i^*\y:- Vv: _, Ji UC-NRLF ^073 L& X^/J!Xa.^ou>-wv«/ CMjc^ 1 ' ■ :!!' i'i' ■'«'•■ m ^'L , ■, „ ifc , llli:. '^H. WlLLIAMSIANAi^ A BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING TO WILLIAMS COLLEGE 1793-1911 By JOHN ADAMS LOWE, M.A. ^ H^ I^ ^ ^5iriK>C> «;.•:.->' 1 WILLIAMSIANA A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PAMPHLETS & BOOKS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE •• 1793- 1911 COMPILED BY JOHN ADAMS LOWE, M.A. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES WILLIAMSTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS MDCCCCXI 0^2 The Tottlb, MoREHoysE & Taylor Comianv. TO MY MOTHER who inspired, encouraged and shared my undergraduate years at Williams College 305i.99 INTRODUCTION This attempt to bring together the titles of books and pamphlets including a few manuscripts and magazine articles dealing with Wil- liams college, was started in 1907 at the suggestion of Mr, James I, Wyer, to be submitted to the New York State Library School as the bibliographic thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the B.L.S. degree. The catalogued and uncatalogued material in the Williams College Library forms the basis of the bibliography. It has been examined in detail. The Berkshire Athenaeum, Boston Public Library, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society Library, Massachusetts State Library, New York Public Library and the New York State Library have been searched for additional data. The subject readings under which the material is grouped are those indicated in Deiveys Decimal Classification in the section for colleges and universities. The incompleteness of the collection covered by this bibliography is apparent to no one more than it is to the compiler. But with this very fact in mind it is published that it may serve to indicate to persons seeking such information what printed matter is at hand regarding the various phases of Williams college. But, moreov^, it is issued with the sincere hope that the collection will be made more nearly complete and be increased by gifts of publications of all kinds, class and alumni reports and other memorabilia, either in manuscript or in print, relating in any way to the college, its officers, alumni and students. It is intended that all such records shall be carefully pre- served and systematically arranged in the College Library, in order that they may be available to the Alumni and to all who are interested in the history and life of the college. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the kind interest of many persons in this bibliography. To two gentlemen especially I tender my warm- est thanks. Mr. Herman Henry Bernard Meyer, Chief Bibliographer of the Library of Congress, has given me several valuable suggestions. My esteemed friend, Dr. Leverett Wilson Spring, D.D., Professor of English Literature, Emeritus, in Williams college, has read the manu- script and in this way has brought to my researches the benefit of his life-long studies in the history of Williams college. Williams College Library May 191 1 CONTENTS List of Headings Page Addresses 5 Baccalaureate 5 Commencement o Inaugural 7 Alumni Association 7 Athletics 8 Berkshire Medical Institution 9 Bibliography 10 Biography lo Buildings, Arranged by names of each lo Catalogues, Annual and General I2 Charter 12 Classes i3 Biennial songs 13 Class books 13 Class Day exercises 14 Class reports IS Commencement .... 19 Curriculum 19 Customs 19 Diplomas . 20 History 20 Laws 22 Library 22 President, Subdivided by officers, chronologically arranged ... 23 Publications 25 Religious interests 26 Societies 27 Adelphic Union Lyceum of Natural History Art Association Mendelssohn Society Classical Association Mills Y. M. C. A. Coffee Club Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma Chapter Gargoyle Society Philologian Society Good Government Club Philotechnian Society Songs 30 Student Life 30 Treasurer 31 Trustees 31 Williams in fiction and verse 32 Index 33 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE Addresses Addresses at a memorial meeting, July 3, 1888, in honor of Edward Clark, Ephraim Flint, William E. Dodge, Edward D. Morgan, P. A. Chadbourne. Added an address in regard to the late Barclay Jermain, Williamstown, 1883. 45P. O. Bascom, John. Address delivered before the Horticultural and landscape gardening association of Williams col- lege. North Adams, Greylock Senti- nel Press, 1853. i6p. O. Bascom, John. The threefold king- dom : an address before the Mills theological society of Williams college June 21, 1872. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., 1872. 2op. O. Calhoun, S. H. Oration delivered July 4, 1829 before the faculty and students of Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1829. i3p. O. Field, D. D. Address on the occa- sion of unveiling the monument to the graduates and undergraduates of Wil- liams college who fell in the Civil war; delivered at Williamstown, July 28, 1868. Paris, Louis Edmonds, 1873. i6p. O. Kellogg. G. B. Oration delivered July 4, 1829, before the Anti-slavery society of Williams college. Williams- town, 1829. 22p. O. Olds, G. S. An inaugural oration delivered in the chapel of Williams college, October 14, 1806. Stockbridge, H. Willard, 1806. i6p. O. Palmer, W. P. Poem spoken July 4. 1828 before the Anti-slavery society of Williams college. Williamstown, 1828. 24p. nar. S. Rogers, W : B. Address before the Lyceum of natural history of Williams college, August 14, 1855. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1855. 34P- O. Strong, A. H. An oration delivered before the corporation and faculty of Williams college, July 15, 1835. 2nd ed. n. p., 1843. I2p. O. See also Alumni Association and Buildings. baccalaureate Bascom, John. Belief and action: a baccalaureate sermon delivered at Williamstown, August 4, 1861. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1861. 22p. O. Carter, Franklin. "He that find- eth his life shall lose it." (In Wil- liams weekly. 1894-5. 8: Com- mencement issue) Carter, Franklin. "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone." (In Williams weekly. 1897-8. 11: Commencement issue) Carter, Franklin. "Unto a perfect man." (In Williams weekly. 1893-4. 7 : Commencement issue) Carter, Franklin. "When Jesus therefore saw his mother." (In JVil- liams weekly. 1896-7. 10: Com- mencement issue) Chadbourne, P. A. Permanence and purpose of the works of CJod : baccalaureate discourse 1878. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. I9p. O. Dewey, H. P. Baccalaureate ser- mon. (In Springfield republican. June 20, 1910. p.6) Fitch, Ebenezer. Useful knowl- edge and religion, recommended to the pursuit and improvement of the young; in a discourse, addressed to the candi- dates for the baccalaureate, in Wil- liams college, September i, 1799. Pittsfield, Chester Smith, n. d. 34p. O. Garfield, H. A. Address to the class of 1909. (In Springfield repub- lican. June 21, 1909) Garfield, H. A. [Baccalaureate ad- dress to the class of 191 1.] (In Springfield republican. June 19, 191 1) Gladden, Washington. "Whoso- ever shall seek to gain his life shall lose it." (In Williams weekly. 1892- 3- 6: June 22, p. 4-5) Griffin, E : D. An address deliv- ered to the class of graduates of Wil- liams college, at the commencement, September 4, 1822. Pittsfield, Phineas Allen, 1822. i2p. O. Griffin, E : D. A sermon preached September 2, 1827, before the candi- dates for the bachelor's degree in Williams college. Williamstown, Rid- ley Bannister, 1827. 2ip. O. Hopkins, Henry. Baccalaureate sermon delivered June 18, 1905. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19 : no. 21 daily, p. 1-6) WILLIAMSIANA Hopkins, }>Iark. The Bible and pantheism ; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Williamstown, Mass., July 29, 1866. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1866. 20p. O. Hopkins, Mark. The body the tem- ple of God ; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Williamstown, Mass., June 25, 1871. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1871. 23P. O. Hopkins, Mark. Choice and ser- vice ; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., July 31, 1864. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1864. 24p. O. Hopkins, Mark. The circular and onward movement; a baccalaureate sermon delivered at Williamstown, Mass., June 23, 1872. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1872. 2op. O. Hopkins, Mark. Eagles' wings; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Wil- liamstown. Mass., August i, 1858. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1858. 24p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Enlargement; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Wil- liamstown, Mass., August 2, 1863. Bost., 1863. 24p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Faith, philosophy, and reason delivered at Wil- liamstown, Mass., August 18, 1850. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1850. 28p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Higher and lower good; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., August 4, 1857. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1857. 20p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Liberality — its limits ; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., July 28, 1867. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1867. 25p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Life; a baccalau- reate sermon, delivered at Williams- town, Mass., June 26, 1870. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1870. 24p. O. Hopkins, Mark. The living house, or God's method of social unity: a baccalaureate sermon delivered at Wil- liamstown, Mass., August 3, 1862. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1863. 26p. O. Hopkins, Mark. The manifoldness of man ; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., July 31, 1859. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1859. 26p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Nothing to be lost; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Williamstown, Mass., July 29, i860. Bost., T. R. Marvin, i860. 28p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Perfect love ; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Wil- liamstown, Mass., August 15, 1855. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1855. _ 24?. O. Hopkins, Mark. Providence and revelation; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Williamstown, Mass., July 30, 1865. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1865. 26p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Receiving and giving; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., August IS, 1852. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1852. 24p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Self-denial ; a baccalaureate sermon, delivered at Wil- liamstown, Mass., August 3, 1856. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1856. 24p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Spirit, soul, and body ; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., June 20, 1869. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1869. 23p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Strength and beauty ; a baccalaureate sermon, deliv- ered at Williamstown, Mass., August 17, 1851. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1851. 27p. O. Hopkins, Mark. Zeal ; a baccalau- reate sermon, delivered at Williams- town, Mass., July 26, 1868. Bost, T. R. Marvin, 1868. 22p. O. Moore, Z. S. "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ," a baccalaureate sermon, preached at Williamstown, Mass., August 30, 1818. ms. Moore, Z. S. "I have given you an example." a baccalaureate sermon, preached at Williamstown, Mass., Sep- tember 3, 1820. ms. Moore, Z. S. "Then those men assembled and found Daniel praying . . . before his God," a bgiccalau- reate sermon, preached at Williams- town, Mass., August 29, 1819. ms. commencement Gladden, Washington. Dr. Glad- den's 1905 commencement address ; Religious life in college and outside. (In Williams record, 1905-6. 19: no. 21, p. i) Roosevelt, Theodore. Speech upon receiving the degree of L.H.D. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19: no. 24 daily, p. 6) WILLIAMSIANA INAUGURAL Griffin, E : D. Inaugural address, November 14, 1821. ms. in Williams college library. Hopkins, Mark. An inaugural dis- course, delivered by Mark Hopkins, at Williams college, September 15, 1836. Troy. N. Tuttle, 1836. 3ip. _D. Chadbourne, p. a. Williams col- lege : inauguration of President Paul Ansel Chadbourne, July 27, 1872. Printed by order of the Trustees. Williamstown, 1872. 430. O. Carter, Franklin. Williams col- lege : inauguration of President Frank- lin Carter, July 6, 1881. Printed by order of the Trustees. Williamstown, 1882. 46p. O. Hopkins, Henry. Williams college : inauguration of President Henry Hop- kins, 1902. North Adams, The Ad- vance Press, n. d. 59p. O. [C. L. Maxcy, editor.] Garfield, H. A. President Gar- field's inaugural address. (In Wil- liams record. 1908-9. 22: no. 27) Garfield, H. A. Williams college : address of Harry Augustus Garfield, LL.D. at his induction into the office of president, October 7, 1908. n. p., n. d. 33p. O. Garfield, H. A. Williams college : the induction of Harry Augustus Gar- field, LL.D. into the office of president, October seventh MDCCCCVIII. [Alumni edition. Pittsfield, Mass., Eagle Print, n. d. 88p. O.] Garfield. H. A. Williams college : the induction of Harry Augustus Gar- field. LL.D. into the office of president, October seventh MDCCCCVIII. ip. I27p. front, (port.) O. Riverside Press, n. d. [Prof. L. W. Spring, D.D. editor.] Alumni Association Adams, E. L. Williams in politics. (In Williams literary monthly. 1886- 7. 2: 104-9) Alumni. Majority and minority re- port of the committee to examine into the expediency of admitting women as students to the college. (In Wil- liams vidette. 1874. 6 : extra no. 18, p. l-ii) Alumni. Records of the society of alumni of Williams college ; consti- tution adopted September 5, 1821. ms. Alumni register, annual. 1884-date. no. I — date, D. Williamstown, 1884- date. Alumni visiting committee. Reports. 1874 French, J. C. North Adams, J. T. Robinson & Son, 1874- I5P- O. 1879 VanVechten, A. W. North Adams. J. T. Robinson & Son, 1879. 26p. O. 1884 Hall, G. S. Williamstown, 1884. up. O. 1896 Dike, S. W. n. t. p. 8p. O. 1897 Mygatt, L. C. n. t. p. 4p. O. 1902 Hutchins, C. L. n. t. p. 4P. O. 1908 Holt, C. S. (In Williams bulletin. Alumni number, September, 1908, p. 1-8) 1910 Heath, C. A. (In Williams alumni review. 1910. 2 : no. 3, p. 6-13) 1910 Terry, C. T. (In Williams alumni review. 1910. 2 : no. 3, p. 13-19) Bross, William. America as a field for the exertions of the Christian scholar; an address delivered before the alumni of Williams college . . . July 31, 1866, with a poem . . .by T. C. French. Chic, Tribune Co., 1866. 5SP- O. Constitution of the Alumni athletic association. (In Williams weekly. 1902-3. 16: 49-51) Cooper, S. W. Modern statesmen — a satire; delivered before the society of alumni of Williams college . . . June 28, 1871. n. p., n. d. I9P- O. Demond, Charles. An address de- livered before the society of alumni of Williams college, at Williamstown, Mass., August i, 1865. Bost, T. R. Marvin, 1865. 39p. O. Dillingham, W: H. An address delivered before the society of the alumni of Williams college, Williams- town, Mass., at the annual commence- ment, August 19, 1835. Phil., John Thompson, 1835. 23p. O. Hopkins, Mark. An address de- livered before the society of alumni of Williams college, at the celebration of the semi-centennial anniversary, August 16, 1843. Bost, T. R. Mar- vin, 1843. 2nd ed. 4op. O. Hopkins, Mark. Law of progress ; a centennial discourse before the alumni of Williams college. North Adams, 1876. 22p. O. 8 WILLIAMSIANA HuBBELL, C. B. Barclay Jermain : address July 3, 1883, before the society of alumni of Williams college. (In Williams college : Trustees' memorial meeting. 1883. p. 40-5) HuBBELL, C. B. Remarks ... on the occasion of the presentation of a loving cup to Francis Lynde Stetson, Esq. Alumni dinner, commencement, June 26, 1907. n. p., n. d. 8 p. sq. S. Kennedy, Howard. Williams in education. (In WiUiams literary monthly. 1888-9. A'- 35i-6i) Mark Hopkins memorial committee. Report. Williamstown, 1890. 7P- O. Necrology, see BIOGRAPHY, Obit- uary record Nelson, H. L. An appeal for the humanities ; an address delivered at the annual dinner of the Williams alumni association in the city of New York, December 7, 1899. n. p., n. d. 7p. O. Paige, A. C. An address delivered before the society of the alumni of Williams college, at Williamstown, Mass., August s, 1862. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1862. 3ip. O. Contains his- torical matter. A post prandial reminiscence of the life, character and public service of the late, lamented Bill Pratt, delivered at the annual dinner 1889. N. Y. 1889. 2ip. portrs. pi. O. Robbins, Thomas. An address de- livered before the society of the alurnni of Williams college, at their twenty- second anniversary, August 16. 1843. Bost, T. R. Marvin. 1843- 5iP-. O. White, Joseph. Address delivered before the society of alumni of Wil- liams college, August 14, 1855. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1855. 48p. O. Con- tains a poem read by E. W. B. Can- ning at the same meeting. Williams alumni association of New York. Articles of association with the list of officers and members. 1885 [N. Y., Everit Bros., 1885] 20p. T. 1891 n. p., n. d. I9p. T. 1900 n. p., n. d. I7p. T. Williams alumni house (incorpo- rated) Williamstown, Mass. n. p., n. d. [1910] i6p. ob. S. Williams association of Boston. 1875 Bost. 1875 8p. O. 1876 Bost. 1876 I4P. O. 1877 Bost. 1877 i8p. nar. O. Woodbridge, J. An address deliv- ered before the society of the alumni of Williams college, on the day of the annual commencement, September 3, 1823. Hartford, George Goodwin, 1823. i8p. O. 6"^^ a/.yo Periodicals Williams alumni review. Athletics Con- 1902- Alumni athletic association, stitution. (In Williams weekly. 3. 16: 49-51) The athletic tax. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 23, p. 2) Baseball ; Amherst vs. Williams, July I, 1859, at Pittsfield, Mass. (In Hampshire & Franklin express. July 8, 1859) Baseball in the early sixties ; first intercollegiate contest ever played. (In Gulielmensian. 1910. 53: 258-0} Baseball in 1859, Amherst vs. Wil- liams in first intercollegiate contest. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23: no. II, p. 4-5) Basketball : a championship team. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19: no. 2, p. 1-6) Basketball : national champions. (In Williams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 2, p. 1-6) Basketball schedule — its significance. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 29, p. 2) Basketball : successful season, 1906. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 20: no. 2, p. I, 2, 4-7) Change in the election of managers. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 2, p. 1-2) Constitution and by-laws of the Athletic council and associations of Williams college (member of the Intercollegiate association of U. S.) 1897-1906. n. p., n. d. 36p. D. same 1897- 1910. n. p., n. d. 39p. D. Cooper, W : S. Rowing at Wil- liams. (In Gulielmensian. 1908. 51: 37-42) Crew of the college. (In Williams quarterly. 1871-2. 19: 157-8) Eligibility rules. (In Williams weekly. 1901-2. 15 : no. 26, p. 337-8) Fall race of 1872. (In Williams quarterly. 1871-2. 19: 81-3) WILLIAMSIANA Football: five victories — 1909. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23 : no. 40, p. i) Football reform. (In Williams record. 1904-5. 18: no. 39, p. 6-7) Football review for 1904. (In Wil- liams record. i904-5- 18: no. 34, p. 1-4) for 1905. (In Wilhams record. 1905-6. 19 : no. 44. p. 1-6) for 1906. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 20: no. 41, p. 1-7) for 1907. (In Williams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 39, p. 1-6) for 1908. (In Williams record. 1908-9. 22: no. 42, p. I, 3-5) for 1909. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23 : no. 40, p. I, 3-9) for 1910. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 41, p. 1-9) HuYCK, E. N. Some notes on base- ball at Williams before 1870. (In Williams literary monthly. 1887-8. 3: 174-7) Relations with Dartmouth severed. (In Williams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 2, p. 1-2) Report of the Williams college athletic council to the alumni and friends of the college concerning the improvement of Weston field, with map. Bost., F. Wood, 1897. i6p. D. Rules on athletics. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 29: no. 17, p. 2) Russell, J : E. Football situation at Williams. (In Williams aJumni review. 1910. 2 : no. 5, p. 9-10) Stoddard, C : A. Early athletics at Williams college. In Gulielmensian. 1895. 38: 12-14) Subscription determined by room rent basis. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23: no. 23, p. i) Swimming-pool. (In Williams rec- ord. 1904-5. 18: no. 23, p. 3) Tenney, S. G. Athletics at Wil- liams college. (In Outing. 17: 142) Track insignia. (In Williams rec- ord. 1906-7. 20: no. 7, p. 2) Work of the Athletic council and a pressing need. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19 : no. 28, p. 2) Restriction. (In Williams record. 1908-9. 21 : no. 51, p. 1-5) Van de Carr, G. C. & Ernst, M. L., comps. Statistics of undergraduate activities of Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1908. 5op. O. Berkshire Medical Institution Allen^ Thomas. Berkshire medical institution, 1834-5. Annual announcement, catalogue and catalogue of all graduates, 1823-67. Pittsfield, 1823-67. Bailey, R. W. An address delivered at the annual commencement of the Berkshire medical institution, Pitts- field, December 23, 1824. Pittsfield, Phineas Allen, 1825. 24p. O. Catalogue of graduates 1823-67. (In 45th catalogue, 1867, page 11) Catalogue of the officers and stu- dents of Williams college and of the Berkshire medical institution con- nected with it. 1823. n. p., n. d. I9p. Childs, H: H. & Todd, J: Ad- dresses at the dedication of the new college building, 1852. Pittsfield, 1852. Childs, H : H. Philosophy of gen- eral principles : an introductory lecture delivered before the medical class of the Berkshire medical institution, August I, 1844. Pittsfield, Charles Montague, 1844. 32p. O. Clinical report by P. S. Brown. Correspondence, 1823-24. Hitchcock. E. Utility of natural history : a discourse delivered before the Berkshire medical institution, at the organization of the Lyceum of natural history, in Pittsfield, Septem- ber 10, 1823. Pittsfield, Phineas Allen, 1823. 32p. O. Manuscript theses submitted for the degree of M.D., 1823-67. Note : for list of authors, see Catalogue, 1862. Massachusetts. House of Represen- tatives. Report and act appropriating 3000 dollars to repair damage by fire. (In legislative documents. 1850. House no. 104) Massachusetts. Legislature. Resolve to authorize the trustees to sell certain real and personal properties and for other purposes. (In Acts and resolves. i860, p. 811. ch. 65) Matriculation and lecture tickets, 1827-66. Miscellaneous papers, 1822-53. Officers of the Pittsfield Lyceum of natural history, elected September 9, 1824. (In American journal of science. 9: 177) Parker, Willard. Address deliv- ered before the graduating class of the WILLIAMSIANA Berkshire medical institution at Pitts- field, 1830. Scrap book. Smith, J. E. A. Medical college and medical societies, 1784-1875. (In his History of Pittsfield, 1800-76. 1876. p. 352-76) Williams, S. W. A biographical memoir of Josiah Goodhue, M.D., late president of the Berkshire medical in- stitution ; delivered 20th of November, 1829. Pittsfield, Phineas Allen, n. d. 2op. O. Bibliography Publications of the presidents and Professors of Williams college, 1793- 1876. North Adams. J. T. Robinson & Son, 1876. I9P. O. Biograptty DuRFEE, Calvin. Williams bio- graphical annals ; with an introduction by Rev. S. Irenaeus Prime, D.D. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1871. 665p. front, pi. phot, ports. O. Obituary record. DuRFEE, Calvin. Williams obituary report, 1865-75. North Adams, J. T. Robinson & Son, 1875. I42p. O. DuRFEE, C, Pratt, L., & Par- sons, E. B. Obituary records of Wil- liams college, 187^-85. Baldwinsville, N. Y., Gazette Book Print, 1885. 40ip. O. Hart, W. C, & Lowe, J. A. Obituary record of the society of Alumni, Williams college, 1909-10. Williamstown, 1910. 22p. O. Parsons, E. B. Obituary rec- ord of the Alumni of Williams college, 1906-7. Williamstown, 1907. 34p. O. Parsons, E. B. Obituary rec- ord of the society of Alumni of Wil- liams college, 1908-9. Williamstown, 1909. 38p. O. Parsons, E. B. Obituary rec- ord of Williams college, 1885-95. Williamstown, 1895. 279P. O. Parsons, E. B. Obituary rec- ord of Williams college, 1895-1906. n. t. p. 398p. O. Williams necrological annals, 1869. n. t. p. [Williamstown, 1869] 3p. O. See also PRESIDENT EPHRAIM WILLIAMS Fitch, Ebenezer. Historical sketch of the life and character of Colonel Ephraim Williams, and of Williams college, in consequence of his liberal bequest. (In Massachusetts historical society; Collections. 1802. 8: 47-58) Holden, J. A. Colonel Ephraim Williams. (In New York state his- torical association; Publications. 1901. i: 42-53) Lowe, J : A. Williams and the battle of Lake George. In Williams literary monthly. 1905-6. 21 : 96-104) Will. (In Durfee, C, History of Williams college, i860, p. 405-10) Buildings < Barber, J. W. Sketch of the college and a view from the east, 1861. (In his Our whole country, vol. i, p. 288- 9. Cinn. 1861) Indelible photographs. N. Y. 1890. I3P. D. Lowe, J : A. Williams of yesterday. (In JVilliams literary monthly. 1905- 6. 21 : 138, 183, 255, 308, 356, 402, 452. 22: 93. illus.) New Berkshire quadrangle. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19 : no. 31, P- i) Old Williams. (In Williams weekly. 1893-4. 7 • Centennial number, p. 13-15) Schuyler, M. Williams college; architecture of American colleges. (In Architectural record. 1910. 28: 435-9) A scholar's dormitory. (In Wil- liams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 8 and no. 9) alumni hall New Alumni hall ; transformation into highly artistic reference room. (In Williams record. 1908-9. 21 : no. 47, P- 5) Old chapel remodeled. (In Wil- liams record. 1907-8. 20: no. 53) Sumner, S : B. Lines at the dedi- cation of Alumni hall, 1859; poem read at the Williams college alumni association dinner, Bost., 1876. chapel, 1859 Hopkins, Mark. Religious teach- ing and worship : a sermon, preached WILLIAMSIANA at the dedication of the new chapel connected with Williams college, Sep- tember 22, 1859. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1859- 24p. D. Old chapel remodeled. (In Wil- liams record. 1907-8. 20: no. 53) CLARK HALL A college museum. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 20 : no. 35, p. 2) CURRIER HALL A commons-dormitory. (In Wil- liams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 26) EAST COLLEGE Perry, A. L. Destruction of East college by fire. (In his Williamstown and Williams college. 1899. p. 522-5) Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- port and resolve on the petition of the President and the Trustees of Wil- liams college for funds to rebuild East college. (In Mass. legislative papers ; Senate 1842. Senate doc. 19) Rebuilt. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 21, p. 10) of the new chapel connected with Wil- liams college, Mass. Williamstown, Ridley Bannister, 1828. 37p. D. Griffin hall remodeled. (In Williams quarterly. 1861-2. 9: 65) Lowe, J : A. Story of a college building. (In Williams literary monthly. 1901-2. 17: 437-42) Re-dedication of Griffin hall ; the building and its history. (In Williams record. 1904-5. 18: no,. 9, p. 1-4) Richards, G: M. To Griffin hall (rededication, April 29th, 1904) (In Williams literary monthly. 1904-5. 20: 378) HOPKINS HALL Carter, Franklin. A memorial of a great teacher : an address delivered at the dedication in Hopkins hall. (In Christian Union. 1890) [Carter, Franklin.] Report of Mark Hopkins memorial committee. Williamstown, 1890. 5p. O. Scudder, H. E. Mark Hopkins's col- lege : address at the dedication of Mark Hopkins memorial hall. n. p., n. d. I9p. D. FIELD memorial OBSERVATORY Safford, T. H : Field memorial observatory. (In Vierteljahrschrift der Astron. Gesellschaft. 19th Band, 2te heft) GARGOYLE GATE Gargoyle gate. (In Williams rec- ord. 1904-5. 18: no. 30. p. i) Squires, F : A. The Gargoyle gate. {In Art and decoration. 1911. 1:130) GOODRICH HALL, 1 864 General and mechanical description of the buildings to be erected for Wil- liams college in Williamstown. (In Williams quarterly. 1864-5. 12:70-2) Lowe, J : A. Passing of a Williams landmark. (In Williams literary monthly. 1906-7. 22 : 1-9) grace HALL Williams college; Grace hall and the new dormitories, n. p., n. d. i6p. O. griffin hall Griffin, E : D. A sermon preached September 2, 1828, at the dedication HOPKINS observatory Hopkins, Albert. An address de- livered at the opening of the observa- tory of Williams college, June 12, 1838. Pittsfield, n. d. 24p. O. Safford, T. H. The development of astronomy in the United States; a discourse read June 25, 1888 to com- memorate the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the Hopkins observa- tory of Williams college. Williams- town, T. R. Marvin, 1888. 32?. O. Safford, T. H. Williams catalogue of north polar stars, right ascension for 1885. Williamstown, 1888. 3p. i. 57p. tables. O. infirmary No infirmary : an original farce comedy given by the students of Wil- liams college, Williamstown Opera house, April 25, 1894. n. p., n. d. 4P. D. Plans for the new infirmary. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 6, p. I) Report of the Williams college in- firmary for 1895-6, and a list of gifts WILLIAMSIANA from the beginning of the enterprise, n. p., n. d. 7p. O. JACKSON HALL Jackson hall. (In Williams record. 190S-6. 19: no. 54, p. 2-3) Lowe, J: A. Jackson hall. (In Gulielmensian. 1910. 53 : 38-42) JESUP HALL A new Jesup hall : extensive im- provements. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 18: no. 51) KELLOGG HALL Lowe, J: A. Kellogg hall, 1847. (In Williams literary monthly. 1905- 6. 21 : 402) LAWRENCE HALL see Library MORGAN HALL Committee on repairs takes action. (In Williams record. 1904-5- 18: no. 37) Morgan hall fire-swept; college and personal property loss $30,000.00. (In Williams record. i9p4-5- 18: no. 33) Morgan hall rebuilt. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19: no. 6, p. i) THOMPSON MEMORIAL CHAPEL Dedication of memorial chapel. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19: no. 23, p. 1-8) Dedication of the chapel of Wil- liams college, Frederick Ferris Thompson memorial, Wednesday, June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and five, [program] n. p., n. d. 8p. il. O. Hall, C: C. A sermon preached at the dedication of the Thompson inemorial chapel, Wednesday, June 21 St, 1905. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19: no. 23, p. 5-8) Noble college chapel. (In Outlook. 1905. 80: 776-8 )_ WEST COLLEGE Lowe, J : A. When the college was young. (In Williams literary monthly. 1904-5. 20: 2-9) Pratt, J. B. To West college: verse. (In Williams literary monthly. 1895-6. 11: 351) Catalogues ANNUAL CATALOGUE Catalogue. Williamstown, Mass., 1800-date. (1800-1820, broadsides, 1822-date. O.) Catalogue of the officers and stu- dents of Williams college for the academical year 1856-7. Williams- town, 1856. 32p. O. Published by the Sophomore class. Catalogue of the officers and stu- dents and register of societies in Wil- liams college for the academical year 1857-8. Williamstown, 1857. 32p. O. Published by the Sophomore class. GENERAL CATALOGUE Catalogue. Trojae, Oppidi Gulielmi, Bostoniae, 1844-74. (Triennials) General catalogue of the officers and graduates of Williams college ; 1880, 1885, 1890, 1900, 1905, 1910. Williams- town, 1880-1910. O. General catalogue of non-graduates of Williams college, 1 799-1910. Wil- liamstown, 1910. 97p. O. Hewitt, J : H. College catalogues. (In Williams alumni review. 1911. 3: no. I, p. 6-9) Non-graduate catalogue. (In Wil- liams alumni review. 191 1. 3: no. I, p. 2-4) Charter The charter of Williams college as set forth in certain acts of the Legis- lature of Massachusetts. (In the annual catalogue of the college) Massachusetts. Legislature. An act for directing the use and appropriation of a charitable donation, made in a certain clause in the last will and testament of Ephraim Williams, Esq. ; for the support and maintenance of a Free-school in Williamstown in the county of Berkshire ; and for incorpo- rating certain persons as trustees, in order more effectually to execute the intention of the testator, expressed in the same. This Act passed March 8, 1785. Original edition, chap. 17 ; re- print sen chap. 49; private and special statutes, 1780-1805, v. i, p. 89. WILLIAMSIANA 13 Massachusetts. Legislature. An act in addition to an act, entitled "Act to establish a college in the county of Berkshire, within this Commonwealth, by the name of Williams college." This Act passed February 26, 1796. Masachusetts. Legislature. An act to establish a college in the county of Berkshire, within this Commonwealth, by the name of Williams college. This act passed June 22, 1793. Classes BIENNIAL SONGS 1858 Songs for the biennial jubilee of the class of fifty-eight, Williams. n. p., n. d. 8p. O. 1859 Songs for the biennial supper of the class of fifty-nine, Williams col- lege, July 30, 1857. Pittsfield, Chick- ering & Davis, n. d. I2p. O. i860 Songs for the biennial jubilee of the class of '60, Williams college, n. p., n. d. i6p. T. 1861 Gage, A. F. Biennial songs of the class of sixty-one, Williams college, n. t. p. i6p. D. 1864 Gardner, Charles. Biennial songs of the class of sixty-four, Wil- liams college. Troy, A. W. Scribner, 1862. 2op. O. 1865 Warner, M. J. Biennial songs' of sixty-five, Williams. Troy, A. W. Scribner, 1863. igp. O. 1S68 Sewall, J. Biennial songs of the class of sixty-eight. Troy, A. W. Scribner, n. d. I9p. D. class books 1872 Fiske, F. W. Statistics of the class of '72 Williams college. Williamstown, 1872. 8p. D. 1877 Adam, W : L. Statistics of the class of 1877 Williams college. North Adams, J. T. Robinson, n. d. I4p. D. 1879 FiSKE, C. C. Statistics of the class of '79 Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1879. 8p. D. 1880 KiLLETS, J : M. Statistics of the class of 1880 Williams college. North Adams, J. T. Robinson, 1880. 2ip. D. 1881 JuDD, E: S. Statistics of the class of 1881 Williams college. Athol, Mass., Athol Transcript, 1881. I9p. D. 1882 Heath, C: A. Statistics of the class of 1882 Williams college. Williamstown, 1882. 34p. D. 1883 Pike, F. V. Statistics of the class of 'Sz Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1883. 36p. D. 1884 Ballinger, R. a. Statistics of the class of '84 Williams college. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., 1884. 34P- D. 1885 Gordon, N. F. Statistics of the class of '85 Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1885. 36p. D. 1886 Anderson, G. W. Statistics of the class of eighty-six, Williams college. North Adams, No. Adams Transcript, 1886. 38p. D. 1887 Clarke, C: H. Statistics of the class of eighty-seven, Williams college. North Adams, W. E. Patti- son, 1887. 43P- D. 1888 Phillips, E. W. Statistics of the class of eighty-eight, Williams college. North Adams, Hoosac Valley News, 1888. 47p. O. 1889 Andrews. E. C. Williams' class book 1889. North Adams, Larkin Bros., 1889. 49p. O. 1890 Sellew, E. B. Statistics of the class of ninety, Williams college. Williamstown, 1890. 38?. O. 1891 Marsh, E. H. Statistics of the class of '91 Williams college. Williamstown, 1891. 35p. O. 1892 Peabody, J. E. Class book of ninety-two, Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1892. 48p. O. 1893 Long, E. M. The centennial class book of Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1893. 46p. Cf. 1894 Donnelly, J. H. '94 class book, Williams college. Williams- town, 1894. 75P- ob. T. 1895 Berry, M. W. Senior class book, Williams college 1895. Wil- liamstown, 1895. 9op. ob. T. 1896 Alden, F. a. Senior class book, Williams college 1896. n. p., n. d. 9ip. ob. D. 1897 Cullen, E. p. Senior class book, class of '97 Williams college. n. t. p. 79p. ob. D. 1898 Rarkhurst, C: P. Class of ninety-eight : their book. Williams- town, 1898. 53p. Q. 1899 Vrooman, L H. The book of the class of ninety-nine. Williams- town, 1899. 64p. Q. 14 WILLIAMSIANA 1900 GiBBS. R. C. 1900: being the senior book of the class of nineteen hundred of Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1900. 7op. O. 1901 Newton, F. L. Senior book of the class of nineteen hundred and one. Williamstown. 1901. 7ip- Q- 1902 HosMER, W. H: Nineteen hundred and two class book ; a record of the senior class of Williams col- lege. Williamstown, IQ02. 2oop. O. 1903 Andrew, W: C. Class book of the class of nineteen hundred and three, Williams college. Williams- town, 1903. I28p. O. 1904 Bacon, A. C. Senior class book, nineteen hundred and four, Wil- liams college. Williamstown, 1904. I44p. O. 1905 Cook, R. E. The class book, Williams college 1905. Williamstown, 1905. I49P- O. 1906 Lowe, J : A. Senior class book, nineteen hundred six, Williams college. Williamstown, 1906. 144P. O. 1907 Wight, E: B. Williams senior class book; published by the class of 1907. Williamstown, 1907. i84p. O. 1908 Ryle, Gr.'\ham. Senior class book, Williams college; published by the class of nineteen hundred and eight. Williamstown, 1908. I74P- O- 1909 Ernst, M. L. History of the class of nineteen himdred and nine, Williams college. Williamstown, 1909. i84p. O. 1 910 Calhoun, P. C. Senior class book, nineteen hundred and ten, Wil- liams college, vol. I. Williamstown, 1910. 2iop. O. 191 1 Hale, J. T. Senior class book, nineteen hundred and eleven, Williams college, vol. i. Williams- town, 191 1. 2o8p. O. CLASS DAY exercises 1854 Exercises at the marshal's supper, given to the class of 1854 in Williams college, on Tuesdav, June 27, 1854. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1854- I2p. D. 1862 Denison, J. H. An oration; and a poem, by J. A. French, delivered on class day, July 11, 1862, together with a brief account of the exercises of the day. Troy, A. W. Scribner, 1862. 44p. O. 1864 Vail, R. P. H. An oration; and a poem, bv C. C Tracy, delivered on class day, July 7, 1864. Springfield, S. Bowles & Co., 1864. 42p. O. 1865 WiLLETT, F. C. An oration ; and a poem by F. P. Brown, delivered on class day, July 7, 1865. Troy, A. W. Scribner, 1865. 4iP- O. 1866 Hallock, W. R. An oration; and a poem, by C. J. Woodbury, de- livered on class day, June 28, 1866. Springfield, S. Bowles & Co., 1866. 33P- O. 1867 Ta\t.or, J : M. An oration ; and a poem, by G. Stanley Hall, de- livered on class day, June 27, 1867. North Adams, J. T. Robinson & Co., 1867. 23p. O. 1868 Hall, O. M. An oration; and a poem, by James M. Trimble, delivered on class day, July 2, 1868. North Adams, J. T. Robinson & Co., 1868. 2ip. O. 1 87 1 Terrett, W. R. Common ground, an oration ; and the King's choice, a poem, by Frank Foxcroft, delivered on class day, June 27, 1871. Pittsfield, Chickering & Axtell, 1871. 23P. O. 1872 TuTTLE, W. H. H. "Conserv- ing forces," an oration ; and "The spirit of the mountain," a poem by S. B. Grifiin, delivered on class day, at Williams college, 1872. Williams- town, 1872. I4p. O. 1885 Holden, James A. Ivy song Williams '85, music by Geo. C. Dow. 1892 Hartt, R. L. Class poem. (In Williams weekly. 1892-3. 6: June 22, p. 3) 1892 Newcomb, J. T. Ivy song. (In Williams weekly. 1892-3. 6: June 22, p. i) 1892 Peabody, J. E. Class of '92; class oration, pipe oration, class his- tory, class prophecy, Williams college, n. p., n. d. 2ip. D. 1894 DuTCHER, N. K. Class poem. (In Williams weekly. 1894-5. Com- mencement issue) 1895 Goodwin, F. W. Ninety-five's ivy song. (In Williams weekly. 1895- 9 : Commencement issue) 1895 Memmott, F : W : Class poem. (In Williams weekly. 1895. 9: commencement issue) 1898 Ketchum, a. The '98 class- day poem. (In Williams literary monthly. 1898-9. 14: 307-12) WILLIAMSIANA 15 1899 Conger, H : R. Ninety-nine class poem. (In Williams literary monthly. 1899-1900. 15 : 166-170) 1900 Dunbar. P. R. The nineteen hundred class day poem. (In Wil- liams literary monthly. 1900-1. 16: 89-95) 1900 Tryon^ J. O. Ivy ode. (In Williams literary monthly, 1900-1. 16: I5S-6) 1902 Smith, H. J. Class poem, 1902. (In Williams literary monthly. 1902-3. 18: 1-4) 1903 Sherman, S. P. Class peom, 1903. (In Williams literary vionthly. 1903-4. 19: 1-4) 1904 Erskine, R. C. Nineteen- four class poem. (In Williams lit- erary monthly. 1904-5. 20 : 45-8) 1905 Pettitt, W : S. 1905 class poem. (In Williams literary monthly. 1905-6. 21: 149-151) 1907 DuTTON, G. B. Nineteen- seven class poem, Williams college, n. p., n. d. 8p. D. 1908 Gibson, W. A. Class poem, 1908. (In Williams literary monthly. 1908-9. 24 : 105-6) 1909 LooMis, R. S. Class poem, 1909. (In Williams literary monthly. 1909-10. 25: 82-5) CLASS reports Class Place and date 1825 1836 1843 1844 1845 1847 1850 1852 1853 1854 1855 1857 1857 1856 N. Y. 1865 n. p. [1836] n. p. [1863] Bost. 1856 Bost. 1865 Bost. 1869 Troy, 1884 New Haven, 1885 Troy, 1868 N. Y. 1890 n. t. p. [1895] Troy, 1862 Williamstown, 1903 n. t. p. [1858] n. t. p. [1859] n. t. p. [i860] n. t. p. [1861] n. t. p. [1862] n. t. p. [1863] n. t. p. [1864] n. t. p. [1865] n. t. p. [1866] Bost. 1880 n. t. p. [1857] Rochester, 1882 n. p. [1895] Rochester [1900] n. p. [1905] n. t. p. [1858] n. p. 1867 n. p. 1872 n. p. 1877 N. Y. 1882 n. p. 1887 Pittsfield, 1897 n. p. 1907 n. p. 1886 Pages and size 46p. D. io6p. D. 8p. D. 48p. O. 32p. O. 27p. O. 58p. O. I96p. O. 42p. D. 40p. O. up. O. i6p. D. 85P. O. 4P. O. 8p. O. i6p. O. i8p. O. i6p. O. 24p. O. 32p. O. 32p. O. i8p. O. io8p. O. 4P. O. I27p. O. I7P. O. 22p. O. 24p. O. 4P. O. 28p. O. 24p. O. 22p. O. 27p. O. 34P. O. 38p. O. 45P. O. 27p. D. Calvin Durfee 1832-1836; brief personal narratives. L. E. Smith [Charles Demond] [D. L. Boardman] Forty years' record. Report of the class. [W: D. Porter] [C. Redfield] [O. C. Blackmer] [J: S. Whitman] [W: T. R. Marvin] [Charles Marsh] [C : E. Fitch] [Irving Magee] [E: M. Wight] Irving Magee Irving Magee & W. G. Harding E. M. Wight Horace E. Scudder i6 WILLIAMSIANA Class Place and date i8S9 Springfield, 1867 Utica, 1868 Syracuse. 1872 Baldwinsville, 1875 Baldwinsville, 1879 n. p. [1881] Syracuse, 1884 n. t. p. [1887] n. p. [1911] i860 n. p., n. d. 1861 n. p. 1862 n- t. p. [1863] Lowell, 1867 Lowell 1868 Lowell, 1869 Buffalo, 1870 Buffalo, 1871 N. Y. 1872 N. Y. 1873 Athens, Pa. 1874 Athens, Pa. 1875 Towanda, Pa. 1876 N. Y. 1877 N. Y. 1878 N. Y. 1879 N. Y. 1880 N. Y. 1881 Poughkeepsie, 1882 Poughkeepsie, 1883 Poughkeepsie, 1884 Poughkeepsie, 1885 Poughkeepsie, 1886 Washington, 1887 n. t. p. [I n. t. p. [i _^ n. t. p. [1890] Winsted. Conn. 1891 Winsted, Conn. 1892 Winsted, Conn. 1893 Winsted, Conn. 1894 Winsted, Conn. 1895 Winsted, Conn. 1896 n. p. [1897] Sprms-field, III. 1898 n. p. [1899] n. p. [1900] n. p. [1901] n. p. [1902] n. p. [1903I n. p. [1904I n. p. [1905] n. p. [1906I n. p. [1907] n. p. [1908] n. p. [1909] n. p. [1910] 1862 n. t. p. [1863] Bost. 1882 n. p. [1902] Pages and si; i5P. O. I4P. O. 25p. O. 32p. O. 22p. O. 24p. O. 86p. O. 8p. O. 20p. O. I5P. O. i6p. O. lop. O. 27p. O. 27p. O. 24p. O. I9p. O. 52p. O. 39P. O. 39P. O. 32p. O. 42p. O. 39p. O. 4op. O. 27p. O. 32p. O. 33P. O. 29p. O. 37P. O. 34P. O. 25p. O. 25P. O. 34P. O. 99P. O. I5P. O. 8p. O. up. O. I5P. O. 24p. O. 27p. O. 3op. O. 26p. O. 36p. O. 45p. O. 64p. O. 44P. O. 43P. O. 134P- O. 50p. O. 38p. O. 35P. O. 4op. O. 37p. O. 5SP. O. 40p. O. 4QP- O. 39P. O. 24p. O. 7 1 p. O. io6p. O. E. B. Parsons Sophomore's hand book G : C. Raynolds [Edward Dewev] [C: L. Hutchins] C. S. Maurice A. C. Brown R. F. Wilkinson J. B. T. Tupper G : M. Carrington G: A. Saunders W: H. Shepard W: C. Spelman [G: F. Mills] [Mason Noble] WILLIAMSIANA 17 Class Place and date Pages and size 1863 n. p. [1873] 22p. O. n. p. [1883! 79P- O. Bost. [1903] 267P. O. 1864 Genesee. N. Y. 1881 44P- O- n. t. p. [1889] 44P- O. 186s n. p. 1875 23p. O. n. p. 189s 58p. O. n. p. 1905 35P- O. 1866 Bost. 1869 i8p. O. 1867 N. Y. [1902] I07p. O. 1868 N. Y. 1903 58p. D. n. p. [1908] ISP- O. 1869 n. p. 1872 42p. O. Saratoga Springs, 1884 2ip. O. Glen Cove, N. Y., 1889 6op. O. n. t. p. [1893] 4P- D- n. t. p. [1895] 40. O. n. t. p. [1899] 4P- O. 1871 Bost. 1881 39P. O. Bost. 1901 ■ Sip. O. 1872 n. p. [1877] 34P- D- St. Paul. 1883 I7P- D- 1873 Middletown, Conn. 1884 29p. O. Penn Yan, IST. Y. 1893 47p. O. 1874 n. t. p. [1873] 44P- O. n. p. 1877 I4p. O. n. p. 1879 3op. O. Anniston, 1889 icon. O. n. p. [1904] 7ip. O. 1876 n. t. p. [1896] 8p. O. n. t. p. [1901] 7p. O. n. t. p. [1906] 4p. O. 1878 Hartford. Conn. 1893 i6p. D. N. Y. 1898 2op. D. N. Y. 1903 22p. D. * Long Island City, 1908 24p. S. 1879 n- P- [1899] 24p. O. 1880 Hartford. Conn. 1896 36p. D. 1881 Chic. 1884 22p. O. Chic. 1886 i6p. O. Ware, Mass. 1896 630. O. 1882 Chic. 1885 24p. O. Chic. 1888 24p. O. Chic. 1890 38p. O. Chic. 1891 32p. O. Chic. 1892 50p. O. Chic. 1894 84p. O. Springfield. Mass. 1900 66p. O. n. p. [1902] ii3p. O. n. p. [1908] 297p. O. 1883 n. p. [1886I 4ip. O. n. t. p. [1887] 24p. O. n. t. p. [1888] 32p. O. n. t. p. [1889] .3Sp. O. n. t. p. [1890] 36p. O. n. p. [1895] 53P- O. 1884 Kankakee, 111. n. d. 2op! D. n. p. 1904 74p. D. Pawtucket, R. I. 1906 74p. D. [E. S. Atwood] J : G. Davenport M. S. Dudley C. S. Durfee [F. G. Smedley] [William Talcott] [Justin Kellogg] Triennial report [H: A. Plarmon] [J. H. Canfield] [J. S. Cooley] [C : F. Underwood] [H. R. Gibbs] First quinquennial Second report [P. M. Snyder] [H. K. Armstrong] [Report of a dinner] [C: N. Morris] [H. L. Wright] Biographical notes Report 1901 [C. W. Huntington] Statistical register [T. H. Seymour] [A. T. Perrv] [E : S. Judd] [C: A. Heath] [F. V. Pike] [F. deL. Smith] R. A. Ballinger [W: S. Cooper] i8 WILLIAMSIANA Class Place and date Pages and size 1884 Pawtucket, R. I. 1907 68p. D. [W: S. Cooper] Pawtucket, R. I. 1908 42p. D. " Pawtucket, R. I. 1910 64p. D. " 1885 Ann Arbor, Mich. 1886 29p. 0. N. F. Gordon Chic. 1888 20p. 0. " Chic. 1890 22p. 0. " n. p. [190s: 5ip. 0. Henry W. Banks, Jr. 1886 n. p. [1891. 27p. D. G. W. Anderson Albany, 1906 I7p. 0. E. C. Leonard n. p. 1908 20p. D. " 1887 Oakland, Cal. 1889 4ip. 0. C : H. Clarke Seattle, Wash. 1892 32p. 0. " n. p. 1907 I95P- 0. L. L. Lewis 1888 n. p. [1900] n. p. [1901] n. p. [1902 n. p. [1903; n. p. [1904 47P. 6op. 42p. i8p. 4op. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. E. W. Phillips n. p. [1906 44P- 0. " n. p. [1907I 43P- 0. ti n. p. [1908 4op. 0. " n. p. [1909 S9P- 0. " n. p. [1911] 44P- 0. " 1889 n. p. [1891] 3ip- 0. [E. C. Andrews] Hartford, Conn. 1899 36p. 0. " Willimantic, Conn. 1904 46p. 0. " 1890 N. Y. ri894] N. Y. [1899] n. p. [1900] 28p. 30p. I4P. 0. 0. Q. [T. M. Banks] N.Y. [1905] 25P. 0. (( Williamstown, 1911 45P- 0. " 1892 n. t. p. [1895: n. t. p. [1898 n. t. p. [1902 47P. 34P- 48p. 0. 0. 0. J. E. Peabody n. p. [1909] 34P- 0. [J. C. Rogerson] 1893 Springfield, Mass. 1895 62p. 0. [E. M. Long] N. Y. 1903 56p. D. [F. H. Mills] n. p. 1908 30p. 0. R. G. Mead] 1894 n. p. [1904] S4P- 0. J. H. Donnelly]. 1896 n. t. p. [1901] 20p. D. [F. A. Alden] 1897 Bost. 1902 Bost. 1907 33P- 59p. 0. 0. [D. E. Hall] 1898 n. p. 1901 Bost. 1903 30p. 75P- 0. 0. [J. F. Bacon] 1899 n. p. 1901 33P- 0. L. W. Carr n. p. [1904] 43P- 0. L H. Vrooman n. t. p. [1906 I3P. 0. " n. t. p. [1907 140. 0. <( n. t. p. [1908' I2p. 0. « n. t. p. [1910 I4p. 0. " 1902 n. p. [190S] 92p . ob. T. M. B. Berking 1905 n. t. p. [1906 n. t. p. [1908 4P. 4p. D. D. [H. B. Howe] 1906 Williamstown, 1909 I4p. D. [J : A. Lowe] n. p. 1911 2op. 0. A. V. Osterhout & E. A. Clapp] 1907 Williamstown, 1910 4p. nar. F. A. J. Allen] 1908 n. p._[i909] 8p. 0. T. A. Billiard Williamstown, 191 1 6p nar. F. [J. A. Bullard] WILLIAMSIANA 19 Commencement Commencement exercises 1823. O. Commencement 1905. (In Williams record. 190S-6. 19: no. 21-24) Commencement of 1813. (In Bos- ton zueekly messenger. 1813. 2 : no. 40, p. i) Commencements 1881-1901. Clip- pings from the Springfield republican. President Carter collection. The first class day. (In Williams quarterly. 1861-2. 9: 71) Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Com- mencement of August IS, 1838. (In his Passages from American note- books. Old manse ed., vol. 18, p. 186- 196) The Ii6th commencement. (In Williams alumni revieiv. ■ 1910. 2 : no. 3, p. 19) Curriculum Ballard, H. H. Botanical class at Williams, 1847. (In his Amos Eaton, page 185) Bullock, C : J. History of eco- nomics and political studies in Wil- liams college. (In Education. 1904. 24: 532-7) Coffin, J. H. Astronomical tables adapted to the theory of astronomy as taught in New England colleges. New Haven, B. L. Hamlen, 1842. 36p. D. Note : Published by the subscription of the classes in astronomy at Wil- liams for their use. Cut exemption — the theory — the practice. (In Williams record. 1907- 8. 20 : no. 55 & 56, p. 2) Exercises in augmentation for criti- cism and correction, printed for the department of English, Williams col- lege, n. p., n. d. i6p. O. Grade system of marking. (In Wil- liams record. 1909-10. 23: no. 30, P- 2-3) Music in the curriculum. (In Wil- liams record. 1906-7. 20 : no. 43, p. 2) The new curriculum, Williams col- lege, April, 191 1 ; exhibit of courses and prerequisites, n. p., n. d. 4p. O. The new curriculum, Williams col- lege, April, 1911 ; general statement and exhibition of divisions and groups, n. p., n. d. 4p. O. Partial course abolished. (In Wil- liams record. 1909-10. 23: no. 26, p. I) Recitations on a new schedule. (In Williams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 19, p. 2) Salutatorians, list of, 1797-1890. (In Gulielmensian. 1892. 35: 169-170) Valedictorians, list of, 1806-1890. (In Gulielmensian. 1892. 35: 168-9) Webster, D. H. Bibliographical guide to the course in economics, Wil- liams college, n. p., n. d. 24p. _0. Williams college ; announcement of courses for 1909-10, June i, 1909. n. t. p. 48p. O. Customs Burial of Euclid; Williams college. 1852. [program.] n. p., n. d. 4p. O. Burial of the razor by the sopho- more class of Williams college, Octo- ber 25, 1855. [program.] n. p., n. d. 4P. D. Cane contest at Williams. (In the Intercollegiate. 1910. 10 : no. 8, p. 140) Cane limits shortened. (In Wil- liams record. 1907. 20: no. 59, p. i) Cane regulations, 1903. (In Wil- liams weekly. 1902-3. 16 : no. 23, p. 322) Chip day. (In the Adelphi. 1832. i: 151) First class tug of war, 1910. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 27, P- i) Freshman parade. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23 : no. 24, p. i & 4) Freshman wake. (In Williams quarterly. 1860-1. 8: 137) Freshman wake ; [programs.] i860, 1861, 1863, 1865. Hazing and the Seventeenth of March. (In Williams record. 1906- 7. 19: no. 59, p. 2) Hazing checked ; college votes to do away with hazing before 17th celebra- tion. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 18: no. 53-55) Lowe, J : A. History of March 17th. (In Williams record. 1909- 10. 23 : no. I, p. 6) May-day celebrations; [programs.] 185 1, 1852, 1853. 1854, 1855. Old customs at Williams. (In Gulielmensian. 1893. 36 : 46-49) WILLIAMSIANA Pushball contest. (In Williams rec- ord. 1910-11. 24: no. .^3, p. i) Smokers. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 22, : no. 18, p. 3 ; no. 7, p. i ; no. 57, p. 8) Williams customs. (In Guliel- mensian. 1902. 45 : 26-34) Diplomas Bearing the signatures of the Presi- dents ... (In Library) Fitch, Ebenezer. President 1756- 1815. Diploma of Joel Parsons, A.B. dated September 5, 1800. same. Diploma of Nathaniel Swift, A.B. dated September 3, 1806. Hopkins, Mark. President 1836- 1872. Diploma of Francis Wilder Tappan, A.B. dated September 15, 1837. same. Diploma of Edward Bradshaw Malley, A.B. dated July 29, 1868. History Account of the battle of Lake George, on September 8, 1755 ; com- piled by the committee on historical documents and Lake George memorial committee of the Society of colonial wars in the State of New York. N. Y. 1897. I5P- O. Ballinger, R. a. Williams college. (In New England magazine. 1910. 42: no. 2, p. 143-53) "The bars fight." (In Holland, J. G. History of Western Massachu- setts. I : p. 174-6) Benjamin, S : G. W. Random opinions and reminiscences of an alumnus. (In Williams literary monthly. 1893-4. 9'- 107-20) Blodget, Samuel. Prospective plans of the battle near Lake George, on the eighth day of September, I7?5; with an explanation thereof ; contain- ing a full, tho' short, history of that important affair. Bost. 1755. 5p. map. O. Brewer, D. C. Williams in the late war. (In Williams literary monthlv. 1885-6. 1 : 405-12) Canfield, J. H. Oration delivered October 10, 1893. (In Williams col- lege; a record of the commemoration ... on the centennial anniversary of the founding of Williams college. 1894. P- 204-41) Chandler, P. C. Berkshire county and Williams college. (In Williams quarterly. 1871-2. 19 : 49-54) Chauncey, C : A second letter to a friend ; giving a more particular narrative of the defeat of the French army at Lake George, by the New England troops, than has ever yet been published. Bost. 1755. i6p. O. Conger, H : R. Fort Massachusetts. (In Williams literary monthly. 1900- 01. 16: 143-54) Cutler J. T. Legendary and his- torical sketches of Williams. (In Williams literary monthly. 1889-90. 5: 103-15) DeCosta, B. F. Notes on the his- tory of Fort George during the colonial and revolutionary periods with contemporaneous documents and an appendix. N. Y., Sabin & Sons, 1871. 78p. D. Demond, Charles. An address, de- livered before the Societ}^ of alumni of Williams college, at Williamstown, Mass., August i, 1865. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1865. 39P. D. Dewey, C. A. Remonstrance of the town of Williamstown against the re- moval of the college. (In Durfee, C. History of Williams college, i860. P- 413-9) Durfee, Calvin. The Free school — organization of the college. (In his History of Williams college, i860. P- 54-67) Durfee, Calvin. A history of Wil- liams college. Bost., A. Williams & Co.. i860. 10 -}- 432 p. O. front, plates, port. Durfee, Calvin. Petition of the president and trustees to remove the college to Northampton. (In his History of Williams college, i860, p. 411-2) DuYCKiNCK, E. A : & G : L. His- torical sketch, with early illustration, 1866. (In his Cyclopedia of American literature. 1866. vol. 2, p. 154-6) Egleston, N. H. Williams college. (In New England magazine . 1886. new ser. i : 487-502) Egleston, N. H. Williamstown and Williams college. Williamstown, 1884. 76p. O. WILLIAMSIANA 21 Ernst, M. L. Williams college one hundred years ago. (In his History of the class of 1909. p. 9-13) Ferris, M. P. Account of the battle of Lake George. N. Y. 1903. I2p. O. Field, D. D. Address on the occa- sion of unveiling the monument to the graduates and undergraduates of Wil- liams college who fell in the civil war ; delivered at Williamstown, July 28, 1868. Paris, L. Edmunds, 1873. i6p. O. Fitch. Ebenezer. Historical sketch of the life and character of Colonel Ephraim Williams, and of Williams college, founded in 1793, in conse- quence of his liberal bequest. (In Massachusetts historical society, Col- lections. 1802. 8: p. 47-53) Gladden, Washington. Looking backward. (In Williams literary monthly. 1893-4. 9 '■ 99-io6) Gladden, Washington. Williams college. (In the College book, ed. by C : F. Richardson and H : A. Clark. 1878. p. 167-85) Green, S : A. Blodget's plan of the battle on the shores of Lake George, 8 September, 1755 : remarks made before the Massachusetts his- torical society, March 13, 1890. Cam- bridge, John Wilson, 1890. 6p. O. Contains a fac-simile of the plan. Hibbard, C : L. College sketches. (In Williams literary monthly. 1891- 2. 7: 424-6) Hopkins, Mark. An address, de- livered before the Society of the alumni of Williams college at the cele- bration of the semi-centennial anni- versary, August 16, 1843. Post. 1843, 4ip. O. Humphrey, Heman. Sketches of the early history of Amherst college, n. p., n. d. 32p. O. Jenkins, A. D. Williams man of 1812. (In Gulielmensian. 1900. 43: 32-41) Jerome, E. M. Communication re- garding the origin of the college color. {In Williams alumni review. 1910. 2: no. 2, p. 7) same (In Williams record. 1910-1. 24: no. 9, p. 2) Johnson, W : A letter to the gov' ernors of the several colonies who raised the troops on the present expe- dition, n. p., n. d. 3p. Q. Headed "Camp at Lake George, September 9, 1755." Lowe, J : A. Williams of yesterday. (In Williams literary monthly. 1905- 6. 21 : 138, 183, 255, 308, 356, 402, 452. 22: 93) Lowell, John. Sermon occasioned by the much lamented death of colonel Moses Titcomb, who fell in battle near Lake George, September 8th, 1755. Post. 1760. I4p. D. Mabie, H. W. Emerson in Wil- liamstown. (In Gulielmensian. 1895. 88: 11-12) Mabie, H. W. The old college and the new. (In Gulielmensian. 1906. 49: 27-32) Mather, F. J. The centennial of Williams college. (In University re- view. 1893. 3 : no. 2, p. 106-20) NiLES, G. G. Albert Hopkins and Williamstown. (In New England magazine, n. s. 31 : 665-80) Noble, D. D., et al. Address to the public in relation to the proposed re- moval of Williams college, 1819. n. p., n. d. i6p. Noble, Mason. Centennial dis- course, delivered in Williamstown, Mass. November 19, 1865. North Adams, J. T. Robinson, 1865. 6op. O. Norton, John. Narrative of the capture and burning of Fort Massachu- setts by the French and Indians in the time of the war of 1744-49. and the captivity of all those stationed there, to the number of thirty persons. S : G. Drake, ed. Albany, S. G. Drake, 1870. 5ip. O. Parsons, E. B. Sketch. (In Davie, ed. New England states. 1897. vol. 4, p. 2072) Parsons, E. B. Williams college. (American universities and colleges — VIII. Reprinted from Frank Leslie's popular magazine, June, 1897. I4p. il. O.) Perry, A. L. Williamstown free school. (In his Williamstown and Wiliams college. 1899. p. 151-214) Perry, A. L. Williamstown free school, 1791-93. (In Gulielmensian. 1893- 2^'- 9-22) Phillips, W. H. Battle of Lake George, September 8, 1755. (In Berk- shire hills monthly. 1903. 4 : no. 2, p. 157-61) Phillips, W. H. First observatory on Greylock, built by Williams college WILLIAMSIANA subscription. (In Berkshire hills quarterly. 1906. 2 : 157) Phillips, W. H. Old Fort Massa- chusetts, Col. E. Williams its com- mander and the founder of Williams college. (In Berkshire hills monthly. 1903. 3: 85-8) Phillips, W. H. Old Williamstown memories; its Main street and college buildings a half-century ago. (In Berkshire hills quarterly. 1905. i : 25-8) Phillips, W. H. Sketch of the preservation of the site of Fort Massa- chusetts. (In Berkshire hills monthly. 1904. 4 : 289) Progress at Williams. (In Spring- field republican. 29 June 1910. p. 7) _ Rankin, William. The college eighty years ago. (In Williams col- lege; 1910 Class book. p. 9-12) Rice, R. A. & Spring, L. W. Wil- liams college, Williamstown, Mass. ; historical sketches and views. Bost. I9(!)4 28p. il. D. Royal purple. (In Williams quar- terly. 1885. 13: p. 72) (In Williams alumni review. 1910. 2 : no. 2, p. 7) (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 9, p. 2) Seaver, Norman. Recollections of Williams college sixty years ago. (In Williams alumni review. 19 10. 2 : no. 5, p. 6-9) The soldiers' monument. (In Wil- liams quarterly 1865-6. 13 : 27-30) Spring. L. W. Williams college. (In Cooke, R. H. ed. Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Berkshire county, Mass. 1906. 2 : p. 1-94) Spring, L. W. Williams college, n. p., n. d. i8p. O. Reprinted from the New England magazine. October 1893. Spring. S : R. Williams in the eighteenth century. (In Williams lit- erary monthly. 1893-4. 9: 148-53) Stoddard, C. A. Williams college improved. (In Williams quarterly. 1853-4- 1 : 64-8) _ Tyler, W. S. Efforts to unite Wil- liams college and the institution at Amherst. (In his history of Amherst college. 1873. P- 50-61) Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt. An historical discourse on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the battle of Lake George, 1755 ; delivered at the court house, Caldwell, N. Y., Sep- tember 8, 1855. Phil. 1856. 8op. O. Walworth, E. H. Battle of Lake George and Baron Dieskau, 1755. (In New York state historical association. Proceedings. I : p. 54-7) Wells, D. A. & Davis, S: H: Sketches of Williams college. Wil- liamstown, 1847. 6 + 99p. O. White, Joseph. Address delivered before the Society of alumni of Wil- liams college, August 14, 1855. Bost. 1855. 48p. O. VVilliams college. (In Massachu- setts board of education ; annual re- port for 1876. appendix, p. 63-7) See also Trustees. Laws Changes in laws. (In Williams rec- ord. 1909-10. 23 : no. 23, p. 1-4) The college laws. (In Williams quarterly. 1863-4. n : 112-8) The laws of Williams college. 1795 ms. in Williams college library. 1805 Stockbridge, H. Willard. 47p. O. 1815 Stockbridge, The herald, 1815. 24p. O. 1835 n. p., n. d. 23p. O. 1841 n. p., n. d. 24p. O. 1849 North Adams, H. Chickering, 1849. 24p. O. 1853 North Adams, H. Chickering, 1853- 23p. O. 1858 Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1858. 24p. O. 1863 Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1863. i6p. O. 1873 North Adams, J. T. Robinson & Son. 1873. I9p. O. 1878 North Adams, J. T. Robinson & Son, 1878. I9P. O. 1882 Troy, N. Y., H. Stowell, 1882. I5P- O. 1887 Williamstown, 1887. I4p. O. 1893 n- P-> n- d. I3p. O. 1903 n. p., n. d. 26p. O. 1906 n. p., n. d. i2p. O. 1909 n. p., n. d. 32p. O. Library Bascom, John. The college library. (In Williams alumni review. 1910. 2 : no. 2, p. 7-15) WILLIAMSIANA 23 Catalogues of books in the library of Williams college, Williamstown, Mass. 1794 Bennington, A. Haswell, 1794. I4P. O. 1802 Stockbridge, 1802. i6p. O. 1812 Stockbridge, H. Willard, 1812. 36p. D. 1 821 Albany, Websters & Skinners, 1821. 36p. O. 184S Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1845. 52p. O. 1852 Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1852. 62p. O. 1861 Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1861. 87p. O. 1867 Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1867. 2op. O. 1875 North Adams, J. T. Robinson, 1875- 233p. O. Donations of Amos Lawrence to Williams college. (In Lawrence. Amos, Extracts from the diary and correspondence of. 1855. p. 145-6, 160-8, 228-34) Griffin, E. H. Library of Williams college. (In Library journal. 1877-8. 2 : 69) Library addition. (In Williams zveekly. 1889-90. 3 : 100) Lowe, J : A. Lawrence hall, 1846. (In Willidms literary monthly. 1905- 6. 21: 356-7) Our libraries. (In Williams quar- terly. 1857-8. 5: 232-7) United States — Education, Bureau of. Public libraries in the United States. Washington, 1876. p. 95-6. O. Williams college library. (In Nor- ton's literary gazette, 1853. 3 : 36. il.") President Annual report, 1882-date. O. Wil- liamstown, 1882-date. Epochs of Williams. (In Williams literary monthly. 1910-1. 26 : 31, 70, 113, 147, 152, 191, 200, 2,?,3) Marvin, W : T. R. Inaugurations at Williams college. (In JVillianis quarterly. 1871-2. 19 : 132-5) Presidents of Williams. (In Wil- liams literary monthly. 1896-7. 12: 112-3, 156-7, 202-3, 256-7, 302-3) Presidents of Williams. (In Wil- liams weekly. 1893-4. 7 : Centennial number, p. 9-10) EBENEZER FITCH^ I793-1815 DuRFEE, Calvin. Biographical sketch of President Fitch. (In his History of Williams college, i860, p. 68-77) DuRFEE, Calvin. Memoir of Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, D.D. (In American quarterly register. 1839. 15 : 353-78) DuRFEE, Calvin. Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, D.D. (In his Williams bio- graphical annals. 1871. p. 23-6) DuRFEE, Calvin. Sketch of the late Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, D.D., first presi- dent of Williams college. Bost. 1865. 8+163P. D. Emerson, Ralph. Visit to Presi- dent Fitch, 1812. (In his life of Joseph Emerson, page 202. Bost. 1834) Wells, D. A. & Davis, S: H : Ad- ministration of President Fitch. (In their Sketches of Williams college. 1847. p. 15-26) ZEPHANIAH SWIFT MOORE, 1815-2I DuRFEE, Calvin. Biographical sketch of President Moore. (In his History of Williams college, i860, p. 137-44) DuRFEE, Calvin. Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, D.D. (In his Williams biographical annals. 1871. p. 26-7) Portrait-steel engraving. (In Tyler, W. S., History of Amherst college. 1873. p. 73) President Moore. (In American quarterly register. 1833. 5: 177-185) Tyler, W. S. Biographical sketch of President Moore. (In his History of Amherst college. 1873. p. 90-99) Washburn, Emory. Memoir of Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, Ph.D. (In New England historical genea- logical society; register. 1847. i: 361-4) EDWARD DORR GRIFFIN, 182I-36 CooKE, Parsons, Recollections of Rev. E. D. Griffin, or incidents illus- trating his character. Bost., Massa- chusetts sunday-schooI society, n. d. 205p. D. Cox, S. H. Personal reminiscences of Rev. E. D. Griffin. (In American Presbyterian review. 6 : 587) DuRFEE, Calvin. Biographical sketch of President Griffin. (In his 24 WILLIAMSIANA History of Williams college, i860, p. 171-89) DuRFEE, Calvin. Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D. (In his biographical an- nals. 1871. p. 27-31) Hopkins, Mark. Sermon, occa- sioned by the death of the Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D. November 26, 1837. Troy, Tuttle, Belcher & Burton, 1837. 2op. O. Nash, A. Memoir of Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D.. President of Williams college. N. Y., S. W. Benedict & Co., 1842. 72p- T. Sprague, W: B. Memoir of Rev. Doctor Griffin. (In his Sermons by the late Rev. E. D. Griffin, D.D. 1838. I : 1-270) Spring, Gardiner. Christian confi- dence, illustrated in the death of the Rev. Edward D. Griffin. N. Y., J. S. Taylor, 1838. 55P. T. MARK HOPKINS, 1836-72 Andrews, I. W. President Mark Hopkins. (In Education. 1887. 8: 1 18-21) Bascom. John. Mark Hopkins. (In Berkshire historical and scientific societj'. Collections. 1900) BiDWELL, W. H. Ex-president Mark Hopkins. ((In Eclectic magazine. new ser. 89: 634) Carter. Franklin. Mark Hopkins. Bost, Houghton, Mifflin. 1892. 11 + 375p. D. (American religious lead- ers) Durfee, Calvin. Biographical sketch of President Hopkins. (In his History of Williams college, i860, p. 239-46) Durfee, Calvin. Rev. Mark Hop- kins, D.D. (In his Williams biograph- ical annals. 1871. p. 31) Field, D. D. An address delivered before the alumni of Williams college, in love and honor of Rev. Mark Hop- kins. D.D., LL.D. Tuesday, June 26th, 1888. n. p., n. d. i6p. O. Funeral services at Williamstown, Mass., in love and honor of Rev. Mark Hopkins, D.D., LL.D. Tuesday, June 21. 1887. n. p., n. d. 28p. D. Mark Hopkins. (In American journal of education. 1862. 11 : 219) Jewett, F. G. Dr. Mark Hopkins. (In Williams literary monthly. 1887- 8. 3: 123-6) Kasson, F. H. Mark Hopkins. (In New England magazine. 3 : 3) Parsons, E. B. Mark Hopkins. (In Williams college; obituary record. 1886-7. p. 57-60) Perry, A. L. Mark Hopkins. (In his Williamstown and Williams col- lege. 1899. p. 779-85) President Hopkins. (In Eclectic magazine. 1857. 42 : 568) Rev. Mark Hopkins, D.D. (In Magazine of American history. 1887. 18: 162-3) Rev. Mark Hopkins, D.D. (In Wil- liams quarterly. 1870-1. 18: 28-9) ScuDDER, H. E. Mark Hopkins's college : address at the dedication of Mark Hopkins memorial hall. n. p., n. d. I9p. D. Spring, L. W. Mark Hopkins, teacher. (In Berkshire historical and scientific society. Collections. 1894-7) Spring, L. W. Mark Hopkins, teacher. N. Y., 1888. 28p. D. (Mongraphs of the industrial educa- tional association) Two college presidents. (In Out- look. 1902. 70: 514-7) PAUL ANSEL CHADBOURNE, 1872-81 Bassett, a. B. Obituary sketch of President Paul A. Chadbourne ; Mas- sachusetts agricultural college, May 1883. n. p., n. d. 8p. O. Durfee, Calvin. Paul Ansel Chad- bourne. (In his Williams biographi- cal annals. 1871. p. 153-4) Knowleson, J. S. Hon. Paul Ansel Chadbourne, D.D., LL.D. (In his Biographical record of the Kappa Alpha in Williams. 1881. p. 135-9) Parsons, E. B. Obituary. (In Williams college ; obituary records. 1875-85- P- 312-20) Prime, S. I. Rev. and Hon. Paul A. Chadbourne, D.D. (In his Williams college ; trustees' memorial meeting. 1883. p. 34-9) Williams college ; inauguration of Pres. P. A. Chadbourne, July 27, 1872. Williamstown, 1872. 4^p. O. franklin carter, 1881-1901 Dr. Carter resigns the presidency. (In IVilliams weekly. 1901-2. 15: no. 7. P- 1-3) Morton, A. H : Admmistration of President Carter. (In Gulielmensian. 1903. 46 : p. 6-9) WILLIAMSIANA 25 Wild, H : D. Franklin Carter. (In Williains literary monthly. 1909- 10. 25: 104-5) Williams college ; inauguration of President Franklin Carter, Julj' 6, 1881, printed by order of the trustees. Wil- liamstown, 1882. 46?. O. HENRY HOPKINS, I902-8 Commencement of Williams (1908) and retirement of President Hopkins. (In New York Observer. 1908. 86: no. 27) Death in Rotterdam of Doctor Hop- kins, and resolutions. (In Williams record. 1908-9. 22: no. 23) Death of Dr. Hopkins in Europe ; his work for Williams college ; record of a manly and well-rounded life. (In Spr'uigficld republican. August 19, 1908) Funeral of Dr. Hopkins in Williams college chapel ; eulogy by Dr. Edwin Griffin. (In Springfield republican. September 21, 1908) Garfield, H. A. Reverend Henry Hopkins, D.D., LL.D. (In History of the class of 1909. 1909. p. 14) Mygatt, G. M. Hopkins and Gar- field. (In Williams literary monthly. 1907-8. 23 : 101-4) Russell, J : E. Henry Hopkins. (In GidicUnensian. 1910. 53: 9-11) Sketch. (In Outlook. 1908. 89: 971-2) Two college presidents. (In Out- look. 1902. 70: 514-7) Williams college : inauguration of President Henry Hopkins. [C. L. Maxc}^ ed.] 1902. North Adams, Advance press, n. d. 59p. O. HARRY AUGUSTUS GARFIELD, I908 Mygatt, G. M. Hopkins and Gar- field. (In Williams literary monthly. 1907-8. 23: 101-4) Nevvf Princeton professor. (In Out- look. 1903. 75: 570-1) A new president. (In Williams rec- ord. 1907-8. 22: no. 21) Portrait. (In Reviezv of reviews. 1907. 36: 144. World's work. i6 : 10398. Williams college; induction of President Garfield, and Williams college, Class of 1909 senior book) President Garfield at Williams and the inaugural address. (In Outlook. 1908. 90: 326-8) President Garfield's induction ad- dress. (In Presbyterian. 1908. 78: no. 44, p. 7-8) The sons of President Garfield. (In Munsey. 1907. 38: 43-4) [Spring, L. W. ed.] Williams col- lege ; the induction of Harry Augus- tus Garfield, LL.D. into the office of president, October 7th, 1908. n. p., [Riverside press] n. d. I28p. port. O. Williams college and its president. (In Youth's companion. 1908. 82: no. 44) Williams college : order of exercises for the induction of Harry Augustus Garfield, LL.D. into the office of presi- dent, October 7th, 1908. n. p., n. d. 8p. O. [Program] Publications Adelphi [semi-monthly] Williams college, 1831-2. D. vol. i. 1831-2. no more published. Argo [bi-weekly] Williams college, 1882-85. 4 V. illus. Q. no more pub- lished. College reflector. "semi-occasion- ally" August, 185 1. Williams college, vol. I, no. I. 4p. Q. Gulielmensian [annual] various sizes and places of publication. i8s6-date. Purple cow [monthly] 1907- date. O. Sophomore '72. n. p., n. d. i6p. Q. _ Vidette [bi-monthly] 5 vols. Wil- liamstown, 1866-70. Q. no more pub- lished. Williams alumni review [five times a year] Williamstown, 1909- date. O. Pub. by Williams college alumni ath- letic association. Williams athengsum [monthly] 11 vols. Williams college, 1874-85. Q. no more published. Williams fortnight [bi-weekly] 2 vols. n. p., 1885-87. Q. no more published. Williams literary monthly. Wil- liamstown, i88s-date. O. Williams monthly miscellany : con- ducted by the students of Williams college. I vol. North Adams, Mass., i844._ 4 + 558p. O. _ Williams quarterly. 19 vols. Wil- liamstown, 1853-72. O. no more pub- lished. 26 WILLIAMSIANA Williams record [semi-weekly] Williamstown, 1904-date. nar. F 5 Continuing Williams weekly. Williams review [monthly] 4 vols. Williamstown, 1870-4. Q. no more published. Williams vidette, formed by the union of the Williams quarterly and the vidette. 3 vols. Williamstown, 1871-4. Q. volumes are numbered 6, 7, 8. Williams weekly. 17 vols. n. t. p. 1887-1904. Q. no more published. Continued as Williams record. BiDWFXL, O. C. Williams in journal- ism. (In Williams literary monthly. 1885-6. 1 : 273-9) Constitution of the Williams weekly, adopted March 1887. ms. in Williams college library. FiTSCHEN, J : F : The Williams quarterly — vol. I. (In Williams lit- erary monthly. 1888-9. 4'- 21-6) HiBBARD, C: L. Early Williams journalism. (In Williams literary monthlv. 1893-4- 9: 127-34) HiBBARD, C: L. The "Williams Adelphi" and "Miscellany." (In Wil- liams literary monthly. 1891-2. 7 : 76-81) Partridge, O. C. Later Williams journalism. (In Williams literary monthlv. 1893-4- 9: 13.S-42) Stanley, W: H: The Lit, past and present. (In Williams literary monthly. 1900-01. 16: 397-401) _ Williams press bureau established by Gargoyle. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 20 : no. SO, p. I & 4) Religious Interests Chapel services. (In Williams rec- ord. 1907-8. 21 : no. 17, p. 2) Church of Christ in Williams col- lege ; statement and government as adopted February 7th, 1909. n. p., n. d. 4P. D. Clayton, F. T. The haystack prayer meeting : a brief account of its origin and spirit, together with a list of missionaries who have gone out from Williams college and Williamstown; also a bibliography of pamphlets and books relating to the men and the times of the haystack meeting, n. p. igo6. 34p. il. O. Published for the Haystack centennial. College deacons. (In Williams rec- ord. 1905-6. 19 : no. 40, p. 2-3. 1906-7. 20: no. 58, p. 2) Dewey, C. Manuscript sermon occa- sioned by the present religious atten- tion in Williams college. May 12, 1812. Stockbridge. 24p. Durfee, Calvin. The revivals in Williams college. (In Williams col- lege obituary record. 1875-6. p. 51-4) Dr. Gladden's commencement ad- dress ; religious life in college and outside. (In Williams record. 1905- 6. 19 : no. 21, p. 1-6) A general secretarv ; important change found necessary for work of Y. M. C. A. (In Williams record. 1905-6. 19: no. 5) Griffin, E : D. A sermon preached September 2, 1828, at the dedication of the new chapel connected with Wil- liams college, Massachusetts. Wil- liamstown, Bidwell Bannister, 1828. 37P- D- Haystack centennial. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 20: no. 27, p. 1-6) Hopkins, Albert. Revivals of re- ligion in Williams college. (In American quarterly register. 1841. 13 : 341-51 & 461-74) Mabie, H. W. Address at the Mis- sion park prayer meeting, Sunday afternoon, June 21, 1908. (In Wil- liams college bulletin. Alumni num- ber. September 1908. Tribute to Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall) Massachusetts. Legislature. An act to provide for the disposition of the property known as the Mission park association. (In Acts and re- solves. 1885. p. 553. chap. 81) The one hundredth anniversary of the Haystack prayer meeting cele- brated at the ninety-seventh annual meeting of the American board in North Adams and by the Haystack centennial meetings at Williamstown, October 9-12, 1906. Bost., A. B. C. F. M., 1907. io-}-346p. O. Proceedings at the dedication of the Missionary monument, in Mission park, Williamstown, Mass., July 28, 1867. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1867. 24p. il. O. Proceedings of the missionary jubi- lee, held at Williams college, August 5, 1856. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1856. I03p. O. WILLIAMSIANA 27 Records of the A. E. Society month- ly concert in Williams college 1829. Constitution of the monthly concert of prayer instituted by the young gen- tlemen under the patronage of the American educational society, manu- script. Settlement work. (In IVilliams rec- ord. 1905-6. 18: no. 46) TiL-vcY, Joseph. History of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions. N. Y., 1842. 8 -)- 452p. D. Williams and college missions. (In IVilliams record. 1906-7. 20 : no. 6, P- 2) See also Societies ; Mills theological society; Mills Young men's Christian association, Williams Christian asso- ciation. Societies Banks, T. M. Fraternities at Wil- liams. (In IVilliafus alunmi review. 1909. I : no. 5, p. 6-12) College secret societies ; anti-secret societies, etc. (In Williams quarterly. 1861. 8: 268-301) PiNKHAM, F. C. Intercollegiate laurels for Williams "Frat" houses : increasing number of fine examples ot colonial architecture which serve stu- dents at Williamstown for their chap- ter headquarters. (In Sunday Herald — Boston. October 18, 1908) Piper, P. F. College Fraternities. {In Cosmopolitan. 1896-7. 22:641-8) ADELPHIC UNION Barnard, D. D. Address delivered September 6, 1831, before the Adelphic union society of Williams college. Williamstown, Ridley Bannister, 1831. 36p. O. Bullock, A. H. Relations of the educated man with American nation- ality; an address before the literary societies of Williams college, August I, 1864. Bost., Wright & Potter, 1864. 32p. O. The constitutions of the Adelphic union and Philologian societies of Williams college. North Adams, 1852. 20p. O. same. Williamstown, Mass., 1856. 20p. O. Debating insignia. (In Williams record. 1906. 20: no. 19, P- 2 and no. 53. P- 2) ^, . . . Edwards, Tyron. Christianity, a philosophy of principles; an address delivered before the Adelphic union of Williams college, August 17, 1841. Troy. N. Tuttle, 1841. 23p. O. Emerson, R. W. Address to the Adelphic union, 1854. (In Cabot, J. E. Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Bost. 1887. 2: 757) Everett, Edward. An address de- livered before the Adelphic union society of Williams college, on Com- mencement day, August 16, 1837. Bost. Button & Wentworth, 1837. 36p. O. Hale, E. E. What is the American people? An address . . . before the Phi Beta Kapna of Brown university and repeated before the Adelphic union of Williams college. Bost. 1885. 26p. D. Haynes, Rowland. A Williams in- stitution. (In Williams literary monthly. 1901-2. 17: 187-92) History. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23: no. 31, p. i) Nelson. John. Oration delivered before the Adelphic union society of Williams college, on the evening pre- ceding commencement, September 5» 1826. Worcester, W. Manning, n. d. 24p. O. New constitution adopted. (In Williams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 7, P- i) NoTT, C. C A debate-book of 1756. (In Williams literary monthly. 1889- 90. 5: 159-64) Peabody, a. p. Three eras of posi- tive philosophy; an oration before the Adelphic union of Williams col- lege, July 2, 1877. Bost. 1877. i8p. O. Philotechnian and Philologian. (In Williams record. 1906-7. 20: no. Z3^ p. 2) Reid. Adam. Address delivered be- fore the Adelphic union of Williams college, August 14, 1849. Troy, Can- non printing house, 1850. i8p. O. Stanton, H : B. Ultraists, conser- vatists, reformers; an address deliv- ered before the Adelphic union of Williams college, August 20, 1850. N. Y., Baker & Scribner. 1850. 4op. O. 28 WILLIAMSIANA Van de Carr, G. C. & Ernst, M. L. Statistics of undergraduate activities of Williams college. Williamstown, 1908. sop. O. Yale, Cyrus. An address delivered before the Adelphic union society of Williams college on the evening before commencement, September 4, 1827. Williamstown, Ridley Bannister, 1827. 2op. O. art association The art association. (In Williams quarterly. 1858-9. 6: 188-9. 1860-1. 8 : 209) CLASSICAL SOCIETY Constitution. Published 1909. n. p., n. d. 4p. nar. T. COFFEE CLUB Coffee club papers. 1908-9 I Williams college, 1909. S9P- O. [Julian Park, ed.] 1909-10 2 Williams college, 1910. 42p. O. [Julian Park, ed.] 1910-11 3 Williams college, 1911. 5ip. O. [J. O. S. Edwards, ed.] Crothers, S : M. The hundred worst books ; an essay read before the Coffee club on February 8, 1909. (In his Among friends. 1910. p. 64-95) Gargoyle alumni association. First annual report of the secretary-treas- urer of the Gargoyle alumni associa- tion. 1908-9. n. p., n. d. 32p. O. Gargoyle gate. (In Williams rec- ord. 1904-5. 18: no. 30, p. i) Purpose and aim of Gargoyle. (In Williams zveekly. 1895. 9'- no-i) Squires, F. A. The Gargoyle gate. (In Art and decoration. 191 1. 18: no. 3, p. 130) GOOD government CLUB Annual report. 1909-10 ist. Wil- liamstown, n. d. 6ip. O. [Julian Park, ed.] College civic clubs. (In Outlook. 1910. 96: 756) horticultural and landscape gar- dening ASSOCIATION Bascom, John. Address before the Horticultural and landscape gardening association of Williams college. North Adams, Greylock sentinel, 1858. i6p. O. same. (In Williams quarterly. 1853- i: 49-63) LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Chadbourne, p. a. Natural history catalogue of Williamstown, Mass. (In Williams quarterly. 1857-8. 5: 342-59) Clark, W: M. Gulick '59 — an appreciation. (In Williams literary monthly. 1906-7. 22: 239-246) Lyceum of natural history, 1835-85. (In the Fortnight. 1885. i ; 20) Lyman, H. M. & Elmore, S. E. The Florida expedition. (In Wil- liams quarterly. 1856-7. 4 : 293-328) Natural history lyceum. (In Wil- liams record. 1909-10. 23: no. 39, p. 10) Perry, A. L. Expedition to Nova Scotia. (In his Williamstown and Williams college. 1899. p. 565-73) Semi-centennial of the Lyceum of natural history at Williams college. (In Science. 1885. 5: 385-6) Rogers, W : B. Address before the Lyceum of natural history of Wil- liams college, August 14, 1855. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1855. 34p. O. Whipple, A. B. et al. Catalogue of the Lyceum of natural history of Wil- liams college, instituted A. D. 1835. Williamstown, 1852. 6op. O. MENDELSSOHN SOCIETY First appearance. (In Williams quarterly. 1858-9. 6: 189) The Mendelssohn society. (In Wil- liams quarterly. 1861-2. 9: 68) MILLS THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Bascom, John. The threefold king- dom : an address before the Mills theological society of Williams college, June 23, 1872. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., 1872. 2op. O. Brown, A. J. Catalogue of the Mills theological society with a brief sketch of its history by Prof. Albert Hopkins. Williamstown, H. Chickering, 1853. 58p. O. Sprague, W : B. Discourse deliv- ered . . . August 17, 1845 before the Mills society of inquiry and the theo- WILLIAMSIANA 29 logical society of Williams cc Albany, Van Benthuysen & Co., 1845. S8p. O. MILLS YOUNG MEN's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Report . . . for the year April, 1908 to April, 1909. n. p., n. d. i6p. il. D. Y. M. C. A. (In Williams record. 1906. 19: no. 50, p. 2-3) Mills theological society becomes Mills Y. M. C. A. (In Williams re- view. 1873-4. 4: 40) PHI BETA KAPPA Catalogue of the fraternity of Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of Massachusetts. Williams college, Williamstown, Mass. 1868. Bost., T. R. Marvin, 1868. 33P- O. Lowell, Percival. The revelation of evolution; an address before the Mass. Gamma chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Jesup hall, May 27, 1909. (In Atlantic monthly. 1909. 104: 174-83) Parsons, E. B. Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of Massachusetts, Williams college : charter, register of officers and members, constitution, united chapters, etc. Syracuse, N. Y., Mosher & Lyon, 1887. 83P. O. Parsons, E. B. Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma of Massachusetts, Williams college. Williamstown, Ingraham Printing Co., 1903. 52p. O. philosophical society Constitution of the Mark Hopkins philosophical society. (In Williams weekly. 1895. 9'- 257) Morton, A. H. New wine and old bottles : a paper read before the Philo- sophical union, Williams college, No- vember 18, 1909. Williamstown, 1909. 27p. O. Pratt, J. B. Sincerity in religion ; a paper read before the society in Grif- fin hall, November 4, 1909. (In American journal of theology. 1910. 14: 572-83) Publication title, "A mistake in strategy." in 1795 : Williams college. Troy, N. Tuttle, 1840. ISP- O. Constitution of the Adelphic union and Philologian societies of Williams college. Williamstown, 1856. 20p. nar. D. Constitutions of the Philologian and Adelphic union societies of Williams college, as amended December, 1872, with a complete list of the members of the Philologian society. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., 1873. 42p. O. Library catalogue and constitutions and by-laws of the Philologian society of Williams college, 1862. Williams- town, n. d. 9ip. O. Triennial catalogue of the Philo- logian society of Williams college, founded A. D. 1795. Williamstown, 1850. nop. O. philotechnian society Catalogue of the members of fhe Philotechnian society instituted 1795. Troy, N. Tuttle, 1840. I5p. O. Catalogue and constitution of the Philotechnian society of Williams col- lege, with the Adelphic union constitu- tion. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co., 1873. 53P- . O. Constitution and by-laws of the Philotechnian society of Williams col- lege. Revised, February, 1900. North Adams, 1900. igp. T. Library catalogue and the constitu- tion and by-laws of the Philotechnian society of Williams college. 1861 Williamstown, 1861. 84p. O. 1867 Williamstown, 1867. 78p. O. Plan to retain the name. (In Wil- liams record. 1909-10. 23 : no. 43, p. I). Triennial catalogue. 1844 Troy, J. C. Kneeland, 1844. 32p. nar. O. 1850 Williamstown, 1850. nip. O. WILLIAMS century The Williams century ; an associa- tion of alumni and friends of Williams college to advance and care for the general interest of the college. Organ- ized June, 1874. n. p., n. d. 4p. O. PHILOLOGIAN SOCIETY Catalogue of the members of the Philologian society, since its formation WILLIAMS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Annual reports. 1909-10. n. p., n. d. l6p. O. 30 WILLIAMSIANA 1910-11. n. p., n. d. i6p. O. Constitution. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 2>^: no. 48, p. I & 4) Handbooks of Williams college. Library has : 1909-10 I37p. nar. Tt. 1910-11 I52p. nar. Tt. Membership requirements. (In Wil- liams record. 1909-10. 23: nos. 52, 53, 54, 55) Songs Athletic and song book, Williams, n. p. 1908. I2p. S. Edwards, W : H. He wasn't a Wil- liams man. (In University record. 1893. 3: no. 2, p. 118-20) music. Four Williams songs ; Song to Wil- liams, Marching song, the purple team, cheering song. Williamstown, 1907. 9P. O. Gladden^ Washington. Songs of Williams. N. Y. 1859. 69p. O. Grand old duke of York. (In Wil- liams record. 1906. 20: no. 21, p. 2) Leonard, G. C. Songs of Williams. Williamstown, 1898. I44p. O. Statements relative to "Grand old duke." (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23 : no. 16, p. 1-4) Williams inter-class singing contest ; songs of 1908 and 1909; Our mother, Williams' sons, Williams, our Wil- liams, Sing we to Williams, Yard by yard. Williamstown, 1909. I2p. O. Williams songs. (In Williams rec- ord. 1906. 20: no. 13, p. 2) Student Life Bascom, John. College optimism. (In Williams alumni review. 1909-10. I : no. 4, p. 6-10) A carnival of good feeling: senior smoker attended by the college and many of the faculty. (In Williatns record. 1908-9. 21 : no. 49) Chapin, a. C. Bill Pratt. (In Williams quarterly. 1868-9. 16 : 186- 96) Commons completed. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23: no. 29, p. i) Elections. (In Williams record. 18 : no. 39, no. 40, no. 49, no. 46, 19 : no. 52, 20: no. 44, 23: no. 49, no. 57) Elections of managers changed. {In Williams record. 1910-1. 24: no. 2, p. 1-2) Freshman parade. (In William.^ record. 19 : no. 30, 20 : no. 25, 21 : no. 23, 22 : no. 26, 23 : no. 24) Hallowe'en celebrations. (In Wil- liams record. 18 : no. 27, 19 : no. 36, 20: no. 2)3> 21: no. 32, 22: no. 34, 23 : no. 33) Honor system. (In Williams rec- ord. 1906. 20: no. 28, p. 2) Honor system and its stability. (In Williams record. 1907-8. 21 : no. 46) The Jackson dinner, 1864. (In Williams quarterly. 1863-4. 11: 215- 6) Marlowe, C. The jew of Malta; a tragedy in five acts : adapted acting version of the Williams college English department with a preface by S. B. Griffin and an introduction by Lewis Perry. Williamstown, 1909. 19 + 83 p. il. O. McDonald, J. R. Social life at Wil- liams. (In Lippincott's magazine. 40: 572-8) New England oratorial league plans. (In Williams record. 1909-10. 23: r\c. 41, p. i) Pratt, Bill; a post prandial remin- iscence of the life, character and public service of the late, lamented Bill Pratt ; delivered at the annual dinner of the New York alumni association of Wil- liams college, January, 1889. N. Y. 1889. 2ip. port. pi. D. Prime, S : I. Life at Williams, 1826-9. (In his Autobiography and memorials, page 157-74. N. Y. 1888) Prime, S : I. Rev. Nicholas Mur- ray's life at Williams, 1822-6. (In his Memoir of the Rev. Nicholas Murray, page 53-73. N. Y. 1862) Salter, Sumner. Williams college choir. (In the Musician. January, 1910) Sargent, G: L. Dr. Faustus. (In Gulielmensian. 1910. S3 : 192-3) Typhoid and investigation. (In Wil- liams weekly. 1903-4- i?: 223, 233, 248-50) Typhoid fever. (In Williams col- lege. President's report. 1903-4- P- 12-13) Williams college glee club in Troy. (In Williams quarterly. 1864-5. 12: 288) Zelie, John & Perry, C. Bill Pratt, the saw-buck philosopher. Williams- town, 1895. D. WILLIAMSIANA 31 Treasurer Account of President and trustees of Williams college for the fiscal years ending May 31, 1890-7. Account of the invested funds of Williams college, June i, 1873 and June I, 1878. 4P- O. Invested funds of Williams college, 1870-84. Williams college. Treasurer's re- port, 1898-date. Williams college. Treasurer's state- ment for the fiscal years ending June I, 1885- 1889. Trustees Massachusetts. Legislature. An act authorizing the corporation known as President and trustees of Williams college and its standing committees to hold special meetings without the limits of the commonwealth. (In Acts and resolves. 1890. p. 142. chap. 171) Massachusetts. Legislature. An act exempting students of Harvard, Williams, and Amherst . . . from taxation. (In Mass. legislative papers. 1831. House doc. 12) Massachusetts. Legislature. An act to authorize the President and trustees of Williams college to hold additional real and personal property. (In Acts and resolves. 1906. p. 45. chap. 65) Massachusetts. Legislature. An act to incorporate the Albert Hopkins White Oaks chapel association and to enable the President and trustees of Williams college to convey to the same certain property held under the will of Albert Hopkins, deceased. (In Acts and resolves. 1889. p. 1051. chap. 358) Massachusetts Legislature. An act to increase the school fund and to grant aid to ... Williams college . . . out of the proceeds of the sales of Back Bay lands. (In Acts and re- solves. 1859. p. 314-6. chap. 153) (Senate doc. 105) Three free scholar- ships granted. Massachusetts. Legislature. An act to provide for the disposition of the property of the corporation known as the Mission park association. (In Acts and resolves. 1885. p. 553. chap. 81) _ Massachusetts. Legislature. Es- timates of grants and appropriations in favor of Harvard college, Williams college and Bowdoin college. (In Mass. legislative papers. House 1827. House doc. 28, sess. 2) Massachusetts. Legislature. Peti- tion for funds and report on the peti- tion of Williams college. (In Mass. legislative papers. Senate. 1839. Senate doc. 38. I2p.) Massachusetts. Legislature. Peti- tion of the President and trustees of Williams college for appropriation of funds and report and resolve thereon. (In Mass. legislative papers. Senate. 1837. Senate doc. 39. I4p.) Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- port and resolve on the petition of the President and trustees of Williams college for funds to rebuild East col- lege. (In Mass. legislative papers. Senate. 1842. Senate doc. 19. lop.) Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- port of committee of both Houses appointed to inquire whether appro- priations authorized to be paid to Harvard college and to Williams col- lege have been applied according to provisions of law ; February 5, 1824. 2p. Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- port relative to certain funds. (In Mass. legislative papers. House. 1843. House doc. 60) Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- solve allowing a further time to locate a township by the corporation of Wil- liams college, February 23, 1814. Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- solve granting a township of land to Williams college, February 20, 1809. Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- solve granting two townships of land to Williams college, February 4, 1796. Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- solve on the petition of the President and trustees of Williams college, granting them a township of land, February 19, 1805. Massachusetts. Legislature. Re- solve on the petition of the Trustees of Williams college. January 27, 1820. (In Resolves of the General court of Massachusetts. 1819-24. p. no. chap. Reports of the officers of instruction to the board of trustees. 1903 Williamstown, n. d. 28p. O. 32 WILLIAMSIANA 1906 n. t. p. 6op. O. 1907 n. t. p. 6op. O. 191 1 n. p., 191 1 62p. O. Rules adopted by the trustees, June I9> 1905 ; on appointment, term of ser- vice, and salaries of professors . . . n. t. p. 4p. O. Small college or large. (In Wil- liams record. 1910-11. 24: no. 13, P- 2) Taxation question. (In Williams record. 1906-7, 1907-8. 19: no. 63, p. 2, 20: no. 18, p. 2, and no. 36, i & 6, and no. 42, p. 2 and 21 : no. 30, p. 3) Trustee resolutions regarding the adoption of a new seal, September, 1805. (In Durfee, C, History of Wil- liams college, i860, p. 88) Will case decided; Fayerweather litigation ended in favor of college. (In Williams record. 1904-5- 18: no. 35) , . . Williams college ; trustees memorial meeting, 1883 ; addresses delivered ... at commencement, July 3, 1883. Williamstown, 1883. 45p. O. Williams university. (In Williams quarterly. 1871-2. 19: 129-132) Women as students; majority and minority report of the committee to examine into the expediency of ad- mitting women as students to the col- lege. (In Williams vide tie. 1874. 6 : extra no. 18, p. i-ii) Williams in fiction and verse Abbott, Samuel. Williams verses; a collection of poems from Williams college athencBum, argo, fortnight, and literary monthly. Cambridge, River- side Press, 1887. I0 + II3P. S. Britton, a. D. Stories and verse of Williams. Williamstown, 1900. 14 + 222p. O. Bryant, W : C. Descriptio Guliel- mopolis ; a poem. (In Gulielmensian. 1900. 43: 30-31) Gladden, Washington. Alma mater; a poem. (In Gulielmensian. 1906. 49: 33-6) same (In Outlook. 1904. 77: 854-6) Ketchum, Arthur. Williams sketches; edited by H. H. Lehman and I. H. Vrooman. Williamstown, 1898. 327p. D. Lehman, E. P. and Park, J. A Williams anthology; a collection of verse and prose of Williams college, 1798-1910. Williamstown, 1910. 14-}- 22Ip. D. Richardson, S. L. Williams; a centennial sonnet. (In Williams lit- erary monthly. 1893-4. 9'- 106) Williams verse ; collected from her undergraduate publications. 1893. Smedley, F. M., Griggs, F. H., & Opdyke, H., eds. INDEX A. E. society, 27 Abbott, Samuel, 32 Adam, W : L., 13 Adams, E. L., 7 Addresses, 5 Adelphi, 25 Adelphic Union, 27 Alden, F. A., 13, 18 Allen, A. J., 18 Allen, Thomas, 9 Alumni Association, 7 Alumni athletic association constitu- tion, 7, 8 Alumni hall, 10 Alumni house, 8 Alumni register, 7 Alumni visiting committee, 7 Amherst college, 21, 22 Anderson, G. W., 13, 18 Andrew, W: C, 14 Andrews, E. C, 13, 18 Andrews, I. W., 24 Anti-slavery society, 5 Architecture, 10 Argo, 25 Armstrong, H. K., 17 Art association, 28 Athletic tax, 8 Atwood, E. S., 17 Baccalaureate sermons, 5 Bacon, A. C, 14 Bacon, J. F.. 18 Bailey, R. W., 9 Ballard, H. H., 19 Ballinger, R. A., 13, 17, 20 Banks, H: W., 18 Banks, T. M., 18, 27 Barber, J. W., 10 Barnard, D. D., 27 Bascom, John, 5, 22, 24, 28, 30 Baseball, 8 Basketball, 8 Bassett, A. B., 24 Benjamin. S : G. W., 20 Berking, M. B, i8_ Berkshire medical institution, 9 Berkshire quadrangle, 10 Berry, M. W., 13 Bibliography. 10 Bidwell, O. C., 26 Bidwell, W. H., 24 Biennial songs, 13 Biography, 10 Blackmer. O. C, 15 Blodget, Samuel, 20 Boardman, D. L., 15 Boston alumni assoc, 8 Brewer, D. C., 20 Britton, A. D., 32 Bross, William, 7 Brown, A. C., 16 Brown, A. J., 28 Brown, F. P., 14 Brown, P. S., 9 Bryant, W: C., 32 Buildings, 10 Bullard, J. A., 18 Bullock, A. H., 27 Bullock, C: J., 19 Burial of Euclid, 19 Burial of razor, 19 Calhoun, P. C., 14 Calhoun, S. H., 5 Cane contest, 19 Canfield, J. H., 17, 20 Canning, E. W. B., 8 Carr, L. W., 18 Carrington, G: M., 16 Carter, Franklin, 5, 7, 11, 24, 25 Catalogues — annual, 12 Catalogues — general, 12 Centennial, 21 Chadbourne, P. A., 5, 7, 24, 28 Chandler, P. C., 20 Chapel, 10 Chapel, see also Thompson Memorial Chapel Chapin, A. C, 30 Charter, 12 Chauncey, C :, 20 Childs, H : H., 9 Chip day, 19 Choir, 30 Church of Christ, 26 Civil war monument, 5, 21, 22 Clapp, E. A., 18 Clark hall, 11 Clark, Edward, 5 Clark, W : M., 28 Clarke, C: H., 13, 18 Class books, 13 Class day, 14, 19 Classical society, 28 Clayton, F. T., 26 Coffee club, 28 Coffin, J. H., 19 College reflector, 25 Color, see Royal purple Commencement, 19 Commencement orations, 6 34 WILLIAMSIANA Commons, 30 Conger, H: R., 15. 20 Cook, R. E., 14 Cooke, Parsons, 23 Cooley, J. S.. 17 Cooper, S. W., 7 Cooper, W: S., 8, 17, 18 Cox, S. H., 23 Crew, 8 Crothers, S: M., 28 Cullen, E. P., 13 Curriculum, 19 Currier hall, il Customs, 19 Cut exemption, 19 Cutler, J. T., 20 Dartmouth, 9 Davenport, J : G., 17 Davis, S: H:, 22, 23 Deacons, 26 Debating, 27 DeCosta, B. F., 20 Demond, Charles, 7, 15, 20 Denison, J : H., 14 Dewey, C, 26 Dewey, C. A., 20 Dewey, Edward, 16 Dewey, H. P., 5 Dike, S. W., 7 Dillingham, W: H., 7 Diplomas, 20 "Dr. Faustus," 30 Dodge, W: E., 5 Donnelly, J. H., 13. 18 Dow, G: C, 14 Dudley, M. S., 17 Dunbar, P. R., 15 Durfee, Calvin, 10, 15, 20, 23, 24, 26 Durfee, C S.. 17 Dutcher, N. K., 14 Dutton, G. B., 15 Duyckinck, E. A., 20 Duyckinck, G: L., 20 East college, 11, 31 Edwards, J. O. S., 28 Edwards, Tyron, 27 Edwards, W: H., 30 Egleston, N. H., 20 Elections, 30 Eligibility rules, 8 Elmore, S. E., 28 Emerson, R. W., 21, 27 Emerson, Ralph, 23 Ernst, M. L., 9, I4, 21, 28 Erskine, R. C, IS Everett. Edward, 27 Expeditions : Florida, 28 ; Nova Scotia, 28 Fayerweather case, 32 Ferris, M. P., 21 Fiction, T)^' Field, D. D., 5, 21, 24 Field memorial observatory, 11 Fiske, C. C, 13 Fiske, F. W., 13 Fitch, C. E., 15 Fitch, Ebenezer, S, 10, 20, 21, 23 Fitschen, J : F :, 26 Flint, Ephraim, 5 Football, 9 Fort Massachusetts, see Massachusetts, Fort Foxcroft, Frank, 14 Fraternities, 27 Free school, 21 French, J. A., 14 French, J. C, 7 Freshman parade, 19, 30 Freshman wake, 19 Gage, A. F., 13 Gardner, Charles, 13 Garfield, H. A., 5, 7, 25 Gargoyle, 28 Gargoyle gate, 11 George, Lake, see Lake George Gibbs, H. R., 17 Gibbs, R. C, 14 Gibson, W. A., 15 Gladden, Washington, 5, 6, 21, 30, 32 Glee-club, 30 Good government club, 28 Goodhue, Josiah, 10 Goodrich hall, 1864, il Goodwin, F. W., 14 Gordon, N. F., 13, 18 Grace hall, 11 Grade system of marking, 19 "Grand old duke of York," 30 Green, S : A., 21 Grevlock rpt., observatory, 21 Griffin, E: D., 5, 7, II, 23, 24, 26 Griffin, E. H., 23 Griffin, Edwin, 25 Griffin. S. B., 14, 30 Griffin hall. 11 Griggs, F. H., 32 Gulielmensian, 25 Hale, E: E., 27 Hale, T. T., 14 Hall. C: C, 12, 26 Hall, D. E., 18 Hall, G. S., 7. 14 Hall, O. M., 14 Hallock, W. R.. 14. Hallowe'en celebrations, 30 Harding, W. G., IS Harmon, H. A., 17 Hart, W. C, 10 WILLIAMSIANA 35 Hartt, R. L., 14 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 19 Haynes, Rowland, 27 Haystack prayer-meeting, 26 Hazing, 19 Heath, C: A., 7, 13, 17 Hewitt, J : H.. 12 Hibbard, C: L., 21, 26 History, 20 Hitchcock, E., 9 Holden, J. A., 10, 14 Holt, C. S., 7 Honor system, 30 Hopkins, Albert, 11, 21, 26, 28, 31 Hopkins, Henry, 5, 7, 25 Hopkins, Mark, 6, 7, 10, 20, 21, 24 Hopkins, Mark, memorial committee, 8 Hopkins hall, 11 Hopkins observatory, 11 Horticultural and landscape gardening association, 5, 28 Hosmer, W. H :, 14 Howe, H. B., 18 Hubbell, C: B., 8 Humphrey, Heman, 21 Huntington, C. W., 17 Hutchins. C : L., 7, 16 Huyck, E. N., 9 Inaugural addresses, 7 Infirmary, 11 Instructor's reports, 31 Jackson dinner, 30 Jackson hall, 12, 30 Jenkins, A. D., 21 Jermain, Barclay, 5, 8 Jerome, E. M., 21 Jesup hall, 12 Jew of Malta, 30 Jewett, F. G., 24 Johnson, W :, 21 Judd, E: S., 13, 17 Kasson, F. H., 24 Kellogg, G. B., 5 Kellogg, Justin, 17 Kellogg hall, 12 Kennedy, Howard, 8 Ketchum, A., 14, 32 Killets, J: M., 13 Knowleson, J. S., 24 Lake George, battle, 10, 20, 21, 22 Lawrence hall, 12 Lawrence, Amos, 23 Laws, 22 Lehman, E. P., 32 Lehman, H. H., 32 Leonard, E. C., 18 Leonard, G. C.. 30 Lewis, L. L., 18 Library, 22 Long, E. M., 13, 18 Loomis, R. S., 15 Lowe, J: A., 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23 Lowell, John, 21 Lowell, Percival, 29 Lyceum of natural history, 5, 28 Lyman, H. M., 28 Mabie, H. W., 21, 26 McDonald, J. R., 30 Magee, Irving, 15 Malley, E: B., 20 Managers, election of, 8 March 17th, 19 Marlowe, C., 30 Marsh, Charles, 15 Marsh, E. H., 13 Marshal's supper, 14 Marvin, W: T. R., 15, 23 Massachusetts, Fort, 20, 21, 22 Massachusetts. Legislature, 9, 11, 12, 13. 26, 31 Mather, F. J., 21 Maurice, C. S., 16 Maxcy, C. L., 25 May day, 19 Mead, R. G., 18 Memmott, F: W :, 14 Mendelssohn society, 28 Mills, F. H., 18 Mills, G: F._ 16 Mills theological society, 28 Mills Y. M. C. A., 29 Mission park, 26, 31 Missionary monument, see Mission park Moore, Z. S., 6, 23 Morgan, E: D., 5 Morgan hall, 12 Morris, C: N., 17 Morton, A. H :, 24, 29 Music, 19 Mj'gatt, G. M., 25 Mygatt, L. C., 7 Nash, A., 24 Necrology, 8, 10 Nelson, H. L., 8 Nelson, John, 27 Newcomb, J. T., 14 Newton, F. L., 14 New York alumni association, 8 Niles, G. G., 21 Noble, D. D., 21 Noble, Mason, 16, 21 Norton, John, 21 Nott, C. C.. 27 Obituary record, 10 Olds, G. S., 5 Opdyke, H., 32 36 WILLIAMSIANA Osterhaut, A. V., i8 Paige, A. C, 8 Palmer, W. P., 5 Park, Julian, 28, 32 Parker, Willard, 9 Parkhurst, C: P., 13 Parson, Joel, 20 Parsons, E. B., 10, 16, 21, 24, 29 Partial course, 19 Partridge, O. C, 26 Peabody, A. P., 27 Peabody, J. E., 13, 14, 18 Perry, A. L., 11, 21, 24, 28 Perry, A. T., 17 Perry, C, 30 Perry, Lewis, 30 Pettit, W: S., 15 Phi Beta Kappa, 29 Phillips, E. W, 13, 18 Phillips, W. H., 21, 22 Philologian society, 27, 29 Philotechnian society, 27, 29 Photographs, 10 Pike, F. v., 13, 17 Pinkham, F. C, 27 Piper, P. F., 27 Pittsfield lyceum of natural history, 9 Porter, W: D., 15 Pratt, Bill, 8, 30 Pratt, J. B., 12, 29 Pratt, L., 10 President, 23 Press bureau, 26 Prime, S. I., 10, 24, 30 Publications, 25 Purple cow, 25 Pushball contest, 20 Rankin, W :, 22 ' Ra}'nolds, G: C, 16 Recitations, 19 Redfield, C, 15 Reid, Adam, 27 Religious interests, 26 Removal to Amherst. 20, 21, 22 Restriction of athletics, 9 Revivals, 26 Rice, R. A., 22 Richards, G: M., 11 Richardson, S. L., 32 Robbins, Thomas, 8 Rogers, W : B., 5, 28 Rogerson, J. C., 18 Room-rent subscription, 9 Roosevelt, Theodore, 6 Rowing, 8 Royal purple, 21, 22 Russell, J : E., 9, 25 Ryle, Graham, 14 Saflford, T. H., 11 Salter, Sumner, 30 Salutatorians, 19 Sargent, G: L., 30 Saunders, G: A., 16 Schuyler, M., 10 Scudder, H. E., 11, 15, 24 Seal, 32 Seaver, Norman, 22 Sellew, E. B., 13 Semi-centennial anniversary, 7 Settlement work, 27 Sewall, J., 13 Se5Tnour, J. H., 17 Shepard, W: H., 16 Sherman, S. P., 15 Singing contests, 30 Smedley, F. G., 17 Smedley, F. M., 32 Smith, F. deL., 17 Smith, H. J., 15 Smith, J. E. A., 10 Smith, L. E., 15 Smokers, 20, 30 Snyder, P. M., 17 Societies, 27 Soldiers' monument, see Civil war monument Songs, 30 Sophomore '72, 25 Spelman, W : C., 16 Sprague, W : B., 24, 28 Spring, Gardiner, 24 Spring, L. W., 7, 22, 24, 25 Spring, S : R., 22 Squires, F: A., 11, 28 Stanley, W : H :, 26 Stanton, H : B., 27 Statistics of activities, 9 Stetson, F. L., 8 Stoddard, C: A., 9, 22 Strong, A. H., 5 Student life, 30 Subscription, room-rent basis, 9 Sumner. S : B., 10 Swift, Nathaniel, 20 Swimming-pool, 9 Talcott, William, 17 Tappan, F. W., 20 Taxation, 32 Taylor, J : M., 14 Tenney, S. G., 9 Terrett, W. R.. 14 Terry, C. T., 7 Thompson memorial chapel, 12 Titcomb. Moses, 21 Todd. John, 9 Townships, Grants of, 31 Track, 9 Tracy, C. C., 14 WILLIAMSIANA 37 Tracy, Joseph, 27 Treasurer, 31 Trimble, J. M., 14 Trustees, 31 Tryon, J. O., 15 Tug-of-war, 19 Tupper, J. B. T., 16 Tattle, W. H. H., 14 Tyler, W. S., 22, 23 Typhoid fever, 30 Underwood, C: F., 17 Vail, R. P. H., 14 Valedictorians, 19 Van de Carr, G. C., 9, 28 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt, 22 Van Vechten, A. W., 7 Verse, 32 Vidette, 25 Vrooman, I. H., 13, 18, 32 Walworth, E. H., 22 Warner, M. J., 13 Washburn, Emory, 23 Webster, D. H., 19 Wells, D. A., 22, 23 West college, 12 Weston field, 9 Whipple, A. B., 28 White, Joseph, 8, 22 White Oaks chapel, 31 Whitman, J. S., 15 Wight, E: B, 14 Wight, E: M., 15 Wild, H : D., 25 Wilkinson, R. P., 16 Will of E. Williams, 10 Willett, F. C, 14 Williams, Ephraim, 10, 12, 21, 22 Williams, S. W., 10 _ Williams alumni review, 25 Williams athenaeum, 25 Williams century, 29 Williams Christian assoc, 29 Williams fortnight, 25 Williams literary monthly, 25 Williams monthly miscellany, 25 Williams quarterly, 25 Williams record, 26 Williams review, 26 Williams vidette, 26 Williams weekly, 26 Women as students, 7 Woodbridge, J., 8 Woodbury, C. J., 14 Wright, H. L., 17 Yale, Cyrus, 28 Zelie, John, 30 I-: s. ro :