammonia. Inactive aspartic acid then separates in small crystals, belonging to the monoclinic system. Ordinary combination coP . o P. [P oo]. Inclination of the faces, o>P : ooP in the plane of the oblique diagonal and the principal axis = 128 28'; oP : ooP = 91 30'; [Poo ] : oP = 131 25'. The crystals are grouped in stars, and sometimes take a lenticular form. Specific gravity 1-6632 at 12' 5 C. The inactive acid is more soluble in water than the active acid, 1 part of it dissolving in 208 pts. of water at 13'5 C. It dissolves very easily in hydrochloric and in nitric acid. The solutions have no action on polarised light. (Dessaignes, Pasteur.) Aspartic acid is decomposed by heat, giving off ammonia and a faint empyreumatic odour, like that evolved in the destructive distillation of animal substances. It is not acted upon by boiling with hydrochloric acid or with dilute sulphuric acid, but when heated with strong sulphuric acid, it decomposes, and sulphurous acid is given off. It is not decomposed by pure nitric acid, but if nitrous acid is also present, as when nitric oxide gas is passed through a solution of aspartic acid or nitric acid, the aspartic acid is converted into malic acid, with evolution of nitrogen gas : 2C 4 H 7 N0 4 + N 2 3 = 2C 4 H 6 5 + N 4 + H 2 Aspartic Malic acid. acid. Compounds of Aspartic Acid with Acids. Both the active and inactive varieties of aspartic acid dissolve in the stronger acids, forming definite compounds, which by evaporation over the water-bath, or better by spontaneous evaporation, are obtained in crystals. The compounds are active or inactive to polarised light, according as they are obtained from the active or inactive acid. The active hydrochloratc, C 4 N 7 N0 4 .C1H, forms crystals belonging to the trimetric system; they are prisms with angles of aboiit 90, very much truncated on two opposite lateral edges, and terminated by faces inclined at an angle of about 115, and belonging to an iiTegular tetrahedron. The crystals deliquesce in the -air, the aspartic acid being set free. They are decomposed by solution in water, but the addition of a few drops of hydrochloric acid prevents the decomposition. Specific rotatory power of the solution + 24-4. The crystals are decomposed by heat, giving off water and hydrochloric acid, and leaving fumarimide. The crystals of the inactive hydrochlo- ratc belong to tlu i monocHiuc system, and differ altogether in appearance from those 424 ASPARTIC ACID. of the active compound. Ordinary combination oo P. ooPoo . P. oP. +mPoo. Inclination of the faces oP : ooP oo = 119 45' ; * P oo : oo P =. 123. The crystals are nearly unalterable in the air, only in summer losing their lustre and transparency, and becoming milk-white on the surface. They decompose when dissolved in water, but the inactive acid being more soluble than the active acid, is not precipitated ; if, however, alcohol be added, an abundant precipitation takes place. The inactive hy- drochlorate is decomposed by heat like the active salt. The sulphate, C 4 H 7 NO*.S0 4 H 2 , is obtained by gradually adding aspartic acid to strong sulphuric acid heated to 50 or 60 C. in a wide glass tube, and leaving the tube closed for a few days ; it then separates in large agglomerated prisms, which are lighter than the mother-liquor (Dessaignes). The nitrate is obtained, like the hydrochlorate, in beautiful crystals. ASPARTATES. Aspartic acid is monobasic, the formula of its normal salts being C 4 H 6 MNO 4 . It likewise forms basic salts, the composition of which is not very clearly made out. The aspartates of the alkali-metals are soluble, and taste like broth. The active and inactive aspartates agree in composition, and in most of their properties, differing only in solubility, crystalline form, and relation to polarised light. The ammonium and potassium salts are very soluble and difficult to crystallise. The sodium-salts, C 4 H 7 NaN0 4 .H 2 O, are obtained by neutralising the acid with caustic soda or its carbonate, and leaving the solutions to evaporate slowly; they are perfectly neutral. The active salt crystallises in prismatic needles belonging to the right prismatic system, and terminated by faces of a tetrahedron inclined to one another at about 106. The four faces of this tetrahedron are either present alone, or are much more developed than those of the opposite tetrahedron, which, if equally developed with the former, would constitute a rhombic pyramid ; 1 part of this salt dissolves in 1/12 pts. of water at 12'2 C. The specific rotatory power of the solution is 2 23'. The salt gives off its water of crystallisation at 160 C., turns yellow and gives off ammonia at 170, and froths up considerably at higher temperatures. The inactive sodium-salt crystallises in the monoclinic system, the ordinary combina- tion being oo P . oo P oo . oP . + P. Inclination of the faces, oP : oo P oo a 144 46' ; ooP : ooP, in the plane and of the oblique diagonal and principal axis = 51 38'; + P : + P = 112 53'. The salt often form's twin-crystals, with the face of junc- tion oo P oo. One pt. of the salt dissolves in 1-19 pts. of water at 12-5 C. Normal barium-salt, C 4 H 6 BaN0 4 .2H 2 0. The active salt crystallises in very slender silky needles soluble in water, and giving off 14-4 per cent, water at 120 C. (Des- saignes). The inactive normal salt forms an uncrystallisable gummy mass (Wolff). The basic barium-salt is obtained by gradually adding hydrate of barium to a hot and rather strong solution of the normal salt. The liquid solidifies on cooling in a crystal- line mass, but by recrystallisation from boiling water in a vessel protected from the carbonic acid of the air, this salt may be obtained in rather large shining prisms con- taining 2C 4 H 6 BaN0 4 .Ba 2 + 5H 2 0. In vacuo, the crystals give off 3 at. water; when heated to 160 C. they lose 16'4 per cent., and the residual salt contains, according to Dessaignes, 57'Q5 per cent. Ba 2 O, agreeing nearly with the formula C 4 H 5 Ba 2 NO 4 , which requires 57 '55 per cent. This is the formula of the normal salt of a dibasic acid ; but since aspartic acid is in all probability an amidogen-acid, and such acids are always monobasic, it is rather to be supposed that the true formula of the salt dried at 160 C. is 2C 4 H (i BaN0 4 .Ba 2 0. This formula requires only 55-0 per cent. Ba 2 ; the greater proportion obtained by Dessaignes may have been due to the presence of car- bonate of barium. (Gerhardt, Traite, i. 818.) The normal calcium-salt is gummy, and tastes like the sodium-salt, The basic salt frequently forms prismatic crystals containing 2C 4 H 6 CaN0 4 .Ca 2 O + 7H 2 ; according to Dessaignes, it gives off 8 atoms of water at 160 C., and is then reduced tc C 4 H 5 Ca*N0 4 . Magnesium-salts. The normal salt forms crystalline crusts, soluble in about 16 pts. of boiling water, insoluble in absolute alcohol. The basic salt obtained by dissolving magnesia in the normal salt is a gummy mass. Aspartate of Zinc is a white non-deliquescent salt. Aspartate of nickel is obtained by evaporation in a green fissured mass. An aspartate of iron is precipitated on add- ing a solution of basic aspartate of magnesium to sesquichloride of iron. Aspartates of Copper. The normal salt of the active acid exists only in solution. A basic salt is obtained by adding a solution of the normal barium-salt to a hot solu- tion of sulphate of copper. The liquid on cooling deposits pale blue, very light crys- tals which, according to Dessaignes, contain C 4 H 5 Cu 2 NO 4 .5H 2 (or rather, perhaps, 2C 4 H 6 CuNO 4 .Cu 2 + 9H 2 O), and give off their water at 160 C., leaving the anhy- drous salt C 4 H 5 Cu 2 N0 4 . Inactive aspartate of ammonium forms a bluish precipitate with copper-salts. (Wolff.) ASPASIOLITE ASPHALT. 425 Aspartatcs of Lead. The, normal lead-salt, C 4 H G PbN0 4 , is obtained by precipitate ing a solution of acetate of lead with aspartate of potassium or basic aspartate of cal- cium. On mixing an ammoniacal solution of normal acetate of lead with inactive aspartate of sodium, a curdy precipitate is formed, and the filtered liquid, if diluted with a considerable quantity of water, deposits, after two or three days, nacreous crystals united in very hard spherical masses. These crystals are anhydrous, and contain 63'88 per cent, of lead-oxide, agreeing with the formula 2C 4 H 6 PbN0 4 .Pb 2 O, which requires 64 '5 per cent. Pb 2 0. The formula C 4 H 5 Pb 2 4 , analogous to that of the basic aspartates examined by Dessaignes, would require 66'1 per cent, of lead- oxide (Pasteur). The sodium-salt of active aspartic acid also forms a precipitate with ammoniacal acetate of lead, and the liquid afterwards deposits hard radiated nodules containing 65 per cent, lead-oxide ; these, however, are nothing but a basic acetate of lead. (Pasteur.) Aspartate of Mercury. Mercuric oxide, boiled with aspartic acid, forms a white powder, containing, when dried at 100, 2C 4 H 8 HgN0 4 .Hg 2 0, a composition analogous to that of Pasteur's basic lead-salt. (Dessaignes.) Aspartatcs of Silver. When nitrate of silver is added to a slightly alkaline solution of aspartate of ammonium, a precipitate is formed, which disappears on stirring, and the liquid, after 24 hours, yields white, heavy, entangled crystals of a basic salt. The mother-liquor, left to crystallise, deposits yellowish crystals of the normal salt, C 4 H d AgNO 4 . The basic salt appears to be C 4 H 5 Ag 2 4 . This formula requires 66-86 per cent, oxide of silver, and the mean of several analyses made by different chemists, and not differing by more than 0'2 per cent., gives 667 per cent. This salt appears then to be really a dibasic aspartate. Pasteur finds, however, that the same salt, when merely pressed between paper, and then dried for 24 hours at the ordinary temperature, agrees in composition with the basic lead- and mercury-salts, its formula being 2C'H 6 AgN0 4 .Ag 2 0. The active and inactive acids yield silver-salts identical in composition. (Pasteur.) Aspartate (?) of Ethyl. When malate of ethyl is saturated with dry ammonia- gas, the liquid becomes heated, and in a few days solidifies to a radiated crystalline mass, which, after being drained, and then washed with ether, consists of pure mala- mate (or aspartate) of ethyl, ' 0. By further treatment with ammonia, it is converted into malamide [ ? asparagine]. (Pasteur.) ASPASIOLITE. A variety of cordierite [3(Mg 2 O.Si0 2 ) + Fe 2 O.Si0 2 + 2(2Al 4 3 .3Si0 2 )], in which the magnesia is partly replaced by water. The two minerals crystallise in the same form, and crystals are found consisting partly of cordierite, partly of aspasiolite, the most complete transitions from one to the other occurring in the same specimen. Moreover, both minerals contain the same propor- tions of silica and alumina ; but aspasiolite contains less magnesia and more water than cordierite, the difference being that 1 at. of magnesium in the latter is replaced by 3 at. of hydrogen in the former (or 1 at. of magnesia by 3 at. of water). Similarly it is found that 1 at. of iron or manganese may be replaced by 3 at. H without altera- tion of crystalline form. This kind of isomorphism, called polymeric isomorphism, was discovered by Scherer; it was first noticed in the minerals cordierite and aspa- siolite. (Pogg. Ann. Ixviii. 319.) ASPERTAWXBTC ACID. A variety of tannic acid obtained by S ch war tz (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxx. 333) to be contained in woodruff (Asperula adorata). Schwarz assigns to it the formula C 14 H 9 O 9 , but it does not appear to have been obtained in a state of purity. (See also Rochleder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 64.) ASPERTTXiA ODOR AT A. The herb of this plant contains cumarin, aspertannic acid (?), rubichloric acid, citric acid, and probably catechu. ASPHAIiT. Compact Bitumen, Mineral Pitch, Jew's Pitch, Bitumen Judaicum, Judcnpcch, Erdpcch, Bcrgpech, Goudron mineral. A smooth, hard, brittle, black, or brownish-black, resinous mineral, having a conchoi'dal fracture, and a streak lighter than the broken surface with which it is made. Specific gravity 1> to 1-68. Odour bituminous, becoming stronger by friction. Melts at about 100 C., easily takes fire, and burns with a bright, but very smoky flame. Like all bituminous substances, it is a product of the decomposition of vegetable matter, consisting chiefly of .hydrocarbons, with variable quantities of oxygen and nitrogen, and yields by dry distillation a small quantity of ammoniacal water, a peculiar empyreumatic oil, and a residue of charcoal mixed with variable quantities of inorganic matter. It dissolves partially in alcohol, more easily in oils both fat and volatile ; it is also dissolved by alkalis and alkaline carbonates. Asphalt is found in most parts of the world, sometimes pure, sometimes associated 426 ASPHALT. with various minerals. The name earthy or crude asphalt is applied to various rocks more or less impregnated with bitumen. Pure asphalt is found on the shores of the Dead Sea, issuing from the earth in the liquid state at the bottom, and rising to tho surface, where it forms solid lumps, which are thrown upon the shore. In Trinidad there is a lake of bitumen l mile in circumference, cold and solid near the shore, but gradually increasing in temperature and softness towards the centre. Asphalt is also found, more or less pure, in Cuba, South America, and various parts of Europe. At Seyssel, near the Khone (Dept. de 1'Ain), it forms a deposit 2500 ft. long and 800 ft. broad, yielding about 1500 tons annually. At Bechelbrunn and Lobsann, in the Lower Rhine, a viscid bituminous mass is found, called graissc de Strasbourg, toge- ther with a ferruginous sandstone, containing about 12 percent, of bituminous matter. At Bastennes and Dax, in the D^partement des Landes, there is a siliceous sand, im- pregnated with about 6 per cent, of bitumen. In the Val de Travers, Neufchatel, there is a cretaceous formation, strongly impregnated with asphalt, which is used for building purposes. In the British Isles, asphalt is found at the Poldice mine in Cornwall ; near Matlock in Derbyshire ; at Haughmond Hill in Shropshire ; and at the Hotwells near Bristol ; also in limestone near Glasgow ; in freestone near Edin- burgh ; in the sandstone of Caithness ; and generally throughout the Orkneys. Asphalt is separated from the minerals with which it is associated, either by boiling with water, which causes the bitumen to run out in the melted state, or by the action of hydrochloric acid, which dissolves carbonate of calcium and leaves the asphalt, or with oil of turpentine, which dissolves out the bitumen. The following table contains the results of analyses of various kinds of asphalt : a is asphalt from Coxitambo inPeru ; b from Bastennes ; c from Pont-du-Chateau, Auvergne ; d from the Abruzzi near Naples ; e from Pontnavey ; / from Cuba : Boussingault.* Ebelmen.f Regnault.J a bed e f Carbon . . 88-63 8870 78-50 76-13 77'64 67'43 81-46 Hydrogen . 9'69 9'68 8-80 9-41 7'86 7'22 9'57 Oxygen > ,. fi8 .- 2-60 10-34 8'35 23-98) R . q7 Nitrogen} ' 1'65 2'32 1-02 1*7J Ash 8-45 1-80 5-13 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 According to Boussingault (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixiv. 141), asphalt or compact bitumen is a mixture of two definite substances, viz. asphaltene, which is fixed and soluble in alcohol, and pctrolene, which is oily and volatile. The greater part of the latter may be volatilised by distilling the asphalt with water. Pctrolene (from the asphalt of Bechelbrunn) forms, when dried over chloride of calcium and rectified, a pale yellow oil having a faint taste and bituminous odour. Specific gravity 0-891 at 21 C. Does not become solid at 12 C. It stains paper, and burns with thick smoke. Boils at 280, forming a vapour of specific gravity 9 -4 15. It contains, according to Boussingault, 87*2 per cent, carbon and 12'1 hydrogen, agree- ing nearly with the formula C 20 H 32 , which for a condensation to 2 vols. gives the vapour-density 9-5. Asphaltene is obtained pure by heating asphalt for 48 hours to 250 C., whereby the petrolene is completely volatilised. It is a black solid substance, having a strong lustre and conchoi'dal fracture. It becomes soft and elastic at about 300 C., decom- poses before it melts, and burns like a resin. It gives by analysis 74-2 per cent. C, and 9-9 H, whence Boussingault deduces the formula C 80 H 32 3 . Gerhardt prefers C'^H^O 3 , and suggests that asphaltene may be formed by the oxidation of petrolene. Asphalt-oil. Asphalt yields by dry distillation, a yellow oil consisting of hydro- carbons mixed with a small quantity of oxidised matter. It begins to boil at 90 C. but the boiling point gradually rises to 250. The portion boiling between 90 and 200 has a specific gravity of 0'817 at 15 C.; that which boils between 200 and 250 has a specific gravity (3f 0-868 at 15 C. Both portions gave by analysis about 87"5 per cent, carbon, 11-6 hydrogen, and - 9 oxygen, which is nearly the composition of oil of amber. (Volckel, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxviii. 139.) Asphalt-oil, treated with nitric acid, is transformed into a resin, having the odour of musk and the taste of bitter almonds. On treating the oil with strong sulphuric acid, part dissolves, while the rest floats on the surface. This latter, when decanted, washed with potash, and rectified, yields an oily mixture, whose boiling point ranges from 90 to 250 C., and density from 0*784 to 0'867 at 15 C. Subjected to frac- tional distillation at intervals of 20 or 30 C., it yields a number of oils gradually * Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxiii. 422. f Ann. Min. xv. 523. J Dingl. polytechn. J. Ixviii. 201. ASPHODELUS ASPIRATOR. 427 increasing in density, but agreeing very nearly in composition, the mean result of their analysis being 87'5 per cent, carbon, and 12'5 H, a proportion agreeing with the formula wC 3 H 5 . It agrees also with Boussingault's analysis of petrolene. All these oils have nearly the same odour, are insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol and ether. Strong sulphuric acid scarcely attacks them. They are insoluble in strong nitric acid, and on boiling the liquid, the nitric acid volatilises, and there is formed a very small quantity of a heavy yellow oil. Asphalt was used by the ancient Egyptians in embalming, and appears to have been employed in the construction of the walls of Babylon. It is now used, mixed with sand, chalk, ground sandstone, &c., for pavement, for making water-tight tanks and covers, as a coating for tubes of glass and iron used for conveying gas or water, and for various other purposes of like nature. Artificial or Gas-tar Asphalt is a mixture of sand, chalk, or lime-stone, with the thick pitchy residue obtained by evaporating off the more volatile portions of gas-tar. The mineral substance must be strongly heated to expel moisture and adhering air, the presence of which would prevent the pitch from penetrating thoroughly into the pores of the mineral, and added to the pitch while in the melted state. The pitch should also be very strongly heated, but not enough to char it. This artificial asphalt is used in the same way as the natural asphalt, for pavements, tanks, &c. ASPHODELUS. The bulbs of Asphodele de Sardaigne, of Asphodelus racemosus, and other species of the same genus, are said to contain a fermentable substance from which alcohol may be prepared. According to Landerer, an excellent glue may bo obtained from the bulbs of A. racemosus and A. fistulosus by washing them with water, drying them thoroughly in a stove, grinding them to coarse powder, and mixing the powder with water. ASPIRATOR. An apparatus first devised by Brunner for drawing a stream of air through a tube or other vessel. The simplest form of it is a cylindrical vessel A (fig. 76), of zinc or tin plate to hold water, having a cock a near the bottom, and three apertures closed with corks b, c, d on the top. b is connected with the vessel through which the stream of air is to be drawn ; c is for the insertion of a thermometer, and d to pour in water. The vessel A being filled with water, the apertures c and d closed, and the cock a opened, the water runs out ; and as air can only enter by the bent tube e, inserted into the opening b, a stream of air is drawn through the apparatus with which the other end of this tube is connected, the volume of air thus drawn through being exactly equal to that of the water which runs out at A. Instead of the metal cylinder, a glass vessel may be used, having a stopcock at the lower part of its side. Regnault, in his analysis of air, used a* cy- lindrical metal vessel with conical terminations, and having at the bottom, a stopcock to which was attached a short glass tube bent upwards, so that the small column of liquid which remained in it when the vessel was emptied of water might prevent air from entering at the bottom The advantage of tho conical terminations is that the vessel can be more completely filled and emptied, and the volume of water which runs from it, more exactly measured. In all these forms of aspirator, the refilling of the vessel with water is yery troublesome, especially when large quantities of air are to be drawn through. To obviate this inconvenience, an aspirator has been contrived by Brunner, consisting of two equal cylindrical vessels placed one above the other and communicating by tubes which can be opened or closed, so that, when the water has run from the upper to the lower vessel, the apparatus, turning for the purpose on a horizontal axis, may be inverted so as to bring the empty vessel to the bottom, and the full one to the top ; the water may then be again made to run without the trouble of refilling. M ohr's aspirator has the form of an ordinary gasometer, consisting of two cylindrical vessels, the inner of which, of rather smaller diameter than the outer, is closed at top, and inverted in the outer which contains water. The inner vessel is balanced by a weight passing over a pulley, as in the large gasometers used at gas-works. The vessel through which the air is to be drawn is connected with the inner vessel by a bont tube passing through the outer vessel near the bottom and terminating within the inner vessel. 428 ASSACOU ASSAMAR. Fig. 77. A simple apparatus, serving both for aspirator and perspirator is described by Dr. F. Guthrie (Phil. Mag. [4] xv. 64). An aspirator which works by a constant stream of water and does not require any filling or emptying of vessels, has been contrived by M. "W. Johnson (Chem. Soc, Qu. J. iv. 186). The principle of this apparatus is the same as that of the water- blast used in the Hungarian mines. The apparatus consists of a small hollow cylinder A, of brass or glass, open at both ends, and connected with the vessel through which the air is to be drawn, by the lateral tube C. A straight glass tube B is fitted to the lower end of the cylinder A, and the upper end of that cylinder is attached by a caoutchouc tube to a water- tap supplying a constant stream. On opening the tap, the water, as it runs down, carries the air in the cylin- der A along with it and the air in the lateral tube C is then driven in by the external pressure. In this manner, a stream of air is made to pass from C to A as long as the water is running. It is best not to open the tap to the full. For a cock f of an inch in diameter, the cylinder A may be 2 in. long and f in. wide ; B 1 in. long and f in. wide ; C also 1 in. long and | in. wide. The volume of air drawn through this aspirator is not equal to that of the water which runs away. With the tube B t 8 in. long and | in. wide, John- eon found that, for every cubic foot of air drawn in, only 0*69 cub. in. of water was expended. It is clear, therefore, that this form of aspirator cannot be used when the volume of air drawn in is to be exactly measured. In that case one of the aspirators before de- scribed must be used. When only small quantities of water are run out, it is sufficient to receive the water in a graduated measure and determine its volume directly. When a large aspirator is used and has to be filled several times, its capacity must be previously determined by filling it with water from a flask of known capacity. This volume of air determined by direct measurement of the water run out, must of course be reduced to the standard pressure and temperature, C. and 760 mm., the co- efficient of expansion for each degree centigrade being 0'003665. A correction is also required for the quantity of aqueous vapour in the air, which is saturated with mois- ture. To determine the alteration of volume thus produced, we must look in the tables of the tension of aqueous vapour for the tension corresponding to the observed tem- perature. Let this tension expressed in millimetres of mercury be/; also let h denote the height of the barometer, t the temperature in centigrade degrees ; v the observed and v' the corrected volume of the air : then *-/ 1 ' 760 1 + 0-003665 . t ASSACOU or TJSS ACTT. The Brazilian name for the Hura brasiliensts Martins, a euphorbiaceous tree, the bark and sap of which contain an acrid very poisonous principle. The thickened sap and the decoction of the bark exert an emetic action, produce ulcerating pustules on the skin, and are used as a remedy for elephantiasis. The natives also use them to prepare poisonous drinks, against which no antidote is known. (Merat and Gilbert, Pharm. Centr. 1849, p. 30.) ASSAMAR. (From assare to roast, aed amarus bitter.) This name was given by Reichenbach to the peculiar bitter substance produced when gum, sugar, starch, gluten, meat, bread, &c. are roasted in the air till they turn brown. Reichenbach (Ann Ch. Pharm. xlix. 3) prepares it by roasting thin slices of bread till they become black-brown, treating the pulverised product with absolute alcohol, evaporating to a syrup, again treating with alcohol, &c. till a residue is obtained completely soluble in alcohol. The alcoholic solution is then mixed with ether, which precipitates a peculiar brown substance ; the decanted liquid is evaporated ; and the residue carefully heated till it is dry. Volckel (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv. 74) prepares assamar in a similar manner, from the brown tarry liquid obtained by the dry distillation of sugar or caramel, after neutralising the acid contained in the liquid with carbonate of sodium, an- 1 evaporating. Aswamar, according to Reichenbach, is a yellow transparent solid ; but according ASTER AT AC AMITE. 429 to Volckel, it is a reddish-yellow syrupy liquid, which does not solidify till it begins to decompose. It is extremely hygroscopic, and dissolves in water in all proportions. When heated, it melts (R eichenbach), becomes more fluid, and at 100 C., decomposes and becomes darker in colour, after which it no longer dissolves completely in water (Volckel). The aqueous solution is neutral, and reduces nitrate of silver when heated. Assamar is dissolved by potash, and acids precipitate from the solution, a body of different composition. Volckel assigns to assamar the formula C**H W 1 *; but it is doubtful whether the substance so-called is a definite compound, or has ever been obtained in the pure state. ASTER-TRXPOXiXITM. 8m Starwort. The ash of this plant, which grows in salt-marshes, is very rich in chloride of sodium. The several parts of the plant gathered towards the end of September, were found by Harms (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 247) to yield ash of the composition and amount given in the following table : Root-leaves. Stems. Stem-leaves. Flowers. Ash per cent .... 14-9 87 16-2 9-4 Containing, in 100 pts., after deducting charcoal and sand : Carbonic acid (anhyd.) 3-4 3-3 4-2 37 Sulphuric acid (anhyd.) 27 1-8 4-1 10-5 Phosphoric acid (anhyd.) 2-0 0-6 17 10-8 Silica (anhyd.) 0-6 0-5 0-8 1-0 Chloride of sodium 65-5 68-5 60-2 30-0 Chloride of potassium 37 14-1 Soda .... __ 14-0 1-4 Potash .... 13-6 2-5 6-1 25-4 Lime .... 6-0 4-5 4-8 7-2 Magnesia . . . 2-2 2-2 17 57 Sesquiphosphate of iron 1-1 2-1 2-3 4-0 Manganaso-manganic oxide trace trace trace trace A native sulphate of magnesium and sodium, S0 4 MgNa.2H 2 occurring in white, opaque, prismatic crystals, together with ordinary sulphate of magnesium, in the bitter salt-marshes on the eastern side of the mouth of the Volga. ASTRAXiXTE. A glass flux resembling aventurin, but containing crystals of a cuprous compound, which by reflected light exhibits a dichroitic iridescence of dark red and greenish-blue. To prepare it, a mixture of 80 pts. of silica, 120 lead-oxide, 72 carbonate of soda, and 18 anhydrous borax, is fused either with 24 pts. of scale oxide of copper, and 1 pt. of scale oxide of iron, or with 5 pts. of lime, 26 scale oxide of copper, and 2 scale oxide of iron. The mixture is fused in a hessian crucible, at- the heat of an ordinary air-furnace, and left to cool slowly in the furnace. The first mixture melts more easily than the second, and yields larger crystals. The dichroitic iridescence is particularly beautiful on cut and polished surfaces. (Pettenkofer, Abhandl. d. naturw. techii. Commission bei d. Akad. d. Wiss. zn Miinchen, p. 134.) ASTROPHlTXiXiXTE. A variety of mica found at Brevig in Norway. It con- tains silica, alumina, ferric oxide, magnesia, potash, soda (a trace), ferrous oxide, manganous oxide, lime, and about 3 per cent, of water. The amount of iron is unusually large. Fluorine is absent. Before the blowpipe it melts easily, and with intumescence. Colour pinchbeck-brown, varying to nearly a golden-yellow in the thinner parts. The crystals are often united in beautiful stellate and floral groups : hence the name. (Scheerer, Berg- u. hiittenmannische Zeitung, 1854, s. 240.) ATACAMXTE. A native oxychloride of copper, originally found in the desert of Atacama in Peru, and since observed in other localities, viz. in some silver mines in Peru, in the districts of Huasco Bajo and Aconcagua in Chili, in the lavas of Vesu- vius, and in the mines of Schwarzenberg in Saxony. According to the analyses of Klaproth, J. Davy, Ulex, and Mallet, it contains CuCl.SCuHO, or CuCl+ 3(CuO.HO). Berthier (Kammelsb. Handw. i. 55), found in a specimen from Cobija, twice the amount of water given by the above formula. F. Field (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vii. 194), deduces from his analysis of a specimen from Copiapo in Chili, the formula CuCl + SCuO + 5HO, or CuC1.3CuIIO.H 2 0. It forms small rhombic crystals, varying in colour from leek to emerald green, and generally aggregated in crystalline groups. According to Mon- teiro (Phil. Mag. [4] xiii. 470), it occurs at Serra do Bembe near Ambriz, on the west coast of Africa, in small translucent crystals, ooP . P oo, on malachite and quartz. It dissolves easily and completely in acids, and in ammonia. It is used for the ex- traction of copper. 430 ATHAMANTA ATHERI ASTITE. ATHAMAITTA OREOSEZiIKTUIVT. The root and seeds of this plant contain a peculiar bitter substance, not yet examined, together with athamantin (see next article). The leaves contain, not athamantin, but a bitter principle and a volatile oil, which is obtained by distilling the herb with water. This oil has the composition of oil of turpentine, C"H 16 ; it smells like elder, has a density of 0*841, and boils at 163 : C.' With hydrochloric acid gas, it forms an uncrystallisable liquid, which is colourless after distillation, lighter than water, and boils at 190 C. It does not appear to be related, in composition or properties, either to athamantin or to oil of valerian, which is produced by the decomposition of the latter. (Schnedermann and Winckler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. li. 336.) ATHAXVEAIffTIN 1 . C'- 4 H 30 7 . (Gm. xii. 101 ; G-erh. iv. 269.) -A substance exist- ing in the root and seeds ofAtkamanta orcosclimim, and other species of the same genus. It was first obtained in an impure state by Winckler (Buchn. Repert. xxvii. 169), afterwards prepared pure and more completely examined by Schnedermann (Ann. Ch. Pharm. li. 315). It is extracted by treating the roots and seeds with alcohol. The solution, if not too concentrated, yields the athamantin, by spontaneous evapora- tion, in crystals, which may be purified by pressure and recrystallisation. It forms colourless, fibrous, silky crystals, or sometimes rectangular prisms with truncated sum- mits ; has a rancid soapy odour, and a slightly bitter acrid taste. It is insoluble in water, and melts in it at the boiling heat, in drops which sink to the bottom of the vessel. It dissolves readily in alcohol and ether, and the solutions are not precipitated by metallic salts. It melts between 60 and 80 C. It does not volatilise undecom- poged, although it can sustain a tolerably high temperature without decomposition. By dry distillation, it yields valerianic acid and other products. Melted athamantin absorbs hydrochloric acid gas, and appears to enter into com- bination with it, but on raising the temperature to 100 C., decomposition takes place, and the athamautin is resolved into valerianic acid and oreoselone : 2C 5 H 10 2 + C 14 H 10 3 Athamantin. Valerianic Oreoselone. acid. When hydrochloric acid gas is passed into an alcoholic solution of athamantin, the products formed are oreoselone and valerate of ethyl. Sulphurous acid acts on athaman- tin like hydrochloric acid, a crystalline compound being formed at first, and soon after- wards oreoselone, valerianic acid, and sulphurous acid gas. Concentrated sulphuric acid dissolves athamantin and decomposes it in like manner. Athamantin heated with caustic potash, yields valerate of potassium, and a white amorphous substance, which appears to be a hydrate of oreoselone. Lime-water and baryta-water act in the same manner, but more slowly. (See OREOSELONE and PEUCEDANIN.) Trichlorathamantin, C-'II 27 C1 3 7 , is a light yellow resinous body, produced by mixing an alcoholic solution of athamantin with water, and cautiously adding dilute chlorine- water, till the liquid smells slightly of chlorine. A corresponding bromine-compound appears to be formed by treating athamantin with bromine-water. Trinitratkamantin, C 2I H 27 (N0 2 ) 3 7 , is formed, together with other substitution- products, by the action of cold fuming nitric acid on athamantin. Precipitated by water, it is a yellow pulverulent substance, scarcely wetted by water, easily soluble in alcohol, ether, and ammonia, slightly in dilute nitric acid. (Geyger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 359.) ATHANOR or ACACTOR. Tiger Henricus, Fourncau des paresseux. A kind of furnace, which has long since fallen into disuse. The long and tedious operations of the ancient chemists rendered it a desirable requisite, that their fires should be constantly supplied with fuel in proportion to the consumption. The athanor furnace was peculiarly adapted to this purpose. Beside the usual parts, it was provided with a hollow tower, into which charcoal was put. The upper part of the tower, when filled, was closely shut by a well-fitted cover ; and the lower part communicated with the fire-place of the furnace. In consequence of this disposition, the charcoal sub- sided into the fire-place gradually as the consiimption made room for it ; but that which was contained in the tower was defended from combustion by the exclusion of a proper supply of air. U. ATHAR or ATTAR. The Indian name of volatile oil of roses. ATHERXASTXTE. Thf name given by Weibye to a mineral from Arendal, bearing an external resemblance to scapolite. In composition it appears to be related to epidote, as will be seen by the following comparison of its analysis by Berlin (Pogg. Ann. Ixxix. 302)- with that of epidote from Arendal by Scheerer (ibid. xcv. 503). ATLAS ORE ATMOSPHERE. 431 Atheriastite. Silica .... 38-00 Alumina . . . 24-10 Ferric oxide . . . 6'22 Lime . . . .22-64 Magnesia . . . 2*80 Water .... 6-95 100-71 100-05 Berlin does not state whether the iron in atheriastite is present as a ferrous or as a ferric compound ; but it is probably all in the form of ferric oxide. (S c h e e r e r, Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. i. 405.) AT&AS ORE. See MALACHITE. ATXiAS SPAR. See SATIN SPAR. ATZKERYTKRIXQ 1 . The name given by Kane (Compt. rend. ix. 656) to a pro- duct which volatilises in red vapours, and condenses in reddish-green laminae, in the dry distillation of litmylic acid (erythrolitmin) and litmic acid (a mixture of azolitmin and spaniolitmin), with lime. ATMXDOSCOPX:. An instrument invented by Bab in et (Compt. rend, xxvii. 529) to measure the rate of evaporation. ATMOSPHERE. The gaseous envelope which surrounds any solid or liquid body is called an atmosphere (OT/XOS smoke, fftydipa globe) ; thus we speak of the atmo- sphere of oxygen which spongy platinum attracts to its surface, or of the reduction of a metal in an atmosphere of hydrogen. The term atmosphere is, however, especially employed to designate the gaseous matter which encircles the solid and liquid portions of the earth's surface, forming the air or earth's atmosphere. Of the existence of matter above the visible crust of the globe we have striking evidence in the resistance offered to bodies moving near the earth's surface and in the effects produced by wind ; but the most direct proof that the air is attracted by the solid and liquid portions of the earth's body, or that the air has weight, is afforded by the fact that a vessel filled with air weighs more than the same vessel from which the air has been removed, and that a closed vessel filled with air weighs less in the atmosphere than it does in a vacuum. That the air possesses weight was suspected even before the time of Aristotle ; but Galileo, in 1640, was the first who gave the right explanation to the fact observed by the Florentine pump-makers, that they were unable to raise water by a suction-pump more than 32 feet, and supposed by them to show that nature had a " horror vacui." Galileo's explanation was beauti- fully verified by his pupil Torricelli, who argued that, if the atmospheric pressure supports a column of water 32 feet in height, it must support a column of mercury, which is nearly fourteen times heavier than water, of about 30 inches in height ; and thus the first barometer was constructed, the empty space above the mercury in the tube being called, from its discoverer the, Toricellian vacuum. The atmosphere, then, having weight, or obeying the laws of gravitation, forms a part of the earth's body, and accompanies the solid and liquid portions in their axial and orbital motions. The height to which the atmosphere extends above the earth's surface is not the same at all points, since, owing to the increase of the attractive force at the poles and its diminution at the equator, and to the action of the centrifugal force, as also to the increase of temperature, the atmosphere presents, like the earth's solid body, the form of a spheroid, whose polar is considerably shorter than its equatorial diameter. The absolute height to which the atmosphere extends above any point on the surface of the earth has not been determined with any degree of certainty: for, as air is an expansive fluid, and the volume which a given quantity of air occupies is directly dependent upon the pressure and temperature to which it is exposed (in accordance with the known laws regu- lating the expansion and contraction of gases), the density of the atmosphere is not uniform, but diminishes as the distance from the earth's surface increases: the exact point at which the atmosphere terminates is thus very difficult to determine. That there is, however, a limit of the earth's atmosphere is rendered certain from the fact, ascertained by the observations of the occultations of stars or satellites, that our moon and most of the planets are destitute of an atmosphere like ours, which could not be the case if the terrestrial air were diffused throughout space. Dr. Wol- laston supposed that a gas cannot expand beyond a certain limit, and Faraday has shown that in the case of the vapour of mercury such a limit really exists : hence there can be no doubt that there is a definite limit to the atmosphere ; and, from calculations of the time during which the twilight extends to the zenith, it appears 432 ATMOSPHERE. that the atmosphere reaches, in a state of sensible density, to the mean height of from forty to forty-five miles above the earth's surface.* Barometric observations at various heights above the sea-level prove conclusively that Galileo's theory of atmospheric pressure is correct. The first of these barometric measurements, made on the Puy-de-D6me by Pascal's advice in 1648, showed that the column of mercury supported by the atmosphere sinks as the distance from the earth's surface increases ; thus, at the sea-level, the mean height of the barometric column is 760 millimetres (29'92 English inches), whereas in Potosi, at a height of 13,220 feet, the mercury sinks to a mean level of 471 millimetres. The average weight, then, of the atmosphere at the level of the sea is, in our latitudes, that of a column of mercury 700 mm. in height, or equal to a pressure of 103*33 kilogrammes on a square deci- metre (nearly 15 pounds on a square inch). This weight, the human body, in common with all substances existing at the bottom of the ocean of air, has to carry ; and although it may at first sight appear remarkable that the animal frame should be able without discomfort to bear a pressure amounting to several tons, yet it is certain that not only is this the case, but that our bodies are arranged so that we cannot exist with- out this pressure ; and as an effect of the weight of the air, it has been shown by the brothers Weber, that the human thigh-bone is, in certain positions of the body, re- tained in its place, together with the ball and socket hip-joint, only by atmospheric pressure ; it is well known also that persons remaining for any length of time at great heights above the earth's surface are inconvenienced by haemorrhage from the nose, eyes, and mouth, owing to the small blood-vessels, unsupported by the atmospheric pressure, being unable to withstand the forcible propulsion of the blood through the system. The relation according to which the density of the air diminishes in ascending, is easily deduced from the well-known law of Mariotte, that the density of a gas is directly proportional to the pressure to which it is subject ; whence it follows that, alterations of temperature and variations in the force of gravity at different heights not being considered, the density diminishes in a geometrical ratio, as the height in- creases in an arithmetical ratio. It has been found by experiment that, when the barometer stands at a height of 760 mm. it is necessary to ascend 10'5 metres in order to effect a fall of 1 millimetre in the barometric column, or to bring the mercury 759 to stand at 759 mm., or at 760 = mm. Now we may assume, without appre- ciable error, that the air throughout this space of 10 '5 metres is of equal density; 759 at a height, then of 10-5 metres the pressure is 760 : hence the air in the next 759 10-5 metres has only a density of - of what the lower layer had ; and therefore, in ascending through the second 10*5 metres, the barometer does not fall 1 millimetre, 759 but only ,= of a millimetre, so that at a height of twice 10'5 metres, the barometer 760 750 759 /759\ 2 will stand at 760 = ^rrr = 760 I ^-, } ; and as the density of the third layer 760 7oO \7t>0/ of 10-5 metres is ^r^- times less than that of the second, the barometer at the height ' /759\ 2 /759\ 2 /759\ 8 of three times 10'5 metres, will be 760 I^QO) ~ \T^o) = ^ 6 * ( 760 ) ' andsoon - If then, at two places the barometer stands respectively at B = 760 l^~) and /759\ m \'t>y/ B' = 760 (= ) , their difference in elevation is 10'5m x (n ni); hence, from \760/ these two equations the difference in height, ZT, between these two points expressed in metres is H = 18363 (log B - log 2?') or in English feet H = 60246 (log B - log B'). By means of this formula, we find that the pressure is diminished to half its original amount, and therefore the air expanded into double its original volume, at a height of 5528 metres or 18,136 ft. above the level of the sea, and that at a height of twice 5528 metres, the pressure is reduced to ^ of its original amount, and so on. The mean temperature of the atmosphere, like its density, is not equal throughout the mass, but diminishes as the distance from the earth's surface increases, so that, at a certain height above the sea-level, different for different latitudes, we arrive at a * In order to give an idea of the relation between the earth's diameter and the height of the atmo- sphere, it may be stated, that if we represent the earth by a globe of 1 foot in diameter, the atmosphere will be represented by a layer of air ^ of an inch in height. ATMOSPHERE. 433 lino above which the mean temperature of the air does not rise higher than the freezing point, and this line is called the level of perpetual snow. This regular diminution of temperature in the higher regions of the atmosphere is to be attributed mainly to two causes : 1st, to the fact that the air absorbs but a small portion of the heating rays of the sun in their passage to the earth, the lower zones of the atmosphere being heated by contact with the warmer solid and liquid crust of the globe ; and, secondly, to the increase of latent heat which all gases undergo on rarefaction, producing a diminution in temperature. Besides this regular alteration of mean temperature of the various zones of air above the earth, the various portions of the atmosphere exhibit great and constant variation in temperature, owing to the unequal heating effects produced by the sun on the earth in various latitudes and at various times. The mean tem- perature of any place, and therefore of the air above that place, is the resultant of the amount of heat received from the sun, and that lost by radiation. These two con- trolling causes are, however, never constant, either in the same or in different places, and hence the temperature is continually varying. The chief factor representing the change of temperature, is the height to which the sun rises above the horizon, and the intensity with which any point on the earth's surface is heated, is proportional to the cosine of the sun's zenith-distance at that point ; thus, in the torrid zone, the sun's zenith-distance varies from to 33'5, or the cosine from 1 to 0-917, whilst in the temperate and frigid zones the cosine of the angle varies from 0-930 to 0-367, and from 07 31 to 0. We see from these numbers that, although many other circum- stances, such as duration of day and night, and the thickness of atmosphere through which the sun's rays have to pass affect the temperature, the warm climate of the torrid zone is not subject to such variations as occur in the other portions of the globe. The height at which the mean atmospheric temperature sinks below C., or the height of the snow-linq, in different latitudes, is determined by many circumstances besides those already mentioned, as, for instance, the geographical relations of the country, neighbourhood of large masses of water, &c. ; thus the snow-line on the northern slope of the Himalaya is found at a height of 15,600 ft., whilst on the southern slope it reaches only 12,200 ft. above the sea. Still the general descent of the line of perpetual snow with increase of latitude is, notwithstanding these local irregularities, plainly seen; thus, under the equator, the snow line is not reached until 15,207 ft., whereas, under the latitude of 60, it is found at 3818 ft., and in latitude 75, at only 1016 ft. above the sea-level. In passing through the atmosphere, a portion of the solar rays is absorbed, the amount of this absorption depending upon the thickness of the layer of air through which the rays pass. Pouillet (Pogg. Ann. xlv. 25 and 481) concluded, from his own ex- periments, that when the sun is in the zenith and the atmosphere clear, the amount of the sun's heat which is absorbed by passing through the air, varies from 18 to 25 per cent, of the quantity which enters the atmosphere. The light of the sun is also partially absorbed and reflected in its passage through the air, and, according to Clausius (Pogg. Ann. Ixxii. 294), out of 1000 rays of direct sunlight entering the atmosphere, 750 reach the earth direct, whilst 186 are reflected as diffuse light, and 64 are absorbed. For the more refrangible chemically active rays, Bunsen and Roscoe have lately determined the amount of atmospheric absorption and reflection : for the numerical results of these experiments the reader is referred to the article on the Chemical Action of Light. Besides suffering absorption and reflection, every ray of light which enters the atmosphere otherwise than perpendicularly to the limiting surface, undergoes refraction, or is bent out of its coiirse in the direction of tho denser medium, so that, as we see the object in the direction of the tangent to the curve as it enters the eye, all celestial objects appear higher than they really are. Ac- cording to the experiments of Biot and Arago, the refractive index, from the absolute vacuum into air at C. and 076 m. pressure of mercury, is 1 '000294 ; and hence the refractive power of the air is equal to 0*000588.* Owing to the unequal heating effect which the sun produces on the various portions of the earth's surface, either from general or local causes, the temperature of the atmosphere varies in every part of the globe, and in the same part undergoes continual change, thus producing the motion of masses of air which we call wind. Winds are invariably caused by the ascent of a heated mass of air, and the motion of a colder mass to fill up the space thus left vacant ; the former of these gives rise to currents in the higher regions of the atmosphere, whilst the latter produces the hori- zontal currents which we observe at the surface of the earth. Winds may either be con- fined to very narrow limits, as for example the sea and land breezes seen on every coast, or they may extend over a large portion of the globe, as is the case with the trade winds. The former are caused by local circumstances depending upon the unequal heat-absorb* * If the index of refraction be = n, the refractive pr.wor is n- 1. See LIGHT. VOL. I. F F 434 ATMOSPHERE. ing and radiating power of the sea and land, whilst the Litter depend upon the iraequnl distribution of temperature throughout the globe, being caused by the rise of hot air from the equatorial zones, inducing horizontal currents to stream in from the colder polar regions. These polar currents would, if the earth were at rest, move directly south and north to the equator ; but, owing to the earth's axial motion from west to east, they pass continually over latitudes having a velocity of rotation greater than that of the current, which therefore acts as a resistance towards the east, or as a north- or south-east wind. Composition of the Atmosphere. It was not until the year 1774 that the true composition of the atmosphere was pointed out by Lavoisier. Before this time, the air was spoken of as one of the four elements, together with fire, earth, and water ; and it was only during the few years preceding this date that the vague impressions of speculative philosophers were ex- changed for the careful observations of Priestley and Scheele, whose discovery of oxygen had paved the way for the knowledge of the exact composition of the atmo- sphere. In November 1774, having the advantage of acquaintance with Priestley's previous discovery of the vital air procured from red precipitate, Lavoisier announced to the world that the atmosphere consists of two gases, one of them being essential to life, and the other incapable of supporting respiration or combustion. These two gases he named oxygen (o|i/, acid, and yev to give rise to) and azote (a privative, and fa)), life) or nitrogen, and he found that the first of these gases occupies about one-fifth by bulk of the atmosphere, the other occupying the remaining four-fifths. Besides these two gases, which form by far the largest portion of the atmosphere, many other substances occur in the air, which although present in comparatively small quantities, play so important a part in the action of the atmosphere on our globe that they cannot be regarded as accidental constituents : these substances are, aqueous vapour, carbonic acid, ammonia, and organic decomposing matter. The atmosphere also con- tains traces of very many other bodies which may be considered as foreign or accidental constituents, such as nitric acid, sulphurous acid, carbonic oxide, hydrocarbons and minute solid particles which are seen floating about in ihe air by the light of a sunbeam. Since the time of Priestley, Scheele, and Lavoisier, the determination of the quanti- tative composition of the atmosphere has been made the subject of experiment by many of the most eminent chemists of the present century ; but in spite of these numerous investigations, the relative distribution of the component gases of the atmo- sphere is still but imperfectly known. At the commencement of this century, there was much difference of opinion amongst scientific men as to the true composition of the atmosphere : Prout, Dobereiner, and Thomson considered the atmosphere to be a chemical compound of 20 volumes of oxygen, and 80 volumes of nitrogen, whilst D alt on (Manchester Memoirs, 2 Ser. Tol. i. p. 244) contended that the atmosphere is a mere mechanical mixture, but sup- posed that the relative amounts of the two gases varied according to their specific gravities at different heights above the earth's surface, the oxygen increasing in quantity the nearer the sea-level was approached, and the amount of nitrogen becom- ing larger as the distance from the surface of the earth increased. That the determination of the amount of oxygen which air in different localities contains, should have excited the interest of men of science as soon as the discovery of the true composition of the air was made, does not seem remarkable, when we bear in mind the direct dependence of all life upon this element, and the great influence which even slight alterations in the amount of atmospheric oxygen might produce on the animal life subjected to this change, and hence Eudiometry (eu5o?, good, eGdia, serene air, and fjiTpeiv, to measure), or the mode of measuring the quality of tlie air, quickly became a new and important branch of chemical analysis. At first sight it appeared not unlikely that the unequal development of animal life on the various parts of the globe, would effect considerable alterations in the composition of the air in different localities ; and this idea was borne out, not only by the well-known fact of the unhealthiness of the air of certain districts, such as crowded towns, marshes, and the like, but also by the earliest determinative experiments, which showed variations in the composition of air of various localities amounting to nearly 10 per cent. Thus Fontana determined the quantity of oxygen contained in air by absorption with nitric oxide, and obtained results showing from 18 to 25 per cent. ; whilst Scheele, on absorbing the oxygen with sulphide of potassium, or by a mixture of sulphur, iron, and water, found from 25 to 33 per cent, of that gas present in air. Other experimenters, however , and among them Dalton, Gay-Lussac, Davy, and Boussingault found, on employing other analytical methods, that the amount of the atmospheric oxygen varied but very slightly in different situations, and that the non-accordance of the results formerly obtained was owing to errors of experiment, caused by the use of imperfect methods. The ATMOSPHERE. 43o quantity of oxygen found by Dalton in English air was from 207 to 28 per cent., and Gay-Lussac and Humboldt found that Paris air contained from 21 '1 to '20-9 per cent., whilst Davy in London obtained from 20*8 to 21 '1 per cent. ; Thomson in Glasgow, 21*1 ; and Kupffer, in Kasan, 21 '1 per cent, of oxygen. Experiments made by Dalton himself on the composition of mountain air, did not tend to confirm his theory as to the diminution of the relative quantity of oxygen at great heights ; and further experience showed that Dalton's views, although theoretically correct for an atmosphere of mixed gases at rest, are not applicable to the air in motion : for Gay-Lussac and Thenard analysed the air which the former savant collected in his celebrated balloon ascent at a li eight of 7000 metres, and they found that the oxygen amounted to 21 '6 per cent, agreeing exactly with an analysis of the air of Paris, made in the same way at the same time, both differing, however, owing to a common error of experiment, from the exact result of later observers. Although from these experiments we can draw the important conclusion that, within certain very small limits, the air has throughout its mass a constant composition as regards oxygen, still the observational errors of these earlier investigators were large, and it was evidently necessary that the composition of the atmosphere should be determined with all the precision that modern science could bestow. The more recent labours of Dumas and Boussingault, Eegnault, Bunsen, and Lewy, have attained this end by help of methods in which the maximum error is reduced to ~o- The analysis of air may be conducted in two ways. Either by measuring the volumes of tne.component gases, or by determining their weight. The details of the for- mer, or the eudiometric method, are fully described in the article on ANALYSIS OF GASES, and this is the method adopted, with slight variations, by Eegnault, Bunsen, and Lewy, whilst the determination by weight has been employed by Dumas and Boussin- gault. For the purpose of carrying out the analysis of air, these two French chemists [Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iii. 257], employed an apparatus in which air previously freed from aqueous vapour, carbonic acid, and ammonia, by passing through U-tubes con- taining sulphuric acid and potash, was passed through a weighed tube containing metallic copper kept at a red heat, and then entered an exhausted balloon, the weight of which had been accurately determined. The difference of weight of the tube before and after the experiment, was due to the oxygen ; that of the balloon, to the nitrogen of the air which passed into the apparatus. This process, conducted with every possible precaution, showed the composition of the atmosphere to be : Percentage qf oxygen by Weight. 1841. Small balloon. Large balloon. 27th April . . . 22-92 22-92 28th ... 23-03 23-09 29th ... 23-03 23-04 22-993 23-016 or 100 parts by weight of air, are composed of 23 parts of oxygen, and 77 parts of nitrogen. From this composition by weight, the composition by volume of the air can be determined when the specific gravity of the oxygen = o and that of the nitrogen 23 77 100 = n are given: for + = -= . Dumas and Boussingault found, on employing the specific gravities as obtained by Berzelius and Dulong, that the sum was not 100 but 99-J6 ; hence they concluded that these specific gravities must be incorrect, and determined them again, obtaining o = 1-1057, and n = 0-972, from which the com- position by volume of the atmosphere was found to be ' Oxygen = 20-81 Nitrogen = 79-21 100-02 The near approximation of these numbers to the truth, has since been proved by the very exact experiments of Eegnault (see Eegnault' s work on Steam, p. 151 ; or Pogg. Ann. Ixxiv. p. 202), who has shown that one litre of air at C. and 076 m. pressure, freed from moisture, carbonic acid, and ammonia, weighs 1-293187 grms., whilst one litre of oxygen, under like circumstances, weighs 1-429802 grms., or has a specific gravity of 1-10563, and 1 litre of nitrogen at C. and 0-76, weighs 1-256167 grm., or has a specific gravity of 0'97137. In accordance with these results, Boussingault found in air which he collected in South America, the following percentage volumes of oxygen : Air from Santa Fe de Bogota, at a height of 2650 m. above sea- level 20-65 p. c. 0. Ibaque 1323 2070 p. c. O. Mariquita 518. 2077 p c. O. FF 2 436 ATMOSPHERE. The eudiometric determinations of Bunsen and Eegnault are on the whole to be preferred to any method of analysis of the air by weight, not only from their greater accuracy, but from the simplicity of the apparatus employed, and the ease with which small samples of air collected at various times and in different localities can thus be analysed. Bunsen (Gasometry, p. 71), in a series of analyses of air made on fourteen different days in January and February 1846, amongst which the maximum amount of oxygen was 20'97 per cent, and the minimum 20-84 per cent., found a mean of 20-93 per cent, of oxygen. Eegnault (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvi. 385) has analysed a very large number of samples of air collected in various quarters of the globe in a uniform manner, according to instructions given by him. The method of analysis employed rarely gave a difference of 0*02 per cent, on the same sample of air. In more than one hundred analyses of air collected in or near Paris, Kegnault found a maximum amount of 20*999 vols. of oxygen, and a minimum of 20-913 or a mean of 20-96. This differ- ence of 0-086 per cent, is, according to Eegnault, too large to be accounted for by ex- perimental errors. 9 samples from Lyons, Montpelier, Normandy gave from . . . 20-918 to 20-966 p.c. of 0. 30 samples collected in Berlin contained . . . 20-908 20-998 10 Madrid ... 20-916 20-982 23 from Geneva and Chamounix . . . 20'909 20*993 Of seventeen samples of air collected in Toulon Eoads and other parts of the Medi- terranean, fifteen gave similar results of 20-912 to 20-982 per cent, oxygen, whilst two samples collected from Algiers harbour contained only 20*42 and 20-395 per cent. This abnormal result cannot be accounted for, but a similar phenomenon was observed by Lewy. 5 samples taken on the voyage from Liverpool to Vera Cruz gave 20-918 to 20-965 p. c. of 0. 2 samples from Ecuador in S. America contained .20-96 2 the summit of Pichincha, higher than Mont Blanc 20-949 to 20-988 Eleven samples collected in the Asiatic seas from 1848 to 1850, all except two, gave normal results. On the 1st February 1849, the air in the Bay of Bengal contained only 20-46 and 20*45 per cent, oxygen, and on the 8th March 1849 the air from above the Ganges, collected during foggy weather, in presence of much decomposing animal matter, temperature 35 C., when cholera was commencing, contained from 20*390 to 20-387 per cent, of oxygen. Air collected by Captain Sir James Eoss in the Arctic seas gave the normal com- position from 20-86 to 20-94 per cent, oxygen. The conclusion which Eegnault draws from all these determinations, is that the atmosphere shows perceptible, though very small, alterations in the amount of oxygen at different times and in different places. This variation ranges from 20-9 to 21-0 per cent,, but from special unknown causes in tropical countries, the amount of oxygen may sink as low as 20'3 per cent. Bunsen's analyses of the air in Iceland confirm these views. Lewy (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiv. 1) has also published a series of analyses of air collected from various parts of the globe. The relative amounts of oxygen and nitrogen were determined by Eegnault' s eudiometric process, and the maximum difference be- tween the composition of the same sample of air analysed at different times was Y^,^. The air of Paris contained, in a mean of three experiments, 21*014 per cent, of oxygen, that of Havre 20*888 per cent., whilst that collected on the Atlantic gave 20*961 and 21*061 per cent., and in South America, 20-995 and 21*022 per cent, of oxygen. Hence we can positively state that no greater difference exists between the composition of the atmosphere as regards oxygen and nitrogen in different latitudes (some few special cases excepted), than is found in the same place at different times. _ Frankland (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 22) has lately determined the composition of air collected by himself at different elevations on Mont Blanc, viz. at the Grands Mulcts^ at the summit, and at Chamounix. The conclusion which Frankland draws from his experimental numbers is, that as far as the nitrogen and oxygen are con- cerned, the composition of these samples of air falls within the limits of variation noticed by former experimenters. That the air is a mechanical mixture and not a chemical combination of oxygen and nitrogen is seen from the following facts: 1. The amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air do not present any simple relation to the combining proportions of. these ATMOSPHERE. 437 2. On mixing oxygen and nitrogen gases in the > contraction or evolution of heat is observed, and elements, and are moreover variable. proportion in which they occur in air, no contraction or evol the mixture acts in every way as air. 3. When air is dissolved in water, the proportion between the oxygen and nitrogen in the dissolved air is quite different from that in the undissolved air, this difference occurring in strict accordance with the laws of the absorption of gases in liquids (see GASES, ABSORPTION OF). When water is saturated with air at any temperature below 30 C., 100 volumes of the dissolved air contain 34-19 vols. of oxygen and 65'09 vols. of nitrogen, whilst the undissolved air contains 2T1 per cent. of oxygen and 78'9 per cent, of nitrogen. Were the air a chemical combination of oxygen and nitrogen, such a separation by solution would be impossible. The other constituents of the atmosphere, viz. the aqueous vapour, carbonic acid, ammonia, and decomposing organic matter, alter in amount at various times and in different places, much more considerably than the oxygen and nitrogen. The humidity of the air is affected by many circumstances, such as temperature, distance from masses of water, and configuration of the land over which it lies. The amount of aqueous vapour which any volume of air can take up depends entirely upon the temperature of the air, and is represented by the tension and corresponding density of the vapour of water in vacuo for that temperature ; thus at 10 C. the tension of aqueous vapour is 9 '47 mm. of mercury, and the corresponding density 0-00000974, or 1 cubic metre of air at 10 C. is saturated when it contains 974 grms. of water in the form of vapour. It seldom happens, however, that the air contains its saturating quantity of moisture, and the amount varies extremely with the conditions before mentioned ; thus, on the coast of the Eed Sea, during a simoon, the air was found to contain only ^ part of the aqueous vapour required to saturate it, whilst in our moist climate, the air is often saturated with watery vapour. The following table shows the relative humidity, i. e. the existing percentage on the saturating quantity, as found by Kamtz in Halle, as a mean of several years' observations : Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 850 79-9 76-4 71-4 69-1 G9-7 66-5 61-0 72-8 78-9 85-3 86'2 Hence we see that in Halle the air is most humid in December and driest in August. The determination of the aqueous vapour contained in the atmosphere may be made, either by leading a known volume of air through weighed tubes containing some hygroscopic substance, as sulphuric acid or chloride of calcium, or by means of hygrometers of various construction, for the description of which the article HYGROMETKY must be consulted. The carbonic acid or anhydride contained in the air varies also considerably in amount, though by no means to so large an extent as the aqueous vapour. Many methods are employed for ascertaining the quantity of carbonic acid present in the atmosphere. The most certain method is to absorb the carbonic acid from a known volume of air by passing the air, freed from aqueous vapour and ammonia, through weighed tubes con- taining caustic potash. Saussure (Pogg. Ann. xix. 391), Brunner (Pogg. Ann. xxiv. p. 569), Pettenkofer (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. x. p. 292), Smith (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xi. p. 196), and Frankland (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 27), have all proposed different methods, for the explanation of which we must refer to the original papers. From very numerous observations made by Saussure, Brunner, Lewy, and others, it appears that air in the open country contains quantities of carbonic acid varying from 3 to 10 volumes in 10,000 of air. As an average number, it has been found that 4 vols. in 10,000 represent the usual composition of the air as regards carbonic acid. In some few peculiar cases, a much larger proportion of carbonic acid has been found (as noticed by Lewy in S. America at Bogota) ; but these abnormal results are ex- plained by local circumstances, as neighbouring volcanic emanations or burning forests. The air collected above the ocean showed a small variation in carbonic acid between day and night ; that collected in the day contained 5'4, whilst that collected during the night contained 3'3 carbonic acid in 10,000 volumes of air. This observation is easily accounted for by the increase of the coefficients of absorption with the diminution of temperature occurring during the night. Air above the land also slightly changes its amount of carbonic acid at various seasons of the year and times of the day, in dependence upon different meteorological alterations, but as yet experiment has'not decided the nature of this dependence. At a certain elevation above the earth's sur- face, the air, according to Saussure and Schlagentweit, contains more carbonic acid than F F 3 438 ATMOSPHERE. is found in the lower belts of the atmosphere; this increase, which however it not large, probably arises from the decrease of vegetation in the higher atmospheric regions. In the air of crowded towns or of closed inhabited spaces (such as dwelling- rooms, &c.), the carbonic acid often rises to ten times the normal quantity, owing to in- efficient ventilation. Although the relative amount of 4 vols. of carbonic acid in 10,000 vols. of air ap- pears to be a very small one, yet the absolute quantity of carbon thus contained in the atmosphere is very large, exceeding indeed all that is contained on the earth's surface in the solid form, in the bodies of plants and animals, and that found under the earth's solid crust in the coal formations. The question of change in the composition of the earth's atmosphere as regards carbonic acid is one of vital interest to all forms of terrestrial life : for whilst forming the staple nutriment of the vegetable world, car- bonic acid, when present in certain quantities, acts as a violent poison on the higher orders of animal life ; nor is the limit at which this gas begins to be hurtful to the animal, very far removed from the quantity which at present exists in the atmo- sphere : for we find that Leblanc and Peclet assign a limit of five in 1000 (ten times the normal quantity), whilst Eeid and Arnott give a much lower limit to the non- injurious effect of this gas. Whether the atmosphere is now slowly undergoing, or has in past ages undergone, any perceptible change in the amount of its carbonic acid, is a question to which, owing to the absence of certain and accurate data, we are as yet" unable to give any very satisfactory answer. We do, however, know that there are a great number of causes continually at work, some of which tend to increase the amount of atmospheric carbonic acid, whilst there are others which tend to effect a diminution in this constituent. Whether the resultant of these various counteracting influences is such as to keep, during future ages,* the carbonic acid exactly at the present amount, it is, with our present knowledge, impossible to say ; but from the remarks which follow, it will be seen that if any alteration occur, it must proceed with extreme slowness. The principal causes which tend to increase the atmospheric carbonic acid are : (1) The respiration of animals. (2) Combustion of vegetable carbonised material. (3) Exhalations of carbonic acid caused by volcanic and other intra-terrestrial agencies. It would appear that the quantity of carbonic acid escaping from volcanic vents, mineral springs, and other inorganic sources into the atmosphere is much larger than that produced by the two causes first named. According to the calcula- tions of Poggendorff (naturally but very rude approximations to the truth), it seems that, taking the amount of carbonic acid evolved by volcanic action to be ten times larger than that given off by every kind of combustion of carbonised material, the quantity of carbonic acid at present contained in the atmosphere would be doubled in 386 years, supposing, of course, that no causes of diminution of were acting. That such causes of diminution are, however, continually at work we know. They consist mainly in (1) the decomposition of carbonic acid, i. e. reduction of carbon and regenera- tion of oxygen, which living vegetables effect in sunlight. (2) The fixation of carbonic acid as carbonate of lime by the vital action of certain animalculse, giving rise to coral reefs and islands, and the whole of the vast limestone deposits. (3) The fixation of carbonic acid by inorganic chemical processes. The immense extent to which these actions, particularly the second one, have gone and are still going on, appears to justify the opinion that if any change in the amount of the atmospheric carbonic acid occur at all, it is more probably a diminution than an increase. Any conclusions which we can draw from geological facts, seem rather to support this opinion : for it is more likely that the air contained a larger amount of carbonic acid during the deposition of the enormous carboniferous system when the vegetation must have been so luxuriant and profuse, and when few, if any, air-breathing animals existed, than less than at present. Still, we have no right positively to assume that the air at the time of the deposition of the coal and limestone contained more carbonic acid than now : for we know nothing of the length of time during which these formations were in progress. From the foregoing remarks, it is seen that a continual circulation of the atmospheric carbon takes place ; the animal gives off the waste portion of its body mainly as car- bonic acid, and thus deteriorates the atmosphere, which would soon become unfit for his further use, if the vegetable world did not absorb the poisonous gas, at once ret'iiuinp: the carbon in the solid form, fit for the subsequent nourishment of the animal, and exhaling the oxygen wherewith the higher organism again removes his spent materials. Having described the causes effecting possible variation of the atmospheric carbonic acid, it is almost needless to consider any change which the oxygen may undergo, for the atmosphere becomes unfit for the sustenance of animal life from the presence of a small quantity of carbonic noid, long before the oxygen is materially diminished. If, however, the carbonic ut-id is slowly decreasing, it nuiy be interesting to inquire how ATMOSPHERE. 439 long our supply of oxygen will last us. Such a speculation has been answered, as satis- factorily as the circumstances admit of, by Dumas and Boussingault. These chemists calculated that if the whole of the earth's atmosphere were put into a balloon and sus- pended from one end of a balance, it would require 581,000 cubes of copper, each having aside of 1 kilometre (1093 English yards) in length, to be suspended at the other end to equalise the balance. Of this total weight, the oxygen would be represented by 134,000 cubes. Assuming, from the best data, that a man consumes a kilogramme of oxygen per day, taking the population of the earth to be 1000 millions, and supposing that the oxygen .taken up by animals and by putrefactive processes is four times as large as that consumed by human beings, and supposing further, that the oxygen given off by plants only covers the expenditure of oxygen effected by other causes not mentioned, it appears, even in this exaggerated case, that an amount of oxygen three times as large as that consumed in one century by the whole number of animals existing on the earth, is represented by 15 or 16 of the copper cubes, each having a side of 1 kilometre in length, or the alteration effected in a century is less than ^ of the total quantity of oxy- gen, and is therefore altogether inappreciable by our most exact determinative methods. (See Dumas and Boussingault (1841) Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iii. 257, 288.) As regards the ammonia and the organic impiirities contained in the atmo- sphere, we still labour under the disadvantage of insufficient experimental data. The great difficulty in the estimation of these constituents, lies in the very minute quantities which are contained in the atmosphere. This difficulty is seen when we compare some of the statements put forward of the amount of atmospheric ammonia ; thus Ho rs ford (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 243), found in 1 million parts of air, 47*6 parts of ammonia, whilst Bineau (Ann. Ch. Phys. xlii. p. 462) found in the same quantity of air, from 0'04 to O'l part of ammonia. Between these extremes, we have numerous experiments in which every variation in the quantity of atmospheric ammonia has been found. Al- though, from the great differences in the numerical results (maximum 135 ; minimum O'l parts of carbonate of ammonia), probably arising, partly from errors of analysis and partly from real variations in the contained quantity, it is impossible to fix upon any number as giving the average composition, still it is certain that the atmosphere always contains ammoniacal salts, and that rain (the first portions more than the latter portions), hail, snow, and dew, all contain appreciable quantities of ammonia. The atmospheric ammonia plays a very important part in vegetation : for it is mainly if not altogether, from the ammoniacal salts contained in the air, that plants obtain the nitrogen which they require for the formation of seed and other essential parts of their structure. Whether plants are at all able to assimilate the free nitrogen of the atmosphere, must, in spite of the numerous researches on the subject, be considered doubtful. George Ville has for some time asserted, founding his assertion on a large number of elaborate experiments, that plants can absorb and assimilate the free atmo- spheric nitrogen. Boussingault, on the contrary, from his own extensive investigations, denies Ville' s conclusions, affirming that it is from nitrogenous compounds alone that plants can assimilate the nitrogen. The commission of the French Academy, which was deputed to examine the question under the direction of Chevreul, reported in Ville's favour, although some doubt as to the estimation of the ammonia contained in the distilled water used, was expressed. Still more lately Lawes, Gilbert, and Pugh, have investigated the subject with great care, and find that plants growing in an atmosphere and on a soil free from ammonia or combined nitrogen in other forms, do not contain more nitrogen than the seeds from which they grow. In the state of uncertainty in which such contradictory statements leave us, we may, however, be certain of one fact in which all the experiments agree, namely, that whether or not plants can assimilate small quantities <5f free nitrogen, it appears that plants growing in air perfectly free from ammonia, do not flourish to anything like the same extent as plants living in an ammoniacal atmosphere. Concerning the remaining constituents, and especially the organic putrescent matters, our present knowledge is even less satisfactory or positive than is the case with the ammonia. Within a very recent period, we were unacquainted with any method for determining the presence of organic putrescent matters ; and even the very important and ingenious method lately proposed by Dr. E. Angus Smith (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xi. p. 196) requires much extension and general application before we can arrive at a knowledge of the exact qualitative distribution of the organic impurities. Smith's method (for the details of which we must refer to the paper), depends upon the reducing action which solid, liquid or gaseous organic putrescent matter effects on per- manganate of potassium. The strength of the test-solution is determined by adding it to a solution of sugar of known composition, until the colour of the permanganate remains permanent ; and the same reaction performed with the air under examination, shows the quantity of contained organic matter. In this way, Smith has detectc-d great FF 4 440 ATOMIC VOLUME. differences between the air of various localities. The air from high country ground was found to contain 1 grain of organic matter in 200,000 cubic inches of air, whilst the air from a cesspool contained the same quantity of organic matter in 60 cubic inches of air. In a sanitary, as well as in a purely scientific point of view, it is diffi- cult to over-estimate the importance of this simple method for determining the organic impurities which air contains ; and if future research confirm its applicability to all cases, it will prove an invaluable instrument in the hands of the physician and the sanitary reformer. Besides the constituents already mentioned, air contains minute quantities of nitrates, hydrocarbons, sulphurous and sulphuric acids, and according to some chemists, iodine, but this has been lately denied. Ozone also occurs in the atmo- sphere in very small amounts, varying, however, extremely with the situation and meteorological conditions of the place. (See OZONE.) The atmosphere of the ocean, as well as of the masses of fresh water occurring on the earth's surface, is subject to the same changes from the existence of animal and vegetable life, as the earth's gaseous atmosphere. The relative proportion between the gases dissolved in the water is fixed in accordance with the law of absorption, and many important and interesting conclusions, such as the relative increase of dissolved oxygen, or diminution of temperature, enabling mammalia to live in the polar but not in the tropical seas, can be drawn from an application of these laws to the atmosphere of the sea. The equilibrium between the constituents of the dissolved atmosphere kept up by animal and vegetable life, is well illustrated by the vivaria now so common, which were first introduced by Mr. Warington. The air of towns and close-inhabited spaces, becomes, as has been stated, often overcharged with carbonic acid and other impurities. The amount of carbonic acid present in dwelling-rooms, &c., has been made the subject of experiment byLeblanc (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] v. 223; xxvii. 373), Pettenkofer (Chem. Soc. Q,u. J. x. 292) ; Roscoe (Chem. Soc. Q-u. J. x.) ; and Smith (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xi 196). The main results may be stated to be : (1) that in rooms which are not thoroughly ventilated, the amount of carbonic acid may rise from 1 to 7 volumes in 1000 of air ; (2) that in well ventilated rooms, the amount of carbonic acid should not rise above 0'8 in 1000; (3) that in ordinary dwellings, or even in school- or barrack-rooms, the carbonic acid is diffused uniformly throughout the space, in whatever parts of the room the exit for deteriorated air is placed, though in the exaggerated -case of crowded theatres, the air at the highest part of the building was found to contain more carbonic acid than the air at the level of the stage. For other interesting details, we must refer to the original papers, or to the article on VENTILATION. H. E. E. ATOMIC VOLUME. Specific volume; Equivalent volume; Molecular volume. The atomic or specific volume of a body is the space occupied by a quantity of it proportional to its atomic weight, and is therefore expressed by the quotient of the atomic weight divided by the weight of a unit- volume, that is by the specific gravity : ... , atomic weight Atomic volume = ^- -s_ - specific gravity It must not, however be supposed that the atomic volumes represent the relative volumes of the actual material atoms of different bodies. For, regarding any sub- stance, solid, liquid, or gaseous, as an aggregate of material particles capable of moving amongst themselves, it is impossible to suppose these particles to be in actual contact and to fill up the entire volume of the body ; we must suppose them to be separated by certain intervals : consequently the specific gravity, and therefore also the specific volume of the. body, will depend, partly on the relative weights of these atoms, partly on the number of them contained in a given space, and therefore on the magnitude of the interstitial spaces. Unless, therefore, the spaces are either infinitely small in comparison with the magnitude of the atoms themselves, or bear the same proportion thereto in all bodies, it is impossible to determine the relative volumes of the actual material atoms: for we have no means of ascertaining the proportion between the size of the atoms and of the intervening spaces in each particular case. The atomic volume of bodies must therefore be understood, as the spaces occupied by aggregates of atoms (including the interstitial spaces), whose weights are proportional to the atomic weights of the bodies. As the atomic weights, or multiples thereof, represent the proportions in which bodies combine by weight, so likewise do the atomic volumes or multiples thereof indicate the proportions in which they unite by volume, thus : the atomic volume of 1 97 1 OR iodine being ^ = 257, and that of silver = = 10-2, we infer that 257 vols. iodine unite with 10'2 vols. silver to form iodide of silver, Agl. ATOMIC VOLUME. 441 The numbers representing the atomic volumes of bodies vary according to the units of atomic weight and specific gravity chosen, and according to the particular values assigned to the atomic weights. Thus, if the atomic weight of hydrogen be equal to 1, that of chlorine = 35 -5, and of sulphur = 32, the atomic weight of hydrochloric acid (HC1) wiU be 36-5, and that of sulphydric acid (H 2 S) = 34. Now the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid gas referred to air as unity is 1-264, and that of sulphydric acid is 1-177. Hence we have : Atomic volume of HC1 = r-^J = 14-44 1-264 If, on the other hand, we adopt hydrogen as the standard of specific gravity for gases, that of hydrochloric acid is 18-25, and that of sulphydric acid is 17, in each case half the atomic weight. On this hypothesis, therefore, the atomic volumes of both gases are expressed by the number 2. Again, if common ether be represented by the formula C 4 H 10 O [C = 12, H = 1, O = 16], its atomic weight is 74; and, its specific gravity in the gaseous state being 37 (referred to hydrogen), its atomic volume in that state is -^= 2, and in the liquid state (specific gravity at referred to water), 07 74 its atomic volume is 7 r^^ = 100-41. But if ether be represented by the formula U' I of C 4 H b O [C = 6, H = 1, = 8], then its atomic volume in the gaseous state will be O fj OT '- = 1, and in the liquid state -^-^^ = 50-205. The atomic volumes of gases and of (J'iof vapours are calculated from the specific gravities referred either to hydrogen or to atmospheric air ; those of solids and liquids from the specific gravities referred to water as unity. Atomic Volumes of Gases. According to the system of atomic weights adopted in this work, equal volumes of different elementary gases are supposed to contain, for the most part, equal numbers of atoms of their respective elements, so that the atomic weight of each body in the gaseous state is the weight of a volume of the gas equal to that of a quantity of hydro- gen whose weight is taken as unity ; in other words, the atomic weights of the simple gases are expressed by the same numbers as their specific gravities referred to hydro- gen as unity. This is sometimes expressed by saying that an atom of each elementary- gas occupies one volume. The only exceptions to this law are presented by phosphorus and arsenic, whose densities in the gaseous state are double of what they should be if they followed the law ; and by selenium and tellurium, whose vapour-densities have not yet been ascertained with certainty. Sulphur- vapour was formerly supposed to have a density three times as great as that which the general law just stated requires, but recent experiments have shown that it conforms to the general law. The atoms or molecules of compound bodies in the gaseous state occupy, for the most part, twice the volume of an atom of hydrogen or other simple gas ; in other words, the number of molecules of a compound gas contained in a given space is half the number of atoms of hydrogen which would be included in that same space. Con- sequently, the specific gravity of a compound gas or vapour referred to hydrogen as unity is equal to half the atomic weight. Thus, the atomic weight of hydrochloric acid (HC1) is 36*5, and its specific gravity referred to hydrogen is 18*25; the atomic weight of ammonia (NH 3 ) is 17, and its specific gravity referred to hydrogen is 8 -5. (For the further development of this law, and for certain exceptions to it, real and apparent, see the article ATOMIC WEIGHTS.) The mode of stating these laws of gaseous atomic volume, must of course be modified according to the system of atomic weights chosen. On that which has hitherto been most generally adopted (H =1,0 = 8, $=16, &c.), some of the elementary gases, viz. chlorine, iodine, bromine, nitrogen, and mercury are supposed to have atomic volumes equal to that of hydrogen, while oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, and arsenic have atomic volumes only half as great. The former are generally called two-volume gases, and the latter one-volume gases, the volume of oxygen being taken as the unit. On the same system, the molecules of most compound bodies in the gaseous state are said to occupy four volumes. 442 ATOMIC VOLUME. Atomic Volumes of Liquids and Solids. 1. Of Elementary Bodies. The following table contains the atomic volumes of those solid and liquid elements whose densities have been determined with accuracy. The numbers in the third column are the quotients of the atomic weights divided by the specific gravities referred to water as unity : Substance. Atomic weight. Atomic volume. Specific gravity (water = 1). Aluminium 1375 5-3 2-5 2-67, Wohler; 2'67, Deville. Antimony 120-3 17'9 6*72, Marchand and Scheerer; Kopp. Arsenic . 75 13-3 5-63, Karsten; 5'67, Herapath. Bismuth 210 21-2 9-80, Marchand and Scheerer ; 978, Kopp. Bromine 80 25-8 Liquid: 3 -19, Pierre; 2-99, Lowig. Cadmium 56 6-5 8'69, Stromeyer ; 8'45, Kopp. Calcium 20 12-6 1-58, Bunsen. 12 ( 3-4 Diamond: 3 -52, Brisson. Carbon . . . i 5-2 Graphite: 2 '32, Karsten ; 2'27, Eegnault. Chlorine 35-5 26-7 Liquid: 1'33, Faraday. Chromium 26-2 3-8 7 '01, Bunsen and Frankland. Cobalt . 29-5 3-5 8-49, Brunner ; 8*51, Berzelius. Copper . 31-7 3-6 8-95, Marchand and Scheerer ; 8'93, Kopp. Glucinum 4-7 2-2 2-1, Debray. Gold . 196 10-2 19-34, G. Eose; 19'26, Brisson. Iodine . 127 25-7 4-95, Gay-Lussac. Iridium . 99 4-5 21-80, Hare. Iron 28 3-6 7-84, Broling; 779, Karsten Lead . 103-6 9-2 11-39, Karsten; 11 '33, Kopp. Lithium 7 11-9 0*59, Buusen. Magnesium . 12 6-9 1-74, Bunsen; 1 '70. Kopp. Manganese 27-6 3-5 8-03, Bachmann ; 8*01, John. Mercury 100 7'4 Liquid : 13'60, Eegnault, Kopp. Molybdenum . 46 5-3 8-628-64, Buchholz. Nickel . 29-5 3-4 8-60, Brunner; 8'82, Tupputi. Palladium 53 4-6 11-80, Wollaston. Phosphorus . 31 (16-8 \ 15-8 Yellow: 1-84, Schrotter; 1'83, Kopp. Bed: 1-96, Schrotter. Platinum 99 4-6 21-5, Wollaston, Berzelius. Potassium 39-2 45-6 0*86, Gay-Lussac and Thenard. Rhodium 52 4-7 11-0, Wollaston; 11-2, Cloud. Selenium 79 (18-4 j 16-4 Amorphous: 4-28, Schaffgotsch. Granular : 4'80, Schaffgotsch. Silicon . 28 11-2 Graphito'idal : 2'49, Wohler. Silver . 108 10-2 10-4, Karsten, 10'57, G. Eose. Sodium . 23 23-7 0'97, Gay-Lussac and Thenard. Strontium 43'8 17-2 2-54, Bunsen. Sulphur 32 515-2 }l6'2 Trimetric : 2-07, Marchand and Scheerer, Kopp. Monoclinic: 1'98, Marchand and Scheerer. Tellurium 128 20-6 6-24, Berzelius; 6'18, Lowe. Tin ... 118 16-2 7'29, Karsten; 7 '30, Kopp. Tungsten 92 5-3 17'2, Allen and Aiken; 17'5 18'3, Wohler. Uranium 60 3-3 18-4, Peligot. Ziiic 32-5 4-6 7'13, Kopp; 7-1 7'2, BoUey. The numbers in the third column of this table, do not exhibit the simplicity of re- lation which exists between the atomic volumes of gaseous bodies. There are, indeed, several causes which interfere with the existence, or at least with the observation, of such simple relations between the atomic volumes of solid and liquid elements. In the first place, the densities of three of them, viz. mercury, bromine, and chlorine, are such as belong to them in the liquid state, whereas the densities assigned to all tho others have been determined in the solid state. In solids, moreover, the density is greatly affected by the state of aggregation, whether crystalline or amorphous, and in dimorphous bodies, each form has a density peculiar to itself. Further, as solids ami ATOMIC VOLUME. 443 liquids are variously affected by heat, each having a peculiar rate of expansion, and that rate being different at different temperatures, it is not to be expected that their atomic volumes should exhibit simple relations, unless they are compared at tempe- ratures at which they are similarly affected by heat. Even gases are found to exhibit abnormal atomic volumes if compared at temperatures too near the points at which they pass into the liquid state. In liquids, the simplest relations of atomic volume are found at those temperatures for which the tensions of the vapours are equal (Kopp) ; and in solids, the melting points are most probably the comparable temperatures. Now the specific gravities of most of the solid elements in the preceding table, have been determined at mean temperatures (as at 15-5 C.), which, in the case of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and a few others, do not differ greatly from the melting points, but in other cases, as with gold, platinum, iron, &c., are removed from the melting points by very long intervals. In spite, however, of these causes of divergence, the atomic volumes of certain analogous elements are very nearly equal to each other : viz. those of selenium and sulphur ; of chromium, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese and nickel; of molybdenum and tungsten ; of iridium, platinum, palladium and rhodium; and of gold and silver. 2. Of Liquid Compounds. The relations between the atomic volumes of liquids, have been investigated chiefly by H. Kopp (Ann. Ch. Phann. xcvi. 153, 303, c. 19). The atomic volumes of liquids, as already observed, are comparable only at temperatures for which the tensions of their vapours are equal, as at the boiling points. If the atomic weights are compared with the densities at equal temperatures, no regular re- lations can be perceived ; but when the same comparison is made at the boiling points of the respective liquids, several remarkable laws become apparent. The density of a liquid at its boiling point cannot be ascertained by direct experiment ; but when the density at any one point, say at 15 '5 C., has been ascertained, and the rate of ex- pansion is also known, the density at the boiling point may be calculated. (See EXPANSION.) Table A. contains Kopp's determinations of the atomic volumes of several liquids containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, at their boiling points. The atomic weights are those of the hydrogen scale. The calculated atomic volumes in the fourth column are determined by a method to be presently described ; the observed atomic volumes are the quotients of the atomic weights divided by the specific gravities at the boiling referred to water as unity. TABLE A. Atomic Volumes of Liquids containing Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Substance. Formula. Atomic Weight. Atomic Volume at the Boiling Point. Calculated. Observed. ^Benzene .... C 6 H 6 78 99-0 96-0... 99-7 at 80 C. Cymene . . C'H 14 134 187-0 183-5.. .185-2 175 . Naphthalin C 10 H 8 128 154-0 149-2 . . 218 Aldehyde . C 2 H'0 44 56-2 56-0... 56-9 21 Valeraldehyde . . Bitter almond oil . C 5 H 10 C 7 H 6 86 106 122-2 122-2 117-3.. .120-3 101 118-4 . . 179 H Cuminol C 10 H 6 148 188-2 189-2 . . 236 Tetryl . . . C 8 H 16 114 187-0 184-5. ..186-8 108 -Acetone .... C 3 H e O 58 78-2 77-3... 77-6 66 rWater .... H 2 18 18-8 18-8 . . 100 Wood-spirit . CH 4 32 40-8 41-9... 42-2 59 Alcohol .... C 2 H 6 46 62-8 61-8... 62-5 78 Amylic alcohol C 5 H' 2 88 128-8 123-6.. .124-4 135 O Phenylic alcohol C 6 H fi O 94 106-8 103-6. ..104-0 194 i Benzylic alcohol C 7 H 8 108 128-8 123-7 . . 213 HH Formic acid . CH 2 2 46 42-0 40-9... 41:8 99 A Acetic acid C 2 H 4 O a 60 64-0 63-5... 63-8 118 H* Propionic acid C 3 H G 2 74 86-0 85-4 . . 137 Butyric acid . C'H 8 2 88 108-0 106-4.. .107-8 156 Valerianic acid C 5 H'0 2 102 130-0 130-2.. .131-2 175 .Benzoic acid . C 7 1L G 2 122 130-0 126-9 . . 253 444 ATOMIC VOLUME. TABLE A (continued'). Substance. Formula. Atomic Weight. Atomic Volume at the Boiling Point. Calculated. Observed. 'Ethylic ether . C 4 H 10 74 106-8 105-6.. .106-4 at 34 C. Acetic anhydride . C 4 H 6 3 102 109-2 109-9.. .110-1 138 Formate of methyl C 2 H 4 2 60 64-0 63-4 . . 36 Acetate of methyl . C 3 H 6 2 74 86-0 83-7... 85-8 55 Formate of ethyl . C 3 H 6 0- 74 860 84-9... 85-7 55 Acetate of ethyl C 4 H 8 2 88 108-0 107-4. ..107-8 74 Butyrate of methyl C 5 H 10 2 102 130-0 125-7. ..127-3 93 d Propionate of ethyl C 5 H 10 102 130-0 125-8 . . ,,93 w" Valerate of methyl . C 6 H-0 2 116 152-0 148-7. ..149-6 112 Butyrate of ethyl . C 6 H 12 2 116 152-0 149-1. ..149-4 112 o> Acetate of tetryl C 6 H 12 2 116 152-0 149-3 . . 112 J5 Formate of amyl C 6 H 12 2 116 152-0 149-4.. .150-2 112 H Valerate of ethyl . C 7 H 14 2 130 174-0 173-5.. .173-6 131 Acetate of amyl C 7 H 14 2 130 174-0 173-3. ..175-5 131 Valerate of amyl . C 10 H 20 2 172 240-0 244-1 . . 188 Benzoate of methyl C 8 H 8 2 136 152-0 148-5. ..150-3 190 Benzoate of ethyl . C 9 H'0 2 150 1740 172-4.. .174-8 209 Benzoate of amyl . C 12 H'0 2 192 240-0 247-7 . . 266 ^Cinnamate of ethyl C"H 12 2 176 207-0 211-3 . . 260 O ''Acid salicylate of methyl txj | Carbonate of ethyl . W, j Oxalate of methyl . < Oxalate of ethyl . C 8 H 8 3 C*H 10 S C'H'O 4 C 6 H'0 4 152 118 118 146 159-8 137-8 117-0 161-0 156-2. ..157-0 223 138-8.. .139-4 126 116-3 . . 162 166-8.. .167-1 186 ^ 1 Succinate of ethyl . C 8 H I4 4 174 205-0 209-0 . . 217 A comparison of the numbers in this table, leads to the following results : 1. Differences of atomic volume are in numerous instances 'proportional to the dif- ferences between the corresponding chemical formula. Thus, liquids whose formulae 'differ by n . CH 2 , differ in atomic volume by n . 22 ; for example, the atomic volumes of formate of methyl, C 2 H 4 2 , and butyrate of ethyl, C 6 IF 2 2 , differ by nearly 4 x 22. Acetate of ethyl, C'lPO 2 and butyrate of methyl, C 5 H I0 2 . whose formulae differ by CH 2 , differ in atomic volume by nearly 22. The same law holds good with respect to liquids containing sulphur, chlorine, iodine, bromine, and nitrogen (see Tables B, C, D). Again, by comparing the atomic volumes of analogous chlorine and bromine compounds, it is found that the substitution of 1, 2, or 3 atoms of bromine for an equivalent quantity of chlorine, increases the atomic volume of a compound by once, twice, or three times 5. This will be seen by comparing the atomic volumes of PBr 3 and PCI 3 ; C 2 H 5 Br and C 2 H 5 C1, &c. (Table C.) P 2 TT 3 O The atomic volume of acetic acid, ^ [ is formate of methyl, QJJ| is 63 -4 ; the atomic volume of butyric acid, I is 2. Isomeric liquids belonging to the same chemical type have equal atomic volumes. between 6 3 -5 and 6 3 -8 ; that of C 4 H 7 0] H between 106-4 and 107'8; that of acetate of ethyl, ^"^JJ [ is between 107'4 and 107-8. 3. In liquids of the same chemical type, the replacement of hydrogen by an equivalent quantity of oxygen (that is to say, of 1 pt. of hydrogen by 8 pts of oxygen), makes but a slight alteration in the atomic volume. This may be seen by comparing the atomic volumes of alcohol, C 2 H 6 0, and acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 ; of ether, C 4 H 10 0, acetate of ethyl, C 4 H 8 2 , and anhydrous acetic acid, C 4 H 6 3 ; of cymene, C 10 H' 4 , and cuminol, W H W O. The alteration caused by the substitution of for H 2 is always an increase. 4. In liquids of the same chemical type, the replacement of 2 at. H by 1 at C (1 pt. by weight of hydrogen by 6 parts of carbon) makes no alteration in the atomic volume. Such, for example, is the case with benzoate of ethyl, C 5 H I0 2 , and Valerate of ethyl, C 7 H I4 2 , and with the corresponding benzoates and valerates in general; also ATOMIC VOLUME. 445 with bitter-almond oil, C 7 H 6 0, and valeraldehyde, C 5 H 10 ; also with phenylic alcohol, CPTL e O, and vinic ether, C 4 H 10 0. In liquids belonging to different types, the same relations are not found to hold good. Moreover the types within which these relations are observed, are precisely thote of Gerhardt's classification (see CLASSIFICATION). Further, when liquid com- pounds are represented by rational formulce founded on these types, their atomic volumes may be calculated from certain fundamental values of the atomic volumes of the elements, on the supposition that the atomic volume of a liquid compound is equal to the sum of the atomic volumes of its constituent elements. In this manner the calculated atomic volumes in the fourth columns of tables A, B, C, D are determined. It must be understood however that these values are based upon somewhat doubtful assumptions respecting the atomic volumes of the elements, and are regarded by Kopp merely as approximations to the truth. Since the addition of CH 2 to a compound increases the atomic volume by 22, this number may be taken to represent the atomic volume of CH 2 ; moreover, since C may take the place of H 2 in combination, without altering the atomic volume of the compound, it follows that the atomic volume of C must be equal to that of H 2 ; and 22 therefore the atomic volume of C = -^- = 11, and that of IP also equal to 11, or that of II = 5'5. Further, as the substitution of for H 2 produces a slight increase in the atomic volume of a compound, the atomic volume of must be rather greater tli an 11 ; and it is found that, by assuming the atomic volume of 0, when it takes place of H 2 (that is to say, in a radicle, as when acetyl, C 2 H 3 0, is formed from ethyl, C' 2 H 5 ), to be equal to 12'2, results are obtained agreeing very nearly with those of observation. But when oxygen occupies the position which it has in water, -rrO, its atomic volume is smaller. The specific gravity of water at the boiling point is 18 0-9579 ; hence its atomic volume at that temperature is = 18'8 ; now the 2 atoms of hydrogen occupy a space equal to 11 ; hence the volume of the oxygen is 7*8. The same value of the atomic volume substituted for in the formula of the several compounds belonging to the water-type, in which it occupies a similar place, that is to say, outside the radicle, gives results agreeing nearly with observation. That a given quantity of a substance should occupy different spaces, under different circumstances, is a fact easily explained, when it is remembered that the particles of a body cannot be supposed to be in absolute contact, but are separated by certain spaces, which, increase or diminish according to the temperature of the body, and according as it is in the solid, liquid, or gaseous state. From these values of the atomic volumes of the elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; viz. Atomic volume of C ....... . = 11 H ........ = 5-5 O (within the radicle) . . . . = 12'2 O (without the radicle) . . . . = 7*8 the calculated values of the atomic volumes of liquids, in the fourth column of Table A are deduced. The method of calculation may be understood from the following examples : Benzene, C 6 H 6 = C 6 H 5 .H. Atomic volume of C 6 ...... = 66 H 8 ...... = jtf benzene ...... = 99 Aldehyde, C 2 H 4 = C 2 H 9 O.H. Atomic volume of C 2 ....... = 22 H 4 ....... = 22 (within the radicle) . . . = 12-2 aldehyde ...... = 56-2 Alcohol, C 2 H 6 = C2 Atomic volume of C 2 ....... = 22 H 6 ....... = 33 (without the radicle) . . . = 7'8 alcohol . . = 62-8 446 ATOMIC VOLUME. Acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 = H C 2 H 3 Atomic volume of C 2 . H . . . . (within the radicle) ,, (without the radicle) acetic acid 22 22 12-2 _L. 64-0 Acetic anhydride C 4 H C 3 = Atomic volume of C 4 . H . . . . O 2 (within the radicle) O (without the radicle) acetic anhydride . Oxalate of methyl, C 4 H 6 4 = Atomic volume of C* . H 6 . . . . O 2 (within the radicle) O 2 (without the (radicle) oxalate of methyl . 0. = 44 = 33 = 24-4 = 7-8 = 109-2 = 44 = 33 = 24-4 = 15-0 117-0 Liquids containing Sulphur. Sulphur enters into combination in various ways ; sometimes taking the place of oxygen in the type HH.O (as in mercaptan) ; sometimes taking the place of carbon within a radicle (as in sulphurous anhydride) SO.O, com- pared with carbonic anhydride CO.O ; sometimes replacing oxygen within a radicle (as in sulphide of carbon), CS.S, compared with carbonic anhydride. In the first and second cases, the atomic volume of sulphur-compounds may be calculated by attri- buting to sulphur, (8 = 32), the atomic volume 22*6, those of the other elements re- maining as above ; in the third case, the atomic volume of sulphur appears to be greater; viz. 28 '6. 'Ex.. Mercaptan, C 2 H 6 S = Atomic volume of C 2 ii - ** .. mercaptan = 22 = 33 = 22-6 = 77-6 Sulphide of carbon, CS 2 = CS.S. Atomic volume of C . . = 11 S (within the radicle) . = 28'6 S (without the radicle) . = 22-6 sulphide of carbon . = 752-2 TABLE B. Atomic Volumes of Liquid Sulphur-corn^ Atomio Volume at the Boiling Point. Substance. Formula. Atomic Weight. Calculated. Observed. Mercaptan . C' 2 H G S 62 77-6 76-0... 76-1 at 36 C. Amylic mercaptan . C 5 H 12 S 104 143-6 140-1. ..140-5 120 Sulphide of methyl C 2 H fi S 62 77-6 757 . . 41 Sulphide of ethyl . C 4 H 10 S 90 121-6 120-5.. .121-5 91 Bisulphide of methyl Sulphurous anhydride Sulphite of ethyl . Sulphide of carbon C-'H 6 S 2 SO 2 C 4 H ,o S0 3 cs a 94 64 138 76 100-2 42-6 149-4 62-2 100-6. ..1007 114 43-9 . . -8 148-8... 149-5 160 62-2... 62-4 47 Chlorides, Bromides, and Iodides. In liquid compounds of this class, the atomic volume of Cl is supposed to be 22-8, that of Br = 27'8, and that of I = 37'5, those of the other elements remaining as above. ATOMIC VOLUME. 447 TABLE C. Atomic Volumes of Liquid Chlorides, Bromides, and Iodides. Substance. Formula. Atomic Weight. Atomic Volume at the Boiling Point. Calculated. Observed. Dichlorinated ethylene C 2 H 2 C1 2 97 78-6 79V . at 37 C. Chloride of carbon C 2 C1 4 166 113-2 115-4 . . 123 Chloride of ethylene . C 2 H 4 C1 2 99 89-6 85-8.-. 86-4 85 monochlorinated . C 2 H 3 CP 133-5 106-9 105-4. 107-2 115 dichlorinated C 2 H 2 C1 4 168 124-2 120-7. ..121-4 137 ,, trichlorinated C 2 HCP 202-5 141-5 143 . . 154 Chloride of tetrylene C 4 H 8 CP 127 133-6 129-5... 133-7 123 Monochlorinated chloride of methyl CH 2 CP 85 67-6 64-5 . . 30-5 Chloroform CHCP 119-5 84-9 84-8... 65-7 62 Chloride of carbon CC1 4 154 102-2 104-3.. .107-0 78 Chloride of ethyl C 2 H 5 C1 64-5 72-3 71-2... 74-5 11 monochlorinated . C 2 H 4 CP 99 89-6 86-9... 89-9 64 dichlorinated C 2 H 3 CP 133-5 106-9 105-6.. .109-7 75 Chloride of amyl C 5 H U C1 106-5 138-3 135-4...137-0 102 Chloral .... C 2 HCPO 147-5 108-1 108-4. ..108-9 96 Chloride of acetyl C 2 H :J OC1 78-5 73-5 74-4... 75-2 55 Chloride of benzoyl . C 7 H 5 OC1 140-5 139-5 134-2.. .137-8 198 Bromine .... Br 2 160 55-6 54 ... 287 63 Bromide of methyl . CH 3 Br 95 55-3 58-2 . . 13 Bromide of ethyl C 2 H 5 Br 109 77-3 78-4 . . 41 Bromide of amyl C 5 H"Br 151 143-3 149-2 . . 119 Bromide of ethylene . C-H'Br 2 188 99-6 97-5... 99/9 130 Iodide of methyl CH 3 I 142-1 65-0 65-4... 68-3 43 Iodide of ethyl C 2 H 6 I 156-1 87-0 85-9... 86-4 71 Iodide of amyl C 5 H"I 198-1 153-0 152-5.. .155-8 147 Chloride of sulphur . SCI 67-5 . 45-7 . . 140 Chloride of phosphorus PCP 137-5 93-9 . . 78 Bromide of phosphorus PBr 3 271 . 108-6 . . 175 Chloride of silicon SiCl 4 170 121-6 . . 59 Bromide of silicon SiBr 4 348 . 144-0 . . 153 Chloride of arsenic AsCP 181-5 f 94-8 . . 133 Chloride of antimony SbCP 235-5 100-7 . . 223 Bromide of antimony SbBr 3 369 116-8 . . 275 Chloride of tin SnCl 4 .260 . 132-4 . . 115 Chloride of titanium . TiCl 4 92 126-0 - . . 136 The compounds PC1 S and AsCP, have nearly equal atomic volumes: whence it may be inferred that phosphorus, and arsenic, in their liquid compounds, have equal atomic volumes. The same conclusion may be drawn regarding tin and titanium since the atomic volumes of SnCl 4 and TiCl 4 are nearly equal. Nitrogen-compounds. In compounds belonging to the ammonia type, the atomic volume -of nitrogen is 2 '3. This result is deduced from the observed atomic volume of phenylamine C 6 H 7 N, which is 106-8. Now the atomic volume of 6C + 7H = 6 . 11 + 7.5-5= 104-5, which number, deducted from 106-8, leaves 2-3 for the atomic volume of nitrogen. The atomic volume of cyanogen deduced from the observed atomic volume of cyanide of phenyl, CN.C 6 H 5 , or C 7 H 5 N, is nearly 28. Thus : Atomic volume of C 7 H S N = 121-6 C 6 H 5 = 93-5 CN = 28-1 A similar calculation, founded on the observed atomic volume of cyanide of methyl, C 2 H S N, gives, for the atomic volume of cyanogen, the number 26-8. The atomic volume of liquid cyanogen determined directly at 37 or 39 C. aboTe its boiling point, is 448 ATOMIC VOLUME}. between 28-9 and 30'0. As a mean of these values, the atomic volume of cyanogen may be assumed to be 28 ; and with this value the atomic volumes of the liquid cya- nides are calculated. Thus, for PfT Oil of mustard (sulphocyanate of allyl), C 4 H 5 NS = Qq Atomic volume of C 3 H 5 . --= 60-5 CN . = 28-0 S (without the radicle) = 22*6 oil of mustard . . = 111-1 The atomic volumes of compounds containing the radicle NO 2 , are calculated on the hypothesis that the atomic volume of that radicle is 33, which agrees nearly with the observed atomic volume of liquid peroxide of nitrogen. Thus : the atomic volume of nitrite of amyl, C 5 H n N0 8 = at. vol. of C 5 H U + at. vol. of N0 2 = 115'5 + 33 = 148'5. TABLE D. Atomic Volumes of Liquids containing Nitrogen. Substance. Formula. Atomic Weight. Atomic Volume at the Boiling Point. Calculated. Observed. Ammonia H 3 N 17 18-8 22-4... 23-3 at 10... 16 C.* Ethylamine C 2 H 7 N 45 62-8 65-3 . . at 18-7 Tetrylamine C 4 H U N 73 106-8 Amylamine . . C 5 H 13 N 87 128-8 125-0 . . 94 Octylamine . . C 8 H 19 N 129 194-8 190-0 . . 170 Phenylamine CH 7 N 93 106-8 106-4.. .106-8 . 184 Toluidine . . - C 7 H 9 N 107 128-8 Ethylphenylamine C 8 HN 121 150-8 150-6 . . 204 Diethylphenylamine CiH la N 149 194-8 190-5 . . 213-5 Cyanogen CN 26 28-0 28-9... 30-0 . 16 f Hydrocyanic acid CHN 27 33-5 39-1 . . 27 Cyanide of methyl C 2 H 3 N 41 55-5 54-3 . . 74 Cyanide of ethyl . C 3 H 5 N 55 77'5 77-2 . , 88 Cyanide of tetryl C 5 H 9 N 83 121-5 Cyanide of phenyl C 7 H 5 N 103 121-5 121-6.. .121-9 . 191 Sulphocyanate of methyl C-'H 3 NS 73 78-1 75-2... 78-2 . 133 Sulphocyanate of ethyl C S H S NS 87 100-1 99-1 . . 146 Oil of mustard C 4 H 5 NS 99 111-1 113-1. ..114-2 . 148 Cyanate of ethyl . C 3 H 5 NO 71 85-3 84-3... 84-8 . 60 Peroxide of nitrogen . NO 2 30 33-0 31-7... 32-4 . 401 Nitrate of methyl CH 3 N0 3 77 68-3 69-4 . . 66 Nitrate of ethyl . C 2 H 5 NO s 101 90-3 90-0... 90-1 . 86 Nitrobenzene C G H 5 NO ? 123 126-5 122-6.. .124-9 . 218 Nitrite of methyl . CH NO 2 161 60-5 61-6 . . 14 Nitrite of ethyl . C 2 H 5 N0 2 75 82-5 79-2... 84-6 . 18 Nitrite of amyl . C'lT'NO* 117 148-5 148-4 . . 95 From the preceding observations and calculations, it appears that the atomic volume of a compound depends, not merely on its empirical, but likewise on its rational formula ; in other words, not merely on the number of atoms of its elements, but further on the manner in which those atoms are arranged. Now a compound may have more than one rational formula, according to the manner in which it decomposes ; and hence it might appear that the calculation of atomic volumes must be attended with consider- alile uncertainty, inasmuch as the atomic volumes of certain elements, as oxygen and sulphur, vary according to the manner in which they enter into the compound. Alcle- C 2 H 3 ) C 2 H 3 ) hyde, for example, may be represented either as H j 0, or as H I ' and ' as the atomic volume of oxygen is 12'2 or 7*8, according as it is within or without, the radicle, the atomic volume of aldehyde will be 56'2 if deduced from the type HII, and Botwepn 44 and 50 above the boiling point. About 35 above the boiling point. t Between 37 and 39 above the boiling point. 27 above the boiling point. ATOMIC VOLUME. 449 61-8 If deduced from the type HH.O. But the atomic weight of aldehyde, and its specific gravity at a given temperature are invariable ; it cannot therefore have two different atomic volumes. It must be remembered, however, that, in speaking of a compound as having several rational formulge, we consider it rather in a dynamical than in a statical point of view ; as under the influence of disturbing forces, and on the point of undergoing chemical change. But if, on the other hand, we regard a compound in its fixed statical condition, as a body possessing definite physical proper- ties, a certain specific gravity, a certain boiling point, rate of expansion, refractive power, &c., we can scarcely avoid attributing to it a fixed molecular arrangement, or, at all events, supposing that the disposition of its atoms is confined within those limits which constitute chemical types. It is found, indeed, that isomeric liquids exhibit equal atomic volumes only when they belong to the same chemical type. If this view be correct, the relation between the atomic volumes of elements and compounds, may often render valuable service in determining the rational formula which belongs to a compound in the state of rest. Thus of the two atomic volumes just calculated for aldehyde, the number 56 '2, deduced from the formula C 2 H 3 O.H, agrees with the observed atomic volume of aldehyde, which is between 56 '0 and 56*9, better than 51*8, the number deduced from 0. This result leads to the conclusion that the aldehydes belong to the hydrogen type rather than to the water type. There are many groups of liquid compounds, irrespective of isomerism or similarity of type, the members of which have equal or nearly equal atomic volumes. The fol- lowing table exhibits the calculated atomic volumes of several of these groups : Water H 2 18-8 Ether C 4 H 10 106-8 Ammonia . NH 3 18-8 c Tetrylic alcohol C 4 H>0 106-8 Pheuylic alcohol C 6 H 6 106-8 Bromine . Br 2 55-6 Tetrylamine C 4 HN 106-8 Cyanogen . (CN) 2 56-0 Phenylamine C 6 H 7 N 106-8 Aldehyde . C'H'O 56-2 Butyric acid C 4 H 8 2 108-0 Cyanide of methyl C 2 H 3 N 55-5 Acetate of ethyl C 4 H 8 2 108-0 Bromide of methyl CH 3 Br 55-3 Acetic anhydride C 4 H 6 3 109-2 Chloral . C 2 HC1 3 108-1 Alcohol . C 2 H 6 62-8 Di chlorinated chloride Acetic acid C 2 H 4 02 64-0 of ethyl C-H 3 C1 3 106-9 Formate of methyl C 2 H 4 2 64-0 Monochlorinated chlo- Cyanate of methyl C-H 3 NO 63-3 ride of ethylene C 2 H 3 C1 3 106-9 Ethylamine C 2 H 7 N 62-8 Bromide of phos- Sulphide of carbon CS 2 62-3 phorus . PBr 3 108-6 Iodide of methyl CH 3 I 65-0 Valeraldehyde . C 5 H 10 122-2 Acetone C 3 H 6 78-2 Cyanide of tetryl C 5 H 9 N 121-5 Cyanide of ethyl C 3 H 5 N 77-5 Bitter almond oil C 7 H 6 122-2 Sulphocyanate of me- Cyanide of phenyl C 7 H 5 N 121-5 thyl ... C 2 H 3 NS 78-1 Sulphide of ethyl C 4 H 10 S 121-6 Sulphide of methyl . C 2 H 6 S 77-6 These groups exhibit an approach to the uniformity of atomic volume which is observed in the gaseous state. Berthelot has adduced a number of examples, showing that when a liquid compound is formed by the union of two other liquids, whose specific volumes are denoted by A and B, with elimination of x atoms of water, the specific volume of the compound is nearly = A + B scG (the atomic volume of water being denoted by C). Berthelot's obser- vations, however, were made at medium temperatures, not at the boiling points of the liquids (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlviii. 322). 3. Of Solid Compounds. (H. Kopp, Pogg. Ann. xlvii. 133 ; lii. 243, 262 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxvi. 1. Ammermuller, Pogg. Ann. xlix. 341. H. Schroder, ibid. i. 552; lii. 269, 282; cvi. 226; cvii. 113. Filhol, Ann. Ch. Phys. xxi. 415. Playfair and Joule, Chem. Soc. Mem. ii. 477; iii. 54, 199; Chem. Soc. Qu. ,T. i. 121. H. Schiff, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvii. 64; cxii. 88. Grm. i. 6786.) The most general relation that has been observed between the atomic volumes of of solid compounds is, that isomorphous compounds have equal atomic volumes, in other words, their densities are proportional to their atomic weights. Such is the case, for example, with carbonate of strontium (strontianite) and carbonate of lead (witherite). Formula. At. Weight. Sp. Gr. At. Volume. Si^CO 3 147-6 3-60 41-0 Pb 2 C0 8 267-4 6-47 41-4 VOL. I. G G 450 ATOMIC VOLUME. If the crystalline forms are only approximately similar, the atomic volumes also arc only approximately equal, the difference being less as the angles of the two crystalline forms are more nearly equal, and their axes more nearly in the same ratio. An alteration of atomic volume, such as is often produced by the introduction of one element into a compound in place of another, is attended with a corresponding altera- tion of crystalline form. The atomic volume may likewise be altered without any change in the composition of the body, viz. by change of temperature, and this also produces in most cases, as Mitscherlich has shown, a corresponding alteration in the magnitude of the angles. In crystals of the regular system, however, variation of temperature produces no alteration either in form or in atomic volume. In dimorphous compounds, each modification has a density, and therefore also an atomic volume, peculiar to itself. The equality, exact or approximate, of the atomic volumes of isomorphous compounds, has been traced by Hugo Schiff, through several classes of salts, especially in the sulphates of the general form, M 2 S0 4 .7H 2 (vitriols}, in the double sulphates of the magnesian K NH 4 ) class, '-, >S0 4 .3H 2 0, and in the alums. The atomic volumes of these com- pounds are given in the following table : Formula. Atomic Weight. Specific Gravity. Atomic Volume. Vitriols. Mg 2 S0 4 . 7H 2 ... 246 1-685 146 Zn 2 SO 4 . 7H 2 .... 287 1-853 146-9 Ni'SO 4 . 7H 2 O 281-2 1-931 145-6 Co 2 S0 4 . 7H 2 Fe 2 S0 4 . 7H 2 281 278 1-924 1-884 146 147-5 (MgCu)SO 4 . 7H 2 265-7 1-813 146-5 MgZnSO 4 . 7H 2 MgCdSO 4 . 7H 2 Double Magnesian Sulphates. (NH 4 )MgS0 4 . 3H 2 . 266-5 290-0 180 1-817 1-983 1-680 146-6 146-2 107-1 KMgSO 4 . 3H 2 O .... 201-2 1-995 100-9 (NH 4 ,ZnS0 4 . 3H 2 .... 200-5 1-910 104-9 KZnSO 4 . 3H 2 221-7 2-153 103 (NH 4 )NiS0 4 . SH^O 197-6 1-915 103-2 KNiSO*.3H 2 218-8 2-123 103-1 (NH 4 )CoS0 4 . 3H 2 O 197-5 1-873 105-4 KCoSO 4 . 3H 2 218-7 2-154 101*6 (NH 4 )FeS0 4 . 3H 2 .... 196 1-813 108-1 KFeSO 4 . 3H*O 217-2 2-189 99-2 (NH 4 )CdS0 4 . 3H 2 .... 223-7 2-073 107-9 KCdSO 4 . 3H 2 244-9 2-438 100-5 (NH) 4 CuS0 4 . 3H 2 199-7 1-931 103-4 KCuSO 4 . 3H0 .... 220*9 2-137 103*3 Alums. KA1 2 S 2 8 . 12H 2 474-6 1-722 275-6 NaAl 2 S 2 8 . 12H 2 458-4 1-641 279-2 (NH 4 )A1 2 S 2 8 . 12H 2 . 453-4 1-621 279-6 KCrS'O 9 . 12H 2 600-8 1-845 271-4 (NH 4 )Cr 2 S 2 8 . 12H 2 O .... 479-6 1-736 276-2 (NH 4 )Fe 2 S 2 8 . 12H 2 482-0 1-712 281-4 The atomic volumes of the vitriols are very nearly equal; so likewise are those of the alums. Those of the double magnesian sulphates, M(K ; NH 4 )S0 4 3H 2 0, differ somewhat more, the difference between the greatest and least amounting to 8 -9. It is remarkable, however, that the atomic volume of the ammonium- and potassium- salta in each pair differs from the mean value (10 i) by nearly equal values, the former in excess, the latter in defect ; thus, in the first pair we find, 107'1 104 = + 3'1 ; and 100-9 - 104 = - 3-1 ; and in the second pair : 104-9 - 104 = + 0'9; and 103 - 101 = - 1-0. ATOMIC VOLUME. 451 The following table contains the atomic volumes of certain chlorides, bromides, and iodides : Formula. Atomic Weight. Specific Gravity. Atomic Volume. Chlorides. 36-5 139-5 63-5 55-5 65-0 135-5 143-5 98-9 79-5 58-5 104-1 82-0 281-0 104-0 149-6 181-0 189-0 185-0 128-0 166-2 150-0 327-0 235-0 195-6 227-0 231-0 1-501 5-78 2-528 2-205 2-56 5-320 5-517 3-70 2-96 2-148 3-82 2-00 7-307 2-952 4-23 5-92 6-353 6-63 2-25 2-85 3-45 7-644 5-35 4-917 5-91 6-07 24-3 24-2 25-1 25-2 25-3 25-5 26-0 26-7 26-9 27-2 27-2 41-0 384) 35-2 V 353) 30-6-. 29-8 [ 28-0) 57-0) 58-3 J 43-5) 42-8^ 43-9) 39-8) 38 -4> 38-1) Chloride of calcium Chloride of mercuricum Chloride of cuprosum Chloride of sodium Bromides. Bromide of mercurosum Bromide of barium ...... Iodides. Iodide of potassium Iodide of mercurosum Iodide of barium It will be observed that the atomic volumes of the bromides and iodides do not agree among themselves so nearly as those of the chlorides. The atomic volume of a bromide is not, for the most part, the mean between those of the corresponding chloride and iodide, but approaches more nearly to that of the chloride. (Schiff.) That isomorphous compounds do in many instances occupy equal atomic volumes is sufficiently apparent from the preceding examples. Nevertheless, Schroder con- cludes, from calculations founded partly on his own determinations of specific gravity, partly on those of other observers, that equality of atomic volume is not necessarily connected with similarity of crystalline form, but is exhibited by heteromorphous elements and compounds quite as often as by those which are isomorphous, if not oftener. (Pogg. Ann. cvi. 226 ; cvii. 113.) The connection between the atomic volumes of compounds and of their elements has not been so fully examined in solids as in liquids ; nevertheless certain general rela- tions have been shown to exist. The most important of these relations, first pointed out by Schroder, and further established by Kopp, is that equivalent quantities of dif- ferent elements^ in uniting with the same quantity of a given element (or compound radicle} receive equal increments of volume. Thus, when 207*4 grammes, or 18-44 cub. cent, of lead (Pb 2 ), 112 grm. = 13 c.c. cadmium (Cd 2 ), 637 grm. = 7*2 c.e. copper (Cu 2 ), or 65-2 grm. = 9*2 c.c. zinc (Zn 2 ), unite with 16 grms. of oxygen (0) to form the compounds Pb 2 0, Cd 2 O, &c., the increment of volume is found to be in each case nearly 2-6 cubic centimetres. Again, in the oxidation of 112 grm. iron (Fe 4 ) to ferric oxide, Fe^O 3 , the increment of volume is 8-1 = 3 x 27 c.c. The explanation of this law appears to be that certain elements enter into combination with the same atomic volume that they occupy in the separate state. Such, according to Kopp, is the case with the heavy metals : so that, by determining experimentally the atomic volumes of their oxides, chlorides, nitrates, &c., and deducting therefrom the volumes of the metals themselves as given in the table (p. 442), the atomic volumes of 0, 01, NO 3 , &c., G o 2 452 ATOMIC VOLUME. which cannot be observed directly, may be found ; thus, a comparison of the oxides above-mentioned shows that the atomic volume of oxygen in these compounds is 2'6. The metals of the alkalis and earths do not appear to enter into combination with the same volume that they occupy in the free state. Their atomic volumes in com- bination must, therefore, be calculated by deducting from the observed atomic volumes of their salts, the chlorides for example, the volume of the chlorine as determined from the chlorides of the heavy metals, this determination of course resting on the assumption that the atomic volume of the chlorine in combination is the same in all analogous compounds. On these principles, Kopp has made the following estimations of the atomic volumes of the alkali-metals, earth-metals, and certain salt-radicles : NH 4 in its salts . . .... . . 17'4 K , 187 Na . ...... . . 10*4 Ba . . . . ... . . 11-4 Sr . . . . ... . . .8-6 Ca 4-8 CO 3 in the carbonates of Pb, Cd, Fe, Mn, >Ag, Zn, Ba, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Sr 12-1 NO 3 in the nitrates of Pb, Ag, NH 4 , Ba, K, Na, Sr . 28*6 SO 4 in the sulphates of Cu, Ag, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na . . .18*9 SO 4 in the sulphates of Pb, Ba, K, Sr . . . .14-9 Cl in the chlorides of Pb, Ag, Ba, Na 15*7 Cl in the chlorides of NH 4 , Ca,.K, Ccu, Hg, Hhg, Sr . . 19-6 in the oxides Pb 2 0, Cd 2 0, Cu 2 0, Hg 2 0, Zn 2 0, SnO, Sb 2 3 , Fe 4 3 ,Co 4 3 , Bi 2 3 , Pb 3 2 ... . . . .2-6 in the oxides Ccu 2 0, Ag 2 0, Hhg 2 0, Mo 2 3 , . . , . . 5-2 These values were determined in 1841, and many of them require correction accord- ing to the atomic weights and densities since established. According to Schroder (loc. cit.), the relations upon which they depend are true only with regard to isomor- phous compounds, being regulated by the following general law: " If two elements OP groups of elements, A, B, &c., unite with other elements or groups, C, D, E, &c., form- ing compounds AC and EC, AD and BD, AE and BE, &c., which belong to the same type, and are isomorphous by pairs, the differences of atomic volume of AC and B C, AD and BD, AE andBE, &c., are always s equaL; but, if these pairs of compound are not isomorphous, or belong to different types, then the differences of atomic volume are unequal." ,.....-, Messrs. PI ay fair and Joule have observed some remarkable relations between the atomic volumes of crystallised salts and that of the water which they contain, viz. 1. In certain highly hydrated salts, viz. the arsenates and phosphates with 12 at. water and in carbonate of sodium with 10 at. water, the volume of the entire molecule is the same as that of the water of crystallisation frozen into ice, the particles of the acid and base appearing to be interposed between those of the water without increasing the total bulk. The following table contains the specific gravity of some of these salts, as calculated upon this hypothesis, and as determined by direct experiment : Salt. Specific Gravity. Exp. Calc. Na 2 C0 3 . 10H 2 1-454 1-463 Na 2 HP0 4 . 12H 2 ..... 1-525 1-527 Na 3 P0 4 . 12^0 1-622 1-622 Na 2 HAs0 4 . 12H 2 .... 1-736 1736 Na 3 As0 4 . 12H 2 1-804 1-534 In cane-sugar and milk-sugar, the atomic volume is the same as that of the hydrogen and oxygen, supposed to be united as water and frozen. Specific gravity of cane- sugar on this hypothesis = 1-586; by experiment =1'586; of milk-sugar, by calculation 1-534; by experiment 1-531. 2. In another class of salts, including the hydrated magncsian sulphates (M 2 O.S0 8 + 6IPO), normal sulphate of aluminium, borax, pyrophospliate of sodium, and the alums, the atomic volume is made up of the solid water and of the base (M 2 or M 4 3 ) ; in other words, the volume of the hydrated salt is made up of that of the water of crytallisation frozen into ice, and that of the base as it exists in the free state, or in the anhydrous salt. (For details see the memoirs cited on page 449.) ATOMIC WEIGHTS. The ultimate constitution of matter, and its finite or infinite divisibility, have been made the subjects of speculation and argument from almost the earliest times. The molecular idea of matter seems to have prevailed in the primitive philosophies of the Hindoos, Phoenicians, and Egyptians, from the last ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 453 f whom it was probably transmitted to the Greeks. Among them, we find the notion of finite divisibility constituting the basis of the cosmogony of Democritus, who appa- rently acquired the doctrine directly from Leucippus. Subsequently Epicurus, and the Epicureans generally, extended the atomic hypothesis, which, however, was strongly opposed by Empedocles and the later Pythagoreans, who contended for the in- finite divisibility of matter, and for its continuity in any given mass. Plato and Aristotle also, especially the latter, advocated the notion of infinite divisibility. In modern times, the doctrine of material atoms was maintained by Newton, and opposed by Descartes, Leibnitz, and Euler. After the time of Euler, the question of the ultimate constitution of matter fell into some neglect, although the non-atomic view seems to have been generally preferred, until Dalton, in 1804 8, revived the atomic hypothesis, in order to account for the phenomena of chemical combination in definite and multiple proportions, which he first brought prominently into notice. Prior to his discovery, the chemical composition of bodies, as determined by analysis, had been expressed in centesimal proportions only, whereby the relations in composition of different bodies wre in great measure concealed from observation. Thus, the relative composition of olefiant gas and marsh gas, was expressed very imperfectly by saying that the former contained 85'7 per cent, of carbon and 14'3 per cent, of hydrogen, while the latter contained 75'0 per cent, of carbon and 25'0 per cent, of hydrogen. It was from the results of an examination of these two gases that Dalton was first led to the conception of his theory. He ascertained that both gases consist of carbon and hydrogen only, and set out the centesimal composition of each in the customary manner. But he observed further, that the ratio of hydrogen to carbon is exactly twice as great in the one case as in the other ; that in olefiant-gas, for instance, the carbon is to the hydro- gen as 6 to 1, whereas in marsh-gas it is as 6 to 2. Or, in other words, a given quantity of carbon unites with either one or two proportions of hydrogen to form the respective compounds, olefiant-gas and marsh-gas. Dalton, whose turn of mind was essentially mechanical, explained the constitution of these two compounds by supposing that the first consisted of 1 at. of carbon united with 1 at. of hydrogen ^0, while the second consisted of 1 at. of carbon united with 2 at. of hydrogen 00, the atom of carbon being considered to have 6 times the weight of the atom of hydrogen. He then calculated the composition of other bodies on the same plan, and found, for instance, that the quantity of hydrogen which unites with 6 pts. of carbon to form olefiant gas, unites with 8 pts. of oxygen to form water. Hence water was represented by the symbol Q, the atom of oxygen being considered to have 8 times the weight of the atom of hydrogen. The crowning point of Dalton's theory was reached when he discovered that the numbers which expressed the respective combining proportions of carbon and oxygen with 1 pt. of hydrogen, also expressed the proportions in which they combine with one another. Thus the ratio of carbon to oxygen in carbonic oxide gas was found to be as 6 to 8 ; whereas in carbonic anhydride gas it was as 6 to twice 8. The former compound he considered to result from the union of 1 at. of carbon with 1 at. of oxygen ^0 ; and the latter to result from the union of 1 at. of carbon with 2 at. of oxygen O@O- Dalton extended the same views to the com- pounds of nitrogen, and concluded that the quantity of that element which united with 1 pt. of hydrogen to form ammonia (X'0, united with 8 pts. of oxygen to form nitrous gas 0O. We may apply this formula for nitrous gas to the compound known as nitrous anhydride, though, from an error in the rough process of analysis then adopted, it was intended to apply to what is now called nitric oxide, or deutoxide of nitrogen. Even at the present day, it is highly interesting to compare the information afforded by Dalton's expressions for the above-mentioned compounds, with the information afforded by a statement of their respective centesimal proportions, thus : Dalton's Expressions. Centesimal Proportion?. Olefiant-gas Marsh - Water gas Carbonic oxide Carbonic anhydride Ammonia Nitrous gas . 85-72 + 14-28 75-00 + 25-00 88-89 + 11-11 42-86 + 57-14 27-27 + 72-73 82-35 + 17-65 36-80 + 63-20 Dalton thus established that general principle in chemistry known as the law of combination in definite and multiple proportions. He showed that a par- ticular number might be selected for every element, in such a manner that the propor- tions by weight in which any two or more elements combine with one another, should be always in the ratios of their respective numbers, or of different multiples of those numbers. And he accounted for this law by supposing that the elements unite with one G G 3 454 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. another atom to atom, and that the proportional number accorded to each particular element expresses the relative weight of its atom. Hydrogen being the lightest substance in nature, was at once chosen by Dalton as the unit in his scale of atomic weights, and the weights of the atoms of other elements were established by ascer- taining, directly or indirectly, the respective quantities of those elements which unite either with 1 pt. of hydrogen, or with the quantity of some other element which unites with 1 pt. of hydrogen. But many chemists, who speedily acknowledged the truth of Dalton's laws of combination, refused to admit the atomic doctrine which he had de- duced therefrom. Among these was Davy, who introduced the word proportion as a substitute for Dalton's word atom, conceiving the use of the latter word to be objection- able, as involving a theoretical assumption. At the present day, the word atom is most generally employed by chemists ; but, while some use it in its strict Dai- toman materialistic sense, others use it, in an abstract sense only, to express the smallest indivisible combining proportion of a body, and consider the proportional number of a body as an ultimate or unexplained property pertaining to it. Dalton's symbols were speedily replaced by those now in use, which represent the abbreviated names of the elements. Every such symbol is used to express one atomic proportion of its particular element. Thus, Cl stands for 3 5 '5 pts. of chlorine, Na for 23 pts. of sodium, and As for 75 pts. of arsenic, as compared with 1 pt. by weight of hydrogen. Every compound body being composed of two or more elementary atoms, is expressed by an allocation of symbols. Thus, common salt or chloride of sodium is represented by the formula NaCl, which implies a compound of 23 pts., or 1 combining proportion of sodium, united with 35 - 5 pts., or 1 combining proportion of chlorine. Again, tri- chloride of arsenic is represented by the formula AsCl 3 , which implies a compound of 75 pts., or 1 combining proportion of arsenic, united with 106'5 pts. or 3 combining proportions of chlorine. The proportional number or atomic weight of a compound "body is the sum of the atomic weiyhts of its constituents. Thus, the atomic weight of chloride of sodium is 58-5 and that of trichloride of arsenic 181-5. The relative quantity of a compound body, represented by its formula, is frequently spoken of as its atom, and there is nothing unphilosophical in such an employment of the word. By the atom of sodium, for instance, is understood, the least indivisible proportion of the elementary body sodium, and by the atom of chloride of sodium, the least indivisible proportion of the compound body chloride of sodium, that can have any existence. Soon after the publication of Dalton's theory, it received a valuable corroboration, through its adap- tability to groupings of elements or compound atoms. Wollaston, in the course of some analytical experiments, noticed, that if in the two carbonates of potassium, the weight, of oxide of potassium be taken as constant, then the weights of car- bonic anhydride in each salt are to one another as 1 to 2 ; and Thomson made a similar observation with regard to the two oxalates of potassium. Hence these salts were represented at that time, in accordance with Dalton's views, as consisting respec- tively of one compound atom of oxide of potassium, united with one or two compoxmd atoms of carbonic anhydride, and with one or two compound atoms of oxalic anhydride. The compound atom of a body, or more correctly the atom of a compound body, is now often spoken of as its molecule, but in many cases there is a distinction between the application of the two words which will be presently adverted to. The accuracy of Dalton's laws of combination in definite and multiple proportions, was confirmed by a reference to the previous neglected researches of Wenzel and Bichter upon the double decomposition of salts ; and by the subsequent brilliant researches of G-ay-Lussac upon the laws of combination by volume; in which he showed that the combining proportions of simple and compound gases might be ex- pressed volumetrically or by bulk, as well as numerically or by weight. It is worth while to refer for a few moments to the above-mentioned experiments of Wenzel and Richter. If we add together solutions of chloride of sodium and nitrate of silver, which are both neutral salts, we get by double decomposition, chloride of silver and nitrate of sodium, and the mixture still remains neutral. There is no redundancy or deficiency of either sodium or silver, but the quantity of sodium separated from its chloride is exactly sufficient to replace the silver separated from its nitrate, and vice versd. Wenzel of Preyberg in Saxony, as early as the year 1777, made very many analyses of salts with great accuracy, and was thereby enabled to account for this neutrality, resulting from the mutual decomposition of neutral salts, by showing that in all salts the quantities of salt-residue, so to speak, which are com- bined with equal weights of some one metal, will also combine with equal weights of ftnv other metal. Thus, if y grains of chloride of sodium, and z grains of nitrate of BOoimn alike contain x grains of sodium, then (y x} + w grains of chloride of silver, and (z x} + w grains of nitrate of silver will alike contain w grains of silver; IHT.MISP the quantifies x and tt> represent the relative combining proportions of the metals, silver and sodium, which can take the place of one another, and unite with the ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 456 same amount of chlorine or other salt radicle, or residue. Eichter of Breslau in Silesia, published, in the year 1792, what may be regarded as an extension of the views and experiments of Wenzel. He showed that the neutrality of a saline solution does not change during the direct precipitation or substitution of its metal by some other, and that the respective quantities of different metals which displace one another in salts, all unite with the same weight of oxygen. He also constructed a table of the quantities of different oxides or bases, which contain replaceable amounts of metal, and of the quantities of different acids which can be neutralised by those quantities of the respective bases. His experimental results were very inaccu- rate, but his notions of chemical decomposition, had they received due attention at the time, must have led directly to the doctrine of combining proportions, if not to the Daltonian theory of atoms. It was not until some time after the publication of Dalton' s views, that Berzelius first called attention to the prior researches of Wenzel and Kichter, as affording a valuable confirmation of the laws of chemical combination which Dalton had enunciated. In the establishment of proportional members or atomic weights, two distinct points have to be considered, namely the exact determination of the ratios, according to which bodies combine, and the correct expression or interpretation of those ratios. The first is a question of experiment, while the second is one of judgment or inference. Thus whether the ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen in ammonia is as 1 to 5, or as 1 to 4*67 is a question of mere experiment : but whether the atom, or smallest indivisible combining proportion of nitrogen is 4'67 times, or 14 times as heavy as the atom or smallest indivisible combining proportion of hydrogen, and consequently, whether the molecule of ammonia consists of one light atom of nitrogen united with 1 of hydro- gen, or of one heavy atom of nitrogen united with 3 of hydrogen, are questions for the judgment, which can only be decided by an intimate acquaintance with, and careful consideration of very many circumstances relating to the respective bodies and their congeners. The numbers originally chosen by Dalton to express the ratios in which the different elements unite with 1 part of hydrogen, are most of them very in- correct. Thus his number for nitrogen was 5 instead of 4'67, that for carbon 5 instead of 6, that for oxygen 7 instead of 8, that for phosphorus 9 instead of 10'33, that for sulphur 13 instead of 16, and similarly with the remainder. Davy raised the number for oxygen from 7 to 7*5, which Prout, soon after, on theoretical grounds increased to 8. But the first series of numbers, deduced from trustworthy experiments, was drawn up by Berzelius, whose results, the work of a lifetime, must ever excite our highest admiration for the marvellous industry and skill by which they were achieved. Of late years, when analytical and synthetical processes have been so greatly simplified and improved, many of his atomic weights have undergone slight corrections at the hands of Dumas, Marignac, Pelouze, Sta.s, Maumene, Erdmann, Marchand, and others, but the general exactitude of his numbers still remains unimpeached. Berzelius, following the example of Wollaston in this country, selected the atomic weight of oxygen as the unit of his scale, and the same plan was adopted until within this last twenty years by continental chemists in generaL The atomic weight of oxygen was fixed at 100, and those of the other elements estimated in accordance therewith; but the simpler numbers by which most of the ratios are expressed on the hydrogen scale, have eventually secured for it the preference. In the year 1815, Prout, in a paper " on the relations between the specific gravities of bodies in the gaseous state, and the weights of their atoms," propounded the idea that the atomic weights of all bodies are multiples of the atomic weight of hydrogen. His opinion was shared by Dalton on other grounds, and met with very general ac- ceptance in this country. But it was never acknowledged by Berzelius, or until lately by any large number of continental chemists Although Prout's views must be con- sidered, in the present state of our knowledge, to rest rather upon a speculative than a substantial philosophical basis, it cannot, be denied that the tendency of modern investi- gation has been to confirm liis law or rather, a certain modification of it, which Dumas first introduced in a definite form, but which Prout himself seems to have admitted. Ac- cording to this modification, the atomic weights of all bodies are multiples by whole numbers of a submultiple of the atomic weight of hydrogen. A striking confirmation of this view occurred in the year 1840, when Dumas and Stas showed that the atomic weight of carbon is exactly 6. In 1843 Dumas also showed that oxygen and hydrogen unite to form water exactly in the ratio of 8 to 1, and his experiments were confirmed by those of Erdmann and Marchand. Then Pelouze and Marignac separately ascertained that the atomic weight of nitrogen is 14; and Maumene, Marignac, and Pelouze, sepa- rately ascertained that the atomic weights of chlorine, silver, and potassium coincide almost absolutely with the numbers of 35'5, 108, and 39 respectively. Pelouze showed also that the atomic weights of sodium, barium, and arsenic are 23, 68 '5, and 75 respec- tively. At the present time, out of fifty-eight elementary atomic weights, calculated G 4 456 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. from the acknowledged best experiments, not more than half a -dozen differ appreciably from multiples by whole numbers of half the atomic weight of hydrogen. Some of these exceptional numbers ought probably to be doubled, whereby they would accord with Prout's modified law, while others of them can hardly be looked upon as satisfac* torily determined. It is worthy of observation also that the smallest atomic weights which, as a general rule, are those of the best known, and most easily estimated elements, accord the most precisely with Prout's law. Dumas is of opinion that some of the exceptional numbers are multiples of one-fourth the atomic weight of hydrogen. Stas, from an elaborate series of experiments, the exactness of which it seems impossible to exceed, has arrived at the conclusion that Prout's law is not true, or at any rate that it is only approximative^ true. He has obtained the following numbers for potassium, sodium, silver, sulphur, nitrogen, chlorine, and lead. Each number has been derived from numerous closely concordant experiments performed by different processes^ on a scale of magnitude and with a degree of delicacy, hitherto unequalled. His number for potassium, however, is the only one which differs con^- siderably i.e. | per cent, from the usually accepted number: Stas's numbers. Differences. Potassium ... 39 39-130 + 0'130 Sodium .... 23 23-050 + 0'050 Silver . . . .108 107'943 - 0-057 Sulphur .... 32 32-074 + 0-074 Nitrogen .... 14 14-041 + 0'041 Chlorine . . . . 35'5 36-460 - 0-040 Lead .... 103-5 103-457 - 0'043 Hence it is apparent that the differences in the experimental determination of the ratios according to which bodies combine with one another, have been reduced within very narrow limits. But the case is far otherwise when we come to consider the in- terpretation of these ratios, or the establishment of the atomic weights of simple and compound bodies. Thus mercury unites with chlorine in two proportions to form calomel and corrosive sublimate respectively. In the former compound the ratio of chlorine to mercury is as 35*5 to 200; and in the latter as 35'5 to 100 ; or as twice 35-5 to 200. We have therefore to decide between the numbers 200 and 100, where- with to express the atomic weight of mercury. If we select the number 200, the for- mula of calomel will be HgCl, and that of corrosive sublimate HgCI'. If we select the number 100, the formula of calomel will be Hg-Cl, and that of corrosive sublimate, HgCl. Much the same difficulty also exists in those cases in which two elements combi ne in only one proportion. Thus chlorine unites with silver in the proportion of 35 '5 to 108, or to twice 54. Now supposing even that we all agree to represent calomel by Hg'Cl, and corrosive sublimate by HgCl, we have still to consider whether chloride of silver is a body analogous to calomel or to corrosive sublimate, before we can decide upon representing it by the formula Ag 2 Cl, in which Ag = 54, or by the formula AgCl, in which Ag = 108. Again, chlorine unites with aluminium in the single proportion of 35'5 parts of chlorine to 9 parts of aluminium. Chloride of aluminium may conse- quently be represented by the formula A1C1, in which Al = 9 ; or by A1CP, in which : Al = 18 ; or by A1CP, in which Al = 27 ; or by A1-C1, in which Al = 4-5 ; or by APCP, in which Al = 13-5; or by one of many other possible formulae. From n variety of considerations, more or less complicated, the last formula, AFCP, is the one which has been generally but not unaminously adopted. Again, the composition of marsh-gas has been ascertained with the greatest certainty. The ratio of carbon to hydrogen is precisely as 3 to 1. Hence we may represent the gas by the formula CH in which the atomic weight of carbon = 3 ; or by the formula CH 2 , in which C = 6 ; or by the formula CH 3 , in which C = 9 ; or by the formula CH 4 , in which C = 12 ; or we may represent the gas by the formula C 2 H 4 , in which C = 6 ; &c. &c. At the present time, all chemists are agreed that the molecule of marsh-gas contains four atoms of hydrogen, but they disagree as to whether it contains two atoms of carbon having each the value 6, or one atom of carbon only having the value 12. It is obvious that the atomic weights of an element and of its combinations, should . be selected so as to express the entire series of combinations by the simplest series of formulae ; so as best to accord with the chemical properties and metamorphoses of the bodies ; so as best to illustrate their analogies with other bodies ; and so as to be in relation with their physical properties, such as their specific volumes, specific heats, isomorphism, &c. Now it so happens that these different requirements, chemical and physical, are not always satisfied by one and the same number. Hence we have to subordinate requirements, much in the same manner that zoologists and botanists sub- ordinate characters, and to select that atomic weight which fulfils the greatest number, or rather the most important of them. Many of the discrepancies which were formerly thought to exist between the numbers deduced respectively from chemical and physical ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 457 considerations, have of late years been satisfactorily explained away ; and we have every reason to believe that with increasing knowledge leading to higher generalisations, all such anomalies as at present exist will also disappear. In a determination of the least indivisible combining proportion, or chemical atom of a body, it is clear that purely chemical considerations must be entitled to the greatest weight, and to some of these we will now direct our attention. If we examine marsh- gas, for instance, we soon perceive that its molecule contains four atoms of hydrogen ; because we find ourselves able to displace one-fourth, or two-fourths, or three-fourths, or four-fourths of. its hydrogen. In other words, we find that its hydrogen is divisible into four equal parts; and as the atom of hydrogen expresses the least indivisible part of hydrogen that can enter into a combination, it is evident that marsh gas must con- tain four of such parts, or four atoms, of hydrogen. Thus taking the formula C*H 4 for marsh-gas, we have the following series of derivatives, the constitution of which could not be expressed, save by according four atoms of hydrogen to the molecule of the gas. C*H 4 Marsh-gas O H 4 . C* H 3 C1 Chloride of methyl C* H 3 Na Sodium-methyl. O H 2 C1 2 Bichloride of methylene . . OHCP Chloroform C*HI 3 lodoform. C* Cl 4 Tetrachloride of carbon . . Hence the metamorphoses of marsh-gas show that the most simple formula by which the ratio of its carbon and hydrogen can be expressed, namely, CH, is not the proper formula of the body. Again, the quantity of marsh-gas, which is the resultant of any reaction, cannot be expressed with less than four atoms of hydrogen. Thus, when acetic acid is decomposed by heat, we have the reaction, C 2 * X H 4 0'* = C*H 4 + C^O 2 . The quantity of carbon C*, which unites with 4 pts. of hydrogen to form marsh-gas, unites with 32 pts. of oxygen to form carbonic anhydride ; but whereas the quantity of hydrogen in marsh-gas is experimentally divisible into 4 pts., the quantity of oxy- gen in carbonic anhydride is experimentally divisible into 2 pts. only ; so that while we represent marsh-gas by the formula C J H 4 , we represent carbonic anhydride by the formula C* O 2 , as will be again referred to. The same class of chemical reasons which induce us to regard marsh-gas as tetra- hydric, also induce us to regard ammonia as trihydric. In ammonia we can replace one-third, or two-thirds, or three-thirds of its hydrogen, but we cannot replace one- fourth, or two-fourths, or three-fourths. The hydrogen in marsh-gas being divisible into 4 equal parts, the hydrogen in ammonia is divisible into 3 equal parts only, and consequently the molecule of ammonia contains 3 indivisible proportions or atoms of hydrogen. We are acquainted with many ammonias in which one, two, and three- thirds of the hydrogen are displaced, for example : N* H 3 Ammonia. N J HI 2 Diniodamide N* H' 2 K Potassamine N* Hg 3 Trimercuramine, &c. &c. But the most striking illustration of displacement by thirds is afforded by Hofmann's researches on the volatile alkaloids, in which he successively displaced one, two, and three atoms of hydrogen in ammonia by a mere coi.tinuation of one and the same process : Ammonia. Ethylia. Diethylia. Triethylia. Ethyl-methyl-aniliiie. (H (H (H (Et ( Et N- 3H N- Ifl N* }Et N- }Et N- hie &c. &c. (H (Et (Et (Et (Ph Again, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the quantity of ammonia which is the agent or resultant of a reaction, must contain 3 or some multiple of 3 atoms of hydrogen. Thus when ammonia results from the hydrogenation of nitric acid, we obtain, for every molecule of nitric acid containing 1 atom of hydrogen, a quantity of ammonia containing 3 atoms; and when ammonia reacts with benzoic chloralde- hyde to form benzamide and sal-ammoniac, we require, for every molecule of benzoic chloraldehyde decomposed, a quantity of ammonia containing twice 3 atoms of hydrogen, 2N* II 3 ; and so in other instances. In the great majority also of compounds which ammonia forms directly with other bodies, the quantity of combining ammonia must necessarily be represented with 3 or some multiple of 3 atoms of hydrogen. Thus the single molecule of aldehyde unites with N* H 3 , and the single molecule of nitrate of silver with 2N* H 3 . &c. Express these combinations or reactions how we please, we cannot represent them save with a proportion of ammonia containing 3 or some mul- tiple of 3 atoms of hydrogen, and ninety-nine cases out of a hundred will yield the same result. In those few exceptional cases in which the combining or reacting ammonia need not necessarily be represented with 3 atomsof hydrogen, it may be, and we contend ought to be, so represented. Thus when ammonia is decomposed by excess of chlorine, the re- * action might be expressed, thus: N 3 + Cl - N ; 'C1 + IIC1: but it is quite certain 458 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. that the molecule of chloride of nitrogen contains 3 at. of chlorine, and consequently the reaction by which it is produced ought to be expressed thus : N* H 3 + Cl 8 =* N* Cl 3 + 3HC1 ; and so in other instances. The same class of chemical reasons which induce us to regard marsh-gas as tetra- hydric and ammonia as trihydric, also induce us to regard water as dihydric. In water we can replace one-half or two-halves of the hydrogen, but we cannot replace one-third or two-thirds as in ammonia, or one-fourth or three-fourths as in marsh-gas. If we act upon water 0* IF by metallic potassium, we displace one-half its hydrogen to form the very definite body hydrate of potassium 0* KH ; and if we act upon hydrate of potassium by potassium, we displace the other half of the hydrogen and form oxide of potassium 0* KK. Or instead of introducing a second atom of potassium, we may turn out the first one. Thus if we treat hydrate of potassium 0* KH with iodide of ethyl we obtain alcohol 0* EtH, or we put a molecular grouping called ethyl in the place of the potassium, which displaced one-half the hydrogen of the water. Now if we act upon the alcohol thus formed by potassium, it behaves exactly as did the hydrate of potassium, or in other words it yields the remaining half of the original hydrogen in exchange for potassium, and we obtain ethylate of potassium 0* EtK. If we now act upon this new body by the iodide of methyl or ethyl, we turn out the potassium representing one-half the original hydrogen and obtain ethylate of methyl 0* EtMe, or ethylate of ethyl 0* EtEt. Again, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the quantity of water, which is the agent or resultant of a reaction must contain 2 or some multiple of 2 atoms of hydrogen. Thus, whenever an alcohol, ketone, or any definite organic substance, yields a hydrocarbon or other compound by dehydration, whenever an organic acid yields a pyroacid, or other pyrogenous product by dehydration, whenever a salt of ammonia, phenylamine, or other volatile alkali loses water, and whenever two com- pounds act upon one another to form a new body with simultaneous elimination of water, whether the action be that of an acid upon a hydrocarbon, of an acid upon an alcohol, of an acid upon an alkali, of an acid upon an acid, of an acid upon a"n aldehyde, of an alkali upon an aldehyde, or of an alkali upon an alcohol, the quantity of water eliminated inevitably contains 2, or some multiple of 2 atoms of hydrogen. Moreover whenever a conjugated compound or diameride, a chloraldehyde, an organo- metallic body, &c. &c., is decomposed by water, the quantity of water which reacts must necessarily be represented with 2 or some multiple of 2 atoms of hydrogen. For example, when water reacts with hippuric acid to form benzoic acid and glycocine, for every molecule of hippuric acid decomposed, we require a quantity of water con- taining 0* H 2 . When glycerin becomes acrolein by dehydration, for every molecule of glycerin decomposed we obtain a quantity of water containing 20* H 2 . When nitric acid reacts with naphthalene to form nitro-naphthalene, for every molecule of nitric acid which reacts, we have eliminated a quantity of water containing 0* H 2 . When acetate of ammonia becomes cyanide of methyl by loss of water, for every molecule of the salt decomposed, we liberate a quantity of water containing 20 r H 2 ; and so in an infinite number of other instances. Again, in the majority of direct compounds which water forms with other bodies, the combining water must be represented with two atoms, or some multiple of two atoms of hydrogen. Thus the molecule of glucose differs from that of fructose, and that of lactine differs from that of dextrine by the addition of 0* H 2 . The molecule of turpentine becomes hydrated turpentine by absorbing 30* H 2 , and so in many other instances. The water of crystallisation in the great majority of hydrated salts must be represented with 2 atoms, or some multiple of 2 atoms of hydrogen. Thus the molecules of chloride of barium, nitrate of mercurosum, and chloride of copper, crystallise with 0* IP ; the molecules of nitrate of cadmium, chloride of manganese, and nitrate of calcium with 20* IF ; the mole- cules of chloride of calcium, nitrate of magnesium, and acetate of sodium with 30* H 2 ; the molecules of microcosmic salt and hydrate of barium with 40* H 2 ; the molecule of borax with 50* H 2 ; the molecules of chloride of aluminium and potassio-sulphate of nickel, with 60* H 2 ; the molecule of common arsenate of sodium with 7 or 12 0* H 2 ; and the molecules of alum and rhombic phosphate of sodium with 120* H 2 , &c. &c. There are some comparatively few salts, the acetate of barium, for example, in which the water of crystallisation might be represented by 0* H 2 , or by l0* H 2 , &c., but none in which it need be so represented, while there are scarcely any reactions in which the resulting or reacting water could possibly be expressed by |0* H 2 or l0* H 2 , and none in which it would be correctly so expressed. We have mentioned above that the quantity of carbon which unites with four separable portions of hydrogen to form marsh-gas, also unites with two separable portions of oxygen to form carbonic anhydride. Now each of these separable portions of oxygen is identical with the quantity of oxygen 0*, which unites with 2 parts of hydrogen to form water. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 459 Lastly, when we come to examine hydrochloric acid, we are unable to show that its hydrogen is divisible, and we consequently look upon its molecule as containing but one atom, or one indivisible proportion of hydrogen; whence we represent the com- pound by the formula 01*11; and we may anticipate here by remarking, that all physical evidence tends to show that the molecules of marsh-gas, ammonia, water, and chlorhydric acid contain respectively four, three, two, and one atom of hydrogen. In addition to the class of binary hydrides, the atomic weights of the principal members of which we have just considered, there is another large class of hydrogenised bodies, namely, the class of ternary or oxacids, the correct determination of whoso molecules is of the highest importance. The molecule of oxalic acid, for instance, may be represented by the formula OHO 2 * *, or C 2x *H*0 4x * , according as the acid is found to be monhydric or dihydric, monobasic or dibasic. Now the polybasicity of an acid does not depend in any way upon the indivisibility of its formula, but solely upon its possession of certain specific characters ; and the examination of the properties of oxalic acid soon shows us that its molecule must be represented, not by the more simple mono- basic, but by the more complex dibasic formula. In fact the same class of chemical reasons which induce us to regard water as dihydric, must also induce us to regard oxalic acid as dihydric, and so in other instances. Inasmuch as the modes of dis- tinguishing between monobasic, dibasic, tribasic, and tetrabasic acids have been minutely set forth in the article ACIDS, it is unnecessary here to repeat them. "We will only observe that certain special acids, to the properties and metamorphoses of which we shall presently have occasion to advert, are proved by their specific charac- ters to be dihydric and dibasic, namely : Carbonic acid H 2 O0 3x * Oxalic acid IFC'O 4 ** Sulphurous acid H 2 S*0 3 ** Sulphuric acid H 2 S*0 4xa! We will now turn our attention to the atomic weights of the four elements with which the hydrogen of the four primary hydrides, whose atomic weights we have con- sidered somewhat minutely, is combined ; whereby it will appear that the quantities of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and chlorine which we have represented by the symbols O , N x , 0* , and CP , respectively, constitute the atoms of these elements, or the smallest indivisible proportions of them which can enter into chemical combination. To begin with carbon: we wish to prove that 12 parts of that element, or the quantity thereof which combines with 4 parts of hydrogen to form marsh-gas, is the smallest proportion of carbon that can exist in a compound. We find in the first place that the quantity of carbon contained in the great majority of carbon-com- pounds must necessarily be represented by 12, or some multiple of 12 parts. We may adduce in illustration of this position, the primary series of homologous fatty acids and their sodium-salts. Formic . C lxl2 H*0 2x Acetic . C 2 * I2 H 4 02* Propionic . C 3 * 12 H 6 O 2 * Butyric . C 4 x 12 H 8 O 2 x Valeric . C 5xl2 H'0 2x Caproic . C 6xl2 H 12 2x C lxl2 H NaO* x2 . Formate C 2x > 2 H 3 NaO*x2 f Acetate . Propionate C 4 * 12 H 7 NaO* x 2 . Eutyrate C 5xl2 H 9 NaO*x2 . Valerate C 6xl2 H n NaO Sx2 . Caproate The ratio of carbon to hydrogen in the sodium-salts, necessitates our expressing the constituent carbon as a multiple of 12. The mere ratio of carbon to hydrogen in the acids, would allow the carbon, in all of them, to be expressed satisfactorily by numbers which are not multiples of 12, but of 6. Valeric acid, for instance, might be represented by the formula C 5 x 6 H 5 0* ; but the circumstance that one-tenth part of its hydrogen can be displaced by sodium prevents the possibility of our halving the hydrogen in its molecule, and consequently of our reducing its carbon from a multiple of 12 to a mere multiple of 6. From the circumstance that all carbon-compounds must be represented with 12 parts, or some multiple of 12 parts of carbon, it follows that whenever two compounds differ from one another by the different proportions of carbon which they respectively contain, that difference amounts to 12 parts of carbon, or to some multiple of 12 parts. Thus, wood-spirit consists of 16 pts. of oxygen, 4 pts. of hydrogen, and 12 pts. of carbon, whereas in aldehyde we have another 12 parts of carbon, and in acrolein two other 12 parts of carbon in addition, so that the three bodies may be represented by the respective formulae : Cixi2H 4 0* Wood-spirit C 2xi2 H 4 * Aldehyde C 3X12 H'0* . Acrolein 460 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. We are not acquainted with any bodies intermediate in composition between wood- spirit and aldehyde, or between aldehyde and acrolein, nor have we any reason to anticipate their formation at any future time. Again toluene contains 8 parts of hydrogen united with seven times 12 parts of carbon ; whereas cinnamene contains another 12 parts of carbon, and naphthalene three other 12 parts of carbon in addition, thus : C 7xl2 H 8 ..... Toluene Q8 X i2 jp ..... Cinnamene C 9xl2 H 8 ..... Wanting C 10X12 H 8 ..... Naphthalene Now the probability amounts almost to a certainty that a hydrocarbon intermediate between cinnamene and naphthalene will be discovered, and that a hydrocarbon inter- mediate between toluene and cinnamene, or between cinnamene and the expected com- pound, or between the expected compound and naphthalene will not be discovered. It follows also that when carbon, plus some other element or elements, is added to or taken from a body, the quantity of carbon added or subtracted is always 12 parts, or some multiple of 12 parts. Thus the molecule of sodium-ethyl absorbs 12 parts of carbon, plus some oxygen to form propionate of sodium ; aconitic acid, by the loss of 12 parts of carbon, plus some oxygen, becomes citraconic acid ; undphthalic acid, by the loss of twice 12 parts of carbon, plus some oxygen, becomes benzene. Moreover in those series of compounds known as homologous, the quantity of carbon in each successive member of the series increases by 12 parts, as shown in a preceding table of the fatty acids and their sodium-salts. All chemists recognise the fact, which is indeed indisputable, that the smallest increment or decrement of carbon that can be effected in a compound is 12 times ag great as the smallest quantity of hydrogen that can be introduced into or displaced from a compound ; so that if the entire series of carbon-compounds is to be represented by the simplest satisfactory formulae, the atom or smallest combining proportion of carbon must be represented as having 12 times the weight of the atom or smallest combining proportion of hydrogen. But some chemists who from old association still accord to carbon the atomic weight 6, consider that all carbon-compounds contain an even number of atoms of carbon, and that in the decom- positions and recom positions of these compounds, two inseparable carbon-atoms are always concerned. But if we understand the smallest inseparable or indivisible pro- . portion of an element to constitute its atom, the conception of two inseparably asso- ; ciatod atoms is clearly illogical. Two small atoms of carbon, having each the va^ie 6, if they can never be separated from each other, must nececessarily constitute one large atom of carbon having the value 12. There are two well-known compounds of carbon, namely, carbonic oxide, and car- bonic anhydride, which may possibly be regarded as constituting exceptions to some of our previously made assertions. Thus the molecules of these two bodies may be represented by one or other of the following pairs of formulae : C lx6 lx8 Carbonic oxide c ixl2 Ix16 C lx6 2x8 Carbonic anhydride c ixl2 2 * lfi Now provided we recognise the dibasicity of the carbonic, oxalic, and other similar acids, as their chemical properties require us to do, it is quite certain that a proportion of either carbonic oxide or carbonic anhydride, containing only 6 parts of carbon, is incapable of effecting or of resulting from a definite chemical reaction. Carbonic anhydride in particular, is a very frequent product of chemical action, but in no definite decomposi- tion do we ever obtain a smaller proportion of the gas than that represented by 12 parts of carbon plus 32 of oxygen. A few illustrations are appended of the formation of carbonic oxide and carbonic anhydride, from the decomposition by heat of three mono- basic acids, namely, the formic, acetic, and benzoic ; of two dibasic acids, namely, the oxalic and tartaric ; and of one tribasic acid, namely, the aconitic, the decomposition of which last has been before referred to. Formic acid Acetic acid Oxalic acid Benzoic acid Tartaric acid Aconitic acid C Ixl2 H 2 2x C 8xl2 H 4 2x C 2xl2 H 2 O 4x C 7xl2 H0 2x C 4xl2 H 6 6x C 6 x 12 II 4 6 x 12 O 1 12 O 8 C lxl2 2 C lxI2 2 C |X12 2 H 2 C 1 x 12 H 4 C1X12Q2X* + IpO* C GX 12 H 6 C 3xl2 H 4 3x * + IPO* C 5xl2 H 4 4x ^. With regard to nitrogen, all chemists are agreed that 14 parts of that element, or the quantity thereof which combines with 3 parts of nitrogen to form ammonia, is the smallest proportion of nitrogen that can exist in a combination. We find that the quantity of nitrogen contained in the great majority of nitrogenous compounds, in- cluding all salts of ammonia and of organic alkaloids, must necessarily be represented ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 461 by 14 parts, or some multiple of 14 parts. Among miscellaneous bodies we may adduce cyanogen, indigo, and nitric acid, each of which contains 14 parts of nitrogen ; urea, asparagin, and chrysammic acid, each of which contains twice 14 parts of nitro- gen ; creatine and carbazotic acid, each of which contains three times 14 parts of nitrogen ; uric acid and caffeine, each of which contains four times 14 parts of nitrogen, &c. &c. From the circumstance that all nitrogenous compounds must be represented with 14 parts of nitrogen, it follows that whenever nitrogen is liberated by a chemical reaction, and whenever nitrogen plus some other element is introduced into a chemical compound, the quantity of nitrogen concerned must be represented by 14 parts or some multiple of 14 parts. Thus by the action of nitric acid upon the hydrocarbons, and upon a great variety of other compounds, we can introduce into the compounds 14 parts, or twice 14 parts, or three times 14 parts, &c. &c. of nitrogen, whereas we cannot introduce any intermediate proportion. Again, when sal-ammoniac is decomposed by chlorine, for every molecule of the salt decomposed, 14 parts of nitrogen are liberated ; and when nitrate of ammonia is decomposed by metallic zinc, for every molecule of the salt decomposed twice 14 parts of nitrogen are liberated; and so on. There are a few bodies formed on the type of one or more atoms of am- monia, in which the ratios of the constituent elements might be satisfactorily expressed by formulae in which the quantity of nitrogen represented was not a multiple of 14. Thus trimercuramine might be represented by the formula N' x47 IIg, and tri- ethylamine, by the formula N lx4 ' 7 C 2 H 5 . Similarly, all derivatives of ammonia in which the whole of the hydrogen is displaced by one and the same metal, hydrocarbon, or halogen, might be represented by formulae in which N = 4'7 ; which formulae moreover, would be more simple than those in which N = 14. But the same class of reasons which induce us to represent the molecule of ammonia with 3 atoms of hydrogen, induce us to represent the molecules of these bodies with 3 atoms of metal, radicle, or halogen. Thus triethylamine is the third of a series of compounds, namely, N 1 * 14 H 2 (C 2 H 5 ), N 1 * "H^H 5 ) 2 , and N 1 *(C 2 H 5 ) 8 , obtained successively by a continuance of the same reaction. Moreover, a quantity of triethylamine containing 1 less than 14 parts of nitrogen, is not sufficient to effect any decomposition, or to combine with the molecule of any acid or salt. It is observable that the entire series of compounds is represented most simply by formulae, in which N = 14, although one particular member of the series may be represented most simply by a formula in which N = 47. Let us now direct our attention to oxygen. We wish to show that 16 parts of that element, or the quantity thereof which unites with 2 atoms of hydrogen to form water, is the smallest proportion of oxygen that can enter into a combination. We find in the first place that the quantity of oxygen contained in the great majority of definite oxidised compounds, must necessarily be represented by 16 or some mul- tiple of 16 parts. Thus the molecules of all hydrates, double oxides, acids, oxisalts, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, oxacid-ethers, and a great number and variety of other compounds, doubtless forming together 99 per cent, of all known compounds of oxygen, cannot be represented save with 16 parts, or some multiple of 16 parts of oxygen. For example, the molecules of hydrate of potassium, benzoic aldehyde, acetone, chloral, hypochlorite of sodium, &c. &c. each contain 16 parts of oxygen. The molecules of spinelle, brown-hoe matite, camphor, benzile, acetate of sodium, benzoic acid, &c. &c. each contain twice 16 parts of oxygen. The molecules of nitric acid, glycerin, chlorate of potassium, salicylic acid, augitc, &c. &c. each contain three times 16 parts of oxygen. The molecules of phosphate of sodium, perchloric ether, garnet, olivine, sulpJiovinic acid, &c. &c. each contain four times 16 parts of oxygen. The molecules of starch, acid malate of lead, nitrosalicylic acid, &c. &c. each contain five times 16 parts of oxygen. The molecules of m.annite, cream of tartar, &c. &c. each contain six times 16 parts of oxygen, while the molecules of citric acid, pyrophosphate of copper and sodium, &c. &c. contain each seven times 16 parts of oxygen, and so on. From the circumstance that nearly all oxidised compounds must necessarily be repre- sented with 16 or some multiple of sixteen parts of oxygen, it follows that when two bodies differ from one another in composition by the different proportions of oxygen which they respectively contain, that difference amounts to 16 parts or some multiple of 16 parts of oxygen, as is well seen in the two following series of bodies. KC1 Chloride of potassium C 2 H 4 Ethylene KC10 1 * 16 Hypochlorite of potassium C 2 H 4 lxlG Aldehyd KC10** 1 * Chlorite of potassium C 2 H 4 2 * 16 Acetic acid KC10 3x16 Chlorate of potassium C 2 H 4 3 * 16 Glycolic acid KC10 4x16 Perchlorate of potassium C 2 H 4 lx16 G-lyoxylic acid. It follows also that the quantity of oxygen which can be liberated by any reaction, and which, either alone or together with some other element, can be added to, substracted 462 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. from, or displaced in a compound, must be 16 or some multiple of 16 parts. Now why this should be unless the 16 parts constitute an indivisible proportion or chemical atom, is quite inconceivable. We may adduce the following illustrations. Each molecule of nitrate of sodium decomposed by heat into oxygen and nitrite of sodium, yields 16 parts of oxygen. Each molecule of permanganate of potassium, decomposed by sulphuric acid into oxygen and manganese-alum, yields twice 16 parts of oxygen. Each molecule of chlorate of potassium decomposed by heat into oxygen and chloride of potassium, yields three times 16 parts of oxygen. Each molecule of penta chloride of phosphorus, converted by treatment with water into phosphoric chloraldehyde and hydrochloric acid, acquires 16 parts of oxygen in exchange for an equivalent quantity of chlorine. Each atom of alcohol converted into aldehyde by oxidation, reajcts with 16 parts of oxygen, and each atom of alcohol converted into acetic acid by oxidation, reacts with twice 16 parts of oxygen. Each molecule of bromacetic acid, converted by the action of water into gly colic acid, acquires 16 parts of oxygen and 1 part of hydro- gen, in exchange for one atom of bromine. Each atom of benzene, converted by treat- ment with nitric acid into nitrobenzene, acquires twice 16 parts of oxygen, and 14 parts of nitrogen, in exchange for one atom of hydrogen, and so on. But precisely as there are some nitrogenised bodies which with the atomic weight of nitrogen = 4 '7, may be divided into thirds, and can thus receive simpler formulae than with the atomic weight of nitrogen = 14 ; so are there some comparatively few oxidised bodies which, with the atomic weight of oxygen = 8, may be divided into halves, and can thus receive simpler formulae than with the atomic weight of oxygen = 16. We have seen, how- ever, that if the comparable molecules of nitrogenised bodies were correctly formulated they would all be represented more simply by formulae in which N = 14, than by formulae in which N = 4'7 ; so it will appear that if the comparable molecules of oxidised bodies were correctly formulated, they would all be represented more simply by formulae in which = 16, than by formulae in which = 8. Those oxidised bodies in which the ratio of the oxygen to the other constituents can be satisfactorily expressed by assigning to the oxygen a number which is not 16 or a multiple of 16, but only 8 or a multiple of 8, comprise most compounds in which the oxygen is united with one kind of matter only, including all the simple metallic oxides. Thus in water and lime, the ratio of the constituent oxygen to the hydrogen and calcium respectively, is as satisfactorily expressed by the formulae O 1 x 8 H, and O 1 x 8 Ca, as by the formulae 0i x isjp^ an< i O 1 x 16 Ca 2 . The only question is, which of these pairs of formulae represents the molecules of the two bodies. Now it is no more necessary to argue the point whether O 1 x 8 Ca, is the correct expression for the metallic oxide, lime, than it was to argue the point whether N 1 x 4 ' 7 Hg, was the correct expression for the metallic nitride, mercur- amine. The accordance of a trihydric formula to ammonia, necessitates the accordance of a trimetallic formula to mercuramine, and in a precisely similar manner, the accord- ance of a dihydric formula to water necessitates the accordance of a dimetallic formula to lime. It may be observed, moreover, that many strictly comparable reactions can be effected by means of water, hydrate of calcium, and lime respectively, and that in these cases the quantities of the reagents can only be expressed by the formulae O 1 x 16 HH, QI x iHCa, and O 1 x 16 CaCa. Again, in bodies analogous to ordinary ether and the homogeneous anhydrides, the ratio of the oxygen to the other constituents may be satisfactorily represented by formulae in which the proportion of oxygen is expressed by 8 parts only. Thus ether may be represented by the formula O 1 x8 Et, and b enzoic anhydride by the formula O 1 x 8 Bz ; but all arguments founded on mode of formation, on reactions, on vapour-densities, on seriated position and properties, &c. tend to show that the above formulae are not correct expressions of the molecules of the bodies represented, which, like that of water, contain 16 parts of oxygen. Thus, ether is one of the following series of bodies : ' x 16 HEt, ethylate of hydrogen, or alcohol ; O 1 x I6 MeEt, ethylate of methyl; O lxl6 EtEt, ethylate of ethyl or ether; lxI6 PrEt, ethylate of propyl ; and benzoic anhydride is one of the following series : O 1 x l6 HBz, benzoate of hydrogen, or benzoic acid ; O 1 x 16 BzBz, benzoate of benzoyl, or benzoic anhydride ; O 1 x l6 AcBz, benzoate of acetyl, or aceto-benzoic anhydride ; &c. &c. Lastly, in certain dibasic acids and their salts of one metal, the ratio of the oxygen to the other con- stituents may be satisfactorily expressed by monobasic formulte, in which the oxygen is expressed not as a multiple of 16, but as a multiple of 8. Thus sulphurous acid and sulphite of sodium may be formulated as follows : HS 7 3 x 8 , and NaS^O 3 x 8 , respec- tively. But as we have before observed, the distinctions between monobasic and di- basic acids and their salts are very decided ; and inasmuch as these acids and salts are indisputably dibasic (see ACIDS), their molecules cannot be correctly represented by monobasic formulae. The simplest dibasic formulae for carbonates, sulphites, and sul- phates respectively, are the following, in which the proportion of oxygen is necessarily 1 a multiple of 16 parts : ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 463 H 2 C0 3x16 H-S*O 3x!s H 2 ixi6 Water HO 1 * 8 H 3 N * 14 Ammonia HN 1 * 4 ' 7 H 4 C 1X12 Marsh-gas EC 1 * 3 except that Dalton took, not marsh-gas, but olefiant-gas, for his standard hydrocarbon, and accorded to it the formula HC 1 x 6 , whereby marsh-gas became H 2 C 1 x 6 . Now-a- days we know that the molecules of marsh-gas and olefiant-gas both contain the same number of hydrogen- atoms, and that their formulae are C 1 x 16 H 4 and C 2 x 16 H 4 respec- tively. With regard to chlorin e, all chemists are agreed that 35-5 parts of that element, or the quantity thereof which unites with 1 part of hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid, is the smallest quantity of chlorine that can enter into a combination. We find that 35*5 parts of chlorine are capable of directly displacing 1 part of hydrogen in a great variety of compounds ; that in all well defined molecules, the quantity of constituent chlorine must be represented by 35 - 5, or some multiple of 3 5 '5 parts ; that whenever two bodies differ from one another in composition by the quantity of chlorine they respectively contain, the difference amounts to 35'5, or some multiple of 35 - 5 parts ; and that it is impossible to add to, subtract from, or displace in any compound a pro- portion of chlorine which is not represented by 3o - 5, or some multiple of 35*5 parts. In the course of the preceding observations, reference has occasionally been made to the principle of analogy as a guide in determining the molecule of a compound body, and the atomic weights of its constituent elements. Thus we have referred to the analogy of triethylamine with ammonia, and to that of lime or oxide of calcium with water or oxide of hydrogen. But, in addition to the arguments already used, we may show more especially that the principle of analogy is in favour of the atomic weights and molecules which we have adopted. Thus the indisputable analogies of nitrous acid, nitric acid, and peroxide of nitrogen, with chlorous acid, chloric acid, and peroxide of chlorine respectively, are shown very clearly by formulae in which N = 14, whereas they would be concealed by formulae in which N = 4 '7, as seen below : Chlorous acid, HC10 2 HNO 2 Nitrous acid HN 3 2 Chloric acid, HC10 3 HNO 3 Nitric acid HN 3 3 Perchloric oxide, C1 2 4 N 2 4 Pernitric oxide. N 6 4 Again, with the molecule of water = 9, the relation of water to the alcohols as the undoubted vanishing term of the series, would not be manifested as it is with the molecule =18. Thus, if we write alcohol C 2 H 6 2 x 8 , wood-spirit CH 4 2 x 8 , and water HO 1 x8 , the relation of water to the alcohols does not appear, but in the following series of formulae with = 16, it is perfectly apparent : C 5 H 12 0, Amylic alcohol C 2 H 6 0, Ethylic alcohol C 4 H 10 0, Butylic CH 4 0, Methylic C 3 H 8 0, Propylic H 2 0, Hydric The relation of water to the alcohols, as shown in the above formulae, is not a mere paper relation, but has its foundation in experiment. When water and alcohol re- spectively are acted upon by potassium, by chloride of benzoyl, by pentachloride of phosphorus, and by a host of other reagents, the reactions are acknowledged by all to be precisely similar. All chemists, no matter what the formulae they employ, recognise the fact that the quantity of water which in a reaction corresponds to one proportion of alcohol, must contain two units of hydrogen. Similarly, with regard to hydrated 464 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. bases and acids. The reactions of the bodies clearly show that the quantity of water which corresponds to one proportion of hydrate of potassium, or of hypochlorous acid, for instance, must contain two units of hydrogen. If we write hydrate of potassium KH0 2x8 , hypochlorous acid HC10 2x8 , and water HO 1 x8 , the formulae do not repre- sent comparable quantities. But, in the following series of formulae with = 16, the relations of the bodies are rendered perfectly evident : KKO, Oxide of potassium HC10, Hypochlorous acid KHO, Hydrate of potassium C1C10, Hypochlorous anhydride HHO, Water KC10, Hypochlorite of potassium Moreover the principle of analogy is frequently allowed to overrule all other con- siderations. Thus the smallest quantity of aluminium that can enter into a combi- nation is 27 '5 times as great as the smallest quantity of hydrogen. This quantity of aluminium, like 14 parts of nitrogen, is capable of uniting with 3 atoms of chlorine, and of its representatives. But, from the strong analogy existing between aluminic and ferric compounds, the atomic weight of aluminium is fixed at 13 '75, in order that its compounds may be represented by formulae which, though more complex than those with Al = 2 7 '5, are in accordance with the formulae of corresponding ferric compounds, thus: Fe 2 Cl 3 , KFe*(S0 4 ) 2 . 12H 2 0, HFe 8 2 , A1 8 CP, KA1 2 (S0 4 ) 2 .12H*0, HA1 2 2 , Sesquichloride of iron Iron alum Brown haematite Sesquichloride of aluminium Common alum Diaspore The principle of analogy frequently enables us to determine satisfactorily the molecules and atomic weights of bodies with which we are comparatively but little acquainted. Thus the analogy of selenium and tellurium compounds, in so far as they are known, to the well-known compounds of sulphur, requires us to give similar formulae to the similar compounds of all three elements. With regard to sulphur itself, precisely the same reasons that induce us to represent water by the formula H 2 0, and to accord to oxygen the atomic weight 16, must induce us to represent sul- phydric acid by the formula H 2 S, and to accord to sulphur the atomic weight 32. But even if our acquaintance with sulphur were much less intimate than it is, still the analogy of its best known compounds with those of oxygen would suffice to allow of a satisfactory determination of its atomic weight. The principle of analogy induces us to accord to the primary hydrides and chlorides of the more or less electronegative elements, the following formulae, and to classify them in four principal groups, thus : Monatomic. Diatomic. Triatomic. HF H 2 H 3 N HC1 H 2 S H 8 P HBr H 2 Se H'As HI EPTe H 3 Sb cii CPO cm C1 2 S C1 3 P CPAs CPSb Cl 3 Bi The following table represents the atomic weights of the elementary bodies on the hydrogen scale (H = 1) as determined by the preceding considerations. Those on the oxygen-scale (0 = 100), which are now but little used, may be found by multiplying the hydrogen-numbers by -y^ or 6-25. The actual determinations of the atomic weights are given, with the methods of quantitative estimation, under each element. TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Tetratomic. H 4 C H*Si C1 4 C ci 4 si Cl 4 Sn Name. Sym- bol. Atomic Weight. Formula of Compound analysed. According to Experi- ments by Aluminium Al 1375 Chloride of aluminium, A12CP Dumas. Antimony Sb 120-3 122 Trisulphide, Sb 2 S3 Trichloride, SbCl 3 Schneider. Dumas. Arsenic .... As 75 AsC13 Felouze, Berzelius. Barium .... Ba 68-6 Chloride, Bad Marignuc, Pelouze, Bismuth .... Bi 210 BiCP Dumas. Boron .... B 11 f Boric anlmlrido, IJ 2 O 3 t chloride, BC1 3 Berzelius. Dumas. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 465 TABLE continued. Name. Sym- bol. Atomic Weight. Formula of Compound analysed. According to Experi- ments by : Bromine .... Br 80 Bromide of potassium, KB Marignac. Cadmium .... Cd Ca 56 20 Oxide, Cd 2 O f imf Pa^O Von Hauer. Carbon .... C 12 ijime, ^a \j Carbonic anhydride, CO 2 f Dumas and Stas. I Erdmann and Marchand Cerium Ce 46 Cerous oxide, Ce 2 O Marignac, Hermann. t Chloride ol potassium Marignac, Penny ; Mau* Chlorine n 35-5 } ( silver Dumas. Chromium Cr 26-2 Chromic anhydride, Cr 2 O 3 Peligot, Berlin. Cobalt .... Co 29-5 Chloride, CoCl Dumas. Columbium or Niobium Cb 976 Tetrachloride, CbCl 4 H. Rose. Copper .... Didymium Cu Di 31-7 48 Cupric oxide, Cu <2 O Oxide, Di 2 O Erdmann and Marchand. Marignac. Erbium .... E Fluorine .... Glucinum F Gl 19 f 47 1 7-0 < Fluoride of calcium, CaF \ sodium, NaF Glucina, G1 2 O 1 OHO 3 t Louyet. Dumas. Awdejew. Gold .... Au 196 Auric chloride, AuCl 3 Levol, Berzelius. Hydrogen H Water, H 2 O Dumas ; Erdmann and Marchand. Iodine .... Iridium .... I Ir 127 986 f Iodide of potassium, KI ( silver, Agl Dichloride, IrCl 2 Marignac. Dumas. Berzelius. 5Svani:erg and Norlin. t Ferric oxide, Fe 4 O 3 Maumene, Erdmann and Marchand. Iron . . Fe 28 j Berzelius. ' Ferric chloride, Fe 2 Cl 3 Dumas. Lanthanum . . La 46 Oxide, La 2 O Marignac. Lead .... Pb 103-6 Pb 2 O Berzelius. Lithium .... Li 6-5 t 7-0 f Li*0 I Carbonate. I^CO 3 Sulphate, Li 2 S0 4 Troost. Mallet. Magnesium Mg 12 f Magnesia, Mg-O \ Chloride, MgCI Berzelius. Dumas. Manganese Mn 27-6 MnCl Berzelius. Mercury .... Hg 100 Mercuric oxide, Hg 2 O Erdmann and Marchand. Molybdenum . Mo r Molybdic anhydride, Mo 2 O 3 Svanberg and Strure ; Berlin. I 48 Dumas. Nickel .... Ni ( 29 \ 29-5 Oxide, Ni'O Chloride, NiCl Schneider. Dumas. Nitrogen .... Osmium .... N Os 14 100 Sal-ammoniac, NH"C1 Dichloride, OsCl 2 Pelouze, Marignac, Penny. Berzelius, Fremy. Oxygen .... Palladium O Pd 16 53 Chloride, PdCl Berzelius. Phosphorus . . P 31 f Phosphoric anhydride, P 2 O 5 1 Pentachloride, PCI 5 Schrotter. Dumas. Platinum .... Pt 99 Dichloride, PtCl 2 Berzelius, Andrews. ( 39 Chloride, KC1 Marignac, Fremy, Mau- Potassium . . . K 3 mene. 1 39-2 B Stas. Rhodium .... Rh 52 Se'squichloride/Rh'Cl 3 Berzelius. Ruthenium Ru 52 Claus. Selenium .... Se 79 Selenide of 'mercury, Hg 2 Se Berzelius, Sacc, Erdmann and Marchand. Silicon .... Si 2S Chloride, SiCl 4 Dumas. Silver .... Ag 108 AgCl Marignac, Maumenfe, Penny, Berzelius Sodium ... Na 23 NaCl Penny, Pelouze, Dumas. Strontium Sr 43-8 SrCl Dumas. ( Cinnabar, Hg 2 S Erdmann and Marchand, Sulphur .... s 32 Struve. Tantalum . . . Ta 137-6 (Sulphide of silver, Ag'-'S Tetrachloride, TaCl 4 Dumas. H. Rose. Tellurium Te 128 Bromide of potassium and tel- lurium, K 2 TeBr v. Hauer. Terbium .... Tr Thorinum Th 59-6 Thorina, Th 2 O Berzelius. Tin Sn f 116 Stannic oxide, SnO 2 Mulder, Vlaanderen. \ 118 chloride, SnCl 4 Dumas. Titanium .... Ti 1 50 Tetrachloride, TiCl 4 Pierre. Tungsten Uranium .... W U 92 60 Tungstic anhydride, W 2 O 3 Uranic oxide, U 4 O 3 Schneider, Birch, Dumas. Peligot. Vanadium V 68'5 Vanadic anhydride, V 2 O 3 Berzelius. Yttrium .... Y Zinc . ... Zn 32-5 Oxide, Zn 2 O A. Erdmann. Zirconium Zr < 33-5 t 895 Zirconia, ZHO 3 > Berzelius, Erdmann. We will now turn our attention to the determination of atomic weights from physical considerations, and observe how far the weights deduced from physical and chemical considerations coincide with one another. In tho first place then, we will dis- VOL. I. H II 466 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. cuss the combining volumes of gases and vapours- from the observation of which we derive the most important of all means for controlling our conclusions as to the atomic weights of volatile bodies. If we take the specific gravity of hydrogen gas as unity, we find experimentally that the specific gravities of most other elementary gases and vapours are represented by the numbers we have selected to express their atomic weights. Hence, these atomic numbers represent the weights of equal volumes of the respective gases and vapours; and the formula of a compound body shows the number of elementary volumes of which it is composed. Thus while the formula for nitric acid HNO 3 represents a compound of one part of hydrogen, fourteen parts of nitrogen, and three times sixteen parts of oxygen, it also represents a compound of onn volume of hydrogen, one of nitrogen, and three of oxygen. The relative specific .gravities of the following elements, when in the gaseous state, and exposed to the same pressure and temperature, have been ascertained to be respectively : H = 1 Cl = 35-5 = 16 N = 14 Hg = 100 Br = 80 S - 32 P = ^ Cd = 56 I = 127 Se=r 79-5 As = Tf Hydrochloric acid gas is composed of one volume of hydrogen, and one volume of chlorine united without any condensation. Consequently the molecule of hydrochloric acid is represented by two volumes of gas QD , whilst the atoms of hydrogen and chlorine respectively are represented by one volume only n. Hence while the specific gravity, or weight of a unit of volume of chlorine coincides with its atomic weight, the specific gravity or weight of a unit of volume of hydrochloric acid coin- cides with the half of its atomic weight, = 18*25. Now ninety-nine percent. of all known volatile compounds agree with hydrochloric acid in this particular, namely, that their specific gravities in the gaseous state are the halves of their atomic weights. Thus the atomic weight of water JFO 1 x 16 , being 18, one volume of steam is found to be 9 times as heavy as one volume of hydrogen. The atomic weight of ammonia, H'N 1 x 14 , being 17, one volume of ammoniacai gas is found to be 8-5 times as heavy as one volume of hydrogen. The atomic weight of marsh-gas, IFC 1 x r2 , being 16, one volume of the gas is found to be 8 times as heavy as one volume of hydrogen, and so forth. Inasmuch, therefore, as half the atomic weight coincides with the specific gravity, or weight of one unit of volume, the entire atomic weight must represent twice the specific gravity or the weight of two units of volume; a con- clusion which may be confirmed by actual experiment. Thus one volume of oxygen, and two volumes of hydrogen at the temperature 100 C. can be converted into two volumes of steam at the temperature 100. Again two volumes of ammonia, when decomposed by the transmission of a series of electric sparks, yield one volume of nitrogen, and three volumes of hydrogen. No matter what the number of atoms or volumes which enter into the constitution of any volatile compound, they all become condensed into two volumes, as shown by the fact that the specific gravity or vapour- density of the compound is the half of its atomic weight. Seeing that the molecule of a compound body corresponds with two volumes of gas or vapour, and the atom of an element with but one volume, it is evident that the quantity of an element which is strictly comparable to the molecule of a compound body must be represented by two atoms. Hence the symbols | H I H j , |H| cl"|, and jTTJci', represent comparable quantities of the three bodies, hydrogen, hydrochloric acid, and chlorine respectively which, thus formulated, present an obvious relation of sequence to one another. By the molecule of an element, therefore, we invariably understand two atoms or two volumes; and there is great reason to believe that our acquaintance with the uncombined elements pertains exclusively to their molecules. So that while Cl, for instance, represents the atom, or smallest proportion of chlorine that can enter into a combination, Cl 2 represents the molecule or smallest proportion of free chlorine that can result from or effect a reaction. There are certain com- pound molecular groupings also, which like the elementary molecules, occupy two volumes when in the free state, and become halved in combination. Thus ethyl in the free state is represented by C 4 H 10 = DC? , in the combined state by C 2 H 5 = Q , and so in other instances. It is evident from the preceding observations that, in the great majority of instances, the molecules we have deduced from chemical considerations, are identical with the molecules deduced from the physical law of gaseous volumes enunciated by Ampere, namely, that all gases contain the same number of molecules within the same volume. But if we had represented water by the formula HO 1 x 8 , sulphydric acid by the formula ITS 1 * 16 , and carbonic oxide by the formula C lx6 lx8 , we should have represented their molecules as having only half the volume of the molecule of hydro- chloric acid, and should consequently have violated Ampere's physical law. The ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 467 general conclusions at which we have arrived, however, namely that the chemical atoms of elementary bodies correspond with one gaseous volume, and the chemical molecules of simple or compound bodies, with two gaseous volumes, is quite in accordance with physical requirements. Nevertheless there are some exceptions, real or apparent, to which we must now direct our attention. We may premise by saying that some chemists attach so great an importance to the law of volumes, that they would be guided exclusively by it, and would accord to all bodies whatsoever, such atomic weights as would be in accordance with it. In the present state of knowledge, however, it seems to us preferable to deduce the chemical atom or molecule of a body chiefly from chemical considerations, and to wait for further investigation to clear up the few anomalies which at present exist between the results of chemical and physical inquiry. Certain apparent exceptions to the law of volumes have of late years been satis- factorily explained away, by having regard to the following habitudes of volatile bodies. In the first place, some vapours, at temperatures but little raised above their condensing points, have anomalous densities which are much too high, or, in other words, the volumes of their atomic proportions are much too small ; whereas at higher temperatures their densities and volumes are perfectly normal. Thus at a temperature a little above its condensing point, an atomic proportion of sulphur vapour occupies only | the bulk of an atomic proportion of hydrogen gas at the same temperature ; but at the temperature 1000 C. the two atomic proportions .occupy the same volume. Again the molecule of acetic acid vapour at the temperature 230 C. has the same volume as the molecule of hydrochloric acid gas at that temperature ; but at lower temperatures, its volume decreases almost to one-half that of hydrochloric acid gas at the same temperatures. In reference to this property it must be borne in mind that vapours near their condensing points manifest variations from several of the physical laws affecting gases. It would seem, indeed, that a vapour must be heated to a tem- perature considerably above its condensing point before it acquires the properties of a perfect gas. The recognition of this circumstance enables us to account in several instances for those departures from Ampere's law, in which the density of the gas is too high. In the second place, several compounds at the high temperatures required to bring them into a perfectly elastic state, seem to undergo a change, which has been investigated by Kopp, Marignac, Deville, Hofmann, Kekule and others, and has been termed disassociation. According to these investigators, the molecule of a volatile compound, when strongly heated, sometimes breaks up into two simpler molecules which, on a reduction of temperature, reunite to form th<) original body, so that at the temperature at which the density is taken, we are really operating, not upon one more complex, but upon two less complex molecules ; whence the densities are found to correspond with four volumes of vapour instead of with only two. The anomalous volumes or densities of the following compounds have been explained in this way. 4Vols 2 Vols. 2Vols. Sal-ammoniac NIFC1 = NH 3 + HC1. Sulphuric acid H 2 S0 4 = SO 3 + H 2 O. Pentachloride of phosphorus . . PCI 5 = PCI 3 + Cl 2 . Hydrate of ethylendiamine . . . C 2 H 10 N 2 = C 2 H 8 N 2 + H 2 0. The phenomenon of disassociation then frequently enables us to explain various departures from Ampere's law, in which the densities are too low ; or in which, in other words, the volumes are too great. But there still remain certain exceptions, which, in the present state of knowledge, cannot be satisfactorily explained by either of the above described considerations. Thus the atomic volumes of the vapours of phosphorus and arsenic respectively, are only one-half that of hydrogen. In order to make their atomic weights correspond with their atomic volumes, the ordinarily re- ceived atomic weights would have to be doubled, whereby they would become 62 and 150 respectively. But this doubling of the atomic weights of phosphorus and arsenic would be in violation of all chemical considerations, and likewise of all physical consi- derations except that relating to the atomic volumes of the elements themselves. Thus the formula for phosphamine would become P lx62 H 6 , and that, for arsenamine As lxl50 H 6 , despite the analogy of the two compounds to ammonia NH 3 , and despite the fact that the hydrogen of the two compounds is divisible into thirds only and not into sixths. Moreover the vapour-densities of the compounds P J X 62 H 6 an( j As lxl50 H 6 would correspond to 4 volumes instead of 2, and would consequently be in opposition to Ampere's law. Again, the atomic heats of phosphorus and arsenic corresponding to the atomic weights 62 and 150 respectively, would be twice as high as the highest atomic heat of any other element. Lastly, by doubling the atomic weights of arsenic and phosphorus, the isomorphism of certain compounds of ammonia with the corresponding compounds of phosphamine and arsenamine would become unintelligible. At present then we are forced to admit that the vapour-densities of the elements, phosphorus and arsenic, are anomalous, and that we are incapable of ex- ii n 2 468 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. plaining the cause of the anomaly. It may be that the vapours of these elements, Hke that of sulphur, though anomalous at one temperature, become normal at a higher temperature, though it must be admitted that the recent experiments of Deville do not countenance such an expectation. Or it may be that the anomalies depend upon allotropy. Phosphorus and arsenic are known to exist in different allotropic conditions, and it is not improbable that each allotropic form may have a different atomic weight. Hence the anomaly might be explained by supposing that phospha- mine, for instance, contains the element phosphorosum, having the atomic weight 31 ; whilst phosphorus-vapour is composed of the element phosphoricum, having the atomic weight 62. This supposition of vapour-allotropy might also serve to explain the anomolous vapour-density of acetic acid at a low temperature. Normal acetate of potassium has the formula O'IPKG 2 , but there is also an acid-acetate having the formula C 4 H 7 KO 4 . The small vapour-density might possibly represent an acetic acid corresponding to the former salt, and the high vapour-density an acetic acid corre- sponding to the latter. Certain other real or apparent exceptions to the law of volumes, are afforded by the chlorides and ethylides of zinc, mercury, and some other metals, as indicated below : Hydrochloric acid . . . HC1 = 2 vols. Hydride of ethyl . . . HEt Chloride of ethyl . . . ClEt Chloride of mercury . . . HgCl = 1 vol. or Hg 2 Cl 2 = 2 vols. Ethylide of mercury . . . HgEt HgW Ethylide of zinc .... ZnEt Zn 2 Et ? Methylide of zinc . . . ZnMe,, ., Zn 2 Me 2 In consequence of the anomalous vapour-densities of the molecules of these com- pounds, as above expressed, some chemists have proposed to double the ordinarily received atomic weight of the metals mercury and zinc, so as to represent the molecules of the above volatile compounds by the following 2-volume formulae ; and it must be acknowledged that very strong reasons may be urged in favour of the duplication : Chloride of mercury . . . CFHg 1 * 20 " Ethylide of mercury Ethylide of zinc Methylide of zinc corresponding to j^f 1 " 80 ^- Et'Hg 1 * 200 Et'Zn 1 * 65 Me'Zn'* 65 It is admitted both by those who advocate and those who deprecate the proposal, that the duplication of the atomic weights of the metals mercury and zinc, would necessi- tate the duplication of the atomic weights of several other metals, including magnesium, cadmium, lead, copper, iron, chromium, and aluminium. Now the principal objections to the adoption of this proposal are the following. Firstly, because, although the duplication of the atomic weights of the metals would bring the volumes of their chlorides and ethylides into accordance with Ampere's law, it would bring the volumes of the elements themselves into discordance. therewith. Thus, the atomic volumes of mercury and cadmium corresponding to the atomic weights 200 and 112 respectively, would each be twice as great as the atomic volume of any other element. Secondly, because the chlorides, oxides, &c., of these metals, which are ordinarily represented as proto-compounds, would have to be represented as deuto-compounds, thus HgCl 2 , ZnCl 2 , CdCl 2 , &c., a result not warranted by chemical considerations, seeing that in their chemical properties, these compounds are quite undistinguishable from undis- puted proto-compounds. Moreover, the adoption of these doubled atomic weights would lead to most complex expressions for very many compounds. Of course, if it could be proved that the true atomic weights of these metals were really the doubles of those ordinarily employed, the circumstance of the duplication leading to inconvenient formulae would have to be disregarded ; but in the absence of such proof, the com- plexity to which the conclusion would lead is pro tanto evidence against the proba- bility of its being true. Thus, phosphate of lead would become Pb" 3 P 2 8 instead of Pb 3 PO 4 ; potassio-sulphate of copper would beecome K 2 Cu"(S0 4 ) 2 .6H 2 instead of KCuS0 4 .3H 2 0; sulphovinate of zinc would become Et 2 Zn"(SO')-.2H 2 O instead of EtZnSO 4 .H 2 0; mercaptide of mercury would become Et 2 Hg"S 2 instead of EtIIgS, &c. &c. Other exceptions to Ampere's law are furnished by the sesquichlorides of aluminium, iron, and chromium, the vapour densities of each of which, as determined by Deville, correspond to one volume of vapour only, instead of to two volumes. Hence it has been proposed to double the weights of the molecules of these compounds, and to represent them by the formulae Al'Cl 6 , JVCl 6 , and Cr 4 Cl a respectively. But it is observable that if the molecule of sesquichloride of aluminium really contains 6 atoms of chlorine, it must also contain 55 parts of aluminium, and as a consequence, 55 parts of alumi- ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 469 nium will constitute the smallest combining proportion of the metal, or the smallest, quantity which ever exists in a combination ; in which case the smallest combining pro- portion of aluminium will have twice the specific heat of the smallest combining propor- tion of any other element, a result that must throw considerable doubt upon the propriety of the change on which it would be consequent. Again the vapour-density and chemical relations of chlorochromic aldehyde alike show that its molecule must be expressed by the' formula Cr 2 2 Cl 2 ; while the correlations of sesquichloride of chromium and chlorochromic aldehyde require the molecules of the two compounds to be represented by formulae expressing the same amount of chromium, which would not be the case if the sesquichloride were represented by the formula Cr*Cl 8 . There is, moreover, another compound, namely, arsenious anhydride, As 8 3 , the vapour-density of which corresponds to only one volume of vapour instead of two volumes, although no reason for the anomaly has yet been brought forward. There are also three well- known compounds, the vapour-densities of each of which correspond to four volumes, instead of to only two, namely, nitric oxide, N 2 2 , pernitric oxide, N 2 4 , and perchloric oxide, C1 2 4 . In its chemical relations, the molecule of nitric oxide, N 2 2 , corresponds to the molecule of chlorine, Cl 2 , and the atom of nitric oxide, NO, corresponds to the atom of chlorine, Cl : but whilst the atom of chlorine corresponds to one volume, and the molecule of chlorine to two volumes, the atom of nitric oxide corresponds to two volumes, and its molecule to four volumes of gas, and similarly with pernitric oxide and perchloric oxide. At present no satisfactory explanation has been given of these anomalies, though it is not improbable that they may be explicable on the principle of disassociation. Thus, it is possible that the atom of sulphurous anhydride, (SO 2 )", which, like that of oxygen, O", is capable of displacing two atoms of hydrogen, would also, like the atom of oxygen, be represented by one gaseous volume, were it not for the circumstance that the molecule of oxygen, O 2 , cannot split into two other molecules, whereas the molecule of sulphurous anhydride, S 2 4 , corresponding thereto in equivalency, can split into two separate molecules, each of which is capable of occupying two volumes ; and this relation of oxygen to the diequivalent atoms of sulphurous anhydride, sulphuric anhydride, carbonic oxide, carbonic anhydride, &c., may be a parallel of the relation which subsists between chlorine and the prot- equivalent atoms of nitric oxide, pernitric oxide, and perchloric oxide respectively. Out of many hundred volatile bodies whose vapour-densities have been ascertained, the following table comprises all the well-known exceptions to Ampere's law, though doubt- less the strict chemical analogues of some of these bodies would also prove exceptional : Symbol. Vapour. Atomic weight. Theore- tical volume. Actual volume. P Phosphorus P = 31 1 1 As Arsenic As = 75 I I ITgCl Corrosive sublimate Hg =100 2 1 HgEt Mercuric ethyl 2 1 HgMe Mercuric methyl 2 1 ZnEt Zinc-ethyl Zn =32-5 2 1 ZnMe Zinc-methyl 2 1 As-0 8 Arsenious anhydride As =75 2 1 APC1 3 Aluminic chloride Al =13-75 2 1 Fe-Cl 3 Ferric chloride Fe =28 2 1 Cr-'Cl 3 Chromic chloride Cr =26-2 2 1 N 2 2 Nitric oxide N = H 2 4 N 2 4 Pernitric oxide 2 4 C1 2 4 Perchloric oxide Cl = 35-5 2 4 H 2 S0 4 Sulphuric acid S = 16 2 4 NH 4 C1 Sal-ammoniac N = 14 2 4 NH'CN Cyanide of ammonium C = 12 2 4 NIF.H.S Sulphydrate of ammonium S = 32 2 4 PGP CH 10 N 2 C 6 H 1S N 2 Pentachloride of phosphorus Hydrate of ethylene-diammonuim Hydrate of diethyl-ethylene-diammo- P = 31 C = 12 2 2 2 4 4 4 nium HH 3 470 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. The anomalous volumes of the last seven compounds are clearly explicable on the prin- ciple of disassociation. With regard to the duplication of the atomic weights of those metals whose chlorides and ethylides have anomalous densities, it must be remembered that the proposal is at present young, and that further investigation may suffice to remove some of the objections which at present surround it ; precisely as further in- vestigation removed the objections which in the first instance seemed to oppose with overwhelming force, Gerhardt's proposal to double the then received atomic weights of carbon, oxygen, and sulphur. This same remark applies to the proposal of Cannizzaro, which we shall next have to consider. It was contended by Dulong and Petit, who were the earliest investigators on the subject, that all elementary atoms have the same capacity for heat, or, in other words, that the specific heats of all elementary atoms are the same. If this law be admitted, it is obvious that the determination of the specific heat of an element must furnish a ready means of fixing its atomic weight. The atomic heats of simple and compound bodies have been of late years ascertained with great care, though from the nature of the subject it can scarcely be said with great accuracy, by Kegnault, whose results, corresponding to the atoms which we have adopted, are as follows : 12 32-5 56 1375 28 29-5 29-5 317 100 53 99 27-5 26-2 12 20 43-8 68-6 Carbon . Zinc Cadmium . Aluminium Iron Nickel . Cobalt . Copper Mercury . Lead .Palladium Platinum 2-89 3-10 3-16 2-93 3-18 3-20 3-15 3-01 3-19 3-25 3-15 3-19 Chromium Magnesium Calcium Strontium Barium 80 Bromine 127 Iodine . 32 Sulphur 79 Selenium 128 Tellurium 31 Phosphorus 75 Arsenic . 120-3 Antimony 210 Bismuth 118 Tin 23 Sodium . 39 Potassium 108 Silver . 196 Gold . 674 6-87 6-48 6-62 6-06 5-85 6-10 6-09 6-57 6-57 675 671 6-16 6-38 The numbers representing Regnault's atomic heats were obtained by multiplying the observed specific heats of the bodies, referred to that of water as unity, by their atomic weights on the oxygen scale. But it would be found more convenient in prac- tice to assume the atomic heat of lead, which corresponds nearly with the mean atomic heat, as unity ; whereby the atomic heats of the first class of metals would approximate more or less closely to the number 1, and those of the second class to the number 2. On this scale, the specific heats of the first class elements would cor- respond to the reciprocals of their atomic weights on either scale, and those of the second class to twice their reciprocals. At the time of Regnault's researches, the atomic weights of all the elements in the second column, with the exception of sodium, potassium, and silver, were frequently expressed by the halves of the numbers we hare adopted. Kegnault proposed to halve the atomic weights of these three metals also, whereby the atomic heats of all the elements would be in accordance with Dulong and Petit's law, and would be ex- pressed by numbers approximating more or less closely to 3'0 on the water-unity scale, or to 1-0 on the lead-unity scale. It is observable that in no case does the experimental atomic heat thus obtained differ from the mean atomic heat in the propor- tion of 1*1, or 0'9, to 1*0 ; whereas the extreme atomic weights differ from one another in the ratio of 1 to 9. Concerning this close correspondence in the atomic heats of the elements, Graham writes : " The law (of Dulong and Petit) would probably represent the results of observation in a perfectly rigorous manner, if the specific heat of each body could be taken at a determinate point of its thermometrical scale, and if the specific heat could be further disencumbered of all tne foreign influences which modify the observation," such as the original state of hardness or softness of the body, its crystalline or amorphous condition, the heat absorbed to produce softening, and the heat absorbed to produce dilatation, &c. Kecent chemical research, however, has rendered it impossible for chemists to halve the atomic weights of the elements in the second column, so as to make their atomic heats coincide with that of lead ; and hence Cannizzaro has been led to advocate a transposition of Regnpult's proposal, so as to main- tain the integrity of Dulong and Petit's law, by doubling the atomic weights of the metals in the first column, whereby the atomic heats of all the elements, with the ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 471 possible exception of carbon, would be expressed by numbers approaching more or less closely to 6. Cannizzaro has also pointed out that if his atomic weights were adopted, the atomic heats of many compound bodies, when divided by the number of their constituent atoms, would give a number approximating more or less closely to 6, or in other words, the atomic heats of these bodies approximate to the sum of the atomic heats of their constituent elements. It is observable, however, that the latter mode of ex- pressing the fact applies equally well, whether or not we double the atomic weights in the first column. Thus the atomic heat of chloride of silver approximates to 6 + 6 or 12, and that of chloride of lead to 6 + 3, or 9. It is evident that the atomic weights proposed by Cannizzaro, from considerations of specific heat, frequently correspond with those which he and others have been led to from considerations of atomic volume ; and their adoption is consequently liable to the objections which we have already taken. Cannizzaro' s proposal, moreover, would involve the dissassociation of silver from lead, and that of the metals of the alkalis from those of the alkaline earths. The chlorides of silver and potassium, for instance, would be represented as protochlorides by the formulae AgCl and KC1 respectively, whilst those of lead and barium would be represented as dichloridcs by the formulae PbCl 2 and Bad 2 respec- tively. Now the highly basic characters of the alkaline earth-metals, the strongly alkaline reactions of their dissolved hydrates, the perfect neutrality and great per- manency of their salts, seem to demonstrate their analogy to undisputed protequiva- lent metals, such as potassium, rather than to undisputed di-equivalent metals, such as tin. Again, the large number of similar compounds to which silver and lead give origin, the close resemblance in chemical properties of their corresponding compounds, their very general paramorphism, and not unfrequent isomorphism, seems to forbid their representation by discordant formulae. The two metals are soft, malleable, fusible, volatile, and isomorphous. The two chlorides are anhydrous and insoluble, or sparingly soluble ; the two sulphates are anhydrous, insoluble and similiform ; the two hydrates are sparingly soluble, forming alkaline solutions ; the two sodium-double- chlorides, potassium-double-iodides, protosulphides, cuprososulphides, monobasic and tribasic sulphantimonites, are similar in their chemical, and isomorphous in their physical relations. It seems to us that the objections to Cannizzaro's general proposition, are, in the present state of knowledge, too great to admit of its adoption ; but still it is a question whether some of the metals comprised in the first column might not advantageously, receive the doubles of their ordinarily admitted atomic weights. With regard to the metals palladium and platinum, for instance, it is not by any means improbable that their real atomic weights may prove to be 106 and 198 respectively. With regard to aluminium, again, it is certain that, so far as our actual knowledge goes, the smallest indivisible proportion of aluminium that can exist in a combination is twice the proportion expressed by its ordinarily received atomic weight, or, in other words, it amounts to 27'5, instead of to only 13*75 parts. All chemists invariably represent the compounds of aluminium to contain 27 '5 parts of aluminium, which is indeed its smaDest combining proportion or chemical atom. Consequently, by employing the num- ber 13*75 to express the atomic weight of aluminium, all aluminous compounds have to be represented as containing two inseparable atoms, or some multiple of two inseparable atoms of the metal, a result which is evidently un philosophical. The chemical habitudes of the metal aluminium resemble the chemical habitudes of the metal bismuth, 27 '5 parts of the former corresponding to 210 parts of the latter : and there is no greater chemical reason for halving the 27'5. parts of aluminium in order to represent its trichloride as a sesquichloride, than there is for halving the 210 parts of bismuth in order to represent its trichloride as a sesquichloride. Somewhat similar observations apply to the metals, iron, manganese, and chrome, when entering into the constitution of ferric, manganic, and chromic salts, respectively. Throughout all the decompositions and rccompositions of ferric compounds, for instance, so long aa they continue to be ferric compounds, we find 56 parts of iron constituting one indivisible combining pro- portion or chemical atom. We have two allotropic forms of the metal iron, one of which we call ferrosum, having the atomic weight 28, the atomic heat 3, and combin- ing with 1 atom of chlorine, to form a protoehloride ; the other, which we call ferricum, having the atomic weight 56, the atomic heat 6, and combining with 3 proportions of chlorine to form a trichloride ; and similarly with chromosum and chro- niicum, manganosum and manganicum. The ferrous and ferric atoms have distinct chemical properties and form distinct series of compounds, which differ more from one another than do the salts of ferrosum from those of nickel and copper, or than do the salts of ferricum from those of aluminium and bismuth. So great, indeed, is the difference, that, had we been unacquainted with the methods of converting ferrous 11 11 i 472 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. and ferric compounds into one another, we should never have suspected them fo contain the same metal, or even similar metals. Now, that two different allotropic forms of the same element may have different atomic weights and different equiva- lent functions, seems to be no longer questionable. Brodie's reseaches on graphon have shown conclusively that compounds may be prepared which contain the graphitic modification of carbon, and are altogether dissimilar from compounds containing the ordinary form of carbon. In fact, ordinary carbon-compounds present a greater analogy to corresponding compounds of sulphur than they do to any of the known compounds of graphon, precisely as the salts of ferrosum resemble salts of nickel more closely than they do the salts of ferricum. The only circumstance wanting to complete the parallel is that not only carbon and graphon compounds, but isolated carbon and graphon are known to chemists ; whereas, though ferrous and ferric compound's are well known, chemists have not yet recognised any form of iron distinct from ferrosum, unless indeed we make the by no means improbable assumption that iron in the passive state constitutes ferricum. The specific heats of carbon, graphon, and diamond cor- respond clearly with different atomic weights. Thus, if we accord to carbon the atomic weight 12, to graphon the atomic weight 18, and to diamond the atomic weight 24, the atomic heats of the three bodies, calculating from Regnault's results, will be 2*8980, 3*6324, and 3*5232 respectively, giving a mean of 3*3512. But it seems probable from chemical considerations that the atomic weight of graphon is not 18, but 36 (33 Brodie), in which case its atomic heat will be 7*2048, or exactly as much above the mean as that of phosphorus is below it. Precisely as the double atoms of iron and aluminium in ferric and aluminic salts constitute indivisible proportions, so do the double atoms of copper and mercury in cuprous and mercurous compounds constitute indivisible proportions throughout all the decompositions and recompositions of their respective salts. So long as the metals remain in the state of cuprosum and mercurosum, so long do 63*5 parts of the former and 200 parts of the latter constitute their respective atomic weights or smallest indivisible combining proportions. Each metal would have for its atomic heat the number 6, and would combine with one atom of chlorine to form a protochloride, so that while the atoms of ferrosum and ferricum combine with the halogens, &e., in different proportions, or, in other words, have different degrees of equivalency, the atoms of mercurosum, and mercuricum though having different atomic weights and different atomic heats, combine each with the same proportion of halogen, or, in other words, have the same degree of equivalency ; and similarly with cuprosum and cupricum (see EQUIVALENTS). A convenient mode of representing the atoms of ferricum, mercurosum, &c., consists in doubling one of the letters of the respective symbols used to express the atoms of ferrosum and mercuricum, &c., so as to indicate that the atoms of the former elements are twice as heavy as those of the latter. In a similar manner the atom of graphon might be represented by the symbol Ccc, to imply that it had three times the atomic weight of carbon. In this way we might arrange the following series of atoms : Atomic heats = 3. Atomic heats 6. Carbon . . C"" 12 Graphon . . Gr or Ccc 36 Aluminium . All'" 27*5 Ferrosum . Fe' 28 Ferricum . Ffe'" 56 Manganosum . Mn' 27 '5 Manganicum . Mm'" 55 Chromosum . Cr' 26*25 Chromicum . Ccr'" 52*5 Mercuricum . Hg' 100 Mercurosum . Hhg' 200 Cupricum . Cu' 31*75 Cuprosum . Ccu' 63*5 By thus recognising the quantities represented in the second column as distinct atoms, we obtain nearly all the advantages, with scarcely any of the disadvantages, which would accrue from Cannizzaro's proposal, and are enabled to account satisfactorily for the frequent isomorphism or parallelism of the double proportions of these elements, with the single proportions of other elements, as illustrated below : KC10 1 withKMmO 4 instead of KMn 2 4 K 2 S0 4 3 2 Mm0 4 K 2 Mn 2 4 K 2 Cr 2 4 Cr 2 3 K 2 S0 4 K-CcrO 4 SO 3 CcrO 3 80 2 C1 2 Ccr0 2 Cl 2 Ag-S Ccu 2 S Ag'SbS 3 Pb 2 CcuSbS 3 Pb-S PbCcuS Cr 2 2 CP Cu 4 S Pb'Cu 2 SbS 3 PbCu 2 S In addition to vapour-density and specific heat, isomorphism also furnishes a valuable aid in the determination of atomic weights. As a rule, the isomorphism of a ATOMIC WEIGHTS ATRIPLEX. 473 comparatively unknown substance, with a substance of which the formula and atomic weight are well determined, warrants us in according to the less known body a formula and atomic weight corresponding to those of the better known body. Thus, the isomorphism of the stannic and titanic anhydrides, of the chromate and molybdate of lead, of the sulphate and selenate of sodium, assists us materially in our determi- nation of the atomic weights of titanium, molybdenum, and selenium respectively, and of the formulae of their respective compounds. But atomic weights deduced chiefly from isomorphous considerations, require to be received with very great caution, for the following reasons. We sometimes find obvious chemical analogies to exist in cases, where from dimorphism, or some other cause, the isomorphism is very imper- fectly developed ; and on the contrary, we sometimes have a marked isomorphism existing between bodies whose chemical correlations are very unsatisfactory. Thus, the isomorphism of potassium and sodium salts is not by any means striking. Nitrate of potassium, for instance, usually crystallises in right rhombic prisms, and nitrate of .sodium in rhomboids. It seems, however, that each salt can crystallise in both systems, and that while the ordinary form of nitrate of sodium corresponds with the rare form of nitrate of potassium, the ordinary form of nitrate of potassium corre- sponds with the rare form of nitrate of sodium. Again, the chemical analogies of similar lead and mercury compounds are extremely well marked, but isomorphism is manifested in a very few instances only. Indeed the isomorphous relations of lead and calcium are more decided than are the isomorphous relations of lead and mercury. Again, tellurium is heteromorphous with its chemical analogues, selenium and sulphur, and isomorphous with its chemical heterologues, arsenic and antimony. One might here refer for a moment to the well-known isomorphism of certain sulphides and arsenides. Thus, sulphide of nickel, Ni 2 S, is isomorphous with the arsenide Ni 2 As, and the antimonide Ni 2 Sb. Marcasite, Fe 2 S 2 , is isomorphous with mispickel, Fe 2 SAs ; and common pyrites, Fe 2 S 2 , with cobalt-blende, Co 2 SAs, and smaltine, Co 2 As 2 . From this isomorphism a general analogy in composition between arsenic and sulphur compounds, might possibly be inferred, were it not that such an inference would speedily be found incompatible with the results of chemical analysis. But if arsenic had been a rare and imperfectly known element, the isomorphism of marcasite and mispickel might not improbably have led to the association of its compounds with those of sulphur instead of with those of phosphorus. Moreover, 2 atoms of one element are not unfrequently isomorphous with 1 atom of another. We have already given several examples of this phenomenon when referring to the isomorphism of sulphates with chromates, M 2 S0 4 and M 2 Cr 2 4 , of perchlorates with permanganates, MC10 4 and MMn 2 4 , and of salts of silver with salts of cuprosum, Ag 2 S and Cu 4 S ; and we have shown how the anomaly could be readily explained away. Nevertheless it may be useful to point out definitely the kind of difficulty to which this sort of isomorphism might possibly give rise. At the present time, the ordinary salts of zinc, iron, lead, and silver, are alike thought to be protosalts. Now we find that copper forms two chlorides, two oxides, two sulphides, &c., in one set of which, the proportion of copper is twice as great as in the other. Which of these sets then comprises the protosalts ? Judging from the isomorphous relations of cupric compounds with salts of iron and zinc, we should say that the cupric compounds were protocompounds, and that the atomic weight of copper was 31*7. Judging, on the other hand, from the isomorphous relations of cuprous com- pounds with salts of lead and silver, we should say that the cuprous compounds were the protocompounds, and that the atomic weight of copper was 63-4. Lastly, we find that isomorphism sometimes subsists between compounds of a some- what similar, but not of a strictly analogous chemical constitution. Thus, haematite, (Fe 2 )'" 2 3 , is isomorphous with ilmenite, Fe'-Ti""0' J ; and zircon, Z""Si0 4 , with wer- nerite, (Al 2 )"'Ca 1 Si0 4 . Again, nitrate of sodium, NaNO 3 , calc-spar, Ca 2 CO 3 , and red- silver, Ag 3 SbS 3 , are isomorphous with one another; as are also nitrate of potassium, KNO 3 , arragonite, Ca 2 C0 3 , and bournonite, Pb 2 CcuSbS 3 . Perchlorate of potassium, KC10 4 , is isomorphous with sulphate of barium, Ba 2 S0 4 ; and sulphate of iron, Fe 2 S0 4 .7II 2 0, is paramorphous, if not isomorphous, with arsenate of sodium, Na 2 IIAs0 4 .7H-O. These illustrations are sufficient to show that the inferences de- ducible from isomorphism, unless supported by chemical or by some other physical evidence, nrast not be inconsiderately adopted as certain means for the determination of atomic weights and chemical formulae. W. O. ATRAIWSEWTUIWC STONE. Atramcntcnstein. A product of the partial oxidation of iron pyrites, consisting of a mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphates with free ferric oxide and a variable quantity of cupric sulphate and undecomposed pyrites. ]t is used in the manufacture of ink (airamentuni). X. Many plants belonging to this genus are used for the extraction of soda. (Rochleder.) 474 ATROPINE. ATRIPLEX VERRUCIFERA, a chenopodiaceous plant growing in ti.e Kwgis steppes, leaves 12*5 per cent, of ash containing 43'3 percent, of soluble salts, viz. 7 '2 per cent, sulphate of potassium, 4'8 sulphate of sodium, and 8 carbonate of sodium, 24'6 chloride of sodium, and 1/9 caustic soda. (Gob el.) ATROPIC ACID. An organic acid stated by Eichter (J. pr. Chem. xi. 33) to exist in belladonna, and to be obtained by treating the aqueous extract with alcoholic ammonia, evaporating the solution with potash, and decomposing the resulting potassium-salt with sulphuric acid. It is said to resemble benzoic acid in form and volatility ; but its properties, and indeed its separate existence, have not been well made out. ATROPIN-E, or D^TURINE. C 17 H 23 NO, or C^H^NC?. This alkali, dis- covered in 1833, almost at the same time by Geiger and Hess (Ann. CLPharm. vii. 269), and by Mein (ibid. vi. 67), exists in all parts of the deadly nightshade (Atropa Bella- donna) ; it is also contained in the seeds of the thorn-apple (Datura stramonium}. The alkaloid has been analysed by Liebig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. vi. 66), and by Planta (ibid. Ixxxiv. 245) ; the latter has also analysed many of its salts. To extract it, the roots of the belladonna are treated with strong alcohol, and the extract left some hours in contact with caustic lime, then filtered, and supersaturated with sulphuric acid, the alcohol having been previously driven off by a gentle heat. A concentrated solution of carbonate of potassium is then added, and the liquid filtered as soon as it begins to show turbidity. The crystals of atropine, which separate after a while, are purified by repeated crystallisation from alcohol. Care must be taken not to apply too strong a heat, as the atropine is easily decomposed. Eabourdin extracts the atropine by chloroform. Fresh belladonna taken at the period of flowering, is heated to 80 or 90 C. to coagulate the albumin. The clarified juice, when cold, is mixed with caustic potash and chloroform, in the proportion of 4 grms. potash and 30 grms. chloroform to a litre ; and the whole is agitated for a minute and then left to settle. After half an hour, the chloroform charged with atropine separates in the form of a greenish oil, which after being washed, is distilled till all the cliloroform passes over. The residue in the retort is extracted with a little water acidulated with sulphuric acid, which dissolves the atropine, leaving a green resinous matter behind. The acid solution is then treated with carbonate of potassium, and the precipitated atropine crystallised from alcohol. Atropine crystallises in colourless silky needles united in tufts ; by slow evapora- tion of its alcoholic solution, it is often obtained in the form of a translucent vitreous mass. It is but slightly soluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol, less in ether. It is strongly alkaline, and has a very bitter taste. It melts at 90, and volatilises at 140C., undergoing partial decomposition. It is highly poisonous, causing vertigo, headache, and even death ; it also produces persistent dilatation of the pupil. Chlorine acts but slowly on atropine, producing a yellowish liquid, which contains a considerable quantity of hydrochlorate of atropine. Tincture of iodine colours it brown. Hot nitric acid attacks it, with evolution of red fumes. Chloric acid dissolves it, but deposits it again unaltered, by spontaneous evaporation. Atropine dissolves readily in acids, but the salts are difficult to crystallise. They are bitter, acrid, and poisonous ; inodorous in the pure state. They are permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures, but become coloured even at the temperature of boil- ing water ; most of them are soluble in water and alcohol, and insoluble in pure ether. Potash, ammonia, and their carbonates, precipitate atropine only from highly concen- trated solutions of its salts ; the precipitate dissolves readily in excess of the alkali. Tannin precipitates it only after addition of hydrochloric acid. Acetate of atropine forms nacreous prisms grouped in stars : it is permanent and very soluble; after being several times dissolved, it loses a little of its acid. (Geiger.) The chloro-auratc, C 17 H 23 N0 3 .HCl.AuCl 3 , is precipitated as a yellow powder, gradually becoming crystalline, when a strong solution of hydrochlorate of atropine is poured into a dilute solution of trichloride of gold ; the liquid should be well shaken during the mixing, to prevent the agglutination of the precipitate. The chloromercurate is precipitated only from very concentrated solutions. The chloroplatinate is a pulve- rulent precipitate, which rapidly agglutinates : it is very soluble in hydrochloric acid. The hi/drochlorate crystallises in tufts (Geiger); according to Planta, it is uncrys- tallisable. The nitrate forms a syrupy deliquescent mass. The picrate is a yellow pulverulent precipitate. The sulphate crystallises, according to Geiger, in delicate, colourless, nacreous needles, grouped in stars or tufts : it is very soluble. Planta did not succeed in crystallising it. The tartrate is a syrupy mass, which becomes moist in contact with the air. The valcrate, prepared by dissolving atropine in an equivalent quantity of valerianic AUGITE. 475 acid diluted with 2 pts. of ether, and cooled to C., then adding a further quantity of rectified ether (of 60 Cartier), equal to five times the weight of the atropine used, and leaving the solution to itself in a glass cylinder at 10 C., forms colourless trans- parent rhombic crystals, which refract light strongly. According to Callmann (J. pr. Chim. Ixxvi. 69), they contain C^H'^NO 6 + H'-O.C 5 H 10 2 . They melt at 42 C., give off the greater part of their water at 100, and at 120 begin to evolve vapours of valerianic acid. The salt prepared as above is perfectly soluble in water. AUGITE. Pyroxene. (Grm. iii. 402 ; Handw. d. Chem. ii. 556.) The name of a class of minerals distinguished : 1. By a certain form, belonging to the mono- clinic or oblique prismatic system, being a prism of 87 with the base inclined at an angle of 74; and 2. By the general formula SiM 2 8 = M 2 O.Si0 2 , or S-ftfO^SiO 8 ,* where M consists for the most part of Mg and Ca, giving the formula -.^.O.SiO 2 , less frequently of Fe or Mn. Occasionally also IMg is replaced by 3H (polymeric iso- morphism) ; and in the varieties called aluminous augites, 1 at. SiO 2 by 1 at. Al'O 3 (or 2@i0 3 by 3^ s ). Specific gravity 3*23 to 3*5. Hardness = 3 to 6. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous : in some varieties, pearly. Colour green, of various shades, verging on one side to white or greyish- white, and on the other to brown or black. Streak white to grey. Transparent to opaque. Fracture conchoi'dal to uneven. Brittle. The nature of the metals, whether calcium, magnesium, or iron, which enter into the composition of the mineral, produces considerable variations, not only of colour, lustre, transparency, and density, but also of crystallographical development, sometimes giving rise to differences in the magnitude of the angles in the primitive forms. These dif- ferences of character constitute the distinctions between the several species of augite, the principal of which are the following. Common Augite, (M = Ca, Mg, Fe), the silica being sometimes also replaced by alumina. Black, greenish, or brownish-black crystalline masses, with cleavage parallel to the faces of a monoclinic prism of 87 and 93. Specific gravity 3*33 to 3'36. The best developed crystals are found in basalt and other volcanic rocks. It occurs in the lavas of Etna and Vesuvius, in the volcanic Eifel, in the Bohemian Mittelgebirge, in the Fassathal, Iceland, and in numerous other localities. In some of these augites, the Mg is almost wholly replaced by iron and calcium. Hudsonite from North America, contains chiefly iron and scarcely any magnesium, a considerable portion of the silica in this mineral is also replaced by alumina (SiO 2 by A1 4 3 ). Pyroxene. This name is sometimes used as synonymous with augite, to denote the entire family ; but it is especially applied by some mineralogists to certain varieties of augite, having a green or dark green colour, viz. Fassaite, Coccolite (consisting of an aggregation of roundish crystalline grains), Funkite, Baikalitc, &c. They are dis- tinguished from common augite chiefly by containing a smaller amount of iron. Diopside (white augite, Mussite). Essentially a silicate of calcium and mag- nesium, (CaMg)SiO 3 , some varieties, however, containing small quantities of iron, man^ ganese, and even hydrogen (H 3 instead of Mg). Colour, white, greyish, or greenish' white, and light green. Occurs in very fine crystals, especially on the Mussa Alp in Piedmont. Malacolite. An augite rich in magnesium, also containing hydrogen, calcium and iron being only subordinate. The water which it contains renders it softer than the anhydrous augites. Salitc and Pyrgom are related in chemical composition to malacolite on the one hand, and to pyroxene and diopside on the other. Diallage and Broncite are, like malacolite, hydrated augites rich in magnesia, but having also the silica more or less replaced by alumina. In hi/persthcne, the iron predominates very strongly as protoxide. All these minerals, * to which also the aitf/ltic talcs are related (see TAXC), possess a laminated structure, arising from the peculiar facility with which they cleave in a particular plane. Asbesto'idal augites, are hydrated calcio-magnesian augites of fibrous structure : some of them occur as paramorphoses. This is the case with Traversdlite, a hydrated ferroso-magnesian augite from Traversella in Piedmont. To this sub-species appears also to belong a nearly pure ferrous augite, analysed by Grann. (Compt. rend xxiv, 794.) The following minerals also belong to the augite family : Mgyrin, probably a calcio- sodium augite; Acmite or Achmite (p. 36), in which silica is replaced by alumina; Spodumcne in which 3M 2 are replaced by A1 4 3 ; Jeffersonite, an augite containing zinc; Rhodonite, a nearly pure manganese augite. 21 + 3 X 8. SiO^ = 28 + 2 X IG. 476 AUGITE AVENTURIN. The following are analyses of certain varieties of augite : Wackenroder. Bonsdorff. H. Rose. HcrzelHis. Lime .... Magnesia . Protoxide of manganese Protoxide of iron. Silica .... Alumina a ft c d e f 24-74 24-76 23-57 24-94 23-47 20-00 18-22 18-55 16-49 18-00 11-49 4-50 0-18 0-32 0-42 2-00 0-61 3-00 2-50 0-99 4-44 1-08 10-02 18-85 64-16 54-83 54-86 54-64 54-08 50-00 0-20 0-28 0-21 100-00 99-73 99-99 100'66 99'67 96-35 a is diopside from Fassa ; b from Fammare ; c, salite from Sala ; d, malacolite from Orrijerfor ; e from Dalecarlia ; /from Dagero. Crystals having the form, structure, and composition of augite may be obtained by exposing a mixture of 1 at. lime, 1 at. magnesia, and 2 at. silica (SiO 2 ) to the heat of a porcelain furnace, and leaving it to cool very slowly (Berthier, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxiv. 376) ; similar crystals are likewise found among the slags of blast-furnaces. (Noggerath, J. pr. Chem. xx. 501.) The augites are not completely decomposed by any acid except hydrofluoric acid. Their behaviour before the blowpipe varies according to their constitution. Diopside yields a colourless nearly transparent glass ; ferruginous augite, a dark-coloured glass. Augite dissolves readily in borax, but with difficulty in microscosmic salt, forming a skeleton of silica. AUGUSTITB. Syn. with APATITE. AURAI>E. The name given by Plisson to a body which separates from oil of neroli, on addition of alcohol, in white nacreous laminae ; it is probably the camphor or stearoptene of the oil, and appears t6 agree in composition with the camphor of rose-oil. It melts at 50 C., and on cooling solidifies to a waxy non-crystalline mass ; in a close vessel it sublimes without decomposition. It is insoluble in water, dissolves in 10 pts. of boiling alcohol of 44 Bm. ; soluble also in ether and in oil of turpentine. It ia not attacked by acids. Fresh oil of neroli, which appears to be richer in this sub- stance than the old oil, yields about 1 per cent, of it. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. 558.) AI7HAJTTITT. Syn. of HESPEBEDIN. AURXCHAXiCXTE. (Aurum, gold, and XO.\KOS, ore.) A. mineral occurring in trans- parent, verdigris-green, needle-shaped crystals at Loktewsk on the Altai Mountains. It appears to contain 2C0 3 Cu 2 .3ZnHO. When reduced, it yields a gold-coloured alloy of copper and zinc. AUROTEiliURITE. See TELLURIUM, GRAPHIC. AITTOZKAXiITX:. See SPINEL. AUTUWITE. Lime-urauite. (See UEANTTE.) Atriiin*! xvxoSAXCUM or Mirsivinvi. The old name of disulphide of tin prepared in the dry way. (See Tm.) AVENXCT. A nitrogenous substance contained in oats, similar to, and most pro- bably identical with, legumin. A VENTURIS or AVACTTURXXT. A variety of quartz rock, which, when polished, exhibits a strong reflected light from innumerable points of its surface, pro- ceeding partly from minute crystals of mica Embedded in the mineral, partly from mi- nute cracks and fissures. The most beautiful comes from Spain, but very fine specimens have also been found at Glen Fernat in Scotland. The most usual colour is brown or reddish-brown, enclosing golden-coloured spangles. The mineral is used as a gem, but is often replaced by the artificial aventurin-glass, which even excels it in beauty. AVENTURXN CHLASS, also called gold-flux. A brownish- coloured glass interspersed with small spangles, which give it a peculiar shining appearance. This glass was formerly used in the arts and for ornaments, and its preparation was long kept secret by the manufacturers at Murano near Venice : it is now, however, prepared in other localities. The following are analyses of this glass : a, by Schnedermann and Wohler ; b, by P61igot ; c, by Kersten. SiO 2 P 2 5 A1 4 3 Fe 4 3 Fe 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 K 2 Na 2 Cu Sn Pb a . 65-2 1-5 6-5 8'0 4-5 2-1 3-2 3-0 trace ft . 67-7 trace 3'5 8'9 5-5 7'1 3-9 2-3 M c . 67'3 2-4 - 9-0 5-3 7'0 4-0 2-3 1-0 AVENTURIN AZELAIC ACID. 477 Gahn first observeed that the spangled appearance of the glass is due to minute shining, opaque, crystals, having the form of octahedral segments. Hence, and from the composition of the glass, it was concluded that the crystals consist of metallic copper. Clemandot and Fremy (Compt. rend. xii. 339), by melting together for 12 hours a mixture of 300 pts. of pounded glass, 40 pts. of copper filings, and 80 pts. of iron filings, and cooling slowly, obtained a rather dull-looking glass containing copper diffused through it in octahedral crystals. Pettenkofer, on the other hand, main- tains that the spangles consist of crystals of a cuprous silicate, identical in composition, but larger in size than the crystals of the compound which impart the deep-red colour to hsematinone-glass or porporino (q. y.), and are diffused through a mass of glass coloured green by protoxide of iron, the red crystals seen through the green glass producing a mixed or resultant tint of brown. Aventurin-glass may in fact be pre- pared with certainty by adding to 100 pts. of a not too refractory glass, 8 to 10 pts. of a mixture of equal parts of ferrous and cuprous oxides, and leaving the mixture to cool very slowly so as to facilitate the formation of crystals. A red crystalline cuprous compound then separates, and the ferrous oxide remains in the glass, imparting a green colour. Pettenkofer has also converted hsematinone into aventurin-glass by addition of iron. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 504.) A. VENTURIS? GIiAZE. A glazing for porcelain invented by Wo hi er (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 57). To prepare it, 31 pts. of kaolin from Halle, 43 quartz-sand, 14 gypsum, and 12 porcelain fragments, the whole finely ground and levigated, are stirred up with 300 pts. of water, and to the paste thus formed are successively added the solutions of 19 pts. of acid chromate of potassium, 47 acetate of lead, 100 protosul- phate of iron, and sufficient ammonia to precipitate the whole of the iron. After the potassium and ammonium-salts have been washed out by repeated decantation, tho glazing is ready for use, and is laid on the burnt wares in the ordinary manner, and burnt by the heat of the porcelain furnace. When cold, it forms a brownish ground, containing crystalline laminae which have a golden lustre, but appear green and trans- parent under the microscope and by transmitted light ; these crystals are regarded by Wachter as chromic oxide or a compound of that oxide with ferric oxide. AVIGNON*, GRAIN'S OP. (French Berries.) See YELLOW-BERRIES. AXE-STONE. A sub-species of jade, from which it differs in not being of so light a green, and in having a somewhat slaty texture. The natives of New Zealand work it into hatchets. It is found in Corsica, Switzerland, Saxony, and on the banks of the River Amazon, whence it has been called Amazonian stone. Its constituents are, silica 50*5, magnesia 31, alumina 10, oxide of iron 5*5, water 2'75, oxide of chromium 0-05. U. AXINITE. A silicate containing boric acid, so named from the axe-like bevelling of its lateral edges. It is also called Thum-ite, from one of its localities, Thum in Saxony. Its formula is 6M 2 0.2M 4 3 .8Si0 2 .B 2 3 , where M 2 stands for magnesia and protoxide of iron, and M 4 3 for alumina, sesquioxide of iron, and sesquioxide of man- ganese (Gm. iii. 453). Crystalline system, the triclinic or doubly oblique prismatic. Specific gravity 3*294. Harder than felspar. Colour varying from a fine violet-brown to leek-green, sometimes plum-colour ; some crystals are white and transparent, with a glassy lustre. Before the blowpipe it exhibits the reaction of boron with acid sulphate of potassium. In the unignited state, it is not attacked by hydrochloric acid, but yields to it after fusion. It is found in various localities in France, Norway, Saxony, the Harz, and the Alps ; at Botallack, near the Land's End, Cornwall ; and at Tre- welland in that neighbourhood. AZADIRINE. A bitter principle, perhaps an alkaloid extracted from Melia Azadirachta, an East Indian tree, by Piddington (Geiger's Mag. xix. 50), who states that it may be used as a substitute for quinine. According to O'Shaughnessy (Pharm. Centr. 1844, p. 365), all the parts of Azadirachta Indica are very bitter. The leaf is bitter and nauseating ; the bark is peculiarly bitter, and somewhat astringent, and is used effectively in Bombay as a substitute for cinchona bark ; the husk of the ripe fruit yields a very bitter fat oil, which possesses anthelmintic pro- perties, and is used as an embrocation. AZEI.AIC ACID. An acid stated by L aurent (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 154) to be produced, together with suberic and other acids, in the oxidation of oleic acid by nitric acid. It closely resembles suberic acid, being distinguished merely by a lower melting point and greater solubility in ether. Laurent assigned to it the formula C 19 H 36 5 ; but it is probably nothing but impure suberic acid. (Compare Ann. Ch. Phiirm. xxxv 103.) AZOBENZENE. Azobenzide, Azobenzol. C 12 H'N 2 . (Mitscherlich, Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxii. 224); Zinin, J. pr. Chem. xxxvi. 96 ; Ivii. 173 ; Laurent and Gerhardt, 478 AZOBENZENE AZOBENZOYL. Compt. chim. 1849, 417.) A product of the reduction of nitrobenzene, or of the oxida- tion of benzidine. It is obtained, together with phenylamine, by the dry distillation of azoxybenzene ; or simply by distilling a mixture of nitrobenzene and alcoholic potash ; or by distilling a mixture of 1 pt. nitrobenzene, 3 pts. iron, and 1 pt. acetic acid (Noble). Azobenzene passes over towards the end of the operation, as a red oil, which solidifies on cooling,; it is freed from aniline by hydrochloric acid, and recrystallised from alcohol or ether. It forms large reddish-yellow scales, scarcely soluble in water, readily in alcohol or ether. It melts at 65 C., boils* at 293, and distils undecomposed (P. W. Hofmann). Vapour-density, by experiment, =94, referred to hydrogen; 6-50 referred to air; by calculation (2 vol.), 91 referred to hydrogen, 6-32 referred to air (P. W. Hofmann, Ann. Ch. Phann. cxv. 364). It is soluble in nitric or sulphuric acid, and is reprecipitated by water. Sulphide of ammonium and sulphurous acid con- vert it into benzidine. It is not decomposed when heated to 250 C. over soda-lime. When acted on by fuming nitric acid, it -yields two nitro-substitution compounds. Nitrazobenzene^ C I2 H 9 (N0 2 )N 2 , is formed when the reaction is not prolonged : it sepa- rates out in reddish-yellow crystals, which, after the acid has been decanted, are washed with water, and dissolved in boiling alcohol (which generally leaves a residue of the di- nitro compound). The solution deposits orange-yellow crystals of nitrazobenzene, which are washed with alcohol and ether. When heated, it melts, and cools into a crystalline mass. It is less soluble in alcohol than azobenzene. Dinitrazobcnzenc, C' 2 H 8 (N0 2 ) 2 N 2 , is formed when the action of the nitric acid is prolonged for a few minutes : red crystals are deposited, which are washed with nitric acid, water, and ether, and recrys- tallised from boiling alcohol. It forms small reddish needles, which may be obtained larger by crystallisation from fuming nitric acid. When heated, it melts to a blood-red liquid, which crystallises on cooling. It is less soluble than nitrazobenzene in alcohol or ether. Sulphide of ammonium converts it into diphenine (q. v.) F. T. C. AZOBEirzxx.. C 21 H 1! >NO.(?) (Zinin, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiv. 190; Laurent, Bev. scient. xix. 445). Formed as a white granular precipitate, when a not too con- centrated alcoholic solution of benzil is mixed with aqueous ammonia : after standing in the liquid for ten hours, it is washed and recrystallised from alcohol. It forms long, lustrous, iridescent needles, which are soluble in alcohol, alcoholic potash or ammonia, and hydrochloric acid (whence it crystallises unaltered) ; insoluble in water, potash, or ammonia. F. T. C. AZOBCNZOIBE. C 42 H 33 N 5 (?) (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. -190). A white amorphous powder, formed by the prolonged action of ammonia on crude bitter-almond oil. It is insoluble in alcohol and ether. When heated, it melts, and solidifies in crystalline granules ; more strongly heated, it is decomposed. F. T. C. AZOBEXrZOXBXXTX:. C 43 H 37 N 5 . (?) (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 302.) A product of the action of ammonia on crude bitter-almond oil. It forms small, shining, oblique prisms : is inodorous, nearly insoluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in ether. It is dissolved and decomposed by nitric, hydrochloric, or sulphuric acid. It solidifies after fusion into a non-crystalline transparent mass. F. T. C. AZOBEXTZOXX.XBE. C I4 H"N. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 304; xviii. 272.) A product of the action of ammonia on pure bitter-almond oil. The oil was shaken up with potash and chloride of iron, distilled, and the first | which passed over was covered with an equal volume of ammonia. Crystals were gradually deposited, and in three weeks the oil was half solidified. The mass, when extracted with ether, left a residue of azobenzoilide. 2(C 7 H 6 0) + NH 3 = C i4 HN + 2H 2 0. It forms a microscopic crystalline powder, inodorous, insoluble in alcohol, very slightly soluble in ether. It is decomposed by prolonged fusion. Hot nitric acid dissolves it, apparently without decomposition ; hot sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming a yellow solution, in which ammonia produces a white precipitate. F. T. C. AZOBEXTZOITL. C 21 H I5 N 2 . (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 185.) A product of the action of ammonia on crude bitter-almond oil. When the yellow resinous mass obtained by leaving the oil for four weeks in contact with an equal volume of ammo- nia, is treated with boiling ether, a mixture of azobenzoylandbenzoylazotide is left un dis- solved : the former is dissolved out by boiling alcohol, and purified by recrystallisation. It forms a white, shining, crystalline, indorous powder, composed of irregular six-sided tables ; insoluble in water, not very soluble in boiling alcohol. After fusion, it cools to a transparent mass ; it is decomposed by a strong heat, leaving a residue of carbon. * The boiling point of azobenzene is commonly stated, on Mitscherlich's authority, to be 193 C. doubtless from a misprint in the original memoir. AZOBENZOYL AZOXYBENZENE. 479 According to Laurent (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 300), a mixture of equal volumes crude bitter-almond oil, ammonia, and sulphide of ammonium, solidifies after a long time ; and on treating the product with boiling ether, a white crystalline powder remains behind, consisting of microscopic rhombic tables, which are nearly insoluble in alcohol, and slightly soluble in boiling ether. Laurent calls this body hydrosulphate of azobenzoyl, and assigns to it the formula C 21 H 18 N 2 S 1 -i, U p n which no reliance can be placed. F. T. C. AZOZ533IZCir:ii, HYDRIDE OP. Syn. with HYDROBENZAMIDE (q.V.) AZOCimfAMYI., HYDRIDE OP. See CINNAMYL. AZOCODEINTE. An organic base which Anderson obtained by the action of sulphide of ammonium on nitrocodeine. (See CODEINE.) AZODIPUlffE. Gmelin's name for AZOBENZIDE. AZOERYTHRICT. See OBCEIN. AZO1.EZC ACID. Syn. with (ENANTHYIJC ACID. AZOXiITKOPEIiIiIC ACID. See LlTHOFEULIC AciD. AZOI.ITHIZN-. See LITMUS. AZOMARIC ACID. See PIMARIC ACID. AZOPHECTYXiAXKINE of Zinin. A product of the decomposition of nitro- phenylamine by sulphide of ammonium. (See PHENYLAMINE.) AZOPHENTYXiAlttlSIE of Gottlieb, more correctly Nitrazophenylamine. A. product of the decomposition of dinitrophenylamine by sulphide of ammonium. (See PHENYLAMINE.) AZORITE. A mineral occurring in the trachytic rock of the Azore Islands, in small greenish or yellowish white pyramids. According to Hayes, it consists for the most part of tantalate of calcium. AZQSTTIiPHIDE OP BSltf ZEOTE. Syn. with HYDRIDE OF SULPHAZO-BENZOYI. or THIOBENZALDIN. (See BENZOYL-HYDUIDE, decompositions by sulphide of ammonium.) AZOTE, (o privative and fw); life.) Lavoisier's name for nitrogen. AZOTAZJ. A name, not much used, for chloride of nitrogen. AZOTIDES Syn. of NITRIDES. AZOXYBSCTZEZtJE. Azoxybcnzidc, Azoxybenzol. C 12 H 10 N 2 0. (Zinin, J. pr. Chem. xxxvi. 96; Ivii. 173; further, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiv. 217; Laurent and Gerhardt, Compt. chim. 1849, 417.) When to a solution of 1 pt. nitrobenzene in 10 vols. absolute alcohol, 1 pt. powdered potash is added, the whole becomes brown, and is heated to boiling. The mixture is shaken up and kept boiling for some minutes : on cooling it sometimes deposits brown crystals. The mother-liquor is decanted, and distilled till it forms two layers. The upper is a brown oily liquid, which, after de- can tation and washing with water, solidifies into a mass of brown needles ; the lower contains aqueous potash, carbonate of potassium, and a brown potassic salt, almost in- soluble in alcohol. The crystals are dried with filter-paper, and recrystallised from alcohol or ether : they are easily decolorised by passing chlorine through their alcoholic solution. 2 pts. nitrobenzene yield 1^ pt. azoxybenzene. Thus obtained, azoxybenzene forms yellow, shining, four-sided needles, often an inch long, as hard as sugar, without smell or taste, insoluble in water, hydrochloric, or dilute sulphuric acid, potash, or ammonia, readily soluble in alcohol, still more so in ether. It melts at 36 C., and solidifies on cooling to a crystalline mass : it is decomposed by dry- distillation, yielding aniline and azobenzene, and leaving a residue of carbon. It is not attacked by chlorine : bromine attacks it, forming a yellow componnd, very slightly soluble in alcohol. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming apparently a copulated acid. Sulphide of ammonium and sulphurous acid convert it into azobenzene. Nitrazoxy benzene, C 18 H 9 (N0 2 )N 2 O. Azoxybenzene is not attacked by dilute nitric acid, but when gently heated with nitric acid of specific gravity 1'45, it dissolves, with great evolution of heat, and the liquid, if carefully cooled, solidifies after a while, to a thick pulp, consisting of two isomeric nitro-compounds, nitrazoxybenzene, and isonitrazoxybenzene, which may be separated by their different solubility in alcohol. If the pulp just mentioned be thrown on a filter, washed with water, treated three or four times with a quantity of boiling alcohol not sufficient to dissolve the whole (not more than 4 pts. alcohol to 1 pt. azoxybenzene), and the decanted liquors left to cool, crystals of nitrazoxybenzene are first deposited ; and after a while, shining needles make their appearance in the midst of them. If the liquid be then filtered, and part of the alcohol distilled off, isonitrazozybenzene separates on cooling, in the form of an oil, which quickly solidifies in a crystalline mass ; it may be purified by two or three crystallisations from small quantities of very strong alcohol. 480 AZOXYBENZENE BABINGTONITE. Nitrazoxybcnzenc is a yellowish crystalline body, slightly soluble in boiling alcohol or ether. It is promptly attacked by boiling alcoholic potash, and coloured brown ; on adding water, a yellowish-rod powder is precipitated, which may be crystallised from boiling oil of turpentine. This compound appears to contain C 12 H 9 N 3 (Lau- rent and Gerhardt). If the action of alcoholic potash be prolonged, the mixture becomes blue ; the colour is destroyed by water. An alcoholic solution of sulphydrato of ammonium converts nitrazoxybenzene, with separation of 3 at. sulphur into a crys- tallisable base, which dissolves readily in alcohol and in benzene, and forms salts with acids. Isonitrazoxybenzcne forms crystals very much like those of nitrazoxybenzene, but easily soluble in alcohol. It dissolves also in a large quantity of ether, and in benzene, and often crystallises from these liquids in fine rhomboidal prisms. It melts at 49 C. but does not volatilise without decomposition. When 1 pt. of this substance is treated with a solution of 1 pt. of potash in 8 pts. of alcohol, it melts and dissolves with ebullition, giving off the odour which is evolved on treating nitrobenzene with alcoholic potash. On boSing the liquid, a resinous mass separates, which yields by distillation an orange-coloured product, which crystallises from alcohol, and resembles nitro- phenylamine. At the same time, an oily body is formed not possessing basic properties, and charcoal remains behind. Isonitrazoxybenzene treated with alcoholic sulphydrate of ammonium, yields a body having the composition C 12 H 9 N 3 : C 12 H 9 (N0 2 )N 2 + 2H 2 S = C I2 H 9 N 3 + 2H 2 + S 2 . This body is insoluble in water, very soluble in alcohol, ether, benzene, and rock-oil, soluble also in acids ; but does not form definite salts. It melts at 85 C. to a yellow liquid, which solidifies on cooling, provided the temperature has not been raised too high. If a strong heat be applied, a brown liquid distils over, soluble in alcohol, though less so than the original substance. F. T. C. UKTE. Ghnelin's name for AZOXYBENZENE. ACID. A brown substance produced by the spontaneous decompo- sition of cyanogen and hydrocyanic acid. An aqueous or a dilute alcoholic solution of cyanogen or aqxieous hydrocyanic acid, when left to itself for some time, especially after addition of ammonia or potash, acquires a brown colour and gradually deposits brown flakes, consisting of azulmic acid. The solution contains azulmate of potassium or ammonium, from which the acid may be precipitated by the stronger acids. The same product is obtained by passing cyanogen gas into aqueous ammonia or alcoholic potash. Respecting the composition of this substance, statements vary greatly; ac- cording to Pelouzeand Eichardson (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 63), it is C 4 H 4 N 4 2 , that is to say, 4 at. cyanogen + 2H 2 : but it is doubtful whether any of the analyses have been made upon a pure definite compound. The acid yields by dry distillation hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, and water, and leaves a residue of charcoal containing nitrogen. (For a full account of all the modes of preparation, properties, and reactions of azulmic acid, see Grmelin's Handbook, xi. 375.) AZURE-BX.UE. See SMALT. AZURE-STONE ) AZURITE I SeeLAZULiTE. B BABIKTGTONTTE. A mineral consisting principally of silicate of iron and cal- cium, found near Arendal in Norway, in the Shetland Isles, at Gouverneur in St. Law- rence County, New York, and at Athol in Massachusetts. It forms short, nearly right angled rhomboidal prisms, of the triclinic system, with truncated edges and obtusely bevelled summits. Fracture imperfectly conchoi'dal. Colour dark greenish-black, with vitreous lustre. Opaque in the mass, translucent in thin splinters. Hardness 5-5 to 6'0. Specific gravity 3 '4 to 3 '5. Brittle, producing a greenish-grey streak. Melts easily with intumescence before the blowpipe, forming a brownish-black shining globule, attracted by the magnet. It is slowly decomposed by boiling hydrochloric acid. The mineral has been analysed by Arppe (Berz. Jahresb. xxii. 20), and by K. D. Thomson (Phil. Mag. [3] xxvii. 123), but its formula has not yet been determined : SiO 2 Mg 2 Ca 2 Fe 2 Mn 2 A1 4 3 . 54-4 2-2 19-6 21'3 1-8 0'3 0'9 = 100-5 (Arppe) 47'5 2-2 147 16'8 10-2 6'5 1-2 = 99-1 (Thomson) BABXiAH or NEB-WEB. The commercial names foe the fruits of several BABL AH BALANCE. 481 species of acacia. The principal varieties are East Indian bablah, from the Acacia Bambolah (Roxburgh], and Senegal and Egyptian bablah, from Acacia nilotica (Delile). The pericarp of these fruits contains a dark brown astringent juice. The aqueous extract contains, according to Chevreul (Lecons de Chimie appliquee a la Teinture, ii. 211), gallic and tannic acids, a red colouring matter, and a nitrogenous substance, besides other substances not yet examined. East Indian bablah yields to boiling water 49 per cent, of soluble matter; Senegal bablah 57 per cent. ; neverthe- less, according to Ghiibourt, the East Indian variety is richer in tannic and gallic acid, and therefore more valuable. Bablah is used in calico-printing in combination with alumina and iron mordants, to produce various shades of fawn-colour. The tint pro- duced by the seeds is different from that obtained with the husks ; the seeds are said to contain a red colouring matter, and to be used in Egypt and India for dyeing morocco. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 603.) BABUIi-CrUM or GOND-BABUXi, an inferior sort of gum arabic, from the babul tree, Acacia Arabica (Willd.) growing in Bengal. BABYLONIAN* QUARTZ. This name is given to peculiar groups of quartz- crystals, composed of thin crystalline plates, disposed one above the other Hke terraces. It is found at Beerlston in Devonshire. BAGRATXOXXXTX:. See OBTHITE. BAXERXST or BAXERXTE. A variety of niobite found at Bodenmais in Bavaria and at Limoges in France. BAXXAXiXTE. A green modification of diopside. BAXiAXJCE. Chemistry being concerned with the relative masses or quantities of the elements which compose all known substances, and the weight or force of gravitation of a body being the only practicable measure of its mass or quantity of matter, the balance, which shows the equality of two weights, and may hence determine the ratio of all commensurable weights, is the chemist's most important instrument. Fig. 78. Theoretically speaking, the balance consists of a lever or inflexible straight line turning with perfect freedom on its central point. A weight is applied to each extreme point, and the force of gravity acting perpendicularly downwards, if either of these weights be in the least degree greater than the other, it will prevail and cause the lever to revolve in its own direction. The equilibrium of the lever or balance affords the desired criterion of perfect equality of weight ; and an arbitrary weight being assumed as a standard, we can arrive, theoretically speaking, at any of its multiples or sub- multiples by successive duplication and bisection combined with addition and sub- traction, and a perfect measure of all weights from the greatest to the least may thus be attained. The results of course are not absolute weights, as we say in common speech, but ratios of weights to each other, or to the standard unit-weight. Practically, however, the balance consists of a metal beam with two almost equal VOL. I. II 482 BALANCE. Fig. 79. and similar arms, suspended near its centre of gravity on a pivot, the weights to be compared being also suspended from two pivots at nearly equal distances from the centre pivot. In the balance thus constructed, we have by no means the simple and perfect comparison of two weights supposed in theory ; the weight of the beam, the friction of the pivots, their unequal distances from the middle one, the resistance of the airland possibly other causes, introduce small extraneous forces, which render the comparison required more or less uncertain and erroneous. THE CHEMICAL BALANCE, is adapted for the ordinary operations of quantitative analysis, and is usually capable of weighing any quantity less than 100 grammes or 1500 grains^ In its most perfect form (see fig. 78) it consists of a perforated brass beam, cast in a single piece, combining great strength and perfect inflexibility with comparatively small weight. It is suspended at the centre on a knife-edge of agate about an inch long, and turns on a single polished plane of agate fixed on a projecting brass support, which enters a perforation of the beam, and does not impede its mo- tion. The agate knife-edge is firmly embedded in a wedge-shaped piece of brass, and being once adjusted exactly at right-angles to the plane of the beam, is then permanently fixed. At each end of the beam is a smaller agate prism (see Jig. 79), with the edge uppermost, fixed in a brass setting, which is capable of a little lateral movement, but slides upon a brass plane, in such a man- ner that the two extreme edges and the centre edge are all appreciably in one plane, as may be seen by looking along them. The extreme edges may be moved to or from the centre edge by little ad- justing screws, and fixed in the desired position with the assistance of two clamp- ing screws. Upon these extreme edges (i. e. knife- edges) are balanced two agate planes, from which, by the bent wire and a series of hooks and light wires, the pans are suspended. Except, however, when a weighing is actually being made, the agate planes and edges are never in contact, but the beam and pan suspensions are borne by a frame or movement, having in the centre two Ys (fig. 78) which catch projecting pins close to the centre edge, and lift the beam about of an inch off the plane, while steel points (shown in dotted outline in^. 79.) entering hollows in the lower surface of the pan- suspensions, likewise raise these planes off the edges, and retain them in the exact positions proper for a new experiment. The movement of the brass frame is governed by a rod descending through the pillar of the balance and resting on a simple eccentric, by the turning of which it is gradually raised or lowered. In the best balances too, a second eccentric, by means of two bent levers, raises supports beneath the pans of the balance, and either holds these safely while weights are being placed in them, or checks their oscillations preparatory to the release of the beam. The two eccentrics are so adjusted that on turning the handle, the pan supports are first rapidly dropped ; the beam is then very gently lowered on to the centre plane ; and lastly the pan- suspensions are in the most delicate manner left free upon the extreme edges, the beam being perfectly horizontal and undisturbed, so as not to show the slightest prepon- derance one way or another. Much of the excellence of a balance, as it is employed in chemistry, depends upon these several movements being smoothly performed, and the parts being released without the least stickiness ; otherwise the beam is thrown into oscillation, and the true approach to equilibrium cannot be readily observed. Most of the weight of the beam and frame is usually borne by a spiral spring in the interior of the column. An index moving over an ivory scale one inch long, divided into twenty parts, indicates the movement of the beam. The index should, of course, point exactly to the centre division, both before the beam is raised and when it is free and unloaded. The balance is enclosed in a glass case, with convenient windows, not shown in the figure ; but when a very bulky object has to be weighed, the finger- screws at the base of the column (fig. 78) are to be loosened : the column and beam may then be turned through about 60, so that the scales extend without the case. Two spirit-levels, or a circular level, and levelling screws, are attached by which the whole instrument must be adjusted to horizontally. Above the centre of the beam is a small weight, which we may call the gravity-bob, and which, being screwed up or down, regulates the stability of the balance, while a small vane being turned to the right or the left adjusts the beam to equilibrium. In the figure too will be seen an arrangement of rods, by which a small rider weight may be placed upon any part of the beam, the balance case remaining closed. BALANCE. 483 The balance above described is by Oertling, of Bishopsgate Street, London, who like- wise constructs the chemical balance in seven different varieties more or less elaborate. Fig. 80. Fig. 81. Fig. 82. The largest of these, with a 16-inch beam, able to bear two pounds in each pan, and yet turn with y^ grain is a remarkably fine instrument. The German balances made by Oertling of Berlin, Standinger of Giessen, Steinheil of Munich, and others, are extremely delicate and well made instruments. Deleuil of Paris enjoys also a just celebrity for his chemical balances. M. Stas, in his late researches upon the atomic weights, employed a balance , by Gambey, which turned to *& 83 ' * 84 ' half a milligramme when laden with a kilogramme ; also one by Sacr6 of Brussels, carry- ing two or three kilogrammes and turning with - 3 milli- gramme. Fig. 83 shows the terminal suspension of a de- licate balance by Fortin of Paris, capable of indicating one part in a million, while fig. 84 is from a German ba- lance. THE ASSAY BALANCE is specially adapted for weighing small objects with great accuracy and 'rapidly. The French assay balances consist of a very light steel beam mounted in the manner of a pair of scales with hook pan suspensions, yet their perfor- mance is good. Oertling constructs the assay balance in five forms, of which the most commonly employed has an 8-inch plain brass beam with a centre steel knife-edge and hook pail suspensions, adjustable by a small screw, as shown in fig. 80. It is not adapted to bear more than two grammes in each pan, and will perhaps indicate the ^ part of a milligramme. Another kind has an 8-inch perforated beam, with three agate edges and planes, and in fact all the elaborate movements and adjustments of the chemical balance above described, on a small scale. It will bear 10 or 15 grammes in each pan, and yet. indicate surely and rapidly about ^ of a milligramme. Lastly, we may mention the 10-inch assay balance, with a very light perforated beam. A figure and a short description of this balance will be found under the article GOLD ASSAY, but the terminal suspensions are shown here in figs. 81 and 82, and are formed of two small screws, bearing sharp points of ruby, one working into a little hollow, the other into a little channel in a steel cross-piece, from which the pan is suspended. In contrast to the last balance it may be mentioned that Oertling constructs balances on the principles of the chemical balance with a beam 4 feet long, able to bear 2000 ounces in each pan, and yet turn with half a grain, or the one-millionth part of the load. They are chiefly employed in the several English and American mints for weighing bullion, but might be useful in some scientific investigations. See Jury Eeports on the Great Exhibition of 1851 (p. 258). It is of little use to describe forms of the balance which are now antiquated. Those by Eobinson, by Eamsden, and his successor, Berge, and by Barrow, had beams composed of two hollow brass cones joined at the base with many elaborate adjustments. A balance made by Eamsden for the Eoyal Society is said to have indicated one part in seven millions. In the Gottingen Transactions, is described a balance constructed by Gauss and Weber, the beam and scales of which were poised on watch springs, a method contrived by Gauss. Beams suspended by ribbons, threads, or turning oa little spheres of steel have been tried by Steinheil ; but in no instrument have attempts to invent new forms been more futile. ii 2 484 BALANCE. THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE BEAM to the due degree of sensibility and accuracy has to be entirely performed by repeated trial-weighings, and requires the greatest skill. Firstly, if the three edges of suspension are not already in one plane, but admit of adjustment, as is sometimes the case, proceed as follows: Without weights in the pans poise the beam, and then raise or lower the lob until the vibrations are ren- dered very slow ; now put weights into the pans equal to about half the greatest load the balance is to carry, so that the beam may be poised again ; if it now vibrates slowly as before, it proves the adjustment to be perfect ; but in case it either over- sets or vibrates too quickly, restore it to slow motion by the adjusting weight or gravity-bob, as we may call it, noting the number of turns of the screw and parts of a turn which were required to produce slow motion ; now turn the screw the contrary way, through double the noted quantity, and then produce the required slow motion by the proper adjustment at the end of the beam. Repeat the operation till the adjustment is perfect. Secondly, to adjust the edges of suspension to equal distances ; poise the beam with weights as in the last case, and then change the pans and suspensions from one side to the other. If equilibrium still holds, the adjustment is perfect ; if not, take as much hair or wire as when put into the apparently lighter scale, will restore the balance ; take away half of it, and poise the beam by the proper adjustment at the left end, which completes the process. Instead of placing any weights in the pans, all the poising may be conveniently done by a rider-weight on the beam, and in the last operation it is to be removed half way towards the centre of the beam. The adjust- ment of the edges to perfect parallelism is of course indispensable ; we only presume that it is done by placing narrow planes or hooks on different parts of the edges and moving these until the apparent weight is the same on whatever part the weight bears. A good balance in perfect adjustment should bear most of the following tests : Without weights, of course, it should remain with the index at zero, or make equal slow excursions on either side. The pans being removed, the beam alone should be iu equilibrium, and oscillate probably much more quickly. If there be nothing in the con- struction of the balance to hinder it, the beam should be turned round from left to right and should act as before ; this test is a severe one, generally disclosing as it does some defect in the work of the middle knife-edge and the planes on which it rests. If the pans and suspensions have been separately adjusted to equality, which is advantageous, although not quite necessary, equilibrium should hold when the pans and suspensions are variously changed in both positions of the beam. Lastly, the pans being fully and equally loaded, the weights should be changed from pan to pan, and equilibrium yet hold, proving the lengths of the arms to be fully equal. A good balance, too, may be known by its giving the weight of an object, the same or nearly so, when weighed several times successively. There are few balances that will do this with certainty to the last minute fractions which they are capable of in- dicating. WEIGHTS. The results required by the chemist in analyses being merely comparative or proportional, the choice of a unit weight is a matter of indifference, provided that it be not varied during the progress of an experiment. But it is most con- venient to adopt weights connected with some national standard, so that absolute weighings may if necessary be recorded. Grain weights are still sometimes used by English chemists, but most men of science of all nations appear by a kind of tacit agreement to have adopted the French standard weight, the gramme, with its uniform series of decimal multiples and submultiples ; and we therefore strongly recommend its exclusive employment by every scientific chemist. A complete set of weights extends from the smallest that the balance will indicate, up to the greatest that it will bear, and the series usually supplied with a balance ia as follows : 001 gramme 01 gramme 1 gramme 1-0 gramme 10-0 grammes 001 M 01 n 1 }J 1-0 10-0 > 001 B 02 tf 2 }> 1-0 20-0 N 002 M 05 D 5 n 2-0 50-0 If C05 M 5-0 > the whole making up just 101 grammes. These are arranged most conveniently in two little wooden stands, which may either be introduced into the balance case or enclosed together with the forceps in a separate box. A glass cover also lies over the small weights. The weights from 1 gramme upwards are best made of brass gilt ; below 1 gramme, of platinum in the form of flat squares, with a corner bent up for holding in the forceps, the weight being stamped on each piece. The milligramme weights BALANCE. 485 are sometimes made of palladium or aluminium ; but tlie latter metal is rather too soft for the purpose, and is apt to wear away. An admirable improvement in the modern balance consists in its partial employment on the principle of the steel-yard, as far as regards the estimation of the last minute fractions. A small rider, or hanging weight of thin gold (or brass) wire, is placed upon the upper edge of the beam either by the forceps, or more conveniently without opening the case, by a brass sliding rod and a little arm (see fig. 78), on either side of the beam. Now the weight which this rider exerts towards turning the beam is such a fraction of its whole weight in the pan, as its distance from the centre of the beam is of the distance of the pan-suspension from the centre. The rider commonly weighs -01 gramme, and each arm of the beam is graduated into twenty parts ; but the fifth part of these divisions may easily be guessed, so that the fractional weight may really be read off to the Y5o P ar t of the rider weight, or '0001 gramme. This simple contrivance, compared with the use of minute weights in the pans, presents the following advantages. 1. Saving of much time and trouble. 2. Greater accuracy, small weights being liable to collect dirt, or to be rubbed or injured. 3. Minute estimation of weights to any required degree. 4. Diminished chance of error in reading off the weight. With numerous small weights errors are certain frequently to occur. The series of grain weights 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, &c. is not uncommonly em- ployed, and is quite as convenient as the series 1, 1, 2, 5, 10, &c. As a curious fact, it may be mentioned, that the series of powers of 3, viz. 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, affords the greatest number of combinations to a given number of weights. Thus twelve such weights give by addition or subtraction, any integral number from 1 to 265,720, while 21 weights of the series, 1, 1, 2, 5, do not reach 200,000. Weights when used in a laboratory must almost always become too light by wear, or more commonly too heavy by corrosion of the brass. Were the error always propor- tional to the size of the weight, all error would be eliminated in any comparative result. But this is not usually the case, since the mass increases as the cube, while the surface increases as the square of the diameter. Hence the small weights will be more erroneous in proportion than the large. Weights should never be rubbed, and if dusty, should be wiped with a silk handkerchief or a camel' s-hair brush. Small platinum weights may be cleaned if necessary, by momentary exposure to the flame of a spirit- lamp. One set of weights should, if possible, be carefully preserved beyond the in- fluence of fumes, and should not be touched but by ivory-pointed forceps. The weights commonly used should occasionally be tested against these, to see whether their errors be disproportionate ; or weights may less satisfactorily be tested against each other. An experienced weigher will never trust even the best balance maker as to the ac- curacy of his weights, but will always test them against each other in various ways, on first receiving them. Many conclusions, observes Faraday, tending to subvert most important chemical truths, might be quoted as having arisen solely from errors in weights and balances. In assaying (see GOLD ASSAY), a special unit and set of weights is adopted to suit the weighings required ; the same might be advantageously done in any large set of analyses or experiments. Much time will on the whole be saved in weighing, if the weights be taken me- thodically in their proper order, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, except, of course, the slow motion of the balance indicate that only a small weight more should be added. For if an unknown weight exceed 10 but fall short of 20, it is an even chance that it be above or below 15, so that if the weights 2, 1, 1, be used after the 10, it is as likely as not that the weigher will lose his trouble, and have to resort to the weight 5. In this respect the series of weights (avoirdupois) 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, %, i, &c. is obviously the most advantageous. When equilibrium is nearly attained, the expert weigher will notice the rapidity with which the index of the beam traverses the arc, or the extent of the oscillation if it be less than the whole arc, and comparing this with the load in the pans, and with his previous experience of the same balance, will closely estimate the alteration of weight required, and thus save half the time and trouble which the adjustment would otherwise have occupied. It will afterwards be shown that the oscillations of a good balance may give sure determinations of the most minute fractional weights. We cannot too strongly impress upon the reader the danger of mistakes in reading off the weights in the pan of a balance. The danger is greater with small than with large weights, and this alone would be sufficient reason for the use of a rider weight. In any case, the weights in the pan should be read, then taken out and arranged in order, and again read ; lastly restored to the pan, and fresh trial made. Or the reading of the weights may be compared with the vacancies in the box of weights. When the vibra- tions of the balance have to be read, the divisions of the scale should be numbered from left to right continuously. For if the zero be in the centre, the signs + and must be used, and mistakes are sure to occur. Under the article GOLD ASSAY will be ii 3 486 BALANCE. found an instance in which vibrations are used with great convenience in estimating the last fractions of weights. The casual sources of mistake are too many to mention. Not unfrequently a rider may remain unnoticed on some part of the beam, and vitiate several weighings. When a bulky or flexible object is being weighed, some part is very likely to come in contact with the balance case. We have even known a scrupulously exact gold-assayer led into serious mistakes by a small fly, which settled on his balance, unobserved at the time. An object heated many degrees above the temperature of the air, cannot be accurately weighed ; for it is surrounded by ascending currents of air, which cause its apparent weight to vary every moment, and it is very likely to heat and expand unequally the arms of the beam above. Special modes of weighing hygroscopic substances, liquids, powders, gases, &c., must be adopted according to the nature of the case ; the chemist must generally depend for these on Ms own ingenuity, but will find many valuable directions in Faraday's Chemical Manipulation, section II., also in Grreville Williams's Chemical Manipulation. If we have to compare the weights of any two objects, A and B, which are held or accompanied by other objects, X and Y, the weights of the latter may be perfectly eliminated if each of A and B be weighed as often in X as in Y, and the mean result taken. We will make the following suggestions for the care of a balance. 1. It should never be moved, if possible, from its appointed place ; for this would not only disturb its adjustment to horizontality, but the swinging and shaking of the pans and beam would be likely to injure or slightly alter the condition of the balance. The operator too will never weigh so well as in a place, and with a light to which he is accustomed. 2. The balance should not be cleaned or altered often or hastily. A good cleaning, once every three months, for instance, is enough, if the balance case be kept well closed. An hour or sometimes two or three, may well be spent in the operation of cleaning. All the loose parts should be carefully taken out and dusted ; the move- ments cleaned and fresh oiled ; the suspensions polished with a piece of soft leather. Then all the parts are to be put together again, and brought to elaborate adjustment, which with careful usage will be maintained for some months. 3. The chemist should be perfectly acquainted with the capacity, the general character, and also the particular condition, at any moment, of each of his balances. 4. Before every weighing, or set of weighings, he should try whether the unloaded balance is in perfect equilibrium; if not, he may brush the pans or beam with a camel's hair brush, to remove dust, or if he dust the preponderating side only, it will often restore equilibrium. He should not touch the little regulating vane, or alter any part of the balance, without being satisfied that some special cause for it has arisen. The one great essential of accuracy is perfect uniformity in everything but the thing to be measured, and no one can have faith in a measuring instrument which is always changing. 5. It is almost needless to say that a balance, especially one with steel knife-edges, must be kept beyond reach of all acid fumes or damp. A small vessel of quick lime or chloride of calcium should be in the balance case, and this should be kept constantly closed. All weighing out of reagents, where a grain more or less is not material, should be made with common apothecaries' scales on the laboratory table. A balance should be placed in a good light, falling if possible over the right shoulder of the operator. But it may also with advantage be placed before a window, provided that a purple silk shade be used. The purple Light thus thrown behind the balance is subdued, agreeable, and complementary to the yellow of the brass. As a general rule, the object to be weighed should always be placed in the left hand pan, which we may hence call the object-pan. The other, or weight-pan, will thus be conveniently opposite the right hand. In assaying, this arrangement is reversed. The number of balances required in a chemical laboratory may vary from one to twenty, or more, according to the size and purposes of the laboratory. For the com- mon operations of quantitative analysis, the chemical balance first described is alone necessary. A larger balance will, however, be almost indispensable in water- analyses, and in many physico-chemical investigations, and will always be ad- vantageous by allowing the use of large evaporating dishes and vessels, or the weighing of a series of drying tubes, or other apparatus as a whole. But a laboratory is not complete without an assay balance, which will perform all light weighings with an accuracy and expedition impossible in a large balance. When the employment for balances is very extensive, it will be best accommodated, not so much by increasing the number of balances as by classifying them, assigning to BALANCE. 487 each its proper work, and strictly adhering to rules once laid down. Where there are two balances of the same kind, it is obviously best to retain one for the more refined purposes, and make the other perform all common work, and two balances thus used may serve better than half a dozen indiscriminately worked and spoiled, Mechanical Theory of the Balance. Properly to understand the action of a balance, it must be considered both statically and dynamically, that is to say, both when the beam is at rest and while it is in motion ; for the oscillations of a good balance are almost as valuable an indication as its position at rest. First, however, to show the conditions of equilibrium, let (fig. 85) be the central axis of suspension of a balance, and EE', the extreme axes of suspension not neces- sarily in the same straight line with O. Suppose equal weights, each = P', to act at E and E', including of course the whole weight of the burthen, pans, Fig. 85. aud other objects suspended at the extreme axes. Then the whole weight 2P' may be conceived as acting at G', the middle point of the line EE'. Assuming the axis to be properly placed at equal dis- tances from E and E', the line OG' will be perpendicular to EE', and the weight of the beam, say P, will act at its centre of gravity, which is, or should be, some point G, on this line or its prolongation. Lastly, let some small additional weight p act at E. The beam can not now remain horizontal, but may V , again rest in equilibrium in some v position inclined at an angle, say 0, to the horizontal line NN'. Drawing E N, E' N', Gr A,G' B, perpendicular to NN', we must have, according to the principle of the lever, the sum of the moments of the forces on one side equal to that on the other, or 2F . OB + P . OA = p . ON = XBN-BO) Or, substituting in terms of 0, we have 2P' . OG-' . sin 6 + P. OG sin = p . G'E . cos - p . OG' . sin 'iQ p . G'E tan 9 cose (2F+^)OG'+ P.OG Now for small values, tan 6 varies very nearly as the angle of deviation 8, which angle may be regarded as the true measure of the sensibility of the balance, and p being quite inconsiderable compared with 2P' and P, we*may say that the sensibility is in- creased by increasing the length of the beam, diminishing the weights of the beam and load, or diminishing the distances of Gr and Gr ' from the axis 0, and also that the sensi- bility varies very nearly in the direct or inverse ratio of these changes. Again, the force tending to restore the beam to the horizontal position when dis- turbed is sin (2P' . OG' H- P . OG). This is the measure of the stability of a balance, a certain degree of which is required to render a balance useful. Now with given weights P and P', and for any given deviation 0, the force of stability will entirely depend upon the positions of G and G', and the following are the cases which arise. 1. The extreme points of suspension EE' may be so placed that G' falls above 0. The stability is sin (P . OG - 2P' . OG'), which for a certain value of P' will be nothing, so that the whole system will be suspended at the centre of gravity, and the beam being disturbed will have no tendency to return, but will rest in neutral equilibrium, indifferently in any position. For a greater value of P', the force will be negative, and the equilibrium unstable, that is to say, the beam when loaded beyond a certain degree will overset, and per- manently sink down on one side without a tendency to return, even when the weights on the two sides are not unequal. A balance of such construction then, could only be used for weights of a certain smallness, and its sensibility would increase and its stability decrease with its load. 2. If G fall above and G' below, the stability is sin (2P' . OG-P'. OG), which will be nothing for a certain value of P', and negative for smaller values. The balance ii 4 488 BALANCE. then would be stable only when P, the load in the pans, is not less than a certain magnitude. 3. If G coincide with (OG = 0) and G' fall above 0, the balance is always un- stable and useless. 4. If G- coincide with and G' fall below O, the stability is 2P' . OG' . sin 9, which depends entirely upon the weight placed in the pans. 5. Now let G-' coincide with 0, (OG' = 0) the three points EOE' being in a straight line, but let G fall below 0. The stability is sin Q . P . OG, which for a given value of OG, is constant. Also tan = ' ~ which depends only on p. In a balance of such construction, all weights may be weighed indifferently and with equal accuracy, and any required degree of sensibility may be obtained by duly regulating the length of OG. 6. Let G and G' coincide ; then sin 6 . OG(2P' + P) is the measure of stability, and is proportional to the weight to be moved. Also tan = (2P F +P~+ K)G var * es inversely as the total weight moved. In any case of stable equilibrium, it will be easy to determine the position of the centre of gravity (say g) of the whole system from, the formula Off = - a\^p> p \ by observing the deviation for several values of p, and for a given load P' in the pans. A different value will be found for Og for each different value of P', unless the balance be constructed in the sixth mode described above. In a sensitive balance Og, will probably not exceed lo ^ go part of an inch. "We may now consider the balance in the character of a compound pendulum, select- ing for this purpose the fifth mode of construction above described. Thus if G, the centre of gravity of the beam (fig. 86), be vertically under 0, and the weights in the pans be equal, the system will be at rest. But now suppose a small additional weight p added at E : the centre of gravity is no longer at G but say at g, nearer to E by a distance (G^), such that 0.GE Since g is not vertically under 0, the beam cannot remain at rest, but will vibrate about the perpendicular line OG, and the point C of the index fixed to the beam will describe the arc CO', subtending the angle 20. The velocity of the beam is greatest, of course, when g is vertically under 0, and being proportional, as proved in the theory of dynamics, to the angle 6, is also nearly proportional to p. Hence when the deviation is small, the greatest velocity which the beam attains may be observed as an indication of p. As in any other pendulum, the length of time occupied in a vibration is almost the same whether the vibration be great or small, as may easily be observed to be the case. Fully to understand the motions of a beam, it would be necessary to determine its moment of inertia round the axis, which is the sum of the moments of each particle, the moment of inertia being the mass of a particle multiplied by the square of its distance from the axis. The velocity of the beam depends on the proportion of the force of stability or the force of disturbance, and the moment of inertia, which it has BALANCE. 489 to overcome. Hence the force of stability alone gives a very imperfect idea of the motion of the beam, which will be slower the greater the weight in the pans, espe- cially if the force of stability itself be not increased, as in the sixth case, by increasing the weight in the pans. The mechanical problem of the balance is not so simple as may at first sight ap- pear, and has not, so far as we are aware, been properly considered dynamically. The problem of the compound pendulum, will be found best treated byPoisson (Traite de Mechanique, t. ii. c. i. 3). Euler, in the Petersburg Commentaries (x. 3), appears to have shown the statical conditions of a balance. It will be apparent that, the length of the beam remaining constant, the properties of statical sensibility and stability are reciprocal to each other. By increasing the length of the beam, indeed, the balance is said to be rendered both more sensible and stable. But in reality the weight of the beam must be increased in a far greater pro- portion than its length, so that its motions will become nmch slower, to say nothing of the less convenience of a large instrument. The construction in which the three axes are in one straight line, is undoubtedly the most perfect, and is especially suitable if the vibrations are to be used, as afterwards described, for the determination of fractional weights. But a balance in which the centre axis is slightly above the line of the extreme axes, will not become so much slower in its movements when heavily laden, and will yet indicate at least as small a fraction of its load when this is great, as when small. Hence such a balance will, we think, be suitable for most purposes. It is necessary however to bear in mind, that when the three points of suspension are not in one straight line, equilibrium may subsist when the beam is not horizontal, and the weights in the pans are unequal. For when the angle EON is greater than the angle E'ON', ON and ON' are unequal, and we may have equilibrium for P' . ON = P" . ON', where P' and P" are unequal weights in the pans. The truth is, that a balance must be so adjusted in its length, strength, weight, and relative position of the centres of suspension and gravity, as to combine the exact degrees of sensibility, stability, or quickness, and capacity for bearing weights, which its special employment requires. In this adjustment, the chief skill of the balance maker consists. Diminution of weight of the beam is an unqualified advantage, as long as the strength is sufficient. Thus the employment of aluminium in the construction of balances, will be of great advantage when accomplished ; but an aluminium beam, which we have seen, was stated not to be trustworthy in point of strength and in- flexibility. The impediment to the free motion of a beam, is usually stated vaguely to be the friction at the knife edges. But although friction or adhesion may be of some im- portance, the variation in the length of the arms has really a much greater effect. Thus, suppose, as is generally the case, that the knife-edges, instead of being perfectly sharp or round, terminate in very narrow planes (fig. 87), of the width y. If the iff. 87. distances between the middle points of the knife edges be a, the real lengths of the two arms of the lever when the beam is not horizontal, will be a x, and a + x, consequently weights which have the ratio of a + x, and a x, may be apparently in equilibrium. In order then that a balance with a 20-inch beam may indicate the millionth part of 1,000,000 a x 10 its load, we must at t te most have j^b^oi = TVx r * = 2,000,001 mch; thm the same length too, the two arms of the beam must be adjusted to equality if the balance is to be accurate within one millionth part of its load. Now this length, being inappreciable in a common microscope, will give some idea of the skill required in a balance-maker. We are thus prepared too for the statement of Prof. Miller (see reference below), that he not only detected a difference in the expansion of the arms of his balance by a change of temperature, owing to some difference in the quality of the metal, but that temperature also affected the sensibility of the instrument, which resembled an over-compensated pendulum, from the difference of expansion of the steel knife edge and the brass in which it was fixed. The resistance of the air has but an inconsiderable effect upon a balance. 490 BALANCE. ELIMINATION OF ERRORS. Since every balance however good, requires some dtjtnilc weight to cause it to turn, a difference of this amount may exist between any two weights which are apparently in equilibrium. Thus if a balance when loaded refuse to turn with anything less than i of a grain, it is an even chance, that two weights which do not cause the balance to move, differ by ^ of a grain or more. In the common use of a balance, the turning-weight (scrupulum in Latin), will give the limit of accuracy of the weighings. Let this turning-weight be Ax; then the balance . will turn when the weights x + Ax and x are in the pans. It will also probably turn in the opposite direction when x Ax is substituted for x + Ax, because the balance, unless a very bad one, will turn as easily one way as the other. Thus the mean of x + Ax and x Ax, will be the true weight required, nearly freed from the error of in- sensibility. This operation may be resorted to when a balance has become insensible by age but is otherwise good, and may be very easily performed by the use of a rider weight. But the .delicacy of balances is generally ahead of what is required of them. Any good balance should weigh with certainty to the 100 1 000 part of its load, but there are as yet few chemical operations which can pretend to an accuracy of The only other kind of error to which the determinations of a balance are essentially liable, is that caused by the inequality of the arms : for the extreme edges can never be adjusted at perfectly equal distances from the centre edge. This error is avoided entirely and without trouble, in the ordinary operations of the chemist, by taking care, during each analysis or series of experiments, to use, say the left pan invariably for the objects to be weighed, and the right pan for the weights. The apparent weights of all the objects are thus increased or diminished in precisely the same ratio, and the comparative results are therefore unaffected by the real falsity of the balance. Thus if a be the length of the arm bearing the weight-pan, and b the length of that bearing the object-pan, then objects of the true weights, x, y, z, &c. will appear to weigh x, y, z. but the ratios a? : y \z are the same as x : y : z, the ratios * a ' a*' a ' a a y a of the true weights. That this elimination of error may be perfect, it is obviously necessary that no weights be placed in the object-pan, as is sometimes done, for the purpose of making up a given weight in the easiest manner by subtraction. There are, however, two well known methods for obtaining the true absolute weight of an object, even by a false balance. The first, introduced by Gauss, proceeds by simply weighing the object alternately in one pan and the other. If the apparent weights are the same, they are each the true weight, or the balance is appreciably correct. If not, the geometric mean is the correct weight, and is found by multiplying the true apparent weights together, and taking their square root. For if the true weight be x, and a, b be the lengths of the balance arms as before, -? x, and - x will be the apparent weights in the respective pans, and x = ./ - x . - x. if the appa- rent weights be very nearly equal, their common arithmetic mean-/Y# + -x\ is quite close enough to the truth. Thus the arithmetic mean of 1-000 and 1-001 is 1-0005, and the geometric mean 1-0004998 ... . The second method for ascertaining absolute weights free from all error, is that known as the method of substitution, ascribed by French writers to Borda, but pro- bably due to the Pere Amiot. If there be one weight C in the weight-pan, and other weights X, Y, Z, &c. be in succession placed in the object-pan, and the balance is yet always in equilibrium, it is evident that X = Y = Z = C. Thus we prove the perfect equality of X, Y, Z, although each of these may differ in an unknown degree from C, owing to the inequality of b and a, the lengths of the balance-arms. To compare the weights of any two objects by this method, counterpoise the greater with the weight C, made up of shot, tin-foil, wire, or any convenient substance. Then substitute the second object for the first, and observe how many small weights must be added to the pan to restore equilibrium with (7. The only errors which can affect such a result will be that of insensibility, and any error which may arise from a minute change of the edges of suspension during the substitution ; but these errors may be eliminated by taking the mean result of many such operations, a new counter- poise being adjusted each time. But when important weighings have to be made with the most rigorous accuracy, as in the comparison of standard weights, the method of vibrations must be resorted to. This being a process of pure observation, as distinguished from one of adjustment, BALLUS BALSAM. 491 admits of unlimited approach to absolute exactness, just as the difference of two standard yards may be ascertained to the % o 000 part of an inch, although it would be impossible to make two yards agree within ten times that quantity. The paper by Prof. W. H. Miller, on the Construction of the New Imperial Standard Pound (Phil. Trans, cxlvi. (1856) p. 753), should be studied by all engaged in exact de- terminations of weights, but a more explicit account of the method of vibrations will be found in Kupffer's work, "Travaux de la Commission pour fixer les Poids et Mesures de Eussie," St. Petersburg, 1841. Prof. Miller's mode of observing the os- cillations appears to be the most eligible. His balance had a very light ivory scale, about half an inch long, divided into spaces of about ^ inch, attached to the right end of the beam. This scale, as it moved, was viewed through a fixed compound microscope, having a single horizontal wire in the focus of the eye-piece. A still more delicate mode of observation, is by a small mirror fixed to the beam, in which the reflection of a divided scale is viewed through a fixed telescope, as in the instruments of a magnetical observatory. The weights to be compared being very nearly in equilibrium, the balance when released oscillates slowly through a very small arc, and the extreme points of each excursion are to be observed. Supposing the readings thus observed to be E', E 2 , E 3 , E 4 . Then - is the position of equilibrium of the beam : for, by the nature of the pendulum already considered, the excursions will be as far on one side as on the other. In this expression, E 2 and E 3 are doubled, because they are the end of one half vibration and the beginning of another. Prof. Miller usually rejected the first reading because it is apt to exhibit slight irregularities, and his result was derived from . This observation completed, a small known weight is added to the lighter of the weights compared, and the new position of equilibrium which the beam tends to take up, is observed by a new set of readings. Now the deviation from the horizontal position in a good balance being very nearly proportional to the weight causing it, we obviously learn from the angular difference of the two positions of the beam, the deviation corresponding to a given small weight. Hence we learn by the simplest calculation the difference of weight corresponding to the deviation in the first observation. The method of weighing by reversal was found more convenient by Prof. Miller, than that by substitution, and was thus practised. The nearly equal weights P and Q to be compared, were weighed directly against each other, but repeatedly reversed, and the balance was so adjusted by a small con- stant weight placed in one of the pans or on the beam, that on interchanging P and Q, the position of equilibrium was still near the middle of the scale. Then if (P, Q) be the reading of the scale in the position of equilibrium when P is in the left hand pan, and Q in the right hand pan, and (Q, P) the reading when Q is in the left hand pan, and P in the right hand pan ; then 2Q, = 2P + m ((P, Q) - (Q, P)), where m is the weight equivalent to one degree of deviation on the scale. In the determination of the equivalents of the elements, and in many physico- chemical determinations, it is to be hoped that chemists will soon have to tax to the utmost these refined methods of weighing. On the balance generally, the reader may further consult Biot, Traite de Physique, i. 9; Pouillet, El. de Phys. i. 66; Ann. de Chim. xxxvi. 3; Jury Eeports on the Exhibition of 1851, pp. 257 262; Phil. Trans, cxvi. pt, 2, p. 36. For a description of Napier's "Automaton-balance" for weighing coin, see tire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 245. W. S. J. BAXiXilTS, or BAZiAXS RUBY. A variety of spinelle, varying in colour from reddish- white to pale red. BAXiXiESTEROSXTE. A variety of iron pyrites, found in Asturia and Gallkia, Specific gravity 4'75 to 4'90. B AXiXiOOXf . Eeceivers and flasks of spherical form are sometimes called balloons. BAXiSAM. This term, originally confined to a single substance, viz. Balm of Gilead, Mecca Balsam, or Balsam of Judea, is now extended to a variety of products, more or less resembling that body, but exhibiting considerable diversity of composition and properties. They are viscid, aromatic liquids, which exude from growing plants, either spontaneously, or from incisions made for the purpose. Balsams are mixtures of resins with volatile oils, the resins being produced from the oils by oxidation, so that a balsam may be regarded as an intermediate product be- tween a volatile oil and a perfect resin. They may be divided into two groups, the one including those of purely oleo-resinous character, viz. Copaiba balsam, Mecca bal~ i92 BALSAMS. sam, and the balsams or turpentines of coniferous plants ; the other group, includ- ing those which contain cinnamic acid, such as Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, Liquid- ambar, and Storax. Benzoin and Dragon's-blood are sometimes also classed among balsams ; but they are more properly resins ; the true balsams are liquids more or less viscid, and yield volatile oils by distillation with water. The balsams of the second group yield by dry distillation, cinnamate or benzoate of ethyl or methyl, and accord- ing to Scharling, these products, or perhaps others not previously existing in the balsams, may be formed from them by the action of aqueous alkaline leys. Balsams of the First Group : Oleo-resins. CANADA BALSAM or CANADIAN TURPENTINE, Baume du Canada, is the produce of Abies balsamea (Dec.), a coniferous tree growing in Canada, Virginia, and Carolina. It collects in vesicles under the bark, and is obtained by making incisions in the stem. It is either colourless or slightly yellowish, rather mobile, but tenacious and capable of being drawn into threads, turbid when fresh, but soon becomes perfectly transparent when left at rest. It turns the plane of polarisation of a luminous ray to the right, and has an index of refraction equal to T532. It dries up to a hard varnish when exposed in thin layers to the air for about forty-eight hours, and gradually thickens, even in closed vessels. Its power of hardening, its transparency, and its peculiar refractive power, which is nearly the same as that of crown glass, renders it very useful as a cement in the construction of optical instruments. In some coun- tries it is used as a medicine ; when taken internally, it imparts a nutmeg odour to the urine. Canada balsam distilled with water, yields a volatile oil, of balsamic odour, agree- ing in composition with oil of turpentine (Wirzen), and like that oil, turning the plane of polarisation to the left (Blot); it also leaves a resinous cake, brittle after cool- ing, and consisting of a mixture of several substances. The balsam is partially soluble in alcohol, a granular resin remaining undissolved. Canada balsam contains, according to Bonastre (J. Pharm. viii. 572 [1822]), 18*6 per cent, volatile oil, 40 - resins easily soluble in alcohol, 33*0 resin sparingly soluble in alcohol, together with 8*4 caoutchouc and bitter extractive matters soluble in water. The sparingly soluble resin is described as dry, friable, heavier than water, difficult to melt, and becoming electrical by friction. According to Caillot (J. Pharm. xvi. 436 [1830]), the balsam contains two neutral resins, one called abietin (seep. 1), being crystallisable and easily soluble in alcohol of 0*824, the other white, pulverulent, with- out crystalline form, very little soluble in alcohol of 0'824, or in rock oil, or potash- ley, and closely resembling the sparingly soluble resin obtained from other species of abies ; also an acid resin, which forms a coherent paste when mixed with i of its weight of magnesia, and imparts to Canada balsam the property of forming a white soap with potash. According to Wirzen (De balsamis ct prcesertim de balsamo Canadense Dissertatio, Helsingforseae, 1849), Canada balsam contains 16 per cent, of volatile oil, 30 pts. of a resin o, soluble in boiling alcohol of 0'833, and containing C 40 H 32 0* (78-31 per cent. C and 10*08 H), 33 pts. of another resin 0, insoluble in hot alcohol, but soluble in ether, and containing C^H'^O 7 ; and, lastly, 20 pts. of a resin 7, in- soluble in alcohol and ether. Wirzen's a resin is probably a mixture of abietin with an acid resin. A balsam exactly resembling the preceding, excepting that it has a darker colour, is obtained from Abies canadensis (Link). Canada balsam is distinguished from all other varieties of turpentine by its peculiar odour, its perfect transparency and ducti- lity, and the facility with which it hardens when exposed to the air. Strasburg turpentine, from Abies pectinata, which very much resembles it, is distinguished by its optical laevo-rotatory power; and Venice turpentine (from Larix europad), by its easy and complete solubility in alcohol of ordinary strength, and its indifference towards calcined magnesia. The other balsams, or turpentines, derived from coniferous plants, will be described in the article TURPENTINE. COPAIBA or COPAIVA BALSAM. Balsamum Copaivce, Baume de Copahu. This balsam is produced by several species of Copaifera (order Casalpincce), particularly by Copaifera bijugal, Willd., C. muUijuga, Hayne, C. Gruianensis, C. Langsdorfii, and C. Jacquini, Desf., which are indigenous in Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and the Antilles. It is obtained by making incisions or perforations in the trees during rainy weather, and flows so abundantly that a single incision often yields 12 pounds of the balsam. Copaiba balsam consists of several resins dissolved in a volatile oil, the amount and nature of the resins varying considerably in balsam from different suurces. There are three principal varieties, the Brazilian, the Antillian and the Columbian. Brazilian copaiba is light yellow, generally transparent, of various degrees of con- BALSAM OF COPAIBA. 493 sistence, from mobile to syrupy, and of specific gravity ranging from 0-920 to 0'985. It has a peculiar, aromatic, disagreeable odour, and a persistently bitter and irritating taste. By exposure to the air, it becomes darker in colour, of the consistence of tur- pentine, heavier than water, and ultimately solid and inodorous. When heated in contact with the air, it takes fire and burns with a bright, but very smoky flame. The balsam from the Antilles differs from the Brazilian by its more viscid consistence, darker colour, imperfect transparency, and turpentine-like odour. Columbian copaiba is distinguished by its turbidity, arising from suspended particles of resin, which are deposited as a crystalline crust when the balsam is left at rest. The chemical examinations hitherto made of copaiba balsam relate chiefly to the Brazilian, of which two varieties are distinguished. I. Copaiba balsam chiefly containing acid resins. This variety, which was for- merly the only one known, is distinguished by the following characters : It is inso- luble in water, but imparts to the water its taste and smell. It dissolves in all pro- portions in absolute alcohol, in ether, and in oils, both fixed and volatile ; the alcoholic solution, however, is often rendered turbid by the separation of resinous flakes. Alcohol of 90 per cent, dissolves a large quantity of it ; alcohol of 80 per cent, only 1 to ^ of its own weight. Mixed with an equal weight of fixed oil, it dissolves in 2 pts. of 90 per cent, alcohol, the fixed oil separating only on the addition of a con- siderable quantity of alcohol. It absorbs chlorine gas, becoming turbid at the same time, from formation of hydrochloric acid. With strong sulphuric acid, it assumes a red colour and viscid consistence, with evolution of sulphurous anhydride, and an odour of oil of amber. Strong nitric acid acts upon it with violence ; dilute nitric acid more quietly, forming a hard yellow resin, which dissolves partially in the acid, and a yellow bitter substance insoluble in water and in alcohol. Distilled with 2 or 3 per cent, of its weight of strong sulphuric acid or with hypochlorite of calcium, it yields a volatile oil of fine blue colour (Lowe, Pharm. J. Trans, xiv. 65) ; the same oil is said to be produced by the action of acid chromate of potassium. Three pts. of the balsam mixed with 1 pt. of potash-ley containing | pt. of hydrate of potassium, yield a clear liquid, which does not lose its transparency when mixed with alcohol or with a small quantity of water, but becomes milky on addition of a large quantity of water. A larger quantity of caustic potash-ley added to the clear liquid, throws to the surface a transparent copaiba-soap, which forms a turbid solution with a large quantity of' water, or with absolute alcohol, but dissolves completely in ether or in hydrated alcohol When an alcoholic solution of the balsam is mixed with dilute potash or soda- ley, a volatile oil rises to the surface, while the resulting compound of resin and alkali remains dissolved in the hydrated alcohol. This process may be used for the prepara- tion of the volatile oil. Five pts. of the balsam form with 2 pts. of aqueous ammonia of specific gravity 0-921, a clear mixture, from which a larger quantity of ammonia separates a soapy compound. A mixture of 9 pts. of the balsam and 2 pts. aqueous ammonia well shaken up and left at rest at + 10 C., gradually yields a crystalline deposit, consisting of the resinous acid of the balsam. The balsam likewise combines readily with magnesia. It dissolves completely ^ of its weight of calcined magnesia, and when mixed with ^ of its weight of that substance, thickens to a stiff paste in the course of a few days; with | in a few hours. Similarly with quick lime. Carbonate of magnesium likewise forms with 4 pts. of the pure balsam at mean temperatures (15 C. or 60 F.), a clear viscid solution. The balsam distilled with water yields a volatile mobile oil, C 5 H 8 , possessing in a high degree the peculiar odour of the balsam, and forming a crystalline compound with hydrochloric acid (see COPAIBA OIL), while in the retort there remains a mass of brittle resin, which is resolved by treatment with rock-oil, into a crystallisable por- tion soluble in that liquid (the o resin of Berzelius), and an insoluble unctuous sub- stance (0 resin of Berzelius). The crystallisable resin has the formula C ao H 30 2 , and from its property of reddening litmus and uniting readily with acids, is called copaivic add. The crystalline deposit which separates from the turbid balsam, is, according to Fehling's investigation, a resinous acid containing C 20 H' 28 3 . It is to these two resins that the peculiar reactions of the balsam with bases are due. The soft resin is, perhaps, formed by oxidation of the volatile oil in the air, and appears to have but a very slight amnity for bases, inasmuch as when isolated it dissolves but slowly, and only, with the aid of heat, in potash and ammonia, forming a turbid solution. (See COPAIBA KESINS.) Besides these essential constituents, the balsam likewise contains occasionally a small quantity of water, and, according to Durand, small quantities of extractive matter, acetic acid (perhaps also succinic acidX and a fatty substance, which re- mains behind when the balsam is dissolved in alcohol of specific gravity 0-842 ; also traces of chloride of calcium. The followiw are analyses of this variety of copaiba balsam: 494 BALSAM OF COPAIBA. Stoltze.* Guibourt.f Gerber.t Fresh balsam. Old balsam Volatile oil . . 38-00 45'0 41'0 31-97 Alpha-resin . . 52-75 53-9 51'38 52'68 Beta-resin . . 1'66 1-1 2'18 11-15 Water and loss . . 7'59 5-44 4-10 100-00 100-0 100-00 100-00 II. Copaiba Balsam, containing only neutral resins. PARACOPAIBA BALSAM. This variety, which is of recent introduction, is distinguished from the former by its much greater mobility. In odour and taste it agrees with the preceding, but, according to Posselt (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixix. 67), behaves in a totally different manner with sol- vents and with bases. With alcohol, in any proportion, it forms a turbid mixture. Potash and ammonia also form with it turbid liniments, which, when left at rest, deposit the balsam in its original state. It does not thicken with magnesia. The volatile oil, paracopaiba-oil, which it yields by distillation with water, is distinguished from the copaiba-oil above-mentioned, by its viscidity, its sparing solubility in abso- lute alcohol, and especially by not forming a crystalline compound with hydrochloric ucid. The resinous cake, brittle in the cold, which remains after the volatile oil has been distilled off, is resolved by cold alcohol into a soluble portion, which separates on evaporation of the alcohol, in drops that gradually solidify in amorphous masses, and another resin, which dissolves only in boiling alcohol and in ether, is difficult to fuse, and likewise uncrystullisable. Neither of these resins exhibits any acid reaction in the state of solution, or forms compounds with bases (see COPAIBA RESINS). One hundred pts. of the Brazilian balsam examined by Posselt, contained 82 pts. of volatile oil, and 18 pts. resin, the greater part of which was soluble in cold alcohol. The two varieties of copaiba balsam just described, the first of which, from its be- haviour with magnesia, is called solidifiable balsam, must be regarded merely as types which are, perhaps, not the only ones and may vary greatly in the proportion of oil and resin, and therefore in consistence. Oberdorffer (Arch. Pharm. [2] xlv. 172) found in three varieties of mobile copaiba balsam of the first variety : I. II. in. Volatile oil . . . .60 58 54 Resins .... 40 42 46 The following proportions of oil and resin have been found in several balsams of unknown origin : Ulex. Procter.f Specific gravity Volatile oil Resins The amount of volatile oil was estimated either by the loss of weight which the balsams suffered by boiling with water (I. to VI.), or by continued heating to 120 C. (248 F.), till the weight remained constant (VII. to XI). The balsams IV. to VI. were mobile and are not further distinguished ; VII. and VIII. are mobile balsams of the second variety ; IX. to XI. viscid balsams of the first variety. According to Procter, the proportion of oil varies with the age of the trees, the youngest trees yielding the most liquid balsam. The acid resins appear to be formed in the plant itself, while the soft resin (j8 resin) is produced by the oxidation of the volatile oil, and consequently increases in amount with the age of the balsam, espe- cially when it is kept in loosely closed vessels ; this is in accordance with the results of Oberdorffer's analyses just quoted. Copaiba balsam is used in the preparation of lac- varnishes and tracing paper ; but its chief application is in medicine, as a remedy in diseases of the urinary passages. It is not known with certainty to which constituent of the balsam the peculiar physio- logical action is due ; but it does not appear to reside especially in the volatile oil ; for in many places, the resin completely freed from oil is successfully used in medical practice, instead of the balsam in its original state. Whether the more oleaginous variety, containing only neutral resins, which is of recent introduction, is capable of exerting the same action as the more viscid and acid variety, which has long been in use, is not yet known. Copaiba balsam is often adulterated, especially with fixed oils and turpentines. Of * Berliner Jahrb. f. Pharm. xxvii. 179. f Pharm. J. Trans, x. 172. J Brandos Archiv, xxx. 147. Arch. Pharm. cxxii. 14. I Arch. Pharm. xxxvni. 12. ^ Pharm. J. Trans, x. 603 IV. 0-928 s~- V. * N 911. VII. 0-916 VIII. 0-956 IX. 0-983 X. 0-985 xi 0-986 90 11 58 42 56-5 43-5 80 20 65 35 50 50 35 65 34 64 BALSAM OF MECCA. 494 late years East Indian wood-oil (also called Crurjun balsam, or capivi), which closely resembles copaiba balsam in taste and smell, has been introduced as a substitute for it. This oil may be easily distinguished by its property of becoming gelatinous when heated to 130 C. (268 F.), whereas pure copaiba balsam becomes more fluid when heated. The presence of fixed oils in copaiba balsam may be detected by the following methods : 1. By placing one or two drops of the balsam on paper, and evaporating it at a very gentle heat. The pure balsam then leaves a hard, sharply defined varnish- like spot, whereas if any fixed oil be present, the spot is soft and surrounded with a circle of fat (Berzelius). 2. The pure balsam, boiled for some hours with water in an open vessel, leaves a resin which becomes brittle on cooling : fixed oils render this residue soft or greasy. 3. The fixed oils remain behind when the balsam is dissolved in 8 pts. of alcohol of 90 per cent, (a smaller quantity of alcohol of that strength would leave some of the balsam undissolved, p. 493). This last method will not in- dicate the presence of castor-oil, which is itself soluble in alcohol; neither will it detect the presence of less than 10 per cent, of other fixed oils. Turpentine and oil of tur- pentine may be recognised by their odour, especially when the balsam is dropped upon a metal plate. All other methods of testing copaiba balsam are founded on the amount of acid resins contained in it, and relate to the first variety (p. 493). This officinal balsam may be regarded as genuine when, besides exhibiting the characters above mentioned (p. 493), it forms a clear or nearly clear solution with alcohol, yields by distillation with water, not more than 45 per cent, of volatile oil ; forms a clear solution with f of its weight of aqueous ammonia of specific gravity 0'921, and when mixed with ^ of its weight of calcined magnesia, gradually forms (in twenty-four to forty-eight hours) a plastic paste. (Handwork d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 634.) MECCA. BALSAM or BALM OF GILEAD. Opobalsamum verum s. zileadense. Bourne de la Mecque, de Judee, ou du Caire. This balsam is the produce of the Balsamo- dendron gileadense or, Amyris gilcadensis, a shrub belonging to the terebenthaceous order, native of Arabia Felix. There appear to be three varieties of it. The finest, which is used only in the East, and has a peculiarly fragrant odour, is said to exude from the flowers in clear colourless drops. An inferior sort exudes spontaneously, or from incisions in the young branches of the plant. It is mobile, pale yellow, turbid like almond syrup, has a very agreeable odour like rosemary and lemon, and a bitterish sharp taste. When exposed to the air, it gradually hardens and loses its transparency. The third sort, which is the most common, is obtained by boiling the wood and the branches with water. It is somewhat more viscid than balsam of copaiba, becomes white and soapy when rubbed in the hand, and when dropped upon water, forms a film which is easily removed by a quill feather. Ordinary spirit of wine dissolves it but partially, and leaves a transparent odorous substance, of which warm alcohol of specific gravity 0'815 dissolves about two-thirds. The residue is a flocculent sub- stance, which may be drawn out into threads. Trommsdorff (Trommsd. Neues Journal, xvi. 62) found in a sample of this balsam, 30 per cent, of volatile oil, 64 per cent, of hard resin, 4 per cent, of soft resin, and 0-4 per cent, of bitter principles. The volatile oil was mobile, colourless, fragrant, and had a rough taste ; dissolved in alcohol and ether, and with deep red colour in sul- phuric acid, whence it was precipitated by water as a resin. It was also resinised by nitric acid. The hard resin was honey-yellow, transparent, brittle, of specific gravity 1-333, softened at 44 C., and melted completely at 90. It dissolved with difficulty in alcohol and ether at ordinary temperatures, easily with aid of heat ; it was likewise soluble in oils, both fixed and volatile. It was altered by hot nitric, and sulphuric acids, and appeared to combine with alkalis, forming compounds insoluble in free alkali. The soft resin was brown and very glutinous, inodorous and tasteless ; melted, when dry, at 112 C. It was insoluble in alcohol and ether, but soluble in oils, both fixed and volatile. It was not attacked by alkalis or by strong sulphuric acid ; with nitric acid, it swelled up and became friable. According to Bonastre (Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 147), Mecca balsam contains in 100 pts. : Fragrant volatile oil 10 pts. Brown bitter extract, soluble in water and alcohol . . . 4 Acid resin, soluble in alcohol, and not hardening . . . 70 Stiff whitish-grey resin, sparingly soluble in alcohol . . 12 Acid substance and impurities . . . . . . 4 ,, Mecca balsam was formerly used in medicine, but has now fallen into disuse on account of its scarcity and dearness. In the East it is used internally as a tonic. 495 BALSAM OF PERU. Balsams of the Second Group, containing Cinnamic Acid. LIQUIDAMBAB BALSAM is the produce of Liquidambar styracijlua, a large tree grow- ing in Louisiana, Florida, and Mexico. There are two varieties of it, viz. : 1. Liquid liquidambar, or Oil of liquidambar, which is obtained by making inci- sions in the tree, receiving the balsam immediately, in vessels which protect it from the action of the air, and afterwards decanting the liquid from a portion of opaque balsam, which settles to the bottom. It is a thick transparent oil of amber-yellow colour, has an odour like that of liquid storax, but more agreeable, and an aromatic taste, which irritates the throat. It contains a rather large quantity of benzoic or cinnamic acid, and reddens litmus paper strongly. Boiling alcohol dissolves it, with exception of a slight residue, and the filtered liquid becomes turbid on cooling. 2. Soft or white liquidambar is formed from the preceding by exposure to the air, as when it runs down the stem of the tree and is left there to thicken. It resembles very thick turpentine or soft pitch, is opaque and whitish, has a less powerful and more agreeable odour than the preceding, and a sweet, perfumed, but irritating taste. It contains a large quantity of benzoic or cinnamic acid. By continued exposure to the air, it solidifies completely, and becomes nearly transparent. It was formerly sold as white Peru balsam. (G-erh. iii. 386.) PERU BALSAM. Balsamum peruvianum ; Sals, indicum. This balsam is the produce of certain species of Myroxylum, or Myrospermum, growing on the Balsam coast near San Sonate, in the state of San Salvador, Central America. There are three varieties of it : 1. White Peru balsam. Obtained from the fruit of the tree by removing the wings and the outer and middle integuments, and subjecting the inner coating, together with the seed, to pressure. The balsam thus obtained is pale yellow, somewhat thick, turbid and granular, and has an agreeable odour of melilot. When left at rest, it deposits a solid crystalline layer. Cold alcohol or ether dissolves it but imperfectly ; the same liquids when hot dissolve the greater portion. The alcoholic solution, when left at rest, deposits crystals of myroxocarpin (7 3 alumina, K K 2 500 BARALITE BARIUM. 1-04 ferric oxide, 1'04 lime, and traces of fluorine, numbers which correspond nearly to the formula Si 9 Al 16 30 = 4Al 4 3 .9Si0 2 ; but it requires further examination. Kobell regards it as a mixture of disthene and quartz. BARAXiXTX! or BAVAXiITE. A mineral from Baralon, Cote du Nord, con- taining silica, alumina, ferric oxide, lime, magnesia, and water. It is probably a mixture, the separate constituents of which are not distinguishable by the eye. BARBATIIVXAO. A name applied to several Brazilian barks containing tannin, and used both as astringent medicines and in the tanning of leather. BARDXGXiXONX:. A blue variety of anhydrite cut and polished for various ornamental purposes. BAREaXN. Glairin. A nitrogenous substance contained in sulphurous thermal springs, especially in France. It forms a deposit on the sides of the basins and conduits of the springs, which are sometimes filled with water and sometimes empty, never occurring in parts which are constantly full. The name baregin is derived from its occurrence at Bareges; it is also called Plombierin, from Plombi6res, another locality in which it is found in considerable quantity. Baregin is in the moist state a transparent, gelatinous, nearly colourless substance, destitute of taste and odour. It dissolves very sparingly in the cold, more readily at higher temperatures, in water, alcohol, aqueous acids, and alkalis, and in oil of turpentine ; insoluble in ether. "When dried, it forms a horny mass, and on heating this mass, it emits an odour like that of burnt horn, together with ammoniacal vapours. According to Bouis (Compt. rend. xli. 16) it contains from 44 to 487 per cent, of carbon, 67 to 77 hydrogen, 5'6 to 8'1 nitrogen, and 30'2 to 407 per cent, of ash, chiefly consisting of silica. It does not contain sulphur. According to Danberg, it consists for the most part of a mass of confervse and oscillatorise. Nearly allied to, if not identical with baregin, is a substance which is sometimes formed in the quick method of preparing vinegar (see ACETIC Aero, p. 7), and attaches itself in gelatinous shreds to the inside of the perforated casks. This substance when dried forms a parchment-like layer, containing 42 per cent, carbon and 6 hydrogen, besides nitrogen and oxygen, and leaving an alkaline ash. (Grerh. iv. 536 ; Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. 643.) BARXXiXiA or BARXXiXiOR. The term given in commerce to the impure soda imported from Spain and the Levant. It is made by burning to ashes different plants that grow on the sea shore, chiefly of the genus Sal sola, and is imported in hard porous masses of a speckled brown colour. Kelp, a still more impure alkali, made in this country by burning various sea- weeds, is sometimes called British barilla. These substances were formerly the source of all the soda of commerce ; but their use is now almost entirely superseded by the manufacture of soda from common salt. BARXUXVX. Symbol Ba; Atomic weight 68'5. (The name is derived from fiapvs, heavy, in allusion to the great density of its compounds.) This metal occurs abun- dantly as a sulphate and carbonate ; also in the mineral barytocalcite, a carbonate of barium and calcium, in certain ores of manganese, in Harmotome and in Brewsterite; traces of it has also been found in mineral waters. It is never found native. The oxide, baryta, was first recognised as a peculiar earth, distinct from lime, by Scheele, in 1774 ; and the metal itself was first obtained by Davy, in 1808. Preparation. 1. Hydrate of barium, or the carbonate, chloride, or nitrate, is made into a doughy mass with water, formed into a cup, and placed upon a platinum dish, which is connected with the positive pole of a voltaic battery of 500 pairs of plates, the cup being filled with mercury, into which the negative wire dips. The amalgam of barium thus obtained is heated in a tube of glass without lead, filled with the vapour of rock-oil, till all the mercury is sublimed (Sir H. Davy). If the hydrate of barium is mixed with oxide of mercury, the amalgam is obtained in larger quantity (Sir H. Davy.) Hare (J. pr. Chem. xix. 249) prepared the amalgam in a similar manner from moistened chloride of barium surrounded by a freezing mixture, using two batteries, each of 100 pairs, and containing more than 100 square feet of zinc. The mercury was expelled by heating the amalgam in an iron^ crucible provided with an iron cover, and exhausted of air. 2. Barium may be obtained in an impure state, according to Davy, by passing vapour of potassium over red-hot baryta or chloride of barium. 3. Pure baryta or the nitrate is placed in a hole made in a piece of charcoal or slate, and exposed to a burning jet of detonating gas, produced from three measures of hydrogen and one measure of oxygen gas. Effervescence takes place, and white, shining little globules of metallic barium are formed. The baryta must be anhydrous and the detonating gas must be passed through oil and not through water; otherwise a translucent vitreous or horny mass will be obtained. (Clarke, Ann. Phil. xvii. 419.) 4. Buns en subjects chloride of barium, mixed up to a paste with water and a little BARIUM: CHLORIDE. 501 hydrochloric acid, at a temperature of 100 C., to the action of the electric current, using an amalgamated platinum wire as the negative pole. In this manner, the metal is obtained as a solid, silver- white highly crystalline amalgam, which, when placed in a little boat made of thoroughly ignited charcoal, and heated in a stream of hydrogen, yields barium in the form of a tumefied mass, tarnished on the surface, but often exhibiting a silver-white lustre in the cavities (Pogg. Ann. xci. 619). Matthiessen has obtained barium by a method similar to that adopted for strontium (q. v.} ; but only in the form of a metallic powder. Properties. Barium, according to Davy, is a silver-white metal with less lustre than cast-iron ; according to Clarke, it has the colour and lustre of iron ; according to Matthiessen, it is a yellow powder. It sinks rapidly in strong sulphuric acid, even when surrounded by bubbles of gas. Its specific gravity, according to Clarke, is 4-0 or somewhat greater. It is ductile, and may be beaten flat, though with difficulty. It melts below redness, and does not volatilise at a red heat. It oxidises rapidly in the air, becoming heated at the same time, and decomposes water rapidly at ordinary temperatures. When heated in the air, it burns with a dark red light (Davy) ; before the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe it burns with a greenish flame (Clarke). Sulphuric acid rapidly converts it into sulphate, with evolution of hydrogen. BARIU1VI, BROZKXDS OF. BaBr. Crystallised: BaBr.H 2 0. Prepared by saturating baryta- water, or sulphide, or carbonate of barium with hydrobromic acid, or by decomposing the sulphide with free bromine, sulphur being at the same time precipitated. It is very soluble in water and crystallises with difficulty. Isomor- phous with the chloride. It is soluble in strong alcohol, and may thus be separated from the chloride, which is nearly insoluble in that liquid. BARIUM, CHLORIDE OP. BaCl. Crystallised, BaCl.H 2 0. The hydrated Bait was formerly called Terra ponderosa salita. This salt is prepared either from the carbonate or from the sulphate of barium, both of which are natural minerals. The carbonate (witherite) is simply dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the resulting chlo- ride purified by recrystillation. From the native sulphate (heavy spar), the chloride may be prepared in two ways : 1. By igniting the sulphate in a crucible with pounded coal, whereby it is converted into sulphide, Ba 2 S, extracting the sulphide by boiling water, and decomposing the filtered solution with hydrochloric acid : Ba 2 S + 2HC1 = 2BaCl + H 2 S; The acid is added in sufficient quantity to produce a strong acid reaction, and the liquid is boiled for some time to drive off all the sulphuretted hydrogen, then filtered, eva- porated, and cooled till it crystallises. 2. By heating a mixture of 2 pts. heavy spar, and I pt. fused chloride of calcium to redness for about an hour. Sulphate of calcium and chloride of barium are then formed (SO 4 Ba 2 + 2CaCl = S0 2 Ca 2 + 2BaCl), and the latter may be extracted by pulverising the fused mass, boiling with water, and filter- ing as quickly as possible ; otherwise, a portion of the chloride of barium will be re- converted into sulphate, because the sulphate of calcium in the residue gradually dissolves in the water, and mixing with the dissolved chloride of barium, produces a reaction exactly the reverse of that which took place in the fused mass. The decom- position of the sulphate may be facilitated by adding to the mixture in the crucible a quantity of iron filings and charcoal. Sulphide of iron is then formed, together with an insoluble oxysulphide of calcium, from which the chloride of barium may be sepa- rated by water as above. Commercial chloride of barium often contains small quantities of the chlorides of strontium and calcium ; also chloride of aluminium, sesquichloride of iron, and some- times traces of copper and lead. The chlorides of strontium and calcium may be removed by washing the crystals with alcohol ; the latter also by digesting the aqueous solution with carbonate of barium, whereby the chloride of calcium is slowly decom- posed and converted into carbonate ; the same decomposition may be more quickly effected by adding baryta-water, and then passing carbonic acid gas into the liquid. Digestion with carbonate of barium also precipitates the aluminium and iron in the form of sesquioxides. Lead and copper may be precipitated by adding to the solution a small quantity of sulphide of barium. Chloride of barium crystallises from its aqueous solution in transparent, colourless, four-sided tables, belonging to the trimetric or right prismatic system. The form of the crystals resembles that of heavy spar. The angles are oo P : o> P = 93 20' oP : P oo = 142 35'; oP : P oo = 140 57'. The crystals decrepitate in the fire! Their specific gravity is 2'66 (Filhol) ; cubical expansion from to 100 C. = 0-00987 (Joule and PI ay fair). They^have an unpleasant, bitter, and sharply saline taste, excite nausea, and afe highly poisonous. 100 pts. of water at C. dissolve 32-62 pts. of anhydrous chloride of barium and KK 3 502 BARIUM: DETECTION. 0-2711 pts. for every degree above C. ; 100 pts. of water at 15*6 dissolve 43'5, and at 105-5, 78 pts. of the crystallised chloride (Gray-Lussac). One pt. of crystallised chloride of barium dissolves at 18'1 in 2'257 pts. of water, forming a solution of specific gravity 1-28251 (Karsten). Specific gravity of a saturated solution at 8 = 1-270 (Anthon). Water acidulated with hydrochloric acid dissolves less than pure water, and concentrated aqueous hydrochloric acid hardly any ; so that a satu- rated solution in water is precipitated by it. Hot absolute alcohol dissolves only ~ pt. of the crystals, but more if it contains water. According to Fresenius (Ann. Ch. Pharm. lix. 117), one pt. of the salt dissolves in 8108 pts. of alcohol of 99-3 per cent, at 14 C., and in 4857 pts. of the same alcohol at the boiling heat. The crystals do not effloresce in the air: at 100 C. they give off the whole of their water, leaving the anhydrous chloride in the form of a white mass, which melts at a full red heat, and is translucent after solidification. Specific gravity of the anhydrous chloride = 3-7037 (Karsten), 3-8 (Richter), 3-86 to 4-156 (Pol. Boullay). Heated by itself, it does not become alkaline till after fusion ; but when heated in aqueous vapour, it becomes alkaline below the melting point, and evolves hydrochloric acid. By ignition with sulphur it is partly changed into sulphide of barium (Karsten). It is not decomposed, at ordinary temperatures, by vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid. According to H. Wurtz, it completely decomposes silicates when fused with them. Chloride of barium in the state of concentrated solution, is decomposed by nitrate of potassium or sodium, yielding nitrate of barium and a chloride of the alkali-metal, It forms a crystalline compound with glycocol. Blood mixed with it remains fluid and does not putrefy. The chief use of chloride of barium is as a chemical reagent, especially for the detection and estimation of sulphuric acid. BARIUM, CYANIDE OF. See CYANIDES. BARIUM, DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF. 1. Reactions in the dry way. Barium-compounds, heated in the inner blowpipe flame, colour the outer flame green. They likewise impart a green colour to the flame of alcohol, and when this flame is examined with a prism by Bunsen and KirchhofFs method (see ANALYSIS, INOEGANIC, p. 214, and LIGHT), a spectrum is seen, having several broad green bands, in the neighbourhood of Fraunhofer's lines b, E, a bright yellow band coincident with the line D, a bright orange band just beyond it, and two fainter orange-red bands, one of which nearly coincides with the line C. Beactions in the wet way. The hydrate, sulphide, chloride, nitrate, and many organic salts of barium, the acetate, for example, are soluble in water ; most of the other salts are insoluble in water, but soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acid : the sulphate and the silicofluoride are insoluble in all acids. All barium-compounds are colourless, excepting those which, like the chromate, contain a coloured acid. The soluble salts of barium are poisonous. Solution of potash (free from carbonate), forms a precipitate of hydrate of barium, only in very concentrated solutions of barium-salts : ammonia forms no precipitate, even in the most concentrated solutions. Alkaline car- bonates form a white precipitate of carbonate of barium, soluble, with efflorescence, in hydrochloric acid. Phosphate, arsena-te, borate, and iodate of sodium, also form precipi- tates soluble in acids. Free oxalic acid, or acid oxalate of potassium, precipitates oxalate of barium, only from very concentrated solutions ; neutral alkaline oxalates form a precipitate in all neutral solutions of barium-salts, which are not very dilute. Neutral alkaline succinates precipitate barium-salts quickly or slowly, according to the concentration of the solutions. Ferrocyanide of potassium forms a precipitate in moderately dilute solutions ; ferricyanide only in strong solutions. Sulphydric acid, sul,phide of ammonium, and perchloric acid, form no precipitates. Sulphuric acid and soluble sulphates, throw down sulphate of barium, from all solutions of barium-salts, whether neutral or acid. The precipitate is insoluble in nitric or hydrochloric acid, even at the boiling heat. A solution of nitrate of barium, containing only 1 pt. of baryta in 50,000 to 100,000 pts. of water, gives a very distinct cloudiness with sulphuric acid or sulphate of sodium; with 200,000 to 400,000 pts. of water, after some minutes only ; and with 800,000 pts, of water, the reaction is no longer visible. (Lassaigne, J. Chim. me"d. viii. 526.) According to Harting (J. pr. Chem. xxii. 58), a solution of chloride of barium containing 1 pt. of baryta in 71,000 pts. of water, becomes turbid with sulphate of sodium after the lapse of half an hour. Alkaline chromates form with barium-salts, a yellowish precipitate of chromate of barium, in- soluble in dilute acids, soluble only in a large excess of nitric acid. Hydrofluosilicic acid forms with barium-salts, after a while, a white crystalline precipitate, nearly in- soluble in nitric or hydrochloric acid. This reaction will detect 1 pt. of the chloride in 3800 pts. of water. The precipitation is accelerated by addition of alcohol. This last reaction affords a complete distinction between barium and strontium ; BARIUM: ESTIMATION. 503 the latter metal not being precipitated by hydrofluosilicic acid. The reaction with sulphuric acid distinguishes barium in solution from all other metals, except lead and strontium. From lead it is easily distinguished by its behaviour with sulphuretted hydrogen, which forms a black precipitate with lead, and by many other characters. Strontium and calcium are distinguished from barium by the greater solubility of their sulphates, so that a solution of sulphate of strontium, or calcium, added to a soluble barium-salt, forms a precipitate of sulphate of barium. Another distinction is afforded by the colour imparted to the flame of alcohol by the compounds of these two metals, barium-compounds colouring the flame pale green (p. 500), while strontium compounds colour it deep red. The tabular crystals of chloride of barium, which are nearly in- soluble in alcohol, likewise afford a means of distinguishing barium from strontium and calcium, the chlorides of which form hygroscopic needle-shaped crystals, easily soluble in alcohol. 3. Quantitative Estimation. Barium is always estimated in the form of sulphate. The precipitation is effected by means of dilute sulphuric acid. The acid must be added in excess, and to a hot solution of the barium-salt ; otherwise a small quantity of the original salt, especially if it be nitrate, will be thrown down undecom- posed together with the sulphate. The precipitate is washed with hot water, ignited at a moderate heat, together with the filter, and the amount of barium or of baryta calculated from its weight. 100 pts. of it correspond to 5878 pts. of barium, and 65-64 of baryta. This mode of estimating barium is very exact ; but the precipitate, unless certain precautions are taken, is very troublesome to filter, sometimes passing through as a milky liquid, and sometimes completely stopping up the pores of the paper. To avoid these inconveniencies, the liquid must be heated, and the precipitate allowed to settle down completely, before the filtration is commenced. The clear liquid is then to be passed through the filter, the precipitate stirred up with boiling water, and again left to settle down, this clear liquid also poured through the filter, and the same process repeated three or four times. The result of this treatment is to render the precipitate dense and granular ; it may then be poured on the filter, and washed with hot water as above-mentioned. Kecent experiments have shown that sulphate of barium is soluble to a perceptible extent in strong hydrochloric, and still more in nitric acid (Calvert, Chem. Gaz. 1856, 55. Nicholson and Price, Phil. Mag. [4] xi. 169. Noad, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ix. 25). According to Seigle (J. pr. Chem. Ixix. 144), it is also slightly soluble in dilute acids, but less in acetic than in hydrochloric or nitric acid. Care must therefore be taken that the liquid, from which the sulphate of barium is precipitated, does not contain too much free acid ; and it must be washed with pure, not with acidulated water. Barium ^ may also be estimated as carbonate ; but the method is less accurate than that just described, because carbonate of barium is not completely insoluble in water. 4. Atomic Weight of Barium. The most exact estimations of this number have been made by determining the amount of chloride of silver obtained by precipitating pure chloride of barium with nitrate of silver. In this manner Marignac (Ann. Chem. Pharm. Ixviii. 215), operating on chloride of barium purified by washing with alcohol, recrystallisation from water, and drying at a low red heat, found, as a mean of six closely agreeing experiments, that 1 pt. of silver corresponds to 0'96365 pt. of BaCl. Hence, the atomic weight of silver being 108, we have : Atomic weight of BaCl = 0-96365 x 108 = 104-07 Whence deducting . Cl . . = 35-50 There remains . . Ba . . = 68-57 In like manner, the atomic weight of barium was estimated byBerzelius (Schw. J. xx. 1014) at 68-40, and by Pelouze (Compt rend. xx. 1047) at 68-65. Lastly, Dumas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Iv. 129), by numerous experiments made with chloride of barium, carefully purified and fused in a stream of hydrochloric acid gas, has obtained results varying between the limits 68'47 and 68-56 ; mean value = 68'5, which last number is here adopted. The atomic weight of barium has likewise been estimated from the amount of sulphate produced from a given weight of chloride ; but the results do not appear to be so trustworthy as those obtained by the method above described. 5. Separation of Barium from other metals. The precipitation of barium by sulphuric acid affords the means of separating it from all other elements excepting strontium, calcium and lead. From strontium and calcium it may be separated by hydrofluosilicic acid, which throws down a crystalline precipitate of silicofluoride of KX 4 504 BARIUM: IODIDE OXIDE. barium 2BaF.SiF 2 . This precipitate is somewhat soluble in water, but the separation may be rendered complete by adding alcohol and warming the liquid : from dilute solutions it takes some time to settle down. It must be collected on a weighed filter, dried at a moderate heat, and weighed. 100 pts. of it correspond to 49*01 of barium and 54 '73 of baryta. For other methods of separation, see CALCIUM and STBONTIUM. The separation of lead from barium is easily effected by sulphydric acid, which pre- cipitates the lead as sulphide. BA.RXU1VX, FLUORIDE OP. BaF. Obtained by neutralising baryta-water with hydrofluoric acid, by digesting the recently precipitated carbonate in that acid, or by decomposing nitrate of barium with fluoride of potassium or sodium. It is a white powder, or, when obtained by evaporating the acid solution, a granular crystalline crust. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves easily in nitric, hydrochloric, or hydro- fluoric acid. Fluoride of barium unites with the fluorides of boron and silicon, forming the com- pounds BaF.BF 3 and 2BaF.SiF 2 . The latter is nearly insoluble in water, and serves for the separation of barium from strontium and calcium, p. 502 (see BoROFLUOBiDEa and SELICOFLUORIDES). It also forms a crystalline compound with chloride of barium, BaCLBaF, which is produced on mixing a solution of fluoride of potassium or fluoride of sodium with chloride of barium. This compound is more soluble than the fluoride itself, and remains as a granular mass when the solution is evaporated. BARIUM , IODIDE OP. Bal. Formed when hydriodic acid gas is passed over baryta at a red heat, the combination being attended with production of light. Protosulphide of barium dissolved in water is mixed with a saturated alcoholic solution of iodine [iodine without the alcohol might be preferable], as long as a pre- cipitate of sulphur is formed; the colourless filtrate is boiled rapidly so as to prevent the action of the air almost to dryness; the mass is dissolved in a small quantity of water, and filtered quickly ; and the filtrate is evaporated to dryness in as short a space of time as possible in a glass bolt-head. (0. Henry.) On redissolving the mass in hot water and leaving the solution to cool, the hydrated salt crystallises in slender deliquescent needles containing, according to Croft (Chem. Gaz. 1856, p. 125), 2BaI.7H 2 ; they dissolve readily in alcohol. Heated out of contact with the air, they leave the anhydrous salt, which is not decomposed by heat in a close vessel, but in contact with the air, decomposes slowly at ordinary tempera- tures and quickly when heated, giving off vapours of iodine and leaving baryta. BARIUM, OXIDES OP. Barium forms two oxides, a protoxide, Ba 2 0, and a dioxide or peroxide, BaO ; the first produced by the direct oxidation of the metal, or by heating certain of its salts ; the second, by heating the protoxide to dull redness in contact with excess of oxygen. PROTOXIDE OF BARIUM, or BARYTA, Ba 2 0, or BaO. Barytes, Terra ponderosa, Terre pesante, Schwererde. Barium oxidises rapidly in the air, even at ordinary temperatures, and when heated, burns with a dark-red light and is completely con- verted into anhydrous baryta. This oxide is however more readily obtained by igniting the nitrate or carbonate of barium. Preparation. 1. Nitrate of barium is heated in a porcelain crucible, or better in a porcelain retort, till it is completely decomposed, and no more red vapour or free oxygen is given off. The heat should be moderate at first, because the nitrate fuses and froths very much; but towards the end of the process, it must be raised to bright redness. If the heat is too long continued, the baryta is apt to absorb carbonic acid and oxygen from the fire. It is not convenient to use a platinum crucible in this process, because baryta attacks platinum rather strongly at high temperatures, and if a Cornish or Hessian crucible be used, the baryta becomes contaminated with silica, alumina, oxide of iron, and other matters derived from the crucible. A porcelain vessel is attacked in the same manner, though less strongly, and the baryta prepared in it always contains small quantities of alumina and silica. This contamination, and likewise the inconvenience arising from the frothing of the mass, may be obviated in some cases by mixing the nitrate with rather more than its own weight of pounded sulphate of barium (heavy spar). Such a mixture does not fuse, and may therefore be heated in an earthen crucible without attacking it (Mohr, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvii. 27). This process is very convenient when the baryta is to be used for purposes for which the presence of the sulphate is not objectionable, as for preparing baryta-water or the hydrate. 2. On the small scale, baryta may be conveniently prepared by igniting the iodate of barium, which readily gives up all its iodine and f of its oxygen without fusion or frothing (2I0 3 Ba = Ba 2 + FO 5 ). 3. Carbonate of barium exposed to the strongest heat of a forp.-fire is converted into baryta (Abich), and at an ordinary white heat, when mixed with S 1 6 of its weight of lamp-black or charcoal, and made into a thick BARIUM: OXIDES. 505 paste with oil ; the mixture should be heated in an earthen crucible lined with lamp- black, and having a close-fitting cover. Baryta is prepared by this process on the large scale from Witherite, to be used in separating crystallised sugar from molasses (Leplay and Dubrunfaut, Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi. 276). Baryta is also prepared on the large scale by igniting a mixture of the carbonates of barium and calcium in a current of aqueous vapour. (Jacquelain, Compt. rend, xxxii. 877.) Properties. Greyish-white, friable mass, of specific gravity 4'7 (Karsten); 5*54. (Filhol). It is strongly alkaline, caustic, and poisonous. It melts only at the strongest heat of a forge-fire, or in the flame of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, forming a lead-grey slag. It is a non-conductor of electricity, but may be decomposed by the electric current, with the intervention of mercury, yielding barium and oxygen (p. 560). Potassium deoxidises it at a red heat. Heated in vapour of sulphide of carbon, it forms carbonate and sulphide of barium : 3Ba 2 + OS 2 = C0 8 Ba 2 + 2Ba 2 S. With water, it forms a hydrate (see below). It unites with alcohol and wood- spirit, forming the compounds Ba 8 0.2C 2 H 6 and Ba 2 0.2CH 4 0. It dissolves readily in dilute nitric and hydrochloric acid, and in some other acids; with many acids, it forms insoluble salts. When vapour of sulphuric anhydride is passed over baryta, heated to low redness in a glass tube, combination takes place attended with incan- descence, and sulphate of barium, S0 4 Ba 2 , is produced. OXIDE OF BARIUM and HYDROGEN; HYDRATE OP BARIUM, BaHO or BaO.HO. Hydrate of Baryta, Caustic Baryta, Hydrated oxide of Barium. Formed by the action of water on anhydrous baryta (Ba 2 + H 2 = 2BaHO). When anhy- drous baryta is sprinkled with water, the hydration takes place, with great evolution of heat and expansion of volume. Anhydrous baryta also rapidly absorbs water from the air. The hydrate is usually prepared by heating a solution of sulphide of barium (ob- tained by igniting the native sulphate with coal or charcoal) with oxide of copper, till a filtered portion of the liquid gives a white instead of a black precipitate with lead- salts. Another mode of preparation is to decompose the nitrate of barium with caustic soda. A solution of soda of specific gravity I'lO to 1*15, whose strength has been previously determined, is mixed with an equivalent quantity of finely pounded nitrate of barium, the liquid being kept in a state of ebullition, and water being added from time to time in small portions to facilitate the solution of the nitrate; and when the whole is dissolved, the boiling liquid is rapidly filtered, if necessary, through a folded filter into a bottle which can be well closed. On cooling, it deposits an abundant crop of crystals of the hydrate, which may be freed from the mother-liquor by draining, or better by means of a centrifugal machine. The crystals retain but a very small quantity of nitrate, and may be freed from it by recrystallisation. Chloride of barium may also be used in this preparation, instead of the nitrate, but the presence of small quantities of chloride of sodium in the product is more likely to be detrimental in the use of the baryta, than that of the nitrate. (Mohr, Arch. Pharm. [2] Ixxxviii. 38.) Hydrate of barium crystallises from its aqueous solution in transparent, colourless, four or six-sided prisms with four-sided summits. They contain 4 at. water : BaHO 4H 2 0; dissolve in 20 pts. of water at 15 C. and in 2 pts. of boiling water. The aqueous solution, Baryta-water, has a strong alkaline reaction, is highly caustic, and rapidly absorbs carbonic acid from the air, forming a film of carbonate on the surface. The crystals are efflorescent, and in vacuo over oil of vitriol, give off of their water of crystallisation, leaving 2BaHO.H 2 O. At 100 C. they melt, giving off 1 at. water, and at a red heat, the remainder of the water of crystallisation is given off, leaving the pure hydrate BaHO (Bloxam, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 49). This, when heated alone, is not reduced to anhydrous baryta below a red heat, but when heated in a stream of carbonic anhydride, it is easily converted into carbonate of barium, with elimination of water: 2BaHO + CO 2 = COW + H 2 0. Heated in a current of air, it takes up oxygen and is converted into peroxide of barium, also with elimination of .water. (Boussingault.) 2BaHO + = 2BaO + H 2 0. Hydrate of barium is extensively used as a chemical reagent, viz. for the estimation of carbonic acid, for precipitating metallic oxides, and especially for separating mag- nesia from the alkalis. PEROXIDE OF BARIUM, BaO or BaO*. Produced by heating anhydrous baryta or hydrate of barium to low redness in a current of pure oxygen, or of air free from carbonic acid. Pure anhydrous baryta absorbs oxygen with facility ; the hy- drate less readily, because it melts at the temperature required for the absorption : 606 BARIUM: PEROXIDE PHOSPHIDES. the absorption may however be rendered rapid by mixing the hydrate of barium with lime and magnesia in sufficient quantity to prevent fusion, and keeping the mass in a porous state, so that the oxygen may penetrate it thoroughly. Peroxide of barium may also be produced by sprinkling red-hot baryta with four times its weight of pounded chlorate of potassium in successive small portions. Chloride of potassium is formed at the same time, and on washing out this salt with water, the peroxide remains in the form of a hydrate. Peroxide of barium is a grey powder, somewhat more fusible than anhydrous baryta. At a strong red heat, it evolves oxygen and is converted into baryta, and when vapour of water is passed over it at a red heat, it likewise gives up half its oxygen and is con- verted into hydrate of barium. The absorption of oxygen by hydrate of barium at a red heat, and its subsequent evolution when the resulting peroxide is heated in a stream of aqueous vapour, has been proposed by (Boussingault, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxx. 5) as a means of extracting oxygen from the air by a continuous process. Hydrate of barium mixed with lime and magnesia, as above described, is heated in a porcelain tube through which a current of air previously freed from carbonic acid is drawn by an aspirator : and as soon as the conversion of the hydrate into peroxide is complete, the current of air is stopped, the temperature is raised, and vapour of water is passed through the tube as long as oxygen continues to be given off. Anhydrous baryta may also be used instead of the hydrate, being first converted into peroxide as above, and the peroxide then decomposed by heating it to bright redness without passing aqueous vapour over it : but the temperature required for this decomposition is much higher ; and moreover if the baryta contains small quantities of silica and alumina, which is often the case, it cakes into a very hard mass after frequent exposure to a high temperature, and will then no longer absorb oxygen with facility. Peroxide of barium is readily decomposed by carbon, phosphorus, sulphur, hy- drogen, and the metals, at a red heat, and by sulphydric acid at ordinary temperatures. Heated over a large spirit-lamp in a rapid current of carbonic oxide, it becomes white- hot, and at the same time small white flames burst out from its surface, probably arising from the evolution of oxygen from the still undecomposed peroxide. A similar but more brilliant appearance is presented when the peroxide is heated in sulphurous anhydride ("Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxviii. 125). In contact with strong sulphuric acid, it gives off oxygen at ordinary temperatures or when gently heated. If the tem- perature of the mixture does not exceed 50 or 60 C., part of the oxygen is evolved in the form of ozone ; but above 70 C., nothing but ordinary oxygen is evolved. Peroxide of barium thrown into water diffuses itself through the liquid and forms a hydrate, probably containing Ba0.3H 2 0. The same hydrate is precipitated in crys- talline scales when peroxide of hydrogen is added to strong baryta- water ; it is slightly soluble in cold water, but decomposes at the boiling heat, yielding free oxygen and hydrate of barium. Both the anhydrous peroxide and the hydrate dissolve in excess of water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, forming chloride of barium and peroxide of hydrogen, without evolution of oxygen (BaO + HC1 = BaCl + HO). When the peroxide is mixed with acidulated water in presence of oxide of silver, peroxide of manganese, peroxide of lead, &c., oxygen is evolved, both from the peroxide of barium and from the other oxide, so that the peroxide of barium here acts as a reducing agent (see CHEMICAL AFFINITY and PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN). Oxide, chloride, sulphate, or carbonate of silver, introduced into an acid solution of peroxide of barium, is partly reduced to metallic silver, the quantity thus reduced being, however, always less than that which is equivalent to half the oxygen in the peroxide of barium (Ba 2 O.O). The quantity reduced increases with the amount of silver-salt present, and diminishes as the tem- perature is higher. A small quantity of the silver-compound, or of any similar sub- stance, is capable of decomposing a large quantity of peroxide of barium. Iodine, on the other hand, decomposes an exactly equivalent quantity : BaO + I = Bal + 0. (Brodie, Phil. Trans. 1850, 759.) BARIUM, OXYC-EW-SAIfTS OP. The general characters and reactions are described at p. 502. For the special descriptions, see the several ACIDS. BARIUXVI, OXYSUIiPHIDES OP. A solution of sulphide of barium in boil ing water, left to stand in a close vessel, first deposits crystals of hydrate of barium, and the liquid decanted therefrom yields scaly crystals, whose composition is nearly ex- pressed by the formula Ba 14 S 3 4 .58H 2 0, and afterwards granular crystals, consisting of Ba 4 S0.10H 2 O. A moderately concentrated solution of the sulphide deposits, after about two months, large transparent tabular crystals, having the form of a hexagonal dodecahedron, with truncated summits, and containing Ba 8 S 3 0.28H 2 0, or Ba 2 0.10H 2 O + 3(Ba 2 8.6H 2 0) (H. Hose). These oxysulphides are very easily clecomposible, being resolved by hot water into hydrate and sulphydrate of barium, of which, perhaps, they are merely mixtures. BARIUM: SELENIDESULPHIDES. 507 BARIUM, PHOSPHIDE OP. BaP? When vapour of phosphorus is passed over red-hot baryta, a brownish-red mixture of phosphide and phosphate of barium is obtained, commonly called phosphuret of baryta, the reaction perhaps taking place in the manner represented by the equation : 4Ba 2 + 6P = 5BaP + P0 4 Ba s . It is decomposed by water, forming a solution of hypophosphite of barium, and giv- ing off a mixture of spontaneously inflammable phosphoretted hydrogen gas and free hydrogen. BARIUM, SELENIDE OP. Ba 2 Se, or BaSe. Produced by exposing selenite of barium to a red heat in contact with hydrogen gas or finely divided charcoal (lamp-black). It is soluble in water, but decomposes at the same time, like the monosulphide, yield- ing hydrate of barium, and a higher selenide of barium, the solution of which is de- composed by acids, with evolution of selenhydric acid and precipitation of selenium. BARIUM, SULPHIDES OP. The protosulphide, Ba*S, or BaS, is ob- tained by passing sulphydric acid or vapour of sulphide of carbon over red-hot baryta, or by reducing pulverised sulphate of barium in a stream of hydrogen or carburetted hydrogen. Either of these processes yields a very pure product ; but for preparation on the larger scale, the native sulphate of barium is heated to bright redness with carbonaceous matter. If charcoal is used, it must be thoroughly well incorporated with the heavy spar, otherwise the reduction will be imperfect, as no fusion takes place. The admixture of resin, oil, or starch is advantageous, to bind the mass toge- ther and produce partial fusion ; but a much better method is to mix the powdered sulphate with about | of its weight of bituminous coal, and heat the mixture in a crucible to full redness for an hour ; the tarry matter of the coal then penetrates thoroughly into the mass, so that every particle of the sulphate comes well in contact with the reducing matter. The mass thus obtained consists of sulphide of barium mixed with excess of car- bonaceous matter and undecomposed sulphate ; the sulphide of barium may be ex- tracted by treating the mass with a sufficient quantity of hot water, and crystallised. Another method is to ignite a mixture of 100 pts. heavy spar, 200 common salt, and 15 pts. charcoal powder in a reverberatory furnace, and extract the sxilphide of barium by hot water. The use of the chloride of sodium is to promote fusion. (Kuczinski, Repertory of Patent Inventions, 1835, p. 151.) Pure sulphide of barium is a white mass, having a hepatic odour and alkaline taste, and easily soluble in water. Exposed to the air, it absorbs water and carbonic acid, and is converted into carbonate, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. When heated in the air, it oxidises but slowly, but when heated to redness in an atmosphere of aqueous vapour, it is converted into sulphate of barium, with elimination of hydrogen. Sulphide of barium dissolved in water is easily decomposed by boiling with oxide of copper, oxide of iron, $'c., forming hydrate of barium and sulphide of copper, &c. Hydrochloric, nitric, carbonic acid, $c. decompose it, eliminating sulphuretted hydrogen, and forming chloride, nitrate, &c. of barium. Chlorine, bromine and iodine decompose it, with formation of the corresponding salts and deposition of sulphur. Sulphide of barium is indeed the material most generally used for preparing the other compounds of barium. A mixture of sulphide of barium with the sulphate, such as is obtained by igniting the sulphate with an insufficient quantity of carbonaceous matter (gum-tragacanth answers well, because it forms a paste with the heavy spar), acquires by exposure to the sun's rays the property of shining in the dark : it is called the Bolognian phos- phorus. With water, protosulphide of barium forms hydrate and sulphydrate of barium : Ba 2 S + H 2 = BaHO + BaHS. The quantity thus decomposed varies with the quantity and temperature of the water. When crude sulphide of barium, prepared by igniting the sulphate with carbonaceous matter, is treated nine times in succession with a quantity of cold water less than sufficient to dissolve the whole, the mass being digested for twenty- four hours each time in a closed vessel, the first two solutions obtained are of a pale yellow colour; yield a large quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen and a pre- cipitate of sulphur, when treated with hydrochloric acid ; and form with chloride of manganese, a flesh-coloured precipitate of sulphide of manganese mixed with free sulphur, sulphuretted hydrogen being likewise evolved : hence these solutions contain . sulphydrate of barium (BaHS) together with a polysulphide of barium. The third solution behaves like a solution of protosulphide of bariiim containing a slight excess of sulphuretted hydrogen. The fourth is of the same character, but contains a 508 BARIUM BAROMETER. slight excess of baryta. This excess goes on continually increasing in the fifth, sixth and seventh solutions : and the eighth and ninth behave like pure baryta-water, yielding with chloride of manganese a white precipitate of manganous oxide. If the crude sulphide is at once treated with a quantity of water sufficient to dissolve the whole of the sulphide, the solution exhibits the characters of the pure protosulphide : it may however be a mixture of hydrate and sulphydrate of barium (see the above equation). A solution of sulphide of barium in not too large a quantity of water, kept for some years in a stoppered bottle, deposits, first crystals of hydrate of barium, then scales which are a mixture of crystallised hydrate of barium and the hydrated protosulphide (Ba 2 S.3H 2 0), and afterwards double six-sided pyramids containing the same substances, but much richer in sulphide of barium. The mother-liquor boiled down in a retort, evolves a continuous current of sulphuretted hydrogen, and on cooling deposits hydrated sulphide of barium in the form of a white powder, while sulphide of barium and hydrogen remains in solution. Hydrated Sulphide of Barium, Ba 2 S.3H 2 0, is a white powder, which soon turns yellow. When treated at once with a quantity of water sufficient to dissolve it perfectly, it yields a solution which when mixed with a manganous salt, yields a pre- cipitate of sulphide of manganese (Mn 2 S) without evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen ; but a smaller quantity of water extracts sulphydrate of barium and leaves hydrate of barium undissolved. Sulphydrate of Barium, BaHS, or BaS.HS. Baryta-water, or protosulphide of barium reduced to a paste with water, and warmed, is saturated with sulphydric acid, the solution evaporated apart from the air, and cooled, when crystals of baryta and yellow prisms are formed. The remaining liquid is either evaporated in a confined space, when white opaque prisms are obtained, or mixed with alcohol, filtered from the sulphur and hyposulphite of barium produced by air contained in the alcohol, and cooled down to 10 C. ; in this way, colourless and transparent four-sided prisms are pro- duced. Also when baryta or either of its hydrated compounds is allowed to crystallise, together with sulphide of barium, from an aqueous solution of protosulphide of barium, by evaporation in a retort and cooling, and the residual liquid (which is of a yellowish cokmr, from the air not being perfectly excluded) further evaporated and cooled, it solidifies to a crystalline mass of sulphydrate of barium (H. Rose). The crystals contain water, which they lose when heated, becoming white at the same time. When exposed to the air, they effloresce and turn white, while hyposulphite and sulphate of barium are formed. In a retort, they lose their water of crystallisation without fusing, and then evolve sulphydric acid as the temperature approaches redness, leaving dark yellow protosulphide of barium, which becomes white as it cools. An aqueous solution precipitates chloride of manganese, with escape of sulphydric acid gas (Berzelius, Pogg. Ann. vi. 441). The salt, when boiled, evolves sulphydric acid. With iodine, it forms iodide of barium and free hydriodic acid, sulphur being set free. It is insoluble in alcohol. (H. Kose.) and 2*8 pts. of sulphate of barium, remain behind (Vauquelin). When, the moistened trisulphide is heated to redness and vapour of water is passed over it, sul- phuretted hydrogen is given off, and sulphate of barium is formed. (Gray-Lussac.) Pentasulphide of Barium, Ba 2 S 5 , is obtained in solution, by boiling the proto- sulphide or the sulphydrate with sulphur (H. Rose); also, together with hyposulphite of barium, by boiling baryta-water with sulphur. The solution is yellow, bitter, alkaline and caustic ; leaves a pale yellow amorphous mass when evaporated in vacuo; and is decomposed by exposure to the air, with deposition of sulphur and formation of hyposulphite of barium. BARLEY. See CEREALS. BARTJHARDTITE. A sulphide of copper and iron, 2Cu 4 S.Fe' l S 3 , containing traces of silver, found in a mine in Earnhardt's Land, and other localities in North Carolina. Bronze-yellow, with metallic lustre, sometimes dull and opapue. Fracture conchoi'dal ; no cleavage. Specific gravity 4-521. Hardness = 3-5. Brittle. Streak greyish-black, somewhat shining. Tarnishes in the air, especially in contact with moisture, acquiring a brown or rose-red colour. Before the blowpipe, it gives the reactions of iron and copper. (G-enth. J. pr. Chem. Ixiv. 468.) BAROCAXiCXTEi. Syn. with BAJRYTOCAXCITB. BAROXiXTi:. Syn. with WITHERITE. BAROZVXSTER (/3apos weight and perpov measure). The barometer is an instru- BAROMETER. 509 ment employed to measure the pressure or weight of the atmosphere. It consists essen- tially of a continuous body of liquid, generally mercury, from one part of the upper surface of which all pressure is removed, while the atmosphere still presses upon the remainder of the surface. It is a law of hydrostatics that, in a heavy fluid, the pressure at all points in a horizontal plane must be uniform, in order that there may be equi- librium. The surface of the mercury cannot, then, remain in one plane, as it does when the atmosphere presses equally on every part, but it must rise where protected from the atmosphere, until the pressure of the portion thus rising exactly balances and replaces the pressure of the atmosphere. Thus in fig. 92, the surface of mer- cury on which the atmosphere presses is at A, and the glass tube A B, having been perfectly emptied of air and every other fluid, the mercury has risen to B, so that the perpendicular column of mercury A B exerts a pressure at the horizontal plane A, exactly equal to the pressure of the atmosphere at A. Now supposing mercury to be always of one specific gravity, the length of the barometric column will be exactly proportional to the weight or pressure of the atmo- sphere, and thus a length expressed in inches or parts of a metre becomes a convenient expression for a weight. It is well, however, to bear in mind the real pressures indi- cated, which are easily determined, as in the following example : 29 - 872 inches = mean height of barometric column for noon at Greenwich. 13-568 = specific gravity of mercury at 60 F. 99 7 '13 7 oz. avoirdupois = weight of one cubic foot of water at 62 F. "' gx7 ' 11 ' 7 - 233 ' 879 oz - - uw lbs - the spheric pressure for noon at Greenwich on every square superficial inch. Barometer at 28 inches Atmospheric pressure 13*70 pounds 29 14-19 30 14-68 31 15-17 When any other liquid, is used, the height of the barometric column will be in- versely as the specific gravity. Thus the height of a column of water corresponding 1 o.Q to 29-872 inches of mercury at 60 F. is 29-872 x -^-7^77, or 405-3 inches or 3377 feet; I'OOU similarly a column of sulphuric acid would stand 29 -87 2 x , or 219 inches high. A full account of a water barometer constructed for the Koyal Society by Professor Daniell will be found in Phil. Trans, cxxii. (1832), 539. CONSTRUCTION OF THE BAROMETER. All that is necessary to construct a barometer is to seal a glass tube about three feet along at one end, to fill it perfectly with mercury, and putting the finger over the open end, to invert the tube into a vessel of mercury. On withdrawing the finger, the mercurial column descends a few inches, and a measure being applied, the height of the column remaining is found. But to attain accuracy, great precautions are required at every step. If any air remain in the tube, by adhering to the glass, it will rise into the space above the mercury, and its pressure, partly counteracting that of the atmosphere, will depress the barometric column. Most of the air may be got out by shaking the mercury in the tube, but some will certainly remain, to eliminate which, the tube must be boiled as follows : Fill only about six inches of the tube with mercury, and gradually heat it over a strong flame or a charcoal fire until the mercury has boiled for a few moments. At the same time, heat another portion of mercury, that it may not crack the hot tube, and with it fill a few inches more of the tube. Expose this new part chiefly to the flame until it boils, and thus proceed, alternately pouring in a little mercury and then boiling, until the tube is almost full. It would be well to anneal the tube, if a large one, while cooling, to prevent fracture. When cold, fill it entirely with mercury, already boiled, and invert, with great precautions, to prevent entrance of air. Any kind of dirt entering also will prove very detrimental, and the tube, in the first place, before sealing, should be thoroughly sponged out with whiting and spirits of wine. The mercury used must be perfectly pure, otherwise it will be thick, sluggish, and dirty, as well as somewhat false in specific gravity. To purify it, agitate with diluted nitric acid or sulphuric acid, and keep it under the acid, if possible, for a week or more, afterwards washing with fresh acid and distilled water. Carefully distilled mercury is pure enough, except that the dissolved oxide of mercury must be removed by treat- ment with sulphuretted hydrogen water, or dilute sulphide of ammonium. Many forms of the barometer have been contrived since its first discovery by Torri- 510 BAROMETER. celli; but, except in rendering the instrument portable and unalterable, no improve- ment has ever, or perhaps can ever be made on the original simple form. In fact, the most perfect barometer existing, the Great Standard at the Kew Observatory, men- tioned further on, is also the most simple that could be imagined. We shall, therefore, content oiirselves with describing those forms of the barometer which can be recommended to the observer of the present day for their accuracy and convenience. s. 8893 88 A 89 In fig. 88 is shown the PORTABLE STANDARD BAROMETER, as first invented byFortin of Paris, and now made, amongst others, by Negretti and Zambra of Hatton Garden, London, at a cost of eight guineas. The barometer tube has an internal diameter of '39 or '40 inch, and the air is per- fectly driven out by the usual process of boiling. The cistern (fig. 89) is composed partly of a glass cylinder G, of boxwood sides and top, w and w', and of a leather bag, t, the bottom of which can be raised or lowered by the finger-screw, s. The whole is, of course, held together by a brass casing, and the barometer tube, the lower end of which is contracted, is connected with the cistern by a leather joint at M. To make an observation of this barometer, the lower surface of the mercury must first be adjusted so as just to touch the ivory fiducial point p (fig. 89), by turning the screw s. The moment of exact contact may be very accurately observed, if the mercury be properly clean and bright, by watching when the ivory point and its reflection just meet ; if the mercury be even -^^ of an inch too low, light will appear between the point and mercury; while, if too high, a small depression, instantly detected by reflected light, will be caused in the mercurial surface by the ivory point. Next, the upper surface of the mercurial column is observed by adjusting the lower edge of a moveable brass cylinder, so that it shall visually be the tangent to, that is shall just touch, the curved surface of the mercury. To avoid the error of parallax, the line of vision must be exactly horizontal. The scale of inches, with the assistance of the vernier engraved on the moveable cylinder, then gives the actual height of the column, subject to index error, within the TT ^ part of an inch. But the observer, with a little practice, will soon discriminate the ^ part by the naked eye. A Barometer should never be carried about in its ordinary upright position; for BAROMETER. 611 the mercurial column, being delicately balanced against the weight of the air, will be found to -vibrate, or as it is said, to pump rapidly up and down when the barometer suffers any vertical disturbance. Not only might bubbles of air adhering to the lower part of the tube be thus carried up, but the mercury violently striking the sealed and vacuous end, might shatter a tube that was not very strong. To render this barometer portable, the handscrew at s must be screwed up, and the instrument gently inclined at the same time, until the mercury fills the whole of the tube, and almost the whole of the cistern ; it is then to be inverted and kept or carried about as nearly as possible in this position until again safely suspended. A board and bracket, not shown in the figures, accompany this barometer, as also an arrangement of three screws, by which it may be secured motionless in the vertical position, which it of course assumes when free. Such a barometer is very suitable and quite good enough for a laboratory, or for a series of meteorological observations. It is the form of baro- meter most esteemed on the Continent. Of MOUNTAIN BAROMETERS, which require to be far more portable and secure from accident than that above described, the best is Gray-Lussac's form (see Ann. de Chimie, 1816, i. 113), as improved by Bun ten, and drawn in. fig. 90 from an instru- ment by Negretti and Zambra. Its tube is in the form of a syphon, of which the parts D E and F o have an uniform diameter of '2 inch, while the part E F is a capil- lary tube, with a bore of about -05 inch. The end of the tube at G is sealed, but a minute and somewhat sunken hole is pierced about an inch below the end, so that air may pass freely in or out, but not the mercury. At E is a pipette or air trap, shown on a larger scale in fig. 91, contrived by Bunten, so that even if air pass up the tube E F, it will collect at E, since it is scarcely possible that it should find its way through the capillary communication (H, fig. 91) into the upper part of the tube. The tube is loosely packed in a brass tube-case, through two slits in which the upper and lower surface of the mercury may be observed in the same manner as the upper surface in the Fortin barometer. There are two divided scales, both 9 inches long, and measured from the lowest point of the lower scale, and the difference of the readings is the height of the barometric column. The verniers read to the ~^ of an inch. NEWMAN'S STANDARD BAROMETER is well known, and has long been relied upon in other countries as well as this. The tube has a diameter of '5 or '6 inch, and stands in a plain cylindrical glass cistern. The graduated scale is of brass, affixed to a brass rod passing down the inside of one of the upright supports, and terminating below in a conical ivory point, which by an endless screw and wheel is very accurately ad- justed to contact with the mercury. In this respect the construction is superior to that of the Fortin barometer, because the mercury when raised or lowered, as in the latter, may not at once assume its true position, owing to adhesion. Mr. Newman has adopted a method of filling his barometer-tubes in vacuo, and of boiling them under diminished pressure, which obviates all oxidation and fouling of the tubes. THE GREAT STANDARD BAROMETER of the Kew Observatory, constructed by the late Mr. Welsh, has a tube I'l inch in bore, and as it was found impossible to fill so large a tube satisfactorily in the ordinary way, the following excellent method was adopted: To the upper end of the barometer tube AB (Jiff. 93) was attached a capillary tube A D E F, much contracted at D, with a small bulb at E, drawn out at F to a fine point, and hermetically sealed. To the lower end of the large tube was attached 10 inches of a smaller tube B c G, having a bore of 0*3 inch, and to that again was added about 6 inches of capillary tube G H. A bulb of f of an inch was blown at G, and the small tube finally bent into a syphon form at B. The end H of the capillary tube was now connected with a good air-pump, and the air very slowly extracted, at the same time that the whole tube was strongly heated by passing a large spirit flame along it. When the air had been as well as possible extracted, and whilst the pump was still in action and the heat still applied, the capillary tube G H was sealed at i by a blowpipe flame. When the tube had cooled, it was placed at a small inclination with the end F in perfectly pure mercury, which had been previously boiled, and the point being broken off, the mercury rose until the bulb at G was more than half filled. The point F was then again sealed, the capillary tube remaining quite filled with mercury. When the glass at F had cooled, the whole tube was in- verted, the mercury now separating at the contracted part D, leaving the tube from D to F filled, or very nearly so, and from D to A perfectly vacuous. The operation was completed by sealing the tube at K, removing the portion K D E F, placing the bend B in the cistern of the barometer, and breaking off the tube c G at the point c. The tube finally adopted at Kew, is perfectly free from air in the portion B, which is 9 inches long; it is mounted in an open brass frame (fig. 92), adjusted to verti- cality by screws at s ; at c c' are two steel rods, the first terminating below in a conical point, the second in a knife-edge, and both adjusted so as just to touch the surface of 612 BAROMETER. the mercury in the cistern. The height of the mercurial column is then easily observed by a cathetometer placed five feet off, the telescopic wire of which is made alternately to bisect a mark on the head of the rods c or c', and to form a tangent to the mercurial surface at B. The difference of the readings on the divided scale of the cathetometer, added to the known length (3-515 for c) between the point and end of the steel rod, and the mark on its head, gives the actual length of the barometric column. The cistern of this barometer stands 3 3 '9 feet above the mean sea-level. (Phil. Trans. [1856] p. 507.) A very interesting account of the construction of the Eoyal Society's Standard barometer by DanieU, will be found in his Meteorological Essays, p. 353. See also Mr. Baily's Description of a New Barometer, Phil. Trans, cxxvii. 431 ; and Hudson, Phil. Trans. [1832] p. 575. We will now consider the precautions and corrections necessary in obtaining the true atmospheric pressure with exactness. CORRECTION FOR CAPACITY. It is obvious that in proportion as the barometer stands higher, so much more mercury there must be in the tube, and consequently so much less in the cistern. We should not then get the true variations in the length of the mercurial column, by noticing the top of the column only, since the base of the column also varies, and a correction must obviously be made for the amount of the variation. This correction, indeed, is not required in any of the barometers above described, because observations or adjustments are made both at the upper and lower surfaces of mercury. But in many other barometers, the scale is measured truly from the lower surface of the mercury, only when the column is at one particular height, called the neutral point, usually determined by the barometer-maker, and marked on the instrument. When the column is higher or lower than this point, the mercury in the cistern must be lower or higher in a proportion depending on the sectional areas of the tube and cistern. If JF/be the height of the neutral point, and h the observed height of the barometer, the correction for capacity is < diameter of tube \ 2 . . __ (diameter of cistern) ^ In the marine barometer adopted by the Board of Trade, this correction is actually performed upon the divided scale, so that the inch divisions are about | less than real inches. In any syphon barometer, like that of Gfay-Lussac, in which both legs are of equal diameter, the correction for capacity is made by doubling the variations in height of one surface, and Gray-Lussac recommends this method when great nicety is not required; but measurements of both surfaces are evidently necessary for certainty. CORRECTION FOR TEMPERATURE. The length of the barometric column is propor- tional to the pressure which it has to measure only so long as the specific gravity of mercury is constant. Now mercury expands ]0 ^ 00 of its own volume when its temperature rises one degree (Fahr.), and its density of course varies inversely. Hence all readings of the barometer must be reduced to what they would be at one uniform temperature, that of 32 Fahr., when the specific gravity becomes 13-60. The brass scale by which the height is measured also expands by heat, and is only of the standard length when at a temperature of 62 F. (for the English yard). To ascertain the temperature of the barometer, a thermometer is always attached. This should be placed half way up the barometer tube, with the bulb close to the tube, and well covered up from the atmosphere. The barometer should be placed in a room of which the temperature changes as little and as slowly as possible. If h be the observed height of the barometer, and t its temperature in degrees Fahr., the height reduced to 32 F. is -OOOlOOl^- 32)- 000010434(<- 62) 1* -0001001(z!- 32) but it is quite exact enough to subtract (or add if t be less than 29 Fahr.) the fol- lowing correction : ;i}(*-32)(-0001)-(*-62)(-00001)| The reader will observe that the cubic, not the linear, expansion of mercury is used in these formulae, for it is on the cubic expansion that the specific gravity depends. The correction is most conveniently obtained, however, from a table such as that on the following page, which applies to barometers with brass scales, extending from the cistern to the top of the mercurial column. BAROMETER. 513 Table for the Temperature-correction of the Barometer. Temp. F. 28-5 inch. 29-0 inch. 29-5 inch. 300 inch. 30-5 inch. Temp. F. 28-5 inch. 29-0 inch. 29-5 inch. 30-0 inch. 30-5 inch. 31 006 007 007 007 007 61 083 084 086 087 089 32 009 009 009 009 010 62 085 087 088 090 091 33 012 012 012 012 012 63 088 089 091 093 094 34 0)4 014 015 015 015 64 090 092 094 095 097 35 017 017 017 018 018 65 093 095 '096 098 100 36 019 020 020 020 021 66 096 097 099 101 102 37 022 022 022 023 023 67 098 100 102 103 105 38 0'24 025 025 026 026 68 101 102 104 106 108 39 027 027 028 028 029 69 103 105 107 109 110 40 029 030 030 031 031 70 106 108 109 111 113 41 032 033 033 C34 034 71 108 110 112 114 116 42 034 035 036 036 037 72 111 113 115 117 119 43 037 038 038 039 040 73 113 115 117 119 121 44 040 040 041 042 042 74 116 118 120 122 .124 45 012 043 044 044 045 75 118 120 122 125 127 46 045 015 046 047 048 76 121 123 125 127 M29 47 047 048 049 050 051 77 123 126 128 130 132 48 050 051 052 052 053 78 126 128 130 133 135 49 052 053 054 055 056 79 128 131 133 135 137 50 055 056 057 058 059 80 131 133 136 138 140 51 057 058 059 060 Ofil 81 134 136 138 141 143 52 OGO 061 062 063 064 82 136 138 14] 143 146 53 Ofi3 064 065 OG6 067 83 139 141 143 140 148 54 065 0<6 067 068 070 84 141 144 146 149 151 55 068 069 070 071 072 85 144 146 149 151 154 56 070 071 073 074 075 86 146 149 151 154 156 57 073 074 075 076 078 87 149 151 154 157 159 58 075 077 078 079 081 88 151 154 157 159 162 59 078 079 080 082 083 89 154 156 159 162 165 GO 080 082 083 085 086 90 156 159 162 164 167 The fail tables, as originally calculated by Prof. Schumacher (Jahrbuch fur 1837, Astron. Nach. t. ii.), will be found in the " Eeport of the Committee of the Eoyal Society on Physics," 1840. The Admiralty "Manual of Scientific Enquiry," and most works on Physics and Meteorology, also contain tables, often slightly differing from each other. To obtain an approximate correction, multiply the number of inches in the height of the reading by the number of degrees Fahr. above 32, and subtract -0001 inch for every unit of the result. The following data are useful. For lFahr. Coefficient of the cubic expansion of mercury (log. 1-0001001 = 0-0000435) Coefficient of the linear expansion) . 0000956 Coefficient of the linear expansion' of brass adopted by Schumacher Coefficient of the linear expansion) .0000048 of glass. \ 0001001 0000105 For lCentigra<] 00018018 00001722 0000188 0000086 The last must be employed instead of the coefficient of brass, when the scale is engraved on the glass barometer tube, as often occurs on the Continent. Tables for glass metre scales and centigrade degrees, will be found in Bunsen's Gasometry, translated by Eoscoe. THE CAPHXAKY DEPRESSION of the mercurial column is a formidable obstacle to the attainment of accuracy when the tube is of small bore. For this reason, important standard barometers, like that of Kew, have a large tube in which the capillary de- pression is inappreciable. The cause of the depression is, that the particles of the mercury have a much stronger attraction for each other than for the glass ; a slight resultant attraction thus arises, tending to draw each particle towards the general mass of mercury. The form which the surface of the mercury assumes is spheroidal; the highest point of the surface is to be always taken, in adjusting the edge of the vernier for an observation. To avoid any error from the capillary depression, it is far the best way to compare the barometer with an undoubted standard barometer in which the capillary depression is inappreciable. The correction for capillarity is then merged into that for index error. VOL. I. L L 514 BAROMETER. If this be not done, the bore of the barometer tube must be ascertained from the barometer maker, or otherwise, and the correction then taken from the following table, which is the one generally adopted for the purpose in England. Diameter Add to the reading for Diameter Add to the reading for of tube. of tube Unboiled tubes. Boiled tubes. Unboiled tubes. Boiled tubes. 0-60 inch. 0-004 inch. 0.002 inch. 0-30 inch. 0-028 inch. 0-014 inch. 0-50 0-007 0-003 0-25 0-040 0-020 0-45 o-oio 0-005 0-20 0-060 0-029 0-40 0-014 0-007 0-15 0-088 0-044 0-35 0-020 0-010 0-10 0-142 0-070 Continental observers have attempted to attain greater accuracy by making the height of the meniscus or curved surface of the mercury an argument in the correction. M. Delcros has calculated an elaborate table on this principle of which a part is here given. Height of the meniscus in millimetres. Bore of the tube. Millimetres. 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-8 1-0 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8 3-0 0-24 0-48 0-70 0-90 1-07 1-20 1-32 4-0 0-12 0-24 0-35 0-46 0-55 0-63 0-71 077 5-0 0-07 0-13 0-19 0-25 0-30 0-35 0-40 0-44 6-0 0-02 0-06 0-09 0-13 0-18 0-20 0-23 0-25 0-27 7-0 o-oi 0-03 0-06 0-09 o-io 0-12 0-14 0-15 0-16 For the full tables and for a very elaborate description of the principal standard barometers on the continent, the determination of their mean differences, and the errors to which barometers are subject, the reader should consult a paper by Bravais and Martins in Nouv. Mem. de 1'Acad. Eoy. de Bruxelles xiv. 31 (1841) ; see also Dove, Repertorium der Physik, i. 37. The capillary depression of the barometric column has been investigated mathe- matically by Mr. Ivory in the Philosophical Magazine and Annals for 1828, vol. iii. p. 1. [This reference is usually wrongly given to the Philosophical Transactions.] This correction is considered unnecessary to the Gay-Lussac, or any other syphon barometer, in which the two surfaces of mercury are of equal extent, and therefore subject to equal capillary action. But we think that the adhesion of the mercury in the lower limb of the Gay-Lussac tube, being much increased by the presence of air and dust, is liable to cause inaccuracy unless carefully attended to. The INDEX EKEOB is properly the error in the length of brass rod or scale ex- tending between the two surfaces of mercury. Such error may usually be considered uniform for all parts of the divided scale, which is accurately divided by a machine, and the error probably arises, if at all, from the wrong adjustment of the ivory fiducial point. But the index error, as usually determined by comparison with a standard barometer, comprises the capillary depression before mentioned, as well as any minute errors from impurity in the mercury, from imperfect vacuum in the upper part of the tube, error of the attached thermometer, and so on. Comparison with a standard, in short, secures the final accuracy of the result, and no observer of the present day who desires to be considered trustworthy should use an uncompared barometer. The purchaser of a barometer for scientific purposes should insist on receiving with it an authentic certi- ficate of its index error from comparison with the Greenwich, Kew, or Royal Society Standard. The best barometer makers, Negretti and Zambra, Newman of Eegent Street, or Barrow of Oxenden Street, the latter the maker to the British Meteorological Society, will readily procure such a certificate. Of course a fresh comparison is neces- sary if the barometer be in any way disordered or suspected of being disordered. To compare two barometers, they should be suspended side by side, and a score of simultaneous readings of each taken at intervals, if possible when the barometric column is at various heights, and both rising and falling. The readings of each baro- meter are to be fully and carefully corrected for temperature, according to its own , BAROMETER, 515 attached thermometer ; the mean difference of all the readings, together with the known index error of the one barometer, is the index error of the other barometer. From the uniformity of the readings, the observer may judge either of his own skill or of the character of the instruments. With good instruments and a careful observer, the differences should be uniform within about y|^ of an inch, and the whole index error, apart from capillary action, should not exceed ^ or ^ ; thus, in the comparison of the writer's barometer by Mr. Glaisher at Greenwich, the differences of twenty read- ings vary from 0-009 to 0-020, with a mean error of 0'014, apart from the assumed capillary depression -008 inch, making the whole correction + '022 inch. Treated according to the formulae of the calculus of probabilities, the probable error of this determination from the mean of twenty observations is rather less than -0015 inch. Assuming the Greenwich standard to be absolutely correct, his probable error of '0015 inch is the only source of error which would not be eliminated by a proper use of the instrument, and in the taking of a number of observations, as is always the case in meteorology. It is curious that a barometer maker, named Assier-Perricat, of Paris, as long ago as 1802, practised and advocated the method of ensuring the accuracy of barometers by comparison. (Assier^Perricat, Nouveau Traite sur 1' Invention des Barometres, etc.) It is important to be able easily to detect the presence of any air which might by accident get into the upper part of the barometer tube, where it would falsify the reading by a minute direct pressure, and probably also by increasing the capillary action. There happens to be a ready and perfect test as follows : Incline the barometer so that the mercury may run up and strike the sealed end of the tube ; if the sound be sharp and metallic, repeat the experiment several times, each time more gently. If the least trace of air be present, the sound will at last become soft and puffy ; if, on the con- trary, the vacuum be perfect, the sound will always remain beautifully clear and distinctly metallic. If air be thus detected, uncover and examine the end of the tube, to see how large a bubble remains when the barometer is laid flat. Also invert the instrument and tap it, as sharply as is safe, near the bubble, which may sometimes be thus dislodged and eliminated. We do not think that a minute quantity of air can sensibly affect the reading of the barometer for ordinary purposes, but if there be more, the instrument must certainly be disused until refilled by the maker. If important observations have been made with a barometer containing air, they may be corrected, if the barometer be compared with a true one before its condition is altered. The simple difference of readings will be an. approximate correction, but the exact correction is in which e 2 and e 3 are the errors of the readings k^ and h z at different points of the scale, as determined by comparison, and h is the reading to be corrected. If we suppose a bubble of air of ~ of an inch diameter at the atmospheric pressure to eater the vacuous space of the Fortin barometer, described above, the depressing effect on the mercurial column may, by a simple calculation, be shown not to exceed 10 ooo f an inch, apart, however, from any influence on the capillarity, a point probably of much greater importance than the direct effect. DIRECTIONS FOB TAKING AN OBSERVATION OF THE BAROMETER. 1. Read and record the attached thermometer, making a correction for index error if necessary (see THERMOMETER). 2. Adjust the mercury below to exact contact with the fiducial point. 3. Slightly tap the tube near the upper end of the column, and adjust the edge of the vernier to exact tangential contact, the line of vision being horizontal. 4. Eecord the reading and work out the correct height as soon as convenient after- wards, as shown in the following example, which comprises all the corrections ever required : Inches. Attached thermometer . . 58'3 F. Barometer reading . . 29-964 Data. Neutral point . . 28-861 Correction for capacity . + -033 Capacity . ^ capillarity + -007 Diameter of the tube . -4 inch Index error to K. 0. Standard (apart from temperature --080 capillarity) . - -014 inch index error -.-014 True height of the barometer 29-910 LL 2 516 BAROMETER. When many observations of one barometer have to be made, much labour will be saved by combining all these corrections into a special table, one reference to which furnishes the required correction. In important observations or comparisons, the ad- justments and vernier readings should be made with a pocket lens. It is much to be desired that the English should adopt the metre scale for the baro- meter, which is used all over the Continent; but although this may at once be done in chemical matters, it seems almost impossible at present in meteorology. For the easy reduction of the barometer scale from millimetres into English inches and vice versa, we give the following tables. Negretti's portable barometer may be hadVith both millimetre and inch scales attached. Milli- metres. Inches. Milli- metres. Inches. Milli- metres. Inches. 700 27-560 751 29-567 762 30-000 705 27756 752 29-607 763 30-040 710 27-953 753 29-646 764 30-079 715 28-150 754 29-685 765 30-119 720 28-347 755 29-725 766 30-158 725 28-544 756 29-764 767 30-197 730 28-741 757 29-804 768 30-237 735 28-938 758 29-843 769 30-276 740 29-134 759 29-882 770 . 30-315 745 29-331 760 29-922 771 30-355 750 29-528 761 29-961 772 30-384 1 millimetre = 0-03937 inch 1 inch = 25-39954 millimetres 0-1 = 0-00394 0-1 = 2-53995 0-01 = 0-00039 0-01 = 0-25400 0-001 = 0-02540 USES OF THE BAROMETER. The chemist requires to know the atmospheric pres- sure when very accurate weighings are made of light bodies, in order that the weight of the air they displace may be allowed for. On this subject, see Bessel's formulae in the article SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Secondly, gases are usually weighed or measured, sub- ject to the atmospheric pressure, and vary directly in density and.' inversely in volume with the pressure. Hence the atmospheric pressure must always be observed at the moment, in order that the weight or measure may be reduced, by a simple calculation, to what it would be at some standard pressure, which in England is 30*000 inches, and QA'AAfi on the Continent 760 millimetres or 29*922 inches. Now - x 100 = 100-261 2t&*u2i2i or 100 cubic inches of gas at the English standard pressure are equal to 100-261 cubic inches at the French standard pressure. It happens, however, that the English adopt 60 F. and the French 32 F., as the standard temperatures in these matters, and allowing for the expansion of mercury between these points, 29-922 inches become 30-006. Hence the true equivalent volume on the continental standard for 100 cubic inches of gas at 30-000 inch, 60 F., is 100 = 99-98 cubic inches, the differ- 30-006 ence being so trifling that it may almost always be neglected. DETERMINATION OF ALTITUDES. Since the barometer measures the weight of the superincumbent air, the higher we rise in the atmosphere the lower the barometer must stand. At the surface of the earth, the barometer changes nearly -001 inch for every foot in the change of altitude ; but more exactly, the change of elevation correspond- ing to '001 inch of the barometer, is : At temperature of 30 0'865 foot ,,40 0-883 50 . . . . . 0-900 60 . . . . . 0-918 ,,70 0-936 ,,80 0-954 The difference of level ( = x feet) of two barometers may be calculated by the follow- ing formula : x = 60345-7 x \ 1 + 0-002837 cos 2 lat. j x jl T H BAROMETER BARYTIC FLUORSPAR. 517 In which B and b are the simultaneous corrected heights of the barometers at the higher and lower stations, and 2\ t the numbers of degrees Fahr. above 32, at which, the thermometers stand. (Biot, Trait6 de Physique, i. 100.) If the height does not much exceed 3000 feet, the following more simple formula may be used : xi^**{i+ r " In meteorological observations, it is necessary to know the height of the barometer above the mean sea level, and to reduce the average results to that level accordingly, in order that they may be comparable with observations made at other places, and reduced in a similar manner. METEOROLOGY. The chief use of the barometer is of course in meteorology, since changes of pressure in the atmosphere are the immediate cause of all winds. These changes are extremely complicated and interesting : for besides the irregular fluctua- tions, and extraordinary disturbances during storms, there is an average change, ac- cording to the season, and a semidiurnal oscillation, probably due to a kind of atmospheric tide, caused by the expansion of the atmosphere, where it is heated by the sun's rays (Phil. Mag. [4] xvii. 313). In keeping a register of the barometer, it should be observed every day at 9 A. M., the time of the daily maximum, and at 3 p. M., the time of daily minimum, or else at noon, when the pressure is near the mean. The nightly maximum is about 9 P.M., the nightly mininum about 4 A.M. Almost every climate, however, is characterised by special laws of barometric fluctuation. ANEROID BAROMETER, (a, priv. vypos, liquid). The essential part of this beautiful instrument is a small round metal box, exhausted of air, and with a thin circularly fluted lid, which the weight of the atmosphere more or less tends to press in. A complicated system of levers, causes an index, revolving over a dial, to mark the slightest movements of this metal lid. (Vidi, Compt. rend. xxiv. 275; Belville's Manual of the Mercurial and Aneroid Barometers.) BOURDON'S METALLIC BAROMETER also consists of a vacuous metal box, but it is in the form of a flat tube bent almost into a circle. The two ends of the tube approach or recede as the atmospheric pressure increases or diminishes. These metallic barometers are very sensitive and excellent as weather glasses, and they should be carried at sea or on exploring expeditions as a last resource in case the mercurial barometers, as often happens, become disordered. But they afford no inde- pendent measure of pressure, and are so much affected by variations of temperature as to be unsuitable for scientific use. The writer, however, has used an aneroid baro- meter with some success, and obtained an approximate correction for temperature by simply warming the instrument on various occasions, and noting the average change of reading (= -0065 inch per degree F.) thus caused. An adjusting screw will be found at the back of the aneroid barometer, by which its reading may be made to agree at some one point and temperature with that of a mercurial barometer. For a description of Macworth's " Underground barometer," see Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 255.) W. S. J. BARRAS. The resinous incrustation in the wounds made in fir-trees. BARSOWITE. A silicate of calcium and aluminium found near the river Bar- sowka in the Ural, in compact white masses or fine-grained aggregations, having a distinct cleavage in one direction. The granular variety has a faint mother-of-pearl lustre : the compact variety is dull and translucent on the edges. Sp. gr. 2740 to 2752. Hardness 5'5 to 6'0. Before the blowpipe, it melts with difficulty to a tume- fied glass on the edges : with borax, slowly and quietly to a transparent colourless glass ; likewise with phosphorus-salt, with separation of silica, the glass becoming opalescent on cooling if the proportion of the mineral is considerable. With an equal weight of carbonate of sodium, it melts to a tumefied glass, which with a larger quantity of soda, becomes snow-white and infusible. With solution of cobalt, it becomes blue on ignition. The powder is easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, forming a thick jelly. According to Varrentrapp's analysis, it contains 3(2Ca 2 O.Si0 3 ). (4Al'0 3 .3Si0 2 ) a small quantitiy of the lime being replaced by magnesia. (Handw d. Chem. 2" Aufl. ii. 679.) BARWOOD or C AIV1WOOD. A red dye-wood, the colouring matter of which appears to be identical with santolin (Preisser und Girardin, Ann. Ch. Phara. lii. 376.) See also Urcs Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i, 255.) BARYTA. See BARIUM, OXIDES OF. BARYTES, BARYTXNE, or BAROSEZ.ENTTE. See HuAVY SPAB. BARYTIC FLUORSPAR. A mixture of about equal parts of sulphate of barium L L 3 518 BARYTO-CALCITE BASALT. and fluorspar, occurring on the slaty limestone of Derbyshire, where it forms a bed about an inch thick. BAHYTO-CALCITE, BaCaCO 9 or BaO.CO* + CaO.CO 1 *; a mineral found in Cumberland, of a slightly yellowish-brown tinge, translucent, with a waxy lustre, and sp. gr. 3-66. It contains cavities which are lined with crystals having the form of oblique rhombic prisms. The external surface is coated with sulphate of barium. (Brooke. Ann. Phil. N.S. viii. 114.) The name baryto-calcite was also given by Thomson to a laminated mineral con- taining 71-9 p. c. sulphate of barium and 2S'l sulphate of calcium, found between Leeds and Harrogate in Yorkshire; also by Johnston to Alstonite, which is of the same composition but different crystalline form. BARYTO-CCEItESTICT. This name is given to two minerals, both consisting of sulphate of barium and sulphate of strontium (coelestin), one occurring near Kings- town in Canada, the other in the Binnenthal in Switzerland. The Swiss mineral forms orthorhombic crystals, containing, according to Waltershausen (Pogg. Ann. xciv. 134), 87'S p.c. sulphate of barium and 9'1 sulphate of strontium. The Canadian mine- ral occurs in crystalline masses, containing, according to Thomson, Ba'^Sr'.SSO 4 . Allied to this is a mineral from the chalk marl of Moen, containing 40 p.c. Sr 2 S0 4 , 28-3 Ba 2 S0 4 , 15'5 Ca 2 S0 4 , 13-5 Ca 2 C0 3 , and 2'5 water. BARYTOPHYXiXiXTE. Syn. with CKLOKITOIDE. B ASAXiT. A rock of volcanic origin, occurring in amorphous masses, columnar, amygdaloida], and vesicular. Its colours are greyish-black, ash-grey, and raven-black. Massive, with dull lustre and granular structure. Fracture uneven or conchoidal. Concretions columnar, globular, or tabular. It is opaque, yields to the knife, but is not easily frangible. Streak light ash-grey. Sp. gr. 3. Melts into a black glass and recovers its granular structure by slow cooling. It is found in beds and veins in granite and mica slate, the old red sandstone, and coal formations. It is distri- buted over the whole world, and is met with in great variety in Scotland. The most remarkable variety of basalt is the columnar, which forms immense masses, composed of columns thirty, forty, or more feet in height, and of enormous thickness ; those at Fairhead are two hundred and fifty feet high. These constitute some of the most astonishing scenes in nature, for the immensity and regularity of their parts. The coast of Antrim in Ireland, for the space of three miles in length, exhibits a very magnificent variety of columnar cliffs ; and the Giant's Causeway consists of a point of that coast formed of similar columns, and projecting into the sea upon a descent for several hundred feet. These columns are, for the most part, hexagonal, and fit very accurately together; but most frequently do not adhere together, though water cannot penetrate between them. Another very remarkable formation of columnar basalt is the island of Staffa on the west coast of Scotland. The most extensive mass of basalt yet observed is that discovered by Colonel Sykes in the Deccan, where it occupies a surface of many thousand square miles. Basalt is not a mineral of definite constitution, but a mixture of several minerals, generally of labradorite, augite, olivine, magnetic iron ore, and a zeolite. These minerals may however be replaced by others, namely labradorite by other varieties of felspar, and augite by amphibole : the zeolitic portion also varies greatly in compo- sition. Some of the constituents of basalt viz. the olivine, the magnetic iron ore and the zeolite are decomposible by hydrochloric or sulphuric acid ; the rest for the most part resist the action of acids ; but the analytical results obtained by this mode of treatment are not very definite, inasmuch as the action of the acid varies with its strength, with the state of aggregation of the basalt, and with the nature of the individual minerals of which it is composed. The constituents of basalt, are silica (about 50 per cent.) alumina, protoxide of iron, lime, magnesia, potash, soda and water, the proportions of which differ considerably in the several varieties of basalt, as shown by the numerous analyses which have been made of it. Basalt when calcined and pulverised, is said to be a good substitute for pozzolana in the composition of mortar, giving it the property of hardening under water. Wine bottles have likewise been manufactured with it, but there appears to be some nicety required in the management to ensure success. A mixture of 1 pt. basalt, 2 pts. broken ^glass, 2 soda, 1 wood-ash, and ^ peroxide of manganese, has also been used for similar purposes. BASAXiTIC HORNBXiERTDE usually occurs in opaque six-sided crystals, which sometimes act on the magnetic needle. It is imbedded in basalt or grauwacke. Colour velvet-black. Lustre vitreous. Scratches glass. Melts with difficulty to a black glass. Contains 47 per cent, silica, 26 alumina, 8 lime, 2 magnesia, 15 iron, and 0-5 BASANITE BASTITE. 519 water. It is found in the basalt of Arthur's Seat, in that of Fifeshire, and in the Isles of Mull, Canna, Eigg, and Skye ; also in the basaltic and floetz traps of England, Ireland, Saxony, Bohemia, Silesia, Bavaria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, and France. U. BASANZTE. See JASPEE. BASANOMEI.AOTE. See ILMENITE. 33 ASE. This term is the correlative of Aero, and denotes the electropositive consti- tuent of a salt. Its signification varies, however, to a certain extent, according to the view which is taken of the constitution of salts. In the dualistic system, which re- gards salts as formed by the union of two binary compounds of the first order, e.g. sulphate of copper = Cu 2 O.S0 3 ; sulpharsenate of potassium = 3K'-S.As 2 S 5 : hydro- chlorate of ammonia = NH 3 .HC1 ; nitrate of ethylamine = NH 2 (C 2 H 5 ).HN0 3 , &c. ; the base is the electropositive oxide, sulphide, selenide, or alkaloid, which unites with the electronegative oxide, sulphide, &c., or hydracid ; but in the unitary system, in which the salts of any acid are regarded as formed on the same type as the acid (or hydrogen-salt) itself, the base must be understood as the metal or other electropositive radicle by which the hydrogen of the acid is replaced : thus in the salts above-men- tioned, regarded as Cu 2 SO l , K 3 AsS 4 , NH 4 C1, NH 3 (C 2 H 5 ).N0 3 , the bases are the radicles Cu, K, NH 1 , NH 3 (C 2 H 5 ). (See ALKALIS, ALKALOIDS, AMINES, AMMONIUM-BASES, OXIDES, EADICLES.) EASICERINE. See HYDROCEBITE. B ASXCXT1T. The power of an acid to unite with one or more atoms of base. See ACIDS, p. 46. BASIXiICUIVX, OXXi OP. The leaves of the Ocymum basilicum, a plant belong- ing to the labiate order, yield by distillation with water, an essential oil, which after a while deposits prismatic crystals, having the character and composition of hydrate of turpentine, C 10 H^O :J = C 10 II 16 .3H 2 (Dumas and Peligot). The oil itself has not been examined. BASSZA XiATXFGXiXA. The seeds of this plant, which grows on the Hima- layas, yield by pressure a yellowish oil, which gradually becomes colourless on expo- sure to light, has a faint odour, a density of 0'958, and a buttery consistence at ordinary temperatures ; melts at 27 to 30 C. ; dissolves sparingly in anhydrous alcohol, scarcely at all in spirit of ordinary strength, readily in ether. By saponifica- tion it yields, besides oleic acid and glycerin, two fatty acids, one which has not been obtained pure, but appears to have the composition C 15 H 30 8 ; the other, originally supposed to be a peculiar acid, and called bassic acid, is identical in composition and properties with stearic acid, C 18 H 36 2 . (Hardwicke, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ii. 231.) BASSORXRT. The principal constituent of Gummi bassorce, Cr. Toritonense, or Cr. Kutera, a gum obtained from various species of acacia. This gum contains only about 5'6 per cent, of matter soluble in water (arabin), while the larger proportion, which is the bassorin, merely swells up in water. (See GUM.) BASTARD CIiOVER. Trifolium hybridum. 100 pts. of the fresh flowering plant yield 2*44 pts. of ash ; 100 pts. of the dry plant 8'1 pts. of ash. The ash con- tains in 100 pts. 19-9 potash, 57 soda, 18'4 lime, 3-1 magnesia, 5'6 alumina (?), 3'9 sesquioxide of iron, 1-8 protoxide of manganese (?), 35 - l silica, T4 sulphuric anhydride, 4*5 phosphoric anhydride, 0'6 chlorine. (Sprengel, J. pr. Chem. x. 56.) BASTITE. A mineral found at Basti in the Harz, and forming imperfectly defined individual crystals intergrown with serpentine. It cleaves very easily in one direction, less easily in another, making an angle of 87 with the first ; there are also two imperfect cleavage-planes in the direction of the longitudinal and lateral faces. Fracture, uneven and splintery. Colour, leek to olive green, passing into yellow and brown. It has a metallic, glittering, nacreous lustre on the cleavage-faces ; translucent on the edges. Specific gravity 2 -6 to 2'8. Hardness 3-5 to 4'0. Gives off water when heated, and before the blowpipe becomes pinchbeck-brown and magnetic ; it then splinters, melting to a brown glass on the edges. With borax and phosphorus-salt, it gives the reactions of iron and chromium, and with the latter a skeleton of silica. It is imperfectly decomposed by hydrochloric, completely by sulphuric acid. Its composition is nearly represented by the formula 4Mg 2 H'O s . 3(Mg 4 or Fe 4 )Si 3 8 which, if the hydrogen be regarded as basic, may be reduced to the general form M 3B Si 9 3fi , that is to say to the formula of an orthosilicate M 4 Si0 4 . Hermann regards the mineral as crystallised serpentine somewhat altered in composition by ad- mixture of foreign minerals ; but its form indicates rather a relation to the augite family. (Handw. d. Chem. i. 756.) BASYXf. Graham's name for the metal or other electropositive constituent of a Bait (Elements of Chemistry, 2nd ed. i. 186). L L 4 520 BATATAS BATH. BATATAS EDUXXS. Sometimes called Convolvulus batatas or Spanish potato, a plant said to be indigenous in India, but extensively cultivated in America, and sometimes also in the south of Europe. The tubers resemble those of the potato, but have a sweeter taste. According to T. J. Herapath (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 194), they contain, in the fresh state, 66'7 per cent, water and other volatile matter, 31'8 vegetable matter, and I'd inorganic matter. The ash contains in 100 pts. : (a.) Soluble in water. 87 CO 2 , 7'1 SO 3 , 0-9 P 2 5 , 29'3 K 2 0, 12'4 KC1, and 11-4 NaCL (6.) Insoluble. 6-2 CO 2 , 7'1 P 8 5 , 12-0 Ca 2 0, 1-4 Mg 2 0, 1-3 Fe 4 3 , 2-1 SiO 2 , with traces of sulphuric acid and alumina. According to Henry (J. Pharm. xi. 223) the tubers contain in 100 pts. 13'3 starch, 0'9 albumin, 3'3 sugar, 1*1 fat insoluble in ether, 6'8 woody fibre, 1'4 malic acid, acid phosphates, chloride of potassium, &c., and 73'1 water, also 0-05 of a volatile poisonous matter. BATH. The heat communicated from lamps and fires is subject to variation from many circumstances ; and this variation not only influences the results of operations, but often endangers the vessels, especially if they are made of glass. To obviate these sudden changes of temperature, and at the same time to afford means of observing and regulating the degree of heat imparted, the vessel containing the substance operated upon is immersed in another containing water, oil, fusible metal, air, or other medium, which receives the heat directly from the source. The sand-bath and water-batli are most commonly used, the latter for maintaining a substance for any length of time at the constant temperature of 100 C., the former for higher temperatures, particularly when the exact observation of the temperature is not an object. In using the water- bath, the vessel to be heated may, according to convenience, be either immersed in the water or so placed above the vessel that its lower surface may be in contact with the steam. A ready method of constructing a water-bath for small operations is to place the basin containing the substance to be heated on the top of another of equal size, containing water and supported over a gas lamp. The temperature of the water-bath may be raised above 100 C., by dissolving certain salts in the water. A saturated solution of common salt boils at a temperature of 7'5 C. or 13 3 F., above the boiling point of water ; and by using a solution of chloride of calcium, a bath of any temperature between 100 and 125 C. or 212 and 252 F. may be conveniently obtained. Liquid baths of higher temperature are obtained by the use of linseed oil or fusible metal heated in cast-iron pots. The oil-bath may be used for temperatures up to about 300 C., but it is dirty, and exhales an extremely unpleasant odour when strongly heated. Fusible metal is much cleaner and more pleasant to use, but its weight is an incon- Fiff. 94. Fig. 95. venience where a large bath is required. A thermometer immersed in the liquid, as near the middle as possible, serves to indicate the temperature. The oil-bath is much used in the determination of vapour-densities by Dumas's method, also for heating Tolatile substances or mixtures in sealed tubes, so as to subject them to a higher tern- BATH. 521 perature than that to which they could be exposed under the ordinary atmospheric pressure. The danger of explosion attending this operation may be obviated by enclosing the sealed glass tube in a strong tube of wrought iron, haying a massive screw cap. The air-bath is very convenient for many purposes, especially for desiccation. An air-bath may be extemporaneously constructed by placing an empty basin over a lamp, and another basin containing the substance to be dried on the top of it. The upper vessel is then heated by the air in the intervening space. A more convenient apparatus, which also serves to indicate the temperature, consists of a cylindrical copper vessel A, fig. 94, the cover of which is movable and has two apertures, the middle serving for the escape of vapour and the lateral one for the insertion of the thermometer. The vessel to be heated rests on a ring within the box, supported by a tripod. A larger air-bath serving to heat several small vessels at once is represented in fig. 95. Air- baths are sometimes surrounded with a jacket to hold water or oil. When water is used, the temperature of course cannot exceed 100 C. "When oil is used, the tempera- ture is indicated by a thermometer having its bulb immersed in the liquid. High-pressure baths. The danger of explosion in heating volatile liquids in sealed tubes is greatly diminished, when the tubes are at the same time subjected to a pres- sure from without. This may be effected by enclosing the tube containing the volatile liquid in a wider glass tube containing a less volatile liquid, and likewise sealed ; the whole is then heated in an oil- or air-bath. In this manner, alcohol or ether may be heated to 360 C., the outer tube containing oil of turpentine (Berthelot). Greater security is obtained by enclosing the glass tube in a wrought, iron tube, with a screw-cap, or by the use of a Papin's digester, or better, by the following apparatus invented by Frankland (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcv. 30). A A (fig. 96) is an iron cylinder 18| inches long, 3 inches internal diameter, inch thick in the side, and welded in one piece by the steam hammer. This cylinder 522 BATH-METAL BAULITE. has a flanch, B B, 1| inch broad, f inch thick, turned true on the upper surface, and having an internal annulus* sunk ^th of an inch below the level of the surrounding sur- face. The cap C C, which is of the same diameter and thickness as the flanch, has a projecting face | inch deep which fits exactly into the mouth of the cylinder. Within this projection the cap is pierced with two apertures, into one of which is fitted a cast-iron tube d, 6 inches long and | inch in external diameter, filled with mercury and destined to receive a thermometer. The other aperture is bouched with brass, and serves as the bed of the safety-valve, which consists of brass wire | inch thick, somewhat flattened on two sides, and furnished with a head accurately ground to the surface of the cap. The valve is loaded in the usual way with a lever / and weight g. The cap and flanch are fastened together by four screw-bolts, which are inserted from below and tightened by a lever-key, and the pressure thus exerted acts upon a lead washer | inch thick, placed in the annular depression of the flanch. In this manner the apparatus may be made capable of bearing a pressure of 100 atmospheres without allowing any escape of gas. The cylinder A is about two-thirds filled with water, and the glass tube con- taining the volatile liquid is enclosed in it. In this manner, tubes of considerable width may be heated without danger of explosion. The apparatus is heated in a gas-furnace (fig. 97). A A A A is a massive frame of wrought-iron, within which is fixed a cylinder B B, cf tin plate, closed at bottom and open at top to receive the apparatus above described, c is a regulator for the admis- sion of air. The gas-burner is a copper tube e, | inch wide and pierced with 18 or 20 apertures. To prevent loss of heat by radiation, the whole apparatus is enclosed in a cylinder B' B', of polished tin plate, separated from the inner cylinder by a space about | an inch wide. The products of combustion escape by the apertures D D. BATH-METAL An alloy of copper and zinc containing a larger proportion of zinc than ordinary brass, and usually prepared by melting brass with zinc. B ATRAC KITE. A mineral found on the Eizomberg in the Tyrol, generally massive, with a granular structure, rarely crystalline. It contains according to C. E a mm els- berg (Pogg. Ann. li. 466), 37'69 silica, 35-45 lime, 2179 magnesia, 2*99 protoxide of iron, and T27 water. Colour varying from light greenish-grey, like that of a frog ), to white ; translucent with waxy l lustre. Specific gravity 3'0 to 3-1. Hardness = 5'0. Melts before the bio wpipe, assuming a pale red colour with solution of cobalt ; is but slightly attacked by acids. The water appears to be xinessential, and the composition of the mineral approaches to that of Monticellite. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. 757.) BATRACHOXiEXC ACID. An acid said to be contained, together with stearic acid, glycerin, and a peculiar yellow fat, in the oil obtained by pressure from the epiploon of the water salamander. (Eossignon, Compt. rend. xiii. 929.) BATTDXSSERXTE. A dense variety of magnesite containing silica, found near Baudissero in Piedmont. As the amount of water contained in it is very variable, F. v. Kobell and Neumann regard it as a compact hydromagnesite intimately mixed with silica. BAUZiXTE, or Krablite. A mineral found on the Krabla in Iceland, and likewise on the Baulaberg, either in short prismatic crystals belonging to the triclinic or doubly oblique prismatic system, or in crystal! o-granular masses. Cleavage in two directions at right angles to each other. Fracture uneven and conchoidal. Colourless, with glassy lustre; transparent or translucent. Specific gravity 2'5 to 27. Hardness 5-5 to 6*0. In the following table, a is the analysis of a specimen of baulite resembling pearlstone, from the Baulaberg, by Forchammer (Ann. Min. viii. 644) ; b is that of a crystallo-granular variety of baulite, ejected by the volcano of Viti in Iceland, mixed with quartz-crystals and a black needle-shaped mineral, also byForchhammer (Ber- zelius's Jahresb. xxiii. 261) : c is Grenth's analysis (J. pr. Chem. Ixvi. 93), of crystal- lised baulite from the Krabla : SiO 2 Al'O 3 Fe'O 3 Fe 2 Mn<0 3 Ca 2 Mg 2 K 2 Na 2 Cl, H 2 a. 74-38 13-78 1-94 1-19 0-85 0-58 2-63 3-57 0-12 2-08 b. 76-65 11-57 0-63 0'05 0'20 3'26 373 c. 80-23 11-34 trace 1-46 trace 4-92 2'26 These analyses agree sufficiently well with the formula (M 2 0.3Si0 2 ).(Al 4 3 .6Si0 8 ), which (if al = |A1) may be reduced to (M 2 aZ 6 )8i 9 M or 2K 4 Si0 4 .7SiO ;2 , the formula of an orthosilicate with \ at. silica ; but it is probable, as Bunsen supposes, that the mineral is intimately mixed with orthoclase, Before the blowpipe, baulite is fusible in very thin splinters ; with borax and phosphorus-salt it yields clear glasses, a skeleton of silica floating in the latter. It is insoluble hi hydrochloric acid. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. 758.) BAVALITE-BEAN. 523 SAVAIcITE. See BARALITE. BAY-SAXiT. See SODIUM, CHLORIDE OF. A gum-resin of which there are two varieties, African and Indian. African bdellium is derived, according to Perrotet, from a shrub indigenous in Sene- gambia, the Hcnddotia africana (Gruillem andPerr); Balsamadendron africanum (Arnott); Amyrks Nicattout (Adanson), belonging to the amyredaceous order. It forms irregular, translucent masses, of a yellowish, reddish, or brownish colour, accord- ing to age; unctuous to the touch, brittle, but soon softening, and growing tough between the fingers. Specific gravity 1-371. It has a bitterish taste, and a moderately strong balsamic odour, not unlike that of myrrh. It does not easily take fire, and when set on fire soon goes out : in burning it gives off a balsamic odour, and sputters a-little, owing to the presence of moisture. Alcohol dissolves about | of it, forming a golden-yellow tincture, from which water throws down a yellowish-white resin, and nitric acid a sulphur-yellow resin. Potash dissolves it completely. By dry distillation it yields ammonia, together with other products. According to Pelletier (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxx. 38), it contains 59 per cent, resin, 9'2 gum, 30'6 vegetable mucus, and 1-2 volatile oils (and loss). The resin is transparent, but becomes white and opaque by boiling with water ; melts between 58 and 60 C. According to Johnston (J. pr. Chem. xxvi. 145), it is C l H 31 5 . The gum is yellowish-grey, and when treated with nitric acid, yields malic but no mucic acid. The vegetable mucus is also yellowish-grey, swells up with water, coagulates with alcohol, and is converted by nitric acid into a thin liquid. The volatile oil is heavier than water. Indian bdellium is said to be obtained from Balsamodendron MuJcal (Hooker), also an amyredaceous tree, growing in Scinde. It forms irregular, greenish-brown, or blackish masses, having a strong odour, and sharp bitter taste like myrrh. It becomes sticky between the fingers. SEAN. Two species of bean are commonly cultivated in Europe, viz. 1. Faba vulgaris, or Vicia Faba, the common field or garden bean (Feldbohne, grosse Bohne, Saubohne), the most common garden varieties of which are the Windsor broad bean, the Toker, the long-pod, and the Mazagan, while for field cultivation, the Heligoland, or tick-bean, and the common horse-bean, are preferred as being more hardy. 2. Phaseolus vulgaris, the French, haricot, or kidney-bean, innumerable varieties of which are cultivated, some dwarf, others climbing. The scarlet-runner, Phaseolus multiflorus is closely allied to this species. The seeds of these several species and varieties differ but little in chemical com- position, as the following tables will show; but they are all remarkable for the large amount of nitrogenous matter (legumin) and phosphoric acid which they contain. TABLE A. Composition in 100 parts of various kinds of Bean. Legumin, &c. Sugar. Gum. Starch. Fat. Pectin substances. Woody fibre. Ash. Water. 1. Field-bean (air-dried] 24-2 44-2 1-4 12-6 3-6 14-0 2. 23-3 2-0 4-5 36-0 2-0 4-0 10-0 3-6 14-8 3 Haricot-bean 250 0-3 4-0 38-0 3-0 12-0 3-7 14-0 4. old Irish (untried) 247 4-6 3G-4 24 17-6* 1-8 12-8 5. Egyptian (undricd) 24-6 6-5 31-5 2-8 18-8 10-8 G. common white (air- 1-8 dried) 22-8 45-4 2-7 6-2 f 3-6 19'3 1. Poggiale (J. Pharm. [3] xxx. 180). The shells amounted to 15 per cent, of the weight of the entire pods, and contained neither legumin nor starch. 2. Mean of earlier analyses by Braconnot, Horsford, and Rrocker. 3. Mean of earlier analyses by Einhof, Boussingault, Horsford, and Krocker. 4, 5. Poison (Chem. Gaz. 1855, p. 211). 6. Poggiale (loc. tit.} The shells amounted to 7'5 per cent, of the weight of the entire pods, contained very little starch, 0'2 per cent, fat, 6*5 nitrogenous matter, and 5'8 ash. Ward and Eggar (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1849, p. 708), obtained from several varieties of fresh beans grown on various soils : 2-4 to 3 -6 per cent, nitrogen, 1*2 to 1-7 per cent, fat, and 11-0 to 17'0 per cent, water. Way and Ogston obtained from the same varieties of bean (Heligoland and Mazagan), grown on various soils, in 100 pts. of the fresh seeds : 8-1 to 17'0 per cent, water, and in 1000 pts. of the dried seeds of five varieties, 2-5 to 2'9 per cent, sulphur, in a sixth kind, 4'6 per cent sulphur. * Cellulose and Shells. -f Cellulose. 524 BEAN. Mayer (Ann. Ch. Phann. ci. 144), obtained from 100 pts. of air-dried Mazngan beans, 11-8 to 12'5 per cent, water, 1-13 and 1-18 phosphoric anhydride, and 4-25 to 4-3 nitrogen. In dwarf haricot beans, he found 10-1 per cent, water, T06 phosphoric anhydride, and 3'32 nitrogen ; in climbing haricot beans, 9-4 per cent, water, 0'95 phosphoric anhydride, and 3-17 nitrogen. The sugar occurring in beans is usually regarded as grape-sugar. Vohl (Ann. Ch. TABLE B. Composition (in 100 pts.) of Potash, K 2 O. Soda, Lime, Magnesia, I. SEED. Faba vulgaris. 1. Common field bean from Holland . . . 2. Alsace .... 3. Giessen . . . 4. England . . . 5 Mazagan bean (seed sown) ..... 20-8 46-3 33-9 517 367 17'8 13-0 0-5 o-i 7-3 5-3 4-9 5-2 12*1 8-9 9-0 6-3 6-9 6'0 6. raised therefrom on clay soil . . . 7. sandy soil . . . 8 Heligoland bean (seed sown) . 43-4 457 42-9 1-3 1-6 5-8 13-3 77 57 6-5 77 9. raised therefrom on clay soil . . . 10. sandy soil . . . PJiaseolus vulgaris. 43-5 407 38-9 2-4 11-3 4-8 8-2 5-9 5-6 77 9-0 51-0 6-0 11-9 13. Kurhessen .... 14 England 22-1 36-8 21-4 18'4 5-5 77 6-3 H. STBAW. 15-3 13-3 39-3 16 , 32-8 2-8 19-8 2'5 17 Mazagan bean on clay soil 187 13-9 18-9 3-1 18 sandy soil 25-6 22-4 47 19-6 18-3 4-9 20. sandy soil .... 21-1 0-2 25-6 6-9 1. Analysed by Bichon(Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl.ii. [2] 259). 2.Boussingault (iMd.} 3. ByBiichner (ibid,') 4-10 and 16-20. Way and Ogston (Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, ix. pt. 1). 11. Levi (Handw.) 12. Boussingault (ibid,) 13. Thon (ibid.) 14. Richardson (Jahresber. f. Chem. 1847, 1848, p. 1075, Tafel C). 15. Hertwig (Handw.) This contained carbonic acid, which has been deducted. The pods of Phaseolus multiftorus contain, according to T. J. Herapath (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. 4), 94'1 percent, water ; air-dried, they yielded 0'631 per cent., and, after drying at 100C., 10*7 per cent, of ash, containing: Of matter soluble in water : 14*1 carbonic anhydride; 3 '4 sulphuric anhydride ; 1-5 phosphoric anhydride; 36*1 potash; 4-9 chloride of sodium. Of matter insoluble in water: 22'2 carbonate of calcium; 3 -8 carbonate of mag- nesium; 11'9 phosphate of calcium; and 2'1 silica. BEAinvTONTITE. A mineral found in the gneiss at Jones Falls near Balti- more, in North America, in square pyramids, having terminal dihedral angles of 147 28', and the lateral edges replaced by the square prism oo P. Cleavage parallel to QO P. Yellowish-white to honey-yellow, translucent, with nacreous lustre. Specific gravity 2 - 24. Hardness 4 -5 to 5*0. According to D e 1 e s s e (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 385), it contains 64-2 silica, 14'1 alumina, 4-8 lime, 17 mag- nesia, 1'2 protoxide of iron, 0*6 soda (and loss), 13 -4 water. Alger and Dana are of opinion that the mineral thus characterised is merely stilbite, the form of which has been incorrectly determined, and the analysis made with impure material. BEAN BEBIRINE. 525 Phdrm. xcix. 125), found, in the unripe seeds, another kind of sugar, -which he at first regarded as a peculiar substance, designated by him as phaseomannite, from ita resemblance to mannite. According to later investigations, however, it appears to be identical with inosite, the saccharine substance which Scherer obtained from muscular flesh. the Ash of Bean Seed and Bean Straw. Sesqui- oxide of iron, Fe 1 Q3. Sulphuric anhydride. SO 3 . Silica, SiO*. Carbonic anhydride, CO*. Phos- >horic an- hydride, P20 S . Ch'orideof potassium, KCI. Chloride of sodium, NaCl. Ash per cent. In sub- stance un- dried. In sub- stance dried at 100" C. 1-0 1-3 2-4 38-0 2-4 1-6 0-5 i-o 357 1-5 07 0-5 40-5 trace 3-0 0-4 3-4 287 2-37 2-65 0-6 4-3 1-5 1-6 337 3-2 2-85 3-43 o-i 3-1 0-4 3-4 367 2-68 3-01 0-6 3-1 0-4 0-8 26-9 0-9 1-8 2-48 2-97 0-3 5-1 2-2 2-6 29-9 2-54 2-90 o-i 6-2 07 2-8 30-6 3-2 2-53 2-94 0-3 5-3 0-04 0-3 33-3 1-2 3-2 2-80 3-83 o-i 2-5 0-4 31-3 0-5 1-3 1-0 3-3 28-4 0-2 0-3 2-3 1-5 35-9 3-4 2-8 4-0 4-1 17-0 2-8 0-68 2-0 21 11-3 12-1 0-4 0-6 1-4 2-6 25-3 0-5 11-5 4-97 5-56 07 1-4 2-2 24-4 6-5 10-0 5-17 5-81 0-5 5-4 4-6 22-6 3-3 6-9 4-64 5-05 0-4 3-9 1-5 257 11-1 3-6 11-0 6-47 7'24 2-0 2-1 7-3 181 8-4 8-3 6-05 6-69 The name Beaumontite is also given by Jackson to a variety of siliceous malachite, or an allied mineral containing silica, water, and oxide of copper. BEBXRZC ACID. An acid contained, according to Maclagan, in the bark of the Bcbeeru or Sipeeri (Nectandra Rodiei), a tree growing in British Guiana. To ob- tain the acid, the bark is exhausted with water acidulated with acetic acid ; the alkalis, bebirine and sepirine, with which the acid is in combination, are precipitated by ammonia ; the filtered liquid is precipitated by acetate of lead ; the precipitate decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen ; the clear liquid evaporated over sulphuric acid; and the residue digested in ether, which dissolves the acid, but leaves the colouring matter. On evaporating the ethereal solution, bebiric acid remains as a white crystalline substance, having a waxy lustre. By exposure to the air, it is gra- dually reduced to a syrupy liquid. It melts a little above 200 C., and sublimes in tufts of needles. With potash and soda, it forms deliquescent salts soluble in alcohol ; sparingly soluble salts with the alkaline earths ; the lead-salt also is but sparingly soluble in alcohol. HEBEERITJE. C 19 H 21 N0 3 or C* 9 IP } N0 6 . An alkaloid dis- covered in 1834 by Dr. Kodie of Bemerara, in the bark of the bebeeru tree (vid. sup.\ Maclagan in 1843 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlviii. 106), showed that Eodie's bebirine was a mixture of two distinct alkaloids, which he denominated bebirine and sepirine. The former of these was more exactly investigated in 1845 by Maclagan and Tilley (Phil. Mag. xxvii. 186), who assigned to it the formula C^H^NO 6 . But bebirine 526 BEBIRINE -BEECH. was first obtained perfectly pure by v. PI ant a (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxvii. 333), who assigned to it the formula above given. Preparation. 1. The bark is exhausted with water containing sulphuric acid ; the extract is concentrated, filtered, and precipitated by ammonia ; and the precipitate, consisting of bebirine, sepirine, and tannin, is dried, dissolved in acidulated water, and decolorised with animal charcoal. The solution again decomposed by ammonia, yields a nearly colourless precipitate of bebirine and sepirine. As, however, the treatment with animal charcoal always occasions a certain loss of alkali, it is better to triturate the precipitate while yet moist with oxide of lead or milk of lime, dry the mixture over the water-bath, extract the two alkaloids by means of alcohol, and evaporate the alcoholic solution. To separate the two alkaloids, the product is ex- hausted with ether, which dissolves only the bebirine (Maclagan and Pilley). 2. The bebirine prepared by the process just described, is not quite pure, and does not dissolve completely in ether. It may be purified by treating it with acetic acid, adding acetate of lead to the filtrate, precipitating the mixture with caustic potash, washing the precipitate with a large quantity of cold water, and redissolving in ether. The ethereal solution, when evaporated, leaves the bebirine in the form of a clear yellow syrup, which is dissolved in a small quantity of strong alcohol, and the solution is added drop by drop to a considerable quantity of water, with constant agitation : bebirine then separates in the form of a floculent precipitate, (v. Planta.) Bebirine when dry, is a white, amorphous, odourless powder, which does not change by exposure to the air, and becomes electrical by friction. It melts at 198 C. to a vitreous mass, which decomposes at a higher temperature. By boiling with strong nitric acid, it is converted into a yellow pulverulent substance. Heated with chromic acid, it yields a black resin. It does not yield chinoline when heated with caustic potash. Bebirine is nearly insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether, especially with the aid of heat. The solution has an alkaline reaction, and a very persistent bitter taste. It dissolves readily in acetic and hydrochloric acid, forming bitter uncrystallisable salts. It is precipitated from its solutions by dilute nitric acid. Hydrochlorate of bebirine is very soluble in water ; and the solution treated with caustic alkalis or their carbonates yields bebirine in white flakes, easily soluble in ex- cess of the reagents. The chloromercurate is obtained by adding mercuric chloride to the solution of the hydrochlorate ; a small quantity of hydrochloric acid or chloride of ammonium increases the precipitate ; but an excess redissolves it. The chloroaurate is a brown-red precipitate. The chloroplatinate, C 19 H 21 N0 3 .HCl.PtCP, is an orange- yellow amorphous precipitate, insoluble in hydrochloric acid. The sulphocyanate is a white precipitate ; the pier ate yellow. Sulphate of bebirine in the impure state has been used as a remedy in intermittent fever. The bark of the bebeeru tree, which has a bitter and astringent taste, contains about 2 '5 per cent of bebirine and sepirine, together with bebiric acid and a peculiar tannin ; the seed contains the same principles, together with about 50 per cent, of starch, which impedes the extraction of the bases and acid. BECKZTE. This name has been given to a mineral from Paynton in Devonshire, which, according to Kenngott, is merely a coral hardened into a chalcedonic or horn- stone variety of quartz, intergrown with compact grey limestone. BEECH. Fagus sylvatica. Beech-wood recently felled, has a specific gravity of 0*982, and contains 40 per cent, water ; after drying in the air, it has a specific gravity of 0-590, and contains 18 to 20 per cent, water. After drying at 100 C. it contains, according to Baer (Arch. Pharm. [2] Ivi. 159), 46'1 to 48-3 per cent, carbon, 5'8 to 6-0 hydrogen, 46'6 to 45'1 oxygen, and 1*2 to 0*6 ash. According to Chevandier (Compt. rend. xxiv. 269), it contains 49'8 per cent. C, 6-0 H, 43'1 0, M N, and yields 1-06 per cent. ash. According to Sprengel (J. techn. Chem. xiii. 384), the air-dried wood yields 0-365 per cent, ash, containing 0'14 crude carbonate of potash ; and the leaves which fall in autumn yield 6 '695 per cent. ash. The following table exhibits the composition percent, of the ash of beech-wood, and of the leaves, a, g, h are by Sprengel (loc. tit.}; b, c (Witting, Pharm. Centr. 1851, 104); b, of wood grown on sandstone (buntcr Sandstciri), near Marburg; c of wood grown on the Muschelkalk, near Morschen in Kurhessen ; d, e, f (Hey er and Vonhausen, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxii. 180). The wood was grown on a basaltic hill near Giessen. A hectare of surface produced yearly 2-672 cubic metres of stem- wood (Scheitholz}; 0-965 c. m, large branch-wood (Prugelholz) ; 0769 c. m. small branch-wood (Stockholz); and 1-878 c. m. of twigs (Reisholz}; and these quantities BEECH BEER. 527 of wood extracted from the soil, in all, 51 '3 kilogrammes of ash, viz. the stem-wood 17'0 kil., the large branch-wood 9-9 kil., the small branch-wood 4-9 and the twig- wood 19*5 kil. Hence a cubic metre of the stem- wood yields 6*342 kilogrammes of ash; of large branch- wood 10*233 kil.; and of twig-wood 14-144 kil, The table shows also that, reckoning from the bottom upwards, the proportion of alkali dimi- nishes, that of the phosphoric and sulphuric acid increases ; while of silica, the twigs have more than the stem, and the thick branches least of all. Potash . Soda . Lime . Magnesia . ^ a Wood. * b ~s c Wood with Bark. Leaves. Stem. Large Branches. Twigs. d e / g h 249 1-1 274 6-6 2-2 7-4 7-1 5-2 15-1 2*6 10-9 1-2 13-5 12-0 0-05 T-4 1-0 6'3 26-2 5-6 G-7 2-1 107 6-9 0'3 43-6 5-4 0-6 trace (Hi i-i 283 7-5 0-6 3-7 13'1 3-1 39-8 10-1 0-5 0-9 04 6-2 19-6 6-0 o-i 12-5 1-7 37-8 13-4 0-3 1-0 05 5-5 17-4 96 0-8 11-8 i-8 40-2 9-0 0-6 0-fi 1-0 8- '2 16-3 10-3 0-1 07 51-7 6-1 HI 0-8 4-1 1 9 27-0 (Fe 5-1 1-0 37-7 7-9 0-4 2-4 1'3 28'5 10-5 4 8 0-3 Ferric oxide Manganic oxide Sulphuric anhydride Silica Carbonic anhydride Phosphoric . Ferric phosphate Chloride of sodium Charcoal ..... The barJc of the beech contains, together with the usual constituents of vegetable substances, about 2 per cent, of tannin, also a peculiar red substance, and another which smells like vanilla. The latter is soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water and in ether ; and by shaking up the alcoholic solution with hydrate of lead, and repeated precipitation by water, it may be obtained as an amorphous white powder, with an odour of vanilla and a bitter taste. It dissolves in acetic acid and in alkalis ; nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. (Lepage, J. Pharm. [3] xii. 181.) Dry beech-bark yields about 0'6 per cent, crude potash. According to Hertwig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlvi. 97), it yields 6'6 per cent, ash, containing in 100 pts. 3'0 soluble salts, consisting of alkaline carbonates, sulphate of potassium, and a trace of chloride of sodium, and 97 '0 pts. of insoluble salts, viz. 64'7 carbonate of calcium, 16-9 magnesia, 2*7 phosphate of calcium, 1*9 phosphates of magnesium, aluminium, and iron, and 9-0 silica. The ash of beech-nuts yields in 100 pts. 18-1 K 2 0, 7'5 Na 2 0, 19'5 Ca 2 0, 9'2 Mg 2 0, 2-5 Mn 3 2 , 16-5 P 2 5 , 0-7 NaCl. 1'5 SiO 2 , 9-1 CO 2 , and 9'4 charcoal. (Handw. d. Chern. 2* Aufl. ii. [2] 549.) BEECH-1UX7T OIL. Huile de faine. C I5 H 28 2 . Beech-nuts yield, by pressure, about 17 percent, of a clear, light-yellow, viscid oil, inodorous, having a mild taste and a density of 0-9225 at 15 C. It solidifies at 17 C., and is coloured rose-red by nitric acid. It is a non-drying oil, and yields a white soap. It is used in cooking and for illumination. Mixed with eight or ten times its bulk of water, and treated at 60 or 80 C. with chlorine gas, it is converted into a chlorinated oil containing C I5 H 26 C1 2 2 . Bromine acts on it with violence, but if the oil be cooled at the same time, the com- pound C 15 H 26 Br'-'0 2 is produced. (Lefort, Compt. rend. xxxv. 734.) is the wine of grain, and is prepared from malt, or grain, generally barley, which has been allowed to germinate. The grain is steeped for two or three days in water, until it swells, becomes somewhat tender, and tinges the water of a bright reddish-brown colour. The water being then drained away, the barley is spread about two feet thick upon a floor, where it heats spontaneously, and begins to grow by first shooting out the radicle. In this state, the germination is stopped by spreading it thinner, and turning it over for two days ; after which it is again made into a heap, and suffered to become sensibly hot, which usually happens in little more than a day. Lastly, it is conveyed to the kiln, where, by a gradual and low heat, it is rendered dry and crisp. This is malt, and its qualities differ according as it is more or less soaked, drained, germinated, dried, and baked. Malt is distinguished by its colour, as pale, amber, brown, or black malt, accord- 528 BEER. ing to the different degrees of heat to which it has been subjected. Pale malt is produced when the drying temperature does not exceed 90 to 100 F., amber- coloured malt when the heat has been raised to 120 to 125, and brown malt at 150 to 170. Black malt, commonly called patent malt, is prepared by roasting in cylinders like coffee, at a heat of 360 to 400 F. ; it is used as colouring matter in the brewery of porter. Indian corn, and probably all large grain, requires to be suffered to grow into the blade, as well as root, before it is fit to be made into malt. For this purpose, it is buried about two or three inches deep in the ground, and covered with loose earth ; and in ten or twelve days it springs up. In this state, it is taken up and washed, or fanned, to clear it from dirt ; and then dried in the kiln for use. During the process of germination, the albuminous matter of the barley or other grain is brought into the peculiar state called diastase, in which it acts as a ferment on the starch contained in the grain, converting it into dextrin and sugar, and thereby rendering it soluble. A portion of the starch is, however, always left unchanged by the germinating process, and its conversion into dextrin and sugar is completed by the kiln-drying. The benefit of this latter process is, therefore, not confined to the mere expulsion of moisture from the grain ; indeed kiln-dried malt always yields a larger quantity of saccharine extract than malt which has been left to dry in the air at ordinary temperatures. The diastase of malt is capable of converting into sugar a much larger quantity of starch than that which the grain itself contains : hence in the preparation of the ex- tract, the malt may be mixed with a certain quantity of unmalted barley or other grain. In Belgium, large quantities of beer are prepared from malt mixed with potato starch. To make beer, the malt, after being ground or cut to pieces in a mill, is placed in a tun or tub with a false bottom ; water at about 180 F. is then poured upon it ; and the whole is well stirred about by suitable machinery. This operation is called mash- ing. After the infusion has been left for a few hours to clarify or set, the clear liquor or sweet wort is transferred to a copper boiler and boiled with hops, which give it a bitter aromatic taste, and perhaps also render it less liable to spoil by keeping. When the wort has been sufficiently boiled, it is drawn from the copper into large shallow vessels, so as to cool it as rapidly as possible to the temperature of the air, and thereby avoid an irregular acid fermentation, to which it would otherwise be liable. It is then transferred to the fermenting vats, which in large breweries are of great capacity, and mixed with yeast, the product of a preceding operation. The liquid is thereby brought into a state of commotion ; the sugar is more or less converted into alcohol and carbonic acid, which escapes as gas ; and the nitrogenous matter of the extract is converted into yeast, part of which is expended in keeping up the fermenta- tion, while the rest rises to the surface. The fermentation is never suffered to run its full course, but is always stopped at a certain point, by separating the yeast and drawing off the beer into casks. A slow and almost insensible fermentation then takes place, whereby more of the sugar is converted into alcohol, and the beer is rendered stronger and less saccharine. During this last process, the beer gradually becomes clear or fine, the solid par- ticles of yeast which float about in it during the fermentation, and render it muddy, being gradually brought to the surface and discharged through the bung-holes of the casks, whence the yeast is conveyed into proper receptacles. A very effective ar- rangement for this purpose is adopted at the extensive breweries of Messrs. Bass and Allsopp at Burton-on-Trent, for a description and figure of which see Muspratfs Chemistry, vol. i. p. 276. Frequently, however, it is found necessary to assist the clarification by means of substances called finings, which lay hold of the suspended matter, and precipitate it to the bottom. Isinglass dissolved in sour beer is often used for this purpose, also gelatin, white of egg, serum of blood, Carragheen moss, and the dried stomach of the cod, called sounds. It is best, however, when the clarification takes place spontaneously, without the usa of finings ; for all these sub- stances tend to make the beer flat, and prevent it from carrying a good head. The composition of the water used in brewing has a great influence on the result. Lime in particular appears to favour the clarification, by combining with the acids of the malt-extract, and forming insoluble salts, which carry down the suspended matter. The spring- water of Burton-on-Trent (not that of the river Trent) contains 19 per cent, of sulphate of lime, only a small portion of which is precipitated on boiling. The strength and taste of beer are susceptible of endless variety, according to the quality and quantity of the malt and hops used, and the mode of conducting each stage of the process, but especially the fermentation. If the first fermentation be BEER. 529 stopped at an early stage, the beer will contain a considerable quantity of sugar and comparatively little alcohol : it will be mild, and if bottled, will acquire the property of effervescing strongly when the bottle is opened, because the carbonic acid produced by the subsequent slow fermentation, remains dissolved in the liquid, and escapes with violence as soon as the pressure is removed. If, on the other hand, the fermentation be allowed to go on in the vat or in casks, till nearly all the sugar is converted into alcohol and the carbonic acid escapes, the beer then becomes more alcoholic ; but if the process be allowed to go on too long, it loses its briskness and becomes flat and unpalatable. Strong beers are those which contain a considerable amount of alcohol ; substantial beers are those which are rich in malt-extract; the latter are also said to possess body. The malt-liquors consumed in this country are of two kinds, ALE and POUTER. Ale is prepared from the paler kinds of malt, and in its preparation, the first fermentation is checked at such a stage as to leave a considerable quantity of saccharine matter in the liquor, which, by its subsequent conversion into alcohol and carbonic acid, may keep up the briskness. The ale is mild or bitter, according to the quantity of hops added to the wort. Pale ale is prepared from the palest malt dried in the sun or by steam heat, and from the best and palest hops. An essential point in its preparation is to keep the fermenting temperature as low as possible, never allowing it to rise above 72 F. By this means, the formation of acetic acid is prevented, as also the solution of the yeast by alcohol, which always communicates an unpleasant flavour to the liquor, and the delicate flavour and aroma of the hop are preserved. Scotch ale is a sweet strong ale; it was formerly flavoured with honey, but that practice appears to be now abandoned. - Porter is a dark-coloured beer, prepared from a mixture of pale, amber, brown, and black malt. The following table (taken from Muspratt's Chemistry) exhibits the composition of the various mixtures employed : Table of Porter Grists. No. Black. Brown. Amber. Pale. Total. 1 . .9 . .0 . .0 . .91 . ,.100 2 . .6 . .34 . . 0. . .60 . .100 3 . . 2 . 30 . .10 . .58 . .100 4 . .3 . .25 . .15 . .57 . .100 5 . .4 . .24 . .24 . .48 . .100 6 . .5 . .0 . .95 . .0 . .100 Of these the preference is given to the last two ; in the others, the excess of black and brown malt introduces too much carbonaceous and useless matter, whence the porter acquires a disagreeable taste, as if liquorice were added to it. The fermentation of porter in the vats is carried on till the original gravity of the liquid is reduced to about one-third. Stout is merely a stronger kind of porter. Small beer, as its namo implies, is a weaker liquor, and is made either by adding a large quantity of water to the malt, or by mashing with a fresh quantity of water, the residuum left after ale or porter has been drawn off. The temperature at which the fermentation of beer is conducted, has a marked effect on its quality, and especially on its power of keeping without turning sour. When the fermenting temperature ranges from 65 to 90 F., as is the case with the beers of England, France, Belgium, and most parts of Germany, the beer gradually becomes sour by contact with the air, the alcohol being slowly converted into acetic acid. But Bavarian beer, which is fermented at a much lower temperature, 8 or 10 C. (46*5 to 50 F.), does not undergo this change. The difference arises from the manner in which the fermentation takes place, and is explained by Liebig as follows : Wort is proportionally richer in soluble gluten than in sugar, and when set to ferment in the ordinary way, it evolves a large quantity of yeast in the state of a thick froth, with bubbles of carbonic acid gas adhering to it, whereby it is floated to the surface of the liquid. Now the conversion of gluten into yeast is partly, at least, a process of oxidation; and when the liquor is covered with a thick scum, as just described, the gluten stil dissolved in the liquid, not having free access to the air, appears to take oxygen from the sugar and other matters contained in the liquid, the formation of the yeast thus going on at the expense of the sugar, which is consequently destroyed before the whole of the gluten is converted into yeast. From this cause, a quantity of free gluten is left in the liquid, and on subsequent exposure to the air, this gluten acts as a ferment, inducing the conversion of the alcohol into acetic acid. In the Bavarian process, on the contrary, the carbonic acid, instead of escaping in large bubbles, which.' carry the yeast to the surface, rises in minute bubbles in the same manner as from VOL. I. M M 530 BEER. an effervescing mineral water ; little or no scum forms on the surface, but the yeast, as it is produced, sinks to the bottom, and leaves the surface of the wort freely exposed to the air. The gluten is thus converted into yeast by atmospheric oxidation, and is at last wholly removed from the liquid without decomposition of the sugar. Beer thus fermented, is not liable to acidification by exposure to the air. The kind of fermentation last described, is called bottom fermentation (Unter- gahrung), and the yeast produced by it bottom yeast ( Unterhefe} ; while the ordi- nary fermentation process is called top fermentation (Obergahrung), and the yeast which it produces top yeast (Oberhefe\ These two kinds of yeast differ essentially in their properties and mode of action. The top-yeast is gluten oxidised in a state of putrefaction, and the bottom yeast is the gluten oxidised by cremacausis or slow combustion. Each of them has a tendency to induce the particular kind of fer- mentation by which it was itself produced. (See FERMENTATION.) For further details respecting the preparation and properties of beer, see the articles BEER and BREWING in the new edition of Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines ; also the article BEER in Muspratfs Chemistry, and in the Handworterbuch der Chemie, 2 te Aufl. ii. [1] 103-6 ANALYSIS OF BEER. The normal constituents of beer are alcohol, carbonic acid, and extractive matters of malt and hops ; acetic acid is also present, but its amount in good beer is very small. The amount of carbonic acid in beer is but small, not exceeding 0-1 to 0'5 per cent, even in bottled beer, and of this small quantity the greater portion escapes as soon as the beer is opened. The strength of the frothing will give a very good idea of its relative amount. An exact estimation of the carbonic acid is indeed seldom necessary ; but if desired, it may be made by boiling a known quantity of the beer in the flask-apparatus, represented in fig. 5, p. 119, (art. ALKALIMETRY.) The carbonic acid (anhydrous) then escapes as gas, while the vapours of water and alcohol given off at the same time are retained by the chloride of calcium in the drying tube. The amount of acetic acid is estimated by the usual processes of ACIDIMETRY (*) The quantity of extractive matter in beer maybe determined by evaporating 20 grammes of beer in a platinum or porcelain dish, and drying the residue in an air- bath (p. 520) at 100 115 C. till it ceases to lose weight. Before weighing, it must be cooled under a bell-jar over chloride of calcium, as it is very hygroscopic. It is seldom necessary to examine the extractive matter any further. It .consists mainly of sugar, dextrin, albuminous matter, and lupulin, the bitter principle of the hop. The amount of dextrin and sugar may be determined by moistening the dried residue with water to a thin syrup, and gradually adding strong alcohol as long as dextrin is thereby separated. The clear sugar-solution may then be decanted, and the dextrin freed from the remaining sugar by repeated solution in water and precipitation by alcohol. The solutions of dextrin and sugar may then be evaporated to dry ness, and the residues weighed. The albuminous matter may be estimated from a separate por- tion of the beer by boiling it so as to coagulate the albumin, collecting the precipitate on a tared filter, then washing, drying, and weighing it. Lastly the sum of the weights of the dextrin, sugar, and albuminous matter, deducted from the total weight of the extract gives the quantity of lupulin. The inorganic constituents of beer are estimated by evaporating to dry ness a known quantity of the beer, charring the residue, and then igniting it, as in the prepara- tion of plant-ashes (p. 419). They consist chiefly of the phosphates of calcium and magnesium. Alkaline phosphates may likewise be found, but the greater part of them is dissolved out during the maceration of the barley for malting. Common salt, which is sometimes added to beer, will of course be found in the ash. Any consider- able amount of alkaline carbonate may be attributed to alkali added to neutralise free acid in the beer. The amount of alcohol in beer is ascertained by distilling 500 to 1000 grammes (15 to 30 ounces) in a somewhat capacious retort, having its neck inclined upwards and connected with a Liebig's condenser, receiving the distillate in a tared flask, weighing it, and determining its specific gravity at 15 C. (60 F.), that of water at the same temperature being assumed = I'OOO ; or the proportion of alcohol may be found by testing the distillate with a delicate alcoholometer. The weight per cent, of alcohol is then found by means of table A, which is an amplification of part of that given under ALCOHOLOMETRY (p. 81), and thence the total amount of alcohol in the given quantity of beer may be found. Suppose, for instance, 1000 grms. of beer gave 615'38 grins, of distillate of specific BEER. 531 gravity 0*98949 at 60 F. ; then, according to the table, the distillate would contain 6-11 per cent, alcohol, and therefore the 615-38 grms. of distillate would contain 37*6 grms. alcohol. Now thess 3 7 '6 grms. of alcohol were obtained from 1000 grms. of beer ; consequently the amount of alcohol in the beer is 376 per cent. The trouble of calculation may be saved by diluting the distillate till its weight becomes equal to that of the beer employed ; the specific gravity will then at once give the percentage by weight of alcohol in the beer. If, for example, the distillate after dilution exhibited a specific gravity = 0-9932, the percentage of alcohol would be 376. If a Tralles' alcoholometer were used, it would show in the distillate, before dilution, a percentage by volume of 7'6, corresponding to 6'11 by weight. In using the alcoholometer, it is best not to dilute the distillate, unless the instrument is especially graduated for very weak liquids. If the observed specific gravity or alcoholometer-degree does not occur in the table, the weight per cent, of alcohol will be found by interpolation. TABLE A. Specific Gravity and Strength of Spirits. Volume per cent. Weight per cent. Specific Gravity. Volume per cent. Weight per cent. Specific Gravity. 1- 0-80 0-99850 4-5 3-60 0-99350 1-1 0-88 0-99835 4-6 3-68 0-99336 1-2 0-96 0-99820 4-7 376 0-99322 1-3 1-04 0-99805 4-8 3-84 0-99308 1-4 1-12 0-99790 4-9 3-92 0-99294 1-5 1-20 0-99775 5-0 4-00 0-99280 1-6 28 0-99760 5-1 4-08 0-99267 17 36 0-99745 5-2 4-16 0-99254 1-8 44 0-99730 5-3 4-24 0-99241 1-9 52 0-99715 5-4 4-32 0-99228 2-0 60 0-99700 5-5 4-40 0-99215 2-1 68 0-99686 5-6 4-48 0-99202 2-2 76 0-99672 57 4-56 0-99189 2-3 84 0-99658 5-8 4-64 0-99176 2-4 92 0-99644 5-9 472 0-99163 2-5 2-00 0-99630 6-0 4-81 0-99150- 2-6 2-08 0-99616 6-1 4-89 0-99137 27 2-16 0-99602 6-2 4-97 0-99124 2-8 2-24 0-99588 6-3 5-05 0-99111 2-9 2'32 0-99574 6-4 5-13 0-99098 3-0 2-40 0-99560 6-5 5-21 0-99085 3-1 2-48 0-99546 6-6 5-30 0-99072 3-2 2-56 0-99532 6-7 5-38 0-99059 3-3 2-64 0-99518 6-8 5-46 0-99046 3-4 272 0-99504 6-9 5-54 0-99033 3-5 2-80 0-99490 7-0 5-62 0-99020 3-6 2'88 0-99476 7-1 570 0-99008 37 2-96 0-99462 7-2 578 0-98996 3-8 3-04 0-99448 7-3 5-86 0-98984 3-9 3-12 0-99434 7-4 5-94 0-98972 4-0 3-20 0-99420 7-5 6-02 0-98960 4-1 3-28 0-99406 7-6 6-11 0-98949 4-2 3-36 0-99392 77 6-19 0-98936 4-3 3-44 0-99378 7-8 6-27 0-98924 4-4 3-52 0-99364 7-9 6-35 0-98912 8-0 6-43 0-98900 The residue in the retort may be used for determining the amount of extractive matter in the beer. For this purpose it is diluted with water, after cooling, till its weight becomes equal to that of the beer before distillation, and the amount of extrac- tive matter is then found from its specific gravity, by means of tables provided for the purpose. The following is taken from a more detailed table in the Handwortcrluch, 2 te Aufl. ii. [1] 1081. M M 2 532 BEER. TABLE B. Specific Gravity and Strength of Malt-Extract. Specific Gravity. Malt-extract in 100 pts. of liquid. Specific Gravify. Malt-extract in 100 pts. of liquid. Specific Gravity. Vlalt extract in 100 pts. of liquid. Specific Gravity. Malt-extract in 100 pts. of liquid. I'OOO o-ooo 1-018 4-500 1-036 8-925 1-054 13-238 1-001 u '250 1-019 4-750 1-037 9-170 1-055 13-476 1-002 0-500 1-020 5-000 1-038 9-413 1-056 13714 1-003 0750 1-021 5-250 1-039 9-657 1-057 13-952 1-004 1-000 1-022 5-500 1-040 9-901 1-058 14-190 1-005 1-250 1-023 5-750 1-041 10-142 1-059 14-428 1-006 1-500 1-024 6-000 1-042 10-381 1-060 14-666 1-007 1-750 1-025 6-244 1-043 10-619 1-061 14-904 1-008 2-000 1-026 6-488 1-044 10-857 1-062 15-139 1-009 2*250 1-027 6-731 1-045 11-095 1-063 15-371 1-010 2-500 1-028 6-975 1-046 11-333 1-064 15-604 1-011 2-750 1-029 7-219 1-047 11-595 1-065 15-837 1-012 3-000 1030 7-463 1-048 11-809 1-066 16-070 1-013 3-250 1-031 7-706 1-049 12-047 1-067 16-302 1-014 3-500 1-032 7-950 1-050 12-285 1-068 16-534 1-015 3750 1-033 8-195 1-051 12-523 1-069 16-767 1-016 4-000 1-034 8-438 1-052 12761 1-070 17-000 1-017 4-250 1-035 8-681 1-053 13-000 A more extended table of the specific gravity of pure syrup, which does not differ greatly from that of malt-extract, is given in lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, new edition, vol. ii. p. 610. The amount of alcohol in beer may in most cases be calculated with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, from the difference between the specific gravity of the boiled and unboiled beer, according to the following principle : The specific gravity of the unboiled beer is less than that of the boiled beer, in the same proportion as the specific gravity of spirit of wine of equal alcoholic strength is less than that of water. To determine the amount of alcohol in beer accordingly, the beer is first freed from car- bonic acid by brisk agitation in a capacious flask, assisted perhaps by very gentle warming, and its specific gravity is accurately determined. It is then boiled to drive off the alcohol, and the residue is diluted with water, till its weight becomes exactly equal to the original weight of the beer ; it is then filtered, if necessary, through a covered filter, and its specific gravity likewise determined. The amount of alcohol is then calculated, as in the following example. Suppose the specific gravity of the unboiled beer, freed from carbonic acid, to be 1-0250 ; and after boiling and dilution with water, to be increased to 1*0320. Then, according to the principle just stated, the specific gravity of pure spirit of the same alcoholic strength as the beer, will be to 1-0250 that of water as 1-0320 : 1-0250 ; that is to say, it will be 1-0320 0-9932, which, ac- cording to the table, page 531, corresponds to 3 -8 per cent. The empirical rule for finding the specific gravity of spirit of equal strength with the beer is : Divide the specific gravity of the unboiled beer by that of the boiled beer, after its original weight has been restored by dilution. It is clear that the results obtained by this method (called in Germany the Specific Seer-test], will be more exact, in proportion as the composition of the beer differs less from that of pure spirit of equal strength, in other words, the smaller the amount of of the extractive matter contained in the beer. For beers like those of Bavaria, it answers very well ; but for those which contain a larger amount of extract it cannot be relied on. For Balling's Saccharometric method (saccharimetrische Bierprobe), and Fuchs's Hallymetric method (hallymetrische Bierprobe\ which latter consists in determining the quantities of alcohol and extractive matter in beer by the quantity of common salt which it is capable of dissolving, see Handwbrterbuch der Chemie, 2 te Aufl. ii. [1] 1078; and Handbuch der technisch-chemischen Untersuchungen von P. A. Bolley, 2 te Aufl. Leipzig, 1861, s. 350. The following tables C and D, exhibit the composition of various kinds of beer. See also Jahresbericht fur Chemie, 1849, p. 708; 1850, p. 683 ; 1853, p. 758; 1855, p. 852. BEER. 533 TABLE C. Average Amount of Malt-extract and Alcohol in various Kinds of Beer. Name of Beer. Percen Malt-extract. tageof Alcohol. London Ale, for exportation .... London Ale, ordinary London Porter, for exportation London Porter, ordinary .... 75 54 76 54 5-53-5 53 43-5 85 6-54 6-25-7 68 45 56 34 4-56 2-54 44-5 3-54 3-^=4-5 1-82 Brussels Faro Biere forte de Strasbourg .... Biere blanche de Paris White Beer of Berlin TABLE D. Special Eesults of the examination of certain Seers. Name of Beer. Malt- extract. Percei Alcohol. itage of Carbonic acid.* Water. Analysed by London" Porter (Barclay and Perkins) . London Porter 6-0 6-8 5-4 69 0-16 88-44 86-3 Kaiser. Balling. 5*9 47 0-37 89-0 Ziurek. 14 5 5-9 79-6 Hoffmann. 10-9 6-3 8-5 7*6 0-15 0-17 80-45 85-93 Kaiser. Ziurek. Ale (Berlin) 3-4 5-5 0-2 90-9 Kaiser. Brussels Faro 2-9 4-9 0-2 92-0 Kaiser. 9*4 4*6 0*18 85-85 Kaiser. 9-2 4-2 0'17 86-49 Kaiser. Bavarian'Draught beer (Schenkbier] Munchen Bavarian Store-beer (Lager-bier) Munchen ? 5-8 5-0 3-8 5-1 0-14 0-15 90-26 89-75 Kaiser. Kaiser. 16 months old ... J Bavarian Store-beer, MUnchen 3-9 4-3 0-16 91-64 Kaiser. Bavarian Draught-beer, Brunswick Bavarian Beer, Waldschlosschen . 5-t 4-8 3'5 3-6 Z 91-1 91-5 Otto. Fischer. Prague Draught-beer ... Prague Town Beer (Stadt-bier) 6-9 10-9 14-0 2-4 3'9 l-6 90-7 85-2 84-7 Balling. Balling. Otto. Josty's Beer Berlin ..... 2-6 2'6 0-5 94-3 Ziurek. Werder's Brown Beer, Berlin . 3-1 23 0-3 94-2 Ziurek. White Beer, Berlin ... 57 1-9 0-6 91-8 Ziurek. Biere blanche de Louvain 3-0 4-0 _ 93-0 Le Carnbre. Petermann, Louvain ... 4-0 6-5 89-5 Le Cambre. 45-0 1-9 53-1 J Freytag and Busse. The following are examples of the percentage composition of the ash of beer, the first three analysed by Walz (Jahrb. pr. Pharm. iii. 312 ; Jahresber. f. Chem. 1855, p. 892), the rest by Dickson (PhiL Mag. xxxiii. 341; Jahresber. 1847-8, p. 1112). TABLE E. Ash of Beer. Ijmdon Beer. From Munchen. From Spejer. Scotch Ale (14 samples). Scotch Porter (2 samples). Dublin Porter (2 samples). London Porter (5 samples). Potash .... 38-35 36-58 37-68 3-229-8 18-920-9 21-432-0 4-9 31-1 Soda .... 7-68 9-03 6-59 20-9 - 3-5 33-838-8 24-0427 21-8 50-8 Lime .... 2-45 1-48 2-98 0-2 2-0 1-3 1-6 08 1-5 0-8 6-9 Magnesia . . . 3-78 5-64 4-66 0-1 5-6 0-2 1-4 0-2 1-2 0-1 IS Sulphuric acid (SO 3 ) . Chlorine 1-36 2-75 1-68 3-14 2-56 2'14 1-6 )9'2 4-318-25 2-2 6-4 7-411-4 2-810-1 6-910-1 1-6 122 6-5 14-5 Silica .... 9-87 9-96 10-29 4-619 1 13-318-6 6-919-7 8.25197 Phosphoric acid (P2Q5) 33-76 31-69 33-10 6-025-7 12'5 -18-8 7-9 20'0 9 '3 20-6 100-00 10000 100-00 * The blanks in this column indicate that the carbonic acid was not determined quantitatively in the corresponding samples. MM 3 534 BEER. Original Gravity of Seer-worts. The conversion of sugar into alcohol by fer- mentation, is attended with a diminution of density in the liquid; consequently the specific gravity of beer is always less than that of the wort before fermentation. Now by the revenue-laws of this country, the brewer is allowed a drawback upon all beer that is exported, the amount being regulated according to the original gravity of the wort. Hence it is necessary that the revenue officer be possessed of a method^ of determining the original gravity, from the observed specific gravity and composition of the beer, whereby he may check the record kept by the brewer. If the non-volatile matter of beer consisted entirely of starch-sugar (glucose), the determination of the original gravity would be a veiy easy matter : for it is found that every 1 per cent, of alcohol in beer corresponds very nearly to 2 per cent, of sugar in the wort before fermentation : hence it would merely be necessary to double the percentage of alcohol in the beer, add thereto the percentage of sugar as found by direct experiment, and the sum would be the total amount of sugar in 100 pts. of the unfermented wort ; the specific gravity would then be given by a saccharometer- table, such as Table B, p 532. For example, London porter (No. 1, of Table D), contains 6*0 per cent, of malt- extract (which we shall suppose to consist of starch-sugar), and 5 -4 per cent, alcohol, the latter corresponding approximately to 10'8 per cent, starch-sugar. Hence the total quantity of extract in the unfermented wort would be 6*0 + 10'8 = 16*8, giving a specific gravity of 1*06. But the actual problem to be solved is much less simple : for the wort contains several other substances, all differing more or less in specific gravity from starch-sugar. Hence the exact determination of original gravities can only be effected by special observations. The question has been examined by several foreign chemists, especially by Balling of Prague, in his great work on Brewing* ; in this country it has been investigated by Messrs. Dobson and Phillips, of the Department of Inland Kevenue, and more recently by Professors G-raham, Hofmann, and Eedwood, from whose " Eeport on Original Gravities," f the following observations are extracted. The substances contained in beer- wort, in addition to starch-sugar, are : 1. Dextrin, which has not been converted into sugar in the process of mashing. 2. In many in- stances, cane-sugar, the use of which is now permitted in breweries. 3. Caramel, arising either from high-dried malt, or from treacle or burnt-sugar, the use of which in the brewery of porter is also allowed by law. 4. A peculiar saccharine substance, called " extractive substance," resembling caramel, possessing decided aeid properties, and not fermentable by yeast, even after boiling with sulphuric acid.J 5. Azotised or albuminous matter, derived from the grain. 6. Alkaline and earthy salts. The albuminous matter and the inorganic salts, have but little effect on the com- parative densities of the wort before and after fermentation ; but the dextrin, cane- sugar, caramel, and " extractive matter," all give solutions of less specific gravity than a solution of starch-sugar containing the same quantity of carbon, and therefore capable of yielding an equal amount of alcohol. The differences are exhibited in the following table. TABLE F. Specific Gravities of Solutions of various SACCHARINE SUBSTANCES, and of PALE and BROWN MALT containing equal quantities of CARBON. Parts of Cane- Solution of Starch- sugar. Solution of Cane- sugar. Solution of Dextrin. Solution of Extrac- tive Sub- stance. Solution of Caramel. Solution of Pale Malt. Solution of Brown Malt. sugar correspond- ing in 1000 Parts by Weight of Solution. 1010-4 1010-1 1009-7 1008-9 1008-7 1010-0 1010-0 25 1020-8 1020-2 1019-3 1017-8 1017-3 1020-3 1020-2 50 1031-3 1030-2 1028-8 1026-5 1026-2 1030-6 1030-6 75 1042-4 1040-6 1038-3 1035-5 1034-9 1041-2 1041-2 100 1053-5 1051-0 1047-9 1044-7 1043-8 1052-1 1052-0 125 1064-9 1061-8 1057-3 1053-9 1052-8 1063-0 1062-9 150 1076-0 1072-9 1066-9 1063-0 1062-3 1074-2 1074-0 175 1087-8 1083-8 1067-6 1072-7 1071'8 1085-5 1085-5 200 1099-4 1095-2 1086-3 1082-3 1081-3 1097-2 1097-2 225 1111-4 1106-7 1095-8 1091-0 1109-0 1109-0 250 * Die Giihrungschemie wissenschaftlich begrundet und in ihrer Anwctidung avf die IVeinbercitung, Bieibrauerei, Branntwcinbrennerei, und Hefenerzeugung prahtisch dargcstellt. Von C a r 1 N . Balling. Prague, 1845. Or a shorter treatise by he same author : Die Saccharomctn'schc Bier- und Branntwein- meischprobc. Prague, 1846. See also Handworterbuch d. Chem. 2te Aufl. ii. [!'] 1079. t Chem. Sor. Q. J. v. 229. t It probably contains glycerin and succinic acid, both of which substances have been shown by Pasteur to be produced in alcoholic fermentation. BEER. 535 These numbers plainly show that if an unfermented wort contains cane-sugar and dextrin, and the gravity lost by fermentation is inferred from the quantity of alcohol contained in the beer, on the supposition that the fermentable matter consisted wholly of starch-sugar, the estimated gravity will be too high ; and on the other hand the con- version of a portion of the fermentable sugar into unfermentable extractive matter, which gives a solution of lower specific gravity for the same amount of carbon, will cause the estimate of the original gravity to come out too low; indeed, the extractive substance indicates only about five-sixths of the saccharine principle from which it is derived. To obviate these difficulties, the authors of the Eeport were led to propose,for the deter- mination of original gravities, a purely empirical method, which consisted in ferment- ing solutions of cane-sugar, starch, sugar, and malt-extract, of known original gravity, and making, at ten or twelve stages of the process, two following observations : 1. Dis- tilling a convenient quantity (4 fiuid ounces) of the fermented liquid in a retort as described at page 530, diluting the alcoholic distillate with water, to the original volume of the liquid, and taking its specific gravity ; this deducted from the specific gravity of water (= 1000) gives the spirit-indication of the beer: e.g. if the specific gravity of the alcoholic distillate after dilution is 985'95, the spirit-indication is 14'05. 2. Diluting the boiled beer after cooling, to its original volume, taking its specific gravity, and subtracting this, which is called the extract-gravity, from the known original gravity of the wort before fermentation. The difference gives the number of degrees of gravity lost, corresponding to the spirit-indication previously observed. The results of a long series of determinations of this kind on liquids of known original gravity are given in the " Eeport" in the form of tables : of these we shall quote only those which embody the general result of the inquiry, and are intended for actual use in determining the original gravity of beer- worts. Table Gr (p. 536) is to be used when the spirit- indication of the beer is found by distillation in the manner above-mentioned. The first column gives the integers of spirit-indication, the fractional parts (tenths) thereof being placed at the heads of the other columns ; the numbers in these several columns are the degrees of gravity lost corresponding to the several spirit-indications. Thus, suppose that a sample of beer distilled as above, gives a spirit-indication = 9'4, and extract-gravity = 1030'6. On the ninth line of the table, and in the column headed -4, is found the number 41-2, which is the gravity lost, and this added to the extract-gravity, gives 41 - 2 + 1030'6 = 1071 '8 for the original gravity of the wort. As the distillation of the beer in a retort, and collecting of the entire quantity of alcohol evolved, is an operation which occupies considerable time, and requires some experience in manipulation, it is often desirable to obtain the spirit-indication of the beer by an easier process. This may be done by first taking the specific gravity of the beer deprived of carbonic acid by agitation, then boiling it in a flask till all the alcohol is expelled, diluting it to its original volume, and again taking its specific gravity. The first result, the beer-gravity, deducted from the second, the extract-gravity, is the new spirit-indication : thus if the beer before boiling has a specific gravity of 10447, and after boiling of 1035'!, the spirit-indication is 9'6 degrees. By numerous experiments in which the beer was boiled in a retort, and the alcoholic distillate collected as above, it was found that the second method, the evaporation-method, gives a spirit-indication nearly equal to that resulting from the first or distillation- method, but always sensibly less ; thus the spirit-indication of a particular sample was 9-9 degrees by the first method, and 9-6 by the second. The experiments in question were made on liquids of known original gravity, and thus a series of determinations were obtained of the relation between the spirit-indication as determined by the evaporation-method, and the degrees of gravity lost. The general results of the inquiry, as applied to malt- worts, are given in the Table H, the arrangement of which is the same as that of Table Gr. The authors of the Keport likewise suggest a rational method of determining original gravities, which is interesting in a scientific point of view, though not expedi- tious enough for practical use. It is as follows : First determine the amount of alcohol in the beer by distillation. Then treat the residual liquid, which generally contains both starch-sugar and unfermentable extractive matter, with yeast, to complete the fermentation, and determine the additional quantity of alcohol thus produced, making a correction for that which is introduced by the yeast itself. Lastly, make up the remaining spiritless liquor with water to the original volume of the beer, and take its specific gravity, a correction being also made for the increase of gravity caused by the yeast. The quantity of starch-sugar corresponding to the corrected gravity of this solution of extractive matter may now be found from a table provided for the purpose ; and this, added to the amount of starch-sugar corresponding to the alcohol, gives the total quantity of starch-sugar, from which the original gravity may be found by the Baccharometer tables. M M 4 536 BEER. TABLE G-. To be used in ascertaining Original Gravities by the DISTILLATION- PEOCESS. Degrees of Spirit-indication with corresponding Degrees of Gravity lost in Malt- Worts. Degrees of Spirit- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 indication. _ 0-2 0-6 0-9 1-2 1-5 1-8 2-1 2-4 27 1 3-0 3-3 37 4-1 4-4 4-8 5-1 5-5 5-9 6-2 2 6-6 7-0 7'4 7'8 8-2 8-6 9-0 9-4 9-8 10-2 3 10-7 11:1 11-5 12-0 12-4 12-9 13-3 13-8 14-2 147' 4 15-1 15-5 16-0 16-4 16-8 17-3 177 18-2 18-6 19-1 5 19-5 199 284 20-9 21-3 21-8 22-2 227 23-1 23-6 6 24-1 24-6 25-0 25-5 26-0 26-4 26-0 27-4 27-8 28-3 7 28-8 29-2 297 30-2 307 31-2 317 32-2 327 33-2 8 337 34-3 34-8 35-4 35-9 36-5 37-0 37-5 38-0 38-6 9 39-1 397 40-2 407 41-2 417 42-2 427 43-2 437 10 44-2 447 45-1 45-6 46-0 46-5 47-0 47-5 48-0 48-5 11 49-0 49-6 50-1 50-6 51-2 517 52-2 527 533 53-8 12 54-3 54-9 55-4 55-9 56-4 56-9 57-4 57-9 58-4 589 13 59-4 60-0 60-5 61-1 61-6 62-2 627 63-3 63-8 64-3 14 64-8 65-4 65-9 66-5 67-1 67'6 68-2 687 69-3 69-9 15 76-5 TABLE H. To be used in ascertaining Original Gravities by the EVAPORATION PROCESS. Degrees of Spirit-indication with corresponding Degrees of Gravity lost in Malt- Worts. Degrees of Spirit- indication. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ 0-3 07 I'O 1-4 17 2-1 2-4 2-8 3-1 1 3-5 3-8 4-2 4-6 5*0 54 5-8 6-2 6-6 7-0 2 7-4 78 8-2 87 9-1 9-5 9-9 10-3 107 11-1 3 11-5 11-2 12-4 12-8 13-2 13-6 14-0 14-4 14-8 153 4 158 16-2 16-6 17'0 17-4 179 184 18-8 19-3 19-8 5 20-3 207 21-2 21-6 22-1 22-5 23-0 23-4 23-9 24-3 G 24-8 25-2 25-6 26-1 26-6 27-0 275 28-0 28-5 29-0 7 29-5 30-0 30-4 30-9 31-3 31-8 32-3 32-8 33-3 33-8 8 34-3 34-9 355 36-0 36-6 371 377 38-3 38-8 39-4 9 40-0 40-5 41-0 41-5 42-0 42-5 43-0 43-5 44-0 44-4 10 44-9 45-4 46-0 46-5 47-1 47-6 48-2 487 49-3 49-8 11 50-3 50-9 51-4 51-9 52-5 53-0 53-5 54-0 54-5 55-0 12 55-6 56-2 567 573 57-8 58-3 58-9 59-4 59-9 60-5 13 61-0 61-6 62-1 627 63-2 63-8 64-3 64-9 65-4 66-0 14 66-5 67-0 67'6 68-1 687 69-2 69-8 70-4 70-9 71-4 15 72-0 Adulteration of Beer. The addition of extraneous substances to beer, to give it colour and heading, or to provide cheaper substitutes for the bitter of the hop, appears to have been formerly carried to a great extent in this country. Dr. Ure says, in his "Dictionary of Chemistry" 4th edition, 1831, p. 203 : "As long ago as the reign of Queen Anne, brewers were forbid to mix sugar, honey, Guinea pepper, essentia bina, cocculus indicus, or any other unwholesome ingredient, in beer, under a certain penalty ; from which we may infer, that such at least was the practice of some ; and writers, who profess to discuss the secrets of the trade, mention most of these, and some other articles, as essentially necessary. The essentia bina is sugar boiled down to a dark colour, and empyreumatic flavour. Broom tops, wormwood, and other bitter plants, wore formerly used to render beer fit for keeping, before hops were introduced into this country, but are now prohibited to be used in beer made for sale." BEER BELLADONNA. 537 " By the present law of this country, nothing is allowed to enter into the com- position of beer, except malt and hops. Quassia and wormwood are often fraudulently introduced; both of which are easily discoverable by their nauseous bitter taste. They form a beer which does not preserve so well as hop beer. Sulphate of iron, alum, and spit, are often added by the publicans, under the name of beer-heading, to impart a frothing property to beer, when it is poured out of one vessel into another. Molasses and extract of gentian root are added with the same view. Capsicum, grains of paradise, ginger root, coriander seed, and orange peel, are also employed to give pungency and flavour to weak or bad beer. The following is a list of some of the unlawful substances seized at different breweries, and brewers' druggists' laboratories, in London, as copied from the Minutes of a Committee of the House of Commons ; cocculus indicus multum (an extract of the cocculus), colouring, honey, hartshorn shavings, Spanish juice, orange-powder, ginger, grains of paradise, quassia, liqxiorice, caraway seeds, copperas, capsicum, mixed drugs. Sulphuric acid is frequently added to bring beer forward, or make it hard, giving to new beer instantly the taste of what is eighteen months old." This appears at first sight, a rather formidable picture of adulteration : nevertheless most of the articles enumerated are perfectly harmless, and of those which are really injurious, the use appears to have very much declined, partly perhaps in consequence of the improved taste of consumers. Formerly there was a preference for what was called good hard beer, that is to say beer in which nearly all the sugar and mucilage had been converted into alcohol by fermentation : hence the use of sulphuric acid, as above stated, to simulate the taste of beer thus advanced in fermentation. With regard to burnt sugar or treacle, which is added to porter to give colour and body, its use is now legalised, and therefore it can no longer be regarded as an adulteration. Picric acid and cocculus indicus are sometimes added to give bitterness to beer, especially to bitter ale. The latter of these substances is especially objectionable, as it contains a very poisonous substance, viz. picrotoxin. Picric acid may be detected according to Lassaigne, by treating the liquid, evaporated to half or a quarter of its bulk, with subacetate of lead, or shaking it up with powdered animal charcoal. Pure beer is thereby almost wholly decolorised ; but if picric acid is present^ the filtered liquid retains a lemon-yellow colour. This reaction is very delicate, sufficing to detect 1 part of picric acid in 12,000 to 18,000 parts of beer. Subacetate of lead likewise precipitates the bitter principle of the hop, and thereby deprives pure beer of its bitterness ; but beer containing picric acid remains bitter after being thus treated. According to Pohl (Wien. Akad. Ber. xii. 88), a still more delicate test for picric acid is obtained by immersing unbleached sheep's wool, or any fabric made there- with, in the beer, boiling for six or ten minutes, and then washing the wool. If the beer is pure, the wool remains white, but if picric acid is present, even to the amount of only 1 pt. in 125,000, the wool then appears of a canary-yellow colour, pale or dull according to the quantity. Picrotoxin may be detected, according to T. J. Herapath, by mixing the beer with excess of acetate of lead ; removing the lead from the filtrate by sulphuretted hydrogen ; filtering again, boiling for a few minutes ; then slowly evaporating the solution till it becomes thickish ; shaking it up with pure animal charcoal ; collecting the charcoal, which contains the picrotoxin, on a filter; washing it with the smallest possible quantity of water; then drying it at 100 C.; boiling it with alcohol; concentrating the alcoholic filtrate ; and leaving it to evaporate. The picrotoxin then separates in well defined quadrilateral prisms; or if the solution be rapidly concentrated, in beautiful feathery tufts. (For figures of these crystals, see Muspratfs Chemistry, i. 283.) Inorganic substances added to beer will be found in the ash. Chalk is sometimes added to sour beer to neutralise the acid ; in that case, the ash will contain more lime than the normal quantity. If copperas has been added to promote the heading, the liquid will give the reaction of sulphuric acid with chloride of barium, and the ash will contain an abnormal quantity of oxide of iron. BEGUIN'S VOXiATlIiE SPIRIT, Spiritus sidphuris Beguini, consists essen- tially of sulphide of ammonium with excess of sulphur. BEIiliADONCTA, OIXi OP. An oil expressed in Wurtemberg from the seed of deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), and used for illumination and for culinary pur- poses. It is limpid, of golden-yellow colour, of insipid taste, and without odour. Sp. gr. 0-9250 at 5 C. It thickens at - 16 C. and solidifies at - 25. The vapours which it exhales during the _ process of extraction, intoxicate the workmen. The narcotic principle, of the plant is retained in the marc, which cannot therefore be used as food for cattle. (Gerh. ii. 881.) 538 BELL ADONNINE BENZAMIDE. B2SXiXf ADOXXCTXRTZ!. Ail alkaloid said to exist in Atropa belladonna. BEX.Z.-METAXI ORE. See TIN PYRITES. BEXiXHOHTTXir. A fatty substance prepared from Burmese naphtha. BEXiONTTXi. KobelTs name for NEEDLE-ORE. BEXQ*, OXIi OP. The oil expressed from the fruits of Moringa Ntix Behen, )esf. ; Guilandina moringa Linn. ; or Moringa old/era Lam. It is colourless or slightly yellow, of specific gravity 0*912, thick at 15 C., solid in winter. It is odourless, and has a mild taste, is neutral to test-paper, and does not readily become rancid. It is used in perfumery to extract the odorous principle of fragrant plants. In India it is used as an embrocation for rheumatism. According to Volcker (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiv. 342), it is saponified perfectly by potash, 400 grammes yielding about 18 grammes of a mixture of solid fatty acids, together with oleic acid. The solid fatty acids are : 1. An acid soluble in strong alcohol, insoluble in ordinary alcohol, melting at 83 C. and containing 81*6 per cent, carbon and 13'8 hydrogen, numbers which approximate to the formula C 45 H 90 2 ; but the quantity obtained was too small for complete investigation. 2. Ordinary margaric acid. 3. An acid resembling stearic acid, and called by Volcker, benic acid. Another kind of oil of ben, said to be obtained from the seeds of Moringa aptera, yields by saponification four fixed fatty acids, viz. stearic acid, margaric acid, and two peculiar acids, benic acid and moringic acid. (Walter, Compt. rend. xxii. 1143.) BEMTC ACID. This name has been applied to two different fatty acids, men- tioned in the last article, both obtained from oil of ben, the one by Volcker, the other by Walter. For distinction, Volcker's acid, which has the higher melting point, may be called benostcaric acid, and Walter's benomargaric acid. BENOMARGARIC Aero, C I5 H 30 2 , crystallises from its alcoholic solution in very bulky nodules, melting at 52 Or 53 C. Benomargarate of ethyl is very soluble in alcohol, and separates from the solution in a crystalline mass. It melts at a very low temperature, even at the heat of the hand. (Walter.) BENOSTEARIC ACID, C 2I H 42 2 according to Volcker, C 22 H 44 8 according to Strecker (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiv. 346). The latter formula agrees with Volcker's analysis better than the former. It is a white crystalline fat, melting at 76 C. and solidifying at 70 C. to a shining white crystalline mass, composed of needles, which may be rubbed to powder; it is soluble in alcohol, and bears a strong resemblance to stearic acid. Benostearate of sodium, C 22 H 4S Na0 2 , is obtained by saponifying the acid with car- bonate of sodium, and dissolving the dried soap in absolute alcohol. The alcoholic solution solidifies after a while to a gelatinous pulp, which is resolved into crystalline grains by drenching it with a large quantity of alcohol. The barium-salt, C 22 H 43 Ba0 2 , is precipitated on mixing an alcoholic solution of the sodium-salt with chloride of barium. The lead-suit, C 22 H 43 Ba0 2 , is a white precipitate obtained by mixing the soda soap with acetate of lead. Benostearate of ethyl, C 22 H 43 2 .C'H 5 , is obtained by passing hydrochloric acid gas through a solution of the acid in absolute alcohol. It is a crystalline mass, melting at 48 or 49 C. (Volcker.) BENZAXiDIB-E. Syn. with hydride of benzoyl. See BENZOYL, HYDRIDE OF. BENZAMXC ACID. Syn. with OXYBENZAMIC Aero (q. v.) BEUZABIIDE. C 7 H 7 NO = N.C 7 H 5 O.H 2 . Nitride of Benzoyl and Hydrogen. Liebig and Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 268; Fehling, ibid, xxviii. 48 ; Schwarz, ibid. Ixxv. 195; Laurent, Kev. Sclent, xvi. 391; Grerhardt, Traite, iii. Ixxv. This body may bo obtained in various ways. 1. By the action of ammonia on bro- mide, chloride, or cyanide of benzoyl. Chloride of benzoyl, when saturated with per- fectly dry ammonia, evolves heat and solidifies into a white mass of benzamide and chloride of ammonium, which must be repeatedly broken up, lest any chloride of ben- zoyl be enclosed in it, and so escape the action of the ammonia. The sal-ammoniac is extracted with cold water, and the benzamide crystallised from boiling water. Grer- hardt prefers pounding chloride of benzoyl in a mortar, with excess of commercial car- bonate of ammonium, heating the whole gently, extracting with cold water, and crystallising the residue from alcohol or boiling water. Laurent prepares it by mixing an alcoholic solution of chloride of benzoyl with aqueous ammonia. 2. By the action of ammonia on benzoic anhydride. 3. By the action of ammonia on benzoate of ethyl. The reaction takes place slowly at the ordinary temperature, more rapidly when the ether is heated with aqueous ammonia over 100 C. in a sealed tube (Dumas). 4. By boiling hippuric acid with water and peroxide of lead (Schwarz, Fehling); or by heating it in a stream of dry hydrochloric acid. (Strecker.) BENZAMIDE. 539 When its hot aqueous solution is cooled suddenly, benzamide separates in small pearly crystals, resembling those of potassic chlorate. When it is cooled slowly, it solidifies into a mass of white shining needles, in which cavities form after a time, con- taining one or more large crystals ; the transformation extends gradually through the whole mass. The finest crystals are obtained from a solution containing a little potash or ammonia. The crystals belong to the trimetric system. Benzamide is in- odorous, almost insoluble in cold water, soluble in hot water (especially if it contains ammonia), in alcohol, and in ether. It melts at 115 C., and solidifies on cooling to a crystalline mass ; between 286 and 290 it volatilises undecomposed ; its vapour smells slightly of bitter almonds, owing to the formation of some benzonitrile, is very inflammable, and burns with a smoky flame. When vapour of benzamide is passed through a red-hot tube, it is but slightly de- composed, a small portion of a sweetish oil being formed, which, according to G-erhardt, is benzonitrile. It is decomposed at a moderate heat, when passed through a tube filled with pumice-stone, yielding hydrogen, nitrogen, carbonic oxide, and benzol (Barreswil). Benzamide is not decomposed by cold caustic potash; but on boiling, potassic benzoate is formed, and ammonia evolved. It is similarly decomposed by boiling with strong acids, the solution on cooling depositing benzoic acid, while it re- tains the ammonium-salt of the acid employed. When baryta is heated with benza- mide, it undergoes a kind of fusion, and appears to be converted into hydrate of barium ; ammonia is evolved, together with the oil which Gerhardt regards as benzo- nitrile. Benzamide, heated with potassium, yields cyanide of potassium and benzo- nitrile (cyanide of phenyl), but no ammonia. Heated with benzoic anhydride, or chloride of benzoyl, it yields benzonitrile and benzoic acid : C 7 H 7 NO + C 14 H 10 3 = 2C 7 H 6 2 + C 7 H 5 N Benz. anhyd. Benz. acid. Benzonitrile. C 7 H 7 NO + C 7 H 5 O.C1 = C 7 H 6 2 + C 7 H 5 N + HC1 Benzonitrile is also formed when benzamide is heated alone, or in a stream of dry hydrochloric acid (Handw.) ; or treated with phosphoric anhydride or pentachloride of phosphorus. Benzamide is not decomposed by boiling with water and peroxide of lead ; but if hydrochloric or sulphuric acid be added, and the whole boiled, filtered, mixed with ammonia, and exposed to the air, it turns brown, and deposits a mould- like substance. When benzamide is gently heated with fuming hydrochloric acid, it dissolves, con- bining with the acid, and forming hydrochlorate of benzamide, C 7 H 7 NO.HC1, which separates on cooling in long aggregated prisms. It is a very unstable compound ; the crystals give off hydrochloric acid when exposed to the air, and in a few days have become opaque, and lost the whole of their acid. (Dessaignes, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiv. 146.) Benzamide is a primary amide, i. e. it represents 1 at. NH 3 in which 1H is replaced by benzoyl. The remaining 2H may be wholly or partially replaced by a metal, or an organic acid or basic radicle, secondary or tertiary amides or alkalamides being formed. Those alkalamides which contain organic radicles are described under the corresponding amine ; the amides and those of the alkalamides which contain a metal will be described here. Benzomcrcuramide. C 7 H 6 HgNO = N.C 7 H 5 O.Hg.H (Dessaignes, G-erhardt, loc. cit,) Aqueous benzamide dissolves mercuric oxide abundantly, and the saturated solution solidifies to a crystalline mass, which is coloured with excess of oxide. This is treated with hot alcohol, and the solution on cooling deposits benzomercuramide in white shining laminse, which may be washed and dried at 100 C. It is readily soluble in alcohol and boiling ether. It is violently attacked by chloride of benozyl, yielding benzoic acid, benzonitrile, and chloride of mercury. Aqueous benzamide also dissolves small quantities of cupric and argentic oxides ; but the compounds have not been examined. Benzacetosulphophenamide. C 15 H 13 NS0 4 = N.C 7 H 5 O.C 2 H 3 O.C 6 H 5 S0 2 . Pro- duced by the action of chloride of acetyl on benzosulphophenylargentamide. Benzocumylsulphophcnamide, C 23 H 21 NS0 4 = N.C 7 H 5 O.C 10 H n O.C 6 H 5 S0 2 , is obtained by the action of chloride of cumyl on benzosulphophenargentamide ; it crys- tallises from ether in confused prisms. Benzosalicylimide. C H H 9 N0 2 = N.C 7 H 5 O.C 7 H 4 0" (Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcix. 250). Obtained by heating benzosalicylamic acid (benzosalicylamide) in a small retort to 270 C., until about | has volatilised, and boiling the residue with small quantities of alcohol, to remove the undecomposed acid. The pulverulent benzo- salicylimide is dissolved in a larger quantity of boiling alcohol, whence it separates on cooling in small yellowish needles. It is soluble in about 1000 pts. boiling alcohol. 510 BENZ AMIDE. Benzosulphophenamide. C 13 II"NS0 3 = N.C 7 H 5 O.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .H (Gerhardt and Chiozza, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlvi. 145). Obtained by heating equivalent quantities of chloride of benzoyl and sulphophenamide to 140 145 C., as long as hydrochloric acid is evolved. The fluid mass crystallises on cooling, and is recrystallised from boiling alcohol. Forms shining, colourless, truncated, interlaced needles, which are slightly soluble in cold water or ether, readily in alcohol. It has a strong acid reac- tion, and is readily soluble in caustic alkalis. It melts between 135 and 140 C. ; when quickly heated, it burns, gives off vapours of benzonitrile, and no longer solidifies on cooling. Its ammoniacal solution becomes syrupy when gently evaporated, and finally solidifies into a radiated mass, which Gerhardt states to be the acid ammonium- salt of bcnsosulphophcnamic acid, C 26 H 29 N 3 S 8 8 = NH 3 .(C 13 H 13 NS0 4 ) 2 . This salt is very soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether. When an acid is added to its aqueous solution, an oily substance separates, which soon changes into needles of benzosulphenamide. Benzosulphophenamide, like many -other amides, behaves like a hydrate when acted on by pentachloride of phosphorus, forming the chloride of a peculiar body, which Gerhardt calls benzosulphophenamidyl. C 13 H n NS0 3 + PCI 5 = C 13 H 10 NS0 2 .C1 + PG1 3 + HC1. Chloride of benzo* sulphophenamidyl. The reaction does not take place till heat is applied. The new compound is decom- posed by heat into benzonitrile and chloride of sulphophenyl. When it is tritu- rated with carbonate of ammonium it forms an amide, benzosulphophenamidylamide, N.C 13 H : NSO S .H 2 , which crystallises from alcohol, and is very slightly soluble in ammonia. (Gerhardt, cited in Handw. ii. [1] 884.) Benzosulphophenargentamide. C l3 H 10 AgNS0 3 =N.C 7 H 5 O.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .Ag. When nitrate of silver is added to a boiling aqueous solution of benzosulphophenamide con- taining a little ammonia, there is no precipitate ; but on cooling, this compound separates out in colourless needles. It is but slightly soluble in cold water, readily in alcohol. It is decomposed by heat, giving off sulphurous anhydride and benzonitrile, and leaving a residue of metallic silver and carbon. Its solution in strong ammonia yields on eva- poration, fine rose-coloured crystals, which contain the elements of 1 at. benzosulpho- phenamide + 1 at. ammonia. They are readily soluble in boiling water ; the solution on boiling deposits crystals of benzosulphophenargentamide ; the addition of an acid separates benzosulphophenamide. Gerhardt regards this compound as a diamide, N J .C 7 H 5 O.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .Ag.H 3 , a view which the absence of a diatomic radicle renders improbable. Benzosulphophenylsodamide. C 13 H 10 NaNS0 3 = KC 7 H 5 O.C 6 H 5 S0 2 .Na. Ben- zosulphophenamide dissolves in sodic carbonate with evolution of carbonic anhydride ; the solution is evaporated to dryness, and the residue exhausted with boiling alcohol, which deposits the compound on cooling in opaque nodules. It is soluble in water ; acids separate from it benzosulphophenamide. (Gerhardt, cited in Handw. ii. [1] 884.) Dibenzosulphophenamide. C 20 H 15 NS0 4 = N.(C 7 H 5 0) 2 .C 6 H 5 SO. (Gerhardt and Chiozza, loc. cit.) Obtained by the action of chloride of benzoyl on benzosulpho- phenargentamide. Chloride of silver is formed, together with a viscid mass, which dissolves in ether, and crystallises in large brilliant prisms. It melts at 105 C., and is slightly soluble in ammonia. It cannot be obtained by the action of chloride of benzoyl on benzosulphophenamide. Benzoyl enters into the composition of certain biamides and triamides, forming compounds, which will be described under the original diamides and triamides referred to. Substitution-products of Benzamide. Bromobenz amide is not known. Benzamide dissolves in bromine, without evo- lution of hydrobromic acid ; the solution, after some days, deposits deep-red crystals, having the composition C 7 H 7 NOBr', which may be regarded as the hydrobromate of bromobenzamide, C 7 H 6 BrNO.HBr. The crystals are decomposed slowly by water, im- mediately by ammonia, with separation of benzamide. (Laurent.) Chlorobenzamide. C 7 H 6 C1NO = N.C 7 H 4 C10.H 2 (Limpricht and Uslar, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 263). Obtained by dissolving chloride of chlorobenzoyl in strong aqueous ammonia ; the solution deposits yellow laminae of chlorobenzamide, which are purified by recrystallisation from hot water or alcohol. It is insoluble in cold water ; it fuses at 122 C., and sublimes in small quantities. The compound ob- tained by Gerhardt and Drion (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlv. 102), by triturating chloride of chlorobenzoyl with carbonate of ammonium, has the same composition with BENZAMIL BENZENE. 541 the above, but differs from it slightly in properties, being insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ammonia, . whence it crystallises in fine needles. It evolves ammonia when boiled with potash. Nitrobenzamide. C 7 H 6 N 2 3 = N.C 7 H 4 (N0 2 )O.H 2 . (Field, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 45. Chancel, Compt. Chim. 1849, 180.) Obtained in small quantity by fusing nitrobenzoate of ammonium. Better, by adding aqueous ammonia to a solution of nitrobenzoic ether in a rather large quantity of alcohol, and allowing the mixture to stand for some days till it is not rendered turbid by water. It is then evapo- rated on the water-bath till it crystallises on cooling ; and the crystals are purified by recrystallisation from mixed alcohol and ether. It is also formed by the action of ammonia on chloride of nitrobenzoyl. Nitrobenzamide is slightly soluble in cold, readily in hot water; also in alcohol, ether, or wood-spirit. From these latter solutions it crystallises in long needles, or, by slow evaporation, in large tables resembling gypsum. It fuses above 100 C., and crystallises on cooling. When boiled with strong potash, it forms potassic nitrobenzoate. Its aqueous solution is decom- posed by sulphide of ammonium, as follows : C 7 H 6 N 2 3 + 3 H 2 S = C'H 8 N 2 + 2H 2 + S 3 Pbenyl- carbamide. (Phenyl-urea.) Dinitrobensamide. C 7 H 5 N 3 5 = N.C 7 H S (N0 2 ) 2 O.H 2 (Voit, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcix. 105.) When dinitrobenzoic ether is digested for some days with alcoholic ammonia, it forms a blood-red solution, which deposits dinitrobenzamide in yellowish laminae and prisms. It has a bitter taste, and dissolves sparingly in cold, more readily in hot water; the solution is neutral. It melts at 183 C., and is decomposed by further heat. Its ammoniacal solution is not precipitated by nitrate of silver. Thiobenzamide. Schwefclbenzamid. Benzamide sulfure. C 7 H 7 NS = N.C 7 H 5 S.H a (Cahours, Compt. rend, xxvii. 329). When a solution of benzonitrile in slightly ammoniacal alcohol is saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, the liquid becomes brownish-yellow ; and if, after some hours, it is boiled down to its volume, and water added, it deposits yellow flakes, which dissolve in boiling water, and separate on cooling in long yellow silky needles of thiobenzamide. It is decomposed by mer- curic oxide, yielding mercuric sulphide, water, and benzonitrile ; by potassium, yielding potassic sulphide and cyanide. F. T. C. BENZAftXXI.. C 28 H 20 N 2 2 (?) (Laurent, Eev. scient. xix. 446.) Crude bitter-almond oil, shaken up with potash, is distilled till about has passed over, the residue dissolved in ether-alcohol, and ammonia passed into the solution. The deposit which forms is separated and boiled with a large quantity of ether ; and the solution on cooling deposits silky crystals and a white powder : the latter is ben- zamil. It is nearly insoluble in alcohol, difficultly soluble in ether. It melts at 170 C., and solidifies very slowly. On dry distillation, it yields a substance soluble in ether. It dissolves in alcoholic potash, and the solution, on cooling, deposits crystals which have not been examined. F. T. C. BECTZANXXiXDE. Syn. with Phenylbenzamide. See PHENYIAMIXE. BENZEWE or BECTZOX., C G II 6 , or C n H?. Benzine, Hydride of phenyl, Bicarburet of hydrogen. (Faraday, Phil. Trans. 1825, 440. Mitscherlich, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ix. 39. Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 59. Mansfield, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. i. 244.) Discovered by Faraday. It is a product of the decomposition of many organic com- pounds, being formed: 1. When benzoic acid is heated with caustic lime or baryta (Mitscherlich), or when its vapour is passed over red-hot iron (Darcet, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 99). 2. When phtalic acid is heated with caustic lime (Marignac, Ann Ch. Pharm. xlii. 217), or insolinic acid with baryta (Hof- mann). 3. By dry distillation of quinic acid (Wohler). 4. By passing vapour of bergamot-oil over red-hot lime (Ohme, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxi. 318). 5. By passing fats through red-hot tubes (Faraday). 6. By dry distillation of coal (Hofmann, Mansfield). 7. In small quantity, when acetic acid or alcohol is passed through a red-hot tube (Berthelot, Compt. rend, xxxiii. 210). It is also found in Eangoon tar. ( D e La Eue and Miiller.) The readiest method of preparing pure benzene, is to distil 1 pt. benzoic acid with 3 pts. slaked lime at a gently increasing heat ; the mixture of benzene and water which passes over is shaken up with a little potash, the benzene decanted, dried over chloride of calcium, and rectified on the water-bath. 3 pts. benzoic acid yield 1 pt, benzene. The most abundant source of benzene is coal-tar ; but the product obtained from this source is very impure, containing several higher hydrocarbons, volatile -*d other substances. To obtain benzene pure, Mansfield shakes ur> tho 542 BENZENE. light oil obtained by the distillation of coal-tar with dilute sulphuric acid, then with water, and then with potash, in order to remove all the acids and alkaloids that it contains, and submits the washed oil to repeated fractional distillation ; the portion which passes over at 80 90 C. is cooled to 12, when the benzene crystallises, and is purified from liquid substances by pressure. A better method is to distil the washed light oil in a metal still, and to pass the vapour upwards through a tube surrounded with boiling water, and then into a cooled receiver ; thus the oils which boil above 100 C. are condensed and run back into the still. The distillate is similarly treated, the water round the condensing-tube being kept at 80 C. and the distillation stopped when the heat in the retort rises to 90. This second distillate, (only half of which solidifies at 20 ), is shaken up with i. vol. strong nitric acid, de- canted, and shaken up with | vol. strong sulphuric acid, rectified without decantation, and the product purified as before by cooling and pressure. Commercial benzene is always very impure, containing many higher hydrocarbons ; it may be approximately purified by distillation in the water-bath. At the ordinary temperature, benzene is a limpid, colourless, strongly refracting oil, of specific gravity 0-85 at 15-5 C. (Faraday, Mitscherlich), 0'8991 at (Kopp). When cooled, it solidifies into fern-like tufts, or into hard masses like camphor, which melt at 5'5 C., expanding in bulk at the same time, and solidify again at 0. At 18, it is hard, brittle, and of specific gravity 0-956. It boils at 80-4 at 776 mm. (Kopp), at 86 (Mitscherlich), and volatilises undecomposed. Its vapour- density is (expt.), 277 (calc.), 2'704. It has a pleasant smell. It is scarcely soluble in water, but imparts a strong odour to it ; readily soluble in alcohol, ether, wood-spirit, and acetone. It dissolves sulphur, phosphorus, and iodine, espe- cially on heating; fixed and volatile oils, camphor, wax, mastic, caoutchouc, and gutta-percha, abundantly ; gum-lac, copal, anime, and gamboge, in small quantity ; quinine, somewhat readily ; strychnine and morphine in small quantity ; cinchonine, not at all (Mansfield). Impure benzene is much used to remove stains from silk, &c. Benzene is very inflammable, and burns with a bright smoky flame. A mixture of 1 vol. benzene with 2 vols. alcohol of 0'85, forms a very good lamp-oil; a larger pro- portion of benzene gives a smoky flame. When vapour of benzene is passed through a red-hot tube, carbon is separated, and a gaseous hydrocarbon formed. Chlorine and bromine (not iodine), act upon it in the sunshine, forming substitution-products (see below). Strong nitric acid converts it into nitrobenzene ; according to Abel, the same result is obtained by repeated distillation with dilute acid. Sulphuric anhydride or fuming sulphuric acid converts it into sulphobenzide and sulphophenylic acid ; strong non-fuming sulphuric acid into the latter product only (Grerhardt). According to Mansfield and Mitscherlich, the non-fuming acid has no action upon it. Potassium, aqueous alkalis, and pcrchloride of phosphorus, do not act upon benzene, even when heated to its boiling point; neither does aqueous chromic acid (Abel), or phosgene gas in sunshine. (Mitscherlich.) Church (Phil. Mag. [4] xiii. 415) describes, under the name of Parabcnzcne, a hydrocarbon obtained by him from the light oil of coal-tar, which is isomeric with benzene, but has a different smell, boils at 97'5 C. and does not solidify at -20. Nitric acid converts it into nitrobenzene ; fuming sulphuric acid into an acid isomeric with sulphophenylic acid, but whose copper- and barium-salts are somewhat different in properties from those of that acid. Hofmann (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iv. 201) gives a good process for the detection of benzene in a mixture of volatile oils, founded on the facility with which benzene is converted into nitrobenzene by nitric acid, and nitrobenzene into phenylamine by reducing agents. The liquid to be examined is warmed in a test-tube with fuming nitric acid, diluted with water, and shaken up with ether, which dissolves the nitrobenzene. The ethereal solution is separated by a pipette, and mixed with equal volumes of alcohol and hydrochloric acid, and granulated zinc added. After five minutes, the mixture is saturated with potash, again shaken up with ether, which dissolves the liberated phenylamine, and the ethereal solution evaporated on a watch-glass ; the addition of a drop of hypochlorite of calcium to the residue gives the intense purple colour characteristic of phenylamine. Substitution-products of Benzene. Bromine dissolves in benzene, forming compounds in which 1, 2, and 3 at. H are respectively replaced by Br. Bromobenzene. Monobromobenzid. Bromide of phenyl, C 6 H 5 Br (Co up or, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] lii. 309). The vapour of an equivalent quantity of bromine is passed into a large- flask in which some benzene is heated to boiling; the product is BENZENE. 543 washed with potash, dried, and distilled ; most of it passes over about 150 C. It is a colourless liquid, smelling like benzene ; it does not solidify at 20 C. ; its vapour- density is 5-631. It is not decomposed when heated to 200 C. with acetate of silver, or with a solution of sulphate of silver in strong sulphuric acid. Heated with potassium in a sealed tube, it explodes ; with sodium, it yields benzene and a crystalline body. Fuming nitric acid converts it into bromonitrobenzene, C 6 H 4 BrN0 8 , a crystalline body which melts below 90, and distils undecomposed. Fuming sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming bromosiilpJiophenylic acid. Dibromobcnzene. Bibromobenzid. C G H 4 Br 2 (Couper, loc. cit.} When mono- "bromobenzene is acted on for some time by excess of bromine, hydrobromic acid is SA r olved, and crystals separate, which, by recrystallisation from ether, are obtained in large oblique prisms, which melt at 89 C. and boil at 219 without decomposition. Tribromobenzene. Terbromobenzid. C'^Br 3 (Mitscherlich (1835), Pogg. Ann. xxxv.374. Lassaign e, Rev. scient. v. 360). A mixture of benzene and bromine exposed to sunlight gradually forms a solid crystalline body, which is purified by washing with boiling ether. This is the hydrobromate of tribromobenzcnc, C^IPBr 6 C 6 H 3 Br 3 .3HBr. It forms a white inodorous tasteless powder, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol or ether, whence it crystallises in microscopic oblique rhombic prisms. It is fusible, and crystallises on cooling. When heated, it partly sublimes undecomposed, and is partly resolved into tribromobenzene, hydro- bromic acid, bromine, and hydrogen Heated with hydrate of calcium, it yields tri- bromobenzene. This compound is best obtained by boiling the hydrobromate with alcoholic potash, adding water, dissolving the precipitated oil in ether, and evaporating the solution ; it forms silky, very fusible needles, soluble in alcohol and ether, and volatile without decomposition. Monochlorobenzene. See PIIENYL, CHLORIDE or. Trichlorobenzene. Chlorobcnzid. C 6 H 3 C1 3 (Mitscherlich, loc. cit. Pe"ligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 66. Laurent, ibid. Ixiii. 27). The action of chlorine in sunshine upon benzene is similar to that of bromine, resulting in the formation of crystals of hydrochlorate of trichlorobenzene, C 6 H 6 C1 6 = C 6 H S C1 3 .3HC1, which are washed with ether or recrystallised from boiling alcohol. It forms colourless shining laminse, or rhombic prisms with truncated lateral edges, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether: melts at 132 C. (Mitscherlich); 135 140 (Laurent) ; distils completely at 288, with partial decomposition, without leaving any residue. In its decompositions, it resembles the corresponding bromine compound. Trichlorobenzene is obtained by the repeated distillation of the hydrochlorate alone (Mitscherlich); or by heating it with hydrate of barium or calcium, washing the distillate with water, and rectifying it over chloride of calcium; or by boiling it with alcoholic potash (Laurent). It is a colourless oil, of specific gravity 1*457 at 7 C. ; boils at 210; vapour-density 6 -37 ; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, or benzene. It is not attacked by chlorine, bromine, acids, or alkalis. Chlorodinitrobenzene. See CHLORIDE OF DINITROPHENYL, under PHENYL, CHLORIDE OF. Nitrobenzene. Nitrobenzol. Nitrobenzid. C 6 H 5 N0 8 (Mitscherlich (1834), Pogg. Ann. xxxi. 625). Formed by the action of fuming nitric acid on benzene, or by the dry distillation of nitrobenzoates. Prepared by gradually adding benzene to warm fuming nitric acid ; the nitrobenzene separates as an oil on cooling, is washed with water, and rectified over chloride of calcium. It is a yellowish liquid, with a very sweet taste, and a smell like bitter-almond oil; specific gravity 1-1866 at 14'4C. (Kopp); boils at213C. (Mitscherlich), 219 220(Kopp); vapour-density 4-4. Below 3 C. it crystallises in needles. It is insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol and ether. It is much used by perfumers, under the name of Essence de mir- bane. It is not attacked either by chlorine or bromine at the ordinary temperature ; but its vapour is decomposed when passed with chlorine through a red-hot tube, yield- ing hydrochloric acid. Fuming nitric acid dissolves it, and on heating converts it into dinitrobenzene. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, and on heating decomposes it, forming a dark- coloured solution, and evolving sulphurous anhydride. Dilute nitric or sulphuric acid does not attack it, even at 100C. It is scarcely attacked by boiling with aqueous potash or ammonia, or by distillation over caustic lime ; when boiled with alcoholic potash, it yields azoxybenzide (p. 479) ; and when distilled with alcoholic potash, azobenzide. When a solution of nitrobenzene in alcohol is mixed with ammonia, and saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphur is deposited, and the product, when cooled to C., solidifies to a mass of yellow needles, which are soluble in water or alcohol and have a biting taste ; on driving off the alcohol by heat, more sulphur is deposited, and phenylamine is finally left : C a H 5 N0 2 + 3H 2 S = C 6 H 7 N + 2H 2 + S 3 . 544 BENZHYDRAMIDE BENZIDINE. Other reducing agents, c. g, zinc with a mixture of alcohol and hydrochloric acid, iron filings and acetic acid, and arsenite of potassium, convert nitrobenzene into phenylumine. Dinitrobenzene. C 6 H 4 N 2 4 = C 6 H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 (Devill* (1841), Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iii. 187. Muspratt and Hofmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivii. 214). Formed very slowly by boiling nitrobenzene with fuming nitric acid ; rapidly when nitrobenzene is dropped gradually into a mixture of equal vols. fuming nitric and strong sulphuric acid as long as solution takes place. The mixture is boiled for some minutes, and the crystalline magma which forms on cooling is washed with water and recrystallised from boiling alcohol. It forms long shining needles or lamina;, which melt below 100 C. and solidify into a radiated mass. It is insoluble in water, soluble in warm alcohol Sulphide of ammonium converts it into nitrophenylamine, and separates sulphur. Zinc and hydrochloric acid convert it into nitrosophenylin (q. v.} Accord- ing to Hilkenkamp (Ann. Ch. Pharm xcv. 86), sulphite of ammonium converts it into a peculiar acid, dithiobcnzolic or phenyldisulphodiamic acid, C 6 H 8 N 2 S 2 6 . He obtained this compound by the action of sulphite of ammonium on nitrobenzene, as follows ; but he attributes its formation to the presence of dinitrobenzene. He heated 80 grms. nitrobenzene with 240 grms dry sulphite of ammonium, 1 litre absolute alcohol, and some carbonate of ammonium, for 8 or 10 hours on a water- bath. The liquid was filtered from the sulphate of ammonium which separated on cooling, and evaporated to a syrup, when it deposited at first abundance of fine white lamina?, which quickly decomposed, and then a smaller quantity of hard needles, which are the ammonium- salt of this acid. 6S0 3 N 2 H 8 = C 6 HN 2 S 2 6 + 4S0 4 N 2 H 8 + 4NH 3 . Dinitrobenzene. Dithiobenzolic acid. It is readily soluble in water or dilute alcohol, slightly in absolute alcohol, insoluble in ether. Nitric acid colours its solution yellow ; chlorine forms with it abundance of chloranil, with traces of a brown resinous substance. The barium- salt is crys- talline, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. The acid has not been obtained in the free state. F. T. C. BEKTZHYDRAMIDE. Hydride of Cyanazobenzoyl. C 22 H 18 N 2 (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 180; Laurent and Gerhardt, Compt. Chim. 1850, 114). A product of the action of ammonia on crude bitter-almond oil ; or of cyanide of ammonium on hydride of benzoyl. 3C 7 H 6 + NH 4 CN = C 82 H 18 N 2 + 2H 2 0. Crude bitter- almond oil heated to 100 C., is saturated with dry ammonia, and the product dissolved in ether-alcohol: after twenty-four hours, the solution begins to deposit crystals, which go on increasing for three or four days. The mother-liquor is decanted, and the crystals treated with boiling alcohol, which leaves a white residue, benzoylazotidc. The solution, on spontaneous evaporation, deposits small needles, mixed with drops of oil : these are washed quickly with a little ether-alcohol, and recrys- tallised from boiling alcohol. It is also formed in the process for the preparation of azobenzoyl (q. ?;.) Benzhydramide forms colourless, microscopic, rectangular prisms, with two terminal faces intersecting at an obtuse angle. It is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, readily in hot alcohol or in ether. It is very fusible, and solidifies on cooling to a resinous mass, without decomposition : when further heated, it gives off hydro- cyanic acid, and yields an oil, a crystalline sublimate, and a little carbon. It is not decomposed by cold dilute hydrochloric acid ; but, on boiling, it yields hydride of benzoyl, hydrocyanic acid, and chloride of ammonium. F. T. C. BENZHYDROCY ATJIDE. Syn. with BENZIMIDE (q. v.} BENZHYDROXiXC ACID. Kochleder and Hlasiwetz gave the name of benzhydrol to a camphor obtained by them from oil of cassia. Further investigation by Rochleder and Schwarz, has shown that this camphor contains two substances, one richer in hydrogen, the other in oxygen : they call the former benzhy- drol, the latter, benzhydrolic acid. F. T. C BENZXDAXVX. Syn. with PHENYLAMINE (q. v.) BENZIDINE. C 12 H 12 N 2 = N 2 .C 12 H 8 .H 4 (Zinin, J. pr. Chem. xxxvi. 93; Ivii. 173 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv. 328.) An organic alkali formed by the reduction of azobenzene or azoxybenzene. It is obtained by saturating with sulphuretted hydrogen a solution of azobenzene in alcoholic ammonia: the liquid turns brown, and, when heated, deposits sulphur abundantly, which is filtered off The filtrate, on cooling, deposits crystals of benzidine, which are purified by dissolving them in boiling alcohol, BENZIDINE BENZIL. 5 [5 adding dilute sulphuric acid as long as a precipitate forms, washing the precipitate with alcohol, and dissolving it in boiling aqueous ammonia : the solution, on cooling, deposits benzidine in white shining scales. When an alcoholic solution of azobenzene or azoxy- benzene is treated with sulphurous acid, sulphate of benzidine is at once precipitated. Benzidine is inodorous ; scarcely soluble in cold water, readily in hot water, alcohol, or ether ; its solution has a bitter burning taste. It melts at 108 C., and cools to a crystalline mass : further heated, it partly sublimes, and is partly decomposed. When a solution of benzidine, or its salts, is treated with chlorine, it becomes first blue, then dark brown, and deposits scarlet crystals, scarcely soluble in water, more readily in alcohol (probably azobenzene). Nitrous fumes attack it violently at a gentle heat, and convert it into azobenzene (Noble). It is decomposed by strong nitric acid. Benzidine combines with acids, forming definite salts, which are mostly readily crystallisable : their solutions are precipitated by caustic alkalis or alkaline carbonates. The hydrochlorate, C 12 H 12 N 2 .2HC1, crystallises in white, pearly, rhombic prisms, soluble in water or alcohol, almost insoluble in ether. The chloroplatinate, C 12 H 12 N*.2PtCl 3 H, is a yellow crystalline precipitate, obtained by adding dichloride of platinum to the aqueous or alcoholic solution of the foregoing salt. It is slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol or ether. When boiled with water (more readily with alcohol or ether), it is converted into a dark-violet powder. The nitrate forms rectangular prisms, soluble in water. The acid oxalate, C 12 H 12 N 2 .C 2 4 H 2 , forms white, silky, radiated needles, slightly sohible in water or alcohol. The acid sulphate, C 12 H I8 N 2 .S0 4 H 2 , separates as a dull white powder, when sulphuric acid is added to a solution of benzidine : from a very dilute solution it separates in crystals. It is scarcely soluble in boiling water or alcohol. The benzoate, acetate, tartrate, and phosphate are all crystalline. With mercuric chloride, benzidine forms a crystalline double-salt, soluble in water and alcohol. F. T. C. Diethylbcnzidine, C la H 20 N 2 = N 2 .C 12 H 8 ". (C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H 2 . The hydriodate of this base, CioH-'N^HI) 2 , or iodide of diethyl-binzidammonium [N 2 .(C 12 H 8 )''(C 2 H 5 ) 2 .H 4 ].I 2 , is obtained in crystals by digesting benzidine with alcohol and iodide of ethyl, in a sealed tube at 100 C. for two hours. Treated with ammonia, it yields the free base, which unites with acids forming well crystallised salts. The chloroplatinate, C 16 H 22 C1 2 . 2PtCl 2 is sparingly soluble. (P. W. Hofmann, Proc. Eoy. Soc. xv. 585; Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxv. 362.) Tetrethylbenzidine, C 20 H 28 N 2 = N*.(C 12 H 8 )".(C 2 H 5 ) 4 , is obtained as a hydriodate by treating the diethylated base with iodide of ethyl. The free base melts at 83 C. re- solidifies at 80, and forms crystalline salts with acids. Iodide of ethyl acts but slowly on it, but when treated with iodide of methyl, attacks it with energy, forming : Iodide of Dimethyl-tetrethyl-benzidammonium, C 22 H 34 N*I 2 = [N 2 .(C 12 H 8 )".(C*H 5 ) 4 . (CH 3 ) 2 ].! 2 . This salt dissolves sparingly in alcohol, but easily in boiling water, whence it crystallises in long beautiful needles. Its solution is not precipitated by ammonia, but yields with oxide of silver, a strongly alkaline solution containing the hydrate N ^ C1 H5 )^ C g7|o 2 . This base unites readily with acids, forming beautifully crystalline salts. The chloroplatinate C 22 H 34 N 2 Cl 2 .2PtCl 2 , is almost in- soluble in water, but dissolves sparingly in boiling hydrochloric acid, whence it crystallises on .cooling in beautiful needles. (P. W. Hofmann, loc. cit.) BENZIL. Sousoxide de Stilbese, C 14 H'0 2 . (Laurent. Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] lix. 402. Liebig. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxv. 25. Zinin, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiv. 190. Gregory, Compt. Chim. 1845. 308.) Formed by the action of oxidising agents on benzoin. Laurent prepares it by passing chlorine over fused benzoin as long as hydro- chloric acid is evolved, and crystallising the product from hot alcohol. Zinin heats gently 1 pt. benzoin with 2 pts. concentrated nitric acid ; the reaction is complete when no more nitrous fumes are evolved, and when the yellow oil which rises to the surface is quite clear. This oil solidifies to pure benzil on cooling. It crystallises by spontaneous evaporation of its alcoholic or ethereal solution in long yellowish six-sided prisms, which are commonly hollow. Observed faces, oo P . oP . P. It is without smell or taste, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and warm sul- phuric acid, and reprecipitated from the last by water. It fuses between 90 and 92 C. and solidifies to a fibrous mass : at a higher temperature, it volatilises undecomposed. It burns with a red sooty flame. It is not altered by boiling with nitric acid or with aqueous potash : but when boiled with alcoholic potash, it turns blue and forms benzilic acid. With ammonia, an alcoholic solution of benzil forms various products, according to the concentration and the duration of the reaction (see AZOBENZIL) BENZELAM, BENZTLIM, IMABENZIL). With sulphuretted hydrogen, it deposits sulphur, and forms a yellow oil, smelling of garlic : this oil is more readily obtained by dis- tilling benzil with alcoholic sulphide of ammonium. With sulphide of ammonium, it VOL. I. N N 546 BENZILAM BENZILIM. yields two or three different products, among which is hydrobemil (a. v.) Fused witli potassium, it gives off violet vapours and leaves a carbonaceous residue. Benzil is polymeric with the hypothetical radicle benzoyl, C 7 H 5 0. Hydrocyanate of Benzil. C 16 H 12 N 2 2 = C"H 10 2 ,2HCy (Zinin). When benzil is dissolved in boiling alcohol, and an equal weight of nearly anhydrous prussic acid is added, the mixture gradually deposits white shining rhombic tables of hydrocyanate of benziL This compound melts and decomposes when heated, leaving pure benzil. It is not attacked when boiled with water or strong hydrochloric acid : when heated with nitric acid or ammonia, it yields benziL Its alcoholic solution gives with nitrate of silver a precipitate of cyanide of silver, and benzil crystallises from the solution. When its alcoholic solution is heated with mercuric oxide, mercury is reduced, and the smell of benzoic ether becomes distinctly perceptible. F. T. C. BENZILAM. C H H 9 N. (Laurent, Eev. scient, xix. 443.) Formed, together with imabenzil and benzilim, by the action of ammonia on benzil. It is best pre- pared by dissolving imabenzil or benzilim in sulphuric acid, and adding water, when an oil separates out which speedily solidifies : this is washed with water and a little alcohol, and crystallised from ether-alcohol. It forms colourless rhombic prisms readily soluble in alcohol or ether. It melts at 105 C. : if imperfectly fused, it quickly crystallises on cooling, but if perfectly fused, it solidifies much more slowly, without crystallisation. It is volatile without decomposition. Boiling alcoholic potash has no action upon it : nitric acid decomposes it, yielding an oil which crystal- lises on cooling, and is insoluble in ether : it is soluble in sulphuric acid, and is repre- cipitated by water. F. T. C. BEKTZILIC ACID. Stilbic Acid. C 14 H 12 3 . (Liebig [1838], Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxv. 25. Zizin, ibid. xxxi. 329.) Formed by the action of alkalis on benzil or benzoin. Benzil is dissolved in boiling alcoholic potash, in such quantity that the solution remains distinctly alkaline, and the whole is boiled until a sample of it gives no turbidity when mixed with water. The solution is then evaporated to dryness on the water-bath, the residue powdered, and exposed to an atmosphere of carbonic anhy- dride till all the potash is converted into carbonate ; it is then extracted with alcohol, the solution mixed with water, and, after distilling off the alcohol, decolorised with animal charcoal, and evaporated to crystallisation. The potassic benzilate thus ob- tained is redissolved in water, and mixed with boiling dilute hydrochloric acid : on cooling, benzilic acid crystallises out. It forms hard, shining, colourless needles, which are sparingly soluble in cold, more readily in hot water, easily in alcohol or ether. It has no smell, a bitter metallic taste, and a strong acid reaction. It melts at 120 C. ; when heated more strongly, it turns red, and emits violet vapours which condense to a brown-red oily liquid, a residue of carbon being left. This oil is volatile, insoluble in water, soluble with a red colour in alcohol or ether : the solution is not decolorised by water, or by hydro- chloric or sulphuric acid, but it is decolorised by potash, ammonia, or nitric acid. Benzilic acid burns with a very smoky flame. With strong sulphuric acid all benzilates give a fine crimson colour, which is not easily destroyed by heat disappears on adding water, but reappears on evaporation. It dissolves in warm nitric acid, and is precipitated unchanged by water. Pentachloride of phosphorus converts it into chlorobenzil. Benzilates. Their general formula is C 14 H"M0 3 . The lead-salt is obtained by adding the aqueous acid to neutral acetate of lead. It is a white powder, slightly soluble in hot water : it is unalterable at 100 C., but when strongly heated melts to a red liquid, and emits violet vapours. The potassium-salt forms colourless, transparent, anhydrous crystals, readily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether. It melts at 200 C., and solidifies on cooling : heated more strongly, it decomposes, yielding a colourless oily distillate, smelling like naphthaline, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol; the residue contains carbon and potassic carbonate. The silver-salt is a white, crystalline powder, obtained by precipitating nitrate of silver by the potassium- salt. It is slightly soluble in hot water ; at 100 C. it turns blue, without losing weight, and melts when further heated, emitting violet vapours and leaving metallic silver. F. T. C. BZSrzix,xzyx. BenzUimide. C 28 H 22 N 2 0- (Laurent [1845], Eev. scient. xix. 442). One of the products of the action of ammonia on benzil. It is most easily obtained pure by dissolving imabenzil in boiling alcoholic potash, and adding water to the solution. It forms white, silky, very fine needles, sparingly soluble in alcohol or ether. It melts at 130 C. and solidifies slowly in cooling to an amorphous mass. It distils apparently undecomposed, but the distillate is readily soluble in ether, and crystallises from it in needles. It is not attacked by boiling potash or by hydrochloric acid : warm nitric acid attacks it, evolving red fumos, and yielding a yellow oil, which BENZIMIC ACID BENZOERETIC ACID. 547 crystallises on cooling, and is insoluble in ammonia, but soluble and crysfallisable from ether. It dissolves in warm sulphuric acid, and the addition of water separates benzilam. F. T. C. BEHTZIAKIC ACID. (Laurent, Compt. Chim. i. 37.) The name given by Laurent to a peculiar acid which is formed in the preparation of amarine (q. v.) It is best prepared by saturating an alcoholic solution of bitter-almond oil with ammonia, letting it stand for 48 hours, and adding water, which takes up benzimate of ammo- nium. The addition of hydrochloric acid to the aqueous solution precipitates the acid, which is purified by dissolving it in alcohol containing ammonia, boiling the solution, and neutralising with hydrochloric acid. It forms white silky needles, insoluble in water slightly soluble in alcohol : it melts when heated, and cannot be distilled undecomposed. It has not been analysed. F. T. C. BENZIIVIIDE. Benzhydrocyanide. Hydride of Cyanobenzoyl, C 23 H 18 N*0 2 . (Laurent (1836), Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] lix. 397: Ixvi. 193; Kev. seient. x. 120. Zinin, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiv. 188. Gregory ibid. liv. 372. Laurent and Gerhardt, Compt. chim. 1850, 116.) Formed by the action of hydrocyanic acid on hydride of benzoyl : 3C 7 H 6 + 2CNH = C 23 H 18 N 2 2 + H 2 0. Hydride of benzoyl mixed with i its volume of nearly anhydrous prussic acid is shaken up with an equal volume of strong alcoholic potash diluted with 6 pts. alcohol, and the whole gently heated : after a time a white curdy precipitate separates, which is boiled with water, and purified by solution in alcohol Benzimide also occurs, mixed with hydride of benzoyl and benzoin, in the resinous residue of the rectification of oil of bitter-almonds : it may be extracted by treating the residue with hot alcohol. Benzimide forms a light loosely-coherent mass, white, with a greenish tinge, and leaves a stain when rubbed or pressed. It is insoluble in water, or in cold potash or hydrochloric acid ; sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol or ether. When heated, it melts, and finally volatilises with decomposition, leaving a carbonaceous residue. It dissolves in strong sulphuric acid with a green colour, which soon changes to red, and is re- precipitated by water. Nitric acid dissolves it with decomposition : heated with nitric acid and alcohol, it evolves red fumes and yields ammonia and benzoate of ethyl. Boiled with hydrochloric acid, it yields hydride of benzoyl, sal-ammoniac, and probably also formic acid. C 23 H 18 N 2 2 + 5H 2 = 3C 7 H 6 + 2CH 2 2 + 2NH 3 . Heated with strong bases, it yields benzene ; and with pofcassic hydrate moistened with alcohol, it forms ammonia and potassic benzoate. F. T. C. BENZINE. Syn. with BENZENE (q. v.) BENZOACETIC AXTHYDRXDE. See ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. BEN ZO ANGELIC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. BENZOCARBOLIC ACID. BENZOATE OF PHENYL. See BENZOIC ACID. BENZOCHLORHYDRIN, C IO HC10 8 (Berth elot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xli. 302). One of Berthelot's artificial fats, containing the elements of benzoic and hydrochloric acids and glycerin, minus water : C 7 H 6 O 2 + HC1 + C 3 H 8 3 = C 10 H U C10 S + 2H 2 0. It is prepared by saturating with hydrochloric acid gas a mixture of glycerin and benzoic acid, which is kept for several hours at 100 C., and removing the excess of acid by sodic carbonate : the benzochlorhydrin then sinks to the bottom as an oily liquid. .When pure, it is a neutral oil, solidifying at 40. It is decomposed by potash, yielding potassic chloride and benzoate : and by hydrochloric acid and alcohol, yield- ing glycerine and benzoate of ethyl. The chlorine is not withdrawn from the compound even by long digestion at 100 with oxide of silver. F. T. C. BENZOCITJNA1VIIC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. BENZOCTJMINIC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. BENZOCUXKYXiSirXiPHOPHEXTAlWIDE;. See BENZAMIDE. BENZOEN. Syn. with Toluol. See BENZYL, HYDRIDE OF. BENZOERETIC ACID. Amorphous benzoic acid, Parabcnzoic acid (E. Kopp. Compt. chim. 1849, 154). An amorphous powder, obtained by heating gum-benzoin with 6 or 8 pts. nitric acid, not strong enough to form nitrobenzoic acid. When quite pure, it is white ; but it is commonly yellowish, owing to the presence of a small quantity of a yellow resin, which accompanies it into all its compounds. It is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, and boiling water. It has an aromatic, faintly sour and bitter taste. It melts at 113 C., boils at 256, and by dry distillation yields pure crys- N N 2 548 BENZOGLYCOLLIC ACID. talline benzoic acid, and, if not quite pure, a slight carbonaceous residue. When gently heated, or exposed to the sun, it becomes covered with small crystals of benzoic acid. Distilled with lime, it yields benzene. It forms salts which crystallise with difficulty, and are generally less soluble than the corresponding benzoates. Different specimens have yielded different results to analysis : but in some cases tho composition is very near that of benzoic acid. F T. C. BENZOGLYCOLLIC ACID. C 9 H 8 4 = (C 2 H 2 0)".C 7 H 5 O.H.0 2 (Strecker[1847J, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixviii. 54. StreckerandSocoloff, ibid. Ixxx. 18. Grossman, ibid. xc. 181; xci. 359). Formed by the action of nitrous anhydride on hippuric acid: 2C 9 H 9 N0 3 + N 2 S = 2C 9 H 8 4 + N 4 + H 2 0. It is prepared by rubbing hippuric acid to a thin paste with strong nitric acid, and passing a current of nitric oxide into the mixture : nitrogen is then evolved, and the hippuric acid gradually dissolved. After some time, the clear solution becomes opaque from the deposition of benzoglycollic acid : the current of gas is kept up until the liquid assumes a greenish colour, when a large quantity of water is added, and the whole allowed to cool. The acid then separates out in considerable quantities ; it is collected on a filter, washed with cold water, suspended in water, neutralised with milk of lime, and the resulting calcium-salt is purified by recrystallisation and pressure between paper, and subsequently decomposed by hydrochloric acid (Socoloff and Strecker). It may also be prepared by slowly passing chlorine into a solution of hippuric acid in excess of moderately dilute potash: when the evolution of nitrogen ceases, the mixture is carefully neutralised by hydrochloric acid, concentrated by gentle evaporation, and mixed with a slight excess of hydrochloric acid, when it solidifies to a crystalline mass. This is purified by solution in ether, and distilling off the ether from the watery layer below it, when the acid separates as an oil in the midst of the water (Grossman). The acid obtained by either of these methods generally contains a large quantity of benzoic acid, which is removed by partially neutralising the acid with milk of lime and evaporating to dryness : benzoic acid, being the weaker acid of the two, remains uncombined, and is extracted from the residue by ether. Benzoglycollic acid crystallises from alcohol in colourless prisms of 37 40' and 142 20', which often take the form of thin plates : when precipitated by acids from aqueous solutions of its salts, it separates as a white crystalline powder. It is scarcely soluble in cold, more so in hot water, readily in alcohol and ether : it melts in hot water before dissolving. It melts when heated and solidifies to a crystalline mass ; heated more strongly, it gives off vapours containing benzoic acid, and leaves a slight residue of carbon. When boiled for some time with water, it is gradually decomposed into benzoic and glycollic acids : C'H 8 4 + H 2 = C 7 HO a + C 2 H 4 0. This decomposition is accelerated by the presence of a mineral acid. BENZOGLYCOLLATES are mostly crystalline, soluble in water, some of them in alcohol also. They are neutral to litmus, and have a faint but peculiar taste. Their aqueous solutions may be boiled and even evaporated to dryness without decomposition. From most of their solutions strong acids separate benzoglycollic acid as a crystalline powder. The acid being monobasic, their general formula is C 9 H 7 MO 4 . The Ammonium-salt is obtained by saturating the acid with ammonia, or decompos- ing the calcium-salt with ammonic carbonate. It loses ammonia when evaporated. The Barium-salt, C 9 H 7 Ba0 4 + Aq, forms delicate silky needles, which lose their water at 100 C. The Calcium-salt, C 9 H 7 Ca0 4 + Aq, forms delicate silky needles, united in groups, which lose their water at 120 C. It dissolves in 42-3 pts. cold, and 7'54 pts. boiling water. It possesses in a remarkable degree the property of forming supersaturated solutions, so that a solution saturated at boiling heat frequently takes some days to deposit all its crystals in successive crops. When a strong solution of this salt is eva- porated with chloride of calcium to a syrupy consistence, a double salt separates out on cooling in octahedrons, which are permanent in the air, but are decomposed by water or alcohol into benzoglycollate and chloride of calcium. The Copper-salt crystallises on cooling in abundant blue rhombic tables, when a boiling saturated solution of the calcium-salt is mixed with nitrate of copper. It becomes green and opaque at 1 00 C, but retains its lustre ; is scarcely soluble in cold, more so in hot, water. The Ferric salt, 2Fe<0 3 .3C 18 H0 7 + 28Aq, or 3(/e0.2C 9 H 7 /e0 4 ) + Aq, is a volu- minous flesh-coloured precipitate, insoluble in water, which becomes darker when dried. After drying in the air, it loses 27'36 per cent. (28 at.) water at 100 C. There appear to be at least two basic Lead-salts besides the normal one. When a cold solution of benzoglycollate of calcium is mixed with normal acetate of lead, a BENZOHELICIN BENZOIC ACID. 549 fiocculenl precipitate is formed, which is a mixture of several salts. If this be dissolved in cold water, the solution, on spontaneous evaporation, yields, first, crystals of the salt b, and subsequently soft starry crystals of the normal salt CFIFPbO 4 , which melt with partial decomposition at 100 C. b. 4C 9 IFPb0 4 .Pb 2 O + 3Aq, forms hemispherical groups of crystals, which melt at 100, and lose 1| at, water. c. 2C''IFPb0 4 .5Pb 2 + 2Aq. When the cold solution of the calcium-salt is mixed with basic acetate of lead, and the precipitate digested in cold water and filtered, this salt crystallises after some days. It loses 1 at. water at 100 C. The precipitate obtained by adding the calcium-salt to a boiling solution of normal acetate of lead, is a mixture of several basic salts. The Magnesium salt forms long, very slender needles, readily soluble in water and alcohol. The Potassium- and Sodium-salts are obtained like the ammonium-salt. The former crystallises with difficulty, being very soluble. The latter crystallizes more readily from a hot saturated solution in rhombic tables ; it contains 3Aq, which it loses at 100 C. The Silver-salt, C 9 H 7 Ag0 4 , is obtained as a curdy precipitate when the neutral ammonium salt is mixed with nitrate of silver ; this precipitate is washed in cold, and dissolved in boiling, water, whence it separates in white microscopic crystals, which when moist quickly blacken in the light; when dry they are not changed at 100 C. Zinc-salt, C 9 H 7 ZnO* + 2Aq. A boiling saturated solution of the calcium-salt mixed with chloride of zinc, yields on cooling long thin needles, which are dried by filter paper and recrystallised. They lose 2 at. water at 100 C. F. T. C. BENZOHELICIN. C 20 H 20 8 . (Piria, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiv. 278; xliv. 366.) The product of the action of the nitric acid on populin. It may be regarded as helicin, (Chancel, Compt. Chim. 1849, 179; Bertagnini, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxix. 269.) Prepared in a similar manner to nitrobenzoate of ethyl, which it resembles in all its reactions. It forms small, white, nearly opaque right rhombic prisms, which melt at 70 and boil at 129 C. : are insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and ether, somewhat more in wood-spirit : have a faint aromatic smell, and a cooling taste. Nitrobenzoate of Ethyl C 9 H 9 N0 4 = C 7 H 4 (C 2 H 5 )(N0 2 )0 2 . (E. Kopp, Compt. rend, xxxiv. 615; Chancel, loc. cit. ; Bertagnini, loc. cit. ; List and Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xc. 206.) A boiling alcoholic solution of nitrobenzoic acid is saturated with hydrochloric acid : after some time water is added, and the precipitated ether is agitated with hot sodic carbonate, washed with cold water, dried between filter-paper, and crystallised from ether-alcohol. Bertagnini prepares it by crystallising a solution of chloride of nitrobenzoyl in alcohol ; and List and Limpricht. by dropping benzoate of ethyl into a mixture of 1 pt. nitric and 2 pts. sulphuric acid. It forms right rhombic prisms, which melt at 42, and boil at 298 C. : smells like strawberries, and has a fresh taste ; is insoluble in water, readily soluble in alcohol and ether. Boiling potash decomposes it into alcohol and nitrobenzoic acid : with ammonia it forms nitroben- zamide and alcohol : with sulphide of ammonium, benzamate of ethyl. Nitrobenzoate of Dibromophenyl. (Nitrobibromobenzophenide.} C"H 7 BrN0 4 = C 7 H 4 (C 6 H 3 Br 2 )(N0 2 )0 2 (List and Limpricht, loc. cit.') Separates as a resin when benzoate of dibromophenyl is added to nitrosulphuric acid; the addition of water scarcely precipitates anything more. It crystallises from hot alcohol in nodules, com- posed of small needles : from a concentrated solution, it separates as an oil. It melts between 90 and 100 C. : is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in hot alcohol. Alcoholic potash decomposes it into nitrobenzoic and dibromophenylic acids. Nitrobenzoate of Dinitrophcnyl. C I3 H 7 N 8 8 = C 7 H 4 [C 6 H S (N0 2 ) 2 ](N0 2 )0 2 (List and Limpricht, loc. cit.) Powdered benzoate of phenyl is added to cold nitrosulphuric acid, whereupon it dissolves, and yellow crystals separate out, which are increased by the addition of water ; these are washed, first with cold water, then with alcohol. It forms a white crystalline powder, which turns yellow when heated, and melts at 150 C. : on cooling, it solidifies to a yellow glass, which gradually becomes opaque. It is insoluble in cold water or alcohol, sparingly soluble in hot alcohol or in ether. Heated on platinum-foil, it burns with yellow smoky flame : heated in a tube, it explodes feebly. It is decomposed by alcoholic potash. Sulphide of ammonium dissolves it with deep- BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. 557 red colour : by evaporation on a water-bath, a dark-violet resinous mass is obtained partly soluble in acids. Dinitrobenzoic Acid. C 7 H 4 N 2 6 = C 7 H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 2 (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxv. 30). When fused benzoic acid is gradually added to a warm mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, it dissolves with slight evolution of gas : the whole is then boiled (for 1 hour, Cahours ; for 6 hours, Voit), and as soon as it begins to be turbid, it is cooled and water added, which precipitates yellow flakes, which are washed with water, dried, and crystallised from boiling alcohol. Dinitrobenzoic acid is thus ob- tained in short shining prisms, which melt at a gentle heat, and sublime in delicate needles. It is slightly soluble in cold, more in boiling, water ; readily in alcohol or ether, especially on heating. It dissolves in hot nitric acid, and crystallises on cooling. Cold sulphuric acid dissolves it unaltered, but decomposes it when heated strongly. Sulphide of ammonium and other reducing agents convert it into diamidobenzoic acid. The alkaline dinitrobenzoatcs are soluble and crystallisable : the lead- and silver-salts are slightly soluble. Dinitrobenzoic ether (dinitrobenzoate of ethyl), C 9 H 9 N 2 6 = C 7 H 3 (C' 2 H 5 )(N0 2 ) 2 2 , is obtained by saturating absolute alcohol with the acid, or heat- ing the acid with alcohol and sulphuric acid : it forms oily drops, which solidify on cooling, and are washed with dilute ammonia, and crystallised from hot alcohol. Long delicate needles, with a slight yellow tinge : decomposed by strong potash, especially on heating, into alcohol and potassic dinitrobenzoate. Digestion with alcoholic am- monia converts it into dinitrobenzamide : sulphuretted hydrogen converts it into di- amidobenzoic acid. (Voit.) Nitrochlorobenzoic Acid. C 7 H 4 NC10 4 = C 7 H 4 (N0 2 )C10 2 (Limpricht and v. Uslar, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 261). When chlorobenzoic acid is dissolved in fuming nitric acid, there is no immediate precipitate, but the solution continues for several days to deposit colourless tables of nitrochlorobenzoic acid. These melt at 118 C. ; are soluble in alcohol and ether ; melt in warm water, dissolve on boiling, and do not separate out on cooling. The barium- and silver-salts only are known : the latter, C 7 H 3 AgClN0 4 + Aq (?), forms small shining laminae, tolerably soluble in water. For nitrochlorobenzoic ether, see above, chlorobenzoic ether. F. T. C. BENZOIC AX.COHOXi. Syn. with BENZYLIC ALCOHOL (q. v.) BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoate of Benzoyl. C 14 H 10 3 = (C 7 H 5 0) 2 .O (Grerhardt (1852), Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii. 299; Wunder, J. pr. Chem. Ixi. 498 ; Heintz, Pogg. Ann. xcii. 458). Formed by the action of chloride of benzoyl on alkaline oxalates or benzoates : also of oxychloride or perchloride of phosphorus, or chloride of sulphur on alkaline benzoates, the first stage of the reaction being the formation of chloride of benzoyl : also by the dry distillation of acetobenzoic and similar anhydrides : C 7 H 5 K0 2 + C 7 H 5 OC1 = C 14 H 1C 3 + KC1. C 2 4 K 2 + 2C 7 H 5 OC1 = C 14 H 10 3 + 2KC1 -f CO + CO 2 . 2C 7 H 5 K0 2 + PCP = C I4 H'0 3 + 2KC1 + POC1 3 8C'H 5 K0 2 -J- 3SC1 8 = 4C 14 H'0 3 + 6KC1 + S0 4 K 2 + S 2 . Equal parts of dry benzoate of sodium and chloride of benzoyl are heated to 130 C. on a sand-bath, whereby a clear liquid is produced, from which chloride of sodium separates out : the cooled mass is washed with cold water containing sodic carbonate, and crys- tallised from ether or warm alcohol. The previous preparation of chloride of benzoyl is avoided by employing perchloride or oxychloride of phosphorus (5 pts. oxychloride to 1 pt. benzoate). Oxalate of potassium is heated with an equal weight of chloride of benzoyl, with constant agitation, till the smell of chloride of benzoyl has disappeared ; and the cooled mass is suspended in cold water, washed with water containing ammonia, and crystallised from alcohol (G e r h a r d t). In preparing large quantities, it is better to purify the product by distillation than by crystallisation from alcohol. Benzoic anhydride forms oblique rhombic prisms, sometimes smelling of bitter-almond oil or benzoic ether: it melts at 42 C., and distils undecomposed at about 310. It is insoluble in cold water, soluble in alcohol and ether : the solution when fresh has no acid reaction. It melts in boiling water, and remains fluid for a long time, even when agitated, and is slowly converted into benzoic acid, which dissolves. Caustic alkalis convert it much more rapidly into benzoic acid. Aqueous ammonia does not attack it in the cold, but dissolves it on heating, forming benzamide and benzoate of ammo- nium : the same reaction takes place when it is heated in dry ammonia : C i4 H .o 3 + 2NIF = C 7 IFNO + C 7 H 5 (NH 4 )0-'. Aniline acts similarly, forming phenylbenzamide. (G-erhardt.) One atom of benzoyl in benzoic anhydride is capable of being replaced by other acid radicles, forming a series of anhydrides containing benzoyl. They are obtained by the 658 BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE BENZOICIN. action of chloride of benzoyl on the alkaline salts of other monobasic acids, or, con- versely, by treating alkaline benzoates with the chlorides of monobasic acid radicles. They are generally decomposed by heat into two simple anhydrides : by water, and more rapidly by alkalis, into two acids. BENZOACETIC ANHYDRIDE. See ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. BENZOANGELIC ANHYDRIDE. C 12 H 12 3 = C 5 H 7 O.C 7 H 5 0.0 (Chiozza, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix. 210). Produced by gently heating chloride of benzoyl with angelate of potassium. It is a limpid oil, heavier than water, somewhat less fluid than angelie anhydride, and quite neutral to test-paper. It smells like angelic anhydride, but emits much more acrid vapours when heated. In a mixture of ice and salt, it thickens slightly, without crystallising. BENZOCINNAMIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoate of Cinnamyl C i6 H 12 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 9 H 7 O.O (G-erhardt, loc. cit.) Obtained by heating 7 pts. chloride of benzoyl with 10 pts. dry cinnamate of sodium, and purifying the product as in the case of benzoic anhydride. It is a thick oil, colourless and odourless, which gradually becomes acid when exposed to moist air. Specific gravity 1/184 at 23 C. Is decomposed by distillation, yielding a yellow oil, smelling of cinnamol, which gradually deposits crystals of benzoic anhydride, and an acid substance soluble in sodic carbonate. BENZOCUMINIC ANHYDRIDE. Bcnzoate of Cumyl C 17 H 16 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 10 H I '0.0 (Grerhardt, loc. cit.) Obtained like the preceding, cuminate being substituted for cinnamate of potassium. Kesembles the preceding in appearance and behaviour in moist air. Specific gravity 1*115 at 23 C. Is decomposed by distillation : when heated in a closed vessel, it appears to volatilise without decomposition. Aqueous ammonia converts it into cuminamide, and benzamide, or benzoate of ammonium. BENZOMYRISTIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoatc of Myristyl. C 21 H 32 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 14 H 27 0.0 (Chiozza and Malerba, 1855). Obtained by heating chloride of benzoyl with my- ristate of potassium. Crystallises from boiling ether, in which it is slightly soluble, in shining laminae : melts at 38, and solidifies at 36 C. BENZOOSNANTHYLIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoate of (Enanthyl. C I4 H 18 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 7 H 13 0.0 (Chiozza and Malerba, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xci. 102). Obtained by the action of chloride of benzoyl on renanthylate of potassium. Colourless oil, of specific gravity 1-043 at 11C. ; smells like cananthylic anhydride : exposed to the air, it yields crystals of benzoic acid. BENZOPELARGONIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoate ofPelargonyl. C 16 IP'0 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 9 H 17 0.0 (Chiozza, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix. 310). Prepared like the foregoing compounds. A heavy oil, resembling pelargonic anhydride. A little below C. it solidifies to the consistency of butter : is decomposed by heat into benzoic and pelargonic anhydrides. BENZOSTEARIC ANHYDRIDE. Bcnzoate of Stearyl. C 25 H'0 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 18 H 35 0.0 (Chiozza and M a 1 e r b a, loc. cit. ) Prepared by heating chloride of benzoyl and potassic stearate in an oil-bath. Shining scales, which melt at 70 C. BENZOVALERIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoate of Valeryl. C 12 H H 3 = C 7 H 5 O.C 5 H 9 0.0. (Chiozza, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiv. 106). Chloride of benzoyl acts violently on vale- rate of potassium : the product is a heavy, neutral, strongly refracting oil, smelling like valeric anhydride. At about 260 C. it is decomposed into benzoic and valeric anhydrides. Substitution-products of Benzoic Anhydride. BBNZONITROBENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. Benzoate of Nitrobcnzoyl. C 14 H 9 N0 5 = C 7 H 5 O.C 7 H 4 (N0 2 )0.0. 3 pts. chloride of benzoyl are heated with 7 pts. dry nitro- benzoate of sodium, and the product is purified as in the case of benzoic anhydride. Crystalline : more stable than the following compound. (Grerhardt, loc. cit.) NITROBENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. Nttrobenzoate of Nitrobenzoyl. C M H 8 N 2 7 = [C 7 H 4 (N0 2 )0] 2 .0. 8 pts. nitrobenzoate of sodium are heated to 150 C. with 1 pt. oxychloride of phosphorus, till the smell of chloride of nitrobenzoyl has disappeared. On treating the product with cold water, a white mass is obtained, almost insoluble in alcohol and ether, less fusible than nitrobenzoic acid, into which it is quickly con- verted by washing with water. (Gerhardt, loc. cit.) F. T. C. SENZ.OIC ETHERS. See p. 552. 3ENZOXCXBT. (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xli. 290.) The name given by Berthelot to the artificial fats obtained by the action of benzoic acid on glycerin. Glycerin being a triatomic alcohol, C 3 H 5 .H 3 .0 3 , contains 3 at. H replaceable by other radicles ; and Berthelot has succeeded in obtaining the compounds in which 1 and 3 H respectively are replaced by benzoyl. BENZOIN. 559 Monobenzoicin. Beneoate of Glycyl. C'H I2 O 4 = C 3 H 5 .C 7 H 5 O.H 2 .0 3 . _ Ob- tained by heating benzoic acid with glycerin in a sealed tube, for forty-four hours, to 120 150 C. if the acid be in excess, to 200 C. if the glycerin be in excess ; at a higher temperature a shorter time suffices. The product is purified by washing with potassic carbonate. It is a colourless, neutral, very viscid oil, with a bitter aromatic taste, and a slight balsamic smell; specific gravity 1*228 at 16 0< 5 C. _At 40 it is a transparent nearly solid mass, that can be drawn out into threads ; it boils at 320, but decomposes at the same time, yielding acrolein and benzoic acid. It is insoluble in water, scarcely soluble in bisulphide of carbon, readily in alcohol, ether and benzene. It oxidises very slightly in the air. Heated with potash it forms potassic benzoate ; with ammonia, benzamide. Alcohol and hydrochloric acid convert it in the cold into glycerin and benzoate of ethyl ; the same decomposition is effected when its alcoholic solution is heated to 100 C. for forty-eight hours. Tribenzoicin. Tribenzoate of Glycyl. C 24 H 20 6 = C 3 H 5 .(C 7 H 5 0) 3 .0 3 . Ob- tained by heating monobenzoicin for four hours to 250 C., with 10 or 15 pts. benzoic acid ; the product is washed with sodic carbonate, and repeatedly crystallised from ether. Large white needles, unctuous to the touch, and fusing pretty readily. Alcohol and hydrochloric acid decompose it like monobenzoicin. F. T. C. BECTZOIN. Bitter-almond-oil-camphor. C 14 H 12 2 . (Liebig and Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 276; Eobiquet and Boutron-Charlard, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xliv. 352 ; Laurent, ibid. lix. 402 ; Ixvi. 193 ; Zinin, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiv. 186.) - First described by Stange, 1823 (Repert. Pharm. xiv. 329) ; first correctly examined by Liebig and Wohler in 1832. It is frequently contained in crude bitter-almond oil, and is obtained as a by-product when the oil is purified by lime and ferrous chloride ; the residue is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, and dissolved in alcohol. Pure bitter-almond oil (hydride of benzoyl) is converted into benzoin by cyanide of potas- sium. To prepare benzoin from crude bitter-almond oil, the oil is mixed with its own volume of a saturated alcoholic solution of potash ; after a few minutes, the whole solidifies to a mass of crystals, which are purified by recrystallisation from alcohol. As the amount of benzoin in different specimens of the crude oil varies considerably, according to their age and to the amount of prussic acid which they contain, it is always advisable to test a small portion first with alcoholic potash ; if it does not speedily solidify, the crude oil had better be first freed from prussic acid, and then treated by the ensuing method. Pure oil of bitter-almonds is readily converted into benzoin by the addition of a dilute alcoholic solution of cyanide of potassium, or of alcoholic potash to which a few drops of hydrocyanic acid have been added : this reaction is difficult to account for. Benzoin is isomeric with benzoate of benzyl, and polymeric with hydride of ben- zoyl. It forms shining, transparent, colourless prisms, without smell or taste ; melts at 120 C., and crystallises on cooling ; if further heated, it distils undecomposed. It is insoluble in cold, slightly soluble in hot water, whence it crystallises on cooling ; more soluble in hot than in cold alcohol. It burns readily in the air, with a bright smoky flame. Its vapour passed through a red-hot tube is reconverted into hydride of ben- zoyl. When heated in chlorine, it yields benzil and hydrochloric acid. Bromine at- tacks it, evolving hydrobromic acid, and forming (probably) benzil. Strong nitric acid converts it into benzil. Sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming a violet solution, which blackens when heated. Boiling potash does not attack it ; fused with solid potash, it evolves hydrogen and yields benzoic acid : C 14 H 12 O 2 + 2KHO = 2C 7 H 5 KO - 4- H 4 ; boiled with alcoholic potash, it is coloured violet, and yields benzilic acid, with evolution of hydrogen : C 14 H 12 2 + KHO = C 14 H n K0 3 + H 2 . With ammonia, it yields, among other products, benzoinam and benzoinamide. Perchloride of phos- phorus attacks it violently, yielding chloride of phosphoryl, and other products diffi- cult to obtain pure. (Cahours.) Benzoin combines with chlorides of acid radicles, yielding compounds representing benzoin in which 1 H is replaced by an acid radicle. Zinin (Ann. Ch. Pharm. civ. 116) has obtained the following : Acctyl-benzoin. C 16 H 14 S = C 14 H M (C 2 H 3 0)0 2 . 4 pts. of benzoin dissolve in 3 pts. chloride of acetyl at 40 50 C., with evolution of hydrochloric acid ; when the solution is complete, the whole is heated to 100 as long as vapours are evolved : on cooling, the product slowly solidifies into crystals, which are recrystallised from alcohol or ether. It crystallises from the ethereal solution in large rhombic prisms and six-sided tables ; from the alcoholic solution in thin shining crystals. It is insoluble in water, melts below 100, and does not always crystallise on cooling. Sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, or aqueous potash does not act upon it ; with alcoholic potash it yields acetate and benzoate of potassium. Strong nitric acid converts it into a mixture of two nitro- produets in the form of a viscid colourless mass, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether ; the solution deposits crystals. 560 BENZOINAM BENZOIN-GUM. 'Benzoyl-benzoin. C 8I H 18 S = C 14 H"(C 7 H 5 0)0 2 . Chloride of benzoyldoes notact upon benzoin in the cold, but at about 70 C. the benzoin dissolves and hydrochloric acid is evolved ; the whole is then heated to nearly the boiling point of chloride of benzoyl (196 C.), when a yellowish oily liquid is obtained, which solidifies into crystals on cooling. This product is purified by being poured while liquid into cold 75 per cent. alcohol, when benzoyl-benzoin separates as a crystalline powder, which is washed on a filter with cold alcohol. It is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, soluble in 6 pts. boiling 80 per cent, alcohol, whence it crystallises in thin colourless needles ; readily soluble in ether, and crystallises by spontaneous evaporation in large shining rhombic prisms ; soluble in chloride of benzoyl, and may be heated with it to 150 C. without alteration. Melts at 125 C., and crystallises very slowly on cooling. Chlorine does not attack it, neither does hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid; strong sulphuric acid decomposes it. Aqueous potash does not attack it ; alcoholic potash dissolves it with a violet colour, and, on boiling, converts it into benzoate and benzilate of potassium. Nitrobenzoyl-benzoin. C 21 H 15 N0 5 = C :4 H n (C 7 H 4 (N0 2 )0)0 2 . Strong nitric acid (specific gravity 1*51) dissolves benzoyl-benzoin, which, if too little acid be employed, crystallises out again unaltered; but if at least 1| pt. acid be taken, and the yellowish solution poured into cold water, a resinous substance separates, which is a mixture of two nitro-products. Ether dissolves one of these, and abandons it on evaporation as a thick oil ; the other, which is nitrobenzoyl-benzoin, remains undissolved as a crystal- line powder, which is recrystallised from boiling alcohol. White shining scales, com- posed of rhombic tables, aggregated into scalariform groups, insoluble in water. Melts at 137 C., and solidifies at 110 to an amorphous mass, which very slowly becomes crystalline. Strong nitric acid dissolves it unaltered and in large quantities, especially if gently heated ; on boiling the solution a new body is formed, soluble in ether, which separates as a powder on cooling. F. T. C. C 28 H 24 N 2 0. (Laurent, Compt. Chim. [1845] 37). Formed by the action of alcoholic ammonia on benzoin : 2C 14 H 12 2 + 2NH 8 = C M H 24 N 2 + 3H 2 0. Obtained, together with benzoinamide and other products, when a mixture of alcoholic ammonia and benzoin is left for some months in a closed vessel. Forms white mi- croscopic inodorous needles, insoluble in water ; slightly soluble in hot ether or rock- oil, whence it crystallises on cooling in very bulky needles, readily soluble in hot alcohol containing hydrochloric acid, whence it is partially precipitated by water, entirely by ammonia. Melts when heated, and partly solidifies on cooling. Potash does not attack it ; strong sulphuric acid dissolves it with red colour, and water pre- cipitates orange flakes. F. T. C. BEXrZOIXTAlKXDX:. C 42 H 36 N 4 . (Laurent [1837], Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 189.) Formed by the action of aqueous ammonia on benzoin : C H 36 N 4 + 6H 2 0. Obtained as a white powder when benzoin and aqueous ammonia are left for eight weeks in a closed vessel ; it is boiled in alcohol to remove excess of benzoin, and crystallised from boiling ether. A white, tasteless, odourless powder, consisting of fine microscopic needles ; insoluble in water, very sparingly soluble in alcohol or ether ; melts when heated, and solidifies to a fibrous mass ; distils without decomposition. F. T. C. BEWZOIN-GUIVT. The commercial name of a resin which flows from the bark of Styrax benzoin, a tree growing in Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and Siam. It comes into the market in different forms. The Siamese gum occurs in irregular flat fragments, about an inch long, which are reddish-yellow on the outside, white and shining in the inside. The common or Calcutta-gum forms larger irregular lumps, brittle, of a dirty reddish-grey or brown colour, with many light coloured spots, and often contains frag- ments of wood and bark. The Siamese almond-gum appears to be a mixture of both these kinds. The commercial gum has a pleasant smell, especially when heated, and a sweetish, sharp, balsamic taste. It melts when heated, evolves vapours of benzoic acid, and burns with a smoky flame. Specific gravity 1'063 1*092. Alcohol dis- solves it completely, excepting impurities ; ether partially ; boiling water dissolves out benzoic acid. According to Unverdorben (Pogg. Ann. viii. 397), Stolze (Berl. Jahrb. Pharm. xxvi. 75), Van der Vliet (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiv. 177), and E. Kopp (Compt. rend. xix. 1269), gum-benzoin is a mixture of three resins, whicli may be distinguished as a, )3, and 7, together with benzoic acid, and. a small quantity of a volatile oil. The whole of the benzoic acid cannot be driven offby heat. According to Kolbe and Laute- mann (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxv.113). some varioties of gum-benzoin, especially the almond BENZOIN-GUM BENZOLACTIC ACID. 561 gum of Sumatra, contain not benzole acid, but an acid isomeric with toluylic acid, C 8 H 8 2 , which melts to a clear liquid under hot water, crystallises in forms quite different from that of benzoic acid, and yields hydride of benzoyl when treated with oxidising agents. Unverdorben separates the resins in the following manner : The powdered gum is extracted with boiling sodic carbonate, which dissolves out all the benzoic acid and the resin 7 ; the alkaline solution is precipitated by hydrochloric acid, and the preci- pitate treated with boiling water, which dissolves the acid only, leaving the resin 7 insoluble. The portion insoluble in sodic carbonate is washed, dried, and digested with ether, which dissolves the resin a, and leaves the resin undissolved. According to Kopp, the ethereal solution of a gradually deposits a small quantity of a fourth resin, 5, of a reddish-brown colour. Analyses of two specimens of gum gave the following results (Kopp) : I. II. Benzoic acid 14'0 14-5 Kesina 52'0 480 Kesin )8 25'0 28'0 Resin 7 3'0 3'5 Kesin 5 0-8 0'5 Impurities 6 - 2 6 '5 Kopp further states that the white spots in the gum are composed only of resin a, and contain 8 12 per cent, benzoic acid; while the brown portions consist of resins /3 and 7, and contain as much as 15 per cent, acid (18 per cent, according to Unverdorben). The resin a is readily soluble in ether and alcohol, insoluble in naphtha ; soluble in potash, and not reprecipitated by excess ; insoluble in ammonia. Salts of the earthy or heavy metals give, in its alkaline solution, precipitates which are insoluble in ether. According to Van der Vliet it is a mixture of resins and 7, for it is decomposed into these two resins by prolonged ebullition with sodic carbonate. Resin is a brownish mass, soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether and volatile oils ; soluble in potash, and re- precipitated by excess ; insoluble in ammonia. Resin 7 is dark-brown, soluble in alcohol, slightly in ether and volatile oils, insoluble in naphtha. Potassic carbonate slowly dissolves it, and the solution is precipitated by sal-ammoniac. Its alcoholic solution precipitates acetate of lead, but not acetate of copper. Resins a and , when precipitated by acids from their alkaline solutions, are converted into 7 by exposure to the air. The following are the results of the analysis of these resins, and the (unreliable) for- mulae, which Van der Vliet has deduced therefrom : V. d. V. Mulder. Resin a Carbon 72-9 71'8 73'1 Hydrogen 7'2 M 7'3 Resin Carbon 7M 71'0 717 Hydrogen 6-2 6'3 6*9 Resin 7 Carbon 73'2 73'2 73'2 Hydrogen 8-6 8-4 8-6 By the dry distillation of the resins of gum-benzoin, completely freed from benzoic acid, Kopp obtained a solid substance, which he regards as the odorous principle of the gum, and a rose-red distillate, which gradually becomes darker, and contains crys- tals of benzoic acid ; the fluid portion appears to be hydrate of phenyl. By the same process, Cahours obtained an oil, which Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iii. 192) regards as benzoate of ethyl. When they are distilled to dryness, with excess of nitric acid, nitrous fumes are abundantly evolved, and a distillate is obtained, containing hydride of benzoyl, benzoic acid, and hydrocyanic acid ; boiling water extracts picric acid from the residue, and leaves a yellow powder, benzoeretic acid (q. v.) Sulphuric acid dis- solves the resins to a common solution, whence the addition of water separates them almost completely as a violet precipitate ; the acid liquid, decanted and neutralised with lime yields a soluble calcium-salt. F. T. C. BENZOLACTIC ACID. Bcmomilchsaure. C 10 H 10 4 = C 3 H 4 O.C 7 H 5 O.H.0 2 (Socoloff and Strecker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ITYY. 46. Strecker ibid. xci. 359). This acid is analogous to benzoglycollic acid, representing lactic acid in which 1 at. of of basic hydrogen is replaced by benzoyl, just as benzoglycollic acid represents glycollic acid in which 1 at. of basic hydrogen is similarly replaced. It is prepared by heating 10 pts. of syrupy lactic acid with 14 pts. of benzoic acid in an oil-bath to 150 C., finally raising the temperature to 200, and keeping it there for some hours. Water distils over, and some benzoic acid sublimes The residue in VOL. I. 00 562 BENZOL ACTIC ACID - BENZONE. the retort solidifies on cooling to a crytsalline mass of benzoic and benzolactic acids. These are separated by partial saturation with sodic carbonate, which takes up the benzolactic acid first ; the solution is filtered from the benzoic acid, and freed from the small quantity of benzoic acid which it contains by agitation with ether ; on the addition of hydrochloric acid, benzolactic acid separates in crystals, which are purified by recrystallisation from boiling water, or from ether-alcohol. It forms colourless tabular or spear-shaped crystals, unctuous to the touch : melts at 112 C., and solidifies very slowly on cooling to a crystalline mass; sublimes unde- composed when heated considerably above 120. It dissolves in 400 pts. cold, and in much less boiling water: when boiled with not enough water to dissolve it, the excess of acid melts and the solution becomes milky on cooling, and clarifies very slowly, with separation of crystals. It dissolves readily in alcohol or ether, the latter removing it entirely from its aqueous solution ; after drying in the air, it does not lose any water when heated to melting. By prolonged boiling in water, it is decomposed with benzoic and lactic acids : the decomposition is accelerated by the addition of a dilute acid. The benzolactates are mostly crystalline, soluble in water, and closely resemble the benzoates, from which, however, they are distinguished by their neutral solution not being precipitated by normal acetate of lead. The barium-salt, C 10 H 9 BaO* -4- 3 aq, crystallises in thin, shining, six-sided laminae, which lose their water at 100 C. The silver-salt C l H 9 Ag0 4 , is a flocculent precipitate, soluble in boiling water, whence it crystallises in fine needles. The sodium-salt crystallises in colourless needles from boiling alcohol F. T. C. BE3VZOLIC ALCOHOL, See BENZYLENE. Syn. with AMARENE (q.v.) BENZOLOUE. C 21 H 15 2 (?) (Eochleder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xli. 94). Formed together with benzostilbin, when hydrobenzamide is heated with solid potash. The mixture must be heated till it blackens ; the product is powdered, extracted with water, washed with cold hydrated alcohol, and the residue dissolved in strong sulphuric acid. The blood-red solution thus formed becomes greenish-yellow on addition of dilute alcohol, and deposits small crystals of benzolone : on addition of water, it separates in the uncrystalline state. It is insoluble in water or alcohol ; melts at 248 C., and sublimes almost without decomposition, when more strongly heated. Strong nitric acid dissolves it with a reddish-yellow colour, and it is reprecipitated by water ; fuming nitric acid decomposes it, forming a yellowish resin with evolution of nitrous fumes. It is not attacked by aqueous potash. Rochleder's analyses give a mean composition of C 63-5, H 5-2. / F. T. C. BEWZOIVEERCUR.A.IV1IDE. See BEXZAMIDE. BENZOMYRISTIC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. BETJZOKTE. Benzophenone. Phenyl-benzuyl. C 13 H 10 = C 6 H 5 .C 7 H 5 (Peligot* Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 69. Chancel, Compt. rend, xviii. 83.; Ann. Ch. Pharm. ITTY. 25). The acetone of benzoic acid ; it is formed by the dry distillation of benzoate of calcium: 2C 7 H 5 Ca0 2 = C 1S H 10 + COW. Dry benzoate of calcium is mixed with ^ of its weight of quick lime, and distilled in an iron mercury bottle, fitted with a bent gun-barrel. The red liquid which passes over (which Peligot called benzone), contains, besides benzone, benzene, hydride of benzoyl, and two solid hydrocarbons isomeric with naphthalin. On distilling it in a tubulated retort, benzene first passes over ; and the temperature rises rapidly : the portion which comes over at 315 325 C. is collected apart, and consists of nearly pure benzone, which solidifies on cooling, and may be obtained quite pure by recrystal- lisation from ether-alcohol. 1 kilogr. benzoate of calcium yields about 250 grms. benzone. Benzone forms colourless, transparent crystals, often of considerable size, belonging to the trimetric system. It melts at 46 C. to a thick oil which does not solidify unless it be agitated ; boils at 315 and distils undecomposed : its vapour is very inflam- mable, and burns with a bright flame. It has a pleasant smell, somewhat like that of benzoic ether. It is very soluble in ether, less so in alcohol, not at all in water ; strong nitric or sulphuric acid dissolves it abundantly, and water reprecipitates it unchanged. When heated with soda-lime to about 260 C. it is decomposed, yielding sodic benzoate and benzene, but not a trace of hydrogen : C 6 H 5 .C 7 IPO + NaHO = C 6 H 5 .H + C 7 H 5 O.Na.O. Dinitrobenzonc. Dintrobcnzophenone. C 18 H 8 N 2 5 = C W H 8 (N0 2 ) 2 O. Warm fuming BENZONITRILE. 563 nitric acid converts benzone into a thick oil, which solidifies very slowly ; other dis- solves it and deposits it speedily in the form of a yellowish crystalline powder, which is dinitrobenzone. Reducing agents convert it into diphenyl-carbamide (flavine) : C 1S H 8 N 2 5 + 6H 2 S = C I3 H 12 N 2 + 4H 2 + S 6 . flavine. Of the two hydrocarbons, isomeric with naphthalin, mentioned above, one cry- stallises in large needles, fusible at 92 C., the other, much less soluble in alcohol and ether, forms small nodules fusible at 65. The former is readily obtained by dissolving in strong sulphuric acid the liquid obtained by the dry distillation of calcic benzoate ; it immediately solidifies on the surface, and is removed, washed, dried by filter paper, and crystallised from hot alcohol. The latter is best prepared by the dry distillation of potassic benzoate with potash-lime : it then passes over alone, in solution in benzol, which is distilled off in a water-bath, and the residue crystallised from alcohol. It is also formed together with benzol, when ammonic benzoate is passed over heated baryta. F. T. C. BElffZOXriTRXX.E. Cyanide of Phcny I C 7 H 5 N = C 6 H S .CN" (Fekling (1844), Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlix. 91. Limpricht and v. Uslar, ibid. Ixxxviii. 133). Ben- zonitrile is obtained by various methods : 1. By the dry distillation of benzoate of ammonium, or by heating benzamide, either alone or with caustic lime, or baryta, phosphoric anhydride, or perchloride of phosphorus: the reaction in all these cases consists in the abstraction of the elements of water : C 7 H 5 O.NH 4 .0 - 2H 2 = C 7 H 5 N. Benz. amm. N.C 7 H 5 O.H 2 - H 2 = C 7 H 5 N. Benzamide. 2. By heating hippuric acid, either alone (Limpricht), or with chloride of zinc (Grossmann). 3. By the action of chloride of benzoyl or benzoic anhydride on benza- mide, or by heating beuzamide with potassium (see BENZAMIDE). 4. By the action of chloride of benzoyl on oxamide (Chiozza): C 7 H 5 O.C1 + N 2 .C 2 2 .H 4 = C 7 IPN + CNH + HC1 + CO 2 + H 2 0. or on eulphocyanate or cyanate of potassium (Schiff, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcix. 117, ci. 93) : 2C 7 H 5 O.C1 + 2CNSK = 2C 7 H 5 N + 2KC1 + CO 2 + CS 2 . 6. By heating benzoic anhydride with cyanate or sulphocyanate of potassium (Schiff) : 2CNOK = 2C 7 H 5 N + C0 3 K 2 + CO 2 . 6. By the action of mercuric oxide on thiobenzamide (q. v. under BENZAMIDE). Preparation. 1. When dry benzoate of ammonium is heated in a retort, ammonia escapes, benzoic acid sublimes, and water passes over with a few oily drops of benzo- nitrile ; as most of the benzonitrile remains in the fused residue in the retort, this is covered with water (to which a little ammonia is added), again distilled to dryness, and the operation repeated as long as any oil passes over with the water: 12 oz. benzoic acid yield in 5 days, 6 oz. impure benzonitrile. This product is washed with dilute hydrochloric acid, then with water, dried over chloride of calcium, and recti- fied (Fehling). According to Laurent and Chancel (Compt. chim. 1849, 117), benzonitrile is more easily prepared by passing the vapour of ammonic benzoate over heated baryta. 2. One pt. dry hippuric acid is mixed in a warm mortar with an equal bulk of quartz-sand and 2 pts. chloride of zinc dried as completely as possible, and the mixture is heated in a dry retort to 3 00 350C.: benzontrile then distils over, carbonic anhydride escapes, and a little carbon is deposited ; 100 grms. hippuric acid (the utmost precautions being taken to exclude moisture) yielded 33 40 grms. benzonitrile; calculation requires 57 grm. (Grossmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. c. 72). 3. According to Buckton and Hofmann, benzonitrile is best prepared by distilling benzamide with phosphoric anhydride. Benzonitrile is a clear, colourless, strongly refracting oil, smelling like bitter-almond oil, and having a burning taste; specific gravity 1-0230 at 0, 1*0084 at 16-8 C. Kopp). At higher temperatures it is less dense than water, for it sinks in cold water, but rises to the surface when heated. It boils at 190-6 C. with the barometer at 733'4 mm. (Kopp), and distils undecomposed : its vapour density is 37 (expt.) ; its coefficient of refraction is 1-503 (Reusch). It dissolves in 100 pts. boiling water, and separates out again on cooling; it mixes with alcohol and ether in afl proportions. Sulphur dissolves in it with the aid of heat, and crystallises out on cooling. o o 2 564 BENZONITRILE BENZOSALICYLAMIC ACID. Benzonitrile burns with a bright smoky flame. Cold aqueous potash does not attack it, but on boiling, ammonia is evolved and potassic benzoate formed ; a similar decomposition is effected by dilute acids. Strong sulphuric add dissolves it, and on heating, sulphobenzoic and disulphobenzolic acids, and acid sulphate of ammonium are formed, and carbonic anhydride is evolved : (Buck ton and Hofmann) : 2C 7 H 5 N + 5S0 4 H + H 2 = C 7 H 6 S0 5 + C S H 6 S 2 6 + 2(NH 4 .H.S0 4 .) + CO 2 . "With fuming nitric acid it forms a substitution-product (see below); when heated with potassium in a sealed tube, it assumes a carmine colour, and at 240 C. yields a sublimate of fine needles ; water extracts cyanide of potassium from the product, and the residue yields on distillation, a green oil smelling of creosote, in which crystals again form (Bingley, Chem. Gaz. 1854, 329). With sulphide of ammonium, it forms thiobenzamide (q. v. under BENZAMIDE). Substitution-products of Benzonitrile. Chlorobemonitrile or Cyanide of Chlorophenyl, C 7 H 4 C1N, has not been obtained by the action of chlorine on benzonitrile ; but it is the principal product when sulpho- benzamide or sulphobenzamic acid is distilled with perchloride of phosphorus. The distillate is mixed with potash, and rectified, when chlorobenzonitrile passes over with aqueous vapour, and collects in the receiver, forming crystals which are obtained in large colourless prisms by recrystallisation from alcohol or ether. It smells like bitter-almond oilj is insoluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol or ether ; melts below 40, and aolidifies at 36 C., volatilises slightly at the ordinary temperature, more rapidly at a gentle heat. Prolonged boiling with dilute nitric acid converts it into chlorobenzoic acid; heated to 100 with ammonia in a sealed tube, it yields chlorobenzamide. (Limpricht.) Nitrobenzonitrile or Cyanide of Nitrophenyl. C 7 H 4 N 2 2 = C 6 H 4 (N0 2 )K Pre- cipitated as a white solid body when benzonitrile is heated gently with fuming nitric acid and water added to the solution ; it is tolerably soluble in hot water, and sepa- rates on cooling in small white silky needles, soluble in acids, and reprecipitated by water. When heated, it evolves irritating vapours, and leaves a residue of carbon. When boiled with acids or alkalis, it yields ammonia and a nitrobenzoate. It cannot be obtained by the dry distillation of nitrobenzoate of ammonium (Gerland). F. T. C. BENZOItf ZTROBEUZOIC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. BENZOlVrrrRQCinVIIDE. See CuMYLAMINE. BENZOB. See BENZAMIDE. BEXTZOSTEARXC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. C 14 H'0 (?) (Rochleder, Ann. Ch. Phann. xli. 93). The yellow powder obtained by fusing hydrobenzamide with solid potash consists of a mixture of three substances, a peculiar yellow oil, benzostilbin, and benzolone : the pro- portions of these three compounds vary with the duration of the fusion, benzolone not being formed at all unless the mixture has been heated till it blackens. The two former are separated from the third by alcohol, in which benzolone is insoluble. The alcoholic solution is mixed with a little hydrochloric acid, when it becomes red, but is decolo- rised by standing, and deposits benzostilbin in small crystals ; the same result is pro- duced more rapidly by passing chlorine into the solution. The crystals may be obtained larger by the slow evaporation of their solution in ether. When quite free from the yellow oil, they are but slightly soluble in alcohol. They melt at 244'5 C., and sublime when further heated, being in great measure decomposed. They dissolve with a red colour in sulphuric acid, and may be boiled without decomposition in aqueous potash of 1-2 specific gravity. Rochleder's analysis gives 86'5 86'6 C, 5-253 H. F, T. C. BEXTZOSITCCXiarxxx. C 14 H 13 8 . The name given by Van Bemmelen (J. pr, Chem. Ixix. 84) to a glyceride or artificial fat obtained by heating glycerin to 200 C. with benzoic and succinic acids. It is a soft dark-brown mass, which is decomposed by long boiling with water or alcohol, more rapidly in presence of an alkali, into benzoate and succinate. It represents glycerine in which 1 at. H is replaced by benzoyl and 2 at. by succinyl, C 3 H 5 (C 7 H 5 0)(C 4 H 4 O a )0 3 . F. T. C. BEBTZOSUXPHOPHZHJAIKXC ACID. See BENZ AMIDE. BENZQSUX.FHO?HENAXV2XDE. See BENZAMIDE BEltfZOSUIiPHOPHENAIVIIDYI., CHLORIDE, and AMIDE. See BENZAMIDE. BENZOSULPHOPHEWARG-ENTAIVIIDE. See BENZAMIDE. BEKTZOSUX,PKOFHEI?Y:LSODAIVKIDE. See BENZAMIDE. BENZOSYIiAVTIXiXDE. See BENZYLENE-PHENYLAMINE. BEXTZOTARTARXC ACXT. C !1 H 10 7 = (C 4 H0 4 )".C 7 H 5 O.H.O 2 . (Dessaignes, J. de Pharm. [3] xxxii. 47.) Obtained by heating a mixture of equivalent quantities benzoic and tartaric acids to 150 C. The acids melt at first without mixing, but at last form a homogeneous brown mass. When this is dissolved in boiling water, some benzoic acid crystallises out ; the mother-liquor is partially neutralised by sodic carbo- nate, decolorised by animal charcoal, and acidulated with hydrochloric acid. After some time, nodular masses separate out, which are formed of microscopic crystals, and are not altered in form by recrystallisation. The acid is more soluble in cold water than benzoic acid, but less soluble in alcohol ; its solution has no smelL No sublimate is formed when it is heated to the melting-point of benzoic acid ; when it is further heated, benzoic acid sublimes, and the brown residue smells of heated tartaric acid. A cold saturated solution of the acid does not precipitate lime-water, ferric chloride, or nitrate of silver ; it slightly precipitates a concentrated solution of normal acetate of lead. When neutralised with ammonia, it gives a pale yellow precipitate with ferric chloride, but does not precipitate chloride of calcium. When its solution is one-fourth neutralised with ammonia, it gives with nitrate of silver, a precipitate, which at first is redissolved : it contains 46-35 per cent, silver, corresponding to the formula O u H 8 Ag 2 7 . From this the acid would appear to be dibasic, in which case it is not analogous to benzoglycollic and benzolactic acids. F. T. C. BENZOVAXiERXC ANHYDRIDE. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE. Z.OYL. C 7 H 5 0. The hypothetical radicle which, according to Liebig and o o 3 666 BENZOYL: BROMIDE CHLORIDE. Wohler' s original suggestion, is usually considered as existing in benzoic acid and many of its kindred compounds, benzoic acid, C 7 H 6 2 , being regarded as hydrate of benzoyl, C 7 H 5 O.H.O, bitter-almond oil, C 7 H 6 O, as hydride of benzoyl, &c. This view explains the reactions of the majority of benzoyl-compounds in a far more satisfactory manner than that of Berzelius, who, in accordance with his opinion that oxygen never entered into the composition of an organic radicle, considered C 7 H 5 as the radicle of this group of compounds. The readiness with which many benzoyl-compounds pass into phenyl-compounds renders it probable that benzoyl should be regarded as a compound of phenyl, C 6 H 5 , with carbonyl, CO ; just as acetyl may be regarded as a compound of methyl and carbonyl. One or more atoms of hydrogen in benzoyl is capable of being replaced by a monatomic radicle (Cl, Br, NO 2 , &c.) forming what may be called secondary or substitution-radicles (chlorobenzoyl, C 7 II 4 C10, nitrobenzoyl, C 7 H 4 (NO 8 )0, &c.), which may be supposed to exist in chloro- or nitro-benzoic acid, &c. Benzoyl has not yet been isolated. Benzil, which has the same composition, does not exhibit any analogy with other organic radicles. F. T. C. BENZOYL, BROMIDE OP. Brombenzaldid. C 7 H 5 O.Br. (Li ebig and Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 266.) When hydride of benzoyl is mixed with bromine, heat is evolved, and hydrobromic acid given off: the mixture is then heated, to free it com- pletely from hydrobromic acid and excess of bromine. Thus obtained, bromide of benzoyl is a soft, brown, broadly laminar, crystalline mass, semifluid at the ordinary temperature, and melting at a very gentle heat to a brownish-yellow liquid. It has a faint aromatic odour, somewhat like that of chloride of benzoyl, and is readily soluble, without decomposition, in alcohol and ether. When heated with water, it melts, and remains at the bottom, as a brownish oil, which is decomposed into benzoic and hydrobromic acids only by prolonged boiling. It fumes slightly in the air, strongly when heated, and burns with a bright sooty flame. F. T. C. BECTZOYX., CHLORIDE OP. Chlorbtnzaldid. C 7 H 5 O.C1. (Liebig and Wohler (1832), Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 262; Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxii. 334; Grerhardt, ibid, xxxvii. 291). Formed: 1. by the action of chlorine on hydride of benzoyl (L. and W.) 2. By heating perchloride of phosphorus with benzoic acid (Cahours). 3. By the action of oxychloride of phosphorus on benzoates (Grerhardt). Also in small quantities, by the action of chlorine on mandelic acid, or on benzoate of methyl or ethyl (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 374), and on cinnamein (Fremy, ibid. 180). 4. By heating benzoic acid to 200 C. with a mixture of chloride of sodium and anhydrous acid sulphate of sodium or potassium. Preparation. 1. Dry chlorine is passed into hydride of benzoyl, the liquid being gradually heated to boiling, till no more hydrochloric acid is evolved: the product is freed by heat from dissolved chlorine. 2. A better and easier method is to warm equi- valent proportions of benzoic acid (122 pts.) and perchloride of phosphorus (209 pts.) in a tubulated retort ; a violent reaction takes place, hydrochloric acid is evolved, and a mixture of chlorides of benzoyl and phosphoryl distils over, heat being gradually applied. The mixed chlorides are separated by fractional distillation: at 110C., chloride of phosphoryl passes over ; from 110 to 196, a mixture of the two chlorides ; and from 196 to 200, nearly pure chloride of benzoyl, which is readily freed from traces of oxy- chloride by washing with water, and dried over chloride of calcium. 3. Sodic ben- zoate is treated an a similar manner with oxychloride of phosphorus : the reaction is violent even in the cold, and if the oxychloride be slightly in excesss, chloride of benzoyl and sodic phosphate are the only products : 3C 7 H 5 Na0 2 + POCP = 3C 7 H 5 O.C1 + P0 4 Na 3 , otherwise benzoic anhydride is also formed. The distillate below 196 obtained in (2) may advantageously be employed for this purpose. Chloride of benzoyl is a clear colourless liquid, with a peculiar smell, which resem- bles that of horse-radish and makes the eyes water. Specific gravity 1-196 (L. and W.); 1-25 at 15 C. (Cahours): boils at 196: vapour-density (expt.) 4'987 (Cahours) ; 4'901 (calc.). It is insoluble in water, but is decomposed slowly by cold, and quickly by hot water, into benzoic and hydrochloric acid : the same decomposi- tion is slowly effected when it is exposed to moist air. It is decomposed by alcohol, with evolution of heat, into benzoic ether and hydrochloric acid : it does not act upon pure ether. It is soluble in all proportions in bisulphide of carbon, without decomposition, and with the aid of heat dissolves sulphur and phosphorus, which crystallise out on cooling. It burns with a bright, green-edged, very smoky flame. When boiled with aqueous alkalis, it is immediately decomposed into benzoate and chloride, but it may be distilled without alteration over anhydrous lime or baryta. With dry ammonia or am- monic carbonate, it forms benzamide and chloride of ammonium; it is similarly decom- BENZOYL: CHLORIDE. 567 posed by phenylamine and other alkaloids, yielding phenylbenzamide, &c. It is decom- posed by certain metallic bromides, iodides, sulphides, and cyanides, yielding bromide, iodide, sulphide, or cyanide of benzoyl. With sulphocyanate of potassium, it evolves heat, and yields carbonic anhydride and sulphide, and benzonitrile (Schiff, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcix. 117): probably owing to the decomposition of sulphocyanate of benzoyl : 2(CNS.C 7 H S 0) = 2C 7 H 5 N + CO 2 + CS 2 (Limpricht). It is not attacked by potassium. When heated with hydride of copper, it yields hydride of benzoyl and subchloride of copper (Ch iozza). With chloride of aluminium, it forms a crystalline compound, but not with the chlorides of copper, magnesium, or zinc: it is decomposed by perchloride of tin (Casselmann). With the alkaline salts of many organic monobasic acids, it yields an alkaline chloride and an anhydride, e. g. with sodic bcnzoate, benzoic anhydride ; with sodic pelargonate, benzopelargonic anhydride, &c. (Gerhard t). Heated with formate of sodium, it yields carbonic oxide, chloride of sodium, and benzoic acid : CHNaO 2 + C 7 H 5 OC1 = CO + NaCl + C 7 H C 2 (Gerhardt). Heated with potassic oxalatc, it yields benzoic anhydride, potassic chloride, and car- bonic oxide and anhydride (Gerhardt) with oxamide, benzonitrile and other products (see BENZONITRIL), with most amides, a secondary or tertiary amide containing benzoyl. When finely powdered aldehyde-ammonia is gradually added to chloride of benzoyl, sal-ammoniac and benzoic acid are formed, together with a substance which crystal- lises from hot alcohol in needles having the composition C 16 H 16 N 2 2 , isomeric (perhaps identical) with hipparaffin. It is insoluble in water, readily soluble in hot alcohol or ether ; is fusible, and sublimes partly undecomposed ; is slowly decomposed by boiling potash or sulphuric acid into benzoic acid and a brown resin ; is not attacked by boiling with water and peroxide of lead, till sulphuric acid is added, when aldehyde is evolved and benzamide formed; is similarly decomposed by nitrous acid. (Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcix. 119.) Pentachloride of phosphorus dissolves in hot chloride of benzoyl, and is deposited on cooling (Gerhardt). According to Schischkoff and Hosing (Compt. rend. xlvi. 867), when equivalent quantities of the two substances are heated together in a sealed tube to 200 C. for some days, a compound, C 7 H 5 OC1 3 , is formed, which they call per- chloride of benzoyl. The contents of the tube are heated in a retort to about 110 C., washed first with strong potash, and then with water, and dissolved in alcohol ; the addition of water precipitates the compound as a yellowish neutral oil, heavier than water, soluble in alcohol or ether. It blackens at 130 140, and cannot be distilled without decomposition. It is decomposed when heated with water in a sealed tube, but not by mere contact with water or aqueous or solid potash : it is also decomposed by fuming nitric acid, evolving nitrous fumes ; with acetate of silver in the cold it yields chloride of silver. By the action of chlorine on benzoate of ethyl (q. v.) a compound is obtained, having the composition C 18 II Ifi Cl 6 O s , which may be regarded as a compound of chloride of benzoyl with tetrachlorovinic ether, C 18 H 16 C10 3 = 2C 7 H 5 OC1.C 4 H 6 C1 4 0. It is a colourless liquid, boiling at 188 190 C., of specific gravity 1-346 at 10*8, smells like chloride of benzoyl, fumes in moist air, and is slowly decomposed by water into hydro- chloric, benzoic, and acetic acids. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 374.) Chloride of benzoyl appears to form a compound with hydride of benzoyl. (See BENZOYL, HYDBIDE OF.) Substitution-products of Chloride of Benzoyl. Chloride of Chlorobenzoyl. C 7 H 4 C1 2 ** C 7 H 4 C10.C1. (Limpricht and v. Uslar, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 262). Obtained: 1. By the action of perchloride of phosphorus on chlorobenzoic acid. 2. By the decomposition of chlorosulphobenzoic acid: C 7 H 7 (Church), to 114 (Gerhardt), vapour-density 3'27 (Deville); does not solidify at 20. It is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, more so in ether or in fixed or volatile oils. It dissolves most resins, also iodine, forming an amber-red solution, and, when heated, sulphur, which crystallises out on cooling. It is not decomposed when passed through a red-hot tube filled with potash-lime. It burns with a smoky flame. With chlorine, it evolves heat, and yields several sub- stitution-compounds (see below). With fuming nitric acid, it yields substitution-com- pounds (see below). It dissolves in fuming sulphuric acid, forming sulphibenzylic (sulphotoluic) acid, and sulphibenzyl (sulphotoluol). It is not attacked either by potassium or by potash. When digested with sodium, in a closed vessel for fourteen days, it yields two substances, boiling respectively at 97 C. and 112. (Church, Phil. Mag. [4] ix. 256.) Substitution-products of Hydride of Benzyl. Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iii. 178) enumerates several compounds obtained by the action of chlorine on hydride of benzyl. When the reaction takes place in the dark, chloride of benzyl (chlorotoluol) is the product (see BENZYL, CHLORIDE OF). When chlorine is passed through hydride of benzil in bright daylight, as long as hy- drochloric acid is evolved, and excess of chlorine removed by carbonic anhydride, hydrochlorate of trichlorotoluol, C 7 H 4 C1 6 = C 7 H 5 C1 3 .HC1, is formed ; when distilled it decomposes and evolves hydrochloric acid. When the action of the gas is still further prolonged, a thickish liquid is formed, together with some crystals. If the liquid be sepa- rated, further treated with chlorine with aid of heat, and purified by carbonic anhy- dride, the product is dihydrochlorate of pentachlorotoluol, C 7 H 5 C1 7 = C 7 H 3 C1 5 .2HC1 ; when distilled it evolves hydrochloric acid ; it is soluble in ether. The crystals are tri- hydrochlorate of pentachlorotoluol, C 7 H 6 C1 8 = C 7 H 3 C1 5 .3HC1, they are purified by recrys- tallisation from ether, in which they are soluble, especially with aid of heat ; they are colourless when pure. When the liquid and crystals together are distilled in a stream of chlorine, the distillate being repeatedly poured back again, the whole is gradually converted into a silky substance, abundance of hydrochloric acid being evolved ; this substance, which is hexchlorotoluol (hydride of hexchlorobenzyl), C 7 H 2 C1 6 , is purified by pressure between filter-paper and recrystallisation from ether ; it is volatile without decomposition. Hydride of Nitrobenzyl. Nitrotoluol C 7 H 7 N0 2 = C 7 HNO 2 .B:. (Deville, /oc. cit. ; G16nard and Boudault, Compt. rend. xix. 505; Hofmann and Muspratt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. liii. 220, 224.) Hydride of benzyl is added to cold fuming nitric acid as long as it dissolves immediately ; on adding water to the red solution, hydride of nitrobenzyl separates as a red liquid, which may be decolorised by washing with water and repeated distillation. It is a nearly colourless liquid, smelling of bitter almonds, with a very sweet and afterwards pungent taste; specific gravity 1*18 at 16-5 C. ; vapour-density 4-95 ; boils at 225 230 C. Eeadily soluble in alcohol or ether. It is partially decomposed by distillation, completely when passed at a high tem- perature through a red-hot tube filled with pieces of glass. It burns with a smoky flame, emitting the odour of gum-benzoin ; when passed over red-hot baryta, it is re- solved into phenylamine and carbonic anhydride. With fuming sulphuric acid it forms nitrosulphotoluic acid (Church). Aqueous potash dissolves it, forming a red solution, whence hydrochloric acid precipitates a brown powder ; with alcoholic potash it forms a black liquid, whence a reddish oil containing phenylamine is obtained by distillation. Boiled with alcoholic sulphite of ammonium, it forms thiotoluate of ammonium. With sulphide of ammonium, it yields benzylamine. BENZYLAMINE. 575 Hydride of Dinitrobenzyl. Dinitrotoluol. C 7 H 6 N 2 4 = C 7 H 5 (N0 2 ). 2 H. (De- ville, loc. tit. ; Cahours, Compt. rend. xxiv. 555.) Obtained by boiling hydride of benzyl with fuming nitric acid, or treating it with nitrosulphuric acid. It crystallises from alcohol in lustrous, hard, brittle, prismatic needles, which melt at 7lC. and solidify to a radiated mass. It boils at 300, becoming coloured, and leaving a resi- due : when strongly heated, it yields a sublimate. It is sparingly soluble in water. It is not attacked by fuming nitric acid. Its solution in potash deposits a brown powder on addition of hydrochloric acid. Sulphide of ammonium converts it into nitrobenzylamine. F. T. C. BENZYL. IODIDE OF. C 7 H 7 I. (Cannizzaro, 1854.) When a solution of benzylic alcohol in bisulphide of carbon is mixed with a solution of phosphorus in bi- sulphide of carbon, iodine gradually added, and excess of bisulphide distilled off, a liquid is obtained, which irritates the eyes, and is probably iodide of benzyl. F. T. C. BENZYI.AIttZNE. Toluidine. C 7 H 9 N = N.C 7 H 7 .H 2 . (Muspratt and Hof- mann (1845), Ann. Ch. Pharm. liv. 1 ; No ad, ibid. Ixiii. 305; Hofmann, ibid. Ixvi. 144; Wilson, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 154; Chautard, J. Pharm. [3] xxiv. 166.) Formed by the reduction of hydride of nitrobenzyl by sulphydric acid (Mus- pratt and Hofmann) : or by the action of potash on the yellow resin obtained by treating oil of turpentine by nitric acid. (Chautard.) Preparation. 1. A solution of hydride of nitrobenzyl in alcohol saturated with ammonia, is treated with sulphuretted hydrogen till it smells strongly of the gas, even after long standing : sulphur then crystallises out. The reaction is accelerated by the application of heat, but the decomposition is never complete. The product is mixed with water and hydrochloric acid, and shaken up with ether to remove undecomposed hydride ; it is then evaporated to |, and distilled with potash, when water, ammonia, and benzylamine pass over, the last as a heavy oil, which soon crystallises. The whole distillate is saturated with oxalic acid, evaporated to dryness on the water-bath, and exhausted with boiling absolute alcohol, which dissolves only the oxalate of benzyl- amine, which crystallises on cooling. The crystals are washed, dissolved in boiling water, and the solution decomposed by strong potash, when benzylamine separates in oily drops, which collect and crystallise into a radiated mass on cooling : it is purified by washing and one rectification, or by crystallisation from ether. 2. The resin ob- tained by treating oil of turpentine with nitric acid, is gradually mixed with aqueous potash; the mixture assumes a dark-brown colour, and becomes hot, and when the reaction has ceased, it is distilled as long as alkaline vapours pass over. The dis- tillate is supersaturated with hydrochloric acid, evaporated to dryness over the water- bath, and exhausted with absolute alcobol, which dissolves hydrochlorate of benzyl- amine, and leaves sal-ammoniac undissolved. Benzylamine crystallises from dilute alcohol in large colourless laminae, which are sparingly soluble in cold, more readily in boiling, water : readily in alcohol, ether, wood-spirit, acetone, fixed and volatile oils, and bisulphide of carbon. It smells like phenylamine, and has a burning taste. It evaporates at ordinary temperatures, melts at 40 C. to a colourless, strongly-refracting oil, and boils at 198. It is heavier than water ; slightly blues red litmus, but does not redden turmeric ; colours fir-wood deep yellow, but does not give the purple colour of phenylamine with chloride of lime, but only a faint reddish tint. With nitric acid benzylamine gives a deep-red, phenyla- mine a deep-blue, colour. Bromine acts on benzylamine violently : when the product is heated, shining needles sublime, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, probably tribromobenzyla- mine. It is decomposed by boiling with strong nitric acid, with evolution of nitrous fumes ; water added to the solution precipitates yellow flakes, which dissolve in alkalis, and are reprecipitated by acids. With aqueous chromic acid, it gives a red- brown precipitate. When its vapour is passed over fused potassium, vivid combus- tion takes place, and potassic cyanide is formed. Cyanogen passed into its alcoholic solution, yields cyanobenzylamine (see below). With chloride of cyanogen it forms melobenzylamine (metoluidine) (see below.) With bromide or iodide of ethyl, it yields benzylethylamine (see below). Combinations. 1. With ACIDS. Benzylamine combines with acids, forming crys- talline salts, which are mostly inodorous and colourless, but quickly become rose- coloured when exposed to the air : they are decomposed by alkalis or alkaline carbonates, benzylamine being separated as a crystalline curd. The chloraurate, AuCl 4 C 7 H 10 N, separates as a thick precipitate, which soon aggregates to a crystalline mass, when the hydrochlorate is mixed with trichloride of gold : it melts* in water at 50 60C., dis- solves when further heated, and crystallises on cooling in fine yellow needles. The chloroplatinate, PtCl s C 7 H 10 N, separates as an orange-yellow crystalline pulp, when the 576 BENZYLAMINE. hydrochlorate is mixed with bichloride of platinum : it is washed with ether-alcohol and dried in a water-bath. The chloropalladate is similar in appearance. The hydro- chlorate, C 7 H 10 NC1, is deposited in white crystalline scales, becoming yellow on exposure to the air, when a solution of benzylamine in hydrochloric acid is evaporated and cooled: it is readily soluble in water or alcohol, sparingly in ether, forming acid solutions : when gently heated, it sublimes like sal-ammoniac. The nitrate, phosphate, and sulphite are crystallisable. The acid oxalate, C 2 4 .C 7 H 10 KH + Aq, is obtained by mixing an alcoholic solution of benzylamine with excess of oxalic acid, in delicate silky needles, soluble in boiling water or alcohol, insoluble in ether. The sulphate, S0 4 (C 7 H IO N) 2 , is obtained when a few drops of sulphuric acid are added to an ethereal solution of benzylamine, as a white crystalline precipitate, which may be washed with ether : it is readily soluble in water, sparingly in alcohol. With cupric sulphate or chloride, benzylamine gives a greenish crystalline precipitate ; with nitrate of silver, a white precipitate, which soon blackens; it precipitates ferric hydrate from ferric chloride. 2. With CYANOGEN; Cyanobenzylamine; Cyanotoluidine. C 8 H 9 N 2 = C 7 H 9 N.CN. (Hofmann, loc. cit. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. i. 170.) When cyanogen is passed through an alcoholic solution of benzylamine, the red-brown solution deposits, after some hours, a crystalline mass, whence hydrochloric acid extracts cyanobenzylamine, which is pre- cipitated by potash from the hydrochloric acid solution. It is homologous with cyanophenylamine, which it closely resembles, only being less soluble in alcohol or ether. Melobenzylamine. Metoluidine. C 15 H 17 N 3 = C 7 H 9 N.C 7 H 8 CyN. (Wilson, foe. cit.) When the vapour of chloride of cyanogen is passed over fused benzylamine, heat is evolved, and a resinous mass obtained, consisting of hydrochlorate of metolui- dine ; this is dissolved in water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, filtered, and mixed with potash; and the white precipitate thus produced, is boiled with potash, washed, and recrystallised from alcohol. Crystalline laminae, sparingly soluble in cold, somewhat more in boiling water ; crystallises best from a mixture of water and alcohol ; readily soluble in hydrochloric acid : the solution gives with dichloride of platinum, a dark- yellow precipitate of chloroplatinate, which is insoluble in water or alcohol and may be dried at 100 C. It is homologous with melaniline (melophenylamine). Secondary and Tertiary Amines containing Benzyl. Benzylethylamine. Ethyltoluidine. C 9 H 13 N - N.C 7 H 7 .C 2 H 5 .H. (Morley and Ab el, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vii. 68.) Benzylamine is heated with iodide of ethyl in a sealed tube for two or three days in a water-bath ; the product freed from excess of iodide by heat ; the resulting oil, which is hydriodate of benzylethylamine, distilled with strong potash, and the distillate rectified over solid potash. It is a colourless oil with a peculiar smell : specific gravity 0-9391 at 15-5 C. ; boils at 217 The chloroplatinate is a pale- yellow crystalline compound, soluble in water or alcohol, less so in ether : at 100 it becomes dark, and is decomposed. The oxalate and sulphate are crystalline. Benzyldiethylamine. Diethyltoluidine. C"H 17 N = N.C 7 H 7 .(C 2 H 5 ) 2 . Prepared in the same manner as the foregoing compound, benzylethylamine being substituted for benzylamine. A colourless, odorous oil : specific gravity 0-9242 at 15'5 C., boils at 229. The chloroplatinate is a resinous non-crystalline mass. The hydriodate forms oily drops which crystallise when touched with a glass-rod ; is very soluble in water, decomposes when exposed to the air, or in contact with alcohol. Benzyltriethylium. C 13 H 22 N = N.C 7 H 7 .(C 2 H 5 ) 3 . Known only in combination with acids. When benzyldiethylamine is heated with iodide of ethyl to 100 C. in a sealed tube till crystals are formed and excess of iodide of ethyl is removed by dis- tillation, iodide of benzyltriethylium remains as a heavy oil. This is decomposed by heating with oxide of silver, yielding a solution of hydrate of benzyltriethylium N.C 7 H 7 (C 8 H 5 ) 3 .H.O, which is strongly alkaline, has a bitter taste, and precipitates most metallic salts. The chloroplatinate is insoluble in cold, soluble in hot water, whence it crystallises in fine needles ; it loses platinum on recrystallisation. Nitrobenzylamine. Nitrotoluidine. C 7 H 8 N 2 2 = KC 7 H 6 N0 2 .H 2 . (Cahours. Compt. rend. xxx. 320.) Formed by the action of sulphide of ammonium on hydride of dinitrobenzene ; it crystallises in yellow needles, forms definite compounds with nitric, hydrochloric, sulphuric, and phosphoric acids : yields alkalamides with the chlorides of benzene and cumyl. Tribenzylamine. C 21 H 21 N = N.(C 7 H 7 ) 3 . (Cannizzaro, Cimento, iii. 397.) When chloride of benzyl is heated with alcoholic ammonia to 100 C. in a sealed tube, ammonia passed into the cooled product, the resulting precipitate exhausted with ether, and the ethereal solution evaporated, this compound is obtained in shining laminae, which melt at 91 -3 C. to a colourless liquid, and at 360 volatilise with BENZYLENE. 577 partial decomposition. It is sparingly soluble in cold water or alcohol, more so in boil- ing alcohol, still more in ether, forming alkaline solutions. The hydrochlorate crystal- lises in needles from hot water. The chloroplatinate forms orange-needles. F. T. C. BESMZYLEPOTE. C 7 H 6 . A hypothetical diatomic radicle, of which, according to Wicke (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 356.) Cahours' chlorobenzol is the chloride. It has not been isolated ; neither has its hydrate (benzylenic or benzolic alcohol,) C 7 H 6 .H 2 .0 2 , nor its oxide (benzyleuic ether) C 7 H 6 been obtained ; the reason assigned by Wicke being that the former readily decomposes, yielding water and the latter compound, which in turn is readily converted into its isomer, hydride of benzoyl. Several com- pound ethers have, however, been obtained, representing the alcohol in which the 2 atoms of basic hydrogen are replaced by positive or negative organic radicles (see BENZYJLENIC ETHERS). Hydrobenzamide C 21 H 18 N 2 , should probably be regarded as a tertiary diamine containing this radicle. N 2 (C 7 H 6 ) 8 . F. T. C. CHLORIDE OP. Chlorobenzol. C 7 H 6 C1 2 . (Cahours (1848), Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiii. 129. Wicke, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 356.) When hydride of benzoyl is brought into contact with a slight excess of pentachloride of phosphorus, a lively action takes place; and if, when this is over, a gentle heat be applied, oxychloride of phosphorus distils over at about 110 C., and chloride of benzylene at about 206. The latter is washed with water, dried over chloride of calcium, and rectified. It is a colourless liquid, smelling faintly in the cold, but strongly when heated ; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether : specific gravity 1-245 at 16 : vapour- density (expt.) 5-595 ; boils at 206 208. It is not oxidised by exposure to the air, or to oxygen. When heated in a water-bath with alcoholic potash, more slowly with aqueous potash to 100, in a sealed tube, it yields chloride of potassium and hydride of benzoyl. Ammonia, whether dry, aqueous, or alcoholic, does not act upon it in the cold: when heated in a sealed tube to 100 with an ammonia-solution, it yields chloride of ammonium, and bitter-almond oil. It is not attacked by dry cyanide of 'potassium at 100. Heated with alcoholic sulphocyanate of potassium to 100 in a sealed tube, it yields chloride of potassium, and an oil smelling like oil of mustard. Alcoholic nitrate of silver deprives it of all its chlorine, hydride of benzoyl being formed. Alcoholic hydrosulphate of potassium converts it into sulphide of benzylene. Gerhardt (Trait6, iii. 167) regards this compound as hydride of benzoyl in which oxygen is replaced by chlorine : Wicke, however, shows conclusively that it possesses none of the properties of an aldehyde. F. T. C. BENZYX.ENE, SULPHIDE OP. Sulphobenzol, C 7 H 6 S. (Cahours, loc. cit.) Formed by the action of alcoholic sulphydrate of potassium on chloride of benzylene, and recrystallised from boiling alcohol, in which it is readily soluble. White pearly scales, insoluble in water, which melt at 64 C. and crystallise on cooling : when further heated, it is partly volatilised, and partly decomposed. It is oxidised even by dilute nitric acid, with formation of sulphuric acid, and a substance soluble in alkalis, which crystallises in shining yellow scales, F. T. C. BENZYLENE-PHENYI,.ft.lVErN-E. Benzosylanilide. Stilbylanilinc. C 13 H U N = N.C 7 H 6 .C G H 5 . (Laurent and G-erhardt, Compt. chim. 1850, 117.) When perfectly dry hydride of benzoyl is mixed with about its own volume of perfectly dry phenyl- amine, water separates out, and a crystalline mass forms after a time (sometimes not until water is added) : this is pressed between filter-paper, and recrystallised from hot alcohol, or purified by rectification. It forms beautiful shining laminse, without taste or smell, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether. It is easily fusible, and boils at a very high temperature without decomposition. Bromine acts with violence on its alcoholic solution, forming after a time crystals of tribromophenylamine. With cold fuming nitric acid, it forms a dark-green solution, whence water precipitates hydride of benzoyl, nitrate of phenylamine remaining in solution : sulphuric acid decomposes it in a similar manner, forming a yellow solution. It becomes liquid by contact 'with acetic or hydrochloric acid : the latter dissolves it on boiling, without decomposition. It is scarcely attacked by boiling potash. F. T. C. BEXTZYXiEN'XC ETHERS. Salts or ethers of Benzylene. (Wicke, loc. tit.) a. Ethers containing a Positive Radicle. METHYLBENZYLENIC ETHER. Methylate of Benzylene. C 9 H 12 2 = C 7 H 6 .(CH 3 ) 2 2 . A mixture of 1 at. chloride of benzylene with a solution of 2 at. sodium in abso- lute metbylic alcohol, is heated for some hours, when chloride of sodium separates in abundance ; the methylic alcohol is distilled off, and the residue mixed with water, when the ether rises to the surface, and is removed with a pipette, dried and rectified. It is a transparent, colourless liquid, heavier than water, with a pleasant smell like that of geraniums ; insoluble in water, soluble in wood-spirit, alcohol, or ether. It boils at 208 C,, leaving a brown residue arising from decomposition VOL. I. P P 578 BENZYLENIC ETHEES EENZYLIC ALCOHOL. ETHYIJJENZYLENIC ETHER. Ethylate of Benzylene. C n H 16 2 = C 7 H 6 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 .0-. Prepared precisely like the foregoing compound, ethylic being substituted for methylic alcohol. It boils at 222 C. : in other respects it resembles the methyl-compound. AMYLBENZYLENIC ETHER. Amylate of Benzylene. C 17 H 28 2 = C 7 H 6 .(C 5 H n ) 2 .0 2 . Prepared like the preceding compounds : but the ether must be separated by fractional distillation, not by addition of water. It is a slightly yellowish oil, smelling like fusel- oil, and lighter than water : it boils, not without considerable decomposition, about 292 C. b. Ethers containing Acid Radicles: The only one of these which has been obtained perfectly pure, and in the crystalline form, is ACETOBENZYLENIC ETHER. Acetate of Benzylene. C"H 12 4 = C 7 H 6 .(C 2 H 3 0) 2 .0 2 1 at. chloride of benzylene is triturated with rather more than 2 at. dry acetate of silver, and the mixture heated very gently in a flask ; the reaction is so violent that it is well not to use more than 10 grm. silver-salt at a time. The product, when cool, is repeatedly extracted with ether ; the extracts are distilled in the water-bath ; and the yellowish oily residue is washed with weak soda-solution and with water, then redissolved in ether, and left to evaporate. A viscid oil is thus obtained, in which crystals gradually form, until at last it solidifies completely. It forms small white shining crystals, belonging to the monoclinic system, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether, whence it separates on evaporation as an oil, which often does not crystallise till agitated. It melts at 36 C., and crystallises on cooling : begins to boil at 190, the temperature gradually rising to 240 , and yields a distillate consisting of acetic an- hydride and hydride of benzoyl. Heated with aqueous potash or dilute sulphuric acid, to 100 in a sealed tube, it is converted into acetic acid and hydride of benzoyl: with aqueous ammonia under the same circumstances, it yields acetamide and hydro- benzamide. BENZOBENZYLENIC ETHER. Benzoate of Benzylene. C 21 H 16 4 = C 7 H 6 .(C 7 H 5 0) 2 .0 2 . Chloride of benzylene acts violently on benzoate of silver, with evolution of heat : the ethereal extract of the product yields on evaporation a viscid, brown, non-crystallisable mass. With alcoholic potash it forms immediately a solid mass of potassic benzoate, mixed with hydride of benzoyl. StJcciNOBENZYLENic ETHER. Succinate of Benzylene. C U H 10 4 = C 7 H G .C 4 H 4 2 ,0 ? . Prepared like the foregoing compounds : its ethereal solution is decomposed by evaporation or by washing with dilute soda, into succinic acid and hydride of benzoyl. SULPHOBENZYLENIC ETHER. Sulphate of Benzylene. C 7 H 6 S0 4 = C 7 H e S0 2 .0 2 . Pre- pared in the same manner. It is a red-brown, non-crystallisable oil. VAXEROBENZYLENIC ETHER. Valerate of Benzylene. C I7 H 24 4 = C 7 H 6 .(C 5 H 9 0). 2 0. Obtained like the acetate. On evaporating its ethereal solution, it remains as a thick, yellow, non-crystallisable oil, which is decomposed by distillation into valerianic acid and hydride of benzoyl. Chloride of benzylene acts so violently on oxalate of silver, that no definite product can be obtained. ' F. T. C. BEOTZY3,:DZETHYI.AIrWE. BENZYX.- TRIETHYIiIUlVT. (See BENZYLAMINE.) BENZYX.XC AXiCOHOXi. Hydrate of Benzyl. Benzole Alcohol. Toluylic Alcohol. C 7 H 8 = C 7 H 7 .H.O. (Cannizzaro [1853], Ann. Ch. Pharrn. Ixxxviii. 129 ;'xc. 252; xcii. 113; xcvi. 246; Scharling, ibid, xcvii. 168.) Formed: 1. By the action of alcoholic potash on hydride of benzoyl : 2C 7 H 6 + KHO = C 7 H 8 + C 7 H 5 K0 2 . When a mixture of pure hydride of benzoyl with its own volume of absolute alcohol is mixed with 3 4 vols. alcoholic potash, of specific gravity 1'02, heat is evolved, and the whole solidifies to a crystalline magma. The potassic benzoate is dissolved out with hot water, the alcohol distilled off, the residue mixed with water till it begins to be turbid, and then shaken up with ether. The brown oily residue obtained by eva- nting the ethereal solution, is dried over fused potash, and repeatedly rectified. \Then acetate of benzyl, obtained by boiling chloride of benzyl with alcoholic ace- tate of potassium, is boiled with strong alcoholic potash, and the alcohol distilled off, the residual liquid separates into two layers, the upper of which contains benzyl ic alcohol, which is separated by fractional distillation. 3. Scharling has shown that the substance known as pcruvin, obtained by the action of potash on cinnamcin, is benzylic alcohol. It is a colourless, strongly-refracting oil, with a faint pleasant smell : specific gravity 1-051 at 14-4 C., 1-063 at D (Kopp) : vapour- density (expt.) 3'85 : boils at 206'5, BENZYLIC ETHER- BERBERINE. 579 under pressure of 75T4 mm. (Kopp.) It is insoluble in water: soluble in all pro- portions in alcohol, ether, acetic acid, or bisulphide of carbon. When its vapour is passed through a red-hot tube filled with spongy platinum, ben- zene with other compounds is formed. It is converted into hydride of benzoyl by oxygen, in presence of platinum- black, or by nitric acid : aqueous chromic acid converts it into benzoic acid. With strong sulphuric acid, phosphoric anhydride, or chloride of zinc, it yields a brown resin, insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether (probably stilbene). Fused boric anhydride converts it at 100 120 C. into benzylic ether, at a higher temperature into stilbene (or benzylene ?) : with fluoride of boron, it yields the same product. Distilled with strong alcoholic potash, it yields hydride of benzyl (q. v.} F. T. C. BEKTZYXXC EITHER C 14 H 14 = (C 7 H 7 ) 2 .0. (Cannizzaro, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcii. 115.) Fused and pulverised boric anhydride is mixed into a paste with benzylic alcohol ; the mixture is heated for some hours to 120 125 C. ; and the resulting hard brown mass is treated with water and a solution of alkaline carbonate, when a greenish- brown oil rises to the surface. When this is distilled, benzylic alcohol passes over below 300, and benzylic ether at 300 315 : the residue contains stilbene. Benzylic ether is a colourless, slightly fluorescent oil, boiling at 300 315. When heated above its boiling-point, it becomes yellow and is decomposed, yielding resinous stilbene, hydride of benzoyl, and a light oil, which is probably hydride of benzyl. With phosphoric anhydride or sulphuric acid, it yields the same product as benzylic alcohol. Ethyl-benzylic Ether. C 9 H 12 = C 7 H 7 .C 2 H 5 .0. (Cannizzaro, Cimento, iii. 397.) Chloride of benzyl is distilled upwards with alcoholic potash, and the resulting liquid is decanted from the chloride of potassium, and mixed with water, when it separates into two layers : the upper of these is distilled, and the portion which comes over at 185 C. dried over chloride of calcium and rectified. Colourless, mobile liquid, with a pleasant smell; lighter than, and insoluble in, water: boils at 185. For the compound benzylic ethers containing acid radicles, see ACETIC and BENZOIC ACIDS. F. T. C. BEXt A UNITE, A hydrated sesquiphosphate of iron occurring at St. Benigna in the circle of Beraun in Bohemia, together with cacoxene and Dufrenite. It forms ra- diated or laminar masses, with perfect cleavage in one direction ; imperfect at right angles to the first. Specific gravity 2-878. Hardness 2'0 to 2*5. Kather brittle. BERBERXSTE. C 21 H 19 N0 5 (?)* 4 n organic base discovered in 1837, by Buchner (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxiv. 228), in the root of the barberry (Berberis mdgaris}, and since found in other species of Berberis growing in Mexico and in India. It has also been obtained by Bodeker (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 384 ; Ixix. 40), from Colombo- root (Cocculus palmatus) ; by Perrins (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 276), from the colorabo-root of Ceylon ( Menispermum fenestratum} ; and by Stenhouse (Pharm. J. Trans, xiv. 455), in a yellow bark used as a dye by the natives of Abeoconta in West Africa. Preparation, a. From Barberry-root. The root is exhausted with boiling water; the extract concentrated by evaporation, and treated with warm alcohol of 82 per cent; the solution filtered; the greater part of the alcohol distilled off; and the residue left to itself in a cool place. Yellow crystals of berberine are then deposited, and may be purified by recrystallisation from boiling water or alcohol. The root con- tains about 1-3 per cent, of berberine. (Buchner.) b. From Colombo-root. The dried alcoholic extract of the root is treated with hot water ; the filtered solution neutralised with hydrochloric acid ; and the liquid again filtered, treated with excess of hydrochloric acid, and left at rest for some days. It then deposits a crystalline sediment of hydrochlorate of berberine, which is dissolved in a small quantity of alcohol and reprecipitated by ether (Bodeker). For further purification, the hydrochlorate is converted into a sulphate ; this salt is recrystallised and dried at 100 C. ; the aqueous solution decomposed by baryta- water ; the excess of baryta removed by passing a stream of carbonic acid through the liquid, then filtering, evaporating nearly to dryness, and digesting the residue in alcohol. The alcoholic solution is then precipitated by ether, and the precipitated berberine recrystallised from water. The same mode of purification may be adopted with berberine obtained from barberry -root. (Fleitmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxiv. 228.) Properties. Small silky needles or concentrically grouped prisms of a light yellow colour. Odourless, but has a strong and persistently bitter taste. Sparingly soluble in water and alcohol when cold ; easily at the boiling heat ; insoluble in ether. Oils, both fatty and volatile, dissolve it in small quantity. The crystals heated to 100 C. give off 19-26 per cent, (5 at.) water of crystallisa- tion, and the residue contains 667 to 67'4 carbon, and 5-6 to 57 hydrogen, agreeing * Or rather C 20 Hi 7 NO 4 (Perrins, Chem. Soc. J. xv. 339). See APPENDIX. PP 2 580 BERENGELITE BERGAMOT, OIL OF. nearly with the formula C 21 H 19 NOUH 2 0, or C 4 WNO".HO (Fleitmann). The remaining water cannot be expelled" without further decomposition. According to Fleitmann, the anhydrous salts of berberine contain the group C 42 H IS N0 9 associated with acids: e.g. the hydrochlorate = C*H l *N&.HI3MGEK,IT. These names are applied some- what indiscriminately to three minerals, containing protosulphide of iron, together with trisulphide of antimony. a. 3Fe 2 S.2Sb 2 S 3 . Found at Chazelles in Auvergne, crystalline or massive, with imperfect cleavage in several directions. Specific gravity 4-284: : hardness 2*0 ito 3*0. Iron-black or dark steel-grey. Opaque with metallic lustre. Fuses readily before the blowpipe on charcoal, yielding antimonial fumes and deposit, and leaving a black magnetic slag (Berthier, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxxv. 351). b. 3Fe'-S.4Sb 2 S 3 . Found in a mine near Chazelles. Fibrous, with granular transverse fracture, almost destitute of lustre (Berthier, Pogg. Ann. xxix. 458). c. Fe 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 or FeSbS 2 . Found at Anglar in the Departement de la Creuse. Crystal- line, composed of fine parallel fibres. Steel-grey, inclining to bronze (Berthier). Minerals having this composition are also found in other localities. BEHTHOXiXiSTXA SXCEXiSA. A Brazilian tree belonging to the order Lccy- thidacece. The kernels of the fruit, called Brazilian or Pava nuts, contain sugar, gum, and a pale yellow odourless fat oil, which solidifies at C., and contains stearin, palmitin, and elain. (Caldwell, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcviii. 120.) BERYL. 3G1 2 . A1 4 3 . 6Si0 2 Si 3 GPAL 2 !? . A mineral species comprising several varieties, among which are found two very beautiful and costly gems, viz. emerald, and aquamarine or precious beryl. The crystals belong to the hexagonal system, being regular six-sided prisms variously modified, sometimes by the truncation of the lateral edges, at other times of the terminal edges. The most ordinary combinations are oo P . oP and ooP . oP . P. (fig. 98) ; sometimes, however, much more complicated modifications occur, like fig. 99, composed of the hexagonal prism oo P. the terminal Fig. 98. Fig. 99. face oP, the primary hexagonal pyramid P, a sharper hexagonal pyramid of the first order 2P, a pyramid of the second order 2 P 2, and a symmetrical 12-sided pyramid i Pf, whose faces (denoted in the figure by z) replace the combination-edges between 2P2, and oc P. The prismatic faces are often deeply striated in the vertical direc- pp 3 582 BERYLLIUM BETA. tion. Cleavage tolerably perfect, parallel to oP. Fracture conchoi'dal and uneven Specific gravity 2*67 to 276. Hardness 7'5 to 8*0. The most usual colour of the beryl is green, of various shades between yellow- and blue-green, arising from the presence of iron in various stages of oxidation ; yellow, blue, rose-coloured, and co- lourless beryls are also found. The brilliant green of the emerald is due to the presence of oxide of chromium. Lustre vitreous. The best specimens of emerald and aquamarine are perfectly transparent; but the transparency is generally greatly diminished by cracks and striae, the coarser varieties being opaque in the mass and translucent only at the edges. Beryl is difficult to fuse by itself before the blowpipe, melting to a glass at the edges only ; with borax it fuses readily to a transparent glass ; with phosphorus-salt, it leaves a skeleton of silica. Beryl from Limoges was found by C. Grmelinto contain 67'54 SiO 2 , 17'63 A1 4 3 , and 13-51 Grl-O (= 98'68) ; a specimen from Fahlun, analysed by Berzelius, gave 68'35 SiO-, 17-60 A1 4 3 , 13-13 Gl-'O, 072 1V0 3 and 072 TaO 2 . These and numerous other analyses agree nearly with the formula above given (calc. 67'46 SiO 2 , 1874 A1 4 3 , 13-80 CHO), which, by substituting al = |A1, may be reduced to that of a metasilicate (G-laJ) SiO 3 . Beryls are found in various parts of the world; the finest emeralds come from Peru, where they are found traversing clay-slate, hornblende slate, and granite ; fine specimens are also obtained from Katharinenburg in Siberia ; inferior varieties from the Heubach valley in the district of Pinzgau in Salzburg ; varieties are also found in some old mines in Mount Zabarah in Upper Egypt, from which spot the ancients are supposed to have derived their emeralds. Fine transparent beryls or aqua- marines are found in Brazil, in the granite district of Nertschinsk in Siberia, in the Ural and Altai mountains, and in the granite of the Morne mountains in the county of Down, Ireland. Opaque beryls, sometimes of very large size, are found at Langenbilau in Silesia ; at Bodenmais in Bavaria, near Limoges in France ; at Kinloch, Kunnoch, and Cairngorm, Aberdeenshire ; and in the counties of Dublin and Wicklow. Between the Connecticut and Marimac rivers, near Crofton in North America, enormous specimens have been found, measuring from 4 to 6 feet in length, and weighing between 2000 and 3000 pounds. BERYXiXiXTTlVX. Syn. with GI/UCESTUM. BERZEXiXAXTXTE. Selenide of Copper. BERZEXiXXTE. Berzelitc, Kuhnite, Chaux arseniate anhydre, Magnesian Phar- macolite. As 2 (Mg 3 Ca 3 )0 8 . A massive mineral occurring near Langbanshytta in Sweden. It has an uneven fracture, and exhibits traces of cleavability in one direc- tion. Yellowish- white to honey -yellow, with waxy lustre; translucent on the edges. Perfectly soluble in nitric acid. Before the blowpipe, it exhibits the usual reactions of arsenic, and with soda shows evidence of a trace of manganese. (Kiihn, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxiv. 271.) BERZEXiXTT. A mineral found in the older volcanic ejections near Lake Albano in Italy, together with hauyne, augite, and mica. It crystallises in octahedrons or dodecahedrons, belonging to the regular system, sometimes forming twin-crystals; cleavage tolerably distinct, parallel to the faces of a cube. The crystals are often uneven a*nd rounded. It occurs also in spherical and stalactitic forms, massive and imbedded. Fracture varying from conchoi'dal to uneven ; colour white or grey ; lustre vitreous to dull ; varies from transparent to perfectly opaque ; streak white ; hard- ness o'O ; specific gravity 2*428 to 2727. According to an imperfect analysis by L. Cmelin, its composition is similar to that of leucite. When pulverised and ignited, it yields a small quantity of water. Melts with difficulty before the blowpipe to a tumefied glass ; with borax readily to a clear glass. Dissolves slowly in nitric acid, yielding a jelly of silica when heated. Similar crystals have been found in nephelin- dolerite from Meiches in Oberhessen. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. [1] 1023.) The same name has been applied to native selenide of copper. BERZEXiXTE. This name has been given to Mendipite, Petalite, Thorite, and Berzeliite. BETA, Beet. A genus of plants, belonging to the natural order Chenopodiacese,. distinguished by the large quantity of sugar contained in their roots. The three principal species are: 1. Beta vulgaris, common beet, well known for its sweet crimson roots, which are used as a salad. 2. Beta cycla, chard beet, inferior in the size and flavour of its roots, but distinguished by its remarkably thick-ribbed leaves, which are used in France in soups ; or the ribs only are cut out and stewed like sea-kail. 3. Beta altissima, field-beet or mangold- wurzel, sometimes, though erroneously, regarded as a hybrid between the two former. This is by far the most important species, as it is extensively cultivated for feeding cattle, and in France and Germany also for the extraction of sugar. BETULIN BEZETTA. 583 The root of mangold- wurzel contains crystallisable sugar, identical in every respect with cane-sugar. Payen gives for the average composition of the root, 83'5 per cent, water, 10*5 sugar, 0'8 cellular substance and pectose, 1*5 nitrogenous matter (albumin, &c.), and 3'7 pectin and salts. The salts consist of nitrates and ammonium-salts, toge- ther with alkaline and earthy phosphates, sulphates, chlorides, oxalates and malates, or, according to some chemists, citrates. The root has also been stated to contain two or three peculiar acids, which have not been thoroughly examined. The dried leaves contain, according to Sprengel, 15'44 per cent. ash. The seed contains 11-6 per cent, water, and in 100 pts. of dry substance, - 09 sulphur and 6'58 ash. (Way and Ogston.) The following table exhibits the composition of the ash of the seed, leaves, and roots : Ash of seed. Ash of leaves. Ash of roots. Way. Ogston. Sprengel. Etti. Potash (anhydrous) 16-1 36-3 23-9 19-5 26-6 Soda ... 6-8 21'3 53-1 22-430-5 13-4 14-9 4-8 3-2-- 4-5 Magnesia ..... 15-2 5-4 2-2 7-0 9-8 Alumina and ferric oxide Manganic oxide .... 0-4 1-8 1-1 0-4 j 2-3 o-i o-i Silica 27 1-8 14-119-8 Sulphuric acid (anhydrous) . 3-6 6-3 2-1 2-5 2-5 Phosphoric 13-1 4-5 2-8 2-4 2-4 Chlorine 6-9 6-3 1-4 1-9 Carbonic acid (anhydrous) . 13-8 Chloride of sodium 15-3 BETUXiXia*. C 40 H 64 3 . A resinous substance extracted from the outer bark of the birch-tree (Betula alba), or from the tar prepared therefrom. It was discovered by Lowitz (Crell. Chem. Ann. 1788, i. 302), and analysed by Hess (J. pr. Chem.xvi. 161). It belongs to the series of resins, including sylvic acid, which are produced by oxidation from hydrocarbons of the form C 5n H 8n . To extract it, the dried bark is ex- hausted with boiling water, then dried again and treated with boiling alcohol. The solution on cooling deposits the betulin, which is pressed, dried, and recrystallised from ether. It forms small crystalline nodules, which melt at about 200 C. The melted matter is colourless and transparent, and gives off vapours which smell like the bark when heated. It may be distilled in a current of air. It is not dissolved by alkalis. BETITIiORETIC ACID. According to Kossmann (J. Pharm. [3] xxiv. 197) birch-resin consists of an acid, C 36 H 65 5 , which is converted by nitric acid into picric acid, but is not decomposed by sulphuric acid. See NEPHELIN. BEUD AXJTITE. A ferruginous mineral occurring at Horhausen and Montabaur in Nassau, and near Cork in Ireland. It crystallises in rhombohedrons cleavable parallel to the base, and having the rhombohedral faces horizontally striated. Colour black to olive-green. Streak light green. The fresh crystals have a waxy lustre. Hardness above 4*0. The Nassau mineral has a specific gravity of 4*0018, and melts readily before the blowpipe (S a n d b e r g e r). The Irish variety has a specific gravity of 4-295, and is infusible (Eammelsberg). It contains sulphate of lead, associated with ferric sulphate, arsenate, and phosphate, the two latter replacing each other isomor- phously ; it also contains water (Pavy, Phil. Mag. [3] xxxvii. 161). According to Eammelsberg, it is 2(Pb 2 O.S0 3 ) + Fe 4 4 .S0 3 + 3Fe 4 3 .P 2 5 + 9H 2 0; according to Sandberger, Pb-O.SO 3 + 3Pb*0(As ? 5 ; P 2 5 ) + 3[3Fe 4 3 (As 2 O s ; P 2 5 )] + 24H 2 0. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. 1029.) BEZETTA. Tourncsol en drapcaux. SchminJelappchen. TSezetta rubra et coerulea. A dye or pigment prepared by dipping linen rags in solutions of certain co- louring matters. Eed bezetta is coloured with cochineal, and is used as a cosmetic. Blue bezetta ( Tourncsol en drapcaux), which is chiefly used for colouring the rind of Dutch cheeses, is prepared at Gallargues near Nimes in the department of Gard, from a euphorbiaceous plant, Chrozophora tinctoria or Croton tinctoria. The fruits and the tops of the plants are gathered, and the juice being expressed, rags of coarse cloth are dipped into it, then dried, and afterwards exposed to the fumes of mules' or horses' dung. This last operation is called aluminadou. The cloths are turned from time to time, to ensure uniform coloration and prevent any part from being exposed p p 4 58 i BEZOAR BILE. too long to the fames of the dung, which would turn them yellow. They are then dried a second time, again soaked in the juice, mixed this time with urine, and lastly exposed for some time to the action of the sun and wind. The quantity thus manufac- tured amounts to about 50 tons yearly. The blue of bezetta is reddened by acids, like litmus, though not so quickly, but differs from the latter in not being restored by al- kalis. According to Joly, the same dye may be obtained from other euphorbiaceous plants, Chrozophora oblongata, C. plicata, Croton tricuspidatum, Mcrcurialis perennis, and M. tormentosa. The juice exists in all these plants in the colourless state, and turns blue only on exposure to the air. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. [1] 1030; Gerh. Traite, iii. 820.) BEZOAR. This name, which is derived from a Persian word implying an anti- dote to poison, was given to a concretion found in the stomach or intestines of an animal of the goat kind, Capra cegragus, which was once very highly valued for this imaginary quality, and has thence been extended to all concretions found in animals. According to Taylor (Phil. Mag. No. 186 p. 36 and No. 186 p. 192), bezoars may be divided into nine varieties : 1. Phosphate of calcium, which forms concretions in the intestines of many mammalia. 2. Phosphate of magnesium : semitransparent and yellowish, and of specific gravity 2'160. 3. Phosphate of ammonium and magnesium : a concretion of a grey or brown colour, composed of radiations from a centre. 4. Oxalate of calcium. 5. Vegetable fibres. 6. Animal hair. 7. Ambergris. 8. Lithofellic acid. 9. Ellagic or bezoardic acid. Of true bezoars there are three kinds, oriental, occidental, and German. The true oriental bezoars found in the Capra cegragus, the gazelle (Antilope Dorcas), and other ruminant animals, are spherical or oval masses, varying from the size of a pea to that of the fist, and composed of concentric layers of resinous matter with a nucleus of some foreign substance, such as pieces of bark or other hard vegetable matter which the animal has swallowed. They have a shining resinous fracture, are destitute of taste and odour, nearly insoluble in water and aqueous hydrochloric acid, but soluble for the greater part in potash-ley. When heated, they emit an agreeable odour and burn away, leaving but a small quantity of ash. These characters suffice to distinguish the oriental bezoars from those varieties which contain a considerable quantity of inorganic matter. There are two kinds of them, the one consisting of ellagic, the other of lithofellic acid. The latter have a more waxy lustre and greener colour than the former, and are also distinguished by their smaller specific gravity, viz. I'l, while that of the ellagio acid stones is l - 6. They contain, besides lithofellic acid, a substance resembling the colouring matter of bile, and are perhaps biliary calculi. Oriental bezoars are greatly prized in Persia and other countries of the East for their supposed medicinal properties. The Shah of Persia sent one in 1808 as a present to Napoleon. The occidental bezoars are found in the lama (AucTicnia Lama), and in A. Vicunna : they resemble the oriental in external appearance, but differ totally in their chemical characters, inasmuch as they consist chiefly of phosphate of calcium, with but little organic matter. German bezoars, which are chiefly obtained from the chamois or gemsbock (Antilope rupicapra), consist chiefly of interlaced vegetable fibres or animal hairs bound together by a leathery coating. ACID. Syn. of ELLAGIC ACID. An antiquated medicament made from the dried hearts and livers of vipers, and supposed to be an antidote against poison -. hence its name. BEZOARDXCITIM IVIZNERAXiE. A name applied by the older chemists to antimonic acid, especially to that prepared from butter of antimony by the action of nitric acid. BI-COIVTPOTTNDS. See Di-CoMPOUNDS and NOMENCLATURE. BIXiDSTEIN. Syn. with AGALMATOLITE. BXIiE. Gall. Galle. (L ehm an n, "Physiological Chemistry," Cavendish Society's Edition, ii. 61; also Gmelin's Handbuch, viii. 38. Strecker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 1; btvii. 1; hex. 149. Gundelach and Strecker, ibid. Ixii. 205) Bile, as secreted by the cells of the liver, is taken up by the biliary ducts, which unite to form the hepatic duct, by which the secretion is either discharged directly into the duodenum, or is conveyed through the cystic duct into the gall-bladder, wherein it becoines accumu- lated and to some extent inspissated. Cystic bile when taken from a healthy animal recently killed, is a mucous, transparent, ropy liquid, of green or brown colour. It has a bitter but not astringent taste, sometimes leaving a sweetish after-taste, and a peculiar odour, which, when the bile is warmed, is often very much like that of musk. BILE. 585 Its specific gravity is about 1-02. It does not diffuse itself readily through water, unless the mixture be stirred. Its reaction is, for the most part, faintly alkaline, some- times neutral, never acid, excepting in peculiar states of disease. Bile in its ordinary state, before the mucus is removed, putrefies very readily ; but when freed from mucus, it is much less prone to putrefactive decomposition. The chemical composition of bile varies to a certain extent according to the nature of the animal which yields it ; but every kind of bile contains two essential constituents, viz. a resinous and a colouring matter, associated with small quantities of cholesterin, fats, salts of fatty acids, and certain mineral salts, chiefly chloride of sodium and phosphates, with smaller quantities of phosphate and carbonate of sodium, phosphate of calcium, phosphate of magnesium, and extremely minute quantities of iron and manganese, but no alkaline sulphates. No salts of ammonia are found in fresh healthy bile, but during the putrefaction of bile, ammonia is produced. Bile also contains mucus mixed with cells of epithelium. The resinous matter of bile is the most abundant and important of its consti- tuents. It consists, in nearly all cases, of the sodium or potassium salts of two nitro- genised acids, one containing sulphur, the other free from that element. The former of these acids, called taurocholic acid, is resolved by the action of alkalis into tcuirlne and cholic acid, a crystalline acid containing neither nitrogen nor sulphur, and changing, under certain circumstances, into an amorphous isomeric acid called cho- loidic acid, differing from it only by the elements of water : C 26 H 45 NS0 7 + H 2 = C 2 D. One of the ores of manganese. The name of an alkaloid said to exist in China blanca. A kind of crude soda, less powerful than barilla, obtained at Aigucs-Mortes, by the incineration of Salsola Tragus and 8. Kali. BXiAPS OBTUSA. This insect contains, according to Hornung and Bley (J. pr. Chem. vi. 237), a red colouring matter, fatty and volatile oil, resin, formic acid, uric acid, chitin, wax, and other constituents. BXiEACHXNG. The chemical art by which the various articles used for clothing are deprived of their natural dark colour and rendered white. The oldest method of bleaching, which is still practised in some localities, and for particular kinds of goods, especially for hempen and flaxen goods, consists in extending the tissues on the grass of a meadow, so as to expose them for some days to the united action of light, air, and water, then washing them in alkaline ley, and repeating this series of operations a considerable number of times. This mode of bleaching is effective, but slow, and involves a great amount of labour. About 1785, Berthollet proposed the use of chlorine for bleaching vegetable tissues ; but its introduction met with considerable opposition from manufacturers, because the mode of applying it being but imperfectly understood, its action was un- certain, and moreover it was found to injure the tissues ; gradually, however, these difficulties have been overcome, and the use of chlorine for bleaching cotton goods has entirely superseded the old method. Chlorine was first used in ^the form of aqueous solution; afterwards solutions of chlorine in caustic alkalis, that is to say, solutions of hypochlorite of potassium or sodium, the so-called chlorides of potash and soda, were used ; but these compounds are now almost entirely superseded by the hypochlorite of calcium, the so-called chloride of lime or bleaching powder. This substance is prepared on a large scale by exposing slaked lime to the action of chlorine gas, whereby a solid mixture of hypochlorite and chloride of calcium is produced. It is soluble in water, and the solution is used for steeping the goods to be bleached. By itself it exerts no bleaching action whatever ; but by exposing the fabrics wetted with it to the action of the carbonic acid in the air, or more quickly by steeping them in a bath of dilute sul- phuric or hydrochloric acid, the salt is decomposed, and the liberated hypochlorous acid exerts its bleaching action on the tissues. The strength of the chlorine-liquor is a matter of great importance. The stronger the liquor, the more rapid will be its action ; but on the other hand, the greater will be the chance of injury to the goods. In practice it is not found safe to use a solution marking more than 2 or 3 of Baum^'s hydrometer, or 0-5 of Twaddell's, equivalent to specific gravity 1002-5 ; and even this must be carefully removed by subsequent washing, and in some cases by the use of hyposulphite of sodium or other antichlors. (See ANTICHLOR.) Wool and silk are for the most part bleached with sulphurous acid, chlorine and the hypochlorites being found to exert an injurious action upon them. The rationale of bleaching is not thoroughly understood, but the most probable expla- nation of the action is, that it is due in all cases to oxygen in the peculiar active form called ozone. That active oxygen does possess this bleaching power is well-known : witness the action of peroxide of hydrogen on vegetable colours. Now in the old method of bleaching by exposure, light is an essential element of the action, the bleaching taking place much more quickly in sunshine than under a clouded sky. But Schonbein's investigations have also shown that ordinary atmospheric oxygen passes into the active state under the influence of light and moisture. Chlorine abstracts hydrogen from the colouring matter, and the oxygen thus set free produces the bleach- ing action. The action of sulphurous acid appears at first sight to be apposite to this, viz. deoxidising ; but it is known from Schonbein's investigations, that an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid or an alkaline sulphite exposed to air and light quickly brings a portion of the oxygen in contact with it into the active state ; hence also the bleaching action may in this case be due to oxidation. Sometimes, however, the 602 BLEACHING. sulphurous acid appears to unite directly with the colouring matter of the tissue to form a colourless compound. The actual process of bleaching by means of chlorine or sulphurous acid is always preceded or accompanied by certain cleansing operations, consisting in washing with water, and boiling with alkaline leys or soap, the object of which is to remove re- sinous, fatty, and other impurities, either natural to the fibre or introduced accident- ally or intentionally in the course of manufacture. All these substances impair the whiteness of the fabric, and often interfere greatly with the processes of dyeing and printing. Indeed, their removal by the means above mentioned, constitutes a very important part of the bleaching process, a large portion of the colouring matter being got rid of at the same time, so that the chlorine or sulphurous acid serves to give only the last finish. Cotton and linen goods are cleansed by washing with water and boiling with alkaline leys : formerly potash and soda were used for the purpose, but they are now nearly superseded by lime, at least for the first cleansing, as this sub- stance, besides being much cheaper than the alkalis, is less likely to injure the fabric. Silk and wool are cleansed by scouring or boiling with water and soap, as they cannot bear the action of pure alkaline solutions. Bleaching of Cotton. The series of operations in the bleaching of cotton, may be thus generally described : 1. Boiling, or as it is technically called bucking or bowking, with milk of lime (lib. of lime to 14 Ibs. of cloth, and about as much water as will cover the cloth). This operation converts the resinous and fatty matters into lime-soaps, 2. Washing with water, in the dash-wheel, or other suitable machine, to remove the excess of lime and various soluble and mechanical impurities introduced in the process of manufacture. 3. Souring in hydrochloric acid of specific gravity I'OIO or 2 Twaddle, to decom- pose the lime-soaps and remove the lime. Dilute sulphuric acid is sometimes used, but hydrochloric acid is preferable, as chloride of calcium is much more soluble than the sulphate. 4. Washing again to remove excess of acid. 5. Bowking with a solution of soda-ash and resin (170 Ibs. soda-ash, and 30 Ibs. resin, to 3500 Ibs. of cloth, and about the same quantity of water as in the lime- process). An imperfect soap is thus produced, which removes the rest of the fatty- matter and dirt. 6. Washing, and then immersing the cloth in the chlorine-bath ; this is called chlor- inating or chemicking. The solution, which should be quite clear, has a specific gravity of 1002*5 or i Twaddle. 7. Souring in hydrochloric or sulphuric acid of 2 Twaddle, to set free the hypo- chlorous acid ; then washing and drying. The strength of the various liquors must be regulated according to the quality of the goods to be bleached, and the manner in which the operations are conducted : the preceding proportions of lime, soda, resin, &c. are given merely as examples. Some- times carbonate of soda is used in the cleansing operations, sometimes a mixture of soda-ash and quick lime, which of course produces caustic soda. It is often found advantageous to perform the souring and chlorinating in two successive operations, the goods being washed between the two. This treatment is found to be less likely to injure the fibre than long-continued exposure to the action of the liquid in one opera- tion. In all the operations, it is important to keep the cloth completely immersed in the liquid, and never to leave it exposed to the air before washing ; because the acid or alkaline liquids, if allowed to become concentrated on it by drying, are sure to destroy the fibre. Bleaching of Linen. Linen contains a much larger quantity of colouring matter than cotton, and in bleaching loses nearly a third of its weight, whereas cotton loses only one-twentieth. This large amount of colouring matter is not natural to the flax, but is chiefly produced in the operation of steeping or water-retting, by which the textile fibres surrounding the stem of the plant are separated from the woody portion. The colouring matter of steeped flax is insoluble in water, acids, and alkalis, but becomes soluble in alkalis after exposure to light or to the action of chlorine. Gene- rally speaking, it is not found advantageous to rely on the action of chlorine alone for the bleaching of linen ; the old method of exposure on the grass, crofting, as it is called, being almost always resorted to in addition. Moreover, it is not found possible to get rid of the colour entirely in one series of operations, several alternate exposures to oxygen or chlo ine and to alkali being required to render the material perfectly white. The following is an outline of the Irish method, as practised in the neighbourhood of Belfast : BLEACHING. 603 1. Steeping. After the linen has been scoured in the fulling-mill, warm water is poured upon it, and it is left immersed for two or three days, till acid fermentation sets in. 2. Boiling with potash-ley, soda-ley, or lime-water. 3. Washing. 4. Croft- ing or exposure on the grass for two or three days. 2', 3', 4'. The bowking, washing and crofting are repeated several times, six repetitions sufficing for the finer linens, and as many as twelve being sometimes required for the coarser. 5. Souring with hydrochloric- or sulphuric-acid of 2 Twaddle. 6. Washing, as in 3. 7. Soaping, that is, rubbing with solid soap or with very strong soap-suds. 8. Boiling in alkaline-ley of about | per cent. 9. Washing, as in 3 and 6. 10. Crofting for two days. 11. Chlo- rinating with a solution of hypochlorite of potassium, prepared by treating common bleaching powder with carbonate of potash. The liquor used is very weak. 12. Washing, as in 3 and 6. 13. Souring, as in 5, but with somewhat weaker acid. 14. Washing. 15. Soaping, as in 7. 16. Scalding, by immersing the cloth in soap- suds mixed with a little potash-ley of | B., and heating the liquid to boiling. 17. Washing. 18. Crofting. 19. Washing and drying. Bleaching of Silk. Eaw silk contains, besides the true fibre, about 40 per cent, of foreign matter, viz. albumin, gelatinous substances, wax, fat, resin, and colouring matter. These substances are removed by boiling the silk in a strong solution of soap, then washing and rinsing. The silk after this treatment, is nearly white, but to render it quite white, it is sulphured, that is to say, suspended in the moist state in a large box in which sulphur is burned. About 1 Ib. of sulphur is required for 20 Ibs. of silk, and to obtain perfect whiteness, about four sulphurings, of twelve to sixteen hours each, are required. As the silk loses considerably in weight, when cleansed in the manner above de- scribed, it is sometimes thought better to subject raw silk to the bleaching process without previous cleansing. For this purpose, a bath is used composed of 7 pts. hydro- chloric acid and 3 pts. nitric acid, sometimes with addition of sulphuric acid, the liquid being diluted with water to 3 Bm. In this mixture, the skeins of silk are suspended, and repeatedly moved about for two or three hours, then wrung, twice washed, and afterwards sulphured. Sometimes the bleaching in the acid mixture is preceded by softening in a soap-bath ; sometimes this softening process is made to intervene between the acid bath and the sulphuring. Bleaching of Wool. Wool is never bleached in the fleece, because its whiteness would be destroyed in the subsequent operations of spinning and weaving ; the bleach- ing is, therefore, always performed on the yarn or on the woven fabric. A consider- able portion of the dirt which adheres to the wool while on the animal, is removed by the washing which precedes shearing ; this washing also removes the sweat, which is a kind of soap, chiefly composed of fatty matter and potash. But there still remains a quantity of free fat, which is generally removed by steeping and agitating it for ten or fifteen minutes in soap and water, or soda-ley, sometimes in putrid urine diluted with two or three measures of water, sometimes even in pure water. To prepare the wool for spinning, it is then greased with oil, as, without this preparation, it woiild be too harsh and very liable to tear. The grease thus added must of course be removed in the subsequent bleaching process. The treatment consists in passing the wool through a soda-bath, then through a soap-bath, washing in lukewarm water, and suspension in the sulphur chamber, this series of operations being repeated several times, and finally passing the bleached wool through a blue-bath, which is a very weak solution of soap containing hydrate of alumina and indigo. The sulphuring is some- times omitted, and the cleansing is effected entirely by ammonia. Bleaching of materials for Paper. The rags used for making paper are bleached in the same manner as cotton goods. After being properly sorted and chopped or torn in pieces, they are bowked with lime-water, soured, washed in the rag-engine, which is a combined washing machine and filter, then chlorinated, soured, and washed again, and finally treated with a solution of hyposulphite of sodium to remoA T e the last traces of chlorine. (See ANTICHI.OK.) "For bleaching old paper: Boil the printed paper for an instant in a solution of caustic soda. Steep it in soap-suds, and then wash it ; after which it may be reduced to pulp. The soap may be omitted without much inconvenience. For old written paper to be worked up again : Steep it in water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and then wash it well before it is taken to the mill. If the water be heated, it will be more effectual. To bleach printed paper without destroying its texture: Steep the leaves in a caustic solution of soda, either hot or cold, and then in a solution of soap. Arrange them alternately between cloths, as paper-makers do thin sheets of paper when delivered from the form, and subject them to the press. If one operation do not render them sufficiently white, it may be repeated as often as necessary. To bleach old written paper without destroying its texture : Steep the paper in water acidulated \\ith sulphuric acid, cither hot or cold, and then in a solution of oxygenated muriatic 604 BLOOD. acid ; after which immerse it in water, so that some of the acid may remain behind. The paper, when pressed and dried, is fit for use." Ure. The bleaching of straw is effected by steeping it in hot water, heating it repeatedly during several days, and immersing it in weak solution of chloride of lime or of soda, alternately witli weak alkaline leys. Bleaching of Horse-hair. White horse-hair requires further bleaching to adapt it to many purposes. The process consists in washing it in soda-solutions, not too strong, and at the heat of the hand, then hanging it up in the sulphur-chamber, and repeating these processes several times. [For further details, see Ure' 's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 318, also Muspratfs Chemistry, i. 299.] BXiE ACHING- POWDER. Chloride of Lime, Oxymuriate of Lime. See HYPO- CHLORITES, under CHLORINE. BLEITJIERITE. Basic Antimonate of Lead (p. 326). BZiEXIDE. Native SULPHIDE OF ZINC. (See ZINC.) BXiODITE. Probably the same as ASTBACANITE (i. 429). BIiOOD. The blood of the higher animals forms a rather viscous opaque liquid, heavier than water, and of more or less intense red colour, arterial blood being always lighter than venous. It is transparent in very thin strata. The specific gravity of normal human blood averages about 1*055, but under certain circumstances varies between 1*045 and 1*075; it is slightly less in women than in men, and still less in children. The specific gravity of arterial blood is rather less than that of venous. The blood of most domestic animals differs but little in specific gravity from that of man (specific gravity of bullock's blood = 1*060 ; of sheep's = between 1*050 and 1*058). The blood has always an alkaline reaction. When warm it has a peculiar odour, generally more powerful in the male than in the female. From two to five minutes after the blood has left the circulation, it begins to coagu- late, a film gradually extending from the surface and circumference, so that the whole becomes gelatinous in the course of from seven to fourteen minutes. The coagulum (fibrin and blood-corpuscules') then gradually contracts and separates from the watery portion of the blood (serum) ; and in from twelve to forty hours, the blood is completely resolved into serum and thick red clots, which swim beneath it. The blood of men coagulates more slowly, but yields a denser coagulum than that of women ; in the embryo it coagulates imperfectly. Arterial blood coagulates more rapidly than venous. The presence of air and a rise of temperature promote coagulation ; cold retards it. The constituents of blood are partly in solution and partly suspended (blood-cor- puscules). Swammerdam, in 1664, first observed corpuscules in the blood of the frog ; he described them as oval. Leeuwenhoek (Phil. Trans. 1664, p. 23) found that human blood consisted of round bodies swimming in an opaline liquid, and that the colouring matter of the blood of mammalia, fish, and frogs was contained in these corpuscules, which were round in men, oxen, sheep, and rabbits, but oval in birds, frogs and fish. Later observers discovered that all blood-corpuscules are flattened. The coloured corpuscules consist of a colourless enevelope, the contents of which are red, or by trans- mitted light yellow, and each is slightly depressed and concave in the centre. In general they do not possess any nucleus, and only a few of them exhibit something approaching to one. The size of the red corpuscules varies considerably in different animals, the smallest being found in the blood of the Moschusjavanicus, and having a diameter of 0*00208 mm. (Gulliver), and the largest in that of the Cryptobronchus japonicus (0*05623 mm. broad, and 0*0333 mm. long, V. d. Hoeven). The human corpuscules have a diameter of 0*00752 mm., those of the carnivora between --^ and ~ mm. and their thickness is generally \ or i of their diameter. The blood- corpuscules of embryos are larger than those of the grown up animals of the same species. Milne-Edwards asserts that the size of the corpuscules is closely connected with the size of the organs of respiration. To prevent their shrinking up during measurement, C. Schmidt moistens a glass plate with an exceedingly thin layer of the blood to be examined, so that it dries up immediately. The corpuscules thus adhere by their flat sides to the glass, and remain of this same size when the serum has dried up. The blood of different animals may frequently be distinguished under the micro- scope by the size of the corpuscules. According to Schmidt, the specific gravity of the blood-corpuscules of a healthy man varies between 1*0885 and 1*0889; in cholera it sometimes increases to 1*1025 or 1*1027. The red corpuscules sink in the serum ; they are generally equally coloured ; a few, however, are sometimes darker, sometimes lighter than normal corpuscules. The difference in colour is dependent upon the absolute amount of hsematin in the cor- BLOOD. 605 puscules, the proportion of which relative to the serum influences the general colour of the blood. The form of the corpuscules also affects the colour of the blood, for if these be swollen by addition of water, they become more spherical, and the blood appears of a darker colour. Mulder supposes that the bright colour of arterial blood is due to the greater thickness of the enveloping membrane of the corpuscules. Nasse states that by the action of carbonic acid gas, the cells become darker in colour and turbid in the centre. All substances such as caustic alkalis, and several organic acids, which burst the corpuscules, or otherwise liberate their contents, turn the blood dark brownish-red, while those, such as nitrate and iodide of potassium, phosphate and carbonate of sodium, &c. which contract and so thicken the external membrane, render the blood of a lighter colour. The average proportion by weight of moist blood corpuscules in a healthy man = 51'2 % (47*2 54-2 %). According to Vierordt, 1 cubic millimetre of blood contains 5,055,000 corpuscules. The amount of dry corpuscules in the blood of man is variously given = 12-9% (Prevost and Dumas), 14-1 (13-1 15-2 %) (Becquerel and Kodier), 11*65 (Nasse). The blood of women contains fewer corpuscules than that of men, amounting to 36-924 % moist corpuscules (C. Schmidt), and 1272 dry (11-3 1375 %) (Becquerel and Kodier). The blood of middle-aged men and animals con- tains more corpuscules than that of older or younger individuals of the same species. The amount of corpuscules also varies in the blood of different animals, that of birds containing most, that of the carnivorous and herbivorous mammalia less, and that of cold-blooded animals by far the least, as will be seen from the following table, in which the percentages of dry corpuscules are given : Chicken. Pigeon. Ox. Sheep. 15-71 (Pr. and Du.) 15-57 (Pr. and Du.) 970 (Andral.) 9-35 (Pr. and Du.) 14-46 (Nasse.) 12-18 (Nasse.) 9-80 (Andral.) 15-00 (Poggiale.) 14-30 (Poggiale.) 12-30 (Poggiale.) 9-24 (Nasse.) 10-20 (Poggiale.) Dog. Frog. Eel. Carp. 12-38 (Pr. and Du.) 6*90 (Pr. and Du.) 6-00 (Pr. and Du.) 8-23 (Berthold.) 12-38 (Nasse.) 4'58 (Berthold.) 12-60 (Poggiale.) The proportion of corpuscules in the blood of different vessels also varies. In general, arterial blood contains fewer corpuscules than venous, the blood of the portal vein fewer than that of the jugular vein, while that of the hepatic vein contains far more than that of the portal vein, jugular veins, vena cava or splenic vein (Lehman n). Lehmann found 55-652 % moist corpuscules in the arterial blood of a horse, 48*996 in jugular blood, 5 5 -6 8 8 in that of the vena cava. Insufficient nourishment and long abstinence, as well as repeated blood-letting, diminish the quantity of blood-corpuscules ; the amount increases if large quantities of fat are taken in the food. It is also influenced by disease, a constant increase being observed in plethora, in the earlier stages of heart-disease, in spinal irritation, and in cholera. Decrease occurs in all cases where the consumption of blood is greater than the supply, e. g. diarrhoea, intermittent fever, affections of the brain, and chlorosis (8-6 13% Becquerel and Eodier). The percentage of water in the corpuscules bears a pretty constant relation to that of the serum, so that when the amount of water decreases in the serum, it also decreases in the corpuscules. Colourless blood-corpusculcs are always present in blood, but at least in the case of the warm-blooded animals, in much smaller quantity than the coloured corpuscules. They are generally almost spherical, but sometimes lenticular ; they have a granulated enve- lope, and generally a round nucleus, which is more rarely oval or kidney-shaped, and strongly refracts light : sometimes it is formed of several small nuclei grouped together. They are identical with the lymph- and chyle-corpuscules, and do not differ much from the pus- and mucus-corpuscules. They are unelastic, and their envelope is so viscous that the corpuscules readily adhere to one another. They circulate less rapidly in the blood than the coloured corpuscules, and contain an albuminous liquid holding very minute granules in suspension. Dilute acetic acid gradually dissolves the ex- ternal membrane. In human blood they measure 0-01128 mm. in diameter. They are specifically lighter than the red corpuscules, since they contain more fat and no hsematin. In healthy blood they bear to the red corpuscules the ratio of 1 : 1-373 (Donders and Moleschott); the number increases during digestion and diminishes by fasting, the increase commencing thirty minutes after partaking of food, and lasting two hours. They increase in certain diseases, frequently in pneumonia and tuber- culosis. In leuchsemia this increase often amounts to one-fourth of the blood-corpus- cules. The splenic blood contains large quantities of colourless corpuscles, about one- fourth or one-third of the total amount of corpuscules. 606 BLOOD. Gases. As early as 1674, free gases were supposed to be dissolved in blood, and the question was finally set at rest by the experiments of Magnus. The objection raised by Lagrange to Lavoisier's theory, that if combustion took place only in the lungs, the other parts of the body would have a lower temperature, led him to suppose that the blood merely dissolved the inhaled oxygen, and afterwards distributed it throughout the system. Fourcroy was, however, of opinion that combustion took place principally in the lungs, and that only a part of the oxygen was dissolved by the blood. H. Davy remarked that blood in contact with oxygen absorbs a certain quantity of the gas, giving off carbonic acid in exchange, and Nasse observed that blood in an atmosphere of hydrogen evolved carbonic acid. It has also been remarked that in an atmosphere of nitrogen, arterial blood evolves oxygen, but not venous blood. Mayow, Vogel, and others, obtained carbonic acid from the blood by means of the air-pump. Magnus also used the air-pump in his experiments, but collected the gas under mercury, and found the gases in arterial blood to consist of 14-5% 1ST, 62-3% CO 2 , and 23-2% 0, in venous, 13'1% N, 71-6% CO 2 , and 15-3% 0. L. Meyer undertook a series of experiments on the gases of blood, under the guidance of Bunsen. The blood was diluted with ten times its bulk of water, and the gases were collected by boiling the liquid in vacuo at a very gentle heat : the free gases were thus obtained. A few crystals of tartaric acid were then added, and the blood again boiled, whereby the combined gas was liberated. The following table contains the quantities of gases (at and 0760m.) in 100 vols. of blood. Free Gas. O. N. Free CO*. Co $? ed Total. Total Art. Carol. (Dog) (1) 20-88 12-43 2'83 5-62 28-61 34-23 49-49 (2) 25-50 14-29 5-04 6-17 28-58 3475 54-08 Blood at and 1 met. absorbs 1-151 vol. carbonic acid, besides 0-481, independently of the pressure (combined CO 2 ). Defibrinated calf s blood, free from air, absorbs under different pressures the same amount of oxygen (9'3% vol. at and 0760 m.) Serum absorbs a much smaller proportion of gases than defibrinated blood. The red colouring matter absorbs a considerable quantity of oxygen, and evolves a little car- bonic acid. Gr. Harley found that blood, or defibrinated blood, absorbed oxygen when shaken up with air, and evolved carbonic acid, but in less quantity than corresponded to the oxygen absorbed. It is difficult to explain satisfactorily why blood should absorb so much more carbonic acid than pure water at the same temperature ; it is perhaps partly owing to the neutral alkaline carbonate in blood forming acid carbonate, but this does not account for all the carbonic acid absorbed. Liebig has remarked that water containing 1 % phosphate of sodium absorbs twice as much carbonic acid as pure water, while water containing 15 % chloride of sodium only takes up half as much. It is also supposed that oxygen, of which blood absorbs from 10 to 13 % of its vol., and water only 0*925 %, combines in a loose way with blood, like nitric oxide with ferrous sulphate, since the vol. of gas absorbed does not increase proportionally with the pressure (Liebig). It has also been shown that part of the oxygen thus taken up by blood cannot again be separated. (See GASES, ABSORPTION OF.) Constituents of the coloured blood-corpuscules. Berzeliushas shown that the coloured corpuscules contain an albuminous substance (globulin) differing from albumin. Schmidt separated the corpuscules by means of sulphate of sodium, and found them to contain 87'59 globulin and 12-31 % hsematin. Mulder considers the outer membrane of the corpuscules to be binoxide of protein, a hypothetical substance ; others have taken it for fibrin. Its composition does not appear to be fixed, since the membrane of different corpuscules is variously affected by the same reagents. Blood-crystals ; H&matocrystallin. 0. Funke first completely investigated the na- ture of the crystalline substance of the red corpuscles. Funke and Kunde obtain the crystals by adding to a drop of blood, water, ether, alcohol, or chloroform, allowing the mixture to dry slightly on a glass plate, and then covering the whole with a glass cover. Lehmann passes a slow stream of oxygen or nitrous oxide for about fifteen minutes into a mixture of blood and water, and afterwards carbonic acid, till the liquid turns bright red and becomes turbid, whereupon it crystallises. "When a considerable quantity of blood is to be operated upon, it is best to leave it to coagulate, press the clot to remove the serum, cut it in pieces, and wash it on a linen filter with water till the filtered liquid amounts to about 1^ times or twice the volume of the water used. The liquid is then to be poured into a glass cylinder, oxygen gas passed into it for about half an hour, and then carbonic acid for ten or fifteen minutes, after which it ^is left at rest. If no crystals form after about two hours, the liquid must be mixed with \ of its volume of alcohol (Lehmann.) Light promotes the crystallisation, which is not caused by evaporation of water, since blood will crystallise as readily BLOOD. 607 with twice its volume of water as with only half that quantity. It cannot be doubted that both oxygen and carbonic acid, by their chemical action on the contents of the corpuscules, are instrumental in the formation of the crystals. The form of the crystals varies in the blood of different animals; those obtained from the blood of men, most mammalia, and fish, form prisms ; from the rat, mouse, and guinea-pig, tetrahedrons ; from the squirrel, hexagonal tablets ; and from the German marmot, rhombohedrons (of about 120), or very thin hexagonal plates.* The tetrahe- dral crystals dissolve with peach-blossom-colour in 600 pts. of water, the pris- matic with dark-red colour in S4 pts. water. Nitric acid turns the crystals almost black, but dissolves them on warming, and acquires a yellow colour. Their solution is decolorised by chlorine, which prcipitates white flakes ; it is turned dark brownish- red by carbonic oxide, and rendered turbid and brownish-red by nitrogen. The same sized crystals from the same blood often differ in intensity of colour and have probably not always the same composition. They seem to be an albuminous substance. The solution of the tetrahedral crystals coagulates at about 63 C., that of the pris- matic crystals between 64 and 65. The crystals exhibit, according to Lehmann' s analysis, the percentage composition of the albuminoids : Carbon 55-41 55'24 55'18 Hydrogen .... 7'08 7'12 7'14 Nitrogen .... 17'27 17'31 16-40 Sulphur .... 0-25 0-21 0-25 Oxygen .... 19-99 25-12 2Q-Q3 100-00 IOC -00 100-00 Hcematin is peculiar to the blood-corpuscules of vertebrate animals, and in some way combined with the remaining albuminous contents of the corpuscules. It is obtained as an amorphous blackish-brown substance, by treating the corpuscules with sulphate of sodium, extracting the residue with alcohol containing sulphuric acid, and treating with ammonia, water, alcohol, and ether. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, acetic ether, and oils, both fat and volatile, but readily soluble in alcohol containing sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. It is not dissolved by concentrated mineral acids. Aqueous or alcoholic solutions of alkalis or their carbonates dissolve hsematin in all proportions. A sulphuric acid solution of hsematin which has been turned red by addition of alkali, exhibits dichroi'sm, appearing green by transmitted and red by reflected light. If hsematin be allowed to stand in contact with pure concentrated sul- phuric acid, it may be obtained perfectly free from iron, without suffering any perceptible change in its properties. Berzelius found in the dry blood corpuscules of men and oxen 0-38 % metallic iron, and since Mulder has found 6'64 % iron in hsematin, the corpuscules would contain 572 % hsematin, and the blood 0'732 %. Becquerel and Roclier found in blood, 0*0565 % iron, and 14'11 % corpuscules, which would give 6'02 pts. hsematin to every 100 pts. corpuscules. In disease, the proportion of hsematin to the whole blood probably varies with the corpuscules. It is not known whether there is a fixed relation between hsematin and the albuminoid of the corpuscules. Mulder assigns to it the formula C^H^XPO*. The arterial blood of the horse contains rather less haematin than that of the outer jugular vein ; the corpuscules of the liver- blood contain far less than those of the vena porta. The proportion of iron to dry corpuscules in arterial blood = 1 : 394 ; in that of the jugular vein 1 : 390 ; of the vena porta 1 : 312 ; of the liver 1 : 500 (Lehmann.) Poggiale found 0-126 % ferric oxide in human blood, in that of the ox 0-125, calf 0-111, dog 0*145, sheep 0*106, chicken 0-075. A substance called hcemato'idin has been observed in blood extra vasated in the tissues of living animals. It is sometimes amorphous, in grains and little globules ; some- times in crystals belonging to the monoclinic system. It is transparent, strongly refracting, yellowish-red or ruby-red, insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, acetic acid, and dilute mineral acids. It generally turns ardent red on addition of potash, gradually disintegrates, and splits up into red granules, which gradually dissolve. The hsematoi'din is not reprecipitated by neutralising the alkali. By the action of con- centrated sulphuric acid, the sharp contour of the crystals vanishes, and the colour of the round concretions first turns brownish-red, then green, blue, and rose, and finally dirty yellow. In the liquid, iron may sometimes be detected, but not always. Ac- cording to Kobin, its formula is C 14 H 18 N 2 3 . The nature of the nuclei which sometimes occur in the corpuscules is unknown. A considerable quantity of the fat of blood occurs in the corpuscules, nearly the whole of the so-called phosphorised fats being contained therein. Lehmann found 2-214 and 2*284% fat in the. dry corpuscules from bullock's blood. The ethereal * Figures of these crystals are given in Funke's Atlas of Physiological Chemistry (Leipzig 1853 also published by the Cavendish Society) ; and in the Handworterbuch der Chemie, 2te Aufl. ii. [2] 136. 608 BLOOD. extract of these corpuscules yielded 22 % acid ash, consisting of acid phosphate of sodium, from which it is probable that phosphogly eerie acid is contained in the cor- puscules. The corpuscules in the blood of different vessels do not contain the same amount of fat. In the moist corpuscules of the carotid artery of the horse, were found 0-608 % fat ; in the externaljugular vein 0-652 % ; in the vena porta 0752 ; in liver- blood 0-684. Dry corpuscules separated from arterial blood by sulphate of sodium con- tained 1-842 % fat ; from venous blood 3*595 %. The solid constituents of the corpuscules contain rather less than 6% extractive matter, the nature of which is unknown. They also contain a free or loosely com- bined nitrogenised organic acid. Moist corpuscules contain on the average 68-8 % water (Lehmann). Taking into account the amount of serum enclosed in the coagulum, the corpuscules contain a much smaller proportion of soluble salts than the serum. It will be seen from the analyses by Schmidt (p. 611), which are the most trustworthy, that the corpuscules contain prin- cipally phosphates and potassium salts, and, in smaller quantity, chlorine, sulphuric acid, soda, and earths, while the serum contains proportionally less chloride of potassium and phosphate of sodium, and more chloride of sodium, sulphuric acid and earths. In man the moist corpuscules contain 07282 % salts. The blood of those animals which contained most corpuscules also contains most alkaline phosphates (Nasse). The corpuscules contain less earthy phosphates than the serum. Iron belongs almost exclusively to the red corpuscules (hsematin). Clear serum contains no iron. (Nasse and Schmidt). Fibrin. As already stated, the spontaneous coagulation of the blood is caused by the separation of the fibrin, which at the same time encloses all the corpuscules and a portion of the serum. As soon as the blood has left the body, a film gathers on the surface of the liquid, extending in the form of a star, from the sides of the vessel towards the centre ; a clot, adhering to the sides of the vessel, then forms. Often, within two minutes after the blood has been collected, it becomes viscid and gelatinous, and after a time a few drops of liquid, gradually increasing in quantity, separate from the jelly, till the coagulum swims in the serum. According to circum- stances the coagulum is more or less contracted, consistent, viscous, and elastic. If the coagulation be observed under the microscope, exceedingly fine straight threads will be seen to shoot out from various points between the corpuscules, and, gradually increasing in length, to cross one another, so that finally the whole forms a network enclosing the corpuscules. If the amount of fibrin is small in comparison to the cor- puscules, the coagulum is comparatively light ; denser, on the contrary, when the amount of fibrin is large. A large quantity of water diminishes the consistence of the coagulum. Various salts have the property of retarding or entirely preventing the coagulation of blood. The alkalis and their carbonates and acetates have this effect, and rather strong solutions of nitrate of potassium, nitrate of calcium, and chloride of am- monium in a less degree. Most dilute acids also maintain the fluidity of blood, though they render it rather more viscous. The venous blood of a healthy man contains between 0-203 and 0-263% fibrin (Scherer), 0*220 (average, Becquerel and Rodier), 0-250 % (Denis). Arterial blood contains more fibrin than venous. (See FIBRIN.) Constituents of the Serum. The average specific gravity of serum = 1-028; it is less variable than the specific gravity of blood. The amount of water in the serum varies between 88 and 95*6%, averaging 90*5 or 90'6% (Nasse). Women's blood contains more water than that of men. According to C. Schmidt, the serum of man contains 90-884 % water, and that of woman 91*715 ; and, according to Nasse, the serum of pregnant women is more aqueous than of others. At an advanced age, the amount of water increases considerably. The following table contains the percentages of water in the serum of different animals : Ox. Sheep. Dog. Chicken. 90-8 (Nasse.) 91*5 (Du, andPr.) 92-6 (Du. and Pr.) 92-5 (Du. and Pr.) 91-6 (Berthold.) 91'8 (Nasse.) 91-2 (Nasse.) 93-1 (Nasse.) Pigeon. Frog. Eel. 94-5 (Du. and Pr.) 95'0 (Du. and Pr.) 90-0 (Du. and Pr.) According to most observations, the serum of arterial blood contains more water than that of venous blood. Simon found in the arterial blood of two horses, 2734% more water than in the venous blood, and, according to Nasse, arterial blood contains 5'0% more water than venous. As a general rule, the amounts of water in the serum and of corpuscules in the blood are inversely proportional. An absolute diminution of water has only been remarked in cholera. Albumin is the most abundant of the constituents of the serum, amounting to be- tween 6-3 and 7'1% of normal blood, and between 7'9 and 9'8 % of normal serum. Neutral albuminate of sodium, which becomes turbid on addition of water, occurs not BLOOD. 609 only in morbid blood, but also in the blood of the spleen. The serum of the blood of the vena porta gives less turbidity, and that of the liver-blood more, than of the spleen. When the alkaline serum of liver-blood is neutralised with acetic acid, the albumin does not coagulate on boiling till after several hours, while that of the vena porta and other veins, as well as of the arteries, speedily coagulates on addition of acetic acid and boiling. Hoppe is of opinion that the albumin in serum is not dis- solved, but merely suspended in a state of fine division. According to Becquerel and Rodier, normal man's blood contains 6*94: % (6'2 7'3 %) albumin, and that of women 7*05 (6'5 7'55) %. The blood of pregnant women was found to contain from the 2nd to the 7th month, 7'0 6/8 % albumin, and in the last two months, 6-86-4 %. (J. Regnault). Arterial blood contains less albumin than venous, and the amount in liver-blood increases considerably during digestion ; it decreases in scurvy, puerperal fever, and Bright' s disease, and increases in intermittent fever, cholera, &c. In typhus, it amounted to 6-5 %, and in Bright's disease to only 4*93 %. Fats. But few free fats are found in serum ; they occur chiefly saponified. Che- vreul and Babington first discovered the presence of normal fats in blood. Oleic, mar- garic, and stearic acids, both free and saponified, have been detected in the serum of bullock's blood, and cholesterin is constantly present. Boudet describes, as a fat peculiar to the serum, a substance extracted from its residue by hot alcohol (serolin), which Gobley considers as a mixture of olein, margarin, cholesterin, and cerebrin. According to Chevreul, phospholei'c acid (cerebrin) is contained in the fibrin and serum. Compared with the corpuscules, that of the serum is more crystalline, less viscous, and colour- less. Normal serum contains 0*2 % fat, and its solid residue 2'22% (Simon, Nasse, Becquerel). The amount of fat in the blood is not increased by food rich in fat, nor is it diminished by nourishment free from fat. During digestion, the amount of fat in chyle and in the blood of the vena porta, has been found to increase considerably, so as occasionally to render the serum turbid. According to Becquerel and Eodier, the blood of women contains 0'57 p. m. fat and soaps, and that of men 0'69 p. m. Serum of arterial blood contains less fat than that of venous, and the vena porta blood is richer than the jugular. Becquerel and Rodier have found that, almost at the commencement of every acute disease, the proportion of fat (especially cholesterin), in blood increases, as well as in some chronic diseases, particularly in liver diseases, Bright's disease, tuber- culosis, and cholera- Little is known of the extractive matter of the serum ; it varies between 0'25 and 0'42 %. Lehmann found more in the arterial than in the venous matter of the horse. Sugar (grape-sugar), is a normal constituent of blood. The blood of the vena porta contains but traces, while that of the liver contains larger quantities. In normal bullock's blood, it varies between 0-00069 and 0-00074 % (Lehman n). The blood of a dog contained 0-0015, and of a cat 0'0021 %. In the blood of diabetic patients Lehmann never detected more than 0-047 % sugar. The amount varies with the nature of the food. Urea occurs in healthy blood to the amount of 0'0142 0'0177 %. It has been detected by evaporating large quantities of serum and adding nitric or oxalic acid to the residue. The quantity increases considerably in Bright's disease (1*5% in serum, Bright and Babington), and in cholera (0'14 %). Uric acid has been found in the blood of healthy as well as of diseased persons. G-arrod found between 0-0012 and 0-0055 in the serum in a case of Bright's disease. Creatine, crcatinine, hip- puric acid, and hypoxanthine, have also been detected. According to Musing, alcohol has been detected in the blood of men who had died from drinking brandy. Ma- teucci states that goat's blood warmed with sulphuric acid evolves caproic acid. Scherer has detected lactic acid in a case of puerperal fever. Fourcroy and Vauquelin and others state that they have found bile-constituents in healthy blood ; they some- times occur in morbid blood. Leuclne and tyrosine occur in small quantities in liver and portal blood, in diseases of the liver. Little is known of the colouring matters proper to the serum. An intense yellow coloration of the serum is often due either to bile-pigment, which may be detected not only in icterus, but also in pneumonia. Black, scarcely yellow, brown, or "red granules of pigment are said to have been de- tected in the heart, large vessels, liver, and spleen, after intermittent fever. Blood con- tains neutral carbonate of sodium (0-1628 % in bullock's blood, Lehmann), probably as acid carbonate (Lehmann, Liebig). Meyer concludes from his experiments that it is not present as acid carbonate. Blood seldom contains sulphates, and never more than traces; it contains silicic rtt?'^(Millon), and according to Gr. Wilson, traces of fluorine. Normal blood never contains ammonia, but that alkali is sometimes found in disease (cholera, &c.) Salts. The serum of man's blood contains 0-88 % (av.) salts, that of women 0-81 %. Lehmann gives the following composition of the ash according to the best analyses : 61 -087 % chloride of sodium, 4-085 chloride of potassium, 28'880 carbonate VOL. I. E R 610 BLOOD. of sodium, 3-195 phosphate of sodium (Na 2 HP0 4 ), 2784 sulphate of potassium. The serum of grown-up animals contains more salts than that of the young ; the serum of the calf, however, contains 1-12 % salts, while that of the cow contains 0'99, and of the ox 0'87 % (Nasse and Poggiale). The blood of cats, goats, and sheep, contains the most salts; of birds, men, and pigs, less; and of dogs and rabbits the least. Arterial blood serum is somewhat richer in salts than venous, and the serum of portal blood contains considerably more than that of the jugular vein. The kind of nourishment has great influence on the amount of salts, and of their several constituents. Plouviez and Pog- giale found that in the blood of animals to whose food common salt had been added for several months, the percentage of salt rose from 0-44 to 0*64, an increase due chiefly to chloride of sodium. The amount of salts is also greatly influenced by disease, being particularly small in violent inflammations, and increasing in typhus, &c. Weber found 1-19 % silica in the ash of bullock's blood. The amount of salts, exclusive of iron, in man's blood = 0728 %, woman 0-896, dog 0713 %. Some chemists think they have detected manganese in blood, but its presence is doubtful. Millon found copper in the blood of soldiers whose food had been prepared in copper vessels, and others have detected traces in the blood of men and beasts. It is said always to occur in the ash of the blood of Limulus Cyclops. Millon also detected lead in blood. ANALYSIS OF BLOOD. The amount of water in blood is easily estimated by evapo- rating a weighed quantity, and drying the residue at 120 130 C. To determine the fibrin, the blood, as it runs from a vein, is received in a tared vessel, and stirred for 5 to 10 minutes with a glass rod, the weight of which is in- cluded in the tare, till the fibrin is completely separated. The blood, together with the separated fibrin, is then weighed, strained through linen, and the fibrin which remains thereon is placed for some time in water, then dried, well boiled with alcohol and ether, to free it from fat, and weighed after drying at 120 C. (Becquerel and Ho die r). Another method of estimation is to leave a weighed quantity of blood to coagulate at rest, tie up the clot in a fine linen bag, after it has contracted as much as possible, knead it first by itself, afterwards with water, and treat the residue as above. (Scherer.) Estimation of Albumin and other Matters coagulable by Heat. A weighed quan- tity of the blood, slightly acidulated with acetic acid, is added by drops to boiling water, the liquid is poured through a weighed filter, and the coagulum collected thereon ; it is then washed on the filter with boiling water, and dried, first at a gentle heat, afterwards at 120 to 130 C. The residue may be freed from fat by treatment with boiling ether. If the blood had not been previously freed from fibrin, the weight of that substance, determined as above, must be deducted from the total weight of the coagulum. Estimation of the Extractive Matter. The filtrate obtained in the last determination is evaporated on the water-bath in a tared platinum basin, the residue dried at 120 C., weighed, and burnt in a muffle at as low a heat as possible. The weight of the ash, deducted from that of the total dried residue, gives approximately the amount of ex- tractive matter. Estimation of Fat. A quantity of blood (which need not be weighed) is dried at 100 C., the residue is pulverised and dried at 120, and a weighed portion thereof is treated with ether in a flask : the ether is passed through a small filter into a tared platinum capsule; and the treatment of the residue with ether is repeated several times. The collected ethereal solution is carefully evaporated, and the residue dried at 100 C. As the weight of the solid constituents of the blood has been previously determined, the quantity of blood from which this amount of fat has been obtained may be cal- culated from that of the residue which was subjected to treatment with ether. Estimation of Mineral Constituents. A weighed quantity of the blood is dried, mixed with ignited carbonate of sodium, then dried and incinerated in the muffle at the lowest possible temperature. (See ASH OF ORGANIC BODIES, p. 418.) Separate Estimation of the Serum and Coagulum, with their Constituents. The fresh blood is collected in a tared cylindrical vessel, having a ground edge, and not too shallow ; it is covered with a glass plate and left to stand till the coagulation is complete, after which the edge of the clot is detached from the side of the vessel by means of a needle. The blood is then weighed, and after the clot has contracted as much as possible, the serum is poured off, and the quantity of albumin, &c., contained in it is determined as above described. The clot and the inner surface of the vessel are then freed from serum as completely as possible by wiping with bibulous paper, and the clot is weighed on the vessel. This weight, deducted from the total weight of the blood, gives the proportion of serum. The clot contains the blood-corpuscules, the fibrin, and a certain quantity of serum ; the amount of water contained in it maybe determined by drying at 120 to 130 C., BLOOD. 611 but there is no known method of directly estimating the amount of the blood-cor- puscules. Prevost and Dumas estimated it approximately on the assumption that the water contained in the clot is all due to adhering serum, and accordingly deducting from the weight of the dried clot an amount of serum-constituents corresponding to the quantity of water in the clot, together with the amount of fibrin separately determined. As, however, the blood-corpuscuLes themselves contain water, this method necessarily makes the quantity of dry corpuscules too small. According to C. Schmidt, the clot contains a quantity of serum amounting to | of its volume, and the weight of the moist blood-cells is four times as great as that of the dry clot, as determined by the method of Prevost and Dumas. Hence, when the con- stituents of the serum and coagulum have been determined as above, and from the weight of the coagulum, a deduction is made of the quantity of serum-constituents corresponding to | of the weight of the moist coagulum, the composition of the cor- puscules may be calculated. The separation of hsematin from globulin cannot be effected ; but if the quantity of iron in the dry coagulum be determined, the amount of blood-pigment may be cal- culated on the supposition that this pigment contains 6 '64 per cent, of iron. (S t r e c k e r, Handw. d. Chem. ii. [2] 115). 1000 pts. Blood-corpuscles contain : Water . $ . Solid constituents : Density .... Hsematin .... Globulin and membrane of cor- puscules .... Fat. Extractive matter . Mineral matter (without iron) . Chlorine .... Sulphuric acid Phosphoric acid . Potassium .... Sodium .... Oxygen .... Phosphate of calcium . Phosphate of magnesium Mean Composition of Male and Female Blood (Becquerel and Kodier). Male Female. Density of defibrinated blood . . . 1060-00 1017'50 Density of serum 1028-00 1027'40 Water 779'00 791-10 Fibrin -2-20 2'20 Fatty matters 1-60 1-62 Serolin 0'02 0'02 Phosphorised fat 0'49 0-46 Cholesterin 0'09 0'09 Saponified fat 1-00 1'04 Albumin 69-40 70*50 Blood-corpuscules 141-10 127*20 Extractive matters and salts . . . 6'80 7*40 Chloride of sodium 3'10 3-90 Other soluble salts 2-50 2'90 Earthy phosphates 0-33 0'35 Iron 0-57 0-54 1000 pts. Blood contain (Schmidt) : da: 688-00 1000 pts. Serum contain : Water . . 902-90 312-00 1-0885 16-75 Solid constituents . . . Density .... Fibrin 97-10 1-028 4-05 282-22 Albumin .... 78-84 2-31 Fat 1-72 2-60 8-12 1-686 0-066 1-134 3-828 1-052 Extractive matter Mineral matter . Chlorine Sulphuric acid Phosphoric acid Potassium 3-94 8-55 3-644 0-115 0-191 3-323 3-341 0-667 0-403 0-114 0-073 Phosphate of calcium Phosphate of magnesium 0-311 0-222 - Man. Woman. Dog. 513*02 486*98 KB 2 612 BLOWPIPE. Salts in 1000 pts. : Cor- puscles. Serum. Cor- puscles. Serum. Cor- puscles. Serum. 0-132 0.281 0-157 0-217 0-309 0-502 3-679 0-359 3-414 0-447 0-557 0-118 0-546 5-659 2-485 5-342 2-343 2M08 D'633 0-271 0-443 2-803 0-311 0-857 0-341 4 532 2-205 1-074 0-861 1-726 Phosphate of calcium Phosphate of magnesium .... 0094 0-060 0-298 0-218 J.0-218 0-550 110 0-841 Fig. 101. C. E. L. BLOODSTONE. A variety of JASPER (q. v.} BLOWPIPE. An instrument for directing a stream of air through a flame, either by blowing with the mouth or with bellows. The flame of a candle, of a lamp with a simple wick, or of an ordinary gas-jet, consists of three parts. The dark central portion immediately surrounding the wick or burner, consists of combustible gaseous matter, not yet burned ; this is surrounded by a highly luminous cone, which deposits soot on a cool body held within it ; and outside of all is a thin pale blue envelope which gives little light, but has a very high temperature. It is here that the combus- tion is most complete, the carbon and hydrogen finding sufficient oxygen to convert them into water and carbonic acid. But in the middle luminous cone, the supply of oxygen is not sufficient for complete combustion, and consequently the hydrogen, which burns most easily, takes up the whole or the greater part of it, while the carbon is set free in the form of minute solid particles. If now a jet of air be directed through the middle of the flame, a double combustion takes place, the combustible matter uniting on the outside with the oxygen of the air, and in the interior with that which is supplied by the blast. In this manner, an intensely hot flame is produced, appli- cable for fusions, reductions, and a variety of operations in chemical analysis ; and likewise for soldering metals and working glass. The best and cheapest form of the mouth-blowpipe for chemical purposes, is that in- vented by Black. It consists of a tube of tin - plate ( fig. 101), about 7 inches long, and f of an inch broad, tapering to | of an inch, where a s'null mouth-piece is soldered. At the wide end a is inserted a small cylindrical tube of brass, about 2 in. long, supporting the nozzle, which may be of brass or platinum. The tube is slightly conical at the end where the jet is fixed, and the latter is thus made to fit on without a screw, which would soon be injured by the high temperature to which it is exposed, and would then be difficult to remove for the purpose of cleaning. The nozzle is drilled from a solid piece of metal, and in the form shown at b in the figure. One of the chief excellencies of this form of blowpipe, is the efficient manner in which it condenses and retains the moisture of the breath, and prevents its projection on the heated assay. The blowpipe may also be provided with a move- able trumpet- shaped mouthpiece, against which the lips, partially open, may be pressed during the act of blowing ; in this manner, a strong blast may be kept up for a considerable time with very little fatigue. The use of such a mouthpiece is strongly recommended by Plattner in his valuable treatise on the blowpipe ; but it is scarcely necessary, ex- cepting when the blast has to be kept up for a long time, as when the blowpipe is used for quantitative analysis. To nse the mouth-blowpipe with success, it is necssary to acquire the art of keeping up a steady blast of air for some time. For this end, the air must be supplied from the mouth, not directly from the lungs, which could not, without fatigue, afford a sufficient stream. The mouth-piece of the instrument being placed between the lips, the mouth is to be filled with air till the cheeks become distended as in playing on a wind instrument. The current of air is then forced through the tube by the action of the muscles of the cheeks, and during the blast, the communication between the chest BLOWPIPE. 613 and mouth is closed, respiration being carried on through the nostrils. The mode of effecting this is difficult to describe, but the right method of blowing is easily acquired by a little practice. The quality and intensity of the flame vary considerably according to the strength and direction of the blast. If the nozzle of the blowpipe is inserted into the middle of the flame, a little above the wick, as shown in fig. 102, an elongated flame is produced, consisting of an outer f>jg f 102. and an inner cone, the former having a yellow, the latter a blue colour. The outer flame is an oxidising flame. An oxidable substance, such as lead or copper, placed at or just beyond the point a of this flame, is strongly heated in contact with the oxygen of the air, and is therefore brought just into the condition for taking up oxygen. *The greatest heat is at the point of the inner flame, the combustible gases being there supplied with just the quantity of oxygen required to consume them ; and between this and the point of the exterior flame, is a quantity of combustible manner, very hot, but not yet burned, and therefore disposed to take oxygen from any compound containing that element. This part of the flame is therefore a reducing flame. A piece of ordinary glass containing lead, turns black and opaque when heated in this part of the flame, in consequence of the reduction of the lead ; but by afterwards heating it in the outer flame, the lead is reoxidised, and the transparency restored. But the reducing power of a flame produced in the manner just described, is not very great, as any one may convince himself by trying to reduce oxide of copper or oxide of tin in it without the aid of a reducing agent. The flame is for the most part an oxidising flame, especially if the aperture of the blowpipe is large and gives a good supply of air. To obtain a good reducing flame, it is necessary to use a blowpipe with a small aperture, and to adjust the point, not within, but just outside the flame, and to blow rather over than through the middle of the flame. In this manner, the flame is less altered in its general characters than in the former case, the chief part consisting of a large and luminous cone, containing a considerable Fig. 103. quantity of free carbon in a state of intense ignition, and just in the condition for taking up oxygen. Substances to be heated in the blowpipe flame, are supported, some- times on charcoal, sometimes in spoons or forceps made of platinum, or on platinum foil or wire, sometimes on small capsules made of clay or bone-earth. Charcoal is used chiefly in experiments of reduction. The substance to be heated is placed in a small hole scooped in the side of the charcoal, not at the ends, because in the latter position, it is more likely, when in the fused state, to sink into the pores of the charcoal. Clay basins are chiefly used in the quantitative assaying , . of ores. They are made of fire-clay kneaded into a stiff paste with \^_^/ water, pressed into shape in a box-wood mould (fig. 103), then dried and calcined. Instead of these, however, very thin porcelain basins, ' -" which may be procured ready made, may be used with advantage. Basins or cupels of bone-earth made in a similar manner, are used for cupelling silver and gold with lead. The oxide of lead formed in the process, sinks into the porous sup- port leaving the silver or gold in the form of a metallic button. BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS. The blowpipe is an indispensable instrument in qualitative analysis, as it serves to recognise the presence of many substances with greater facility and certainty than could be obtained by analysis with liquid reagents, especially when the quantity of substance to be operated on is but small. Generally speaking, however, it is not safe to trust to the indications of the blowpipe alone, inasmuch as many substances give but indistinct reactions when submitted to this mode of examination, and are apt to be completely overlooked when present together with others whose indications are more decided. In a mixture of iron, nickel, and cobalt, for example, it would be scarcely possible by the blowpipe alone to recognise anything but cobalt, even though that metal might be present in small proportion only as compared with the others. It is best, therefore, to use the blowpipe, and in general, the mode of analysis by the dry way, as a means of determining the general character of a compound or mixture, and detecting certain of its constituents, and thus obtaining an indication of the best mode of proceeding with the more complete analysis by the wet way. A concise account of the behaviour of the several elementary bodies, and their principal inorganic compounds when heated per se, and with certain reagents, is given in the article ANALYSIS (!NOEGANIC), (p. 213) ; and these characters will be described in greater detail in treating of the several elements and compounds. The table on R B 3 614 BLOWPIPE. Behaviour of Metallic Oxides before the Blow- A clear bead is formed by fusing the flux on a loop made at the end of a platinum- wire : the bead is in the reducing flame, it is sometimes advisable to employ charcoal instead of platinum-wire. The employed, In this table h. signifies hot ; c. cold ; supers, that the bead is super- Colour of the Bead. With. Microcosmic Salt. / In outer or oxidising Flame. \ In inner or reducing Flame. Colour- less. Silica swims undissolved. Alumina ', Stan- nic oxide. All Alkaline earths, and Earths (supers, opaque). Tantalic, Colum- bic, Titanic, Tungstic anhydrides; Zinc-, Cadmium-, Lead-, Bismuth-, Antimony- oxides not sat. : (supers, yellowish). Silica swims undissolved. Alumina. All alkaline earths and earths (supers, opaque). Ceric, Didymic, Manganic, Stannic oxides. Yellow or brownish. h. not sat. Ferric and Ceric oxides, h. Va- nadic anhydride, Uranic oxide, Oxide of Silver, c. Nickel-oxide. h. Ferric oxide (reddish), Titanic anhyd. Red. h. Nickel-oxide, h. supers. Ferric and Ceric oxides. h. Ferric oxide, c. Titanic and Tungstic anhydrides containing iron (blood-red). Cupric oxide. Violet or Amethyst. Manganic and Didymic oxides. c. Titanic anhydride. Columbous anhy- dride (not sat.). Blue. Cobalt-oxide, c. Cupric oxide. Cobalt-oxide. Tungstic anhydride. Ni- obous anhydride (supers.) Green. h. Cupric oxide, Molybdic anhydride, Ferric oxide containing cobalt or copper. Chromic and Uranic oxides. Chromic and Uranic oxides, Vanadic and Molybdic anhydride. Grey and Opaque. c. Oxides of Silver, Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, Bismuth, Antimony : Tellurous anhydride. BLOWPIPE. 615 pipe with Microcosmic Salt and Borax. dipped into the finely-powdered substance under examination, and again heated. In heating colour of the bead frequently varies with its temperature, and with the quantity of oxide saturated with oxide ; not sat. that it is not completely saturated with oxide. With Borax. s In outer or oxidising Flame. A In inner or reducing Flame. Silica, Alumina, Stannic oxide. Supers, opaque : Alkaline earths and Earths, Oxide of silver, Tantalic, Columbic, Tellurous anhydrides. Not sat. : Titanic, Tungstic, Molybdic anhydrides, Zinc-, Cadmium-, Lead-, Bismuth-, Antimony -oxides. Silica, Alumina, Stannic oxide. Supers, opaque : Alkaline earths and Earths, Lan- thanic and Ceric oxides, Tantalic anhyd. Manganic and Didymic oxides, h. Cu- pric oxide. h. Vanadic anhydride, h. not sat. Ferric and Urania oxides, h. supers. Lead-, Bismuth-, and Antimonious oxides. Tungstic anhydride; Titanic, Vanadic, and Molybdic anhydrides (brownish). h. Ceric and Ferric oxides, c. Nickel- oxide (red-brown), h. supers. Chromic oxide. c. Cupric Oxide (supers, opaque). Manganic and Didymic oxides. Nickel- oxide containing cobalt. Cobalt-oxide, c. Cupric oxide. Cobalt-oxide. c. Chromic oxide, Vanadic anhyd. h. Cu- pric oxide, Ferric oxide containing copper or cobalt. Ferric, Uranic, Chromic oxides, c. Va nadic anhydride. The same as with microcosmic salt. Also Nickel-oxide t and (supers.) Columbous an- hydride. 616 BLOWPIPE. ff Fig. 104. page 614 (taken from Conington's " Handbook of Analysis,") exhibits in a convenient form the colours imparted by metallic oxides to borax and microcosmic salt, when heated therewith in the oxidising and reducing flames. [For further details, see " Chemical Manipulation," by C. Greville "Wlliams, London : Van Voorst ; also, espe- pecially for the method of Quantitative Analysis with the blowpipe: Plattner's "Pro- bierkunst mit dein Lothrohre," or the translation of that work "On the Use of the Blow- pipe, &c.," by Dr. Muspratt, London, 1850.] TABLE BLOWPIPE. For sealing and bending glass tubes and constructing glass apparatus of various forms, it is convenient to have the blowpipe mounted on a fixed bupport, and when a flame of considerable power is required, the blast must be sup- plied by bellows worked with the e foot. A very convenient form ol ~ blowpipe for these purposes is that A ' . =i- >i ... 71-3 70-4 62-5 61-4 27 17 7-9 8-6 70-2 62-4 17 7'9 Bull; femur 69-3 677 59-8 607 1-5 1-5 8-4 8-1 70-0 62-9 1-3 77 G-oat; , 68-0 58-3 1-2 8-4 Cachalot,, Whale; spongy part Eagle 62-9 57-5 70-5 51-9 60-6 0-5 17 10-6 8-4 66-2 Owl (Grand Duke) 71'3 61-6 1-5 8-8 70-0 spongy part 67-0 71-1 Chicken Turkey 68-2 677 64-4 63-8 1-1 1-2 5-6 5-6 707 65-4 70-6 62-5 1-5 10-2 Thrush 66-6 63'0 Humming bird ; bones of head - ,, limbs 55:0 59-0 BONE. TABLE. continued. 623 Name of Bone. Ash per cent. Phos- phate of Calcium, Phos- phate of P Mag- nesium. Carbonate of Calcium. Teal 73-5 68-4 1-3 5-6 64-3 58-0 1-2 Land tortoise ; carapace Crocodile ; cutaneous bone .... Crocodile 64-0 64-6 64-0 67'5 56-0 58-3 58-3 1-2 trace 0-5 107 97 7-7 Cod Barbel 61-3 60-2 65-1 1-3 7-0 Sole 54-0 Shad 50' Carp 61-4 58-1 1-1 47 Pike 66-9 64-2 1-2 4-7 Eel Tetrodon ; maxillary with teeth Diodon ; spine of the skin .... Shark 57-0 76-0 68-8 62-6 56-1 trace 2-2 Ray; cartilage 30-0 65-3 27-7 64-4 trace trace 4-3 1-3 Lamprey ; head with teeth .... 2-2 Diseased Bones. Bones are subject to several diseases, in nearly all of which the proportion of inorganic matter is found to diminish. In caries, the calcareous por- tion of the bone is destroyed, without alteration of the cartilage, the latter still yield- ing gelatin when boiled with water. In a carious femur, v. Bibra found the proportion of inorganic salts reduced to 38*3 per cent., and in a portion of astragalus, taken from the centre of the caries, it was only 18 - 5 per cent. In osteomalacia and rachitis, the proportion of mineral matter sometimes diminishes to such an extent, that the bones bend under the weight of the body. Marchand found in the femur of a rachitic child 72-20 per cent, cartilage, 7'20 fat, 14'78 phosphate of calcium, 3'0 car- bonate of calcium, 0'80 phosphate of magnesium, and 2-02 sulphate of calcium, chloride of sodium, iron (and loss). In the osteomalacia of adults, the tribasic phosphate of calcium is converted into f -phosphate, 8Ca 2 0.3P 2 5 (Weber), and the bones sometimes contain a free acid. In this disease, and in the rachitis of children, the cartilage is frequently altered in character, so that it no longer yields gelatin when boiled with water. Exostosis is the formation of osseous tumours on the surface of bones ; these tumours likewise contain an excess of cartilage. Sclerosis is the formation of cartilage, and ultimately of true bony tissue within the medullary cavities and canals of the bones, which thus become denser and almost like ivory. Here also the organic matter is generally in excess, and the carbonate of calcium is increased in proportion to the phosphate. In osteoporosis, which is a dilatation of the medullary cavities, &c., either from the excessive development of the medulla, or from the solvent action of fluids infused into the cavities, the mineral matter is also found to disappear more quickly than the organic matter. Fossil Bones. When a bone is exposed to the air or buried in the earth, the organic tissue gradually disappears, while the calcareous salts remain. In buried bones, the tissue likewise becomes incrusted with various substances derived from the surrounding soil, so that fossil bones often contain considerable quantities of carbonate, sulphate, and fluoride of calcium, silica, &c., according to the nature of the formation in which they are embedded. The proportion of carbonate of calcium sometimes amounts to 67 per cent.^ The silica is in the form of quartz, that is, in the modifica- tion which is insoluble in acids and in dilute alkalis. In some cases, the proportion of tricalcic phosphate remains nearly the same as in the original bone,- whereas in others it is greatly diminished. The proportion of phosphate of magnesium does not vary greatly ; it diminishes, however, to a certain extent when the phosphate of cal- cium is replaced by carbonate of calcium or by siliceous compounds. Many fossil bones still retain a portion of their cartilage, which is sometimes also converted into true gelatin. 624 BONE-BLACK. Analyses of Various Fossil bones. (Fr6my.) Ash per cent. Phosphate of Calcium. Phosphate of Magnesium. Carbonate of Calcium. Silica and Fluoride of Calcium. Organic Matter. Ox, from the caves of Oreston ; metatarsal bone, external por- tion having the aspect of wood 8O74 71-1 1-5 11'8 10-3 Internal portion of the same very friable 80-6 71-5 1-7 11-3 11-0 Spongy portion of the same Rhinoceros, from Sansan(Gers) 84-2 633 1-2 5-2 17-2 8-0 vertebra? .... 83-4 59-0 41-3 2-6 trace Ribs of the same. 83-1 66-8 27'5 1-4 trace Hyena, from the caves of Kirk dale; long bone 75-5 720 1-3 4-7 20-0 Rhinoceros ; dorsal vertebrae 69-5 25-7 0'4 57-5 8-5 hnmerus . 73-0 32-4 0-4 64-0 6-2 teeth 904 65-2 07 13-8 14-5 Mastodon; tusk . 90-4 56-5 07 13-1 24-3 Bear ; dense part of bones . 839 597 0-4 23-6 9-8 spongy part 76-7 23-1 1-2 67-5 14-0 Anoplotherium ; caudal ver tebra .... 84-0 53-1 04 2O4 19-4 Tortoise ; vertebrae . 87-0 61-1 07 10-6 18-6 BONTE-BXiACK. Animal black, Animal charcoal, Bcinschwarz. A product ob- tained by heating bones to redness in close vessels. Large quantities of stinking gas, empyreumatic oil, and volatile alkaloids, are then evolved, and there remains a black mass consisting of an intimate mixture of charcoal containing nitrogen, with the mineral matter of the bone, chiefly phosphate and carbonate of calcium. It possesses the power of abstracting many solid substances from their solutions, and is used on a very large scale as a decolorising agent in the refining of sugar. That it may possess this property in the highest degree, the preparation must be so conducted as to leave the largest possible quantity of carbon in the product, and at the same time to render it very porous. The air must therefore be carefully excluded during the ignition, and the heat must be regulated so as not to cause the mass to cake together or become agglutinated by the fusion of organic substances. The bones should be fresh ; those which have lost much of their organic matter by putrefaction, either in the air or underground, do not yield a sufficient quantity of charcoal. They should be coarsely comminuted and boiled to free them from fat, which would melt and yield a very com- pact charcoal. The yield of bone-black varies from 30 to 60 per cent, according to the composition of the bones. The long cylindrical bones of the extremities are best adapted for the purpose ; they yield about 60 per cent of bone-black, containing 1 to 1| carbon to 9 pts. phosphate of calcium. Eibs, skulls, and vertebrae yield a smaller quantity, and not of good quality : hence it is better to use them for the preparation of gelatin. The carbonisation of bones is performed either in iron cylinders, like those used in the distillation of coal, or in covered pots of cast-iron or crucible-ware, heated in a reverberatory furnace; the latter method yields the best charcoal, but the former is adopted when it is desired to collect the volatile products which are given off. (See BoNE-On-.) (For details and figures of machinery, see Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 369; Muspratfs Chemistry, i. 315; Handworterbuch d. Chcm. 2 te Aufl. ii. 767). Bone-black is extensively used both as a decolorising and deodorising agent ; it likewise removes lime and its salts from their aqueous solutions, and is accordingly used for the purification of highly calcareous waters. In the refining of sugar, it serves to free the syrup both from colouring matter and from lime. It decomposes many metallic salts, sometimes absorbing the oxides or metallic acids, sometimes reducing them. It abstracts iodine, not only from solution, but even from its salts. It likewise removes bitter principles and organic alkaloids from their solutions, and has been recommended as an antidote in case of poisoning by such substances. Bone-black which has been used for removing colouring matter and lime from syrup or other liquids, may be revivified, that is, restored to its original state, by the following processes : 1. Treating it with acids to remove the lime. 2. Leaving it to ferment or putrefy, in order to render soluble the organic substances which it JIMS absorbed. 3. Washing. 4. Ignition. (For details, see the works above cited.) Bone-black is sometimes used as a pigment; for which purpose it is made into a y BONE-OIL BORACITE. 625 paste with water, and finely pulverised in a colour-mill. The finest pigment of this kind is ivory-black, which is obtained by the carbonisation of ivory. Lastly bone-black is used as a manure, especially for cereal crops, being well adapted for this purpose, both by the phosphoric acid and the nitrogen which it contains. It is chiefly efficacious on soils which still retain a considerable quantity of decayed vege- table matter. BONE-GIL. DippePs oil, Animal oil, Oleum animale Dippelii. This oil is obtained in large quantity in the preparation of bone-black, by igniting charcoal in cylinders. Similar products are obtained by the dry distillation of other animal substances. The original Dippcl's oil known in Pharmacy was produced from stag's horn ; but all the animal oil now met with in commerce, is obtained from bones in the manner above- mentioned. It has been made the subject of a series of elaborate investigations by Professor Anderson of Glasgow. (Transactions of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh, xvi. 4 ; xx. Part II. 247 ; xxi. Part I. 219, and Part IV. 571. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 32 ; Ixxx. 44 ; xciv. 358 ; cv. 335. Jahresber. f. Chem. 1847-8, p. 651 ; 1851, p. 475 ; 1854, p. 488 ; 1867, p. 392.) Bone-oil is mainly a product of the decomposition of gelatinous tissue, inasmuch as the bones used for the preparation of animal charcoal are boiled, before ignition, with a large quantity of water, to deprive them of their fat (p. 624). The crude oil is dark brown or nearly black, and has a specific gravity of 0'970. It consists chiefly of a mixture of volatile organic bases, together with smaller quantities of acids and neutral hydrocarbons. On subjecting a large quantity of the crude oil to fractional distillation, the first f of the distillate consists of about equal parts of a yellow oil and a watery liquid holding in solution sulphide, cyanide, and carbonate of ammonium, together with small quantities of very volatile organic bases. On supersaturating this watery liquid with sulphuric acid, boiling for a while, then distilling with slaked lime, and immersing sticks of potash in the watery distillate, ammonia is given off with brisk effervescence, and a small quantity of oily bases separates on the surface of the potash-solution. The remaining f of the distillate consists of oily bases of various degrees of volatility. On mixing them (together with the small portion of oily bases separated from the watery liquid just mentioned) with excess of dilute sulphuric acid, setting the mixture aside for some days, and frequently shaking it, then separating the strongly acid liquid from the portion of oil still unacted on, and boiling it for some time in a still, an alka- line liquid passes over containing pyrrhol, C'H 5 N, a weak base first noticed by Eunge (Pogg. Ann. xxxi. 65) in bone-oil and in coal-tar, and distinguished by the property of imparting a deep purple-red colour to fir wood moistened with hydrochloric acid. The remaining acid liquid, after cooling, is mixed with excess of slaked lime and distilled, and the distillate is treated with solid caustic potash, which separates a quantity of oily bases, while the watery liquid retains in solution ammonia and methy- famine, which are given off on simply distilling the liquid, and may be condensed in dilute hydrochloric acid. On submitting to fractional distillation the mixture of oily bases separated by the potash, a number of bases are obtained from 65 to 100 C. belonging to the series C"H> +3 N, viz. ethylamine C 2 H'N, tritylamine C 3 H 9 N, tetrylamine C 4 H H N, and amy- lamine C 5 H 13 H ; and above 115 C. another series of bases are given off belonging to the series OH 2B 5 N, and isomeric with phenylamine and its homologues, viz. : Pyridine, C S H 5 N, boiling at 1167C. Picoline, C a H 7 N, 135 Lutidine, C 7 H 9 N, 154-5 Colliding C 8 II>'N, 180 The non-basic portion of bone-oil yields by repeated rectification, a liquid boiling at 65'5C., which, when exposed to a freezing mixture, separates into two distinct layers. The portions boiling at a higher temperature do not exhibit this property. They con- tain benzene, and probably also homologues thereof, also alcohol-radicles, and nitro- genous compounds which are decomposed by sodium. BOMTSDORFFITE. A variety of hydrous dichroi'te (ii. 422). BORACITE. Borazite. Borate of Magnesia. A mineral occurring in crystals imbedded in gypsum and anhydrite at Liineberg in Hanover, Segeberg in 'Hoi- stein, and Luneville, La Meurthe, in France. The crystals are monometric ; cubes, rhoraboidal dodecahedrons or tetrahedrons, generally hemihedral combinations with a great number of faces. Cleavage octahedral in traces. Specific gravity = 2'974. Hardness = 7. Lustre vitreous, inclining to adamantine. Colour white, inclining to grey, yellow, and green. Streak white. Sub transparent to subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Pyro-electric, even when massive. (Dana, ii. 393.) Boracite was formerly regarded as a bor;ite of magnesium, 3Mg 2 O.B 2 O s ' containing a VOL. I. S S 626 BORIDES BOKNEOL. small quantity of iron ; but recent analyses have shown that it likewise contains chlorine. The mean results are as follows : Mg 2 O Fe 2 B 2 3 Cl H 2 30-67 1-62 62-55 7'96 075 (Potyka.) 30-48 1-38 8-50 (Siewert and Geist.) If now the ferrous oxide be reckoned as magnesia (Fe 2 : Mg 2 = 72 : 40) these analyses give respectively 31-57 and 31'25 magnesia; and the results agree nearly with the formula MgCl.(3Mg 2 0.4B 2 3 ), which requires 31'35 per cent. Mg 2 0, 62-50 B 2 3 , and 7'94 Cl. (Kammelsberg's Mineralchemie, p. 254.) BORAX. Acid borate of sodium. See BORAXES, under BORON, OXIDE or(p.645). BO RIDES. Compounds of boron with metals. See BORON. BORVTEENE. Valerene. C'H 16 . A liquid hydrocarbon, isomeric with oil of turpentine, secreted by the Dryabalanops camphora, and holding in solution a solid substance, borneol, or camphor of Borneo. It is also obtained from essential oil of valerian, by submitting that oil to fractional distillation, and heating the first portions of the distillate with hydrate of potassium, which takes up valerol, while borneene passes as a distillate. Solid Bornean camphor distilled with phosphoric anhydride also yields a liquid hydrocarbon having the composition C'H 16 . (See VALERIAN, On OF.) Borneene is lighter than water, almost insoluble in that liquid, and smells like oil of turpentine. It turns the plane of polarisation of a luminous ray to the left, but less strongly than oil of turpentine. The product obtained from oil of valerian boils at 160 C., that from Borneo camphor at 165. Vapour-density 4*60. It absorbs hydro- chloric acid gas, forming a cyrstalline compound. It appears to oxidise when left in badly closed vessels, and when immersed in water, especially in presence of alkalis, it appears to be converted into borneol (Gerhardt, Traite, iii. 628, 641). (See DRYABALANOPS. ) Borneene from Madder Fitsel-oil. The fusel-oil contained in the alcohol produced by the distillation of madder-sugar, yields liquid products when distilled at tempera- tures rising to 230 C., while at higher temperatures Isevo-rotatory borneol sublimes. The former, by digestion with caustic potash, then with chloride of calcium, and repeated fractional distillation, yields a liquid which boils at 160 C., contains 88*23 per cent, carbon and 11-81 hydrogen, has a vapour-density = 4*85, and is therefore probably borneene. Lsevo-rotatory borneol (vid. inf.') distilled with phosphoric anhydride aL;o yields a liquid which appears to be borneene. (Jeanjean, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ci. 94.) BORNEO!*. Borneol Alcohol, Solid Camphor of Borneo. C'H 18 O. This sub- stance is extracted from the Dryabalanops cafiiphora, being found in cavities in the trunks of old trees. It is also found in small quantity in moist oil of valerian, being probably formed by hydration of borneene. According to Pierlot (Ann. Ch. Phys. ix. 291) the crystals found in oil of valerian are not borneol, but valerian-camphor, C I2 H 20 . Borneol is produced artificially by heating common camphor with alcoholic potash, its formation being attended, either with evolution of oxygen : C 10 H I6 + H 2 = C'H 18 + ; Camphor. Borneol. or with simultaneous production of camphic acid : 2C 10 H 18 + H 2 = C 10 H I8 + C'H I6 2 . Camphor. Borneol. Camphic acid. The action takes place slowly at 100 C., more quickly at higher temperatures in sealed tubes. (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Ivi. 78.) Borneol forms small transparent, colourless, very friable crystals or crystalline frag- ments, having an odour like that of common camphor and of pepper, and a hot burning taste. The crystals appear to be regular six-sided prisms belonging to the hexagonal system. Their alcoholic solution possesses dextro-rotatory power, like that of common camphor. Dextro-rotatory power of natural borneol = 3 3 -40 (Biot), of the artifi- cial = 44-9. Borneol is lighter than water, and insoluble in that liquid, but very soluble in alcohol and ether. Melts at 198 C., and boils at 212, distilling with- out alteration. Gently heated with phosphoric anhydride, it yields borneene, C'H 16 . Boiled with strong nitric acid, it gives off H 2 , and is converted into common camphor, C'H 16 0. With hydrochloric acid it unites without liquefying : the compound is de- stroyed by heat. LfBVO-rotatory Borneol. This substance, which is isomeric with ordinary bor- neol, but differs from it in possessing equal but opposite rotatory power, is found in the alcohol produced by the fermentation of madder-sugar, and is obtained by collecting BORON. 627 the lamina- which crystallise out on standing, or during fractional distillation. It forms crystalline laminae, or a white powder smelling like pepper and common camphor. It dissolves sparingly in water, and when thrown on the surface of water, spins like common camphor. It dissolves easily in acetic acid, alcohol, and ether. Boiling nitric acid converts it into laevo-rotatory camphor. Distilled with phosphoric anhy- dride or chloride of zinc, it yields a hydrocarbon resembling oil of lemon or bergamot. (Jeanjean, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ci. 94.) XSORXUXTZ:. Syn. with ERUBESCITE and with TETRADYMITE. BOROCAXiCXTE. Native borate of calcium (p. 643). BORON*. Atomic Weight 11. Symbol B. - This element occurs in nature as boric or boracic acid, and in a few minerals, viz. native borax or tincal, boracite, hydro- boracitc, datolite, and botri/olitc, and in small quantities in schorl, apyrite, axinitc, and rhodizite. It never occurs in the free state. Homberg, in 1702, first obtained boric acid from borax, and anhydrous boric acid was decomposed by Gray-Lussac and Thenard in 1808, and immediately afterwards, by Sir H. Davy, into oxygen and boron. Boron may be obtained in three different states, viz. amorphous, graphito'idal, and adamantine. (Wohler and Deville, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] lii. 63.) 1. Amorphous 'Boron. This is the form in which boron was first obtained. Gay-Lussac and Theuard prepared it by igniting boric anhydride (vitrefied boric acid) in a tube with an equal weight of potassium in small pieces, then boiling the fused mass with very dilute hydrochloric acid, washing with water, and drying. This pro- cess yields, however, but a small product, as it is difficult to deprive the boric acid of all its water, and the remaining quantity oxidises part of the potassium, with violent com- bustion, causing part of the mass to be projected. According to R. D. Thomson (Phil. Mag. [3] x. 419), this inconvenience may be obviated by drying the boric anhydride as completely as possible, mixing it in the state of coarse powder, with twice its weight of potassium, freed as completely as possible from the crust of hydrate which generally adheres to it, and gradually heating the mixture to redness in a glass tube over a lamp. Wohler and Deville mix 60 grammes of sodium in small pieces with 100 grammes of finely powdered boric anhydride in an iron crucible, and cover the mixture with about 30 grammes of pulverised and previously ignited chloride of sodium. The crucible is then quickly heated to redness, whereupon a violent reaction takes place, and the whole becomes liquid. It is carefully stirred with an iron rod till no more free sodium or unfused chloride of sodium can be seen, then carefully poured into water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and washed and dried as above. As the amorphous boron is very apt to run through the filter when washed with pure water, it is best to wash with water containing sal-ammoniac, and then remove that salt by means of alcohol. Another mode of preparing amorphous boron is that of Berzelids, which consists in decomposing perfectly dry borofiuoride of potassium by heating it with an equal weight of metallic potassium in an iron tube closed at both ends. The mixture is first heated merely to the melting point of potassium, then well stirred with an iron rod, and afterwards heated to redness. The decomposition takes place without explosion, and the boron is afterwards separated from the fluoride of potassium, with which it is mixed, by digestion and washing with water containing sal-ammoniac, the latter being finally removed by alcohol. If too little potassium has been taken to produce complete decomposition, the washing is rendered difficult by the remaining borofluoride of potassium, which has but little solubility. Amorphous boron is also formed, together with the other two varieties, in the modes of preparation presently to be described. Amorphous boron is a dark-brown or greenish-brown powder, opaque, destitute of taste and smell, and stains the fingers strongly. It is a non-conductor of electricity. In vacuo, or in gases with which it does not unite, it may be raised even to a white heat without melting, or subliming, or undergoing any alteration, excepting that it becomes so dense that it sinks rapidly in oil of vitriol. In the unignited state, it dis- solves, to a very slight extent, in pure water, imparting its colour ; in water containing acids or salts it is insoluble, and indeed such substances precipitate it from its aqueous solution. Amorphous boron does not oxidise in the air or in oxygen gas at ordinary tempera- tures, but at about 300 C. it burns in the air with a reddish light, and in oxygen gas with dazzling brightness ; the combustion is in both cases attended with vivid emis- sion of sparks, and in oxygen gas, according to Berzelius, a faint greenish flame is ob- served. The product is boric oxide or anhydride, B 2 3 , the only known oxide of boron, which melts on the surface of the boron and partly protects it from further action. In atmospheric air, according to Wohler and Deville, a small quantity of nitride of boron is formed at the same time. ss 2 628 BORON. Amorphous boron does not decompose water, even at the boiling heat, but it readily decomposes strong sulphuric acid when heated with it, and nitric acid, even when but slightly concentrated, in the cold, the product in each case being boric acid. At a red heat, it decomposes the carbonates, sulphites, sulphates, nitrites, and nitrates of the alkali-metals, an alkaline borate being formed, and carbon, sulphur, or nitrogen set free. The decomposition is sometimes attended with incandescence and, in the case of nitre, with explosion. It also decomposes many metallic oxides at a red heat, forming a borate, if the oxide is in excess. Heated with hydrate of potassium, it eliminates hydrogen, and forms borate of potassium. It likewise reduces many metallic chlorides and sulphides, e.g. chloride of lead, chloride of silver, and sulphide of lead at a red heat, chloride of boron being formed and escaping as gas (Wohler and Deville). It precipitates metallic gold from a solution of the chloride. When strongly ignited in a current of nitrogen gas, it is converted into white nitride of boron. Heated nearly to redness in a current of nitric oxide gas, it burns brilliantly, forming boric anhydride and nitride of boron. Itdoes notdecompose nitrous oxide. (Wohler and Deville). By ignition with aluminium, amorphous boron may be converted into the two other modifications, which remain behind on dissolving out the aluminium by hydrochloric acid. G rap hi to 'ida I Boro n. This variety of boron is obtained : 1. By passing gaseous chloride of boron for some time over aluminium in the state of fusion. The metal takes up but a small quantity of boron ; but on breaking it, the boron is found on the fractured surface in copper-coloured crystalline laminae, like graphite in cast-iron ; they may be separated by dissolving out the aluminium with hydrochloric acid. 2. By heating 8 pts. of borofluoride of potassium and 5 pts. of aluminium with a flux of 9 pts. chloride of potassium and 7 pts. chloride of sodium to the melting point of silver, in a porcelain crucible, and treating the half fused metallic mass found in the midst of the slag, first with hydrochloric then with hydrofluoric acid. Boron then re- mains in small blackish-grey crystalline scales. 3. By fusing a mixture of 15 pts. boric anhydride, 10 pts. fluor-spar, and 2 pts. aluminium ; or by fusing aluminium with boric anhydride, or better with fused borax and cryolite, and a flux of chloride of potassium and chloride of sodium. A large excess of aluminium, however, is required to obtain but a small quantity of boron. Graphitoi'dal boron has a semi-metallic lustre, like graphite or crystalline ferric oxide, but with a distinct tinge of copper-red. When well crystallised, it forms thin six- sided tablets belonging to the hexagonal system ; but it is more generally obtained as a reddish-grey, micaceous powder composed of fine crystalline laminae. It is perfectly opaque. When heated to redness in the air, it does not burn or undergo any apparent alteration. It does not dissolve in acids or in alkalis, but appears to be converted into boric acid by the long-continued action of nitric acid. (Wohler and Deville.) Adamantine or Diamond Boron. This is not, strictly speaking, a form of pure boron ; at least, as hitherto obtained, it always contains carbon and sometimes aluminium. To prepare it, 80 grammes of aluminium in lumps are heated with 100 grammes of boric anhydride to a temperature at which nickel fuses readily. The mixture is introduced into a crucible of compact charcoal fitted with a charcoal cover and placed within a hessian or black-lead crucible, the intermediate space being filled with charcoal-powder, and the cover fastened on with refractory luting ; and the whole is exposed for five or six hours to the strongest heat of an air-furnace, having a tall chimney and fed with a mixture of coke and coal. On breaking the crucible after cooling, two layers are found, one glassy, consisting of boric anhydride and alumina, the other a metallic iron-grey mass of aluminium, penetrated throughout with crystalline boron. The aluminium is dissolved out by strong soda-ley, iron by hot hydrochloric acid, and the residue is treated with a hot mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acid, to remove silicium. The crystals of diamond boron thus far purified are still mixed with graphitoi'dal boron and crystalline laminae of alumina ; the former, being light, may be separated by levigation ; the latter only by careful mechanical selection. Adamantine boron forms quadratic octahedrons, in which the principal axis is to the secondary axes as 0*577: 1. The crystals vary in colour, from a scarcely per- ceptible honey-yellow to deep garnet-red ; sometimes they are so deeply coloured, pro- bably by amorphous boron, that they appear black. In lustre and refracting power, they are nearly equal to the diamond. Their specific gravity is 2'63. They are ex- tremely hard, always sufficiently so to scratch corundum with facility, and some crystals are nearly as hard as diamond itself. The hardest are obtained by repeatedly pxposing aluminium to the action of boric anhydride at a temperature high enough t<& cause the anhydride to volatilise very quickly. BORON: BROMIDE CHLORIDE. 629 Adamantine boron does not fuse, even at the heat of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, and withstands the action of oxygen even when very strongly heated ; but it is slightly oxidised at the temperature at which the diamond burns, a film of boric anhydride being then formed, which stops further oxidation. Heated on platinum-foil before the blowpipe, it forms a fusible boride of platinum. It is not attacked by acids at any temperature, but when heated to redness with acid sulphate of potassium, it is con- verted into boric acid. It is not attacked by a strong boiling solution of caustic soda, but is slowly dissolved by hydrate or carbonate of sodium at a red heat. Nitre does not appear to act upon it at any temperature. Boron unites, as already observed, with oxygen and with nitrogen, also with chlorine, bromine, fluorine, and sulphur. With metals it does not, for the most part, unite readily ; but borides of palladium and platinum are known. The platinum compound is very fusible, so that boron, in either of its modifications, if ignited on S'atinum-foil before the blowpipe, instantly perforates the platinum. (Wohler and eville.) Boron in all its combinations appears to be triatomic ; the chloride being BC1 3 , the oxide B-0 3 , the hydrate (boric acid) IFBO 3 , &c. BORON, BROMIDE OF. BBr 3 . Discoveredby Poggiale in 1846 (Compt, rend, xxii. 124), but first obtained pure by Wohler and Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Hi. 89.) It is produced by the action of bromine on amorphous boron, or on boric anhy- dride in presence of charcoal. The best way of preparing it is to pass bromine-vapour over heated amorphous boron, previously well dried in a current of hydrogen ; then digest the product for some time with metallic mercury, to remove excess of bromine, and distil. Pure bromide of boron is a colourless mobile liquid, of specific gravity 2-69, vola- tilising readily at ordinary temperatures, in colourless, pungent vapours, and boiling under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, at 90 C. Vapour-density (referred to air), by experiment, 878 ; by calculation (2 vol.) = 87. It fumes in moist air, and is in- stantly decomposed by water, with formation of boric and hydrobromic acids. With dry ammonia-gas, it forms a white pulverulent substance, which is converted by water into bromide and borate of ammonium : possibly thus : BBr 3 .4NH 3 + 2H 2 = 3NH 4 Br + NH 4 B0 2 . BORON*, CHLORIDE OP. BC1 3 . First prepared by Berzelius (Pogg. Ann. ii. 147), afterwards by Dumas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxxi. 436; xxxiii. 376), more exactly investigated by Wohler and Deville (ibid. [3] Hi. 88). It is formed by the direct combination of chlorine and boron, which takes place at ordinary temperatures, or at a gentle heat ; also by heating boron in hydrochloric acid gas, or a mixture of boric anhydride and charcoal in chlorine gas, and by the action of boron at a red heat on chloride of mercury, lead, or silver. To prepare it, amorphous boron, loosely packed in a glass tube, is first freed from moisture by passing dry hydrogen over it at a gentle heat ; the tube is then left open for a few seconds, to allow the hydrogen to escape ; after which, dry chlorine gas is passed through the tube, the action being assisted if necessary, by gently heating the tube in a combustion furnace. Combination then takes place, attended with evolution of light and heat ; and the vapours of chloride of boron are passed through a caout- chouc connecting-tube into a Y-shaped tube, the two upper arms of which are sur- rounded with ice and salt, while the lower arm conveys the condensed liquid into a receiver placed below. The product may be freed from excess of chlorine by digestion with mercury. A small quantity of oxychloride of boron is generally formed at the same time, by the action of a little air or moisture left in the apparatus ; but it con- denses in the cooler part of the combustion-tube. The chloride of boron may be freed from excess of chlorine by digestion with mercury. When the vapour of chloride of boron is mixed with hydrogen, as when it is pro- duced by heating boron in hydrochloric acid gas, or with carbonic oxide, as when produced- by the action of chlorine on a hot mixture of boric anhydride and charcoal, it is very difficult to condense ; indeed, chloride of boron was originally regarded as a gas at ordinary temperatures, until Wohler and Deville obtained it in a state of purity by the process above described. Pure chloride of boron is a colourless, mobile, strongly refracting liquid, having a specific gravity of 1-35 at 17 C. (? 7) ; it expands very perceptibly by a rise of 1 or 2 of temperature. It boils at 17 C. Vapour-density, by experiment = 4'06 4'08 ; by calculation (2 vol.) = 4'07. It fumes in damp air, and is quickly decomposed by water, yielding boric and hydrochloric acids. With alcohol, it forms, with great rise of temperature, hydrochloric acid and borate of ethyl : similar reactions with methylic and amylic alcohols. s s 3 630 BORON : DETECTION AND ESTIMATION. Ammoneo-chloride of Boron, 3NH 3 .2BC1 3 , is formed, with great evolution of heat, when dry ammonia-gas is passed over chloride of boron. It is a white, finely crys- talline powder, which sublimes unaltered when heated alone, though not so easily as sal-ammoniac. It does not fume in the air, but is decomposed by water, yielding boric acid, chloride of ammonium, and hydrochloric acid : 2BC1 8 .3NH 3 + 6H 2 = 2H 3 B0 3 + 3NH 4 C1 + 3HCL When the vapour of this compound, mixed with ammonia-gas, is passed through a red-hot tube, nitride of boron is produced. BORON, CHLORO CYANIDE OP. See CYANOGEN, CHLOBIDE OP. BORON, DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF. Boron almost always occurs in the form of boric acid, and therefore the reactions by which it is detected are best considered in detail in connection with that acid (see page 639). When the acid is in the free state, it is easily recognised by the green colour which it imparts to flame, especially to an alcohol flame, and by its peculiar action on turmeric paper. If the acid is in combination with a base, the compound must first be decomposed in the state of powder by sulphuric acid, and the boric acid extracted with alcohol. Native borates not decomposable by sulphuric acid, must be fused with potash, and then digested with alcohol and sulphuric acid. Another method of detecting boron in minerals is to mix the pulverised substance with 4 pts. of a flux containing 1 pt. pounded fluorspar and 4^ pts. acid sulphate of potassium, made into a paste with a little water, and heat the mixture on a platinum wire in the inner blowpipe flame. As the mass melts, fluoride of boron is given off, and imparts a yellow-green colour to the outer flame. If the quantity of boron present is small, this appearance lasts only for a few seconds, ceasing, in fact, as soon as the fluoride of boron is completely volatilised. The green colour imparted to flame is a very delicate test for boron. Before applying it, however, care must be taken to ensure the complete absence of copper, as the salts of this metal impart a very bright green colour to flame. Certain chlorine- compounds also colour flames green, as when hydrochloric acid is dropped into an alcohol flame ; but the green colour thus produced has a decided bluish tinge, which distinguishes it from that produced by boron. Lastly, phosphates moistened with sulphuric acid, also give a faint green colour to the outer blowpipe flame. Quantitative Estimation. The exact estimation of boron presents considerable difficulties, as all borates are more or less soluble in water or in alcohol, and boric acid cannot be heated without loss in contact with water. The best mode of direct esti- mation, originally proposed byBerzelius, and perfected by Stromeyer (Ann. Ch. Pharm. c. 82), is to precipitate the boron as borofluoride of potassium, .which is quite insoluble in alcohol of a certain strength. This mode of precipitation, however, is directly applicable only when the boron exists in solution as borate of potassium : any other bases present must first be separated. Borates of the alkaline-earth-metals, earth-metals, or heavy metals, are fused with carbonate of potassium ; and the mass is digested in water, which takes up nothing but borate of potassium, except perhaps a trace of magnesia. Borate of sodium is treated with alcohol and sulphuric acid ; the alcoholic liquid filtered from the sulphate of sodium, is mixed with excess of potash free from silicic and carbonic acids ; and the alcohol is evaporated. The alkaline borate of potassium obtained in either case, is now to be saturated with pure hydrofluoric acid, and the liquid evaporated to dryness in a silver or platinum vessel ; the dry saline mass is macerated with a solution of acetate of potassium (1 pt. of the salt to 4 pts. water) ; the uudissolved borofluoride of potassium is collected on a weighed filter supported on a gutta-percha funnel, and washed, first with the solution of acetate of potassium, which removes chloride, phosphate, and sulphate of potassium, likewise sodium-salts though slowly, and afterwards with alcohol of 84 per cent. Tralles (spe- cific gravity 0*8526), then dried at 100 C. and weighed. 100 parts of the borofluoride correspond to 2778 boric anhydride, or 9*06 boron. To ascertain whether the precipitate is pure, it is dissolved in boiling water, which leaves behind any traces of magnesia that may be present, and the solution is treated with ammonia, which precipitates silica if present : the precipitate may then be washed, first with acetate of potassium, then with alcohol, and its weight ascertained. The quantity of free boric acid in an aqueous or alcoholic solution, cannot be deter- mined by evaporation to dryness, because a considerable quantity of the acid goes off with the aqueous or alcoholic vapours : even the presence of excess of lead-oxide, baryta, or basic phosphate of sodium, does not completely prevent this evaporation. Ammonia prevents the volatilisation to a greater extent than either of these substances, but it does not quite prevent loss. The only exact mode of determining boric acid by evapoi-ation, is to supersaturate the liquid with a known weight of pure fused carbonate of sodium (about 2 pts. of the c;irl><>n;ife to 1 pt. of acid supposed to be present) ; then evaporate to dryni-ss, and ignite the residue in a covered crucible. The amount of BORON: DETECTION AND ESTIMATION. 631 carbonic anhydride in the residue is then to be determined by the method given under ALKALIMETRY (p. 149), and deducting this, together with the known weight of soda contained in the carbonate added, from the total weight of the residue, the remainder is the quantity of boric anhydride present. Boron in borates may be estimated indirectly in several ways. The best method is to digest a weighed quantity of the pulverised compound in a capacious platinum crucible, with hydrofluoric acid, then gradually add strong sulphuric acid, and heat the mixture, gently at first, and afterwards to redness, till the excess of sulphuric acid is expelled. The boron is then completely driven off as fluoride, and the bases remain in the form of sulphates. If only one base is present, its quantity is easily calculated from the weight of the residue. If two bases are present, e. g. potash and soda, the amount of sulphuric acid in the residue must be ascertained ; the quantities of the two bases may then be found by the method given under INDIRECT ANALYSIS (p. 224). If more than two bases are present, they must be separated by the usual methods. The weight of the bases deducted from that of the original substance, gives the amount of boric anhydride. Instead of driving off the boron as fluoride, it may be volatilised as borate of ethyl, by treating the pulverised borate with strong sulphuric acid and alcohol. Or the boric acid set free by the action of sulphuric acid, may be dissolved out by alcohol and separated by filtration ; but this last method is applicable only when the resulting sulphates are completely insoluble in alcohol. Boric acid combined with potash or with soda, may be estimated volumetrically by means of a standard solution of sulphuric acid. The solution is coloured with tincture of litmus, and the sulphuric acid is cautiously added from a burette, till the wine-red colour first produced by the liberation of the boric acid, changes to the bright red which indicates the presence of free sulphuric acid : this takes place as soon as the quantity of sulphuric acid (H 2 S0 4 ) amounts to 1 at. for 2 at. of potash or soda (KHO or NaHO). Hence the amount of the base is found, and this deducted from the total weight of the dry salt, gives the boric acid. Separation of Boron from other Elements. When boric acid is in com- bination with several bases, it is best to estimate the amount of these bases at once, and determine the boric acid (or anhydride) by difference. From the metals of the first group, copper, for example, boron is easily separated by sulphuretted hydrogen ; from iron, and others of the second group, by sulphide of ammonium. From barium it is separated by sulphuric acid ; from strontium and calcium, by sulphuric acid and alcohol ; from magnesium, by ammonia and phosphate of sodium : the precipitate in this last case generally contains a small quantity of boric acid. The separation of boric acid from all these bases may likewise be effected by fusion with alkaline carbonates ; in the case of magnesia, carbonate of potassium must be used, because soda forms with magnesia an insoluble compound. Sulphuric acid is easily separated from boric acid by precipitation with chloride of barium ; hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic acids, by adding nitrate of silver to the solution acidulated with nitric acid; phosphoric acid, by ammonia and sulphate of magnesium. The estimation of boron in presence of fluorine is difficult. Metallic borofluorides are analysed by heating them with sulphuric acid, whereby fluoride of boron and hydrofluoric acid are driven off, and the metal remains as sulphate, from the weight of which its quantity may be determined, and hence the amount of the boron and fluorine together. If the compound contains water of crystallisation, it must be de- termined by mixing the compound with 6 pts. of oxide of lead, covering the mixture in a retort with a layer of oxide of lead, and exposing it to a heat short of redness. The loss of weight gives the water. In a mixture of a borate with a fluoride, it is impossible to determine either the boron or the fluorine exactly. By dissolving the compound in excess of nitric acid, and adding excess of carbonate of calcium, the fluorine is precipitated as fluoride of calcium, but not completely, probably because a borofluoride is formed. The estimation of boron in silicates is likewise difficult. If the silicate is decom- posed by acids, like datolite or botryolite, it is finely pulverised, heated in a corked flask with hydrochloric acid, at last nearly to boiling; the thick jelly is then diluted with water and filtered ; the filtrate supersaturated with ammonia, which separates alumina ; oxalic acid is added to precipitate lime ; and the filtrate, which now contains nothing but boric acid in combination with ammonia, is evaporated in a platinum capsule over the water-bath, with frequent addition of ammonia. The dry residue is then gradually heated to redness in a covered platinum crucible, whereupon boric anhy- dride remains mixed with a little silica. The boric anhydride is afterwards dissolved out by water, and the residual silica weighed. The result is not quite exact, as a little boric acid goes off oven in presence of excess of ammonia, but the loss is not considerable. ss 4 632 BORON: FLUORIDE. In silicates not decomposible by acids, boron is estimated by heating the pulverised mineral, first with hydrofluoric and then with sulphuric acid, whereby the boron and silicium are expelled as fluorides. The bases then remain as sulphates, and are de- termined by the ordinary methods. In another portion of the mineral, the silica is determined by fusion with a mixture of the carbonates of potassium and sodium, treatment of the residue with hydrochloric acid, evaporation to dryness, digestion of the residue in acidulated water, filtration, and washing, whereupon the silica remains on the filter in a state of purity, and may be ignited and weighed. The bases and the silica having been thus determined, the boric anhydride is found by difference, the result being of course affected by all the errors in the several determinations. (H. Kose, Analyt, Chem. ii. 734.) The estimation of boron in organic compounds, is generally effected by mixing the compound with ammonia in a capacious platinum crucible, then evaporating and igniting the residue. This method, according to Ebelmen, always involves a loss of at least 2 per cent, of boron, and that loss may even amount to 4 per cent. A better method might perhaps be to heat the compound with nitric acid in a sealed tube, ac- cording to Carius's method (p. 247) : the boron would thereby be converted into boric acid, and might then be estimated by any of the methods above given. Atomic Weight of Boron. The earlier experiments of Gay-Lussac and Thenard, Davy, and Berzelius, in which the atomic weight of boron was estimated by the amount of oxygen absorbed in its combustion, did not lead to concordant results. Berzelius afterwards determined its value from the amount of water in crystallised borax, which in three experiments, he found to be 47' 1 per cent. Now supposing the formula of the salt to be Na 2 0.2B 2 3 + 10IFO, and that the atomic weight of sodium is 23, this result makes the atomic weight of boron equal to 11. Experiments by Deville,- re- ported by Dumas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Iv. 129), on the proportion of chlorine in chloride of boron, gave, on the supposition that the formula of the chloride is BCF, the two results B = 11-0 and B = 10 '6. Similar experiments with bromide of boron BBr 3 , gave B = 11 0. This number appears therefore to have the greatest weight of evidence in its favour. If the formula of chloride of boron were BC1 2 , the atomic weight of boron would be 7 - 3. BORON, FX.ITORZDX! OP. BF 3 . Discovered by Gay-Lussac and Thenard, in 1810. It is obtained : 1. By the action of boric anhydride on fluoride of calcium at high temperatures : 6CaF + 7B 2 3 = 3(Ca 2 0.2B 2 3 ) + 2BF 3 . An intimate mixture of 2 pts. fluorspar and 1 pt. vitreous boric anhydride, is intro- duced into a gun-barrel closed at one end, and heated to whiteness in a furnace with good draught, and the gas which escapes is received over mercury : borate of calcium then remains behind. 2. By the action of hydrofluoric acid on boric acid or anhy- dride, viz. by heating a mixture of 1 pt. boric anhydride (or 2 pts. fused borax), and 2 pts. fluor spar, with 12 pts. oil of vitriol, in a glass vessel : 6CaF + B 2 3 H- 3H 2 SO' = 3Ca 2 S0 4 + 3H-0 + 2BF 3 . This method is easier than the former, but the gas which it yields is not quite pure, as it contains a little fluoride of silicium, resulting from decomposition of the glass ; moreover part of the fluoride of boron is converted by the water into boric and hydro- fluoric acids. Fluoride of boron is a colourless gas, of pungent suffocating odour, like that of fluoride of silicium. Specific gravity = 2 - 37 (Davy); 2'31 (Dumas); and by cal- culation : 11 + 3 2 m , 0-0693 = 2-29 It reddens litmus, fumes in damp air, and chars organic bodies like sulphuric acid. It does not corrode glass. It is not decomposed by a red heat, or by the electric spark. Water absorbs about 700 times its volume of this gas, with great evolution of heat and increase of bulk, forming an oily liquid of specific gravity 1'77, which when boiled, gives off | of the dissolved gas, and leaves a residue consisting of B 2 3 .6HF, or 2BF 3 .3H-O, which may be distilled without alteration. Water incompletely satu- rated with fluoride of boron, deposits boric acid on cooling, or after standing for some time, while fluoride of boron and hydrogen HF.BF 3 , remains in solution. Strong sulphuric acid absorbs 50 times its volume of gaseous fluoride of boron, form- ing a viscid liquid, which deposits boric acid when mixed with water. Potassium, sodium, and the alkaU'iic ro/ril) -metals, heated in fluoride of boron, Tie- come covered with a blackish crust, which bursts at a red heat, the metal then burning BORON: FLUORIDE. 633 with bright incandescence, and forming a metallic bore-fluoride, with separation of boron. Iron does not act upon the gas, even at a bright-red heat. Quick lime absorbs fluoride of boron readily when heated, forming a fusible mixture of fluoride and borate of calcium. Dry ammonia qas forms with an equal volume of fluoride of boron, a white, opaque, solid compound, NH'JBF*, which volatilises undecomposed, and is converted by water into borofl uoride and borate of ammonium. By the further action of ammonia on this body, two liquid compounds, 2NH 3 .BF 3 , and 3NIF.BF 3 , are formed ; when exposed to the air or heated, they give off ammonia and reproduce the solid compound. According to Kuhlmann, fluoride of boron unites with nitric oxide, nitrous acid, peroxide o'f nitrogen, and nitric acid. Fluoboric Aoid. HB0 2 .3HF. This compound, discovered by Gray-Lussac and Thenard, is obtained by saturating water with gaseous fluoride of boron, the vessel being cooled with ice, and the gas-delivery-tube made to dip under mercury below the water, as otherwise the rapid absorption would cause the liquid to run back into the generating vessel. The saturated solution has a specific gravity of 177, and is nearly pure fluoboric anhydride, B 2 3 .6HF, or hydrate of boric fluoride, 2BF 3 .3H 2 O (Gmelin's tri-hydrofluate of boric acid, B&3HF, Handbook, ii. 363). On heating it, one-fifth of the absorbed fluoride of boron goes off, and there remains a liquid of specific gravity 1-584, which is fluoboric acid, H 2 O.B <2 3 .6HF, or HB0 2 .3HF. An easier mode of preparing this acid is to dissolve boric acid or anhydride in hy- drofluoric acid contained in a platinum crucible externally cooled, avoiding an excess of boric acid, then evaporate over the water-bath, gently boil the remaining liquid in the covered crucible, till the vapours form a thick fume in the air, and leave the liquid to cool over sulphuric acid. It may also be obtained by fusing an intimate mixture of 10 pts. fluorspar and 8j crystallised borax, pulverising the fused mass, and distilling it with 16| pts. strong sulphuric acid. The product thus obtained generally contains a little silica derived from the distillation-vessel. Fluoboric acid is an oily liquid, like oil of vitriol, fumes in the air, boils at a tem- perature above 100 C., and distils without alteration. It is highly caustic, chars organic bodies, and converts alcohol into ether. By dilution with water, it is decom- posed, one-fourth of the boric acid being separated, and a solution of hydrofluoboric acid remaining : 4(HB0 8 .3HF) - HBO 8 = 3HBF 4 + 6H 2 0. Fluoboric acid forms salts, having the general formula MB0 2 .3MF. They are pro- duced by the direct action of the acid on the bases, or by dissolving the corresponding borates and fluorides in the proper proportions, and leaving the solution to evaporate. But few of them have been examined. The sodium-salt, NaB0 2 .3NaF + 1 aq, crystallises in small rectangular prisms, having their terminal faces obliquely truncated ; they have an alkaline reaction, give off their water at 40 C., and melt at a higher temperature. The fused salt, if quickly cooled, solidifies to a clear glass ; but by slow cooling, it becomes turbid, from separa- tion of fluoride of sodium, which remains undissolved on treating the mass with cold water, whereas boiling water dissolves the whole, reproducing the original salt. Another fluobbrate of sodium, NaHB 2 4 .6NaF+ lOaq, is produced by slowly eva- porating a solution of 1 at. borax and 6 at. fluoride of sodium. It crystallises in small rectangular four-sided prisms, which become turbid at 40 C. from loss of water, and behave like the preceding when melted and slowly cooled. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 279.) Hydrofluoboric Acid. HBF 4 =BF 3 .HF. Obtained bypassing gaseous fluoride of boron into water, till the liquid is strongly acid, and exposing it to a low tempe- rature. Boric acid then separates, and hydrofluoboric acid remains in solution : 4BF 3 + 2H 2 = 3BHF 4 + HBO 2 . A similar solution is obtained by dissolving crystallised boric acid to saturation in moderately strong hydrofluoric acid artificially cooled. Hydrofluoboric acid is known only in the state of dilute solution. It is decomposed by concentration, yielding hydrofluoric and fluoboric acids : BHF 4 + 2H 2 = HF + HB0 2 .3HF. In the dilute state, it does not attack glass ; but if it be concentrated in a glass vessel, the glass becomes corroded, from separation of hydrofluoric acid ; if, however, boric acid be added during the concentration, so as to form fluoboric acid, no corrosion of the glass takes place. Boroflnoridcs. These salts, whose composition is expressed by the general formula, MBF 1 or MF.BF :I , are formed by the action of gaseous fluoride of boron or 634 BORON: FLUORIDE. aqueous fluoboric acid on metallic fluorides ; by the action of metallic oxides on hydro- fluoboric acid ; or by dissolving a metallic fluoride, together with boric acid, in aqueous hydrofluoric acid; sometimes also by merely bringing a fluoride in contact with boric acid, the liquid then becoming alkaline if previously neutral, or even if acid. Most borofluorides are soluble in water, and are obtained in the crystalline state by evaporating their aqueous solutions. At a red heat, they are resolved into fluoride of boron and metallic fluoride. Distilled with sulphuric acid, they give off gaseous fluoride of boron and aqueous hydrofluoboric aeid. They are for the most part not decomposed by heating with alkalis or alkaline carbonates. Borofluoride of Aluminium, crystallises by slow evaporation from a solution of hydrate of aluminium in excess of hydrofluoboric acid ; the crystals dissolve in water only when free acid is present. On mixing a solution of chloride of aluminium with boro- fluoride of sodium, a basic borofluoride of aluminium is precipitated, which, at a red heat, is resolved into fluoboric acid and borate of aluminium. Borofluoride of Ammonium, NH 4 F.BF 3 , is obtained by subliming a mixture of the potassium-salt with sal-ammoniac, or more easily by dissolving boric acid in aqueous fluoride of ammonium, ammonia being then evolved : 4NH 4 F + H 3 BO S = NH 4 F.BF 3 + 3H 2 + 3NH 3 . It crystallises by evaporation in six-sided prisms with dihedral summits ; dissolves readily in water, somewhat less in alcohol ; reddens litmus ; does not attack glass ; dissolves in aqueous ammonia, and crystallises out unaltered ; sublimes when heated. Borofluoride of Barium, 2BaBF 4 .H 2 0. Prepared by saturating hydrofluoboric acid with carbonate of barium, avoiding an excess, otherwise fluoride of barium and boric acid are produced. Crystallises from a warm solution in long needles ; by slow evapo- ration in a warm atmosphere, in smooth rectangular prisms, often arranged in steps like common salt. Has an acid reaction ; tastes like barium-salts in general ; dis- solves readily in water ; deliquesces in moist air. Alcohol decomposes it, dissolving an acid salt, and separating a white powder. The crystals effloresce at 40 C. and decom- pose at a higher temperature. Borofluoride of Calcium. A solution of carbonate of calcium in hydrofluoric acid, deposits on evaporation, a gelatinous mass, which dries up to a white powder, reddens litmus, and is decomposed by water, with separation of a basic salt. Borofluoride of Copper, CuBF 4 . Light blue needles obtained by decomposing the barium-salt with sulphate of copper, and evaporating the filtrate. Borofluoride of Lead, PbBF 4 . Prepared like the barium-salt, and crystallises with difficulty by spontaneous evaporation, in four-sided prisms ; from the solution evapo- rated to a syrup, in long prisms. Has a sweetish taste, with sour astringent aftertaste. Partially dissolved by water and by alcohol. Heated with oxide of lead, it is said to yield an easily fusible oxyborofluoride, whose aqueous solution is rendered turbid by the carbonic acid in the air. Borofluoride of Lithium, LiBF 4 Prepared like the copper-salt, and separates by evaporation at 40 C. in large prismatic crystals, which have a rather bitter and acid taste, and deliquesce in the air, sparingly soluble rhombohedral crystals then sepa- rating, which have not been further examined. Borofluoride of Magnesium. Easily soluble; crystallises in large prisms; tastes bitter. Borofluoride of Potassium KBF 4 . Formed like the ammonium-salt, by adding boric acid to aqueous fluoride of potassium. It may be prepared by dissolving 2 at. (124 pts.), of crystallised boric acid, and 1 at. (138 pts.) carbonate of potassium in excess of hydrofluoric acid, or by adding a soluble potassium-salt to hydrofluoric acid ; it then separates as a transparent gelatinous precipitate, which appears iridescent by reflected light while suspended in the liquid, and dries up to a white powder. It dissolves in 70 pts. of cold, and in a smaller quantity of hot water, and crystallises from the solution in anhydrous, shining, six-sided prisms. It has a bitterish taste, and does not redden litmus. Alkalis do not d'ssolve it more readily than pure water. Ammonia does not alter it, unless the solution contains silica, in which case a precipitate is formed. It dissolves in boiling alcohol. When heated, it first melts, then gives off fluoride of boron, and if not quite dry, likewise fluoboric acid ; and after prolonged exposure to a strong heat, leaves fluoride of potassium. Strong sulphuric acid decomposes it but slowly, even with the aid of heat. Borofluoride of Sodium, NaBF 4 , forms short four-sided rectangular prisms, very soluble in water, less in alcohol ; has a rather bitter and acid taste, and reddens litmus. The crystals are anhydrous, melt below a red heat, but require strong and prolonged ignition to decompose them completely into fluoride of boron and fluoride of sodium. Borofluoride of YiUrum dissolves only in water containing free acid. It is BORON: IODIDE OXIDE. 635 obtained in crystals by dissolving yttria in excess of hydrofluoboric acid, and evaporating. * Borofluoride of Zinc, ZnBF 4 . Zinc dissolves in hydrofluoboric acid with evolution of hydrogen. The solution evaporated to a syrup, solidifies at low temperatures to a deliquescent mass. BORON, IODIDE OP. Not yet obtained in the pure state. Iodine and boron strongly heated together, form a product which appears to be an oxyiodide ( Wo'hler and Deville). Boron does not decompose iodide of silver, even at temperatures above the melting point of the metal. According to Inglis, a mixture of boric anhydride and charcoal heated in iodine - vapour, yields a yellow sublimate, which has not been examined. BORON 1 , NITRIDE OP. BN. This compound was discovered by Balm ain (Phil. Mag. [3] xxi. 170 : xxii. 467 ; xxiii. 71 ; xxiv. 191), who at first regarded it as capable of uniting with metals and forming compounds analogous to the cyanides ; but afterwards found that all these supposed metallic compounds were one and the same substance, viz. nitride of boron without any appreciable amount of metal. This conclusion has been confirmed by Marignac (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxix. 247). Balmain obtained this substance by heating boric anhydride with cyanide of potassium or cyanide of zinc, or with cyanide of mercury and sulphur. It has since been more completely investigated by Wohler (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 70), who prepares it by heating to bright redness in a porcelain or platinum crucible a mixture of 2 pts. dried sal-ammoniac and 1 pt. pure anhydrous borax : Na*0.2B 2 O s + 2NH'C1 = 2BN + 2NaCl + B 2 3 + 4K-'0. The product is a white porous mass, which is pulverised and washed with water to free it from chloride of sodium and boric anhydride, the final washings being made with boiling water acidulated with hydrochloric acid. The boric anhydride is, how- ever, so completely incorporated with the nitride of boron, that it cannot be wholly removed by washing. A purer product might perhaps be obtained by using neutral Iterate of sodium instead of borax, in which case, no excess of boric anhydride would be present : Na 2 O.B 2 3 + 2NH 4 C1 = 2BN + 2NaCl + 4H 2 0. Wohler formerly prepared nitride of boron by igniting anhydrous borax with ferro- cyanide of potassium. It is likewise produced when amorphous boron is heated to whiteness in a stream of pure nitrogen ; more easily, but with simultaneous formation of boric anhydride, when boron is ignited in a current of air, or of nitrous or nitric oxide gas ; also, with incandescence and evolution of hydrogen, when boron is heated in gaseous ammonia. (Wohler and Devi lie, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 69.) Nitride of boron is a white amorphous powder, tasteless, inodorous, soft to the touch, insoluble in water, infusible, and non-volatile. If very pure, it exhibits when heated at the edge of a flame, a brilliant greenish-white phosphorescence, undergoing at the same time a slow oxidation. Heated in an alcohol-flame fed with oxygen gas, it burns rapidly, with faint greenish-white flame, giving off fumes of boric anhydride. It easily reduces the oxides of copper and lead, giving off nitrous fumes. Heated in a current of aqueous vapour, it yields ammonia and boric anhydride : 2BN + 3H 2 = B 2 3 + 2NH 3 . Alkalis, and the greater number of acids, even in the state of concentrated solution, have no action on nitride of boron ; strong sulphuric acid, however, with the aid of heat, ultimately converts it into ammonia and boric acid. Fuming hydrofluoric acid con- verts it into borofluoride of ammonium. Nitride of boron undergoes no alteration when heated in a current of chlorine. When fused with hydrate of potassium, it gives off a large quantity of ammonia. With anhydrous carbonate of potassium, it yields borate and cyanate of potassium : BN + 2(K 2 CO S ) = KBO 2 + KCNO. It does not decompose carbonic anhydride, even at the highest temperatures. BORON, OXIDE OP. Boric Oxide or Anhydride. Anhydrous boric acid, B 2 3 . This the only known oxide of boron. It is formed when boron burns in oxygen gas, in the air, or in nitric oxide gas (p. 626) ; but it is more. easily obtained by exposing boric acid, which is its hydrate, to a strong heat. Water then goes off, and the an- hydride melts to a viscid mass, which, on cooling, solidifies to a colourless brittle glass (vitr\fied boric orboracic acid) of specific gravity 1'83. It cracks .spontaneously in i-ooling, and the formation of each crack is attended with a flash of light (Dumas). It is perfect Jy fixed in the fire when alone, but in presence of water, und still more of 636 BORON: OXIDE. alcohol, it volatilises to a considerable amount. It is perfectly inodorous ; has a slightly bitter but^not sour taste ; dissolves readily in water, forming boric acid, also in alcohol. The alcoholic solution burns with a green flame; so likewise does a mixture of boric anhydride and sulphur. Potassium heated with boric anhydride decomposes it with visible combustion ; sodium decomposes it quietly. It is not decomposed by phosphorus-vapour at a red heat, or by charcoal even at a white heat (G-melin). It unites with metallic oxides when fused with them, forming borates. From its fixity in the fire, it is capable of decom- posing at high temperatures, not only carbonates, but likewise nitrates, sulphates, and indeed the salts of all acids which are more volatile than itself. Boric Acid. Oxide of Boron and Hydrogen. Boracic Acid. Sel sedativum Hombergii. Sel narcoticum mtrioli. H 3 B0 3 or 3H 2 O.B 2 O S . This acid is formed by the oxidation of boron in presence of water, e. g. by the action of nitric acid or aqua-regia on boron ; also by dissolving the anhydride in water. It occurs native in the free state in many volcanic districts, especially in Tuscany, where it issues from the earth together with vapour of water, and is found, either as an eifloresence in the neighbourhood of hot springs, or dissolved in the water of small lakes or lagoons (Laguni), formed by the vapours themselves. It is also found in small quantity in several mineral waters, viz. in the boiling spring of Wiesbaden ; in the iodine- water of Krankenheil near Folz, and of the Kaiser spring in Aachen ; in the mother- liquor of the salt-spring at Bex (Baup), and in several hepatic waters. A few borates are also found in nature (p. 626), especially borax, the acid borate of sodium, which exists in the water of certain lakes in Central Asia. Preparation. On the small scale, boric acid is prepared from borax. 3 pts. of crystallised borax are dissolved in 12 pts. of boiling water, and to the filtered solution is added 1 pt. of strong sulphuric acid, or so much hydrochloric acid that the liquid strongly reddens litmus. The greater part of the boric acid then separates on cooling in crystalline scales, and a larger quantity may be obtained by evaporating the mother- liquor. The crystals retain a certain portion of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid ; from the latter they are easily freed by gentle heating and recrystallisation. To obtain them free from sulphuric acid, they must be fused in a platinum crucible, and then recrystallised. Formerly all the boric acid of commerce was obtained from borax. It was first separated in 1702 by Homberg, who prepared it by heating borax with calcined ferrous sulphate in closed vessels, whereby sodio-ferric sulphate was formed, and boric acid was carried over with the watery vapour which escaped. Boric acid may also be prepared by the decomposition of other native borates, e.g. borate of magnesium (boracite), and borate of calcium and sodium (boronatrocatcite). Preparation on the large scale (Pay en, Precis de Chimie industrielle, 4 me d. 1859, i. 423). All the boric acid of commerce is now obtained from the volcanic district of Tuscany, where it is discharged from the interior of the earth by numerous jets of vapour called suffioni, often rising in thick columns to a considerable height. The entire surface of the district, consisting of chalk and marl, is subject to constant shocks caused by subterranean agencies ; and columns of boiling water are frequently projected into the air, which is also strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydro- gen. These vapours contain, besides aqueous vapour, carbonic acid, sulphydric acid, nitrogen, hydrogen, a gaseous hydrocarbon, and sometimes oxygen, together with a small quantity of boric acid and much solid matter carried up mechanically. Ch. Deville and F. Leblanc found, in the vapour of one of the suffioni, about 91 per cent. CO 2 , 4 per cent. IPS, and 5 per cent, nitrogen and combustible gases. The vapours which issue from the clefts do not contain any appreciable quantity of boric acid, but where pools are formed rotind the suffioni, either artificially or by natural condensation of the vapours, the water soon becomes charged with boric acid. Probably the greater part of the acid is first deposited on the sides of the clefts before it reaches the surface, and when water penetrates into them, the acid is dis- solved and thrown up in the state of solution. To obtain the boric acid, the suffioni are surrounded with basins of coarse masonry, glazed on the inside, and large enough to enclose two or three suffioni. A series of these basins are constructed on the hill-side, and into the uppermost AB (fig. 106), the water of a spring is turned, and after remaining there 24 hours, during which time it is kept in a state of constant agitation by the subterranean vapour, it is made to pass through the tube a, into a second basin C D, where it likewise remains 24 hours, and takes up a second quantity of boric acid ; thence it passes successively by the pipes b, c, into the third and fourth basins, the liquid discharged from a lower basin being con- tinually supplied from the one above it. When the liquid has thus traversed six BORIC ACID. 637 or eight of these lagoons, it is found to have taken up about 0'5 per cent, of boric acid, and to have a specific gravity of 1*007 to I'OIO. Fig. 106. From the last lagoon G, H (figs. 107, 108), the solution passes into a large vessel I, called a vasco, where it deposits a quantity of mud, and afterwards into two smaller reservoirs J, K, for further clarification. From K it passes into a series of leaden pans, shown in section in fig. 106 and in plan in fig. 107, placed one above the other in the manner of terraces on a wooden scaffold. Formerly these pans were heated by wood fires ; but this was found too costly, the district being nearly bare of wood ; the evapo- ration is now performed by means of the subterranean heat, one or more of the jets Fig. 107. of steam enclosed in pipes being conducted between the foundation and the bottom of the pans. The steam enters beneath the bottom pans, and is carried regularly upwards, so that the lowest pans, which contain the most concentrated liquid, become most heated. This mode of utilising the subterranean heat was introduced in 1817, by Count Larderel, at that time the proprietor of all the lagoons, and had the effect of converting an unprofitable branch of industry into one which is now the source of immense wealth. Another form of apparatus for the evaporation is shown in fig. 109. The liquid, after leaving the vascos A, B, passes into a shallow boiler C, from which it is made to 638 BORON: OXIDE. run slowly over an inclined sheet of lead, D, E, about 150 feet long, and having corruga- tions on its surface, which form a series of channels. The liquid, in running over this Fig. 109. surface, gradually evaporates, and the solution ultimately reaches the basin F, at a degree of concentration fit for crystallisation. Heat is supplied by the vapour of one of the suffioni introduced under the basin F, and carried up under the sheet of lead to C. This method of evaporation is easier than the preceding, and does not introduce so much lead into the solution. The solution of boric acid concentrated by either of these methods, is next mixed with the mother-liquor of a preceding operation, and poured through the funnels R, into the round crystallising tubs S, S, (figs. 107 108, 110) which are made of wood lined Fig. 110. Fig. 111. with lead. The crystals are taken out after a while, and placed to drain in baskets, J, on the top of the tubs, the mother-liquor running into receivers placed under the floor. Lastly, the crystals, while still moist, are spread out on the floor C C, of the drying chamber D (jig. 111). _ This chamber has a double floor, and is heated by steam enter- ing at A, and circulating between the two floors. The product thus obtained is far from pure, not containing more than about 76 per cent, of boric acid. The composition of the crude acid, according to the analyses of Wittstein and Payen, is as follows : Crystallised boric acid Ferric sulphate . Sulphate of aluminium Sulphate of calcium Sulphate of magnesium Sulphate of ammonium Sulphate of sodium Sulphate of potassium Sulphate of manganese Chloride of ammonium Silica .... Sulphuric acid . Water Wittstein. 76-5 0-4 0-3 1-0 ' 2-6) 8-5 \ 0-9 0-4 trace 0-2 1-2 1-3 6-6 Payen. 74 to 84 2-4 to 1-2 * 14-0 to 8 2-6 to 1-0 7-0 to 5-8 f Schmidt found, in crude boric acid from Tuscany, 80 per cent, boric acid and 20 per cent, impurities, chiefly the sulphates of ammonium and magnesium. Bichardson and Browell found in some samples, not more than 36 to 42 per cent, of the pure acid [? crystallised or anhydrous]. The experience of the French manufacturers of borax, seems to show that the impurities in boric acid from Tuscany become greater year by year, which may perhaps be due to the increasing disintegration of the earthy strata by the aqueous and acid vapours. Of the origin of the vapours by which the boric acid is brought to the surface, nothing certain is known. Dumas has suggested that they may proceed from a deep-seated bed of sulphide of boron, with which the water of lakes, or of the sea, comes in contact, thereby producing boric and sulphydric acids. Part of the boric acid may thus be supposed to act upon the carbonates of calcium and magnesium in the soil, converting Including sand, clay, &c. t Including organic matter. BORATES. 639 them into borates, and setting free carbonic anhydride. The sulphuretted hydrogen being oxidised by the air, yields free sulphur, which is deposited on the edges of the suffioni. The ammonia and organic matter are derived from the water, and the saline impurities from the water and the earthy strata, through which the vapours make their way. Bolley supposes that the boric acid and ammonia may result from the action of solution of sal-ammoniac at a boiling-heat, on borates contained in the earth ; and according to "Warington, the formation of these products may be ascribed to the action of water on nitride of boron. There is, however, nothing positive to indi- cate the nature of the particular compound or compounds of boron, to which the elimi- nation of the boric acid is really due. Properties. Boric acid crystallises from water in white, translucent, nacreous, six- sided laminae, somewhat unctuous to the touch ; it is inodorous, and has a faint, scarcely acid, rather bitterish, cooling taste. Specific gravity = 1*48. It dissolves in 2-57 parts of water at 18 C. ; in 14'9 parts at 25, in 107 parts at 50, in 47 parts at 75, and in 2'97 parts at 100. (Brandes and Eirnhaber.) It is still .mor^ soluble in alcohol and in volatile oils. Boric acid dissolves in warm concentrated sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid, but separates for the most part on cooling, or on addition of water. Its solubility in water is increased by addition of tartaric acid, tartrate of potassium, Rochelle salt, racemic acid, or alkaline racemates. The crystallised acid heated to 80 100 C., gives off 21-8 per cent, water, that is to say, half the quantity which it contains, leaving H 6 B 4 9 or 3H 2 0.2B 2 3 (according to Schaffgotsch, it gives off nearly all its water at 100 C.) ; by prolonged heating to 160 it is deprived of 2 at. water more, leaving H 2 B 4 7 = H 2 0.2B 2 3 , and at a stronger heat, the remaining water goes off, leaving the anhydride B 2 3 , as a fused viscid mass, which solidifies to a fissured glass on cooling (p. 635). Reactions. A cold saturated aqueous solution of boric acid colours litmus -tincture wine-red (the tint of port wine), like carbonic acid, but a hot saturated solution colours it bright red. Turmeric paper moistened with the alcoholic solution of boric acid acquires a reddish-brown colour, quite different from that produced by alkalis, and becoming distinct only after drying : it is intensified by acids, especially by hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric, and tartaric acids, and turned black by alkalis. The alcoholic solution of boric acid burns with a beautiful green-edged flame, a reaction which is quite characteristic of boron, provided copper and certain chlorine- compounds are absent. This green colour is not produced, however, when the acid is " in combination with an alkali or other base ; and its production is partly prevented by the presence of chloride of sodium or calcium, and even by small quantities of tar- trate of potassium or Rochelle salt (doubtless because these salts are partly decomposed by the boric acid, and neutralise it), also by free tartaric acid or phosphoric acid. In either of these cases, the green colour appears on addition of sulphuric acid, or of a considerable quantity of hydrochloric acid (H. Rose, Pogg. Ann. cii. 545). It must be observed, however, that a green flame, though of a more bluish tint, is produced when hydrochloric acid itself is dropped into burning alcohol. (See p. 630.) For the reactions with metallic salts see p. 640. Borates. (Berzelius, Traite, vol. i iv. Gm. vol. i vi. Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 303. H' Rose, Pogg. Ann. ix. 76 ; Ixxxvi. 581 ; Ixxxvii. 1, 470 and 587; Ixxxviii. 299, 482; xci. 452. Wohler, ibid, xxviii. 525. Rammelsberg, ibid. Ixix. 445. Eb elm en, Ann Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiii. 34. H erapath. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxii. 254. Bolley, ibid.^ Ixviii. 122. Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvii. 215. Tissier, Compt. rend, xxxix. 192; xlv. 411. Bloxam, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xii. 177 ; xiv. 143.) Boric acid forms salts in which the proportion of anhydrous base (M 2 O) to anhydrous acid (B 2 O 3 ), or of metal to boron, ranges between the limits 9 : 1 and 1 : 6. Those which contain equal proportions of base and acid are usually regarded as neutral or normal borates, the rest as basic or acid. The following proportions have been observed : Basic. Neutral. Acid. 9M 2 O.B 2 S M 2 O.B 2 9 2M 2 0.3B 2 3 6M 2 O.B 2 S M 2 0.2B 2 S 9M 2 O.2B 2 3 M 2 0.3B 2 S 3M'O.B 2 3 M 2 0.4B 2 3 5M 2 0.2B 2 S M 2 0.5B 2 3 2M-O.B 2 3 M 2 0.6B 2 3 3M 2 0.2B 2 3 Most of the so-called acid borates, however, contain several atoms of water; and if the whole or part of this water be regarded as basic, we shall find that nearly all borates may be arranged in two classes, orthoborates and metaborates (so called 640 BORON: OXIDE. from their analogy with the ortho- and meta-phosphates and silicates), the composition of which may be represented by the following general formulae, the symbol M denoting either a single metal, or two, or three metals, including hydrogen : Orthoborates 3M 2 O.B 2 8 , or M 3 B0 3 = ^,!|o 3 Metaborates w(M 2 O.B 2 3 ), or M'B'O 2 " = ",, n 0*> The latter formula, which, when n = 1, becomes that of the so-called neutral borates, MBO 2 , includes the greater number of the salts of boric acid. Nevertheless it appears probable that boric acid is essentially tribasic, and that the borates con- taining 3 at. metal to 1 at. boron are its normal salts (hence called orthoborates) : for crystallised boric acid contains H 3 B0 3 ; and there are boric ethers containing 3 at alcohol-radicle to 1 at. boron, whereas none are known of the form KBO 2 . Moreover it appears from the experiments of Bloxam, that boric acid, when ignited with metallic hydrates, mostly drives out 3 at. of water, forming a trimetallic borate, except in the case of hydrate of potassium, in which the water is retained with peculiar force ; and when heated to bright redness with carbonates, it expels a quantity of carbonic anhydride approaching more nearly to 3 atoms as the base is weaker, that limit being actually reached in the case of strontia. (See BORATES OF BARIUM, LITHIUM, POTASSIUM and SODIUM.) There appear also to be a few borates intermediate in composition between ortho- and metaborates, viz. M 4 B 2 5 = M 3 B0 3 .MB0 2 . Borates containing more than 3 at. metal to 1 at. boron may be regarded as com- pounds of orthoborates with metallic oxides or hydrates (see BORATES OF ALUMINUM) ; and those anhydrous borates which contain more than 1 at. boron to 1 at. metal may be regarded as metaborates combined with boric anhydride ; e. g. anhydrous borax, Na 2 0.2B 2 3 = 2NaB0 2 .B ? 3 . Borates are formed by the action of boric acid on metallic oxides or their salts, either in the wet or in the dry way. At high temperatures, boric acid or anhydride decomposes carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, and indeed the salts of all volatile acids. Acid borates, borax for example, take up additional quantities of base when ignited with metallic oxides, and likewise decompose the salts of volatile acids. In the wet way, on the contrary, boric acid acts as a very weak acid, being separated from its combinations completely by most acids, and partially, under certain circumstances, even by carbonic acid, sulphydric acid, and water. In concentrated solution, however, it decom- poses carbonates, especially at the boiling heat ; also soluble sulphides and precipitated sulphide of manganese. It has but little power of neutralising the alkaline reaction of the stronger bases, so that even the solutions of many of the polyacid borates exhibit a strong alkaline reaction to litmus, which is not neutralised till the base is combined with 5 or 6 atoms of boric acid, and even then the liquid does not exhibit an acid reaction. The borates of the alkali-metals dissolve readily in water, but are precipitated by alcohol. All other borates dissolve but sparingly soluble in water ; but none are perfectly insoluble. The sparingly soluble borates may be obtained by precipitation. Many of these precipitates are soluble in excess of the soluble metallic salt from which they have been formed, but not in excess of alkaline borate ; e. g. the precipitate formed by borax dissolves in solution of chloride of barium, but not of borax : they are often likewise soluble in chloride of ammonium and in free boric acid. The sparingly soluble borates are easily decomposed by water, especially when boiled with it, the boric acid being sometimes almost completely removed. Hence it is very difficult to obtain these salts in the pure state. H. Rose, in his elaborate investigation of the borates, purified the precipitates as completely as possible by repeated pressure between paper without washing, and afterwards estimated the quantity of foreign salts still attached to the precipitate. The soluble borates are likewise decomposed by water. If a strong solution of borax be mixed with slightly reddened tincture of litmus, the liquid retains its faint red colour, but on dilution with water becomes distinctly blue, behaving indeed like a dilute solution of free alkali mixed with boric acid. Neutral borates of alkali-metal exhibit a similar reaction. When a solution of an alkaline borate coloured with tincture of litmus is gradually mixed with sulphuric acid, the liquid exhibits a wine-red colour till all the alkali is saturated with sulphuric acid; after that, a single drop of sulphuric acid produces the bright red colour. Solutions of alkaline borates absorb carbonic and sulphydric acid gases ; expel am- monia from its salts when boiled with them, like dilute alkalis ; their dilute solutions also react like alkalis with mercury and silver-salts, and with many organic substances. (See BORAX, p. 6-18.) The soluble borates, both neutral and acid, give white precipitates with solutions of BORATES. 641 chloride of barium, chloride of calcium, alum, sulphate of zinc and nitrate of lead ; red- dish with sulphate of cobalt ; greenish with sulphate of nickel ; yellowish with/erne sul- phate in the cold, brown on boiling. These precipitates dissolve easily in sal-ammoniac ; and if they have been produced by an acid borate of alkali-metal, borax for example, they dissolve pretty readily in an excess of the salt from which they have been obtained ; The precipitates formed by neutral borates of alkali-metal in the same solutions ex- hibit similar characters, excepting that they are less soluble in excess of the earth- metal or heavy metal salt. Solution of borax or of monoborate of sodium, does not precipitate sulphate of magnesium in the cold ; but on heating, a precipitate forms which disappears again on cooling ; completely ; if formed by the acid borate ; nearly, if by the neutral borate. Both neutral and acid borates of alkali-metal form with manganous salts, a precipitate insoluble in excess of the latter, easily soluble in sal-ammoniac. Dilute solutions of neutral borates of alkali-metal form with nitrate of silver, a brown precipitate of nearly pure oxide of silver, insoluble in excess of water, easily soluble in ammonia or nitric acid. A concentrated solution of neutral borate forms with silver-salts, a brown precipitate which dissolves in a large quantity of water, leaving only a slight residue of oxide of silver. Concentrated solutions of acid borates of alkali-metal form with nitrate of silver a white precipitate of borate of silver, completely soluble in a large quantity of water. Borate of ammonium forms a white precipitate in concentrated silver-solutions, none in dilute solutions. Soluble borates, whether neutral or acid, give with mercuric chloride, a brown precipitate of oxychloride, insoluble in excess of the mercury-salt. Concentrated solutions give with neutral mercurous nitrate, a yellow-brown precipitate, soluble in much water: dilute solutions, a blackish -grey precipitate which remains long sus- pended. Basic mercurous nitrate forms with a strong solution of borax, a dingy, yellow-brown precipitate which dissolves in a large quantity of water, leaving black mercurous oxide. If the solution of a calcium or magnesium salt be mixed with excess of boric acid, and to the boiling solution borax be added in quantity just sufficient to neutralise the acid of the calcium or magnesium salt, no precipitate is formed ; similarly with salts of manganous, ferrous, cobalt, nickel, cadmium and zinc salts; but solutions of aluminium, chromicum, ferricum, stannicum, lead and copper, yield precipitates when thus treated. (Tissier.) For the reactions of borates with fluorspar and acid sulphate of potassium before the blowpipe (see p. 630). BORAXES OF ALUMINIUM. A solution of alum mixed with alkaline borates yields precipitates which, according to H. Rose, are double salts of borate of aluminium and borate of the alkali-metal mixed with sulphate of potassium; water abstracts the greater part of the latter and of the alkaline borate, leaving a basic borate of aluminium. In this manner, the precipitate produced by monosodic borate yields sexbasic borate of aluminium, 2(A1 4 3 )'".B 2 3 + 3 aq. = 6aZ 2 O.B 2 3 + 3aq., which may also be regarded as an orthoborate combined with 3 at. hydrate of aluminium = (PbO.BO*) + PbO.HO + aq.. or 2(3PbB0 2 .PbHO) + aq. Borochloride of Lead, PbB0 2 .PbCl-t-^aq, is obtained by mixing hot solutions of borax and chloride of lead, and crystallises in very small, irregular, nacreous needles, which are not decomposed by cold water, but gradually by boiling water. It gives off all its water between 120 and 150 C. Boronitrate of Lead, PbB0 2 .PbN0 8 , is deposited in irregular shining crystals, from a solution of borate of lead in nitric acid, evaporated till a film forms on the surface, At 120 C. the crystals give off water and a little nitric acid, and at a higher tempe- rature evolve nitrous acid and melt to a colourless glass. BORATE OF LITHIUM. Boric acid heated to bright redness with carbonate of lithium, expels 2| at. carbonic anhydride, forming the salt 5Li 2 0.2B 2 3 . (Bio x am.) BOBATES OF MAGNESIUM, a. Orthoborate. Mg 3 B0 3 . Ebelmen obtained this salt by fusing magnesia with boric anhydride, and exposing the vitreous mass, in a plati- num dish, to the strongest heat of a porcelain furnace for several days, till the excess of boric anhydride was volatilised. It formed radiating nacreous crystals, of specific gravity 2'987. It is also obtained as a hydrate, Mg 3 B0 3 + 5aq, by boiling a mixture of borax and sulphate of magnesium, and washing the precipitate (which contains borate of sodium, magnesia, and hydrate of magnesium) with cold water. When boiled with water, it gives up part of its acid, and leaves a basic salt which absorbs carbonic acid from the air. The precipitate formed by boiling sulphate of magnesium with borax, redissolves completely on cooling. b. Monomctaborate, MgBO 2 . Obtained as an amorphous precipitate, containing 2 at. water, on mixing the hot solutions of borax and nitrate of magnesium (Laurent). The same salt, but with 4 at. water, was obtained, according to Wohler, when a mixed solution of borax and sulphate of magnesium, which had been heated, and had after- wards become clear by cooling, was left to itself for several months in winter in a place where the temperature often fell below C. It formed slender radiating needles, insoluble in water, soluble in dilute acids, reprecipitated in needles by ammonia, giving off water and becoming turbid when heated. Boracite, from Segeberg in Holstein, appears to be a monoborate of magnesium, while that from Luneburg is a mixture or compound of 3Mg 2 0.4B'-'0 3 , or 6MgB0 2 .B 2 3 , with MgCl. c. Trimctaborate, MgH s B 3 6 + 3 aq. separates, according to Rammelsberg, in crys- talline crusts, when a concentrated solution of boric acid is boiled with carbonate or hydrate of magnesium and the filtrate is evaporated. d. Tetrametaborate, MgH 3 B'0 8 + aq. This, according to Laurent, is the* compo- sition of the last crops of crystals deposited when a solution obtained by boiling boric acid with magnesium is left to evaporate spontaneously. e. Hexmetaborate, MgH 5 B 6 I2 + ^aq. Granular salt obtained by heating hydrate of magnesium with excess of boric acid ; melts to a porcelain-like mass (Rammels- berg). Perhaps a mixture of one of the preceding salts with free boric acid. Magnesia-chromic Borate. A salt containing 6Mg 2 0.3Cr < 3 .2B 2 3 , is obtained by heating for five days in the porcelain furnace a mixtnre of 20 grm. chromic oxide, 1 5 grm. magnesia, and 20 grm. boric anhydride, being deposited in the cavities of the fused mass in grass-green microscopic crystals, of specific gravity 3*82. (Ebelmen.) Magnesio-ferric Borate, 6Mg 2 0.3Fe 4 3 .2B' 2 3 , is obtained by fusing in like manner a mixture of 25 grm. ferric oxide, 20 grm. magnesia, and 25 grm. boric anhy- dride, in small, black, prismatic crystals, of specific gravity 3 '85. BOEATE OF METHYL. See BOEIC ETHERS (p. 650). BOBATE OF NICKEL. Cold solutions of borax and sulphate of nickel yield a preci- pitate of NiBO 2 + aq. or NiH 2 B0 3 , from which cold water abstracts boric acid, leaving a salt containing 2NiB0 2 .NiHO + 2aq. By boiling for some time with borax, this precipitate is converted into the dimetaborate, NiHB 2 O 4 . BORATES OF POTASSIUM. a. The monometaborate, KBO 2 , is formed by melting together 70 pts. (1 at.) boric anhydride, and 138 pts. (1 at.) carbonate of potassium. It melts at a white heat, has a caustic alkaline taste, dissolves in water, and separates slowly from the solution in ill-defined crystals which, according to Schabus, are mono- clinic. The solution should be evaporated out of contact with the air, as it absorbs carbonic acid. Boric anhydride, heated to redness with excer-s of hydrate of potassium, expels 2 at. carbonic anhydride, forming the salt K 4 B 2 5 =* 2K 2 O.B 2 3 . (Bloxam.) b. The dimetaborate, KHB 2 4 , is prepared by supersaturating a boiling solution of carbonate of potassium with boric acid, and then adding pure potash in sufficient quantity to produce a strong alkaline reaction. It crystallises sometimes with 2aq. sometimes with 2|aq. The hydrate, KHB 2 4 . -f 2aq., forms regular six-sided prisms, which dissolve readily in water with strong alkaline reaction, and swell up considerably BORAXES. 645 when heated. The other hydrate, KHB'0 4 +f aq. : forms right rhombic prisms of 98 35', with basic brachydiagonal end-faces. It behaves like the former hydrate, but when kept in a closed vessel, separates into a liquid and a solid salt, apparently the hydrate with 2 aq. c. Zrimftaborate, KH 2 B 3 6 + 3 aq. or perhaps, tri-orthoboratc, KH 8 B*0 9 . Obtained like the preceding, but with a smaller quantity of caustic potash. Separates in rect- angular prisms, with four-sided pyramidal summits. Permanent in the air ; melts without much tumefaction. (Ramm els berg.) f. Pcntamttaboratc, IvH'IPO 10 + 2aq. Formed when a boiling solution of carbonate of potassium is mixed with a sufficient quantity of boric acid to produce a strong acid reaction. The solution on cooling deposits small shining prisms, isomorphous with the corresponding ammonium-salt. Permanent in the air, sparingly soluble in cold, easily in hot water ; neutral. (Kammelsberg.) BORAXES OF SILVER. The precipitates formed in solution of nitrate of silver by alkaline borates vary in composition according to the dilution and temperature of the the solutions. Very dilute solutions, especially if hot, yield a precipitate of pure oxide of silver (H. Rose). A moderately dilute silver-solution mixed with a strong solution of borax, yields a flocculent precipitate of the monometaborate AgBO 2 , which when dry is a white powder blackened by light. It dissolves in a large quantity of water ; but is decomposed by a small quantity ; melts at a gentle heat. The same salt is obtained as a curdy dirty yellow hydrate, AgB0 2 + |aq., on mixing concen- trated solutions of nitrate of silver and monoborate of sodium, or boiling concentrated solutions of silver-salt and borax. It is decomposed by washing with water, especially if hot, which ultimately leaves nothing but oxide of silver. Acid borates of silver have not yet been obtained pure. Rose states that cold con- centrated solutions of nitrate of silver and borax yield a white precipitate containing 3Ag 2 to 4B 2 O 3 , and after washing with a little cold water, which turns it brown, 4Ag 2 to 5B 2 3 . According to Laurent, nitrate of silver yields with pentaborate of potassium, an acid borate of silver which decomposes partially in washing. BORAXES or SODIUM. Boric anhydride fused with excess of hydrate of sodium expels 3 at. water and forms trisodic orthoborate, Na 3 B0 8 . B 2 0' + 6NaHO = 3II 2 + 2Na 3 BO (Bloxam, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiv. 143). Fused with excess of carbonate of sodium at a bright red heat, it expels If at. carbonic anhydride and forms: Na 6 B 4 9 or 3Na 2 0.2B 2 0*. 2B 2 3 + 3Na 2 C0 3 = Na 6 B 4 9 + 3C0 2 . (Arfvedson, Gmelin's Handbook, iii. 87 ; compare Bloxam, Chem. Soc Qu. J. xii. 186). By fusing borax with excess of carbonate of sodium, Arfvedson found that 1 at. anhydrous borax expelled 3 at. carbonic anhydride producing a dibasic borate of sodium or tetrasodic borate : Na 4 B 2 O 5 or 2Na 2 O.B 2 O s : Na 2 0.2B 2 3 + 3(Na 2 O.C0 2 ) = 3C0 2 + 2(2Na 2 O.B 2 8 ), 1 at. carbonate of sodium fused with 1 at. boric anhydride yields anhydrous mono- metaborate of sodium, NaBO 2 or Na'-'O.B 2 3 , and with 2 at. boric acid anhydride, it yields anhydrous acid borate of sodium, Na 2 B 4 7 = Na 2 0.2B-W = 2NaB0 2 .B-'O 8 . The aqueous solutions of both these salts yield crystalline hydrates which might be regarded either as orthoborates or metaborates, but are most probably the latter. Respecting the behaviour of the tri- and tetrasodic borates in the hydrated state, nothing appears to be known. Monometaborate or Neutral Borate of Sodium, NaBO 2 , is produced by heat- ing 62 pts. of crystallised boric acid, or 191 pts. crystallised borax, with 53 pts. of anhy- drous carbonate of sodium at a heat near the melting point of silver. The unfused mass thus obtained dissolves in water, with rise of temperature ; and by cooling the hot but not saturated solution, the hydrated salt NaB0 2 + 4aq. (or possibly Na s B0 3 + 3aq.) crystallises in large oblique rhombic prisms with lateral angles of 130 and 70. It has a caustic alkaline taste, and quickly absorbs carbonic acid from the air, both in the solid state and in solution ; but on boiling the solutions, the carbonic acid escapes At 57 C. it melts in its water of crystallisation, and after the liquid has cooled for some time, the hydrate NaBO 2 + 3aq. separate in indistinct crystals. At a stronger heat, it gives off all its water, and forms a friable tumefied mass, which absorbs carbonic acid from the air. Dimetaboratt or Acid Mctaborate of Sodium. Na 2 B 2 7 = 2NaB0 2 .B 2 3 , or NuO.IBO*. Biborate of Soda. Borax. This salt is obtained in the anhydrous state by fusing 124 pts. crystallised boric acid with 53 pts. anhydrous carbonate of sodium, or by heating crystallised borax. (A process for obtaining borax on the large scale by T T 3 646 BORON: OXIDE. heating boric anhydride with carbonate of sodium has been patented by Sattlter Nov. 20th, 1843). In contact with water, it passes into the hydrated state, and crystallises from its aqueous solution, either with 5 or with 10 at. water, according to the temperature. The former hydrate is octahedral borax; the latter, prismatic or ordinary borax. Borax is found native in several localities, viz. at Halberstadt in Transylvania, at Viquintizoa and Escapa in Peru, in the mineral springs of Chambly, St. Ours, &c Canada West, but more particularly in certain salt lakes of India, Thibet, and other parts of Asia, whence the greater part of the borax of commerce was formerly obtained. The salt separated from these waters by evaporation, either natural or assisted by artificial contrivances, is sent to Europe as crude borax or tinea 1, sometimes in large regular crystals, but more frequently as a white or yellowish-white mass, which is very impure, containing lime, magnesia, and alumina, and likewise covered over with a greasy substance (said to be added to diminish the risk of breakage during transport). According to analyses by Richardson and Browell, crude Indian borax contains : Boric acid (anhydrous) . . . 22-88 40'24 24-41 Soda .... 12-59 11-11 11-71 Chloride of sodium .... 0*92 0-11 0'21 Sulphate of sodium .... 0'13 0*49 2*84 Sulphate of calcium .... T36 0'68 1-36 Insoluble matter 17'62 1'37 20-02 Water 44-50 46-QO 39-45 100-00 100-00 100-00 The purification or refining of this crude Asiatic borax has been carried on from very early times in various seaport towns of Europe, especially at Venice, and more lately at Amsterdam. Great pains have always been taken to keep the process secret, but two methods, one with lime and the other with soda, have become known : 1. The tincal is macerated in a small quantity of cold water, and stirred about, with gradual addition of 1 per cent, of slaked lime, the turbid lime-water being poured off from time to time, and when it has clarified, again poured upon the crystals. This treat- ment removes the greater part of the soapy compound, and the rest is decomposed by adding 2 per cent, of chloride of calcium to the solution of the crystals in hot water. The insoluble lime-soap thus formed, is removed by straining, and the clear liquid is evaporated to the density of 21 Beaume. 2. The powdered tincal is placed in a tub with holes in the bottom, and washed with a solution of caustic soda of specific gravity T034, then drained and dissolved in water, and 12 per cent, of soda added to precipitate the earths, after which the solution is strained and evaporated. The crystallisation is effected in wooden vessels lined with lead, having the form of short inverted cones. The greater part of the borax used in the arts, is now prepared in France by treat- ing the native boric acid of Tuscany with carbonate of sodium, according to a method first practised by Payen and Cartier. 1300 kilogrammes of crystallised carbonate of sodium are dissolved in 1500 litres of water in a wooden vessel lined with lead ; the liquid is heated to the boiling point by a jet of steam, and 1200 kilogrammes of crystallised boric acid are added. The density of the solution varies according to the degree of purity and dryness of the boric acid used ; it is brought to a certain strength by adding borax or water as required, then left at rest till the insoluble matters have settled down, and finally transferred to the crystallising vessels, which are rectangular wooden boxes lined with lead, 6 metres long, 1*7 met. wide, andO'5 met. deep. ' The formation of prismatic or of octahedral borax, depends upon the density of the solution, and the temperature at which the crystallisation takes place. a. Prismatic or Ordinary Borax, NaHB 2 4 + f aq. or 2NaHB"0 4 + 9 aq. or NaO.ZBO* + I0aq. To obtain this hydrate, the solution, after all the carbonic acid has escaped, should have a density of 21 or 22B. (specific gravity T14 to T15), and should boil at 104 C. (220 F.) It is left to crystallise for two or three days, the crystallisation being finished when the thermometer in the interior of the vessels stands at 25 to 30 C. (77 to 86 F.) The crystals thus obtained, are freed from mother-liquor, then dissolved in boiling water together with i of their weight of crystallised carbonate of sodium, to separate any remaining earths, and the strained liquid is concentrated to 21 or 22 B. and left to crystallise as before. The mother-liquor is then drawn off us rapidly as possible with wide syphons, and that which remains amongst the angles of the crystals is soaked up with sponges, so that no small crystals may deposit upon the larger ones. The whole is then covered and left at rest for several hours, to avoid the formation of cracks in the crystals, which would be occasioned by the access cf cold air. BORAXES. 647 The mother-liquor is diluted with water and used in a subsequent operation for dissolving the boric acid and carbonate of sodium. After three or four operations, it contains a considerable quantity of sulphate of sodium ; but on cooling it to 30 C. (86 F.), borax crystallises out alone, the sulphate remaining in solution. The last mother-liquors yield by evaporation an impure borax, which is used in glass-making. Considerable quantities of borax are also prepared from the native borate of calcium and sodium (Boronatro-calcite), from South America, by decomposing it with carbonate of sodium, either in the wet or in the dry way. Artificial borax is for the most part purer than that obtained from native tincal by the refining process, but the crystals often contain cracks, and split when heated, in the direction of their natural cleavage, which is a great inconvenience when the borax is used for soldering, as it causes the crystals to fly off from the surface of the metal. This fault is partially corrected by slow recrystallisation from a rather concentrated solution ; but it is more effectually remedied by the addition of a small quantity of tincal before recrystallisation. (For further details of the manufacture of borax, see Urc's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 379 ; Handwb'rterbuch der Chemie, 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 320 ; Precis de Chimie industriette par A. Pay en, 4 me ed. i. 436.) The impurities generally found in artificial borax, are carbonate of sodium, small quantities of sulphates, chlorides, and salts of calcium and magnesium. It is some- times purposely adulterated with alum and common salt. It should dissolve in about 2 pts. of hot water, and exhibit no effervescence when treated with acids. The aqueous solution should remain perfectly clear on addition of alkali, and when acidulated with nitric acid, should not be clouded either by chloride of barium or nitrate of silver. The proportion of soda in borax may be estimated by colouring the solution with litmus, and adding a standard solution of sulphuric acid, till a bright red colour is produced (p. 631), and from the amount of alkali thus determined, the quantity of boric acid may be calculated. Prismatic borax forms large transparent prisms, of the monoclinic system, generally combinations of a nearly rectangular prism, having the acute and obtuse lateral edges truncated. The crystals effloresce in the air (according to Sims, only when they con- tain carbonate of sodium). When heated, they melt in their water of crystallisation, swelling up considerably, and solidifying to a loose spongy mass called burnt or cal- cined borax (Borax usta)-, at a red heat, the salt fuses to a colourless anhydrous glass of specfiic gravity 2'36, called vitrified borax. This, if pulverised and ex- posed to the air, gradually absorbs 10 at. water, reproducing ordinary prismatic borax. . Borax with 6 at. water, Na 2 0.2B 2 3 + 6 aq. or NaHB 2 4 + faq. Found by Bechi in an old lagoon crater ; not yet obtained artificially. 7. Borax with 5 at. water. Octahedral Borax, Na 2 O.B 2 3 + 5 aq. or NaHB 2 4 + 2aq. (or possibly NaH 5 B 2 6 ). To obtain this salt, the solution (p. 646), is concentrated to a strength of 30 B (specific gravity 1-246), and left to cool very slowly in a warm place. The crystallisation begins at 79 C. (174 F.), and as soon as the temperature of the liquid has fallen to 56 C. the mother-liquor must be quickly withdrawn, because at that temperature prismatic borax begins to crystallise out. After a .few hours, the crusts of the octahedral salt are removed and dried in the air. The crystals are regular, transparent octahedrons, harder and less fragile than ordinary borax ; they have a conchoi'dal fracture, and specific gravity = 1'8. They are unalterable in dry air, but in a moist atmosphere, they absorb water, and are converted into prismatic borax. When heated, they fuse to an anhydrous glass with less intumescence than common borax, and without splitting. On this account, octahedral borax is better adapted than common borax for many purposes, as for soldering and as a flux ; its smaller proportion of water (30 per cent., that of common borax being 47 per cent.) also diminishes the cost of transport. Nevertheless, prismatic borax is generally pre- ferred by consumers, probably because they are used to it, and it is sold at a lower price, weight for weight. 5. Amorphous Borax, NaHB 2 4 + aq. Obtained by evaporating a solution of borax at 100 C. Borax is easily soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol. Poggiale found that 100 parts of water at various temperatures, dissolve the following quantities of prismatic borax: at C. . . 2-8 pts. at 50 C. . . 27'4 pts. 10 . 4-6 60 .. 40-4 20 . 7'9 70 .. 57-8 30 . . 11-9 80 . . 76-2 40 . . 17-9 90 . . 119-7 and at the boiling heat, 201 - 4 parts. TT 4 648 BORON: OXIDE. The aqueous solution has a slight alkaline reaction, and changes the light yellow colour of an alcoholic solution of turmeric to brown : on adding a small quantity of sulphuric acid, the yellow colour is restored ; but a larger addition of sulphuric acid sets the boric acid free, which then produces the peculiar red-brown colouring already mentioned (p. 639). Borax is easily decomposed by acids. Even water, when present in considerable quantity, abstracts part of the base, so that a dilute solution of acid borate of sodium reacts like a mixture of boric and the neutral borate, or even free soda, giving, for example, a brown precipitate with silver-salts (p. 641). A solution of borax evapo- rated with excess of hydrochloric acid leaves a mixture of chloride of sodium and free boric acid. It also absorbs carbonic acid when exposed to the air, or when the gas is passed into it, and on adding alcohol to the liquid, when saturated with carbonic acid, no borax separates from it. A solution of borax saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, and mixed with alcohol, separates, on addition of ether, into two layers, the lower containing sulphide of sodium, the upper free boric acid. Borax forms with many of the weaker acids, double salts in which the boric acid appears to act as a base to the other acid. Thus, with arsenious acid it forms a com- pound whose empirical formula is 3Na 2 0.6B 2 O 3 .5As 2 3 + lOaq. It unites also with fluoride of sodium (see p. 633). When 1 at. tartaric acid is mixed in solution with 2 at. borax, boric acid separates out on cooling ; if the quantity of tartaric acid be gradually increased, the quantity of boric acid separated likewise increases up to a certain point ; but beyond that it diminishes, and at last no further separation of boric acid takes place. Here also the boric acid seems to play the part of base towards the tartaric acid (see TARTBATES). Acid tartrate of potassium also forms a double salt with borax. Of silicic acid, a solution of borax dissolves but a mere trace. Benzoic, tannic, and gallic acids dissolve in borax-solution more readily than in water. Many insoluble substances, e.g. stearic and other fatty acids, colophony, shellac, and other resins, dissolve in borax-solution as readily as in weak alkaline leys, the solution acting in fact just like a mixture of boric acid and free alkali. At a red heat, on the other hand, the boric acid in borax readily unites with and dissolves metallic oxides, forming fusible double salts : hence the great use of borax in metallurgic and assaying operations, and for soldering. The compounds thus formed often take the form of transparent glasses of various colours, affording very characteristic and delicate tests for the several metals : hence the use of borax in blowpipe analysis. It is also used in the formation of easily fusible glass fluxes for enamels and glazes. An enamelled coating for cast-iron vessels is made by first fusing on the surface of the metal, a mixture of quartz, felspar, clay, and borax, and then covering it with a glaze containing borax. A glazing of 1 pt. clay, 1 pt. felspar, and 2 pts. borax is also used instead of lead-glazing for stone-ware. Borax is likewise used, though not to any great extent, in medicine, either directly as a remedy, external or internal, or for the formation of pharmaceutical preparations, such as tartarised borax. c. Tetrametaborate of Sodium. NaH s B 4 8 + aq. Produced by boiling 2 at. borax with 1 at. chloride of ammonium, as long as ammonia continues to escape: 2NaHB0 4 + NH 4 C1 = NaH 3 B 4 8 + NaCl + NH 8 . It separates from the filtrate by slow evaporation in milk-white, transparent, shining, hard crystalline crusts ; dissolves in 5 to 6 pts. water of mean temperature, forming an alkaline solution ; yields a precipitate of boric acid on addition of a dilute acid, whereby it is distinguished from borax ; melts when heated, with less tumefaction than ordinary borax. (Bolley, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixviii, 122.) d. Pentametaborate. NaH'B 5 10 -t faq. Prepared by dissolving 1 at. borax and 3 at. boric acid in hot water, and separates from the solution in small crystals aggregated in roundish masses ; they do not suffer any loss of weight at 100 C., and give off their water of crystallisation but slowly at higher temperatures. The salt to which Laurent assigned the empirical formula Na 10 B 48 77 + 55 aq. is perhaps this pentaborate. e. Hexmctaborate. NaH 5 B 8 12 . Not yet obtained in the solid form, but perhaps contained in the solution produced by mixing 3 at. borax dissolved in water with 1 at. sulphuric acid : 3NaHB 2 + H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + NaH 5 B B 12 . This liquid thus formed does not redden litmus ; but if 1 at. more of sulphuric acid be added, all the boric acid is set free, and the mixture exhibits the wine-red colour thereby produced, which, however, another drop of sulphuric acid immediately changes to bright-red (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvii. 218). The hexborate BORATES. 649 is perhaps also formed when aqueous borax is mixed with boric acid till the liquid no longer exhibits a basic reaction. This solution is said to yield by evaporation tabular crystals, having a cooling taste like nitre, a neutral reaction, and giving off 30 per cent, water when melted. (Tunnermann.) Borate of Sodium and Calcium. NaCaH 2 B 4 8 + 9aq. Such, with addition of 1-9 per cent, chloride of calcium, is, according to Helbig (Chem. Centr. 1858, p. 494), the composition of a mineral from South America, known in commerce as ' borate of lime," and forming irregular nodules, mainly composed of a net-work ol translucent crystals. Stein regards it as identical with the hydroborocalcite of Hayes and the boronatrocalcite (q. v.} of Ulex. Borate of Sodium and Magnesium. NaMg 2 H 2 B 5 10 + 14aq. (Eammelsberg). Separates by spontaneous evaporation, from a mixture of the cold aqueous solutions of borax and sulphate of magnesium, in large, shining, efflorescent, monoclinic crystals. It dissolves in cold water, forming an alkaline solution which is not precipitated by ammonia, but becomes turbid when boiled, clear again on cooling. If the liquid, after boiling for some time, be quickly filtered, the residue consists of basic borate of mag- nesium. BOEATES OF STRONTIUM. 1. Orthoborate, Sr 3 B0 3 . Obtained by heating boric anhydride to redness with excess of hydrate or carbonate of strontium. (Bloxam, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xii. xiv. 142.) 2. Mctaboratcs. The monoborate has not been obtained. Strontium-salts, pre- cipitated by borax in the cold, yield a precipitate, which when pressed between paper and dried at 100C., has the composition Sr s H 2 B 8 10 + |aq, gives off 2 at. water at 200, and the rest at 300, and is partially decomposed by hot water, the residue pro- bably consisting of the sesquiborate, Sr 2 HB 3 6 . The dimetaborate, SrHB 2 4 + |aq. (at 100 C.), is said to be precipitated from boil- ing solutions of borax and chloride of strontium. It has an alkaline reaction ; dis- solves in 130 pts. of pure water, more easily in presence of ammoniacal salts ; gives off 3 at. H as water at 280, the remaining atom at a red heat, leaving the anhydrous saltSr-Br^O 7 = Sr-'0.2B0 8 ( = 2SrHB 2 4 -H 2 0). The titramctaboratc, SrH 3 B 4 8 + aq. is obtained, according to Laurent, by boiling the preceding with excess of boric acid, and evaporating the filtrate. Pentaborate of potassium also precipitates strontium-salts, but the precipitate has not been examined. BORATE or ZINC. Sulphate of zinc, precipitated by borax in the cold, yields a pre- cipitate consisting chiefly of monoborate of zinc, ZnBO 2 , which, however, is decomposed by washing with cold water, leaving a basic salt = 4ZnB0 2 .5ZnHO + 2aq. (at 100 C.) A solution of a zinc-salt, mixed at the boiling heat with borax and boiled for some time, yields a precipitate consisting of a similar basic borate, mixed with basic sulphate of zinc. Boric Ethers. BORATES OF AMYL. a. Orthoborate. (C 5 H n ) 3 B0 3 (Ebelmen and Bouquet, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 61). Produced by the action of chloride of boron on amylic alcohol : 3(C 5 H".H.O) + BC1 3 = 3HC1 + (C 5 H) 3 B0 3 . When vapour of chloride of boron is passed into amylic alcohol, hydrochloric acid is evolved, and the liquid quickly separates into two layers, the upper of which, when decanted and distilled, passes over almost wholly between 260 and 280 C., and when again rectified, yields pure tri-amylic borate. It is a colourless, oily liquid, having a specific gravity of 0'87 at C., and a faint odour like that of amylic alcohol ; it burns with a green-edged flame, and boils between 270 and 275 C. Vapour-density, by experiment, = 10'55 ; by calculation (2 vol.) = 9'45. Water decomposes it, yielding boric acid and amylic alcohol. b. The metaborate of amyl, C 5 H U B0 2 , has not yet been obtained. c. Acid borate, 2C S H"B0 2 .B 2 3 or (C S H) 2 0.2B 2 3 (Ebelmen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 139), is obtained by pouring 2 pts. of amylic alcohol on 1 pt. of boric anhy- hydride, heating the mixture to about 180 C., exhausting it with anhydrous ether, distilling off the ether from the decanted ethereal solution, and heating the residual liquid to 250270 C., to free it from fusel-oil. The acid amylic borate thus ob- tained, is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid, having an odour like that of fusel-oil. It may be heated to 300 C. without alteration, but is decomposed at higher tempera- tures. It burns with a green flame. When fusel-oil is heated to 300 C. with excess of boric anhydride, a colourless liquid passes over, which smells like amylic alcohol, and begins to boil below 100; but the 650 BORON: OXIDE. boiling point rises quickly, and there remains a vitreous mass, resembling the acid ether. As acid borate of methyl gives off oxide of methyl by dry distillation, it is probable that the lighter products of the distillation just mentioned contain oxide of amyl. EQUATES OF ETHYL, a. Orthoborate. (C-II 5 ) 3 B0 3 . (Ebelmen and Bouquet, Ann. Ch. Phys. xvii. 55; Bowman, Phil. Mag. [3] xxix. 546.) Prepared like the corresponding amyl-compound. Vapour of chloride of boron is rapidly absorbed by absolute alcohol, the liquid becoming hot and separating after a while into two layers, the lower of which is merely alcohol containing hydrochloric acid, while the upper contains the tri-ethylic borate, which may be separated by distilling the decanted liquid, with addition of a little alcohol, collecting that which passes over between 115 and 125 C., and rectifying. It is likewise produced by distilling a mixture of dry ethylsulphate of potassium and anhydrous borax. (H. Eose, Pogg. Ann. xcviii. 245.) _ See also vol. ii. p. 628. It is a colourless, mobile liquid, having a peculiar, agreeable odour, and burning bitter taste. Specific gravity 0'885. It dissolves in all proportions in alcohol and ether, mixes with water, but is decomposed thereby in a few minutes, with separation of boric acid. Boiling point 119 C. Vapour-density (by experiment) = 5'14 ; by calculation (2 vol.) == 5*07. Burns with green flame, giving off white fumes of boric acid, and leaving no residue. Mctaborate, or Neutral Borate, C 2 H 5 B0 2 . Produced, with separation of boric acid, by the action of alcohol on the acid borate : 2C 2 H 5 B0 2 .B 2 3 + C 2 H 5 .H.O = 3C 2 H 5 .B0 2 + HBO 2 . Acid borate of Alcohol. Metaborate Boric ethyl of ethyl. acid. When the syrupy acid ether is mixed with absolute alcohol, boric acid separates, with considerable evolution of heat, and on separating the liquid therefrom by decan- tation and pressure, and heating it for a while to 100 C., boric acid is again deposited, and there remains a colourless mobile liquid, which resembles the orthoborate, and yields by analysis 32-93 per cent, carbon and 6'97 hydrogen, the formula requiring 33-38 C, and 6'96 H. (Handw. ii. [2] 309.) Acid Borate. 2C 2 H a B0 2 .B'-0 3 =- (C 2 H 5 ) 2 0.2B 2 3 . Biborate of Ethyl (Ebelmen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 129.) Produced by the action of boric anhydride on alcohol. When finely pulverised boric anhydride is mixed with an equal quantity of absolute alcohol at 18 C. the mixture becomes hot, quickly attaining the temperature of 50, and begins to boil when heated to 95. If the distillation be interrupted as soon as the boiling-point rises to 110, the distilled portion poured back, and the distillation repeated till the boiling-point again rises to 110, acid borate of ethyl remains in the retort, mixed with boric acid, from which it may be separated by digesting the residue for twenty-four hours with anhydrous ether, decanting from the undissolved portion, and distilling till the heat in the retort rises to 200, Acid borate of ethyl then remains in the form of a thick yellowish liquid, which gives off white fumes in the air at 200, and solidifies on cooling to a transparent glass. This glass is rather soft, even at mean temperatures, and at 40 or 50 may be drawn out into long threads. It has a faint ethereal odour, a burning taste, and blisters the skin, being at the same time converted into a white powder of boric acid. It gave by analysis, 19*8 per cent. C, 4-4 H, and 667 B 2 3 , the formula requiring 22'5 C, 47 H, and 65'3 B 2 a . Acid borate of ethyl begins to decompose at 300 C. with fusion, intumescence, and thickening, the products being ethylene-gas, alcohol-vapour, vapour of the undecom- posed ether, vapour of water, and fused boric anhydride free from charcoal. The ethylene-gas burns with a green flame, the colour arising from admixed boric ether, which, however, may be removed by washing the gas with water. The acid ether becomes very hot by trituration with water, being resolved into alcohol, and boric acid. Exposed to moist air, it becomes white on the surface from slow decomposition. It dissolves in alcohol and in ether, but gives off these liquids com- pletely at 200 C., a portion of the undecomposed boric ether then passing over with the alcohol so that the distillate burns with a green flame, and when mixed with water solidifies from separation of boric acid. The syrupy acid ether treated with absolute alcohol in the manner above described, yields the neutral borate of ethyl. BORATES OF METHYL. a. Orthoborate. (CH 3 ) 3 B0 3 (Ebelmen and Bouquet, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 59.) Produced by the action of chloride of boron on anhydrous methylic alcohol ; purified by rectifying the upper of the two resulting layers of liquid. It is a colourless mobile liquid of specific gravity 0'955 ; has a pungent odour some- what like that of wood-spirit ; boils at 72 C. Vapour-density = 3'66. Dissolves in alcohol and ether, is quickly decomposed by water, and burns with a green flame. b. Acid3orate2CR*BCKB*O t = (CH 3 ) 2 0.2B-'0 3 (Ebelmen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 137.) Obtained, like the acid ethylic borate, by treating boric anhydride with BORON: SULPHIDE BE AGITE. 651 anhydrous methylic alcohol. The mass is repeatedly heated to 110 C., the distillate being each time poured back, the residue is treated with ether, and the decanted solution heated to 200. Acid borate of methyl is thus obtained as a vitreous mass, soft and tenacious at ordinary temperatures. It burns in the air with a beautiful green flame ; is decomposed by distillation into boric anhydride and oxide of methyl ; and by water, into boric acid and methylic alcohol. BORON, SULPHIDE OP. B 2 S 3 . This compound, which is the analogue of boric anhydride, is formed by igniting boron in vapour of sulphur (Berzelius, Pogg. Ann. ii. 145) or in sulphuretted hydrogen; also by heating boron with sulphide of lead (Wohler and Deville, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 72), or by heating a mixture of boric anhydride and charcoal in vapour of sulphide of carbon (Fremy, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii. 819), or by strongly heating a borate in vapour of sulphide of carbon (Skoblikoff and Kudloff, Petersb. Acad. Bull. xii. 319). To obtain a pure product, boron is heated in sulphur vapour as long as that vapour continues to be absorbed by it. The action is slow, because the sulphide forms a crust round the boron. Pure sulphide of boron is a white solid body, sometimes amorphous, sometimes crystalline. It has a pungent sulphurous odour, like that of chloride of cyanogen, or chloride of sulphur. Its vapour attacks the eyes. By itself it does not appear to be volatile,' but it volatalises in sulphuretted hydrogen, like boric acid in vapour of water. Heated in a stream of hydrogen, it melts, and gives off a little sulphur, perhaps however, only when not quite pure. It decomposes water with great energy, forming lx>ric and sulphydric acids, a decomposition to which, as already observed, the formation of boric acid in the Tuscan lagoons has been ascribed. There appears also to be a persulphide of boron, produced by heating boron in sulphur- vapour till it takes fire, and then leaving it to cool in the vapour. When the product thus obtained is thrown into water, boric and sulphydric acids are formed, and milk of sulphur is deposited. (Berzelius.) BORONATROCAX.CITE. NaCa 2 H 3 B 6 18 + ^ aq. Native borate of calcium and sodium, called also Hydroboratite, Haycsin. and Tiza. (See BORATES or SODIUM, p. 649.) BOTRirOGXroTj Red vitriol. A native ferroso-ferric sulphate from Fahlun in Sweden, occurring rarely in small oblique rhombic prisms, having the lateral faces inclined to each other at an angle of 119 56', and to the terminal faces at 113 C 37'; more frequently massive and as a deposit on gypsum, sulphate of magnesium, ferrous sulphate, and iron pyrites. Translucent, with vitreous lustre. Dark hyacinth-red to ochre-yellow, Harder than gypsum. Specific gravity 2'039. Swells up before the blowpipe, giving off water and leaving feme oxide. According to Berzelius, its formula is 3Fe 2 0.2S0 3 + 3(Fe 4 8 .2S0 8 ) + 36H a O. BOTRYCLITE. Chaiuc boratee silicieuse concretionee. 2CaB0 2 .Ca 2 Si 2 5 -f 2 aq. A kidney-shaped mineral of delicate fibrous texture, found in the veins of magnetic iron ore at Arendal in Norway ; generally as a deposit on crystals of calcspar. Its formula is the same as that of date-lite, but with twice the amount of water. BOin,AKTGE3lIT3. A tribasic sulphantimonite of lead, 3Pb 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 or SbPb 3 S ! , found at Molieres in France, in Lapland, and other localities. Crystallo-laminar or fine-grained. Dark lead-grey. Specific gravity 5'59 to 5'97. BOUK.NOTJITE. Schwarzspicssglanzerz. Antimoine plombo-cupriferc: 2Pb 2 S. Cu 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 = SbPb 2 CuS 3 . Crystallises in right rectangular prisms of dark steel-grey colour, with metallic lustre, and yielding a black powder. Hardness equal to that of calcspar. Specific gravity 5*7 to 5'S. Melts before the blowpipe, giving off white fumes, covering the charcoal with oxide of lead, and changing to a slag containing a large quantity of copper. It is found in the copper mines of Cornwall, at Neudorf and Andreasberg in the Harz, at Kapnik and Offenbanya in Transylvania, &c., but is not very abundant. Some varieties found near Freiberg contain silver to the amount of about 0-12 per cent. (Gm. v. 486.) BO VF.TT COAXi. A kind of coal of a brown or brownish-black colour and lamellar textur^, the lamina being often flexible when first dug out, but generally hardening by exposure to the air. It consists of wood penetrated with petroleum or bitumen,"and frequently contains pj'rites, alum, and protosulphate of iron. By distillation, it yields a fetid liquor mixed with ammonia and an oil partly soluble in alcohol. It 'is found in England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Iceland, &c. BOWENTTE. See SERPENTINE. BOYX.ZTS FUIVXXITG LIQUOR. Monosulphide of Ammonium (p. 193.) BRAGXTE. A mineral found at Arendal in Norway, but not yet sufficiently ex- amined to establish its separate identity. (Forbes and D ahll, J. pr. Chem. Ixvi. 446.) 652 BRAIN BRANDY. BRAIN. See NERVOUS TISSUE. BRANT. Son. Klcie. (Mi 11 on, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxvi. 5. Pe" ligot, ibid. xxix. 5. Kekul6, Liebig's cliem. Briefe, 3 Aufl. i. 595. Wetzel and Van Hees, Arch. Pharm. [2] Ixvii. 284. Poggiale, Compt. rend, xxxvii. 171; xlix. 128. Sigle, Dingl. pol. J. cxxxi. 298. Mouries, Compt. rend, xxxvii. 351 ; xlvii. 505; xlviii. 431. Oudemans, Kep. chim. app. i. 585.) -The husky portion of ground corn, separated by the boulter from the flour. The analyses which have been made of it, even from the same kind of corn, differ widely in the proportion of some of the essen- tial constituents, as the following table will show. Ash Rye- bran. Wheat-bran. Oude- mans. Oudemans. Poggiale. K<5kul<5. Mil Ion. 3-35 14-55 1-86 14-50 7-79 38 19 21-35 8-51 14-07 2-46 13-46 5-52 26-11 30-80 6-26 14-27 2-88 12-68 5-24 20-74 27-11 4-99 14-40 3-88 15-41 5-7) 29-31 25-98 5-5 127 2-9 13-0 7'9 21-7 1-9 34*6 5-0 13-8 41 67-3 i" 92 f>-7 13-9 36 14-9 Ul-0 97 1-2 Fat N trofrenous matter (gluten, &c.) . Sugar ..... . . Cellulose . Resinous and odoriferous matter . 101-59 2-23 98*94 207 98-28 1-95 9968 2-37 100-0 104 1 100-0 Kekule's determination of the nitrogenous matter is probably too high. The 13*0 per cent, nitrogenous matter found by Poggiale was made up of 5'6 soluble matter (albumin), 3'9 insoluble, but capable of assimilation, and 3'5 insoluble and incapable of assimilation. Poggiale isolated the cellulose by rendering the starch soluble with diastase ; he finds that the usual process of determination by the successive use of acids and alkalis, always gives the amount of cellulose too low, part of it being converted by those reagents into sugar and dextrin. Bran, though rich in nitrogen, appears to possess but little nutritive power. Animals fed upon it quickly lose flesh (Poggiale). It contains a nitrogenous principle called cereal in, analogous to diastase, and perhaps identical therewith, which possesses the power of quickly converting starch into dextrin and sugar. Mouries found that 130 pts. of wheaten bread containing bran easily diffused through 520 parts of water when tri- turated therewith, and yielded 59'35 pts. of soluble and 6975 pts. of insoluble matter, whereas the same quantity of bread not containing bran, was converted by trituration with water into a semisolid mass, and yielded only 9'03 per cent, soluble matter to 120'25 insoluble. This action of the bran on the flour commences in the kneading and baking, but is completed only in the stomach. (See BREAD.) Bran is used by calico-printers in the clearing process, for removing the colouring matters adhering to the non-mordanted parts of the maddered goods, as well as the dun matters which cloud the mordanted portions. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manu- factures, and Mines, i. 383.) BRAUCKITE. C ! 'H 16 . A fossil hydrocarbon from the lignite of Mount Vaso in Tuscany. It is colourless and translucent, like Scheererite ; melts at 75 C. but does not crystallise on cooling. It dissolves in alcohol. Specific gravity = TOO. (Savi, Leonhard and Bronn's Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 459.) BZIAHTJDZSXTX:. See CLINTONITE. BS-AIMDY. This well known liquor is the spirit distilled from wine, and forms an extensive article of trade in the south of Europe. It is generally manufactured from white or pale-red wines, but often from inferior articles, such as the refuse wine and the marcs of the wine-press. Distillation of the wines is the only process neces- sary for procuring brandy : hence the richer the wine in alcohol, the greater will be the yield of brandy. Many circumstances, however, independent of the manufacture, in- fluence the quality of the product. Thus, white wines do not always afford more alcohol than the red, but they yield a spirit of finer quality, because they contain more of the essential oil of grapes. Wines which have a certain taste of the soil, communicate it to the brandy derived from them by distillation ; thus, the wines of Selleul in Dauphin6 give a brandy which has the odour and taste of the Florentine iris ; those of St. Pierre in Vivarais, give a spirit which smells of the violet, and so of many other varieties. Eeal Cognac is obtained from the distillation of choice wines, every attention being paid to the proper degree of cleanliness in the various utensils employed. In the im- proved form of still, a very superior article is obtained from inferior wines, but the small proportion of essential oils in such wines divests the brandy of that aromatic BRASS BRASSICA. 653 flavoiir which belongs to the better sorts of wine, and is communicated to the brandies procured from them. An inferior brandy called cau-dc-vie de marcs is obtained by dis- tilling the dark red wines of Portugal, Spain, and other wine-growing countries, also the lees deposited by wine in keeping, the marc or refuse of the grapes from the wine- press, the scrapings of wine-casks, &c. Brandy, as sold in France, is generally of two strengths, designated as a prcuve de Hollande, and a preuve d'huile, the former varying from 18 to 20 Beaume. The stronger liquors are valued according to the quantity of eau de vie a preuve de Hollande that a given quantity will furnish on the addition of the proper quantity of water. These strengths are usually twelve, viz. of five-six, four-Jive, three-four, two-three, three-five, four-seven, five-nine, six-eleven, three-six, three-seven, three-eight, and three- nine, but the last is rarely made. The meaning of these strengths is as follows : If a spirit be five-six, 5 pts. of the spirit will give a liquor a preuve de Hollande, when added to six measures of water. The spirit five-six has a specific gravity of 0*9237 or 22 Bm. ; but all the other strengths are variable, on account of the uncertainty of the strength of the spirit a prcuve de Holland. The following is an average of the yield of brandy which some wines afford by dis- tillation : 1000 litres of wine of St. Gilles, in the environs of Montpellier, afford of three-six brandy 150 litres of good wine of calcareous soils 140 of wines of fertile soils near Montpellier . . . 100 of wines of soils producing much grapes . . . 100 Wines of the countries nearest the Mediterranean furnish the largest proportion of brandy, which diminishes as the grapes grow in more northern countries. British brandy is an artificial product fabricated by the rectifying distiller. The following receipt is given by Ure : " Dilute the pure alcohol to the proof pitch, and add to every hundred pounds weight of it from half a pound to a pound of argol crude tartar dissolved in water, some bruised French plums, and a quart of good cognac. Distil this mixture over a gentle fire in an alembic provided with an agitator. The addition of brandy and argol introduces cenanthic ether, and if a little acetic ether be added to the distillate, the whole imparts the peculiar taste of genuine Cognac brandy. Colour with burnt sugar if necessary, and add a little tannic acid to impart astrin- gency." (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 389 ; also Mzis- pratfs Chemistry, i. 103.) BRASS. An alloy of copper and zinc. (See COPPER ; also Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 399.) BRASSICA. A genus of cruciferous plants, including some of the most impor- tant fodder plants and culinary vegetables, viz. the cabbage, rape, and turnip. 1. Brassica ohracca. Cabbage. Of this species, many varieties are cultivated for their leaves, c . g. the common red or white cabbage (Br. ol. capitatii], the Savoy cabbage (Br. ol. bidlata), curled kale (Br. ol. acephahi), &c. The turnip-stemmed cabbage, or kohl-rabi (Br. ol. caulorapa or napobrassica), is much cultivated in France and Germany for its fleshy turnip-like stem or bulb, which makes an excellent vegetable dish. Cauliflower and broccoli are also varieties of Brassica oleracea. Fresh white cabbage-leaves contain 0-2 per cent, nitrogen ; the dried leaves 3'7 per cent. (Boussingault, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixviii. 337). Table A exhibits the compo- sition of cabb'age leaves as determined by Anderson (Chem. Centr. 1856, p. 232). a. Of the young plant before the heart-leaves are formed, b. The outer leaves of perfectly ripe cabbage, c. The heart-leaves of the same. TABLE A. Composition of Cabbage-leaves. a b c Albuminous substances . . . 2*1 1*6 0'9 "Woody fibre, gum, and sugar . . 4 -5 5'0 4'1 Ash 1-6 2-2 0-6 Water 91-8 91-1 94-4 According to Sprengel (J. techn. Chem. xiii. 485), white cabbage contains, in the air-dried state, 52'5 per cent, water, 19*3 percent, matter soluble in potash-ley, 25*6 per cent, woody fibre, besides wax, chlorophyll, &c. The ash of cabbage has been analysed by Way and Ogston (Journ. Koy. Agr. Soc. vii. [2] 593; xi. [2] 512), by Sprengel and by Stammer (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 294). The fleshy stem or bulb of the kohl-rabi contains, according to Sprengel (loc. tit.) " 91 per cent, water, the leaves 86 per cent, water. 100 pts. of the dried substance con- tain 41-4 pts. soluble in water, 38'2 soluble in potash-ley, 18'5 woody fibre, besides 654 BRASSICA, wax, fat, &c. The ash of the cornis and leaves has been analysed by Sprengel, and by Way and Ogston (loc. tit.) The ashes of the heart of cauliflower (Br. ol. var. botrytis cauliflord), and of the root and leaves of broccoli (Br. ol. var. botrytis asparago'idcs) have been analysed by Th. Eichardson, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivii. ; Anhang zum dritten Heft). TABLE B. Ash of different Varieties of Brassica oleracea. Way anc CoruC Leaves. O^ston. Mae Stalk. Sprengel. White Stammer. Cabbage Way anc Bulbs. 1 Ogston. Kohl. Leaves. Spre cM Bulbs. ngel. Leaves. R Canti. Jlower Hearts. chardso Bra Root. n. *coli Leaves. Ash in 100 pts. of fresh plant . 0-7 1-2 _ _ 0-95 2-80 0-71 roi 1-70 ,, ,, air-dried plant __. -_ H. . ,, plants dried ) at 100 C j 10-0 7-5:. 1T62 7-05 12-90 8-09 18-54 Composition of ash in 100 pts. : Potash (anhydrous) .... Soda .... 40-9 2-4 40-9 4-0 313 12-0 48-3 37-6 133 17-8 8-1 36-3 2-8 9-3 47-16 3'l-39 14 79 22 10 7 65 Lime . . 15-0 106 23' 1 1-2-6 ll'l 34-2 10'2 30-3 4-70 2-96 26'4-l Magnesia ......* 2-4 3-8 0-3 3-7 4-0 32 2'3 3-6 3-93 2-38 3-43 Alumina 0-2 0-5 0'2 Ferric oxide 9-8 0-4 O'l 1-8 0-5 0-9 0-4 5-5 Su phuric anhydride . . . Silicic ... 7-3 10-6 11-1 1-0 12-7 2-8 8-3 0-4 12-6 6-7 14-0 7-1 11'4 0-8 10-6 9-6 11-16 1-92 1035 009 IG'IO 1 83 Carbonic ... 16-7 6-3 __ __ _ 10-2 9'0 Phosphoric ... 12-5 19-6 10-4 169 5^8 5-4 13-5 94 25-84 24-83 16-62 Calcic, magnesic, and ferric phosphates ..... _ . p __ < ___ __ 3-67 2-12 6-21 Chloride of potassium . . . _ 9 3 6-0 622 sodium .... trace 2-1 G-0 6'1 78 ii'9 6-7 2^78 trace 2. Brassica Napus. Winter rape, Coleseed, a.nd.Br.campestrisvar. oleifera, Summer rape, Colzat or Colza, are cultivated chiefly for their seeds, which yield a large quantity of oil, and for the succulent food which their thick fleshy stems and leaves supply to sheep when other fodder is scarce. The cake which remains after the oil has been pressed from the seed, is used on the continent as food for cows and pigs, and also as a manure, for which purpose large quantities of it are imported into Eng- land. Colza or summer rape yields the largest quantity of oil, but winter rape is said to be hardier, and is therefore more generally cultivated in this country. Way (Journ. Eoy. Agr. Soc. x. part 2) found, in 100 pts. of the dry seed of dwarf rape, 4-2 percent, nitrogen, 3 7 '8 fat, 3 -3 ash, and 6 '5 water. Of the ash of the seed and straw of rape, numerous analyses are given in Liebig and Kopp's Jahresbericht fur Chemie for 1849, tables D and E to page 656. From these we extract the following : TABLE C. Ash of the Seed and Straw of Brassica Napus. Liebig, Seed. Erdmann, Seed. Rammelsberg, Seed. We Seed. t>er, Straw. Ash in 100 pts. of air-dried plant plant dried at 100 C. . 5 19 4-03 4-44 2-39 3-41 Composition of ash in 100 pts. : Potash . ... 22-5 22'7 25-7 22-9 24-9 0-2 6-5 11*8 I4'6 13-2 17-3 32'8 11-1 12 11-6 15-5 54 Ferric oxide 1'7 0-() O-G 0-7 1*7 6-7 6'0 05 11 5 ri 0-5 2-0 1?2 4*1 Carbonic " ... 147 39-1 47-0 47*0 41-6 4*5 2-1 sodium 0-8 3. Brassica Bapa, the common white turnip, and Br. campestris var. rutabaga, or napobrassica, the swede turnip. The ashes of these plants have been examined by T. J. Herapath (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ii. 14), Eggers (Jahresber. f. Chem. 1849, p. 656); Baer (ibid. 1851, p. 710); Stammer (Ann, Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 295); and Way and Ogston (loc. cit.). BRASSIC ACID BRAZIL WOOD. 655 TABLE D. Com of Turnip-ash. Hera ^Snede Bulbs path. 1 , White Bulbs. Way and Ogston. B ^- ' Seed. ler. . Straw. Stammer. Bulbs. Eggers. Oil- cake. f Siv Bulbs. tile Leaves. Dale'* Bulbs. Hybrid Leaves. Green mil Bulbs. popped Leaves. Seed. Ash in 100 pts. of fresh plant 1-23 0'65 075 1 97 1-09 1-19 059 1-82 3-67 0-46 5-70 Ash in 100 pts. of air- dried plant .... _ __ __ _ _ 4-58 4-41 Ash in 100 pts. of plant dried at 100 C. . . 6-00 16-40 8-41 10-80 7-40 15-20 3-98 7'00 6-13 Composition of the ash in 100 pts. : 62-6 47-9 23-7 11 16 36-9 13-5 48-5 12-7 21-9 16-1 16'5 46-5 21-9 Soda trace 14-7 12-4 8-0 46 1-2 1-1 1-3 6-9 14'7 28-5 6-5 3-i-l 6-7 28-7 17'4 11-3 25-4 13 1 8-6 2'5 2-4 3-3 2-6 2-5 1-7 2-3 8-7 10-4 11-0 1-6 14-7 Aluinina, . trare 05 02 Ferric oxide .... 0-25 trace 0-5 3~0 o-i 0-6 0-6 0-8 1-9 1-0 1-2 45 Sulphuric anhydride . Silicic 42 OM 2'6 1 2 16-1 27 10-4 80 1J-7 6-7 1 2 12-8 09 7-8 2-0 7-1 0-7 7-9 0-9 5-5 3-4 9-9 1 1-6 13-1$ Carbonic * 10-7 62 12-6 13-8 14-8 14-0 0-8 6-9 27-6 2M Phosphoric 15-9 16-6 9-3 4-9 8-8 4*6 7-6 40-1 34-0 4-0 15-5f 32-7 Chloride of potassium sodium . jr. 14-6 7 T 1 12'4 10-0 18-0 5^4 15'5 107 6-8 3-2 10-6 0-2 0-5 | BRASSIC ACID. Colza oil is, according to Websky (J. pr. Chem. Iviii. 449), a mixture of two glycerides, which yield by saponification, brassic acid, which is solid at ordinary temperatures, melts between 32 and 33 C., and crystallises from alcohol in long needles ; and another acid, which is liquid at ordinary temperatures and resembles oleic acid. The two acids are easily separable by means of their lead- salts, the salt of the oily acid being soluble in ether, while brassate of lead is insoluble. Websky assigns to brassic acid the formula C"H0*. Stadeler (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii. 133) proposes C U H0\ or C^H^O 2 , which agrees quite as well with the analyses, and is the same as that of erucic acid, extracted by Darby from oil of mustard. Brassate of sodium gives by analysis 8 '5 per cent, soda; the formula C t>2 H 41 Na0 2 requires 8 '6 per cent. 13RAUNZTE. Native sesquioxide of manganese. See MANGANESE, BRAUWSTEIBT. The German name of peroxide of manganese. BRAYERA AWTHEIMZSTTICA (Kunth), orHagenia abyssinica (Lamarck). The flowers of this plant, called Kusso or Kosso, contain,' according to Viale and Latini (Correspond. Scient. in Eoma, Nov. 1852), a peculiar acid, hagenio add, in combination with ammonia. Harms (Arch. Pharm. [2] Ixxxviii. 165) found in 100 pts. of the ash of kusso, after deducting sand and charcoal : CO 2 13-58 A1 4 3 1-97 SO 3 1-90 Mg 2 6-43 P 2 5 1443 Ca 2 13-37 SiO 2 3-14 Na 2 13-41 Fe 4 3 .P 2 5 5-50 K 2 O 18-89 NaCl 7-38 Mn s 2 trace BRAZIXi WOOD. The tree which yields this wood, the Casalpina crispa, grows in Brazil, and also in the Isle of France, Japan, and elsewhere. There are several varieties, distinguished by the names of the localities from which they are obtained, as Pernambuco, Lima, Santa Martha, Sapan (from Japan), &c. Pernambuco wood and Lima wood contain the largest amount of colouring matter ; viz. about 2'7 per cent. ; Sapan wood, only about 1*5 per cent. Peach or Nicaragua wood, sometimes called Santa Martha wood, is still inferior in point of quantity, but is preferred for some purposes. Brazil wood is heavier than water, very hard, and susceptible of a good polish. Its colour is pale when newly cut, but becomes deeper by exposure to the air. The heaviest specimens generally yield the best colour. It has a sweetish taste when chewed, and is distinguished from red Sanders or sandal wood by giving out its colour to water, which sandal wood does not. The colouring matter may also be extracted by alcohol or ammonia, and with greater facility than by water. The spirituous tinctxire, according to Dufay, stains warm marble of a purplish red, which, on in- creasing the heat, becomes violet ; and, if the stained marble be covered with wax and * In the calculation of Herapath's analysis, the carbonic acid is deducted. f Mixed with sand. t And 1-5 basic ferric phosphate. 656 BREAD. considerably heated, it changes through all the shades of brown, and at last becomes fixed of a chocolate colour. According to Chevreul (Ann. Chim. Ixvi. 226) the red colouring matter of Brazil wood, to which he gives the name Brazilin, exists ready formed in the wood, and is simply dissolved out by water or other solvents; but according to Preisser ( Ann. Ch. Pharm Hi. 369), the red colouring matter, Brazilein, consisting of C 18 H 14 7 , is formed by oxidation from a colourless principle, Brazilin, C 18 H H 6 , contained in the wood, so that Preisser's brazilein is the same as Chevreul's brazilin. Preisser prepares brazilin by agitating a concentrated alcoholic extract of the wood with hydrate of lead, decomposing the resulting salt with sulphydric acid, filtering and evaporating the colourless liquid, which affords small, acicular, colourless crystals of brazilin, C 18 H 14 8 , whose aqueous solution slowly turns yellow on exposure to the air, and at the margin brilliant red. This change takes place more quickly on boiling the liquid, which then, on cooling, deposits brilliant red needles of brazilein, C I8 H I4 ? . Chevreul originally obtained the red crystals by agitating the aqueous extract of the wood with oxide of lead, evaporating the filtrate to dryness, and digesting the residue in alcohol. The solution thus obtained yielded the red crystals by spontaneous evapo- ration. Possibly the colourless brazilin was oxidised to brazilein during the process. At all events, Preisser's view is in accordance with the fact that Brazil wood becomes darker in colour by exposure to the air. Brazilin is soluble in alcohol and ether. Hydrochloric acid, with access of air, colours it bright red. Sulphuric acid dissolves it with yellow colour, which soon changes to black. Nitric acid first reddens it, then gives off red fumes, and converts it into oxalic acid. Potash and soda, in contact with the air, also turn it red ; am- monia, dark red purple. The aqueous solution forms a yellowish precipitate with acetate of lead, and reduces gold and silver from their solutions. Chromic acid, or pulverised acid chromate of potassium, introduced into the aqueous solution, produces brisk effervescence, arising from the escape of formic acid, and gradually precipitates a dark crimson lake, consisting of a compound of hydrate of chromium with brazileiu. (Preisser.) Brazilein is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, forming red solutions, which are decolorised by sulphydric acid, are coloured purple by alkalis, and form purple pre- cipitates with lead and tin salts, and a red precipitate with alum. These precipitates, obtained with an aqueous decoction of Brazil wood, are exten- sively used for dyeing and for staining paper for walls. The solubility of the colouring matter of Brazil wood, and its strong affinity for mordants, give it a very extensive range of application both in dyeing and in calico-printing. (See Muspratffs Chemistry, i. 573, and Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 397.) BREAD. Bread consists of the flour of wheat or other cereal grain, kneaded with water into a paste or dough, which is rendered porous by the interpenetration of carbonic acid gas, either generated within the mass of the dough by fermentation, or forced into it by mechanical means. The dough having thus acquired the proper degree of porosity, is exposed to the heat of an oven, whereby the enclosed gas is further expanded, its escape being prevented by the simultaneous formation of the crust. The crumb of the bread thus produced is a soft porous mass, of swollen but otherwise unaltered starch, mixed with vegetable fibrin ; in the crust, the starch is mainly converted into dextrin and empyreumatic products. It is the rising of the dough, produced by the carbonic acid, which gives to well made bread its peculiar lightness, and distinguishes it from the close, heavy cake, pro- duced by merely mixing flour with water and baking it. The usual method of gene- rating the carbonic acid is by fermentation, and the manner in which this process is conducted has great influence on the quality of the bread ; as, if it be not carried far enough, the dough will not rise sufficiently, and if allowed to go too far, it gives rise to the formation of acid and other objectionable products. To facilitate the under- standing of it, we must give some account of the composition of flour. The flour of all cereal grains consists of an azotised portion, chiefly vegetable fibrin ; a non-azotised portion, chiefly starch, with variable quantities of dextrin and sugar; and inorganic salts, chiefly phosphates. If moistened wheat flour be kneaded into a stiff paste, and well washed with water, a milky liquid runs off, and a viscid elastic solid, called gluten, is left behind. The milky liquid, if left to stand, deposits a quantity of starch mixed with minute par- ticles of gluten, and the clear liquid filtered from the deposit, leaves on evaporation, a quantity of extractive matter, consisting of vegetable albumin, dextrin, glucose, or grape-sugar, possibly also gum, and other similar proximate principles, besides soluble inorganic salts. The gluten, which is essentially the flesh-forming constituent of the flour, consists of vegetable fibrin, held together by a very tenacious nitrogenous substance, called gJutin or gliadin, which may be extracted by alcohol ; it also con- BREAD. 657 tains small quantities of fat, and fine particles of bran mechanically mixed. It is the gliadin which gives to the nitrogenous portion of wheat-flour its peculiar adhesiveness, and causes the dough prepared with it to rise into a spongy mass when penetrated by gases. Other cereal grains, oats and rye for example, though rich in vegetable fibrin, contain scarcely any gliadin, and consequently the dough prepared from them possesses but little tenacity. This is the chief cause of the great superiority of wheat, over all other cereals, for the preparation of bread. When flour in the moist state is exposed to the air, the nitrogenous matter quickly passes into a peculiar state of decomposition, in which it is capable of acting as a fer- ment, converting the starch into dextrin and glucose, and the glucose into alcohol and carbonic acid (see FERMENTATION). Hence a portion of dough which has been left till it undergoes partial decomposition, and in which state it is called leaven, is capable of inducing the so-called panary, but really alcoholic fermentation, in a much larger quantity of dough, when well kneaded with it. "A little leaven leaveneti. the whole lump." This method of bread-making has been practised from the oldest times, and is still the only one in use for the coarser kinds of bread, such as the Schwarzbrot, or black bread of Germany ; but for the finer sorts, beer-yeast is now used as a substitute, or rather as a partial substitute of leaven. The process generally adopted in this country is as follows : A certain quantity of flour is mixed with yeast, salt, and tepid water. This constitutes the "sponge," which is covered up and set aside in a warm place, to undergo fermentation. In the course of an hour or so, the mass swells up considerably from the generation of carbonic acid, large bubbles of which rise to the surface and burst. With each successive burst, a sudden falling of the sponge takes place, followed by a gradual rising, and these alternate actions would, if allowed, con- tinue for many hours. Various other modes of making an active sponge are employed, particularly by the use of potatoes. When the sponge, no matter how formed, is in an efficient condition, the baker mixes up with it fresh portions of flour, salt, and water, the quantities so added forming the greater part of the dough. The whole is then subjected to a thorough kneading with the hands, or sometimes with the feet, so that the ferment- ing dough may permeate and affect the entire substance, and thus cause an equable liberation of carbonic acid in every particle. The dough is set aside for a few hours, during which the fermentation proceeds, then kneaded a second time, and weighed out into loaves, which are allowed to continue fermenting till they have doubled their original bulk. They are then baked in the oven, within which they undergo a further increase of size, due chiefly to the expansion by heat of the confined gases : for the heat of the oven quickly arrests the fermentation. In Paris, where bread-making has been brought to a high degree of perfection, the fermentation is produced chiefly by the gluten of the dough, yeast being used merely to facilitate the action. A lump of dough remaining from the last batch of bread, and consisting of 8 Ibs. flour and 4 Ibs. water, is left to itself for ten hours : in this state it is called fresh leaven (levain de chef]. By kneading this with another quantity of 8 Ibs. flour and 4 Ibs. water, the once-revived leaven (levain de premiere') is obtained. After another interval of eight hours, 16 Ibs. of flour and 8 Ibs. water are added, forming the twice-revived leaven (levain de seconde) ; and after three hours more, 100 Ibs. flour and 52 Ibs. water containing i to ilb. beer-yeast are added, form- ing the finished leaven (levain de tout point}. The 200 Ibs. leaven thus obtained are mixed, after two hours, with 132 Ibs. flour and 68 Ibs. water, containing ^ Ib. of yeast in suspension and 2 Ibs. common salt dissolved. This quantity of dough serves for five or six bakings. For the first baking, half the dough (200 Ibs.) is made into loaves of the required size and form, which are exposed for a while in shallow baskets, to a temperature of 25 C. (77 F.), and then transferred to the oven. The bread thus obtained has a sourish taste and dark colour. The remaining half of the dough is again mixed with 132 Ibs. flour, 70 Ibs. water, ilb. yeast, and the requisite quantity of salt; the half of this quantity of dough is then formed into loaves, left to ferment, and baked. The same^ operations are repeated three times, one-half of the dough being each time mixed with 130 Ibs. flour, lilb. yeast, and the proper quantity of water and salt. The last stage yields the finest and whitest bread. In the normal process of bread-making, the carbonic acid, whose evolution gives lightness to the bread, is derived principally, if not wholly, from the fermentation of the sugar of the flour, induced by the action of metamorphic gluten. But flour, as already observed, contains other nitrogenised substances than gluten, and other non- nitrogenised substances than sugar. Now these nitrogenous substances, the albumin, for example, readily undergo transformation, and then act as ferments, not only upon sugar and dextrin, but also upon starch, transforming it into dextrin and sugar, and sometimes also into lactic acid. This is the process which takes place in the germination of grain, in malting for example (p. 328), by the action of the albumin in the peculiar state called diastase. Now when wheat has been too much exposed to damp during 6o8 BREAD. harvesting, or has sprouted from any subsequent cause, or when the flour even of well- harvested wheat is exposed to heat and moisture, the albumin passes into this peculiar state, and the flour becomes incapable of yielding good bread, because, during the process of bread-making, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar, which always occurs to a slight extent, then takes place in an exaggerated degree. Bread made from such flour, is sticky, saccharine, and soddened, never light and porous. The conversion of the starch into dextrin and sugar likewise renders the bread darker in colour. In fact, the brown colour of wheaten bread made from flour containing fine bran, is due, not to admixture of particles of bran, but in great part at least to a con- version of the starch into dextrin and sugar by the action of the altered albuminous matter in the bran. According to Mege-Mouries, bran contains a peculiar nitrogenous body called cercalin, which is specially active in inducing this conversion : it appears, however, to be identical or nearly identical, with ordinary diastase. Be this as it may, it is certain that the finest wheat flour obtained from the central portion of the grain, which contains but little nitrogenous matter, has very little tendency to undergo the change under consideration ; but coarse flour obtained from the exterior of the grain, is rich in azotised substances, and more ready to undergo the glucosic deteriora- tion. In white bread of good quality, the starch has undergone very little alteration. A small portion of it is rendered soluble in water, but the greater number of the granules are simply swollen, not burst, and may be washed out of the bread, collected, and weighed. Vogel gives the following analysis of a wheat-bread loaf: sugar, 3*6 percent; altered starch, 18'0; unaltered starch, 53 - 5 ; gluten, with some starch, 20-7 = 95-8. The injurious action of diastase, &c. on starch in the process of bread-making, may be prevented by the addition of certain mineral substances. Alum has long been employed for this purpose by bakers, and it certainly has the effect of rendering available for bread-making many qualities of flour, which must otherwise be wasted. Dr. d ling says (Journal of the Society of Arts, April 9, 1858) : "If we mix a solution of starch with infusion of malt, in the course of a few minutes only, the starch can no longer be detected, being completely converted into dextrin and sugar, but the addition of a very small quantity of alum prevents altogether or greatly retards the trans- formation. The action of diastase on undissolved starch is very gradual, but here also the interference of the alum is easily recognisable. Bread made with infusion of bran or infusion of malt, is very sweet, sodden, brown-coloured, and so sticky as almost to bind the jaws together during mastication. But the addition of alum to the dough causes the loaves to be white, dry, elastic, crumbly, and unobjectionable, both as to taste and appearance. I have found that flour which is of itself so glucogenic as to yield bread undistinguishable from that made with infusion of malt, could, by the ad- dition of alum, be made to furnish a white, dry, eatable loaf." Alum is also said to prevent bread from turning sour and mouldy. The sourness often observed in bread of inferior quality, arises from the conversion of part of the starch into lactic acid. Now as alum prevents the transformation of starch, it may be expected also to interfere with the production of lactic acid. Considerable discussion has taken place as to the probable effects of the habitual use of alumed bread on the digestive functions, some medical men asserting that alum, unless taken in much larger quantity than is likely to occur in bread, is quite harmless, while others attribute to it the most injurious effects. In this, as in many cases, the truth probably lies in the middle. Many of the statements which have been put forth on this, as on other questions relating to the adulteration of food, are doubtless grossly exaggerated ; nevertheless, it would be unsafe to assert that the use of alum is quite free from objection. Dr. Dauglish, in a paper to which we shall have again to refer, says: "Its effect on the system is that of a topical astringent on the surface of the alimentary canal, producing constipation, and deranging the process of absorption. But its action in neutralising the efficacy of the digestive solvents, is by far the most important and unquestionable. The very purpose for which it is used by the baker, is the prevention of those early stages of solution which spoil the colour and lightness of the bread whilst it is being prepared, and which it does most effectually ; but it does more than needed : for whilst it prevents solution at a time that is not desirable, it also continues its effects when taken into the stomach, and the consequence is, that a large portion of the gluten and other valuable constituents of the flour, are never properly dissolved, but pass through the alimentary canal without affording any nourish- ment whatever." Another objection made against the use of alum, viz. that it has the power of causing bread to retain a larger proportion of water than it otherwise would, so that bakers who use alum defraud their customers by selling water instead of bread, does not appear to rost on satisfactory evidence. Odling (loc. cit.) examined the new crumb of eighteen alumed and seven non-alumed loaves, and found that the former contained BREAD. 659 on the average 43-68 per cent., and the latter, 4278 per cent, water, the difference being quite insignificant as compared with the differences between the individual loaves, whether alumed or not. The detailed results, together with the proportions of nitrogen and ash in the loaves, are given in the following table, the samples marked with an asterisk beiug the wow-alumed loaves. They are interesting in a general point of view, independently of the alum question. The loaves were new, that is, obtained during the day on which they were baked. Percentage of WATEK, NITBOGEN and ASH, in Bread Alumed and Non-aliimed. Price in Pence. Percentage of Water. Percentage of Organic Matter. Percentage of Mineral Matter or Ash. Percentage of Ash in dry Bread. Percentage of Nitrogen in new Bread. 'ercentage uf Nitrogen in dry Bread. 1 4| 43-03 55-48 1-49 2-61 1-83 3-21 2 42-86 56-07 1-07 1-87 1-47 2-57 3 3- 44-81 53-74 1-45 2-62 1-89 3-42 4 3| 46-71 52-12 1-17 2-19 1-14 2-13 5 4 45-42 53-24 1-34 2-45 1-66 3-05 6 4 44-33 54-29 1-38 2-47 1-04 1-88 7* 4 44-41 54-38 1-21 2-17 1-06 1-90 8 3| 38-62 59-79 1-59 2-58 1-15 1-47 9* 3| 42-77 56-00 1-23 2-15 1-31 2-29 10 4 43-67 55-09 1-24 2-20 0-93 1-66 11* *l 42-94 55-82 1-24 2-17 1-12 1-95 12 3| 44-20 54-61 1-19 2-13 1-14 2-05 13 4 45-12 53-55 1-33 2-43 1-17 2-15 14 ?1 44'34 54-41 1-25 2-28 1-23 2-21 15 4 43-70 55-07 1-23 2-18 1-01 1-81 16 1 43-06 55-59 1-35 2-39 1-24 2-18 17 4 43-90 54-92 1-18 2-11 1-13 2-03 18 4 42-12 56-65 1-23 2-12 1-23 2-14 19 4f 42-58 55-99 1-43 2-50 1-34 2-34 20* 4| 41-06 57-23 1-71 2-90 1-39 2-38 21* 4 44-07 54-67 1-26 2-26 1-08 1-94 22 4 44-46 54-22 1-32 2-38 1-18 2-14 23 4| 43-43 55-24 1-33 2-35 1-19 2-10 24* 41 42-89 55-68 1-43 2-52 1-17 2-05 25* 4 41-34 5776 0-90 1-54 1-33 2-27 JYLean. A 1085-84 1381-61 32-55 57-57 31-53 55-72 :r 43-43 55-26 1-30 2-30 1-26 2-22 Lime-water has also been recommended to prevent the transformation of starch during panification into dextrin, sugar, and lactic acid. It was first suggested by Liebig, and is said to have been used to a considerable extent by the Glasgow bakers. Odling finds, from laboratory experiments, that lime-water is quite as effective as alum in preventing the action of diastase upon starch, but seems to have scarcely any influence on the fermentation induced by yeast, or, at any rate, a much less action than alum, which certainly retards the process in a perceptible degree. In this respect then lime-water possesses an advantage over alum ; it would also doubtless be con- sidered less objectionable in its direct action on the digestive organs. Bread made with it is of agreeable taste, of rather more porous texture than ordinary baker's bread, and quite free from sourness. There are doubtless many other mineral substances which would act in the same way as alum or lime-water. Thus sulphate of copper acts very powerfully in opposing the action of diastase, and is said to have been used for that purpose in Belgium, an ounce of the salt being dissolved in about a quart of water, and a wine-glassful of this solution mixed with the water necessary for fifty quartern or four-pound loaves. This quantity is extremely small ; nevertheless the use of so poisonous a substance as sul- phate of copper cannot be too strongly condemned : bread containing copper would be sure to act injuriously in the long run. r u 2 660 BREAD. Mineral substances added to bread may be detected and estimated in the ash by the ordinary processes of inorganic analysis. A few details may, however, be added relating to the detection and estimation of alumina. The bread taken for examination should be crumb, from the middle of the loaf; it should be carefully trimmed from crust and outside crumb, as those portions may be dirty. It is then to be charred on a platinum tray ; the charcoal reduced to powder and incinerated in a muffle (p. 418) ; the ash digested in pure strong hydrochloric acid ; the filtered solution evaporated to dryness to render silica insoluble ; the dried residue drenched with strong hydrochloric acid, then boiled with water, and the liquid filtered. The acid filtrate must next be nearly neutralised with carbonate of sodium, pure alcoholic potash added in excess, which will precipitate earthy phosphates and retain alumina in solution, and the liquid boiled and filtered; aqueous potash must not be used, as it always contains alumina. The alkaline filtrate is then to be slightly supersaturated with hydrochloric acid and boiled with carbonate of ammonium ; this will precipitate all the alumina, which may then be collected, dried, and tested with nitrate of cobalt before the blow- pipe. (See p. 155.) If a quantitative determination is to be made, it must be remembered that the alumina precipitate generally contains phosphoric acid. To estimate the amount of this acid, the precipitate, after being weighed, is to be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, the solution mixed with tartaric acid, excess of ammonia added (which will produce no precipitate), and then sulphate of magnesium. The phosphoric acid will thereby be precipitated as ammonio-magnesian phosphate, which is converted by ignition into pyrophosphate of magnesium, Mg 4 P 2 7 , whence the quantity of phosphoric anhydride (P 2 5 ) may be calculated, and this, deducted from the total weight of the alumina precipitate, gives the quantity of alumina. Or the precipitated alumina containing phosphate may be dissolved in nitric acid, a piece of metallic tin added, and the liquid boiled : the tin is thereby oxidised, and remains as an insoluble powder, consisting of stannic oxide and phosphate, the whole of the phosphoric acid being thus separated from the alumina. The whole is next evaporated to dryness, the residue treated with water and filtered, and the alumina precipitated from the filtrate by carbonate of ammonia. UNFERMENTED BREAD. Instead of using alum or other mineral substances, as above described, to counteract the injurious secondary actions which take place during the fermentation of dough, methods have been proposed, and to a certain extent carried out, for dispensing with the fermentation altogether, and supplying the carbonic acid which is to give lightness to the dough, from some extraneous source. 1. Instead of mixing salt (chloride of sodium) with the flour and water, hydrochloric acid and carbonate of soda are added in the proportion required to form chloride of sodium, the carbonic acid thereby evolved causing the dough to rise just as if it had been generated by fermentation. Bread thus made is said to be of good quality, though it is never so white as ordinary baker's bread. There is, however, a serious objection to its constant use, namely, that it is liable to be contaminated with arsenic, introduced by the hydrochloric acid. That acid indeed, as found in commerce, always contains arsenic, the complete removal of which can only be effected by a process much too costly and troublesome for the purposes of a bake-house ; and though the quantity of arsenic actually present in the bread may be small, still by daily use it might accu- mulate in the system and ultimately produce injurious effects. 2. Preparation of AERATED BREAD. Carbonic acid gas produced from chalk, either by the action of dilute sulphuric acid or by ignition, and stored in an ordinary gas- holder, is pumped therefrom into a cylindrical vessel containing water, whereby the water becomes charged with the gas. This carbonic acid water is mixed under pres- sure with the flour, and the resulting dough, which becomes vesicular on the removal of the pressure, is divided into loaves and baked. This process, which was invented and patented by Dr. Dauglish, has been carried out on a large scale in London and other places. The following is a description of the apparatus: A (fig. 112) is the mixer or vessel in which the flour, water, and salt are mixed together. It consists of a very strong iron spheroidal vessel, with an internal capacity of from 17 to 20 cubic feet. It has an opening B at the top, to which an air-tight cover is fitted, and the means of closing it to resist considerable pressure. There is also a corresponding opening C at the bottom, large enough for a man-hole, and also closed by a lid, to which is attached the appa- ratus for drawing off" the dough through suitable mouthpieces in a continuous stream, which is cut into pieces by a boy, and received into boxes or baskets to be conveyed to the oven. Through the centre of the mixer, a shaft passes furnished with stuffing boxes, to prevent the escape of compressed gas, and in this shaft suitable mixing arms are fixed : by means of the necessary gearing this shaft is made to rotate by steam power. D is a copper water- vessel, having communication with the mixer from the BRExlD. (J61 Fig. 112. bottom by means of a valve, and from the top by means of a pipe passing up inside the water-vessel. This water- vessel has also communication with a pair of condensing pumps, which are fixed in the same frame behind the mixer, and are worked by a steam en- gine. The communication is by means of the pipe E, which ter- minates within the water- vessel by a rose perforated with minute holes. To work the apparatus, the top cover B of the mixer is opened, and about 560 Ibs. of flour are shot into it by means of a hopper and shoot connecting with the floor above ; water, to the amount of 30 gal- lons or so, is drawn into the water- vessel from a cistern above, and the whole is then closed, after adding to the flour the ne- cessary salt. After removing the air from the apparatus by a suitable pump, carbonic acid is pumped by the condensing pump from a gas-holder, in which it is stored until it is condensed to about seven atmospheres. This condensed gas being dispersed by the rose at the bottom of the water-vessel, passes in minute streams through the water, and as the density within increases, the water absorbs the gas in pro- portion, that which is not ab- sorbed passing down the internal pipe from the top of the water- vessel into the mixer, so that the density within that vessel is kept in equilibrium with that in the water- vessel. When the right density is attained, the valve at the bottom of the water- vessel is opened, when the water falls upon the flour, after which the mixing arms are set to work, and in about six minutes the dough is thoroughly formed. It is allowed to subside for a minute, and is then drawn off through the bottom apparatus, being forced through it by the elastic force of the gas within. On escaping from the condensed atmosphere in the mixer, the dough immediately assumes the vesicular form and texture, and is ready to be baked. The carbonic acid is obtained by acting on whiting or ground chalk with sulphuric acid ; it comes off perfectly pure, and, being kept over water, is thoroughly washed. It takes about 20 cubic feet of carbonic acid at atmospheric density to prepare dough from 280 Ibs. of flour, about 11 cubic feet being incorporated with the dough, the re- maining 9 cubic feet being wasted in the operation of drawing the dough off, and in other ways : 7 Ibs. of sulphuric acid give, in practical working, 21 cubic feet of carbonic acid from 10 Ibs. of carbonate of lime, the sulphuric acid being of density of 1-848. The gas which is left in the apparatus after the dough is discharged, is re- turned to the gas-holder for further use. The advantages of this process are thus stated by Dr. Odling in a paper read before the Chemical Section of the British Association at Aberdeen in 1859: 1st. Its cleanliness. Instead of the dough being mixed with the naked arms or feet, the bread, from the wetting of the flour to the completion of the baking, is not, and scarcely can be, touched by any one. 2nd. Its rapidity. An hour and a half serves for the entire conversion of a sack of flour into baked loaves ; whereas, in the ordinary process, four or five hours are occupied in the formation of the sponge, and a further time in the kneading, raising, and baking of the dough. 3rd. Its preventing the glucogenic v u 3 662 BREAN BREITHAUPTITE. deterioration of the flour, which takes place in the ordinary process (p. 657), and thereby obviating the necessity of using alum. 4th, Its certainty and uniformity. Owing to differences in the character and rapidity of the fermentation, dependent on variations of temperature, quality of yeast, &c., the manufacture of fermented bread frequently presents certain vagaries and irregularities from which the new process is entirely free. 5th. The character of the bread. Chemical analysis shows that the flour has under gone less deterioration in bread made by the new than in that made by the fermenting process. In other words, the percentage of extractive matters is smaller. The new bread has been tried dieteticafiy at Guy's Hospital, and by many London physicians, and has been highly approved of. It is well known that, for some years past, the use of fermented bread in dyspeptic cases has been objected to by members of the medical profession, the debris of the yeast being considered unwholesome, and liable to induce acidity. 6th. Its economy. The cost of carbonic acid is alleged to be less than the cost of yeast. Moreover, in making fermented bread, there is a small but necessary waste of the saccharine constituents, which is avoided in the new process. 7th. The saving of labour and health". It substitutes machine labour for manual labour of a very exhausting kind. The sanitary condition of journeymen bakers was investigated some time ago by Dr. Guy, and found to be most lamentable, from their constant night work, and from the fatiguing and unwholesome character of their labour, par- ticularly the kneading. In a politico- economical point of view, the process is also important, as removing bread-making from a domestic manual work to a manufacturing machine work. From the character of the apparatus, the process can only be used profitably on a large scale, and not in small bakeries. Of all the advantages just noticed, the most important is the prevention of the de- terioration of the flour, which is so apt to occur in the ordinary process of bread- making. . We have already observed (p. 657) that this deterioration consists in a too great conversion of the starch into dextrin and sugar, and that it takes place to the greatest extent when flour is used which contains the external as well as the central portions of the wheat-grain, because the external portions are rich in nitrogenous matter, the central consisting almost wholly of starch, and a portion of this matter passing into a metamprphic state (diastase or cerealin) and acting as a ferment, produces the change just mentioned. Now it is important that this external nitro^ genous portion of the grain should be retained especially for persons who eat but little meat, and to whom bread is essentially the staff of life, both for its direct nutritive power, and for the part which the metamorphic gluten undoubtedly plays in assisting the solution of the starch and unaltered gluten in the process of digestion. In this country, however, there is an almost universal preference for white bread, and consequently the miller contrives so to grind and dress his flour as to get rid as far as possible of the nitrogenous portion, and thereby prevent the conversion of the starch into dextrin and sugar during fermentation, which, as already observed, is the chief cause of the loss of whiteness. Hence it is, perhaps, as Dr. Dauglish suggests, that wheaten bread has not hitherto entered so extensively into the diet of the poor man in England as oatmeal in Scotland. The latter is prepared for food by simply boiling it in water in the form of a porridge, so that all the elements are presented to the system uninjured by artificial processes, whereas our wheaten bread is generally prepared in such a manner as to rob it of certain of those constituents which not only possess in themselves great nutritive power, but like wise materially facilitate the digestion of the whole. Now the new method of bread-making renders it possible to retain all these matters, and at the same time to produce a light crumbly loaf, without the use of alum or any other mineral ingredient. (See a paper by Dr. Dauglish read before the Society of Arts, 25 April, 1860; also "On Fermented Bread and Aerated Bread," Medical Times and Gazette, 12 May, 1860.) For further details on the making of bread, and for descriptions and figures of kneading machinery and patent ovens, see the article BREAD in Urc's Dictionary oj Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 400 ; Muspratfs Chemistry, i. 353 ; Payen, Precis de Chimie IndustricUc, 4 rae ed. ii. 126; Handwortcrbuch d. Chem. 4 te Aufl. ii. [2] 511. On the composition of wheat-grain, flour, and bread, see La wes and Gilbert. (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. x. 1, 269.) BREAM". See ICICA EESIN. BREIDXNT and BRZSXN. See ARBOL-A-BREA. BRETSI.AK.ITE. A mineral occurring in cavities of Vesuvian lava, in capillary crystals. _ Chapman (Phil. Mag. [3] xxxvii. 444) regards it as a variety of augite. The form is that of basaltic augite. Colour brownish or grey with metallic lustre. Melts before the blowpipe to a shining magnetic Lead. Not attacked by boiling hydrochloric acid. BREITHAUPTITE. Native anthnonide of nickel, Ni 2 Sb (p. 316). BREMER GREEN BRICKS. 663 BREAKER GREEN*. A green pigment consisting chiefly of basic carbonate of copper mixed with alumina and carbonate of calcium. According to Bley, a fine blue- green colour is obtained by dissolving commercial sulphate of copper in 10 pts. of water, adding a little nitric acid, leaving the liquid to itself for a week, then filtering, adding fresh lime-water, precipitating with filtered solution of pearl-ash, and mixing the washed precipitate with gum- water to give it lustre. BRETTNERXTE. See MAGXESITE. BREVXCXTX*. See NJLTBOLITE. 2B.EWSTERXTE. A somewhat rare mineral, occurring in transparent colourless prismatic crystals, of the monoclinic system, with the lateral faces inclined to the ter- minal faces, at an angle of 93 40'. Specific gravity 2'12 to 2-2 (Brewster); 2*453 (Mallet). Hardness = 5'0 to 5'5. According to the following analyses by Connell (Ed. N. Phil J. xiv. 35), Thomson (Mineralogy, i. 348), and Mallet (SilL Am. J. [2] xxviii. 48), it is of the form M 2 O.Al 4 O s .6Si0 2 + 5H 2 0, the symbol M denoting strontium, barium, and calcium in the atomic proportion Sr : Ba : Ca = 4:2:1, and by regarding the water as basic and substituting aluminicum (a/ = 9'2) for aluminosum (Al = 137), the formula may be reduced to M 2 aOTSi 6 21 , which is of the form R s Si 2 T or R 4 Si0 4 .R 2 SiO 3 : SiO 2 A1 4 S Ba 2 Si^ Ca 2 H 2 Fe 4 8 53-67 17-49 675 8'32 1-35 12-58 0'29 = 100-45 (Connell) 53-04 16-54 6-02 9'01 0'80 14-73 = 100-17 (Thomson) 62-42 15-25 6-80 8-99 1-19 13'22 trace = 97'87 (Mallet) Before the blowpipe, it parts with its water and becomes opaque, then froths, and swells up, but melts with difficulty. Leaves a silica skeleton when fused with phosphorus- salt. Dissolves in acids, with separation of silica. It occurs at Strontiau in Argyleshire, on the Giant's Causeway, in the lead mines at St. Turpet near Freiburg, in the Breisgau, in the department of Is ere in France, and in the Pyrenees. BREWSTOXfXN 1 . A liquid hydrocarbon found in minute cavities in crystals of topaz, chrysoberyl, quartz from Quebec, and amethyst from Siberia, in which it was detected by Sir D. Brewster. It is transparent and colourless, and is nearly thirty-two times as expansible by heat as water, increasing one-fourth of its volume by an incre- ment of 30, at 50 F. On exposure to the air, it undergoes quick motions and changes, and finally evaporates, leaving a residue of minute solid particles, which, from the moisture of the hand alone, suddenly become fluid again. The residue volatilises by heat, and dissolves in acids without efflorescence. (Dana, ii. 471.) BRICKS. Common bricks are made with clay mixed with sand or ashes, and baked or burnt at various temperatures. In some southern countries, bricks are merely dried in the sun, but they then remain very friable, and are fit only for light con- structions. Nearly all sedimentary or alluvial formations contain clays which may be used for making bricks. Some clays do not require any addition of sand, but with plastic clays an admixture of sand is necessary. In this country, coal-ashes are mixed with the clay, partly to give it the right consistence, partly to facilitate the burning. The clay is dug up and turned over in the winter, and being thus exposed to wet and frost, it breaks up and mixes better with the coal-ashes which are afterwards added. For stiff clays, 50 chaldrons of ashes are added to 240 cubic yards of clay ; for clays containing much sand, 40 chaldrons of ashes to 220 cubic yards of clay, and these quantities make 100,000 bricks. The clay and ashes are mixed with water and thoroughly incorporated, first by raking and afterwards in the pug-mill, which is an iron-hooped barrel, in the centre of which is a vertical shaft, worked by a horse, and bearing six knives, all of which, except the top one, are furnished with teeth. At the bottom of the barrel, is a small hole, through which the masticated clay is forced by the grinding of the teeth. The clay is next fashioned into bricks in rectangular wooden moulds, previously sanded. The bricks are then dried in the air, and after- wards made up into heaps called clamps, having flues or spaces left in them, which are filled with dry wood, on which is put a covering of breeze, a coarse kind of coal-ash left from the sifting. The clamp when full is surrounded with old bricks, and on the top of all a thick layer of breeze is laid. The external bricks at the sides are coated with a thin plastering of clay, to exclude the air, and in wet weather protected by hurdles having rushes woven into them. The fire is lighted at the mouths of the flues, which, if it burns well, are then stopped up. In favourable weather, the bricks are burnt in about twenty-five or thirty days. In this mode of burning, the coal-ashes incorporated in the substance of the bricks contribute greatly towards the effect. Sometimes, however, bricks are burned in kilns, and then they have no ashes mixed with them, the firing being wholly external. Fin-bricks are bricks made of refractory clay, that is of clay which will stand a v v 4 664 BRICKS BROMACETIC ACID. very strong heat without fusing. Such clays must be free from lime and oxide of iron. The clay of Stourbridge in Worcestershire, and those of Burgundy are cele- brated for their fire-resisting qualities, and are therefore used for making bricks for lining furnaces. The clay is mixed with sand or with the fragments of old fire- bricks ground to powder. (See Urcs Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 441.) BRICKS (FLOATING). Bricks that swim on water were manufactured by the ancients ; and Fabbroni discovered some years since, a substance, at Castel del Piano, near Santa Fiora, between Tuscany and the States of the Church, from which similar bricks might be made. It constitutes a brown earthy bed, mixed with the remains of plants. Haiiy calls it talc pulverulent silicifere, and Brochant considers it as a variety of meerschaum. The Germans name it BerrjmeM (mountain meal), and the Italians latte di luna (moon milk). According to Klaproth's analysis, it consists of 79 silica, 5 alumina, 3 oxide of iron, 12 water, and 1 loss, in 100 pts. It agrees nearly in com- position with Kicsclguhr. U. BRILLIANT. Diamond cut in such a way as to reflect light most vividly, is called a brilliant. See DIAMOKD. BRIItlSTOCTE. See SULPHUR. BRIWS3OWTA IWB-ICA. A plant belonging to the order Guttiferce. The pericarp of the fruit is used in Goa as a spice, and the blood-red acid juice as a lemonade. The seeds are convex, red-brown, tasteless, of the size of ordinary beans, and contain 172 per cent, nitrogen, or after removal of the fat, 2'58 per cent. In the dry state, they do not yield any fat by pressure, requiring to be previoiisly softened by vapour of water ; by the use of solvents, 30 per cent, of fat may be extracted. The crude fat is nearly colourless, melts at 40 C., dissolves sparingly in hot alcohol, and easily saponifies, yielding glycerin, together with oleic and stearic acids, the latter amounting to 50 per cent. From the crude fat, pure stearic is easily obtained by crys- tallisation and pressing out the mother-liquor. The red-brown cake left after ex- hausting the fat with ether, contains a fine red colouring matter, soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether and in acids. (J. Bouis and D'Oliveira Pimentef, Compt. rend. xliv. 1355.) BRIT ANNTA IVIETAL. An alloy of tin and antimony. (See TIN.) ER3TKTTTJE. Syn. with GLAUBERITE. BRITISH GtTlW. See DEXTRIK. BRITTLE SILVER ORE. Native sulphide of silver. See SLLVRB. BROCATELLO. A calcareous stone or marble, composed of fragments of four colours, white, yellow grey, and red. BROCCOLI. See BBASSICA. BROCHATUTITE. A basic sulphate of copper, Cu 7 S0 4 .6CuHO, found native, associated with malachite and red copper ore, at Ekatherinenburg in Siberia, and at Kezbanya in Hungary. Small right rhombic prisms of 117. Emerald-green, trans- parent, with glassy lustre ; harder than calcspar. Specific gravity 3'80 3 '87. Melts before the blowpipe, and forms a bead of reduced copper or charcoal. BROBBBO TANTALITE. See TANTAUTE. BROGNTARBITE. A sulphantimonite of lead and silver, 2PbAgS.Sb 2 S 3 , from Mexico. It occurs in masses without cleavage. Lustre metallic. Streak greyish- black. It is rapidly attacked by strong nitric acid. An analysis by Dam our (Ann. Min. [4] xvi. 227) gave 19'38 per cent. S, 29'95 Sb, 25*03 Ag, 2474 Pb, 0'54 Cu, and 0-04 Zn. BROGNIARTIXT or BROGNTARTITE. Syn. with GLAUBERITE. BROMACETIC ACIB, C 2 H 3 Br0 2 . (W. H. Perkin and B. F. Duppa, Chem. Soo. Qu. J. xi. 22.) Formation. By the action of bromine on acetic acid : C 2 H<0 2 + Br 2 = C 2 H 3 Br0 2 + HBr. A small quantity of dibromacetic acid is formed at the same time. Preparation. A mixture of glacial acetic acid and bromine in equal numbers of atoms (an excess of acetic acid being used to absorb the hydrobromic acid and thereby diminish the pressure) is introduced into a strong sealed tube, and heated in an oil- bath to 150 C., and the bath is then left to cool gradually. When the temperature has fallen to about 146, the mixture suddenly becomes nearly colourless, or light amber- brown, and at the same time, the tubes are apt to burst, though the temperature of the bath may have risen as high as 155. The tube when quite cold is opened, torrents of hydrobromic ar-id gas then escaping; the contents are transferred to ;i retort provided with proper apparatus for condensing the hydrobromic acid, and BROMACETIC ACID. 660 heated to 200; and the retort is left to cool. The whole conteLts then solidify after a while into a beautifully crystalline mass, consisting of bromacetic and dibro- macetic acids, mixed with a little hydrobromic acid, to remove which the mixture is heated to 130, and carbonic acid gas passed through it till the presence of hydro- bromic acid is no longer indicated by nitrate of silver. Carbonate of lead is then added in excess, together with a volume of water about ten times as great as that of the acid; and the whole is heated to 100, and allowed to stand for some hours. Bromacetate of lead then crystallises out, while dibromacetate remains in solution. The crystals may be freed from the last portions of this salt by washing with a little cold water. Lastly, the crystals of bromacetate of lead are suspended in water and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the filtered liquid is evaporated till it crystallises. Bromacetic acid forms rhombohedral crystals which are very deliquescent. It melts below 100 C., and boils at 208 ; attacks the skin powerfully, raising a blister like a burn ; when the acid is dilute, this effect takes place after eight or ten hours only. It is very soluble in water. The acid strongly heated in a sealed tube, is resolved into dibromacetic acid, carbonic oxide, and apparently marsh-gas, together with water and hydrobromic acid, probably as represented by the equation : 3C 2 H 3 Br0 2 = C*H 2 Br 2 2 + SCO + CH 4 + HBr + H 2 0. On distilling it with acetate of potassium, acetic acid is evolved. Heated with metallic zinc, it yields acetate and bromide of zinc. Heated with ammonia, it forms bromide of ammonium and glycocine : C 2 H 3 Br0 2 + 2NH 3 = NH 4 Br + C 2 H 5 N0 2 . The acid is monobasic, the formula of its salts being C 2 H 2 Br0 2 .M. Most of them are crystallisable and many of them decompose rapidly. Bromacetate of Ammonium. Nearly uncrystallisable ; very soluble in water; de- composes when heated, yielding bromide of ammonium. Bromacetate of Barium crystallises with difficulty in small stars containing water of crystallisation ; it is tolerably soluble in alcohol. Bromacetate of Calcium is a very difficultly crystallisable salt, very soluble in water. Bromacdate of Copper is a green crystalline salt, very soluble in water. A solution of it appears to decompose when boiled, as the colour becomes paler. The solution, after standing for some days, deposits needle-shaped crystals and small mala- chite-green tufts of great beauty, which appear to contain a large quantity of water of crystallisation. Bromact tate of Lead. Obtained, either by neutralising bromacetic acid with oxide of lead and recrystallising the product from water ; or by adding a solution of brom- acetic acid to a solution of acetate of lead, washing the resulting crystalline precipitate with cold water, and recrystallising from water. Crystallises in needles, sparingly soluble in cold, but moderately soluble in hot water. Bromacetate of Potassium. Obtained by neutralising a solution of carbonate or hydrate of potassium with bromacetic acid, and evaporating the solution in a water- bath. It is a crystalline salt, very soluble in water and alcohol. Bromacetate of Silver. C 2 H 2 BrAg0 2 . Obtained by treating bromacetic acid with carbonate of silver, or by adding a solution of bromacetic acid to a solution of nitrate of silver. In the latter case, it is thrown down as a beautiful crystalline pre- cipitate, which may be washed with cold water, and dried over sulphuric acid in vacuo. Contains 43'62 per cent, silver (by calculation, 43'9). It is very unstable. The dry salt heated to about 90 C., decomposes with a sort of an explosion. It is rapidly acted upon by light when moist. Boiled with water, it yields bromide of silver and glycollic acid: C 2 H 2 BrAg0 2 + H 2 = AgBr + C 2 H 4 8 . Bromacetate of Sodium is very soluble in water, but insoluble, or nearly so, in alcohol. BROMACETIC ETHERS. Bromacetate of Methyl, C 3 H 5 Br0 2 = C 2 H 2 Br0 2 .CH 3 , is ob- tained by heating amixture of methylic alcohol and bromacetic acid in a sealed tube for an hour, to a temperature of 100 C., washing the product with water, drying over chloride of calcium, and rectifying. It is a transparent, colourless, mobile liquid, having an aromatic odour highly irritating to the nose and eyes. It is heavier than water ; boils at about 144 C., decomposing gradually every time it is distilled. Ammonia acts on it very readily. Bromacetate of Ethyl. C 4 H 7 Br0 2 = C 2 H 2 Br0 2 .C*H 5 . Obtained in a similar manner to tho preceding. It is a clear colourless liquid, heavier than water, and 666 BROM ACETIC ACID BROMAL. highly irritating to the eyes and nose. It boils at 159 C. Decomposes partially every time it is distilled, with evolution of hydrobromic acid. It is rapidly acted on by ammonia. Bromacetate of Amyl. C 7 H 13 Br0 2 = C 2 H'-'Br0 2 .C 5 H". Obtained by heating amylic alcohol with excess of bromacetic acid, washing the product with water, and drying over chloride of calcium. It is an oily liquid which has a pleasant odour when cold, but if heated, acts upon the eyes and nose like the preceding. It boils at 207 C., and decomposes partially every time it is distilled. Ammonia acts but slowly upon it in the cold. The bromacetates of methyl, ethyl, and amyl, boil at temperatures about 82 to 86C. higher than the acetates. Thus Boiling-point. Boiling-point. Diff. Bromacetate of Methyl . 144 C. Acetate of Methyl . 58 C. 86 Ethyl. . 159 Ethyl . 74 85 Amyl . . 207 Amyl . 125 82 A similar difference exists between the boiling points of bromacetic acid (208), and acetic acid (120). Dibromacetic Acid. C 2 H 2 Br 2 2 . (Perk in andDuppa, Chem. Soc. Qu. J.xii. 1.) Formed, together with monobromacetic acid, when a mixture of bromine and acetic acid is exposed to light (p. 663). To obtain it in quantity, the monobrominated acid is exposed to the action of bromine-vapour in strong sunshine. The product may be freed from hydrobromic acid by passing a stream of dry carbonic acid gas through it at 120 C. It is a colourless, inodorous liquid, of specific gravity 2 '25 ; it was once, during very cold weather, obtained in fine needle-shaped crystals. When placed on the skin, it produces painful blisters like burns. It boils between 225 and 230 C., but cannot be distilled without decomposition. It dissolves readily in water, producing cold ; also in alcohol and ether. Zinc decomposes it, with evolution of hydrogen. Dibromacctate of A mmonium. C 2 H 2 Br'-'0 2 .NH 4 + 1 aq. Obtained by neutralising the acid with dilute ammonia and leaving the solution to evaporate, either in the air or over sulphuric acid in vacuo. Forms splendid crystals, which give off their water at 100, becoming white and opaque. Heated to 100 C. with excess of ammonia, it is decomposed, giving off volatile products, which have not yet been examined. It dis- solves readily in water, alcohol, and ether. Dibromacetate of Potassium is a beautifully crystalline salt, shooting out into long and very brilliant crystals, containing water of crystallisation ; very soluble in alcohol and water, but not deliquescent. Dibromacetate of Lead is a very soluble and uncrystallisable substance, drying up to a tough gum-like mass. When added to water in excess, it fuses and runs about like a heavy oil ; it is formed by adding the acetate or carbonate of lead to dibrom- acetic acid. Mercurous Dibromacetate is precipitated on adding a solution of mercurous nitrate to dibromacetic acid ; it much resembles dibromacetate of silver, and like it undergoes decomposition when boiled. Dibromacetate of Silver is formed by adding the carbonate or nitrate of silver to dibromacetic acid ; it crystallises in small needles, often grouped in stars when the acid is dilute. It is easily decomposed at 100 C. yielding bromide of silver and bromogly collie acid : C 2 HBr 2 O.Ag.O + IPO = C 2 HBrO.H 2 .0 2 + AgBr. Dibromacetate Bromoglycollic of silver. acid. Dibromacetic acid heated with ethylic and amylic alcohols, yields the corresponding ethers. The ethyl-compound is decomposed by ammonia, yielding alcohol and dibromacet amide: C 2 HBr 2 .C 2 H 5 .0 2 + NIP = C 2 H 5 .H.O + N.H 2 .C 2 HBr 2 0. BROM ACETIltfS, See ACETINS. BR01WEAI.. Hydride of Tribromacetyl. Oxide de Bromethile. C 2 HBr 3 = C-Br'O.H. (Lowig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 228.) A compound analogous to chloral, and produced in like manner, by the action of bromine on alcohol. 3 or 4 pts. by weight of bromine are gradually added to 1 pt. of absolute alcohol, cooled by ice ; the mixture is left to itself for ten or twelve clays, and then distilled; and after three-fourths (consisting of hydrobromic acid, bromide of ethyl, and other products) have passed over, the residue is mixed with water, and exposed to the air for a day or more in a shallow basin. It then deposits largo crystals of hydrate of bronuil, which yield the anhydrous compound by distillation with sulphuric acid. Or they may be gently heated with six times their BROMALOIN BROMH YDRINS. 667 weight of strong sulphuric acid, and the anhydrous bromal, which then sinks to the bottom as a colourless oil, may be separated by decantation and distilled, first over slaked and then over quick lime. Bromal is said to be also produced by the action of bromine on a mixture of alcohol and nitric acid. (Aime.) Bromal is a transparent colourless oil, of specific gravity 3*34. It is somewhat greasy to the touch, and makes grease-spots upon paper, which however soon disappear. Its boiling point is above 100 C. and it may be distilled without decomposition. It has a peculiar pungent odour, and excites a copious flow of tears. Its taste is extremely sharp and burning, and very persistent. Bromal is decomposed by aqueous alkalis in the same manner as chloral, yielding bromoform, CHBr 3 , and a formate of the alkali-metal. Lime and baryta heated in its vapour become incandescent, and decompose it, yielding carbonic oxide, water, and a bromide of the metal mixed with charcoal. Eed-hot iron acts in a similar manner. It is not decomposed by nitric acid, sulphuric acid, or chlorine. Hydrate of Bromal. C 2 HBr 3 0.2H 2 0. Bromal dissolves in a small quantity of water, and the solution, when left to evaporate, yields the hydrate in large crystals, having the form of sulphate of copper. They melt at the heat of the hand, dissolve readily in water, and yield anhydrous bromal when treated with sulphuric acid. The hydrate is also formed when bromal is exposed to moist air. Bromal dissolves sulphur and phosphorus, and mixes readily with bromine, also with alcohol and ether. BItOIVCALOIW. See ALOLN (p. 148). BROMAXVXXX>E. See NITROGEN, BROMIDE OF. SRO2MLA.T?XXa. Syn. of PERBROMOQUINONB. See QUINONE. SaOIVI^LTSriLABSIC ACID. BRO1VXANXX.XC ACID. BROIMCAXTXIiA- ZKCXDB. Syn. with DIBKOMOQUINONAMIO Aero, DIBROMOQUINONIC ACID, and DIBRO- MOQUINOXAMIDE. (See QUINOXIC ACID.) BROlKANXXiOXDX:. See TRLBROMOPHENYLAMINE, under PHENYLAMINE. BROTCANISXC ACZXJ. See ANISIC ACID. BROlKAKTXSOXi. See ANISOL. BROlML&RGYRXTi:. Native bromide of silver. (See SILVER.) BRO1VIEITJ. C^H^r 4 ? A crystalline product, obtained in small quantity by the action of bromine on crude benzene. (Laurent.) BROMETHERXDE, BROXVEETHERXN, BROIVIETHEROIDE. See VINYL, BROMIDE OF. BROHXETKXOBJESSXXi. A product of the action of bromine on thionessal (q. v.) It forms colourless tables, apparently consisting of C 2B H 14 Br 4 S. (Laurent.) BROXVIHITDRXC ACXX>. See BROMIDE OF HYDROGEN. BROMHYZ>RXlrS. (Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. Ch Phys. [3] xlviii. 304; lii. 433.) These compounds are produced by the action of tribromide or pentabromide of phosphorus on glycerin. Their composition is such as might result from the com- bination of glycerin and hydrobromic acid, with elimination of water, and may be represented empirically by the general formula m C 3 H 8 3 + n HBr - p H 2 0. Their names and formulae are as follows : Monobromhydrin . . C 3 H 7 Br0 2 = C 3 H 8 3 + HBr - H 2 O Epibromhydrin . . C 3 H 5 BrO = C 3 H 8 O 3 + HBr - 2H 2 O Dibromhydrin . . C 3 HBr 2 = C 3 H 8 3 + 2HBr - 2H 2 O Tribromhydrin . . C 3 H 5 Br 3 = C 3 H 8 3 + 3HBr - 3H 2 Hemibromhydrin . . C 6 H 9 Br0 2 = 2C 3 H 8 3 + HBr - 4H 2 O Hexaglyceric Bromhy- C1 8 H 27 Br0 7 = 6C 3 H 8 3 + HBr - 11H 2 drin .... Mono-, di-, and tribromhydrin, may also be regarded as glycerin, C S H 5 (HO) 3 , in which 1 or more at. of peroxide of hydrogen has been replaced by bromine. Besides these compounds, there are formed at the same time others of similar nature, which have not been examined; likewise acrolein, and dibromallylphosphine, C 6 H 9 Br 2 P = P.H 2 .(C 3 H 4 Br) 2 . The bromhydrins heated with aqueous potash to 100 C., in closed vessels, all yield bromide of potassium and glycerin. Preparation of the Bromhydrins. 500 grms. of glycerin are added by small por- tions to between 500 and 600 grms. of liquid bromide of phosphorus, the liquid bt'ing cooled after each addition, and the mixture, after standing for twenty-four hours, is distilled into a well-cooled receiver communicating with a vessel containing potash-Icy, 668 BROMHYDRINS. to absorb the acrolein vapour. As an additional precaution against the injurious effects* of this vapour, the distillation and all the subsequent operations should be performed either in the open air, or under a chimney with a good draught. The distillate, consisting of an upper watery layer and a lower liquid insoluble in water, may be freed from part of the acrolein by heating it in the water -bath. It is then mixed with potash in sufficient quantity to supersaturate the acid and destroy the acrolein, and the watery layer is separated from the lower liquid. The watery liquid is then treated with ether, whereby an ethereal solution is ob- tained, which, when quickly evaporated, leaves a residue chiefly consisting of the most volatile products of the reaction, together with epibromhydrin. The lower liquid, which is insoluble in water and requires to be treated for several hours with sticks of potash, consists chiefly of epibromhydrin and dibromhydrin. The residue which re- mains in the retort after the distillation, is suspended in water, supersaturated with carbonate of potassium, and shaken up with ether, and the filtered etheral extracts are evaporated : they then leave a mixture of dibromhydrin, monobromhydrin, and several other substances. To separate the individual substances contained in these several mixtures, the mix- tures are subjected to repeated fractional distillation, and the portion which does not volatilise at 240 C. under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, is fractionally distilled under diminished pressure (about 10mm. of mercury). The distillate thus obtained between 120 and 160 consists chiefly of dibromhydrin ; between 160 and 200, the compound C 6 H 9 Br 2 P passes over together with monobromhydrin, and between 200 and 300, syrupy liquids which cannot be further separated, but appear to be brom- hydrins. In the retort there remains a thick syrup, together with a black crystalline compound which is hcxaglyceric bromhydrin. Monobromhydrin, C 3 H 7 Br0 2 = (C 3 H 5 )'" (HO)^Br. This compound, which passes over at 1 80 C. in the distillation under diminished pressure, is a neutral oily liquid, soluble in ether, and having a sharp aromatic taste. Dibromhydrin, C 3 H 6 Br 2 = (C 3 H 5 )'".HO.Br 2 . This, which is the chief product of the action, is a neutral liquid, of specific gravity 2 - ll at 18 C. boiling at 219, having an ethereal odour, and soluble in ether. Heated with pentabromide of phos- phorus, it yields tri bromhydrin. Heated to 140 with metallic tin, it is decomposed, yielding bromide of tin and a tin-compound insoluble in water but soluble in ether.' "When gaseous ammonia is passed into pure dibromhydrin, the liquid becomes hot, and yields bromide of ammonium, together with an amorphous substance, C 6 H 12 BrN0 2 , insoluble in water, ether, alcohol, and acetic acid : 2C 3 H 6 Br 2 + 4NH 3 = 3NH 4 Br + C 6 H 12 BrN0 2 ; but if the ammonia gas is passed into a solution of dibromhydrin in absolute alcohol, the products formed are bromide of ammonium and hydrobromate of glyccramine : C 3 H 6 Br 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 = NH 4 Br + C 3 H 9 N0 2 .HBr. Tribromhydrin. C 3 H 5 Br 3 . Obtained by distilling dibromhydrin or epibrom- hydrin with pentabromide of phosphorus, treating the product with water, distilling, and collecting apart that which passes over between 175 and 180 C. It is a heavy liquid, which fumes slightly in the air, is gradually decomposed by water, and when treated with moist oxide of silver, yields bromide of silver and glycerin. It is isomeric with "Wurtz's tribromide of allyl (called by Berthelot and JDe Luca, isotri- bromhydriri), and with dibromide of bromotritylcne, C 3 H 5 Br.Br 2 . Epibromhydrin or Oxybromide of G-lyceryl. C 3 H 5 BrO. This compound is produced in considerable quantity by the action of the bromides of phosphorus on glycerin. It may be isolated by repeated fractional distillation, the portions which boil at or near 138 C. being each time collected apart. It is a mobile neutral liquid, soluble in ether, with an ethereal odour and pungent taste. Specific gravity 1*615 at 14 C. Boils at 138. Vapour-density, by experiment, 578. (This is considerably above the calculated value, 4'80, probably because the density was taken at a tempera- ture too near the boiling point, viz. at 178, the compound decomposing rapidly at higher temperatures.) This compound may be considered as deriving from tribromhydrin, by the substitu- tion of O for Br 2 . It is isomeric with bromide of propionyL C 3 H 5 O.Br. Its formula is also that of monobromhydrin minus H 2 0, or of dibromhydrin minus HBr. Epibromhybrin, heated with aqueous potash to 100 for 112 hours, saponifies, yielding bromide of potassium, glycerin, and a trace of matter soluble in ether. Moist oxide of silver decomposes it rapidly at 100, forming bromide of silver and glycrrin. Dis- tilled with pentabromide of phosphorus, it is partly converted into tribromhydrin, ac- cording to the equation : C'IPBrO + PBr'Br 2 = PBr'O + CH s J5r, BROMIC ACID. 669 while the rest undergoes more complete decomposition, yielding a black substance and a gaseous mixture, containing, in 100 volumes, 5'5 carbonic anhydride, 5-5 tritylene, 11*0 hydrogen, and 78'0 carbonic ozide. Hexaglyceric Bromhydrin. C' 8 H 27 Br0 7 . This compound remains in the retort in "the form of a black crystalline mass, impregnated with a syrupy liquid. It is purified by washing with cold ether ; boiling ether dissolves it slightly. Hemibromhydrin. C 6 H 9 Br0 2 . This compound passes over in the fractional distillation between epibromhydrin and dibromhydrin, viz. at 200 C. It is a neutral liquid, soluble in ether, and saponifiable by potash, yielding bromide of potassium, a sub- stance analogous to or identical with glycerin, and a trace of matter soluble in ether, The analyses of the compound are said to agree nearly with the above formula (no analyses are given in Berthelot and De Luca's memoir), according to which it may be regarded as derived from epibromhydrin, in the same manner as the latter from dibromhydrin, viz. by abstraction of half the hydrobromic acid : C s H 6 Br 2 - HBr = C 3 H 5 BrO : and 2C 3 H 5 BrO - HBr = C 6 H 9 Br0 2 . It is analogous in composition to iodhydrin. BROXVXXC ACID. HBrO 3 or H 2 O.Br 2 5 . This acid is produced: 1. By the action of bromine on alkalis or alkaline earths : 6Br + 3K 2 = KBrO 3 + 5KBr. The bromate is separated from the bromide by its inferior solubility. A similar re- action takes place with trioxide of gold, the products being bromate and bromide of gold: 18Br + 3Au 8 3 - ^o 3 -f SAuBr 3 . 2. In the decomposition of pentachloride of bromine by water or by alkalis : BrCP + 3H 2 = HBrO 3 + 5HC1. To obtain the free acid (bromate of hydrogen) the barium-salt is decomposed with an exactly equivalent quantity of dilute sulphuric acid, and the filtrate concentrated by evaporation at a gentle heat. It cannot, however, be reduced to a syrupy con- sistence without decomposition. The solution is colourless, acid to the taste, reddens litmus, and then bleaches it. It is decomposed at 100 C., giving off bromine and oxygen. All reducing agents decompose it with facility. With sulphurous acid the products are bromine and sulphuric acid ; with sulphydric acid, water, bromine, and sulphur ; with hydriodic acid, water and bromide of iodine ; with hydrochloric acid, water and chloride of bromine ; with hydrobromic acid, water and bromine, e. g. : HBrO 3 + 5HC1 = 3H 2 + BrCl 5 . Alcohol and ether decompose bromic acid, with formation of acetic acid and great rise of temperature. Bromic acid is monobasic, the formula of the BROMATES being MBrO 3 or M 2 O.Br 2 5 . Most of these salts are soluble in water, though less so than the bromides. They may be prepared by the action of bromic acid on the oxides or carbonates of the metals, or by precipitating bromate of barium with the corresponding sulphates ; the bromates of the alkali-metals also by treating the solutions of the alkalis with bromine-water or pentachloride of bromine, and crystallising out the sparingly soluble bromate from the bromide or chloride formed at the same time : 6KHO + Br 8 = KBrO 3 + 3H 2 + 5KBr 6KHO + BrCP = KBrO 3 + 3H 2 + 5KCL Bromates are for the most part crystallisable, but many of them decompose when their solutions are heated ; hence it is generally best to evaporate the solutions in vacuo or over oil of vitriol. The bromates of mercurosum, silver, and lead are insoluble. Bromates heated to redness either give off their oxygen and leave bromides (K, Na, Hg, Ag), or they give off bromine and part of their oxygen, and leave oxides, e.g. : 2ZnBr0 3 = Br 2 + O 5 + Zn 2 0. Mixed with charcoal, sulphur, or other combustible substances, they explode by heat or by percussion. Solid bromates Cheated with sulphuric acid, give off bromine and oxygen. A solution of a bromate is coloured red, even by dilute sulphuric acid. By sulphurous acid and other reducing agents, they are decomposed in the same manner as the acid. A solution of a bromate, not too dilute, gives with lead-salts, a white pre- 670 BROMIC ACID. cipitate ; with mercurous salts, a yellowish white precipitate, insoluble in cold nitric acid; and with silver-salts, a white precipitate almost insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in nitric acid, easily in ammonia. This precipitate is distinguished from chloride of silver by giving off red vapours of bromine when heated with sulphuric acid. The reactions with silver-salts and with sulphuric acid distinguish bromates from chlorates (j.f.) BROMATE OF ALUMINIUM. Obtained as a clear, viscid, deliquescent mass, by dissolv- ing hydrate of aluminium in bromic acid, or by precipitating bromate of potassium with silicofluoride of aluminium, and evaporating the filtrate over sulphuric acid. BROMATE OF AMMONIUM. Nil 'BrO 3 . White needles or crystalline granules, appa- rently belonging to the regular system. It cannot be preserved in the solid state, as it decomposes after a while, with violent detonation, even at ordinary temperatures, yielding nitrogen, bromine, oxygen, and water. Hydrochloric acid decomposes it, forming, however, but a small quantity of chloride of ammonium. BROMATE OF BARIUM. 2BaBr0 3 + aq. When bromine or chloride of bromine is added to baryta- water till the colour begins to be permanent, bromate of barium crystal- lises out, while bromide or chloride remains in solution. But a better mode of prepara- tion is to decompose 100 pts, bromate of potassium dissolved in boiling water, with 74 pts. crystallised chloride or 78 pts. anhydrous acetate of barium, and leave the liquid to cool slowly ; the bromate of barium then separates out, while chloride or acetate of potassium remains in solution. Acetate of barium is preferable to the chloride for this preparation, on account of the greater solubility of the acetate of potassium. Bromate of barium forms a crystalline powder or thin prisms of the mouoclinic system, with the faces coP . ooP o> . ( ooP oo) . Poo . oP . + P oo. co P. Inclination of faces, o=P : ooP = 82 10' ; (P oo) : (P oo) = 79 5' ; oP : ooP oo = 93 2' ; ooP oo : Poo = 138. The salt is isodimorphous with chlorate of barium (Eammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. xc. 16). It dissolves in 130 pts. of cold and 24 pts. boiling water. It does not give off its water of crystallisation till heated above 200 C. When thrown on red-hot coals, it detonates with a green light. When heated alone, it is resolved, with evolution of light and heat, into bromide of barium and oxygen gas, without forming a perbromate. Hydrochloric or moderately dilute sulphuric acid decomposes it with separation of chloride of bromine or free bromine; very dilute sulphuric acid sc parates undecomposed bromic acid. BROMATE OF BISMUTH. When bromic acid is poured upon hydrate of bismuth, a basic insoluble salt is formed, together with a small quantity of dissolved salt. The basic salt, 3Bi :2 O s .2Br 2 O 5 + 6 aq., is a white amorphous powder. BROMATE OF CADMIUM. 2CdBr0 8 + aq. Rhombic prisms of 127 and 53, with four-sided summits and truncation of the acute lateral edges by two narrow faces. Soluble in 0-8 pts. cold water. Decomposed by heat, leaving oxide of cadmium mixed with bromide. Ammonio-bromide of Cadmium, 3NH 3 .CdBr0 3 , is deposited from an ammoniacal solution of bromide of cadmium evaporated over quick lime, as a white crystalline powder, which gives off ammonia when heated, and is decomposed by water. BROMATE OF CALCIUM. 2CaBr0 3 + aq. Monoclinic tables or needle-shaped prisms ; ooP : ooP in the clino-diagoual section = 79 56' ; ooP 2 : ooP 2 in the same = 118 22' ; + P' : + P in the same = 98 41' : - P : - P in the same = 106 22' : (ip co) : (IP oo) in the same = 123 33' (Rammelsberg). Dissolves at mean_ tempe- rature in ri pt. water, forming a syrupy solution. The crystals gives off their water at 180 C. ; at a stronger heat, oxygen is given off and bromide of calcium remains. BROMATE OF CERIUM. 2CeBr0 3 + aq. Colourless laminae, which dissolve easily in water, and do not effloresce over sulphuric acid. BROMATE OF CHROMIUM. Chromic sulphate decomposed by bromate of barium yields a green filtrate, which decomposes by evaporation, giving off bromine and leav- ing a dark red residue, consisting almost wholly of chromic acid. BROMATE OF COBALT. CoBrO*+3aq. Hyacinth-red, transparent octahedrons, soluble in 2'2 pts. water; the solution is decomposed by heat. The dry salt when heated leaves a residue of oxide of cobalt. The salt dissolves in aqueous ammonia, forming a red liquid which turns brown in the air, and yields, after filtration, dark- brown crystals, probably consisting of the bromate ofFremy'sfitscocobaltia. BBOMATE OF COPPER, 2CuBr0 8 + 5 aq., crystallises from a concentrated solution in light-blue or blue-green crystals, which are very soluble in water, do not effloresce in the air, but crumble to a greenish-white powder in vacuo over sulphuric acid. They retain a small portion of their water even at 180 C., but give it off at 200, together with part of the bromine. The aqiieous solution mixed with a little ammonia yields BROMIC ACID. 671 a light-blue precipitate, consisting of a basic salt, 6Cu 2 O.Br 2 5 + lOaq., which at 200 gives off its water and becomes greyish-green. Ammonio-bromate of Copper, 2NH 3 .CuBr0 3 , separates as a dark-blue crystalline powder on adding alcohol to a solution of bromate of copper in excess of ammonia. It dissolves in a small quantity of water, and is decomposed by excess of water, with separation of a basic salt. When heated it decomposes with deflagration. BROMATES OF IRON. A solution of ferric hydrate in bromic acid, yields by evapora- tion over sulphuric acid, a syrup, which, after drying over the water-bath, leares a nearly pure basic salt, 5Fe 4 3 .Br 2 5 +30 aq., insoluble in water. A solution of ferrous carbonate in bromic acid yields by evaporation in vacuo, octa- hedral crystals of neutral ferro its bromate, FeBrO 3 , the solution of which easily de- composes, with separation of the basic ferric salt. BROMATE OF LANTHANUM. LaBrO 3 -f 3 aq. Amethyst-coloured crystals (? con- taining didymium), which give off 20 per cent, water at 160 C. BROMATE OF LEAD. 2PbBr0 3 + aq. Obtained by precipitation, or better by dis- solving carbonate of lead in warm bromic acid ; it then crystallises on cooling in small shining prisms, isomorphous with the strontium salt. The crystals are permanent in the air, and do not give off any water over sulphuric acid ; they dissolve in 75 pts. water at mean temperature. The salt begins to give off oxygen and bromine at 180 C., a small quantity of brown peroxide of lead being formed at the same time, whereas at a stronger heat, red lead or the yellow protoxide is formed ; the residue contains prot- oxide with a small quantity of bromide. BROMATE OF LITHIUM, LiBrO 3 , crystallises from a syrupy solution over sulphuric acid, in needles, which effloresce in a dry atmosphere, but deliquesce when exposed to the open air. BROMATE OF MAGNESIUM. MgBrO 3 -f 3aq. Large regular octahedrons, which dissolve in 1'4 pts. water at 15 C. ; melt in their water of crystallisation at a moderate heat, give off the greater part of it at 200 C. ; and the last portion at a somewhat higher temperature, oxygen being at the same time evolved. BROMATE OF MANGANESE is formed by dissolving manganous oxide in bromic acid, but decomposes very quickly. BROMATES OF MERCURY. The mercuric salt, HgBrO 3 -f aq., is obtained by pouring bromic acid on recently precipitated mercuric oxide, as a white powder, which dis- solves in 600 pts. of cold and 64 pts. boiling water. It dissolves also in excess of warm bromic acid, and crystallises in small prisms on cooling. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it with decomposition. At 130 140 C. it decomposes with detonation, yielding a sublimate of mercurous and mercuric bromide, and a residue of mercuric oxide ; but giving off part of the bromine and oxygen as gas. Ammonia added to the warm aqueous solution throws down a compound of mercuric bromate with oxide of dimercur- ammonium, 2HgBr0 3 .(NH 2 Hg 2 ) 2 0, which does not yield any ammonia when treated with potash. It is decomposed by heat with violent detonation. Mercurous bromate, Hg 2 Br0 3 or HhgBrO 3 , is obtained as a white powder by preci- pitation, or by completely saturating bromic acid with mercurous oxide. From a solu- of the oxide in a slight excess of bromic acid, it separates by evaporation in shining crystalline laminae. Water decomposes it, forming a basic salt, Hhg 2 0.2HhgBrO 3 . It decomposes with detonation when heated. BROMATE OF NICKEL. NiBrO 8 + 3aq. Green regular octahedrons having their summits replaced by cube-faces. Thin plates cut parallel to the cube-faces act strongly on polarised light (M arbach, Pogg. Ann. xciv. 412). The salt gives off water when heated. It dissolves in 3'6 pts. of cold water, also in ammonia, and on adding alcohol to the ammoniacal solution, a blue-green powder is precipitated, consisting of ammonio-bromate of nickel, NH 3 .NiBr0 3 , or bromate of nickel-ammonium (NH 8 Ni)BrO s . BROMATE OF PALLADIUM appears to be produced by dissolving palladous hydrate in bromic acid. BROMATE OF PLATINUM. Platinic sulphate decomposed by bromate of barium yields a yellow filtrate, which, when evaporated, gives off oxygen and bromine-vapour, and deposits platinic bromide. BROMATE OF POTASSIUM. KBrO 3 . Prepared by adding bromine to a warm, moderately concentrated solution of potash, till the liquid acquires a permanent yel- lowish tint ; the salt then separates almost completely on cooling, and may be purified from bromide of potassium by washing with water, and recrystallisation. It forms scales, or sometimes in dendritic masses. According to Fritzsche, it always crystal- 672 BROMIC ACID BROMIDES. Uses in forms of the regular system; but, according to Rammelsberg, in rhombo- hedrons, having the angles of the terminal edges = 86 18', and in forms derived therefrom. It dissolves in 32'1 pts. water at 0C., in 18-5 pts. at 10, in 14-4 pts. at 20, in 7'5 pts. at 40, in 4-4 pts. at 60, in 2*9 pts. at 80, and in 2 pts. at 100 (Kremers, Pogg. Ann. xcii. 497; xciv. 255; xcvii. 1 ; xcix. 25, 58). According to Pohl, 1 pt. of the salt dissolves in IT'S pts. water at 17 C. The crystals deposited from a solution, either perfectly neutral or slightly acidulated with acetic acid, decre- pitate with violence at 300 350 C., and crumble to a powder, which, if thrown into water, gives off bubbles of pure oxygen gas as it dissolves ; but the solution when evaporated yields nothing but pure bromate of potassium, probably reproduced by ab- sorption of oxygen from the air. The crystals deposited from an alkaline solution decrepitate but slightly when heated, and the powder dissolves in water without per- ceptible evolution of gas. (Fritzsche, J. pr. Ch. xxiv. 285.) Bromate of potassium is decomposed by strong sulphuric acid, with violent decre- pitation and evolution of bromine and oxygen. When heated per se, it melts at a tem- perature above 350 C., and then decomposes, with evolution of oxygen, slowly at first, but afterwards with explosive violence, beginning to glow at one point, and then quickly becoming incandescent through the entire mass. When mixed with combus- tible bodies, it explodes with great violence when struck or heated. BROMATE OF SELVER. AgBrO 3 . Obtained by precipitation as an amorphous white powder quickly turning grey when exposed to light. According to Rammelsberg, it forms shining quadratic prisms (P : P in the terminal edges = 121 587, in the lateral edges = 86 38), isomorphous with chlorate of silver. When rapidly heated, it ex- plodes with deflagration, giving off part of the bromine in the form of yellow vapour. It dissolves sparingly in water and in nitric acid, more easily in ammonia, the solution yielding by spontaneous evaporation, colourless prisms, which are quickly decomposed by water, and are very unstable even in the dry state. BROMATE OF STRONTIUM. 2SrBr0 3 + aq. Small shining rhomboi'dal prisms, with truncated lateral edges, isomorphous with the barium-salt. Katio of axes = 1 : 1-1642 : 1-2292. Inclination of clino-diagonal to principal axis = 89. The crystals dissolve in 3 pts. of water at ordinary temperatures ; do not lose weight over sulphuric acid, become anhydrous at 120 C., and at a higher temperature are quickly resolved into oxygen gas and bromide of strontium. BROMATES OF TIN. Stannic hydrate unites slowly with bromic acid, and forms, after drying over oil of vitriol, a vitreous mass, which loses 18 per cent, in weight at 180 C. Stannous chloride forms a white precipitate with bromate of potassium. UHANIC BROMATE. A solution of uranic hydrate in bromic acid yields, by evapora- tion over oil of vitriol, a yellow uncrystallisable syrup which decomposes by evapora- tion, giving off bromine and leaving a basic salt. BROMATE OF YTTRIUM. Sparingly soluble in water; remains in the anhydrous state when its solution is evaporated. BROMATE OF ZINC. ZnBr0 3 + 3aq. Regular octahedrons modified by cube-faces; isomorphous with the magnesium-salt. It dissolves in 1 pt. water at ordinary tem- peratures, is permanent in the air, melts in its water of crystallisation at 100 C., and becomes anhydrous at 200, but undergoes decomposition at the same time, giving off bromine-vapour and oxygen, and leaving pulverulent oxide of zinc. The salt is de- composed by a small quantity of ammonia, but dissolves completely in excess of am- monia, the solution yielding by evaporation over hydrate of potassium : Ammonio-bromate of zinc, or bromate of zinc-ammonium, 2NH 3 ZnBr0 2 + 3 aq. in small prismatic crystals, which, when exposed to the air, become moist and yellow, and smell of free bromine. Water and alcohol decompose them with separation of hydrate of zinc. At a gentle heat, the salt decomposes with a loud hissing noise, and gives off bromine together with nitrogen gas and water. BROIVTIC SILVER. Native bromide of silver. (See SILVER.) BROMIDES. Compounds of bromine with electro-positive radicles. Bromine, like chlorine, is monatomic, 1 at. of it being capable of uniting with 1 at. of hydrogen or other monatomic radicle, 2 at. of bromine with 1 at. of a diatomic radicle, e.g. bromide of ethylene (C 2 H 4 )"Br 2 , 3 at. of bromine with 1 at. of a triatomic radicle, e.g. bromide of glyceryl (C 3 H 5 )'"Br 3 . Bromine is less powerfully electro-negative than chlorine ; consequently bromides are for the most part decomposed by chlorine. Bromide of Hydrogen. Hydrobromic or Brombydric Acid. HBr. This compound is gaseous at ordinary temperatures, and is composed of equal measures of bromine-vapour and hydrogen united without condensation. It is not readily formed by the direct union of its elements. A mixture of hydrogen and bromine- vapour does not unite when exposed to the sun's rays ; neither does it explode when a red-hot wire BROMIDE OF HYDROGEN. 673 or a li arm ng taper is introduced into it; but combination takes place slowly in the immediate neighbourhood of the hot body, and more quickly when the mixture of bromine and hydrogen is passed through a red-hot tube, or when a platinum wire im- mersed in it is kept red-hot by the electric current. Preparation. 1. By the action of water on tribromide of phosphorus : PBr 3 + 3H 2 = H 3 P0 3 + 3HBr. A few grammes of bromine are introduced into the bend a of the apparatus (fig. 113), and in the bend b are placed some small pieces of phosphorus, moistened with water, and sepa- rated by pounded glass. The bromine at a is gently heated by a spirit-lamp, and the vapour passing over to b forms bromide of phosphorus, which is immediately decomposed by the water, yielding phosphorous acid, which re- mains in the tube, and hydrobromic acid, which passes on through the delivery-tube 3 + 5aq. (air- dried), is formed when a solution of brucine, mixed with alcohol and sulphide of am- monium, is exposed for some time to the air. It crystallises in prismatic needles, which dissolve in 105 pts. of cold water, and give off 1 at. water when dried over oil of vitriol. (How, Ed. N. Phil. J. [new ser.] vol. xcviii). Substitution-derivatives of Brucine. BROMOBRUCINE, C 2S H 85 BrN-0'. When a, solution of bromine in dilute alcohol is added to an aqueous solution of sulphate of brucine, a resinous substance immediately forms : and if the addition of the bromine be continued till two-thirds of the brucine is converted into this substance, the decanted solution then precipitated by ammonia, the precipitate dissolved in very weak alcohol, and boiling water containing a little alcohol poured by small portions into the liquid, and afterwards a little pure water, also boiling, a slight turbidity soon appears ; and on leaving the solution to cool, bromobrucine is deposited in small needles, having a slight brown colour. It gave by analysis 17'5 per cent, bromine (calc. 16'9 per cent.) It is not coloured red by strong nitric acid. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiv. 314.) ETHYLBRUCINE. C 23 H 25 (C 2 H 5 )N 2 4 The hydriodate of this base is obtained by treating a cooled alcoholic solution of brucine with excess of iodide of ethyl, in crystals containing 2[C 23 H 25 (C 2 H 5 )N 2 4 .HI] + aq. insoluble in water, but readily soluble in hot alcohol. Potash does not separate the base from this salt ; but on treating the solution with recently precipitated oxide of silver, ethylbrucine [? hydrate of ethyl- brucium, C 23 H 26 (C 2 H 5 )N'-'0 4 .H.O, analogous to hydrate of ammonium] is obtained. This base dissolves readily in water, alcohol, and ether, but cannot be obtained in the solid state. The solution has a strong alkaline reaction, precipitates ferric oxide, zinc- oxide, and alumina, redissolving the two latter in excess. It decomposes ammonia- salts, and absorbs carbonic acid from the air. With nitric acid, it gives the same red colour as brucine. It neutralises acids completely. The nitrate and hydrochlorate crystallise, their solutions however becoming coloured during evaporation. The hydro- chlorate forms with dichloride of platinum a crystalline double salt, containing C 23 H 25 (C 2 H 5 )N 2 4 .HCl.PtCl 2 . (Gunning, J. pr. Chem. Ixvii. 46.) HRUCITE. Nemalite. Lancasterite. Native Magnesia. MgHO, the magnesium being sometimes partly replaced by iron. Crystallises in rhombohedral forms. Primary form R = 82 15', generally forming the combinations oR . co R. Cleavage very easy parallel to the base. It is usually foliated or massive ; also fibrous, the fibres being separable and elastic. Hardness =1 -5. Specific gravity 2-35 (Hardinger). White inclining to grey, blue or green, with pearly lustre. Streak white. Transparent in various degrees, sometimes translucent on the edges only. Sectile. Flexible in thin laminae. Gives off water when heated, but does not fuse. Dissolves in acids without efflorescence. It accompanies other magnesian minerals in serpentine, in Unst, one of the Shetland isles, where it is sometimes found in regular crystals ; at Pyschminsk in the Ural ; at Groujat in France ; at Hoboken New Jersey ; and in the State of New York. (Dana, ii. 133.) The name Brucite is also used as a synonyme of CHONDRODITE (q. v.} B RUN OIi 1C ACID. A substance obtained by Runge from coal-tar naphtha (Pogg. Ann. xxi. 65, 315 ; xxxii. 308). When the alkaline liquid obtained by treat- ing coal-tar naphtha with milk of lime, is mixed with an acid, a mixture of phenic or carbolic acid, rosolic acid and brunolic acid separates out; and on distilling this mixture with water, the phenic acid passes over, leaving a brown pitchy residue, containing rosolic and brunolic acid. When this mixture is dissolved in a small quan- tity of alcohol, and milk of lime added, a rose-coloured solution is formed, containing rosolate of calcium, while brunolate of calcium separates as a brown precipitate, which when decomposed by hydrochloric acid, yields brunolic acid in brown flakes. It ap- pears to combine with bases, but neither the acid itself nor any of its salts have yet been obtained in a definite state. BRUNS w iCK-GREET' n 2 . It was discovered by Chevreul, who obtained it by saponifying butter with alkalis. It occurs in nature both in the free state, and in combination with bases. It is found in perspiration, in the juice expressed from human flesh, and from that of animals ; in crude oil of amber ; and in cod-liver oil. It is found in all liquids containing lactic acid, as a product of the transformation of this substance. Butyric acid is also contained, together with several fatty acids of the same series, in combination with glycerin, in butter from cows and goat's milk. This compound of butyric acid with glycerin is inodorous, and it is to its decomposition on standing, by which butyric acid is set free, that the odour of rancid butter is chiefly due. Butyric acid is a frequent product of the oxidation of organic substances, as when fibrin is treated with sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, or when oleic acid is oxidised by nitric acid. It has also been found among the products of the destructive distillation of tobacco (Zeise) and of peat (Sullivan, Jahresber. d. Chem. 1858, 280). Lastly, it has been found in several plants, in certain beetles, 'and in certain mineral waters. (G-m. x. 76 ; xiii. 388 ; Handw. d. Chem. ii. [2] 561.) The most important mode of its formation, and that on which the present methods used for its preparation are based, depends on the metamorphosis which starch, sugar, &c. undergo in the presence of substances which act as ferments. Pelouze and G61is have found that butyric acid can be obtained from all amylaceous and saccharine matters, which can be transformed into lactic acid, such as cane-sugar, milk-sugar, starch, dextrin, &c. These substances exposed in water to a temperature of 25 to 30 C. in contact with old cheese, or some other decaying nitrogenous substance, first undergo the lactic fermentation, and are ultimately converted into butyric acid. This latter phase is attended with disengagement of carbonic anhydride and hydrogen : C 4 H 8 2 + 2C0 2 + H 4 . Lactic acid. Butyric acid. The original process given by Pelouze and G-elis, has subsequently been modified by Bensch, whose method is essentially as follows : 6 Ibs. of cane-sugar and an oz of tartaric acid are dissolved in 26 Ibs. of boiling water, and left to stand for some days to allow the cane-sugar to pass into grape-sugar. To this solution, about 4 oz. of decayed cheese, diffused in 8 Ibs. of sour skim-milk, together with 3 Ibs. of chalk, are added, and the whole is left in a place the temperature of which is uniform at about 30 35 C. The mixture is frequently stirred, and generally solidifies after ten or twelve days, to a thick mass of lactate of calcium. If this be allowed to stand under the same conditions, the evaporated water being renewed, it again becomes liquid, gas bubbles rise, and at the expiration of five to six weeks, whvn the disengagement of gas has ceased, the whole of the lactic acid (and therefore the whole of the sugar), has passed into butyric acid, which is present as butyrate of calcium. The operation seems to succeed best with large quantities of substance. The above solution of butyrate of calcium is mixed with an equal bulk of water, and a solution of eight pounds of crystallised soda is added, with agitation. The solution filtered off from the carbonate of calcium is evaporated to ten pounds, and decomposed by the careful addition of five and a half pounds of sulphuric acid, previously diluted with an equal weight of water. The greater part of the butyric acid then separates as an oily layer on the surface of the solution of the acid sulphate of sodium, and is re- moved by means of a tap-funnel. In order to obtain the butyric acid still contained in the solution of sulphate of sodium, it is distilled, the distillate neutralised with carbonate of sodium, evaporated, and the acid separated as before by means of sulphuric acid. The united portions of crude butyric acid, which, besides water, always contain some sulphate of sodium, are mixed with sulphuric acid (about one ounce to one pound) in order to prevent the separation of neutral sulphate of sodium, which would cause convulsive distillation. The distillate consisting of aqueous butyric acid is mixed with fused chloride of calcium, and rectified. At first, dilute acid passes over accompanied by traces of hydrochloric acid ; this afterwards gives place to concentrated acid, which when fractionally distilled, is obtained of a constant boiling point and quite pure. It is better to use sulphuric than hydrochloric acid in the decomposition of butyrate of calcium, as the latter causes the mixture to froth up, and it is difficult to free the butyric acid completely from hydrochloric acid. Butyric acid may also be prepared by saponifying butter with an alkali, and distilling the soap with sulphuric acid. But this method is never used for the preparation of pure butyric acid, as its separation from the accompanying soluble fatty acids is very difficult and troublesome. Properties. Butyric acid, when pure, is a colourless, transparent, and very mobile liquid, having an odour suggestive both of vinegar and of rancid butter. It has a very sour and burning taste, and attacks the skin like the strongest acids. It boils at Y Y 2 692 BUTYRIC ACID. 157 C. under 760 mm. pressure (Kopp), and distils without alteration. Its vapour- density varies with the temperature ; at 261 C. it was found to be 37, corresponding to 2 vols. The vapour is inflammable, and burns with a blue flame. The density of the liquid acid is 0-9886 at 0C.; 0'9739 at 15; and 0-9675 at 25. It does not solidify at 20, but in a mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether it crystallises in plates. Butyric acid is soluble in all proportions in water, alcohol, and wood- spirit. Decompositions. 1. Butyric acid dissolves in sulphuric acid without alteration in the cold ; at higher temperatures, the greater part distils off unchanged. 2. It also dis- solves in nitric add in the cold ; by prolonged ebullition with nitric acid of specific gravity T40, it is transformed into succinic acid : C 4 H 8 2 + O 3 = C 4 H0* + H 2 0. Butyric Succinic acid. acid. 3. lodic acid does not act upon butyric acid. 4. Butyric acid is energetically attacked by chlorine, with formation of hydrochloric acid and of dichlorobutyric acid, C 4 H 8 CP0 2 . If the action of the chlorine be continued, the butyric acid is ultimately converted into' tetrachlorobutyric acid, C 4 H 4 C1 4 2 . Iodine has scarcely any action on butyric acid. 5. By the action of pen tac hloride of phosphorus, chloride of tutyryl, C 4 H 7 OC1, oxychloride of phosphorus, and hydrochloric acid are formed: C 4 H 7 OC1 + POCP + HCL Butyric Chloride of acid. butyryl. 6. With pentasulphide of phosphorus, it forms thiobutyric acid (p. 694). + P0*. Butyric acid. Thiobutyric acid. BUTYRATES. Butyric acid is monobasic, the butyrates being represented by the general formula C 4 H 7 M0 2 = C 4 H 7 O.M.O. When quite dry, they are inodorous; but when moist, they possess a strong odour of butter. They are mostly soluble in water, and crystallisable. Many of them rotate when thrown upon water. Butyrate of Ammonium, C 4 H 7 (NH 4 )0 2 . A deliquescent salt, which gives butyronitrile, C 4 H 7 N, when distilled with anhydrous phosphoric acid. Butyrate of Ally U gee BuTYRIC ETHERS ( 696) Butyrate of Amy I. \ Butyrate of Barium. C 4 H 7 Ba0 2 -t- 2 aq. Obtained by neutralising butyric acid with baryta-water. The filtered solution evaporated in the cold yields long flattened prisms, which are quite transparent, and contain 2 at. water. They melt at a temperature below 100 C., without any loss of weight, to a transparent liquid. The salt dissolves in 2'27 pts. of water at 10, and rotates on the surface. When butyrate of barium is crystallised from a hot concentrated solution, it contains 10 '5 per cent, of water = 1 at. water of crystallisation, its formula being C 4 H 7 Ba0 2 + aq. Butyrate of Copper. C 4 H 7 Cu0 2 + H 2 0. According to Chevreul, and to Pelouze and Gelis, this salt contains 2 at. water ; according to Lies-Bodart, 1 at. water. It is obtained by the addition of a cupric salt to a solution of butyrate of potassium. The bluish-green precipitate formed is crystallised from boiling water, which yields it in crystals of the monoclinic or oblique prismatic system. By prolonged ebullition with water, the salt is partially decomposed into subsalt and free butyric acid. By distilla- tion at about 250 C., butyrate of copper is completely decomposed into a liquid which appears to be pure butyric acid, a gas composed of equal volumes of carbonic oxide and carburetted hydrogen, and a residue of finely divided metallic copper mixed with carbon. When butyrate of copper is rapidly heated to a high temperature, there is produced, along with other substances, a white crystalline body, which is cuprous butyrate. A compound corresponding to Schweinfurt-green (p 15) is obtained by mixing a solution of butyrate of copper with solution of arsenious acid. A yellowish- green amorphous precipitate forms, which afterwards becomes crystalline, and exhibits the pure green colour belonging to Schweinfurt-green. It is a double salt of arsenite and butyrate of copper, C 4 H 7 CuO'.2AsCu0 2 . Butyrate of Calcium. C 4 H 7 Ca0 2 (at 140C.). Obtained like the barium-salt. Crystallises in delicate needles ; melts on being heated in its water of crystallisation, which it gives off with tolerable facility. The dry salt, on being distilled, gives an oily distillate, consisting principally of butyral and butyrone. This salt rotates when thrown on water. It dissolves in 57 pts. of water at 15 but crystallises out so com- BUTYRIC ACID. 693 pletely when the solution is heated, that the whole becomes solid. On cooling, it again becomes liquid. Butyrate of Calcium and Barium. The aqueous solution of 2 pts. butyrate of cal- cium, and 3 pts. butyrate of barium, deposits octahedrons of this double salt on spon- taneous evaporation. Butyrate of Iron. Iron does not decompose dilute butyric acid, but gradually oxidises at the expense of a portion of the acid, the oxide combining with the remainder. A yellowish basic salt which separates, appears to be soluble in a large quantity of water. Butyrate of Ethyl. See BUTYRIC ETHERS (p. 695). Butyrates of Lead. The neutral salt, C 4 H 7 Pb0 2 , is obtained in fine silky needles by abandoning the solution of lead-oxide in butyric acid to spontaneous evaporation over oil of vitriol. The same salt is precipitated by butyric acid from a solution of neutral acetate of lead, as a colourless very heavy oil, which solidifies after some time only. Basic-salt, C 4 H 7 Pb0 2 .Pb 2 0. Alkaline butyrates give a copious white precipitate with solutions of subacetate of lead. When a mixture of acetic and butyric acids is satu- rated with lead-oxide, rose coloured crystals of basic butyrate of lead are formed. These are decomposed by the carbonic acid of the air, but are held in solution by the acetate which adheres to them. Butyrate of Magnesium. 2(C 4 H 7 Mg0 2 ) + 5aq. Beautiful white laminae, like crystallised boric acid. The water of crystallisation is easily expelled. Mercurous Butyrate. White shining scales, like mercurous acetate. Butyrate of Methyl. See BUTYRIC ETHERS (p. 696). Butyrate of Potassium. C 4 H 7 K0 2 . Carbonate of potassium is neutralised with aqueous butyric acid, and the solution evaporated. Crystallises in indistinct cauliflower-like groups. Very deliquescent; dissolves in '8 of water at 15 C. Ro- tates on water. There appears to be an acid butyrate of potassium. When butyrate of potassium is distilled with an equal quantity of arsenious anhydride, there is ob- tained, besides secondary products, an oily liquid blackened by reduced arsenic, and smelling like alkarsin ; it is either alkarsin or the term corresponding to it in the butyric series (p. 412.) Butyrate of Sodium is like the potassium-salt, but less deliquescent. Butyrate of Silver. C 4 H 7 Ag0 2 . Butyrate of potassium mixed with nitrate of silver forms white shining scales, like acetate of silver. The salt does not deflagrate when heated, but leaves metallic silver mixed with a little charcoal. Butyrate of Strontium. C 4 H 7 Sr0 2 (dry). Long flat needles like the barium- salt; fusible; soluble in 3 pts. of water. Butyrate of Zinc. C 4 H 7 Zn0 2 . Aqueous butyric acid dissolves carbonate of zinc at ordinary temperatures ; the filtered solution evaporated in vacuo leaves shining fusible laminae. The aqueous solution is decomposed by repeated evaporation into basic salt and free butyric acid. Substitution-derivatives of Butyric Acid. PIBROMOBUTYRIC Aero. C 4 H 6 Br 2 2 . Cahours (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xix. 495) ob- tained an acid of this composition, by the action of bromine on citraconate or itaconate of potassium, to which he gave the name bromotriconic acid. It is now commonly re- garded as a brominated derivative of butyric acid, and as such finds its description here. When bromine is gradually added, until slightly in excess, to a solution of citraconate of potassium in 1| pts. of water, carbonic acid is evolved, and a heavy yellowish oil is deposited, which is a mixture of two substances, the one an acid, the other a neutral oil. This is washed with water and treated with potash, which dis- solves out the acid, and leaves the neutral oil unchanged. On adding dilute acid to the alkaline solution, the acid is deposited sometimes as a heavy yellowish oil, some- times in fine crystalline needles : the two substances are identical in composition. The oily acid has a slight amber colour ; it has a peculiar odour, feeble at ordinary, but irritating at higher temperatures. It is much heavier than water, in which it is slightly soluble ; it is quite soluble in alcohol and in ether. It is partially decom- posed by distillation, with formation of hydrobromic acid fumes, and leaves a carbo- naceous residue. Sometimes the oily acid changes spontaneously into a mass of crystals. It is attacked by citric acid with disengagement of red fumes. Strong potash-ley dissolves it, disengaging a peculiar odour, after which the addition of acid no longer precipitates an oil. The oily acid forms with ammonia an acid salt, C 4 H 5 (NH 4 )Br 2 2 .C 4 H 6 Br 2 2 which crystallises in yellowish white unctuous scales, easily soluble in water and in alcohol. The silver-salt, C 4 H 8 AgBr 2 2 , is obtained by adding nitrate of silver to a solution of YY 3 694 BUTYRIC ANHYDRIDE. the ammonia-salt, as a curdy precipitate, which, after standing some time, unites into a pitchy mass. Dibromobutyric Ether. C 4 H 5 (C 2 H 5 )Br 2 2 , is obtained with difficulty. A solution of the acid in absolute alcohol is saturated at 70 80C. with hydrobromic acid gas ; the solution is distilled ; the distillate is mixed with water, and the resulting precipitate is washed first with dilute carbonate of soda, then with pure water, and finally dried over oil of vitriol. It emits an irritating odour when heated, and has a sharp taste. Further experiments are required to prove that Cahours' bromotriconic acid is the true dibromobutyric acid, and it is to be regretted that its discoverer should not have fully cleared up this point. Cahours obtained the following results in attempting to obtain dibromobutyric acid directly. Bromine was added to a solution of butyrate of potassium, until a few drops of a brominated acid were precipitated ; the whole was then evaporated to dryness, dissolved in alcohol, filtered, and a few drops of sulphuric acid added, which precipitated an acid different from butyric acid and less odorous, but soluble in water and in alcohol. It did not appear to be identical with bromo- triconic acid. DICHLOROBUTYKIC Aero. C 4 H 6 C1 2 2 . (Pelouze and Gel is, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] x. 447.) The best method of preparing this acid is to pass dry chlorine gas in bright sunshine, through about 40 grm. of butyric acid, placed in a Liebig's bulb-apparatus. At first, the absorption is very rapid ; subsequently, hydrochloric acid is disengaged, and the liquid assumes a yellowish-green colour. The absorption becomes slower and more difficult, and the current of chlorine must be continued for several days before it ceases to be absorbed. Dry carbonic acid gas is now passed through it, at a tem- perature of 80 100 C. to expel the hydrochloric acid : the residue is dichlorobu- tyric acid. It is a colourless viscid liquid, heavier than water, and having a peculiar odour, some- what like that of butyric acid. It is insoluble in water, but entirely soluble in alcohol. It can be distilled to a great extent without alteration, but a portion always decom- poses. It burns with a green-edged flame. Its potassium-, ammonium-, and sodium-salts are soluble. Its silver-salt is sparingly soluble. Dichlorolutyric EtJicr, C 1 H 5 (C 2 H 5 )C1 2 ? , is prepared by gently heating an alcoholic solution of dichlorobutyric acid with sulphuric acid. An oily compound ether having an ethereal odour, is deposited, which is washed with water and distilled. TETRACHLOROBUTYEIC AGED. C 4 H 4 C1 4 2 . (Pelouze and Gr61is, loc. cit.) This acid is produced by the continued action of chlorine upon butyric acid in bright sun- shine : the chlorobutyric acid at first formed is ultimately converted into a white, solid, crystalline mass, which when pressed between paper, and crystallised from ether, is obtained in the form of white oblique, rhombic prisms, which melt at 140 C., distil without decomposition, and smell like butyric acid. Its silver-salt, C 4 H H AgCl 4 2 , is sparingly soluble. Tetrachlorobutyric Ether. C 4 H 8 (C 2 H 5 )C1 4 2 . In a solution of tetrachlorobutyric acid in several times its bulk of alcohol, the addition of oil of vitriol immediately produces a crystalline mass, which melts at a gentle heat, and separates into two layers, the heavier of which is tetrachlorobutyric ether. It has an ethereal odour, and burns with a green flame, giving off white fumes of hydrochloric acid. TmoBUTTEic ACID, C 4 H 8 OS = HS. Sulphobutyric acid. (Ulrich, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cix. 280.) This acid is produced by the action of pentasulphide of phos- phorus on butyric acid (p. 691). The substances in equivalent quantities are distilled together in a flask furnished with an inverted condensing apparatus, the action, which is violent at first, being assisted towards the end by gentle heating. After it has con- tinued for several hours, the mixture is distilled, and the reddish liquid, which contains butyric acid and dissolved sulphur, as well as thiobutyric acid, is subjected to fractional distillation, the thiobutyric acid passing over at 130 C. It is a colourless liquid, of almost insupportable and persistent odour; boils at 130 C. ; is sparingly soluble in water, readily in alcohol, and dissolves sulphur with yellowish colour. With acetate of lead, it forms a bulky white precipitate of thiosulphate of lead, C 4 H 7 PbOS, soluble in a large quantity of hot water, also in hot alcohol, and separating on cooling, in small colourless crystals. The salt decomposes readily, with separation of sulphide of lead. E.A. BUTYRIC ANHYDRIDE. Anhydrous Butyric Acid. C 8 H 14 3 = QQ - (Gerhardt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixviii. 127.) The formation of this body is analogous to that of the organic anhydrides in general, that is to say, it is formed by the action of chloride of butyryl on an alkaline 1 butyrate. BUTYRIC ETHERS 695 It is prepared by treating 4 pts. of dry butyrate of sodium with 2 pts. of oxychloride of phosphorus, the oxychloride being added drop by drop to the butyrate, as in the pre- paration of acetic anhydride. The reaction consists of two stages, the first being the formation of chloride of butyryl and phosphate of sodium : 3C 4 H 7 Na0 2 + POOP = Na 8 P0 4 + 3C 4 H 7 OC1, and the second, the formation of butyric anhydride by the action of this chloride on another portion of butyrate of sodium. When the reaction is complete, the mass is distilled, and the distillate redistilled over butyrate of sodium, in order to convert any remaining chloride of butyryl. The distillate from this is finally rectified, those parts only being collected which boil at 190 0. ; the portions which pass over below this point contain butyric acid, the formation of which cannot well be avoided, from the deli- quescent nature of the butyrate of sodium. Like acetic anhydride (p. 20), butyric anhydride may be prepared by the action of benzoic chloride on butyrate of sodium. Five pts. of benzoic chloride are mixed with 8 pts. of butyrate of sodium in a retort, and distilled, and the distillate rectified, at first over butyrate of sodium, and then alone. Butyric anhydride is a colourless, very mobile, and highly refracting liquid, of specific gravity 0-978 at 12-5 C. Its odour is very strong, but not disagreeable, and rather resembling butyric ether than butyric acid. It boils at 190, and its vapour- density has been found to be 5-38. Exposed to the air, it gradually attracts moisture, and is converted into butyric acid. Poured into water, it does not dissolve like butyric acid, but rises to the surface as a colourless oil. In contact with aniline, it becomes Seated, and forms butyranilide (phenylbutyramide) : (C 4 H 7 0) 2 + 2(KH 2 .C 6 H 5 ) = 2(KH.C 8 H 5 .C 4 H 7 0) + H'O. E. A. BUTYRIC ETHERS. These compounds are formed from butyric acid by the substitution of 1 at. of an organic radicle, such as ethyl, methyl, &c. for 1 at. of hy- drogen. They are for the most part formed by the direct action of butyric acid on the alcohols. BUTYRATE OF AIXYL. C'H^O 2 = C 4 H 7 (C 3 H 5 )0 2 . Obtained by distilling butyrate of silver with iodide of allyl. After rectification, it is a colourless oily liquid, lighter than water, soluble in ether, smelling like butyrate of ethyl, and boiling at about 140 C. Heated with potash, it yields allyl-alcohol and butyrate of potassium. (Cahours and Hofmann, Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 555.) BUTYRATE OF AMY!,. C 9 H I8 O 2 = C 4 H 7 (C 5 H n )0 2 , is a liquid boiling at 17'6 C. (Delffs). Specific gravity 0'852 at 15. Index of refraction = 1-402. BUTYRATE OF ETHYL. Butyric Ether. C 6 H 12 2 = C 4 H 7 (C-'H 5 )0 2 . This ether is readily produced by the action of butyric acid on alcohol, sulphuric acid being like- wise present. It is also formed, according to Berthelot, by distilling a mixture of 1 pt. common ether, 3 pts. butyric acid, and 7 to 8 pts. sulphuric acid ; but the dis- tillate contains a large quantity of free butyric acid. To prepare it, 2 pts. butyric acid are dissolved in an equal weight of strong alcohol, and 1 pt. sulphuric acid is added to the mixture. The liquid becomes heated, and butyric ether immediately rises to the surface ; but to complete the transformation, it is necessary to heat the mixture for a short time to about 80 C. The butyric ether is then decanted, shaken up several times with water, finally with addition of chalk and chloride of calcium, then dried over chloride of calcium and distilled. Butyrate of ethyl is a transparent, colourless, very thin liquid, of specific gravity 0-90193. Boils at 119 C., under a pressure of 07465 mm. Vapour-density = 4'04. It has an agreeable odour, like that of pine-apples, and a sweetish taste, with bitter after-taste. It is very sparingly soluble in water, but dissolves in all proportions in alcohol and in ether. It is slowly decomposed by potash, into butyrate of potassium and alcohol. To the presence of small quantities of butyric ether, the peculiar flavour of pine- apples, melons, and some other fruits, is due. Its formation in the fruit receives an obvious explanation, from the readiness with which the saccharine matters present pass on the one hand, into lactic and butyric acids, and on the other, into alcohol. The pine-flavoured rum, known as pine-apple rum, owes its flavour to the presence of this ether. When freshly distilled from molasses, rum has but little flavour, but this comes out on keeping, owing to the fact that a small quantity of butyric acid contained in it, gradually combines with the alcohol to form ether. A solution of butyric ether is very extensively used in perfumery, and in confec- tionery, under the, name of pine-apple oil. It is prepared for this purpose by the fol- lowing process. Butter is saponified by a strong solution of potash-ley; the f"-' dissolved in very little absolute alcohol, and to the solution is added f> Y Y 4 696 BUTYRINS. alcohol and sulphuric acid, until a strongly acid reaction is set up. The whole is then distilled, heat being applied as long as anything comes over with a fruity odour. BUTYBATE OF ETHYLENE, C !0 H 18 4 = ^ C *" 2 > is obtained by heating bro- mide of ethylene for several days to 100 C. with butyrate of silver and a little free butyric acid, exhausting the product with ether, and distilling fractionally : 2(C 4 H'O.Ag.O) + C^Br 2 = 2AgBr + (C 4 H 7 0) 2 .(C 2 H 4 )".0 2 . It is a colourless liquid, of specific gravity 1-024 at C. ; smells like butyric acid, and boils at 239 to 241 C. (A. Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Iv. 400.) BUTYBATE OF GrLYCEBYL. See BuTYBINS. BUTYBATE OF METHYL. C 5 H 10 2 = C 4 H 7 (CH 3 )0 2 . A mixture of 2 pts. butyric acid with 1 pt. of wood-spirit and 1 pt. of strong sulphuric acid, becomes heated and separates into two layers, the upper of which is butyrate of methyl. In order that the transformation may be complete, it is well to agitate the mixture, and even to main- tain it for some time at a temperature of from 50 80 C. The product is purified like the ethyl-compound. Butyrate of methyl is a transparent colourless liquid of specific gravity 1-0293. Boils at 102 C. Specific heat is 0-4918. Latent heat of vapour, 87'33. Vapour- density, 3-52. It has a pleasant odour, somewhat resembling that of pine-apples. It is scarcely soluble in water, but perfectly soluble in alcohol and in ether. E. A. BITTYRXDXCT. This name was given by Berthelot to a compound formed from butyric acid and glycerin, to which he at first assigned the formula C 14 H 26 7 ( = 2C 4 H 8 2 + 2C 3 H 8 3 - 3H 2 0), but which he afterwards found to be identical with dibutyrin (p. 695). BITTYRIWS. (Berthelot, Ann. Ch.Phys. [3] xli. 261.) By the direct action of butyric acid on glycerin, a series of compounds analogous to the acetins is obtained. They are monobutyrin, C 7 H 14 4 , dibutyrin, C U H 20 5 , and tributyrin, C 15 H 26 8 . They contain the elements of glycerin and butyric acid, minus those of water. Their forma- tion may be thus expressed : C 3 H 8 3 + C 4 H 8 0' - H 2 = C 7 H 14 0* Glycerin, Butyric Mono- acid. butyrin. C 3 H 8 3 + 2(C 4 H 8 2 ) - 2H 2 = C n H 20 5 Glycerin. Butyric Dibutyrin. = 3(C 4 H 8 O 2 ) - 3H 2 = C' 5 H 26 6 Glycerin. Butyric Tributyrin. acid. Viewing glycerin as a triatomic alcohol, we may consider the butyrins as glycerin O 3 , in which 1, 2, or 3 at. of hydrogen are replaced by the radicle butyryl, C 4 H 7 0. The butyrins are decomposed by alkalis, and also by the alkaline earths, baryta and lime, with formation of a butyrate and elimination of glycerin. Dissolved in alcohol and treated with hydrochloric acid, they yield butyric ether and glycerin. (C'HT) MONOBUTYBIN, C 7 H 14 4 = HHO 3 . This body is formed, but only in small C 4 H 7 0) proportions, by exposing a mixture of butyric acid with excess of glycerin, to the action of the sun or of diffused daylight for several months. It is also obtained by heating butyric acid with glycerin to a temperature of 200 C. for three hours, care being taken not to exceed this temperature. It is a colourless, neutral, odoriferous, oily liquid, having an aromatic and bitter taste, without any after-taste. At 40 C., it remains liquid, and as mobile as at ordinary temperatures. It rapidly acidifies when exposed to the air. (C 3 H 5 )'") DIBTTTYBIN, C n H 2e 5 = H VO 3 . Whenever in the preparation of niono- (C 4 H 7 0) 8 ) butyrin, the temperature exceeds 220 C 1 ., some dibutyrin appears to be formed, but it is best prepared by heating a mixture of glycerin and butyric acid to 275 for several hours. It is a colourless, neutral, oily, odoriferous liquid, of specific gravity TO 31. It volatilises at 320 without perceptible alteration. Cooled down to 40, it remains liquid, but its fluidity diminishes. By aqueous ammonia, it is decomposed, with formation of butyramide. BUTYRITE BUTYROLACTIC ACID. 697 TBIBUTYEIN, C 15 H 26 6 = , 3 o s . This substance is formed by heating butyrin with 10 to 15 times its weight of butyric acid to 240 C. for four hours. It is a neutral, oily liquid, with an odour analogous to that of the preceding compounds, and a pungent taste, with irritating aftertaste. It is very soluble in alcohol and ether, but insoluble in water. Natural Butyrin. A butyrin which is probably tributyrin, is contained in small quantities in butter, along with caproin, caprin, olein, and margarin. It has not been obtained free from these substances. According to Pelouze and Grelis, this compound may be prepared artificially by gently heating a mixture of butyric acid, glycerin, and concentrated sulphuric acid. On adding a large quantity of water, a slightly yellowish oil separates, which must be washed with water, in which it is insoluble. It is soluble in all proportions in alcohol and ether, from which solutions it is separated by the addition of water. Saponified by potash, it yields glycerin and butyrate of potassium. It has not been obtained pure, and is most probably a mixture of the butyrins above described. E. A. BUTYRITE. A compound formed from butyric acid and mannite in the same manner as the butyrins are formed from butyric acid and glycerin. Its properties have not been described. (Berth elot, Compt. rend, xxxviii. 688.) The same name is sometimes applied to bog-butter (q. v.} BirrirROCHIiORIttrXftRXXr. By the action of hydrochloric acid on a mixture of butyric acid and glycerin, a product (first observed by Pelouze) is obtained, which, according to Berth elot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xli. 303), is a mixture of the compounds C 3 H G (C 4 H 7 0)C10 2 and C 3 H 5 (C 4 H 7 0)CFO, that is to say, of chlorhydrin (C S H 7 C10 2 ) and dichlorhydrin (C 3 H 6 C1 2 0), in each of which 1 at. H is replaced by butyryl. No method of separating these two compounds has yet been devised. BlTTYROIiEIC ACID. Bromeis (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlii. 63) stated that butter contains an oily acid resembling oleic acid in most respects, but differing from it in not yielding sebacic acid by dry distillation. Bromeis assigned to this acid the for- mula C 34 H 30 0*.HO. It appears, however, from the experiments of Gottlieb, that it is really identical with oleic acid, and exhibits the characters observed by Bromeis only after it has been considerably altered by exposure to the air. BUTYXtOX.XMXXODXC ACID. See BOG-BATTER (p. 617). (C 3 H 4 0)") BUTYROX.ACTXC ACXX>. C 7 H 12 4 = C 4 H 7 O> O 2 . This acid, which is H) derived from lactic acid, (C 3 H 4 0)".H 2 .0 2 , by the substitution of 1 at. butyryl for 1 at. hydrogen, has not yet been obtained in the free state; but Wurtz (Compt. rend. xlviii. 1092) has obtained its ethyl-salt, (C 3 H 4 0)".C 4 H 7 O.C 2 H 5 .0 2 , by digesting chloro- lactate of ethyl with an alcoholic solution of butyrate of potassium in the water-bath for several days, then filtering to separate chloride of potassium, treating the filtrate with chloride of calcium, and rectifying : (C 3 H 4 0)".C 2 H 5 .C1.0 + C 4 H 7 O.K.O = KC1 + (C 3 H 4 0)".C 4 H 7 O.C 2 H*.0\ Chlorolactate of ethyl. Butyrate of Butyrolactate of ethyl. potassium. It is an oily liquid, of specific gravity 1*024 at C., having an odour something like that of butyric acid, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and boiling between 200 and 210 C. The formation and constitution of this compound tend strongly to sup- port the opinion that lactic acid is dibasic. (See LACTIC Aero.) BtTTTTROWE. C 7 H 14 0. This body is the acetone or ketone of the butyric series, and is, therefore, homologous with acetic acetone. It represents butyral, in which 1 at. of hydrogen in the radicle is replaced by trityl : C 4 H 7 0) C 4 H 6 (C 3 H 7 )0; H { ' H Butyral. Butyrone. Its formation is analogous to that of its homologue, acetone. Butyrate of calcium carefully distilled in small portions is decomposed into butyrone and carbonate of calcium : 2(C 4 H 7 Ca0 2 ) = Ca'CO 3 + C 7 H 14 0. Butyrate of Carbonate Butyrone. ca'lcium. of calcium. But when larger quantities are decomposed, the results are not so precise. The crude product is composed of at least four substances, butyral, butyrone, and two other sub- stances of the ketone series. The butyrone is obtained pure by rectification, those parts being collected which boil at 140 145 C. and these are again rectified, until a product of constant boiling point is obtained. 698 BUTYRONE BUTYRYL. Butyrone, when pure, is a colourless limpid liquid, having a peculiar penetrating odour, and density = 0-83. It boils at 144 C., and its vapour-density lias been found to be 4-0, which corresponds to two volumes for the formula C 7 H 14 0. Surrounded by a mixture of solid carbonic acid and ether, it solidifies to a crystalline mass. It is insoluble in water, but quite soluble in alcohol. It burns with a luminous flame. It immediately takes fire in contact with chromic acid. It is energetically attacked by nitric acid, with formation of nitropropionic acid, C 3 H 5 (N0 2 )O 2 , and of an ethereal liquid, which is probably butyrate of trityl, C 4 H 7 (C 3 H 7 )0 2 . Distilled with pentachloride of phosphorus, butyrone yields a compound, C 7 H 13 C1, which Chancel terms chlorobutyrone. It is a colourless liquid, of penetrating odour, lighter than water, and insoluble therein. It boils at 116 C. Its alcoholic solution does not cloud nitrate of silver. From the crude product of the distillation of butyrate of calcium, two substances with definite boiling points may be separated by treating the crude distillate with acid sul- phate of sodium, to remove butyral and butyrone, and subjecting the remaining liquid to fractional distillation. One of these boils at 180 C., and has the specific gravity 0-827. It has the formula C 8 H I6 O 7 , which is thatof methyl-butyrone, C 7 H 13 (CH 3 )0, or methyl-oenanthy 1, CH 8 .C 7 H I3 0. The latter view of its composition is suggested by the fact that it yields oenanthic acid when oxidised by nitric acid. The other com- pound boils at 222 C., and is a pale yellow liquid, which becomes solid at 12 C. Its composition is C 11 H 22 0, which would correspond to tetryl-butyrone, C 7 H 13 (C 4 H 9 )O, or tetryl-cenanthyl, C 4 H 9 .C 7 H 13 0. It appears to yield butyric and oenanthic acids by oxidation. (Limpricht, Ann. Ch. Phann. cviii. 183.) According to Friedel (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cviii. 125), the crude liquid obtained by the distillation of butyrate of calcium, contains, amongst other products, ethyl-butyryl, Q6jji2Q _ C 2 H S .C 4 H 7 0, a colourless liquid having a biting taste, an aromatic odour like that of butyrone, specific gravity = 0'833 at C., and vapour-density = 3 -5 8, and a much smaller quantity of m ethyl-butyryl, C 5 H 10 = CH S .C 4 H 7 0, of specific gravity 3*827 at C., and vapour-density 3'13. ' E. A. BUTYRONTTRIC ACID. This name has been applied to the product of the action of nitric acid on butyrone. BUTYROWITRII.E or CYANIDE OP TRITYI,. C 4 H 7 N = C 3 H 7 .CN. This body is best prepared by distilling butyrate of ammonium or butyramide with anhydrous phosphoric acid : C 4 H"N0 2 - 2H 2 = C 4 H 7 N. Butyrate of Butyro- ammonium. nitrite. It is a transparent colourless oil, of specific gravity 0795 at 12-6 C., and boiling at 118-5. It has an agreeable aromatic odour resembling that of bitter-almond oil. It dissolves in boiling potash, with evolution of ammonia and formation of butyrate of potassium : C 4 H 7 N + KHO + H 2 = C 4 H 7 KO + NH 3 . Butyro- Butyrate of uitrile. potassium. E.A, BUTYRUXVI AUTIMOWII. A name applied to trichloride of antimony, on account of its buttery consistence and fusibility. Other chlorides of like consistence have also received similar names, e. g. Butyrum stanni, Butyrum zinci, &c. BUTYRUREID. Syn. of BuTYRYL-UREA. BTTTYRYIi. C 4 H 7 0. The radicle of butyric acid and its derivatives. The fol- lowing compounds of it are known : Bromide of butyryl C 4 H 7 O.Br Chloride of butyryl C 4 H 7 O.C1 Iodide of butyryl C 4 H 7 O.I Hydride of butyryl (butyric aldehyde) C 4 H 7 O.H Oxide of butyryl (butyric anhydride) Hydrate of butyryl (butyric acid) Butyryl-propyl (butyrone) Butyryl-urea or butyral-urea (C 4 H'0) 2 .0 C 4 H 7 O.H.O C 4 H 7 O.C 3 H 7 N 2 (CO)".H 3 .C 4 H 7 0. The name butyryl has likewise been applied to the hydrocarbon C 4 H 7 , sometimes regarded as the radicle of butyric acid. BROMIDE OF BUTYRYL, C 4 H 7 O.Br, is produced by the action of bromide of phosphorus on butyric acid at 90 100 C., purified by washing with water and rectification. (Bechamp.) CHLORIDE or BUTYRYL. C'IFO.Cl This body, like its homologue, chloride of BUXINE B YTOWNITE. 699 acetyl, is produced by the action of 1 at. oxychloride of phosphorus on 3 at. butyrate of sodium : 3C 4 H 7 Na0 2 + POOP = 3C 4 H 7 OC1 + Na 3 P0 4 . Butyrate of Oxychloride Chloride of Phosphate sodium. of phosphate, butyryl. of sodium. The powdered butyrate is gradually added to the oxychloride contained in a retort : for if the oxychloride were at once poured on the butyrate, a large quantity of anhy- drous butyric acid would be formed. The mixture is distilled, and the liquid distil- late rectified over a small quantity of butyrate of sodium, the temperature being kept as low as possible, in order to prevent the anhydrous acid formed during the rectifica- tion from distilling over with the chloride. Chloride of butyryl is a colourless, mobile, strongly refracting liquid, heavier than water, and fuming slightly in the air. Its boiling point is 95. It has a pungent odour like both butyric and hydrochloric acids. It is immediately decomposed by water into hydrochloric and butyric acids : C*H 7 OC1 -i- H 2 = C 4 H 8 2 + HC1. Chloride of Butyric butyryl. acid. With butyrate of sodium it yields chloride of sodium and butyric anhydride : C 4 H 7 OC1 + C 4 H 7 NaO = NaCl + C^H^O 3 . "With ammonia it yields butyramide and hydrochloric acid : C 4 H 7 OC1 + NH 3 = C 4 H 7 O.H 2 .N + HC1. IODIDE or BUTYBYL, C 4 H 7 O.I, produced by distilling butyrate of potassium with iodide of phosphorus, is a brownish liquid, which melts in contact with the air, and boils between 146 and 148 C. (Cahours.) E. A. BUT YRYX. -UREA. See CAEBAMIDE. BUXINE. An alkaloid said to exist in all parts of the box-tree (Buxus semper- virens.) According to Faur6 (J. Pharm. xvi. 428) it is obtained as an uncrys- tallisable mass, by boiling the aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract of the bark with magnesia, exhausting the resulting precipitate with alcohol, decolorising with animal charcoal, and evaporating. According to Couerbe (J. Pharm. January 1854, p. 51), it may be obtained in the crystalline form by treating the sulphate with nitric acid, whereby an admixed resin is destroyed or rendered insoluble, and precipitating by an alkali. Buxine has a bitter taste and excites sneezing ; it blues reddened litmus-paper ; is nearly insoluble in cold water ; dissolves readily in alcohol, sparingly in ether ; insoluble in alkalis. It is decomposed by nitric acid. Its salts are more bitter than the base itself, and yield a gelatinous precipitate with alkalis. The sulphate is said to form crystalline nodules. Trommsdorff (Tromm. N. J. xxv. [2] 66) obtained from box-leaves a substance probably identical with Faure's buxine. BYSSOXiXTE. A name applied to the fine capillary implanted crystals of acti- nolite, found on the St. Grothard and in the Tyrol. BYSSUS ItXYTXXiX. The bundle of threads by which the common muscle (Mytilus edulis) adheres to other bodies, consists, according to Scharling (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xli. 48), of a mass resembling horny tissue, containing a small quantity of fat. According to Lavine (J. Chem. med. xii. 124) it contains the salts which occur in sea- water. BYTOWNITE. A granular massive mineral occurring in large boulders near Bytown, Canada West. The grains have one perfect cleavage and indications of another oblique thereto. Hardness = 6 to 6'5. Specific gravity 2*80 (Thomson) ; 2733 (Hunt). It has a greenish- white colour and vitreous lustre, pearly on the cleavage surface. Translucent. According to Thomson (J. pr. Chem. viii. 489) it contains 47'57 per cent silica, 29'65 alumina, 9'06 lime, 7'6 soda, 3'57 ferrous oxide, 0-2 magnesia, whence it appears to be a variety of barsowite (p. 517), the alumina being partly replaced by ferric oxide and the lime by soda. T. S. Hunt (Sill. Am. J. [2] xii. 213) regards it as a variety of anorthite. A dark bluish-green granular mineral or rock from Perth, Canada, which has been called Bytownite, is considered by the same chemist as a mixture of bytownite and hornblende. 700 CABBAGE CACAO. C CABBAGE. (See BBASSICA.) Infusion of red cabbage, obtained by pouring hot water on the leaves, is a convenient test for acids and alkalis. A certain quantity of alkali, just sufficient to neutralise the acid in the juice, turns it blue ; any further quantity changes the blue to green ; and acids turn it red. C ABB ACrXXKTX:. A bitter principle, obtained from the cabbage-tree ( Creoffraga inermis, or Or. jamaicensis\ also called Jamaicine (q. v.) CABOCIiE. A mineral resembling red jasper or felsite, found in the diamanti- ferous sand of the province of Bahia. It has a density of 3*14 to 3'19 ; scratches glass slightly ; turns white before the blowpipe, but does not melt ; dissolves partially in warm strong sulphuric acid, leaving a white earthy residue, which dissolves in the acid at a higher temperature, and is precipitated therefrom by water. Dam our (L'Institut. xxi. 78) found in the red massive mineral, phosphoric acid, alumina, lime, baryta, ferrous oxide, and water. CACAO. The seeds or leaves of the Theobroma cacao and other species of the same genus (Nat. Ord. Sterculiaccce), natives of South America and the West Indies, which are extensively cultivated in those countries, and in the tropical parts of Asia and Africa, are remarkable for their nutritive properties, and yield the well-known substances, cocoa and chocolate. They contain large quantities of fatty matter and vegetable albumin, and about 2 per cent, of an organic base, theobromine, C 7 H 8 N'0 2 , resembling caffeine. The ash is very rich in phosphoric acid. Shelled beans of good quality exhibit, before roasting, the following composition per cent. : 52 cacao-butter, 20 albumin, fibrin, &c., 2 theobromine, 10 starch, 2 cellulose, 4 inorganic matter, and 10 water, besides small quantities of colouring matter and essential oil. (Pay en, Traite de Pelouze et Fremy, vi. 529.) Cacao-beans have also been analysed by Tuchen (Inaugural Dissertation, Got- tingen, 1857 ; and by A. Mitscherlich (Der Cacao und die Chocolade, Berlin, 1859), with the following results : Tuchen. Mitscherlich. j^ / Guaya- quil. Suri- nam. Caracas. Vara. Marag- nan. ^X Trinidad. ^ Guaya- quil. % Caracas. Theobromine 0-63 0-56 055 0-66 0-38 0-48 121-5 Cacao-red . 4-56 6-61 6-18 6-18 6-56 6-22 3-5 5 Cacao-butter 36-38 36-97 35-08 34-48 38-25 36-42 4549 46-49 Glutin 2-96 3-20 3-21 2-99 3-13 3-15 1318 Starch 0-53 0-55 0-62 0-28 0-72 0-51 1418 13-517 Gum . 1-58 0-69 1-19 0-78 0-63 0-61 Extractive matter 3-44 4M8 6-22 6-<;2 332 5-48 Humic acid 8-57 7"25 9'28 8-63 8-03 9-25 Cellulose 30-50 30-00 28-66 30-21 2977 29-86 , 5-8 Ash . 3-03 3-00 2-91 3-00 2-92 2-98 3-5 Water 6-20 6-01 5-58 5-55 5-48 4-88 5-6-6-3 Starch-sugar 0-34 Cane-sugar 0-26 98-38 99-02 99-48 9938 99 19 99-84 Mitscherlich' s results do not differ from those of Payen, more than might be ex- pected in the analysis of different varieties ; those of Tuchen, which differ widely from both the preceding, probably refer to the unshelled beans. The starch of cacao-beans exhibits granules of peculiar form, quite distinct from those of the cereals and leguminosse ; by this means, the flour of either of the latter may be detected when used to adulterate chocolate. The ash of the shelled beans has been analysed by Letellier (Pelouze et Frdmy, loc. cit.\ and by Zedeler (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxviii. 348), with the following results : K 2 Na 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 SO 3 CO 3 P 2 5 3Fe 4 8 .P 2 5 Cl SiO 2 33-4 11-0 17-0 4-5 1-0 29'6 0-2 3'3 (Letellier). 37-14 1-23 2-9 16*0 1'5 1-2 39-6 0'17 17 (Zedeler). The kernels of the theobroma are used as an article of nutriment, either in the natural state, or prepared in various ways. The simplest and best form is that of the seeds roughly crushed, termed cocoa-nibs, which, however, require two hours' boiling, as, owing to the peculiar nature of the inner isccd-coating, which passes down into tiie CACHALAGUA CACOTHELINE. 701 substance of the cotyledons, the prolonged application of heat and moisture is necessary to dissolve the contents. Flake-cocoa is merely the seeds crushed between rollers. To prepare chocolate, the beans, after being carefully picked, to free them from mouldy or worm-eaten ones, are gently roasted over a fire in an iron cylinder, with holes in the ends to allow the vapour to escape. When the aroma begins to be well developed, the process is considered complete. The beans are then turned out, cooled, and freed from their husks by fanning and sifting. The husks, which often amount to 20 or 25 per cent, of the beans, should not be thrown away, as they contain half their weight of soluble or mucilaginous matter, which yields a tolerable nutriment. The seeds are then converted into a paste, either by trituration in a mortar heated to 130 F., or more generally by a machine impelled by steam, and the paste is put into moulds and sent into the market ; it always improves by keeping. Sometimes the beans, before being roasted, are left to rot or ferment in heaps, in order to separate the kernels from the soft piilpy mass which surrounds them in the fruit. The chocolate of different countries varies according to its mode of preparation, and the ingredients contained in it. When the kernels alone are used, or only a little sugar is added, the chocolate is called " Chocolat de sante." But vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, and other aromatics, are frequently added; also rice, almonds, starch, &c. Simple chocolate is mostly preferred in this country, the perfumed sorts in France, Italy, and Spain, where the consumption is immense. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufac- tures, and Mines, i. ; also Penny Cyclopedia, art. THEOBROMA.) Cacao-butter, or Cacao-fat, is extracted from the beans by pounding them in a slightly heated mortar, till they are reduced to a pulp, then adding a small quantity of water, and squeezing the pulp in a cloth between two plates of metal previously heated to the temperature of boiling water. It has an agreeable taste and odour, is white, semi- transparent, insoluble in water, soluble, especially with aid of heat, in alcohol, ether, and oil of turpentine. It has the consistence of suet, melts at 30 C., but does not resume the solid state till cooled to 23. It consists chiefly of stearin, with a little olein. It is used more in France than in this country, for making soap, candles, and pommade. The soap made from it must not be confounded with that made from cocoa-nut oil, which is a very different product, obtained from the cocoa palm (Cocos nuciferd]. Cacao-red is the colouring matter of cacao-beans. It is separated by precipitating the aqueous or alcoholic decoction of the beans with acetate of lead, and decomposing the washed precipitate with sulphuretted hydrogen. The solution thus obtained is neutral, has a bitter taste, and yields lilac or greyish precipitates with acetate of lead and protochloride of tin ; dark green, or brown-green, with ferric salts ; and green of various shades, or sometimes violet with ferrous salts ; the colour of the precipitate varies in each case, according as the cacao-red in the solution is more or less mixed with other substances. The solution of cacao-red absorbs oxygen during evaporation, and becomes acid, the colouring matter being in fact converted into a kind of tannic acid. This modified cacao- red gives, for the most part, green precipitates with iron and lead salts ; that obtained from Guayaquil cacao, gives pale reddish precipitates with acetate of lead and with lime-water, reddish-white with sulphate of magnesium and ammonium. It is preci- pitated by gelatin, whereas unaltered cacao-red is not. The alteration produced by the roasting of cacao-beans, appears to affect the cacao- red more than any of the other constituents. CACHAXiAGTTA, or CANCHA X.AGUA, is the South American name of the Chironia chilensis, a gentianaceous plant, which, according to Bley (Arch. Pharm. xxxvii. 85), contains resin and a bitter principle. CACKOIiOWG. A variety of OPAL (q. v.) CACHOUTAifl-ixric. or CACHUTIC ACID. See CATECHU. CACODYXi. See ARSENIDES OF METHYL (p. 403). C ACOTHELIKTE. C 2 H 22 N 4 9 = C 20 H 22 (N0 2 ) 2 N 2 5 . A product of the decompo- sition of brucine by nitric acid (p. 682). It partly separates in orange-yellow crystalline flakes after the action has ceased, and an additional quantity may be obtained by pre- cipitating the red liquor with alcohol. From a solution in water strongly acidulated with nitric acid, it separates in yellow scales. It is but very sparingly soluble in boiling water, still less in boiling alcohol, and insoluble in ether. When heated, it decomposes suddenly, in the manner characteristic of nitro-compounds. Exposed to diffused light in a stoppered bottle, it soon becomes dark brown on the surface. Potash dissolves it easily, forming a yellowish-brown liquid. Ammonia dissolves it immediately, forming a yellow liquid, which on boiling changes first to green, afterwards to brown. Caco- theline unites with metallic oxides : with baryta, it forms a soluble compound, con- 702 C ACOXENE CADMIUM. taining 2C 20 H 22 N 4 9 .Ba 2 0. It combines also with acids, but the salts are decom- posed by water. When dichloride of platinum is added to a solution of cacotheline in hydrochloric acid, the liquid, after a few hours, yields a crystalline precipitate con- taining 48 per cent, platinum = C 20 H 22 N 4 9 .HCl.PtCP. When cacotheline is left for some hours in the red nitric solution in which it has been formed, it changes into another body, which has the colour of chrome-yellow, is insoluble in water, and explodes when heated. (Strecker, Compt. rend, xxxix. 52.) CACOXENX. A native ferric phosphate, found in the Hrbeck mine, near Zbiron in Bohemia, in radiated tufts of yellow or brownish-yellow colour, becoming brown on exposure. Specific gravity = 3-38. Hardness = 3 4. Of the following analyses, a and b are by von Hauer (Jahrb. geolog. Keichsanst. 1854, 67); c by Richardson (Thomson's Mineralogy, i. 476) : P 2 S Fe 4 8 H 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 SiO 2 a . . 19-63 47-64 32-73 = 100 b . . 25-74 41-46 32-83 . = 100 c . . 20-5 43-1 30-2 1-1 0-9 2'1 = 97'9 a and c agree nearly with the formula 2Fe 4 3 .P 2 5 + 12 aq., or 3/e 2 0.2/e 3 P0 4 + 12 aq. The analysis b, which, however, is said by von Hauer to have been made with less pure material, approaches more nearly to 3Fe 4 9 .2P 2 5 + 20 aq. Former analyses by Steinmann, which showed 10 11 per cent, alumina, were doubtless made with impure specimens. (Rammelsberg's Mineralchemie, p. 331.) CACTUS. Vogel obtained from the flowers of Cactus speciosus, by extraction with weak alcohol, 30 per cent, of a carmine-red dye, insoluble in ether and in ab- solute alcohol. The petals, after the removal of this substance, yielded to a mixture of alcohol and ether, from 5 to 10 per cent, of a scarlet substance. Both these colour- ing matters are soluble in water. (J. Pharm. xxii. 664.) F. Field (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 57) has analysed the ash of a species of cactus (not named) growing in Chili. The fresh plant yielded 1-35, the dry plant 1679 per cent, of ash, containing in 100 pts. 57'15 pts. of soluble and 4273 of insoluble salts. The air-dried plant yielded 85*09 per cent, water. The composition of the ash per cent. is: 7-83 K'O, 28-19 Na ? 0, 10-65 Ca 2 0, 775 Mg 2 0, 0'34 Mn 4 3 , 6-09 SO 3 , 16-49 SiO 2 , 6-40 P 2 5 , 1'38 phosphates of calcium, magnesium, and iron, and 14*87 NaCL CADET'S FUMING XiXQUID. See ARSENIDES OF METHYL (p. 403). CADIE-GUM. A very pure kind of gamboge, probably from Hebradendron cam- CADMIUM. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 56. Atomic volume in the gaseous state = 1. This metal is frequently found associated with zinc, and derives its name from cad- mia fossilis, a denomination by which the common ore of zinc was formerly known. It appears to have been discovered about the same time (1818) by Stromeyer (Grilb. Ann.lx. 193) and by Hermann (ibid. lix. 95, 113; Ixvi. 274), but its more exact investigation is due to Stromeyer. Cadmium occurs in small quantity in several varieties of native sulphide, carbonate, and silicate of zinc, viz. in the radiated blende of Przibram in Hungary, to the amount of 2 or 3 per cent.; in the blende of Nuissiere, to the amount of 1-14 per cent.; in silicate of zinc from Freiberg and from Derbyshire ; in carbonate of zinc from Mendip ; in carbonate and silicate of zinc from the Cumberland mines ; in the zinc ores of the Harz and of Silesia. The zinc flowers obtained as a secondary product in the smelting of the Silesian ores, contain, according to Hermann, as much as 11 per cent, of cadmium. Commercial English zinc frequently also contains cadmium. The only pure native compound of cadmium is the sulphide called Grcenockitc, found at Bishopstown in Renfrewshire. Preparation. In the process of reducing ores of zinc, the cadmium which they contain comes over among the first products of distillation, owing to its greater vola- tility. It may be separated from zinc in an acid solution by sulphydric acid, which throws down the cadmium as a yellow sulphide. This sulphide dissolves in concen- trated hydrochloric acid, affording the chloride of cadmium, from which the cai'bonate may be precipitated by an excess of carbonate of ammonia. Carbonate of cadmium is converted by ignition into the oxide ; and the latter yields the metal when mixed with one-tenth of its weight of pounded coal, and distilled in a glass or porcelain retort, at a low red heat. Properties. Cadmium is a white metal, with a slight tinge of blue. It has a strong lustre, and takes a fine polish ; by exposure to the air, it gradually acquires a whitish-grey tarnish. It has a compact texture and fibrous fracture, and easily crys- tallises in regular octahedrons. It is soft, though harder and more tenacious than CADMIUM: ALLOYS CHLORIDE. 703 tin ; very flexible, and crackles like tin when bent ; very malleable and ductile. Its specific gravity is, after fusion, 8'604, after hammering, 8'6944. Specific heat 0-05669 (Kegnault), 0'0576 (Dulong and Petit). Cadmium melts below a red heat, and volatilises somewhat below the boiling point of mercury without emitting any par- ticular odour. The density of its vapour as determined by experiment at 1040 C. is 3-94, referred to air as unity (Deville and Troost, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiii. 46). Now the calculated value for a condensation to 1 vol. is found by multiplying the atomic weight by the density of hydrogen = 56 x 0'0693 = 3*88. Hence cadmium- vapour follows the usual law of condensation (p. 441). Cadmium dissolves in hot hydrochloric or dilute sulphuric acid, taking the place of the hydrogen in the acid ; but its best solvent is nitric acid. The bromide, iodide, and many of the organic salts of cadmium, the acetate for example, are soluble in water ; the rest, e. g. the carbonate, borate, phosphate, and arsenate, are insoluble in water, and are obtained by precipitation. Most cadmium-salts are colourless ; they have a disagreeable metallic taste and act as emetics. The solutions, even of the neutral salts, redden litmus. Those cadmium-salts which are insoluble in water are soluble in sulphuric, hydrochloric, or nitric acid, also in ammoniacal salts. Cadmium, in nearly all its compounds with electro-negative elements, plays the part of a monatomic radicle, the chloride being CdCl, the oxide Cd 2 0, &c. CADMIUM, AIiIiOlTS OP- But few alloys of cadmium are known. 100 pts. copper retain at a red heat 82*2 pts. cadmium, forming an alloy having nearly the com- position CdCu 2 . It is very brittle, has a fine-grained scaly structure, and a yellowish white colour. With mercury, cadmium forms a hard, brittle, silver-white amalgam, which crystallises in octahedrons, and contains 21*7 per cent, cadmium = CdHg 2 . 100 pts. platinum retain at a red heat, 117'3 pts. cadmium = Cd 2 Pt. The alloy is almost silver-white, very brittle, very fine-grained, and refractory in the fire. (Stromeyer.) CADMIUM, BROMIDE OP. CdBr. Cadmium absorbs bromine- vapour at a heat near redness, forming white fumes of the bromide, which crystallises on cool- ing, and when strongly heated sublimes in white nacreous laminae. The hydratcd bromide, 2CdBr.H~0, obtained by dissolving the oxide or carbonate in hydrobromic acid, forms white efflorescent needles, which give off half their water at 100 C., and the rest, without melting, at 200. Bromide of cadmium forms crystalline compounds with the bromides of potassium, sodium, and barium. The barium-salt, CdBr.BaBr + 2 aq., forms large, shining, colourless crystals, isomorphous with the corresponding chloride. A solution of the bromides of cadmium and potassium in equivalent proportions, first yields crystals containing 2CdBr.KBr + aq., afterwards crystals of CdBr.KBr; both compounds resemble the corresponding double chlorides (C. v. Hauer, J. pr. Chem. Ixiv. 477 ; Ixvii. 169). A solution of equivalent quantities of bromide of cadmium and bromide of sodium yields the compound 2CdBr.NaBr + f aq. in small, shining, six-sided tables. (Croft, Chem. Gaz. 1856, p. 121.) CADMIUM, CHLORIDE OP. CdCl. A solution of oxide of cadmium in hydrochloric acid yields a crystalline hydrated chloride, CdCl.H'O ; and this when fused yields the anhydrous chloride in the form of a transparent, laminated, pearly mass, which melts at a heat below redness, and sublimes at a higher temperature in transparent micaceous laminse. A solution of chloride of cadmium mixed with excess of ammonia yields, by spon- taneous evaporation, ammoniochloride of cadmium, NH 3 .CdCl, or chloride of cadmam- monium, NIFCd.Cl. A triammonio-chloride of cadmium, 3NH s .CdCl, is obtained by exposing dry pulverised chloride of cadmium to the action of gaseous ammonia. It gives off of its ammonia when exposed to the air, and is converted into the preceding compound. (Croft, Phil. Mag. [3] xxi. 355.) Chloride of cadmium forms crystalline compounds with the chlorides of many other metals. These compounds, which have been particularly studied by C. v. Hauer (J. pr. Chem. Ixiv. 477; Ixvii. 169; Jahresber. d. Chem. 1855, p. 392; 1856, p. 394; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. viii. 250), crystallise, by evaporation from mixed solutions of the component chlorides. The following have been obtained : The ammonium-salt, NH 4 Cl.CdCl-f |aq., crystallises in slender needles ; the mother- liquor yields by spontaneous evaporation, transparent shining rhombohedrons of 2NH'Cl.CdCl. Potassium-salts. KC1.2CdCl + |aq. separates, by spontaneous or by more rapid evaporation, from a solution of 12 at. chloride of potassium to 1 at. chloride of cad- mium, in fine silky needles, which give off their water at 100 C., and at a higher temperature melt and give off part of their chlorine. The mother-liquor, or a solution of at least 3 at. chloride of potassium to 1 at. chloride of cadmium, yields by spon- 704 CADMIUM: DETECTION. taneous evaporation, the salt 2KCl.CdCl, in large limpid crystals, somewhat less (?) soluble than the preceding. Sodium-salt. NaCLCdCl + f aq. (air-dried.) Small, turbid, watery crystals, which give off 1 at. water at 100 G., and the remainder at 150 160. Barium-salt. BaCl.CdCl -H 2 aq. Separates from a solution of equivalent quantities of the two chlorides, in large shining crystals, which are permanent in the air, lose half their water at 100 C., the rest at 160, and at a red heat give off part of their chlorine, and melt to a colourless liquid, which does not crystallise. According to Rammekberg's determination, the crystals are monoclinic, the obliquely inclined axes making an angle of 75 45'. Ratio of the clinodiagonal, orthodiagonal, and principal axis = 0-8405 : 1 : 0*5128. Observed faces, ooP . ooPoo . (ooPoo) . +P.-P.OP. (2P oo). Inclination of faces, oo P : oo P oo = 140 50' ; oo P : OP = 101 0' ; OP : + P = 137 40'. Strontium-salt. SrC1.2CdCl + |aq. Crystallises from a solution of 1 to 2 at. chlo- ride of cadmium and 1 at chloride of strontium in transparent, colourless, acuminated crystals. Calcium- salts. A solution of 3 at. chloride of calcium to 4 at. chloride of cadmium deposits the salt CaC1.2CdCl + faq. in deliquescent bevelled prisms, arranged in stellate groups. A hot concentrated solution of 2 at. chloride of cadmium and 1 at. chloride of calcium deposits, on cooling, large deliquescent crystals of the salt 2CaCl. CdCl + aq. Magnesium-salts. A solution of 1 to 2 at. chloride of cadmium to 1 at. chloride of magnesium yields MgC1.2CdCl + 6 aq. in large transparent crystals. From a solution of 2 at. chloride of magnesium to 1 at. chloride of cadmium, the salt 2MgCl.CdCl+ 12aq. separates in deliquescent tabular crystals. Manganese-salt. MnC1.5CdCl + 6aq. Crystallises from a solution of 2 at. chloride of cadmium and 1 at. chloride of manganese, in pale rose-red or colourless prisms. Iron-salt. FeC1.2CdCl + 6aq. Crystallises from a solution of equivalent quan- tities of the two chlorides, in colourless prisms, which soon turn green and yellow by exposure to the air. Cobalt-salt. CoC1.2CdCl+ 6aq. Somewhat deliquescent prisms, of the colour of chloride of cobalt. Nickel-salts. NiC1.2CdCl + 6 aq. crystallises by spontaneous evaporation from a so- lution containing the two salts in the required proportions, in dark green prisms ; and the mother-liquor, or the original solution, if it contains a slight excess of chloride of nickel, yields 2NiCl.CdCl -f 6 aq. in large, dark green, rhombic prisms. Copper-salt. CuCLCdCl + 2aq. Crystallises from a solution containing equivalent quantities, in slender shining prisms, grouped in tufts, green when moist, blue when dry. Chloride of cadmium forms double salts with the hydrochlorates of many organic bases. Greville Williams (Chem. Gaz. 1855, 450) obtained the quinoline-salt, C 9 H"N.HC1.2CdCl, as a hard crystalline mass ; and other compounds have been obtained by J. Galletly (Ed. N. PhiL J. iv. 94), viz. : Cinchonine-salt. C 20 H 2 'N'O.HCl. CdCl + i aq. Morphine-salts. C 17 H 9 N0 3 .HC1.7CdCl + 2 aq., and C 17 H 9 N0 3 .HC1.2CdCl + f aq. Narcotinc-salt. Semi-crystalline, sparingly soluble mass. Nicotine-salt. C'H H N 2 .2HC1.5CdCL Crystallisable. Lutidine-salt. C 7 H 9 N.HC1.3CdCl. Very soluble feathery crystals. Piperine-salt. C 34 H 36 N 2 5 .2HC1.9CdCl+ 3 aq. Straw-yellow needles. Strychnine-salt. C 21 H 22 N 2 2 .HCLCdCl. Sparingly soluble in water. Toluidine-salt. 2(C 7 H 9 N.HCl).3CdCl + aq. Very soluble scales. CADMIUM, DETECTION 1 AND ESTIMATION OF. 1. Blowpipe Re- actions. All cadmium-compounds, when heated on charcoal in the inner blowpipe flame with carbonate of sodium or cyanide of potassium, give a brown incrustation of cadmic oxide. A little cadmium, in presence of zinc, may be detected by heating the mixture with carbonate of sodium for an instant in the inner flame, when a slight incrustation of cadmic oxide will be formed. Much longer heating is required for the formation of zinc-oxide. With borax and microcosmic salt, cadmic oxide forms a bead which is yellowish while hot, colourless when cool. 2. Liquid Reactions. Zinc immersed in a solution of a cadmic salt, throws down metallic cadmium in dendrites. Sulphydric acid ffas, passed through cadmium- solutions, even when a large excess of acid is present, precipitates the whole of the cadmium in the form of sulphide, which has a lemon-yellow colour at first, but after- wards becomes oi-ange-yellow. A similar effect is produced by alkaline sulphydratcs, the precipitate being insoluble in excess. The hydrated sulphides of manganese, iron, cobalt, and nickel, when recently precipitated, likewise throw down sulphide of cad- CADMIUM: ESTIMATION IODIDE. 705 mium from cadmic salts (Anthon, J. pr. Chem. x. 353). Caustic alkalis throw down white hydrate of cadmium, very easily soluble in a slight excess of ammonia, but in- soluble in potash or soda. Sulphydric acid likewise precipitates sulphide of cadmium from the solution in excess of ammonia. The neutral and acid carbonates of ammo- nium, potassium, and sodium throw down white carbonate of cadmium, insoluble in excess of the alkaline carbonates. If the salt contains a large quantity of free acid, the precipitate dissolves in excess of carbonate of ammonia, but not otherwise (Stro- meyer). Phosphate of sodium throws down white phosphate of cadmium. Oxalic acid and alkaline oxalates precipitate white oxalate of cadmium, insoluble in alkaline oxalates, but easily soluble in ammonia. The white precipitate produced by ferro- ci/anide of potassium, and the yellow precipitate produced by the ferricyanide, are soluble in hydrochloric acid. The addition of hyposulphite of sodium and hydro- chloric acid does not produce a precipitate of sulphide of cadmium ; neither is any precipitate produced by chromic acid, succinic acid, alkaline benzoates, or tincture of galls. Cadmium is the only metal which forms a yellow sulphide insoluble in sulphide of ammonium. 3. Quantitative Estimation. Cadmium is best precipitated from its solutions by carbonate of sodium ; it is thereby obtained as a carbonate, which, by ignition, yields the brown oxide containing 87'5 per cent, of the metal. 4. Separation from other Elements. From the metals of the second and fourth groups, and from all non-metallic elements except selenium and tellurium, cadmium may be separated by sulphuretted hydrogen ; from selenium, tellurium, and the metals of Group 1, Subdivision A (p. 217), by the insolubility of its sulphide in sulphide of ammonium. The sulphide is then dissolved by nitric acid, and the cadmium preci- pitated by carbonate of sodium, as above. From bismuth, lead, and mercury, cadmium may be separated by the solubility of its oxide in ammonia, or of its cyanide in cyanide of potassium : from lead also by sul- phuric acid, and from mercury by precipitating the latter in the metallic state by proto- chloride of tin. From palladium, it is also separated by the solubility of its cyanide in cyanide of potassium ; from silver, by precipitating that metal as chloride. From copper, cadmium is separated by carbonate of ammonium, an excess of which re- dissolves the copper and not the cadmium : or better, by treating the solution of the two metals with excess of cyanide of potassium, which precipitates and redissolves them both, and passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the liquid, whereby the cad- mium is precipitated, while the copper remains dissolved. (See COPPER.) 5. Atomic Weight of Cadmium. Stromeyer found that 114-352 pts. protoxide of cadmium, Cd 2 0, yielded 14-352 0; whence 14-352 : 100 = 16 : Cd 2 ; and Cd = 55-7. Dumas (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiii. 27), from the mean of six L x experiments on the quantity of nitrate of silver required to precipitate the chlorine from chloride of cadmium, found for the atomic weight of cadmium, numbers varying from 55'89 to 56-38. He regards 56 as very near to the true value. CADMIUM, FLUORIDE OF, CdF, is deposited from the aqueous solution on evaporation, in white, indistinctly crystalline crusts. It dissolves sparingly in pure water, more readily in aqueous hydrofluoric acid. (Berzelius.) C ADMIU1V!, IODIDE OP. Cdl. Prepared either in the dry way, or by digest- ing cadmium with iodine and water. Crystallises in large, transparent, six-sided tables, which are not altered by exposure to the air. It melts easily, and solidif es again in the crystalline form ; gives off iodine at a higher temperature. Dissolves readily in water and alcohol, and crystallises unchanged from the solutions. Sulphy- dric acid slowly precipitates sulphide of cadmium from the aqueous solution. Two ammonio-iodides of cadmium are known, viz. NH 3 .CdI, which is deposited in small crystals from a solution of iodide of cadmium in hot aqueous ammonia ; and 3NH 3 .CdI, which is a white powder produced by gently heating iodide of cadmium in ammonia-gas. (Kammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. xlviii. 153.) Iodide of Cadmium and Potassium,^ Cdl.KI + aq. crystallises in confused octa- hedrons from a solution of the two iodides in equivalent proportions. In like manner are obtained: NH'I.Cdl + aq., apparently isomorphous with the potassium -salt ; NaLCdl + 3aq. in deliquescent prisms; Bal.Cdl + | aq., also deliquescent; and SrI.Cdl + 4aq. in large crystals, which deliquesce in moist, and effloresce in dry air. (Croft, Chem. Gaz. 185.6, p. 121.) CADiviitriVT, NTTRIDE OP. (?) When an electric current is passed through a solution of sal-ammoniac, the positive pole being formed of cadmium, and the negative pole of platinum, the latter becomes covered with a spongy, lead-grey mass, which, after washing and drying, has a density of 4-8 ; 5 grains of it gave off when heated, VOL. I. Z Z 706 CADMIUM : OXIDE CADMIUM-ETHYL. 0-18 to 0-25 cub. in. of nitrogen gas free from hydrogen, and left a yellowish-green residue, containing globules of cadmium. (Grove, Phil. Mag. [3] xix. 99.) CADMIUM, OXIDES OF. Cadmium forms two oxides, viz. a protoxide, Cd 2 0, and a suboxide, Cd 4 0. The protoxide dissolves in acids without evolution or absorp- tion of oxygen, and forms salts of corresponding composition : c. g. the sulphate, Cd 2 S0 4 , the nitrate CdNO 3 , &c. These are indeed the only salts of cadmium ; the suboxide when treated with acids, yields metallic cadmium and a protosalt. Suboxide of Cadmium, Cd'O, is obtained by heating the oxalate to about the melt- ing point of lead. It is a green powder, resembling oxide of chromium, and is resolved by heat or by acids, into metallic cadmium and the protoxide. It does not however yield metallic cadmium when treated with mercury : hence it appears to be a definite compound, and not a mere mixture of the metal with the protoxide. Protoxide of Cadmium, or Cadmic Oxide, Cd 2 0, or CdO. Cadmium, heated in the air, takes fire and is converted into protoxide. The same compound is formed when vapour of cadmium and aqueous vapour are passed together through a red-hot tube ; but it is most easily prepared by igniting the hydrate, carbonate, or nitrate. It varies in colour from brown-yellow to blackish, according to the mode of preparation. By boiling cadmium for some time in a long-necked flask, the oxide may be obtained in purple crystals. Its specific gravity is 6*9502. It is quite fixed in the fire, and does not melt at the strongest white heat. It is easily reduced by charcoal before the blowpipe, and emits vapours of metallic cadmium, which is immediately reoxidised, and forms a red or brown deposit on the charcoal (p. 703). It is insoluble in water, but unites with it, forming a hydrate. Ht/drate of Cadmium, CclIIO, is precipitated by potash from dilute solutions of cadmic salts ; it may be obtained in indistinctly crystalline warty groups, by the action of aqueous ammonia on metallic cadmium in contact with iron or copper. It is white, absorbs carbonic acid from the air, is insoluble in the fixed alkalis, dissolves readily in caustic ammonia, but not in carbonate of ammonia. It dissolves easily in sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, and acetic acid. C ADMIUM, PHOSPHIDE OP. Grey, with faint metallic lustre ; very brittle ; difficult to fuse. Burns in the air with a bright flame, producing cadmic phosphate. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it, with evolution of phosphoretted hydrogen. CADMIUM, SULPHIBE OP. Cd 2 S, or CdS. This compound occurs in the form of Grrecnockite, and is prepared as a pigment known by the name oijaunc briUant. It is formed with difficulty by fusing cadmium with sulphur, more readily by igniting cadmic oxide with sulphur ; precipitated in yellow flakes when sxilphydric acid or an alkaline sulphydrate is brought in contact with a cadmium-salt. The native sulphide crystallises in double six-sided pyramids and other forms of the hexagonal system, with cleavage parallel to the terminal and lateral edges of a six-sided prism. Specific gravity 4'8 (Brooke), 4-908 (Breithaupt). Hardness equal to that of calcspar. Of diamond lustre, semi-transparent, honey -yellow ; yields an orange-yellow or a brick- red powder ; becomes carmine-red when heated. Decrepitates when heated somewhat strongly (Brooke, Breithaupt). The artificial sulphide, in the precipitated state, is an orange-yellow powder, which, when heated to redness, becomes first brownish and then carmine-red. It melts at an incipient white heat, and solidfies on cool- ing, in transparent, lemon-yellow, micaceous laminae. It is not volatile at any temperature (Stromeyer). Specific gravity of the fused artificial sulphide, 4-605. (Karsten.) Ih dilute hydrochloric acid it dissolves with difficulty, even when the acid is heated ; but if the acid be strong, the sulphide dissolves with ease, even at ordinary tempe- ratures, with violent evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, and without separation of sulphur. At a red heat, it slightly decomposes vapour of water ; at a white heat, oxide of cadmium is formed (Regnault). It dissolves in nitric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and separation of sulphur. Very soluble in ammonia. CADIvnuTA-ETHVIi. Cadmium appears to form with ethyl a compound ana- logous to zinc-ethyl ; but it has not yet been obtained in the pure state. Wanklyn (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ix. 193), by heating cadmium-foil with half its weight of iodide of ethyl dissolved in an equal volume of ether in a sealed tube, obtained a liquid whu-h passed over in fractional distillation between 180 and 220 C., gave off first white and then brown vapours on exposure to the air, and at length took fire, emitting a brown smoke. It smelt like zinc-ethyl, and was decomposed by water, with effervescence and formation of a white precipitate. It contained 36-8 per cent, cadmium, whereas the formula C-H 5 Cd requires 66 per cent. Hence the distillate appears to have con- tained about 56 per cent, of cadmium-ethyl, the remainder consisting of ether, iodide of ethyl, and perhaps certain hydrocarbons. (See also Sonnenschein, J. pr. Chera. Ixvii. 169.) CAESIUM CAFFEINE. 707 C.2ESIUIVE. Symbol Cs. Atomic weight = 124. An alkali-metal, the chloride of which has lately been discovered by Bunsen and KirchhoiF, in the mother-liquors of certain saline-waters in Germany. Its compounds give a spectrum distinguished by two blue lines, one rather faint at about the middle of the blue space of the normal spectrum, and the other much brighter, situated more towards the violet end. It was by this peculiar spectrum that the metal was discovered (page 214).* CAFFEIC ACID. See CAFFETANNIC ACID. CAFFEINE or THEXUE. C 8 H 10 N 4 2 , or C*ff lo .tf'0 4 . (Gm. xiii. 223; Gerh. i. 542.) Caffeine was discovered in coffee by Runge, in the year 1820 (Materialien zur Phytologie, 1821, i. 146). Oudry (Mag. Pharm. xix. 49), in 1827, found in tea a crystalline subtance, which he called theine, supposing it to be a distinct compound; but Jobst (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxv. 63) and Mulder (Pogg. Ann. xliii. 160), in 1838, showed that it was identical with caffeine. Martius, in 1840 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxvi. 93), discovered the same substance in guarana, the dried pulp of Paulinia sor- bilis;anA Stenhouse, in 1843 (Phil. Mag. [3] xxiii. 426), obtained it from Paraguay tea, the leaves and twigs of Ilex Paroguayensis. The same chemist has shown (Phil. Mag. [4] vii. 21) that it exists in the leaves as well as in the berries of the coffee- plant. The exact composition of caffeine was first demonstrated in 1832 by Pfaff and Liebig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. i. 17). Its combinations and reactions have been especially studied by Stenhouse (he. tit. ; also Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlv. 366 ; xlvi. 227), Nichol- son (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iii. 321), Peligot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xi. 128) and Eochleder (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 1 ; Ixxiii. 56 and 123). Its alkaline nature was first demon- strated by Herzog. (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 344; xxix. 171.) Preparation, a. From Tea or Coffee. 1. The mode of extraction generally adopted is to treat tea or coffee with boiling water and mix the infusion with subacetate of lead to precipitate the tannin. Peiigot adds subacetate of lead in excess, then ammonia. The mixture is boiled for some time, the lead-precipitate carefully washed on a filter with boiling water, the nitrate freed from excess of lead by sulphuretted hydrogen, and after a second filtration, evaporated at a gentle heat. On cooling, it yields an abun- dant crystallisation of nearly pure caffeine, and an additional quantity may be ob- tained by concentrating the mother-liquor and leaving it to crystallise. 2. Caffeine may also be obtained by saturating the free acid contained in infusion of tea or coffee with carbonate of potassium ; treating the liquor with with infusion of gall-nuts ; mix- ing the precipitate with dry hydrate of lime ; exhausting the mixture with alcohol ; ex- pelling the alcohol from the filtrate by distillation ; and dissolving the residue in boil- ing water or boiling ether (Robiquet and Boutron, J. Pharm. xxiii. 108). 3. Five pts. of ground coffee are mixed with 2 pts. of slaked lime, and the mixture is ex- hausted with alcohol in a displacement apparatus. The extract is then dried, pul- verised, and again treated with alcohol; the alcohol separated from the extracts by distillation ; the fat oil which floats on the surface is removed ; the watery liquid is eva- porated to the crystallising point ; and the crystals of caffeine are pressed and deco- lorised by animal charcoal : 50 kilogrammes of coffee thus treated yielded more than 250 grammes of caffeine (Versmann, Arch. Pharm. [2] Ixviii. 148). 4. Ground coffee is digested for a week with commercial benzene, which takes up caffeine and oil of coffee. Both remain behind when the benzene is distilled off, and maybe separated by hot water, which dissolves the caffeine and leaves it in large crystals when evapo- rated. The oil may also be dissolved out by ether, which leaves the caffeine undis- solved (Vogel, Chem. Centralb. 1858, p. 367). 5. Payen exhausts coffee with ether, then washes it thoroughly with alcohol of 60 per cent., concentrates the solutions to a slightly syrupy consistence, and mixes them with three times their volume of 85 per cent, alcohol, whereupon the liquid separates into two layers, the lower being viscid and the upper fluid. The latter, which contains the greater part of the caffeine, is decanted, and freed from the greater part of the alcohol by distillation ; and the syrupy residue is mixed with one-fourth of its bulk of alcohol at 90 C., and left to itself in a cool place : it then deposits crystals, which are recrystallised from alcohol. They con- sist, according to Payen, of caffetannate (chlorogenate), of caffeine and potassium, and when submitted to dry distillation, yield a sublimate of caffeine (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxvi. 108). 6. Caffeine or theine being volatile, may also be prepared by sublimation. For this purpose, waste useless tea is gradually heated in a sublimation apparatus, like that used for preparing benzoic acid, but not so strongly as to decompose the theine. Part of the sublimate is quite pure ; the rest may be purified by recrystallisation from water. (Heiynsius, J. pr. Chem. xlix. 317.) According to the results of an extensive series of experiments made by Graham, Stenhouse, and Campbell (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ix. 33), coffee contains from 0'8 to * See APPENDIX to this volume. z z 2 708 CAFFEINE. 1 per cent, of caffeine ; tea about 2 per cent. Stenhouse (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxix. 246) obtained from a sample of black tea from Kimaon on the Himalaya, 1'97 per cent, theine, and from another sample of good black tea 2' 13 per cent. According to Peligot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xi. 68), Hyson tea contains from 2'2 to 3'4 per cent,, and gunpowder tea from 2'2 to 4'1 per cent, of theine. According to Eobiquet and Boutron (loc, cit.) Martinique coffee yields 0'36 per cent, Mocha coffee 0'206, and Cayenne coffee 0'2 per cent, of caffeine. b. From Guarana. Guarana mixed with ^ of its weight of quick lime is repeatedly boiled with alcohol of 33 Beck; the filtrate is evaporated a little ; the greenish fatty oil which separates on cooling is removed ; the residual alcoholic liquid completely eva- porated ; and the dry residue is heated : caffeine then sublimes, at first yellowish- white, afterwards quite white. 2. Twenty-four grammes of guarana powder are boiled with a quart of water ; the cold solution is precipitated with basic acetate of lead ; the bulky brownish-red precipitate filtered off, and repeatedly digested with hot water ; and the lead is separated from the filtrate by sulphuretted hydrogen. The liquid separated from the sulphide of lead is evaporated in the water-bath to dryness ; the residue dis- solved in a little boiling alcohol, filtered, and allowed to crystallise; and the crystals thus obtained are purified by pressing and recrystallisation. Guarana contains about 5 per cent, of caffeine. (Stenhouse.) c. From Paraguay Tea. The filtered decoction is precipitated with neutral acetate of lead and the filtrate with basic acetate (or it is boiled with litharge), and the liquid de- canted from the precipitate is evaporated to dryness, a tough, dark brown, hygroscopic mass then remaining. From this residue, caffeine may be obtained, either by subli- mation, or by reducing it to powder, mixing it with sand, and treating it with ether. After distilling off the ether, feebly coloured caffeine crystallises, and may be purified by repeated crystallisation. The product amounts to 013 per cent, of the Paraguay tea. (Stenhouse.) [For a full account of the methods of preparing caffeine, see Gmelin's Handbook, loc. cit.] Properties Caffeine crystallises from water in slender needles, having the aspect of white silk, and containing 8-4 per cent, water of crystallisation (C 8 H 10 N 4 2 + H 2 0), which is not given off completely at 1 50 C. (Mulder). Specific gravity of the crystals 1-23 at 19 C. (Pfaff). It has a slightly bitter taste, and grates between the teeth. Melts at 178, and sublimes completely at 185 in capillary and feathery needles (Mulder). It is sparingly soluble in cold water and alcohol, still less in ether. Boiling water dissolves it more freely, and the solution solidifies in a pulp on cooling. The crystals which separate from ether and alcohol are anhydrous. Decompositions. 1. Caffeine, when quickly and strongly heated, suffers partial de- composition, giving off vapours which have the odour of methylamine. 2. Strong sul- phuric acid decomposes it after continued heating. 3. When chlorine is passed into a thick magma of caffeine and water, the crystals gradually disappear, and a mixture of several substances is obtained, varying in composition according to the duration of the action. With a comparatively small quantity of chlorine, the products are amalic acid, C 6 H 6 N 2 4 , methylamine and chloride of cyanogen, together with chlorocaffeine, C 8 H 9 C1N 4 2 . The formation of the three first-mentioned products is represented by the equation : C 8 H 10 N 4 2 + 2H 2 + Cl 4 = C 6 H 6 N 2 4 + CH 5 N + CNC1 + 3HC1. The resulting liquid heated in the water-bath gives off hydrochloric acid, and a gas smelling like chloride of cyanogen, and granular crystals of amalic acid separate, suc- ceeded (if too much chlorine has not been passed through the liquid) by chlorocaffeine in light flocks and crusts. If the action of the chlorine be prolonged, the compound C 5 H 6 N 2 8 , called nitrotheine by Stenhouse, cholestrophane by Rochleder, and dimethyl- parabanic acid [C 3 (CH 3 ) 2 N 2 3 ] by Gerhardt, is produced : C 6 H 6 N*0 4 + Cl 2 + H 2 = C 5 H 6 N 2 3 + CO 2 + 2HC1. Amalic acid. Nitrotheine. 4. Caffeine boiled with hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potassium yields alloxan or a similar body, the aqueous solution of which colours the skin red and imparts to it a peculiar odour. The solution gives with ammonia the colour of murexid, and with alkalis and ferrous salts the colour of indigo. 5. Strong nitric acid boiled with caffeine gives off nitrous fumes, and forms a yellow liquid, which assumes the purple colour of murexid on adding a drop of ammonia (this reaction furnishes a test for caffeine). If the ebullition be continued, the liquid becomes colourless, no longer ex- hibits the purple colour with ammonia, and yields by evaporation crystals of dimethyl- parabanic acid (nitrotheine), floating in a mother-liquor containing a salt of methyl- amine. 6. Caffeine boiled with very strong potash-ley evolves a considerable quantity of methylamine. 7. With soda-lime it gives off ammonia, forms carbonate of sodium, CAFFEONE CAFFETANNIC ACID. 709 carbonate of calcium, and a large quantity of cyanide of sodium. This reaction dis- tinguishes caffeine from piperine, morphine, quinine, and cinchonine, which do not form cyanide of sodium when similarly treated. (Eochleder.) Compounds of Caffeine. Caffeine is a weak base : it dissolves in acids, forming salts which have an acid reaction, and are for the most part decomposed by evapora- tion, caffeine free from acid being deposited. Hydrochlorate of Caffeine, C 8 H 10 N 4 2 .HC1, is obtained in crystals by dissolving caffeine in very strong hydrochloric acid, not diluted either with water or with alcohol, and concentrating by gentle evaporation. If either water or alcohol be added, nothing but caffeine crystallises out. The salt forms large, transparent, efflorescent crystals, be- longing to the trimetric system, ooP . P oo . oo P oo. Inclination of the faces, ooP : oo P = 118 30' : P oo : c oo = 116 30'. Chloroaurate of caffeine, C*H If N 4 O*.HCLAuCl t , crystallises from alcohol in orange- coloured needles (Nicholson). The chloromercurate, C 8 H'N 1 2 .2HgCl, obtained by mixing an alcoholic solution of caffeine with excess of mercuric chloride, forms needles resembling caffeine, soluble in water, hydrochloric acid, alcohol, and oxalic acid, nearly insoluble in ether. The cyanomercurate, C 8 H 10 N 4 2 .2HgCy, prepared in like manner forms prisms belonging to the dimetric system, sparingly soluble in cold water and alcohol. The chloroplatinate, C 8 H 10 N 4 2 .HCl.PtCl 2 , forms small distinct orange-yellow crystals, sparingly soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. With chloride of palladium, hydrochlorate of caffeine forms a beautiful brown precipitate, and the filtered liquid deposits yellow scales of another compound, not unlike iodide of lead. A solution of caffeine does not precipitate sulphate of copper, protochloride of tin, acetate of lead, or mercurous sulphate. Boiled with sesquichloride of iron, it forms, on cooling, a brown-red precipitate, perfectly soluble in water, and probably consisting of a double salt similar to the preceding. With nitrate of silver, caffeine forms the com- pound AgN0 3 .C 8 H 10 N 4 2 , which separates on mixing concentrated solutions of caffeine and nitrate of silver, in white crystalline hemispheres, adhering firmly to the sides of the vessel. It is sparingly soluble in cold, more readily in hot water and alcohol ; deto- nates when heated. Sulphate of Caffeine is difficult to crystallise, and is easily decomposed by water. Tannate of Caffeine is obtained as a white precipitate when an aqueous solution of caffeine is added in excess to aqueous tannic acid. It contains 41'9 per cent, caffeine and 58-1 tannic acid (Mulder). An infusion of tea, by its tannin, also precipitates a solution of caffeine. C AFFEOKTE, The aromatic principle of coffee. It may be isolated by distilling 5 or 6 Ibs. of roasted coffee with water, agitating the aqueous distillate with ether, and afterwards evaporating the ether. It is a brown oil, heavier than water, slightly soluble in boiling water. An almost imponderable quantity of it is sufficient to aro- matise more than a quart of water. (Pelouze et Fremy, Trait6, iv. 449.) CAFFETANNIC ACID. Caffeic Acid. Chlorogenic Acid. C^H^O 17 ? (Pfaff, 1830, Scher. Ixi. 487. Eochleder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. lix. 300; Ixiii. 193; Ixvi. 35; Ixxxii. 196. Liebich, ibid. Ixxi. 97. Stenhouse, ibid. Ixxxiii. 244. Payen, Ann, Ch. Phys. [3] xxvi. 108. Gerh. Traite, iii. 886.) This acid exists in coffee berries to the amount of 3 to 5 per cent, as a calcium- and magnesium-salt, and, according to Payen, as a double salt of caffeine and potassium. According to Rochleder,it is also found in Paraguay tea. It is prepared by mixing an alcoholic infusion of coffee op Paraguay tea with water to separate the fatty matter; then boiling the liquid, adding acetate of lead, decomposing the precipitate with sulphuretted hydrogen, and evapo- rating the filtered liquid. It forms a yellowish brittle mass, which may with difficulty be obtained in colourless, mammellated, crystalline groups. It dissolves easily in water, less in alcohol; has an astringent taste, and reddens litmus strongly. Melts when heated, then chars, and gives off the odour of roasted coffee. By dry distillation it yields water and a thick oil, which solidifies on cooling, and consists of oxyphenic acid (Kochleder). Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it with the aid of heat, forming a blood- red liquid. Distilled with peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, it yields quinone (Stenhouse). It dissolves with yellow colour in potash and in ammonia. The am- moniacal solution in contact with the air quickly turns green, producing viridic acid, C 14 H 14 8 (?) (Eochleder.) Caffetannic acid colours ferric salts green. It does not precipitate ferrous salts, but, on adding ammonia, a nearly black precipitate is obtained. It does not precipitate tartar-emetic or gelatin, but precipitates quinine and cinchonine. It reduces nitrate of silver in specular form if the liquid is heated. The formula of caffetannic acid is not definitely fixed. Rochleder first supposed it to be C 1(i H 18 8 , but afterwards gave the preference to C 14 H 16 7 . Gerhardt (Traite", iii. 886) suggested C 35 H :<8 17 , according to which caffetannic acid would be a homologue z z 3 710 CAINCIC ACID - CAJEPUT. of gallotannic acid, C 27 H 2? 17 , differing from it by 8CH 2 . Pfaff supposes it contains two acids, caffeic and caffetannic ; but Kochleder found only one, viz. caffetannic acid, with Itraces of citric acid. The caffctannates are but little known. Tliepotassiiim-salt is amorphous, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, and turns brown from oxidation on exposure to the air. The barium- and calcium-salts are yellow, and quickly turn green on exposure to the air. The lead-salt is a white precipitate of very variable composition. The caffetannate of cafftine and potassium, prepared as already described (p. 706), forms spheroidal groups of crystals, which become electric by friction. They are very soluble in water, less soluble in aqueous alcohol, nearly insoluble in absolute alcohol. The aqueous solution turns brown when exposed to the air. They are decomposed by dry distillation, swelling up strongly and yielding a sublimate of caffeine. Gently heated with potash, they assume a red or orange colour. Heated with strong sulphuric acid, they yield a liquid of deep violet colour, with a bronze pellicle on the surface. Nitric acid colours them orange-yellow. CAINCIC ACID. C 16 H 26 7 (?) (Francois, Pelletier, and Caventou, 1830, J. Pharm. xvi. 465. Liebig, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlvii. 185. Eochleder and Hlasiwetz, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxvi. 238. Grerh. Traite, iii. 746.) Found in the root of cai'nca (Chiococca anguifuga, Martius), a rubiaceous plant growing in Brazil, and used as a remedy against the bites of serpents ; also in the root of Chiococca racemosa (L.\ a plant much used in the Antilles for the cure of syphilis and rheumatism. It is prepared : 1. By exhausting cai'nca root with alcohol, concentrating the alco- holic extract, mixing it with water, and adding milk of lime to the filtered liquid till it loses its bitterness. An insoluble basic caincate of calcium is thus produced, which is decomposed by a hot alcoholic solution of oxalic acid. The filtered solution, when evaporated, yields caincic acid in shining needles (Pelletier and Caventou). 2. From the root of Chiococca racemosa, by exhausting the bark of that root with alcohol ; mixing the solution with neutral acetate of lead, which throws down caffe- tannate of lead, together with some caincate and phosphate ; then treating the filtrate with subacetate of lead, which forms a yellow precipitate containing the greater part of the caincic acid, with only traces of caffetannic acid. This precipitate being decom- posed by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the filtrate sufficiently concentrated, the caincic acid is deposited in crystalline flakes, which may be purified by crystallisation from boiling water containing a little alcohol. Caincic acid is inodorous ; tasteless at first, afterwards very bitter ; sparingly soluble in water and ether, very soluble in alcohol. Eeddens litmus perceptibly. The crystals give off 9 per cent, water at 100 C. (Liebig). When heated it softens, chars, and yields a crystalline sublimate which is not bitter. Dilute acids and strong alkalis convert it into quinovatic acid. The ca'incatcs are but little known ; they have a bitter taste. The neutral caincates of ammonium, potassium, barium, and calcium are soluble in water, deliquescent, and uncrystallisable. Lime-water, added to the solution of neutral caincate of calcium, produces a copious precipitate of a basic salt, soluble in boiling alcohol, whence it separates in white flakes, which are strongly alkaline. The normal lead-salt, C 16 H 24 Pb 2 7 + H 2 0, is precipitated on mixing strong alcoholic solutions of caincic acid and acetate of lead. There are also basic lead-salts. CAIRNGORM STONE. Smoky quartz. See QUARTZ. CAJEPUT, OH OF. This oil is prepared in India by distilling the leaves of Melaleuca Leucodendron (Z.) with water. It was formerly employed to a great extent in medicine, both internally and externally, but is now but little used, and is seldom met with in a pure or unchanged state, except in the hands of wholesale druggists. As introduced into Europe, it possesses a light green colour, resembling that of a dilute solution of chloride of chromium, which is caused by a resinous colouring matter dis- solved in it in very small quantity. The colour of the crude oil is also partly due to copper, the presence of which may be accounted for, either by the use of a copper head in the distilling apparatus of the Hindoos, or by intentional adulteration, resorted to for preserving the green colour of the oil, which otherwise changes gradually by oxidation to a reddish-brown, the oil then becoming unsaleable for medicinal purposes. That the oil possesses a green colour of its own is proved by the fact that the colour remains after the complete removal of the copper by sulphuretted hydrogen. Oil of cajeput consists mainly of the dihydrate of a hydrocarbon called cajputene, isomeric with oil of turpentine. Its specific gravity is 0'926 at 10 C. On submitting it to fractional distillation, dihydrate of cajputene, which constitutes about two-thirds of the crude oil, passes over between 175 and 178 C. ; smaller fractions, perhaps pro- ducts of decomposition, are obtained from 178 to 240 and from 240 to 250 ; and at CAJPUTENE. 711 250 only a small residue is left, consisting of carbonaceous matter mixed with me- tallic copper. On treating this residue with ether, a green solution is obtained, which, when evaporated, leaves a green resin, soluble in the portion which boils between 175 and 178, and capable of restoring the original colour. (M. Schmidl, Trans. Roy. Soc. Ed. xxii. [6] 360 ; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiv. 63.) CAJPITTEMTE. C 10 H 16 . (Schmidl, loc. cit.) This compound is obtained, to- gether with two isomeric hydrocarbons, isocajputene and paracajputene, by cohobating dihydrate of cajputene with phosphoric anhydride for half an hour, and then distilling off the liquid, whereupon cajputene passes over at 160 165 C. ; isocajputene at 176 178, and paracajputene at 310 316. Cajputene is permanent in the air. It is not affected by iodine at ordinary tempe- ratures, but at a higher temperature, hydrogen is evolved and a black liquid is formed. Bromine acts quickly on it, producing a dark viscid oil. With gaseous hydrochloric acid, it forms a beautiful violet liquid, but no crystalline compound, even at 10 C. A mixture of ordinary nitric and sulphuric acids acts upon it with violence, forming a yellow bitter resin. Cajputene is insoluble in alcohol, but dissolves in ether and in oil of turpentine. Isocajputene, C IO H 16 . Obtained: 1, as above. 2, by distilling the dihydrate of cajputene with oil of vitriol. It is an oil boiling between 176 and 178 C. Its odour is less agreeable than that of cajputene, and becomes more pungent and aromatic by expo- sure to the air, the oil at the same time acquiring a yellow colour. Specific gravity =* 0-857 at 16 C. Vapour-density of (1) = 4-82 ; of (2) = 4-52. Iodine, bromine, gaseous hydrochloric acid, and a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids, act upon isocajputene in the same manner as on cajputene. With oil of vitriol, and with dilute sulphuric, hydrochloric, or nitric acid (neither of which acts upon cajputene), it forms dark viscid liquids. Isocajputene is insoluble in water and in alcohol, but mixes in all proportions with ether and with oil vf turpentine. Paracajputene, C 20 H 32 , obtained as above mentioned, by distilling dihydrate of cajputene with anhydrous phosphoric acid, passes over between 310 and 316 C. It is very viscous, has a lemon-yellow colour, and in certain directions exhibits deep-blue fluorescence. Vapour-density, by experiment = 7'96 ; by calculation (2 vol.) = 9*43. The difference between the experimental and calculated vapour-densities is probably due to decomposition, taking place at the high temperature required for the deter- mination. Paracajputene oxidises rapidly in contact with the air, acquiring a red colour and resinous consistence. A mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids does not act so violently on it as on cajputene and isocajputene. With hydrochloric acid gas, it forms a dark viscid liquid, which does not yield crystals, even at 10 C. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, and oil of turpentine, soluble in ether. BROMIDE OF CAJPUTENE, C lo H 16 Br 4 . Obtained by the action of bromine on oil of cajeput. When dry bromine is dropped into the rectified oil, a very brisk action takes place, and the sides of the vessel become covered with yellow needles, which however soon disappear ; but if the addition of the bromine be continued till the reaction almost ceases, a dark, thick, viscous oil is formed, which, after several weeks, deposits a granular substance. By boiling the mixture with alcohol, the granular substance is extracted ; a heavy oil is left behind ; and the alcoholic solution, on cooling, deposits bromide of cajputene as a soft crystalline substance having a fatty lustre and much resembling cholesterin. Bromide of cajputene melts at 60 C. and solidifies again at 32. By dry distillation, it yields a liquid which crystallises again in the cooler parts of the retort. It is not altered by boiling with aqueous potash. It dissolves in ether and in boiling alcohol. Rectified oil of cajeput shaken up with bromine- water, forms a red resin, from which a solid substance separates in small white prisms, extremely deliquescent and rapidly decomposing. Another crystallised bromine-compound (probably a hydrobromate a\alogous to the hydriodate) is formed in the same manner as that compound (p. 713). CHLORIDE OF CAJPUTENE, C 10 H ;6 C1 2 , is produced by the action of nascent chlorine on the dihydrate (rectified cajeput oil). When the portion of the oil distilling between 175 and 178C. is mixed with very dilute nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid gas is passed into the liquid, a violent action takes place in a few minutes, chlorine and nitrous gas being evolved ; and, if the passage of the gas be continued, chloride of cajputene ultimately sinks _to the bottom, as a limpid brown oil, which may be freed from adhering nitric and nitrous acid by distillation over strong potash-ley. It has a fragrant odour, and may be kept without alteration for any length of time, but is de- zz 4 712 CAJPUTENE. composed by distillation. Boiled with nitrate of silver, it detonates in a peculiar manner, and forms chloride of silver. HYDBATES OF CAJPUTENE. Hemi-hydratc, C <20 IP 4 = (C 10 H 16 ) 2 .H 2 (or perhaps monohydrate of paracajputene, C 20 H S2 .H'-0.) Obtained by the action of oil of vitriol on oil of cajeput. When the crude oil is raised to the boiling-point in a deep open vessel, and oil of vitriol continuously dropped into it, violent ebullition takes place, accom- panied, after a while, by a peculiar crackling sound. As soon as this is observed, the flame must be lowered and the acid very cautiously added, till the liquid suddenly assumes a dark colour, extending in an instant from the surface throughout the whole depth. The vessel must then be immediately removed from the fire, otherwise further decomposition will take place, attended with evolution of sulphurous anhydride. The upper oily liquid is separated from the acid on which it floats, well washed, and distilled, and the portion which passes over from the 170 to 175 is collected and rectified. It is an oily liquid, whose vapour-density, as found by experiment, is 5' 19 to 5'27. Now the formula, C 20 H 34 O, if supposed to represent 2 volumes of vapour, gives for the calculated vapour-density the number 10'04 (= x 0*0693), which is nearly double the experimental number. Consequently, the molecule C 20 H S4 repre- sents 4 volumes of vapour, and probably splits up at high temperatures into C 20 !! 32 and H 2 0, each of which occupies 2 volumes. (See ATOMIC WEIGHTS, p. 469.) Monohydrate. C 10 H 18 = C IO H 16 .H 2 0. This is the chief constituent of oil of cajeput (p. 710), and passes over in the fractional distillation between 175 and 178 C. After rectification, it is a colourless oil which boils constantly at 175, has a specific gravity of 0'903 at 17 C., and vapour-density, by experiment = 5*43 ; by calculation (2 vol.) = 5 - 338. It dissolves in all proportions in alcohol, ether, and oil of turpentine. Exposed to the air for a considerable time, in the moist state, it changes to a reddish liquid, which ultimately exhibits a rather strong acid reaction with litmus. Iodine dissolves in the oil, and under certain circumstances forms crystalline compounds (p. 712). Bromine acts quickly upon it, and under similar circumstances forms crys- talline compounds (p. 711). Chlorine gas passed into the oil raises the temperature, but does not appear to act upon it further ; but nascent chlorine (evolved by passing hydrochloric acid gas into the oil mixed with dilute nitric acid) converts it into di- chloride of cajputene, C 10 H 16 C1 2 . Phosphoric anhydride heated with the monohydrate takes away the whole of its water, converting it into cajputene, isocajputene, and para- cajputene (p. 711). Chloride of zinc likewise dehydrates it, but less completely. Strong sulphuric acid acts but very slowly on the oil at low temperatures ; but if the tempera- ture be allowed to rise, sulphurous anhydride is given off, and the oil blackens and ulti- mately suffers complete decomposition. If the action be checked at a certain point, a sulpho-acid is formed, which yields a soluble barium-salt. Oil of vitriol dropped into the oil at the boiling heat, in the manner above described takes away half the water, forming monohydrate of cajputene. Dilute sulphuric acid, on the contrary, causes the monohydrate to take up 2 at. more water, converting it into C 10 H 16 .3H S 0. Fuming sulphuric acid converts the monohydrate into a thick brown liquid, which boils above 360. Fuming nitric acid rapidly oxidises the oil, even at ordinary temperatures, forming a large quantity of oxalic acid. Ordinary nitric acid produces the same effect at the boiling heat, but at ordinary temperatures it acts very slowly, converting the oil into a red liquid. Distilled over permanganate or add chromate of potassium in presence of sulphuric acid, it forms a thick resinous liquid. It does not appear to be altered by digestion with peroxide of lead. In contact with aqueous potash, or when dropped into melting potash, it forms a soluble salt, the acid of which is precipitated as a resin by hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. Heated with sodium, it forms a crystal- line mass, soluble in water and alcohol, and consisting of soda and an organic substance, which is separated by strong acids in the form of a fragrant resin. When the vapour of the monohydrate is passed over red-hot soda-lime, a yellow oil distils over, having a peculiar odour quite different from that of the monohydrate ; at the same time the soda-lime becomes blackened by deposited charcoal, and when treated with acids, gives off a large quantity of carbonic anhydride. The yellow oil thus formed yielded by distillation, a fraction boiling between 180 and 185 C. which gave in two analyses, 7976 and 80-03 per cent. C, 12'20 and 12-07 H, agreeing nearly with the formula C 26 H 24 ? , which requires 79*59 per cent. C, 12-24 H, and 7'97 0. Trihydrate of Cajputene, C IO H 22 O S = C 10 H I6 .3H 2 0. Produced by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on the monohydrate, or on crude oil of cajeput. Two pts. of dilute sulphuric acid are added to 1 pt. of the crude oil ; and the mixture is w>ll shaken for several days till the watery liquid acquires a yellowish colour, and then left to itself for about ten days, wheivupon it deposits crystalline tufts of the trihydratc, adhering to the sides of the vessel. Tliu crystals melt at 120 C. and solidify again at CAJPUTENE CALAMINE. 713 85. On submitting them to dry distillation, an oily liquid passes over and condenses again in the colder parts of the apparatus, apparently as the unaltered trihydrate. The crystals dissolve sparingly in cold, easily in boiling alcohol. Crystals having the same composition were deposited from a secondary fraction of crude cajeput-oil, which distilled at 210 230 C., and was left for a very long time moist and exposed to the air. The crude oil mixed with nitric acid and alcohol, changes, in the course of seven or eight months, into a black heavy liquid in which crystals are suspended, perhaps consisting of the trihydrate. The same compound appears likewise to be formed in beautiful long prisms, when the crystalline mass produced by passing hydrochloric acid gas into rectified oil of cajeput is thrown into water or alcohol. HYDROCHXORATES OF CAJPUTENE. The monohydrochlorate, C 10 H 16 .HC1, is obtained by distilling the dihydrochlorate, and collecting apart the fraction which boils at 160 C. A product having the same composition is obtained by treating the dihydro- chlorate for several days with aqueous or alcoholic potash ; but its odour is different from that of4he product obtained by simple distillation of the hydrochlorate, and re- sembles that of pelargonic ether. The dihydrochlorate, C IO H 16 .2HC1, is obtained by passing hydrochloric acid gas through rectified cajeput-oil, mixed with a third of its volume of alcohol. or strong aqueous hydrochloric acid. It crystallises from alcohol in beautiful radiating tufts ; melts at 55 C. and solidifies again at 30. It has no taste or smell. By dry -distil- lation, it gives off. hydrochloric gas at 60, and splits into several fractions, one of which is the monohydrochlorate. It is also deprived of half its chlorine by heating with aqueous or alcoholic potash. It dissolves sparingly in cold, easily in boiling alcohol or ether. HYDRIODATE OF CAJPUTENE. a. Anhydrous. C 10 H 16 .HI. Obtained by adding a solution of phosphorus in sulphide of carbon to a solution of iodine and oil of caje- put in the same liquid. The liquid becomes hot, assumes a reddish colour, deposits red oxide of phosphorus, and gives off vapours, probably containing phosphoretted hydrogen, and after ten or twelve days deposits crystals of the hydriodate. The re- action is perhaps : 6(C le H 16 .H 2 0) + 6PI == 6C 10 H 17 I + 2PH 3 + P 2 + P 2 5 . The crystals are deposited in cells like those of beehives, and possess a black metallic lustre. They are soluble in alcohol and ether, and are very stable, not being altered even by boiling with potash. b. Hydrated, C 20 H 36 I 2 = 2(C 10 H 16 .HI).H 2 0, or Hydriodate of Hemihydratcd Caj- putene, C'^H^O^HI. If iodine be added by small quantities, and with constant stirring, to cajeput-oil till the temperature rises from 10 to 40 C., and the vessel be then immersed in cold water, a black crystalline compound soon separates from it, and on filtering, pressing the black substance between paper, and then dissolving it in alcohol or ether, a solution is obtained, from which the hydrated hydriodate crystallises in prisms having a fine yellow-green colour and metallic lustre, and melting at 80 C. to a compound which does not recrystallise on cooling. Potash dissolves the crystals, abstracting part of the iodine in the cold, and the whole when heated. The crystals are insoluble in water, and are not decomposed thereby; they dissolve readily in alcohol and ether. CA.IiA.ZTE. Syn. of TURQUOIS. CALA.1VCITJE. Native Carbonate of Zinc. Zinc-spar. Smithsonite. Galmei. Zn 2 C0 3 . This mineral, which is one of the most abundant ores of zinc, occurs crystallised in rhombohedrons with cleavage parallel to the rhombohedral faces. Eatio of principal to secondary axes = 0-8070 : 1. Inclination of terminal faces = 107 40'. Also reni- foi*m, botryoi'dal, and stalactitic, and in crystalline incrustations ; likewise granular, earthy, and friable. Specific gravity = 4*45 ; hardness = 5. It is translucent or .subtransparent ; white when pure, but often tinged more or less with grey, green, or brown, from admixture of the carbonates of iron and manganese. Streak white. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly. Brittle, with uneven, imperfectly conchoiclal fracture. Pure calamine is found in Somersetshire and Derbyshire. A specimen from Somer- setshire analysed by Smith son (Nicholson's Journal, vi. 76) gave 35'2 per cent. CO 2 , and 64 -8 Zn 2 0, which is exactly the theoretical composition. Generally, however, a portion of the zinc is isomorphously replaced by iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, lead, and copper. The following are examples: a. From Nertzchinsk in Siberia, analysed by Kobell (J. pr. Chem. xxyiii. 480.) b, c, d. From Altenberg near Aix-la- Chapelle (Monheim, Bammelsberg's Miner alchemic, s. 227.) c, f. From Herrenberg 714 C AL AMINE CALCIUM. near Nirm, Aachen (Monheim, ibid.) g. A cupriferous variety called Herrerite, from Albarradon in Mexico. (G-enth, Sill. Am. J. ii. xx. ; J. pr. Chem. Ixvi. 475.) Zn'CO 3 Fe 2 CO 3 Mn^CO 3 Ca2CO 3 Mg^CO 3 Pb2Co 3 Cu'CO 3 SiO 2 Zn'^SiO" R2Q 96-00 2-03 _ 1-12 _ = 99-15 4-02 1-90 0-14 2-49 = 101-11 60-35 55-89 8492 85-78 74'42 93-74 32-31 36-46 1-58 2-94 3-20 3'47 2'27 0-41 _ = 98-50 6-80 1'58 2'84 _ _ 1-85 = 99'57 7-62 098 4-44 0'09 trace = 101-15 14-98 1'68 3'88 0-20 0'56 = 98'92 1-50 1-48 0"29 3-42 = 100-43 SIIilCEOUS. Siliceous oxide of zinc. Hydrous silicate of zinc. Zinc-glance. Kieselzinkerz. Kicselgalmei. Zn 4 Si0 4 + H 2 0. (Dana applies to this mineral the name calamine, distinguishing the preceding as Smithsonite.) Occurs in crystals of the trimetric system. Katio of brachydiagonal, macrodiagoual, and prin- cipal axis = 0-6385 : 1 : 0'6169. The crystals are short prisms (fig. 1_14) resulting from the predominance of the faces $2 and coPco , and un- Fig. 114. symmetrically terminated, viz. at one end by the faces P, and at the other by 2Po> .Poo . OP . |Po> (y) and iP (a). Inclination of faces, ooP2 : ooP2 = 103 53' ; |Poo : iPoo = 51 34'; Poo : Poo = 63 20'; 2P : 2Poo =101 56'. Cleavage perfect parallel to o>P2 ; somewhat less, parallel to Poo (Kop p ' s Krystallogra^thie, pp. 250, 264). The mineral likewise occurs in stalactitic, mammillary, botryoi'dal, and fibrous forms; also mas- sive and granular. Specific gravity 3'16 3 '9. Hardness = 4-5 5. It is white when pure, sometimes blue, more or less coloured by oxide of iron. Transparent or translucent. Lustre generally vitreous. Streak white. Brittle, with uneven fracture. Like many other unsymmetrical minerals, it is pyroelectric. Before the blowpipe it melts with difficulty at the edges ; it is not altered by heating on charcoal, either alone or with car- bonate of sodium ; but with carbonate of sodium and borax it is completely reduced, with formation of a zinc-deposit. It is easily decomposed by acids, with separation of gelatinous silica ; it also dissolves in potash-ley. Siliceous from Tarnowitz in Upper Silesia, Zn 2 O, and 7-75 H*0 = 101 requiring 25-1 SiO 2 , 67'4 Zn a O, and 7*5 H J O. Sometimes a small portion of the zinc is partly replaced by iron or lead: in a specimen from Nertzschinsk in Siberia, Hermann found 2-70 per cent, oxide of lead. .Siliceous calamine usually occurs, associated with the native carbonate, in calcareous rocks. Large crystals are found at Nertzchinsk. (Dana, ii. 314; Rammelsbefg's MI in ralchemie, s. 549.) CAXiAT&ZTZZ. A variety of tremolite (q. v.) having an asparagus-green colour. CALCAREOUS SPAR. See CALCSPAR. C AI.CEDONY. See CHALCEDONY. CAXiCHANTTTOX. Pliny's term for copperas. CALCINATION. The fixed residues of such matters as have undergone com- bustion are called cinders in common language, and calces, or oxides, by chemists ; and the operation, when considered with regard to these residues, is termed calcina- tion. In this general way it has likewise been applied to bodies not really combustible, but only deprived of some of their principles by heat. Thus we hear of the calcination of chalk, to convert it into lime, by driving off its carbonic acid and water : of gypsum or plaster stone, of alum, of borax, and other saline bodies, by which they are deprived of their water of crystallisation ; of bones, which lose their volatile parts by this treat- ment ; and of various other bodies. (See COMBUSTION.) CALCITE. Syn. with CALCSPAR (p. 721). CAX.crura. Symbol, Ca. Atomic weight, 20. Lime, the oxide of calcium, has been known from the earliest times, and was used by the ancients in the composition of mortar. Black, in 1756, first pointed out the difference between burnt and unburnt lime. The metal was first incompletely isolated by Davy in 1808, and has recently been obtained in the pure state by Matthiessen. Calcium is the most widely diffused of the alkaline-earthy metals. The carbonate cxvurs in a great variety of forms, and, as limestone, constitutes entire mountain ranges. The sulphate, fluoride, phosphate, and silicate are also abundant natural products. Less frequent are the chloride, nitrate, arsenate, and tungstate. Calcium also exists a.s carbonate and phosphate in the bones of animals ; the shells of molluscs are almost CALCIUM: BROMIDE CHLORIDE. 715 entirely composed of the carbonate. In the bodies of plants, calcium exists in combina- tion with various organic acids. Preparation of the Metal. Davy in 1808 obtained calcium in an impure state by electrolysis, similarly to barium (p. 500), and by passing vapour of potassium over red- hot lime (?) Matthiessen (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. viii. 28) prepares the pure metal as follows : A mixture of 2 at. chloride of calcium and 1 at. chloride of strontium, with a small quantity of chloride of ammonium (this mixture being more fusible than chloride of calcium alone), is melted in a small porcelain crucible, in which a carbon positive pole is placed, while a thin harpsichord wire wound round a thicker one, and dipping only just below the surface of the melted salt, forms the negative pole. The calcium is then reduced in beads, which hang on to the fine wire, and may be sepa- rated by withdrawing the negative pole every two or three minutes, together with the small crust which forms round it. A surer method, however, of obtaining the metal, though in very small beads, is to place a pointed wire so as merely to touch the surface pf the liquid ; the great heat evolved, owing to the resistance of the current, causes the reduced metal to fuse and drop off from the point of the wire, and the bead is taken out of the liquid with a small iron spatula. Or, thirdly, the disposition of the appa- ratus may be the same as that for the reduction of strontium (q. v.) Lies-Bodart and G-obin (Compt. rend, xlvii. 23) prepare calcium by igniting the iodide with an equivalent quantity of sodium in an iron crucible, having its Hd screwed down. According to Dumas (Compt. rend, xlvii. 175) it is essential that the process be conducted in a closed vessel, as, under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, the sodium burns away, and the iodide of calcium remains unaltered. Properties. Calcium is a light yellow metal, of the colour of gold alloyed with silver ; on a freshly cut surface the lustre somewhat diminishes the yellow colour, which becomes more apparent when the light is reflected several times from two sur- faces of calcium, or when the surface is slightly oxidised. It is about as hard as gold, very ductile, and may be cut, filed, or hammered out into plates having the thickness of the finest paper. Its specific gravity is 1'5778. In dry air the metal retains its colour and lustre for a few days, but in damp air the whole mass is slowly oxidised. Heated on platinum-foil over a spirit-lamp, it burns with a very bright flash. It is not quickly acted on by dry chlorine at ordinary temperatures ; but when heated, it burns in that gas with a most brilliant light ; also in iodine, bromine, oxygen, sulphur, &c. With phosphorus, it combines without ignition, forming phosphide of calcium. Heated mercury dissolves it as a white amalgam. Calcium rapidly decomposes water, and is still more rapidly acted on by dilute nitric, hydrochloric, and sulphuric acids, nitric acid often causing ignition. Strong nitric acid does not act upon it below the boiling heat. In the voltaic circuit, with water as the liquid element, calcium is negative to potassium and sodium, but positive to magnesium. It is not, however, reduced by potassium or sodium from its chloride by electrolysis. On the contrary, a fused mixture of CaCl with KC1 or NaCl, in certain proportions, yields potassium or sodium, when subjected in a certain manner to electric action ; hence it appears that the metal formerly obtained by reducing chloride of calcium with potassium or sodium, could not be calcium, but was probably a mixture of potassium or sodium with aluminium, silicon, &c. (Matthiessen.) Calcium unites with all the non-metallic elements, forming compounds into which it enters for the most part as a monatomic radicle, e. g. the chloride CaCl, the oxide Ca"O, the sulphide Ca 2 S, &c. Most of the compounds are colourless ; they have an acrid taste, and a lower specific gravity than the corresponding compounds of barium and strontium. Of the compounds of calcium with other metals, little is known, excepting that it forms an amalgam with mercury. CAIiCIUIVT, BROMIDE OP. CaBr. Formed by the direct union of calcium and bromine, or by dissolving lime or the carbonate in hydrobromic acid. The solu- tion yields by evaporation colourless silky needles of the hydrated bromide, from which the anhydrous bromide may be obtained by heating. It is deliquescent and very soluble in alcohol. CAIiClUlVT, CHXiORXDE OP. CaCl. This compound exists in sea- water, river-water, and spring-water, and is produced by passing chlorine over red-hot lime, or better by dissolving lime or the carbonate in hydrochloric acid, and evaporating. It is also produced in large quantity in the preparation of ammonia by heating sal- ammoniac with slaked lime : NH'Cl + CaHO = CaCl + NH 3 + H 2 0. The residue is treated with water ; the solution, which is always alkaline, is neutralised with hydrochloric acid, and the residue evaporated to dry ness. The aqueous solution, when highly concentrated, deposits the hydrated chloride, 716 CALCIUM : DETECTION. CaC1.3TFO, in six-sided prisms with pyramidal summits. It has a bitter taste. The crystals give off 2 at. water when dried in vacuo, leaving the hydrate CaCl.H 2 O, which retains the original form of the crystals, but is opaque, and has the appearance of talc (Graham). At 200 G. they part with the whole of their water, leaving the anhy- drous chloride in the form of a white porous mass. The anhydrous chloride melts at a low red heat. If it be then exposed to the sun's rays, it afterwards appears luminous in the dark ; it was formerly called Homberg's phosphorus. When ignited in contact with the air, it is partially converted into oxide and carbonate of calcium. Hence the porous chloride dried at about 200 C. is better adapted for absorbing water in organic analysis (p. 228) than the fused chloride ; the latter, containing lime, absorbs carbonic acid as well as water. Anhydrous chloride of calcium is exceedingly greedy of water, and is one of the most deliquescent substances known. 100 pts. of it in powder exposed to an atmo- sphere saturated with moisture absorb 124 pts. of water in ninety-six days, more, there- fore, than is required for complete deliquescence (Br a nd es, Schw. li. 433). The crystallised chloride also deliquesces rapidly, and dissolves in half its weight of water at C., in one-fourth of its weight at 16, and in every proportion of hot water. The solution of the anhydrous chloride in water is attended with considerable evolution of heat ; but the hydrated chloride in dissolving lowers the temperature of the liquid. A mixture of crystallised chloride of calcium and snow produces a degree of cold suffi- cient to freeze mercury. Both the anhydrous and the hydrated chloride dissolve readily in alcohol. 10 pts. of absolute alcohol at 80 C. dissolve 6 pts. of anhydrous chloride of calcium; and the solution when evaporated in vacuo, at the winter temperature, yields rectangular laminae containing 59 per cent, of alcohol, agreeing with the formula 4CaC1.7C 2 H 6 O. The alcohol in this compound appears to take the place of water of crystallisation. It likewise forms similar compounds with methylic and amylic alcohols. Chloride of calcium combines with ammonia, forming the compound CaC1.4NH 3 , it cannot, therefore, be used for drying gaseous ammonia. It unites also with chromic acid and with acetate and oxalate of potassium. A solution of chloride of calcium boiled with slaked lime dissolves that substance, and the filtered solution deposits an oxychloride of calcium, 2CaC1.3Ca 2 + 15IFO, which is decomposed by pure water and by alcohol. CALCIUM, DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF. 1. Reactions in the dry way. The hydrated chloride and a few other calcium-compounds, when heated in the blowpipe flame on platinum- wire, impart a red colour to the flame, similar to that produced by strontium-salts, but less intense. The colour disappears as soon as the salts are dehydrated, and is not produced at all if barium is likewise present. Alcohol burned on soluble calcium-salts exhibits a red flame tinged with yellow. The spectrum of a flame in which a volatile calcium-compound is ignited, according to Bunsen and Kirchhoff's method (p. 214), is distinguished by a broad bright green line situated at about the confines of the green and yellow of the normal solar spec- trum, and an intensely bright orange line situated nearer to the red end of the spec- trum than the orange band of strontium, and about midway between the lines C and 1) of the solar spectrum. This reaction is best seen with the chloride, bromide, and iodide of calcium ; the sulphate does not produce it till it has become basic, the car- bonate exhibits it most distinctly after the carbonic acid has been expelled. Com- pounds of calcium with the non-volatile acids require to be decomposed, generally by hydrochloric acid. To obtain the reaction with silicates not decomposible by hy- drochloric acid, a small quantity of the mineral in fine powder is mixed on a platinum plate with excess of fluoride of ammonium, and gently heated till all the fluoride is volatilised ; the residue is then moistened with sulphuric acid, and the excess of that acid driven off. If the remaining substance be ignited in the flame as above, the cha- racteristic spectra of the alkali-metals, if present, are first seen, and afterwards those of strontium and calcium. If only a trace of calcium is present, the bead must be held for a few minutes in the reducing flame of the blowpipe, then moistened with hydrochloric acid, and again ignited in the gas-flame. 2. Reactions in the wet way. The bromide, chloride, iodide, nitrate, acetate, and many other organic salts of calcium are soluble in water; the carbonate, berate, phos- phate, arsenate, and oxalate are insoluble, the sulphate sparingly soluble ; all of them, however, except the sulphate, dissolve readily in nitric or hydrochloric acid. In the aqueous solutions of calcium-salts, potash or soda produces a white gelatinous precipitate of hydrate of calcium, unless the solution is very dilute. Ammonia : no precipitate. Neutral carbonates of alkali-metals : white precipitate of carbonate of calcium, soluble with effervescence, in nitric, hydrochloric and acetic acids. Acidcar- /)<,H' 7 C1 Ethylene, C*H 4 Camphene, C 10 H 16 Camphol is produced by treating camphor with alcoholic potash (p. 626), just as ben- zylic alcohol is produced from benzoic aldehyde (p. 578). It is also formed by distilling amber with | of its weight of potash and a large quantity of water. From later experiments by Berthelot and Buignet (Compt. rend. 1. 606), it appears that the several bodies to which the name camphol has been applied, are iso- meric but not identical, being especially distinguished by their different rotatory power, which in camphol from common camphor = ->- 44-9 ; in natural camphor or borneol, = + 33 '4; in camphol from amber = + 4 - 5; while in Isevo-rotatory borneol, or camphol obtained from madder-camphor (p. 626), it is 33*4. According to Berthelot, camphol heated with acids unites with them, like all alcohols, with elimination of water. The resulting compound ethers may be purified by removing the excess of acid with slaked lime and ether, and distilling off the excess of camphol by prolonged heating at 150 J C. They are colourless, neutral, soluble in alcohol and ether; some are liquids, others crystalline; the latter melt at a lower temperature than camphol. Alkalis decompose them into acid and camphol, the latter exhibiting its original properties. Benzoate of camphol, C I7 H 22 2 = C 7 H 5 (C 10 H 17 )O 2 , is a neutral, colourless, inodorous oil. Stearate of camphot,CE. 5 -0' z = C 18 H 35 (C 10 H 17 )0-, is colourless, inodorous, viscid, solidifying after a while in a crystalline mass. Chloride vf camphyl, C 10 H' 7 C1, obtained by heating camphol (borneol) with strong hydrochloric acid to 100 C. in a sealed tube for 8 or 10 hours, and purified by washing with dilute potash and crystallisation from alcohol, has the aspect, odour, and empirical composition of hydrochlorate of turpentine-oil or artificial camphor (C^H^.HCl), but turns the plane of polarisation to the left, somewhat less strongly than borneol. Heated to 180 C. with alcoholic soda-solution, it yields chloride of sodium and borneol. By this and by its rotatory power, it is sufficiently distinguished from hydrochlorate of turpentine-oil. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 695.) CAIVXPHOXiElsrE. C 9 H 16 . A liquid hydrocarbon obtained by distilling campholic acid with phosphoric anhydride. Vapour-density 4*353. (Delalande.) CAXKPHOXiXC ACID. Bornenic acid. C IO H 18 2 = C 10 H 17 O.H.O. Produced by the action of hydrate of potassium on camphor. The quantity found under the ordi- nary atmospheric pressure is but small : but if the camphor be enclosed, together with potash-lime, in a sealed combustion tube of the ordinary dimensions, and its vapour made to pass several times over the heated potash-lime, about 5 or 6 grammes of purified acid may be obtained from each tube. To isolate the acid, the contents of the tube are digested in water, and the solution decomposed by a stronger acid. The campholic acid is then deposited as a crystalline mass, which may be purified by dis- tillation. It is white, and crystallises well from a mixture of alcohol and ether ; melts at 50 C. ; boils without alteration towards 250. Insoluble in water, but imparts to it an aromatic odour. Vapour-density 6'058. Distilled with phosphoric anhydride, it yields campholene, carbonic oxide being probably evolved at the same time : CO + H 2 + C 9 H 16 . It is monobasic. The calcium-salt, C 10 H 17 Ca0 2 , is a snow-white crystalline powder obtained by pouring chloride of calcium into a nearly boiling solution of the acid in excess of ammonia. By dry distillation, it yields an oily body called campholone, C 19 H 33 : 2C 10 H 1 Ta0 2 = Ca'CO 3 f r"H 3 '0. CAMPHONE CAMPHOR. 727 Campholate of silver, obtained by decomposing the neutral ammonium-salt with nitrate of silver, forms curdy flakes. (Delalande, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 120.) CAIVTPHOWE. Syn. of CYMENE. CAXVIPHOMETHYUC ACID. Camph orate of methyl and hydrogen. (See CAMPHOKIC Aero, p. 733.) CAMPHOR. C IO H 16 0. (Gm. xiv. 358; Gerh. iii. 621). A crystalline substance obtained from the Laurus camphora and other plants in which it exists ready formed. There are three modifications of it, identical in composition and chemical properties, but differing in their action on polarised light, viz. dextro-camphor, which turns the plane of polarisation to the right, l&vo-camphor, which turns it to the left, and inactive camphor, which has no action on polarised light. o. Dextro-camphor. Laurel or common camphor. This variety exists in the wood and bark of several trees of the Lauraceous order, chiefly in the Laurus camphora, a tree indigenous in Japan, Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. The process of extraction is very simple. In China and Japan, the wood, sawn into billets, is distilled with water in a kettle covered with an earthen capital lined with rice-straw, on which the crystals of camphor are deposited, being carried up by the aqueous vapour. The crude camphor thus obtained is exported to Europe, where it is purified by sublimation. In Sumatra and Borneo, the wood is split with wedges, and the camphor, which is found between the fibres in tears and crystals, is extracted ; a single tree sometimes yields as much as twenty pounds. Dextro-camphor is also produced artificially by the action of nitric acid on borneol or camphor of Borneo, C 10 H 18 (pp. 626, 726). Camphor crystallises by sublimation, or by slow deposition from an alcoholic solution, in octahedrons or segments of octahedrons. It is white and semi-transparent, like ice, rather tough, sectile, and not easily reduced to powder without the aid of a little alcohol. It melts at 175C. and boils at 204 C. evaporating completely away without alteration. Its specific gravity varies from 0'986 to 0'996. Vapour- density = 5 '3 17 (Dumas). Water dissolves y^ pt. of camphor, and thereby acquires its peculiar smell and taste. When small bits of camphor are thrown into water in a broad basin, they revolve and move about with more or less velocity, in proportion to their small- ness. These rotations are attributed to the force exerted by the vapours rapidly ex- haled from the camphor on the surface of the water ; but the explanation is not very satisfactory. If a pin-point slightly smeared with oil be dipped into the water, all the motions cease instantly, and the particles of camphor are repelled from the pin-spot by the spreading film of oil. The dispersion of the camphor- vapour is made very striking by the repulsion of the water on a moistened saucer from the points on which bits of this substance are laid. Laurel-camphor is soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone, acetic acid, wood-spirit, sul- phide of carbon, and oils. 100 pts. of alcohol of specific gravity 0'806 dissolve 120 pts. of camphor. It is thrown down almost entirely in flocks by the addition of water. Camphor augments in a remarkable degree the solubility of corrosive sublimate in spirit of wine. The optical rotatory power of the alcoholic solution of camphor, is 47 4 for a length of 100 millimetres. According to Arndtsen (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] liv. 403), it increases with the refrangibility of the rays much more quickly than is observed in any other substance. Solid camphor does not exhibit any rotatory power. Reactions. 1. Camphor, when set on fire in the air, burns with a smoky flame, pro- ducing water and carbonic acid. Spongy platinum, or a coil of fine platinum wire laid on camphor, begins to glow when the camphor is set on fire, and continues glowing after the flame is blown out. Camphor is set on fire by chlorochromic acid. 2. By prolonged boiling with nitric acid or permanganate of potassium, it is converted into camphoric acid (p. 730). 3. Heated with strong sulphuric acid to 100 C. for 1213 hours, it is converted into camphrene, C 8 H I2 0, with evolution of sulphurous anhydride and separation of charcoal (Chautard, Compt. rend. xliv. 66). According to Dela- lande (Instit. 1839, p. 399), camphor heated with excess of strong sulphuric acid, is converted into a volatile oil, which has the chemical properties and composition of common camphor, but less rotatory power, and when heated with potash to nearly 200 C. is converted into a solid camphor, whose rotatory power is intermediate be- tween that of common camphor and that of the oily camphor. Gerhardt supposed that the oil obtained by Delalande was cymene ; according to Chautard, it is camphrene containing camphor. 4. Camphor-vapour passed through a red-hot glass or porcelain tube, yields a combustible gas and an oil soluble in alcohol (Saussure). 5. When the vapour of camphor is passed over red-hot iron, an oily liquid is produced, contain- ing naphthalene and a hydrocarbon boiling at 140 C. and having the composition of benzene (D'Arcet, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 110). 6. Camphor distilled with 3 A 4 728 CAMPHOR. 2 pts. alumina or clay, is resolved into carbonic anhydride, carburetted hydrogen, empyreumatic oil, and a residue of charcoal. 7. Distilled with phosphoric anhydride, it is resolved into water and cym ene, C 10 H 14 (Delalande, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 368). Heated with concentrated phosphoric acid, it volatilises for the most part undecom- posed. It is also resolved into water and cymene by distillation with chloride of zinc. 8. Camphor-vapour passed over red-hot lime, yields camphrone, C^H^O, an oily liquid boiling at 75 C. At a very bright red heat, this product is resolved into carbonic oxide, carburetted hydrogen, and naphthalene (Fremy, Ann. Ch. Phys. lix. 16). 9. When the vapour is passed over heated potash-lime, underpressure, campholate of potassium, C 10 H 17 KO 2 is produced (Delalande, p. 726). 10. Camphor heated to 180 200 C. with alcoholic potash or soda, is converted into borneol (Bert he- lot, pp. 626, 726). 11. When camphor is triturated with iodine, and the mixture is distilled, a dark-coloured oily liquid passes over, containing camphin, campho- creosote, and colophene, and a blackish residue is left, containing campho-resin ;Clauss, p. 725). 12. Bromine unites with camphor, forming an instable bromide o camphor, C 10 H 16 O.Br, which is crystalline, and is decomposed by heat, by contact witu. air, and by the action of ammonia. 13. Chlorine exerts but little action on camphor, even in sunshine. 14. With pentachloride of phosphorus, camphor yields oxychloride of phosphorus, and a crystalline substance, C 10 H 16 CP, having the aspect of artificial camphor (hydrochlorate of turpentine-oil). It remains dissolved in the oxychloride, and may be precipitated by water (G-erhardt) : C io H i6 + PC1 5 = POC1 8 + C ">H 16 C1 2 . This compound yields by repeated dry distillation, a chlorinated oil consisting of C )0 H 15 C1. (G-erhardt.) According to PYaundler (Ann. Ch. Phann. cxv. 29), 1 at. camphor heated to about 110 C. with 1 at. PCI 5 , yields hydrochloric acid, oxychloride of phosphorus, and chlo- rocamphene, C 10 H 15 C1, which is a white, soft, crystalline substance, having an odour of camphor. Its index of refraction is 1-49327. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves in 3'5 pts. of 87 per cent, alcohol at 14 C., forming an optically inactive solution. The crystals volatilise rather quickly at ordinary temperatures, melt at about 60 C., and then sublime, decomposing at higher temperatures. With 2 at. pentachloride of phos- phorus to 1 at. camphor, chloride ofcamphene, C 10 H :6 C1 2 , is obtained in white crystals, resembling the preceding in aspect and in odour, but softer, and having an index of refraction = 1*50553. It dissolves in 4 '95 pts. of 87 per cent, alcohol, at 14 C., forming a solution possessing laevo-rotatory power. The crystals volatilise rather quickly at ordinary temperatures, and melt with partial sublimation near 70. 15. If chlorine be passed through the solution of camphor in trichloride of phos- phorus, various substitution-products are formed, according to the time for which the action of the chlorine is continued. Tetrachlorocamphor, C 10 H 12 C1 4 2 , has been isolated, though not quite pure. If the action be continued for a long time, and assisted by heat, a colourless product is at length obtained, having the aspect of white wax, and consisting of sexchloro-camphor, C 10 H 10 C1 6 (Glaus, J. pr. Chem. xxv. 259). 16. When camphor is heated with mercuric chloride, hydrochloric acid is evolved, together with an odour of turpentine, and a carbonaceous mass containing calomel remains. 17. Pentachloride of antimony attacks camphor strongly, giving off hydro- chloric acid, and forming a resinous substance. 18. Hydrochloric acid gas is absorbed by camphor in quantities varying according to pressure and temperature, as shown by the following table, which gives the quantity of the gas (HC1) absorbed by 100 pts. camphor, at the temperature t and barometric pressure b : t 24 20 18-5 18-5 13 9 7 7 3 3 C. b 747 740 735 744 320 288 270 740 232 738 mm. HC1 19-0 20-0 20-4 20'5 15*3 15*8 16-3 240 17'0 26'0 At a certain low pressure, camphor no longer absorbs hydrochloric acid gas. This pressure varies with the temperature, being 220mm. at 12; 340mm. at 15*0; 300mm, at 20 ; and 423mm. at 24 (Bineau, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiv. 328). 19. Sulphurous anhydride is quickly absorbed by camphor, forming a colourless liquid, which is heavier than water, dissolves iodine and camphor, and when saturated with camphor, contains 4 pts. camphor to 1 pt. SO 2 . It gives off sulphurous anhydride even at ordinary temperatures. The quantities absorbed by 100 pts. camphor at various pressures and temperatures, are given in the following tables (Bineau, loc. cit.) : t 24 24 15-5 15-5 12-5 12-5 2 8 4 4 2 2 C. b 524 745 355 744 529 727 304 682 490 720 649 650 mm. SO 2 25-5 35-4 28'0 47'6 37'3 50-5 33'0 57'4 46'0 73'6 48'4 72'0 CAMPHOR, ARTIFICIAL CAMPHOR AMIC ACID. 729 At 700 mm. pressure, 100 pts. camphor absorb of SO 2 : at 24 20 15-5 14 12'5 10 8 4 C. 33-1 37-7 44-3 46'8 48'9 54'0 58'6 70'5 20. Camphor absorbs the vapour of peroxide of nitrogen (or nitric oxide in presence of air), forming a liquid which is decomposed by water, dissolves camphor, and when saturated therewith at 18 C., contains 100 camphor to 26 27 peroxide of nitrogen. (B i n e a u. ) 0. Lcevo-camphor.When the essential oil of feverfew (Pyrcthrum parthenium) is fractionally distilled, and the portion which distils between 200 and 220 C. is col- lected apart, it deposits on cooling a large quantity of camphor, similar in all respects to common camphor, excepting in its optical rotatory power, which is equal and oppo- site, viz. [a] = 47'4 for a length of 100 millimetres. The camphor treated with nitric acid yields Isevo-camphoric acid. (Dessaignes and Chautard, J. Pharm. [3] xiii. 241 ; Chautard, Compt. rend, xxxvii. 166.) y. Inactive Camphor. According to Proust, the essential oils of several labiate plants, viz. rosemary, marjoram, lavender, and sage, often deposit a substance like camphor. Lavender camphor has the same composition as laurel camphor, but is with- out action on prolonged light. (Dumas, Ann. Ch. Phys. xiii. 275; Biot, Compt. rend. xv. 710.) Bodies resembling camphor but of undetermined modification, have been obtained by the action of nitric acid on the essential oils of tansy, semen-contra, valerian, and sage. Lastly, when amber is treated with nitric acid, it yields a distillate containing camphor, which may be extracted by saturating with carbonate of potassium and igniting with ether. CAMPHOR, ARTIFICIAL Syn. with HYDROCHLORATE OF TURPENTINE-OIL, (See TURPENTINE.) CAMPHOR OF BORNEO. See BORNEOL. CAMPHOR, OIIi OP. When the branches of the camphor-tree (Laurus cam- phora} are distilled with water, a volatile oil passes over together with camphor. This oil is mobile, colourless, has a strong odour of camphor and considerable dextro- rotatory power, and is resolved by fractional distillation into an oil boiling at 180 C. and a portion boiling at 205 ; the latter appears to be essentially the same as common camphor. The oil boiling at 180 is very much like oil of lemon, possesses strong dextro-rotatory power, and forms with hydrochloric acid a crystalline compound, which melts at 42, and gives by analysis 57'34 per cent. C, 8*6 H, and 33'83 Cl, agreeing with the formula C 10 H 16 .2HC1. (Lallemand, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ivii. 404.) The wood of Dryabalanops Camphora, from which borneol is obtained, likewise yields by boiling with water, a camphor oil, separable by fractional distillation into two vola- tile oils, having the composition C 10 H 16 , one boiling between 180 and 190 C., the other at about 260, and a resin, C 30 H 46 2 (?), which melts at a temperature a little above 100 (Lallemand). It is remarkable that the oil of Dryabalanops examined by Lallemand, did not contain borneol, and that even the most volatile portion of it had a boiling point much higher than that of borneene (p. 626). The subject requires further examination. (See DRYABALANOPS.) C"H"NO> = N.H*.(C'H"OT( . (Laurent, CAMPHORAMIC ACID. Compt. chim. 1845, p. 147.) Derived from acid camphorate of ammonium by elimi- nation of 1 at. water: C 10 H 15 (NH 4 )0 2 - H 2 = C 10 H 17 N0 3 . The ammonium-salt of this acid is produced by the action of ammonia on a boiling saturated solution of camphoric anhydride (C'H 14 3 + 2NH 3 = C'H I6 (NH 4 )N0 3 ), and on treating the solution of this salt with hydrochloric acid and evaporating, campho- ramic acid is deposited in crystals, which may be purified by solution in dilute alcohol and spontaneous evaporation. It is then obtained in splendid crystals, belonging to the trimetric system, oo P oo . ooP oo . P oo, with ooP and P subordinate. Inclination of the faces: Poo : Poo =114 30'; Poo : oo*>oo = 122 45'; Poo : P = 155; ooPoo : ooP 131 40'. It is colourless, moderately soluble in hot water, less in cold ; more easily in alcohol. A small quantity melted on a plate of glass, partly crystallises in rhomLs, while the rest solidities slowly into a transparent vitreous mass. The acid is monobasic. Its ammonium-salt, C'H 16 (NH 4 )N0 3 + H'-O, crystallises well, has a slightly acid, bitter, transient taste, and melts at 100 C. It differs from neutral camphorate of ammonium, with which, in the hydrated state, it agrees in composition, by not precipitating the salts of lead, copper, or silver. The lead-salt, C 10 H 1(i PbN0 3 , is deposited in small crystals, on mixing the concentrated boiling alco- 730 CAMPHORANILIC ACID CAMPHORIC ACID. holic solutions of camphoramate of ammonium and acetate of lead, the former in excess, and leaving the liquid to cool. The silver-salt^ C 10 H l6 AgN0 8 , is obtained as a trans- parent jelly, composed of minute crystals, on mixing the boiling concentrated solutions of camphoramate of ammonium and nitrate of silver, and leaving the liquid to cool. CAlVXPHORANIXiXC ACID. See PHENYL-CAMPHOBAMIC ACID. CAMPHORA1KXDE. C 10 H 18 N 2 2 = N 2 .H 4 .(C'H 14 2 )". When a current of ammonia-gas is passed into the middle of a solution of camphoric anhydride in abso- lute alcohol, the liquid becomes heated, and yields by evaporation a syrupy mass, in- soluble in water, which is probably camphoramide. It is not decomposed in the cold by hydrochloric acid ; but when treated with potash, it gives off ammonia, and forms camphorate of potassium, (Laurent, Rev. scient. x. 123.) C AlttPHORESINT. The name given by Glaus to the non-volatile product of the action of iodine on camphor (p. 728). CAMPHORIC ACID. C 10 H 16 4 C 10 H 14 2 .H 2 .0 2 . (Gm. xiv. 455 ; Gerh. iii. 700.) There are three modifications of this acid, corresponding to those of camphor, viz. dextro-rotatory, Icevo-rotatory, and inactive. Dextro-camphoric or ordinary Camphoric acid. This acidwas discovered by Kosegarten (Diss. decamphpra etpartibus qua earn constituent, Gottingen, 1785), and particularly studied by Laurent (Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixiii. 207 ; Compt. Chim. 1845, p. 141), M'alaguti (Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixiv. 151), and Liebig (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxii. 50). To prepare it, common camphor is heated in a retort with ten times its weight of strong nitric acid, the liquid being cohobated several times, and the acid renewed. On evaporating and cooling the residual liquid, the camphoric acid crystallises out, and may be purified by dissolving it in carbonate of potassium, precipitating with nitric acid, and recrystallising several times. Camphoric acid forms colourless transparent scales or needles, which melt at 70 C., and taste sour and bitter at the same time. It is sparingly soluble in cold water, more readily in boiling water ; easily also in alcohol, ether, and fatty oils. According to Brandes, it requires for solution, 88*8 pts, of water at 12-5 C., and 8*6 pts. at 96-25. Molecular rotatory power of the solution [a] = + 38*875 ; this power diminishes con- siderably on saturating the acid with an alkali. It gives an abundant precipitate with neutral acetate of lead. By dry distillation it is resolved into water and camphoric anhydride, leaving only a small film of charcoal. It dissolves without alteration in strong nitric and sulphuric acid. )8. ,L(Svo-camphoric Acid. Obtained by the action of nitric acid on the camphor of feverfew (p. 729), has the same composition and chemical properties as dextro-cam- phoric acid, and rotates the plane of polarisation, by exactly the same amount, to the left. (Chautard, Compt. rend, xxxvii. 166.) 7. Inactive Camphoric Acid, or Paracampkoric Acid, ,is produced by mixing equal weights of dextro- and Isevo-camphoric acid. It agrees with ordinary camphoric acid in most of its properties, but has no action on polarised light. (Chautard.) CAMPHORA.TES. Camphoric acid is dibasic, the formula of a neutral camphorate being C 10 H 14 M 2 4 . The camphorates are odourless, and have a slightly bitter taste. Most of them are sparingly soluble in water. They are decomposed by sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acid. Camphorates of Ammonium. The neutral salt, C 10 H 14 (NH 4 ) 2 4 , is obtained by passing a current of dry ammonia-gas over camphoric acid, and exposing the product to a current of dry air. It is very soluble in water, and has a slight acid reaction, but no decided taste. An acid ammonium-salt is obtained in small prisms, melting above 100 C. by throwing crystals of acid carbonate of ammonium into a boiling solution of camphoric acid. When dried at 100 in a current of air, they lose 19 per cent, of water. They contain, according to Malaguti, 53'57 per cent, carbon, 8*97 hydrogen, and 8-5 nitrogen, whence he deduces the formula 3C 10 H I6 4 .4NH 3 + 9H*0, that is to say, a compound of 1 at. neutral camphorate and 2 at. acid camphorate of ammonium ; but, according to Gerhardt, the salt is an acid camphorate, O^H^NH^O + 3H 2 0, the formula of which requires 55-3 C, 87 H, 6-6 N, and 19 -9 per cent, water. Camphorate of Potassium. C 10 H I4 K 2 4 . Crystallises in large nacreous scales when prepared with hydrated camphoric acid, and in small delicate needles when prepared by dissolving camphoric anhydride in potash. According to Bucholz and Bouillon- Lagrange, it is but sparingly soluble in water, whereas Brandes states that it is very deliquescent, and dissolves in a very small quantity of water (probably the sparingly soluble salt was an acid salt). Camphorate of sodium forms limpid, confused, slightly efflorescent crystals, soluble in 200 pts. of cold and 8 pts. of boiling water ; also in alcohol. The barium-salt forms laminae or needles soluble in 600 pts. of boiling water ; ac- cording to Brandes, in 1*8 pts. water at 19-9 C. CAMPHORIC ANHYDRIDE CAMPHORIC ETHERS. 731 The strontium-salt forms colourless laminse much more soluble than the barium- salt. Calcium-salt. The neutral salt forms a non-crystalline mass, neutral to test-paper, nearly insoluble in cold water, soluble in 200 pts. of boiling water, insoluble in alcohol, and containing 7 per cent, water of crystallisation. It falls to powder in contact with the air. By treating carbonate of calcium with camphoric acid, a salt is obtained having an acid reaction, and crystallising in rhomboi'dal prisms, containing 37'5 per cent, water, and soluble in 5 pts. of cold water (Bucholz, Brandes). Neutral cam- phorate of calcium yields, by dry distillation, carbonate of calcium and camphorone : C">H 14 .Ca 2 4 = COW + C 9 H0. Camphorate of Copper, C 10 H 14 Cu 2 4 (at 100), is obtained by double decomposition as a light green precipitate, nearly insoluble in water. It forms a crystallisable com- pound with ammonia. Camphorate of Manganese is very soluble in water. Manganous salts are not pre- cipitated by alkaline camphorates. Mercurous Camphorate is a white precipitate, nearly insoluble in water. Camphorate of Silver is a white fusible precipitate, which becomes coloured by ex- posure to light. CAMPHORIC ANHYDRIDE. Anhydrous camphoric acid. C'H 14 2 .0. prisms without acid reaction, and having no perceptible taste at first, but afterwards irri- tating to the throat. It dissolves very sparingly in cold water, a little more in boiling water, very abundantly in alcohol, still more in ether. At 130 C. it begins to sublime in beautiful white needles, melts to a colourless liquid at 217, begins to boil above 270, and distils without residue. Specific gravity of the crystals 1-194 at 20'5. They become electric by friction, like resins. Their solution does not precipitate neutral acetate of lead. Camphoric anhydride boiled with water dissolves very slowly as camphoric acid. The transformation is effected much more quickly by alkalis. It does not absorb dry ammonia gas, but aqueous or alcoholic ammonia converts it into camphoramate of ammonium. Heated with phenylamine, it yields phenylcamphoramate of phenylam- nionium and phenylcamphorimide. Heated with strong sulphuric acid, it gives off carbonic oxide, and is converted into sulphocamphoric acid (q. v.) C 10 H I4 3 + H 2 SO* = C 9 H 16 S0 8 + CO Camphoric Sulpho- anhydride. camphoric acid. CAMPHORIC ETHERS. Camphorate of Ethyl. C 14 H 24 4 = C'H U (C 2 H 5 ) 2 .0 4 . This body is formed in the dry distillation of ethyl-camphoric acid, and is obtained by pouring water into the alcoholic mother-liquors from which the latter has been precipitated. It is purified by boiling with alkalised water, drying in vacuo, then washing, distilling, and again drying in vacuo. It is an oil having a faint amber colour, a very disagreeable bitter taste, and a powerful odour. Specific gravity 1-029 at 16 C. Begins to boil at 285 or 287 ; turns brown a few degrees higher, and leaves a black residue, but the distillate is very pure after being washed. It is perfectly neutral and insoluble in water. Potash decomposes it like other ethers ; sulphuric acid dissolves it in the cold without decomposition ; at higher temperatures, decomposition takes place, but without blackening or evolution of sulphurous acid. It is not altered by hydrochloric or nitric acid, either cold or hot. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixiv. 151.) Tctrachlorinatcd Camphorate of ethyl, C 14 H 20 C1 4 4 , is produced by the action of chlorine on Camphorate of ethyl. Neutral ; has a bitter persistent taste. Soluble in alcohol and ether. Specific gravity 1-386 at 14 C. When heated it becomes very fluid, and decomposes before boiling. Aqueous potash scarcely attacks it, but alcoholic potash converts it into Camphorate, acetate, and chloride of potassium : C 14 H 20 C1 4 4 + 8KHO = C'H 14 K 2 4 + 2C 2 H :) K0 2 + 4KC1 + 4H 2 0. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixx. 360.) Camphorate of Ethyl and Hydrogen. Ethyl-camphoric or Camphovinic acid C' 2 H-0 4 = C 1(1 H 14 (C-IP.H)0 4 . When a mixture of 2 pts. camphoric acid, 4 pts. ab- solute alcohol, and 1 pt. sulphuric acid is boiled and cohobated several times, a residue is obtained, which, when diluted with water, yields an oily deposit of ethyl-camphorie 732 CAMPHORIMIDE CAMPHORIN. acid. This acid nas, at ordinary temperatures, the consistence of treacle. It is trans- parent and colourless, has a peculiar odour and a very agreeable taste, not acid, but bitter. It dissolves very sparingly in alcohol and ether. Specific gravity 1-095 at 20'5 C ; reddens litmus paper after a while only ; dissolves in alkaline solutions, but is decomposed when boiled with them. Water effects the same decomposition after long contact or continued ebullition. By dry distillation it yields water, camphoric anhydride, and camphorate of ethyl, together with very small quantities of alcohol and carburetted hydrogen gas, resulting from secondary decomposition : 2C 12 H 20 4 = H 2 + C 10 H I4 3 + C I4 H 24 4 Ethyl-catnphoric Camphoric Camphoric acid. anhydride. ether. The alcoholic solution gives a copious precipitate with neutral acetate of lead. (Ma- laguti.) Ethyl-camphoric acid is monobasic, the formula of its salts being C'H 14 (C 2 H 5 .M)0 4 . The ammonium, potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, calcium, and magnesium-salts are soluble in water. The zinc, copper, lead, mercury, and silver-salts are insoluble or sparingly soluble. The copper-salt, obtained by precipitating sulphate of copper with ethyl-camphorate of ammonia, is probably a sesquibasic salt. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixiv. 151.) Ca mp horateof Me thy I and Hy drogen. Methyl-camphoric or Camphomethylic acid. C n H 18 4 = C 10 H 14 (CH 3 .H)0 4 . Obtained in the same manner as ethyl-cam- phoric acid, substituting wood-spirit for alcohol. The residue of the third distillation yields, when washed with water and left at rest, a crystalline mass, which is to be pressed between paper and boiled with water. It then forms an acid liquid, at the bottom of which some drops of oil collect, changing after a few days into well- defined, colourless, shining crystals of methyl-camphoric acid. These crystals are either needles arranged in radiating groups, or small four-sided or six-sided laminae ; but on dissolving them in ether and leaving the solution to evaporate very slowly, well formed prisms are obtained belonging to the trimetric system, and exhibiting the combination, P . ooP . ooPoo. Inclination of the faces, ooP : ooP = 106 30'; oo P oo : oo P = 126 45'; oo P oo : P = 115 25' and 66 4'; P : P = 160 30'. The -p four-sided laminae are hemihedral, and exhibit only the combination - . 8Poo , with cleavage perpendicular to oo P oo. Methylcamphoric acid is very little soluble in water, very soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform. The qfc>lutions are strongly acid, and turn the plane of polarisation of a ray of light to the right: [a] = + 51 4'. The acid melts at about 68 C., and re- mains viscid a long time after cooling. By distillation it yields camphoric anhydride, a viscid liquid, and a slight residue of carbon. Boiled with caustic potash, it gives off wood-spirit and is converted into camphorate of potassium. The aqueous and alcoholic solutions of the acid form a white crystalline precipitate with acetate of lead, soluble in excess of the acetate ; with acetate of copper, a greenish crystalline precipitate ; with baryta- water, they form a cloud, which disappears on add- ing a drop of nitric acid. They have no action on lime-water or on soluble barium- salts, but form a slight cloud with nitrate of silver. Oxide of silver is reduced by them, producing a blackish deposit. (Low, Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxviii. 483.) CAIMPHORIMIDE. C 10 H 15 N0 2 = N.H.(C 10 H I4 2 )". Obtained by heating neutral camphora:nate of ammonium to 150 or 160 C., or by melting or distilling cam- phoramic acid : C 10 H"N0 3 = C'H 15 N0 2 + H 2 Camphoramic Camphorimide. acid. and: C 10 H I6 (NH 4 )N0 3 = C'H I5 N0 2 + NH 3 + H 2 0. Camphoramate of Camphorimide. ammonium. It is purified by solution in boiling alcohol and crystallises on cooling. It is colour- loss, volatilises at a high temperature without decomposition, and dissolves easily in boiling alcohol, crystallising, on cooling, in tufts like fern leaves, beautifully divided ; or by very slow cooling in hexagonal tables, oblique and much elongated. From a solution in weak alcohol, it is gradually deposited in the form of a gummy, transparent substance, which solidifies after some hours in opaque tubercles. The alcoholic solu- tion gives off ammonia when boiled with potash. It dissolves at a gentle heat in strong sulphuric acid, and, on pouring a few drops of water into the solution, a white crys- talline deposit is formed! (Laurent, Compt. chim. 1845, p. 147.) CAXVXPHORXir. Camphcrate of Glyceryl. Produced by heating camphoric acid CAMPHORONE CANADA BALSAM. 733 with glycerin. Viscid ; soluble in ether ; decomposed by oxide of lead, yielding gly- cerin and camphorate of lead. (Berthelot.) CAftZPHORONE. Phorone (Grerhardt) ; Camp horyl (Laurent). C 9 H U 0. This compound, the acetone of camphoric acid, was first obtained in an impure state, as a product of the decomposition of that acid, by Laurent (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixv. 329), afterwards prepared pure and more thoroughly examined by Grerhardt and Lies-Bodart (Compt. chim. 1849, p. 385.1 Camphorone is produced, like other acetones, by the dry distillation of the calcium- salt of the acid : C'H 14 O.Ca 2 .0 2 = CO.Ca 2 .0 2 + C 9 H 14 Camphorate of Carbonate of Campho- calcium. calcium. rone. It is best to operate only on small quantities at a time. The brown or yellow oil which passes over is purified by fractional distillation, a small quantity of tar remain- ing behind. Camphorone is likewise obtained, together with other products, by distilling with lime either of the following substances : 1. Acetic acetone, which differs from it only by the elements of water (3C 3 H 6 2H*O = C 9 H 14 0). On rectifying the distillate, oxide of mesityl, C 6 H I2 0, passes over at about 131 C., and camphorone between 200 and 205 (Fit tig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 33). 2. Grape-sugar. The distillate yields on recti- fication, an oil boiling at 86 C., having the composition of metacetone, C I8 H 30 3 (and converted into camphorone, or a body isomeric with it, by distillation with phosphoric anhydride), while camphorone passes over at 208 (Lies-Bodart, Compt. rend, xliii. 394.). 3. The juice of ripe mountain-ash berries, which contains a small quantity of malic acid: this method, however, does not always yield it. (Lies-Bodart, loc.cit.} Camphorone is a colourless or yellowish oil, very mobile, lighter than water : and having a. strong odour like that of peppermint. It boils at 208 C. (G-erhardt), and volatilises undecomposed, yielding a vapour whose density = 4'982 > (Gerhardt and Lies-Bodart), by calculation for 2 vol. = 4784. It is insoluble in water, but dis- solves in alcohol and very readily in ether. It does not unite either with acids or with alkalis, and according to Limpricht (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 246), differs from other acetones in not combining with acid-sulphites of alkali-metals. Camphorone becomes darker in colour when exposed to the air. It dissolves with blood-red colour, in strong sulphuric acid, and is for the most part precipitated there- from by water. It is resinised by nitric acid. Phosphoric anhydride acts quickly upon it at a high temperature, converting it, by abstraction of water,into cumene, C 9 H 12 (not mesitylene), which passes over in fractional distillation at 170 C., a carbonaceous mass being left behind. Pentachloride of phosphorus converts it into a chlorinated oil, C 9 H 13 C1, boiling at 175 C., lighter than water, insoluble therein, easily soluble in alcohol. The alcoholic solution, saturated with ammonia-gas, yielded a crystalline substance, probably C 9 H I5 N.HC1 (Lies-Bodart). Camphorone heated with potas- sium, gives off hydrogen, and appears to form the compound C 9 H 13 KO (Lies- Bodart). With potash-lime it becomes heated, and appears to enter into combination ; the mixture heated to 240 C. gives off a colourless oil, apparently different from camphorone, while a resinous substance remains with the alkali. (Gerhardt and Lies-Bodart.) CAMPHORYXi. C 10 H 14 2 . The diatomic radicle of camphoric acid, &c. The same term was applied by Laurent to camphorone. CAMPHOSUXiPHITRZC ACID. See STJLPHOCAMPHORIC ACID. C AMPHOVXWXC ACID. Camphorate of Ethyl and Hydrogen. (See CAMPHOEIO ETHEBS, p. 732.) CA1V1PHRENE. A product of the decompsition of camphor by sulphuric acid (p. 728). CAIVIPHROMrE. C 30 H 44 0. A liquid produced by passing camphor over red-hot lime. It is a light oil, having a strong and peculiar odour, quite different from that of camphor. It boils at 75 C., is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and in ether. It is produced from camphor by abstraction of water (3C'H 16 - 2H 2 = C 30 H 44 0), and is perhaps identical with the product obtained by heating camphor with clay, or by passing the vapour of camphor through a red-hot porcelain tube. (Fremy, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] lix. 16.) CAM-WOOD. See BABWOOD (p. 517). CAXTAAXTXTE. A greyish scapolite rock, from Canaan, Connecticut, containing 63-37 per cent. SiO 2 , 4'10 Fe 4 3 , 10-38 A1 4 3 , 25-80 Ca 2 0, 1-62 M^O, and 4'00 CO 2 . (Dana, ii. 203.) CAM-ADA BAX.S AM. See BALSAMS (p. 492). 734 C ANCERIN C ANNABIN. CANCERICT. An artificial guano from Newfoundland. CAIO-CHA-X.AGVA. See CACHA-LAouA (p. 701). CANCRINTTE. A massive mineral found near Miask in the Ural, in the Miiriins- kaja mine in the Tunskinsk mountains, Siberia, and in Litchfield in the State of Maine. It cleaves parallel to the faces of a hexagonal prism, has an uneven fracture, light rose- red colour and waxy lustre, nacreous on the cleavage faces ; transparent or strongly translucent. Specific gravity 2 P 45 to 2'46. Hardness 5'0 5'5. It melts to a white tumefied glass. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it readily, with efflorescence and separa- tion of gelatinous silica. The following are analyses of cancrinite: 1. From Miask; light red: a. Specific gravity 2-453 (G.Rose, Pogg. Ann. xlvii. 375); b. Specific gravity 2-489 (Pusi- rewsky, Kokscharow's Materialen zur Mineralogie Russlands, i. 81). 2. From the Tunskinsk Mountains, yellow; a. Specific gravity 2-449 (Struve, Pogg. Ann. xc. 613); b. Specific gravity 2*448 (Pu.sirewsky). 3. From Litchfield. a. Yellow. Specific gravity 2-448 ; b. Greenish. Specific gravity 2'461. (Whitney, ibid. Ixx. 431.) From Miask. From the Tunskinsk Mts. From Maine. G. Rose. Pusirewsky. Silica . . . 6-38 5-55 Carbonic anhydride Alumina . 40-4.3 28-227 35-96 29-57 Ferric and Manganic ) oxides j - 0-19 Lime 6-;o 5-68 S..da 17-52 18-53 Potash . 0-70 Water . _ 369 SO 3 0-32 Struve. 8-51* 38-33 28-55 4-24 20-37 Pusirewsky. 5-61 3772 27-27 3-11 21-60 4-07 Whitney. Whitney. 5-95 37-72 27-55 5-92 37-20 27-59 0-75 0-27 3-87 20">7 0-67 2-82 5-26 20-46 0-50 3-28 99-49 100-48 From these results, Rammelsberg concludes that the mineral is a mixture of car- bonate of calcium with elseolite, containing a smaller proportion of potash and more water than the usual amount. (Bammelsberg's Mineralchemie, p. 653; Dana, ii. 232.) CAZTBITE. See SPINEL. AXiBA. Costus dulcis. White Cinnamon. These names are ap- plied to the bass or inner bark of Canella alba, a canellaceous tree growing in the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. It forms reddish-yellow tubes, three feet long and an inch thick, having a pleasant aromatic taste and odour : it contains about 8 per cent. of manna (formerly mistaken for a peculiar kind of sugar called cancllin), besides starch and the other usual constituents of vegetable structures. By distillation with water, it yields two volatile oils, one lighter than water, the other heavier. If these oils be left in contact with potash-ley, the liquid then diluted with water and distilled, the first portion of the distillate is again lighter than water, and at last a heavy oil is obtained, of very peculiar odour. The potash-ley from which the oils have been dis- tilled, yields by neutralisation with acid and distillation, a heavy oil, smelling like oil of cloves. The light oil of white cinnamon smells very much like oil of cajeput. It may be separated by fractional distillation into several oils, differing greatly in boiling point. White cinnamon contains about 6 per cent, of ash, consisting mainly of car- bonate of calcium. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. [2] 927.) CAira-AMXWE. Syn. of BRUCIKJE. C Aior ABIIST. A poisonous resin extracted from hemp, by exhausting the bruised plant ( Gunjah) with alcohol, after the greater part of the brown colouring matter lias been removed by digestion, first in tepid water, afterwards in solution of carbonate of sodium, then precipitating the chlorophyll with lime, decolorising withanimal charcoal, and evaporating. (T. and H. Smith, Pharm. J. Trans, vi. 127, 171.) From the Extract, hb. canab. ind. spiritless. G. Martius has prepared a resin, by treating it with cold alcohol of 83 per cent., mixing the dark green filtrate with water till turbidity ensues, agitating with animal charcoal, filtering and distilling off the alcohol : the resin then separates. It is a light brown, shining substance, becoming glutinous and ductile, has a peculiar narcotic odour, like that of the extract, and an in- tensely bitter taste. It melts at 68 C., burns with a bright smoky flame, is insoluble in potash and ammonia, but dissolves in alcohol and ether, sparingly also in acids. Volatile oils dissolve it in the cold ; fixed oils, with aid of heat. The narcotic effects of haschish (q. v.} are due to hemp-resin. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. [2] 727.) * Carbonic anhydride and water. CANNABIS INDICA CANTHAKIDIN. 735 CAlfiNABIS INDZCA. Indian Hemp. Tliis plant, which is indigenous in India and Asia Minor, is much used in the East as an intoxicating agent ; the narcotic action appears to reside essentially in a resinous exudation (see CANNABIN and HASCHISH). According to Martius (Chem. Centr. 1856, 225), the herb contains a small quantity of essential oil. The herb dried at 100 C. yielded 181 per cent, ash, which, after deduction of carbonic anhydride and sand, contained in 100 pts. : 13'6 potash, 1-4 soda, 32'0 lime, 10-4 magnesia, 8'8 phosphate of iron, lO'l phosphoric an- hydride, 0'3 sulphuric anhydride, 1*2 chlorine, and 22'1 silica. CANNABIS SATIVA. Common hemp. The leaves of this plant contain 40*5 per cent, carbon, 5'9 hydrogen, 1'8 nitrogen, and 22-0 ash ; the stems : 39'9 per cent. C, 5-0 II, 17 N, and 4-5 ash. (Kane, J. pr. Chem. xxxii. 354.) Reich (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1850, Tafel C. p. 661), found in the hemp-plant 4-6 per cent, ash ; in the seed 6*3 per cent. The analyses of the ash of the entire plant and of the seed, are given in the following table : K 2 Na 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 A1 4 3 Fe 4 3 SO 3 SiO 2 P 2 5 Cl CO 2 Plant (Kane) 7'5 07 42-0 4-9 0'4 1-0 67 3'2 1-5 31'9 (Keich) 15-8 3-4 35'5 77 M 27 77 14-2 3'4 8'4 Seed (Keich) 18'5 0'8 20'2 10*2 1-2 0'2 9'6 37'6 O'l 1-3 According to Leuchtweiss (Ann. Ch. Pharm. 1. 416), hempseed yields 5 - 6 per cent, ash, containing 20'8 K 2 0, 0-6 Na 2 0, 25'6 Ca 2 0, 1-0 Mg 2 0, 33'5 P 2 5 , 13-5 SiO 2 , 6-2 sand and charcoal, and small quantities of sulphuric acid, chloride of sodium, and ferric oxide. Hempseed yields 31'8 percent, oil, 22*6 albumin, and 6*37 ash, of which 2-47 con- sists of phosphates (Anderson, Highland Agr. Soc. Journal [new series] No. 50). The oil is C n H"0 2 , and yields with chlorine and bromine, the substitution-products C M H-C1-'0 2 , and C n H 20 Br ? 2 . (Lefort, Compt. rend. xxxv. 134.) The leaves, flowers, and pollen of hemp have been examined by Schlesinger, (Rep. Pharm. Ixxi. 190). The ash of the leaves contains 8*0 per cent, soluble, and 9-2 per cent, insoluble salts. (Kane.) C ANNEX, COAX.. See COAL. CAN-WON 1 MET AX.. See COPPER, ALLOYS OF. CANTHARXXtES. Spanish Flies (Lytta vesicatoria.} These coleopterous in sects, so well known for their vesicating properties, are much used in medicine in the* form of tincture, plasters, &c. Their vesicating power is due to a peculiar acrid principle called cantharidin. Taken internally, they act as a powerful aphrodisiac, and may even destroy life. According to Thoury (J. Pharm. Jan. 1858, p. 65), their poisonous effects may be counteracted by the administration of animal charcoal. When the aqueous extract of cantharides is treated with alcohol, cantharidin is dis- solved, together with other substances, and a brown nitrogenous substance remains. On evaporating the alcoholic extract and treating the residue with ether, the cantha- ridin dissolves, together with a yellow substance, and an extractive matter remains, which reddens litmus and contains lactic acid, together with a nitrogenous substance. The aqueous decoction of cantharides reddens litmus strongly, and gives with ammonia a precipitate of ammonio-magnesian phosphate (Rob iquet, Ann. Ch.lxxvi. 302). When the insects, after being exhausted with boiling water, are treated with boiling alcohol, a greenish fatty oil dissolves, destitute of vesicating power, and consisting, according to Gossmann (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi. 317), of olein, stearin, and palmitin. CANTHARXXtXN. C 5 H 12 2 . Isomeric with picrotoxin. (Rob iquet, loc. tit.; Regnault, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixviii. 151; Thierry, J. Pharm. xxi. 44; Warner, Amer. J. Pharm. xxviii. 193 ; Procter, Pharm. J. Trans, xxi. 44.) This substance, which is the active principle of the Spanish fly, is likewise found in the following coleopterous insects : Lytta vittata, L. ruficollis, L. gigas;Mylabris cichorii (Chinese cantharides), M. pustulata, M. punctum, M. Sida, M. Schoenherri ; Meloe violaceus, M. autumnalis, M. Furca, M. punctatus, M. variegatus, M. scabrosus, M. majalis. According to Warner, Jjytta vesicatoria, L. vittata, and Mylabris cichorii contain about 0'4 per cent, of cantharidin. According to Ferrer, Mylabris punctatus contains 0-33 per cent, M. punctum 0'19, M. cichorii O'lO, M. Sida 0'12, M. 8choenherrii 0'15 per cent. Cantharidin is prepared from Spanish flies, or better from Mylabris cichorii, inas- much as this insect contains less fat, by digesting the pulverised insects for some days with ether, ether-alcohol, or alcohol alone ; completing the extraction in a dis- placement apparatus, the ether or alcohol being ultimately displaced by water ; and distilling off the ether or alcohol. The cantharidin, which crystallises out on cooling, is redissolved and purified with animal charcoal. Ether is preferable to alcohol for 736 CANTONITE C AOUTCHIN. the preparation, since it dissolves less of a green oil, which adheres obstinately to the cantharidin (T hi erry). According to Procter, cantharidin is best extracted by chloro- form. The pulverised cantharides are left in contact for some time with twice their weight of chloroform in a displacement apparatus ; the chloroform is then drained off, and finally displaced by alcohol, and the solution is left to evaporate, whereupon the cantharidin crystallises out, saturated with the green oil. It is laid on bibulous paper, which absorbs the greater part of the oil, then crystallised from chloroform mixed with alcohol. Pure cantharidin forms colourless right-angled four-sided prisms of the dimetric system, acuminated with four faces resting on the lateral faces. According to Procter, it crystallises from ether in oblique four-sided prisms, with dihedral summits, having the aspect of micaceous laminae. It melts at 200 C., and volatilises in white fumes, which strongly irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and condense in rectangular prisms, having a strong lustre, and sometimes iridescent. Cantharidin per se is insoluble in water, but it is rendered soluble by the presence of other substances (see the last article). It volatilises in small quantity at 104 C., and more quickly at 182 ft ; not with vapour of water. It dissolves readily in alcohol, in 34 pts. of cold ether, and rather less of hot ether ; acetic ether, wood-spirit, and acetone also dissolve it readily when hot, and deposit it on cooling. But its best solvent is chloroform, which extracts it even from the aqueous infusion of cantharides. It like- wise dissolves in oils, both fixed and volatile. Its solution in any of the liquids above- mentioned possesses the vesicating power, which, however, is not exhibited by cantharidin in the solid state. A grain of cantharidin mixed with an ounce of lard produces very strong vesication. Cantharidin dissolves in sulphuric acid, and is re- precipitated by water ; also in hot hydrochloric and nitric acids, whence it crystallises on cooling; phosphoric, acetic, and formic acids dissolve but little of it at ordinary tem- peratures. It dissolves in potash-ley, and is precipitated by acetic acid. Ammonia has no action upon it. C AWTOKTITE. A variety of sulphide of copper, Cu 2 S, from the Canton mine in Georgia, having hexahedral cleavage, bluish-black colour, and semi-metallic lustre. Specific gravity = 4'18. Hardness = 2'0 (N. A. Pratt, Sill. Am. J. [2] xxiii. 409). Genth (ibid. 417) regards it as a pseudomorph of covellin after galena. CANTON'S PHOSPHORUS. A phosphorescent substance prepared by cal- cining for an hour, at a red heat in a crucible, a mixture of 3 pts. of finely ground oyster-shells with 1 pt. of flowers of sulphur. A better phosphorescence is obtained by calcining the entire shell in a closed crucible, after dusting it over with sulphur. Exposure to bright light is necessary to its luminosity in the dark. The magnesia in the shells is said to be essential to the effect. Gypsum mixed with flour becomes phosphorescent when calcined. CAOUTCHENE. A hydrocarbon, isomeric with tetrylene, C 4 H 8 , said by Bou- chardat (J. Pharm. Sept. 1837, p. 454), to be produced, together with others, by the dry distillation of caoutchouc (q. v.) It has a density of - 65, boils at 14-5 C., and solidifies in brilliant needles at 10. CAOITTCHIN. C 10 H 16 . (Himly, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvii. 41; Gr. Williams, Proceedings of the Koyal Society, x. 517; Gm. xiv. 326.) A hydrocarbon contained, together with many other substances, in the oils produced by distillation of caoutchouc and gutta percha. To separate it, rectified oil of caoutchouc boiling between 140 and 280 C., is repeatedly shaken up with dilute sulphuric acid, then washed alternately with water and potash-ley, and distilled with water several times. The distillate is dehydrated with chloride of calcium and rectified per se, the portion which distils be- tween 160 and 175, being collected apart ; from this, by repeated rectification and removal of the portions which pass over below 166 and above 174, caoutchin is at length obtained, boiling between 168 and 171; and this product, by repeated frac- tional distillation, may be brought to boil at 171. The purification may also be effected by passing dry hydrochloric acid gas into the cooled oil, previously dried over chloride of calcium, whereby hydrochlorate of caoutchin is produced ; decanting this liquid from the resin, after it has stood for some days ; dissolving it in absolute al- cohol ; precipitating with water ; dehydrating it, and decomposing it by distillation over caustic lime or baryta, and finally over potassium. The product thus obtained is pure caoutchin. (Himly.) Caoutchin is a transparent, colourless, mobile liquid, having an odour like that of oil of orange, but not quite so agreeable, and a peculiar aromatic taste. It makes transient grease spots on paper. Specific gravity 0'8423 at C. Boils at 175'5 at 075 met. pressure. Does not solidify at 39. Vapour- density 4-461 (Himly), 4-65 (Williams), by calculation (2 vols.) = 4*714. It has but little electric conducting power. CAOUTCHIN. 737 Caoutchin dissolves in 2000 pts. of water. It likewise takes up a small quantity of water in the cold, and at higher temperatures a larger quantity, which separates on cooling. It dissolves in all proportions of alcohol, ether, and acetate of ethyl ; water separates it from the alcoholic, but not from the ethereal solution, unless alcohol be afterwards added. The alcoholic solution burns with a bright flame, which does not smoke if the caontchin and alcohol have been mixed in the right proportion. It dis- solves slightly in concentrated acetic and formic acids ; also in oils both fixed and volatile, Caoutchin absorbs oxygen from the air (45 vols. in fourteen _days), and is converted into a resin, part of it, however, volatilising. It is likewise resinised by various oxidis- ing agents, e. g. by peroxide of hydrogen, nitric oxide, nitrous acid, strong nitric acid, and crystallised chromic acid; it reduces cupric oxide to cuprous oxide and permanganate of potassium to peroxide of manganese, but exerts no deoxidising action, even at the boiling heat, on the oxides of lead, mercuric oxide, or chromate of potassium. It is like- wise unaffected by sodium, potash, baryta, or lime. With potassium it evolves a few gas-bubbles, and covers the metal with a grey film, then remains unaltered. Of hydrogen, caoutchin absorbs 2 vols. in three weeks at 20 C. ; of carbonic anhy- dride 11 vols. ; carbonic oxide, marsh-gas, and olefiant-gas are not absorbed by it. Of nitrogen, it absorbs 5 vols. in five weeks ; of nitrous oxide a small quantity ; nitric oxide colours it yellow after a while. It absorbs 3 vols. ammonia-gas, but does not mix with aqueous ammonia. It does not absorb cyanogen gas, but hydrocyanic add and chloride of cyanogen are absorbed by it in any quantity. It dissolves phosphorus and sulphur sparingly in the cold, rather more freely when heated; does not absorb sulphydric acid gas, but mixes in all proportions with sulphide of carbon and xanthic acid. It ab- sorbs hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic acid gases, forming the compounds C I9 H 16 .HC1, &c. It easily dissolves the chlorides of sulphur, phosphorus, and carbon, small quantities of iodide of sulphur, and iodide of phosphorus. It dissolves a large quantity of benzole, and a small quantity of oxalic acid ; but not malic, citric, tartrate, tannic, mucie, or succinic acid. Caoutchin dropped into strong sulphuric acid, becomes heated, eliminates sulphurous anhydride, and forms a brown unctuous acid, C 10 H l(i S0 3 , which forms soluble barium and calcium-salts, the latter having, according to Williams, the formula C 10 H 15 CaS0 3 . Boiled with strong sclenic acid, it turns brown and gradually decomposes. It is not decomposed by phosphoric or phosphorous acid. With chlorine, caoutchin gives off hydrochloric acid and forms chlorocaoutchin, which, after washing with soda-ley, then with water, and dehydration over chloride of calcium, forms a transparent, colourless, neutral, viscid liquid, of specific gravity 1-433, having a strong ethereal odour and extremely sharp burning taste. It dissolves sparingly in water, easily in alcohol and ether, gives off irritating vapours of hydro- chloric acid when distilled per se, and yields a variety of oily products by distillation with alkalis. With bromine, caoutchin gives off hydrobromic acid, but remains colourless and transparent ; it easily separates bromine from its solution in water, alcohol, or ether, forming heavy drops of oil. Caoutchin mixed with | vol. water decolorises bromine till 2317 pts. bromine have been added to 100 pts. caoutchin, which is in the ratio of 4 at. bromine to 1 at. caoutchin. By the alternate action of bromine and sodium on caoutchin, 2 at. hydrogen are re- moved, andcymene, C 10 H 14 , is produced. (Williams.) With iodine, caoutchin turns black, and gives off hydriodic acid. It abstracts iodine from solution in water, alcohol, or ether, forming iodocaoutchin, which is a black-brown oil, giving off hydriodic acid when distilled, easily decomposed by heating with oil of vitriol, bromine, chlorine, fuming nitric acid, or potash, nearly insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol or ether. Caoutchin distilled with excess of iodine, forms a colourless fragrant oil. Hydrochlorate of Caoutchin, C 10 H 16 .HC1. This compound is prepared by passing dry chlorine gas into caoutchin cooled with ice, the delivery-tube terminating a little above the surface of the liquid, washing the product first with soda-ley, then with water, and drying over chloride of calcium. It is also produced, though in an impure state, by treating caoutchin with trichloride of ant! mony or mercuric chloride. It is a transparent, colourless, neutral, viscid liquid, having a strong ethereal odour and a very sharp burning taste. Specific gravity 1-433. It gives off very irritating vapours of hydrochloric acid when distilled ; is decomposed by boiling with sulphuric acid, with elimination of hydrochloric acid ; and yields a variety of oily products by distillation with potash, lime, or baryta. It dissolves sparingly in water, easily in alcohol and ether ; also in hot nitric acid and sulphuric acid, separating out unchanged on cooling; but by long boiling with the latter, it becomes carbonised and gives off hydrochloric acid. VOL. I. 3 B 738 CAOUTCHOUC. CAOUTCHOUC. Gum elastic, or India Rubber. Gomme ilastique. Federharz. A product of several genera of arboraceous plants, in which it occurs in the form of a milky sap, and exudes from incisions made in their trunks. Among these trees are the Siphonia elastica, S. Cahitchu, Hcvea caoutchouc, H. Guianensis, Jatropha elastica, Ficus elastica, F. indica, F. rdigiosa. Formerly the greater part of the good caoutchouc was imported from Para in South America, but an excellent article has of late years been brought from Assam and other districts of India, in which the trees that yield it greatly abound. The juice drawn from the old trees and in the cold season is preferable to that from the young trees and in the hot season, the quantity being greater the higher the incision is made across and through the bark of the tree. The fluid is of a creamy consistence and colour. Its specific gravity, as imported into this country in well-closed vessels, used to vary from 1-0175 to 1-04125 (Ure); the lighter juice yielded 37 per cent, of solid caoutchouc ; the denser only 20, though it was the thicker of the two. Some samples of juice have a brownish tinge, which pro- ceeds from a little aloetic matter secreted along with it, which, if dried up in it, gives the caoutchouc a certain degree of viscidity, and by its decomposition eventually destroys its firm texture. Such juice ought to be mixed with its own bulk of water and boiled, whereby the aloes are separated and the caoutchouc concretes into a white elastic mass, free from offensive smell. Much of the caoutchouc is imported in coarse rough masses. These are cleaned by washing in a trough, with a stream of water, and afterwards kneaded together by the strong pressure of iron-arms in an iron box. The masses thus obtained are next moulded into the forms of square or round cheeses in a press, and finally sliced by knives driven by machinery into thin cakes or ribbands. U. Faraday recommends for the purification of caoutchouc, to dilute the natural juice with four times its weight of water, and leave it at rest for twenty-four hours. The caoutchouc then separates and rises to the surface in the form of a cream. This is re- moved, diffused through a fresh quantity of water, and again left to settle at the surface. By repeating this operation till the wash- water is perfectly limpid, the caoutchouc may be obtained very nearly pure. It is then to be spread upon a plate of unglazed earthen- ware to absorb the water, and afterwards pressed. Pure caoutchouc is colourless and transparent, but the best found in commerce has a more or less dingy colour from having been dried from the juice in a smoky atmo- sphere. It is a bad conductor of heat, and a non-conductor of electricity. It is very combustible, and burns without residue, emitting a white light. At ordinary tempe- ratures, it is soft, flexible, and highly elastic. Freshly cut surfaces adhere easily and firmly when pressed together, a property which is made available in forming tubes and A^essels out of sheet-caoutchouc. Below C. it becomes hard and rigid. When heated, it gradually softens, and at 120 C. (248 F.) begins to melt; when it is fused, it re- mains greasy and semi-fluid after cooling, but if exposed to the air in thin layers, gradually dries up and recovers its original properties, provided it has not been heated much above its melting point. If, however, it be heated to 200 C. (398 F.) it begins to fume, and is converted into a viscid mass which no longer dries up. If mixed in this state with half its weight of lime slaked to powder, it forms a tenacious non-drying cement, which serves admirably for attaching glass-plates to vessels with ground lips, such as are used for preserving anatomical preparations, as it forms an air-tight, but easily-loosened joint ; if a drying cement be required, a quantity of red lead may be added equal in weight to the lime. According to the experiments of Ure (Phil. Trans. 1822), confirmed by those of Faraday (Quart. Journal of Sc. Lit. and Art, xi. 19), caoutchouc is composed wholly of carbon and hydrogen, containing 87*5 per cent, of carbon, and 12-5 hydrogen. It is not, however, a simple proximate principle, but chiefly a mixture of two substances, one much more soluble in ether, benzene, and other liquids than the other. On examining with the microscope a thin sheet of caoutchouc, it is seen to be filled with irregularly rounded pores, partly communicating with each other, and dilating under the influence of liquids. It is perfectly insoluble in water and alcohol; but ether, benzene, rock-oil, and sulphide of carbon, penetrate it rapidly, causing it to swell up and apparently dissolving it. The liquid thus formed, is not, however, a complete solution, but a mixture formed by the interposition of the dissolved portion between the pores of the insoluble sub- stance, which is considerably swelled up, and has thus become easy to disintegrate. By employing a sufficient quantity of these solvents, renewed from time to time, with- out agitation, so as not to brejik the tumefied portion, the caoutchouc may be com- pletely separated into two parts, viz. a substance perfectly soluble, ductile, and adhering strongly to the surface of bodies to winch it is applied ; and another substance, elastic, tenacious, and sparingly soluble. The proportions of these two principles vary with the quantity of the caoutchouc and the nature of the solvent employed. Anhydrous CAOUTCHOUC. 739 ether extracts from amber- coloured caoutchouc 66 per cent, of white soluble matter ; oil of turpentine separates from common caoutchouc 49 per cent, of soluble matter having a yellow colour. The best solvent for caoutchouc is a mixture of 6 to 8 pts. of absolute alcohol and 100 pts. of sulphide of carbon. ( P a y e n . ) Caoutchouc is not altered by dilute acids. Strong sulphuric acid acts slowly, and fuming nitric acid rapidly on it, the latter with complete decomposition. It resists strong alkaline-leys, even at the boiling heat. Caoutchouc yields by dry distillation, an empyreumatic oil called oil of caoutchouc or cao utch oucin, which forms an excellent solvent for caoutchouc and other resins. It is a mixture of a considerable number of hydrocarbons. Ordinary impure caoutchouc likewise yields small quantities of carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, water, and ammonia. Kespecting the nature of the hydrocarbons contained in caoutchouc-oil, different ex- perimenters have arrived at somewhat different results. According to B ouch a r da t (J. Pharm. xxiii. 457), the most volatile of the hydrocarbons has a density of 0'63 at 4 C. ; boils at a temperature above C., is not solidified by cold, and is perhaps identical with tetrylene, C 4 H 8 . The next, caoutchene, isomeric with the first, has a density of 0'65, boils at 14'5C., and solidifies at 15 in brilliant needles which melt at 10. The less volatile portion of the oil, which does not distil till the temperature is raised to 315 C. and does not solidify at the lowest temperatures, is called h eve en e. It is a clear yellow oil of specific gravity 0'921 at 19C. and belonging to the cam- phene group, C n H'- n . It mixes with alcohol and ether, absorbs chlorine quickly, and solidifies to a waxy mass. By repeated treatment with strong sulphuric acid and potash-ley, it is converted into an oil, boiling at 228 C., having a sweeter and more agreeable taste than heveene, and similar in many respects to eupione. (Bouchardat.) Himly (Phil. Mag. [3] Ivi. 579), by subjecting caoutchouc-oil to repeated fractional distillation, obtained : 1. An oil called Faradayin, boiling at 33 C., of specific gravity 0'654, and dissolved by strong sulphuric acid without evolution of sulphurous anhydride. According to Liebig, water separates from this solution a colourless oil boiling at 220 C. According to Gregory, both this and the more volatile oils belong to the group of camphenes, C n H- n . The oil unites with chlorine and bromine, forming brown liquids. 2. A mixture of oils distilling at 96 C. from which potash extracts creosote, and dilute sulphuric acid separates a brown resin, destroying the odour at the same time. According to Himly, the percentage of carbon in these oils increases as the boiling point rises. 3. Caoutchin (p. 736). Another hydrocarbon, isoprene, polymeric with caoutchin, and boiling at 37 38 C., has been obtained by Grr. Williams (Proc. Eoy. Soc. x. 56), from the distillation of caoutchouc. From the composition of these several hydrocarbons, it appears that the decomposition of caoutchouc by heat is merely the disruption of a hydrocarbon into other compounds polymeric with it. The residue left in the retort, after the volatile oil of caoutchouc has distilled off, forms, when dissolved in the oil, a varnish much used by shipwrights, being impervious to moisture and very elastic. An exceedingly tenacious glue is also made by dissolving 1 pt. of caoutchouc, cut up into small pieces, in 4 pts. of coal-tar, adding 2 pts. of shellac when the solution is complete, and heating the whole in an iron vessel. VULCANISED CAOUTCHOUC. When caoutchouc is kneaded in an iron box with flowers of sulphur heated to about 112 C. (234 F.), it takes up a certain portion of sulphur, and acquires new properties which greatly increase its utility for various purposes in the arts. It remains perfectly flexible at temperatures below C. and does not soften at 50 C. (122 F.), whereas ordinary caoutchouc becomes perfectly rigid at temperatures several degrees above the freezing point, while a moderate heat ren- ders it so soft and adhesive as to be useless. This sulphured or vulcanised caoutchouc, is an excellent material for tubes for conveying water or gases, or for bags to hold gases under pressure. The vulcanisation of caoutchouc requires a temperature of about 150 C. (304 F.), maintained for a few minutes only. A longer contact with sulphur at that temperature causes the caoutchouc to absorb too much, which renders it hard and brittle. Vulca- nised caoutchouc appears to retain only one or two-hundredths of its weight of sulphur in the state of combination ; a larger quantity, 15 or 20 per cent., remains simply interposed between the pores, and may be extracted either by the action of solvents, such as 'ether, benzene, and sulphide of carbon, or by friction, or alternate extension and contraction. If the vulcanised caoutchouc be heated to 120 C., this mechanically interposed sulphur enters into combination with the caoutchouc and renders it brittle. The same combination takes place slowly at ordinary temperatures, so that the caout- chouc after some time, loses its elasticity and becomes brittle. By contact with certain 3 B 2 740 CAOUTCHOUC CAPILLARITY. metals, such" as lead OP silver, the free sulphur in the pores of the caoutchouc is ab- stracted, and thus again the quality is deteriorated. The vulcanisation of caoutchouc is effected in various ways : 1. By immersing the sheet-caoutchouc in flowers of sulphur heated to 112 C. till it has absorbed about ~ of its weight, and then heating it for a short time to 150 C., or by immersing the caoutchouc in flowers of sulphur heated to 150, and keeping up that temperature till the sulphuration is complete. 2. By immersing the caoutchouc in a mixture of 100 pts. (sulphide of carbon, and 2-5 protochloride of sulphur, and then plunging it into water to decompose the excess of chloride of sulphur. 3. By immersing articles of caoutchouc already manufactured, in a solution of polysulphide of calcium marking 25 Baume, keeping them in it for three hours in a closed vessel at 140 C.. and then washing them with weak alkaline-ley of 60 Bm. This process always yields the right amount of sulphuration. i. By powdering 100 pts. of the caoutchouc in rough laminae, with a mixture of 4 pts. flowers of sulphur and 50 pts. slaked lime, pressing it between rollers so as to incorporate it thoroughly with the powder, then working it into various fabrics by the usual processes, and exposing the finished articles for an hour to the action of vapour of water. By this last treatment, the surface of the caoutchouc experiences a kind of washing, which removes the excess of sulphide of calcium, and brings it to the exact degree of sulphuration required. Hardened Caoutchouc. Ebonite. Caoutchouc may be hardened and rendered sus- ceptible of polish by mixing it in the kneading machine or between rollers, with half its weight of sulphur, rolling the mass into sheets, and heating it for two hours to 100 C., and then for four hours to 150. At the latter temperature, the mass may be rolled ; when cold it may be cut like ivory. It serves for the manufacture of combs, knife-handles, buttons, &c. It is also preeminently distinguished by the large quantity of electricity which it evolves when rubbed, and is therefore admirably adapted for the plates of electrical machines. It resists the action of solvents even more obstinately than elastic vulcanised caoutchouc, scarcely even swelling up when immersed in sulphide of carbon. (For a full account of the manufacture and use of caoutchouc, both ordinary and vulcanised, see Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 581604. Muspratfs Chemistry, p. 441451. Payen, Precis de Chimie Industrielle, 4 me ed. i. 139184. Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 836853.) CAOUTCHOUC, IVEXNERAX.. See ELATEBITE. CAOT7TCHOUCXN. Empyreumatie oil of caoutchouc (p. 739). CAPERS. See CAPPAEIS. C APHOPXCRXTE. Syn. of KHEIN or KHA.BABBARIN. C APXXiXiARXTT. The surface of a liquid at rest is horizontal, excepting where it comes in contact with the sides of the vessel ; there it is curved, being concave if the liquid wets the vessel, convex in the contrary case. Moreover, if one end of a narrow tube be dropped into the liquid, the level of the liquid within the tube is not the same as that without, but higher if the liquid wets the vessel and assumes a concave surface, lower if it does not wet the vessel and forms a convex surface ; thus water, alcohol, ether, oils, &c., rise in narrow tubes of glass, metal, or wood, having the inner surface clean ; but if the surface is greased so that the liquid cannot wet it, depression takes place instead of elevation : mercury is also depressed in tubes of glass, but rises in a tin tube, to which it can adhere. The phenomenon is called capillarity (from capilla, a hair), because it is most conspicuous in tubes of very fine bore. The term is, however, extended to all the alterations of level and form of surface which take place at the contact of liquids and solids. The curved surface of the liquid within the tube is called a meniscus. The amount of elevation of a liquid in capillary tubes is measured by reading off with the cathetometer (a telescope moving up and down a vertical scale, p. 274), first the height of the lowest point of the meniscus, then the height of a fine metallic point brought exactly in contact with the surface of the liquid. In making this last observation, the point is brought down to the surface of the liquid, till it exactly coincides with its re- flected image therein, and a small quantity of the liquid is then removed with a pipette so as to leave the extremity free. Another mode of observation, adopted chiefly for measuring the depression of mercury in glass tubes, is to place the liquid in a syphon- tube one arm of which is of capillary bore, while the other is wide enough to render the alteration of level due to capillarity imperceptible. The difference of level in the two arms is then read off with the cathetometer. By these methods it has been found that the elevation or depression of liquids in capillary tubes is regulated by the following laws : 1. In a tube of given diameter, the amount of elevation or depression depends upon the nature of the liquid, and not at all upon the nature or the thickness of the material of the tube, the nature of the tube merely determining whether the liquid shall be elevated CAPNOMOR CAPPERIS SPINOSA. 741 '/, ran///, according to Wclf/icn), C c H n O. The radicle of caproic acid audits derivatives : c. calle * s identical with the so-called anhydrous carbonate of (thylamine, (C 2 H 7 N) 2 .C0 2 , obtained by passing carbonic anhydride into anhydrous etliylamine cooled by a freezing mixture. It is a snow-white powder, whose aqueous solution, like that of carbamate of ammonium, does not immediately precipitate chloride of barium, unless aided by heat. (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxx. 483.) Ethylcarbamate of Ethyl Ethylurethane. C 5 H"N0 2 = C 3 H 6 (C 2 H 5 )N0 2 . Produced by heating cyanate of ethyl with alcohol in a sealed tube : C(C"H 5 ) NO + C 2 H 6 = C 5 H U N0 2 ; sometimes obtained as an accessory product in the preparation of cyanate of ethyl. It is an oily liquid, smelling like carbonate of ethyl. Specific gravity 0-9862. Boiling point 174 175 C. Vapour-density 4'071. Potash decom- poses it, forming alcohol, ethylamine, and carbonate of potassium: C 5 H"N0 2 +, 2KHO = C 2 H 6 + C 2 H 7 N + K 2 C0 3 . Heated with strong sulphuric acid, it yields carbonic anhydride, sulphate of ethylamine, and probably also ethylsulphuric acid. (Wurtz, Compt. rend, xxxvii. 182; G-erh. ii. 929; iv. 869.) METHYL-CARBAMIC ACID, like the corresponding ethyl-compound, is not known in the separate state, but forms a methylammonium-salt, """ ^rtjrex [ 0> which may also be regarded as anhydrous carbonate of methylamine, (CH 5 N) 2 .CO- : it is formed by passing carbonic anhydride into dry methylamine, or by distilling a mixture of fused hydrochlorate of methylamine and carbonate of calcium. In the latter case, however, it is mixed with carbonate of methylamine. (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. Phys [31 xxx. 450, 461.) PHENYL-CARBAMIC ACID. Carbanilic Acid. Anthranilic Acid. C 7 H 7 N0 2 = NH(C 6 H 5 )(CO)"| Q (Fritzgche) Ann Ck pharm xxxix 83 . Liebi& iudm xx^ 91 ; Gerland, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 133.) This acid, which contains the elements of 1 at. carbonic anhydride and 1 at. phenylamine, C 6 H 7 N, and is likewise isomeric with oxybenzamic acid, is obtained by boiling indigo with strong caustic potash, replacing the water as it evaporates, and adding peroxide of manganese before the indigo com- pletely disappears, till the liquid no longer deposits blue indigo on being left at rest. The mass is then dissolved in water and supersaturated with dilute sulphuric 752 CARBAMIDE. acid; the filtered liquid is neutralised with potash and evaporated to dryness ; and the residue is digested with alcohol, which dissolves chiefly phony 1-carbama to of potassium, and leaves it in an impure state when evaporated. It is then dissolved in water, acetic acid added, and the yellow or brownish crystals of phenyl-carbamic acid thereby precipitated are purified by animal charcoal and recrystallisation (Fritzsche). According to Chancel this acid is likewise produced by the action of potash on phenyl- carbamide. Phenyl-carbamic acid crystallises in transparent, colourless, shining prisms or laminae, often of considerable size. It dissolves very sparingly in cold water, much more in boiling water, very easily in alcohol and ether. Its solutions have an acid reaction. It melts at 132C., and sublimes unaltered. By distillation from coarsely pounded glass, it is resolved into carbonic anhydride and phenylamine. It carbonises when heated with phosphoric anhydride. Strong sulphuric acid converts it into phenyl-sul- phamic acid. When nitrous acid gas is passed into its warm dilute aqueous solution nitrogen is evolved, and the solution yields, when concentrated, crystals of salicylic (phenyl-carbonic acid) : HHCOTPXCOyjo + HNO* = Phenyl-carbamic acid. Nitrous Phenyl-carbonic acid. acid. The metallic phenyl-carbamates are but little known. The calcium-salt, C 7 H 6 CaN0 2 , forms rhombohedral crystals, sparingly soluble in cold, moderately in boiling water. The silver-salt, C 7 H 6 AgN0 2 , is deposited in shining laminae on mixing a dilute boiling solution of the calcium-salt with nitrate of silver. The solution of the ammonium-salt likewise precipitates the salts of copper, lead, and zinc. Phenyl-carbamates (?) of Ethyl and Methyl. Chancel (Compt. rend. xxx. 751), by treating the nitrobenzoates of ethyl and methyl with sulphydrate of ammonium, ob- tained compound ethers, which he regards as phenyl-carbamates ; but from their mode of formation it is more probable that they are oxybenzamates, which are iso- meric therewith. (See OXYBENZAMIC ACID.) CARBAMIDE. CH 4 N 2 = N 2 .(CO)".H 2 .H 2 . This compound is the primary diamide of carbonic acid, and has the same composition as urea, with which indeed it is in all probability identical. It is formed in various ways : 1. By the action of ammonia on oxychloride of carbon, both being perfectly dry (Regnault, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixix. 180; Natanson, Ann. Ch.Pharm. xcviii. 287) : COC1 2 + 4NH 8 = CH 4 N 2 + 2NH 4 C1. The mixture of carbamide and sal-ammoniac thus produced is soluble in water and in aqueous alcohol ; and on adding excess of baryta-water to the solution, evaporating in vacuo, exhausting the residue with absolute alcohol, evaporating to dryness, dissolving in a small quantity of water, treating the solution with nitric acid, and decomposing the resulting nitrate of carbamide with carbonate of barium, the carbamide is obtained in the separate state (Natanson). 2. By the action of ammonia on carbonate of ethyl. When the two substances are heated together in a sealed tube to 180 C., carbamate of ethyl is first formed (at 100), and afterwards converted by the excess of ammonia into carbamide : (CO)"(C 2 H 5 ) 2 2 + NH 3 = C 2 H 5 .H.O + C2H5 - H - + N 2 (CO)".H 4 . 3. By the action of heat on the isomeric compound, cyanate of ammonium, NH 4 .CNO, or even when a solution of that salt is left to evaporate spontaneously, also when cyanate of potassium is mixed with sulphate of ammonium, the mixture left to evapo- rate, and the residue exhausted with alcohol. 4. By decomposing ammonio-cupric fulminate with sulphydric acid (see FULMINIC ACID). 5. In the decomposition of ox- amide (q. v.} at a red heat. 6. By the oxidation of uric acid. The product obtained by the last four processes is nrea; the same substance occurs as an animal excretion in the urine, in which indeed it was first discovered, being produced by the oxidation of the nitrogenous tissues. Whether the carbamide pro- duced by the action of ammonia on carbonic ether or on oxychloride of carbon is identical with this, or only isomeric, is a point perhaps not absolutely decided. Never- theless it agrees with urea in its most essential characters, viz. in forming a sparingly soluble crystalline salt with nitric acid, and in being resolved by the action of tho stronger acids into ammonia and carbonic anhydride, as represented by the equation: CH 4 N 2 + H 2 = 2NH 3 + CO 2 . CARBAMIDE. 753 It is true that Regnault did not obtain a crystalline salt by adding nitric acid to the mixture of carbamide and sal-ammoniac produced by the first process ; perhaps in con- sequence of the presence of the sal-ammoniac. Natanson, however, did obtain a crys- talline nitrate in the manner above described. No decided difference has, indeed, been pointed out between carbamide and urea. "We shall, however, refer to the article UBEA for the preparation and properties of the substance usually so called, and shall here describe a number of substitution-products, commonly called compound ureas. Substitution-products of Carbamide : Compound Ureas. The hydrogen in carbamide may be more or less replaced by organic radicles, acid or basic. The compounds containing 1 at. of an alcohol-radicle, are obtained chiefly by the action of ammonia on the cyanates of those radicles, just as carbamide or urea itself is produced by the action of ammonia on cyanic acid (cyanate of hydrogen.) HCNO + NH 3 = CH) 3 Phenyl-carbamide. Diphenyl-carbamide. Cyanuric acid. By boiling with strong potash-ley, or more quickly by fusion with hydrate of potassium, it yields ammonia, phenylamine, and carbonate of potassium : C 7 H 8 N 2 + 2KHO = NH 3 + C 6 H 7 N + K 2 C0 3 . It is not decomposed by boiling with dilute acids or alkalis. The name phcnyl-urea has hitherto been generally applied to the isomeric compound, which Chancel obtained by the action of sulphydrate of ammonium on nitrobenzamide (Grerh. Traite, i. 427). This compound is a powerful base ; but it does not agree with the ureas, either in its mode of formation, or in its reaction with alkalis. It should rather be regarded as oxybenzodiamide (q. #.) the primary diamide of oxybenzoic acid (C 7 H 6 3 ). Its formation may be represented by the equation : . w . Syn. with PICRIC ACID. CARBIDES, or Carburets. Compounds of carbon with metals. These com- pounds have not been much studied : none of them occur as natural minerals, and it is difficult to obtain them in definite form. The usual effect of the union of carbon with a metal, is to render it hard and brittle. (See the several metals.) CARBOBZWZXDE. Syn. with BENZONE. CARBOB4EOTZOXC ACID. See CINNAMEIN (p. 981). CArtBO-HlTDROGETCS. See HYDROCARBONS. CARBOLIC ACX3>. Syn. with PHENIC Aero. CARBON*. Symbol C. Atomic weight 12. Carbon is one of the most abundant of the elements, existing both in the free state and in an endless variety of combina- tions. It is found pure in the diamond ; nearly pure in graphite or plumbago, less pure as anthracite. It occurs also abundantly in the form of carbonates, especially carbonate of calcium, and is an essential constituent of organic bodies, from which it may be separated in the form of charcoal, by distilling off the more volatile elements, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, &c. Carbon in the free state is a solid body, destitute of taste and odour, infusible and non- volatile, excepting at the temperature produced by a powerful electric current. The several modifications exhibit great diversities of colour, lustre, transparency, hardness, density, and power of conducting heat and electricity. It exhibits crystalline forms belonging to two different systems, the regular and the hexagonal, and several amor- phous modifications. 1. Diamond. This valuable gem consists of pure or nearly pure carbon. It is found in alluvial soils produced by the disintegration of ancient rocks, the principal localities being in India, Borneo, Brazil, and the Urals. Diamonds occur thinly scattered through large quantities of soil, and very careful washing and examination are required to separate them. The diamond crystallises in forms belonging to the regular system, namely, the oc- tahedron, which is usually the predominating form, though it rarely occurs alone ; also the cube, the rhomboidal dodecahedron, which is very frequent ; the triakis-octahedron, a figure of 24 faces, formed by the superposition of a low triangular pyramid on each face of the octahedron ; and the hexakis-octahedron, a 48-sided figure formed in like manner, by a 6 -faced acumination of the octahedron. Intermediate forms are also of frequent occurrence, the secondary faces being sometimes so numerous as to give the crystal the appearance of having convex faces. Sometimes the faces are really curved, and consequently intersect in curved edges : the dodecahedron and octahedron frequently occur with convex faces. Hemihedral forms and twin-crystals are also found. (For figures, see the article CRYSTALLOGRAPHY.) All diamonds cleave easily in directions parallel to other faces of the regular octa- hedron, which is therefore the primary form. The fracture is conchoi'dal. The 3 c 3 758 CARBON. specific gravity of the diamond is 3'5295 according to Thomson ; 3*55 according fo Pelouze. It is the hardest substance known, being capable of scratching all others. Diamonds with curved edges are also capable of cutting glass, and are much used for that purpose, the curved edges penetrating the glass like a wedge ; those with straight edges merely scratch. The purest diamonds are colourless and transparent ; but many exhibit various shades of yellow, red, green, brown, and black; these coloured diamonds leave, when burnt, from 065 to 0'2 per cent, of ash : colourless diamonds leave but a trace. The diamond has a strong lustre (called adamantine), and high refractive and dispersive power ; hence its peculiar brilliancy. The lustre of the natural diamond is greatly increased by cutting it in a peculiar manner, so as to give it numerous facets capable of reflecting and dispersing light in various directions. This is effected by pressing the diamond against a revolving metal disc covered with a mixture of diamond dust and oil, no other substance being hard enough to abrade the diamond. The dust for this purpose is obtained either by collecting that which falls away in the process of cutting and polishing, or by pounding up diamonds which have not sufficient transparency to be valuable as gems. Diamonds are sometimes found in opaque spheroidal lumps, desti- tute of crystalline structure and transparency, and useless excepting in the form of powder. The diamond conducts electricity but slowly. Like all other forms of carbon, it neither melts nor volatilises at the heat of the most powerful furnace ; but when placed between the charcoal cones of a powerful voltaic battery, it becomes white-hot, swells up, splits into fragments, and after cooling, presents the aspect of coke prepared from bituminous coal. When very strongly heated in the air or in oxygen gas, it takes fire and burns completely away, forming carbonic anhydride. This fact of the combusti- bility of the diamond, which had been conjectured by Newton from its great refracting power, was first demonstrated in 1694, by the Florentine academicians, who succeeded in burning it in the focus of a concave mirror. Lavoisier and Guyton-Morveau, and afterwards Davy, showed that the sole product of the combustion in oxygen is carbonic anhydride, and therefore that the diamond is pure carbon. 2. Graphite. This name is applied to several varieties of native carbon containing from 95 to nearly 100 per cent, of that element, some crystalline, others amorphous, but all perfectly opaque, having an iron-black or steel-grey colour, and metallic lustre, producing a black shining streak on paper; sectile ; of specific gravity 1'2()9, hardness between 1 and 2, and conducting electricity nearly as well as the metals. Graphite was formerly regarded as a carbide of iron, but the iron is now known to be merely in a state of mixture, as also small quantities of silica and alumina. a. Crystallised or Foliated Graphite. This variety is found occasionally in small six-sided tables belonging to the hexagonal system, cleaving perfectly in the direction of the base, and having the basal planes striated parallel to the alternate sides. More commonly, however, it occurs in foliated or granular masses. It is found imbedded in quartz near Travaneore in Ceylon, and near Moreton Bay in Australia ; with olivine and sphene at Ticonderoga in the State of New York, and in gneiss at Stourbridge, Massachussets, where it presents a structure between scaly and fine granular, and an occasional approximation to distinct crystallisations (Dan a, ii. 27). It is also obtained artificially by melting cast-iron containing a large proportion of carbon and leaving it to cool slowly. It is tough and difficult to pulverise by mechanical means, bxit it may be reduced to the state of very thin laminae by prolonged trituration with water. 0. Amorphous Graphite. This variety, also called plumbago or black lead, is found in Borrowdale, Cumberland, where it occurs in nests of trap in the clay-slate, and is largely imported into this country from Germany, principally from Griesbach near Passau. The Borrowdale mine was formerly very rich, but now appears to be nearly exhausted (see lire's Dictionary of Arts. Manufactures and Mines, iii. 467). Amor- phous graphite is softer than the crystalline variety, and makes a much blacker streak on paper : it is therefore better adapted for the making of pencils. Some kinds of amorphous graphite, occurring in the coal measures, have very much the appearance of anthracite : such is the case with the graphite of New Brunswick. Graphite resembles the other modifications of carbon in being unalterable when heated in close vessels, excepting at the temperature of the electric current, and in yield- ing carbonic anhydride when burnt in contact with oxygen. But it differs essentially from all other forms of carbon when subjected to the action of certain oxidising agents, such as a mixture of chlorate or acid cliromate of potassium with sulphuric or nitric acid, or a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. In this case Brodie has shown (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlvi. 351 ; further, Phil. Trans. 1860, i. ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiv. 7) that it is converted into a peculiar acid, called graphitic acid, which is best obtained by heating pulverised graphite with chlorate of potassium and nitric acid, as long as yellow vapours are given off, then washing it with a large quantity of water, drying it CARBON. 759 on the water-bath, and repeating this series of operations several times. In this manner the graphite is ultimately converted into thin transparent crystals of graphitic acid, CVirO 8 . Brodie, however, regards this acid as analogous in composition to the acid Si 4 H 4 0\ which Wohler obtained by the action of oxidising agents on graphitoi'dal silicon ; and accordingly he supposes that the atomic weight of graphite is different from that of the other forms of carbon, and equal to 33, which he denotes by the symbol Gr (graphon) ; substituting this value in the preceding formula of graphitic acid, it be- comes Gr 4 H'CK (See ATOMIC WEIGHT OF CABBON, p. 757 ; also GBAPHITIC Aero.) Graphite cannot be converted into graphitic acid by a single treatment with oxidis- ing agents, however long continued; but by subjecting it to this treatment for a cer- tain time, then washing it with water and igniting, it may be purified and obtained in a state of very minute division. A good way of proceeding is to mix coarsely pounded graphite with of its weight of chlorate of potassium, add the mixture to a quantity of strong sulphuric acid equal to twice the weight of the graphite, heat the whole in the water-bath as long as yellow vapours of chloric oxide are evolved, wash the cooled mass with water, then dry and ignite it ; it then swells up and leaves finely divided graphite. If the graphite to be purified contains siliceous matters, a little fluoride of sodium should be added to the mixture before heating. Graphite is used for making pencils, for polishing stoves, and other articles, for diminishing the friction of machinery, for making crucibles, and in the electrotype process for coating the surfaces of wood and other non-conducting materials, so as to render them conductive. 3. Anthracite or stone-coal is an amorphous variety of carbon containing about 90 per cent, of that element associated with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and ash. It is intermediate in composition and properties between graphite and bituminous coal, being blacker than graphite, and having a higher lustre than ordinary coal. Specific gravity 1*3 to 17. Hardness = 2 to 2'1. It burns with difficulty, requiring a strong draught to keep it in a state of active combustion : hence it is fit only for burning in close stoves and furnaces ; it does not cake together like bituminous coal. Anthracite occurs abundantly in South Wales, in the departments of Mayenne and Isere in France ; also in Pennsylvania and Ehode Island. 4. Carbon obtained from Organic Substances by Dry Distillation or Imperfect Combustion. When animal or vegetable substances are strongly heated in close vessels, the more volatile elements, viz. the oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, with part of the carbon, are driven off in the form of gaseous products, some of which afterwards condense in the liquid form, while a considerable portion of the carbon re- mains behind in the form of a black mass, called charcoal, of greater or less compactness, according to the nature of the original substance. If the substance thus treated wood or coal, for example contains any inorganic materials, such as potash, soda, lime, &c., these remain behind with the charcoal. The purest kind of charcoal is that obtained by heating sugar, starch, or some other organic substance, free from inorganic elements, in a close vessel. There then remains a black, brilliant, porous charcoal, which is nearly pure carbon, but contains a small quantity of hydrogen and oxygen, which cannot be driven off even by the most intense and long-continued heat. a. Wood- Char coal. Wood consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the two latter being in the proportion to form water. When heated in the open air, it burns com- pletely away, with the exception of a small quantity of white ash ; but if the supply of air is limited, only the more volatile ingredients burn away, and the greater part of the carbon remains behind. This is the principle of the process of charcoal-burning as it is practised in countries where wood is abundant, on the Harz mountains in Germany, for instance. A number of billets of wood are built up vertically in two or three rows into a large conical heap, which is covered over with turf or moistened charcoal-ash, holes being left at the bottom for the air to get in. A hollow space is also left in the middle of the heap, to serve as a flue for the gaseous matters which are evolved. The heap is set on fire by throwing burning pieces of wood into the central opening, near the top of which, however, a kind of grate, made of billets of wood, is placed, to prevent the burning fuel from falling at once to the bottom. The combustion then proceeds gradually from the top to the bottom, and from the centre to the outside of the heap ; and as the central portions burn away, fresh wood is con- tinually thrown in at the top, so as to keep the heap quite full. The appearance of the smoke shows how the combustion is proceeding ; when it is going on properly, the smoke is thick and white ; if it becomes thin, and especially if a blue flame appears, it is a sign that the wood is burning away too fast, and the combustion must then be checked by partially stopping up the holes at the bottom, or by heaping fresh ashes on the top and sides, and pressing them down well so as to diminish the draught. As soon as the combustion is completed, the heap is completely covered with turf or ashes, and left to cool for two or three days. It is then taken to pieces, and the portions 3 c 4 760 CARBON. still hot are cooled by throwing water or sand upon them. The quantity of charcoal thus obtained varies with the manner in which the combustion is conducted. 100 parts of wood yield on the average from 61 to 65 parts by measure, or 24 parts by weight of charcoal. When the burning is very carefully conducted, the quantity may amount to 70 per cent, by measure. In England a large quantity of charcoal is obtained in the dry distillation of wood for the preparation of acetic acid. For this purpose the wood is heated to redness in cast-iron cylinders, whereupon a number of volatile products are given off, including a large quantity of tarry matter, an inflammable spirit called wood-spirit or wood-naphtha, and acetic acid ; and in the retorts there remains a quantity of charcoal. For the manufacture of gunpowder, charcoal is sometimes prepared by subjecting wood in iron cylinders to the action of over-heated steam. (Violette, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiii. 475.) Wood-charcoal is more or less compact, according to the kind of wood from which it is formed. The lighter woods, such as willow, yield a very porous charcoal, having comparatively little power of conducting heat and electricity ; box- wood, on the contrary, yields a very compact charcoal, which is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and is admirably adapted for exhibiting the voltaic light. The density and conducting power of charcoal are greatly increased by exposing it in close vessels to a very high temperature. Charcoal retains the form, and to a considerable extent the external structure of the wood, so that a horizontal section exhibits distinctly the concentric rings and the traces of the medullary rays. When burned it leaves from 1 to 5 per cent, of ash. According to Berthier, 1000 parts of Mine-wood leave 50 parts of ash ; of oak, 25 ; birch 10; fir 8 ; hornbeam 26 ; beech 30. b. Coke. Ordinary bituminous coal, which consists of the remains of ancient forests and peat-mosses, and appears to have been formed from wood by a process of slow decay going on without access of air, differs from wood in containing a larger proportion of carbon, and less oxygen and hydrogen ; it also contains nitrogen derived from the tissue of the plants. This substance, when heated in the open air, burns away like wood, leaving nothing but a white ash ; but, when strongly heated in east-iron cylin- ders, it undergoes a decomposition like that which takes place in wood under similar circumstances, a large quantity of volatile products being given off, viz, carburetted hydrogen gas (the gas used for illumination) and a tarry liquid containing ammonia and a variety of other products ; while a black, dull-looking, porous moss, called coke, is left in the retorts. This substance also consists mainly of carbon, mixed, however. with a quantity of inorganic constituents, greater than that which occurs in wood-char- coal, so that it leaves a larger amount of ash when burned. The aspect of coke varies greatly according to the kind of coal from which it is obtained. Bituminous coals, such as the Newcastle coal, undergo a kind of semi-fusion before they decompose, and yield a very porous coke, having a brilliant metallic aspect; anthracite, on the contrary undergoes but little alteration by heating, and yields a coke having very much of the form and aspect of the original mass. Coke is used in the iron districts of South Wales and Staffordshire, for reducing the metal from the ore. It is there prepared from the coal which occurs in the same districts, by partially burning that substance in longitudinal heaps, more or less covered up with the ashes of former fires, the object being to produce a smothered combustion, similar to that already described as used for the preparation of wood-charcoal. This process is very wasteful unless carefully con- ducted. c. Metallic Carbon, Glance-coal. This is a very dense form of carbon, deposited when certain volatile organic compounds, especially hydrocarbons, are passed through red-hot tubes of porcelain or cast-iron ; it collects in the upper part of the retorts in which carburetted hydrogen gas is distilled from coal, and is likewise produced in blast furnaces. It often exhibits the lustre and sonority of a metal, is very hard, a good conductor of heat and electricity, and burns with difficulty. It is used to form the negative element in Bunsen's voltaic battery. A very hard and compact carbon, also used for the purpose just mentioned, is ob- tained by heating to redness, in an iron mould, an intimate and impalpable mixture of 2 pts. coke and 1 pt. bituminous coal, then several times steeping it in treacle, and subjecting it again to a very intense heat. The mass thus formed is very hard, may be sawn and filed without breaking, and conducts electricity like a metal. d. Lamp-black. Most of our ordinary combustibles, consisting of carbon and hy- drogen, such as tallow, wax, and oil, undergo but imperfect combustion, unless assisted by an artificial draught of air. The consequence is, that a portion of the carbon, which is the less combustible element of the two, remains unburned, and is driven off in smoke, or deposited on cold surfaces in the form of soot or lamp-black; thus, a plate of glass or metal held in the upper part of a candle flame is quickly covered with a black deposit of carbon. Lamp-black is ordinarily prepared by the imperfect combus- CARBON. /61 tion of highly carbonised bodies, such as resin or pitch. The apparatus consists of a cylindrical stone chamber, in which is suspended a cone of iron plate, having a hole at top, and capable of moving up and down ; this cone serves for a chimney during the operation. A cast-iron pot, containing the resin or pitch, is heated in a furnace out- side the chamber ; the vapours proceeding from it are set on fire ; and the supply of air is properly regulated by apertures which may be opened and closed at pleasure. The imperfect combustion of the vapour produces a considerable quantity of lamp- black, which collects on the cone and on the walls. When the operation is finished, the cone is lowered, and as it is made to fit the chamber exactly, it scrapes the wall us it descends, and causes the deposit to fall down on the floor. Lamp-black thus obtained is always contaminated with oily matter ; it may be purified by calcination in a covered crucible. Sometimes the chamber is hung with coarse cloths, on which the soot col- lects ; they are withdrawn from time to time and scraped. A better method of condensation is to cause the smoke and vapour to pass through an inclined iron tube, in which the oily products collect, and thence into a series of con- densing chambers ; the purest product is then found in the farthest chamber. The finest kind of lamp-black is obtained by burning oil or fat in lamps, and causing the products of combustion to pass through a series of iron cylinders, terminating in a chimney ; the cylinders are opened at bottom from time to time, and the carbonaceous deposit removed. As obtained by either of these methods it is always more or less contaminated with oily matter. It may be purified by calcination in a covered crucible, but for the purposes to which it is chiefly applied, viz. for painting and for the manufac- ture of printing ink, the presence of the oil is not objectionable. e. Animal Charcoal or Bone-black, is a mixture of very finely divided charcoal and phosphate of calcium obtained by calcining bones in close vessels. Its preparation and properties have been already described (p. 624). Absorbent -power af Charcoal. Wood-charcoal and other porous forms of carbon have the property of absorbing large quantities of gases : the greater the porosity of the charcoal the greater is also its absorbing power. In its ordinary state, however, charcoal has its pores filled with atmospheric air, and to enable it to exert its full absorbing power on any other gas, it must first be freed from the air contained in it by heating it to red- ness and cooling it under mercury. Saussure has shown that recently ignited box- wood charcoal absorbs at 12 C. and under a pressure of 724 millimetres, the follow- ing quantities of different gases : Ammonia . . 90 vols. Ethylene . 35 vols. Hydrochloric acid . 85 Sulphurous anhydride 65 Sulphydric acid . . 55 Nitrous oxide . . 40 Carbonic oxide Oxygen . . Nitrogen Hydrogen 9-42 9-25 6-50 1-25 Carbonic anhydride . 35 Charcoal also absorbs moisture with avidity from the air, as well as other conden- sable vapours, such as odoriferous efiiuvia. Hence freshly calcined charcoal, wrapped up in clothes which have acquired a disagreeable colour, destroys that odour. It has a considerable effect in retarding the putrefaction of animal matter with which it is placed in contact. Water is found to remain sweet, and wine to be improved in quality, if kept in casks the inside of which has been charred. In the state of coarse powder, wood-charcoal is particularly applicable as a filter for spirits, which it deprives of the essential oil they contain. (Graham's Elements of Chemistry, 2nd ed. vol. i. p. 338.) Water contaminated with offensive gas and other matters may also be rendered fit for drinking by filtering it through coarsely pounded charcoal interposed between two layers of sand. Charcoal not only absorbs gases, but frequently also determines their combination. If a piece of charcoal, which has remained for some time in an atmosphere of sulphu- retted hydrogen, and has absorbed a considerable quantity of that gas, be introduced into a vessel filled with oxygen, combination immediately takes place between the oxygen and the elements of the sulphuretted hydrogen, water and sulphurous acid being formed, and a portion of the sulphur separated. The charcoal always becomes very hot, and sometimes the heat is great enoiigh to produce explosion. Similar phe- nomena are exhibited by other combustible gases. This property of charcoal has been applied by Dr. Stenhouse to the construction of ventilators and respirators for purifying infected atmospheres. In a pamphlet, bearing the title " On Charcoal as a Disinfectant," Dr. Stenhouse observes : " Charcoal not only absorbs effluvia and gaseous bodies, but, especially, when in contact with atmo- spheric air, rapidly oxidises and destroys many of the easily alterable ones, by resolving them into the simplest combinations they are capable of forming, which are chiefly water and carbonic acid. . . . Effluvia and miasmata are generally regarded as 762 CARBON. highly organised, nitrogenous, easily alterable bodies. When these are absorbed by charcoal, they come in contact with highly condensed oxygen gas, which exists within the pores of all charcoal which has been exposed to the air, even for a few minutes ; in this way they are oxidised and destroyed." On this principle, Dr. Stenhouse has constructed ventilators, consisting of a layer of charcoal enclosed between two sheets of wire-gauze, to purify the foul air which accumulates in water-closets, the wards of hospitals, and in the back courts and lanes of large cities. By the use of these venti- lators, pure air may be obtained from exceedingly impure sources, the impurities being absorbed and retained by the charcoal, while a current of pure air alone is admitted into the neighbouring apartments. A similar contrivance might also be applied to the gulley-holes of our common sewers, and to the sinks in private houses. Dr. Stenhouse has also constructed respirators, consisting of a layer of charcoal a quarter of an inch thick, interposed between two sheets of silvered wire-gauze covered with woollen cloth. They are made either to cover the mouth and nose, or the mouth alone ; the former kind of respirator affords an effectual protection against malaria and the deleterious gases which accumulate in chemical works, common sewers, &c. The latter will answer the same purpose when the atmosphere is not very impure, provided the simple precaution be taken of inspiring the air by the mouth, and expiring by the nose. This form of respirator may also be useful to persons affected with fetid breath. Freshly heated wood-charcoal simply placed in a thin layer in trays, and disposed about in- fected apartments, such as the wards of hospitals, is also highly efficacious in absorbing the noxious matter. Platinised Charcoal. The power of charcoal in inducing chemical combination is increased by combination with minutely divided platinum. In this manner, a com- bination may be produced possessing the absorbent power of charcoal (which is much greater than that of spongy platinum), and nearly equal, as a promoter of chemical combination, to spongy platinum itself. In order to platinise charcoal, nothing more is necessary than to boil it, either in coarse powder or in large pieces, in a solution of di chloride of platinum, and, when thoroughly impregnated, which seldom requires more than ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, to heat it to redness in a closed vessel, a capacious platinum crucible being well adapted for the purpose. Charcoal thus platinised, and containing 3 grains of platinum to 50 grains of charcoal, causes oxy- gen and hydrogen gases to unite completely in a few minutes ; with a larger proportion of platinum, the gases combine with explosive violence, just as if platinum-black were used. Cold platinised charcoal, held in a jet of hydrogen, speedily becomes incan- descent, and inflames the gas. Platinised charcoal slightly Warmed rapidly becomes incandescent in a current of coal gas, but does not inflame the gas, owing to the very high temperature required for that purpose. In the vapour of alcohol or wood-spirit, platinised charcoal becomes red-hot, and continues so till the supply of vapour is ex- hausted. Spirit of wine, in contact with platinised charcoal and air, is converted in a few hours into vinegar. Two per cent, of platinum is sufficient to platinise charcoal for most purposes. Charcoal containing this amount of platinum, causes oxygen and hydrogen to combine perfectly in about a quarter of an hour, and such is the strength of platinised charcoal which seems best adapted for disinfectant respirators. Charcoal containing only 1 per cent, of platinum causes oxygen and hydrogen to combine in about two hours ; and charcoal containing the extremely small amount of \ per cent, of platinum, produces the same effect in six or eight hours. Platinised charcoal seems likely to admit of various useful applications ; one of the most obvious of these is its adaptability to air-filters and respirators. From its powerful oxidising properties, it might also prove a highly useful application to malignant ulcers and similar sores, on which it will act as a mild but effective caustic. It might also be found useful in Bunsen's carbon battery. (Stenhouse, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. viii. 105.) Charcoal as a Precipitant and Dccoloriser. Wood-charcoal and animal charcoal, especially the latter, possess the power of forming insoluble compounds with many dissolved substances, more particularly organic colouring matters. It precipitates iodine from its solution in iodide of potassium, also lime, nitrate of lead, and most metallic sub-salts, from their aqueous solutions : it likewise separates metallic acids from their solutions in alkalis. A solution of acetate or nitrate of lead, in which char- coal is immersed, is found after a while to contain free acetic or nitric acid. A large number of organic substances, besides colouring matters, are likewise precipitated by charcoal, viz. the bitter principles of the hop, gentian, and aloes, tannin, organic alka- loids ; also resins from solution in alcohol. It is important to bear this in mind in analysing liquids which have been decolorised by animal charcoal, as many of the sub- stances originally contained in the solution may have been carried down by the charcoal. The peculiar power of bone-black in removing colouring matters, &c. from solution, is due to the more minute division of the charcoal resulting from the interposition of the earthy matter. If this be dissolved out by an acid, the decolorising power of thu CARBON. 763 charcoal is greatly impaired, which however must be done for certain applications of it, as in the preparation of vegetable acids. Charcoal of much higher decolorising power than bone-black, is obtained by calcining dried blood, horns, hoofs, clippings of hides, glue, and other animal matters, in contact with pearl-ash, and washing the cal- cined mass with water. A charcoal of considerable decolorising power may likewise be prepared by carbonising vegetable substances mixed with chalk, calcined flints, or any other earthy matter. If 100 pts. of pipe-clay, made into a thin paste with water, be well mixed with 20 pts. of tan and 500 pts. of finely pounded coal, and the mass dried and ignited in a close vessel, a charcoal will be obtained very little inferior in decolorising power to bone-black. The following table, taken from Graham's Elements of Chemistry, 2nd edition, vol. i. p. 361, shows the efficiency of different kinds of charcoal in removing colouring matter. These substances are compared with bone- black, as being the most feeble species. The relative efficiency is not the same for different kinds of colouring matter. SPECIES OF CHARCOAL. (same weight). Relative decolora- tion of sulphate of indigo. Relative decolo- ration of syrups. Blood charred with pearlash 50 20 Blood charred with chalk 18 11 Blood charred with phosphate of calcium . 12 10 Glue charred with pearlash . . . 36 15-5 White of egg charred with the same 34 15-5 Gluten charred with the same . 10-6 8-8 Charcoal from acetate of potassium . 5-6 4-4 Charcoal from acetate of sodium 12 8-8 Lamp-black not calcined .... 4 3-3 Lamp-black calcined with pearlash . 15-2 10-6 Bone-charcoal, after the extraction of the earth of bones by an acid, and calcina- tion with potash 45 20 Bone-charcoal, treated with an acid . 1-87 1-6 Oil charred with phosphate of calcium 2 1-9 Bone-charcoal in its ordinary state . 1 1 [On the preparation, properties, and uses of the various forms of carbon, see further. lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, articles BONE-BLACK, CHARCOAL, COKE, and LAMP-BLACK. Pelouz e et Fremy, Traite de Chimic, 3 rae ed. i. 705821.] Compounds of Carbon. Carbon unites with most other elements, but generally speaking not directly, most of its compounds being formed either in the bodies of living plants and animals in a way which we cannot trace, or derived by substitution from such compounds. The only elements with which it unites directly are oxygen, sulphur, nitro- gen, and a few metals, and with these only at high temperatures. For oxygen, carbon exhibits no affinity at ordinary temperatures, but at a red heat, it not only combines readily with free oxygen, but is capable of separating that element from its combinations with all others, even from potassium. The temperature required for determining the combination depends upon the density of the carbon : porous wood charcoal begins to burn in the air at about 240 C. ; the more compact kinds require a higher temperature ; anthracite and graphite still higher ; and the diamond the highest of all. The product of the combustion is carbonic anhydride, CO 2 , mixed, however, if the supply of oxygen is deficient, with the lower oxide CO. With sulphur, carbon also unites at a red heat, forming disulphide of carbon, CS 2 . With nitrogen, it unites at a red heat, provided an alkali be present, forming cyanogen, CN, which enters into combination with the alkali-metal ; thus, when nitrogen gas is passed oyer ignited charcoal saturated with carbonate of potassium, cyanide of potas- sium is formed. With metals also, carbon appears to unite directly under certain cir- cumstances, as in the formation of steel by keeping iron imbedded in charcoal powder at a white heat. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen constitute a very important group of organic bodies, many of them, as oil of turpentine, C 10 H 16 , existing ready formed in plants, while others, as ethylene, C 2 H 4 , and naphthalene, C'H 8 , are produced by the decom- position of more complex organic compounds. Most of them play the part of radicles, being capable of combining, like metals, with chlorine, oxygen, sulphur, &c., of re- placing hydrogen in combination, and passing as entire groups from one state of com- 764 CARBON : CHLORIDES OF. bination to another : e.g. ethyl, C 2 H & , amyl, C 5 H n , allyl, C 3 H 5 , ethylene, C 2 H 4 , amy* hue, C 5 H 10 , &c. The hydrogen in these hydrocarbons, may be more or less replaced by chlorine, bromine, nitryl (NO 2 ), and other elements or groups, whereby derivative radicles are formed, also capable of entering into combination, replacing hydrogen, &c. like simple radicles, c. g. bromethyl, C 2 H 4 Br, chlorcthylene, C 2 H 3 C1, dinitronapkthalene, C 10 H 6 (NO*) 2 , &c. When the hydrogen in a hydrocarbon is thus completely replaced by another element, a chloride, bromide, &c. of carbon is produced. In this manner, tetrachloride of carbon CC1 4 , is formed from marsh-gas CH 4 , dichloride of carbon, C-'Cl 4 , from ethylene, C 2 H 4 , &c. CARBON, BROMIDES OP. Several of these compounds appear to exist, but only one of them, the dibromide C 2 Br 4 , has been analysed.*- This body is obtained by treating alcohol or ether with bromine, saturating the resulting hydrobromic acid with potash, distilling, and treating the residue with water. Dibromide of carbon then remains as a white crystalline deposit which may be purified by washing with water (Lowig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. iii. 292). Its formation is represented by the equations : C 2 H 8 + 4Br 2 = C 2 Br 4 + 4HBr + H 2 0. Alcohol. C 4 H 10 + 8Br 2 = 2C 2 Br 4 + 8HBr + H 2 0. Ether. It is also produced by the action of alcoholic potash on the dibromide of tribromethy- lene (Lennox, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiv. 209): C 2 HBr".Br 2 + KHO = C 2 Br 4 + KBr + H 2 0. Dibromide of carbon forms white crystalline plates, unctuous to the touch, having an ethereal odour and saccharine taste ; it melts at 50 C., and sublimes without alteration. It is nearly insoluble in water, very soluble in alcohol and ether ; not decomposed by acids or alkalis. It burns in the flame of a spirit lamp, giving off vapours of hydro- bromic acid, but ceases to burn as soon as it is removed from the flame. Chlorine attacks it in the melted state, forming chloride of bromine. Heated with oxide of mercury or passed over red-hot oxide of zinc, copper, or iron, it yields metallic bromine and carbonic anhydride. When passed over red-hot metallic zinc, copper, or iron, it also yields a bromide of the metal without disengagement of gas. (Lowig.) Commercial bromine sometimes contains a liquid bromide of carbon, which may also be obtained by the action of bromine on ether and alcohol, especially if chlorine is like- wise present. It is an oily, colourless, fragrant liquid of specific gravity 2*43fr, not solidifiable at 25 C., boiling at 120 C., so that it is easily separated from bromine by distillation. It is insoluble in water, not decomposed by acids or dilute alkalis, but decomposed by fusion with hydrate of potassium, into bromide and carbonate of potas- sium (Poselger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiv. 287). The same compound appears to be produced by the action of 2 pts. bromine on 1 pt. iodide of ethylene, C 2 H 4 I 2 , and may be separated from bromide of iodine by means of dilute potash. In the preparation of bromine, there is sometimes formed an oily ethereal liquid called oil of bromine, which appears to contain C 2 H 8 Br 4 . When dropped on red-hot fragments of glass, it yields a deposit of carbon, together with crystals and a dark -brown oil, while hydrobromic acid and a combustible gas escape. The dark-brown oil appears to be a portion of the liquid which has remained undecomposed and has absorbed bromine, and the crystals consist of a bromide of carbon C 4 Br 2 . (M. Hermann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcv. 211.) CARBON, CHZiGRXDSS OP. Carbon does not unite directly with chlorine : but several compounds of these elements are obtained by the action of chlorine, aided by light or heat, on organic bodies, chiefly on hydrocarbons or their chlorinated deri- vatives, e, g. CC1 4 from marsh-gas (CH 4 ), or chloroform (CHC1 3 ), C 2 C1 4 from ethylene (C 2 H 4 ), C 3 C1 6 from tritylene (C 3 H 6 ), C 10 C1 8 from naphthalene (C H 8 ), &c. It is cus- tomary, however, to restrict the term chloride of carbon to four of these bodies, containing 1 and 2 atoms of carbon, while the rest are regarded as substitution-deriva- tives of organic radicles, c. y. C C1 8 , as perchloronaphthalene. The names and formulae of these four compounds are given in the following table, in the left-hand column, ac- cording to the atomic weight of carbon [12] here adopted, in the right-hand column according to the smaller atomic weight of carbon [6], the latter being the names by which they are generally known : [C - 12] [<7 - 6] Protochloride . . C ? C1 2 or Subchloride . . &CP Dichloride . . . C*C1* Protochloride. . C*Cl* Trichloride. . . C 2 C1 8 Sesquichloride . (POP Tetrachloride . . CC1 4 Di- or Bi-chloride . C*Cl* * C 2 Br 6 has been recently obtained. See ETHYLENES, BROMINATBD. CARBON: CHLORIDES OF. 765 There is, however, no real distinction between these four compounds and others formed of the same two elements, excepting that they are of lower atomic weight, and that they may be derived from disulphide of carbon, the vapour of that substance mixed with chlorine and passed through a hot tube yielding the tetrachloride, and the other three being produced, either by exposing this compound to a higher temperature or by the action of reducing agents. TETRACHLORIDE OF CARBON, CC1 4 . Dichloride or Bichloride of Carbon. Car- bonic chloride. Perchlorinated Chloride of Methyl. Ptrchloroformene. This compound, which is an analogue of marsh-gas CH 4 , and of carbonic anhydride CO 2 , was disco- vered by Kegnault in 1839 (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxi. 337). It is produced: 1. By the action of chlorine on marsh-gas (Dumas, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Ixxiii. 95). 2. By the action of chlorine on chloroform in sunshine: CHCP + Cl 2 = HC1 + CC1 4 . Chloroform is gently heated in a retort exposed to the sun, and a stream of dry chlo- rine is passed slowly and continuously through it, the liquid which distils over being repeatedly poured back till hydrochloric acid ceases to be evolved, after which the dis- tillate is agitated with mercury to remove free chlorine, and then rectified (Kegnault). 3. By the action of chlorine on disulphide of carbon : CS 2 + 4C1 2 = CC1 4 + 2SC1 2 . Chlorine saturated with vapour of sulphide of carbon by passing through the liquid is made to pass through a red-hot tube containing fragments of porcelain and connected with a receiver surrounded with ice ; and the yellowish-red mixture of tetrachloride of carbon and chloride of sulphur thereby obtained is very slowly added to an excess of potash-ley or milk of lime, the mixture being agitated from time to time and after- wards distilled. Tetrachloride of carbon then passes over, sometimes mixed with sulphide of carbon, if too much of that compound was mixed with the chlorine, or if the heat was not strong enough ; the sulphide of carbon may be removed by leaving the liquid for sometime in contact with potash-ley (Kolbe, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlv. 41 ; liv. 146). Greuther (ibid. cvii. 212) removes the sulphide of carbon, by dissolving the mixture in alcohol, adding alcoholic potash as long as it thereby acquires a darker colour, and heating the liquid gently to promote the conversion of the sulphide of carbon into xanthate of potassium ; then separates the unaltered chloride of carbon by water ; and purifies it by washing. 4. By the action of pentachloride of antimony on disulphide of carbon : CS 2 + 2SbCP = CC1 4 + 2SbCP + S 2 . The mixture becomes hot, and on cooling deposits crystals of trichloride of antimony mixed with sulphur, while tetrachloride of carbon remains in the liquid state. (Hof- mann, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 65.) Propirtiis. Tetrachloride of carbon is a thin transparent colourless oil, having a pungent aromatic odour. Specific gravity T56. Boiling point 77 C. Vapour-density by experiment 5*24 5'33, representing a condensation to 2 vols. ( '- x T.-OG93 5'34.) It is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and in ether. Decompositions. Tetrachloride of carbon passed through a red-hot tube, is resolved into free chlorine and a lower chloride of carbon, which, at a bright red heat is chiefly C-'Cl 4 , at a still higher temperature C 2 C1 2 , and at a dull red heat, a body isomeric with C'-'CI 6 , but having only half the vapour-density of that compound (Eegnault). 2. When mixed with hydrogen and passed through a red-hot tube filled with pumice, it yields marsh-gas and ethylene (Berth e lot, Ann. Ch. Phys. liii. 69; Jahresber. d. Chem. 1858, p. 519). 3. With sulphuretted hydrogen, in like manner, at a low red heat it yields hydrochloric acid and sulphochloride of carbon, CC1 4 -t IPS = 2HC1 -f CSC1 2 (Kolbe). 4. Dissolved in weak alcohol and treated with amalgam of potas- sium, it gives off part of its chlorine to the potassium, and yields chloroform, CHCP, mono-chlorinated chloride of methyl, CH 2 C1 2 , and marsh-gas (Kegnault). 5. Treated in a flask provided with an upright condensing tube with zinc and dilute acid, it yields hydrochloric acid and chloroform, the latter being converted by the further reducing action of the mixture, into a body containing still less chlorine, probably CIFCl 2 (Geuther, loc. cit.}&. It is not decomposed by aqueous potash or sulphydrate of potassium; but alcoholic potash slowly converts it into chloride and carbonate of potassium (Regnault). Heated with alcoholic potash to 100 C. in a sealed tube for a week, it is partly converted into ethylene (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cix. 118). 7. Heated to 170 or 180 C. with 3 vols. phcnylamine, it yields carbotri- phenyltriamine (Hofmann, Proc. Koy. Soc. ix. 284) : 6(N.H 2 .C 6 H 5 ) + CC1 4 = [N 2 .C.(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .H 2 ].HC1 + 3[(N.H 2 .C 6 H 5 ).HC1]. Phenylamine. Hydrochlorate of carbotri- Hydrochlorate of phenyltriamine. Phenylamine. 8. With triethylphosphine it yields a white crystalline product. (Hofmann, ibid x. 184.) 766 CARBON: CHLORIDES OF. A compound, CC1 4 S0 2 , formed by the action of moist chlorine on sulphide of carbon, sometimes regarded as sulphite of tetrachloride of carbon, but more probably a chlori- nated derivative of methyl-sulphuroits acid, will be described under that head. TRICHLORIDE OF CARBON. C 2 C1 6 . Sesquichloride of Carbon, Perchhride of Car- bon, Perchlorinated Chloride of Eihylene, Chlorure de Chloroxethose. This compound, which was discovered and investigated by Faraday (Phil. Trans. 1826, p. 47), and further by Regnault (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixix. 166; Ixxxi. 371), is produced by the action of chlorine in sunshine on various compounds and derivatives of ethyl and ethylene: 1. On dichloride of carbon, C 2 C1 4 (Faraday). 2. On chloride of ethylene : C 2 H 4 CP + 4C1 2 = 4HC1 + C*C1 6 ; the action also takes place, though more slowly in diffused daylight (Faraday), or with aid of heat (Liebig). 3. On chloride of ethyl, first in the shade, afterwards in sunshine : O'H 5 C1 + 5C1 2 = 5HC1 + C 2 C1 6 (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxxiv. 328) ; similarly on mono-, di-, or tri-chlorinated chloride of ethyl (Regnault). 4. On sulphite of ethyl, with simultaneous formation of chlo- ride of sulphury 1, chloraldehyde, and hydrochloric acid (Ebelmen and Bouquet, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 66) : (C 2 H 5 ) 2 S0 3 + 11C1 2 = C 2 C1 6 + S0 2 C1 2 + C 2 C1 4 + 10HC1. 5. On oxide of ethyl, which, in bright sunshine, is sometimes converted at once into sesquichloride of carbon and chloraldehyde, sometimes into perchlorethylic oxide, C 4 C1 10 O, 1 at. of which is resolved by distillation into C 2 C1 4 and C 2 C1 6 (Eegnault, Malaguti). Several perchlorinated compound ethers (carbonic, succinic, &c.) also yield trichloride of carbon, when similarly treated. 6. On hydrochlorate of ethy- lamine ' C 2 H 7 N + 5C1 2 = C 2 C1 + NH 4 C1 + 3HC1. The sal-ammoniac is ultimately resolved by the excess of chlorine into hydrochloric acid and nitrogen, which escapes, a certain portion, being, however, converted into chlo- ride of nitrogen (Greuther and Hofacker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cviii. 51). The formation of chloride of nitrogen must render the process dangerous. 7. Tetrachloride of carbon passed through a red-hot tube is resolved into the trichloride and free chlorine (p. 765). Preparation. 1. Chloride of ethylene is exposed to the sun in a bottle filled with chlorine, water being* frequently added in small portions to absorb the hydrochloric acid produced, and the chlorine frequently renewed as long as any action is percep- tible. The crystalline product is washed with water, pressed between bibulous paper, heated to sublimation, then dissolved in alcohol, precipitated by water containing potash, again washed with water, pressed, and dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid (Faraday). By passing chlorine through chloride of ethylene, heated nearly to the boiling point, part of that compound is converted into trichloride of carbon, which crystallises out for the most part on cooling the liquid with ice (Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. i. 219). 2. A bottle filled with chlorine, and containing a little chloride of ethyl, is set aside in the shade for twenty-four hours, the chlorine then renewed and the vessel exposed to the sun : such exposure at the beginning of the process would produce explosion (Laurent). Or better : vapour of chloride of ethyl produced by heat- ing alcohol with strong hydrochloric acid, and purified by passing through water and oil of vitriol, is brought in contact with chlorine in a vessel exposed to the summer sun (Regnault). 3. Perchlorethylic oxide (C 4 C1 I0 0) is distilled, and the distillate is re- peatedly treated with water, which takes up chloraldehyde and leaves trichloride of carbon. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 6, 14.) ^ Properties. Trichloride of carbon crystallises in right rhombic prisms ooP, mo- dified by the faces oo P oo and the horizontal prism P as. Angles of the prism ooP = 58 and 122 (Brooke) ; 59 and 121 (Laurent). The crystals are colourless, tran- sparent, and nearly tasteless, but have an aromatic camphorous odour. They are as hard as sugar, and easily pulverised. Specific gravity = 2 g O. Refracting power = 1-5767. They do not conduct electricity. They melt at 160 C. ; boil and sublime at 182, and volatilise even at ordinary temperatures. Vapour-density = 8*157, corre- sponding to 2 volumes / 2 12 + 6 35 ' 5 x 0-0693 = 8-212V Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, still more in ether ; the solutions are not clouded by nitrate of silver. Soluble also in oils, both fixed and volatile. Decompositions. 1. By repeated distillation, or by passing its vapour through a red- hot porcelain tube, the trichloride is resolved into the dichloride, C 2 C1 4 , and free chlorine. 2. It burns with a red light in the flame of a spirit-lamp, but is extinguished on removal. 3. Passed, together with hydrogen, through a red-hot tube, it yields hydrochloric acid and dichloride of carbon (G cut her), and undergoes a similar de- composition when heated with sulphur, pJwsphorus, or iodine. 4. Most metals heated in the vapour of the trichloride are converted into chlorides, with separation of char- CARBON : CHLORIDES OF. 767 coal 5. The vapour passed over red-hot baryta, strontia, or lime, yields a chloride and carbonate of the metal, with deposition of charcoal ; with oxide of zinc, it some- times forms oxychloride of carbon ; with the oxides of copper and mercury, and with peroxide of lead, the products are metallic chloride and carbonic anhydride. 6. The trichloride is not altered by distillation with aqueous or alcoholic potash ; but when gently heated with an alcoholic solution of sulphydrate of potassium, it yields dichlo- ride of carbon, together with chloride of potassium, sulphydric acid, free sulphur, and a brown sulphur compound, apparently resulting from a secondary action (Kegnault) : C 2 C1 + 2KHS = C 2 C1 4 + 2KC1 + EPS + S. 7. Heated in sealed tubes with 8 at. hydrate of potassium, it yields oxalate and chloride of potassium : C 2 C1 6 + 8KHO = C 2 K 2 4 + 6KC1 + 4H 2 ; but the decomposition is very imperfect, even when the mixture is heated to between 210 and 220 C. for several days (G-euther, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ix. 247). 8. Heated to 100 C. in sealed tubes with alcoholic potash, it yields the same products, together with hydrogen gas and ethylene (Bert helot, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cix. 118). The principal re- action is probably represented by the equation : C 2 C1 6 + 7KHO + C 2 H 5 .K.O = C 8 K 2 4 + 6KC1 + 4H 2 + C 2 H 4 , and the free hydrogen results from a secondary decomposition, a number of liquid products and brown insoluble substances being formed at the same time. Trichloride of carbon is not attacked by ammonia, nitric acid, or sulphuric acid. Boiling nitric acid dissolves it, part separating on cooling, the rest on addition of water. In contact with chlorine and water, it does not yield trichloracetic acid. BICHLORIDE OF CARBON. C 2 C1 4 . Protochloride of Carbon, Perchlorethylene, Clilo- rethose. Discovered and examined by Faraday (Phil. Trans. 1821, p. 47), further by Regnault (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 104 ; Ixxxi. 372). It is produced by the action of a red heat on the trichloride or tetrachloride of carbon, either alone or in presence of hydrogen (pp. 765, 766) ; by the action of nascent hydrogen on the trichloride at ordinary temperatures ; also by that of alcoholic sulphydrate of potassium on the trichloride, and of alcoholic potash on the tetrachloride (p. 765). Preparation. 1. Vapour of trichloride of carbon is passed through a red-hot tube filled with fragments of glass, whereupon a large quantity of chlorine is set free, and the di- chloride passes over in the form of a liquid coloured yellow by chlorine. It is purified by passing it several times through the red-hot tube, then shaking it up with mercury, and rectifying at as low a temperature as possible (Faraday). 2. The trichloride is added by small portions to an alcoholic solution of sulphydrate of potassium, and, as soon as the evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen has ceased, the liquid is distilled, and the alco- holic distillate diluted with water : the dichloride then separates in the form of a heavy liquid: this process is easier than the preceding (Kegnault). 3. Trichloride of car- bon is mixed with water and granulated zinc, and sulphuric acid added from time to time with agitation, till all the trichloride is decomposed. On subsequently distilling the liquid, dichloride of carbon passes over with the aqueous vapour. (Greuther, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvii. 212.) Properties. Very mobile liquid, of specific gravity 1-619 at 20 C. (Kegnault), 1-612 at 10 (Greuther). Kefracting power = 1-4875 (Wollaston). It does not conduct electricity. It remains liquid at 18 C. ; boils at 122 (Regnault), 116'7 (Greuther). Vapour-density, by experiment = 5'82, corresponding to 2 volumes. [ x 0'0693 = 5 75. ] It is insoluble in water, acids, and aqueous al- kalis, but dissolves in alcohol, ether, and oils, both fixed and volatile. Decompositions. 1. At a red heat it is resolved into free chlorine and the proto- chloride, C 2 C1 2 . 2. When its vapour is passed over red-hot baryta, vivid ignition takes place, with formation of chloride of barium and carbonic anhydride, and separa- tion of charcoal. 3. Heated for some time to 200 C., with 6 at. hydrate of potassium, it is completely converted into oxalate and chloride of potassium, with evolution of hydrogen gas (Greuther, Ann. Ch. Pharm. ex. 247) : C 8 C1 4 + 6KHO = C 2 K 2 4 + 4KC1 + 2H 2 + H 2 . 4. It absorbs dry chlorine in sunshine, forming the trichloride, C'-'Cl 6 ; but if exposed to an atmosphere of chlorine under a layer of water, it yields trichloracetic acid. (Kolbe, Ann. Ch. Pharm. liv. 181) : C 2 C1 4 + 2H-0 + Cl 2 = C 2 HC1 3 2 + 3HC1. 5. It absorbs bromine in sunshine, yielding chlorobromide of carbon, C 2 Cl'Br 2 . 768 CARBON : DETECTION AND ESTIMATION. PBOTOCHLOBIDE OF CARBON, C 2 C1 2 . Subchloride of Carbon, Julirfs Chloride of Carbon. This compound was discovered in 1821, by Julin, a manufacturer of nitric acid at Abo in Finland, who obtained it accidentally in distilling crude nitre with burnt green vitriol in cast-iron retorts, the cast-iron probably furnishing the carbon, and the crude nitre the chlorine (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xviii. 269). It was more exactly in- vestigated by Phillips and Faraday (Phil. Trans. 1821), and afterwards by Keg- nault (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixx. 104), who prepared it by passing vapour of chloroform or of dichloride of carbon, through a strongly ignited porcelain tube filled with frag- ments of porcelain, dissolving the crystalline product in ether, filtering, evaporating to dryness, and subliming. In performing this process, care must be taken not to heat the porcelain tube too strongly ; otherwise, no chloride of carbon will be obtained, but only a deposit of charcoal. Properties. Protochloride of carbon forms white, delicate needles, apparently four- sided, having a silky lustre. It melts, boils, and sublimes between 175 and 200 C., but may be sublimed without fusion at 120, the sublimate then consisting- of long needles. It has a peculiar odour, something like that of spermaceti, but no taste. In the cold it is almost inodorous. It is insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol ; dissolves also in ether, and in hot oil of turpentine, whence it crystallises in needles on cooling. The alcoholic solution does not precipitate nitrate of silver. The vapour passed through a red-hot porcelain tube filled with fragments of rock- crystal, is resolved into chlorine and charcoal. The compound burns with bluish colour in the flame of a candle, but ceases to burn when withdrawn. It is not decomposed or dissolved by nitric, hydrochloric, or sulphuric acid, or by boiling potash. Chlorine does not act upon it, even in sunshine. Potassium burns in its vapour with intense ignition, forming chloride of potassium and depositing charcoal. Berth elot regards this compound, not as C 2 C1 2 , but as C 10 C1 10 . The vapour-density does not appear to have been determined. C AKBOW, CHZiOROBROXKXDX: OP. C 2 Cl 4 Br 2 . Bromide of Perchorethylene, Bromure de Chloroxethose. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 14.) Dichloride of carbon exposed to sunshine in contact with bromine solidifies in a few hours to a crys- talline mass, which may be purified by repeated crystallisation from alcohol. The crys- tals resemble those of C 2 C1 6 ; they have a specific gravity of 2-3 at 21 C., taste slightly aromatic, begin to volatilise at 100, decompose at about 200 into bromine and the di- chloride, and when treated with protosulphide of potassium are resolved into bromide of potassium and dichloride of carbon : C 2 Cl 4 Br 2 + K 2 S = C 2 C1 4 + 2KBr + S. CARBON, DETECTION ANI> ESTIMATION OF. The methods of de- tecting and estimating carbon and its compounds have been already described under the head of ANALYSIS. If the carbon is not already in the form of carbonic anhydride or a carbonate, it is converted into carbonic anhydride by combustion, either in an atmosphere of oxygen or with oxide of copper or chromate of lead, the amount of carbonic anhydride thereby pro- duced being estimated by absorption in strong potash-ley (ANALYSIS, ORGANIC, pp. 225 238). This method serves for the estimation of carbon in cast-iron and other metallic compounds, as well as in organic bodies. Gaseous carbon-compounds, such as carbonic oxide and hydrocarbons, are converted into carbonic anhydride by explosion with ex-, cess of oxygen, the amount of that compound produced being then determined by absorption with potash. (ANALYSIS, VOLUMETRIC, OF GASES, pp. 286288.) Carbonates are decomposed with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, and the car- bonic anhydride thereby evolved is usually determined by loss (see ACIDIMETRY, p. 38, and ALKALIMETRY, p. 149). The presence of carbonates in any mixture, solid or liquid, is detected by the effervescence which ensues on addition of dilute sulphuric or hydro- chloric acid. This effervescence may, however, arise from the escape of sulphydric acid or sulphurous anhydride, if sulphides or sulphites are also present. These gases are readily distinguished from carbonic anhydride by their peculiar odours ; sulphydric acid also by its property of blackening lead-salts. To detect carbonic anhydride when evolved together with one or both of these gases, the gaseous mixture is passed into baryta-water. If a precipitate is formed, carbonic or sulphurous acid may be present or both ; if the former alone, the precipitate will be completely soluble in hydrochloric acid, after treatment with chlorine-water; but if sulphurous acid is also present, it will be oxidised by the chlorine-water, and converted into sulphuric acid, which will then form sulphate of barium, insoluble in hydrochloric acid. The amount of carbonic anhydride in a gaseous mixture is ascertained directly by absorption with potash, sulphurous anhydride or sulphydric acid, if present, having been previously removed by absorption with peroxide of manganese (j, 282). CARBON: ESTIMATION. 769 Carbonic acid in solution, either free or combined, in a mineral water for example, is estimated by adding ammonia and chloride of calcium, and leaving the liquid to itself in a corked flask for several hours. The carbonic acid is thereby precipitated as carbonate of calcium, containing 43*88 per cent. CO 2 . To estimate the carbonic acid in the air, a large quantity of air, the volume being measured by an aspirator (p. 427), is passed through a series of weighed potash-bulbs. Another method is to shake up a quantity of air in a closed vessel of known capacity, with an excess of lime-water of known strength, and then determine the quantity of lime remaining uncombined by means of a standard solution of oxalic acid. This method is easy of execution, and affords the means of quickly determining the varying amount of carbonic acid in the several parts of an inhabited apartment at different times. Atomic Weight of Carbon. Three methods have been adopted for determining the atomic weight of carbon : 1. From the quantity of carbonic anhydride produced by the combustion of a given weight of carbon. 2. By comparing the weights of equal volumes of carbonic anhydride and oxygen, it being supposed that carbonic anhydride contains its own volume of oxygen. 3. From the weight of metallic silver obtained by the combustion of organic silver-salts. Of these methods the first is considered the most trustworthy. The amount of car- bonic anhydride produced by the combustion of carbon was determined with a very near approximation to the truth by Lavoisier in 1775, afterwards with more or less accuracy by G-uyton-Morveau (1785), Clement and Desormes (1802), Allen and Pepys (1807), and Saussure (1809); but the most exact determinations are those made by Dumas and Stas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 1), and by Erdmann and Marchand (J. pr. Chem. xxiii. 159). These chemists burned weighed quantities of diamond or graphite with oxide of copper and oxygen gas, and weighed the carbonic anhydride taken up by the potash-apparatus, after it had been freed from a very small quantity of admixed water by passing over chloride of calcium or sulphuric acid. The small quantity of residual ash. was deducted from the weight of the carbon employed, and the quantity of water produced in the combustion likewise taken into account. In this manner the quantity of carbon which combines with 200 pts. of oxygen to form carbonic anhydride was found by Dumas and Stas, in fourteen experiments, to vary only between the limits 74*87 and 75'12, the mean result being 75*005, with a pro- bable error of + 0*013. Erdmann and Marchand, in nine experiments similarly con- ducted, obtained numbers varying between 74*84 and 75*19, the mean being 75*028. Now since, of the two oxides of carbon, carbonic anhydride contains, with the same quantity of carbon, twice as much oxygen as carbonic oxide, these compounds maybe represented by the formulae CO 2 and CO, a view of their constitution, which is likewise in accord- ance with that of the other compounds of carbon. Hence, from the above-mentioned results respecting the composition of carbonic anhydride, it follows that if the atomic weight of oxygen = 100, that of carbon will be 75, and on the hydrogen scale : If 0=8, C = 6 and if = 16, C = 12. The reason for adopting the numbers in the last line are fully detailed in the article ATOMIC WEIGHTS (pp. 459 462). The second method of determining the atomic weight of carbon was first adopted by Berzelius and Dulong in 1819. From specific gravity determinations then made it was concluded that equal volumes of carbonic anhydride and oxygen weighed 1'5425 and 1*1026 respectively ; and assuming that carbonic anhydride contained its own volume of oxygen, the difference of the two numbers gave the weight of the carbon in the same volume, whence it was calculated that the atomic weight of carbon on the oxygen scale (0 = 100) was 76*528, which number was adopted as correct for twenty years. In 1841, Wrede, following the same method, but taking into account the more exact coefficients of expansion of the gases determined by Budberg, Magnus, and Regnault, obtained the number 75*12. Determinations not much differing from this were made in like manner by other experimenters ; but the method is not capable of yielding very exact results, because the alterations of volume sustained by oxygen and carbonic anhydride for equal variations of temperature and pressure are not equal, and consequently the assumption that oxygen, in being converted into carbonic anhy- dride, undergoes no change of volume, cannot be true for all temperatures. The third method, founded on the analysis of the silver-salts of organic acids, was adopted by Lie big and Eedtenbacher (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxviii. 116). Assuming Ag = 1351 and H = 12*48 (0 = 100), these chemists obtained as the mean result of their analyses, C = 75*854. The more exact determinations since made of the atomic weight of silver would lead to a slight alteration in this result. Strecker, from the VOL. I. 3D 770 CARBON: OXIDES. same experiments, and without assuming the atomic weights of silver as previously known, calculated the atomic weight of carbon as = 75'415 ; but this method, as well as the second, is not considered so trustworthy as the first, the result of which, ob- tained by Dumas and Stas is now universally adopted. CARBON", IODIDE OP. No compound of carbon and iodine has yet been ob- tained, lodoform, CHI 3 , was formerly sxipposed to be an iodide of carbon, the hydrogen contained in it having been overlooked. (Grm. vii. 335.) CARBON, NITRIDE OF. Only one compound of carbon and nitrogen is known with certainty, viz. CYANOGEN, CN (q. v.) Many cyanogen-compounds yield by calcination a residue called me Hone, which Liebig regards as a nitride of carbon con- taining C 3 N 4 . It does not, however, appear to have been obtained quite free from hydrogen (see MELLONE and MEIXONTDES). According to Thaulow, a peculiar nitride of carbon, isomeric, but not identical with cyanogen, is obtained by ignition of cyanide of silver (see CARBAZOTE, p. 757). CARBON*, OXIDES OF. Two oxides of carbon are known, the protoxide CO, and the dioxide, or carbonic anhydride, CO 2 , commonly called carbonic acid. Both are produced by the direct combination of carbon and oxygen ; the former is known only in the gaseous state : the latter is gaseous at ordinary temperatures. DIOXIDE OF CARBON. CARBONIC ANHYDRIDE, CO 2 . Anhydrous Carbonic acid, Fixed air, Mephitic air, kohlcnsaurcs gas, Kohlens'dure, Gas sylvestre, Spiritus sylvestris. The evolution of this gas in the burning of lime and in fermentation, was known to Paracelsus and Van Helmont, the latter of whom gave it the name of gas sylvestre; its properties were afterwards investigated by Hales, Black, Cavendish, Priestley, and Bergmann, but its true composition was first demonstrated by Lavoisier, who showed that it was a compound of carbon and oxygen, containing 28 per cent, carbon and 72 oxygen, numbers approaching very nearly to the proportions now received as correct, viz. 27'27 carbon to 7273 oxygen (p. 769). Carbonic anhydride is formed by the combustion of carbon in oxygen gas, or in the air. It is a constant product of the ordinary processes of combustion, inasmuch as all substances used for fuel, such as wood, coal, oil, v, r ax, tallow, &c. contain carbon. It is likewise formed by the respiration of animals, in various processes of fermentation, as in the preparation of wine and beer, and by the decay of animal and vegetable sub- stances. It issues from fissures in the ground, in various localities, chiefly in volcanic districts, and is ejected in enormous quantities from the craters of active volcanos. From all these sources it is continually being poured into the atmosphere, of which it therefore forms a constant constituent : the average amount of it contained in the air in the open country, is 4 volumes in 10,000; in the air of crowded towns, it is often much greater (p. 437). It exists also in larger proportion at the bottom of wells, mines, quarries, and caverns, especially in limestone districts, where it is evolved from fissures and does not readily escape, in consequence of its greater density. Carbonic anhydride (or acid), exists also in solution in all natural waters, some, as those of Seltz, Vichy, and Spa, containing it in such quantity as to give them an effervescing character. Lastly, it is produced by the decomposition of carbonates, either by heat or by the action of the stronger acids, and is a frequent product of the decomposition of organic bodies at high temperatures. Preparation. The easiest way of obtaining the gas is to decompose chalk, or marble, with hydrochloric acid, in an ordinary generating vessel, provided with a gas-delivery tube: Ca 8 CO + 2HC1 = 2CaCl + CO 2 + H 2 0. Dilute sulphuric acid may also be used, but it is less convenient, as the sulphate of calcium produced forms a hard mass in the vessel, which is difficult to extract, whereas chloride of calcium is easily soluble : moreover, the chloride is more useful as a resi- dual product. The gas may be received over water, or, as it is very heavy, it may bo collected by simple displacement of the air, the delivery-tube being bent vertically downwards, so as to reach to the bottom of the receiver. This is also the most convenient mode of collection when the gas is required dry, a desiccating tube contain- ing dry chloride of calcium or pumice-stone soaked in oil of vitriol, being interposed between the generator and receiver. On the large scale, carbonic anhydride may be obtained by heating chalk or marble to redness, in an iron or earthen retort. Properties. Carbonic anhydride is, at ordinary temperatures and pressures, a colour- less gas, but may be liquefied by cold or pressure (p. 771). Its specific gravity in the gaseous state isl-5241(Regnault), being rather more than 1| times that of air. In consequence of this great density, it may be poured from one vessel to another like a liquid, and often collects at the bottom of wells, mines, and caverns, as in the Grotto del Cane near Naples, the atmosphere of which, within about a foot of the ground, is highly charged with the gas, while the uppc-r partis comparatively free. From the experiments of Kegnault, it appears that the density of carbonic anhydride CARBON: OXIDES. 771 does not vary in the same proportion as the pressure, excepting within narrow limits : under a pressure of several atmospheres, the deviation from this law is very perceptible. The coefficient of expansion by heat between and 100 C. is 0-3719 (Kegnault) ; 0-366087 (Magnus); refracting power = 1*526 (Dulong). Carbonic anhydride does not affect the colour of litmus-paper, when both are quite dry ; but if moisture is present, the blue colour of the paper changes to wine-red, like that produced by boric acid : on exposure to the air, however, the redness disap- pears, in consequence of the escape of the gas. Lime-water introduced into the gas is immediately rendered turbid, in consequence of the formation of neutral carbonate of calcium, but if an excess of the gas is present, the liquid becomes clear again after a while, especially if shaken, an acid carbonate being then formed, which is soluble in water. Solution of potash, or a lump of moist solid potash, introduced into the gas standing over mercury, rapidly absorbs it. It dissolves in about its own volume of water at ordinary temperatures, and in less than of its volume of alcohol. Carbonic anhydride is irrespirable ; animals immersed in it soon die, not only from want of oxygen, but in consequence of a direct poisonous action, violent spasms being sometimes produced, sometimes complete atony of the cerebral faculties. Mixed with air, as it escapes from effervescing liquids, it produces a pungent sensation in the re- spiratory organs, but it cannot be said to have any decided odour. It is incombustible, and immediately extinguishes a burning taper, also the flame of sulphur or phosphorus : but potassium heated to redness in the dry gas, decomposes it completely, burning with a red light, and producing a deposit of charcoal mixed with carbonate of potassium. Sodium decomposes it in like manner, but without becoming red-hot. Phosphorus and boron, in presence of an alkali, likewise abstract all the oxygen at a red heat. Hy- drogen, charcoal, iron, and zinc, at a red heat, abstract half the oxygen, converting the carbonic anhydride into carbonic oxide. It is also resolved into carbonic oxide and oxygen by the passage of electric sparks, if hydrogen gas, mercury, or some other metal is present to take up the oxygen ; otherwise, the spark immediately causes the gases to recombine. Growing plants, or the leaves and other green parts separated from the plant, but still in the fresh state, decompose carbonic anhydride completely under the influence of daylight, and more rapidly in direct sunshine, abstracting the whole of the carbon, and setting the oxygen free. If some fresh leaves of any plant be placed in an inverted receiver, filled with water containing carbonic acid, and stand- ing over water, and the whole be exposed to the sun, a considerable quantity of oxygen gas will collect at the top of the receiver in a few hours. This action of growing plants is the chief cause which prevents the continual accumulation of car- bonic anhydride in the atmosphere, and keeps the proportion of it nearly constant. (See ATMOSPHERE, p. 438.) Respecting the mode of determining the composition of carbonic anhydride, see p. 769. Its density corresponds to 2 volumes of vapour : 12 + ^' 16 x 0-0693 = 22 x 0-0693 = 1'5246 and at pressures and temperatures considerably above its liquefying point, it contains a volume of oxygen exactly equal to its own. Liquid Carbonic Anhydride. Carbonic anhydride passes to the liquid state at C. under a pressure of 36 atmospheres. Faraday effected the liquefaction by evolving the gas from carbonate of ammonia, by the action of sulphuric acid in a sealed tube (see GASES, CONDENSATION OF), but the method is dangerous, and yields but a small quantity. The liquid acid is however obtained safely and in large quantity, by the method of Thilorier (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxx. 122). The apparatus consists of two very strong cylinders, capable of holding 6 litres or pints, made of cast-iron, or better, of lead sheathed with copper, and strengthened with a wrought-iron armature ; they rest bj two pins placed at the middle of their length on cast-iron supports, so that they may be placed either vertically or horizontally, and swung backwards and forwards. Into one of these cylinders is introduced 1800 grammes of acid carbonate of sodium, and 4 litres of water (or 4 Ibs. of the soda-salt, and 7 pints of water), and a copper tube containing 1000 grammes (or 2| Ibs.) of strong sulphuric acid, is likewise introduced in a vertical position. The cylinder is then tightly closed by a cock of peculiar con- struction, and swung to and fro, to cause the acid to mix gradually with the carbonate. The gas is then evolved, and not being able to escape, becomes so much condensed that it passes to the liquid state. This part of the operation requires care, as, if the mix- ture be made too rapidly, great heat will be evolved, and the tension of the gas enormously increased. A fatal accident happened in Paris from this cause. When the action is supposed to be complete, the generating cylinder is made to communicate, by means of a copper tube, with the second cylinder, which is placed horizontally, and provided with a stopcock like the first. This cylinder being slightly cooled, the car- 3 D 2 772 CARBON: OXIDES. bonic anhydride distils over from the first, which is still warm, and condenses in the liquid state. After about a minute the cocks are closed, the cylinders separated, the charge in the first renewed ; and this series of operations is repeated several times, till the second cylinder is about two-thirds filled with liquid carbonic anhydride. Liquid carbonic anhydride is colourless and very soluble in alcohol, ether, and vola- tile oils, but does not mix with water. Specific gravity 0'90 at 20 C. ; 0-83 at C.; 0-60 at + 30 C. (Thilorier). Its tension at different temperatures is shown in the following table. Tension in Atmospheres. Tension in Atmospheres. ^~ Mareska Mareska Temp. C. Faraday. and Donny. Temp. C. Faraday. and Donny. 59-40 4-6 -5-00 33-1 36 48-8 77 O'O 38-5 42 36-6 12-5 +6-3 46 30.5 15-4 10-0 52 26-1 17-8 15-5 57 200 21-5 23-6 J9-0 63 15-0 24-7 25-3 23-5 68 12-2 26-8 270 74 10-0 27-5 307 80 94 29-1 34-5 Solid Carbonic Anhydride. When the liquid anhydride is suddenly relieved from the pressure under which alone it can exist, part of it flashes instantly into vapour, and in so doing produces so great a degree of cold, that the remaining portion of the liquid solidifies. To obtain the solid anhydride, the receiver containing the liquid is provided with a tube passing through its side, and reaching nearly to the opposite side, so that when the cylinder is set horizontally, this tube dips into the liquid. On opening a stopcock provided for the purpose, a quantity of the liquid is forced out by the pressure of the gas above it, and forms a white cloud of the solid anhydride, as it issues into the air. By causing this jet of vapour to pass into a cylindrical metal box, having within it an inclined metal tongue, against which the jet of liquid and vapour im- pinges, and is thus made to circulate within the box for some little time before it finally escapes, a considerable quantity of the solid anhydride may be collected in the form of a white flocculent mass like snow. Solid carbonic anhydride may be left exposed to the air for some little time without evaporating, because, like all flocculent substances, it conducts heat but slowly. Its tension is 1-14 atmospheres at - 99-4 C. ; T36 at -77'2; 2'28 at -70'5; 3-6 at 63-2; 4-6 at 59'4; 5'33 at 57'0 (Faraday). An air or spirit thermometer immersed in it sinks to 78 C. Notwithstanding this low temperature, the solid substance may be placed on the hand without occasioning a very acute sensation of co'd, because it does not come into close contact with the skin, being separated from it by a film of vapour ; but if pressed between the fingers, it produces a very painful sensation, and raises a blister like a burn. By mixing it with ether, its heat-conduct- ing power is greatly increased ; it therefore evaporates more quickly, and produces much more powerful frigorific effects. Mercury poured into it solidifies instantly to a mass like lead. The cold which it produces is sufficient to liquefy sulphydric acid, chlorine, nitrous oxide, and several other gases. The intensity of the cold may be still further increased by placing the mixture under an exhausted receiver. The tempe- rature then sinks to a degree at which the liquid anhydride is not more volatile than water at 30 C., and alcohol assumes the consistence of a thick oil, but does not solidify. By exposing to this bath, tubes of glass or copper in which gases have been compressed by a forcing pump to 40 atmospheres, Faraday has succeeded in liquefying all the known gases, excepting oxygen, hydrogen, nitric oxide, carbonic oxide, and marsh-gas, and in solidifying a considerable number of them. Carbonic anhydride itself exposed to this temperature and pressure, is reduced to a vitreous transparent mass. Carbonic Acid. Gaseous carbonic anhydride dissolves in about its own volume of water at ordinary temperatures, forming a solution of specific gravity I'OOIS. It has a sharp and slightly acid taste, turns the blue colour of litmus to wine-red, partially neutralises alkalis, and dissolves the carbonates of barium, strontium, calcium, mag- nesium, &c. It, therefore, possesses acid properties, and from the composition of the carbonates, we may infer that it contains an acid of the composition H 2 C0 3 . But this acid cannot be isolated, as heat, diminished pressure, or congelation immediately re- solves it into water and carbonic anhydride. In short, carbonic acid as a definite compound cannot be said to be known. CARBON: OXIDES. 773 The volume of carbonic anhydride dissolved by water at a given temperature, is nearly the same under all pressures ; consequently the weight of the gas absorbed in- creases in nearly the same proportion as the pressure. This rule must not, however, be understood as strictly true, for Eegnault has shown that the volume of carbonic anhydride does not vary exactly in the inverse ratio of the pressure. Under a given pressure, the volume of gas absorbed diminishes as the temperature rises. At the boiling heat, the whole of the gas is driven off; hence carbonic acid water holding an earthy carbonate in solution deposits it when the liquid is boiled. This is the cause of the furring of kettles, boilers, &c., in which spring or river-water containing carbonate of calcium dissolved in this manner, is boiled. The coefficients of absorption of carbonic anhydride, that is to say the volumes (reduced to C. and 0760 met.) which 1 vol. of water absorbs under the pressure of 0760 met. and at various temperatures, are as follows: Vol. of Gas Vol. of Gas Temp. absorbed. Temp. absorbed. 0C. . . . 17697 12 C. . . . 1-1018 2 ... 1-6481 H ... 1-0321 4 ... 1-5126 16 ... 0-9753 6 ... 1-3901 18 ... 0-9318 8 ... 1-28C9 20 ... 0-9013 10 ... 1-1847 (Bunsen's Gasometry. See also the article GASES, ABSORPTION OF.) Water which has been saturated with carbonic acid under pressure, gives it up with brisk effervescence as soon as the pressure is removed. The various kinds of aerated water, soda-water, effervescing lemonade, &c., consist of water impregnated by mecha- nical pressure with large quantities of carbonic acid, and flavoured with various saline and other ingredients. (For a description and figure of Tylor's soda-water machine, see Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, iv. 728.) Champagne and other effervescing wines and bottled beer likewise owe their sparkling properties to the presence of this gas ; but in these liquids the carbonic acid is produced by the fermentation itself, the wine or beer being bottled before the fermentation is complete, whereby a considerable quantity of the gas, which would otherwise escape into the air, is retained. For the behaviour of aqueous carbonic acid to bases, see CARBONATES. PROTOXIDE OF CARBON. CARBONIC OXIDE. CO. This compound, which is known only in the gaseous state, was discovered towards the end of the last century by Lassonne and by Priestley ; but its true nature was first recognised some years after- wards by Woodhouse (Gilbert's Annalen, ix. 423). It is produced : 1. By the oxi- dation of carbon at very high temperatures,when the supply of oxygen is not sufficient for the complete conversion of the carbon into carbonic anhydride (p. 763). 2. When carbonic anhydride is exposed to a red heat in contact with hydrogen, carbon, metals, or other bodies which can abstract part of the oxygen : hence it is always produced in charcoal or coke fires, when the draught of air has to pass upwards through a con- siderable mass of red-hot fuel, and is the cause of the blue flame almost always seen on the top of such fires. 3. It is also formed, together with hydrogen and carbonic anhydride, when vapour of water is passed over red-hot coke or charcoal. A sample of the gaseous mixture thus formed was found by Bunsen to contain 56-03 volumes per cent, of hydrogen, 29-15 carbonic oxide, 14'65 carbonic anhydride, and 0'17 carburetted hydrogen. 4. Carbonic oxide is produced, either alone or together with carbonic anhydride, in the reduction of metallic oxides by carbon at a strong red heat. The gas evolved from iron blast-furnaces contains from 25 to 32 per cent., that from copper- refining furnaces from 13 to 19 per cent, carbonic oxide (Bunsen, Pogg. Ann. xlvi. 193; 1. 81). 5. In the dry distillation of many organic compounds. 6. In the de~ composition of oxalic acid and formic acid by strong sulphuric acid : C 2 H 2 4 = CO + CO 2 + H 2 Oxalic acid. CH 2 2 = CO + H 2 Formic acid. 7. In the decomposition of crystallised ferrocyanide of potassium by sulphuric acid (Fownes): 2K 2 FeC 3 N 3 .3H 2 -- 6H 2 S0 4 + 3H 2 = 6CO + 3(NH 4 ) 2 SO* + 2K 2 S0 4 + Fe'SO* Crystallised ferro- Sulphate of Sulphate Ferrous cyanide of ammonium. ofpotas- sulphate, potassium. sium. 3D 3 774 CARBON: OXYCHLORIDE. Preparation. 1. By heating to redness in a gun-barrel fitted with a gas-delivery tube, a mixture of oxide of iron, zinc, lead, or copper with charcoal or graphite ; or of an alkaline or earthy carbonate (chalk for example) with graphite, charcoal, or iron filings ; or by passing carbonic anhydride repeatedly over red-hot iron or charcoal. By either of these methods, carbonic oxide is obtained mixed with carbonic anhydride, from which it may be freed by passing the gas through milk of lime or strong potash ; it may then be collected over water. The charcoal used must be previously well ignited to free it from moisture and absorbed gases. 2. By heating in a flask a mixture of oxalic acid, or an oxalate, or a formate, with excess of strong sulphuric acid, and remov- ing the carbonic anhydride evolved when oxalic acid or an oxalate is used, as before. 3. "When crystallised ferrocyanide of potassium, in the state of powder, is heated in a flask with eight or ten times its volume of sulphuric acid, carbonic oxide is evolved quite free from carbonic anhydride, and mixed only with a small quantity of vapour of hydrocyanic acid, resulting from another reaction which takes place at the same time, if the quantity of water present is more than sufficient for the above decomposi- tion (see FERROCYANEDES). This is the most convenient mode of preparing carbonic oxide. Care must, however, be taken not to raise the heat higher than is necessary for the complete liquefaction of the mixture ; for at that point the evolution of carbonic oxide ceases, and if the heating be continued, the excess of sulphuric acid acts on the ferrous sulphate produced, converting it into ferric sulphate, and being itself reduced to sulphurous anhydride, which escapes as gas and mixes with the carbonic oxide. Properties. Carbonic oxide is a colourless gas of specific gravity 0*96799 (Wr ede) ; its molecule CO therefore occupies two volumes : 12 * 16 x 0-0693 = 14 x 0-0693 = 0*9702. It is perfectly neutral to vegetable colours, and very sparingly soluble in water, which, according to Bunsen, dissolves only 0'024 or about ^ of its bulk at 15 C. It is a very poisonous gas, acting chiefly on the nervous system, causing giddiness when inhaled, sometimes also acute pain in various parts of the body, and after a while complete asphyxia. According to Leblanc (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] v. 223), it is to this gas that the suffocating quality of air in which charcoal has been burnt is chiefly due. Carbonic oxide does not support the combustion of bodies which burn in oxygon, but in contact with the air it takes fire on the approach of a burning body, and burns with a blue flame, producing carbonic anhydride. Mixed with excess of oxygen, it may be exploded by the electric spark, 2 vols. of it then uniting with 1 vol. oxygen and producing 2 vol. carbonic anhydride CO 2 . Now as 2 vols. CO 2 contain 2 vols. oxygen, it follows that 1 vol. oxygen must have been derived from the carbonic oxide. Hence carbonic oxide contains half its own volume of oxygen. Now the weight of 2 vols. carbonic oxide, compared with hydrogen, is 28, which, diminished by 16, the weight of 1 vol. oxygen, leaves 12 for the weight of 1 atom of carbon. Hence in carbonic oxide the same weight of carbon is united with exactly half as much oxygen as in carbonic anhydride. The combustion of carbonic oxide may be brought about by contact with platinum. A wire or foil of the metal requires to be heated to 300 C. to induce the combustion : spongy platinum acts at ordinary temperatures, without becoming sensibly heated ; but platinum-black introduced into the mixture of carbonic oxide and oxygen becomes red-hot and produces explosion. Carbonic oxide reduces certain metallic oxides at a red heat, viz. the oxides of copper, lead, tin, iron, &c. It plays indeed an important part in the smelting of many metals, especially of iron. Carbonic oxide is rapidly absorbed by a solution of cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid, also by ammonical solutions of cuprous salts. This reaction affords an excellent method of removing carbonic oxide from a gaseous mixture (p. 283). It reduces gold from the neutral solution of its chloride without the aid of heat. Carbonic oxide unites directly with chlorine, forming oxy chloride of carbon or phos- gene gas ; also with potassium. (See POTASSIUM.) It is absorbed by hot hydrate of potassium, yielding formate of potassium, CO + KHO = CHKO 2 . (Berth elot, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 125.) CARBON, OXYCHXiORXDX: OP, COC1 2 or Chloride of Carbonyl (CO)".C1 2 . Chlorocarbonic oxide. Chlorocarbonic acid. Phosgene. This compound was discovered by J. Davy (Phil. Trans. 1812, p. 144), who obtained it by exposing to the sun's rays, a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and carbonic oxide. The mixture gradually becomes colourless and contracts to half its original volume. The same action takes CARBON: SULPHIDES. 775 place slowly in diffused daylight ; none whatever in the dark. The name phosgene originally given to the gas signifies a compound formed by light. Oxychloride of carbon may be more conveniently prepared by passing carbonic oxide into boiling pentachloride of antimony, that compound being at the same time reduced to trichloride. The gas must be received over mercury, as water decomposes it (Hofmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 139). It is likewise produced when carbonic oxide is passed over red-hot chloride of lead or chloride of silver, and in the following decompositions of organic bodies : a. By the dry distillation of trichloracetates: C 2 C1 3 M0 2 = CQC1 2 + CO + MCI. b. By the dry distillation of certain perchlorinated methylic ethers, e. g. of \hefor- mate,C-CVO* = 2COCP ; and of the oxalate, C 4 C1 6 4 = COC1 2 + 300. c. By the action of a large excess of strong sulphuric acid on the so-called sulphite of tetrachloride of carbon (p. 766) : CCl'SO 2 + H 2 = COC1 2 + 2HC1 + SO 2 . Oxychloride of carbon is a colourless gas having a suffocating and tear-exciting odour. Its specific gravity is 3-6808 (Davy), 3 ! 4249 (Thomson); calculated for a condensation to two volumes, it is x 0-0693 = 3-430. Its refracting power is 3*936. It reddens moistened litmiis-paper ; does not fume in the air. Oxychloride of carbon is decomposed by water, yielding carbonic anhydride and hydrochloric acid : COC1 2 + H 8 = CO 2 + 2HC1. When mixed with an equal volume of hydrogen and half its volume of oxygen, it explodes violently on the passage of an electric spark, yielding the same products. Mixed with oxygen or hydrogen alone, it is not exploded by the electric spark. Arsenic and antimony heated in the gas take up the chlorine, and leave carbonic oxido equal in volume to the original gas. Many metallic oxides, oxide of zinc, for example, decompose it with the aid of heat, forming a chloride of the metal and carbonic an- hydride equal in volume to the original gas. Trioxide of antimony produces tri- chloride and pentoxide or tetroxide of antimony, leaving carbonic oxide. By alcohols it is converted into chlorocarbonic ethers, e. g. : ii (PI P2TT5) /TTlY co cJ + H - ( o& a. With ammonia gas, Oxychloride of carbon produces carbamide (p. 752) and chloridf of ammonium. With phenylamine and many other organic bases, it reacts in like man- ner, forming substitution-derivatives of carbamide. CARBON 1 , SULPHIDES OP. Only one of these compounds is known with certainty, viz. the disulphide corresponding to carbonic anhydride. The formation of a protosulphide, analogous to carbonic oxide, was announced, in 1857, by Baudrimont, but his statements have not been confirmed. (See page 777.) DISULPHIDE OF CAB BON. CS 2 . Bisulphide of Carbon, Sulphocarbonic Acid. (Lampadius, Gehlen's N. allg. Journ. d. Chem. ii. 192; Clement and Desormes, Ann. Chim. xlii. 121; Vauquelin and Kobiquet, ibid. Ixi. 145; Berthollet, Thenard, and Vauquelin, ibid. Ixxii. 252; Berzelius andMarcet, Schw. J. ix. 284; Berzelius, Gilb. Ann. xlviii. 177; Pogg. Ann. vi. 144; Zeise, Schw. J. xxvi. 1; xli. 98, 170; xliii. 160; Couerbe, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixi. 225; Kolbe, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlv. 53 ; xlix. 143 ; Pelouze and Fremy, Traite de Chimie, 4 me M. i. 923). This compound, which was discovered by Lampadius in 1796, is produced by the direct combination of sulphur and carbon at high temperatures, and in the decomposi- tion of many organic compounds. Sulphur and carbon do not combine when simply heated together in the solid state, because the sulphur volatilises before the requisite temperature is attained ; but if charcoal be heated to redness and sulphur- vapour passed over it, the carbon burns in that vapour, forming CS 2 . For preparing small quantities of the disulphide, a porcelain tube is filled with frag- ments of charcoal, and inserted in an inclined position through a furnace having holes in its sides. The upper extremity of the tube is closed with a cork, and the lower is connected by a bent glass tube, with a bottle containing water, the lower end of the bent tube passing through the cork and dipping just below the surface of the water. When 3 r> 4 776 CARBON: SULPHIDES. the charcoal is red-hot, the upper end of the tube is opened and a piece of sulphur put in the sulphur melts and runs down to the lower part of the tube, where it volatilises and combines with the carbon, forming disulphide of carbon, which, passes off in vapour and condenses in the liquid form at the bottom of the water. For larger quan- tities, a tubulated earthen retort is used, having a porcelain tube passing through the tubulus, and reaching nearly to .the bottom. The retort is filled with charcoal, heated to redness in a furnace, and bits of sulphur dropt in through the tube. The neck of the retort is connected with a condensing tube kept cold by a stream of water, and passing into a receiver containing cold water as above described. The sulphide of carbon which collects at the bottom of the water is not pure, but contains excess of sulphur. It is purified by distillation at the heat of the' water-bath, the sulphide of carbon then volatilising and the sulphur remaining behind. Properties. Disulphide of carbon is a colourless, very mobile 1 , strongly refracting liquid, having a faint and peculiarly unpleasant odour. Its refracting power is 1-645. Specific gravity 1'293 at C., and 1-271 at 15. Boils at 46-6 under ordinary pres- sure, and evaporates quickly at ordinary temperatures, producing great cold. Vapour- , 12 + 2 32 \ density = 2'67, corresponding to 2 vols. ( ^~ 1 - x 0-0623 = 2-63 J. It is inso- luble in water, to which, however, it imparts its odour. Alcohol and ether mix with it in all proportions. It dissolves sulphur, phosphorus,^ and iodine; sulphur and phos- phorus separate from it by spontaneous evaporation in well defined crystals. It dis- solves camphor and mixes easily with oils, both fixed and volatile. Decompositions. 1. Disulphide of carbon is very inflammable, and burns with a blue flame, producing sulphurous and carbonic anhydrides. 2. The vapour passed over various metallic oxides at a red heat, yields the same gaseous products, together with a metallic sulphide ; the sulphides thus formed are generally crystallised, and resemble those found in nature. Sulphide of carbon is indeed one of the most powerful sul- phurising agents known, affording the means of producing several metallic sulphidea not otherwise obtainable (Fremy). It likewise converts oxides into sulphides when heated with them in sealed tubes ; with water at 150 J C. it yields carbonic anhydride and sulphydric acid (Schlagdenhauf fen, J. Pharm. [3] xxix. 401). 3. The vapour is strongly attacked by nitric acid, yielding sulphuric acid and nitrous vapours. 4. Sulphide of carbon heated with chlorates or hypochloritcs reduces them to chlorides, with evolution of carbonic anhydride and deposition of sulphur. 5. Heated with aqueous iodic acid in a sealed tube, it yields hydriodic acid, together with iY<-H 2n - x O0 311 , the latter including the salts usually regarded as neutral carbonates. Nearly all the precipitates obtained by adding a solution of an alkaline carbonate to a salt of a heavy metal, contain water, and may be represented by one or other of these formulae. It is difficult to say whether the ortho- or the meta-carbonates are the more numerous ; but the carbonates of the stronger bases, viz. the alkali-metals and alkaline- earth metals, are certainly meta-carbonates. Only a few acid carbonates are known as definite salts, viz. those of potassium, sodium, and ammonium, and these are metacarbonates containing hydrogen, e.g. mouopotassic metacarbonate, or diacid carbonate of potassium, (KH)CO 3 . Carbonates are formed by the action of carbonic acid, or the joint action of water and carbonic anhydride, on metallic oxides or hydrates, not in any case by the union of carbonic anhydride with an oxide without the intervention of water. Lime-water, or milk of lime, absorbs carbonic anhydride rapidly, forming carbonate of calcium ; but perfectly dry carbonic anhydride may be passed over anhydrous lime without ab- sorption. Even dry hydrate of potassium, KHO, absorbs carbonic anhydride but slowly, and soon becomes covered with a crust of acid carbonate of potassium (KHO + CO 2 = KHCO 3 ), which protects the rest from alteration ; but the " moist hydrate, or the aqueous solution, absorbs it with the greatest avidity ; similarly with other bases. The carbonates of the earth-metals proper and heavy metals are most easily obtained by precipitating a soluble salt of the metal with an alkaline carbonate ; but the pre- cipitate, as already observed, almost always contains water, and very rarely has the composition of an anhydrous metacarbonate 1VPC0 3 . The sesquioxides, alumina, feme oxide, chromic oxide, uranic oxide, &c., do not absorb carbonic anhydride even when moist, and their solutions, when mixed with alkaline carbonates, yield precipitates, not of carbonates, but of hydrates. Metals like zinc and iron, which readily replace hydrogen in acid solutions, may be converted into carbonates by simply immersing them in water containing carbonic acid. Carbonates are also formed in the decomposition by heat of organic salts of the etronger bases, viz. of the alkali-metals and of the alkaline-earth metals. Oxalates are resolved into carbonates and carbonic oxide, without separation of carbon : C 2 M 2 0* = CM 2 3 + CO formates into carbonates, with evolution of carbonic oxide and hydrogen, and slight separation of carbon : 2CHM0 1 = CM 2 3 + CO + H 2 . The salts of most other organic acids yield a considerable quantity of free carbon besides combustible gases ; acetates and the salts of other fatty acids, and a few others, are resolved by dry distillation into carbonates and acetones (pp. 31, 32). The carbonates of ammonium, potassium, and sodium" are easily soluble in water ; carbonate of lithium dissolves in about 100 pts. of water; the carbonates of all other metals are insoluble, or nearly so, in water; but all are slightly soluble in water containing free carbonic acid. Acid carbonates are doubtless formed in this case ; but none of these, excepting the acid carbonates of the alkali-metals, can be ob- tained in the solid state, as the solutions, when boiled or evaporated, give off car- bonic anhydride and deposit neutral carbonate. All metallic carbonates, excepting CARBONATES. 779 carbonate of ammonium, are insoluble in alcohol. Carbonates of organic alkalis are for the most part soluble in water and in alcohol ; carbonates of alcohol-radicles, in- soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Most carbonates are easily decomposed by heat. The carbonates of the heavy metals are all decomposed at a low red heat, giving off carbonic anhydride, and leaving a residue of metal or of oxide. The carbonates of the earth-metals proper, and of calcium and strontium, require a stronger red heat to decompose them ; carbonate of barium is decomposed only at a white heat ; and the carbonates of the alkali-metals, when dry, resist the action of the strongest heat, excepting when a current of dry air or other gas is passed over them ; in that case carbonate of sodium gives up a small quantity of carbonic anhydride, and carbonate of lithium a considerable quantity. (H. Eose.) Nearly all carbonates are more or less decomposed by water, with the aid of heat, those of the weaker bases even at ordinary temperatures, so that precipitated car- bonates are very apt to undergo partial decomposition during washing. Even the carbonates of barium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium are converted into hydrates when heated to redness in a stream of aqueous vapour ; partially also in a stream of moist air or hydrogen gas : the carbonates of barium and potassium do not suffer any decomposition in a current of dry air or hydrogen. (H. Kose, Pogg. Ann. Ixxxv. 99, 279 ; Jahresber. d. Chem. 1852, p. 309.) Carbonates are decomposed, with evolution of carbonic anhydride, by nearly all acids, even at ordinary temperatures, and at a red heat by many acids whose salts are themselves decomposed at ordinary temperatures by carbonic acid, e.g. by boric, silicic, and several metallic acids. The effervescence which accompanies the decomposition affords a ready indication of the presence of a carbonate. Any of the stronger acids may be used to effect the decomposition, but, generally speaking, hydrochloric or nitric acid is preferable to sulphuric acid, because the latter often forms insoluble or sparingly soluble salts, the presence of which interferes with the reaction. If the carbonate is in solution, the liquid should be concentrated before adding the acid, as in a very dilute liquid the carbonic acid may remain dissolved instead of escaping as gas. The decomposing acid must also be added in excess, otherwise an acid carbonate of the alkali-metal will be formed, and no effervescence will be observed. If the substance to be examined is a mineral, it must be finely pulverised, and the powder should bo soaked in water before adding the acid ; otherwise the escape of air-bubbles might be mistaken for an evolution of carbonic anhydride. Many other volatile acids produce effervescence when eliminated from these compounds, e.g. hydrochloric, hydriodic, sulphurous, sulphydric acid, &c. ; but they may all be distinguished from carbonic acid by their colour or their odour, also by passing the evolved gas into lime-water 01 baryta- water, and proceeding as described at page 768. CARBONATE OF ALUMINIUM (?) It is doubtful whether such a compound exists. Saussure stated long ago that alkaline carbonates throw down from solutions of alu- minium, a compound of hydrate of aluminium with a small quantity of the alkaline carbonate, and that the hydrate is partially soluble in aqueous carbonic acid, but is completely separated on warming the solution or exposing it to the air (Grm. iii. 309). Other chemists have, however, obtained different results. According to Muspratt (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ii. 206), the precipitate formed by alkaline carbonates consists oi 3A1 4 3 .2C0 2 + 16H 2 0. Langlois (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlviii. 502) found SAl'O 3 . 3C0 3 + 40H 2 0; and Wallace (Chem. Gaz. 1858, 410) gives, as the composition oi the precipitate, 3A1 4 3 .2C0 2 + 9H 2 0. H. Eose, on the contrary (Pogg. Ann. xli. 462), states that the precipitate formed by carbonate of ammonium is a compound of trihydrate of aluminium with carbonate of ammonium, A1 2 H 3 3 + NH 4 .H.C0 3 , the ammonia-salt not being removable by washing. From experiments recently made in Dr. Muspratt's laboratory by Mr. James Barratt (Chem. News, i. 110), it appears that the precipitate formed by carbonate of sodium in a solution of chloride of alu- minium, after being washed and dried, then triturated with water, again washed, and dried over sulphuric acid, consists of pure hydrate of aluminium. CARBONATE OF ALLYL. See CARBONIC ETHERS. CARBONATES OF AMMONIUM. These salts have already been described (p. 190), They are all metacarbonates, and may be formulated as follows : Neutral carbonate, (NH 4 ) 2 O.C0 2 = Acid carbonate, 4 JO.C0 2 = Seequicarbonate, 2(NH<) 2 0.3C0 2 + 3aq. = /- + aq. 780 CARBONATES. CARBONATE OF AMYL. See CARBONIC ETHERS. CARBONATE OF BARIUM. Ba 2 C0 8 = Ba 2 O.C0 2 . This salt occurs abundantly in nature as Withcrite, a mineral which frequently accompanies lead-ores. It crys- tallises in the trimetric system, isomorphously with arragonite, the crystals being frequently prismatic, from predominance of the faces oo P, oo P oo, and t oo. The com- bination P . 2 oo . oo GO . OD P, is also common, forming a six-sided prism with pyramidal summits. Ratio of axes, a : b : c = 0'5950 : 1 : 0'7413. Inclination of faces: oo P : oo P =61 30' ; P oo : P oo = 71 47' ; 2P oo : 2P oo = 110 42'. Cleavage imperfect parallel to oo P oo, oo P, and P oo (Kopp). It occurs also in globular, tuberose, and botryoi'dal forms ; structure either columnar or granular ; also amorphous. Specific gravity = 4*29 to 4*35. Hardness = 3 to 375. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous on fractured surfaces. Colour white, or often yellowish or greyish. Streak white. Subtransparent to translucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Witherite is found on Alston Moor in Cumberland, and in splendid crystals at Fallowfield in Northumber- land. It occurs also in many places on the continent of Europe, in the Altai, near Coquimbo, Chili, &c. It is sometimes found altered to heavy spar by the action of soluble sulphates. Carbonate of barium is rapidly formed when baryta, either in the anhydrous state, or in crystals, or in solution, is exposed to the air, and is easily prepared by precipi- tating an aqueous solution of the chloride or nitrate with carbonate of ammonium, or a solution of the sulphide with carbonate of sodium ; the salt, obtained by this last method is liable to be contaminated with a sulphur-compound. It may also be pre- pared in an impure state by igniting in a crucible a mixture of 10 pts. of native sulphate of barium, 2 pts. of charcoal, and 5 pts. of carbonate of potassium (pearl-ash). A mixture of sulphide of potassium and carbonate of barium is then obtained, from which the sulphide of potassium may be extracted by water. The impure carbonate thus produced may be used for the preparation of other barium-salts, but the salts thus obtained will contain iron. Carbonate of barium artificially prepared is a soft white powder. It is poisonous, and is used as rat-bane. It is vt'jy slightly soluble in water, about 1 pt. in 4000, rather more (in 588 pts. according to Lassaigne) in water saturated with carbonic acid. It dissolves easily, even in the cold, in chloride, nitrate, and succinate of ammonium, and when boiled with chloride of ammonium, it is completely decomposed, yielding carbonate of ammonium and chloride of barium. When shaken up with aqueous sul- phate of potassium or sodium, it yields sulphate of barium and carbonate of the alkali- metal. It bears a strong red heat without decomposition ; but at the heat of a forge- fire it gives off carbonic anhydride and leaves baryta. The decomposition is greatly facilitated by the addition of charcoal. Carbonate of barium is decomposed by vapour of water at a red heat, and very easily if mixed with an equal weight of chalk or slaked lime. An acid carbonate, 2Ba 2 0.3C0 2 , or 2Ba 2 C0 3 .C0 2 , was said by Boussingault (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxix. 280) to be obtained by precipitating chloride of barium with ses- quicarbonate of sodium. H. Rose, on the other hand, by mixing chloride of barium with diacid carbonate of sodium or potassium, obtained nothing but neutral carbonate of barium, and is of opinion that acid carbonates of barium cannot exist excepting in solution. CARBONATE OF BISMUTH. When nitrate of bismuth is dropt into a solution of alkaline carbonate, a white precipitate is formed, consisting of Bi 2 3 .C0 2 (Berzelius). The precipitate formed with alkaline carbonates contains Bi 2 3 .C0 2 + aq., the water escaping at 100 C. (Lef ort.) CARBONATE OF CADMIUM, Cd 2 CO s , occurs in small quantity, associated with native carbonate of zinc. Cadmium-salts yield with carbonate of ammonium, a white precipitate, containing Cd 2 C0 3 + aq., which gives off its water between 80 and 120 C. ; at a higher temperature, carbonic anhydride goes off, and brown oxide of cadmium is left, which when exposed to the air is gradually reconverted into carbonate (Lef ort, J. Pharm. [3] xii. 406). According to H. Rose (Pogg. Ann. Ixxxv. 304), the preci- pitates formed by alkaline carbonates in solutions of cadmium, contain very little water, and approach very nearly to the formula Cd 2 C0 3 . Moist hydrate of cadmium absorbs carbonic acid from the air, and at 300 gives off all its water, and is converted into 2Cd 2 O.Cd 2 C0 3 , or Cd 2 O.Cdf nickel and neutral carbonate of sodium consists, 'when dried at 100 0., chiefly of Ni 2 C0 3 .3NiHO + 2aq. ; if boiled with a large quantity of water, it appears to take up water and lose carbonic acid. If heated in the air above 100, it gradually gives off carbonic acid and water, and is partly converted into peroxide of nickel. Preci- pitated carbonate of nickel does not appear to be altered by digestion with bicarbonate of soda, even at 60 to 70. (H. Deville.) Carbonates of Nickel and Potassium. By methods similar to those adopted with the corresponding cobalt-salts (p. 782), Deville obtained the salt (NiK)CO 3 + 2aq. in shining apple-green microscopic needles, and (Ni 2 KH)C 2 6 -f-4aq., in light green crystals, apparently having the form of oblique rhombic prisms. The last was also ob- tained by Rose. Carbonate of Nickel and Sodium, (NiNa)C0 8 + 5aq., is obtained like the cobalt-salt, in small crystals, which appear to be cube-like rhombohedrons. (Deville.) CAKBONATES OF PALLADIUM. On adding an alkaline carbonate to a solution of palladium, a light yellow precipitate is formed, at first without evolution of carbonic anhydride; but on continuing the precipitation, effervescence ensues, and the precipitate turns brown. It retains a small quantity of carbonic acid when dry. (Berzelius.) CARBONATES OF POTASSIUM. Three of these salts are known, all having the constitution of metacarbonates, viz. the dipotassic or neutral carbonate, K 2 C0 3 or K 2 O.C0 8 , the monopotassic or di-acid carbonate, commonly called bicarbonate, KHCO" or K 2 O.H 2 0.2C0 2 , and the tetrapotassic or sesqui-acid carbonate, K'H 2 C 3 9 , or 2K*0.3CO + H 2 0. The last has not been obtained in very definite form, and is perhaps only a mixture of the other two. Dipotassic Carbonate, or Neutral Carbonate of Potassium. K 2 C0 3 . Sub- carbonate of Potash. Mild or Aerated Vegetable Alkali. Salt of Tartar. Purified Potash. Pcarlash. Alkali vcgetabile fixum. Cineres clavellati dcpurati. This salt is obtained chiefly from the ashes of plants. Living plants contain the potassium-salts of several vegetable acids, acetic, malic, tartaric, oxalic, &c. ; and these salts, when calcined, are transformed into carbonate, which remains in the calcined residue mixed with charcoal and the various mineral salts contained in the plant, viz. sulphate, chloride, and silicate of potassium and sodium, besides carbonate of calcium and other insoluble matters. On treating the ash with water, the carbonate of potassium is dissolved, together with the alkaline sulphates and chlorides, and a residue is left, consisting of carbonate and phosphate of calcium, silica, clay, &c. The solution is evaporated to dryness, and the residue is sold as crude potash. Sometimes lime is stirred in with the solution during the evaporation, and then the carbonate of potassium is partly con- verted into hydrate or caustic potash. The quantity of potash obtained from diffe- rent plants varies according to their nature, the most, succulent yielding the largest amount, inasmuch as the alkaline salts are chiefly contained in the sap: hence herbaceous plants yield more than shrubs or trees. The different parts of the same plant also yield different quantities the leaves more than the branches, the bark more than the wood. The ashes of plants are used in all countries for the alkali which they contain, both as manure for the soil, and to yield a lye for the bleaching of linen ; but it is only in countries where wood is very abundant, that potash can be advantageously prepared as a commercial product. Nearly all the potash used in the arts comes from America or from Russia. Crude potash contains from 60 to 80 per cent, of carbonate of potassium, the re- mainder consisting of sulphate, chloride, and small quantities of silicate of potasssium together with organic matter which has not been completely burnt. This carbonate being much more soluble than the other potassium-salts, may, for the most part, be separated from them by digesting the crude potash for several days with its own weight of cold water, then decanting the liquid, quickly evaporating it, removing it from the fire as soon as it begins to show turbidity from the formation of small crystals, and leaving it to cool, stirring all the while to prevent the formation of large crystals, which would enclose mother-liquor in their cavities. The mother-liquor is then filtered off, the crystals washed with a small quantity of solution of pure carbonate of potassium, then dried and heated to incipient redness in vessels of cast-iron, silver, or platinum. The product thus obtained, called pearlash, contains only 2 or 3 per cent, of foreign matter, which, however, is difficult to remove. Pure carbonate of potassium may be obtained by igniting acid tartrate of potassium (cream of tartar) in a crucible. A black residue is thereby obtained, consisting of carbonate of potassium and charcoal, which is often used as a reducing agent, nii'ln- the name of black flux. The carbonate of potassium is separated from the charcoal ly CARBONATES. 791 isolation in water, filtration, and evaporation. If the solution lias a "brown colour from undecomposed organic matter, the salt must be again ignited. Carbonate of potassium is sometimes prepared by throwing into a red-hot iron vessel, by small portions at a time, a mixture of 1 pt. cream of tartar and 2 pts. nitre. The carbon of the cream of tartar is then all burnt away by the oxygen of the nitre, and there remains a white mass called white flux, consisting almost wholly of carbonate of potassium. It frequently, however, contains small quantities of nitrite, which may be avoided by diminishing the proportion of nitre used, and always a little cyanide of potassium. Pure carbonate of potassium is, however, more easily obtained from the acid car- bonate or oxalate (binoxalate). The acid carbonate, KHCO 3 , is found in commerce in large crystals very nearly pure. It may be further purified by recrystallisation, and, when ignited in a platinum or silver crucible, yields the pure neutral carbonate. The acid oxalate of potassium may be prepared by mixing hydrate of potassium with excess of oxalic acid, and purified by several crystallisations. When ignited, it leaves pure carbonate of potassium unmixed with charcoal. (Eegnault.) The impurities which may occur in commercial carbonate of potassium are the fol- lowing : Sulphate of potassium : detected by the turbidity produced on adding chloride of barium to the solution acidulated with hydrochloric acid and diluted. Chloride of potassium : cloud produced by nitrate of silver in the solution acidulated by nitric acid. Phosphate of potassium : crystalline precipitate by sulphate of magnesium in solution treated first with hydrochloric acid, then with excess of ammonia. Nitrate or nitrite of potassium : reddish brown colour by ferrous sulphate in solution of the salt in excess of sulphuric acid. Cyanide of potassium : Prussian blue, formed by ferroso- ferric sulphate and excess of hydrochloric acid. Soda : crystalline precipitate with acid metantimonate of potassium (p. 327). Carbonate of calcium : retained in solution, partly through the medium of the carbonate of potassium : cloud with oxalic acid after neutralisation with acetic acid. Silica : remains undissolved on acidulating with hydrochloric acid, evaporating to complete dryness, and digesting the residue in dilute hydrochloric acid. Oxide of copper : red-brown precipitate with ferrocyanide of potas- sium in acidulated solution. Carbonate of potassium is very soluble in water, 1 pt. of the anhydrous salt dis- solving, according to Osann, in 1-05 pt. of water at 3 C. (37'4 F.), in 0-9 pt. at 12-1 C. (54 F.), and in 0'49 pt, at 70 C. (158 F.) The most concentrated solution, contain- ing 48'8 per cent, of the anhydrous salt, has a specific gravity of 1*54 at 15 C., and boils at 113 C. (235-4 F.) (Dalton). It has a strong alkaline taste and reaction, but is only slightly corrosive. A highly concentrated hot solution deposits on cooling rhombic octahedrons containing 20 per cent, of water, corresponding to the formula K-C0 3 + 2aq. Both the crystals and the anhydrous salt deliquesce rapidly in the air, forming an oily liquid. The anhydrous salt melts at a red heat, volatilises at a white heat. It is not decomposed by any temperature in close vessels ; but at a red heat, not sufficient to melt it, it is partly decomposed and converted into hydrate by a stream of aqueous vapour or moist air ; it is not decomposed by dry air or dry hydrogen gas. Charcoal, at a bright red heat, decomposes it, with separation of potassium and formation of car- bonic oxide and other products (see POTASSIUM). The aqueous solution, containing not less than 10 pts. of water to 1 pt. of the dry salt, is decomposed by lime at ordi- nary temperatures, and more quickly at the boiling heat, the carbonic acid being re- moved and caustic potassa produced. "With more concentrated solutions, the reverse action takes place, caustic potassa abstracting carbonic acid from carbonate of calcium. Carbonate of potassium is much used in chemical manufactures, especially for the preparation of soft soap, in glass making, and in the preparation of cyanide of potas- sium, ferrocyanide of potassium, Prussian blue, &c. ; also for the preparation of nitrate of potassium from the nitrates of sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Monopotassic Carbonate, or Di-acid Carbonate of Potassium. KHCO 3 = K 2 O.H 2 0.2C0 2 . Bicarbonate of Potassa. Bertholkf s neutral Carbonate of Potassa. This salt is obtained by passing carbonic acid gas to saturation into a solution of 1 pt. of the commercial neutral carbonate in 4 or 5 pts. of water. Crystals of the acid car- bonate soon form, and may be pm'ified by washing with a small quantity of cold water. If a flocculent precipitate should form at first, consisting of alumina or silica, it must be removed by filtration. The carbonic acid evolved in alcoholic fermentation, or that which in some localities escapes from the soil, Inay be utilised for this purpose. A very good way of preparing the acid carbonate is to expose the mixture, of neutral car- bonate and charcoal, obtained by calcining cream of tartar and slightly moistened with water, to the action of carbonic acid gas ; the presence of the charcoal greatly facili- tates the absorption of the carbonic acid. The acid carbonate is dissolved out from S E 4 792 CARBONATES, the charcoal by boiling water and left to crystallise (Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pliarm. xxiv. 49). It must not be boiled in iron vessels, as it would dissolve a small quantity of the iron. Acid carbonate of potassium crystallises in large rhomboi'dal prisms belonging to the monoclinic system. Katio of orthodiagonal to clinodiagonal to principal axis = 0-3734 : 1 : 0*491. Inclination of clinodiagonal to principal axis = 76 35'. The crystals often exhibit the faces ooP.OP.ooPoo.-Poo. + 2P oo (fig. 125), the face P oo frequently predominating so far as to obliterate Fig. 125. the adjacent faces. ooP : oo P = 138. Cleavage parallel to ooPoo, -Poo, and OP. The crystals con- tain no water of crystallisation. When heated to 100 C., they give off water and carbonic anhydride, and are reduced to neutral carbonate : 2KIICO 3 - IPO -CO 2 = K 2 C0 3 . Acid carbonate of potassium is much less soluble in water than the neutral carbonate. 100 pts. of water dissolve of it, according to Poggiale : 19-61 pts. At 50 C. . . . 37-92 pts. 23-33 60 ... 41-35 26-91 70 ... 45-24 The aqueous solution when boiled gives off carbonic acid, and is gradually changed into neutral carbonate. The decomposition is sufficiently slow to admit of the puri- fication of the acid carbonate from a boiling solution without much loss. It dissolves but sparingly in boiling alcohol, only indeed to the amount of 1 pt. in 1200. The aqueous solution of acid carbonate of potassium, mixed with the salts of other metals, generally forms double carbonates (pp. 782 788). It does not precipitate mag- nesium-salts in the cold, a character by which it is readily distinguished from the neutral carbonate. Acid carbonate of potassium is much, used in chemical operations where a pure potassium-salt is required, as it is very easily obtained in a pure and definite state. It is also used in medicine, in cases of gout and uric acid gravel. Sesquicarbonate of Potassium ? A salt intermediate in composition between the two preceding, was said by Berthollet to be obtained in crystals, by mixing 100 pts. of the neutral with 131 pts. of the acid carbonate (1 at. K 2 C0 3 with 2 at. KHCO 3 ), or by heating a solution of the di-acid carbonate as long as carbonic acid goes off; but ac- cording to H. Hose (Pogg. Ann. xxxiv. 149), the latter process yields almost pure neutral carbonate of potassium. The salt prepared by the first process should contain K 4 H 2 C 3 9 , or 2K 2 0.3C0 2 + H 2 ; but its existence does not appear to have been satis- factorily proved. CAEBONATE OF SILVEB, Ag 2 C0 3 , is produced by precipitating nitrate of silver with an alkaline carbonate. It is white at first, but becomes yellow when the soluble salts are washed out, and blackens when exposed to light or gently heated. It dissolves readily in strong ammonia, and the solution treated with absolute alcohol yields a pre- cipitate containing ammonia and carbonate of silver. (Berzelius.) At 200 C. it gives off carbonic anhydride, and leaves pure oxide of silver, which begins to give off oxygen at 250. By precipitating nitrate of silver with a large excess of alkaline carbonate and boiling, a basic carbonate is obtained, having, when dried at 100, the composition 3Ag 2 O.CO' 2 , or Ag 2 C0 3 .2Ag 2 0, perhaps only a mixture. (H. E o s e, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiv. 202.) CARBONATES OF SODIUM. Three of these salts are known, corresponding in composition to the potassium salts. Disodic Carbonate, or Neutral Carbonate of Sodium, Na 2 CO*. Subcar- bonate of Soda. Soda. Mild mineral alkali. Alkali minerale fixum. This salt exists in the soda-lakes of Egypt and Hungary, and in the volcanic springs of Iceland, &c. ; it also frequently occurs, mixed with sulphate of sodium, in the form of an efflorescence on walls, being formed from sodium-salts contained in the mortar. It is largely used in the arts, and was formerly obtained from barilla, the ash of Salsola soda and other plants growing on the sea-shore, and from the ash of sea-weed called kelp : but at the present day, nearly all the soda of commerce is obtained from common salt, by a process invented by Leblanc, towards the end of the last century, and perfected by D'Anfret and D'Arcye. This process consists of three stages : 1. The conversion of chloride of sodium into sulphate by heating it with sulphuric acid. 2. The conversion of the sulphate into carbonate by heating it in a reverbcratory CARBONATES. 793 furnace with chalk or limestone and coal. The materials are mixed in the proportion of about 3 pts. of dry sulphate of sodium, 3 pts. chalk, and 2 pts. coal. The sulphate of sodium is reduced to sulphide, with evolution of carbonic oxide ; and the sulphide of sodium is converted by the carbonate of calcium into carbonate of sodium and sul- phide of calcium, which, by taking up lime, is for the most part converted into an in- soluble oxysulphide of calcium : 2Na 2 S0 4 + 3Ca 2 C0 8 + C 9 = 2Na 2 C0 3 + Ca 6 S 2 + 10CO. Part of the carbonic acid is, however, driven off from the lime by the heat, before it can act on the sulphide of sodium, and consequently, the fused mass contains, besides carbonate of sodium, a variable but always large amount of caustic soda. The crude soda obtained by this process, has the appearance of dark-grey, half- vitrified balls, hence called "black balls," being brought into this form by 'stirring while in the semi-fused state. It varies considerably in composition, as the following analyses will show, one of a sample from Cassel analysed by linger, another from New- castle, by Kichardson. Composition of Black Balls, or Crude Soda. Cassel. Newcastle. Carbonate of sodium 23-57 9'89 Caustic soda Sulphate of sodium Chloride of sodium Carbonate of calcium Oxysulphide of calcium Sulphide of iron Silicate of magnesium 11-12 25-64 1-99 3-64 2-54 0-60 12-90 15-67 3476 35-57 2-45 1-22 4-74 0-88 Charcoal 1'59 4'28 Sand 2-02 0'44 Water 2-10 2-17 99-78 100-00 3. Purification. The crude or ball soda, after being crushed under millstones and sifted, or loosened and disintegrated by hot vapour, is lixiviated with warm water, which dissolves up the carbonate of sodium and the other soluble salts, leaving the oxysulphide of calcium undissolved. To effect the extraction with the smallest possible quantity of water, the crude soda is placed in perforated sheet-iron boxes, suspended just below the surface of the liquid, and is subjected to a continuous process of exhaustion in a series of lixiviating tanks, arranged somewhat like the pans for the evaporation of boric acid (p. 637). Each box containing the crude soda is first suspended in the lowest cistern, which contains a nearly saturated lye, then transferred to the next, which contains a somewhat weaker lye, and so on till it arrives at the highest, into which pure water is admitted from a cistern. "When the lye in the lowest tank is saturated, it is transferred to the evaporating pan, its place being supplied by that in the next, which in its turn is replaced by the third, &c. In this manner, each portion of liquid gets thoroughly saturated, and the ball soda completely exhausted of soluble salts. The concentrated solution is boiled down to dry ness, and yields a salt consisting chiefly of carbonate of sodium mixed with caustic soda and sulphide. This is called soda- salt. 4. To purify this product further, it is mixed with one-fourth of its bulk of sawdust, and exposed to a low red heat in a reverberatory furnace, for about four hours : the carbonic acid produced by the combustion of the sawdust, then converts the caustic soda into carbonate; also the sulphide, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. This product contains about 50 per cent, of alkali, and forms soda-salt of the best quality. 5. To obtain crystallised carbonate, the purified soda-salt is dissolved in water, and the liquid when clarified is boiled down till a pellicle forms on the surface. The solu- tion is then run into shallow crystallising vessels, and after standing for a week, the mother-liquor is drawn off, and the crystals are drained and broken up for the market. The crystals thus obtained contain 10 at. of water. The mother-liquor, which contains the foreign salts is evaporated to dryness for soda-salt. The crystallisation of carbonate of sodium generally affords a safe guarantee of its purity ; the crystals also dissolve in water much more quickly than the anhydrous salt, and are therefore more convenient for many purposes. But when the salt is required in the anhydrous state, as for glass-making, or as a flux in metallurgic operations, or where large quantities are wanted, as in the soap-manufacture, the soda-salt is preferred, as the large quantity of water in the crystals (nearly 63 per cent.) greatly increases the cost cf transport. For some purposes, the crude soda as it leaves the furnace is suffi- 794 CARBONATES. ciently pure. In preparing it to be sold for such purposes, sulphate of sodium is used containing 10 to 12 per cent, of common salt ; this remains unchanged in the soda, and communicates to it the property of easily falling to pieces in damp air, thus obviating the necessity of grinding. For further details respecting the soda-manufacture, see Miller's Chemistry, vol. ii. ; Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, iii. 720 ; Chemical Tech- nology, by Richardson and Watts; Pay en, Precis de Chimie industridlc, 4 me ed. i. 296. Other methods of obtaining carbonate of sodium from the chloride have been pro- posed, but none of them appear to be able to compete with that above described. 1. Sulphate of iron pi-oduced by the oxidation of iron pyrites, is a cheap article, and has been proposed as a substitute for sulphuric acid in the first stage of the process : sulphate of sodium and chloride of iron are formed, the latter volatilising ; or the two salts are dissolved together in water, and the solution is exposed to a low temperature, whereupon sulphate of sodium crystallises out, while chloride of iron remains in solu- tion ; or the sulphate of sodium may be made to crystallise out by raising the liquor to the boiling point. 2. Sulphate of sodium may be formed by roasting iron pyrites in a reverberatory furnace with common salt. 3. Sulphate of sodium is decomposed by a solution of caustic baryta or strontia, these earths being procured by decomposing the native sulphates with steam at a red heat ; the sulphuric acid thereby set free might be used for converting the chloride of sodium into sulphate (Tilghmann). 4. Chloride of sodium is decomposed by hot steam in presence of alumina, whereby aluminate of sodium is formed; and the solution of this salt is decomposed by a current of carbonic acid gas (Tilghmann). -5. Ammonia gas is passed into a solution of chloride of sodium ; then carbonic acid, whereby chloride of ammonium and acid carbonate of sodium are produced : NaCl + NH 8 + CO 9 + H 2 = NaHCO 3 + NH 4 C1. The acid carbonate of sodium being the less soluble salt of the two, crystallises out ; it is converted into neutral carbonate by heat, and the carbonic acid evolved is used again. The mother-liquor containing the sal-ammoniac is boiled, to drive off any car- bonate of ammonium that it may contain, and this salt is collected ; the solution is then boiled with lime, to liberate the rest of the ammonia. In this manner the operation may be conducted with but little loss. (Schloessing and Eoland.) The impurities found in commercial carbonate of sodium are, sulphide, hyposulphite, sul.phate, chloride and fcrrocyanide of sodium; also potassium-salts, carbonate of calcium, and carbonate of magnesium. It may be purified by repeated crystallisation, or by washing the commercial crystals with cold water, dissolving them in hot water, stirring and cooling rapidly, to prevent formation of large crystals, then draining off the mother-liquor, and washing the crystalline powder with cold water. (Gray- Lussac.) Neutral carbonate of sodium in the anhydrous state, is a white powder composed of translucent particles. It has a specific gravity of 2 - 4659 (Karstin). It melts at a moderate red heat, more easily than carbonate of potassium. It is quite undecom- posible by heat in close vessels, but is easily decomposed when heated to redness in a current of steam or moist air, less easily in a current of dry air or hydrogen (H. Eose). It is decomposed by charcoal at a bright red heat, yielding carbonic oxide and sodium. In contact with water, it becomes heated, and forms a hydrate which dissolves. It has an alkaline taste and reaction, but is even less caustic than Fig. 126. carbonate of potassium. Hydrates. There are several hydrates of neutral carbonate of sodium. a. The ordinary crystals which separate from a mode- rately strong solution at ordinary temperatures, contain 10 at, (62-69 per cent.) water, Na 2 C0 3 + 10H 2 0. They belong to the monoclinic system. Orthodiagonal : clinodiagonal : principal axis = 07049 : 1 : 1-0452. Inclination of clinodiagonal = 57'40. Or- dinary combination +P. ooP.[ooPoo] (fig. 126) ; ooP : oo P = 100 20'. Cleavage tolerably distinct parallel to oo P oo, less dis- tinct parallel to [ oo P oo]. Specific gravity = 1'423 (Haidinger). They effloresce in moderately dry air, crumbling to a white powder, and giving off 5 at. water at 12-5C. and 9 at. at 38 (S chindler) ; 9 at. also in vacuo over oil of vitriol (B 1 ii c h e r). The 1 0-hy drated salt occurs as a natural product called natron, together with the mono-hydrate, at the soda-lakes of Egypt and Hungary, at Vesu- vius, Etna, and in various parts of Asia, Africa, and America. (Dana, ii. 455.) a. Na'-'CO 3 + 15aq. is obtained in crystals, when a solution of the neutral salt i* exposed to a temperature of 20 C., and the frozen water is afterwards CARBONATES. 795 allowed to liquefy ; and Na 2 CO* + 9aq. by repeatedly crystallising a solution which at first contains a portion of acid carbonate. (Jacquelain, Compt. rend. xxx. 106.) b. Na 2 C0 3 + 8 aq. crystallises in right rhombic prisms with four-sided summits, when the 10-hydrated salt is melted and left to cool, or from a hot-saturated aqueous solu- tion, apparently at a temperature lower than the crystallising point of the mono- hydrated, and higher than that of the deca-hydrated salt. (Thomson, Annals oj Philosophy, 26, 44.) c. Na 2 C0 3 + 7aq. This hydrate crystallises in two forms, (a) rhombohedral ; (ft) in trimetric crystals of the same form as Thomson's salt (which, according to Loewel, contains, not 8 at. but 7 at. water). When a solution saturated at the boiling heat is enclosed in a flask, which is corked immediately after the boiling has ceased, no crys- tals are deposited from it for a long time on cooling down to between 25 and 18 C. ; but on cooling below 8 it deposits chiefly the trimetric 7-hydrated salt. Between 16 and 10, it yields the rhombohedral salt (a), which redissolves between 21 and 22, forms again at 19, and on cooling from 10 to 4 becomes opaque, and passes into b. After cooling to a lower temperature and for a longer time, when the state of super- saturation ceases, the whole is converted into a mass of crystals of the deca-hydrated salt. (II. Loewel, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiii. 334.) d. Na 2 C0 3 + 6aq. crystallises from a solution of protosulphide of sodium exposed to the air, and frequently also from a mixed solution of carbonate of potassium and chloride of sodium. (Mitscherlich, Pogg. Ann. viii. 441.) e. Na v C0 3 +5aq. is formed when the 10-hydrated salt effloresces at 12-5 C. (Sch indler), also when the same salt is melted in its water of crystallisation, and after the mono-hydrated salt has crystallised out between 70 and 80 C., the remaining liquid is kept for some time at 34 ; it is also formed from the mono-hydrated salt by exposure to the air (Berzelius). It was once accidentally obtained at the Buxweiler soda works, in transparent rhombic octahedrons, which effloresced slightly in the air, and when dissolved in water and evaporated at 30 C. yielded the same salt. (P er s oz, Pogg. Ann. xxiii. 303.) /. Na-CO 3 + aq. is formed from the deca-hydrate by efflorescence, and is found native as thermonatrite, in the same localities as natron, and is indeed the more common salt of the two. It forms rectangular tables of the trimetric system with bevelled edges. The same hydrate separates from a solution of the neutral carbonate concentrated by evaporation at the boiling heat, a circumstance which is made available in the soda manufacture for the purification of the salt, the crystalline powder which separates from the boiling solution being taken out and drained ; if left to cool in the solution, it would redissolve. It does not undergo the aqueous fusion when heated, but gives off its water and becomes opaque at 87 C. It absorbs water from moist air, and is con- verted into the pentahydrate. In a warm atmosphere, it absorbs carbonic acid and forms sesquicarbonate. Solution of Carbonate of Sodium. According to Poggiale, 100 pts. of water dissolve of the anhydrous salt, 7'08 pts. at C., 16-66 at 10, 25'93 at 20, 30-83 at 25, 35-90 'at 30, and 48*5 at 104-6, which is the boiling point of the saturated solution. Ac- cording to Anthon, the 10-hydrated salt dissolves in 2 pts. of cold, and much less than 1 pt. of hot water. According to Loewel (loc. cit.~) 100 pts. of a saturated solution con- tain of the 10-hydrated salt, 7 pts. at C., 12'1 pts. at 10, 16'2 pts. at 15, 217 pts. at 20, 28'5 pts. at 25, 37'2 pts. at 30, 5T7 pts. at 38, and 45*5 pts. at 104. Hence it appears that there is a maximum solubility at 38 C. Solutions of carbonate of sodium are capable of assuming the state of supersatura- tion, like those of the sulphate. A solution saturated at the boiling heat and imme- diately enclosed in a sealed tube or a well corked flask, remains supersaturated at common temperatures, and frequently even when cooled several degrees below C. Keeping the air in contact with the liquid from agitation, as by covering the hot solu- tion with a glass shade, is often sufficient to prevent crystallisation at ordinary tem- peratures ; but access of air then causes immediate solidification, attended with rise of temperature. The supersaturated solutions, as already observed, deposit the 7-hy- drated salt in two different modifications, according to temperature (vid. sup.) Monosodic Carbonate. Di-acid Carbonate of Sodium. Bicarbonate of Soda. NaHCO'or Na 2 O.H 2 0.2C0 2 . This salt exists in solution in alkaline mineral 'waters'. It is prepared : 1. By passing carbonic acid gas into a solution of the neutral carbo- nate as long as it is absorbed. 2. By exposing the effloresced neutral carbonate placed on trays in a wooden case to an atmosphere of carbonic acid. 3. By adding commercial carbonate of ammonia (which is chiefly bicarbonate) to an equal weight of chloride of sodium, dissolved in three times its weight of water, stirring the whole well together, and leaving it to stand for several hours. Monosodic carbonate then separates in crystalline grains, while chloride of ammonium remains in solution (p. 794) NaCl + NHMI.CO 3 = NaHCO 3 + NH'Cl. 796 CARBONATES. The precipitate is separated from the liquid by pressure in a screw press, but it always retains a portion of chloride of sodium. Monosodic carbonate crystallises in oblique four-sided tables, and is sometimes ob- tained by the first method in crystals of considerable size ; the second and third methods yield it in the form of a crystalline powder. It has a slight alkaline taste and reaction, and is permanent in dry air at ordinary temperatures. At a red heat, it gives off water and carbonic acid, and is reduced to anhydrous neutral carbonate. 100 pts. of water dissolve of monosodic carbonate, 8 '95 pts. at C., 10-04 pts. at 10, 11-15 pts. at 20, 12-24 pts. at 30, 14-45 pts. at 40, and 16-69 pts. at 70 (Poggiale). The solution gives off carbonic acid slowly at ordinary temperatures, more quickly at 70 C., rapidly at the boiling heat, and is ultimately reduced to neu- tral carbonate. It does not precipitate magnesium-salts in the cold, but at the boiling heat carbonic acid escapes and a precipitate of carbonate of magnesium is formed ; this character distinguishes it from the neutral carbonate. Acid carbonate of sodium is used for the preparation of effervescing powders, and asaremedyin certain calculous disorders. Tetrasodic Carbonate or Sesquicarbonate of Sodium. Na 4 H 2 C 3 9 + 2aq. = 2Na 2 O.H 2 0.3C0 2 + 2aq. This salt, which may be regarded as a compound of the mono- and di-sodic carbonates (2NaHCO s + Na 2 C0 3 ), is found in Africa, in the province of Sakenna, two days' journey from Fezzan, where it is called trona ; it occurs at the foot of a mountain, forming a, crust, varying in thickness from an inch to that of the back of a knife ; also as urao at the bottom of a lake in Maracaibo, South America ; efflorescences of it occur also near the Sweetwater Eiver, Eocky mountains, mixed with sulphate and chloride of sodium (Dana, ii. 454). It is produced artifi- cially : 1. By mixing the mono- and di-sodic carbonates in the proportions above indi- cated, melting them together, drying, and exposing the dried mass to the air of a cellar for some weeks; it then absorbs water, becomes crystalline, and contains spaces filled with shining crystals of tetrasodic carbonate. From a hot solution of mono- and di-sodic carbonates, the two salts crystallise out separately on cooling (Hermann, J. pr. Chem. xxvi. 312). 2. A solution of the monosodic salt, concentrated by boiling, but not boiled long enough to reduce it to the disodic salt, deposits the tetrasodic salt on cooling. 3. If 4 oz. of alcohol be poured on the top of a solution containing 100 grains of the disodic and 152 grains of the crystallised monosodic carbonate in 4 oz. of water, fine clear needle-shaped crystals of the tetrasodic salt form, after some days, at the surface of separation of the two liquids, while at the bottom of the solution, large crystals of the disodic carbonate are found covered by a crust of the monosodic salt. (Winckler, Gmeliris Handbook, iii. 83.) The crystals of the native salt belong to the monoclinic system. Orthodiagonal : clinodiagoual : principal axis = 0*3552 : 1 : 1-282. Inclination of clinodiagonal to prin- cipal axis = 53" 50'. Observed combination oo P . oP . + P oo, prismatically elongated in the direction of the orthodiagonal. oo P : oo P = 132 30'. Cleavage very perfect, parallel to + P oo. They are colourless, transparent, or translucent, with vitreous lustre. Specific gravity 2-112. Hardness 2'5 to 3. Structure foliated, radiating; fracture conchoidal. The artificial crystals are small, and of the same form as the native crystals. The salt has an alkaline taste and reaction, and is not efflorescent. At a red heat, or when its aqueous solution is boiled for many hours, it is reduced to the neutral carbonate. It is intermediate in solubility between the two preceding salts. According to Poggiale, 100 pts. of water dissolve of it, 12*63 pts. at 0C., 18-30 pts. at 20; 38-95 pts. at 40; 29'68 pts. at 60; 35'80 pts. at 80; and 41-59 pts. at 100. The solution is not rendered turbid by 1 pt. of sulphate of magnesium dissolved in 10 pts. of water. Evaporated in vacuo over oil of vitriol, it yields a mass of crystals composed of the mono- and di-sodic carbonates together. (H. Rose, Pogg. Ann. xxxii. 160.) Carbonate of Sodium and Potassium. KNaCO 8 + 6aq. Separates from a solution containing equivalent quantities of the component salts, in monoclinic crystals exhibiting the faces ooP . ooP oo . [ ooP oo] . ooP2 . [ ooP2] . OP . + P . + P2 . + P oo . 4- 2P oo [P oo] . + 2P oo. Inclination of faces ; ooP : ooP in the clinodiagonal principal section = 108 34'; OP: ooPoo = 131 48'; OP : ooP = 122 46'; OP: + Poo = 124 48'; OP: + 2Poo = 84 19' (Marignac, Compt. rend. xlv. 650). Nearly the same angular values were observed by Senarmont. The crystals are per- manent in the air. A salt containing K 2 Na 4 C 3 9 + 18aq. is mentioned by Margue- ritte (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivi. 220) as crystallising from the mother-liquor of ferro- cyanide of potassium, and from a concentrated solution of the simple salts ; but Marignac was not able to obtain this compound, and is of opinion that the formula is deduced from an incorrect analysis. A mixture of the neutral carbonates of sodium and potassium in equivalent propor- tions, fuses at a much lower temperature than either of the salts separately, doubt- less in consequence of the formation of the double salt. Such a mixture is very useful in the fusion of silicates, &c. CARBONATES. 797 Carbonate of Sodium and Calcium, CaNaC0 3 + 5 aq. Occurs abundantly, aa Gay-Lussite, at Lagunilla near Merida, in Maracaibo, covering urao ; found also at Sangerhausen in Thuringia. The crystals are monoclinic. Inclination of axes = 78 27' ; P . oo P oo and P oo. Cleavage tolerably perfect parallel to ooP, less per- fect parallel to 2P oo. Specific gravity 3 -605 3713. Hardness 3 -5 to 4. Colour white with various shades of grey, green, yellow, and brown. Streak white. Lustre vitreous. Transparent or translucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Before the blow- pipe it melts on the edges and swells up, emitting a brilliant light, and when strongly heated in the reducing flame, imparts to it a reddish tinge. Strontianite occurs altered to crelestine by the action of soluble sulphates. Baryto-strontianite, from Stromness in Orkney, appears to be a mechanical mixture of the carbonates of stron- tium and barium. Carbonate of strontium obtained by precipitation is a white substance, smooth to the touch and has but little cohesion. It dissolves in 18045 pts. of cold water, and in 56545 pts. of water containing ammonia or carbonate of ammonium (Fresenius); in 300,000 pts. of water, whether cold or hot (Bine an, Compt. rend. xli. 509); in 833 pts. of water saturated with carbonic acid at 10 C. (Lassaigne), and in this state it occurs in some mineral waters, whence it crystallises by evaporation in needle- shaped crystals. When heated in close vessels, it does not give off carbonic anhydride at any temperature short of that of a forge fire ; but in a stream of aqueous vapour or moist air, the decomposition takes place at a lower temperature, with formation of hydrate of strontium. It is not decomposed by solutions of alkaline sulphates at any temperature. (H. Eos e, Pogg. Ann. xcv. 284). CARBONATE or THORINUM. Alkaline carbonates, added to solutions of thori- num-salts, throw down a basic salt, with evolution of carbonic acid. Moist hydrate of thorinum absorbs carbonic acid from the air. The anhydrous earth is not soluble in water containing carbonic acid. (Berzelius.) CARBONATES or URANIUM. These salts do not appear to exist in the separate state. Alkaline carbonates throw down from uranous chloride a precipitate of uranous hydrate ; from uranous sulphate, a basic sulphate ; from uranic salts, precipi- tates consisting of double carbonates. Ammonio-uranic Carbonate, 2[(NH 4 )*O.C0 2 1 + TJ 4 S .C0 2 or Carbonate of TTranyl* ( Nil 4 ) 4 ) and Ammonium, /TT*Q\I [ CO 9 . On digesting the precipitate thrown down by ammonia or carbonate of ammonia from a uranic salt in a solution of carbonate of ammonia at 60 80 C., till the liquid is saturated, then filtering hot, and leaving the filtrate to cool, this salt separates in small transparent yellow crystals. It decomposes slowly in the air at common temperatures, more quickly when heated, ultimately leav- ing a residue of brick-red urnnic oxide. It dissolves in 20 pts. water at 15 C., more easily in water containing carbonate of ammonia. The solution, when boiled, gives off carbonate of ammonia, and deposits the whole of the uranium as a yellow precipi- tate, consisting, according to Arfvedson, of uranic oxide with small quantities of am- monia and carbonic acid ; according to Peligot, of uranate of ammonium ; according to Ebelmen, of uranic hydrate containing 2 per cent, ammonia, but no carbonic acid. (Ebelmen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] v. 189; Delffs, Pogg. Ann. Iv. 229.) Potassio-uranic Carbonate, K 4 (U 2 0) 2 C 3 9 . Obtained by dissolving in acid carbonate of potassium the precipitate thrown down from uranic salts by the neutral carbonate, * Uranyl, U 2 O, is a monatotnic radicle which may be supposed to exist in the uranic sails, e.g. uranic nitrate, UO 8 .N*O 5 (UHNO 3 . (See URANIUM.) 798 CARBONATES. evaporating at a gentle heat, and reerystalliaing. It forms a bright-yellow crystalline crust, which gives off carbonic anhydride at 300 C., and when heated to redness leaves a red-brick mixture of uranate and carbonate of potassium. It dissolves in 13'5 pts. of water at 15 C. without decomposition, but is partially decomposed by boiling water, which throws down uranate of potassium. The same compound is deposited after a while from a cold solution of the double carbonate, if very dilute and not containing excess of carbonate of potassium. Caustic potash precipitates the whole of the uranium as unwiate of potassium, even in the presence of a large excess of carbonate of potassium. Acids, if not added in large excess, produce the same light yellow precipitate as is produced by carbonate of potassium in uranic salts. The double salt is insoluble in alcohol. (Ebelmen, loc. clt.) Sodio-uranic Carbonate, Na 4 (U 2 0) 2 C 3 9 . Prepared like the preceding, which it re- sembles. Calcio-uranic Carbonate, Ca(U 2 0)CO 8 + 10 aq. Found native as Liebigitc, in amorphous rounded masses, having a distinct cleavage in one direction, transparent, of a beautiful apple-green colour, and vitreous lustre on the fractured surface. Hard- ness 2 to 2*5. Gives off water when gently heated and turns blackish-grey ; does not fuse at a red heat, but turns black, and acquires an orange-red colour on cooling. Occurs, with Medjidite, near Adrianople, also at Johanngeorgenstadt, and in the Joachimsthal. (J. L. Smith, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 253.) A calcio-uranous carbonate, CaUCO 8 + f aq., occurring in siskin-green scaly aggrega- tions on pitch-blende at the Elias mine near Joachimsthal, has been examined by Vogl and Lindacker (Jahrb. k. k. geol. Eeichsantalt, iv. 1853, 221). A carbonate of ura- nium, copper, and calcium, called Voglitc, which may be regarded as an orthocarbonate (U 4 Cu 6 Ca'"H 8 )C 5 0'- + 10 aq., occurring in the same locality in aggregations of green dichroic, crystalline, pearly scales, has also been examined by Liudacker (loc. cit.) CARBONATE OF YTTRIUM, Y'-'CO 3 (containing also erbium and terbium). Precipi- tated from yttrium-salts by carbonate of sodium, with 13 at. water in the cold, with 2 at. at the boiling heat. It is not easily decomposed by heat ; dissolves sparingly in water containing carbonic acid; decomposes ammoniacal salts and dissolves in the liquid. Its solution in carbonate of ammonia deposits, after a time, if concentrated, a white crystalline double salt, which does not redissolve in carbonate of ammonia. Carbonate of yttrium dissolves also, though less easily, in the carbonates of potassium and sodium. (Berzelius.) CARBONATES OF ZINC. The neutral carbonate, or metacarbonate, Zn 2 C0 3 , occurs native as calamine (p. 713). It is doubtful whether this anhydrous salt can be ob- tained by precipitation. According to Schindler (G-melin's Handbook, v. 16) it is produced by precipitating a solution of 1 at. sulphate of zinc in 10 pts. water with 1 at. diacid carbonate of potassium or sodium ; but, according to Berzelius, the precipi- tate thus formed is Zn 2 C0 3 .3ZnHO. Hydrocarbonates. Zinc-bloom, which occurs in nature as an earthy incrustation and in reniform masses, has, according to Berzelius, the composition 5Zn 2 O.C0 2 + 3aq., or Zn 2 C0 3 .Zn 2 0.6ZnHO ; according to the analyses of Smithson and Bonsdorff, it is 3Zn 2 O.C0 2 + 3aq., or Zn 2 C0 3 .4ZuHO + aq. It is dull and opaque, with white, greyish, or yellowish colour, and makes a shining streak. Specific gravity = 3'58 to 3*6. Hard- ness = 2 to 2'5 (Grm. vi. 15). Aurichalcite, or green calamine (p. 476), found in the Altai, and at Matlock in Derbyshire, may be regarded as Zn 2 C0 3 .3ZnHO, in which the zinc is partly replaced by copper. jBuratite (p. 686) is a hydrocarbonate of zinc containing copper and calcium, perhaps a mixture. The precipitates formed by alkaline carbonates in solutions of zinc-salts, all appear to contain water, their constitution varying with the strength and temperature of the solutions, and with the nature and proportion of the precipitant. The results obtained in individual cases are variously stated by different authors ; those obtained by H. Eos e (Pogg. Ann. Ixxxv. 107; Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiv. 210) are as follows: a. With 1 at. Sulphate of Zinc and 1 at. Neutral Carbonate of Sodium. When the solutions are cold and concentrated, the precipitate consists mainly of Zn C0 3 .3ZnHO f aq., it remains unaltered at 60 C., but, after drying at 100, is composed of 2Zn 2 C0 3 .7ZnlIO + |aq. Very dilute cold solutions and concentrated boiling solutions yield a precipitate consisting mainly of Zn 2 C0 3 .ZnHO, or Zn'HCO 4 , combined with variable quantities of water. b. With excess of 'Neutral Carbonate of Sodium. The precipitate from cold solutions contained, when dried at 100 C., 5Zn 2 C0 3 .18ZnHO ; from moderately warm solutions 3Zn 2 C0 3 .l()ZnHO (at 100), but if very large quantities of liquid were used, it con- sisted of Zn 2 C0 3 .2ZnIIO. c. With 1 at. Sulphate of Zinc and 1 at. Acid Carbonate of Sodium. (NaHCO 3 ). The precipitates contain more carbonic acid than the preceding. When they are dried CARBONIC ETHERS. 799 in vacuo, a large quantity of carbonic acid escapes, and there remains the compound Zn 2 C0 3 .3ZnHO + aq. d. With excess of Acid Carbonate of Sodium. From cold solutions a precipitate was several times formed containing 2Zn 2 CO s .5ZnHO + ^aq. (at 100). A precipitation on the large scale, with rather warm solutions, yielded Zn 2 C0 3 .ZnHO. The precipi- tate obtained with cold solutions, after standing for some time, had, when air-dried, but not washed, the composition 3(2Zn'-'C0 3 .ZnHO. + faq. ; after drying at 100, it became 2Zn 2 C0 3 .ZnHO. e. With exass of Acid Carbonate of Potassium. The precipitate not washed, but. dried between filtering paper, had the composition 2Zn'-'CO 3 + 2H 2 O. After washing with cold water and drying in the air, it became 4Zn 2 C0 3 + 5aq. ; at 100 it was reduced to 4Zn' 2 C0 3 + aq. ; and at 200 to 6Zn 2 CO s + aq. According to Schindler, basic salts having the composition 8Zn 2 O.C0 2 + 2aq., or Zn 2 C0 3 .7Zn 2 0.2H 2 and 4Zn 2 O.C0 2 .2H 2 0, or Zn-'C0 3 .3Zn 2 0.2H 2 0, are obtained by precipitating the corresponding sulphates of zinc with carbonate of sodium. Accord- ing to Boussingault, ordinary sulphate of zinc precipitated with sesquicarbonate of sodium at ordinary temperatures, yields the salt 2Zn 2 O.C0 2 + 2aq., or Zn 4 C0 4 -t- 2aq. According to Schindler, hot solutions of these salts yield a precipitate of the same composition as zinc-bloom. (Grin. v. 15.) All the hydrocarbonates of zinc give off their water and carbonic anhydride at 200 C., and are reduced to zinc-oxide, Zn 2 0. The native carbonate remains unaltered at 200, but slowly gives off carbonic anhydride at 300. (H. Kose.) Ammonio- carbonate of Zinc, NH 3 .Zn'-'C0 8 , or Carbonate of Zinc am Zn NH 3 Zn [ 2 * Deposited *** crystals from a solution of precipitated carbonate of zine in a strong solution of carbonate of ammonium. (Favre, Traite de Chimie par Pelouze ct Fremy, 2 me ed. iii. 47.) Carbonate of Zinc and Potassium. (Zn 12 K 8 H 2 )C n 33 + 7aq. Deposited in crystals from a solution of chloride of zinc mixed with sesquicarbonate of potassium. (De ville, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxiii. 75.) Carbonate" of Zinc and Sodium. (Zn^lSTa^C^O 33 + 8aq. Small shining crystals, apparently tetrahedrons and octahedrons, obtained in like manner. (De ville.) CARBONATE OF ZIRCONIUM. Solutions of zirconium-salts, treated with excess of alkaline carbonate, yield a precipitate soluble in acid carbonates of alkali-metal, and containing, according to Hermann, 76'6 per cent, zirconia and 20'39 per cent, water, agreeing with the formula 2Zr 4 3 .C0 2 + 6aq. According to Klaproth, however, it con- tains 51 '5 per cent., and, according to Vauquelin, 55*5 per cent, zirconia. CARBONIC ACID and ANHYDRIDE. See CARBON, OXIDES or (p. 770). CARBONIC ETHERS. Carbonates of Alcohol-radicles. These compounds are metacarbonates, M 2 C0 3 , in which one or both atoms of base are alcohol-radicles. Those which contain 2 at. of alcohol-radicle, the neutral carbonic ethers, are obtained : 1. By the action of carbonate of silver on the iodides of the alcohol-radicles. 2. By the action of potassium or sodium on the corresponding oxalates. This reaction is attended with evolution of carbonic oxide, and probably takes place in the manner represented by the following equation : 2(C 2 H 5 ) 2 C 2 0* + K 2 = (C 2 H 5 ) 2 C0 3 + 2C 2 H 5 KO + SCO. Oxalate of ethyl. Carbonate of Ethyiate of ethyl. potassium. 3. By the action of water on the chlorocarbonates of the alcohol-radicles (produced by passing oxychloride of carbon into the alcohols), and by the dry distillation of these same products. In presence of water, the action is such as is represented by the equation, 2 (rnr4n) + H2 = (C 5 H) 2 CO' + CO 2 + 2HCL VC 2 EP}Ciy Carbonate of Chlorocarbo- amvl nate of amyl. The decomposition of the chlorocarbonates by dry distillation is more complicated, a considerable quantity of charred matter remaining behind ; but the principal reaction is doubtless the splitting up of 2 at. of the chlorocarbonate into a carbonic ether and oxychloride of carbon, e. g. : 2(CC10 2 .C 5 H n ) = (C 5 H U ) 2 CO S + COC1 2 . The neutral carbonic ethers are ethereal oily liquids, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether. They are decomposed by alcoholic potash, yielding carbonate of potassium and the corresponding alcohols. Two volumes of the vapour of each of these ethers contain two volumes of alcohol-radicle, a fact which tends to establish the dibas- icity of carbonic acid. (See ACIDS, p. 4G.) 800 CARBONIC ETHERS. The acid carbonic ethers (carbonates of alcohol-radicles and hydrogen) are not known, but some of their salts have been prepared. CABBONATE OF ALLYL. C 7 H'0 3 = (C 3 H 5 ) S C0 3 . Obtained by the action of iodide of allyl on carbonate of silver (Zeise, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvi. 361), or of potas- sium or sodium on oxalate of allyl (Cahours and Hofmann, Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 655). It is an ethereal liquid lighter than water. The alcoholic solution treated with hydrate of barium, yields carbonate of barium and allyl-alcohol. CARBONATE OF AMYL. C'-H-'-'O 8 = (C 5 H n ) 2 CO J . Prepared: 1. By saturating amylic alcohol with oxychloride of carbon, decomposing the product with water, treat- ing it with oxide of lead to remove chlorine, drying over chloride of calcium, and rec- tifying (Medlock, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. i. 368). 2. By decomposing oxalate of amyl with potassium or sodium. The action begins immediately, but heat is required to complete it. By distillation, a yellow liquid is obtained, which begins to boil at 130C., yielding amylic alcohol ; afterwards carbonate of amyl passes over at 225, the quantity amounting to about three-fourths of the original distillate. The residue contains a strong-smelling viscid matter. (Bruce, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 132.) Carbonate of amyl is a colourless liquid, having an agreeable odour, and specific gravity = 0'9144; it boils at 224 225 C. CABBONATE OF ETHYL. Carbonic Ether. C 5 IT 3 = (C H 5 ) 2 C0 3 . This ether is prepared : 1. By the action of potassium or sodium on oxalate of ethyl, the materials being nested in a retort to 130 C., and fresh potassium or sodium added, as long as car- bonic oxide continues to escape. On cooling the residue and treating it with water, carbonate of ethyl rises to the surface : it is dried with chloride of calcium, and rectified over a small quantity of sodium, then heated alone till the boiling point becomes stationary, the portion which afterwards passes over being collected apart (Ettling, 'Ann. Ch. Pharm. xix. 17). 2. By distilling a mixture of ethyl-carbonate and ethyl- sulphate of potassium. (Chancel, Compt. rend. xxxi. 521.) C 2 H S .K.CO S + C 2 H 5 .K.SO< = K 2 SO* + (C 2 H 5 ) 2 C0 3 . Carbonate of ethyl is a colourless limpid oil, having a sweet ethereal odour, and burning taste. Specific gravity = 0-975 at 19 C. Boils at 125, and volatilises without decomposition. Vapour- density = 4*243 (Ettling); 4'09 (Cahours); by calculation for a condensation to 2 vol. it is - - - x 0'0693 =4-089. It is inflammable, and burns with a blue flame. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves easily in alcohol and ether. With alcoholic potash, it yields alcohol and carbonate of potassium. Heated with sodium, it gives off carbonic oxide, and forms ethylate of sodium, together with carbonate (?) (Lowig, Pogg. Ann. 1. 122). The reaction is perhaps : C 5 H 10 S + Na = 2C 2 H 5 NaO + CO (Gm.ix. 393). Chlorine decomposes carbonate of ethyl, abstracting hydrogen, and forming the two following substitution-products : Tetrachlorocarbonic Ether, C 5 H 6 CP0 3 , commonly called Eichlorocarbonic ether. Obtained by passing chlorine through carbonate of ethyl in diffused daylight, heat- ing the liquid to 70 80 C. in the latter part of the process, and expelling the excess of chlorine by a stream of carbonic anhydride. It is a colourless liquid having a sac- charine odour, much heavier than water, and insoluble therein ; soluble in alcohol. It is decomposed by dry distillation. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 201.) Perchlorocarbonic ether, C 5 C1 I0 3 . (Cahours, loc. cit. ; Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 30.) Produced by the continued action of chlorine on the preceding compound in direct sunshine. The resulting crystalline mass must be purified by pressing it between folds of bibulous paper, washing it rapidly with small quantities of ether, again pressing, and leaving it for some days in a dry vacuum. It cannot be purified by crystallisation from alcohol or ether. It is a white mass, composed of small needles, and having a faint odour; melts between 86 and 88 C., and solidifies between 65 and 63. At a higher temperature it partly distils unaltered, and is partly resolved into carbonic anhydride, chloride of trichloracetyl, and trichloride of carbon : C 5 CP0 3 = CO 2 + C 2 CPO.C1 + C 2 C1 6 . When dissolved in alcohol, it changes to an oil which is a mixture of carbonate and trichloracetate of ethyl, a large quantity of hydrochloric acid being produced at the same time : C 5 C1 10 8 + 4C 2 H 6 = (C 2 H 5 ) 2 C0 3 + 2(C 2 H 5 .C 2 C1 3 2 ) + 4HC1. Heated with potash-ley, it yields formate, chloride and acid carbonate of potassium, together with hydrochloric acid : C 5 C1'0 3 + 10KHO = 2CHK0 2 + 5KC1 + 5HC1 + 3KHC0 3 . With gaseous ammonia, it forms sal-ammoniac, chlocarbethamide (trichloracetamide, CARBONITROTOLUYLIC ACID. 80i according to Grerhardt, TraitS, i. 16*6), and an unknown substance, which crystallises in long needles (Malaguti). When thrown into aqueous ammonia, it makes a hissing noise, like red-hot iron in water, and forms trichloracetamide, together with carbonate, formate, and chloride of ammonium, and probably also other ammoniacal salts. (Mala- guti.) CARBONATE OF ETHYL AND POTASSIUM. Ethyl-carbonate or Carbovinate of of Potassium,, C*H 5 K0 3 = C 2 H 5 .K.C0 8 . (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxiv. 6.) Obtained by passing carbonic anhydride into a solution of perfectly dry hydrate of potassium in absolute alcohol, the liquid being carefully kept cool, which is best effected by introducing from time to time small portions of anhydrous ether. A crystalline deposit then forms, consisting of ethyl-carbonate of potassium, together with neutral and acid carbonate. The ethyl-carbonate is formed as represented by the equation : C 2 H 6 + KHO + CO 2 = C 2 H 5 .KCO S + H 2 ; the acid carbonate results from the action of the water thus formed on a portion of the ethyl-carbonate, and the neutral carbonate from that of the excess of potash on the acid carbonate. To separate the ethyl-carbonate, the mass is treated with an equal volume of ether, which dissolves the excess of free potash, and leaves the two other salts undissolved : the ethyl-carbonate is then dissolved out by alcohol, precipitated by ether, and rapidly dried. It might doubtless be more easily prepared from anhydrous ethylate of potassium, C 2 H 5 KO. Ethyl-carbonate of potassium is a white nacreous salt, which burns with flame on platinum-foil, leaving a carbonaceous residue, and yields by distillation an inflam- mable gas, a small quantity of ethereal liquid, and a residue of carbonate mixed with charcoal Water transforms it into alcohol and acid carbonate of potassium : C 2 H 5 .K.C0 3 + H 2 = C 2 H 5 .H.O + KHCO 3 . Ethyl-carbonic acid, C 2 H 5 .H.C0 3 , has not yet been obtained ; neither has Carbonate of methyl, (CH 3 ) 2 C0 3 J nor Methyl-carbonic acid, CH 3 .H.C0 3 . CARBONATE OF METHYL AND BARIUM. Methyl-carbonate of Barium. CH 3 .Ba.C0 3 (Dumas and Peligot, loc. cit.) A solution of anhydrous baryta in an- hydrous methylic alcohol, subjected to the action of carbonic anhydride, yields a white precipitate, which after washing with methylic alcohol, consists entirely of methyl- carbonate of barium : CIP.H.O + Ba 2 + CO 2 = CH 3 .Ba.C0 3 + BallO. The salt is insoluble in methylic or ethylic alcohol, but dissolves easily in cold water. The solution soon however becomes turbid, depositing a considerable quantity of car- bonate of barium and giving off carbonic anhydride. The action is greatly assisted by a gentle heat, and at the boiling-point it is instantaneous. CARBONATE OF METHYL AND ETHYL. C 4 1I 8 3 = CH 3 .C 2 H 5 .C0 3 (Chancel, Compt. rend. xxxi. 521). Obtained by distilling a mixture of methyl-carbonate and ethyl-sulphate of potassium : CH 3 .K.C0 3 + C 2 H 5 .K.S0 4 = K 8 S0 4 + CH 3 .C-H 5 .CO S . CARBONATE OF PHENYL AND HYDROGEN. C 6 H 5 .H.C0 3 . Salicylic acid (q. v.) may be regarded as constituted in this manner. When subjected to dry distillation, it splits up into carbonic anhydride and hydrate of phenyl. CARBONATE OF TETRYL. Carbonate of Butyl. C 9 H 18 3 = (C 4 H 9 ) 2 .C0 3 . Pro- duced: 1. By the action of iodide of tetryl on carbonate of silver, the materials (12 grammes of each) being enclosed together in a sealed flask, and heated for two days in the water-bath, distilling the product, collecting apart that which passes over above 180 C., and rectifying (Ph. de Clermont, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliv. 336). 2. By the action of chloride of cyanogen, either gaseous or liquid, on tetrylic alcohol, in presence of water. (Humann, ibid. xliv. 340) : 2(C 4 H 9 .H.O) + CNC1 + H 2 = (C'H 9 ) 2 C0 3 + NH'CL It is a colourless limpid liquid, lighter than water, and having an agreeable odour like that of carbonate of ethyl. It boils at 190 C. Aqueous ammonia converts it into tetrylic alcohol and carbonate of tetryl. CARBOKTITROTOHnrilC ACID, also called Nitrodracylic acid. An acid crystallising in white slender needles, obtained by treating toluene with excess of strong nitric acid. Grlenard and Boudault (Compt. rend. xix. 505), who discovered it, assigned to it the formula C 8 H fi N0 4 ; it is more probably isomeric with nitrotoluylic acid, C 8 H 7 N0 4 ; or perhaps, as suggested by List (Gin. xiii. 24), the product was merely nitrobenzoic acid containing nitrostyrol. VOL. I. 3 F 802 CAKBONYL CARBOVINIC ACID. CO. The diatomic radicle of the carbonates, carbamates. carba- mides, &c. CARBOPVRROX.XC ACID. C 5 H 5 N0 2 = NH2 (C 5 H 2 0)"| Q (Schwanert, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiv. 63.) An amic acid, obtained by heating Malaguti's pyromuca- mide, C 5 H 6 N 2 (q.v.), which Schwanert regards as carbopyrrolamide, N 2 .H 4 .(C 5 H 2 0)", with baryta- water in sealed tubes. Ammonia is then formed, together with carbopyrro- late of barium, C 5 H 4 BaN0 2 , which crystallises in nacreous laminse, and is not decom- posed by heating with potash-ley. The concentrated aqueous solution treated with hydrochloric acid, deposits carbopyrrolic acid as a white crystalline precipitate. The It ad-salt, C 5 H 4 PbN0 2 . forms sparingly soluble nacreous laminae. When the aqueous solution of carbopyrrolic acid is heated to 60 C. or above, pyrrol, C 4 H 5 N, separates from it as a brown flocculent substance. CARBOSTYRXXt. C 9 H 7 NO = N(C 8 H 7 )(CO)". Produced by the action of sul phide of ammonium on nitrocinnamic acid. Probably an acid, C 8 H 9 N0 2 , is first pro duced and afterwards converted into carbostyril by loss of 1 at. water, thus : C 8 H 9 (N0 2 )0 2 + 2H 2 S = C 8 H 9 N0 2 + 2H 2 + S a Nitrocinnamic acid. and C 8 H 9 N0 2 -H 2 = C 8 H T NO. Carbostyril. The liquid is supersaturated with hydrochloric acid, filtered, and evaporated. It then deposits crystals of carbostyril, coloured brown by a resin, which may be removed by recrystallising the product several times from boiling water. Carbostyril forms beautiful colourless silky needles, moderately soluble in boiling water, easily in alcohol and ether ; melts when heated, and at a higher temperature sublimes in shining needles ; dissolves in hydrochloric acid, also in boiling potash, not in ammonia or in sulphuric acid. Heated with solid potash, it yields an oil which appears to be a peculiar alkaloid (C 8 IPN ?) Boiled with oxide of silver, it forms a compound insoluble in boiling water, from which it is separated by acids in its original state. (Chiozza, Compt. rend, xxxiv. 598.) CARBOTHIACETONTWE. C 10 H 18 N 2 S 2 . The sulphydrate of this base is de- posited in yellow crystals on mixing acetone with ammonia and sulphide of carbon : 3C 3 H 6 + CS 2 + 2NH 3 = C 10 H 18 N 2 S 2 -i- 3H 2 0. (Stadeler, Pharm. Centr. 1853, p. 433; see also ACETONE, p. 28.) CARBOTHXAX.DXNE:. C 5 H'N 2 S 2 . A colourless crystalline body, produced by adding sulphide of carbon to an alcoholic solution of aldehyde-ammonia. It is inso- luble in cold water and in ether, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, easily in boiling alcohol. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid, and is reprecipitated by ammonia. Boiled with excess of hydrochloric acid, it is resolved into sulphide of carbon, sal-ammoniac, and aldehyde. On adding oxalic acid and then ether to the alcoholic solution of car- bothialdine, crystals of oxalate of ammonium are formed. The alcoholic solution forms, with nitrate of silver, a greenish-black precipitate, which gradually changes into sulphide of silver ; with mercuric chloride it forms a thick white curdy precipitate, and with copper- salts a green precipitate. (Redtenbacher and Lie big, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 43.) (C C ARBOTRI AIVTINE. N 3 -- 5 . Guanidine, a base obtained by the action of oxidising agents on guanine, may be viewed as a triple molecule of ammonia (N 3 H 9 ), in which 4 at. H are replaced by the tetratomic radicle carbon. Several substitution derivatives of carbotriamine are also known, viz. : Carbomethyltriamine. N 3 .C.(CH 8 )H 4 . This constitution may be ascribed to me- thyluramine, a base resulting from the action of oxidising agents on creatine. Carbotriethyltriamine. N 3 .C.(C 2 H 5 ) 3 H 2 . Produced by heating cyanurate of ethyl with ethylate of sodium. (Hofmann, Proc. Roy. Soc. xi. 282.) Carbodiphenyltriamine. N 3 .C.(C 6 H 5 ) 2 .H 3 . This is the composition of melaniline. Carbotriphenyltriamine. N 3 .C.(C 6 H 5 ) 3 .H 2 . This base is produced by the action of tetraehloride of carbon on phenylamine (p. 765). All these bases may likewise be regarded as diamines containing 1 at. cyanogen in place of 1 at. hydrogen ; thus, carbotriamine ~ cyan-diamine = N 2 (CN).H 5 . (See ETHYL-, METHYL-, and PHENYL-DIAMINES and TRIAHINES.) CARBOVXKTZC ACID. Syn. with CARBONATE or ETHYL and HYDROGEN. (See CARBONIC ETHKRS, p. 801). CARBOVINOMETHYLIDE - CAREX. 803 CARBOVIK'OIVIETK'ZIiIDE. CARBONATE OF ETHYL and METHYL (p. 801). CARXSITXTCXiE. A gein highly prized by the ancients, probably the almandin or noble garnet. CARBUREXC ACID. Syn. with ALLOPHANIC ACID. SUXPHATE OP. C 2 H 4 S-'0 6 . Syn. with ETHJONIC ANHYDRIDE. A3MCARA. The dried herb of this plant contains an azotised and sulphuretted organic acid, either identical with or very similar to the myronic acid of black mustard seed, in combination with an organic (probably basic) compound. Moreover this acid, either free or in combination with bases, develops, under the in- fluence of myrosyn, but not under that of the emulsion of bitter almonds, an acrid volatile oil, very much like oil of horse-radish or scurvy grass. The decided bitterness and lower degree of pungency of the fresh herb appear to be due to the absence of myrosyn or of some analogous compound capable of developing the pungent oiL (Winckler, Jahrb. pr. Pharm. xviii. 89.) CARDAMOM Oils. An essential oil extracted by distillation from the seeds of several kinds of cardamom, especially Alpmia eardamomum and Amomum repens. It is pale, aromatic, and has a burning taste. Specific gravity, 0-945. Soluble in ether, alcohol, and oils, also in acetic acid and caustic potash. It detonates with iodine, and is set on fire by strong nitric acid. The oil amounts to 4*9 per cent, of the seed-kernela of amomum repens. Crystals deposited from old cardamom oil were found by Dumas and Peligot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivii. 334) to have the formula of a hydrate of camphene, C 10 H 16 .3H 2 0. Cardamom also contains a fixed non-drying oil, which has a rancid bitter taste, and saponifies by boiling with potash. CARDOXi. An oily liquid contained, together with anacardic acid (p. 209), in the pericarp of the cashew-nut (Anacardium or Cassuvium occidentale). To obtain, it the pericarp is exhausted with ether, the ether distilled off, the residue washed with water to remove tannin, then dissolved in 15 to 20 pts. of alcohol, and digested with recently precipitated hydrate of lead, which takes up the anacardic acid, while the cardol re- mains in solution. The greater part of the alcohol is removed from the filtered liquid by distillation, water added to the remaining liquid till it becomes turbid, and after- wards acetate and subacetate of lead till it is decolorised. Lastly, the lead is precipi- tated by sulphuric acid. Cardol is a yellow oily liquid, insoluble in water, very soluble in alcohol and ether ; the solutions are neutral to litmus. It is not volatile, but decomposes when heated. It blisters the skin strongly. According to Stadeler, it contains 60 per cent, carbon and 8'8 or 8'9 hydrogen, whence he deduces the formula C^^O*; it should perhaps be C^H^O 2 . Cardol precipitates basic, but not neutral acetate of lead. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it with red colour. Nitric acid appears to form with it under certain cir- cumstances, the same products as with anacardic acid. Strong potash-ley colours it yellow, and ultimately dissolves it ; and the solution, in contact with the air, acquires a deep red colour, and then forms red or violet precipitates with most metallic salts. (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiii. 137.) CAREX. The ashes of Carex remota and C. acuta have been examined by E. Witting. (J. pr. Chem. Ixix. 149.) The fresh plants contained in 100 pts. : Carex remota .... 5275 45*18 2-07 acuta .... 69-60 29'28 1-12 The ash contained : C. remota . C. acuta C. remota C. acuta The quantities of soluble and insoluble constituents of the ash were as follows i Soluble in Soluble in T , ,, water. nitric acid. Insoluble. 4915 29-45 21'40 - 67'56 31-59 10-85 3 F 2 KC1 NaCl K 2 Na 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 2-81 10-23 23-52 0-72 7-86 9-22 4-90 7-28 37-94 0-35 7-90 7-36 Fe 4 3 Mn 2 P 2 5 SO 3 CO 2 SiO 2 2-23 1-45 4-95 1-93 4-75 30-33 1-39 2-02 7-66 1-36 4-86 16-98 804 CARICA CARMINE. CARZCA PAP ATA. Papaw Tree. Every part of the papaw tree, except the ripe fruit, affords a milky juice, which is used in the Mauritius as an effectual remedy for the tape-worm. In Europe, however, whither it has been sent in the concrete state, it has not answered. The milky juice is said to make meat washed in it very tender, and the leaves and fruit are said to have the same effect upon the flesh of old hogs and poultry which are fed with them ; the flesh, however, soon becomes putrid. The juice yields a substance resembling the flesh or fibre of animals. U. CARIES. See BONE (p. 623). CARIKTTHIIO 1 . A sub-species of augite. Colour black. Occurs massive and disse- minated. Internally splendent. Eesino-vitreous. Distinct cleavage of 124 34'. Fracture conchoidal. Greenish-black variety : translucent on the edges, velvet-black, opaque. Occurs on the Saualp in Carinthia, in a bed of primitive rock, associated with quartz, kyanite, garnet, and zoisite. (Jameson's Mineralogy.) U. Dana (ii. 172) enumerates it as a variety of hornblende. C ARMZDZNE. An organic base produced by passing lutidine over red-hot lime. Its composition has not been ascertained. It produces a fine red colour with pine- wood and hydrochloric acid, and pale green with bleaching powder ; hence it is pro- bably a mixture of pyrrhol and vertidine. (Gr. Williams, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vii. 97.) CARMITJ APHTHA. C 18 H 8 3 (?) A red colouring matter obtained by heating naphthalene with a solution of acid chromate of potassium, and adding sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. It is dissolved by alkalis and precipitated in its original state by acids. (Laurent, Eev. scieut. xiv. 560.) CARMZNDZN*. A product which Laurent obtained by the action of ammonia on dibromisatiu. (See ISATIN.) CARMZXrE. CARIKZNZC ACXX>. (Pelletier and Caventou, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] viii. 250, H. 194 ; Warren de la Eue, Ann. Ch. Pharm. bdv. 1, 23 ; Gerh. iii. 750.) The colouring matter of cochineal (Coccus cacti). To separate it, cochineal is exhausted with boiling water ; the extract is precipitated by subacetate of lead slightly acidulated, care being taken not to add the lead-solution in excess ; the precipitate is washed with distilled water till the wash- water no longer gives a preci- pitate with a solution of mercuric chloride, then decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen ; the filtrate is evaporated to a syrupy consistence and dried over the water-bath ; and the dark purple product thus obtained is treated with alcohol, which extracts the car- minic acid. This acid forms a purple mass, fusible and soluble in all proportions in water and in alcohol. Sulphuric and hydrochloric acid dissolve it without alteration. It bears a heat of 136 C. without decomposition. It is very hygroscopic. Its solution forms red precipitates with the alkaline earths, also with the acetates of lead, zinc, copper, and silver. According to De la Eue's analysis, carminic acid contains 54 '1 per cent, carbon and 4*6 hydrogen, agreeing nearly with the formula C 14 H H 8 . Schiitzenberger (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] liv. 52) regards De la Eue's carminic acid as a mixture, and assigns to pure carminic acid the formula C 9 H 8 5 ; he states also that it is mixed in cochineal with an oxycarminic acid, C 9 H 8 7 , and perhaps also with other acids of intermediate composition. These statements do not appear, however, to be borne out by the results of his analyses. Carminic acid is decomposed by chlorine and bromine. The bromine-compound is yellow and soluble in alcohol. Carminic acid treated with nitric acid yields nitrococcusic add ; a compound which is isomeric with trinitranisic acid, and crystallises in yellow rhomboidal tables, soluble in cold but more soluble in hot water ; soluble also in alcohol and ether. All its salts are soluble in water. The mother-liquor of the preparation of carminic acid contains a crystalline sub- stancp. insoluble in alcohol and ether, soluble in ammonia, and identical with tyrosine. (Warren de la Eue.) The colouring principle of cochineal (carmine) was previously obtained in an impure state by Pelletier and Caventou (Ann. Ch. Phys. viii. 250), by treating the cochineal with ether to extract the fatty matter, and digesting the residue in alcohol. The fine red pigment known in commerce as carmine, is prepared by treating a solution of cochineal with cream of tartar, alum, or acid oxalate of potassium. The fatty and albuminous matters then coagulate and carry down the colouring matter with them. By treating a solution of cochineal with an alkaline carbonate and alum, a compound of the colouring matter with alumina is obtained, known by the name of carmine-lake. CARMINITE CAROTIN. 805 For this purpose, the coarser sediment deposited from a decoction of cochineal, after the finer particles have been separated by decantation, is generally used. For cheaper sorts, extract of Brazil wood is sometimes mixed with the cochineal. Cochineal colours are used for dying wool and silk crimson or scarlet; but the colours it produces are remarkable more for brilliancy than for durability, and are easily stained by water or alkalis. The mordants used are alum, cream of tartar, and tin- salt. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 616.) CARMZXTZTE, or Carmine-spar. A mineral, probably consisting of anhydrous arsenate of lead arid iron, from Hornhausen in Saxony, where it occurs, with Beudan- tite, in quartz and brown iron ore. It occurs in clusters of fine needles, and in sphe- roidal forms with columnar structure, cleaving parallel to the faces of a rhombic prism. Hardness = 2 -5. Lustre vitreous, but pearly on the cleavage faces. Colour carmine to brick-red ; powder reddish-yellow. Translucent. Brittle. Before the blowpipe it gives the reactions of arsenic, lead, and iron. (Dana, ii. 410.) CARXVXUFEItXiIC ACID. An acid obtained by Muspratt and Dan son (Phil. Mag. [4] ii. 293), by the action of nitric acid on the aqueous extract of cloves. It separates from the concentrated solution in yellow micaceous scales ; and by precipi- tation with acetate of lead, decomposition of the lead-precipitate with sulphuretted hydrogen, and evaporation, it may be obtained in white crystals. It is insoluble in alcohol, ether, and cold water, soluble in hot water, ammonia, and potash. When heated, it yields a yellow oil and emits an odour of burnt sugar. Strong sulphuric acid does not act upon it in the cold, but carbonises it when heated. A moderately concentrated solution of the acid precipitates the salts of the alkaline earths, forming a very thick gelatinous mass. With copper-salts it forms a green, with silver and ferrous salts a white, and with ferric salts a yellow precipitate, all of flocculent cha- racter. Muspratt and Danson assign to the barium and lead-salts of this acid, the doubtful formula, C* 4 #flf s8 . CARKrAI,Z,ITE. KC1.2MgC1.6H 2 O. A salt which sometimes separates in coarse- grained masses, often coloured by oxide of iron, from the mother-liquor of rock-salt, also of certain brine-springs ; it may also be obtained by careful evaporation of the mother-liquor of sea- water. (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1856, p. 884; 1858, p. 739.) CAR3TAUBA IV AX. A wax which coats the leaves of the Corypha cerifera, a palm growing in Brazil, and is obtained by drying the leaves and melting the coating, which separates in scales. It forms hard, brittle lumps of yellowish- white colour, in- clining to green, and has an odour of melilot, but no taste. It melts at 97 C., or accord- ing to Lewy (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xiii, 438) at 83'5. According to Brande (Phil. Trans. 1811, p. 261), it is insoluble in cold, sparingly soluble in hot alcohol, forming a greenish solution. Similarly with ether. With fixed oils it mixes in all proportions. With caustic potash it forms a pale rose-coloured mass without actually saponifying. Nitric acid converts the wax into a yellow friable mass. Chlorine bleaches it In other respects it behaves like beeswax. According to Lewy, it contains 80'3 per cent, carbon and 13'0 hydrogen. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 807.) CARXTAT. A variety of lithomarge from Eochlitz. (Breithaupt.) CARTrEZiZAlT. A subspecies of chalcedony, of white, yellow, brown, and red colour. It has a conchoi'dal fracture. Specific gravity 2-6. Semitransparent, with glistening lustre. The finest specimens come from Cambay and Surat in India. It is found in peculiar strata, thirty feet below the surface, in nodules of a blackish-olive colour, passing into grey. These, after two years' exposure to the sun, are boiled for two days, and thereby acquire the lively colours for which they are prized in jewellery. Caruelian is softer than common chalcedony. It consists mainly of silica (about 94 per cent.) with alumina, and a small quantity of sesquioxide of iron. According to Gauthier de Claubry, the colour proceeds, not from oxide of iron, but from an organic substance. This, however, is denied by He in tz. (Pogg. Ann. Ix. 519.) CAROXiATHXir. A mineral containing organic matter, found in a coal-mine in Upper Silesia. It has the aspect of honey-stone ; colour, honey-yellow to wine-yellow : translucent on the edges ; has a faint unctuous lustre ; very brittle. Specific gravity 1-515. Hardness 2*5. It is decomposed by hydrochloric acid. It contains about 15*10 per cent, water, 47'25 alumina, 29'52 silica, and 1-33 carbon. The water is not com- pletely given off below 290 C., at which temperature the organic matter begins to de- compose. The organic matter appears to be allied to humic acid. (Sonnenshein. J. pr. Chem. Ix. 268.) CAROTIN. C I8 H 24 0. The colouring matter of the carrot (Daucus Carota\ It was first isolated by Wackenroder in 1831 (Geiger's Mag. xxxiii. 144), afterwards examined by Zeise (J. pr. Chem. xl. 297), and recently with greater exactness by Husemann (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxvii. 200). 3 F 3' 806 CAROTIN CARPHOLITE. Carrots also contain a colourless substance, hydrocarotin, C^H^O, containing 6 at. H more than carotin ; and as they are colourless in the early stages of their growth, Husemann considers it probable that they at first contain only hydrocarotin, which gradually changes to red carotin by oxidation. Preparation. The expressed juice of bruised carrots is precipitated with sulphuric acid, to which a small quantity of tincture of galls is added ; the half-dried coagulum is repeatedly boiled with five or six times its volume of 80 percent, alcohol, which extracts the hydrocarotin ; the residue, after drying at a gentle heat, is exhausted with sulphide of carbon ; and the filtrate is mixed with an equal volume of absolute alcohol The solution, when left to itself, deposits the carotin in crystals of the dimetric system, which, while iu the liquid, exhibit a golden-green lustre by reflected light ; if, however, the sulphide of carbon was mixed with much alcohol, or if the solution was too much con- centrated, the crystals are microscopic, and of a ruby-colour. The crystals are washed on a water-bath funnel with boiling 80 per cent, alcohol, afterwards with absolute al- cohol, till the wash-liquid exhibits only a faint yellow colour, and when evaporated on a watch-glass, leaves small octahedral crystals. The pure carotin which remains, exhibits, after drying in the air at mean tempera- ture, a red- brown colour with velvet lustre, becoming bright red when dried at 100C. It smells like Florentine violet-root, especially when heated. It is rather heavier than water ; dissolves sparingly in alcohol, ether, and chloroform, easily in sulphide of car- bon, benzene, and volatile oils ; fixed oils dissolve it slowly, with red colour. It be- comes soft at 126 C., and melts at 168 to a thick dark red liquid. Carotin forms at low temperatures a colourless crystalline hydrate, which may bo obtained by placing a concentrated solution of carotin in sulphide of carbon (not anhy- drous) in a watch-glass, over a freezing mixture producing a temperature of 10 C. It then separates as a white efflorescence made up of small needles ; but as soon as it is taken out of the freezing mixture, it gives up its water, and is converted into red carotin. The same phenomenon is exhibited by a solution of carotin in benzene, excepting that the hydrate is then slightly yellow. Another hydrate is sometimes formed by adding to a dilute solution of carotin in sulphide of carbon, so much absolute alcohol, that the turbidity at first produced shall disappear, at least on heating the liquid. It separates in thin, iridescent, six-sided laminae, and appears to be more stable than the first-men- tioned hydrate. The composition of these hydrates has not been determined. Carotin is very unstable ; during the evaporation of its solution, it often separates in a light yellow amoi'phous modification, which is but sparingly soluble in sulphide of carbon. The red crystals gradually become colourless from without inwards, when exposed to daylight, and more quickly in sunshine ; the new substance thus formed is inodorous, dissolves readily in alcohol or ether, but with difficulty in sulphide of carbon or benzene, and separates from these solutions in the amorphous state. The same change takes place when carotin is exposed for a long time to a heat of 150 C. Whether the new substance thus formed has the same composition as carotin, is not yet made out. Carotin heated to 250 C. forms a mobile liquid, which on cooling soli- difies to a soft yellowish-red mass. At higher temperatures, it carbonises and gives off empyreumatic vapours. Fuming nitric acid dissolves carotin with yellow colour, and water separates from the solution a yellow nitro-compound. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves carotin with purple colour ; and on carefully adding water, the colour disappears, and a somewhat modified carotin separates in dark green flocks, which, like carotin altered by light, are coloured brown by sulphuric acid. Sulphurous anhydride changes the colour of carotin to dark indigo, but does not alter it further ; the blue substance crystallises from ben- zene in red cubes, and is also converted into red carotin by boiling with potash. I) r// chlorine gas converts carotin into tetrachloro-carotin, a white substance soluble in ether and in sulphide of carbon, becoming soft and dark-red at 100 C., melting at 120. Another substitution-product containing less chlorine appears also to be formed. Bromine and iodine likewise decompose carotin, forming substitution -products which are more fusible than carotin itself. Carotin is not decomposed by dilute acids, by hydrochloric acid gas, sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphide of ammonium, or by alkalis, either in aqueous or in alcoholic solu- tions. Solutions of carotin are not precipitated by metallic salts ; the alcoholic solution is coloured greenish by ferric chloride. A substance having the same colour and composition as carotin, is obtained by treat- ing tribromhydrocarotin, C 18 H 27 Br 3 O, with potash ; but the identity of the two has not yet been completely established. (See HYUROCAROTIN.) CASPHOHTE. A silicate of manganese, aluminium, and iron, found near Schlaekeriwald in Bohemia, in radiated and stellated tufts, sometimes also in rhombic of 111 27', and 68 33', with the lateral edges truncated. Specific gravity = C ARPHOSIDERITE CARROT. 807 2-935. Hardness = 5 to 5-5. It is opaque, with straw-yellow or wax-yellow colour (hence the name, from icapQos, straw), and vitreous lustre. Its analysis gives A1 4 3 Mn 4 3 Fo 4 s Ca 2 H 2 F. SiO 2 37-53 26-47 36-15 28-67 36-15 1974 18-33 6-27 11-36 = 99-961 (Steimnann). 19-16 2-54 0-27 10-78 1-40 = 98-97 (Stromeyer). 20-76 9-87 2-56 11*35 =100-43 (Hauer). Hence the formula 2R 4 3 .3Si0 2 + 3aq., the sesquioxides of aluminium, manganese, and iron being supposed to replace each other isomorphously. By reducing the sesquioxides to protoxides (substituting r = |E), the formula be- comes that of an orthosilicate, 2r 8 O.Si0 2 + aq. = r 4 Si0 4 + aq. According to Kobell, the manganese and iron are in the state of protoxides, and the formula is (Mn 2 0. A1 4 3 ) + 2(H-O.SiO a ). (Eammelsbcrg 1 s Miner alchemic, p. 587.) C ARPHOSXDERXTX-:. A hy drated phosphate of iron, containing small quantities of manganese and zinc, occurring in reniform masses and incrustations of straw-yellow colour and resinous lustre. Specific gravity 2 -5; hardness 4 to 4-5. It is found in fissures in mica slate, and was first distinguished by Breithaupt, among some specimens from Labrador. (Dana, ii. 431.) CARPHOSTXXiBXTX*:. A straw-yellow variety of Thomsonite, from Bernfiord, Iceland. CARPOB AXiS AIV1UIVT. A commercial name of the volatile oil obtained from pi- mento, the fruit of Myrtus pimento,. It is yellowish, heavier than water, and smells like cloves. CARROI.ITE. (W. L. Faber, Sill. Am. J. (2) xiii. 418; Smith and Brush, ibid, xvi. 366 ; Grenth, ibid, xxiii. 115.) A sulphide of cobalt and copper, from Finks- burg, Carrol County, Maryland, U. S. Forms homogeneous, very friable masses, with indistinct cleavage ; tin- white to steel-grey colour ; metallic lustre ; iron-black streak ; uneven fracture, approaching to the conchoidal. Hardness 6*5. Specific gravity 4-58. The mineral has not been found in distinct crystals, but appears to belong to the regular system. S As Cu Co Ni Fe Quartz 27.04 1-82 32-99 28*50 1-50 5'31 2-13 = 99-30 (Faber). 41-29 - 18-15 3770 1-54 1-26 - = 100-08 (Smith and Brush). 41-71 - 17-55 38-70 1'70 0-46 0-97 = 100-19 (Genth). Faber deduces from his analysis (after deducting the nickel, arsenic, and iron, toge- ther with 3"468 per cent, sulphur required to form copper-nickel and magnetic pyrites), the formula Co 2 S.Cu 4 S or CoCcuS. Smith and Brush regard the mineral as cobalt pyrites (Co 3 S 2 ), in which part of the cobalt is replaced by copper. CARRAGHEEN MOSS. See CABAQHEEN MOSS (p. 747). CARROT. Daucus Carota. The ashes of the root, leaves, and seed of the carrot have been analysed by Way and Ogston (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1849, Table E to page 656, and 1850, Table B to p. 660) with the following percentage results : White Belgian Long red Surrey (on poor sandy soil) Root. Leaves. Root. Leaves. Seed. p,,tash 21-40 41-97 6-55 7'53 43-73 17*10 16*21 Soda 8-18 17-53 946 T2-76 12-11 4*85 1*23 6 08 11 '89 29 50 34-98 5' 64 24'04 32'96 3-20 5-89 2 50 3-23 2'29 0'89 V70 059 1-66 0-90 4-0(> 0'51 3-43 0-84 4-59 9-49 0-76 1-92 5 47 6-68 1-83 7-39 4-26 1-11 5-08 11-61 4*80 4*50 Silicic 15-15 19-11 14-9222-25 18 00 23-15 15*13 Phosphoric ,, ..... 7-86 9-17 4-91 7-65 1-12 2-55 8-7715-11 12-31 trace 6-21 3-62 13-38 5*24 99-96 99-98 99-99 Ash per cent, of dry substance 5-12 8-80 15-80-21-30 5-44 10-03 4*30 fresh Moisture in 100 pts. of air-dried substance 0-77 1-06 2-85 5-32 0-47 8G-40 8-73 8000 3-30 1300 Sulphur per cent, in dry substance . 0-88 3*05 CARROT, OXXi OF. Theroot of the carrot contains a very small quantity (O'Ol 14) p<-r rout, of a volatile oil, of specific gravity 0-8863 at 12C., which may be obtained 808 C ARTH AMINE C ARVENE. by distilling the fresh roots with water. It has a very strong pungent taste and smell, dissolves sparingly in water, freely in alcohol and in ether. (Wackenroder, Mag. Pharm. xxxiii. 145.) C ARTHAMXXI. The colouring principle of safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius\ first examined by Chevreul, afterwards more fully by Schlieper (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iviii. 362.) The flowers of Carthamus tinctorius contain two coloured principles, one yellow, soluble in water, and of no use in dyeing, the other red, soluble in alkalis and preci- pitable by acids from its alkaline solutions : this is carthamin. To prepare it, safflower is first washed repeatedly with water, to free it from the yellow substance, then treated with solution of carbonate of sodium ; the liquid is saturated with acetic acid ; and pieces of cotton are immersed in it, on which the carthamin is deposited. After twenty-four hours, the cotton is removed and treated with solution of carbonate of sodium, which redissolves the colouring matter ; the solution is mixed with citric acid, whereby the carthamin is precipitated in red flocks ; and, lastly, these flocks are dis- solved in alcohol. The solution evaporated in varvuo yields the carthamin in the form of a powder, having a deep red colour with greenish iridescence. It is sparingly soluble in water, insoluble in ether, but easily soluble in alcohol, yielding a fine purple solution. According to Schlieper, carthamin contains 56'9 per cent, carbon and 5 -6 hydrogen, agreeing with the formula C I4 H 16 0. The yellow colouring matter of carthamus is acid. It has a bitter taste and great colouring power. It combines readily with oxygen, and is converted into a brown substance. It unites with oxide of lea'd, forming the compound (Pb 2 0) 3 .C 8 H 10 5 . The red colouring matter of carthamus is used in dyeing, and for the preparation of rouge. The flowers, after being freed as much as possible from the yellow dye by repeated washing with water, are pressed and dried, and sent into the market in the form of cakes, known in commerce as safflower, Spanish red, or China cake, For the preparation of rouge, the red colour is extracted by a solution of carbonate of sodium, and precipitated by sulphuric acid or by lemon juice previously depurated by standing. This precipitate is dried on earthen plates, mixed with talc or French chalk, reduced to a powder by means of the leaves of shave-grass triturated with it till they are both very fine, and then sifted. The fineness of the powder and proportion of the precipitate constitute the difference between the finer and cheaper rouge. It is like- wise spread very thin on saucers, and sold in this state for dyeing. Carthamus is used for dyeing silk or cotton of a poppy, cherry, rose, or bright orange-red. The cakes of safflower having been disintegrated by steeping in water, the red fibre is washed in sieves as long as the water which runs through acquires a yellow colour. It is then put into a deal trough, and sprinkled at different times with pearl ashes, or rather soda, well powdered and sifted, in the proportion of 6 Ibs. to 100, mixing the alkali well as it is put in. The alkali should be saturated with carbonic acid. The carthamus is then put on a cloth in a trough with a grated bottom, placed on a larger trough, and cold water poured on till the larger trough is filled ; and this treatment is repeated, with addition of a little more alkali toward the end, till the car- thamus is exhausted and become yellow. Lemon juice or sulphuric acid is then poured into the bath, till it is turned of a fine cherry colour, and after it is well stirred, the silk is immersed in it. The silk is wrung, drained, and passed through fresh baths, washing and drying after every operation, till it is of a proper colour ; after which it is brightened in hot water and lemon juice. For a poppy or fire colour, a slight annotto ground is first given ; but the silk should not be alurned. For a pale carnation, a little soap should be put into the bath. All these baths must be used as soon as they are made, and cold, because heat destroys the colour of the red fecula. The colours pro- duced by carthamus are very beautiful, but fugitive. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 624.) CARTILAGE. The cartilages consist of a dry flexible tissue, which contains but a small quantity of inorganic matter, and when boiled with water yields chon- drin (q. -y.), a substance resembling gelatin, but differing in certain reactions. According to Scherer, the cartilage of the ribs contains 40'5 to 50'9 per cent, carbon, 7'() to 7'1 hydrogen, 14'9 nitrogen, and 27'2 to 28'5 oxygen. (See BONE.) CARVEWE, CAR VOX., and CARVACROX.. (Volckel, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxv. 308; Ixxxv. 246; Schweizer, ibid.}. 329; Gm. xiv. 283, 414.) Essence of caraway consists of two essential oils, carvcnc, C'H 16 , and carvol, C'H I4 0, which may be separated by fractional distillation. The latter, however, is more easily prepared by agitating oil of caraway with an alcoholic solution of sulphide of ammonium : sidpht/drate of carvol, (C 10 H> 4 0) 2 .H 2 S is then formed, and this compound, decomposed by ammonia yields carvol. (Varrentrapp, Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 812.) CARYOPHYLLIC ACID CASE-HARDENING. 809 Car vena is a colourless mobile oil, lighter than water, having a slight agreeable odour and aromatic taste. Boils at 73 C. It is nearly insoluble in water; very soluble in alcohol and ether ; it absorbs hydrochloric acid, and forms a crystalline com- pound, which melts at 50'5 C. and consists of C 10 H 16 .2HC1. Carvol is a liquid boiling at 250 C. Specific gravity 0'953. It is resinised by strong nitric or sulphuric acid, and forms with hydrochloric acid an oily compound containing C'H U O.HC1. Sidphydrate ofcarvol, 2C'H 14 O.H 2 S, crystallises from solution in alcohol in long needles having the lustre of satin; they are fusible, and when cautiously heated, sublime almost unaltered (Varrentrapp). Sulphydrate of sulphocarvol, 2C 10 H 14 S.H 2 S, is produced by passing sulphuretted hydrogen for a long time through alcohol in which the preceding compound is suspended. It then separates as a thick oil, which dissolves in ether, and is deposited therefrom in white flocks. The ethereal solution precipitates chloride of mercury and dichloride of platinum ; but the precipi- tates have not a constant composition. (Varrentrapp.) Carvacrol, a substance isomeric with carvol, is obtained by treating oil of caraway with potash, or again by treating the same oil with iodine, cohobating several times, and washing the product with potash ; as thus obtained, however, it is mixed with carvene. Carvacrol is also found among the products of the action of iodine on camphor (p. 729), C?"*H I6 + 21 = 2HI + C'H 14 0. Carvacrol when pure is a colour- less viscid oil lighter than water, and soluble in water to a small amount. It has an unpleasant odour, and an acrid very persistent taste. Boils at 232 C., giving off vapours which irritate the organs of respiration. It burns with a bright very smoky flame. CARVOPH-7X.X.XC ACID. Syn. with EUGENIC ACID. CARirOPHYXiXiX>T. C 10 H 16 0. This substance, isomeric with common camphor, is contained in considerable quantity in cloves, the dried flower-buds of the clove-tree, Caryophyllus aromaticus, which is indigenous in New Guinea and the Moluccas, and cultivated in Sumatra, in the isles of Mauritius and Bourl ion, and in Brazil. It may be extracted by treating cloves with cold alcohol ; the liquid in about fifteen days be- comes covered with crystals, which may be purified with solution of soda. The cloves may also be exhausted with ether, and the caryophyllin separated by agitating the ethereal solution with water. Crude oil of cloves also deposits caryophyllin on standing. Caryophyllin forms silky colourless needles arranged in radiating groups, destitute of taste and smell. It melts with difficulty and with partial decomposition (Dumas); sublimes at about 2 : 5 C. (Muspratt). It dissolves sparingly in cold alcohol, easily in boiling alcohol and in ether ; also in hot caustic alkalis. Strong sulphuric acid dis- solves it in the cold without blackening, but the liquid blackens when heated. Nitric acid converts it into a resinous substance. (Gerh. iv. 278.) CASCAXiHO. The alluvial soil, consisting of ferruginous sand and clay, in which Brazil diamonds are found. CASCARXX.X.A BARK. The bark of cascarilla, Croton cleutheria and Cr. cascarilla, shrubs indigenous in the West Indies. It contains albumin, tannin, a red colouring matter, a fatty substance, an essential oil having an agreeable odour, wax, resin, a gummy substance, starch, pectic acid, wood, fibre, and cascarillin, together with a calcium-salt and chloride of potassium. It possesses tonic and aromatic pro- perties. CASCARXXiXiA, OXXi OP. Cascarilla bark contains a volatile aromatic oil, amounting to 0'37 per cent. (Bley), 0*87 (Trommsdorf). It is dark yellow, some- times with a bluish tinge ; of specific gravity 0-9090 938 ; boils at 180 C. or higher (Trommsdorf). According to Volckel, the first distillate is colourless, of specific gravity 0'862, and boils at 173 C. (Gm. xiv. 363.) CASCARXXiXfXN is obtained by treating the aqueous extract of cascarilla bark with acetate of lead, filtering, and precipitating the excess of lead with sulphuretted hy- drogen. The liquid evaporated at a gentle heat deposits an amorphous mass, from which, after washing with cold alcohol, the cascarillin may be extracted by boiling alcohol. It is purified by recrystallising several times, after decolorising with animal charcoal. It crystallises in needles or in hexagonal plates, which are colourless, bitter, fusible, decomposible by heat, sparingly soluble in water, more soluble in alcohol, ether, hydro- chloric acid, and sulphuric acid. The aqueous solution is not precipitated by alkalis, tannin, acetate, or subacetate of lead. (Duval, J. Pharm. [3] viii. 91.) CASE -HARDENING. Steel when hardened is brittle, and iron alone is not capable of receiving the hardness which steel may be brought to possess. There is, never- theless, a variety of articles in which it is desirable to obtain all the hardness of steel 810 CASEIN. together with the toughness of iron. These requisites are united by the art of case- hardening, which does not differ from the making of steel, except in the shorter dura- tion of the process. Tools, utensils, or ornaments intended to be polished, are first manufactured in iron and nearly finished, then put into an iron box, together with vegetable or animal charcoal in powder, and cemented for a certain time. This treatment converts the external part into a coating of steel, which is usually very thin, because the time allowed for the cementation is much shorter than when the whole is intended to be made into steel. Immersion of the heated pieces in water hardens the surface, which is afterwards polished by the usual methods. Moxon (Mechanic Exercises, p. 56) gives the following receipt : Cow's horn or hoof is to be baked or thoroughly dried, and pulverised. To this add an equal quantity of bay salt : mix them with stale chamber ley, or white wine vinegar : cover the iron with this mixture, and bed it in the same in loam, or enclose it in an iron box : lay it then on the hearth of the forge to dry and harden : then put it into the fire, and blow till the lump have a blood-red heat, and no higher, lest the mixture be burnt too much. Take the iron out, aud immerse it in water to harden. The same end is now more effectually attained by heating the tool red-hot, and sprinkling over it ferrocyanide of potassium (yellow prussiate) in fine powder, then quenching it in water. Some prefer smearing the surface of the bright iron with loam made into a thin paste, with solution of the yellow prussiate, drying it slowly, then heating it nearly to whiteness, and plunging it into cold water, when the heat has fallen to dull redness. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i 630.) U. CASEIN constitutes the chief part of the nitrogenised matter contained in the milk of mammiferous animals. It takes its name from caseus, the Latin name of cheese, which is principally composed of casein mixed with fatty matters (butter) and decomposition products of casein (carbonate of ammonium and ammoniacal salts of acetic, butyric, valeric acids, &c.). Preparation. According to the views of Berzelius, Braconnot, and others, two modi- fications of casein are supposed to exist, the one soluble in water, the other coagulated and insoluble in water. Soluble casein has, however, never been prepared free from alkali, and is most probably identical with albuminate of potassium or sodium (Lehmann). Insoluble casein has nearly the same properties and composition as in- soluble albumin. Soluble casein may be prepared as follows : Fresh milk, from which the cream has been removed, is evaporated at a gentle heat, a portion of the casein becoming coagu- lated, while the rest remains dissolved. The residue is exhausted with ether, in order to extract fatty substances, and treated with water, which dissolves casein and lactin (sugar of milk) ; a little alcohol is next added to the aqueous solution, whereby most of the lactin is precipitated, the precipitate is washed with weak alcohol, and a solution of casein is obtained which always contains lactin and alkali. (Grerh. iv. 484.) Insoluble cast in may be obtained by simply heating creamed milk near to the boiling point, coagulating the liquid with a few drops of acetic acid, completely exhausting the coagulum with water, treating with alcohol and ether, drying and powdering the residue, and repeatedly digesting it with ether (Dumas and Cahours). Perhaps the best method is that of Bopp (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixix. 16). Milk is coagulated with hydrochloric acid, the coagulum washed, first with distilled water, and then with water containing 2 or 3 per cent, hydrochloric acid, and finally with cold distilled water. A jelly is thus obtained, dissolving at 40 C. in a large quantity of water. This solution is filtered and carbonate of ammonium cautiously added, and the precipitate is well washed and exhausted with ether-alcohol. Whatever acid be employed in the co- agulation, the casein, when treated in the manner described, never contains any trace of acid, and has always the same composition. (Grerh. loc. cit.) Chemical Properties. Soluble casein, when prepared in the manner described, leaves, after evaporation, an amorphous residue, inodorous, but having a sickly taste. It does not redissolve completely in water ; nor does the solution coagulate by heat, but merely becomes covered with a film, which forms again as often as it is removed. Soluble casein is coagulated by alcohol, a portion at the same time entering into solu- tion ; a larger quantity is dissolved by boiling alcohol. The coagulum produced by ab- solute alcohol is completely insoluble in water. Solution of casein is precipitated by all acids (except carbonic acid) ; the precipitates redissolve in an excess of acid, and the solutions become covered with a film when evaporated in an open vessel. Mineral acids precipitate casein from its acetic acid solution. After the coagula thus obtained have been well washed with water, they still redden litmus, although they do not impart an acid reaction to water, even on boiling. The spontaneous conciliation of milk is due to the formation of lactic acid (produced by the fermentation of lactin) the CASEIN 811 acid neutralising the alkali in which the casein was dissolved, and thus rendering the casein insoluble. Soluble casein always contains a large amount of mineral matter (when coagulated by alcohol, 8 to 10 per cent.). Casein coagulated by an acid yields from 1 to 5 per cent, ash, and the ash is never alkaline (Scherer). Casein contains phosphate of calcium us a constituent part. Mulder (Arch. f. 1828, p. 155) found in casein 6 per cent, phosphate of calcium, which is precipitated on coagulating any caseous liquid with an acid, although enough free acid be added to dissolve any uncombined phosphate of calcium. When moist casein is exposed to the air, it soon begins to putrefy, yielding sulphide and carbonate of ammonium, a neutral oily body, having a disagreeable smell, together with butyric and valeric acids ; at the same time the undecomposed casein dissolves in the ammonia formed (Iljenko, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixiii. 264). According to Bopp, a crystalline body possessing a most powerful odour, is formed under the same circumstances. When casein putrefies out of contact with the air, it yields acetic, butyric, valeric, and capric acids, as well as ammonia. The following are the results of the analysis of coagulated casein, deducting ash : Seherer. By alcohol. , 537 . 7-2 15-6 By the turning of milk. 54-0 7-2 15-7 By acetic acid. 53-8 7-4 157 Rochleder. By sulphuric acid. 53-8 7-1 Walther. Verdeil. 1-0 0-9 Dumas and Cahours.* from cow's nvlk by acetic acid. From goat's milk, by acetic acid. From asses' milk, by acetic arid. From sheep's milk, by acetic acid. From human milk, by alcohol. From Mocd by weak boil- ing alcohol f . 53-5 53-6 537 53-5 53-5 63-8 . 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 . 15-8 15-8 16-0 15-8 15-8 15-9 Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen . Sulphur . Oxygen . (Gerh. iv. 487.) These numbers agree very closely with those obtained by the same chemists in the analysis of albumin, except that casein appears to contain less sulphur than albumin (2-16, Verdeil). Casein does not appear to contain any phosphorus, except in the form of phosphate of calcium. Coagulated casein is readily soluble in caustic potash ; after boiling, the solution contains sulphide of potassium. When casein is fused with caustic potash, ammonia is first evolved, then hydrogen ; the mass, at first dark brown, gradually clears and becomes yellow ; it is then completely soluble in water, and contains tyrosin, leucin, valerate (sometimes butyrate), and oxalate of potassium, as well as the potassium-salt of a volatile acid having an excrementitious odour (Li ebig). If a very weak solution of alkali is saturated with casein, the alkaline reaction completely disappears ; the so- lution thus obtained is precipitated by all acids except carbonic. Casein dissolves in a solution of phosphate of sodium, and neutralises it at the same time. It also dis- solves largely in solutions of the alkaline carbonates, of common salt, chloride of am- monium, nitrate of potassium, &c. These solutions do not coagulate by heat, but become gradually covered with a film which is insoluble in dilute alkalis and acids. The same film is formed when milk is heated. The solutions of casein are precipitated by all earthy and metallic salts. The pre- cipitates with chloride, sulphate, and acetate of calcium and sulphate of magnesium, are thrown down only on heating the liquid. Compounds insoluble in water and hardening on exposure to the air, are obtained by heating casein with carbonate of calcium or of barium. The compound of casein and lime, prepared from clotted milk, is imputrescible, and is employed in distemper painting. (Orerhardt, loc. cit.} If well washed casein, while still moist, be digested with water containing O'OOOS per cent, hydrochloric acid, it dissolves completely. The liquid, filtered from a trace of fat, deflects the rays of polarised light to the left, and has all the characteristics of a solu- tion of albumin. (Bouchardat.) * The ashes varind between 1*5 and 5'4 per cent, t See " Physiological Sources of Casein." (p. 812 ) The substance was dried 150 C. 812 CASEIN. Ozone acts energetically upon casein, the casein being apparently first converted into a substance resembling albumin, which is again destroyed on prolonging the action of the ozone (G-orup-Besanez, Jahresb. d. Chem. 1858, p. 63). 0. Maschke says that he obtained by this reaction a crystallised compound of casein with a new acid (ibid. p. 543). Concentrated hydrochloric acid turns casein blue or violet, forming the same products of decomposition as with albumin. Tannin, from gall-nuts, precipitates the most dilute alkaline solutions of casein. Mercuric chloride yields with soluble casein a bulky white precipitate, soluble in acetic acid and in excess of alcohol : the precipitate does not contain chlorine, and is probably identical with albuminate of mercury (Eisner). Soluble casein is also precipitated by acetate and subacctate of lead, by alum, mercurous nitrate, and sulphate of copper. The acetic acid solution of casein is moreover precipitated by ferrocyanide, chromate, and iodate of potassium. Casein yields the same products as albumin with sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium or peroxide of manganese (Guckelberger). When chlorine is passed through ammoniacal solution of casein, a product is likewise obtained analogous to that produced in the same way from albumin. The coagulation of milk by rennet (the mucous membrane of the fourth stomach of young calves), is supposed by Liebig to result from the animal matter acting as a fer- ment, and transforming the lactin of the milk into lactic acid ; since milk coagulated by rennet at a temperature of 40 C. always has an acid reaction. It appears, how- ever, that milk may be coagulated by rennet, even when rendered alkaline by the addition of small quantities of carbonate of soda, so that after coagulation the liquid still remains alkaline : it is only necessary to operate at a higher temperature (between 50 and 60 C.) (Grerh. iv. 490.) Sources and physiological nature of Casein. When morbid bile is evaporated, a film of coagulated mucus and of a caseous substance is formed (Frerichs, Hann. Ann. v. pp. 1 and 2). Moleschott (Physiologie des Stoffwechsels, Erlangen, 1S51. p. 366, &e.) found casein in the fluid filling the interstices of cellular tissue-, also in the interstitial fluid of the neck-band. M. S. Schultze found casein in the liquid impregnating the middle lining of the arteries: in 100 pts. of the dried fibrous lining membrane of the wrta thoracica, out of 17'4 23'1 pts. soluble constituents, 7'24 pts. casein ; and in the middle lining of the carotid, which contains more contractile fibrous cells than the aorta, in 39 per cent, soluble pts. 21 pts. of casein were found. The juice of flesh appears to contain casein ; at least this substance has been found in the liquid pressed from flesh It is not certain that blood contains casein. Dumas and Cahours have extracted from the coagulum of blood, a substance which has the same composition as casein (see analysis of casein), but is soluble in warm alcohol (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] vi. 415). Fre- richs almost always observed in the soluble constituents of the contents of the small in- testine, albuminous compounds sometimes having the properties of albumin, sometimes of casein. A substance resembling casein is extracted by boiling alcohol from the contents of the small intestine of the human fetus, from the fifth to the sixth month (L e hm a n n). The presence of casein in the chyle is exceedingly improbable. (L e h in. ) When yoke of egg is treated with ether and water, a coagulum collects under the yellow stratum of ether. If, after removing the ether, the coagulum be filtered off and washed until the wash- water becomes only opaline by heat, a substance remains on the filter identical with casein prepared by Kochleder's or Bopp's method (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xiv. 253 6 ; Bopp, ibid. Ixix. 16 37), only that it contains a little albumin poor in salts; the albumin was precipitated by diluting the yoke solution with water (Gmelin, Handbuch, viii. 2, 282). Casein has been said to exist in urina chyJosa. Eeveil says that the urine of a child twenty-two weeks old, collected in his presence, con- contained all the constituents of milk. Lehmann and Chevalier were unable to confirm this statement. Lehmann does not deny that albuminoi'dal substances may pass into the urine, but with their properties so changed as not to agree with those of any known albuminoidal compound. Coagulable albuminate is sometimes found in the discharge of serous skin. Casein is not contained in normal pus, nor has it been detected with certainty in abnormal pus. The casein of human milk is stated by Simon to be yellowish-white and very friable ; it absorbed moisture from the air, and was but incompletely precipitated by alum or by acetic acid, from its aqueous solution. Casein from cow's milk is less soluble in water, and becomes viscid and horny on drying. Canine milk gives a casein which does not become viscid and horny when dried, and is less soluble in water. The following are the percentages of casein in milk from various sources. (Gfmelin, Handb. viii. [2] 254, 5.) CASEIN CASSIA. 813 HUMAN. 3-37 (Clemm). 27 3-1 (Haidlen). *3924 (Vernois and Becquerel). Cow. 3-0-3-4 (Boussingault) 4- Hi average (Playfair). 5'52 (Vernois and Bec- querel). BITCH. 14-6 (Simon). 9 7313-6 (Dumas). 11-69 (Vernois and Bec- querel). Ass. l-95(Peligot). 1-70 Gubler and Que- venne). 3-57 (Vernois and Bec- querel). GOAT. 4VS2 (Paven). G-03 (Clemm). 5-51 (Vernois and Bec- querel). Sow. 8-45 (H. Scherer). 7-36 do. Essex sow. SHEEP. 15-3 (Stipri;ian,Luiscius, and Bondt). G-98 ( V r ernois and Bec- querel). MARE. 16-2 (Luiscius and Bondt }. 3'24 (Vernois and Bee nuerel). The soluble casein of milk is rapidly coagulated by the gastric juice, and then gra- dually digested. Milk is the most indigestible of albuminous bodies. A dog digests 100 grammes of cheese in 3 3'5 hours ; boiled casein in 7 hours. E. v. Schroder re- marked that in the human stomach, 2 - 5 hours after fresh milk had been taken, casein still remained in the form of amorphous or filmy transparent lumps; and even after the lapse of 3| hours, undissolved milk globules, adhering to small coagula of casein, were almost always found, although the greater part of the milk seemed to have passed from the stomach. Cheeses which are hard, fat, and poor in salts, are more difficult of digestion than loosely coagulated, moist, and fresh cheeses (Grmelin, Handb. iv. [2] 616). The digestibility of casein naturally depends upon its state of aggregation ; the casein of human milk, which coagulates with great difficulty, is more readily digested than that of cow's milk, which is more viscid. C. E. L. CASEIN 1 , VEGETABLE. See LEGUMIN. CASSAVA. Mousacke, Cassave, Cassava Bread, is a kind of starch, obtained from the root of the maniock (Jatropha manihot, L.) in the West Indies, where this plant is indigenous. The root is grated to a pulp, which is strongly squeezed in bags by a press. The juice contains nearly one-half per cent, of an exceedingly poisonous matter, volatile, and therefore entirely dissipated by the heat on iron plates, to which the pressed and crumbled pulp is exposed. Of that poison, as obtained by distillation, 35 drops served to kill, with horrible convulsions, in six minutes, a negro who had been convicted of murder by poison. Cassava may be freed from woody particles by solu- tion, filtration, and evaporation. If in this state it is exposed to heat on an iron plate, it concretes into mammellated small lumps, called tapioca, an agreeable food, which is often imitated by means of potato-starch. Cassava flour may be distinguished, by the microscope, from arrow-root, potato- starch, and wheat-starch, by the shape of its particles, which are spherules of j^_ o f an inch in diameter, while those of the second and third farina are ellipsoids, varying in size ; and those of the fourth are spherules, clustered more or less together. U. CASSEXi YELLOW. See LEAD, OXYCHLORIDE OF. CASSIA CARYOPHYIiLATA. The bark of DicypJiellium caryophyllatum (Nees\ a lauraceous tree growing in Brazil. It has an agreeable taste of cloves, an aromatic odour, and contains, according to Trommsdorff, 19 per cent, resin, 8'0 tannin, 10 gum and phosphate of calcium, and 59 woody fibre. It also yields an aromatic volatile oil containing eugenic acid. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 820.) CASSIA. CIOTN'AftlON'EA, Cinnamon Cassia, Chinese Cassia bark, is the bass or inner bark of Cinnamonum aromaticum, a lauraceous tree indigenous in China, and cultivated in Java. It has a burning taste and aromatic odour, and contains, ac- cording to Bucholz, 4-0 per cent, soft resin, 14'6 extractive matter, 64-3 woody fibre, and bassorin; volatile oil, &c. According to Mulder, it also contains tannic acid (Hand wort.) By distillation with salt water, it yields oil of cassia, an oil mainly consisting of cinnamic aldehyde, and nearly identical with the oil obtained from Ceylon cinnamon. CASSIA FISTULA. The fruit of Bactyrilobium fistula, a leguminous plant growing in India and in the interior of Africa. According to Vauquelin, it contains 14-8 per cent, sugar, and 1*5 gum, together with pectin, gluten, &c. ; according to Caventou, it contains cassiin. The legume is divided into a number of transverse cells, filled with a sweet, slight acid pulp, 100 pts. of which contain, according to Henry : Sugar. Gum. Tanniu. Yellow colouring Water. matter and mucus. West Indian . 69'2 2'6 3'9 1'3 23-2 African . . 81-0 67 13'2 19'0 CASSIA BUDS. The undeveloped flowers of Cinnamonum Louresii (Nees) t By distillation with salt water, they yield oil of cassia. (Handw.) * Casein and extractive matter: average of 89 persons (1 932 7 092). 814 CASSIIN CASTOREUM. CASSxXXT. A bitter principle obtained from Cassia fistula. It is soluble in water and in alcohol, and is precipitated therefrom by sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid. (Caventou, J. Pharm. xiii. 340.) C ASSITE31ITE. Native oxide of tin. (See TIN.) CASSITEROTAWTALITE. Tantalite from Broddbo in Finland, containing oxide of tin. (See TANTALITE.) C/LSSrCTS, PURPLE OP. A purple compound of the oxides of gold and tin. (See GOLD.) CASSOWIC ACID. A syrupy uncrystallisable acid, .obtained, together with oxalic and saccharic acid, by oxidising cane-sugar with nitric acid. It forms a specu- lum with nitrate of silver. The barium-salt appears to contain C 5 H 6 Ba 2 7 . (Siewert, Institut. xxi. 78.) CASTE1TJAUDITE. A mineral from the diamond sands of Bahia in Brazil It consists mainly of hydrated phosphate of yttrium, and occurs in imperfect crystals or irregular grains, probably trimetric, of greyish- white or pale yellow colour, unctuous adamantine lustre, harder than fluorspar, but scratched by a steel point. (Dam our, Institut. 1853, p. 78.) C ASTXX.XiO1T A Eli ASTZC A. A Mexican scrophulariaceous plant, which yields caoutchouc. C ASTINE. A crystalline basic substance, obtained from the seed of Vitex Agnus castus, L. It is bitter, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and acids ; forms a crystalline hydrochlorate. (Landerer, Buchner's Eepert. liv. 90.) CASTOR. A variety of PETALITE (q. V.) CASTOREUM. BibergeiL A substance found in a pair of small sacs situated in the genital organs of the beaver (Castor Fiber and Castor amcriclnus). There are three sorts of it, Russian, Bavarian, and American or Canadian. Of these, the Eussian is most valued, though the Bavarian is considered nearly equal to it. Castoreum when fresh, is soft and unctuous, but becomes hard and firm when dry ; it has a black or brownish-black colour, and is somewhat shining. It has a peculiar pungent odour, and a bitterish spicy taste, which irritates the throat ; it is used in medicine as an antispasmodic. According to Brandes, Eussian and Canadian castoreum differ considerably in com- position, as shown by the following table : Volatile oil I'OO 2'00 Castoreum resin 13-85 58-60 Cholesterin 1-20 Castorin 0-33 2-50 Albumin . 0-05 1-60 Glutinous substance . 2'30 2'00 0-20 2-40 0-82 0-80 1-44 1-40 33-60 2-60 Extract soluble in water and alcohol ". Carbonate of ammonium Phosphate of calcium .... Carbonate of calcium .... Sulphates of potassium, calcium, and mag- nesium 0-20 Gelatinous substance extracted by potash . 2 '30 8-40 Gelatinous substance, extractable by potash, soluble in alcohol 160 Membranes, skin, &c, 20'03 3'30 Water and loss 22-83 11*70 98-95 100-10 Wohler by distilling Canadian castoreum with water, obtained phenic acid, together with benzoic acid and salicin ; he suspected also the presence of ellagic and salicylic acid. Lehmann found bile in fresh castoretim, by Pettenkofer's test; also alkaline sebates and urates, and an albuminoi'dal substance. Laugier, Brandes, Batka, and Eiegel, found benzoic acid. Leh-mann found, as the mineral constituents of castoreum, a small quantity of chloride of sodium, sal-ammoniac, and other soluble salts, also phosphate of sodium and ammonium, and an abundance of phosphate of calcium and phosphate of magnesium. A substance resembling castoreum is likewise secreted by the prepuce (Praputium penis and ditoridis) of man and of the horse. Lehmann gives the following table of the con i position of : A. Fresh German castoreum ; B. Smoked Eussian ; C.Canadian; D. Srncyma pr&putii of the horse ; E. of man : CASTORIN CATAPLEIITE. 815 A. B. C. D. E. Ethereal extract ... 7'4 2-5 8-2 49'9 62-8 Alcoholic extract . . . 677 64-3 41-3 9-6 7'5 Water extract ... 2'6 1-9 4-8 5-4 6'1 Acetic acid extract . . 14-2 18-5 21-4 5-4 97 consisting of carbonate of calcium and al- buminoi'dal substance . 2-4 3'4 5'8 2-8 5'6 Portions of skin . . . 57 9-4 18'4 26-8 18-5 100-0 100-0 99-9 99-9 100-2 The ethereal extracts contained saponifiable fats, cholesterin, and castorin, and a fat which became very finely divided in water. Castor -eum resin is obtained by evaporating the mother-liquor of castorin (vid. inf.) to dryness, exhausting the residue with water, then dissolving in alcohol, and eva- porating. It is black-brown, shining, brittle, nearly insoluble in ether, soluble in aqueous alkalis, and precipitated therefrom by acids. Castoreum-oi/, obtained by distilling castoreum with water, is pale yellow, viscid, sparingly soluble in water, easily in alcohol, and has a sharp bitter taste. Russian castoreum yields 2 per cent, of this oil ; Canadian 1 per cent. (Handw. d. Chem. 2* Aufl ii. [2] 1034.) CASTORIN. A fatty substance obtained from castoreum. A solution of castoreum in 6 pts. of alcohol saturated while warm, yields on cooling a deposit of ordinary fat, and the mother-liquor deposits crystals of castorin by slow evaporation. This sub- stance, when purified by repeated crystallisation, forms delicate, transparent, four-sided needles, having a faint taste and smell of castoreum. It melts in boiling water, and solidifies on cooling to a hard translucent, pulverisable mass. It is but sparingly soluble in cold alcohol; ether dissolves it readily ; volatile oils only when warm. It appears to volatilise with vapour of water. It dissolves without alteration in boiling dilute sulphuric acid, in strong acetic acid, in caustic alkalis. According to Brandes, it forms a peculiar compound with nitric acid. (Gerh. iv. 280.) CASTOR OSXi. This oil, much used in medicine as a purgative, is extracted from 'the seed of Eicinus communis, a euphorbiaceous plant cultivated in the West Indies and other warm climates. It is viscid, yellowish, odourless, and has a faint taste, which becomes acrid when the oil is rancid. It solidifies at 18 C. Specific gravity 0-969 at 12 C. It is distinguished from other oils by its easy solubility in alcohol and ether. It is a mixture of several glycerides. When saponified by an alkali, it yields a soap perfectly soluble in water, and from which mineral acids sepa- rate a mixture of acids, oily at common temperatures, and consisting mainly of ricino- leic acid, C 19 H 36 3 . When this oily mixture is dissolved in a third of its volume of alcohol, and the solution is cooled to 15 or 12 C., it deposits a small quantity of nacreous scales, apparently consisting of stearic and palmitic acids. Castor-oil gives by analysis : Saussure. Ure. Lefort. Carbon . . . 74-18 74-00 74-58 74-35 Hydrogen . . 11-03 10-29 11-48 11-35 Oxygen . . . 1479 15-71 13-94 14-30 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 Ammonia converts castor-oil into ricinolamide, N.H 2 .C 19 H 35 2 . When castor oil is distilled with potash, sebate of potassium remains in the retort, and an oily liquid passes over, consisting of caprylic or rcnanthylic alcohol, and methyl-cenanthyl (see ALCOHOLS, p. 98). Castor-oil treated with a mixture of sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium, yields cenanthylic acid and hydride of valeryl. Nitric acid attacks it with violence, and converts it into cenanthylic acid. Peroxide of nitrogen causes it to solidify. Castor-oil dissolved in absolute alcohol, and exposed to the action of gaseous hydrochloric acid, is converted into glycerin, and contains ethyl-compounds formed by the fatty acids previously in combination with the glycerin. Castor-oil subjected to dry distillation, yields hydride of cenanthyl and cenanthylic acid, together with small quantities of acrolein and solid fatty acids. (Gerh. ii. 903.) CATALYSIS, or Contact action. Terms applied by Berzelius and Mitscherlich to those cases of chemical action in which a substance appears to induce decomposition in another body, without itself undergoing perceptible alteration, or at all events with- out entering into combination with either of the elements of that compound. (See CONTACT ACTION.) CATAPIiEZZTE. A silicate containing zirconium, from the island Lamo, near 816 CATAWB ARITE CATECHU. Brevig, Norway, together with zircon, leueophane, mosandrite, and tritomite. Ira- perfect prismatic crystals, with perfect basal cleavage. Specific gravity 2'8. Hardness near 6. Opaque, with light yellowish-brown colour, and little lustre. Melts easily to a white enamel before the blowpipe on platinum; gives a colourless glass with borax; blue with cobalt-solution. Dissolves easily in hydrochloric acid without gelatinising. Mean of analyses : SiO 2 Zr 4 3 A1 4 8 Na 2 Ca 2 Fe 2 H 2 46-67 29-57 0'92 10-45 4-13 0'56 8'96 = 101-26 agreeing nearly with the formula 3(M 2 O.Si0 2 ) + 2(Zr 4 3 .3Si0 2 ) + 2 aq., which if zir- conia be regarded as a protoxide (zr = |Zr), may be reduced to that of a metasilicate (M'^r 4 )Si 3 9 + aq. (Weibye and Sjogren, Pogg. Ann. Ixxix. 299 ; Dana, ii. 308.) CATAWBARXTXi. A name given by Lieber (Sill. Am. J. xxviii. 148), to a rock which accompanies itacolumite, and appears to stand, as a magnesium rock or slate, between itacolumite and itabirite. CATECHU, formerly called also Terra japonica, is an extract rich in tannin, obtained by boiling in water the parts of several plants growing in India, and is dis- tinguished into three sorts in commerce. 1. Bombay Catechu, from the Areca catechu, is prepared by boiling the fruit of the areea palm in water, the first portions of the decoction being the strongest, and affording the quality called Cassu, the latter portions, the weaker sort called Coury. The best occurs in dense irregular lumps of a a dark brown colour. It is opaque, with an even, slightly unctuous, shining fracture. Another variety called catechu verum has a somewhat reddish-brown colour, a fatty lustre, a splintery conchoi'dal fracture, and is translucent on the edges. Bombay catechu is almost entirely soluble in boiling water, yielding a dark brown liquor, very rich in tannic acid, and affording copious precipitates with solution of glue and with sulphuric acid. 2. Bengal Catechu, is obtained from the Acacia (Mimosa) Catechu, by boiling the twigs and unripe pods in water. It has a lower specific gravity, is of a pale brown colour, with a yellowish cast. It is opaque, with a glimmering lustre on the frac- tured surface only, and traversed by dark brown shining stripes. When treated with cold water, it leaves a large residuum, but boiling by water it is mostly taken up ; the solution contains less tannin, but more catechin, than the Bombay sort. 3. The third kind, called Gambir Catechu, is referred to the Nanclca (Uncarid) Gambir, from which also kino is obtained. It occurs in cubical pieces of 1 to li inches, opaque, and of a brown yellow or bright yellow colour. Their fracture is even and dull. It is little soluble in cold water, but almost completely in boiling water, the solution affording copious precipitates with glue and sulphuric acid. 4. A fourth kind called Egyptian or Nubian Catechu, is said byLanderer to be obtained by the collectors of gum by boiling the fruits of gummiferous acacias, and to be exposed for sale in the bazaars of Smyrna, and at Constantinople. It is for the most part soluble in water, but differs from the other varieties in many respects. All kinds of catechu dissolve in great measure in alcohol ; and soften with heat. The specific gravity of good Bombay catechu is 1-39 ; of Bengal catechu 1-28 ; and of the Gambir variety, 1-40. Catechu is used as an astringent in medicine, and for tan- ning leather, either alone or mixed with oak bark. The comparative value of catechu for tanning may be measured by the proportion of gelatin which is required to precipi- tate all its tannin. Catechu is also used in dyeing, especially for silk and wool. When treated with nitric acid at 45 C., it yields a bright yellow powder, possessing all the properties of picric acid, but much more soluble in water. Silk and wool may be easily dyed in the aqueous solution. Catechu has lately been much used to prevent the formation of boiler incrustations, or to remove them when formed ; the quantity required is such as will slightly colour the water. (Newton, Rep. of Patent Inventions, 1858; Dingl. pol. J. cxlviii. 315.) Catechu is mainly composed of two principles, catechin and catechutannic acid, together with a brown colouring matter. CATECHIN, Catechucic acid, or Tanningenic acid, is obtained from Bengal catechu, by digesting it for 24 hours in cold water to extract the tannin, and then boiling the residue several times with water. The yellow catechucic acid which deposits itself during the cooling is to be collected upon a filter, washed repeatedly with cold water, and finally dissolved in six times its weight of water with purified bone-black to decolorise it. White catechucic acid separates from the hot filtered solution as it cools. It is now to be washed on a filter with cold water, quickly dried on bibulous paper, and more completely under the receiver of the air-pump. Other processes, but less simple, have been prescribed, Pure catechin is a white powder composed of very small silky needles. It dissolves in 1133 pts. of water at 17C., forming a colourless tasteless solution, which has no CATHA EDULIS CATHODE. 817 effect on the colour of litmus ; it dissolves in 3 pts. of boiling water (forming a solution said to have an acid reaction), in 5 or 6 pts, of cold alcohol, 2 or 3 pts. boiling alcohol 120 pts. of cold ether and 7 to 8 pts. boiling ether. According to Zwenger's analysis it contains 61*3 per cent, carbon and4'8 hydrogen, whence Zwenger deduces the formula C 20 H 18 3 . Catechin melts at 217 (Zwenger), and solidifies to a translucent, amorphous, brittle mass. After drying at 100 C. it gives off 4 -4 per cent water when melted. When heated above its melting point, it turns brown, and intumesces, giving off water and carbonic acid. By dry distillation it yields an empyreumatic oil and an acid watery liquid, which yields by evaporation crystals of pyrocatechin or oxyphenic acid (q, v.) Dilute mineral acids dissolve catechin without altering it ; strong acids decompose it ; with strong sulphuric acid it forms a deep purple liquid. Catechin does not form definite compounds with bases. It absorbs ammonia, but gives it up again in vacuo. The fixed alkalis colour it yellow, brown, and black. It does not decompose alkaline carbonates, or precipitate the solutions of hydrate or acetate of calcium or barium. It forms a white precipitate with acetate and subacetate of lead; dark green with ferric chloride; greenish-black or violet with ferroso-ferric sulphate ; brown or black with sulphate of copper; brown or black with salts of silver, gold, and platinum, the metals being reduced. These decompositions often take place after a time only, or on heating the liquid, and are always accompanied by decompo- sition of the catechin. Solutions of gelatin, starch, tartar-emetic, and salts of quinine or morphine, are not precipitated by catechin. (Gerh. ii. 882). CATECHTJ-TANNIC ACID. Cachoutannic acid. Tannin of Catechu. To ob- tain this acid, the aqueous infusion of catechu is heated with dilute sulphuric acid, and after the liquid has been clarified from the colouring matter, &c., thereby thrown down, strong sulphuric acid is added as long as a precipitate continues to form. This precipitate is washed on a filter with dilute sulphuric acid, pressed between paper, and dissolved in pure water, the solution digested with carbonate of lead, the solid matter thrown on a filter, and the filtrate evaporated in vacuo. The product thus obtained is purified by re-solution in ether containing alcohol. Another mode of preparation is to exhaust powdered catechu with ether in a displacement-apparatus and evaporate the ethereal solution. A yellowish porous mass then remains resembling gallotannic acid. Cachoutannic acid has a purely astringent taste, and resembles gallotanic acid in many of its properties, but is distinguished therefrom by not precipitating tartar- emetic, and by forming a greyish-green precipitate with ferric salts. It does not precipitate ferrous salts. It is soluble in water, alcohol, or ether, insoluble in oils both fixed and volatile ; its solutions are precipitated by gelatin. It is but slightly soluble in water acidulated with sulphuric acid, though more so than gallotannic acid. According to Pelouze, catechutannic acid contains C 18 H 18 8 . Catechutannic acid softens when heated, and yields by distillation a yellow empy- reumatic oil, together with a watery liquid which gives a greenish-grey precipitate with ferric salts, and is coloured brown by alkalis. The solution of catechu-tannic acid alters quickly by exposure to the air, becoming red, and leaving on evaporation a substance which no longer re-dissolves completely iu water. According to Delffs, catechin is one of the products of the decomposition. The salts of catechutanuic acid are too unstable to be prepared in the pure state. The potassium-salt is very soluble, and precipitates gelatin after addition of an acid. The catechutannates of the earth-metals and heavy metals form sparingly soluble pre- cipitates. CATHA EDULIS. The leaves of this plant, called Kal by the Arabs, are brought from the interior to Aden ; they are said to produce sleeplessness and an agreeable state of excitement. C ATH ARTXXfiT. The purgative principle of senna (the leaves and fruits of several shrubs of the genus Cassia, order Leguminosa). It is prepared by evaporating the alcoholic extract of senna, redissolving in water, precipitating with acetate of lead, separating the excess of lead from the solution by sulphuretted hydrogen, and evapo- rating the filtrate. It is a brownish yellow, uncrystallisable, diaphanous mass, soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether ; its taste is bitter and disgusting. By dry distillation it yields products free from nitrogen. Alkalis turn it brown ; with sub- acetate of lead and tincture of galls, it forms yellow precipitates (Lassaigne and Feneuille, Ann.Ch.Phys. [2]xvi. 18). Winckler ( 223) applies the term cathartin to a bitter substance contained in the berries of the buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus). (See RHAMNO-CATHARTIN.) CATHODE, or Kathode. Faraday's term for the negative pole or electrode in the voltaic circuit, the elements there eliminated being called cations, or Jcations. (See AKION, p. 296.) VOL. I. 3 G 818 C ATLINITE CELLULOSE. CATI.INTITE. A reddish clay stone from the Coteau de Prairies, west of the Mississippi. (Jackson, SilL Am. J. xxxv. 388.) CAT'S EYE. A translucent quartz of beautiful appearance brought from Ceylon. Its colours are green, grey, brown, and red of various shades. Fracture imperfectly conchoi'dal. Translucent, with vitreous internal lustre. It derives its name from a peculiar play of light (chatoyant), arising from fibres interspersed. It scratches quartz, is easily broken, and resists the blowpipe. Specific gravity 2-64. Contains, according to Klaproth, 95 per cent, silica, 175 alumina, 1-5 lime, and 0'25 oxide of iron. It is valued for setting as a precious stone. U. CAUIiOPHYXiXiIir. A resinous medicinal preparation obtained in North America from Caidophyllum Halictro'ides. (Buchner's N. Eepert. vi. 188.) CAUSTICITY. The quality possessed by strong alkalis, acids, nitrate of sil- ver, &c., of corroding the skin and flesh of animals. In the old language of surgery, caustics were divided in to the actual, such as red-hot iron and moxa, and the poten- tial, such as the above-mentioned preparations. CAVOI.INITE. See NEPHELIN. C AWX. A miner's term for native sulphate of barium. CEDAR, Olli OP (not to be confounded with Oleum de cedro, which is one of the names of oil of citron). A volatile oil obtained from the wood of the Virginian cedar, Juniperus Virginiana, which is used for making pencils, and owes its agreeable odour to this oil. It is a soft semi-solid mass, consisting of a liquid hydrocarbon, cedrene, C 15 H- 4 , and an oxygenated camphor or stearoptene, containing C^H^O. To obtain the camphor, the crude oil is distilled; the distillate is pressed between linen or calico, to free it from the greater portion of the liquid cedrene which adheres to it, and then crystallised from alcohol of ordinary strength, which retains the rest of the cedrene in solution. Cedar-camphor thus purified is a crystalline mass of great beauty and lustre, having an aromatic odour, like that of pencil -wood, but not much taste. It melts at 74 C. and boils at 282. Vapour-density = 8'4. It dissolves very sparingly in water, but freely in alcohol, whence it crystallises in needles having a silky lustre. It gives by analysis, 81 per cent, carbon and 11 '8 hydrogen, agreeing with the preceding formula'; hence it is isomeric with camphor of cubebs (q. v.) By distillation with phosphoric anhydride, it is resolved into water and cedrene, C 15 H 26 = C 15 H 24 + H 2 0. With pentachloride of phosphorus, it yields an aromatic substance, which has not yet been analysed. Strong sulphuric acid colours it strongly and separates an amber-coloured oil (Walter, Ann. Ch. Phys.[3] I. 1. 498). According to Bertagnini (Compt. rend. xxxv. 800), oil of cedar combines wth the acid sulphites of the alkali-metals. CEDRENE. C 16 H 24 . This body is produced from the concrete portion of cedar- oil by the action of phosphoric anhydride. It is oily, aromatic, and has a peppery taste. Specific gravity 0'984 at 15 C. Boils at 248. Vapour-density 7'5 (4 vol.) (Walter, loc. cit.) CEDRI7T. See CEDHON. CEDRIRET. One of the products obtained by Beichenbach (J. pr. Chem. i. 1) from the tar of beech- wood; said to crystallise in fine needles. Volckel (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi. 331) was not able to find it. CEDROCT. Simaba Ccdron (Planchon). A tree which grows in the hottest parts of New Granada, and bears fruits resembling the bean of St. Ignatius ; they have a bitter taste, and are used in that country as medicine. Ether extracts from them a neutral crystallisable fat, insoluble in cold alcohol. The fruit, after exhaustion with ether, yields to alcohol a crystallisable substance, cedrin, which Lewy regards as the active principle of the fruit. Cedrin is sparingly soluble in cold water, more soluble in I -oiling water and in alcohol, and crystallises from the solutions in silky needles. It is neutral, and has an intensely and persistently bitter taste. (Lewy, Compt. rend, xxxii. 510.) CEX.ESTICT. Syn. with CCELESTIN. CEXiXiUXic ACID. Syn. with METAPECTIC ACID. (See PECTIC ACID.) CEI.X.1H.OSE. C^'OO 5 . Ldgnin, Woody fibre. Ligncux. Zellstof, Planzenzett- stojf, PJlanzenfaserstoff. (Pay en, Precis de Chitnic industridle, 4 me ed. ii. 11 ; Gerh. ii. 481 ; G m. xv. 123.) This substance constitutes the essential part of the solid framework of plants. The cell-walls in the early stages of their development are composed en- tirely of it, but as the plant grows, they become incrusted with colouring matter, resins, and other foreign substances, which in some parts, as in the heart- wood of large trees, fill up the entire cavities. Some tissues, however, consist almost wholly of cellulose, e. g. the pith of tho rice-paper plant (Acschynomene paludosa\ and the horny peri- CELLULOSE. 819 sperms of certain seeds, as those of the phytelephas or vegetable ivory, the date-tree, dragon-tree, &c. Several manufactured vegetable fabrics, as cotton, linen, hemp, and unsized white paper, consist of cellulose very nearly pure. Cellulose has also been said to exist in the animal kingdom, constituting the chief part of the mantle of mollusca, and according to Fremy, of the testa or integument of insects and Crustacea ; fiom the analysis of other chemists, however, these substances appear to be nitrogenous (see CHITIN). According to Virchow (Compt. rend, xxxvi. 492, 860), cellulose is found in degenerated human spleen and in certain parts of the brain. The easiest method of obtaining pure cellulose, is to wash white cotton, unsized paper, old linen, or elder-pith, with a hot solution of caustic potash or soda, then with cold dilute hydrochloric acid, then with ammonia, washing thoroughly with water after the application of each of these reagents, and lastly with alcohol and ether ; it is often necessary to repeat this series of operations two or three times. To obtain pure cellulose from wood, it is necessary, after boiling the wood with potash till the liquid is almost dry, to treat it with chlorine-water or with a weak solution of chloride of lime, repeating these successive operations several times, in order to free the cellular tissue from the encrusting matter which is so intimately united with it. The vege- table fibres in the excrements of herbivorous animals furnish a convenient source of cellulose, because the encrusting matter has been already removed or disintegrated to a great extent by the process of digestion, so that the cellular substance which remains is much easier to purify than the tissue of the plant in its natural state. Cellulose thus purified is white, translucent, of specific gravity about 1-5, insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and oils, both fixed and volatile. When quite pure, it is un- alterable in the air ; but as it exists in wood, in contact with azotised and other easily alterable matters, it gradually decomposes in moist air, undergoing a slow combustion, and being converted into a yellow or brown friable substance called touchwood. The state of aggregation of cellulose varies with its origin. In its less compact forms, as in Iceland moss, it is easily disintegrated by boiling with water, and con- verted into a soluble substance, viz. dextrin ; but in its ordinary denser form, as in wood, linen, cotton, &c. it resists the action of water, and even of more energetic solvents, for a long time. Strong sulphuric and phosphoric acid disintegrate cellulose at ordinary temperatures, and convert it into dextrin, a substance isomericwith cellulose, without colouring it ; if water be then added and the mixture boiled, the dextrin is converted into glucose. Thin strips of paper or linen, triturated with strong sulphuric acid added drop by drop, are converted, after some time, into a viscous mass consisting of dextrin, and on boiling this mass with water, it acquires the property of reducing copper-salts in pre- sence of an alkali, and after some hours' boiling is completely converted into glucose. Unsized paper plunged for a few seconds into sulphuric acid diluted with half to a quarter its bulk of water, and then washed with weak ammonia, undergoes a very re- markable alteration, being converted, without change of composition, into a tough sub- stance very much resembling animal parchment, and applicable to the same purposes. The formation of this remarkable substance was first noticed in 1847, by Messrs. Poumarede and Figuier, who gave to it the name of Papyrin. The discovery re- mained, however, without practical application till the year 1857, when it was again brought into notice and patented in this country by Mr. W. E. Gaine; and the ma- terial, called vegetable parchment, or parchment paper, is now manufactured in large quantity by Messrs. De la Kue and Co. Besides its application to the same purposes as ordinary parchment, it is largely used for covering pots in which preserves and jellies are kept, and for making shirt-collars, imitation lace, &c. &c. ; it is also very useful in the laboratory, for connecting pieces of apparatus in distillations, and as an intervening membrane in experiments of diffusion, osmose, &c. That it should have remained so long unnoticed after its first discovery is probably due to the circumstance that Messrs. Poumarede and Figuier, in preparing it, used strong sulphuric acid, of specific gravity 1'842 ; and it has since been found that the material thus produced, though possessing the general characters above described, is not nearly so tenacious as that obtained with acid diluted to the extent already mentioned, (flofmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxii. 243.) Cellulose (linen, for example), boiled for a short time with moderately dilute sul- phuric or nitric acid, is converted into a pulpy mass, which still exhibits the compo- sition of cellulose, and does not dissolve sensibly in water. Strong boiling hydrochloric acid converts cellulose into a fine powder, without change of composition. Moderately strong nitrio acid converts cellulose into a nitro-substitution-product, resembling x y 1 o i' d i n, (^H^NO^O 5 (q. v.} With very strong nitric acid, or a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acids, higher substitution -products are formed, viz. C 6 H 8 (N0 2 ) 2 5 and C 6 H 7 (NO-) 3 5 called gun-cot ton, or pyroxylin (q. v.) 3 G 2 820 CELTIS CEMENT. Caustic potash or soda disintegrates cellulose but slowly, and with the more compact varieties the effect is merely superficial. When equal parts of potash and cellulose, moistened with water, are heated in a closed vessel, hydrogen is evolved, and wood- spirit distils over, while formic, acetic, and carbonic acids are produced, and remain with the alkali. Melted hydrate of potassium converts cellulose into malic acid. Cellulose in all its forms is immediately blackened by fluoride of boron. When chlorine gas is passed into water in which cellulose is suspended, the cellulose is rapidly oxidised, with evolution of carbonic acid ; the same effect is produced on gently heating cellulose with the solution of a hypochlorite : hence in bleaching cotton or linen fabrics, paper-pulp, with hypochlorites, &c., great care must be taken not to use too strong a solution. Cellulose in its more compact forms is not coloured by solution of iodine ; but if previously disintegrated by sulphuric acid or caustic alkalis, it produces a violet-blue colour with iodine. In this manner, cellulose may be detected in vegetable tissues under the microscope. Some lichens and algse, Iceland moss for example, give the blue colour with iodine after being boiled with water. Solution of Cellulose. Cellulose dissolves completely in an ammoniacal solution of oxide of copper. This solvent may be prepared by passing air freed from carbonic acid into a bottle filled with copper turnings and half filled with ammonia; or by placing copper turnings which have been oxidised on the surface by heating them in the air and then reduced by dry hydrogen, in a tall glass vessel, and causing ammonia to drop through them into a bottle placed below ; or again, by directly dissolving oxide of copper in ammonia. Silver-paper, or thin filtering-paper, dissolves in this liquid after a while, forming a syrupy solution, which may be filtered after dilution with an equal bulk of water. On mixing the liquid thus formed with excess of hydrochloric acid, the cellulose is precipitated in amorphous flakes, which, after washing with water, are colourless and quite free from copper. Even in this finely divided state, cellulose is not coloured blue by iodine, unless it be first subjected to the action of strong sulphuric acid. (Pa yen.) Several substances obtained from the solid tissue of plants, and formerly regarded as distinct proximate principles, are now known to be mere modifications of cellulose ; e. g. fungin, from fungi, mcdullin, from the pith of various trees, &c. Hordein, from barley, is a mixture of cellulose with starch and a nitrogenous body. CELTIS. The fruit of Celtis orientalis contains 71 per cent, of fleshy pericarp, and 28-3 seeds, the latter consisting of 67'3 husks, and 327 kernel ; 100 pts. of the kernels contain 15'2 pts. oil, and 45*6 ash, of which 40'4 pts. consist of carbonate of calcium, and 4-4 of silica. CEIVIENT. The term cement is applied to any substance capable of holding' to- gether the surfaces of two bodies without mechanical rivets. Cements may be divided into two classes, stony cements, and those of a resinous and glutinous character. 1. The chief stony cements are common building mortar, a mixture of lime slaked to a creamy consistence, and sharp sand, which hardens partly by drying, partly by absorption of carbonic acid from the air ; and hydraulic mortar, or Eoman Cement, a mixture of slaked lime with amorphous silica, which hardens under water to a compact mass of hydrated silicate of calcium. (See SILICATES OF CALCIUM.) The mastic cement of London, much employed for giving to brickwork the hardness and appearance of stone, is composed of oolitic limestone, chiefly that of Portland, finely ground, mixed with sand and litharge, and made into a loosely coherent paste with linseed oil, either raw or boiled. The oil is extemporaneously mixed by the workman with the cement powder on a board by a trowel, and plastered thinly and smoothly over bricks, laths, or any surfaces which are to resemble stones. The fine dust produced by sawing stone slabs, is said to answer a like purpose, when mixed with litharge and oil. Analysis shows that the said mastic is composed of 35 pts. of siliceous sand, 62 of limestone, and 3 of litharge. These proportions may, however, be somewhat varied without injury. Too much limestone impairs the hardness of the cement ; too much sand makes it porous. For every 100 pts. of such a mixture, about 7 of oil are required. As this compost is friable, it may be made more ductile by keeping it compressed in moulds, for a little time before spreading it by the trowel. The surface to which it is to be applied, must be cleaned and oiled beforehand with a brush. It is particularly useful in closing fissures in buildings, and preventing the in- gress of moisture through seams. 2. Resinous and glutinous cements are of many different compositions. Eosin and beeswax melted together, and thickened with more or less fine brickdust, serve for cementing glass and metal works. Asphalt mixed with chalk in due proportion has been used extensively for paving streets and terraces. The bitumen of Seyssel and Lobsann in France, has been largely employed for this purpose. The compost rendered nearly fluid by heat, is applied to bodies dried, and if convenient, previously heated. CEMENT. 821 Coal tar mixed with sand, forms a bad composition, which becomes friable and porous by exposure to weather. Seven or eight parts of rosin, and one of wax, melted together and ^ mixed with a small quantity of plaster of Paris, form a very good cement to unite pieces of Derby- shire spar, or other stone. The stone should be made hot enough to melt the cement, and the pieces should be pressed together as closely as possible, so as to leave as little as may be of the cement between them : this is a general rule in cementing, as the thinner the stratum of cement interposed, the firmer it will hold. Melted sulphur used in the same way will answer sufficiently well, if the joining be not required to be very strong. It sometimes happens, that jewellers, in setting precious stones, break off pieces by accident : in this case they join them, so that it cannot be easily seen, with gum-mastic, the stones being previously made hot enough to melt it By the same medium, cameos of white enamel or coloured glass are often joined to a real stone as a ground, to pro- duce the appearance of an onyx. Mastic is likewise used to cement false backs or doublets to stones to alter their hue. The jewellers in Turkey, who are generally Armenians, ornament watch-cases and other trinkets with gems by glueing them on. The stone is set in silver or gold, and the back of the setting made flat to correspond with the part to which it is to be applied. It is then fixed on with the following cement : Isinglass, soaked in water till it swells up and becomes soft, is dissolved in French brandy, or in rum, so as to form a strong glue. Two small bits of gum galbanum, or gum ammoniacum, are dis- solved in two ounces of this by trituration ; and five or six bits of mastic, as big as pease, being dissolved in as much alcohol as will render them fluid, are to be mixed with this by means of a gentle heat. The cement is to be kept in a phial closely stopped ; and when used, it is to be liquefied by immersing the phial in hot water. This cement resists moisture. A solution of shellac in alcohol, added to a solution of isinglass in proof spirit, makes another cement that will resist moisture. So does common glue melted without water, with half its weight of rosin, with the addition of a little red ochre to give it a body. This is particularly useful for cement- ing hones to their frames. Clay and oxide of iron mixed with oil, are said to form a cement that will harden under water. A strong cement, insoluble in water, may be made from cheese. The cheese should be that of skimmed milk, cut into slices, throwing away the rind, and boiled till it be- comes a strong glue, which, however, does not dissolve in the water. This water being poured off, it is to be washed in cold water, and then kneaded in warm water. This process is to be repeated several times. The glue is then to be put warm on a levigat- ing stone, and kneaded with quick lime. This cement may be used cold, but it is better to warm it ; it will join marble, stone, or earthenware, so that the joining is scarcely to be discovered. Boiled linseed oil, litharge, red lead, and white lead, mixed together to a proper consistence, and applied on each side of a piece of flannel, or even linen or paper, and put between two pieces of metal before they are brought home, or close together, will make a close and durable joint, that will resist boiling water, or even a considerable pressure of steam. The proportions of the ingredients are not material; but the more the red lead predominates, the sooner the cement will dry, and the more the white, the contrary. This cement answers well for joining stones of large dimen- sions. The following is an excellent cement for iron, as in time it unites with the metal into one mass : Take two ounces of sal-ammoniac, one of flour of sulphur, and sixteen of cast-iron filings or borings. Mix them well in a mortar, and keep the powder dry. When the cement is wanted for use, take one part of this mixture, twenty parts of clear iron borings or filings, grind them together in a mortar, mix them with water to a proper consistence, and apply them between the joints. Powdered quick lime mixed with bullock's blood, is often used by coppersmiths to lay over the rivets and edges of sheets of copper in large boilers, as a security to the junctures, and also to prevent cocks from leaking. Six parts of clay, one of iron filings, and linseed oil sufficient to form a thick paste, make a good cement for stopping cracks in iron boilers. Temporary cements are wanted in cutting, grinding, or polishing optical glasses, stones, and various small articles of jewellery, which it is necessary to fix on blocks, or handles, for the purpose. Four ounces of rosin, a quarter of an ounce of wax, and four ounces of whiting made previously red-hot, form a good cement of this kind, as any of the above articles may be fastened to it by heating them, and removed at plea- sure in the same manner, though they adhere very firmly to it when cold. Pitch, o G 3 822 CEMENTATION CERANTIC ACID. rosin, and a small quantity of tallow, thickened with brick -dust, is much used at Birmingham for these purposes. Four parts of rosin, one of beeswax, and one of brickdust, likewise make a good cement, which answers extremely well for fixing knives and forks in their hafts ; but the manufacturers of cheap articles of this kind too commonly use rosin and brickdust alone. On some occasions, in which a very tough cement is requisite, which will not crack though exposed to repeated blows, as in fastening to a block metallic articles that are to be cut with a hammer and punch, workmen usually mix some tow with the cement, the fibres of which hold its parts together. Excellent water-proof cements are made from caoutchouc (p. 739). The following composition is a good cement for electrical apparatus : Five pounds of rosin, one of beeswax, one of red ochre, and two table spoonfuls of plaster of Paris, all melted together. A cheaper one for cementing voltaic plates into wooden troughs is made with six pounds of rosin, one pound of red ochre, half a pound of plaster of Paris, and a quarter of a pint of linseed oil. The ochre and plaster of Paris should be well dried, and added to the other ingredients in a melted state. U. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 641). CEMENTATION" is the process by which one solid is made to penetrate and combine with another at a high temperature so as to change the properties of one of them, without liquefaction taking place, being an exception to the general chemical rule, that bodies do not mutually act on each other unless when one or more of them is fluid. The conversion of iron into steel by absorption of carbon into its inmost sub- stance, from a mass of ground charcoal in which it lies embedded while exposed to strong ignition, is one of the best examples of this process. A like change takes place on palladium, iridium, and platinum, in contact with charcoal or silica at a high heat. When a compact mass of the oxide of nickel or iron is ignited in a crucible lined and covered with charcoal, the carbon exerts its deoxidating and metallising power to the very centre. The same phenomenon occurs with compact sulphate of potassium or sodium encased and heated to redness in charcoal, these salts being thereby converted into metallic sulphides. These transformations have been ascribed to the progressive production of the gaseous oxide of carbon, and to its absorption by the metals, or its combination with the oxygen of the oxides or acids. U. CE^JSWT COPPER, is the metal precipitated from the blue water of copper mines or works by plunging iron plates into them. (See COPPER.) C33JTAtrilIW. See CNICIN. CECTTItAIiIiASSITE. A hydrated silicate of calcium occurring in kidney-shaped lumps, together with other minerals, at Fundy Bay. These lumps are coated with a greenish crust resembling chlorite ; below this crust is a thin layer of cerinite ; within this the centrallassite ; and the central portion consists of cyanolite. Centrallassite ex- hibits a lamellated radiating structure ; it is white or yellowish, translucent, brittle, of specific gravity 2'45 to 2'46, hardness 3'5, and has an almost waxy lustre. It melts before the blowpipe with intumescence to an opaque glass, and forms clear beads with fluxes. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid without gelatinising. Its analysis is said to agree with the formula 8Ca 2 0.15Si0 2 + 5aq. (H. How, Edinb. N. Phil. J. x. 847.) CEPHAI.IS. See IPECACUANHA. CEPHAIiOTE. Cerancephalote. A name applied by C ouerbe ( J. Chim. Med. x. 624) to a yellow elastic fatty substance, insoluble in alcohol, but soluble in ether, which he obtained from the brain. According to Fremy and J. E. Simon, it is a mix- ture of the cerebrates of potassium and sodium, with traces of olein and oleophosphoric acid. CERADIA FUSCATA. A plant indigenous on the coast of Africa, which exudes an amber-brown resin smelling like olibanum. CERAIC ACID. An acid containing C 20 H 40 S , said by Hess (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvii. 3) to be formed by oxidation in beeswax ; also supposed to be produced in the preparation of oxalic or saccharic acid by the action of nitric acid on wheat-starch ; existing also, according to Oppermann (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlix. 240), in a Brazilian wax. Its existence has not been distinctly proved. CERAIxr. A name applied by Boudet and Boissenot (J. Pharm. xiii. 38) to the portion of beeswax which is sparingly soluble in alcohol, and, according to their statement, is not saponified by potash. It appears to be chiefly impure myricin, inas- much as that body is not quite insoluble in alcohol. CERAXrCEPHAX.OTE. See CEPHAT.OTE. CER ANTIC ACID. An acid found by Braconnot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxi. 484) in the fuel taken out of an antique lamp, probably of the fourth century. This material was partly soluble in boiling alcohol of 36. The solution on cooling deposited CERASIN CEREALS. 823 a white flaky substance melting at 64 C., probably cerin: and the alcoholic mother- liquor retained a substance, which remained after evaporation, as a white, hard, brittle mass, melting at 51 C. ; its alcoholic solution reddened litmus, and by slow evapora- tion deposited small granular crystals. This more soluble substance Braconnot desig- nated cer antic acid. The portion insoluble in boiling alcohol contained myricin. CERASIN. The gum which exudes from the cherry-tree, plum-tree, and others of the same family is only partly soluble in water. The soluble portion exhibits the characters of arabin ; the remaining portion, which is called cerasin, merely swells up in water. Cerasin is colourless, semi-transparent, tasteless, and inodorous ; easily pul- verised, uncrystallisable, insoluble in water and in alcohol, not susceptible of alco- holic fermentation. Treated with nitric acid, it yields 15*5 p. c. mucic acid. According to G-elis (Compt. rend. xliv. 144) ordinary gum arabic is converted into insoluble cerasin by a heat of 150 C. This artificial cerasin is reconverted into a soluble gum by prolonged boiling with water, but again becomes insoluble when heated to 150. CERASXNE or CERASXTE. Syn. with HORN LEAD. CER AS US. The wood of Cerasus avium, the bird-cherry, contains 0'28 per cent., the bark 10-37 per cent, of ash. The constituents of these ashes are as follows : K 2 O Na 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 Fe 4 s P 2 a SO 8 SiO 2 Cl Wood. . 25-9 10-4 35-8 11-4 O'l 9'6 4-1 2'5 trace Bark . . 7'9 15-5 447 5'4 0'2 3'5 0'8 21'3 0'4 The unripe fruit of C. caproniana contains a large quantity of malic acid. C. capricida is known in Naples, and C. virginiana in North America, as deleterious. CERATE. A mixture of wax with oil or lard, used by surgeons to screen ul- cerated surfaces from the air. Sometimes watery liquids are incorporated with the mass, as subacetate of lead in lead-cerate. U. CERAITNTTE. Syn. with NEPHEITE. CEREALIW. A nitrogenous substance closely resembling diastase, obtained by Mege-Mouries (Compt. rend, xxxvii. 351; xxxviii. 505; xlii. 1122; xlviii. 431 ; 1. 467) from bran. It is contained in the epispermium, the sixth membrane of the seed, reckoning from without, and possesses the power of converting starch into dextrin, sugar, and lactic acid. The brown colour of bread made with flour containing bran appears to be chiefly due to the decomposition of a portion of the flour by the cerealin of the bran (see BREAD, pp. 658, 660). Stiff starch-paste is quickly converted into a thin liquid by an infusion of bran at 40 or 50 C. To isolate cerealin, bran is treated for six hours with dilute alcohol, the residue pressed, and this treatment repeated three times, whereby the bran is freed from sugar and dextrin, while the cerealin remains unaltered and undissolved. On treating the residue with water, the cerealin is dissolved, and the aqueous solution evaporated at 40 C. leaves it in the form of an amorphous albuminoid substance easily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, ether, and oils. The solution coagulates at 75 C., also on addition of alcohol ; it is precipitated in flakes by dilute acids, not altered by neutral rennet. Its peculiar action on starch is prevented by the presence of alkalis. Cerealin once coagulated is no longer soluble in acids or alkalis, but still possesses the power of transforming starch, though slowly. Cerealin retains its power of decomposing starch at 70 C., but not at higher temperatures, whereas diastase does not lose this power below 90 C. In other respects the two bodies appear to resemble each other exactly. According to recent investigation by Mouries, bran freed from cerealin, especially the perispcrmiurn, appears to be more active than cerealin itself, and possesses the power of converting starch even at 100 C. CEREAZiS. Cerealia. Getreide. This name is applied to the grasses which are cultivated for human food, viz, wheat, barley, rye, oats, maize, and rice. They are for the most part distinguished by the large quantities of starch, nitrogenous com- pounds, and phosphoric acid contained in their seeds, which constituents it is the object of cultivation to develop as much as possible. The several kinds of cereal grain, ex- cepting rice, contain nearly the same amount of nitrogen ; but in wheat-grain, the nitrogenous matter (gluten) possesses a peculiar adhesiveness, arising from the presence of a glutinous substance called gliadin, which is wanting in the other cereals. It is this property which renders wheat-flour so peculiarly adapted for the making of bread (p. 657). From the numerous analyses that have been made of the grain and straw of these plants, we select the following : Way and Ogston have determined the amount of water and ash in the grain, straw, and chaff of wheat barley, oats, and rye with the following; results (Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, vii. [2] 593678 ; Jahresbor. d. Chem. 1849, p. 672): 3 G 4 824 TABLE I. Amount of Water and Ash, $c. in Cereals. Weight of Species and Varieties. Moisture in 100 pts. of Specific Gravity of the Weight bushel Ash in 100 pts. of dry *- Straw Ch.iff. x ^ Grain < in Ibs. that of the Grain. Straw. Chaff. Grain. Straw. Chaff. Grain = 1000. WHEAT : Hopeton . 12-00 13-70 12-00 1-374 60 2-00 4-40 10-43 1107 204 i 9 12-00 12-30 12-00 ! 342 59 2-05 4-30 10-58 987 206 . . 11-00 12-20 iroo 1-354 61 1-69 4-46 12-74 1163 194 9-50 __ _ 1-412 60 1-72 m 11-50 __ _ 1-356 56 1-84 ','... 11-60 14-30 13-50 1-403 63 1-81 4-77 14-39 927 148 ^ ^ 12-00 13-30 13-00 1-382 61-5 1-81 4-92 16-42 1009 156 . 12-00 11-80 13-00 1396 62 T94 4-61 13-55 1066 154 ' 12-0 12-00 11-00 1-393 60 1-92 5-85 1364 1246 175 M 12-50 13-70 1150 1-391 62 2-01 4-82 11-70 1167 185 13-00 __ 1-371 l-7> April' 1 1 -00 10-80 12-50 1-387 61 2-01 4-18 7-93 997 278 Spring 12-00 12-44 12-21 1-373 62 1-92 5-79 18-76 1155 175 11-00 12-00 11-00 1 376 58 1-95 5-22 12-99 903 219 1300 14-CO 12-01 1-370 62 1-83 4-65 1634 1175 165 11-00 11-73 11-00 1-363 62 1-79 6-77 17-12 1068 176 Bristol reel 11*0 12-13 11-00 1-370 61-7 1-74 4-46 13-16 9G5 216 risers red . 11-00 11-80 11-00 1-3*3 615 1-74 3-61 8-55 978 298 Rrci-dvff Pantzic . 12-50 10-40 13-00 1'37 61 1-55 5-43 1490 1013 1*5 Pip TS thick set 1350 12-60 12-50 1-350 61 1-71 5-70 973 928 173 11-50 10 50 12-50 1-339 59 l-!)5 12-29 17-12 568 194 White-chaff" . 11-50 10-50 12-00 1-313 59 1-74 5-30 11-61 827 Io5 Spacing . 1200 10-50 11-50 1-377 61 2-05 4-05 824 988 2'23 \Vliite . 13-50 1207 13-19 1-308 60 1-94 3-82 14 97 1184 161 13-00 14-00 I'2-OO 1-351 61 1-82 4-65 15-29 1009 178 . 12-00 11-70 12-00 1-382 60 1-81 7-92 16-31 1122 207 Creeping . 11-50 10-52 13-13 1-375 62 T75 4-83 1896 958 188 12-50 10-46 12-00 394 62 1-96 6-14 17-11 1071 116 13-00 12-13 12-00 3*7 61 2-18 777 16-25 1143 199 m , 13-00 10-05 12-00 376 62 1-72 4-54 13-60 1032 lf,6 . . 12-00 10-84 13-00 367 61-5 1-93 4-18 15-40 981 179 m 9 11-50 11-00 n-oo 365 62 1-95 4-74 17-30 1272 179 . 11-00 11-93 V2-00 372 62-7 1-85 5-22 14-83 1279 186 . 11-00 13-00 11-00 391 63 1-92 4-94 18-50 1192 181 Hammonds 13-50 11-00 16-GO 354 60 2-24 5-22 16-32 932 191 Red Britannia . 12-00 10-94 13-00 369 62 2-07 5-79 16-64 730 169 Red .... 11-50 12-07 13-50 1 352 60 1-98 6-42 15-05 919 243 Rod -.-t raw white . 11-25 _ _, 1-385 61 1-91 > 12-00 12-70 12-50 1-381 62 1-95 4-85 11-52 1050 178 12-50 11-80 1400 1 392 62 1-97 5-30 16-02 1327 203 11-50 12-43 13-00 1-362 61 1-81 312 8-09 852 192 11-00 12-30 12-00 1413 63 1-80 4-79 10-73 1123 205 g 11 00 13-19 11-50 1 -H77 63 2-13 8-47 17-94 1313 197 > 12-00 11-63 1230 1-388 62-5 1-96 5-60 11-00 982 180 >f M * 12-00 12-50 12-50 1-386 61 1-94 5-79 12-88 1165 240 French . 11-00 _ _ 1-341 ^_ 1-74 Egyptian . 1000 _ 1 340 __ 2-19 Polish . 11-00 - _ - 1 355 _ _ 1-68 Marianople . 10-00 _ , 1-369 1-88 Old red Lammas . 12-50 1-387 2-1C BARLEY : Unknown variety . 12-00 _ 2-43 Chevalier 10-00 _ _ 1-260 2-50 9 1600 ^ m _ 1-234 __ 2-82 Moldavian 11-00 __ _ 1-268 2-38 9 . 16-00 mm __ __ __ 2-75 Chevalier (awn) . 15-00 14-23 OATS : Hopeton . 9-50 _ 2-50 Potato . 10-50 r 1-191 _ _ 2-73 11-00 . _ T 4-20 Polish . 11-00 _ 1-752 2-97 ... 13-00 .^ . _ MM 3-80 Unknown . 12-00 , _ M . T 3-12 Oat-chaff . . 15-00 9-22 1 00 RYE: English . 15-00 1-60 In the 50 samples of wheat enumerated in the preceding table: The moisture in 100 pts. of grain varies from 95 straw ;, chaff Specific gravity of the grain Weight in Ibs. of 1 bushel of grain of straw to 1000 pts. of grain chaff ,, Amount of ash in 100 pts. of dry grain strav chaff 10-4 11-0 730 116 1-68 3-61 793 13-5; mean* 11-76 14-0 11-76 140 12-24 1-413 1-374 63 61-8 1327 1047 278 181 2-19 199 12-29 5-31 18-76 , 1395 * The mean of the whole, not the mean between the extreme limits. CEREALS. 825 i 6 | cc CN M CO 6 .fa 1 S a 1 o 3 CO g S 71 j 66 g 0-660-98 1-031-10 0-8010*965 ^ 2 1 ? J[ ? ! 1 1 1 1 8 o> to >n t~ 2 ** - s *c S to i ^eie-icn CO p at ^nn n i. ri p to

9 r 1 ? f v J, J,--* o o ! * ' ] S * t a S S I ep ,N *T ^MO* a> o - J, u | ; - iis fs 2 2 s 8 u> w ? ?- 8 rl w * S JS > e CO ^ 04 X cp O J^aceo m * 05 ^CQO Ai CJ 2 5: i S 00 t- 1~ A J'Tcc eo o ao o * -S2 S S? 2 i S i 2 2 A . A . ! i ! . -. S S c . - c e a > t ill" g s ^II"S >=^" ^ ofrci-a^ S g Ifi- =3 I'I'l 1* |^|f f 2* 1 it r= '-*- ,- * |l |l |5l?l-f 1 ^V0| * ^ m ta a ~ i A! li ***- MI i S S o e S *& $$ 11 i! i 15 5 -gs . g SS ^ f in if n i is 3? s S 11 3 || Nil 828 CEREALS. SIS 5S2 iS! 2 SlSS KlS Si! IN 9r7* 5 Tj n o & i i sssss SSSS5S HI i nil 1 IS 1 12 Jills P'.'<'$pH *1lf 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i H if; IS.8U ft iiin mm iitt'i sZsfsssssi rssss Ktttt i5 60666666 66 rssrss ^'g'so S-^^^cow^cc^w ^t^o^S^ ^^> jo en ut or. - ,0 re co -jf o oo o> w * o^oSwoo 3$ rH rt*O S66l66-lS2 IcSSo > ir9^ i SS SUPS o | .s | SSS s j; k Name of Species and Var * !.. E-8 ssssss ^ fa ^^9-i 25 S| SiSi'S |'i .. - w S^gSfr P* w ||e 2r;srS r s r: c ^" fl * s ell s n i i 1 1 ; il !.... 1 *s s I'lT'" 6 11 OATS : * Potato (on clay soil) : straw ,, (on sandy soil) . ,, Hopeton (on sandy soil): stra Unknown variety: chaff Potato: husks Hopeton (mean of 3 samples) SP || It 1! -o c a . o rt pt, o ^O "*2! CEREBRIC ACID CEREBRIN. 829 Way and Ogston deduce from their analyses of the ash of cereals the following general conclusions : The amount of ash is not influenced in any definite manner by the nature of the soil ; it appears, however, to be greatest on clay soils, less on calcareous, and least on sandy soils. The strongest straw contains the largest amount of ash. The amount of ash in the chaff varies in proportion to that in the straw, not to that in the grain (see Table I.). The amount of ash in the grain varies between much narrower limits than that of the straw or chaff. It varies as much in different samples of grain grown on the same soil us in samples from different soils, and bears no definite relation either to climate or to variety. But in all cases that were examined, the proportion of ash in the grain was found to vary inversely as the total weight of grain in the crop ; whence it would appear that the amount of mineral constituents abstracted from the soil by the grain is the same whatever may be the actual weight of the crop. Not only the amount, but likewise the composition of the ash appeals to be inde- pendent of the nature of the soil : the predominance of any constituent, lime or silica, for example, in the soil by no means leads to a predominance of that same constituent in the plant. Neither does it appear that different bases have any tendency to replace one another in plants. An abundance of soda in the soil or the manure does not cause that alkali to take the place of potash in the plant. Other chemists have, however, arrived at different conclusions relating to this point. (See Daubeny, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 9; xiv. 215. Malaguti and Durocher, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] liv. 257.) The difference in the amount of ash in the grain, straw, and chaff relate only to the silica ; if this be deducted, the remainders exhibit no perceptible difference. The ash of the grain of barley and oats differs from that of wheat-grain only in the much larger amount of silica contained in the two former ; if this be deducted, all es- sential differences vanish. For further details, see the names of the several cereals (BAELET, under HOBDEUM) ; also the articles SOILS and MANURES. CEREBStTC ACID. (Fremy, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 168; v. Bibra, Ver- gleichende Untcrsuchungenltbcrdas Gehirn der Mtnschtn und der Wirbelthiere, Mann- heim, 1854.) A fatty acid contained in the brain. It is obtained by cutting brain into thin slices ; treating it repeatedly with boiling alcohol to deprive it of water ; pressing it ; digesting first with cold then with warm ether ; distilling off the ether from the solution ; and digesting the slimy residue with a much larger quantity of ether. Cerebric acid then remains as a sodium-salt mixed with phosphate of calcium, oleo-phosphoric acid in the form of a sodium and calcium-salt, and brain-albumin. To purify the product, it is digested in boiling absolute alcohol slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid, which leaves the calcium and sodium undissolved as sulphates, while the alcohol takes up the cerebric and oleo-phosphoric acids, and deposits them on cooling. Lastly, the mixture is washed with cold ether, which dissolves the oleo- phosphoric acid and leaves the cerebric acid, which is finally purified by recrystal- lising it several times from boiling ether. Cerebric acid has a white, granular, crystalline aspect ; it is soluble in boiling al- cohol, insoluble in cold ether, easily soluble in boiling ether ; in boiling water it swells up, but does not dissolve. It melts at a temperature near that at which it begins to decompose, and when more strongly heated burns with a characteristic odour, leaving a difficultly combustible charcoal with a decided acid reaction. It consists, according to Fremy, of 667 per cent, carbon, 10'6 hydrogen, 2*3 nitrogen, 0'9 phosphorus, and 19 -5 oxygen. According to Miiller and v. Bibra, the phosphorus is not an essential constituent. Cerebric acid is a weak acid, but nevertheless forms salts with all bases. The am- monium-, potassium-, and sodium-seUta are obtained as precipitates, nearly insoluble in alcohol, by placing an alcoholic solution of cerebric acid in contact with the respective alkalis. Baryta, strontia, and lime unite directly with cerebric acid, and deprive it of its property of forming an emulsion with water. CEREBRXN'. This name has been applied to several substances obtained from brain. Fourcroy in 1793 (Ann. Chim. xvi. 283) obtained a substance which was called cerebriu, brain-fat, or phosphoretted bile-fat, and was probably a mixture of Fremy's cerebric acid with the substance which separates after some time from al- cohol in which anatomical preparations containing nerves or brain have been pre- served. Chevreul applied the same term to a substance obtained from blood-serum, probably a mixture of fats and glycerides containing phosphoric acid. Lastly, Gob ley (J. Pharm. [3] xviii. 107) designates as cerebrin, a substance obtained chiefly from carp's eggs, and agreeing essentially in composition and property with Fremy's cere- bric acid, excepting that it does not exhibit any tendency to combine with .bases. W. Miiller (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 361) has obtained a substance analogous to 830 CEREBROL CERIN. Fr^my's cerebrin, by triturating brain to a thin pulp with water, heating the mixture to the boiling point, and treating the separated coagulum with boiling alcohol. The alcoholic extract filtered at the boiling heat deposits a mixture of cholesterin and cere- brin, together with other substances ; and on treating this mixture with cold ether, cerebrin remains behind, and may be purified by repeated crystallisation from boiling alcohol. It then forms a snow-white powder composed of microscopic spherules, agree- ing with Fr^my's cerebric acid in most of its properties, especially in swelling up in water like starch, and forming an emulsion. It contains 68-45 per cent, carbon, 11-20 hydrogen, 4'51 nitrogen, and 15-66 oxygen, whence Muller deduces the empirical for- mula C I7 H 33 NO S . It does not dissolve in alkalis or in dilute acids, but is decomposed at the boiling heat by hydrochloric, sulphuric, and nitric acid. The product of its decomposition by nitric acid is a non-azotised white waxy body, soluble in alcohol and ether. Treated with strong sulphuric acid in the cold, it dissolves with dark purple- red colour, and the solution mixed with a large quantity of water becomes colourless, and deposits a yellowish, tenacious, flocculent substance. It is most probable that the cerebrin of Gobley and Muller, the cerebrote of Couerbe, and the cerebric acid of Fremy and v. Bibra contain, as their essential constituent, one and the same substance, which is likewise present in cephalote and stearoconote. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 888.) CEREBROXi (Berzelius). Eleene-cerebrol (Couerbe). An oily reddish sub- stance, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, obtained by Couerbe (J. Chim. md. ii. 765 ; x. 524) from brain. According to Frmy, it is a mixture of olein, oleo-phosphoric acid, cholesterin, and cerebric acid. CEREBRO-SPIN.A.Ii n,iTII>. A serous fluid contained in the sub-arachnoidal cavities, and forming a liquid atmosphere round the brain and spinal marrow. It belongs to the class of serous transudates, and is generally distinguished by its very small amount of solid constituents, especially of organic matter. These constituents are albumin, traces of fat, extractive matter, and the inorganic salts of blood-serum. It contains also a substance which reduces cupric salts, but differs from glucose in not being resolved into alcohol and carbonic acid by fermentation. According to F. Hoppe (Chem. Centralbl. 1860, p. 42) this substance is soluble in water and in abso- lute alcohol, does not crystallise, either per se or with chloride of sodium, is not precipi- tated either by neutral or basic acetate of lead alone, but yields a precipitate with the latter in presence of ammonia. It is decomposed by putrefaction. Hoppe and Schwaberg analysed the cerebro-spinal fluid obtained by puncturing in two cases of Spina bifida and two of Hydrocephalus intcrnus, with the following re- sults : Spina bifida. Hydrocephalus. Water . Soiled matter Albumin Extractive matter Soluble salts . Insoluble salts Puncture. II. Puncture. I. Puncture. II. Puncture. 989-33 989-80 979-01 989-53 10-67 10-20 20-99 10-47 0-25 0-55 11-79 0-70 2-30 2-00 1-32 1-57 7-67 7-20 7-54 7'67 0-45 0-45 0-35 0-53 The fluids from the Spina bifida were strongly alkaline and perfectly transparent. The first reduced cupric oxide, the second did not. The second hydrocephalic liquid also exhibited the reducing action. The greater amount of albumin in the first hydro- cephalic liquid was due to previous inflammation of the transudent vessels. (Hanchv. d. Chem. ii. [2] 891.) CEREBROTE. (Couerbe, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 164.) Brain-wax, Hlni- wachs (L. Grmelin), Marfcpulver, Myelocone (Kiihn.) A substance containing sul- phur and phosphorus, which Couerbe obtained by treating the deposit which separates from the alcoholic and ethereal extracts of the brain with ether ; cholesterin then dis- solves, and the so-called cerebrote remains. According to Frmy, it is merely a mixture of cerebric acid with small quantities of cerebrate of potassium and brain- albumin. CERic ACZX>. An acid obtained by treating cerin, the waxy matter of cork, with nitric acid, washing with water, dissolving in alcohol, filtering and evaporating. It is a brownish diaphanous waxy mass, which softens at a gentle heat, and melts below the boiling point of water. Dissolves readily in alkalis. Yields empyreumatic products when heated. Contains 64-2 per cent, carbon, 8-8 hydrogen, and 27'0 oxygen. With acetate of lead it forms a white precipitate containing 51'1 C, 6-9 H, 19-2 Pb 2 O, and 22-8 0. (Dopping, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlv. 289.) CERZTT. A waxy substance extracted by alcohol or ether from grated cork, pre- viously freed from the outer crust. It separates from the solution in yellowish needles, CERINE CERIUM. 83 1 which may be obtained colourless by recrystallisation. Contains 74-95 carbon, 10-55 hydrogen, and 14*5 oxygen, agreeing nearly with the empirical formula C 25 H 40 3 . Cerin softens in boiling water and falls to the bottom. It is not attacked by boiling potash. Thrown on glowing coals, it volatilises like beeswax, giving off white fumes. By dry distillation it yields a little acid and a large quantity of an oil which solidifies on cooling ; it leaves but little charcoal. Treated with hot nitric acid it yields eerie acid, together with oxalic and carbonic acids. Cork contains from T8 to 2 -5 per cent. of waxy matter. (Chevreul, Ann. Chim. xcvi. 170; Dopping, loc. cit.) The name cerin was also applied by John to the portion of beeswax which is soluble in alcohol ; but according to Brodie, the substance thus designated is merely impure cerotic acid (a. v.) CERIKTE or A.LI.ANITE. See ORTHITE. CERITJIW. A waxy fat obtained from the lignite of Grerstewitz near Merseberg, of which it forms about 18 per cent. Contains 76'7 to 78*1 C, and 11-1 to 12'3 H. Plastic at common temperatures ; melts at 100 C. ; sparingly soluble in alcohol ; not saponifiable ; yields a crystalline product by distillation. (Wackenroder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxii. 315.) CERITE. A hydrated silicate of cerium, containing also lanthanum and didy- mium. It is the chief source of cerium, and is the mineral from which that metal was first obtained. It is found only in an abandoned copper mine at Kiddarhytta in Westmanland, Sweden, occurring in compact fine-grained masses of indistinct blackish red colour; also in short six-sided prisms. Specific gravity 4 '9 3. Hardness 5*5. Before the blowpipe it gives off water, but does not melt. It is completely decomposed by hydrochloric acid, leaving a residue of silica. According to Kjerulf (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii. 12) it does not give off a trace of chlorine when treated with hydro- chloric acid, and consequently the cerium exists in it wholly as cerous oxide. Kjerulf found it to contain : SiO 2 Ce 2 a Fe2 Ca2 H2 MoS BiS 20-40 56-07 8-12 4-77 M7 5-29 3-27 0-18 = 99-27 whence may be deduced the formula 2M 2 O.Si0 2 + aq. or M 4 SiO* + aq. It generally also contains a small quantity of yttria. CERIUM. Symbol Ce. Atomic Weight 46. This metal, which was discovered in 1803, simultaneously by Klaproth and by Hisinger and Berzelius, exists, together with lanthanum and didymium, in cerite, allanite, orthite, yttro-cerite, and a few other minerals, all of somewhat rare occurrence. The most abundant of them is cerite (vid. sup.) To extract the oxides of the three metals, the cerite is finely pounded and boiled for some hours with strong hydrochloric acid, or aqua-regia, which dissolves the metallic oxides, leaving nothing but silica. The filtered solution is then treated with a slight excess of ammonia, which precipitates everything but the lime ; the precipi- tate is redissolved in hydrochloric acid, and the solution treated with excess of oxalic acid. A white or faintly rose-coloured precipitate is then obtained, consisting of the oxalates of cerium, lanthanum, and didymium : it is curdy at first, but in a few minutes becomes crystalline, and easily settles down. "When dried and ignited, it yields a red- brown powder, containing the three metals in the state of oxide. The finely pounded cerite may also be mixed with strong sulphuric acid to the consistence of a thick paste, the mixture gently heated till it is converted into a dry white powder, and this powder heated somewhat below redness in an earthen crucible. The three metals are thus brought to the state of basic sulphates, which dissolve completely when very gradually added to cold water; and the solution treated with oxalic acid yields a precipitate of the mixed oxalates, which may be ignited as before. From the red-brown mixture of the oxides of cerium, lanthanum, and didymium thus obtained, a pure oxide of cerium may be prepared by either of the following pro- cesses : 1. The mixed oxides are heated with strong hydrochloric acid, which dis- solves the whole, with evolution of chlorine; the solution is precipitated with excess of caustic potash ; and chlorine gas passed through the liquid with the precipitate sus- pended in it. The cerium is thereby brought to the state of ceroso-ceric oxide, which is left undissolved in the form of a bright yellow precipitate, while the lanthanum and didymium remain in the state of protoxides, and dissolve. To ensure complete separa- tion, the passage of the chlorine must be continued till the liquid is completely saturated with it, and the solution, together with the precipitate, left for several hours in a stoppered bottle, and agitated now and then. The liquid is then filtered, the washed precipitate treated with strong boiling hydrochloric acid, which dissolves it with evo- lution of chlorine, and forms a colourless solution of protochloride of cerium ; and this, when treated with oxalic acid or oxalate of ammonia, yields a perfectly white precipitate 832 CERIUM. of oxalate of cerium, which may be converted into oxide by ignition (M o sender). 2. The red-brown mixture of the three oxides is treated with very dilute nitric acid (1 pt. of nitric acid of ordinary strength to between 50 and 100 pts. of water), which dissolves the greater part of the oxides of lanthanum and didymium, and leaves the oxide of cerium ; and by treating the residue with very strong nitric acid, the last traces of lanthanum and didymium maybe extracted (Mosander, Marignac). 3. The red-brown mixture of the three oxides is boiled for several hours in a strong solution of chloride of ammonium. The oxides of lanthanum and didymium then dis- solve, with evolution of ammonia, and sesquioxide of cerium is left in a state of purity. It must be collected on a filter and washed with a solution of sal-ammoniac, because, when washed with pure water, it first runs through the filter, and then stops it up (Watts, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. ii. 147). 4. Oxalate of cerium obtained as above is mixed with half its weight of pure magnesia, and made up into a stiff paste with water ; and this mixture when dry is heated to low redness in a porcelain basin, with constant stirring. The product is a cinnamon-coloured powder, containing the whole of the cerium as eerie (? ceroso-ceric) oxide, in combination with magnesia, oxide of lantha- num, and other protoxides. It dissolves completely, with aid of heat, in strong nitric acid, forming a deep brown solution of a double salt, which appears to consist of eerie nitrate in combination with cerous nitrate and the nitrates of lanthanum, didymium, and magnesium, sometimes also a small quantity of nitrate of yttrium. This double salt separates in splendid rhombohedral crystals having nearly the colour of acid chromate of potassium. The solution, if diluted with water before these crystals have separated, does not yield any precipitate, either in the cold or in boiling ; but if the crystallisation be allowed to go on till lighter-coloured laminated crystals separate containing magnesium and lanthanum with very little cerium, the mother-liquor then deposits, on dilution and boiling, a basic salt of cerium free from all other metals. The precipitate is not formed so long as the red double salt remains dissolved in the liquid ; indeed it redissolves on adding to the liquid a solution of that salt. The liquid from which the cerium precipitate has separated still retains cerium, which may be separated by repetition of the treatment. To separate the cerium from the solution of the red salt, it is diluted with a large quantity of water, then boiled, and sulphuric acid added in small quantity as long as the resulting precipitate is thereby increased. The cerium is then precipitated as a yellowish-white, flocculent basic salt, containing both nitric and sulphuric acids, but free from all other metals, which is difficult to wash on a filter, but is easily washed by decantation with water slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid. This salt dissolves readily in strong sulphuric acid, and the solution, after reduction with sulphurous acid, yields, with oxalic acid, a white precipitate of pure cerous oxalate. If it be desired to obtain a basic nitrate of cerium free from sulphuric acid, as is often desirable for other preparations, the red solution of the double nitrate must be evapo- rated to a syrup, and then poured into a large excess of boiling water slightly acidu- lated with nitric acid. The precipitate thereby formed is washed by decantation with water containing a little nitric acid, and the mother-liquor, together with the wash- water, is again evaporated to a syrup and treated as before, till nearly all the cerium is extracted. The addition 'of nitric acid to the wash- water is essential, as the basic nitrate dissolves somewhat readily in pure water. It is best to preserve the precipi- tated salt under acidulated water, since it becomes insoluble in acids when dried and ignited. (Bun sen, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 40.) Metallic cerium is obtained by heating the pure anhydrous protochloride with potassium or sodium. It is a grey powder, which acquires the metallic lustre by pres- sure. It oxidises readily, decomposes water slowly at ordinary temperatures, quickly at the boiling heat, and dissolves rapidly in dilute acids, with evolution of hydrogen, forming a solution of a cerous salt. Cerium forms three classes of compounds, viz. tho cerous compounds, or proto-com- pounds, e. g. the protochloride, CeCl, the protoxide Ce 2 ; the sesqui-compounds, or eerie compounds, e.g. Ce 2 CP, andCe 4 3 , and the ceroso-ceric compounds, which may be regarded as compounds of the other two ; e. g. ceroso-ceric oxide, Ce 3 2 = Ce 2 O.C 4 3 . CERIUM, BROMIDE OP. Not known in the anhydrous state. A solution of eerie oxide in hydrobromic acid yields by evaporation, small crystals of a hydrated bromide, which gives off hydrobromic acid when heated and leaves an oxybromide. CERIU1VC, CHIiORZDES OP. Cerium burns vividly when heated in chlorine gas, and forms the protochloride CeCl. The anhydrous chloride may be prepared by igniting the sulphide, or the residue obtained by evaporating to dry ness a solution of the chloride mixed with sal-ammoniac, in a current of chlorine gas. If the air is not completely excluded, an oxychloride is also produced. The anhydrous chloride is a white porous mass, fusible at a red heat, and perfectly soluble in water. A hydrated CERIUM. 833 chloride is obtained in colourless four-sided prisms, by dissolving the hydrated oxide or the carbonate in hydrochloric acid, and evaporating to a syrup. The solution when exposed to the air, turns yellow, from formation of a ceroso-ceric salt. Protochloride of cerium forms with Bichloride of 'platinum, an orange-coloured crys- talline double salt, 2CeCl.PtCl 2 .4H 2 0, easily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble. in ether. It also combines with iodide of zinc. (Holzmann, Phil. Mag. [4] xxii. 219.) Ceroso-ceric chloride. Hydrated ceroso-ceric oxide dissolves in cold hydrochloric acid, forming a red solution, which, however, soon gives off chlorine, and is reduced, more or less completely, to protochloride. CERIUIVE, DETECTION AMTD ESTIP/EATIOW OP. 1. Reactions.^ All compounds of cerium, ignited with borax or microcosmic salt in the outer blowpipo flame, yield a glass which is deep red while hot, but becomes colourless on cooling. In the inner flame, a colourless bead is formed with a small quantity of the cerium com- pound ; but a yellow enamel with a larger quantity. Cerous salts in solution are colourless, have a sweet astringent taste, and redden litmus, even when the acid is perfectly saturated. They are distinguished by the fol- lowing reactions : Sulphydric acid produces no precipitate. Sulphide of ammonium throws down the hydrated protoxide. Caustic potash or soda produces a white preci- pitate of the hydrated protoxide, which is insoluble in excess, and is converted into the yellow hydrated sesquioxide by the action of chlorine-water or hypochlorous acid. Ammonia precipitates a basic salt. Alkaline carbonates form a white precipitate of cerous carbonate insoluble in excess. Oxalic acid or oxalate of ammonia produces a white precipitate of cerous oxalate, gelatinous at first, but quickly assuming the crys- talline character, and converted by ignition in an open vessel into a yellowish-white powder consisting of ceroso-ceric oxide. Ferrocyanide of potassium produces a white pulverulent precipitate ; ferricyanide of potassium none. Sulphate of potassium pro- duces a white crystalline precipitate of potassio-cerous sulphate, nearly insoluble in pure water, and quite insoluble in excess of sulphate of potassium. With dilute solutions the precipitate takes some time to form. This character, together with the behaviour of the oxalate and the yellow coloration of the hydrated protoxide by hypochlorous acid, serves to distinguish cerium from all other metals. 2. Quantitative Estimation. Cerium is precipitated from neutral solutions of oerous salts by carbonate of ammonium, as cerous carbonate, or by oxalate of ammonium ae cerous oxalate ; and either of these compounds is converted by ignition in an open vessel, into ceroso-ceric oxide, which, according to Bunsen, corresponds, within the temtts of experimental error ; to the formula Ce s 2 , and contains 8T18 per cent, of metallic cerium, or 95'04 per cent, of the protoxide. Another method is to dissolve the precipitated carbonate in dilute sulphuric acid, evaporate, and heat the residue to commencing redness, whereby it is converted into the anhydrous sulphate, Ce 2 S0 4 , containing 48-95 per cent, of the metal, or 57'45 per cent, of the protoxide. 3. Separation from other Elements. Sulphydric acid serves to separate cerium from all metals which are precipitated by that reagent from their acid solutions. From manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, zinc, titanium, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten, cerium may be separated by means of a saturated solution of sulphate of potassium. From aluminium it may be separated by carbonate of barium, which precipitates alumina and not cerous oxide; from glucinum by sulphate of potassium. From yttrium, with which it is often associated in minerals, it may be separated by a satu- rated solution of sulphate of potassium, added in excess, the sulphate of yttrium and potassium being soluble in excess of sulphate of potassium, while the cerous double salt remains undissolved. From zirconium, cerium is separated by treating the boil- ing acid solution with sulphate of potassium, whereby the greater part of the zirconia is precipitated as basic sulphate, while the cerium remains dissolved ; to complete the precipitation, a small quantity of ammonia must be added, but not sufficient to satu- rate the acid (H. Eose). From magnesium also cerium may be separated by sulphate of potassium ; from barium, strontium, and calcium, it is separated by ammonia added in slight excess ; or from barium by sulphuric acid," and from strontium and calcium by sulphuric acid and alcohol ; and from the alkali-metals by precipitation with oxalate of ammonia. Bunsen' s method of precipitation already described, affords however the the best means of separating cerium from all the metals with which it is found as- sociated, especially from lanthanum, didymium, and yttrium. 4. Atomic Weight of Cerium. The older statements respecting the atomic weight of this metal, all refer to cerium containing lanthanum and didymium. For this impure metal, Hisinger, in 1814, found the number 45-65 (H -1), and Otto found 46-8. After the method of removing the lanthanum and didymium had been pointed out by Mosander, Beringer (Ann. Ch. Pharm. lii. 134), from the analysis of the proto- VOL. I. 3 H 834 CERIUM: FLUORIDES OXIDES. chloride CeCl, deduced the number 47 '8, and from that of the sulphate the number 46-2. Hermann, from an analysis of cerous sulphate, in which the sulphuric acid was pre- cipitated as sulphate of barium, found for cerium the number 46. Marignac (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixviii. 215), by precipitating cerous sulphate with a graduated solution of chloride of barium, obtained, as a mean of seven experiments, Ce = 47 P 26. Afterwards, however (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii. 148), he rejected this number, and adopted that previously found by Hermann, viz. 46, attributing the excess of his former determination to the circumstance, that a portion of the cerous sulphate had been carried down undecomposed by the barium precipitate, whence the quantity of chloride of barium required to precipitate the sulphate came out too low. Lastly, Buns en has determined the atomic weight of cerium by the analysis of the sulphate. Pure basic eerie sulphate, obtained as above described (p. 832), was dissolved in sulphuric acid, reduced to cerous sulphate by sulphurous acid, the salt evaporated and ignited till all the excess of acid was expelled, and the residue twice crystallised from water. A solution of this salt was precipitated by oxalic acid ; the precipitated oxalate converted into ceroso-ceric oxide by ignition in an open vessel ; and the sulphuric acid precipitated from the filtrate by chloride of barium. The ceroso-ceric oxide was then heated in a sealed flask containing very little air, with pure hydrochloric acid and iodide of potassium, whereby it was reduced to cerous oxide, and a quantity of iodine set free equivalent to the oxygen separated from the ceroso-ceric oxide. This free iodine was estimated by Bunsen's volumetric method (ANALYSIS, VOLUMETRIC, p. 266), and the corresponding amount of oxygen estimated by the formula x = ~=- a (ntf). In this manner, 100 pts. of the ceroso-ceric oxide were found to contain 95-04 cerous oxide and 4*96 oxygen. From this, the quantity of cerous oxide in the ignited ceroso- ceric oxide (that is to say, in the original quantity of cerous sulphate), was calculated, and the amount of sulphuric acid (SO 3 ) being likewise found from the precipitated sul- phate of barium, the composition of the cerous sulphate was found to be 57*49 Ce 2 + 42-51 SO 3 = 100, whence the atomic weight of cerous oxide was found from the pro- portion 42-51 : 57-49 = 80 : x, giving Ce 2 = 108-1, and therefore Ce = 46'1. Two other experiments gave Ce = 46-02 and 46-05. In accordance with the preceding results, the whole number 46 is generally adopted as the true atomic weight of cerium. CERIUM, FLUORIDES OP. The protofluoride CeF, is obtained as a white precipitate, by adding an alkaline fluoride to a cerous salt. It is but partially reduced by the action of hydrogen gas and potassium vapour at a red heat. (Mosander.) The sesqui fluoride, Ce'-'F 3 , prepared in like manner, is a yellow precipitate. It also occurs native as fluocerite, in brick-red or nearly yellow six-sided prisms and plates, with very distinct basal cleavage ; also massive ; specific gravity 4*7. Hardness 4-5. It gives off fluorine when strongly heated in a glass tube. It occurs at Finbo and Broddbo, near Fahlun, in Sweden. Sesquifluoride of cerium also occurs with the fluorides of calcium and yttrium, as yttrocerite (g. v.} A Tiydrattd eerie oxyfluoride, Ce 8 F 6 3 + 3H 2 0, occurs at Finbo as fluocerine, in yellow crystals with vitreous lustre, supposed to belong to the regular system (Gm. iii. 271). A mineral from Bastnas in Sweden, analysed by Hisinger, yielded numbers corresponding to the formula Ce 8 F 6 3 + 4H 2 ; one from Finbo, analysed by Berzelius, was found to consist of Ce 16 F 6 9 + 3H 2 0, or 2Ce 2 F 3 .3(Ce''0 3 .H 2 0). (Dana, ii. 96.) CER.IUIVT, OXIDES OP. The Protoxide, or Cerous oxide, Ce 2 0, is obtained by heating the carbonate or oxalate in a current of dry hydrogen perfectly free from air. It is a greyish-blue powder, which on exposure to the air quickly becomes very hot, and is converted into yellowish-white ceroso-ceric oxide. Cerous hydrate precipitated from the solution of a cerous salt by a caustic alkali, is white, but when exposed to the air, quickly changes to a yellow mixture of cerous carbonate and ceroso-ceric hy- drate (Rammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. cviii. 40). The hydrate dissolves readily in sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, and acetic acid, the solutions giving the characters described at p. 833. Ceroso-ceric Oxide, Ce 8 2 . This oxide, which may be regarded as a compound of cerous and eerie oxide : 2Ce 8 2 = Ce 2 O.Ce 4 3 , is produced when cerous hydrate, car- bonate, oxalate, or nitrate, is ignited in an open vessel. It is yellowish-white, acquires a deep orange-red colour when heated, but recovers its original tint on cooling (Bun sen, Ham me Is berg). Ignited in hydrogen gas, it assumes an olive-green colour, but does not diminish perceptibly in weight (Bun sen). It is not raised to a higher state of oxidation by heating in oxygen gas, or even by fusion with chlorate or hydrate of potassium (E a mm e. Isberg). Nitric and hydrochloric acid have but little action upon it, even at the boiling heat, unless it be mixed with the oxides of lanthanum and didy CERIUM : OXYGEN- SALTS SULPHIDES. 835 mium, in wliich case it dissolves readily in hot hydrochloric acid, with evolution of chlorine. Heated with a mixture of iodide of potassium and hydrochloric acid, it dissolves completely, with separation of iodine, a property which has been made available by Bunsen for determining its composition. Strong sulphuric acid at the boil- ing heat, converts it into an orange-red salt, which becomes light yellow on cooling, and dissolves with yellow colour in water. Marignac did not obtain ceroso-ceric oxide of constant composition, but supposed it to have, for the most part, the composition 3Ce 2 0.2Ce 4 3 , or Ce M 9 . Eammelsberg, by decomposing the ceroso-ceric sulphate, 3Ce 2 S0 4 .Ce 4 (S0 4 ) 3 with potash, obtained a reddish-grey precipitate which contained 3Ce 2 O.Ce 4 3 , but was quickly converted into Ce 3 2 , on exposure to the air. Ceroso-ceric Hydrate, 2Ce 2 .3H 2 0, obtained bypassing chlorine into aqueous potash in which cerous hydrate is suspended (p. 831), is a bright yellow precipitate, which dis- solves readily in sulphuric and nitric acid, forming yellow solutions of ceroso-ceric salts ; in hydrochloric acid, with evolution of chlorine, forming colourless cerous chloride. Ceric Oxide, Ce 4 3 , does not appear to exist in the free state, inasmuch as ceroso- ceric oxide is not brought to a higher state of oxidation, even by ignition with power- ful oxidising agents (vid. sup.) CERXUltt, OXYGEN-SALTS OP. The cerous salts are produced by dissolv- ing cerous oxide or carbonate in acids, also by the action of sulphurous acid and other reducing agents on eerie or ceroso-ceric salts. (For their properties and reactions see p. 833.) Cerous silicate exists in nature as Cerite ; the phosphate as Monazite, Erdwardsite, Cryptolite, and Phosphocerite : the carbonate, together with fluoride of calcium, in Parisite. Cerous sulphate forms sparingly soluble double salts with the sulphates of ammo- nium, potassium, and sodium. The potassium-salt, KCeSO 4 , is the least soluble in water, and quite insoluble in solution of sulphate of potassium. The ceroso-ceric salts are obtained by dissolving the corresponding oxide or hy- drate in acids. The solution of the sulphate yields by spontaneous evaporation, first brown-red crystals, composed of 3Ce 2 S0 4 .Ce 4 .(S0 4 ) 3 + 18 aq., and afterwards a yellow, indistinctly crystalline salt, containing Ce 2 S0 4 .Ce 4 (SO') 3 + 8aq. By substituting cericum, oe = 30 for cerosum, Ce = 46, in the sesquisulphate, these formulse may be reduced to X ' \ + 6 aq. and ^ ' [ O 4 + 4 aq., respectively. Both salts are de- f v^tJ.Oo y composed by water, with separation of a basic salt, containing 5Ce 3 2 .3( p , [ O 4 ) + 12aq., but dissolve on addition of sulphuric or nitric acid. The solution of either salt yields, with sulphate of potassium, a mixture of at least two double salts, in which potassium and cerosum may be regarded as replacing one another isomorphously : similarly with sulphate of ammonium : the ammonium double salts, when ignited, leave pure ceroso-ceric oxide. The rhombohedral nitrate of cerium and magnesium obtained by Bunsen (p. 832), is, when purified, a ceroso-cerico-magnesic salt, containing Mg 2 Ce(N0 3 ) 3 .(Ce 2 )'"(N0 3 ) 3 + 8aq., or -^ 2 Q e cc s ( O 8 + 8 aq. [As originally obtained, it contains lanthanum and didymium, replacing cerium isomorphously.] Double salts of similar composition are obtained by mixing a solution of this nitrate with the nitrates of potassium and zinc ; with nitrate of nickel, a basic salt containing j^cP,i Qrt ,'ri . ffinvniep Cetyi-xanthic acid Type HH. Bromide of cetyl Chloride of cetyl Iodide of cetyl . Cyanide of cetyl ".C' 6 H 33 .H.S 2 C 16 H 88 Br C I6 H 33 C1 C 16 H 33 I Type NH 3 . Nitride of cetyl, ortricetyl- amine . Cetylphenylamine C i6 H 33 Cv Dicetylphenylamine (C 16 H 33 ; >C e H 5 ( H (C 16 H 33 (C 6 H 5 CETYI,, ACETATE OP. C^H^O 2 = C 2 H 3 O.C 16 H 33 .0, is produced by treating cetylic alcohol with acetic and hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, precipitating by water, dissolving in ether, and evaporating, as an oily liquid, which at a low temperature soli- difies, after awhile, in a mass of needle-shaped crystals, fusible at 18*5 C. (Becker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 219.) CETYI., BENTZOATE OF. C^H^O 2 = C 7 H 5 O.C la H 38 .0. Obtained by heating chloride of benzoyl with cetylic alcohol in equivalent proportion, dissolving the residue in ether, and precipitating with alcohol. It forms crystalline scales, which melt at 30 C., dissolve readily in ether, and sparingly in alcohol. (Becker, loc. cit.) CETYIi, BROMIDE OF. C 16 H 33 Br. Produced by the action of bromine and phosphorus on cetylic alcohol. It is a colourless solid body, heavier than water in the melted state, insoluble in water, very soluble in alcohol and ether; melts at 15C. When distilled, it gives off hydrobromic acid. (Fridau, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 15.) CETYIi, BUTYRATE OF. C 20 H 40 2 = C 4 H 7 O.C I6 H :)3 .0. Obtained by slowly heating a mixture of cetylic alcohol and butyric acid to 200 C., and proceeding aa with the benzoate. It is white, neutral, miscible with ether but not with alcohol, melts more easily than cetylic alcohol, and when cautiously heated in small quantity, volatilises without decomposition. (Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 929.) CETYL, CHLORIDE OF. C I6 H 33 C1. HydrocUorate of Cctene. Obtained by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on cetylic alcohol. The two bodies mixed in fragments in a retort, become heated, melt, and act violently on each other, giving off large quantities of hydrochloric acid. On subsequently distilling the product, oxychloride of phosphorus passes over, and then chloride of cetyl, which may be purified by redistillation with a small quantity of pentachloride of phosphorus, wash- ing with boiling water, and drying in vacuo at about 120 C. If it still contains hydrochloric acid, it must be distilled with lime recently ignited. (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixxii. 4.) Chloride of cetyl is a limpid oily liquid of specific gravity 0'8412 at 12 C., insoluble in water and in alcohol, but soluble in ether, whence it may be precipitated by weak alcohol. It distils above 200 C., with partial decomposition, and by prolonged ebul- lition the whole of the chlorine may be expelled as hydrochloric acid, leaving cetene (p. 838). It is not acted upon by nitric acid, but strong sulphuric acid decomposes it, eliminating hydrochloric acid and forming cetyl-sulphuric acid. It does not absorb ammonia, (Tiitscheff, Rep. Chim. piire, ii. 463.) CETYIi, CYANIDE OF. C 16 H 33 .CN. Obtained in an impure state, by heating cetjlsnlphgte of potassium with cyanide of potassium, and extracting with ether CETYL: HYDRATE IODIDE. 841 (Kohler, Zeitschr. d. gesammt. Naturw. vii. 252 ; Jahresber. 1856, 579. Heintz, Pogg. Ann. cii. 257 ; Jahresber. 1857, 445). According to Kohler, it is a solid crys- talline substance, melting at 53 C., easily soluble in ether and in hot alcohol ; accord- ing to Heintz, it is liquid at ordinary temperatures, but its formation is accompanied by that of a crystalline solid, which melts at 55-1, and is probably a mixture of cetylic ether with palmitic aldehyde. Heated with potash it appears to yield margaric acid, C 17 H 34 2 . (Kohler.) CETYI,, HYDRATE OP. C 16 H 34 = C 16 H 33 .H.O. Cetylic Alcohol, Ethal. (Chevreul, Rechcrchcs sur les Corps gras, p. 171. Dumas and Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixii. 4; Smith, ibid. [3] vi. 40 ; also, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlii. 247. Heintz, Pogg. Ann. Ixxxiv. 232 ; Ixxxvii. 553.) This compound is prepared by saponifying spermaceti with an alkali, the cetiu, or palmitate of cetyl contained in that substance being then resolved into an alkaline palmitate and hydrate of cetyl, which latter is dissolved out by alcohol or ether. Dumas and Peligot add 1 pt. of solid hydrate of potassium, by small portions and with constant agitation, to 2 pts. of melted sperma- ceti, treat the resulting soapy mass with water, and then with a slight excess of hydro- chloric acid. On boiling the liquid, the ethal and the fatty acids of the soap rise to the surface, in the form of an oily layer, which is separated by decantation, and saponified a second time in the same manner, to decompose a small remaining quantity of spermaceti ; the fatty acids are again separated by means of hydrochloric acid, and saponified with slaked lime added in excess. A mixture of lime-soap and hydrate of cetyl is thus obtained, from which the latter is dissolved out by alcohol. Lastly, the alcohol is distilled off, and the cetylic alcohol which remains is purified by crystallisa- tion from ether. Heintz boils spermaceti with an alcoholic solution of potash ; preci- pitates the boiling liquor with a concentrated aqueous solution of chloride of barium ; and dissolves out the ethal from the precipitate with alcohol. As the alcohol also dis- solves small quantities of barium-salts, it is removed by distillation, and the ethal which remains is dissolved in cold ether, and finally purified by several crystallisations from ether. Cetylic alcohol or ethal is a white solid crystalline mass, which melts at a tempera- ture above 48 C., but solidifies at 48 (Chevreul). It melts in water at 50 C., and when it solidifies, the temperature rises to 51 -5 ; when melted alone, it solidifies at 49 or 49-5 (Heintz). When slowly cooled, it crystallises in shining laminae: it also crystallises on cooling from solution in alcohol. It is without taste or smell, and distils without alteration, passing over even with vapour of water. It is insoluble in water, but mixes in all proportions with alcohol and ether. Ethal does not give off water when heated with oxide of lead. It is not dissolved by aqueous alkalis ; but when strongly heated with potash-lime, it gives off hydrogen, and is converted into a potassium-salt, probably palmitate or ethalate (Dumas and Stas, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixxiii. 124): C 16 H 34 + KHO = C 16 H 31 K0 2 -f 4H. Ethal is decomposed by sodium, yielding cctylate of sodium, C 16 H 3I KO. With potash and sulphide of carbon it forms cetyl-xanthate of potassium, C 16 H 33 .K.COS 2 . Distilled with pentachloride of phosphorus, it forms chloride of cetyl, oxychloride of phosphorus, and hydrochloric acid : C 16 H 33 .H.O + PC1 3 .C1 2 = C 16 H 33 C1 + PC1 3 + HCL With iodine and phosphorus, it yields iodide of cetyL With strong sulphuric acid, it forms cetyl-sulphuric acid, C 16 H 33 .H.SO ! . Heintz (loc. cit.} regards ethal, not as a simple alcohol, but as a mixture of cetylic and stearic alcohols, C 16 H 34 0, and C 18 H 38 : because, according to his experiments, the ethalic acid of Dumas and Stas, is a mixture of palmitic and stearic acids, sepa- rable by solution in boiling alcohol and precipitation by acetate of barium. CETYI,, IODIDE OF, C 16 H 33 I. (Fridau, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 9). Pre- pared by introducing phosphorus into cetylic alcohol heated to 120 C. in an oil-bath, and adding an excess of iodine by small portions at a time, while the mixture is con- tinually stirred. Hydriodic acid is then given off, together with phosphorous acid, while iodide of phosphorus crystallises out, and iodide of cetyl remains in the liquid state. When the reaction is complete, the iodide of cetyl is decanted, washed with cold water, which causes it to solidify, and then crystallised from alcohol. It crystallises in colourless interlaced laminae, insoluble in water, easily soluble in ether, more soluble in boiling than in cold alcohol Melts at 22 C., and solidifies on cooling in rosettes having a fatty aspect. Burns with a clear flame, giving off free iodine. It does not distil without alteration, but decomposes quickly at 250 C., giving off copious vapours of iodine and h} driodic acid, together with an oily hydrocarbon. It is 842 CETYL: NITRIDE SULPHYDR ATE. violently attacked by mercuric oxide at 200, yielding an oil (cetene ?) together with iodide of mercury and metallic mercury, and leaving a crystallisable solid fusible at 50. With oxide of silver recently precipitated, and still moist, it forms the same compound, melting at 50. With cetylate of sodium it yields iodide of sodium and oxide of cetyl C 16 H 33 .K.O + C I6 H 33 .I = KI + (C I6 H B ) 2 0. Ammonia in solution does not act on iodide of cetyl, but gaseous ammonia converts it into tricetylamine, N(C 16 H 33 ) 3 . With phenylamine it forms cetyl-phenylamine and dicetyl-phenylamine. (Fridau). CETYIi, NITRIDE OF. See CETYLAM3NB. CETYL, OXIDE OF. Cetylic ether. (C 16 H 33 ) 2 0. Obtained by treating cetylate of sodium, C 16 H 83 KO, with iodide of cetyl at 110 C., washing the product with boiling water to remove iodide of potassium, and crystallising from alcohol or ether. It crystallises in shining scales. Melts at 55 C., and solidifies between 63 and 54 in a radiated mass ; distils at 300 for the most part without decomposition. It is not attacked by hydrochloric or nitro-hydrochloric acid at the boiling heat, but strong sul- phuric acid destroys it. (Fridau, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 20.) Cetyl-ethyl-oxide or cetylate of ethyl, C 2 !! 5 .^ 6 !! 33 ^, and cetyl-amyl-oxide or cetylate of ami/I, C 5 !! 11 .^ 6 !! 33 ^, are obtained in like manner by treating cetylate of sodium with iodide of ethyl or amyl. They both crystallise in laminae, soluble in alcohol or ether: the ethyl-compound melts at 20 C., the amyl-compound at 30. (Gr. Becker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 220.) Cetyl-sodium-oxide or cetylate of sodium, C 1B H 3 NaO, obtained by the action of sodium or cetylic alcohol, is a greyish-yellow solid which begins to melt at 100 C. and is perfectly fluid and transparent at 1 10. It is not decomposed by boiling water, but hydrochloric acid separates cetylic alcohol from it,. (Fridau.) CETYIi, STEARATE OF. C 34 H 68 2 = C 18 H M O.C 18 H 33 .0. Prepared like the butyrate. Thin white shining laminae, sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol and in cold ether, easily in boiling ether. Melts at 55 60 C., and forms a crystalline mass on cooling. Volatilises with partial decomposition when heated in a tube. (Handw.) CETYL, SUCCXWATE OF. C 36 H 70 4 = (C 4 H 4 2 )".(C I6 H 33 ) 8 .0 2 . Prepared by heating 1 at. succinic acid with 2 at. cetylic alcohol in an air-bath, neutralising with carbonate of sodium and recrystallising from ether. White laminae, sparingly soluble in alcohol, more freely in ether- alcohol, still more in pure ether. (TiitschefF, loc. cit.) CETYi, SULPHATE (ACID) OP. Cetylsulphuric acid. Sulphocetic acid. C 16 H 34 S0 4 = ^^g^-g-jo 2 . Produced by mixing sulphuric acid with cetylic alcohol at the temperature of the water-bath (Dumas and Peligot, loc. cit.} According to Kohler (loc. cit.) and Heintz (loc. cit.} the most abundant product is obtained by mixing the two substances at the lowest temperature at which they will act, viz. at the melting point of cetylic alcohol ; dissolving the mixture in alcohol and saturating with potash ; separating the precipitate from the liquid ; concentrating the latter ; treating the residue with ether, which extracts undecomposed cetylic alcohol, and leaves cetylsulphate of potassium ; and repeatedly crystallising the latter from boiling alcohol. Cetylsulphate of potassium forms white nacreous laminae, consisting of interlaced microscopic needles ; it is moderately soluble in hot alcohol, less in boiling water, in- soluble in ether. It is not fusible. Heated to 140 C. with cyanide of potassium, it yields cyanide of cetyl. CETYL, SULPHIDE OF. (C 16 H 33 ) 2 S. Prepared by the action of chloride of cetyl on an alcoholic solution of monosulphide of potassium at the boiling heat. Chloride of potassium then forms and sulphide of cetyl rises to the surface of the liquid, where it solidifies on cooling. It is then washed with cold water, melted in boiling water, and repeatedly crystallised from a mixture of alcohol and ether, till the melting point becomes fixed at 5 7 '5 C. It forms shining scales resembling those of cetylic mercaptan. It dissolves readily in ether, and in boiling alcohol, very sparingly in cold alcohol. The alcoholic solution forms a white precipitate with acetate of lead, also dissolved in alcohol. (Fridau, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 16.) CETYL, SULPHYDRATE OF. Cetylic Mercaptan. C 18 H 33 .H.S. Prepared by treating sulphydrate of potassium dissolved in alcohol with an alcoholic solution of chloride of cetyl. The product contains a certain quantity of sulphide of cetyl. _ It is purified by adding acetate of lead, then water, washing with water, and digesting in ether, which dissolves the cetylic mercaptan and deposits it on evaporation in crystal- line scales having a silvery lustre. It melts at 50'5C., but solidifies again only when cooled down below 44, assuming the form of interlaced dendrites. It is sparingly CETYLAMINES CHABASITE. 843 soluble in cold alcohol, easily in ether, somewhat less easily in boiling alcohol. When boiled with water it gives off a peculiar odour. The cold alcoholic solution produces, after a while, white flocculent precipitates with the alcoholic solutions of silver-salts and of mercuric chloride ; it does not precipitate the salts of lead, platinum or gold. Mercuric oxide does not act sensibly upon it, even at high temperatures. (Fridau, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 18.) CETYXiAIVKXNES. Bases formed by the substitution of one or more atoms of cetyl in place of hydrogen in a molecule of ammonia. Mono- and di-cctylamine are not known. Tricetylamine or Nitride of Cetyl. C 48 H"N=N(C I6 H 33 ) 8 . This base is produced by passing ammonia-gas into iodide of cetyl heated to 150 C. A white precipitate of iodide of ammonium is then formed, increasing in quantity if the temperature be maintained for a while at 180, and the substance which remains in the fused state is tricetylamine. It dissolves in boiling alcohol and crystallises in colourless needles, melts at 39 C. and solidifies in mammellated crystals on cooling. The salts of tricetylamine are insoluble in water, but soluble in ether and alcohol, especially in the hot liquids. The hi/drochlorate, C 48 H 99 N.HC1, crystallises from boiling alcohol in needles, which are less fusible but more soluble than the base itself. Potash added to the boiling solution separates tricetylamine in the form of a heavy oil. The chloroplatinate, C 48 H"N.HCl.PtCl 2 , is a cream-coloured, almost pulverulent pre- cipitate, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol. (Fridau, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiii. 25.) Cetylphcnylamine, N.H.C I6 H 33 .C 6 H 5 , and Dicetylphenylamine, N.(C 16 H 33 ) 2 .C 6 H 5 , are produced by the action of iodide of cetyl on pheny famine (q. v.) CETYX.-XANTHIC ACID. C 17 H 34 OS 2 = c ^] H |s 2 . This acid is known only as a potassium-salt, which is prepared by adding alcohol and hydrate of potassium to a saturated solution of cetylic alcohol in sulphide of carbon, heating the mixture a little below the boiling point of alcohol, then leaving it to itself for a while and decanting. The clear solution, on cooling, deposits light scales, which may be purified by washing with a small quantity of cold alcohol and dissolving in boiling alcohol. The salt is white, tasteless, odourless, very hygroscopic and unstable. Its alcoholic solution gives a white precipitate with mercuric chloride ; canary-yellow with nitrate of silver, blackening in a few minutes ; white with acetate of lead, also blackening rapidly ; white gelatinous with salts of zinc. Digested with hydrochloric acid, it yields cetylic alcohol. (Desains and De La Provostaye, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] vi. 494.) CEVADIC ACID. An acid existing in the seed of sabadilla ( Veratrum Saba- dilla, Kitz), and probably also in the root of white hellebore ( Veratrum album), and of Colchicum autumnale. To prepare it, the oil extracted from sabadilla seeds by ether is saponified with potash; the soap decomposed by tartaric acid; the mixture distilled ; the distillate neutralised with baryta ; and the resulting barium-salt eva- porated to dryness, and distilled with syrupy phosphoric acid. Cevadic acid then sublimes in white nacreous needles. It is soluble in water, alchohol, and ether, and smells like butyric acid ; melts at 20 C. and sublimes at a temperature a few degrees higher. Its salts have a peculiar odour. The ammonium-salt gives a white precipitate with ferric salts. CEVADXXT or IXORDEXXT. A mixture of starch, cellulose, and azotised matter obtained from barley. CEYXiAWITE or CEYXiORTXTE. A ferruginous variety of spinel (Al 2 Mg0 2 ), from Ceylon, and other localities, having the magnesium more or less replaced by ferrosum, and the aluminium by ferricum. It is the plconast of Haiiy. (See SPINKL.) CHABASITE. A mineral belonging to the zeolite family, and consisting es- sentially of hyclrated silicate of aluminium and calcium, a certain portion of the calcium being however always replaced by potassium or sodium. It crystallises in forms belonging to the hexagonal system. Primary form, an obtuse rhombohedron, having the angle of the terminal edges = 94 46'. It occurs in the primary form, and in the combination R. |R. 2R. Ratio of principal to secondary axes = 1-086. Cleavage distinct parallel to R. Specific gravity 2-0 to 2-1. Hardness 44-5. Trans- parent and colourless, sometimes flesh-red, with vitreous lustre. Streak uncoloured. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Shrinks before the blowpipe to a blistered, slightly trans- lucent enamel. It is perfectly decomposed when heated in the state of powder before the blowpipe. It occurs in scattered crystals in the fissures of some trap rocks, and in the hollows of certain geodes disseminated in the same rocks. The composition of most varieties of chabasite is nearly represented by the formula Ca 2 O.Al 4 O 3 .4Si0 2 + 6aq., which (if=f Al), may be reduced to that of a meta- eilicate (Ca a^ 3 )Si 2 6 + 3aq. Sometimes, however, the amount of alkali is consider- 844 CH^EROPHYLLUM CH ALCOPH ACITE. able, as in the fourth of the following examples, which approaches nearly to 3aq. Analysis a is of a specimen from Kilmalcolm in Renfrewshire, by Thomson ; b, from Aussig in Bohemia, by Eammelsberg ; c, from Annerode near Giessen, by Genth ; d, from Port Rush in Ireland, by Thomson : SiO* AHQ3 Fe"Q3 Ca2Q Na2Q R2Q H2Q a . . 4875 17-44 10-47 1'45 2172 = 99-93 b . . 47-91 18-14 9-64 0-25 2-56 21-50 = 100*00 c . . 47-00 1971 0-15 10-63 0-65 0-33 22-29 = 100-76 d . . 48-99 19-77 0'40 4-07 6-07 2070 = 100-00 Sometimes, however, the proportion of silica is somewhat greater, and the com- position is more nearly represented by the formula 2(Ca 2 O.Al 4 3 ).5Si0 2 + 12aq. or (Ca 4 oZ 18 H 2 )Si 9 27 + llaq. ; and here again, the proportion of alkali-metal may be con- siderable, as in the variety called acadiolite, which may be represented by the formula (Ca^Na^K5) 4 a^ 2 H*Si 9 27 +llaq. Analysis e is chabasite from Drottning Grufva near Gustassberg in Jemtland (Berzelius); / is acadiolite, from New Caledonia (Hayes): Si O2 A1 nB, or 2A + 3B, 2A + 5B, . . . 3A + 4B, . . . or in general mA. + nB ; where m and n are integer numbers in most cases not exceeding 7, at least in inorganic compounds.* We have seen in the article ATOMIC WEIGHTS (p. 452), that it was the observation of these proportions which led Dalton to the idea of the atomic theory. In short, if the ultimate atoms of the several elements be supposed to possess certain invariable relative weights, and to unite and form chemical compounds by simple juxtaposition, in the proportion of 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 3, &c., the law just enun- ciated follows as a matter of course. It is possible that the distinction between true chemical combination and mixture may be found in this : that combination takes place between ultimate atoms ; mixture between the physical molecules of bodies, which are complex aggregates of atoms. 2. As to the character of the product. The properties of a mixed liquid, as the colour, taste, specific gravity, refracting power, &c., are always intermediate between those of its components. In solutions also, the dissolved body imparts to the solvent its taste and colour, in proportion to the quantity dissolved, the density of the solution also increasing regularly and continuously with the amount of solid matter taken up ; but definite chemical compounds generally differ altogether in physical properties from their com- * The combining proportions of the elements of organic compounds are regulated by much more complex laws. In the scries of fatty acids, for example, we find the same quantity of oxygen (8 pts.) associated with 3, 2x3, 3x3, 4x3, 5x3, ... 30x3 parts of carbon ; and if, in addition to this, we con- sider the various proportions of C, H, N, and (), existing in the numerous series of organic bodies, it may fairly be concluded tliat the constitution of these bodies would never have suggested the law of multiples, as above stated. is only by introducing the hypothesis of compound radicles, that the composition of organic bodies can be assimilated to that of inorganic compounds. (See GKGANIC COMI-UUNDS and KAUICLKS.) 3 I 2 852 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. ponents. Thus, with regard to colour : yellow sulphur and grey mercury produce red cinnabar ; purple iodine and grey potassium yield colourless iodide of potassium ; purple iodine and grey lead form bright yellow iodide of lead ; the colours of metallic oxides bear no relation whatever to those of the metals themselves, and the compounds of metals with chlorine, iodine, and other salt-radicles, are for the most part trans- parent, though the metals themselves are opaque. Again, we find organic compounds exhibiting an endless variety of colours, formed by the union of elements which in the free state have no colour at all. The density of a compound is very rarely an exact mean between that of its constituents, being generally higher and in a few cases lower ; and the taste, smell, refracting power, fusibility, volatility, conducting power for heat and electricity, and other physical properties, are not for the most part such as would result from mere mixture of their components. It must not of course be understood that the physical properties of compounds are not related to those of their components by any regular laws. Definite relations doubtless exist, and will one day be discovered : indeed, the regular gradations of boiling point, atomic volume, &c., exhibited by the terms of homologous series of organic compounds, afford striking examples of them ; still it is generally true that the properties of a definite compound are not interme- diate between those of its components, as in a mixture or solution. 3. As to the phenomena which accompany the formation and decomposition of chemi- cal compounds, especially as regards temperature. Chemical combination in definite proportions, is always attended with evolution of heat, sometimes amounting to vivid combustion, and decomposition is accompanied by absorption of heat and consequent reduction of temperature ; whereas the mere mixing of liquids takes place without change of temperature, and the solution of a solid in a liquid, though partaking of the nature of combination, is attended with reduction of temperature, due to the passage of the body from the solid to the liquid state. So much is this the case, that a rise of temperature attending the contact of a solid and a liquid, may always be regarded as an indication of the formation of a definite compound ; thus there are many anhydrous salts, such as chloride of calcium and sulphate of copper, which become strongly heated by contact with water, being at the same time converted into hydrates ; but these hydrates, in subsequently dissolving in the water, produce a considerable degree of cold. (See HEAT.) The formation and resolution of chemical compounds are also attended with changes in the electrical state of their elements. Whether the direct combination of two elements produces any electrical disturbance, is not perhaps clearly made out, on account of peculiar difficulties in the investigation of the phenomena (see ELECTRICITY) ; but the solution of a metal in an acid, which consists in the decomposition of one compound and the formation of another, calls into action a large amount of electric force, which by certain arrangements, hereafter to be considered, may be made to take the form of an electric current. Conversely, an electric current, no matter how deve- loped, whether by chemical action, or by friction, or by magnetic induction, is capable of overcoming the most powerful chemical combinations, and causing the elements to travel through the circuit in opposite directions, and finally separate at the poles of the circuit. No such effect is, however, produced on mixtures or solutions. The passage of an electric current through the solution of a salt, resolves that salt into its elements, but never causes it to separate from the water as a whole. For these reasons, we shall restrict the term CHEMICAL COMBINATION, to the forma- tion of compounds in definite proportion, and AFFINITY, to the force which is concerned in their production, and proceed to consider more particularly the circumstances and results of chemical combination and decomposition. Every elementary body is capable of uniting with others, and for the most part with every other. It is true that some of the compounds, as those of carbon with certain metals, of boron with silicon, selenium, and phosphorus, and of iodine with carbon, have either not been formed or are but imperfectly known ; but there can be little doubt of the possibility of their formation. The compounds of fluorine with some of the other non-metallic elements are least known, on account of the difficulty of manipulating with fluorine in the free state. Compounds resulting from the union of two simple substances, are called binary compounds of the first order ; such are the metallic chlorides, oxides, and sulphides, the chlorides of hydrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, &c. Now, these compounds are capable of uniting with each other in various ways like elementary bodies, and hence result com- pounds containing three or four elements, which may be regarded as binary compounds of the second order ; such are double chlorides, KCl.PtCF ; oxygen-salts, as Ba"O.S0 3 ; sulphur-salts K 2 S.As 2 S 2 ; hydrated chlorides CaC1.3H 2 O, &c., and again these com- pounds of the second order may be conceived as uniting together to form compounds of the third order, such as double salts, e. q. common alum, which contains sulphate of potassium and sulphate of aluminium, K 2 O.S0 3 -t- A1 4 3 .380*. Further than this, the power of combination does not appear to extend. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 853 This view of the successive building up of chemical compounds in binary groups, called the Dualistic Theory is, however, not the only one that can be taken, or indeed that which accords best with the present state of knowledge. It is for many reasons better to regard all compounds, whether containing two, three, or more elements, as constituted according to certain typical forms ; for example, chlorides, iodides, bro- mides, and cyanides, as formed on the type of hydrochloric acid HC1 ; acids, bases, and salts containing oxygen or sulphur, seleniumn or tellurium, as formed on the type of water HH.O, &c. This is called the Unitary Thiory. (See CLASSIFICATION, KADICLES, SUBSTITUTION, TYPES, and the various articles in which particular com- pounds are described.) It is true, indeed, that compounds containing three or more elements may, in many instances, be formed by the direct union of binary compounds of the first order ; thus double chlorides and iodides are formed by fusing together the component simple chlorides, or by mixing their aqueous solutions and leaving them to crystallise ; sulphur-salts, such as Na 2 S.As'-S 3 , by fusing together the simple sulphides ; oxygen-salts also, in some instances, by heating together the so-called anhydrous acid and the base; thus boric anhydride and magnesia fused together in the proper proportion form borate of magnesium, 3Mg 2 O.B"0 3 or Mg'BO 3 ; and anhydrous baryta heated in vapour of sulphuric anhydride, burns and forms sulphate of barium, Ba^O.SO 3 or Ba 2 S0 4 . But it by no means follows that the arrangement of the atoms in the resulting compound must be the same as in the simpler compounds from which it is formed ; thus, while the mode of formation of sulphate of barium just mentioned would lead to the supposition that it is Ba 2 O.SO 3 , other modes of formation, and most of its reactions, indicate rather that its constitution is represented by the formula Ba 2 .S0 4 or S0 2 .Ba 2 .0 2 . These observations apply chiefly to inorganic compounds. Organic bodies, with the exception of cyanogen and the hydrocarbons, all contain at least three elements, and the dualistic view of the building up of compounds by pairs cannot be applied to them at all, excepting on the supposition that they contain certain compound radicles, such as ethyl, C 2 H 5 , benzoyl, C 7 H 5 0, &c., which play the same part as metals in inorganic compounds, uniting like simple radicles, with oxygen, chlorine, bromine, &c. With the help of these radicles, some of which have been obtained in the free state, the constitution of the best known organic compounds, such as the alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, acetones, and their derivatives, may be assimilated to that of inorganic compounds, and represented either on the unitary or the dualistic view. Formation and Decomposition of Chemical Compounds. As chemical combination involves a total change in the arrangement of the atoms of the combining bodies, it is clear that cohesion, which tends to hold them in certain fixed positions, must be opposed to chemical union, and on the contrary, anything which gives mobility to the particles of the two bodies, and enables them to intermix and approach within small distances of each other, such as pulverisation, and more especially lique- faction, must tend to promote it. a. Generally speaking, one at least of the combining bodies must be either in the liquid or in the gaseous state, and if it be not so at ordinary temperatures, it must be brought into that state by elevation of temperature. Solid bodies either do not combine at all, or their combination is attended with great difficulty, because, from the immobility of their particles, their points of immediate contact are but few, and the exceedingly thin film of compound which may be formed at such points, acts as a partition to pre- vent further contact and consequently further combination. But by continued rubbing, which renews the points of contact, more complete combination may often be effected : in this manner, finely divided copper may be made to combine with sulphur, the com- bination being even attended with rise of temperature. If, on the other hand, the compound formed by the two solids is itself fluid, its mobility gives rise to continu- ally renewed contact, and combination goes on. Thus ice under C. unites with chlo- ride of sodium and other salts, and solid amalgam of lead with solid amalgam of bismuth. Crystallised oxalic acid and lime may be made to combine by rubbing them together, because the acid contains more water of crystallisation than the oxalate of calcium produced is able to take up : hence, at the beginning of the action, a little water is set free and dissolves the oxalic acid. In some cases it is sufficient to heat one of the solid bodies till it softens : thus iron surrounded with charcoal and heated to white- ness is slowly penetrated by the charcoal (Cementation). When, in consequence of one or both bodies being in the fluid state, combination takes place at the ordinary tempera- ture or a little above it, it is called solution in the wet way (Solutio via humida) : if a higher temperature is required, the process is called solution in the dry way, fusion (Solutio via sicca, Confusio}. b. Even if one or both of the bodies be in the fluid state, a higher temperature is often necessary to effect the combination. 3 i 3 854 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Melted sulphur will not combine with carbon ; the sulphur must be brought in the State of vapour into contact with red-hot charcoal, although the elasticity of the vapour might rather be expected to interfere with the combination. Neutral carbon ate of of sodium, in the efflorescent state absorbs carbonic acid very slowly at first, but more and more quickly as it gets heated by the absorption, and ultimately with great violence. Charcoal requires to be heated before it will burn in oxygen gas, that is, before it will combine with the oxygen. At ordinary temperatures, oxygen may be mixed with hydrogen and other inflammable gases without combining with them, but at a red heat, combination takes place immediately. In this case both bodies are fluid, and we might expect that heat, by increasing their elasticity, would rather oppose than favour the combination. The manner in which heat acts in such cases is not precisely understood ; but its effect is probably due to the increased rapidity of movement which it gives to the particles. (See HEAT.) c. In some cases, light has the same effect as an elevation of temperature ; thus chlorine, under the influence of light, unites directly with hydrogen or carbonic oxide. d. Electricity likewise favours the combination of many substances, especially of gases, acting chiefly, perhaps, by elevation of temperature. In this manner the com- bination of oxygen with hydrogen, carbonic oxide or carburetted hydrogen, and of chlorine with hydrogen, is easily brought about. e. In some instances, the expansion of gaseous bodies favours their combination with others. Phosphorus undergoes slow combustion in oxygen gas, however low the tem- perature may be, the action going on more quickly as the gas is more rarefied ; a mixture of oxygen and non-inflammable phosphoretted hydrogen gases explodes on expansion. f. The presence of a solid body, particularly a metal, having a great extent of surface, likewise causes, sometimes at ordinary, sometimes at slightly elevated tem- peratures, the combination of oxygen with inflammable gases and vapours, which would otherwise take place only at a red heat. This property is most strikingly ex- hibited by platinum ; the more finely divided the platinum, the stronger is its action. When the combination of oxygen with inflammable gases take place at its surface, the heat developed raises its temperature and thereby increases its activity, till at length the metal becomes red-hot and then sudden combination occurs. Platinum appears to condense gases, particularly oxygen, on its surface, whereby the heterogenous atoms are made to approach one another and combine. A similar power is possessed by charcoal and other porous bodies (p. 761). A body in the act of chemical combination often exhibits the power of inducing the same kind of activity in another body and causing it to combine with a third body, thereby forming a compound which, under the existing circumstances, would not have been formed without the presence of the first body (Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxx. 262). Nitrogen gas does not by itself combine with oxygen, even when heated ; but if a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen be set on fire, the hydrogen burns, producing water, and a portion of the nitrogen combines at the same time with oxygen, producing nitric acid. Pure copper does not dissolve in dilute sulphuric acid, but when com- bined with zinc and nickel (in German silver), metals which decompose acidulated water, or when combined with three times its weight of zinc only, it dissolves com- pletely together with the other metals. Platinum when alone does not dissolve in nitric acid, but when alloyed with silver it becomes soluble in that acid. Chemical compounds may be formed, either by direct union of their elements, or by substitution of one element for another in a compound previously existing. Oxygen unites directly with most other elements, either at ordinary or at elevated temperatures ; so likewise do sulphur, chlorine, iodine, and bromine. Hydrogen unites directly with oxygen and chlorine at elevated temperatures, with the latter also at ordinary temperatures, under the influence of light ; nitrogen shows but little tendency to unite directly with any other element ; phosphorus unites readily with oxygen, chlorine, iodine, and bromine at ordinary temperatures ; with sulphur and selenium with aid of a moderate heat. Carbon, at high temperatures, unites directly with oxygen, sulphur, and many metals, not with any other element. Boron and silicium combine directly with oxygen at ordinary temperatures, if they are in a state of minute division, more easily when heated; with other elements they exhibit little or no power of direct combination. Metals unite directly with oxygen, sulphur, selenium, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, sometimes at ordinary, sometimes at higher tempera- tures ; in some instances also with phosphorus and with carbon. Alloys of definite constitution are also frequently produced by melting different metals together, though the greater number of such products are merely mixtures. It has been already mentioned that compound bodies can unite with one another directly, forming new bodies of more complex constitution. These combinations aro sometimes very energetic, as that of anhydrous baryta heated in the vapour of sul- phuric anhydride, which is a true case of combustion. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 655 Altogether, however, the cases in which compounds are formed by direct union of elements is small compared with that in which new compounds result from the trans- formation of others previously existing. Such transformations may be effected in various ways. I. By heat, which may either expel one or more of the elements of the original com- pound in the free state, leaving the rest in a new form of combination, or may cause the whole of the elements to arrange themselves in the form of new compounds.: 1. Chlorate of potassium, KC10 3 , exposed to a full red heat, gives off the whole of its oxygen, and is converted into chloride of potassium, KC1. Similarly with other chlo- rates, also with bromates and iodates. Many metallic oxides and sulphides, when heated to redness, give off part of their oxygen or sulphur, and are reduced to lower oxides or sulphides. 2. Chlorate of potassium exposed to a degree of heat less than sufficient to expel the whole of the oxygen, is resolved into perchlorate and chloride of potassium : 3KC10 3 = KC1 + 2KC10 4 + 0. Nitrate of ammonium, NH 4 .N0 3 , is resolved by heat into water, 2H 2 0, and nitrous oxide, N 2 0. To this head likewise belong the numerous transformations of organic compounds, resulting from dry or destructive distillation. II. By electricity. The action of the electric current on chemical compounds, either in the fused state or in solution, gives rise to an endless variety of new products. In some instances, the elements of a compound are eliminated by electrolysis in the free state, as when water, hydrochloric acid, or certain metallic oxides, chlorides, or iodides are subjected to the action of the current ; frequently, however, the elements arrange themselves in new combinations. "We shall consider this subject more fully under ELECTKICITY ; at present we will merely mention the formation of peroxide of lead at the positive pole, when a solution of nitrate or acetate of lead is electrolysed ; the evo- lution of arsenetted hydrogen in the electrolysis of aqueous arsenious acid ; and the decompositions of acetic acid and other fatty acids, into alcohol-radicles, hydrocarbons of the ethylene-series, carbonic anhydride, and hydrogen. III. By the action of another substance, simple or compound. a. The decomposing substance is an element (or a compound acting as such), and takes the place of one element of the compound, which is thereby eliminated. This is SIMPLE SUBSTITUTION. Zinc decomposes hydrochloric acid, HC1, forming ZnCl, and expelling hydrogen. Potassium decomposes water, HHO, expelling half the hydrogen, and forming hydrate of potassium, KHO. Chlorine decomposes bromide of silver, forming chloride of silver and eliminating bromine. Metals in numerous instances displace other metals from solutions of their salts, e. g. iron decomposes nitrate of copper, forming nitrate of iron and a deposit of copper. Silicic anhydride, SiO 2 , decomposes carbonate of soda, Na 2 O.C0 2 , expeDing carbonic anhydride, and forming silicate of soda, Na'O.SiO 8 , though not exactly in the proportion here indicated. Boric anhydride, B 2 3 , heated with hydrate of barium expels 3 atoms of water, and forms borate of barium : B 2 3 + 3(H 2 O.Ba 2 0) = 3Ba' 2 O.B 2 3 + 3H 2 0. b. The acting body sometimes enters into combination with both elements of the compound, or with the compound as a whole. Sulphide of carbon burnt in oxygen, produces sulphurous and carbonic anhydrides. Hydrocarbons and organic compounds in general, yield by combustion, carbonic anhy- dride and water. Chlorine converts metallic sulphides into chloride of sulphur and metallic chlorides. Chlorine passed into water forms hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids ; it decomposes metallic oxides in like manner, forming with mercuric oxide, Hg O, for example, chloride of mercury, 2HgCl, and hypochlorous anhydride, C1 2 0. Sometimes only one compound is formed : as when a metallic sulphide is heated in the air and converted into a sulphate : e. g. Cu*S + O 4 = Cu 2 S0 4 ; or again, when phos- phoretted hydrogen, PH 3 , is converted by combustion into phosphoric acid, PH 3 4 . c. The substance by which the compound AB is decomposed, is itself a compound CD, and the transformation consists in an interchange of elements, whereby the two new compounds AD and BC, are produced. This is DOUBLE DECOMPOSITION. It is the most frequent of all kinds of chemical action, and, as we shall presently explain, may be regarded as typical of the rest. Instances of it may be adduced without number, such as the mutual decomposition of neutral salts, c. g. chloride of barium and sulphate of copper ; nitrate of silver and chloride of sodium, &c. Also the decomposition of metallic oxides by acids, resulting in the formation of chlorides, iodides, sulphides, &c. and oxygen-salts : thus, with hydrochloric acid and oxide of copper : Cu 2 + H'Cl 2 = Cu 2 Cl 2 + H 2 0; hydrochloric acid and hydrate of potassium : KHO + HC1 = KC1 f HHO ; 3i 4 856 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. sulphydric acid and oxide of lead : H 2 S + Pb 2 = H 2 + Pb 2 S. Sulphuric acid and protoxide of iron : H 2 S0 4 + Fe 2 = Fe 2 S0 4 + H 2 ; sulphuric acid and sesquioxide of iron : 3H 2 S0 4 + Fe 4 3 = Fe 4 (S0 4 ) 3 -f 3H 2 0. Similarly when compound radicles are concerned, as in organic compounds : e. g. the formation of water and chloride of ethyl by the mutual action of alcohol and hydro- chloric acid : + HC1 = C 2 H 5 C1 + H 2 0; of ethylsulphuric acid and water, from alcohol and sulphuric acid : of thiacetic acid and phosphoric anhydride, from acetic acid and pentasulphide of phosphorus : of ethylamine by the action of hydrate of potassium on cyanate of ethyl : 'jjSSf * Cyanate of Hydrate Carbonate Ethyl- ethyl. ofpotas- ofpotas- amine. slum. slum. In some cases, the decomposition of a compound, AB, is effected by the joint action of two substances C, D, not previously combined ; as when an oxide, alumina, for ex- ample, is decomposed by the joint action of chlorine and carbon at a red heat, yielding a chloride and carbonic oxide : A1 4 3 + Cl + C 3 = 2APC1 3 + 300. Sometime?, instead of the two new compounds AD, BC, being produced, only one such compound, AD, is formed, the elements B C being either set free or entering into other combinations. Thus when chloride of ammonium is decomposed by quick lime, the products should be chloride of calcium and oxide of ammonium ; but the latter is immediately resolved into ammonia and water : 2NH 4 C1 + Ca 2 = 2CaCl + (NH 4 ) 2 [= 2NH 3 + H 2 0]. Aluminium and other sesquiatomic metals do not form carbonates : hence, when a salt of aluminium is precipitated by an alkaline carbonate, the precipitate consists, not of carbonate of aluminium, but of alumina (hydrated), while carbonic anhydride is set free: 2APC1 3 + 3Na 2 C0 3 = 6NaCl + A1 4 3 + 3 CO 2 . Many peroxides heated with hydrochloric acid, yield water, a protochloride of the metal, and free chlorine, the metal not forming a chloride analogous in composition to the peroxide: MnO + 2HC1 = H 2 + MnCl + Cl. In many cases, one or both of the new products, AD, BC, enters into combination with an undecomposed portion of one or both of the original compounds, the particular products formed depending upon the proportion in which the original substances are present, and on the circumstances of the experiment. Thus, when sulphide of carbon is decomposed by potash, the immediate products are sulphide of potassium and carbonic anhydride ; but these unite with portions of the original substances, forming carbonate and sulphocarbonate of potassium : 3CS 2 + 3K 2 = K 2 O.C0 2 + 2(K 2 S.CS 2 ). Sulphide of antimony fused with potash, yields at first sulphide of potassium and oxide of antimony ; but the final products are oxysulphide of antimony and sulphantimonite of potassium : 3Sb 2 S 3 + 3K 2 = Sb 2 3 .Sb 2 S 3 + 3K 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 ; but when 4 at. trisulphide of antimony are fused with 7 at. potash, the products are 2 at. sulphantimonite and 1 at. acid antimonite of potassium : 4Sb 2 S + 7K 2 = 2(3K 2 S.Sb 2 S 3 ) -I- K*0.2Sb 2 O s . CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 857 It has already been stated that double decomposition may be viewed as a type of chemical action in general ; in fact, all cases of simple substitution, and even of the direct union of two elements, or the separation of the elements of a binary compound, may be viewed as double decompositions, provided we make certain suppositions re- specting the constitution of elements in the free state. There are many considerations which tend to show that the atoms of an elementary body, or of a compound radicle in the free state, are associated by pairs in a similar manner to the heterogenous atoms of a binary compound ; that is to say, a molecule of free hydrogen consists of HH, and a molecule of free ethyl of C 2 H 5 .C 2 H 5 , just as a molecule of hydrochloric acid consists of HC1, and a molecule of chloride of ethyl of C 2 H*.C1. In the voltaic circuit, the metallic conductor exhibits in many respects the same phenomena as the electrolyte, both parts of the circuit becoming heated, and both producing the same deflection of a magnetic needle placed near them : hence it may be inferred, that the metallic conductor consists of a series of similar particles polarised in pairs, just as the electrolyte consists of a series of heterogeneous particles thus polarised. In a circuit composed of zinc, platinum, and hydrochloric acid, - + - + + the electrolyte may be regarded as consisting of C1H C1H C1H . . . and the _+_+_+ _+_ + metallic part of the circuit of ZnZn ZnZn ZnZn . . . PtPt PtPt . . . the entire circuit being thus made up of atoms in opposite polar states. This, as will be more fully explained in the article ELECTRICITY, is the most satisfactory idea that can be given of the phenomena of electro-chemical action. But there are also considerations purely chemical which tend to the same conclusion. Many instances of chemical action are known, in which two atoms of an elementary body or compound radicle unite together at the moment of chemical change, just like heterogeneous atoms. Thus, when hydride of copper, Cu 2 H, is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, cuprous chloride is formed, and a quantity of hydrogen evolved, equal to twice that which is contained in the hydride itself: Cu 2 H + HC1 = Cu 2 Cl -i- HH. This action is precisely analogous to that of hydrochloric acid on cuprous oxide : Cu<0 + 2HC1 = 2Cu 2 Cl + H 2 0. In the latter case, the hydrogen separated from the hydrochloric acid unites with oxy- gen ; in the former, with hydrogen. "When solutions of sulphurous and sulphydric acids are mixed, the whole of the sulphur is precipitated : SO 2 + 2H 2 S = 2H 2 + S.S 2 , the action being similar to that of sulphurous acid on selenhydric acid : SO 2 + 2H 2 Se = 2H 2 + S.Se 2 . In the one case, a sulphide of selenium is formed ; in the other, a sulphide of sulphur. The precipitation of iodine, which takes place on mixing hydriodic with iodic acid, affords a similar instance of the combination of homogenous atoms. The reduction of certain metallic oxides by peroxide of hydrogen, is another striking example of this kind of action. When oxide of silver is thrown into this liquid, water is formed ; the silver is reduced to the metallic state ; and a quantity of oxygen is evolved, equal to twice that which is contained in the oxide of silver. It appears, indeed, as if atoms could not exist in a state of isolation. An atom of an elementary body must unite, either with an atom of another element, or with one of its own kind. Similar phenomena are exhibited by the alcohol-radicles : thus, when zinc-ethyl and iodide of methyl are heated together, double decomposition takes place, the products being iodide of zinc and methyl-ethyl : C 2 H 5 .Zn + CH 3 .I = Znl + CH 3 .C 2 H 5 ; and when zinc-ethyl is heated with iodide of ethyl, a precisely similar action takes place, but attended with formation of free ethyl : C 2 H 5 .Zn + C 2 H 5 .I = Znl + C 2 H 5 .C 2 H 5 . In the first case, the ethyl separated from the iodine unites with methyl separated from the zinc ; in the second, it unites with another atom of ethyl. The idea of the duality of the molecules of alcohol-radicles in the free state, is likewise in accordance with their observed boiling-points and vapour-densities. (See ALCOHOL-RADICLES, p. 96.) Further, elementary bodies frequently act upon others as if their atoms were asso- ciated in binary groups. Thns chlorine acting upon potash forms two compounds, chloride and hypochlorite of potassium : KKO -i- C1C1 = C1K + C1KO ; 858 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. just as chloride of cyanogen would form chloride and cyanate of potassium. The quantity of chlorine which acts upon an atom of potash, is not 1 at. = 35 '5, but 2 at. = 70. Similarly, when metallic sulphides oxidise in the air, both the metal and the sulphur enter into combination with oxygen. Sulphur acting upon potash forms a sulphide and a hyposulphite. Lastly, when zinc-ethyl is exposed to the action of chlorine, iodine, &c., these elements unite separately with the zinc and with the ethyl, thus: C 2 H 5 Zn + C1C1 = CPEPCl + ZnCL From these considerations it appears that double decomposition, which is generally understood as an action between four elements or groups of elements, may likewise be supposed to take place in cases where only three elements or groups come into play. In like manner we may regard as double decompositions even those reactions which are commonly viewed as the simple combination or separation of two elements, or as the substitution of one element for another. Thus when potassium burns in chlorine gas, the reaction may be supposed to take place between two atoms of chlorine and two atoms of potassium : KK + C1C1 = KC1 + KC1. Again, the decomposition of cyanide of mercury by heat may be represented thus : CyHg.CyHg = CyCy + HgHg. The simple replacement of one element by another may also be regarded as a double decomposition, by supposing the formation of an intermediate compound. Thus the action of zinc upon hydrochloric acid may be supposed to consist of two stages : ZnZn + HC1 = ZnH + ZnCl, and ZnH + HC1 = ZnCl + HH. It is true that the formation of the intermediate compound, the hydride of zinc, can- not be actually demonstrated in this case, because it is decomposed as fast as it is formed ; but in other cases, the two stages of the action can be distinctly traced. Thus, it is well known that hydrochloric acid does not dissolve copper ; but an alloy of zinc and copper. Cu Zn, dissolves in it readily, with evolution of hydrogen. Here it may be supposed that the first products are chloride of zinc and hydride of copper, a known compound : Cu'Zn + HC1 = Cu 2 H + ZnCl; and that the hydride is afterwards acted upon by the acid in the manner already ex plained. Again, when zinc and iodide of ethyl are heated together in a sealed tube, iodide of zinc and zinc-ethyl are obtained, thus : ZnZn + (C 2 H).I = Znl + Zn(C 2 H 5 ) ; and the zinc-ethyl, when heated with excess of iodide of ethyl, yields iodide of zinc and free ethyl (p. 857). It thus appears that all well understood cases of chemical action may be referred to one type, namely, that of an interchange of elements between two previously existing compounds. d. The transformation of a compound is brought about by a substance which either remains unaltered, or at all events does not enter into combination with either of the elements of the compound. This obscure mode of action, usually called Catalysis, or Contact-action, is chiefly observed in the transformations of organic compounds, such as the conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid, and of alcohol into acetic acid tinder the influence of yeast; of starch into dextrin and sugar by the action of diastase ; the conversion of urea into carbonate of ammonium, by contact with animal mucus, &c. The terms Catalysis and Contact-action explain nothing, but as mere names they are sometimes convenient. Many decompositions formerly spoken of as catalytic, are now regarded as double decompositions, dependent on the polarity of homogeneous atoms (p. 857). Magnitude or Strength of Chemical Affinity. That the power which causes bodies to unite is exerted with various degrees of intensity, is evident from the whole range of chemical phenomena. Chlorine certainly unites with hydrogen more readily than with nitrogen, and the elements of hydro- chloric acid are held together with far greater force than those of chloride of nitrogen. If zinc displaces copper from its solution in hydrochloric acid, and copper cannot dis- place zinc from such a solution, we cannot resist the conclusion that the affinity of zinc for chlorine in solution is greater than that of copper. But does this show that the former of these affinities is intrinsically and under all circumstances greater than CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 859 the latter ? or may not the relative solubilities of chloride of zinc and chloride of copper, or the cohesion of the metals themselves, have something to do with the result? Or to state the question generally, does each element possess for every other a dis- tinct and specific affinity or combining power, which is always the same, and liable only to be modified in its results by the circumstances under which the bodies are placed, or is the affinity between each pair of elements itself a variable quantity dependent on pressure, temperature, solubility, volatility, the presence of other bodies, &c. &c. ? The older chemists answered the first part of this question in the affirmative. When they found a body A expelling another B from its union with C, they concluded that C had for A a greater affinity than for B. On this principle they formed what were called Tables or Columns of Affinity, of which the following may be taken as specimens, the several substances in each being disposed in the order of their supposed affinity for the body at the head of the column : Sulphur: 0; K and the other alkali-metals; Zn; Fe; Sn; Cu; Cl; H; C; Pbj Bi; Sb; Hg; Ag; Pt; Cu 4 S; MoS; Au. Sulphuric acid: Ba 2 O;Sr 2 0; K 2 0; Na 2 ; Li 2 (?); Ca 2 ; Mg 2 ; Pb 2 ; NH S ; Fe 2 0; Zn 2 0; Ni 2 : Co 2 ; Cu 2 ; A1 4 3 ; Fe 4 Q 3 . Metals: 0; F; Cl ; Br ; I; Se; P; H. A very slight acquaintance with chemical phenomena is, however, sufficient to show that these so-called Tables of Affinity are merely tables of the order of decomposition under particular circumstances, and that the relative affinity of one body for two others is liable to change from a great variety of circumstances, sometimes even to be re- versed. Thus, iron at a red heat decomposes vapour of water, abstracting the oxygen and setting the hydrogen free, whence it might be inferred that the affinity of oxygen for iron is greater than for hydrogen ; but if hydrogen gas be passed over red-hot oxide of iron, water is formed and iron set free, indicating an exactly opposite order of affinities. In like manner, potassium heated in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride, becomes oxidised and sets carbon free ; and on the other hand, charcoal strongly heated with potash, abstracts the oxygen and sets potassium free. Carbonic anhy- dride precipitates silica from a solution of silicate of sodium, and on the other hand silica heated with carbonate of sodium, forms silicate of sodium, and liberates carbonic anhydride ; and similarly in numerous other cases. . We must then look to other circumstances besides intrinsic force of affinity to de- termine whether a particular reaction will take place or not. The most important of these circumstances are : 1. The elasticity or the cohesion of one of the resulting compounds, and its con- sequent tendency to assume the gaseous or solid state, and thus to remove itself from the sphere of action. The examples just mentioned afford striking illustrations of the influence of vola- tility in determining chemical decomposition. The tendency of the resulting gas or vapour to diffuse itself through the surrounding atmosphere, doubtless contributes greatly to the result ; thus, when aqueous vapour is passed over red-hot iron, the hy- drogen set free by the decomposition of the water is carried forward by the current of aqueous vapour, and the iron is left free to act upon a fresh portion. The influence of cohesion is clearly seen in precipitations. It is, indeed, a general law that if the solutions of two salts are mixed, and an insoluble compound can be formed from any of their elements, that compound is sure to be produced and to separate from -the liquid. Hence the order of decomposition is frequently reversed by the nature of the solvent. Aqueous acetic acid decomposes carbonate of potassium, eliminating carbonic acid; but if the resulting acetate of potassium be dissolved in alcohol, and carbonic acid gas passed through the solution, carbonate of potassium is precipitated and acetic acid passes into solution as acetic ether. A strong solution of caustic potash decomposes carbonate of calcium, forming carbonate of potassium, and leaving lime undissolved ; but a solution of 1 pt. carbonate of potassium in 10 pts. of water, is decomposed by agitation with lime, yielding caustic potash and carbonate of calcium. A weak solution of sulphurous acid dissolves iodine, forming hydriodic and sulphuric acids, H 2 S0 3 + P + H 2 = 2HI + H 2 S0 4 ; but if the quantity of water in the solution be diminished by evaporation, sulphurous anhydride is evolved and hydriodic acid con- taining iodine remains behind, H-SO 4 + 2HI = I 2 + SO 8 + 2H 2 0. 2. The relative quantities of the acting substances. That the relative degrees of affinity of a body for a number of others to which it is simultaneously presented are greatly modified by their relative masses, was first pointed out by Berthollet. The law laid down by that philosopher respecting the action of masses, is this : A body to which two different substances capable of acting on it chemically, are presented in different proportions, divides itsdf between them in the ratio of the products of their 860 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. respective masses, and the absolute strengths of their affinities for the first body. Thus, if \ve denote by A and B the masses of the two bodies which are present in excess, by o and )8 the coefficients of their absolute affinities for the body C; and by a and b the quantities of A and B which actually combine with C, the law just stated will be expressed by the proportion : a : b = aA : ftB. If this view be correct, any alteration, however small, in the relative quantities of A and B, must produce a corresponding alteration in the relative quantities of the two which unite with C. That this is not the case under all circumstances, is shown by the following experiments of Bunsen and of Debus. Bunsen's experiments (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv. 137), which were made in such a manner that all the phenomena of combination concerned in them took place simulta- neously, lead to the following remarkable laws : 1. When two or more bodies, BB' . . . are presented in excess to the body A, under circumstances favourable to their combination with it, the body A always selects of the bodies BB' . . . quantities which stand to one another in a simple atomic relation, so that for 1, 2, 3 ... atoms of the one compound, there are always formed 1, 2, 3 ... atoms of the other; and if in this manner there is formed an atom of the compound A B', in conjunction with an atom of AB, the mass of the body B may be increased relatively to that of B', up to a certain limit, without producing any altera- tion in the atomic proportion. When carbonic oxide and hydrogen are exploded with a quantity of oxygen not sufficient to burn them completely, the oxygen divides itself between the two gases in such a manner that the quantities of carbonic anhydride and water produced stand to one another in a simple atomic proportion. The results of Bunsen's experiments are given in the following table, the numbers in which denote volumes : Composition of Gaseous Mixture. Quantities of CO and H consumed by Detonation. Ratio of CO:H. 72-57 CO . 69-93 36-70 40-12 18-29 H 26-71 42-17 47-15 . 9-14 . 13-36 .,21-13 . 12-73 12-18 CO 13-06 10-79 4-97 6-10 H . 13-66 . 31-47 . 20-49 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 The results were the same whether the explosion took place in the dark, in diffused daylight, or in sunshine ; and were not affected by the pressure to which the gaseous mixture was subjected. The proportions of hydrogen and carbonic oxide consumed in these several experi- ments, correspond with the composition of five hydrates of carbonic anhydride, contain- ing, respectively: H 2 0.2C0 2 ; H 2 O.C0 2 ; 2H 2 O.C0 2 ; 3H 2 O.C0 2 ; 4H 2 O.C0 2 ; but the results cannot be attributed to the actual formation of these hydrates, inas- much as hydrates of acids containing several atoms of water are incapable of existing at high temperatures. 2. When a body, A, exerts a redwing action on a compound, BC, present in excess, so that A and B combine together and C is set free ; then, if C can, in its turn, exert a reducing action on the newly-formed compound, AB, the final result of the action is, that the reduced portion of BC is to the unreduced portion in a simple atomic proportion. In this case, also, the mass of the one constituent may, without altering the existing atomic relation, be increased to a certain limit, above which, that relation undergoes changes by definite steps, but always in the proportion of simple rational numbers. When vapour of water is passed over red-hot charcoal, the carbon is oxidised and hydrogen is separated ; but the process does not go on so far as the complete formation of carbonic anhydride, but stops at the point at which 1 vol. carbonic anhydride and 2 vol. carbonic oxide are formed to every 4 vol. of hydrogen. In the imperfect combustion of cyanogen the gaseous mixture being so far diluted that it will but just explode, in order that the temperature may not rise too high, and the result be consequently vitiated by the partial oxidation of the nitrogen carbonic anhydride and carbonic oxide are formed, and nitrogen set free, likewise in simple atomic proportion. A mixture of 18'05 vol. cyanogen, 28'87 oxygen, and 53*08 nitrogen, gave, by detonation, 2 vol. carbonic oxide, and 4 vol. carbonic anhydride to 3 vol. nitrogen. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 861 In fLe combustion of a mixture of carbonic anhydride, hydrogen, and oxygen, in which the carbonic anhydride is exposed at the same time to the reducing action of the hydrogen and the oxidising action of the oxygen, the reduced portion of the carbonic anhydride is likewise found to bear to the unreduced portion. a simple atomic relation. In the combustion of a mixture of 8'52 carbonic anhydride, 70'33 hydrogen, and 2T15 oxygen, the resulting carbonic oxide was to the reduced carbonic anhydride in the ratio of 3 : 2. After the combustion of a mixture of 4'41 vol. carbonic oxide, 2'96 carbonic anhydride, 68*37 hydrogen, and 24- L 6 oxygen, the volume of the carbonic oxide converted into carbonic anhydride by oxidation, was to that of the residual carbonic oxide as 1 : 3. That these remarkable laws had not been previously observed, is attributed by Bunsen to the fact that they hold good only when the phenomena of combination, which are regulated by them, take place simultaneously : for, even if a body A were originally to select for combination from the bodies B and C, quantities bearing to one another a simple atomic relation, but the combination of A and B were to take place in a shorter time than that of A and (7, it would follow of necessity, that during the whole of the process, the ratio of B to C, and therefore, also the atomic relations of the associated compounds, would change, so that the observed proportion would be no longer definite. The same result must follow if the bodies which are combining side by side are not homogeneously mixed in the beginning. With regard to the bearing of these results on Berthollet's law, it might be objected that, in some of the experiments, as in the combustion of a mixture of carbonic oxide, hydrogen, and oxygen, one of the products, viz. the water, is removed from the sphere of action by condensation, and that the circumstances are therefore similar to the removal of an insoluble product by precipitation. It is scarcely conceivable, however, that a reverse action would take place, even if the gaseous mixture were to remain at the temperature which exists during the combustion. Moreover, in the decompo- sition of vapour of water by red-hot charcoal, the whole of the products remain in the gaseous state. Debus (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxvx. 103; Ixxxvi. 156; Ixxxvii. 238), has obtained results similar to those of Bunsen, by precipitating mixtures of lime and baryta- water with aqueous carbonic acid, or mixtures of chloride of barium and chloride of cal- cium with carbonate of sodium. A small quantity of a very dilute solution of car- bonate of sodium added to a liquid containing 5 pts. of chloride of barium to 1 pt. of chloride of calcium, threw down nearly pure carbonate of calcium ; but when the pro- portion of the chloride of barium in the mixture was 5 ~1 times as great as that of the chloride of calcium, 2*3 pts. of the former were decomposed to 1 pt. of the latter. Hence it appears that, in this reaction also, limits exist at which the ratio of the affinities undergoes a sudden change. In these experiments, however, the products are immediately removed from the sphere of action, and the results are therefore not comparable with those which are obtained when all the substances present remain mixed and free to act upon each other. The latter condition is most completely fulfilled in the mutual actions of liquid compounds, such as solutions of salts, when all the possible products of their mutual actions are likewise soluble; as, for example, when nitrate of sodium in solution is mixed with sulphate of copper. The question to be solved in snch cases is this. Suppose two salts AB, CD, the elements of which can form only soluble products by their mutxial interchange, to be mixed together in solution. Will these elements, according to their relative affinities, either remain in their original state of combination, as AB and CD, or pass completely into the new arrangement AD and C B ? or will each of the two acids divide itself between each of the two bases, producing the four compounds AB, AD, BC, BD ? and, if so, in what manner will the relative quantities of these four compounds be affected by the original quantities of the two salts ? Do the amounts of AD and CB, produced by the reaction, increase progressively with the regular increase of AB, as required by Berthollet's theory ? or do sudden transitions occur, like those observed in the experiments of Bunsen and Debus ? The solution of this question is attended with considerable difficulty. For when two salts in solution are mixed, and nothing separates out, it is by no means easy to as- certain what changes may have taken place in the liquid. The ordinary methods of ascertaining the composition of the mixture, such as concentration, or precipitation by reagents, are inadmissible, because any such treatment immediately alters the mutual relation of the substances present. In some cases, however, the mixture of two salts is attended with a decided change of colour, without any separation of either of the constituents, and such alterations of colour may afford indications of the changes which take place in the arrangement of the molecules. This method has been employed by Dr. Gladstone (Phil. Trans. 1855, 179; Chem.Soc. Q,u. J. ix. 54), who has carefully examined the changes of colour attending the mixture of a great variety of salts, and 862 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. applied the results to the determination of the effect of mass in influencing chemical action. Dr. Gladstone's principal experiments were made with the blood-red sulphocyauate of iron, which is formed on adding sulphocyanic acid or any soluble sulphocyanate to a solution of a ferric salt. On mixing known quantities of different ferric salts with known quantities of different sulphocyanates, it was found that the iron was never completely converted into the red salt ; that the amount of it so converted depended on the nature both of the acid combined with the ferric oxide, and of the base com- bined with the sulphocyanogen ; and that it mattered not how the bases and acids had been combined previous to their mixture, so long as the same quantities were brought together in solution. The effect of mass was tried by mixing equivalent proportions of ferric salts and sulphocyanates, and then adding known amounts of one or the other compound. It was found that, in either case, the amount of the red salt was increased, and in a regular progression according to the quantity added. When sulphocyanate of potassium was mixed in various proportions with ferric nitrate, chloride, or sulphate, the rate of variation appeared to be the same, but with hydrosulphocyanic acid it was different. The deepest colour was produced when ferric nitrate was mixed with sulpho- cyanate of potassium ; but even on mixing 1 at. of the former with 3 at. of the latter, only 0-194 at. of the red sulphocyanate of iron was formed; and even when 375 at. of sulphocyanate of potassium had been added, there was still a recognisable amount of ferric nitrate undecomposed. The results of a series of experiments with ferric nitrate and sulphocyanate of potassium are given in the following table : Ferric Nitrate. Sulphocyanate of Potassium. Red Salt produced. Ferric Nitrate. Sulphocyanate of Potassium. Red Salt produced. 1 equiv. 3 atoms. 88 atom. 63 atoms. 356 6 127 99 419 9-6 156 135 ' 487 12-6 176 ' 189 , 508 lfi-2 195 243 539 l'J-2 213 297 , 560 282 266 375 587 46'2 318 The addition of a colourless salt reduced the colour of a solution of ferric sulpho- cyanate, the reduction increasing in a regularly progressive ratio, according to the mass of the colourless salt. Similar results were obtained with other ferric salts, viz. with the black gallate, the red meconate and pyromeconate, the blue solution of Prussian blue in oxalic acid, &c., and likewise with the coloured salts of other metals, e. g. the scarlet bromide of gold, the red iodide of platinum, the blue sulphate of copper, when treated with different chlorides, &c. The amount of fluorescence exhibited by a solution of acid sulphate of quinine was found to be affected by the mixture of a chloride, bromide, or iodide, according to the nature and mass of the salt added ; and the addition of sulphuric, phosphoric, nitric, and other acids was found to produce a fluorescence in solutions of hydrochlorate of quinine, or of sulphate which had been rendered non-fluorescent by the addition of hydro- chloric acid. Solutions of horse-chestnut bark, and of tincture of thorn-apple, yielded similar results. The conclusions to be drawn from Gladstone's experiments, are as follows : "When two or more binary compounds are mixed under such circumstances that all the resulting compounds are free to act and react, each acid element enters into com- bination with each basylous element in certain constant proportions, which are inde- pendent of the manner in which the different elements are primarily arranged, and are not merely the resultant of the various strengths of affinity of the several substances for each other, but are dependent also on the mass of each of the substances present in the mixture. All deductions respecting the arrangement of substances in solution, drawn from such empirical rules as that the strongest acid combines with the strongest base, must therefore be looked upon as doubtful. An alteration in the mass of any of the binary compounds present, alters the amount of every one of the other binary compounds, and that in a regularly progressive ratio, sudden transitions occurring only where a substance is present, which is capable of combining with another in more than one proportion. This equilibrium of affinities arranges itself in most cases in an inappreciably short time; but, in certain instances, the elements do not attain their final state of combination for hours. Totally different phenomena present themselves where precipitation, volatilisation, crystallisation, and perhaps other actions occur, simply because one of the substances CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 863 is thus removed from the field of action, and the equilibrium, which was at first established, is thus destroyed. The reciprocal action of salts in solution has also been examined by Mai a gut i (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii. 198 ; and by Margueritte (Compt. rend, xxxviii. 305), both of whom conclude that each base divides itself between the several acids. Mala- guti concludes from his experiments that, in the mutual action of two salts, if nothing separates from the liquid, the decomposition is most complete when the strongest acid and the strongest base are not originally united in the same salt, and that two experi- ments of this kind, made in opposite ways, must lead to the same final result ; that, for example, when 1 at. of acetate of barium is added to 1 at. of nitrate of lead, the quantities of nitrate of barium and nitrate of lead ultimately present in the liquid are the same as when 1 at. nitrate of barium is mixed with 1 at. acetate of lead. Margueritte finds that two salts in solution decompose each other, even when one of them is already the least soluble of the four salts that may be produced from the acids and bases present. Thus, a saturated solution of chlorate of potassium to which chloride of sodium is added, becomes capable of dissolving an additional quantity of chlorate of potassium, showing that a portion of the chlorate has been decomposed and a more soluble salt formed. There are, however, certain well known phenomena, which show that this distri- bution of acids and bases in solution does not always take place. Boric acid colours litmus wine-red; sulphuric acid turns it bright red. Now if sulphuric acid be gra- dually added to a warm solution of borate of sodium in water which has been coloured blue with litmus, the liquid at first remains blue, because a combination of soda with excess of boric acid is produced ; on the addition of more sulphuric acid, boric acid is set free, and colours the liquid wine-red ; and not till all the soda has entered into combination with the sulphuric acid does a further addition of that acid give the liquid a bright red colour ; biit if sulphuric acid were present at the commencement of the action, either in the free state or combined with sulphate of sodium in the form of an acid salt, the bright red colour would appear at once. From the same cause, a solution of sulphate of potassium or sodium to which boric acid has been added, colours litmus only wine-red ; but the addition of ^~ of sulphuric acid immediately produces the bright red tint. Hence boric acid cloes not take soda from sulphuric acid or set that acid free. Sulphydric acid and carbonic acid exhibit similar relations towards sul- phuric acid. Tincture of litmus is instantly bleached by chlorine- water, but not till after several days by aqueous solution of iodine : now, a solution of chloride of sodium mixed with iodine should, according to Berthollet, produce a mixture containing chloride of sodium with excess of chlorine, and iodide of sodium with excess of iodine. But the orange-yellow mixture colours litmus green (from the yellow of the solution and the blue of the tincture) : and a very small quantity of chlorine-water immediately changes this green colour into the orange-yellow of the solution of iodine : this shows that no chlorine had been set free by the iodine. Ferric phosphate is soluble in hydrochloric acid, but not in acetic acid. From its solution in hydrochloric acid it is completely precipitated by acetate of potassium. Now if the potash had been divided between the hydrochloric and acetic acids, part of the hydrochloric acid would have remained free, and would have held some of the phosphate of iron in solution. (Gm. i. 153.) The decomposition of soluble by insoluble salts, affords a striking instance of the tendency of atoms to interchange, and of the influence of mass on chemical action. According to H. Eose (Pogg. Ann. xciv. 481 ; xcv. 96, 284), sulphate of barium is completely decomposed by boiling with solutions of alkaline carbonates, provided that each atom of sulphate of barium is acted upon by at least 15 at. of the alkaline carbonate. When 1 at. of sulphate of barium is boiled with only 1 at. of carbonate of potassium, only | of it is decomposed, and only by boiling with 1 at. of carbonate of sodium, further decomposition being prevented by the presence of the alkaline sul- phate already formed. If, however, the liquid be decanted after a while, the residue boiled with a fresh portion of the alkaline carbonate, and these operations repeated several times, complete decomposition is effected. Carbonate of barium is converted into sulphate by the action of an aqueous solution of sulphate of potassium or sodium, even at ordinary temperatures. Solution of carbonate of ammonium does not decom- pose sulphate of barium either at ordinary or at higher temperatures ; carbonate of barium is not decomposed by sulphate of ammonium at ordinary temperatures, but easily on boiling. Sulphate of barium is not decomposed by boiling with caustic potash-solution, provided the carbonic acid of the air be excluded ; but by fusion with hydrate of potassium it is decomposed, with formation of carbonate of barium, because the carbonic acid of the air cannot then be completely excluded. Hydrochloric and nitric acids, leftin contact at ordinary temperatures with sulphate of barium, either crys- tallised or precipitated, dissolve only traces of it ; at the boiling heat, a somewhat 864 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. larger quantity is dissolved, and the solution forms a cloud, both with a dilute solution of chloride of barium and with dilute sulphuric acid. Sulphate of strontium is dissolved by hydrochloric acid at ordinary temperatures, sufficiently to form a slight precipitate with dilute sulphuric acid, and with chloride of strontium. Sulphate of calcium treated with hydrochloric acid, either cold or boiling, yields a liquid in which a preci- pitate is formed, after a while, by dilute sulphuric acid, but not by chloride of calcium. Sulphate of strontium and sulphate of calcium are completely decomposed by solutions of the neutral and acid carbonates of the alkali-metals at ordinary temperatures, and more quickly on boiling, even if considerable quantities of an alkaline sulphate are added to the solution : the decomposition is also eifected by carbonate of ammonia, even at ordinary temperatures. The carbonates of strontium and calcium are not decomposed by solutions of the sulphates of potassium or sodium at any temperature ; sulphate of ammonium does not decompose them at ordinary temperatures, but readily with the aid of heat. Sulphate of lead is completely converted into carbonate by solutions of the neutral and acid carbonates of the alkali-metals, even at ordinary temperatures, the neutral carbonates, but not the acid carbonates, then dissolving small quantities of oxide of lead. Carbonate of lead is not decomposed by solutions of the alkaline sulphates, either at ordinary temperatures or on boiling. Chromate of barium is decomposed at ordinary temperatures by solutions of the neutral carbonates of the alkali-metals, and much more easily by boiling with ex- cess of an acid carbonate of alkali-metal. When equivalent quantities of the chromate of barium and carbonate of sodium are boiled with water, of the whole is decom- posed ; when the same quantities of the salts are fused together, and the mass treated with water, only i of the barium-salt is decomposed. Carbonate of barium is com- pletely converted into chromate by digestion with the solution of an alkaline mono- chromate ; and the decomposition of chromate of barium by neutral alkaline carbonates, even at the boiling heat, is completely prevented by the presence of a certain quantity of an alkaline monochromate. Selenate of barium is easily and completely decomposed by solutions of alkaline carbonates, even at ordinary temperatures : this salt is somewhat soluble in water, and more readily in dilute acids. Oxalate of calcium is decomposed by alkaline carbonates, even at ordinary tempe- ratures ; but to effect complete decomposition, the liquid must be frequently decanted and renewed. The decomposition takes place rapidly at the boiling heat ; but in all cases it is completely prevented by the presence of a certain quantity of a neutral alkaline oxalate. When the salts are mixed in equivalent proportions, -^ of the oxalate of calcium are decomposed at ordinary temperatures, and f on boiling. Carbonate of cal- cium is partially converted into oxalate by the action of a solution of neutral oxalate of potassium at ordinary temperatures, and more quickly on boiling ; but the decom- position is never complete, even when the liquid is frequently decanted and renewed. Oxalate of lead is completely converted into carbonate at ordinary temperatures by the solution of an alkaline carbonate, a small portion of the carbonate of lead dissolving in the liquid. (R o a e.) The preceding experiments exhibit in a remarkable manner the influence of difference of solubility in determining the order of decomposition. Sulphate of barium is lesa soluble than the carbonate, and, accordingly, carbonate of barium is more readily de- composed by alkaline sulphates than the sulphate by alkaline carbonates. Precisely the contrary relations are exhibited by the sulphates and carbonates of strontium * and calcium, both as regards solubility and order of decomposition. On the other hand, oxalate of calcium is less soluble than the carbonate, and yet its decomposition by alkaline carbonates takes place more easily than the opposite reaction ; in this case, the order of decomposition appears rather to be dftermined, as in Malaguti's experi- ments (p. 862), by the tendency of the strongest acid to unite with the strongest base. The effect of a soluble sulphate, &c. in arresting the decomposition of the correspond- ing insoluble salts by alkaline carbonates, is evidently due to its tendency to produce the reverse action : hence the acceleration produced by decanting and renewing the liquid. Some insoluble salts, however, phosphate of calcium for example, are never com- pletely decomposed, even by this treatment. (See also Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] li. 328.) Theories of Chemical Action. Chemical combination was in early times attributed to the general principle of Hippocrates that "like assorts with like:" hence the word Affinity, which seems to have been first employed by Barchhusen. Becher assumed, in accordance with this dogma, that when two bodies are capable of combining, they must contain a common * According to Fresenius, carbouate of strontium dissolves in 11,862 parts, and sulphate of strontium in 6895 parts of water. CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 865 principle. Others, among whom was Lemery, supposed that solvents are furnished with a number of sharp points, by means of which they are more or less adapted to insinuate themselves into the pores of solid bodies and combine with them. Dismissing these crude notions, we have to consider four distinct hypotheses which have been proposed to account for the phenomena of chemical action. 1. Chemical combinations are produced by universal attraction. Newton was the first who referred chemical combination to universal attraction, though he did not regard the attraction between ultimate particles as exactly the same with that which acts between the great bodies of the universe. Berthollet also regarded chemical combination as a manifestation of the force of universal attraction, exhibiting peculiar characteristics, because it is exerted, not on masses, but on molecules placed at extremely small distances from each other. Being unacquainted with the laws of combination in definite proportions, he supposed that bodies, by virtue of their affinity, are essentially capable of uniting in all proportions, and attributed what he considered the apparent exceptions to the law, entirely to the influence of cohesion and elasticity. That these causes exert considerable influence on chemical combination, is sufficiently evident from the phenomena already discussed ; but to suppose that combination in definite proportion is absolutely dependent upon them, would be inconsistent with our present knowledge of the constitution of chemical compounds ; indeed, the single fact that chlorine and hydrogen unite in one proportion only, and form hydrochloric acid gas, without any condensation or expansion, is quite sufficient to show the untenability of such a supposition. 2. Chemical combinations are produced by a peculiar power called Affi nity, distinct from all others. This hypothesis may be reserved for discussion after it has been shown that all the known powers of nature are insufficient to account for the pheno- mena of chemical action. 3. The union of heterogcnous atoms is the result of Electrical attraction. Numerous theories of this kind have been proposed, among others by Davy, Dumas, Becquerel, Ampere, Grotthuss, Schweigger, Fechner, Berzelius and L. Grmelin. Berzelius supposed that "The atom of every substance has two poles, on which the opposite electricities are accumulated in different proportions, according to the nature of the bodies. The atom of many bodies, oxygen for instance, has a large quantity of negative electricity attached to one of its poles, and but a very small quantity of positive electricity at the other ; that of other bodies, potassium for example, has a large quantity of positive electricity at one pole, and a very little negative electricity at the other. Thus the elementary substances are divided into electro-negative and electro-positive. To each element, however, there belongs a particular proportion be- tween the quantities of the two electricities. Oxygen has, of all the electro-negative elements, the greatest quantity of negative electricity at one of its poles, and the smallest quantity of positive electricity at the other, then follows sulphur, then nitrogen, &c., and lastly hydrogen, in which the quantities of the two electricities are nearly equal. Of all electro-positive substances, potassium has the largest quantity of positive and the smallest of negative electricity ; and this inequality continually diminishes in other bodies, till we come to gold, in which the positive electricity predominates but little over the negative so that this element occupies the next place to hydrogen. According to this, the elements succeed one another in the electro-chemical series of 'Berzelius as follows, beginning with the electro-negative. " Electro-negative, 0, S, N, F, 01, Br, I, Se, P, As, Cr, V, Mo, W, B, C, Sb, Te, Ta, Ti, Si, H. " Electro-positive, Au, Os, Ir, Pt, Rh, Pd, Hg, Ag, Cu, U, Bi, Sn, Pb, Cd, Co, Ni, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ce, Th, Zr, Al, Y, G, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, L, Na, K " In the combination of an electro-negative with an electro-positive body, the predo- minant negative electricity of the former unites with the predominant positive elec- tricity of the latter. Before, however, combination takes place, the former substance exhibits negative, and the latter positive electricity in the free state ; and the tension of the two electricities continually increases as the bodies approach the temperature at which combination takes place. Hence we have an explanation of electricity by con- tact. At the instant of combination, the negative poles of the atoms of the first body turn themselves towards the positive poles of those of the second ; and since it is only in the fluid state that the atoms possess the mobility necessary for this arrangement, it follows that solid bodies have, generally speaking, no chemical action on one another. The two electricities of these poles now combine and produce heat or fire, whereupon they disappear. In every chemical combination, therefore, a neutralisation of the opposite electricities takes place, by which heat or fire is produced in the same manner as in the discharge of the electrical pile or of lightning, excepting that these last-mentioned phenomena are not accompanied by any chemical combination, at least of ponderable VOL. I. 3 K 866 CHEMICAL AFFINITY. bodies. Every chemical combination is therefore an electrical phenomenon depend- ing on the electrical polarity of the atoms." The main difficulty of this theory is to account for the force by which combined atoms are held together. The heterogeneous atoms unite in consequence of their adhesion to the opposite electricities ; but when these have been neutralised by com.' bination, it might be expected that the atoms would fall asunder and allow themselves to be easily separated by friction and other mechanical forces, which is not the case. This objection to the theory of Berzelius has never been satisfactorily answered. Gmelin's theory is as follows: " Ponderable bodies have affinity for one another. The two electricities are substances which likewise possess affinity for each other, and by whose combination in the proportions in which they neutralise each other, heat (fire) is produced. The individual electricities, and likewise heat, have considerable affinity for ponderable substances, and are united to them with greater force and in greater quantity, the more simple these ponderable substances are. Ponderable bodies, according to their nature, have a greater or less excess of positive or negative electricity united with them, in addition to a definite quantity of heat. Thus, oxygen probably contains the greatest quantity of positive, and potassium of negative electri- city. Bodies lying between these two extremes, contain a larger quantity of heat with a smaller excess of one or the other kind of electricity, the proportion of which varies greatly according to their nature. " The combination of two ponderable bodies is the result of two forces, viz. the affinity of the ponderable bodies for each other, and the affinity of the electricity which is in excess in the one body for the opposite electricity which predominates in the other. By these two forces, the affinity of the electro-negative body for the positive electricity united with it, and that of the electro-positive body for the negative electricity combined with it, are overcome. The result is heat and the ponderable compound. The latter retains the excess of positive or negative electricity, by which it requires either an electro-negative or electro- positive character, and likewise part of the heat while another portion is set free, and gives rise to the development of heat or fire, by which most chemical combinations are accompanied. When combination takes place between two bodies, both of which contain an excess of the same kind of electricity, e.g. oxygen and sulphur, which contain free positive electricity in different quantities, it is simplest to suppose that the combination is the result merely of the affinity between the two ponderable bodies, that the new compound contains the sum of the excesses of positive electricity, and that the development of heat is a consequence of the inability of the new compound to retain as much heat united with it as was before combined with its constituents." (Gm. i. 154 158.) 4. Chemical action results from a constant motion among the ultimate particles of bodies, this same movement likewise giving rise to the phenomena of heat, light, and electricity. This is the theory suggested by Williamson (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi. 110). The atoms of all compounds, whether similar or dissimilar, are supposed to be continually changing places, the interchange taking place more quickly as the atoms resemble each other more closely. Thus, in a mass of hydrochloric acid, each atom of hydrogen is supposed, not to remain quietly in juxtaposition with the atom of chlorine with which it happens to be first united, but to be continually changing places with other atoms of hydrogen, or, what comes to the same thing, continually becoming associated with other atoms of chlorine. This interchange is not perceptible to the eye, because one molecule of hydrochloric acid is exactly like another. But suppose the hydrochloric acid to be mixed with a solution of sulphate of copper (the com- ponent atoms of which are likewise undergoing a change of place) : the basylous elements, hydrogen and copper, then no longer limit their change of place to the circle of atoms with which they were at first combined, but the hydrogen and copper likewise change places with each other, forming chloride of copper and sulphuric acid. Thus it is that, when two salts are mixed in solution, and nothing separates out in conse- quence of their mutual action, the bases are divided between the acids, and four salts are produced. If, however, the analogous elements of the two compounds are very- dissimilar, and, consequently, interchange but slowly, it may happen that the stronger acid and the stronger base remain almost entirely together, leaving the weaker ones combined with each other. This is strikingly seen in a mixture of sulphuric acid (sulphate of hydrogen) and borate of sodium, which soon becomes almost wholly con- verted into sulphate of sodium and free boracic acid (borate of hydrogen). Now, suppose that, instead of sulphate of copper, sulphate of silver is added to the hydrochloric acid. At the first moment, the interchange of elements may be supposed to take place as above, and the four compounds, H*S0 4 , Ag 2 S0 4 , IIC1, and AgCl, to be formed ; but the last being insoluble, is immediately removed by precipitation ; the remaining elements then act upon each other in the same way, and this action goes on till all the chlorine or all the silver is removed in the form of chloride CHENOCHOLIC ACID CHENOPODIUM. 867 of silver; if the original compounds are mixed in exactly equivalent proportions, the final result is the formation of only two salts, viz. in this case, ITSQ 4 and AgCl. A similar result is produced when one of the products of the decomposition is volatile at the existing temperature, as when hydrate or carbonate of sodium is boiled with chloride of ammonium. If no precipitation or volatilisation takes place, and one of the compounds (hydro- chloric acid) is in excess of the other (sulphate of copper), then, as the atoms of copper in their several interchanges must come in contact with chlorine-atoms more frequently than with S0 4 -atoms, the final result must be the formation of a larger quantity of chloride of copper and of sulphate of hydrogen than if the bodies had been mixed in equivalent proportions, this effect of course increasing as the relative quantity of hydrochloric acid is greater in the original mixture ; and thus we have an explana- tion of the effect of mass in chemical reaction. The same theory affords an easy explanation of certain chemical changes otherwise somewhat obscure. Consider, for example, the formation of ether by the action of sulphuric acid upon alcohol, whereby ethyl-sulphuric acid (sulphate of ethyl and hydrogen) is first formed, and afterwards, at a certain temperature, ether and water are eliminated (p. 76). When alcohol, TT [0, and sulphuric acid, -g-fSO 4 , are mixed together, the interchange between the atoms of ethyl in the former and of hydrogen in the latter gives rise to the formation of ethyl-sulphuric acid and water : H n = H But the change does not stop here : for the ethyl-sulphuric acid thus produced, meetin with fresh molecules of alcohol, exchanges its ethyl for. the hydrogen of the alcohol producing ether and sulphuric acid : C 2 IP) S04 H JSO The sulphuric acid is thus restored to its original state, and is ready to act upon fresh quantities of alcohol ; so that if alcohol be allowed to run into the mixture in a con- stant stream, the temperature being kept within certain limits (between 130 and 140 C.), the process goes on without interruption, ether and water continually distil over, and the same quantity of sulphuric acid suffices for the etherification of an un- limited quantity of alcohol. This is the peculiarity of the process ; it has given rise to a variety of explanations, all more or less unsatisfactory, the discussion of which would be foreign to the present purpose ; it is sufficient to remark that the hypothesis of atomic interchange affords a ready explanation of the chief peculiarity of the re- action, viz. the formation and decomposition of ethyl-sulphuric acid following each other continuously, without any change of temperature or other determining cause. If it be admitted that the atoms of ethyl and hydrogen in the mixture are continually interchanging in all possible ways, this series of alternate actions follows as a neces- sary consequence. The idea of atomic motion is in accords nee with physical as well as chemical phe- nomena. To suppose that rest, rather than motion, is the normal state of the particles of matter, is at variance with all that we know of the effects of light, heat, and elec- tricity. In the theory of heat, the particles of bodies are supposed to be affected with progressive, as well as with rotatory and vibratory movements ; and this same hypo- thesis of progressive movement, which of course implies change of relative position amongst the particles, affords, as already stated, an easy explanation of certain chemical reactions otherwise difficult to understand. CHEiroCHOXiXC ACID. C 27 H 54 4 . An acid obtained by boiling tauro- chenocholic acid, the sulphuretted acid of goose-bile, with baryta- water, and decom- posing the resulting barium-salt with hydrochloric acid. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether, whence it separates as an amorphous mass. The solutions have an acid reaction, and give the characteristic blood-red colour with sugar and sulphuric acid. It is insoluble in cold potash, but when heated with it, forms a salt which, when freed from excess of potash, dissolves readily in water and in alcohol. The barium-salt, consists of C- 7 H 53 Ba0 4 . (Heintz and Wislicenus, Pogg. Ann. cviiii. 547.) CHEUOCOPROLITE. An impure iron sinter, containing a little silver and arsenate of cobalt. It is a product of decomposition, not a distinct mineral. CHENOPODIU1VT. The herb of Chenopodium ambrosio'ides yields by distillation, a pure greenish -yellow volatile oil (about 1| oz. from 10 Ib.) having an aromatic and 3K 2 868 CHERT CHIASTOLITE. cooling taste (II. Becker, Zeitschr. Pliarm. 1854, p. 8). According to Hirzel (ibid.) this oil, dehydrated by chloride of calcium and rectified, yields a colourless distillate boiling at 179 to 181 C. Chenopodium maritimum. The ash of this plant, growing on a strip of land re- claimed from the sea, has been analysed by Harms (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 247) with the following results : a. Flowers and young shoots, b. Stems. K 2 O Na 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 Fe 4 3 CO 2 SO 3 SiO 2 NaCl a. 4-4 2-3 4-2 6-6 4-3 0-9 3*0 2-4 71*9 = 100 b. 3-1 5-0 4-4 2-0 2-5 0-8 3-3 2*0 76*9 = 100 Traces of manganese were also found. The flowers and young shoots are said to yield 31-9 per cent, ash, and the stems 24*3 per cent. This, together with the very large proportion of chloride of sodium in the ash, seems to show that the plants analysed were saturated with salt water. Aster tripolium grown on the same soil, likewise yielded a very large amount of ash, containing about 65 per cent. NaCl in the stem and leaves, and 30 per cent, in the flowers. Chenopodium olidum. This plant contains an alkaloid having the composition C 3 H 9 N, either trimethylamine or propylamine, to which its foetid odour appears to be due. (Dessaignes, Compt. rend, xxxiii. 358.) Chenopodium Quinoa. According to Volcker (Chem. Gaz. 1851, p. 129) quinoa seeds dried at 100 C. contain 46*10 per cent, starch, 6-10 sugar and extractive matter, 4-60 gum, 5*74 oil, 8*91 casein with a little soluble albumin, 13-95 insoluble albumin and other albuminoidal compounds, 9*53 vegetable fibre, 5*05 ash. The ash (after deduction of sand and charcoal) contained 36*76 per cent, potash, 1*31 chloride of sodium, 2*45 lime, 13*61 magnesia, 1*78 ferric oxide, 38*99 phosphoric anhydride, 3'36 sulphuric anhydride, and 2*19 silica. CHERT. A term often applied to hornstone and to any impure flinty rock, in- cluding the jaspers. (See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 655.) CHESSYX.XTE or CHESSY COPPER. Syn. with AZURITE. (See CARBONATES OF COPPER, p. 784.) CHESTER-LITE. See FELSPAR, CHESTNUT. Castanea vesca. The fruit of this plant has been examined by Payen (J. Pharm. [3] xvi. 279) and by Albini (Wien.Akad. Ber. xiii. 502). Payeu found in 100 pts. : Ash Nitrogen. Water. In dry Substance. In fresh Substance. In dry Substance. After deducting Ash. Of the cultivated chestnut . . 54-21 4*04 0-53 1*17 1*21 Of the wild chestnut . . . 48-06 3*21 0-50 0-96 0-99 Albini found in the shelled kernels of dried chestnuts from various parts of Italy : 3*03-3 per cent, ash, 1*22*1 fat, 23*238-0 starch, 22-823*3 dextrin, 17*5 17*9 sugar, 6*58-4 cellulose, 0*9 2*1 vegetable albumin, and 5'2 5-3 so-called protein- compounds. According to Dessaignes (J. Pharm. [3] xxv. 28), chestnuts contain a little aspar- agine, but no quercite. The entire fruit of the tree (undried) yields 0*99 per cent, ash, containing in 100 pts. 39*36 KX), 19*18 Na 2 0, 7*84 Ca 6 0, 7*84 Mg 2 0, 5*48 Mn 4 3 [?], 3*88 SO 3 , 2-32 SiO 2 , 7*33 P 2 5 , 1*9 phosphates of calcium, magnesia, and iron, 4*82 NaCL (T. Kichard- son, Jahresber. d. Chem. i. 1074.) CHIASTOLITE. Hollow Spar. Made. Al 4 3 .Si0 2 . A variety of Andalusite crystallised in right rhombic prisms with angles of 91 35' and 88 27'. On looking into the end of the prism, we perceive in the axis of it a blackish prism, surrounded by the other, which is of a greyish, yellowish, or reddish-white colour. From each angle of the interior prism, a blackish line extends to the corresponding angle of the exterior. In each of these outer angles there is usually a small rhomboidal space, filled with the same dark substance which composes the central prism. The black matter is the same clay-slate with the rock in which the chiastolite is imbedded. Fracture, foliated, with double cleavage. Translucent. Scratches glass. Eubbed on sealing-wax it imparts negative electricity. Specific gravity 2*94. Hardness 3 7*5. Before the blowpipe it is convertible into a whitish enamel, It has been found in Britany, in the Pyrenees, CHICA CHINOLINE. 869 in che valley of Barege, and in Galicia in Spain, near St. lago de Compostella. The interior black crystal is properly an elongated four-sided pyramid. U. CHIC A. A red dye, obtained from the leaves of Bignonia Chica. (See CAEAJUBU p. 747.) CHIIiDRENITE. A phosphate of aluminium and iron (ferrosum) found with apatite at Tavistock in Devonshire, and at Crinnis in Cornwall. Kammelsberg found in two specimens : P 2 S A1 4 Fe 2 Mn 2 Ca 2 Mg 2 H 2 Total. I. . . 29-36 18-77 3075 6-12 0'66 17'00 102-06 II. . . 28-92 14-44 30-68 9'07 0-14 16'98 100-23 (after deducting 3'82 per cent of insoluble residue in I. and 4'03 in II.) From the analysis II., which was made with purer material than I., Kammelsberg deduces the formula : 2(4M 2 O.P 2 5 ) + 2A1 4 3 .P ;: S + 15H 0, which may be reduced to that of an orthophosphate with hydrate of aluminium and water, viz. : (Ma)P 3 12 . SflftlO + 5aq. The crystals belong to the trimetric system : P . fP . 3Poo . Poo . oop and OP.' Cleavage parallel to P and oopoo (Brooke, Eammelsberg). Specific gravity = 3-247. Hardness = 5 (Eammelsberg). The crystals, which are transparent, have a glassy lustre, and vary in colour from yellowish-brown to blackish, are found on the surface of spathic iron ore intergrown with quartz, iron pyrites, and copper pyrites. (Brooke, Ann. Phil. vii. 316. Kammelsberg, Pogg. Ixxxv. 435 ; Phil, Mag. [4] iv. 118.) CHILEITE. Syn. with GOTHITE. CHILTOrilTE. Syn. with PEEHNITE. CRINOLINE. C 9 H 7 N. Qumoleine, Leucol (Runge, Pogg. Ann. xxxi. 68. Gerhardt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlii. 310; xliv. 279. Hofmann, ibid. xlvi. 31; liii. 427; Ixxiv. 15. Bromeis, ibid. Hi. 130. Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xix. 367. C. Greville Williams, Ed. Phil. Trans, xxi. [2] ; [3] 377; Jahresber. d. Chem. 1855, p. 548; 1856, p. 532. v. Babo, J. pr. Chem. Ixxii. 73, Gm. xiii. 243). Kunge, in 1839, obtained from coal-tar an organic base to which he gave the name of leucol. Gerhardt, in 1842, obtained a similar product, quinoleine, by distilling quinine and other organic bases with potash. Hofmann showed that Gerhardt's quinoleine and Kunge' s leucol were identical. Laurent first pointed out that Gerhardt's quino- leine was a mixture, a fact afterwards established by Gr. Williams, who separated pure chinoline from it, as well as from the mixture of bases obtained from coal-tar. According to later experiments by Williams, however, the chinoline from coal-tar appears to differ in some respects from that which is obtained from cinchonine, &c. Williams has also succeeded in preparing from chinoline (obtained from cinchonine), a fine blue colouring matter likely to be useful in dyeing. Formation. Chinoline is produced in numerous reactions : 1. In the dry distilla- tion of coal, passing over with the tar (Runge). 2. By distilling cinchonine, quinine, or strychnine with hydrate of potassium (Gerhardt). 3. By the electrolysis of nitrate of cinchonine (v. Babo). 4. By distilling thialdine with milk of lime (Wohler and Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixi. v.) 5. By the dry distillation of tri- genic acid or trigenate of silver (Liebig and Wohler, ibid. lix. 289). 6. By dis- tilling berberine with milk of lime, or hydrate of lead (Bodeker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixix. 43). Bodeker also states that chromate of pelosine heated to 100 C. gives off a mixture of chinoline and phenic acid; but according to Williams (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1848. p. 375), the only volatile products of this decomposition are methylamine, dimethylamine, and a pyrrol-base. Williams is of opinion that the production of chinoline in some of the above reactions has been inferred merely from its odour, when, in reality, not a trace of it has been present. Preparation. 1. From Cinchonine. Pulverised cinchonine is gradually added to hydrate of potassium, which is heated in a retort till it melts ; the mixture is then raised to a higher temperature till it becomes brown and emits stifling vapours (Gerhardt); and the distillate, which is a mixture of several bases, is boiled with an acid for several days, whereby pyrrhol is driven off. The dry chinoline which afterwards distils over, beginning to boil at 149 C., but not passing over in large quantities till the boiling point rises to 183, is separated by repeated fractional distillation (about 200 times) into several portions, the lowest of which boils between 154 and 160, and the highest, which is the largest in quantity, at 271. Of these fractions, that which distils below 165 contains lutidine, with a little pyridine and picoline; that between 177 and 182 contains collidine, which is also found in the products up to 199 & ; and the portion which distils above 199, especially that between 216 and 243, consists of chinoline and lepidine, the latter being found chiefly in the portion 3x3 870 CRINOLINE. boiling above 270. To obtain chinoline (and the other bases) perfectly pure, the individual fractions are converted into platinum-salts, and separated by fractional crystallisation. ("Williams.) 2. From Coal-tar Oil. a. The mixture of phenylamine and chinoline (leucol), obtained from heavy coal-tar oil (see PHENYLAMINE), is dissolved in absolute alcohol, and neutralised with oxalic acid ; and the mother-liquor decanted from the oxalate of phenylamine which has crystallised out, is distilled with potash, the receiver being changed as soon as the distillate no longer produces a blue colour with hypochlorite of calcium, and the chinoline which afterwards passes over is collected apart ( H o f - mann). Chinoline thus obtained, contains lepidine and other bases ("Williams). b. Fifty gallons of the oil of very high boiling point, and heavier than water, are treated with sulphuric acid, and the acid liquid is distilled with lime. The portion of the dis- tillate which sinks in water, contains chinoline, lepidine, &c., together with a number of bases of the phenylamine series. The latter are decomposed with nitrite of potas- sium and hydrochloric acid (see PHENYLAMINE) ; the acid liquid is distilled from the heavy oil containing phenic acid ; the admixed non-basic oils are expelled by passing steam through the liquid ; the residue is filtered through charcoal ; and the bases are separated from the aqueous solution by potash, and dried over sticks of solid potash. The mixture thus obtained yields, after more than a hundred fractional distillations, portions boiling between 177 and 274, and from these the chinoline is separated by fractional crystallisation of the platinum-salts, as above. (Williams.) Properties. Chinoline is a transparent, colourless, strongly refracting, mobile oil, which neither thickens or freezes at 20 C. (Ho fmann, Br om eis). Specific gravity 1-081 at 10 (Hofmann). It conducts electricity less readily than phenylamine (Hofmann), boils steadily at 238 C. and distils without alteration (Willi ams) : it evaporates even at ordinary temperatures, so that the oil-stain which it produces on paper soon disappears. The vapour-density of chinoline boiling between 238 and 243 C. is 4-519 (Williams). Chinoline has a penetrating odour, likfe that of phos- phorus and of hydrocyanic acid (Eunge), of St. Ignatius' bean (Gerhardt), of bitter-almond oil (Hofmann). It does not appear to be poisonous (Gerhardt). The aqueous solution kills leeches, but when introduced into the stomach of a rabbit, produces only transient convulsive symptoms and prostration of strength. It is alkaline to litmus and turmeric (G-erhardt, Bromeis); only to dahlia-paper (Hofmann). Several formulae have been proposed for chinoline. According to the analyses of Hofmann and Bromeis (made on chinoline containing lepidine, according to Williams), it is C 9 H 8 N ; Gerhardt at first regarded it as C 8 H U NO, afterwards (Traite, iv. 449) as C 10 H 9 N. The formula C 9 H 7 N, first suggested by Laurent, is confirmed by Williams's analyses of several of the salts ; the pure base does not appear to have been analysed. The formula C 9 H 7 N gives for the vapour-density, calculated to two volumes, the number 4 '47 which agrees very nearly with Williams's determination. Chinoline is very sparingly soluble in cold water, rather more in hot water and is extracted from the solution by ether (Hofmann). When shaken up with water at C. it forms a clear oil containing 2C 9 H 7 N.3H 2 O, which at 15 C. gives up water and becomes turbid. When chinoline saturated with water at 0C. is heated to 100, water and a little chinoline escape, and a clear hydrate remains, containing 2C 9 H 17 N.H 2 0, which remains limpid and mobile at 20, but is resolved by distillation into water and anhydrous chinoline. (Bromeis.) Chinoline mixes in all proportions with sulphide of carbon, alcohol, ether, wood- spirit, aldehyde, and acetone ; it also mixes with oils, both fixed and volatile. It dissolves phosphorus, sulphur, and arsenic, also common camphor and colophony, but not copal or caoutchouc. It does not coagulate albumin. Decompositions. 1. Chinoline when set on fire, burns with a luminous but smoky flame. 2. It becomes resinised by exposure to the air. 3. Chlorine instantly changes it into a black resin, with great rise of temperature and evolution of hydrochloric acid (Hofmann), into a yellow oil, which is decomposed by water, leaving a white insoluble substance (Williams). 4. With bromine, it forms a similar resin (Hof- mann). 5. Aqueous chinoline treated with a mixture of hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potassium rapidly becomes covered with a layer of orange-red oil, which solidifies to a tough mass on cooling (Hofmann). 6. Fuming nitric acid acts violently on chinoline, and converts it into a splendid mass of crystals, but does not form any products of decomposition (Gr. Williams). 7. Chinoline immediately takes fire in contact with dry chromic acid, and is resinised by aqueous chromic acid (Hofmann). 8. Permanganate of potassium decomposes chinoline into oxalic acid and ammonia Hofmann). Potassium dissolves in chinoline, with evolution of hy- drogen, but without colouring. On melting potassium in chinoline vapour, cyanide of potassium is formed. Chinoline vapour passed over burnt tartar, remains for the most CHINOL1NE. 871 part unchanged, but forms a small quantity of cyanide of potassium (Hofmann). 10. Chinoline passed over red-hot quick lime (Hofmann), or soda-lime (Bromeis), suffers little or no decomposition. 11. Enclosed in a sealed tube with iodide of methyl, and heated for ten minutes to 100 C-, it is changed into crystals of hydriodate of methyl- chinoline. In like manner, it is converted by iodide of ethyl into hydriodate of ethyl- chin oline, and by iodide ofamylinto hydriodate of amyl-chinoline (Williams). 12. Chinoline becomes warm when mixed with sulphide of methyl (sometimes disengag- ing vapour of methylic ether and methylic alcohol), and forms, if complete combination has been promoted by heat, a liquid soluble in water, which, when excess of sulphate of methyl is present, deposits separate crystals. The liquid is rendered turbid by potash or baryta, and separates oil-drops, which at first become red, then green, finally violet, and when heated pass into a beautiful violet resin, methylirisine, with formation of sharp, strongly smelling, condensable vapours. At the same time a brown resin and a sulphomethylate are formed. Chinoline, heated to boiling with sulphate of ethyl, forms a colourless liquid, which, when boiled with strong caustic potash, de- posits a violet resin, cthylirisine, insoluble in ether, and a brown resin soluble in ether, while an ethylsulphate remains dissolved, and a sharp neutral oil, sinking in water, passes over, which, if immediately mixed with dichloride of platinum, yields beautiful needles, but soon decomposes (v. Babo). 13. Chloride of acetyl acts violently on chinoline, forming a crystalline very deliquescent mass (Williams). 14. With cyanate of ethyl, it solidifies into a crystalline mass consisting of phenyl-chinyl-car- bamide, N 2 (CO)".C 6 H 5 .C 9 H 5 .H 2 . CHINOLINE SALTS. Chinoline unites with acids, forming salts which crystallise easily (Williams). It precipitates salts of aluminium and ferricum, and renders lead-salts and ferrous salts slightly turbid (Hofmann). Acoording to G-erhardt, it precipitates nitrate of silver, but not ferric nitrate. Chinoline salts are decomposed by fixed alkalis ; also by ammonia at a moderate heat ; but at high temperatures, chinoline expels ammonia. Dry chinoline-salts treated with phenylamine, emit the odour of chinoline. (Hofmann.) Chlorhydrate or Hydrochlorate of Chinoline. Chinoline absorbs hydro- chloric acid gas violently, and with evolution of heat, and solidifies on cooling to white crystals, which take up more hydrochloric acid, becoming red and liquid, and on again cooling, solidify to a deliquescent, slightlv crystalline mass. Hence chinoline appears to form both a neutral and an acid hydrochlorate (Bromeis). When hydro- chloric acid gas is passed over chinoline dissolved in ether, the hydrochlorate separates in heavy viscous drops, which after a while become slightly crystalline (Hofmann). Mixed with solutions of metallic chlorides, it forms double salts, which for the most part crystallise readily. Chlorantimonite. Chinoline forms with trichloride of antimony a white precipitate, which dissolves in boiling hydrochloric acid, and crystallises on cooling (Hofmann). Chloro-aurate. C 9 H 7 JST.HCl.AuCl 3 . Delicate canary -yellow needles, permanent in the air, sparingly soluble in water, and containing, when dried at 100C. 41 '85 per cent, of gold; the formula requires 4 2-0 per cent. (Williams.) Chlorocadmate. C 9 H 7 N.HCl.PtCl 2 . The concentrated solutions of hydrochlorate of chinoline and chloride of cadmium solidify to a pulp when mixed : the dilute solutions yield white permanent needles, which give off 2 at. water at 100C., volatilise com- pletely at a higher temperature, and are sparingly soluble in alcohol. (Williams.) Chloromercurate. C 9 H 7 N.2HgCl. White precipitate, which is not decomposed by boiling water (Hofmann), and separates on cooling in beautiful pearly plates (Bromeis). It smells of chinoline, and has a very bitter, disagreeably metallic taste. According to Hofmann's analysis, it contains 26-5 per cent. C, 17'6 Cl, and 49-9 Hg, the formula requiring 27 '0 C, 1775 Cl, and 50'0 Hg. Chloropalladite. C 9 H'N.HCl.PdCl. Chestnut-brown crystals, containing 20*96 per cent. Pd; by calculation 21-18 per cent. (Williams.) Chloroplatinate. C 9 H 7 N.HCl.PtCl 2 . Yellow crystalline precipitate, which dissolves in 893 pts. of water at 15 C. (Williams). The salt obtained by fractional crystal- lisation, fourteen times repeated, from a portion of the bases (prepared from cinchonine, p. 869), boiling between 238 and 243, yielded 32*36 per cent. C, 274 H, and 29'29 Pt, the formula requiring 32-06 C, 2'58 H, and 29-19 Cl. (Williams.) Chlorostannite. Hydrochlorate of chinoline forms with protochloride of tin, a yel- low, heavy oil, which afterwards becomes crystalline, and dissolves with difficulty in alcohol. (Hofmann.) Chloro-uranate. C 9 H 7 KHC1.(U 2 0)CL Concentrated solutions of ammonio-chloride of uranyl and hydrochlorate of chinoline, solidify when mixed : dilute solutions yield beautiful yellow prisms, containing (at 100 C.) 31*87 per cent. C, 277 H, and 20-97 Cl, the formula requiring 32'05 C, 2'37 H, and 21-07 Cl. (Williams.) 3x4 872 CRINOLINE. Chromate of Chinoline. Chromic acid forms a yellow crystalline precipitate with chinoline (G-erhardt, Hofmann). Dilute chromic acid added in excess to aqueous chinoline (obtained from cinchonine), throws down a small quantity of resinous matter, which becomes crystalline when rubbed with a glass rod, dissolves in boiling water after filtering and washing, and is deposited in brilliant needles on cooling. It detonates when heated, but not after addition of hydrochloric acid. The crystals gave by analysis, 45-08 per cent. C, 3'49 H, and 22-34 Cr, agreeing very nearly with the formula 2C 9 H 7 N.H-'0.2Cr 2 3 (Williams). Chinoline from coal-tar did not yield a crystallised compound with chromic acid, but only oily drops, even when the impurities which could be destroyed by chromic acid had been removed. (Williams.) Nitrate of Chinoline. Solution of chinoline in excess of nitric acid, leaves when evaporated over the water-bath, a pasty mass, which solidifies on cooling, and when crystallised from hot alcohol, forms white needles, permanent in the air, infusible at 100 C., and consisting of C 9 H 7 N.HN0 3 (Williams). Easily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether. (Hofmann.) Oxalate of Chinoline, is a confused, radiating, unctuous mass, easily soluble in water, alcohol, and ether (H o f ma n n). An acid oxalate, C 9 H 7 N.C 2 H 2 4 , is obtained on mixing a solution of 16-5 pts. oxalic acid in a small quantity of water with 243 pts. of chinoline, as a soft, white, crystalline mass, which when recrystallised from alcohol, forms slender needles having a silky lustre. It decomposes at 100 C., with evolution of chinoline. (Williams.) When chinoline containing phenylamine is dissolved in alcohol or ether, and mixed with alcoholic oxalic acid, almost all the oxalate of phenylamine is deposited after a few hours, while oxalate of chinoline remains in solution. (Hofmann.) Picrate of Chinoline resembles picrate of phenylamine. (Hofmann.) Sulphate of Chinoline. Crystallisable and deliquescent. (Gerhardt and Hofmann.) Tannate of Chinolin e. Chinoline forms with infusion of galls, a yellowish-brown precipitate (Hofmann); a white flocculent precipitate, soluble in boiling water and in alcohol (Gerhardt.) Substitution-Derivatives of Chinoline. METHYL-CHINOLINE, C 10 H 9 N=KH.CH 3 .C 9 H 5 . (Gr. Williams, Ed. Phil. Trans, xxi. [3] 577.) Not known in the free state, at least in definite form. The hydriodate is obtained in fine crystals, by heating chinoline and iodide of methyl together to 100 C. in a sealed tube for ten minutes. It is decomposed by oxide of silver, forming iodide of silver, and an unstable, strongly alkaline solution, which when heated with potash emits a suffocating odour, probably arising from methylamine. The platinum-salt, C 10 H 9 N.HCl.PtCl 2 , is obtained as a sparingly soluble salt, by decomposing the solution of the hydriodate with nitrate of silver, precipitating the excess of silver with hydro- chloric acid, and adding dichloride of platinum to the filtrate. ETHYL-CHINOLINE, CHN = KH.C 2 H 5 .C 9 H 5 . (Gr. Williams, loc. tit.} Chinoline treated with iodide of ethyl, as in the preparation of hydriodate of methylchinoline, yields, after distilling off the excess of iodide of ethyl, crystals oi hydriodate of ethylchinoline. On treating these crystals with oxide of silver and water (if this is done in the water-bath, a volatile product escapes which attacks the eyes), and filtering off the iodide of silver, a colourless, strongly alkaline solution of ethyl- chinoline is obtained, which decomposes on evaporation in the water-bath, assuming a carmine colour, and on the edges emerald-green, afterwards changing to a beautiful blue. It expels ammonia from sal-ammoniac. It precipitates chloride of mercury and the salts of lead, iron, and copper. Hydriodate of Ethylchinoline, C U H U N.HI, forms cubes when recrystallised from al- cohol. It is more soluble in water than in alcohol. It gives by analysis, 46-5 per cent. C, 4-4 H, and 44-1 I, the formula requiring 46-3 C, 4-9 H, and 44-6 I. At 100 C., it becomes transiently blood-red. It is decomposed by sulphate of silver, forming iodide of silver, and a liquid which is colourless at first, but on evaporation over the water-bath, assumes a carmine colour, dark blue at the edges, and when dry leaves a blackish-red mass having a coppery lustre. The mass forms with water a dark carmine solution, which is coloured scarlet by hydrochloric and nitric acids, and rose-red by ammonia : with potash, it forms a violet precipitate which is but sparingly soluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol, forming a carmine-red solution. Dichloride of platinum produces in the hydrochloric acid solution of the precipitate, a bulky, insoluble double salt, of a higher atomic weight than the platinum -salt of hydrochlorate of ethylchinoline. Platinum-salt of Ethylchinoline. C' 'IP'N.HCLPtCl. Golden-yellow, sparingly so- luble precipitate. CHIOLITE. 873 Respecting v. Babo's compounds, methyl- and ethyl-irisine, which appear to be iso- meric with methyl- and ethyl-chinoline, see p. 870 ; also the names of the substances themselves. AMYL-CHINOLINE, C 14 H 17 N = N.H.C'H^.C 9 !!' (Gr. Williams, loc. tit.) A mixture of chinoline and iodide of amyl heated in a sealed tube for several hours to 100 C., deposits beautiful crystals of the hydriodate, C 14 H 17 N.HL The platinum- salt, C 14 H 17 N.HCl.PtCF, is sparingly soluble in water, insoluble in ether-alcohol. Hydriodate of amyl-chinoline heated with alkalis, yields a fine blue colour, which may be used as a dye. To prepare it, 1 pt. by weight of crude chinoline is to be boiled for ten minntes with If pts. of iodide of amyl. The mixture, from being straw-coloured becomes deep reddish-brown, and solidifies on cooling to a mass of crystals. This product of the reaction is to be boiled for about ten minutes with 6 pts. of water, and, when dissolved, filtered through paper. The filtered liquid is to be gently boiled in an enamelled iron pan over a small fire, and exceess of ammonia gradually added. The ebullition may be prolonged with advantage for one hour, the evaporation of the liquid being compensated for by the gradual addition of weak solution of ammonia, prepared by the admixture of equal volumes of ammonia of the density of 0*880 and distilled water. The hour having elapsed, the whole is allowed to cool, when the colour will almost entirely have precipitated, leaving the supernatant liquid nearly colourless. On pouring the fluid away (preferably through a filter, in order to retain floating particles of colour) the dish will be found to contain resinous looking masses which dissolve readily in alcohol, yielding a rich purplish-blue solution, which may be filtered and kept for use. The colour prepared as above is of a purplish tint, but if a purer blue be required the following modification is to be resorted to. The filtered aqueous solution of hy- driodate of amyl-chinoline, is, as before, to be brought to the boiling temperature ; but instead of adding ammonia, a solution of caustic potash containing about one-fifth of its weight of solid potash is to be substituted. The addition is to be continued at intervals until three-fourths as much potash has been added as is equivalent to the iodine in the iodide of amyl used. The fluid may, after a quarter of an hour's ebul- lition, be filtered to separate the resinous colour. The product is a gorgeous blue with scarcely any shade of red. On adding the other fourth of potash to the filtrate whilo gently boiling, a black mass will be precipitated containing all the red, which other- wise would have been mixed with the blue. This mass dissolves readily in alcohol, yielding a rich purple solution containing, however, an excess of red. The alcoholic solution, on filtration, leaves on the filter a dark mass soluble in benzene, and as some- times prepared, affording a brilliant emerald-green solution of great beauty. It is not always easy to obtain this green colour. It is only the chinoline prepared from cinchonine that yields these colouring matters : a fact which points to an essential difference between this product and the isomeric base found among the products of the distillation of coal. Cinchonine distilled with excess of potash, yields about 65 per cent, of crude chinoline ; and all the distillate which, on rectification (p. 869), distils above 199 or 209 C. (390 or 408 F.), up to the highest range of the mercurial thermometer, is suitable for the preparation of the colour. One pt. of this distillate and 1^ pts. iodide of amyl, yield 23 pts. of blue dye containing 4 per cent, of solid colouring matter. (Grr. Williams, Chemical News, 1861, p. 219.) Chinoline-violet and chinoline-blue are resinous substances, which present a coppery appearance by reflected light, but when in very thin layers, appear of a violet or blue colour by transmitted light. 'They are bases and dissolve in acids, forming pale red solutions, which ammonia restores to their original colours. They are slightly soluble in hot water. Tannin precipitates them from their aqueous solutions, apparently forming an insoluble compound. Reducing agents do not affect their shade of colour. (W. H. Perkin, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiv. 246.) Two volumes of chinoline-blue mixed with 1 vol. of Magenta pink (fuschine), of the ordinary strength found in commerce, form a fine purple inclining to blue (Williams). When chlorine is passed through an alcoholic solution of chinoline-blue, a green liquid is produced, which is perhaps the green spoken of by Williams. (Perkin.) CHIN ONE. Syn. with QUINONE. CHIOIiXTZi. A fluoride of aluminium and sodium, Na 8 Al 4 F 9 , occurring at Miask in the Ural, in snow-white, translucent, octahedral crystals, of the dimetric system, in which the principal is to the secondary axes as 1 -07 7 : 1 ; also massive, granular resembling cryolite, with crystalline structure. Specific gravity 272 (Hermann); 2-842 2-898 (Rammelsberg). Hardness = 4. Analysis by Hermann (J. pr. Chem. xxxvii. 188), gave 2378 per cent. Na, 18-69 Al, the formula requiring 23-4 and 18-6. Fuses easily before the blowpipe, and gives the reaction of fluorine. (D a n a, ii. 98.) 874 CHITIN. CHITIN (from XITWV, a tunic). (Odier, Mem. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, i. 29. Lassaigne, J. China, med. ix. 379; Compt. rend. xri. 1087. Payen, Compt. rend, xvii. 227. C. Schmidt, Zur vergleichenden Physiologic dcr wirbcllosen Thicrc. 1845, p. 32; and Ann. Ch. Pharm. liv. 298. Lehmann, Jahresber. d. ges. Med. 1844, p. 7. Fremy, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliii. 94 ; Schlossberger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcviii. 99. Stadeler, ibid. cxi. 21. Gerh. Traite, iv. 535. Pelouze et Fr6my, TraitS, vi. 93.) The name given by Odier to the organic substance which forms the elytrse and integuments of insects and the carapaces of Crustacea. It may be obtained by exhausting the wing-cases of cockchafers successively with water, alcohol, ether, acetic acid, and boiling alkalis. The final residue retains completely the form of the wing-cases. Fremy prepares chitin by treating the tegumentary skeleton of a crus- taceous animal with cold dilute hydrochloric acid, to remove calcareous salts ; washing with distilled water ; boiling for several hours with solution of potash, which removes adhering albuminous substances, and has no action upon chitin ; again washing with distilled water ; and purifying the residue with alcohol and ether. Chitin thus prepared is solid, transparent, of horny aspect, insoluble in water, alco- hol, and ether. It is coloured brown by solution of iodine. Alkalis have no action upon it. By boiling with dilute acids, it is resolved into glucose and a nitrogenous compound. (Stadeler.) When chitin (from the carapace of the crab) is boiled for several hours with dilute sulphuric acid, only the softer membranes are attacked, while the more solid integu- ments become loose and soft, and form, after pressing and washing with water, a mass having almost the consistence of starch. The acid liquid supersaturated with lime, and then neutralised with sulphuric acid, yields neither tyrosine nor leucine, but con- tains ammonia, together with amorphous sugar, inasmuch as it precipitates cuprous oxide abundantly from an alkaline solution of cupric oxide (Stadeler). Berthelot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Ivi. 149) likewise obtained sugar from chitin (prepared from the integuments of lobsters, crabs, and cantharides, ) by macerating it in strong sulphuric acid till it was dissolved, dropping the solution into one hundred times its volume of boiling water, boiling for an hour, saturating with chalk, &c. The above-mentioned pasty residue is coloured brown-red by iodine, like unaltered chitin, and by prolonged boiling with sulphuric acid, yields an additional quantity of sugar, while the undissolved portion always contains nitrogen. The same substance, after removal of the acid, forms with water a turbid emulsion, which takes a long time to clarify, and dries up by spontaneous evaporation to a soft skin-like membrane, which exhibits, with iodine-water, the same reactions as the original chitin. (Stadeler.) The composition of chitin is determined by the following analyses : Carbon . Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Schmidt. Mean of 11 analyses. 46-64 6-60 6-56 40-20 Lehmann. Schlossberger. Stadeler. 46-73 6-59 6-49 40-19 100-00 100-00 46-64 6-60 6-56 40-20 100-00 46-32 6-65 6-14 40-89 100-00 Calculation C9H15NQ6. 46-35 6-44 6-01 41-20 100-00 Fre'my found in chitin 43'35 carbon, 6-65 hydrogen and no nitrogen, whence he re- gards chitin as isomeric with cellulose (44-4 C, 6-2 H, and 49-4 0). 'Gerhardt regarded Fremy' s results^ as more correct than those of the German chemists, because chitin yields by dry distillation only acetic acid and empyreumatic oil, without any ammonia, and the products of its putrefaction under water are different from those of most nitro- genous substances. But the analyses above given exhibit a closeness of agreement which could scarcely be expected if the substances operated upon had been impure. (See CELLULOSE, p. 818.) Stadeler regards chitin as a glucoside, C 9 H 1S N0 8 , which is resolved by boiling with acids into glucose and lactamide (or alanine or sarcosine) : C 9 H I5 N0 6 + 2H 8 = C 6 H 12 6 If this decomposition really takes place, lactic acid should likewise be obtained as a product of the transformation of the lactamide or alanine ; but the presence of lactic acid among the products has not yet been demonstrated. Stadeler also suggests that chitin (at least in Crustacea) may be formed by the union of lactate of ammonium with gum, and elimination of water : [C 3 H<0 3 .H.NH Acid lactate of ammonium -r C 6 H'0 Gum. C 9 H I5 N0 6 Chitin. 2H 2 0], inasmuch as he has found gum in the juices of crabs and other Crustacea, and the pre- CHIVIATITE CHLORACETIC ACIDS. 875 sence of lactic acid in the gastric juice of the lower animals is by no means im- probable. CHIVIATITE. A sulphide of lead and bismuth, also containing copper, from Chiviate in Peru, where it occurs, with pyrites and heavy spar, in foliated masses, clearable in three directions in one zone, one making an angle with the second of 153, and with the third of 133. Specific gravity 6*920; colour lead-grey; lustre metallic. According to Kammelsberg's analysis (Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii. 320) it contains 18'OOS, 60-95 Bi, 1673 Pb, 2'42 Co, 1'02 Fe, with trace of silver, and 0'59 insoluble matter ( = 99-71), whence the formula 2(Pb ? ;Cu 2 )S.Bi 2 S 3 . (Dana, ii. 77.) CHXiADXriTE. See METEORITES. CHIiO AWTHITE. Native arsenide of nickel containing cobalt, also called white nickel. (See NICKEL). CHLOCARBETHAMIDE. Syn. with TBICKLOKACETAMIDE (p. 6). CHXiORACETAIVKXC ACID. Syn. with TETBACHLOBACETAMIDE (p. 6). CHXiORACETAIVXIDE. See ACET AMIDE (p. 6). CHIiORACETXC ACIDS. Two of these compounds are known, viz. mono- and tfr/-chloracetic acids, both being produced by the action of chlorine gas on glacial acetic acid under the influence of light, the former when the acid is in excess, the latter when the chlorine and the acetic acid are brought together in the exact proportions required for its formation. The trichlorinated acid is likewise produced in several other reactions. Zto'chloracetic acid has not yet been obtained, at least in definite form. Blonochloracetic Acid, or simply Chloracetic Acid. C 2 H 3 C10 = C 2 H 2 C1O. H.O. (R. Hoffmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cii. 1.) Dumas had observed that, in the preparation of trichloracetic acid by the action of chlorine on acetic acid in sunshine, a lower substitution-product is always obtained, especially if the acetic acid is in ex- cess, in the form of an uncrystallisable acid, which however he did not succeed in pre- paring in the separate state. F. Leblanc afterwards obtained this acid, the monochlor- actic acid, in the form of a colourless liquid, by passing chlorine through glacial acetic acid in the shade ; his product however was not quite pure. More recently Hoffmann has shown that the chief product of the action of chlorine on excess of acetic acid in sunshine, is monochloracetic acid, and that this acid, when pure, is solid and crystal- line at ordinary temperatures. Preparation. 1. A tubulated retort of about 1 litre capacity and containing from half a pound to a pound of glacial acetic acid, is placed in a bath containing a saturated solution of nitrate of sodium (boiling at 120 C.), and dry chlorine gas is passed into the retort by a tube inserted through the tubulure and terminating just above the liquid, so that the gas may mix immediately with the vapour of the acid. The neck of the retort having a wide glass tube attached to it, is directed upwards, so that any acetic acid which evaporates undecomposed may be condensed and flow back again, while the hydrochloric acid and excess of chlorine escape. The whole apparatus is placed in the sunshine, and the evolution of chlorine is so regulated that the upper part of the retort always appears coloured by it. The stronger the light, the more rapid is the absorption of chlorine ; but the action takes place, though slowly, even under a clouded sky. A very slow substitution of chlorine for hydrogen likewise takes place in the dark and at ordinary temperatures. As the formation of chloracetic acid goes on, the action slackens, so that it is best, after about fifteen hours' exposure to sunshine, or twice as long to diffused daylight, to expel the excess of chlorine from the apparatus by a steam of dry air, and rectify the product in a smaller retort. The portion which dis- tils below 130 C. consists almost wholly of unaltered acetic acid, and may be used in a subsequent preparation. That which passes over between 130 and 190 is easily se- parated, by repeated rectification, into acetic and a thick liquid which boils between 185 and 187, and either solidfies immediately into a mass of white needle-shaped crystals, or yields after some time, large, isolated, transparent, colourless rhombic tables, while the greater portion remains liquid, but if shaken up or stirred with a glass rod, solidifies suddenly and with considerable rise of temperature, the crystals previously formed becoming opaque and white like porcelain. The crystalline mass, which melts between 45 and 47, consists of nearly pure monochloracetic acid, mixed however with a certain quantity of liquid, which may be removed by decantation and rapid pressure, and used, together with the portion of the original liquid which distilled below 130, in a subsequent preparation. The expressed crystals are placed on bibu- lous paper and completely dried in vacuo over oil of vitriol and a few lumps of hydrate of potassium, and then redistilled, the first and last portions of the distillate being re- jected. As they are very deliquescent, they should be kept as much as possible from the air. (Hoffmann.) In the first distillation and in the subsequent rectifications, there is obtained a small quantity of a liquid which boils above 190 r and appears to contain an acetic acid with 876 CHLORACETIC ACIDS. more than 1 at. hydrogen replaced by chlorine. It yielded in different experiments from 48 to 50 per cent, of chlorine, which does not agree with the formula either of dichloracetic (requiring 55-04) or of trichloracetic acid (requiring 65'13 per cent, of chlorine). In one experiment, this liquid, on being saturated with baryta, yielded, besides monochloracetate of barium, a small quantity of small, opaque, warty crystals, the composition of which seemed to show that they contained a higher chlorinated acid ; but in no instance, even when the purest crystallised acetic acid was used and the absorption took place in the brightest sunshine, was any definite dichloracetic or trichloracetic obtained, the chief product being invariably monochloracetic acid. Neither was any oxalic acid formed, as in Dumas' preparation of trichloracetic acid (p. 877). (Hoffmann.) 2. Monochloracetic acid is also obtained in a state of purity by the action of water on monochlorinated chloride of acetyL On distilling the liquid, the thermometer rises from 100 to 180, and the liquid which passes over at that temperature solidifies in a crystalline mass on cooling. (Wurtz.) Properties. The acid crystallises from fusion in rhombic tables, having acute angles of 77 or 78 ; from solution in acetic acid e.g. from the liquids obtained in the first distillation between 180 and 186, and between 186 and 190 in crystals hav- ing a prismatic character, and very much resembling those of trichloracetic acid. Melt- ing point 62. It contracts strongly in solidifying, and generally gives off numerous air-bubbles. The specific gravity of the melted acid at 73, is 1-366 as compared with water at 19, and 1-3947 compared with water at 73. Boiling point from 185 to 187'8. It distils undecomposed, and when pure solidifies in the neck of the retort; but if mixed with acetic acid, remains liquid below its ordinary point of solidification. When kept for some time at a temperature near its melting point, it sublimes in long spicular crystals. It is nearly inodorous at ordinary temperatures, but its vapour has a pungent suffocating odour. It has a strong acid taste, attacks the cuticle, and raises blisters if kept on it for some time. It deliquesces in the air, and dissolves very easily in water, producing considerable fall of temperature. Decompositions. 1. The acid is decomposed by pentacJiloride of phosphorus, with formation of oxy chloride of phosphorus and monochlorinated chloride of acetyl, but the two chlorides cannot be separated by distillation, as they both boil at about 110. When the product was repeatedly distilled with small portions of acid chloracetate of potassium, the residues of the last distillations yielded at high temperatures a large proportion of chloracetic acid, the last portions of which boiled as high as 200, and had a more penetrating odour, probably arising from the presence of a small quantity of the anhydrous acid. 2. The acid heated with potash-ley, ammonia, baryta-wattr, or lime-water, immediately yields a chloride of the alkali-metal and glycollic acid. (Kekule.) C 2 H 2 C1M0 2 + H 2 = MCI + C 2 H 4 3 . 3. Chloracetic acid is reduced by potassium-amalgam or sodium-amalgam to acetic acid, in the same manner as trichloracetic acid ; the decomposition is however incom- plete, and is attended with evolution of hydrogen. (Hoffmann.) The CHLO&ACETATES, C 2 H 2 C1M0 2 , are obtained by digesting the oxides or carbo- nates in the aqueous acid : they are for the most part easily soluble and crystallisable. Chloracetate of Ammonium decomposes by evaporation like the potassium-salt. It is more soluble than that salt, and solidifies only from a perfectly viscid solution, in the form of a crystalline cake, which deliquesces on exposure to the air. Chloracetate of Barium. C 2 H 2 ClBa0 2 + H 2 0. May be obtained, even with very small quantities of material, in distinct prismatic crystals, apparently belonging to the trimetric system, and containing 39'99 per cent, barium (by calculation 40-06). Decomposes but little during evaporation, and separates out almost completely on cool- ing from a hot saturated solution. (Hoffmann.) Chloracetate of Potassium, a. Neutral. 2C 2 H 2 C1K0 2 + 3H 2 0. Obtained by saturating the acid with carbonate of potassium and evaporating to a syrup in vacuo over oil of vitriol. It then separates in thin colourless laminae, which may be obtained pure by draining on bibulous paper. It is not deliquescent, and does not give up its water of crystallisation at 100 C., but is decomposed at a higher temperature, yielding chloride of potassium, glycollic acid, and a small quantity of glycolide, C 2 H 2 2 . (Kekule, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 288): C 2 H 2 C1K0 2 = KC1 + C 2 H 2 8 . It is also decomposed when its solution is evaporated at a gentle heat. It is very so- luble in water. After drying in vacuo. it yielded 24-63 per cent, potassium (by calcu- lution, 24-55). b. Add, C 2 H 2 C1K0 2 .C 2 IFC10 2 . When a solution of the neutral salt is mixed with CHLORACETIC ACIDS. 877 as much acid as it already contains, the whole solidifies to a thick pulp of small white pearly crystals, which may be purified by draining on bibulous paper or by drying over oil of vitriol. Sparingly soluble in water. Chlor acetate of Silver. C 2 H 2 ClAg0 2 . Ahot solution of the acid saturated with oxide of silver, yields the salt on cooling in splendid rhomboi'dal, iridescent laminae (Wurtz). Anhydrous. Dissolves sparingly in cold, more readily in hot water, and is easily obtained by cooling, in small nacreous scales, which blacken on exposure to light, and yield chloride of silver. Between 110 and 120 C. it decomposes with a kind of explosion, emitting the same odour as the acid when it evaporates, and leaving chloride of silver, mixed with a very small quantity of metallic silver. Chloracetate of Ethyl. C 4 H 7 C10 2 = C 2 H 2 C10 2 .C 2 H 5 . (E. Willm, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xlix. 97.) Obtained by the action of alcohol on monochlorinated chloride of acetyl : C 2 H 6 + C 2 H 2 C1 2 = C 2 H'C10 2 + HC1. The action, which is very violent, must be moderated by cooling the vessel externally, and as soon as it is finished, the product may be washed with water, dehydrated by chloride of calcium and rectified. Colourless liquid, having an ethereal odour and burning taste, heavier than water and insoluble in that liquid. Boils at 143'5 C. when the barometer stands at 758 mm. Vapour-density 4-46. The ether burns with a bright flame, green at the edges. It is decomposed by potash, into alcohol and chloracetic acid, which then suffers further decomposition, yielding chloride and acetate of potassium. Trichloracetic Acid. C 2 HC1 3 2 = C 2 C1 3 O.H.O. (Dumas, J. Chim. med. vi. 659; also Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxii. 101; Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixxiii. 75; M els ens, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] x. 233 ; Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 10 ; Kolbe, Ann. Ch. Pharm. liv. 182 ; G-m. ix. 209; Grerh. i. 749.) This acid was discovered by Dumas in 1839. It is produced : 1. By the action of 6 at. dry chlorine gas on 1 at. glacial acetic acid in Bunshine (Dumas) : C 2 H 4 2 + 6C1 = C 2 HC1 3 2 + 3HC1. 2. In the oxidation of soluble chloral by a mixture of hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potassium, and of chloral either soluble or insoluble, by fuming nitric acid (Kolbe) : C 2 HCPO + = C 2 HC1 S 2 . 3. By the action of chlorine gas in sunshine on dichloride of carbon covered with a layer of water (Kolbe) : C 2 C1 4 + 2H 2 + Cl 2 = C 2 HCP0 2 + 3HC1; part of the C 2 C1 4 is at the same time converted into C 2 Cl a . 4. In the decomposition of chloride of trichloracetyl (chloraldehyde) by water (Malaguti) : C 2 C1 4 + H 2 = C 2 HC1 2 2 + HC1. 6. In the decomposition of perchlorinated formic ether by water (Cloez, Ann. Ch Phys. [3] xvii. 300) : C 3 C1 6 2 + 2H 2 = C 2 HC1 3 2 -f CO 2 + 3HC1. Preparation. 1. When glacial acetic acid is exposed to the sun in bottles of 5 or 6 litres capacity (in the proportion of 0'8 or 0-9 grms. of the acid to 1 litre of chlorine) crystals of trichloracetic acid make their appearance in about a day, together with a small quantity of oxalic acid. On opening the bottles, a mixture of hydrochloric acid gas with a small quantity of carbonic acid and a suffocating vapour, escapes with force. The bottles are then left open for some hours, till the gaseous mixture is completely ex- pelled, and washed out with a small quantity of water, whereby a concentrated solution of trichloracetic acid is obtained, mixed, however, with hydrochloric acid, undecom- posed acetic acid, and oxalic acid. When this solution is evaporated in vacuo over oil of vitriol and hydrate of potassium, water, hydrochloric acid, and part of the acetic acid escape, and the solution then yields crystals, first of oxalic, afterwards of trichlor- acetic acid. The mother-liquor distilled with phosphoric anhydride, which decomposes the oxalic acid, yields a distillate of acetic acid, and then, on changing the receiver, of trichloracetic acid, which soon solidifies to a crystalline mass. Lastly, the crystals are left for some hours in vacuo on several sheets of white blotting paper, so that the admixed acetic acid may soak into the paper. (Dumas.) 2. Insoluble chloral is treated with faming nitric acid, and the action, which is at first attended with evolution of heat and abundant evolution of red fumes, is afterwards assisted by the application of a gentle heat, till the flakes of insoluble chloral have com- pletely disappeared ; the greater part of the excess of nitric acid is then distilled off; 878 CHLORACETIC ACIDS. and the remaining portion is left to evaporate in vacuo over oil of vitriol and hydrate of potassium. Crystallised trichloracetic acid then remains, free from nitric, acetic, and oxalic acid, but generally retaining traces of chloral. (Kolbe.) 3. When dichloride of carbon, C 2 C1 4 , is placed in a bottle filled with chlorine gas, covered with a film of water, and exposed to the sun, there is formed, besides O'Cl 6 , an aqueous solution of trichloracetic acid, which may be obtained in the crystalline state by evaporation in vacuo over oil of vitriol and lime. (Kolbe.) 4. Chloraldehyde is dissolved in water ; and the solution containing hydrochloric acid is evaporated in vacuo over oil of vitriol and hydrate of potassium, whereby trichlor- acetic acid is obtained in beautiful crystals. (Malaguti.) Properties. Trichloracetic acid forms colourless rhombohedrons. It melts above 46 C., and in cooling begins to solidify at 45 ; if the mass be then shaken, the tem- perature rises to 46, which is therefore the melting point. In the fused state, it has a density of 1'617 at 46, that of water at 15 being I'OOO. Boils between 195 and 200 without any decomposition, and sublimes in the form of a silvery crust. Vapour- density = 5'3, by calculation 5'637, the difference arising from partial decomposition. The acid has a faint odour at ordinary temperatures, but when heated till it volatilises, it emits a pungent and suffocating odour. It has a caustic, sour taste, and makes the tongue white, like peroxide of hydrogen. It destroys the cuticle, causing it to peel off on the following day, and if left for some time on the skin, produces blisters. It reddens litmus strongly, but does not bleach it, even after a considerable time. It deliquesces in the air and dissolves readily in water. (Dumas.) Decompositions. 1. When the acid is heated with strong sulphuric acid, part of it distils over unchanged, and crystallises in rhombohedrons ; the rest is resolved into hydrochloric acid, carbonic anhydride, and carbonic oxide (Dumas). [Perhaps in this manner: C 2 HC1 3 2 + H 2 = 3HC1 + CO + CO 2 ]. -2. When it is heated with excess of potash-solution, ebullition takes place, continuing after the vessel has been removed from the fire ; the first products of the action are chloroform and carbonate of potassium ; but on further boiling with the alkaline liquid, the chloroform is resolved into formate and chloride of potassium. (Dumas.) First : C 2 HC1 S 2 + K 2 = CHC1 3 + K 2 C0 3 then: CHC1 3 + 2K 2 O = CHKO 2 + 3KC1. When the acid is boiled with baryta-water, carbonate of barium is precipitated and chloroform evolved (Dumas). 3. The acid boiled with excess of ammonia, is re- solved into carbonate of ammonium, which sublimes, and chloroform, which sinks down as an oil (Dumas) : C 2 HC1 3 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 = (NH 4 ) 2 .C0 8 + CHC1 8 . 4. Aqueous trichloracetic acid, or either of its salts dissolved in water, is decomposed by potassium-amalgam (1 pt. potassium to 150 pts. mercury) with evolution of heat, and reconverted into acetate of potassium (Melsens). If the amalgam is not in excess in proportion to the acid, no hydrogen is evolved. Antimonide of potassium, or potassium alone, or zinc with sulphuric acid, does not effect the transformation, but causes an evolution of hydrogen gas (Melsens). If instead of 6 at. potassium, only 3 at. be used in the form of potassium- amalgam, no acetic acid is produced, but apparently an acid containing a smaller quantity of chlorine than trichloracetic acid. 6. Zinc dissolves in aqueous trichloracetic acid, and forms, besides chloride of zinc, a zinc-salt which appears to contain dichloracetic acid C 2 C1 2 H 2 2 . Trichloracetic acid is also reduced to acetic acid in the galvanic circuit of a two-pair Bunsen's zinc- carbon battery, with electrodes of amalgamated zinc. (Kolbe.) T HI CHLOR ACETATES. Trichloracetic acid is monobasic, like acetic acid, the formula of its salts being C 2 MCF0 2 . Trichloracetate of Ammonium. C 2 (NH 4 )C1 3 2 + 2H 2 0. The aqueous acid saturated with ammonia, and evaporated at ordinary temperatures, either in vacuo or in the air, yields crystals (Dumas). The salt is likewise produced when trichlor- acetamide is brought in contact with aqueous ammonia or very dilute nitric acid (Malaguti, Cloez). It crystallises in beautiful prisms (containing 2 at. water, melts at 80 ; boils between 110 and 115 C., giving off vapours of chloroform and acid car- bonate of ammonium, the latter appearing in peculiar abundance at 145 ; and solidifies at 160 in yellowish, micaceous scales of anhydrous trichloracetate of ammonium, which are tasteless, dissolve readily in water, and give off ammonia when treated with potash, even in the cold. At a higher temperature, these scales fuse, and are resolved into carbonic oxide, phosgene, and sal-ammoniac vapour. (Malaguti.) Decomposition of the crystallised salt : C 2 (NH 4 )C10 2 + 2H 2 = CHOI 3 + NH'.F CO" + H 2 0. CHLORACETONES CHLORACETYPHIDE. 879 Decomposition of the anhydrous salt : C 2 (NH 4 )C1 3 2 = CO + CCPO + NH 4 C1. Trichloracetate of Potassium. 2C 2 KCP0 2 + H 2 0. The aqueous acid neu- tralised with carbonate of potassium yields by spontaneous evaporation, silky needles, which decompose with a kind of detonation when gently heated, and absorb only a small quantity of water when exposed to damp air. (Dumas.) The Barium and Calcium salts are neutral and dissolve very readily in water. (Dumas.) Trichloracetate of Silver. C 2 AgCl 3 2 . Recently precipitated oxide of silver immersed in the aqueous acid is converted into grey laminse which dissolve in a larger quantity of water, and crystallise therefrom by evaporation in vacuo over oil of vitriol and in the dark, in crystalline granules and laminse. The salt is very readily decom- posed by light. When heated on a sheet of paper, it detonates violently, giving off. the same odour as trichloracetie acid when it evaporates, and leaves vegetations of 1 pure chloride of silver. If it be moistened with alcohol and the alcohol set on fire, it decomposes more quietly, and without projection. (Dumas.) Trichloracetate of Ethyl. Trichloracetic Ether. C 2 C1 3 2 .C 2 H 5 . Obtained either by distilling trichloracetic acid with alcohol and a small quantity of sulphuric acid (Dumas), or by gradually adding chloraldehyde to alcohol. (Malaguti.) C 2 C1 4 + C 2 H 6 = C 2 C1 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + HCL Chloral- dehyde. The product obtained by either of these processes is precipitated by water, washed with water, and dried over chloride of calcium. It is a colourless oil, smelling Eke peppermint. Specific gravity 1-367. Boiling point 164. Vapour-density 6'64. Aqueous potash decomposes it, forming alcohol and trichloracetate of potassium : C 2 C1 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + KHO = C 2 H 6 + C 2 C1 3 K0 2 . Ammonia converts into trichloracetamide, N.H 8 .C 2 C1 3 (p. 22). Exposed to the action of chlorine in daylight, and in direct sunshine, it yields the same products as acetate of ethyl (p. 22). It is isomeric with the compound obtained by passing dry chlorine through dichloracetie ether contained in a vessel, the upper part of which is protected from the light. The two compounds are distinguished from each other by their behaviour with potash, the latter yielding, not trichloracetate of potassium, but chloride of potassium, deliquescent chlorinated potassium-salts, and a sweet oily liquid no longer decomposible by potash. (Leblanc.) ' The higher chlorinated compounds produced by the action of chlorine on acetate of ethyl may be regarded as compounds of trichloracetic acid with ethyl in which the hy- drogen is more or less replaced by chlorine : thus tetrachloracetic ether 4 H 4 C1 4 O 2 = C 2 C1 3 2 .C 2 H 4 C1; perchloracetic ether, C 2 C1 8 2 = C 2 C1 3 0.C 2 C1 5 . All these com- pounds, indeed, when treated with potash, yield trichloracetate of potassium, e.g. : C'C1 8 2 + 2KHO = 2C 2 C1 8 K0 2 + 2HC1. Some of them however appear to be susceptible of isomeric modifications. Trichloracetate of Methyl. C 2 C1 3 2 .CH 3 . Obtained by processes exactly similar to those which yield the ethyl-compound, viz. by distilling the acid with wood- spirit and sulphuric acid, or by the action of wood-spirit on chloraldehyde. It is a colourless oil, heavier than water, and smelling like peppermint. It is isomeric with the compound C 3 H 3 C1 3 O 2 , obtained by the action of chlorine on acetate of methyl. The two compounds are not however identical ; for the former is converted by potash into methyl-alcohol and trichloracetate of potassium (together with formate and chloride of potassium resulting from the further action of the potash, p. 45) ; the latter when treated with potash yields chloride and formate of potassium, together with chlorome- thylase, CHC1. (Laurent, see p. 23.) Trichloracetate of methyl exposed to the action of chlorine in sunshine, is converted into perchloromethylic acetate, C 3 C1 C 2 , a compound also produced by the continued action of chlorine on acetate of methyl. CHLORACETONES. See ACETONE (p. 29). CHLORACETONITRILE. See ACETONITRILE (p. 33). CHIiORACETYXi. C 2 H 2 C1O. The radicle of chloracetic acid, chloracetamide, &c. Triehloracetyl, C 2 CPO, is the radicle of trichloracetic acid, trichloracetamide, chloral, chloraldehyde, chloralide, &c. CKLORACETYPHIDE. Trichloraccphosphide. Pfiosphide of Trichloracett/l and Hydrogen. C 2 H 2 CPPO = P.H 2 .C 2 C1 3 0. This compound, the analogue of trichlor- acetamide, is produced by the action of chloride of trichloracetyl on phosphoretted hydrogen : C 2 C1 3 O.C1 + PH 3 = HC1 + P.H 2 .C 2 C1 8 0, 880 CHLORAL. also, together with oxychloride of carbon, when phosphoretted hydrogen is passed into heated perchloroformic ether : C 3 C1 6 2 + PH 3 = P.H 2 .C 2 C1 3 + COC1 2 + HC1. It forms small, white, crystalline scales, having a slightly alliaceous odour and bitter taste. It is permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures, but decomposes when heated, leaving a carbonaceous residue containing phosphoric acid. It is insoluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol, ether, and wood-spirit. (Cloez, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvii. 309.) _ CHLORAL. ^ Hydride of Trichloracetyl. C 2 HCPO = C 2 Cl 3 O.H._This body was discovered by Liebig in 1832 (Ann. Ch. Pharm. i. 189), and further examined by Dumas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 123) and Stadeler (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixi. 101). It is the ultimate product of the action of chlorine upon alcohol : C 2 H 8 + Cl 8 = C 2 HCFO + 5HC1. Probably the alcohol is first converted into aldehyde by abstraction of 2H ; and in this compound 3H are afterwards replaced by 3C1 (see ALCOHOL). Choral cannot, however, be obtained by the direct action of chlorine on aldehyde ; it appears to be produced in the first instance, but is quickly converted into other products. For the production of chloral from alcohol, it is absolutely necessary that the alcohol be anhy- drous ; if water is present, aldehyde, acetal, acetic acid, acetic ether, and other pro- ducts are formed instead of chloral ; these products also accompany the chloral, even when the preparation is made with absolute alcohol (see ALCOHOL, Decomposition by CMorine, p. 74). Chloral is also produced by the action of chlorine on starch or sugar. (Stadeler.) Preparation. 1. From alcohol. Pure and dry chlorine gas is passed into absolute .icohol contained in a tubulated retort having its neck directed upwards, and fitted with a long condensing tube, which passes down Fig. 127. j J to the bulb, and projects considerably above the extremity of the neck to carry off uncondensed gases ; the chlorine is introduced through the tubulus. Or the alcohol may be contained in a tube bent, as shown in fig. 127, the middle por- tion being 2 or 3 ft. long, and placed at a slight inclination, so that the chlorine entering at the lower part, may pass through a column of alcohol of considerable length but no great height. The chlorine is best evolved from a mixture of common salt, peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid (which gives it off more regularly than hydrochloric acid and maganese); it must be passed first through a wash-bottle containing water, and then through sul- phuric acid or over chloride of calcium, to dry it. The unabsorbed chlorine, together with hydrochloric acid gas and vapour of hydrochloric ether, may be passed into two Woulfe's bottles, and thence into the open air, so that the operator may not be annoyed by it. At the commencement of the operation, the alcohol is cooled by affusion of cold water, to prevent it from taking fire and depositing soot ; but afterwards, when the absorption of the chlorine diminishes, and the liquid assumes a yellow colour, it must be gradually heated, and at last nearly to the boiling point ; 200 grammes of alcohol require the passage of a rapid stream of chlorine to be continued for 15 or 20 hours, involving a consumption of about 1200 litres of chlorine gas. The alcohol becomes continually thicker, acquires a higher boiling point, and is finally converted into a heavy syrup, which, after standing for some days, solidifies completely to a soft, white crystalline mass, consisting of hydrate of chloral, together with a small quantity of hydrochloric acid and undecomposed alcohol : Crude Hydrate of Choral. If a sample of the liquid, after being agitated with four times its volume of sulphuric acid, and set aside, does not in a few hours form a solid stratum of insoluble chloral above the oil of vitriol, the passage of the chlorine must be continued for a still longer time. The solidified crystalline mass is heated till it melts, briskly agitated with 4 to 6 times its bulk of sulphuric acid, which does not heat or blacken it ; left at rest till the dehydrated chloral has risen to the top of the sulphuric acid, a result which may be accelerated by gentle heating ; and the transparent, colourless film of chloral is immediately decanted by means of a pipette. If the sulphuric acid contains water, it is particularly necessary to decant as quickly as possible, before the chloral is thereby converted into insoluble chloral. Lastly, the chloral is distilled over lime which has been slaked and subsequently ignited, to remove hydrochloric acid, care being taken to keep the whole of the lime below the surface of the liquid, as it will otherwise decompose the vapour and become red-hot. In this manner the chloral is obtained tolerably pure ; but it still contains traces of water and alcohol, which CHLORAL. 881 may be removed by repeated treatment with sulphuric acid, the chloral being each time rectified over Hme. All these operations must be performed in well closed vessels. (Liebig.) 2. By distilling starch or sugar with hydrochloric acid and peroxide of manganese (Stadeler). 1 pt. of starch, or grape-sugar, or common sugar, is gently heated with 7 pts. of commercial hydrochloric acid free from sulphurous acid and diluted with an equal volume of water, till the paste (formed when starch is used) has become fluid ; the liquid, when cold, is introduced, together with 3 pts. of manganese and a small quantity of common salt (to fix the sulphuric acid produced from the sulphurous acid in the commercial hydrochloric acid) into a capacious flask, in which it is heated as quickly as possible to the boiling point ; and the fire is then completely removed. The mass swells up, giving off a large quantity of carbonic acid, and continues to boil for some time by itself. As soon as the ebullition slackens, it must be kept up by fresh application of heat, and the distillate collected, as long as it becomes turbid when mixed with tolerably strong potash-ley (in consequence of separation of chloroform from the chloral). More hydrochloric acid is then repeatedly introduced into the flask by small portions, till the distillate no longer smells of chloral, or becomes turbid with potash. The watery distillate is carefully freed from the colourless oil- drops, heavier than water and smelling of chloroform, which are produced at the beginning of the distillation ; and saturated with common salt, in order to raise its boiling point and retain the water. It is then redistilled, and the resulting distillate is freed from a sulphur-yellow very pungent oil, and distilled several times more with common salt, the oily drops being each time removed, in order to obtain aqueous chloral as concen- trated as possible, and as free as possible from the yellow oil, which greatly impedes the purification. The removal of this oil is facilitated by saturating the distillate, before each rectifi- cation, with chalk, which decomposes the oil, but does not attack the chloral. The concentrated solution of chloral is saturated with dry chloride of calcium, and dis- tilled in an oil-bath at 120 C. Hydrate of chloral then passes over, as a colourless liquid, which solidifies in the receiver into a crystalline mass. The last portions of the distillate are contaminated with a brown oily substance. 1. From the hydrate of chloral thus obtained, the anhydrous chloral may be separated by distillation, and purified in the manner above described. (Stadeler.) Properties. Chloral is a thin colourless oil, greasy to the touch, and making grease- spots on paper, which, however, soon disappear. Specific gravity = T502 at 18 C., 1*518 at 0, 1-4903 at 22. Boils at 94-4 (Liebig) ; at 98*6 when the barometer stands at 760 mm. (Kopp), and distils without decomposition. Vapour-density = 5*13. It has a peculiar pungent odour, and excites a copious flow of tears : its taste is greasy and slightly astringent. It acts very strongly on the skin, especially when its boiling vapour comes in contact therewith. It has no acid reaction, even when dissolved in water, and does not precipitate a solution of silver. Mixed with a small quantity of water, it becomes heated and solidifies, forming a mass of crystals of hydrate of choral, C 2 HC1 S O.H 2 O : a larger quantity of water dis- solves it, and the solution evaporated in vacuo deposits the hydrate of chloral in large rhombic laminae. The hydrate volatilises gradually in the air, and distils without decomposition when heated. Its vapour-density is 2'76. Chloral dissolves also in alcohol and in ether. It absorbs chlorine gas without further change, and readily dissolves iodine, bromine, sulphur, and phosphorus, especi- ally when heated. The iodine-solution has a purple- colour. Decompositions. 1. Chloral is under certain circumstances inclined to pass into an isomeric insoluble modification (p. 64). 2. Anhydrous chloral distils, for the most part unchanged, with strong sulphuric acid ; but when hydrate of chloral is heated with that acid, part of the chloral distils over in the anhydrous state, while the rest is converted into chloralide (p. 61), with evolution of hydrochloric and sulphurous acids, and a trace of carbonic acid. This reaction serves for the detection of chloral in liquids. The liquid, concentrated by several distillations over chloride of calcium, is heated for some time, with six times its volume of strong sulphuric acid, to 125 C, and diluted, after cooling, with six measures of water. Chloralide then separates out mixed with carbonaceous particles ; and the mixture washed, pressed between paper, exhausted with ether and evaporated, yields crystals of chloralide, which may be further purified by heating with sulphuric acid and recrystallisation from ether. 3. Fuming nitric acid, if ultimately aided by heat, converts chloral into trichloracetic acid : the same transformation is effected by a mixture of hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potassium. 4. Anhydrous metallic oxides, such as baryta, strontia, lime, cupric oxide, mercuric oxide, and peroxide of manganese, exert no action upon chloral, when that liquid is distilled over them. If, however, in the distillation of chloral over VOL. I. 3 L 882 CHLORAL. baryta, strontia or lime, a portion of the oxide is left dry, or if either of these snbstances is heated in chloral vapour merely to 100, it becomes red-hot, and completely de- composes the choral, with evolution of carbonic oxide, and formation of a metal- lic chloride mixed with charcoal. 5. Alkalis, either in the form of solid hydrates or of aqueous solutions, decompose chloral readily at ordinary temperatures, with evolution of heat, converting it into formate of potassium and chloroform, and a portion of the latter compound is further decomposed, yielding formate and chloride of potas- sium : C'HCl'O + KHO = CHKO 2 + CHOP. Chloral. Formate Chloroform, of potassium. and CHOP + 4KHO = CHKO 2 + 3KC1 + 2H 2 0. 5. Vapour of chloral passed over red-hot iron yields carbonic oxide, and chloride of iron mixed with charcoal. 6. Potassium, in contact with chloral, eliminates hydrogen, and forms a resinous body from which water extracts potash and choride of potassium. 7. Chloral forms with ammonia a compound, which, like aldehyde-ammonia, reduces silver in the specular form, and from which sulphydric acid throws down a sulphuretted compound apparently analogous to thialdine (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 253). 8. Sulphydric acid gas passed through an aqueous solution of chloral separates a sparingly soluble crystalline compound, which is probably analogous to acetyl-mer- captan (p. 107). but decomposes much more easily, giving off sulphydric acid even during drying (Stadeler). 9. By boiling hydrate of chloral with hydrocyanic and hydrochloric acid, a syrupy acid is formed resembling lactic acid. These last three reactions indicate a close analogy between chloral and aldehyde, which is further strengthened by the fact that chloral forms crystalline compounds with acid sulphites of alkali-metal. (Stadeler.) Insoluble Chloral, Metachloral (Gm.viu. 235; Gerh.i. 671.) Chloral is con- verted, under certain circumstances, into an isomeiic modification insoluble in water. This change takes place spontaneously when chloral is preserved in a stoppered bottle, or when it is placed in contact with a quantity of water not sufficient to con- vert it into the hydrate. Metachloral thus prepared is pure, and has the same com- position as chloral. It is also produced, mixed, however, with a little chloralide, by the action of sulphuric acid upon chloral. A layer of the crude hydrate of chloral obtained in the preparation of chloral from alcohol (p. 880), left in contact with strong sulphuric acid, solidifies, in a few hours into a mass of insoluble chloral. Pure chloral in contact with six times its volume of strong sulphuric acid, undergoes the same transformation in the course of a night. The metachloral thus obtained may bo purified from chloralide by pulverising, and washing it, first with water and then with alcohol. Metachloral is a white powder, greasy to the touch, and having a faint aromatic odour. It volatilises slowly in the air or in vacuo. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, and^ther. When perfectly dry, it is reconverted by heat into soluble chloral, at 180C, according to Kolbe, above 200 according to Eegnault. Heated with sulphuric acid, it partly distils over as soluble chloral, but a considerable portion is decomposed, with formation of chloralide, and evolution of hydrochloric and sulphurous acids. By fuming nitric acid, metachloral is, like chloral, converted into trichloracetic acid ; but it is not attacked by a mixture of hydrochloric acid and chlorate of potassium. With solutions of the caustic alkalis, it behaves like ordinary chloral, yielding an alkaline formate and chloroform ; but the quantity of the latter is less as the alkali is more concentrated. CHI.ORA.Zi, ATCYXiXC. See CmORAMYLAL. ' CHX.ORAXj, IVEESITIC. This name was applied by Kane (Fogg. Ann. xliv. 473) to a pungent vesicating liquid of specific gravity 1*33, and boiling at 71 C., which is obtained by passing dry chlorine into acetone. Kane's analysis gives 56*8 per cent, chlorine ; Liebig found only 52*6 per cent. It is probably a mixture con- taining two or more of the chloracetones (p. 29). CHXiORAIi, PROPXOirXC. Hydride of Pcntachloropropione, C 3 CP0 2 .H. This body is -found amongst the products obtained by distilling starch with a mixture of hydrochloric acid and peroxide of manganese. On saturating the acid distillate with chalk or carbonate of sodium, and rectifying over a small quantity of chloride of calcium, thepropionic chloral passes over among the first portions, together with an oil. To remove the latter, the rectified distillate is agitated several times with ice-cold water, and the cold saturated solution is decanted and heated, th propionic chloral then separating in heavy drops having a faint yellow colour. By diffusing these drops through a small quantity of water, and exposing them to a temperature of C., CHLORALBIN CHLORALDEHYDES. 883 colourless tables are obtained, which may be purified from adhering oil by pressure between bibulous paper. They consist of a hydrate containing 4 at. water : C 3 HCPO-. 4H 2 0. (Stadeler, Handw. d. Chem. Suppl. ii. 796.) CHLORALBIN. C 6 H 6 C1 2 . A crystalline substance contained in trichlorophenic acid prepared by passing chlorine through coal-tar. It is separated by treating the crude acid with ammonia and alcohol, or better with ether, whereupon the chloralbin remains in very white needles ; it may be further purified by dissolving it in boiling ether. It is but sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol, and insoluble in alkalis. It boils at 190 C., and crystallises on cooling in fern-like tufts. At a higher temperature, it sublimes without alteration and crystallises in needles. It is not attacked by hot nitric or sulphuric acid. (Laurent, Rev. scient. vi. 72.) CHXtORAXiDZZHlTDlES. These compounds are aldehydes in which the hydrogen is more or less replaced by chlorine, and may be regarded as derived from the cor- responding acids by the substitution of 1 or more at. chlorine for an equivalent quantity of peroxide of hydrogen HO, thus : Chloraldehydes. Acids. Acetic C 2 H 3 O.C1 C 2 H 3 O.HO Trichloracetic Nitric . Sulphuric . Phosphoric . C 2 C1 3 O.C1 N0 2 .C1 (S0 2 )".CP ( 3 C 2 C1 3 O.HO N0 2 .HO (S0 2 )".(HO) 2 (PO)"'.(HO) 3 The chloraldehydes are a more numerous class of compounds than the alde- hydes themselves, including many compounds usually denominated oxychlorides, e. g. oxychloride of phosphorus. They bear to their corresponding acids the same relation that metallic chlorides bear to metallic hydrates. The term chlor aldehyde is also specially applied to the second compound in the above list, viz : Chloride ofTrichloracetyl (^Perchlorinated Acetic Aldehyde, C 2 C1 4 = C 2 CPO.CL This body, discovered by Malaguti (Ann. Ch. Phys. i. [2] xvi. 5); Grin, ix. 218 ; Grerh. i. 756), is a constant product of the action of heat on the perchlorinated ethylic (vinic) ethers. Thus: C 4 C1 10 Perchlor. oxide of ethyl. C 3 C1 6 2 Perchlor. for- mate of ethyl. C 4 C1 8 2 Perchlor. ace- tate of ethyl. C'C1 4 C 2 C1 4 2C 2 C1 4 C 2 C1 6 . Sesquichloride of carbon. COOP. Oxychloride of carbon. = C 2 C1 4 + C 2 C1 6 CO 2 . Perchlor. car- bonate of ethyl. C 6 C1 io 4 = Perchlor. oxa- late of ethyl. 2C 2 C1 4 + COC1 2 + CO. It Is best prepared from perchlorinated oxide of ethyl, C 4 C1 I0 (the product ob- tained by the continued action of chlorine in sunshine, on anhydrous ether). This compound is resolved at 300 C. into chloride of trichloracetyl and trichloride of carbon ; and by subjecting the mixture to repeated fractional distillation, the tri- chloride of carbon is left behind, and the chloride of trichloracetyl is obtained pure. The rectification must be continued till the distillate no longer shows any turbidity when mixed with water. Chloraldehyde is a transparent, colourless liquid, of specific gravity 1-603 at 18 C. Boiling point 118. Vapour- density 6'32 (calc. 2 vol. 6'295). It gives off excessively pungent vapours on exposure to the air, and when placed on the tongue, first excites a sensation of dryness, then forms a white spot, and ultimately exerts a caustic action. It reddens litmus after a few seconds. It sinks in water, and gradually dissolves, forming a clear solution of hydrochloric and trichloracetic acids : the same decomposition is produced by aqueous solutions of the fixed alkalis : C 2 C1 3 O.C1 + H 2 = HC1 + C 2 C1 S O.H.O. When a small quantity of alcohol is poured upon it, great heat is evolved, and the whole is quickly volatilised ; but if the chloraldehyde be slowly added to an excess of 3 L 2 884 CHLORALIDE. alcohol, gradual decomposition takes place, attended with but little rise of temperature, the products being hydrochloric acid and trichloracetate of ethyl : C 2 CPO.C1 + C 2 H 5 .H.O = HC1 + C 2 CPO.C 2 H 5 .0. With ammonia it forms trichloracetamide (p. 22) ; C 2 CPO.C1 + 2NH 3 = N.H 2 .C2CPO + NH 4 C1, and with phosphoretted hydrogen, PH 3 , the analogous compound, chloracetyphide, P.H 2 .C 2 C1 3 (p. 879). CKZ.ORAI.XDZ:. C 5 H 2 Cl fi 3 . (Stadeler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixi. 104. Kekule, ibid. cv. 293.) A crystalline compound obtained by the action of sulphuric acid upon hydrate of chloral. To prepare it, hydrate of chloral is gently heated with 4 to 6 times its volume of strong sulphuric acid, the mixture being well shaken, and then distilled at a heat between 120 and 130 C., as long as unaltered choral continues to pass over. This choral is reconverted into hydrate by addition of a little water, then poured back, and the distillation is repeated till the greater part of the chloral is decomposed. The sulphuric acid is then found to be covered with a colourless oily liquid, which solidifies on cooling into a white crystalline crust. This mass is broken up, the sulphuric acid is drained off, and the crystals are washed with water, till the wash- water no longer reddens litmus ; they are then dried between bibulous paper, and dissolved in ether, and the ethereal solution is mixed with | its volume of alcohol. The chloralide then separates as the ether evaporates, in well-defined crystals, which must be crystallised several times from a mixture of alcohol and ether, in order to free them from an oily matter which adheres to them : According to Kekule (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cv. 293), a purer and more abundant product is obtained by the action of fuming sulphuric acid on hydrate of chloral. When chloral which has been once distilled over ordinary sulphuric acid, is mixed with an equal volume of acid, a large quantity of hydrochloric acid is evolved, and about one-third of the chloral is con- verted into chloralide. Carbonic oxide is also given off abundantly, together with a very small quantity of carbonic anhydride ; sulphurous anhydride occurs only towards the end of the process. The oily distillate solidifies on cooling in a crystalline mass, which may be purified by recrystallisation from boiling alcohol. Kekul6 explains the formation of chloralide and the accompanying products by the following equation : 3C 2 HC1 3 + IPO = C 5 H 2 C1 6 3 + 3HC1 + CO. Stadeler, on the other hand, considers it improbable that the conversion of the chloral into chloralide can be due to the action of water, inasmuch as fuming sulphuric acid seems to act better than ordinary sulphuric acid. He supposes that a triple molecule of chloral (insoluble chloral) splits up into chloralide and chloroform, according to the equation : 3C 2 HCPO = C 5 H 2 CP0 3 + CHCP, and attributes the evolution of carbonic oxide observed by Kekule, to the resolution of a molecule of chloral into this gas and chloroform : C 2 HCPO = CO + CHCP. Chloralide is insoluble in water, and likewise in sulphuric acid. It dissolves sparingly in cold alcohol, but easily in boiling alcohol and in ether. From a hot saturated al- coholic solution, it is deposited in very delicate white needles ; from a mixture of alcohol and ether, in stellate groups of rectangular prisms belonging to the monoclinic system, with oblique terminal faces, and generally having their lateral edges truncated. They are transparent and colourless, with a glassy lustre, and cleave with facility in a direction parallel to the prismatic faces. Chloralide melts between 112 and 114 C. to an oily liquid, emitting at the same time an odour like that of chloral : it solidifies at 108 (Kekule). Chloralide burns at 200 (Stadeler); at 260 (Kekule) with a bright flame, green at the edges. The alcoholic solution of chloralide does not precipitate nitrate of silver, but on adding a drop of ammonia, a precipitate is immediately formed, consisting of chloride of silver. Chloralide immersed in aqueous potash, is resolved into chloroform and formate of potassium; but if alcoholic solutions are used, the only products are formate and chloride of potassium, these compounds being in fact produced by the action of alcoholic potash upon chloroform. The composition of chloralide has been variously stated by different chemists. Sta- deler, who discovered it, assigned to it the formula C 5 H*C1 6 3 , which is confirmed by the recent experiments of Kekule\ Gerhardt (Traite, i. 672) proposed the formula C 6 H S C1 7 4 ; G-melin (Handbook, ix. 207) gave C 8 H 4 C1 10 5 , and in the Handwortcrbuch dcr Chcmie, 2 te Aufl. i. 112, the formula C*HCP0 2 is assigned to this compound. CHLORALOIL CHLORATES. 885 The following table exhibits the calculated composition of chloralide, according to the preceding formulae, as compared with the results of analysis : Calculation according to : Analysis: Stadeler. Gerhardt. Gtnelin. Handw. Stadeler. Kekule. C 5 H 2 C1 6 S CPffCrO 4 C 8 H 4 C1 10 5 C 4 HCP0 8 mean mean C . 18-61 18-50 17-98 18-55 18-64 81'64 H . . 0-62 0-77 0-39 075 0'77 0'72 Cl . 65-88 64-10 68-62 66-29 66-20 66'00 O . 14-89 16-63 12-44 J4;98^ 100-00 100-00 ibo-oo CHIiORAIiOIIi. A product of the action of chlorine upon aloin (p. 148). CHIiORALURIC ACID. An acid produced, together with other substances, by the action of chlorous acid on uric acid. It crystallises in nacreous laminae ; forms crystallisable salts with barium and lead, and a curdy precipitate with silver- salts. It gave by analysis 27'3 per cent. C, 3-8 H, 28'1 N, and 11-4 Cl, numbers which are approximately represented by the formula C 14 H 22 N 12 C1 2 U . (Schiel, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxii. 78.) CHXiORAlVXYXiAXi. C 5 H 8 C10 (?) A heavy liquid produced by the action of chlorine upon amylic alcohol (q. v.} CHXiORANXXi. Syn. with PERCHLOROQUINONE, C 6 C1 4 0. (See QUINONE.) CHXiORANXXiAMXC ACID. Syn. with DICHLOROQUINONAMIC ACID. (See QUINONIC ACID). CHLORANILAIVIIDE. Syn. with DiCHLOROQuiNONAMiDE. (See QUINONIC ACID.) CHIiORANIXiAMIVlOirE. Syn. with DlCHLOROQUINONAMATE OF AMMONIUM. CHiiORATJILIC ACID. Syn. with DICHLOROQUINONIC ACID. (See QUINONIC ACID.) CHXiORANTXiIXtri:. Syn. with CHLOROPHENYLAMINE. (See PHENYLAMINE.) CHX.ORAXTXSXC ACID. See ANISIC ACID (p. 302). CHXiORASTROXiXTB. A mineral found on the shores of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, in small rounded water-worn pebbles which have come from the trap. It has a finely radiated or stellate structure, light bluish-green colour, and pearly lustre slightly chatoyant on the rounded sides. Specific gravity 3'180. Hardness 5'5 6. Analyses by Whitney : SiO 2 A1 4 Fe 4 3 Ca 2 Na^ K 2 H 2 36-99 25-49 6-48 19-90 3*70 0'40 7'22 = 101-18 37-41 24-25 676 21-68 4-88 5-77 = 100-25 These numbers lead to the formula ~r/fCa 2 O\ 2 < -| 9 r/fAl 4 3 \% q . 02 -| fiTT2O 3 LV|Na 2 oJ- Sl J + 2 LHFe 4 3 )- 3Sl J + 6 H ' which, if M=Ca, Na and flt = f (Al, Fe), may be reduced to that of an orthosilicate, (M%i 8 )Si 3 12 + 2aq. The mineral gives off water when heated, and melts with intumescence before the blowpipe to a greyish blebby glass. With borax it forms a transparent glass tinged with iron; blue with cobalt solution. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid, with separation of flocculent silica. (Dana, ii. 315.) CHIiORATES. Chloric acid, HC10 3 , is monobasic and forms but one class of salts, having the general formula MC10 3 or M 2 O.C1 2 5 . They are all soluble in water, and are resolved by heat into oxygen and a metallic chloride. (See CHLORIC ACID under CHLORINE, p. 910.) CHLORATE OF ALUMINIUM is a deliquescent salt obtained by precipitating a solution of silico-fluoride of aluminium with an equivalent quantity of potassium, and evaporating the filtrate. (B erz el iu s.) CHLORATE OF AMMONIUM is obtained by adding ammonia or the carbonate to chloric acid ; by precipitating an earthy chlorate with carbonate of ammonium ; or by adding finely divided chlorate of potassium by small portions to a solution of silico- fluoride of ammonium, and filtering. It crystallises in slender needles, has a pungent taste, explodes when heated, and sometimes, according to Mitscherlich, even at ordinary temperatures. Dissolves easily in water and in alcohol. CHLORATE OF BARIUM, BaCIO 3 . Prepared: 1. By saturating aqueous chloric acid with baryta- water or carbonate of barium, a. A hot solution of chlorate of potassium 3 L 3 886 CHLORATES. is precipitated with hydrofluosilicic acid in slight excess, and the filtrate is saturated with carbonate of barium, whereupon chlorate of barium dissolves, and a small quantity of silico-fluoride of barium remains behind. The filtered solution yields crystals of the chlorate by evaporation (Wheeler, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] vii. 74). b. A solution of 27 pts. chlorate of sodium in 54 pts. water is mixed with a solution of 38 pts. tar- taric acid in 38 pts. water ; the mixture is thrown into double the quantity of absolute alcohol ; and the liquid, after standing 24 hours, is filtered from the crystallised tartrate of sodium, then saturated with carbonate of barium, &c. (Du flos, N. Br. Arch, xxiii. 306.) c. Equivalent quantities of chlorate of potassium and acid tartrate of ammonium (122'6 pts. of the former to 167 of the latter) are dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of boiling water; the liquid, after the acid tartrate of potassium has crystallised out, is mixed with an equal quantity of alcohol ; the filtrate decomposed by boiling with carbonate of barium, &c. (L. Thompson, Jahresber. d. Chem. 1847 8, p. 381.) 2. 33y passing chlorine into hot water in which baryta is partly suspended, partly dissolved. Chloride and chlorate of barium are then formed, the greater part of the chloride is suffered to crystallise out, and the rest is removed by adding phosphate of silver to the solution, in the exact quantity required. (Chenevix, Vauquelin, Gmeliris Handbook, ii. 161.) Chlorate of barium forms hydrated prismatic crystals, 2BaC10 3 + H 2 0, belonging to the monoclinic system. Ratio of orthodiagonal, clinodiagonal, and principal axis = 0-882 : 1 : 1/07. Inclination of axes = 85 30'; ooP : ooP in the orthodiagonal sec- tion = 97; [P oo ] : [Po], in the clinodiagonal section =79 10'. Ordinary com- bination coP . [P oo] . P co ; also without P co ; also with ooP GO (Kopp, Krystallo- yraphie, p. 304), and less frequently with OP (Ramm els berg, Pogg. Ann. xc. 16). The crystals are transparent and colourless, give off their water (47 '2 per cent.) at 120 C., oxygen at .250, and melt at a temperature above 400 (Wachter, Ann. Ch. Pharm. lii. 231; Souchay, ibid. cii. 381). The salt detonates powerfully with combustible bodies; produces a green flame when heated with sulphur (Duflos); and emits a bright flashing light with strong sulphuric acid (Chenevix). It dissolves easily in water, but is insoluble in alcohol. The anhydrous salt dissolves in 4-38 pts. of water at C., in 2'70 pts. at 20, in 1-92 pts. at 40, in 1-29 pts. at 60, in 1-02 pts. at 80, and in 079 pts. at 100 (Kremers, Jaheresber. d. Chem. 1856, p. 274.) According to Hutstein (Arch. Pharm. [2] Ixxvii. 137) it emits light on crystallising. CHLORATE OF CALCIUM, CaC10 3 + H 2 0. Prepared like the barium-salt. Crys- tallises in deliquescent rhomboidal prisms, easily soluble in water and alcohol. They contain 16-5 p.c. water, melt in their water of crystallisation when gently heated, and decompose at a higher temperature. (Gm. iii. 212.) CHLORATE OF COBALT, CoCIO 3 + 3H 2 0. Crystallises in cubo-octahedrons. De- composed by ignition into chlorine, oxygen, and a residue containing oxide and chloride of cobalt. (Wachter, Ann. Ch. Pharm lii. 233.) CHLORATE OF COPPER, CuC10 3 4 3H 2 0. A solution of cupric oxide in chloric acid yields green deliquescent octahedrons having a slight acid reaction, and soluble in alcohol. At 100 C. it gives off a few gas-bubbles, and at 260 suffers further decomposition, leaving a residue which is insoluble in water but soluble in acids, and appears to consist of a basic chlorate, inasmuch as its solution in nitric acid gives no precipitate with silver-salts (Wachter, loc. tit.} Cupric chlorate detonates with bright green flame on glowing coals, and is much used in pyrotechny for the production of green fire. CHLORATE OF LEAD, 2PbC10 3 + H*0. Rhomboidal prisms, which become dull and opaque by exposure to the air ; soluble in water and alcohol but not deliquescent. When heated, they leave oxychloride of lead containing Pb 6 Cl 4 0. (Wachter.) CHLORATE OF LITHIUM, 2LiC10 3 + H 2 0. Radiated, very deliquescent mass, melting at C., and giving off water at 140, together with oxygen and small quantities of chlorine. Very soluble in alcohol. (Wachter.) CHLORATE OF MAGNESIUM, MgC10 3 + 3H 2 0. Crystalline crust, easily soluble in alcohol, melting at 40 C., and giving off its water at 120; (Chenevix, Wachter.) CHLORATE OF MANGANESE. Colourless, known only in solution. CHLORATES OF MERCURY. The mercuric salt is obtained by dissolving mercuric oxide in warm chloric acid (Vauquelin), or by heating mercuric oxide with succes- sive portions of chlorine-water, filtering from mercuric oxychloride, and concentrating the filtrate ; mercuric chloride then crystallises out, while the chlorate remains in solution (Braamcamp and Siqueira.) Mercuric chlorate forms small deliquescent CHLORATES. 887 needles, which redden litmus, taste like the chloride, and are resolved by heat into oxygen gas, mercurous chloride, calomel, and metallic mercury. The salt does not deflagrate on red-hot coals, but sets fire to sulphide of antimony at ordinary tempera- tures. (G-m. vi, 62.) Mercurous Chlorate, Hg 2 O.C10 5 or HhgCIO 3 . A solution of mercurous oxide in chloric acid yields the salt in beautiful prismatic crystals, which dissolve in water and in alcohol, and are resolved by heat into oxygen, metallic mercury, and calomel. (Wachter.) CHLORATE OF NICKEL, NiCIO 3 -f 3JPO, crystallises in regular octahedrons of a deep green colour, deliquescent and soluble in alcohol. When heated, they give olf oxygen and chlorine, and leave a mixture of chloride and oxide of nickel ; at a very strong red heat, however, nothing but oxide remains behind. (Wachter.) CHLORATE OF POTASSIUM, KC10 3 , or KO.CIO*. This salt is an important article of manufacture, being used in the preparation of lucifer matches and for other purposes in the arts. It is prepared, either by passing chlorine into solution of potush or carbonate of potassium, whereby chlorate and chloride of potassium are formed, which are separated by crystallisation, the chlorate being much the less soluble of the two ; or by decomposing chlorate of calcium with sulphate or chloride of potassium. 1. A solution of 1 pt. hydrate of potassium in 3 pts. water is saturated with chlo- rine gas, whereby chloride and hypochlorite of potassium are produced, the liquid acquiring strong bleaching properties : 2KHO + CP = KC10 4- KC1 + H 2 0. The liquid is then left to itself for a day, or heated for some time to the boiling point, whereby the hypochlorite is completely resolved into chloride and chlorate : 3KC10 = 2KC1 + KC10 S . The ultimate result is to convert 6 at. hydrate of potassium, by the action of 6 at. chlorine, into 1 at. KC10 3 and 5 at. KC1. It has been found that if a solution of potash either stronger or weaker than that above mentioned be used, part of the chlorate produced is decomposed into free oxygen and chloride of potassium. The solution, when left to itself, deposits the greater part of the chlorate of potas- sium in crystals, which may be purified from adhering chloride by recrystallisation. The mother-liquor yields by concentration an additional quantity of chlorate, which, however, is more contaminated with chloride, and requires a greater number of crystal- lisations to purify it. The test of purity is that the solution is not clouded by a drop of nitrate of silver. Carbonate of potassium may be used for the preparation instead of caustic potash. In that case a considerable quantity of acid carbonate of potassium is formed in the early stage of the process, and crystallises on the sides of the vessels ; but on continuing the passage of the chlorine, this salt is decomposed, with evolution of carbonic acid, the ultimate products being chlorate and chloride of potassium as before. Carbonate of potassium may also be used in the solid form, being laid on shelves or trays in a chamber into which chlorine gas is introduced, just as in the manufacture of bleaching powder. When the absorption of the chlorine is complete, the product is dissolved in water, and the chlorate crystallises out, as above described. 2. Hypochlorite of calcium, or bleaching powder, the so-called " chloride of lime " is made into a " cream " with water, and submitted to continuous boiling or evapora- tion to dryness, whereby it is resolved into a mixture of chlorate and chloride of calcium (p. 910), a change the completion of which is indicated by the loss of bleach- ing properties in the mass. The residue, after evaporation, is treated with water, and chloride or sulphate of potassium is added, whereby the chlorate of calcium is de- composed, with production of chlorate of potassium and chloride or sulphate of calcium. The chlorate, amounting to about ^ o f the weight of chloride of lime employed, is separated from sulphate of calcium by the insolubility of the latter, or from chloride of calcium by crystallisation. The process now generally employed consists in a modification of the last, in which the chloride of lime is formed in the same operation as the chlorate itself, instead of starting from a previously manufactured bleaching powder. Excess of chlorine is passed into a mixture of 300 pts. caustic lime and 154 of chloride of potassium with 100 water, the operation being performed in close leaden tanks, heated by steam and provided with agitators. A man-lid, through which the tank can be cleansed or repaired, and one or two wide tubes descending nearly to the bottom of the vessel, through which materials can be introduced, complete the arrangement. During the action, the temperature rises to about 200 F. After the completion of this operation, 3r 4 888 CHLORATES, the liquid is filtered and evaporated nearly to dryness by steam heat ; and the resulting mass is redissolved in hot water and set to crystallise. The whole of the chloride of calcium remains in the mother-liquors, and the crystals of chlorate are rendered fit for the market by slight washing and draining. The reac- tion upon which this operation depends is represented by the following equation : KC1 + 3Ca 2 + 6C1 = KC10 3 + GCaCl. In this process, 154 pts. KC1 give more than 200 pts. KC10 3 , while, by the method of direct saturation, 115 pts. caustic potash yield only 30 pts. of that salt; at the same time, no by-product is formed except chloride of calcium. The crystallisable mother-liquors of this manufacture consist, within 1 or 2 per cent., entirely of this salt, and may be decomposed either by an addition of sulphate of potassium or of car- bonate of sodium. In the former case, sulphate of calcium is precipitated, avail- able in the manufacture of paper, while chloride of potassium remains in solu- tion, and may be recovered by evaporation, to be employed in the preparation of fresh portions of chlorate: in the latter, carbonate of calcium, the "creta prsecipitata " of the druggist, is precipitated, and is largely employed by the pharmaceutist and the perfumer. Nearly the whole of the waste liquors of the English manufacturer are converted into the latter product. Carbonate instead of chloride of potassium may also be mixed with the quick lime : in that case, on treating the mixture with water, after it has been exposed to the action of chlorine, the whole of the lime remains as carbonate, while chloride and chlo- rate of potassium are dissolved. (Grm. iii. 59, lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 66.) Properties. Chlorate of potassium crystallises in anhydrous six-sided laminae, more rarely in needles. The crystals belong to the monoclinic system. Katio of ortho- diagonal, clinodiagonal, and principal axis = 1-360 : 1 : 0-804. Inclination of axes = 70 11'. Ordinary combination ooP . OP . +P. +2Poo; also twin-crystals. Cleav- age parallel to ooP and OP. Chlorate of potassium is but slightly soluble in cold water. The quantities dissolved by 100 pts. of water at different temperatures, as determined by Gray-Lussac, are given in the following table : at 0C. . 15-37 . 24-43 35-02 3-3 pts. 6-03 8-44 12-05 at 49-06 C. . 74-39 . 104-78 . 18-98 pts. . 85-40 . 60-24 , It is insoluble in absolute alcohol. Chlorate of potassium is permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures, but is easily decomposed by heat, being at first resolved into chloride and perchlorate of potassium, with a small quantity of free oxygen : 2KC10 3 = KC1 + KC10 4 + O 2 , while at a higher temperature the whole of the oxygen is given off (39 '15 per cent. of its weight in all), and chloride of potassium remains. The decomposition is greatly facilitated by mixing the chlorate with peroxide of manganese or oxide of copper, the whole of the oxygen of the chlorate being then given off at a low red heat without previous formation of perchlorate : such a mix- ture is very convenient for the evolution of oxygen. The metallic oxide does not undergo any alteration, appearing to act merely by dividing the particles of the chlo- rate and preventing them from fusing into a mass. Chlorate of potassium is a powerful oxidising agent, and detonates violently when mixed with certain combustible bodies and struck or heated. Triturated in a mortar with flowers of sulphur, it produces a series of sharp detonations. A mixture of the salt with sulphide of antimony takes fire when triturated, sometimes with explosion. A small quantity of the chlorate' mixed with phosphorus and struck with a hammer detonates with a loud report. These combustions are attended with great danger when large quantities are used. Chlorate of potassium is decomposed by acids, with evolution of peroxide of chlorine, chlorous acid, or hypochlorous acid. With strong sulphuric acid, it is resolved into peroxide of chlorine, perchlorate, and acid sulphate of potassium : 3KC10 3 + 2H 2 S0 4 = 2C10 2 + KC10 4 + 2KHS0 4 + H 2 The decomposition is attended with violent decrepitation, and sometimes with a flash- ing light; combustible substances, such as sulphur, phosphorus, metallic sulphides, arsenic, sugar, gum, resin, &c., are inflamed by the peroxide of chlorine evolved. A finely-divided mixture of chlorate of potassium and excess of crystallised oxalic acid heated to about 70 C. gives off peroxide of chlorine mixed with carbonic anhydride, while chloride and acid oxalate of potassium remain (Calvert and Pa vies, Chem. CHLORATES. 889 Soc. Qu. J. xi. 193). The reaction probably takes place iii the manner represented by the equation: 3KC10 8 + 6C 2 H 2 4 = 2C 2 KH0 4 + KC1 + 2C10 2 + 8C0 2 + 6H 2 0. Chlorate of potassium boiled with strong nitric acid yields nitrate and perchlorate of potassium, with evolution of chlorine and oxygen, but no peroxide of chlorine. (Penny, J. pr. Chem. xxiii. 296): 8KC10 3 + 6HN0 3 = 6KN0 3 + 2KC10 4 + Cl 6 + O 13 + 3H 2 0. Dilute nitric acid free from nitrous acid does not act on chlorate of potassium, even when boiled ; but if it contains nitrous acid, or if any reducing agent is present, such as tartaric acid, or arsenious acid, a lower oxide of chlorine is produced. If the temperature be kept below 5 C. the chief product is chlorous acid, HC1O 2 , the nitrous acid being at the same time reconverted into nitric acid : HNO 2 + HC10 3 = HNO 3 + HC10 2 (Millon, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlvi. 298). Chlorate of potas- sium heated with hydrochloric acid, yields chloride of potassium, and gives off a mix- ture of peroxide of chlorine and free chlorine, called euchlorine, having the proportional composition of hypochlorous anhydride (CIO 2 + Cl 3 = 2CFO). The reaction is : 4KC10 3 + 12HC1 = 4KC1 + 6H 2 + 3C10 2 + Cl 9 . A mixture of chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid is much used as an oxidising agent, e. g. for the destruction of organic matter in toxicological investigations. Chlorate of potassium heated with pentachloride of phosphorus, gives off a deep yellow gas which does not explode when heated, and when passed into dilute potash -ley, forms chloride, chlorate, and hypochlorite of potassium (H. Schiff, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 116). Chlorate of potassium distilled with iodine, gives off a chloride of iodine, while chloride and iodate of potassium remain mixed with the excess of chlorate (Wohler): KC10 3 + I + I* = KIO 3 + I*C1. lodic acid added to solution of chlorate of potassium, forms crystals of neutral or acid iodate of potassium, while free chloric acid remains in solution. (Serullas.) Chlorate of potassium is extensively used in the manufacture of lucifer matches and fire-works. Lucifer matches which take fire by friction, are tipped with a mixture of chlorate of potassium, phosphorus, and glue or gum. Mixtures for producing fires of various colours, are composed as follows : Red fire. Green fire. Purple fire. Nitrate of strontium 40 pts. Nitrate of barium 77 pts. Oxide of copper 12 pts. Chlorate of potassium 6 Chlor. of potassium 8 Chlor. potassium 30 Fine charcoal 2 Fine charcoal 3 Sulphur 13 Sulphur 13 Sulphur 12 The following composition is applied to the interior of percussion caps, in quantities varying from 0-2 to 0'3 of a grain . Chlorate of potassium 26 pts., nitre 30, fulminate of mercury 12, sulphur 17, ground glass 14, gum 1 ( = 100). Chlorate of potassium is now extensively used as an oxidising agent in heightening the intensity of steam-colours on printed goods. It is of constant use in the laboratory as a source of oxygen, and is employed in medicine in the treatment of irritation of the mucous membranes. For the manufacture of gunpowder it is not well adapted, as the powder made with it, produces a very violent explosive force within a small space only, and bursts the gun instead of propelling the ball. CHLORATE OF SILVER, AgClO 3 . Obtained by dissolving oxide of silver in chloric acid, or by passing chlorine through water in which the oxide is suspended, filtering from chloride of silver, and evaporating. It crystallises in white opaque four-sided prisms, with oblique terminal faces (Vauquelin), of specific gravity 4-430 (Schroder) ; tastes like the nitrate. It deflagrates brightly on hot coals, and when mixed with sulphur, detonates violently on the slightest pressure. Hydrochloric, nitric, and acetic acid, convert it into chloride, with evolution of oxygen. ^ CHLORATE OF SODIUM, NaClO 3 . This salt maybe prepared by the action of chlo- rine on solution of soda; but it is difficult to separate from the chloride formed at the same time ; the separation might, however, be effected by alcohol, which dissolves the chlorate much more easily than the chloride. The salt is likewise obtained by decom- posing chlorate of potassium with silico-fluoride or acid tartrate of sodium, or chlorate of ammonium by carbonate of sodium (Wittstein). It might also be prepared by decomposing chlorate of calcium with carbonate of sodium. Chlorate of sodium crystallises in regular tetrahedrons, modified by the faces of the opposite tetrahedron, also of the cube and rhomboidal dodecahedron : the crystals are 890 CIILORHYDRIC ACID. isomorphous with those of bromate of sodium. They dissolve in 3 times their weight of cold water, and in a smaller quantity of boiling water ; also in 34 pts. of 83 per cent, alcohol at 16 C. and in a smaller quantity of hot alcohol. CHLORATE OF STRONTIUM, SrCIO 3 . Prepared like the barium- salt. Crystallises in deliquescent needles, or, according to Wachter, in large pyramidal crystals. It decom- poses at the same temperature as the barium-salt, and deflagrates with purple flame on glowing coals. CHLORATE OF URANIUM. Protoxide of uranium dissolves in chloric acid, forming a green solution, which decomposes spontaneously, with evolution of chlorine and formation of uranic chloride. (Kammelsberg.) CHLORATE OF ZINC, ZnCIO 3 + 3H 2 0, is obtained by dissolving carbonate of zinc or metallic zinc in chloric acid, chloride of zinc being also formed in the latter case ; also bypassing gaseous fluoride of silicon into water in which carbonate of zinc is suspended, and boiling the filtered liquid with chlorate of potassium. It crystallises, apparently, in octahedrons, has a very rough taste, and is soluble in water and alcohol. CHIiORETHERAIi. Syn. with MoNOCHLORETHYLic ETHER. See ETHYL, OXIDE OF (ii. 643). CHLORHYDRIC or HYDROCHLORIC ACID. II CL This gas is the only known compound of chlorine and hydrogen. Its solution in water has been used from very early times, and has received the names of spirit of salt, muriatic acid, hydro- chloric acid, and chlorhydric acid. The gas was discovered by Priestley in 1772. Natural Sources. Hydrochloric acid gas is evolved from volcanos in eruption, and the acid solution is sometimes found in crevices on their slopes. It exists also, to the amount of 1 or 2 pts. in a thousand, in certain rivers of South America which have their source in volcanic formations. Formation and Preparation. 1. Hydrochloric acid is produced by the direct union of chlorine and hydrogen. A mixture of the two gases in equal volumes, explodes violently if a burning body is introduced into it, or an electric spark passed through it, or if it be exposed to direct sunshine (Gm. ii. 319). No combination takes place in the dark, but if the mixture be exposed to diffused daylight, the gases combine gradually. Thus, if two bottles of exactly equal capacity and fitted to one another by grinding, are filled by displacement with chlorine and hydrogen respectively, then adapted to each other by their mouths, the chlorine-vessel being placed uppermost, and set aside for some hours in a light situation, but not in direct sunshine, the green colour of the chlorine will gradually disappear almost entirely, and a few minutes' exposure to sunshine will complete the combination. If the two bottles be then sepa- rated under mercury, each will be found full of hydrochloric acid gas, no gas escaping and no rising of the mercury taking place in either bottle, showing that the chlorine and hydrogen have combined without expansion or contraction. If a jet of water tirsged with blue litmus be thrown up into either of the bottles, the gas will be rapidly and completely absorbed, while the litmus solution will assume a bright red colour. Any bleaching of the litmus would indicate free chlorine ; any unabsorbed gas, the presence of free hydrogen ; in this manner, an excess of either gas in the original mixture may be detected. 2. Hydrochloric acid gas is usually prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on fused chloride of sodium. There is at first a copious effervescence, which, after some time, it may be necessary to revive by the application of a gentle heat. The reaction is : NaCl + H 2 S0 4 = NaHSO 4 + HC1. The gas must be collected over the mercurial trough, as it is rapidly absorbed by water. 3. Hydrochloric acid may also be produced by the action of water on certain chlorides. The two chlorides of phosphorus are decomposed immediately and com- pletely by mixture with an excess of water, with formation of phosphorous and phos- phoric acid respectively, thus : PCI 3 + 3H 2 = H'PO 3 + 3HC1. PCI 5 + 4H 2 = H 9 P0 4 + 5HC1. The two chlorides of antimony are decomposed more slowly. Trichloride of bismuth requires prolonged treatment with water to effect its thorough decomposition, which, however, takes place readily at a boiling temperature. Stannic chloride, even at a boiling temperature, is decomposed very imperfectly. The sesquichloride of aluminium and protochloride of magnesium, &c., are decomposed by steam, with evolution of hydrochloric acid, at temperatures considerably below redness : 2AFC1 3 + 3H 2 = Al'O 3 + 6HC1. 2MgCl + H 2 = Mg 2 O + 2HCL CHLORHYDRIC ACID. 891 Moreover, hydrochloric acid results from the reaction of chloride of phosphorus, chloride of antimony, and some other chlorides, usually hyperchlorides, not only with water, but with most oxyhydrogenised compounds (pp. 897 900). 4. Hydrochloric acid is a constant attendant upon the direct action of chlorine on hydrogenised substances. A solution of chlorine in water is converted, when exposed to light, into hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids : Cl 2 + IPO HC1 -f HC10. Chlorine instantly decomposes sulphydric acid, with formation of hydrochloric acid and separa- tion of sulphur : Cl 2 + H 2 S = 2HC1 + S. Phosphoretted and arsenetted hydrogen are likewise decomposed by chlorine, with formation of hydrochloric acid. Numerous organic compounds also are decomposed by chlorine, one portion of that element uniting with the whole or with part of the hydrogen, and an equal portion taking the place of the hydrogen thus removed : e. g. C 2 H 4 2 + 3C1 2 = C 2 HC1 3 8 + 3HC1. Acetic Trichlor- acid. acetic acid. Hydrochloric acid also results from the inverse action of hydrogen upon a chlorine compound, as when ignited chloride of nickel is subjected to a current of hydrogen, thus: NiCl + H = HC1 + Ni. Properties. Hydrochloric acid is a colourless gas, having a strong acid taste, and a pungent irritating odour. Its specific gravity (air = 1) is, according to the deter- mination of Biot and Gray-Lussac, 1/27; by calculation, it is x 0-0693 = 1 '265. It forms opaque white fumes in the air, owing to its union with, and condensation of, the atmospheric moisture. In perfectly dry air these fumes are not produced. The gas is extremely soluble in water. When a flask of dry hydrochloric acid is opened under water, the whole of the gas is absorbed in an instant, and the flask not unfrequently broken by the violent rush of liquid. At mean temperature (15 C.) water dissolves about 458 times its volume of the gas (see GASES, ABSORPTION OF). At the tempe- rature of 10, under a pressure of 40 atmospheres, hydrochloric acid is condensed into a colourless liquid, having a specific gravity T27. It has never been solidified. Hy- drochloric acid is not inflammable, and extinguishes most burning bodies, but when a piece of potassium is introduced by means of an iron wire into a tube full of the gas retained over mercury, and is then heated to redness by a spirit-lamp applied exter- nally, it undergoes combustion, unites with the chlorine, and leaves the hydrogen, which is eventually found to occupy exactly one half the volume of the original gas : HC1 + K = KC1 + H. Solution of hydrochloric acid is usually made from common salt and sulphuric acid diluted with about two-thirds its bulk of water. The reaction is effected in a retort to which a gentle heat is applied, and the evolved gas is condensed in a vessel or series of vessels of distilled water. The condensing liquid increases considerably in bulk, and may eventually be made to acquire a specific gravity of 1*21, under which circumstances it consists of one atom of hydrochloric .acid, HC1, dissolved in three atoms of water, H 2 0. Solution of hydrochloric acid has usually a specific gravity of 1'162, and then consists of one atom of hydrochloric acid HC1, dissolved in four atoms of water, H 2 0. Commercial muriatic acid is made by heating in iron cylinders two proportions of common salt, with as much brown sulphuric acid as contains one proportion of real acid, and condensing the evolved gas in water contained in a series of stoneware Woulfe's bottles. The reaction is : H 2 SO 4 + 2NaCl = Na 2 S0 4 + 2HC1. For details, see Ure' s Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, ii. 481. Pelouze et Fre"my, Traite de Chimie generate, 3 ma ed. i. 436. Pay en, Precis de Chimie industrielle, 4 me ed. i. 264.) The commercial acid, which frequently contains, as impurities, sulphurous acid, arsenious acid, sesquichloride of iron, stannic chloride, and even free chlorine, may be partly purified by dilution and redistillation. A pure solution of hydrochloric acid is usually colourless, but when in large quantities, has a very pale yellowish green tint. The slight yellow colour of miscalled pure acid is generally due to the presence of free chlorine, but the bright deep yellow of the commercial acid results from the presence of cfroride of iron. The introduction of a small quantity of organic matter, as by contact with a cork, will likewise impart a yellow colour to hydrochloric ucid otherwise pure. A strong solution of hydrochloric acid evolves fumes on exposure to air. When boiled, it gives off hydrochloric acid gas, until the temperature slightly exceeds 100 C., when there distils over a diluted solution of the acid, having a specific gravity of I'l, and consisting of 1 atom of hydrochloric acid, II Cl, dissolved in 8 atoms of water, H 2 0. 892 CHLORHYDRIC ACID. From the experiments of Roscoe, however (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 156), it appears that the composition of aqueous hydrochloric acid (and of other aqueous acids), of constant boiling point, varies with the pressure, and that there exists for each pres- sure a corresponding aqueous acid, which undergoes no change in composition when distilled under this pressure, and therefore has a constant boiling point. In table A, column P shows the pressure in metres of mercury under which aqueous hydrochloric acid must be distilled to attain the composition given in the next column. TABLE A. Percentage of HC1 in aqueous Hydrochloric Acid boiling under different Pressures. P Percentage of HC1. P Percentage of HCI. P Percentage of HCI. P Percentage ot HCI. 0-05 23-2 0-7 20-4 1-3 19-3 2-0 18-5 o-i 22-9 076 20-14 1-4 19-1 2-1 18-4 0-2 22-3 0-8 20-2 1-5 19-0 2-3 18-3 0-3 21-8 0-9 19-9 1-6 18-9 2-4 18-1 0-4 21-4 1-0 197 17 18-8 2-5 18-0 0-5 21-1 1-1 19-5 1-8 187 0-6 207 1-2 19-4 1-9 18-6 The acid which boils constantly under the pressure 076 met., and contains 20-24 per cent. HCI, is the hydrate above mentioned, HCl.SH'O. The table shows that the percentage of HCI in the aqueous acid of constant boiling point, diminishes with in- crease of pressure. When aqueous hydrochloric acid is vaporised by passing a current of dry air through it at a given temperature, a point is likewise reached beyond which no decomposition occurs. In Table B the first column gives the temperatures, the second the percentage of HCI contained in the acid, unalterable at the corresponding temperature. TABLE B. Percentage of HCI in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid of constant c at different Temperatures. T o Percentage of HCI. T Percentage of HCI. T o Percentage of HCI. T o Percentage of HCI. 0C. 25-0 30 C. 24-1 60 C. 23-0 90 C. 21-4 5 24-9 35 23-9 65 22-8 95 21-1 10 247 40 23-8 70 22-6 100 207 15 24-6 45 23-6 75 22-3 20 24-4 50 23-4 80 22-0 25 24-3 55 23-2 85 217 The specific gravity of aqueous hydrochloric acid, of various degrees of concentration has been determined by Ure and by E. Davy. The results are given in Tables C and D ; it will be observed that the specific gravities as determined by Davy are rather lower for each percentage of HCI than those of Ure. TABLE C. Percentage of HCI in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid at 25 C. (77 F.) according to E. Davy. Sp. Gr. HCI. Sp. Gr. HCI. Sp. Gr. HCI. Sp. Gr. HCI. 1-21 42-43 16 32-32 1-11 22-22 1-06 12-12 1-20 40-80 15 30-30 1-10 20-20 1-05 10-10 1-19 38-38 14 28-28 1-09 18-18 1-04 8-08 1-18 36-36 13 26-26 1-08 16-16 1-03 6-06 1-17 34-34 12 24-24 1-07 14-14 1-02 4-04 1-01 2-02 CHLORHYDRIC ACID CHLORHYDRTNS. 893 TABLE D. Composition of Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid according to Ure. Acid of S P . gr. 1'2. Specific Gravity. Chlo- rine, per cent HCl. per cent. Acid of sp. gr. 1 2. Specific Gravity. Chlo- rine, per cent. HCl. per cent. Acid of sp. gr.1'2. Specific Gravity. Chlo- rine, per cent HCl. per cent. 100 1-2000 39-675 40-777 66 1-1328 26-186 26-913 32 1-0637 12-697 13-049 90 1-1982 39-278 40-369 65 1-1308 25-789 26-505 31 1-0617 12-300 12-641 98 1-1964 38-882 39-961 64 1-1287 25-392 26-098 30 1-0597 11-903 12233 97 1-1946 38-485 39-554 63 1-1267 24-996 25-690 29 1-0577 11-506 11-825 96 1-1928 38-089 39-146 62 1-1247 24-599 25-282 28 1-0557 11-109 11-418 95 1-1910 37-692 38-738 61 1-1226 24-202 24-874 27 1-0537 10-712 11-010 94 1-1893 37-296 38-330 60 1-1206 23-805 24-466 26 1-0517 10-316 10-602 93 1-1875 36-900 37-923 59 1-1185 23-408 24-058 25 1-0497 9-919 10-194 92 1-1857 36-503 37-516 58 1-1164 23-012 23-050 24 1-0477 9-522 9-786 91 1-1846 36-107 37-108 57 1-1143 22-615 23-242 23 1-0457 9-125 9-379 90 1-1822 35-707 36-700 56 1-1123 22-218 22-834 22 1-0437 8-729 9-971 89 1-1802 35-310 36-292 55 1-1102 21-822 22-426 21 1-0417 8-332 8-563 88 1-1782 34-913 35-884 54 1-1082 21-425 22-019 20 1-0397 7-935 8-155 87 1-1762 34-517 35-476 53 1061 21-028 21-611 19 1-0377 7-538 7-747 86 1-1741 34-121 35-068 52 1041 20-632 21-203 18 1-0357 7-141 7-340 85 1-1721 33-724 34-660 51 1020 20-235 20-796 17 1-0337 6-745 7-932 84 1-1701 33-328 34-252 50 1000 19-837 20-388 16 1-0318 6-348 6-524 83 1-1681 32-931 33-845 49 0980 19-440 19-980 15 1-0298 5-951 6-116 82 1-1661 32-535 33-437 48 0960 19-044 19-572 14 1-0279 5-554 6-709 81 1-1641 32-136 33-029 47 0939 18-647 19-165 13 1-0259 5-158 5-301 80 1-1620 31-746 32-621 46 0919 18-250 18-757 12 1-0239 4-762 5-893 79 1-1599 31-343 32-213 45 0899 17-854 18-359 11 1-0220 4-365 4-486 78 1-1578 30-946 31-805 44 0879 17-457 17-941 10 1-0200 3-968 4-078 77 1-1557 30-550 31-398 43 1-0859 17-060 17-534 9 1-0180 3-571 4-670 76 1-1536 30-153 30-990 42 1-0838 16-664 17-126 8 1-0160 3-174 3-262 75 1-1515 29-757 30-582 41 1-0818 16-267 16-718 7 1-0140 2-778 3-854 74 1-1494 29-361 30-174 40 1-0798 15-870 16-310 6 1-0120 2-381 3-447 73 1-1473 28-964 39-767 39 1-0778 15-474 15-902 5 1-0100 1-984 2-039 72 1-1452 28-567 29-359 38 1-0758 15-077 15-494 4 1-0080 1-588 2-631 71 I 1431 28-171 28-951 37 1-0738 14-680 15-087 3 1-0060 1-191 1-224 70 1 1410 27-772 28-544 36 1-0718 14-284 14-679 2 1-0040 0-795 1-816 69 11389 27-376 28-136 35 1-0697 13-887 14-271 1 1-0020 0-397 1-408 68 1-1369 26-979 27-728 34 1-0677 13-490 13-863 67 1-1349 26-583 27-321 33 1-0657 13-094 13-456 i Aqueous hydrochloric acid possesses powerful acid properties, reddens litmus, tastes intensely sour, effervesces with carbonates, and dissolves many metals with evolution of hydrogen. It does not bleach vegetable colours or dissolve gold leaf. W. O. CHXiORHYDRXC ETHERS. See CHLORIDES OF ALCOHOL-EADICLES (p. 897). CHX.ORKYDRINS. (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xli. 296. Berthelot and De Luca, ibid, xlviii. 304; lii. 433.) These compounds, which are precisely analogous to the bromhydrins (p. 667), are the chlorhydric ethers of glycerin, and may be regarded as derived therefrom by the substitution of one or more atoms of chlorine for an equivalent quantity of peroxide of hydrogen. They are produced, either by the action of hydrochloric acid or of the chlorides of phosphorus on glycerin ; the latter method does not however yield very good products. Monochlorkydrin^C 3 H 7 C\0* =- (C 3 H 5 )'".(HO) 2 .C1, is obtained by saturating gently heated glycerin with hydrochloric acid gas ; then keeping the liquid at 100 C. for some hours ; saturating with carbonate of sodium ; agitating with ether ; distilling the residue left after evaporation of the ether ; and again treating it with carbonate of sodium and ether. It is a neutral oil, having a fresh ethereal odour and a sweet taste, with pungent after-taste. Specific gravity 1-31. It remains perfectly fluid at 35 C. ; boils at 227 ; burns with a white, green-edged flame, emitting 'hydrochloric acid. Oxide of lead saponifies it slowly. It does not immediately precipitate nitrate of silver. It mixes with its own bulk of water. With 8 or 10 times its bulk of water, it forms a very stable emulsion. It also mixes with ether. DicUorhydrin, C 3 H 6 C1 2 = (C S H 5 )'".HO.C1 2 , is obtained by heating a solution of glycerin in 10 or 12 times its weight of fuming hydrochloric acid, to 100 C. for three or four days, purifying the product with carbonate of sodium and ether as above, and 894 CHLORHYDROPHENIDE CHLORIDES. evaporating, first over the water-bath, then in vacuo. It is a neutral oil, having an ethereal odour. Specific gravity T37. It boils at 178 C. ; remains quite fluid at 35 ; burns like the preceding ; is easily decomposed by potash, yielding chloride of potas- sium and glycerin ; mixes with ether, but does not form a stable emulsion with water. Trichlorhydrin; Trichloride of Glyccryl, C 3 H 5 CP. Produced by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on dichlorhydrin : C 3 H 6 C1 2 + PCI 5 = PCPO + HC1 + C 3 H 5 C1 8 . It is a neutral liquid, much more stable than tribromhydrin. Volatilises at about 155 C. (Berthelot andDeLuca.) Epichlorhydrin. Oxychloride of Glyceryl. C 3 H 5 C10. Obtained by treating di- chlorhydrin with hydrochloric acid gas, or with the fuming acid. Neutral oil, re- sembling dichlorhydrin. Distils between 120 and 130 C. (Berthelot.) Epidichlorhydrin. Bichloride of Glycerylene. C 3 H 4 CP. Produced in small quantity in the preparation of trichlorhydrin and bromodichlorhydrin, probably by a secondary reaction, inasmuch as it differs from dichlorhydrin by H 2 0, and from tri- ehlorhydrin by HC1. It is isolated and purified by repeated fractional distillation. Neutral liquid, volatile at about 120 C. Treated with moist oxide of silver, it slowly reproduces glycerin. (Berthelot and De Luca.) Dibromochlorhydrin, C 3 H 5 Br' 2 Cl. Produced by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on dibromhydrin. Neutral liquid, volatile at about 200 C. With moist oxide of silver at 100, it slowly reproduces glycerin. It is isomeric with dibromide of chlorotritylene, C 3 H 5 ClBr 2 . Bromodichlorhydrin, C 8 H 5 BrCl 2 . Produced by the action of pentabromide of phosphorus on dichlorhydrin. Neutral liquid, volatile at about 176 C. Isomeric with dichloride of bromotritylene. With moist oxide of silver at 100, it slowly reproduces glycerin ; at the same time, however, a small quantity of carbonic anhydride is formed by oxidation, together with crystalline scales, which appear to be propionate of silver : C 3 H 5 BrCl 2 + 3H 2 = C S H 8 3 + 2HC1 + HBr Glycerin. and C 3 H 5 BrCl 2 + 2H 2 = C 3 H 6 2 + 2HC1 + HBr Propionic acid. For the ACETOCHLORHYDKINS, see p. 25 ; BENZOCHLOBHYDRINS (p. 547.) CHLORHYDROPHENIDE. Chloride of Phenyl. (See PHENYL.) CHXiORHlTDROPROTEXC ACID. A name applied by Mulder (J. pr. Chem. xvii. 316), to the precipitate formed by hydrochloric acid in a solution of albumin, said by Mulder to contain 37 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. It is probably however nothing but albumin. CHLORIDES. The term chloride is applied to all compounds of chlorine which may be derived from one or more atoms of hydrochloric acid, H n Cl n , by the substitu- tion of a metal or other radicle (which may itself contain chlorine), for an equivalent quantity of hydrogen. Those which are volatile contain, in two volumes of vapour, 1, 2, 3, &c. atoms of chlorine, according as the radicle with which the chlorine is as- sociated is mono-, di-, tri-atomic, &c.*, thus : 2 voL chloride of ethyl, C 2 H 5 .C1, contain 1 at. chlorine sulphuryl, (S0 2 )".C1 2 2 boron, B.C1 3 3 silicium, SiCl 4 4 Chlorides may be conveniently divided into the following groups, each of which contains compounds derived from one or more atoms of hydrochloric acid. a. Metallic Chlorides. Chlorine combines with all metals, the number of chlorine-atoms in the resulting molecule varying from 1 to 7. a. Chlorides, with one atom of chlorine, formed on the type of the single atom of hy- drochloric acid, HC1, namely, protochlorides, MCI, and hemichlorides, or sub- chlorides, M 2 C1. The greater number of metals form protochlorides, all indeed, except aluminium, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, vanadium and zirconium. The protochlorides are all more or less soluble in water, except those of silver and platinum, which are quite insoluble. The protochlorides of gold, platinum, * If, however, the radicle contains chlorine, this statement must be understood as applying only to the portion of chlorine which is not thus included, and is removable by water or by aqueous potash ; for example, 2 vols. chloride of trichloracetj 1, C 2 C1 3 O.C1 contain 4 atoms of chlorine; but only one of these is removable by water, the compound, treated with water, yielding hydrochloric acid and trichloracetic acid (C2CPO.C1 + R2Q = HC1 -- C*U 3 O.H.O). CHLORIDES. 895 and palladium, are completely decomposed at a red beat ; that of copper, partially. The other protochlorides melt 'when heated, and volatilise unchanged at higher tempe- ratures. Several hydrated protochlorides, those of magnesium and zinc, for instance, are resolved more or less completely by heat into metallic oxide and hydrochloric acid. The fused protochlorides are electrolytic. The hemi-atomic metals, especially copper and mercury, form subchlorides, con- taining, e. g. Cu-Cl, Hg 2 Cl. They are insoluble in water, and under certain circumstances manifest a tendency to break up into metal and protochloride. 0. Chlorides with two atoms of chlorine, formed on the type. H 2 C1 2 , namely, Bi- chlorides, M"C1 2 . The metals which form dichlorides, are molybdenum, palladium, platinum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, and vanadium. The dichlorides of platinum and palladium give off at a gentle heat one half, and at a stronger heat the whole of their chlorine. The others are easily volatile. 7. Chlorides with three atoms of chlorine, formed on the type H 3 C1 S , namely, Tri- chlorides, M'"CP, and sesquichlorides, (M 2 )'"C1 3 . The metals which form tri- chlorides are antimony, arsenic, bismuth, gold, molybdenum, tungsten, and vanadium. Trichloride of gold is reduced at a gentle heat to protochloride, which at a higher temperature is resolved into chlorine and metal. The rest volatilise unchanged. The trichlorides of antimony and bismuth are very fusible solids ; the rest are liquids. The volatile trichlorides are decomposed by water, yielding hydrochloric acid and an oxychloride, thus : Bid 3 + H 2 = 2HC1 + BiClO. The sesquichlorides are formed from a triple molecule of hydrochloric acid, by the substitution of 2 at. of a sesqui-atomic metal for 3 at. hydrogen ; the metals which form them are aluminium, cerium (?), chromium, iron, and manganese. The cerium and manganese compounds are known only as hydrates ; the rest are fusible and volatile solids. They are all soluble in water, and are-partially decomposed by heat. 8. Chlorides with four atoms of chlorine, formed on the type H 4 C1 4 , namely, Tetra- chlo rides. These are formed only by the metals tin, titanium, and zirconium. The first two are liquids, the third solid : they are all volatile, and their general be- haviour shows that two of the chlorine-atoms are retained less forcibly than the other two. The tetrachlorides of tin and titanium are soluble in water ; the zirconium- compound is decomposed by water. . Chloride with 5 at. chlorine. Pentachloride of antimony, SbCP. Volatile liquid, decomposed by water. There are no hcxachlorides known, and only one heptachloride, namely, the hepta- chloride of manganese, Mn 2 Cl 7 . Formation of Metallic Chlorides. Chlorides are generally prepared by one or other of the following processes, a. By acting upon the metal with chlorine gas. This method is frequently employed for the preparation of anhydrous chlorides. The penta- chloride of antimony and protochloride of copper are examples of chlorides sometimes produced in this manner. The chlorides of gold and platinum are usually prepared by acting upon the metals with nascent chlorine, developed by the mutual action of hydrochloric and nitric acids. Sometimes, on the other hand, the metal is in a nascent state, as when titanic chloride is formed by passing a current of chlorine over a heated mixture of charcoal and titanic anhydride. The chlorides of aluminium and chromium may be obtained by similar processes. j8. Chlorine gas, by its action upon metallic oxides, drives out the oxygen, and unites with the respective metals to form chlorides. This reaction sometimes takes place at ordinary temperatures, as is the case with oxide of silver; sometimes only at a red heat, as is the case with the oxides of the alkali- and alkaline earth-metals. The hydrates and carbonates of these last metals, when dissolved or suspended in hot water and treated with excess of chlorine, are converted, chiefly into chlorides, partly into chlorates. y. Many metallic chlorides are prepared by acting upon the metals with hydrochloric acid. Zinc, cadmium, iron, nickel, cobalt, and tin dissolve readily in hydrochloric acid, with liberation of hydrogen ; copper only in the strong boiling acid ; silver, mercury, palladium, platinum, and gold, not at all. Sometimes the metal is substi- tuted, not for hydrogen, but for some other metal. Stannous chloride, for instance, is frequently made by distilling metallic tin with mercuric chloride, thus : 2HgCl + Sn = SnCP + Hg 2 . S. Or the oxide, hydrate, or carbonate of metal may be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. In this way the hydrated protochloride of copper and sesquichloride of iron are usually made : Cu 2 + 2HC1 = H 2 + 2CuCl. Fe 2 H 3 3 + 3HC1 = 3H 2 + Fe 2 CP. With a peroxide, the reaction is accompanied by an evolution of chlorine, thus : Pb 2 2 + 4HC1 = 2H 2 + 2PbCl + Cl 2 . 896 CHLORIDES. . Chloride of silver and mercurous chloride, which are insoluble in water, and chloride of lead, which is but sparingly soluble, are easily formed by precipitating any of the corresponding soluble salts with a soluble chloride, thus : NaCl + AgNO 8 = AgCl + NaNO 3 . Decompositions. 1. The action of heat upon chlorides has been already noticed. Most protochlorides volatilise at high temperatures, without decomposition ; the higher chlorides give off part of their chlorine when heated. 2. Some chlorides which resist the action of heat alone are decomposed by ignition in the air, yielding metallic oxides and free chlorine : this is the case with the chlorides of iron and manganese ; but most protochlorides remain undecomposed, even in this case. 3. All metallic chlorides, ex- cepting those of the alkali-metals and earth-metals, are decomposed at a red heat by hydrogen gas, with formation of hydrochloric acid : in this way, metallic iron may be obtained in fine cubical crystals. Chloride of silver placed in contact with metallic zinc or iron, under dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, is reduced to the metallic state by the nascent hydrogen. 4. Metallic chlorides, which are not decomposed by heat alone, likewise resist the action of charcoal at a white heat, but if aqueous vapour is likewise present, decomposition takes place, the metal being reduced, and hydro- chloric acid formed, together with an oxide of carbon, e. g. : 2AgCl + H ? + C = Ag 8 + 2HC1 + CO. 5. Metallic chlorides are not decomposed by heating with sulphur, but phosphorus decomposes several of them. 6. Those metallic chlorides which are not decomposed by heat alone, likewise resist decomposition when heated to whiteness with boric an- hydride, or silicic anhydride ; but if water is present, hydrochloric acid is evolved, and a borate or silicate of the metal is produced. Vapour of sulphuric anhydride, however, decomposes certain metallic chlorides, a sulphate being formed, and a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and sulphurous anhydride evolved, e.g.: 2NaCl + 2S0 3 = Na 2 S0 4 + SO 2 + CP. 7. Sulphuric, phosphoric, boric, and arsenic acids, decompose most metallic chlorides, sometimes at ordinary, sometimes at higher temperatures. 8. All metallic chlorides heated with peroxide of lead or manganese and sulphuric acid, give off chlorine, e. g. : 2NaCl + Mn 2 2 + 2H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + Mn 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 -t Cl 2 . 9. Distilled with sulphuric acid and chromate of potassium, they yield a dark bluish-red distillate of chloro-chromic acid. 10. Some metallic chlorides are decom- posed by water, forming hydrochloric acid and an oxychloride, e. g. : Bid 3 + H 2 = 2HC1 + BiClO. The chlorides of antimony and stannous chloride are decomposed in a similar manner. 11. All soluble chlorides give with solution of nitrate of silver, a white precipitate of chloride of silver, easily soluble in ammonia, insoluble in nitric acid. With mercurous nitrate, they yield a white curdy precipitate of mercurous chloride, blackened by ammonia ; and with lead-salts, not too dilute, a white crys- talline precipitate of chloride of lead, soluble in excess of water. Combinations. Metallic chlorides unite with each other and with the chlorides of the non-metallic elements, forming such compounds as chloromercurate of potassium, KCLHgCl, chloroplatinate of sodium, NaCl.PtCP, chloriodate of potassium, KC1.IC1 3 , &c. They also combine with oxides and sulphides, forming oxychlorides and sulpho- chlorides. Metallic chlorides likewise combine in definite proportions with am- monia and organic bases ; the chlorides of platinum form with ammonia the compounds NH 3 .PtCl, 2NH 3 .PtCl, NH 3 .PtCP, and 2NH 3 .PtCP; mercuric chloride forms with phenylamine the compound C 6 H 7 N.HgCl; with chinoline, C 9 H 7 N.2HgCl, &c. Many of these compounds may be regarded as chlorides of metalloi'dal radicles, formed on the ammonium type : thus, ammonio-protochloride of platinum, NH 3 .PtCl = chloride of platammonium (NH 3 Pt).Cl. Many metallic chlorides are soluble in alcohol, ether, volatile oils, &c. b. Chlorides of Organo-metallic Radicles (including Phosphorus-bases). These compounds, which bear considerable resemblance to the simple metallic chlo- rides, are produced, either by the direct union of chlorine with the organo-metallic radicle, or by the action of hydrochloric acid on the oxide or hydrate of that radicle. Some of them are volatile liquids ; others crystalline solids. They contain 1, 2, 3, or 4 at. of chlorine associated with 1 molecule of thft organo-metallic radicle, those which contain an even number of atoms of alcohol-radicle forming mono- and tri- chlorides, while those which contain an uneven number of atoms of alcohol-radicle form di- and tetrachlorides, thus : Arsen-monomethyl forms AsMeCl 2 and AsMeCl 4 Arsen-dimethyl AsMe'Cl . AsMe 2 CP Stib-triethyl SbMe 3 CP Stib-tetramethylium SbMe^Cl CHLORIDES. 897 All these compounds may be regarded as derived from a molecule of tri- or penta- chloride of arsenic or antimony by the substitution of an alcohol -radicle for an equiva- lent quantity of chlorine (pp. 339, 397, 411). 3. Chlorides of Alcohol-Radicles. Hydrochloric or Chlorhydric Ethers. These compounds may be regarded as derived from hydrochloric acid in a similar manner to the metallic chlorides, or from the corresponding alcohols' by the substitution of chlorine for an equivalent quantity of peroxide of hydrogen, e. g. : Chloride of ethyl, C 2 H 5 .C1 from Ethylic alcohol, C 2 H 5 .HO Chloride of ethylene, C'H'.Cl 2 Glycol, C 2 H 4 .(HO) 2 Chloride of glyceryl, C 3 H 5 .C1 3 Glycerin, C 8 H 5 .(HO) 3 a. The monatomic alcoholic chlorides are obtained : 1. By the action of hydrochloric acid on the alcohols : C 2 H 5 .H.O + HC1 = H 2 + C 2 H 5 .C1. 2. By the action of the chlorides of phosphorus, or of oxychloride of phosphorus, on the alcohols : 3(C 2 H 5 .H.O) + PCI 3 = H 3 P0 3 + 3C 2 H 5 C1. 3(C 2 H 5 .H.O) + PC1 3 = H 3 P0 4 + 3C 2 H 5 C1. 3. By the action of chlorine on the corresponding hydrides. This reaction has been observed only in the case of hydride of benzyl (p. 573). Most of these monatomic chlorides are liquids more volatile than the corresponding alcohols : one, viz. chloride of methyl, is gaseous at ordinary temperatures, and chloride of cetyl is solid. Treated with alcoholic potash, they yield chloride of potassium and an alcohol : C 2 H 5 C1 + KHO = KC1 + C 2 H 5 .H.O When recently prepared, they do not precipitate nitrate of silver immediately; but when they are heated with it in sealed tubes, a slow precipitation takes place. Sodium at ordinary temperatures decomposes them, with formation of chloride of sodium and an alcohol-radicle : 2C 8 H 17 C1 + Na 2 = 2NaCl + C 8 H 17 .C 8 H 17 . Chloride of Octyl. octyl. But if heat be applied, the sodium assumes a violet tint and swells up considerably. The liquid then becomes hot ; hydrogen is evolved ; the violet colour disappears ; and a pasty mass is ultimately obtained, consisting of chloride of sodium and an oil, which is the corresponding hydrocarbon, C^H 2 " : thus, with chloride of octyl : 2(C 8 H 17 .C1) + Na 2 = 2(C 8 H' 6 Na.Cl) + HH and: C 8 H 17 Na.Cl = NaCl + C 8 H 16 . Violet substance. Octylene. The same violet substance is produced by the simultaneous action of chlorine and sodium on octylene. It quickly turns white in contact with the air, yielding soda and chloride of sodium, and is quickly decomposed by water, alcohol, and other liquids containing oxygen (B oui s, N. Ann. Chim. Phys. xliv. 114). A similar violet substance is formed by the action of potassium on chloride of phenyl. 0. The diatomic alcoholic chlorides are produced : 1. By the direct union of chlorine with the corresponding diatomic hydrocarbons, e.g. chloride of ethylene, chloride of tetrylene, &c. 2. By the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on the corresponding alcohols, e. g. : C 2 H'.H 2 .0 2 + 2PC1 5 = C 2 H 4 C1 2 + 2POC1 3 + 2HCL Glycol. Chloride of ethylene. Two series of these chlorides are known, containing the radicles C"H 2n , homologous with ethylene, and C n H 5!n - 8 , homologous with benzylene. The chlorides C n H 8n Cl 2 , are liquids, for the most part volatile without decomposition. They are decomposed by chlorine, yielding substitution-products. Heated with al- coholic potash, they yield chloride of potassium, and the chloride of an aldehyde- radicle : C 2 H 7 C10 7 + HC1. Salicin. Chloro salicin. C 2 H 4 2 + Cl 6 = C'HCPO 2 + 3HC1. Acetic acid. Trichloracetic acid. Chlorine, by combining with hydrogen or a metal, acts indirectly as an oxidising agent. Thus, when chlorine-water is exposed to the action of sunlight, we have Cl 2 + H 2 O = 2HC1 + 0. Again, when ferric hydrate, suspended in solution of hydrate of potassium, is treated with chlorine, we have produced ferric and hydrochloric acids, which react with the alkali to form potassium salts : H?0 + Fe 2 H 8 3 + CP = IFO.Fe 2 3 , (i.e. H 2 Fe 2 4 ) + 3HCL Ferric Ferric, hydrate. acid. Chlorine destroys the colour of most organic pigments. This bleaching action is usually accompanied by oxidation and substitution, thus : C 9 H 5 NO + H 2 -r Cl 4 = C 8 H 4 CLN0 2 + 3HC1. Indigo. Chlorisatin. SM 3 902 CHLORINE. Chlorine also destroys odours of various kinds, and possibly infectious miasmata, either by abstracting hydrogen with or without substitution, or by indirectly oxidis- ing. W. O. Antichloristic Theory. Chlorine was originally regarded as a compound body, namely, Oxygenised muriatic acid, or Oxymuriatic acid. Muriatic acid was supposed to be a compound of oxygen with the unknown radicle Muriaticum, or Murium, and chlorine or oxygenised muriatic acid was supposed to contain the same radicle united with a larger quantity of oxygen. Moreover, as the driest muriatic acid, when brought in contact with red-hot metals, evolves a large quantity of hydrogen, and as 1 vol. of dry chlorine with 1 vol. of dry hydrogen forms 2 vols. of perfectly dry muriatic acid gas, it was concluded that 1 vol. of chlorine (or oxymuriatic acid), contains a half volume of oxygen, which, in the formation of muriatic acid gas, combines with 1 vol. of hydrogen ; and that muriatic acid gas is an intimate compound, in equal numbers of atoms, of water, and a not yet isolated anhydrous muriatic acid, which may be called hypothetical anhydrous muriatic acid, to distinguish it from ordinary dry muriatic acid gas. Berzelius formerly arranged the various degrees of oxidation in the series as follows : 1 at. Murium =1 1 '4 . fnrms takes up of oxygen therewith Antichloristic Names. Chloristic Names. 2 at. = 16 ... 27'4 pts. of Hyp. anhyd. muriatic acid. 3 = 24 ... 35*4 Oxymuriatic acid. Chlorine. 4 = 32 ... 43-4 Euchlorine. Hypochlorous an- hydride. 6 = 48 ... 59-4 ? Perchloric oxide. 8 = 64 ... 75*4 Hyperoxymuriatic acid. Chloric anhydride (hyp.) 10 = 80 ... 91'4 ? Perchloric anhy- dride (hyp.) It is easy to see that most of the phenomena exhibited by chlorine-compounds, may be rationally expressed in the language of this so-called " antichloristic theory." Muriatic acid gas is supposed to be a compound of 1 at. hypothetical anhydrous muriatic acid = 27'4 with 1 at. water = 9, making together 36'4 (Mu0 2 .HO).* Metallic chlorides are hypothetical anhydrous muriates of metallic oxides, Mu0 2 .KO, and may be formed, with evolution of hydrogen, by contact of a metal with muriatic acid gas, the oxidation of the metal being produced by the water. The same compounds are formed when a metal is immersed in oxymuriatic acid gas (MuO 3 ), the metal then taking away the third atom of oxygen of that gas, and forming an oxide, which unites with the remaining hypothetical anhydrous muriatic acid. The formation of a muriate and hyperoxymuriate (chlorate), when oxymuriatic acid comes in contact with the aqueous solution of an alkali, is effected by 5 at. of oxymuriatic acid giving up their third atom of oxygen to a sixth atom of the same acid, which is thereby converted into hyperoxymuriatic acid [6MuO 3 + 6KO = KO.MuO 8 + 5(KO.Mu0 2 )]. And in all cases in which chlorine is as an oxidising agent, where the one theory supposes that the element chlorine unites with hydrogen as a metal, and sets oxygen free, the other supposes that the third atom of oxygen in MuO 3 , performs the same functions. )n the same theory, phosgene gas (oxychloride of carbon), is supposed to be a com- pound of hypothetical anhydrous muriatic acid with carbonic acid (Mu0 2 .C0 2 ) ; terchlo- ride of phosphorus is a muriate of phosphorous acid, P0 3 .3Mu0 2 , and the pentachloride is P0 5 .5Mu0 2 , both compounds being formed by the combustion of phosphorus in the third atom of oxygen of MuO 3 , whereby phosphorous or phosphoric acid is produced, which unites with the resulting MuO 2 . Such was the theory of the chlorine-compounds which maintained its ground till 1809. In that year, however, Gray-Lussac and Th&nard showed, by arguments founded on numerous experiments, that the chemical relations of the so-called oxymuriatic acid, or chlorine, might all be explained on the supposition that it is an elementary substance, and this view was further carried out by Sir H. Davy in 1810, who first gave to this substance the name of CHLORINE. It is not necessary to go into all the arguments by which this view was ultimately established ; it is sufficient to observe, that chlorine has never been shown to contain oxygen, or indeed to be capable in any way of resolution into simpler forms of matter, and therefore that its claim to the title of an element rests on the same foundation as that of the' other bodies at present re- garded as elementary. (For further details, see Gmelin's Handbook, ii. 356, and Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, 4th edition, p. 318.) * = 8. CHLORINE: DETECTION. 903 CHLORINE, DETECTION AN1> ESTIMATION OP. 1. Reactions* Chlorine in the free state is recognised by its suffocating odour, its yellow-green colour, the bleaching action which it exerts on litmus, indigo, and other vegetable colours, and the deep blue colour which it produces with a mixture of starch and iodide of potassium. The aqueous solution exhibits the same characters. Hydrochloric acid and solutions of metallic chlorides, either neutral or slightly acidulated with nitric acid, give with nitrate of silver, an immediate white curdy pre- cipitate of chloride of silver, insoluble in hot nitric acid, easily soluble in ammonia ; and with mercurous nitrate, a white curdy precipitate of mercurous chloride (calomel) insoluble in nitric acid and in ammonia, and turned black by ammonia. Both these reactions are extremely delicate. Solutions of chloride of sodium of various degrees of dilution, give with nitrate of silver and mercurous nitrate, the reactions indicated in the following table : 1 pt. chlorine in : Nitrate of Silver. Mercurous Nitrate. 100,000 pts. water Slight turbidity. Slight precipitate. 200,000 Immediate slight cloud. Turbidity after a few minutes. 400,000 Very slight turbidity. Very slight turbidity after some minutes. 800,000 Very faint opalescence. Opalescence after some time. 1,600,000 Scarcely perceptible Scarcely perceptible opa- opalescence. lescence after some time. "With solution of sal-ammoniac, the silver-solution behaves in a similar manner, and gives a perceptible cloud, even with 3,200,000 pts. of water; with the mercurous solu- tion, the reaction ceases to be perceptible with 400,000 pts. of water to 1 pt. of chlorine. (Lassaigne, J. Chim. med. viii. 518.) The only salts which give with silver-solution a precipitate resembling the chloride, are bromides, iodides, and cyanides. Either of these salts is easily detected in presence of a chloride, viz. bromides and iodides by the colours of the bromine and iodine when set free, and by their reaction with starch-paste ; cyanides by the formation of Prussian blue with ferroso-ferric salts ; but the detection of small quan- tities of chlorine in presence of excess of either of the other salts, presents greater difficulty. Bromide, iodide, and cyanide of silver are all insoluble in cold nitric acid, and more or less soluble in ammonia. Iodine is, however, completely precipitated by nitrate of palladium, which does not precipitate chlorine : consequently the chlorine may be detected by adding nitrate of silver to the filtrate. The best mode of detect- ing a small quantity of a chloride in presence of excess of bromide, is to distil the dried salts with sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium, and pass the evolved red vapours into ammonia : if chlorine is present, chlorochromic acid will be evolved, and the liquid will be coloured yellow, from formation of chromate of ammonium ; but if only bromine is present, it will remain colourless. Cyanide of silver dissolves with decomposition when boiled with strong nitric acid, and may thereby be separated from the chloride, which will remain undissolved. As the greater number of metallic chlorides are soluble in water, the method of pre- cipitation by nitrate of silver may be applied to them immediately. Cuprous chlo- ride, and many oxychlorides which are insoluble in water, dissolve in nitric acid, and the chlorine contained in them may then be detected in the same manner. Oxy- gen-salts of chlorine, viz. the hypochlorites, chlorites, chlorates, and perchlo- rates, give off their oxygen when heated, and are reduced to chlorides : the reduction, excepting in the case of perchlorates, may also be effected by sulphurous acid. The chlorides of phosphorus and other non-metallic elements, are decomposed by water, yielding hydrochloric acid, in which the chlorine may then be detected by nitrate of silver. The chlorine in organic compounds is for the most part not imme- diately precipitated by nitrate of silver, only indeed when it may be said to exist as hydrochloric acid, namely, in combination with organic bases; from other organic compounds, as the chlorides of the alcohol- radicles, and the numerous class of com- pounds in which chlorine takes the place of hydrogen, it must first be separated, either by ignition with lime, or by heating the compound with nitric acid in a sealed tube (pp. 225, 247). 2. Quantitative Estimation. Chlorine is always estimated as chloride of silver. If not present as hydrochloric acid or a metallic chloride, it must be reduced to that state by one of the methods just indicated. The solution is then slightly acidulated with nitric acid in the cold (the application of heat to the acid solution would drive -off part of the chlorine) ; nitrate of silver is added in excess ; and the 3 M 4 904 CHLORINE : ESTIMATION OF. liquid either briskly agitated with the precipitate, or else left for some hours in a warm place, till the precipitate has completely settled down. The precipitate is col- lected on a filter, which should be as small as possible, washed with water, and dried at 100C. It must then be separated as completely as possible from the filter, and introduced into a porcelain crucible previously weighed, the filter burnt to ashes out- side the crucible, the ashes added to the contents of the crucible, and the whole strongly heated over a lamp till the chloride of silver is brought to a state of tranquil fusion, after which it is left to cool and weighed. It contains 2474 per cent, chlorine. As a small portion of the chloride may be reduced by the organic matter of the filter during ignition, it is best, before weighing, to treat the cooled mass with a small quantity of nitric acid, in order to dissolve the reduced silver, then add hydrochloric acid, eva- porate to dryness, fuse, and weigh. The quantity of chlorine introduced in this man- ner, will only be the equivalent of that which may have been lost by the previous reduction. The chloride of silver may also be collected on a weighed filter, and dried in an oil-bath at about 150 C. The quantity of chlorine in a soluble chloride may also be estimated volume tri- cally, by precipitation with a standard silver-solution, a cubic centimetre of which con- tains 30-42 milligrammes of silver, corresponding to 10 milligrammes of chlorine. Volumetric Estimation of Chlorine in Hypochlorites : CHLORIMETRY. The value of the so-called " chlorides of lime, potash, and soda," which are mixtures of the hypo- chlorites, chlorides, and hydrates of the respective metals, depends upon the percentage of hypochlorite which they contain, or, what comes to the same thing, on the quantity of chlorine which they evolve when treated with an acid, thus : 2CaC10 + H 2 S0 4 = Ca'SO 4 + H 2 + Cl 2 and this quantity may be conveniently estimated : a. By the quantity of arsenious anhydride which it will convert into arsenic anhydride in an acid solution : As 2 3 + Cl 4 + 2H 2 = As 2 5 + 4HC1. b. By the quantity of ferrous oxide which it will convert into ferric oxide. c. By the quantity of iodine which it will liberate from a standard solution of iodide of potassium. a. 14 grammes of pure arsenious anhydride, dried at 100 C., are dissolved in caustic potash, and the solution is diluted to 1 litre ; 1 cub. cent, of this solution con- tains 0'014 grm. As 2 3 , and requires for its conversion into arsenic anhydride, 0-010 grm. chlorine (As 2 3 = 198 : Cl 4 = 142 : : 14 : 10). Five grms. chloride of lime are triturated with water, the whole washed into a gra- duated cylinder and diluted to 100 c.c. ; 50 c.c. of the arsenious solution are placed in a beaker, diluted with water, saturated with hydrochloric acid, and coloured blue by a drop of indigo-solution ; and the solution of chloride of lime (well shaken up), is added from a burette, till the blue colour is nearly destroyed. A fresh drop of indigo is now to be added, and then the chlorine-solution again, very cautiously, and drop by drop, the contents of the beaker being continually agitated, till the colour finally dis- appears. This marks the end of the operation : for the decoloration of the indigo does not take place till all the arsenious anhydride is converted into arsenic anhydride. The percentage of available chlorine in the sample is then easily calculated. Suppose that 45 c.c. of the arsenious solution have been employed ; these correspond to 0'45 grm. chlorine : consequently, the sample contains 9 per cent, of chlorine in the form of hypochlorite. Another mode of proceeding is to act on a known volume of a standard alkaline solution of arsenious anhydride added in excess, and to estimate the excess by a standard solution of iodine (p. 266). This, according to Mohr, is the only accurate method. b. A weighed quantity of the sample is made to act on a known quantity of ferrous sulphate added in excess, and the quantity of that salt unoxidised by the hypochlorite, is estimated by a standard solution of permanganate of potassium. Every 1 at. ferrous oxide converted into ferric oxide, corresponds to 1 at. chlorine : 2Fe 2 + Cl 2 + H 2 = Fe'O 3 + 2HCL c. For the iodometric method, see ANALYSIS, VOLUMETRIC (p. 266. On CHLORIMETRY, see also Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines, i. 671). 3. Separation of Chlorine from other Elements. The method of precipi- tation by nitrate of silver serves to separate chlorine from all other elements except bromine and iodine. To estimate chlorine in presence of bromine, the two elements are precipitated to- gether by nitrate of silver, the precipitate dried, ignited, and weighed in the manner just described (p. 904), and the bromine determined by the method given at page 678. From this the quantity of bromide of silver in the precipitate is found by the propor- tion Br : AgBr = 80 : 188; this deducted from the total weight of the precipitate, CHLORINE : ESTIMATION OF. 905 gives the quantity of chloride of silver therein; and 2474 per cent, of this last quantity is the amount of chlorine sought. The method of estimating chlorine in presence of iodine is precisely similar. When chlorine, bromine, and iodine occur together, the iodine is first precipitated by nitrate of palladium (see IODINE), and in the filtrate the chlorine and bromine are determined as above. Or the three elements may be separated and estimated by Field's method (p. 678). 4. Atomic Weight of Chlorine. The atomic weight of chlorine was determined by Berzelius (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xci. 102) in connection with those of silver and potassium ; and the same method has been carried out, with very nearly accordant results, by Marignac (J. pr. Chem. xxxi. 272 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. xliv. 14), Penny (PhiL Trans. 1839, p. 129), Maumene (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xviii. 41 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. be. 173), and, lastly, by Stas (Recherches sur les Rapports reciprogucs des Poids atomiques, Bruxelles, 1860). The series of operations is as follows: 1. Chlorate of potassium, KC10 3 , when heated to redness, gives off all its oxygen, leaving chloride of potassium, whence the atomic weight of chloride of potassium com- pared with that of oxygen is known. 2. As 1 at. chloride of potassium throws down 1 at. of silver from its solutions, the determination of the quantity of chloride of silver precipitated by 1 at. chloride of potassium gives the atomic weight of chloride of silver, AgCl. Or if a known weight of silver be dissolved in nitric acid, and the quantity of chloride of potassium required to precipitate it be determined, the ratio between the atomic weights of silver and chloride of potassium becomes known ; whence also the atomic weight of chlorine may be foiind, by determining the weight of chloride of silver produced from a given quantity of silver. 3. The quantity of chloride of silver (c) produced from a given weight of silver (s) is found, either by igniting silver in chlorine gas, or by dissolving it in nitric acid and precipitating by hydrochloric acid : hence, the atomic weight of chloride of silver (w) being previously known, that of silver (#), is found by the proportion, c : s = w : x, and that of chlorine by difference ; or, the atomic weight of silver being found from the quantity of chloride of potassium required to precipitate it, that of chlorine is cal- culated from the composition of the chloride as just determined. 1. Determination of the Amount of Oxygen in Chlorate of Potassium. This may be determined either by heating the salt to redness, or else by reducing it with hydro- chloric acid, evaporating to dryness, and igniting. In carrying out the former method, it is necessary to arrange the apparatus in such a manner that any small particles of the salt that may be carried away by the escaping gas may be collected and weighed. The proportions of oxygen and chloride of potassium in 100 pts. of the chlorate, and the atomic weight of chloride of potassium thence determined, by the proportion O 3 : KC1 = 48 : x, are as follows, according to the authorities above quoted : Berzelius. Marignac. Penny. Maumene. Stas. O 3 39-150 39-161 39-177 39-209 39-154 KC1 .... 60-850 60-839 60-823 60*791 60-846 100-000 100-000 100-000 100-000 100-000 Atomic weight of KC1 . 74-606 74-575 74-520 74-424 74-59. 2. Determination of the Atomic Weight of Chloride of Silver : 100 pts. of chloride of potassium yielded, by precipitation with nitrate of silver: Berzelius. Marignac. Maumene. Chloride of silver 192-4 192-35 19275 100 pts. of silver dissolved in nitric acid, require of KC1 for precipitation : Marignac. Stas. 69-062 69-103 Now 1 at. chloride of potassium precipitates 1 at. silver, forming 1 at. chloride of silver ; hence, according to Marignac 100 : 192-35 =, 74-575 : AgCl = 143-44. 3. By igniting 100 pts. of silver in chlorine gas, the following quantities of chloride of silver are obtained : Berzelius. Marignac. Penny. Maumene. Stas. fl844.) (1845.) AgCl . . 132-75 132-73 132*84 132-84 13273 132-845 Comparing now Marignac's first number, 132*73 (which agrees with that of Maumene 906 CHLORINE : OXIDES AND OXYGEN- ACIDS. and very nearly with that of Berzelius) with his determination of the atomic weight of chloride of silver above quoted, viz. 143 '44, we find for the atomic weight of silver: 13273 Cl K 143-44 = 100 : Ag = 143-44 - 108-06 = 108-06 35-38 whence : and: K = 74-575 - 35-38 = 39-19 If, again, we start from the same atomic weight of KC1 as before, viz. 74-575, and assume, according to Marignac's second determination (also that of Penny) that 100 pts. silver produce 132-84 pts. chloride; also that 100 pts. silver require for precipitation 69-062 KC1 (Marignac), we arrive at the numbers in the left hand column of the following table ; those in the right are found in like manner from the determinations ofStas: Marignac. Stas. 107-98 x 32-84 100 74-575 - 35-46 = 39-12 Cl 107-94 x 32-845 1UU K = 74-59 - 35-45 = 39-14 Dumas (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxiii. 21), by igniting silver in chlorine gas, found that: 9-954 grm. silver gave 13-227 AgCl 19-976 26-542 whence, taking the atomic weight of silver at 108 (a result deduced from the analyses of the nitrate by Marignac) : The first determination gives Cl = 35-512 The second Cl = 35-499 Mean = 35-5 This number 35-5, being also very near to the results above detailed, is generally adopted. CHLORINE, HYDRATE OP. C1.5H 2 0. When water is introduced into a vessel filled with chlorine, in quantity not exceeding 5 at. water to 1 at. chlorine, and the vessel is exposed for some days to a freezing temperature, a pale yellow translucent hydrate is formed, sometimes in arborescent crystalline masses, sometimes in needles and rhombic octahedrons. It may be sublimed from one part of the vessel to another. When gently heated in an open vessel, it is resolved into chlorine gas and aqueous solution of chlorine. At 38 C. in a sealed tube, it is resolved into aqueous chlorine and free liquid chlorine, which separates as a distinct stratum. The hydrate acts on ammonia, ammoiiiacal salts, and alcohol in the same manner as gaseous chlorine. (Faraday, Quarterly Journal of Science, xv. 71.) CHX.ORIJXTE, OXIDES, and OXYGEN-ACIDS OF. Chlorine forms four oxygen-acids, all of which may be regarded as oxides of hydrochloric acid, namely : Hypochlorous acid HC10 Chloric acid HC10 3 Chlorous acid HC10 2 Perchloric acid HC10 4 They are obtained by the following processes : 1. Hypochlorous acid, HC1O, is produced by oxidising hydrochloric acid with per- manganic acid ; and hypochlorite of potassium is formed, together with chloride, by passing chlorine into a cold solution of potash : KHO + Cl 2 = KC10 + KC1. 2. Solution of hypochlorous acid, HC10, especially at increased temperatures, is converted spontaneously into chloric acid, HC10 3 , together with water, chlorine, and oxygen. Moreover the solution of an alkaline hypochlorite, when boiled for some time, breaks up into chlorate and chloride : 3KC10 = KC10 3 + 2KC1. 3. Chloric acid, HC10 3 , when deoxidated by nitrous acid, yields chlorous acid, HC10 2 ; and conversely, chlorous acid, by its spontaneous decomposition, yields chloric acid and other products. 4. Chloric acid, HC10 3 , when oxidated at the positive pole of a voltaic battery, yields perchloric acid, HC10 4 . Moreover chlorate of potassium, when moderately heated, breaks up into perchlorate of potassium, chloride of potassium, and oxygen. Hypochlorites, chlorites. chlorates, and perchlorates of alkali-metal, when strongly heated, are alike converted into chlorides by loss of oxygen. The anhydride of a monobasic oxygen-acid is formed from two atoms of the acid by the loss of one atom of water. The chlorine-acids should therefore yield the following anhydrides : CHLORINE: OXIDES AND OXYGEN- ACIDS. 907 Acids. Anhydrides. 2HC10 - H 2 = C1 2 Hypochlorous 2HC10 2 - H'O = C1 2 3 Chlorous 2HC10 3 - H 2 = CPO 5 Chloric 2HC10 4 - H 2 = CPO 7 Perchloric The first two anhydrides are tolerably well known, the last two have not yet been obtained. We are, however, acquainted with the corresponding iodic and periodic anhydrides, I 2 5 and I 2 7 , respectively. By the reabsorption of an atom of water, one atom of each anhydride is reconverted into two atoms of the corresponding acid CPO + H 2 O = 2HC10 CPO 8 + H 2 = 2HC10 2 (I 2 5 or) CPO 5 + H 2 = 2HC10 3 (or 2HI0 3 ) (I 2 7 or) CPO 7 + H 2 = 2HC10 4 (or 2HI0 4 ) In addition to the above anhydrides, a complete series of chlorine-oxides should obviously include three other terms, thus : CP Chlorine CPO Hypochlorous anhydride CPO 2 Chloric oxide ? CPO 3 Chlorous anhydride CPO 4 Perchloric oxide CPO 5 Chloric anhydride CPO 6 Hyperchloric oxide ? CPO 7 Perchloric anhydride Soubeiran obtained from euchlorine (p. 913) a gas which decomposed into equal volumes of chlorine and oxygen, a result considered by Berzelius to be conclusive of the existence of chloric oxide. Hyperchloric oxide is not improbably identical with Millon's perchloro-chloric acid, C1 B 17 , or 3CP0 6 (?)^ Perchloric oxide is a very well-known substance, which, moreover, appears to be identical with Millon's chloro- chloric acid, C1 6 13 , or 3 CPO 4 (?) Perchloric oxide is decomposed by water into chlorous and chloric acids : CPO 4 + H 2 = HC10 2 + HC10 8 . Hypochlorous Anhydride, Acid, and Salts. HYPOCHLOROUS ANHYDRIDE. CPO. This gas, which was discovered by B alar d in 1834 (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivii. 225), may be prepared : 1. By adding glacial phos- phoric acid to a concentrated solution of hypochlorous acid standing over mercury. The glacial phosphoric acid abstracts water from the hypochlorous acid, and the gaseous anhydride thus produced collects in the upper part of the tube : 2HC1O - H 2 = CPO. 2. By passing chlorine gas over mercuric oxide contained in a tube kept cool by ice: Hg 2 + Cl 4 = CPO + 2HgCl. The mercuric oxide should be prepared by precipitation, and dried at a somewhat high temperature, 300 C. Any excess of mercuric oxide remains combined with the re- sulting mercuric chloride in the form of a brown crystalline oxychloride. The gas may be collected by downward displacement, or in the mercurial trough, but it cannot be kept long over mercury, as it gradually acts upon the metal. Hypochlorous anhydride is a gas of a pale reddish-yellow colour, and a powerful odour somewhat resembling that of chlorine. Its specific gravity does not appear to have been determined experimentally. By calculation, supposing the molecule to oc- cupy two volumes, it is ^ = 43-5, referred to hydrogen, and 3'015 re- ferred to air as unity. It is so readily decomposed into two volumes of chlorine and one volume of oxygen, that it cannot be preserved unchanged, even for a few hours. By a slight elevation of temperature, or sometimes spontaneously, decomposition takes place with explosion. In sunlight the decomposition is very rapid, but usually tranquil. At the low temperature produced by a mixture of salt and ice, the gas is condensed into a deep orange-coloured liquid, heavier than water, and very explosive. Both the gaseous and liquid anhydride dissolve in water, undergoing decomposition and being converted into hypochlorous acid : CPO + H 2 = 2HC10. The general reactions of the anhydride correspond with those of the acid, but are more violent. HYPOCHLOROUS ACID. HC10. This acid may be prepared : 1. From the anhydride, as just mentioned. 2. By passing air saturated with hydrochloric acid through a solution of perman- 908 CHLORINE : OXIDES AND OXYGEN- ACIDS. ganate of potassium, acidulated with sulphuric acid and heated in a water bath. The distillate is a solution of hypochlorous acid formed by the direct oxidation of hydro- chloric acid: HC1 + = HC10. 3. By the addition of almost any oxacid to a metallic hypochlorite. 4. By passing chlorine gas into water, holding suspended or dissolved certain me- tallic oxides, hydrates, carbonates, sulphates, phosphates, &c. In practice, oxide of mercury, and, according to "Williamson, carbonate of calcium, are found to be the most advantageous. Either of these substances is to be agitated with water and treated with chlorine gas : Ca'CO 8 + H 2 + Cl 4 = CO 2 + 2HC10 + 2CaCL The product of the action is to be distilled off, and if necessary concentrated by one or two redistillations of the most volatile distillates. Aqueous hypochlorous acid has a yellowish colour, an acrid taste, and a character- istic sweet chloroi'd smell. The strong acid decomposes rapidly, even when kept in ice. The dilute acid is more stable, but is decomposed by long boiling into chloric acid, water, chlorine, and oxygen. Hypochlorous acid, like chlorine, possesses powerful bleaching properties. Moreover, chloro- derivatives may be produced by its agency, thus: C 6 H 6 + HC10 = C 6 H 5 C1 + H 2 0. Benzene. Chloro- benzene. Hydrochloric acid decomposes hypochlorous acid, with formation of chlorine : HC10 + HC1 = H 2 + CP. Hypochlorous acid is a very powerful oxidising agent. It rapidly converts many of the elements, iodine, selenium, and arsenic, for instance, into their highest oxides, at the same time liberating chlorine. The metals differ much from one another in the nature of their respective reactions with hypochlorous acid. Those which decompose the acid form oxides, as does iron, or oxychlorides, as do copper and mercury. Silver, indeed, forms a chloride and liberates oxygen, thus : Ag 2 + 2HC10 = 2AgCl + H 2 + 0. Many metallic oxides, those of manganese, cobalt, and lead, for example, are per- oxidised, with liberation of chlorine ; but oxide of silver is converted into chloride of silver, with liberation of oxygen : Ag 2 + 2HC10 = 2AgCl + H 2 + 0*. HYPOCHZOIHTES. 1. Pure hypochlorites are made by neutralising hypochlorous acid with hydrates, such, for instance, as those of sodium, potassium, calcium, barium, magnesium, zinc, copper, &c. 2. Hypochlorites are usually prepared by passing chlorine gas into solutions of hydrated or carbonated alkali, or over the dry hydrates of the earths. By this process, a chloride and a hypochlorite are simultaneously pro- duced. The reaction is believed to be as follows : Cl 2 + 2CaHO = CaCl + CaCIO + H 2 0. These mixed compounds constitute the bleaching and disinfecting salts of commerce, the properties of which were known as early as the time of Berthollet. They were long regarded as chlorides of the alkali- and earth-metals, and known as chloride of lime, chloride of soda, &c., till Berzelius suggested the idea that they might be mix- tures of metallic chlorides with alkaline chlorites (M 2 O.CFO S ). Balard, in 1834, showed that their properties are best explained by regarding them as mixtures of chlorides and hypochlorites. The only objections to this view are that alcohol does not extract chloride of calcium from bleaching powder, as we should a priori expect, and, unlike mixtures containing chloride of calcium, bleaching powder is not deliquescent. These anomalies may possibly be due to the formation of a double salt, containing chloride and hypochlorite of calcium in chemical combination with one another. The pure hypochlorites, when acted upon by sulphuric acid, or even by carbonic acid, liberate hypochlorous acid, thus : 2CaC10 + H 2 SO* = 2HC10 + Ca 2 S0 4 . The mixed salts behave in the same manner, provided the sulphuric acid is not in excess ; but otherwise chlorine, and not hypochlorous acid, is evolved : CaCIO + CaCl + H 2 S0 4 = H 2 + Cl 2 + Ca 2 S0 4 . The sulphuric acid acts first upon the hypochlorite to liberate hypochlorous acid, and then upon the chloride to liberate hydrochloric acid, the co-existence of which two acids cannot occur, owing to their mutual decomposition into water and free chlorine, CHLORINE: OXIDES AND OXYGEN- ACIDS. 909 as we have already seen. Hydrochloric acid can liberate hypochlorous acid from the pure or mixed salts, thus : NaClO + HC1 = HC10 + NaCl. But any excess of hydro- chloric acid immediately reacts upon the nascent hypochlorous acid to form water and chlorine. Solutions of the hypochlorites, either pure or commercial, are very unstable, but are more permanent in the presence of free alkali. They graduaDy give off oxygen gas, and finally yield mixtures of chloride and chlorate. Their decomposition takes place very definitely at a boiling temperature, thus : SCaCIO = CaCIO 3 + 2Cal. Of themselves they act as bleaching agents, probably by evolution of oxygen ; but the effects produced by acidifying their solutions, and thereby liberating hypochlorous acid, are much more rapid. With most metallic oxides and salts, the hypochlorites react as does hypochlorous acid upon the oxides. They convert oxide of silver, for instance, into chloride of silver, with liberation of oxygen : Ag-0 + 2NaC10 -t- H 2 = 2AgCl + 2NaHO + O 2 ; iind sulphate of manganese into hydrated peroxide of manganese, with liberation of chlorine : Mn 2 S0 4 + 2NaC10 + H 2 - Na 2 S0 4 + 2MnH0 2 + Cl 2 . The characters of the individual salts will be described in a distinct article (HYPO- CHLORITES). For the valuation of hypochlorites see p. 904. Chlorous Anhydride, Acid, and Salts. CHLOROUS ANHYDRIDE. C1 2 3 . This gas, discovered by Millon (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlvi. 298), results from the spontaneous decomposition of chlorous acid, which is a somewhat ill-defined and unstable substance : 2HC10 2 = H 2 + C1 2 S . It is also produced by the reaction of chloric acid with nitrous acid or anhydride : 2HN0 2 + 2HC10 3 = 2HN0 3 + H 2 0+ CPO 3 . Instead of preformed chloric acid and nitrous acid or anhydride, a mixture of chlorate of potassium, nitric acid, and arsenious anhydride is usually employed. The nitric acid is first reduced by the arsenious anhydride to the state of nitrous acid, which is the real deoxygenant of the liberated chloric acid : As 2 3 + 2H 2 + 2KC10 3 = 2KH 2 As0 4 + CPO 3 . The reaction is effected by the application of a very gentle heat. The arsenious anhy- dride may be replaced by tartaric acid or other deoxidising agent. The gas must be collected by displacement. Chloroxis anhydride is a yellowish green gas, permanent in a freezing mixture of ice and salt, but liquefiable by extreme cold. Its specific gravity, calculated for a conden- sation to 2 vols., is = 59'5 referred to hydrogen, and 4-123 referred to air. At slightly elevated temperatures, 57 C. and upwards, it is decomposed, with explo- sion, into chlorine and oxygen. It dissolves freely in water or in solutions of the alka- line and earth-alkaline hydrates, gradually forming chlorous acid or chlorites. CHLOROUS ACID. HC10 a . This acid may be prepared by condensing chlorous anhydride in water : C1 2 3 + H 2 O = 2HC10 2 . or by acting upon a chlorite with some diluted acid, such as sulphuric or phosphoric : 2PbC10 2 + H 2 S0 4 = 2HC10 8 + Pb 2 S0 4 . The acid, or its concentrated solution, is a greenish yellow liquid of great tinctorial power, and having strong bleaching and oxidising properties. It does not decompose carbonates, but reacts slowly with caustic alkalis and earths to form chlorites. CHLORITES. MC10 2 . The alkaline and earthy chlorites are formed as above de- scribed. They also result from the action of perchloric oxide on bases (p. 912). They are, for the most part, soluble, crystallisable, colourless salts, possessed of bleaching properties. The insoluble chlorites of silver, lead, and other metals are produced by double decomposition : AgNO 8 -i- KC10 = KNO S + AgCIO 2 . The chlorites are decomposed even by carbonic acid. For the characters of the individual chlorites, see page 914. 910 CHLORINE : OXIDES AND OXYGEN-ACIDS. Chloric Acid and Salts. CHLORIC ACID. HC10 3 . (Vauquelin, Ann. Chim. xcv. 91; Serullas, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlv. 204, 270.) 1. The acid is liberated from chlorates by the addition of a stronger acid. It is found advantageous to use equivalent quantities of chlorate of barium and sulphuric acid : 2BaC10 8 + H 2 SO* = 2HC10 8 h Ba'SO 4 . The solution of chloric acid is separated from the insoluble sulphate of barium by fil- tration, and concentrated by evaporation in vacuo. 2. This acid also results from the spontaneous decomposition of solutions of hypochlorous acid, chlorous acid, and per- oxide of chlorine. Chloric acid is a colourless syrupy liquid, having a strong acid reaction, and when warm, a pungent chloroid smell. It is decomposed by organic matter, with charring, and frequently even with ignition. It is somewhat unstable at ordinary temperatures. At 40 C. it undergoes marked decomposition, and at a boiling heat is rapidly con- verted into perchloric acid, water, chlorine, and oxygen. It is a very powerful oxidis- ing and bleaching agent. It is decomposed by hydrochloric, sulphydric, and sulphurous acids, with liberation of chlorine. CHLORATES. MC10 8 . 1 . These salts may be prepared by saturating the acid with bases. Chlorate of barium is usually made by this process (p. 885). 2. Zinc, and one or two other metals, dissolve in chloric acid to form chlorates, thus : HC10 3 + Zn = ZnCIO 3 + H ; but a part of the acid always undergoes a more complex decomposition. 3. Alkaline chlorates are produced by boiling solutions of the hypochlorites, or, what comes to the same thing, by passing chlorine into caustic or carbonated alkali, and boiling the resulting liquid : 3KC10 = KC10 3 + 2KC1. The chlorate is separated from the chloride by crystallisation. The chlorates are chiefly interesting as sources of oxygen gas. Chlorate of potassium and most chlorates are decomposed by heat into chloride and oxygen, thus, KC10 3 = KC1 -I- s ; but the chlorates of the earth-metals yield oxygen, chlorine, and metallic oxide: 2MgC10 3 = Mg 8 + Cl 2 + O 5 . Prior to the ultimate decomposition of chlorate of potassium, a portion of perchlorate is produced. The fused chlorates are powerful oxidising agents. Mixtures of chlorate with combustible substances, such as sulphur, sulphide of antimony, and sugar, explode violently on the application of heat, or by percussion. Strong sulphuric acid liberates perchloric oxide from the chlorates, and, by its action on mixtures of chlorate with combustible matters, frequently induces combustion. Nitric acid reacts with chlorate of potassium to form nitrate of potassium, perchlorate of potassium, and free chlorine and oxygen gases. Hydrochloric acid pro- duces euchlorine, which is a gaseous mixture of chlorine and perchloric oxide. A mixture of chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid is much used for oxidising mineral and organic compounds. All the chlorates are soluble in water, and hence do not precipitate the salts of the heavy metals. Chlorate of potassium, the most im- portant member of the class, is one of the least soluble. Unlike the hypochlorites and the chlorites, the chlorates do not bleach until after the addition of an acid. [For the description of the individual salts, see pp. 885 890]. Perchloric Acid and Salts. PERCHLORIC ACID. HC10 4 . This acid was discovered in 1815 by Count Stadi on (Grilb. Ann. Hi. 197), afterwards more particularly examined by Serullas (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlv. 270; xlvi. 294, 323), and quite recently by Roscoe*, who has obtained it in definite form. It is produced: 1. By the electrolysis of chloric acid. Oxygen and chlorine are evolved in small quantities at the positive pole, and hydrogen at the negative pole ; but the greater part of the oxygen remains in the liquid, and converts the chloric into perchloric acid (Stadion). 2. By the distillation of chloric acid (p. 910). 3. By the action of sulphuric acid upon chlorate of potassium (see PER- CHLORIC OXIDE, p. 912). 4. By the action of certain acids upon the perchlorates. Thus, fluosilicic may be added to perchlorate of potassium, and the resulting insoluble fluosilicate of potassium filtered off from the solution of perchloric acid; or sulphuric instead of fluosilicic acid may be employed, and the volatile perchloric acid distilled off from the sulphate of potassium. (Serullas.) Aqueous perchloric acid obtained by either of these methods may be concentrated by boiling till it attains a temperature of 203 C., after which it passes over unchanged in the form of an oily liquid containing 70-3 per cent., HC10 4 . If this oily acid be * These results, which are not yet published, have been kindly communicated by Professor Roscoe. CHLORINE : OXIDES AND OXYGEN- ACIDS. 91 1 distilled with twice its volume of strong sulphuric acid, it gives up its water to the latter, and perchloric acid passes over nearly pure in the form of a yellowish strongly fuming liquid. On continuing the distillation, the oily acid above-mentioned begins to pass over ; but as soon as it comes in contact with the more volatile portion of the distillate, the two unite into a crystalline mass consisting of a hydrate, HC10 4 .H 2 O. Both these products are, however, contaminated with sulphuric acid mechanically carried over. To obtain the volatile liquid in a pure state, the crystals must be redis- tilled per se. They then split up into pure perchloric acid, HC10 4 , which is obtained as the first produce of the distillation, and the oily acid, which contains a larger pro- portion of water, and passes over afterwards. (Koscoe.) Pure perchloric acid, HC1O 4 , is a colourless very volatile liquid, having a specific gravity of 1 '7 82 at 15*5 C. Its vapour is likewise colourless and transparent, but on coming in contact with the air, it absorbs water, and forms dense white fumes. Per- chloric acid in this state is one of the most powerful oxidising agents known ; a single drop brought in contact with charcoal, paper, wood, or other organic substance, imme- diately causes an explosive combustion, which in violence does not fall far short of the sudden decomposition of chloride of nitrogen. The acid unites also very energetically with water, a violent hissing noise being produced. The greatest care must be taken in working with this substance, as one drop falling on the skin produces cauterisation,. and leaves a wound which does not heal for months. Like pure nitric acid, this acid cannot be distilled by itself without undergoing decomposition, a sin- gular black explosive body being produced when it is boiled. It likewise undergoes spontaneous decomposition at the ordinary temperature, the bulbs in which it was sealed exploding even when kept in the dark. The composition of pure perchloric acid was determined by neutralising it with car- bonate of potassium, adding acetic acid to acid reaction, evaporating to dryness, throw- ing the perchlorate of potassium on a weighed filter, washing out the soluble acetate with absolute alcohol, and determining the composition of the potassium salt thus pro- duced. In this manner results agreeing closely with the theory were obtained. Thus, 1*2185 grm. of acid gave 1"6785 of potassium salt, calculation requiring 1-6876. Of this salt, 0-966 grm. heated with peroxide of iron lost 0-444 grm., and the residual KC1 required 0-744 grm. pure silver for complete precipitation. Now 0*744 Ag is equiva- lent to 0-513 KC1, and by calculation 0-966 KC10 4 should yield 0-519 KC1. (Eoscoe.) The Hydrate, HC10 4 .H'-'O (containing 84-81 per cent. HC10 4 ), is obtained in the pure state by adding water to the pure acid HC10 4 . It is a white, solid, crystalline substance, which melts at 50 C., and undergoes decomposition when heated to 110, splitting up into the pure acid and an aqueous oily acid. Its composition was deter- mined by the method adopted in the case of the pure acid. The specific gravity of the liquid hydrate at 50 C. is 1-811. Although not so violent in its action on organic matter as the pure acid, the fused hydrate when brought into contact with paper or wood, induces immediate combustion, and when dropped into water, combines therewith making a hissing noise. When it is distilled, the temperature is found to rise gradually to 203 C., at which point it remains constant, a heavy oily liquid then passing over, which in outward ap- pearance cannot be distinguished from sulphuric acid. This acid contains 72-1 per cent, of HC10 4 , and does not therefore correspond to any definite hydrate, HC1O 4 . 2H 2 O requiring 73-6 per cent. HC10 4 , and HC10*.3H 2 0, requiring 65'05 per cent, HC10 4 . If aqueous perchloric acid be concentrated by boiling, water goes off, and the tempera- ture rises to 200 C., when the acid is likewise found to contain 72' 1 per cent, of HC1O 4 . Hence an aqueous acid loses water, and the crystallised hydrate loses per- chloric acid on boiling under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, until both arrive at a point when no further change takes place, and an acid containing 72'1 per cent. HC10 4 passes off unchanged. (Eoscoe.) Aqueous perchloric acid reddens litmus strongly, but does not bleach. It dissolves zinc and iron, with evolution of hydrogen, forming perchlorates. When dilute, it is unaffected by sulphydric and sulphurous acids, which reduce all other oxacids of chlorine. PER CHL OB AXES. These salts are produced : 1. By the reaction of perchloric acid with metals, oxides, sulphides, or carbonates, or of perchlorate of barium with sulphates, thus: HC10 4 + BaHO = BaCIO 4 + H 2 O 2BaC10 4 + Na 2 S0 4 = 2NaC10< + Ba 2 S0 4 . 2. By the decomposition of chlorates. During the decomposition of chlorate of potas- sium by heat, and after a considerable evolution of oxygen has taken place, the previously fused salt is observed to assume a pasty condition, and if the heat be then discontinued, the residue will be found to consist principally of perchlorate and chloride of potassium, 912 CHLORINE : OXIDES AND OXYGEN-ACIDS. which two salts may be separated from one another by solution and crystallisation, the perchlorate being much the less soluble : 2KC10 3 = KC10 4 + KC1 + O 2 . Or, the chlorate of potassium may be decomposed by nitric acid : 3KC10 3 + 2HN0 3 = KC10 4 + 2KN0 3 + H 2 + Cl 2 + 0*, and the resulting nitrate and perchlorate of potassium separated by crystallisation. Perchlorate of potassium is sparingly soluble in cold water ; but the perchlorates in general are soluble, crystalline, deliquescent salts. They deflagrate, though less violently than the chlorates, when thrown on ignited charcoal. They require a stronger heat than do the chlorates to effect their decomposition into chloride and oxygen. Sul- phuric acid liberates perchloric acid from the perchlorates, but not until the tempera- ture rises to 100 C. : other acids liberate perchloric acid, only when they form insoluble salts with the bases of the perchlorates. Hence, unlike chlorates, the perchlorates do not assume a yellow colour when acted upon by sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. [For the description of the individual salts, see PERCHLORATES.] Perchloric Oxide and Euchlorine. PERCHLORIC OXIDE. C1 2 4 . This very explosive compound, which was discovered by Count Stadion (loc. cit.}, may be prepared by the action of strong sulphuric acid upon chlorate of potassium, whereby perchlorate of potassium, acid sulphate of potas- sium, water, and perchloric oxide are produced : 3KC10 8 + 2H 2 SO* = KC10 4 + 2KHS0 4 + H 2 + CPO 1 . The chlorate should be purified by recrystallisation, fused after drying, at the lowest adequate temperature, and then finely pulverised. The powder must be added little by little to sulphuric acid, made cool by a mixture of ice and salt, until a pasty mass is produced. This is to be set aside for some time, and afterwards, by means of a water- bath, to be very gently heated in a retort. The evolved gaseous perchloric oxide must be collected by downward displacement. Calvert has shown that perchloric oxide, mixed with carbonic acid, may be readily obtained by heating finely powdered chlorate of potassium with crystallised oxalic acid to a temperature of 70 C. (p. 888). Perchloric oxide is a gas of a bright yellow colour, and sweet aromatic smell. At the low temperature produced by a mixture of salt and ice, it is condensed into a yellowish highly explosive liquid. Faraday succeeded in solidifying it by means of the intense cold produced by the evaporation of solid carbonic acid and ether. In daylight the gas undergoes spontaneous decomposition into chlorine and oxygen. This decompo- sition is frequently, and, when induced by elevation of temperature, almost invariably, attended by a violent explosion. The contact of highly combustible matters also determines an explosion. Liquid perchloric oxide unites with water at a tempera- ture of C., to form a solid hydrate. At ordinary temperatures, water dissolves several times its volume of the gas. The solution has a yellow colour, is devoid of acid re- action, bleaches powerfully, and is very unstable, being decomposed into chloric acid, chlorous acid, and other products. Perchloric oxide is absorbed by alkaline solutions. with formation of chlorate and chlorite : 2KHO + C1 2 4 = KC10 2 + KC10 8 + H 2 0. The molecule of perchloric oxide C1 2 4 , like the molecule of chlorine Cl 2 , seems to be binary or dyadic, and to halve itself in the act of combination. In this manner, the correlations of chlorite and chlorate would correspond with those of chloride and hy- pochlorite, thus : Chloride Q[ | Hypochlorite ^JO. Chlorite ^2 j Chlorate EUCHLORIN E. When chlorate of potassium is acted upon by hydrochloric acid, a bright yellow gas, called euchlorine, is liberated. This gas contains chlorine and oxy- gen in the same proportions as hypochlorous anhydride, C1 2 0, but despite its uniformity of composition, it is evidently a mixture, probably of chlorine and perchloric oxide. The following equation is believed to express its formation correctly : 4KC10 3 + 12HC1 = 4KC1 + 6H 2 + (9C1 + 3C10 2 ). This mixed gas has a sweet aromatic smell, and powerful bleaching properties. By passing it through a U-tube immersed in a mixture of salt and ice, the perchloric oxide is separated in the liquid state from the free uncondensed chlorine. According to Mil Ion, the liquid perchloric oxide obtained by cooling euchlorine, differs from the liquid perchloric oxide obtained by means of sulphuric acid and chlorate of potassium, in its somewhat greater stability, in its somewhat higher boiling point, and in the CHLORINE: SULPHIDES OF CHLORITE. 9J3 circumstance that, although, like the normal compound, it is decomposed by alkalis into chlorate and chlorite, yet that, unlike the normal compound, it yields two equi- valents of the former for one of the latter salt. Hence Millon assigns to it the formula Cl0 13 = 3CF0 5 ? C1 6 1S + 6KHO = 3H 2 + 4KC10 3 + 2KC10 2 , but these differences may probably be due to differences in the purity of these two bodies. Moreover, perchloric oxide is a very difficult subject to investigate, and the descriptions of different experimentalists vary considerably from one another. (See Gmclin's Handbook, ii. 304, 310.) W. O. CHLORINE, SULPHIDES OF. Two only of these compounds are known in the free state, viz. SCI and SOP. The former is analogous in composition to hypochlorous anhydride, CIO, but exhibits no analogy whatever to that compound in its properties. It is doubtful indeed whether the sulphur or the chlorine in these compounds is the negative element ; but they are usually regarded as chlorides of sulphur, and as such will be more fully considered. (See- SULPHUR.) Similar observations apply to the compounds of chlorine and selenium. CHX.ORXODOFORM. Dichlorinatcd Iodide of Methyl. CHCPI. (Serullas, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxv. 314; xxxix. 225. Mitscherlich, Pogg. Ann. xi. 164. Bouchardat, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxii. 2229. Grm. vii. 337). This compound was dis- covered by Serullas in 1824, but its composition was first correctly ascertained by Bouchardat. It is obtained by distilling iodoform with an equal weight of penta- chloride of phosphorus or mercuric chloride. The materials are intimately mixed, and distilled in a retort ; the dark red distillate is decolorised with aqueous potash, then shaken up with strong sulphuric acid, to free it from chloride of ethylene, afterwards separated from the sulphuric acid by a tap-funnel, and purified by rectification. Chloriodoform is a transparent pale yellow liquid of specific gravity T96, having an aromatic odour and saccharine taste, and becoming rose-coloured by exposure to the air. It remains fluid at the lowest temperatures, and is not decomposed' by distillation. It is but sparingly soluble in water. Heated with strong aqueous potash, or with alcoholic potash, it yields formate, chloride, and iodide of potassium : CHCPI + 2K 2 = CILKO 2 + 2KC1 + KI. In contact with chlorine gas, it solidifies and yields trichloride of iodine. CHXiORXSAlMEXC ACID and CHLORISAMirDE. See ISAMIC ACID and ISA- HIDE. CHX.ORXSATXC ACID. See ISATIC ACID. CHLORISATYDE and CHLORISATirDIC ACID. See ISATYDE and ISA- TIC ACID. CHLOHISATIKT. See IsATIN. CHX.ORXSATOSUX.PHXTES. See IsATOSULPHITES. CHIiORITE. Leuchtenbcrgite, Pennine. This name is applied to certain sili- cates of magnesia and alumina occurring in plutonic formations, and forming the cha- racteristic ingredients of chlorite slate. It formerly included ripidolite and clinochlore, and is still applied to at least two minerals, differing in crystalline form, and some- what also in chemical composition. Chlorite from Achmatowsk in the Ural is mono- clinic ; but the variety called Pennine, from Zermatt in the Valais, is hexagonal, generally forming six-sided tables with perpendicular edges, oP . oo P, or with bevelled edges, oP . P, where P denotes a six-sided pyramid with basal edges of 106 50' and pyramidal edges of 132 40' ; also with other faces subordinate. Cleavage perfect, parallel Lo the base. The crystals are sometimes imbedded singly, but more frequently grouped in spherical, conical, or vermiform masses ; also in minute scales, forming a deposit on other minerals. Specific gravity 2*65 to 2*85. Hardness 2'0 to 2'5. Flexible in thin laminae, but not elastic. Colour various shades of green, from leek to blackish green. Small crystals are dichromatic, appearing red when viewed in a direction perpendicular to the vertical axis. Lustre nacreous on the basal faces, vitreous to waxy on the others. Transparent in thin laminae, but generally translucent, and transparent on the edges only. All varieties of chlorite give off water when heated in a tube, and melt with difficulty before the blowpipe to a black slag, sometimes magnetic. The mineral gives with fluxes the reactions of iron, more rarely that of chromium, and is perfectly decomposible by sulphuric acid. The several varieties of chlorite exhibit considerable diversity of composition ; the essential constituents are silica, alumina, magnesia, and water, the alumina, however, being often more or less replaced by ferric oxide and the magnesia by ferrous oxide. The following are analyses: 1. Varrentrapp (Pogg. Ann. xlviii. 185). 2. Kobell VOL. I. 3 N 914 CHLORITES. (J. pr. Chem. xvi. 470). 3. Briiel (Pogg. Ann. xlviii.) 4. Delesse (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 396). 5, 6. Marignac (ibid. x. 430). 7, 8. Hermann (J. pr. Chem. xi. 13). 9. Schweizer (Pogg. Ann. 1. 626). 10, 11. Marignac (loc. tit.) Si 02 AHQ3 Mg^O Fe0 1. Achmatowsk 30-38 16-96 3397 2. Schwarzenstein 32-68 14-57 33-11 ^ m 3. Zillerthal . 31-47 16-67 3256 _ 4. Pyrenees 5. Ala (Piedmont) 32-1 30-01 18-5 19-11 367 33-15 4*1 6. Slatoust (Ural) 30-2-y 19-89 33-13 4-42 7. white 30-80 17-27 37-07 1-37 8. l.euchtenbergite 32-35 18-00 32-29 4-37 9. Zermatt (Pennine) 33'07 9-69 32-34 10. 33-36 13-24 34 21 bl)3 11. Binnen 33-95 1346 3371 6 12 Fe 2 O Mn2Q H2Q 4-37 12-63 = 98-31 5-97 0-?8 12-10 insol. 1-02 = 99'73 5-97 0-01 12-42 = 99-11 0-6 __ 121 = 10 _ _ 12-53 = 99-60 - __ 12-54 = 100-25 __ __ 12-30 = 98-82 __ __ 12-50 = 99-51 1136 _ 12-58 = 99-08 __ 12-80 Cr2Q3 0-20 = 99-74 _ 12-52 M 024 = 100 These numbers may be approximately represented by the formula 2(3M 2 O.SiO 2 ) + Al 4 O s .Si0 8 + 4aq. which, if M denotes magnesium, requires 30-82 SiO 2 , 17'14 Al'O 3 , in various parts of the Eastern United States. (Dana, ii. 294; Bammelsbery'* Mineralchemie, p. 534; Handw. d. Chem. 2 te Aufl. ii. [2] 1106.) CHLORITE EAETH is earthy chlorite in the older sense of the word, without regard to the distinction between chlorite and ripidolite, because in the earthy state the two minerals can scarcely be distinguished. CHLORITE FERRUGINOUS. Ddcssite. This mineral occurs in the amygdaloi'dal por- phyry of Oberstein and Zwickau. It is massive, with short fibrous or scaly feathery texture. Specific gravity 2*89. Hardness 2'5. Colour olive-green to blackish-groen. According to Delesse (Ann. Min. [4] xvi. 520) it contains 29'45 percent. SiO 2 , 18-25 Al'O', 8-17 Fe 4 3 , 15-12 Fe 2 0, 15-32 Mg 2 0, 0'45 Ca'O, and 12-57 water (= 99-33), which may be approximately represented by the general formula 2(2M 2 O.M 4 3 .28iO-) + 5 aq. Grengesite, from Grengesberg in Dalecarlia, containing, according to Hisinger, 27*01 SiO 2 , 14-31 A1 4 3 , 2'18 Mn 4 3 , 25'63 Fe 2 0, 14-31 Mg 2 0, and 12-53 water, ap- pears to be related to it. (Dana, ii. 296; Eammelsberg 1 s Mineralchemie, 540.) CHLORITE SLATE. This name is applied to chlorite occurring in mountain masses, including, however, those which are made up in like manner of ripidolite. CHLORITE-SPAR. See CHLORITOIDE. CHI.ORITES. MC10 2 . (Millon, Ann. Ch. Pys. [3] vii. 298; Ann. Ch.Pharm. xlvi. 281.) Salts of chlorous acid. Their general properties arc described, together with those of the acid, at page 910. Only a few of them have been studied indi- vidually. CHLORITE OF BARIUM. BaCIO 2 . Obtained by saturating chlorous acid with baryta. By quickly evaporating the solution and finishing the evaporation in vacuo, it may be obtained crystallised and free from chlorite. It dissolves readily in water, and decomposes at 235 C. CHLORITE OF LEAD, PbCIO 2 , is prepared by adding nitrate of lead to chlorous acid nearly neutralised with lime or baryta, washing the sulphur-yellow scaly precipitate thereby produced, and drying it. If the solution be warmed before adding the nitrate of lead, the chlorite of lead is deposited in larger crystalline scales. The salt decom- poses with a kind of explosion at 126 C. (Millon), at 100 (Schiel, Ann. Ch.Pharm. cix. 317). It sets fire to flowers of sulphur when triturated therewith (Millon) ; when rather large quantities of the salt are mixed with sulphur or a sulphide of an electro- negative metal, the mixture takes fire spontaneously after some time (Schiel). Chlo- rite of lead introduced into sulphydric acid gas blackens at first, but afterwards turns white, from formation of sulphate of lead. With a mixture of equal parts of strong sulphuric acid and water, it evolves pure chlorous anhydride (C1 2 S ), especially between 40 and 5.0 C., and yields 8875 per cent, of sulphate of lead. (Millon.) The mother-liquor filtered from the precipitate of chlorite of lead in the above- d escribed mode of preparation, deposits on the sides of the vessels, small sparingly so- luble yellowish crystals, which appear to be a compound of chlorite and chloride of lead. (Schiel.) CHLORITE OF POTASSIUM. KC10 2 . Potash-ley, mixed with excess of chlorous acid, forms a deep red liquid, which, when concentrated, gives off chlorous anhydride, and leaves neutral chlorite of potassium in the form of a very deliquescent salt. If, on the contrary, chlorous acid be gradually added to an excess of hydrate of potassium, the formation of the neutral salt takes a longer time, and even after the liquid has become colourless, the presence of free chlorous acid may be detected by its power of convert- ing nitrate of lead into the peroxide. The saline solution mast be quickly evaporated, CHLORITOIDE - CHLOROCAFFEINE. 915 otherwise the chlorite of potassium will be completely resolved into chloride and chlorate. The same decomposition takes place if it be heated to 160 C. (Millon.) CHLORITE OF SILVEB. AgCIO 2 . Prepared by mixing a soluble chlorite containing a slight excess of base with nitrate of silver, and boiling the resulting precipitate of chlorite and oxide of silver with water. The solution on cooling deposits the salt in yellow crystalline scales. At 105 C. it decomposes with explosion. A mixture of it with sulphur takes fire when triturated with a glass rod. In preparing the salt, an excess of chlorous acid must be avoided, as it would thereby be quickly resolved into chlorate and chloride. (Millon.) CHLOBITE OF SODIUM. NaCIO 2 . Deliquescent. Resembles the potassium-salt, but is not decomposed by a heat below 250 C. (Millon.) CHLOBITE OF STBONTIUM. SrCIO 2 . Deliquescent. Decomposes at 208 C. (Millon.) CHXiORXTOXDE. Chlorite Spar, Barytophyttite, Masonite. A coarsely foliated massive silicate of alumina and iron found at Kosoibrod in the Ural, Bregratten in the Tyrol, and GKimmuch-dagh in Asia Minor. Its specific gravity is 3-557 ; hardness 5'5 to 6 ; colour dark grey or greenish black ; lustre faint and pearly. Gives off water when heated in a tube, is infusible before the blowpipe, but becomes darker and mag- netic. It dissolves completely in sulphuric acid. Allied to chloritoide are : Masonite, from Ehode Island, which fuses with difficulty to a dark green enamel, and Sismondine, a dark greyish or blackish green mineral of specific gravity 3 '565 and hardness 5'5. Nearly infusible before the blowpipe, occur- ing in the chlorite slate of St. Marcel. Analysis: Chlorito'ide. 1. 0. Erdmann (J. pr. Chem. vi. 86). 2. Bonsdorff (Berz. Jahresber. xviii. 233). 3. Hermann (J. pr. Chem. liii. 13). 4. Smith (Ann. Min. [4] xviii. 300). 5. Kobell (J. pr. Chem. Iviii. 40. Masonite, Whitney, (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1849, p. 100). Sismondine, Delesse (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 385). Chloritoide Si 2 Al< 3 Fe4 3 Fe2 Ma2 1. Kosoibrod . 24-90 4f>'20 28-89 = 99'99 2. .- 27-48 35-57 27'05 0'30 4 29 6'95 = 101-64 3. . 24-54 30-72 17'8 17'80 375 6'38 = 9J'97 4. Gummuch-dagh 2375 39'84 27'62 0-52 0-58 0*94 6-85 = 100-10 5. Bregratten . 26-19 38'30 600 21-11 3-:<0 _ 5-50=100-40 Masonite . . 28-27 32-16 33'72 6-13 5-00 = 99'28 Sismondine . 24-1 43'2 23'8 7'6 = 987 Among these analyses Nos. 3 and 5 of chloritoide are the only ones in which the de- gree of oxidation of the iron appears to have been correctly determined ; these agree approximately with the formula (2M 2 O.Si0 2 ).(M 4 3 .Si0 2 ) + 2aq., which, by substitut- ing proto- for sesqui-equivalent metals, maybe reduced to M 2 0.2(M 4 Si0 4 .aq). (Earn- mclsberg's Mineralchemie, p. 864; Dana, ii. 298.) CHXiOROBEKTZASiDIDSi. Syn. with CHLOBIDE OF BENZOYL. (See BENZOYL, CHLOBIDE OF, p. 566.) CHXiOROBEXTZATCIDX:. See BENZAMIDE (p. 540). CHLOROBEXTZECTE. See BENZENE (p. 543). CHXiOROBENZXDB. Syn. with TBICHLOEOBENZENE. (See BENZENE, p. 543), CHX.OROBXHNTZXX.. C 14 H n C10 2 . (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiii. 350.) Formed by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on benzilic acid : the product is distilled, and the portion which comes over above 250 C. washed, dried, and rec- tified. It is a colourless, strongly-smelling oil, heavier than water; boils at about 270. By exposure to moist air, or by the action of hot strong potash, it is quickly decom- posed into chloride and benzilate. With ammonia and pheuylamine, it yields crystal- line products. F. T. C. CHXiOROBXHNTZOXC ACXD. See BENZOIC ACID. CHLOIiOBETJZOIi. Syn. with CHLOBIDE OF BENZYLENE. (See BENZYLENE, CHLOBIDE OF, p. 577.) CHX.OROBESTZONXTRXX.X:. See BENZONITBLLE (p. 563). CHX.OROBENTZOPUJi-ilJXBE. See BENZOIC Ei'HEBS under BENZOIC ACID (v 554). CHXtOROBENZOYXi, CHLORIDE OP. See BENZOYL, CHLOBIDE OF (p. 56). CHX-OROCAFFEIKTE. C 8 H 9 C1N<0 2 . A product obtained by the incomplete action of chlorine on caffeine suspended in water (p. 708). When purified by three or four crystallisations from water, it forms a light bulky mass. From alcohol it crys- tallises in needles. By the continued action of chlorine, it is rebolved into chloride 3 N 2 916 CHLOROCAMPHENE CIILOROCODEINE. of cyanogen, methylamine, and amalic acid. (Rochleder, Wien Akad. Bcr. 1856 ii. 96.) CHIiOROCAMPHENE. See CAMPHENE (p. 724). CXH.OROCARBO-HYPOSUT.PHURXC ACID. Syn. with TBICHLOBO- METHYLsuLPHTTBors ACID. (See METHYL.) CHIiOROCARBONIC ACID. Syn. with OXYCHLOBIDE OF CABBON, CHLORIDE OF CARBONYL, or PHOSGENE (p. 774). CHIiOROC ARBOSTIC ETHERS. Compounds produced by the action of chlo- ride of carbonyl on the alcohols. They may be regarded as compounds of carbonic anhydride with the chlorides of the alcohol-radicles, or as bodies formed on the mixed type HHO.HC1, in which 2 at. of hydrogen are replaced by carbonyl, CO, and the third by an alcohol-radicle, E : ro-rcri ccnci CO .1101 = E J Q Their formation is represented by the equation : , CO")C1 E $0 (COY') Cl CHLOBOCABBONATE OF METHYL. C 8 H 3 C10 2 = VTIS rr- (Dumas and un ) u Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. Iviii. 62.) Obtained by introducing wood-spirit into a large flask filled with phosgene-gas : CH 3 .H.O + COCP = HC1 + C 2 H 3 C10 2 . Colourless, very fluid oil, heavier and more volatile than water ; has a penetrating odour ; burns with a green flame. Gaseous ammonia converts it into carbamate of methyl (urethylane) : C0 8 .CH 3 C1 + NH 8 = *J;S? CO) "}o + HCL rn ,,jCl . E> n TTri CO")C1 CO irn + TT t O = LH + J^ f Q CHLOBOCABBONATE OF ETHYL. C 3 H 5 C10 2 . (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. liv. 226. Cloez, ibid. [3] xvii. 303. Cahours, ibid. [3] xix. 346.) Prepared like the preceding ; also by the mutual action of alcohol and perchloroformic ether, or perchlorinated oxalate of methyl: C 3 C1 6 2 + 2C 2 H 6 = C 3 H 5 C10 2 + C 4 H 5 CP0 2 + 2HC1. Perchloro- Alcohol. Chlorocar- Trichlorace- formate of bonate of tate of ethyl. ethyl. ethyl. C'CFO 4 + 4C 2 H 6 = 2C 3 H 5 C10 2 + C 6 H'0 4 + 4HC1. Perchlor- Alcohol. Chlorocar- Oxalate of oxalate of bonate of ethyl. methyl. ethyl. ' Colourless liquid, very mobile, having a suffocating odour which irritates the eyes Perfectly neutral to test-paper. Specific gravity 1*139 at 15 C. Vapour-density 3-823. Boils at 94 C. Very inflammable. Burns with a green flame. Decomposed by hot water, not by cold. Ammonia converts it rapidly into chloride of ammonium and carbamate of ethyl. CHLOBOCABBONATE OF AMYL, C 6 H U C10 2 , appears to be formed by the action of phosgene gas on amylic alcohol, but is immediately decomposed by moisture and converted into carbonate of amyl. CHI.OROCEROTIC ACID. See CEBOTIC AciD (p. 887). CHIiOROCnrXTAMIC ACID. See CINNAMIC Aero. CHIiOROCIimroSE. HYDRIDE OF TETBACHLOBOCINNAMYL. (See CINNAMYL.) CHljOROCHItORIC ACID. C1 6 13 (?) A compound obtained, according to Millon, (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] vii. 298) by passing euchlorine (p. 913) through a series of U-tubes cooled by freezing mixtures, the first to C., the others to 18. Hydro- chloric acid then condenses in the first, and chlorochloric acid in the rest, while free chlorine escapes at the end. Chlorochloric acid thus obtained, is a yellowish-red liquid, which boils at 32 C., and is converted into a yellow gas, which decomposes with ex- plosion at 70. With caustic potash, it yields a mixture of 2 at. chlorate and 1 at. chlorite of potassium, whence its composition is inferred : C1 6 13 + 3K 8 = 4KC10 8 + 2KC10 2 . Chlorochloric acid resembles perchloric oxide, CIO 2 , in most of its properties, and ap- proaches very nearly to it in composition (6C10 2 = C1 6 12 ) ; indeed it is most probably nothing but perchloric oxide mixed with excess of chlorine (see p. 913.) CBIiOROCODEINE. See CODEINE. CHLOROCOMENIC ACID CHLOROFORM. 917 CHI.OROCOIVXEiaXC ACID. See Cc-MENIC AciD. C2-ZI,OI10CtriWENE. See CUMENE. CHXiOROCUMXxroit. See CUMINOL. CHXOROCir AW AMIDE.) CHX,OROCYATII.XDE. [ See CYANAMIDE. CHliORODRACOltfESXC ACID. Syn. with CiiLORANisic ACID. (See ANISIC ACID.) CHXiORODRACOlVY'Xi. When chlorine is passed into oil of tarragon, a viscid oily liquid is found, called chloride of draconyl, containing 39'9 per cent. C and 3'5H, answering approximately to the formula C 10 H 10 C1 2 O.C1 2 ; and this, when treated with alcoholic potash, yields another viscid oil, chlorodraconyl, containing 42'5 C and 3'4 H ; possibly chloride of draconyl minus the elements of water. (Laurent, Eev. scient. x. 6. Gerh. iii. 355.) CHX.ORCEXrANTHXC ACID. See CENANTHic ACID. CHLOROFORM. Dichlorinatcd chloride of methyl Pcrchlorideofformyl. CHC1 8 . Soubeiran, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xlviii. 131. Soubeiran and Mialh6, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 225. Liebig, ibid. i. 198; Dumas, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ivi. 115. Kegnault, ibid. Ixxi. 577. Grm. vii. 342.) Chloroform was discovered in 1831 by Soubeiran, who called it Ether bichlorique, and independently in 1832 by Liebig, who regarded it as a chloride of carbon : its true constitution was discovered by Dumas in 1834. Hutman (J. Chim. med. [3] iv. 476) states, on the authority of Porta's Magia naturalis and Scott's Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, that it was known in former times, and used as a means of producing insensibility. Formation and Preparation. 1. Chloroform is produced, together with mono- chlorinated chloride of methyl, CH 2 C1 2 , when a mixture of chlorine and gaseous chlo- ride of methyl is exposed to the sun's rays. If the two gases be made to pass continuously into a vessel exposed to the sun and connected with a series of cooled receivers, the chloroform, being the least volatile of the products formed, condenses first, and if the current of chlorine be made rather strong, and the receivers not much cooled, the product consists almost wholly of chloroform. 2. By the action of alkalis on chloral : C 2 HC1 8 + KHO = CHC1 3 + CHKO 2 . Chloral. Chloro- Formate of form. potassium. Chloral is distilled with excess of aqueous potash, soda or baryta, or with milk of lime, and the oily distillate is repeatedly agitated with water, separated from the water as completely as possible by decantation, and distilled with 6 or 8 times its volume of strong sulphuric acid in a perfectly dry apparatus. (Liebig.) 3. By the action of nascent hydrogen upon tetrachloride of carbon. (Greuther, p. 765.) 4. By boiling trichloracetic acid with aqueous alkalis : C 2 HC1 3 2 + K 2 = CHC1 3 + K 2 C0 3 . 5. By the action of hypochlorites, or of chlorine, in presence of alkalis on various organic substances, viz. : a. On methylic, ethylic, and amylic alcohols, perhaps also on all alcohols of the series C n H 2n+2 O. With common alcohol and hypochlorite of calcium the principal reaction appears to be : C 2 H fi O + SCaCIO = CHCP + Ca 2 C0 3 + 2CaCl + CaHO + H 2 ; but other products are likewise formed, and chlorine is set free. b. On acetic acid and acetates ; probably thus : C 2 H 4 2 + 3CaC10 = CHCP + Ca 2 C0 3 + CaHO + H 2 0. c. On acetone. d. On ethylsulphate or ethyltartrate of calcium. e. On oil of tur- pentine and its isomers, the oils of lemon, bergamot, copaiba, &c. The most economical method of preparing chloroform, and that which is always adopted on the manufacturing scale, is the distillation of alcohol with chloride of lime. The proportions used are about 6 pts. chloride of lime diffused through 30 pts. water, and 1 pt. alcohol of 33 Beaume. The addition of slaked lime is also advan- tageous, as it absorbs the chlorine, which would otherwise be set free, and thereby diminishes the quantity of secondary products. The following mode of preparation on the large scale is given by Kessler (J. Pharm. [3] xiii. 162). The apparatus consists of a large leaden cylinder, the sides of which are soldered with lead. Through the middle of the upper end passes a vertical rod, provided at the bottom with fans, and at the top with a curved handle, its lower extremity turning on a pivot in the base of the cylinder. By this arrangement, the mixture 3 N 3 918 CHLOROFORM. may be stirred up during the operation, and the heat thereby equally diffused. In the upper end of the cylinder there is also a wider aperture, which can be closed at pleasure, and through which the materials- are introduced ; through a third aperture is inserted the delivery-tube by which the chloroform vapour is conveyed to the con- densing apparatus. Opposite to this tube there passes, through the upper base of the cylinder, a leaden tube, widened above like a funnel, and reaching just below the surface of the liquid. Into this funnel-tube, at some distance below the funnel, is in- serted a steam-pipe, serving to convey steam from a boiler to the inside of the funnel- tube ; and above the point of insertion of the steam-pipe, the funnel-tube is furnished with a cock, which, when open, allows the steam to pass upwards to the funnel-tube, and when shut directs it into the mixture in the cylinder. This cock serves to regu- late the supply of vapour, and thereby regulates the heat. The chloroform vapour passes upwards through a worm-tube, enclosed in a condensing vessel, to a cooled Woulfe's apparatus, the last bottle but one of which is half filled with alcohol, and the last with cotton saturated with alcohol. A close-shutting wooden cask may be used instead of the leaden cylinder. 40 kilogrammes (88 '8 Ibs.) of the strongest chloride of lime are introduced into the cylinder by means of a four-cornered wooden funnel adapted to its widest aperture, and provided, near its lower extremity, with two hori- zontal rollers pressing against each other, as in a rolling-mill ; these, when turned by their handles, serve to drive the chloride of lime quickly into the cylinder. 4 kilo- grammes (8'8 Ibs.) of slaked lime are next introduced in the same manner, and then a hectolitre of water (22 gallons) at a temperature of 80 to 90 C., is poured in. The apparatus is now thoroughly luted, and the contents are well mixed by turning the fans. 4 kilogrammes of commercial alcohol are then poured in, together with the residues of former operations. If the distillation of the chloroform does not imme- diately begin, steam is admitted from the boiler, and stopped as soon as the distillation is fairly set up. If the evolution of vapour becomes too rapid, cold water is poured in through the funnel-tube. When the reaction is complete, steam is again admitted into the cylinder, and the contents, which are now heated to 100, frequently stirred. After 3 litres (5' form or alcohol. the liquid portion drawn off, and used in the next operati two "Woulfe's bottles likewise serves for the following preparations, and the process may be repeated three or four times in a day. 1 kilogramme of chloride of lime yields from 60 to 80 grammes of pure chloroform. According to Simerling (Arch. Pharm. [2] liii. 23), the largest quantity of chloro- form, in proportion to the alcohol used, is obtained from a mixture of 8 pts. chloride of lime, 1 pt. quicklime, 1 pt. alcohol, and 40 pts. water; the rectified chloroform thus produced, amounts to nearly one-third of the alcohol consumed (8 gnn. chloroform from 25 grm. alcohol). The use of acetone for the preparation of chloroform is not advantageous, because the price of it is high, and the product does not exceed one-third of the acetone used. This proportion was obtained by first distilling 30 grm. acetone with 150 grm. chloride of lime mixed with water, and rectifying the watery distillate with 40 grm. chloride of lime. Chloroform obtained from wood-spirit has an empyretimatic odour, and always blackens when agitated with sulphuric acid. The largest product was 6 grm. chloro- form from 50 grm. wood-spirit. For other methods see Ann. Ch. Pharm. xix. 210. Chnelin's Handbook, vii. 344. Chloroform may be contaminated with alcohol, ether, and empyreumatic oils. Ac- cording to Soubeiran, pure chloroform sinks in a mixture of equal parts of oil of vitriol and water. According to Kessler, chloroform containing alcohol diminishes in volume on the application of this test. The presence of alcohol causes opalescence when the chloroform is mixed with water, whereas pure chloroform remains clear (Mialhe, J. Chim. rned. [3] iv. 279). Chloroform containing alcohol acquires a green colour when mixed with chromic acid or with sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium ; pure chloroform produces no green colour (Cottell, J. Pharm. [3] xiii. 359). Chlo- roform prepared from wood-spirit is much less pure than that obtained from alcohol. The former is specifically lighter than the latter, has a repulsive empyreumatic odour, and produces unpleasant sensations when inhaled. It is contaminated with about 6 per cent, of an empyreumatic oil, containing chlorine, burning with a smoky flame, lighter than water, and boiling between 85 and 133 C. This oil cannot be completely separated by simple rectification, but is nearly, but not quite, destroyed by distillation with sulphuric acid. A similar oil, but in smaller quantity, is likewise obtained in the pre- paration of chloroform from alcohol ; 20 kilogrammes of chloroform from alcohol yielded, when rectified over the water-bath, only 40 grm. of residue consisting of this oil ; it is heavier than water, has an odour different from that of the oil obtained from wood-spirit, and its boiling point varies from 68 to 117 C. (Soubeiran and Mialhe). According CHLOROFORM. 919 to Gregory (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1850, p. 391), impure chloroform may be recog- nised by the disagreeable odour which it leaves, after evaporation, on a cloth which has been moistened with it, and by the yellow or brown colour which it imparts to pure oil of vitriol when agitated therewith. Pure chloroform placed upon oil of vitriol produces a contact-surface convex downwards ; impure chloroform gives a plane con- tact-surface. According to Koussin (J. Pharm. [3] xxxiv. 206), the purity of chlo- roform may be tested by means of dinitrosulphide of iron, Fe 6 H 2 S 5 N 4 8 (a salt obtained by the action of ferric chloride or sulphate on a mixture of sulphide of ammonium and nitrite of potassium). Pure chloroform shaken up with this salt, remains colourless ; but if it contains alcohol, ether, or wood-spirit, it acquires a dark colour. To purify chloroform, Gregory agitates it and leaves it in contact with oil of vitriol till the latter is no longer coloured by it, then removes the chloroform, and places it in contact with a small quantity of peroxide of manganese, to free it from sulphurous acid. According to Abraham (Pharm. J. Trans, x. 24), chloroform thus purified quickly decomposes, and is afterwards found to contain hydrochloric acid and free chlorine. According to Christison (ibid. x. 253), chloroform keeps well after being once treated with oil of vitriol ; but the continued action of that liquid (especially if contaminated with nitrous acid) exerts a decomposing action upon it. Properties. Pure chloroform is a transparent and colourless oil of specific gravity 1-491 at 17 C. (Eegnault) ; 1-52523 at (Pierre). It boils at 61 (Eegnault) ; at 63-5 with the barometer at 772'52 mm. (Pierre). In contact with platinum- wire and with the barometer at 27" 7'", it boils in a dry vessel at 60 -8, but in contact with water, at 57'3 (Liebig). Its vapour-density is 4-199, according to Dumas; 4-230 according to Kegnault. By calculation (2 vol.) it is ^ " x 0-0693 = 4-141. Chloroform remains liquid and transparent at 16 C. (Pierre), but may be solidified by the cold produced by its own evaporation ; when it is thrown upon a double filter, the rapid evaporation at the edges causes the remaining portion to solidify in white tufts (Soubeiran and Mialhe"). It has a very pleasant, pene- trating odour, a sweet, fiery taste, and its vapour, when inhaled, produces a sweet taste on the palate. The inhalation of a small quantity of the vapour causes excitement similar to that produced by nitrous oxide ; but a larger quantity produces insensibility to pain, in fact, a kind of coma : hence it is extensively used in surgical operations.* According to Kobin (Compt. rend. xxx. 52) and Augendre (ibid. xxxi. 679), chlo- roform preserves meat from putrefaction (200 times its weight, according to Augendre). Chloroform dissolves slightly in water, imparting its sweet taste to the liquid. It mixes in all proportions with alcohol, and is partially precipitated therefrom by water. It dissolves rapidly in ether. It is quite insoluble in sulphuric acid. It dissolves phosphorus, sulphur, iodine, and iodoform, also many organic bases and their salts. The solubility of several organic bases in chloroform has been determined by Michael Pettenkofer (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1858, p. 363) and A. Schlimpert (ilnd. 1859, p. 405), whose statements however differ widely, as the following table will show: Quantities of AlJcalo'ids dissolved by 100 pts. of Chloroform. Pettenkofer. Schlimpert Pettenkofer. Schlimpert. Morphine . 0-57 1-66 Veratrine 58-49 116 acetate 1-66 Atropine 51-69 33-0 Narcotine . 37-17 Strychnine 20-16 14-1 Quinine 57-47 iFo nitrate 6-6 sulphate __ Caffeine 11-1 hydrochlorate 11*1 Brucine 5679 14-0 Cinchonine 4-31 2-5 Uigitaline T25 sulphate _ 3-0 Aconitine 22-0 Quinidine(?) * 25-3 Santonine 23-0 Decompositions. 1. Chloroform decomposes when exposed to air and light, with formation of chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and other products ; but when kept under water, it remains unaltered (M arson, Pharm. J. Trans, viii. 69). 2. At a red heat * " For the introduction of this valuable remedy we are indebted to Dr. Simpson ; and although ether, benzole, and many other liquids can produce insensibility to pain, chloroform is of all the most powerful as well as the most manageable. Of course great care must be taken to insure its purity, for the oils which accompany it are very deleterious; and in administering it, one person should do nothing but watch the pulse and respiration of the patient and remove the chloroform if necessary. With due pre- caution, chloroform is very safe; and this precaution will prevent its being used in cases where its use is contra-indicated by the disease of the heart, or by marked tendency to apoplexy." (Gregory, Hand' buok of Organic Chemistry, 3rd cd. London, 1852, p. 178.) 3 N 4 920 CHLOROFORM CHLOROGENIC ACID. its vapour appears to be resolved, partly into trichloride of carbon and hydrogen gas, partly into carbon, hydrochloric acid, and chlorine : 2CHCP = C 2 C1 8 + H 2 and: CHC1 3 = C + HC1 + Cl 2 The liberation of chlorine in this manner is applied to the detection of chloroform in blood. A quantity of blood, not less than an ounce, is introduced, immediately after its separation from the organism, into a flask connected by a cork with a knee- shaped tube somewhat drawn out in the horizontal arm. A strip of paper, moistened with starch-paste and iodide of potassium, is inserted into the end of this tube; the drawn-out part is heated to redness ; and the flask is heated in a water-bath. The vapour of chloroform thereby evolved is decomposed at the red-hot part of the tube, and the liberated chlorine turns the paper blue. This method is said to be capable of detecting 1 pt. of chloroform in 1,000,600 pts. of blood (Ragsky, J. pr. Chem. xlvi. 170). According to Duroy (J. Pharm. [3] xx. 401), it is not to be depended on unless the blood betaken from the animal immediately after the inhalation of the chloroform, or immediately after death. Duroy considers it better to pass a stream of cold air through the blood ; then pass the air, together with the chloroform- vapour, through a red-hot tube, and thence into a solution of nitrate of silver, whereupon, if chloroform be present, a precipitate of chloride of silver will be formed. 3. Chloroform cannot be set on fire in the air, not even with the aid of a wick ; but its vapour passed into the flame of a spirit-lamp, burns with smoke ; a mixture of chloroform and alcohol in equal measures, burns with a very smoky flame and pungent odour, producing hydrochloric acid (Soubeiran, Liebig). It imparts a green colour to the flame of a candle (Liebig). 4. Chloroform repeatedly distilled in a stream of dry chlorine, is resolved into HC1 and C 2 C1 4 (Regnault). 5. Chloroform heated with nitric acid evolves but a small quantity of nitrous fumes (Soubeiran). 6. When kept under sulphuric acid, it gradually gives off vapours of hydrochloric acid. The alcoholic solution of chloroform, mixed with nitrate of silver, does not deposit any chlo- ride of silver, even in the course of a month (Soubeiran). 7. Boiled with potash-ley in a closed tube, it is resolved into formate and chloride of potassium ; but the de- composition is imperfect (Dumas) : CHC1 3 + 2K 2 = CHKO 2 + 3KCL Chloroform is not decomposed by boiling with aqueous alkalis in an open vessel (Liebig). Alcoholic potash boiled for a long time with chloroform, produces formate of potassium (Regsault). A mixture of chloroform, potash, and alcohol, heated in a sealed tube to 100 C. for a week, yields ethylene-gas and formic acid (Berthelot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] liv. 87). 8. Chloroform vapour passed over ignited baryta or lime, yields metallic chloride, carbonate, and charcoal ; if the heat be moderate, these products are not accompanied by any gas ; but at a full red heat, carbonic oxide is produced by the action of the charcoal on the alkaline carbonate (Liebig, Soubeiran). 9. Chloroform may be distilled over potassium without decomposition ; but potas- sium heated in its vapour takes fire with explosion, forming chloride of potassium mixed with charcoal (Liebig). It is not decomposed by sodium, even when heated with it to 200 C. in a sealed tube (Heintz). Chloroform is not decomposed by heating with cyanide of potassium, mercury, or silver, even on the addition of alcohol. (Bouchardat.) A mixture of chloroform and ammonia-gas is decomposed by a heat approaching to dull redness, yielding chloride and cyanide of ammonium : CHCP + 5NH 3 = 3NIPC1 + NH'.CN. If the temperature be raised too high, a brown substance is formed, probably para- cyanogen. When a solution of ammonia in abs lute alcohol is heated with chloroform to a temperature between 180 and 190C M formate of ammonium may be produced as well as cyanide ; in many instances also neither of these salts is formed, but only a brown mass, probably consisting for the most part of paracyanogen. (H ei ntz, Pogg. Ann. xcviii. 263.) Chloroform and phenylamine do not react at ordinary temperatures; but when equal volumes of the two are heated to 180 190 C. in a sealed tube, hydrochlorate of phenylamine is formed, together with hydrochlorate of formyl-diphenyl-diamine. CHC1 3 + 4(N.H 2 .C 6 IP) = 2[(N.H 2 .C 6 H 5 ).HC1] + [N 2 .H.(CH)'"(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ].HC1. (Hofmann, Proc. Eoy. Soc. ix. 229.) CHXiOROFORBXYXi - HYPOSUXPHITRIC ACID. Syn. with DlCHLORO- METHYL-suLi'iiruors AC-ID. (Sec METHYL.) CHLOROGENIC ACID. Syn. with CAFFETANNIC ACID (p. 709). CHLOROGENIN CHLOROPERCHLORIC ACID. 92i A substance which accompanies rubian precipitated from extract of madder by sub-acetate of lead, and forms a green powder when boiled with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. CHIiOROMEZiAIi. A product of the action of chlorine on hydrate of myricyl (q. v.) Its analysis agrees approximately with the empirical formula C 30 H 45 ' 5 C1 H ' 5 O (Brodie, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 144.) CHI.ORO1VEEZ.ANE. See CKONSTEDTITB. CHLOROlVIEiiArJILirjrE. See MELANILINE. CHZiOROXVKERCTTRATES. Compounds of mercuric chloride with basic metallic chlorides, or with hydrochlorates of organic bases, e. g. Chloromercurates of potassium, KCLHgCl; KC1.2HgCl; KCUHgCl; Chloromercurate of morphine, C 17 H 19 NO :1 .HC1. 4HgCl. They are obtained by mixing the aqueous or alcoholic solutions of the com- ponent salts, and are for the most part crystaUisable. CKZ.ORQ1VIESITATE OF JVTETHYZ.ENTE. C 5 H'C1 2 2 . A crystalline substance produced by the action of chlorine on methylic alcohol (q. #.) C3IZ,OR01IETHYI,ASE. C 2 H 2 C1 2 . An oily liquid produced by the action of potash on acetate of trichloromethyl. It has the composition of dichlorethylenc, (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixiii. 382.) (See ACETATE OF METHYL, p. 23.) CHIiORONAPHTHAKTE. See NAPHTHALENE. CHZiORONAPHTHAZiZC ACID. See NAPHTHALENE, CHLORINE-DERIVATIVES OF. CHZ.OROVTICEZC ACID. This name was given by St. Evre (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxv. 484), to an acid crystallising in microscopic four-sided needles, which he ob- tained by passing chlorine into a solution of benzoate of potassium, containing excess of potash. St. Evre assigned to this acid the formula C G H 5 C10 2 . But from the expe- riments of Pisani, made in Gerhardt's laboratory, it appears that this acid is nothing but chlorobenzoic acid, C 7 H 5 C10 2 . The acid prepared as above was found, after purifica- tion by repeated crystallisation, to be identical in composition and properties with chlorobenzoic acid prepared by the action of pentachloride of phosphorus on salicylic acid, or on salycilate of methyl. E. Kopp likewise obtained nothing but chlorobenzoic acid, by passing chlorine into a solution of benzoic acid in caustic soda. Hence also, it may be inferred that St. Evre's chloroniccamide is identical with chlorobenzamide ; that chloronicene, a volatile liquid obtained by distilling chloroniceic acid with baryta or lime, is the same as chlorobenzene, C 6 H 5 C1 ; and that cMoronicinc, a base obtained by the action of sulphide of ammonium on chloronicine, is identical with chloro- phenyJamine. (Gerh. iii. 980.) CHIiOROPAIf. A hydrated ferric silicate, of which there are two varieties, the conchoidal and the earthy. The former has a pistachio-green colour, is translucent on the edges, has a flat conchoidal fracture; specific gravity 2'158 ; hardness 4'5. The latter has a light green colour, verging towards olive-green and brown, is sometimes com- pact, sometimes friable: the compact variety is very soft. The composition of this mineral varies considerably, as the following analyses will show: 1, 2, from Hungary (Bern- hardi and Brandes, Schw. J. xxxv. 29); 3, 4, from the Meenser Steinberg, near Gottingen (Hiller, Jahresber. d. Chem. 1857, p. 671) : SiO 2 Fe 4 s A1 4 G 3 Mg 2 Mn 2 H*0 1. Conchoidal 46 33 1 2 18=1 00 2. Earthy . 45 32 075 2 20 = 9975 3. . 71-6 16-3 2-1 1-5 trace 8*3 = 99-8 4. Conchoidal 397 28-0 37 2'4 trace 26'1 = 99-9 It is perhaps a mixture in variable proportions of opal with a hydrated ferric silicate, Fe 4 3 .3Si0 2 + 3H 2 0, or ./V-SiO 3 + H 2 O, or (/e 2 H 2 )SiO 4 , the conchoidal variety analysed by Hiller, containing about 41 per cent, of the ferric silicate, the earthy variety, 70 per cent. (Jahresber. loc. cit.} CHIiOROPAZiIiADATES. Compounds of dichloride of palladium with the more basic metallic chlorides, or with hydrochlorates. They are not much known. CHZ.OROPAZ.Z.ADZTES. Compounds of protochloride of palladium with the more basic metallic chlorides, or with hydrochlorates of organic bases ; e. q. chloro- palladito of potassium, KCl.PdCl ; chloropalladite of strychnine, C 2 'H' 22 N 2 2 .HCl.PdCl. CHIiOROPAIilVXITIC ACID. See PALMITIC ACID. CKI.OROPERCHI.ORIC ACID. C1 6 17 ? A compound said to be produced by exposing chlorous anhydride to sunshine, the containing vessel being at the same time immersed in water of 20 C. It is a reddish brown liquid which is de- composed by heat, but not explosively ; forms extremely dense white fumes in con- tact with moist air, and is decomposed by potash; yields 1 at. chlorite and 2 at. chlorate 922 CHLOROPHJEITE CHLOROPHYLLITE. of potassium: C1 6 0" + 3K 2 = 2KC10 2 + 4KC10 4 . (Mi 11 on, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] vii. 298. It is perhaps hyperchloric oxide, C1 6 18 = 3CP0 6 (p. 907). CHLOROPH2EITE, A ferrous silicate, occurring in foliated or granular massive forms, in the Faroe Islands, also in the neighbourhood of Fife and of Newcastle. It has a dark green colour, and subresinous lustre; specific gravity 2*02 ; hardness 1*5 to 2. According to Forchhammer's analysis (Berz. Jahresber. xxiii. 265), it contains 32-85 per cent, silica, 21-56 protoxide of iron, 3 - 44 magnesia, and 12-15 water, whence the formula 2(fFe 2 0.fMg 2 0).3Si0 2 + 12H 2 0, which may be represented as an orthosilicate of the form (M 4 H 8 )Si 3 18 + 8H 2 0. CHXiOROPHJEHTERlTE. A hydrated ferrous silicate, found in cavities of the amygdaloi'dal porphyry of Weissig in Saxony. It is blackish-green, with dirty apple- green streak; not very hard; of specific gravity 2*684. Analysis gave 59 '4 per cent. SiO 2 , 12-3 Fe 2 O, and 57 H 2 O, besides alumina, magnesia, lime, potash, and soda. (Jenzsch, Chem. Centr. 1856, 76.) CHXiOROPHAXfE. A variety of fluorspar, which emits a green light on calcina- tion. CHI.OROPHEWESIC ACID. Syn. with Dichlorophenic acid, C 6 H 4 CrO. (See PHENIC ACID.) CHIOROPHENXSIC ACID. Syn. with TmcmoEOPHENic Aero. CHIiOROPHEiMTTSIC ACXD. Syn. with PENTACKLOBOPHENIC ACTO. CHXiOROPHEBnrii. This name was applied by Laurent to a crystalline substance obtained by the action of boiling nitric acid on trichlorophenic acid. It crystallised in yellow scales insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, and subliming in very brilliant scales. Analysis gave 37'8 per cent. C, 1'88 H, and 54-30 Cl. (Grerh. ii. 28.) CHLOROPH05PIIIDE OF NITROGEN. See NITROGEN. CHX.OROPHYX.Iu (Berzelius, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxi. 257, 262; xxvii. 296. Verdeil, Compt. rend, xxiii. 689. Schulze, ibid, xxxiv. 683. Mulder, Ann. Ch. Pharm. lii. 421.) The colouring matter of leaves and the other green parts of plants. It is extracted by digesting green leaves for several days with ether, evaporating the filtered liquid to dryness, treating the residue with boiling alcohol, and adding to the solution a small quantity of milk of lime, which precipitates all the colouring matter, while the alcohol retains a quantity of fat which was mixed with it. The chlorophyll is separated from the lime by means of hydrochloric acid and ether, which dissolves the colouring matter, forming a green stratum at the top of the liquid. By evaporating the ether, the chlorophyll is obtained in the pure state. Chlorophyll thus prepared is an earthy powder, of a deep green colour, unalterable in the air, infusible, sustaining a heat of 200 C. without decomposition, but decom- posing at higher temperatures. It is insoluble in water, even at the boiling heat ; easily soluble in alcohol, less in ether. Acids and alkalis dissolve it with green colour : a solution of alum precipitates it. Nascent hydrogen decolorises it like indigo (Mulder). Mulder represents chlorophyll by the formula C 9 H 9 N0 4 , which however cannot be considered as established. According to Verdeil, chlorophyll has a great analogy to the colouring matter of blood, and like that substance, contains a large quantity of iron. According to Morot (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1859, p. 562), chlorophyll is C 18 H 20 N 2 5 , and is always accompanied by a fatty substance, C 8 H )4 O. The latter is produced by the action of atmospheric oxygen on starch, according to the equation ; 2CH 10 5 .+ O 2 = C 8 H 14 + 4C0 2 + 3H 8 0. and chlorophyll results from the simultaneous action of carbonic acid and ammonia on this fat, under the influence of light : C 8 H 14 + 2NH 3 + 10C0 2 = C 18 H 20 N 2 8 + O 18 . According to Schultze, chlorophyll forms the colouring matter of several green ani- malcules inhabiting ponds and ditches, such as polypes, turbellarias, and infusoria (Hydra viridis, Vortex viridis, Mesostomum viridatum, Derostomum caecum, Stentor polymorphus, Ophrydium versatile, Bursaria vernalis). The name Erythrophyll has been given to the red colouring matter of leaves in autumn. It is soluble in water and alcohol; dissolves with brown colour in alkalis, and forms with lead-salts, a precipitate of a fine green colour. CHLOROPHYLLITE. An altered form of cordierite, found at Haddarn in Con- necticut, and Unity, New Hampshire. It occurs in trimetric crystals of the same form as the original cordierite, of greyish or brownish-green colour, and pearly lustre ; specific gravity 2782. According to Eammelsberg's analysis, it contains 46-31 per cent, SiO 2 , 25-17 A1 4 O 3 , 10-99 Fe 4 O 3 , 10-91 Mg 2 0, trace of Mn 2 O, 0-58 Ca 2 0, and 670 water ( = 100-60), which numbers, if a .small quantity of tho iron bo supposed to exist as protoxide, may be nearly represented l>y the formula 2(M'-'O.M 4 O 3 .2SiO 2 ) + 3aq., or CHLOROPICRIN CHLOROSPINEL. 923 2(M 2 m 6 )Si 2 9 + 3 aq., which is that of a hydrated cordierite. (Eammelsberg's Mineral- ckemie, p. 833.) CHXkOROPXCRXXT. CCPNO 2 . (Stenhouse, Phil. Mag. [3] xxxiii. 53. Ger- hardt and Cahours, Compt. chim. 1849, pp. 34 and 170.) This compound may be regarded as marsh-gas, CH 4 , in which 1 at. H is replaced by NO 2 , and 3 more by chlorine. It is produced : 1. By the distillation of picric acid, styphnic acid, or chry- sammic acid with chloride of lime and water : hence also when the bodies which yield either of these three acids by treatment with nitric acid are first boiled with nitric acid and then distilled with chloride of lime. To these belong : creosote, salicin, indigo, cumarin, the yellow resin of Botany Bey, liquid storax, benzoin, Peru-balsam, galbanum, gum assafcetida, ammoniacum, purree, aloes, extract of Campeachy wood, log-wood, fustic, red sandal-wood, &c. Lastly, Dammara resin, and the chlorinated resin formed in the decomposition of usnic acid by chlorine, likewise yield chloropicrin, when treated with nitric acid and chloride of time. 2. By treating picric acid with chlorine water or aqua-regia, or a mixture of chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid. To prepare it, aqueous picric acid is distilled with chloride of lime till, after about a quarter of an hour's boiling, no more heavy oil passes over with the water. Should the residue be still yellow, it must be redistilled with fresh chloride of lime. The oil is separated from the watery distillate, washed with water to which a little carbonate of magnesium has been added, dried by placing it over chloride of calcium, and rectified. Chloropicrin is a transparent, colourless, strongly refracting oil, of specific gravity 1-6657, boiling at 120 C. Its odour, in the dilute state, is peculiarly aromatic, but in the concentrated state very sharp, and attacks the nose and eyes less persistently, but quite as violently, as volatile chloride of cyanogen and oil of mustard. It is neutral to vegetable colours. It dissolves sparingly in water, very easily in alcohol and ether. Chloropicrin sustains without alteration a heat of 150 C. ; but when passed through a red-hot tube, it is completely decomposed, yielding nitric oxide, chlorine, and tri- chloride of carbon. A small piece of potassium gently heated in the oil, causes strong explosion : at ordinary temperatures, it forms in a few days chloride and nitrate of potassium. Chloropicrin is not decomposed by aqueous potash, even after prolonged contact ; but alcoholic potash gradually decomposes it, forming chloride and nitrate of potassium. Aqueous ammonia exerts scarcely any action upon chloropicrin ; but with ammoniacal gas or alcoholic ammonia, it forms chloride and nitrate of ammonium. It is not acted upon by sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid, even at the boiling heat. BROMOPICRIN. CB^NO 2 . (Stenhouse, Phil. Mag. [4] viii. 36.) Obtained, like chloropicrin, by distilling picric acid with solution of hypobromite of calcium (lime- water containing bromine), and purified by washing with carbonate of sodium, agita- tion with mercrury, and digestion (not distillation) with chloride of calcium. It is a colourless liquid, heavier than water, having the acrid odour of chloropicrin. It is in- soluble in water, easily soluble in alcohol and ether. It may be heated to its boiling point (above 100 C.) without decomposition, but is then decomposed, with evolution of brown-red vapours, even in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride. At a higher temperature, it decomposes with slight explosion. The alcoholic solution is slowly precipitated by nitrate of silver in the cold, immediately when heated. CHIiOROPIATISrATES. Compounds of dichloride of platinum with the moro basic metallic chlorides, or with the hydrochlorates of organic bases : e.g. Chloroplati- nate of ammonium, NH'CLPtCP; Chloroplatinate of Strychnine, C^H 22 N 2 2 .HCl.PtCP. (See PLATINUM.) CHXiOROPXiATX&XTXZS. Compounds of protochloride of platinum with more basic metallic chlorides: Chloroplatinite of potassium, KCl.PtCl. (See PLATINUM.) CHXiORORHOX>ATX2S. Compounds of sesquichloride of rhodium with more basic chlorides, e. g. CMororhodate of ammonium, 2NH 4 C1.B 2 C1 3 . CHXiORORUBXCT. See KUBIAN and MADDER. CHXiOROSAXiZCZir. See SALICIN. CHXiOROSAIiXGENXXT. See SALIGENIN. CHXiOROSAXVXXX>E. Syn. with HYDRIDE OF CHLOROSALICYL. (See SALICYL.) CHXiOROSPXWEXi. A grass-green spinel from Slatoust in the Ural, of specific gravity 3 '591 3'594. It contains, according to two analyses by H. Hose (Pogg. Ann. i. 620) : A1 4 3 Fe 4 s Mg 2 Cu 2 Ca 2 64-13 8-70 26-77 0-27 0-27 = 100-24 57-34 14-77 27-49 0-62 = 100-22 whence the formula Mg 2 0.(Al 4 O 3 ; Fe 4 3 ) or Mg(Al ; Fe) 2 2 . It is distinguished from Ceylonite (p. 843) by the absence of ferrous oxide. 924 CHLOROSTRYCHNINE CHOLESTERIC ACID. CHLOROSTRYCHNIWE. See STRYCHNINE. CHLOROSTYRACIl\r. See STYRACIN. CHXiOROSTTCCXC ACIB. An acid obtained by the metamorphosis of perchlori- nated succinate of ethyl. (See Succmic ETHERS.) CHLOROSUCCIItflMIDE. See SuCCINIMIDE, CHLOROTEREBElvrE. See TEREBENE. CHLGRO SULPHURIC ACXB. See SULPHTTRYL, CHLORIDE OF. CHXiORO VAI.ERISIC ACID. Syn. with TRICHLORO VALERIC Aero. (See VA- LERIC ACID.) CHXiOROVAXiEROSXC ACID. Syn. with TETRACHLOROVALERIC ACID. CHLOROXALOVINIC ACID. See OXALIC ETHERS. CHLOROXA1VIETHANE. Syn. With PENTACHLORINATED OxAMATE OF ETHYL. (See OXAMIC ETHERS.) CHliOROXETHlBE. Syn. with CHLOROXALOVINIC ANHYDRIDE. (See OXALIC ETHERS.) CHLOROXETHOSE. C 4 C1 6 0. (Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xvi. 19. Ob- tained by the action of monosulphide of potassium on perchloric ether : 2K 2 S = 4KC1 + S 2 + C 4 C1 6 0. To prepare it, 50 pts. of monosulphide of potassium are heated with 16 pts. of per- chloric ether and 200 pts. of alcohol of 95 per cent. Chloride of potassium is then de- posited ; the liquid assumes a dark colour ; and after a day, the deposit of chloride of potassium becomes covered with crystals of sulphur. On adding water to the liquid, chloroxethose separates in the form of an oil. It is a colourless, limpid, oily liquid, having an agreeable odour like that of meadow- sweet, and a saccharine taste. Specific gravity 1-654 at 20 C. Boils at 210 C. with slight decomposition. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether. It is altered after some time by exposure to the air. It is not attacked by alkalis or by ordinary nitric acid; but nitric acid of specific gravity 1-5 attacks it strongly when heated. On exposing it to sunshine in an atmosphere of chlorine, crystals of perchloric ether make their appearance after a few days : C 4 C1 6 + Cl 4 = C 4 C1 10 0. It likewise absorbs bro- mine in sunshine, producing perchlorobromic ether. Exposed to the action of chlorine under a layer of water, it yields hydrochloric and trichloracetic acids : C 4 C1 6 + Cl 4 + 3H 2 = 4HC1 + 2C 2 HC1 3 2 . CHXiOROXYNAPHTHAXiIC ACID. See OxYNAPHTHALIC AciD. CHOCHOCA. A name applied by the natives of South America to dried potatoes prepared by exposing the peeled and boiled tubers to the alternate action of frost and sunshine. CHODNEFFITE. Syn. with CRYOLITE. CHOX.ACROX.. C 8 H 10 N 4 13 = C 8 H 10 (N0 2 ) 4 5 (?) A product of the action of nitric acid upon bile. This action gives rise to both fixed and volatile products. The volatile substances formed are capric, caprylic, valeric, and butyric acid, together with an oily body which, when treated with strong caustic potash, is resolved into nitro- cholic acid and cholacrol, which latter may be separated from the saline solution by decantation. It is an oily neutral body having a strong odour ; dissolves sparingly in water, freely in alcohol and ether ; when heated, it decomposes with slight explosion. (Redtenbacher, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivii. 145.) CHOXiAXiXC ACIB. C 24 H'0 5 . Syn. with cholic acid, the non-azotised acid obtained by the action of alkalis on tauroeholic and glycocholic acids. (See CHOLIC ACID.) CHOIiEIC ACZB. Syn. with TATJROCHOLIC ACID, the sulphuretted acid of bile. CHOX.ESTERZC ACIB. C 8 H 10 5 . This acid is produced, together with cho- loi'danic acid, oxalic acid, several volatile acids, and a resinous substance, by the action of nitric acid on cholesterin. Choloi'dic and glycocholic acids treated with nitric acid yield the same products. To prepare it, cholesterin is treated with nitric acid in a retort, the distilled liquid being frequently poured back, whereby a resinous mass is produced, which slowly dissolves after prolonged boiling with excess of nitric acid. The liquid, when sufficiently concentrated in the retort, leaves an acid gummy residue, containing a large quantity of cholesteric acid, mixed with choloi'danic acid and a resinous substance ; and this residue, on cooling, separates into two layers, the upper of which consists' of crystalline choloi'danic arid, while the lower, which is viscid, consists chiefly of cholesteric acid containing a little oxalic acid. On saturat- CHOLESTERIN. 925 ing this liquid with ammonia, precipitating by nitrate of silver, and boiling the preci- pitate with water, cholcsterate of silver is deposited in crystalline crusts, which, when decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, yield the acid. Cholesteric acid is a yellowish gummy solid, resembling tlae gum of the cherry-tree. It is deliquescent; very soluble in water and alcohol; has an acid, bitter, and astrin- gent taste, and is decomposed by distillation, giving off bitter vapours and leaving a considerable quantity of charcoal. The formula of the cholcsterates is C 8 H 8 M 2 5 . The alkaline and earthy salts are soluble and uncrystallisable ; the cholesterates of the heavy metals are insoluble. CHOLESTERIW. C 26 H 44 0. This substance was first obtained by Conradi, in 1775, from human gall-stones, of which it sometimes constitutes nearly the entire sub- stance. It has been found in human bile by Chevreul (Ann. Chim. xcv. 5 ; xcvi. 166); in the blood by Lecanu (Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixvii. 54), Boudet (ibid. lii. 336), Denis (J. Chim. med. [2] iv. 161), and by Becquerel and Bodier (Gaz. med. No. xlvii.) ; in the brain (Couerbe, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ivi. 281 ; Fremy, ibid. [3] ii. 486), in yolk of egg (Lecanu, J. Pharm. xv. 1; Gobley, ibid. [3] xii. 12), and in certain morbid products of the animal economy, such as cerebral concretions, scirrhous matter of the mesocolon, hydropic liquid of the abdomen, ovaries, testicles, &c. (Lassaigne Ann. Ch. Phys.ix. 324; O. Henry, J. Chim. med. i. 280 ; Caventou, J. Pharm. xi. 462; Lehmann, Lehrb. d. Physiol. Chem. 2 te Aufl. i. 286). The first exact analysis of cholesterin was made by Chevreul, who assigned to it the formula above given. Its metamorphoses have been studied by March and (J. pr. Chem. xvi. 37), Kedtenbacher (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivii. 145), Meissner and Schwendler (ibid. lix. 107; and J. pr. Chem. xxxix. 247), Zwenger (Ann .Ch. Pharm. Ixvi. 5; Ixix. 347), Heintz (Pogg. Ann. 1*. 524), and Berth elot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] Ivi. 51). Cholesterin is easily prepared by crystallising biliary calculi from boiling alcohol, to which a little potash is added to dissolve any fatty acids that may be present. The cholesterin is then deposited in colourless nacreous laminse. To obtain cholesterin from brain, that substance is treated with ether, the ethereal extract boiled with alcoholic potash, and the liquid left to cool. It then deposits cholesterin mixed with cerebrate and phosphate of potassium, from which the cholesterin may be dissolved out by ether. Cholesterin is white, tasteless, inodorous, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, but dissolves very easily in boiling alcohol, from which it separates on cooling in beautiful crystalline nacreous laminae, soft to the touch, and melting at 137 C. It dissolves also in ether, wood-spirit, oil of turpentine, soap- water, and neutral fats. A solution of cholesterin in a mixture of 2 vols. alcohol and 1 vol. ether deposits by spontaneous evaporation laminated transparent crystals of hydrate of cho- lesterin, C- 6 H I4 + IPO, which give off their water at 100 C. Cholesterin resists the action of concentrated alkaline solutions even at the boil- ing heat ; but lime decomposes it at about 250 C., hydrogen being given off and the cholesterin being converted into an amorphous fatty body nearly insoluble in alcohol. Cholesterin is attacked by chlorine and bromine, yielding substitution-products ; the Marine compound is C^H^CPO. For the action of nitric acid upon cholesterin, see CHOLESTERIC ACID. Cholesterin sublimes without alteration at 200 C., but decomposes at a higher tempe- rature, yielding several oily products and a solid body. When distilled in a retort, it yields a carbonaceous residue and a neutral oily liquid insoluble in potash, from which a second distillation with water separates a volatile oil having the agreeable odour of geraniums. When strong sulphuric acid is gradually added to a slightly heated mixture of cho- lesterin and dilute sulphuric acid, the cholesterin becomes soft, acquires a deep red colour, and decomposes, giving off all its oxygen in the form of water, and is changed, without evolution of gas, into three isomeric hydrocarbons, which Zwenger designates as cholesterilin, a, b, and c ; they are insoluble in water, and may be freed from sul- phuric acid by washing with that liquid. These hydrocarbons are easily cry stalli sable, and like cholesterin are remarkable for possessing high melting points, a has an earthy aspect, melts at 240 C., and is nearly insoluble in alcohol, very sparingly so- luble in ether ; b forms shining scales melting at 255, moderately soluble in hot ether ; if kept in the fused state it loses the power of crystallising ; c is resinous without appearance of crystallisation, and melts at 127, it is also so]uble in hot ether. With concentrated phosphoric acid, cholesterin forms two compounds, called chol es- ter one, a and j8, isomeric with each other, but differing in physical properties. Cho- lesterone o forms very brilliant rectangular prisms, melting at 68 C., and distilling almost without alteration ; easily soluble in alcohol and ether. The modification forms small silky needles sparingly soluble in ether, nearly insoluble in alcohol. The composition of cholesterilin and cholesterone agrees nearly with the formula 926 CHOLESTROPHANE CHOLIC ACID. are> therefore, either isomeric or polymeric. Their formation from cho- lesterin is represented by the equation : . C 26 H 44 - H 2 = C 26 H 42 . This decomposition shows that cholesterin partakes of the nature of an alcohol ; it is, in fact, homologous with cinnamic alcohol, and its formula may be written C 2G H 43 .H.O. Heated with acetic, butyric, benzoic, and stearic acids, it forms compound ethers, with elimination of water ; thus with stearic acid : C 18 H 35 ) n C 26 H ) n C 18 H 35 > n ^ -^ H { + H | = C 26 H 43 [+'* Stearic Choles- Stearate of acid. terin. cholesteryl. These ethers are prepared in the same manner as the glycerides, and are purified by boiling the product with eight or ten times its volume of alcohol, which extracts the unaltered cholesterin, and crystallising from boiling ether. Benzoate of Cholesteryl, C 38 H 48 2 = C 7 H 5 O.C 26 H 43 .0, crystallises in small shining micaceous laminae, which melt between 125 and 130 C., dissolve with moderate facility in ether, very sparingly in boiling alcohol. The butyratc, C 4 H 7 O.C 2C H 43 .O, is easily fusible, somewhat soluble in hot alcohol. The stearate, C 18 H 35 O.C 2(i H 43 .0, crys- tallises in small shining needles, having a neutral reaction, sparingly soluble in cold ether, nearly insoluble in alcohol even at the boiling heat. The acetate has likewise been formed, but is difficult to purify, being more soluble in alcohol than the preceding compounds. (Berthelot.) CHOLESTROPHAWE. C 5 H 6 N 2 3 . The name given by Rochleder to the final product of the action of chlorine on caffeine (q. v.), called also nitrothdne by Stenhouse, and regarded by G-erhardt as dimethylparabanic acid, C 3 (CH 8 ) 2 N 2 3 . It is also ob- tained by the action of nitric acid upon caffeine. It is soluble in alcohol, and crystal- lises in iridescent scales, which sublime at 100 C. Boiled with potash it yields carbonate and oxalate of potassium, and gives off ammonia (according to Rochleder), or rather methylamine. CHOLIC ACID. Cholalic Acid* C 24 H 40 5 . This acid was discovered by De- mar9ay in 1838 (Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvii. 177), further examined by Theyer and Schlosser (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlviii. 77 ; 1. 235), and finally by Strecker (ibid. Ixv. 9 ; Ixvii. 1 ; Ixx. 161, 166). It is produced by the action of alkalis on the acids of bile, viz. glycocholic and taurocholic acids, the decomposition taking place in the manner represented by the equations : C 26 H 43 NO a + H 2 = C 24 H 40 5 + C 2 H 5 N0 2 . Glycecholic Cholic Glycocine. acid. acid. C 26 H 45 NS0 7 + H 2Q = C 24 H 40 5 -r C 2 H 7 NS0 3 . Taurochloric Cholic Taurine. acid. acid. Cholic acid does not exist ready formed in normal bile, but is produced from the nitrogenised acids of bile during the putrefaction of that liquid after its removal from the body. Similar changes appear also to take place within the body in certain states of disease ; hence, according to Thudichum, it occurs in gall-stones (p. 588). The easiest mode of preparing cholic acid is to boil the resinous acids precipitated by ether from an alcoholic solution of bile (p. 585) with baryta-water in a retort having its neck directed upwards, adding as much hydrate of barium as will dissolve in the boiling liquid, and continuing the ebullition for about twelve hours. The crys- talline mass of hydrate and cholate of barium obtained on cooling, is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, the cholic acid then separating as a glutinous resin, while chloride of barium remains in solution. The cholic acid is suffered to remain in the liquid till it is completely solidified, a few drops of ether being added to accelerate the process, after which it is washed with cold water, dissolved in boiling alcohol or ether, and the solu- tion left to crystallise. Potash may be used in the preparation instead of baryta, but it is less advantageous. Cholic acid has a bitter taste, with slight saccharine aftertaste. It crystallises in two different forms, and with different quantities of crystallisation- water, according as it is deposited from alcohol or ether. a. 2C-'II 40 5 .5H 2 0. This hydrate is deposited from boiling alcohol. It forms tetrahedral or more rarely octahedral crystals, belonging to the dimetric system. Observed combinations . ooP and P . ooPoo . Katio of principal to secondary axis * Cholic acid is the name originally proposed by Demarcay. Strecker afterwards altered it to cho- lalic acid, reserving the term cholic acid for the nitr genous bile-acid which yields this acid, together with glycot-ine, by decomposition ; but it is m ,re systematic to call this nitrogenised acid glycocholic acid, and retain Demarcay s uame for the non-azotised acid. CHOLIC ACID CIIOLOCHROME. 927 = 07946 ; P : P, in the terminal edges = 116 114'; in the lateral edges = 96 40'. The crystals are colourless, very brittle, and have a glassy lustre. In a dry atmo- sphere they lose their water of crystallisation, and become opaque. They dissolve in 750 pts. of boiling water, in 4000 pts. of cold water, in 20*8 pts. of cold alcohol of 70 per cent., and are very soluble in boiling alcohol. The alcoholic solution becomes milky on addition of water, and after a while deposits shining needles. 1 pt. of cho- lic acid (? the f-hydrate), dissolves in 27 pts. of ether. b. C 24 H 40 5 .H 8 0. This hydrate is deposited from boiling ether,_in crystals belong- ing to the trimetric system, exhibiting the combination ooP . coPoo . P, but having the aspect of monoclinic crystals, in consequence of the predominance of one half of the P-faces in the same zone. Katio of brachy diagonal, macrodiagonal, and principal axis = 0-6036 : 1 : 0-3752. Inclination of faces. P : P = 71 58'; 119 36', and 144 39'; P : ooP = 125 39'; ooP : ooP = 62 15'; ooPoo; ooP = 148 53'. (H. Kopp.) The two hydrates above described seem to contain different modifications of cholic acid ; the dimetric variety gives off all its water at 100 C., and may then be heated to 170 without decomposing, whereas the trimetric modification is not easily dehy- drated at 100, and melts, with decomposition, at 150. The two modifications, how- ever, yield the same salts, and are easily converted one into the other. Cholic acid heated to 200 C. gives off the elements of 1 at. water, and is converted into choloidic acid: C 24 H 40 5 -H 8 = C 24 H 38 4 , and at 290 it is converted in like manner into dyslysin : C 24 H 40 5 - 2H 2 = C 84 H 36 3 . By distillation, it yields a yel- lowish, very acid oil, with only a very slight carbonaceous residue. The oil is soluble in ether and in alkalis : the alkaline solution precipitates metallic salts. Cholic acid dissolves easily in caustic alkalis, also in hot solutions of alkaline car- bonates, expelling the carbonic acid. The CHOLATES, C 24 H 39 M0 5 , have a very bitter taste, sometimes slightly saccharine ; they are soluble in alcohol ; those of the earth- metals and heavy metals are sparingly soluble in water, and may be obtained by precipitation. Cholic acid and its salts give with sulphuric acid and sugar the reaction already described as Pettenkofer's test for bile (p. 586). C ho late of Ammonium, obtained by passing ammonia- gas into an alcoholic solu- tion of cholic acid and precipitating by ether, forms slender needles, soluble in water. It is decomposed by prolonged exposure to the air, with loss of ammonia, more quickly when boiled with water. Choi ate of Barium, C 24 H 39 Ba0 5 , is obtained by dissolving the acid in baryta- water, precipitating the excess of baryta by carbonic acid, and concentrating the fil- trate, as a crystalline pellicle mammellated on the surface, silky in the interior. It dissolves in 30 pts. of cold, 23 pts. boiling water, and in a smaller quantity of alcohol. The solutions are decomposed by a continued stream of carbonic acid. A concentrated solution of cholate of potassium yields a white flaky precipitate with chloride of barium. C ho late of Calcium, is precipitated in thick clots, which crystallise from ether. The copper-salt is a bluish- white precipitate. The lead-salt is white, sparingly so- luble in water, soluble in alcohol and acetic acid. The manganese-salt is a semi- crystalline flocculent precipitate. The mercury-salts are white precipitates, which dissolve slowly by ebullition. Cholate of Potassium, precipitated by ether from its alcoholic solution, or ob- tained by spontaneous evaporation, forms slender needles. From its aqueous solution it is precipitated by strong potash. Cholate of sodium resembles the potassium- salt. Cholate of Silver is obtained as a white precipitate, which partly dissolves on boiling, and crystallises as the solution cools. It blackens slightly at 100 C., dissolves easily in alcohol. CHOXiOCHROX&B. The general name for the colouring matters of bile ; it in- cludes the ordinary brown bile-pigment called cholophsein or biliphsein ; a green substance, cholochloinor biliverdin, produced by oxidation of cholophaein; and cholofulvin or bilifulvin, a yellow substance found in thickened ox-bile. These substances were first examined by Berzelius (Lehrb. d. Chem. ix. 281), afterwards by Simon, Plattner, Schmid, Scherer and Heintz (G-erh. Traite, iv. 532), and Thudichum (British Medical Journal, July 14th, 1860). Cholophain, or the brown pigment, is contained in bile and in the intestinal canal, and is the substance to which excrements owe their colour. In certain states of disease it occurs in the blood, the serous fluids, the urine, and other liquids of the organism, and is the cause of the yellow colour of the skin and the cornea in jaundice. It is 928 CHOLOCHROME CHOLOCHROMIC ACID. most conveniently prepared from gall-stones, of which it sometimes forms the chief part, by exhausting them with alcohol, ether, and boiling water ; washing the residue with hydrochloric acid, then with water ; dissolving it in a weak solution of carbonate of sodium ; and precipitating by an acid. As the cholophsein is very apt to pass into the green pigment by oxidation, it is best to perform all these operations in an at- mosphere of hydrogen (Heintz). From human gall-stones cholophsein may also be extracted by benzene or by chloroform. ( Th u d i c h u m. ) Cholophsein recently precipitated is a brown amorphous substance, becoming darker when dry. It is infusible, insoluble in boiling water ; soluble in boiling alcohol, the solution gradually turning green by contact with the air. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it in small quantity, acquiring a blue colour. On adding excess of ammonia, the liquid immediately acquires a greenish-yellow colour, which is changed to red by nitric acid. Cholophsein contains, according to Heintz's analysis, 60'9 per cent, carbon, 6'05 hydrogen, and 9'1 oxygen, whence maybe deduced the empirical formula, C lb H )8 N 2 4 ' 5 (61-9 C, 58 H, 9-0 N, and 23-2 0). Caustic alkalis and alkaline carbonates dissolve cholophsein with brownish-yellow colour : the ammoniacal solution yields a brown flaky precipitate with chloride of barium or chloride of calcium. A solution of cholophsein in very dilute alcoholic potash assumes a green colour on addition of hydrochloric acid ; and if nitric acid be then added drop by drop, a fine blue colour is produced, which lasts a long time. Cholochlo'in or Siliverdin. This green pigment is produced by the oxidation of cholophsein. An alkaline solution of the latter gradually oxidises by exposure to the air, and, if then treated with acids, yields a green precipitate. Cholochlo'in exists ready formed in ox-bile, and is abundant in that of birds, fishes, and amphibia. Thudichum obtains the green pigment by allowing bile to stand in well-closed bottles for two years, whereupon a putrefactive decomposition ensues (p. 587), and cholochrome is precipitated, together with cholic acid and other substances. The pre- cipitate, after decantation of the liquid, is put into a calico-bag and washed with water as long as the liquid will pass through ; then boiled with alcohol and washed on a filter with large quantities of that liquid, which removes cholic acid and its salts, also fats and fatty acids. The colouring matter then remains, mixed with mucus, from which it may be freed by solution in carbonate of sodium. The alkaline solution, treated with hydrochloric acid, throws down a substance of a fine green colour, which however is probably still somewhat impure. Cholochlo'in is destitute of taste and odour. It does not melt when heated, but decomposes at a high temperature, leaving a large quantity of carbon. It is insoluble in cold, slightly soluble in boiling water ; easily soluble in alkalis, also in alcohol. According to Heintz, cholochlom contains 60-04 per cent. C, 5'84 H, 8-53 N, and 25-59 O, whence is deduced the empirical formula C 8 H 9 N0 2 ' 5 , requiring 60-38 C, 5-66 H, 8-80 N, and 25'16 O. Cholochlom forms with baryta a green amorphous compound, containing 2 7 '3 per cent, baryta. The formulse of cholophsein and cholochlom, as deduced from their analyses, are very uncertain. Thudichum found 60 to 62 per cent, carbon in cholophsein from gall- stones, and as much as 66 per cent, in that prepared from bile. Probably both modifications contain the same number of carbon-atoms, the green compound contain- ing more oxygen than the brown : thus cholophsein = C 8 H 9 N0 2 ' 25 , and cholochloin C 9 H 9 N0 2 ' 5 , or possibly C 8 H 9 N0 8 and C 8 H 9 N0 8 . CHOZiOCHROZVXZC ACID. When nitric acid containing nitrous acid, is added to a dilute solution of cholochrome (either brown or green) in an aqueous alkali, the colour of the liquid changes to green, blue, violet, red, and finally to yellow. These changes of colour are connected with the formation of a non-azotised acid, which, ac- cording to Thudichum, may be obtained by passing nitrous acid vapours into water in which cholophsein is suspended. Effervescence then takes place, arising from evolution of nitrogen ; the colour of the bile-pigment changes from brown to red ; and on subsequently shaking it up with ether, a red solution is obtained, which on evaporation leaves a pink syrupy residue, consisting of the non-azotised acid, cholochromic acid. It dissolves easily in chloroform, and the solution, when evaporated in an atmosphere of coal-gas, and afterwards left to stand for some days in a flask filled with the same gas, deposits the acid, partly in flat rhombic octahedrons, partly in groups of radiating needles, partly as an amorphous mass. Thudichum assigns to this acid the formula C }6 H*0 7 , or C 9 H 8 3 ' 5 . It should perhaps be C 8 H 8 3 , in which case its formation from cholophsein might be represented by the equation : the reaction being that of nitrous acid on an amic acid (p. 168). Cholochromic acid is nearly insoluble in cold water, but easily soluble in alcohol : CHOLOIDANIC ACID CHOLONIC ACID. 929 the solution has an acid reaction, and precipitates metallic salts. The lead-salt has a red, the silver-salt a pink colour. ACID. C 16 H 24 7 (?) The residue in the retort obtained in treating choloi'dic acid with nitric acid, separates on cooling into two layers, the upper of which is crystalline, and consists of choloidanic acid. The crystalline crust is drained on a funnel containing pounded glass, and purified by recrystallisation from boiling water. Should the residue in the retort be merely a resinous mass, it must be further subjected to the action of nitric acid, which will finally convert it into the crystalline acid. Cholo'idanic acid crystallises in long hair-like prisms, which, after drying on paper, have the aspect of asbestos. It is nearly insoluble in cold water, and but sparingly soluble in boiling water ; easily soluble in alcohol : the solutions are acid. It does not lose weight at 100 C.; but at a higher temperature it blackens and gives off an acrid acid vapour. It dissolves without alteration in hot nitric or hydrochloric acid. Cholo'idanic acid requires a large quantity of alkali to saturate it The choloidanates of the alkali and alkaline earth-metals are soluble in water ; the rest are insoluble or sparingly soluble. They are all decomposed by washing with water. CHOZ.OZDIC ACID. C 24 H 38 0. This acid was discovered by Demargay, and has been further examined by Theyer and Schlosser and by Strecker (see refe- rences, p. 926). It is produced by the dehydration of cholic acid at 200 C., and, according to the observations of Grorup-Besanez and of Thudichum (p. 587), is one of the products of the putrefaction of bile : hence also it is found in gall-stones. It may be prepared directly from bile by boiling that liquid, dissolved in 12 to 15 pts. water, with excess of hydrochloric acid for three or four hours, and leaving the liquid to cool. Choloidi'c acid then collects at the bottom in a solid mass, which must be several times melted with water to remove the hydrochloric acid, then pulverised, dissolved in a small quantity of alcohol, shaken up with ether to free it from cholesterin and margaric acid, and finally evaporated to dryness over the water-bath. If the action of the hydro- chloric acid be too long continued, dyslysin is obtained instead of choloidic acid (Demargay). Choloidic acid is likewise obtained by digesting bile with oxalic acid. (Theyer and Schlosser.) Choloidic acid is a white non-crystalline substance, which melts in boiling water without dissolving to a sensible amount. After drying it requires a heat of more than 150 C. to melt it. It is very soluble in alcohol; water renders the solution milky, and separates the acid in the form of a resin ; the solution has an acid reaction. It is sparingly soluble in ether. Choloidic acid unites with bases and decomposes carbonates with aid of heat. The chloi'clates of the alkali-metals are soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether ; they have a pure bitter taste without any sweetish after-taste. By evaporation they are obtained in the form of gummy masses. The salts of the earth-metals and heavy metals are insoluble or sparingly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, and are ob- tained in the form of plastic precipitates. The barium-salt, C 24 H 37 Ba0 4 .2H 2 (at 120 C.) is insoluble in water and amorphous. The silver-salt, C 24 H 37 AgO (at 100 C.), is a bulky white precipitate, which undergoes considerable contraction and coloration by drying. Choloidic acid is oxidised by strong nitric acid, yielding a great number of products. If 1 vol. choloidic acid be treated in a tall vessel with 4 or 5 vol. strong nitric acid, the whole distilled to one-fifth, after the first violent action has subsided, cohobating if necessary, and the liquid, when the action has ceased, diluted with twice its bulk of water and again distilled, a distillate is obtained having a very acrid suffocating odour, arising from the presence of a heavy oil, consisting of nitrocholic acid, CH 2 N 4 5 (?), and cholacrol, while on the surface of the watery liquid there floats a light oil, which is a mixture of acetic, valeric, caprylic, and capric acid. The residue in the retort is a yellowish mixture of oxalic, cholesteric, and cholo'idanic acids. (Redtenbacher, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivii. 145.) CHOl,oriC ACID. C-'H 4I N0 5 . (Strecker, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixvii. 1. Mulder, Untersuch. iiber die Galle. Grerh. iv. 722.) This acid, which is homologous with glyco-hyocholic acid (C 27 H"N0 5 ), is produced by the action of strong acids upon glycocholic acid, from which it differs only by the elements of 1 at. water. When a solution of glycocholic acid in strong sulphuric or hydrochloric acid is heated, it becomes turbid and yields oily drops, which solidify and become resinous on cooling ; and by treating this resinous product with baryt,vwater, and decomposing the insoluble barium-salt with hydrochloric acid, cholonic acid is separated, and may be obtained in shining needles by crystallisation from alcohol. Cholonatc of Sodium, C 26 Hy its non-precipitation by mercuric chloride. (See GELATIN.) The aqueous solution of chondrin treated with chlorine, yields a precipitate contain- ing C 16 H 25 C1N 4 (?) (Schroder.) By dry distillation chondrin yields the same products as gelatin (q. v.) Mulder (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxviii. 328) found in chondrin from human cartilage, 49-3 per cent. C, 6-6 H, 14-4 N, and 0*4 sulphur. Schroder also found in chondrin from the cartilages of the cow, 49*3 carbon and 6-6 hydrogen. CHONDRODXTE. Hemiprismatic Chrysolite, Maclureite, Humite, Brwite (in part). A silicate of magnesium containing fluorine ; sometimes occurring in small implanted crystals, but more frequently in crystalline grains or masses of somewhat granular structure, imbedded in granular limestone, as at Purgas in Finland, at Aker and Gulsjo in Sweeden, in Sussex County, New Jersey, in Orange County, New York, and other localities. The variety called humite is from Vesuvius, where it occurs in ejected masses of a kind of granite rock, together with olivine, mica, and magnetite. The crystals belong to the trimetric system, and are often hemihedral in octahedral planes, producing forms of monoclinic character ; ooP : o>P = 94 26'. They are of three types, in which the axes have the following ratios : Macrodiigonal. Brachydiagonal. Principal axis. Type 1 1-4678 : 1 : 1-0805 Type II. . . . . . 1-5727 : 1 : 1-0805 Type in 1-4154 : 1 : 1-0805 Compound crystals also occur. Cleavage indistinct. Specific gravity 3-118 to 3-22. Hardness 6 to 6-5. Colour yellow or brown, inclining to red and green, with waxy or glassy lustre ; more or less translucent. It is scarcely fusible before the blowpipe, gives the reactions of fluorine when heated with sulphuric acid, and with fluxes the CHONDROGEN CHROMATES. 931 reactions of iron and silica. Dissolves in hydrochloric acid, with separation of gelatinous silica. Analyses. 1. Seybert (Sill. Am. J. v. 336. 2, 3, 4. Kammelsberg (Mineral- chemie, p. 443). 5. Fischer (Sill. Am. J. [2] ix. 85. 6, 7, 8. Kammelsberg (loc. cit.} : r,-^n -_o/-v Fe 2 O ' 2-33 3-65 2-35 6-75 5-50 2-40 Ca^O. 2-30 0*70 1-67 1. New Jersey . 2. yellow 3. Pargas, yellow 4. grey . 5. New Jersey, red 6. Humite, type I. tvpe II. type 1 1 1. SiQ2. 32-66 33-06 33 10 33-19 33-35 Mg*0. 54-00 55-46 56-61 5450 53-05 CO-08 33-26 36-67 5792 56-83 F. _ HF 4-09 ; H2Q 1-0; K2Q 2'11 7-60 = 99-77 869 = 100-75 9-69 = 104-13 7 60 = 99-50 3-47 = 100-75 5-04 A14Q 3 = 1-06 = 100-38 2-61 = 97-78 These analyses lead to the formula 8Mg 2 0.3Si0 2 = Mg 16 Si 3 M = 2Mg 2 0.3Mg 4 Si0 4 , wherein part of the oxygen is replaced by fluorine ; or the mineral may be represented as made up of the two compounds : Mg 16 Si 3 F 28 , or 16MgF.3SiF 4 = A Mg 16 Si 3 14 , or 8Mg 2 O.3Si0 2 = B and: in various proportions, namely : Chondrodrite from Finland and North America = A 4- 125 Humite from Vesuvius, type I. = A + I8B type II. - A + 27B type III. = A + 36B Chondrodite occurs altered to serpentine at Sparta, New Jersey, with spinel and mica. (Dana, ii. 186.) CHONDROGEM 1 . A name applied to the tissues which yield chondrin when boiled with water, or rather to the substance which may be regarded as the basis of these tissues. CHON3>ROITES. Concretions occurring in the cavities and channels of the animal body which are lined with mucous membranes, especially in the nose, gullet, tonsils, and bronchiae : they are produced, under abnormal circumstances, from the secretion of these membranes, their nucleus being sometimes a solid body accidentally lodged in these cavities. They contain very variable quantities of water and animal matter, together with 50 80 per cent, of phosphate of calcium, 6 20 per cent, car- bonate of calcium, 8 12 per cent, carbonate of magnesium, and small quantities of soluble salts. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. [2] 1196.) CHOWICRITE. A dense non-crystalline mineral from Elba, of specific gravity 2'91, hardness 3. Fracture conchoi'dal. White. Translucent at the edges. Melts with tolerable facility to a greyish- white glass, evolving bubbles of gas at the same time ; blue glass with cobalt-solution. Dissolves slowly in borax, yielding a glass slightly coloured by iron. Easily decomposed by concentrated hydrochloric acid, with separation of silica, not in the usual gelatinous state. According to Kobell's analysis, it contains 12'6 lime, 22*5 magnesia, 1*46 ferrous oxide, 17'12 alumina, 35*7 silica, and 9*0 water, a composition which may be approximately represented by the formula : 9(2M 2 O.Si0 2 ).2(2Al 4 3 .3Si0 2 ) + 12 aq., which by substituting al = f Al, may be reduced to 3M 4 SiO 4 .2aZ 4 SiO 4 + 4 aq. (Rammclsberg* s Mineralchemie, p. 858). Dana regards chonicrite as a variety of pyrosclerite (q. v.) CHRIS iviATIW. A viscid translucent resin from Wettin near Halle, where it occurs as a coating on calcspar in a fissure. It has a shining lustre, and varies in colour from yellow to olive-green. Burns with flame and without odour. (Grermar, Deutsche geol. Zeitschr. i. 40.) CHRISTIANITE. See PnnxiPSiTE. CHROMATES. Chromic acid unites with nearly all bases. The salts are for the most part easily crystallisable and isomorphous with the corresponding sulphates. The chromates of the alkali-metals, and of strontium, calcium, and magnesium, are soluble in water : the others are insoluble, or sparingly soluble. With the alkali-metals, chromic acid forms two series of salts, namely, neutral or normal chromates, MCrO 2 , or M*O.Cr 2 3 , which are yellow, and acid chromates, com- monly called bichromates, 2MCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 , or M 2 0.2Cr0 3 , which have an orange-red colour: a hyperacid chromate, or trichromate of potassium, KCrO^C^O 3 , or K 2 0.3Cr 2 3 , is likewise known. These salts are produced, either by direct saturation of the base- with chromic acid, or by igniting chromic oxide with an alkali and a nitrate or other oxidising agent. The insoluble chromates are obtained by precipitation. Most of them are basic. Those which contain 3 at. basic metal to 1 at. chromium, may be called orthochro- 3 Q 2 932 CHROMATES. mates, WCrO*, or 3M 2 O.Cr*0, the ordinary neutral chromates MCrO 2 , which differ from them by M 2 0, being metachro mates. A solution of an alkaline chromate gives with a salt of barium, lead, or bismuth, a yellow precipitate : with mercurous salts a brick-red, and with se7wr-salts, a red-purple precipitate : all these precipitates are soluble in nitric acid. Chromates boiled with excess of hydrochloric acid, yield a green solution of sesquichloride of chromium. A chromate of alkali-metal boiled with sulphuric acid and a reducing agent, such as sugar, alcohol, or tartaric acid, yields a purple or a green solution of a chromic alum. Cbro- mates heated with sulphuric acid and common salt, give off yellowish-red vapours of oxychlori;le of chromium. The chromates of the less basic metals give off oxygen when ignited, and leave chromic oxide : the acid chromates of the alkali-metals leave a mixture of chromic oxide and neutral chromate. Insoluble chromates fused with nitre, yield chromate of potassium, which may be dissolved out by water. Chromates in solution have a bitter metallic taste, and a poisonous action. CHROMATES OF AMMONIUM. The neutral salt (NH 4 )Cr0 2 , is obtained by eva- porating a mixture of chromic acid with excess of ammonia, or by decomposing chro- mate of barium with sulphate of ammonium. Hirzel (Zeitschr. f. Pharm. 1852, p. 24), gradually adds oxychloride of chromium to excess of ammonia, and evaporates the solution at 60 C. Chromate of ammonium then crystallises out, and may be purified by recrystallisation. It forms lemon-yellow needles, permanent in the air; has a pungent taste and alkaline reaction. It is very soluble in water. Leaves chromic oxide when ignited. Acid salt, 2NH 4 Cr0 2 .Cr 2 3 , or (NH 4 ) 2 0.2Cr 2 O s . Obtained by dividing a solution of chromic acid into two parts ; saturating one with ammonia, then adding the other, and evaporating the whole over sulphuric acid. It forms orange-coloured crystals, perma- nent in the air, soluble in water, and yielding green chromic oxide when ignited. (Eichmond and Abel, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 199.) Darby (ibid. i. 20), by partially saturating chromic acid with ammonia and eva- porating to the crystallising point, obtained a compound of ammonia with chromic anhydride 2NH 3 .Cr 2 3 , which may be regarded as a chromamate of ammonium, ) analogoug to su iphamate of ammonium, Hyperacid salt, 2NH 4 Cr0 2 .5Cr 2 3 + lOaq., or (NH^-'O.GC^O 3 + 10 aq. Brown-yel- low, very efflorescent salt, obtained in ill-defined crystals by evaporating a solution of chromic acid half neutralised with ammonia. (Rammelsberg, Pogg. Ann. xciv. 607.) A compound of chromic anhydride and sal-ammoniac, NH l Cl.Cr 2 8 , is obtained by adding oxychloride of chromium to a strong solution of sal-ammoniac, in crystals having the same form and aspect as the corresponding potassium-compound, but much more soluble in water. (Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Hi. 267.) CHROMATE OF BARIUM. The neutral chromate, BaCrQ 2 , is prepared by pre- cipitating chromate of potassium with chloride of barium or baryta-water. It is in- soluble in water, but dissolves, with reddish-yellow colour, in nitric, hydrochloric, or excess of chromic acid, and is precipitated from the solution by ammonia. It is de- composed by alkaline carbonates and sulphates, even at ordinary temperatures, and more quickly when heated. It is used as a pigment called yellow ultramarine. Acid salt, 2BaCr0 2 .Cr 2 8 , or Ba 2 0.2Cr 2 8 . A concentrated solution of the neutral salt in chromic acid is decomposed by dilution, part of the salt being precipitated, while an acid salt remains in solution, and may be obtained by evaporation in yel- lowish-brown stellate crystals, containing Ba 2 0.2Cr 2 3 + 2 aq., which dissolve slowly in water, with separation of the neutral salt. (Babo, J. pr. Chem. Ix. 60.) CHROMATE OF BISMUTH. When a solution of nitrate of bismuth is added to a moderately concentrated solution of acid chromate of potassium, leaving the latter slightly in excess, an egg-yellow, flocculent precipitate is formed, which afterwards becomes dense and crystalline. It consists of 3Bi 2 3 .2Cr 2 3 or 7Bi 2 3 .4Bi'"Cr 3 6 . It is insoluble in water, may be dried without decomposition at 100 to 125 C., but ac- quires a dark green colour when ignited, and retains this colour after cooling. It dissolves in nitric or hydrochloric acid, forming a deep yellow liquid, which becomes turbid on dilution, from precipitation of basic nitrate or chloride of bismuth. If it be treated with a small quantity of acid, a yellow salt remains undissolved, consisting of Bi*0 3 .2Cr'0 or Bi'OUBi-'Cr'O 8 . The latter may also be obtained by precipitating acid chromate of potassium with a slightly acid bismuth-solution (J. Lowe, J. pr. Chem. Ixvii. 288, 463). According to Pearson (ibid. Ixviii. 255), the precipitate formed in the latter case is Bi 2 3 .Cr 2 O s , and is perfectly insoluble in water, so that it may be conveniently used for the estimation of bismuth. CHROMATES. 933 CHROMATE OF CADMIUM. A basic salt, 5Cd 2 0.2Cr*O f + 8aq., or 3Cd 2 0.4CdCr0 2 + 8aq., is obtained as an orange-yellow precipitate, on mixing a cadmium-salt with neutral chromate of potassium. On adding ammonia, the salt 2NH 4 Cr0 2 .(NH 3 Cd) 2 O + 2aq. is obtained, which crystallises in transparent, bright-yellow, six-sided pyramids, decomposing when exposed to the air or immersed in water. CHROMATE OF CALCIUM. The neutral salt CaCr0 2 + aq., is obtained by dis- solving carbonate of calcium in aqueous chromic acid, or as a light yellow precipitate by mixing concentrated solutions of chromate of potassium and chloride of calcium. It is moderately soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol ; gives off its water at 200 C., and is afterwards very sparingly soluble. The anhydrous salt is used as a pigment. The acid-salt obtained by dissolving the neutral salt in aqueous chromic acid and evaporating, forms red deliquescent crystals, containing 2CaCr0 2 .Cr*0 3 + 3aq. Chromate of Calcium and Potassium, (KCa)Cr 2 4 + aq., obtained by saturating acid chromate of potassium with hydrate of calcium, forms lemon-yellow, silky crystals. C HE o MATE OF CERIUM, CeCrO 2 , is deposited as a yellow powder from a solution of carbonate of cerium in chromic acid. The filtrate yields on evaporation an acid salt in red prisms, soluble in water. CHROMATE OF CHROMIUM. The brown oxides of chromium intermediate be- tween the sesquioxide Cr 4 3 , and chromic anhydride, Cr 2 3 , may be regarded as com- pounds of these two in various proportions, that is, as chromates of chromium. (See CHROMIUM, OXIDES OF.) CHROMATE OF COBALT Solutions of cobalt-salts form with chromate of potas- sium, a light red-brown precipitate containing, according to Sarzeau and Malaguti (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] ix. 431), Co 3 Cr0 3 + 2aq., which is the formula of an orthochromate. CHROMATES OF COPPER. When impure cupric hydrate is immersed in a strong solution of chromic acid, a brown solution is formed which deposits a brown powder, probably a tetrabasic salt, 4Cu 0.2Cr'-0 3 , or 2Cu 2 0.4CuCr0 2 (Droge, Ann. Ch.Pharm. ci. 89). The solution filtered through asbestos, and evaporated over oil of vitriol, yields, after a while, green crystals, consisting, according to Kopp (ibid. Ivii. 386), of cupric sulphate in which part of the sulphuric acid is replaced by chromic acid (H 2 S0 4 by H 2 Cr 2 4 , or S by Cr 2 ). The mother-liquor decanted therefrom, is free from sul- phuric acid, and yields by evaporation, acid cupric chromate, 2Cu 2 Cr0 2 .Cr 2 3 + 2 aq., in brown-black, deliquescent crystals, soluble in alcohol and in ammonia. The aqueous solution deposits on boiling a brown insoluble salt. The crystals give off their water at 100 C., and at a red heat the salt is completely decomposed. The tetrabasic salt above mentioned is deposited as a chocolate-brown precipitate, contain- ing 5 at. water, on mixing a boiling solution of neutral chromate of potassium with basic sulphate of copper. (Malaguti and Sarzeau.) An ammonio-chromate of copper, 5NH 3 .Cu 2 0.4CuCr0 2 + aq., is obtained in dark green prismatic crystals, by passing ammonia-gas into water in which tetrabasic chromate of copper is suspended, and cooling the liquid below C. It soon gives off its ammonia when exposed to the air : and is resolved by water into insoluble basic chromate of copper, and a basic ammonio-chromate which dissolves in the water with emerald- green colour. The same basic ammonio-chromate is obtained by treating acid cupric chromate with ammonia. Chromate of Copper and Potassium, K 2 0.3Cu 2 0.3Cr 2 3 + 3aq., or CuHO.(KCu 2 Cr'O -r aq., is obtained by treating recently precipitated cupric hydrate with solution of acid chromate of potassium, or by mixing a solution of cupric sulphate with acid chromate of potassium, and gradually adding caustic potash. The product is a light brown powder, consisting of microscopic, translucent, six-sided tablets, nearly insoluble in water, but dissolving with deep green colour in ammonia or carbonate of ammo- nium. The solution, if saturated while hot, deposits on cooling green prisms having a strong lustre. CHROMATE OF G-LUCINUM is a yellow insoluble precipitate. CHROMATE OF IRON. Aqueous chromic acid digested with moist ferric hydrate, yields a brown solution, containing Fe 4 3 .4Cr 2 3 . The solution is not rendered turbid either by dilution or by boiling, and yields on evaporation a brown resinous residue, soluble in water and in alcohol. The basic salt is a brown powder, which is resolved by water into ferric oxide and chromic acid. CHROMATES OF LEAD. The neutral or metachromate, PbCrO 2 , is found native as Red-lead ore, Crocoisite, or Lehmannitc, in monoclinic prisms, in which the ratio of the orthodiagonal, clinodiagonal, and principal axis is as 1-041 : 1 : 0-96, and the inclina- tion of the principal axis to the clinodiagonal, 77 30'. The predominant faces are generally ooP and -P. Cleavage most distinct parallel to ooP. Specific gravity 6-9 to 6-1. Hardness 2*5 to 3. The crystals are translucent and of a yellow colour, 3 o 3 934 CHROMATES. with various shades of bright hyacinth-rod ; streak orange-yellow. Sectile. It occurs ia decomposed gneiss or granite, at Nisehne Ta-rilsk in the Ural, in Brazil, at Retzbanya in Hungary, at Moldawa in the Bannat, and in Luzon, one of the Philippine Isles. Neutral chromate of lead is obtained as a light yellow insoluble precipitate, by mixing a dilute solution of a neutral lead-salt with neutral or acid chromate of potas- sium ; concentrated solutions yield an orange-yellow precipitate. It may also be ob- tained by decomposing sulphate or chloride of lead with chromate of potassium. It is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in nitric acid, easily in potash. At a moderate heat, it melts without decomposition to a brown mass, exhibiting a radiated structure when cold, and yielding a dark yellow, slightly hygroscopic powder. At a full red heat, it gives off oxygen, and is reduced to a mixture of basic chromate of lead and chromic oxide. Heated in a stream of hydrogen gas, it gives up 12 per cent, oxygen, and is reduced to a mixture of chromic oxide and metallic lead, which when heated in a stream of oxygen takes up 7 per cent, of that gas. (On the use of ehromate of lead in organic analysis, see pp. 227, 232.) Chromate of lead is much used as a pigment, known as chrome-yellow, also lemon-yellow, Leipzig ydlow, Paris yellow, &c. The finer sorts are prepared by preci- pitation, the commoner kinds by decomposing carbonate, chloride, or sulphate of lead (obtained as a by-product in the preparation of alum-mordants), with chromate of potassium. According to Anthon, 100 pts. sulphate of lead require for decomposition 25 pts. of red chromate of potassium, and 100 pts. chloride of lead require 27 pts. of red chromate. Chrome-yellow exhibits various shades of red and yellow, according to its mode of preparation : it is often mixed with chalk, gypsum, heavy spar, clay, sulphate of lead, &c. Cologne ydlow is a mixture of chromate and sulphate of lead with sulphate of calcium, obtained by precipitating a mixture of the nitrates of lead and calcium with a mixture of sulphate of sodium and chromate of potassium. It is not altered by exposure to air or light ; sulphuretted hydrogen turns it brown ; proto- chloride of tin and sulphurous acid reduce it ; alkalis turn it orange or red, by forma- tion of basic chromate of lead. It is used as an oil or water-colour, for lacquering, and may be mixed with many other colours without decomposition ; with Prussian blue it forms a green mixture, called chrome-green, or green cinnabar. In calico- printing, chrome-yellow is formed on the fabrics themselves, by first steeping them in a solution of lead-salt, then in chromate of potassium. For dyeing silk and wool it is not so well adapted. Basic Chromate of Lead. A dibasic or tetraplumbic chromate, 2Pb 2 O.Cr 2 J = Pb*O.2PbCr0 2 , known in the arts as chrome-red, is produced from the neutral chromate by digesting it with caustic alkalis, or with levigated oxide of lead, or by boiling it in the recently precipitated state with neutral chromate of potassium, or by fusing it with nitre. It is of a deep orange or red colour, according to the mode of prepai-ation. The finest vermilion-red chromate is formed when 1 pt. of chrome-yellow is thrown into 5 pts. of nitre in a state of fusion, and the resulting chromate of potassium, together with the excess of nitrate, dissolved out by water: the basic chromate of lead then remains in the form of a crystalline powder (Liebig and Wohler). An orange pigment may be obtained very economically, by boiling the sul- phate of lead, which is a waste product in making acetate of alumina from alum by means of acetate of lead, with a solution of chromate of potassium. The basic chromate of l^ad, forms a beautiful orange upon cloth, which is even more stable than the yel- low chromate, not being acted upon by either alkalis or acids. One method of dyeing chrome-orange, is to fix the yellow chromate of lead in the calico, by dipping it successively in acetate of lead and acid chromate of potassium, and then washing it. This should be repeated, in order to precipitate a considerable quantity of the chroraate in the calico. A milk of lime is then heated in an open pan ; and when it is at the point of ebullition, the yellow calico is immersed in it, and instantly becomes orange, being deprived of a portion of its chromic acid by the lime, which forms a soluble chromate of calcium. At a lower temperature, lime-water dissolves the chromate of lead entirely, and leaves the cloth white. A sesquibasic or hexplumbic chromate, 3Pb 2 O.2Cr 2 3 =. Pb 2 O.4PbCr0 2 , is found native as Melanochro'ite, Phoenicitc, or Ph&nikochroite, at Beresof in the Ural, asso- ciated with crocoisite, vauquelinite, pyromorphite, and galena. It occurs in tabular crystals, apparently belonging to the trimetric system, reticularly interwoven ; cleaving perfectly in one direction ; also massive. Specific gravity 5*75. Hardness 3 to 3'5. It has a resinous or adamantine, glimmering lustre, cochineal or hyacinth-red colour, be- coming lemon-yellow on exposure to the air. Streak brick-red. Subtranslucent or opaque. A chromate of lead and copper, of analogous composition, viz. ^^ > 2 0. 4 (Q^ ) called VauqucUnitr, occurs at Beresof, at Pont Gibaud in the Puy de Dome, and CHROMATES. 935 with the crocoisite of Brazil, in monoclinic crystals, usually minute and irregularly aggregated ; also reniform or botryoi'dal, and granular ; amorphous. Specific gravity do to 578. Hardness 2'5 to 3. It has a dark green to brown colour, sometimes nearly black, with adamantine or resinous lustre, often faint. Streak, siskin-green or brownish. Faintly translucent or opaque. Fracture uneven. Kather brittle. (Dana, ii. 360.) CHROMATE OF LITHIUM, LiCrO 2 , crystallises in orange-yellow, oblique rhombic prisms, easily soluble in water. CHROMATE OF MAGNESIUM, 2MgCrO* + 7 aq., obtained by evaporating a solution of magnesia in chromic acid, forms lemon-yellow crystals isomorphous with sulphate of magnesium. Specific gravity = 1'66 at 15 C. Chroniate of Magnesium and Ammonium, Mg(NH 4 )Cr 2 4 4- 3aq., is isomorphous with the corresponding sulphate. CHROMATES OFMANGAN E SE. A manganic salt, 3(Mn 4 3 .Cr 2 O s ).Cr 4 3 + 6 aq., is precipitated on mixing sesquichloride of manganese with chromate of potassium. (Fairrie, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 300.) A basic manganous chromate, 2Mn 2 O.Cr 2 O s + 2aq. =Mn 2 0.2MnCr0 2 , is obtained as a crystalline precipitate on mixing manganous sulphate with neutral chromate of potas- sium. It is brown, translucent, and dissolves with orange-yellow colour in sulphuric and nitric acids (Waring ton, Ulnstitut, No. 513, p. 366. Keinsch, Pogg. Ann. Iv. 97). According to Fairrie, it contains chromic oxide. CHROMATES OF MERCURY. Mercuric metackromate, HgCrO 2 , is obtained by boiling equal parts of chromic anhydride and yellow mercuric oxide in water, and gradually evaporating till the mercuric oxide disappears, and red crystals are formed in its place : the mother-liquor yields an additional quantity by concentration. It forms dark garnet-red rhombic prisms, becoming darker -coloured when heated. They are decomposed by water, even in the cold, and completely when heated, yield- ing free chromic acid and amorphous mercuric orthochromate, Hg-'CrO 3 . They dis- solve readily in hydrochloric acid, and potash added to the solution throws down yellow mercuric oxide, or perhaps the orthochromate. Strong nitric acid converts them, in the cold, into an amorphous yellow compound, a large portion however dissolving; moderately strong nitric acid and dilute sulphuric acid act in the same manner, ex- cepting that a larger quantity of the yellow compound remains undissolved. Mercuric orthochromate, Hg s Cr0 3 , or 3Hg 2 O.Cr 2 3 , is obtained as a brick-red pow- der on adding mercuric nitrate to acid chromate of potassium ; or by boiling yellow mercuric oxide with chromate of potassium (Millon). It is also produced, together with a less basic salt, by precipitating the mother-liquor of the metachromate with carbonate of sodium. On boiling the precipitate with soda-ley, an amorphous, yellow, heavy powder is precipitated, which appears to consist of 7Hg 2 0.2Cr 2 3 , or Hg 2 0.4Hg s Cr0 3 . The same salt appears also to be obtained by boiling recently pre- cipitated mercuric oxide with acid chromate of potassium, till it is converted into a brick-red powder, washing this powder repeatedly by decantation, and heating it with moderately strong nitric acid. It dissolves in strong nitric acid only when recently precipitated ; strong sulphuric acid, with aid of heat, converts it into white mercuric sulphate; hydrochloric acid does not dissolve it. (Gout her, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvi. 244.) A tetrabasic mercuric chromate, 4Hg 2 O.Cr 2 3 , or 3Hg 2 0.2HgCr0 2 , of dark violet or brown colour, is said to be obtained by boiling red mercuric oxide with chromate of potassium. When equivalent quantities of basic mercuric chromate and solution of cyanide of mercury and potassium are boiled together for some time, oxycyanide of mercury separates first, and afterwards a compound containing KHgCy 2 and HgCrO 2 . (Geuther.) Mercurous chromate, Hg 4 O.Cr 2 3 = HhgCrO 2 , is obtained as a brilliant red crystalline powder, by boiling the basic salt next to be described, with a small quantity of dilute nitric acid, or the double salt of cyanide of mercury and chromate of potas- sium with mercurous nitrate. Basic mercurous chromate, 2Hg 4 O.Cr 2 3 = Hhg 2 0.2HhgCr0 2 , is obtained as a brick- red powder by precipitating mercurous nitrate with chromate of potassium. Both these salts when heated, give off oxygen and mercury, and leave chromic oxide of a beautiful green colour. CHROMATES OF MOLYBDENUM. The neutral salt dissolves in water with yel- low colour, and yields by spontaneous evaporation, white, scaly, needle-shaped crystals. The acid salt dries up to an amorphous brown mass. The solution of either salt mixed with ammonia yields a precipitate of basic chromate of molybdenum. CHR/>MATE OF NICKEL. Hydrate and carbonate of nickel dissolve in chromic acid with yellowish-red colour, forming an acid salt (Malaguti and SarzeauX The 3 o 4 9'36 CHROMATES. solution of a neutral nickel-salt boiled with neutral chromate of potassium, yields an amorphous precipitate, consisting of 3NP0.2NiCr0 2 + aq., and having the colour of Spanish tobacco. If this or the soluble salt be covered with ammonia, a heavy yel- low-green crystalline powder, 3NH 3 .NiCrO 2 + f aq. is formed, which is decomposed by air and water. CHBOMATES OF POTASSIUM. Three of these salts are known, viz. : Neutral chromate, monochromate, or} -^^ p 2O3 ^r^CM metachromate of potassium } K O.Cr O , or KCrO* Acid or diehromate . ... K 2 0.2Cr*0 8 , or 2KCrO* Cr 2 3 Hyperacid or trichromate . . . K 2 O.3Cr 2 3 , or KCrO 2 .O 2 8 . The neutral and acid salts are important articles of manufacture, being extensively used in dyeing and calico-printing, and for the preparation of chrome-yellow and chrome-red ; also as oxidising agents : the acid aalt is most used, because it contains a larger percentage of chromic acid. The chromates of potassium are prepared by igniting chrome-iron ore, a compound of sesquioxide of chromium and protoxide of iron, in contact with alkalis and oxidising agents, and lixiviating the fused mass with water. A yellow solution is thus obtained, from which, by quick evaporation, the neutral salt is thrown down in yellow crystalline granules ; and by rodissolving this granular salt in water, and leaving the solution to evaporate slowly, the salt is obtained in regular crystals. The concentrated solution of the neutral chromate, treated with one of the stronger acids, yields the acid chro- mate ; and by evaporating the solution to the crystallising point, picking- ant the crystals of acid chromate from the nitrate or other potassium-salt formed at the same time, and recrystallising several times, the acid chromate is obtained in large tabular crystals of an orange-red colour The process first adopted for the preparation of chromate of potassium, was to cal- cine the ore with nitre; but it may be rendered more economical by substituting carbonate of potassium (pearlash) for a portion of the nitre ; and still more by dis- pensing with the nitre altogether, and effecting the oxidation of the chromic oxide by means of air admitted into the reverberatory furnace in which the calcination takes place. But whether nitre be used or not, the oxidation is still found to be imperfect, because the alkali fuses into a thin liquid, and the chrome-iron ore, being very heavy, sinks to the bottom, and thus remains to a great extent unaltered, especially when the oxidation is effected by contact with the air, an inconvenience which is but imperfectly obviated even by continual stirring. But by adding lime to the mixture, as first pro- posed by Strom eyer, it is rendered less fluid, and a moderate amount of stirring then suffices to keep it well mixed, so that the oxidation takes place with much greater facility. It is found, indeed, that when lime is added, the nitre may be altogether dis- pensed with, and its place supplied by carbonate, sulphate, or chloride of potassium, which are cheaper. Mr. Tilghman has patented a process for the use of felspar as a source of alkali, 4 pts. by weight of that mineral being calcined in a reverberatory furnace, with 4 pts. of lime or an equivalent quantity of chalk, and 1 pt. of chrome- iron ore. Mr. Booth of Philadelphia subjects the chrome-iron ore to a preliminary ignition with coke or other carbonaceous material, whereby the iron is reduced to the metallic state, then removes the iron by means of dilute sulphuric acid, and subjects the chromic oxide thus purified, to calcination with alkali and nitre ; by this means, the portion of oxygen which would be expended in converting the protoxide of iron into sesquioxide, is rendered available for the production of chromic acid. The pro- duction of sulphate of iron incidental to the process tends to defray the expense. Jacquelain prepares acid chromate of calcium from chrome-iron ore, and converts that salt into acid chromate of potassium by double decomposition. The chrome-ore, after being ground to very fine powder and sifted, is mixed with chalk in rotating barrels, and the mixture is spread in a layer 1| to 2 inches thick on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, heated to bright redness for nine or ten hours, and stirred at least every hour. After this treatment, the mixture has a yellowish-green colour, dissolves in hydrochloric acid, and with the exception of a certain quantity of sand, consists essentially of neutral chromate of calcium (CaCrO 2 ) mixed with oxide of iron. This mass is ground to powder by millstones ; the powder is stirred up with hot water, and sulphuric acid is added till a slight acid reaction becomes apparent. The neutral chromate of calcium is thereby converted into acid chromate. The liquid also contains sulphate of iron, which is precipitated in the same vessel by stirring up with chalk, which does not affect the chrome-salt. The precipitate having settled down, the clear solution of acid chromate of calcium containing a little sulphate is run off, and may be used, without further treatment, for preparing by double decomposition, acid chromate of potassiiun, chromate of lead, either neutral or basic, and chromate of CHROMATES. 937 einc. To obtain acid chroffiate of potassium, the solution of acid chrornate of calcium is treated with carbonate of potassium, which throws clown carbonate of calcium in a form easy to wash, leaving acid chromate of potassium in solution, which may then be evaporated and crystallised. The chief advantages of this process are that it requires less stirring than the ordinary method, even when lime is used, and that it avoids the loss of alkali, which always ensues (to the amount of 9 or 10 per cent.) when the mix- ture of chrome-iron ore and potassium-salt is raised to a bright red heat. (For further details on the manufacture of alkaline chromates, see Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, i. 684 ; and Richardson and Watts' Chemical Technology i. [4] 59.) a. Neutral Chromate of Potassi um, KCrO 2 . This salt is obtained by neutrali- sing the acid chromate with an alkali, or by igniting chrome-iron ore with excess of al- kali (p. 936). It crystallises in double six-sided pyramids, belonging to the trimetric system, and isomorphous with sulphate of potassium : hence it is capable of crystallising with the latter in all proportions. It has a pale lemon-yellow colour, an alkaline re- action, and a cooling, persistently bitter taste : it is poisonous even in small doses. Specific gravity 2705 (Kopp). 100 pts. of water at 15 C. dissolve 48 pts. of this salt, and in boiling water it dissolves in all proportions. It possesses great colouring power, 1 pt. of it imparting a distinct yellow tint to 400,000 pts. of water, and a deep yellow colour to 20 pts. of nitre when crystallised therewith. It is insoluble in alcohol, and is precipitated by alcohol from its aqueous solution. The solution yields by eva- poration, red crystals of the acid chromate, and the alkaline mother-liquor after- wards deposits yellow crystals of the neutral salt. The neutral chromate acquires a transient red colour when heated, melts at a higher temperature, and solidifies in the crystalline form on cooling. It is not decomposed by simple ignition, but when heated to redness in contact with charcoal, sulphur, sal-ammoniac, and other reducing agents, it forms chromic oxide together with a potassium-salt. It is decomposed by acids, even by carbonic acid, yielding the acid chromate of potassium. Sulphydric acid and sulphide of potassium decompose it, with formation of chromic hydrate ; sulphurous acid forms at first brown oxide of chromium, then a chromic salt. According to Schweizer (J. pr. Chem. xxxix. 267), arsenious acid forms with it a gelatinous mass, which after drying at 100 C. contains 4K 2 0.3Cr<0 3 .3As 2 5 .10H 2 0. b. Acid Chromate, K 2 0.2Cr 2 3 = 2KCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 . Bichromate of Potash, Red Chromate of Potash. This salt is obtained by treating the solution of the neutral salt with one of the stronger acids, or by precipitating a solution of acid chromate of calcium with carbonate of potassium (p. 936). It separates by rapid evaporation as an orange-coloured crystalline powder, and by slower evaporation in splendid garnet- red tables or prisms, belonging to the triclinic system. It is permanent in the air, reddens litmus, has a cooling, bitter, and metallic taste. Its powerful oxidising pro- perties cause it to exert a poisonous action on the animal economy, both internally and externally : the workmen engaged in its manufacture suffer greatly from malignant ulcers. It dissolves in 10 pts. of water at 15 C., much more abundantly in boiling water ; it is insoluble in alcohol. It melts at a heat below redness to a transparent red liquid, which by slow cooling yields large fine crystals, having the same form as those obtained from the aqueous solution, but crumbling to powder at lower tempera- tures. At a white heat, it gives off oxygen, leaving neutral chromate mixed with chromic oxide. Heated with charcoal, it is reduced, with slight detonation ; paper or calico saturated with the solution and dried burns like tinder when heated. Paper thus saturated acquires a darker colour by exposure to light, but remains unaltered in the dark : hence it may be used in photography. Heated with strong sulphuric acid it gives off oxygen (about 1 6 per cent, by weight), and yields water and potassio- chromic sulphate (chrome-alum). K 2 Cr 4 7 + 4H*SO = 2[(Cr 2 )'"KS 2 8 ] + 4H 2 + 0. It is also reduced when heated with sulphur or sal-ammoniac. Sulphydric acid pre- cipitates from its solution a mixture of chromic oxide and sulphur. Sulphurous acid colours it green without forming a precipitate, from formation of chromic sulphate and hyposulphate. A solution of the salt in boiling hydrochloric acid deposits on cooling chromo- chloride of potassium (p. 938). The solution of acid chromate absorbs a con- siderable quantity of nitric oxide, acquiring a dark colour, and depositing after a while brown oxide of chromium. A concentrated solution of the acid chromate mixed with strong sulphuric acid, yields a deep red precipitate of chromic acid. A double salt, composed of sulphate and acid chromate of potassium,, is obtained by mixing a concentrated solution of the acid chromate with a quantity of sulphuric acid less than sufficient to convert the potassium into acid sulphate. It crystallises on cooling in stellate needles. (Roinsch.) 938 CHROMATES. c. Hyperacid Chromate, or Trichromate of Potassium, K 2 0.3Cr 2 0*, or KCrO 2 .Cr 2 3 , separates from a solution of the acid chromate in ordinary nitric acid prepared at 60 C., in dark red nacreous prisms, of specific gravity 3-631, which blacken when exposed to the air, and melt at 145 150 C. (Graham.) Chromate of Potassium and Ammonium, K(NH 4 )Cr'-0 4 , crystallises from a concentrated solution of acid chromate of potassium saturated with ammonia, and cooled by a freezing mixture, or evaporated over lime, in crystals apparently isomor- phous with sulphate of potassium : when exposed to the air, it gives off ammonia and turns reddish-yellow. (Johnson, J. pr. Chem. Ixii. 261.) Chromate of Potassium with Mercuric Chloride, KCr0 2 .2HgCl, is obtained by mixing the component salts in equivalent proportions, and adding sufficient hydro- chloric acid to redissolvethe precipitate first produced. Small slightly reddish crystals, which form a yellow solution in water. Another salt, 2KCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 .2HgCl, is obtained in red spicular crystals, by mixing acid chromate of potassium and mercuric chloride in equivalent proportions, and leaving the solution to evaporate. (Darby, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. i. 24.) Chromate of Potassium with Mercuric Cyanide, 2KCr0 2 .3HgCy. Light yellow laminar crystals, obtained by evaporating a solution of 1 pt. neutral chromate of potassium and 3 pts. cyanide of mercury. (Darby.) Chromo-chloride of Potassium, KCl.Cr 2 8 analogous in composition to the triacid chromate KCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 , is obtained by dissolving together, with aid of heat, 3 pts. acid chromate of potassium, and 4 pts. hydrochloric acid, avoiding evolution of chlorine. It crystallises in flat, red, rectangular prisms, and is decomposed by solution in water. CHROMATES OF SILVER. The neutral salt, AgCrO 2 , is obtained as a red pre- tipitate by decomposing neutral chromate of potassium with nitrate of silver, or by boil- ing the acid silver-salt with water, whereby it is partly resolved into chromic acid and the neutral chromate, which then separates in crystals green by transmitted light, and yielding a red powder. A solution of the acid salt in ammonia deposits the neutral salt on evaporation, in dark green metallic crusts. Acid Chromate of Silver, 2AgCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 , is obtained by immersing metallic sil- ver in solution of acid chromate of potassium mixed with sulphuric acid, or by precipi- tating the same acidulated solution with a silver-salt. It has the colour of carmine, is partly soluble in water, and crystallises therefrom in triclinic prisms, having a dark brown colour, red by transmitted light, and yielding a red powder. Ammo nio-chr ornate of Silver, 2NH 3 .AgCr0 2 , separates from a hot solution of chromate of silver in ammonia, in yellow, square prisms, isomorphous witli the corre- sponding salts of sulphuric and selenic acid : they give off ammonia when exposed to the air. CHROMATES OF SODIUM. Two of these salts are known, namely, the neutral chromate,~N&CrO' 2 , and the acid chromate, 2NaCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 . Theyare analogous in all respects to the neutral and acid chromates of potassium, and may be prepared in like manner. The neutral salt, which may also, according to Johnson (J. pr. Chem. Ixii. 161), be obtained by saturating a solution of acid chromate of potassium with carbonate of sodium, and leaving it to evaporate at C., crystallises at low temperatures in yellow transparent crystals, containing NaCr0 2 .5aq., isomorphous with Glauber salt: they melt at the heat of the hand, deliquesce rapidly in the air, are easily soluble in water, sparingly in alcohol, and when immersed in alcohol, become opaque from loss of water. The aqueous solution evaporated at temperatures above 30 C., deposits the anhydrous salt. Acid chromate of sodium, 2NaCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 , forms thin, hyacinth-red prisms, very soluble in water. CHROMATE OF STRONTIUM. Light yellow powder, obtained by precipitation ; soluble in hydrochloric, nitric, and chromic acid ; rather more soluble in water than the barium-salt. CHROMATES OF TIN. Stannic chloride forms with chromate of potassium a yel- low precipitate, which becomes brownish-yellow and translucent when dry, and passes into violet stannic chromate when ignited. Stannous chromate is precipitated in yellow curdy flocks, when stannous chloride is added with stirring to excess of chromate of potassium. If the contrary course be adopted, a greenish-white precipitate is formed, perhaps consisting of chromic stannate. The salt leaves a violet residue when ignited. URANIC CHROMATE. Uranic nitrate forms an oehre-yellow precipitate with neutral chromate of potassium. The yellow rough-tasting solution of uranic carbonate in aqueous chromic acid, yields small fiery- red eryslals. The salt melts at a gentle heat, with partial decomposition. CHROME ALUM CHROME IRON ORE. 939 CHROMA TE OF VANADIUM. The brownish-yellow solution of vanadic hydrate in aqueous chromic acid, yields on evaporation, a shining, dark brown, varnish-like mass, which dissolves partially in water, forming a yellow liquid. CHBOMATE OF YTTRIUM. Soluble salt, crystallising in small yellow prisms. CHROMA TE OF ZINC. Sulphate of zinc, mixed with neutral chromate of potas- sium, forms a yellow precipitate of a basic salt. Malaguti and Sarzeau, by treating carbonate of zinc with pure chromic acid, obtained a yellow crystalline basic salt, con- taining 4Zn 2 O.Cr 2 3 (- 5 aq., or Zn 3 Cr0 3 .ZnHO + 2 aq. By boiling this salt with chromic acid as long as anything dissolves, the same chemists obtained a soluble non-crystalline salt, 2Zn 2 0.3Cr 2 O s , or 4ZnCr0 2 .Cr 2 3 . Ammonio-chr ornate of Zinc. The tetrabasic salt repeatedly treated with am- monia, yields yellow cubic crystals, containing 2(ZnCr0 2 .NH 3 ) + 5aq. Soluble chromate of zinc, ZZn*0.8Cr*O", treated with excess of ammonia and then with alcohol, yields a copious precipitate, consisting of microscopic needles containing 5NH 3 .4ZnCr0 2 + 9 aq. (Malaguti and Sarzeau.) Chromate of Zinc and Potassium. The precipitate formed by chromate of potassium in sulphate of zinc, if left for sometime under the liquid, changes to an orange- yellow powder, consisting of the double salt. It is sparingly soluble in cold water, but imparts a yellow colour to a large quantity of the liquid ; in boiling water, it dissolves with deep yellow colour, with separation of a lighter coloured basic salt. When ignited, it leaves a dark brown residue, from which water extracts neutral chromate of potassium, leaving a compound of sesquioxide of chromium and oxide of zinc. (Handw. d. Chem. ii. [2] 1246.) CHROME AXiTTlVX. This name is applied to the double sulphates of chromium and the alkali-metals, analogous in composition to common alum and isomorphous therewith, e.g. potassio-chromic sulphate, K(Cr 2 )"'(S0 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 12H 2 0. CHROME GREE3M. A name applied sometimes to green oxide of chromium, sometimes to the pigment produced by mixing chrome yellow with Prussian blue. (-See CHROMATE OF LEAD, p. 934.) CHROIVTE IRON ORB. Chromic Iron, Chromate of Iron, Chromcisenstein, Eisenrhrom, Ferrochromate. This mineral, which is the most abundant ore of chromium, usually occurs massive, with fine granular or compact structure, forming veins or im- bedded masses in serpentine; more rarely in regular octahedrons, with imperfect cleavage parallel to the octahedral faces. Specific gravity 4-32 to 4*57. Hardness 5'5. Colour brownish-black, or iron-black. Streak brown. Lustre submetallic, inclining to waxy. Opaque. Brittle, with conchoidal or uneven fracture. Sometimes magnetic. Before the blowpipe it does not fuse, but becomes more strongly magnetic. With borax or phosphorus-salt it fuses with difficulty, but completely, to a beautiful green globule. Chrome iron ore belongs to the spinel group of minerals, whose general formula is M 2 O.R 4 S or /-R2V" ( O 2 . The monatomic metal is chiefly iron, but magnesium is generally also present in considerable quantity, and in some specimens a small portion of the chromium appears to exist as chromosum. The sesqui-atomic metal E is principally chromium, but it is replaced to a considerable extent by aluminium, si ml sometimes also by iron (ferricum), so that the general formula of the mineral is C '**' Al 2 '- ' F ^ 2 ' v ^ 2 ' -^ rom *ke num erous analyses tlyit have been made of it, we se- lect the following as samples of the different varieties : a, from Baltimore, Maryland, by Abich (Pogg. Ann. xxxiii. 335); b, from Volterra, Tuscany, by Bechi (Sill. Am. J. [2] xiv. 62); c, from Texas, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, by Franke (Earn- mvlsberg's Miner alchemic); d, from the same, by Garrett (Sill. Am. J. [2] xiv. 46) ; e, crystallised, from Baltimore, by Abich (loc. cit.}; /, from Beresow, Siberia, by Moberg (J. pr. Chem. xliii. 119) : Cr 4 3 . Cr 2 . Fe 4 s . Fe'O . A1 4 3 . Mg 2 . Ni 2 . 98-52 10071 100-36 104-32 99*29 100-45 a b c d e / 65-37 44-23 55-14 63-38 58-25 59-80 1-61 4-39 1-10 0-33 12-06 __ 18-04 35-32 18-02 38-66 20-13 18-59 13-97 20-83 575 11-85 10-93 10-04 9-39 7-45 674 2-28 940 CHROME-MICA - CHROMIUM. Besides the above localities, chrome-iron ore is found in the islands of Unst and Fetlar in the Shetland group, in the Departement du Var in France, in Silesia and Bohemia, at Roraas in Norway, near Kraubat in Syria, abundantly in Asia Minor and the Eastern Urals, and in several parts of North America. It assists in giving the green colour to verd-antique marble. The ore used in this country is obtained chiefly from the Shetland Isles, Norway, and Baltimore, the quantity amounting to 2000 tons an- nually. (Dana, ii. 106; Rammelsberg' s Mincralchemie, p. 172.) CHROME-MXCA. This name was given by Breithaupt to an emerald-green mica with nacreous lustre from the Pinzgau. CHROME-OCHRE. Native chromic oxide. CHROME-RED and CHROME- YEX.I.OW. See CHBOMATES OF LEAD (p. 934). CHROMIC ACID. (pp. 931, 952). CHROMXTE. Syn. with CHROME-!RON ORE. CHROMXTES. Compounds of sesquioxide of chromium with protoxides (p. 951). CHROMIUM. Symbol Or. Atomic weight 26'2. This metal was discovered by Vauquelin in 1797. It is not very abundant, and never occurs in the free state. It is found as sesquioxide (chrome-ochre), as sesquioxide combined with protoxide of iron (chrome-iron ore), as chromate of lead (crocoisite or red lead-spar, p. 934) ; in small quantity in many iron ores, and frequently in meteoric iron ; it is also the colouring principle of many minerals, as the emerald, green serpentine, olivin, &c. The most abundant ore of chromium is chrome-iron. This mineral ignited with al- kalis in presence of oxidising agents, yields a chromate of the alkali-metal ; these salts treated with acids and reducing agents yield sesquioxide of chromium ; and from this substance the metal itself, and many of its compounds, may be prepared. Metallic chromium is obtained by reduction of the oxides or chlorides, as when ses- quioxide of chromium is mixed with one-third of its weight of lamp-black or sugar- charcoal and exposed in a crucible lined with charcoal to the heat of a blast furnace ; the metal is thereby obtained as a whitish-grey mass, which cannot be melted together into a button. Peligot, by heating the violet sesquichloride of chromium with potas- sium, obtained the metal in the form of a dark grey powder. Fremy, by heating the sesquichloride in a porcelain tube and passing vapour of sodium over it in a current of hydrogen, obtained it in very hard shining crystals. Bunsen, by electrolysing a solu- tion of the sesquioxide, obtained the metal in brittle laminae, having the colour of iron and metallic lustre. According to Berzelius, when sesquichloride of chromium is heated in an atmosphere of hydrogen, there is obtained, besides the protochloride, a shining deposit of metallic chromium. Wohler (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxi. 230) obtains metallic chromium by reducing the sesquichloride with zinc. One pt. of the violet sesquichloride, and 2 pts. of a mixture of the chlorides of potassium and sodium (7 pts. chloride of sodium to 9 pts. chloride of potassium) are closely pressed into an ordinary earthen crucible, 2 pts. of zinc are laid on the mixture, and the whole is covered with a layer of the flux. The crucible is then gradually heated to redness, and the mass is kept in a state of fusion, till a hiss- ing noise is heard, and a zinc-flame is observed on removing the cover for a moment. The crucible is then taken out, gently tapped to cause the metal to collect, and left to cool. A good regulus of zinc is then found at the bottom covered with a green slag. This regulus is well washed with water and digested in dilute nitric acid, which dis- solves the zinc, and leaves the chromium in the form of a grey powder, which must be purified by again heating it with nitric acid and washing. By this method Wohler obtained 6 or 7 grms. of metal from 30 grms. of the chloride, the calculated quantity being 10 grms. Magnesium may be used in the reduction instead of zinc, but it offers no particular advantage. With cadmium as the reducing agent, a violent explosion occurred. Chromium obtained by Wohler's process is a light green, glistening, crystalline powder, which, when magnified fifty times, exhibits aggregates of crystals like fir- branches, interspersed with individual crystals of tin-white colour, high lustre, and specific gravity 6'81 according to Wohler, 7'3 according to Bunsen. These crystals, according to Wohler, have the form of a very acute rhombohedron ; but according to Bolley (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 334), who examined them with a magnifying power of 85, they are quadratic octahedrons with acuminated summits and bevelled terminal edges, and very frequently united by fours in the form of a cross. This is the third example known of an elementary body crystallising in the dimetric or quadratic system, the others being tin and boron ; as a general rule, ductile metals crystallise in the monometric or regular system ; brittle metals in the hexagonal system. Wohler's chromium does not exert the slightest action on the magnetic needle. When heated to redness in the air, it acquires a yellow and blue tarnish like steel, and gradually becomes covered with a thin film of green oxide ; but the oxidation is by no means complete. Thrown into a spirit flame fed with oxygen, it burns with sparkling, CHROMIUM: BROMIDES CHLORIDES. 941 but not so brightly as iron. On melting chlorate of potassium it burns with dazzling white light. Melting nitre oxidises it very readily, but without incandescence. In melting carbonate of sodium it remains unaltered. Heated in chlorine gas, it exhibits vivid incandescence. It is but superficially converted into green oxide by ignition in a stream of aqueous vapour free from air. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it readily, with evolution of hydrogen, forming blue chromous chloride. Dilute sulphuric acid does not act upon it at ordinary temperatures, but on applying a gentle heat, a violent action suddenly takes place, and the remaining metal acquires the power of dissolving easily in the most dilute sulphuric acid, even after washing. It is not attacked by nitric acid, either concentrated or dilute. (Wohler.) The properties of chromium differ considerably, according to the manner in which it is prepared, the peculiarity doubtless depending chiefly on the state of aggregation. Peligot's chromium oxidised with great facility, taking fire in the air, even at a heat below redness, and being converted into green sesquioxide. It likewise dissolved in dilute sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, and was oxidised by nitric acid. The crystals of chromium obtained by Fremy belong, according to Senarmont, to the regular system. They were not attacked by any acid, not even by nitromuriatic acid. Chromium may be polished, and then acquires a fine metallic lustre. When pure it is even less fusible than platinum (Deville, Polyt. Centralbl. 1857, p. 605). A frag- ment of it scratches glass ; it is at least as hard as corundum. Chromium unites with bromine, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, cyanogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulphur, also with aluminium and iron. There are two classes of chromium-compounds, into which the chromium enters as the positive or basic ele- ment, namely, the chromous compounds, in which it is monatomic, e. g, CrCl, Cr 2 0, Cr 2 SO ', &c., and the c hromi c compounds, in which it is sesquiatomic e. g. Cr 2 Cl 3 , Cr 4 3 , Cr 4 (SO 4 ) 3 , &c. It likewise forms an oxide or anhydride, Cr 2 3 , in which it is tri- atomic, and to this there corresponds a class of salts, the chromates, into which the PW ) chromium likewise enters as a triatomic radicle, e. g. chromate of lead, p, [ O 2 . CHROMIUM, BROMIDES OF. The anhydrous scsquibromide, Cr 2 Br 3 , may be prepared, like the chloride, by passing bromine-vapour over an ignited mixture of chromic oxide with charcoal and starch-paste. Part of the resulting bromide then sublimes beyond the mass of oxide, while another portion remains therein in crystal- line scales, which, however, are easy to separate. It forms black semi-metallic hexa- gonal scales, translucent with olive-green colour, and exhibiting in one direction a faint red dichroism. It forms a yellowish-green powder when triturated, in which form also part of the compound sublimes during the preparation. It is quite insoluble when pure, but dissolves to a green liquid if mixed with protobromide. It is decomposed by alkalis more easily than the chloride. When gently heated in hydrogen gas, it is reduced to the white protobromide, CrBr, which on exposure to the air quickly de- liquesces to green oxybromide. (Wohler, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixi. 382.) A solution of chromic bromide is obtained by dissolving chromic hydrate in hydro- bromic acid, or by treating chromate of silver with hydrobromic acid and alcohol. The solution yields green crystals, and is easily decomposed by evaporation, with form- ation of oxybromide. CHROMIUM, CHIiORIDES OF. Two chlorides of chromium are known in the free state, viz. CrCl and Cr'Cl 3 . A trichloride, CrCl 3 , may also be supposed to exist, combined with chromic anhydride, in chlorochromic anhydride, CrCl 3 .Cr 2 O s . PROTOCHLORIDE OF CHROMiTiMorCHROMous CHLORIDE. CrCl. (Moberg, Chem. xxix. 175; Peligot, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xii. 527.) This compound is ob- tained by passing hydrogen gas over perfectly anhydrous sesquichloride of chromium very gently heated, as long as hydrochloric acid gas continues to escape. The hydrogen must be previously freed from all traces of oxygen by passing it through a solution of protochloride of tin in caustic potash, then through tubes containing sulphuric acid and chloride of calcium, and lastly over red-hot metallic copper. The protochloride is also formed by passing dry chlorine gas over a red-hot mixture of charcoal and chromic oxide. The first method yields the protochloride in the form of a white, velvety sub- stance, retaining the form of the sesquichloride from which it has been formed ; the second method yields it in fine white crystals, usually mixed, however, with chromic oxide, chromic chloride, and charcoal. Protochloride of chromium dissolves in water, with evolution of heat, forming a blue solution, which rapidly turns green when exposed to the air or to chlorine gas. With potash it forms a dark brown precipitate (yellow, according to Moberg, if the air be com- pletely excluded) of hydrated chromous oxide, which, however, quickly changes to light brown chromosochromic oxide, with evolution of hydrogen. Ammonia forms a sky- blue precipitate, which turns green on exposure to the air. With ammonia and sal- ammoniac, a blue liquid is formed, which turns red on exposure to the air. Sulphide 942 CHROMIUM: CHLORIDES. of ammonium or potassium forms a black precipitate of chromous sulphide. The solu- tion of proto chloride of chromium is one of the most powerful deoxidising agents known. With a solution of neutral chromate of potassium, it forms a dark brown precipitate of chromosochromic oxide, which, however, disappears on the addition of an excess of the protochloride, and forms a green solution. It precipitates calomel from a solu- tion of corrosive sublimate. With cupric salts, it forms at first a white precipitate of cuprous chloride, but when added in excess, throws down red cuprous oxide. It in- stantly converts tungstic add into blue oxide of tungsten, and precipitates gold from the solution of the chloride. A solution of chromous chloride containing zinc, may be obtained, according to Loewel (J. pr. Chem. Ixii. 11), by pouring a solution of the sesquichloride, or of chrome-alum, in 3 to 5 pts. water, made as neutral as possible, into a bottle nearly filled with granulated zinc. Hydrogen is then evolved for some hours, and a fine blue liquid is formed, which, if left to stand in contact with the zinc, continues slowly to evolve hydrogen and deposit a light grey chromous oxychloride, and after four or six months becomes perfectly colourless. SESQUICHLORIDE OF CHROMIUM. Chromic Chloride. Cr 2 CP. The anhy- drous sesquichloride is prepared by igniting an intimate mixture of chromic oxide and charcoal in a stream of dry chlorine gas. A mixture of the oxide with lamp-black is made up into pellets with starch ; these are well baked in a covered crucible, and then in- troduced into another crucible, through the bottom of which there passes a porcelain tube connected with an apparatus for evolving chlorine. Into the mouth of this crucible is fitted a smaller one, placed in an inverted position. The lower crucible stands on the grate of an ordinary air-furnace, and, as soon as the apparatus is filled with dry chlorine, the mixture is heated to bright redness, the firing being so regulated as to keep the upper crucible comparatively cool, so that the chloride as it is produced may sublime into it. When the process is completed, the stream of chlorine must be kept up till the apparatus is cool, to prevent the formation of sesquioxide or protochloride. The sesquichloride is then washed with water to free it from chloride of aluminium derived from the crucible. If it contains protochloride, which is the case if the stream of chlorine has not been strong enough, it will dissolve during washing ( W 6 h 1 e r, Pogg. Ann. xi. 148). The sesquichloride may also be obtained by heating the sesquisulphida in a stream of dry chlorine. (Berzelius.) Anhydrous chromic chloride forms shining micaceous laminae of a beautiful peach- blossom colour, which may be rubbed on the skin like talc. It is quite insoluble in cold water ; but, if boiled in the finely divided state with water, it slowly dissolves and forms a green solution. If the cold water contains in solution a small quantity of chromous chloride, not even exceeding ^^ to y^, the sesquichloride dissolves imme- diately, with evolution of heat, forming a green solution identical with that obtained by dissolving chromic hydrate in hydrochloric acid. This effect is perhaps due to the formation of an intermediate chloride, which is immediately resolved by the action of water into protochloride and the soluble green modification of the sesquichloride, the protochloride thus liberated again acting in the same manner (see p. 943). The addi- tion of a small quantity of stannous or cuprous chloride is said to produce the same effect. Anhydrous chromic chloride is not decomposed by sulphuric acid, either strong or dilute, or by hydrochloric, nitric, or nitromuriatic acid, or by ammonia, carbonate of potassium, or carbonate of sodium : caustic potash attacks it but slightly at the boiling heat. Fused with nitre and an alkali or alkaline carbonate, it yields a chromate and chloride of the alkali-metal. Potassium, zinc, &c., separate metallic chromium from it. Heated in a stream of hydrogen, it yields chromous chloride, and if the heat be strong, metallic chromium is likewise separated. Heated to redness in the air, it gives off chlorine and yields green chromic oxide. By ignition in phosphoretted hydrogen gas, it is converted into phosphide of chromium. Heated with sulphur, or in a stream of sidphydric acid gas, it yields sulphide of chromium. Ignited in ammonia gas, it forms nitride of chromium. By dissolving chromic oxide in hydrochloric acid, or by boiling chromate of lead or silver with hydrochloric acid and alcohol, or even with excess of hydrochloric acid alone, a green solution is obtained, containing the modification of chromic chloride which cor- responds to the green chromic oxy-salts (p. 950). This solution, when evaporated, yields a non-crystalline dark green syrup, which, when heated to 100 C. in a stream of dry air, yields a green mass containing 2Cr 2 CP.9H 2 (Moberg, J. pr. Chem. xxix. 175). The same solution evaporated in vacuo yields green granular crystals containing Cr 2 Cl s .H 2 0. (P e 1 i g o t, ibid, xxxvii. 475.) Hydrated chromic chloride heated to 250 C. in a stream of hydrochloric acid or chlorine gas, gives off its water and yields delicate peachblossom-coloured scales, which are soluble in water and even deliquescent; but, if more strongly heated in either of CHROMIUM: DETECTION AND ESTIMATION. 943 these gases, it begins to sublime, and the sublimed chloride thus obtained is insoluble in water, like that obtained by igniting chromic oxide with charcoal in a stream of chlorine. The anhydrous chloride cannot be obtained by heating the hydrated chloride in the air : for hydrochloric acid is then given off and soluble oxychloride produced, afterwards an insoluble oxychloride, and the residue ultimately consists of green chromic oxide. In this respect, the hydrated sesquichloride of chromium resembles the corresponding compounds of iron and aluminium. Nitrate of silver added to a g r e e n solution of chromic chloride, throws down at first only g of the chlorine ; but on leaving the liquid to stand, or on boiling it, the whole of the chlorine is precipitated. This effect was attributed by Berzelius to the tendency of chromic chloride to form double salts ; by Otto to the solubility of chloride of silver in chromic nitrate. A solution of chromic chloride, corresponding to the violet solutions of the chromic salts of oxygen-acids, may be obtained by precipitating one of these violet salts by an alkali, and dissolving the precipitated hydrate in hydrochloric acid ; also by decom- posing the violet sulphate with chloride of barium. From these solutions nitrate of silver immediately throws down all the chlorine. If, however, the violet solution of the chloride be boiled, it turns green, and after this change the chlorine is but partially precipitated by nitrate of silver. Chromic chloride unites with the chlorides of the more basic metals, forming salts containing MCl.Cr 2 Cl 3 , or MCr 2 Cl 4 , of which however only the potassium, sodium, and ammonium-compounds have been investigated. They are obtained by mixing the cor- responding acid chromates with excess of hydrochloric acid and alcohol, and evaporating over the water-bath till the mass turns violet. The double chlorides thus obtained become green and deliquesce on exposure to the air. Treated with a small quantity of cold water, they dissolve, with deep yellowish-red colour, which in a short time passes into pure chrome-green. If the solution be then left to evaporate, the alkaline chloride separates out, and the chromic chloride remains in the form of a green syrup. These double chlorides belong therefore to the violet modifications of chromic salts, but are decomposed by water into chloride of alkali-metal and green chromic chloride, which does not form double chlorides. The effect of chromous, stannous, and cuprous chlorides in facilitating the solution of anhydrous chromic chloride in water (p. 942) probably depends upon the formation of analogous double chlorides. If the double chloride decomposed by slow evaporation be mixed with hydrochloric acid and evapo- rated to dryness over the water-bath, the double chloride is reproduced. When the dry double chlorides are treated with absolute alcohol, green chromic chloride dissolves, and a rose-coloured salt remains, consisting, according to Eerzelius, of 3MCl.Cr 2 Cl s . CHROMIUM, DETECTION- ATTD ESTIMATION" OP. 1. All compounds of chromium ignited with a mixture of nitre and an alkaline carbonate yield a chromate of the alkali-metal, which may be dissolved out by water, and on being neutralised with acetic acid, will give the characteristic precipitates of chromic acid with lead and silver-salts. The oxides of chromium and their salts, fused with borax in either blowpipe flame, yield an emerald-green glass. The same character is exhibited by those salts of chromic acid whose bases do not of themselves impart decided colours to the bead. The production of the green bead in both flames distinguishes chromium from ura- nium and vanadium, which give green beads in the inner flame only. 2. Reactions in Solution. The sesqui-salts of chromium or chromic salts exhibit two principal modifications, the green and the violet. Ammonia produces in solutions of the green salts, a greyish-green precipitate ; in solutions of the violet salts, a greyish-blue precipitate, both of which however yield green solutions with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. The liquid above the precipitate has a reddish colour, and con- tains a small quantity of chromic acid. Potash and soda form similar precipitates, which dissolve in excess of the alkali, forming green solutions from which the chromic oxide is precipitated by boiling. The alkaline carbonates form greenish precipitates (violet by candle-light) which dissolve to a considerable extent in excess of the reagent, Sulphydric add forms no precipitate ; sulphide of ammonium throws down the hydrated sesquioxide. Zinc, immersed in a solution of chrome-alum or sesquichloride of cliromium, excluded from the air, gradually reduces the chromic salt to a chromous salt, the liquid after a few hours acquiring a fine blue colour, and hydrogen being evolved by decomposition of water. If the zinc be left in the liquid after the change of colour from green to blue is complete, hydrogen continues to escape slowly, and the liquid, after some weeks or months, is found no longer to contain chromium, the whole of that metal being pre- cipitated in the form of a basic salt, and its place taken by zinc. Tin, at a boiling heat, likewise reduces the chromic salt to a chromous salt, but only to a limited extent ; 944 CHROMIUM: ESTIMATION. and on leaving the liquid to cool after the action has ceased, a contrary action takes place, the protochloride of chromium decomposing the protochloride of tin previously formed, reducing the tin to the metallic state, and being itself reconverted into sesqui- chloride. Iron does not reduce chromic salts to chromous salts, but merely precipitates a basic sulphate of chromic oxide, or an oxychloride, as the case may be. Chromous salts are but rarely met with in solution : for their characters, see PROTO- CHLORIDE OF CHROMIUM (p. 942). Chromic acid and its salts are recognised in solution by forming a pale yellow pre- cipitate with barium-salts, bright yellow with lead-salts, brick red with mercurous-salts, and crimson with silver-salts (p. 932). 3. Quantitative Estimation. Chromium is usually estimated in the state of sesquioxide. When it exists in solution as a sesqui-salt, it may be precipitated by ammonia, care being taken to avoid a large excess of that reagent (which would dissolve a portion), and to heat the liquid for some time. The chromic oxide is then com- pletely precipitated, and the precipitate, after washing and drying, is reduced by ignition to the state of anhydrous sesquioxide, containing 69'1 per cent, of the metal. When chromium exists in solution in the state of chromic acid, it is best to precipi- tate it by a solution of mercurous nitrate ; the mercurous chromate thereby thrown down yields by ignition the anhydrous sesquioxide. The chromic acid might also be precipitated and estimated in the form of a barium or lead-salt. Chromic acid may also be estimated by means of oxalic acid, which reduces it to sesquioxide, being itself converted into carbonic acid. The quantity of carbonic anhy- dride evolved determines the quantity of anhydrous chromic acid present, 3 at. CO 2 corresponding to 1 at. Cr 2 s , as shown by the equation : 3C 2 H 2 4 = Cr 4 s + 6C0 2 + 3H 2 0. The mixture may be heated in the carbonic acid flask represented in fig. 5, p. 119. If the object be merely to determine the quantity of chromium present, any salt of oxalic acid may be used ; but if the alkalis are also to be estimated in the remaining liquid, the ammonium or barium-salt must be used. Lastly, chromic acid may be estimated by Bunsen's volumetric method. The chromic acid is decomposed by boiling with excess of hydrochloric acid, whereupon 1 at. chromic anhydride eliminates 3 at. chlorine : Cr 2 8 + 6HC1 = Cr'Cl 8 + 3H 2 + Cl 3 ; and the 3 at. chlorine passed into a solution of iodide of potassium, liberate 3 at. iodine, which is estimated by a standard solution of sulphurous acid, as described under VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS (p. 264), so that 3 at. iodine correspond to 1 at. Cr 2 3 . 4. Separation of Chromium from other Elements. Chromic oxide, in the state of neutral or acid solution, is easily separated from the alkalis or alkaline earths by precipitation with ammonia, care being taken in the latter case to protect the liquid and precipitate from the air. The same method, with addition of sal-ammoniac, serves to separate chromic oxide from magnesia. The separation from the alkaline earths and from magnesia may also be effected by precipitating the whole with an alkaline carbonate, and igniting the precipitate with a mixture of carbonate of sodium and nitre. The chromium is then converted into chromate of sodium, which may be dissolved out, and the solution, after neutralisation with nitric or acetic acid, treated with mercurous nitrate as above. From alumina and glucina, chromic oxide may be separated by treating the solution with excess of potash, and boiling the liquid to precipitate the chromic oxide. The separation is, however, more completely effected by fusing with nitre and carbonate of sodium, treating the fused mass with water, adding an excess of nitric acid to dissolve anything that may be insoluble in water, and precipitating the alumina or glucina by ammonia. Another method of converting chromic oxide into chromic acid, and thereby effecting its separation from the above-mentioned oxides, is to treat the mixture with excess of potash, and heat the solution gently with peroxide of lead. The whole of the chro- mium is then converted into chromic acid, and remains dissolved as chromate of lead in the alkaline liquid ; and on filtering from the excess of peroxide of lead, and any other insoluble matter that may be present, and supersaturating the filtrate with acetic acid, the chromate of lead is precipitated. (Chancel, Compt. rend, xliii. 927.) Chromic acid may be separated from the alkalis in neutral solutions by precipita- tion with mercurous nitrate ; also by reducing it to chromic oxide with hydrochloric acid and alcohol, and precipitating by ammonia. From the earths it may also be separated by this latter method, or, again, by fusing with carbonate of sodium, dissolving out with water, &c. From iron, zinc, nickel, cobalt, uranium, and cerium, chromium may be separated by CHROMIUM : ESTIMATION OF. 945 fusion with nitre and carbonate of sodium, or with the carbonate alone if it is already in the form of chromic acid. Or, again, the separation may be effected by means of potash and peroxide of lead, according to Chancel's method above described. The separation of chromium from manganese cannot be effected immediately in this manner, because the manganese is at the same time converted into manganate or per- manganate of sodium ; but on dissolving in water and adding alcohol to the solution, the manganese is reduced to peroxide and completely precipitated, while the chromium remains dissolved as chromate. From titanium, tantalum, and columbium, chromium, if in the state of sesquioxide, may be separated by fusing the mixture with nitre and alkaline carbonate, extracting with water, reducing the chromium to the state of sesquioxide by boiling with hydro- chloric acid, and precipitating by ammonia. From copper, lead, tin, and the other metals of the first group (p. 217), chromium is separated by sulphydric acid. To estimate chromic acid in presence of sulphuric acid, the chromium is first re- duced to sesquioxide as above ; the sulphuric acid is then precipitated, after conside- rable dilution, by chloride of barium ; the excess of barium is removed by sulphuric acid : and the chromic oxide precipitated by ammonia. When phosphoric acid is present in solution, together with chromic acid, the phos- phoric acid is precipitated as phosphate of magnesium and ammonium, and then the chromic acid by any of the preceding methods. Hydrochloric acid is separated from chromic acid by nitrate of silver, and the excess of silver is removed by sulphuretted hydrogen, the chromic acid being at the same time reduced to sesquioxide, which may be precipitated by ammonia. Silicic acid is separated from chromic acid in the same manner as from all other substances, and the chromium is afterwards precipitated as oxide. When sesquioxide of chromium and chromio acid occur together in solution, the chromic acid may be precipitated by mercurous nitrate, the solution being first com- pletely neutralised, and the sesquioxide precipitated from the filtrate by ammonia, which at the same time throws down a mercury-compound, to be afterwards separated from the chromic acid by ignition. Valuation of Chrome-ores. The value of a chrome-ore depends upon the quantity of chromic acid that it will yield. To ascertain this point, the ore is calcined with a mixture of nitre, alkali, and lime, the use of the lime being to keep the mixture in a pasty condition, and prevent the heavy ore from falling to the bottom (see p. 936), after which the soluble chromate is extracted, and the amount of chromic acid may then be determined by any of the methods already given. Professor Calvert of Manchester, has given two processes for the valuation of chrome ores. (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. v. 194.) a. The ore in fine powder is mixed with three or four times its weight of soda-lime (obtained by slaking quick lime with caustic soda, then drying and calcining the mass), and to this mixture of soda-lime and ore is added one-fourth of nitrate of sodium. The whole is then well calcined for two hours, care being taken to stir the pasty mass every quarter of an hour with a platinum wire. This mixture not becoming fluid, the ore is constantly kept in contact with the oxygen of the atmosphere, and thus the oxide of chromium is converted into chromic acid. One treatment is generally sufficient for the complete decomposition of the ore. The greater part of the mass is now dissolved in water, and the insoluble portion treated with sulphuric acid diluted with twice its bulk of water ; the whole is then re- moved from the crucible, and a little alcohol is added to the solution in order to render the sulphate of calcium insoluble. The whole is next thrown on a filter and washed with weak alcohol, which dissolves all the acid chromate formed, and leaves the sulphate of calcium, together with any portion of ore that may not have been attacked. The sul- phate of calcium may be removed by washing the filter with boiling water, and the residual ore, if any, is to be recalcined. The solution containing the acid chromate of sodium is now neutralised with ammonia, and oxalate of ammonium is added, which gives rise to a small precipitate of sesquioxide of iron, alumina, and oxalate of calcium, together with a little silica dis- solved by the sulphuric acid. The precipitate having been separated and well washed, the liquor is either mixed with alcohol to reduce the chromic acid to the state of ses- quioxide, which may then be precipitated, washed, dried, ignited, and weighed ; or, better, the liquor is rendered acid, and the amount of chromic acid estimated by Penny's process (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. iv. 239) with dichloride* of tin (commonly called that the purification may be dispensed with. Bolley (Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ivi. 113) prepares chromic anhydride by dissolving a weighed quantity of acid chromate of potassium in a small quantity of boiling water, and adding to the hot solution the exact quantity of sulphuric acid required to form acid sulphate of potassium. The mixture when left to cool, solidifies for the most part into a red granuUir mass consisting of acid sulphate of potassium with adhering chromic anhydride. The mixture is stirred to cause the granular mass to subside ; the solution is decanted ; and the residual acid sulphate is washed several times with cold water. There then remains an orange-coloured sulphate of potassium with very little chromic acid, the greater part of that acid being contained in the united solutions. The separation thus effected depends upon the circumstance that Etcid sulphate of po- tassium, which dissolves very freely in boiling water (2 pts. of the salt to 1 pt. of water), is but sparingly soluble at ordinary temperatures, and cold water removes sul- phuric acid from it with scarcely any potash, leaving neutral sulphate of potassium, while the chromic acid dissolves in the cold water. The solution of chromic acid con- taining only a small quantity of acid sulphate of potassium is then further concen- trated, and the chromic anhydride is precipitated by adding about an equal volume of strong sulphuric acid, which throws it down free from any trace of acid sulphate. Chromic anhydride may also be prepared by decomposing chromate of lead with strong sulphuric acid, diluting with water after twenty-four hours, to precipitate sul- phate of lead, then filtering and evaporating to the crystallising point, or by decompos- ing chromate of barium with strong nitric acid, filtering the liquid from the resulting nitrate of barium, which is insoluble in the strong acid, and heating the filtrate till the excess of nitric acid is expelled, and crystallising as above. Pure chromic anhydride forms either a red powder, a red loose woolly mass, or scarlet crystals. It deliquesces in damp air and dissolves in a small quantity of water, forming a dark brown liquid having a sour astringent, taste and yellow or brownish yellow on dilution. The solution contains chromic acid, but when evaporated it yields the anhydride : indeed chromic acid is not known in the solid state. Chromic anhydride melts at 190 C., and begins to decompose at 250, giving off oxygen and leaving a brown oxide or chromate of chromium, which, when further heated, is reduced to sesquioxide. Chromic anhydride is a powerful oxidising agent, being quickly reduced to sesquioxide of chromium by sulphydric acid, sine, arsenious acid, tartar-fa acid, sitf/ar, ak-ohol, and various other organic bodies, especially when heated. With sulphy'dric acid it forms water and sets sulphur free : 2Cr 2 3 + 3H-S = Cr'O 3 + 3H*O + S 3 ; with hydrochloric acid it yields sesquichloride of chromium, water, and free chlorine : Cr 2 3 + 6HC1 = Cr 2 Cl 3 + 3H 2 + Cl 3 . Sulphurous acid added to a solution of chromic acid or a chromate throws down a brown chromate of chromium, consisting of Cr 4 3 .Cr 2 3 or CrO. A few drops of anhydrous alcohol poured upon chromic anhydride instantly reduce it to sesquioxide, the alcohol sometimes taking fire. A similar reduction attended with incandescence * From recent experiments by Scorer and Eliot (Proc. Amer. Acad. v. 192), it appears that there is but OIK- definite oxide of chromium intermediate between Cr 4 O 3 and Cr 2 O 3 , viz. CrO or Cr 4 O 3 .Cr 2 O 3 . The authors have likewise obtained the analogous compounds Al 1 O 3 .Cr 2 O 3 , JVCP.Cr-O 1 , Mn. Ammonio-chrysammic acid. C 7 H 5 N 3 8 = NH 8 . C 7 H V? (N0 2 ) 2 8 . This acid, which is isomeric with chrysammate of ammonium, is pro- duced by adding dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid to a boiling aqueous solution of precipitated by with potash. It is not altered by dilute acids. Strong sulphuric and boiling nitric acid partly convert it into chrysammic acid, with formation of ammoniacal salts. The chrys ami dates, C 7 H 4 MN 3 6 , have the composition of double chrysammates of ammonium and another base, C 7 (NH 4 )MN'-'0 6 They resemble the chrysammates in appearance, and in their property of detonating when heated ; but are distinguished by giving off ammonia when treated with caustic potash. Chrysamidate of potassium crystallises in small needles, having a green metallic lustre by reflected light. The barium-salt is a red crystalline precipitate. CHRYSAXKMXC ACID. C 7 H 2 N 2 6 = C 7 H 2 (NO'0 2 2 . (Schunck. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxix. 1; Ixv. 235. Mulder, ibid. Ixxiii. 339; Ixxii. 285. Laurent, Compt, chim. 1850, p. 163. Kobiquet, J. Pharm. [3] x. 167, 241). This acid is produced by the action of nitric acid upon aloes ; probably, also by the action of nitric acid on aporetin. (De la Kue and Miiller, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. x. 298.) reparation from aloes. 1 pt. of aloes is macerated with 8 pts. of nitric acid of specific gravity 1-37 ; the mass is heated in a large basin till the first violent action has subsided, afterwards in a retort till two-thirds of the nitric acid have been expelled ; 3 or 4 pts. more nitric acid and water are added to the residual liquid as long as a precipitate continues to form ; and the precipitate, which consists of small shining scales, is washed with cold water till the liquid no longer acquires a yellow, but a faint purple- red colour. The resulting chrysammic acid, still containing aloetic acid, is triturated with aqueous carbonate of potassium ; and the gelatinous mass, which is thereby formed, with evolution of carbonic acid, is washed with cold water till the whole of the carbonate of potassium is removed, then dissolved in boiling water, and the solu- tion filtered ; as the liquid cools, the pure potassium-salt separates in golden-yellow lamin?e. These crystals are dissolved in boiling water, decomposed by nitric acid, and the chrysammic acid, which separates in the form of a yellow powder, is washed with cold water till the nitric acid is completely removed, and the water is coloured no longer yellow but light purple-red. In treating the chrysammic acid with carbo- nate of potassium, an excess of the latter must be avoided as far as possible, because it produces a decomposition and reddening of the salt, perhaps from admixture of aloetic acid. 956 CHRYSAMMIC ACID. Chrysammic acid is a yellow powder, often light yellow or greenish yellow, and con- sisting of small shining scales. It is sparingly soluble in cold, more easily in boiling water. The solution has a deep purple colour, tastes bitter, and reddens litmus. It dissolves easily in alcohol and ether ; also in nitric acid and in saline solutions. The acid detonates violently when subjected to dry distillation, emitting a bright but smoky flame, and diffusing an odour of bitter almonds, together with nitrous vapours. Heated in chlorine gas, it gives off hydrochloric acid. Boiled with caustic potash, it forms a brown solution from which acids throw down a dark brown precipi- tate (Schunck' s aloeretic acid ; Mulder's chrysatic acid}, soluble in pure water, forming soluble salts with the alkalis and earths, insoluble with lead and silver. If the potash is very strong, ammonia is likewise evolved. Chrysammic acid is not attacked by fuming nitric acid (Schunck). With strong sulphuric acid at the boiling heat, it reacts violently, giving off copious red fumes containing carbonic anhydride, carbonic oxide, sulphurous anhydride, and nitrous anhydride. At the same time a dark violet-coloured substance is deposited (Mulder's chryiodine), soluble in potash and re- precipitated by hydrochloric acid, as a gelatinous mass of the same colour. This pro- duct appears to be only a mixture, for ammonia separates it into a soluble and an insoluble portion. Sulphide of potassium mixed with caustic potash, transforms chrysammic acid into hydrochrysamide : a similar blue substance (Mulder's chri/siud/u- ammonium') is obtained by decomposing a warm ammoniacal solution of chrysammic acid with sulphuretted hydrogen. Ammonia converts chrysammic acid into chrysamide. The acid boiled with water and stannous chloride, forms a powder which has a deep violet colour, is nearly insoluble in all solvents (C lt H l N' 2 O n .3SnO' z , according to Mulder), gives off ammonia and assumes a fine blue colour when treated with potash, and is decomposed by nitric acid, yielding aloetic and chrysammic acids. The chrysammates mostly crystallise in small scales, and exhibit a gold-green metallic lustre on the crystalline faces ; those which are amorphous, exhibit the same lustre when rubbed with a hard body. They detonate violently when heated. They are all sparingly soluble, even those of the alkali-metals. In solutions of acetates they dissolve more easily than in water, but less when heated than in the cold. Chrysammate of Ammonium changes rapidly into chrysamide. Chrysammate of Barium, C 7 HBaN 2 6 + 2aq., is obtained as a vermilion-coloured precipitate by mixing a solution of the potassium-salt with chloride of barium ; also by prolonged boiling of chrysammic acid with chloride of barium. It is quite insoluble in water. Chrysammate of Cadmium is a dark purple precipitate. Chrysammate of Calcium is a dark red insoluble powder, exhibiting traces of crystal- lisation. Chrysammate of Copper, C 7 HCuN 2 O a + # aq., is sparingly soluble in cold, more soluble in boiling water, from which it separates in dark purple needles, exhibiting a golden lustre by reflected light : its solution has a fine purple tint. Chrysamrnate of Lead, C 7 HPbN 2 6 ? Brick-red insoluble powder, obtained by precipitation. According to Schunck, it gives by analysis 34'2 per cent. Pb 2 0, the formula requiring 3578. Mulder found in the precipitate formed with chrysammate of potassium and neutral acetate of lead, 51*6 per cent. Pb"0, which corresponds to the formula C 7 HPbN 2 6 .PbHO. Chrysammate of Magnesium resembles the calcium-salt. Chrysammate of Potassium, C 7 HKN 2 6 , crystallises in flat rhomboidal plates, which exhibit very remarkable relations to polarised light. Light transmitted through one of them, exhibits a reddish-yellow colour and becomes polarised in one plane ; but if the crystal be pressed with the blade of a knife on a plate of glass, it spreads on the glass like an amalgam, and a beam of light, transmitted through the thin film thus formed, splits into two rays polarised in planes perpendicular to each other, one having a carmine-red, the other a pale yellow colour. As the thickness of the film increases, the colour of both rays approaches more and more to carmine-red. Still more remarkable phenomena are exhibited by reflected light. An ordinary ray of white light reflected perpendicularly from the face of a crystal or from a film, lias the colour of virgin-gold, but as the incidence becomes more oblique, the colour becomes less and less yellow, and at length passes into pale blue. The beam thus reflected is composed of two rays oppositely polarised ; the one which is polarised in the plane of reflection remains of a pale blue colour at all angles of incidence ; the other, polarised at right angles to the plane of reflection, has a pale-yellow colour at small inclinations, then changes to deep yellow, greenish-yellow, green, bluish-green, blue aud violet. (Er easier, Gerhard fs"Traite, iv. 251.) Chrysammate of potassium dissolves in 1250 pts. of cold water, easily in boiling water; the solution has a fine red colour. ii f Silvff. .Dark brown precipitate, quite insoluble in boiling water. CHRYSANILIC ACID CHRYSATRIC ACID. 957 Chrysammate of Sodium resembles the potassium-salt in appearance, and possesses the same degree of solubility. Chrysammate of Zinc crystallises in small dark red needles with gold-green reflection. CHRVSAWTI2.IC ACID. This name was given byFritzsche to a bluish-rod substance obtained by the action of potash upon indigo; according to Grerhardt however (Traite, iii. 521), it is nothing but a mixture of isatin, white indigo, and possibly other products. (See INDIGO.) CHRTTSAKZSIC ACID. C 7 H 5 N 3 7 = C 7 H 3 (NO*) S (Ca hours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxvii. 454). This acid, which is isomeric with trinitranisol, and may also be re- garded as methyl-picric acid, C 6 H 2 (CIP)(N0 2 ) 3 0, is produced, together with di- and tri- nitranisol, by the action of warm fuming nitric acid on anisic acid (p. 300). When 1 pt. of perfectly dry anisic acid is very gently boiled for half or three-quarters of an hour with 2| pts. of fuming nitric acid, and the somewhat thick liquid is mixed with 20 times its bulk of water, a yellow oil separates out, which soon coagulates into a solid mass consisting of chrysanisic acid mixed with di- and tri-nitranisol. This mixture, in the form of fine powder, is washed on a filter with ammonia diluted with two or three times its bulk of water, whereby the acid is extracted ; the ammoniacal liquid, after being evaporated to one-third, yields on cooling brown needles of the ammonia-salt. These crystals are dissolved in water ; the solution mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid ; the separated yellow flakes are collected on a filter, repeatedly washed with cold water, dried between bibulous paper, and dissolved in hot alcohol; and the scales which crystallise from the solution on cooling are dried. Chrysanisic acid forms small golden-yellow rhombic tables, nearly insoluble in cold water, sparingly soluble in hot water, whence it crystallises on cooling. It is but slightly soluble in cold alcohol, but dissolves so abundantly in hot alcohol, that the liquid solidifies on cooling. It dissolves in ether, especially if hot, and crystallises in shining laminae as the ether evaporates. The acid melts when cautiously heated, and solidifies in the crystalline form on cooling; at a stronger heat, it emits a yellow vapour which condenses in small crystalline scales having a strong lustre. When boiled with strong nitric acid, it is converted into picric acid. Distilled with aqueous chloride of lime, it yields chloropicrin. By boiling with potash, it is con- verted into a brown substance. Chrysanisate of Ammonium. The solution of the acid in dilute ammonia, evaporated over the water-bath, yields on cooling, small brown needles having a strong lustre. Finer crystals are obtained by spontaneous evaporation of the solution. Chrysanisate of Potassium, C 7 H 4 K(N0 2 ) 3 0, is obtained by exactly saturating the acid with potash. It is very soluble. The ammonium-salt produces in solutions of zinc -salts, a pale yellow precipitate; with nitrate of cobalt, a greenish yellow gelatinous precipitate ; with nitrate of lead, a copious deposit of chrome-yellow flakes ; with ferric salts, a pale yellow ; with cupr/'c salts, a greenish yellow, gelatinous precipitate ; and with mercuric chloride, yellowish- red flakes, which in dilute solutions appear after a time only. Chrysanisate of Silver, C 7 H 4 Ag(N0 2 ) 3 0. The ammonium-salt forms with nitrate of silver, beautiful yellow flakes, which must be washed with water and dried in vacuo. Chrysanisate of Ethyl, C 7 H 4 (C 2 H 5 )(N0 2 ) 3 0, is obtained by saturating the alcoholic solution of the acid with dry hydrochloric acid gas, gently boiling for some time, and then adding water. The resulting precipitate is washed, first with ammoniacal, after- wards with pure water, then dissolved in boiling alcohol, and the solution is left to cool. It forms transparent crystalline laminae of a splendid golden-yellow colour, melting at about 100 C. It is soluble in warm ether. CHR^SAXTTHEl^lTZWr SEGET1T1VT. The ash of this plant has been analysed byBangert (J. pr. Chem. Ixx. 85). The fresh plant yielded 1'61 percent., the plant dried at 100 C, 8'52 per cent, ash (63'3 per cent, of which was soluble in .water). The ash contained in 100 pts. : 24*86 K 2 0, 6'21 Na 2 O, 14-08 Ca 2 0, 6'96 Mg 2 0, trace of manganese, 5'12 SO 3 , 12'36 CO 8 , 6*16 P 2 5 , 4'68 SiO 2 , 16'10 NaCl, with 3'06 sand and charcoal. CHSYSATRIC ACID. (Mulder, J. pr. Chem. xlviii. 16.) Aloerctic acid. (Schunck, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Iv. 240.) An acid produced by heating chrysnmmic acid with alkalis. Chrysammic acid heated with potash-ley dissolves, forming" a brown solution, from which, according to Mulder, acetic acid does not precipitate anything; according to Schunck, however, a brown precipitate is obtained. The solution of the potassium-salt yields with acetate of lead, a brown precipitate containing, according to Tonningen's analysis, 5871 per cent. Pb 2 0, 19'08 C, 078 H, and 5'51 N. With chloride of barium, a precipitate is formed, containing 30-80 per cent. Ba 2 0, 28'03 C, and T82 H. (Schunck). These analyses do not lead to any satisfactory formula. 958 CHRYSENE CHRYSOPHANIC ACID. CHRYSENE, wC 6 !! 4 . (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixvi. 130.) A crystalline hydrocarbon obtained, together with pyrene, by the dry distillation of fats, resins, ami coal : it may be extracted from coal-tar by redistillation. The products which pass <>vrr towards the end of the process, consist of a soft yellow or reddish mass, and a thick oil containing crystalline scales. That which condenses in the neck of the retort is chiefly chrysene, the pyrene passing for the most part into the receiver. By treating the mass in the neck of the retort with ether, the pyrene and certain oily matters are dissolved out, while the chrysene remains in the pulverulent state. Pure chrysene has a fine yellow colour ; it is crystalline, destitute of taste and odour, insoluble in water and alcohol, nearly insoluble in ether : oil of turpentine dissolves it at the boiling heat, and deposits it on cooling in yellow crystalline flakes. It melts at 230 235 C., and solidifies on cooling to a deep yellow mass composed of needles. At a higher temperature, it distils with slight alteration. Nitrochrysene, wC 6 IT(N0 2 ), produced by the action of strong boiling nitric acid on chrysene, is a red powder, destitute of taste and odour, insoluble in water, nearly insoluble in alcohol and ether. It is dissolved with brown colour by sulphuric acid, partially also by alcoholic potash. When quickly heated in a closed tube, it melts and decomposes with explosion. CHRYSXarDXXr. A product of the decomposition of chrysammic acid by am- monia. (Mulder, p. 956.) CHRYSOBERYIi. Cymophane, ChrysopaL An aluminate of glucinum, APG10-, or G1 2 0. A1 4 3 , generally containing 2 or 3 per cent, of iron. It is usually found in round pieces about the size of a pea, but sometimes in eight-sided prisms with six-sided summits, belonging to the trimetric system. Specific gravity 3 '5 37. Hardness 8 '5. Lustre vitreous. Colour various shades of green. Streak uncoloured. Transparent or translucent, sometimes with bluish opalescence internally. Fracture concho'idal, uneven. It exhibits double refraction, and becomes electric by friction. It is infusible alone before the blowpipe, and very difficult to fuse with borax or phosphorus-salt. With carbonate of sodium, the surface is merely rendered dull. It is not acted upon by acids. Chrysoberyl is found in Brazil and Ceylon, in rolled pebbles, in the alluvial deposit of rivers ; and in granite at Haddaw, Connecticut, Greenfield, near Saratoga, New York, and Orange Summit, Vermont. When transparent and of sufficient size, it is cut into facets and forms a gem. Crystals of chrysoberyl have been formed artificially by exposing a mixture of alumina and glucina in the proper proportion, together with boracic acid as a flux, to the heat of a pottery furnace for several days, till the boracic acid is completely vola- tilised (Ebelmen, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxii. 211; xxxiii. 34). [For the crystalline form of the artificial chrysoberyl, see Jahresber. d. Chem. 1851, p. 765.] A variety of chrysoberyl called Alexandrite, from the Ural, exhibits pleochroism, viz. by perfectly white light, an orange-yellow colour in the direction of the longer diagonal of the base, colombo-red along the shorter diagonal, and emerald-green along the principal axis. (Haidinger, Pogg. Ann. Ixxvii, 228.) CHRYSOCOXiItA. The Greek name for borax. Applied also to silicate of copper. CHRYSOHARIKINZ:. Syn. with NlTKOHARMALINE (q. V.) CHRYSOHDIET. C 7 H 22 O l ? A yellow colouring matter said to exist in very small quantity in asparagus-berries. CRHYSOX.EPXC ACID. Syn. with PICRIC ACID. CHRYSOLITE. Peridotc, Olivin. A silicate of magnesium and iron,(Mg;Fe) 4 SiO 4 , occurring in basalt and lavas, in prismatic crystals of the trimetric system, also massive and compact or granular ; colour olive and other shades of green. The term Chrysolite includes the transparent crystals of paler colour, while Olivine (so-called from the olive-green tint) is applied to imbedded masses or grains of inferior colour and clearness. (See OLIVINE.) CHRYSOlYIELATtfE. Syn. with PtEONAST. CHRYSOPAXi. Syn. with CHBYSOBEBYL. CHRYSOPHATJE. See ClJNTONITE. CHRYSOPHANIC ACID. Chrysophane, Ehubarbaric acid, Rhubarbarin, Rhu- barb-yellow, Rhcin, Rhcic acid, Rheumin, Rhaponticin, Rumicin, C 10 H 8 3 , or C 7 H'0 2 . The yellow colouring principle of rhubarb and of the wall lichen (Parmelia parietina}. It was first obtained in an impure state by Herberger, Bulk, and Brandes, afterwards analysed by Rochleder and Heldt (Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlviii. 12), who extracted the pure substance from the Parmelia; also by Doppin'g and Schlossberger (ibid. 1. 215), by De La Rue and Miiller (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. x. 298) and by Thann (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cvii. 324), who obtained it from rhubarb. Preparation from Parmelia parietina. The dried lichen is digested in the cold CHRYSOPHANIC ACID. 959 with alcoholic potash or ammonia ; the dark red infusion is filtered and mixed with acetic acid ; the bulky yellow flocks thereby precipitated are washed with water and redissolved in alcoholic potash, a certain quantity of resin then remaining undissolved ; the liquid is again precipitated by hydrochloric acid ; and the precipitate, after wash- ing and drying, is redissolved in a small quantity of boiling absolute alcohol. The solution then deposits chrysophanic acid in the crystallised state. From Rhubarb. Dulk prepared chrysophanic acid from rhubarb by exhausting the root with alcoholic ammonia, precipitating with subacetate of lead, and decomposing the precipitate, suspended in alcohol, with sulphuretted hydrogen. Schlossberger and Popping exhaust the pulverised rhubarb with 80 per cent alcohol ; evaporate ; redis- solve in a small quantity of alcohol ; add ether to the solution to precipitate certain resinous matters ; evaporate the filtered solution to the crystallising point ; and purify the chrysophanic acid thus obtained by repeated crystallisation from boiling absolute alcohol. De la Eue and Miiller find that chrysophanic acid may be extracted from rhubarb with much greater facility by means of benzene or the light hydrocarbons obtained from Burmese naphtha, these liquids dissolving it very readily, to the exclusion of the greater part of the other constituents. The crushed root is first macerated in water, which removes about 50 per cent, of soluble matter, then dried and treated with benzene in a Mohr's displacement apparatus ; the greater part of the benzene is then distilled off; the residue, which becomes nearly solid on cooling, is pressed between blotting paper to remove the mother-liquor which contains erythroretiu and a neutral fat ; the crude chrysophanic acid thus obtained is redissolved in hot benzene, which leaves behind a reddish-yellow substance (e-modin), an additional quantity of which separates as the solution cools ; and the chrysophanic acid, which afterwards crystallises out, is further purified by recrystallisation from acetic acid, amylic alcohol, or common alcohol. The residuary rhubarb, thrown away in pharmaceutical laboratories after the preparation of the ordinary alcoholic tincture, may be advantageously used for the pre- paration of chrysophanic acid by this process, inasmuch as it contains about 2 '6 per cent, of that acid, which is but slightly soluble in alcohol, especially in the weak spirit used in the preparation of the tincture. The dark coloured resinous sediment which separates from Tinctura Ehei when left to itself, is also rich in chrysophanic acid, and may be subjected to the same treatment. Thann extracts the root of Eumcx obtusifolius with ether ; distils off the greater part of the liquid ; washes the dark yellow-brown mass which separates on cooling with a small quantity of ether ; dries it between bibulous paper ; boils the residue with 90 per cent, alcohol ; dissolves the dirty green granular mass which separates on cooling with alcohol, and precipitates by water, repeating the solution and precipitation several times ; purifies the product by treatment with alcoholic ammonia and acetic acid, as in Rochleder and Heldt's process ; then crystallises it from alcohol, and lastly from ether by slow evaporation. Chrysophanic acid crystallises from benzene in six-sided tables (monoclinic), having a pale yellow or orange-yellow colour ; from alcohol, amyl-alcohol, or glacial acetic acid, in moss-like aggregates of laminar crystals. It is sparingly soluble in cold water ; dissolves in 224 pts. of boiling alcohol of 86 per cent. ; in 1125 pts. of the same alcohol at 30 C. It is soluble also in ether and in oil of turpentine, coal-naphtha, benzene, and other hydrocarbons (vid. sup.) It melts without decomposition at 162 C. and soli- difies in the crystalline form on cooling. The formula of chrysophanic acid is not quite settled. The analyses by Rochleder and Heldt, and by Schlossberger and Dopping, approach nearly to the formula C 10 H 8 O 3 , while those by De la Rue and Muller, and by Thann, agree better with C 7 H'0 2 . Calculation. Rochleder Schlossberger DC la Rue Calculation. C"'H H O 3 and Heldt. and Dopping. and Miiller. Thann. Ci?H'O 2 Carbon . . 68*12 68-03 68-12 6876 69'62 69-52 Hydrogen . 4-54 4'57 4'59 4-25 4'39 412 Oxygen. . 27'34 26-36 100-00 100-00 Chrysophanic acid subjected to dry distillation, partly sublimes, while another por- tion becomes carbonised. Dilute nitric acid does not appear to act upon it, even at the boiling heat,_ but the strong acid converts it into a red substance. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves without decomposing it, and water precipitates it from the solution. The acid dissolves in alkalis with fine deep purple colour : the reaction is very deli- cate, so that a dilute solution of chrysophanic acid may be used as a test for alkalis. Its solution in potash may be evaporated to drynoss without alteration ; but at a certain degree of concentration, it deposits blue or violet flocks, which redissolve in water or alcohol, forming red solutions. If the purple solution of the acid in moderately strong 960 CHRYSOPRASE CHYLE. potash, together with the flocculent precipitate, be mixed with grapo sugar and left + 2aq., requiring 27'04 per cent. Pt, whereas Gerhardt proposes C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HCl.PtCl 2 , which requires 27'36 per cent. It is not probable that the salt should retain 2 at. of water at 110 C. CHLORATE OF CINCHONIDINE, obtained by decomposing the neutral sulphate with chlorate of potassium, crystallises from alcohol in long silky prisms, grouped in tufts. It melts at a gentle heat, and decomposes with loud explosion at a higher temperature. HYDROFLUATE OF CINCHONIDINE forms silky needles, very soluble in water. HYPOSULPHITE OF CINCHONIDINE, obtained by precipitating the neutral sulphate with hyposulphite of sodium, crystallises on cooling, in long asbestos-like needles, sparingly soluble in water, easily in alcohol. NITRATE OF CINCHONIDINE is obtained in mammellated crusts, having the appear- ance of enamel, and very soluble in water. SULPHATES OF CINCHONIDINE. The neutral salt, 2C 20 H 24 N 2 O.H 2 S0 4 (at 100 C.), crystallises in long silky needles grouped in stars, neutral to test-paper. One pt. of the salt dissolves in 130 pts. water at 17 C., and in 16 pts. at 100 ; it is very soluble in alcohol, nearly insoluble in ether (Leers); it dissolves at mean temperatures in 3032 pts. absolute alcohol, and in 7 pts. alcohol of 90 per cent. (Bussy and G-uibourt.) Analysis (mean). Calculation. Leers. Leers. Gerhardt. At 100 C. 2C 18 H 22 N 2 O.H 2 S0 4 2C ?0 H 24 N 2 O.H 2 S0 4 64-75 65-25 67'20 7-05 6-95 6-72 12-01 12-08 11-20 The acid sulphate is obtained by evaporation in vacuo, as a crystalline mass com- posed of shining asbestos-like needles. Sulphate of lodocinchonidine. Cinchonidine forms with iodine and sul- phuric acid, a crystalline salt, which acts upon light in the same manner as the corre- sponding salts of quinine and cinchonine, also two other salts, one yellow and the other olive-green, which do not exhibit these peculiar optical properties. (W. B. Hera- path, Chera. Soc. Qu. J. xi. 130.) CINCHONINE. 973 Acetate of Cinchonidine crystallises in long silky needles, which are very sparingly soluble in cold water, and give off part of their acid on drying. The butyrate and valerate form mammellated crusts, having the odour of the respective acids. The citrate forms small needles, having but little lustre. The hippurate crys- tallises in silky needles, having the aspect of fern-leaves, very soluble in water and alcohol. The oxalate separates on cooling in long silky needles, from a mixture of the hot alcoholic solutions of oxalic acid and cinchonidine. The mother-liquor depo- sits by spontaneous evaporation, dull white, mammellated crusts. The quinate crys- tallises in small needles, very soluble in water and in alcohol. The neutral tart rate forms beautiful needles, having a vitreous lustre. The acid tartrate forms small nacreous needles, very sparingly soluble in water. METHYL-CINCHONIDINE, C I8 H 21 (CH 3 )N 2 0, or C 20 H 23 (CH 3 )N 2 ? (Stahlschmidt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xc. 218.) The hydriodate of this base is obtained by the action of iodide of methyl on cinchonidine. It crystallises in colourless shining needles, con- taining : Sy Analysis. By Calculation. At 100 C. C 18 H 21 (CH 3 )N 2 O.HI C 20 H 23 (CH 3 )N 2 O.HI. Carbon . . 53-87 5376 56-1 Hydrogen . 5'92 5-89 6-0 Iodine . . 29-84 29-87 28-0 Oxide of silver converts it into a basic compound resembling methyl-cinchonine. OITJCHONINE. C 20 H 2 'N 2 0, or C*H U N*0'*. (Fourcroy, Ann. Chim. viii. 113 ; ix. 7. Vauquelin, ibid. lix. 30, 148. Gromez, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1811, Oct. p. 420. Pfaff, Schw. J. x. 365. Pelletier and Caventou, Ann. Ch. Phys. xv. 291, 337. Pelletier and Dumas, ibid. xxiv. 169. Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvi. 49. Eegnault, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixviii. 113. G-erhardt, Eev. scient. x. 886; Traite, iv. 105. Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xix. 363. Strecker, Compt. rend. xxxix. 58.) This alkaloid exists, together with quinine, in most of the true cinchona-barks, most abundantly in Cinchona Huanoco, C. Huamalies, C. rubiginosa, and C. flava fibrosa. (See table, p. 968.) Preparation. All methods of extracting the alkaloids from cinchona-barks consist in treating the bark with a dilute acid, and precipitating the alkaloids from the acid extract, with lime or carbonate of sodium, The general mode of proceeding is as follows : The bark, reduced to powder, is boiled for an hour or less with 8 or 10 times its weight of water, acidulated with 10 per cent, of strong sulphuric acid, or better, with 25 per cent, of hydrochloric acid ; the decoction is strained through a cloth ; and the residue is boiled a second and sometimes a third time, with more and more dilute acid till the marc is completely exhausted. The extracts, after cooling, are mixed with a slight excess of milk of lime, added by small portions, to precipitate the alkaloids together with the colouring matter. The precipitate is left to drain, and submitted to a gradu- ally increasing pressure, the liquids which run off from the cloths and from the press being collected in a single vessel ; they yield after a while a fresh deposit. The pressed cake is now dried, and macerated with alcohol in a closed vessel heated over a water- bath. The strength of the alcohol used depends upon the quality of the bark under treatment. For Calisaya bark, which is very rich in quinine, alcohol of 75 to 80 per cent, is sufficiently strong ; but barks which contain a smaller proportion of quinine, require alcohol of 85 to 90 per cent., because cinchonine is much less soluble in weak alcohol than quinine. If the bark is rich in cinchonine, and the quantity of alcohol used is not too large, the cinchonine is deposited in the crystalline state as the alcoholic extracts cool, and an additional quantity may be obtained by decanting the supernatant liquid, and dis- tilling off half or two-thirds of the alcohol. The quinine remains in the mother- liquor and may be separated in the form of sulphate. (See QUININE.) If on the other hand the bark contains more quinine than cinchonine, it is best to treat the alcoholic extract with dilute sulphuric acid, and remove the alcohol by distillation. The greater part of the sulphate of quinine then separates in a crystal- line mass, the rest, together with the sulphate of cinchonine, remaining in the mother- liquor. By precipitating the two alkaloids with carbonate of sodium, redissolving in sulphuric acid, and recrystallising, a further separation may be effected ; or they may be precipitated by a caustic alkali, and separated by ether, which dissolves the quinine much more readily than the cinchonine (p. 966). Carbonate of sodium is a better precipitant for the alkaloids than lime, because they are soluble to a slight extent in lime-water and chloride of calcium. Oil of turpentine, fixed oils, and chloroform may be used instead of alcohol for dis- solving the alkaloids from the crude precipitate thrown down by lime or soda; and 974 CINCHONINE. these solvents have the advantage of not taking up so much of the colouring matter as alcohol does (p. 966) ; but they are better adapted for the preparation of quinine than of cinchonine, which is but sparingly soluble in either of them. (See QUININE.) Properties. Cinchonine deposited by slow evaporation of its alcoholic solution, forms colourless, shining, quadrilateral prisms or needles, which are anhydrous. It has a peculiar bitter taste, which however is slow in developing itself, on account of the sparing solubility of the substance. It is insoluble in cold water, and requires for solution 2500 parts of boiling water. In alcohol it is much less soluble than quinine, the solubility increasing however with the strength of the alcohol and the temperature. According to Duflos, strong alcohol dissolves 3 per cent of its weight of cinchonine. It is insoluble in ether, slightly soluble in chloroform, volatile oils and fixed oils. The solutions of cinchonine have an alkaline reaction, and deflect the plane of polarisation of a luminous ray strongly to the right. An alcoholic solution acidulated with sulphuric acid gives [a] = + 190-40 ; acids produce a temporary decrease of the rotatory power. Cinchonine possesses febrifuge properties, but in a much lower degree than quinine. The following are the mean results of the analyses of cinchonine by various chemists. Calculation. Liebig. Regnault. Gerhardt. Hlasiwetz. Laurent. C 2 . . 240 77-93 76-36 7678 77'63 77'97 77' 29 N24 . . 24 7-79 7-37 7'69 7'98 775 768 N2 . .28 9-09 8-87 9'45 _ _ O . 16 5-19 7-40 6-08 __ _ _ C-H!MN2O 308 100-00 10000 10000 Laurent assigned to cinchonine the formula C 19 H 22 N 2 0. According to Schiitzen- berger (Jahresber. d. Chem. 1858, p. 372), the name cinchonine is applied to bases of different constitution ; one sample which he analysed yielded numbers agreeing with the formula C 18 H 22 N 2 2 . Cinchonine melts at 165 C. forming a colourless liquid, which becomes crystalline on cooling ; at a higher temperature, it partly sublimes, exhaling an aromatic odour. According to Hlasiwetz, cinchonine may be sublimed in hydrogen or ammonia gas in the form of shining prisms more than an inch long. Heated with sulphuric acid and peroxide of lead, it yields a red substance, cinchonetine, which has not been examined (Marchand, J. Chim. me"d. x. 362). Other oxidising agents, e.g. nitric acid, permanganate of potassium, and a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, do not exert much action upon it; neither is it decomposed in a definite manner by emulsin (Hlasiwetz). With nitrous acid, it forms a base containing 1 at. oxygen more than cinchonine, and isomeric with quinine, but approaching more nearly to cinchonine in its properties (Schutzenberger, Jahresber. d. Chem. 1858, p. 371). It dissolves in fuming sulphuric acid, yielding sulpho-cinchonic acid, which forms a soluble barium-salt, C 20 H 23 BaN 2 O.S0 4 (Schutzenberger.) With chlo- rine and bromine, it forms several substitution-bases, as well as a resinous substance. With chlorine and ammonia, it does not exhibit the green colouring which is charac- teristic of quinine. With iodine and iodated potassic iodide it behaves like quinine. Distilled with hydrate of potassium, it yields chinoline, together with several other volatile bases (p. 869). Beta-cinchonine. Schwabe (J. Pharm. [3] xxxviii. 389), has obtained from commercial quinoi'dine (a product of the alteration by heat of quinine, cinchonine, &c. found in the mother-liquors of the preparation of sulphate of quinine), an alkaloid isomeric with cinchonine, but differing from it in many properties. This /8-cinchonine is contained in the portion of quinoi'dine which is sparingly soluble in alcohol ; and the sulphate is obtained therefrom by dissolving the substance in dilute acid, precipitating with ammonia, treating the washed precipitate with cold alcohol of specific gravity 0'845, again dissolving it in dilute sulphuric acid, and crystallising. The base separated from the sulphate crystallises from boiling alcohol by spontaneous evaporation in rhombic combinations, ooP. oof oo. oP ( ooP : ooP = 119). The crystallised as well as the precipitated base is anhydrous, and melts at 150 C. /3-cinchonine is more soluble in water, alcohol, ether, and chloroform than ordinary a-cinchonine. The following table gives the quantities of these several solvents required to dissolve 1 pt. of a and & cinchonine, as determined by Schwabe. a.- Cinchonine. &- Cinchonine. Water, cold insoluble insoluble Water, hot . . . . . 2500 scarcely soluble Alcohol, cold _ 173 Alcohol, hot 30 43 Ether insoluble 378 Chloroform 40 268 CINCHONINE. 975 The alcoholic solution of j8-cinchonine is dextro-rotatory. ^ /J-cinchonine is precipitated white from the solutions of its salts by caustic or car- bonated alkalis, the precipitate being somewhat soluble in excess of the reagent, and disappearing when shaken up with ether. A solution of the base containing tartario acid is not precipitated by acid carbonate of sodium. A neutral solution of the sul- phate mixed with chlorine-water and then carefully with ammonia, exhibits a yellow colour. With ferrocyanide of potassium and chlorine, a red colouring is produced, turning green on addition of ammonia. Quinine-solutions thus treated, exhibit a dark red colour ; ordinary cinchonine and quinidine, wine-yellow. Salts of Cinchonine. Cinchonine dissolves readily in acids. The salts are bitter and are very much like the corresponding salts of quinine, but for the most part more soluble in water and in alcohol. Ordinary cinchonine forms both acid and neutral salts ; /8-cinchonine apparently only neutral salts. ACETATE OF CINCHONIKE. A solution of cinchonine in acetic acid always exhibits an acid reaction, however great may be the excess of cinchonine contained in it ; but if concentrated by heat, it deposits on cooling, small sparingly soluble crystals, which exhibit no acid reaction after washing. If the liquid be slowly evaporated to dryness, a gummy mass is obtained, which is decomposed by water into an acid salt which dissolves and a neutral salt which remains at the bottom. (Pellet ier and Ca- ventou.) Acetate of ^-Cinchonine forms right-angled four-sided prisms, like those of the sulphate and hydrochlorate. (Schwabe.) AESENATE of CINCHONINE. Very soluble; difficult to crystallise. CARBONATE OF CINCHONINE. Cinchonine dissolves in aqueous carbonic acid more easily than in pure water ; but the solution does not yield a crystallised carbonate. CHLORATE of CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HC10 3 . White bulky crystalline tufts; melts at a gentle heat, and decomposes with explosion at a higher temperature. (Serullas.) CHROMATE OF CINCHONINE. Obtained as a yellow amorphous precipitate, adhering to the glass, but becoming crystalline after a while when a solution of sulphate of cinchonine is mixed with acid chromate of potassium. It is decomposed by water and alcohol. (Elderhorst.) CYANURATE OF CINCHONINE. A solution of cinchonine in a boiling saturated so- lution of cyanuric acid deposits rhomboidal prisms, sparingly soluble in water, inso- luble in alcohol and ether. The salt gives off 17'79 per cent, water at 100 C; and decomposes at 200, exhaling an odour of bitter almonds. (Elderhorst.) FERRICYANATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 0.3HCy.Fe 2 Cy 3 + 2aq. Orange-yellow pre- cipitate, obtained by mixing the aqueous solutions of hydrochlorate of cinchonine and ferricyanide of potassium. After drying in the air, it undergoes no alteration at 100 C. (Dollfus, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixv. 224.) FERROCYANATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 0.4HCy.2FeCy + 2aq. Lemon-yellow pre- cipitate produced on mixing the alcoholic solutions of cinchonine and ferrocyanic acid. It is very sparingly soluble in alchol, and when heated, either alone, or with water, is decomposed, yielding hydrocyanic acid and a blue residue (Dollfus). Ferrocy- anate of ^-cinchonine is sparingly soluble and cry stallisable. (Schwabe.) FORMATE OF CINCHONINE. Very soluble; crystallises from a syrupy solution in silky needles. GALLOTANNATE OF CJNCHONINE. Yellowish-white powder, very little soluble in cold, more soluble in boiling water, whence it separates in transparent grains on cooling. HIPPURATE OF CINCHONINE. Uncrystallisable. HYDROCHLORATE OF CINCHONINE. Theneutral salt, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HC1, obtained by exactly saturating cinchonine with weak hydrochloric acid ; crystallises in transparent shining rhomboidal prisms ; melts at 100 C. ; dissolves easily in water and in alcohol, but is insoluble in ether. The aqueous solution possesses dextro-rotatory power; [a]= +139-50 (Bouchardat). When subjected to electrolysis, it yields chloro- cinchonine, together with chlorine, oxygen, and hydrogen. (Babo.) Hydrochlorate of ^-cinchonine, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HC1 + 2aq., crystallises apparently in rhombic combinations, ooP . ooP oo . oP, in which o>P: a>P = 126|. It dissolves in 22 pts. of cold, 3 '2 pts. of hot water; in 1 pt. of cold, | pt. of boiling alcohol, and in 550 pts. of ether. Acid hydrochlorate of cinchonine, C 20 H 24 N 2 0.2HC1, is produced by exposing cinchonine to hydrochloric acid gas, and is obtained crystallised by pouring a slight excess of the acid on cinchonine, and dissolving the product in a mixture of water and alcohol. The solution left to evaporate very slowly in an unclosed bottle, deposits very well-defined rhombic tabular crystals, having the acute angles truncated, ooP : >P = 101; Poo : oP = 137 to 138. It is very soluble in water, rather less in alcohol ; reddens litmus. The solution is dextro-rotatory. 976 CINCHONINE. Chlorine passed into a solution of this salt, forms a deposit of acid hydrochlorate of dichlorocinchonine. Chloromercurate, C 20 H- 4 N 2 0.2(HCl.HgCl). On mixing a solution of cinchpnine in strong alcohol containing hydrochloric acid with a solution of mercuric chloride also in strong alcohol, the mixture solidifies after a while to a mass of small needles, nearly insoluble in cold water, ordinary alcohol, and ether, moderately soluble in boiling water, and in warm alcohol, easily soluble in strong hydrochloric acid. The salt may be dried at 100 C. without alteration. Chloroplatinate, C 20 H 24 N 2 0.2(HCl.PtCl 2 ). Light yellow precipitate, obtained by adding dichloride of platinum to a solution of acid hydrochlorate of cinchonine. ^ With an alcoholic solution of cinchonine containing hydrochloric acid, the precipitate is crys- talline and nearly white, and dissolves after prolonged boiling with water, the solution as it boils, depositing, first a whitish pulverulent precipitate, afterwards beautiful crystals of a deep orange colour. The salt contains, according to Hlasiwetz, 33 '1 per cent.C, 3-6 H, and 27'36Pt, the formula requiring 33'0 C, 3-3 H, and 27'36 Pt. Chloroplatinate of ^-cinchonine, C 20 H 21 N 2 O.HCl.PtCl 2 , crystallises on mixing the alcoholic solutions of its component salts, in rhombic combinations, ooP . oo P co . oP, in which ooP : ooP =.119 (approximately).' (Schwabe.) HYDROCYANATE OF JS-CINCHONINE, obtained by precipitation with cyanide of potas- sium, is amorphous, anhydrous, insoluble in water and alcohol. (Schwabe.) HYDROFLUATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 0. 2HF. A solution of recently precipitated cinchonine in dilute hydrofluoric acid, deposits colourless prisms when concentrated. The salt crystallises easily from dilute alcohol in rhomboidal prisms terminated by octahedral faces. After drying at mean temperature, it gives off 2*8 per cent, water at 160C.; at a high temperature, it acquires a fine purple tint, yields a red sublimate, gives off hydrofluoric acid, and becomes carbonised. HYDRIODATE OP CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HI + aq. (Kegnault.) Much less soluble than the hydrochlorate. Crystallises easily in nacreous needles. Its solution is pre- cipitated by mercu ric chloride and cyanide. Hy driodate of ^-cinchonine is easily soluble in water and in alcohol. (Schwabe.) HYPOSULPHATE OF CINCHONINE. Crystallisable ; resembles the quiuine-salt (q.v.~) HYPOSULPHITE of CINCHONINE. Obtained by precipitation in small needles ; very sparingly soluble in cold water. (Win elder.) IODATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HI0 3 (at 1 05 C.). Long silky fibres, very soluble in water and alcohol Explodes with violence at 120 C. NITRATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HN0 3 + aq. (Eegnault.) Obtained by dis- solving cinchonine in dilute nitric acid. If the solution is rather concentrated, part of the nitrate separates in oily globules, which, if covered with water, are converted in a few days into a group of oblique rectangular prisms, very soluble in water. The solution is dextro-rotatory, [a] = +172-48 (Bouchardat). When decomposed by the electro- current (from six Bunsen's cells), it gives off oxygen at the positive pole, mixed after a while with carbonic acid and oxides of nitrogen, and at the negative pole, a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen containing a little ammonia ; in the liquid into which the negative pole dipped, a resinous substance was deposited, and the solution decanted therefrom and distilled with potash, yielded ammonia and oily drops of chinoline. (Babo, J. pr. Chem. Ixxii. 73.) Nitrate of ^-cinchonine crystallises slowly, by spontaneous evaporation, in monoclinic or triclinic crystals, which are moderately soluble in water and alcohol, and do not effloresce. (Schwabe.) OXALATES OF CINCHONINE. The neutral oxalate is a white precipitate, insoluble in cold, slightly soluble in boiling water, very soluble in alcohol, especially if hot, and in oxalate of ammonium. The acid oxalate is much more soluble than the neutral salt. Oxalate of ^-cinchonine is crystallisable. (Schwabe.) OXALURATE OF CINCHONINE. Obtained by saturating a boiling solution of parabanic acid with excess of cinchonine. The solution dries up to a yellowish transparent mass, which whitens a little as it assumes the crystalline form. When boiled with hydro- chloric acid, it dissolves, producing oxalic acid. (Elderhorst.) PERCHLORATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HC10 4 + aq. Obtained by decomposing sulphate of cinchonine with perchlorate of barium. Large rhombo'idal prisms, having a strong lustre, and exhibiting a fine blue and yellow dichro'ism, even in very dilute solutions. Very soluble in water and alcohol. Melts and gives off its water at 160 C. and decomposes with explosion at a higher temperature. The salt dried at 30 C. gives off 3-57 per cent, water at 160 (Boedeker, jun. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxi. 59). According to Dauber (ibid. 66), the crystals belong to the diclinic system of Nau- mann (see CRYSTALLOGRAPHY), being rhomboidal prisms of 125 47' and 54 13' with perpendicular truncation of the acute edges. CINCHONINE. 977 PERIODATE OF CINCHONINE. Very unstable prisms, obtained like the perchlorate. According to Langlois, periodic acid oxidises cinchonine more rapidly than quinine. PHOSPHATE OF CINCHONINE. Very soluble. A solution of cinchonine in phosphoric acid, yields by evaporation, sometimes rudimentary crystals, but more generally amor- phous, transparent plates, which gradually become crystalline by contact with water. Phosphate of ^-cinchonine forms crystals nearly a line in length, and appa- rently oblique-angled. (Schwabe.) PICRATE OF CINCHONINE. Yellow pulverulent precipitate, nearly insoluble in water, very soluble in alcohol. QTJINATE OF CINCHONINE. A strong aqueous solution of cinchonine in quinic acid deposits, when left at rest, sometimes silky needles, sometimes a mammellated mass of small granules. The salt dissolves in half its weight of water at 25 C. : it contains water of crystallisation. From a solution in warm alcohol, it crystallises on cooling in colourless, shining, short, compressed prisms, apparently unalterable either by ex- posure to the air or by a moderate heat, but becoming completely opaque in course of time. Water dissolves them very readily, but with partial decomposition. Their aqueous solution turns reddened litmus blue, but the alcoholic liquid from which they were deposited, turns blue litmus red. SULPHATES OF CINCHONINE. The neutral sulphate, 2C 20 H 24 N 2 O.H 2 S0 4 + 2 aq., is obtained by exactly saturating cinchonine with dilute sulphuric acid. It forms rhombic prisms of 83 and 97, generally very short, and having their ends truncated or bevelled : cleavable parallel to the prismatic faces ; sometimes hemi tropic. They are hard, transparent, and have a vitreous lustre ; permanent in the air ; melt a little above 100 C. and give off their 2 at. water between 100 and 120. They dissolve at mean temperatures in 54 pts. water, 6^ pts. alcohol of specific gravity 0'85, and 11^ pts. absolute alcohol; insoluble in ether (Baup). It is but slightly decomposed by the electric current. Sulphate of cinchonine becomes phosphorescent at 100 C. like sulphate of quinine. At higher temperatures, it melts and then decomposes, yielding a resinous matter of a fine red colour. But if the salt be previously mixed with a little water and sulphuric acid, it remains liquid at a low temperature, even after all the water has been driven off; and if kept in this state for three or four hours at 120 to 130 C. it is completely transformed into sulphate of cinchonicine, only a very small quantity of colouring matter being then produced. (Pasteur, p. 969.) Sulphate of ^-cinchonine, 2C 20 H 24 N 2 O.H 2 S0 4 + 2 aq. Crystallises in rhombic combinations oo P . oo P oo . o P, in which oo P : oo P= 136. It dissolves in 75 pts. of cold, and 14 pts. of hot water; in 13'6 pts. of cold, and 1-5 pts. hot alcohol of 80 per cent., and is insoluble in ether. The dilute aqueous solution is strongly iridiscent. (Schwabe.) Acid Sulphate of Cinchon in e, C 20 H 24 N 2 p.H 2 S0 4 + 3 aq. By adding sulphuric acid to the neutral sulphate, and evaporating till a slight pellicle is formed, the acid salt is obtained in rhombic octahedrons, often having some of their edges or summits modified, and cleaving very easily, at right angles to the axis, in well-defined shining laminae. It is permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures, but effloresces in very dry air or if slightly warmed. When heated, it gives off 1173 per cent, water = 3 at. At 14 C., 100 pts. of the salt [? anhydrous or hydrated], dissolve in 45 pts. water, in 90 pts. of alcohol, of specific gravity 0'85, and in 100 pts. of absolute alcohol : it is insoluble in ether. (Baup, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxvii. 323.) SULPHOCYANATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.HCyS, crystallises in brilliant anhy- drous needles (D o 1 1 f u s). Sulphocyanate of ft - c i n c h o n i n e is also crystallisable. (Schwabe.) TAKTBATES OF CINCHONINE. (Pasteur, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii. 456, 469. Arppe, J. pr. Chem. liii. 331.) These salts, neutral and acid, dextro- or leevo-rota- tory, are prepared by dissolving cinchonine in the proper proportions in the two modi- fications of tartaric acid. o. Neutral, 2C 20 H 24 N 2 O.C 4 H 6 6 + 2 aq. Large needles grouped in bundles, spar- ingly soluble in water, and giving off their crystallisation- water, 4*6 per cent., between 100 and 120 C. (Arppe.) )8. Acid Tartrates. The dextro-rotatory salt, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.C 4 H 6 6 + 4aq., forms nacreous shining crystals grouped in radiate stars. They belong to the trimetric system, and are often hemihedral. Observed combination, oo P . P oo . P. Inclination of faces, oo P : oo P = 133 20' (nearly); Poo: Poo = 127 40'; ?:$ oo = 151 13'. The faces oo P are longitudinally striated. It gives off its water (1375 14-0 per cent. : calculation, 13*58 per cent"* at 100 C., and at 120, assumes a red colour and begins VOL. I. 3 E 978 CINCHONINE. to melt. It dissolves but sparingly in cold, much more easily in hot water, still more in alcohol ; the solution is neutral to test-paper. A solution containing twice the quantity of tartaric acid required to form this salt, deposits at first, another acid tartrate in transparent well-defined crystals. Lcevo-rotatory acid tartrate, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.C 4 H 6 6 + aq. This salt gives off its water = 4-58 per cent. (calc. 378), at 100 C. It is very sparingly soluble in alcohol and in water; the alcoholic solution is neutral, the aqueous solution acid to test-paper. If a g^eat excess of acid is used in the preparation, another acid tartrate is obtained crystallised in brilliant tufts, composed of very slender needles, and very different in appearance from the second dextro-rotatory acid tartrate above-mentioned. (Pasteur.) UEATE OF CINCHONINE, C 20 H 24 N 2 O.C 5 H 4 N 4 S + 4 aq. Obtained by boiling uric acid with cinchonine recently precipitated and diffused through a large quantity of water. The liquid filtered at the boiling heat, deposits long prisms sparingly soluble in water, boiling alcohol, and ether. On heating the salt to 100 C. or leaving it to evaporate over oil of vitriol, it becomes opaque, and finally assumes a sulphur-yellow colour, giving off 12-49 per cent. (calc. 4 at. = 1373 per cent). During the desiccation, it is in a state of constant agitation, and is finally converted into a crystalline powder, probably differing in form from the hydrated crystals. (Elderhorst, loc.cit.) Brominatcd, Chlorinated, and lodated Derivatives of Cinchonine. BROMOCINCHONINE, C 20 H S3 BrN 2 0. (Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiv. 302.) When bromine is poured upon moist acid hydrochlorate of cinchonine, a product is obtained, which, when freed from excess of bromine by washing with a little alcohol, is a mixture of acid hydrobromate or hydrochlorate of bromocinchonine and sesquibromo- cinchonine. On treating it with boiling alcohol, the former of these salts dissolves, while the latter is nearly insoluble ; and on adding ammonia to the decanted solution, boiling to expel part of the alcohol, and leaving it to cool, bromocinchonine is depo- sited in laminae, which may be purified by recrystallisation. The acid hydrochlorate, C 20 H 23 BrN 2 0.2HCl, crystallises in the same form as the corresponding salt of cinchonine. The chloroplatinate, C 20 H 23 BrN 2 0.2(HCl.PtCl 2 ), is a pale yellow powder, containing at 50 C. 24-2 per cent, platinum (calc. 2475). SESQUIBROMOCINCHONINE, C 20 H 22 ' 6 Br 1>5 N 2 0. (Laurent, loc. cit.} When the pulverulent residue, insoluble in boiling alcohol, obtained in the preparation just described, is boiled with water, and ammonia added, a white bulky precipitate of sesqui- bromocinchonine is formed, which, after washing and drying, dissolves in boiling alco- hol, and crystallises therefrom in slender needles. It is slightly bitter ; its alcoholic solution turns reddened litmus blue. It melts when heated, afterwards blackens with intumescence. It gives by analysis 55'45 per cent. C, 5-18 H, and 28'3 Br, the formula requiring 56-270, 5-27H, and 28-13 Br. The acid hydrochlorate, C^H^Br^N'O^HCl, forms rhombic tables, in which oo P: ooP = 107 to 108. The hydrobromochlorate, C3*H ll *Br I '*N a O.HCLHBr, is obtained by pouring bromine on hydrochlorate of cinchonine ; boiling with alcohol as above, to remove hy- drochlorate of bromocinchonine ; again pouring alcohol on the residual salt ; boiling ; adding ammonia, which dissolves it immediately; then adding excess of hydrochloric acid to the solution, and leaving it to cool. The salt is then deposited in small rhombic tables, in which oo P : oo P = 107 to 108. The choroplatinate, C 20 H 22>5 Br 1 - 5 N 2 0.2(IICl.PtCl 2 ), is a very pale-yellow precipi- tate, containing at 100 C. 23*0 per cent, platinum; by calculation, 23-5. DIBROMOCINCHONINE, C 20 H 22 Br 2 N 2 0. (Laurent, Compt, chim. 1849, p. 311.) Bromine in excess is poured on acid hydrochlorate of cinchonine, to which a little water has been added ; the product is heated when the action is over, to complete the bro- mination of the cinchonine, and expel excess of bromine ; water is then poured upon it ; the liquid is boiled and filtered ; alcohol is added to the aqueous filtrate, heat again applied, and the solution is neutralised with ammonia. On cooling, it deposits dibromo- cinchonine in colourless laminae, with nacreous reflexion. Dibromocinchonine is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol. At about 200 C. it swells, blackens, and yields a substance which dissolves easily in potash, and is separated therefrom by acids in brown flakes. Dibromocinchonine gives by analysis 51-20 per cent, C, 4'4H, and 34-00 Br, the formula requiring 51-28 C, 4-70 H, and 34-19 Br. A solution which had been left for some days in an open vessel, deposited rectangular octahedrons, containing 4 '2 per cent. = 1 at. water of crystallisation. The acid hydrochlorate, C 20 H 22 Br 2 N 2 0.2HCl, obtained by treating the base with hydrochloric acid, is sparingly soluble in water, and separates from a boiling solution on cooling, in rhombic tablets, having their four acute angles truncated ; oo P : oo P = CINCHONINE. 979 104 to 105 : Poo : oP =137. Its solution deflects the plane of polarisation to the right. DICHLOROCINCHONINE, C 20 H 22 C1 2 N 2 0. (Laurent, Ann. Ch.Phys. [3] xxiv. 302.) The acid hydrochlorate of this base is formed by passing chlorine into a hot concen- trated solution of acid hydrochlorate of cinchonine; and on adding ammonia to a solution of this salt in boiling water, the base is precipitated as a light flocculent mass, which crystallises from boiling alcohol in microscopic needles, yielding by analysis 18'9 per cent, chlorine (calc. 18 ! 83). The acid hydrochlorate, C 20 H 22 C1 2 N 2 0.2HC1, is sparingly soluble in water, and requires 50 pts. of alcohol to dissolve it : the solution is dextro-rotatory. The salt crystallises in rhombic tables isomorphous with the crystals of acid hydrochlorate of cinchonine, oo P : oo P=106 ; Poo : oP = 136 30' to 137 30'. The chloroplatinate, C i0 H 22 Cl 2 N 2 O.2(HCl.PtCl 2 ),is a pale yeUow powder, yielding at 100, 25-00 per cent, platinum (calc. 25*06). The acid hydrobr ornate, C 20 H 22 Cl 2 N 2 0.2HBr, obtained by treating the base with hydrobromic acid, is sparingly soluble, and crystallises in brilliant laminae, having sensibly the same angles as those of the acid hydrochlorate, but presenting a different appearance, inasmuch as the modifying faces are considerably developed, so that the rhombic tablet is transformed into a six-sided prism ; oo P : oo P = 104 ; P oo : oP = 137. The salt has the same composition as the acid hydrochlorate of dibromocinchonine, but differs from it in giving with nitrate of silver a precipitate of bromide of silver, whereas the latter yields a precipitate of chloride. The nitrate is sparingly soluble in water, and crystallises in small elongated tetra- hedrons, formed of four equal scalene triangles, and having their opposite edges trun- cated. IODOCINCHONINE, 2C 20 H 24 N 2 O.P (?) (Pelletier, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] Ixiii. 181.) When cinchonine is triturated with about half its weight of iodine, and the product is treated with alcohol of 36 per cent., the whole dissolves, and on leaving the solution to evaporate, it first deposits the so-called iodocinchonine in saffron-coloured plates, after- wards crystalline nodules of hydriodate of cinchonine. On treating the whole with boiling water, the hydriodate dissolves, and the iodocinchonine separates in the melted state. Iodocinchonine has a deep saffron-yellow colour when seen in mass ; its powder is lighter. It has a slightly bitter taste. When heated, it softens at 25 C. but does not enter into complete fusion till heated to 80. It is insoluble in cold water, very soluble in boiling water, soluble in alcohol and ether. It gave by analysis 28'83 per cent, iodine (calc. 29'03). Iodocinchonine may be decomposed by the successive action of acid and alkaline solutions. It is likewise decomposed by nitrate of silver. (Pelletier.) If the preceding formula be correct, the compound is not iodocinchonine, but iodide of cinchonine. Sulphate of Iodocinchonine. (W. B. Herapath, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xi. 151.) Cinchonine treated with iodine and strong sulphuric acid, yields a crystalline salt, which resembles the corresponding quinine-compound in its action on light. It crystallises in long needles, which appear deep purple-red by transmitted, and dark purple-blue by re- flected light ; their laminse appear lemon-yellow by transmitted light, and if two such thin plates be superposed in such a manner that their longest dimensions may cross one another at right angles, the system is perfectly impervious to light, the two plates acting in fact like two tourmalines with their axes crossed. (For further details re- lating to these properties, see SULPHATE OF IODOQUININE, under QUININE). The salt dissolves easily in strong boiling alcohol, and crystallises therefrom ; sparingly in weak alcohol, and scarcely at all in water, ether, and chloroform. Herapath assigns to it the formula C 30 H 38 N 4 O 2 I 6 .H 2 S0 4 + 3aq., which is very improbable, Sulphate of Iodo-&-cinchonine is obtained in indistinct crystals on adding a warm solution of 3 pts. iodine in 115 pts. alcohol to a solution of 10 pts. of sulphate of -cm- chonine in 144 pts. acetic acid, and 12 pts. dilute sulphuric acid. (Schwabe.) Derivatives of Cinchonine containing Organic Radicles. BENZOYL-CINCHONINE, C 27 H 28 N 2 = C 20 H 28 (C 7 H 5 0)N 2 p. (Schiitzenberger, Ann. Ch. Pharm. cviii. 351.) Dry cinchonine dissolves with rise of temperature in chloride of benzoyl, and the mixture, if heated for a few seconds, solidifies to a crystalline mass of hydrochlorate of benzoyl-cinchonine. This salt dissolves readily in water, and the solution, quickly decanted from undissolved chloride of benzoyl, yields with ammonia a white glutinous precipitate of benzoyl-cinchonine, which hardens in the cold. It is tasteless and uncrystallisable, insoluble in water, but dissolves in all proportions in 3B 2 980 CINCHOVATINE CINNAMEIN. alcoliol and ether. Its salts are easily soluble in water. The hydrocUorate is C 27 H 29 N 2 O.HC1 ; the chloroplatinate C^H^O 2 . 2(HCl.PtCl 2 ). METHYL-CINCHONINE, C 21 H 26 N 2 0=C 20 H 23 (CH 3 )N 2 0. (Stahlschmidt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xc. 218.) The hydriodate of this base, C 2I H 26 N 8 O.HI, is produced by the action of iodide of methyl on pulverised cinchonine. It dissolves easily in boiling water, and separates in fine needles on cooling. It is not attacked by iodide of methyl when heated therewith to 100 C. in a sealed tube : hence cinchonine appears to contain but 1 at. of hydrogen replaceable by an alcohol-radicle. The iodide treated with oxide of silver, yields a solution of the base, which, when quickly evaporated over the water-bath, leaves a brown crystalline mass, from which, when dissolved in water, brown oily drops separate. The aqueous solution precipitates the salts of sesquioxides. The salts of methyl-cinchonine are very soluble in water and in alcohol, and difficult to crystallise. The cUoroplatinate, C 21 H 26 N 2 0.2(HCl.PtCl 2 ), yields when dried at 100C., 2670 2677 per cent, platinum, the formula requiring 26-93. CINCHOVATINE. Syn. with ARICTNEV (p. 357). CINNABAR. Pro tosulphide of mercury. (See MEBCUBY.) P9TI7O > CIWlffAMEIW. Cinnamate of Benzyl C 16 H 14 2 = rO. (Plantamour, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxvii. 329 ; xxx. 241. Fr&my, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixx. 189. H. De- ville, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxiv. 230. E. Kopp, Compt. chim. 1850, p. 410. Scharling, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 184. Grm. xiii. 283. G-erh. iii. 404.) This compound was discovered by Plantamour (1838), who obtained it from balsam of Peru, in which, according to Simon, it exists ready formed ; according to Fremy and Deville, it exists also in small quantity in Tolu balsam. According to Scharling, cinnamic acid dissolved in peruvin (a mixture of benzylic alcohol and toluene) forms a liquid, which, when saturated with hydrochloric acid, yields to boiling water a neutral oil resembling cinnamein. Preparation. Balsam of Peru is saponified by agitation with excess of caustic potash, and the solid soap dissolved in water : the solution on being warmed, separates after a few minutes into two layers, and the upper, which is oily, is to be repeatedly washed with water, till the oil exhibits a faint reddish-yellow colour. The residual water is evaporated over the water-bath ; the oil dissolved in warm alcohol and evapo- rated ; and this treatment repeated as long as resin separates out on evaporation. (Plantamour). 2. Balsam of Peru dissolved in alcohol of 36, is treated with alco- holic potash, whereby a compound of resin with potash is precipitated ; the solution is mixed with water ; the cinnamein which separates out in the form of an oil is separated from the inferior solution of cinnamate of potassium, and dissolved in freshly -rectified rock-oil, whereby resin is removed ; the rock-oil is then evaporated, and the residual oil placed in a vacuum. Cinnamein thus prepared, still retains styracin in solution, the quantity varying according to the nature of the balsam. To free it from this im- purity, it is dissolved in weak alcohol, and cooled for several days below 0, as long as a crystalline deposit of styracin continues to form (Fremy). 3. Balsam of Peru is repeatedly boiled with aqueous carbonate of sodium, and the cinnamate of sodium is removed by washing, the residue then separating into a resin, and a yellowish-brown liquid which must be heated to 170 C. on the oil- bath, and distilled in steam heated to 170. Colourless, somewhat milky cinnamein then passes over, and is freed from adhering water by standing for some time in a warm place, over chloride of calcium. Sometimes, perhaps always, the cinnamein thus prepared contains in solution styracin, which, after long standing, partially crystallises out (Scharling). Calcined mag- nesia or oxide of lead also separates cinnamein from balsam of Peru, by combining with the cinnamic acid, and separating resin. (Simon.) Properties. Cinnamein is a feebly coloured or colourless, strongly refracting, neutral oil, which remains liquid when cooled to 12 or 15 C. for several days. It boils at 305, and distils without decomposition (Plantamour); between 340 and 350, with partial decomposition (Deville, Fremy). It has a feeble pleasant odour. Its taste is sharp and aromatic, recalling that of fat. It makes grease spots on paper. Specific gravity, 1-098 at 14; 1-0925 at 25 (Scharling). It is nearly insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol and ether. Cinnamein contains, according to Scharling's analysis, 79*18 to 7 9 -24 per cent. C, 6-56 to 6-03 H, and 14-26 to 13720, agreeing nearly with the preceding formula, which requires 80-62 C, 5'88 H, and 13-45 0. When kept under water for some time, it yields a crystalline substance of the same composition, metacinnamein, which melts between 12 and 15 C. sometimes resolidifies after cooling and standing, but after solu- tion in boiling alcohol cannot again be obtained in the crystalline form. (Scharling.) CINNAMENE. 981 Cinnamein slowly absorbs moist oxygen (Fr6my). When exposed for years to air and light, it acquires a rancid odour and acid reaction. Crystallised cinnamein preserved in a glass vessel for a year melted to a viscous mass, and in another year solidified to a transparent amorphous mass (Scharling). Cinnamein is partially decomposed by dis- tillation, leaving a small quantity of tar, and yielding a distillate differing in compo- sition from the original substance. It is resinised by strong sulphuric acid (Fr6my. It slowly absorbs chlorine, more easily when heated, becoming at the same time coloured and thickened, and when dis- tilled, ultimately yields chloride of benzoyl together with an oil (Fremy). Nitric acid acts briskly on cinnamein when heated, forming a yellow resin and a large quantity of bitter almond oil. Peroxide of lead acts in a similar manner (Fremy). Cinnamein forms a crystalline compound with ammonia (Plantamour). Mixed with sulphide of carbon and powdered hydrate of potassium, it forms a saline mass con- taining xanthate of potassium (Scharling). Rapidly heated with very concentrated potash-ley, or melted with hydrate of potash, it gives off hydrogen, and passes into cinnamate (and benzoate) of potassium (Fremy). Treated with very concentrated potash-ley in the cold, or with alcoholic potash, it is completely resolved, in 24 hours, without disengagement of gas or absorption of oxygen, into benzylic alcohol and cin- namate of potassium : C 16 H M 2 t- KHO = C 7 H 8 + C 9 H 7 E:0 2 . By the continued action of the potash, the benzylic alcohol may be converted into benzylene. (C 7 H 8 .) Plantamour, by treating cinnamein with strong alcoholic potash, obtained, together with cinnamic acid, an acid which he designated as carbobenzoic or myroxylic acid ; probably impure benzoic-acid resulting from the decomposition of cinnamic acid under the influence of potash (p. 984). CIN-NAMENE. C 8 H 8 . Cinnamol. Styrol. Volatile Oil of Liquid Storax. (Bo- nastre, J. Pharm. xvii. 338. D'Arcet, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixvi. 110. Mulder, J. pr. Chem. xv. 307. E. Simon, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxi. 265. C. Herzog, Pharm. Centr. 1839, p. 833. Gerhardt and Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] i. 96. E. Kopp, Compt. chim. 1846, p. 87; further, Compt. rend. liii. 634. Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. Ch. Pharm. liii. 293, 325. Hempels, ibid. lix. 316. Scharling, ibid, xcvii. 184. D. Howard, Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 134; Gm.xiii.l; Gerh.iii. 374.) This compound is produced by the decomposition of cinnamic acid (p. 981), and is contained in liquid Btorax (p. 982), whence it may be obtained by distillation with water. It was for- merly supposed that cinnamene obtained from cinnamic acid was not identical, but only isomeric, with styrol, the volatile oil of storax, because the latter is completely converted by heat into a solid substance, mctastyrol, of the same composition, whereas with cinnamene this change had been observed to take place but imperfectly ; but E. Kopp has lately shown that this transformation takes place quite as completely with cinnamene as with styrol, an observation which removes the only objection to the sup- posed identity of the two substances. Preparation. a. From Cinnamic Acid and the Cinnamates. Cinnamic acid, when slowly distilled at its boiling point, is completely resolved into cinnamene and carbonic anhydride : C 9 H 8 2 = CO 2 + C 8 H 8 . Pure cinnamate of calcium is likewise resolved by dry distillation into cinnamene and carbonate of calcium (D. Howard). Cinnamic acid distilled with excess of lime or baryta yields a mixture of cinnamene and benzene, which may be separated by rec- tification. b. From Storax. The liquid balsam is distilled in a copper still connected with a worm-tub, with water containing carbonate of sodium, to retain cinnamic acid ; 3| Ibs. of carbonate of sodium suifice for 10 Ibs. of storax. The water which passes over is milky, and the cinnamene floats on the surface. The quantity obtained varies with the age of the balsam. Blyth and Hofmann obtained in one operation about 360 grammes of oil from 20| kil. of liquid storax, in another not more than 90 grms. from 13| kil. The oily distillate is dried over chloride of calcium and rectified. This last operation requires particular precautions. The liquid begins to give off vapour between 100 and 120 C., and at 145 it is in full ebullition, a limpid oil then passing over, and the thermometer remaining stationary for some time ; suddenly, however, a considerable rise takes place, and the thermometer must then be quickly withdrawn from the retort, for the residue thickens, and on cooling solidifies to a transparent glass, consisting of metacinnamene or metastyrol. The quantity of this solid residue varies, but it some- times amounts to half the oil subjected to distillation. c. Cinnamene may also be obtained from the resin of Peru balsam, by heating that substance mixed with pumice to dull redness in a retort, and subjecting the oil which passes over, together with benzoic acid and an aqueous liquid, to fractional distillation. The portion which goes over under 175 C., and is lighter than water, is collected, re- peatedly distilled with potash-solution, allowed to stand several days over piecesiof solid 982 CINNAMENE. potash, and then distilled at a temperature not exceeding 150 C. The distillate is dried with chloride of calcium, treated with potassium, whereby hydrogen is evolved, and the fluid part is decanted from the resulting gelatinous precipitate and distilled. The boiling point then gradually rises to 100 140 C., by which time all the cinnamene remains behind, amounting to f of the liquid employed. (Scharling, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvii. 184.) Cinnamene is a very mobile colourless oil, having a strong persistent aromatic odour, reminding of benzene and naphthalene together. It does not solidify at 20 C. It is very volatile, the grease spots which it produces on paper disappearing in a few seconds. Specific gravity 0'924. Boiling point 14575 C. (Blyth and Hoffmann) ; 145 (E. Kopp). It is neutral, mixes in all proportions with alcohol and ether, vola- tile oils, and sulphide of carbon, and dissolves sulphur and phosphorus. Cinnamene is not acted upon by potash. With fuming sulphuric acid it appears to form a conjugated acid. If added by drops to fuming nitric acid, it dissolves with evolution of red vapours ; and water added to the solution throws down a yellow resin, which, by careful distillation, yields crystals of nitrocinnamene. If boiled with excess of nitric acid, it yields benzoic or nitrobenzoic acid, according to the strength of the nitric acid. Distilled with dilute chromic acid, it yields crystals of nitrobenzoic acid. With chlorine and bromine, it forms chloride and bromide of cinnamene. METACINNAMENE. Metastyrol. DraconyL This is the solid substance into which cinnamene or styrol is converted by the action of heat. The conversion takes place readily in a sealed tube heated to 200 C. in an oil-bath. Metacinnamene is likewise obtained from dragon's blood. When the crude oil produced by the dry distillation of that substance is distilled till the temperature rises to 280 C. a liquid is obtained con- taining toluene (hydride of benzyl, p. 573), and cinnamene. On distilling this mixture at a temperature below the boiling point, till the greater part of the toluene has passed over, a viscous liquid remains, consisting of metacinnamene, held in solution by a small quantity of styrol. On pouring this liquid into alcohol, the cinnamene dissolves, while the metacinnamene is precipitated in the form of a soft colourless resin like tur- pentine, which may be washed with alcohol, and then dried in a stove at 150 C. According to E. Kopp, the transformation of cinnamene into metacinnamene likewise takes place spontaneously at ordinary temperatures. This property, joined to the high refracting power of metacinnamene, suggests the possibility of using cinnamene for filling hollow glass lenses or prisms. According to Kovalevsky (Ann. Ch. Pharm. cxx. 66), metacinnamene exists also, together with cinnamene, in liquid storax. Metacinnamene is a colourless, limpid, highly refractive substance, destitute of taste and odour. At mean temperatures it is hard, and may be cut with a knife ; but it softens by heat, and may then be drawn out into long threads. It is insoluble in water and alcohol ; ether dissolves it in small quantity, and at the boiling heat transforms it into a gelatinous mass, which, after drying at 100 C., forms a white spongy substance, having exactly the composition of styrol. Metacinnamene liquefies when heated in a small retort, and yields by distillation pure cinnamene, which may be reconverted into metacinnamene by heating to 200 C. in a sealed tube. Chlorine and bromine act very slowly on metacinnamene, but ultimately convert it into chloride and bromide of cinnamene respectively. Strong sulphuric acid carbo- nises it. By fusion with hydrate of potassium it is converted into styrol. Nitric acid of ordinary strength acts but slightly on metacinnamene, but fuming nitric acid dissolves it easily, with evolution of red vapours ; and if the acid has been added in sufficient quantity, the solution yields with water a precipitate ofnitrometacinnamene. Compounds and Derivatives of Cinnamene. BROMIDE OF CHINAMENE. C 8 H 8 Br 2 . Produced by the action of bromine on cinna- mene. It is insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol and ether, whence it crys- tallises in needles. Solutions saturated at the boiling heat usually deposit it in the form of an oil, which remains liquid for a long time, and solidifies suddenly when agitated. It has a peculiar odour, which is not disagreeable, but excites tears. It melts at 67 C., and often remains liquid, even when cooled to 30 C., but the least agitation causes it to solidify in a crystalline mass. Its boiling point is above 200 C. It may be distilled almost wholly without alteration. Alcoholic potash converts it into bromide of potassium and a brominated organic compound. Chloride of Cinnamene. C 8 H 8 CP. Oily liquid, produced by the action of chlorine on cinnamene. It is decomposed by distillation into hydrocliloric acid and another oily compound. Treated with alcoholic potash, it yields chlorocinnamene, C 8 H 7 Cl. Trichloride of Dichlorocinnamene, C 8 H 6 C1 2 .3C1 8 , is obtained, according to Laurent, by the action of clilorine on cinnamene. CINNAMIC ACID. 983 NITROCINNAMENE. Nitrostyrol C S H 7 (N0 2 ). Produced by the action of fuming nitric acid on cinnamene (p. 980). It crystallises in large prisms ; has an odour of cinnamon which excites tears ; produces painful blisters on the skin. Nitrometacinnamene. Nitrometastyrol. Nitrodraconyl. This compound, isomeric with the last, is precipitated on adding water to the product of the action of fuming nitric acid on metacinnamene. It is a white amorphous powder, insoluble in water, acids, potash, ether, and alcohol. When slightly heated, it burns with explosion. When distilled with lime, it is decomposed, with separation of carbon and evolution of ammonia, together with a small quantity of a brown oil containing phenylamine. It does not appear to be attacked by strong nitric acid, even after several hours' boiling. CIN3XTA1VIIC ACID. C 9 H 8 2 = ^^.CO. Zimmtsdure. Cinnamylsdure. (Dumas and Peligot [1834], Ann. Ch. Phys. Ivii. 311. E. Simon, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxi. 265. Stenhouse, ibid. Iv. 1; Ivii. 79. Herzog, Arch. Pharm. xvii. 72; xx. 159. E. Kopp, Compt. chim. 1847, p. 198; 1849, p. 146; 1850, p. 140. Ca- hours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiii. 341. Schabus, Wien Akad. Ber. 1850 [2] 206. Chiozza, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix. 439. J. Lowe, J. pr. Chem. Ixv. 188. Piria, Ann. Ch. Pharm. c. 104. Bertagnini, Cimento, iv. 46. Gm. xiii. 268. G-erh. iii. 388.) This acid exists in the free state in several balsams, as in liquid sfcorax, Tolu balsam, Peru balsam, and gum benzoin, and is often deposited in large prismatic crystals from old samples of oil of cinnamon ; also from cinnamon -water. Formation. Cinnamic acid is produced : 1. By the action of oxidising agents on cin- namic aldehyde and on styrone. 2. By heating bitter-almond oil with chloride of acetyl in a sealed tube to 120 130 C., but not higher, for 20 24 hours, hydrochloric acid being formed at the same time : C 7 H G + C 2 H 3 O.C1 = HC1 + C 9 H 8 2 . The cinnamic acid may be extracted from the viscid residue by digestion with water containing ammonia. 3. By boiling cinnamein with potash, benzylic alcohol being formed at the same time (p. 979). 4. By fusing styracin with potash (Fr6my) or boiling it with potash-ley. (Simon.) Preparation. a. Prom the deposit of cinnamate of lead mixed with cinnamic acid, found in the old leaden packages in which oil of cassia-cinnamon is imported. The deposit is dissolved in alcohol and filtered from the cinnamate of lead, and the alcohol is removed from the filtrate by distillation ; the cinnamic acid then quickly crystallises out from the oil, and is purified by treatment with carbonate of sodium and precipitation. The residual cinnamate of lead is boiled with carbonate of sodium, filtered from the carbonate of lead, and the cinnamic acid is precipitated by dilute sulphuric acid, in silvery lustrous laminae, which are washed, and recrystallised from alcohol (Herzog). Dumas and Peligot dissolve the crystalline deposit from oil of cinnamon in boiling water, and evaporate the filtrate to the crystallising point. b. From Liquid Storax. Liquid storax is distilled with water and ^ to ^ pts. of crys- tallised carbonate of sodium, whereupon styrol passes over. The residual aqueous liquid is filtered from the resin ; and the filtrate is mixed at first with just so much sulphuric acid, that a very small quantity of cinnamic acid is precipitated along with dissolved resin ; and the liquid filtered from this precipitate is treated with excess of sulphuric acid, which precipitates cinnamic acid of a tolerably white colour. It is dissolved in a large quantity of water, with as little carbonate of sodium as possible, and again precipitated, first with a little sulphuric acid, and then, after the filtration, with an excess of acid, by which a white precipitate is formed. This is washed with water, dried, and dissolved in alcohol, which, by spontaneous evaporation, yields quite white and very large crystals (E. Simon). Erdmann and Marchand purify the acid by dis- tillation, pressure between paper moistened with alcohol, and repeated crystallisation. D. Howard (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. xiii. 72) finds that cinnamic acid prepared from liquid istorax contains a small quantity of benzoic acid, from which, however, it is purified by crystallisation from alcohol. c. From Balsam of Peru. When the slimy residue which deposits in Peruvian balsam by keeping, is dissolved in warm alcohol, and the filtrate is placed in a tall and narrow cylinder with a layer of water on the top, crystals of nearly pure cinnamic acid separate in a few days from the clear brown liquid (Herberger). When Peru- vian balsam is boiled with thick milk of lime, the liquid filtered, the residual magma exhausted three or four times with boiling water, and the solution again filtered, the filtrate deposits on cooling, loose, almost white masses of crystals; and these, when decomposed by hydrochloric acid, yield nearly pure cinnamic acid, which may be ob- tained perfectly pure, either by distillation, or by solution in ammonia, filtration, and precipitation while hot by hydrochloric acid (E. Kopp). Simon proceeds as with storax. 3 B 4 984 CINNAMIC ACID. d. From Balsam of Tolu. Balsam of Tolu is boiled six or seven times with solu- tions of carbonate of sodium, which are taken continually weaker (the last extracts only contain a little benzoic acid, produced by the action of the alkali on the resin) ; and the alkaline decoctions are strongly concentrated by evaporation, and precipitated hot by hydrochloric acid, whereupon most of the einnamic acid melts into a brown resin, and but little crystallises out on cooling. The latter is pressed, the resin is pulverised, and both are dissolved in ammonia diluted with 2 pta. of water, and heated to 80 C. The greater part of the resin then remains dissolved. The liquid is filtered; the. re- sidue is boiled with water ; and the whole of the very brown liquids are evaporated and decomposed, while boiling, by hydrochloric acid, whereupon most of the acid again melts, while the remainder seprates out on cooling in nearly white crystalline scales, which are pressed, and washed with a little cold water. The melted acid is also washed with a little water. The whole of the acid is heated in a porcelain dish covered with paper till the water is expelled very little acid subliming even at 200 C. and the fused residue is bruised and distilled. Pure einnamic acid then passes over as a colour- less, clear, strongly refracting liquid, which solidifies to a white crystalline mass like stearin. Towards the end, yellowish vapours arise, which, when collected in another receiver, solidify into a mass of acid, which is contaminated by the presence of the em- pyreumatic oils of the resin, but may be obtained quite pure by recrystallisation from boiling water. (E. Kopp.) Properties. Cinnamic acid crystallises in colourless prisms or laminae belonging to the monoclinic system. Ordinary combination, ooP . [ coPoo ] . [Poo ]. Ratio of ortho- diagonal, clinodiagonal, and principal axis = 0'3674 : 1 : 1-1694. Inclination of clino- diagonal to principal axis = 82 58'. Cleavage perfect parallel to [ ooPco ]. Specific gravity of crystals = 1-195. Cinnamic acid dissolves sparingly in cold water, easily in boiling water, alcohol, and ether; water precipitates it from the alcoholic solution. It melts at 129 C., and boils without decomposition at 293 (Dumas andPeligot), at 300 304 (E.Kopp), with or without decomposition, according to the manner in which it is heated. If enclosed in a sealed tube, it may be heated to 200 C. (in a paraffin-bath) for several hours without alteration. (Howard.) Decompositions. 1. Cinnamic acid, when slowly distilled, is resolved into cinnamene and carbonic anhydride: C 9 H 8 2 = C 8 H 8 + CO 8 , a small quantity of stilbene, C"H 12 , being likewise produced, and passing over with the cinnamene (Howard). 2. On red- hot platinum-foil, or in the flame of a candle, it burns with a smoky flame (Biz io). On red-hot charcoal, it evaporates without flame producing a strong biting smoke. 3. Strong sulphuric acid, or sulphuric anhydride, converts it into sulpho-cinnamic acid. 4. Cin- namic acid heated with excess of iodine, melts to a dark brown mass ; and when this mass is heated with water, and the excess of iodine expelled by evaporation, iodocin- iiamic acid crystallises out on cooling (Herzog). 5. Bromine passed over cinnama'e of silver forms bromocinnamic acid (Herzog). 6. Chlorine passed in diffused daylight over dry einnamic acid, forms a tough greasy substance, which, when heated with carbonate of potassium, forms chlorocinnamate of potassium, and deposits a white oil containing chlorine (Herzog). The same products are formed when chlorine is passed into warm aqueous einnamic acid or cinnamate of sodium, and when einnamic acid is distilled with hypochlorite of calcium (Stenhouse, E. Kopp), or with chlorate of potassium and hydrochloric acid. 7. Strong nitric acid converts einnamic acid into nitrobenzoic acid, provided the mixture be kept cool ; otherwise nitrous fumes are evolved, and hydride of benzoyl is first obtained, then benzoic and nitrobenzoic acids. The same products are formed on heating einnamic acid with more dilute nitric acid. 8. Boiled with peroxide of lead in aqueous solution, einnamic acid gives off the odour of bitter- almond oil, while the peroxide of lead assumes a light yellow colour, and is partially converted into benzoate of lead. This behaviour serves to distinguish ein- namic acid from benzoic acid (Stenhouse). 9. Cinnamic acid distilled with sulphuric acid and acid chromate of potassium, yields oil of bitter-almonds (Simon). 10. With pentachloride of phosphorus (also the trichloride, according to B 6 champ), it yields chloride of cinnamyl (Cahours). 11. Fused with hydrate of potassium, it gives off hydrogen, and forms acetate and benzoate of potassium, a small quantity of salicylate of potassium being also produced by the action of potash on the benzoic acid pre- viously formed (C hi o z z a) : C 9 H 8 2 + 2KHO = C 2 H 3 K0 2 + C 7 H 5 K0 2 + H 2 . Cinnamic acid is not decomposed by boiling with strong caustic potash (Simon). 12. In the dry distillation of the alkaline cinnamates or of einnamic acid with caustic baryta or lime, a carbonate is formed, together with cinnamene and benzene. 13. Cinnamate of calcium, distilled with formate of calcium, yields einnamic aldehyde (Piria.) The reactions 6, 7, and 8, serve to distinguish cmnamic acid from benzoic acid. CINNAMIC ACID. 985 CINNAMATES. Cinnamic acid is monobasic, the formula of its salts being C'H^O 2 . They are crystallisable, and bear considerable resemblance to the benzoates. The cinnamates of the alkali-metals are easily soluble in water ; those of the earth-metals and heavy metals sparingly soluble, the least soluble being the silver-salt. They dis- solve more readily in water containing chlorides or nitrates. The solutions of most cinnamates yield a precipitate of cinnamic acid when decom- posed by the stronger acids. Cinnamates are decomposed by dry distillation, giving off an odour of bitter- almonds. With strong nitric acid, they turn yellow, and give off the odour of oil of cinnamon and bitter-almond oil. They likewise yield bitter-almond oil when distilled with chromic acid. With ferric salts, they give a yellow precipitate, and with manganous salts, the cinnamate being in excess, a white precipitate which soon becomes yellowish and crystalline. Benzoates give a reddish precipitate with ferric salts, and none with manganous salts. The cinnamates have been investigated chiefly by Herzog (J. pr. Chem. xxix. 51), and E. Kopp (Compt. rend. liii. 634). Cinnamate of Aluminium. Loose white powder, sparingly soluble in cold, easily in hot water. Cinnamate of Ammonium, 2C 9 H 7 (NH 4 )0 2 4 aq. Sparingly soluble in cold water : gives off ammonia when melted, yielding a crystalline sublimate and a resinous residue. With excess of cinnamic acid, it forms an acid salt still less soluble in water. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Antimony and Potassium is deposited from a mixture of cinnamate of potassium and tartar-emetic, in delicate hydrated crystals, which redissolve if left for a long time in the liquid. The salt yields by calcination, a colourless residue, which effervesces with acids, and is coloured orange-red by sulphuretted hydrogen. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Barium, 2C 9 H 7 Ba0 2 4- aq. Precipitate, soluble in boiling water, crys- tallising on cooling. Gives off its water at 110 C. (Herzog). According to E. Kopp, the salt forms broad, irregular, transparent, nacreous laminse containing C 9 H 7 Ba0 2 + aq. becomes anhydrous at 140 C. and when distilled with excess of bary tic hydrate, yields nearly pure cinnamene. Cinnamate of Calcium, C 9 H 7 Ba0 2 + aq. Very little soluble in cold water, easily in boiling water, whence it separates in light crystalline masses (Herzog). 2C 9 H 7 Ca0 2 + 3 aq. White shining needles composed of thin nacreous laminae, having the form of nearly rectangular parallelograms. It gives off one-third of its water when exposed to the air at ordinary temperatures, and the rest at 150 C. (E. Kopp.) Cinnamate of Cobalt. Rose-coloured precipitate, soluble in alcohol. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Copper, C 9 H 7 Cu0 2 ..rCuHO. The greenish-blue precipitate obtained by double decomposition, is a highly hydrated basic salt. When heated, it loses its blue colour and decomposes, giving off cinammic acid and cinnamene, and leaving metallic copper mixed with charcoal. Cinnamates of Iron. Both the ferric and ferrous salts are yellow precipitates, spar- ingly soluble in water. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Lead, C 8 H 7 Pb0 2 . Granular crystalline powder, anhydrous and in- soluble in water (Herzog). Sometimes obtained in laminse, flattened or elongated into needles, and in small hard rounded grains (E. Kopp). Alcohol extracts a portion of the cinammic acid, leaving a basic salt. Cinnamate of Magnesium, 2C 9 H 7 Mg0 2 + 3aq., crystallised in the cold, forms small white needles, which quickly become opaque on being exposed to the air. From a boiling solution it separates in tufts of shining needles, formed by the superposition of elongated laminae, very thin, and of nacreous aspect. It melts at 200 C. and be- comes anhydrous. Manganous Cinnamate, C 9 H 7 Mn0 2 + aq. Yellowish- white crystalline precipitate, which dissolves in boiling water acidulated with acetic acid, and separates therefrom in shining yellowish laminse, superposed on one another. (E. Kopp.) Mercurous Cinnomatc. White curdy precipitate. Cinnamate of Nickel. Green precipitate soluble in alcohol. Cinnamate of Potassium, 2C 9 H 7 K0 2 +aq. Crystals belonging to the monoclinic system, giving off their water at 120C, and decrepitating when strongly and suddenly heated. It is very soluble in water, but less so than the benzoate ; moderately soluble in alcohol (Herzog). From a rather strong boiling solution containing excess of caustic potash, it crystallises readily in nacreous needles, which are anhydrous. (E. Kopp.) When cinnamic acid is dissolved in a hot solution of cinnamate of potassium, a sparingly soluble acid salt is deposited on cooling. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Silver, C'H'AgO 2 . White curdy precipitate, becoming crystalline after a while ; not much altered by light. It is insoluble in boiling water, but dis- solves slightly in the liquid from which it has been precipitated (Herzog). White .precipitate, or silky nacreous needles composed of small elongated laminse, often bi- furcated. (E. Kopp.) 986 CINNAMJC ACID. solution in weak caustic soda, it crystallises in beautiful needles containing i at. water of crystallisation. In strong caustic soda, it dissolves but sparingly at common tempe- ratures, separating in hard, yellowish, radiated, anhydrous spheres. (E. Kopp.) Cinnamate of Strontium, C 9 H 7 Sr0 2 + 2aq., when recently crystallised, forms white, nacreous, nearly opaque needles, composed of very small prisms. It is much more soluble in hot than in cold water ; gives off 1 at. water when exposed to dry air, and the rest at 140 C. (E. Kopp.) Cinnamate of Tin. The stannic s< is a white precipitate. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Uranyl. Yellow precipitate, sparingly soluble in boiling water. (Herzog.) Cinnamate of Zinc. Cinnamic acid dissolves zinc at the boiling heat, with evolution of hydrogen. 'The salt is moderately soluble, and crystallises by evaporation (H e r- zog), C 9 H 7 Zn0 2 + aq. White precipitate, which dissolves in boiling water, and crystallises therefrom in shining, transparent, prismatic needles, sometimes grouped like mushrooms. (E. Kopp.) CINNAMIC ETHEBS. Cinnamate of Ethyl, C H H 12 2 = C 9 H 7 (C 2 H 5 )0 2 . (Her- zog, Arch. Pharm. [2] xvii. 72. Marchand, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxii. 270. E. Kopp. Pharm. [3] xi. 72. Plantamour, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxx. 345). This compound is easily obtained by distilling a mixture of 4 pts. absolute alcohol, 2 pts. cinnamic acid, and 1 pt. sulphuric acid, cohobating the product several times, agitating with water the oil which remains in the retort, and rectifying over massicot. It is a limpid liquid, of specific gravity 1'3, boiling at 262 C. (Herzog); at 266, when the cor- rection is made for the column of mercury projecting above the retort (H. Kopp). Vapour-density 6*537 at 291 C. (by calculation for 2 vol. = 6-101). Cinnamate of ethyl is nearly insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and in ether. It is scarcely attacked by fuming nitric acid. Alkaline hydrates easily con- fert it into alcohol and a cinnamate of the alkali-metal. Cinnamate of Methyl, C 10 H IC 2 = C y H 7 (CH 3 )0 2 (E. Kopp, Compt. rend. xxi. 1376). Obtained by saturating a mixture of cinnamic acid and wood-spirit with hy- drochloric acid gas at a gentle heat, precipitating the product with water, then drying and rectifying. It is a colourless, oily liquid, having an agreeable aromatic odour. Specific gravity 1-106. Boiling point 241 C. Cinnamate of Benzyl, or Cinnamein (p. 982). Cinnamate of Cinnyl, C I8 H I6 2 = C 9 H 7 0(C 9 H 9 )0. Cinnamyl-styrone, Styracin. (Bonastre, J. Pharm. June, 1831, p. 338. E. Simon, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xxxi. 365. E. Kopp, Compt. chim. 1850, p. 140. Toel, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 1. Strecker, ibid. Ixx, 40; Ixxiv. 112. Plantamour, ibid, xxvii. 239; xxx. 341 Gossmann, ibid. xcix. 376. Scharling, ibid, xcvii. 90, 174. Gm. xiii. 286. Gerh. iii. 403.) This compound, which bears to cinnylic alcohol or styrone (p. 992) the same relation that acetate of ethyl bears to common alcohol, is contained in liquid storax (p. 497), together with cinnamic acid, styrol, and several resins ; also in balsam of Peru. Preparation from Storax. 1. The balsam is distilled with water to expel the styrol, and then boiled with aqueous carbonate of sodium, which extracts the free cinnamic acid. The residue thus obtained is a resinous spongy mass, which contains oily styracin in its pores, and when kneaded with the fingers becomes more and more compact, while the oily styracin runs out. 2. Toel dries the resinous cake which remains after boiling the liquid storax with carbonate of sodium, after it has been freed from the solution of cinnamate of sodium ; macerates it repeatedly with cold alcohol, which extracts the co- louring resin, and leaves most of the styracin but little coloured ; and obtains the styracin quite pure by repeated crystallisation from ether-alcohol. 3. Wolff allows the resinous cake to stand for some time in cold alcohol, when it soon becomes crystalline ; frees the crystals from resin by dissolving them in boiling alcohol, and precipitating the resin with acetate of lead ; and frequently recrystullises, first from ether-alcohol, then from ether. 4. After distilling liquid storax with water, and repeatedly boiling the residue with carbonate of sodium, the undissolved portion is slowly allowed to cool to 30 40 : the mass then becomes tough and spongy, and a yellow oil collects in its pores. This oil made to run out by kneading and pressing, and then filtered, solidifies after some time into a crystalline mass, which is purified by recrystallisation from alcohol. The residual mass still contains much styracin, and is therefore worked up for styrone (E. Kopp). 5. The residue left after distilling liquid storax with water, separates when repeatedly boiled with carbonate of sodium, into a solid, dark resin, and liquid styracin. The latter is poured off, transferred to a flask, which is E laced in an oil-bath at the temperature of 180 0., and distilled by passing steam eated to 180 through it; it then passes over as a white milky oil, which, when freed CINNAMIC ACID. 987 from water, solidifies on standing in open vessels, to a faintly coloured crystalline mass, which maybe recrystallised from alcohol (S char ling). 8. Liquid storax is mace- rated or digested at a temperature not exceeding 30 C. with 5 to 6 pts. of dilute soda- ley, till the residue becomes colourless ; this residue is collected, washed, dried and dissolved in alcohol containing ether ; and from the solution, which, if not colourless, is to be rendered so by treatment with animal charcoal, pure styracin crystallises out. (Grossmann.) Properties. Cinnamate of cinnyl,or styracin, crystallises in tufts of beautiful prisms, destitute of taste and odour, insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, very soluble in ether. It melts at 44 C. (Toel, Scharling), at 38 (E. Kopp), and re- mains liquid and viscous for a long time after cooling. It distils without decomposi- tion in steam heated to 180 C. (Scharling.) In treating storax as above described, styracin is sometimes obtained in a liquid, uncrystallisable state, especially if it has been left too long in contact with acids to free it from the last traces of soda. Decompositions. Styracin in contact with caustic alkalis solidifies to a mass of agglomerated granules. When distilled with potash, especially with strong alcoholic potash, it is decomposed like other compound ethers, yielding cinnylic alcohol (styrone) and cinnanaate of potassium : C 9 H 7 Cinnamate Cinnylic Cinnamic of cinnyl. alcohol, acid. Heated with nitric acid it yields hydride of benzoyl, hydrocyanic acid, benzoic acid, and nitrobenzoic acid. "With chromic acid, it yields hydride of benzoyl, benzoic acid, and a resin. "With a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, it yields hydride of benzoyl. With strong sulphuric acid, it yields cinnamic acid and a brown substance, soluble in water, insoluble in saline solutions. Substitution-derivatives of Cinnamic Acid. BROMOCINNAMIC ACID. C 9 H 7 Br0 2 . This acid is obtained by passing bromine vapour in excess over cinnamate of silver, treating the decomposed salt with ether, and evaporating the filtered solution. A thick oil then remains, which dissolves par- tially in potash, and the alkaline solution decomposed by hydrochloric acid deposits crystals of bromocinnamic acid. The portion of the oil insoluble in potash is probably a bromide of carbon. Bromocinnamic acid decomposes partially when dissolved in water and evaporated. It forms easily soluble salts with all bases, and does not precipitate nitrate of silver. (Herzog.) CHLOROCINNAMIC ACID. C 9 H'C10 2 . (E. Kopp, J. Pharm. [3] xvi. 426. Toel, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixx. 7.) Obtained: 1. By passing chlorine into a cold solution of cinnamic acid in concentrated carbonate of sodium (Kopp). 2. By the action of alco- holic potash on an alcoholic solution of chlorostyracin, a chlorinated oil and chloride of potassium being formed at the same time. The mixture soon solidifies to a pulp, which is washed with alcohol, pressed, dissolved in a small quantity of boiling alcohol, and mixed with excess of hydrochloric acid. Chlorocinnamic acid then crystallises out on cooling, and may be purified by recrystallisation. The acid crystallises in long shining odourless needles, melting at 132 C., and sub- liming at a higher temperature. Its vapour excites coughing. It is sparingly soluble in cold water, melts in boiling water, dissolves easily in alcohol and ether. Chlorocinnamate of Ammonium, 2C 9 H 6 C1(NH 4 )0 2 + aq., forms curved arbores- cent needles. The potassium-salt forms lustrous pearly flakes. The barium-salt, 2C 9 IpClBa0 2 + a q ? j g precipitated as a white powder, soluble in boiling water, and crystallising therefrom in shining laminae. The calcium-salt is sparingly soluble, and resembles the barium-salt. The silver-salt, C 9 H 6 ClAg0 2 , is obtained by precipitation from hot solutions, in slender needles which blacken on exposure to light. Chlorocinnamate of Cinnyl or Chlorostyracin. C 18 H 12 C1 4 2 . Chlorine converts sty- racin into a viscid substance, having an acrid taste and an odour like that of copaiba balsam. It is insoluble in water, soluble in boiling alcohol and ether, whence it sepa- rates in the amorphous state. It is decomposed by potash, yielding a chlorinated oil, Chlorocinnamate of potassium, and chloride of potassium. Distilled in a current of chlorine, it forms a volatile chlorinated liquid and a crystallisable chlorinated acid, the salts of which also crystallise readily. (E. Kopp.) NITROCINNAMIC ACID. C 9 H 7 (N0 2 )0 2 . (Mitscherlich, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] iv. 73. E. Kopp, Compt. chim ; 1849, p. 146 ; Coinpt. rend. liii. 634. J. Wolff, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxv. 303.) This acid is produced by the action of strong nitric acid on cin- 988 CINNAMIC ACID. mimic acid (Mitscherlich, Kopp), or by heating styrone with nitric acid, to which iireais added to prevent formation of nitrous acid (Wolff). To prepare it, concen- trated nitric acid is freed from nitrous acid by boiling, and after cooling, about one- eighth of ciunamic acid is added. The cinnamic acid dissolves in a few minutes without disengagement of gas, the liquid becomes heated to 40 C., and a mass of crystals is deposited. In order to obtain larger quantities, cinnamic acid is triturated with nitric acid and cooled, so that the temperature may not rise above 60 ; the mass is washed with cold water, till all nitric acid is removed, then dissolved in boiling alcohol and filtered; and the resulting crystals are washed with cold alcohol (Mitscherlich). Kopp dissolves 1 pt, of powdered cinnamic acid in 3 pts. of monohydrated nitric acid freed from nitrous acid by passing a dry stream of air through it, the mixture then so- lidifying almost immediately, in consequence of the crystallisation of the nitrocinnamic acid ; washes the magma with water ; then dries, and sets it aside for twenty-four hours with 4 pts. of cold alcohol, which removes any benzoic acid that may be present. The acid forms very small white crystals, with a faint yellowish tint. It melts at about270C., and solidifies toamass of crystals on cooling; boils a little above 270, with decomposition. It is nearly insoluble in cold water, and dissolves but sparingly in boil- ing water ; 1 pt. of it dissolves in 327 pts. of absolute alcohol at 20 C. Boiling hydro- chloric acid dissolves it without decomposition (Mitscherlich.) With sulphide of ammonium it forms carbostyril. When it is dissolved in alcoholic sulphide of ammo- nium, sulphur separates on gently warming the liquid, while a yellow resin and an alka- loid remain dissolved. Nitrocinnamic acid may be boiled with excess of alkali without decomposition. Nitrocinnamic acid is but a feeble acid ; nevertheless it forms neutral salts, and decomposes alkaline carbonates. The nitrocinnamates of the alkali -metals are very soluble, the rest are insoluble or sparingly soluble; they deflagrate when quickly heated, especially the potassium- and sodium-salts. Nitrocinnamate of Ammonium gives off its ammonia when evaporated to dryness; its solution precipitates the salts of calcium, strontium, and magnesium when they are concentrated, but not when they are dilute. Nitrocinnamate of Barium, 2C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )Ba0 2 + 3aq., crystallises from a boiling solution on cooling, in stellate groups of yellowish needles. The strontium-salt, 2C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )Sr0 2 + 5 aq., may be obtained in small yellowish crystals grouped in no- dules ; it is moderately soluble in cold water. The calcium-salt, 2C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )CaO* -f- 3 aq., forms small yellowish white agglomerated grains having a crystalline aspect. The magnesium-salt, C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )Mg0 2 + 3aq., crystallises in yellowish white nodules, which dissolve with tolerable facility in water, especially if warm. Nitrocinnamate of Copper. Bluish-white precipitate, which becomes darker when air-dried. When mixed with sand and distilled, it yields benzoic acid, nitrocinnamene having the odour of oil of cinnamon, and a small quantity of nitrobenzene. Mercuric Nitrocinnamate, C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )Hg0 2 , is thrown down from boiling solutions of mercuric chloride and an alkaline nitrocinnamate, as a brownish anhydrous precipitate. The mother-liquors deposit on cooling a crystalline mass of very light bulky arbo- rescent tufts, consisting of the double salt, 2(IIgC1.2C 9 H b (N0 2 )Hg0 2 ) + 3aq. Nitrocinnamate of Potassium. C 9 H S (N0 2 )K0 2 . Very soluble; crystallises in mamel- lated groups by spontaneous evaporation. From solution in boiling alkaline ley, it crystallises in prismatic needles. The sodium-salt resembles the potassium-salt. Nitrocinnamate of Silver. C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )Ag0 2 . Yellowish white insoluble precipitate, which, when cautiously heated, decomposes with projection of the silver. NITBOCINNAMIC ETHERS. The ethyl-compound, C^'H^NO 4 = C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )(C 2 H 5 )0 8 , is formed by heating nitrocinnamic acid with alcohol and sulphuric acid (Mitscherlich, J. pr. Chem. xxii. T94), or by the action of strong nitric acid on cinnamate of ethyl (E. Kopp, Cqmpt. rend. xxiv. 615). It crystallises in prisms, which melt at 136 C. ; boils with decomposition at 300. Potash at the boiling heat converts it into alcohol and nitrocinnamate of potassium. Nitrocinnamate of Methyl C IO H 9 N0 4 = C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )(CH 3 )0'. (E. Kopp, Compt. rend. liii. 636.) Obtained by heating nitrocinnamic acid with methylic alcohol, mixed with a small quantity of sulphuric acid or saturated with hydrochloric acid gas. The mixture thickens at first, then liquefies again, and finally a brown liquid is obtained, from which the ether separates as a crystalline mass, which may be purified by pres- sure and recrystallisation from alcohol. It forms white, delicate, rather elongated needles, sparingly soluble in cold alcohol and ether, and having but little odour; melts at 161 C. to a colourless liquid, which solidifies in a crystalline mass on cooling. At about 200 C. it begins to sublime in iridescent crystalline plates, and at 200 it boils. It dissolves in alcoholic sulphydrate of ammonium, forming a red liquid, which after- wards turns brown, and when heated yields an abundant crystallisation of sulphur. CINNAMIC ALCOHOL CINNAMON, OIL OF. 989 CZXTHTAMZC ALCOHOIi. See CINNYLIC ALCOHOL. CINNAMIC ALDEHYDE. See ClNNAMYL, HYDRIDE OF. CINNAIVIIC ANHYDRIDE. C 18 H H 3 = (C 9 H 7 0) 2 .0. Cinnamate of Cinnamyl Cinnamic Cinnamate, Anhydrous Cinnamic Acid. (Grerhardt, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii. 285.) Produced by the action of oxychloride of phosphorus on well dried cin- namate of sodium, the best proportions being 1 pt. of the former to 6 pts. of the latter. The product is washed with water and carbonate of sodium, then dried and dissolved in boiling alcohol. It may also be obtained by the action of chloride of cinnamyl on neutral oxalate of potassium. It crystallises from the alcoholic solution as a white crystalline substance, composed of microscopic needles. It is insoluble in cold alcohol, and dissolves but slightly even in boiling water, becoming acid at the same time. It melts at 127 C. ACETO-CINNAMIC ANHYDRIDE. C 2 H 3 O.C 9 H 7 0.0. See ACETIC ANHYDRIDE (p. 21). BENZO-CINNAMIC ANHYDRIDE. C 7 H 5 O.C 9 H 7 0.0. See BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE (p. 558). NITROCINNAMIC ANHYDRIDE. C 18 H I2 N 2 7 = [C 9 H 6 (N0 8 )0] 2 .0. (Chiozza, Ann. Ch. Phys. [2] xxxix. 231. Gerh. iii. 388.) Produced by the action of oxychloride of phosphorus on nitrocinnamate of potassium. It melts in boiling water more easily than nitrocinnamic acid, forming a yellow kneadable resin. It easily takes up water, and is converted into nitrocinnamic acid. With ammonia, it easily forms nitrocinna- mide and nitrocinnamate of ammonium. With alcohol, it forms nitrocinnamate of ethyl. It is sparingly soluble in ether. CIlffXTAMIC ETHERS. See page 986. CINW AMIDE. C 9 H 9 NO = N.H*.C 9 H 7 p. Chloride of cinnamyl treated with dry ammonia, yields sal-ammoniac, together with a white substance which dissolves in boiling alcohol, and separates in delicate needles in cooling. (Cahours.) NITROCINNAMIDE. C 9 H 8 N 2 3 = N.H 2 .C 9 H 6 (N0 2 )0. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxvii. 452.) Prepared : 1. By the action of aqueous ammonia on the product ob- tained by treating nitrocinnamate of potassium with oxychloride of phosphorus. After an hour's digestion at a gentle heat, the reaction is complete, and the nitrocinnamic anhydride is completely transformed into nitrocinnamide and nitrocinnamate of am- monium, which remains in solution. The nitrocinnamide is collected on a filter and purified by crystallisation from boiling water. 2. By the action of alcoholic ammonia on nitrocinnamate of ethyl ; this process, however, takes a long time, and requires a large quantity of alcohol. Nitrocinnamide separates from solution in boiling water in shortened, lustrous needles, sometimes in grains and laminse having the appearance of flies' wings. It melts and turns brown between 155 and 160 C., and decomposes completely at 260. It dissolves sparingly in cold alcohol, moderately in ether, and separates from solution in boiling alcohol in small, very regular, hemispherical concretions, smooth in the upper, and nodular in the lower part. It dissolves in caustic potash, producing a red solution, without evolution of ammonia. PHENYL-CINNAMIDE. Cinnanilide. N.ILC 6 H 5 .C 9 H 7 0. (Cahours, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxiii. 344.) Produced by the action of phenylamine on chloride of cinnamyl. It dissolves easily in hot alcohol, and separates in slender needles on cooling. It melts at a gentle heat, and distils completely at a higher temperature. Potash-solution scarcely attacks it, even with aid of heat ; but when fused with hydrate of potassium, it gives off phenylamine. NITRANISYL-CTNNAMIDE. Cinnitranisidine. C 16 H I4 N 2 4 = N.H.C 7 H 6 (N0 2 )O.C 9 H 7 0. Produced by the action of chloride of cinnamyl on nitranisidine (p. 304). Yellowish needles, sparingly soluble in cold, more soluble in boiling alcohol. (Cahours.) CXNNAVTIXiXDE. Syn. with PHENYL-CINNAMIDE (vid. sup.) CIinrHYDRAXttlDE. C 27 H 2 'N 2 = N 2 (C 9 H 8 ) 3 . A compound produced by the action of ammonia on hydride of cinnamyL It is analogous to laydrobenzamide, C 21 H 18 N 2 , and is therefore more properly called hydrocinnamide(j. v.) CIWlffAIVIOIir, 0X1. OP, and Oil, OP CASSIA. These oils, which are nearly identical in composition, are obtained from the bark of different trees of the genus Cinnamomun, order Lauracets, viz. oil of cinnamon from Ceylon cinnamon, Cinnamn- ns H.M 2 J U Neutral trimetalHc citrate ...... (C 6 H 5 4 )'"J , Some of the citrates occur naturally, as citrate of calcium in onions and potatoes, and citrate of potassium in artichokes and potatoes. The alkaline citrates are very soluble ; other citrates, as those of zinc, iron, cobalt and nickel are less so, while the citrates of the alkaline earths are insoluble. In the presence of soluble citrates, alkalis do not precipitate the salts of iron, manganese, or aluminium. The citrates decompose when heated to 230C M forming empyreumatic products, which have not been investigated. The following list includes all the principal citrates. CITE ATE OF ALUMINIUM. Insoluble powder when it contains excess. of metal ; soluble gum when the acid is in excess. CITBATE OF AMMONIUM. Monammonic Citrate, C 6 H 7 (NH 4 )0 7 . Solution of citric acid, neutralised with ammonia, and then mixed with twice as much acid as it already contains, yields this salt by spontaneous evaporation in small triclinic prisms. Diammonic Citrate, C 6 H 6 (NH 4 ) 2 7 , crystallises on the evaporation of a solution of citric acid which hfis been saturated by ammonia, in prisms which are anhydrous but deliquescent. CITRATES OF BARIUM. Tribarytic Citrate, C 6 H 5 Ba 3 7 . Citric acid added to excess of baryta-water throws down flakes which become somewhat crystalline. White powder ; dried in the cold, it contains water of crystallisation, which it gives off com- pletely at 200 C. Monobarytic Citrate 1 Obtained as a gummy mass by evaporating a solution of barytic citrate in citric acid. A crystalline citrate of barium which, dried at 160 C., has the formula C 12 H"Ba 5 14 , is obtained by adding tribarytic citrate to a boiling transparent mixture of citric acid and chloride of barium, as long as the resulting precipitate redissolves, and then allow- ing the mixture to cool It appears to be a double salt of tribarytic and dibarytic citrate. Citrate of sodium is precipitated only by a large excess of chloride of barium : hence citrate of barium must be somewhat soluble in citrate of sodium. CITEATE OF CADMIUM. Crystalline sparingly soluble salt. CITBATES OF CALCIUM. Tricalcic Citrate, C 6 H 5 Ca 8 7 + 2H 2 0. When 3 s 3 998 CITRIC ACID. chloride of calcium is gradually added to a solution of citrate of sodium, the precipi- tate at first formed redissolves, but when agitated, it suddenly forms a magma which becomes crystalline on the application of heat. The salt is more soluble in cold than in hot water, so that a cold solution becomes turbid on being boiled. Dicalcic Citrate, C 6 H 6 Ca 2 7 + IPO. Obtained in shining laminae by dissolving the preceding compound in excess of citric acid, and evaporating the solution. CITRATE OF CEKITJM. White insoluble powder, obtained by double decomposi- tion of alkaline citrates and cerous salts. CITRATE OF COBALT, C 6 H 5 Co s 7 + 7H 2 0. The solution of carbonate of cobalt in warm citric acid, solidifies on cooling, after adequate evaporation, to a rose-coloured magma, which dries up to a powder of the same colour. CUPRIC CITRATE. Obtained in microscopic rhombohedra by heating a solution of cupric acetate with citric acid. The formula is CH 5 Cu 3 7 .CuHO + H 2 O. CITRATES OF!RON. Ferrous Citrate. Alcohol precipitates white flakes of triferrous citrate from a clear solution of iron in citric acid. Ferric Citrate. Freshly precipitated hydrated ferric oxide dissolves in warm aqueous citric acid, forming a reddish-brown liquid which on evaporation leaves a light-brown film. It is administered medicinally under this form. Ferrocyanide of potassium does not precipitate an acid solution of ferric citrate, but forms a blue liquid which is decolorised by ammonia. Ammonio- ferric Citrate. (Ammonio-citrate of iron.) When 2 pts. of freshly precipitated ferric hydrate are dissolved in 3 pts. of citric acid, the solution saturated with ammonia leaves on evaporation a greenish-yellow mass, insoluble in strong alcohol, but soluble in alcohol of 40 per cent. CITRATE OF LITHIUM. Amorphous, limpid, hard mass. CITRATES OF LEAD. Triplumbic Citrate, C 6 H 5 Pb s 7 (at 1 20 C.), is best ob- tained by precipitating an alcoholic solution of plumbic acetate with an alcoholic solution of citric acid, and washing the precipitate with alcohol ; it is granular when hot solutions are employed. Diplumbic Citrate. C 5 H G Pb 2 7 + H 2 0. A solution of acetate of lead is added to a boiling dilute solution of citric acid as long as the precipitate redissolves. On eva- porating the clear solution, the salt crystallises in small prisms. Ammonia dissolves this salt, and the solution afterwards deposits triplumbic citrate. Tetrabasic Salt. By digesting triplumbic citrate with ammonia, Berzelius ob- tained a heavy white powder, which had the formula C 6 H 5 Pb 3 7 . PbHO, PbO + HO). The triplumbic citrate digested with excess of subacetate of lead, gave an insoluble amorphous powder, which had the formula C G H 5 Pb 3 7 .PbHO.Pb'-'O (or <7 12 #W 0".3Pb + HO). Heldt obtained a salt of the formula 2(C fi H 5 Pb 3 7 .Pb 2 0) + 3H 2 0, or C l2 H 6 Pb 3 }t .2PbO + 3HO, by digesting triplumbic citrate with ammonia for two days in a close vessel. Bulky, white, insoluble powder CITRATE OF MAGNESIUM. C 6 H 5 Mg 3 7 + 7H 2 0. Carbonate of magnesium dis- solves in citric acid to a solution which forms a thick magma when concentrated. Alcohol precipitates the salt from its aqueous solution. This salt, evaporated with excess of citric acid, yields a gummy mass, which does not become crystalline. When carbonate of magnesium is digested with disodic citrate, the filtered solution on evaporation leaves small crystalline groups, which contain sodium and magnesium. CITRATE OF MANGANESE. C 6 H 6 Mn 2 7 + H 2 0. Citrate of sodium does not precipitate manganous salts ; but when carbonate of manganese is digested with citric acid, the above salt is obtained as a white insoluble crystalline powder. CITRATESOFMERCURT. Citric acid precipitates from mercuro us acetate, a white powder soluble in nitric acid. Freshly precipitated mercuric oxide dissolves in hot citric acid, and the solution on cooling deposits a white powder, which is decomposed by water. CITRATE OF NICKEL. C 6 H 5 Ni 3 7 + 7H 2 O. Oxide of nickel dissolves in citric acid to a green liquid, gradually changing into a green jelly, which on evaporation leaves an olive-green film, soluble in water but precipitated by alcohol. CITRATES OF POTASSIUM. Tripotassic Citrate. C 6 H 5 K 3 7 + H 2 0. A solution of carbonate of potassium neutralised with citric acid, yields by spontaneous evaporation, transparent, stellate-grouped needles, very deliquescent, and insoluble in absolute alcohol. They lose their water of crystallisation at about 200 C. Dipotassic Citrate. C 6 H 6 K*0 7 . A solution of 2 pts. of citric acid neutralised with carbonate of potassium, and mixed with 1 pt. of citric acid, yields by evaporation an amorphous mass having a sour taste. CITRIC ACID. 099 Monopotassic Citrate. C fi H 7 K0 7 + 2H-0. 1 pt. of citric acid is neutralised with potash, 1 pt. of citric acid added, and the mixture evaporated at 40 C. Large transparent prisms, permanent in the air, and having an agreeable sour taste. They melt in their water of crystallisation, and give off 13 -8 per cent, of water, forming a viscous liquid, which solidifies on cooling to a concentric radiated mass of crystals, consisting of C 6 H 7 K0 7 . Ammonio-potassic Citrate. C 6 H 5 K 2 (NH 4 )0 7 . A solution of dipotassic citrate neutralised with ammonia, yields this salt, on evaporation, in transparent deliquescent prisms. Potassio-antimonic Citrate. 1 pt. of citric acid is neutralised with potash ; 1 pt. more of acid added ; the mixture boiled for some time with trioxide of antimony, and the filtrate left to crystallise. White, shining, very hard prisms, grouped in tufts. They give off 67 per cent, of water at 190 C. May be regarded as a double molecule of tripotassic citrate, in which part of the potassium is replaced by the tribasic radicle, antimony : C 18 H 10 (K 3 Sb'")0 14 . CITRATE OF SILVER. C 6 H 5 Ag 3 7 . Citrate of potassium added to solution of ni- trate of silver, throws down this salt as a heavy white powder, which crystallises from boiling water in white or yellowish needles. Deflagrates at a high temperature. Argentous Salt. The above salt heated to 100C. in a current of hydrogen, is changed into a dark brown mass, which is a mixture of citric acid and triargentous citrate. Water extracts from this mass first citric acid, and then a small quantity of argentous salt with a red colour. This red solution heated to boiling, assumes a green and blue colour, then deposits metallic silver, and becomes decolorised. CITRATES OF SODIUM. Trisodic Citrate. 2(C G H 5 Na 3 7 ) + 11H 2 0. When a solution of citric acid is saturated with soda, and the solution left to evaporate, large rhombic prisms are obtained of this composition. They quickly effloresce and are sparingly soluble in alcohol. At 100 C. 7 at. water are given off, and at 190 200, 4 at. more. A solution of this citrate evaporated at 60 C., yields monoclinic crystals containing only 2 at. water. Disodic Citrate. C 6 H 6 Na 2 T .H 2 0. Obtained like the corresponding potassium- salt. Prismatic, stellate-grouped crystals, which give off their water of crystallisation when dried over oil of vitriol. Monosodic Citrate. CsiTTSTaO 7 + H 2 0. Obtained like the corresponding po- tassium-salt. A very concentrated solution left to evaporate in a warm place, solidifies to a mass of acicular crystals, and crystallises to the last drop. Ammonio-sodic Citrate. Confused crystalline crust. Potassio-sodic Citrate. C fi H 5 Na 3 7 .C K H 5 K 3 7 + 11H 2 Obtained by dissolv- ing equivalent quantities of trisoclic citrate and tripotassic citrate, and concentrating by evaporation. It is deposited after some days in radiate-grouped, lustrous needles. CITRATE OF STRONTIUM. Strontia-water is precipitated by citric acid in thick white flakes, which, after drying over oil of vitriol, have the composition C 6 H 5 Sr 3 7 + H 2 0. They lose their water of crystallisation at 210 C. CITRATE OF ZINC. C 5 H 5 Zn 3 7 + H 2 0. Carbonate of zinc dissolves readily in aqueous citric acid ; on boiling, the salt is precipitated as a granular, crystalline powder. The aqueous solution of this salt mixed with a small quantity of citric acid, and evaporated at a gentle heat, deposits transparent crystals, which have the composition C 6 H 5 Zn 3 7 .C 6 H 6 Zn 2 7 + H 2 0. Substitution-derivative of Citric Acid. f P 6 TT 5 n*Y" ) PI 2 OXYCHLOROCITRIC ACID. C 6 H"C1 2 6 = ^ u . 3 j ^J . When pentachloride of phosphorus is mixed with dry citric acid, the mass becomes heated, liquefies, and then solidifies to a magma of crystals which consist of oxychlorocitric acid mixed with oxy chloride of phosphorus. The latter is removed by digestion with disulphule of carbon, the mass is thrown on a filter, and washed with disulphide, then pressed be- tween bibulous paper, and dried in a current of hot air. It forms colourless silky needles : C 8 H 8 7 + PCI 5 = C 6 H 8 O fi Cl 2 + POC1 3 . In moist air or in water, this acid becomes heated and is converted into citric acid. On heating it in a stream of dry air to 100 C., hydrochloric acid is liberated, and the residue consists of aconitic acid. Dry ammonia acts violently upon it, forming a black vesicular mass. In contact with aniline, the acid becomes strongly heated, and yields phenyl-aconitimide. E. A. 3 s 4 1000 CITRIC ACID, AMIDES OF CITRIC ETHERS. CITRIC ACID, A.TKI3>22S OP. (Pebal, Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxii. 73; xcviii. 67.) Of the amides of citric acid, bodies derived from ammonia by the replacement of hydrogen by the radicle citryl, only citramide is known ; but many of the correspond- ing phenyl-compounds have been obtained by Pebal. T) V CITEAMIDE. C 6 H U N 3 4 = VN 3 , is a crystalline compound, slightly so- luble in water, obtained by the action of alcoholic ammonia on citrate of methyl or citrate of ethyl. (C 6 H 5 4 )'") Phenylcitramide. Citranilide. (C 6 H 5 ) 8 VN S , is obtained by the action of heat H 3 ) on triphenylamic citrate : C 6 H 5 (C 6 H 8 N) S 7 - 3H 2 = C 2 'H 23 N 3 4 . Triphenylamic citrate. Phenylcitramide. To prepare this body, the yellow powder left on heating triphenylamic citrate is dis- solved in boiling alcohol, and the solution is decolorised by animal charcoal. On cooling, two sets of crystals are deposited, hexagonal plates and fine prisms. The former consist of phenylcitrimide, and are dissolved out by boiling with alkali, which does not per- ceptibly affect the phenylcitramide. Phenylcitramide is deposited from alcohol in colourless prisms, truncated longitudinarily, and with a nacreous lustre. Neutral to vegetable colours. (C 6 H 5 4 )'") Phenylcitrimide. Citrobianil. C 18 N 2 H 16 4 = (C 6 H 5 )HN 2 , represents dipheny- H j lamic citrate minus 3 atoms of water : C 6 H(C 6 H 8 N) 2 7 - 3H 2 O = C 18 H 16 N 2 4 . Diphenylamic citrate. Phenylcitrimide. It is obtained in the preparation of phenylcitramide ; also by heating phenylcitramic acid with phenylamine : C i2 H !i N0 5 + c fi H 7 N = C I8 H 16 N 2 4 + H 2 0. Phenylcitramic Phenylamine. Phenyl- acid. citrimide. Hexagonal plates, soluble in alcohol, and converted by boiling with ammonia into di- phenylcitramic acid. Phenylcitramic Acid. Citranilic Acid. C 12 H n N0 5 = N (C 6 H 5 )(C 6 H 5 a' )'" ) Q _ Obtained by the action of heat on monophenylamic citrate : C 6 H 7 (C 6 H 8 N)0 7 - 2H 2 = C 12 H U NO S . Monophenylamic Phenyl- citrate. citramic acid. Monophenylamic citrate is heated to 140 150 C. as long as water is given off. On cooling, the residue becomes crystalline. It dissolves readily in water, and if excess of phenylamine has been avoided, it is deposited in small crystalline spherules, or in mamillary groups of small prisms. It has an acid reaction, and forms crystalline salts with silver and with aniline. On treating it with pentachloride of phosphorus, hydrochloric acid is given off, and a liquid formed, which appears to contain chloride of aconitanyl, C I8 NH 8 3 .C1, as, when treated with water, it is resolved into hydrochloric acid and phenylaconitamic acid. Diphenylcitramic Acid. Citrobianilic Add. C I8 H 18 N-0 5 . 'Obtained in the form of an ammonia-salt by boiling phenylcitrimide with ammonia. By adding hydro- chloric acid to the solution, the acid is precipitated. Recrystallised from alcohol, it forms soft,concentrically-grouped,silky needles. It melts and gives off water at 150 C., and becomes reconverted into phenylcitrimide. Diphenylcitramic acid contains the elements of diphenylamic citrate minus 2 at. water : C 8 H 6 (C 6 H 8 N) 2 7 - 2H 2 = C 18 H 18 N 2 5 , and may be represented by the formula (C 6 H 5 4 )'" ^, derived from the mixed type N 2 H 6 .H 2 0. E. A. CITRIC ETHERS. The citric ethers represent citric acid in which one or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by alcohol-radicles. Those in which one or two atoms of hydrogen are thus replaced have acid properties. CITRIDIC ACID CITROMANNITANS. 1001 CITBATB OF METHYL. Trimethylic Citrate. C 9 H I4 7 A solution of citric acid in wood-spirit is saturated with hydrochloric acid gas ; on recti- fying the mixture, chloride of methyl and the excess of wood-spirit pass off, and a colourless liquid distils over at about ,90 C., which is citrate of methyl. After standing some time it crystallises. (Saint- Evre, Compt. rend. xxi. 144.) Monomethylcitric Acid, ^?CIP "| 3 ' and J)imetji y lcitric <*&#> ate both formed in the preparation of citrate of methyl. They have been but little examined. (Demon desir, Compt. rend, xxxiii. 227.) CITBATE OF ETHYL. Citric Ether. [Q!^^ ?0 3 . (Thenard, Mem. d'Ar- cueil, ii. 12. Malaguti, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixiii. 197. Dumas, Compt. rend. viii. 528. Marchand, J. pr. Chem. xx. 318. Heldt, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xlvii. 57. Dexnon- desir, loc. tit.) This body is formed by distilling a mixture of sulphuric acid, citric acid, and alcohol ; but the best method of preparing it, according to Demondesir, is as follows : A solution of citric acid in alcohol is saturated with hydrochloric acid gas, the liquid neutralised with carbonate of soda, and agitated with common ether, which dissolves out the citric ether. On evaporating the ethereal solution, citric ether is left as an oily, yellowish, transparent liquid, with an odour resembling olive oil. Its spe- cific gravity is 1-142. It is very soluble in alcohol and in ether. It boils at 280 C., but decomposes probably into aconitic or citraconic ether. It is decomposed by free alkalis into citrates and free alcohol. With ammonia it yields, besides citramide, several products which have not been examined. E. A. CITRIDIC ACID. Syn. with ACONITIC ACID. CITRILEItfE. See CITEENE. CITRINE, A glassy variety of quartz having a wine-yellow colour. C I THINS. Citroglycerins. Citrates of Glyceryl. ( v a n B e m m e 1 e n, J. pr. Chem. Ixix. 84.) Two of these compounds have been obtained by heating citric acid with glycerin. Neutral Citrate of Glyceryl, C 9 H 10 7 = / 3 ' is P re P ared b y heat ing citric acid with a slight excess of glycerin to 160 170 C. for twenty hours. Water then escapes, and there remains a hard, light yellow, transparent mass, from which the pure product may be obtained by boiling out the excess of glycerin with alcohol. It is difficult to pulverise ; insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Hydro- chloric acid dissolves it gradually with aid of heat ; sulphuric acid immediately, with blackening. It dissolves gradually in cold potash-ley, and when boiled with bases, is quickly resolved into citric acid and glycerin. The formation of the compound is re- presented by the equation : C 6 H 8 O 7 + C 3 H 8 3 = C 9 H 10 7 + 3H 2 0. Citric acid. Glycerin. Basic Citrate of Glyceryl. Citrodiglyceride, C I2 H 18 10 = C 9 H 10 7 .C 8 H 8 S , may be regarded as a double molecule of glycerin ( -erg |0 6 Y in which 3 at. hydro- (CH'o)" -. gen are replaced by citryl, that is to say, as (C 6 H S 4 )'" [ O 6 . Obtained like the pre- H s ) ceding, by heating citric acid with a double quantity of glycerin. The mass melts at -100C., and the transformation is completed between 160 and 170. The product purified by boiling with alcohol, is yellowish -brown, somewhat darker and less hard than the neutral compound, which, however, it resembles in other respects. CITROCERIC and CITROIiIC ACIDS. Two acids said to be contained in the sediment of lemon and bergamot oils; the former is waxy, the latter oily. (My- lius, Arch. Pharm. xxxii. 28.) CITRODIANIX.. Syn. With PHENYLCITKIMIDE (p. 998). CITROGLYCERIKT. See CITRINS. CITR01VIA.JWWITANS. (v. Bemmelen, Jahresber. d. Chem. 1858, p. 435.) This term is applied to two compounds derived from mannite in the same manner as the citrins are derived from glycerin. They are formed by heating citric acid with mannite in proper proportion to between 130 and 140 C., combination then taking place, attended witli elimination of water. 1002 CITRON, OIL OF CITRUS. fi )^> Monocitromannitan. C 12 H 14 9 =(C 6 H 5 4 )'"V0 5 = C 6 H 8 7 -h C 6 H 12 5 - 3H -0. H 3 ) A hard, light yellow, tasteless substance, insoluble in cold water, alcohol, and ether, decomposed by long boiling with water or alcohol, also by alkalis. Between 170 and 180 C. it turns brown and decomposes. Dicitromannitan. C 18 H 20 15 = (C 6 H s 4 )"'y0 5 + 2H-0. Obtained as a hy- (C 6 H S 4 )'") drate by heating 2 at. citric acid and 1 at. mannite for some time to between 140 and 150 C. The product is a dry, hard, light yellow mass, which has no acid reaction, dissolves in water only after long boiling, is easily decomposed by alkalis, and does not give off water without decomposition when heated. CITRON, OIIi OP. See CITRUS MEDICA (p. 1004). CITRONYl. The name applied by Blanchet and Sell to that constituent of lemon-oil, which forms a crystallisable compound with hydrochloric acid (p. 1004). It is sometimes also applied to the triatomic radicle of citric acid. CITROPTENE. The camphor or stearoptene of lemon-oil (p. 1004). CITRUS. A genus of plants belonging to the natural order Aurantiacea, and including the orange, lemon, citron, shaddock, &c. They all produce juicy fruits con- taining citric acid, and enclosed in a thick fleshy rind containing volatile oils, which are isomeric with oil of turpentine, but differ from one another in odour, density, ac- tion on polarised light, &c. CITRUS AURANTIUM. The Sweet Orange. The rind of this fruit contains a volatile oil, Oil of orange-peel, Oleum corticum aurantiorum, which may be extracted by pressure or by distillation with water. It has the same composition and vapour- density as oil of lemon. Specific gravity in the liquid state 0'83 0*89. Boiling point 180C. It is neutral, and has an agreeable odour. Optical rotatory power, 125-6 127*4 to the right. It dissolves completely in absolute alcohol, and with turbidity in 7 10 pts. alcohol of specific gravity 85. It unites with hydrochloric acid, forming a liquid compound, C 10 H !6 .IIC1, and a solid compound, C 10 H' 6 .2HC1, which melts at 50 C. (Grm. xiv. 306.) Orange-peel also contains, especially in the unripe state, a bitter principle called Aurantiin or Hesperidin (q. v.) The juice of the orange contains citric and malic acids, partly free, partly combined with bases. The juice of sweet oranges likewise contains grape-sugar or cane-sugar ; the grape-sugar predominates in the unripe state, but does not sensibly increase in quantity as the fruit ripens, while the amount of cane-sugar increases, both absolutely and relatively to the weight of the orange, the juice, and the solid constituents (Ber- thelot and Buignet, Compt. rend. li. 1094). 100 pts. of oranges contain 4-2 per cent, cane-sugar, 4-3 grape-sugar, and 0'45 free acid (Buignet, Ann. Ch. Phys. Ixi. 233). The pips of the orange contain a bitter substance, which appears to be identical with the limonin of lemon-pips. The flowers of the orange contain a very fragrant volatile oil, called Oil of Neroli, Oleum florum naphce s. neroli, which is obtained by distilling the flowers with water. When recently prepared, it is nearly colourless, but reddens quickly on exposure to light. According to Soubeiran and Capitaine, it is composed of two oils, one easily soluble in water and very fragrant, while the other is sparingly soluble and has a less agreeable odour ; the latter floats on the watery distillate, and is easily separated. The more fragrant oil may be extracted from the watery distillate (orange-flower water] by means of ether. It is reddened by sulphuric acid, and communicates this property to the entire essence. Nitric acid colours the oil brown. According to Dobereiner, oil of neroli produces a peculiar acid in contact with platinum-black. Oil of neroli dissolves clearly in 1 3 pts. alcohol of specific gravity 0'85, and with turbidity in a larger quantity. Ac- cording to Boullay and Plisson, alcohol of 90 per cent, separates from oil of neroli a solid substance, neroli-camphor, melting at 50 C. ; insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in boiling absolute alcohol; very soluble in ether; it appears to contain 8376 per cent. C,15'09 H, and 1-15 ; probably a hydrocarbon when pure. (Grm. xiv. 386 ; Gerh. iii. 639.) The leaves of the orange yield a watery infusion characterised by a bitter aromatic taste. The following table exhibits the composition of the ash of various parts of tho orange-tree : CITRUS BERG AMI A CITRUS LIMONUM. 1003 Ash of Orange-tree. ROWNEY and BLOW. RICHARDSON. Root. Stem. Leaves. Fruit. Pips. Fruit. Ash, per cent. 4-48 274 13-7 3-94 3-3 Potash . 15-4 11-7 16-5 36-4 403 38-7 Soda . 4-5 3-0 T7 11-4 0-9 7'6 Lime . . 49-9 55-6 56-4 24-5 19-0 23-0 Magnesia Ferric oxide 6-9 1-0 6-3 0-6 5-7 0-5 8-0 0-5 8-7 0-8 6-5 Sulphuric acid (anhy- drous) 5-8 4-6 4-4 3-7 5-1 2-9 Silicic acid (anhydrous) 1-7 1-2 4.8 04 1-1 5-2 Phosphoric acid Chloride of sodium 13-5 1-2 17-1 0-2 3-3 6-6 11-1 3-9 23-2 6-8 14-1 trace Ferric phosphate . ~ ~~~ ~~~" 17 CITRUS BERGAMIA. The Bergamot. The rind yields by pressure a volatile oil, C 10 H 18 , which deposits by keeping, a solid camphor called bergaptene, having the composition C 3 H 2 0. (See BERGAMOT, On, OF, p. 580.) CITRUS BIGARADIA. The Bigarade or Bitter Orange (Bigaradier of the French, Melangolo of the Italians). The rind of the fruit of this plant yields by pressure a volatile oil, C 10 H 16 , commonly called Oil or Essence of Mandarin (though, the mandarin orange is a variety of Citrus aurantium}. After filtration, it has a pale yellowish colour, but after rectification it is colourless, clear, and mobile. Specific gravity, 0*852 at 10 C., 0-8517 at 12. Boiling point 178. It has an agreeable odour, different from that of lemon or orange-oil, and a not unpleasant taste, like that of orange-oil. Optical rotatory power 85'5 to the right. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in 10 pts. of alcohol, also in ether and glacial acetic acid, and in all proportions in sul- phide of carbon. It dissolves bromine, iodine, phosphorus, sulphur, oils both fixed and volatile, wax, and resins. With hydrochloric acid it forms a crystalline compound containing C Ie H 16 .2HCl. Cold nitric acid colours it faintly yellow ; hot nitric acid decomposes it, with evolution of nitrous fumes, and the mixture, on addition of water, deposits a nearly solid mass. With alcoholic nitric acid, it forms a crystalline mass, probably a hydrate. It is reddened by cold sulphuric acid, and carbonised when heated therewith. (S. de Luc a, Compt. rend. xlv. 904. Grm. xiv. 304.) The Seville bigarade, or Seville orange, is much used for the preparation of bitter tinctures and of candied orange-peel. The bitter aromatic principle is a powerful tonic, and gives its flavour to the liquid called Cim^oa. CITRUS LIMETTA. The Lime. The rinds when torn and pressed, or distilled with water, yield an oil which resembles oil of lemon, and when treated with sulphuric acid and chromate of potassium, forms limettic acid, C 1J H 8 8 . (Grm. loc. cit.) CITRUS LIMONUM. The Lemon. Eegarded by many writers as a variety of Citrus medica. Lemon -juice contains free citric acid, and is used for the preparation of that acid sant smell and taste ; to prevent this change, it is often kept in bottles, with a layer of oil on its surface. According to Witt (Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vii. 44), lemon-juice contains from 0'2 to 0-5 per cent, ash, consisting in 100 pts. of 44-3 per cent, potash, 2'1 soda, 7'6 lime, 3'3 magnesia, 12-5 sulphuric anhydride, 197 carbonic anhydride, 7'6 phosphoric anhy- dride, 1-0 ferric phosphate, T2 chlorine, and 0'6 silica. Lemon-pips contain in the nucleus, citrate of potassium, a fatty non-drying oil, a tallow-like fat, a bitter principle called limonin, together with other constituents. In the ash of lemon-pips, Souchay (J. pr. Chem. xxxviii. 25) found 33'2 per cent, potash, 3*5 soda, 12'6 lime, 8'5 magnesia, 0'2 ferric oxide, 34'1 phosphoric anhy- dride, 3 '2 sulphuric anhydride, 2 - 3 chloride of sodium, and - 3 silica. 1004 CITRUS LIMONUM. Oil of lemon. Lemon -peel contains a volatile oil, called Oil of lemon, Oleum citri, which is extracted by pressure or by distillation with water. This oil is composed for the most part of a hydrocarbon isomeric with oil of turpentine, C 10 H 16 , and having the came vapour-density (4'8l 4'87). It is neutral, and has an agreeable odour. Specific gravity in the liquid state, 0'84 0'86 (Zeller ). Boiling point 173 C. (Blanchet and Sell); 176'1 (Brix). It volatilises in the air at ordinary temperatures without leaving a perceptible grease-spot, provided it has not become resinous by oxidation. It deflects the plane of polarisation of light to the right. Oil of lemon, obtained as above, is, however, a mixture of two hydrocarbons, having the same composition, but differing in optical rotatory power and in their behaviour with hydrochloric acid. These two hydrocarbons may be separated by distilling the oil in vacuo. The first portions collected at 55 C. have a density of 0-8514 at 15 C., rotatory power = + 56*4, and when saturated with hydrochloric acid gas, yield a solid and a liquid dihydrochlorate. The following portions collected at about 80 C. have a specific gravity of 0'8506 at 15, rotatory power = + 7 2 '5, and are almost wholly transformed by hydrochloric acid into a solid dihydrochlorate ; they likewise contain a sensible amount of oxidised oils. (Berthelot.) Oil of lemon dissolves sparingly in water, in 7 '14 pts. alcohol of specific gravity 0-8317, in 10 pts. alcohol of specific gravity 0'85, in any quantity of absolute alcohol, and mixes readily with oils both fixed and volatile. It dissolves sulphur and phos- phorus, also resins and other bodies. Oil of lemon when exposed to air and light, absorbs oxygen, with formation of ozone, becoming at the same time darker and more viscid, and forming a small quantity of car- bonic acid ; according to Aschoff, the crude, but not the rectified oil, turns acid on expo- sure to the air, forming acetic acid and lemon-camphor. At a red heat, the oil is decom- posed, with formation of tar and charcoal. Chlorine decomposes it ; cotton soaked in the oil and immersed in chlorine gas becomes charred on the surface, but does not take fire. When bromine is covered with a layer of water, the water with oil of lemon, and the whole carefully mixed, the bromine becomes decolorised without explosion, and a bromi- nated oil is formed, 1 pt. of rectified lemon-oil taking up 2'28 pts. and 1 pt. of the crude oil, 2-4 to 2-5 pts. of bromine (G-. Williams, Chem. Gaz. 1853, p. 365). Iodine decom- poses oil of lemon with rise of temperature. Strong nitric acid turns it brown and resi- nises it ; alcoholic nitric acid converts it into a hydrate. With strong sulphuric acid, it assumes a yellowish brown colour, and yields terebene and colophene ; similarly when distilled with phosphoric anhydride. Lemon-oil dropped into a large quantity of oil of vitriol is said to yield sulphoterebic acid (G-erh ardt). Potassium eliminates hydrogen from lemon-oil, slowly at common temperatures, more quickly when heated, acquiring at the same time a brown colour ; after repeated distillation over potassium, however, the oil undergoes no further alteration, and then possesses a finer odour than before. Hydrate of potassium separates from oil of lemon a brown substance, the oil thereby acquiring a stronger and more agreeable odour. Oil of lemon is largely used in perfumery ; it should not be dark coloured or viscid or leave a perceptible stain on paper. It is often adulterated with cheaper oils, such as oil of turpentine or oil of lavender, and sometimes with alcohol. The latter adulte- ration may be detected by agitation with water, the pure oil then exhibiting no per- ceptible diminution of volume. The pure oil is also coloured brownish by acid chromate of potassium, whereas if it contains alcohol, it turns greenish. The admixture of cheaper oils may generally be detected by the odour. Oil of tur- pentine may also be detected in oil of lemon by its different behaviour to polarised light, especially when heated, the molecular constitution of oil of lemon being much less altered by heat than that of oil of turpentine. The rotatory power of the sus- pected oil is first to be determined at the ordinary temperature, and again after the oil has been heated to 300 C. for an hour or two. If the oil is pure, no change will be perceived, but if oil of turpentine is present, especially the French kind, which is laevo-rotatory, the dextro-rotatory power of the oil will be considerably increased by the heating. Hydrate of Lemon-oil is a crystalline substance isomeric with hydrate of tur- pentine-oil, C 10 H 16 .2H 2 0, obtained by mixing 1 pt. of lemon-oil with f pt. alcohol, of specific gravity - 85, and | pt. ordinary nitric acid, and leaving the mixture to itself for some time. (Deville.) Hydrochlorates of Lemon-oil. These compounds are formed by saturating the oil with hydrochloric acid gas, also by treating the oil with the aqueous acid. The compound formed in largest quantity is the dihydrochlorate, C 10 H I6 .2HC1, of which there is a solid and a liquid modification, the latter being produced chiefly from the more volatile, the former from the less volatile portion of the oil. (Berthelot, vid. sup.) CITRUS LUMIA. 1005 Monohydrochloratc. C 10 H 16 .HC1. This compound is produced by saturating a solu- tion of lemon-oil in acetic acid or alcoholic sulphuric acid, with hydrochloric acid gas, and collecting the few crystals which separate, rarely, however, and only under peculiar circumstances. It appears also to be present in small quantity in the portion of lemon-oil which remains liquid after the separation of the solid dihydrochlorate. The crystals melt at 100 C., and volatilise without decomposition at higher temperatures. Dihi/drochlorate. C 10 H I6 .2HC1. The solid modification of this compound is ob- tained by passing dry hydrochloric acid gas to saturation into rectified and dehydrated oil of lemon well cooled, separating the resulting crystals from the mother-liquor, press- ing them repeatedly between paper, washing them with cold alcohol, recrystallising from hot alcohol, drying in the air, afterwards in vacuo or over oil of vitriol, and once more crystallising from ether (Blanchet and Sell). It forms right four-sided prisms or laminse, heavier than water; has an aromatic odour ; is insoluble in water, soluble at 14 C. in 5'88 pts. of alcohol of specific gravity 0'806 ; and separates from the solution, on ad- dition of water, in crystalline laminse. On evaporating the alcoholic solution, partial decomposition takes place. The crystals are also soluble in oils both fixed and vola- tile. The compound is optically inactive, melts at 43 or 44 C., and solidifies cry- stalline on cooling ; it sublimes at 50 C. without decomposition, boils at 142 (Cahours), at 162 (Blanchet and Sell), with partial decomposition, hydrochloric acid escaping and an oil passing over, which does not solidify till cooled to 20 C. The crystals burn with difficulty when heated in the air. Chlorine-gas converts the fused compound, with rise of temperature, into a chlorinated compound, C 10 (H 1 'C1 2 ).2HC1, Laurent's hydrochloratr de cMorodtrenhe. Dihydrochlorate of lemon-oil is decomposed by silver and mercurous salts in the cold, not by oxide of lead, even when heated. Nitric acid does not act upon it in the cold, but decomposes it when heated, with evolution of nitrous acid. Strong sulphuric acid decomposes it, separating hydrochloric acid. Potassium decomposes it, with sepa- ration of lemon-oil ; if heat be applied, citrene (p. 992) is produced. The same pro- duct is obtained by repeated distillation of the compound with potash or lime, or by the action of those bases at high temperatures. The liquid dihydrochlorate, called also hydrochlorate of citrilene and hydrochlorate of citryl, is contained in the mother-liquor of the preceding compound, and may be obtained pure by cooling the mother-liquor to - 10 C. to separate the remaining quantity of the solid compound, and filtering through a mixture of chalk and animal charcoal, to remove free acid and colouring matter. It is a mobile oil, optically inac- tive, soluble in alcohol, and precipitated from the solution by water, with loss of hydro- chloric acid. By treatment with hydrochloric acid gas, it is converted into a crystalline mass, which dissolves in alcohol, but separates therefrom, not in crystals, but in the form of a heavy oil, a small quantity remaining in solution. Lemon-camphor or Gitroptene. A solid substance produced from lemon-oil by oxidation. It is formed when the oil is kept for some time in half-filled bottles, partly separating in the solid state, while the rest remains dissolved, and may be sepa- rated by rectifying the oil. It forms colourless volatile crystals, which smell like oil of lemon, have a sharp pungent taste, are neutral, insoluble in cold water, but very soluble in hot water, to which they impart a decided dichroism. It is soluble also in alcohol and ether, the hot saturated solutions solidifying on cooling. The compound melts at 46C. (Mulder), above 100 (Berthelot), boils at a temperature above 100, and distils in oil-drops, which solidify in the crystalline form ; it may also be sublimed. When thrown on red-hot coals, it volatilises without taking fire. It dissolves in sulphuric acid with red colour and peculiar aromatic odour, and water precipitates from the solution a white resinous substance, which is insoluble in water, and does not melt at 1 00. Nitric acid dissolves the camphor, with decomposition at common temperatures, but gives off nitrous acid when heated with it. The camphor does not absorb hydro- chloric acid. The composition of lemon-camphor is not known with certainty. According to Mulder, it contains 54-8 per cent. C, 9-2 H, and 36'0 ; according to Berthelot, 58-0 C, 7-5 H, and 34-5 O. The term lemon-camphor is likewise applied to two other compounds, viz. the solid dihydrochlorate of lemon-oil, and the hydrate formed by the action of alcoholic nitric acid on the same oil. CITKTTS LUMIA. The Sweet Lemon. This plant, which grows abundantly in Calabria and Sicily, yields a fruit very much like the common lemon. The rind yields by pressure a volatile oil, the greater part of which distils between 180 and 190 C. yielding a colourless limpid liquid. The portion boiling at 180 is isomeric with oil of turpentine, &c., and has a density of 0-853 at 18. It possesses a dextro-rotatory power = 34 for the transition-tint. 1006 CITRYL CLARIFICATION. It is slightly soluble in alcoJwl, very soluble in ether and in sulphide of carbon. It is resinised by strong nitric acid, and, like oil of lemon, yields a crystalline hydrate with alcoholic nitric acid. With hydrochloric acid, it forms a liquid and a crystalline com- pound ; the latter, which has a peculiar odour and melts a low temperature, is a dihy- drochlorate, C 10 H I6 .2HC1. (S. de Luca, Compt. rend. li. 258.) CITRUS MED ic A. The Citron. (Citradier of the French, Ccdro or Ccdrato of the Italians.) The fruit of this species is usually large, warted and furrowed, with an extremely thick spongy rind and a subacid pulp. 'It is chiefly valued for the fragrance of the rind, from which a delicate sweetmeat is prepared. Two volatile oils used in perfumery are extracted from it, viz. oil of citron and oil of cedra. Both are highly fragrant, almost colourless, and lighter than water ; they are distinguished by their odour, that of oil of cedra partaking of the character of oil of bergamot. The two oils are often confounded by pharmaceutical writers. They appear to be obtained by dis- tillation, as they are free from mucilage. Both of them are hydrocarbons isomeric with oil of turpentine. (Pereira, Matcria Mcdica, 3rd ed. 1853, ii. 2032.) CITRYSi. This name is applied to the triatomic radicle, C 6 H 5 4 , of citric acid, &c. ; also by Blanchet and Sell to that portion of lemon-oil which forms a liquid com- pound with hydrochloric acid (p. 1002). Chloride of citryl (C 6 H 5 4 )'" Cl 3 , appears to be formed, together with oxychloro- citric acid and chloride of aconityl, when citric acid is heated with pentachloride of phosphorus (p. 997), inasmuch as the mother-liquor which remains after the oxychlo- rocitric acid has crystallised out, yields, on addition of water, both citric and aconitic acids. (PebaL) The following is a list of the compounds of citryl described in preceding articles. [C 6 H 5 4 = Ci]. Chloride of Citryl . Citric acid . . . Citrates, monometallic Citrates, dimetallic . . Citrates, trimetallic Citrate, monomethylic . Citrate, dimethylic Citrate, trimethylic Citrate, triethylic . Citrate, monogly eerie CIVET. Ci'"Cl 3 Ci'" H 2 M HM 2 M' Ci s i") H 3 S H 2 ) Ci'") (CH 3 ) 2 o 3 H) (C'H 03 Citrate, diglyceric . Citromannitan . Dicitromannitan Citramide Phenylcitramide Phenylcitrimide Phenylcitramic acid Diphinylcitramic acid cr H 3 . H 3 ! . Ci'"lo* Ci'") . HHN 3 H 3 J Ci'") (C 6 H 5 ) 3 fN 3 (CTP) . Ci H 3 . An odoriferous substance obtained from animals of the genus Viverra (Cuv.), viz. the Viverra civetta of North Africa, V. zibetha, found on the continent of Asia, from Arabia to Malabar, and V. Basse of Java. It is contained in a pouch situated between the anus and organs of generation, and is voided by the animals against shrubs or stones. A better quality is, however, obtained by keeping the animals in confinement, and squeezing the pouch at certain intervals. Good civet is of a clear yellowish or brownish colour, not fluid, nor hard, but about the consistence of butter or honey, and uniform throughout, of a very strong smell, re- sembling musk or ambergris ; quite offensive when undiluted, but agreeable when only a small portion of civet is mixed with a large quantity of other substances. CLARIFICATION CLASSIFICATION. 1007 Civet unites with oils, but not with alcohol. Boutron-Charlard states, that in an unexceptionably good civet, semi-fluid, unctuous and yellow, he found free ammonia, stearin, ole'in, mucus, resin, volatile oil, yellow colouring substance, and salts. No benzoic acid could be detected in it. (J. Pharm. 1824, p. 537.) CLARIFICATION. Clarification is the process of freeing a liquid from hete- rogeneous matter or feculencies ; the term is, however, seldom applied to the mere mechanical process of straining, for which see FILTRATION. Albumin, gelatin, acids, certain salts, lime, blood, and alcohol, serve in many cases to clarify fluids, which cannot be freed from their impurities by simple percolation. Albumin or gelatin, dissolved in a small portion of water, is commonly used for fining vinous liquors, as it inviscates the feculent matter, and gradually subsides with it to the bottom. Al- bumin in the form of white of egg or serum of blood is particularly used for fluids with which it will combine when cold, as syrups ; as it is coagulated by the heat, and then rises in a scum with the dregs. Heat alone clarifies some fluids, as the juices of plants, in which, however, the albumin they contain is probably the agent. A couple of handfuls of marl, thrown into the press, will clarify cider, or water-cider. Very finely divided precipitates, which remain for a long time suspended in pure water, may often be made to settle down, by adding a soluble salt, such as sal- ammoniac, to the water. The same addition greatly facilitates the filtering and wash- ing of precipitates, which otherwise stop up the pores of the filter. CLASSIFICATION. The object of a classification of chemical substances is the arrangement of them in such a way that the position in the system of each sub- stance may express its own chemical nature and the relation in which it stands to other substances. Hence it is easy to see that a system of classification, which should be perfect, relatively to any given stage in the development of the science, would be an epitome of the whole mass of chemical knowledge existing at the time. Hitherto but slight advances have been made towards establishing a theory of the causes or essential nature of chemical action ; our so-called chemical theories are, for the most part, attempts to express the mutual relations of a greater or lesser num- ber of chemical substances ; in reality, therefore, they are more or less comprehen- sive schemes of classification. A general system of chemical classification ought to embrace the fundamental principles of all such partial systems, so as to show the real nature and relative value of each : it ought, in fact, to be a general expression of these theories in much the same sense that they are general expressions of chemical facts. A discussion of the bases upon which a comprehensive classification is to be founded becomes therefore a discussion of chemical theories in general ; and in this article we shall endeavour to set forth clearly those general results of chemical research, by reference to which the true value of all chemical theories must, in the present state of the science, be tested, and which must for the present, be taken as the foundation for any attempt at chemical classification, rather than to construct a detailed scheme of classification in which each individual substance should find its place. A collection of complex objects can always be classified in several different ways, according as this or that quality is regarded as the most important. In the case of chemical substances, two causes are always at work to bring about changes of the point of view from which they are regarded with reference to their classification. In the first place, the number of objects to be classified is continually increasing through the discovery of new substances ; and, in the second place, the finding out of new qualities in the bodies already known, tends continually to modify their apparent relations to each other. Hence it is not surprising that, instead of our being able to trace, in the history of chemistry, the gradual extension of one fundamental scheme of classification, we should find that the principles upon which it has been attempted to classify chemical substances have been gradually, but from time to time almost completely changed as the science has advanced. It is not necessary to consider here what these changes have been ; we have only referred to their occurrence, in order to draw attention to the fact, that the most perfect classification which it is possible even now to give, can of necessity be nothing more than a representation of the results of chemical labour, as they appear viewed from the point which the science has now reached, and that it must hereafter be absorbed in some more general system, if it be not entirely set aside. All chemical substances belong to one of two classes : namely, elements or simple bodies, and compound bodies. The chemical definition of an element is a body which cannot be decomposed or shown to contain matter of more than one kind ; compound bodies, on the other hand, are such as are made up of, or can be de- composed into, two or more distinct kinds of matter. For instance, water can be 1008 CLASSIFICATION. shown to contain two kinds of matter, called respectively oxygen and hydrogen ; sugar can similarly be proved to be made up of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon ; water and sugar are therefore both of them compound bodies ; but neither oxygen, hydrogen, nor carbon can, by any analytical or breaking-up process, be made to yield anything else than oxygen, hydrogen, or carbon, respectively ; these three bodies are therefore in a chemical sense, elements. It will be seen that the chemical idea of an elementary body does not by any means imply the absolute simplicity of the so-called elements ; it may be that these bodies are compounds which, as yet, have resisted all attempts to decompose them, but which are capable of being decomposed by processes hitherto unknown. Nevertheless, if it should at some future time be shown that all our present elements are in reality compound bodies, the definition of elements as bodies which cannot be chemically decomposed would still hold good, though it would then be ap- plicable to a new set of substances. In the further classification of elementary and compound bodies, it is impossible to separate the consideration of one of these classes from that of the other ; for the chemical nature of an elementary body can only be known by the study of the com- binations which it forms ; and the properties of every compound body are determined by those of the elements of which it is composed. There are especially two points to be considered in reference to the relation in which the various elements stand to the compounds which they form : first, the atomic proportion in which they combine together ; second, the chemical nature or function of the bodies into whose composition they enter. Considering them first in the former relation, we find that there are a certain number which are distinguished from all the rest by the simplicity of the proportion in which they unite with each other. To this class of elements belong hydrogen (H = 1), chlorine (Cl = 35-5), bromine (Br = 80). iodine (I = 127), potassium (K = 39), sodium (Na = 23), lithium (Li = 7), rubidium (Rb = 85-4), caesium (Cs = 133), silver (Ag = 108).* They combine to- gether usually in the proportion of one atom to one atom (see ATOMIC WEIGHTS), and but few compounds are known which contain more than two of these elements, unless an element of some other class be also present. Trichloride of iodine, IC1 3 f, and the supposed chloride of bromine, BrCP, are perhaps the only exceptions to the former of these rules, and the substances which form an exception to the second are all crystal- lised salts formed by the molecular union of normal binary compounds, such as NaCl and AgCL These bodies cannot be proved to exist, except in the crystallised state, and the chemical properties of their two constituents are not modified to the extent which usually accompanies true chemical combination ; hence it is probable that they are not true chemical individuals, but physical aggregates of entire molecules, analogous to salts containing water of crystallisation. Another property of the elements of this class, closely allied to the first that was mentioned, is that the proportion by volume in which those of them which can be measured in the gaseous state unite, is 1 : 1. For reasons that will be lurther dwelt upon in the sequel, the elements of this class are termed monatomic elements ; the remainder are termed polyatomic elements and are divisible into : 1. Diatomic Elements. These are: oxygen (0 = 16), sulphur (S = 32), selenium (Se = 80), tellurium (Te = 128), magnesium (Mg = 24), zinc (Zn = 65), cadmium, (Cd = 112), mercury (Hg = 200), calcium (Ca = 40), strontium (Sr = 88), barium (Ba = 137), platinum (Pt = 98'5), and perhaps others. The elements of this class combine either two or more together and in very various proportions, e. q. ZnO, ZnS, SO 2 , SO 3 , CaS 5 , Ba 2 SO, BaSO 2 , BaSO 3 , BaSO 4 , BaS 2 3 , BaS 2 0, BaS 4 8 . They combine with the monatomic elements in the proportion of one atom or volume to two, forming compounds of which one molecule occupies twice the volume of the diatomic atom it con- tains, and the same volume as the two monatomic atoms : e. g. H 2 0, C1 2 0, C1HO, KHS, &c. When more than one atom of a diatomic element enters into combination with one or more monatomic elements, the ratio of combination is sometimes much more complex : e. g. H 2 8 , C1 2 S 2 , CPSO, CPSO 2 , KHSO 3 , KHSO 4 , &c.J * Fluorine is usually regarded as also belonging to this class, being associated with chlorine, bromine, and iodine; its known analogies to these bodies are not, however, either close or numerous, while its great tendency to unite at the Same time with two different metals, or with hydrogen and a metal, seems to indicate that it ought rather to be placed in the next class of elements (F = 38, hydrofluoric acid = FH^) t This is not the only case in which iodine forms a compound of greater complexity than other mem- bers of the same class : for instance, iodic acid forms anhydro-salts, which are without analogues among the compounds of the other monatomic elements. | Several elements are here enumerated as diatomic which are usually counted monatomic, and which are taken as such in the body of this work, on account of the inconvenience which would arise from the too great departure from established usage ; partly also because the reasons for supposing some ef them to be diatomic, though strong, cannot be considered quite conclusive. The question whether magnesium, zinc, cadmium, and mercury, and calcium, strontium, and barium, ought to be considered diatomic instead of monatomi'-, resolves it?elf into the question whether the accepted atomic weights of theae element* ought to be doubled. We cannot discuss this question fully here, and must confine our- CLASSIFICATION. 1009 2. Triatomic Elements. Nitrogen (N = 14), phosphorus (P = 31), arsenic (As = 75), antimony (Sb = 121), bismuth (Bi = 208) ; boron (B = 11) ; gold (Au = 197) ; probably molybdenum (Mo = 48), vanadium (Vd = 68'5), tungsten (W = 92); and perhaps others. These elements do not form many combinations among themselves not containing any element belonging to another class. They combine with the monatomic elements in the proportion of 1 at. to 3, to form such bodies as NH 8 , PH 3 , AsH 3 , SbAg 3 , BiCl 3 , BC1 3 , AuCl 3 , &c. ; 1 at. of some of them can also combine with 5 monatomic atoms, many bodies of the following form being known : NH 4 C1, PH 4 I, PCI 5 , &c. ; but none of these compounds appear to be capable of volatilising without decomposing, so as to re- generate a compound of the class first mentioned, as shown in the following examples : NH 4 C1 = NH 3 + HC1 PCI 5 = PCI 3 + C1CL With the diatomic elements and with the diatomic and monatomic elements together, they combine in very various proportions, but always so that the sum of the triatomic atoms, or of the triatomic and monatomic atoms together, when the latter are present, contained in a molecule of the products formed, is an even number. 3. Tetratomic Elements. Carbon (C = 12), silicon (Si = 28*5), titanium (Ti = 48*5), tin (Sn = 118), tantalum (Ta = 138); probably lead (Pb = 207), and perhaps other elements. These elements can combine with the monatomic elements in the proportion of 1 at. to 2 (e. g. SiCl 2 , SnCl 2 ), and with the diatomic elements in the proportion of 1 at. to 1 (e.g. CO, SiO, SnO); but the compounds so produced readily combine with 2 mon- atomic atoms, or with 1 diatomic atom, to form such bodies as the following : SiCl 4 , SnCl 4 , COC1 2 , CO 2 , SiO 2 , &c., which appear to represent the normal compounds of the tetra- tomic elements. They also form very many compounds with the triatomic elements, or with these and the monatomic or diatomic elements together. The following are examples of the simplest combinations so produced : C 2 N 2 , CNH, CNHO. 4. Hexatomic Elements. The following elements are perhaps hexatomic : iron (Fe = 112), aluminium (Al = 54), and other similar bodies. selves to the statement of certain facts whose bearing on the point will be understood if the reader has studied the article ATOMIC WEIGHTS. at.. Magnesium, Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury. Of these four elements it maybe said, that the evidence in favour of doubling the atomic weights of zinc and mercury is conclusive, while magnesium and cadmium are so obviously members of the same natural family, that it is not possible to double the atomic weights of the former two metals without doubling theirs also. The most important reason for doubling the atomic weights of zinc and mercury are the following : When these metals act upon the iodides of the alcohol-radicles, G5 pts. zinc or 200 pts. mercury combine directly with the quantities represented by the formula; CKPI, C*Wl, CHiiI, &W\, in each case forming a single product, such as Zn"C*Wl, Hg"C 2 H 5 I,Hp 2 "C 3 H 5 I, &c ,as though 65 pts zinc and 200 pts. mercury, represented indivisible quantities, or atoms, of those metals, whereas if these weights represented two atoms, we should expect that the action of 65 pts. zinc or of 200 pts mercury on C a H 5 I would give rise to two distinct products, ethylide and iodide of zinc or of mercury. The combination which actually takes place is analogous to the com- bination of (the diatomic element) oxygen with cyanide of potassium : KCy + O == KCyO ; if zinc and mercury were monatomic, their action on the hydriodic ethers would probably be analogous to that of (the monatomic element) chlorine on cyanide of potassium : KCy + C12 = KC1 + CyCl. Again, the reactions represented by the following equations (and the similar reactions which take place with mercury-methyl) all tend to show that a molecule of mercury-ethyl (or mercury-methyl) contains 2 at. ethyl (or methyl) : Hg(C2H5)(C2H5) + BrBr = Hg^H^Br + C2H.Br (Buckton). Hg(C2H6)(C2H5) + CIH = Hg'(C2H s )C1 + C2R5.H (Buckton). Hg(C2H t *)(C2H5) + HgClCl = Hg(C2H5)Cl + HgCl(C2H5) (Buckton), and it is difficult to understand what can cause the two atoms of alcohol-radicle to remain combined, if it be not that the quantity of mercury with which they are united is one indivisible atom. To these chemical arguments may be added that drawn from the determinations which have been made of the vapour-densities of zinc and mercury compounds. All the determinations hitherto made agree with the supposition that the atomic weights of these metals are 65 and 200 respectively, aid not 32'5 and 100, as generally admitted ; the specific heats of these metals point also to the same conclusion. We may add, finally, that the readiness with which all the four metals under consideration form basic salts is a further indication of their diatomic character. /3. Calcium, Strontium, Barium The decomposition of the hydrates of these metals by heat alone, taken in connection with their general close resemblance to the alkalis, may be regarded as evidence o-f their being hydrates of diatomic radicles bearing the same relation to the hydrates of potassium, so- dium, &c., that the bibasic acids (most of which are similarly decomposed by heat) bear to the monobasic acids. Moreover, the non-existence of acid carbonates, sulphates, oxalates, &c., of any of them seems to show that the quantities of metal (twice the qualities usually admitted as representing their atomic weights) contained in their neutral salts with bibasic acids are indivisible. Notwithstanding, however, these and some other indications of a diatomic character, the atomicity of calcium, strontium, and barium must be considered as still more or less open to question. VOL. I. 3 T 1010 CLASSIFICATION. The existence of this class is not as yet certainly proved ; there is, however, reason to believe that iron, aluminium, and perhaps some of the metals most closely allied to them, are hexatomic, and that their simplest compounds with the monatomic ele- ments contain 6 monatomic atoms (e.g. sesquichloride of iron, Fed 8 ; chloride of alu- minium, Aid 6 ). Notwithstanding the exceptions which we have pointed out, the difference in the modes of combination of various elements, which have been indicated as serving for their division into distinct classes, are in the main so marked and so constant as almost to make the conclusion unavoidable that they result from differences in the combining capacity of the elementary atoms themselves ; that in fact the atomic com- bining capacity or atomicity of the various elements is a definite and fixed property comparable to their atomic weight. And, if it be accordingly admitted that an atom of oxygen, or of any other element of the same class, can combine with twice as great a weight of any given element as an atom of hydrogen, or of any other element of its class, that an atom of any element of the nitrogen-class can combine with three times as much, and an atom of any element of the carbon-class with four times as much (that is, if the terms monatomic, diatomic, triatomic, and tetratomic, applied to the various classes into which the elementary bodies have been divided, be admitted to correspond to actual differences in the combining powers of the atoms of the elements), then it is possible to explain, at least to a very great extent, the general differences of com- position which the compounds of these elements show when compared together. Upon the classification of the elementary bodies which we have here adopted, we have now to found a classification of their compounds. [In this part of the subject it will often be convenient to use the following general signs for denoting elements of the various classes : For monatomic elements, a vertical or horizontal stroke : I or For diatomic elements, two such strokes connected at one end by a straight line : nc For triatomic elements, three strokes connected : For tetratomic elements, four strokes connected : |_ J or The number of strokes in the sign of each class of elements thus represents their atomicity.] The simplest normal combinations which one monatomic, diatomic, triatomic, or tetratomic atom respectively can form, are the following : 1. Monatomic atom with monatomic, ; example : HC1. 2. a. Diatomic atom with 2 monatomic, F ~~ ; examples : 6'lf 2 , OHK. b. Diatomic atom with diatomic, F ~] ; example : OHg. 3. a. Triatomic atom with 3 monatomic, I ; example : NH S , NIPK. b. Triatomic atom with 1 monatomic and 1 diatomic, I ; examples : sbcio. I ' c. Triatomic atom with triatomic, | ] ; example : | 1 i. a. Tetratomic atom with 4 monatomic, ' '; examples: CH 4 , CHC1 8 , MM b. Tetratomic atom with 2 diatomic, ' ' ; examples : CS 2 , SiO 2 . c. Tetratomic atom with 2 monatomic and 1 diatomic, ! ! ; examples : CC1 2 6, PbCPO. ' I I I CLASSIFICATION. 101 1 d. Tetratomic atom with 1 monatomic and 1 triatomic, | [ ; example : CHN. e. Tetratomic atom with tetratomic, It will be seen that this classification of compounds of the simplest order is equiva- lent to Gerhardt's classification according to types. Compounds of the form 1 are those referred by him to the type HC1 or HH ; those of the form 2a, are those re- ferred to the type H 2 ; those of the form 3a, are those referred to the type H 3 N ; while bodies of the form 4a may be referred to the type H 4 C, subsequently intro- duced (by Odling, Kekule, and others) for the purpose of further extending Gerhardt's system. The sub-forms 2b, ob, 3c, 46, 4c, 4d, 4e, may be regarded as deriving from the primary forms, if we take account of the mult equivalency of the polyatomic elements (see EQUIVALENTS), and consider, for instance, chloroxide of carbon (4c) as representing a body of the form 4 a, in which the diequivalent atom takes the place of 2 mon- atomic atoms, and hydrocyanic acid (4c2) as a body of the same form in which the tri- equivalent atom N takes the place of 3 monatomic atoms. In this way all bodies such as those above mentioned, may be referred to the four types HC1, H 2 0, H 3 N, H J C ; so far, then, the empirical classification of Gerhardt, and that which we have here deduced from the theoretical basis of the definite atomicity of the elements, are identical. In order to extend his classification to compounds of a higher degree of complexity, Gerhardt was obliged to assume the existence of an indefinite number of compound radicles : we have now to consider the constitution of such compounds, and shall thus see that the idea of the atomicity of the elements includes, not only the idea of types, but also the idea of compound radicles, ideas which recent chemistry has shown to be correlative, neither of them having any significance except in relation to the other. Comparing now more complex compounds with each other and with the very simple compoiinds of which we have been speaking, we find that, whereas there is no rule as to the number of diatomic or tetratomic atoms which one compound may contain more or less than are contained in another, the difference between the number of monatomic or of triatomic atoms, or of monatomic and triatomic atoms together when both are pre- sent, contained in two well defined and well analysed bodies, is always an even number. But since the compounds constituted according to any of the forms above enumerated always contain an even number of monatomic, or of triatomic, or of monatomic and triatomic atoms together, this amounts to saying that the sum of such atoms contained in any well-defined and well-analysed body is always an even number. This proposition embodies one of the earliest observed regularities in the atomic composition of com- pound bodies (vid. Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xviii. 266), often spoken of as the law of the even number of atoms, and is in strict accordance with the view which regards the combination of the elements as consisting in the mutual saturation of their atomic combining capacities, and might indeed be deduced from it ; for since each unit of combining capacity requires another for its saturation, the number of atoms in every normal compound (or compound in which the atomicity of each element is saturated) must be such that the number representing the sum of their combining capacities is even ; and this can only be the case when it contains an even number of those atoms (monatomic and triatomic atoms) whose atomicity is represented by an odd number. The highest number of monatomic atoms that any compound can contain appears to be regulated by the number and nature of the polyatomic atoms which it contains, of a compound contain n polyatomic atoms whose atomicities are respectively A, A', A", &c., the highest number of monatomic atoms that it can contain is A + A' + A" + .... 2(wl) ; but it ma contain any lower number differing from this by a multiple of 2. We may illustrate this rule by applying it to the simplest normal compounds of atoms of each degree of atomicity. In the case of compounds of the form 1 ( ), A + A', &c., = 0, n also =0, thereforej;he formula becomes 2( 1) = 2; in the case of compounds of the form 2a, ([""" ~), A', A", &c., disappear, and n = l, so that the term 2 (n 1) also disappears, and the formula is reduced to A = 2 , in like manner in the case of compounds of the form 3a, I | J , the formula becomes A = 3 ; and in the case of those of the form 4