The Compleat English Gentleman BA1.LANTYNR, HANSON AND CO. LONDON AND EDINBURGH The Compleat English Gentleman By Daniel Defoe Ql^Pfi Edited for the First Time from the Author's Autograph Manuscript in the British Museum, with Introduction Notes, and Index By Karl D. Bulbring, M.A., Ph.D. London; PubUshed by David Nutt MDCCCXC Be&icated Dr. FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, THE EDITOR OF MANY VALUABLE MANUSCRIPTS AND EARLY PRINTED BOOKS, THE AUTHOR OF NUMEROUS ESSAYS ON EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE, BIOGRAPHY, AND EDUCATION, THE LEADER AND GENEROUS PROMOTER OF THE ENDEAVOURS OF HUNDREDS OF FELLOW-WORKERS, BV HIS SINCERE AND GRATEFUL FRIEND, THE EDITOR. CONTENTS. PAGE Forewords i Remarks on the History of the Word Gentleman xxxii On the Education of the Gentry in Former Times, xlv Text of Defoe's Work i Introduccion 3 PART I. CHAPTER I. Of the born gentleman, in the common, or modern, or present acceptation of the word, and as the gentry among us are pleas'd to understand it ii CHAPTER II. Of the great mistakes in the first managing the children of gentlemen, and of the horrible corrupcion of blood from the suckling them by those (....). That the ignorance and the bad educacion of gentlemen of quallity and fortune is no where in Christendome so entirely neglected as in this nacion, and some thing of the consequences of it' . 59 1 This heading is struck out in MS. [ viii ] CHAPTER III. PAGE Of the generall ignorance of the English gentry, and the true causes of it in the manner of their introduccion into life 92 CHAPTER IV. Of what may be the unhappy consequences of this generall defect in the education of our gentry, and a rational pro- posall for preventing those consequences .... 144 CHAPTER V. That it is not to late to put a stop to this national defect of learning, and that the gentlemen of England, generally speaking, may in a great measure retriev the loss of their education by a little voluntary applicacion ; and an account of some proper and very easie methods for the doing it I have heard 184 CHAPTER VI. Of the gentleman's government of himself, his family, and fortune . 232 PART II. CHAPTER I. Of the fund for the increase of our nobillity and gentry in England, being the begining of those we call bred gentle- men, with some account of the difference .... 256 Notes 279 Index 289 FOREWORDS. ^^^^HE Compleat English Gentleman, by Daniel Defoe, which appears now for the first time in print, is preserved, in the author's hand- writing, in the manuscript collection of the British Museum, numbered 32,555 of the Addi- tional MSS. John Forster was the first to mention the existence of the work, in his Biographical Essays, London, i860, foot-note on page 155. Fuller particulars were made public by William Lee {Life of Daniel Defoe, London, 1869, pp. 451, 452, and 457), and to these subsequent writers have added nothing further. In one point they have all been misled, for the MS. does not consist of a single work, but includes another, which is bound up with it and fills the leaves 67-100. This second work bears the title. On Royall Educa- cion, and will be published shortly by Mr. David Nutt, The Compleat English Gentleman was one of Defoe's last works, the only one published subsequently being his Effectual Scheme for the Preventing of Street Robberies, and Suppressing the other Diso7'ders of the b [ X ] Night (1730). Together with the MS. is preserved a printed proof-sheet of sixteen pages, containing the beginning of the work. This seems to be the only part which was ever put in type. There is extant a letter written by Defoe to Mr. T. Watts, in Wild Court, the printer of this sheet, which is important, as it fixes the date previous to which the work must have been composed. It is as follows : — Sir — I am to ask your pardon for keeping the enclosed so long, Mr. Baker having told me your resolution of taking it in hand and working it off. But I have been exceedingly ill. I have revised it again, and contracted it very much, and hope to bring it within the bulk you desire, or as near it as possible. But this and some needful alterations will oblige you to much trouble in the first sheet, and perhaps almost as bad as setting it over again, which cannot be avoided. I will endeavour to send the rest of the copy so well corrected as to give you very little trouble. I here return the first sheet and as much copy as will make near three sheets more. You shall have all the remainder so as not to let you stand still at all. I am, Sir, Your most humble servant, De Foe. Sept. loth, 1729. The terminus a quo is furnished by internal evidence of the work itself. Many historical facts are mentioned, the latest of which are these : — On page 35, Peter the Great, who died January 28, 1725, is spoken of as the late Czar, and his Avife and successor, Catherine I., who died May 17, 1727, as the late Empress ; whilst Prince Menchikoff, who was deprived of the Regency and sent to Siberia in September 1727, is alluded to as being in exile. [ -^i ] Thus, allowing some time for the news to reach London, and taking into account the delay mentioned in the letter, we get the year 1728 and the earlier half of 1729 as the date of composition. The manuscript and proof-sheet appear to have remained in the possession of Defoe's relations, the Baker family, for more than a hundred years, as Mr. Dawson Turner, of Great Yarmouth, bought them in 183 I from the Rev. H. D. F. Baker, the descendant of Henry Baker, son-in-law of Defoe, for ^^69, the British Museum not having ventured to go beyond ^35.^ At the sale of his MSS. in 1859 Defoe's treatise was purchased by Mr. James Crossley for £j^ 8i-. (including commission).' The British Museum bought it on June 20, 1885, at Sotheby's (Crossley Sale, lot 2973). The MS. is a small quarto, and consists of 142 leaves, the printed sheet being affixed at the end. According to Mr. Francis B. Bickley, of the British Museum, the binding was certainly done when the MS. belonged to Dawson Turner, since many of his other MSS. are bound in exactly the same style. The proof- sheet has a few corrections, but in a handwriting different from Defoe's. The MS. itself is in Defoe's own firm, small, and close writing. As a rule, only one side of the paper is written on, but many insertions and notes are added on the opposite page. The first leaf 1 Forster, page 155 ; Lee, page 457; and Dawson Turner's Sale Catalogue. ^ Seethe fly-leaf of the MS., where also this remark in Crossley's hand is to be found : " For an admirer of Defoe this volutne is a treasure.^' [ >^ii ] contains the title. On the next six leaves are three different Introductions, of which the first, filling folio 2, runs thus : — The True Bred Gentleman. Nothing in the worid can be more prepoflerous, and yet nothing of the kind is more warmly efpoufed and dogmatically infifted upon, than the grofs nocions of ^ nobillity and gentiUity, as they are at this time entertained among [us]." If it were to be defended by reafoning, or fupported by argument, we fhould certainly have found fomething among the antients for an opinion that has taken fuch deep root among us. If phylofophy or the laws of Nature were furnifhed with anything to fupply the defeft of argument, they would have been fearcht to the bottom long agoe. If anatomy, or the flrictefl inquiry into the microcofme of the creature called man could afford anything in its favour, fomething might be found in the learned anatomifls of the age. But if neither phylofophy, reafon, or demonflration of parts can fhew any fpecific difference between the Patricij and the Plebei, if the whole kind is formed in the fame mould, if all the parts arc the fame, if the form is the fame, and the materialls the fame ; where then mufl we fearch for the gentleman, among the remains of antiquity, or among the works of Nature ?^ This brief preface does not suit with the beginning of the first chapter, as it partly contradicts and partly anticipates what is said there. The second Introduction (fol. 3-5) is the one adopted for the present edition, as it agrees best with the treatise that follows, though it seems incomplete, ending abruptly ^ MS. of of. 2 tis omitted in MS. 3 At the bottom of the page : " Mr. Furlong at or near the King's Amis at Hungerford Market in the Strand." [ -^iii ] as it does in the middle of folio 5^. It does not seem that anything is lost, but that Defoe broke off at this point. The third Introduction (fol. ^-7^ is in parts very like the one I have chosen, and is full of witty and striking remarks. I reproduce it here : — Introducion. The grave ones tell us that every age has its peculiar favourite follyes, fmgular to itfelf, which the people are all wayes fond of and blind to the weaknefs of them ; and if I may judge of the pafl times by the prefent, I believ 'tis very true. It is true, in former ages, when the fimple things they have taken up with, have run fome length and this or that vice has been fafhionable for a time, the flucfluating palate has chang'd its gufl, the habit has fmelt ftale, they have grown fick of their old mifflrefs, and fac'd about to fome other extravagance : whether this age will do fo, or how long it may be, or if, when they do, they will change for the better or for the worfe, where is the conjuror that can tell ? It might be ufefull, if it were not for being tedious, to run over the world and giv a lift of nacionall follyes, and to look back into time and trace periodicall extravagances of particular ages in thofe nations feparately or among man-kind univerfally : how one age has been quarrelfome, another drunken,^ another lewd, etc., more than any before them. But what need when we are come to the heel of time, when the W'hole lift being, as it were, worn out, and every humour has had its day : the world, at prefent, feems to engrofs them into one generall, and making a kind of democrafie of vices, to let them all reign together. Yet it is true that even in fuch a Common Wealth of crime there will be fomepredominant.^ The age will embrace fome peculiar, and this I take to be our cafe. Pj-ide and ignorance have been the two tyrant devils of the age. They have reign'd ^ too long and got fuch a footing that, as I doubt, they will not abdicate ; and particu- ^ MS. druk'en. * MS. predomimit. ^ MS. rign'd. [ xiv ] larly as vvc do not fee any worfe to come in their room, fo I can not fee a probable end of their dominion. Pride indeed is an original, a child of Hell by imediate genera- cion, which comes in by a kind of hereditary right ; and it reigns accordingly like a tyrant. Ignorance indeed is an upflart, for man was not created a fool : 'Tis a negatio, a deprivacion of knowledge, as darknefs is a depri- vacion of light. Nature's produccion is a CJiartc BlancJi^ and the foul is plac'd in him like a ^ peice of clean paper, upon which the precepts of life are to be written by his inflrucflors, and he has the charge of keeping it fair lay'd upon himfelf. If his introduccion is good, if he is well taught, 'tis his felicity ; if not, his foul remains a blank, and the world is a blank to him, and he is miferable by the accident of his birth, not by his fault. But if this blank be written upon, but either the writing makes no impreffion or is not carefully preferVd : this is both his mifery and his fault, and this is the criminal negatio I am to fpeak of. This is Ignoi-ance in the abflraift. But to bring thefe two together which one would think was impoffible — for how can they confifl.'' Is it poffible a man can be proud of ignorance .'' was ever a crooked man proud of a hump back, or a cripple proud of his wooden leg ? Was ever a man proud of the fmall-pox in his face or vain of being fquint ey'd? To'-' be proud of knowledge,^ tho' it is a blemifh too and a great token of degeneracy, yet there is fome foundacion for it. There is fomething at bottom to be proud of, and as Mr. Dryden faid to Shad well : — Pridofwit and fence may be an e%nl, But to be proud of 7t07ifence, thafs the Devil. To be proud of ignorance is to be proud of non-entity. Ignorance is no being, as black is no colour. 'Tis a demiffion ; 'tis a nothing^ if that can be faid to be that has no being. In fhort, 'tis a name without a thing, 'tis a noun of emptynefs, a word to fignifye the want of every thing that is worth anything. I might examin here the reafon of the generall ignorance, which we are fo fond of in this age, and how it comes to encreafe as it ^ a omitted in MS. - With a small letter in MS. " Folio 7. [ XV ] does ; and I might run it up to its originall, (viz.) the defe^l of education and inftruccion ; and that indeed may be the true naturall reafon as we fhall fee afterward : But I am not fo much upon the grave part yet. But the prefent caufe of our ignorance, at leafl the befl reafon we can give for its encreafe, is its being fo fafhionable, and there comes in the pride of it. We have a tradition among us, how true I leave to the criticks, that in the reign of Richard III., commonly, tho' (asfome fay)fainy caird Crook-back'' d Richard, the courtiers made themfelves huinp^ to wear under their clothes, that fo they might be in the fafhion and look like the king,^ regis ad exempliun. So by the rule of our prefent difcourfe, they might fet up for feverall other imitacions in the round fhouldred age. The Ruffian ladyes, I am told, in the reign of the late Czar's grandfather, painted their hair red, becaufe the Czarina's hair was red ; and who knows, had King James II. reign'd a little longer," fham births, warming pans, and borrow'd heires might have become a fafhion to prevent alienacion of eflates and keep the manfion houfe in the i ight line. How glorious ignorance came to be the fafhion fo much among us, is not very eafie to fay, or when it had its original. But that we grow proud of this deformity I mufl date from the fad, viz, of its being faihionable. But I am told this is begging the queflion, that it does not appear ; or to reduce it to a fair enquiry, how do I prov that it is the fafhion. If I may be allow'd to answer that queflion with a queflion, at the fame time promifmg to giv an ample difcovery of the fadl ' in its place, my queflion fhould be, in fhort, this : — If Ignorance is not the fafhion, why is it not more out of fafhion .^ why do we decline fending our young noblemen and the fons of out befl gentry to fchool, and efpecially the eldefl fons, the heirs of the eflates ? why mufl they have no learning ? The, tho' weak and foolifh, anfwer is : Why, nobody does it. 'Tis below his quallity. " What?'''' fayes the lady moiher, "fhall viyfon go to fchool ! my Jon ' no, indeed, he fhan't go among the rabble of 1 MS. n- ' MS. lo}ig. " "cl:" indistinct. L ^vi J every trades-man's boys and be bred up among mechanicks. No, no, my fon is a gentleman ; my fon, is he not a baronet by his blood ? and he is born a gentleman, and he fhall be bred a gentleman." — And fo the young gentleman has a tutor beftow'd on him to teach him at home ; 'tis taken for a fcandal to the heir of the family to be under difcipline and under reflraints, and much more to be under the power and correcion of a forry pedagogue : no, he fhall have a tutor. And what is the Englifh of this tutor? 'Tis evedent in the confequence. The young gentleman has a tutor, that is, a play- fellow : while he is a child, indeed, he may learn him his letters and to read Englifh, and indeed, tJiis but fo7'7yly too fometimes, and very feldome to fpell it. But more of that in its place. Then, with fome difficulty, he is taught his accidence, which he can rather fay than underfland, and this carryes him on to 12 or 13 year old, perhaps farther, according as he is dull or quick. If {end of fol.jl There are some very good points in this Introduction ; but that which has been prefixed to the present edition deserves the preference, not only as being more complete, but because it leads more directly to the subject of the work, and indeed supplies some almost necessary observations, intended to make the aim of the book more easily intelligible, and to preclude misunderstand- ings. It seems not improbable that the two rejected Introductions were written before entering on the composition of the work itself, whilst the third was written, after a good deal, or perhaps the whole, of the book was completed ; and that Defoe desired, at the outset, plainly to state his opinion on several points on which he feared he had not made it sufficiently clear in the body of the work. The beginning of the treatise itself is not preserved in manuscript, but the want is fully supplied by the [ xvil ] printed portion. One sheet consisting of two leaves must have been lost before folio 8, which accordingly is numbered 2 by Defoe himself ; also folio i o has the old number 3. The beginning of the text of folio 8 is found on page 8 of the proof-sheet ; but two insertions preserved in the printed portion, and which must have been written on the back of the preceding leaf, are lost with the first sheet. The MS. is well preserved, but the close and hurried writing, the indistinct characters, which may very often mean different letters, the great number of emendations, additions, and deleted passages, the extensive use of contractions and of shorthand and other abbreviations, and the uncommon, irregular, and often curious and faulty spelling make it difficult and sometimes perplex- ing to read. Mr. Francis B. Bickley, of the British Museum, who made the copy for the printer, has per- formed his arduous task in a most satisfactory manner, and, in order to make the reproduction as correct as possible, the editor has himself compared all doubtful, difficult, or complicated passages with the MS. while correcting the proofs. There are a few shorthand notes in the MS. which it has been impossible to de- cipher, or to get transcribed by an expert ; but they are always short, and never form part of the text. All the shorthand abbreviations in the text we have, I believe, interpreted correctly. As Defoe himself states in the letter to his printer, he has tried to shorten the work, and there are, in con- sequence, a few deleted passages of some length in the MS., which are printed at the end of the present volume among the Notes. [ xviii ] In preparing the text for publication I have avoided needless corrections. In the opening part, which had to be taken from the printed sheet, I have strictly- adhered to the old spelling and punctuation, though it will be seen that both in these and in the use of capital letters, there are many inconsistencies. With regard to the MS. itself, I have adhered to the text, with the following necessary exceptions. I have expanded all abbreviations, which are very numerous. Defoe uses a short, thick, horizontal stroke for and, only occasionally employing the sign & ; a short, thick, oblique stroke from right to left for tJiat ; a similar one from left to right for tJie ; but sometimes the well-known abbreviations y' and y^. An o with a horizontal stroke means either ivJiich or ivhat ; if crossed obliquely from right to left, it means particular. Two connected ^'s stand for good ; a long stroke with an a, for notwitJi- standing. Another more complicated shorthand abbre- viation is used for the words government, governor, and govern ; another for understand and understood ; likewise the words zvorld, ivould, should, said, children, compleat, king, Christ and Christian, circumstance, pro- vidence, necessary, of, satisfaction, are, some of them usually, some occasionally, represented by shorthand notations ; a dot before some of them signifies the addi- tion of an s, — e.g., kings, tJiafs. Acc*^ signifies account ; und"", 7indcr ; m, mui ; prelimin^', preliminary ; bro\ brought; G, gentleman, or gentlemen, or gentry, or gentle ; ha', Jiave ; hon''', honourable ; S., Spain ; S'', Sir; Po., Portuguese ; T — M, tradesman ; Q^, Cardinal; K"^, kingdom ; Hund^', Inuidreds ; tho'', thoughts ; Q., Queen ; sev", s ever all ; Y\o, plenipotentiary ; P., Parlia- [ ^ix ] ment ; ps, peicc (Defoe's spelling for piece) \ gen", generall ; comp% company ; y", thevi ; ord^n^ oj-dinary ; Abishops, Archbishops; Eng., EnglisJi ; Pat. Nost,, Paternoster; D., Devil; M., Majesty ; Gent., Gentle- man; bro., brotJtcr ; fa., fatJicr ; iJ", Lord; ag*', against ; tho', thought. Defoe also uses the old abbre- viations for er and r^ after p ; in with this abbreviation of er means merit. The i between c and c or rt: in such words as condicion, especially, is either represented by a flourish over the two neighbouring letters, or omitted altogether. Many of these abbreviations are at once understood, and the meaning of others was found by comparison with the printed sheet, whilst several could only be explained conjecturally by comparing all the passages in which they occur. To this latter class belong the words notivithstanding, children, good, pjvvidc/ice, coin- pleat, Christian, circumstance, and one or two others. For the sake of scrupulous readers I have pointed out in foot-notes all the passages where such abbreviations occur, though I have myself no doubt that the inter- pretations given are correct. I have been obliged to supply the punctuation, — as Defoe scarcely puts any commas, and only very rarely puts a full stop or other mark ; — and to regulate the use of capitals (in which I have followed modern usage), as he puts them quite at random, sometimes even writing a small letter after a full stop, he makes no distinction between the capital and the small r, I have frequently inserted a hyphen where it facili- tates comprehension, though Defoe never uses it. The apostrophe is often employed in abbreviations in the [ ^^ ] MS., but occasionally I have supplied one in conformity with modern custom, as in the Saxon genitive, where Defoe never employs it. Now and then it was neces- sary to insert a word which had been accidentally omitted, and, though I do not think that in any instance there was room for doubt, all such additions are pointed out at the bottom of the page. With these exceptions, I have endeavoured accu- rately to reproduce the original. I have retained Defoe's spelling, curious and faulty though it often is. In many words he is simply following the older method, but this will not serve to excuse his writing hormony, pi'opogate, and the like, not once only, but frequently, or as often as the words occur ; and it is amusing to note that he scoffs at the country gentlemen for not knowing how to spell while laying himself so open to criticism. Blunders in spelling, therefore, I have only corrected where it was evident that letters had been unintentionally omitted or written twice, as aiumher for cumber, den- gerate for degenerate, bings for brings ; these corrections also have been pointed out at the bottom of the page. Defoe was very fond of long sentences, and the MS. shows that he frequently inserted additional clauses, long or short, subordinate or otherwise, explanatory or merely ornam.ental. Thus the sentence often becomes so long that he is obliged to repeat the beginning of it with an " I say " ; and even then he seldom scruples to heap fresh superfluities on the others. It is therefore no wonder that he often forgets to complete the origi- nal construction, and follows the overflowing stream of his thoughts in a different direction. I need hardly say that I have not altered such passages in order to [ xxi ] make his style more grammatically correct, nor have I made changes in any other cases where he builds up his sentences regardless of the ordinary rules of the English language. At the end of the volume I have endeavoured to clear up a few allusions which seemed to require explanation. It appears, from a passage in the work, that Defoe intended to publish it anonymously ; he may perhaps have been conscious that one whose conduct had often been unscrupulous and dishonest could hardly publish a treatise on such a subject under his own name. He begins by adopting the then current acceptation of the word " gentleman " as " a person born (for there lies the essence of quality) of some known or ancient family " (p. 13). Then he goes on to praise the nobility and gentry as " the glory of Creation, the exalted head of the whole race " (p, 20), and adds (p. 21), "I have the honour to be rank'd, by the direction of Providence, in the same class, and would be so far from lessening the dignity Heaven has given tis, that I would add lustre to the constellated body, and make them still more illustrious than they are." The wh ole book show s that he_d[d^not^ extend the word " gentleman" beyond the aristocracy and rich landed proprietors, among who m h e cbuTd~ii o tpvvi th o u t" m c u r r in g general ridicule, have classed_Jiimsgif;7 - a nd h e-^flecfsriEhroughout"~tRe whole book, to write as a gentleman for gentlemen. He was therefore, by necessity, compelled to conceal his name. ?Ie states on page 151 that he was induced to write the book by the case of a nobleman of ancient family, who deeply regretted his neglected education ; but this [ xxii ] may be only an invention, as Defoe cannot be relied on in such matters. I do not propose to give a summary of the whole work, which is not very consistently put together ; but I may mention a few points of special interest, while the longish headings of the chapters in the list of Contents will give an idea of the general plan of the work. From the numbering of the chapters it is evident that the work is not complete, as also from the text ending abruptly in the middle of a narrative. As the last page of the MS. is covered with writing to the very bottom, we might suppose that part of the MS. is lost. But this assumption is rendered doubtful by a note in Defoe's writing on the back of the last leaf. It was his custom to write the number of the chapter on the blank back of the leaf which concluded it, and thus on the back of the last leaf we find Part II. Chapter I. It seems probable, therefore, that Defoe broke off here, perhaps interrupted by the mysterious misfortune which darkened the end of his life. Notwithstanding its incompleteness, the work is valuable on many accounts, but especially for the picture it gives of the country gentlemen of the period. To this subject Macaulay has devoted special attention in the famous third chapter of his History of England, and his description has been accused of great exaggera- tion ; but Defoe's book corroborates all his statements, even to the remark that there were many justices of the peace who could hardly sign their names to the initthmis which their clerk had drawn up. The curious reader should consult Defoe's own descriptions and remarks, [ xxili ] especially pages 57, 58, 65, 66, 89 seg^., 237, and the whole of the third chapter, in order to realize distinctly th e state of J gnorance and __ coarseness in which the majority of the nobility and gentry still contin ued to live. To make them ashamed of their want of culture/ and to induce them to give their children a better education, is the principal aim (or at least the ostensible one) of the book, as is stated on pages 1 71, 17 2. It must be acknowledged that Defoe treats his subject with great dignity. His reasoning is throughout eminently calm and unpretending, nor does he ever assume a harsh or ungenerous tone ; and, though he sometimes reads his victim a severe lecture, he never ceases to treat him as a friend, nor does he descend to mean abuse. He leaves on us the impression that he is not merely repeating commonplaces and platitudes, but that he speaks from his own experience and con- viction ; and, although there is very little method in the development of his argument, he does not fail to bring vigorously home the truths he wishes to impress upon his readers. The book has, however, still another aim, and one well worthy of notice. In the second part, which un- f o rtunately is not complete, Defoe treats o f~tKe gentle- ■ 7nen by breeding, and of the increase of their numbers from the ranks o f the wealthy merchants. The honour due to trade is a favourite theme In many of his works, and here he pleads the cause of the rich trades- men with much shrewdness and common-sense. He does not, indeed, claim the name of gentleman for the merchant who has amassed a fortune and bought an estate (p. 257) ; but he urges that the " polite son," v/ho [ xxiv ] has recei ved a liberal ed uc ation, should not be excluded from that honour, and that, in fact, he is admitted into "some~o7tHe'Best families in Britain (p. 258). It should be observed that Defoe never a ttemp ts to claim the name of gentleman for any professional man, nor for any one on account of his personal merit or character, except in"'one~sh6rt passage, where Jie seems to hold iRat otticers in the army anT^ergymen are gentlemen by right of their position (p. 46). He admits^n conformity with generally received opinion^., that __ the root of the distinction lies in the possession of landed eitates."" — — — - Another passage worthy of notice will be found on page 200 seq., where Defoe repeats his famous disguised self-defence, and powerful attack upon the conceited scholar,' not quite in the same terms, but in very similar ones, and with even greater force. In both cases the passage is marked by the effective use of the epipJiora, which consists in the frequent repetition of the bitter phrase, " And yet this man is no scholar ! " On page 201 follows a renewed invective against the scholars, which distinctly recalls another passage con- tained in Applebee's J onrna l^y^n page 203 he dwells "orPEKe^istinction between the " man of polite learning " and the " meer scholar " ; the former, he says, is a gentleman, and the latter a mere book-case. These and other similar passages show the bitter feeling left in his mind by the scornful treatment he had formerly received from University men. ^ See Appkbeis Journal, Oct. 30 ; the passage is reprinted in W. Lee's Life and Unpublished Writings of Daniel Defoe, iii. 435 ^^<1- " Of November 6. [ XXV ] A little farther on Defoe enters more minutely on the question in what true learning consists; — " the know- ledge of things," he says, " not words, make a scholar " (p. 212). He recommends the study of history, geo- graphy, astronomy, philosophy, and natural science, urging that one may know these things without being acquainted with the learned languages, as there are good translations of all Latin and Greek books of im- portance. " Thus, men may be scholars without Latin and philosophers without Greek" (p. 215). May any one, he asks, who has the knowledge of philosophy and all the other sciences, be called a man without learning, ignorant, and untaught, or does he not indeed deserve the name of a scholar ? (p. 2 1 7.) The whole disqui- sition shows how highly Defoe valued the title of scholar, notwithstanding his previous invectives, and how much he would have liked to bear it. But as the word is generally connected with a meaning different from that which he wishes it to bear, he misses his point, though in other respects his remarks are just and worthy of notice. The same thoughts, springing from the same feelings, are thus expressed by Goldsmith in his Inquiry into the Present State of Polite Learnings Chapter IX. : — "To acquire a character for learning among the English, at present, it is necessary to know much more than is either important or useful. It seems the spirit of the times for men here to exhaust their natural sagacity in exploring the intricacies of another man's thought, and thus never to have leisure to think for themselves From this fault also arises that mutual contempt between the scholar and the man of [ xxvl ] the world, of which every day's experience furnisheth instances." Locke also had previously pronounced the opinion that " a great part of the learning then in fashion in the schools might be left out from the education of a gentleman without any great disparagement to himself, or prejudice to his affairs." " School learning," as Mr. Quick has, no doubt justly, observed,^ " was in those days even more estranged from the business of life than it has been since." Thus the protest of Defoe, who looked on life from a practical point of view, seems fully explained and justified. At the same time Defoe also takes occasion to de- nounce the practice of teaching in Latin, then general at grammar schools and the Universities, observing that if " science and all the liberal arts " were taught in English, this would greatly help to soon do away with the ignorance of the gentry (p. 208). The work is written in the classic style which has so often been praised in Defoe. His mastery of language in this late work is still as complete and admirable as ever ; the sentences flow in an uninterrupted stream, and the author never seems to hesitate except, as indeed often happens, to return to his proper subject after a digression into which his flood of language has carried him. The most obvious peculiarity of his diction is the tendency to write over-long sentences, and to use as many words as possible ; but this excessive copiousness of expression rarely or never destroys the lucidity, or even the simplicity, of his language. He never indulges 1 Essays on Educational Reformers^ 2nd edition, Cincinnati, 1888, p. 85. [ xxvli ] in the clumsy or grotesque classical constructions which characterized many writers of the previous century, nor in the oppressive quotations from Horace, Virgil, and " their chiming train," upon whom so many others still liked to "draw a bill" (p. 222). His only quotations are taken from Holy Scripture, when his subject sug- gests, perhaps, an allusion to David or to Solomon's fool. Sometimes his style certainly becomes a little too rhetorical, but not to any offensive extent ; and the general impression left on the mind is that his words were allowed to arrange themselves naturally as the course of his ideas suggested. He does not much con- cern himself with the elaborate balancing of sentences, nor go out of his way in search of choice words and laboriously polished expressions ; but the ease and freshness of his style make him delightful to read. Nor does he make any deliberate efforts at wit, though a pleasant jV// de mots now and then occurs, as it were, spontaneously ; or a happy simile gives poetic eleva- tion to the page, I would instance especially his com- parison of the happiness of an ignorant noble to that of a stag in his forest (p. i 58), less for the appropriate- ness of the comparison than for the beauty of the language. It recalls some of the similes in the Iliad, where the poet, in elaborating his description, has lost sight of the comparison for which it was begun ; and the reader admires the vivid picture for itself rather than for any light which it throws on the original subject. Defoe tells us himself (p. 219) what his ideal style is ; it should be " manly " and " polite," " free and plain, without foolish flourishes and ridiculous flights -^ V [ xxviii ] of jingling bombast, or dull meannesses of expression below the dignity of the subject." Notwithstanding some minor defects, such as the frequent use of " I say," " viz.," " as above," and other like locutions, which are really irritating, we must acknowledge that he suc- ceeds fairly well in attaining his own standard. The length of the work and the very deliberate evo- lution of the argument will doubtless deter many readers, and I cannot defend the many superfluous re- petitions of the same ideas, which, moreover, are some- times superficial or commonplace. We should, however, remember that the book was not written for us hasty and fastidious moderns, but for the readers of his own time, who may be safely supposed to have had much more patience, and who had a special love for this kind of literature. Goldsmith remarked {TJic Bee, No. 6), " Few subjects are more interesting to society at pre- sent, and few have been more frequently written upon, than the training of youth." In fact, the press teemed, not only with English writings on the subject, but with translations of French, Italian, and Spanish books on education. It is not surprising, then, that Defoe, who always understood the public taste, should have taken up so promising a subject. While former writers had, for the most part, produced only masses of dreary and unrelieved commonplace, he at least excites our in- terest, though of course his book is not to be compared with such a work as Locke's Thoughts on Education. Defoe has treated the subject in a manner of his own. There are many books, bearing the same title as his, or a like one, which give directions for the education of youth, and in some cases include a compendium of [ xxix ] necessary knowledge. Defoe limits his efforts to the exposure of existing mistakes, only rarely suggesting plans for improvement ; and his aim is to show that a liberal education is necessary to a gentleman of good birth, and that without it he could not be called a "complete gentleman." In this attempt he lays so much stress on the acquisition of book-learning that he seems to forget the moral elements which form the character of a true gentleman. We should not, perhaps, treat this omission as indicating a fundamental defect of mind in Defoe himself; yet it is significant that on page 274, where he describes a perfect gentleman, the mention of " his mind fortified with virtue and solid judgment against the fopperies and follyes of the age," not only comes last, and as a mere addition to "his agreeable behaviour, his good humour, great stock of common knowledge, his knowledge of several modern languages, and his school learning," but here and in other places, when he makes a brief remark on " the noble and virtuous qualities of a gentle character," he utterly fails to express them distinctly or adequately. He can only be in part excused for this deficiency by the aim of his book, which, it is true, gave his thoughts a somewhat different direction, as he desired to blame the gentry rather for ignorance than for lack of gener- ous character. There is sometimes considerable monotony in his discussions, from his dwelling too long on some one point ; but frequently the argument is enlivened by little stories, dialogues, and amusing anecdotes. In these, Peter the Great (of whom he had formerly written a Life) frequently appears, and he quotes sayings of 1 [ XXX ] Charles II., of Queen Anne, and of his well-beloved William of Orange. He also gives anecdotes of the Earl of Oxford, who once compared pedigrees with a newly created peer ; of Sir Thom^as Hanmer, called Number Fifty ; of the Pension Parliament ; and of a petition which had to be reprinted in order to make it intelligible to Members of Parliament, because the numbers in it were given in figures instead of full words. There are even some stories which fill many pages and contain long conversations ; they are told in a lively style, and are perhaps the best, certainly the most amusing, part of the book {cf. pp. 43-5 8, 123— 141, 1 51-17 1, 188-208,268-275, 276-278). As is his wont, Defoe introduces this latter kind of stories as taken from his own personal experience; but some probably are fictitious. Of course they interrupt the continuity of his arguments ; and once he does not even scruple to relate a little story which does not touch at all upon the subject under consideration {cf. pp. 151-153); but he is ingenuous enough to confess that he is quite aware of this. Finally, I will mention a very effective artifice, which Defoe sometimes uses with admirable skill in order tO' show the absurdity or the meanness of a thing. He sets up a mock defence, in which either the ridiculed person is introduced as defending his own cause, or the author stands up for the person whose folly he wants to expose, and conducts the defence in a perfectly natural and apparently serious tone. In both cases the result is a playful satire, which nevertheless shows the inanity of the cause in all its bareness {cf., for instance, pp. 65-66). [ xxxi 1 In order to illustrate certain statements of Defoe's, I originally intended to append a number of notes at the end of the text ; on second thoughts, however, it seemed more advisable to arrange them in connected order and give them in the shape of forewords. Still, this intro- duction is not, and does not pretend to be, much more than a mere collection of notices principally intended to throw a clear light on two points, and necessary for a full appreciation of Defoe's works: (i) The clianges in the meaning of the word gentleman ; {2) The education of the upper classes of England in former times. As the latter is a subject, or forms part of a subject, which has lately begun to interest not a few people in England, viz., the History of Education ; I feel confident that, though my remarks may be imperfect, they will not be thought altogether futile. The collection of these notices has involved a large amount of work, as the material had to be dug up from a heap of old books, of which only few proved service- able, and many did not yield any contribution at all. This may seem surprising, as it is well known that all the books on education down to the time of Rousseau — at least, all English books — are concerned only with the bringing up of young gentlemen. But I was less interested in the theory^ than in illustrating the actual state of education ; besides, almost all the books, especially of the sixteenth and the earlier part of the seventeenth century, written as they are by pedantic scribblers, contain nothing but a dull tissue of childish 1 A very useful book on the history of educational theory, in England, is Mr. Robert Hebert Quick's Essays on Educatio7ial Reformers^ 2r.d ed., Cincinnati, U.S.A., 1SS8. [ xxxii ] rhetoric. Usually, they all follow the same insipid method, beginning their argument with a Latin or Greek quotation, going on with a lengthy declamatory exposition of its truth, and winding up with the un- measured praise of some antique hero, Alexander or Cxsar, whom they represent as the paragon of excellent breeding. A long list of these books is given in Watt's Bibliotheca Biitannica under the head Education; all the better ones will be found mentioned in the present sketch. Histoiy of the meanings of the word "gentleman." The English words gentleman and gentlewonian are simply translations of the French gentil homme and gentille fenwie,3ind thus originally meant only a man or woman born of a family of a certain social rank. It may be safely assumed that the Normans who accom- panied "William the Conqueror brought the terms with them, and that they were among the earliest words translated into English. Dr. Murray tells me that the slips for the Neiv English Dictionary accord- ingly show the word gentil, in the meaning of " well born," in familiar use with all writers from about the year 1200; many of the instances are given in Prof. Ed. Matzner's WdrterbucJi {Altenglische Sprach- proben). By reason of " collateral associations," which always adhere to words, the terms gentleman and gentlcivoman came by degrees to connote all such qualities or adventitious circumstances as were usually found to [ xxxiii ] belong to persons of gentle origin. ^ Thus, mediaeval writers frequently urge that without such virtues as " trouth, pete, fredome, and hardynesse, nobody ought to be called a gentleman."^ As a matter of course the additional meanings which the two words included, besides th e quality o f birth, must have varied in different ages according to the changing qualities, morals, and manners of persons of gentle extraction. In the age of chivalry a true gentleman was distinguished, besides his birth, by valour, honour, gentleness and respect towards the fair sex, truth, humility and piety ; and knowledge of manly exercises, courteous manners, music and singing, acquaintance with the order of precedency in rank, and ability to carve, were his accomplishments rather than scholastic learning, or even the faculty to read or write.^ From this it is a long way to the modern definition which I remember to have read in a little American book'* devoted to the subject, saying ''the truest gentle- man is he ivJio combines the most cultivated mind with the most sympathetic and unselfish hearth 1 I have been assisted in these remarks by Mr. Stuart JNIill's discussion on the word in his System of Logic ^ quoted in Latham's ed. of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, under " Gentleman." 2 Wright, Reliqica: Antiqucc^ vol. i. 252. I am indebted for this quotation as well as for other information on the above subject to Dr. Murray. ' See Dr. Furnivall's very interesting and instructive account of early English education (p. iv.), printed as introduction to his col- lection of treatises on Early English Meals and Manners, for the Early Enghsh Text Society, 1868 ; and also in the second and third numbers of the Quarterly J oicrnal of Education, 1887. ^ Its title is, What is a Gentleman f [ xxxlv ] It is curious to observe here tiiat in all the instances of mediaeval literature where the word gentleman is used it either directly refers to a man of gentle birth, or it is accompanied by an analysis of a true gentleman's qualities. The secondary meaning of the word seems in fact to have detached itself from the original one at a comparatively late period ; the corresponding word gentlewoman has apparently never had any other sense than that of a " woman of gentle birth," the word used for the secondary meaning being lady. These changes in the meaning of the word are, of course, not merely verbal, but are closely connected with the social history of the times. During the Middle Ages the divisions of rank were strongly marked and firmly maintained. A wide and practi- cally unsurpassable gulf divided commoners from the nobility and gentry. Nobody who was not born gentle would have thought of laying claim to the denomination of a gentleman, evidently for the simple reason that it only signified a man of gentle birth. Younger sons did not then, as they do to-day, form the connecting link between the two classes ; there were no learned professions in which they met with the man of lower birth, as they found ample occupation in the field and at Court. Even in the clergy, which comprised men of both classes^ the higher and lower ranks were kept separate. The few exceptions, where commoners rose to dignity and rank, do not shake the rule, the less so as the particular circumstances which attend them make the distinction only the more conspicuous. Only at the time of the Reformation did this ex- [ XXXV ] clusiveness of the upper classes begin to disappear. Learning henceforth took a different position. In the Middle Ages, study in all its forms was left as an inferior pastime to a secluded class of people ; for in those warlike days a literary education was of little use for the business of life, and consequently enjoyed but little esteem. But when, from the sixteenth century, scholastic knowledge became of great and ever-increas- ing value, the esteem in which scholars and all profes- sional men were held, increased too, as a matter of course. Then it became a shame to be ignorant, and the writers declare that " learning is an e ssentiall p.ari- of nob ilitie."^ About the same time the petty feuds of the nobility, as well as the great civil wars, ceased ; and as younger sons could no longer turn to the occupation of arms alone, they had to resort to the other profes- sions as well. Besides, the splendour of chivalry had disappeared, and this had brought the nobility and gentry a good deal nearer the level of the ordinary man. This was the time when commoners first raised the claim to being admitted among gentle-folk. It is very instructive to compare here what the anonymous writer of a little book called The^ .Lntim tution of a Gentleman, b lk. Ir., 155 5, says on the subject. The treatise has a special interest, dating, as it does, from the juncture vv^hen the social institutions of the Middle Ages had fallen to pieces and the foundation of modern society was being built on the ruins. The author leads with his subject not only systematically, but with a good deal of common sense and ability ; and the book ■^ Peacham, Coinpleat Ccnilcman, p. 18. \ [ xxxvi ] was reprinted in 1568 and 1579, and has also had the honour of a modern black letter reprint, in 1839. It distinguishes these three classes of gentle people : those who are called {\) gentil gentil, {2) gentle vngentle, and (3) vngejitle gentle. 1. " Gentil gentil," the author explains, " is he which is born of noble kynred descendyng of gentle blud, as son to a duke, an erle, a baron, a lord, or more low, son to a knight, or an esquier, (for these degrees of nobilitie,) having ioyned with hys gentle house, gentle manners, and noble conditions." Learning is not men- tioned here at all ; only a good many pages later on the author observes that " for the further ornature and setting forth of hys person, a gentleman ought to be learned, to have knowledge in tounges, and to be apte in the feates of armes To suite a gentilman, also sume knowledge in musicke, or to know the use of musicall instrumentes, is muche commendable." 2. " Gentle vngentle is that man whiche is descended of noble parentage, and hath in him such corrupt and vngentle maners as to the iudgement of al men hee iustly deserueth the name of vngentle." 3. " Ungentle gentle is hee whych is borne of a lowe degree, of a poore stocke, or of a lowe house ; whyche man, by his vertue, wyt, pollicie, industry, knowledge in lawes, valiency in armes, or such lyke honeste meanes, becometh a wel beloued and hygh estemed man, pre- ferred then to great office, put in great charg, and credit, even so much as he becometh a post or stay of the Commune Wealthe, and so growynge ryc/ie, doth thereby auannce and set up the rest of his poore line or kindixd ; they are the children of such (^"^-r^mmoti^yc, [ xxxvii ] called gcjitlcnien ; of whych sort of gentleman we have now in England very many, whereby it should appeare that vertue flourisheth emong vs. These gentlemen are now called vpstartes, a terme latelye invented. " But this alloweth nothinge the newe sorte of menne whyche are run out of theyr order, and from the sonnes of handycraft men, have obteigned the name of gentle- men, the degre of esquiers, and title of knyghtes. These men ought to be called worshypful vnworthie, for that they have crepte into the degree of worshippe wythoute worthines, neyther broughte thereunto by valiencye ne vertue. Theyr fathers was contented to bee called good- men John or Thomas, and now they, at euery assise, are clepid worshipfull esquiers, havyng them a lytle donghil forecast to get lands, neyther by their learning nor worthynes achiued, but purchased by certein darke augmentacion, practises by meanes wherof they be called gentilmen ; but they be abusiuely so called, by reason tJicb' actes neuer made them noble. " Therfore I do exclude and banysh al such out of this booke, of whom it doth not treat. " These be the righte vpstartes, and not those whyche clyme to honour by worthynes." From these remarks we may conclude that in the middle of the sixteenth century gentlemen formed still a rigorously exclusive caste, into which, besides per- sons of birth, comparatively only very few highly deserv- ing men and their descendants were admitted. But at the same time we are told that, besides these, there are others who assume the name of gentleman by improper means, an d the great indignation with which the author^ speaks of the rich merchants who creep into repute, 1\ .-^Y [ xxxviii ] not by n oble deeds, but by buying lanr^c; anrl f-^^tfj^^^ shows that this was then a novel practice. It is also interesting to read what our author observes on the proper callings of a gentleman. He declares that there are four " chiefe offices over others " which it is '^most necessary That gentlemen sh ould have t he mm- istration of before any other sorte s of persons :" i. The post of " a manne ot law ;" 2. Of "a captayne in the warres. To bee a perfect soldier, he says, or captayne in the warres, or to have knowledge in the feates or armes, it is so honourable in a gentleman that there can be nothyng more prayse worthy ; 3. Of am- bassadoures between kynges and prynces ; 4. Ofjustices oiFpeace in the cuntrye. None but gentlemen should be in these offices. But apart from these there are manye moe offices and roumes fit for gentlemen. To be a customer of a hauen towne, or a bayly for wante of a larger fortune, necessitie hath rather enforsed gentlemen, then their first institution : but that a gentle man be a sercher of sume porte or a sergeant in a citie, it is very vnmete for his institu- tion." Some of the offices which he recommends to the born gentlemen, were, or soon became, also open to commoners, and this necessarily raised such professional men of humble birth to the higher social position of their colleagues of gentle origin. The Institution of a Gentleman is the earliest book I know of, which testifies to the beginning of those de- structive changes and growing innovations which have formed modern society. Never before had it been de- clared that the name of gentleman was or should [ xxxix ] be extended to other persons but men of birth. The line of demarcation between gentle and not gentle henceforth is moveable ; and in progress of time more and more classes of people claim the honourable name of gentleman. The change, however, is only a very slow one, and, as is usual in cases of such gradual transitions, it is accompanied by a great deal of public discussion. It is superfluous to quote many of the writers, as they agree in all essential points, especially in the praise of learning and virtue. The subject is treated at great length, and not without ability, in an Italian book, called Nennio, and written by Sir John^ Baptista Nenna, which was translated into English by I W. Jones, Gent., in 1595. Here a nobleman defends liis cause in a way which makes great concessions to the altered spirit of the age. " Learning," he says, on p. 1 8<5, " is rather an ornament of nobilitie than cause thereof; it giueth a certain facilitie, or rather a begm- ing, vnto man to become honourable, but it doth not indeede make him noble .... there wanteth some- what else, and it is, riches ; which are an ornament, or rather a part of nobilitie ; which if thou dost conioine with learning, it may be that then I will beleeue that he that posseseth both, is become noble." His opponent — for the book is mainly a dialogue — then shows that true and perfect nobility " consists in the virtues of the minde." But the author recoo-nises t hr two nftw nninfifi never ac knowledg^ed in the tim e nf chW^\ry^ wll'^^ m^y make a gentleman — viz., education and weal t h . Al- fHough in this treatise, 2.^'nrrTfie Instit2ition of a Gen- tleman, and most other books, considerable trouble is taken in order to show the reader that " riches are an [ xl ] ornament, not the cause of nobility,"^ we may take it for granted that in practice rich men were more readily admitted to the name of gentlemen than any other class of society, and that it was they who first and most frequently made their way into the higher ranks. The first direct mention which I know, of professions giving a claim to that name is in William Harrison's Description of England {\xi Holinshed's Chronicles), 1^77- He says, in Book HI. chapter iv.:^ " Whosoever studieth the laws of the realm, whoso abideth in the university (giving his mind to his book), or professeth physic and the liberal sciences, or beside his service in the room of a captain in the wars, or good counsel g iven at ho me, whereB^TiTs"commonwealth is benefited, can live with- f\^^\f\\ out manual labour, and thereto is able and will bear the / post, charge and countenaunce of a gentleman, he shall / for money have a coat and arms ^ bestowed upon him by heralds, and thereunto, being made so good cheap, be called master, which is the title that men give t o esquires and gentlemen, and reputed for a gentleman ever alter? ATittle later on, Harrison remarks tnat citizens " often change estate with gentlemen, as gentle- men do with them, by a mutual conversion of the one into the other." .... Yeomen as well often " do come 1 H. Peacham, The Coinplcat Gentleman (1622, 1627, 1634, 1661), p. 10 of ed. 1634. ^ Dr. Furnivall has edited the work in a condensed form for the "New Shakspere Society" (1876); the most interesting parts of it form also a volume of the "Camelot Series," with the title Elizabethan England (ed. by Mr. Lothrop Withington), from which I have taken the quotations. 2 Shakespere's father received a coat of arms in 1599. to great wealth, insomuch that many of them are able and do buy the lands of unthrifty gentlemen, and often setting their sons to the schools, to the universities, and to the Inns of the Court, or otherwise leaving them sufficient lands whereupon they may live without labour, do make them by those means to become gentlemen." I take another passage from Peacham's Compleat Gentleman, p. 1 1 : " We may ranke advocates," he says, " and physitians with the ennobled, or no," but " the exercise of m erchandize is accountefi base nnd mn-sf derogating from nobility." Personally, howeve r, he pleads~?or the honest merchant. Mulcaster assigns the following order to the four pro- fessions which he thinks a gentleman may take up : — (i) The counsellor; (2) the clergyman ; (3) the lawyer; (4) the physician {Positions, 1581, ed. Quick, p. 202). The opinion that trade was "wholly inconsistent with a gentleman's calling" (Locke, Thoughts on Edu- cation, 1693, p. 201), appears to have been more firmly maintained in previous times than in our century. But many writers share Peacham's conciliatory opinion. Addison and Steele take occasion in their v/ritings to satirize those numerous poor younger sons who would rather " be starved like gentlemen, than thrive in a trade or profession that is beneath their quality." Defoe also makes great endeavours in his Compleat English Gentle- man to show the absurdity of the common aversion among gentle-folk to commerce and trade. In Mulcaster's days also professional men of low birth still were protested against. Sir John Feme, for in- stance, who wrote about the same time, does not recog- nize any others but born gentlemen. " It appeareth/' d [ ^y^ ] he says, " that no man can be properly called a crentle- man except he be a gentleman of d/otid, possessing vertue" {Blazon of Gejitric, 1586, p. 87). The contrary opinion again appears in Selden's Titles of Honour ( 1 63 1 ) thus : " Vulgar use now hath so altered the genuine sense of genej^osus, that it frequently denotes any kind of gentleman, either by birth or otherwise, truly enjoying that name, as well as nobilis.'''^ The reason of these diverging opinions is, of course, that the word already included two distinct meanings. According to Clement ^\\\s{The Gentile Sinner, 1660, and frequently, p. 10), there was at one time a great danger that the word might assume a very bad meaning : " Never," he exclaims, " honest name was more abused than this of gentleman ; indeed it is to be feared that having been so long misapplied, it wil at last find the like hard measure with those other once more honest names of tyrant and sophistcr, and from a title of honour degenerate into a term of the greatest disgrace and infamy. // is, indeed, already made to be of no better a signification than this, to denote a person of a lieentions and an unbridled life ; for though it be, as 'tis used, a word of a very uncertain and equivocal sound, and given at random to persons of farre different, nay contrary both humours, descents, and merits, yet a gentleman must be thought only such a man, as may, without controle, do what he lists, and sin with applause : one that esteems it base and ungentile, to fear a God, to own a law, or practise a religion." With this we may com- pare the following passage, which is found in the Tatler, ^ Both passages are quoted by Mr. Croft in his edition of Elyot's Governor, vol. ii. 27. [ xliii ] No. 66 : " You see among men who are honoured with the common appellation of gentlemen so many contra- dictions to that character, that it is the utmost ill-fortune to bear it" The meanings of many words are indeed in a continual fluctuation ; they represent in a great measure the character and prevalent opinions of the day, and the same word may signify " good " to-day and " bad " to-morrow. Throughout all changes of secondary meaning, the "") ^grimary EngirsTi idea of a " gentleman/' as being the owner of an estate, or one of the owner s family, remained intact ; the longer the estate had been in possession of their ancestors, the more illustrious was their birth, 'l Jie owner ot a property so small that he had personally to superintend the cultivation, was a " yeoman," and no gentleman, a distinction not yet quite extinct in some parts of the country. I will insert here a few short extracts from a little book of Charles II. 's time, which bears the title T/ie an an^njmous_^^an oj" Honour" — apparently a man of fashion. The second part of this book is devoted to the object of giving advice to younger sons how to provide for themselves. After observing thatj unfor-, tunatelywt_js impossi_ble foiLfTf^nllemen to__^raffick" (prT2o)7he, in the first instance, recommends to enter the army. The next best thing is to " attend a lord"; the master, it is true, will treat them meanly, " will often converse with others, whilst they must stand behind them with their hats off. One can hardly distinguish them in this posture from valets de chambre, and they are sometimes abused like villains. [ xliv ] It is very hard for a poor gentleman to undergo all these grievous disasters." Thirdly, if the young gentleman "perceives in himself a natural disposition to study [divinity, the laws, or medicine], he ought to apply himself thereto." The fourth profession, which the " Man of Honour " recommends quite seriously, is — gambling ! He says (on p. 225) : " So soon as we have gathered together a considerable stock of money, let us get into the greatest gaming-houses, and hold for a maxime always to attaque the best purses." On p. 227 : " Cheating is somewhat (!) infamous, and unworthy of a gentleman, and is not to be endured by any gallant men." On p. 228 : " Cheating is very dangerous, and therefore ought always to be avoided." The comparatively very modern meaning of the word, wdien used to denote a man of a generous heart, quite irrespective of birth as well as station of life, is pointed out in the Tatlcr (of June i6th) : " The courtier, the trader, and the scholar," Steele observes, " should all have an equal pretension to the denomination of a gentleman. That tradesman who deals with me in a commodity which I do not understand, with upright- ness, has much more right to that character than the courtier who gives me false hopes, or the scholar who laughs at my ignorance." Probably there are few earlier passages where the word has that noblest of its meanings, than this in Dekker's tragedies : " The best of men That e'er wore earth about him was a sufferer, A soft, meek, patient, humble, tranquil spirit ; The first true gentleman that ever breathed." It seems to me that such passages are not only [ ^Iv ] very scarce, even after Defoe's day, but they appear to be always accompanied by a special reflection on the character of a "truej" gentleman; and I am Jnclined , to believe that the idea of a "gentleman by feeling" p is,^__ni^j^ality only a creation of the present century. Readers of Defoe's Compleat English Gentleman will notice that, though he devotes many long discussions to the question who may be. called gentlemen in addi- tion to the gentry and nobility, there is nowhere the slightest indication that in his opinion a man might be a gentleman by virtue of a generous heart and a highly cultivated intellect. According to him, only immense wealth, joined with a good education, can impart the attribute ^t7///t- to a man of low origin. It will, more-, over, be remembered that in Fielding's novels the majority 1 f of the gentry exhibit a total lack of those good feelings, \ ; tastes, and habits which we are nowadays accustomed to attach to the name of gentlemaiir; and only later, when a great number of the higher classes of society were possessed of those noble^qualities which constitute, in our modern opinion, the true gentleman, could other men as well acquire that name by having the same qualities. Tlie Education of the Born Gcntlanai. 1. Fashionable Contempt for Learning. 2. Education at Home. 3. Education at Schools and Academies. 4. Education at Universities and Inns of Court. 5 . Travelling. 6. Subjects of a Gentleman s Education, 7. Manners and Habits, IIU [ xlvi ] The far better education of the born gentleman of the present day, the more careful cultivation of his mind is the most striking feature that distinguishes him from his predecessors, not only in the Middle Ac;es, but of much later times. Defoe's book reveals the deplorable state of ignorance in which the majority of the gentry still persisted in his day. It is the object of the subse- quent pages to throw more light on the subject of his work by giving more particulars on this point from previous and contemporary writers. As the changes in the bringing up of the nobility and gentry from about the middle of the sixteenth century down to Defoe's time are slight and gradual, not fundamental, the historical treatment of the subject does not, I believe, necessitate separate dealing with the education in the different epochs, but a more or less strictly chronological arrangement of the matter seems to be sufficient. Dr. Furnivall's article on " Early English Education " shows how low the state of learning was in the upper classes till about the time of the Reformation. The chief places of education for the sons of the nobility and gentry then were the houses of other noblemen, especially of the chancellors of the King, where, how- ever, the youths learnt chiefly good manners and courtesy. Lack of book-learning, and even of the knowledge of using the pen, was by no means a disparagement. A little more was learnt in the houses of abbots and at monastic schools, where boys were taught to write, and acquired a tincture of barbarous Latin. But even in 1523 ignorance was still so common that P^itzherbert recommends that gentlemen unable to commit notes by writing should notch a stick to assist their memorv [ xlvii ] {Husbandly, p. 2>6 ; quoted by Henry, History of. England^ vol. vi. 648). I. Fashionable Contempt for Learning. The Reformation, which may be set down as the time when the great advantages of a well-regulated literary training became more generally recognized, found the nobility and gentry very conservative in this respect, as in all others ; and eveji down to the days of Defoe and later, there are numerous signs to show that the highest classes of society persisted in an undue reluctance to adopt an education worthy of their position. In the year 1531, Sir Thomas Elyot says: "Some [men of noble or gentle birth] without shame, dare affirme that to a great gentilman it is a notable rc- proche to be well learned and to be called a great clerke, whiche name they accounte to be of so base estymation that they never have it in their mouths but whan they speke anythynge in derision" (loth edition of The Governor, by Mr. H. H. St. Croft, 1880, vol. i. p. 99). The author of The InstitiUion of a Gentleman (1555) quotes a proverb — " He shoteth like a gentleman, faire and fur of" — which, he says, is used in a figurative sense "to the disprayse of ignorant gentlemen." Ascham, too, knows of the contempt for learning among the upper classes ; he says (on p. 22 of Professor Mayor's edition) : " If a father have foure sonnes, three faire and well formed both mynd and bodie, the fourth, wretched, lame, and deformed, his choice shal be, to put the worst to learning, as one good enough to becum a scholer. I have spent the most parte of my life in [ xlviii ] the Universltee, and therefore I can beare good witnes that many fathers commonlie do thus." Compare also, on pp. 53 and 64. — Peacham, Complete Gentleman (1622), p. 31, remarks: "Now adaies, parents [of rank] either give their children no education at all (thinking their birth or estate will bear out that) : or if any, it leaveth so slender an impression in them, that like their names cut upon a tree, it is overgrowne with the old barke by the next summer."^ Swift begins his Essay on Education {IVorks, 1 84 1, ii. 290) with the remark that he has come to the conclusion that " education is always the worse in proportion to the wealth and grandeur of the parents." Later on (p. 292) he adds : " I do by no means confine these remarks to young persons of noble birth, the same errors running through all families where there is wealth enough to afford their sons (at least the eldest) may be good for nothing. Why should my son be a scholar, when it is not intended that he should live by his learning.^ "' And again, on p. 291, he reports how once a fashionable officer thought fit to interrupt the con- versation of two gentlemen, one of whom was of the clergy ; " professing to deliver the sentiments of his fraternity, as well as his own (and probably he did so of too many among them), [he] turned to the clergy- man, and spoke in the following manner : " D — n me, doctor, say what you will, the army is the only school for gentlemen. Do you think my Lord Marl- borough beat the French with Greek and Latin } D — n me, a scholar when he comes into good company, what is he but an ass .-' D — n me, I would be glad by G — d to see any of your scholars, with his nouns and ^ Compare also Locke, Thoughts on Education^ § 90. [ xlix ] his verbs, and his philosophy, and his trigonometry, what a figure he would make at a siege, or blockade, or rencountering ! — D — n me," &c. In Defoe's book this fashionable contempt for the study of letters is probably justly represented by the long dialogue between the two brothers on p. 43 sq. ; here and in many other places he introduces the elder sons and owners of estates as boasting of their ignorance, which they think sits well on their quality. 2. Education at Home. When the mediaeval practice of bringing up boys of good birth in a nobleman's family had fallen into dis- use, private tuition at home seems to have become the ordinary course. The tutors were either undergraduates of the Universities who wanted to fill up their time, or young clergymen waiting for preferment, or professional teachers, the last, in all likelihood, mostly Frenchmen. In a wealthy family the tutor was usually one of the salaried dependents, and lived in the house, while in other cases the village parson or schoolmaster came up to instruct the squire's children in private. A passage in Mulcaster's Positions (1581) shows that private tuition was the course often adopted even by " the gentleman which flyeth not so high, but fluttereth some little above the ordinarie common " (ed. R. H. Quick, p. 189). Mulcaster, who did not approve of private tuition, recommended that " rich people should keep a private master, and send him with the child to the common school." Lord Herbert of Cherbury (i 581-1648) gives simi- lar advice in his Autobiography (ed. Sidney J. Lee, [ 1 ] p. 46) : " When children go to school, they should have one to attend them who may take care of their manners, as well as the schoolmaster doth of their learning."^ Frequently the private tutors only prepared their pupils for a school, but in other cases for the Univer- sity, to which they sometimes followed them. Lord Herbert of Cherbury had a tutor till about the age of ten, when he was sent to the school of Thomas Newton, a graduate of both Cambridge and Oxford, and a good classical scholar. He stayed there two years, and was then, at twelve years old, sent to Oxford, to University College {Atttobiography, p. 2)7)' J. Gailhard {llie Coinpkat Gentleman, 1678, p. 17) says, " The way of some, first to have a tutor at home, then to send the boys to a Free School, so to the Uni- versity (when they are fit for it), is often attended with success." In the year 1732 John Littleton Costeker, in his book entitled TJie Fine Gentleman, p. 17, marks out the following course of education for a gentleman's son : — " When the boy is six years old, the first thing I recommend to be done, should be to be well instructed, ^ Girls also received their education from private tutors. Cf. Autobiography of Mrs. Lucy Hutchinson, daughter of Sir Allen Apsley, born 1616 (Bohn's Standard Library', pp. 16-17) :— "As soon as I was weaned, a Frenchwoman was taken to be my day- nurse, and I was taught to speak English and French together. By the time I was four years old, I read English perfectly. When I was about seven years of age, I remember I had at one time t ight tutors in several qualities, languages, music, dancing, writing, and needlework. My father would have me learn Latin, and I was so apt, that I outstripped my brothers who were at school, though my father's chaplain, that was my tutor, was a pitiful dull fellow." [ !i ] under the care of a proper master at home, in ortho- graphy. That done, and he capable of reading and writing true English, let him be transferred to some genteel academy, where he might be well instructed in the grounds and principles of religion ; .... let grammar, Latin, French, be his studies, till he is expert in them ; all which I allow him seven years to com- pleat, or at least to have made a considerable progress in : these things properly attained, let him be removed to the University, and continue with a strict and careful tutor four years ; in that time, as his judgment ripen?, let his genius follow its proper inclination to pursue those studies he likes best." Many other writers recommend a similar course, but it is evident that some superficial and barely elemen- tary instruction at home was frequently deemed by the parents quite sufficient, especially for the heir of an estate, as in the case of the country squire in Joseph Andreivs (book iii. chap. 7,) whose education is thus described by Fielding : — " He had been educated, if we miay use the expression, in the country and at his own house, under the care of his mother and a tutor, who had orders never to correct him, nor to compel him to learn more than he liked, which it seems was very little, and that only in his childhood, for from the age of fifteen he addicted himself entirely to hunting, and other rural amusements, for which his mother took care to equip him with horses, hounds, and all other neces- saries ; and his tutor, endeavouring to ingratiate him- self with his young pupil, who Avould he knew be able handsomely to provide for him, became his comx- panlon, not only at these exercises, but also over a [ lii ] bottle, which the young squire had a very early relish for." From Swift's remarks, quoted above, and from numerous passages in Defoe's book, it appears that a thorough education was only thought necessary for younger sons, who had to make their own way in the world. Locke (^ThougJits on Education, § i6) says ex- pressly that gentlemen sent to grammar schools only their younger sons, intended for trades. But the son who was to inherit the title grew up in idleness among the grooms and gamekeepers ; and if he was taught to read and write a little, it was thought enough for him. Even this modicum of instruction was often forgotten in after-life. It must therefore be borne in mind that what is said, later on, of school and university educa- tion applies only in a limited degree to elder sons. The position of tutors was not an enviable one, and many of them probably deserved nothing better. Ac- cusations against them of ignorance, and even of bad morals, occur as frequently as complaints of the low pay and the little esteem with which they were rewarded. Elyot, in his Governoiir (ed. H. H. St. Croft, 1880, vol. i. p. 163), exclaims: "Lord God, how many good and clene wittes of children be now-a-days perisshed by ignorant schole-maisters."^ In a foot-note, Mr. Croft cites the following passage from Henry Peacham's Compleat Gentleman (1634): — " For one discreete and able teacher, you shall find twenty ignorant and carelesse, who, whereas they make one scholler, they marre ten." Higford ( Institution of a Gentleman, 1660, p. 591) ■^ Cf. also vol. i. p. 166. [ liii ] names three good tutors : " Sir John Higford, who was an eminent man in his country, had for his tutor the famous Bishop Jewel ; my father, Dr. Cole, an excel- lent governor ; myself. Dr. Sebastian Benefield, a very learned man, all three of Corpus Christi College, Oxon." Defoe calls them " murtherers of the children's morals" (p. 71) ; and again (p. 87) he repeats that they are " not only the ruine of the children's heads, but of their moralls also." From Roger Ascham, the learned preceptor of Queen Elizabeth, we learn how much the tutors were paid in his day. He says (p. 20 in J. Mayor's edition) : " It is a pittie, that commonlie more care is had, yea, and that emongst verie wise men, to finde out rather a cunnynge man for their horse, than a cunnynge man for their children.^ They say nay in worde, but they do so in deede. For to the one they will gladlie give a stipend of 200 crownes by year, and loth to offer to the other 200 shillinges." A similar passage is found in Peacham's Compleat Gentlevian (1634), p. 3 i : " Such is the most base and ridiculous parsimony of many of our gentlemen (if I may so terme them) that they can procure some poore Batcheler of Arts from the Universitie, to teach their children to say Grace, and serve the cure of an im- propriation, who wanting meanes and friends, will be content, upon the promise of ten pound a yeere, at his first coming to be pleased with five Is it not commonly scene, that the most gentlemen will give better wages, and deale more bountifully with a fellow ^ Cf. also Elyot, Govcrnour^ i. 131. [ liv ] who can but teach a dogge, or reclaime an hawke, than upon an honest, learned and well qualified man to bring up their children ! " Defoe speaks of a salary of ;^ioo as extremely liberal (pp. 206 and 213). The same amount was offered to Addison by the Duke of Somerset, who thought his proposal a magnificent one, and wrote thus to Tonson, through whom he made it : " I desire he may be more on the account of a companion in my son's travels, than as a governor, and as such I shall account him." The Duke was much offended that Addison showed no great eagerness to accept the offer, and looked out for another and cheaper tutor.^ In further illustration I quote a passage from Swift's Essay on Editcatiou {Works, 1841, vol. ii. 291), as it is contemporary with Defoe's book, and gives a very vivid account of the generally miserable private tuition of his times : " Another hindrance to good education, and I think the greatest of any, is that pernicious custom, in rich and noble families, of entertaining French tutors in their houses. These wretched pedagogues are enjoined by the father to take special care that the boy shall be perfect in his French, by the mother, that master must not walk till he is hot, nor be suffered to play with other boys, nor be wet in his feet, nor daub his clothes ; and to see that the dancing master attends constantly, and does his duty ; she further insists that he be not kept too long poring on his book, because he is subject to sore eyes, and of a weakly constitution. " By these methods, the young gentleman is, in 1 W. J. Courthope's Life of Addison, pp, 52 and 55. [ Iv ] every article, as fully accomplished at eight years old, as at twenty-eight, years adding only to the growth of his person and his vice .... the same airs, the same strut, the same cock of his hat, and posture of his sword (as far as the change of fashion will allow), the same understanding, the same compass of knowledge, with the very same absurdity, impudence and imperti- nence of tongue. " He is taught from the nursery that he must inherit a great estate, and has no need to mind his book, which is a lesson he never forgets to the end of his life. His chief solace is to steal down and play at spin-farthing with the page, or young black-a-moor, or little favourite foot-boy, one of which is his principal confidant and bosom friend."^ 3. Education at Schools and Academies. Apart from the religious schools mentioned above, Winchester College (founded in 1373) was probably the only school of importance for the education of the gentry till the foundation of Eton in 1440. A few more endowed grammar schools were added, before the close of the century, to those already existing. But by the dissolution of the monasteries at the time of the Refor- mation, more than a hundred of the flourishing schools connected with them were destroyed, and great addi- tions to the grammar schools became necessary, which were effected in the course of the next fifty years." ^ With this may be compared John Littleton Costeker, T/ic Fine Gentleman, 1732, p. 10. ^ See Warton's History of English Poetry, ed. 1840, vol. Iv. p. 9 ; and Dr. Furnivall's Essay, p. lii. [ Ivi ] They were mainly founded for citizens' and townsmen's children, but, as they were the best schools in the coun- try, the sons of gentlemen were also sent to them. As an instance I quote the following passage from the Autobiography of Mrs. L. Hutchinson (Bohn's Standard Library, p. 46) : — " When it was time for them to ^o to school, both the brothers {i.e., Colonel Hutchinson, born in 1616, son of Sir Thomas, and his brother] were sent to board with Mr. Theobalds, the master of the Free School at Nottingham, who was an excellent scholar Afterwards they were removed to the Free School at Lincoln. But the master was such a supercilious pedant, and so conceited of his own pedan- tic forms, that he gave Mr. Hutchinson [i.e., the Colo- nel] a disgust of him. And he profited very little there [p. 50]. Afterwards he was removed from Lincoln back to the Free School at Nottingham, and he was left at board in a very religious house Then he was sent to Cambridge." On pages 16 and 17, Mrs. Hutchinson mentions that her brothers also were sent to school. Besides the free grammar schools, there were private schools for the education of gentlemen's sons, at one of which Lord Herbert of Cherbury received part of his education. He had previously been privately taught by a school- master,^ " the alphabet, and afterwards grammar, and other books commonly read in schools." " On this theme, Audaces fortuna Juvat" he says, " I made an oration of a sheet of paper, and fifty or sixty verses, in the space of one day." This was before he had attained the age of nine, up to which time he lived " in my lady ^ See the edition of his Autobiography, by S, L. Lee, p. 36 seq. [ Ivii ] grandmother's house at Eyton." About the age of ten he was sent to be taught by Mr. Thomas Newton, a graduate of both Cambridge and Oxford, and a well- known classical scholar, who had a school at Didlebury, in Shropshire, where in the space of less than two years he attained to the knowledge of the Greek tongue and logic. At the age of twelve, he went to Oxford. Some of the better schools were called academies, and claimed to hold a position intermediate between a University or college and a school ; cf. the passage from Costeker, quoted above. Distinct from these academies were establishments for teaching special arts and accomplishments, such as riding and fencing. It was to academies of this description that young gentlemen used principally to go when they were sent on the Continent^ Many gentlemen's sons had, as stated above, had a tutor at home before going to school, but some did not receive such preliminary instruction. Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke (born 1678), was sent to Eton "as soon as it was fit to take him out of the hands of the women, and removed thence to Christ Church College, in Oxford " (see his Life by O. Goldsmith). The subjects taught in public schools up to Defoe's time, and indeed much later, were almost exclusively the dead languages, Latin and Greek, and in the upper forms, sometimes Hebrew and Arabic." From the 1 For these academies, see later on. 2 Cf. Thomas Fowler, Life of Locke, p. 170. Three very instruc- tive articles on the subjects studied in the schools of Shakspere's time, by the late Prof. T. Spencer Baynes, to which Mr. Quick has [ Ivili ] writings of Ascham, Mulcaster, Brinsley, Locke, and many others, it appears that this linguistic training was carried on in the dullest possible manner, by means of learning by heart, and writing verses, themes, and grammatical exercises. The results of such training, on average boys, must have been most unsatisfactory to the common-sense of many fathers, who would therefore think such a course scarcely necessary for the heir of a large estate, though they might be alive to the advantages of a learned education for their younger sons, who had to make their own way in the world. How common such views were, appears constantly throughout Defoe's book ; he endeavours to bring home to the minds of his readers the value and import- ance of learning, apart from its mere practical use- fulness. The position of schoolmasters seems very frequently to have been even worse than that of private tutors ; especially the condition of ushers at private estab- lishments was simply dreadful. Every one knows the passage in the Vicar of Wakefield (chap, xx.) which describes the hardships of an usher's life at a boarding- school : " I had rather be an under-turnkey in New- gate. I was up early and late, brow-beat by the master, hated for my ugly face by the mistress, worried by the boys within, and never permitted to stir out to meet civility abroad." They had to dress the boys' hair, and to lie three in a bed. referred me, were published in Eraser's Magasine, Nov. 1S79, '^'^^ Jan. and May 1880. Prof. Baynes gives a long list of the Latin books then commonly used in the six forms of a grammar school. [ li-^ ] In the sixth number of TJie Bee (Nov. lo, 1759) Goldsmith published a fictitious letter on the same subject. He says that, though some of the London youth were then educated at free schools in the City, " the far greater number were sent to boarding schools about town." He goes on to remark that " if any man is unfit for any of the professions, he finds his last resource in setting up school ;" among such are bank- rupts in trade, and even former butchers and barbers •} that of all members of society there is " not any more generally despised, or whose talents are so ill-rewarded, though none is more useful or more honourable than a schoolmaster. Their salary is .^20." These schools, it may be said, were not the places to which gentlemen usually sent their sons. But we may infer a great deal from such facts as to the condition of the superior teachers. What we may suppose to have been the opinion about schoolmasters commonly held by the gentry of Defoe's time may be gathered from the language which he puts into the mouth of the mother (p. 7) ; — that it is the motJier, and not the ruder father, perhaps gives ad- ditional significance to the words: — "Shall my fou be fent to fchool to fit bare-headed and fay a leffon to fuch a forry diminutiv rafcall as that, be brow beaten and 1 Readers will remember that Mr. Partridge, in Tom Jones, while he was still parish schoolmaster, added to that office those of a clerk and a barber. He had married a wife out of Mr. Allworthy's kitchen for her fortune — viz., ^20. The village schoolmaster from whom Goldsmith received ins early education had served as quarter-master in an Irish regiment through the campaigns of Marlborough. [ Ix ] he6lor'd and threaten'd with his authority and ftand in fear of his hand ! my fon ! that a few yeares after he will be glad to cringe to, cap in hand, for a dinner ! no, indeed, my fon fhall not go near him. Let the Latin and Greek go to the D — 1. My fon is a Gentleman, he flia'n't be under fuch a fcoundrel as that." A hundred and fifty years before Goldsmith's day even first-class teachers received still less than -^20.^ Mulcaster, the first head-master of Merchant Taylors' School (i 561-1596), was paid ^10, the same amount as each of his three ushers ; however, Mr. Hills, the Master of the Company to whom the school belonged, undertook to double Mulcaster's £\o out of his own pocket. When Mulcaster, after this grant had ceased, applied to the Company for an increase of salary, his very reasonable request was refused.^ Discipline was very rigorous at schools in Defoe's time, and long before, as is shown by many authorities. In 1 53 1, Elyot complains of the cruelty of school- masters {TJie Governour, ed. H. H. St. Croft, 1880, i. 50). Ascham tells us, in the Preface to his Schoh- inaster, that he was induced to write the book by hear- ing " that divers scholars of Eton had run away from the school for fear of beating." While Ascham speaks strongly against corporal punishment, it is advocated 1 The difference in the value of money then and now must be recollected. Bishop Latimer, in one of his sermons {temp. Edward VI.) recommended that Melanchthon, if he came to England, should be granted a pension of ^40 a year, which he evidently thought handsome for a man of European reputation. - Taken from Mr. Quick's Appendix to his edition of Mulcaster's Positions, pp. 301, 302. [ Ix! ] by Mulcaster (in his Positions, cd. Quick, p. 274): " The Maister therefore must have in his table a cata- logue of schoole faultes, beginning at the commande- mentes, for swearing, for disobedience, for lying, for false witness, for picking, and so thorough out ; then to the meaner heresies, trewantry, absence, tardies, and so forth Which in all these I wish our maister to set down, with the number of stripes also, immutable though not many." He even appointed boys Vvho had to inform their master of the misdemeanours of the others (p. 275). In a subsequent passage (p. 279), he affirms that " myselfe have had thousands under my hand whom I never bet, neither they ever much needed ; but if the rod had not bene in sight, and assured them of punishment if they had swarved to much, they would have deserved." Locke is another writer who denounces the use of the rod, which he says is the only instrument of govern- ment that tutors generally know, or even think of {Thoughts on Education, § 47). Even in the Univer- sities corporal punishment was in use. Milton is said to have been flogged when at Christ's College, Cam- bridge. The latest instance is reported in 1667, in the Admonition Book of Emmanuel College.^ At a later date Dr. Johnson bears witness to the great severity exercised at Lichfield School, where he was educated. It is not perhaps surprising that such treatment was thought unworthy the future representative of an an- cient family, an opinion repeatedly expressed in Defoe's book. But it seems to have been not imcommon to treat gentlemen's sons with exceptional leniency. J. 1 Cf. Mark Pattison's Life of Milton. [ Ixii ] Gailhard, TJic Compkat Gentleman (1678), p. 17, says: " In some schools, he {i.e., the gentleman's son] will neglect his book, and fall into a disorderly course of life, often running to and fro, which some masters will wink at for their interest, to perpetuate them in the school." And Swift tells us in his Essay on Education (Works, I 841, p. 292) that "they [_i.e., the gentlemen's sons] were not suffered by their careful parents to stay [at school] about three months in the year." 4. Education at t/ie Universities and Inns of Court. Defoe complains, on p. 55, that so few /elder jpons were sent to^ the _universitTes ; of 5D;Dacr~lanillIer"oT noblemen and gentlemen of estate which might be reckoned up in the kingdom, he says there are not 200 eldest sons at a time to be found in Oxford and Cam- bridge, whilst there are ten times that number of younger sons. For the heir, it was considered to be more becoming to remain at home and to grow up in ignorance and idleness. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, though he recommends that also eldest sons should go to the Universit}-, docs not approve for them "that course of study which is ordinary used in the University, which is, if their parents perchance intend they shall stay there 4 or 5 years, to employ the said time as if they meant to proceed Masters of Art and Doctors in some science : for which purpose, their tutors commonly spend much time in teaching them the subtleties of logic, which, as it is usually practised, enables them for little more than to be excellent wranglers, which art, though it may be tolerable in a [ Ixiii ] mercenary lawyer, I can by no means commend in a sober and well-governed gentleman." ^ Though formerly boys were generally sent to the University earlier than nowadays the sons of the aristocracy frequently went to college before they had even entered their teens. Lord Herbert of Cherbury (born 1581) was twelve years old when he entered University College, Oxford H. Peacham, in his Coinpleat Gentleman (1634), p. 33, says : " Many parents take their children from schoole, as birds out of the nest, ere they bee flidge, and send them so young to the Universitie, that scarce one among twenty prooveth ought." Clement Ellis, TJie Gentile Sinner (1661), p. 25, blames parents for the same mistake : " But the hopeful! youth must be a gentleman, and in all hast he must be sent to see the University or Innes of Court ; and that before he well knowes what it is to go to school." - Thus it often became necessary to send a special governor or tutor with boys to the University. This is recommended by Lord Herbert, in his Autobiography, p. 47 : " When the young gentleman shall be ready to go to the University, it will be fit also his governor for manners to go along with him." Swift is very hard on those (French) tutors who, he says, "attend their pupils to their college to prevent all possibility of their improve- ment" {Essay on Education, p. 292.) "And thus," he ^ In his Autobiography, ed. Lee, p. 48. - The proper age for leaving the University in Goldsmith's time \\as twenty-one years, when the first degree was generally taken, four years after matriculation ; cf. chap. xiii. of his Inquiry into the Present State of Lcarnin^:;. :] [ Ixiv ] continues, " they learn nothing more than to drink ale and smoke tobacco." Clement Ellis is of the same opinion in this matter. He observes, in his Gentile Sinner (1661), pp. 25-27: "The father keeps the governor (as he doth all things else) for fashion's sake. Such an one who may serve at least, as poore boyes do in some princes' Courts to sustain the blame of the young gentleman's miscarriages, and whom the father may chide and beat when the son is 'found in a fault. .... The son curses his tutor by the name of Baal's priest, and sells more bookes in half an houre than he had bought him in a yearc Thus the young gentleman continues, perhaps, a yeare or two [at the University], if he have no mother upon whom he must bestow at least 3 parts of that time in visits And now it is time he should be hasten'd away to some Inne of Court, there to study the Law as he did the Liberall Arts and Sciences in the Colledge. Here his pretence is to study and follow the Law, but it's his resolution never to know or obey it (p 27) Here indeed he learnes to be (in his notion of the man) somewhat more a gentleman then before, having now the mock-happinesse of a licentious life, and a manu- mission from the tyranny (as he termes it) of a school- master and tutor." 5. Travelling. According to Locke {Essay on Education, § 212), travelling was " commonly thought to finish the work of education and to complete the gentleman." The ordinary time of travel was from 16 to 21, but for the sake of the young gentleman's morals, Locke [ I-^v ] thinks it fittest for him to be sent abroad, "either when he is younge, under a tutor, or when he is some years older, without a governor, when he is of age to govern himself." The majority of the country gentry, though, probably did not travel ; and Defoe remarks, in a deleted note on fol. 1 4, back, " that whilst the younger brothers were sent abroad, the eldest son was thought not to be in need of it." The countries ordinarily visited were Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands, but more espe- cially the former two, which were then in the forefront of civilization or, perhaps, more strictly speaking, civility. Till the seventeenth century Italy and Provence held the very first rank, and then gradually lost their place to France. The great dependence of English manners and fashions on those foreign countries is at once apparent from the numerous translations of Italian, Spanish, and French books on civility, educa- tion, manners, and similar subjects.^ A very interesting account of how young gentlemen used to spend, or rather should spend, their time during their travels, is given in a book already mentioned above, viz.. The Complcat Gentleman, or Directions for tJic Education of YoutJi, as to their Breeding at home and travelling abroad, by f. GailJiard, Gent., 1678 and 1684. The author knew the subject from personal experience, as he had himself been much abroad as the tutor of gentlemen. On page 7, he remarks that " because young gentle- 1 For titles of such books see Watts' Biblioiheca Britannica, s.\. Education.', from some of them extracts are given in this Introduc- tion. [ Ixvi ] men are hardly capable to benefit themselves, they take a governor, or companion with them." However, " some [parents] send their sons without governors .... because some young men think it a discredit to them to have a governor." Gailhard's advice is to take an experienced tutor, not one who has never been abroad himself and does not know foreign languages, but seeks only for an oppor- tunity of travelling at the cost of others. But some fathers, " who are willing to spend three or four hundred pounds, more or less, will be unwilling to gratify a governor with £2.0 or £'i^o more than they have a mind to allow." This, however, is saving in the wrong place. The principal qualities requisite in a good governor are, according to Gailhard : (i) He must be a scholar, (2) a traveller, (3) he must be " gentle, well brought up himself; he must have seen the world, and frequented the courts, and (4) he must be com- municative, not dull or silent." On page 31, Gailhard recommends letters of credit as preferable to bills of exchange, and advises travellers always to carry a good sum of ready money in their pockets ; for " what, if when I am walking in the street, I am unhappily forced, or suddenly engaged in my own defence, or of a friend, to draw, and wound, or kill a man, which thing is not impossible, what would become of me, if I had no monies to get on horse-back, and be gone ?" Well provided with letters of recommendation, and having left England, " the governor will carry his pupil to Paris [p. 33], where he ought to show him some of the chief fair houses, and other [ Ixvli ] curiosities in or about that city. He must wait upon the Lord Embassador, and in case there be no incon- venience, what other English persons of the highest quality are there. He will also do well to go, if he makes but a short stay in Paris, at least once to Charenton, to the Protestant Church there, whether or not he understands the language, to give God thanks for his protection so far." It appears that the Englishmen who travelled for the sake of instruction used to live at Pensions and Auberges, or resided in Academics. Gailhard does not think it advisable for the tourists to make a long stay in Paris at the beginning of the journey, but recom- mends that they should settle at such a place as Orleans, Blois, Saumur, or Angers ; which latter, to his mind, ought to have the preference ; why, he does not say. Here (p. 35), "the first thing you do must be to carry your letters of commendation," and then " to desire your landlord to go with you, or give you some rational man to carry you to see the town." P. 38: "If there be any princes, though strangers, or embassadors, residents, etc., you may enquire whether they like to receive such visits as yours may be ; you may desire those you are recommended to, to procure you the honour of kissing their hands." P. 46 : "The young gentleman must soon set to work, and begin the different important excercises to which he has to apply himself." For besides studying the language of the country, he has, first of all, to learn dancing. Gailhard mentions the Braille, the Gcivote, the Courantc, and the Boree, as dances then in vogue. P. 49 : In these dancing lessons the pupil must also be taught [ Ixviil ] " how to come in or go out of a chamber where is company ; he must be taught how to cany his head, his hands, and his toes out, all in the best way." Next comes fencing, which " is now accounted a necessary excercise" (p. 49). The pupil has, m.oreover, to learn, to ride the Great Horse at an "Academy." P. 52: Besides, he recommends running, wrestling, and leaping though "these are not so material as the forenamed." " A gentleman will also do well to learn vauting, trail- ing the pike, spreading colors, handling the halbard, or the two-handed sword. Also it will not be amiss to learn to play upon an instrument or other, of musick ; as the lute, gittar, or violin." P. 54: At the same time he has to make himself acquainted with "the use of the map and the use of the terrestrial globe, as well as with the science of Mathe- maticks and with Chymistry." On page 56, Gailhard remarks, "If a traveller hath time, and happens to be in a convenient place, as may be Padoa, Montpellier, or other, it would be in him a commendable curiosity to learn something in Physick not to be a doctor of, or to practise it, only to be able to understand the grounds of it." P. 5 7 : At other places, " perhaps at Orleans and Angers, where are publick schools of the Civil Law, he will do well to get one of the doctors, or pro- fessors thereof, to read it to him, which he will do privately in his own house ; or, perhaps, if you be a man of high quality, come to your lodging." P. 58 : "^And perhaps there will be time and opportunity for the young gentleman to learn to draw pictures." And last of all, " let him not neglect to see, and if possible [ Ixlx ] to get some skill in ancient and modern curiosities, whether pictures, statues of brass, marble, alabaster, &c., medals, and other fair and curious things." For the whole tour, the author of this curious work — which gives more details than a dozen of the usual kind of books on such subjects — allows 3 years, which he recommends should be divided in the follow- ing way : — The first 1 8 months are put down for France, the next 9—10 for Italy, then 5 for German}- and the Low Countries, after which the tour should be wound up with a stay of 4 or 5 months in Paris. Travelling was often expected to make up for the neglected training of previous years, as in the case of the young squire m Joseph Andrews (book iii. chap, vii.) who has already been mentioned as a typical specimen ; he was sent abroad at the age of 20, when " his mother persuaded him to travel for 3 years, which she imagined would well supply all that he might have learned at a public school or university He returned home well furnished with French clothes, phrases, and servants, with a hearty contempt for his own country, especially what had any savour of the plain spirit and honesty of our ancestors." ^ The great dangers to the morals of young travellers are frequently mentioned as a warning to conscientious parents, Ascham, in his Scholemaster (p. 69, ed. Mayor), strongly denounces travelling as " mervelous dangerous for morals and faith," unless the youths were put under the supervision of a tutor ; for " an Italianate Englishman is a devil incarnate," as the Italians themselves said. His warning is repeated in ^ Cf. also Costeker, The Fine Gentleman (1732), p. 22. [ Ixx ] even stronger terms by William Harrison, in A De- scription of England {iS77> book iii. chapter iv.) : " This nevertheless is generally to be reprehended in all estates of j^entility, and which in short time will turn to the great ruin of our country, and that is, the usual sending of noblemen's and mean gentlemen's sons into Italy, from whence they bring home nothing but mere atheism, infidelity, vicious conversation, and ambitious and proud behaviour, whereby it cometh to pass that they return far worse men than they went out." Brinsley {L^idus Literarius, 1612, p. 229) is aware of the same objections, but recommends going abroad. Peacham {Compleat Gentleman, 1634, p. 33) declares that, in- stead of learning anything or improving their manners, the young gentlemen generally come back " ten times worse." Lord Cowper, on his deathbed, ordered that his son should never travel. His injunction was based on a good deal of observation on the effects of foreign journeyings. He had found that there was little to be hoped, and much to be feared, from travelling.^ It seems that young travellers had not only to guard themselves against the vicious examples on the part of natives of foreign countries, but were tempted by the extravagant fashions of their own countrymen who had settled abroad. This appears, for instance, from Gold- smith's remarks, in his Inquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning, chap, xiii., where he says : " In all the great towns of Europe there are to be found English- men residing either from interest or choice. These generally lead a life of continued debauchery: such are the country-men a traveller is likely to meet with, ^ Quoted in W. J. Courthope's Life of Addison, p. 40. [ Ixxi ] This may be the reason why Englishmen are all thought to be mad or melancholy by the vulgar abroad. Their money is giddily and merrily spent among sharpers of their own country." 6. Subjects of a Gentleman^ s Education. This question has already been touched on here and there in the preceding sections, but I propose to add now some fuller particulars. It should, however, be kept in mind that the following extracts only state what young gentlemen ought to learn, not what they commonly did learn. The author of T/ie Institution of a Gentleman (1555) names "knowledge in tounges, and in thefeatesof armes," and " sume knowledge in musike " as necessary for a gentleman. M.u\c3LstQY, Positions ( i 5 8 i ), enumerates the following accomplishments which a gentleman ought to possess "for his credit and honour, besides necessarie uses "—viz., " to reade, to zvrite, to drazv, to sing, to play, to haue language, to haue learning, to haue health, and activitic, nay euen to professe Diuinitie, Lawe, PJiysickc, and any trade else commendable for cunning." William Kemp, the author of The Education of Children, blk. Ir., 1588, names (i) Grammar, "which handleth diuers languages, as English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and such others;" the pupil should begin with the study of Latin, and only in case he was intended to be a scholar should he go on with Greek ; ^ Modern edition by Mr. Quick, p. 206. [ Ixxil ] (2) " Logike and Rhetorike ; " (3) " Arithmetike and Geometric, or any other arte." Henry Peacham (1622) gives this h'st of subjects in which a noble gentleman should be instructed : — Style (which has to be practised after Latin and English models)/ History, Cosmographie, Geography, Geometry, Poetry, Musicke, Antiquities (Statues, In- scriptions, Coynes), Drawing, Limning, Painting, Blazonry, Armory." For bodily exercise he recom- mends " coiting, throwing the hammer, sledge, and such like ; running, jumping, leaping, and wrestling." It will be observed that none of these writers mentions any modern foreign languages. The reason is that they were not considered as "learning" in those days, and that, if they were acquired, it was not so much by study as by practically conversing with foreign masters. Lord Herbert of Cherbury {Aiitobiography, ed. Lee, p. 46) recommends the following course of studies for a gentleman's son : — Before going to a University he ought to learn Greek and Latin and other languages. The first six months at the University should be devoted to a little logic, the following year to both the grounds of the Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy, and to reading Severinus, Franciscus Patricius, and Telesius. After 1 As Latin authors to be read at the University, he names Tully, Caesar, Comehus, Tacitus, Titus Livius, Quintus Curtius, and Sallust ; besides, the young gentleman might read Greek as well. - On this subject Peacham wrote a special book, T/ic Genilc- viaifs Exercise, 1 634. [ Ixxiii ] which the young student has to take up geography, arithmetic, and geometry " in some good measure " (p. 5 2). Besides, " it will become a gentleman to have some knowledge in medicine, especially the diagnostic part This art will get a gentleman not only much knowledge, but much credit It will become him also to know not only the ingredients, but doses, of certain cathartic or purging, emetic or vomitive medicines (etc.) Besides, I would have a gentleman know how to make these medicines himself, and afterwards prepare them with his own hands." Moreover, Lord Herbert (p. 57) conceives it is a fine study, and worthy a " gentleman, to be a good botanist." And he (p. 59) "no less commends the study of anatomy." And last (p. 65), " it would be fit that some time be spent in learning rhetoric." Concurrently with these intellectual studies, the young gentleman is to learn riding the great horse,* fencing, dancing, and swimming (p. 6S). On previous pages Lord Herbert has given an ac- count of his own education, which I have already quoted in part above. At twelve years old his parents "thought fit to send him to Oxford to University College," where he remembers " to have disputed at his first coming in logic, and to have made in Greek the exercises required in that college oftener than in Latin." P. 42 : " During this time of living in the University or at home, he did, without any master or teacher, attain the knowledge of the French, Italian, and Spanish languages, by the help of some books in Latin or English translated in those idioms, and the ^ As to this art, see Mr, Lee's foot-note. / [ Ixxiv ] dictionaries of those several languages. He attained also to sing any part at first sight in music, and to play on the lute with very little or almost no teaching." Lord Herbert was a little vain, and proud of his learning and other accomplishments ; and probably there were very few — possibly none — of his rank who knew as much as he did. J. Gailhard (1678) recommends not only Latin and Greek, but Hebrew, Chaldaic, Syriac, and Arabic for the study of young gentlemen. His great contemporary, Locke, does not go so far in his estimate of the dead languages {Thoughts on Education, § 195). "Latin and French," he says, "as the world now goes, is by every one acknowledged to be necessary ; " but he is inclined to leave Greek altogether to professed scholars. Besides, he wants the young gentleman to acquire the knowledge of minerals, plants, and animals, arithmetic, geometry, geography, astronomy, chronology, anatomy, ethics, and civil and common law; but he does not seem to think much of the refining influences of the arts. As corporal accomplishments, he mentions dancing, fencing, wrest- ing, riding, and one or more manual trades. On page 17 of his Fine Gentleman (1732), Costeker gives a scheme of what he understands by a " regular, useful, and polite education." At six years of age the boy should be put " under the care of a proper master at home, in order to be well instructed in orthography Afterwards let him be transferred to some genteel Academy, where he might be well instructed in the grounds and principles of religion, [ Ixxv ] grammar, Latin, and French ; all which I will allow 7 years to compleat Then let him be removed to the University, and continue with a strict and careful tutor 4 years. In that time let his genius follow its proper inclination to pursue those studies he likes best, either Law, or, if he likes languages, Latin, Greek, French, and Italian ; or Divinity, or Moral Philosophy, or Natural Philosophy." Besides, he should acquire these accomplishments : Geometry, geography, chronology, history, music, dancing, fencing, riding, optics, architecture, and algebra. Travelling ought to complete the education. It will be interesting and instructive to compare with the above schemes a list of the books which an anonymous University tutor recommends to the ordinary student, in a pamphlet entitled Advice to a Young Student, ivith a method of Study for the 4 first years at the University CLondon, 1730): — I. Books to be read in the First Year. — {a) Philosophical : Wells's Arithmetic, Euclid's Ele- ments, Burgersdicius's Logick, Wells's Geography, Wells's Trigonometry, Newton's Trigonometry, {b) Classical : Terence, Xenophontis Cyri Institutio, Tully's Epistles, Phaedrus's Fables, Lucian's Select Dialogues, Theophrastus, Justin, Cornelius Nepos, Dionysius's Geography, (c) Religious : Sermons of Sharp, Calamy, etc. II. Second Year. — {a) Wells's Astronomy, Locke's Human Understanding, De la Hire's Conic Sections, Whiston's Astronomy, Keil's Introduction, Cheyne's Philosophical Principles, Rohaulti Physica. {b) Causin de Eloquentia, Vossius's Rhetorick, Tully's Orations, [ Ixxvi ] Isocrates, Demosthenes, Csesar's Commentaries, Sallust, Hesiod, Theocritus, Ovid's Fasti, Vergil's Eclogues. (c) Tillotson's Sermons. III. Third Year. — (a) Burnet's Theory, Whiston's Theory, with Keill's Remarks ; Wells's Chronology, Beveridge's Chronology, Whitby's Ethicks, Pufendof, Grotius. (d) Homer's Iliads, Virgil's Georgicks, Virgil's Aeneids, Sophocles, Horace, Euripides, Piers's Edit, Juvenal, Persius. (c) Other Sermons. IV. Fourth Year. — (a) Baronius's Metaphysics, Newton's Opticks, Whiston's Praelectiones, Physica Mathematica, Gregory's Astronomy, (d) Thucydides, Livy, Diogenes Laertius, Cicero's Philosophical Works. (c) Other Religious Books, In reading the books from which extracts have just been quoted — leaving out Locke, who, indeed, sets little store by learning — we almost invariably find that the only, or at least the principal, aim of education is represented as consisting in the mere acquisition of a more or less extensive store of useful and useless knowledge. Thus occasionally even Chaldaic, Syriac, and Hebrew are thought fit to take a place in the course of a young gentleman's education. Probably owing to a widely spread indifference to the learning of the schools, the majority of the writers indulge in unmeasured praise of what they are desirous to make acceptable to their reluctant readers. And this may explain, and in some measure excuse, the one-sided judgment which their books exhibit. But it seems that scholastic knowledge was never so much overrated as in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, at least by educational writers ; nor do scholars ever [ Ixxvii ] appear to have prided themselves so much on their book-learnin,^. Locke is the first great writer who, emancipating himself from the scholastic traditions, distinctly and emphatically subordinates the possession of learning to nobler qualities, and makes the acquisi- tion of knowledge subservient to the higher aim of developing the moral side of man {Thoughts on Educa- tion, \ 147). That the ordinary course of education, consisting, as it almost entirely did, in a dreary study of the dead languages, was commonly thought unsatisfactory, is evident from the great number of proposals for reform made in those times. It was also generally acknow- ledged that the received method was particularly unfit for the training of young gentlemen. It was Locke's opinion that a great part of the learning then in fashion in the schools was not " worth a gentleman's while," and that it might be omitted " without any great dis- paragement to himself or prejudice to his affairs." Under such circumstances, it does not seem very strange that so many of the gentry and nobility scorned the scholar and hated the schools, and that very few of them were great proficients in book-learning. What the general opinion of the education fit for a well- bred gentleman was, may be gathered from the description which Sir R. Southwell gives of the accomplishments of Lord Ossory, son of the first Duke of Ormonde (about 1650) : " He rides the great horse very well, is a good tennis-player, fencer, and dancer. He understands music, and plays on the guitar and lute ; speaks French elegantly, reads Italian fluently, is a good historian, and so well versed in [ Ixxviii ] romances that if a gallery be full of pictures or hang- ings, he will tell the stories of all of them that are described."' 7. Mamiers and Habits. Dr. Furnivall has given, in his Bailees' Book, numerous and very interesting particulars concerning the manners, especially at table, of the upper classes at the close of the Middle Ages. In the old treatises on courtesy printed in his volume are very many precepts which, though they were probably useful and necessary when the books were written, seem extremely superfluous and ridiculous to our modern mind ; it is, therefore, sur- prising to find so many of them in books written 200 or 300 years later. In J. Gailhard's book, The Coinpleat Gentleman (1678 and 1684), we meet with the following odd directions intended for young noblemen and gentle- men^ who are going to France : — P. 67 : " Forks are a neat invention, therefore to be used to avoid greasing hands, with laying them upon the meat." The young gentleman is requested " to make clean his spoon before he puts it in the dish, after he hath taken it out of his mouth. Sometimes," the author says, " I have seen gluttons, and a rude sort of people, who, as soon as a dish is set down upon the table, snap all they can out of it, as if they were afraid to want and starve ; . . . . then leaning one or both 1 Quoted by Mr. Sidney L. Lee in a foot-note on page 69 to his edition of Lord Herbert's Autobiography. ' The author says he had been tutor abroad to several of the nobility and gentry. [ Ixxix ] elbows upon the table, like pigs they hang their mouth over the plate, and, with both hands to the mouth, greedily devour that which so uncivilly they have taken " P. 84 : "When he is in company, he must forbear talking to himself, muttering between his lips, often spitting,' nodding with his head, pointing the finger, leaning on his elbow, crossing of his legs," &c. P. 90 : At table the young gentleman " ought to avoid licking his fingers, knawing of bones," &c. I take a few more extracts from another book, which I have had the advantage of using by the kind permis- sion of Sir George Douglas Clerk, Bart., in whose library at Penicuik House a copy is preserved. It bears the title, The Rules of Civility, or the Maxims of Genteel Behaviour, nezvly done out of the 12 th edition in French, London 1703, and was written for men who moved in fashionable society, not for people in the country. The translator has added several notes in cases where English customs differed from those described in the French original. P. 95 : "You must not hang your head over your plate ; you must not drop upon your cravat, lick your fingers, your knife, or your spoon ; nothing is more unhandsome than to make clean your plate, or the bottom of the dish, with your finger : to drink out the remainder of the pottage, sawce, &c., out of the dish, or to pour it into your spoon. If your fingers, knife, or fork be greasy, you must never wipe them up[on] the cloth or bread, but always upon your napkin •} and 1 This precept, with additions, is repeated on page 89. - This was necessary, because the knives and forks were not changed. [ Ixxx ] to keep your fingers clean, it is the best way to eat nothing but with a fork. If any one at the table has lent you his knife, spoon, or fork, you must be sure to wipe it well upon your napkin, or else send it to the side-board to be wash'd." P. 99 : " 'Tis not civil to pick your teeth at the table with your knife or fork, or rinse your mouth after you have din'd, if there be persons of quality in the room." P. 91 : " If we be to eat out of the [same] dish, we must have a care of putting in our spoons before our superiours, or of eating out of any other part of the dish than that which is directly before us." P. 92 : " Having served your self with your spoon, you must remember to wipe it, and indeed as oft as you use it ; for some [!] are so nice they will not eat pottage, or anything of that nature, in which you put your spoon unwip'd, after you have put it into your mouth. Some are so curious, they will not endure a spoon to be used in 2 several dishes ; and therefore in several places 'tis grown a mode to have spoons brought in with every dish to be used only for pottage and sawce." Among the rules for behaviour while travelling, the author observes, on p. 116: "If in your journey you be constrained to take up your quarters in the same chamber with the qualify'd person, you must give him leave to undress and to go to bed first ; and when he has done, you are to strip and go to bed after him, and to lie so as to give him no disturbance all night." _ P. 117: " It is not tolerable to comb your head in the kitchen [of the inn], where your hairs may fly into the dishes, upon the meat." There are many more curious and amusing parti- [ Ixxxi ] culars in this little book, but I am afraid it would lead too far to quote more from it. Nothing is more common in books on the education of young gentlemen than complaints of fashionable bad habits. The foremost is excessive drinking, which was for a very long time in England what it is still too much in Germany, the common amusement of all sorts of people. Brinsley {I.udus Literariiis, 1612) calls it "the plague of the English gentry" (p. 223) ; he thinks it was introduced into England from the Netherlands about the time when Sir John Norrice was there. In 1634, Henry Peacham, The Coinphat Gentleman, p. 9, writes : " To be drunke, sweare, wench, follow the fashion, and to do just nothing, are the attributes and markes now adayes of a great part of our gentry." Again, in 1661, Clement Ellis complains that usually a gentleman " drinks as stoutly as if he meant to carry liquor enough with him in his belly to quench the flames of hell " {Gentile Sinner, P- 44)- According to J. Gailhard, TJie Complete Gentleman (1678), part ii., p. 3, country gentlemen used to em- ploy their time with " hawking, coursing, and hunting ; with taking tobacco,and going to the alehouse and tavern, where matches were made for races, cock-fighting, and the like ; and if a gentleman be not as forward as they are, then he is proud, he is an enemy to good fellow- ship, and is a man not fit for society ; thence dicing^ ^ Dice play is aho mentioned in Ihc bistituticn of a Gentleman (1555) as being "no honest pastyme : although it be a game much vsed amonge roble men and gentlemen, yet doth it vngentle them." [ Ixxxii ] and carding will follow, which at last are attended with loss of estates and destruction of families Indeed to speak the best of such gentlemen, we use to say, he is an honest country gentleman ; that is, often apt to be fooled, who has neither much wit nor experience." An anonymous " Gentleman of the Middle Temple," who, in 1729, wrote a book under the title The Young Gentleinaii s Ne%u Years Gift, expresses himself even in stronger terms : " There is not a more worthless and despicable animal than a true country booby, who, calling himself a country gentleman, spends his life only in eating, drinking, and sleeping ; and dis- tinguishes himself in nothing from the brutes, but only that, whereas they keep within the bounds of nature, he prides himself in the excesses of it " (p. 3 5). Similar complaints are uttered in numerous other books. One writer is even much distressed that " the custom and fashion of lying has grown epidemical " {The Gentleman's Library, by a Gentleman, 3rd ed., London, 1734, p. 204). One cannot, of course, believe everything or everybody. But Locke, too, complained that lying was " very much in fashion amongst all sorts of people." Fielding's novels, also, tell us a great deal about the bad manners and habits, especially of the country gentlemen ; they abound in examples of half- educated, brutal squires, who bully their wives and daughters, and drink deep, and curse abominably .^ In 1 As for the then very common habit of swearing, compare also \ Defoe's Essay on Projects, ed. H. Morley, p. 144 ; and Clemen Ellis, Ge?itile Sinner (1661), p. ;^j. [ Ixxxiii ] many ways, in fact, as Macaulay has observed,^ they did not materially differ from a rustic miller or ale- housekeeper of our time. If we bear these things in mind, we shall refrain from accusing Defoe of exagger- ation, as otherwise many readers might be tempted to do. At the end of my task I gratefully and sincerely acknowledge the valuable help kindly and freely granted to me by friends and others. I have already men- tioned what share Mr. Francis B. Bickley has in the reproduction of the text ; he has also very readily assisted me in looking out several things for the Notes when I was away from London. Dr. Furnivall, Mr, Sidney L. Lee, Mr. R. Hebert Quick, and Mr. T. Widgery have made me acquainted with several useful books ; the first two also lent me some rare ones. I repeat my thanks to Miss C. L. Cooper and to Dr. Murray for their kind communications, which have assisted me in my remarks on the word " gentleman." Miss Cooper and my good friend Mr. W. Leo Thomp- son have taken the great trouble of reading the proofs of the text with me. Both, as well as Dr. Furnivall, have also looked over parts of my MS. of this Introduction in order to improve my English, and have helped me in correcting the proofs of it as well. I conclude with quoting Mr, William Lee's opinion of Defoe's book ; the MS. was then still in Mr. Crossley's possession ; — " Mr. Crossley," he says, " would do great service to all lovers of pure English Literature if he ^ History of England^ vol. i. chap. iii. [ Ixxxiv j could be persuaded to publish this valuable work of Defoe." Now that his wish is fulfilled, I hope that readers will share his opinion. KARL D. BU LINKING. VoERDE IN Westphalia, Nov. 19, 1889. The Compleat English Gentleman Containin g Usefull Observacions on the General Neglect of the Education of English Gentlemen with the Reasons and Remedies The Apparent Difference between a Well Born and a Well Bred Gentleman Instruccions how Gentlemen may Recover the Defficiency of their Latin, and be Men of Learning tho' without the Pedantry of the Schools INTRODUCCION. '^ ^H AT I may begin with the fame brevity folio 3. that I purpofe to go on with, I fliall onely obferv here by way of introduccion that there are two forts or claffes of men who I am to be underftood to fpeak of under the denomination of gentlemen : 1. The born Gentleman, 2. The bred Gentleman. The complete gentleman I am to fpeak of will take them in both ; and neither of them, fmgly and ab- ftracladly confidred, will ftand alone in the clafs of a compleat gentleman without fome thing that may be faid to comprehend both. The born gentleman is a valuable man if bred up as a gentleman ought to be, that is, educated in learning and manners fuitable to his birth. This I muft infifb on as a preliminary, that I may not be cenfur'd and condemn'd unread, and bring upon me a clamour from the numerous party of old women (whether male or female), idolaters who worfhip efcutcheons and trophyes, and rate men and families by the blazonry of their INTRODUCCION. their houfes, exclufiv of learning or virtue, and of all perfonall merit. On the other hand, the fon of a mean perfon furnifh'd fromftleaven with an originall fund of wealth, wit, fence, courage, virtue, and good humour, and fet apart by a liberall fcouc-it'on for the fervice of his country ; that diftinguiflies himfelf by the greatefl and beft a6lions ; is made acceptable and agreeable to all men by a life of glory and true fame ; that hath the naturall beauties of his mind embellifh'd and fet off with a vail fund of learning and accquir'd knowleg; that has a clear head, a generous heart, a polite behaviour and, in a word, fliews himfelf to be an accomplifh'd gentleman in every requifite article, that of birth and blood excepted : I muft be allowd to admit fuch a perfon into the rank of a gentleman, and to fuggeft that he being the firft of his race may poffibly raife a roof tree (as the antients call it) of a noble houfe and of a fucceffion of gentlemen as effectually as if he had his pedigree to fhow from the Conqueror's army or from a centurion in the legions that landed with Julius Caefar. Out of the race of either of thefe, the compleat gentleman I am to defcribe is to be deriv'd. How to reconcile the antient line to this and bring them, however degenerate, to embrace the modern line, tho' exalted by the brighteft virtue and the moft valuable accomplifhments of a man of honour, is the difficult cafe before me. I am refolv'd however to giv antiquity its due homage ; I fhall worfhip the image cali'd antient lineage as much as poffible without idolatry ; I fhall giv it all the reverence and refpe6l that it can pretend to INTRODUCCION. to claim, fearch for all the glories of birth and blood, and place them in full proportion : no luftre of antient gentry fhall be ecclypft by me, onely with this excep- cion, that I muft intreat the gentlemen who are to /. 4. value themfelves chiefly upon that advantage, that they will Jloop fo lozu as to admit that vertue, learning, a liberal educacion, and a degree of naturall and accquir'd knowledge, are neceffary to finifh the born gentleman; and that without them the entitul'd heir will be but the fhaddow of a gentleman, the o^aac^ dark body of a planet, which can not fhine for want of the fun communicating its beams, and for want of being plac'd in a due pofition to reciev and refle6l thofe beams when they are communicated and reciev'd. In condicioning for fo fmall an advance in the favour of true merit, and infifling upon its being, as I faid, abfolutely neceffary, I think we differ upon fo fmall a point, that I can not doubt of reconciling it all in the end of this difcourfe and bringing the blood and the merit together ; fo we fhall foon produce the bell and moft glorious peice of God's creation, a complete gentleman ; which is the deferv'd fubje6l of the whole work, I fhall begin with the born gentleman. I fhall do him all the honour due to his diflinguifht quallity and birth ; I fhall giv him the preference upon all occafions; I fhall allow him to be fuperior becaufe he is prior or feignior in blood, expe6ling nothing of him in return but this trifle onely, that he be but equall in merit, not tying him down, no, not to that claim of his quallity that he fhould excell his inferiors in virtue as he does in degree. In y INTRODUCCION. In all this I think I am extremely civil to him, and ufe him like a gentleman. I muft indeed, for his fervice, fliew him the miftakes which were committed among his anceftors, efpecially the Lady-mothers and the Lady-mints, the introducers of his junior be- haviour ; thofe dire61;reffes in his moll early yeares who for want of erudition have expofed him to ignorance and weaknefs of underftanding and left his head unfurnifh'd and his mind unfinifli'd, left him loaden with wealth, but unfupply'd with the means of making ufe of it : unguided and unable to guide him- felf, and untaught and, what is worfe, in moft things unteachable. I fay, I mufb be allow'd to Ihew him fome of thefe miftakes ; but this, as I fhall make appear at large, is not onely neceffary in the cafe before me, but is very much for his fervice alfo. Yet in doing this I fliall ufe him tenderly, treat him per- fonally with all poffible deference and refpe6l, and humbly addreffmg him for his own benefit to retriev the lofs, lead him by the hand into the way to do it ; fhowing him how to place himfelf in the rank which God and Nature defign'd him for, and at laft deliver him up to himfelf and into his own pofeffion in the full perfeccion of a gentleman. If in doing this it naturally occurs that his anceftors, whether fathers or mothers, or both, or indeed any kinds or degrees of his relacions into whofe hands he fell and who had the charge of his erudition, were ex- ceedingly in the wrong, and that their ill condu6l Ihould be a little expof'd in this work, the neceflity of it will appear fo evedently that I fhould be inexcufable if it were omitted, not fo much for the fake of what is paft INTRODUCCION. ; paft as of what to come ; not fo much to reproach them (perhaps in their graves), for that I do not call neceffary, but to prevent the example fpreading in thofe families into a further pra6life ; and fo 'tis for the fake of thofe yet in the cradle or perhaps not born. I kno' this mifffortune of our gentlemen is plac'd to the account of the fex ; that indulgent mothers are charg'd with violently oppofmg the committing their fons to the condu6l of the fchooles, fubje6ling them to difcipline and putting them, as 'tis call'd, under the government of their inferiours ; infifting that 'tis below their quallity to have their fans, for they fpeak it with an emphafis and with contempt, corre6led by a forry fellow of a pedagogue and plac'd under the domineer- /. 4 b. ing law of a little fchool tyrant. " Shall my fon be fent to fchool to fit bare headed and fay a leffon to fuch a forry, diminutiv rafcall as that, be brow beaten and he6lor'd and threatn'd with his authority and ftand in fear of his hand! my fon ! that a few yeares after he will be glad to cringe to, cap in hand, for a dinner ! no, indeed, viy fon shall not go near him. Let the Latin and Greek go to the D — 1. My fon is a Gentle- man, he fha'n't be under fuch a fcoundrel as that." Now it is true that this is one part of the charge and that ladyes are certainly to blame, becaufe, tho' in this or that place a forry inferiour fellow, as they call 'em, may be a fchoolmafter, yet a fchoolmafter is not an inferior by his office, and in many places we find the moft venerable, grave, learned and valuable perfons have been plac'd at the head of a Grammer School, in whofe hands the children of perfons of the beft rank have been entrufted with fuccefs and who very well kno' INTRODUCCION. kno' how to govern themfelves in the government even of their fuperiors, as is the cafe in the great fchooles of Eaton, Winchefter, Weftminfter, Felfted, Bishop Stort- ford, Canterbury, and others, where the children, nay the eldeft fons of fome of the beft families in England, have been educated, and that with great fuccefs ; and yet with all decent regard to the dignity of their birth and to the great fatiffaccion' of the young gentlemen them- felves ; and I need fay no more in the cafe than to obferv the apparent difference in the future condudl and juft chara6ler for their accomplifhment, as gentlemen and as noblemen, between the perfons fo educated and thofe who by the force of the female authority, as above, have been thus unhappily robb'd of their edu- cacion. The difference, I fay, of thefe is evedent, the firji have been the glory of their country, the ornament of the court, the fupports both of prince and people ; while the latter have been the meer outfides of gentle- men, ufelefs in their generacion, retreated from the State, becaufe uncapable to ferv it ; born for them- felves, given up to their pleafures, as if they came into the world for no other end but to continue the race and hand on the name to pofterity. Their youth is worn out wallowing in fenfuality, floth, and indolence, till wearyed with a life of levity, gayety, and wanton exceffes they dye, as it zvere, onely to make room for the untaught heir to live the horrid fcene over again : and thus ignorance and fullnefs of bread is the uttmoft of the family enjoyments, and they dye thoughtlefs. But ^ Abbreviated in MS. INTRODUCCION. But I can not joyn with thofe who thus load the ladyes with all the weight of this complaint ; for were it fo, (i) the gentlemen would be inexcufable in fuffring it, and I can never belie v, if the fathers were not con- fenting at leaft and paffivly yielding to it, the fatal jell could ever be carryed on to fuch a length : they might indeed confent to the mother's importunity, or, if you will, to her affuming and authority, in not fending her fon to this or that particular fchoolmafter upon the points fuggefted abov, (viz.) his being a mean fellow. But the father could never confent without inexcufable ignorance and folly to the totall ommiffion of his fon's learning in generall, and to the breeding him up per- fectly illiterate, meerly becaufe his quallity Avas to exempt him from the difcipline of a fchool and from the being fubjeft to an inferiour fchoolmafter. On the contrary, the father, fuppofing him^ to have any fence of/ s- the advantages of erudicion and the lofs it would be to his fon not to be taught, would take care to have him plac'd out to fuch fchools as are proper for perfons of quallity to be taught in, and where he v/ould fee the fons of gentlemen, equall at leaft and perhaps fuperiour to himfelf in dignity, brought up and inftrufted in the fame manner. 2. It muft therefore be that, however prepofterous fuch a thing may feem in the fence of men of better judgement, and however fcandalous to their own charafters fuch an unaccountable indolence and neg- le6l of their families really is, that yet the fathers are certainly guilty of it, as well as the mothers ; that they come into the pradlife, Avhether they come into the weake ^ him omitted in MS. lo INTRODUCCION. weake womanifh reafon of it or no ; that they look upon learning as a thing of indifference and of no great ufe to a gentleman ; that leaving his fon a great eftate is enough and makes a full amends for all the pretended deficiencies of the head ; that making them fchollars does but plunge them into politicks, embark them in parties, and endanger their being fome time overthrown and ruin'd ; that the ignorant man is the fafe man, and he that is not concern'd in the broils of the State is fure not to be fhipwreck'd among the ill pilotes and the rafh difturbers of the public peace. Thefe weak, but willfull reafonings on the father's fide joyn'd to the fiery pride of the mother keep' the heir at play with his nurfes and pages, till he is too big to go to fchool at all, and till getting a taft of pleafure and a difguft at all reftraint he grows paft government ; and 'tis no wonder that a tutor can do nothing with him but what he pleafes. IMS. keeps. THE THE Compleat Gentleman. CHAP. I. Of the Born Gentleman^ in the Common, or Modern, or Printed Prefcnt" Acceptation of the Wo?'d, and as the Gentry ^agc'i. among iis arc pleafd to underftand it. ^^ .4^EF0RE I enter too far into this nice Sub- ^^^^ je6l, 'tis neceffary, for keeping all clear \\ about me, that I fliould explain my Terms ; "^^^ that I may have no Difpute about Words, no Mifts and Fogs to difperfe as I go on, and may make as few Parenthefes as poffible to interrupt the reading. I matter^ not your long Etymologies and Deriva- tions, nor all the tedious Harangues, whether of the Ancients or the Moderns, upon the Word Gentleman; its Interpretation from its jingling with the Word Generous ; whether the Patricii of Rome and the Generofi 1 Corrected to Gentleman born in a handwriting different from Defoe's. - or Modern, or Prefent is struck out, and marked for deletion, by the corrector. ^ Corrected to value ^ but not by Defoe. 12 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Gcnerofi of the modern Italians were not Synonlmous, or which of the two are the moft significant. P_ 2. It may ferve in the fchools for a good Thefts, and long learned Differtations may be made upon it, that the Word Gentleman being inftituted and legitimated in our Language, as fignifying a Man of generous Principles, of a great generous Soul, intimates a kind of an Obligation upon thofe who affum'd the Name to diftinguifh themfelves from the reft of the World by generous and virtuous A6tions. Thofe Inferences, however far-fetch'd, preach well, and may have some Place in the Roftntvi of the Pedagogues, where the good, Vv^ell-meaning Inftru6lor does his beft to teach Good-manners to his Scholars, as well as Letters, and to prepare their Minds for higher Reafonings. But when the Confequences appear to be drawn from weak if not wrong Premifes, that Inftruflion will lofe its Energy, and the Inftru6lor muft look out for a better Foundation. But I muft place the Obje6l in a differing Perfpec- tive, we muft fee it in quite another Light : be it a better or a worfe Explanation, we muft underftand it as it is at prefent underftood, and taking People in their own Way, talk to them of it juft as they talk of it to us ; and fo, as the Backfzvord Men fay, beat them out of their Play : and it muft be done too with tJieir own Weapons. In a word, we muft ftiew them their Miftakes, and the Folly of thofe Miftakes, by the fame Light which they faw them in before, and while they underftood them to be no Miftakes. To take any other Courfe would be waftiing ALthio- pians, and meer beating the Air ; we are all Spaniards, or rather Ruffians, in fuch things as thefe ; we scorn to alter old Opinions, or old Ufages, even when we can't defend them ; nay, we don't care to do it, tho' we know we are in the wrong. I don't wonder at the old Pharifees among the Hebrews "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN, 13 Hebrews, who fet up tJia Traditions of the Elders, even p. 3. above the written Law of Mofes, or at the Papijls who rank their oral Fragments of religious Inftitutions above the ivritten Go/pel: I fay, I don't wonder at them at all, when I fee our felves fo wedded to Error, and fo pofitive in Miftake, that even Demonftration will not remove us. Our modern Acceptation of a Gentleman then, and that in fpite of defeated Reafoning, is this, A perfon Born (for there lies the Effence of Quality) of fome known, or Ancient Family ; whofe Anceftors have at leaft for fome time been raifd above the Clafs of Mechanicks. If we will examine for how long it muft be, that is a dangerous Inquiry, we dive too deep, and may indeed ftrike at the Root of both the Gentry and Nobility ; for all muft begin fomewhere, and would be traced to fome lefs Degree in their Original than will fuit with the Vanity of the Day : It is enough there- fore that we can derive for a Line of two or three Generations, or perhaps lefs ; fo that in fhort, the main Support of the thing, which is Antiquity, and the Blood of an Ancient Race, is a tender Point, and is not without its Defe6ls ; but, like a Rope of Sand, if it be ftretch'd out too far it feparates and falls back into the Mafs or Heap of the meaneft Individuals. Nor indeed is it poffible to avoid this Defe6l, and therefore I wonder our modern Pretenders to the Title of Gentility fhould lay fo much Strefs upon what they call a long Defcent of Blood. I would give it all its due Honour, but don't let us ftrain it too hard, or run too far into the Search, becaufe we know it muft dwindle into Diminutives at laft : all Great things begin in Small, the higheft Families begun low, and therefore to examine it too nicely, is to overthrow it all. It is a ftrange Folly in the beft of Mankind to Cap Pedigrees ; fmce as the talleft Tree has its Root in the p. 4- Dirt ; and the Florifts tell us the moft beautiful Flowers 14 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Flowers are raifed out of the groffeft Mixture of the Dunghill and the Jakes ; fo the greateft Family has its Beginning in the Throng, and the Search brings it to nothing. Is it not enough that our Fathers were Gentlemen as far back as we can have any good Account of them ? Since they that look fartheft back muft lofe their Fathers in the Search, or they will lofe themfelves as to the thing they fearch for ; they muft ftop fonie ivhere, or they will find themfelves no ivhere ; they muft run at laft into a Beginning that will baulk the Enquiry, and bring them all to nothing, that is to the Cannaillc and to the mob. I remember a Conteft of this Kind between a certain modern Nobleman and the late Earl of Oxford of the ancient illuftrious Family of Dc Vere. The Earl of Oxford valued himfelf upon the Glory of his Anceftors, their Fame, their great A6lions, their Vi6lories in foreign Service, and the like ; as for his perfonal Glory, the Stream ran fomething low, and as for his Family it was apparently extinguifhing with himfelf The modern Lord was a Man of Spirit, had ferv'd Voluntier under the Fountain of Glory GuJIavzis Ado/p/ms, and behav'd fo in the Prefence of that true Heroe, as to have his publick Teftimony of his Bravery ; but the other told him he was of no Family, he had no Blood : The modern Lord deny'd the Fa6l, told him he was of as noble Race as he ; came of as good a Family as his Lordfhip, and challeng'd to Cap Pedigrees ; and fo they began. I am Aubrey de Vere Earl of Oxford, fays the Earl ; my Father was Aubrey de Vere, Earl of Oxford ; my Grandfather was Earl of Oxford, my Great-grandfather was Francis de Vere, Lieutenant-General to Queen p- 5- Elizabeth ; his Father Horatio de Vere, Colonel of Horfe, and fo back to a long Race ; 'till the other feeing rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 15 feeing him at a ftand, bid him hold, for it was enough ; and he mufl have flopp'd a little farther, whether he would or not. Then the modern Lord began thus, I am William Lord my Father was Lord Mayor of London and my Grandfather was the Lord knows zuho, and fo I am of as Good a Race as any of you. Where it is ob- fervable that in all Enquiries of this kind, after we come a few Ages back and pafs a Heroe or two, the farther we go beyond that, the lower we go ; like diftant Profpe6ls of the greateft Obje6l, the farther you go from them the lefs they feem, 'till at laft diffolving themfelves in Mift and Cloud, Perfpeflive fails, and they entirely go out of fight and difappear ; fo the greateft Heroes in the World, and of the moft ancient Families, if we carry their Names back beyond their proper Diftance, they difappear, and are no more to be found. It is enough then, I fay, and a Gentleman ought to be fatiffy'd with it, if we can trace our Line back as far as our Anceftors are to be remember'd for great and good A6lions ; left going on to ftrain the Line too far, we fmk it again below what we would have it be : It is fufficient to derive from Virtue and Honour, let it ftand near or remote is not the Oueftion ; nor can that Part add to the Luftre, becaufe there is no Standard of Antiquity fettled to rate a Gentleman by. Nor is it yet determin'd, no not in the Jargon of the Heralds, How many Defcents make the Son of a Cobler commence Gentleman, or give^ an Efcutcheon of Arms and the red Hand, nay the Coronet it felf, to a Plebeian. Not therefore to fearch too far where the thing will not bear the Inquifition, I fhall take it as the World takes it, that the Word Gentlemait implies a Man of Family, born of fuch Blood as we call Gentlemen, p. 6. fuch ^ gives in printed sheet. i6 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. fuch Anceftors as liv'd on their Eftates, and as muft be fuppofd had Eftates to live on, whether the prefent Succeffor be poor or rich. Now tho' this Birth, after all, is but mean in it felf abftra6led from other Merit, yet this I muft alfo grant, that a Dignity thus raifd at firft flows in the Blood, that it is handed on from Family to Family, and from Age to Age, by the meer Confequence of Generation : Nay, I will grant an invifible Influence of the Blood, if they pleafe, as if there were fome differing Species in the very Fluids of Nature ; that the Spirits of a finer Extra6lion flow'd in the Veffels, or fome Animalcules of a differing and more vigorous kind which exifted in the Blood, fir'd the Creature with a fuperiour Heat differing from thofe which mov'd in the Veffels of a meaner and lower Kind of Creature ; as the Waters of fome Fountains and Rivers whofe Courfe lies thro' rich and fruitful meadows or fertile Plains, or which flow down from Mineral Springs or golden Mountains, have in their Streams more fecret Virtues, more healing and fru6lifying Qualities, more golden Sands than other Currents equally large which flow from unhealthy Bogs, moorifh and fenny Grounds, or barren and fandy or rocky Defarts, whofe Waters are thick and muddy, which impoverifh the Lands they flow over, and whofe ftagnate Waters rather poifon and kill than nourifh and heal the Lands or Creatures that drink them. This is granting as much as can be demanded, and, perhaps, more than is demanded, and is the exa6l Figure which they would form in our Minds concerning the Original and Conftitution of a Gentleman ; as if he were a different Species from the reft of Mankind, that Nature had caft in another Mould, and either that he p. 7. was not created at the fame time, or not made of the fame Materials as the reft of the Species of Men. This exalted Creature of our own forming we are now r/z^ COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 17 now to fet up upon the Stage of Honour, rate him above the ordinary Price, and ranking him in a higher Clafs than his Neighbours, call him a Gcnthvian. And now having made an Idol of our own, like Nebti- chadnczzar, we would have all the meaner World fall down and worfliip him. I allow indeed (I might fay I am forc'd to allow) that there are and may be accidental Degeneracies by corrupt Mixtures of Blood, that the original Stream is fometimes difhonoured and injured by promifcuous Coalitions, and Marriages with Perfons of Plebeian Race ; yet it is infmuated that there are fome Globules in the Blood, fome fublime Particles in the Animal Secretion, which will not mix with the hated Stream of a mechanick Race, but preferve themfelves pure and entire, and in time expels the degenerate Mixture, and reftores its original Purity ; and the Learned often exprefs themfelves in fuch cafes thus, viz. Such a one has good Blood in his Veins, tho' his Father indeed did marry below himfelf, and his Mother was a Shop- keeper's Daughter or a Citizen's Daughter of no Family ; yet he is of a good Family originally, and he has now married a Lady of an ancient Family in the North ; fo that the Quality of his Race will be kept up, and the Blood is reftor'd. This is the Language of the Times, which I mufl comply with, and muft confent to affift in the carrying it on, even to fuch ridiculous height, that as fome Sectaries have been juftly reproach'd with feparating from the World, and refufmg to marry with Unbelievers, and as the Pharifces of old faid to the Publicans, Stand off for I am holier than Thou : So I muft join, for the prefent purpofe, with thefe People that value them- felves on their unmix'd Blood, and call them Gentle- /. 8. men, tho' they want a Pair of Shoes, and the Ladies who fcorn to marry a Tradefman however rich, wife, B learned, "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. learned, well-educated or religious, the' at the fame time they have little or nothing to fupport the Chara6ler of their Birth, and perhaps, not Means to fubfift. Unhappy Humour ! truly ridiculous, and indeed prcpofterous ! and yet in this manner I muft proceed in meer Conformity to the Cuftom of the Times, at leaft 'till I come to the juft Diftin6lions which I fliall afterwards make, and by which, if poffible, we may undeceive the World, divorce their Minds from an cfpoufcd Error, and fct the real Gentlemen in a true Light, that we may no longer make a Harlequin of the Man we fliould admire : But fetting up a new Clafs truly qualify'd to inherit the Title, turn the ancient Race into the Woods a grazing with Nebu- chadnezzar, notwithftanding all the Trappings of their Antiquity, high Birth, great Anceftors, and boafted Family Fame, 'till they learn to know themfelves, 'till their Underftandings return, and 'till they can be brought to confefs that when Learning, Education, Virtue and good Manners are wanting, or degenerated and corrupted in a Gentleman, he finks out of the Rank, ceafes to be any more a Gentleman, and is, ipfo fa^o, turn'd back among the lefs defpicablc Throng of the PUebeii. That when it is thus, the Species alters, the Manners make the Man, that the Gentility dies in them, and like a fine Flower ill tranfplanted the Kind is loft ; that they lofe all Pretence of right to the Quality they bore, forfeiting their Claim of Blood they^ really ought to rank no otherwife than according to Merit. The firft thing which feems neceffary in this Work, and ^ This is the beginning of folio S of the MS. After the Icfs de- fpicablc Throiii^ of ilic Pkcbcii is a mark for an interpolation, which is lost with the preceding leaf, the next words being really otiglit to rank^ &c. After as the great Foiattain of Order has fet them, another insertion is lost, which extended as far as the paragraph Venice and Poland, Sec, on page 1 1 of the printed sheet. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 19 and which may be of ufe to fet this Affair in a Clear Light, is to examine our modern Notions about Nobility of Blood ; upon what Principles they are /• 9- raifed, and to what Abfurdities they are carry 'd by fome People, fetting every thing in its due Order, as the great Fountain of Order has fet them : See who is in the Right and who in the Wrong, that fo we may place the Gentleman where he fhould be placed, and then we may honour him as he fhould be honour'd : For the Defign of this Work is not at all to level Mankind, to blend the Low and the High together, and fo make a meer Mob of the People. 'Tis evident God Almighty in peopling the Earth a6led with the fame Wifdom, and with the fame excellent Order, as he did in peopling the Sky, nay even the Heavens themfelves. In the Firmament he placed glorious Lights ; glorious indeed they are in all their Degree, but of different Magnitude. It is true that even thofe which appear as if they were of lefs Magnitude far than others, may be fo to us only as their Station is nearer or more remote. But it is the fame thing to us fbill, that near or remote Situation is appointed to form the Difference of their appear- ing Lufbre. Here we fee a Sun, an immenfe and amazing Globe of Fire fliining in its full Strength, warming us with his illuftrious Beams, enlivening and envigorating the World with its Genial Heat, giving new Seafons in their Order, and putting a new Face upon Nature, and clothing her with Beauty and a renewed Youth at his Vernal Returns. There the humble Moon and her Sifters the Planets with their Satellites, the Plcbeii of the Skies, dark and opake in themfelves, fhine by Refle6tion only, and borrowing Beams from the Patrician Sun, give Light without Heat, pale and languid, and feem to be in a wonderful 20 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. wonderful Round of Negative Glory what they really are not p. 10. Thd Wandering, fix d ; tJio reti'ograde, yet true ; TJid Chang' d, the fame ; and tJid the fame, yet new; Thd dijlant, near ; imnmifly high, yet low ; Swift, yet not rapid ; tedious, yet notflozv ; Tho' dark, yet clear; thd all opake, yet bright; Fair^ without Beams, and withotit Lnflre bright. Thus Heaven, I fay, acls with the fame Wifdom in placing his Creatures in differing Ranks and Claffes in every Part of the Creation ; nay even in the Cceleftial Creation it felf we are told there are different Claffes- even among the Heavenly Inhabitants themfelves, such as we call Angels and ArcJiangels, and fuch as facred Text diftinguiflies by Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, and Powers: Nay, and if we may believe the fublime Mr, Milton, who talk'd of thofe Places as if he had been born there, there were abundance more Claffes than we have Names for. In the very fame Method God proceeded when he eftablifhed a Nation under his own Government here on Earth, and whom he govern'd in an immediate Theocrafie : Do we not read of the Princes of Ifrael,. Heads of the Houfe of their Fathers, Honourable Men,, and Men of Renozvn, 8zc ? All this is in favour of the Gentry and Nobility of the World, and to let you fee I am far from levelling the Clown and the Gentleman, the Great with the Mean and Bafe. No ; not the Rich with the Poor, which, by the way, may at the Bottom be the Effcnce of that Diflinclion, as we fhall fee in its Place. All this, I fay, will let you fee that I am far from intending to leffen or difhonour the Gentleman I am fpeaking of : I allow him to be the Glory of the Creation, ^ The print has Shines, which the corrector has altered to Fair. "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 21 Creation, the exalted Head of the whole Race, that •demands Honour and Difbinflion from the reft of the p. n. World. I have the Honour to be rank'd, by the Direc- tion of Providence, in the fame clafs, and would be fo far from leffening the Dignity Heaven has given us, that I would add Luftre, if that was poffible, to the conftellated Body, and make them ftill more illuftrious than they are. But this is to be done, not by dreffmg them up like A6lors upon a Stage, adorning worthlefs and degenerate Heads with Laurels and Bays, that they may acl the Conquerors who never drew a Sword ; and the Poets who never meafur'd Quantity, tranfforming Faces, tranf- pofmg Figures, and making the A6lrefs appear to-day a Goddefs, to-morrow a Queen, and the third Day a Waiting-zvojna7t, and the like, as the Part fhe is to a(5l requires. The Gentleman is to be reprefented as he really is, and in a figure which he cannot be a Gentleman without ; I mean as a Perfon of Merit and Worth ; a Man of Honour, Virtue, Senfe, Integrity, Honefty, and Religion, without which he is Nothing at all, as we fliall see in its place. But of that by it felf. Venice^ and Pola7id are two particular countryes, MS. where the notions' of nobillity in blood are^ at this ■''^^ ' time carryed to the higheft and moft ridiculous extreme. The Venetians are without difpute an antient people, they call themfelves the unconquer'd remains of the antient Romans ; and I am not for difputing it with them at all, any more than I will with our Welch gentlemen whether they are the unconquer'd remains of the antient Britains ; if they are not the degenerated'* race of them 'tis well enough. I ^ As the rest of the text of the printed sheet corresponds with that of the MS., the latter will be followed in future. - «^//r7;/inMS.andprint. ^ win print. * degeneratexn^xvoX. 22 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. I will not doubt but that, according to antient hiftory^ when the GotJis and Vandals and other barbrous^ nacions over-run Italy, when the Exarchs who took refuge at Ravenna, and fet up their petty governments there, were no more, and all face of government began to wear out in Italy, I mean as it was Roman, when the Kingdom of Lombardy diffolved itfelf, and all the other kingdoms of that part of the world made up the great Empire of Charlemain, or Carolous^ Magnus, and of the Franks, from whom to this day all the European nacions are among the Greeks call'd Franks ; I will not, I fay, doubt but that the Veneti or the Paduans, for they were the head of them, and other inhabitants of the fea-coaft, and of the country upon the banks of the Po, retiring to the in- acceffible iflands and the lov/ grounds at the mouth of that great river, the fame which is now call'd the Dogade, or the mere dominion of the Duke and Senate of Venice, defended themfelves againft all the forces of the barbarians, and erected a new nacion made up of many nacions. That all the families difperf'd among the provinces of Italy, who abhorr'd the bondage of the barbarians, finding those Veneti enjoy'd there both liberty and peace, principally by the help of their fituacion, and particularly by their naval fbrength, which they by meer neceffity ere6led, fled to them, and dwelling among them, became foon after manumiz'd and made freemen and encorporated into the fame common body. As they form'd their firft conftitution into a Common- wealth, the fame as it remains at this day, and'' dreffing up their government in the fame form and exa6lly after the modelle of the Common-wealth of Rome, fo they ■* Instead oi antient hijiory the print has a long stroke. ^ barbarous in print. ^ Carolus in print. * and not in print. "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 23 they had their Senatus Populufquc on one hand, and the Tribunes of the people on the other ; they were divided into the Senate and the people, or as it follow'd the Nobillity and the Commo7is, exa6tly the fame as the Patricii and the Plcebcij of Rome ; and as the Romans upon all emergencies of the State, extra- ordinary dangers from enemies, and the like, chofe a Dictator and afterwards the Cccfars affum'd the title of perpetual di6lators, and then 'Cci^Xoi Impcrator ; fo the Venetians appointed a Doge or Duke in the nature of a Diclator, or of a temporary Imperator, onely that this is more limited and reftrain'd by much, as he is rather the fervant than the governor of the Common- wealth. Now what follow'd among the Venetians ? Pride ftepping in, as it ufually does, where the degeneracy of nature opens a door, affifted to put an immoderate rate upon this clafs of nobillity, tho' without the firft virtue which raifed them ; the Senators meriting at firfb greatly from the people who came to dwell among them, as is faid, for the prote6lion they gave them againft the barbarians, were in return greatly honour'd as they indeed deferv'd ; their names were reverenc'd and the merit defcending in thofe firft ages to their pofterity, the honour entail'd it felf of courfe. The prudent and well-managing of the government was the teftimonial of their reall defervings ; and in the next age all thofe familyes, on whofe wifdom, valour and fidelity to their country the greatnefs of the Common-wealth began fo foon to flourifli, were firft made Counfellors and Dire6lors of the State, and then ennobled ; I fay made, becaufe 'tis evident the Tribimes made them Councillors, and eftablifhed them in the Government, and the Tribunes confequently gave them nobillity ; to which was added that the Doge or Duke fhould be allways chofen out of that body, with power 24 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. in the faid Doge and nobillity to confer nobillit}'- to /. 9- other families, as merit and reafons of State fliould make reafonable ; and had they flopped there they had done well. Here began nobiUity in Venice, and a juft beginning it was ; nobillity, as it ought to be, was made an appendix to, or attendant on, virtue : True merit, fidelHty to, and fervices done for, their country, exalted the firft patriots of the State, and eftablifh'd them- felves as the rule for thofe noble perfons to a6l by in taking fubfequent patriots into that illuftrious body, giving nobillity afterwards as the reward of virtue, and thereby firing the minds of the growing and afpiring generacions with refolutions to purchafe nobillity at the fame rate, (viz.) by noble and generous accions, by a generall courfe of glorious merit, fo to rife to honour on the wings of virtue, which indeed is the onely juftifyable gradacion. All this was right, and thus to make a nobleman or a gentleman, would certainly add luftre to the name, and men might juftly value themfelves upon the honours^ fo acquir'd and fo conferr'd. But two things are to be brought in abatement of the plea. Not againft the honour for I am ftaunch to the principle I layd down ; the honour I allow to be valuable, but then the merit too muft remain. But if the vertue defcends not with the titles, the man is but the ITiaddow of a gentleman, without the fubftance. If vertue gave being" to his degree, where the caufe dyes the effect ceafes ; the degenerate^ offfpring of the noble, virtuous, gallant fpirit fmks the nobleman, becaufe the nobleman finks the hero ; the honour muft go with the merit : If he has not the virtue which is the merit, how can he be call'd noble ? What remains to the miferable ficeleton of a nobleman ? The walking fhaddow ^ honour in print. - MS. bing, ' MS. detjgerate. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 25 fhaddow of a duke who once was noble, but of whom it may be faid, the man remains, but the D ... is dead, as a renegado is no more a chriftian. 2. The advancing men to honours without the merit, is abufmg the honour and the man too. It is indeed a peice of mockery, and is a fcandal of the nobillity and gentry ; 'tis dreffing Httle David in Satd's armour — the one a ftripling, and the other the talleft man in Ifrael : Poor David could not walk, much lefs fight, in that drefs. Well did King Charles II. fay, lie coidd make a knigJd, but cotdd not make a gentle- man. The king underftood what went to that qualli- fication, and that a title no more made a gentleman than the lyon's fkyn would make the afs a lyon ; The gentleman mufb have the merit, or he is not at all advanc'd by his title ; the Sir no more makes a gentle- man, than the fcarf makes a do6lor : To exalt a fool is onely making a jeft for the town ; in a word, to knight a booby is an affault upon nature, and is a fatyr upon the clown himfelf ; fee what Andrezu Alarvell fayes upon fomething of this kind. To fee a white flafif make a beggar a lord, And fcarce a wife man at a long Cowicel Board. When I mencion the advancing men to titles without merit, I may be fuppof'd to touch upon the modern cuf- tome of felling nobility in Venice for 100,000 ducates ; and, if indeed the man fo advanc'd had nothing to en- title him to the honour but the money, the fatyr would be juft : But I am told the Venetians go upon three ftipulacions when they make thofe advances. I. They never take that method to raife money by encreafmg the familyes of the nobility except in times of heavy war, when the State is preff'd, and when 'tis neceffary to raife a confiderable fum for the exigencies of State. 2. When 26 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 2. When they have voted for taking in a certain number of perfons into the nobillity, it is referr'd to the Council to fmgle out fuch familyes, and fuch perfons, as have deferv'd well of the Common Wealth. 3, The advancing the money on thefe occafions is really doing a fervice to the public, and may be allow'd to have fome merit in itfelf But now we come to the main claufe wherein this article of nobillity in Venice is brought under our fatyr. The antient nobillity value themfelves fo much above /. 10. the created nobillity, that there feems to be an im- placable animofity between them, and they will fcarce falute one another or at leaft would not for a time. Now this comes exa6lly within the cenfure which I am paffmg with fo much juftice upon the times. If the antient nobillity had either any fuperiour perfonal merit of their own, upon the foot of which they could juftly rate themfelves above the other, or if the modern nobiUity lay under any fcandal, upon the foot of which they could be reproacht as unquallify'd for Nobillity, that they had no merit but their money, or were really perfonally unworthy being enobled ; this would in either cafe juftifye the contempt with which they treat them. But fuppofe now that the noble Venetian of the antient creation, fuppofe one of the Cojitarini, the Bragadini, the Boccalini, the Cornari, or the Mocenigi ; fuppofe him a bully, a rake, a B .... or a W ... . or an E . . . . , a man ufelefs to the Common Wealth, degenerate, vitious, unworthy of the honour and titles which he bears, and which he inherits, but knows not how to deferve : fuppofe him difhonouring his glorious anceftors by his deficiency of that vertue, courage, learning, and fidellity to his country, which juftly raif'd his anceftors to the dignity of counfellors, and "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 27 and rankt them among the nobillity : Shall the no- billity of blood remain, with this weight upon its fame? NO 1 'tis^ inconfiftent with the nature of the thing ; the blood of a gentleman poifon'd and tainted with crime is loft, and ought to be no more valued as a generous ftream." Suppofe, on the contrary, a nobleman of the modern creation, and allow him to be a perfon of merit, of wifedom, of prudence, of learning, able for council, for embaffys, for confidence ; a man of conducl in the field, brave, enterprifing, experienc't, and faithfuU, and worthily honour'd, and enobl'd on all thefe accounts ; befides the advancing fo much money, as is faid above, for the public fervice in a time of exigence. Now the cafe is this : the firft of thefe, notwith- ftanding^ all thofe extremes of contrarys, fliall contemn the lafb for the meer antiquity of their creation ; how abfurd is the pride of this, and how contrary to the nature of the thing ! The firft has nothing to value himfelf upon but the remote vertues of his forgotten anceftors, which weigh no more in the fcale of his perfonall merit, than the efcutcheon of his arms painted upon filk would weigh again ft the other man's 100,000 duckets. In a word, the laft has the merit, the firft the anti- quity ; pray which has the beft claim to the honour } The firft has family without vertue, the laft has the virtue to build the family: the firft ought to be the laft nobleman of his houfe, as the laft is the firft noble- man of his. Yet thus it is at Venice : the antient nobillity look upon the modern nobillity with the utmoft contempt, fo as they will hardly keep them company 1 it is in print. - The passage from Shall the nobillity to generous Jlream is scratched out in the MS., but it stands in the print, which ends here. 3 Abbreviated in MS. 28 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. company, or give them the civilityes of their rank, if they meet them in the flreet. Let us bring the cafe nearer home. With what contempt do we degrade a Knight of the Garter who has once difhonour'd his dignity by crime. The trophies of his honour, the enfigns of the Order, are thrown down. His coat of arms, how- ever iUuftrious, and even glorious, from the nobillity of his defcent, are taken from over the ftall, are tranf- verf'd, torn in peices, thrown on the ground, and kick'd out at the door of the chappel of the Order. His name is declar'd infamous and deteftable, and hi.s memory unworthy of being preferv'd in the roll among the Knights Companions. If this is the treatment which a man once fo exalted, fo great, fo honourable, fhall receive in the particular cafe of treafon and rebellion againft the Soveraign, why fliall not a gentleman forfeit his rank and be fuppof'd degenerate when he diflionours his blood by other equal, or even lefs, degrees of crime, fuch for example as a generall contempt of all morall virtue, a total degeneracy of manners, and in a word an avowed praftife of all degrees of fcandal and crime ? It is a little hard, and we muft think ourfelves impofed upon by cuftome and other errors of the age, that a man fhall ftand attainted in blood, and his pofterity after him, for crimes againft the Govern- ment he lives in, and fhall yet preferv his blood entire, and the ftreams of it be efteem'd pure and uncorrupted, when he gives up all obedience either to God or good manners. Such a conduft degrades the gentleman ipfo facto and fliows him in the form of a vile and degenerate wretch. And why fliould he not be taken as Nature fhows him ? why fhould he not be accepted for what he is, and not for what he is not ? In "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 29 In Poland this vanity of birth is ftill worfe ; 'tis there carry'd up to fuch a monftrous extravagance, that the name of gentleman and the title of a Starojt, a Palatine, or a Cajlollan, gives the man a fuperiority over all the vaffals or common people, infinitely greater than that of King or Emperor, reigning over them with more abfolute power, and making them more miferable than the fubje6ls either of the Grand Seignior or the Chain of Tartary, infomuch that they trample on the poorer people as dogs and frequently murder them : and when they do, are accountable to nobody, nor are call'd fo much as to giv a reafon for /. ix. it. Were this haughty carriage and the violence uf'd upon that account allow'd by the conftitution of their country, the poor people were only to be commifer- ated, and their unhappynefs would be that they were the fubje6ls of fuch a Government. But then I fhould have nothing to do with it in this place. But as it is the confequence of meer pride and arrogance founded upon birth and the pretended pre- rogativ of blood, it is an example which, of all ever met with, moft expofes the thing I am fpeaking of and is indeed the reproach, infbead of being the true char- acter, of a gentleman. For take the nobillity and gentry of Poland, not onely as we kno' them to be by converfing with them in their private capacity, but as they appear in hiftory ; in the firft place, they are the mofl haughty, im- perious, infulting people in the world. A very valu- able hiftorian of our times fayes they are proud, infolent, objlinate, pajjlonate, furious. Thefe are indeed the born gentlemen ; but how remote is this from the true bred gentlemen, of whom, thanks be to Heaven, we have fome among us, and of whofe chara6ler I fhall have room to fpeak with fome pleafure. Then take them, I fay, as they appear in hiftory. How 30 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. How falfe, perfidious, treacherous, mercenary, unfteady, not to be trufted upon the folemneft oath ! Let the prefent King of Poland be our witnefs in this cafe. How often did they fwallow his gifts by millions, then change fides upon the leaft difgufh or as they found the ftream run low, and then fight againft him, that is, affociate againft him (for they can't be charg'd with much fair fighting), till they, as it were, fwallow'd him up ; and yet, after all, flood ftill and let a fubje6l be put into the throne over his head by an enemy who, had but thofe very gentlemen that had eaten his bread, as it may be truly faid, that z's, taken his money, ftood by him like gentlemen, as they call themfelves, could never have^ been brought to pafs. How often have thofe men of honour, as they are to be caWd, — for all gentlemen are or ought to be fuch — play'd Jack a both fides, to-day for and to-morrow againft, to-day for the Saxon to-morrow for the Szvede, as the money could be got or the party was ftrongeft. Yet if you fliould afk a Polandcr what he is, he would tell you he is gcntlanan of Poland; and fo much do they value themfelves upon the name, that they think they are abov being tyed to the rules of honour, which are the onely conftituting laws of gentle- men. Nay they fupport themfelves upon their being gentlemen even in doing the fouleft and blackeft things and which we fay are below a gentleman, and expeft allowance in thofe things, even from Heaven itfelf, on account of their birth and quallity : an eminent inftance of which we have in an infamous wretch, Capt Vratz, a Polander, who, in cold blood, affaffinated an Englifh gentleman, Thomas Thynne Efq""^, fhooting him into the body in his coach with a mufqueteer loaden with 7 bullets ; and who, the day before he was to be hang'd for it, when he was 1 MS. ha\ riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. was fpoken with by the minifher to prepare himfelf for death, anfwer'd that he did not doubt but God would have font refpect to him as a gentleman. Let us wonder no more at all the weak and wicked things thofe people can do under the fkreen of their dignity, who can carry it fuch a length, as to believ Heaven itfelf regards them in the fame ftacion they regard themfelves, and that they may a6l like devils under the mafk of the gentleman. And yet, as I faid abov, this does by no means inti- mate a levelling all mankind one with another : far otherwife, it exalts the true gentleman above the common, mechanick, labouring clafs as high as can be in reafon defir'd or imagin'd, onely with this fhort addition eafily underftood and not impoffible to be acquir'd, namely, that the virtue fhould go along with the title, the merit defcend with the race, and follow the inheritance like a rent-charge upon the manfion houfe and park. If the heir will cut off the entail, if he will quit the vertue, he fhould quit the name ; for a man, to have dignity without honefty, the name without the fame, the diftincion of quallity without the diftin6lion of quallification, is like the coat of arms of the family without the eftate. In a word, if he will cut off the entail of virtue and honor, he fliould cut off the entail of the title too, and fhould no longer call himfelf a gentleman than he will a6l like a gentleman, no longer pretend to be a man of blood and family than he will be a man of hbnefty and merit. To be known by his crimes, at the fame time that he claims to be known by his blood and the antiquity of his anceftors, is to regifter himfelf the fhame of his race : and to place himfelf as a mark of infamy upon his houfe, which, as in the cafe of a bend in his coat of arms, the efcutcheon cannot be blazon'd without it, fo the \2 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. the hiftory of his family can not be read over, but his own part mufl be left out or ftand as a foyl to the brighter lives of the reft of his kindred, /. 12. How is the ancient noble family of Sturton in Wilt- fhire remembrd with infamy, tho' full of illuftrious anceftors, for the foul fa6l committed by one of the race ! How is the filken halter which to this day hangs over his grave in the cathedrall of Salift)ury and with which he was executed, all-ways remembr'd when the very family is but nam'd. All the good of the family is funk and forgotten in that one crime, and the whole race now extin6l is, as it were, attainted in fame, tho' not guilty. It is the fame with the family of the Lord Caftle- haven and feverall others that might be nam'd ; and if we come to matters of treafon, we fee the law is fo fevere that the attainder of blood extends to the pofterity, and they are no more nam'd among the nobillity. And why fhould it not be fo with every gentleman who giving himfelf up to crime difhonours his race ? nay, it is fo in the nature of the thing, whether it is fo in the ftri6l determination of the law : when he degenerates from the vertue of his anceftor, when he abandons himfelf to vice, and becomes loofe and profli- gate, 'tis an attainder upon his blood ; he fhould be efteem'd as one that has abdicated the title of gentle- man and levell'd himfelf with Newgate and the Bear- Garden. Where is there any man that to this day will boaft himfelf of being the pofterity of a highway-man or a murtherer ? Do we fee any of the family and pofterity of Guy Faux or of Lieutenant Felton ? Who values himfelf upon the race of thofe affaffmators of princes, Balthazar Gerrard and of Poltcot ? We have fome famous Rabbis of the Jews left among the regifters of antiquity The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 33 antiquity of the yEfmodean' race, and fome who fay they are of the pofterity of the good old Simeon ; we read of Rabbi Jofeph and Rabbi . . . Ben Gorion and others, but we never read, as I remember, of Rabbi Judas or the noble race of the forcerer Bar Jefus or of Simon Magus. As crime, when grave, notorious, and flagrant, brands a family even in the view of the whole world, and puts aftopto the fame of the whole race, fo, I think, 'tis but juft it fliould do fo to the claim of a gentleman, and the pofterity of a proffligate fhould be afliam'd of their anceftor, blacken'd by his crimes and, whether hang'd or unhang'd, as well v/hen he efcapes juftice as when he falls under the ftroke of it. As then the crimes of our anceftors deface their memory in our efteem, and make us blufh to owne them or to own our felves to belong to, or be fprung from, them, fo when we abandon ourfelves to vice, we ought, for ourfelves and in behalf of our pofterity, to quit the name of gentleman, and to blot our felves out of the roll of our families. When we ceafe to be honeft men we fhould ceafe to claim the name of men of honour [for honefty and honour are the fame]. To conclude, it cannot juftly be taken for a depre- ciating the rank and quallity of men of birth and blood to lay fo much greater ftrefs upon their perfonal merit and virtue than upon their lines and defcent, the antiquity of their families and greatnefs of their anceftors. It is, I think, doing a higher piece of juftice to them and exalting them as really deferving the dignity they poffefs, fuppofmg them really to accu- mulate honour and add to the glory of their race by the illuftrious merit of their own accions ; and were we to rate our nobillity and gentry by their rule, (viz.) of their own merit, and no othervvife, it would be the greateft ^ Error instead of Af/nonean. C 34 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. greatefl fpur to great a6lIons imaginable ; and the world would foon applye to the practife of virtue as to the true and proper means of obtaining fame. We have one ftrange example in Europe, and it is nacionall too, where a whole people have cafb off all claim of blood from their reall anceftors, and rejefl the very race they are defcended from, onely becaufe of the infamy of their chara6ler, and this is the Spaniards. It is evident they are generally defcended from the Moors, who, having conquer'd and for above 700 years poffefs't Spain and Portugal loft their tawny progeny by promifcuous generacion and intermarriages with the natives blended with the blood of the beft and moft antient familyes in Spain; and this is fo evident in the very blood, the names, nay, and the very faces of Spain and Portugal, that you hardly find any familyes in either of thofe countryes who pretend to any line or genealogy farther back than the fifteenth and fixteenth century, except fuch as have fettled in Spain from other countryes under the Spanifli government. Upon this very account it is that if you enquire into moft of the great families in Spain, and efpccially thofe who claim a defcent of much antiquity, they tell you their family came from Sicily or they were originally Neapolitans, or Milanefe, or Flemifh, or Burgundians, all which countryes were formerly fubjefts of the King of Spain ; but not a man will own himfelf defcended from a Moor : he would as foon claim a defcent from Mahomet or Judas ; and yet 'tis evident that moft of them have undergone the mixture, and have it not onely in their language, their colour, their temper and their names but even (as abov) in their very faces, and that of the beft of their families, not excepting the royal houfe of Braganza itfelf. Let any man examine the countenances of the Spaniards, and efpecially of the Portuguefe, and fee if there rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 35 there is ordinarily not fomething of the Moor and the Negrovv in their very features. Nay, let them look on the new gold coin, where there is the buft or head of a certain king, and let them fee if they can not dif- tinguifh fomething of the Moor in the very face, and yet the family is as great, as antient, and has had a race of heroes in it, equall to moft in Spain or Portugal. From what an original then are we to go for a gentleman in this part of the world 1 and yet they are not more tenacious of their blood and, as 'tis call'd, of their gentility in any nation in Europe, tho' the excellency of it is to ftop the fearch at' the time of Ferdinand of Caftile, fo that the claim of blood is to go no higher on pain of fcandal and difgrace. Thus we fee in fome places the gentleman is valued for being antient and in fome places for being modern ; fome for one thing, fome another. In Englajid we defire no greater honour than to fay our line can be trac'd back to the Conqueror, and that our anceftor came over with the conqueror : Tho^ zvhat the hej'o was no man can tell, Whether a Drnnimer or a Colonell. In Ruffia we fee the fhort originalls of their chief nobillity by no means affecte their glory. They tell us that, the old ducal race of the Mufcovite blood being extinft, the late Czar himfelf was but in three removes the fon of a Greek prieft, and that none of the beft or firft-rate priefts neither ; that a certain great prince of the nacion, who was at this time lately faid to be the Deputy Czar (for fo they call'd him) and chief mannager or minifter of the whole Empire, tho' now in exile, was but a drummer in the Czar's army ; and that the late Emprefs (Reft her foul) was but a chambermaid to the Lutheran Vicar of Dorpt in Livonia when that province was •^ at indistinctly written. 26 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. was Swedifh ; that fhe was hyr'd by the old man to wait upon his two daughters, and that fhe had but 5 Rix- dollars a year wages. How then did the late Czar raife his fame ? how arriv to that pitch of glory ? of whom it is truly faid no prince ever obtain'd fuch an elevated character in fa fhort a time. It was neither by his high birth or his education. His father had nothing of it in him, was weak and inconftant in his temper, had neither know- ledge natural or acquir'd ; and as for his elder brother he was little better than a f . . . . It was not then convey'd by blood : he might be born of what he would,, if they had it not themfelves, they could not convey it by generation. Nil dat quod non habet. The being the fon of an Emperor or the grandfon of an Emperor ftor'd the eldefb fon with no brains ; and how many eldefh fons of heroes do we find inheriting the name without the genius, in a word the body without the foul. It was all owing to his induftry and application ;, he had the genius lent by Heaven, not by the blood of his family ; he had the head, and, above all, had a fence /• 14- of his want of knowledge, which fir'd his foul with an earneft defire to kno', to learn, and to be inftru6led.. He fought wifdom, thro' the whole world ; he applyed for knowledge in every branch of fcience. He knew he wanted it before, and he knew it was to be obtained, and this made him unwearied in his applicacion to en- creafe his knowledge, to cultivate his underftanding. This made him refolv to travell, that he might fur- nifh his head with knowledge : the want of it made him uneafie and unfatiffy'd with himfelf and with his whole empire : he abhorr'd to be ignorant of any thing, and from hence he refolv'd to fee every thing that was to be feen, hear every thing that was to be heard, know every thing that was to be known and learn every thing that was to be taught. But riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 37 But as God aflc'd Adam after the fall, WJio told thee that thou ivajl naked ? fo the queftion readily occurrs here (and I affure you it has fome weight in it), Who told the Czar of Mo/cozu that he ivas ignorant? We kno' 'tis the particular property of a Rufs to think they kno' every thing, and to abhorr to be taught by any body ; but it was not fo with the Czar. What ever he knew he found he might kno' more of, nay he found other men knew more than himfelf. It was his ufuall faying that every cobler that came but from Germany or Holland knew more than he did. They tell us that one of the main cccafions of his being more than ordinarily fencible of the want of fence and underftanding in himfelf, as well as in his own people, was at the firft feige of Afoph, where he was oblig'd to raife the fiege after the killing of two German engineers, meerly for the ignorance and unfkilfulnefs of his own. After that he went to Arch-Angel, where he converfb with fome of the Dutch and Englifli merchants and commanders of fliips, and where he found, as he often faid, every cabbin boy taking obfervacions, keeping the fhip's reckonings and able to fteer and work a fhip better than any of his people ; and that every mate or boatfwain underflood more of navigation than the beft man in all his empire. There he built himfelf a yacht or pleafure boat, and had allmoft drovvn'd himfelf to learn how to work it. Thefc things taught him to know his own ignorance and defficiency, and fir'd him with refolutions of improv- ing himfelf that he might improv his whole empire. This made him, according to Solomon, ScarcJifor knoiv- ledge as for fdver and dig for it as for hid treafure Prov. 2. 4. If this fence of felf-dcfficiency was able to form the foul of an Emperor, and to finifh him for a hero, would not 38 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. not the fame humble thoughts affift and accomplifh a gentleman, if improv'd and follow'd with the fame ap- plicacion ; and if it was not below an Emperor thus to furnifli his foul with knowledge, and even to force nature and form a genius to himfelf, to polifli and finifh his mind for the great accions which were before him in life, how can it be below a private gentleman to do the fame ? Indeed, if the Czar had not been bred abroad, one would not have taken him to be what we call a gentle- man, efpecially an Englifli gentleman ; for do we ever meet with an Englifli gentleman that does not think himfelf wife enough and learned enough ? Do not we Englifli gentlemen think, that to be a good fportfman is the perfeccion of education, and to fpeak good dog language and good horfe language is far abov Greek and Latin ; and that a little damming and fwearing among it makes all the reft polite and fafhionable. I met with one of this fort of gentlemen once that was very- bright upon the fubjeft with me. " What occafion has a gentleman to trouble himfelf," faid he, " with books, and to fpend his time poring over old hiftoryes ? what have we to do with the lives of a parcell of rotten kings and emperors, the Crefars and Alexanders of the world ? aren't they dead and in their graves and for- gotten ? and there let them lye and be forgotten. What does it fignifye to us to enquire after them ? " " There's Sir T .... P .... " (adds he) " and my Lord . , . . ; they have been travelling as they call it ; 'tis rambling over the ]ulls and far aivay, moil- ing themfelves in clambring over the mountains of the Alps and the Pyrenees and I kno' not where, hunt- ing in every hole and corner to fee graves and ruines, and to look upon the old heaps, that they may fay they have feen the place where fuch a town ftood, the vault where fuch an emperor was bury'd, and it may be they had \ 39 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. had feen the town too, if it had not been loft, and the Emperor too, if he had not been dead ; and what if they had ? all they could fay when they came home would be, I have feen fuch a town and fuch a Caifar, to which one would anfwer as the Dutch do in the like cafes, Had you not tin fac ? had you not a bag ? that is to fay, if you had, why did you not bring 'em away with you ? Here was my Lord ," adds his Worfliip, bantering a noble perfon who had fpent fome yeares abroad, "went over to Affrica, and what did he fee there? why he faw a lyon, and fo have I done in the tower ; well, but he faw the ruines of the great city of Carthage, that is to fay he faw Carthage lyeing in ftate, for it feems it was dead : he faw a great heap of rubbifli and they told him, there the city of Carthage ftood. Very good, and his Lordfhip values himfelf much upon it. — Why," fayes he, *' I faw London once in rubbifh, and that was better ; for it had this difference, that London is rifen again from the dead, and fo is not Carthage, and never will ; and I think I am even with his Lord- fhip and have fav'd a labour of rambling a thoufand miles for nothing." Then my country efquire was witty upon the gentle- men that read and travell to ftow themfelves with know- ledge, that are curious in fearching into antiquity, and looking back into the records of time ; that read the glorious accions of great men in order to imitate their vertue and, that by knowledge treafur'd up, make them- felves rich in abillityes as well as defirc to ferv their country. But he fets his foot upon it all as ridiculous, enjoys his efpouf'd brutallity, hunts, hawkes, fhootes, and follows his game, hallows to his dogs, dams his fer- / 15. vants, dotes upon his horfes, drinks with his huntfman, and is excellent company for two or three drunken elder brothers in his neighbourhood ; and as here is his felicity, fo here is the uttmoft of his accomplifliments. When 40 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. When^ he comes to the efbate, 'tis not the fame onely but worfe ; for, his pride encreafing without his fence, he comes at laft to the perfeccion of a fool, namely to be proud of his ignorance. This makes him talkative, and that makes him intollerable, becaufe he talks non- fence and impofes it upon you for wit, argues without knowledge, grows dogmatic in his folly and at laft quarrellfome, till, in a word, you muft grant the moft egregious ridiculous noife of his tongue to be fence and liften to it too, or you muft fight him. By this time, he gets a wife and perhaps an heir as wife as himfelf. If the lady be a toy, a flutter, an empty weakling like her fpoufe, flie is happy ; if not, fhe is undone ; if flae is a woman of fence and wit, flie is ruin'd ; for to be ty'd down to converfe with a fool. Heavens ! what lady of any underftanding can bear it ! In a word, fhe languiflies under the infupportable weight of it a few yeares; when being fmother'd with the fume and fmoke of nonfenfe and impertinence, fhe expires, and ought to be put down among the various diftempers in the yearly h\\\ fujfocated I Thefe are the gentlemen of whom the great Rochefter fayes they arc good Chriftians," for they allwayes believ Heaven has given them a full fhare of brains, and that they have wit enough. In ivitt alone Heaven is munificent, Of zuhich to all fo jiifi: a fit are is lent That the mojl avaritious aj-e content. And none ere thinks the due divifion's fuch, His oivn too little, or his friends' too niiich. '% But I fliall be loft among fools, the crowd is fo great that, as^ in a wood the buflies are fo thick, I fhall never find ^ The subsequent text, as far as in its order, is marked for dele- tion, but is not struck out. - Abbreviated in MS. ^ that as indistinct in MS. / rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 41 ■find my way out. I muft come back to the fa6l before me. Perhaps I may touch this fore place again in its order. But I return to the queftion about the late Czar of Mufcovy, which requires fome thing to be faid to it, viz., who told him that he was ignorant t It is indeed one of the hardeft things in the world to convince any man that he is ignorant ; like the fm of ingratitude 'tis what no body cares to confefs. The mocion muft be fupernatural. It is not dictated by common principles ; if it were, the world would be all wife, learned, knowing, and fully inform/d ; for If fools could their oivn ignorance difccrn, Tliefd be no longer fools, bccanfc thcfd learn. Here I might take up a whole chapter by way of effay upon the extraordinary quallificacion of conceit, the puff't up empty accomplifhment, the coxcomb's glory mencion'd as above, viz. opinion, wit, of which Roch- ■efter merrily fums up the bleffing in two lines, thus. With an eflate, no zvitt, and a young lAfe, The folid comforts of a coxcomb life. It mufb be confeffc (fo nature dire6ls by the force of fecond caufes) that 'tis very hard for a man thoro'ly ignorant of witt and good fence, that knows not what it is or means, not to miftake in his own favor, not to believ his naturall baftard wit to be good fterling, and fo put it off for current coin when it is really a counter- feit. Now if this be his cafe, firft, you need not wonder that he is angry that you won't take it. For like an l^neft man that puts off brafs money, if he does not know it is counterfeit, 'tis no breach of juftice, and he is not blam'd, and, if you charge his integrity, he refents it : fo our felf-wife gentleman refents it to an extremety, if you reproach his underftanding, becaufe he believs it to be very good, 2. You ■»!i ■■^ 42 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 2. You are not to wonder that he fcorns to be in- form'd when he is allready fo fully perfwaded, that his wit is confumate and at leaft fuperior to yours, who pretend to inform him. Nothing can be a greater af- front to him than to offer to teach him who thinks himfelf able to teach the world, and that pretends both to have fence himfelf and judge cf every one's elce. Crede quod habes, et Jiabes, if, according to the do6lrine, to believe that we have wit is to be wife, happy ! W . . . . the flower of his family, mafter of the fineft fence, the fineft language, and the greateft fliow of wit of his whole generacion, no matter where he had it, what tho' his anceftors for three ages never had any and he was never taught any ; yet as the immenfe fund is fecur'd in the mine tho' never dug up, and the fub- / 16. ftance exifts in his imagination, the reallity is as evi- dent and the operation as effeftuall as the divifion of colours in the prifme, where the eye fees what is not and realizes nonentity to a demonftration. I fliould be very unwilling to treat the Englifli gentlemen rudely, when they are fo civil to themfelves. Nothing is more affronting to a gentleman than to con- tradi6l him when he takes the affirmatio upon him, and if he affures me then that he is a man of fence, that he has a fund of brains and a ftock of wit, whether it be mother-wit or clergy, it matters not ; good manners fay I am oblig'd to believ it, and while I fubmit to the popery of it, how can I go about to undeciev him ? that would be popery indeed of another kind, (viz.) to preach one thing and profefs another. Here a man is embarraffl; in an inextricable labrinth: he is bound on one hand to fee the fool (nature forbids fhutting our eyes againfh the light), and he is bound on the other hand to recognize the wit ; and, Vv'hich is the part particularly perplexing, both thefe center in the fame object, yet it muft be done, the laws of Nature command The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 43 command one, and the rules of decency, which is nature in a gentleman, oblige the other. Thus he fubmits to worfhip the idol when the deity is abfent, as our people bow to the candles upon the altar when they deny the Reall Prefencc, a fort of popery that every body may not think of I muft fay, however, 'tis fomething hard that, when Coll. Ch rattles at W s and talks fo ridiculoufly that the very foot-men grin and fneer at it, I muft fit by and fay yes and no juft as his brains jingle, and accquifce in what every body that hears him knows to be the worft of nonfence onely becaufe he weares a red coat and a fword, and, it may be, has two or three orderly men, corporalls or fergeants allways at his heels, who will knock a man down with their halberds, if we fhould not let him knock us down with his toungue. I once met cafually with one of thofe fons of ignor- ance in a country coffec-houfe. He had in his com- pany two clergy-men^ and his younger brother. One of the clergy-men^ was the chapline of the family, the other a divine of fome note in the next town, who, however, enjoy'd a living by the gift of thofe two gentlemen's father, who was yet alive, tho' the fons were both of them then grown. The two brothers had a warm difcourfe about learning and wit, and it was as much as both the clergy-men could do to keep them from quarrelling. The younger brother had been bred at the Uni- verfity, and had acquir'd a good ftock of learning, which he had the felicity to graft upon a noble ftock of originall fence. He had a genius above the common rate, and, as it was improv'd by a liberall educacion, it made him extremely valued by the bcft men, and particularly qualHfy'd by a polite converfa- tion ^ MS. Clergy man. 44 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. tlon for the bed company. The elder brother was a gentleman, that is, he was heir to an eftate of about 3000 pounds a year, and expe6led to be chofen Par- liament man at an eleccion which was then at hand. He had been a hunting early that morning, and his man fhood at the coffee houfe door with the French horn in his hand ; and the muftering being jufb ready to go home, the park and manfion houfe being about a mile out of the town, but meeting with his younger brother in the town, with the two clergy men, they came all together to the coffee houfe to read the news. When every one taking a feverall paper in his hand, /. 17. the gentleman happens to read a paragraph telling us that fuch a gentleman was made Commiffioner in fome bufmefs or other, I do not remember whether of the Cuftomes or Excife or fome other employment under the Government ; at which he threw down the paper in a kind of paffion : " D . . . . m 'em," fayes he, " what fool muft he be now that they have given him a place ! " " Who is it .'' " fayes the brother. " Why, there," fayes he, " look, 'tis that beggarly fellow. Sir Tho . . . ." " Why, brother "i " fayes the younger, " he is a very pretty gentleman I affure you, a man of merit, and fit for any employment whatfoever." " A gentleman and a man of merit, what d'ye mean by that .'* What family is he of } Why, his grandfather was a citizen, a tradefman ! he a gentle- man ! " Younger : " I don't kno' what his father was, or his grandfather ; but I affure you he has all the quallifica- tions of a " Elder brother : " Of a what ? of a fcoundrel. I tell you he is but one remove from a fhopkeeper, his father was a " Younger : "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 45 Younger : " Nay I muft interrupt you now, brother, as you did me. Let his father be what he will, his merit will make a gentleman of him in fpite of family; befides he is a baronet by birth." Elder : " A baronet ? yes, his father got money by bubbling and tricking and jobbing, and bought a patent of a poor gentleman that was ftarving." Younger : " Let the patent be bought by who it will ; he inherits it, he didn't buy it." Elder : " Well that does not make him a gentle- man ; you kno' what King Charles faid, that he could make a knight, but could not make a gentleman." Younger : " But I tell you, Sir Thomas was a gentle- man before he was a knight." Elder : " How do ye make out that, Do6lor, with all your fchollarfhip ? " Younger: "Don't be fo witty upon your younger brother : I am no do6lor, and yet I can make out that well enough. He was a man of vertue and modefhy, had a univerfall knowledge of the world, an extraordinary flock of fence, and withall is a compleat fchollar." Elder : " And thofe things, you fuppofe, make a gentleman, do ye ? " Younger : " They go a great way towards it, in my opinion, I muft confefs." Elder : " Not at all ! they may make him a good man perhaps and a good Chriftian^ ; nay, they may make him good company, but not a gentleman, by no means. I can't allow that." Younger : " Then I don't know what a gentleman is at all, or what it means." Elder : Then I am forry for your head. Have you gone all this while to fchool, and don't know what a gentleman is ? " Yojingcr : ^ Abbreviated in MS. 46 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Younger : " I am mighty willing to learn, efpecially of my elder brother." E/der : " Why then your elder brother may teach you. I take him to be a gentleman that has the blood of a gentleman in his veins. Nothing can be a gentleman but the fon of a gentleman." Younger : " And vertue, parts, fence, breeding, or religion, have no fliare in it." Elder: " Not at all. They may conftitu te a goo d man, if you will, but not a gentleman" "He may be the JJ . .T'lf' h K will, ~tels"ltillagengen^ . F?}7^^^?T'"^'~Wefr'tHeir'TeF~lTi^^ good man, and you fhall be the gentleman. But I tell you, Sir Thomas has a thoufand good things in him, and above all I take him to be that good man too ; for he is a very religious gentleman." Elder : " Very good then ; he would have made a good parfon, it may be, or a bifhop ; but what's that to a gentleman } " Here the minifter put in, tho' modeftly too : " Sir," fayes he, " I hope you will allow a clergy-man may be a gentleman." Elder : " What, do I touch your cloth too, Do6lor ? I don't allow it I affure you. _ A par fon a gentl eman ? No, I affure you I allow no tradefmen' to be'gentle- men." Then the chaplain fpoke : " That's too hard, Sir," fayes he, " upon our cloth. I hope you don't call us tradefmen^ neither." Elder brotJicr : "Not tradefmen\? why, what are you ? Is it not your bufmefs to work for your bread, and is not that your trade'- 1 Is not the pulpit your \ \ Ihop, and is not this your apron, M"" Book Beater ? " — Here he took up a chaplain's fcarf and gave it a twirle into his face, at which both the clergy-men rofe up, as if they 1 MS. Trncn, as often. = MS. T, as often. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 47 they would be gon ; but the younger brother took him up, but with refpeft. Youjiger brother : " O brother, don't abufe your friends ! remember you are a gentleman, what ever they are; and I think they are gentlemen too." Elder brother : "I find my brother don't kno' what /. i3. a gentleman is, indeed. Pray how do you make it out with all your fchool trumpery ? A parfon a gentleman, how do you prove that?" Younger: "It is not my bufmefs to prove them gentlemen by birth, becaufe I don't kno' their fami- lyes ; but I kno' there are fome very good familyes of both their names. But there is fuch a thing as being a gentleman by office. What d'ye think of that ?" ' Elder : " ±5y ottice ! What fort of gentlemen are they, pray .? " Younger : " Why, for example, tho' I did not mean that, the King's Comiffion I think conftitutes a gentle- man effeftually. Don't we call an officer in the Army a gentleman ? I think fighting for his country and his King, and entruftcd by the King with command, gives him a title." Elder: "I don't kno' that; he is at beft but a mercenary." Younger : " No, no. Mercenaries were allwayes fuch foldiers as are hyr'd out from one nation to another meerly for pay, fuch as the Swifs, the Grifons, and fuch as they. But we muft diftinguifh in this cafe. Soldiers entred into the fervice of their Sove- raign can not be called mercenaries." Elder : " Well, but the parfons don't were the King's j Comiffion : what's that to them t " Younger : " I don't kno' how you'l come off, that way: they wear a higher comiffion than' the King's, I afiure you." Elder: 1 llS.y. 48 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Elder : " A commiffion d'ye call it ? what, the bifhop's commiffion ! that won't do. That's all a church trick, a pcice of prieft craft." Then the minifter put in again : "Come, gentlemen," fayes he, " pray, don't differ about us. The young gentleman fliall call us what he pleafes. We have a. higher commiffion than he thinks of, or perhaps he has not fpent many thoughts about it. Whether the King can do it or not, we won't difpute ; but we have our commiffion from him that, we are fure, can make a gentleman. Pray, don't differ about that." Younger : " Well, I believ your claim good that way too, and I take a clergyman to be a gentleman by office, too, tho' that was not what I meant." Elder : " It's well if you kno' what you meant." /" — Younger : " Yes, I kno' what I meant, and I nam'd it to you before. I fay a man that beares the King's Commiffion and is entrurEe(3~wlth t he comm and ot his fultjefts in the held, is a man of honour, aiTdTI thinic a "clergy-man thelaihe on account Of '1113 office. — Pniy,. wlrarivouTH you call the fon of an officer in the Army or the fon of a dignify 'd clergy-man ? " Elder: "I fuppofe you kno' what they are call'd abroad, brother. To call a man the fon of a prieft is to call him the fon of a whore." Younger: " That's quite another cafe; that's becaufe of the celibacy of the Romifli clergy; but we muft dif- tinguish between Proteftant and Popifh." Elder: " Yes, yes; and you muft diftinguifli between. a prieft and a gentleman." Younger : " Not at all ; unlefs it be to the minifter's great advantage, viz., that he may be a gentleman by birth and by office, too." Elder : " That's no diftincion at all." Younger: "But I diftinguish again; I fay there re gentlemen by birth and gentlemen by education,. and The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 49 and I infift that the laft is the better of the two ; for \ he is the beft and trueft originall of a gentleman, and / has been fo, of all the familyes of gentlemen in England ; \ or elfe they have no originalls at all." Elder: " I thought we fhould have fome of your fchool logic ; it's much you had not given us fome old fcraps of Latin to make out this new diftinccion. Englifh-men, they fay, allways talk other people's Latin and none of their own." Younger brother : " Well, I neither talkt other people's Latin or my own. I was not willing to affront my elder brother." E/der : " What d'ye mean by that ? pray explain yourfelf." [Speaks angrily?^ Yoimger : " Why, I would not fpeak a language my brother did not underftand. If I muft explain myfelf, I muft." Elder : " I don't defire to underftand it, I hate all your pedantry ; but what's that to your learned diftinccion of a gentleman by birth and a gentleman by educacion .'* " Younger : " No, no, it's nothing to my diftincion ; it was onely a return to my brother's witt ; you was fo fharp upon me." Elder : " I wit ? I have enough to ferv me. I have wit enough for a gentleman. I hate your wits. I would not be a-kin to a wit if I could help it." Younger : " Nor I to a fool." Elder : " I hope you mean my father. I wifli he was prefent to hear you." Younger : " You can't suppofe I meant my father, becaufe he is known to have more wit and more learning than all of us, and if he was here he would not fee room to think I meant him." Elder: "Then you mean your brother: which if D I so r/ie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. I thought you did, I fhould let you kno' I refent it as I ought to do." Younger : " I mean nothing but what I fay ; and I am neither afraid of what I faid or what I meant or of any body's refentment." [N'oiv t/icy grczv very hot-l Elder : " Then I defire you to explain your felf again." Younger : " You ought to explain firft ; you made the firft refleccion." Elder : " What fhould I explain ? " Younger : " Why, what you meant by being a-kin to a witt. I fay that is a full refleccion upon my father." Elder : " I thought you would have taken it to your felf." Younger : " No ; no ; tho' I am no witt, yet I have more wit than that, too. If you meant me you will be agreeably diffapointed, I affure you, tho' I am none the lefs obliged to you for your good will." Elder : " So I muft mean my father, muft I } that's as wife as the refl." Younger : " I kno' ne're another wit in the family. You muft mean my father or have no meaning." Elder : " Then it may be I had no meaning." Younger : " No, no, that's too polite for an elder brother, too." Elder : " Ay, ay, you younger brothers have all the witt, that makes 'em have fo little manners." /. 19, Younger : " That's all upon my father again. I don't think my father wants manners any more than he does witt or learning." Elder : " But his younger fon may for all that." Younger : " I have heard my father thank God many a time that he was a younger brother." Elder : " And what for, pray ? " Younger : " Becaufe if he had not, he faid, he would have The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 51 have been a blockhead, an untaught lump of ignorance and pride, as his elder brother was and as moft of the ' eldefl fons of his acquaintance were." Elder : " And as his own eldefl fon is, you fhould fay." Younger : " Nay, that's your own. I fay nothing but my father's words : if you have a mind to come in for a fhare of it, you may make your beft of it, I fha'n't meddle with that." Elder : " You are fo farr from good manners that you are impudent. I don't believ you ever heard the words, or that ever my father faid fo." Younger : " Why, had you not given me the lye in your abundant manners ? You need not boaft fo much of being a gentleman." Elder: " It is none of your place to tell me a falfe thing any more than 'tis to tell me of my manners." Younger : " Look you, Sir, giving me the lye is a kind of ufage that takes away all relation. I kno' what's my place as well as you do ; but I affure you I'll no more take the lye from my elder brother than I will from a porter. I don't think that's my place at all." Elder : " I think you have forgot being a gentle- man. I wifh my father was not cheated. I think you was nurft abroad, wa'nt you ? " The gentlemen began now to be fo hot 'twas time to part 'em, efpecially feeing it was in public too ; for the younger brother layd his hand upon his fvvord. However, the clergymen pacify'd them with en- treaties, and two or three of the townfmen put in to help reconcile 'em ; fo they fat downe again and were good friends for a little while ; but they had better have parted them at firft and let them have gone home affunder as they came out. For falling into 52 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. into other difcourfe, one thing brought forward another, and in a little time, they fell to it again upon the fame fubjefl. The younger brother happens to read a paragraph from Edinburgh, where there was an account of a man that was tryed and fentenc't to death for a robbery and a very barbarous cold-blood murther. But that when the Lords of the Jufticiary, thofe are the judges in the criminal cafes in that country, came to pafs fentence, that fentenc'd him to be beheaded, becaufe he was a gentleman, being it feems the third fon of a laird (or country efquire) in that country. The young gentleman laugh'd, but faid nothing, and gave the print to one of the clergy-men to read, and he fmil'd, but lay'd down the paper wifely declining to take any notice of it, becaufe he fear'd it might embroil the two brothers again. But the elder brother perceiv'd there was fomething extraordinary by their fmiling, and afk'd his brother what he laught at. He endeavour'd to put it off, and fo did the minifter but he would not be anfwer'd fo. However, not being able to get any anfwer from them that was fatiffaflory, he takes up the paper himfelf. /. 19 1. When he comes to the ftory, too, he laught as they did and fhows it the chaplain. " Here," fayes he, " fee how civil they are to young brothers in Scotland." The clergyman reply'd : " No, Sir, it was not a civillity as he was a younger brother, but as he was a gentleman." " I don't kno'," fayes he, " I think ftri6lly fpeaking younger brothers fhould not be call'd gentlemen." " Your fervant, Mr. Elder Brother," fayes the young gentleman, " Pray how, then, come you to call yourfelf a gentleman ? I think your father was a younger brother." "And The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 53 " And your fervant, Mr, *Cadet," fayes the elder. " He was the eldeft when he came to the eflate ; or elce how did he claim the inheritance," (N,B. *Cadet is the French word for the younger fon of a gentleman's family.) Younger : " So that according to you a man may be a gentleman and no gentleman, both in a quarter of an hour," Elder : " Yes, yes ; if I were hang'd you would be a gentleman ; there's no queflion of that." Younger: " If you pleafe to walk into Scotland, you fee you may fecure yourfelf from being hang'd, be as wicked as you will." " But, Sir," fayes one of the clergymen, " I have heard that in Scotland, if a gentleman is executed for murther, the blood is attainted and his heirs are, ipfo fa6lo, deprived not of the eftate onely, but of the title of a gentleman as 'tis here in cafes of treafon." Younger : " So then, that facred thing call'd a gentle- man is forfeited by crime." Elder : " I don't think that very juft ; 'tis punifliing the children for the father," Yotmger : " But it fcrves to my point exa6lly : if crime may unmake a gentleman, why fhould not vertue and education conftitute a gentleman ,? " Elder : " You talk like a younger brother, indeed." Younger : " Well, then I don't talk like a fool." Elder : " No, no ; the younger brothers have all the witt; it Ihould be fo becaufe they are younger fons," Younger : " I fuppofe that's the reafon you would have no younger fons be call'd gentlemen," Elder : " I underftand you as I fuppofe you under- fland yourfelf. Your elder brothers are all fools ; you would have them be fo," Younger: "No, I would not have all the elder brothers 54 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. brothers be fools, but I would have all the fools be among the eldeft fons, and I think a good fhare of them are fo." Elder : *' Well ! well ! I the eftate and you the wit. I won't change with you." Younger : " Nor I with you for your eftate, if it were more than it is." Elder : " But if I were hang'd you'd be the eldeft fon, and then you'd be a fool too, of courfe, wouldn't you ? " Younger: "Afk my father that queftion, I tell you he was a younger brother." /. 20. Elder : " The younger fons fhould have all the wit ; fometimes they have nothing elfe to liv on." Younger : " I'd run the venture of the laft if I were fure of the firft." Elder: "The heir you kno' has no need of the wit, if he has but the eftate." Younger : " If you think fo, you are happy." Elder : " Ay, ay. I am very well fatiffy'd ; the eflate's enough for me." Younger: "Mod eldeft fons are of your mind, and that makes us fee fo many heirs that can't write their own names." Elder : " No matter ; if they can but read their own names in the deeds of their inheritance." Younger: " 'Tis a bleffed chara6ler of the Englifli gentry ; there's fcarfe one in five of them can fpeak good Englifli." Elder : " I have heard you talk of fuch and fuch familyes and gentlemen, that fuch a one was a good fchollar and fuch an one was a man of fence : and yet they had good eftates." Younger: "Yes, I do remember four that I ufd to name, but three of them were bred up younger fons or elce they had been " Elder: The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. SS Elder : " Blockheads like the reft of the gentry." Younger: "You fpeak more truth than your fharc, brother." Elder: "And you fomething lefs." Younger : " I fpeak nothing but what I bcliev to be true ; and if it was to be enqutr'd into, I believ it would appear that, thro'-out England, take thofe few of our gentry and nobillity who are men of learning and wit, men fit for minifters of State, honours and employment, and you may find two thirds of them were younger fons and fo had their parts cultivated by liberall educacion, as it were by accident." Elder : " I hope the eldeft fons may be born with as much wit and fence as the youngeft. The gifts of nature are not learnt at fchool." Younger : " They are improv'd at fchool : thofe rough diamonds are poliftied by the fchools and by the help of books and inftruccion." Elder: "And fometimcs as well without: a good genius will improv itfelf" Yomtger : " Why ifn't it fo then ? Where is there an eldeft fon in 20 bred to Letters.? How many do we fee at the Univerfities ?" Elder : " A great many." Younger : " Not a great many compar'd to the number : of thirty thoufand familys of noblemen and gentlemen of eftate which may be reckon'd up in this kingdom, I venture to fay there is not 200 of their eldeft fons at a time to be found in both our Univer- fitys. At the fame time you fliall find ten times that number of their younger fons." Elder: " And what's done with the eldeft fons then } What, are they taught nothing?" Yomiger : "Very little truly. They are bred at/. 21. home." Elder: "They are bred like gentlemen." Younger : 56 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Younger : " Yes, yes, they are bred like gentlemen and taught like gentlemen, that is, taught nothing." Elder : " They have tutors and preceptors kept to wait on them." Younger : , " Kept to play with them you fhould fay." Elder : " Ay, and to teach them too." Younger : " Yes, to teach them to be wicked, inftill the love of their pleafures into them very early, teach them to waft their firft houres in which the mind is moft capable of improvment till at laft 'tis too late and they pufli into the world juft as they happen to be form'd by nature, rough and unpolifhed and either coarfe or fine, knowing or ignorant, jufb as it happens. And this is the generall cafe with moft of our gentle- men." Elder : " And yet they are the compleateft gentle- men in the world." Younger : " I don't grant that, I affure you." Elder : " I hope you grant they are the richeft." Younger: "Perhaps, take them one with another, they may be the richeft ; but what does that argue in their favour ?" Elder : " Well then, they will allwayes be the beft ; I fee nothing in it ; if we have but the eftates, let all the reft of your fine jingle fall as it will ; for my part I don't value it a ftraw. I have the better of you there, brother." Younger : " I don't envy you. I tell you I would not change with you." Elder : " Change .'' prethee what hav you to change } Givme the eftate; what have you to offer in exchange? Your fcraps of Latin, your flireds of wit, your pretences to fobriety. If you could part with them, carry them to market and fee if they would yeild you money to buy a horfe to ride on." Younger . The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. si Younger : " You talk like yourfelf ftill. If I had all thofe things you defpife, as learning, witt, fence, and vertue ; as they are not to be fold, fo remember they are not to be bought ; all your eftate won't purchafe them." Elder : " I wouldn't giv you my fox-hounds for all your vaft colleccion of books, tho' my father was to give you his library to joyn with 'em." Younger : " And I won't giv my books for you and your fox-hounds put together." E/der : " You couple us well ; that's fomething like a younger brother, I confefs." Younger : I have yourfelf for my author ; it was but yefterday when you were fwearing at your huntfman for going out a little before you ; did not you damn him for not taking all the pack together ? and when he very innocently told you he had all the pack, but your Worfhip zvas not ready, did not you very wittily damn him for not joyning his words better together "i " Thus far the two brothers went on between jeft and /. 22. earnefl, and the two clergymen fat by very uneafie for fear of mifchief between them ; for they afterwards fell to words again about fome of their family broils, which do not relate to our prefent bufmefs, nor is it fit to be made public ; at length, however, they parted 'em ; and the efquire called his man to bring him the French horn, and began to make a blufter and a noife in the houfe ; which being very difagreeable to his brother and the two minifters, they dropt out one by one and left him. After they were gone, he fends for two or three townfmen, mean, forry fellows, but fuch as the place afforded and fuch as ufually hung about him, flattering and praifmg him and withall ufually fpung'd upon him for what they could get ; with thefe he goes to the next houfe, which was an inn and tavern, as is ufuall 58 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. ufuall in the country, and there he gets fomethlng to eat, fitts after dinner with his fots till he got very- drunk, and then fends his horfes home and orders the coach to fetch him : and fo ended the day like a gentleman. I might giv you many examples of this kind to illufhrate the chara6ler of this born gentleman ; but we fee it fo frequent in every place, in all company, and allmoft on all occafions, that it would be needlefs. I fhall however have occafion to fpeak to feverall other parts of it as I go on. CAP. CAP. ii; •F the introduccion of gentlemen were in all nacions and in all ages the fame, and we had nothing fingular to our felves in it ; if our gentlemen were brought up and introduc'd into focyety in the fame manner as it is in other nacions ; or, which is the loweft and meaneft ftep we can take in their favour, if the gentle- men of other nacions were manag'd juft after the model of ours, I had little or nothing to fay, at leaft we fhould have nothing left us but to complain of the generall calamity of humane nature, and that the age was entirely given up to pride and ignorance, that the gentry were levell'd with the commonalty, the great and the noble with the mean and the bafe, and, in a word, there was now no difference between the lord and his footman, the landlord and his tennant. For as the body is without the head, fo is the head without the brains ; as the fhip is without a helm, and the helm without the fteers-man and the fteers-man without a pilot ^ The following heading has been struck out : — Of the great mijlakes in the firjl viantiagutg the children of gentlemen, and of the horrible corriipcion of blood from thefuckling them by thofe [three words thickly scratched out]. That the ignorance and the bad educacion of gentlemen ofqualliiy and fortune is no where in Chriflendome fo entirely neglected as in this nacion, and fame thing of the confequences of it. 6o The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. pilot, fo is the man that has brains, without his books, or with his brains and his books, without a teacher to infl:ru6l. Of what ufe is it to a man that he has a tongue to fpeak, that he has books to read, if he has no ear ? if he cannot hear he can never fpeak, at leafl /-23. can not be faid to have the ufe of fpeech ; he can not judge of founds, nor can he form the common ideas of what he fees for want of knowing the names of things and the ufes to which they are applyed. What is all the mufick in the world, all the harmony of founds to a deaf man ? all is loft while the organ is clofed up, and the veffells which form the ear can not difcharge the fun6lions of their office. To me an untaught, unpolifli'd gentleman is one of the mofb deplorable obje6ls in the world. 'Tis a noble, ftately and beautifull organ without the bellows to fill the harmonious pipes and form the found. The foul of fuch a perfon feems to be like a lyon in a cage, which, tho' it has all the ftrength, the beauty, the courage of a lyon, is yet furrounded with unpaffable barrs and a checquer-work of reftraints, and can neither exert its ftrength or its fvviftnefs, or fhow its terrors among the four footed world as, if he were at liberty, nature would di6late to him to do. What fecret unaccounted for pofeffion can it be, then, that has thus feiz'd upon the fences of our gentry, more than upon others "i 'Tis no compliment upon our nativ country to fay of it that we have as illuftrious a nobillity and as numerous a body of gentry as any nation in Europe. To this we may add, and all Europe will acknowledge it, that our nobillity and gentry, even in fpite of immoderate profufion, which " for fome yeares was a kind of an epidemick diftemper upon them, are ftill at this time the richeft, and have the greateft and beft eftates, and hold them upon the beft tenure, of any nation in the world. It, The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 6i It may be true that there are fome few perfonal excepcions in the world as to wealth, that is to fay, that in fome nations there are certain particular perfon- ages who have greater cftates than any fmgle or par- ticular perfon or family in England ; the excepcions are very few, and therefore I may venture to name them. 1. In Spain and Italy, and perhaps in moft Popifh countryes, the clergy are richer, that is to fay the archbifliops and bifhops and fome abbots have greater revenues than any of our proteftant clergy of lik rank, as efpecially in Spain, where feverall of their arch- bifhops and bifhops have from i^ to ii^5o,ooo flerling per annum revenue, and a bifhop of 20,000 peices^ of eight is reckon'd but an indiffrent thing. Such as thefe are the Archbifhop of Toledo, of Seville, of Mexico, of Naples and others, and the Bifhops of Granada, of Malaga, and of Los Angelos. The firft of thefe is faid to be worth above ;^8o,ooo a year fterling, and the laft about i^2 5,000 a year, and fo in their degree of others ; and they reckon in gencrall in Spain ten Bifhops whofe revenue is from ^10,000 a year upwards. As to the revenue of the cardinals^ which are generally made up by plurallityes of livings, fuch as abbyes and bifhopricks, there are few of them who do not enjoy from 10 to ;^20,000 a year revenue, and fome of them 30 to ;^40,ooo flerling. 2. Likewife fome of the nobillity in Spain, efpecially fuch as have been Viceroys of Mexico, Peru, formerly of Naples or Sicily ; fuch alfo as have been governors of the Manillas, of Chartagena, S' Jago in Chili, and fuch places as are eminent for wealth. Moft of thefe /. 23 b. are indeed immenfly rich. It is the like among the princes of the Blood in France, fome of whom have from 50,000 to 150,000 piftols revenue, likewife fome who 1 MS./j., as often. « MS. 'Ca. 62 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. v/ho have acquired great eftates by public fervices, as fome of the Marefchalls of France, particularly the Marefchall Duke of Luxemberg, Villeroy, Villars, Vendofme, Berwick, the old Duke de Nemours, Count de Tholoufe, Duke of Noailles, and fome others. But thefe eftates are all either raif'd in the fervice and by infinite advantages of the war, of which our Marlbro', Cadogan, and others may be called examples at home, or fuch as depend upon the abfolute will and pleafure of the king, which they call His Majefty's^ bounty and confifbs of penfions, which they call in the princes of the Blood appennage, and governments which are places of honour with the profits annex'd. But to go back, take the eftates of the Englifli no- billity and gentry, as ftated before, and except onely, as I have faid, a itx^r forreigners, and I infift, as above, that our nobillity and gentry out-do the nobillity and gentry of any nacion in the world. How many private gentlemen might be nam'd in England who enjoy eftates of from 5 to 15000 pound fterling value per annum, and all in, or as good as, freehold land ! How many eftates which do not rate at abov ^1000 per annum rent, have 40 to 50 to 60,000 pounds in timber upon them, which may be valued upon them, and do the woods no hurt to have it fell'd ; and other eftates have mines, minerall quar- ryes, coal pits, etc., in proporcion. Add to this that which is the glory of the Englifh gentry abov all the nacions in the world, (viz.) that their property in thefe eftates is in themfelves ; that they are neither fubje6l to the frowns or the caprices of the foveraign on any diflike or diffatiffaccions ; that they inherit their lands in capite, abfolutely and by entail, which even treafon it felf can not forfeit or cut off any farther than for the life of the delinquent ; that they J -M in MS. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 63 they are not fubje6led to any homages or fervices by their tenures. All the knight's fervice and vaffallage is abolifh'd, they are as abfolutely pofeff'd of their mannours and freehold as a prince is of his crown. Nor can they be oppreffd with taxes, arbitrary im- pofitions, quartring of foldiers, or any of the ordinary oppreffions of fubje6ls in ufe under arbitrary govern- ments ; nothing can be levyed on them but by confent in Parliament, where choofmg their own members every man may be faid to giv his own confent before he can be tax'd, that is, in fliort, to have the giving of his own money ; all which particulars being confidred, a gentleman's eflate in England is worth 5 times the income in penfions or governments which are at the will of the granter, or than lands, however fettled or entail'd, that are fubje6l to the taxes, impofitions, quartring of foldiers and other ravages of the Sove- raign, I fhould have faid, the tyrants, which is the con- dicion of allmoft all the inheritances in Europe. The conclufion of all this revolvs upon us with great difadvantage in the cafe before me, becaufe all this felicity is attended with the unhappinefs of a voluntary and affected ftupidity and ignorance, which, being the cafe of a fet of gentlemen who by all their other cir- cumftances^ are quallifyed to be the moft compleatly happy of any people in the world, and to be made, nay to make themfelves, the envy, the admiration, and the example of all the gentry in Chriflendome,^ are yet made defpicable by their own choice, miferable in the midft of the higheft humane felicity, and are become the feoff and contempt of their inferiours even in the / 24. fame country, as well as of their equalls in all the neighbouring countryes that know them ; and to add to the abfurdity of this, like the Mufcovites they fupport the pra6life with an obflinacy not to be defcrib'd ^ Abbreviation in MS. ' Xdoine. 64 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. defcrib'd but by the example of that ftupid people who, fond of their old follys, would rather dye than be made wifer, who thought it was a difshonour to learn any thing from other nacions, however juft, humane, prudent, or agreeable to their reafon. With what obftinacy will fome of our ignorant gentlemen argue againft learning ; with what contempt do they treat the bookifh part of the world, infift upon it that their dogs and their horfes, their fport, and their bottle are the proper buffinefs of a gentleman ; that his pleafures are appointed to him for his full employment ; that Heaven gave them efbates to enjoy them, as they call this way of living, to fatiate their fouls with good, and to remove them from all the dull unpleafant part of life called buffmefs and applicacion. They tell us that they do not feem to underftand the bleffmg defign'd for them if they don't kno' what flacion they are plac'd in ; that the world is given them to taft the fweet of it, and to fill themfelves with its delights, and that they are to underftand it as Provi- dence^ underftood it when he gave it them. They fubjoyn to this that the language of Heaven to them is, " Eat, drink and be merry ! Have not I given thee that which anfwers all things ? " — that honours are for the ambitious ; their fphere is like the glorious fun to mov in their own circle, that they may indeed lliine upon others and warm others by charity and doing beneficent things among their neighbours and tennants, but that to go out of their orbit of happy- nefs is below them. As for wars, let beggars and mercenaryes be knock't on the head for wages : they have money to pay foldiers. What buffinefs have they to hazard their lives, harrafs and expofe themfelves when they may flay at home and be eafie ? Let the ambitious wretches hunt The MS. has a D with a dot in the middle. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 65 hunt for fame and to wear feathers in their caps. Their fame is written over their doors, viz., that there lives an Englifli gentleman of an antient family and a good eftate, and their buffinefs is to hunt the flag and the fox with their own hounds and among their own woods ; that their fame is in the field of pleafure, not the field of battle. Innocent delights take up their time, ranging the country for their game, not ravaging the country for fpoil, not murthering the people and turning the pleafant world and the fruitful! fields into defolation. As to books and reading, 'tis a good, dull, poreing work for the parfons and the pedants. They don't fee that all the learning in the world makes men better, but they generally learn more knavery than honefhy : the flatef-men ftudy bribery and corrupcion to carry on faccion and parties ; the phyfitians learn to pick pockets one way, and the lawyers another ; fcience and arts, what do they aim at, and where do they end ? All iffues in the art to get money : and what has a gentleman to do with all this ? Heaven has given him money, and he has enough ; 'tis below him to get money, his bufmefs is to fpend it. He has enough, and he that has enough can be no richer, if he had twice as much. If he at laft fhould grow covetous and pretend to encreafe his wealth, why, 'tis but retrenching a little, and his eftate will encreafe it felf. A gentleman of 2000 a year may be as rich as he will ; let him but lay up one thoufand pound a year, and in twenty year his eftate will double, and in twenty miore it will double again, and fo on from father to fon, till /. 25. in two generacions the family fhall have twenty thou- fand pound a year, or as much more as he pleafes. " And what am I the better " (faid the fame warm gentleman I mencioned juft now) "for all this faving and fcraping ? Da . . . m all your good hufbandry. E It 66 'The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. It is given me to fpend, and I'll fpend it. I'll not fpend beyond it. No ! No ! I abhorr to be dun'd. I'll ne're run in debt neither. I'll leav my fon as well as my father left his fon. I'll warrant I won't leffen it ; but for the reft, let the uferer lay up his money, 'tis my proper buffmefs to fpend it ; 'tis my calling ; Heaven has given it me that I fliould enjoy it, and it would be a fm in mc to lay it up. Let the money circulate, and let the poor be the better for it. I have heard my old grandfather fay that they that hoarded money injur'd the Common Wealth, that money was made round that it might wheel about the world, roll from hand to hand, and make the world glad : and yet my grandfather, tho' he was a merry old knight, left the eftate better than he found it, and planted a thou- fand acres of woods, that are now full of good timber, and I may cut them down when I will." This is a kind of merry rhetorick, and is fo un- happily calculated to pleafe and humour our gentle- men, that it is next to impoffible to anfwer it, I mean to anfvver it fo as to convince them that they are in the wrong. 'Tis in vain to quote the examples of the wife and the great ; they defpife it all. They defire to be no wifer or greater than they are. Mother-wit they tell you is enough to keep them out of harm's way, that is, from bites and fharpers ; and as for other learning, they fee nothing in it. Thus admirably did Solomon draw the pi6lure of this kind of a gentleman in a few words, when he tells us, The fool has no delight in underjlatiding. Thefe people have no taft of things, no relifti for improvements either of their underftandings or eftates. When the late Czar of Mufcovy was upon his travells and often times lookt into the Univerfityes, the libraryes, the labratories of the men of learning and art, he ufed to riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 6j to turn himfelf about to Monfieur^ Le Fort, his great favourite, and fmiling would fay, " When fhall I bring my ftupid people to underftand thefe things ? " It was very remarkable that in all his vafl and populous city of Mofcow they had not a printing prefs ; and when he fet one up among them, the Boyars faid, "And what fygnifyed reading books to us ? What is it to us how the reft of the world live ? we kno' how to liv at home." Their beft furgeons knew nothing of anatomy ; their beft aftronomers knew nothing of ecclypfes ; they had not a fkeleton in the whole empire, except what might be natural in their graves ; their geographers had not a globe ; their feamen not a compafs (by the way they had no fhips), even their phyfitians had no books. Experiments were the hight of their knowlege, and fo we may fuppofe when a prac- tifer had killed 4 or 500 he might pafs for a do6lor. Even their handicrafts had no tools ; there was not a Ruffian clock-maker or watch-maker to be found in the whole empire : if there were fome Germans at Mofcow who had fome tolerable fkill, the Ruffes, tho' they might buy a clock of them, would never learn to make one, or put any of their fons to the trade ; to travell abroad, to fee the world and encreafe their knowlege by the experience and example of other nacions, was reckon'd fcandalous, was below the dignity and quallity of the gentleman ; and when the Czar himfelf did it the learned clergy (with pardon for the flander) reproach't him with it as a fm ; and when he return'd and endeavour'd to conform his people to the beft cuftoms of other nations, and efpecially when he fet up fchooles to inftru6l the children in languages and in arts and fciences, and oblig'd the Boyars, that is, the country gentlemen, to fend their children to them and teach them to write and read, they protefted againft all ^ Mon/\ 68 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. all thofe innovations, ay, and at lafb raif'd a rebellion for the liberty of being ignorant. /. 25 /'. It may be true that this is an example of brutallity and meer obflinacy, and the worfe, as their cuftomes were inconfiftent with common fence : and it is true it is fo. But I can not but think 'tis very appofite to the cafe before me, notwithftanding^ that for the obflinate rejeft- ing fo glorious an improvement as that of giving learning to a gentleman of fortune, is in my notion of it as diffagreeable with common fence as the groffefb peice of brutallity infifted on by the poor Mufcovites, and that with fome aggravacions to the diffadvantage of the paralell on our fide, and which makes our pra6life be the greater fcandal of the two. 1. That our gentlemen have inumerable examples at their very door of the advantages of learning, of the difference between a liberall education and the meer old woman litterature of a nurfe and a tutor : they may fee the demon ftracion of it even in their own familyes, where the bright and the dull, the blind and the clear, the man of fence and learning and the block- head, is as often to be diffcern'd as the heir and the cadet are feen together, where one is i.ntaught and good for nothing becaufe he is to have the eftate, and the other is polifli'd and educated becaufe he is to make his fortune ; the laft is to be prepar'd to liv by his witts, and the other is to have no wits or, at befb, no learning, becaufe he can liv without them, as if educa- tion like an apprentice-fliip was for no body but they that were to trade with it and make a trade" of it. 2. Another thing in which we are more to be re- proacht than the Mufcovite is, that ignorance in Mufcovy is generall and national!, and they have no encourage- ment for learning, nay, it may be faid they have no ufe for ^ Abbreviated. = MS. T. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 69 for it ; they neither fee the benefit or the beauty of it : where-as here the obftanacy is continued in fpight of conviccion, nay, in fpite of its being fcandalous to themfelves, and even to the meaneft of the people about them. While this was fo, 'tis not to be wondred at that the /• 26. gentry, the nobillity, and the beft and wealthyeft of the people in thofe countries, were in lov with the fordid ignorance they were bred in, and fond of going on in the fame grofs cuftomes which their darke guides led them in by their example : and this is the reafon of my giving the Mufcovites for a paralell. For what we find here among our gentlemen is I think more inexcufable and more fcandalous than the worft of it. For here our gentlemen are brought up in the moll obftinate ignorance and folly, and fiU'd early with the moft riveted averfions to learning and improvement in the very face of an improving and knowing age, in fpite of the encouragement every-were given to polite learning ; where arts and fcience flourifh before their faces, and when the age they live in and the country they liv in is particularly fam'd over the whole Chriftian^ world for the higheft improvements in the fublimeft lludyes, and where our mafters of fcience are juftly allow'd to have out-gone all that ever went before them in the world, fuch as Sir Ifaac Newton, Mr. Lock, the great and truly honorable Mr. Boyl, who was not a gentleman onely, not a man of birth and blood as to antiquity onely, but in degree alfo, being of noble blood and of one of the familyes that has the most enobl'd branches of any in England and Ireland. I could name many more who by illufcrious birth and their more illuftrious merit one would think have fhown the world fuch examples, and trac'd out fuch paths of virtue, of learning and fuperlativ underftanding, that ^ MS. X. yo r/ie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. that it were enough to have brought learning and good fence into fafhion among us, and to have fliam'd the ignorance and illiterate blindnefs of the age out of the pra6life of the gentry. But I am told, even while I am writeing thefc flicets, that if I expeft to make any impreffion upon the age in this way of arguing I muft change my method ; that to talk to the gentlemen of learning and improvement after they have tafted the fweets of idlenefs and plea- fure is to talk gofpell to a kettle-drum ; that after they have follow'd the dogs and the hawks, and eaf'd their fateagues of the chafe with the bottle, there is no room for inftruccion ; but they go on, then, by the impetu- ofity of their own guft, following one game with another till the habit is rooted, till the blockhead and the heir are blended together and become infeperable ; that then the ignorance is feated in the blood as well as in the brain, and the brute becomes naturall to the manj fo that there's no good to be expe6led that way ; but that, if I expeft to attack this fliamefull peice of negli- gence, I muft run it up to its original, and turn my pen /. 27. from the gentlemen, who are now paft inftruccion, and talk to the ladyes, who are the firft inftruments of in- ftruccion, and who have the particular power as well as opportunity of printing the moft early ideas in the minds of their children, who are able to make the firft impreffions upon their imagination and perhaps the ftrongeft and moft durable ; for the moft early and timely hints given in a fuitable manner to the under- ftanding of a child, have generally a vaft advantage,, take the deepeft root in the minds, and are hardly ever forgotten : Here, they tell me, I fliould applye ; that the ladyes alone are the agents who have the fate of their fons in their power and can write them fools and fops or men of brains and fence as they pleafe ; that thefe have them in their arms and upon their knees at the very riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 71 very moments when the moft early hints are to be given to the mind, when the genius, like a peice of foft wax, may be moulded up to what form, and to reciev what impreffions, they pleafe, and when, a few obftinacyes and meer incapacityes of nature excepted, a child may be form'd to be a man of fence or a brute which they pleafe. I acknowlege this to be a juft obfervacion in many and indeed in moft cafes, efpecially where the lady- mother has the heir in her own tutelage ; and while flie has him fo, 'tis not to be queftioned but fhe has an immoderate fhare of his fate in her difpofe, and that it is very much, I had allmofl faid too much, in her power to make him a wife man or a fool, a good man or a good-for-nothing man, as flie thinks fit ; and it would be happy for the next age, tho' the prefent race is paft this remedy, if the ladyes would fhow a little concern about it ; that they would have fome pity upon their pofterity, and not give 'em up fo very early, and, at leaft, not fo entirely to the negligence of thofe mur- therers of a child's moralls, call'd tutors. It is indeed too true that this wealthy age is fo entirely given up to pleafure, and it prevails fo much among the ladyes as well as among the men, that it grows a little unfafliionable for the mothers to give them felves any trouble with their children, after they have 'em, but to order their drefs and make them fine and to, make a fhow of them upon occafion. 'Tis below a lady of quallity to trouble her felf in the nurfery, as 'tis below the gentleman of quallity to trouble himfelf with a library. To talk to a lady at this time of day of medling with her children's educacion, forming their young minds by the moft early inftruccions, and infufing infant ideas of religion and morall virtue into their fouls, ridiculous ftuff ! You may as well talk of fuckling them. 72 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. them, a thing as unnatural now as if God and Nature had never intended it, or that Heaven had given the ladyes breafts and milk for fome other ufe. I do not lov digreffions at all, efpecially long ones, and fhall let you fee it by making this, that ought to be and would bear a chapter by it felf, the fubjefl of fo few words. I have been told that Queen Anne (the Firft I might call her), I mean Queen Anne, wife or confort to King James the Firft, and daughter of the King of Denmarke, fuckled all her own children ; that, when it was objefled to her that it was troublefome to her and below her dignity, Her Majefty anfwered with a kind of an admiration, Troublefome ! No, it was fo far from troublefome that flie thought it a pleafure beyond all pleafures, becaufe they were her own. " Befides (fayd Her Majeftie) will I let my child, the child of a king, fuck the milk of a fubjeft, and mingle the royal blood with the blood of a fervant. No ! No ! the fon of a king fliould fuck none but the milk of a queen ; and if it is not below me to bear children, 'tis not below me to feed them." This is the fentence for which I quote the cafe, and make what I call a digreffion. Here was a true queen-mother, and it is left on record that fhe was a moft excellent princefs. Now are our ladyes fo nice in their diftinccions of familyes } do they fcorn fo much to mix as they call it, the blood of a gentleman with the race of a mechannick, and think it below their quallity iro match with any thing but a gentleman } and yet, when they have children will they fuffer them to fuck in the milk, which is no other than the half digefted blood of a mechannick, nay, and that (as is generally the cafe) of the meaneft of the mechannicks, for they generally feek for nurfes among the farmers' and plowmen's wives on pretence of ftrong, healthy, and wholefome women. Nay, they often choofe the pooreft of The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 73 of them, too, whofe food is courfe and their drink hog wafli and belch, not generous wines as the lady her felf drinks. Nor are they aware, befides the abfurdity of the thing, I fay they are not aware of the juft reproach they tacitly throw upon their own familye and even upon themfelves ; / mean the viothcr, as if, when Hie had brought forth a child, perhaps in the prime and vigor of her youth and ftrength, her own milk was not as wholefome, as nourifhing, and efpecially as natural to her child as the milk of a ftranger, or that the plow- man's wife gave better milk than my Lady. Some of the fuggeftions which would naturally follow this practife are too courfe for me to throw upon the ladyes, and I would fay nothing that is fhocking to them upon fuch an occafion. I wave that part there- fore that refpe6ls health and conftitution, and ftick to thofe juft arguments which Nature di6lates from the ladyes' own mouths, particularly that of mixtures of blood. That the milk in a woman's breafts is a moft noble fluid, of the fineft digefture, ftrain'd thro' its proper veffells by the admirable operation of nature ; that it is nothing but the beft concock'd aliment, and confti- tuted in the fame manner from the fame principles as the blood it felf, and fo is a part of the blood. Its difference of colour is nothing, feeing we fee the limbecks of nature in the ftomach and other veffells gives colour and takes away colour in all the digefbing operations, and when in the milk dyet we drink nothing but white, the blood is neverthelefs of the fame crimfon, and fo of the reft. And not to enter into anatomicall defcripcions, which to the ladyes may on many accounts be indecent, it may be granted that, as the milk is in a true fence the blood of the nurfe, fo when taken in, it is mixt with the blood of, the child much more effectually than any other of the mixtures of generation, /. 23. and 74 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. and this deferves their refle6lion who are fo chary about mixing the blood of familyes, as they call it, by matching with inferiors. In a word, 'tis evedent they very little confider, or very little underftand, what they talk of, when they fet fuch a value upon the preferving the race, as they call it, and taking care that their pofterity fhould have none but the blood of a gentleman in the family ; when, to gratifye their own pride or pleafures, they expofe the heir to drink in the blood of a flave or a drudge, the blood of a clown and a boor, the worft of mechanicks ; fcorn to marry 'em among citizens and tradf-men however perfonally accomplifh'd, however furnifh't with beauty, wit, modefty, breeding, and fortune, but let them fuck in the life blood of a dary wench or a wool! comber, nay of a cook maid of the family marry 'd per- haps to a carter or other flave, people but a few degrees abov beggars : if the woman looks but wholefome and has a good full breaft, a pair of dugs like a cow and a tollerable fkin, 'tis all well ; file's deem'd wholefome, and all other fcruples give way to the lady's nicety. Nor do thefe ladyes trouble themfelves to enquire into the temper of the woman, little knowing perhaps, and lefs confidering, that her fon fhall drink in the paffions, the temper, nay indeed the very foul of the woman whofe milk he fucks in, not to fpeak of her bodily infirmitys, which after all their enquiry and fearch may be lurking in her blood, hidden too far out of their reach to difcern, nay, fometimes are hereditary, and the poor woman her felf does not kno' them. Here the young gentleman is ruin'd at once if the woman be a fiery, hot fpirited, little paffionate devil ; for the poor have their difference of tempers as well as the rich, the dary woman as well as the dutches. What follows ? The gentleman carryes it away in his blood, and he's a fury by blood, by the blood of his nurfe, as certainly riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. js certainly as he is a gentleman by the blood of his father ; and not to carry you too far into Nature's arcana and amufe you with fpeculations, 'tis certain, and phyfitians will tell you fo and explain it, too, that a child's temper is more influenc'd by the milk he fucks in than by all the other conveyances of nature. We draw life from our progenitors by the order of nature, and 'tis true, too, that we inherit infirmity too much that way ; but we draw tempers and paffions more from the milk we fuck than from all the gene- rating powers either in father or mother. And this is a certain and unanfwerable evedence that the fuckling a child is abfolutely making a mixture of the blood of the nurfe with the blood of the child : nay, the fineft, the beft of the animall fpirits and juices are deriv'd and reciev their nourifhment from this aliment, the milk ; and that is the reafon that the temper, the difpofitions, the paffions, the affeccions, nay the crimes of the nurfe are often con- vey'd this way. I might fwell this work to an un- reafonable bulk by giving you the feverall little hiftorys of this kind, even within the reach of memory, but 'tis needlefs : Nature tells it. If the nurfe has been of a leud and loofe difpofition, the heir is ruin'd in his virtue, and' over-runs the country with his vices : if Ihe is drunken, he inherits her unquenchable apetite ; if fhe is a termagant, he is a bully ; if a fcold, he becomes talkativ and a rattle ; if a lyar, he feldomc proves a man of fincerity ; if fhe's a hypocrite, he's very rarely a faint ; and what is ftill worfe, he draws in all thefe in a little and narrow mechanick degree, like the contra6led foul he deriv'd them from. If there is fuch a thing as the blood of a gentleman that diftinguifhes men one from another ; that a true greatnefs of foul, a broad heart, noble and generous principles ^ Instead oi and, the MS. has the abbreviation for ihe. 76 rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. principles, all flow in the veins from the pure fountain of an unmix'd race : what then are the ladyes doing /. 29. who decline affifting nature when fo well furnifh'd on the father's fide ? Why fhould they not add to the noble ftream from their own well defcended fountain, that the father's blood and the mother's milk may joyn to compleat the true born gentleman ? Whence is it that fo many gentlemen defcended from antient families, that can boaft of a race of worthyes in their line, men of gallant principles, brave in the field, able in the council, here an eminent lawyer, there a judge, here a ftatef-man, there a generall, here a patriot, there a divine : and the degenerate heir of all this fame an empty, weak, rattling fop, or a raving, outrageous bully, a fwearing, drunken, debauch't wretch, and, in a word, all that's weak and wicked ? Either the boaft of birth and blood is all a cheat, and there is nothing at all in it, nothing convey'd from the noble fpring by the channells of nature, which I cannot grant neither, tho' I do not fo much tye down vertue to race and defcent as fome would have us do ; but I fay, if there is any thing in the veins of a gentle- man influenc'd from the blood of his anceftors, then there muft have been fome accidentall interrupcion in the conveyance, fome hetrogenious mixture, fome bafe alloy in the birth or in the nutriment of the fons of fuch heroes in this age. Whence elce does that degeneracy proceed ? and how is it that we fee the offfpring of the fober, the grave, the learned, the good, anceftor degenerated into rakes, cowards, bullies, and mad men ? How comes the race of the ftatef-men and politicians, the brighteft men of genius and politeft parts to deviate and dwindle away into empty blockheads and worthlefs fools, fluttering fops or empty headed beaus, who have nothing valuable about them, referv nothing of their anceftors riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. jj anceflors but the name, to make us believ they are of the race ? Where are the remains of the famous familyes of the Veres, the Ceciles, the Riiffeh, the Whartons ? Into what are they tranfform'd, and except the fame of their great anceftors, what have we left to boaft of in them ? Their forefathers were the glory of the Englifh nacion, and what their pofterity may be we kno' not ; but how low is the noble channel ebb'd out ! Sure, fome of the prefent gentry we might name, never fuck't in the milk of the race, never were brought up with the breaft of thofe that bare them, but Romulus like, if that ftory be not a fibb, feem to have been fuckl'd by the wolf or fome other untam'd furious creature (beaft). How elce is it poffible, if birth and blood are concern'd in thefe things, and if any good quallityes defcend in the line : I fay, how is it poffible fuch fons fhould be any way akin to fuch anceftors ? What a promifmg line did the laft age fee rifmg up for glory and great things from the antient blood of two familyes^ in the north, known by their inheritances for ages beyond the reach of hiftory, nam'd from the lands they were born to, or the lands nam'd from the well approv'd pofeffors, not before the Conqueft onely, but even before the Romans, if we may believ the moft antient records ! And where are the degenerated ifue ? How funk even below fatyr into pity and contempt, and that not by the chance and changes of fortune and the world, but by meer degeneracy of the race, into all that was foolifh, wild, and wicked, and how are the antient patrimonys, the inheritances of fo many ages fold and felling, divided and parcell'd out, as fate and purchafers prefent, paffmg into new poffeffors, and the name of familyes no more to be remembr'd by the names of the lands, except it be to lament the fall of their fortunes and write an exit upon their graves ! Did 1 US. family. 78 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. /. 29,5. Did thefe men fuck the milk of their mothers? or do they owe the degeneracy of their principles, the narrownefs of their fouls, their vitiated blood, and their naturall attachment to crime, to fome vile coagulated nutriment drawn in with the milk of fome tainted ftrumpet unhappily recommended to the lady for a nurfe ? I cannot but think it worth the confideration of the ladyes, if they have any regard to the familyes they are joyn'd to, and are at all concern'd with Solomon's wife woman, who builds up her houfe while the foolifh woman pulls it down with her hands ; I fay, 'tis well worth their confidering how they debauch the noble blood of a gentleman and corrupt their own race by mingling the blood of a flav and a fcoundrel (as above) with the nourifliment and life of their own progeny. The ladyes had much better, if they find it incon- venient to fuckle their own children, for fome can not do it, I fay, they had much better have them fed by the fpoon, or, as 'tis call'd, brought up by hand ; then they are fure they have no corrupt, tainted particles mixt with their nourifhment and convey'd from thence, and difperft thro' the veffells appointed for the purpofe, into the nobler parts, mingl'd by the animal fecrecion with the vitals, and affefting not the temperament of the body onely, but the very paffions of the foul. I have nothing to do here with the reafons given by the ladyes why they do not, or can not, or care not, to fuckle their own children. This work is not defign'd for a fatyr upon the fex, what ever room there is for it. But here is an alternativ offred, which they can never come off if Queen Ann's faying may be a maxim for them. The fon of a king fhould fuck none but a queen, the fon of a gentleman fhould fuck none but a lady ; and if they will not come in to that part, then the alternativ I propofe is in two parts thus : (i.) Let them bring up their fons bv hand, as abov. Let riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 79 Let them take drye nurfes into the houfe to tend and feed and bring up the young offfpring, and let them be nourifh'd by the fpoon, as it is very eafie to do, and experience proves it to be fufficient, and confequently is the next beft to the mother's breaft ; or (2.) If they will put them out to nurfes, let them lay down the fcruple about difhonouring their familyes and mixing the blood of a gentleman with a mechanick ; for if they value not the mixture in the child, there's no room to fcruple it in the man ; for he may call him- felf a gentleman as much as he will : while he has the blood of a paifant in his veins, 'tis all a cheat ; he is but a mongrelP breed begat by a gentleman, fuckl'd by a mechanick, a fcrub, a what you pleafe ; for 'tis juft what they pick up among the poor. And turn this a little upon the fex, too, another way : the ladies are fuppof'd to be as nice this way as the gentlemen, and in fome cafes they are nicer too ; they fcorn to difhonour their family and to marry below them- felves, and efpeciallynot to marry a tradefman, who they call a mechanick, let his employment be what it will. But if they will be fure to marry a gentleman, they ought to enquire where he was nurft, and whofe milk he fuck't ; for fuppofe his father was a gentleman, if he fuck't a fow he will be of the hog kind as certainly as if he was one of the litter. It will be an eternal fatyr upon the pride of our /• 30- gentry that at the fame time that they boaft of their blood, their antient defcent, and that they abhorr dif- honring their blood to match with the cannaille as they call it, yet at the fame time they will let their children be nurft by the meaneft of the labouring poor, and fuck in the blood of the wretched and the miferable. The inconfiftency is not to be reconcil'd to their fences ; if the blood is once mix'd, 'tis mix'd for ever, and ^ MS. mon^cll. 8o The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. and efpecially if mix'd in the childhood ; in the early nourifhment it is difperll into every branch of the man ; the contaminacion is grown up with him, and, as above, it is more effe6lually mix't fo than in the birth it felf. To fay a man has good blood in his veins, noble blood, and antient blood, and inherits generous principles from his anceftors, that he is a gentleman by blood, and fuch,^ as is the common jargon of the times, and yet own he was fuckl'd by a fhe-bear upon a mountain, as Jov they fay was nurft upon the top of Mount Ida in the Ifle of Crete or Candia : we muft firft call the poor milk woman that nurft him a gentlewoman, you mufh dub the gardner's wife or the coachman's wife, or the farmer's wife a lady, and call her a perfon of a good family, and then indeed it may be made out ; but elce I would recommend it to our gentry to throw open the fence, take down the pale, and feperate no more from the mobb, for they are but all of a breed, or at leaft all of a blood, and the good honeft tradefman, whofe virtuous, diligente wife takes due care of her family, and fuckles and inftru6ls her own children, and takes a perfonall care of their learning afterwards, preferves the breed and brings up better gentlemen than the befb lady in the land (as I fliall fliow at large in its place) that puts out her children among flaves and beggars. Nor will all the fine things that are or can be done for the young efquire or the young baronet afterwards, attone for this capitall miftake in the firft part of their bringing up ; for, as the phyfitians fay, an error in the firft concoction is not re6lifyed in the fecond. The degeneracy of the blood is found in the very firft pro- greffion, the child fucks in the poifon, if it be fuch, with allmoft its firft breath, and the mechanick is blended with the gentleman in its firft aliment ; and as they take root together, they grow up together. A plant or ^ ^l'S>.fucliJliiff, buty?//^is struck out. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 8i or flower taken out of a rich foil and remov'd into a poor foil, will be weak and degenerate and run fingle, influenced and ftinted by the poverty of the fecond foil, partaking little of that which it was raif'd in ; fo take a plant raif'd in a poor or barren ground, and tranfplant it into a better and richer foil, it flourifhes, fhoots up, doubles and fpreads to a wonder, influenc'd and nourifht by the ftrength of the ground without regarding the barren cold foil it came out of 'Tis the fame thing with the child. Take it from the mother, a gay, vigrous, fprightly, beautiful! young lady, and put it to fuck to a weak, decaying, or dif- temper'd woman ; for thofe things call'd confumtiv malladyes are not always difernable in young marryed women ; and what's the confequence of this ? The child, however healthy, however prepar'd by Nature and the firft foil for a ftrong, noble confbitution, tranf- planted to the meaner poor nourifhment of the weak foil, takes root in proporcion to the nourifliment it recieves, and becomes languid and confumtiv in the meer confequence of the diftemper'd creature of whofe blood it partakes. It is the fame thing in the cafe of the quallity of the perfon, if the woman is a mechanick, fuppofe a /• 3t. farmer's wife or a plowman's wife, for fuch we are fond of, forfooth, becaufe they are what they call wholefome and found. But what's that to the point in debate } She's not a gentlewoman, but a forry, poor, unbred wretch, the blood of a cobler or a tinker, no matter what, a branch of the noble mobbe of the true levell with the ftreet, the meaneft of the rabble. This woman muft give nourifhment to the gentleman. This gentleman when grown up muft fcorn^ to debafe this woman's blood forfooth, which being mingl'd with his own is become noble and generous, and what not. They F 82 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. They have but one plea to foften this and remov the fcandal ; and 'tis a very poor one, and will confound all the reft of the argument ; and this is that they tell us the blood of the poor mechanick woman receives a new tin6lure, and is enobl'd and made generous by the blood of the gentleman which it is mix'd with ; that, as the tide from the fea flowing up a fine frefli water river, tho' at firft pufli'd on by the w^nd or by the hight of the fea, it ruflies in with violence and carrys its fait and brackifh waters a good way, tainting the purer ftreams of the river for a while, yet it is at laft conquer'd, its waters fvveetn'd and made frefh, the falin particles being repulf'd and driven back by the frefli ftream that comes down upon it : fo the bafe blood of the mean woman, tho' it may mix at firft its courfer alloy with the more pure and refin'd principle of life in the veins of the child, yet that it weares out with time, the vigour of his fpirits overcomes it, and in a few yeares the child is reftor'd to its firft conftitu- cion, and is all gentle^ again, as compleatly as he was the firft hour he was born. This is a fine fpeculation indeed, but has no foun- dacion either in the fa6l or philofophy ; and the reafon and nature of the thing is againft it : for, firft, 'tis beg- ing the queftion in the moft egregious manner poffible ; the fa6l is not capable of evedence, much lefs of demonftration by any means whatfoever ; on the con- trary, it is not fo much as probable ; for, as I faid before, the mixture being made in the beginning of the child's progreffion, the conftitution is form'd upon that mixture, as the root and the natures grow up together ; nay, as in a graft the fcyon and the ftock grow together, and the fcyon being fixt upon the ftock, tho' the ftock is the firft in nature, the fruit is allways after the fcyon which is grafted in, fo here, tho' 1 MS. G, ne COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 83 tho' the gentleman is in the flock, yet, the mixture being in the blood, the engraftment takes place, and the fruit pertakes of both, but is denominated from the laft. But there is a mifffortune in nature, too, which attends us all and which is ftronger againft this plea than all the reft, (viz.) that the evill part allwayes makes deeper impreffion than the good, and if the mixture of blood has any thing in it, the bad is rather moft likely to prevail. All this while I do not grant that there is really any degeneracy of blood in either the marriage or the fuck- ling, except in cafe of diftemper ; and then I am fure, and infift upon it, that the danger is chiefly in the fuck- ling part ; but I take the argument as the gentlemen and as the ladyes lay it down for us, and as they pre- tend it fhould be taken, whether it is fo in fa6l or no, viz., that the blood of a gentleman is a mighty article in the family, and that to marry with a mechanick is a corrupcion of the blood, which difhonours the line and caufes a degeneracy in the race; that the next genera- cion or the iffue of the marriage is not truly gentle* or truly noble, but a mixt breed, half gentle,^ half fcoundrel, like the mule among the horfes, and ought not to rank with the gentry ; as in the Old Inftitution, when God refolv'd to keep his people pure and unmix'd in blood, he forbid the children' of Moab or of Ammon the entring or being recieved into the con- gregation to the third generation. Thus it is apparent there is a mixture ; and to fay the /. 31 b. mixture is worn out by time is faying what can not be prov'd ; and befides the afflrmativ being unprov'd, I fay the rational part is againft it, becaufe the plant took its root in the time of the firft mixture, and every grain, every ounce of flifti that is grown up fmce, is grown up from ^ MS. G. » Abbreviation. 84 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. from the fame mixt nutriment, which the root muft yield : and no root can giv any nutriment but what it felf con- tains, fo that once mixt and ever mixt, once corrupted and ever corupted ; and there is no man in Nature can be call'd a gentleman born, in the true acceptacion of the word, as thofe people would have it be taken, but fuch as never fuckt in the milk of a mechanick. That this is abfolutely and litterally true I believ will be granted ; if not, I would be very glad to fee upon what folid foundacion it can be contradi6led ; how to remedye it, I mean for the future, for what is paffb can not be cur'd, but how for the future it may be remedyed, is for the ladyes to confider of In the mean time, were it pufli'd home at our gentle- men, who value themfelves fo much upon their blood, the line of the families, and at the unmarry'd ladyes, who rate themfelves above the higheft fortunes, who want the advantage of birth : I fay, were it pufli'd home at either fex, they would be obUg'd to procure as good proof of who nurft them as who bore them, whofe milk they fuck'd, as whofe race they came of, and to prove the quallity, the blood, the high birth, of the lady nurfe,. the poor woman that fuckl'd them, as of the father that begot them. I think I need fay no more to the ladyes upon this fubjefl. But I can not quit it, till I have put the gentle- men a little upon the tenters about it, too ; for they are the principal parties concern'd. That the gentlemen of England are at this time under a wretched fcandal is moft certain ; and the re- proach lyes indeed not onely, or not fo much, upon their moralls as upon their underftandings ; even their genius and capafcities are queflioned. They are not fo much told of their want of being learned, for that may be their inftruftor's fault, but of their being un- capable of learning, of a rugged, untra6table, undocible difpofition. ^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. %^ dlfpofition, when young, dull and impenetrable and not to be taught. Now this is to my purpofe, for it allmoft naturally puts us upon enquiring into the reallity of the extraccion ; not whether they are really true born, and are the fons of gentlemen ; that would be rude to the ladyes, their mothers ; but whether the blood of a gentleman has not been degenerated in their veins by vile mixtures fmce their birth ; and how- can that be but in the manner I have alleag'd, viz., by drinking in the grofs, heavy, four particles of the plebeian blood in their firft alyment, nourifhing the plant with courfe, inflam'd, or corrupted juices, by which the very kind may be altred, the fprightly, aery, refin'd animal fpirits, which naturally flow'd in the in- fant veins be loaded and oppreft with thick, crude, clumfey, and heavy particles, which change the very motion as well as the confbitution of the child, and make him a blockhead by the meer confequence of Nature. It would be a happy difcovery, could we come to be clear in the point, and would go a great way to convince me that the notion we have of a gentleman being ftri6lly oblig'd to preferv the dignity of his birth and blood has fomething of reallity in it, even in the higheft and fl;ri61;eft fence ; if it could be made appear that all the unmixt race, the pure true born familyes of gentlemen among us, who had preferv'd the blood entire, were men of honour, of fence, of learning and virtue, and that all the degenerate, vitious, debaucht lines, and all the empty, untaught, ignorant, good-for- nothing gentlemen were fuch whofe blood was at firft tainted with the impure mixtures of the rabble by fucking in the milk of thofe fcoundrell, mean, defpicable things, call'd nurfes. It would be an unanfwerable plea for all the diftin- cion and difference not onely that we do, but that we could, make, and it would be the care of all the good families 86 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. families in England to take the bringing up of their fons into their own hands, to prevent their going to the D in the meer confequence of their being nurfd abroad. On the other hand, all the generous minds, the vigorous fpirits, the bright exalted fouls, all the men of genius and wit, of bravery and of great thoughts, that have drunk in learning, as a fifh drinks water, and have treafur'd up knowleg and princeples of virtue, as mifers do gold ; who are born fhining and have improv'd a polite genius by a polite education : thefe to the honour of their anceftors would carry their teftimonials in their very faces, that they were their genuine pofterity, true gentlemen of unmix'd race, of an untainted blood, heroic fons of hero anceftors, and that, what ever their fathers excell'd in that was good and comendable, they were prepar'd to imitate and would ftriv to exell. But this is not to^ be expe6led ; and as it is not fo, it leaves us prepar'd to enquire from what purer fpring this glorious flream call'd the blood of a gentleman derives, and I doubt not but by a due fearch we fliall foon find it out ; but of that by itfelf In the mean time, as the phyfitian muft firfb fearch into the difeas before he can prefcribe the remedy, fo we mufl go a little farther in laying open this wound and making due enquiry into the fa6l ; we fhall elce be told I have drefft up a man of ftraw to fight with, have form'd an imaginary figure to talk of, for the fake of the fatyr, expofd a thing of nothing that is not to be found ; and, in a word, the fa6l is not true any more than the reafon of it is rational. I muft therefore, as above, eftablifh the premifes, or I can never expe6t to fupport the conclufion. The charge lyes, in a few words, thus : — I. That our Englifh gentlemen, generally fpeaking, are ^ to omitted in MS. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 87 are not men of learning-, men of heads, of genius and wit, whether naturall or acquir'd. 2. That the great defe6l lyes not in their families or in their blood, not in their intelleft or capafcities, but in the error of their educacion. 3. That, tho' wit and genius are the gifts of nature, / 33- yet that for want of a liberal educacion even thofe fhining parts may fuffer a total eclypfe. 4. That a love of pleafure being fubftituted early in the minds of children born to fortunes and eftates extinguifhes the love of learning, which might otherwife by early inflruccion have been kindled in the mind. 5. That an early lov of pleafure is an invincible obftacle to a love of vertue as well as to a love of learning ; and that as one makes them fimple, fo the other makes 'em wicked. 6. That folly as well as learning may be acquir'd, and men become fools by the help of educacion juft as others learn to be wife. 7. That taking tutors to teach young gentlemen is not onely the ruine of their heads, but of their moralls alfo ; and that as tutors are generally mannag'd or rather mannage themfelves, they are rather playfellows to the children than inftru6lors. 8. That tutors, as the youth grow up, rather prompt their pleafures than their learning, and that they muft do fo or lofe their places. 9. That all the mifcheifs of a young gentleman's education are occafion'd by a negle6l of the moft early infbruccions : The principles of vertue, religion, and fubjeccion to government are to be planted in the minds of children from the very firft moments that they can be made capable of recieving them, that they may be fure to have the firfb pofeffion of their minds, and may have fome time to take root, before the taft of The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. of pleafures and a loofe to levity and folly can have accefs to fupplant them. Upon the foot of thefe principles both the grievance will be explain'd, the caufes of it found out, the fcandal of it expof'd, and the remedy for it be applyed. The* gentlemen of England will have no room to be offended at this work ; it is neither written to expofe them or infult them, much lefs to wrong and abufe them. Either the thing is true, or it is not. If it is not, I fliould indeed be greatly injurious, and fhould merit the refentment not of the gentlemen onely, but of all mankind, as having raif'd a reproach upon my nativ country, and miffreprefented the higheft rank of the beft men in it, wrote a fatyr upon virtue, and made a complaint without a crime : in a word, I fhould be call'd a falfe accufer, and fhould merit the name, tho' it be one of the titles fingular to the D . But I am not affraid of the cenfure, nor do I believ the gentlemen of England will be in the leaft difpleaf'd with either the defign, or with the method. As to the cafe being true in fa6l, I am content to appeal to the gentlemen themfelves ; they are too much gentlemen to withfband it ; and if the fa6l is true, the fatyr is juft ; and the remedyes propof'd I am fure are kind, fo that I have truth, juftice, and kindnefs in every part of the work. Nor is there any occafion for me to make an ex- cepcion for the great number of bright, accomplifh't, polite gentlemen that are among us ; who are the glory /• 33 i- of their country, and indeed keep up the very name of gentlemen among us ; who are at this time the orna- ments • Here the MS. has the note, Here a new Cap. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 89 ments of their country for learning, wit, fcience, and virtue, patterns of good breeding and of good manners. Thofe gentlemen do not want to be told that they are excepted here ; they except themfelves, as they diftinguifh themfelves by their condu6l, and as at this time they are diftinguifht by all the world for the moft accomplifht people in the Univerfe. This ftill returns with an irrefiftible force of argument upon the reft, upon the untaught, unpolifhed, unim- prov'd part which remain, and who being the mafs or bulk of the gentry have the mifffortune to be left behind, groveling in the dirt of ignorance, and learning no thing but to glut themfelves in plenty, wallowing in wealth and in the groffeft part of what they call pleafures, not capable of enjoying the fublime and exalted delight of an improv'd foul ; I fay not capable, that is, they have no taft of them, becaufe they do not underfhand them, no guft to books to read the accions of great men or to tread in the fteps of glory and vertue. The improv'd part of mankind have nothing left but to pity thofe unhappy gentlemen, who fit content and felicitate them felves in that which is the worft of mifery, ignorance ; and who, could they look without themfelves a Httle, would be furprif'd to think how unnaturally they were treated by their anceflors, who gave them money without riches, eftates without treafure, and titles without heads, and who have no happynefs left 'em with all their fortunes but the meer ftupidity of being eafie in the lofs, willing to be fools, and, as we may fay, not defiring to be otherwife, becaufe they kno'^ no better. The world recognizes the wifer part of our gentry, they who by the felicity of their educacion have been €arly introduc'd into a lov of vertue, learning, and all gentlemanly * kno\ is omitted in MS. 90 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. gentlemanly improvement. How is our nation at this time made illuftrious thro' all Europe for fome of the greateft men that ever the world produced, exquifite in fcience, compleat in the poHteft learning, bright in witts, wife in the Cabinet, brave in the field ; no fcience, no comendable ftudy, no experimental! knowlege, no humane attainment, but they excell in and in fome go beyond all man kind, and are, I fay, the glory not of England onely, but of the world ! I fhould be ignorant, as the men I talk of, if I fhould think thefe gentlemen ought to have been mencioned by way of exception ; there's no need of it. Thefe are the paterns for the other to be fham'd by ; thefe are the ftandards that young gentlemen fhould be form'd' by and who they fhould llriv to imitate. Thefe are the proofs given to the abuf'd gentlemen I fpeak of, to prove that they might have" been like 'em, if it had not been for the fondnefs of mothers, the ignorance of fathers, the negligence of nurfes, and the treachery of tutors. Thefe are the glorious examples which fhould, barring religious prohibicions, fhould make our gentlemen curfe their no-educacion, reproach their unkind anceftors, and hang themfelves, to be out of the fcandal of it. Their onely proteccion is their ftupidity, as I have faid above. They neither look in, or look out, or look up ; if they look'd in, they would fee what empty,, what weak, what unform'd things they are ; if they look'd out, that is, look'd round them, they would fee how bright, how beautifuU learning rendred other men, /. 34- and what they might have been, if they had had juftice done them in their educacion ; as to the laft, their looking up, they that cannot look in can feldome look ^ up : They that can not contemplate themfelves can very ill contemplate their Maker ; and as for looking ^ MS.>/7«. - MS. /la, as often. 'MS. look look. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 91 looking round them, this they do indeed in there own confin'd manner ; they look into their parks and gar- dens, their lands and revenues, and fee with joy the fund they have, to carry on their life of pleafure and floth ; but they feldome or indeed never^ can look round them enough to fee how near a life they liv to that of a brute, in how different a manner fuch and fuch gentle- men live, how much more fuitable to the life of a gentleman, as he is a man and a rational creature as well as a Chriftian, and that perhaps with a fmaller eftate ; nay, which is flill worfe, they do not looke upon the man of fence and wit, the man of learning and of parts, to imitate him, but to defpife and contemn him, becaufe forfooth he is no gentleman, and in this fence they may be properly faid not to look round them at all. ^ neverxio\. In MS, CAP. CAP. III. Of the gcncrall ignorance of the Englifli gentry and the true caifes of it in the maimer of their introduccion ijtto life} IFTER what has been faid of the weaknefs and, what is worfe, the ignorance that fpreads, at this time, among our gentry, 'tis time to examine the fa6l and enquire into the truth of things ; for it would be a terrible reproach upon this work, and would take off the edge and force of all the wholefam truths that are ftill behind, if, when all thefe refleccions are made, the thing fhould not be fo. But I am far from being affraid of fuch a charge. I have too many vouchers at hand, too many witneffes to produce. What town, what county in England can we come into where thefe unfledg'd animals are not to be feen ? Ecce ^ After the heading are the following Hnes, which are, however, accompanied by the remark, This for cmoiher place, ?ind by a deleU' tur; — What deep conceme the anxious mothers y7/tf7f, For fear the generous heir fliould learn to kno\ Indulged iji eafe, in ignorance, andpride^ And many a forry, filly thing befide, Bj'ought up to nothing at a vajl expenfe, And while they feed his honour ftarv his fence: Thus for the park and manfion hds made ft. And bred a fool infpite (?/" mother- wit. i:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 93 Eccc Platonis homo ! Who bear the figure of the man are not to be dif- tinguifh't by their perfons, their fhapes or faces, except that fome times they are apt to go with their mouth open, an^ unhappy fignature placed by filent Nature to dire6l our guefs, whence we have an old fignificant proverb a gaping fool, of which again in his order ; for I am not now upon the variety of the forts of fools but their number, and indeed 'tis a little frightfuU to engage, when a man is allmoft forrounded before the battle. But courage ! it muft be done, we muft fight / 35. our way thro'; the danger may indeed be fomething, but the difficulty is nothing. It was a faying father'd upon King Charles II,, tho' it was a little too harfh for him, who had a world of witt and not one grain of ill nature, that if there were not both fools and knaves return d, (I fuppofe there might be an ele61;ion in hand at the time) the natioji could not be tndy reprefented. As to the knavery among our gentlemen in England, I will not flatter them there may be fome long heads among them too ; but I'll do them the juftice at the fame time as to fay I believ the fhort heads have infinitely the majority, efpecially among the elder brothers. I have heard of holding eftates in England by antient tenures, old antiquated cuftomes, and fervices ; fome are held by the fvvord, fuch as fervice in the field, knight's fervice, and efquire : but I never found a mannor held in England by the weight of the brain. We are told that in fome of the iflands of the Archi- pelague they had fome very odd cuftomes, as ait Zia or Zea, that if any man prefum'd to cumber- the place abov 80 year he fhould be voted an invader of his heirs ^ MS. an an. ^ MS, cuumber, corrected from another word. 94 T'he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. heirs, and they fhould bury him, whether he was pleafcd to dye or no, becaufe, as there was but juft provifions enough in the ifland for the ordinary inhabitants, it was unreafonable that they fliould devour it who were of no manner of ufe to the pubHc. In another ifland , namelefs for divers good reafons, they tell us it was a cuftome that, when any man of fortune dyed, his eftates were to be divided among his children not according to the primogeniture, but according to the quallity or degree of their learning and underflanding, of which the Senate of the country were judges, and they had infallible rules to determine it by. Some hold lands indeed by ftrength of hand, and fome by ftrength of face ; but 'tis the knaves onely that hold by ftrength of wit. I doubt indeed 'twould be a mellancholly article among us heirs, if want of brains fhould be made a want of title to our eftates, and men were to fliare the land in proporcion to their underftanding. But as things now ftand, it feems to be the reverfe in our country, efpecially if, as a certain author pretends. Nature has made the divifion with equity and upon weighty confideracions. Elder and younger Jliare the goods of fate, This all the brains inherits, that tJC cftate. Happy Conftitution ! glorious England ! where the in- heritance defcends in tayl, and the head has no fliare in the claim ; where fools enjoy their juft privileges and an eldeft fon enjoys the land by birthright, be the heir a baronette, the juftice of peace, the member of , ay, and any thing elce that Nature has furnifli't him with a title to, or with money to purchafe. Nor can his want of fence be pleaded in bar of his fucceffion, provided he is but one degree above being beg'd, etc. As "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 95 As fools, then, are not out of rank, fo neither are they out of fafhion, and there is fome convenience in that, too, efpecially where the number is fo confiderable ; for now a man, let his head be as weak as you will, may come into company, fit upon the bench and at the board, take a commiffion, be chofen mayor, alder- man, common council man, as well as feverall other reprefenting advances, and not be oblig'd to blufli and hold his tongue. Nay, if nature has been deficient in other cafes, and his tongue fliould be a little too big for his mouth, fo that he fhould be addi6led to fpeech-making fome times, and that in public, too, he may yet come off tollerably well, becaufe the men of more wit have generally good nature enough to bear it and fay nothing, and 'tis ten to one but the majority may underftand it as little as himfelf. There are, doubtlefs, fome advantages to the empty gentlemen from their numbers, and theyr being fo much in fafhion is none of the leaft of them. How often when they tell nofes do the fools out-poll their neigh- bours ! how often fall in with partyes and run down all by their numbers ! Thofe are the gentlemen who in former dayes were call'd the dead weight in a certain Houfe. The reafon was plain when the party kings^ were equally divided. Who ever got the f . . . . s on their fide were fure to carry the queftion ; and this .made the miniftry in thofe days (for I fpeak now of things 40 year ago) get a roll of thefe folks under pay, and thence we deriv'd the name and perhaps the ufe, too, of a Penfion Parliament.' But thofe things are out of doores now; and tho' the fools, I doubt, are not leffen'd in number now, yet they may be honefter, perhaps, than they were then, or, what is ftill better, thefe are honefter /. -ji. times ; and tho' bribery may be out of fafhion tho' the f s ^ Party 'K in MS. - P in ^IS. 96 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. f . . . . s^ are not : Heavens grant that may be the true ftate of the cafe. Amen. But to come back to the thing in difpute as it lyes before us, the propoficion is plain tJiat otir EngliJJi gentleme7i are not men of learning. I had fome thoughts of entring upon the proof of it, but I am happily prevented by the generallity" of the thing, and the honefty of the partys ; for really the gentlemen con- fefs it themfelves. Some indeed are afham'd, and would fain conceal it ; but they are the fmalleft number. Some again ingenuoufly own it, and tell you honeftly they don't pretend to learning ; they were not bred to books they fay, and have no notion of them : fo they pdon't mind them. They liv as they are, that is to fay, not like men of learning, but like gentlemen. They enjoy their eftates and their pleafures, and envy no- body. If they had been well taught, they fhould have been glad of it now; and 'twas none of their fault ; but that's paft and it can't be help'd ; they muft be con- tent, they have a good eftate and no great need of it; I and fo 'tis well enough. Thofe are indeed the beft of the race, and are a teftimony that the ignorance of the gentlemen lyes indeed in their education, not in naturall defficiencys; and that they are fools, not for want of capafcity of being taught, but for want of teaching. But we have another fort or two to fpeak of, and they indeed are among the incorrigibles of nature. Nothing is to be done with them. Thefe are either (i) thofe that in fpite of ignorance and unfufferable dullnefs are opinion wife. It would take up a little volume to giv a full defcripcion of this kind ; it muft be confefft they feem to be a fpecies by them- felves ; that their intelle6lualls are form'd in a differing mould ^ 'F'm MS, " Or it might ht generallity es. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 97 mould from the reft of mankind. They fpeak and aft upon a feperate foot, and walk in a feperate track ; they neither do well or fay well, and yet will have it that all they either do or fay is beft ; they are a modern fort of Iflimaelites, for they laugh at all the world and all the world laughs at them ; they think all the world fools to them, and all the world thinks them fools of the groffeft kind. As to their knowlege, whether natural or acquir'd, 'tis in their own opinion fo every way com- pleat, and their heads fo well furnifh'd, that they cannot believ a word of their want of better inftruccion, but think they kno' every thing and kno' it, too, better than their neighbours. Nor are they ever fatiffied,^ if you don't chime in with them and acknowlege all they fay ; and to compleat their impertinence they are noify with their nonfence, maintain the groffeft abfurdi- tyes, oppofe the plaineft evedence, difpute principles, and argue even againft demonftracion. Generally fpeaking, they carry a ftock of ill nature about them and a want of temper, if not a want of good manners. Nothing pleafes them ; they contradi6l every body, rail at ^voxy body, giv characters of every body, and, in a word, tyre every body. Nothing is more frequent with them then to pafs their judgement upon the learning as well as wit of others, tho' they have fo very little of their own ; nay, tho' they read no books, but perhaps the title page and Xhe finis of fome few, yet borrowing fcraps from other men they pafs their cenfure in the grofs, and damn the worke, as we fay, unfight unfeen. Indeed, as they pafs their cenfure in the grofs, fo, if you will pardon me a pun, 'tis generally a grofs cenfure, ignorant, weak, courfe, and perhaps rude, too ; for fuch men very feldom abound in manners. Or, (2) we have another fort, and thefe come home to you with argu- ment. They don't (like the other people) deny the charge ^ Abbreviation. G ^8 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. charge and believ themfelves to be men of learningr, reading-, and travell, and the Hke, and put their nonfence upon you for wit ; but, on the contrary, they own the fa6l, but denye the deficiency : they grant they have no learning, but they fay it ought to be fo ; they ought to be bred up juft as they were ; that 'tis a mif- take ; 'tis not ignorance in them not to underftand languages any more than 'tis that they can't make a watch or a clock or a pair of fhoes ; that fchollars and men of books are handicrafts and mecchannicks made to work for gentlemen, as joyners and carpenters are, and books are to them nothing but their tools, their compaffes and hammers, their planes and augurs to exercife their art with ; that thefe things are below a gentleman ; that he has no buffinefs with them : that if any man afkt his fon what fchool he went to, what books he was in, and how he went on in his ftudyes, he fhall anfwer : " School, Sir ? I don't go to fchool. /. 37. My father fcorns to put me to fchool. Sure I an't to be a trades-man ; I am to be a gentleman : I an't to go to fchool." Then he runs on with a common place of rallery againft learning and learned men after the manner of the elder brother mencion'd before ; how ufelefs and how ridiculous it is to trouble a gentleman with fcience and books ; that Nature had form'd them for other things ; that they were born for enjoyment, frngl'd out to form a degree of men above the ordinary rank ; that learning and improvements were for the inferior world, to recomend them to employment and buffmefs that they might get their bread ; that gentlemen were above all thefe things and above the people that were mafters of them ; that men of books are the drudges and fervants of the gentry, and when ever they had occafion for them, they could have them for their money, as princes entertain interpreters and therefore never The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 99 never learn languages themfelves ; that thofe were made to ferv for wages, and the gentlemen^ are thofe that hire them and pay them ; that 'tis ridiculous to put the gentlemen upon reading and learning languages ; they have other employment and are born to better things. Befides, they tell you it would be injurious to the Common Wealth and take the bread out of the mouths of the younger brothers ; that learning and languages were manufactures* and employ'd the poor (fchollars), and it would be very hard to take the employment from them which they get their bread by ; that fchollars like fiddlers are to be hir'd to make mufic to the gentry ; that thefe are to pipe, and the other are to dance, becaufe they pay the piper ; that gentlemen are no more to trouble them felves with books than with the bag pipes ; that would be to ftarv the poor fchollars and bring them as a charge upon the parifli, Thofe two claffes of gentlemen are, indeed, the exalted heroes of ignorance and floth, who this dif- cours is chiefly pointed at ; and thofe are the gentlemen I mean alfo when I fay their number is fo great that, if they came to tell nofes, they would out-pol their neighbours. I confefs the lafl out-do the former, too, becaufe they have a kind of a harden'd eloquence in their way of talking, which confirms them in their folly the more they talk of it, and fhows that, like men bred up in any particular error or opinion of religion, who afterwards maturely cleav to thofe errors, they are not onely hereticks by the prejudice of edu- cacion, but have formally recogniz'd that educacion by a mature, deliberate profeffion, making that which was before their neceffity^ be their choice. This way of talking in the matter of education, like atheifms in religion, is not to be fupported without a vaft ^ MS. G. * 'iW with a stroke over it. * Abbieviation. 100 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. vaft ftock of affurance ; I had almofl given it a harder word, but that, as I am talking of gentlemen, I would treat them as fuch. This is certain, it can not be carry'd on without fome face, as men talk firft athe- iftically, then, working up their paffions to a hight, run it on to down-right blafphemy. I do not doubt but that fometimes they are fencible of, and feel with regrett, the defficiency of their own educacion ; but learning gradually to be contented with it, and to accept of the eafe and pleafure of their fortunes as diverfions inftead of it, come at laft to approv as by choice what they are plung'd into by neceffity, having learn'd by habit and by length of time to applaud what was the crime and negle6l of their parents, as a wife part a6led in their introduccion into the world ; infifting upon it as what was beft for them ; decrying all improvements and blafpheming fcience as atheifts do religion ; declaring themfelves ignorant by meer open fuffrage and confent ; defpifmg knowlege like Solomon's fool, of whom among many other charefters to kno' him by I think this is the moft pointed and elegant, as well as concife, that tJiey hate knowlege^ by which I can not doubt but that the wife man meant that no7ie but fools do fo, I can not reprefent the unhappynefs of thefe unedu- cated gentlemen more to their diffadvantage than in the confequence we fee it has in their own families, among their fervants and tennants, and even among their children. I had occafion but a very few yeares ago to be prety much in the family of a gentleman who I had long had an intimacy with ; he was himfelf a man that knew the world, had been bred much abroad in Germany, France, and Italy, and had a great ftock of converfacion-knowlege, tho' no learning. He was of the firft rank, as I may call it, for eftate and antient blood The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. loi blood, and, tho' not enobl'd, might claim an undifputed title to that of gentleman. He had but one fon, the heir and hopes of his family ; and his being the onely fon was one of his reafons, why he would not part with him abroad when he came to grow up ; but his other reafon, which he kept much to himfelf, and which was the true reafon, indeed, was that he thought his fon by his mother's tendernefs had been bred too foft and eafie, too much fvvallow'd up in his pleafures, fo that he was not to be fo much trufted with himfelf, and that, as he faid afterwards, he was fencible it would be his entire ruine to fend him abroad. Alfo his having been bred up without learning he lay'd to the charge of his mother, as above. It was true, he did not feem to think that any great lofs to his fon, and would often fay he would have no need of it ; that a little learning was enough for a gentleman that had an eftate above the need of raifing himfelf higher, and that reading and book knowlege did but ferv to form vaft defigns in men's heads, fend them up to Court, embark them in / 3S. politicks, embroil them with partyes, and by placeing them at the head of fa6lions in the State, involv them in frequent mifchiefs, and fome times bring them to ruine and diftruccion ; that, he faid, he had rather follow him to the grave early, and build an hofpitall with his eftate, than break his heart for him 20 or 30 years later, when he fliould hear of his coming to a fcaffold ; that without ambicion he would be a fafe man, and might be as happy as this world could make any body ; that all the learning in the world could not add to it, but that no man was too high to fall, and the higher the more dangerous ; that he had 12000 pound a year clear eftate to leav him, and fome money, and his three fifters provided for, fo that he had neither mother's joynture or fifters' portions to pay out of it ; that if he had a mind to liv gay and fpend the whole income. I02 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. income, yet if he did not fell nor mortgage, he thought it was enough, and that hfe had no occafion to encreafe ; but that if he fhould prove a good mannager, and had a mind to grow over-rich, he might live in a figure equall to a nobleman, and yet lay up 5000 pound a year, with which he might encreafe his eftate to allmoft what degree he pleaf 'd ; but if he had ten times as much he might be no richer than before and, perhaps, not half fo happy. I confefs the argument about his way of living was juft and well enough : A gentleman of fuch an eftate can't propofe much to himfelf in this world which fuch an eftate could not help him to, and nothing can be fuppof'd to fpend more than fuch an income without a crime, I mean without a criminal profufion ; but of that by itfelf. Nor is there any great difference in the article of humane felicity, between his fpending half of it or all of it : 'Tis very certain that, barring ambition, fuch an eftate was enough to bound any modrate man's defires, and whatfoever prompted his ambition muft be danger- ous to him, as his father well obferv'd. The late ever glorious King William uf'd frequently to fay that, if he was not a king, and Providence' had mercifully plac'd his ftacion of life in his choice, he would be an Englifh gentleman of two thoufand pounds a year. His Majefty gave many very good reafons for the narrow compafs of his. defires, and one which I thought was very fignificant was this : that it was the ftacion of life that gave the leaft room for difquiet and uneafynefs in the world, and the greateft opportunity of calm and content ; that there were" very few comforts among man-kind which fuch an eftate could not giv, and that to have more rather encumbr'd a gentleman with fervants and 1 D with a dot in the middle. ^ were is omitted in MS. rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 103 and buffmefs to look after them, than gave any addi- tion to his enjoyment, unlefs a man could fit ftill and fee himfelf cheated by his ftewards and upper fervants, and fuffer all manner of diforders in his under fervants with- out any concern at one or diflike of the other ; which he thought no man of fence could be capable of As the thoughts His Majefty had upon that fubje6l were very nice, fo, no doubt, they were grounded upon the beft principles and were fuitable to the trueft nocions of humane delight, I mean virtuous pleafures, enjoyment without criminal excurfions ; and fo the ' King often expreff't himfelf, adding there was no pleafure at all in ftoring up mellancholly reproaches and refleccions for old age. It will be hard for any man to chalk out a way, how and in what particular figure of life a gentleman could live up to fuch an eftate and fpend ;!^ 12000 a year without being guilty of fome criminal excurfions, that is, exceffes in himfelf, or allowing, and conniving at, them in his family and among his retinue, unlefs he will employ his whole time in fetting up a mean and unfafhionable difcipline in his houfehold, and, like a Vice Chancellor in the Univerfity, eftablifh his regula- cions for their manners and houres, and even then, as he has no legal authority to punifh, he can do no /. 39 more than diffmifs the refra6lory, ungovernable fellows and take others as bad in their room. In a word, as His Majefty faid in the cafe before mencion'd, a gentleman of fuch an eftate has a weight of buffinefs upon him equall to a tradefman in his fhop or a merchant in his compting houfe. 'Tis a full employment to him to audit his accompts, to be checqing his fteward's books, bargaining with his ten- nants, holding his courts, granting leafes, and hearing caufes between tennant and tennant and between fervant and fervant, fo that it was a drudgery too much I04 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. much for a gentleman, would make him alhvays un- eafye, and, in his opinion, overballanc't the benefit of the eftate it felf. As I have quoted fo extraordinary a perfon for this opinion, fo I mufb add that the King made this judg- ment not from ignorance of the world or want of knowing how to liv in a fuperior figure, but juft the contrary ; for as he was born a prince fully quallifyed for the government of nacions, fo he was perfectly accomplifh'd in all the needfuU parts of governing his houfehold, which was allwayes great, and he fpoke this not from an empty fpeculacion, but from a long experience in the manner of living publick and the ftate and pomp of a great houfehold. He faw that with a little compa6l eftate of ^2000 a year he had his time unengroff't, his head unencumbr'd ; he needed no fteward, no reciever ; he could look over it all himfelf with pleafure, and had onely to defire it might be let out in large farms to as few tennants as poffible, five or fix was enough, fuch farmers being generally men of fubftance, that pay their rents with- out any trouble ; whereas with a larger eftate a gentle- man is allways engag'd with the wrangling of tennants, their complaints of the ftewards, or by their knavery or poverty is oblig'd to be alhvays ruining and tearing them to peices for his rent, fo that he is neither well uf'd by them or belov'd by them. Now, tho' the living criminally profufe was a thing not unworthy the confideration of a King, yet I do not fee it makes any impreffion among our gentlemen, efpecially fince 'tis of late fo much the fafliion. Every gentleman feems to be willing to liv as gay as he can, and we fee the fad confequence of it among them at this time, namely that moft of our gentry in England with their ignorance and their other defe6ts of head are alfo in but very indifferent condicion as to family cir- cumftances The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 105 cumftances/ and many even of the greateft eftates are overwhelm'd in debt, which it muft be confeff't feems to be fome reproach upon their underftanding, as well as upon their prudence, and intimates that their purfes are empty becaufe their heads are fo ; for it would hardly be thought poffible that m.en's pockets fhould be light, if their brains were not light alfo, when they have perhaps from ^^500 to two, nay to four, ten, and even to ;^2 0,000 a year reall eftate. But of this I fhall find occafion to talk farther by it felf, when I come to the extraordinary mannagement of our gentry in the oeconomy of their familys and fortunes, which, as reafon requires, muft fupply us with a chapter by it felf. But I come back to the gentleman as defcrib'd above. He is fuppof'd to be heir to a great eftate, no lefs than ;{^io to i^ 12000 a year, and this is given for a reafon why he fliould not be well taught ; he muft not go to fchool ; no, his father fcorns to put him to fchool, becaufe he is, or rather is to be, a gentleman. Pre- pofterous reafoning ! as if the man were really better ignorant and unpolifti'd, than beautify'd and fet off with the embellifhments and improvements of learning and knowlege ; as if the diamond was more valuable while it was rough and unpolifh'd, as it came out of the mine, than after the diamond cutter had by his art brought it to a good fhape, a true brilliant, taken out all its flaws and fcarrs, and that you fee a perfefl water ; as if the filver of Potofi was better in the oar than in the ingot, and that gold were equall in the river among the oufe and the fands, than cleanf'd and wafh't out. Let fuch people run a little paralell between the heir and his eftate, and let them learn to fee the abfurdity of this ill form'd notion there. How carefuU are the gentlemen of their parks, their woods, their lands, that their wafts be enclof'd, the timber preferv'd, their 1 Abbreviated. [o6 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. their farms well tenanted, the tennants bound up to rules of hufbandry, to lay the plough'd lands fallow at due times, to preferv the paftures and break them up with the plow, and, in a word, to pra6Hfe good hufbandry for improving the eftate, to commit no waft, make no trefpafs, keep up the fences, and clear the ditches and water-courfes, keep the farm-houfes in due repair : how carefull, I fay, are our gentry in all thefe things. In a word, nothing is forgotten to improv the eftate, /. 40. nothing entirely neglected but the heir, as if his eftate was to be improv'd, but not his head, and his land was to be duly cultivated, but not his brains. Did the wit defcend, indeed, with the wealth, and the heir come to his learning, as he came to his lands, by inheritance, there were then, 'tis true, fome thing to be faid for this folly. Then learning and books would be of no ufe to the eldeft fon till fuch and fuch a time. Then, indeed, inftruccion and education would be out of the queftion, and we fliould have no objeccion againft letting the heir play away his prime and go a hunting inftead of going to fchool. On the other hand, it would be an abfurdity to do otherwife. But fmce it happens to be otherwife, and that the heir muft be taught, or he can not learn ; that knowlege does not grow upon the trees, or wifdome follow and attend the inheritance ; fince fcience does not defcend with the honour, and learning like an eftate is not entail'd on the heirs male ; 'tis evedent that young gentlemen muft acquire knowlege, or go without it. It is true, there is fuch a thing as a natural genius, there is a mother wit, a vivacity of fpirit, that in fome particular perfons is born with them ; that they are ftored before-hand, made bright at the firft, and, as 'tis faid of fome that they are born poets, fo fome are born with great fouls, vaft capafcityes, and a fund of nature, as it may be call'd, is given them even by original donation ; The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 107 donation ; and much of this is boafted of in thofe ordinary expreffions of being born a gentleman, have- ing good blood in the veins and haveing deriv'd generous principles from the line, that he came of fuch a family and of fuch a blood, and that the young off- fpring muft be all that is great and fine, becaufe he is of the family of fuch a great man, in a word, becaufe he is a gentleman ; as if Rhehoboam was one jot the lefs a fool for being the fon of a Solomon, or the fitter to reign becaufe his father was a king : the contrary was apparent. He neither had the prudence of the King, nor the fence of an ordinary man, for nothing that had had an ounce of braines in his head would have given fuch an anfwer as he did to the people, who came to pray him to abate their burthens or redrefs their grievances ; any thing but a fool would have treated them gently, and given them good words, at leaft at firft, till he had been acknowleg'd for king and had been well feated in the throne ; and then he might have turn'd tyrant or anything, as 'tis plain his father had done before him. As it was then, fo it is ftill : We fee that brains do not allways defcend, no, not to the greateft ; fence and underftanding is no appennage to the prince, nor is wifdome entail'd upon the crown. A king may laye his claim to the govern- ment of his kingdom by hereditary right from his anceftors ; he may have his crown that way : but he muft have his governing quallifications by other methods, namely by applicacion, by inftruccion, by example, and by experience. It is the fame with us all. The gentleman may have his eftate from his anceftors, nay, the beauty of his body may in j)art defcend from his parents, and the health of conftitution may owe much to birth and blood, and, if we may believ the learned, it is not a little advantage to be born of a healthy, vigrous race ; but [o8 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. but the brains are the matter in queftion, and there we fee generacion very little concern'd in the cafe ; the wife man begets the fool, and the fool gives a wife man to the world. Nature feems to have very little concern in the intelleftuall part, that feems guided by fome other influence ; nor is it any reproach to our underflanding to fay we know not how or by what fecret operation 'tis wrought ; how comes a fool to convey ftrong capafcities, and an empty weak head deliver a full capable genius to the world ; of which alfo hereafter. But to give up this point, I am content to allow that, as fome men are born dull and that 'tis ordinarily faid of fuch a man he is a natural fool, fo, on the other hand, fome are born bright, have a fprightly wit, a great genius, a capacious foul, deep reach and clear thoughts even from their birth, I won't fay from their parents ; for fome times 'tis fo when the father, nay, perhaps all the fathers from feverall generacions paft have been fools. But what is all this to the thing before us .? In a great wood if a fine well grown oak prefents it felf ' to the eye, we fay there is a fine tree ; that's true, and Nature obtains the praife fo farr. But when it comes to ufe, it muft be cut down, the bark ftript off, the knotty limbs taken away, the favvyers cut it out into plank, the carpenter fquares it with his rule, /". 4T. and then 'tis fmooth'd with the plain, groov'd with one tool, carv'd with another, and then 'tis fitt to be fet up againft the wall, and wainfcott the Hall of Audience, or the Prefence Chamber of a prince, or the State Room of a pallace. But till all thefe pains are beftow'd upon it, it is onely potentially good and ufefuU ; 'tis not naturally finifh'd and perfe6l : it muft be fliap'd and fquar'd as art requires. It is alfo to my purpofe to obferv, carrying on the metaphor, that even the moft crooked, The COIVIPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 109 crooked, out of fliape tree in the whole wood is capable by the help of the fame art to be brought to the fame perfe6lion in its degree, and onely with this difference, that the crooked ftick requires more workmanfhip, more hewing and cutting, makes more chips, and fuffers more waft, before 'tis brought to take place among the ornaments of the pallace, whereas the ftrait, well fhap'd tree is finifh'd with lefs trouble, lefs diffi- culty, lefs workmanfhip and art. In a word, the ftrait tree is wrought with lefs pains than the crooked, but both require fome. Thus the bright genius, the naturall beauty of the mind, the parts, the witt, the capafcities given by Nature to one youth, caufe him to be polifh'd and cultivated with more eafe, and he is finifli'd with fewer hands in lefs time and with much lefs difficulty than another crooked, knotty, ftubborn difpofition, which being naturally dul and awkward requires much more hewing and fhapeing and dreffmg. But ftill, as above, both thefe require fome: the brighteft muft be polifli'd and fmoothed ; fome labour, fome apHcation is requir'd in the brighteft genius, and this is what I am pleading for. If we fee a youth among the poor people of good natural parts, quick thought, ftrong memory, fharp wit, as it often happens, we are generally apt to fay 'tis pity the boy fliould not be put to fchool, 'tis pity he fhould not be well taught ; and fome times fuch a youth has been pick'd up and taught in meer charity by fome man of learning and eftate who has fo pityed his circumftances ; and fome great men, who I could name if it were proper, have been raif'd in the world from fuch beginings. But ftill this bright genius muft be made brighter by art. What are the quick parts, the naturall wit, the ftrong memory, the great capafcityes ? what are they, and what are they given for } 'Tis evedent they are given for fome ufes, which they are not wholly fitted no riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. fitted for but by the applicacion of other fuitable helps. They are receptible of all the glorious things which fcience, learning, and acquir'd knowlege can furnifh, but they are perfe<5tly unquallify'd to aft alone. A deaf child has the capafcity of fpeech and all the wit and vivacity of foul, and, perhaps, a thoufand times more than another child born of the fame parents ; but of what ufe are they all, when for want of fpeech, which is learning, for it can not be attain'd without hearing and imitacion, it can take in no ideas, knows nothing by its name, underftands not the nature of the things it knows, much lefs their end, can form no confequences, knows no found, and, in a word, half the world is, as it were, of no ufe to him, and half his naturall powers are ufelefs, becaufe unimprov'd. I obferv that we often miftake in this very cafe about young gentlemen, and call their naturall capafcityes learning ; at leafl we think them equivalent to learning, and that fuch ftand in need of no affiftance, but that time and converfation will be fufficient, and they are men of parts, of courfe, having alfo good eftates to fupply the main deficiency. But thefe people miftake not the fa6l onely, but the true defign of Nature, and even of the Author of Nature. It is apparent that treafure of wit and parts is given from Heaven to be cultivated and improv'd ; and as God fet Adam to till the ground after the fall, and told him, if he did not do it, ay, and labour and fweat at it, too, he fhould have no bread, and it fhould bring forth nothing but briars and thorns to him without tillage and cultivation : fo it is in his brains and under- /. 40. ftanding to this day, if he will kno' he muft learn. I will not difpute with thofe who affirm that, if Adam had not fallen, his pofterity would have been compleat, not onely in their parts and capafcityes of knowing, but in knowlege it felf ; that as he was created The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. in created in a perfeccion of wifdome, fo his pofterity would have come into the world finifh'd as he did, and as we fee the brutes do to this day, that their naturall fagacity, caution for fafety, care for their food, and knowlege in diftinguifhing it, grows up with them. But as to man, it is evedent, what ever it was before the fall, it is not fo now ; what ever brightnefs of parts, what ever genius, wit, and capacity the man is naturally furnifh'd with, it is requir'd that thofe Jewells fhould be polifhed, that learning be apply'd to them, that rules and inftruccions be layd before them, and that hifborys and examples of times and perfons be recommended to them, and that all this be enforc'd by the authority of inftruftors, parents, fchoolmafters, etc. And what will all the natural capafcities of a child amount to without teaching .-* What ufe will nature direft him to make of them } None of the beft you may venture to fay ; for tho' nature is the befb fund, yet the di6lates of nature are not the beft guides. The learned may talk of the rectitude of Nature and of natural religion in bar of the principle which others infift upon, that nature is originally deprav'd : I am for putting it to the generall iffue, if they can tell me by any one example when nature of its meer undire6led inclination guided mankind to make the beft choice of things, and reje6ling the pleafmg obje6ls of fence led him to choofe vertue by a meer propenfity of will without inftruccion or example ; then I may come into the notion of natural re6litude with fome appear- ance of reafon. But while, on the contrary, I fee nature a6ling the reverfe of all this, and that men are in their youth hurry'd down the ftream of their worft affeccions by the meer infenfible impetuofity of nature : I fay while it is^ thus, and that not generally onely, but univerfallv, I ^ is omitted in MS. 112 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. I can not but conclude that there is fomething of originall depravity in nature more than thofe gentle- men think of. And what does all this import (to bring it down to my prefent purpofe) but that Nature is not able to accomplifh the gentleman without the help of outward application ? Nature works by its Maker's direccion, and can not go beyond it felf Nature will fometimes go out of its way, as I may call it, and work without its ordinary means, and, when it does fo, it produces monfters ; but Nature can not a6l beyond its given powers ; for example, Nature forms the organs of fpeech, but 'tis evedent Nature teaches no body to fpeak, and if a child is not taught it would never fpeak at all, and therefore we fee in children taught to fpeak they yet fpeak no more languages than they are taught, and if they are defirous to fpeak other tongues they muft apply to it with labour and diligence, flrength of memory, books and maflers, or go over into the countrys where thofe tongues are fpoke, and learn them there by mimickry and imitacion, as chil- dren learn to fpeak ; for all firft fpeaking is mimickry and no other. It is the fame in fcience and every kind of knowlege in its degree. Nature would be but a poor inflru6lor in art, in philofophy, in the mathematicks, without the helps of teaching and inftruccion. How far could Nature go to teach a poor uninftru6led head the do6lrin of the fpheres, the mocion of the planets and of all the heavenly bodyes .-' How long is it ago fmce the Muf- covites gather'd about a Scots gentleman's lodging who had fome knowlege of aftronomy, at Mofco, and would have mobb'd him and torn him to peices for a forcerer for telling them before-hand that fuch a day at fuch an hour and minute the fun would be ecclypfd, how much it would be darken'd, and how long it would "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 113 would hold ? 'Tis not many years fince, for the gentleman is ftill alive. / 43. The meer knovvlege attain'd by uninftru6led nature is a poor dark lanthorn light, that glares in the fight of thofe that look at it, rather blinds them than helps them to fee, and is onely ufefuU to thofe that ftand behind it. And this is the reafon why we have fo much ignorance among all the bright men of this age, that fome of our gentlemen who have the cleaneft parts, the pureft naturall wit, and the beft capafcityes that are to be feen any where, are yet the moft ignorant dark creatures in this part of the world. The cafe carryes its evedence in it felf. They are untaught : where fhould they raife it .^ Nature is a fund of fence, but infhruccion onely is the fund of knowlege. I can not but obferv here a kind of an alternativ in the evedence of the thing before me. One fide of the queftion anfwers the other, and they are a demonftra- tion of one another. The ignorance and weaknefs of our gentlemen are a teftimony of the defficency of nature unpolifli'd by inftruccion ; and the weaknefs and incapacity of nature to fupply the want of litterature and inftruccion, is a reafon of the ignorance and weaknefs of the gentry.^ They are without doubt men of as good naturall capafcityes and furnifh'd with as much mother wit ; at leaft many of them, and as many of them in proporcion to their number as in any nation in the world ; and where they are well taught they are equall, if not out-do, moft men in the world, as is evedent by the excellency of their ftudyes and the perfeccion fome have come to in the moft critical parts of learning, of which I have faid fome thing all-ready ; and yet where is there fo little ^ G. H 114 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. little improvement, where fo much blunder and non- fence, where fo much pride and felf opinion, as among thefe men of Nature, thefe people call'd gentlemen, who are faid to lay claim to ^ bright genius and to be polite finifh'd perfons ? If a man was to travell thro' Poland, a country- famous over Europe for the moft numerous body of gentlemen : no nacion comes up to them for great families and for a like number of them, and tho' there are fome ill quallityes or rather fms of cuflome which attend them, which 'tis forreign to my buffmefs to fpeak of here, yet 'tis certain they don't fail here, viz., that they are all fchollars, all bred at the feverall Univer- fities either of their own or neighbouring countryes, and tho' they do not fpeak fafliionably, as we do, that is, do not fpeak French (for they defpife it), yet they all fpeak Latin, and a man that can talk Latin may travel from one end of Poland to another as familiarly as if he was born in the country. Blefs us ! what would a gentleman do that was to travel thro' our country, and could fpeak nothing but Latin, One would be afham'd to fay to him that he would find no body to converfe with but here and there a parfon and a paedagogue ; nay, he would find it very difficult to afk for any thing he wanted and for finding the road from one place to another. I muft lament his condition ; for if he was once loft, one could hardly conciev how he would do to enquire his way, efpecially if the town or city to which he was going had a proper name which was fome thing different in its found in the Latin from its vulgar tone in the Englifh ; for example, fuppofe him in the forreft of Dean and travelling towards Worcefter, what would a country gentleman fay to him that he" was to meet and he fliould afk the way ad civitatcm Wigornaifis (!), or in the 1 to is omitted in MS. ^ he is omitted in MS. rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 115 the bifhoprick of Durham, ad civitatem Dunhelmenjis (!), or Novum Cajimvi, to Newcaftle, and the like of many other places ? The poor ftranger would be in great danger of being loft, as for his food, indeed, fome fignals might be fubftituted in ftead of fpeech, as pointing to the mouth, and the mocion of drinking, and efpecially producing the money to pay for it ; but for the reft we muft fay, Mercy upon him ! 'Twould be a bold venture for him to travel without an in- terpreter ; he might allmoft as well fpeak Arabick or Sclavonian or the Rufs or Chinefe as Latin, which is underftood by a few happy younger brothers, who have been bred up upon another foundation, that is to fay, /• 44- to get their bread, and came to the eftates by the mifffor- tune of the family and the untimely death of the heir. That this is the cafe, and that I do the gentry^ no wrong, as I am dealing with men of honour, I fhall not go out of my way for vouchers ; I appeal to them- felves. They will not offer to denye the fa6l, nay, *tis the greateft favour I can afk of them not to boaft of it, value themfelves upon it, and flye out in the moft contemptible farcafms upon the fcandalous thing call'd reading and bookifhnefs as unfafhionable, un- gentile, and below a gentleman. I have indeed been oblig'd in difcourfe with fome gentlemen of my unlearned friends to giv up that queftion and grant the great article infilled on, viz., that to be a fchollar is out of the way in the life of a gentleman, that learning is for the meaner people, who are to get their bread by it, and the like, as before. But then I allwayes held them faft to this, that if they would not learn Latin and Greek, and would not put their children to fchools or to the Univerfities, or have them taught languages, yet methinks they might teach them Englifh ; they might allow it needful to teach ii6 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. teach them to read and write, and particularly to fpell,. that, they might not be afham'd to anfvver a letter, nay, to write but the fuperfcription of a letter, which is fometimes done in fo weak, not to fay filly, a manner as allmoffc tells us what we are to expe6l in the infide by what we fee on the outfide. It is with much difficulty, indeed, that I could bring them to this, and it is with as much regret that I muft take notice here how few gentlemen in England are mafters even of the Englifli tongue it felf Horrid ignorance ! yet to our fliame how notorious is it ! how many juftices of the peace have we allmoft in every county that know not how to make a mitti- mus or write a warrant, nay, that can hardly write their names to the warrant or mittimus when their dark has drawn it up. This article fuffers fo much enquiry into it, and caryes fo much jufb fcandal in that enquiry, that, were I not forced to it in the courfe of neceffary obfervation, I would cover it in filence for the fake of my nativ country. And yet I do not lay the ftrefs of this complaint fo much upon the writing part, tho' 'tis a fcandalous thing enough to fee gentlemen of fortunes and families, and who value themfelves upon their birth, quallity, and eflates, that can hardly write their own names, at leaft that can't write legibly, fuppofe they had a letter to write upon the moft extraordinary occafion. But the great fatyr of it is that, when they do write^ and fuppofing they could write a tolerable hand, they can neither write ftile nor EngliOi ; in a word, they ' can't fpell their mother tongue. It would furfeit a man to read the Englifh that fome gentlemen write, and that not the weak and foolifh ; for of them no other would be expefted ; but fome who make a good appearance in company, talk well enough, and feem to be riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 117 be men of underftanding. How dull did it look for a gentleman of fence and of tollerable good difcourfe, too, upon an accidental diffafter in his family but the other day, to write to his friend that there was a viollin- kolli accidence be happen d in his houfe ; it feems one of his fervants had drown'd himfelf A gentleman from Tunbridge writes a letter to his fteward in Hartford-fhire in the following extraordinary Englifh, which with the moft comicall fcrawl of a hand that can well be imagin'd might giv us fome teft of the fkill in writing as well as the orthography of a juftice of peace and a gentleman of i^i 200 a year eftate, bred, too, within thirty miles of the capital city. /. 45, Here the letter} Another from the Bath writes a letter to the major domo of his family, who was left behind to take care of his houfehold affaires. Here the other} N.B. I can fo well vouch the fa6l of thefe two letters, and that they are genuine, not the produ6l of my in- vention, that I have the originals to produce upon occafion. I might giv innumerable inftances of the like weak- nefs in gentlemen of extraordinary quallity in our own country, at the fame time acknowleging that I have not met with the like abroad. I can affure you that the gentlemen of other countryes feem to be otherwife educated ; and even to go no farther than the northern part of our own ifland, it is quite otherwife, and you find very few of the gentry, and I may fay, none at all of the higher rank of them, either ignorant or un- learn'd ; nay, you cannot ordinarily find a fervant in Scotland but he can read and write. When ^ No letters are preserved. ii8 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. When I was mencioning this to an EngHfh gentle- man of the untaught clafs, and makeing a comparifon between the EngHfh gentry and thofe of Scotland, of Holland, and of Germany, he laught and told me it was becaufe they were all poor and univerfally had the advance of their fortunes in view, which the Englifh gentry^ had not ; that this confirm'd what he had faid and what I but juft now mencioned, (viz.) if he had been a younger brother his father would have fent him to fchool, and that he did fo himfelf with his younger fons, becaufe they had their fortunes to make ; that he intended to buy his fecond fon a regiment of horfe (if it could be had) and to recommend him to His Majeftie's favour for the firft foreign fervice, and he did not doubt, if war happen'd in the world, but he might fee him be a generall officer and, perhaps, lay the foundacion of a collaterall branch in his houfe, adding that then his eldeft fon would have no more need of books than his grandfather had. Then he told me that he had fent his third fon to the Univerfity allready, and was refolv'd to breed him to the Law, and by the fame rule hop'd to fee him made a judge ; fo that I might fee he did not fo much undervalue learning as fuch ; he allow'd it to be mighty ufefuU where there was a family to be raif'd and fortunes to be made, but as for his eldeft fon he could not fee of what ufe it would be to him, becaufe, as he had faid above, that it was doing juft nothing, that it would be throwing away his pleafanteft yeares mauling and beating his brains to learn what had no fignifica- tion to him when he had it. I thought it was fome- thing natural to anfwer that the fword is no friend to the gown, that the armys were generally no feminaryes for learning, nor were the Univerfityes underftood to be nurferies for foldiers ; that ignorance and arms feem'd rather 1 G. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 119 rather to be of kin to one another than the book and the fword, and that his fecond fon had much lefs need of a ftock of letters than his eldeft. I aflvt him why- diamonds were fet in filver and fome times in gold but to fet off the luftre and add to the beauty, and that, doubtlefs, learning to a man of quallity and fortune was an admirable embellifliment, as virtue was fet off by beauty, and beauty illuftrated by vertue. He anfvver'd me I miftook the cafe, as well as the fimily ; that perfe6l virtue or perfe6l beauty were incapable of additions ; that the error was in our eye- fight ; like hanging paintings over fine tapeftry, it was eclypfmg one ornament to let another fhine ; that a great eftate was a perfeft glory, it could reciev no addition, and wanted no helps to the enjoyment of it ; that all thofe things I talk'd of were to be bought with money, and he that had the money had them all in his pocket ; that, as to learning, it was no more an ornament to a gentleman than mufick, in which, after the longeft labring at it that a gentleman could be fuppof'd to allow, a common fiddler or an ordinary- trumpeter fhould out do him ; that 'twas enough to him to hear good mufic without fetting up to be an artift, that is to fay, a mechanick ; that Nero was an admirable finger, and that the late Emperor Leopold of Germany play'd excellently well upon the violin, and that all the addition he got to his titles was that the great Louis XIV. it feems ufed to call him the Old Fiddler of Vienna ; and " Pray," fayes he, " which is worft of the two ? d'ye think I had not as liev my eldeft fon fhould be call'd a fool as a fiddler ? " He run on thus a great while, and I faw there was no dealing with him by argument as to that of learn- ing, for the averfion was riveted ; fo I engag'd him upon the head of writing and of fpelling and under- ftanding Englifli ; and I aflc'd him if he did not think it I20 'The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. it was a fhamefull thing to fee an Englifh gentleman of the higheft rank, and that might upon public occafions be fociety for the King or the Prince, and yet upon any neceffity, let it be of what kind it would, was not able to write a letter, much lefs write either a good ftile or good fence, no, not in his mother tongue, and, what was ftill worfe, was not capable of fpelling the words , in any manner fit to be feen or poffible to be read. This, indeed, pinch't him a little ; he confeff't that was too often the cafe with gentlemen, and was too much his own, and was allmoft ready to giv it up to me ; but then he call'd to mind what he faid he had heard his grand-father fay, who ferv'd abroad in the wars in Germany under Guftavus Adolphus, that there were three Scots generalls, all of the name of Lefly, in the king's army, whofe names were famous, nay, even terrible, at that time over the whole world for bravery and condu6l, and raif'd themfelves by their extraor- dinary flvill in military affaires as well as their courage and experience ; yet not one of the three could either read or write ; but that they had a particular flamp, which, dipt in ink, would mark the whole name at one imprefs, as a feal does a coat of arms in wax, and that /. 45 b. with this ftamp they fign'd orders, warrants, capitula- cions, and all public a6ls needfull for a governor of a province or a general officer. This was ftrange I confeff'd, and might, perhaps, be true, tho' I fuppof'd he could not be fure of it ; but when I afk'd whether he thought the ftory was any addition to their fame or rather the contrary, he fmil'd, and faid he own'd it made their preferment to fuch great employment be the more ftrange, and that he could not recommend the patern ; but then he added that this was nothing to the cafe, and that, as he had granted that the youngeft fons onely fhould go into the war, fo he thought it was very proper they fhould be well rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 121 well taught, becaufe, as before, they were to gain their bread and raife their fortunes. As to learning Latin and Greek, he would not allow a word of that ; there he was pofitiv, yet he could not denye but a gentleman fhould be taught to write and read and fliould be able, if poffible, to fpell, that is, as 'tis ordinarily call'd, to write good Englifli ; but he acknowleg'd alfo that he did not fee how the latter was to be done without hooking him in for Latin and Greek too, which he faid was intolerable ; fo I found upon the whole that rather than to be troubl'd with any learning of tongues he would fubmit to have even his mother tongue left out alfo, and that the heir fhculd neither be able to underftand good Englifh, or to fpell it, much lefs to write it. Thus, as I faid before, the gentlemen of this nation are drag'd up ; I can't call it bred up. They are left utterly untaught and fo far from underftanding the ordinary fchool languages of Greek and Latin, that they are not able to write or fpell true EngliOi. How they fhould fpeak it, remains to be enquir'd into. As in all languages there is a beauty of fbile, a cadence and harmony in the expreffion, fo in the Englifh much more than any other vulgar fpeech in the world. The late Earle of Rofcommon, the moft €xa6l writer and the beft judge of polite language in his time,^ confirms my opinion, and I need no better a teftimoniall. Speaking of the French, which was boafted of at that time as a polite and beautiful! language, he fayes : For who did ever in FrencJi authors fee The comprehenjiv EngliJJi energie ? The weighty bullion of one Jlerling line Draivn to French wire would thrd whole pages JJiine? Allowing ^ MS. tine. ^ JJtine not in MS. 122 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Allowing then our language to be beautifull, ftrong, expreffiv, and polite, as it certainly is above all the vulgar tongues, what fhall we fay to the grofs ig- norance of our gentlemen, who flight not the language, for that is abov the contempt not of them onely but of all the world, but flight themfelves fo as not to be able to either fpeak, write, read, or fpell the beauti- fullefb and beft improv'd language in the world, and that with this miferable addition that at the fame time they can fpeak no other neither, no, nor write or read any other ? I think I may, without any prefumcion, challenge the world to fhow a ftupidity equall to this ; and yet thefe perfons boaft of their birth, their fortune, their families, then call themfelves gentlemen, and learn to contemn all the world as inferiour and below them. I can fee nothing like it in all the converfible world. I will talk no more of Ruffia and the Muf- covites. I do not, indeed, reckon them among the converfible world, at leaft not till very lately; but their being fo unconverfible is all owing to this very kind of pride, namely, an affe6led pride of ignorance and valuing themfelves upon the groffeft ftupidity and fo refolvedly brutal as to abhor learning and contemn the improvement of all the reft of the world. /. 46. After infifting on this particular teftimony of the obftinate ignorance of our untaught gentry, it would be no novelty to give a thoufand examples of the weak- neffes, the impertinences, and odd things that come from them as the confequence of this ignorance and the effe6l of their great want of education. Sir A. B. is a gentleman of a great eftate and of a mighty antient family, belov'd in the country where he lives to an extravagance. Every body, man, woman, and child, gives him a good word : the beft humour'd, beft bred gentleman in the world, fo kind, fo courteous, fo charitable. T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 123 charitable, the beft neighbour, the beft landlord, the beft mafter. All the country pray for him, nay, they allmoft pray to him ; they are ready to worfliip and adore him. They tell you he does every body good and never did any wrong to poor or rich. A few yeares ago, he built a noble manfion houfe for the family, enclofd his park with a brick wall, enlarg'd his gardens and canals and fifhponds ; nay, he fpent a world of money more than he intended, meerly that he might fet the poor at work, it being the dead time. At Chriftmafs, if he is oblig'd to be at Court or at the Parliament or both, he never fails to make a trip into the country on purpofe to call all his poor neigh- bours and tennants together to make their hearts glad with his open houfe-keeping, and to fee them all merry according to antient cuftome and the ufage of his anceftors. 'Twould fill a book to publifli all the good things the country fay of this gentleman, and which he really deferves from them. It happened once upon finifliing his fine houfe and being juft fettling its furniture that he carryed another gentleman, a particular friend of his, to fee it. This other gentleman was a man of letters, had liv'd abroad, feen abundance of the fine pallaces in France, in Italy, in Germany and other places, but acknowJeg'd that all was admirably well here, and even out-did the forreigners, efpecially for our manner of building in England, where neat compa6l boxes are the ufage of the country, not vaft pallaces to be finifh'd in appartments by the heirs for fiv or fix generacions to come and as the eftate will allow the charge. He affur'd him his houfe out-did many larger pallaces that he had feen, that the fituacion was well chofen, the waterworks well ferv'd, the apartments well fuited 124 ^/^^ COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. fuited and with the uttmoft convenience ; that the viflas and the avenues were proper and well planted, the gardens well defign'd ; that every thing was perfe6lly well finifh'd, and, in a word, that it was a charming houfe and a feat fitt for a man of his quallity. Then he admir'd the furniture, which was rich, new, and very well fitted : but " Sir," fayes he, " will you giv me leav to make an objeccion or two ? " The gentleman told him, with all his heart. " And will you not take it ill ?" fayes his friend. "So far from that," fayes the gentleman, "that I fliall take it very well ; 'tis the kindefl thing you can do." " I kno'," fayes his friend, " fome gentlemen are not pleaf'd with that freedome." " I affure you, Sir," fayes Sir A. B., " I am the reverfe of that humour, and you can not oblige me more. Pray be fo free with me." " Why, Sir," fayes his friend, " you want fome good paintings ; pi6lures are a noble ornament to a houfe. Nothing can fet it off more." " Why, you fee my great ftaircafe is tollerably full," fayes he, " and I have fome more a-comeing down for the hall." Friend : " I don't find any defe6l in the quantity," fayes the friend. Gentleman : " What then "i pray, are they not good peices ? Why, they are all originals and fome by the beft mafters which they fay are to be heard of" /. 47. Friend: " I would not meddle with it ; 'tis none of my buffinefs." Gentleman : " Nay, pray, be free with me ; you may do me a fervice." Friend: "Let me put the previous queflion then, as they fay in the Houfe : Did you buy them your felf?" Gentleman : The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 125 Gentleman : " Why truly, 'tis an important queftion ; to tell you the truth, I did not." Friend : " I thought fo indeed." Gejttlenian : " Nay, if I had, it might have been worfe ; for I do not underftand them at all. I love a good ftory in a picture and a battle or a fea peace (!) ; but as for the performance, the painting, I have no notion of it ; any body may impofe upon me." Friend : " And I doubt you have been impofed upon, then." Gentleman : " I hope not, for I trufted a very good friend." Friend: "Ay, he might be a friend; but had he a good judgement himfelf?" Gentleman : " He is mighty curious that way, I affure you, and fayes no man can deciev him." Friend: "Nay, they muft have deciev'd him, if they fold him thofe peices for originals ; or it mufh be worfe." Gentleman : " I underftand you I believ ; but I have an entire confidence in my friend ; he would not impofe upon me himfelf." Friend : " Nay, he muft have impof'd upon you one way or other." Gentleman : " How do you mean .'' I don't under- ftand you now." Friend : " Why, if he has not impof'd on you in the price, he has impof'd on you by telling you he had a good judgment ; for it is apparent either he has abuf 'd you, or has been greatly abuf'd himfelf. I hope they coft you but little." Gejitleman : " You furprife me, I affure you ; they coft me a great deal of money." Friend : " I am fure you furprife me ; for there is not three peices of them that deferv the name of pi6lures, or that are fit to be feen in fuch a houfe as this." Gentleman : 126 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Gentleman : " Well you do me a fervice, indeed ; for I had given him order to buy a great many more at an au6lion that is to begin in a very few dayes." Friend : " But, perhaps, he may do better for you. Pray, don't let me hinder any body." Gentleman : " Not hinder any body cheating me ? Say no more of that ; I find I am cheated enough allready. Why he has had ^300 of me, and now may call for as much more ; for I have not ftinted him." Friend : " What's ;^300 to you ! " Gentleman : " Nay, hold there ! tho' ;^300 won't hurt me much, yet I hate to be cheated. I had rather giv ;^500 away to an honeft man than be cheated of one." Friend: "I confefs I fhould not like to be impof'd upon." Gentleman : " A man not onely lofes his money, but is taken for a fool, too, by the very man that cheats him. Now, I am fool enough in many things, but I hate to be thought a fool, and loofe my money, too. I'll fend him a letter imediately, if the poft is not gone, to prevent his buying any more." [He calls a fervant who comes in imediately}'\ " Here, Watley." Gentleman : " Go, call the ftewart hither, bid him come this moment." Servant : " Yes, Sir." \His fervant goes out, and he calls him back^ Gentleman : " Hold, Watley, come hither. Is the poft gon by ? " Servant: "I believ not. Sir. 'Tis not his time by an hour, and I think he has not call'd, I did not hear him." [Note : The poji boy going alhvays by his door blozv'd his horn as he came itear, and tlien caWd at the gate to knd if they had any letters^ Gentleman : " Well, call the fteward then." Servant : 1 MS. iincdatcly. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 127 Servant : " Yes, Sir." \_He calls thejleward, who comes in immediately.'] Gentleman : " Here M" , go and write a letter to M"" W . . . . immediately, and forbid him buying me any more pi6lures till farther orders." Stezvard : " Shall I write it in my own name as by your order, or will your worfhip pleafe to fign it ? " Gentleman : " I'll fign it. Write it in my name pofitiv, but do it immediately before the poft is gone." Steivard: "Yes, Sir. I'll bring it prefently." \TJie Jleivard goes out. Friend: "Had you not better write it your felf.^ He may perhaps think you are the more in earneft." Gentleman : " If I fet my hand to it that's as well. Befides, / write letters ? No, no, you miftake me very much." Friend: " I beg your pardon. Sir; indeed, I fliould have known better. What need you trouble yourfelf ! " Gentleman : " If that were all, I fhould not think fo /. 4s. much of the trouble. But you miftake the cafe I tell you. I can't write ; I don't write a letter once a year, nor wou'd not do it once in feaven years, if I cou'd help it." Friend: " How can you live? Why, you can't cor- refpond with your friends." Gentleman : " That's true, and I don't correfpond with 'em for that reafon, or but very little." Friend: "Then you lofe the greateft pleafure of life." Gentleman : " It is fo, indeed ; but I can't help it." Friend: " I wonder fuch an a6liv, brifk, fpirited gentleman as you are can be fo. Why, 'tis nothing but meer indolence." Gentleman : " Hufh ! Never mencion it any more. I am afham'd to hear it, but 'tis no indolence I affure you. I never was a lazy fellow in my life." Friend : 128 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Friend : "What can it be then ? You write a good fair hand." Gentleman : " I write indifferently. I can fet my name, and that's enough for a gentleman." Friend: "I think I have feen letters from you." Gentleman: "I don't kno'; if you have, it has been but very feldome." Friend : " I kno' you country gentlemen don't love any trouble. You kno' nothing but pleafure in the world," Gentleman : " You fhould fay you kno' that we country gentlemen are good for nothing and bred to nothing but to be meer country bl s." Friend: "No, not fo ; the gentlemen are not all- ways fchollars, but then they have lefs need of learn- ing ; for they have good eftates, and fo have the lefs need of it." Gentleman : " I differ from you in that part ex- tremely. I think we have the more need of it, becaufe we have the greater opportunityes to improv it and make ufe of it." Friend : " You are rich, and the eftate makes up the lofs to a vaft advantage." Gentleman : " Yes, we are rich and f . . . . s. There's a rare ballance.^ Heaven is righteous not to giv his bleffings in unequall fliares, as I read lately an unlucky verfe or two made upon two fool gentle- men in this country, much fuch a one as I am : Wife Providence to poife the town thought Jit, Gave them ejlates, but bated it in ivitT Friend: "You are too keen upon your felf. 'Tis none of your chara6ler, I am fure, what ever it may be of your neighbours." Gentleman : " You are very kind to judge the beft ; but 1 MS. ball\ The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 129 but you don't remember that my father, according to the laudable pra6life of the time, divided his bounty betwen his two fons, gave my brother Jack the brains, and me the eflate." Friend : " I don't underftand you." Gentleman : " You are not fo dull, onely you are fo mannerly, you can't fpeak plain. I tell you he bred Jack to be a fchollar and a man of fence, fent him to Winchefter School and from thence to Oxford, and now he is as bright a fellow as moll in the country ; he's fit for the Court or the State or the camp or any thing ; and for me, he left me to be brought up to nothing, that is fay, to be a gentleman." Friend : " A gentleman, well ; and can you be better ? Han't you a vaft eftate .'' An't you rich ? " Gentleman : " Yes, I am rich ! Did you ever read /. 49. the Bible?" Friend: "The Bible? Why, what does that fay to the cafe ? " Gentleman : " Why, it tells you that the rich glutton went to the D . I wonder where the rich fools muft go." Friend: "You are pleaf'd to be merry, but you are too keen upon your felf." Gentleman : " Merry with my own diffafters ! the more of a fool ftill ; but hold, here's the letter come." \TJie Jlezvard brings the letter, and he reads it, hut does not like fame part of it, and made him add or alter fometJiing in it ; then gave him direccions for the fnper-fcripcion, and feting his hand to the letter fent Jam out again. Friend: "Why, now, Sir, in my opinion you have had allmoft as much trouble about this little note, for it is not above threer {fie) or four lines, as if you had written it yourfelf." Gentleman : " So I have, and I would not have put I my 130 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. my felf to all that trouble, if I could have done it my felf." Friend : " It is all a myflry to me. I don't under- ftand it." Gentleman : " Why, then I'll explain the mighty difficulty to you. The plain truth is I can't fpell ; I can't write true Englifh." Friend: "I'm anfwer'd. That's a defe6t I confefs." Gentleman : " And fuch a defe6l as I am afham'd of, but I can't help it ; 'twas no fault of mine." Friend : " But, Sir, 'tis fo generall a defe6l, too, that it need not affli(5l you ; for where is there one gentleman in ten that can write good ^ Englifli ? " Gentleman : " That may be ; but not one in ten of them that write bad Englifh, write it fo bad as I do ; but I take care no body fhall know it." Friend : "But you muft write fome letters, and one will difcover it as well as one thoufand." Gentleman : " But I have a way for that too ; for if I am oblig'd to write a letter I diftate the fubftance, and then make the fteward write it, who, as you fee, writes very fine and fpells well too ; fo, when he is gone and thinks his letter is fent away, I go into his room, and coppye it over carefully, and fend it away, as if it were my own, and fo I learn to fpell." Friend : " That's very troublefome to you." Gentleman : " It is fo ; but what can I do ? " Friend : " Do "i why, I'd write, let it be how it will ; 'tis what many gentlemen do as well as you, and 'tis reckon'd no difgrace to them." Gentleman : " No, I can't do that. I kno' fo much of the defe6l, and how fcandalous it is ; I can't do it. I would not write a letter to brother Jack for ;!^500." Friend : " You have mannag'd well, to conceal it from your own brother all this while." Gentleman : ^ In MS. a shorthand abbreviation. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 131 Gentleman : " I have taken an effectuall way, for I never write to him at all." Friend: "I can not think but with a little praflife, obfervation, reading, and remembring, you would get over that difficulty." Gentleman : " No, never ! Befides, I have no memory for fuch things." Friend: "Engaging your mind a little would bring the memory. Any body may learn to fpell by frequent reading and writing, obferving how words are fpelt, and remembring it." Ge7itleman : " Then I fhall never learn to fpell I'm fure ; for I hate reading. But befides if I could write true Englifh, ftill I fhould write no letters." Friend : " That muft be all meer indolence ; it can be nothing elce." Gentleman : " O you are quite miftaken. Still there's another reafon worfe than all that." Friend: "I am left to guefs, indeed, but I fee nothing to guefs from ; it muft be that you would not take the pains : it can not be that you would not converfe with your friends." Gentleman : " No, indeed, 'tis neither of them, much lefs the latter ; for I fhould love to converfe with my friends by letters extremely." Friend: "I think 'tis one of the great pleafures of life." Gentleman : " I think fo too, and I envy the pleafure of it to others, becaufe I can not enjoy it my felf" Friend: "I do not underftand you. I don't doubt your friends write to you fometimes. You can not but write again." Gentleman : " They did write to me formerl}'-, but they don't now. I have tyr'd them out with not anfwering them." Friend : 32 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Friend: '"Tis all owing to the life of pleafure you liv ; you are too volatile. I kno' feverall gentlemen are juft the fame, tho' they can fpell well enough, too ; but they hate to write : they can't fit ftill long enough." Gentleman : " Well, but that is not my cafe ; but fmce you will have my dark fide, you muft ; and to tell you the truth, I have another defe6l worfe than want of fpelling : I don't underftand things ; I write no ftile, I han't words. I am afliam'd to tell you what nonfence I write." Friend : "You may have a meaner opinion of your- felf than you fhould have. You are too modeft ; you can not want words when you kno' the fubftance of what you would fay." Gentleman : " I tell you I can't exprefs things ; I kno' what I mean ; but is it not poffible to underftand myfelf, tho' I can't exprefs it in proper language ? " Friend : " Yes, I allow that if you were to write to /. 50. great perfons or upon publick affairs and things of great importance ; but in ordinary converfation any thing will do. Familiar friends are wrote to in a familiar flile." Gentleman : " Look you, I ought all ways to write like my felf, that is, like what I fhould be, not what I am. In fhort, who ever I write to I fhould not write like a fool." Friend : " You can't write like a fool." Gentleman : " I mufh write like what I am, and therefore I don't write at all." Friend : " If you write like what you are, you muft write like a gentleman." Gentlema7i : " Yes, like an untaught, ignorant gentle- man, that, as I told you, has been bred to nothing but idlenefs and pleafure ; is not that to be a f . . . . .?" Friend : " Well, Sir, you may fay what you pleafe of your rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 133 your felf ; but the world does not take you for what you are pleafd to call your felf. Every body knows you to be a man of fence." Gentleniim : " That is to fay I am no idiot, not a drivler ; but I kno' my weak part, tho' I conceal it as artfully as I can ; but I tell you I am an ignorant, untaught, uneducated thing ; and that I call a fool in a gentleman, tho' I may not be what you call a meer natural fool." Friend : " The very fence of your defficiency is a token of a vaft capafcity ; how elce should you fee it ? Reall fools always think them felves wife enough." Gentleman : " You take fome pains to have me think my felf lefs a fool than I am ; but that does not reach my cafe. Let me have what genius or what naturall capafcities I will, I have the mifery of feeing myfelf a fool, thus far namely, that I have been taught nothing. You fee I can't fpell my own mother tongue. My father " Friend : " I believ, indeed, it lyes all there. Your father did not do his part : 'twas no fault of yours." Gentleman : " My father did as other gentlemen do. He took care to leav his fon a good eftate, and that he thought was enough for a gentleman : my grand- father did the fame by him, and my great '-grand-father the like, fo that we have been a generation of " Friend: "Dear Sir, hold! let the dead be as the dead fliould be, I mean, forgotten ; they have done noble things for you other wayes. .^3000 a year! is not that enough to make up all and to ftop the mouth of all complaint .'' " Gentleman : " No, it is not. What is an eftate when the heir is a blockhead } A full purfe with an empty head ; much money, no brains. I would freely now part my eftate into two, and giv half of it to my brother Jack 34 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Jack to have half his learning and fence and knowlege of things in the room of it." Friend: "I doubt not but he would come into it, if it were praflicable," Gentleman : " No, indeed, you wrong him there too. He values his educacion I affure you. His learning is not fo ill beftow'd on him ; he would not be a fool for all my eftate." Friend: "But, Sir, you that have fuch a fence of the defeft of your education and of the want of learn- ing, might in my opinion retriev it very much, at leaft fo much as to fupply the more ordinary ufes of it in writing and converfacion ; you are not an old man ! " Gentleman : " Which way ? How is it poffible ? Tho' I am not an old man, I am too old to go to fchool." Friend : " There are wayes to recover fome part of what has been loft with-out going to fchool, and this puts me in mind of another thing that I thought was /. 51- wanting in your new houfc, and^ which, indeed, was what I meant when I faid at firft there was fome thing wanting." Gentleman : " What was that, pray ? a chappel .? I kno' you are fo devout. You would have God's houfe and the manfion houfe be all but one roof" Friend: "It may be fo ; but you miftake me. I kno' the parifii church is but juft at your elbow. I think you have a door out of your garden into the church yard." Gentleman : " Nay, I have a door out of my very houfe into it. They won't have farr to carry me to my lafh lodgeing with my anceftors. But you fay you did not mean a chapell ; pray, what was it then .'' " Friend : " Why, it is a room for your library." Gentleman : ' MS. afi. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 135 Gentleman : " O dear, my library ! now you banter me to fome purpofe." Friend: "Indeed, I did not defign it fo, and I hope you will not take it that way ; but as it is what all gentlemen that ever I converft with have, I did not doubt but you would have the fame." Gentleman : " Yes, my library deferves a room on purpofe. I think I'll fhow it you by and by. Why, I have no books. What fhould I do with them.^" Friend : " But your father Sir' Anthony had a library, I don't doubt." Gentleman : " Yes, I'll giv you a catalogue of them. There was a great Bible, the regifter of the houfe, where all the nativityes and the burials of the family were recorded for about a hundred years paff't, with three mafs books ; for my grandfather was a Roman Catholic ; and not to leav out the moft valuable things : there was the old ballad of Chevy Chace fet to very good mufic, with Robin Hood and fome more of the antient heroes of that kind ; an' old bafe viol, two fiddles, aild a mufic book ; there was alfo four or fiv folio Common Prayer Books, which ufed to lye in our great feat in the church, which I took away and put new ones in their room, and the old Book of Martyrs lyes in the church ftill." Friend: "But I hope you have added to the fbock fince." GeJitleman : " Not I ! What fliould I do with books ? I never read any. There's a heap of old journals and news letters, a bufhell or two, I believ ; thofe we have every week for the parfon and I to talk over a little, while the do6lor fmokes his pipe." Friend : " O but, Sir, no gentleman is without a library. 'Tis more in fafhion now than ever it was." Gentleman : " I hate any thing that looks like a cheat upon "■ MS. /a S'. ' a in MS. 136 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. upon the world. What ever I am, I can't be a hypocrite. What fliould I do with books that never read half an hour in a year I tell you .'' " Friend: "But, Sir, if a gentleman or any relation comes to your houfe to flay any time with you, 'tis an entertainment for them, and a gentleman fhould not be without it, indeed ; befides 'tis a handfome ornament." Gentleman : " Why, if any of my friends come to fee me, I entertain them with a good table and a bottle of good champaign ; and for their diverfion I fliow them fome fport. We have allwayes fome thing or other in feafon in the field, either hunting or fliooting, or fetting or fifhing. We never want game of one fort or other, and if they are men of books and talk learnedly, that's out of my way ; and I fay to 'em, ' Come let's go vifit the vicar ;' fo away we go to the parfonage, and the Doctor has a good library, and, what is better than all his books, keeps a cup of good liquor, as he calls it, for fecond rate drinking, and if we think of wine I fend home for the butler, and he fupplyes, fo that the parfon has the credit of it." Friend: "That's very kind to the Do6lor, indeed." Gentleman : " I fhould not be a true patron if I ftarv'd the incumbent." Friend: "This is a good way I confefs to divert your friends, but yet a gentleman of your figure fhould not be without a library. Befides you may have fons to bring up. I fancy you will not be for bringing them up without learning, you have fo much fence of the /. 51 '''. want of it yourfelf." Gentleman : " No, indeed, I have but one boy yet tho' I may have more : but if I have twenty I'll make them all fchollars if I can." Friend : " You are very much in the right of it. The eftate will not become them the lefs." Gentleman : " I am refolv'd in that. I'll be the laft dunce "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 137 dunce of the race. We have had ignorant heires enough allready." Friend : " Well, Sir, than 'tis but buying a parcell of books a few yeares before-hand ; for your fon will underftand them, and delight in them too, perhaps, tho' you don't ; and he may never kno', it may be, that his father did not neither." Gentleman : " You are in the right there, indeed ; well I am refolv'd to get fome books when I go up to London. I think I'll lay out the money in books that I intended to lay out in pictures ; for tho' I underftand neither of them, I can't be cheated fo much in the books as I have been in the other." Friend : " No, no. The price of books is generally prety well known. Any bookfeller will direct you in what will foit^ your library." The gentleman and his friend had more difcourfe of this kind and of other things remote from my purpofe, which I therefore omit ; but the jeft of all this is ftill behind. Some time after this vifit the gentleman being in London and going thro' S"^ Paul Church Yard, he was put in mind of his former defign for a library by the feverall bookfellers' fliops which he faw there ; fo he walks gravely quite thro', looking earneftly into every fhop, but went into none of them. Faffing into Ludgate Street he remembr'd that he had feen feverall of the fame trade in Pater Nofter Row ; fo he turns up Ave Maria Lane, and comes to Pater Nofter Row. The firft fliop on his left hand was the famous Mr. Bateman's, a fliop well known for old and fcarfe books of learning and antiquity and in moft languages ; but looking into the fhop and finding the books were generally old and dufly and lay in heaps on the counters and on the floore, out of all order, he did not I.e.,/////. 138 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. not like them by any means ; fo walks on and thro' the Row, and comes into the Church Yard again at the east end of it, next to Cheap-fide. At length feeing a large fhop and well flor'd with books, he ftopp'd and look'd earneftly at them ; and a grave, fober-look'd, gentleman-like bookfeller being in the fhop, he invited him in with the ufuall compliment, " Will you pleafe to walk in, Sir, and fee if I have any thing you have occafion for ? " The gentleman goes and fitts down, takes up a book or two, and look'd on them ; but, as he faid himfelf, he look'd more at the out- fide than at the infide, but lay'd them down again, and all this while faid nothing. After fome time and looking pretty much round him, he gets up, and takeing a turn or two in the fhop he calls to the mafter of the fliop. " Pray, Sir," fayes he, " what fliall I giv you for all the books upon that fide of your fliop." It fecms the books look'd all fair and new, and were mofb of them or many of them guilded and letter'd on the back. The book-feller was perfeclly furprifd at firft, and could not tell what to make of it. He faw he look'd /. 52. like a gentleman, had two foot-men with him and a fword, and he was loth to aflc him if they were for fale. He did not look like a bookfeller, fo that the man was at a lofs what to anfwcr and flood mute for fome time. Upon this the gentleman ail-cs him again, and point- ing out the flielves with his cane fhow'd him in particular what books he defign'd. " Sir," fayes the bookfeller, " there are duplicates of many of them, and I fuppofe you would not have them unforted fo as they lye there." It was an unhappy anfwer in the cafe, the gentle- man not underftanding what he meant by the word duplicate ; but to put off difcourfing of that or any thing ^ of\\\ MS. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 139 thing elce that might difcover his ignorance, but obferving the quantity, and that they would make a handfome fliow in a library, he turns fliort, and, as if he had been a little angry, he fayes to the book-feller : " Look ye. Sir, it's no matter what they are or what am to do with them ; my queftion is what you will take for them all together juft as they ftand." The bookfeller replyes with the uttmoft civillity, being you may be fure mighty willing to take his money, that he afk'd his pardon for what he had faid ; if he pleaf'd to giv him leav juft to run them over and caft them up, he would tell him the value of them, but that he could not well make an eflimate of them at a lump, " Well," fayes the gentleman, " then I'll come again to-morrow morning." " No, Sir," fayes the bookfeller, " you need not giv your felf that trouble ; if you pleafe to fit down and read any thing you like, I'll look them over enough for me in a quarter of an hour." N.B. The bookfeller was loth to part with fuch a cuftomer, leaft he fhould not come again ; otherwife he would have been glad to have had him gone and come again, that he might have fhifted fome other books into the place that he was very willing to put off with the reft. But, in a word, the gentleman fits down very paciently, made as if he read a book, but chiefly eyed the book-feller to fee how he mannag'd the taking account, which he, knowing moft of the books by their out-fides, was not long about, but came to his place behind the counter, and cafting up the value, " Sir," fayes he, " the books will come to a great deal of money." " Well," fayes the gentleman, " if you are for fright- ing me away, I can go to another fliop. Pray, how many thoufand pounds do they come to ?" "No, I40 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. " No, Sir," fayes he, " not to thoufands neither ; but they are the better half of my fhop." " Well, well," fayes the gentleman. " I am no book- feller, and fo you may fuppofe I don't underftand them. But I have ^ feen a bookfeller's fhop before now." N.B. This he faid to amufe the book-feller, as he afterwards expreff't it, that he might not fuppofe him fo ignorant as he really was, and that he might fuppofe he knew what he was doing, tho' in reallity he did not. After fome preamble and his prcfrmg the bookfeller to let him kno' what he demanded, the man vzxy gravely anfwer'd him that they came to 346 pound. " Come, come," fayes the gentleman, " lay your hand upon your heart, and tell me the laft price you will make and of which you will abate nothing." " Sir," fayes the bookfeller, " upon a fuppofition of ready money which at this time is a fcarfe thing with tradefmen, I'll abate you the odd fixpounds." " Look you, Sir," fayes the gentleman, for he was willing to make ftill a fliow of underftanding things, " let me fee your catalogue of them." " Alas ! Sir," fayes the bookfeller, " you can't read it, 'tis onely made up in our fliop marks, which will be all Arabick to you. No man aliv can read them but our felves." /. 53- " Come then," fayes the gentleman, " I'll make fliort work with you. As for credit and trufting, you fliall not truft me very long : I fliall giv you fatiffaccion-' upon that head quickly ; but tell me upon your honefty and the word of an honeft bookfeller, Have you rated the books at a fair price, fuch as they are^ ordinarily fold at." " Yes, indeed. Sir, I have, and I will appeal to any one's knowlege of the trade." " Why ^ have is omitted in MS. - Abbreviated. " In MS. are is omitted. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 141 " Why then, Sir," fayes the gentleman, " there's i^330 for you," so he gave him bank notes ^^300 of the money and the reft in gold, and abated him no more than fixteen pounds of what he afk'd. The bookfeller hum'd and haw'd a little by way of grimace at abateing the ten pound, but after a very few words took his money. The books were taken down, pack'd up in cafes, and went down by fea to South- ampton,^ and from thence by land to the gentleman's fine houfe ; where a room haveing been appointed before hand for that purpofe, the}- were all in a very few dayes fet up in their order in preffes made on purpofe with glafs doores before them, that they might appear in all the extraordinary forms of a library. How the honeft, well meaning gentleman was con- vinc't of the weaknefs of his mannagement, how afham'd he was when it was difcovr'd to him, and above all, with what modefty and caution, to prevent any public refleccion, the difcovery was made to him by his honeft, ingenuous friend, the fame who had prevented his being abufed in the buying his pictures : all thefe for brevity fake I omit as being not fo dire6lly to my prefent purpofe, tho' otherwife they would make a very agreeable and diverting part in the ftory. I might fill up this whole work in examples of this kind, and make the undertaking be a meer fatyr upon the Englifh gentry, expofing the miftakes in their educacion by the confequences in their behaviour and illuftrating the propofition which I am upon, namely, that our gentry," I mean our born gentry," as they call themfelves, are really fcandaloufly ignorant and un- taught, weak in parts, becaufe unafifted by early and prudent inftruccion, and weak in condu6l, becaufe not early warn'd and caution'd by the counfel of their guides to avoid the follys and errors of life, and weak in ^ MS. 6" HmhUm. ^ G. 142 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. in morals for want of being eftablifli'd early in good principles and brought to a regular life by the difcipline and authority of their inftruftors. But it is not the defign to expofe even thefe miftakes/ however fcandalous and offenfiv, any farther than is abfolutely neceffary to reform them and to bring the unhappy pra6lice out of ufe among us ; that the gentlemen of England may not have that alloy to their felicity to be the onely men in the world that are compleatly happy and compleatly miferable at the fame time, blefb and unbleft, empty and full, the glory and pride of their familyes, and yet the fhame and reproach of their country and of themfelves too. It is true, 'tis an evill that can not be remedy'd for the prefent generacion, I mean, for the heires in pofeffion ; the mifchief has taken root there too deep to be remov'd ; there's no fending the gentlemen to fchool after they are marry'd, or giving them tutors when they have gott ititoreffes ; that would be a kind of begging them, as 'tis call'd, for ideotifme, and bringing them back to a ftate of infancy and pupillage, which will hardly be found pra6licable. Befides, a profeff'd contempt of knowlege and learning has fo far engroff 'd the minds of the people, I fpeak of them as after their being, as it were, brought up in an indulg'd indolence from the cradle, that 'tis not to be attempted ; it would be abfurd but to mencion it ; you muft firft convince them that 'tis a defe6l, before you can hope to prevail on them to fupplye it ; and you will find that as hard to do as to perfwade a negro that a white woman can be a beauty. In-bred vice will never relifh exotic virtue ; if the gentleman can not firft believ his ignorance is an infelicity, he will be very hardly brought to defire a change and far lefs to endeavour it. But ^ MS. mijlake. T'he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 143 But one would think it might not be fo hard to perfvvade the prefent age to reform this evil for their poflerity, and to prevail with them that their children may not curfe the memory of their fathers for not furnifhing their heads as well as their pockets, as too many of the gentlemen of this age have allready done by thofe that went before them ; and this may be part of the fubject of the next chapter. CAP. CAP. IV. 55- gfy wJiat viay he the unhappy confequences of this generall defect in the ediicacion of our gentry, and a rational propofall for preventing thofe confequences. ;S I faid in the conclufion of the laft chapter, the evill is too far fpread to be corrected in the prefent generation, fo that, g:3^J^ in fhort, I doubt we muft giv up this age (as the officers of Bedlam do in the cafe of obftinate lunacy) for incurable. Hence I fhould have laid afide all the fatyr upon their condu6l ; for to what purpofe fliould we talk ta people of what is paff't remedy, what is too far gone to be cur'd, and what is out of their power to help ? /. 53 b. But there is a particular reafon in this cafe, which comes in the way of our good nature and makes it neceffary to expofe thefe things, how ever hard it may feem to run upon the perfons and whoever the cenfure may light upon ; and this is the reall danger of the fpreading of this contagion. Nothing is more natural! than that it fliould go on from father to fon, if fome remedy be not applyed ; and what remedy can be apply'd, if the pacients difpife the phyfick 1 In a word, the praftife, however fcandalous, will never be cur'd, if the naked part of it be not expof'd, fo that we are bound to fliow the fcandal of what is paft, to prevent the "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 145 the mifchief of what is to come. Their eyes, there- fore, muft be open'd to the abfurdity of the fathers' condu6l that it may be reflifyed by the children. How fhall we perfwade thofe gentlemen not to bring /. s5- their fons up in the fame ignorance, which they think is fo far from being a fcandal, that 'tis the ornament of a gentleman ? How fliall we prevail with them to giv their eldeft fons any learning, while they think 'tis below their quallity ? In fhort, while they infift that it is a degrading and difhonour to their elder children to go to fchool, to fubmit to difcipline and government, to be tyed up to the College orders and the regular living at the Univerfities ; that books are the work- men's tools, and that the profeffors of the fublimeft fci- ence are but the mechannicks and workmen that make ufe of them : I fay, while this madnefs reigns, what /• S3 ^• can we pretend to do with them, and what hope can we entertain of the next age .'' except it be this, that the modern gentry, of whom I am yet to fpeak, will in time fhame them out of it and bring learning and good educacion fo much in fafliion, that they muft come into it at lafb or be voted infamous, be hiff 't off of the ftage of life, be diffown'd for meer ignorance^ and be no more rank't among the gentry : a happy time, which I have good reafon to think is not very farr off. It is true, the obflinacy of the prefent age is a terrible obftacle, and intimates that they will make a very great refiftance in defence of antient ignorance. The party is ftrong, and the error, however grofs, is deep rooted. They feem not onely willing to liv and dye f . . . s, but to encorporate the privelege of continu- ing fo among the Englifh liberties, which they fay they are bound to hand down to their pofterity facred and untouch't, as they reciev'd^ them from their renowned, untaught, rough hevven anceftors. This ^ MS. re<^d^ as often. K 146 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. This riveted averfion, then, to inftruccion and to all forts of improvment being fuch, and we feeming fo tenacious of it that we will take up arms for it and to defend it even againfh common fence and in fpite of the importunityes of our reafon : it feems neceffary to combat the mifchief in its prefent ftate of obftinacy ; if poffible, to weaken its defences, and take fome of its caftles and fortificacions, that it may be the better dealt with in the open field and in a generall battle. Nor will anything elce do it. How fhall it be poffible to make the next age wife men if their fathers refolv they fhould be fools ? How fhall the pofterity learn if the anceflry won't fend them to fchool ? 'Tis a neceffity therefore that we fhould begin here firft. If /. 55. the begining is wrong, how can we hope to be right in the conclufion ? In a word, while we can not cure the prefent age of this madnefs, is it likely, or indeed poffible, we fliould prevent the contagion fpreading to the ages to come ? Fools encreafe folly, as dwarfs beget pigmies. The grievance I complain of is a kind of national lunacy ; it fpreads in the climate, and feems to be as peculiar to our ifland as the wool is to our fheep. It grows up with us from father to fon, has defcended to us from our anceftors from the Conqueft ; 'tis an hereditary ftream of folly, and we are wedded to it jufl as the Ruffes were to their beards and long petticoates, which when the late Czar oblig'd them to cut off, and drefs and fliave like all the other Chriftian nacions, they call'd it an odious tyranny and begg'd the officers to fhoot them rather than make them change the cuftomes of their forefathers ; or like the Irifli that took arms againft the Englifh government (tyranny they call'd it alfo), becaufe they might not draw their horfes by the tayls till they murther'd the poor beafts, but oblig'd them to ufe harnefs, in which the creatures could draw fiv times as much and with pleafure, whereas The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 147 whereas the other was putting them to work in pain and torture. It is in vain to complain that we injure the gentle- men of England, when we call it an obftinacy equally abfurd with thefe. The event will belt fliow their relu6lance at the change ; and as for the abfurdity it felf, I think 'tis evident theirs is infinitely worfe : to efpoufe ignorance on pretence of quallity, what can be like it in the world ? No Ruffian ftupidity was ever more grofs in its nature or half fo bad in its con- fequence. Befides, it is entailing an eternal fotifm upon their race by the meer right of pofeffion without giving their children leav to choofe, as men that purchafe eftates fettle them as they think fit. We complain oi fni. tyranny and arbitrary government, if we find our felves oppreff'd by the foveraign, and prefently we talk of the naturall rights of fubject ; that our libertyes are our birth-right and that no government has a power to diffinherit us ; that we are fubjecl to the Government we live under, where they govern accord- ing to law ; but that the laws of God and Nature are fuperior to all regal authority ; that we are certainly entitul'd by an indefeizible right to the grants of original power and can not be diverted of them with- out the greateft injuflice : and this is all very right, and all this argues much ftronger in the cafe before us. 'Tis very hard that it fliould be in the paternal monarchy what it is not in the national, and that the patriarchal authourity, which, by the way, has been fome thoufands of yeares abolifh'd, fliould place an abfolute power in the head of the houfe to doom his fubjefls, that is his children, to be fools or wife men by his meer arbitrary will, and, what adds to the in- juftice, fhould among the line of his pofterity determine arbitrarily, this fliall be a fchollar and this a block- head, /•56. 148 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. head, or, to fpeak it in grofler terms, this fhall be the wife man, and this a gentleman. Befides, here are two acts of violence comitted, which I muft infifb are really not unjuft onely, but an infult upon Heaven it felf ; and that cannot be found in the patriarchall power, which was an inftitution imediately from Heaven and, therefore, could not be attended with fuch a commiffion. 1. Here's a violence upon the free will of the perfon ; for the child has certainly a right of option, and the father has no juft authourity to deprive him of it. 2. Here's a violence upon Nature, which I call an infult on Heaven, and think it very well merits to be call'd fo. Here is a kind of rape committed upon the genius of the child, impofing a negativ upon him, dooming him to ignorance in fpite of a capafcity given for knowlege. I. A perfonal violence and injuftice to the child. If we put a boy out apprentice, nay, tho' it be a charity child, 'tis generally left to the lad to choofe his trade ; 'tis thought a peice ^ of juftice due to him that his genius and inclination may be confulted, becaufe 'tis fuppofed he will allwayes improv beft in fuch buffmefs as fuites with his capafcities, and that Nature is all- wayes the beft judge for it felf Is the poor mechanick, who is born to be a drudge and by the imediate fubjeccion to its benefa6lors might be thought bound to fubmit to what they dire6l; I fay, is this flave allowed the freedome of choice in his introduccion into the world, and not the gentleman } Should he choofe whether he will be a cobler or a barber, a weaver or a butcher, and fhould the heir of an eftate, the young gentleman who is by entail to inherit thoufands, and perhaps thoufands by the year, fhall ^ MS. /j, as often. T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 149 fhall he onely be tyed up, and that in the mofl: effential part of life ? Shall he that may be fuppof'd to fhare the govern- ment with his foveraign, to reprefent his country in Parliament, to be cloth'd with commiffions of the peace and, perhaps, of war, he that is by birthright a magif- trate and a man of quallity, fhould he alone not be allow'd to choofe whether he fhall be a man of fence or a fool ? 2, 'Tis a violence upon Nature, and indeed that way the hardfliip is in its kind unfufferable, as it is in its practice unjuft. If the child has a genius, if Nature has furnifh'd him with a fund of fence, with large capafcityes, clear thought, a ftrong memory, juft images ; if his foul is adapted to inftruccion, receptible of due impreffions, and, as it were, prepar'd for know- lege of the higheft and beft things ; fhall fuch a head be deny'd teaching ? fhall all the parts and capafcities of fuch a foul be like a blank book feal'd up that it cannot be written upon, or like hard wax, that not being brought to the fire can reciev no impreffion ? I fay the hardfhip is unfufferable ; and if ever fuch a child comes, by any kind turn of life, to attain to fuch other improvments as may be attain'd without the help of fchools, and after the feafon of fchool learning is, by the parents' negle6l, paff't over, the windows of the foul come to be open'd, and the perfon fees its own defeft : how difmall are the confequences, how unhappy is the life ! Unhappy did I call it ? I fhould rather have faid, how compleatly miferable is fuch a gentleman in the middle of all his hight of fortune ! How does he look back for the caufe, and with paffion enquire. How came I to be thus ? What, every body taught but I ? My brother made a fchollar, fuch a mean perfon's fon well taught, well furnifh'd with learning, and I onely abandon'd ! Nay, there's fuch a poor 150 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. poor farmer has bred his fon at the Univerfity, and he is now to be a clergy-man, is allready a man of worth, and keeps company with the beft gentlemen ; and I am juft now going to giv him fuch or fuch a living that is in my gift, becaufe he is a man of extraordinary merit and of a great character for his learing and fobriety. None bred up fools but I ! I that have the inheritance ! I have the eftate, indeed, but what elce have I ? How unfinifli'd, how unfurnifli't ! How do I look among Gentleman ! How ignorant, how empty, when other men much my inferiours come into my company! How handfomely do they difcourfe ! How do they reafon and argue upon the niceft things, and how acceptable in company of the men of learning ; and how do I fit and fay nothing, becaufe I can fay nothing to the purpofe, and becaufe knowing my infirmity I am loth to expofe my felf, and have juft fence enough to avoid faying any thing, that I may not talk like a fool ! And was my father the occafion of all this ? and that willfully, too, on pretence that I was the gentleman and muft be the heir ! What ! did my father think learning below my quallity ? Can that be below a gentleman that is an ornament to a prince ? Is it /, 57. poffible my father could be fo ftupid ? Why, then, my father was a , was not fit to bring up a family, not fit to be trufted with the education of his own children, and fiiould have been begg'd for a . Here he falls out in a rage, rails at the memory of all his anceftors, and at even the mother that bore him, and like Job in the agony of his affliccion, curfes the day in which he was born, and 'tis not feldome that he curfes father and mother, too, as I have many times feen when the paffions, being raifd by the reproach of it, have' carry'd him beyond bounds, I rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 151 I cou'd giv abundance of examples of this very particular part which in the compafs of my own know- \Q^.fucy. 70 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. tivly, and who is not fo ? Where is the man that no body goes beyond ? " " Come, come," replyes me Lord, " don't make me any thing but what I am. The cafe is plain, I am nothing that I ought to have been. I have had no education fuitable to what I was to be or to what I might have been. My father did me no juftice ; my mother brought me up among the peticoates and in the nurfery, till, if I had been fent to fchool, I fhould have been thro' my grammar. My tutor cheated me ; and they cheated my father that propof'd him for a tutor. The man had learning, but he was a man of pleafure himfelf and gratifyed himfelf and me, too, in all the little excurfions of a youth, when he fhould have kept me fbri6lly to books and languages ; and thus the moft valuable houres of life were loft, and, inftead of being finifh'd for the college and for travell, I came out into the world a finifh'd blockhead, fit for nothing ; and when I came to the eftate, which was too foon too, that entirely ruin'd me ; I ought indeed to have been fent to fchool then, to be made fit to enjoy it." I found by this difcourfe we fliould run back into the fame exclamacions where his Lordfhipp began, and not being able to denye the juftice of his reflexions I endeavour'd to turn his thoughts off to fome other fubje6l, and put his Lordfliipp in mind that the two gentlemen in the parlour would think us long. Upon that he ftop't ; but before we went in, my Lord faid, " I muft have fome further difcourfe with you upon this fubje6l ; for I am refolv'd," added he, " not to liv and dye a blockhead all my dayes. Is there nothing to be learn't after a man is 40 year old ? " I told him it was a queftion of importance, and I defir'd him to explain himfelf a little upon it that I might giv him a fuller anfwer. He anfwer'd, " I will do fo by and by, but we'll go in riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 171 in to fee our friends for the prefent, leaft they fhould / 63. take it ill." So this agreeable converfation ended. I return to the title of this chapter, namely, What are the ^ confequences of this negle6l ? And without morallizing in a formall way upon that long and yet undecided queftion whether want of education is not opening the door to a life of vice and extravagance and whether the learned or the unlearned world are the wickedeft ; I fay, without entring upon this, the more evedent and undeny'd confequence of it, and what is point blank to the fubje6l before me, is this : That as the negledl of the lafb age has entail'd ignorance upon the prefent, fo the ignorance of the pre- fent age, if not wifely confidred of, will not fail to bring on the like negleft for the next : and this the ground plat, the ichnography of my whole undertaking. Our fathers, bred up in family pleafure and here- ditary indolence, plac'd the whole weight of their glory upon the long pedegree of their houfes, the race of great men who bore the name before them, whofe titles, honours and wealth they pofeft, no matter whether their own merit legitimates the claim, or no ; upon this imaginary honour they elate their minds to the uttmoft extravagance, value themfelves as exalted in birth above the reft of the world, and look down upon all mankind as plac'd below them juft within the reach of their foot and born to be fpurn'd at and kick't by the gentry as meer foot-balls for their exercife and diverfion. This hereditary pride defcends as naturally from father to fon as the eftate, and as if the entail of it was as certain and unalienable, 'tis infuf'd early into the heads of the young heirs before the beft of their inftruccion, and they learn to kno' they are gentlemen long before they learn that they are men, learn the leffon ^ the omitted in MS. 172 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. leffon of family pride before their ABC, and to kno' they are above being corre6led at fchool, before they are big enough to go thither. " Dam it, Madam," faid a young heir to his mother, "I have ^10,000 a year eftate, and I won't be con- tradi6led." The young gentleman was not abov 9 year old or thereabouts, and had been flatter'd by the nurfes and wenches that waited on him, and told what he was to be too foon, as well as with too little difcretion ; and this was the produ6t of it. I know the family very well. This door being open'd and early vice thus in- troduc'd with the mother's milk, no wonder 'tis riveted in the mind too faft for education it felf, if that moft probable remedy were apply'd to remove it. But that being likewife neglefted and even defpif'd from the fame unhappy principle that 'tis difhonourable and below the quallity of the child, as above : all fubfequent applications are render'd^ perfectly ufelefs, and the miferable gentleman, miracle excepted, is damn'd to ignorance and repentance. And what do I fpeak of repentance in a cafe where the opinion of its being no defe6l, but an ornament, fhuts the door againft all regret at the thing its felf ! Men never repent of any thing which they do not think was wrong : if it is no miftake, how can they repent of it .? befides, how can they repent of it and glory in it at the fame time } This brings me to the great and moft fatal con- fequence of all, and what, as I have faid above, this work is calculated on purpofe to expofe, viz., this notion of its being no error to omit the educacion of their eldeft fons, as it was the reafon of bringing up the prefent generation of gentlemen in ignorance and indolence without learning, without erudition, without books, 'MS. rend'^. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 173 books, empty of all accquir'd knowlege, and without a taft of the bleffing of it It infallibly preferves the entail, and hands on the obftinate ignorance to the next age, and fo on in jeternum. How fhould an uninftru6led generacion inform their pofterity ? By what ftrange infpiration from abov fhould the next age be lovers of learning, applye themfelves to ftudy, read books, drink in knowlege, and learn wifdome, when their inftru6lors have it not to furnifh them ? Ignorance can not deviate into fence, or duU- nefs into wit ; 'tis the lov of knowlege in parents or the fence of their own difficiency' that moves them to inftru6l their children. Now thofe people are fo far from believing that their ignorance is a defe6l, that /. 64. they glory in it, value themfelves upon it ; and I once heard a gentleman of a good eftate fay that to be above all accquirements was the uttmoft accomplifhment of a man of fortune ; that he ought to follow Nature in all the plain roads of her meer inftitucions ; that, for a gentleman, to go out of her way was but like a man of wealth amaffmg treafure, whereas he can be no richer, let his additionall thoufands be as many as they will. This wretched phylofophy however efpouf'd ferves, in my opinion, for no manner of ufe but to crowd the world with fools of fortune ; and indeed it is to this extraordinary logic that we owe the generall ftupidity of the age, which is the fubje6l of this prefent complaint. However, were this all, I fhould fay no more than that it is fo, and tell you the occafion of it ; but that it fhould ftill go on, that in this enlightn'd age, when polite learning is fo much in vogue, and fo many, how juflly I will not enquire here, pretend to it ; that it Ihould go on, I fay, in fpite of example, and entail that fame ignorance and obftinacy upon the next age : this is unfufferable. One * MS. defiency. 174 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. One would think, if it was nothing elce but that learning is a little more in fafhion than it uf'd to be, education Ihould be fo too. But it muft be confeff't that fa6l is uncertain, at leaft to me it is fo ; there is indeed a kind of a noife about polite wit, and men being mafters of fcience and of learning, and raifmg their fortunes by their being fo. That fome gentlemen by their parts and under- ftanding, whether natural or accquir'd, have raif 'd their fortunes in this age of craft and corrupcion, may be true ; but I denye that this is a teftimoney of the men of fortune and the heads of families being any wiler and farther taught in generall than their anceftors, or any better learned. 'Tis rather the contrary ; for how fliould the beggarly and mercenary part of mankind accquire wealth and get efbates by their wit and cunning, if the men of eftates, the antient families, and great fortunes, were not the dupes who are impof'd upon and mannag'd, as we fee 'tis under the other that this mannagement prevails .'' And were the nobility and gentry of this kingdom' univerfally men of learning and parts, as they are of fortune, high birth, and honour, they would never be influenced, led, over- rul'd, bought, or fold by any fet of Hates-men or poli- titians in the world. This is but a hint ; let them take the coat who fit the meafure of it. 'Tis thus far to my purpofe : if the younger brothers are to liv by their witts, let them do fo honeftly and make the befb of it, but let the elder brothers have the fame fhare of learning and witt given them with their eftates as the other have to raife eftates by. I believ the firft would keep their eftates better than they do, and the laft find it lefs eafie to rife by bribery and corrupcion. The wretched defeccion in fome ages we have gone through ^ MS. K . 'The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 175 through, the bying and felling their country, their libertyes and priveleges in Popifli dayes and party- making dayes, what has it been owing to but the mercenary fpirit among the poorer gentry ' and the ftupidity and ignorance of the rich ? There could be no danger of the polititians breaking in upon the libertyes and eftablifli'd priveleges of this free nation, if the nobillity and gentry of Britain, who are the bulwark of thofe libertyes, were, as they might all be, men of learning and men of wealth. Want of learning makes them eafie, indolent, man- ageable, thoughtlefs, and extravagant. Want of learning makes them incapable, breaks their ceconomy, and ex- pofes them to a thoughtlefs luxury ; the confequence of which is reduccion of eftates, neceffitous circum- ftances,^ and even beggary ; and the naturall confequence of that is being fubjecl to all manner of currupcion, eafily purchaf 'd for parties and faccion, and by penfions and places to betray themfelves and their country, and giv up all to the crafts-men of the Court. It is the felicity of the prefent age that we liv /. 64 b under a Government that defires no frauds, that has no corrupt views, no tyrannick defigns to carry on, no deftructiv ends to anfwer ; if it were otherwife, the miferable indolence and ignorance which we now fee our nativ country labour under, and fome of our gentlemen of the beft, moft noble and antient familyes abound in, nay, be vain of, and affefl a kind of fatif- faccion" in, would giv us but a mellancholly profpecl for the fafety of our pofterity. From hence I infift that it is of the uttmoft confe- quence, if poffible, to put a flop to the manner of bringing up our gentry in ftupidity and ignorance, with out the advantages of education and without polifhing the parts and capafcities Nature may have given them, that ^ MS. G V. * Abbreviated in MS. 176 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. that the next age, what ever this is, may be furnifli'd with fome helps, fome aid and affiftance from their own fence to fee into the depths of thofe fons of Hell who would debauch and corrupt them. To inforce this part of my reafoning, I alfo infift upon the following obfervations as maxims in nature, which we may fee confirm'd in praclife every day. 1. That want of learning and polite education in the nobillity and gentry of England makes them be negle6led and, as it were, lay'd afide in the mannage- ment of public affairs, when knaves and polititians happen to be in truft, mercenaryes and fcrew'd up engins being made ufe of in their room. 2. It makes them eafie and blind, and not able to fee themfelves flighted and neglefted, as they would otherwife do, and confequently to refent it. 3. It makes their refentment of lefs value where it is met with, the number of thofe that have the fence to fee and refent being fo fmall, and their intreft confe- quently fmall in proporcion. Let any man look back to the figure the barons of England made in the reigns of King John, Henry III., and other princes of thofe times, and compare them with the ages of a few reigns paff't, and let them tell us if the Englifh gentry were to be mannag'd by Prime Minifters and polititians then, as they have been fmce, and what was the end of fuch favourites who ventur'd to make the attempt. 4. The weaknefs of the parts, the defeft of the underftanding, and the want of erudition, which is fo much the fafhion among our gentry has been the true, if not the chief, reafon of their prefent poverty and bad circumftances,* leffening their eftates and ruining their fortunes. 5. Their want of learning being the caufe of their luxury ^ Abbreviated in MS. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 177 luxury and extravagance, and that luxury reducing them to neceffitous circumftances/ thofe neceffities bring" them into a readynefs of being corrupted, brib'd, and drawn in by partyes to efpoufe thofe intrefts for money which at other times they would abhorr, and which are ruinous to their country's liberties and to their pofterity. 6. Ignorance is an enemy to temperance, to fru- gallity, to honefty, and to the praftife of all morall vertues. In a word, for want of learning a man of quallity, however great, noble, rich, powerfull in his intreft and his eftate, is render'd unquallify'd for the fervice either of himfelf, his family, or his country. — ^ 7. Ignorance expofes the gentlemen not onely to the ribaldry and jeft of the Courts and of the politi- tians, but makes tools of them, makes them engines and inftruments for the ufe of the mannagers on all occafions, and even in their worft defigns upon the libertyes of their country as above. N.B. Innumerable examples of this might be given f. 65. in the times before the Revolution. What has been fince we have no room to fpeak of at this time of day. It would be endlefs to undertake a generall colleccion of all the confequences of this want of education among the gentlemen of England ; and yet if nothing fhould be faid to it, how fliall we bring the gentlemen now labouring under the miffortune of it to a temper capable of re6lifying the error ? I fhall add, therefore, two or three things, which I think are very material, and which will certainly weigh with the gentry^ even of this age, if they pleafe to confider them, and but meafure themfelves upon the fquare with fuch other men as Heaven has plac'd upon a level with them, I mean other gentlemen of quallity and ^ Abbreviation in MS. = MS. bittgs. ^ G. M 178 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. and fortune as they are, and who differ from them in thefe particulars onely. i.^ The want of learning and educacion places them below even their inferiours, and renders them defpicable every where, even at home and among their very fervants. 2. If thefe uneducated gentlemen fhould think of comeing up to London, appearing at Court, or looking out for buffmefs (as that is called), whether by choice or upon any family diffafter, as the befl may be fubje6l to fuch things : if they have no letters, no learning, they can never recomend themfelves to any thing. 3. If they fliould, by intreft and favour, be able to obtain any thing, of what ufe can it be to them ? They can execute no office fuitable to their quallity ; they can fill up no poft of honour either for the Govern- ment or for their private concern. The favourite may giv them a compliment ; but how fliall fuch a perfon anfwer it ? Can he go thro' the office of a Secretary^ of State or a Secretary^ of War, a paymafter of the Navy or Army, a Commiffioner of Trade ^ and Planta- cions, or the like ; or to come lower, to a Commiffioner of the Navy, the Excife, or the Cuftomes ? All thefe muft be men of letters and men of figures. They muft be men of learning and languages ; or what are they fit for } The country gentleman can do nothing P among them. It is one of the moft honourable parts of a perfon of quallitye's character that he is fitted for the fervice of his country, fit to be a Privy Counfellor, a Secretary^ of State, a Lord^ of Trade, or any other place in the adminiftration or the houfehold ; and what figure mufb fuch a gentleman make in any of thefe publick pofts that has no educacion, no litterature, no knowlege of languages, of hiftory, or of the world ! It ^ No number in MS. " MS. Secret. " MS. Sec. * MS. T. ' MS. D". rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. It is true, I am to be anfwer'd, as above, in a way of rallery, that the gentlemen we are fpeaking of are above all thefe things : they fcorn pofts and places, thofe civil badges of human drudgery ; the private ftacion is the pofl of honour, and an hereditary pofeffion the beft penfion ; that they are kings of their own and governors of themfelves ; that we may fee all the Minifters of State and favourites of allmoft every reign making their court to them, inviting them up, and careffmg them upon every occafion, defiring to make ufe of their intreft, and if they find it practicable, wheedling with them to fide in with their Party. If by their fway in the country and their intreft in the towns, of which fometimes they have feverall that are their own, they are, in fpite of bribery and corrup- cion, chofen members of Parliament, what tricks, what artifice, are ufed to bring them in-to buffmefs, as 'tis modeftly call'd ! If they happen to be above 'em, out of the reach of art, and that neither money or flattery or honours and titles will make any impreffion, how are they reckon'd dangerous, and how are they fenc'd againft as men of importance, and how are the courtiers in the uttmoft concern, leaft fuch men as thefe fhould make themfelves known, get a Party in the Houfe, and oppofe the mannagers in their great affaires of , &c.! .... But bring all this to the cafe in hand. It is true that this is often fo where the country gentleman is a leading man, either in the place where he dwells, or in the houfe, and when they find him capable of great things. But then, who are the men, what are the gentry that are thus rendred confiderable ? that are /. 66. the terror of Court partyes and the envy of the politi- tians ? what chara6ler do they bear, and what foot do they ftand upon in the country where they live ? Giv me leav to fay thefe are not the ignorant,- the illiterate 79 i8o r/u' COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. illiterate, the weak headed, uneducated gentlemen we are talking of, but they are, generally fpeaking, men of fence, men of learning, that kno' the world, that under- ftand the intrefts of their country, and if they appear in public, giv the ftates-men room to take umbrage at their growing capafcities. They are not the men of pleafure, bred up to the dogs and the game, that wallow in their wealth and kno' nothing but to liv at home and enjoy that furfeit every day with their pleafures, and are onely fick for want of variety ; who rolling in a kind of naturall indo- lence are unactiv for meer want of fome thing to do» who rife in the morning to go to bed at night, and whofe whole hillory is fum'd up in that diftich : TJicy'rc born, they liv, they laugh, they kttoiu not why ; They Jlcep, eat, drink, get heirs, grozv fat, and dye. Thefe are the country gentlemen indeed, but thefe are not the men I fpeak of; thefe are not the formid- able, dangerous things that, as King Charles^ 11. faid of the Country Party, were men of importance and very confiderable in the Common Wealth, for they could make kings think and keep courtiers honeft. Thefe are not the leading men, that carry a party with them where e're they go, whofe vote is a noun of multitude, and, as was faid of Sir H., he was call'd No. 50 when ever they mencioned him in cover, that is when they talk'd of him, but did not think fit to name him ; the meaning was that when ever he voted he had 50 more that follow'd him, let him take which way he wou'd. No ! No ! Thole gentlemen I fpeak of are not as the man call'd No. 50, but as the 50 that blindly voted after him, and as he voted right or wr . . g. Fortunate ignorance ! that fo often fall in with honeft leaders ; 1 MS. Cha. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. i8i leaders ; but how unhappy is it for their country, when thefe gentlemen are miffled, as is but too poffible and has been too frequent ! How miferable is that nation that is reprefented by men who, in a body, are to be led by a few, if that few guide wrong ! who go up honeft but ignorant, who continue allways the laft (ignorant), but are onely the firft (honeft), as they fall into good or bad company ; yet how many fuch have in time paft (now — Heavens be praif'd for the change — 'tis quite otherwife) been trufted with the fate of their country, and how fad is the fate of that country which is thus reprefented ! — but that by the by. Of ^ thefe gentlemen or fuch as thefe I met with the following paffage from one of their own number. A cer- tain perfon was employ'd to draw up a cafe {^) for fome merchants, who having fet up a particular manufa6lory in the country applyed to their mafters, the Houfe of Commons, then fitting, for fome particular priveleges neceffary to them for the carrying on the buffinefs they were engag'd in and which they alleaged was a prodi- gious improvement to trade and an advantage to the whole country. In order to explaine to the gentry the great fervice / 103. the undertaking would be to the nacion in generall, the propofall gave a calculation of numbers that were em- ploy'd by them on feverall occafions," as 15000 families^ in the copper mines in Cornwall and Devon, 10,000 familyes in digging and carriage of coales in another county, fo many thoufand upon another v/ork in another part (") So they call the papers drawn up by fuch as have petitions depending in the Houfe of Commons, and which are to make good the allegacions of their peticion. ^ This passage, beginning Of thefe and ending to the whole country, as well as foot-note (") are struck out in MS. - MS. occafon. ^ MS.famzles. i82 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. part of England, and fo on, till they made it up i 50,000 families, then reckoning 8 to a family they multiply 'd the number by 8, which made up the foot of the ac- count be a million and half, which was all caft up in figures very regularly and exaftly at the bottom of the propofall. In this form, the fcheme was drawn up, printed, and delivred to the gentlemen to read and confider of it, in order to obtain their favour and vote, when the cafe was to come upon the carpet. But in a day or two, when the printed memorial came to be read, a certain gentleman, a M . . . , , who was in the intreft of the peticioners and had ftirr'd for them among his fellow reprefentatives,^ came to them in a great paffion and with a mouth full of hard words, calling them f . . Is for offring fuch a paper as that to the Houfe. In a word, not to enter too farr into the particulars for the fake of public fame and of who it was that raif'd the objeccion, I fay, in a word, the paper was not legible, and the poor peticioners were oblig'd to be at the charge of printing it over again in words at length, after having been reprimanded very warmly by their faid friend for their impudence in fo much as fuppofing that gentlemen would giv themfelves the trouble to read their figures into words. Accordingly the paper was reprinted, and inftead of 10,000 it was faid at large ten thoufand, and in ftead of 150,000 one hundred and fifty thoufand, inftead of 1,500,000 was printed at large one million fiv hundred thoufand, and fo of the reft ; this being done the prefumcion of the firft paper was pardon'd, the gentlemen were good friends again, and the pititioners carryed their point. It is indeed very rude to accoft gentlemen in an illegible ^ MS. 7'epyeprefentatives. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 183 illegible or unintelligible chara6ler and a language they don't underftand, and therefore to fill a paper with long rows of unites, tens, hundreds, thoufands, tens of thoufands, hundreds of thoufands, and the like, and prefent it to men who never learnt that way of telling nofes, how prepofterous muft it be ! The merchants peticioners were therefore very much in the wrong and had they loft their caufe by it, they might have thank't themfelves ; for that indeed they ought to have known better. CAP. CAP. V. /. 66. I^hat it is not to late to pict a Jiop to tins national defe£l of learning and that the gentlemen of England, generally fpeaking, may in a great meafure retriev the lofs of their education by a little vohmtary applicacion ; and an account offomc proper and very eafie methods, for the doing it I have heard. f- ^°^* ^^^^^^ HAVE heard fome nice people obferv that ^/ pride was a neceffary virtue to man- kind and the happyeft man in the world is the proud man. The nocion may have fome remote truth in it, but then it wants ex- planacion ; for it is a fatyr in it felf, and points at the very cafe I am fpeaking of It grants that the gentlemen are uneducated and ignorant and wretchedly untaught. The caufe or occafion of this they fay was, at firft, pride, which was fo far a vice as it appear'd in fcorning the fchools, hateing inftruccion, defpifmg languages and learning as mean and mechanick things below their quallity. There I fay pride is acknow- leg'd to be a vice, a child of the meer Devil without any difguife. Now if the man was fencible of the defects of his education, he would be miferable to the laft degree, fay thefe criticall enquirers ; would curfe his parents that fhould have been his inftru6lors, curfe the hour he was The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 185 was born ; and, fick of his defpicable life, perhaps, would hang himfelf out of it. But here his pride fteps in, and it faves his life, keeps him from the knowlege of his mifery, keeps the fence of it from his heart, perf wades him he is happy, and makes him like a man in Bedlam dance in his chains ; perfvvades him to be vain of his ignorance and to value himfelv upon his being above all improvment ; that he is a prince, na}^ a king in his manfion houfc or pallace, who has all learning and all knowlege in penfion under him ; that fchollars are onely bound to his fervice and ufefuU to him on par- ticular occafions, as interpreters are to princes and to ambaffadors, fo that he is ftill great and happy even in his ignorance ; that his imperfeclions are no imperfec- cions to him : and all by the meer confequence of his pride, which is thus far a virtue to him. But to pafs thefe fpeculacions and to leav them as we find them : The want of knowlege and inftruccion, let our pride infmuate what it will to the contrary, is certainly an infelicity in life, efpecially where the de- pravity is rooted and the cafe rendred incurable ; but I am of a quite differing opinion as to the circum- ftances^ of the thing. I am far from looking upon the defeas as incurable, and there the notion of their pride being a vertue is all funk and lofh at once ; for the pride is a delufion not a vertue, as lunacy is a dilirium in the brain, fliowing things in a falfe and borrow'd light and in a differing fituacion from what they really are. The want of learning, the defficiency of education is a difeas. 'Tis a deprivation of knowleg, a weakning of the underftanding, a diftemper in, or rather an accident upon, nature. But I enter my caveat againft the pacient's being given over by his phyfitians. Nil dejperandimi : as in other diftempers, while there is life there ^ Abbreviated. i86 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. there is hope, fo in this difeafe of the underftanding, /. I02. ivhile there are brains there is hope. If the youth to be taught has been indeed an idiot ; if the defect is in nature and he has no genius, no power to reciev in- formacion, that's quite another cafe. Then if he had had all the education the world could giv, he would have come out the fame original block-head that he went in ; and it is equally to no purpofe to talk of re- trieving it in fuch a perfon when he is grown up. But what is this to the cafe before us .? This is not the condicion of our gentry. Idiotifm is none of the defect. Our gentry are not what we call born fools. There may be fome natural incapafcitys, but that is not the national defect. They have generally naturall powers, but the grand deficiency is want of erudition, want of teaching, want of the helps of art to cultivate the foil and improv the head : and this makes me fay as before. Nil defperanduvi. The cafe is all retriev- able ; the difeas is to be cur'd. If there is but a ftock of head it may be all recovr'd. If there is but a fpark in Nature the fire may be fhill kindl'd. There are methods of inftruccion to be found out which are neither below the quallity of a gentleman to make ufe of, or unfuitable to his yeares, fuppofe him to be a man grown : for a man is never too old to be made wife if capable of recieving and retaining the impref- fions of learning ; and yet I am not for fending them to fchool in their adult ftate, and putting gentlemen at 30 or 40 5'eares of age to learn their accidence, I fhall propofe nothing unbecoming them as men or as gentlemen. They fliall be their own preceptors, their own tutors, and themfelves fhall inftru6l themfelves. What little helps they fliall ftoop to make ufe of fhall neither be below them or irkfome to them, but fuch as fliall make it all a pleafure and the moll: delightfull thing in the world. The T'he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 187 The firft thing to be enquir'd into in this cafe is this : is the gentleman fencible of his defificiency ? Is he wife enough to kno' he is ignorant, or is he weak enough to think himfelf wife when he is really other- wife ? In a word, is he a Czar of Mofcovy\? Is he humble enough to be taught and fencible enough of his want of learning to defire to learn ? Here indeed lyes the whole weight of the cafe. If the man is bloated up with pride, that worft of folly, that vice of the brain, which fome, as abov, would have call'd a virtue ; if he is not fencible of his weaknefs, his being unquallifyed for the company of men of fence, unfit for publick appearance or public employment, or to ferv his country or his family ; if he is one of that fort indeed as the Scripture fayes in another cafe, TJierc is more hope of a fool than of J din : fuch a creature is inflexible and harden'd ; 'tis to no purpofe to meddle with him, or fo much as to talk to him of it ; as a fick perfon that refufes phyfic is, in the confequence of that obftinacy, to be efteem'd as incurable as he in whom the difeas is too ftrong for the medicine : the very obftinacy is a defeas worfe than the feaver and the man dyes becaufe he will dye. On the other hand, if he is fencible of what other men have that he wants, and abov all, that it is not too late to recover the lofs ; if he beares the defeft of his underftanding as a diftemper and is willing to trye all poffible remedies for a cure : fuch a man, in my opinion, may be cur'd ; that is, in a few words, let him not repine at his not being a fchollar and not being well educated. He fliall yet be a man of learning in fpite of all the time loft, and that without the fateague of the fchool, without hammering feaven year at the Latin and the Greek, and without tormenting, loading, and overloading his memory with the meer dead 1 MS. Mofco\ i88 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. dead weight of words. On the contrary, he fhall in after all the needfull ftudy of fcience without it. He fhall judge of true learning by the ftrength of nature ; reafon fhall be his guide into the ftudy of Nature as nature fliall be in the purfuit of his reafon, and he fliall be a man of knowlege with eafe and delight. I fhall lead you into a more imediate underftanding of what I mean, by giving a fliort hiftory of fact in a converfation upon this fubjeft with a perfon who is the living exemplificacion of the thing, whofe flory pleafe to take partly from his own mouth in the following relation. /. 103. I was talking of this very ferioufly once to a gentle- man who was under the mifsfortune of this hereditary ignorance or defeft of learning, and was none of thofe who valued themfelves upon it. On the contrary, it was tJie very plague of his life^ and, as he faid, it tormented the very foul ivithin him ; I repeat his own words. He uf'd to fay he was entr'd a block-head from his cradle, and his mother doom'd him to be a coxcomb before fhe knew whether he had wit enough for the character or no. " And refolving," faid he, " that I fliould be a fool of one fort or another, flie anticipated my want of brains by my want of education ; that if I would not be a fool by nature I fhould have the happynefs of being fo by art ; and if I did not want brains, I fliould want teaching how to ufe them, which was the fame thing ; for," adds he, " idem eft non cffe ct non appe7'ire." " But harke ye, Sir," faid I, " if you were never taught, how come you to underftand Latin ? " " O," fayes he, " as a true penitent abhorrs the ftate of wickednefs he liv'd in before his repentance, and can't be faid to have repented if he does not, fo it was /. 1C4. impoffible for me to be, as I tell you, plaagu'd and tormented with the refleccion upon the ruine of my education, and not do fomething to recover it." "I rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 189 " I am very glad to hear you fay fo," faid I, " becaufe I kno' feverall gentlemen in the fame condicion ; but they all fit down and defpair. They fay 'tis too late, they are too old, the prime of youth, which is the time to learn, is paft, and there is no room for it ; and fo they fit down with their ignorance and defficiency till it grows habitual." " Why, then," faid my friend, " they are habitual fools, and I had been fo to this day if my father had liv'd." " How, your father ? Why, was the old gentleman againft your learning ?" " He was one of them that," faid he, " thought there was no great occafion for it in a gentleman, that it fill'd their heads with great thoughts, wandring ambi- tions, afpiring defires, and fent them abroad from their eftates and from their tennants and neighbours, where they might live mery and fafe, happy and belov'd all their dayes, and made them run into the armys, to hunt after honour and be knock'd o' th' head for a feather in their caps call'd fame ; or to Court, where they turn'd harpies and blood fuckers upon their country and learnt all the vile ways of recieving a little for giving a great deal, felling their country and coming home beggars : and thus the old gentleman was for keeping his fon at home a fool for fear of his going abroad to be a knave." " Well, Sir," faid I, " but you have liv'd at home, and yet kno' the world as well as thofe that have been abroad. You have been taught nothing, and yet you kno' every thing. You are illiterate, and yet you talk Latin and French and Italian. You call your felf a lool ; pray, what kind of a fool muft we call you ? " " Why, I'll tell you my cafe," fayes he. " My father dyed young, and I came to the eftate at two and twenty, a young untaught, half educated thing. I might 90 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. might indeed be faid to read and write, and that's all ; for I did both very ignorantly and forrily, and farther than that I did nothing and knew nothing, and what was ftill worfe, I was as well pleaf'd with my ignorance as my father was ; and haveing often heard his dif- courfes upon that fubje6l I began to talk the fame language, till I fcorn'd learning, defpif'd books, thought my felf above teaching ; in a word, I was compleatly come up to Solomon's ftandard of a fool : — / had no deligJit in underjlanding. " It happen'd one day that being at the wedding of a neighbouring lady, a near relation of mine, who was marry'd to a truly complete young gentleman and of a good eftate, I obferv'd there was a great deal of good company and a great deal of mirth, and I was as gay as my neighbours. The wedding was kept at the ladye's mother's houfe, who was the widdow of a barronet, and her fon (the heir) being under age, the family remain'd in the manfion houfe, which was very large and fine. As there was mirth enough among the young people, fo there was chat and difcourfe among the graver gentry, fome of one kind, fome of another ; but in all their little companies as they feperated into fmall committees in the feverall parlours and gardens and walks of the houfe, as ufuall, I obferv'd allmoft all the difcourfe, as well among the relations of the lady as others, was taken up in the extraordinary chara6ler of the bridegroom, what a fine gentleman he was. " The young ladys admir'd him : he was fo hand- fome, fo genteel, danc'd fo fine, fo charming a fhape, talk'd fo finely, and the like ; the older ladyes lik'd him : he was fo modeft, fo corteous, had fuch a chara6ler for being fo obliging to the pooreft and meaneft of his neighbours, fo good to his tennants, fo univerfally belov'd. They all concluded the lady would be com- pleatly happy ; and indeed flie was fo. The young gentlemen The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 191 gentlemen were exceedingly pleaf'd, too, but they had the leaft to fay of him, for he was above their clafs ; and one of them in the bight of good humour faid, ' I like my new coufm wonderfully, but d . . . . him, he is too learned for me, he is fitter to be an arch-bifhop than a fpoilt man ; and yet he's a good humour'd, merry fellow too ; he's fit for any thing ; ' and at laft it came out : ' Would I had half /us fence, tho' he had half my efhate ! ' " Among the graver gentry — for there were feverall /■ 104 i>. of them, too — it was the fame thing in a more folid degree. They had his character up in a ftrain fuitable to themfelves, and particularly one fet that I was plac'd among a good while, being all my neighbours and gentlemen I was acquainted with, talk'd very particu- larly of him. " Thefe came into all the fentiments of the younger people, viz., that he was every way a complete gentle- man ; but a certain clergyman that was among them, a man noted for his learning and of a very good chara6ler alfo, faid he had had a great deal of conver- fation with him. ' I was never more delighted,' faid he, ' in any gentleman's company in my life. He has travell'd over fome of the world in perfon and over all the reft in books. He fpeaks five or fix languages ; particularly,' faid he, ' he talks Latin and French as if they were his native tongues ; he is perfe6lly acc- quainted with the cuftomes and manners of all the nations he has been in ; and yet his difcourfe is fo modeft, fo grave, fo free from a noifie rattling way, which is fo common in the world, that 'tis a pleafure to be in his company.' " Another gentleman, who is call'd a virtuofo in our country and is alfo a noted phyfitian, he took it from the minifter. ' It is fo, indeed,' faies he, ' he is a finifh'd fchollar. I never met with fo much wit, fo much folid judgement, 192 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. judgement, and fo much polite learning in any gentle- man of his age in my life. We were talking phylofophy the other day with him ; why he has treafur'd up a mafs of experiments of the niceft nature that I ever met with ; he has the Phylofophic Tranfaccions allmofc by heart, he has brought fomething in his head from every place where he has been, and has a vaft memory ; and then for aftronomy,' fayes the doctor, 'he talks of the ftarrs and of the planets as if he was born there, and of their diftances, mocions, and revolutions, as if he had travell'd with them and knew his way back again.'" " This was a new comet, fure, among the country gentlemen," faid I ; " but didn't fuch a character make the untaught gentlemen diflike him, or did they envy him ? " " I don't kno' what they did," faid my friend, " but I'll tell you what I did. I look'd upon him with a kind of furprize. I faw every thing in him that they faid of him with a great deal of pleafure; but I went away with a proporcion'd chagrin upon my mind, and all the way it run in my thoughts : ' Ay, this is educa- cion, indeed, this is learning,' faid I. ' Here my father might fee whether learning fits well upon a gentleman^ whether a gentleman is above being well educated. Why, if I had been taught, all this might have been my character as well as his.' " " Thefe were juft refleccions," faid I ; " but to what purpofe ? Seeing your fate, as you fay, was determin'd, and that you were paff't attaining thofe things v/hich were onely to be had by an early liberall education, you ought not to carry it too far, and make the want of what you cou'd not obtain embitter the comforts you had pofeffion of and you ought to enjoy with as much fatiffa6lion ^ as you can." He return'd warmly upon me, and told me I was quite ^ Abbreviated. T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 193 quite miftaken. — "All my eftate," added he, " would have been nothing to me, nor did I enjoy one hour's fatisfa6lion, till I entred into meafures for recovring what I had fo miferably loft, tho' it was not loft by my own fault, nor fhould I have enjoyd myfelf to this day, if I had not perfued the meafures which were happily di6lated to me by a learned man of my accquaintance to recover in fome degree the curfed darknefs of my uncultivated youth, and gain'd fome little light, at leaft more than I had before." " Why," faid I, " you were a ftrange convifl, you were a profelite to learning by meer miraculous in- fpiration ; the impreffion was ftrook at a heat ; you were a meer Czar of Mufcovy, a foul infpir'd with a true affli6ling fence of your want of knowlege, and refolv'd at any expence to retriev it." " I was fo indeed," fayes he ; " and you fhall find, if/- 105. the ftory is not too long for your pacience, what courfe I took with my felf, and what fuccefs I had." " I fhall be very glad to hear it," faid I, " upon many accounts. Perhaps, I may make ufe of it to the advantage of fome other gentlemen of my accquain- tance, who are under the fame mifsfortune and with as little fatisfa6lion ' as you were, but do not fee their way out of it, nor I for them." " I'll make the account as fhort as I can," fayes he, "but the tranfaccion was tedious, and tho' I hate a long ftory I fear you will think it fo ; let me make it as fhort as I will. To begin then where I left off, I fpent two or three dayes at home tormenting my mind about this young gentleman and talking to my felf of what a fot I was ; how I was not fit to be feen in his company, or quallify'd fo much as to converfe with him. I knew that I was oblig'd, in regard to my neece who he had marryed, to giv him an invitacion to my houfe but ^ Abbreviated. N 194 '^/'^ COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. but I thought I fhould be afham'd fo much as to talk with him." I told my friend I thought he was too humble, that he lay'd himfelf lower than he had any reafon to do, and that, tho' he was not taught much and had not the advantage of education which others had, yet he was far from a fool ; that as he need not be afham'd to go into any company, fo no company would be afham'd of him. "Well," fayes he, "you did not kno' me then. I am but fo fo now," added he, " but I was a down-right country blocked then, with this excepcion onely, viz., that I believ I thought of my felf as I ought to think ; for all I thought of my felf I knew of my felf, and none knew it better. I, in fhort, knew nothing better than that I was a fool and knew nothing." " And," faid I, " that was a foundation to build all upon that was to be known ; for there is no learning any thing till we are humble enough to fee we want teaching." " Well," fayes he, " but to go on, my neece came and din'd with me, and her hufband with her, and I kept them there a week ; for indeed I was fo charm'd with the young gentleman, that I could not part with him. He difcourf'd of every thing with fuch an agreeable plainefs and clearnefs, and with all was fo fmcere in every thing, fo modeft, fo humble, and yet fo flrong in his reafoning, that it was all mufick. I was charm'd with him, and, in fhort, he charm'd all the gentry about ; for feverall came to fee me while he was there, and all were delighted with him." " Sir," faid I, " you giv a character of him that would tempt a phylofopher ; can't you giv a friend the felicity of feeing fuch a morning ftarr, fuch a genius as hardly ever was feen before." He anfwer'd, if I would come down into the country, he would go and make him a vifit and carry me with him : The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 195 him ; which fome time after this we did, and I found all he faid to be very juft with refpe6l to the gentleman ; but that is not to our purpofe, unlefs it be to fhow how glorious an embellifhment learning and bright parts are to a foul when they meet in the perfon of a gentleman ; but of that by itfelf. I defir'd him to go on with his ftory, which he did thus. " After he had been with me fome dayes," fays my friend, " I had by many tokens perciev'd I might with fafety open my felf to him. I afk'd him one morning to take a walk and told him I wanted to have a little chat with him ; fo we went out together into the garden, and I unbofom'd my felf to him without any referv. " ' Coufm,' faid I, ' 'tis the mifsfortune of many, nay, of moft gentlemen in this part of the country, and I doubt not but you have taken notice of it in other places, that we — for I may name my felf among them — are brought up in ignorance, are taught nothing. Our fathers thought it below them to put us to fchool, and fo indeed we are below all learning ; as we are taught nothing, fo we kno' nothing, but live like the bear in the forrefl, wild and not to be tam'd, rough and not to be fmooth'd, courfe and not to be polifhed.' /. 106. " He began to compliment me about putting my felf among them ; he could not denye but it was fo in gene- rail, but would have made an excepcion for his uncle. " ' No, no, nephew, don't flatter me,' fayes I. ' 'Tis even fo with me in common with my neighbours. My father had that curfed notion that is fo univerfally receiv'd, that learning is a kind of mechanifme, that 'tis ufelefs to a gentleman, and that to go to fchool is below his quality ; and fo we that are eldeft fons are bred for fools by the meer courfe of Nature. " ' But,' faies I, * my nocions ' of things, however ignorant, are different from many people ; I can not think ^ MS. nocion. 196 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. think but that, tho' we were not made fchollars when we were boys, we need not go block-heads to the grave. Is there nothing to be learnt now, becaufe we learn't nothing then ? Is there no learning in the world, coufin, but Greek and Latin ? ' " He anfwer'd after fome very modeft apologies for talking fo to me : yes, there was certainly a great many good things to be learn't that had no great relacion to the tongues ; that, 'tis true, the tongues were ufefuU helps, but that there were feverall things very needfull for the knowlege of a gentleman that allways, or at leaft generally, were taught in Englifh, and that fome of the greateft mafters of them in their time had not fo much as underfbood Latin or Greek. " ' Well, nephew,' faid I, ' now you come to me. Pray then, without any ceremony or appology, be fo free with me as to tell me what thofe things are ; what is the propereft method to apply to them, and which of them are proper for, and moft ufefuU to, a gentleman ; for fince I have not been taught what I fhould have learnt in the time of it, I am refolv'd to learn what I can, tho' out of feafon.' " ' Sir,' faid my nephew, ' it is true that cuftome has prevail'd fo at our Univerfities in favour of the tongues, that all the publick exercifes in the fchooles are per- form'd in the learned languages, but it is acknowleg'd there is not an abfolute neceffity of it other than that of preferving the ufe and knowlege of thofe tongues in the fchollars that perform them. But 'tis certain that a courfe of phylofophy as well naturall as experimental, as alfo of the mathematicks, of aftronomy and of moft of the fciences properly fo called, is to be taught in the Englifh tongue, if the tutor or mafter pleafe to read his Ie61:ures in thofe fciences in Englifh to his pupils.' " ' Say you fo, nephew ?' faid I, 'and is there then no fuch tutor to be found that will read his le6lures, as you rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 197 you call them, in the Englifh tongue ? and may I not make my felf mafter of fome degree of knowlege in the world, tho' I do not meddle with Latin and Greek.' " ' Yes, Sir,' fayes he, 'without doubt, you may; befides there are fome things, as I faid before, which are never taught in Latin or Greek, or very rarely, and which are in themfelves noble ftudyes and very agreeable to the genius and temper of a gentleman, extremely ufefull to him in converfation, and fuited to his inclinacion as a man of quallity, and efpecially as a man of fence.' " ' Pray, what are they, coufm V faid L " ' Sir,' fayes he, ' the firft and moft valuable is the ufe of the globes, or to fpeak more properly the fhudy of Geography, the knowlege of mapps, as alfo fo much of Aftronomy as may giv him a theory of the univerfe, particularly as far as relates to the motion and diftances of the heavenly bodies, the eclypfes, conjun6lions, re- volutions, and influences of the planets, comets, fix'd ftarrs, and other phaenomena of nature.' "'May all thefe be learned in Englifh.?' faid L " He return'd : ' Sir, as I faid before, they are very feldome taught in Latin except in the Univerfities, and there it is done fo meerly as it was the antient cuftome, and I think none of the beft cuftomes neither.' " ' Why fo, nephew ? ' faid L /. 107 "'Becaufe, Sir,' faid he, 'it feems to confine the knowlege of thofe ufefull ftudies to the fchooles and to the men of letters exclufiv of other men, whereas abundance of men do, and more might, underftand them who are not train'd up at the colleges, and whofe fortunes would not admitt a liberall education ; and confining thefe moft neceffary branches of fcience to thofe onely who can read and underftand Latin is tying up knowlege to a few, whereas Science being a publick bleffing to mankind ought to be extended and made as difufiv as poflible, and fliould, as the Scripture fayes riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. fayes of facred knowlege, fpread over the whole earth, as the waters cover the fea.' " * I think you are very right there, nephew,' faid I, 'and in particular your difcourfe is very agreeable to me ; for according to your notion, then, I n:iay learn all thefe things ftill, tho' I don't go to fchool again like a boy.' " ' Sir,' anfwer'd my nephew, ' fo far from going to fchool again like a boy, that thefe things are feldome learnt till we are men ; and as the feafaring men are generally well accquainted with thefe ftudyes, let any one examine how few of them underftand Latin or Greek ; nay, the very Mafters that teach them do not allwayes underftand thofe tongues and have no occafion for it, as I think I hinted before ; and if Latin and Greek was neceffary to a ftudy of Aftronomy, Navigation, and, in generall, feverall other branches of the Mathema- ticks, what would become of Navigation in generall ; for where is there a fea-faring man in twenty that under- ftands Latin, and yet fome of them the compleateft artifts in the world.' " * Well ; but, coufin,' faid I, ' you intimated, I think, that there were two reafons why you thought the cuftomc of the Univerfities in confining their fchollars to read all the fyftems in the Latin tongue was not the beft method : pray, what was the other reafon ?' " ' Truly, Sir, my other reafon was becaufe it throws the Englifh tongue fo entirely out of ufe among them, excluding it from all the Colleges, and out of every courfe of their teachings, that many gentlemen come from the Univerfity excellently well flvill'd in the fciences, Mafters, nay, criticks, in the Oriental languages and in moft parts of ufefuU learning, and can hardly fpell their mother tongue, at leaft 'tis frequent that, tho' all their performances are at laft to iffue in the original mother Englifh, yet being loft out of all their fchool readings rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 199 readings and out of all the le6lures of their tutors and all their own performances, they have no ftile, no diftion, no beauty or cadence of expreffion, but are fo dull, fo awkward and fo heavy in delivring themfelves, that 'twould be a fhame to hear one of them declaim in Englifh, who, perhaps, would gain an univerfall applaufe if it were perform'd in the Latin tongue.' " ' This is ftill o' my fide, coufm,' faid I, ' and 'tis a very great fatisfa6lion to me to hear it ; for by your account of the thing 'tis very poffible for me, tho' not a boy, and tho' I have no Greek or Latin, to be mafter of fome parts of learning, at leaft ; if I can not be a fchollar I need not be a fool.' " ' Sir,' fayes my nephew, ' I am of opinion that the world has a very wrong notion of what they call a fchollar. I think 'tis a miftake that a man can not be call'd a fchollar, unlefs he be mafter of all claffick learning. There's Mr , a gentleman who you know very well, and we all think him an extra- ordinary perfon.' " ' Why,' faid I, 'is not Mr a fchollar > I wifh I were as good a fchollar as he, I would defire no better a ftock of learning. Why, I have heard him dif- courfe with you, nephew, I thought it was in Latin.' " * No, Sir,' fayes he, ' he does not fpeak Latin at all. He was taught Latin, and underftands it tollerably well 19 read it, but not enough to difcourfe in it' "'What was it then you talkt?' faid L " ' It was Italian, Sir,' faid he. " ' Well then,' faid I, ' he underftands fome tongues. Will nothing make a man a fchollar but Latin and Greek ?' " * Some tongues, Sir,' faid my nephew, ' why, he / 109. underftands allmoft every thing but Latin and Greek, and yet we will not, we muft not, allow him to be a fchollar.' " ' Every 200 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. " ' Every thing,' fayed I, * pray, what do you call every thing ? It feems they won't allow him to under- ftand any thing.' " ' Why, Sir,' return'd he, ' I think I may fay every thing that's needfuU to be known and that makes a man fit for the converfation of the beft men, for example. "• I. He fpeaks French as fluent as the Englifli. He fpeaks Spanifh and Italian and fomething of the Sclavonian, for he has converft very much among the Poles and Mufcovites, and he has alfo fome thing of the Portuguefe : and yet he is NO SCHOLLAR. *" 2. He is as good a proficient in Experimental Phylofophy as moft private gentlemen and has a nice colleccion of rarities : yet he is NO SCHOLLAR. "' 3. He is a mafter in Geography, has the fituacion of the world at his fingers' ends. You can not name any country in the known part of Europe but he can giv you extempore an account of its fituacion, latitude, rivers, chief towns, its commerce, and, nay, and fome thing of its hiftory and of its politicall intrefts : yet he is NO SCHOLLAR. ** ' 4. He is as well fkill'd in all aftronomicall know- lege, the motions and revolutions of the heavenly bodies as moft mafters in that fcience, that ever I have met with, and I have heard feverall men of great judgement in thofe things fay the fame of him : but he is NO SCHOLLAR. *' ' 5. He is a mafter of Hiftory, and, indeed, I may fay he is an univerfall hiftorian, efpecially of all the hiflorys that are written or tranflated into the Englifh tongue, and thofe that are not, he has read them in French or Italian : but he is NO SCHOLLAR. " ' 6. For his own country he is a walking map ; he has travell'd thro' the whole ifland, and thro' moft parts of it feverall times over ; he has made fome of the rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 20T the moft criticall remarks of feverall parts of it, fo that he could not be charg'd, when he went abroad, to have known much of other countryes and nothing of his own as is the juft fcandal of moft Englifh travellers : and yet this man forfooth is NO SCHOLLAR.' "'This is extraordinary. Pray then,' faid I, 'what/. 107*. do you call a fchollar ?' " * Truly, Sir,' faid my kinfman, ' I am afham'd almoft to tell you what they call fchollars, A man may be a fchollar in their fence and be good for nothing, be a meer pedant, a Greek and Latin monger. I think our meer fchollars are a kind of mechanicks in the fchools, for they deal in words and fyllables as haberdafhers deal in fmall ware. They trade ' in meafure, quantityes, da6lyls, and fpondses, as inftrument-makers do in quadrants, rules, fquares, and compaffes ; etymologyes, and derivations, prepofitions and terminations, points, commas, colons and femicolons, etc., are the produfl of their brain, juft as gods and devils are made in Italy by every carver and painter ; and they fix them in their proper ftations in perfpe6liv, juft as they do in nitches and glafs windowes.' " ' You make ftrange fellows of them, indeed,' faid I. " ' I make nothing of them,' faid my nephew, ' but what they are. They are meer paedagogues, they feem to be form'd in a fchool on purpofe to dye in a fchool.' *' ' They are good for linguifts,' faid I, ' are they not } or, I fuppofe, for interpreters and tranflators V " ' No, indeed, Sir,' fayes he, ' they are fcarfe good for interpreters ; and as for tranflators, they are not fit by any means, for there is not one in twenty of them underftands Englifh, they have been fo fwallow'd up in Latin and Greek, Hebrew^ and Syriac and Arabick, and value themfelves fo much upon their exotick phrafes, crabed 1 T. 2 Heb. 202 rjie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. crabed expreffions, and harfli unfonorous words, that they wholly difregard the Englifli, in which they ought principally to ftudy to be plain and intelligible.' " ' Is it poffible, coufin,' faid I, * they fhould under- ftand all languages and not their own ?' "'I do not fay, Sir,' faid he, ' that, that they don't underftand it ; but they have no ftile, no fluency, no polite language in their expreffion ; nay, they fcarfe fpell it right. You would be afham'd to fee the Englifh fome of them write ; nay, fome of them are fo fencible of it that they are afham'd of it themfelves, and there- fore hardly write at all.' " ' What's the meaning of all this, coufm V faid I, ' what is to be done, then .? — May a man be a fchollar and a fool too .-' That's ftrange. Who would be a fchollar then .-' Why, my father was in the right then to make a blocked of me the eafyeft way, if it would have been fo after hard ftudy ; this way's the beft a great deal.' " ' Sir,' anfvver'd my kinfman with a fmile and abundance of good humour in his face, ' you are too hard upon your felf No queftion but learning is a beauty and an ornament to the very foul ; but the fineft Jewell ill fet can not fhine. Thefe men miftake the end and defign of learning, I think they let their very fouls ruft under the weight of thofe particular materialls which are given to polifh it. Learning is an ornament to a gentleman ; but like Saul's armour upon little David, 'tis a meer cafe of iron to a cynic, morofe, four temper ; it makes 'em ftalk about and go ftiff as if they were fit for nothing but to be fcrew'd up into Greek and Latin like a fl^eleton in a prefs, to fcare folks and be frightfull.' /. io8. " < Well, coufm,' faid I, 'but how muft we underftand the extream .'' What is learning then .'' and who would be a fchollar to be fo much as in danger of this madnefs.?' "'Sir,' The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 203 " ' Sir,' faid he, merrily, ' we muft diftinguifh between a man of polite learning and a meer fchollar : the firft is a gentleman and what a gentleman fhould be ; the laft is a meer book-cafe, a bundle of letters, a head ftufft with the jargon of languages, a man that under- ftands every body but is underftood by no body, a creature buryed aliv in heaps of antients and moderns, full of tongues but no language, all fence but no wit, in a word, all learning and no manners.' " ' But what then fliould I be, coufm,' faid I ; ' for I would fain be fome thing that I am not.' " He anfwer'd, * I fee nothing you want. Sir, but a little reading.' " ' I differ from you there, coufm,' faid I, ' I doubt you are miftaken ; 'tis a great deal I want. I would be glad to read a little.' " ' Perhaps, Sir,' faid he, ' 'tis not fo much as you imagine. I diftinguifh, as I faid, between a learned man and a man of learning, as I diftinguifh between a fchollar and a gentleman. You have a polite educacion as a gentleman allready.' " ' An ignorant education, coufm,' faid I, ' do you call that polite V " ' No, Sir,' faid he, ' all that you call ignorance would vanifh prefently with a little application to books.' " ' What can I do,' faid I, ' and what will reading do for me that can read nothing but Englifh.' " ' Reading, Sir, in Englifh,' faid he, ' may do all for you that you want. You may ftill be a man of reading, and that is in a large part of the fence of that word, a man of learning ; nay, it is the more gentlemanly part : you may in a word be a gentleman of learning' " ' Your remark I believ is very juft, nephew,' faid I, f. 109. ' about a gentleman and a meer fchollar ; but it puts a new thought into my head. Is it poffible for me to furnifh my felf with all that treafure of knowlege as you 204 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. you fay Mr is mafter of, who they fay is no fchoUar : the' I kno' nothing of Greek and Latin ? for I am no fchollar in the groffeft fence of that faying.' " ' Yes, Sir,' faid my nephew, ' I make no doubt of it' /. io8. " ' You begin to put new life into me, coufm,' faid I, ' why, I defire to be no better a fchollar than Mr All the gentry in the country admire him, the moft learn'd and beft educated among them ! Even the clergy-men fay he is a moft accomplifh'd complete gentleman. I wifh I was but half fuch a fchollar.' " ' Sir,' faid my nephew, ' he had it not by educa- tion } ' "'What do you mean by that,' faid I, 'not by education ?' " * No, Sir,' faid he, ' he knew nothing, comparativly fpeaking ; he was bred at home being a gentleman ; they thought it a difhonour to fend him to fchool, juft as you are pleaf'd to fay of yourfelf ' " ' But how did he get it all then ?' faid I. " ' Sir,' faid my nephew, ' he never began to look into books till he was 20 year old at leaft, and then, the ftory is too long to tell you, he fell upon a volun- tary ftudy, and with fome very few helps from a chaplain of his father's, who was a man of learning and had travell'd abroad, I fay, by his affiftance and his own application, he became what now we fee he is : and you may without doubt do the fame and more if you pleafe.' f. 109. " I was furprif'd at his difcourfe. A fecret joy fpread over my whole foul. I was quite another man than I was before, and I refolv'd from that moment that if it was in nature, if I had any morall powers, any capafcities, I would put them to the uttmofl ftretch ; that I would learn every thing that was to be taught and get every thing that was to be got, that I might no more pafs for a blockhead in company and riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 205 and look fo much like a fool, as I thought I did and as I concluded others muft needs think of me too. " The next morning after this, I took my nephew afide again, and ask't him if he thought a man might be found out that was capable of putting me into a method for thofe things we talkt of the night before, and that would undertake it. " He told me he did not doubt but he might hear of fuch a man either at London or at the Univerfity, tho' he did not yet kno' of any ; but he feem'd to doubt my part as to the applicacion.' " ' Don't doubt that, coufm,' faid I, ' for I'll lock my felf up for feaven year for it, if that be needfull. /• no. My time is of no value to me till I know how to employ it better than I do now, and I am fure I can't employ it better now, than to learn how to employ it better here after. Befides, I fhall hang my felf or be wifhing to do it every day to liv in this ftate of primitiv nature, when it is evedent I may, by a little applicacion, bring my felf out of it' " Thus, Sir," faid my friend, " I have given you an account of the firft a6l of this comedye. I doubt I have wearyed you with the length of it." I was moft agreeably furprif'd with this little hiftory, and afterwards when I had fome converfation with the young gentleman, his nephew, upon the fame fubjeft, he told me a great many particulars more of their difcourfe, which his own modefty would not fuffer him to mencion and which are too many and too long to be repeated here. Upon the whole it was happily propof'd by his nephew ; for feeing his uncle, my friend, fo much in earneft and that, as he faid, the thing it felf was fo much to his reall advantage in the profpe6l of it, he was refolv'd he would not be wanting in promoting fo good a defign ; fo he went up to London and after- wards 2o6 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. wards to Cambrige, where he found out a grave gentleman eminent for learning and one of a very good chara6ler for his moralls, and who was an excellent tutor, but out of employment and not in very good circumftances.' This man he brought home to his uncle, who, firft difcourfmg with him upon the defign of his taking him and finding he approved of it and thought it pra6ti- cable, foon agreed with him ; and he Avas firft brought to the houfe on the pretence of fetting his books in order, and fo was call'd his library keeper. Tho' the gentleman, my friend, had no great quantity of books before, fufificient to be call'd a library, yet by the direccion of his new tutor he foon furnifh'd himfelf with books proper for his ftudy, and had in lefs than two year a very good colleccion, not chofen after the manner of the perfon mencion'd before, but carefully and fkilfully chofen as his reading and his proficiency in ftudy call'd for them. He allow'd this library keeper very handfomely at his begining ; but as he found him not onely a capable man for his buffinefs, but a moft agreeable perfon in his converfation and a worthy good man many other wayes, he added to his allowance and to his conveniences alfo ; for he took him and his wife (he had no children) into his family, allow'd him ^loo per annum falary and a table furnifh'd from his own kitchin ; and afterwards having built a feperate appart- ment for his books the library keeper had a very hand- fome appartment for himfelf, wife, and a maid fervant, and the gentleman's family chaplin eat with them. Here he fliut himfelf up four houres every day : that was his ftated time, and to which he confin'd him- felf ; befides diverting himfelf at fpare times with read- ing hiflory and fuch other matters as befl pleafd his fancy ^ Abbreviated. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 207 fancy and as were recomended to him by his library keeper. This courfe he held four year and a half, during which time he ftudyed fo hard and with fuch appHca- cion, and his teacher mannag'd his inftruccions with fuch fuccefs, that in fhort he might be faid to mafter the fciences. He run thro' a whole courfe of Phylofophy, he perfe6lly compaff'd the ftudy of Geography, the ufe of the maps and globes ; he read all that Sir Ifaac Newton, Mr. Whifton, Mr. Halley had faid in Englifli upon the niceft fubje6ls in Aftronomy and the fecrets of Nature ; he was extremely delighted with Sir Ifaac's opticks and all his nice experiments, feparacion of colours, and other writings ; for what he could not come at in Englifh, his laborious teacher tranflated for him in leffons and abridg'd le6lures, fo that in a word in thofe 4 yeares and half he was a mathematician, a geographer, an aftronomer, a philofopher, and, in a word, a compleat fchollar : and all this without the leaft help from the Greek or the Latin. However not content with all this, the laft half year of his ftudyes his diligent tutor form'd a compendious method to teach him Latin, and made fuch a progrefs in it, that/ m. the gentleman, my friend, began to underftand it toller- ably well, could read and underftand any Latin author pretty well, and by talking it conftantly with his tutor, as it were by rote, had learn'd it as a fpeech as well as learnt the rudiments and rules of grammar. But at the end of this fuccefsful progrefs, his pain- full library keeper dropt off and dyed, to his inexpref- fible affliccion and lofs. He was fo kind to the memory of his tutor, who he allways call'd father, that he continued his wife and her maid in his family, as fhe was before, allow'd her a table as in her hufband's time, and ;^20 a year for cloths and her maid's wages, expences, etc., till after about eight year 2o8 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. year more the widdow delivr'd him of that beneficence and dyed too. This fmall hiflory I have mencion'd here and been the more particular in, that all our gentlemen who are, as many pretend to be, fencible of the defe6ls of their educacion and of the unhappynefs of their paternal ignorance may fee, if they are fmcere in their concern about it, a fair way to recover the defficiency of their educacion, and may foon let the world fee that a gentleman may be a fchollar without Greek or Latin. Nor is it abfolutely neceffary that every gentleman, however defirous he may be of recovering him felf in the improvement of his knowlege, fhould purfue it with fo much application and in fuch a laborious manner as my friend did. He was, indeed, an extraordinary example, and is fo recommended ; but then he had an infatiable thirft after the thing call'd learning, and was refolute in the purfuit of it, unwearyed in his fludy and never fatisfyed with knowing, and exceeding delighted alfo in the fuccefs, I muft add here that it would be a happy encour- aging ftep towards the improving young gentlemen in fcience and in the ftudy of all the liberall arts, as they are juftly call'd, if they were taught in Englifli and if all the learned labours of the mafters of the age were made to fpeak Englifh, to be levell'd to the capafcities of the more unlearn'd part of man-kind, who would be encourag'd by that means to look into thofe happy dif- coveryes in Nature, which have ^ been the ftudy and labour of fo many ages. I have often heard gentlemen complain that the Univerfities feem to lock up the knowlege of Nature, as the Papifts the cup in the Eucharift, from the ufe of the vulgar, as if they were afraid the unlearned part of the world fhould grow wifer, and thofe that kno' but little 1 MS. has. "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 209 little for want of inftruccion fhould be farther inform'd by the help of reading. Knowlege can never be too diffufiv, nor too many men drink at her ftreams. The French are particularly to be applauded for this ; they have made allmoft all the learned labours of the Antients their own by tranflateing them into their own language and teaching all the phylofophy and wifdome of both the firft and lafb ages in their own tongue to the infinite advantage as well as pleafure and fatisfaccion of the people who defire knowlege. The learned languages, as they are properly call'd, are no other way valuable to us in the article of know- lege than as they give us the reading of the antient hiftorys and of the wifdom and the phylofophy of the Antients, which is written in thofe languages, as Plu- tarch, Herodotus, Xenophon, Homer, and others, in the Greek ; and of Ovid, Horace, Virgil, Saluft, Livy, and abundance of other authors of the Antients ; and, in a word, the labours of all the primitiv fathers, do6lors of the Church, and other authors either religious or phylofophick, who have written in thofe languages. Had the learning of the Romans and Grecians been taken from other antient authors, as ours is from them, and been to be ftudyed in other languages, how few learned writers fhould we have had efpecially among the Romans. All the authors we learn from, all the poets, phylofophers, phyfitians, and hiftorians, wrot in their mother tongue and in the very language they learnt to fpeak and fpell in, whereas we are fain to learn the language of the author firft and then take in his fence and underftanding. Now if thofe writeings which are the labours of the learned were handed down to us in our own tongue, if the phylofophy, the geography, the aftronomy of as well the antient as the modern writers were made O familiar 210 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. familiar to us, and all Hberall arts and fciences taught in our mother tongue, it muft be granted men might be made fchollars at a much eafier expence as well of labour as of money than now, and men might be term'd truly learned and yet kno' nothing of the Greek or the Latin. It is faid, indeed, that a man that will be a fchollar ought to be able to examine the tranflacions of all books with the originalls, to fee that he is not impofed vpon by the tranflator ; that no man of fence cares to read a tranflation that can read the originall ; and in fome things it may be very well to be able to do fo. But is it worth any gentleman's while, as Oldham fayes, to go feaven year to the Grammar Bridewell (the fchool) and there beat Greek and Latin, as whores beat hemp ? Is it worth all this labour to make a man able to read and compare the originals, when he can read and may depend upon the juftice of the tranflation ? If a man may be a good Chriftian, tho' he can not compare all the tranflations of Scripture which are the foundation of his Chriftian knowlege, with the originals, and trye all the various readings with the text ; that is, in a word, with out being able to read the polyglott /. wib. Bible : why may he not be allow'd to be a fchollar who has gone thro' all the fciences, paff't a courfe of naturall and experimentall phylofophy, and read over all the works of the beft mafters in thofe ftudyes, tho' he has not read them in the originals but in the tranflation onely. It is faid of the learned Mr. Cambden that, in order to quallifye himfelf for his great Itinerat or Survey of England, he found himfelf under an neceffity to ftudy and make himfelf mafter of the old Welch or Britifti tongue and alfo of the Saxon, and to be able to read both the Britifti and Saxon charafler. The reafon was plain : there was no tranflation of all the Britifti proper names The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 211 names of perfons, places, and families, no authors who had rendred thofe words into Englifli or into Latin ; for he wrote his Brittannia in Latin. Had there been any tranflation of thofe things into Latin or Englifh, Mr. Cambden would never have beftowed the fruitlefs labour to learn a language which after his book was finifhed he knew would be of no ufe to him ; and yet Mr. Cambden was no lefs a fchollar and a learned man before than he was afterward. We have, no queftion, a great many learned men among us, and whofe reputacion for learning fuffers no diminution, altho' they can not read the Chaldee para- phrafe ' of the Bible, or the Arabic or Syriac coppies of it, or tho' they can not read the Mufcovite, which is the Sclavonian language, or the Chinefe, which is worfe to find out than all the reft. Suppofe a gentleman whofe chara6ler as fuch is un- difputed, who thinks it worth his while to ftudy naturall phylofophy, to dip into the abyffe of wifdom and artfuU knowlege call'd aftronomy, or any other of thofe happy ftudyes which, being mafter'd, fo juftly denomi- nate a man a fchollar or a man of a lib'rall educacion ; I fay, why muft this gentleman take the drudgery upon him of learning that language meerly to quallify him- felf for the ftudy, when he knows that the books which are needfuU for underftanding that fcience are allready made Englifh, and that he may as well learn every branch of fcience in Englifh as in Latin. Upon the whole, the ftudy of fcience is the original of learning ; the word imports it, 'Tis the fearch after knowlege. Latin and Greek are indeed great helps to make the work eafie, all the antient learning being found in thofe languages, which are therefor call'd the learned languages. But doubtlefs, Latin and Greek onely propagate - themfelves ^ MS.parapka/e. 2 yiS. propogate. 212 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. X themfelves in it, feeing by the help of univerfall tranf- lation it is poffible a diligent man may, tho' with fome difficulty, furnifli himfelf with all neceffary knowlege without them. The knowlege of things, not words, make a fchollar. If you are to be no phylofopher, unlefs you can read the phylofophy of the Ancients, and read it too in the languages they were written in, then tranflation is out of doores, is all labour loft, and learning and phylofophy is all lockt up in Latin and Greek, as money in an iron cheft, which no man can come at without the key. My friend who ftudyed thus hard for four year and a half, that according to Solomon he might be truly faid to feek for Knowlege as for filver and to fearch for her as for hid treafure, laugh'd at all this. — " Why am I no fchollar 1 " fayes he, " feeing I have hunted out Learning in all her deepeft and darkeft receffes, and have found her. I have made all the Greek and Latin that is extant in the world fubfervient to my inquiry, and, by the help of my never failing library keeper, have had them tranflated and abridg'd for me, and fo have made them my own, and now," fayes he, " I am a /. 112. fchollar in the ftrifteft fence." And fo without all doubt he was. It is true, this gentleman follow'd the enquiry after Wifdom with an unufuall applicacion ; hepurfued her with an unwearyed dilligence, and he conquer'd the difficulty by the extreameft labour both of him felf and his faithfull inftruftor. He had alfo a treafure in that honeft and dilligent affiftant. He was a fund of all kind of learning ; he was to him adi6lionary for the Latin, a lexicon for the Greek, an oracle in all difficultyes, and an interpreter on all languages ; and as he often faid, he was a fountain of knowlege to him, for the ftreams were all his own ; and as he had him entirely to himfelf, fo he thought he could not buy him too dear. The riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. The pains that worthy inftruclor took with him and for him ; the dilligence he uf'd, to find out proper and fuitable fubjefts to pleafe, as well as inftru6l him, that he might make his ftudy a delight to him ; his labour in tranflating and abridging things Avhich were not to be found in the English ; in a word, the fincerity and fuccefs of his endeavour were fuch, and the gentleman was fo fencible of it, that he lov'd him as a father and call'd him fo, as long as he liv'd, and thought he could never do enough for him ; and that made him, as I have faid, take him and his wife and maid fervant into his family, and when he built his library, build him an appartment and furnifh it and allow him a feperate table with the chaplain onely as his guefl, all which was over and above his firft agreement ; for at firft he onely allow'd him an hundred pounds a year, and his lodging was in a farmer's houfe hard by. I muft take notice here that I do not by this ex- ample intimate a contempt of the learned languages or difcourage any gentleman from fending their fons to the fchools fo early that they may make themfelves maflers of thofe languages in the feafon of them ; and it is not to be denyed but that 'tis greatly to their advantage to be able to read the antient as well as modern labours of the greateft men in the languages in which they were written. But the example is brought that thofe gentlemen who have had the mifsfortime of being negle6led when they were young, and, whether by the pride of being thought above it, or by the indolence of their inftrucl- ors, or by what ever accident, have loft the oppor- tunity of that help to erudition, may yet fee that they are not entirely loft to the world and to them felves by the lofs, but that with applicacion and taking proper methods they may retreiv the great diffadvan- tage they are under, and may ftill mafter the moft ufefull 214 T'he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. ufefuU parts of knowleg and be yet good fchollars to all the ends and purpofes of learning, notwithftanding ^ the lofs they have fuftain'd. It is evedent by this example that all the fciences may be taught in the Englifli tongue ; all phylofophy whether of the Antients or Moderns may be, nay, much of it allready is, written in Englifh ; and many Englifh gentlemen, men of learning and of the greateft capafcityes, who have firft publifli'd their labours in Latin have thought fitt to tranflate them into Englifli them felves and publifh them again, for the making knowlege the more extenfiv and doing a generall good to the world. Thus we fee Mr. Cambden's Britannia, Mr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth, and fome other valuable things written firft in Latin and made Englifh by their authors being fencible that there might be men of learning fufficient for the reading and under- ftanding thofe very learned difcourfes and accounts of things, which yet might not be mafters of the Latin fo as to be able to read them in the originall with fluency and eafe. This is a teflimony to the world that a man may be phylofopher enough to underftand, and judge of, the whole theory of the earth, which I might in that par- ticular refpeft call the theory of Nature, and yet not be accquainted either with the Latin or the Greek ; and this is the reafon of my quoting Mr. Burnet. If he had not been affur'd of this, and that his work would ■ be profitably underflood by many judicious readers who could not underftand it or perhaps not read it in /. 113- the Latin tongue, he would not have taken the pains to have written it over again in Englifh, and he gives a very good account of the reafon of it in his intro- duccion to that elaborate work. In his dedication to the late King William he has this i Abbreviated. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 215 this extraordinary expression, which is dire<5lly to my prefent purpofe and fully confirms my notion, that men may be fchollars without Latin, and phylofophers without Greek. His words are as follows ; having first briefly defcrib'd the fubje6l he had written upon, he adds : " Thefe ^ things, Sir, I propofe and prefume to prove in the following treatife, which I willingly fubmit to Your Majefty's judgment and cenfur, being very well fatisfied that if I had fought a patron in all the lift of kings, your contemporaries, or in the roll of your nobles of either order, I could not have found a more competent judge in a fpeculation of this nature. Your Majefty's fagacity and happy genius for Natural Hif- tory, for obfervations and remarks upon the Earth, the Heavens, and the Sea, is a better preparation for inquiries of this kind then all the dead learning of the fchools." If then a naturall fagacity and a happy genius quallifyes a man for obfervacions and remarks upon the hiftorys of Nature and the fyftems of the Heavens and the Earth, then thefe things may be enquir'd into without the helps of languages and the ufe of tongues, and a man by the helps of Nature may be a compleat .mafter of Naturall Phylofophy, of Naturall Hiftory, and in a word may be really a phylofopher without the helps of the learned languages, and may be truly call'd a fchollar without Latin or Greek. In his introduccion, as above, he has alfo this farther expreffion, which agrees fo exa6lly with the thing I am reafoning upon, that I could not omit the quotation. Like him I am far from depreciating the labour of the fchools or running down the value of learning ; but neither muft we be fuch bigots to the languages to wrap ^ This extract, ending with learmfig of the fchools, is in a different handwriting. 2i6 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. wrap up all learning in their fwadling cloths and de- termine the world to the bondage of their tyranny or to irretrievable ignorance. 'Tis the hight^ of pedantry to confine learning to a rule and fca/e, out of the fquare of which nothing is to be known, or to infift that nothing that is known by meer nature fhould be acknowleg'd valuable in the world. Mr. Burnet is very particular to this purpofe. Thus this work being chiefly philofo- phical, reafon is to be our firft guide. "Neither- does it fo much require book-learning and fcholar-fhip as good naturall fence to diftinguifh true and falf and to difcern what is well proved and what is not. It often happens that fcholaftick education like a trade does fo fix a man in a particular way, that he is not fit to judge of any thing that lyes out of that way, and fo his larning becomes a clog to his natural parts, and makes him more undocile and more uncap- able of improvments and new thoughts then thofe that have only the talents of nature ; as mafters of exercife had rather take a fcholar that never learn'd before, than one that hath had a bad mafber, fo generaly one would rather choofe a reader without art, than one ill inftru6led with learning but opinionative and without judgment. Not that it is neceffary they fhould want either. Learn- ing, well placed, ftrengthens all the powers of the mind. To conclude, juft reafoning and a generous love of truth, whether with or without erudition, is that which maks us moft competent judges of truth and makes it eafie and plain to us." From this truth and from fo great a man fome juft inferences naturally arife in the cafe before me; (i) that as a meer knowlege of the tongues is not the fum or fubftance of all learning, fo without leffening the value of that knowlege at all I am to add that the mind may be receptiv of much knowlege and be capable of true 1 MS. highth. " This quotation, too, is not written by Defoe. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 217 true learning-, and even larger degrees of it, as well in Natural Phylofophy as in many other branches of Science, without what Mr, Burnet very juftly calls the dead learning of the fchools. 2. That our gentry are in the wrong, who place their ignorance in generall to the account of their fathers in neglecting their education and not fending them to fchool ; let the reafons of that negleft be what they will for that : in fpite of all that negle6t and omiflions they have it in their power to inftru6t themfelves in all manner of fcience and humane knowlege, the meer fimple knowlege of the tongues excepted. All the Phylofophy whether of the Antients or of the Moderns fpeaks Englifh to them ; all the Mathe- maticks are taught in Englifh ; all the Geography, Geometrie, and the navigating arts fpeak to them in Englifh ; many of the beft fyftems of Natural Phylo- fophy are publifh'd in our mother tongue. What excufe is the not being able to read fome men's works againft their reading others which are as good } What occafion have they for the originals when they have unexcep- cionable tranflations } Let them but go thro' a courfe of Philofophy, a courfe of Aftronomy, Geography, Hiftory, etc., as far as the Englifli tongue will carry them ; and let us fee whether their knowlege of Phylofophy and all the other fciences will not deno- minate them fchollars, or whether any man after that will venture to call them men without learning, ignorant, and untaught. I conclude therefore that, notwithftand- 1 ing^ all the unhappy nocions of the gentry and ladyes in England that their fons must not be fent to fchool, yet the eldeft fons in England, who are generally the fufferers in this cafe, have no room to complain that/. 113-5. they are ignorant and untaught, becaufe, if they are fo, it muft be their own faults and none other. It 1 Abbreviated. 2i8 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. It may be true that their fathers and mothers deny'd them the dead learning of the tongues and that they were not taught as they fliould and ought to have been when they were boys, and they have no knowlege of Latin or Greek ; but Science and Phylofophy are the ftudyes of men, not of boys, neither are they any part of the learning of the grammar fchooles. There's no time left for thofe things, nor is the lofs of the learned languages any juft obftruccion to the accquirements of thefe kinds. The knowlege of Philofophy may be obtain'd in a due method without them. I once was accquainted with a tutor of unquefbion'd reputacion for learning and who was himfelf a critick in the learned languages and even in all the oriental tongues, as the Syriac, Chaldee, Arabic, Hebrew ; and none could obje6l that he did it for want of fivill, but being fencible of the great deficiency I have been fpeaking of, and how our gentlemen were dropt, as it were, out of the converfation of the learned world, he fet up what he call'd an Englifli Accademy. He firft publiflied his juft complaint againfb the fchool learning and their locking up, as I have call'd it, all fcience in the Greek and Latin, compelling all their pupils to learn the fciences in thofe languages or not at all, and to perform all their public exercifes in Latin or Greek ; by which means many young gentlemen, even the greateft and beft proficients in learning, as they underftand the word, came finifli'd, as they call'd it, out of their hands, and yet had no taft of the Englifli tongue, could neither exprefs themfelves fluently upon any fubje6l or write elegantly in their mother tongue. To re6lifye this great miftake of the fchools, he fet up his little Accademy, wherein he taught Phyficks, that is 1, to fay. Natural Phylofophy, with a fyftem of Aftronomy "^ T' as a feperate fcience, tho' not exclufiv of the generall fyftem of Nature ; he taught alfo Geography and the ufe riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 219 ufe of the maps and globes in a feperate or diftin6l clafs : in a word, he taught his pupils all the parts of accademick learning, except Medicine and Surgery. He alfo had a clafs for Hiftory, ecclefiaflic and civil. And all this he taught in Englifli. He read his le6lures upon every fcience in Englifh, and gave his pupils draughts of the works of Khiel and Newton and others, tranflated ; alfo he requir'd all the exercifes and per- formances of the gentlemen, his pupils, to be made in Englifh. \ He had a clafs for eloquence, and his pupils declaim'd weekly in the Englifh tongue, made orations, and wrot epiftles twice every week upon fuch fubje6ls as he prefcrib'd to them or upon fuch as they themfelves chofe to write upon. Sometimes they were ambaffa- dors and agents abroad at forreign Courts, and wrote accounts of their negotiacions and recepcion in forreign Courts dire6led to the Secretary of State and fome times to the Soveraign himfelf Some times they were Minifters of State, Secretaries and Commiffioners at home, and wrote orders and inftruccions to the minifters abroad, as by order of the King in Council and the like. Thus he taught his pupils to write a mafculine and manly ftile, to write the moft polite Englifh, and at the fame time to kno' how to fuit their manner as well to the fubje61: they were to write upon as to the perfons or degrees of perfons they were to write to ; and all equally free and plain, without foolifh flouriflies and ridiculous flights of/. 114. jingling bombaft in ftile, or dull meaneffes of expreffion below the dignity of the fubjefl or the chara6ler of the writer. In a word, his pupils came out of his hands finifli'd orators, fitted to fpeak in the higheft pre fence, to the greateft affemlies,' and even in Parliament,- Courts of Juftice, or any where ; and feverall of them come ' 1 I.e., a/femblies. ^ P, 220 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. came afterward to fpeak in all thofe places and capaf- cityes with great applaufe. It is my opinion that we greatly want fuch an accademy at this time for the recovery of our younger gentry from that unhappy ignorance which the negli- gence of their opinionated anceftors and inftru6lors left them in, and which is occafion'd by the groffeffc and fimpleft of all foolifh nocions, namely, that going to fchool was inconfiftent with their honour, and that learning was needlefs to a gentleman ; that is, in fhort, that a man of fortune was abov being a man of fence, that it was an indignity for the child of a gentleman, the heir of the family, to be fubjeft to the mechanifme of letters and the difcipline of teaching. I wonder indeed they would vouchfafe to let him be learnt to fpeak or to kno' his letters, to learn his ABC, and to read Englifh ; which indeed fome of them can hardly be faid to do. The way of learning I am recommending would certainly retriev all this lofs and bring a gentleman to be a man of fence, in fpite of all the D . . . . has done to make him a fool, will accomplifli him in all the beauties of learning and oratory and make him be acknowleg'd for a man of learning even among the beft and wifeft of men, and that without the learned languages, feeing they can not be had. How many noble artifts have we in the greatefl and beft branches of the Mathematicks, (viz.) in Aftronomy, in Geometry, in Arethmitick as well vulgar as decimal, in Algebra, in the do6lrines of the Spheres, the ufe of the globes, the art of navigation, and in feverall other things, who kno' very little or nothing of the learned tongues. Again how many gentlemen and travellers, mer- chants, and even feamen, that is to fay, navigators or commanders of fhips, are there at this time to be found who are men of generall knowlege, fpeak and write feverall The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 221 feverall languages, as I may fay, to perfeccion, and yet kno' nothing of the Latin or Greek : are none of thefe to be call'd fchollars ? I had occafion to be in the company of two merchants, even while I was writing this tract ; (i) the one had liv'd 20 yeares in the northern and north eaft parts of Europe in the Courts of Ruffia and Poland, and he fpoke the Ruffian, the Sclavonian, and Polifh tongues as now in ufe in Mufcovy, Poland, Tartary, and Hungary. Alfo he fpoke the High Dutch, and that in the feverall dialefts of Pruffia, Danemark, and Sweden, and with all he fpoke French as the common fpeech at Court all over Europe, and, lafbly, he fpoke Englifh as his mother tongue : and yet this gentleman had no Greek or Latin. 2. The other was what we call a Turkey merchant, and had liv'd at Aleppo, at Conftantinople, and at Grand Cairo. This gentleman, for fuch he was by blood, tho' by his profeffion a merchant, he fpoke the Arabic in all its feverall diale6ls as fpoken by the Turks at all thofe places ; for their language is certainly a generall Syriak and Arabic jargon, neither of them feperately. He fpoke alfo Italian, French, Low Dutch and Englifh, but neither Latin or Greek, except fuch Greek as the people call'd Greeks now fpeak in the Morea and at Zant, where he had alfo liv'd fome time, but which, as he faid, did not deferv to be call'd by the name of Greek. Now, neither of thefe men in the language of our times were to be call'd fchollars or men of learning, and yet they had feperately, and much more together, /. 115. fuch a fund of knowlege of hiftory, of perfons and things, of the intreft of nacions, and of the languages of nations from one end of the known world to the other, that not a man of learning in Oxford or Cam- bridge but would have been delighted in their converfa- tion, 222 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. tion, and would have efteem'd them as living treafuryes of knowlege and learning. But fuch is the vanity of the times, fuch the humour or ufage of the day, that nothing but claffic reading is call'd litterature ; Homer and Virgil and Horace and Ovid, Livy and Saluft, Cicero and Tacitus, thefe are, and fuch as thefe are, in our modern acceptacion, are the founders of knowlege, and no man is learned with- out them ; nay, unlefs he is mafter of the very letter, has them by heart, and can bring them out peice meal and in fragments in all his difcourfe. It is the vanity of this perticular kind that has brought it into a proverb to the fcandal of our nation, that an Englifliman has his mouth full of borrow'd phrafes, that he is allwayes borrowing other men's languages and quoteing other men's fentences in Latin, but faies none of his own ; not an author writes a pamphlet, not a poet a coppy of verfes, no, not to his miftrefs, tho' fhe knows nothing of the matter, but he draws a bill upon Horace or Virgil or fome of the old chiming train, and talks as familliarly of them as if they had been brought up together. And what is there in all their claffic learning which is not made Englifh or made French, by which, tho' the beauty of the verfe is not, and indeed can not, be preferv'd, the fubftance of the author is convey'd to us either expreffly or complexly and really and fub- ftantially, fo that the gentlemen that can not be faid to have a taft of them in the beauty of their originall languages can not however be faid to be wholly ignorant of them } On the other hand 'tis evedent from what has been faid, that fcience is generally unconcern 'd^ in them. A gentleman may go thro' a whole courfe of Phylofophy whether natural or experimental ; he may be a compleat mafber ^ MS. un-cernd. T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 223 mafter of the Hiftory and Geography of the whole world; he may have furvey'd the whole abyffe of learning and knowlege call'd the Mathematicks, and have fearcht into every creek and corner of it, and yet have never open'd a book or read a line among- the clafficks. He may have ftudyed Divinity, practical and polemick, div'd into all the facred myfteries, and made himfelf mafter of all the controverfies, judg'd of all the herifyes and doctrinal errors from Ebion and Cerinthus down to Toland and Emlin, and yet not have been concern'd among any of the Roman and Grsecian heathen writers, nor have been able to have look'd over the Polyglott, the Septuagint, or the Talmud. All thefe things have been laborioufly tranflated and faithfully rendred in the Englifli tongue, and thefe tranflations and rendrings have been fo often and fo dilligently revifed and compar'd with the originals, that a dilligent and underftanding Englifh reader can not be faid to be at a lofs in underftanding them and may be properly faid to be thoro'ly mafter of the true meaning of them. It would be very hard with us all if it might not be faid that a good Chriftian may fully underftand the Scriptures, which are the greateft and beft and trueft originall of all religious knowlege in the world, without being fkilled in the originall Hebrew and Greek, in which thofe facred books were firfl written. If then a man may be learned in all the wifdome and knowlege of God fo as to be a complete Chriftian, and that with- out the knowlege of either Latin or Greek, I fee no /. 116. reafon to fcruple faying he may be a complete phylo- fopher or a complete mathematitian, tho' he has no fkill in the learned languages. The dilligence of the learned would hav chang'd this fcene, and have made it poffible by the helps of their labours and on the flioulders of their learning in tranf- lating 224 "^^'^ COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. lating the antient and modern writings, that men may- be really fchollars and compleatly learned without knowing^ the originalls by the meer reading and fludying thofe tranflacions. All that can be obje6led has been the fidelity of the tranflators and the juftice of the tranflations, and this is to be anfwer'd for feverall ways. Firft, the chara6ler of the men as well for fl-cill as reputacion. Second, the criticall examination they have paff t in every age. I. The charafter of the men ; and here without giving a lift of the tranflators as well of the prefent as of the paft ages, we may fay their fidellity as well as their fkill has this tryall, (viz.) that as they have been varyed by feverall hands, fo they have generally agreed in giving the fence of the authors they have tranflated. ^ What difference is among them is chiefly in the lan- guage of the tranflation, the Engiifh flile having been faid to have- vary'd more between this age and the laft 50 or 60 yeares than in a hundred yeares before. ^ I need not enter into particulars here or enquire into the differing manner of writeing : 'tis too well known by men of learning ; and this may have been the reafon why moft of the Roman and Greek authours have fuffr'd the hardfhip of feverall tranflations ; and even thofe books which were tranflated very well, nay beft, in the laft ages, have been done over again in this, and that, as we fuppofe, greatly to advantage, as Virgil, Juvenal, Ovid, Czefar, Saluft,^ Livy and feverall others among the Latins, Plutarch, Herodotus, Homer, Seneca, Jofephus and others among the Greeks. But in all thofe tranflacions, tho' the tranflators have given us a differing taft of their wit, learning, and good language, and the lateft are efteem'd the beft, yet they all appear candid and genuine, giving the fence of the authors ^ MS. kowing. ' have is omitted in MS. ^ MS. Stdujl. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 225 authors fincerely according to the ordinary underftand- ing of the times, nor is there any confiderable variation among them in matters of fa6l, which fhevv that they all purfued the defign of tranflators, honeftly and uprightly. Hence a man may be as well fkill'd in all the Roman and Grecian hifbory, to fay nothing of the reft, by read- ing thefe learned authors as they are tranflated onely, as if he had been able to have examin'd them all by the originalls and had read them critically in the Latin and the Greek. This being the cafe, then, no gentleman ought to throw up the point and grow defperate becaufe he was not fent to fchool, as he ought to have been, in his child- hood, and been made mafter of the learned languages in the time of it, feeing it is never too late ; and he may ftill form his genius with the fublimefl ftudyes, and ftore himfelf with all the learning neceffary to make him a complete gentleman. If he has not travell'd in his youth, has not made the grand tour of Italy and France, he may make the tour of the world in books, he may make himfelf mafter X, of the geography of the Univerfe in the maps, attlaffes, "^ and meafurements of our mathematicians.^ He may travell by land with the hiftorian, by fea with the navi- gators. He may go round the globe with Dampier and Rogers, and kno' a thoufand times more in doing it than all thofe illiterate failors. He may make all diftant places near to him in his reviewing the voiages of thofe that faw them., and all the paft and remote accounts prefent to him by the hiftorians that have written of /. 117- them. He may meafure the latitudes and diftances of places by the labours and charts of thofe that have furvey'd them, and know the ftrength of towns and cityes by" the defcripcions of thofe that have ftorm'd and taken them, with this difference, too, in his know- lege, ■" MS. matheniaiicia. * MS. be. 226 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. lege, and infinitely to his advantage, viz., that thofe travellers, voiagers, furveyors, foldiers, etc., kno' but every man his fhare, and that fhar but little, accord- ing to the narrow compafs of their owne a6lings. But he recievs the idea of the whole at one view. The ftudious geographer and the well read hiftorian travells with not this or that navigator or traveller, marches with not this or that generall, or making this or that campaign, but he keeps them all company ; he marches with Hannibal over the Alps into Italy, and with Csefar into Gaul and into Britain, with Belifarius into Afifric, and with the Emperor Honorius into Perfia. He fights the battle of Granicus with Alexander, and of A6lium with Auguftus ; he is at the overthro' of the great Bajazette by Tamerlain, and of Tomombejus and his Mamaluks by Selymus ; he fees the battle of Lepanto, with the defeat of the Spanifh Armada with Drake ; with Adrian he views the whole Roman Empire and, in a word, the whole world ; he difcovers America with Columbus, conquers it with the great Cortez, and replunders it with Sir Francis Drake. Nothing has been famous or valuable in the world, or even the ruines of it, but he has it all in his view ; and nothing done in the world but he has it in his knowlege, from the feige of Jerufalem to the fiege of Namure, and from Titus Vefpafian to the greater King William : he has it all at the tip of his tongue. Nor are thefe ftudyes profitable onely and improving, but delightfull and pleafant too to the laft degree. No romances, playes, or diverting ftoryes can be equally entertaining to a man of fence ; nay, they make a man be a man of fence ; they give him a taft who had none before ; they teach him how to relifh fuperior knowlege as he looks up to the heavenly bodyes, whofe mocions he learns to underfland in his aftronomicall readings ; he is charm'd with the harmony of the fyftem riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 227 fyftem and with feeing their dire6l, as well as retro- grade mocions conform exa6lly with the calculacions of them by books. When he fees the ecclypfes, conjunccions, and oppofi- tions of the plannets, thofe folemn teftimonyes of the verity of Aftronomy, happen exaflly in time and quantity, fituacion, and degree, I fay exatlly to the moment foretold by the artifts, he is fir'd with defires of fearching farther into the glorious circle of wonders, the hemifphere, the arch of which appeares continually revolving in the moft beautiful! order, exactly as defcrib'd by his Ephimeris' and as he can read it upon the celeftial globe. He has the like delightful! view of the terreftrial " globe when reading all the moft antient, as well as modern hiftories of the world ; he can turn to his maps and fee the very fpot where every great accion was done, however remote either in place or in time. Every fcene of glory is there fpread before him, from the great overthro' of Senacharib's army at the gates of Samaria, or from the defeat of the Ethiopian army of a thoufand thoufand to the yet more well fought battles of Leipfick, Blenheim, and Malplaquet. How agreeable a diverfion is it to him to read the public prints with his colleccion of maps and charts before him, where he can fee the Britifh Squadron blocking up the Spanifh' Plate Fleet at Porto Belo, and imediately turn his eye and fee another Britifh Squadron, awing the Ruffian Navy at Revell and Narve, and they, tho' double in number, not daring to put to fea to fuccour the Spaniards.^ The next moment he has turn'd over a leaf, and the like chart prefents Gibraltar to his view, and the Spaniards battering themfelves to peices inftead of the town, and wafting their army in a fruitlefs, unfkillfull feige without fo much ^ MS. Ephineris. * MS- terrejiial. '' S. 228 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. much as comeing near enough to draw a fword in the whole war. There alfo he fees another Englifh Squadron keeping the feas open and convoying troops /. ii8. and relief dayly to the place and affifting that one fmall town in overmatching all the forces of Spain,^ whether by land or by fea. When armies march or fleets fail he can trace them with his eye, fee all their mocions, and fome of them even before they are begun, can tell where they are to day, and make a probable judgement where they will be to morrow. I might enlarge experimentally upon the delightfull fearch into naturall hiftory and the rarityes difcover'd daily in the vegitativ world, like wife into experimental as well as naturall phylofophy the moft agreeable as well as profitable ftudy in the world. All thefe things lye before him ; he may turn his head to them as he fees fit ; his having been abufed in his child-hood and not having been fent to fchool may prefent nothing difcouraging to him for thefe are the ftudyes of men, not of boys. The ladyes can not put him off of them by faying they are below his birth ; for thefe are improvments for gentlemen, not mechanicks, nay, even for the highefl rank of m.en. But to go farther yet, the inquiries and improv- ments of this kind are fitted for the brighteft genius, the mofh clear underftanding, the moft difcerning heads ; men exalted in their curious fearch after knowlege above the ordinary fort of people look into fuch things as thefe. The king himfelf might glory in the acc- quirement, nor is it beneath the dignity of an emperor to underftand them. How weak then is it for a gentleman to fit down in a ftate of ignorance and indolence, on pretence of his having loft his firft teachings of the fchools. Thefe are ftudyes ^ S. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 229 ftudyes not to be begun till thofe claffic inftruccions are over, and may be fet about and maftr'd, tho' thofe teachings had been wholy omitted. I could giv many more examples of the fuccefs of thefe Poji Entries, as they might be call'd, in learning, and of the eafynefs of gentlemen in making the happy attempt upon themfelves : I fhall however, for the prefent, content my felf with what has been faid, onely adding one thing, which I think is particularly remark- able and which may be depended upon, (viz.) that fuch voluntary ftudents, fuch gentlemen, who thus being fencible of the deficiency of their educacion have applyed themfelves by a voluntary ftudy to recover the lofs, make a fwifter progreffion by many degrees than thofe who are taught young and under the difcipline of paedagogues and domineering mafbers, who think to drive Greek and Latin into them with a beetle and wedges, as men clear blocks, and who, in a word, fpoil as many fchollars as they make. On the contrary, here, befides the difference of yeares, a man learns by choice, knows fomething of the ufe of what he learns, and more of the want of it, before he begins. He reads as hungry men eat, not with the guft, appetite onely, but with a fence of profit and under the anguifli of neceffity. He knows what it is to be without knowlege, and is eager to take it in ; and what is ftill beyond all, he will be as eager to retain it. 'Tis a pleafure to teach thofe that make it a pleafure to learn ; he that reads thus, teaches himfelf and learns from himfelf; an inftruclor has little more to do than to tell him what books he fhall read, and anfwer fuch enquiries as he Ihall make. The gentleman that reads will neceffarily inftru6l himfelf, he needs only a tutor like a Lexicon Techniciim to be at his hand to refolve difficultyes, explain terms, and ftate the world to him as it comes in his way. Let 230 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Let him no more afflift himfelf, then, at the loft houres of his child-hood. 'Tis a lofs indeed and, as it /. 119. were, a fetting him back in point of time, and 'tis a lofs of the tongues. Don't leffen it as if it were no injury to him ; but 'tis no fuch injury but it may be repair'd. He may recover the greateft and moft fatal part of the lofs ; he may mafter all the polite part of learning ; he is fully quallifyed for the ftudy of Nature ; he may mafter all thofe branches of fcience in which reafon is the guide and Nature the book ; he may, in a word, be every thing which a gentleman need to be, and kno' every thing that a gentleman need to kno' and that is neceffary to deliver him from the fcandal of being ignorant and untaught. As to the advantages^ which the meer knowlege of the tongues may be to fuch a gentleman fo taught, they need take up none of our time here. There are feverall things which would recomend the ufe of the languages to us ; and if they were learnt in their feafon, it would be in its kind a great addition ; but to talk as if a man could have no complete knowlege without them is to carry their rate much higher than the intrinfick worth,^ as a man may value his gold, at ;^io an oz. when 'tis not worth above four. Nor is Latin and Greek of fo high a price as it has been in the world of litterature ; as when our American collonies were firft difcovred, the drugs, the furs, the fugars, nay, even the tobacco were of three times the value they are at now ; but by large importacions and doubling the cultivacion and bringing other plants and drugs from other parts, and which, perhaps, ferv to the fame ufes, the rate is fallen, and they are not fo eftem'd as before. We find the Moderns begin to gain upon the Antients extremely, and fome parts of knowlege fhine brighter in Englifh ^ MS. advafttage. ' worth not in MS. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 231 Englifh than ever they did in Latin, Our phylofophers have exploded the Ancients in many things, fuch as in the mocion of the heavenly bodyes/ the ufe of the magnet, and the improvements of navigacion, which are all modern, and feverall other things ; likewife the circulacion of the blood in phyfickal experiments, and abundance of modern experiments not to be nam'd with the other ; likewife the improvments in the mathematicks, fortificacion, incampments, intrenchings, millitary difcipline, befeiging and defending towns, in all which and many other the knowlege and experience of the prefent age is infinitely beyond what ever went before them. Now all thefe ftudyes are made in the Englifh tongue, and are neceffarily to be receiv'd there, and in no other. Greek and Latin has nothing to do with it, nor are fome of the beft mafters in thefe ufefull parts of knowlege accquainted with them. ■• Over h. b. is written New Philofophy. CAP. /. I20. CAP. VI. Of the gentlevian' s govermnent of kin f elf, his family and fortune. I . Of the governnieiit of hivifelf '¥ the gentleman we are treating of can not govern himfelf, how fhould we expe6l any- good^ oeconomy in his houfehold ? how fhall he dire6l his family or mannage his fortune ? and why is it that we fee fo many good familyes fink in the world and both their eftates and pofterity fuffer an irecoverable decay but for want of this neceffary thing call'd oeconomy or good ' govern- ment and mannagement of the family ? Where can the neglect or omiffion of it all lye but in the head of the family ? Who we find too often letting the reins loofe to his vices or at beft to his pleafures, thinks it below him to mind his other affaires, either to regulate his family or to mannage and improv his eftate. Let us confider thefe three heads apart. The gentleman s government of himfelf It muft be con- feff't there is a great, I had allmoft faid an univerfall, defficiency among our gentlemen in the government of themfelves ; their moralls and manners are deprav'd and vitiated in a manner hardly to be defcrib'd, at leaft not fully. Whether this generall depravity of manners is 1 Abbreviated. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 233 is more the caufe of the defe6l of education or the confequence of it, is not eafily determin'd ; but 'tis manifeft that it works both wayes, tho' with different effe6ls, as in the father 'tis the caufe why the fon is not well taught and inftru6led, and in the fon 'tis the effe6l of his father's not inftru6ling him. Firft, his vicious, debauch't father omited the inftruft- ing or indufting his fon ; the uninftru6led, untaught fon grows vicious and debauch't, becaufe he is untaught and uninftrucled in the wayes of wifdome and knows not the beauty and excellency of learning and of virtue. In a word, ignorance is the feed of levity, and a fool turns proffligate by the meer deprivation of wit ; the weaknefs of his moralls derives from the weaknefs of his head, and he follows mean and fcandalous vice from his meer ignorance of virtue and true wifdome. In confequence of this, when he comes to have a family of his own, he does the fame, and his heir fucceeds to the miftakes as well as the eftate of the family. The fame increafe of ignorance and decay of virtue follow from the fame fund of naturall depravity. Thus vice begets ignorance, and ignorance nurfes up wickednefs in the meer courfe of things. 'Tis all caufe and confequence, meer nature, and it can be no otherwife. The alternativ is as neceffary, and fucceeds to it felf as naturally as light and dark, death and life ; /. 122. where one precedes, the other muft fuccede, it can not be otherwife. How hard it is that Nature fhould thus tye us up to the fatal confequence that becaufe I am a fot my fon muft be a fool ! If I am wicked and vile for my felf, it is nothing but to my felf, and when I am gone the world is well rid of me. But to think I fhould entail a defcent of folly and vice, ignorance and wickedness, upon my whole pofterity, that I fhould bring a race of fools into the line, and that they fhould go on curfmg me, the great progenitor of all their wicked 234 T'he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. wicked gradacions, and that there Ihould be an* alter- nate fuccefiion of fool and and knav in all my genera- cions for a hundred ages to come : this indeed is very- mortifying ; that I, becaufe I am indolent and debauch't, muft beget an ignorant fon, he not knowing better leaves his heir like his anceftor, indolent and a defpifer of that learning he was never taught to value ; from which he runs on to the fame excefs of floth and ignorance that I was wrapt up in at firft. Thus wickednefs fucceeds Hell ; and Hell, wickednefs, take it which way you pleafe. /. 121. I might very profitably enlarge here upon the neceffity the compleat gentleman is under in the government of himfelf, to regard his moralls and that the generall part of his perfonall conduct fhould de- nominate him a man of virtue in meer compaffion to his pofterity ; but it would be too tedious a digreffion. Allow me, however, to recommend it with relation to himfelf perfonally. rit is a great miftake to fay that a proffligate, vicious life is confiftent with a compleat gentleman ; virtue is fo far from being below the quallity of a gentleman, or even of a nobleman, that ftrictly fpeaking a man can not be truly noble or compleatly a gentleman without it ; and tho' I were to take no notice of religion in this difcourfe, but confining my felf to thofe we call morall virtues onely, yet the thing is true in the moft abftracled fence. A gentleman giving himfelf a loofe in all manner of vice and extravagance, what is he to be efteem'd in life .'' how can he be call'd a gentleman without making a juft excepcion for his ill government of himfelf } We have frequent examples of this in the ordinary acceptacion of a gentleman, where nothing is more frequent than to fay fuch a nobleman or fuch a gentle- man ^ MS. afucceffion alternate^ corrected to a alt.fiicc. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 235 man is a very fine perfon, has a thoufand good qualli- tyes, but he is this, but he is that, mencioning fome immorallitie, fome impropriety, which he unhappily mingles with his chara6ler, and then they conclude, what pity it is that fuch a fine gentleman, fuch a noble perfon, fuch an extraordinary man fhould fully his chara6ler in fuch a manner. Perhaps, it is a mif- trefs or two, perhaps an open profeff't atheifme, perhaps a habit of fwearing, or that he is given to exceffiv drinking, perhaps violently paffionate, or the like. His favourite vice is allwayes brought in as an excepcion to his chara6ler otherwife unfpotted. On the contrary, we never find a gentleman's being fober, modeft, wife, religious, temperate, learned, virtuous, I fay, we never find thefe brought in as excepcions againft, but as ornaments of, and addicions to, his chara6ler, and as things which in the univerfall opinion of mankind ferv to illufhrate and brighten his fame. Even the men of crime themfelves, who want the virtues which addorn his chara6ler, will recognize the value and beauty of them in the virtuous gentleman, and frequently reproach themfelves with the want of them, like Baalim wifhing to dye the death of the righteous. It muft remain upon record in honour of the memory of the late Queen Ann that Her Majeflie uf'd to fay fhe thought there was not a better le6lure of morallity to be read in the world, than might be read in the vifible differences between the meer figure or appearance of a gentleman or noble-man of virtue and a rake of the fame quallity as they ordinaryly fhew'd themfelves at Court, and that they might be read at firft fight. I muft therefore lay it down as one of the moft neceffary accomplifhments of a compleat gentleman that he takes an efpeciall care of his moralls ; that he takes good principles into his family as his efpeciall favourites 236 'The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. favourites and domeflicks ; that he guard his virtue with the uttmofl caution and care ; and that he never thinks it below him to be efteem'd as a man of modefty, fobriety and temperance, nor a man of religion too, as things without which his chara6ler will be allwife markt with an afterifme or * when it is mencion'd in converfa- cion, having an excepcion allways attending his good / name and allways mencioned with him in company. /. 121'^. If the unhappy gentleman has been ill taught or un- taught, the thing I have been reprefenting as the firft mifsfortune in his houfe and efpecially in himfelf, let him confider that defe61; as the firft to be repair'd ; and he has this for his encouragement, that this part is to be recover'd without a teacher. No man need be taught to abandon his vices and reform his manners, as Nature will di6late one part of it, confcience will di6late the other. He wants nothing but to be convinc't that it ought to be done ; and it would be needlefs to preach moralls to him any long time. Let him but appeal to himfelf, and he will find teachers in his own breaft, that will tell him it is not onely neceffary to be done, but eafie alfo, and that without it he not onely is ruin'd himfelf, but his poflerity alfo. For take him in the meer ftate of nature, as I may call it, namely jufk as he came out of his ignorant, immorall father's hands, that is to fay, uneducated, uninftru6led, and confequently foolifh, wild, vicious, and immorall : how unhappily, but unavoidably, unlefs thus prevented, does he propogate ignorance and vice, and hand them down from his anceftors to his pofterity by the meer courfe of humane generacion ! /. 122. But now to return to my argument. How fhall the gentleman govern himfelf? As we learn fpeech from the imitacion of our forefathers, fo, in a word, we learn vice or virtue from the like imitacion. We fee the method of the family has been to entail ignorance and immorallity The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 237 immorallity upon the race ; and how fhall that race fo initiated introduce the pra6life of virtue ? The example is layd down in the foregoing chapter. If the gentleman who thus had the diffafter of a vicious introduccion into life, abandon'd to ignorance without education and without inftruccion, comes by meer Provi- dence' or fence, call it what you will, to fee his own defficiency and to be virtuoufly inclin'd, tho' whence it fliould come is fome thing hard to fay, but if it fliould happen fo, the way is lin'd out for him : let him fett about the work of informing and inflructing himfelf with fuch helps and fuch affiftance as I have faid abov may be had as well from books as from men of learning, and 'tis evedent from experience and from the example I have given that the cafe may be retriev'd and the want of early teaching be very much repair'd, if not fully fupply'd ; for, in a word, tho' the defe6ls of parents and the want of early inftruccion is great, yet 'tis wilfuU ignorance and obftinate contempt of, and averfion to, learning, that is in generall the fm of the day. That our gentlemen are illiterate and untaught is true ; but 'tis as true that where there is one gentleman who complains of it and thinks himfelf the worfe for it, there are 20 that boaft of it, value themfelves upon it, think their ignorance fits well upon their quallity, and that contemn the men of letters and books as below them and not worth their regard ; who think learning unfafhionable, and, at befb, ufelefs to them, and that to write their names is enough for men of fortunes, that they have nothing to do but fit ftill and enjoy the world and roll in the abundance of it, that the reft is all buffinefs and buftle, that 'tis below them and not worth their notice. This pride, however prepofterous and however incon- /. 123. fiftent with common fence, is the ruin of the Englifh gentry ' Abbreviated. 238 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. gentry at this time ; for tho' the ignorance it felf is a criminal folly and admits of no excufe, but that unhappy one of laying it upon their fathers, yet valuing them- felves upon it and perfifting in it as a matter of choice, is ftil worfe. Ignorance is a crime in it felf, but obftinate, affe61:ed and refolv'd ignorance is tenfold more criminal. To be untaught and to have our education negle6led is one thing ; but to boaft of it, value our felves upon it and, in a word, to choofe it, is another ; to be uneducated is a mifsfortune, to choofe to be fo is a folly : but to boaft of being fo is the Devil. Now let us look a little into the family of this felf- wife, but uneducated creature. We are to fuppofe he is the head of the houfe and on that account ought to be the beft governed thing in it ; but how does he behave .'' Directly contrary to an extrem in every capafcity, without government, without rule, ignorant and obftinately fo. > I. Take him as a inajier : he is haughty, imperi- ous, and tyrannick, or elce foft, eafie, and capable of being wheedl'd, impof'd upon and drawn in by every fharper and into every bubble, till firft he is expof'd and then undone. 2. As a hufband : he is froward, furly, humorous, and uneafy, teizing every body and perplexing himfelf, unconftant in temper, untra6lable, pofitiv, and wants ' every thing that denominates a gentleman to be a man of fence ; in a word, as a fool is certainly the worft of hufbands, fo an illiterate, untaught, concieted, felf opinionate hufband is the worft of fools. 3. As a father : Fatal relativ ! Here he is cut out to have his children curfe him ; he neither knows how to be a father, nor how to teach them to be children ; he breeds them up to defpife him, and yet to imitate him. They can learn nothing good from him, and what's bad they rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 239 they are fure to have his example for. As he contemns the learning he wants, he is fure to let his children want the learning he contemns. He educates his fons at the ftable door, inftead of the Grammar School, and his huntfman is Head Tutor; he teaches them to fwear with a particular applicacion, and his own valuable ex- ample is their introduccion ; his daughters are bred at the affembly and at the card table, and the Quadrill is the hight of their accquir'd knowlege. He entails vice and ignorance upon his eldefl fon in honour to his primogeniture, and if he does giv his younger fons a little clergy, 'tis meerly to put them off with a few letters inftead of an appenage, and giv them a grammar for a porcion. 4. Take him in publick Jlacion, fuppofe as a magif- trate in the country. He makes a tollerable juftice, becaufe he has little or nothing comes before him. If he is plac'd where buffmefs comes in, he gets a better learn'd dark, and leaves the matter to him, and the warrant money is his wages, fo makeing good the old proverb that the dark makes the jicjlice, while the mafter does juft nothing. 5. Take him at London, that is to fay, at Court. If he has the honour to be fent up to Parliament, he enters himfelf among the dead tveight of the Houfe, makes one of Sir T. Ha . . . r's 50, and does juft what other men bid him. If he has wit enough to get in for a little fecret fervice money, 'tis the hight of his /. 124. attainment ; but 'tis much oftner that he is made a property without it, being every way quallify'd for that advanc'd poft in nature, a fool for nothing and a fool gratis. If he gets a penfion, he comes readily into all fchems and meafures, his part being excellently well fuited to his capafcity ; for he has nothing to do but to follow a> he is led, and fay Ay and No, juft as they bid him. When he goes home from London, he may be 240 rJie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. be truly faid to have fold himfelf (that is, his country) and run away with the money. Enough of a fool. Now let us view his contrary, who this foil ferves to illuftrate. The compleat gentleman is the reverfe of all this. As he governs himfelf by the rules of vertue and good fence, fo his family appeares diftinguifh't among all the families about him for their excellent order, their generall and particular condu6l under his government. His conjugal life is all harmony and mufick, peace and joy ; tendernefs and affeccion are the fum of their united enjoyment. She knows no felicity but what fhe finds in him, and he centers his uttmoft fatiffaftion in her. She is com- pleatly' happy in him, and he is compleatly happy in her. If fuitable focyety is a heavenly life, 'tis here in the uttmoft perfeccion that humane affairs can produce ; for here every thing appeares agreeable in it felf and to one another. From this conjugal harmony all the beauty of a Heaven upon earth is to be feen. Every ftacion of life is fill'd up. Virtue and honour diffufes their luftre thro' every fcene of life, and fill up every relation. He is, in confequence of this excellent condu6l, the beft father, the beft mafter, the beft magiftrate, and the beft neighbour ; in a word, he is a bleffing to his family, to his country, and to himfelf ; he is kind to all, belov'd by all, has the prayers of all; the rich honour him, the poor blefs him, vice trembles at him, and none but the devil envyes or hates him. Let us look back that, upon the government of Jiim- ^ felf in particular, he is frugal without avarice, man- naging without rigor, humble without meannefs, and great without haughtynefs ; he is pleafant without levity, grave without afife6lacion ; if he has learning, his knowledge ^ MS. compleaty. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 241 knowledge is without pedantry and his parts without pride ; modefty and humility govern him, and he applyes his learning purely to do good to others and to inftruft himfelf farther in the good government of himfelf. If thro' the error of cuftome his father left him unfinifh'd and he loft the bleffing of a liberal educacion, he fees the miftake with a fecret grief, and accordingly applyes himfelf with the uttmoft dilligence to retriev the lofs and finifh himfelf ; and in particular, he follows Solomon's rule, he feeks after knowlege as for filver, and fearxhes for her as for hid treaftire, Prov : 11,4. In a word, he labours for improvment with an un- wearied applicacion, and never gives over the purfuit of it till he has compleatly fitted himfelf for converfa- tion and for appearing in the world as a compleat gentleman. II, Of the government of his children. Take him next in his family capafcity ; for he fills up every relativ fbacion. If he has children,^ his principal /. 125. care is their educacion ; the knowlege he had of his own defe6l and of the lofs he fuftain'd by the miftake of his father in negle6ling his education fills him with a happy anxiety for the timely inftruccion of his eldeft fon ; and it is obfervable that he takes a particular care of his learning for that very reafon for which other gentlemen difpife it, namely, becaufe he is a gentleman and becaufe he is to be the heir. He fees how glorious a thing learning is to a man of quallity and what a luftre it adds to his family ; how well it becomes him in every figure he makes in life ; how it fets off his other virtues, as fine Jewells fet off a beautifuU face. For the reft, he refolves his children fhall not curfe the memory of their father either for wafting their patrimony ^ Abbreviated. Q 242 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. patrimony or ftarving their genius. He is as careful! to fill their heads as their pockets and to fit them for the world in every ftacion of life which fate may deter- mine for them. I To this purpofe he very early caufes his fons, the eldeft as well as the reft, to fubmit to difcipline and to kno' the reafon and nature of government and fubordi- nation, as well family government as national. He in- culcates as early as poffible good principles into their minds that fo they may become good Chriftians/ as alfo modefty, humillity, and every branch of good moralls into their heads, in order to fitt them for a life fuitable to their birth, and that they may be made good men as well as good gentlemen, making it the ftated, eftablifh't foundation of all good inftruccion that Manners makes the Man and that modefty and virtue and humillity are the brighteft ornaments of a gentleman. After he has eftablifh't them in an early lov of virtue and in earneft defires after knowlege, he then ftores their heads gradually and in its due order with all kinds of ufefull learning, diftinguifhing them in the manner of their inftruccion as Nature has direfted. The eldeft fon is allways regarded as the eldeft fon, even in the manner of his fchool government, and yet with due government alfo ; and this is carry'd on to all the needfuU degree of learning as fuites their capafcityes and as they will take it in. As they advance in learning, the eldeft fon efpecially is re- mov'd from the fchools to the college, where he caufes him to finifh his ftudyes in a manner fuitable to what he is and is to be. There he goes thro' a courfe of phyficks, I mean phylofophy, not medicin ; for he is to be a gentleman, not a do6lor,^ a profficient, not a graduate ; having gone thro' a courfe of aftronomy, geography, 1 MS. X, - D-. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 243 geography, hiftory, and fuch other parts of needfull knowlege as are peculiar beauties in the life of a gentleman, he furnifhes him with a proper perfon ex- perienc'd for the purpofe, in whofe agreeable and im- proving converfacion he finiflies him with the advan- tage of travell, and thus he comes out into the world a compleat gentleman. To return to the father, his next care is of his younger fons ; and to thefe he is fure alfo to giv the uttmoft ftore of learning fuited to their refpe6liv genius and inclination, and fo to prepare them for what ever figure or ftacion in life they fhall turn their thoughts / 126. to, whether to the Church, the Law, the Court, the Camp, the Fleet, or whatever other thing fuitable to their quallity and confiftent with a life of virtue and good fence they feem inclin'd to ; withall not forgetting by the well mannaging his own fortune to make fuch pro- vifion for his younger children, the collateral branches of his family, as that they may not be turn'd loofe to make their fortunes by neceffity and wander thro' the world ubi fata vocajit ; but that they may have their proper figure to make in the ftacion he fhall leav them without difgracing his family, depending upon, and incumbring, the heir, or hanging about the Court for bread, the moft fcandalous of all human dependencies. Thus he does not ftarv his younger fons to eftablifh the family in the heir, nor embarras the heir and load his eftate to fupport and provide for his younger children ; but all have a proporcion'd bleffing from the provident father to keep up their figure as his children and to place them in the world independent of one another. The like he does by his daughters, if he has any or many ; and tho' it is true a numerous family will make a kind of a depredacion upon an eftate, however large it 244 '^/^^ COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. it may be and however prudent the head of the houfe may be, yet a wife and well mannaging father begins his concern for them fo foon by retrenching moderately his own expences and even the manner of his living, that he enables himfelf to provide fuitable fortunes for the young ladyes, and this without abating any of the neceffary parts of their educacion or of their ornaments, equipages, etc. ; for there are allwayes fo many lefs neceffary things in the figure of a great family, which may be retrench'd and abated filently and unperciev'd, that the prudent head of the houfe will not be oblig'd to abate thofe neceffary things without which the credit of the family can not be fupported or by which the educacion of the children may be negle6led or the inheritance of the heir leffen'd or incumbr'd. Under this good government of himfelf and family the compleat gentleman proceeds in the moft happy and fuccefsfull manner to eftablifh his family, dire6l his affaires and to introduce his children^ into the world with all poffible advantage, well furnifh'd, well finifh'd, and compleat like himfelf, till at laft he leaves the family growing in wealth and reputacion by his example, and himfelf fleeps with his fathers like old King David full of dayes, riches, and honour. III. Of the government of his eftate. I come now to the government of his fortune or eftate. Next to the firft and great miftake among our gentry of which I have fpoken at large, viz., that it is below the quallity of a gentleman of fortune to meddle with learning and books, the next and in its kind as prepof- terous, and fometimes as fatall, is this, viz., that it is below them alfo to audit their own accounts, let their own lands, mannage their own revenues, or, in (hort, to look after ^ Abbreviated. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 245 after their eflates. Unhappy and miferable pride ! the never faihng way to poverty and difgrace ! What havock has this abfurd Spanifh temper made among our nobilHty and gentry ! How many flourifliing woods has it cut down ! How many manours has it par'd off from the inheritance ! How many entails has it dock't, that is, cut off from the familyes ! In a word, how has it brought the ftewards to be richer/ 127. than the lords, the bailyes than the gentlemen 1 and how many flourifhing eftates are at this very day run- ing to ruine, and the familyes who pofeff't them to decay, under the miferable confequences of this fatally indolent temper. It is true, this unhappy thoughtlefs cufbome is not the fame every where, nor is it carry'd up to fuch a hight in all familyes ; yet there is a degree of it to be found allmoft every where ; and it fhows it felf remark- ably in this generall, viz., the new fafhion'd and pre- vailing extravagance^ and expenfiv living, which at this time runs allmoft thro' all the familyes of the gentry, not confidering or, at leaft, not fufificiently con- fidring whether their expence out-runs their income or no, or what proporcion their yearly payments bear to their anual rent. This is in fhort the fame thing which, as above, I call not auditing their ozvn accoufit. Now, without entring into a full enquiry into all the fatal confequences of this ill mannagement, this, in fhort, is the generall effe6l of it, namely, that at this time if you take the familyes of the meaner gentry (efpecially) all over England you will find a great part of them, I might fay the moft of them, are allwayes in neceffitous circumftances,' bare of money, borrowing rather than lending, and what we ordinary exprefs by an apt, tho' courfe Englifh faying, they are run behind hand ^ Over extravagance, Defoe has written luxury. ^ Abbreviated. 246 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. hand ; in the country you have it in a ftill courfer way of fpeaking, viz., they are out at heels. By the meaner gentry here I would be underftood to mean thofe familyes of gentlemen as have eftates from ;^500 a year and under, to £\qo or 200 a year, f^ and yet liv wholly upon thofe eftates without what we \\ call employment or buffmefs ; for of fuch we have other \ things to fay. Of thefe familyes the generall circumftance is fuch as this : — 1. The gentlemen are often times of very good houfes of antient defcent, ally'd to feverall other familyes, perhaps of the fame name but of fuperior fortune, to fome by intermarriages, fome by imediate relacion, collateral branches, younger brothers, and the like, and perhaps intimate by the accidents of neigh- bourhoods and the like ; all which circumftances' oblige the gentlemen, or at leaft the family, to an extraor- dinary expenfiv living in drefs, equipages, fervants and dependences, treats, entertainments, houfe-keeping, &c., moftly upon the weak and foolifh pretence that they may, as 'tis call'd, look like other people. 2. This extraordinary way of living muft neceffarily exhauft their fubftance, being, as is fuppof'd, abov the income of their revenue ; all which tends as naturally to poverty, as a confumcion of the vitals in the" humane body tends to death. It is a certain axiom in matters of this nature that every wife mannager will proportion his layings-out to his comings-in, fo as that allways he may lay up fome thing. He that fpends but one hundred pounds a year lefs than his eflate brings in, muft grow /. 128. rich of courfe, as naturally as that he that fpends ;^ioo a year more than his income muft certainly be poor. ; From this unhappy cuftome of living abov them- 1 felves, which at this time more than ever prevails among ^ Abbreviated. ^ /^^ jg igfj o^ \^ ^5^ riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 247 among our gentry, it comes to pafs that, as I faid abov, almoft all the gentry in England of moderate eftates are kept low and in neceffitous circumftances.' I do indeed place it chiefly upon the clafs of familyes from ;^500 a year downward, and I believ it is more gene- rally fo among the gentry of that rank. But I am told I need not confine my felf to them, for that it is fo (with a very few excepcions) even to the gentry of the greateft eftates, lords, earles, and dukes, of which many examples might be given, if I would make the fatyr perfonal and bring examples of particular people ; but that is no part of my prefent defign. I return to thofe I call the meaner gentry ; their cafe is thus. Suppofe a gentleman of i^400 to 500 a year eftate, and fuppofe him living in the country upon the eftate and in the manfion houfe upon the fpot, the antient feat of the family to which he has or has not a park adjoyn'd, and other ufuall advantages as it may happen. His iirft advantage is that he payes no rent, that his park having fome meddow grounds within the pale, few parks are without it, affords him grafs and hay for his coach horfes and faddle horfes, which goes alfo a great way in the expence of the family ; befides that, he has venifon perhaps in his park, fufficient for his own table at leaft, and rabbits in his own warren adjoyning, pidgeons from a dove houfe in the yard, fifli in his own ponds or in fome fmall river adjoyning and within his own royalty, and milk with all the needfull addenda to his kitchen, which a fmall dary of 4 or 5 cows yields to him. All thefe are vaft helps in houfekeeping to a frugal family, and giv my lady, Jiis Mayor Donio, opportunity to keep a very good houfe upon very reafonable terms, and which, if the gentleman was inclin'd to mannage with ^ Abbreviated. 248 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. with prudence, would go a great way towards living comfortably. But let us look a little within doors. Perhaps the lady, as a late author has it, having bred in her young dayes like a tame pigeon, they have now a ftock of children 2 fons and 4 daughters, and thefe are now grown up. The eldeft fon writes gentleman, and he muft appear as fuch in the country. He has his fervant and a couple of hunters, and he follows his fport with his neighbours either with his father's hounds, if he keeps a pack of dogs, or if not, with the next gentleman that does. The young gentleman begining to keep company muft have a good equipage and money in his pocket, that he may appear as other gentlemen do and may keep the beft company, and this cannot be done without a large allowance ; and this makes the firft hole in the father's cafh, and fometimes the fon calls for it fafler than the father can fupply him, which often times caufes fome chagrin and difcontent in the family, and fome times is of bad confequence, makes the young efquire ^ warm and uneafie, and away he goes up to London, gets into bad company and is undone early. But we will fuppofe the beft, and that it does not go that length, but he goes on as above. We come next to the daughters. The young ladyes are genteel and hand fome ; the father is vain of them, and the old lady, their mother, breeds them up to the hight of the figure the family in generall alhvayes ufed to make. They drefs rich, are gay, are taught to do nothing but ride in the coach and vifit my Lady on this fide, the Countefs oi .... on that fide, and my Lady Dutchefs on the other fide, being all neighbours. There they dance, play at Quadrille, and being agreeable young ladyes ^ Efq\ rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 249 ladyes, the countefs and the dutchefs and their daughters are mighty fond of their company, and come and vifit them again, the honour of which extremely /. 1-9- elevates them ; and thus they learn to taft the pleafure of living high, in which they muft imitate as far as poffible all the cuftomes, nay, and even the very drefs of the ladyes of quallity with whom they kept company ; and how far this will agree with ;!^5oo or 600 a year, you fliall find in the confequence. By this improvident and thoughtlefs way of living the gentleman, the head of this ill goverend family, gets into debt, and finds himfelf embarraff't. One tradefman afks him for money, another fhop keeper fends in his bill, and he cannot raife money for them ; till after fome time they grow rude and impertinent, fancy, and threatning. Impatient and perplext at this, poor gentleman ! he knows not what to do. He can not bear to be dunn'd, but making his complaint to Mr. Gripe, a country attorney, or to Mr. Sharp, a fcrivener at London, he prefently tells him he muft make himfelf eafie by taking up a little money upon the eftate, that he ought not to let his credit in the country fink and that he has ;^iooo at his fervice, adding as a farther kindnefs that he will do it for him fo privately, that no body in the country fhall kno' any thing of it. From this moment the gentleman is undone, his revenue is now leffen'd by ;^50 a year, I mean, the intreft of this ;^iooo, his expence goes on at leaft the fame; and tho', while the ;^iooo lafts, he fits prety eafie ; yet that wafts, and at laft he fees himfelf wafting and falling into the fame embarraff't condicion as before, and this fits clofe to his heart. I am loth to carry on the cafe to the winding off the bottom and bring the family to ruine, which muft be the end of all, if the gentleman lives many yeares ; but 250 rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. but I'll break it off here and fhow you the confequence of but one ftep downwards. Juft at the end of the firft i^iooo the old gentleman, who begins to fee, tho' too late, the growing ruine of his family, becomes mellancholly, and, in a word, breaks his heart and dyes, having firft made his will as follows : — Firft, his eldeft fon muft have the eftate; that he can't avoid, for it is generally entail'd, and if it was not, the honour of the family requires it : the houfe muft be kept up. But as the reft of the family muft not ftarv, / fo his younger brother muft have £\qqo to buy him a commiflion, and his 4 fifters each of them i^Soo to marry them as well as they can, perhaps to fome indifferent body ; for that fortune will go but a little way with a gentleman, and they are bred too high to take up with a tradefman, or indeed for a trades-man to venture upon them ; fo, if they marry at all, 'tis a great hazard but they are ruin'd and undone, for they have little elce before them. But we leav the ladyes to mannage their own good L or bad fortune, and return to the heir, the eldeft fon ; for he is the ftay of the family ; he comes to the eftate in very unhappy circumftances.' His eftate, which was 500 a year befides the manfion* houfe and park, which f- I3P- to carry every thing up to the higheft pitch you may call ^100 a year more, is heavily loaded, as follows^: In the firft place, his mother, during her life, keeps £^200 a year from him, which was her joynture, and muft be out of his hands while fhe lives. How- ever, to make the beft of things, we'll fuppofe the good lady, loth to ftand long in the way of her fon's profperity, drops off and dyes alfo, and fo the whole eftate falls into his hand, which then ftands encumbr'd as follows : I. A I Abbreviated. ' MS. ma/ion. » MS. foil. T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 25 1. A mortgage for money borrow'd iJ^iooo 2. The younger brother's appennage, which muft be paid off, for he can not ftay for it ; his prefer- ment depends upon the money: ;^I000 3. Four fifters' porcions of ;i^8oo each, due as faft as they marry, and the ladys to keep in the mean time ;^3,200 5,200 So that in fhort the unhappy young gentleman is incumbr'd to the tune of ;i^5 200 with the intreft of the firft i^2000 to pay in the mean time, fo that indeed he has but ^^400 a year to fupport the family and maintain his four fifters. In this condition what courfe does he take ? The^ firft thing he has before him is to marry ; if he gets a fuitable match, we will fuppofe ;^5ooo porcion, then his happynefs ftands thus : The gentleman pays away all his lady's fortune to clear his eftate, and then he has the comfort of begining juft where his father did before him, namely, that he has juft the family eftate that his father had, that is to fay, a good manfion houfe and park (proper tools to ruine him by leading him to liv in too great a figure), ;^5oo a year land and no money in his pocket ; fo that as, I fay, he began juft where his father began, fo he is in a fair way to end juft where his father ended and leav his heir and family embarraft juft as he found it ; and all this is fuppofing the gentle- man to be a fober man too, a man of moralls and virtue, onely unhappy, as I have faid, in his circum- ftances.^ If he proves ever fo little extravagant, immorall, drunken, like other men, that alters the cafe exceedingly, of which in its place ; but firft fpeaking of him as a man of virtue, let us then take the ^ Abbreviated. 252 T:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. r^the ordinary alternativ here, that frequently happens in this cafe, that, to begin with the beft part, it may happen that this gentleman may drop into the city, and falling into a merchant's family or fome other wealthy trades- y. J3J. manV he meets with a young lady of fortune, that being willing to marry a gentleman and fond of a title, and with all the gentleman being perhaps handfome, well educated and a man of addrefs, flie takes a fancy to him, and he gets ;^io to 20,000 with her. If this be the cafe, he is made eafie at once ; he makes her a joynture of the whole eftate, pays off the incumbrances, purchafes -^500 a year more, and adds to the eftate, keeps i^3 or 4000 ready money in his pocket, and efpecially if the lady be a good mannager, too, as fome- times happens, efpecially among the city ladyes, to their fame be it fpoken. Thus the gentleman lays up fome- thing every year, and, in a word, the family is made, his fortune is doubl'd, his houfe is fettled, he is thoro'ly ; delivred, and he is a rifmg man. But where and how often is this black fwan to be found ? Let us look at the reverfe of it, which is much oftner the cafe. Suppofe on the other hand one of thefe two cafes are his lot : 1. That inftead of the lady with a fortune, as abov, nay, inftead of the lady with a fuitable moderate for- tune, i^5000, as abov, he cripples his fortune in the begining, marrys below himfelf, and takes a woman with a mean fortune, or what is worfe, with no for- tune ; or 2. Suppofe he has" marry'd, as abov, with a fuitable fortune, and has paid of the incumbrances and, as I have faid, begins juft where his father began ; but that, not having his father's prudence, he runs out by fome extravagance of his own, and plunges himfelf by fome imorrallityes, ^ T—M — . - y\.^. having \x\%\.^z.6ioi he has. rhe COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 253 imorralHtyes, ill habits, bad company, and the like, and fo runs back. In either of thefe cafes, be it which it will, he is infal- libly reduc'd, and having once dip'd, that is, mortgaged his eftate, he never retrievs it, and all comes to ruine. If death or any intervening help fteps in, to put a ftop to the diffafter before all is loft, yet the family is reduc'd ; and if the remainder of the eftate comes out at one hundred or two hundred pounds a year, juft to keep the family from mifery, which indeed is more than there is room to expe6l, 'tis a favourable end ; and in the clofe the children are beggars, the fons muft run into the army, the daughters, put off with 300 or 400 pound ' fortune, are oblig'd to run abroad, marry trades-men or, perhaps, a clergy man or two among the neighbour- hood, and, in a word, are brought to very mean things ; what is left to the eldell fon is a callamity, not an eftate, and ends, as we often fee, in a fhaddow of a gentleman, not a family, till it dwindles at laft into nothing, is loft and forgot in the country. It is true, in great eftates we have feen examples of it, when a frugal fon has recovr'd the depredacions which a drunken, extravagant anceftor has made in the inheritance ; and fome times the very fame pofeffor that /. 132- has run out and exhaufted the fortune of the family, has taken up, retrench! his expences, fequeftred himfelf, and liv'd retir'd, till the eftate, by time, has out-grown the wounds it has receiv'd, and the family has recovred ; but this muft be in great eftates, where, the family refolving to liv in a narrow compafs, the remainder of the eftate will work out it felf, and even this is very difficult ; but where the eftate is fmall and the incum- brances together with meer fubfiftance for the family rife too near to a ballance of the eftate, there it is impoffible, and therefore the wound is mortall in fuch families, and it can not be done. Thus 254 T^he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Thus you have a view of the ordinary fate of the middling gentry and the diffafters by which they are often reduc'd. I forbear to giv examples, tho' I could illuftrate this difcourfe with a great variety, and whofe ftorys, were it not that the relacion might feem to be a perfonall fatyr and touch fome houfes too near, would be very diverting and inftru6ling, too ; but I purpofely avoid expofmg families and gentry and making thefe miftakes exemplar, which perhaps may yet be recovred, and if not, are too tragicall to be entirely conceal'd. It is enough to add here that the compleat gentle- man I am fpeaking of avoids all thefe miftakes and leaves his houfe eftablifh'd on the foundacion of his own prudence and good condu6l beyond the power of difafter. It is no fcandal upon a gentleman of the higheft quallity or of the greateft eftate to mannage his own affairs with prudence and judgement : on the contrary, there is no manner of reputacion either of judgment or underftanding raifed upon the foundacion of an un- thinking, indolent temper ; as 'tis no credit to a man of quallity to do little things unworthy of himfelf to fave his money, fo neither is their [!] any credit in ex- travagance ; doing mad things will rather mark a man for mad than for a man of thought ; a man of fedate judgement will judge fedately and act wifely. Bring this home to the cafe in hand : 'tis no credit for any man to fquander away his fubftance ; by fquan- dring I am to be underftood fpending it imprudently, unwarily, and beyond the limits of his income, without regarding the due proporcion between the expence and the fund ; on the contrary, it tends to poverty if a man fpends but ;^20 a year more* than his income. He is from that moment a declining man, and his fortune is in a confumcion, and at length he muft decay. The 1 MS. lefs. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 255 The gentleman I am recommending the character of confiders this ; and as he abhorrs being poor, as who does not, fo he refolvs never to waft the capital. If he / 132 /- layes up nothing, he will fmk nothing ; if he has a capitall eftate, he may alleage that he has no occafion to increafe it, and fo may be doing good with it to the full extent, and fo far his not improving may at leaft be excuf'd ; but no man has any occafion to leffen his eftate or to fmk his revenue meerly becaufe it is too bigg, feeing a leffning the capital is in its kind a decay upon his family.' 1 In MS., be follows aftery^;;///)'. PART /• 123. PART II. CAP. I. Of the fund for the encreafe of our nobillity and gentry in England, being the beginijig of thofe we call Bred Gentlemen, with fame account of the difference. HAVE mencioned fome thing of our antient gentry, their original!, the value they put upon themfelves, the unhappy methods they take in bringing up and introducing their pofterity, and how the poor unhappy heirs of the fortunes of the beft familyes are abandon'd to ignorance and indolence, till they are become obje6ls of pity rather than worfhip and homage, and how they are plac'd below their inferiours in all the virtues and accomplifhments which fliould render them valuable in their ftacion. I have alfo, as the end of the whole difcourfe, evedently dire6led them how they fhall recover the lofs, retriev the unhappy funk reputacion of their un- derftandings, and at leaft place themfelves where Nature has plac'd them and where by education they ought to have been plac'd, I men,' in the true elevation of a complete gentleman. I now proceed. Law ' I.e., mean. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 257 Law, trade, war, navigation, improvement of flocks,'"' loans on public funds, places of trufb, and abundance of other modern advantages and private wayes of get- ting money, which the people of England in thefe laft ages have been accquainted with more than formerly, have joyn'd, I do not fay confpir'd, together for fome yeares paft to encreafe the wealth of the commonalty, and have raif'd a great number of familyes to not onely profperous circumftances,^ for that I am not fpeaking of, but to immenfe eftates, vail; and, till of late, unheard of fumms of money amaff 'd in a fhort time and which have, in the confequence, raif'd fuch families to a ftacion of life fome thing difficult to defcribe and not lefs difficult to giv a name to. Wej:an not call them gentlemen ; they don't infift upon it themfelves as the word gentlemen is underftood tQ..fignify men of antient houfes, dignify'd with here-—.., ditary titles and family honours, old manfion houfes, old advoufions [!], the right of patronage to churches, " eftablifh'd burying places, where they fhew the monu- ments of innumerable anceftors, names deriv'd from the lands and eftates they poffefs, parks and forrefts made their own by prefcripcion and ufage time out of mind, and fuch like marks of the antiquity of the race. ^^ Thefe things they have no claim to, but as a rich merchant anfwer'd to an infolent country efquire who upbraided him that he was no gentleman : " No^ Sir," fayes the merchant, " but I can buy a gentleman," — {0 thefe have the grand effential, the great fund of families, /• ^3 the money, if they have no more, and very often they really have no more. You fee I am willing to giv up the firft money getting wretch-, who amaffd the eftate, ^ tho' he_ rod in his coach and four and, perhaps, coach and fix, wore a fword (the latter I think our laws fhould reflrain) ; in fhort, perhaps he had all the enfigns of ^ Abbreviated. R i 258 T/ie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. of grandeur that a true bred gentleman is diHinguifla'd by, yet the flock jobber, the 'Change Alley broker, the projector, or whatever low priz'd thing he was, may be allow'd to hang about him too much for the firft age to give him fo much as the fhaddo' of a gentleman. Purfe-proud, infolent, without manners, and too often without fence, he difcovers his mech^nick quallifi- cacions on all occafions ; the dialeft of the Alley hangs like a brogue upon his tongue, and if he is not clown clad in his behaviour, 'tis generally fupplyed with the ufuall air of a fharper and a bite, and he can no more / ieav the ravening after money, Fas aut nefas, than an Lold thief can Ieav off pilfering, or an old whore Ieav off procuring, r- But when I fay I thus giv up the founder of the houfe, I muft yet open the door to the politer fon, and the next age quite alters the cafe. Call him what you pleafe on account of his blood, and be the race modern , and mean as you will, yet if he was fent early to fchool, has good parts, and has improv'd them by learning, travel, converfation, and reading, and abov all with a modeft courteous gentleman-like behaviour: defpife him as you will, he will be gentleman in fpite of all the diftinccions we can make, and that not upon the money onely, and not at all upon his father and family, but upon the beft of all foundations of families, I mean a ftock of perfonall merit, a liberal education^ a timely and regular difcipline and inftruccion, and a humble temper early form'd and made the receptible of the beft impreffions and fubje6led to the rules and laws of being inftru6led. By thefe things the fucceffors to, and fons of, the over-rich fcoundrel, call him as you will, become gentlemen and are without hefitacion receiv'd for fuch among the beft families in Britain ; nor do any of the moft antient families fcruple to form alliances with them 'The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 259 them by intermarriages, or efteem their blood at al difhonour'd by the conjunccion. To fpeak truth the antient families are fo reduc'd or fo many of them extinct, that we find abundance of the manfions and parks and eflates and inheritances of the moft antient extinct families bought by citizens, mer- chants, lawyers, etc., and the old race gone and for- gotten ; and for the decay'd families of our gentry, nay, and even of the nobillity, we find the heires flye to the city as the laft refort, where by marrying a daughter of fome perfon meaner in dignity, but fuperior in money, the fortunes of the family are reftor'd, the eftates, dipp'd and mortgag'd and in danger of being loft and devour'd, are recovr'd, the fame and figure of the family reftor'd ; and the pofterity make no difficulty to own the defcent of fuch a line, or think their race at all diflionour'd in blood by the mixture. His grace the D .... of was a perfon of the firft rank ; he had fome of the beft blood of England in his veins ; he quarter'd the arms of an incredible number of antient familyes in his efcutchean' of arms ; his father had enjoy'd fome of the greateft places of honour and truft in the kingdom ; - there had been two or three blew ribbons in the family, and he was himfelf a young prince that had a thoufand good qual- lities to recomend him. But my Lord Duke was unhappy after all : His eftate was low ; his father loft prodigious fums in the Civil Warrs by his loyalty and gat no amends upon the reftoracion except titles and a blew ribband. He was a generous-hearted noble-man, and liv'd above his fortune, fo that he brought the eftate into great encumbrances, and even the great houfe and the eftate adjoyning had ;Ci 7,000 mortgage upon it and fome yeares intreft. Two ^ US.E/utchean. * K. ;6o The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Two other eftates of about 4000 per annum each were dip'd alfo and the intreft unpaid for a long time, fo that my Lord Duke had very Httle left clear and was glad to accept a penfion of i^2000 a year from the royal bounty to fupport his dignity. He had liv'd frugally and retir'd, if poffible, to bring the eftate to work it felf out of debt, and he had cut down near ;^6o,ooo worth of timber to help deliver himfelf, and it had made fome progrefs ; but alafs, he was in fo deep it would require an age to retriev it, and the uttmoft he could expect was to leav a good eftate to his heir, if he fhould have one ; for he muft not expe6l to get thro' it till 40 or 50 year hence. Under thefe difficultyes he heares of a certain lady in the city ; her father indeed was but a trades-man ^ and of no family, but he is dead, and the lady is well educated, being left in the hands of a guardian, a mer- chant, who bred her up to what flie might be fuppof'd to come to, not what her father was ; and the merchant has been fo juft to her, that he has encreaf'd her fortune exceedingly fmce the father dyed. To fum up all, the lady is agreeable, very beautifull, virtuous, well bred, and has ^80,000 fortune, befides a rever- fion or two, which, if they fliould fall in to her in any reafonable time, may encreafe it farther very con- fiderably. In fliort, my Lord Duke heares of her, gets himfelf handfomly introduc'd to her, makes very honourable propofalls to the guardian, fettles ;^4000 a year joyn- ture upon her, part of her fortune paying off ;^20,ooo mortgage which lay upon it with 8500 intreft left unpaid, and on this fettlement marrys the lady. She comes into the family with a flowing ftream of wealth. My Lord Duke is a man of honefty as well as honour ; he cleares all his eftate with this fortune, and has 1 T—M- The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 261 has ;^20,ooo left in cafli. He ufes his lady, as her merit as well as fortune deferv'd, with all the kind- nefs, refpeft, and affeccion imaginable, and particularly honours her as if fhe had been born a princefs. She on the other hand by an extraordinary behaviour wins the regard not of his grace onely, but of all the perfons of quallity both in the country and the Court alfo, and this, I fay, by a behaviour unexepcionable and allmoft unexampled. She brought his grace 4 fons and 2 daughters, and nobody leffens their quallity or blood on their mother's account. How many familyes of noble- /. 135- men, gentlemen, and perfons of the beft characters, who having been plung'd in difificultyes as this noble perfon was, raif 'd by fuch matches ! If this was a difhonour to the antient blood, how few familyes are v there to be found in England untoucht that way ! For example : — How are the prefent ducal houfes of Beauford and Bedford intermarry'd with the daughters and grand daughters of Mr. Child and Mr. Howland ; and how many, if it were not an offence to reckon them up, might we bring forth of a meaner produccion, where inferiour ladyes are marry'd to perfons of rank and dig- nity, and others where ladyes of noble families match with private men and hardly with gentlemen.^ But ^ On folio 134 ^J- is the folloiving list : with Mrs. Duncan with Mrs. Whitfield, a baflard . . IVIrs. P'airfax Duke Argyle . . Earle Ifla . . . Earl of Buchan . Lord Onflow . . Earl of Excefter . Duke of Beaufort Duke of Bedford Duke Hamilton . old Duke Hamilton . Duke Wharton » . Mrs. Knight . Mrs. Chambers . ^Irs. Child . Mrs. Howland . Mrs. Stangeways . Mrs. Gerrard . Mrs. Holmes Lord Tankerville . . .Airs Lady 262 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. But tho' this is a confirmacion of the thing with respeft to the mixtures of blood, yet this is not the main article on which I found the ballance which I am ftating. evedent all. family honour begins fome where, either in trade, virtue, favour of the prince, all affifting to the advance of fortune. Some rife by pofts and places either in the armies or fleets or courts ; others by civil employnients, profeffions or pofeffion, 'tis no matter, g,a, to our purpofe which of thefe. In every age fome of thefe form new houfes, as acci- dents in life remov familyes from one clafs into another. We find in mofl ages mortallity or other incidents frequently remove great, antient, and even honourable families from the ftation they were in, and they are ex- tin6l and gone as effeftualy as if they had never been. I could name feverall antient and illuftrious families whofe names onely live in ftory, but whofe place, as the text fayes, knows them no more, as the Peercys, the Veres, Mohuns, and feverall others of the nobillity and a multitude that might be nam'd among the gentry. As we fee thefe families wear off, we at the fame time fee a fucceffion of modern families who, raif'd to eflates by the accidents nam'd abov, purchafe the old mannors and manfion houfes of the extinguifli'd race and rife up as new families of fortune and make new lines of gentry in their ftead. Thefe fupply the roll of Englifh gentry, and in a fucceffion or two are receiv'd as effeftually, and are as effentially gentlemen, as any of the antient houfes were before them. This Lady Compton Lady Ruffel , Lady Churchil . Lady . to ]\Ir. Gore to Sir Tho. Scawen to Sir Ja. Bateman to Pattee Bing to Cloudfly Shovell Lady Narbro' . . Countefs Dowager of Warwick to ^Ir. Addiffon cum alijs riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 263 This is efpecially to be obferv'd in the feverall countyes adjacent to London, where, in fliort, you have very few of the antient gentry left, as in the countyes of Effex, Kent, Surry, Middlefex, Hartford, etc. Take the two great countyes of Effex and Kent in particular : how few of the antient families are to be found, but the eftates are pofefft and the new pallaces built all by modern houfes, the pofterity of trades-men, merchants, foldiers, and feamen ; and one particularly accquainted with both the cafe and with the perfons affur'd me that in the two countyes of Kent and Effex onely there was not one fifth part of the antient families remaining, and that he could name near 200 houfes of merchants and trades-men fettled in thofe counties with immenfe wealth and eftates, having purchaf'd the eftates of the antient gentry and erected a new race of gentry in their ftead, whofe originals begin allready to be for- gotten and who gain either by merit or money, and perhaps by both, to pafs for good families and for unqueftioned blood as much as any before them, and in a few yeares more will pafs for antient families /. 136. alfo.^ How many antient eftates are purchaf'd in thefe two counties by citizens and merchants of London within thefe few yeares paft, and fine houfes built upon them, equall to the pallaces of fome princes abroad. Sir Richard Childs, now Lord Caftlemain . at Wanftead, Effex ; Sir John Ifles . . . near Rumford ; Sir Nath. Mead . . near the fame ; Chefter . . near the Rye ; Sir 1 On folio 134 3 the following families are navted : In Effex the families of Child, Rebow, Creffner, Afhurfl, Weflern, Rawfon, Martin, Mead, Ifles, Tyffon, Daval, Lethulier, Houblon, Chefter, Webfter, Blunt, Coward, Collier, Brookbank, Gould, Howard, Shovel, Page, Papilon, Furnis or Furnefe, Lethuliere, Cock at Charleton, De la Port. 264 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Sir Gregory Page . . on Black Heath ; Sir Robert Furnefe . near Deal. Thefe I name as extraordinary great capital houfes of the firft rate. The number of other buildings and which would be call'd pallaces if not ecclypft by thefe, are not to be reckoned up, nor are the families which pofefs flourifhing eftates with them to be number'd, whofe names are yet not to be found in the books or rolls of the antient gentry ; and what will be the confequence of this but that the next age will acknowlege thefe ^ j all to be gentlemen, without enquiring into the length of time when their houfes and lines began ; nay, the pre- 1 fent age does reciev them as fuch even allready. ^ U- — There is alfo another thing not much thought of in this cafe, which however affifts to eftablifh thefe modern houfes ; viz., fmce trade, by the encreafe and magnitude of our commerce in generall, raifes fo many families to fortunes and eftates, abundance of our antient gentry have not thought it below them to place out their younger fons in the families of merchants and over- grown tradefmen, and fo to mingle not the blood, but the name alfo of the gentry with that of the mechanick, breeding them up to buffmefs and getting of money, as what they efteem no way unworthy their character or family. By this means many of thefe younger fons raife themfelves eftates alfo, as other men of buffinefs do, and bettering their fortunes, as above, by fome happy turn in trade, they return into the clafs of gentlemen from whence they began. Thus we fee abundance of trades-men' who deriv from families ofthebeft gentry in the nation: whether our niceer obfervors of the untainted blood of familyes, as they call it, will pretend that fuch men lofe the claim which they had before to the name of gentlemen and ^ T—M. The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 265 and are, being once levell'd with the meaner people, allvvays of the rank with them : I fay, whether they will pretend to this or not, I kno' not any more than I do whether they have any authourity for fuch pre- tenfions or no. But this is certain, whether thofe people will allow it or no, that thofe gentlemen are of the true blood of their reall anceftors ; ftill their having been merchants or factors or trades-men, whole-fale or retail, did not cut off the entail of blood any more, than it cut off the fir-names. Now fuppofe a merchant of the family and blood of the Ruffells, an antient and noble, now ducal, houfe, or a wholefale grocer of the name of Rowland or Crefner or Blacket, ancient families of the gentry : I fay, fuppofe a trades-man' born of thefe antient families comes, after a long courfe of trade, to accquire an eftate, and they leav off vafbly rich to the tune of i) 30 to 50 to 100,000 in a man, and purchafe an eftate in proporcion to that fortune, and live in the country for an age or two ; it fhall be remembred hereafter, and the heralds fliall allow it, that this new family came from, or were of, the line of the antient houfe of Rowland or Crefner or Blacket, and the interval of time in which he, the new family, apply 'd to trade and got that eftate fliall be loft and forgotten : fo the man is a gentleman of an antient family with-out any referv, and is allow'd for /. 137. fuch without the leaft hefitacion in ages to come ; nor indeed can we affign any juft reafon why it Ihould not be allow'd fo in the fame age, tho' the circumftance' was known. I fee no reafon why the younger brother fhould lofe the honour of his family for having gotten an eftate by his witts, as we call it, that is, by induftry and applicacion to buffmefs, fuppofe it an honourable buffmefs, any more than the Duke of fliould lofe his 1 T—M. - Abbreviated. 266 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. his honour and dignity for marrying the daughter of a mean perfon. But be that as the heralds and the criticks in blazonry and the rights of blood fliall adjufh it, this is certain, that as trade, efpecially in this country, raifes innumerable families from the duft, that is to fay, from mean and low beginings to great and flourifliing eftates, fo thofe eftates exalt thefe families again into the rank or clafs of gentry ; and from fuch beginings it may be faid that the greateft part of the families among us has been raif'd, and mofb of the gentry in the fucceeding ages are like to be of the fame ftock. It muft be acknowleg'd that the wealth and eftates of thefe rifmg families is very particular in this age, more than ever it was before, and that men are no t now counted rich with twenty or thirty thoufand pounds in their pockets, as was the cale Tome^ages"' lagoe ; but trades-men leav off now with immenfe wealth, ' not lefs tlian two or three hundred thoufand poundj^_ nay with half a million in their pockets, a fum of money truly call'd immenfe in a private man's pocket, and which was rarely heard of in former times. The pofterity of thefe men appear not purchafmg eftates of three or four hundred pounds a year, as was then thought confiderable, but of three or four, nay up to ten and twelv thoufand pounds a year, and fome times much more, as was the cafe of the late Sir Jofiah Child, Mr. Tyffon, Sir James Bateman, Sir Tho. De Vail or Daval, Sir Wm. Scawen, and feverall others that are gone, and is like to be the cafe of many now in view, who I refrain nameing becaufe they are fo, but they are eafie to be pointed out. Now fuppofe any of thefe gentlemen to be defcended from antient families of gentry, however brought up in buffmefs : fhall fuch gentry as thefe be reje6led by the pretenders to antiquity and blood of families, onely becaufe M The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 267 becaufe they have beftow'd a few vacant houres to get eftates by their own application, when their great an- ceftors could not get it for them. If they are thus defcended from antient families one would think there could no obje6lion lye againft them, for they have the blood and the eflates too. What can be offred againft them } They have the families and the fortunes joyned together, and can onely be charge- able with the crime of getting the money. Muft their defcending to buffinefs in order to recover the 'miir- Tortime' of being a younger brother be a forfeitureT" This woufcTBe "flretching the ftring up to a higher pitch than ever I met with yet, and would break into the pedigree of moft of the great and antient families in England. 'Tis hardly worth digreffing thus far upon the foolifli part. I proceed therefore to the matter of facl and to trace our gentry to their proper beginings, whether antient or modern, whether to original branches or collateral. I believ we fliall find the luftre of the Englifli gentry not at all tarnifh'd by their ftock of the old race or by the addition of the new. As thofe gentlemen who have thus defcended to com- merce claim a rank, as abov, by blood, fo thofe raif'd meerly by the help of fortune claim the fame advantage with the help of time ; that is to fay, the merchant or t he tTa des^an whofe applicacion thus bleff't has lay'd the founHacIon of a family in his accumulated wealth, as he feldome arrives to the hight, till he is, as we fay, advanc't in yeares, fo the race as gentlemen feldome begin in him. He may be call'd the founder of the family, but his pofterity are the gentlemen, as is merrily faid of the great anceftor of the family of the Foleys now illuftrious, He luas the zvorkuian, aluding to his trade,^ that built the hoiife. But we admit the branches of the houfe, who % 268 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. who ever built it, into the higheft rank of our gentry without the leaft hefitation. By the laft mencioned methods thoufands of families are revived or new raif'd in the world, and, as they deferv, are rank'd among our gentry ; and whether they come in by the door or over the door, 'tis the fame thing ; as they are raif'd to the dignity by the proper addition of fuch vaft eftates, thofe elevations are thoro'Iy well accepted by the world, and in one age they are acknowleg'd as gentry to all intents and purpofes as effe6lually and as unoppofed as it could have been done had their title to it been as clear as poffible from antiquity, j^ 138. It comes of courfe now to enquire into the ufuall education of the eldeft fons of thefe familyes ; and firft I am to tell you they generally out-do the born gentle- men all over the Kingdom, I mean in educacion, I can affure you they are not thought to be above educacion. Their parents never think learning or going to fchoole a difgrace to them or below their quallity. And thus I am brought down to the terms of ad- miffion, as I may call them, vpon which the modern families of our gentry rank with the antient ; and I think they are very fairly reduc'd to two heads: — i. Great eftates, whether raif'd by trade or any of the ufuall improvmcnts of the meaner people, fuppofmg them onely to be without a blot of fcandal, which I may explain in its turn. 2. A remove or two from the firft hand or, as 'twas call'd above, the workman that built the houfe. Thefe, and thefe onely, are the pojlu- lata requir'd, or at leaft that I infift upon as neceffary. Sir A .... C .... is a baronet ; his father was Lord Mayor of London, and kept his fliop in Street many yeares, a worthy honeft citizen of long ftanding, and liv'd to be father of the city, was belov'd by every body, had an extraordinary good name, and deferv'd very i:he COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 269 very well, having been a fair trades-man, juft in all his dealing, and had a wonderfull good reputacion, and vaftly rich. He bred up his eldeffc fon to no buffinefs, having fo great an eftate to give him, but fent him to Eaton School, where he made fuch a proficiency that at 1 8 year old he was fent to the Univerfity ; there he ftudyed fome time, when at his own requeft and with his father's confent he went abroad to travell. His two younger brothers were brought up to their father's trade, and the old gentleman left it wholly to them ; and they are very rich allready, having great flocks given them by their father at firft, and they being complete trades-men encreafe it every day, grow rich appace, and may be as good gentlemen as their eldefb brother in a few yeares, or at leaft, may lay a foundation of the like greatnefs in the next age by educating their eldeft fons fuitable to the breeding of a gentleman and giving them efbates to fupport it. Their eldeft brother being juft come home from his travels, the good old baronette his father dyed, and having purchaf'd an eftate of ;^3000 a year in Hamp- fhire, befides leaving him a vaft ftock of money in the Bank of England, the South Sea^ and other public funds and fecurityes, enough to purchafe £1 or 4000 a year more. He is gone down to the manfion houfe in fhire to put it in condicion, he having refolv'd to fettle there and to liv upon the fpot. When he came there, he fell imediately to work with the eftate, look't over the leafes, talk't with his father's bailies and ftewards and with tennants too, making himfelf mafter of the condicion the eftate was in, as well as of the eftate itfelf, ordring new leafes where the old ones were expir'd, ordred the farm houfes and barns to be repair'd, and fome new ones to be ^ S Sea. 270 r//^ COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. be built, raif d feverall cottages for the poor, which were old and fallen down, and, in a word, did everything- to encourage the tennants and improve the eftate, letting his tennants kno' that he intended to come and fettle among them. Then he goes to work alfo with the manfion houfe or family feat ; and firft he ordr'd the park to be wall'd about, the old pale being very much decay'd ; and as the earth was in many places proper for brick making, he caufes the bricks to be made upon the fpot, having fome of his owne tennants who were brick makers, and fo agreed with them by the thoufand, he finding them earth to make them and wood to burn them. Then he fetts men to the pulling down the out- houfes which were decay'd, and builds a very handfome fett of ftables, coach-houfes and offices, a large dog kennell, with a little dwelling houfe for his hunts-man, and having flock'd his park with deer of an extraordi- nary kind, he builds two lodges in his park, with other conveniences for the keepers ; and all thefe things are done with a magnificence fuitable to his fortunes, and to the figure he intended to liv in, and yet with a pru- dence and frugallity as to the manner of it that was admir'd by every body ; there was no want of any thing, and yet no needlefs fimple profufion or ignorant weak extravagance ; and particularly he took care that ready money was allways paid for every thing that was bought, and that all the workmen were pun6lually pay'd their wages. In all this Sir A ... . does not think it below him- felf to direft and lay out every defign and to be his own Sit7'veyor Generall. If the workmen commit any mif- take or prefume to di6late, as fuch men will, contrary to his fchemes, he fees it imediately and correfts the error, caufes it to be pull'd down and done his own way, and is not afiraid to let them kno' that he dares truft to /■ 139- "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 271 to his own judgment and will have his orders ftriclly executed. It happen'd one day that fome neighbouring gentle- men riding by and feeing the works going forward in this manner, halt to fatisfye their curiofity. " Let us go in," fays one of them, " and fee how the buildings go on here, and what they are a-doing." When they had view'd every thing and enquir'd of the workmen or, perhaps, of the head workman what this or that par- ticular part was or was to be, and fee the admirable order in which all was begun, and how every thing is defign'd, and for what, they were furpriz'd ; firft, they were fhow'd the ffcables for his coach horfes in one place, for his runing horfes in another, and for his hunters in a third ; here the ftack yards, there the barns and hay lofts ; here the granaries, there the wood yards ; here the ayrings and riding places ; then they were fhow'd the offices for the family, fuch as the dairys, the cow houfes, the yards, the laundryes, and the lodgings over them for women fervants, and how to be wall'd in and enclof'd from the other offices of the Ecurie or ftables, with particular inlets to the kitchens and other appartments of the houfe when built : I fay, when they had fully view'd and obferv'd all thefe things, the gentlemen go away exceedingly pleafed, and difcourfmg among themfelves faye one of them. Firjl gentlejnan : " I affure you. Sir A. will have a fine dwelling here when 'tis all done." Second gentleman : " Yes, indeed ; they finifh every thing very handfomly as they go." Third gentleman : " Ay, and 'tis all well defign'd too, admirably well ; who ever is his furveyer under- ftands things very well." ■^^^ gentleman : " I obferv every thing looks great and magnificent, and yet not gay and taudry, as if built for oftentacion." Second 272 "The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. Second gentleman : " No, indeed; here is the grandeur without the vanity, her's no pride ; 'tis all ufefull, all neceffary." Third gentleman : " Ay, and wonderfully ftrong and fubftantial ; 'tis built for the family. Why, 'twill ftand for ever. I want to kno' who is his head mannager ; I want fuch a man." Second gentleman : " What, for your own building, Sir James, that you are going upon at the Grange ? I can fatisfy you in that point, and particularly that you can't have his help." Third gentleman : " Why fo, pray 1 I would not take him from Sir A., if I could ; but I might talk with him and have fome direccions from him ; I would pay him for it." Firji gentleman : *' I underftand Mr It is true you can't have him, indeed ; why, Sir A. is his own furveyor ; he layes out all the defigns himfelf, and gives the workmen all the fcantlings and dimenfions from his own draffts. Third gentleman : " You furprife me ! Why, they fay he was bred a trades-man, a meer citifen. His father was a grocer or a " Second gentleman : " Let his father be what he will, 'tis apparent he underftands very well how to be a gentleman." FirJl gentleman : " Ay, and intends to liv like a gentleman too ; that's evedent by all the defign." Second gentleman : " I affure you he has had as good /. 140. an educacion as moft gentlemen, for he was bred at the Univerfity ; he was fiv year at Cambridge." Firjl gentleman : "And has been three year abroad upon his travells." TJiird gentlejnan : " Nay, then he'll be too learned and too proud for his neighbours, that are better gentlemen than himfelf" Firjl riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 273 Firjl gentleman : " No, indeed ; you wrong him. He is the moft courteous, free, fociable gentleman that ever you kept company with in your life." Third gentleman : " And is he not allways telling you of his travells, and what he has feen, and where he has been V Second gentleman : " Not at all ; indeed, unlefs any body enquires and afks him queftions about it for their own informacion." Firjl gentleman : " Nor then neither any more than juft to giv a dire6l anfwer." Third gentleman : " And ifn't his mouth full of fcraps of Latin and of Italian, and fuch out of the way things }" Second gentleman : " Not a word ; he is the beft humour'd, humbleft, and merryeft thing that ever you faw in your life." Firjl gentleman : " Nay, and he's a compleat fportf- man." Third gentleman : " Indeed, he feems to love the fport by his building fuch conveniences for his dogs and fuch a houfe for his huntf-man." Second gentleman : " He is but every thing that a man of fortune fhould be." Firjl gentleman : " He is indeed a complete gentleman." y Third gentleman: "But fo much fchollarfhip! D .... it, I hate thefe learned gentlemen ; a man can't keep 'em company ; he muft have fuch a care of 'em for fear he fhould look like a fool." Second gentleman : " I fee no need of it in his com- pany ; he is above fuch little things. If a man makes a little flip, he is fuch a mafter of good manners, he never takes the leaft notice ; in fliort, he is a clever gentleman. You would be charm'd with his company." Firjl gentleman : " When does he come down to liv among us ?" S Third 274 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. TJiird gentleman : " I mufl needs fay I don't defire it ; for I have no accquaintance with him." Firfl gcntlcuinn : "O you'l be foon accquainted with him." TJuni gentleman : " I accquainted ? No ! no ! he is above me." Second gentlema7i : " What do you mean by that .'' Is any gentleman above Sir James .?" Firjl gentleman : " He is above no body, and will be belov'd by every body." Third gentleman : " But he is too well read for me, he is above me in converfation ; I can't cary on fuch an acquaintance." Firjl gentleman : " If you won't be accquainted with him, he will be accquainted with you. It's impoffible you fhould avoid it ; you will be acquainted with him before he has been here a fortnight." Second gentleman : " Ay, and be as fond of him as any body, too ; you have too much fence not to^ love fuch a man ; and he'll be as well pleaf'd with you, too, Sir James. I can tell you that, for he loves a man of fuch an open, free, generous converfation as you are." T/iz'rd gentleman : "But I have no learning. I was an unhappy dog ; I was born to the eftate, or elce I had been taught ; but I muft be a blockhead for footh, becaufe I was to be the gentleman. There's Jack, my youngeft brother ; they gave him Latin and Greek as /. 141. much as he could carry upon his back, and the D . . . 1 and all of other learning befides, and now he's (a P . . . Pocket) a lawyer I would fay ; and there's Will, my fecond brother ; now he's commander of a man of war and knighted a'ready, and all by his being a mathe- matical dog. Ther's ne're a blockhead in the family but me." FlrJl gentleman : " Come, don't run down your felf, Sir 1 MS. to to. riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 275 Sir James ; there's no body takes you for a blockhead but your felf." TJiird gentleman : " I have the moft reafon to kno' what I am." Second gentleman : " Well, well, Sir A . . . . won't take you for fuch." Firji gentleman : "He can make a better judgment than fo, I tell you ; he'll be delighted with you." T J lird gentleman : "Yes, and I fhall hang my felf. I wifh my father had been a right worfhippfull whole- fale grocer or draper or brandy maker, what d'ye call them, diftiller, or any mechanick thing with but money in his pocket ; then I fhould have been ■" Second gentleman : " What } what would you have been } an arch-bifhop, would you .'' Are you not better as you are "i What would you have done with all this eftate and a gown upon your back .'"' Firjl gentleman : " Aren't you Sir James , Knight and Baronette, and ^5000 a year .^ What would you be better.^" Third gentleman : " I'll tell you. I would not per- haps have been an arch-bifhop ; I fhould have made but a forry prieft ; but I Ihould have been a man of reading, a man of letters, and a fchollar, and I muft own that becomes a gentleman. I'de give half the eftate for it with all my foul." This difcourfe happen'd upon a curfory view onely of Sir A.'s buildings ; and the fubflance of it is to obferv how well a young well educated fon of a citifen or tradef-man knows how to be a gentleman, if he has an efbate to fupport it ; and how foon the pofterity of fuch eftablifh themfelves among the gentry, and are accepted among gentlemen as effe6lually as if the blood of twenty generations was runing in their veins. I could giv you fo many examples of this kind that it would be tyrefome to the reader ; but as fome variety 276 The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. is neceffary, befides thofe whofe particular families are fo well known to us and who it is not for that reafon proper to mencion, take the following hiftory, which may be depended upon for truth. Sir B F is another family now flourifh- ing and eminent in the country. His father was an eminent city knight, a tradef-man or merchant with- out family, without race or name in antient ftory, and what is ftill worfe, without fortune, an accidental blow or blaft of fortune overthrowing the old knight in the ordinary difaflers of trade, fuch as are frequent among tradef-men. He had educated his fon during his better circum- ftances' with all the advantages that a birth fortelling a rifing family could defire, and as his flowing wealth could well affoard. He was a comely perfon, had an agreeable behaviour, perfeftly good humour'd, and, in a word, was every thing that could be defir'd in his out-fide. His head was furnifh'd with a great flock of common knowleg by travell, and having feen the world he fpoke feverall languages. He had a tollerable fhare of fchool learning too, and had read much and feen more ; and what added to it all, he had a mind fortify'd with virtue and folid judgement againfl the fopperies and follyes of the age ; and this fupported him under the difappointment of his father's diffafters fo that he carryed it with an equall fleadynefs of temper, not affraid of a figure below what he was bred for, and / 142. yet not infencible and thoughtlefs, indolent, and care- lefs ; but as he was defign'd for a gentleman by his father, when in condicion to have fupported it, and was furnifh'd as well by Nature as by education to be what his adverfe fortune feem'd to forbid, yet he refolv'd to maintain the temper and behaviour of a gentleman in proporcion to his circumftances^ and to ^ Abbreviation. 'The COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. 277 to let the world fee that, if fortune had deny'd him the advantage of appearing in the brighter figure for which he was fitted, that yet he would fliine in what ever orbit he mov'd in. This equanimity of his temper gain'd him an uni- verfall efteem. Every man lov'd him, every man fpoke well of him ; he was the fubje6l of difcourfe at the tea tables, at the affemblyes, at the meetings of all kinds among either the gentlemen or the ladyes ; and tho' he was not treated as an object of charity recomended to the gentlemen for their fupply, yet all the difcourfe generally ended with a kind of acknowlegement that he was a gentleman that deferv'd a better fortune. C da was a maiden lady, well known in the country. She was an heirefs in reverfion to a very great fortune, and had a handsome eftate in pofeffion ; fhe was well bred, of an antient family, and tho' not a celebrated beauty, not the toaft of the country, yet far from being ordinary, fhe was very genteel and per- fe6lly agreeable. As fhe had a very good eflate and was well defcended, fhe had not wanted the addreffes of feverall gentle- men in the country, fo that if fhe was not marry'd at 23 it was no bodye's fault but her own. Prudence and a very good judgment kept her from takeing up below her felf or with the worthlefs empty beaus of the adjacent town, tho' of equall fortunes; and it was her receiv'd maxim that fhe would rather never marry than be match'd with a fool, however great his eftate. At a particular affembly of ladyes, where being by themfelves they made themfelves amends upon the men for the fcandalous freedom which they on the other hand often, I might fay allways, take with the fex, they had among others the chara6ler of Sir B upon the carpet. Not one of the ladyes had fo much as a hard or un- kind 278 riie COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN. kind word for him. Every body faid he was a compleat gentleman ; in the blow which his father's miftake had been to his fortunes, how modeftly did he behave ! how humble and yet how eafie ! how chearfull, how per- feftly mafter of his own felicity ! how did he fhew that, not deprefft with the difappointment of what he had before to expe6l, he was able to compofe his mind to a perfe6l enjoyment of what he had loft ! " To prov," fayes one lady, "that he knew how to have been a gentleman with a good eftate, he fhows that he can behave like a gentleman without an eftate." " Such a foul as his," fayes another, a maiden lady of a great fortune, "moves in an exalted fphere above the low, clouded, ecclypft regions of common life ; it can fhine from its own luftre, and has all its merit in it felf " From this kind of difcourfe they began with fome tendernefs to fpeak of his paft circumftances,^ and efpe- cially concerning the blow he had received ; how he vifited and affifted his father as far as he was able ; and abundance of foft things fuitable to the goodnefs of the fex were faid. At laft C da took up the cafe. " I have heard much of this gentleman," fayes Ihe."- 1 Abbreviation. " End of MS. NOTES. Page 6. — Mothers are frequently blamed for their inter- ference in their sons' education. Cf. Peacham, " Compleat Gentleman," p. 32 ; and J. Gailhard, "Compleat Gentleman" (1678), p. 16. Page 15. — Sir William Craven was Lord Mayor of London in 161 1. His son William was made Earl of Craven, and died in 1697, aged 88, thus being contemporary with Aubrey, twentieth and last Earl of Oxford, who died in 1702. It seems almost certain that these are the persons. But Defoe has confused the Earl's genealogy; Aubrey's father was Robert {pb. 1632), the nineteenth Earl. Robert was the son of Hugh, son of Aubrey, who was the younger brother of John {ob. 1562), the sixteenth Earl. The seventeenth Earl was his son Edward {ob. 1604), The eighteenth Earl was Henry [pb. 1625). Another younger brother of John, the sixteenth Earl, was Geoffrey, who had two sons, Sir Francis (died 1608) and Horatio de Vere. Nevertheless, the story seems to be true. (Bickley.) Page 18, 1. 22. — After he the printer has erroneously taken out the mark ^ which refers to the foot-note. Fol. 8 of the MS. begins thus : he finks Plabeii* [here is a mark for an insertion, which is lost] really ozight .... has Jet them.** Venice ajid Poland Page 25. — The quotation is from Andrew Marvell's poem, " A Dialogue between Two Horses." Page 30. — Thomas Thynne, known as "Tom of Ten 28o NOTES. Thousand," succeeded to Longleat, and lived there in great magnificence. He was basely assassinated while in his coach in Pall Mall, Feb. 12, 1687, by the connivance, as it is beHeved, of Count Konigsmark, a Swedish nobleman, who was tried for the crime, but was acquitted; his associates, who actually committed the murder, were hanged. (Burke, " Peerage and Baronetage.") The following extract from Kennet, " History of England," iii. 402, will correct Defoe's mistake as to the nationality of Captain Vratz : — " The chief of the murderers readily confess'd the whole fact, said his name was Vratz, that he was a German and a Captain of Foot. His servant, who was a Polander, dis- charged his musquetoon upon Mr. Thynne." Page 32. — Charles Stourton, seventh baron, having com- mitted a foul murder upon a person of the name of Hargil and his son, was tried, convicted, and executed in a halter of silk at Salisbury, in March 1557. (Burke, "Peer, and Bar.") Mervin Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven in Ireland, having had three indictments found against him at Salisbury Assizes, for a rape upon his own wife and for sodomy, was tried by his Peers in Westminster Hall on April 25 ; and, being found guilty of those abominable sins in their aggravated form, was sentenced to death, and soon after executed. (Kennet, " History of England," iii. 59.) He was the second Earl of Castlehaven. The execution was on the 14th of May 1631, on Tower Hill. (Burke, " Peer, and Bar.") Page 32. — Balthasar Gerard, assassin of the Prince of Orange, 1 558-1 584. Page 32. — John Felton assassinated the Duke of Bucking- ham at Portsmouth, August 24, 1628. Page 33. — /Efmodean is a blunder ; it should be A/fnonean race — viz., the family of the Asmoneans, who ruled over the Jews for about one hundred and seventy years. Page 34. — After as to the true and proper means of obtaining fame (line 2), the following long passage has been struck out : — I might go on here, and that very fuitably to my prefent purpofe, NOTES. 281 to mencion the follys of other nacions, who value themfelves upon the antiquity of their race and upon the blood of their anceflors ; but there is one country in particular, and not the leaft famed for pride neither, who are fo unhappily corrupted by the meanefl of all mixtures, I mean that of Moors and Arabs, Turks and Mahom- etans, that they begin to quit the claim to the antiquity of their blood, and claim their honour from the modern advances of their families, and choofe to run up their pedigree to fome foreign familyes, if poffible fo to fhun fo much as the probability of their being traced back to the Morofcoes or fome other race of flaves, negroes, or barbarians. Thefe are the Spanifh and Portuguefe. It is true it is not much lefs than three hundred yeares fmce the Moores were expelled from the footing they had in Spain and Portugal alfo, being oblig'd after the battle of Xeres to abandonne the whole country and leave it to the Spaniards. It is true alfo that no longer ago than the year 1500 or thereabout the King of Spain banifh'd all thofe people call'd the Marofcoes, being the offspring of thefe Moores, and mofl of whom, rather than quit the country, had tum'd and quitted the mahometan religion and began to call themfelves Spaniards, but who for reafons of State, which I confefs I think were no reafons, were, I fay, at once expelled the Kingdom to the number of near a million of people, and to the great impoverifhing of the country as well in that which is the main wealth of any nacion, viz. their people, as their money. But with all this, as the Moors, who were all Mahometans and the fpurious, promifcuous race of Goths, Vandals, Arabs, Negroes, and Mauritanians, amongft whom no diflincion of blood or families are made, were poffeff t of the whole country for above 700 yeares, till the time of King Ferdinand, who, by the taking of the city of Granada and the great battle of Xeres above, entirely conquer'd them and drov them over into Africa ; I fay, as they poffeff't the whole country in property and government fo many years, you hardly find a family of any antiquity beyond the year 1400 to 1500 who are not of Moorifh original, or whofe blood has not been blended with the meanefl of all corrupted originalls, the Moors ; except fuch familyes as have fettled in Spain from other countryes under the Spanish government. Page 35. — The quotation is from Defoe's " True Born Englishman." Page 40. — On the back of fol. 14 is the following sentence, which, however, is struck out : — "tis for younger brothers to travell, fludy, and accomplifh them- 282 NOTES. felves ; the eldefl fon of the family is abov it all, thofe things are utterly needlefs to him. The quotations from Rochester on this page and the next are from his "Letter from Artemisia in the Town, to Chloe in the Country." Page 6i. — On fol. 22b is the following list of the revenues of Spanish bishops and archbishops : — A.B. of Toledo, 300,000 pieces of eight ; A.B.of Seville, 120,000 ; A.B. of Mexico, 60,000 ; A.B. of Lima, 30,000 ; Granada, 40,000 ; Cordova, 40,000; Placenza, 40,000; A.B. Saragoca, 45,000; A.B. Valencia, 30,000 ; Cuenza, 50,000 ; A. Burgos, 40,000 ; Seguenzo, 40,000 ; Segovia, 26,000 ; Ofma, 26,000 ; Pampelona, 28,000 ; Sala- manca, 24,000 ; Coria, 26,000 ; Jaen, 40,000 ; Malaga, 50,000 ; Murcia, 24,000 ; Los Angelos, 1 50,000. Page 6^. — The word il/ian in line 15 is a slip made under the impression that the beginning of the sentence was Jij'e times more. Page 68. — After /^r the liberty of being ignorant (line 2), the following paragraph has been struck out : — Nay, when the Czar caufed a high way to be cut thro' the woods and forrefls, broad and flrait, pav'd and folid, to pafs the nearefl way from Mofcow to Peterfburg, tho' no man was injur'd by it, tho' it was clean and fair, and the old way was full of floughs and for many months unpaffable, tho' it was a flrait road by a line and con- fequently much nearer, the old way being above 30 German miles, that is, 120 Englifh miles about ; tho' he built inns and houfes of entertainment at moderate diflances for fupply and convenience, and bridges for paffmg the rivers, whereas before they were oblig'd to crofs deep and dangerous rivers and often to fwim their horfes, or, if frozen, venture upon the ice ; yet they were fo farr from accept- ing the publick good that becaufe it was among the reft an innova- tion, they murmur'd at, and for a long time would not travell that way or make ufe of the houfes of entertainment provided for them. Page 69. — After of the people about them, the following long passage has been struck out : — In Mufcovy the clergy are no more able to inflrufl the people or fhew them examples of polite learning and a liberall educacion, that they are as groffly ignorant as the reft, perfeftly untaught, infinitely fuperftitious and oppof'd [to] all improvements, as above, NOTES. 283 under the notion of innovacions and finfull being a conformity to other nacions of differing churches, pretending there is no falvation out of the communion of the Greek Church, in which iheir reUgion is a meer heap of confufion, a lump of ceremony and fuperflition, nonfence and contradiccion ; abhorring images of Saints, yet vvor- fhiping their pictures ; keeping 5 lents in a year, and abftaining from flefh till they are allmofl ftarv'd, but getting drunk every day for the reliefe of nature and an empty ftomach. The learning requir'd in a clergyman is to fing well and be able to fay what they call their Mafs, which is neither fo good as the Miffal of Rome or quite fo bad as the old one of the Pagans, out of which both are deriv'd. As for preaching or exiofition of the Scripture, they neither perform or underfland it, neither is there a man among them that was ever taught to preach, expound, or difcourfe to the people in a pulpit to the congregation. Their whole office is perform'd in the defk, and their churches are rather like pageants and pidure shops than places of worship. They can rail at other people's religion indeed, when they cannot underftand their own, raife mutinyes and rebellions againft innovations, for fear any body fhould open the people's eyes and make them too wife for their inftrudlors ; and in the late rebellion of the Strelitzes there was near 200 of the priefts among ihem animating the foldiers to cut their Emperor's throat for defiring to introduce learning and the knowledge of ufefuU arts among them. Page 72.— That ladies of rank ought to suckle their own children is also recommended by other writers on education ; e.g., Braithwait, "The English Gentlewoman," 1631, p. 161. Page 74.— C/. Elyot, "The Governor" (ed. Croft), i. 29. For, as fome auncient writers do fuppofe, often times the childe f oukethe the vice of his nouryfe with the milke of her pappe. Page 77.— On the opposite page the names of the two families are given : Wharton and Dartuentwater. Page 114. — That Defoe himself was doubtful as to the Latin names of these towns is apparent from the mark for " query " which he has added in the margin. Page 117. — We need not believe Defoe's assertion as to the genuineness of the two letters which he meant to insert here. 284 NOTES. Page 120. — The three Leslys. In the other work contained in the MS., "On Royall Educacion," fol. 72-74, Defoe speaks only of two such generals ; but he is not quite accurate in either place, as only two of the family served under Gustavus Adolphus, and as only one of these could not write. In the " Historical Records of the Family of Leslie," by Colonel Leslie, I find that no less than four members of the family served in Germany during the Thirty Years' War. 1. Sir Alexander Leslie of Balgony was general of the Swedish army in Westphalia {cf. "Records," vol. ii. 103). Gustavus Adolphus raised him to the rank of lieutenant-general and field- marshal. In 1626 he was sent to take command of Stralsund, and successfully resisted the siege of that place by Wallenstein (iii. 356). He is reported to have been absolutely illiterate. 2. David Leslie {^m. 198), first Lord of Newark, bom 1601, entered the service of Gustavus Adolphus during his wars in Gennany. There he attained the rank of colonel of horse, and acquired the reputation of being an excellent officer. When the civil war broke out in Scotland, he was called home by the Covenanters in 1637. He greatly contributed to the defeat of the royal army at Marston Moor, 1644. But he was not illiterate, as is shown by a letter printed in the " Records," and which he wrote himself. — Defoe's error as to number seems to be caused by the two other members of the same family who also fought in Germany. 3. Walter (iii. 241), first Count Leslie, founder of the family of the Counts Leslie of the Holy Roman Empire, born 1606 ; he entered the Imperial service, in which he served with great distinction and honour in the war against the Swedes. He was created Count Leslie and Lord of Neustadt in Bohemia. He became a field- marshal and Governor of Sclavonia. He was one of the partisans of the Emperor who murdered Wallenstein. 4. George Leslie, second son of George Leslie, went to Germany, entered the army, attained the rank of colonel. He was killed at a siege (iii. 356). Page 121. — These verses, which Defoe quotes also in his " Essay on Projects," are taken from Roscommon's " Essay on Translated Verse." Page 178. — Swift, in his "Essay on Education" ("Works," 1841, ii, 290), shows at length how after the Restoration the Crown lay under the necessity of handing over the chief NOTES. 285 conduct of the public affairs to new men merely for want of a supply among the nobility. He gives a long list of names. Page 180. — Sir H., mentioned again on page 239 as Sir T. Ha ... r, is probably Sir Thomas Hanmer, born in 1676, son of William Hanmer, Esq. He was returned to Parliament, at the accession of Queen Anne, for the co. of Flint, elected in 1707 for the co. of Suffolk, and chosen Speaker of the House of Commons in 17 12. He sat more than thirty years in the House of Commons. (Burke, " Peer, and Bar)." Page 181. — After but that by the by the following hues have been struck out : — Of whom the famous Andrew Marvell fings merrily : But thanks to the w who made the King dogged, For giving no more the fools were prorogued. Then follows the heading of Chapter V. (page 184), after which comes the deleted paragraph beginning Of thefe gentle- men (p. 181). Page 184. — At the beginning of fol. 10 1 is a different head- ing to Chapter V., but is struck out : — CHAP. V. Of what is properly to be call'd learning in a gentleman ; of the affliccion it is fometimes to gentlemen of quallity, whofe genius and capafcityes are equally perfe(5l with thofe of the moft learned, to find themfelves, as it were, wholly excluded from the fociety of the befl men by the neglect of their parents in their educacion ; and of the great miflake they are guilty of in being afiflicSled at it and not takeing (and of the eafy and) \added over line'] proper meafures to retriev it. Page 184. — After ^vithout ajiy difguife, the following passage is struck out : — When the fabrick is thus built and that the foundation lay'd in pride is grown up in ignorance, 'tis flill fupported by the fame prepoflerous notion : the gentleman fcorns the fcandal of being learned, is vain of his ignorance, calls it a life of pleafure, glories in it, and is happy onely as not kn . . . ? He is blinded by his pride not to fee that he is compleatly miferable ; and here his pride is evedently a vertue, fay thofe criticall enquirers. 286 NOTES. Page i86. — After ivhen he is grown ?//, the following passage has been scored through : — His maflers, his parents, his inftru(flors, who turn'd him into the field an afs, would never have taken him up a horfe, had he fed in the bed paflure in the world ; and to have befloVd teaching upon one that could not learn had been fomething like a covetous man who, carrying gold to the refiner's to be melted, put lead into the crucible to encreafe the quantity, not doubting but being melted with the pure metal it would all come out gold together, but found his lead was but a luinp of lead ftill and could not incorporate with the gold. But this is onely where I fay the youth is incapable by meer naturall defecfts, where he has no power, and is not receptiv of learn- ing ; then, indeed, the parents had been in the right and it had been the befl thing they could do to let the underflanding run wild. Why fhould they make vain attempts to hamer in learning where the ftrokes would make no impreffion ? But if there are fuch natural powers ; if the youth was forward to learn, had a genius, a memory, an inclinacion, all fuited to reciev the impreflions of early education, there it mufl be acknowleg'd 'twas an unfufferable injury to deny teaching and to withold the helps which nature mdeed, as it were, openly call'd for. Page 207, — W. Whiston, 1667-1752 : " A New Theory of the Earth ; wherein the Creation of the World in Six Days, the Universal Deluge, and the General Conflagration, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, are shown to be perfectly agreeable to Reason and Philosophy," Lond'. 1696, 17 18, 1725, Svo. Page 210. — John Oldham, 1653—83. Page 214. — Dr. Thomas Burnet, d. 1715 : " Telluris Theoria Sacrae," Lond. 1681— 9, 2 vols. 4to ; Arast. 1699, 410. Trans- lated into English by himself, Lond. i684_9, 2 vols. fol. Page 218. — In writing this, Defoe perhaps thought of his own schoolmaster, Charles Morton, to whose excellent teaching he has borne testimony on another occasion. The first schoolmaster who advocated the study of English was Richard Mulcaster (1582), as has been pointed out by Mr. Quick (ed. of Mulcaster's " Positions ") and Dr. Furnivall (p. Iviii of his article mentioned in the Introduction). Page 219. — Khiel is doubtless a wrong spelling for Keill NOTES. 287 {John), the name of the author of the " Introductio ad Veram Astronomiam," ed. 2"'^'', Londini, 1721. There is a Flemish historian and poet, Cornells van Kiel or Cornelius Kilianus, i53o(?)-i6o7 ; but he can hardly be meant. Page 223. — JoJm Toland, a deistical writer born in Ireland, 1670-1722. Thomas Enilyfi, an English Nonconformist theologian, 1 663-1 743. Page 223. — Epiphanius and TertuUian derive the name of the Ebonites from Ebion, a disciple of Cerinthus. Others derive it from the Hebrew Ebionim, i.e., poor people. Page 225. — Capt. Woods Rogers: "Voyage to the South Seas and round the World," 1 708-11; "Cruising Voyage round the World," Lond. 1712, Svo. Page 244. — In a book entitled " The Country Gentleman's Vademecum," by G. Jacob, Gent., 1717, it is shown at length what the annual expense in the country was, at Defoe's time, of a nobleman's family comprising about twenty-five or thirty persons, " to be maintained genteelly and plentifully." The total expense is estimated at ;^i2oo to ;^ 15 00. The wages for the twenty servants amount to only ^170. Page 266. — MiQx pointed out, the following words have been struck out : — fuch as Mr. Edwards, Sir John Eyles, Sir Gilbert Heathcot, and many more. Page 268. — After hefitation, the following passage has been struck out : — Nay, iTiall thefe be rejetled, when 'tis evedent that fome of them fliall come in and b^ received without fuch a ceremony, when the huckfters of partyes and families fhall upon the moft foolifh pretence fliut them entirely out ? Page 268. — No Lord Mayor's son of the name of Sir A .... C .... is known ; the two persons are either fictitious or disguised under wrong initials. (Bickley.) Page 276. — No baronet with the initials B and F, suiting the circumstances related here, can be identified. (Bickley.) INDEX. Academy, an, where everything was taught in English, Adam, 37, no Addison, 262 Adrian, 226 ^smonean (MS. /Esmodean) race, S3 {^^^ the note) yEthiopians, 12 Alexander the Great, 226 Ammon, the children of, 83 Anne, a saying of the late Queen, 235 Anne, wife of James I., suckled her own children, 78 Archangel, 37 Argyle, Duke of, 261 August I., Elector of Saxony, 30 Augustus, 226 Ave Maria Lane, 237 Backsword men, 12 Bajazet, 226 Bar Jesus, 33 Bateman, Sir James, 262, : Bear Garden, 32 Beauford, Duke of, 261 Bedford, Duke of, 261 Behsarius, 226 Ben Gorion, 33 Bing, Pattee, 262 Blacket, the family of, 265 Blenheim, 227 Blunt, 263 Boyars 227 66 290 INDEX. IJoyle, 69 Braganza, the Royal House of, 34 Bridewell, 210 Brookbank, 263 Buchan, Earl of, 261 Burnet, 214 Cadogan, 62 Csesar, 4, 226 Cambden, 210, 214 Carthage, 39 Castlehaven, Lord, 32 (with a note) Castlemain, Lord, 263 Catharine I. of Russia, 35 Ceciles, the, 'j'j Cerinthus, 223 Cham of Tartary, 29 Chambers, Mrs., 261 Charles II., sayings of, 25, 93, 180 Chester, 263 Chevy Chase, 135 Child, a modern family in Essex, 263 Child, Mr., 261 Child, Sir Josiah, 266 Childs, Sir Richard, 263 Churchil, Lady, 262 Classic, value of the, languages, 209 ; nothing but classic read- ing is now called literature, 222 Clergymen, position of the, 46 Cock at Charleton, family in Essex, 263 Collier, 263 Columbus, 226 Compton, Lady, 262 Cortez, 226 Coward, 263 Craven, Sir William, and his son, 15 (with a note) Cressner, 263, 265 Dampier, 225 Darcyes, the, 167 Darwentwater, note to p. TJ Daval, 263 David, 25 INDEX. 29 Dead-weight, the, in the House of Parliament, 95 Defoe, his knowledge of Latin, note to p. 114 De la Porte, family in Essex, 263 De Vail, Sir Thorn., 266 De Vere, 14, T]^ 167 Drake, 226 Drinking, the habit of excessive, with gentlemen, 70 Duncan, Mrs., 261 Ebion, 223 {see the note) Education of the born gentleman, mistakes committed by his mother and aunts, 6 (and note), 7, 92 ; by his father, 9, 10 ; he is not sent to school, 7 ; very few elder sons are sent to the Universities, 55, 118; elder sons are above study, note to p, 40 Edwards, Mr., note to p. 266 Emlin, 223 English, the study of, recommended, 219 {see also note to p. 218) Excester, Earl of, 261 Eyles, Sir John, note to p. 266 Fairfax, Mrs., 261 Fawkes, Guy, 32 Felton, 32 (with a note) Ferdinand of Castile, 35 Foleys, the, 267 Franks, 22 French horn, the, 44, 57, 158 Furnese, Sir Robert, 264 Furnis, family in Essex, 263 Garter, Knight of the, 28 Gentleman, distinction between the born gentleman and the bred gentleman, 3, 4, 257 seq. ; the complete gentleman, 3,4,5; derivation of the word, 11 ; its meaning, 13. 15,46,52; a Scotch gentleman sentenced to be beheaded instead of being hanged, 52 ; how a day is spent like a gentleman, 57, 58 ; manners and occupations of the country gentlemen and their ignorance, 39, 64 seq., Z^seq.; conversation of two brothers on the meaning of the word " gentleman," 43 seq. Gerrard, Balthazar, 32 (with a note) Gerrard, Mrs., 261 Gore, Mr., 262 292 INDEX. Goths, 22 Gould, 263 Grand Seignior, 29 Gustavus Adolphus, 14, 120 H ALLEY, Dr., 154, 207 Hamilton, Duke, 261 Hanmer, Sir Thomas (called No. 50), 180 {see the note), 239 Hannibal, 226 Hastings, the, 167 Hawking, 70 Heathcot, Sir Gilbert, note to p. 266 Holmes, 261 Honorius, 226 Houblon, 263 Howard, 263 Howards, the, 167 Howland, Mr., 261, 265 Incomes of the Spanish and Italian clergy, 61 (and the note) ; of the English gentry and nobility, 60 Irish custom, an, 146 Isla, Earl, 261 Isles, a modern family in Essex, 263 Isles, Sir John, 263 Italian gentlemen, 1 1 Joseph, z3 Jove, 80 Judas, 33 Khiel, 219 {see the note) Knight, Mrs., 261 Learning despised, 7, 44 seq., 64, 65, 98 seg. Le Fort, 67 Leipzig, battle of, 227 Leopold, Emperor of Germany, called the old fiddler of Vienna by Louis XIV., 119 Lesly, three Scotch generals, 120 {see the note) Lethulier, 263 Library, a catalogue of books in a country gentleman's, 135 ; how a country gentleman bought a library, 137 seq. INDEX. 293 Locke, 69 London in ruins, 39 Louis XIV., 119 Ludgate Street, 137 Malplaquet, 227 Marlborough, 62 Marshals, French, 62 Martin, 263 Marvell, Andrew, 25 (seethe note), and note to p. 181 Mead, 263 Mead, Sir Nath., 263 Menchikofif, the Deputy-Czar, 35 Milton, 20 Moab, the children of, 83 Mohuns, the, 262 Moors, 34 Muscovites, ignorance of the, 63, 112, 122 Narbro', Lady, 262 Narva, 227 Nebuchadnezzar, 17, 18 Nero, 119 Newgate, 32 Newton, 69, 207, 219 Nobility, enormous wealth of the English, 60-63 ; Spanish, 61 ; French, 61 ; Venetian, 21-26 ; Polish, 114 Oldham, 210 Onslow, Lord, 261 Oxford, Earl of, 14 Page, family in Essex, 263 Page, Sir Gregory, 264 Papilon, family in Essex, 233 Pater Noster Row, 137 Patricii of Rome, 1 1 Pension Parliament, 95 Percys, the, 262 Peter the Great, 35-38, 66, 187, 193 Pharisees, 12, 17 Plebeij, 18 Polanders, 21, 29-31 294 INDEX. Polish gentlemen are all of them scholars, 114 Poltcot, 32 Porto Bello, 227 Portuguese nobility, 34 {see also the note) Ravenna, 22 Rawson, 263 Rebow, an Essex family, 263 Reval, 227 Rhehobeam, 107 Robin Hood, 135 Rochester, the poet, 40, 41 Rogers, 225 Romans, the, 11, 18, 22 Roscommon, Earl of, 121 Russel, Lady, 262 Russels, the, 77, 265 Russian nobility, 35, 67-69 ; Russian stupidity, 12, 63, 147 ; Russian clergy, note to p. 69 ST. Paul's Church Yard, 137 Salisbury, cathedral of, 32 Saul, 25 Scawen, Sir Thorn., 262 ; Sir William, 266 Scholar, description of a, 201 Schoolmasters despised, 7, 9 ; their severity, 7 Schools, 7 ; Eaton, Winchester, Westminster, Felsted, Bishop Stortford, Canterbury, 8 ; Winchester School, 129 ; going to school is below a gentleman, 7, 98 Selymus, 226 Senacharib, 227 Shovel, family in Essex, 263 Shovell, Cloudsly, 262 Simeon, 33 Simon Magus, 33 Solomon, 37, 78 Southampton, 141 Southsea, 269 Spaniards, 12, 34 (and the note); revenues of Spanish bishops, note to p. 61 Spelling, bad, of gentlemen, 117 Stangeways, Mrs., 261 Stourton, family of, 32 (with a note) INDEX. 295 Suckling of children, 70 (and note to p. 72) Talbots, the, 167 Tamerlan, 226 Tankerville, Lord, 261 Thynne, Thomas, Esq., assassinated by Capt. Vratz, 30 (with a note) Titus Vespasian, 226 Toland, 223 Tomombejus, 226 Transactions, Philosophical, of the Royal Society, 192 Translations, value of, 223 seq. Travelling, 38, 39 Tunbridge, 117 Tutors generally are only the play-fellows of their pupils, 87 ; besides, they ruin their morals, 87 ; and this they are com- pelled to do, 87 ; they are the "murderers" of a child's morals, 71 ; their salary, 206, 213 TySson, fainily of, 263 Tysson, Mr., 266 Vandals, 22 Venetian nobility, 21-28 Veres, the, 262 Vratz, Captain, assassin of Thorn. Thynne, Esq., 30 Warwick, Countess Dowager of, 262 Webster, 263 Welsh gentlemen, 2 1 Western, 263 Wharton, Duke, 261 Whartons, the, TJ {sec also the note) Whiston, 207 Whitfield, Mrs., 261 William the Conqueror, 4 William III., saying of, 102 ; a greater king than Titus, 226 ZlA, strange customs in the island of, 93 PKINTED BY BALL.^NTYNE, HANSON AND Ca LONDON AND EDINBURGH 9 1: 4 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NOV 8 2006 JAN I 8 2008 DD20 12 M 1-05 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDSflBDMSflE