MT on 26 cts. per copy. $20.00 per 100 copies. ^ oONGS IN SOL-FA: IT' UC NRLF B M ^^D bis il, Dan ^G5ooUiid Ringing ^cliool, • NlAININt.; A BRIEF COURSE OF INSTRUCTION, AND A GRADED SELECTION OF SONGS TDNIC SCL-FA SYSTEM T. F. SEWARD ^^^ B. C. UNSELD. BIGLOW ^ MAIN, Puslishbi^s, 76 Kiiwt Ninth Stit>et NEW YORK. SI K:iMa<.L)>h StJ'c-et, CHICAGO. MAY BE ORDERED THROUGH ANY BOOKSELLER OR MUSIC DEALER. v>^ ..^ ^ K^ on \^' LIBRARY OF THE University of California. OIF^T OK t/Jccession mSM... Class 757 i; ^'AJ^. SONGS IN SOL-FA: ^uqdaij ^cljool, Dai| ^cljool ^i Ringing ^cljool, CONTAINING A BRIEF COURSE OF INSTRUCTION, AND A GRADED SELECTION OF SONGS TDNIC SDL-FA SYSTEM T. F. SEWARD .*^'B. C. UNSELD. BI6L0W ^ MAIN, Publishbi^s, 76 Ka.-it Ninth Street, I 81 Randolph Street, NB-W YOB.K. I CHICAGO. MAY BE ORDERED THROUGH ANY BOOKSELLER OR MUSIC DEALER. Copyright, 1SS2, by Bioi.ow .t M: r MT3 Copyright, 1882, by Biglow & Main. ia:o"v\r TO XJSE] this :oooi^. This book has been prepared in response to an urgent call for a work that could be made useful in the Sunday School, as well as in the day school, and in singing classes. It contains also a brief course of in- struction in tlie Tonic Sol-fa notation, and a variety of exercises and secular songs for practice. It can, therefore, be made available in three different ways, as follows: 1. As a text book for teaching the system. In this case, as the course of instruction is necessarily much condensed, the teacher should be supplied with a copy of the Tonic Sol-fa Music Header (sent by mail for 35 cents), from which additional exercises may be written on the blackboard as needed. 2. For institutes and short courses of instruction, which are now so often held by teachers in this country. It was especially to meet this demand that the book was first planned, but it is hoped that it will be found equally useful for the other purposes mentioned. 3. For in Sunday Schools where only rote singing is practised. When employed in such schools, the following plan is strongly recommended in place of the ordinary method of mere imitation, in which children are taught as parrots might be taught, leaving them at the end of any number of years of prac- tice no more musically intelligent than at the beginning : Hang up a modulator in plain view of the whole school. Let the teacher, or leader (at first only using the easier tunes), sing a short plirase of the tune to the syllables, pointing on the modulator as he sings. Pupils repeat the phrase, the teacher pointing as they sing. Let this be done several times, or until the phrase is somewhat familiar. Teach the next phrase in the same way ; then sing the two in connection, and so on, until the whole tunc can be sung by the syllables, the teacher still pointing on the modulator. Then turn to the book, and sing the tune to the syllables. If the pupils fail at any point, return to the modulator and practice the ditficult passage as before. When the tune is learned, call attention to the words, tlieir meaning, the sentiment, etc., and then sing the tune to the words. When the practice is conducted in this way, it will not be long until the most difficult tunes can be easily taught. Not only that, but after a time, the tones will become so familiar that the modulator can be dispensed with, and the tunes taught at once from the book by syllable. Observe tliat the teacher does not sing with the pupils. They listen and look while he sings and points. He points and listens while they sing. One hour's training of this kind is more effective than five hours spent in singing with the teacher. The advantage of teaching the tunes by the syllables, instead of the ordinary method of teaching the words and tune together, may be easily stated. First — It avoids the hurtful effect of using sacred words for mere practice. They are not introduced till they can be properly explained and impressed. Second — The syllables possess a wonderful cumulative mnemonic power. Each tune that is learned is a help to the next one. The ear becomes accustomed to certain progressions in connection with certain syllables, and thus gradually gains a practical knowledge of all relations. This is the case even where no time is spent in positive elementary instruction. It is needless to say that we by no means intend to countenance the neglect of such instruction, when it can possibly be given. It is our hope and belief that many who begin by using the syllables as above described, will be led by the delightful simplicity of this new notation and way of teaching to devote some time to more thorough study. It is the universal experience, where the Tonic Sol-fa system is introduced, that pupils are led by the ease and naturalness of the method to follow the study of music much farther than they are luclmed to do when they begin with the staff. This IS the invariable result where the Tonic Sol-fa system is introduced. It diffuses musical intelligence among the people ; it leads to the appreciation and use of a higher order of music, and gradually substi- tutes ready sight-reading for tlie mere imitation, or rote singing, which usually prevails in this country. SONGS m SOL-FA INSTRUCTIONS AND EXERCISES. FIRST STEP. To recognize and produce the tones Don, Me, Soh, the upper octave of Boh and the lower octave of Soh ; ^frong aivJ ireak acccnta ; the Fulae, the Ilalf-pMlne; two-puhe measure and three-pulse-measure. >fOTK.— The teacher will need for his instruction and irection a copy of The Tonic Sol-fa Music Jteader. Not nly the facts as in this book, but tlie method of teaching i therein presented, with cuts of the Hand-siiins and Fin- ersiftus, and many, illustrations and sugsestionswith re- ard to points tliii uiacher needs to know. A Modulator, Lining-fork and iilack-l)oard ai-e the necessary apparatus.* TUNE. 1. The three principal tones in mu- ic — the first to be learned — are Doh, ^/e. Soh. 2. Of these, doh is the lowest, mf he next higher and soh the highest. 3. These three tones combined form he chord of Doh. or To7iic Chord. 4. The relative position of the tones 3 of less importance than their char- cters or mental eflFects. 5. Of the mental effects of these hree tones, one is a strong, firm tone, SOH ME DOH another is a calm, gentle tone, and another is a clear, bright tone. Note. — The pupils must determine the characters of the tones for themselves, after hearing suitable illustrations from the teacher. 6. As a means of practice the tones are indica- ted by Hand-signs representing their mental ef- fects. 7. The strong, firm tone is represented by the closed hand; the clear, bright tone by the open hand thumb upwards; the calm, gentle tone by the open hand palm downward. 8. In the Tonic Sol-Fa Notation the initials of the syllables are used as "notes"— d for doh, sfor soh and n for me. Note. A narrower tvpe and somewhat altered form is given the letter m (tn) for convenience in printing. After the tones have been well practiced from the toacher'spat- tems, from the Modulator, Hand-si^ns etc., the following exercises may be sung from the book or black-board. 1. KEY D. d n KEY F. PI s 3. KF.Y E. n d • Moduhitors of various sizes costing from 10 cents to 80 cents may be obtained from the P"Wi8l>«rs ° Va/alo"u6« any of the books, music apparatus &c.. published by Messrs. John Curwen & Sons, London, Eng. Catalogues Iso urnished on request. 03841 FIEST STEP. 9. The tones next to be learned are the upper octave of doh, and the low- er octave of soh. 10. In the notation the upper doh is distinguished by the figure 1 placed at the top of the letter thus — d' and is called One-Doh. 11. Its mental effect is the same as doh, only more positive. Its Hand- sign is the same as for doh with the hand held higher. SOH ME DOH 12. The lower soh is distinguished by the fig- ure 1 placed at the bottom of the letter thus— s, and is called Soh-One. 13. Its mental effect is the same as soh, only somewhat subdued. Its Hand-sign is the same as for soh with the hand lowered. Note. — After sufficient drill by pattern from the Modu- lator, Hand-signs etc., the following exercises may be practiced. KEV D. d PI KEY C. s n O. KEY F, d s, d KEY A. d m TIME AND RHYTHM. 14. Time in music is measured by regularly re- curring accents. 15. The most easily perceived degrees of ac- cent are the steong and the weak. 16. The time from one strong accent to the next is called a Meascke. 17. The time from any accent to the next is called a Pulse. 18. Different arrangements of the order of ac- cents makes different kinds of measure. 19. A measure consisting of two pulses, one strong and one weak, is caUed Two-pulse meas- ure. 20. A measure consisting of three pulses, one strong and two weak, is called Three-pulse meas- ure. 21. When the measure begins with the strong accent it is called the primary form of the meas- ure. 22. When the measure begins with a weak ac- cent, it is called a Secondary form. FIRST STEP. 23. The Tonic Sol-fa Method makes use of a iystem of time-names to aid in the study of time. 24. The pulse is the unit of measurement, and I tone one pulse long is named Taa, pron. Tah. 25. The strong accent may be indicated, when lecessary, by the letter E, thus — Tbaa. '2(3. The strong accent is indicated in the nota- ion by a long heavy bar; the weak accent by a ;olon (:). 27. The note following a long bar is to be sung with the strong accent, and a note following a co- lon is to be sung with the weak accent. 28. The accent marks are placed at equal dis- tances of space and thus represent the equal di- visions of time. 29. The space from one accent mark to the next represents the time of a pulse, and the space be- tween the bars represents the time of a measure. 30. The end of an exercise is indicated by a Double Bar. d TAA :d TAA d T.\A TWO-PULSE MEASURE PlUMAUV. ;d Id :d ii j :d Id TAA I TAA T.VA II I TAA I TAA Skcosdaby. :d I TAA d TAA :d TAA THREE-PULSE MEASURE. Pkimabt. Sf.conuaky. ^ d :d :d d :d :d 1 :d d :d :d d :d :d d :d } TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA TAA 31. The continuation of a tone through more hiva one pulse is indicated by a dash, and the ime-name is obtained by dropping the consonant bus— ^ w TAA TAA • TAA - AA TAA - AA - I AA 32. A pulse divided into halves — half-pulse ones — is named taatai, and is indicated in the notation by a dot in the middle of the pulse-space d .d : TAA-TAI thus Note.— The finger-signs for time may be introduced here; the teacher will find full illustrations in the "Kcad- er." The teacher will consult the "Reader" lor susges- tions as to Modulator voluntaries, Ear exercises, Mental effects, Writing exercises, Pointing and writingfrom mem- ory, questions for examination, certificates, etc. J««. KEY C. FIEST STEP. O. KEY I d :d ). m rm s :s m t d' :d' d :d d :d d :d d :- d :d lO. ketD. J. d :m s :m s :rn d' T d' :s d :d d; :- n :m n :- PI :pi 11. KEY I d : — d' :- PI :m in Is :d Id 3 :m d :d d : — d : — d :- d : — IS. ketD. d :d :d PI :m :pi d :m :s d' d :d :d d :- :- PI :n :n PI 13. ketC. t d :d :d PI PI :m :pi s d :-:d d -:- d :- :d PI 14. KEY C. d :d n :d s .s :pi.s d' d :d.d d :d.d n.pirm.Pi PI 1^. KEY D. Round in four parts. d' :d' :d' n :n :n PI :— :— I n d' :- I' :pi.n d'.s :m.s PI :pi .Pi d' :d' :d' PI :— :pi d' :s PI :s :pi :pi 3 :s :s id :— :— PI :— : PI d :— :— d' :pi s :s d :- d :d.d pi.pi :s .s d - jld :d |pi :pi Is : ( I Come, then | comrades, | join c S join our :— Id' .s :n .s Id' .s :pi .s In r '■" II I song, IMerrily, yes, I merrily we'll I tramp a - I long. j| For additional this Step see tunes Oreat and Oood page 10, Blessed Rain p. 32, and The Happy Scholar p. 20 Id' .3 :n .3 In :d merrily we'll I tramp a SECOND STEP. The tones Eat and Te. The medium accent, nd-a-half tones and quarter-pulse tones. 33. The tones to be learned next .re Ray and Te. Note. — Their octaves, r' a'i. KEV A. d :d Lilt- is While we're d :d t, :d like u safe from Si :ni r :t, ship in PI' r' d' TE SOH ME RAY DOH S| :d mo - tion, show - er , Si :ni R ur-pulse and six-pulse measures TUNE. 1<>. KEY C. (dm s :— s ( r' :t s :d' s \^. KEY F. j d :s PI :d s, SUent pulse, pidse- i|d 1«, KEY C. Id :r lOnward I loid a :pi the d' ay and :t Men and r and t :d' night we d' :s maidens PI :d young all :r - lent ir' :d' I wend our PI :m wander t, :t, pass a - riv - e t :• way; d : — way. d :d Sometimes Waft-ed PI, tn. t, :d high and by the S, :d r :n sometimes gen - tie t, :d r :- low; gales; PI :r PI :r d :t, d :s, d :d t, :d PI :r d :- i:v - 'ry one must brave the - cean, What-8o - ev - er wind may blow. Seize tlie pres - ent pass - ing hour, To the breeze un - furl the sails. d :t, d :8, d :s, PI, :pi, PI, :pi, s, :d Si :s, d : — For additionl exercises see tunes liwell the Anthem. Mrs. Robin's Lullaby p. Of., Longings p. 49, Be Content p. 21. SECOND STEP. TIME. 37. In addition to the strong and weak accents there is also a Medium accent. 38. The medium accent changes two two-pulse measures into a four-pulse measure, andtwothree- I)ulse measures into a six-pulse measure. 39. In four-pulse measure the order of accents is STEONG, weak, medium, weak. 40. In six-pulse measure the order of accents ia STRONG, weak, weak, medium, weak, weak. 41. The medium accent is indicated in the no- tation by a short, thin bar. ir FOUR-PULSE. MEASURE. bECOXDAKY. :d d Id SIX-PULSE MEASURE. Pkimakv. Skcondakt. Id :d :d |d :d :d Id :d :d [d :d :d 1| ( :d Id :d :d [d :d :d jd :d :d !d :d and indicated thus- 42. A Silent pulse (Rest) is named SAA, and is indicated in the notation by the absence of any notes in the pulse-space, i. e. vacant space. 43. A tone continued through the first half of the next pulse — a pulse-and-a-half tone — is named Id :- .d I TAA-AA-TAI each half-pulse, thus- {I SO. KEY Et?. Round in three parts. 44. A pulse divided into quarters is named ia/a- tefv, and is indicated by a comma in the middle of 'd ,d .d ,d : ta-fa - te - fe. Id May. s :s jm :d t, :S| jd : — r :t, Id :ni r :r Ev - er bloom-ing, ev - er gay, ev - er wel - come love ■ly SI. KEY F. Round in four parts. s n :in |n :r d :d |d :t, d :s, Id :r in Now we are met let mirth a - bound, And lot the catch and gi :v\ |m lee go round. Ijl SS. KEY C. Round in four pai-ts. |r :— Id :n |s I let's lau^h, I come let's sing. jlpi :m ( I Come let - Id' |t.d':r' .tid' ..t Win - ter shall as merry| be as Spring. f SECOND STEP. 23. KEY C. Hound in two parts. id : d : d | m :m : m I s :— :— | d' :— :— 1 1 [Mer-ri - ly. mer-ri - ly | dan Is :— :— Id' :— :-it :t :t |r' :r' :r' Id' :— :- Is :— :- I (lane ing, | Mer-ri - ly, nier-ri-ly I glaiic - - iu^, I Im :pi :n |d :d :d Im :— :— |n :— :— Is :s :s |t :t :t Id' :— :— [— :- :— IComethebriglitdaysof thel morn - - ing, I Filling all hearts with ile -| light. Vl-i. KKv D. Round in four parts. Id :d :d |d :d :d In :— :r |d :— : - In :n : n |n : m : n Is : - :s In :— :— I.Mei-ri - ly. mer-ri - ly Uound the born, Iciieeri - ly, cheeri - ly I o'er the lawn; — :s is :— :— jd' :— :— |s :— :— id' :— :— |s :— :— On - - ward, | On - - ward. :r in :n |r :r id : | ] O I haste, do not de - | lay, ) id :d |t| :t| id : | ii j Yes, I will a - wav. s :— :s is : — :s s :— -:s Is :■ — :-- Let it ring now loud and long ; •^.-». KEY G. :s, d : Kound in tw i :d ,'0 parts. r 1 C) haste. o haste, In 7 s :s Is Yes. I will, Yes, I will, M<;. Kiv F. s :- .s 1 iloun s d in th :- .S ree parts. in .r : ;d .t, P u. d :— in :-.n|n :-.r Sing we 'now a ' merry, merry I lay, | Let iis jail be J d .t| :d .r In :— Id :d Id :d is, :s, Id :— , happy while wel may, I As we jjour - ney | on our I way. | viT'. KEY F. Kound in four parts. d.d.d.d:'^ -^ |r .r :n |n,n.n,n:s .s |t, .t, :d ^ iMerrily the bells are I ringing near; 'Cheerily the birds are j sing-in g here. } Is ,s .s ,s :s .s Is ,s .s ,s :s |d,d.d,d:d .d Is, ,S| .s, ,s, :d 11 1 Listen to the belle! how I merrily they ring! iListen to the birds! how I cheerily they sing. || For additional exercises see tnnea The 2IHloio Horn. p. 22; A Mothers Lullaby, p. 54; Hear oar Evening Prayer. M ; Evening U Falling, p. 20; Round and Uound, p. Z'i ; Ding Dong, p. 9. hj THIRD STEP. The tones Fah and Lah, completing the Scale. The Standard Scale. Silence. Various combinations of Quarter-pxdses. To pitch tunes. The Balf-pulse TUNE. 45. The tones next to be learned are Fah and Lah, and their octaves. 46. Of the mental effects of these two tones, Lah is a sad, weeping tone, and Fah a serious, solemn, desolate tone. 47. The Hand-sign for the sad, weeping tone is the hand hanging loosely from the wrist; the sign for the serious, desolate tone is the forefinger pointing downward. 48. The tones Fah, Lah, Doh, com- bined, form the chord of Fah, or Sub- Dominant. 49. The series of tones from d to d', represented in the Modulator, is called the Scale. 50. Each tone of the scale differs from the others in pitch. By "pitch" is meant the highness orlow- ness of tones. 51. The eighth tone above or below any given tone has the same mental effect and the same name. They are Replicates or Octaves one of the other. 52. The first octave above any tone is indicated by the figure 1 placed at the top of the letter, the second octave by the figure 2 and so on, thus— d d' d^ named doh, one-doh, two-doh, etc. The octaves below are indicated by the fig- ure placed at the bottom of the letter, thus — B 8, 8, named soh, soh-one, soh- two. DOH> IE LA SOH FAH ME RAY DOH t, 1. S| 53. The tones doh, me, soh are the strong, bold tones of the scale, and ray, fah, la and te are the leaning tones. 54. The tones te and fah have the strongest lean- ing or leading tendency, te leading upward to doh and fah leading downward to me. 55. The most important tone of the scale, the strongest, the governing tone is called the Key-tone. 56. A key-tone with the tones related to it, or belonging to it, is called a Key. 57. A distinction is made between "key" and "scale " — a key is a family of related tones, consist- ing of a key-tone with six related tones and their replicates. A scale is the tones of a key arranged in successive order ascending or descending. The intervals (steps and half-steps) are indicated by the spaces. 58. Any degree of pitch may be taken as the key-tone. 59. One scale is chosen as the Stand- ard Scale from which all the others are reckoned. 60. The particular degree of pitch which is taken as the key-tone of the Standard Scale is named C, Ray is D, Me is E, and so on. 61. The correct pitch of this scale, for ordinary vocal purposes, may be H obtained Irom a C tuning fork, or one «t) of its tones may be fixed on the mem- § ory- P 62. Any tone of the Standard Scale ^ may be taken as a. key-tone. « 63. A scale or key is named from § the name of the pitch taken as the h key-tone. 64. The different keys are indica- ted in the notation by the signature "key C," "key G," and so on. Note.— The pupils shouW learn to pitch the key-tone. Take C ' from the fork and sing down to the tone wanted, this tone the pupil will dwell upon a little and repeat to the syllable doh, and then sing the chord of DOH to oonflrm the key. d'— C t-B 1-A s— G n- r— D d-0 SS. KEY C. d :pi Is : m d' : s I n THIRD STEP, f :1 d' :1 8 :t |r d' :1 If :1 |d< :s It 11 I- SO. KEY A. d rn :d d :- :- (|d ;1, f, C$0. KEY C. Round in four parts. (IS Id' :d' |r' :r' In' :m' jd' ( If I bap -pi • nes3 has I not her home, And Icen-tre in the I breast, 1 It :t d' :- 1- :f If :f ay be wise or in :s rich or C$1. KEY D. Kouud in two parts. ud :r :n if :— ( I Who sows jfood I seed Id' :s |1 :f great; But I nev - er bear :d' with joy : — :s the fruit f bar |r can :r vest d :- 1- blest. d' :- loam, d lioine. :s Shall II 3^i. KEY D. Hound in three parts. :d' .d' n .1 :s .: Hark ! how | pleas - ant, the 1 merry cbimiug | of the bells, Sweet - ly 33. KEY E. n jd' :1 Is :n |d' :1 Ik'Us are ringing, voices singing, Id :d Id :d Id :d jd :d - Is :- ver, — - Id :- f :f |n :n Come,then, friend & 1, :1, Id :d s :n !s :n Happy, bap - pv d :d Id :d r :- Is :- neigh - bor, f :- Id :- r :f In :— liol - i - day ; t, :s, Id :— d' :d' |n :n Greet we now the d :d Id :d s : n I peal - ing. f :f |n :n Labor now is 1, :1, Id :d s :s jd :— festive day. t, :s, !d :— For tunes suitable at this stage see Teacher'* Index. 12 THIED STEP. TIME. 65. The Half-ptilse Silence is named SAA on the first half of the pulse and SAI on the second half, and is indicated by the blank space between Id . : .d \txaSAISAAtai the dot and the accent mark. 66. A pulse divided into two quarters and a d,d.d : ta fa TAi half is named tafaTAi. 67. A pulse divided into a half and two quar- ers is named TAAtefe. Id TAA .d ,d te fe 68. A pulse divided into a three quarter pulse tone and a quarter is named TAAefe. _ 'A 69. Syncopation i8 the anticipation of accent. It reqiiires an accent to be struck before its regu- larly recurring time, changing a weak pulse or weak part of a pulse into a strong one, and the immediately following strong pulse into a weak 3-i. KEY D. Bound in two parts. d' .d' :di . I Mer - ry May, II d .d :d Mer - ry May, t .t :t mer-ry May, r .r :r mer - ry May, d' .t :1 .3 1 .t :d' How I love the mer - ry May m :rn f .f :n Yes, yes. mer - ry May. II 3^. KEY F. Round in four parts. d .r :m .r id .t, :d All to - geth - er , | let us sing. @ PI .,f ;s .,f im .r :m We will make the j wel - kin ring II s ,s .s :s ,s .s IS ,s .3 :s Gentlemen, gentlemen, | gentlemen, sing, d ,d ,d :d .d Is, .s, ,S| :d Sing, ladies, sing, now I sing, ladies, sing. lICo 30. KEY C. Bound in two parts. d' !d' :- .t 11 T :- .s Come now, O I come now, Or II m .PI :pi If .f :f .pi No, no, no, | no, no, no. And For tnnes saitable at this stage see Teacher's Index . f .PI :r .f PI we shall be too late; r .d' •_ •t d' you , too. must wait 13 FOURTH STEP. The Intervals if the scale. Transition to the First Sharp and First Flat keys. Chromatic tones. Si- lent quarter-pulse. Thirds of a pulse. THE MODULATOR. doh' ; . te ; m f ta le I^ la lah se , r r - soh - - d sa ba fe ti d - ~ fah - t, - ma me re - 1, 1, ' ra ray de " s, 8| - - doh - - f. t, - m f, Pl| r, - 1, - . d, 70. The difference of pitch between any two tones is called an Interval. 71. The intervals between the tones of the scale are com- monly known as Steps and Half-steps. 72. The Half-steps occur between me and fah and te and doh; all the others are steps. Note. — The above is the commonly accepted doctrine of the scale-in- terviUa anil agrees with the tomperod-scale as Riven by the Piano or Or- gan. The Tonic Sol-fa theory of intervals, which is based upon tlie doc- tiiiio of just intonation, teaches that the steps between d r. f s, and 1 t ai c> Greater Steps; the steps between r m and s 1 are Smaller Stepg, and Ihiiso between m f and t d are TAttle Steps. The difference between a Greater and a Smaller step is called a Koinina; a Greater step cousistino; of nine kommas, a Smaller step of eight kommas and a Little step of five kommas. 73. Intervals are also named Seconds, Thirds, Fourths, Fifths, etc. 74. The interval from any tone to the next in the scale is called a Second; to the third tone a Third, and so on. 75. A Second that is equal to a Step is called a Major Sec- ond. A Second that is equal to a half-step is called a Minor Second. 76. A Major Third is equal to two steps; a Minor Third is eq-ual to a step and a half. 77. The tones Te and Fah are separated by a peculiar inter- val, called theTri-tone — equal to three full Steps — the only one found in the Scale. Thus f and t become the most character- istic tones of the scale. 78. From their mental effects t may be called the sharp tone of the scale, and f iheflat tone. 79. The whole aspect of the scale changes when f is omitted and a new t put in its place, or when t is omitted and a new f is taken instead. 80. During the course of a tune the music may pass into a different key from the one in which it begins. 81. The "passing over" of the music into a different key is called Transition. 82. Transition is produced by omitting certain tones from the old key, and using one or more new tones instead. 83. The commonest form of transition is when soh is taken as the new doh. 14 FOURTH STEP. 84. This transition is made by omlting fah and taking /e in its place. 85. Thus/f becomes the distinguishing tone of the new key. It has the eflfect of a new te, and all the other tones change their mental effects accordingly. 86. The new key is called the " Soh-key " or (on account of the sharp effect of its distinguishing tone), the First Sharp-key. 87. Another common form of transition is when fah is taken as the new doh. 88. This transition is made by omitting te and taking to in its place. 89. Thus ta becomes the distinguishing tone of this new key, it has the effect of a uevf fah, and all the other tones change their mental effects to cor- respond. 90. This new key is called the "Fah key," or (on account of the fiat effect of its distinguishing tone) the First Flat key. 91. These transitions are called transitions of one remove because only one change is made in the pitch-tones used. 92. When soh becomes doh the music is said to go into fhe first sharp key, or key of the Dominant. 93. When fah becomes doh the music is said to go into the jirst fiat key, or key of the Sub-Domin- ant. Note. — Eighty per cent of all the transitions in mnsio are to one or the other of these two keys, and that to the Dominant is the one most used. Transitions of two, three and four removes rarely occur .^ simple music and need not he explained in this work. 94. The tone on which the change is made from one key into another is called a Bridge-tone. 95. Bridge-tones are indicated in the notation by double notes, called Bridge-notes, thus: sd, Ir, »n, (pronounced s' doh, 1' ray, t' me), the small note on the left giving the name of the tone in the old key and the large note its name in the new key. 96. This is called the "proper" or "perfect" way of indicating transition. 97. When the transition is very brief, less than two measures long, it is more convenient not to al- ter the names of the tones. 98. This is called the "improper" or imperfect way of indicating transition. 99. In addition to the bridge-note transition is indicated by the signature of the new key. 100. The distinguishing tone of the new key is indicated in the signature by a small letter (t) on the nght for the first sharp key, and (f) on theleft for the first fiat key, thus — G. t., or f. F. — by this the singer is warned to expect a new te oinevf fah. 101. The tones fe and ia are frequently intro- duced iu such a way as 7wt to produce transition. 102. When thus used they are called chromatic tones. 103. Chromatic tones may also be introduced between any two tones of the scale which form the interval of a Step. 104. These intermediate tones are named from the scale-tone below by changing the vowel into "e" — as doh, de, ray, re, etc.; or from the scale - tone above by changing the vowel into "a" — as te ia, lah la, etc. Note.— The cnstomary prononnciation of the vowel "a" in America is "ay" as m "Bay," in England it is pro- nounced "aw." Eor further instructions with regard to pitching tunes, see "Keader," p. 79. 105. The silent quarter-pulse is indicated like the other silences by a vacant space among the pulse divisions. It is named sa on the accented and se on the unaccented part of a pulse. 106. Thirds of a pulse are indicated by commas turned to the right and named taataixee. The teacher will examine the " Eeader," page 78, for the best way of practicing these exercises. 37^. KEY C. G. t f. C. Id :m Is :d' jt :1 |s :— |sd :d it, :d | pi :r |d :— jds :1 Is :in If :1 FOURTH STEP. :$?^. Ki.v C. G. t. f. c. m :r Id :m Is :f I n :— hi, :t, id :n|r :r id :— Id3:3 11 :1 Is :f In 31>. KEY C. G. t. f. C. d :r In :d If :m [r : - |rs, :!, Is, :d Id :t| Id :— Ids :r in :f In :r Id -to. KEY C. G. t. f, C. n :f IS :di Ir' .-d' It :— |tn :f In :r Id :t| Id :— Ha :d' Is :n ir :f |n I I I It :d' It :1 Is :fe Is :— I I | -il. KKY C. G. t. t C. s :f In :s Id' :t 11 :- |lr :n If :r Id :t, id :— Us :n If :r id :t, Id 15 1 :t |d' :1 Is :fe [a :— I ~L*~i. KKY C. G. t. f. C. n :f Is :s 11 :t Id' :— Id'f :f m :d 11, :t, Id :— Ids :s If :f |n:r Id :— ^ti. KKY C. G. t. f. C. d :n Is :n Ir :n If :— |fet,:d In :r Id tt. Id :— Ids id' 11 :f Ir :3 id :— il Kxtenileil TransitiDii to the tirst flat key seldom occurs, so that it is not necessary to give more than one or two examples of it. -i-t. KEY C. f. F. C. t s :f In :s Id' :t il :- |in :f In :r Id :t, Id :— |df :f In :s 11 :t id :— AS. KEY D. Chromatic fe. d :n Is :fe |s :f in :— In rs jfe :8 If :r |d :— 16 FOUETH — FIFTH STEP. 46. :fe KEY F. f :pi t| :ta| 11, :t| 4'7'. KEY C. Kound in two parts. staccato. d' :d' It .le :t l Trip. trip, PI .re : n stars so bright, fair - ies light, r Here :f I m .re : m la la la la, |1 I Dane Id there, :1 la :1 ing Is .fe :s all the night, f :a La la t La I' I'Neath |r .de la la T. F. :f the :r la, 4S. KEY C. Konnd in three parts. II d' :d' Ring, ring, birds are : t 4 ',r' Id' : s beautiful I chimes are Taataitee. Is ring ing, sing - mg, Per - fumes sweet buds For tunes suitable at this stage see Teacher' a Index. ® m Sing, sing. s :d' broad are In sing. Id' fling T. F. S. :r^ - - Diminish. Swell - - - - ^==rr== — - Increase and Diminish. Sforzando - Sfort-zan-do - - - sf. or/z. or >- - Explosive. Leoato - - - "L&Y-gah-io - - Smooth, Connected. Staccato - Stack-fcaA-to - - » f 1 - Short, Detached. The Hold /t\> indicates that the tone is to be prolonged at the option of the leader. Da Capo, ginning. D. C, means repeat from the be- Dal Segno, or D. S., means repeat from the]'^ sign 'S.- Pine indicates the place to end after a D. 0. or D. S. Ket D. AUTUMN HYMN. 19 :d n :r Id :r d :1, Is, :t, Sabbath of the long the sun - set scenes each vis - ion 8 :f Im :8 d :f, Is, :8, m :— d :- year, skies, brings, 8 :— d :- 1- :m i- :d While Their Of |— :8 1- :d s :s If d :d It, evening shades glo - ries meet beau - ty and s :s is PI :pi |r : R :d de - in do - :s :d m :— |r :d 1. Sweet 2. A - 3. Thy m :d d :- It, cay, shade, cay, s :- 1- 8, :- 1- :d r :pi t, :d part-iug like the vain and f :s f :ni If :s |r :ni steps me - things wo earth - ly Is :d' |r :d 1 :t f :f thinks I fond - ly fad - ed d' :8 f :r |d^ :1 |P1 :f hear, Steal prize, Seem things,Too Is :di Id :d s :8 If PI ;pi Ir from the world love - lier as ex - quis - ito d' :di Is d :d It, :pi :d a - they to :s :d r :- Id :d Thy And Of :pi :d t, :- Id way. fade, stay. f " :- In s, :- Id KetD. DING DONG. L. 0. Emekson, by per. PI .n :n .d s .s :s .m r .r :m .r 1. Hark, I hear the sweet bells ringing, liinging on the 2.Ring ye bells your sweetest measure, How I love your d .m ;s evening air; tones to hear ; PI .m :pi .d Sweetest tho'ts to And my heart is s .8 :8 .m meiu'ry bringing, full of pleasure. r .r :s .s Ever joy - ous As they fall up - PI .8 :di fresh and fair, on my ear. Chorus. Id' :s m :d Ding dong, ding dong, s .8 :pi .d ding doug merry s :— bells; Is .8 :s .d' PI .m :ni 1 Sing the strain, the old re - frain. .8 d .d :d .PI the song we lov'd in rn .r :r ear - ly time ; n .d,in:s Ruig merry bells, 8 .PI ,8 :d' ring merry bells. d' .8 :m .8 d' .t :di ring, ring your sweetest chime. KeyD. d :d Great an lYeea an( 1 i m :n good is birds and 8 :s God 01 flow'rs d ir le- GREAT A d' :8 Fa - thcr, clare Him \D GOOI d' :s Great an Great an ). PI :— 1 good, 1 good, PI :s d :— great and good. great and good. 20 Kez F. n :tt d :d 1. Evening 2. Now all 3. Sleep till the tlie m EVENING IS FALLING. : m :d d fall - ing flow - era flow - era S :s d :d :d :d to have shall :rn :d t, :s, sleep in gone to o - - pen s :r :d :d the re ■ once rtn pose, more, s :— :— 8 :r t, :t, Lull - ing AU the Sleep till r :s S| :S| :t, the Sweet Key C. d .d :n .n 1. In the win - ter 2. When the robin 3.N0W our school-life s .8 :m .d school seems longer, school with pleasure haat-en hith - er, d :S| d :p1| gold - en per - fume lark in m :d d sle^p, :ni, bright cups the :d meadows grace - ful morn - ing "PP :t, :S| to ly shall :r :Si THE HAPPY SCHOLAR. 8 .8 :m .d when it furies, chants his dit-ty, is a pleasure. m .m :s .s All the while the For it seems so And the way seems n .PI :s .8 In the win - ter And the spring, sweet And we cheer it m .8 :d' cold wind blows ; ver - y near ; nev-er long; d :— :— S| rest, close, soar. in r :— :n d t, :- Sweet 8 :— -ly :s d sleep 8, :— :s, d :: : ) n .8 :d' when it snows ; spring is here ; with a song: d' .d' :8 .m All the while the For it seems so And the way seems d' .d' :8 .PI Then the way to Then we haste to With 8 weet smiles we s .8 :d cold wind blows, ver - y near, nev- er long. BE CONTENT. TvetG. s, .s, :8| ■S| d .d :d tn, .m. :nii .n, s, .s, :s, 1. Be con • tent with what you have. 2. Do not think your fate is liaiple, ripple, Carol, carol, Blossom, blossom, t| .r :S| little brook ; bonny bird, lovely flowers, PI .d :pi .d I will listen Voice of song with' In the sunshi r\ t, .r :s, I will look ; out a -word ; in the show'rs. s, .s, :1, .1, I will lis - ten, Voice of song with In the sunshine. t, .t| :d .f I will look, () out a word, O in the show'rs, O PI .n :r .r ripple lit - tie carol, bonny blossom, love-ly d brook. bird. flow'rs. 28 MOUNTAINEER'S SONG. Key C. d 1. Oh, 2. Up I 8. Oil :d' :d in :n we are :di :s mer - ry ris - ing ■with the who would leave the s :d' Id' :d' d :d Id :m rU':t_j Is :s f :f In :s mountain-eers, And ear - ly morn, We mountain's brow,The 1 :r|^'|di :d' f :f Id :n sj :t^di|r' f :f.n|f have no vex - ing wind the mel - low scenes so bright and t.d':r'.di|t :r' E. P. Andbews. d' :- n :— cares ; horn; fair] d' :— d :— :s d' :s |m' :d' r'.d':t .1 Is :s s.lct.d'lr' :t d' :n n :n js :s f :f In :s f :f .n If :f n We dwell be-neath the dark, blue sky, 'Mid scenes that nev - er die. Then with the shepherd - maid-ens fair. We to the fields re - pair. No life in towns how - ev - er great. Can with our homes com - pare. :d' s :di Id' :di 1 :r'.d'|d' :d' t.d'cri.d'lt :r' d' :d d :d |d :n f :f Id :n s :s |s :s d Chokus. :d'.t :d.r lau| : 1 ;h and joke, :n .r we n :f |s laugh and jok : 1 :di'.t d' :r' In n :s Id' : 1 :d'.t :d .r : 1 dance and sing, :n .r we n :f dance and : 1 :d'.t d' :r' n : s Id' : : r'.n' f :n' |r' :d' t :1 Is :s sj :t_^'|r' :t d' .— s s :s If :n s :f |n :s f :f_jTi|f :f n :— And make with mirth the wel-Mn ring. And make the wel - kin ring. t .d' r' :d' It :d' d' :d' Id' :d' t^':r^d'|t :r' d' :- S s :s Is :1 n :f Copyright Id :n , l8Sz, BY BiGLO s :s js w &. Main. :s d .- r ) Key ':s, :mi M. A )2. He '3. A :d, JOSEPH REE. 29 S| :ni :fi |S| :■ n, :d| .Ti |ni| :• right merry chap ceases not long gay lit - tie spouse Id, :- d, :d. rn s, :s, Jo - - seph Ece, ca - rol his song Joseph I ween, d, :d, :d, |d, d :~ :d .d m, : — :pi, .pi. He Till the For his :d, .d. T. F. Seward. r :r :r |r :d rt, f, :f, :f, If, :f, :f, revels at morn in the close of the bright sun - ny sweet lit S, : S. the bright sun - ny ( tie wile and her \ s, |s, :s, :s, ) d :- PI) :— dew, day, brood :- f- :- I- :in. He But Are I- :- :d, s, :ni, :t, |s, :s, :d n, :d| rr, |rn, rm, :ni sings from the bough of some ■wlustles and flut - ters the not 80 far off in the d, :d, :d, |d. :d. m : — :r s, :- :f, swing - ing flow'rs a - May-grass so d, :— :d, Id :— :d .d In, : — :R,.Fn| tree, While hel mong, While he/ green, But theyl Id, :d, .d, r :r :r |r :r :r s, :s, :s, jfe, :s, :1, seems to be say - ing to catches the in - cense of hear what he boasts from the ta 2X3 ita |r. :ri r :- t, :- vou: May: wood ; :- h g, :_ :_ |_ :_ Joe Joe Joe d :— n, :— Reel Kee! Ree! : n I d :— :s, .s, :s, |n, :— :s, .s, 1 Joe Ree ! I've a f Joe Reel Just / Joe Ree! While V : I : :s, .,s, / s, :s, :s. Is, :— :r t, — :r It, :— :s, .s. S, rs, :s. Is, :— :s, .8, s, :s, :s. Is, :- :fi ri - :f, |r, :- :s, .s. s, :s. :s. Is, :— :s, .8 1 j wife do you see, list - en to me, I'm in this tree, Joe Joe Joe Ree! Ree! Ree! Joe Ree! I've a Joe Ree ! Juat Joe Ree! While wife do list - en I'm in you to this see. Such a) / me. My ( tree. There's j s, :s, :s. Is, • — '• ■ 1 •' •S|..-.Si s, :s. :s, Is, :— :s, .s,/ 1 d :— :— Im, :— :^ s, :— • |-:-:s,.s, f :f :f If :n :r d :- :- I- : d :— :— |m, :— :f. s, :— :— 1— :— :s,.S| s, :s, :S| Is, :s, :f. m, :- :- |- : dear lit - ■ dear lit - - noth ing tie tie to wife, wife fear, But that's Tastes the There's nothing, that's nothing sweetness, the sweetness nothing to fear in to of the .you. May. wood. , d :- :- Im, :- :fi s, :— :— I— :— :S| .s, 3, :s, :s, |s, :s. :s. d. :-:-!-: / 0- thJ' >'^ \ ^f^^VERsiTY 30 COME, MAY, KbtEJz. :n s :n Id :d' d' :- - 11 :1 s :m |r :s m :— :d PI :d Id :d d :- - If :f m :d It, :t, d :- l.Come, May, thou love - ly lin - - g'rer. And deck the groves a - gain, 2. True, wiu - ter days have ma - - ny. And many a dear de - light ; 3. But oh, when comes the sea - - son. For mer - ry birds to sing. :s d' :s |m :s 1 :- - Id' :d' d' :s Is :s s :— :d d :d |d :m f :- - If :f d :d |s, :s, d :- E. P. Andbews. :n :d And Wo How ' 1- :d s :m Id :d' d' :- 11 :1 n :d Id :d d :- If :f let thy sil - v'ry stream - lets Me frol - ic in the snow - drifts And sweet to roam the mead - ows, And d' :s |m :s 1 :- Id' :d' d :d Id :n f :- If :f f :s Im :f m :— |r , :s r :t, Id :r d :- It, :t, long once more to gath - - er The round the fire we clus ter. Nor come, sweet May, and bring us 1 The s :d' It :1 m :pi |r :d an - der thro' the then, on win - ter drink the breeze of d' :d' Is :fe d :1, |r :r r :t, Id :d flow-' rets fresh and heed the whist - tling flow -'rets fresh and) t, :- plain, night, spring. r :- t| :- fair; storm ; fair; ;; ) We / A - V Then :d Sweet When We s :m Id :d' d' :- 11 :1 s :d' In :r d :- n :d Id :d d :- If :f m :d Id :t. d :- May, once more to wan - - der, And breathe the balm - y air. aU with out is drear - - y, Our hearts are bright and warm. long once more to wan - - der, And breathe the balm - y air. d' :s |m :s 1 :- Id' :d' d' :s Is :s_^f m :— d :d Id :n f :- If Copyright, :f i382, BY Big d :pi |s :s, LOW & Main. d :- I- I- W. A. Bdtleb. Key Eb. SOIVIEBODY. 8 .S :n .m 1 1. There's a ;2. Oar h. It 18 4. Now d .d PI :m rn |n :n :rn meddlesome " Somebod - y " young folks at home, at all "Somebody" breaks all the if those hijjh crimes of "Some d :d :d |d :d :d go - ing a - bout, seasons and times, pitchers and plates, bod - y" don't cease, f, :f, :f, If, :- :f| .f, :1 .1 :f .f And Are re And We T. F. Sewabd, by per. 31 s :1 :8 Is :f :n m :f :m |m :r :d playing his pranks but -we hearsing the long roll of hides the boys' knives andruns must summon iu the do - s, :s, :s, |s, :s, :S| Id :- Id :- can't lind him out; " Somebody's" crimes; off with their slates; tec - tive po - lice ; Si :si :si id :— :m He's Or, And And :d up stairs fast as turns on :s |s :s :s :n |m :u\ :s and down stairs from heir feet or their the wa - ter, and they, in their wis - dom, at d :d :d |d :d :d il.l f.f morning till night, And I tongues can well run, Come toj tumbles the beds, And once -nnll make known The f, :f, :f, If, :- :f,.f, s :1 :s |s :f : m R : f : m | m : r : d al - ways in mis - chief, but tell the last deed the sly steals all the pins and melts cul - prit be - longs to no s, :s, :S| |s, :S| :s. s :1 :t Id' :— :d song or in tale, Are knife, "one will say; And thump of a head. An - all, to be true, The r :Fn :r |d :— t, :t, :t, Id :— 1 nev - er in sight. 12 mischief has done; 3 all the dolls' heads. 4, house but our own. s, :s, :s, !d :— All the voices in unison. The '"Tis One Then d :r :m |f rs :1 rogues I have read of, in ' Somebody's ' gone with my night the dull sound like the should it turn out, af - ter PI If :s :1 caught at the end and con] "Somebody's' carried my nounced that one youngster was young folks of our house are s :1 :t Id' :— ducted to jail. pen-cU a - way." ^■ out of his bed. ~- "Somebody" too. •^* 4. Chorus. :s :pi But And And How Oh! ;d i' :d' :d' PI :pi :m 'Somebody's' 'Soniobody's said, half a- queer it would ' Somebod V,' d :d :d ,!t :t :t r :r :r , tracks are all gone & thrown sleep when ask'd work if we Somebod - y,' X :r :r d' :di :d' |1-:— :1 d :d :d Id :— :f covered so well. He down all the blocks;" And what it meant, " 'Some- saw them all go Marched who will lind out t I'm PI :pi :pi If :— :f s :1 :s |s :f PI :f :n |P1 :r never has seen the "'Somebody' ate all bod-y' is push-ing off to :d the me the sta - tion - house, sure we can catch hitn. he's 3 :s :3 |S| :s, :s. D. S. for Chorus. r :n :r |d :— t, :t, :t, |d :— side of a cell, cakes in the box!" out of the tent." six in a row! always a - bout. s, :s, :S| |d — 32 Key E|2. n :pi d :d Id :d .d l.Sweetly chimes thro' the 2. Sweetly sound - ing a - s :s |n :n.rn d :d Id :d .d SWEETLY CHIMES THE BELL. f :f In :m .m r :r |d :d .d Bells so clear, and the Hear the tones of the s :s |s :s .s s, :si Is, :si .s, 1 :s |n d :d Id evening air. long the deU f :n Is d :d Id •I. J. r •Tklley, by per. : s Is :— sky so evening It, fair. beU. Is ::) m :n |S :s .s d :d Id :d.d Calls the wea - ry from Rest from la - bor its s :s |n :m .m d :d Id :d .d n i :s in d :d Id :d toU and care, The numbers tell. Its f :s |s :s d :d Id :d r :t t| :r wea - ry chiming s :s It :1 |r :d from their uum - bers Is :fe ti care; tell; t :t It :1 .t r :r |r :f .f Cheerful smiles wait the Loud - er now o'er the s :s Is :s .s It, home. a' : m n :d trav'ler hill and bay, s :s {s d :d is. t :t It :1 .t r :r |r :f .f Glad hejM-ts bound as his Come the tones of its s :s |s :s .s S| t S| I S| ' S| .S| tt' : n I s n :d It, footsteps come : morning lay, s :s |s :| Is, R :n |s :s .s 1 :s |n :— r :f.f|n :r d d :d Id :d.d d :d Id :ta, 1, :r.r |d :t, d Rest is sweet to the wea - ry soul, Rest to the wea - ry soul. Bounding joy ous, it seems to say. " Hail to the new -born day. s :s |n :n.n f :n Is :- f :1.1 Is :s .f n d :d Id :d.d d :d Id :- f :f.f|s :S| d KetG. d :d :d I. Beautiful This blissful 3. His tender n :n :n Come ye to Our God can Our barns are In- to his BLESSED RAIN. :d drops of thought ye love doth weak, we s :— :n bless our ne'er for - tilled with shelt'ring S| :— :s, d :-:- d :d :d n :— :n s :— :s n :— bless - ed bring to nev"- er children. rain, me, wane. « call, Tapping a - From distant He sends the On our dear gainst my mounts, and ear - ly, Fa - ther, win - dow far, blue and late bless - ing pane; sea, rain; all; d :— :n s :-:- d :d :d n :-:d S| :— :S| d :- earth a - get - fill gold - en arms we if'' grain, fall. Beautiful This blissful His tender Helpless & drops of thought ve love doth weak, we bless - ed bring to nev - er chil - dren rain? me. wane, call. KeyG. From the "Chautumiuan.' 1:s, d :— :d |d :r :n rm, n,:— :pi||ni:f| rs, l.Tbe Sim gets up iu the 2.Tlie sun gets up iu the [:d d :- :d |d :d :d \:d d :- :d |d :d :d AWAKEI r :-:-|d fi :-:-|n morn - - in morn - - iii^ t, :— :— Id :— : PI s, :-:-|d :-:d ■ :d :d Aud Aud r :— :r |r t| :— :t, It lifta 80 must cbil - drcu s :— :s |s :— :s S| :— : s, I s, ;— : S| his state E. P. Andkews. PJ :- :- I- :- : d :- :- I- :- : head ; too ; 33 s :s :s IS : — : n d :d :d |d :— :d Open your eyes, my How d:iro you keep so PI : PI : PI I R : — : s d :d :d |d :— :d s :— :s |r :— :f t, :— :t| |t, :— :r nioou is ver - • y all the buds aud r :— :r |s :— :s f :— :pi |r :— :d r :— :d It, :— :1, sleep - y sides, The fast a - sleep, The s :— :s Is :— :pi Is, :— :d ;r |! :fe :s, Is, :— :S| PI :n :— |- d :d :- |- timid, blossoms s :s : — |- d :d :d She Your — : — :s — :— :d S| :— :t, |t, :— :1, sun is out of sun is call - - iug r :— :s Ir :— :r r :— :r [r :— :r f :-:f is :— :pi r :— :r |pi :— :d daro not meet the mer - ry voio - - es s :— :s |s :— :m t| :— bed; you ! r : — s, :— t, :— :— sun, :t| The 'Mid :r - :t With With - :s :si m — :d If — :r s :- :d 11 :- :1 s :pi :d |pi :— :r d :- d - :d it, :- :t. d :- :d Id :- :d d :d :s, |s, :— :fi PI, :— oh, heigh-ho, the stars must go. And hide themselves one by one. ah. hurrah ! how glad wo are, We have a bright sun to ])raise. S — : PI |s — :s s :- :s If :— :f PI :s :pi |d :— :t, d :— d - :d |r — :r PI :— :pi |f Copyright :- :f, 18S2, BY B S| :s, :s, Is, :— GLOW &, Main. :s, d, :- Key G. ROUND AND ROUND. c R .d :r .t| d :- .d PI .d :r .t. d :- .d r .r :r .r PI .s :s .PI rolling wheel That . \ l.UoiiudS: round it goes ! As fast as wa - ter flows; The dripping.dropping i 2.Turning all the day, It never stops to phiy, The dropping, dropping rolling wheel; But flashing wheel That ( S.SparklingintUe sun. The merry wa • ters run. Up. on the foaming. ; r .r :r .r J nirns the noisy, PI .s :s 8 .8 :r .r PI . PI .d :r .t. d :- dusly luill ; Ki>uiid&.ioniidit goes, Koundi round it ;;oc8. . keeps on grinding golden meal. Turning all tlie day. Turning all tlie day. ( laughs aluud, but worketh still ; Sparkling iu the sun, Sparkling ip the sun. 3^ : Maet a. Lathbtjet. Key F. s :— :— In :— : s :— BOAT SONG. :— |r :— : |s :1 :s |f : m :r T. F, Seward. d :-:pi Is :- :- 1 d :- :- Id :- : t, :- :- It, :- : n :f :n |r :d :t. d :— :d |d :— :— 1. Float - mg, ■2. Float - ing, 3. Float - ing, B.C. Float -i7>g, float float float flout - - ing, ■ - mg, ■ - ing, Gai - ly sing - ing Thi-o' the shad - ows See the moon a - Gai ■ ly sing - ing as we row, soft and deep, bove the lake, as we roiv, 1 m :— :— |s :— : s :— :— |s :— : s :— :s Is :- :f PI :— :s |P1 :— :— d :- :- Id :- : s, :— :- Is, :- : s, :— :s, |s, :— :s. d :-:d |d :- :- s :— :— 1 PI :— : s :— :- |r :- : s :1 :s |f :pi :r Fns d :- :- 1- :- : d :-:- Id :-: t, :- :- It, :- : n :f :pi |r :d rt. d :- :- 1- :_ : 1 < 1 Rock - - ing. Rock - - ing. Rock - - iug. Hock - - ing, rock rock rock rock - - ing. - - ing, - - ing, In the Sim - set With the waves to In her sil - Tcr In the sun - set. glow, sleep, wake. gloiv. PI :— :— |s :— : s :— :— -s : — : s :-:s Is :- :f m :- :- |- :- : \ d :-:- Id :-: s, :~ ;- Is, :- : s, :— :s. Is, :— rs. d :- :- 1- :- : d :-:- |1 :-: s ' - :-|Pi :- : s :— :r |r : m :f PI :- :r |d :- : ( 1, :-:- Id :-: d :- :- Id :- : t, :-:t, It, :d :r d :-:t. Id :- : j Soft - ly Dav is Drift - ing, steal end drift - - ing, - - mg. - - ing O'er the wa - ters Star - ry eyes a - From the shad - ow - far a -way; bove us beam; haunt -ed land; 1 f :- :- If :- : PI :— :- Is :- : s :— :s Is :— :s s :— :f |n :— ; ^ f, :-:- If, :-: d :— :- Id :- : s, :— :s. Is, :— :s. d :-:d Id :- : C. t. , d :-:-|l :-: s :— :-|m :- : rs :— :s |s :1 :t d' :— :di |ri : pi' :r' 1 1, :-:- Id :-: d :— :- Id :- : tiPi :— :pi |f :— :f PI :— : PI 1 f :— : f Bells are All hearts Drift - - iug, peal - blend drift • ing - -ing - - ing For the dy - - ing In a hap - py In - to fair - - y day, the dy - - ing dream, a hap - py laud, to fair - y / f :— :— |f :— : PI :— :- Is :- : sdi:-:d' |ri :- :r' d' :-:d' It :- :t f, :-:-|f, :-: d :- f. F. - :- Id :- : rs :— :s |s :— :s d :— :d \s :— :s - - — .mtard. D d' :— :d' |r' :pi' :r' PI :— :m |f^^ :f day, the dy - -ing dream, a hap - py laud, to fair - - y d':— :di |t :— :t d :— :d |s :— :s d's:- :— 1— :— :— — :— :- - I— :— :— — :— nit, :— . 1 d : :— r :— :- _ M : : t, :- day, dream, laud, is :— the a to :_ 1 p, :_ :_ dy - hap fair f :— :- ing py y day. dream. land. r :— :-|s, :-:- S| :— :- - Is, :- :- s, :— BY BiGLOw & Main. SCORED SELECTIOlsrS. 35 Key G. JESUS IS MINE. E. P. Andbews. n :d .r |n .f :in S| rm, .f| lS| .1, :S| 1. Fade, fade eacli earthly joy; '2. Tempt uot my soul a - way; 3. Farewell mortal - i - ty ; d :d .d Id .d :d d :d .d Id .d :d r :d .r |m f, :ni, .S| Is, Je BUS is mine. Jo 8U8 is mine. Je sua ia mine. t, :d •t, Id S| :1, .s, jd n :d .r In .f :pi s, :in| .f, |s, .1, :S| Break every tender tie; Here would I ev - er stay; Wei - come, e - ter - ni - ty; d :d .d jd .d :d d :d .d Id .d :d r :n .r Id :— r :r .m If .rn :r tn :tn .f \ li :s, .fi Im, : — S| :s, .s. •|s, .s, :s. S| :s, .s, 1 .lo - - sus is mine. Dark is the wil - dcrucss. Earth has no [ Jo - - sus is mine. Per - isli - inji things of clay. Born but for ) Je - - sua is mine. Wei - come, O loved and blest, Wei - come, sweet ( d :d •t, Id :— t, :t, .d |r .d :t, d :d .r \ f, :s, •S| Id, :— S| :s, .s. Is, .s, :s, d :d .d / s .f :m s :s .s If .tn :r d :rn .r Id ^_ s, .s, :s s, :s. .S| 11. .s, :fi n, :s. .fi itn. : reat-ing place, Je - sua a - lone can bless, Je - - sus is mine. one brief day, Pass from my heart a way. Jo - - sus is mine. scenes of rest, Wei - come, my Saviour's breast, Je - - sus is mine. m .r :d d :d .d Id .d :t. d :d •t. Id :— d .d :d Pll :p1| .R, If, .d. :s. 1, :s, .s. Id, :— Key a. JESUS, MEEK AND GENTLE. F. L. KOBERTSHAW. tn :r |d :t s, :f, Im, :s, 1. Jc-sus, meek and J. Lead us on our d :t. Id :d d :s, II, : m. 1, :- - |r fi :- - Ife, gen - - -tie, jour - ney d :- - |r s, :in. If, :f, Son of God most Be . Thy - self the t, :d |r ;t, :3i s, :- I- in, :- 1- High, way, d :- I- d :- I- JESUS, MEEK AND GENTLE. Concluded. PI :r |d s, :t, 11, Pitying, lev Thro' ter - res d :f |m d :s, II, ing trial li :- f :— Sav dark d :— |r Ife, lour, ness Ir d :t| Hi :t, s, :f, If, :f, Hear Thy cbil - dren To ce - les - tial PI :r |r :r S| ;s, Is, :si cry. day. d I- I- Give us ho - ly Je - sus, meek and r :pi |f :pi Si :Si I Si :d f :— S| :— free gen r :— t, :— dom, tie, d :r S| :t. Fill our Son of d :s Fli 'Si |P1 :f Id :d hearts with God most Is :f Id :1, s :— 1- :f t, :- |d :r High; r :— Is : — s :— 11. :t. n :r Id :t, Ij '~ - ir :- d :t, |1, :t, d d :t, Draw us, Pity-ing, s :f Id ho - lov - |P1 :S| ly ing :r fi :- Je Sav - d :- - Ife, :- sus, iour - Ir :- s :f, If, :f, To the realms a - Hear Thy chil - dren's PI :r jr :r PI, hove. cry. d d :s, Hi :m, f. :- - |r, :- s, :s, Is, :s, d, : I- j. m. scuddeb. Key a. SING, MY SOUL. :d.,r :Pi,.,f, 1 There's a In that I If to :d .,d :d .,d PI :n .,f |n ; d .r s, :s, .,l,|s, :M"i land that is fair and land is a gold - en Je - sus we're faith-ful d :d .,d!d :d d :d .,d|d :d n :- .f |Pi :ni .,r ' :s, .,f| Half its s. :- .1, Is, gold - - en, cit - - y. With its ev - - er, We shall d :- id :d .,t, d .— Id :d .,s, d :d .,d|r :r .,d n, :p1| .,pi,|f, :fe, .,fe beauties will nev-er be walls built of costli -est see all these glories un d :1, .,1, |1, :1 .,r 1, :1, .,1, |r, :r, .,r. E. P. And^ws. t, :- 1- s, :- 1- told; stone ; - told, r :— |— s, :- 1- SING, MY SOUL. Concluded. 37 :d .,r :ri,,f, I In its iVuiijIit on lAndsliall :d .,d :d .,d tn :m.,f|ni :d .r R -.f In S| :S|.,1||S| .:ni|.f| grandeur aud glo - ry foUl - - eu, earth compare with its gaze ou their God-liUo d :d.,dld :d d :d..d|d :d n.,f :S| .,S| I so beau - - ty, With that Rjileu - dor, Which oiii d :- Id :d .,t d :- |d :d|.,r s :d .,r Im :(n .,r d :— S| :ni|.,f||S| :s, .,f, m, :— long this fair land to be- hold, fair, goldeji heavenly throne. "earth-sight" can iiev - er be- hold. d :d.,did :t, .,t, d :- nil :1, .,1| |s, :S| .,s, d, :— I- i:Si .,86, 'III that d :— 1, :- d :d .,r 1, :1, .,1, and so fair aud :ni.,rn|ni : :1,.,1,|1, In that laud, PI :n :pi .,v se, :se| ] — :se|.,&ei golden, 'Tis the :pi .,m \p\ .,pi : :pii.,Pi|iPi|.,Pi|: fair and gohlen, d :- |-.,d:d.,de 1, :- 1-.,1, :l,..s, sto - ry sweet and :pi .,m!pi.,pi : 'Tis the story, r :r |— fi :fi I- old - en, :f .,f |r .,r :r,.,r,|r,..r, sweet and olden, :r.,d :f,.,f , 'Tis the :r.,r :ri.,r. t| .,t|:d.,r In :n .,r S| .,s,:S|.,S||S| :S| .,f| theme of angel bands, In thost r .,r :d.,ti|d :d.,t| S| .,f|:n|.,rild| :d.,Si d. n, ,d :r .,nif :n.,f ,n|:S|.,S||l| :S|.,S| y— t'olden lands. Sing my ,d:t|.,did :d.,t| ,1. :s,,d|f. :d,.,r, s :d S| :n| In Is, glo d 1, soul, d :- n, :1, sino Id Is, d : n, : rnen. d : Key A\i. Lab is F. d 1, CLAY TO CLAY. n :r li :se| l.Clay to ■J.Nev-er 3. In the d :n 1, :t, n 1, clay and more shall grave we n :d d :L r :d 1, :1| dust to midnight's lay thee f :n f, :1, se, :— dust, damp, low, n :— n, :— n d li :1, Let them Dark-en Sleep the n :d 1, :li f :r 1, :1, min-gle, round this sleep we d :d fi :f, E. P. Andeews. d :r 1, :1, for they nior - tal all must d :1, f, :f. n :— se, :— must. lamp ; know ; t, :- n, :— n 1, (jive Xev ■ And d 1, d :n 1, :1, earth tlie more shall wak - ing n :d d :1, r :d t, -.1, earth-ly noon-day from thy n :n se, :1; f :- 1, :- clod, glance rest, r : n :r d :r d :t. 1| : 1, rse. 1, :li 1, :se, 1, :■ For the spir - it is with God. Kiss the mor - tal coun - te nance. Mav we meet thee with the blest. d rt, 1, :f n :r d :- n, : n. f, :r, n, :n; li :- 38 Old Elizabethan Carol. CHRIS >TMAS CAROL. Key Ei2. M i«s T. D. LOCKWOOD. / :m n :1 |1 :s s :— Im :tn r :r |f :f m :— 1- :m :d d :n |n :r R :— Id :d r :r |r :r t, :- 1- :t, \l. As Jo - seph was a walk - -ing, He heard an an - gel sing, This )2. He neith-er shall be rock - - ed In sil - ver nor in gold, But \3. He neith-er shall be cloth - ed In pur - pie nor in pall. But U. As Jo - seph was a walk - - ing. Thus did the an - gel sing, And I '^ s :d' Id' :s s :— Is :s 1 :1 11 :1 se :— 1— :se \:d d :1, 11, :t, d :- Id :d f :f |r :r rn :— |— :ri t. Bl7. f. Eb. m :1 |1 :d' d :d Id :m night shall be the in the wood - en in the fair white Ma - ry's son at 1 :m In :1 1, :1, II. :li In :nil| |t| :t:rti t :— PI : — I LI ." i-ii birth - night Of man - - ger That lin - - en That mid - - night Was s : — |s :sd PI :— |pi :"li d :t|J[| |ti :pi li :p1| |se, :se, Christ our heavenly li - eth in the us - ed ba - bies born to be our PI :r .d |t| :t| Pii : Pii |P1| : Pi| 1, :- 1- - :lP) 1, :- 1- - :lm King. His mold. He all. His King. Then d :- h - :i.m 1. :- 1- - :lR f :s It :1 s :- - |pi :pi 1 :d' It :se 1 : - 1— :1 t, :t, If birth-place shall nei - ther shall birth-place shall be you glad, s :s |s :f be be be good :t PI :- nei - wash nei - peo - d' :- - Id :d - ther In - en With - ther In - pie. At - |s :s d :pi |pi houses nor white wine nor houses nor this time of 1 :1 |se :pi .r in with in the :t d :- hall, red, hall, year, :d Nor But Nor And :1 r :r Is, :S| d :- - Id :d 1. :1. im :pi 1. : 1 :1, 1 :1 Id' :1 s :-.n Id :pi s :f .m ir •: s d :- r d :d id :f PI :-.d Id :d PI :r.d It, : t, d :- I- in the with the in the light you 1 :1 plac€ fair place up |1 of sprii of youi :d' g Par wa Par can d' - a-dise, ter - a - dise, - dies, :-.s iPi But That But For :s in on in his s the you the star :s ox - € shall ox - ( shin- ( Is : n s be m's th f staU. shed, stall, clear. n :— •1- f. :f. If. :f. d :-.d Id :d s. :s, Is, : s, d . :- (— Copyright, 1882. b Y Big LOW & Main. Rev. J. D. Wilson. Key Bk. S| :pi :r id :t :d - .-m, our no oh in . BRIGHTLY BREAKS. r :1, :t, |d :- :- f, :- :f, In, :- :- - mas moru, crown of thorn, ran - somed earth, bond - age lying, F. L. ROBEHTSHAW. 39 s, :1, ;s. It, :d :r m, :— :m| In, :- 1. Bright - ly breaks ,'. On his head 3. Lift thy voice, 1. Zi - on, long tn, :- :m, |f, :- :f, \ Night and sad - - uesa / t)n his face no ( Glad - ly tell of ) Cap - - tive and for ( s, :— :s, is, :— :S| d, :- :d. Id, :- :d, s, :— :S| s, :— :s, is, :- :- Id, :- :- Si :— :S| Is, :1, :t, ) d, :— :d, is, :- : s, ' d :t| :1, Is, :— :— d :- :d 11, :- :1, r :- :t it, :d :r \ fe, :— :fe, |s, :— :— m, :f, :s, if, :- :f, fe, :s, :1, |s, :— :8, J now are gone, sor - row worn, Je - bus' bii'th. res - cue crying, d :- :d It, :- :- Uu - to Not yet his Morn - ing Cease thy d :- :d us a sa - cred stars re - tears, with- d :- :d child is born, / bod - y torn, I peat your mirth. / hold thy sigh - - ing, I r :- :r |r :- :t, j r, :- :r, is, :— :— d| :r, :ri. If, :-' :f, r, :ni, :fe, |s, :— :s, / n :— :— 1 m :— :— tn : — : — ? :- :- m :— : PI in :— : m \ s, :- :- |1, :- :- (ilad we • Comes the .\8 of Break thy se, :- :- _s, :- :- S| :— :S| Ise, :— ise, J sing ; See the sky with / Cher - ubs, pause ye I He by whom our ' Lord; old; chains; From thy walls the I d :- :- Id :- :- t, :- :- — :— :— d :- :d ir :- :r ) d :- :- 11, :- :- R, :— :— r, :— :— d, :— :d |t, :— :t, ' PI :— :r Id :— : f :-: f If :- :f f :":m ir : s :— :f im :— :r 1, :-:se,|l, :- : glo - ry riven, in yoii'r flight, i-ace is freed, foe is hurl'd, d :-:t, 11, :-: 1, : : Back tl Fold yo He wh Be thj r :— : 1, 11, :- :1a, e hosts of ir wings, ye ose mer - its ban - - ners r |r :— :r s, :- :s, Is, : hell are drive ser - aphs brig man may pleti wide uu - lurl r :-:d jt, : n, ht, »1, id, ta,:-:l, is, :- :t, \ Un - to us a / God descends from ( He is come, the / Tell it to an \ d .— :d id :- :f ) 1, :-:ni, f, :- : d :-:t, 11, :-:f 1, :- :se, il, :- :1, Son is giv - - en, hcav - en's height, Th'iu- l>rom -ised seed, .a - ger world, m :— :r |d :— :d r :-: rn :— :- s, :— :- Christ car Long Je d :-: r ir :- :d t| :— :d is, : r :- :- i- : f, :- :- H : nate fore sus d:-:- It, : — '• — n, :— :f, is, :— :se. King. told! * reigns. - 1- :- :- - - 1, :-:rn, jf, :- :r, s, :— :- - 1- :- :- s, :— :— 1— : — :— d, :-:-!- :- :- COPyRlGHT, 1882, BY BiGLOW & MaIN. 40 ALWAYS CHEERFUL. KetEIz. Rev. E . Lownr, by pei n :n |pi :s s :fjnlf :r r :r |r .n :f .s 1 :s |s :— d :d In :n n :r .d |r :t, t, :t, |£d rfTm f : n 1 n :— 1. Let our hearts be al - ways cheer -ful; Why should murm'ring en - ter there, 2. With his gen - tie hand to lead us, Should the powers of sin as - sail, 3. When we turn a - side from du - tj, Comes the pain of do- ing wrong; d. Oh! the good are al - ways hap - VJ, And their path is ev - er bright ; s :s js :d' d' :s Is :s s :s Is :t d' :d' Id' :— d :d Id :d d :d Is, :s, s, :s, Is, :s. d :d Id :- n :n |n :s s :f.n|f :r r.n :f .3 |1 :s d :- d :d Id :n n :r.d ir :t, t,.d:r.nlf :t, d :— When our kind and lov - lug Fa - ther Makes us children of his care! He has prom - ised grace to help us, Never can his promise fail. And a shad - ow creep-iug o'er us. Checks theraptureof our song. Let us heed the bless - ed coun - sel, Shun the wrong & love the right. s :s is :d' d' :s Is :s s.s :s.s |s :3 PI :— d :d Id :d d :d Is, :s, s,.s, :s,.s, Is, :s, d :- I- I- 1 :1 jKt :d|_J f :f |f\s :l_^f Al - ways cheer - ful, d' :d' Id' :d' f :f If :f s :s |3 :pi n :n |n :d al - ways cheer - ful I d' :d' Id' :s d :d Id :d r :r |r .m :f .s t, :t, it|_^d :r.n Sunshine all a - s :s |s :t s, :s. Is, :S| f :n jn round we see ; d' :d' Id' d :d Id 1 :1 |1 .t :d' .1 s :s Is :n r.n :f .s |1 :s d f :f If .s :1 .f n :n In :d t,.d:r.nif :t, d Full of beauty is the path of du - ty Cheerful we may always be. d' :d' |d'.d':d'.d' d' :d' id- :s s .s :s .s Is :s n f :f If .f :f .f d :d Id :d s,.s, :s,.s, Is, :s. d Copyright, 1873, bv Biglow & Main. :- h- MILMAN. 41 Key C. n :n |r :u\ d :t| Id :d l.\\Tien our heads are 2. When the heart is 3. When our eyes grow s :s |s :s d :d Is, :d K Redhead f :-.f In :— 3 :s Id' :1 fe :-.fe |s :— d :-.d|d :- m :r |d : n r :-.r |r :- bow'd with woe, When our bit - ter tears o'er-flow ; sad with-iu, V/ith the thought of all its sin ; dim in death, When we draw the part - ing breath ; 1 :-.l Is :- d' :r' |m' :d' 1 :-.l It :- f, :-.f, Id :- d :t, H :1, r :-.r Is :- s :s |s :f de :r |m :r When we mourn the When our epir - it When our sol - emn ta :ta jta :1 n :r |de :r r :- .r I rn : — t, :-.t. Id :- lost, the dear, shrinks with fear, doom is near, s :-.s Is :— 8, :-.8, Id :— n :n |r :n d :d It, :d Gracious Sav - lour, Gracious Sav - lour, Gracious Sav - iour, s :s |s :s d :d |8, :d f :- .f I rn d :-.d|d hear, O hear, hear, O hear, hear, O hear. 1 :-.l Is f, :-.f, id KetAIz. TARRY WITH ME. E. P. Andm s, :d It, :1, 8, :d It, :1, s, :s, Id :d r :n |r n, :s, I.Tar-ry 2.Deeper, 3.Tar-ry d :d Is, :f, with me, deep - er with me. Id :d m, :8, Is, :f, O my Sav - iour, grow the shad - ows, O my Sav - iour, d :d Id :d R, rn. For the Pal - er Lay my d :d In, :n, day is now the head up - Id :d S| : S| 1 s, pass-ing by ; glowing west; on thy breast t, :d It, d| in. ifi :f. d, :n, If, :f, d. :n, 11. :1. 8, :d, Is, : rn :s |f :n r :f |m :r d :t, 11, :r d :t. Id S| :s, Is, :s. See, the shades of Swift the night of Till the mom -ing, d :n |r :d 8, :8, evening death ad then a - t, :r Is, gath - - van - wake Id :f| er, ces, me, t, n, :S| |f| And the night Shall it be Morning of d :d Id :1, is the e - :f s, :f, drawing night of ter - nal m :r |m, nigh, rest? rest. Id d :d It, :d 8, :s, Is, :s. 1, in. If, Jr, s, :s, Id, 42 Key a. AWAY WITH THE WINE. 1 1. There's 2. There's '3. A - :d :d m :ri :r |d :d :d S| :S| :f| Im, :p1| :p1| woe in the wine cup, There's death in the wine cup, The rise, friends of temp'rance And d :d :t, Id :d :d d :d :s, 11, :!, :d PI :m :r |d :— :d s, :S| :fi |ni| : — :mi death in the bowl. The' tempter may smUe, And strike for the right, In d :d :t, |d :— :d d :d :S| 11, :— :d E. P. Andrews. r :r :r |r :d :r S| :S| :S| |S| :S| :S| brightly it sparkles aud seem for a while half di - faith hope and love all com- t| :t| :t| |t| :d :t| S| :S| :S| |S| :m, :S| PI :— s, :— shines ; vine, bine, d :— d :— :- I- I- - :d — :pi .d .pii There's a But there's] Free the - :d .d - :d .d n :n :r |d :d :d S| :si :f| iPi| :p1| :p1| serpent with - in that will nothing on earth half so land that we love, from the d :d :t| Id :d :d d :d :s, |1, :1, :d ;n Id :d .d S| :S| :fi I Pii :— :Pi|.mi strike at the soul. Then a- fiendish and vile As the> di-am-sell - ers blight. From the) jd :— :d .d |1, :- :d .d d :d d :d |r :pi Is, :s, S| :S| :s, way, then a serpent that lurks in demon that dwells in t, :t, :t way with the the the t, :d is, :t. wine wine wine. - :- I- Repeat Choeus. ;m .PI Then a- :— I— :— :pi.mi Then a- :t|.t,|d :— : Then away, :r .r |m :— : :S|.s, |d :— : way, :t|.t||d Then away, :r.r|pi :s,.s,|d |— :— :n.m Then a- - :d.d Then a :— :d.d s :pi :d |s :pi :d way, d :d :d |d :d :d way,then a - way with the m :s :pi Im :s :pi d :d :d |d :d :d ti :- wine; r :- :- :- I- - :pi.pi Thenar :- I- :- I- :- :se|.sei Then a- 1 :t, .t, ' :p1i.p1i > 1— :- :d.d Then a- 11, :— : ^way, 'id :- : ^11. :- : PI :- way. :se|.seilli Then away, :t, .t, Id :mi.mi|li :- :d .d :— :p1|.pi Then a- :— :d .d :— :d .d r :r |r :pi :r S| :S| |s, :S| :f| then a - way with the t| :t, |t| :d :t| S| :S| |S| :S| :S| pii wine. d d, Copyright, 18S2. by Biglow &. Main. Bev. I. Baxtzeu.. Key A. :d .d id :s, .s, s, :S| .f| im. rm, .S| 1. When the 2. The 3. When the 4.When 5. When the storm in its I'li - storui could not bur epii- - it is brok - ileiitb is at hand, riv - er is past, ry on - y that ei\ with and this and the :d .r m :n .r |d :d .d =.^i. .-d, d| :d| .d| 1 d| :d, .d, IT IS I. .m S| :s, .S| I S| Gal - li - lee fell, word in the wave, sor - row and care, bod - y (if clay glo - t, :m .f And Twas And Is [•ies un - known, Burst :t| .d |t| :d .r :S| .S| |S| :d A. S. KiEFFEK, by per. 43 :s .n Id :d .PI y :d .d |S| :s, .s, j d lift - ed its wa - ters on tau};htthro' the tempest to com - fort is read - y to left with a trciu - u - lous forth on the won :m .m :d .d er - mg \ rn .d / :d, .d, high, riv; die; sigh; eye; t, :d .i cried "Fear ye not, "Be not a - fraid, life - liv - ing word "Be not a - fraid, "Be not a - fraid, m :m .d Id :d, .d, .fi :ni .r :S| .s, And the | It sliall Then the | The He will :d .r :rn .r :s, .f, it is it is 'It is it is it is :d .t, : m .1 :S| Fear :— I— : d .r :- I- :d, :n .r d :d .1, Is, ri| :P1| .f, I m, :s, .f| midst of the storm, in the d :d .did :d .d d :d .d I d :d| .d, d :d .d Id :d .pi S| :s, .f, I PI, :pi, .s, faith -less dis - ci - pies were reach his dis - ci - pies iu dark - ness shall pass, and the gra • cious lie - deem - er will wel • come, en - cour - age, and PI :pi .r |d d, :d, .d. Id, :- I- :- I- d :d .d Id S| :s, .s, |s, not, trembling one, PI :pi .PI |pi d, :d| .d, I PI, :Pl.f d :d .1, Is, m, :P1, .f, I PI, :s, midst of the gloom," Fear s, :s, .1, Id : d .r d. :d, .d, I d, :d bound iu the spell, ev - e - ry clime, sun - shine ap - pear, light ail the way, com - fort his > own, :pi .f Jesus Saying By the Saying Saying :d .r :d .d :pi .r :s, .f, it is :d .r PI :— Id :d :s, •t. :d .d d :— 1- .s, ' :t, .d r ; 1— :m .r V :s, .3, t, :— 1- :S| •f. it is I." In the A :f .PI r :— 1— :d .d ( :r, .d, S| •*— 1- :d .d / s :S .PI |d :pi .r d — 1 d :d.s, |1, :S, .f. PI, ■— 1 _ not, trembling one it is i; PI :P1.d |d :d .t, d :— |- - d :d,.d. If, :S, .8, di :- 1- - 1 44 OiiA RuD. Key Bl2. ANGELS OF DREAMLAND. J. M. JoiiLET. -.t, :1, m :-.r :d |d s, :-.f, :n, 11, :-.s, :f| I. Beautiful au - gels of 2. Beautiful an - gels of 3. Beautiful au d :-.d:d |d d, :-.d,:d, |f, jels of ;-.d :d :-.f, :f, 1, :— :— Is, :— :s, f, :— :— In,:—: n, dream - land Tliat dream - land, Saj^ dream - land, O d :-:- Id :— :d d, :— :— Id, :— :d, m :-.r :d |d r-.t, il. 1. :- :— Is, :— :s, S| :-.f, :pi, |1, :-.s, ':f. f. :- :-|ni, — rm. SootLing to rest by your vis - -ions And Wlieu the fair morning is wak - ing, Comfort and peace over - flow - • ing, Be- d :-.d:d Id :-.d;d d :- :-ld - :d d, :-.d,:d, If, :-.f, :f. .r :d F. t. rs :-.f :m |n ad :-.d :d |t, r-.t, :d Calling with mag - ical Gently as dew from the Teaching the high dtthe fcn:-.l :s |s :-.f :m ad:-.d :d |s, :-.s, :s, d, :-.— Id, :— :d. t, :— :— Id :— :rn :— :d In You To :— :s :— Id :— :d sweet - ness, heav - ens, low - - ly r :— :— 'iPi 3i :d :pi \u\ :-.r :d m, rm, rs, |s, r-.s, :s, hover a - bout me by where isyourhomeinthe sweet is your mission be- d :d :d |d :-.t, :d d| :d| :d, Id, :-.r, rtn. s, :d :n |r :-.d rt, nil :p1| :s, If, :-.m,:f, filling ray heart with de- why do you hasten a - stowing on all as you d :d :d |t, :-.d :r d, :d, :d, Is, :-.s, :s. r :s :s |fe :-.s :1 t, :t, :t, Hi :-.t|:d tones of soft mel - o - dy float when the eventide strive for a spir ■ it of s :r :r |r :-.r :r s, :s, :s. Ir, :-.r, :r. r :— :— night, day? low; s, :— :— d •-:— PI) :— :— light ; way? go; d :— :— d, :— :- t, :- rare ; Fine. love; r : — s, :— f.B]?. s :-.f :m |ni :-.r :d t| :- :-|f :- :f m :f :n Ir :-.Pi :r ds, :- d :-.d :d |t, :-.t, :d S| :— :- It, :- :t. d :d:d It, :-.t|:t, ds, :- Dreams of my far-away loved ones. And banishing sor - row and care. Then with the light of the morn - - ing You soar, and away to your home Teaching us all to bow hum • - bly. And prav for a liome up a - bove. m :-.l :s |s :-.f :n r :— :— |s :— :s s a :s If :-.s :f Pit, :- d :-.d :d |s, :-.s, :s. s, :— :— is, :— :S| Copyright, 1883, d :d :d |s, :-.s, :S| 3Y BiGLow & Maim. ds, :- D.r Key A. s, :- .S| |1| .S| :1| .d rii :- .^1 |f| .S| :f, .m, 1. O I how woud'ious is tbo 2. O ! what love is liere a - 3. Who will slight his tender d :- .d Id .d :d .d d :- .d, |f| .rn, :r, .d, THE WOND'ROUS STORY. 45 r :d fi im, sto - ry I bound - ing ! plead - ing? t, :d Si :d, I- 0. R. IlAJiROWS. s : - .1 |s .n :r .d d : - .d |d .S| :f| .n, How the matchless son of How it human love tran- Who re sist such melting PI : - .f |pi .d :t| .d d : - .d Id .d :s, .1, ll f, God, sceuds 1 love i d f. I- m, Left Je - Come, d d, :- .S| |1, .s, :1| .d :- .n, |f| .m, tf, .s, his home of hcav'nly - - sus dies to bring his ac - cei)t his free and :- .d |d .d :d .n :- .d, |d| .d| :d| .d, r .d :1| .t| Id .r :n .f li .1, :f| .f, is, .S| :s, .s, glory and for us, He in - tcr en - e - niifs to God, To rec - on- full salvation now, And then we'll f .f :d .r Id .t, :d .r f, ,f, :f| .f, |n, .s, :d .d posed cile reign n d .n | r .d .s, | f| .m , his i)ro - and make with liim .d I s, .d .d. Is, r .PI f, .s, cious us a t| S| d m, blood. friends. bove. d d. s d Glo .1 Is .n :r .d d Id •S| :f, .PI iT> glo i'.y hal - le f IP1 .d :d .d d Id .d :d .d :d PI .f fi :li I— :s, .t, lu - jah, To the ■lu-jah, lial-le - lu-jah, d .d :d .d |d .d :d .r f, .f, :f, .f, if, .f, :p1|.S| s :- .1 |s .PI :r .d d :- .d Id .d :s, .d Lamb once slain up - on the PI :- .f |Pi .s :f .PI d :- .d Id .d :d .d r :- 1— : t, .t, :t, .t, |t, .1, :s, .f, tree, And now he pleads before the ^ s :- I- : ,n :r s, :- .d |d .d :S| .s. Now he pleads be-fore his throne, PI :- .f In .s :f .n 1, .s, :1, .t. Id .r :pi .f f, .f| :f, .f, |s, .s, :S| .s. Father's throne above, And inter f .d :d .r |d .t, :d .r f, .f, :f| .f, |m, .s, :d .d :- .PI |r .d :r .m :- .s, | f| .m , :f, .s, cedes for you and PI :- .d |s, .d :t, d :- .d. Is, :s, dH- Pi,:-|- me. d:-|- d,:-|- Copyright, 1873, by Biclow & Main, in "New York Musical Gazbttk." WATCH AND PRAY. KeyC. wi n 1 uii n iiiy r iiHii , T. F. Sewabd. 1 m ;m.f|s :d' d' :t |r' :— m'.r':d' |d'.t :1 s .f :pi |r :— \ d :d .r 1 n : m PI :r If :— s^-.m |Ks :f n_^ :d |t| :— I , ].WTieulheblu8li of morning light. Paints the gold - en east - em skies, f 2. From the sul - try noontide beams Wouldst thou find a calm re treat? V \ 3. When the eve - ning shades de - scend Tranquil o'er the earth and sea ; , / 4. Watch with Je- sus all the night, TiU the shad-ows glide a - way; V s :s Id' :s s :s Is :- s :d' |d' :d' d' :s Is :- d :d Id :d s :s Is :- d :d If :f d :d Is, :- ' G. t. f. C PI :m.f |s :d' d' :t |r' :— r's.f :m |Pi .r :d r :t, Ids :- ' d :d.r |n :pi n :r |s :— sd :d |s, :S| S| :S| |s,r :— From the balm - y sleep of night, Lift to God thy wak-ing eyes. Dost thou pant for cool-ing streams ? Eest thee at the mer-cy - seat. do, thj Sav - iour and thy Friend Holds a pre - cious gift for thee. Watch till comes the morning light, Wea - ry pil - grim, watch and pray. s :s Id' :s s :s It :- tn.r:d |s.f:m f :r rt :— d :d Id :d s :s |s :— sd :d Id :d s, :s, |ds :— Chobus. s :- .s |s .s : s .s r' :- 1- :- d' : - .d' Id' .t :d' .r' X : 1 : f :- .f If .f :f .f n : - .PI |m .r :pi .f ) Trav - 'ler on the hea v'nward way, Trav - 'ler on the heav'nward Je - - way, sus bids thee watch and ( { : 1 : t :- .t It .t :t .t d' - 1 : \ i : 1 : s :- .s Is .s :s .s d' : - 1 : / rn' :- |- _ m'.r' :d' Id' .t :1 r' .d' : t .1 Is :- . s :- 1- — s .f :n 11 .s :f f .1 : s .f jPi :- 1. pray, Trav - 'ler on thy heav'n - ward wav, ( Je - - - sus bids thee W£ itch and pray, Trav - 'ler on thy heav'nward way, ( 1 d' :- .d' Id' .d' d' .d' d' :- Id' :d' d' .d' : d' .d' Id' :- V 1 d :- .d Id .d d .d d :- If :f f .f : f .f Id :- / 1 m .f :s Is d' d' :- It :- d' : 1 ; d .r :ni |in : m m :- |r :f m : - 1- : Je - sus bids t hee watch and pray. s :d' Id' : s s :— Is :— S - 1- : d :d jd : d Si :— Is, :— Copyright, 1882, by Biglow & Main. d : - 1- : THE MORNING LIGHT. 47 Kky Et2. d A. S. KiEFFER, by per. :n .r :d .d 1.0 the 2.0 the What a :s .f :d .d :d Id ,:pi .r :d .d UVben Iho /() tho )When the :s .f :d.d r.n .r (:d .d hve are ]:s .f \:d .d r .n d :s, |S| :d .d night of time soon sliall ha}> - py day that shall joy - ful time when tho m : m |m :s .s d :d Id :d.d d :d |d :r.m d :s, |S| :d.d pilgiiiu statf shall be liai)-py hearts that shall saints shall slug un-to n :n | n :s.s d :d id :d.d d :d' Id' :d'.t d :n In :m .m watching now for the m :s Is :d' .d' d :d Id :d .d r :r ir :pi .f s :- .1 Is .1 :s .,n r :— t, :t, It, :d .r pass a - way, And the gild the hills.When the earth shall gleam In the n :- .f |n.f :rn.,d hap - py golden day will Lord sh.ill come to earth a- light of an c - ter-nal t, :- dawn, gain ! Jay, s :s js :s .3 d' :- .d'd'.d':s .,s s :— S| :s, js, :d .d d :- .d;d.d:d.,d s, :— r :r |r :pi .f t| :t| It, :d .r laid a - side, And the welcome bini. When he Christ their King, In their s :s js :s .s :s, :d' Is, :d .d :t .1 s :-.d' |pi :r d m :-.d ]d :t, d king - ly crown pnt on. comes once more to rei-. gold - en. glad ar - ray d' :-.s Is :f rn d r-.n |s :s, d f :f If :f .f morning light, For the d' :1 11 :di.di If :f .f 3 :-.l |s .1 :s .,rn n :-.f |pi .f :m.,d new Jo - ru - sa-lem to d' :-.d' |d'.d':3 .,3 :-.d Id .d:d.,d come :rn .r d :di |d' :d' .t :d .d d :r |pi :m .n We are waiting still for the :s .f n :3 Is :di .d' :d .d d :d Id :d .d 1 :di Id' :d'.,l f :f if :f .,f Sa'iour, Christ, Who shall d' :1 II :di.,d' f :f If :f .,f s :-.d'|ni :r d : m |d :t, d : call his cliil - dreu home. d' :-.8 Is :f Fl : s :-.3 Is, :s. d : 48 KeyEIl m :n Is :pi d :d In :d l.A - ny 2. Where we 3.AU a - lit - pitcli long tie our the S :s is :s d :d Id :d m :r |r d :t, It, cor - ner, Lord, night-ly tent, wil - der - ness, s :s |s s, :s, Is, ANYWHERE. f :f :r B. r In thy vine - yard Sure-ly mat - ters Let us keep our Is, :s, rn :— d :- wide; not; sight ; s :— d :— C. Unseld. I— : I- I- s :s |1 :s n :pi |f :n Wh're thoubid'st me If the aay for On the mov - ing d' :d' id' :d' d :d Id :d s :in |r :- tn :d It, :- work for thee, thee is spent, pil - lar fixed, d' :s Is :- d :d Is, :- r :s It :1 t, :r |r :d There I would a Blessed is the Constant day and s :s |s :fe S| :t, |r :r t, :- I bide; spot; night, 8 :- I' s, :- i s :s |1 :d' d :d Id :d Mir - a - cle of Quickly we our Then the heart will m :n |f :1 d :d If :f d' :1 Is d :d Id saving grace, tent may fold make its home, ;f In ;f Id s :s |1 :d' d :d Id :d That thou givest Cheerful march thro' Willing led by n :n jf :1 d :d If :f d' :1 I s :n d :d Id :- me a place storm and cold, thee to roam, 1 :f I n ;s f :f Id :- s :n |r :- n :d It, :- A - ny - where, With thy care, A - ny - where, s :s |s :- d :d Is, :- n :r |d t, :t, Id A - ny - where With thy care A - ny - where s :f |n s, :s. Id Key D. d' :— :t Id' :— :1 n :— :r In :— :f l.Seek the ten - der 2.He will light your 3.Yoa will find the r :— : s 1 1 :— : s t, :— :t, |r :— :t, If you've not al - Through dark wood and Up - ward, till the SEEK THE TENDER SHEPHERD. s :n :— I— :— : n :d :- |- :- : Shepherd, pathway, Shepherd, r :— :s |t :— :s t, :— :t, |r, :— :t, read - y found him, thorn - y bri • - ar, light grows clear - er, Maky C. Sewakd. 1 :-:l 11 :- :1 S :-:-! f :-:f If :- :f n :- :- 1 Seek it. lit Wand'ring lit Hap - py lit - -tie - -tie - -tie lamb, lamb, lamb, d' :- :t |r' :d' :1 s :— :— 1— n :— : r | f : n : d t, :- :- \- Seek him, lit - - tie lamb: Wand'ring lit - - tie lamb; Hap - py lit - - tie lamb; n :— :s |d' :— :s n :— :s |d' d :— : n 1 n :— : n d :-:n In : Seek the star whose rays have 3rown On - ward, up - ward, ev - er high Fold and Shcp - herd near - er. dear d':-:s If :n :r d :-:- 1- n :— :n |r :d :t, d :-:- |— Seek it, lit - -tie lamb. Wand'ring lit - -tie lamb. Hap - py lit - -tie lamb. LONGINGS. 49 Key Eb. PI .PI :d ,n d .d :d .d (.Pur-er yet and 2.Calmer yet and J.Qiiioker yet and s .8 :pi .d d .d :d .d d pur - calm quick m B. C. Unseu) r .r :d .r m :— t, .t, :d •t, d :_ I would be in uiind, Tri - al bear and pain, Ev -er on - ward preaa, 8 .8 :P1 .8 8 : — n .n :d .n 8 :m r .r :ni •r d d .d :d .d d :d t, .t, :t, •t, d Dearer yet and dear er Ev- Yy du -ty find; Sur - er yet and sur er Peace at last to gain; Firm-er yet and firm - er Step as I pro - gress 8 .8 rm .d Fl :8 8 .8 :s .8 m d .d :d .d d :d 8, .8, :b, .8, d r .r :t, .r t, .t| :S| .t, Hoping still and Suft'-'ring still and Oft these earn - est 3 .8 :r .r S' .8. :8i .8i tl trust do long r :t, ing •ing, ings, m .m :d .n 8 d .d :d .d t. God with - out a fear, To Ms will re - signed. Swell with - in my breast, 8 .8 :m .d r .d :d .d t, .t, :8| .t, t, :t, Pa - tient -ly be - liev ing And to God sub - du - ing Yet their in - ner mean - ing 8 .8 :r .r r :8 8, .8, :b, .8, 8, :8, .n :r .r d .d :t, .t, He will make all Heart, and will, and Ne'er can bo ex - 8 .8 :8 .8 d .d :8, d clear, mind, pressed. m KetF. LOl MY SHEPHERD'S HAl C.t. SD. ti. d :r PI : m f :pi r :— rs :1 s :d' d' :t d' :- d :t, l.Lo! my ■2. When I 3.He my 4.Tho' the n :s d :d Shepherd's faint with soul a - drear-y s :s r :d hand di - summers new shall vale I • s :s t, :- vine! heat, frame, tread, s :— tn :f Want shall He shall And his By the sd' :d' s :f nev - er lead my mer-cies shades of d' :1 tn :r more be wea - ry to pro - death o'er - s :s PI :— mine; feet claim, spread, s :— d :s, d :d t, :d s, :— 5d :f n :f s :s, d :- f. F. d's :f m :m f :ni r :— s :f PI :r d :t, d :- mt| :r In a To the When thro' There I d :d pasture strei!.ms that de - vious walk from d :d fair and still and paths I ter - ror t, :- large, slow, stray, free. d :t, He shall Thro' the Teach my Still pro - d :1, feed his ver - dant steps the tect - ed S| :S| hap - py meadows bet - ter Lord, by charge, flow, way. thee. sr :s s :s 1 :s s :— s :s s :f m :r PI :— ds, :t, d :d d :d s :f m :r d :f, S| :s, d :- KetG HARKIHARKIMY SOUL. H. Beney. PI :— : — |Pi :r :pi d :- - 1- :- :s, PI :— : PI 1 PI : r : R s : — :-|f :— :— d :-: — |d :t| :d S| :— - 1- :- :s, d :-:d Id :t, :d d :- :- It, :— :— l.Hark ! hark! my soul ; an - gel - ie -songs are swell - ing 2. On - - ward we go, for still we hear them sing - iug, i.Far, far a - way. like bells at eve - ning peal ing. 4.Rest comes at length. tho' life be long and drear V, s :— : -Is :f :s PI : — : — 1 — : — : PI s :— :s |s :f :s PI :— :- |r : — :— d :-: - id :- :d d :- :- 1- :- :d d :-:d Id :- :d s, :— :— Is, :— :— f :- li :- O'er -If :pi :r - Is, :- :f, earth's green li :- fi :- fields. :- 1- :- :t, :- 1- :- :s, and d :-:d Id :r : pi S| :— :s, |fe,:— :1, o - cean's wave - beat r :— . I :— :s. t, :- :— :s. shore : " Come, wea - ry souls. for Je - sus bids you come : The voice of Je - sus sounds o'er all the sea ; The day must dawn. and dark - some night be past; r :— r, :— - |de:-:r — Hi :- :li r :— :- 1- :- :r :- 1- :- :f, d :- :d |1, :- :r pii :— : Pi| Ir, :— ife. r :— : — 1 — :— :r s, :— :— 1— :- :t. HARKI HARKl MY SOUL Concluded. 51 m :— :— I PI : r : m d .-:-|- :- :8, rn :— :m | pi :r :pi s :— :— If :- : — d :— :- Id :t, :d s, :— :— 1— :— :s, d :-:d Id :t. :d d :-:- t, :- ; — How sweet tlie truth those bless - ed strains are tell - ing And through the dark its ech - oes sweet - ly ring i"K, Aud la - den souls, by thous - ands meek -ly steal - i^a, Faith'f jour - nev ends in wel - come to the wea ry. s :— :-|s :f :s m :— :— j— :— : tn s :— :8 |s :f :s PI :— :— r :— : — d :- :- Id :- :d d :-:-|- :- :d d :-:d Id :- :d 8, :— :— Is, :— :— f :— :-- |f :n :r 1, :-:-|- :- :t, d :-:d |Pi :- :r d :-:- li :- :- Is, :-:f, f, :- :- 1- :- :f, PI,:— :1, jd :— :t. d :- :- ; ; Of that new life when sin shall be no more. The mil - sic of the gos - pel leads us home. Kind Shepherd, turn their wea - ry steps to thee. And heav'n, the heart's true home, will come at last. r :— :- |de :- :r r :— :— |— :— :r d :-:f Is :- :f PI :— :— 1— :— :— h :— :-|l. :-:l. r, :— :— |— :— :s, 1. :-:l, Is, :- :s. d :-:- — :— :— 8 :— :— In :— :d r :— :n |r :— :— s :_:_ In :- :d r :— :— _,_ S| :— An :-|s, :-:s, - gels of 8, :— :— |8, :— :— Je - BUS, s, :— :— Is, :— An - gels :d of d :-:- t, :- :— light, d :- PI, :— :— Id :— :d :- Id, :-:pi. t, :-:d Id :- :- d :-:- Id :- PI,:— :— Id, :- :s ;Pi, fe :- :- 8 :— ~s, :— :— 1, :- :- :— n :— :— Im :f :s 1, :f :- 1- :- :1 8 :— :s |f :pi :r PI :— :— d :- :- Ita, :- :ta, 1, :1, :- !- :- :d d :— :d |t, :d :t. d :— :— — :— :— Sing - ing to welcome the pil - grims of the night. s :— :— |8 :— :n f :d :- 1- :- :re PI : — : n |r : m :f n :— :— — :— :— d :- :- Id :-:d f, :f, :- !- :- :fe, 8, :— :s. Is, :— :s. d :-:- — :— :— rn :— — |m :f :s 1, :f :- 1- :- :1 8 :— :s If :pi :r d :- :- 1 . ,_ d :- :- Ita, :- :ta, 1, :1, :- I- :- :d d :-:d It, :d :t, d :- :- 1 — :— :— Sing ing to welcome the pil - grims of the night. 8 :— — Is :— :pi f :d :- 1- :- :re PI ;— : PI i r : rn :f PI :- :- 1 — :— :— d :- - Id :-:d f, :f, :- 1- :- :fe, 8, :— :8, Is, :— :8, d, :— :— 1 — :— :— 52 Key D. :m .,in il.Let us JS.HewUl )3.To a :s .,S :d .,d d' :t |1 :s n :s |f :n work for God and give us strength, our glo - rious work He d' :t |1 :s m :s If :n WE SHALL REST. 1 .,1 :s .,f |m :r .,n f .,f :pi.,r Id :t|.,d follow His command With a vigor to re - new, He will calleth us a-way. Let us 1 .,1 :s .,f |n :s .,s f .,f :m.,r id :s .,s B. C. U NSELD. f :ri It :r' r :f |r :f cheer ful heart and grant us grace that hear the heat and d' .,t :1 .,t |d' n .,r :d .,r |n ov - er - willing hand ; falleth like the dew, bur-den of the day ; S .,S :s .,S 's S| .,s, :s, .,S| |d :m .,m In the And the 'Tis the :s .,s :d .,d n field seeds faith ■ d' n :t :s of of ful :t |1 If Ufe love souls 11 If 1 .,1 :s .,f |m f .,f :m.,r |d joicing ev - cry day, mortal fruit shall hear, reap the bright reward, 1 .,1 :s .,f In f .,f :ni.,r |d :s .,m :n .,d Let us Ev At ;d ..d the ( .S ) :t t, :r |r :d t, work, and trust. and pray. guard - ed by His care. com - ing of the Lord. s :s Is :fe S Chorus. :m .,f We shall :pi .,n \m We shall rest :s .,s {s :d.,d Id :d'.,t by and — I- :r' .,di f .,f If :fe.,fe by and by. Sweetly 1 .,1 11 :1 .,1 f ..f if :r .,r t .,1 ,d' It s .,s :s .,n |r rest when earthly toil S .,s :s .,S |s s .,s :s .,d |r :1 s : :d t, : is o'er, :fe s : :r s, : I- I- I- I- :n .,f \ In a 1 s :- 1- :d'.,t 1 :r' 1- :r'.,d' t.,t:t.,t|l :t d' land, bright and fair, :n.,n|m : :f.,f|f .■f.,f f.,f:f.,f|f :f ni In a land bright and fair, We shall rest when earthly toil is o'er. :s .,s |s : :1.,1|1 :1.,1 s.,s :s.,s |s :s s :d„did : :f.,f|f :f.,f s.,s :s.,s |S| :s, d Copyright, 1882, by Bic ;low & Main. SUMMER SUNS ARE GLOWING. 53 KetC. F. L. ROBERT.SHAW. n :-.n |s :s d' :- .1 If :m r .-1 Is :f PI :— 1- :- d :-.d |n :r f :- Id :— d :d It, :r d :- l.Sumiuei- smis are glow - - ill- - ver land and Rca, 2. Lord, up - ou our blind - ness Tlij' pure ra - diance pour. J. Wo will nov -er doubt thee, Tlio'thou veil thy light. s :-.s Id' :t 1 :— 11 :s f :r |r :s s :— 1 — : — d :-.d |d :d d :- Id :— f, :fe, Is, :s, d :- 1- :- r -.r In :fe s -.1 It :- d' :- .1 Is .fe :t .1 s :— t, -.t, Id :r r - ir :- m :- .m |r :d t, :- Hap - py light IS How ing, Bonn - ti - ful and free ; For thy lov - ing kind ncss Makes us love thee more; Life is dark with - out theo. D(!ath Avith thee is bright ; s - .s Is ■-.s, Id :1 :d s -.fe|s :- s :- .1 It .1 :s .fe d :-.d |r :r s :— S| t, -.1,1s, :- s, :— s :ri Id' .t :1 .t d' :- Is :— s :r' Id'.trl.t d' . f :f If :f PI :s If :tn f :f If :f n : Ev - cry thing re - joic - es In the mel - low rays, And when clouds are drift - ing Dark a - cross our skv, Light of light shine o'er us On our pil - grim way. s :s Is :s s :-T- It :d' r' :s Is :s s : t, :s, |r :s, d :n ir 2d t, :s, |r :s, d : d' :-.d'|t :d' n' :- |r' :— d' :n'.r|d' :t d' :- f :-.s If :pi 1 - 11 :— •s :1 Is :f PI :- All earth's thousand voio - es Swell the psalm of praise Thou the veil up - lift - ing, Fa - ther, be thou nigh. Go thonstiU be - fore ua To the end - less day. 1 : .s Is :d' d' - Ir' :— PI' :f' |P1' :r' d' :- f :-.Pilr :d f :- If .•fe s :s Is, BiGLOw Si. Main. :s. d :- Coi'VRIGHT i88j, uv 54 HEAR OUR EVENING PRAYER. Key F. m n |m m d :d Id :d l.Hear us, heav'n-]y S.Bless us, heav'n-ly s :s |s :s d :d Id :d in Id ther, ther, Is :- Id :- r :r |r :r t| :t, It, :t, Lis - ten to our Guide and guard us s :s |s :s S| :S| |s, :s, A. L. Cowley. d :r |P1 d :t, Id evening prayer with thy might ; m :s Is s, :s, Id PI :pi \m :d t, :- In the dark -ness shield Bless us, gra - clous Fa d :d Id :s s :- Id :d d :r |m :s d :t, Id :d Thou for all man Bless thy chil - dren s :s |s :s ri :r |d in. :r Id t, :t| Id kind doth care, here to - night, s :s |P1 ::) s :— m ni :— Id :d Hear us, O Keep us, O : I : : I : hear PI d :d It, :t, Hear our eve - ning Till the morn-ing d :pi |s :s S| :S| |S| :S| d :- I- d :- I- prayer. light. PI :— i— i- :- KeyF. a MOTHER'S lullaby. ;S| d;d:dld:— :dr:r:r|r:— :r Pi:— :r|d:— :Pir 1. There ^ <2.Then S.Then U.That Cometh a dove on kneel at my side, your ask him to-night when beauti - ful dove so beauti-ful wings, As lit - tie hands fold. And you are a - sleep To gentle and pure .Has white as snow - flakes say this prayer with give you peace - ful spread its pin - ions are; me; rest; fair, ]And (Dear JAml And r :r :r |r :— :r tender-ly now it Jesus look down, and if you should die be - up to the throne of PI : pj : PI I PI : — : pi listens to hear, My make me so good. That fore you a - wake To Je-sus a - bove Has s :— : PI I r :d : r ba - by's eve - ning I thy child may fold you on his borne my dar - ling's d :- :- I- prayer. be. breast. KeyG. SWELL THE ANTHEM. d :d d :s, S| :S| Si : PI, 1. Swell tho au - - them, ■-'.Hark! the voice of rn : PI PI :d d :d d :d ;d the song; siii'is, t| Prais Praia r 55 s :d d :d to our to th(! PI : PI :d (iocl be Kins of s : PI "I Saints Let PI 3| :ni an - - Jicl.s .join the PI :d d :d d : n s :— s .•s s : PI r :r d S| :d t, :- t, :t, d :d d :t, d Join to sing Piais - es to onr heav'n - ly Kin clior al song. An.l the grate fill notes pro - loni. S : R r :— r :r PI :s s :s PI PI :d Si :— Si :s, d :d s, :s, d Ket Eiz. THE ROBIN'S LULLABY. R :— -:r I 1. Close be - 1 •J.I will :3.Xes tie, R :— :r neath thy guard thee, ues - tie r :-:d moth - er's (lid I gent - ly wing, say? down, r :— :r Hir - die Let me Close thinel lay then :r thy that to R :— :s lit - tie word re sleep my call; dear. R :— :r I will God will Safe be - watch thy guard U3 neath our slumbers, both, mv love, :r will guard thy lone pro- You and I I hav( r :- : d down - y tects us naught to bed. all. fear. 1 A. S. KlEFFER. KeyG. m :s ir :rn d • 1| Is, d :s, |S| :s, n. :fi In, 1. Look be -yond my eoul, and see 2. L<., thy Cap- tain, Je - 8U8, leads s :pi |r :t, d :d Id d :d It, :t, 1, :f, Id, LOOK BEYOND. B. C. Unbeld. n :s d :d Zi - on's Forth to |1 .8 :n Id :d cit -y realms of t, :- 1- : fair; rest; s : n If .in:s 8 :- 1- : d :d Id :d s, :- 1- : m :s |r :n d :1, Is, :— 1, :d jn .r :d .t d :- d :s. Is, :s, m, :f. 1 n, :— f. :f, Is, :s, .f, m, :- Gleaming ra - diant Vic - tor's wreaths shall as the bind thy sun, brow. Free from In his grief and man - sions care, blest s :n |r it. d td Id :- d :d |d .t, :ni .r d :- d :d It, :t, 1, :f, Id, :- f, :1, Is, :s. d, :- h- D. t f.G. rs :d' 11 :r' s :f .r|n :s s :d' 11 :r' s :1 .t Id's :— ad :n |f :f m :r.t,|d : n m :pi If :f m :f ht, :- Lo, the race is al - most run ! Life's fierce strife will soon be done! There with saints and an - gels fair, Free from ev - ery earth-bom care, tpi :s |f :1 S :8 |s i_d' d' :d' Id' :1 s :s |Br :s ad :d If :f 8 :8, Id :— d :d If :f 8 :s, |ds, :— n : 8 I r :m d tl. Is, t- 1, :d In .r :d .t. d t- d :S| Is, :s, m, tf. |m, :- f, :f, Is, ts^f. rn, t- Glorious rest will soon be won! Yield not to des - pair. Thou Shalt end - less pleasure share, On his lov - ing breast. s tin |r :t, d td Id t- d td |d .t|tpi.r d t- d td It, :t, 1, :f, |d, :- Copyright, 1882, e f, :1, Is, :s, Y BiGLOW St Main. d, t- CHRIST, WHOSE GLORY. 57 Kkv E. d :d |r :m f :-.f In :- 8, :8, It, :d 1. Christ, wLoso glo - ry 2. Dark and cheer - loss 3. Vis - it, then, this d :-.d|d :- fills tlio skies, is the morn, eoiil of mine, n : m |s :s 1 :-.l Is :- d :d Is, :d f, :- .f, 1 d :- d :m !s :s 1 :1 Is :- d :d !r :m d : r In :— Siiu of rijjht - eons - .Toy - less is the Fill lue, ra - diant ness, a - rise, day's re - turn, Sun di - vine. rn :1 |t :d' d' :t Id' :- d :1, Is, :d f :f Id :- R. Redhead d :d |r : n r :r Id :- 3, :1, It, :d Christ, the true, the If thy light ia Pierce the Rloom of d on hid sin :t. Id :- - ly ligbt; from me; and Rrief, n : n Is :s 1 : 8 In :- d :1, Is, :d f, :s, Id :- d :n Is :s 1 :-.l|s :- d :d Triumph Till thy Scat -ter |r o'er mcr - aU :t. the cy'8 my n :r .d It, :— shades of night : beams I see, nn - be - lief. s :s Is :s s :-.fe|s :- n :d It, : n d :-.r|s, :- |r n d :d It, :d Day-spring from on Till they in - ward More and more thy - s :s If :s n n |r :d f :-.f In d :-.d Id high, bo near, light im-part, self dis-play, 1 :-.l Is .f. Id. :- d :t, Id :1, Day-star, in my Glad my eyes and Shining to the s :s |s :f n :r |d :f. d :t, Id :- S| :S| Is, :— heart ap - pear, warm my heart. per - feet day. n :r |n : — S| :S| |d :— KetF. LITTLE EYES, d :r In :- r :n id :— r :n If :s f :r |r I. Little eyes, lit - tie eyes, - pen wide with morning light, y. Little heart, lit - tie heart. Full of laugh-ter full of glee. 3. Little hands, lit - tie hands, l$u8-y with the kite or doll. 4. Little feet, lit - tie feet, Soft your pat - ter, light your load. d :r jn :— r : n i d :— r :n If :r d :t. Id Up - ward look. up - ward look, Heaven's morn is al - ways bright. Beat with love. beat with lovo. For the Lord who bless - es me. Le^im yo may, work or play, Dai - ly to do good to all. Do not stray. keep the way, Walk the straight and uar - row roar PI :r PI .m :n .,r S| .S| :s, I. So wing in 2.Sowing in 3. Go, then, ev d .d :d •,fi the the - en •A m, :p1| mom - ing, sun - - shine, weep - ing, d :d PI, .PI, :S| Sowing seeds Sowing in Sowing for d .d :d .,s, of the the .,t, s, :S| kind - uess, shad - ows, Mas - ter, d :t, s, .S| :s, .,f, Sowing in the Fearing neither Tho' the loss sus d .d :d .,d d| .d, :d, .,d, d, :d, d| .d, rn. .,S, d :s. d| .d, :d, .,d. d :s, s, .,d :t, .1. S| :— s, .d :d .,m f :pi ni, :mi noon - tide clouds nor tained our d :d PI, .,s, :S| and the dew winter's chill spir - it oft d .,Pi :r .fe, - y ing en .d s, :— eve; breeze ; grieves ; t, :- PI, .pi| :p1| .,S| Waiting for the By and by the When our weeping's d .d :d .,d 1, :s, har - vest, har - vest, - - ver, d :d d, :d, d| .,d, :r, •r, Si :— d| .d, :d, .,d. d, :d, d .d :d . ^ PI :r PI .n :pi .,r d . s, .d :n ,r d :- m, .m, :s, .,s, and the time of and the la - bor He will bid us d .d :d .,t, S| re en w d :S| ap - ing, d - ed, jl - come, s, .s, :s, .,se, We shall come re- We shall coraere- VVe shall comere- d .d :d .,t| 1, :fi joic - ing, joic - ing, joic • ing, 1, :d Pi,.S| :s, Bringing iu Bringing in Bringing in d .PI :s ,s, the the the ,f s, :— sheaves, sheaves, sheaves. PI :— d| .d| : pi| . A d :s, d| .d, :d| .,P1, f, : f, s, .s, :s, ,s, d, :-■ m .,m :m .,rn PI :— f .,f :f ',f f :- r .,r :r .,r s, .,s, :s, .,s, s, :— 1. .,1. :1. .,1. 1. Si .,Si :s, .,s. Bringing in Bringing in the the sheaves, golden sheav 3S, Bringing in Bringing in the the sheaves, golden sheaves, We shall come re d .,d :d .,d d .,d :d d .,d :d .,d d .,d :d t, .,t, :t, .,t. d, .,d, :d, .,d, d, .,d, :d, f, .,f, :f, .,f. f. .,f. :f. s, .,S| :S| .,S| r :s s .,Pi :pi .,d r :— PI .,Pi :pi .,pi PI :— s, :t, d .,d :d .,d t, :- s, .,s, :s, .,s, s, :— joic ing, t, :r Bringing in PI .,s :s the .,S sheaves, S :— Bringing in the Bringing in the d .,d :d .,d sheaves, golden sheaves, d .,d :d 8, :S| d .,d :d .,ni, s, :- - d .,d :d .,d d ,d :d BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES. Concluded. 61 f .,f :f .,f f :- r .,r :r .,r r :s s .,in :pi .,r d 1, .,1. :li .,1, 1, :— S| .,S| :S| .,S| Sl :t, d .,S| :S| .,S| Sl Bringing in tho sheaves, Wo shall come re- joio - ing. Bringing in tho ^h Bringing in tho goUlcn sheaves, d .,d :d .,d d.,d :d t, .,t, :t, .,t, t, :r ni.,s :s .,f PI f, .,f. :fi f, .,f, :f. s, .,s, :S| .,s, S| :s, S|.,S| :s, .,S| d, ^heaves. Key A. REJOICE AND BE GLAD. E. r. Andkews :s, d :d :d .PI r :— :S| .s, r :r :r .f PI :— :Pi.f s :f :pi :m, m, : PI, :p1i.s, s, :— :S| .s, S| :s, :s, s, :— :S| s, :S| :S| il.Ro - jdice and bo glad. the Ko - dccnier is como. Go look on his ^.lie - joice and be glad, it is sunshine at last, Tho clouds have de \:$.Ito - joicc and be glad, for the bloodbath been shed. Re - deniption is /l.Re ■ joice and be glad. for the Lamb that was slain O'er death is tri :d d :d :d t, :- :t, .t, t, :t, :t,.r d :- :d d :t, :d :d, d, :d, :d S| :— :S| .S| s, :S| :S| d :- :d| .r. PI, :r, :d| r :d :1, s, :pi :r d f, :1, :f, PI, :s, :f, m. era - die, his cross, and his tomb part - ed, tho shad - ows are past. tin - ished, the price hath been paid. mnphant, and liv - eth a - gain. 1, :d :d d :d :t, d f, :f, :f, s, :s, :s, d, f .d S| .Sl Sound his PI .n d .d dj;, :t, :r.r S| :S| :f|.f| prais - es, tell the pi.r :r S| :s, :t,.t| r .d :d fi.piirni :s, \ sto - ry of ( :d :d :d, :d. /T\ PI .r :r :fe s :— :s .3 3 .PI :m :pi .PI Pi.d:d :li 3. :pi :r d :- feTrfe, :d t, :- :d.d d.S|:S| :S|.s, S| .Pi|:f| :f. Pl| :S| :f, PI, :— him -who ■was slain, Sound his praises, tell with gladness, ho liv eth a - gain. d.t,:l, :r r :— :pi.pi pi.d :d :d .d d :1, :d d :d :t, d :- r, :r| :ri s, :- :d.d d :d :d,.d, d, :f, :fi Sl :S| :S| d, :- A. S. KlEFFEB. NEARER HOME. A. J. Showaltee, by per. Key G, -:s, .d |:s, .S| ; Day by ^Earthly y On our jrn .PI ':d .d n :- .s :f .n d . :-.d :t|.d in til is land of (lay life's path grows friend - ships oft de - jour - ney may we s :- .n :r .d d :-.d :s,.l. f .d :- :t, .d r 1. .1. :- :f, .n, s, sorrow, Day by (lay drearer — Earthly joy 3 ceive us Beaming with nev - er Faint nor fal d .f :- :r .d t, f, .f, :- :s, .s, Si - .r :d .,r -.3, :S| .,s, we jonrney pass swiftly in - constant ter by the -.t, :d .,t, -.S| :n|.,S| on; And each by; But the ray; But the way; In the d :- - :n .n d :- - :d .d m :- .s :f .m d :- .d :t| .d fast succeed - iug thought of heav'n grows Sa,v - lour ne'er will glo - rious, glad for- s :- .PI :r .d d :-.d :s, .1, f.d :- :t, .,d r :-.f : n .,r d l,.l, :- ••fi .,m, Si :-.s, :s, .,f, Pii morrow Finds our life - work near-er done. dearer. As our hopes and pleasures die. leave us In the dark and drear - y way. ev - er We shall rest in end - less day. d.f :- :r .,d t, :- .r :d .,t, d f, .f, :- :S| .,S| Si :-.S| :s, .,S| d, PI .f d .d Nearer } d d .d ■:) s :- .3 :f .PI d :- .d :t, .d home! yes. blessed R :- .PI :r .d d :-.d :s, .li f .f f, .f. f .f 1, .1, :- :li .1, Saviour, Nearer d .d :- :d .d f, .f, PI :r .d r Si :s, .1, ti a Father's love PI :3 .fe S .d :t| .1, Nearer PI .PI d .d d :- .d S| :- .S| heav'ns e PI :- .PI :pi .3 f .1, :- :li .li :s, .ta, 1, .f, :— :f, .f, ter nal portal, Neai-er :d .d d .d :— :d .d :d .PI, f, .f, :— :fi .f, Si :- .d :n .,r d PI, :- .Pi| :s, .,f, m. to our home a bove d :- .d :t, .,t, d Si :- .3, :S| .,3, di MOURNER, CEASE THY WEEPING. 63 Key Bb. Si :s, |1| :li S| :- Id :- . t, :d Ir m, im, |f| :fi n, :— Is, :- S| :S| Is, 1. Mourner, cease 3.Raise thine eyes d :d Id thy to :d weep - heav - d :- - ing, • en. In :— Wipe the fall Wlicu thy spir r :m |f d| : d, 1 d, :d, d, :- Id, :- S| :s, Is, B. C. Unseld. :t. d : :S| S| :- ing tear ; its quail :r PI :- :s. d, : s, :s, 11, :1, s, :— Im :— r :r Id :d t, n, :m, |f, :f. m, :— Is, :- S| :S| Im, :S| s. God his watch is keep - -ins, TIk )" none else is near When by tempests driv - - en, lie irt and cour - ajre fail. d :d Id :d d :- Id :- t| :t| Id : m r d, :d. Id, :d. d, :- Id, :- S| :s, Is, :s, s. :t| He will nev He will ev Id Im, Is, :- S| :— |m, leave thee, hold n d, thee, Id Id, t, :t, Id :d r, :s, |S| :s, All thy wants he All thy bur - dens t, : r I m : d s, :si Id, :m, knows, share, t, :- m : m s, :s, li :- If :- n :r |d :t, d :- S| :s. im, :n. fi :— If. :- s, :1, Is, :f. m, :- Fee s the Iiain that grieves thee, Sees thy cares and woes. In his arms he'll fold thee, Safe from ev - ery snare d :d Id :d d :- |r :— d :f Im :r d :- d, :d. Id, :d, f. :- |r, :- m, :f. Is, :S| d, :- — ) :::) Copyright, 1882, by Biglow it Main. TEACHERS' INDEX. FIRST STEP. THIRD STEP— Continued. Blessed Rain, Great and Good, The Happ7 Scholar, PAGE 32 19 20 SECOND STEP. A Mothers Lullabv, . . 54 Be Content. 21 Ding Dong, .... . 19 Evening is Falling, 20 Hear our Evening Prayer, . 54 Longings, 49 Round and Round, 3.^ Swell the Anthem, 55 The Robin's Lullaby, . 55 The Mellow Horn, 22 THIRD STEP. Always Cheerful. Autumn Hymn, Bye, Baby, Bye, Don't Stop There, . In the Old Church Tower, It is I Jesus is Mine, Little Eyes, . . . . Mountaineer's Song, . Mourner, Cease thy Weeping, Never tell a Lie, . Ripple, Little Brook, Seek the Tender Shepherd, Somebody, . . . . Tarry with Me, . The Morning Light, The Wondrous Story, Why, Little Fly, FOURTH STEP Angels of Dreamland, Anywhere, . Awake, .... Boat Song, . Bringing in the Sheaves, Christ, whose Glory, . Come, May, Evening Hymn, . Fair is the Morning Land, Hark! hark! my Soul, Heavenly Love, Jesus, Meek and Gentle. Joseph Ree, . Joy Bells, . Lo! my Shepherd's Hand, Look Beyond, Milman, . Nearer Home, . Rejoice and bo Glad, Summer Suns are glowing, Sweetly chimes the bell. Watch and Pray, We shall Rest, FIFTH STEP. Away with the Wine. . Brightly Breaks, Christmas Carol, Clay to Clay Sing, my Soul, PAGB 45 23 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED MUSIC LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. WhR a ,^7, ' APR 1 9 1973 AUu 1 iy»» ^^^S^l^i^f UniS^&ia I I DATE DUE MT30.S5 C036919030 UC BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDBb^nOBD Music Library University of California at Berkeley K. TONIC SOL-FA MUSIC READER: A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION AND PRACTICE IN THE 'i'ONIC SOL-FA METHOD OF TEACHING SINCINO, With a CHOICE COLLECTION of MUSIC suitable for DAY SCHOOLS and SINGING SCHOOLS. By THSODORE F. SEWARD, Assisted by B. C. UNSELB. /ppvoved by JOHN CURWEN. Price, 35 cents : $30 per 100 copies. The TONIC SOL-FA ADVOCATE : the Organ of the Tonic Sol-fa Movement in America, THEO. F. 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Staff Notation. John Curwen paper, Tonic Sol-fa Plans. J. S. Curwen " Pupils' Tuning Forks Mail. 63 2 72 85 2 38 2.56 170 Copy by Expresa- | 2 14 240 5 I 4 3 4 3 13 10 7 6 11 10 7 fi 21 20 7 6 42 40 We will forward Messrs. Curwen's complete Catalogue on.| application, and will order whatever is desired, at the • rate of 49 cents to the English shilling, adding the] postage thereto. BiaLO^\^ & 76 East Ninth Street, NEW YORK. 81 Randolph Street, CHICAGO.