1222.W UC-NRLF B E aM2 31D % « H :i [LONDON, What it Is, ^^ Not What it Was : O R, TAe Citizens Comp/ai/w Againll "Tub lick Nufances., To. which is addcda A Remonftrancc againfl the great I^umber of Shops^ ^c. that fell Gencoa and other Drams to the Poor, and the evil Confeqiienccs ■ thereof; with fome True Caiifea ■ of the increafe of the Poor, LO N DO N; ;>ofd by J. Roberts, near the 6xfof-d-Jyf,;i in. V/arwick-Lane ', J. Dodd, at the Fd?^ cock without Teff/ple-Bar ; and E. 6>//V/a, fttliQ^Rojal-Excha^^e, [Price 6 d.;i )Nr ^ of /etc iple, ■ Bu- pwa the: nine the c no h f^ t' a. ^.- f... S I H."«" ^ I \ . / ^ a \:\ O ~. .i'*- ir.'O .c :.n: -•v: .. Ad # — ^W A *< . V> . , i .tv^.> - •• ^ (C 1.^ :^'i(W.:i{^o- ; .- '\ r. *f r- •■. •» ) CI c; tOAN STACK [i] rr:.lv:; J INTRODUCTION. ■um'A^:. (..- It^ iKM: i^^lffS T were to be wifli-; 5i> J^£^ \ _ I f^ ed, the Lotb of ^I4^^i our Country >ycre the firft Principle; of Aclion in Men of Bu- fmefs, evenfoi their pwa Sakes ; for when the. World be.9;ins to examine into their Ccnduec, the, nerality, who have no A 3 §h 532 I < 11 ' IntrodiiSlion, Share in, or Hopes of any Part in Power or Riches, but what is the EfFed of their own La- bour or Property, will judge of them by no o- ther Method, than that how profitable their Ad- miniflration has been to the Whole. But however general. Cuftom may hurry us a- way in the Stream of common Error, there is no Evil, no Crime, fo great as that of being cold in Matters vv^hich relate to the common Ciood. IntfodiiBmi, in. Good. Can then the mod generous Motive of Life, . the Good of others, be fo eafily. banillied thr Breaft of Man? Is ic poffible to. drav/ all our Paffions inward ? . Yet fuch an Effed has it had, that to fpeak freely, the very Senfe of Pub- lick Good has no lon- ger a Part even in our Converiations. j .^ ^W■HATfolidSatisfaai-' On IS there in this Life, ii this h not fo, to have a moderate Competency, honeftly , and defervediy :.- ' ' • got; xy IntroduBion* p_;ot, with the Pleafure td behold our^ Relations, Fellow Creatures, Fel- low Subjeds, and Chri- ftians, Happy as well as we J dnd that we have" contributed on our part to make them fo. 'Tis ^ rirange Curfe laid up- on a Man, that when he has got Fifty Thoufaild Poup^d, he wants to make it up a Hundred Thou- fand, and then is not fa- tisified but mud make that up Two, tho* 'tis ten to one, whether he enjoys the Comforts, or has a Soul to enjoy e- veil ■ lMYodt0ioh\ ■ V Veil tile Neeeflafies of Life half fo much as -a^ Man that has but FiS^^: Hundred Pound a Year.- ' It will, Iriloubt n^^^ be objefled to jchis Way of expqfing the Jnconye-- niencies w hich make thej Subjed: of the; ■following^ Pages, -rThat-diere": are; Perfons proper to be ap-- plied - to ibr-^ Remedy : thereof. , To ^y h ich i t ■ may be replied, that the, Perfon who fliall go a- bout fuch an Office, will be fubjc^l to be made a Ridicule "of, and pointed B out ;! \ \ -» I -r^--— ' Vi IntXgdii£iiou. put for. a Bufie-Body, and one who is Troublefom; or at leaft: Impertinent: Befides, thofe proper JPeri fons are iio\v-a-clays o- thefwiife employed,/ be- ing -more intent Uipon' making their private For-^ tunes than' - difchaf ging^ tTi'e publick Duties ' of- their Places. But ^as P intend not to entejr into? a long detail of Particii-' lars, I Mll'ufe asTe#-^ Words as poffible. ^ '^"^^^ r . ( i ) ..-.:. 1 v)j N-'x N"/ v"^ y V s"'/ ^-t-z y'i ^'"': y'i y^ y< y'< y-i f\ ^•'■''i ^''-i j''^ ;"'< y'< ^"'^ y^ >"''i ^•'< : ■'^. ' ■■ ,■/..-. . .. . . .1. t -•■£ '• ;\.2. i OiVZ)0 A^,' What it Is; : Not "v^chat it ms/.&v;'' .^**! ■,*J t,i Ji- ll I Of the foulnejs of the Streets, cmd Tajjages, in the City and Su- hirbs ^London. gjO?J0OHIS is fo obvious to every, one vsfhofe g?'T^O Affairs obliges him to be much a- S??--?--?'-! ^^°*^' ^'^^^ "° """^^^ '^"'l be fail! than to ask the Inhabitants of the City and Suburbs whether they do not think they are fulTiciently aflefled in their Qiiarter- Jy^ Payments to have the Ways kept freer from Filtl) and Dirt ? B 2 yi»* I?-. \ * I ^1 ■ The high Streets are generally in Co bad a Condition through the ncglcAing to take away the Soil therein, that there is fcarce any crofing them in the Winter time; which how detri- ^' incntal it proves to many Sliopkeepers in re- Ipcft to their Trade, is beft known to themi But it feems the worthy Mr. Scavenger, or his Deputy, is not fo ready to perform his Bufi- -Dels as to take his Money; tho* he ought to remember it is paid to keep the Ways clean, and not to let the Soil lie fometimes a whole Wqek, or more, .-before . he . is at leifure t^ fetch it away': And when he' cbrnes, is very often in fuch Hafte, that he is gone before -Feople can well get what he comes for to thelf Poors, In fine, he oi:ght to confider that it ' i. (> ''^<"^ j.;.\. ... ■'-.U-l-y-h u.:: .Vj ..'' '■ ■'. :.;C1 i:^r. .:;::; .:-,'U 5^ rf. (3) ■': ■... ■ ■- •-. •> . - ■ ■■-. •■• .•"' 'Of the Filthinejs of the Markets, THE Markets,' tho' Orders are frequently publiftied to keep them clean, arc com- monly in fo bad a Condition, that there is hardly fetting foot in them without being up to the Ancles in Dirt; which, not to mention the many other offenfxve Inconveniencies there- of, occafxonM by the Negligence of BuuUru Pouherers, &c. in not taking due Care of their Blood and Offals, ought to be kept in a little better Order, in fo large and populous a City and Suburbs as thi? is, becaufe of the ba^ Efteas it may produce, fhould they be fufr fered to remain in the Condition they hav^ o( late been' kept in^ s. . ; : •: ; ■ . . .• . ■• ^i k 1 - -. ■ r * i . .• 1 .^ ■.■•• •< . 1 ^ I ~" <■ *? If" ?. f i.'.i'lti •'■ ',.. ■ .'*\'.''':* ■ •'.' '.u ■• ,':,-^; -r ''»: ■ VST-* ** . Tar. ,M. U") The illEffeas of Offal-Houres' Slanghter-Houjes, &c. h^'tt n^HE^ench of the/^ are morj WoLL ^-^^ bad. enough; «„d, if i, n.ould f c? ;". ^°^ «"^ Jii'^s.^ro' vifit „s with- -ny S:ckncfs more than common/ ic ouobr o te. .n^yl^^ghtcn tl-.e Calamity, by corruD. ■ ^l^f^%r ^ "" ^^''^i^'kU Bufchcr-iuii ^-h of uhat is nflbrtcJ, and .vhid, I u' to be with>n the City. ■''-•■■ ■ . 3 ' I M i:.y no more on this Hc.d, bein<. P^fnaded ti..t the worthy Gentlemen in whofe Breafis u l,cs to prevent Inconvenienclcs of th,s Nature are not altogether ..pp:I.ed Ovhat- e^cr their Undcr-OHIccrs may be) of thei^ n-v/brtofDealersinfboptLtaCit^t ^.3 .., and t ercforc doubt not but a fp e ; %:edy uJl be applied thereto. ' ^ ' Of IP" ; Of '/he lad Co7ifepte?tces of fnf^ ■ JhifigYiogs, ^x. to he 'kept •near the CUy and in the Suhurbs V, ^ London^ ■: W. A\ H E keeping of Swhw, I am apt to be- lieve, is. , hardly tolerated in the Su-' biu-bs of any City in the World befides this -whofc Inhabitants, have the leaft .Regard 'for tlicir Prefervation from Infeftious oi^ Conta- gious Diftempeis, which it cannot be. denied^ that the keeping of fuch noifom and ofTcn-' five Creatures is fubjea to produce, cfpecial- ly in large and populous Places. : . It is commonly reported that Two or Tlnxc , Hundred of thofe Animals are kept, and Siies made for them, no farther off than \xi JVhite^ hyrsy near the Temple; which, if it be true, • ought CI humbly conceive^ to be examined • into by thofe whofc Bufincfs it is::to take • Care of a better: Regulation in that Point; • .-.there being (if I am not . miflakcn) at Icaft • one Aa of Parliament againft fuch a Nu- • fancc. ... ..... .. • . . . . , . '•*• .<•,., ■ !>,•.•-.(« ... < t - ■■-•■. .' '■ . .,:; » ■■■ ,:.\ "■. tk' .. . t •-••■ c t ■I < ! i The Inconve7tkncies of Soitc-bol-' krs, Tallow-ChancUcrs, find c- iher offenffve Trades hemg per- . ' 7mtted to ivork in the Ctty and Suhurhs. . : ^v V^ rr^H E Ciiy of Londm dnd its Subut6s, ty. X . the great incrcafe of Buildings within; a. few Years, being become one of the Inrgeft'^ in the World, nnd the ^Tun^ber of its Inha- bitants, increafng anfwcrably thereto, ought,- for that Reafon. to be the^ njrc carefully; prefevvcd from all Manner' of Nufances; that ; fo it mav (humanly fpcaking) enjoy the great' and valuable BletTmg of contiuuing in its pre- lcnt'bcaUh:ul Conditictt. . ,.".^ .^ V , .' ' ■ '■The'Air of i>»M confidcring the Extent; of it. h undoubtedly very healthful > and wc • nL in a great tr.eafure ftUl enjoy fo >»efa- ; pile a Happinefs, if wc are hpt wanting to curfelves. by fuffcriug it to be corrupted o, U,c Profit of a few, vvhofe vet greater^ In tc^ ,^a it would be to contribute to tne Prelci- Uon thereof: But fo great an Influence has - ,he fordid thirft of Ga>.. over the gencr-.uuy of Mankind, that all oilier Confiderat.o.s are forced to give, way to that alo»e. ^, 1. • . (7) Of the great Nur/iher of Shops, ^c. that fell Geneva, and o- ther 1)rams, to the Toor, end ^^ the evil Co'afequerices thereoj , IT is a general Complaint, that our ' ■: incrcafe every Day, notwithflanding all ti Regulations. hitherto made to. provide for thcm^ which, if duly executed, would confiderably Jeflen the Number of thofc who are. really to be confider'd as fucli i for v.'q. cannot, ftriftly ipeaking, include all in that Number who are reduced to that unhappy Condition, bccaufe Hundreds (I might have fa id Thoufands) are fo through their own Fault. , .. , . ' ' '■ This is in a great meafure owin^, to the vafi Number of Places which fell th. *> perni- cious Drams oi Geneva, 8ic. and whei fo ma- ny fpend all they get, to the utter . uin of their Health and Families. ^ ; - .' })■:: '.; -V/, •. :•■ ,"'■; :•";, ■.■'. ^ • -• iiut this is fet forth In fuch lively Colours in the following Piece publifhed about nine Months age, that we could not do othc; ivife (in Juftice to thofe worthy Gentlemen ^■.'ho fubfcribcd the fame) than give it here ac Length, as a-. Pattern of a truly Publick Tpi- ■ JMfcailfifV ia&xu rjt (2) thouah it does rot appear that it V:, T-' has ^•et \M the defircd Eftect. •Jb H/^^ Majefifs'jupces of theVeac'cp the "County 0/ Middlerex, in thsir.Generd ' 'Quarter Sefjms a^emUeA. IN purfuance of an Order made in the lafi Qiiaf- t^r SefTions held for this County, whereby it Avas referred to us, among others, to inquire into th^ Number of Houfes and Places, within fuch pArts'of this Town and County as arc, therein mentioned, whef^- Geneva and ^6ther Strorg Watei-s are fold by Retail, and the Mifchiefs occafioned thereby: Wc who/e Names are fub- _ fcribed, do hereby certify, That by the Re- ■ turns of the High and Petty Conftables, made upon their Oaths, it appears, there are within the Weekly Bills of. Mortality, and fuch other -Parts of this County, as are now by the Con-, tiguity of Buildings become part of this Town, (exclufive of London and Southwayk) Six Thou- fand One Hundred and Eighty Seven Houfes and Shops, wherein Geneva or other Strong VVaters ire publickly fold by Retail. And altho' this Number is exceeding great, and far beyond all Proportion to the real Wants of the Inhabitants,^ (being'in fome 'Parinics every tenth Hotife, in - -^i-vs- every feventh, and in one of the largcfl ■ :.: . '•■ every ( 9. ) every fifth Hpufc) we have great Rcafon to be- lieve, 'it is very fiiort of the true Number, there being none retiirncd but fiich who fell publicly in Shops or Houfes, though 'tis known there arc many others who fell by Retail, evea So the Streets and Highways, Ibme on Bulks and Stalls fet up for that purpofe, and others in Wheelbarrows, who are not returned ; and many more tvho fell privately in Garrets, Cel- lars, Back Rooms, and other Places, not pub- lickly exp()[ed to View, and ; which thereby ef- jcapcd the Notice of Our Officers j and yet there have been a confiderable Number lately fup- prefs'd, or obliged to leave off, by the Juftiqes ■within their Parifhes, though this has proved of •no Effed, having only lerved to drive thofc who before were ufed to thefe Liquors, into grea- ter Shops, which are' now to be fccn full of Poor People from Morning to Night. But in this Kumber.df Six Thojafand One Hundred ■:and Eighty Seven, are_ included fuch Viclual- .krs who fell Geneva or_ other Strong Waters, as well- as 'Ale and Beer ; though 'tis hi^hlv probable, from the great and fiidden Decay of the Brewing Trade, without any Diminution in the Number of Viftuallers, -that the Qiiantities of Strong Waters now drank in Alehoufcs, i<; iViiftly irtcrcafcd of late, beyond what was for- ■merly ufual : And it appears by the ConRnhlc"; J >!Ji-.>jc ■■■Q'z- Re- (h ■ i a- i', . I \ l- I f-VT"—- "if^' •■*"^-' -«tT- (10) ■Returns, where they are" aiftlngulfhed, that the •Number of Geneva and other Strong Wnter Shops are fully equal to the Number of Ale- "houfcs, and rather exceed than otherwjfe. ^ - _ ! It is with the deepeft Concern your Committee .obferve the ftrong Inclinationof the inferior lort 'of People to thefe dellruaive Liquors, and yet, -as if that were not fuffident, all. Arts are ufcd •to tempt and invite them'. All Chandlers, many -Tobacconifts, and feveraf who :. feU : Fruit or •Herbs in Stalls or Wheelbarrows, "fell Geneva, •and many inferior' Tradefinen begin now to lieep it in their Shops for their Cuftomcrs, whereby it is fcarce polTible for Soldiers, Sea- men, Servants, or others of their Rank, to go .any where, without being drawn in, either by •thofe who fell it.- or by their Acquaintance ' they mecr with in the Streets, who generally begin with inviting them to a Dram, which is -every where near at Haiid, efpecially, where of .all other Places k ought to be kept at the great- eft Diflance, near Churches, VVork-Houfes, • Stable-Yards, and Markets. , .... Your Committee, afrer having informed them- felvcs, r.s v,cll as they were able, of the Number of theic Houfes, proceeded to enquire, according |o your Djrcc^tions, .into the Mifchi<,fs ariling frcpi them, «nd from the , immoderate Ufc of tbcfc thefe Liquors, iind more efpecially of Gcnck: ^And thefc apj.'car to be cndlcfs and innumera- ble,' aft'cfting not- only- particular Perfons and Families, but alfo the Trade of the -Nation, and the publick Welfare. ■■■■"''" ■'■ s'- u •■,i - ■■ ■ .-■•■.: ^ ■ ••.:'.!li )'.'v!,';'.-.-:...<} (With Re/iieft to particular Perfons; it de- prives them of their Money, Time,. Health, 0nd Underftanding; weakens and enfeebles them to the .laft Degree, and yet while under its im- mediate Influence, raifes the moft violent and outrageous PafTions, renders them incapable of hard Labour, as vvell as indilpofes "them tq jr, ruins their Health, and deftroys their Lives; befides the fatal Eitefts it has on. their , Morals and Religion. And among the Women, .. (who fcem, to be almofl equally infe(fted),j't..has this further Effects, by inflaming their JBlood, andl ftnpifying their Scnfcs, to expofe theiiV an 'cuCy Prey to the Attacks of vicious Men; and yet many of them are fo blind to 'thefe difriial Con- fequcnces, that they are ofcen Icen to give it to their youngeft Children, even to fuch whom thc^ carry in their Arms. With Regard to. their Families, this pernicious Liquor; is ftill . more fatal: Whilll the Husband, and perhaps his Wife alfo, are drinking and Ipending their Money in Geneva Shops, their Children are Aarv'd and naked at Home, without Bread to cat, or Cloatjis to put on, and either become IM ( lO Si EurtheH tS their Pariflies, or being fuffcie4 to ramble about the Streets, rac forced to, beg >vhlle they arc Children,, and learn as they grow up to pilfer and fteal ; which your Committee conceive to be one of the, chief Caufes of the vaft Increafe of Thieves and Pilferers of all kinds, not- withftaiiding the great Numbers who have been ti-anfported by Virtiie'o'fthe excellent Lawmadd for that- Purpofe. Under this Head may,allb be added, the common 'Praftice of pawning their own ai^d Childrens Cloarlis 6vhich expofes them to alt the' Extortions of Pawhbrolicrs) and their tunning in' Debt, and cheating by all the Ways ^nd Mc'ahs' they can devifei to get ' Money to rpend in this deftruaive Liquor,, which generally ends iri'the Husband's being thrown intoGoiir, •and hiswl'jole Family on y^e Pari fh. And thi^s your' Committee conceive to be one of the prin- cipal Caufes of the great Increafe of BcggaiS knd Parifh iPoor, nbtwithaanding the high \V^ges noy.: given to aU forts of Workmen;^ an4 Servants. .• _ ;, ;,^ ■/:.•■) {,..■', i:-jv'i - And laaiy, With Regard to Trade;' and tK6 publick Welfare, the Confequenccs are^ yc-t ■Jnore ruinous and deftruftive. It has been ab jeady obfcrv'd, that the conftant Uil- of Stro>ig- Watcrs, and particularly of Geneva, never fails to produce an invincible A'crnon to Work' and , in) Labour-, this by ncceflkry ConfcqUcnce, deprives 'tis of great Numbcirs of ufeful Hands, which Would othenvife be employed to the Advantage > ©f the Publick. And as to thofe who yet do work fo^metimes, or' follow any Employment, the Ldfs of their Time in frequent Tipling, the getting often, drunk in the Morning, and the fpending of their Money this Way, muft very much cramp and flrcightcn tlicm, and fo fair diminim their Trade, and the Profit whicli %vould accrue from tliencc to the Publick, as Veil as to thcmfelvcs. But it is further to' be obferved, that although the Retail Trade of Wine .and Ale is generally confined to Vintnei-S and Viduallers, this of Geneva is now fold, noc pnly by Diflillcrs and Geneva Shops, but by nipa other inferior Traders, particularly by all Chandlers, many Weavers, and feveral Tobac- con ifts. Dyers, Cajpcucrs, Gardlners," Barbers, S,hoemakers, Labourers, and otiiers, tliere be- ing in "the Hamlet ot Bcthn.il-Green only, above ?°"5^ }Y.'l^'"^'^ ^^'^'0 ^<-'J this Liquor; and thefc ^'ncf other Trades whicli make our Manufac- tures, generally employing many Journeymen and Artificers under them, who having always this Liquor ready at. Hand, are cafily tempted to drink freely of 'ir, cfpeclaliy as they may ^rmk th.e ivliolc Week ui>on Score, and perhaps Without minding hou' faft the Score rifes upon' them. i ; ! i .. ( 14^ ) t1,cnn Whereby at the Week's End tlicy find - thcmfclves without any Surplufage to carvy Jiome to their Families, which of Courfc mull ilarvc, or be thrown on the Parlfh. And as this Evil (wherein the Mafters may perhaps find their own Account, by drawing back the greatcft Part of their Workmcns Wages) will naturally go' on increafing, and extend to moft other .Trades where Numbers of Workmen arc em- ployed, your Committee apprehend, it may (if iiot timely prevented) affea our Manufaftures in the moft fenfible Manner, and be of the laft •Confequence to our Trade and Welfare. ^ Under this Head, it may be proper cdfo to take f^i^c Notice of the pernicious Influence, ihe permitting of Chandlers, and other inferior Trades, to deal in this deftruflive Liquor, or aby other Strong Waters, has ii^ this Town, on the Servants of the Nobility and Gentry^ it being too common a Praaice aniong Chand- lers and others, where Servants arc continually going on one Occafion or other, to tempt and prcf? them to drink, and even to give them Drams of this Liquor, which wc may rcafonably fiippofe muft be paid for by the Mailers, cither in the Price, Weight or Mcafure of the Goods they .are lent lor, and winch bcfides the immedi- ate Damage, encourages them to wrong their • . - V.aacrs Cf •'/ ('it) . ~ Maftcrs in greater Matters, and as wc conceive may be one Ca'ufc of the great Complaints thac are made againft Servants. ■ ;_,.^,,.- 1.;. r 'And if wc may judge what will happen in other Work-Houfcs now cre^ing, by what has already happened in that of St. Giles's in the PielJs, >vc have Reafon to fear, that the violent Fondnefs and Dcfire pf this Liquor, which' unaccountably poflcflcsall our Poor, may prevent in great Mcafure the good . Effeds propos'd by them, and which in all other Rclpcds feein very hopeful and promifing; it appearing by' the Return from Holboiim Divifion, wherein that Work-Houfe is fituatc, that notwithflanding all the Care that has been taken, Geneva is clandeftinely brought in among the Poor there, and that they will fuffcr any Puniflimenc or Inconvenience' rather then live without it, tho* they cannot avoid feeing its fatal Effeds by thp Death of .thofe amongft them who had drank moft freely of iti and 'tis found by Experience there, that thofe who iifc this Liquor, are not only the mofl; lazy and unfit for Work, but nlfo the moft trubulcnt and ungovernable, and on that Account fcveral of them have been turned out, and left to ftrnggle with the grcateft Wants --abroad, which they fubmic to, rather tbaa they ivHl difcovcr wh:3 brought in the ^ Xjcncva u— -Ab._.». „S„. ^ v.v.-*^at»- mmm mix ^'^ Geneva to them, .tho* they have been offered to be forgiven on that Condition* ■ . -■ - .•^.° .-,..■. . ■)".C ':t\ '.:•■} Your Committee having thus laid before you the Numbers of the Houfes, and Places wherein Geneva and other Strong- Waters arc. fold, as nlfo fpme of the. many mifchievous Effeds dc-. rived from them, fubmit to the Confidefatioii and Judgment of the Sefllons, how far it is in. their Poiwer, and by what Means, to fupprefs. this great ,Nufance; or whether any, and what; Appiication to our SuperiouiS may be proper/ in order to a more effcftual Remedy. . -..: .,'..:..'■::. .:..:, .1 ^7<>f'» M'hi&i. ;; :.:•.} ... r:.ti-J . .::.:!;-; : :■ . '. :. Jfaac Xil/ArJ* ^.[i ilj ■ . .-^i;:: V. >;' :^h ^rr..: .^ ' : J^ 7^r«^ ..:•,...;., •. :;:t:;.rrii:;;j*I '.['.is: ■I'lv.-.Tho.Piri^^iir,..:: ', t..-. '\ li; ,•:: :-,.;'."\7 evil r.':.-!: -^oJm Mercer, ■■. .',j.)t . ;,.:: V' '-■'-':■;•:' ---'•■■ '••■ ^Z^- fVn:.Q>tc-fworih, •_...:i ■:;;:r^-> :.ni .;r!-:; -rv:': i-: i^Jdn' Ellis/. . :. , y.l \:■y:.^'..o':■.•..^ r^i hrrj: zri" L: .-. {z: :c v'.'.-}\: 'U^.-t ;^:: vi.'. ,':"-pI I j'nl :";:; c..:: I'-f.;!? :;.:" ^v.^t.i i.::r. ;<■•'■ :;:; l>:.r; lii',.','/ Jl.".:J iioi t.i j.;::J 5;,..! i'-v.!:.;o i„.v/.':i .*-■:;' v.vArr.j- i.a 1-:. :::: /; :?.;•.:•.;; £,. ^ - -'^ . -. . » ,- I. I 11:-;. .::.> i-,:!; ■i4 ,'_ J* J • • Of the Har'dpnps and OppreJJion ■'. of the Toory occafwned h/ the '. ' ratfing the' Trice ^. Bread, . ... Fiefli, z?;/^ CandlcSj ly thoje " .J-T^/jj? ^^^/ therein,,:, .„... ..^ ;;,,'. ..,;i r A Nother great Caufc of the Incrcafe of our -tX' Poor may be juftly attributed to the uh- I'eafbnable and exorbitant rife of the common Neceflaries of Life, without any vifible Reafoa fbr^ the' fame. • ' ■■'"'■ ■'■' ■ ■ • • •• •;,■' «-;fi^;':'i. •■> ■-. •■! » • '.-■' .' "*■■.-' '•; <■; ■..';*^'".-v , I do not mean by the Term of viftbh RcafoSt, thoCe Pretences which are commonly made ufe of, , than which nothing, can be move, nof torioufly "f^lfe. And I dare appeal to all .uu-' prejudiced . Perfons, whether it is not very . in-r humane, that when the bountiful Hand of Pro- Vidcncc ^ath blcflcd a Nation ^with fo great a Plenty of all the Produfts of the Earth,, any Packs of Camibah (for I can give no fofter a >3ame -to 'tli'ofc ' Cabals' who arc the' bccafion thereof^ flibuld be fuftcr'd to a^ in fb arhi- trar'y a' manner," as to' raife the Price of thofe things which they deal in, to what Rate and as often as they plcafe, without giving fuflicient:' Rcafons; or being called to 'accoiinr for their fo doing, J).3 A^.'! !>/ ^. I K i' I r, 7( I8^) And firfi:, the raifing the Price of Bread is certainly one of the grcatcfi; Pieces ofln^'iiftice to the Poor at this Time,.confidering the great I'lciny of Corn the laft Harveft yielded, and the immenfe Qiianiities exported" or fent out of the Kingdom J Co that the very Shadow of any Reafon cannot be given for the rife thereof. As to that ot Flcfli of all forts, our Coun- . try produces as great a plenty . as any in the World, and that plenty as. good j but how frequently it is raifed to an exorbitant Price, upon the moft frivolous Pretences^ and fometimcs none at all, I leave to thofe con- cerned to deicrmine. *Tis faid we have feme Laws agai nil ForcJlaUers of Markets^ which if ilill in force, as 'tis very probable they may bcj ho\v they come to be fo totally neglefted as' It is apparent they arc, by thofe whole Pro- vince it is to put them in E«ecution, may* perhaps, irt a /liort time, be fet in a true Light. • ' The other, I mean, that pf Candles, is as imreafonable as cither of the former, feein^g- there muli of c-urfe be. .plenty of. TaUow, v.hen ^licrc is no fcarcity of Flcfli. This falls- very li'-avy upon many 'JVadcS whofe Liveli- hood obliges them to a great confvimption of .that ( 19) that Commodity, and which runs away v/ith fo much of the Profit of their Labour, that the remainder is fcarcc fufflcient to maintain their Families, and by that means infenfibly reduces them to Poverty. Thus I have given a fmall Sketch of what has occurred to mc, which I have put down in Hafte ; leaving it to an abler Pen to rcpre- fcot what I have but juft touched upon. F I R I S. ^ \ r ! r. I I F-,-. r *'r..VTEl NO. 642-3*05 «NEWAIS ONtY-TU ^^ d below, or (J6057sl0)476-A-3. rrfneral Library .