1^ % . r- /^ 1 1 J r/-( r *-\ c r * t ( Ti \n , '^^ <^ MM' IIDC,^ §r.. (I -..a.AiNaivw 'n*, ^T.I!nPA»VQA ^ «.ip.<:AijrFfrr-. C5 ■!_ /I, !? 1 A ■< d" ^ ,-^- ^\^F '/- ^. -7 ^ -ij,. f J" -< Mnr ^, 61 id -3 (p -y. ^ummYo/: •> A o :3 1^ %}13A ' MIVER,r//x ■:;> ^s>:lOS, 1 i? 'j^ii ^' ^^oy Vi '>/ia^/^ Y-9a, \V. iOi -1 -k- ^WEUNIVERS//, 1X3 >■ -< .vlOSA-KTiifr- ^ , ^i v< ^0 ^ ^ *♦ ^vJvlOSrtlXLilUJy^ . r r k i - < .W^EUiV |55i ■<.^- <^ ^\\EUN \ ^ ^WEUNIVERS/Zi o K.iri'^.AAjrri i' ^ - s CO r^ T I K ^. c_3 C3 ;ARYG^^ ^1 .^Wf•UNIVERS•//, Cf ^. — ^ V o IX* 15 Ml THE PA.I10CHIAL HISTORY OF CORNWALL, FOUNDED ON THE MANUSCRIPT HISTORIES OF MR. HALS AND MR. TONKIN ; WITH ADDITIONS AND VARIOUS APPENDICES, BY DAVIES GILBERT, SOMETIME PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, F.A.S. F.R.S.E. M.R.I, A. &C. *C. AND D.C.L. BY DIPLOMA FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. L LONDON: PUBLISHED BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SON; AND SOLD BY J. LIDDELL, BODMIN; .1. LAKE, FALMOUTH; O. MATTHEWS, HELSTON ; MESSRS. BRAY AND ROWE, LAUNCESTON ; T. VIGURS, PENZANCE ; MRS. HEARD, TRURO ; W. H. ROBERTS, EXETER ; J. B. ROWE, PLY- MOUTH ; AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS IN CORNWALL AND DEVON. 1838. DA 670 V.I PREFACE. Having read in the earliest portion of my life the small part of Mr. Hals' Parochial History pub- lished about the year 1/50, 1 entertained from that time a strong desire for seeing the remainder also in print; this desire grew up with my years, in- creased perhaps by an understanding that the manuscript had disappeared, no one seemed to know in what way, and that it might possibly have been destroyed. At last, the manuscript was recovered by the most justly celebrated Mr. Whitaker, from a book- seller at Exeter, who had retained the papers as a pledge for some debt; from Mr. Whitaker they have come to his son-in-law Richard Taunton, Esq. M.D. who has with great liberality placed them in my hands; mutilated, however, as to the histories of several parishes, from w^ant of care and of attention on the part of the individual holding them as a deposit, although he must have deemed them to be of pecuniary value. Mr. Tonkin's papers were preserved by his niece Miss Fosse, who died more than fifty years ago, at a place that may now be termed, wdthout of- fence, the village of Michell. This lady must have been the last of Mr. Tonkin's near relations ; for, although the property left at her decease could a 11 PREFACE. not have amounted to anything of importance, the funeral was attended by many scores of per- sons, claiming shares of whatever could be found. Under such circumstances every moveable was soon converted into money, and the manuscript of the Parochial History, complete as Mr. Tonkin left it, got into the possession of Lord Dunstan- ville, by whom it was instantly offered to me, on my preparing to edit the Parochial History of Mr. Hals. And as Mr. Tonkin copied largely from Mr. Hals, many of the lost parishes are at least partially supplied. The late Mr. Lysons got possession of a beauti- fully transcribed copy of the whole that remains of Mr. Hals' Parochial History; this was purchased at the sale of his books by the Earl of Aylesford, who without any personal acquaintance w^hatever, has had the liberality to allow me the use of this splendid folio volume, during the whole time of my work passing through the press. Mr. Gregor has supplied me with an original copy of the last Heraldic Visitation of Cornwall ; and to Doctor Boase I am indebted for a geological description of every parish. Previously to my taking this task on myself, I endeavoured to preserve the works of Mr. Hals and Mr. Tonkin for the public, by the more easy expedient of advancing money in aid of the pub- lication ; but not having obtained success, I at last adventured on what is now done, little aware, however, of the pains, and time, required for editing the histories of more than two himdred parishes ; PREFACE. iii although I have to a considerable extent relieved myself from the most irksome duty of correcting the press, by obtaining the assistance of Messrs. Nichols and Son, on the condition of their taking, what is very unlikely to accrue, any profit arising from the publication, and my sustaining, the more probable alternative, all the loss. Mr. Hals' work is given without alteration, except considerable omissions of long histories, from the Bollandists and other va-iters of legends, relative to obscure Saints, little known, or deserv- ing of being known ; and in many cases owing their supposed connection w^th Cornwall, entirely to the writer's imagination ; and in the opposite extreme, of the lives of personages most worthy of being preserved and studied in general history, of Apostles, of Emperors of Rome, and Kings, but quite as irrelevant as the former, to a History of Cornwall. I have been also unable to retain the greater part of the derivations assigned to the names of manors, famihes, or places ; they are generally re- ferred to some word of a similar sound in modern English, after a manner scarcely less ludicrous than the mock etymologies of Dr. Swift. Lastly, I have omitted various anecdotes, con- taining simple scandal, without any thing illustra- tive of the age or country. Other anecdotes of a public nature are retained; on a conviction that events long passed by, and incapable from their very nature of being sup- pressed, neither v\ill, nor ought to ex(;ite any un- a 2 IV PREFACE. })leasing feeling in the minds of those who may be directly or collaterally descended from the persons to whom they relate. I have not throughout the whole work inten- tionally used a single expression disrespectful to any one, nor have I retained from either of the manuscripts, nor added of my own one new anec- dote or tale capable by possibility of giving the least pain. If an expression should be found, which in the opinion of any individual is at variance with these assertinos, I beg permission to apologize before I am accused, and to declare that the fault has been involuntary, and that I am not aware, at this instant, of any such fault existing. Mr. Tonkin has mainly copied from Mr. Hals, and these portions of course have not been printed over again ; but all his additions are pre- served, with the greater part of his derivations, apparently much more accurate than those they are intended to confute. Here it would have been wise, certainly it would have been prudent, for me to have concluded the work ; but having acquired, through the course of a long life, the knowledge of many incidents, which, although of little general importance, may amuse persons taking an interest even in trifles connected with their immediate neighbourhoods, I have been induced to add under each parish, such matters as happened to occur to my re- collection ; using also in many cases the informa- tion drawn by Mr. Lysons from sources accessible PREFACE. V only to himself, in consequence of his situation in the Tower. I have further had recourse to the works treat- ing on monasteries and rehgious establishments ; but without considering myself bound or pledged to make out a complete history in any case, either by researches into documents not in my possession, or, still less, (at my time of life and distant resi- dence) by investigations on the spot. This part of the work will be found very un- equally executed ; but it was never intended to be otherwise. At the end of each parish I have added the common statistics : — the number of acres from the measurement of Mr. Ilitchins ; the value of the real property ; the account of poor rate, and of the population at the four periods of numeration, from the Parliamentary Returns, And through the great kindness and liberality of Doctor Boase, 1 have been enabled to subjoin to these the geo- logy of each parish, deduced from an actual survey in person of the whole county, by that very intelli- gent and experienced geologist, chemist, and phy- siologist. And here it may be right to observe, that, as the formations are not merelv similar, but identi- cal, over man}^ contiguous parishes, and again in parishes disjoined from each other, the plan of re- ferring from one to another became indispensable, to avoid repetition after repetition, and adding, without any utility, to the size of the work. In the form of Appendices will be found several VI PREFACE. matters relative to Cornwall, either not previously in print, or that cannot be obtained separately from large works, of which they form a part. Mr. Scawen's Works, so far as they are con- tained in the Bodleian Library. Leland's Itinerary. Drayton's Polyolbion. The Transcript of a Manuscript from the British Museum ; pro\'ing, I believe, that even Mr. Whita- ker, one without doubt among our most able and learned antiquaries, may be mistaken on a subject connected with the objects of his peculiar research. There will be also some miscellaneous matters, and among them an Index to Mr. Carew's History ; an addition greatly demanded also by another work, which would then become the most useful Corpus Historicum relating to our county. There are several other manuscripts of Mr. Tonkin, chiefly copies from Mr. Hals of pecUgrees, &c. but these I have not touched. And I have purposely abstained from every general topic re- lating to the county at large, as these have been amply discussed by our various historians. The first in order of time, the most interesting and most entertaining, is Mr. Carew. This work was first published in 1602, a second edition came out in 1/23, and a third, chiefly throuGrh the exertions of the late Mr. John Price of Penzance, in 1 769. But the edition far exceeding all the others, with highly valuable additions, and with copious notes, was given to the public in 1811 by the late Lord Dunstanville, in one vol. 4to, PRKFACE. Vll 45/ pages, with an excellent engraving of the author, from a picture at Anthony. Mr. Richard Carew was of a very ancient and respectable family ; he inherited Anthony from a long line of ancestors, and has transmitted it to his descendants. Wood says, in the Athense Oxonienses, that he was born in the year 1555, became a gentleman commoner of Christ Church at a very early age, but had his chambers in Bradgate Hall (since Pembroke College), and that at fourteen he dis- puted, extempore, with Sir Philip Sidney, in the presence of several distinguished visitants to the university. After three years' residence at Oxford, Mr. Ca- rew removed to the Middle Temple, where he passed three years more, and then went with his uncle on an embassv to Poland. In the year 1577 Mr. Carew married Juliana Arundell, of Trerice, and served the office of Sheriff in 1586. It is recorded that he was inti- mate with most of the noted scholars of those times, and especially with Sir Henry Spelman. He died in November 1620, and is buried in his parish church of Anthony, (see the epitaph, p. xxiv). Mr. Carew's life is given in considerable detail as an introduction to his History of Cornwall. He wrote and translated several other works; but they seem not to have survived. Soon after Mr. Carew's History, Mr. John Nor- den's was composed, with the title of " Specidi Britanni^e Pars. A Topographical and Historical Till PREFACE. Description of Cornwall, by the Perambulation, View, and Delineation of John Norden." This work has been well characterized by Mr. Tonkin, as " a mean performance, full of egre- gious mistakes, with most defective and erroneous maps of every hundred, yet containing several things in it not to be met with elsewhere." Our next historian, but after a considerable in- terval of time, was Mr. William Scawen, a fi'ag- ment only of whose work is known to be extant, and which will appear in these volumes. He was of an ancient family, well educated, and possessed of an ample fortune. He represented St. German's in Parliament, and received the ap- pointment of Vice-Warden of the Stannaries, im- mecUately after the Restoration of King Charles the Second. Of Mr. Hals and Mr. Tonkin I have not any better information than what is given by Mr. Ly- sons. He says : "About the year 1685, Mr. William Hals, a gentleman of an ancient Devonshire family, which had been some time settled at FentongoUan, in St. Michael-Penke^dll, began to make collections for a parochial history of Cornwall, which he continued for at least half a century ; it was brought down by him to about the year 1 T'^^G- Mr. Hals died in 1 739 ; his parochial history being at that time nearly completed. About the year 1750, the pub- lication of this work was undertaken by Mr. Andrew Brice, then a printer at Truro, who afterwards re- moved to Exeter, where he published an useful geo- PREFACE. IX graphical dictionary and other books. The account of seventy-two parishes arranged alphabetically, from Advent to Helston inclusive, was printed in folio in ten numbers, which are extremely scarce. The publication is said to have been suspended for want of purchasers ; occasioned by the scurrilous anecdotes it contained, and reflections thrown on some of the principal families. It is probable, how- ever, that the inaccuracies with which it abounds, and the tedious legends of saints to whom the churches are dedicated, which occupy at least half the work, would have operated more to the preju- dice of its sale than the scandalous anecdotes which occasionally occur, many of which had been omitted by the editor. The most valuable part of the work is the account of families and the de- scent of property ; but in these he is frequently inaccurate; and, as Dr. Borlase observes, 'what he says should not have too great stress laid upon it, when it stands upon his single authority.' " Contemporary with Hals, as a collector of materials for a parochial history of Cornwall, was Thomas Tonkin, Esq. of Trevaunance, some time member for Helston, a gentleman of an ancient family, who had made great progress in preparing such a history for the press, and had completed several parishes. Mr. Tonkin began to write his parochial history in 1702, at which time he had the use of Hals's collections. Dr. Borlase seems to have supposed that Hals's collections were brought down from 1/02 to 1/36 by Tonkin ; the truth is, that they both brought down their collec- X PREFACE. tions to that period, without any communication with each other, which seems to have ceased soon after the first period above-mentioned. Mr. Ton- kin himself says, speaking of Hals in the year 1739, ^ it is between twenty-five and thirty years since I have seen any of his collections, and, I be- lieve, at least twenty since I have seen him. I am told that he has greatly improved and polished them since that time ; but as his method is quite different from mine, and that I have some other reasons not necessary to be mentioned for not cor- responding with him, I can safely say, that in this present work of mine, I have not made use of one single line out of his compositions.' Mr. Tonkin, in one of his MSS. dated March 27th, 1733, desires that, ' if by death, or any other accident, his MSS, should fall into other hands, they would by no means publish them in the dress in which they then appeared, but be pleased to new-model them after the method followed in those few which had received his last corrections, such as at St. Agnes, St. Piran in the Sands, St. Michael-Penke\'il,' &c. In 1 737 he had made sufficient progress in his col- lections to enable him to put forth proposals, in which he announced the plan of his publication. " In the year 1739, Mr. Tonkin had completed his MS. of the first part of his work, which was to treat of the county of Cornwall in general ; his epistle dedicatory of that date is printed at the beginning of Lord de Dunstan\dlle's edition of Ca- rew, addi-essed to Sir William Carew, Bart, and Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart, then representatives in PREFACE. XI Parliament for the county of Cornwall. In this letter he recapitulates what had been done towards the topography of his native county. Besides the works of Leland, Camden, Norden, and Carew, he mentions the general collections of Hals and An- stis, and those of Pearce and Gwavas on the Stan- naries, the Cornish language, &c. Towards the conclusion of his epistle, he says, ' I wish I could say that many more of my countrymen had as- sisted me with their kind endeavours. I do not yet despair of having several ; for which reasons I have, in my proposals, enlarged the designed time of the pubhcation of this part. I hope they will be so good as to send in contributions. If they persist in their refusal, they must be contented with such coarse fare as I am able to give them, which I will endeavour to make as palatable for them as I can ; perhaps, when they come to taste of this, they may be prevailed on to supply me with something better towards the two remaining parts. All that I can promise them is, that I will give them the best account I can, without the least par- tiality ; neither shall any one person have a just occasion given him to charge me with any wilful omission or sophisticated truth." Very little was done by Mr. Tonkin to the pa- rochial department of his intended history after the date of this letter; he ched in 1/42, and in the latter part of his life, being unhappily involved in pecuniary difficulties, he grew less attentive to study, and died without printing any part of his intended historv. Xll PREFACE. Doctor William Borlase more than meditated a parochial history, having made some collections towards it. If this design had been carried into execution, all further attempts might have been deemed superfluous. His Antiquities and Natural History of Corn- wall gave ample proof of the ability, the ingenuity, and of the diligence possessed by this excellent man, who had the deserved good fortune of being equally esteemed and admired, not by the neigh- bourhood alone, but by the most learned and sci- entific persons throughout Europe. The Antiquities were first published in 1754. The second edition in 1769. The Natural History in 1758. All in quarto. Respecting the Natural Histor}% it may be ex- pedient to remind the reader, that in the last edi- tion of Chambers's Encyclopaedia, four volumes of the largest size, with one volume of plates, printed in 17H3, the very word Geology does not occur; and that some vears later, chemical lectures were publicly given on the phlogistic theory of Becher and Stahl. Mr. PoLWHELE has published in seven parts, be- ginning with the date 1803, and ending with that of 1816, making in all two quarto volumes, of about 1200 pages, in small t}q3e, and abounding with notes and extracts in a type still smaller, an immense collection of matter relative to the anti- quities, the biography, the literature, the history mihtary and civil, &c. of Cornwall ; arranged under distinct heads, and enriched with prints of distin- guished persons, with figures of ancient castles. PREFACE. Xm churches, monuments, &c. and with views of towns, and of romantic scenery. One is astonished at the great labour bestowed on this work, and still more so when it is recollected, that the author has distinguished himself in every branch of elegant literature, and most of all in that department, w^here the fire of genius is believed somewhat to diminish the aptitude for patient toil. The next work on Cornwall deserves particular attention on various grounds, — its extensive plan, arrangement, and parochial history, and the situa- tion in life of its author, Mr. C. S. Gilbert, who at the time of his executing " An Historical Survey of the Countv of Cornwall ; to which is added a com- plete Heraldry of the same, with numerous en- gra\dngs," resided as a druggist in Plymouth or Devonport ; and he is said to have acquired a knowledge of this trade by accompanying one of those itinerant doctors in medicine, who are in the habit of attracting customers by exhibitions little suited to the gravity of a profound science. Mr. Gilbert is understood to have collected in- formation which induced him to believe, that he might claim a descent from the Gilberts of Comp- ton Castle ; and under that persuasion he applied himself to the study of antiquities, with genealogy, heraldry, and every collateral science, which led him by degrees to undertake the History of Corn- wall, and to complete it in two quarto volumes, usually bound in three ; all which he executed with such eagerness, zeal, and disregard of ex- pense, as to involve him during the latter part of XIV PREFACE. his life in considerable difficulties. For Compton Castle, and the family from which this gentleman thought himself derived, and which is now repre- sented by the Reverend J. Pomeroy Gilbert, of Bodmin, see Prince's Worthies of Devon, p. 420, edition of 1810. About the same time that Mr. C. S. Gilbert's work appeared, another very similar to it came out sanctioned by the names of Mr. Samuel Drew of St. Austell, well kno\\Ti by his profound metaphy- sical writings, and of Mr. Malachy Hitchins, son of the celebrated astronomer, who, residing at St. Hilary, three hundred miles from London, con- ducted the Nautical Annanack from the second year of its appearance 1768, to the conclusion of his life in 1 809, during a period of more than forty years. A w^ell written and perspicuous life of Mr. Drew, has been given to the public by his son Mr. Jacob Halls Drew, in which many interesting particulars are given of tliis distinguished WTiter ; together with a fair and impartial account of his various w^orks, of which the most kno-wn, and perhaps the best, is his Essay on the Human Soul. This treatise, pub- lished in 1802, contains every argument that can be found in the Phsedon of Plato, with additions; and the whole is not inferior to its prototype. But the observation of an ancient peripatetic philoso- pher, Alexander of Appodisia, a city of Caria in Lesser Asia, is equally applicable to both : AW €(TTi TToXXa 7w»' (jVT(s)y, a -tjv fiei' inrap^iy e'x^ei yyuptuw raTi}y, ayyitXTTOTnTTjy t^c ttjv ovmay' wairep y/re Kurjais, t^ai 6 PREFACE. XV ToTTOS, en ce jjaWoy o Xpovos. T^Kaarov yap rnvriov to uey eivui ypw^if-ioi' Kat oj a//0iXe/«.Tc;>'' ris be Tzore eariv avTcjy 7/ ovtria Twy -^aXeirwTaTwv opadrjvai. EoTt be bt] Ti TCJV TOWVTUjy Kui 'H "^v^T]' TO fiey yap eiyat ri Trjy '^wX'?*' y^'f^pifJ-t^Taroy kul (pavepui-aTOy' ri be wOTe taTiy, ov 'pabioy KaTa^iaQeiy. Our reason convinces us of its own separate existence apart from matter and organization ; be- yond that, we must submit to learn from higher authority. Alexander, therefore, does not go beyond the sphere of human knowledge, when he adds of the soul as capable of a separate existence, M»j5e r»;v ap\r]y Opyayu) Tiyi 2w^ta-8. This was the only per- son in whose persecution Bishop Turbervill did appear, in matters of religion, during the time he sat in that see, (consecrated Sept. 8, 1555, deprived in January 1560,) and, as Dr. Fuller saith, her death was procured more by the violence of Blackston, the Chancellor, than by any persecution of the Bishop. And here it may not be impertinent to show, that our ancestors the Britons of Cornwall received and took the blessed Sacrament in the same sense as this martyr Agnes Prest did receive it; that is by faith only, con- trary to the doctrine of Transubstantiation : as is evident from Mount Calvary, a manuscript in verse in the Cornish tongue, written about five hundred years since, a copy of which is now in my own custody, which con- taineth the history of the Incarnation and Passion of Christ, according to St. John's Gospel ; wherein, amongst others, verse the 79th containeth these words :* Du benegas an bara, therag ay ys abestlye. An gorfe ay ma, eshenna, ynmeth Chrest, sur rag rye why Kemeras a berth, en bysma, dispersys henna nos avyth Dybbery tho gans eregyans, thu da gober teck hag gevyth Hay gwynsa wor an foys, ef a ranas in tretha Yn meth Chrest, henna ys goyse ow, evough why pur Cherity. Which sounds thus in English : God blessed the bread in presence (or among) his Apostles (or Disciples) ; The body of me in this, saith Christ, certainly given for you ; Taken secretly, and in this world despised, this night shall be. Eat it with faith, thy good, fair reward, and remission. And the wine on the wall he divided amongst them : Says Christ, this is my blood; drink you in pure charity, * The whole of Mount Calvary, with a translation by Mr. .John Keigwin, made in the year 1682, has been printed by the Editor of this work from a manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. The passage above cited occurs in the 44th and 45th stanzas. The general meaning appears to be the same, but the words are differently spelt and divided. The Editor has also printed '•The Creation of the World, with Noah's Flood," a Play, or Mystery, in the Cornish language, and a Translation into English by the same Mr. John Keig- win; both from the office of Mr. Nichols, No. 25, Parliament-street, London, the printer of this work. 110 BOYTON. Anno Dom. 1050, Berengarius, a deacon of Anglers in France, disproved and refuted the doctrine of Tran- substantiation in a large manuscript, which he sent with letters to Lanfrank, then Abbat of Caen in Normandy, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury from 1070 to lOSC), which letters and reasons, in the absence of Lanfrank, being opened by some of his clergy, the same were trans- mitted to Pope Leo [X. whereupon calling a council at Rome, and the letters and reasons of Berengarius being read, he was condemned for an heretic in 1051. in France also the same year. Pope Leo IX. assembled an- other council at Versailles against Berengarius, which likewise condemned him for a heretic. The like did Victor IL successor of Pope Leo IX. in 1055, in which council Berengarius answered personally for himself; That, as to the doctrine he taught concerning the Sacra- ment, he adhered to no particular opinion of his own, but to that which was the ancient and common doctrine of the universal Church. After Pope Victor IL his successor Pope Nicholas II. assembled at Rome a council of a hundred and thirteen Bishops against Berengarius' doctrine ; who thereupon submitted the same to the Pope and his councils' cor- rection, who orescribed him a form of recantation. But ' I. afterwards he published a refutation of that recantation, and of the doctrines therein contained, anno 1059. Notwithstanding which, the fourth council of Lateran, under Pope Innocent lit. in ll60, (Frederick II. being then Emperor), consisting of four hundred bishops and holy fathers, established the Roman doctrine of Tran- substantiantion, which was afterwards further confirmed by another council at Lateran, in Rome, under Pope Innocent V. an. Dom. 1215. TONKIN. The etymology of this name, Boyeton, may be either from the Cornish word "byu," which is pronounced like BOYTON. Ill " boy," or from the French "bois," a wood, which agrees extremely well with its situation in the midst of woods. I take most if not all the parish to be a part of or holden from the manor of Boyion, which belonged to the Priory of Launceston, and was ultimately given, inter alia, by King Henry the Eighth, to the Duchy of Cornwall, in exchange for the honour of Wallingford. THE EDITOR. For a detailed account of Berengarius, see Le Grand Dictionaire Historique, par Moreri, under the word Be- renger, who refers to a great variety of authorities. The account given of Agnes Prest is curious, if she alone suffered in the whole diocese of Exeter during Queen Mary's persecution. They still exhibit at Exeter the place of her martyrdom, and are persuaded that grass has refused to grow on the spot ever since. The measurement of this parish is 3,710 statute acres. The annual value of Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 1477 Poor Rate in 1831 240 5 in 1831, 452. in 1821, T> 1 ,. fin 1801, I in 1811, Population, I 3j^ '| ^^^ 406 Increase on an hundred in 30 years 41.7, or more than 41| per cent. Present Vicar, Rev. Edward Rudall, instituted 1826. The hamlet of Northcot lies in Devonshire, and is therefore not included. Dr. Boase observes, the dunstone of Devonshire, so ably described by the late Rev. J. E. Conybeare, in the 2d vol. of the Transactions of the Geological Society of London, p. 495, constitutes the rock of this parish. Its compact varieties are very quartzose, and form barren hills; but the schistose dunstone produces a good sub- stratum, which near the Tamar alfords productive arable and pasture land. 112 ST. BRADOCK. HALS. St. Bradock is situate in the Hundred of West, and has upon ilie south Boconock, the west St. Wennow, east St. Pynnock, north Cardinham, and by this name Bradock or Brodock it was taxed in the Domesday Roll. If its etymology is Saxon the name means broad oak. In the Pope's Inquisition into the value of benefices before mentioned, anno 1294, Capella de Bradock in de- canatu de Westwells, appropriata domui de Lanceston, was valued at xiiis. iv^. ; from whence it appears that this church was endowed by the college of St. Stephen, near Launceston. In Wolsey's Inquisition and Valor Beneficiorum, at vVi'il. xiiis. ivd. The patronage in the Bishop of Exeter ; and this parish was rated to the 45. per pound Land Tax for one year in I696 at 37/. TONKIN. This church is a vicarage; the patronage in Samuel Wetton, Esq.; the incumbent, Mr. James Pearce, who has also the sheaf. The manor of Bradoke is one of the two hundred and eighty given by the Conqueror to Robert Earl of Morton. THE EDITOR. This living, which is stated in the Liber Valorum to be a rectory, was consolidated with Boconnoc in the year 1742, and the clergyman's residence has recently been removed to Bradock. The united parishes are now in the presentation of Lord Grenville. Bradock down was the scene of two important events in the civil war. BRADOCK. 113 First, a victory obtained by the King's forces early in 1623 under the command of Sir Bevill Granville, Sir Nicholas Glenning, Sir Ralph Hopton, Arundel), Tre- vanion, and other gentlemen of the county, over a much larger force commanded by Ruthven, Governor of Ply- mouth. The victory was so complete that Ruthven with difficulty reached Saltash, accompanied by a few only of his troops, from whence they were speedily driven across the Tamar; and this advantage mainly contributed to the more splendid victory at Stratton, obtained on the l6th of May of the same year; a vic- tory which, rolling on its tide of success through De- vonshire and Somersetshire, over Lansdowne and Bris- tol, might have swept the whole of England but for the recoil of its waves from the walls of Gloucester. The second event was on a more extensive scale. Lord Essex having conducted a large army into Cornwall, was followed by the King in person, till they approached so near that the King had his head quarters at Boconnoc, and Lord Essex at Lanhidrock, when, after various skirmishes and proposals for nego- tiation on the part of the King, Lord Essex at last, on the 30th or 31st of August 1644, accompanied by Lord Robartes, and some other officers, abandoned his army, and reached Plymouth by sea; and on the same day Sir William Belfour, with Col. Nicholas Boscowen, Lieut.-Col. James Hals, of Merther, Henry Courtenay, of St. Bennet's in Lanivet, Col. John Sentaubyn of Clawanar, his Lieut.-Col. Briddon, Col. Carter, and others of the horde of two thousand five hundred cavalry, forced their passage through the King's army, over St. Winnow, Boconnoc, and Bradock Downs, to Sal- tash, and from thence to Plymouth. Their escape is said to have been mainly owing to the negligence of General Gorintr, whose ill conduct and exactions in Cornwall, have left his name as a term of severe re- proach up to the present time. I 114 BRADOCK. After these discouraging events, Major-Gen. Skippon found himself in command of the infantry, for whom he obtained a favourable capitulation, the particulars of which may be seen in Lord Clarendon's History, and they are given by Mr. Hals, from whose statement the above is chiefly abridged. Mr. Hals adds a circumstance illustrative of the ani- mosity excited by internal dissensions; and, as his feelings and opinions were all on the royal side, the narrative may be esteemed deserving of credit. Notwithstanding the articles, the disarmed soldiers of the Parliament, as they marched by the King and his army on Boconnoc and Bradock Downs, and else- where, were barbarously slaughtered and shot upon by the King's soldiers, so that many perished thereby, others were stripped comparatively naked, and robbed of their money, others had their horses taken from them ; whereupon Major-General Skippon, with un- daunted courage, rode up to the King's troop, and told him personally of the injury and violence offered, and the slaughter of his men, contrary to the articles, which in such cases were kept inviolable by all nations of men; and therefore prayed the King to be jnst, and to prohibit those barbarities of his soldiers for the future, which the KinS\, copulation, ^ 19 1 1 7G 238 250 5 giving an increase of just 31 per cent, in 30 years. Present Vicar, the Rev. Thos. Hockin Kingdon, B. D. Doctor Boase has not noticed this small division of a parish. The geology will probably be stated with that , ,. Tin 1801, I in 1811, Population, I ^^g I j5,4 in 1821, 1634 in 1831, 1797; being an increase on an hundred of 131 per cent. The parish feast is celebrated on the Sunda}' before Advent. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The extreme western part, adjoining Mabe, consists of granite of a very crystalline variety, and excellent for 138 BURIAN. building; it is exported in great quantities from Penryn. Nearly the whole western half of the parish is coarse; but the eastern part is well cultivated. The soil rests on a species of hornblend slate, which furnishes deep soil by its decomposition. On the sea shore at Swanpool a most interesting phe- nomenon occurs in a bed of felspar porphyry, (elvan course,) which runs north-east and south-west lor seve- ral hundred feet : near low water it exhibits that ap- pearance called by the miners a heave. The course terminates abruptly, and begins again about twenty feet further to the south, from whence it goes on as be- fore the heave. This porphyry is decomposed at the surface and to some depth, into a fine white clay, from which bricks of a good quality are made on the spot. BURIAN. HALS. Burian is situated at the western extremity of the county, having two adjoining parishes, Senner and St. Levan annexed; the former of which includes Ithe Lands' End. In Domesday tax this district was rated by the name of Beriand, for Berian or Bury-an ; syno- nymous words, signifying a cemetery or burying place for human creatures; that is to say, that place which is now called the churchyard, which was an inclosure, as in most other places, converted to that use before and since the church was erected therein. This instance of a Domesday Roll, wherein this district is named Beri-an, overthrows the story of Camden's conjecture, thatj the name thereof was derived from one St. Buryana, an BURIAN. 139 Irishwoman that was the tutelar guardian of this church, whereas the appellation of Saint, as I have elsewhere observed, at that time was not given to but one church in Cornwall. Besides, this Irish saint is not to be found in the Roman legend, or calendar, nor in Capgrave's catalogue of English and Irish Saints. This church was founded and endowed by King Athelstan, about the year 930, after such time as he had conquered the Scilly Islands, as also the county of De- von ; and made Cornwall tributary to his sceptre. To which church he gave lands and tithes of a considerable value for ever, himself becoming the first patron thereof, as his successors the Kings of England have been ever since: for which reason it is still called the royal rec- tory, or regal rectory, and the royal or regal peculiar. Signifying thereby that this is the church or chapel per- taining to the king, or immediately under the jurisdic- tion of him as the supreme ordinary, from when there is no appeal; whereas other peculiars, though exempt from the visitation or jurisdiction of the diocesan bishop within whose see they stand, yet are always subject to the provincial archbishops of Canterbury and York, or other persons. This church or college consisted of canons augus- tines, or regular priests, and three prebendaries, who enjo3'ed the revenues thereof in common, but might not marry ; and the lord chancellors of England of old vi- sited this peculiar, which extended only over the pa- rishes of Burian, Sennen, and St. Levan, for the king. One of the Popes of Rome, about the time of Edward III. obtruded upon this church, the canons and pre- bends thereof, a dean to be an inspector and overseer over them : whom he nominated to be the bishop of Exon for the time being, who for some time visited this church as its governor, as the lord chancellor did before; which encroachment of the Pope being observed by Edward ill., as appears from the register of the writs, 140 BURIAN. folio 40 and 41 ; 8 Edward III. rot. 97. This usurpa- tion of the Pope was taken away. [Mr. Hals here enters into long dissertations respect- ing secular canons, regular canons, the state generally of the church and of the clergy, benefices held in coni- mendam, &.c. which, not having any particular relation to the parochial history of Cornwall, are omitted.] Boscawen-ros in this parish, compounded of Bo- scawen-ros, is a name given and taken from the natural circumstances of the place, and signifies in Cornish- British "a valley, notable for skeawe or scavven" trees. And indeed this place, being naked and exposed to the sea on the cliffs of the British Channel, anciently, as it seems, produced no other trees than scawen, (i. e. elder,) proper to that part of the country ; neither, I think, is there any other trees at present that grow there. From this place was transnominated an Irish gentleman that settled here either b}^ marriage or purchase, in the latter end of the reign of Edward IV., who discontinued his paternal name, and styled himself John de Boscawen, which latter name hath been the hereditary name of his posterity ever since; who from hence transplanted their dwellings to Tregameer in St. Colomb Major; and Tre- vallock in Creed or St. Stephen's ; and from thence, by marriage with the daughter and heir of Tregothnan by Lawrence Boscawen, gentleman, attorney-at-law, temp. Henry VII., who died 1567, and lieth buried in the north aile of St. Michael Penkivell Church, as is testi- fied by a brass inscription on his gravestone, there lately extant, upon which, on a lead escutcheon, was engraved his paternal coat armour, viz. in a field Vert, a bull passant Argent, armed Or; on a chief Ermine, a rose Gules; crest a boar Argent: — out of a supposed allusion to their present name, as if it had signified a white bull and a rose. In the reign of James I. his pos- terity discontinued this bearing, and gave only for their amis, Ermine, a rose; which, I take it, also is the here- BURIAN. 141 ditary coat armour of Beverley. See St. Michael Pen- kivell. Since the writing hereof this place is become the hereditary honorary title of Hugh Lord Boscauen, Baron of Boscawen-rose, and Viscount of Falmouth. Upon Boscavven downs, some of which was lately the lands of Mr. Christopher Davis, stands a monu- ment called Dance Meyns, that is to say the dance stones ; which are nineteen pj'ramidal stones, about six foot high above ground, set in a round circle, distant from each other about twelve feet, having in the centre one pitched far bigger than the rest; a little to the north of those are two admirable great stones in perpendicular manner, much bigger than the rest, those are vulgarly called the Pipers. But since it is not probable that those stones were either dancers or pipers, I take the common appellation dance meyns, only by the dialect to be a corruption of dans meyns, id est, men's stones ; that is to say stones set up in memory of once so many famous men that lived in those parts, or lie interred there, before the sixth century.* Mr. Davis aforesaid informed me, that, contiguous with those dans meynes, he caused not long since divers barrows of earth to be carried abroad in order to manure his lands, in several of which bur- rows he found two or three urns or earthern pots, sound and firm, having in them pieces of bones, and ashes. * That there exists, however, a prevalent connection of tliese monuments with allusions to dancing, is shown in the the Essay on Dracontia, by the Rev. J. B. Deane, F.S.A. iu ArchzEologia, vol. xxv. The name of Dans ISlaen is generally given to the various stone circles in the county of Cornwall. Dr. Bor- lase remarks that there are four circles in the hundred of Penrith, having nine- teen stones each; viz. Boscawen-{ln, Rosmodrevy, Tregaseal, and Boskednan, the two most distant being not eight miles apart. Of Boscawen ^n there are views in the works of Borlase and Stukeley, as well as among the more accu- rate etchings by William Cotton, Esq. 4to. 1827. He has also given a view and plan of the daas-meyne at Bolleit in this parish ; and two obeliscal stones at the same place are represented in Borlase, pi. 10. See also in pi. 14 the hanging stone in Karn Boscawen, and a Maen T6I, or holed stone, both in Burian ; as is the circle called Rosmodrevy, — Edit. 142 BURIAN. About twenty years past, the sexton of this parish sinking a grave four feet deep in the ground, he met with a large flat marble or other stone, which he lifted up out of the earth, on which was cut or engraved a long plain cross, surmounted on four grieces or steps ; on the border of this stone, round the said cross, was an inscription in Norman French, which soundeth thus in English : — " Clarice, the wife of GefFery de Bolleit, lies here ; whosoever shall pray for her soul shall have ten days' pardon. Amen."* There is a place still extant in this parish called Bolait, or Bolaith, i. e. a place of slay- ing or killing cows, kine, or cattle; otherwise it may be interpreted cow's milk, or a place notable for the same. Trove, in this parish, is, in Cornish and Armorick, a dent, pit, a cavern, or valley : a name doubtless taken from the natural and artificial circumstances of the place, situate between two hills, on a cavern ; also Tre- woofe, that is to say the town or dwelling of ob-yarn, such as the sail-spinsters make, in order to be woof, or woven cross the warp in pieces of cloth, stuff, or serges, from whence was denominated a family of gentlemen named Trewoofe ; who, out of a mistaken etymology of their name, (as many others in Cornwall,) gave for their arms, in a field three wolves' heads ; whereas, try-bleith, try-bleit, is three wolves in Cornish ; the heiress of which family was married to Leveale, temp. Henry VIII. of the old Norman race, whose posterity flourished here in good fame for several descents, till, for want of issue male, Lewis Leveaie's daughter and heir, by Cooke of Tregussa, carried this place, together with herself in marriage, to Mr. Uspar or Vospar, temp. Charles I. who had issue Arthur Vosper, his son and heir, who married Eyans, of Eyanston in Oxfordshire, who had issue by her two daughters, married to Mr. * Engraved in Gougli's Camden, vol. I. pi. 1. BURIAN. 143 Marke of Woodhill and Mr. Dennis of Leskeard. This last gentleman, Mr. Vospur, bathing himself in the river Isis in Oxfordshire, with other young men, was there unfortunately drowned, about the year lG79. The name Vosper or Vospur, in British-Cornish, signifies a pure or immaculate maid or virgin. The arms of Le- veale were three calves or veals. In the middle of this barton of Trove, on the top of a hill, is still extant the downfalls of a castle or treble intrenchment called , in the midst of which is a hole leading to a vault under ground. How far it extends no man now living can tell, by reason of the damps or thick vapours that are in it ; for as soon as you go an arrow flight in it or less, your candles will go out, or extinguish of themselves, for want of air. For what end or use this vault was made is uncertain, though it is probable it was an arsenal or store-house for laying up arms, ammunition, corn, and provision, for the soldiers of the castle wherein it stands, in the wars between Charles I. and his Parliament. Divers of the royal party, pursued in the West by the Parliament troops under Sir Thomas Fairfax, were privately con- veyed into this vault as far as they could proceed with safety, where Mr. Leveale fed and secured them till they found opportunity to make their escapes to the king's friends and party. See St. Evall. Pentre, otherwise Pendrea, in this parish, id est, the head town, or town at the head of some other, denominated a family of gentlemen from thence called Pendre, who gave for their arms. Argent, on a bend Gules and Sable, three fleurs de lis of the Field. John Pendre, the last of this tribe, temp. Henry VI. leaving only two daughters that became his heirs, who were married to Bonython of Carclew, and Noy. To Noy's share fell this tenement of Pendrea, which was the dwelling of him and his posterity for several descents ; and here was 144 BURIAN. born, as I was informed, William Noy, the Attorney- general to Charles I., who designed to have built a notable house here but was prevented by death, having before brought great quantities of materials to this place in order thereto; his grandson, William Noy, Esq. sold this place and several others to my very kind IViend Christopher Davis, Gent, now in possession thereof. Burnewall, in this parish, id est, the walled well or well-pit of waters, so called from some such place on the lands thereof, was also formerly the lands of the said William Noy, who sold it to the said Mr. Davis, who conveyed it to his nephew Henry Davis on his mar- riage with Hester, daughter of Humphrey Noy, Gent, younger brother of the said William Noy, now in pos- session thereof, and hath issue. The arms of Davis are. Argent, a chevron Sable between three mullets Gules, which also is the coat armour of Davey of Creedy in Devon. Leah, also Lahe, id est, lawe, or leh, a place or dwell- ing, is the seat of Oliver Ustick,orUsteck, Gent, (id est, Nightingale; otherwise, Eus-teck is fair nightingale,) that married Roscrow of Penryn. From Als, now Alse, and Alsce, viz. lands towards or upon the sea-coast, as this whole parish and its members are situate, was denominated John de Als, or from Bar- Als-ton in Devon ; temp. Henry I. and King Stephen, ancestor of the De Alses, formerly of Lelant, now Halses, see Lelant; which place was heretofore the voke lands of a considerable manor, now dismembered and in the possession of Trevanion and others. This family, in Edward JH.'s days, wrote their surname De Als, now Halse. See Prince's Worthies of Devon, upon Hals. TONKIN. This parish is of large extent, and the land generally good, and lying ver\^ warm on the South Sea, which, BURIAN. 145 with the desire of living quiet, has induced several gen- tlemen to settle themselves in this remote corner of the kingdom, where they may liberally entertain all such as out of curiosity come to visit the Land's End. Mr. Francis Paynter was brother to Doctor William Paynter, Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, (elected in [690, died Feb. 19, 1715, aged eighty, was rector of Wootton in Northamptonshire, where he is buried, — Editor;) both younger brothers to Mr. Paynter of Tre- lisick's father, who by his skill in husbandry, in which he has scarce his fellow, not his superior in the county, and some helps of the law, has purchased to himself a very fair younger brother's inheritance. Though this place lies near the sea, and very much exposed, yet has this gentleman, by the means of furze ricks and other ingenious contrivances, raised several fair walks of trees about it, and made it a pleasant and profitable seat, which I mention here, that those who live under the same inconveniences may imitate his industry. At Leigha liveth Mr. Oliver Ustick, married to Julia the eldest of two daughters of Roscrow of Penryn, of the family of Roscrows of Roscrow. Leigha is part of the manor of Rosemadans, now the property of Mr. Grosse. Boscawanrose, in this parish, gave name and habitation to the famous and honourable family of Boscawan, who, led away, as many other Cornish gentlemen have been, by the similarity of sound between words in the Kerna- wish tongue and others in French or in Latin, have mis- taken rose a valley, for the flower a rose ; and more an- ciently they are said to have borne in their arms, besides a rose, an ox, having mistaken the word bos, which sig- nifies a house or dwelling, for the name of that animal. THE EDITOR. It seems very improbable that King Athelstan, after founding and splendidly endowing a church to commc- L 146 BURIAN. morate or to sanctify his conquest of Cornwall, should bestow on it a name so very indiscriminate as The burial- ground; more especially at a time when missionaries irom Ireland had recently converted the inhabitants to Christianity, and had left to posterity a reputation for piety so elevated as to invest them at once with the ap- pellation of saints, and to procure for them, in after times, the dedication of almost all the churches through- out the County. St. Burian is mentioned by Leland, Camden, Tanner, and various other antiquaries, as a holy woman from Ireland, to whom King Athelstan dedicated this church, and in Doctor Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints, &c. her festival is given on the 4th of June. The establishment consisted of a dean and three pre- bendaries, who are said by Mr. Lysons to have held from the King by the service of saying a hundred masses and a hundred psalters for the souls of the King and of his ancestors. It is not stated how frequently those recita- tions were to take place. Bishop Tanner, in the Notitia Monastica, states that this deanery was seised into the kint:;'s hands in the time of Edward III. under the pretence that John de Mount, the third dean, was a Frenchman. In 18 Henry VI. this deanery was given to his college (King's) in Cam- bridge ; and afterwards, by Edward IV. probablj^ in the true spirit of party, to the collegiate church of Windsor. It was, however, soon separated from Windsor, and continues, according to the foundation of Athelstan^ exempt from all inferior jurisdiction, and consequently since Henry VHl.'s assumption of all temporal power exercised by the Pope, there is not any appeal from the local authorities but to the king himself; a consti- tution most inexpedient, and likely to produce the most serious inconvenience, if matters of much importance ever came for investigation and decision before a court wholly unfitted, from its very nature, from entertain- BURIAN. 147 in[^ them ; and yet empowered to declare a judgment final to all intents and purposes, unless it is immediately revised by the highest and most expensive ecclesiastical tribunal. This exemption from all episcopal authority has, in times not very remote, admitted of such abuses in the administration of divine service, and of the spiritual care of the three parishes, as would not otherwise have been endured. It would be worse, how^ever, than use- less to expatiate on a system which is fortunately passed by. I believe that no dean has resided since the final dissolution of the college; the Royner's hand having been there so forcibl}' applied as to wrest off the whole glebe, not leaving even an habitation, nor the small- est portion of land on which a house could be built. The nominal deanery of St. Burian, like that of Battle and two or three more, is not esteemed a dignity in the church : yet with cure of souls, and for no better reason than its not being mentioned eo nomine in the canons and acts of Parliament, this livino; is allowed to be tenable with all other preferments, and at all dis- tances. Pendrea, the birth place and property of Mr. William Noye the attorne^'-general, was sold by his eldest son, Edward Noye, to Mr. Davies of Burnuhall, and by his grandson to Mr. Tonkin, whose great grandson, the Kev. Uriah Tonkin, possesses it at this time. At Bur- nuhall there still remains a curious performance of shell-work, said to have been made by Mr. Davies' daughters, strongly expressive of the political feelings then almost universal throughout Cornwall. King Charles II. is represented flying i'rom his enemies, and one of them, in full pursuit, has a legend, ** This is the heir! come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own'." whilst an angel exclaims in the same manner from a cloud '* Is it not written, Ihou shalt L 2 148 BURIAN. {!(.) no niurdcr y '■ Tlie niaieri;il of this work is found iti great variety and beauty round the coast, and particu- huly at Perth Keinow, near the Logging Rock. The last Mr. Davies of Burnuhall married Kegwin of Nevvlyn ; he wasted the remains of a property which had been gradually diminishing in the hands ot his father and of his grandfather; so that about the year 1730, Burnuhall and some other farms were sold to Admiral Boscawen. Boskenna is the property and residence of Mr. Francis I^aynter, a very respectable gentleman and magistrate, the i^reat-grandson, i believe, of the individual distinguished by Mr. Hals for his skill in husbandry. There is a tradition of his having purchased the place of one whose family had long possessed it, but who had ultimately become the huntsman of a pack of hounds kept origi- nally as his own. Mr. Francis Paynter, uncle of the gentleman now possessed of Boskenna, was greatly distinguished for his wit and humour. He was either the sole or joint author of a poem made in imitation of Prior's Alma, and in ridicule of the then dean of Burian, called "The Consultation." Mr. Paynter practised his profession of the law near St. Coiumb. He married Miss Pender of Penzance, and left several sons. The exercise of wit is not always, perhaps not frequently, associated with pecuniary gain. The Editor has heard Mr. Paynter declare that " The Consultation" prevented his obtain- ing a valuable stewardship from the family of which the dean was a member. The Vyvyans of Trelovornow are said to have origi- nated from Treviddror in this parish. And Lord Chief Justice Tresilian was from Burian, in whose descend- ants Pendor and Ilistchurch, after the lapse of nearly live centuries, some of his property still remains. From about fifty to seventy years ago Boskenna at- tracted much attention, and gave occasion to various BURIAN. 149 conjectures over the whole neighbourhood, in conse- quence of a gentleman and lady residing there under the assumed name of Browne, and withdrawing themselves entirely from public observation. 1 he}' were conjec- tured to be nieuibers of some distinguished i'amilv on the continent implicated in political dis[)utes; or at the least, some very eminent persons of our own country, till at last the mystery was explained by a disclosure of their real name and condition. Mr. l)eity Birge, having been involved in the pe- cuniary affairs of an individual who subsequently be- came insane, fountl himself obliged to retire, although it is understood that nothinsr discreditable to his cha- racter occurred in the transactions. On that indi- vidual's decease Mr. Birge resumed his real name, and removed to Penzance, where he passed the remainder of his VA'c. The church of St. Burian is amonu; those most (lis- tinguished for size and beauty in the west of Cornwall. It is situated on hiiih o;round, vviih a loftv tower, con- spicuous therefore from a very great distance. It [)()S- sessed, till within these few years, a curious rood-loft. A station of the great trigonometrical survey was placed in 179() very near Burian church, and in the Philosophical Transactions lor 1800, the latitude of the t(nver is stated to be oO° 4' 32.8", and the longitude is 50 3(y 10.3", or in time 22' 24.7" west of Greenwich. Burian measures 6274 statute acres. The annual value of Real 4^roperty, as c£. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 7288 O Poor Rate in 1831 350 O The parish feast is kept on the nearest Sunday to old May day. T, , • fin 1801, in 1811, Population, I ^j^.^ 'I jjgg' in 1821, 1 49 j in 1831, 170r ; being an increase of 47 in a hundred in 30 years. Present liector, the lion. V. Stanhope. 150 BURIAN. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The whole of this parish, with the exception of a small patch of slate at Rosemodris, rests on granite. Judging from what occurs in the eastern part of Corn- wall, one might be led to expect that the land of St. Burian must be sterile. In some elevated spots it un- doubtedly is so, but in general the parish is well culti- vated and highly productive. This difference in the granitic soils of east and of west Cornwall, may be, in part, explained by the gradual diminution of height towards the west, accompanied by a corresponding improvement of the climate ; but in this part of the county more of the debris, especially of diluvial clay, is retained on the surface, that of the more elevated eastern ridges having been in great measure swept away. This circumstance must not, however, be omitted. The granite of Burian exhibits more varieties than have been yet found in the eastern district. The slate in the cliff's at Rosemodris is a felspar rock, and its contact with the granite is distinctly seen; where it ma}' be observed at the eastern extremity traversed by numerous granite veins ; and the granite near this junction abounds in shorl. NOTE BY THE EDITOR. Doctor Paris has remarked on the granite of this district, that it contains full twenty-five per' cent of felspar, which he says at once explains the rapidity of this stone's decouiposition, and the fertility which is so very unusual in granitic countries; and that this granite in a state of decomposition, when it is provin- cially called growan, has actually been applied to some lands as a manure, and with the best effect. I had the pleasure of attending Doctor Withering (author of the Arrangeuient of British Plants, &.c.) to CALLINGTON. 151 the Land's End in 1793, when he expressed much sur- prise at the f'ertilit}' oF a granitic soil, and explained it as Doctor Paris has since done, by observing that in all the granite he had previously seen siliceous matter abounded, and that the very word was synonymous with sterile, but that here felspar and fertility appeared together. Felspar is said to contain nearly a third part ot" its weight of alumine, about an eighth part of lime, and a twentieth of soda. CALLINGTON, THE EDITOR. Neither Mr. Hals nor Mr. Tonkin notice this parish. It is appended to the parish of Southill. The name is pronounced Kelliton in the immediate neighbourhood. Callington is situated in the hundred of East, having Southill and Stoke Climsland on the north ; Calstock on the east; St. Mellior and St. Dominick to south; and St. Ive to the West. The town is said to have sent members to Parliament so early as the reign of Henry II L, when the privileges of markets and fairs were granted; but the first authen- tic return was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. In the time of Henry III. the manor and lordship of Callington were vested in the family. of Ferrers, by a grant from the earls of Cornwall ; the possession has passed by heiresses to several families ; and finally, through Dennis, Rolle and Walpole, to Mr. George William Trefusis of Trefusis, in Milor ; together with the barony in fee of Clinton, created by a writ directed John de Clinton, 17 Edward I. a.d. 1299. His grand- son sold the property to Mr. Alexander Baring, at a period when some adventitious circumstances, no longer 152 CALLINGTON. in existence, added materially to its value. The church and town are handsome specimens of the gothic architec- ture which distinguishes the west of England ; and there exist several ancient monuments of individuals formerly lords of the manor. This parish contains 2S87 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 4142 O The Poor Rate in 1831 950 17 O p , . fin 1801, Population,-! ' in 1811, in 1821, 938 1321 giving an increase of 70 per cent, in 30 years. in 1831, 1388; GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The north-eastern part of this parish extends to the east of Kitt Hill, the most elevated point of Kingston Downs, which is composed of granite. The slate ad- joining thereto resembles that which occurs in similar situations in the parishes of St. Austell and St. Blazey ; and this district has been the scene of considerable mining speculations. In former ages it abounded in stream tin to such an amount that the Cornishmen of those days expressed their opinion of its value by the distich Hengsten Down, well yrouglit Is worth Loudon town, dear ybought. Carew, Lord Dimstanville's Edition, p. 272. As the town of Callington is approached, the slate becomes of a darker blue, and passes into hornblend rock, which prevails in the other parts of the parish, and in several places so i7iuch abounds in quartz as to form barren downs. This rock, however, has not any marked character, and it is not often exposed to view ; near St. Ive it appears to graduate into the calcareous series. CALSTOCK. 153 CALSTOCK. HALS. Calstock is situate in the hundred of East, and hath upon the north Stoke Clemsland, west KeHaton, south St. Dominick, east the Tamar river. The rectory of Calstock church seems to be extant before Domesday Tax, since it passed then b}' that name, and hath never admitted of any change of name or al- teration since, and was undoubtedly founded and en- dowed by the Earls of Cornwall, out of their manor of Calstock, wherein it is situate ; and the Duke of Corn- wall, or the King, in that right, are still patrons thereof. Ecclesia de Calstock, in Decanatu de Estwellshire, was valued to the Pope's annats, 1294, cs. ; in Wolsey's In- quisition and Valor Beneficionum, 9,61. 4s. 4c?- The pa- tronage as aforesaid, the Incumbent Blackburn, and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, iGyfi, temp. William HI. 302/. Os. 2 J. It appears from the ancient survey of the Duchy of Cornwall in the Exchequer, and Blount's Tenures from thence, p. 122, that the tenants of this manor had granted them, by the Earls or Dukes thereof, its lords, the liberty of I'ree fishing on the Tamar river, in his verbis: " Nativi tenentes de Calstock, in comitatu Cor- nubiaj, reddunt per annum de certo redditu, vocato Berbiagium, sine barbague, ad le Hoke-day, 19s* 6c?." Now barbague, barbagyu, is, in Cornish, a bearded or barbed spear, such as is commonly used for killing salmons in the Tamar and other rivers. [See Stoke- Clemsland.] The salmon wear, here built over the Tamar, is, by lease from the Duke of Cornwall, in pos- session of Sir John Carew, baronet, and hath formerly been set for 120/. per annum. [See Helston in Trigg for Barbiague. Tenants on the Alan river there.] 154 CALSTOCK. Cuthill, in this place, I take it was the most ancient seat of the knightly family of Edgecombes in Cornwall, and is still in their possession ; and here lived Sir Ri- chard Edgecombe, knight, that assisted Henry the Se- venth against Richard the Third, who was bountifully rewarded for his services by that prince. TONKIN has merely transcribed from Hals. THE EDITOR. Calstock, or Calstoke, has of late become a mining- parish on an extensive scale. The manor having been sold by the Duchy for the redemption of Land Tax, has ultimately become the property of Mr. John Williams, one of the most skilful and successful miners in Cornwall. Cotehele is preserved by Lord Mount Edgecombe as a faithful representative of what were the residences of country gentlemen or barons in the ancient acceptation of that word. " It came," says Lysons, ''into the possession of the Edgecombe family, by the marriage of Hilaria, daugh- ter and heir of William de Cotehele, with William de Edgecombe, in the reign of Edward HL After this marriage, Cotehele became for a while the chief resi- dence of the Edgecombe family." Carew, speaking of this place, says, " the buildings are ancient, large, strong, and fayre, and appurtenanced with the necessaries of wood, water, fishing, park, and mills, with the devotion of (in times past) a rich-furnished chapel, and with the charit}^ of almshouses, for certain poor people, whom the owners used to relieve." The beauty of its situation, the river and ancient ponds, united with the antiquities of the place, render Cotehele one of the most curious and worthy of atten- tion in the West of England ; and the following descrip- CALSTOCK. 155 tion, taken in 1830 by an architectural correspondent of the Gentleman's Magazine, is therefore extracted from that miscellany for 1833. "There is a singularity about this Mansion, which requires to be accounted for. It cannot claim an origin in very remote antiquity, the earliest parts being not older than the reign of Henry the Seventh ; yet the nar- rowness of the windows and other openings, and the tower above the gateway, would lead to the idea that it was built in an early insecure period. This, I think, may be accounted for from the fact that the builder, Sir Richard Edgecombe, had encountered personal danger in the wars of the Roses, and probably erected his mansion in the early part of the reign of Henry the Seventh, so soon after the conclusion of the conflict, that he might be impressed with the fear that the reign of the newly enthroned monarch might not be more peaceable than that of his predecessors, and he adopted under these im- pressions the style which the mansion now displays. *' The house is quadrangular, with a court-yard in the centre; and, like the generality of the mansions of an- tiquity, has the appendage of a hall and chapel. It is built of moor-stone in irregular courses, though some of the blocks are exceedingly large. The west front is not imposing, from the want of height, which detracts from its general appearance. The entrance is not in the centre, and is only wide enough for foot passengers; it consists of an obtuse pointed arch, slightly moulded with foliage on the spandrils, which is inclosed within another of larger dimensions with a weather cornice, and on the space between the two is a blank shield accom- panied by two bold leaves. The windows are situated high in the wall; they are of small dimensions, being in fact little more than enlarged loopholes. The chimneys are square, having caps formed with coping stones. Above the entrance is a tower of a cubical form, with an embattled parapet. On entering the court through 156 CALSTOCK. the gateway, the Hall is seen in the front, and near it, on the west side of the quadrangle, the lantern window of the Chapel. " The interior of the Hall is very interesting. The roof is timber, and arched; and on the walls hang va- rious pieces of armour and weapons of considerable an- tiquity, with a complete suit of armour, which is pro- bably' not older than the Civil wars. In the end walls are apertures in the shape of a quatrefoil, vvhich admit a view of the hall from adjacent apartments, and would allow the motions of persons asseutbled in it to be watched. There are some specimens of ancient furniture in the hall; in particular a chair having the date l627. In the windows are several armorial shields in stained glass. CHAPEL AT COTEHELE. " The Chapel projects from the western side of the mansion. It is small and neat, and has a small bell- tower. The square window in the west end is unglazed ; the aperture being secured by wide bars ; but allowing CALSTOCK. 157 any person standing on the outside to see the allar. At rlie distance of a few feet from the door lies an ancient font, 19 inches square by 14 inches deep; it is formed of a block of moorstone, and panelled at the sides. The interior of this chapel is approached from the mansion by the hall, to which it communicates through a small room. The roof is timber, ribbed and panelled; and coved in the form of an obtuse arch. In the south win- dow St. Anne and St. Katherine are represented in painted glass. The altar is oak, with upright panels, having quatrefoil heads. An ancient altar cloth is pre- served in the house; it is formed of red velvet powdered with fleur-de-lis, and the part which was shown when it was laid on the altar, had a crucifix in the centre, ac- companied by the twelve apostles in rich embroidery, and the arms of Edgecombe. "The limit of a sins-le visit would not allow me to particularize the various articles of furniture contained in the mansion. In the drawing-room the screen to the doorway appears to be of the date of the building; on the door itself are roses in lozenges. The bedroom, called King Charles's, has a fine ancient state bed, with a profusion of carved work about it; and a steel mirror. The dog-inns, some of which are probably as old as the mansion, remain in the fire-places. Two chairs com- memorate a visit from King George the Third and Queen Charlotte in 1789- " In the grounds is another chapel, which derives its interest from the circumstance of its having been erected by Sir Richard Edgecombe in commemoration of his escape from his pursuers by concealment near the spot. It is much injured by modern alterations made in 1769, and externally retains little of its original features. In the interior are several ancient paintings, which pro- bably formed the decorations of an ancient altar-piece ; when entire, it represented the Annunciation. In the east window are St. George, and a female saint with a 158 CALSTOCK. sword, in painted glass, and several coats of arms. There is also an ancient painting of the monument of the founder of the chapel, who was buried in the convent- ual church of Morlaix in Bretagne, in September 1489 ; and a carving: in wood of St. Thomas a Becket." It is a curious circumstance in the history of Corn- wall, that several of the principal gentlemen from this remote county, took active parts on either side between King Richard the Third and his antagonist Henry the Seventh : many were present at the battle of Bosworth. Mr. Carew relates (p. 2(59, Lord Dunstanville's edi- tion) the almost miraculous escape of Sir Richard Edge- combe of Cotehele, when he was pursued (as I appre- hend) by Bodrigar, who, in his turn, found himself obliged to fly after the defeat of King Richard ; and his property was divided between Edgecumbe and Trevanion, with whom a large part of it still remains. The river from Cotehele to New Brid2:e exhibits a mag- nificence of scenery very rarely to be found : the cliffs on the east and north-eastern bank aff"ordinG: here the steep and bold scarpment, as in all other similar situa- tions throughout the country. Harewood, in this parish, although in the different style of a modern seat, almost rivals Cotehele: this spa- cious and elegant house was built almost forty years ago by Mr. Foot ; but the place was sold after his decease, and it is now the property and residence of Mr. William Salusbury Trelawney, heir of that ancient and distin- guished family. Mr. Trelawney married Miss Carpen- ter, of Mount Toby, near Tavistock, and now (1833) represents the eastern division of Cornwall in Parlia- ment. Sandhill is another handsome seat in this parish, oc- cupied by Mr. Williams, who, since his purchase of the manor, has improved the waste lands, planted such elevated or steep portions as were unfit for agriculture, and in every way contributed to the prosperity of the place and of its inhabitants. CALSTOCK. 159 This parish contains 5035 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as re- £. s. d. turned to Parliament in 1815 . 5801 Poor Rate in 1831 .... 1426 „ . fin 1801, in 1811, in 1821, in 1831, Population, I ijQ^ 20(i4 2388 2328; being an increase of about 1 1 1 per cent, in 30 years. Present Rector, the Rev. Edward Morshead, pre- sented by the King in 1796. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The Geological structure of this parish is precisely similar to that of Callington ; but, as it is better deve- loped, it will admit of a little more detail. The northern part consists of the granite of Kingston Down, which is crystalline, and it is extensively quarried for economical purposes. The quarries near the summit of Kitt Hill afl'ord excellent illustrations of the internal structure of the granitic mass. On this Down, beds of fine-grained granite project here and there above the surface, resembUng that which occurs as El van courses in the adjacent slate. The latter rock consists of a basis of granular felspar, spotted and spangled with a shining mineral like mica. This slate, as well as the granite, have been long explored for tin and copper. Shorl and mica generally abound in the lodes ; and the former mi- neral is often so intimately combined with the quartz, as to form a dark-coloured compact shorl rock. South- ward the slate becomes more blue, and is fissile into ex- tended slabs. Near the village of Calstock it is soft and lamellar, having evidently graduated into the calcareous series. At Cotehele, near the landing place, a beautiful oved-coloured calcareous schist is quarried, which is said to prove a good material for lining kilns and ovens : it has a shining talcose appearance, resembling that of Trenalt, near Pallephunt, in Alternon. 160 CAMBORNE. Nearly opposite to the Rector}-, built by Bishop Black- bourn, and pleasantly situated on the river, may be seen the debouch of a canal from Tavistock, with an inclined plane, descending into the Tamar. This canal, in one part of its line, passes through a hill at the depth of seventy fathoms. CAMBORNE. HALS. Camborne is situate in the hundred of Penwiih, and bath upon the east Redruth, north Illugan, west Gwy- nier, south Crowan. For its modern name, Camborne, which was not extant at the time of the Norman Con- quest, signifies a crooked or arched burne, or well. This parish is said to derive its name from a holy well situated within it, to which great numbers of per- sons resorte from a high opinion of its great medical virtues, in addition to its sanctity. Ecclesia de Camborne, in Decanatu de Penwid, 1294, was rated to the Pope's annats viii/. In Wolsey's Inquisition, lo21, and Valor Beneficiorum, cfSQ. iGs.Qd. The patronage in Basset, the incumbent Newcombe; the parish rated to the 4s. per .£1. Tax, I696, ofSOS. l6s. Pendarves in this parish, 1 am informed, transnomi- nated a family of gentlemen from Tresona, i. e. the charm town, in St. Enoder, to Pendarves, temp. Eliz. William Pendarves, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall 30th Cha. II. 1 680, married Adiston, daughter of Edmund Prideaux, Esq. but died without issue; whereby his estate de- scended to his second brother's son ; and he dying without issue, it descended to his third brother's son, viz. Sir William Pendarves, knight, now in possession thereof, who married Godolphin, the widow of Hoblyn of Nans- tAMBORNE. 161 u'idon. His father, Tliomas Pendaives, clerk, rector of St. Colomb Major, and St. Mawgun in Pider, married Hoblyn of Nansvviddon ; bis grandfather, Arundell of Menadarva ; his great-grandfather Humphrys; and giveth for his arms, in a field Sable, a falcon Argent displayed, between three mullets Or. Menadarva, in this parish, is the dwelling of William Arundell, Esq. descended from the Arundells ofTrerice, to whose ancestor, temp. Charles I. it was given by the last will and testament of John Arundell, of Trerice, Esq. (commonly called John of Tilbury, for that with Queen Elizabeth, at that place, he was an officer under her in the standing army posted in that place in expec- tation of and to oppose the Spanish Armada 1588), in those words amongst other — ** Item, I give to my natu- rall son, John Arundell, my mannor and barton of Me- nadarva in Camburne, and to his heirs lawfully begot- ten for ever." The last gentleman of this family dying without issue male, his sisters for a time, married to Tresahar and others, became possessed of this lordship ; but it hap- pened that a brother of theirs also, who was a merchant factor in Spain, who married an innkeeper's widow there, in Malaga or Seville, of English extraction, was said to be dead without issue, but it seems before his death had issue by her an infant son, which was bred up in Spain till he came of age, without knowledge of his relations aforesaid ; who, being brought into England with his mother, temp. Will. HI. delivered ejectments upon the barton and manor of Menadarva, and the occupants thereof, as heir-at-law to Arundell, and brought down a trial upon the same at Lanceston, in this county; where upon the issue it appeared, upon the oaths of Mr. Del- liff and other Spanish merchants of London, that the said heir was the legitimate son of Mr. Arundell afore- said in Spain, and born under coverture or marriage ; he obtained a verdict and judgment thereon for the same, M H)2 CAMBORNE. and is now in possession thereof. He married Treman- heer of Penzance, and hath issue. The arms of this fa- mily are the same as those of the Arundells of Trerice, with due distinction.* Roswarne, in this parish, gave to its owner the name of De Roswarne, one of which tribe sold those lands, temp. James I. to Ezekiel Grosse, gent, attorney-at-law, who made it his dwelling, and in this place got a great estate by the inferior practice of the law ; but much more,f as tradition saith, by means of a spirit or appa- rition that haunted him in this place till he spake to it (for it is notable that sort of things called apparitions, are such proud gentry that they never speak first), whereupon it discovered to him where much treasure lay hid in this mansion, which, according to the (honest) ghost's direction he found, to his great enriching; after which this phantasm or spectrum become so trouble- some and direful to him day and night, that it forced him to forsake this place (as rich, it seems, as this devil could make him) and to quit his claim thereto by giving or selling it to his clerk John Call ; whose son, John Call, gent, sold it again to Robert Hooker, gent, attorney-at- law, now in possession thereof. The arms of Call were, in afield three trumpets, in allusion to the name in English ; but in Cornish British, call, cal, signifies any hard, flinty, or obdurate matter or thing, and hirgorne is a trumpet. Crane, adjoining Roswarne, gave name to its posses- sor Cit-crane, who gave bustards or cranes for his arms ; for as Crana, Krana, is as grus in Latin, so it is a crane in English; garan and cryhyr is in the Welsh. One of which srentlemen sold this tenement also to Gross, who conveyed it to Call, as Call hatli to Hooker aforesaid. Treswithan, or Trease-withan, in this parish, com- pounded of Tres-with-an, was of old the seat of the De * See Sytnons of Halt in Botus Fleming. ■\ Here the word "fire-side" is interlined; and at \ the words "good now" in the same hand with the paragraph within brackets. CAMBORNE. 163 Brayes, gentlemen heretofore of great antiquity, good note, and considerable revenues in those parts; though in the time of Charles I. their estate was much impaired, so that the last gentleman of this family dying much in- debted, and no heir appearing, occasioned a memorable lawsuit between Sir Francis Basset, knight, lord of the manor of Tyhiddy, of which those lands of Treswithaa were held, and the creditors of Mr. Braye, then in pos- session of the premises : when in fine, upon the issue at law at Lanceston, the jury gave it in escheat, for want of issue, to Sir Francis Basset, in right of his manor aforesaid, the verdict passing against the creditors; whereby the posterity of Sir Francis are possessed of it to this day. TONKIN has merely copied from Mr. Hals. THE EDITOR. Camborne has risen more rapidly into wealth and im- portance than any other parish in Cornwall. The church tow«^is so large and well-built, and it possesses with a market so many appendages of a regular town, that the prefix church may well be omitted. Pendarves was given by Mrs. Percevall, surviving sis- ter of Sir William Pendarves, to Mr. John Stackhouse, second son of Doctor William Stackhouse, Rector of St. Atine> who married Miss Williams, heiress of that branch of the Williamses of Probus, which had settled at Trehane. Mr. John Stackhouse married Miss Acton, with whom he acquired a very large property in Shrop- shire: his son, Mr. Edward William Wynne Pendarves is now the proprietor. Pendarves has become a very handsome seat in consequence of the successive im- provements made by the late Mr. Stackhouse and him- self. He has adopted the name of Pendarves in the place of Stackhouse, and added Wynne in gratitude M 2 164 CAMBORNE. of a large addition made to his fortunes l)y the late Ke- verend Luttrell Wynne, LL.D. Mr. Pendarves has followed the examples of his two immediate predecessors, by marryincj a considerable heiress, Miss Triste, from Devonshire. He has been twice elected member for the county, and now (1833) repre- sents the western division of Cornwall. Menadarva was purchased by the late Mr. Basset, and belongs to his son, Lord Dunstanville. Rosewarne was the residence of Mr. William Harris, who greatly increased his fortune by skill and success in minins:. He served the office of sheriff in 1773. His only daughter and heiress is married to Mr. Winchcombe Hartley, a gentleman of Berkshire. Crane, with several adjoining farms, became the pro- perty of Mr. John Oliver Willyams, of Carnanton, in right of his mother, and the whole, on his demise, was purchased by Lord Dunstanville. 1 cannot close my short additions to Camborne with- out noticing Mr. Richard Trevithick. No one, with the exception of Mr. Watt, has probably contributed in so great a degree to the improvement of steam-engines, the most important and the most philosophical of all mechanical inventions. His enterprise has also equalled the abstract powers of his mind, and for several years he laboured in South America to give the mines of that great continent the advantage of European machinery; but civil wars, and the instability of Governments, de- feated his best endeavours, so as to render them, up to the present time, unavailing either to those mines or to himself. Camborne contains 5933 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as c£. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 11,783 Poor Rates in 1831 2,649 16 T> 1 ,. fin 1801, Population, I ^gj^ ' in 1811, 4714 in 1821, 6219 in 1831, 7699; giving an increase of 60 per cent, in 30 years. CAMBORNE. 165 GEOLOGY, BY DR. HOASE. The eastern and souib-western sides of this parish are situate on granite, the greater part consisting of high and barren hills, including Carnbrea and Carnkie. This rock is large-grained, and not very prone to disintegrate; it is occasionally traversed by beds of felspar porpbyry. On the boundaries of this granite, and in the adjacent slate, are numerous tin and copper-mines, the most in- teresting of which are Delcoath and Cock's Kitchen ; the latter extends into the parish of lUogan, but is a continuation of the Camborne lodes. Delcoath has been for many years the deepest mine in Cornwall. It stands at the surface, about fifty fathoms {300 feet) above the level of the sea, and the deepest shaft is about a hundred and eighty fathoms (1080 feet) below the sea level, making on the whole a depth from the surface of nearly ] 400 feet. These mines exhibit the curious geological pheno- mena of alternating granite and slate ; that is, in sinking a perpendicular shaft, the miner passes repeatedly out of one of these rocks into the other. Various theoretical opinions have been entertained on this subject : some geologists supposing that the layers are no more than irregular protuberances from the main mass of the rock; whilst others consider them as large veins dipping to- wards and communicating with the granite at a great depth. But it is ascertained that these granite layers are sometimes detached or insulated masses., whilst at other times they form large veins or courses, which have regular bearings to a considerable distance, and are then called elvans ; to form, however, a correct idea of the features of these phenomena, we must be- come acquainted, not with the appearance only, but with the nature and composition of these two rocks. Granite and slate are usually considered, from their exterior character, as very dissimilar, whereas in this situation their real composition is nearly alike. 166 CAMBORNE. The granite immediately in contact with the slate, consists of compact felspar, containing particles or crys- tr^is of felspar, quartz, and mica, in variable proportions, but the whole generally increasing towards the centre of the mass. So that the granite is changed into a felspar rock or porphyry rock, scarcely ever resembling a well characterised granite; while the slate in contact has received the various names of greywacke, greenstone, clayslate, and killas; but it appears to be a rock sui generis, consisting almost entirelj' of compact felspar, coloured purple or blue by its intimate union with a dark-coloured micaceous mineral, sometimes seen dis- tinct on the surface of the slate, and from which it ap- pears to derive its lamellar structure. The bases of these two rocks are therefore the same, and at the point of contact it is often difficult to draw a line between them ; for the slate passes into white compact felspar by the gradual disappearance of its colouring mineral; and this granite rock, by the more and more additions of felspar, quartz, and mica, reassumes its usual character. On this view of the subject, it is easy to comprehend why the granite and the slate alternate and mutually pass into each other; and an explanation may also be given of the complicated phenomena of granite veins in slate, when it is assumed that both rocks are not only of contemporaneous origin, but likewise similar in their mineral composition. Between this mining district and a line drawn east and west across the parish, a little north of the church town, the land is in most places very good ; but north of this line, at the extremity of the parish, where it abuts on the sea, the ground is almost entirely uncultivated, af- fording nothing more than a slight pasturage for sheep. At Godrevy Point there is laid open an interesting sec- tion of diluvial deposits: one of the beds, composed of shelly sand and pebbles, is consolidated with sandstone and conglomerate. 167 CARDINHAM. HALS. Cardinham is situate in the hundred of West, and hath upon the north Blisland, Temple, and part of Altarnun ; south, Bradock and Warleggan ; west, Bodmin. For the name, it is compounded of those par- ticles, car-din-ham, id est, the rock-man's-home or habitation ; also car-dyn-an, i. e. the rock man, or a man that dwells upon, or has his residence amongst rocks, or in a rocky country, xyith which sort of inani- mate creatures the north part of this parish aboundeth. It takes its denomination from the manor and barton of old Cardinham; as from thence did its lord and owner Robert de Cardinan, temp. Richard I., the same gen- tleman mentioned in Mr. Carew's " Survey of Cornwall," that by the tenure of knight-service held in those parts seventy-one knight's fees ; which undoubtedly then was the greatest estate pertaining to any private man in this province. He was not only the founder and endower of the Alien Priory of St. Andrew at Tywardreth, (of which more in that place,) but also of this rectory church. By the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Win- chester into the value of benefices in Cornwall, as aforesaid, 1294, Ecclesia de Cardinan in Decanatu de Westwellshire, was rated 61. 8s. 4d. In Wolsey's In- quisition, 1521, and Valor Beneficiorum, 24/. 17s. 6d., by the name of the Rectory of Cardenham, synony- mous with Cardinham. The patronage in the Lord Dynham's heir, Arundell, and others ; the incumbent, Waddon ; this parish was taxed to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1696, temp. William III., 16I/. 8s. And here it must be observed, that there was no such parish or church extant at the time of the Norman conquest as Cardinham ; for in the Domesday Rate, 1087, 20 William I., this division parsed then under the 168 CARDINHAM. districts of Cabulian, Dovenot, and Glin, (see the Domesday Catalogue); but after the building and endowing of this church, Glin was converted into Cardinham parish, and Cabulian into Warliggon ; un- der which name and title they have hitherto passed, as members thereof. I find it much controverted amongst antiquaries and historians, whether the Dyn- hams, that afterwards became possessed of this manor and barton, were the descendants of this Robert de Cardinan, or not ; some averring one thing and some another; but certain I am they were possessed thereof as his heirs and assigns ; but whether denominated from thence, or the local places of Dynham in St. Menvor, or Dinham-bridge in St. Kew, I know not. Nevertheless, contrary to both those conjectures, Mr. Camden tells us that those Dinhams were a French tribe that came into England with WilHam the Con- queror; particularly one Oliver de Dinant, one of whose sons, viz. Galfrid de Dinham, temp. Henry II. was a great augmenter of the Abbey of Hartland; and changed the secular priests founded there by Githa, wife of Earl Godwin, into Black Canons Augustine. See Monasticon Anglicanum, in Devon. One Oliver de Dinant, or Dinham, was by writ of summons called to l^arliament as a Baron, 24 Edward I. who had issue Josce, who had issue John, who had issue John, who had issue John, who had issue John ; who were all knighted ; which last John had issue, by Sir Richard Arche's heir, John Dinham, of Old Car- denham, Esq., sheriff of Devon, 39 Henry VI., 1460, who then resided at his barton of Nutwell, in Wood- berry parish, eight miles from Exeter, who at that time made use of his authority in promoting the safety of the Duke of York's friends, viz. the Earls of March, Salisbury, and Warwick, and others, then attainted of treason by Act of Parliament, who, in order to the preservation of their lives, fled into Devonshire, CARDINHAM. 169 where they were concealed by the said John Dinhani at Nutwell aforesaid, till he had opportunities from Exmouth to convey them to Guernsey, from whence they were transported to Calais, which place they secured for the Duke of York. But as soon as King Henry and the Parliament understood thereof, im- mediately the Duke of Somerset was dispatched with a commission to be governor of that place; who no sooner approached the harbour of Calais with his ships, but those fugitive lords ordered the train of artillery at Rysbank (there) immediately to be fired upon the Duke of Somerset and his companions, as they were coming on shore, which so obstructed their design that they were forced, with some damage and loss, to return to their ships, weigh anchor, spread sails, and bear off for the English coast, and dropped anchor safely at Sandwich in Kent ; from whence King Henry and Queen Margaret had some notice from the Duke of Somerset of the affront offered his Majesty and him at Calais, whereupon the King ordered his navy royal, as soon as possible, to be in readiness to attend and assist him, in order to reduce Calais to his obedience. But, alas! maugre those contrivance, the said John Dynham, before the King's navy could be provided and got together, out of affection to the Duke of York, the Earl of March and his confederates, like a daring, valiant, courageous, and invincible hero, as he was, with a small company of armed men, boarded the Earl of Somerset's ships in the harbour of Sandwich, and therein took the Lord Rivers, designed for his admiral against Calais, and by a strong hand carried him and all his ships thither; and then, with the same ships, conveyed the Earl of March and his friends from Calais to the Duke of York his father, then fled into Ireland. After the restoration of the House of York to the crown, in the person of Edward IV. we find this John Dynham was knighted. In the 6th Edward IV. he was 170 CARDINHAM. by writ summoned to Parliament as a Baron thereoF, by the name of" John Dinham, Baron Dinham, of Cardin- ham. In the 9th Edward IV. he obtained a grant of the custody of the forest of Dartmoor, the manor and borough of Lidford, and the manor of South Teign in Devon, during his life, under the yearly rent of 100 marks, and 6s. 8d. ; and soon after he got a grant of the office of steward of the honours, castles, manors, and boroughs of Plympton, Oakhampton, Tiverton, Samp- ford Courtney, and some others, and was made Knight of the Garter; and in the first year of Henry VII., 1485, he was by letters patent created Baron Dinham, of Cardinham; afterwards he was made Lord High Trea- surer of England, which office he held fifteen years, and died 17 Henry VH. aged seventy-two years. He left issue Charles Dinham, Esq. his son and heir, sheriff of Devon, [6 Edward IV., 1476, that married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Lord Fitzwalter, who died without issue ; by reason whereof his four sisters became his heirs, and were married, Jane, to Baron Zouch, of Totness ; Joan, to Lord Arundell, of Lanherne, knight ; Marga- ret, to Nicholas Baron Carew, of Molesford, in Berk- shire ; and Elizabeth, to Foulk Bourchier, of Tavistock, Lord Fitzwarren. The arms of Dinham were, in a field Gules, three fusils in fess Ararent, within a border Ermine ; but Nicholas Upton, in his manuscript of heraldry, 1440, written before the invention of printing, tells us, Monsieur Oliver de Dinham port de Goules un fess engrelle de Ermine, un bordure endentee Argent. The Lady Elizabeth Dinham, widow of the Lord Fitzwarren aforesaid, after his death, was married to Thomas Shapcott, of Elton, in Huntingdonshire, Esq., where, at her own proper cost and charge, she erected a private chapel to the honour of Almighty God, of that curious and costly workmanship, both in walls, roof, and window^ that it is worthy the admiration of all beholders, and parallel to, if not superior, to any other CARDINHAM. 171 church or chapel of its bigness in England. See Cam- den in Huntingdonshire. Nicholas Baron Carew aforesaid, together with liis lady, were buried in Westminster Abbey, amongst the kings and queens of England, as appears from a grey marble tomb-stone, with a brass inscription round it, containing, as I remember, these words. Orate pro animabus Nicolai Baronis quondam de Carew, et Dominae Margaretae uxoris ejus, filiae Johan- nis Domini Dinham, Militis ; qui quidem JNicholaus obiit sexto die mensis Decembris, anno Dom. 1470; et predicta Domina Margareta obiit die mensis Decem- bris, anno 1471. Of this famous family Mr. Carew, in his " Survey of Cornwall," hath only these words : *' formerly at Cardinham lived the Lord Dinham." Glin, Glynn, in this parish, is a name taken and given from the ancient natural circumstances of the place, where lakes, pools, and rivers of water abound, and groves of trees, or copps, flourish and grow; de- rived from the Japhetical Greek ^if^yv, [limnee] lacus ; under which name, and devyock, or deynock district, part of the now parish of Cardinham, was taxed 20 William I., 1087. From which place was denomi- nated an ancient family of gentlemen surnamed De Glynn, who for many generations flourished there in worshipful degree, till about the time of Henry VII., when the sole daughter and heir of this family was married to Carmynow of Resprin, or Polmaugan, whose heir being married to Courtney, brought this barton of Glynn into that family; by some of whose posterity it was sold to a younger branch of this family of Glynn, who thereby was restated therein, and so became pos- sessed thereof; from whom was lineally descended Nicholas Glynn, Esq. iM ember of Parliament for Bod- min, temp. Charles H., who married one of the coheirs of Dennis, of Orleigh, in Devon, as did Sir Thomas Hamson, Knt., of Buckinghamshire, the other; who 172 CARDINHAM. had issue Denny Glynn, Esq. that married two wives, Foow' of Tiverton, and Hoblyn of Bodman ; who had issue William Glynn, Esq., that married Prideaux of Padstow, and giveth for his arms, in a field Argent, a chevron between three salmon-spears Sable ; alluding to their custom, privilege, or right of hunting or fishing for salmons in the Fowey river, passing through this barton or lordship of Glynn towards the sea. Mr. Carew, in his Survey of Cornwall, tells us this place is called Glynford, by reason of a bridge or pass over the Fowey River there; for ford in British signifies a street, road, pass, or highway over waters ; but the authority of Domesday Roll aforesaid, which calls it Glin, plainly shows ihat this latter appellation, ford, was added to this word Glvnn after the bridge aforesaid was erected, and not otherwise to be applied. Nicholas Glynn, of Glyn-ford, Esq. was sheriflf of Cornwall 18 James I. Devynock, as aforesaid, was another district now in this parish, taxed in Domesday Roll, now in possession of Bann, Gent. TONKIN. ;Mr. Tonkin has not any thing of the least curiosity that differs from Hals. He ends indeed by saying, that " nothing can be more ridiculous than Mr. Hals's derivation of the name of this parish." THE EDITOR. It is much to be wished that some one learned in the Celtic language, perhaps a native of Britany, would investigate the derivations of all the names of places, of hills, and of rivers, after visiting their localities. Car, in composition, is probably the same as cairn or kairn a rock, and din is a fortress ; but these do not seem likely to take up the Saxon termination ham, aa house or dwelling. CARDINHAM. 173 Glynn has not, in all probability, any connection with the Saxon words gline or glen. A word of very similar sound in one of the Celtic dialects denominates a spear, and this agrees with the family arms, which are Argent, the heads of three fishing-spears or tridents, with their points downwards, two and one. Sable. A new house was built at Glynn by Mr. Edmund John Glynn, son of Serjeant Glynn, distinguished in the political dissensions of Mr. Wilkes. The house was accidentally consumed by fire before the whole interior had been completed. The walls, however, were not much injured, and the building will probably be re- stored. It is now the property of the Right Hon. Gen. Sir Hussey Vivian. Serjeant Glynn succeeded to his elder brother's son, a young man said to be possessed of considerable abilities and even learning, but of such singular and eccentric habits, that he remained for years without speaking a single word, communicating his thoughts by writing. A verdict of lunacy was at last obtained against him at the Cornwall Assizes, but much to the general dissatisfaction of the country, as interested motives were readily imputable to the uncle ; and his mother felt so strongly on the subject, that being heiress of an ancient family, Nicholls of Trewane in St. Kew, she devised nearly the whole of her posses- sions, in honour of her son's name, to Mr. Glynn of Heliton ; probably of the same stock, but very distantly related. This parish measures 7730 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as c£. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 3029 Poor Rate in 1831 429 17 ^ , . fin 1801, Population,! ^-2 in 1821, 775 in 1831, 728; in 1811, 662 an increase of 32 per cent, or nearly one-third in 30 years. 174 CARDINHAM. GEOLOGY, BY DOCTOR BOASE. A continuation of the granite of Blisland and St. Breward forms the north-eastern corner of this parish. A belt then succeeds, which appears to be of the same kind as the micaceous slate of St. Breward already de- scribed ; it may be traced along the side of the Les- keard road in a disintegrated slate. On leaving this road and proceeding towards the church, the rock be- comes more argillaceous, as round Bodmin, and the land improves in quality. The western and southern parts of the parish consist of barren downs, reposing on rocks which abound in quartz. ST. CLEEH. HALS. St. Cleer is situate in the hundred of West, and hath upon the north, Altarnun ; south, Liskeard ; east, St. Tew; west, St. Neot. The modern name of this parish was not extant at the time of the Norman Conquest, but probably then passed in the Domesday tax under the titles of Trelven, Niveton, or Trethac. At the time of the Pope's inquisition into the value of Cornish be- nefices, in order to his Annats, 1294, Ecclesia de Sancto Claro, in Decanatu de Westwellshire, was charged ten marks; Vicar ejusdem 40s. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, and Valor Beneficiorum, 19^. l6s. Qd. and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, I696, 241/. 17s. The name of this parish is taken from the church, and the church's name from the titular guardianess thereof, to whom the same is dedicated, viz. St. Clare ST. CLEER. 175 or Cleer; whose name is derived iVoin the Latin word claro, i. e. clear, bright, shining, transparent; and she herself was born of an honourable lineage at the city of Assisum in Italy. [Mr. Hals here gives a long history of St. Clare, much more in detail than is suited to a parochial history. It may be sufficient to add, she was the daughter of Phavorino Sciftb, a noble knight, and of Hortulana, his most virtuous wife, and born in the year 1193. St. Francis was then alive and at the height of his fame. St. Dominic and St. Francis, as is well known, in- stituted the two great orders of begging monks or friars. Those who entered into any of the previously existing monastic establishments, underwent what was termed a civil death, renounced all individual property, bestowing what was at their own disposal in any way most agreeable to themselves, and suffering what was inalienable to descend to their heirs. Hence has origi- nated the expression natural life, as opposed to civil life, still used in legal proceedings. But St. Dominic and St. Francis, not content with this individual po- verty, extended it to their orders ; so that with the ex- ception of a dwelling, some furniture, and necessary raiment, their friars were to live, as the cynics had done of old, upon the accidental charity of victuals given in kind and from da}' to day ; for a broad and impassable boundary was drawn between receiving bread from the donor's hand, and a piece of metal for which that bread might be procured ; in the same manner as any portion of the increase arising from flocks or herds might law- fully be given ; whilst anathemas were thundered against him who accepted the least return for valu- able commodity, in exchange for which similar flocks or herds could easily and freely be procured. As impassioned harangues were obviously the most efficient agents for eliciting or extorting these daily 176 ST. CLEER. alms, they were incessantly employed ; so that the men- dicants soon acquired the distinctive appellation of preaching friars; and the whole institution being suited to the genius, the spirit, and the prejudices of the rude age in which it arose, the Dominicans and Franciscans acquired and maintained, during some centuries, almost the temporal sovereignty of Europe; till their dissen- tions, the scandalous immorality growing out of their va<'-rant lives, and the diffusion of knowledge, dissolved the charm. This contagion readily extended itself to females, so that, with some indispensible modifications, societies soon arose of women bound by the same rule of individual and collective poverty. St. Clare appears to have been the first female disciple of St. Francis, or at least the first raised by him to eminence and power, acquisitions far more captivating to the human mind, than wealth with all its passive luxuries and enjoyments. St. Clare had the gratification of eloping from her parents to receive the veil and the tonsure from the hands of St. Francis, who placed her at first in a mo- nastery of Benedictine Nuns; but the young saint soon found herself in the situation of an abbess, with her mother and two sisters members of the community, submitted to her sway. From this station she advanced to be the founder of an order, having numerous houses established under her supreme authority, exercised ac- cording to rules dictated by St. Francis ; and the poor Clares constitute a principal branch of the female mo- nastic establishments existing in all Catholic countries up to the present times. Pope Innocent IV. made a journey on purpose to visit Clare, not long before her death in 1233, and again to assist at her funeral. His successor. Pope Alexan- der IV. two years afterwards, inscribed her name in the celestial canon. Mr. Hals then proceeds to parti- culars.] ST. CLEER. 177 In this parish is 3'et to be seen a famous chapel Well, dedicated to St. Clare, a work of great skill, labour, and cost, though now much decayed, which formerly per- tained to some nunnery of those sort of religious wo- men extant here or at Leskeard. (See Truro and Ken- wyn, for Clares.) From this parisli was denominated an ancient family of gentlemen, surnamed de St. Cleare, from whence are descended the St. Clears of Tudwell, in Devon, who, suitable to their name, give for their arms, in a field Azure the sun in its glory shining or transparent; of which tribe was that Robertus de Sancto Claro, qui tenet decern libratas terras, in hundredo de Mertock, in comit. Somerset, de domine rege in capite, perservicium inveniendi unum servientem armatum cum uno e(]uo in exercitu domini regis in Wallia per xl. dies sumptibus suis propriis. (Pleas of the Crown in Scaccario, 8 Edward I.) In this parish is Tre-worg-y, the mansion of John Conock, Esq., that married Burgoigne ; his father Heale and Courtney ; and giveth fur his arms. Argent, a fess dancette between three spread eagles Gides. The name Conock or Connock signifies rich, pros- perous, thriving, successful, of which name and family those in Cornwall are descended from the Conocks of Wiltshire, and the first propagator of this tribe in those parts was one Mr, Conock, who in the time of Queen Elizabeth came to Leskeard town a tanner, and in that occupation got much riches, and laid the foundation of his estate, as Mr. Thomas River, of Liskeard, informed me. Tre-mabe, in this parish, id est, the son's town, viz. a place in former ages by some father given as the dwell- ing to his son, was formerly the lands of Samuel Lang- ford, Gent, that married Cary of Clovelly. Tre-wor-oc, also Tre-wor-ock, the town on a lake, was formerly the lands of Trubody, who sold the same to N 178 ST. CLEER. Jackman, now in possession thereof. In the church on seats or pews, pertaining to those Trubodys, I have seen this inscription, Nati honoris; in what sense to be construed is mystery to me, since I have not under- stood that any of this tribe was either a son nobly born, or inherited to any kind of honour, dignity, or promo- tion. At Pennant in this parish, id est, the head of the valley, or the valley head, in the open downs by the high road or street-way, formerly stood a large flat moor-stone, about eight feet long, in perpendicular man- ner, described by Mr. Carew and Mr. Camden, wherein is still to be seen on the one side thereof this inscription, in Roman Saxon letters, then in use when it was set up, containing these words: boniej-c j-ojamt pj-o anima. [Instead of the long and uninteresting account given by Mr. Hals of this monument, I will take the liberty of substituting an extract from Mr. Bond's Topogra- phical and Historical Sketches of the Boroughs of East and West Looe, printed by J. Nichols and Son, Par- liament Street, in 1823, which will be found of a very diflTerent description. '* Not far from Dosmery Pool may be seen a curious heap of rocks, called Wring Cheese or Cheese Wring ; and, at a short distance therefrom, an artificial curiosity called the Hurlers, and another called the Other-half- stone. "Camden, in his Britannia, speaking of St. Neot's parish, says, * Near unto this, as I have heard, within the parish of St. Cleer, there are to be seen, in a place called Pennant, that is, the head of the vale, two mo- numents of stone; of which the one in the upper part is wrought hollow, in manner of a chair ; the other, named Other-halfe-stone, hath an inscription of barba- rous characters, now in a manner worn out,' which he thinks should be read thus: doniert kogavit pro ST. CLEER. 179 AN I MA. As for this Doniert, Camden thinks he was that prince of Cornwall whom the chroniclers name Dungerth, and record that he was drowned in the year of our salvation 872. Camden also says, * Hard by there is a number of good big rockes heaped up toge- ther ; and under them one stone of a lesser size, fa- shioned naturally in form of a cheese, so as it seemeth to be pressed like a cheese ; whereupon it is named Wring Cheese. Many other stones besides, in some sort four-sc|uare, are to be st-en upon the plain adjoin- ing; of which seven or eight are pitched upright of equal distances asunder. The neighbouring inhabitants term them Hurlers, as being by. a devout and godly error persuaded, they had been men sometime trans- formed into stones, for profaning the Lord's da}' with hurling the ball. Others would have it to be a trophy (as it were) or a monument in memorial of some battle. And some think verily they were set as mere stones or landmarks; as having read in those authors that wrote on limits, that stones were gathered together of both parties, and the same erected for bounilers. In this coast the river Loo maketh vvav and runneth into the sea, and in his very mouth giveth name to two little towns joined with a bridge together.' "On the fith August, 1802, I went with a party of friends to see these natural and artificial curiosities, mentioned by Camden. I first got the party to Red- gate,* in St. Cleer parish, about four miles from Lis- keard, in order to find out Doniert or Dungerth's monu- ment, which I understood was somewhere near to it. I made inquiry at the house at Red-gate after this monu- ment, but could get no account of it for some time, * Probably this place took its name not from a gate painted red being there placed, as is generally imagined, but from it* being situated just above Fowey river ; Rhie-gat signifies River's course. The Fowey river at this place is not above half a mile from the source of Looe river. N 2 180 ST. CLEER. though I questioned in a variety of ways ; at last, how- ever, we got inforniation where it was situated. It is about a quarter of a mile off from Red-gate, eastward, in a field next the high road. We got into this field, and seeing an erect stone went towards it, and found it to be the monument we sought. One moorstone stands erect, and the other with the inscription on it, lies in a pit close by. The figures of these stones in Borlase's History are most like them of any I have seen.* I made out and copied the inscription very perfectly, by rubbing a soft stone which left its mark in the letters. DON I CRT: RO GSUIT PRO SN ICO'K "This stone by recollection is about two feet wide at top, and about five or six feet in length. And the other stone, which still stands erect, and ornamented with cross lines, &c. is about the same in height. • The following account of these stones is copied from Mr. Polwhele's Cornwall, vol. ii. p. 195. " In the parish of St. Clere, about 200 paces to the eastward of Redgate, are two moDunieatal stones which seem parts of two different crosses. They have no such relation to each other as to warrant the conclusion that they ever con- tributed to form one monument. One is inscribed ; the other, without an in- scription, called ' the other half stone,' seems to have been the shaft of a cross, and originally stood upright, but has latterly been thrown down, from an idle curiosity to ascertain whether any concealed treasures were beneath its base. On one of its sides are some ornamental asterisks, but no letters of any kind. Its present length is about eight feet ; yet it seems to have been once longer, as the upper part is broken, and displays part of a mortice. The inscribed stone, nearly square, appears to have been a plinth of a monumental cross, having the words 'Doniert rogavit pro aniraa' inscribed upon it, in similar characters to those used about the ninth century. Doniert is supposed to mean Dungerth, who was king of Cornwall, and accidentally drowned about the year 8 7 '2. Of the mean- ing and intention of this monument, see Borlase, pp. 361, 36"2." ST. CLEER. 181 *' The west front is quite plain ; the top has the remains of a kind of mortice, left hand corner broken off. The east front is dotted over, but has no letters. " I find in Hals, that the pit in v,'hich the stone with the inscription lies, was formed in the latter end of the reign of Charles II. in consequence of his, Hals's, going there at that period with some gentlemen, to view, as he says, the, at that time thought barbarous, inscription; for some tinners in the contiguous countrj^, taking notice of these gentlemen visiting this place, apprehended they came there in quest of some hidden treasure; where- upon, as Hals says, some of them wiser than the rest, lav their heads t02;ether, and resolved in council to be before-hand, and accordingly went with pickaxes and shovels, and opened the earth round about the monu- ment, to the depth of about six feet; when they dis- covered a spacious vault walled about, and arched over with stones, having on the sides thereof two stone seats, not unlike those in churches for auricular confession. The sight of all which struck them with consternation, or a kind of horror, that they incontinently gave over search, and with the utmost hurry and dread, throwing earth and turf to fill up the pit they made, they departed, having neither of them the courage to enter or even to inspect into the further circumstances of the place; which account Hals says, he had from the mouths of some of the very fellows themselves. Some short while after, the loose earth, by reason of some heavy rains which fell, sunk away into the vault, which occasioning also a sort of terrai-motus and concession of the earth adjoining, the said monument was at length so under- mined thereby, that it fell to the ground, where it still remains. \^'ould some gentlemen of ability and cu- riosity, says Hals, and so say I, be at the charge of again opening and cleansing this under-ground chapel, or whatever else it may be denominated, it might probably afford matter of pleasing amusement, if 182 ST. CLEER. not grant! speculation to ihe learned searchers into mat- ters of antiquity. ."This nionuuient fonnerh' went by the name of" ' ilie other half stone.' Some translate the inscription, ' Pray for the soul of Dungerth,' others ' Doniert asked for his soul ;' and there seems to be great controversy for what purpose this monument was erected. High stones might originally, in the early ages of Christianity, have been erected near roads in desolate situations, and at short distances from each other, to direct travellers in their journies ; and crosses might have been placed on them as a memento for thanksi^ivinsf, when the traveller had effected this part of his journey in safety. ISow if the inscription on the above monument is meant for 'Pray for the soul of Dungerth,' may we not suppose that it was meant as a request to those who should hap- pen to be praying for themselves, to offer up a praj'er also for Dungerth, who probably caused that monu- ment to be erected, or who was buried near the same, perhaps in the chapel before mentioned to have been tlisccvered by the tinners. Or if the inscription is to be read, ' Doniert asked for his soul,' which seems the proper translation ; may we not suppose that Doniert (who by all accounts was a very pious prince) erected this stone, and prayed or asked for mere}' thereat. Per- haps originally these stones might have been called Ave stones, from the Latin word ' Ave,' all hail! God speed you; God save you, &c. a very appropriate expression in a desolate situation to a wanderer or traveller. And the reference to another Ave stone might signify the one which is a little to the eastward of it, bearing a cross, and by its appearance formerly a legend underneath. This word Ave (pronounced in the same manner it is in Ave-Mary-Lane, London) might be corrupted into Half; so that Ave stone and Half stone might mean one and the same thing. And in Cornwall the F is very fre- quently pronounced as a V, and the V as an 1 , at this ST. CLEER. 183 present time* If this clois not meet approbation, luill add another conjecture. As the circle of stones called the Hurlers, are at a short distance from this monument and the cross before-mentioned, might not the monu- ment and the cross be called the 'one heave stone,' and the other, * the other or outer heave stone/ places from whence the ball durins; the ijame of hurlinu; was thrown. The traditionary story of the stones called the hurlers, being once men turned into stone for profaning the Sab- bath, will give some slight sanction to this conjecture; and in addition, even at this time the high-cross is vul- garly believed to have been the man who ran oft* with the ball. *' With respect to the stones called the Hurlers being once men, I will say with Hals, * Did but the ball which these Hurlers used when flesh and blood, appear directly over them iirimoveably pendant in the air, one might be apt to credit some little of the tale ;' but as this is not the case, I must add my belief of their being erected by the Druids for some purpose or other, pro- bably a court of justice ; long subsequent to which erection, however, they may have served as the goal tor hurl players. And indeed a finer spot for such a game could not be fixed on perhaps any where. But I be- lieve the Hurlers took their names from some other source than that of the game of hurling the ball being used there. * I take some credit to myself fur this conjecture as to the original meaning of ♦' the other half stone." And 1 have, long since writing this, accidentally discovered what strongly confirms mv ojiinion. The authors of the Beauties of England and Wales, speaking of inscribed stones at Ebchester, in Durham, say, there is one having the smgle word " Have" for Ave on it. This stone is sup- posed by Horsley to be sepulchral. Have Melitina Sanctissima. The custom of thus saluting, as it were, the dead, or taking their last farewell of them, is very well known, and it may seem almost needless to produce any instances of it. Thus jEneas bids eternal adieu to Pallas : Salve cfiternum mihi, maxime Pulla, ^Eternumque vale. — ;Eneid, XI. 97. Thus also a passage in Catullus, — Ave atque vale. 184 ST. CLEER. ** After sufficiently viewing Dungerth's monument, we directed our course towards Cheese-wring, and soon came to the Hurlers, but first we rode up to the High Cross before mentioned, which at a distance looked somewhat like a man. Under its cross it has an oblons: square, as if the border of an inscription, but at present there is not the least vestige of a letter on it. Soon after we came to the Hurlers, which we found to be moorstones of about five or six feet high, forming two circles one without the other (not as represented in Hals' Parochial History, but like that in Borlase), the circle nearest Cheese-wring less than that of the other. Some of the stones are fallen down, and remain where they fell, and others have probably been carried off for gate posts and other purposes. The areas of the circles are not level, there being man\' pits in them, as if the earth had sunk over large graves. I confess I was not much struck with the appearance of these famous stones, not having faith to believe they once were men. Near this place we fell in with a man going to Cheese-wring, and were glad to follow him as a guide. Among other questions, I asked him, as we passed along, whether he could tell me the name of the tenement on which Dun- gerth's monument was; he answered Pennant. I also asked him whether he knew where the source of the Looe river was; he said in a field next below Dungerth's monument. I was sorry to hear this, as we could not conveniently return to see it, but I learned from him it was a mere spring of water uninclosed. " When we reachedCheese-wring, we discovered a man and woman on the top of the mount (on the declivity of which Cheese-wring stands), who, we afterwards found, were cutting turfs for fuel. Our guide first led us to the house of the late Daniel Gumb (a stone-cutter), cut by him out of a solid rock of granite (the rocks all around this place are granite, or moorstone as commonly called in Cornwall, and of the finest quality). This artificial ST. CLEER. 185 cavern may be about twelve feet deep and not quite so broad ; the roof consists of one flat stone of many tons weight, supjiorted by the natural rock on one side, and by pillars of small stones on the other. How Gumb formed this last support is not easily conceived. W'e entered with hesitation lest the covering should be our grave-stone. On the right-hand side of the door is * D. Gumb,' with a date engraved 1735 (or 3). On the upper part of the covering stone, channels are cut to carry ofl' the rain, or probably to cause it to fall into a bucket for his use ; there is also engraved on it some geometrical device formed by Gumb, as our guide told us, who also said that Gumb was accounted a pretty sensible man. I have no hesitation in saying he must have been a pretty eccentric character to have fixed on this place for his habitation; but here he dwelt for seve- ral years with his wife and children, several of whom were born and died here. His calling was that of a stone-cutter, and he fixed himself on a spot where ma- terials could be met with to employ a thousand men for a thousand years. *' After quitting this house, we ascended a few paces to the pile of rocks called Cheese-wring, the resemblance of which is well expressed by the print in Borlase's Nat. Hist. We were all struck with astonishment at this wonderful work of nature ; we surveyed it over and over again, went round it several times, and viewed it from every part. It is about thirty-two feet high. The up- permost stone I have no doubt has Druidical basons formed in it. One of theui shows itself by the edge of the stone having fallen away. After spending some time in viewing this tremendously awful pile of rocks, we ascended to the summit of the mount on the side of which it stands. This summit is surrounded by an arti- ficial rampart of loose stones, not piled up; possibly they might have formed a wall, or have been carried there for building one ; for if they were placed as they 186 ST. CLEER. now are with an intention so to ren)ain, they could not have been %'ery defensive to this mount. Possibly the name of Cheese-wring may be derived from this ring of stones, and not from the vulgar idea of the Cheese-wring rocks being like a cheese-press. "The area within the rampart may be about half an acre of ground, and has rocks scattered all over it; but in some places verdure even in this rude region makes its appearance. V\^e found a man and a woman within the area cutting turfs between the rocks for fuel. Among other questions, I asked the man to whom the spot be- longed ; his answer was, ' he believed to nobody.' ** Several curious piles of rocks, some forming crom- lechs, and others of various forms and positions, are here also to be seen, and several of them have Druidical basons on them. The rocks having these basons are the most lofty or most remarkable for shape or situation. On some rocks there are two or three basons ; and where there are more basons than one, they generally commu- nicate by a channel. The basons here are of different sizes, though all of them are of the same shape, which is circular. Some of them are about a foot and a half in diameter, and six or eight inches deep; others not so large or deep. Never having seen any Druidi- cal basons before, and having had my doubts till this time, whether the^'^ might not be natural pro- ductions caused by rain, lightning, See. I was led to examine other rocks, whether they had (though equally exposed to the weather) similar formations, but could not find a bason on any rock that was not singular either for its shape or situation. I therefore concluded that these basons were the work of art, and not of nature ; and 1 think they were not intended for the purpose of receiving the rain for common uses, for if so, why were they not made on rocks of easy access? It is possible, however, that rain being held in a natural hollow of a rock, may decompose that part of the rock on which it rests, and being whirled about by the wind from time to ST. CLEER. 187 time, may form these basons which we attribute to art; and if this is the case, they must continue incrcasins; in size and depth. Have such basons ever been seen but on granite rocks ? if not, probably water dissolves the feltspar and disunites the quartz and mica; and the winds driving round the water with particles of quartz at the bottom of the bason, must consequently fret away the rock and enlarge the bason. A rock of white marble lies on the sea-beach near Looe, completely co- vered with hollows like what are termed Druidical ba- sons ; these hollows in this rock I have no doubt have been formed by the sea; it lies near an insulated high rock under Sanders Lane, and is every tide co- vered with the sea, and is very frequently covered with sand. A person fancying the basons on this rock of marble to be an artificial work, might also fancy that it once was plpced on top of the elevated rock near it; the contrast of the white marble on top of the elevated rock, which is of a very dark colour, would give a sin- gular appearance. When this high rock is shown to strangers, they are generally told, with a serious face, that when it hears a cock crowing at Hay (which is a farm just above it) it turns round three times ! " SHARPY TORRY. *' After leaving the area before-mentioned, we mounted our horses, and went towards another very considerable rocky eminence, about half a mile north-east; the road to which over the Down is full of rocks and stones, so as to prevent a horse from going other than step and step at times. On our way we passed a small circle of stones, the remains I rather think of an ancient Barrow, whose earth had been washed away by the rains. We shortly after passed another pretty large circle of stones, just about the diameter to appearance of the lesser circle of the Hurlers; at length we arrived at the pile of rocks, called bj our guide Sharpy-torry (Sharp-torr, from 188 ST. CLEER. its conical shape). We alighted from our horses and as- cended. On the north or north- west side of it there ap- pears a hollow, more like a large chimney than any other thing I can compare it to; the outside of which seems to have given way, and the steep hill below is strewed •with an immense quantity of rocks and large stones, as if carried down or poured out from this hollow. Whe- ther this was caused by the operation of fire or water bursting from this hollow or crater, if I may use the ex- pression, I will not take upon me to say; but that one or other of these agents burst from this mount appears to be extremely probable, for the rocks and stones seem exactly as if they had been tumbled or thrown out of this crater by a current of some kind. We could not, however, discover lava; therefore it is probable water might have burst out, unless the lava has been decom- posed. The views from this place are truly sublinje. The spot is nearly the centre of the broadest part of the county ; from it we saw both seas, north and south, and consequently the intervening land; and I believe it is the only eminence (except perhaps Brownwilly) in the east- ern part of Cornwall, from whence both seas may be seen. We also saw in the North Sea a very high land, which we concluded must be Lundy Island ; but the ho- rizon to the north being rather hazy, I will not lake upon me to say positively that it was that island, though it is probable to have been so. The prospect was equally extensive east and west, and as I took a pocket spying-glass with me, we viewed therewith the vast extent we commanded. We discovered Launces- ton Castle with the naked eye; through the glass it be- came very visible. We were much struck with the beau- tiful and highly-cultivated lands to the east of us, ter- minated in part by the high land of Dartmoor. To the westward, nothing was to be seen but a vast continuance of moor land, without a hedge, without a tree, for a stretch of many miles. The cultivated land commenced ST. CLEER. 189 just below our feet to the eastward, and the uncultivated from where we stood westward ; the contrast on turning from west to east, or vice versa, was astonishing. Our station seemed to be amidst the wreck of mountains of granite, rocks piled on rocks were strewed around in awful grandeur. The extreme point of our western view, dimmed by distance, showed us that elevated rock called Roach Rock, and we also saw Dosmerry Pool about four or five miles off; our south view commanded Ply- mouth Sound, and a long extent of coast and sea; the northward in one part was terminated by the sea. The views brought to my mind the beautiful lines in Ovid: " Turn freta difFundi, rai)iJisque tumescere ventis Jussit, et ainbitae circumdare littora terrae. Addidit et foutes, immensaque stagna lacusque. Jussit et extendi campos, subsidere valles, Fronde tegi silvas, lapidosos surgeie montes." " Then he ordered the seas to poured abroad, and to swell with furious winds, and to draw a shore quite round the inclosed earth. He likewise added springs, and immense pools and lakes. He ordered likewise plains to be extended, and valleys to sink ; the woods to be covered with greeu leaves, and the rocky inonntains to rise." "From this elevated spot (Sharp Tor) Hingston Hill appeared considerably beneath us. After spending some time on Sharp Tor, we reluctantly descended and went towards another range of rocks, called Killmarth Hill (which signifies the Holy Hill or Land, or perhaps Holy Grove), about three-quarters of a mile off. This range of rocks looks from Sharp Tor, like an immense wall of artificial masonry, with here and there turrets ascending, and it brought to my mind Sir George Staunton's account of the Chinese wall. When we ar- rived at its base, we alighted from our horses, and as- cended. This natural wall-looking range is composed of granite rocks of, I should suppose some of them, a thousand tons weight. We traversed along the ridge, with some difficulty, towards the first turret, and from 190 ST. CLEER. that to the next and so on, but the highest, which at a distance looked somewhat like Wringcheese, was yet to be explored; at length we arrived at it, and found it, if possible, more curious than Cheese-wring itself. It consists of immense rocks piled one on the other, to the height of twenty or thirty feet, and it leans so much, that a perpendicular dropped from its top would, I may venture to say, reach the bottom fifteen or more feet from its base ; and from where we stood on the ridge, its support at the base appeared so slight as if a man could shove the whole mass over the precipice. Some of the uppermost stones of this pile are, 1 should think, from fifteen to twenty feet over, and the base of the whole fabric appeared so slight, that I imagined the handle of my whip would have exceeded its thickness. Upon descending to take another view of this astonishing structure, we found that the rocks were considerably thicker on one side than the other; so that the thick parts formed a counterpoise to the overhanging parts; but this not being apparent from the spot on which we first stood, was the cause of our great astonishment. However, though our astonishment was somewhat les- sened, yet much remained at this stupendous pile. This is the most western turret. " From this place one of the party and myself, the others not chusing to accompany us, went to explore the easternmost turret. Upon our arrival at its base we found much difficulty in ascending it; the rocks jutted out, one over the other, in such a manner that, had we slipped but a few inches, we must have dropped over a considerable precipice. I arrived first at the base, and attempted to ascend, but fear pulled me back. Upon my friend's arrival we thought we would exert ourselves to get up, as we conjectured there might be a Druidical basin at top. My friend got up the first rock by creep- ing at full length under the overhanging rock; and I was under the necessity of several times desiring him. ST. CLEER, 191 in the most energetic manner, to keep as close in as pos- sible; for if the body had gone a few inches further out, it must have slid over the sloping rock which overhung the precipice. It took him a kw minutes to drag him- self in in this manner. In this creeping state he thought he should have broken his watch to pieces, as he was obliged, as before stated, to crawl at full length, there being no possibility ; on account of the overhanging rock, of going on hands and knees. Upon trying to get out his watch, I earnestly entreated him to desist, for fear of losing his centre of gravity ; for on the left hand was the precipice, and raising his right side ever so little might have been attended with most serious conse- quences. He took my advice, and by another exertion got far enough in to raise himself on his hands and knees, and then on his legs. I then followed him in the same manner. We then examined the rocks above us, in order to observe the best mode of ascending them. I first made the ascent, and in the uppermost rock dis- covered the largest Druidical basin we had met with, and observed it had a lip or channel facing the south. The horrid precipices on each side prevented my getting on the top of this rock, as I felt a slight vertigo. I then got down on a lower rock, and my friend ascended the uppermost one, and not finding himself dizzy, got into the basin itself (where I hope he will never go again), and waved his hat to our companions below. I desired him to measure the circumference of this basin, which he did with his whip, and found it to be about three feet and a half in diameter. We did not take its depth, but I think it must have been about a foot; it was of a circular form. The next thing to be considered was, how we should get down again; which at last, however, we effected nearly in the same manner (only reversing our movements) as we got up ; and I believe nothing will ever induce me to pay a second visit to the top of this rock. 192 ST. €LEER» " We had a very fine day for our excursion ; the sua being clouded, it was not over warm ; and there was but little wind: had there been more wind, we should not have been able to ascend some of the places we did, particularly the last. The air was somewhat hazy over the North and South seas, which was the only thing we had to regret. "A finer situation for Druidical* residence, rites, and * Druid, Druides, or Druids. — Some derive this word from the Hebrew Derussim, or Drussim ; which they translate Contemplatores. Pliny, Salma- sius, Vignierius, and others, derive the name from ^fvs, an oak, on account of their inhabiting, or at least frequenting and teaching in forests, or because they sacrificed under the oak. Menace derives the word from the old British " Drus," which signifies " Daemon" or " Magician ;" Borel, from the old British " Dru" or " Deru ;" whence he takes ifvs to be derived. Goropius Becanus, lib. i. takes " Druis" to be an old Celtic or German word, formed from " trowis" or " truis," signifying a " Doctor of the Truth and Faith." Father Peyron, in his book of the Original of the Celtic Language, will have both Greek and Latin to come from Celtic; and if so, the Greek word ipvs must come from the Celtic "deru." The groves where they worshipped were called Llwyn ; thence, probably, is de- rived the word " Llan," signifying now, in Welch, a church. These groves were iuclosures of spreading oak, ever surrounding their sacred places ; and in these words, " 1st. Gorseddan," or Hillocks, where they sat, and from whence they pronounced their decrees, and delivered their orations to the people;" " 2nd. Carnedde," or Heaps of Stones, on which they had a peculiar mode of worship; "3rd. Cromlech,'' or Altars, on which they performed the solemnities of sacrifice. There were several orders of them : — 1st. Druids ; the chief of these was a sort of Pontifex Maximus, or High Priest; these had the care and direction of matters respecting religion ; 2nd. Bards ; who were an inferior order to the Druids, and whose business it was to celebrate the praises of their heroes, in songs composed and sung to their harps ; 3rd. Eubates ; who applied them- selves chiefly to the study of Philosophy, and the contemplation of the wonder- ful works of Nature. There were Women as well as Men Druids ; for it was a female Druid who foretold to Dioclesian, when a private soldier, that he would be Euiperor of Rome. They taught physics, or natural philosophy; were versed in astro- nomy and the computation of time ; were skilled in arithmetic and mecha- nics ; and appear to have been the grand source from whence the ages in which they lived derived all the knowledge which they possessed. Among the numerous places sacred to Druidical worship many hieroglyphical characters have been discovered, which doubtless were intended for something relative to their opinions of the Deity to whom they paid their adoration. But, in addition to this, they taught their pupils a number of verses, which were only ST. CLEER. 19.3 ceremonies, I think, could not be fixed on anywhere ; every thing around is awfully magnificent; probably in ancient days these masses of rocks were surrounded with trees. Our guide indeed informed us that on digging the soil trunks of large trees have been there discovered ; and Kil-mar, Kill-mark, Kil-marth signify, in Cornish, the Great, the Horse, or the Wonderful Grove. Since waiting the above, I have been again to see these curiosities (but did not visit the top of the eastern- most turret), and went by the way of St. Cleer Church- town, near which is a curious old well, with a moor- stone cross by it, worth seeing; the stone itself is in form of a cross, and it has a cross in relief cut on its cross. About a mile from St. Cleer Church (on the way to Cheese Wring) stands a most magnificent CROMLECH, on a barrow in a field near the high road, on the tene- ment called Trethevye. A friend who was with me took a rough measurement of the upper or covering stone, and calculated it to be about five tons weight. The stones which form this Cromlech are supposed to have a sort of memorials or annals in use amongst them. Some persons remained twenty years under their instruction, which they did not deem it lawful to com- mit to writing. They used indeed the Greek alphabet, but not the language, as appears by a note, chap. xiii. lib. VI. of Caesar's Commentaries de Bell. Gall. This custom, according to Julius Ceesar, seems to have been adopted for two reasons : first, not to expose their doctrines to the common people ; and, se- condly, lest their scholars, trusting to letters, should be less anxious to remem- ber their precepts, because such assistance commonly diminishes application and weakens the memory. The original manner of writing amongst the ancient Britons was by cutting the letters with a knife upon sticks, which were commonly squared, and some- times formed with three sides. Their religious ceremonies were but few, and similar to those of the ancient Hebrews, The unity of the Supreme Being was the foundation of their religion ; and Origen, in his Commentaries of Ezekiel, inquiring into the reasons of the rapid progress of Christianity in Britain, says, *' this island has long been predisposed to it by the doctrine of the Druids, which had ever taught the unity of God the Creator." rExtracted from the Monthly Magaune and Literary Panorama for Nov emler IS 19.) O 104 St. CLEER. been brought some miles from where they stand, as there are none of the same kind near it. That this is a work of art there cannot be a doubt. One can hardly, however, suppose it possible that such immense stones could have been brought from a distance, and erected in the manner they are. \N hat machinery was used baffles all conjecture. The upper or covering stone has a hole in it; for what purpose I have no idea, unless to support a flag-pole. One of the party remarked it might have been made for a chain to drag it by; but I rather thought it too near the edge for that purpose. Mr. Britton, in his "Beauties of England and Wales," has given a vignette of this Cromlech, which is well executed, and like the original. Speaking of this Crom- lech, Mr. B. says, he believes it has not been described by any writer,* though it is more curious and of greater mag- nitude than that of Mona, or any other he was acquainted with. He says ** it standeth about one mile and a half east of St. Cleer, on an eminence commanding an ex- tensive tract of country, particularly to the east, south, and south-west ; and is provincially denominated Tre- vethey Stone. On the north the high ground of the Moors exalts its swelling outline above it. It is all of granite, and consists of six upright stones, and one large slab covering them in an inclined position. This impost measures sixteen feet in length and ten broad, and is at a medium about fourteen inches thick, it rests on five of the uprights only; and at its other end is perforated by a small circular hole. No tradition exists as to the * This author is mistaken. Nordcn not ouly speaks of it as follows, but has given a tolerably good plate of it. He says, " Trechevic, called in Latin Casa Gigautis, a little house raysed of migbtie stones, standing on a little hill within a field, the form hereunder expressed. This monument standeth in the parish of St. Cleer. The cover being all one stone is from a to B 16 foote in length ; the breadth from C to d is 10 foote ; the thickness from G to h is 2 foote. E is an artificial hole 8 inches diameter, made thorowe the roofe very rounde, which served, as it seemeth, to put out a staffe, whereof the house itself was not capable. F was the door or entrance." ST. CLEATHER. 195 time of its erection ; but its name at once designates it being a work of the Britons, and sepulchral; the term Trevedi (Trevethi) signifying, in the British language, the place of the Graves." King Doniert is said to have been the father of St. Ursula, rendered famous by her unfortunate expedition from Cornwall to the coast of Flanders, but still more famous by the beautiful picture of her embarkation, painted by Claude de Lorraine, where the Saint, accom- panied by her eleven thousand virgins, are descending to their ships in a port, decorated with buildings the most superb, and surrounded by a distant landscape, imagined and arranged in the highest style of that ce- lebrated master. Those ladies, although an exaggeration from eleven to eleven thousand is suspected by some writers, were to have married a Roman emperor and his principal offi- cers ; but being attacked on their landing by Pagan Saxons, they defended themselves with a courage wor- thy of Cornwall, until all were slain with arms in their hands. Yet one hardly sees why these heroic females were honoured among the saints. Their deaths as mar- tyrs are referred to the 20th of October 383, and their tomb is still shown at Cologne, where a monastery has been built to their memory. THE EDITOR. Not far from King Doniert's stone monument is ano- ther perpendicular moor-stone, on which is still apparent the figure of a cross; and on another, not far distant, is a cross shaped like a T. Without doubt I think this our King Doniert lived and died in his town and castle of Leskeard, where it was not lawful to bury the bodies of dead men till the year 700. It is moreover to be noted, with regard to the inscription on his monument of stone, that about this time it was customary to pray for departed souls. o 2 y, as oCf 9 o» Gf 5448 833 3 in 1821, in 1831, 985 982. 196 ST. CLEER. Not very distant from the said monument, in the open downs, are to be seen a great number of moor-stones, some artificially squared, and placed in a perpendicular manner about three feet high. These are commonly called the Hurlers : a Druidical monument having been changed, by the fraud and artifice of the priests, into a supposed monument of God's vengeance against persons for not attending on their masses. St. Cleer measures 9118 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as returned to Parliament in 1815 Poor Rate in 1831 13 , . (in 1801, I in 1811, Population,! ^^^ 'I ^gQ ' being an increase of about 27 per cent, in 30 years. GEOLOGY, BY DOCTOR BOASE. About a mile north of the church the granite hills make their appearance, and run across the parish in a curved line. The only variety which this rock presents are coarse and fine grained masses, and a kind of fluor, near Carraton Hill, containing hornblende. Immediately south of the granite, on the side of a barren moor, masses of compact and quartz ore felspar rock protrude, indi- cating the same formation as at Trewist in Alternun. Near the church hornblende slate prevails, which is said to contain veins of actynolite and asbestos. A little further south, on the ridge of a barren down, massive hornblende rock projects in tiers; and loose blocks of the same stone lie scattered over the side of the hill, and in the adjacent valley. The whole of the southern part of the parish is com- posed of varieties of this same rock, several of which are well displayed in the vicinity of Rosecradock. ST. CLEATHER. 197 ST. CLEATHER. HALS. St. Cleatlier is situate in the hundred of Lesnewith, and hath upon the north, Trenegles ; east, Egles-kerry and Laneast ; south, part of Altarnun ; west, David- stovve. For the name of St. Cleather, it refers to the vicar of the church, and in Cornish, signifies a sacred, or holy fencer or gladiator; a person that exercises a spiritual sword for offence or defence in a holy manner ; and as in this place by the holy fencer is to be under- stood the vicar, so by his sword is signified rjjv /xaxapiav Tov TTvevfxaros 6 'cm pj/yua Geou, gladium spiritus, quod est verbum Dei, i. e. the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester aforesaid, 1294, Ecclesia de Sancto Clede, or Cledredi, in Decanatu de Lesnewith, was valued to its first fruits 61. In Wolsey's Inquisition, and Valor Beneficiorum, 61. lis. 0|J. ; the incumbent, Harris; and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound land-tax, 1696, 71/. 4s. 8c?. Quere, whether St. Clede, or Clete, mentioned in that Inquisition aforesaid, relate not to St. Clete, or Cletus, Bishop of Rome and martyr, as the tutelar guardian and patron of this church? whose history in short is thus: He was born at Rome, of an old family of gentlemen or noblemen, in the reign of Tiberius ; whose father's name was Emelianus, a Chris- tian, that placed his son Clete a disciple under St. Pe- ter ; after which he made him and Linnus coadjutors in the ministry. To Linnus St. Peter gave the charge of affairs within Rome, to Cletus the charge of the churches abroad ; and those two holy men had both the succession of the Bishopric of Rome, after St. Peter's 198 ST. CLEATHER. death, (Clement through humility declining that office, who in justice should have had it,) till the time that Domitian, the son of Vespasian, enjoyed the empire, who, degenerating from the morality of his father and brother Titus, raised the second persecution against the Christians; at which time, amongst many others, St. Cletus Bishop of Rome received the crown of martyr- dom, after he had held the Bishopric twelve years and seven months and two days, 26th April, anno Dom. 91, tempore Domitian. He lies buried by the body of St. Peter at Rome, and is one of the saints mentioned in the Canon of the Mass, as also in St. Paul's Epistle to Timothy. He is said, by order of St. Peter, to have divided the City of Rome into twenty-five districts or parishes, and to have set up a priest to rule and govern in spiritual matters over such Christians as were within the same, and attended their predicaments ; whose suc- cessors afterwards in those churches were called car- dinals. See Peransand for the family of Cleathers. Bas-ill, in this parish, or Bas-yll, in former ages (at best being but a poor corn country) has been for many ages the seat of the worshipful family of the Trevillians [Trevelyan] ; the present possessor, Peter Trevillian, Esq. that married Borlace, his father Arundell. His ancestor was John Trevillian, Esq. of Nettlecomb in Somerset, who was sheriff" of Somerset and Dorset 17 Henry VH.; his grandson John Trevillian, Esq. was sheriff" of Cornwall 38 Henry VHI. The arms of which gentlemen are in a field Gules, a demy horse Argent, issuing out of the waves of the sea Azure, grounded upon a tradition that one of their ancestors, at the supposed general inundation or concussion into the sea, of a tract of land called Lyon-ness, extend- ing from St. Sennan to the Scilly Islands, saved himself by sitting on the back of a white horse, whilst he swam from thence through the sea to the insular continent of ST. CLEATHER. 199 Cornwall, where be came safe to land ; but wbcn I con- sider tbat Solinus, wbo lived 1.300 years past, tells us that the Cassiterides, by which he means the Scilly Islands (or the tin islands), in his days were separated from the coast of the Danmonii, by a rough sea ot two or three hours' sail (as it still appears to be), and that hereditary coat armours and surnames in Britain are little above five hundred years old in Britain or Corn- wall, there is small credit to be given to this tradition. In this parish, or part of Davidstowe, is Foye-fenton, the original fountain of the Foys River ; which well, in old records, is also called West Fenton, i. e. the west well, to distinguish it from Mark well in Lanick, otherwise east well; from which places the two cantreds (hundreds) of Eastwellshire and Westwellshire are denominated. And to this purpose it is evident, from Carew's Survey of Cornwall, page 41, that in 3 Henry IV. Reginald de Ferrar held in East Fenton and West Fenton, several knights' fees of land of the honour of Tremeton, which is now East and West Hundreds. (See also St. Ste- phen's by Saltash, of those tenures in 1360.) TONKIN. In this parish stands Basil, a word sometimes taken for a herb or vegetable, sometimes for a vein in the human body, sometimes for the basilisk or cockatrice, &c.; but here I take it to signify after the Greek, a basilica or stately building ; and although at present this mansion will not answer the etymology in the extreme latitude or longitude thereof, yet in probability it for- merly did, at least comparatively so in respect to other houses in the neighbourhood. This place is the mansion of the ancient, famous, and knightly family of Trevillyans ; the present possessor of Basil is Peter Trevillyan, who married a daughter of Mr. Nicholas Borlasc of Treludderin. From this Cor- 200 ST. CLEATHER. nish family are descended the Trevillyans of Nettlecomb in Somersetshire. Although this parish is commonly called and written St. Cleather, yet the right name is St. Eledred, and so it is written in the Taxatio Beneficiorum ; which St. Eledred I take to be Ethelred King of the Mercians, who, after he had held the crown for thirty years, and governed with great reputation, and especially with much regard to religion, which (as William of Malraes- bury observes) was more to this prince's inclination than arms, resigned the kingdom to his kinsman Kendred, became a monk, and died soon after in the monastery of Bordeney in Lincolnshire. There was, however, another St. Ethelred, King of the West Saxons, who is said by Mr. Browne Willis, in his Notitia Parliamentaria, to be buried at Wimborne Minster in Dorsetshire, with the following inscription : In hoc loco quiescit corpus Sancti Ethelred! Regis West-Saxorum martyris, qui A.D. 872, 23 die Aprills, per manus Danorum Paganorum occubuit. Perhaps this latter is the true patron. THE EDITOR. Bishop Tanner, in the Notitia Monastica, says of Bordeney Abbey, " Here was a public monastery before the year 697, to which Ethelred King of Mercia was a great bene- factor, if not the original founder; who upon the resig- nation of his crown retired hither, and became first a monk, and afterwards abbat of this house till his death. It is said to have had three hundred monks, but was de- stroyed by the Danes A.D. 870." The branch or stock of the Trevelyans settled at Basil is now extinct. A Sir John Trevelyan, Knight, of that place, is said to have greatly reduced his for- tunes by various law-suits. An anecdote is anciently related of liim in the neighbourhood, that having failed ST. CLEATHER. 201 in making an appearance to some civil suit, a process issued to the sheriff for attaching his person, who went to Basil accompanied by several horsemen, and riding into the court-yard made proclamation of his authority, and called on the defendant to surrender ; but he, on the contrary, threatened the sheriff if he did not depart, with letting loose his spearmen upon him, and then over- turned some hives of bees, which effectually routed the whole troop. Basil now belongs to the family of Mr. Robert Fan- shawe, an Out Commissioner of the Navy Board resi- dent at Plymouth, who made the purchase from Mr. Tremayne of Sydenham. This parish contains 3242 statute acres. Annual value of ihe Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 1998 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 112 T> 1 ,• Un 1801, in 1811, Population, I j3^ > ^^^ ' in 1821, 173 in 1831, 171; giving an increase of 272 per cent in 30 years. Present Vicar, the Rev. J. P. Carpenter, instituted 1823. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The western moiety of this parish runs ranch further south than the eastern, stretching in an irregular form into the granite near Roughton and Brown Walley. The rocks adjoining this granitic portion are compost and schistose felspar, as at Alternun, and in a similar position. These are succeeded in the vicinity of the church by a peculiar calcareous rock, consisting almost entirely of hornblend and calcareous spar. The north- ern part makes part of a downs, extending almost to Launceston, and abounding in manganese. 202 ST, Clement's. ST. CLEMENT'S. HALS. St. Clement's is situate in the hundred of Powder, and hath upon the north St. Herme and St. Allen ; on the west Kenvvyn; east the creek of Tre*ilian River; south and west Truro River, or arm of the sea. In Domesday Roll, 20 Wm. I. A.D. 1087, it was taxed under the Great Earl of Cornwall's manor (now Duchy) of Mor-is or Mor-es, id est, the manor or parish of the sea, or a manor situated on the sea, according to the natural circumstances of the place. And I doubt not that before the Norman Conquest this church or chapel was extant; since, at the time of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester (1294), it was va- lued to the first fruits vi/., vicar ejusdem xiiis. iuid., by no other name than Ecclesia de Mores, which was en- dowed or founded undoubtedly by the Lords of the Manor of Mores, that is the Earl of Cornwall, whose successors, the Dukes, still possess the lands, and are patrons of the church. In Wolsey's Inquisition 1525, and Valor Beneficiorura, this church is called Clemens, and valued to first fruits .£9. In this church town is the well-known place of Conor, Condura, id est, the King or Prince's Water (viz. Corn- wall), whose royalty is still over the same, and whose lands cover comparatively the whole parish ; from which place in all probability was denominated Cundor or Condor, in Latin Condorus, i. e. Condura, Earl of Corn- wall at the time of the Norman Conquest, who perhaps lived, or was born here. And moreover, the inhabitants of this church town and its neighbourhood will tell you, by tradition from age to age, that here once dwelt a great lord and lady called Condura. This Condurus, as our historians tell us, in lOife sub- ST. CLEMENTS. 203 mitted to the Conqueror's jurisdiction, paid homage for his earldom, and made an oath of his fealty to him ; but this report doth not look like a true one, for most certain it is, in the 3rd year of the Conqueror's reign, he was deprived of his earldom, the same being given to the Conqueror's half-brother, Robert Earl of Morton in Normandy, whose son William for a long time succeeded him in that dignity after his death. Is it not, therefore, more probable that this Earl Condurus confederated with his countrymen at Exeter, in that insurrection of the people against the Conqueror in the 3rd year of his reign, and for that reason was deprived of his earldom ? Be it as it was, certain it is he married and had issue Cad-dock (id est, bear or carry-war), his son and heir, whom some authors call Condor the Second, who is by them taken for and celebrated as Earl of Cornwall. But what part of the lands or estate thereof he en- joyed (whilst Robert and William, Earls of Morton afore- said, his contemporaries, for thirty years were alive, and doubtless possessed thereof, as well as his title and dig- nity) hath not yet appeared to me. His chief dwelling and place of residence was at Jutsworth, near Saltash and Trematon, where he married and had issue one only daughter named Agnes, as some say, others Beatrix, who was married to Reginald Fitz- Harry, base son of King Henry I., by his concubine Anne Corbett, in whose right he was made Earl of Cornwall, after William Earl of Cornwall aforesaid had forfeited the same, by attain- der of treason against the Conqueror and his sons, and was deprived thereof. This Earl Caddock, or Condor the 2nd, departed this life 1120, and lies buried in the chancel of St. Stephen's Church, by Saltash, and gave for his arms, in a Held Sable, 15 bezants palewise, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1. (See St. Ste- phen's.) Lambesso, Lambedo, Lambessa, in this parish, parcel of the Duchy manor of Moris aforesaid, where hereto- 204 ST. Clement's. fore was kept the prison, or place of durance and correc- tion, for the prisoners and offenders thereof; which bar- ton for several generations was the dwelling-place of the family surnamed King, duchy tenants, till my kind friend Henry King, gent. temp. Charles II., for want of issue, by his last will and testament settled the same upon John Foote, gent, attorney-at-law, now in pos- session thereof; who married Avery, daughter-in-law to Mr. King, by his wife, the widow of Avery, and daugh- ter of Lampeer, as I take it. Query, whether Oliver King, Chaplain in ordinary to King Henry VII., Dean of Winchester, Register of the Noble Order of the Garter, and one of the principal Se- cretaries of State to that King, created Bishop of Exeter the 9th of February 1492, and from thence translated to Wells 1499, and died 1505, (since Isaac, in his Memo- rials of Exeter, saith he was a Cornish man), were not of this family ? who gave for his arms, in a field Argent, on a chevron Sable, three escallops of the First. Mr. Foote, as I said, married Aver\^, and was des- cended from the Footes of Tregony ; and giveth for his arms. Vert, a chevron between three pigeons or doves Argent. His son Henry Foote, attorney-at-law, married Gregor of Cornelly, and is, at the writing hereof, in pos- session of Lambesso.* Pen-are, alias Pen-ar, in this parish, parcel of the Duchy manor of Moris aforesaid, was heretofore the dwelling of my kind friend James Lance, Esq. a Com- missioner of the Peace and Surveyor of the Duchy of Lancaster during the Interregnum, or usurpation of Cromwell. He married Blackston of London. This gentleman sold this barton to Hugh Boscawen, * Their son Henry married Jane, the only daughter of Jacob Jackson, of Truro ; and their son and heir, John Foote, married a daughter of Sir Edward Goodere, member for the county of Hereford, and sister of the unfortunate Sir John Dineiey Goodere, and Captain Goodere. Their son was the celebrated Sa- muel Foote, called in his time the English Aristophanes. ST. Clement's. 205 of Tregothnan, Esq. who settled it in marriage with his daughter Bridget, on Hugh Fortescue, of" Filley, in De- von, Esq. now in possession thereof. Sinee writing the above, Mr. Fortescue departed with those lands to Grenvill Hals, of Truro, gent., who dying without issue, and his unthrift elder brother, James Hals of Merthyr succeeding as his heir to those lands, he hath sold the same to one Mr. Cregoe, for about twelve hundred pounds.* Tre-simple, in this parish, was the lands of I have for- got whom, who sold it to Henry Vincent, gent, attorney- at-law, descended, as Mr. Foote informed me, from the Vincents of St. Allen, who married Kendall of Pelyn; his father, Lampen; and gave for his arms, in a field three cinquefoils. By Kendall he had issue Walter Vincent, Esq. barris- ter-at-law, v/ho married Nosvvorthy, and a daughter named Jane, married to Harris, of Park ; after by his second wife, daughter of Richard Lance, gent, he had issue Peter Vincent, to whom he gave this Tresimple, who sold it to his brother Walter Vincent aforesaid, and Shadrack Vincent; Edward Vincent, killed by a fall from his horse 1700; and Mary, married to Joseph Hal- sey, clerk, some time rector of St. Michael, Penkwell. Park, in this parish (id est, afield, or a park for beasts), is the dwellintr of Covin, s;ent. Pol-wheele, or Polvvhele, in this parish (id est, the head or top), is situate at the top of a hill ; from whence was denominated an ancient family of gentlemen surnamed Polwhele, who gave for their arms as underneath : in a field Sable, a saltire engrailed Ermine ; and from that * Admiral Carthew Reynolds built a good house here in the latterjpart of the last century. He was considered to be an excellent officer and a skilful seaman ; yet he lost his life when a ninety-gun ship, under his command, was first injured by some other vessel, and then driven on the flat sands near the entrance of the Baltic in the winter 1811-12. 206 ST. Clement's. time discontinued the arms of Trewoolla (viz. three owls), the Cornish motto of which Pol whole's arms was, Karenza whelas Karenza, id est, Love or affection seeks, searches, begets, or works love. The present possessor, John Pol- whele, esq. barrister-at-law, who married Redinge, of Northamptonshire, his father Baskewill of Dorset, his grandfather one of the daughters of Judge Glanvill in Devon, his great-great-grandfather one of the coheirs of Ten-Creek of Treworgan, which place afterwards he made his dwelling. Lastly, let the reader observe, that if the true name of this church be St. Clement's, then its tutelar guardian and patron, to whom it was dedicated, was St. Clement, Pope and martyr of Rome; whose name is derived from Clemens, mild, meek, merciful, gracious. He was born in the region of Calimontana in Italy; his father's name Faustine. He was contemporary with St. Paul, and was his coadjutor or assistant in preaching the Gospel, as is testified by himself in his epistle to Timothy, wherein he saith, ** Help those persons that labour with me in the Gospel, whose names are written in the Book of Life." He appointed that in the seven regions of Robe should be the notaries, to write the deeds and martyrdoms of the Christians, and commanded that such as were baptized and had learnt the principles of the Christian religion, should receive the sacrament of confirmation, and as some write, he made the Canon of the Apostles and the Apostolic Constitutions now extant. Finally, for preach- ing the Gospel of Christ in derogation of the Roman religion, he was by command of the Emperor Trajan, with a rope about his neck, and an anchor fastened thereto, cast into the main sea and drowned, uttering those last words, " Eternal Father, receive my soul ! " after he had been Pope of Rome nine years, two months, and ten days, the 23rd of November Anno Dom. 102. He gave orders twice in December, and ordered fifteen bishops, ten priests, and twenty-one deacons, as Ba- ronius saith. ST. Clement's. 207 TONKIN. TliePolwhelesof this place are of great antiquity. They flourished before the Conquest, at which time they were so eminent that Drew de Polwhele was chamberlain to the Conqueror's queen; and the late John Polwhele, Esq. had not long since in his possession, a grant from her to the said Drew of several lands in this county, which deed he having sent to a gentleman to peruse, he could never get it back again. From the time of this Drew or Drogo de Polwhele, the family have lived with much esteem in this their habitation, till the latter part of Queen EHzabeth's reign, when Degory Polwhele, on his marriage with Catherine the eldest daughter and co- heir of Robert Trencreek, Esq. removed to her seat of Treworgan in St. Erme, where the family resided till the sale of that place to Mr. Collins, when they returned to their old dwelling. The present possessor, Richard Polwhele, Esq. was sheriff of Cornwall 9 George I. 1723. The family suffered greatly in the civil wars. Penhellick was once a considerable seat, although now it is divided into several premises, in one of which lately resided Mr. Robert Polwhele, younger brother to John Polwhele, Esq. and in another Captain Thomas Gregor, of Truro. Trewhythenick formerly belonged to a family of the same name, who gave for their arms. Argent, a chevron within a border engrailed Sable. This manor came afterwards to the Chamonds. Park also belonged to a family of the same name. Lambesso belonged to the Tredenhams, but for some time past to the Footes. THE EDITOR. Polwhele has descended from the gentleman who 208 ST. C LEATHER. served the office of sheriff in 1723, to his grandson, the Rev. Richard Polwhele, author of a history of Corn- wall, and so distinguished by his works in every de- partment of literature; by his early poetical effusions, when " He lisp'd in numbers for the numbers came ;" by those of his maturer age; by sermons equally sound in learning and in diction, and persuasive by their elo- quence ; that no Cornishman of the present day can presume to place himself, I will not say in competition, but in the same class of literary excellence with Mr. Polwhele. At Penhellick, about seventy years ago, the Rev. John Collins, rector of Redruth, built a house for his own residence after removing 4d-the village; he is re- ported to have selected this spot in consequence of several persons residing in it having attained great ages. On his decease, the house and lands were sold to a Colonel Macarmicke, originally a wine merchant at Truro, who much enlarged the house, and endeavoured to affix some fanciful new name on the place. The property has since passed through various hands, and the house has generally been unoccupied. This parish contains 3136 statute acres. The annual value of Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 7027 The Poor Rate in 1831 1100 3 Population, < in 1801, 1342 in 1811, 1692 in 1821, 2306 in 1831, 2885; giving an increase of 115 per cent, in 30 years. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The rocks are not much exposed in this parish. In the southern part they consist of glossy slates, which break into thick lameller leaves, and they appear to belong to the calcareous series. 209 COLAN, OR LITTLE GOLAN. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Pider, and hath upon the north, Maugan ; east, St. Colomb Major; south, St. Enedor; west, Lower St. Columb. It is so called from the barton of Little Colon or Go- Ion, contiguous with the church, on part of which ground perhaps the same was founded, and endowed with part of the lands thereof. At the time of the Nor- man Conquest this district passed in tax under the names of Carneton, or Ryalton; and the church being built and endowed by Walter Brounscomb, Bishop of Exeter, 1250, it was by him appropriated to the canons Augustine of his college of Glasnith, by him founded. For that we read in the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lin- coln and Winchester into the value of benefices for the Pope's Annats in Cornwall, 1294, Ecclesia Sancti Co- lani, appropriata Canonicis de Penryn, 4/.; Vicar ejus- dem 6s. Sd. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, and Valor Beneficiorum, 61. 14s. 8c?.; the patronage in the Bishop of Exeter for the time being ; the sheaf or rectory in possession of Vyvyan ; the incumbent, Bagwell ; and the parish rated to the 45. per pound Land Tax 1G96, 631. \6s. From this barton of Colon was denominated an old family of gentlemen, from thence surnamed De Colon; of which family Roger de Colon was seised of a knight's fee of land 25th Edward III., which he held by the tenure of knight-service. Carew's Survey Corn. p. 52. Roger Colon, grandson of the said Roger, having issue only two daughters, Jane and Margaret, the which Jane was married to John Blewet, a younger branch of the p 210 COLAN. Blewets of Holcomb Rogus in Devon, wbo afterwards was made sheriff of Cornwall the 26th Henry VI. (when Kicbard Yeard, Esq. was sheriff of Devon) ; which Jane's estate was no small advance of the wealth of his house, from whom all the Blewets of Cornwall are since descended, some of whom have erected a monument in this church in memory of those De Colons; and seve- ral of them have made Colon a font name in their fa- mily to this day, of which I may not in justice forget my late kind friend Major Colon Blewet, a valiant com- mander under King Charles I. against the Parliament army, who married Elizabeth daughter of Sir William Wrey, Knight, but died without issue; whose brother Robert, that married Arundell, a base son, succeeded to this his estate, who had issue another Robert that married Wood, as I remember, and sold the moiety of this barton of Colon to Robert Hoblyu, of Nans- widdon, clerk, rector of Ludgnan, now in possession thereof; the arms of Blewet were. Or, a chevron be- tween three eagles Vert. The Hampshire Blewets, as Camden saith, gave Or, an eagle displayed with two necks and heads Gules. Coswarth, also Cosowarth, synonymous words, the far off, or remote wood, which place, as Mr. Carew tells us, at the time of the Norman Conquest, transno- minated the French family or name of Escudifer, i. e. shield-bearer or Esquire, to that of Coswarth; in which place those gentlemen flourished in great wealth and tranquillity, till John Cosowarth, Esq. lord of this place, tempore Henry Vlll. having issue, by Williams, one only daughter named Katherine, married first to Allen Hill, and afterwards to Arundell of Trerice, suffered the greatest part of his lands and estate to go with his daughter's children, and then entailed this manor and barton.of Coswarth on the heirs male of his family, by virtue of which settlement his uncle, John Cosowarth, succeeded to those lands, who had issue by Sir William COLAN. 211 Lock's daughter, Thomas Cosowarth, Esq. that married Seyntaubyn, sheriff of Cornwall 2(nh Elizabeth, who bj' her had issue John and Dorothy; and Dorothy was married to Kendall. After the death of John, Edward Cosowarth his uncle succeeded to this inheritance of Cosowarth, and married Arundell of Trerice, who had issue by her Samuel Cosowarth, Esq. afterwards knighted by Charles 1. He married Heale of Fleet, and had issue Edward, Samuel, and John, that died before their father; Robert and Nicholas succeeded to this estate successively, but died both without issue. The which Robert, upon some distasteful words given him by his cousin John Coswarth, one of the heirs male in remainder, did by fine and proclamation bar the estate tail, and made it fee simple in himself and his heirs. So that after his decease his brother Nicholas succeeded to the estate, who by an accidental fall from his horse (coming home from St. Colomb, as was reported, some- what intoxicated with liquor), instantly died, without issue; after whose decease Bridget Cosowarth, his only sister, daughter of Sir Samuel aforesaid, succeeded to his inheritance, who married Henry Minors of St. Enedor, her cousin-german, by whom she had issue one only daughter named Anne, who was married to Captain Erancis Vivian of Truan, by whom he had issue one only daughter named Mary, since become wife and lady of Sir Richard Vyvyan, of Trelowarren, Bart, now in possession of Coswarth and Vivian's estates. The arms of Cosowarth are. Argent, on a chevron between three falcons' wings Azure, five Bezants. This place I suppose is that manor of land in the Domesday roll taxed by the name of Cho)-, also Chore, and now vulgarly called Cud-chore, or Cud-jore, viz. the wood-play, interlude, show, or diversion; pageants, sights, pastimes, to delight the people. Now choariou in Cornish, hoariou in the Armorican tongue, is as ludi in Latin, and ludo and ludus. And further memo- V 2 212 ST. COLOMB MAJOR. rable it is that Sir Samuel Coswarth of this place fre- quently styled himself Sir Samuel Cudjore for Cud- choariou, for such was the name of the place before the woods about were destroyed. Then it assumed the name of Cosowarth, i. e. the further-off wood, when the woods on the south-west part of it were destroyed. Tonkin has not any thing of the least importance different from Mr. Hals. THE EDITOR. This parish contains 1481 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . l685 O Poor Rate in 1831 .... 94 14 O Population, X 801 191 inlSll, 221 in 1821, 259 in 1831, 261; giving an increase of nearly 37 per cent, in 30 years. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The geological structure in this parish is not very evi- dent; but where the rocks are exposed they very much resemble some varieties of the calcareous series. St. COLOMB MAJOR. HALS. [s situate in the hundred of Pyder, and hath upon the north side Little Pedyrick, St. Ewyn, and St. Issey ; on the east, St. Wenn and Roach ; west, Maugan; south, St. Enedor, Little Collun, and St. Dennis. At the time of the Norman Conquest the name of this parish or church was not extant, for then it was taxed under the names of Tollscut or Todbcad, now the duchy manor of ST. rOI.OMB MAJOR. 213 Tollskidy, (that is to say? the shady hole, or pit,) Bodeworgy, and Chilivvorgy, places still well known in those parts. At the time of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, into the value of Cornish church revenues, Ecclesia de Sancte Colotnbe Majoris in Decanatu de Pedre was taxed 18/. 13s. 4d. In Wolsey's Inquisition, and Valor Beneficiorum, it was valued at 53l. 6s. 8d. ; the patronage in Arundell of Lanherne, the incumbent Bishop, Pendarves, Collyar, and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, I696", 306/. 9s. 4d. This church of St. Colomb was erected about the twelfth century of Christianity; the north and south ailes by the lords of Trenoweth, and Tresuran's lands, but who the same were is now past ability of finding out, though Tresuran's lands, ever since, are charged with the payment of 13s. 4d. per annum towards repair of the south aile aforesaid. This church consists of three roofs, and the south-east chancel thereof was built for a peculiar chapel for the Arundells of Trembleth, or Lanherne, who endowed this church, and have ever since been patrons thereof; and in testimony thereof, here is yet extant on one of their gravestones a brass inscription containing words to this purpose, " Here lieth the body of Renphry Arundell, Knight, patron of this church and founder of this chapel, who departed this life the Anno Dom. 1340."* His lady, as I remember, was Sir William Lamburn's heir. The tutelar patron or guardian of this church is St. Colomb, to whom the same was dedicated, an Irish gen- tleman by birth ; though, contrary to this opinion, at the bottom of Camden's Britannia, in Cornwall, we are told that this church bears the name of, and is dedicated to one Sancta Colomba, a holy woman who lived in those * Tlieie is, or was, this inscription also : D's John Aruudell, Mill. CCCC. vorus Patronus hujus Ecclesiae, qui hane Capellam fecit. 214 ST. COLOMB MAJOR. parts, and that her life was written in the Cornish tongue, and in possession of one Mr. Roscarrock, though now there is no such person or book extant that I can hear of. Only, let it be remembered that [ found it written in the Sieur D. T.'s French book of the Saints, as also in Surrius' and Bosquet's books, and Baronius (out of them), that there lived at Senns, in Gallia, now France, in the time of the fifth persecution by the em- peror Aurelian, anno Dom. 276, a holy Christian Virgin named Colomba, of such exquisite beauty that one of his sons fell passionately in love with her; but because he could not obtain his lustful desire of her, offered her marriage, but he being an idolater she refused his embraces. Whereupon she was much persecuted by Aurelian and cast into prison ; where she suffered^much hardship, and was comparatively starved to death in that place; so that in great misery she expired there,'"; and was buryed at Senns. At whose grave manv super- natural facts, or miracles, being said to be done, she obtained the reputation of a saint and martyr, anno Dom. 300. The feast of the dedication of this church is in No- vember, nearSancta Colomba Virginis et Martyris'day ; and the fair depends upon it. As for the south aile of this church before-mentioned, it was called Jesus Chapel, and therein was founded Tri- nity chantry ; towards building or endowment whereof the Lords of llesurrans tied these lands for ever to pay to the same 13s. 4d. per annum, with power of distress. At the dissolution of this chantry 1 Edward VI. John Chaplin was chief chanter, or sole priest thereof, and seised of the said rent, as his predecessors had been long before ; and King Edward being so possessed, by virtue of an Act of Parliament, sold the same, with other thinirs, to Sir Hugh Pomeroy, Knight, and Thos. Pomeroy, Esq. his brother; who the 4th Edward VI. sold it to ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 215 William Saplyn ; and Saplyn, in the 1st and 2nd of Philip and Mary, sold it to John Glyn, Esq., John Ga- nergan, William Prye, John Manifield, Richard Carter, Henry Rouse, John Vivian, and Richard Hancanon, who were trustees for the parish of Sancta Colomba. After which conveyances the Lord of Resurrans refused to pay the said rent. Whereupon the parish distrained those lands, and the owner thereof replevined the goods so taken, which occasioned the parish bringing an action in replevin against the replevers thereof; and for plea, by way of avowry, did allege that those goods they ought to take, for that one John chaplain of Ti-inity chantry was seised of the said rent in fee, as his pre- decessors time out of mind had been before, in right of the said chantry, from which it passed to King Edward the Sixth, and the purchasers under him as aforesaid. Whereupon the issue passed for the plaintiff, or parish, against the Lord of Resurrans. (See St. Michael Pen- kivell, St. Mary Wike ; also for Chantry, see St. Cuth- bert for prayer for the dead.) In the year 1676, the greatest part of this church of St. Colomb was casually blown up with gunpowder by- three youths of the town, scholars therein, who, in the absence of their master and the rest of tbeir companions, ignorantly set fire to a barrel of gunpowder, the parish stores, laid up in the stone stairs and walls of the rood- loft, which occasioned the destruction of it and themselves together; for the glass-window, roofs, timber, stones, and pillars, thereby made a direful concussion together, especially those shot from the walls of the moorstone stairs aforesaid, to the total defacing the church and many pews thereof. In this tragical concussion several accidents were strange and unaccountable. As, first, that one Nicho- las Jane, a hellyar, was on a ladder mending the heal- ing, or stones on the roof of the church, when it hap- pened, whereby he himself and the ladder under him 216 ST. COLOMB MAJOR. were blown up also; but both fell to the ground without hurt. Secondly, the church bible and common-prayer book, with their leaves open, in the rector's pew, scarce two feet from the rood-loft stairs, where the powder took fire and broke out, were neither singed, moved, nor so much as any dust about them, though many thou- sand stones were cast about the church. Thirdly, there was at least a ton weight of lime and stone cast upon the communion table, which was old and slight, having but one foot or pedestal to stand upon, and yet the same was not broken nor hurt. Fourthly, the pulpit was in like manner preserved from the fury and rage of the fire and stones, when the very walls and pillars near it were shattered to pieces. Let divines and philosophers give a reason for these things, if there was not a supernatural cause or Providence for it I By this sad accident this church of St. Colomb re- ceived damage to the value of about 350/.; yet was, by the liberal contributions of its inhabitants, in nine months time built and repaired as it now stands, and what was wanting in subscriptions to make up that sum, was raised by a small parish rate on the lands thereof. The chief subscribers. Sir John Saint Aubyn, ot Tre- kininge. Baronet, 20/. ; his grandmother-in-law, the widow of Peter Jenkin, Esq. 20/.; John Vivian, Esq. of Truan, 20/.; his three sons, Thomas, Jobn, and Francis Vivian, 15/.; Robert Hoblyn, Esq. 10/.; Edward, his son, 5/. ; Captain Ralph Keate, 5/. ; the writer of this volume 5/.; John Day, Gent. 5/.; Peter Day, Gent. 5/.; Honour Carter, widow, 10/.; John Bligh, Gent. 5/.; Peter Pollard, senior, 10/.; John Beauford, rector, 20/., with several others. And, as if the fiery element had a particular power over this church, it is further memorable that several times before a stone pinnacle of the tower thereof was cast down with thunder and lightning, and had as often been built up again to no purpose, till at length the ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 217 workmen were advised, upon their last operation, to in- scribe in the stone thereof, " God bless and preserve this work ;" since which time it hath stood invincible for about sixty years. But, alas ! notwithstanding this pinnacle hath been thus exempted from the raging of the fiery element, yet its next neighbour, the lofty spire or steeple on the said tower, a strong and well-built struc- ture, bound or cramped together with iron and cast lead through the moor-stones thereof, (so that, compara- tively, according to man's judgment, it might last till the final consummation of all things,) yet so it happened on a Thursday in July I69O, that about one of the clock in the afternoon, when the people were at their traffic in the market place contiguous with the church- yard, the said spire or steeple was torn and shattered to pieces with a flash of lightning, and totally thrown to the ground, and the iron bars therein wreathed and wrested asunder as threads, to the great terror and as- tonishment of the beholders. It was further observable when this concussion happened, only divers flashes of lightning appeared, but no sound or crack of thunder was heard ; from whence I infer that when the voice of thunder is heard, the fiery matter in the middle region, perhaps not three miles above our heads, hath spent its force and strength. This spire also was soon after re- edified by the inhabitants of this parish, though much short of its former height arid bigness, as it now stands. Again, contiguous with this church-yard was formerly extant a college of Black Monks or Canons Augustine, consisting of three fellows, for instructing youth in the liberal arts and sciences ; which college, when or by whom erected and endowed I know not. However, I take it to be one of those three colleges in this province named in Speed and Dugdale's Monasticon, whose re- venues they do not express, (nor the places where they were extant,) but tell us that they were dedicated to the 218 ST. COLOMB MAJOR. blessed Virgin Mary, the lady of angels, and were black monks of the Augustines. In this college, temp. Henry VI., was bred up John Arundell, a younger son of Renfry Arundell, of Lan- herne, Esq. sheriff of Cornwall 3 Edward IV. where he had the first taste of the liberal arts and sciences, and was afterwards placed at Exon College in Oxford, where he stayed till he took his degree of Master of Arts, and then was presented by his father to John Booth, Bishop of Exeter, to be consecrated priest, and to have collation, institution, and induct, into his rectory of St. Colomb. Which being accordingly performed, and he resided upon this rectory glebe lands for some time, which gave him opportunity to build the old parsonage house still extant thereon, and moat the same round with rivers and fish-ponds, as Sir John Arundell, Knight, informed me afterwards. In the year 1496, he had by Henry VII. bestowed upon him the bishopric of Lichfield and Coventry, then void upon the translation of William Smith to Lincoln, (the successor of John Hals,) in which see he remained till the year 1501, and then, upon the death or translation of Richard Redman, Bishop of Exeter, he was removed to that diocese by Henry VII. then possessed of great revenues, but died at London, 1504, and was buried at St. Clement's Danes Church. Before this church of St. Colomb was erected, within the borders of its now parish were extant four free cha- pels, wherein God was worshipped in former ages, viz. at Tregoos (i. e. the wood lowne), Tre-sithan-y (the weekly town, the town frequented on the Sabbath) ; Ruth-es (i. e. the multitude is) ; and Lan-hengye (i. e. the church or temple of sentence, judgment, or delibe- rating cases). The old cemeteries of which are now all converted to orchards and gardens, or arable ground. The town of St. Colomb, by the mediation of its lords, the Arundells of Lanherne, is privileged with a weekly market on Thursdays, wherein all things necessary for ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 219 the life of man are vended at a moderate rate ; as also with fairs on Thursday after Midlent Sunday, and on Thursday after Allhallows. This place was heretofore for a long time notorious for the vice of excessive topling or toping, not only to the damage of many of the inhabitants' healths and wealth, but also to the loss of too many lives; L mean in the time of Charles II. when the practice of quaffing, toasting, or healthing, debauch and immorality, over- spread the land in general. In this parish stands Castell-an-Dinas. It consists of about six acres of ground, within three circles or in- trenchments, upon the top of a pyramidal hill, composed or built of turf and unwrought stones, after the British manner, without lime or mortar, comparatively a hedge; each of those circles or ramparts rising about eight foot above each other towards the centre of the castle, con- sisting of about an acre and a half of land, in the midst whereof appear the ruins of some old dilapidated houses ; near which is a flat vallum, pit, or tank, wherein rain or cloud-water, that falls down from the middle regions, abides more or less in quantity as it falls one half of the year ; which, I suppose, heretofore supplied the sol- diers' occasions, as no fountain, spring, or river water is within a thousand paces thereof. There were two gates or portals leading to this fort, the one on the east, the other on the west side thereof, which, on a stony causeway now covered with grass, conducts you up and down the hill towards Tre-kyning, that is to say the king's, prince, or ruler's town. Moreover, contiguous with this castle are tenements of land or fields, named Tre-saddarne, that is to say god Saturn's town, a place where the god Saturn was worshipped by the soldiers, who probably had their temple or chapel here before Christianity. Near this castle, by the highway, stands the Coyt, a stony tumulus so called, of which sort there are many 220 ST, COLOMB MAJOR, in Wales and Wiltshire, as is mentioned in the Additions to Camden's Britannia in those places, commonly called the Devil's Coy ts. It consists of four long stones of great bigness, perpendicularly pitched in the earth contiguous with each other, leaving only a small vacancy down- wards, but meeting together at the top ; over all which is laid a flat stone of prodigious bulk and magnitude, bending towards the east in way of adoration, (as Mr. Lhuyd concludes of all those Coyts elsewhere,) as the person therein under it interred did, when in the land of the living; but how, or by what art this prodigious flat stone should be placed on the top of the others, amazeth the wisest mathematicians, engineers, or archi- tects, to tell or conjecture. Colt, in Belgic-British, is a cave, vault, or cott- house, of which coyt might possibly be a corruption. Not far from this coyt, at the edge of the Goss-moor, there is a large stone, wherein is deeply imprinted a mark, as if it were the impress of four horseshoes, and to this day called King Arthur's Stone; yea, tradition tells us they were made by King Arthur's horse's feet, when he resided at Castle Denis, and hunted in the Goss Moor. But this stone is now overturned by some seekers for money. On another part of this parish, near Retallock Bar- row (that is to say, Retallock Grave), is a notable tumu- lus, wherein some human creature of that place was interred before the l6th century. Retalloch signifies exceeding or too much buckler or target, not far from which is still extant, in the open downs, nine perpendi- cular stones, called the Nine Maids, in Cornish Naw-voz, alias the nine sisters, in Cornish Naw-whoors, which very name informs us that they were sepulchral stones, erect- ed in memory either of nine natural or spiritual sisters of some religious house, and not so many maids turned into stones for dancing on the Sabbath Day, as the country people will tell you. Those stones are set in ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 221 order by a line, as is such another monument also called the Nine Maids in Gwendron, by the highway, about twety-five feet distance from each other; or it is rather in Stithian's parish. Truan, Truin, Truyn, Trevan, Trewyn, are all synony- mous words, signifying a nose, nook, or beak of any matter or thing; here to be construed as a nose, nook, or beak of land, extant or notable amongst others ; which place and Trenouth, for four descents, hath been the dwelling of the gentle family of the Vivians, who have flourished here in worshipful degree. The present possessor of this place is my very kind friend John Vivian, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall about 20 Charles II. and one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, a gentleman famous for his hospitality and cha- rity. He married three wives ; the first, Jane, daughter of Sir John Trelawny, Bart., but had no issue by her that lived; his second was Mary, daughter of John Glanvill, of Killyvor, Esq., in Devon, by whom he had issue Thomas, John, Francis, Anne, and Jane ; his last wife was Specott, the relict of Nicholls, by whom he had no issue. His father married two wives, Buller and Cavall; his grandfather married Lure; his great-grandfather one of Tresaster's heirs, as 1 am in- formed. Thomas Vivian, Esq., eldest son of the aforesaid John, married Blathwayte, sister to William Blathwayte, Esq. Secretary at War to King James the Second and William the Third, but had no issue by her. His second wife was the daughter of Dodson, Esq. but died with- out issue by her. His second brother, John Vivian, Esq. barrister-at-law, married also two wives : the first Anne, daughter of Matthew Hals, of Efl^ord, Esq., but she also died without issue ; on whose death her faiher-in-law made this epitaph fixed on her hearse, 1682: Who underneath this mournful sable lies, But oue that did all worldly pomp despise ? 222 ST. COLOMB MAJOR. It 's not adorned with painted pageantry, To blazon forth her great antiquity; Nor were 't more necessary to be done, Than lighting candles in the mid-day sun ; Her shining virtues did so far exceed. That of this lesser lustre there 's no need. These praise her in the gates ; these speak on earth. Her higher extract and her heavenly birth. And now slie 's parted hence, but to go home; For where she born wasj thither must she come. Could cares, or tears, or prayers have her repriev'd, She had, to our great comfort, longer lived. Farewell, then, dearest Saint, till thou and I Do meet in bliss, to live eternally. J. V. His second wife was Mary, daughter of Joseph Sawie, of Penrice, Esq. by whom he hath issue John, Mary, and Thomas. Francis Vivian, Esq. third son of the aforesaid John, married Anne, daughter of Henry Mynon, gent., sole heir to her mother Bridget, the only surviving child of Sir Samuel Coswarth, Knight (see Golan), by whom he had issue one only daughter named Mary, now wife of Sir Richard Vivian, Baronet. Ann Vivian married Si- mon Leach, gent, some time her father's clerk; Jane married James Beaufort, clerk. The arms of those Vivians are the same as was borne and given by Prior Thomas Vivian, of Bodmin, with some small difference. (See Bodmin.) In the town of St. Colomb, for three or four descents, lived the gentle family of the Carters (originally de- scended from the Carters of Staftbrdshire), where by trade and merchandise they got a great estate, and married with Vivian, Arundell of Solverne, and Moyle of Bake ; and lastly, Richard Carter, Esq., a Justice of the Peace, and Member of Parliament for Mitchell, married Eliza- beth King, alias Lucas, alias Shepard, of the City of Lon- don, spinster, a woman destitute of fame and fortune, whereby he was led into such excess of riot and expence of monies that he was forced to sell all his lands, and ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 223 reduced himself to about 50/. per annum during life. Part of his lands were sold to his younger brother, John Carter, who married Lawry, whose three daughters and heirs were married to William Silly, Esq., Giles Risdon, of Badleigh, Esq., and Thomas Hoblyn, gent, attorney-at-law, now in possession thereof. The arras of Carter were, In a field Argent, two lions combatant Sable, armed and langued Gules. Trevethick, in this parish, alias Trevidick, i. e. the rus- tic or farmer's town, for several descents had been the dwelling of the gentle family of the Arundells, a younger branch of Lanherne stock, particularly Thomas Arun- dell, who married the daughter of Sir Giles Montpesson, Knight, by whom he had issue Thomas Arundell, Esq. that died without issue, but not without wasting a great part of his estate. Trekyning aforesaid was for two descents the seat of the Jenkyns, descended from James Jenk3'n, gent., attor- ney-at-law, temp. James I. who (from a mean origin, his father being a miller), by the inferior practice of the law, got a very great estate, and m.arried Carter, the re- lict of Brabyn, and had issue Peter Jenkyn, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall temp. Charles I. Nans-widdon, Nanc-widd~an, i. e. the valley of trees, or the tree valley, in this parish, for four descents has been the dwelling of the gentle family of the Hoblyns, of Leskeard or Treburge, in St. Pinoch, as f am inform- ed. The present possessor, Robert Hoblyn, Esq., mar- ried Carew of Penwarne ,• his father Apeley ; his grandfather ; and givelh for his arms. Argent, a fess Gules, between two flanches Ermine. By Carew Mr. Hoblyn had issue, viz. Edward Hoblyn, Esq. his son and heir, who married Avant's heir, and left issue only a daughter, married to Bickford, Esq.; Richard Hob- lyn, bred a merchant factor at Smyrna, that married Striblehill, but died without issue; Robert Hoblyn, clerk, rector of Ludgvan, and a commissioner of the pence 224 ST. COLUMB MAJOR. and land taxes, that married the heir of Burgess of Truro, and left issue only Francis Hoblyn, Esq., that married Godolpliin, and died leaving issue only a son named Robert, heir ; Thomas Hoblyn, attorne3'-at-law, that married one of Carter's heirs, and left issue by her John Hoblyn, of Kenvvyn, Carevv Hoblyn, clerk, and other children, and three daughters ; Anne, married to Bishop, rector of St. Colomb Major; Grace, married to Pendarves, rector of Maugan ; Mary, married to William Cock, attorney-at-law, of Helston. From this house are descended the Hoblyns of St. Enedor, Bodmin, Egles- hayle, Helland, and Gurran. Bode-vvorgye, now Bos-vvorgy (on part of the lands whereof are yet extant the ruins and downfalls of an old chapel or cemetery extant before the Norman Conquest), formerly the voke lands of a man taxed in Domesday Roll, 20 William I. 1087, for four or five descents vi^as the seat of the genteel family of Keates, and was till lately in the possession of my very kind friend Capt. Ralph Keate, who died without marriage or issue, and therefore settled this Bosworgy, and other lands, upon Sir Jonathan Keate, Bart, of the Hoo, in Hertfordshire, patent478, 12 Chas. II. whose father married the only dau. and heir of W. Hoo^ of Hoo, Esq. Sheriff of Hertfordshire 5 Charles I., a younger branch of the Baron Hoo of that place, whose heir was married to the Earl of Hunting- don temp. Henry VHI., and in testimony thereof gave the same arms as those barons, viz. Quarterly, Argent and Sable. Those Keates within the memory of man, as they branched downwards, married with Bear, Hals, Avery, and others, and gave for their arms. Argent, three cats Sable. Keate, Ceate, in British, is fallacy, cheat, or delusion. Gauer-y-gan, in this parish, id est, the goat's downs, gave name and original to the genteel family of the Gauerigans, who for several generations lived here in good reputation, till the middle of Queen Ehzabeth's ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 225 reign, at which time the last two daughters and heirs of this laniily were married to Godolphin and Trefusis, whose heirs are now in possession of their estate. Which family gave for their arms, in allusion to their names, in a field Vert, a goat passant Argent, as lam informed ; the form of which is still extant in their pew or seat, the foremost in one of the middle rows of seats in this church. At Tre-sugg-an (id est, the town on the Saggor Bog), in this parish, is the dwelling of Peter Day, gentleman, that married Brabyn. He left issue only two daugh- ters, that became his heirs, married to Richard Williams, of Trewithan, Esq., and John Williams, of Carmanton, Esq. Trekyninge Vean, i. e. Trekininge the Less or Lesser, is the dwelling of Joseph Hankey, gent., attorney-at-law, who, by his care and skill in that profession, hath got himself considerable wealth and reputation in those parts. He married two wives, Matthews of Tresangar, and Buroughs of Ward Bridge; but hath issue by nei" ther. His father married Hoblyn of St. Stephen's. Upon Bodeworgy lands aforesaid, or contiguous with it as aforesaid, are still extant the ruins of an old chapel, wherein God heretofore was worshipped, before St. Co- lomb church was erected, called Bes-palf-an. TONKIN. Mr. Tonkin has here copied Hals with very little alter- ation, except by way of abridgment. THE EDITOR. Mr. Hals has a very long dissertation on the claims of another person, a male St. Colomb, to be accounted patron saint of this parish. It is well known that Cornwall received the Christian 2 226 ST. COLOMB MAJOR. faith from various individuals who came from Munster, in Ireland, where the learninG; and the relisjion of these times certainly flourished : all those persons were held in veneration by their converts, and were distinguished by them as saints. These missionaries were, moreover, so numerous in all parts that Ireland was called the Land of Saints. St. Colomb may possibly be one of those missionaries; but the subject is of little importance, and I am unwilling to bestow the elegant appellation of the Holy Dove, on any other than a female saint. Nanswhyden, unquestionably the White Vale, is mentioned by Mr. Hals as belonging to the Hoblyns. Mr. Robert Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, who died in 1756, was a very distinguished person. He was generally a man of letters ; but, what is rarely to be found in a coun- try gentleman, he excelled in the recondite learning of the East. He built a magnificent house at Manswhyden, and established there a library so extensive, and so rich in manuscripts, as to be valued at thirty thousand pounds. This gentleman received a great addition to his for- tune from a most productive copper mine, called Her- land, or the Mane Mine, in the parish of Gwineat , and he married a daughter of Mr. Coster, an Alderman of Bristol, at that period the most extensive smelter of cop- per ores. In consequence of this connection, and his deserved reputation, Mr. Hoblyn was chosen one of the representatives of Bristol. The house was entirely consumed by an accidental fire in 1803. The property has descended to his collate- ral relation, the Reverend Robert Hoblyn, who inherits also a large portion of his classic taste. This parish measures 12,045 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property as £. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 10,581 Poor Rates in 1831 . . . .1186 s. d. 3 ropuUitioii, j imc ST. COLOMB MAJOR. 229 ill 1811. 2070 ' in 1821, 2193 ill 1831, 2790 ; giving somewhat more than an increase of 53^ per cent^ in thirty years. Parish Feast, the nearest Sunday to the 17lh of No- vember. Present Rector, the Rev. John Trefusis, instituted in 1798: his net income in 1831, 1296/. GEOLOGY, BY DOCTOR BOASE. A small portion of the southern part of this parish, adjoining to St. Dennis, rests on granite, the surface of which abounds in projecting masses of short rock. Leav- ing this granite district about the Indian Queens, on the great Trnro road, a tin mine, called the Fat Work, pre- sents itself, and displays some interesting phenomena* The basis of the rock is a compact felspar, sometimes almost colourless, at other times dark blue and glossy ; but more commonly both these kinds are blended together in stripes or spots like agates. This rock next the lode is much de- composed, the blue parts being changed into a light pink ; which shows that the colouring mineral is not hornblend. It is probably shorl, a substance abounding in the quartz veins by which the rock is traversed. The lode of this mine is very curious. It consists of a large massive rock, fifteen fathoms in width, throughout which shorl, and irregular veins of tin ore, are dispersed. The matrix con- sists of a dark-coloured basis, interspersed by innumerable angular and fragment-like portions of rock. Near the Indian Queens a manganese mine was for- merly worked, and the adjacent moors abound in stream works. A fine blue fissile slate occurs around the town of St. Colomb, and continues for some distance northwards. Near Trewan it is found to contain beds of compact rocks (not unlihe those of the Mount Bay), which in- close veins of actynolite. Still proceeding northward, quartz so much prevails, as to occasion sterility in the VOL. I. o 2 228-230 ST. COLOMB major. land, displayed in open dewns like those of Roach, to which they adjoin. Castle- An- Din as is composed of a siliceous variety of the rock found at Fat Work mine ; and it appears to be one of the sources from whence must have been derived the pebbles and striped shorl rock scattered over Tregoss Moor. St. COLUMB minor HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Pedyr, and hath upon the north the Irish sea and St. Mawgan; east, Little Colan ; west, Crantock ; south, Newland. For the name see St. Columb Major. This church's revenues being wholly impropriated, or appropriated to the prior of Bodmin before the Inquisitions of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, or Wolsey's afterwards, is not named therein; the prior by ancient composition paying the vicar or curate here only six pounds per annum ; by which bargain he was a great gainer, at least 250/. per annum, and I take it the present patron and impropriator, Mr. Buller, paya the curate not above 251. per annum. This parish was rated to the 4*. per pound Land Ta.x, 1696, 207/. 95. This church, according to its bigness, is the finest, best-kept, pewed, or seated, that I know of in Cornwall ; the rood-loft, (yet standing, though without a rood on it,) a most curious and costly piece of workmanship, carved and painted with gold, silver, vermillion and bice, is the masterpiece of art in those parts of that kind. The pews or seats are uniform, all m^de of black oak ; and to prove their antiquity, there is yet extant an inscription on one of them, containing these words; ST. COLOMH MINOR. 231 ** These seats were built b}' the poor's stock in the year 15£5." At Tre-loye in this parish (the Howing or abounding town) is still extant a famous chapel, dedicated to St. Pedyr, perhaps of" public use before this church of St. Colonib was erected. This district in Domesday Roll passed under the name and jurisdiction of the great lordship and manor of Ry- alton, heretofore pertaining to the prior of Bodmin, which lands are held of the Bishop of Exeter's manor of Penryn, and pay yearly 10/. high rent to the same; from whence I gather that fornierly both pertained to the bishopric of Cornwall, afterwards converted into Kirton and Exeter; and that afterwards, by compact be- tween the said bishop and prior of Bodmin, it was dis- membered from that bishopric, and restored to that priory, as parcel of the ancient bishop of Bodmin's re- venues, of which that priory consisted, and was en- dowed with at its first foundation by the bequests of the ancient earls of Cornwall. For the name of Rial-ton or Ryal-ton (if it consists of those particles), it signifies the royal, kingly, or princely town, as pertaining heretofore to the king of England or earls of Cornwall ; and suitable to this etymology it claimeth the jurisdiction and royalty over the whole hundred of Pider. So that whosoever is now fanner thereof, is by custom its head bailiff, as the prior of St. Pedyr at Bodmin was ; from whose font-name the same is still denominated Pider (id est, Peter, as formerly said), the which farmer or bailiff is steward of the Court Baron of the said hundred or decima, and also of the Court Leet held within the jurisdiction or precincts of the manor aforesaid, and his substitutes constantly attend the service of both. To remove an action-at-law de- pending in the Court Leet of this manor, the writ must thus be directed : Senescallo et Ballivo manerii nostri de Rialton in comitaiu de Cornubias salutem. To re- 232 ST. COLOMB MINOR. move an action out of hundred court, whereof as I safti the farmer of this manor is lord, the writ must be thus directed : " Senescallo et Ballivo hundredi et libertatis de Peder, in comitatu Cornubiae, salutem." When the priory of St. Peder at Bodmin was dis- solved, 26 Henry VIII. and those lands vested in the crown, one John Mundy, barrister-at-law, (son of John Mundy, sheriff of London 6 Plenry VIII. afterwards Sir John Mundy, Knight, Lord Mayor of London 14 Henry VIII.) was sent down from London to be senes- chal or steward of this manor of Ryalton and hundred of Pider. In which capacity he demeaned himself so well, temp. Elizabeth, that when the set-off of the last prior for ninety-nine years expired, and Mr. Mundy 's son succeeded in the same office as his father, was in this place, at such time as James I. by statute prohibited the granting of church lands at lease for longer than iwenty-one years under the old rent, Mr. Mundy took a lease thereof from the Crown for that term, viz. of 6Ql. per annum, and his posterity renewing or retaking the same as those leases expired, thereby this estate, worth about 1000/. per annum, continued in this family till some time after the restoration of Charles the Second, when Sir Francis Godolphin, Knight, by favour of that King, took a reversion or new set thereof, before Mr. Mundy's expired, on condition of doubling the rent from 60/. to 120/. per annum, so that Sir William Godolphin, Bart, is now in possession thereof; and the Kight Hon. Sid- ney Lord Godolphin was created Baron Godolphin of llyalton, 33 Charles 11. whereby this family of Mundy are comparatively undone, notwithstanding they were stout Cavaliers and ojiposers of Cromwell and the Par- liament army to their utmost |)ovver and strength. Well therefore doth the royal Psalmist advise all men not to put their trust in princes, nor in the sons of men, in whom is no help. The arms of Mundy arc, in a field, three lozenges, on a chief three eagle's legs erased. HT. COLOMB MINOR. 233 The mansion-house at Ryalton wherein Mr. Mundy dwelt, was much beautified and augmented by prior Thomas Vivian, to which belongs a strong prison and dungeon for putting debtors in durance. Query, whe- ther this barton of Ryalton payeth tithes to the impro- priator ? All priories, monasteries, religious houses, &.c. above the yearly value of 200/. per annum, being ex- empted from it by the statute 31 Henry VIII. chiefly because the same were given for and applied to chari- table uses and the maintenance of the poor; and verily, if the name Ryalton be compounded of those syllables ry-all-ton, it signifies give or bestow all town, or a town that gave or bestowed all its revenues to the poor, and pious uses. And that the reader may know in what manner poor men were sent to such religious houses to be fed and maintained during life, as penitentiaries or otherwise, by their superiors, or such as had power to visit the same, I will set down an instance or example, out of Fox's Acts and Monuments, page 53, temp. Henry VIIL. contained in a letter from John Langland, Bishop of Lincoln, 1524, to the Abbot of Ensham, viz. "My loving brother, I recommend me hearty unto you, and whereas I have according to law sent this bearer T. R. to perpetual penance within your monastery of Ensham, there to live as a penitent and not otherwise ; I pray you nevertheless, and according to the law com- mand you, to receive him, and see you order him there according to his injunctions, which he will show you if you require the same. As for his lodging, he will bring it with him, and his meat and drink he must have as you give of your alms ; and if he can so order himself by his labour within your house in your business, whereby he may deserve meat and drink, so may you order him as you see convenient to his deserts, so that he pass not the precinct of your monastery. And thus, fare you heartily well. From my place, &c." Thir. injunction of penance was, I. To fast every Friday dsiring life, takinii; no other sustenance than bread and ale after it; 234 ST. COLOMB MINOR. and every even of Corpus Christi's day to fast during life, and after fasting to take no other sustenance than bread and water that day, unless prevented by sickness ; also in part to say our lady's Psalter every Sunday during life; he is marked in the cheek, as other pene- tentiaries, with the letter P. (See Egleshayle and Pe- nuans in Creed.) At Towan in this parish, is that well-known place called Newquay, a pretty safe road and anchorage place for such ships as trade in St. George's Channel, and also a convenient place for a fishing trade, were the inhabitants disposed to adventure therein. At Hendra, also Hendre, in this parish, synonymous words, old, ancient town, is the dwelling of John Ton- kyn, Gent, that married Keen of Roach ; his father the heir of Cock, by whom he had this place ; his grand- father Tregian, originally descended from the Tonkyns of St. Agnes. Trevedick, also Trevithick, words of one signification, id est, rustic or farmers' town, is the dwelling of Nicho- las Polamonter, Gent, (so called from Polla-monter in Newland.) TONKIN has not, again, any thing of the least importance differ- ent from Mr. Hals. THE EDITOR. Rialton is the object of highest importance in this parish. Its antiquities are not much known ; but when Mr. Sidney Godolpliin was created Earl of Godolphin, his son, who had married Henrietta Churchill, eldest daughter of the Duke of Marlborough, assumed the appellation of Lord Rialton, and Lady Rialton was one of the ladies of the bedchamber to Queen Anne. A small print is given of the south entrance gate still CONSTANTINE. 235 remaining, in C. S. Gilbert's History of Cornwall, vol.ii. p. 673. The property belonged to the late Mr. Thomas Raw- lings of Padstow, having probably been acquired when lands were sold by the duchy to redeem the land-tax, but it was alienated on his decease. New Quay, mentioned by Mr. Hals as a pretty safe road and anchorage for vessels, and also as a convenient place for establishing a fishery, is become a successful station for sea nets. In Lord Dunstanville's edition of Ca- rew, p. 357 f it is stated, " The place was called New Quay, because in former times the neighbours attempted to supply the defects of nature by art, in making there a quay for the road of shipping, which conceit they still retain, although want of means in themselves or in the plan have left the effect in nubibus. The quay has now been many years constructed, but I apprehend it is not capable of receiving any other than small vessels. This parish measures 4759 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as returned to Parliament in 1815 . . The Poor Rate in 1831 in 1821, 1297 £ s. (L 6238 783 3 1, in 1831, 140(): ^ , . fin 1801, in 1811, Population, I ^gg ' jj2g' giving an increase of about 40|- per cent, in 30 years. The parish feast, like that of St. Columb Major, is on the Sunday nearest to the 17th of November. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. On the eastern side adjoining to the Downs, the rocks are quartzose, but the greater part of this parish is com- posed of slates belonging to the calcareous series, which extend to the sea shore. At Tremper Bridge, and in the islands lying at the entrances of St. Columb Porih, beds of black limestone occur, associated with talc, schist, and blue slates. The most interesting feature, however, of this |)arish *236 CONSTANTINE. is the testaceous sandstone at New Quay, and on the shores of Fistral Bay. The land adjacent to the sea at those places is covered with sand, which above high- water mark is lapidified, as is also a bed of pebbles on which the sand sometimes rests. For the particulars of this phenomenon the first and the fourth volumes of the Cornwall Geological Transactions may be consulted. CONSTANTINE. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Kerrier, and hath upon the north, part of Stithians ; west, Gwendron; south, Hayleford channel and Mawnan ; east, Mabe and Bu- dock. It is also commonly Cus-ten-ton, i. e. wood- stone town, a place heretofore notable for woods and stones, and 1 take it an unpleasant strag of moor-stones and rocks are still visible upon a great part of the lands here. Perhaps it is the Crostedeton mentioned in the Domesday Roll. Otherwise it was taxed under Tre- wardevi or Penwarne. The name Constantine is de- rived from the Latin Constantia. In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, Ecclesia de Sancto Constantino, was valued to first fruits 10/. Vicar ejusdem 40/. in Decanatu de Kerryer. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1.521, Constantine Vic. was taxed to first fruits 19/- 8s. 10|(/. The patron- age in the Dean and Chapter of Exeter ; the incumbent Perry ; the rectory in Robert Quarme of Creed ; and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, iGQd, 168/. l6s. Bd. by the old name of Constenton. The titular guardian of this church, St. Constantine, Emperor CONSTANTINE. 237 of Home, was the first emperor in the world that professed Christianity. He was the son of Constantius Chlorus Emperor of Rome ; first an officer of war under the Em- peror Aurelian, against Colli or Coillus, King or Duke of Colchester in Britain, (called by some writers Caer- Collyn, Caer-Col-lyn, i. e. the city or castle on the neck of the lake, or bosom of waters, it being situate on the confluence of the Mcdway river), which Coil, having refused to pay the tribute due to the Senate of Rome, caused that province to revolt ; but Constantius forced him into a submission, when soon after he died ; and Constantius is said to have married his only daughter and heir Helen, by whom he had all her father's lands and territories, Anno Dom. 2S9. By her he had issue Constantine, who followed the wars in his father's time against Maxentius ; and lying on his bed, before a bat- tle, a dream or vision appeared to him in shape of an angel, holding in his hand a shining red cross, and call- ing to him with a loud voice *' Constantine ! Ey tovtio vikh, in hoc signo vinces, i. e. under this sign or banner thou shalt have victory." Whereupon he commanded a red cross to be pourtrayed in all his banners, called the laba- nura, and soon after gave battle to Maxentius at Pont Milvium, in Italy, where his [the latter's] army was routed, and himself drowned in that river. The success of which battle so wrought upon Constantine that he forthwith turned Christian, and was baptized by Pope Silvester, Bishop of Rome. In this parish, at Tre-warde-vi, as taxed in Domesday Roll, (i. e. the shining or flying guard town, or the in- dignation, or wrath guard town,) is the dwelling of John Trewren, Esq. i. e. the wren's town, who married Vyvyan of Trelowarren ; his father Rice ; and giveih for his arms. Azure, three Besants. The present possessor Trewren, Esq. that married Prisk of Helston. In this parish is the dwelling of Edward Chapman, Gent, that married Bligh of Botadon. 238 CONSTANTINE. This gentleman received from God's holy angels a wonderiul preservation in the beginning of the reign of William III. when returnino; from Redruth towards his own house about seven miles distant, with his servant, late at night, and both much intoxicated with liquor, (as himself told me,) nevertheless having so much sense left as to consider that they were to pass through several tin mines or shafts near the highway, on the south-east side of Redruth town, alighted both from their horses, and led them in their hands after them. The servant went somewhat before his master, the better to keep the right road in those places, which occasioned Mr. Chapman's turning aside somewhat out of the way, whereby in the dark he suddenly fell into a tin mine above twenty fa- thom deep, at whose fall into this precipice his horse started back and escaped ; in this pit or hole Mr. Chap- man fell directly down fifteen fathoms without let or intermission, where meeting a cross drift (above six fathom of water under it), he in his campaign coat, sword, and boots, was miraculously stopped, where coming to himself, he was not much sensible of any hurt or bruises he had received, through the terror and horror of his fall; when, considering in what condition be was, he resolved to make the best expedient he could to prevent his falling further down, (where, bj' the drop- ping or reesing of stones and earth moved by his fall, he understood there was much water under,) so he rested his back against one side of the mine, and his feet against the other, athwart the hole, and in order to fi: his hands on some solid thing, drew his sword out of its sheath and thrust the blade thereof as far as he could into the opposite part of the shaft, and so in great pain and terror rested himself. The suddenness of this accident, and the horse's es- caping in the dark as aforesaid, was the reason why Mr. Chapman's servant, who went before him, did not so soon find him wanting as otherwise he might, which as CONSTANTINE. 239 soon ns he did, he went back the road way in quest of him, calling him aloud by his name ; but receiving no answer, nor being able to find the horse, he concluded his master had rode home to his house some other way, whereupon, giving up all further search after him, he hastened home to Constantino, expecting to have met him there; but, contrary to his expectations, found he was not returned. Whereupon his servants, early next morning, went forth to inquire after him, and suspecting (as it happened) he might be fallen into some tin-shafts about Redruth, hastened thither, where, before they arrived, some tinners had taken into custody his horse (with bridle and saddle on) which they found grazing on the Wastrell Downs. Whereupon, consulting toge- ther about this tragical mishap, it was resolved forth- with that some of those tinners, for reward, should search the most dangerous shafts in order to find his body either living or dead ; accordingly they employed themselves that day till about four o'clock in the afternoon without any discovery of him. Finally, one person returned to his company, and told them that at a considerable distance he heard a kind of human voice under ground ; to which place they repaired, and making loud cries to the hole of the shaft, he forthwith answered them that he was there alive, and prayed their assistance in order to deliver him from that tremendous place; whereupon, immediately they set on tackle-ropes and windlass on the old shaft, so that a tinner descended to the place where he rested, and having candle-light with him bound him fast in a rope, and so drew him safely to land, where, to their great admiration and joy, it ap- peared he had neither broke any bone, or was much bruised by the fall; verifying together the attribute of Divine Omnipotence that nothing is impossible with God, — and that old English proverb, that drunkards sel- dom take hurt ; for, as the tinners said, if he had fallen but two or three feet lower, he must inevitably have 240 CONSTANTINE. been drowned in the water. But maugre all those ad- verse accidents, after about seventeen hours stay in the pit aforesaid, he miraculously escaped death and lived many years after, and would recount this history with as much pleasure as men do the ballads of Chevy Chase or Rosamond Clifford. In this parish is the dwelling of James Trefusis, Gent, that married Worth ; his father Penarth, originally descended from Trefusis of Trefusis in Mylor, as I am informed. Moreover, it must be remembered in this place, of St. Constantinc, that he was the first prince that ever en- dowed Christian churches beyond the seas with stand- ing rents, lands, and revenues, and also gave to the church the tenth part of all lands and goods he possessed himself, whereupon the clergy claimed tithes therein by a law. And such officers or publicans as gathered it were called Decumani, (as Appian saith); for before that time tithes were only taken by the Senate of Rome and Emperor for the supply of the legions and armies in time of war, and not otherwise. Afterwards, Constan- tinc made a law that all princes under his dominion should give the tenth part of their revenues towards the maintenance of churches and temples, as himself had done. From this law and example Elhelwulf, the second sole Saxon monarch in England, Anno Dom. 838, in the vear 855 (as Jngulphus, Abbat of Croyland, in his his- tory of Britain, lOGf), informs us), by royal charter con- firmed tlie tithes of all his lands on the church in those words : ** Dccimam partem terrae meae," &,c. ; and this was done (gratuito consensu) by consent of his princes and prelates. This donation afterwards was confirmed by King Ethelred. " Nemo auferat a. Deo quod ad Deum pertinet, et prajcessores nostri concesserunt," &c. After- ward King Athclstan made a law. Anno Dom. O^zd, that every man should pay tithes out of all the goods he CONSTANTINE. 241 possessed, as Jacob did ; \Yhich Edmund Ironside con- firmed under penalty of being accursed, lOlO. After- wards King Edward the Confessor, 1046, ordained more expressly that all tithes should be justly paid to the elder or mother churches, viz. de garba, grege equarum, pul- lis, vaccis, vitulis, caseo, lacte, vellis, porceilis, apibus, bosco, prato, aquis, molendinis, parcis, vivariis, piscariis, virgultis, hortis, negotionibus, et omnibus rebus, quas dederit Dominus, &c. ; which decree or statute was after- wards ratified by William the Conqueror and his suc- cessors. (See more of Tithes under Kej'e.) TONKIN. Tonkin adds nothing to Mr. Hals in respect to this parish except the following short account of the manor of Merthyr or Merther. Mr. Tonkin cites from Carew, (p. 128 of Lord Bunstanville's edition,) " Rogerus de Carminou ten. 20 part. feo. milit. extra 10 part, illius 20 in Wynnenton, Merthyr, et Tamerton." This Sir Roger de Carminow, for he was a knight, left this ma- nor inter alia to his eldest son and heir Sir Thomas Car- minow, of Carminow, Knight, who, leaving only three daughters his heirs, this manor fell to the share of Thi- lippa, the wife of John Treworthen. THE EDITOR. Merther is now the property of Sir Richard Vyvyan, and has been for a considerable time in his family. The family of Trewren of Trewardreva, is now I believe extinct; the name is usually pronounced Trew-ren, and certainly has not the etymology which Mr. Hals imputes to it. Carwithenick in this parish was the seat of Mr. Chap- man, preserved almost by a miracle according to Mr. Hals's account, received from himself, when he fell into a shaft, see pnge 238. It now belongs to Mr. Hill. 11 242 CORNELLY. Chapels are said to have been erected formerly at Benalleck and Buderkvam. This parish measures 6883 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1? 15 . . 6503 O Poor Rates in 1831 712 1 Population \ ^" ^^^^' ^» ''^^^' '" IS-^' ^" 1S31, P 't 1229 1327 1671 2004; giving an increase of 63 per cent, in 30 years. Parish feast, the nearest Sunday to the 9th of March. Present Vicar, the Rev. Edward Rogers, presented by the Dean and Chapter of Exeter in 1817. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The church is situated on the borders of the granite, which extends to the extreme northern part of the pa- rish, and is for the most part of that common kind which is shipped at Penryn for the London market. Proceeding southward from the church town this gra- nite is bounded by a belt of rocks belonging to the por- phyritic series, such as the felspar and hornblend rocks; but in the vicinity of the Helford river these are suc- ceeded by the calcareous series. CORNELLY. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Powdre, and hath upon the north, Probus ; east, Tregony ; south, the Vale River; west, Lamorran and Merther. For the modern name of this place, Cornell-y or Kornell-y, it signifies the angle, nook, canton, quarter, or corner; and, suitable to its name, it is a dismembered district from Probus parish ; a remote canton or corner of land in respect CORNELLY. 243 thereof, but as to spirituals consolidated, and goes in presentation with it as a daughter church. The pa- tronage is in the Bisho[) of Exeter; the incumbent Bau- dree ( Duddowe). This parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, IGQG, 72/. 4s. The rectory or sheaf in possession of Hawkins and Huddy. In the Domesday tax, 20 William I., 1087, this parish was taxed under the name and juris- diction of Pen-pell, that is the far off or remote top or head. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, and Valor Bene- ficiorum, this church is called Gro-goth. Tre-den-ike in this parish, (i. e. the man town, creek, or cove of waters,) also Tre-warth-en-ike, (i. e. the far- ther town of, in, or upon the cove, creek, lake, or bosom of waters,) is the dwelling of my very kind friend John Gregor, Esq. who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Walter Moyle, Knight; his father, Francis Gregor, Esq. married one of the coheirs of Prideaux of Gunlyn, sheriff of Cornwall 19 Charles II.; his grandfather, Jane, daughter of Nosworthy, of Truro. And he giveth for his arms. Or, a chevron Gules, between three partridges Proper, out of a supposed allusion to their name in Cor- nish, wherein Grugyer and Gyrgirk is a partridge. TONKIN. I take the word Cornelly to be a corruption of the Cornish Caren Gli, that is love of God. In this parish is Trewithenike, compounded of Tre- with en-ike. Thedwelhng-tree, or a rivulet, ((juery, tree ? — Ed.) which was in Queen Mary's days the lands of William Weyte, Gent, as appears from an old deed in my custody, who was also lord of divers other tenements in those parts, as also of Eentongimps in St. Pyran Sabolo. He had a brother that lived at Lestwithiel, and was mayor of the town in the time of Henry \ HI. whose daughter and heir was married to Kendall ol Tre- K 2 244 CORNELLY. worgye or Pelris, whose inheritance was no small aug- mentation to the paternal estate oF that family. The arms of Wayte, Argent, a chevron between three sal- mons erect Azure. This barton is now the property of John Gregor, Esq. who has lately built a fine new house here. He married Elizabeth, the daughter of Sir Wal- ter Moyle of Boke. His father. Francis Gregor, was sheriff of Cornwall 19 Charles H. (21 Charles H. A.D. 1669. — Ed.) He married one of the heiresses of Pri- deaux, of Gurlyn in St. Erth. It is said by some that St. Cornelius the Centurian is patron of this parish ; if so, the name Cornelly is pro- bably from him. Nearly the whole of this parish is in- cluded within the manor of Grouith or Croii;ith. THE EDITOR. Francis Gregor, son and heir of John Gregor and Elizabeth Moyle, married a daughter of William Harris of Pickwell in Devonshire ; and their son Francis Gregor, born in 1728, left two sons, Francis Gregor, sheriff of Cornwall in 1788, and member for the county from 1790 to I8O6, and the Rev. William Gregor. Mr. Francis Gregor first married the eldest daughter of Mr. William Masterman, of Restormal, who had married a Cornish lady, and made a large fortune by the practice of the law, as a solicitor in London, and afterwards represented Bodmin in Parliament. Mr. Gregor mar- ried secondly Miss Urchuavth from Scotland, but died in 1815 without any family; and his brother, the Rev. William Gregor, survived but a few years, leaving an only daughter, who died at the age of three or lour-and- twenty, and with her the name of Gregor became extinct. But Mr. Masterman had a second daughter, married to Mr. Francis Glanville Catchfrench, who also left an onl}^ daughter. To this lady Miss Gregor gave the whole of her property, with an injunction to take her CRANTOCK. 245 name. Miss Granvilic is married and has several chil- dren, having made Trewarthenick lier residence, and improved the fine new house mentioned by Mr. Tonkin into one of the largest and most decorated mansions to be seen in Cornwall. This parish contains 104? statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1813 . . 1704 O Poor Rate in 1831 88 3 ■n 1 ,• fin ISO], Population,-; ,„„ ' ^ (13/ giving an increase of 24 per cent, in 30 years. in 1811, 131 in 1821, 1G8 in 1831, 170; GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. Near Tregony Bridge, a fine-grained, glossy, and very fissile blue slate is exposed in a quarry, vvhich appears to be the prevailing rock of this small parish. 7'his slate probably contains beds of massive lamellar rocks, as tlie same kind of slate does in the adjoining parishes, but they are not in this particular district visible on the surface. AW these rocks belons: to the calcareous series. CRANTOCK. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Pedyr, and hath upon the north the Irish sea; on the west, St. Cuthbert; south, Newland ; east, St. Columb Minor. As for this compound name, it is plain British ; Cran-tock, Cran- dock, id est, a place that heretofore bore or carried beech trees. But others will have the name to be de- rived from its pretended titular guardian, one St. Caran- 246 CRANTOCK. tochus, a British disciple of St, Colotnb's, of" whom I must plead non sum informatus; otherwise than that Carantodhius in old British, Scots, and Irish, is love, affection, tenderness. Cran-teck is fair beech trees. More sure I am that this district, at the time of the Domesday Roll, was taxed under the name of Ryalton or Cargoll ; and in the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, into the value of church livings in Cornyi^all, Ecclesia Sancti Carentini in De- canatu de Pidre is thus rated, the vicar 40s. and the nine prebends, then extant in this collegiate church, were thus taxed, viz. John de Woolrington, oSs. Ad. ; John de Cattelyn, 30s. ; Nicholas Strange, 30s. ; John de Ing- ham, 40s.; Ralph de Trethinick, 5Ss. 4d. ; David de Monton, 40s.; William de Patefond, 40s.; John Lovell, 30s. ; John de Glasney, 6s. 8d. ; in all IQl. 3s. 4d. From whence I gather this collegiate church had great reve- nues then belonging to it, since it is higher rated to the Pope's annats than any other church then in Cornwall. However, before Richard II.'s lime it was wholly im- propriated or appropriated to its founder and endower, the Prior of St. Pedyr at Bodmin ; the vicar subsisting only by a small salary of 61. and oblations and obven- tions ; for which reason it is not mentioned in Wolsev's inquisition, or Valor Beneficiorum. Which collegiate church being dissolved by the statute 26 Henry VI If. and the revenues vested in the crown, the impropriator Mr. Duller is patron and rec- tor of the vicarage church now extant ; the incumbent Warne, who comparatively subsists upon his bounty j and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1690, 7 Si. \6s. By reason of the great quantities of sea-sand blown up from the Gannell creek by the wind (tempore Ed- ward VL as Holinshed saith), the place where the college stood is now scarce discernible; only a conse- CRANTOCK. 247 crated arched well of water bears the name of St. Am- brose's Well, contiguous therewith. Speed and Dugdale, in their Monasticon Anglica- num, tell us that at its dissolution, 26 HcnryVIII.it con- sisted only of four prebends, whose revenues were valued only at 89/. 15s. from whence it appears five preben- dar3''s rents were dismembered from it before that time ; and since its suppression the lands of those four pre- bends have passed from the crown to Louis, from Louis to Goldingham, from^Goldingham to Lutterell, now in possession thereof. The vicarage church of Crantock is commonly called lan-guna, or lan-gona, that is to say the hay temple or church; and is, suitable to its name, situate in a large hay meadow of very rich land, containing about three acres, where, by ancient custom the vicar's cattle de- pasture over the dead bodies interred therein. Tre-ganell, or Tre-gonell, in this parish, that is to say, the canal or channel town, situate upon a creek of the north sea, gave name and original to an old family of gentlemen surnamed Tregonell or Treganell, whose three daughters and heirs, tempore James L were mar- ried ro Bauden, Pallamonter, and Penpoll, who gave for their arms, in a field Argent, three Ogresses between two cottices in^ fess Sable, as many Cornish daws Proper. John Tregonell, or Treganell, — of his posterity (now transnominated to Tregonwell), was a younger brother of this house, tempore Henry VH. wdio had his first education in this college of Crantock at a cheap rate, (as any may be had at Aberdeen or Glasgow in Scot- land,) from whence he went to Oxford, and proceeded so far in book-erudition as to take his degree of Doctor of the Civil and Canon Law, and acquired such perfection and fame therein, that he was chosen proctor for Henry VHJ. in that costly divorce betwixt him and Queen Catherine of Spain; by whom he was also 248 CRANTOCK. knicrhted, and for his labour and pains therein had ii pension of 40/. per annum settled upon him during his life; and afterwards, upon the resignation of that annuity, and the payment of a thousand pounds, he had by that king settled upon him and his heirs the site and de- mesne of Midleton, a mitred abbey in Dorset, of great value, which his posterity enjoy to this day, himself beinsf buried in Midleton church 1540. He had issue John, afterwards knighted, sheriff of Dorset, 1 Philip and Mary; who married , and had issue John Tre- gonell, Esq. sheriff of Dorset 2 James I., who also mar- ried , and had issue John Tregonell, Esq. sheriff of that county 15 James I., when Francis V'yvyan, Esq. was sheriff of Cornwall. Tre-ago, also Tre-agho, synonymous words, in this parish, that is to say, the fishing spear or barbed iron for stabbing fish, used it seems heretofore in the gannell or channell haven contiguous therewith, by the owners of this little barton and manor, and from thence deno- minated; tri-affo is in Latin-Cornish a threefold action, or acting or making ; tre-ago, the town of action. From this place was also denominated its lord, of an ancient family of gentlemen surnamed De Tre-ago, who at his own proper cost and charge built the south aile in the now vicarage church of Crantock, and appropriated the same to his family or heirs and assigns for ever, by charging those lands with the repair and maintenance thereof (for ever) as at this day they do, without being chargeable to the parish of Crantock. The sole daugh- ter and heir of those Treagos, as I am informed, was married to Mynors, tempore Edward IV. who made it the seat of his family ; as afterwards, tempore Elizabeth, the issue male of Mynors failing, his only daughter and heir was married to Tregian, and Tregian's posterity, by ill conduct, wasted this barton and manor of Treago, and sold the same for the paym.ent of bills of cost to John Cooke, Gent, atiorney-at-law, tempore James I.; and CRANTOCK. 249 in like manner Thomas Cooke, Esq. within fifty years after the death of his father or grandfather, sold this place and most of his other lands to Hugh Boscawen of Tregothnan, Esq. now in possession thereof, viz. temp. Charles II. This place was heretofore privileged with the juris- diction of a court leet, and a strong prison for keeping prisoners for debt in durance, though now I take it to be destitute of both. The arms of Mynors were. Sable, an eagle displa3'ed Or, on a chief Azure, bordered Ar- gent, a chevron between two crescents above and a rose beneath Or. This last bearing on the chief, and mar- shalled within the escutcheon was, as tradition saith, the coat armour of Treago; and such sort of marshalling divers coats Nicholas Upton doth approve of, especially where a man hath large possessions by his mother, and but a small patrimony from his father; as perhaps the case was thus with Mynors. In this parish is the port, haven, or creek, called the gonell or ganell, that is to say the canal or channel of the Tremporth river, leading into the sea, wherein much fish and fowl is caught; and many times ships frequent this place for trade and safety, the sea here winding up itself between the lands about a mile in the country. It also, at full sea, affordeth entrance and anchorage for ships of the greatest burtlien, if conducted by a pilot that understands the course of the ganell or channel; at the head of which, as a ligament fastening the pa- rishes of Lower St. Colouib and Crantock together, is a county bridge, called Trem-porth ; that is to say, the tying, fastening, terrifying, or making afraid gate, cove, or entrance, so aptly named perhaps from the rapid con- fluence of this channel or river in winter season, before the bridge was built, where it meets the salt waters, and the softness of the clay and sea-moore marsh there on which the bridge is situate. I find William Smith, Esq. of Crantock in Cornwall; 250 CRANTOCK. (which I take to be of this place,) was created a baronet by Charles I., 27 December 1642, patent 418. 1 sup- pose the son of that Smith of Exon, that married one of the coheirs of Vyell of Trevorder. He had issue Sir James Smith, Baronet, (but where they lived in this parish I know not,) whose arms were, Sable, a fess and two barrulets, between three martlets. Or. The manors of Cargoll and Ryalton beins; given by our earls of Cornwall before the Norman Conquest to the Bishop of Bodmin or Cornwall, or the prior thereof; some of them were founders and endowers of this col- lege of Crantock out of the lands and revenues thereof. TONKIN. I take the tutelar saint of this parish to be St. Ke- rantakers, a disciple of St. Columb in the Hebrides; and the parish no doubt had its name from him. This parish is wholly impropriated to John Butler, Esq. of Morval, who allows out of it a small stipend to the incumbent (at present Mr. Warn), by which, to- gether with the parishioners' benevolence, he makes a hard shift to live. The collegiate church here was, as tradition saith, endowed by the prior of Bodmin ; but by which prior is unknown to me. THE EDITOR. Bishop Tanner, in his Notitia Monastica, says, Karentoc or Crantoc, near Padstow, in the deanery of Pider. Here were secular canons in the time of St. Edward the Confessor, who continued till the general dissolution, when its yearly revenues were valued at 89/. 15s. 8d. which were divided amongst the dean, nine prebendaries, and four vicars choral. The collegiate church was dedicated to St. Carantocus, said to be a disciple of St. Patrick, and was in the patronage of the Bishop of Exeter. CREED. 251 Doctor Tanner quotes the following extract from Prynne, vol. ii. p. 736, (probably iVom his Records:) Many grants of the deanery and prebentis here by the king appear upon the rolls, but seem to be made during the vacancy of the see of Exeter. Anno Dom. 1315, Feb. 22, Walterus episcopus Exon. contulit Joanni de Sandale, cancellario regis, Prae- bendam in ecclesia St. Karentoci. See Wharton's His- toria de Episcopis et Decanis Londinensibus, nccnon de Episcopis et Decanis Assavensibus a prima sedis utri- usque fundatione, ad annum mdxl. This parish measures 2490 statute acres. The annual value of Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 5244 O Poor Rate in 1831 265 3 in 1821, in 1831, 458; giving an increase of 53 per cent in 30 years. Parish Feast, the nearest Sunday to the l6th of May. Vicar, the Rev. C. H. Paynter, instituted I8O9. GEOLOGY, BY DOCTOR BOASE. This parish is composed of the same kind of rock, and is in every respect similar to St. Columb Minor, which occupies the opposite or northern side of the gannel. T, 1 . Tin 1801, in 1811, Population, I 299 I 358 389 CREED. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Powdre, and hath upon the north, St. Stephen's; east, St. Mewan; west. Pro- bus : south, St. Tue. For the present name, it is de- rived from Credo, i. e. belief, trust, confidence ; and refers to the holv Christian laith, read or rehearsed in 252 CREED. this church by the rector, viz. the Apostles' creed, Ni- cene creed, or St. Athanasius creed, in opposition to Arianism. Now, for that beyond the records of time, as Mr. Carew in his Survey of Cornwall tells us, the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Commandments, were translated into and used in the Cornish tonsfue for the benefit of the inhabitants, who formerly little understood the Saxon or English tongue; and for that the Cornish tongue is now comparatively lost in those parts, I will here, for the reader's satisfaction, set down the Apostles' creed as it was then used. Me agris en Dii, an Tas ologologack, zcresses a neu I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of hag doar ; hag en Jesu Chrest, ys nuell mah agan heaven and earth ; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Arliith, neh ve conceveijs ryh an hairon Sperres, genijs Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born ay an voz Mareea, cothaff orthaff Pontius Fifat ; ve of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate: was C7vzcsye, marazcs hag bethens, EJf deskynas en the Ijfran, crucified, dead and buried. He descended into Hell, hag an trysa journa, EJf sevye arte thort an maraws, ef and the third day he arose again from the dead, and askynnus en the neuf; hag setvah zcor an dighozi^ dome ascended into Heaven; and sitteth on the right hand ay Du an Tas allogallogack, rag ena ef fyth das the of God the Father Almighty, from whence he shall come judgye an heazo hag an marazcs. Me agris benegas to judge the living and the dead. 1 believe in the Holy Spirres, an Hairon Catholic Egles, an communion ay Ghost, the Holj^ Catholic Church, the communion of sans, an givyans ay peags, an sevyans ay an corfe, saints, the remission of sins, the resurrection of the body, hag an bezo regnaveffere. Amen. and the life everlasting. Amen. At the time of the Norman Conquest this parish was CREED. 253 taxed under the name of Tybesta, of which more under. At the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincohi and W^in- chester, in order to the Pope's Annats, 1294, Ecclesia de Sancto Credo, in Decanata de Poudre, was valued 4^. 135. 4(7. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, it was rated 13/. 6s. 8d, The patronage in the king or duke of Corn- wall, who endowed it; the incumbent Crews; and the parish rated to the 45. per pound Land Tax, I69S, 132/. The great duchy manor of Ty-besta encloses almost the whole of this parish; and there are yet extant in this manor the ruins of an old chapel, called by the name of Tybesta. This manor is privileged with the ju- risdiction of a court leet within its precincts, and of the court baron held for the hundred of Powdre, and hath stewards and bailiffs to attend the service of both, and the royalties over the river Vale. Within this lordship is situate the borough of Gram- pont. Gram-pond, or Gran-pont, that is, great bridge; on which Mr. Carew, in his Survey of Cornwall, saith that in his time, (about a hundred years past,) if that were its true name, it had nothing then extant but nomine sine re, though now it hath a fair stone bridge over it, built and repaired by the county stock. But, alas ! notwithstanding those names, it appeared from the charter lately extant, wherein the ancient rights and privileges thereof are confirmed by Edmund Plantagenet Earl of Cornwall, son of Richard, King of the Romans, Anno Dom. 1290, that it was incorporated by the name of Coyt-fala, or Coit-fala ; id est, the wood, (river) in the midst of which wood heretofore the same was situate ; also Pons-raur, id est, great bridge, so named from some eminent timber bridge over the river, before that of stone was erected. It is privileged with the jurisdiction of a court leet and quarterly sessions of the peace, within the same, before the mayor, recorder, and eight aldermen, or magistrates, and a town-clerk. The mayor to be 254 CREED. chosen out of the eight Magistrates that are free-men; and also with senclino; two Members, to sit as their Representatives in Parliament, who are to be chosen by the Mayor, Magistrates, and Freemen, or the major part of them ; by election of which, if common fame be true, the townsmen have in the last ages reaped great gain and advantage. It is also appurtenanced with public fairs, upon January 18 and June 11, and a weekly market on Thursdays. The chief inhabitants of this town are Mr. Teague, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Moor. The arms of this Borough are, a castle, two ports open, over the same a lion rampant crowned, within a bordure bezanty, which latter charge was the proper arms of King Richard Coeur de Lion, uncle of the said Edmund Earl of Cornwall, and his predecessors Caddock and Condur, Earles thereof. Tre-veleck, alias Tre-belech, in this parish, id est, the Priest's Town, in old British and the Armorican tongue, was of old the seat of the De Boscawens, of Boscawen Rose in Buryan, of which family was Lawrence Bos- cawen, gent, attorney-at-law, that married Tregothnan's heir, temp. Henry 8th, who left this place to his younger son ; where his posterity flourished in genteel degree down to the latter end of the reign of King Charles L; when the last gentleman of this house, that married Tanner, had issue only two daughters, married to Brevvar and Tousen, which latter's daughter and heir was married to Collins, now in possessionof those duchy lands. At Ten-Creek, or Tene-Cruck, i. e. the fire-bank, or tumulus, viz. the sepulchre of one interred there before the sixth century, whose body was burnt to ashes by fire, according to the then accustomed manner of in- tering the dead, and his bones and ashes laid up in an urn or earthen pot, in a bank, or barrow, or tumulus, upon some part of the lands of this barton ; from which facts it was called Ten-creek, in which place for many ages flourished a family of gentlemen, from thence de- nominated de Tencreek (which compound word Mr. i CREED. 255 Carew, in his Survey of Cornwall, by conjecture inter- prets as the town of the burrow, bank, or tumulus) ; the last gentleman of which house died in the middle of Queen Elizabeth's reign, leaving issue only three daugh- ters, married to Mohun, Penwarne, and Polwhele. Those lands came to Mohun, a younger brother to Reginald Mohun, Bart, father of John Lord Baron Mohun, of Oakhampton. The present possessioner, William INIohun, Esq. (my very kind friend), one of his Majesty's Commissioners for the Peace and Taxes, that married Jane, daughter of Sir John Trelawney, of the Lawne, Bart, and hath issue Warwick Mohun, Esq. whose arms are, Or, a cross engrailed Sable. [See BocoNNoc]. The arms of Tencreek were, Argent, a cross pattee surmounted of a chevron Sable. Pennans, part of the Duchy manor of Tybesta, is compounded of Pen-nans, the head of the valley, a name taken from the natural circumstances of the place. Jt is the dwelling of Philip Hawkins, Gent, attorney-at-law, who by his great pains, care, and skill in that profession, hath got himself a very great estate in those parts. He married Scobell, and giveth ibr his arms, Argent, on a saliire Sable, five fleur-de-lis Or. The same coat armour is given by the Hawkins' of Kent. He had issue John, his eldest son, who married Rashleigh, and was a doctor of divinity; Philip, that married Ludlow, of London, Member of Parliament for Grampound; and daughters. Nan-tell-an, in this parish Duchy, was the dwelling of John Vincent, Gent, attorney-at-law, who got a con- siderable estate by the law ; but since his death 1 take it this place, and all other his lands, are wasted by his son, &.C. Nantellan sold to Henry Vincent, of Treleven, Esq. Mr. Vincent married Evans, and giveth for his arms as mentioned under St. Allen, the original tribe thereof. Car-lyn-ike, in this parish, parcel of the Duchy 2oG CREED. manor of Tjbesta aforesaid, probably the rock and lake of water, is the dwelling of John Woolrige, Gent, that married Maunder, and giveth for his arms, Gules, a chevron Argent, between three wild ducks volant Pro- per. The descendant of Woolridge, rector of St. Michael Penkivell, temp. James 1. Nan-car (Duchy) i. e. the Valley Rock, or the Rock in the Valley, is the dwelling of Walter Quarme, Clerk, that married Grace Gayer, daughter of Samuel Gayer, of Araler, Gent.; his father Ceely, his grandfather a Trefusis, and giveth for his arms, Barry lozengy Argent and Gules. TONKIN. Trencreek is interpreted by Mr. Carew the town of the Burrow, by which I apprehend he means a dwelling near some creeig, byrig or tumulus; for that is the import of the word Trcncreeig, from whence an old family of gentlemen, now extinct, were denominated, who gave for their arms. Argent, a cross patee, surmounted with a chevron Sable. But the tumulus importing their name must have been erected since the doctrine of Christianity was brought into this land ; for before that time graves were called beths,* veths, or byrigs, from whence our mo- dern words burrow or bury. The Brigantes mentioned by Tacitus were so denominated from their lofty tumuli, ^yi''gs> <^r graves. All the lands in this parish are either held from or in parts of the Great Duchy. The Borough of Grand pont. This is the name given to it by the Normans, for the ancient Cornish name was Ponsmur, signifying the same thing. In all likelihood this is the ancient Voluba of the Romans mentioned by Ptolemy ; so called from its situation on the river Val or * The word bethman, pronounced bedman, which is used in Cornwall for a sexton, must evidently be derived from beth, a grave. Edit. CREED. 257 Fal. Browne Willis, in his additions to Camden, cites a charter still extant from John of Eltliam, Earl of Corn- wall, hy which all former privileges are confirmed to the vill of Grampont, with all the lands of Coytpale, which signifies Tolewood, and a part of the town is at this time called Caitfala. This charter is dated at Chipjien- ham Oct. 2G, 1332. North of Grampond lies Trevellick, the town on the mill stream or water, where is a ruined chapel and a well, dedicated to St. Naunton or Nonnio, as at Alter- num. The estate now belongs to Degary Polkinhorne, Gent. To the North of this lies Nantellan, which was the seat of John V^incent, Gent, an eminent attorney. Trewinnow, that is the dwelling on the marshes, has been long held under the Duchy by the family of Sec- comb. Pennance, the head of the valley, is held under the tenure of customary Duchy, and was formerly the seat of Henry Hoddy, Gent, descended from the Huddys or Hodys, of Nethoway, in Devonshire. He had a consi- derable estate in these parts, which he foolishly lavished and at last sold to Mr. Thomas Lower, younger brother to the famous Doctor Lower,* who did not keep it long, but conveyed his right in it to Phihp Hawkins, Gent, since become the most weakhy attorney which this county ever produced- He married Mary, the daughter of Richard Scobell, of Menagwins, Esq. and left the bulk of his estate, computed at one hundred thousand pounds, to his eldest son John Hawkins, D. D. Master of Pem- broke College, Cambridge, who married Pvachel Rash- leigh, of Menabilly, but died sine prole. Doctor Haw- kins, laid out very large sums of money on the improve- ment of Pennance. He died in London July 30, 1736. * Richard Lower, M. D. an eminent physician and anatomist, was bora in Cornwall about 1631, died in 1691. He wrote several important works ; among them Tractatus de Corde ; item de Motu et calore Sanguinis, et Chyli in eum transitu. 258 CREED. Trigantan belongs to the family of Sperrack. The Church is situated at one end of the parish near the river Val or Fal, in a fruitful spot of land, but low. It is but a mean structure, consisting of a nave, a south aile of the same length, and a cross north aile. Here was formerly but a poor small tower covered with wood, in which were three bells ; but the parishioners took that down in 1732, and have in this year (1733) finished a handsome square tower. The Rectory House has also been new built in a neat manner by the present incum- bent Mr. Hughes. THE EDITOR. The manor of Tybesta, carrying with it the advowson of the rectory, was purchased from the Duchy by the late Sir Christopher Hawkins. Grampound is the only place ever wholly deprived of its privilege to return Members to the House of Commons, previously to the general dissolution of Boroughs in 1832. Cricklade, Shoreham, and i\ylesbury, had been thrown into adjacent hundreds, that is, the freeholders of these districts were admitted to a concurrent right of voting with those previously possessing it; but from Grampound the Members were transferred at once to the County of York. The passage referred to in Mr. Carew (p. 328 of Lord Dunstanville's editir^n) is this: "Grampond, if it took that name from any great bridge, hath now nomen sine re; for the bridge there is sup- ported with only a few arches, and the Corporation but half replenished with inhabitants, who may better vaunt of their town's antiquity than the town of their ability." The town is said to have very greatly improved, in all respects, moral, physical, and intellectual, since the minds of its inhabitants have been directed to other objects than low intrigue and servile dependence on the exertions of others. CREED. 259 Mr. Philip Hawkins, who purchased and settled at Pennance, was the son of Mr. Henry Hawkins, whose ancestor in the third or fourth dei^ree, is said to have come from Kent into Cornwall as Rector of Blisland. Mr. Henry Hawkins had four sons, the Rev. John Hawkins, Rector of St. jNlichael Caerhayes, St. Stephen's, and St. Dennis, married, but died sine prole. Philip Hawkins, who married Mary Scobell, eldest daughter of Richard Scobell, Esq. made heiress of his whole landed property. Henry Hawkins, of St. Austell, who married Barbara, younger daughter of Mr, Richard Scobell. Joseph Hawkins, a merchant at Falmouth, married Reid, but died sine prole. Mr. Philip Hawkins had a very large family. 1. Henry, died at Oxford. 2. Mary, died young. 3. Elizabeth, married Mr. Thomas Corlycr, of Tregre- han, and left several children. 4. Ann, married Sir Edmund Prideaux, of Devonshire, and left an only daughter, who married John Pendarves Basset, Esq. of Tehidy. 5. George, died young. 6. The Rev. John Plawkins, D. D. Master of Pem- broke College, Cambridge, married Rachel Rashleigh, of Menabilly, died sine prole. 7. Mary, married, perhaps her distant relation, a gen- tleman of the same name, Christopher Hawkins, of Tre- winnard, in St. Erth, barrister at law, made sole heir of his landed property by her brother Dr. Hawkins. 8. Jane, married James Stone, of Bundbury, Wilts. 9. Philip, married Elizabeth Ludlow, of London, re- presented Grampound in Parliament, died s. p. 10. Barbara, married Mr. Hambley, of St. Columb. Mr. Henry Hawkins, who married Barbara Scobell, had also a numerous family. 1. Henry, died ia 1723. s 2 260 CREED. 2. John, died in 1722. 3. Ann, married David Moyle, and left a daughter Ann Moyle, niarried to Mr. Carthew. 4. Barbara, married Mr. Edward Hoblyn, of Crone, and left a daughter, Damaris Hoblin, married to jNIr. Kirkham, a Captain in the Cornwall Militia, but not a Cornishman ; ob. s. p. 5. Elizabeth, married John Hawkins, of Helston, and left Mr. John Hawkins, who married Catherine Trewren ; ob. s. p. 6. Gertrude, married Mr. Thomas Kent, and left chil- dren. 7. Grace, married John Tremayne, of Heligan, Esq. who left a son, the Rev. Henry Hawkins Treuiayne, and a daughter married to Charles Rashleigh, Esq. of Dis- porth. The Creed given by Mr. Hals, in his account of this parish, differs materially from both subjoined to my edition of "The Creation of the World, and Noah's Flood," one of which is said to be in old Cornish, and the other in modern. All the three go to prove how utterly vague and uncertain must be a language not fixed by some general reference to works of authority, nor guided by the superior influence of a Capital. This parish contains 2552 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 2442 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 205 12 Population, < in 1801, 217 in 1811 226 ■ in 1821, 279 in 1831, 258 ; giving an increase of 19 per cent in 30 years. Annual value of the Real Propt rty in £. Gram pound, for 1815 Poor Rate in 1831 . „ , . (in 1801, Population, I ^25 854 274 12 in 1811, 601 in 1821, 688 in 1831, 715. being an increase of 36 per cent. Vicar, the Rev. John Trevener, instituted 18l7. CROWAN. 2(U CROWAN. HALS. Has situate upon the north Camburne, west St. Erth, south Sythaney, east Wendron. At the time of the Norman Conquest this parish was taxed either under the jurisdiction of Lanmigell, viz. Michael's Mount, temple, or church, or Caer, id est, a city or castle, now Caer-ton, Castletown ; so called from the British treble entrenchments of turf and stones 3'et extant in this parish. At the time of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, Ecclesia de Crowen, in Decanatu de Penwith, was rated viii/. ; vicar ibidem, xlI. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, \\l. 9s. O^d. -^ the patronage in Sir John Seyntaubyn, the rectory in Seyntaubyn, the incumbent Glyn. The parish was rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1699, 177/. 10s. This church was endowed by the Prior of St. Michael's Mount, its patron. After its dissolution 26 Hen. V [II, it fell to the Crown ; from whence, as I am informed, the patronage was purchased by Thomas Seynt- aubyn, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall 37 Hen. VIII. Clowens, in this parish, id est, White Cloos, those sort of grey marble stones so called, whereof an innu- merable strag of them are visible upon a great part of the lands of this barton above ground, particularly in the Deer Park. Mr. Carew tell us, that Clowens is de- rived from the Greek '-Xw, cioow, to hearken. But glevvas in Cornish is to hear, and golsowins, to hearken. This place for many ages hath been the seat of the genteel and knightly family of the Seyntaubj'ns, now Baronets, whose first ancestor came out of Normandy, a soklitr, with William the Conqueror, IO66, who first settled himself at . . . . , in the county of Devon ; and in pro- cess of time Guy Seyntaubyn (afterwards knighted). Sheriff of Cornwall 22 Richard II. as I take it, first 262 C ROWAN. settled himself in this place, and married Alice, one of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Richard Sergreaulx, Knight, Sheriff of Cornwall 12 Richard II. (who died at Killigarth, or Colquite), by whom he had issue. But after Sir Guy's death, his lady Alice having her lands all in her own dispose, married Richard de Vere, Knight of the Garter, and the 11th Earl of Oxford of that house ; by whom he had issue John the twelfth Earl of Oxford ; and Sir Robert Vere, Knight, that married Margaret, the daughter of Sir Hugh Courtenay, of Haccomb, Knight, heir to her mother Philippa, one of the coheirs of Sir Warren Archdeacon, Knight, by the which Mar- garet he had issue John, who married Alice, daughter of Walter Killrington, Esq. by whom he had issue John fourteenth Earl of Oxford, that died without issue 14th July 1526 [See Killygarth], upon whom she settled most of her lands, and deprived her issue by Seyntaubyu thereof. Thomas Seyntaubyn, Esq. was Sheriff of Cornwall 37 Henry VHI. Thomas Seyntaubyn, Esq. was Sheriff of Cornwall 30 Elizabeth. John Seyntaubyn, Esq. was Sheriff of Cornwall 11 Charles I. John Seyntaubyn, Esq. was Sheriff of Cornwall 13 Charles II. who mar- ried Godolphin, and had issue John Seyntaubyn, Esq. (my very good friend) that married Anne, one of the coheirs of James Jenkyn, of Trekininge, Esq. who by letters patent, bearing date I 1 March 2i Charles II. was created the 797th Baronet of England. He had issue by her, Sir John Seyntaubyn, Bart, that married Dela Hay, and had by her issue another Sir John Seyntaubyn, now in possession of this place. This famous worthy family, as it descended down- wards, married Sergreaulx, Colshill, Whittington, Gren- vill, Mallett, Godolphin, and others. The arms of Seyntaubyn are, Ermine, on a cross Gules five Bezants. And the said family was denominated from Mount Seyntaubyn in Normandy. Finally, as Sergreaulx'a CROWAN. 2f)3 heir, after the death of Sir Guy Seyntaubyn, passed away her lands from her issue by him to her children by her second husband, the Earl of Oxford aforesaid; so Jenkyn'sheir, after the death of Sir John Seyntaubyn, Bart, disinherited her heir by him, and sold most of her lands for the payment of her second husband's debts, Mr. Spencer, of Lancashire; and after his death married , one Mr. Page, for whose benefit she did her son Seynt- aubyn what further damage she was able to perform by sale of more of her lands. So unconstant and irregu- lar are some women's affections. Tregeare or Tregeire, Cornish Saxon, in this parish, id est, the dwelling of honour, or the honourable dwel- ling, gave name and original to a British family, from thence denominated De Tregeare. It is now in the pos- session of my very kind friend llichard Tregeare, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall 3d of Queen Anne, and Receiver of the Land Tax temp. Wiliiam HI. who married Rawle, the relict of , but died without issue, who left his estate to one of his name (though none of his tribe or blood, as I am informed), who gave for his arms, in a field Argent, a fess Gules, between three Cornish daws Proper. TONKIN. For the name of this parish, it is in Cornish Crows-on, the cross ; probably so called from some notable cross erected in the parish. But nevertheless, I learn from others that the name is derived from its female patroness, Sancta Crevvenna, and not from any noted cross. In the Lincoln Taxation it is written Ecclesia Sancte Crewenne: which Cre- wenne, says Leland, came over from Ireland with St. Breage, or Breaca. Mr. Tonkin reports what is stated by Mr. Hals of the family of St. Aubyn, and adds, in the year 1733: This 264 CROWAN. family has been no less than six times Sheriff of Corn- wall. They have served their prince and country, not only in the office of sheriff, but also as members of par- liament and as justices of the peace. The Sergreaulxes were of old a family of noble fame and worth in this County. It appears, from Carew's Survey, that Richard de Sergreaulx held three fees by the tenure of knights' service, tempore Henry IV. at Killigarth, Lerneth, and Lonsallos. Also, he had Kill- coid (now Colguite) in the parish of Holland. Tregeare, in this parish, Tre(g)eor (the g euphoniae gratia to avoid an elision), is the mansion of an old family from thence denominated. Arms: Argent, a fess voided Sable, charged with three Torleauxes between three Cornish choughs Proper. Tregeare, interpreted, signi- fies not only a dwelling in honour, but an honourable dwelling; neither had the Saxon nor Kernawith Britons any other word to express honour or honourable by than the termination ge or gor, as appears not only from that incomparable antiquary Verstegan,* but also from the names of divers places among our ancestors. I have further to add respecting the word geor, and as we have many places so called in the County I shall once for all endeavour to give the true meaning of it. Geare, fruitful, from guer, viridis, green (see Lhuyd's ArchiEologia, vol. i. fol. Oxford, 1707, p. 174,) as this estate is at present, and as all others ot" the same name, I presume, formerly were. The family of Tregeare are said to date from before the Conquest. Manor of Hellegar and Clowance: For Hellegar was formerly the chief place, and signifies the hall or place on the Downs; and there was lately standing there, and I believe yet remains, a hall of large dimensions. I'his * Richard Verstegau, born in London, is suj>posed to have died about lt34. His principal work is, " Restitution of decayed Antiquities concerning the most noble and renowned English Nation, with Cuts," Antwerp, 1605, in 4to. Lon- don, IG28 and 1634. CROWAN. 265 was anciently the seat of a family bearing the same name; whose arms were, Gules, a bend Vaire between six cross-crosslets Or. Sibill, one of the daughters and co-heiresses of this house, married Pierce Kemell, or Kymyell, of Kymyell, in St. Buian, whose arms were, Argent, three dolphins in pale Sable. Elizabeth, one of the daughters and coheiresses of Pearce Kemell, married Geoffrey St. Aubyn, the second son of Guy St. Aubyn, Knight, and brought to him, with several other lands, this manor of Hellegar and Clowance. THE EDITOR. Mr. Hals commits an apparent mistake in assigning the advowson of this parish to Mr. St. Aubyn at the period of Wolsey's Valuation, and then stating that it was acquired by purchase at the general dissolution of religious houses. It is probable that the advowson was acquired when the alien priories, or all such houses as were cells in England subject to monasteries abroad, were given to the King by an Act of Parliament, 9A year of Henry V. A. D. 1415. See the statute in original Norman French, vol. vi.p. 98G, of Dugdale's Monasticon, London, 1830; and in Latin, vol. ix. p. 281, of Rj-mer's Foedera. Sir John St. Aubyn, mentioned by Mr. Hals as in possession of Clowance at the time of his writing, repre- sented the County in Parliament, and acquired popula- rity by opposing the administration of Sir Robert Wal- pole. He married Catherine, daughter, and eventually coheiress of Sir Nicholas Morice, of Werrington, and the Lady Catherine Herbert, and great-granddaughter of Sir William Morice, Secretary ol" State at the Resto- ration. This lady brought a fortune of ten thousand pounds, which, the Editor remembers to have heard from a very aged member of the family, were conveyed in two carts 266 CROWAN. from Werrington to Clowance, all in half crowns, and that he assisted in taling them. But in addition to ten thousand pounds Miss Morice also received at her marriage, or afterwards succeeded to, the manor of Stoke Damarel, on the Eastern bank of the Tamar, near Hamoaze, and purchased not a long time before from the Wises, a respectable family in the South of Devon, for eleven thousand five hundred pounds. On this manor all the dock yards and government buildings have been constructed, and the whole town of Plymouth Dock, now Devonport, has been built, toge- ther with Morris Town, Stoke, &c. so that the annual income has risen to perhaps three or four fold the ori- ginal purchase money. This Sir John St. Aubyn left a son of his own name, and three daughters, who married Basset, Molesworth, and Buller. The son, Sir John St. Aubyn, had also the honour of representing the County in Parliament. He married Miss V^ ingfield, from the North of England; and dying in October 1772, left his estate to an only son, the pre- sent Sir John St. Aubyn. He left also four daughters, who have married Prideaux, Molesworth, Lennard, and AVhite. Mr. Lysons states that the church of Crowan was given by William Earl of Gloucester to the Priory of St. James, in Bristol, which was a Cell to Tewkesbury Abbey. Jf that is so, Mr. Hals must be entirely niis- taken in assigning the advovvson to a St. Aubyn at the time of Wolsey's Valuation. Mr. Lysons also says, that Kerthen, in this parish, be- longed to a family of the name of Cowlins, from whom it passed to the Godoljjhins by a marriage. Leland was entertained at Kerihen in the course of making his Itinerary, by a Mr. Godolphin, who resided there. Leland, however, writes the name Cardine. C ROWAN. 267 In submitting to the press by far the greater part of Mr. Hals' Manuscripts, and also of Mr. Tonkin's Manu- script, in so far as it differs from the former, the Editor has been especially careful to preserve all such anecdotes and narratives of events as may lend to illustrate the manners or the opinions of the times to which they re- late, adding to them many that have come to his know- ledge from other sources. Just a hundred years ago such a series of events took place with reference to the possession of Skewis, a farm in this parish, as would induce any one of the present time to think that he must be living in another land, under a different administration of the laws, and in a totally dissimilar state of societ}'. Skewis had been, for I know not how long, the free- hold patrimony of a succession of yeomen proprietors of the name of Rogers. There were now two brothers, the elder married and lived on the farm, but without a family, the younger brother, Henry Rogers, married and had se- veral children. He carried on for several years in Hel- ston the trade of a pewterer, then of considerable im- portance to Cornwall, although it is now lost. A large portion of the tin was then exported in the shape of pew ter made into plates, dishes, &c. all of which have been superseded by earthenware. At the first introduction of earthenware, provincially called dome, it was a popular cry to destroy the dome, and to bring back the use of tin. He had for some years retired to this parish. I have made many diligent inquiries about Henry Rogers, and they have not gone to represent him as a bad man, but as one little in the habit of restraining his passions, of great bodily strength, and of what is termed a wilful disposition ; and his prejudices were probably supported by an opinion, still prevalent among country people, that freehold lands, which have once descended to an heir cannot be alienated by any possessor without the concurrence of his heir. 268 CROWAN. The elder brother died, when a will was produced giving all the freehold property to his widow, whose maiden name was Millett. Henry Rogers averred, and possibly believed, that the will was spurious, and would be invalid at all events'. Under that impression, and despising legal remedies, he waited for an opportunity when his sister-in-law was from home; he then turned some female servants out of the house, and took forcible possession. The widow of course appealed to the law, with the voice of the whole country, however, against her; and it is universally reported that Sir John St. i\ubyn, the principal gentleman of the parish, would have sup- ported Rogers in a legal proceeding. However that may be, he prepared for violence, and refused to yield up pos- session when judgment was given against him ; so that the Sheriff was at last directed to eject him by force. But Rogers got several persons, ignorant and lawless as himself, to remain with him in the house, which had been barricaded and adapted for defence, and great numbers of people, partly from curiosity, but in part also to countenance his resistance, having assembled on the spot, the civil power was completely resisted, and two men killed by shots from the house; the Under Sheriff himself having narrowly escaped, — as he states in his evidence, rather ludicrously, that the discharge of a gun from the house burnt his wig and singed his face. This happened on the 18th of June, 1734. On the following day the Under Sheriff came back, assisted by some soldiers, who were fired on and one killed. They returned the fire, but without effect. And then, which would appear almost incredible, Rogers was allowed to remain in quiet possession, after these murders, till March of the following year, when he was again blockaded by soldiers ; and the siege, 1 apprehend, continued for several davs, with the loss of two more men, when at last cannon were brought from Pendennis Castle. On the night following their arrival, Rogers CROWAN. 269 contrived to eftect an escape. He travelled on foot, and got as far as Salisbury, with the intention, as he stated, of making his case known to the King. Whatever might have been the opinions of gentlemen, and educated persons, on the abstract merit of his case, it became impossible for them not to join in bringing to condign punishment one who had thus taken away the lives of innocent persons, and set at equal defiance the laws of God and man. Sir John St. Aubyn now took an active part in endea- vouring to secure the fugitive, and being through his raarriafje connected with the Herberts Earls of Pem- broke, who resided in the neighbourhood of Salisbur}', handbills descriptive of Rogers were circulated round that town. 1 have always heard that a postboy, driving homewards a return postchaise, was accosted by a stout man walking with a gun in his hand, requesting to be taken in. The boy drove him to the inn, where he pro- cured a bed; but the circumstances and description had excited strong suspicion, and he was secured in his sleep. The prisoner was of course removed to Cornwall. He was there convicted of murder, together with John Street, who seems to have been his principal partisan, and both made an atonement for their offences with their lives. Through the favour of Lord Hardwicke, I have pro- cured a copy of the evidence, and a portion of the charge given to the Grand Jury, in reference to those prisoners, by his Lordship's grandfather, the justly-cele- brated first Earl of Hardwicke and Lord Chancellor. Launceston, Aug. 1, 175^3. The King against Henry Rogers and John Street. Indictment for murder of William Carpenter, by shooting him in the back with a gun charged 270 CROWAN. with leaden bullets, 19th June 1734, at Crowan, in com. Cornub. Plea, Not Guilty. Sergeant Chappie pro Rege. Stephen Tillie was \Jnder-SheY\(^ 1734. 8 June 1734 received a writ of assistance under the great seal. 31 Maij, 7 Geo. II. writ of assistance, reciting the writ of execution of the decree and writ of injunction, whereby possession was to be delivered to Anne Rogers, com- manding to put Anne Rogers into possession, and to remove and expel the said Henry Rogers, his tenants, and accomplices, from possession of the premises. 18 June he went to the house; the prisoner was in the window, and held a gun at him ; he called to him, and told him that he had the king's writ, and must have possession ; would not meddle with his person. Prisoner said Lord Chancellor made an unjust decree. He said that then he might deliver possession and ap- peal. Swore, damn him, he would not deliver posses- sion. Saw two or three hundred people. Read the pro- clamation. The prisoner fired a gun, burned his wig, and sinsed his face. One of his officers said he was shot through the head. Expostulated again. Then he swore if the King and Lord Chancellor came he would not deliver it. Several guns were tired. He told him he would give him time till tomorrow morning eight o'clock. Sent to Captain Sadler for a few soldiers; the captain sent them; he went with them; he de- manded entrance. Prisoner said, " Damn you, are you come again?" A gun was mounted out of the hole cut in the door within an inch of his body ; discharged ; and it shot Carpenter, who fell with it, and said he was a dead man. Another gun fired, and shot Hatch, his servant. Rogers had a gun in his hand when he first saw him, and afterwards came out with a gun in his hand. Carpenter was a bailiff to the sheriff, and he had com- manded him to go to his assistance. Mrs. Rogers, the plaintifl", was there both times. C ROWAN. 271 George Ellis. 18 June was desired by Mrs. Rogers to go with them. Rogers and bis wife in the window, and had a gun between them. Mr. Tillie demanded pos- session. Prisoner said he would not; swore and cursed, and said he had strength enough to defend his posses- sion against any person ; insisted the estate was his. The Under-sheriff expostulated with him, and told him if he had a right, his best way was to submit to the law. Sheriff read the proclamation. Rogers asked him to drink a dram; he went for it, and in the meantime his wife held the gun ; guns were fired. 19 June went again. Under-sheriff told him he hoped he was in a better mind now, and would deliver him possession. Refused. A gun fired from the house. Soon after, heard it called out that Carpenter was shot in the back, and a soldier shot in the groin. He is a sur- geon, and dressed Carpenter; found him shot from about the fourih rib to his buttock ; many slugs and jagged pieces of lead in it. Between two and three hundred men there the first day, and a great many the second day, but not so many. Sir J. St. Aubin having sent out his steward, heard the under-sheriff ask him who were in the house. He said only his own servants. No gun was fired, or any force used by any of the Under-sheriff's company till Carpenter was shot. Mr.Litkei/, surgeon. Found a gun-shot wound in the small of his back. He saw him on Wednesday the iQth, died on Friday. It was a great quantity of small shot; thinks the wound went through into his belly. Samuel Hatch, servant to Mr. Tillie, the Under-sheriff. 18th was there. The Under-sherifi'read the King's writ to him. He did not see who fired the gun, but saw no man in the house that day but Rogers, whom he knows. Cannot say he saw Rogers fire the first time. Car- penter was shot, and another soldier shot, and two men wounded before any of the soldiers or Sheriff's company fired. He was shot with slugs. 272 CROWAN. Richard Vinsam. Was there the first day, aud the Sheriff read and showed him the writ; told Rogers that if he would try the cause again he should be as ready to put him in as to take him out. He was there again the second day. The Sheriff told hiin he was come again to do his office, and desired him to be easy. Gives the same account, and that the soldiers did not fire till after Carpenter was shot. As to Street. Edzcard Williams. Was at Skewis House the 19th day of June 1734. Saw John Street there in the house, with a sword in his hand. Kept people in the house, and said he would run any body through that offered to go away; said now was the time to do a friend service; as- sisted Rogers by keeping persons in by force; the She- riff was then come to demand possession. Street was in the house when the firing was. Rogers's wife was apprehended by the time the Under- sheriff came to the house. Mr. Black, ensign, was there with the soldiers ; with the others; had orders from the commanding officer to attend the Sheriff. No firing by the soldiers or sheriff's company till Carpenter and a soldier killed. John Ellett was one of the soldiers who went with the Under-sheriff to assist him. Agrees with the rest, that Carpenter was shot from that part of the house where he saw Rogers. There was no firing by the soldiers or the sheriff's assistants till Carpenter was wounded. Henry Jeffries was corporal to the party. Heard the Under-sheriff read the proclamation, and demand en- trance ; when Rogers refused. Carpenter went up and struck at the door; and as he turned about was shot in the back ; he was shot in the leg ; had orders from the Under-sheriff to fire. The Prisoner. Had good counsel, and thought he had a good right to the estate ; was unwilling to deliver it up the first day ; told him he intended to appeal ; said CROWAN. 273 if he did not deliver possession be might bring a writ of rebellion against hitn. Sheriff swore he would have possession. Sheriff went off, and he did not expect to see him again. Next morning heard the soldiers were coming. Sent his wife out ; they seized her. With beat of drum the Sheriff and soldiers came and fired at him ; the soldiers fired about five rounds apiece, Henry Berriman. 18 day of June saw the sheriff go, and heard him demand entrance ; and the prisoner said he should have none. The next day the Sheriff came with soldiers; but he was two coits cast off; the soldiers were on the eastern side of the house ; the soldiers fired three rounds; but he did not see the gun fired out of the house. Carpenter was shot on the eastern side of the house, and he was on the western side of the house ; the Undersheriff desired him to carry him off. Did not see Carpenter receive the shot. Was not on the same side of the house when Carpenter was shot; as far off as the tower of this town fronj this place. [Carpenter was on the eastern side of the house when he was shot]. Thomas Pendarves. Rode through the town just as the soldiers came with the Sheriff; saw Henry Rogers's wife ; was on the south side of the house when the firing was first; but that was on the east side of the house; however, thinks he could distinguish whether it came from the house or the soldiers, because the firing from the house was by single pops now and then, and the soldiers shot many together. To his sight and percep- tion the first firing was by the soldiers. Can't say any more. He was not on the east of the house at all. A great number of people assembled. Henry Johns was in company with Carpenter; said he forgave Mr. Rogers. John Rogers saw Carpenter in his bed, and drank with him. He asked how he came to throw a great stone. He said he did not know ; but he freely forgave T 274 CROWAN. the man that shot him ; for if ibey had not been merci- ful they might have destroyed them all. John Street was at the house at his labour. Writ of execution of the decree read. Mr. John Hazckins was solicitor for Mrs. Rogers; went with the Sheriff; demanded possession; saw a gun fired from the house; did no hurt; saw Carpenter actually shot and fall ; no firing by the soldiers till after that of two other guns. Verdict, both guilty of murder. The King against Henry Rogers and John Street. Indictment for themurder of George Woolston alias Wilson, with a 2;un charged with leaden bullets 19lh June 1734, at Crowan, in com. Cornub. Plea, Not Guilty. Serjeant Chappie, pro Rege. Writ of Execution, Injunction, and Writ of Assistance, put in. Mr. TilUe. Gives the same account that he did be- fore. Second day after Carpenter was shot, Henry Ro- gers came to the window with his gun on the east side, fired, and a shot went through his hat, and a soldier wounded. He ordered the soldiers to fire. Woolston was on the west side, and was shot there. No gun was fired by the soldiers, or any person in the assistance of the sheriff, nor a sword drawn, nor any force, till after Carpenter was shot and Hatch wounded, and Jeffries shot through the leg. Woolston declared that Rogers had shot him, on his asking him. Died in about half an hour after. Soldiers went to the assistance of him; ordered them to use no force till resistance. John Ellet. He was on the east side of the house; he carried off Woolston ; w as shot from the waistband of his breeches to the buckle of his shoes. Gives the same account as to the occasion. There was no firing on the eastern side of ihe house till after Carpenter was killed and Jeffries shot in the leg. CROW AN. 275 Nicholas Daniel was serjeant, and went to Skewis House. After the first firing William Carpenter was killed. The officer ordered him to go with ten men to the west side of the house. As soon as he came into the court, saw the prisoner Rogers come to the window and fire his gun and shot Woolston, of which he died in an hour. Cross-examined. After Carpenter was killed, some of the soldiers had fired oa the east side of the house before he went to the w^estside. Samuel Hatch gives the same account as before of the facts on 18th and 19th June. The first guns which were fired were by persons that were withinside of the house, and not by persons that were withoutside of the house, l^o firing by the soldiers, or any in assistance of the sheriflf, till after one was killed and two wounded. George Ellis. The same as before. Saw Woolston go with the soldiers to the west side of the house. Soon afterwards heard a cry that Woolston was shot. Went and saw him. He was shot from the groin to the ancle. He was then in a manner dying; died of that wound. The first firing from within the house, before the Sherill" had finished the concluding words of the proclamation; three guns fired before the soldiers fired. Richard Vinsam. Saw Rogers looking out at the win- dow. Several guns fired before the Sberift' had quite finished the proclamation. No guns fired by the soldiers till they had fired from the house. Mr. Black. After the firing from the east side, or- dered eight or ten soldiers to go round to the west side, and soon heard Woolston was shot. ISo firing by the soldiers till after from the house. Mr. John Hawkins. IQih, no gun fired from the sol- diers till after Carpenter dropped. Piercy Price. 18th March last at Skewis. Was with the soldiers when they took possession. Rogers looked out of the little door. Asked him how he came to let a -r C 276 CROWAN. man lay unburied who was there? owned " he killed him. As to the old soldier that was killed, I had no ani- mosity against him. It is true I killed him, but it was time, he was too proud; intended to kill the Sheriff and hi s men }} As to Street. Edzcard Williams. Was there when Woolston was killed. Street was on the inside of the house at the western door when Woolston was killed. Had a sword drawn. He asked to tjo out. Street said if he offered to do it he would run him throuo:h; hindered him and ano- ther from going out; said if they would do a friend an}' good or service now was the time; the service was to keep the possession against the Sheriff. The prisoner Rogers thought his appeal had been lodged. Henry Berrijman. The soldiers fired upon the house about three times before they parted to different sides of the house; did not see Carpenter shot, nor does not know when he was shot; was as far off as the length of the whole hall; did not see Street there. Thomas Pendarves. By his perceivance the soldiers fired first. Stood on the south side of the house, two hundred yards off; did not see either Carpenter or Wool- ston shot. John Street has no evidence. Verdict, both Guilty. The King against Henry Rogers. Indictment for the murder of Andrew Willis, alias Tubby,'by shooting him in the breast on the 1 6th of March at Crowan. Plea, Not Guilty. Serjeant Chappie, pro Rege. Edzcard Bennett. Was a constable, and on l6th March called Andrew Willis, alias Tubby, to give in his assist- ance to take the prisoner Rogers at Skewis House on ac- count of murders that he had committed. Tubby was CROWAN. 277 about sixty yards from the bouse, and be saw a gun fired from a window of the bouse; immediately on that Tubby fell down; he ran off; immediately saw Rogers in the window from which the fire came; afterwards saw Rogers come out to the man and walk round him and take Tubby's gun, but before Rogers came out another gun was fired ; saw one or two more at the window af- terwards ; intended to apprehend him and bring him to Launceston. John Williams. Was with Bennett and Tubby at the constable's desire to take Mr. Rogers, but ordered them not to shoot without necessity ; about sixty yards off the house saw Tubby on his knee, almost before he heard the report of the gun; immediately saw Rogers in the window with a gun in his hand; thought Rogers was gone out of his house. Tubby cried, " Lord ! Lord ! " and fell down. Another gun fired, and he crept away through the hedge. Henry Thomas. Saw Rogers on l6th JNIarch, with a gun, walk by the dead bod}' forwards and backwards. Said, " Here lies the black Bill." Henri/ James. Was called to assist William John the constable the Sunday that Tubby lay dead at Skewis ; saw the prisoner with a gun within twelve feet of the body. Prisoner said, " Sir Andrew, thou didst make thy brag last Sunday that thou wouldst lend me a brace of bullets, but I think I have paid thee." Asked them to come in and drink a drau! ; refused. He said, " If he would, he would make them come into the castle." They went away, and we retired. Rogers stood in the lane with a gun in his hand, bid them turn in; said, Sir John St. Aubyn would be angry if they had any thing to do with any body in the house. He said, " Damn them, if they did not he would shoot them." Asked, if they knew who killed the man ? " JNo." Said, " There was a black man lav dead in the moor, if any body would own him they should have him. 1 have the bill ;" pro- 278 CROWAN. duced the gun ; " Damn him, if they don't come and own him, I'll cut off his head and stick it on the chimney." James Fall. Heard the gun go off. Heard somebody say, "Take up the man." He ran out, and Rogers looked out of his window, asked, what he was going for? said, " To see what you have done ; you will be hanged at last." Said, " If you do not go back, I will shoot you too." Said to hitn, " Did not 1 tell you to tell Sir John, that I would take them off as he would fetch them." He said *' fetch them ?" Prisoner. That these people followed him and endea- voured to shoot him. Verdict, guilty. An addition which appears to have been made to a charge delivered by Lord Hardwicke, Chief Justice on Western Circuit in '735. Of the truth of this observation and of the pernicious consequences of lawless force, you of this counir}'^ have lately had a flagrant but an instructive instance. In that you have seen from what small springs a torrent of vio- lence may arise. How- people once engaged in such practices, go on from invading the property, to taking away the lives of their fellow subjects; and from an ob- stinate contemptuous opposition to the regular decisions of the ordinary Courts of Justice, they advance almost to open rebellion. The honourable and indefatigable endeavours of the gentlemen of this county to reform and suppress such daring outrages cannot be sufficiently commended, and must always be remembered highly to their honour. And happy it is that these endeavours, enforced by the sea- sonable and gracious assistance of his majesty, had the desired effect. To consider this affair in its full extent, it ought on the one hand to be looked upon as a strong- proof that the King Avill make use of the extraordinary CROWAN. 279 as well as the ordinary powers of his government, only for protection and security of his people ; and on the other hand, that the gentlemen of England will unite in the support of the laws, and of legal, well established government, against all attemptsof any kind whatsoever to introduce disorder and confusion. So great were the apprehensions entertained of a man who had in this extraordinary manner, and for months set at defiance the whole authority of the country, that, immediately after his absconding, the magistrates of the hundred issued the following proclamation: Cornwall. — To all Magistrates, Headboroughs, and Offi- cers of Towns and Parishes, to whom these presents shall come. Whereas several murders have lately been commit- ted by Henry Rogers, of Skewis, in the parish of Crowan, in the county of Cornwall, and whereas the said Henry Rogers and his gang did last night abscond and with- draw themselves from justice, noiwitiistanding a strict guard of soldiers and others which were placed about the house at Skewis to prevent their escape, and any further mischiefs that might ensue from their wicked in- tentions and intrigues of the said Henry Rogers and his abettors ; And whereas they withdrew from Skewis with their guns and ammunition, whereby it is suspected that they will plunder and ravage the whole county : — We therefore desire you to transmit this to the next town, that it may go through the whole comity, not only that all his Majesty's good and peaceable subjects may be guarded against the said Rogers and his gang, but that they may do their utmost endeavours to apprehend them, and bring them to their trial, that all such horrid practices, which threaten destruction to society and government, may for the future be prevented, the public 280 C ROWAN. peace preserved, and the authors of such infamous dis- orders be brought to condign punishment. We are, with much respect, gentlemen, Your most humble servants, John St. Aubin. John Borlase. Wm. Arundell. March 21st, 1734-5.* There is a reward of 350/. for taking him. He hath on a whitish fustian frock, with bastard pearl buttons, and a blue riding-coat. Although no one ventured to justify the violence, and especial]}' the murders committed by Rogers, yet long within my remembrance a strong feeling of compassion was generally entertained for him. One of his sons lived to a very advanced age at Penzance, where he procured a scanty living as a saddler, merely employed, I believe, from kindness. In October 1812 1 had a long conversation with this old man about his father; and the following are minutes made on the occasion : "On the 30th of October, 1812, 1 called on Mr. Henry Rogers, formerly' a saddler at Penzance, but then resid- ing there in great poverty, being supported by a small allowance from a club, and by half-a-crown a week given him by the corporation, nominally for yielding up the possession of a house, but in truth to prevent his be- coming a common [)auper. " Mr. Henry Rogers was then eighty-four years of age, and remembered the unfortunate transactions at Skewis perfectly w'cll ; he was between seven and eightyears old at the time. He recollected going out with his father into the court after there had been some firing. His father had a gun in his hand, and inquired what they wanted. * According to the New Stvie this date would be 1735. CROWAN. 281 On this his father was fired at, and had a snuff-box and powder-horn broken in his pocket by a ball, whilst he stood on the other side. " He recollected that whilst he himself was in the bed, several balls came in through the window of the room, and after striking against the wall rolled about on the floor. " One brother and a sister, who were in the house, went out to inquire what was wanted of their father, and they were not permitted to return. "On the last night, no one remained in the house but his father, himself, and the servant-maid. In the middle of the night they all went out, and got some distance from the house. In crossing a field, however, they were met by two soldiers, who inquired their business, &c. The maid answered that they were looking for a cow, W'hen they were permitted to proceed. The soldiers had their arms, and his father had his gun. The maid and himself were left at a farm-house in the neighbourhood, and Mr. Rogers proceeded on his way towards London. Mr. Henry Rogers said that he was born in Crowan, and he apprehended so were most of the children; that his father, although bred a pewterer, had for many years occupied land in that parish." All these circumstances, after so long an interval, were related to me by the old man with tears in his eyes. It is curious to compare this account of the escape of one man, a woman, and a child, with the proclamation of the next day. On the 8th of January, 1816, 1 called at Skewis, and saw several holes in the partitions, made by shot of dif- ferent sizes, when Mr. Henry Rogers resisted the law in 1735. I have an extract from a letter written by a Cornish gentleman in May 1735, who states that he had seen Rogers in the prison at Salisbury, when he seemed to re- joice in what he had done. And I have found in an ac- 282 C ROWAN. count-book of my great uncle, Mr. Henry Davies, the following receipt : " 1st July 1735. Received of Mr. Henry Davies, to- wards the taking of Henry Rogers, two pounds two shillings, per Francis Arthur." A print of Rogers was soon after published with the following legend : "Henry Rogers lived at a village called Skewis. He was so ignorant of the reason as well as of the power of the law, that when a decree in Chancery went against him, he resisted all remonstrances, and fortified his house, making loopholes for his muskets, through which he shot two men of the posse comitatus who attended the Under- sheriff. A little after he shot one Hitchens, as he was passing the high road on his private business. He also fired through the window and killed one Toby, and would not suffer his body to be taken away to be buried for some days. At length the neighbouring justices of the peace assisted the constables, and procured an aid of some sol- diers, one of whom he killed, and afterwards made his escape ; but at Salisbury, on his way towards London, he was apprehended and brought down to Cornwall, when at the assizes in August 1735 five bills of indictment were found againt him by the grand jury for the five murders aforesaid ; to save the court time he was tried only on three of them, and found guilty of every one, before Lord Chief Justice Hardwick. As he lay in gaol after his conviction, the Under-sheriff coming in, he attempted to seize his sword, with a resolution to kill him ; swearing he should die easy if he could succeed in that design. He was attended by several clergymen ; but they could make no impression on his brutal stupidity, and he died at the gallows without any remorse." C ROWAN. 283 Extract made at the British Museum July the 8th, 1812, froui the Weekly Miscellany, by Richard Hooker, of the Middle Temple, Esq. for Saturday Aug. the 9th, 173.5, No. cxxxix. Launceston, August 1. This day came on before the Lord Chief Justice Hard- wick, the trials of Henry Rogers and John Street, one of his assistants, for murders committed in opposing the Sheriff of Cornwall in the execution of his office. Rogers was arraigned upon five indictments, and Street upon two. The trials began about seven in the morning and ended about two in the afternoon. Rogers wns tried upon the three first indictments, and being found guilty on all three, the Court thought it unnecessary to proceed upon the other two. Street was found guilty of the two indictments against him. And they both received sen- tence of death before the Court rose. The Counsel for the king were Mr. Serjeant Chappie, Mr. Fortescue, jun. The Counsel for the criminals Mr. Pratt and Mr. Draper, The Solicitor for the Treasury Richard Paxton, Esq. was also there on the part of the Crown, he being sent down purposely to prosecute the aflair. At the assizes at Launceston Henry Rogers and John Street received sentence of death for a murder they com- mitted in opposing the Sheriff of Cornwall in the execu- tion of his office, and were executed on the 6th of Au- gust 173.5. They seemed very penitent, particularly Ro- gers, who did not care for any sustenance but bread and water. He said he was guilty of one of the murders, but knew nothing of the other; but had it been in his power he would have killed as many more, and thought he committed no crime. Street, who was his servant, 284 CROWAN. had little to say, but that what he did was'to'defend his master, and he was willing to die, for by^the course of years he could not live much longer, and he hoped God would receive his poor soul. And lastly, I subjoin an address to the parish of Crowan, by Sir John St. Aubyn, the gentleman whom I have mentioned as one of the opponents of Sir Robert Walpole's administration. "As I am obliged to attend at the assizes, I must ear- nestly recommend the care of the parish in my absence to you, and hope that you will do your endeavours to prevent the very great expense and mischief which must otherwise fall upon us ; although you do not at present seem to perceive the danger that threatens us ; for the outrage and murder which happened in our parish have justly alarmed the government, and induced his ma- jesty to issue out a proclamation, wherein he offers a reward of two hundred pounds for apprehending Henry Rogers, and one hundred pounds for each of the other offenders, together with a pardon to any who shall dis- cover and apprehend them. He likewise commands all civil magistrates, upon pain of his majesty's displeasure, to be diligent in suppressing this riot, and bringing the authors of it to the punishment which their crimes de- serve. In obedience to this, I think myself obliged, in the faithful discharge of my duty for the preservation of the public peace, and the good of our own parish in par- ticular, to admonish you and the principal inhabitants of it, to give me your aid and assistance in this dangerous and troublesome affair. His Majesty, as he declares in the proclamations, being firmly resolved to put an effectual stop to such enormous practices, hath by his warrant from the Secretary of War, sent orders to the commanders of regiments of soldiers at Exeter, to send to the Sheriff so Qiany soldiers as he shall require and think sufficient CROWAN. 285 to suppress ibis notorious violation of the laws of the land, and which certainly will be done by force of arms, if it cannot be stopped by a gentle and careful process. This is a true and exact state of cause; and whoever considers it with due temper, must be filled with the most melancholy apprehensions of the mischief that must hap- pen, if every good subject and christian does not endea- vour to keep off this evil, by endeavouring, as far as his influence can prevail, to make the usual method of bringing crimes to justice effectual. It is for this rea- son I now write this letter to you, which I hope you will read with serious attention more than once, that it may have a good effect upon you. I myself can foresee, and I wish you likewise could, the dreadful inconve- nience and expense of a regiment of soldiers sent down and quartered upon us; particularly this parish, being the unfortunate place of this disorder, must, in a much heavier manner, feel the burthen of it. Consider the charges and the trouble of having every house in the parish filled with soldiers ; consider what must be the consequence of abetting and supporting Rogers, whose house will be fired about his ears, and those lives which may be lost if he continues in his extravagance. Take notice, that I have done my duty as justice of the peace and a parishioner ; and if you all likewise do yours, by encouraging a proper subjection to authority, and aid- ing the civil magistrates in discovering and bringing the offenders to justice, these dismal calamities may be prevented. 1 think more reasonable to advise you of this, because there is too general a mistake and preju- dice, or rather vicious encouragement shown, and that too by many who should and do know better, to the un- happy author of this disturbance. To pity the unfortu- nate is a virtuous character, even to those whose vices have made them so ; but at the same time we ought to detect their crimes, and it is for the public good they 286 C ROWAN. should be punished ; and this consideration ought to prevail over the concern we may feel for a private per- son. Murder is a crime of the basest nature, and what the law in common cases never forgives; but when it is committed on any officer in the execution of his duty, and in supporting the usurpation of another's right, and what the law shall determine such, it is certainly a more complicated guilt. Whosoever abets a murderer, or does what he can to conceal and defend him from jus- tice, is in the eye of God a murderer himself in cold blood. To justify a murderer is the strongest indication of a most base temper; and whosoever does not cry out against the misguided spirit of the people in behalf of Henry Rogers, deserves that character. Whilst the law- suit was depending all people were at liberty to weigh on either side. It does at first sight seem a little hard that one brother should give away an estate from ano- ther; and there must be some strong provocation to make it appear reasonable; but the circumstances of the whole case are not known, and therefore no man is able to form a true judgement of it; not even to pass harsh censures on particular persons ; but when the law has determined right, all people must submit to that de- termination ; otherwise no man is secure in his property, but a number of idle resolute fellows may wrest it from him, and declare that in their opinion he has an unjust title to it. So that if 3'ou give your estate by will unequally among your children, as they may have be- haved more or less dutiful to you, that which has the least may take the other's part from him ; or another relation may possibly hire such another mob, to take away the whole from them. We shall not at such times see property determined bj^judge and jury, but by force of arms; and the richest and most powerful man will be able to swallow up all the estates of his lesser neigh- bours. The law is the only protection of our lives and CROWAN. 287 estates, and if that is once set aside, we must hold them only by the base sanction of a giddy rabble. The law therefore should be strictly maintained by all such who have any possessions. The inferior people indeed, who have nothing to lose, will be at all times for breaking down the fences, that they may have some share of the common plunder. I should mention one instance. Sup- pose any of you had bought this estate of the late Ro- gers, being advised by your lawyer that he had the power to sell it, (which he certainly had, as the law has declared he had a right of giving it away,) you would then think it very hard that the present Rogers, with his wicked crew, should come and take it away bjj^ force, and afterwards keep it as he now does. Suppose the money you paid him for it he gave to his widow ; should you in such a case agree that 'tis his brother's right to have the estate? Let every one make this his own case. I believe you all honest men, and wo'nt suspect any one of you of justifying this affair; but 1 have put these arguments into your mouths to warn other people from this vicious way of thinking, and that you may exert yourselves in keeping this hardship from the parish, from which I could never learn this Rogers deserved so much kindness as to suffer on his account; for he never paid church, priest, or poor, when he was in possession of the estate, and withheld from many their just due. The character of the honest and just man is to relieve the poor, to pity the unfortunate; but to use their utmost endeavours to punish the guilty, and to recommend and enforce an obedience to the laws of the land, which are the only protection of our lives and properties. I am, gentlemen, Your friend and servant, John St. Aubyn. 288 CROWAN. The church of Crowan was given, by William Earl of Gloucester, to the priory of St. James in Bristol (which was a cell to Tewkesbury Abbey), and confirmed by Henry II. It contains a series of monuments to the family of St. Aubyn, which are engraved in thirteen plates in Mr. Polwhele's History of Cornwall. There was formerly a chapel of ease at Binnerton, of which there are no remains. The charity-school in this parish was endowed with the interest of 100/. by the St. Aubyn family, about the year 1830. This parish contains 6742 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 13,175 Poor Rate in 1831 .... 1,588 17 D 1 .• fin 1 Population, — < , 801, 87 inl811, 3021 in 1821, 3973 in 1831, 4332; giving an increase of nearl}'^ 67^ per cent, in 30 years. Parish Feast the nearest Sunday to the 1st of February. Present Vicar, the Rev. William Gryll^ presented by Sir John St. Aubyn in 1828. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. This parish, which is adjacent to that of C/tmborne, is composed of the same kind of rocks. The eastern half reposes on granite, the western on slate. Like Cjjmborne it has long been celebrated for its mines. Although its general aspect is dreary and barren, yet it contains some very fertile spots ; that of Clowance in particular gladdens the eye; the rich and intrinsic beau- ties of its pleasure grounds and extensive plantations being heightened by the contrast of surrounding deso- lation. 289 CUBERT, or ST. CUTHBERT. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Pider, and luith upon the north St. George's Clumnel, or the Irish Sea ; west Peransabulo ; east Crantock. This new name of Cuthbert is Saxon, and compounded of Cuth-bert, id est, knowledge, skill, wisdom, or vniderstanding, clear or bright, and refers to St. Cuth- bert, the tutelar guardian and patron of this church; for in Domesday Roll, 20 Will. I. 1087, this district was taxed under the name of Chynowen, now Chynoweth. In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, into the revenues of Cornish benefices, Ecclesia iSancti Cuthberti in Decanalu de Pider, is valued iiii/. xviis. \'hid. Vicar ibidem, xs. In W^olsey's Inquisition, 1521, and Valor Beneficiorum, is rated 8/. 6s. Sd. The patronage formerly in the prior of Bodman, who endowed it ; now Prideaux. The incumbent Bradford ; the rectory or sheafe in Prideaux ; and the jjarish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax 1696, 99/. 9s. 6d. The history of St. Cuthbert. — He was born in Cumber- land, of British Saxon parents, about the year 600 ; and l;ad his Christian education as a monk in Bangor Monastery, in Ireland ; from whence he removed to the abbey of Lan- disfarne, opposite to Northumberland and North Durham, where, after he had remained some years, he was chosen or made a bishop of that diocese. I remember to have seen in this church, painted against the wall, about thirty years past, the portraiture of a bishop, attired in his epis- copal robes, with mitre or crown on his head, a crosier or shepherd's crook or staff in his hand, and an inscription in ancient character near it, viz. St. Curhbeprun. Which picture, I am told, is since covered over with lime by the churchwardens. u 290 CUBERT. Now, it happened after the death of St. Cuthbert, that the island of Landisfarne was extremely troubled with the piratical thievish Danes, who wasted the same, without re- gard of secular or religious persons and places. Where- upon the Bishop of St. Ethelwin, with his monks, privately escaped into Northumberland, and left their houses and estates a prey to their enemies, anno Dom. 800, carrying with them as their chief treasure the enshrined relics or skeleton of St. Cuthbert, with which, during the lives of twelve titular bishops of Landisfarne, they wandered up and down Northumberland for the space of ninety years, without any fixed place of abode or settlement, till Ald- wyn, titular bishop of that island, obtained leave of King Alfred, ann. Dom. 890, to pitch and settle his episcopal church at Durham, where he and his monks laid the foundation thereof; which, after it was by them finished, was consecrated and dedicated to the honour of Almighty God in the name of St. Cuthbert, where they again erected his shrine or relics; thereby transferring or translating the bishopric of Landisfarne to that place, and no more styling themselves bishops thereof, but of Durham. But this fabrick of Bishop Adelwyn, though a stately church, was pulled down by William Carilepho, the 29th bishop (13 Will. L 1080), who in the place thereof laid the foundation of that cathedral church now extant there ; though he did not live to see it finished ; but Ralph Flam- bard, his successor. Lord Treasurer of England, went on with the work, and brought it to that perfection it now showeth; though some additions indeed were made by Ni- cholas de Farnham, and Thomas Welscomb, prior thereof, 1242. King Alfred, and Guthrun the Dane, his deputy-go- vernor of Northumberland, gave much lands to this church between the rivers Tees and Tyne, which King Alfred con- firmed by his charter. In William the Conqueror's days it was reputed a county palatine or principality, and aid engrave upon its CUBERT. 291 seal an armed chevalier, holding a naked sword in one hand, and in the other the arms of the bishopric, viz. Azure, a plain cross between four lions rampant Or. But the imnuuiitics of this church of Durham were shortened by the statute 27 HenryVIII., and the lordly ab- solute power of this bishopric conferred upon the king. Afterwards, temp. Edw. VI, the lands and whole tide of the bishopric of Durham was by act of parliament con- ferred upon that king, which act was repealed 1 Queen Mary, when the dissolved bishopric and the royalties of it were in a measure revived and restored as it now stands. In this parish is that famous and well-known spring of water called Holy- well (so named the inhabitants say, for that the virtues of this wviler was first discovered on AUhallows- day). The same stands in a dark cavern of the sea-cliff rocks, beneath full sea-mark on spring-tides; from the top of which cavern falls down or distils continually drops of water, from the white, blue, red, and green veins of those rocks. And accordingly, in the place where those drops of water fall, it swells to a lump of considerable bigness, and there petrifies to the hardness of ice, glass, or freestone, of the several colours aforesaid, according to the nature of those veins in the rock from whence it proceeds, and is of a hard brittle nature, apt to break like glass. The virtues of this water are very great. It is incredible what numbers in sunmier season frequent this place and waters from counties far distant. Chynowen, now Chynoweth, id est, New-house, was the voke-lands of a considerable manor, under which jurisdic- tion this parish was taxed, 20 Will. 1. 1087, from which place was denominated an old British family of gendemen, now in possession thereof, surnamed De Chynoweth ; which (were not comparisons odious) I would, for antiquity, rank with or before the tribe of any other family extant in this province ; though I do not luiderstand their estate, or nost in die public service of their country, Wiis ever above u 2 292 CUBERT. the degree of a juryman of the parish of Chynoweth (novr Cuthbert), or that of a hundred constable; for, if tradition may be credited, some of this blood were possessed of those very lands before the Norman Conquest, and then at length, after the manner of the French, writ de Chynoweth. The present possesser, John Chynoweth, Gent, giveth for his arms, Sable, on a fess Or, three eagles' heads erased Gules. Carynas, or Carrynas, id est, dead carrions, in this pa- rish, it seems, was so denominated from the lodging of such dead bodies of bullocks, horses, or sheep, as died of age, poverty, or sickness, and were either on trees, or in carrion pools, laid up here for hunters or their dogs. It is the dwelling of John Davis, Gent, tbat married Lannar, alias Vincent ; his father Hoblyn, of Penhall ; his grand- father. TONKIN. By the register of this parish (which is very ancient) it appears that in the year 1569 there was a great plague here, by which died, from the 20th of August to the lOth of November, seventy people, and it then abating, from the 25th of December to the 23d of February fifteen more; which is the more considerable, for that in the parish at present, in its flourishing condition, there are not above three hundred and fifty souls ; and so healthy is the place in general, that I have been assured by Mr. Bradford, the present Minister, there was not a single burial from the 12th of September, 1699, to die 18th of October, 1700, the vear followino-. The Holy Well, if it may properly be so called, (it be- ing nothing but a little water dropping out of the cliff un- der Kelsey, in a small cove made by the sea, to be come at only when the tide is out,) has been much frequented of late, and several strange cures attributed to it. It is a water that petrifies of itself, as may be seen by the incrus- CUBERT. 293 tations on the rock over wliicli it runs ; and these incrusta- tions make the ascent to it very sHppery and dangerous. The Manor of Hellanclose, that is, the four halls, be- longed to Robert Trencreek, Esq. fell to Degory Pol- whele, Esq. who sold it to Sir Richard Robartes, in whose family it still is, Henry Earl of Radnor being the present lord thereof. The barton has been in lease for four gene- rations to the Hoskins, the wealthiest farmers in those parts. Mr. Joseph Hoskin is the present possessor. The church is seated upon the top of a hill, and so visi- ble at a great distance. One part of the parish is drowned in the sands, and that promontory of land is called Kelsey, famous for feeding the sweetest mutton (though but small) in England. THE EDITOR. This parish contains 2009 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 2552 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . , 185 2 Population, fin 1801, \ 269 in 1811, 289 in 1821, 322 in 1831, 487 giving an increase of 81 per cent, in 80 years. The parish feast is celebrated on the Sunday next after the 4th of October. Present Vicai', the Rev. Thomas Stabback, instituted in 1809 ; he is also patron of the vicarage. cJEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. This parish is contiguous to Crantock, and has precisely the same geological structure. 294 ST. CUBYE, alias TREGONY. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Powdre, and hath upon the north Probus and the Val river; east, St. Tue; west, Ruan Lanj'horne. This new name is taken from the tutelar patron and guardian of this church after it was erected; for in the Domesday Tax, 10h7, this district passed under the names of Trigony, Tregny, and Tregony Medan. At the time of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester into the value of Cornish benefices, 1294, it was rated by the name of Ecclesia de Tregny, cvis. \'n\d. Vicar ibidem xxs. in dec. de Powdre. In Wolsey's In- quisition 1521, 10/. 4s. by the name of St. Cuby and Ja- nuarius. The patronage formerly in the prior of Bodman, who endov.ed it, now Prideaux ; the incumbent Bedford ; and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1696, y 1 /. 1 3s. i)cL The borough of Tregony 7 1 /. 1 Os. The history of St. Cuby. He was the son to Solomon, Duke, King, or Earl of Cornwall, about the year 350 ; and being bred up a zealous Christian of the orthodox faith, and finding the churches of Britain much pestered with the heresy of the Arians, who denied the equality of the persons in the Trinity or Godhead, holding one to be before or superior to the other, Cuby not inclining to receive this new doctrine, especially having read some of the writings of St. Hilary, Bishop of Poictiers in Gaul, in opposition thereto; he made addresses to that worthy father in order to liis better instruction ; by whom he was kindly invited into Gaul, and went there accordingly. He was so charmed with the wisdom, piety, and holy doctrine of St. Llilary, that he became his disciple, and was by him ordained or consecrated priest, and took upon him the office of a preacher; in which capacity he grew so famous for his preachings in that coun- try, he was at length, by St. Hilary, sent missioner of the gospel into North Wales ; and he proved so successful there- ST, CUBYE, OR TREGONY. 295 in, that the greatest part of the people were converted to t!ie Christian faith, and the altars and images of Jupiter, Mars, Apollo, Minerva, and other gods worshipped by the Britons and Romans there, were thrown down and de- faced. CapgTave, who compiled his life, tells us that St. Cuby wrought miracles, gave sight to the blind, cleansed the leprous, caused the dumb to speak, cured the palsy, and those possessed of devils. Moreover, saitli he, Cuby was in Ireland, where he preached the gospel, and built churches there before St. Patrick came into that country. And he further saith of him, that he was very studious of the peace of the church. And Bale tells us he was such a self-denying man that, after his father's death, he refused the dominion of Cornwall, his fortune, and wealth, out of a desire he had to acquire learning, and to preach the gospel. Leland tells us in his Itinerary Manuscripts, that St. Hilary made St. Cuby Bishop of the Isle of Anglesey; that he died about the year of our Lord 400 ; after his death his disciples set up his shrine, that is, his bones, in his church there; and when the Irishmen of Dublin, a thousand years after, in June 1404, invaded the island and found this relic, they carried away the same, and set it up in the church of the Holy Trinity in Dublin. Nevertheless there are still extant in the Isle of Anglesey three nota- ble monuments of him and his master, viz. Point Hilary, Holyhead, and Caer-Cuby, viz. Cuby's City or Castle. That Tregony Borough was invested with the privileges of a manor and court-leet, before the Norman Conquest, Domesday Roll informs us. How long before by pre- scription, no man living can tell. King Henry I. (the Earl- dom of Cornwall being then vested in the Crown) gave it the freedom of sending two burgesses, citizens, or towns- men, to sit in Parliament as its representatives, to be chosen by the majority of the townsmen that were house- keepers; which favour was obtained upon the lunnble peti- tion of Henry de Pomeroy, lord of this manor, temp, of the said Henry I. But this place was not incorporated but by 296 ST. CUBYE, OR TREGONY. the charter of King James I. 1621 ; and consists of a mayor, I'ecorder, and eight capital burgesses, the eldest of which is justice of the peace for life within the borough. It hath also a weekly' market on Saturdays, and fairs yearly upon May 3, July 25, September 1, November 6, and Shrove Tuesday. The castle of Tregony, as tradition saith, was built by the said Pomeroy, on behalf of John Earl of Cornwall, in opposition to King Richard I. his elder brother, then beyond the seas in the Holy War. The chief inhabitants of this town are Mr. Tonkin, Mr. Penlyer, Mr. Peters, Mr. Earle. The arms of which bo- rough are, a pine-apple, or pomegranate, on its stem, with two leaves. This Pomeroy was the descendant of Ralph de Pome- roy, or Pomeraye, that came into England with William the Conqueror, and was such a friend and favourite of his, as Dugdale saith in his Baronage, that he conferred upon liim fifty-eight lordsliips, whereof this Tregony and Wich (now Mary Wike) in Cornwall, were two ; perhaps such lands as fell to the Crown by virtue of their lord or owner's rebellion against the Conqueror in that insurrection at Exeter, in the second year of his reign. This Ralph de Pomeroy had issue Joel, that married one of the natural daughters of King Henry 1. by Corbet's daughter (mother also by him of Reginald Fitz-Harry, Earl of Cornwall) ; the which Joel had issue by her Henry and Josceline. Henry married de Villie's daughter, and by her had issue Sir Henry de Pomeray, lord of this place, and Bury Po- meroy in Devon, who sided with John Earl of Morton and Cornwall against Richard 1. then beyond the seas; arid afterwards gave to the Knight Hospitallers of St. John the Baptist, the church of Maddarne in Penwith. One Sir Roger Pomeray of this tribe cousin and heir to Roger de Vallorta, lord of the castle of Trematon, dead without issue male, did by deed 12 Edward HI. release to Prince Edward, then created Duke of Cornwall, all his right, title, and interest in tlie said castle and manor of ST. CUBYE, OR TREGONY. 297 Trematon; in consideration whereof King Edward III. granted him and his heirs an annuity of 40/. per annum, to be paid out of the Exchequer. The last gentleman of these Tregony Pomerays, temp. Elizabeth, left issue one only daughter, married to Richard Penkivell, of Resuna, Esq. in whom is terminated the name and estate of that family, who gave for their arms. Or, a lion rampant Gules, within a bordure engrailed Sable. Mr. Penkivell, lord of this manor, borough, and leet, temp. Charles I. having wasted his whole patrimony in this and other places, sold this manor of Tregony Pomeroy to Hugh Boscawen, Esq. Sheriff' of Cornwall 10 Charles I. from whom it passed by descent to his son Hugh Bosca- wen, Esq. father of William Boscawen, Esq. who settled it as part of his wife's jointure, on the Lady Anne Eitz- Gerald, daughter of the Right Hon. Charles Earl of Kil- dare, who, over-living her husband, was married to Francis Robartes, Esq. youngest son of the Right Hon. John Earl of Radnor, who is now, in her right, as freehold for life, in full possession thereof. The arms of Penkivell are, in a field Argent, two chevrons and in chief a lion passant Gules. King John by virtue of his manor of Tybester (vide Creed) granted the liberty of fishing, or tiie royalty of the river Val, to one of the Pomeroys, lord of the manor. To remove an action at law depending in tlie court-leet of Tregony, the writ of certiorari, or avedasad curiam, was thus directed, as was also the precept for members of parlia- ment. Seneschallo et Ballivo Henrici Pomeray, Manerii sui de Tregoni Pomeray e, in comitatu Cornubiae, salutem ; ap-ain, ad curiam C. W. Arm. de Tregony in comitatu Cornubi£e salutem. Who this C. W. Esq. set down in the Exchequer should be, query ? I take it to be Charles or Christopher Wolvedon, of Golden : and this to be that ma- nor set down in the Domesday Tax, by the name of Tregny Medan aforesaid. At Crego, that is a burrow, bank, or tumulus, in this parish, liveth Charles Trevanion, Esq. barrister at law, that 298 ST. rUBYE, OR TREGONY. married Curthorp, of London ; his father . . . , his grandfather Arundel, originally descended from the Tre- vanions of Carhayes and Tregathin, who is that great though unfortunate gentleman, who at his own proper cost and charges, and for his own benefit, by virtue of an act of parliament, 19 Charles II. undertook to make the I'iver Val navigable as far as Crowe-hill, in St. Stephen's; and though his first summer's work seemed to favour his desicrn, brino-- ing the salt water by two or three sluices above Tregony Bridge, the place of its old flux and reflux, yet by reason of the great and rapid confluence and washes of the Val river, in the winter season, after the foundation of the walls of those sluices being made upon mud or osier ground, where the sea was driven back as aforesaid, were undermined, fell down, and were comparatively driven away. However the good undertaker was not discouraged at this misfortune, but re-edified the same the summer following ; and so on for many summers after with greater skill, cost, and charges. But alas ! still the lofty current of the river Val, in winter season, was such a malicious and invincible enemy to this noble project, that, as before, it continually undermined the walls of those sluices for about the space of twenty years, so that the very worthy gentlemen aforesaid, in order ho- nestly to defray the charges of this work, hath spent the greatest part of this fine estate, and given over his under- taking as too diflicult and unprofitable an enterprize. At Carreth, in this parish, i. e. rock, grave, or tumulus, dwelleth Hearle, Gent, doctor or practitioner in physic, son of Hearle, Rector of St. Hearne, who by the honest practice of his profession, and small fees, hath advanced himself to considerable wealth and reputation in those parts. He married Nance, and hath issue James Hearle, that married Daye, and Gh'nn ; and Hearle, a stu- dent in physic, that married the daughter and heir of Ed- mund Hals, doctor of physic, by Curthop, of London, a younger brother of the Halses, of Efford, in Devon, by whom he had a considerable estate. ST. CUBYE, OR TREGONY. 299 The Right Honourable Hugh Boscavven, Esq. Privy Councillor to William IH. Lord and Hioh Lord of this town, built a fair house or hospital within the same for poor people, and endowed it with lands of considerable value. TONKIN. • The Manor of Crogith, which perhaps signifies the wooden cross, has always gone with the same owner as Car- hays. The barton is at present the seat, on lease under Mr. Trevanion, of John Croaker, Esq. As you enter into this parish from the Yv'est, you pass over a stone bridge of arches, at the foot of which, and in the meadows around, stood the old town of Tre- gony, part of the ruins of which are sometimes visible afier Creat floods ; and a little to the north of the bridge are still standing a part of the walls belonging to the church dedicated to St. James Minor, which gives the title of rector to the incumbent at St. Cubye, although he is not obliged to take a distinct presentation. The patron, Pri- deaux of Devonshire. THE EDITOR. Much of uninterestinsj legend has been omitted from Hals respecting the patron saint, and some fanciful etymo- logies from him and from Tonkin. Mr. Whitaker has collected every thing that can be known or conjectured respecting the ancient state, not of Tregony, but of a town or city supposed of great commer- cial and ecclesiastical importance, which must have stood nearly on the same spot. Mr. Whitaker describes the ancient castle, and a priory adjacent to it. The whole, including further particulars of the patron saint, is much too long for this parochial his- tory. It may be found in Mr. W^hitaker's work, " The Cathedrals of Cornwall historically surveyed," 2 vols. 4to, 1804, vol. II. sec. ii. 300 ST. CUBYE, OR TREGONY. Bishop Tanner says of Tregony, in his Notitia Monas- tica, the advowson of the Pi'iory of Tregony, as belonging to the Abbey of De Valle, in Normandy, is mentioned fin. div. com. 52 Hen. III. n. 18. Perhaps, instead of the priory, it should have been only the rectory or church of St. James, in Tregony; which, by means of some exchange, was made over by the abbot and convent of De Valle to the prior and convent of Merton, to whom it was appro- priated, and a vicarage endowed by Peter Quiril, Bishop of Exeter. Dugdale, edit. 1830, vol. vi. p. 1045, repeats from Tan- ner, and adds in a note, Tanner says : Vide inter muni- menta Eccl. Cath. Exon. cartam Abbatis et Conventus de Valle, de resignatione hujus Prioratus. See also MS. Cole, British Museum, vol. xl. p. 59. Cubye contains 2,186 statute acres. Annual Return of the Real Property, as £. s. returned to Parliament in 1815 c£2,402 Tre£Tonv 841 3243 Poor Rate in 1831, the parish i;'187 I5s. the town 466 3 653 18 d. Pop Tl Th ulation, — fi he parish,/ 'he town, ( in 1801, 139 937 1076 in 1811, 152 923 1075 in 1821, 140 1035 1175 in 1831, 155 1127 1282 giving an increase on the whole of 19 per cent, in 30 years. Present Vicar, the Rev. Thomas Vaughan, presented by the Marquis of Cleveland in 1825. BOASE. GEOLOGY, BY DR. Cubye extends much further south than the parishes of Cornelly and Creed; but it is composed of similar kinds of rocks, principally abounding in beds of a lamellar mica- ceous rock, all belonging to the micaceous series. 301 CURY, OR CURYE. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Kerryer, and hath upon the east St. Martin's, south Mulhon, west Gunwallo, north Maugan in Meneage. At the time of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, into the value of Cornish Bene- fices, this parish church was not extant or named ; but I find, 24th Henry VI. the same was rated to fifteenths by the name of Curytowne 15s. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, it is called Curyton, of the same signification. It goes in presentation and consolidation with Breock, Ger- mow, and Gunwallow. The patronage in the Crown ; the rectory in .... ; the incumbent Trewinard ; and the pa- rish rated to the 45. per pound Land Tax, 1696, 108/. 125. At the time of Domesday Roll (1087) this district was taxed under the jurisdiction of Buchent, now Bochym, that is to say, the cow, kine, or cattle house or lodge; which place gave name and origin to an old family of gen- tlemen surnamed de Bochym, tempore Henry \lll. who were lords of this manor and barton, till such time as John Bochym, tempore Edward \l. entered into actual rebellion against that prince, under conduct of Humphry Arundel], Esq. Governor of St. Michael's Mount, and others, whose force and power being suppressed by John Lord Russell, lieutenant-general of that prince at Exeter (as is elsewhere shown), and those rebels attainted of high treason, their lands were forfeited to the Crown. Where- upon King Edward VI. gave this barton and manor to Reginald Mohun, sheriff of Cornwall 6 Edward VI. who gave this barton of Bochym to one of his daughters, mar- ried to Bellot, but settled it upon his great-grandson, Wil- liam Mohun, Esq. now in possession thereof. Lastly, by 302 CURY. this rebellion Bochym lost not only his lands, but his life also. The arms of Bochym were, Argent, on a chief Sa- ble three mullets pierced of the Field. If those Bellots came not into England with William the Conqueror, they were of the number of those three thousand French gentlemen that came out of France into this land with Isabel, wife of King Edward II. who all settled themselves in this kingdom, as our chronicles and Verstegan testify. Since they came to Bochym they married with Mohun, Monk, Pendarves; and the present possessor, Renatus Bellot, esq. one of her majesty's com- missioners for the peace, married the inheritrix of Spour of Trebatha, who is dead without issue. The arms of Bel- lot are, in a field Argent, on a chief Gules three cinquefoils of the Field. Since the writing of the above, this estate of Bellot's is all spent by riot and excess, and, as I take it, the name ex- tinct in those parts ; and this barton sold to Robinson. Bonython is in this parish ; from whence was denomi- nated an ancient fomily of gentlemen surnamed de Boni- thon, who for many descents flourished here in good repu- tation till die reign of Queen Anne ; at which time Charles Bonython, Esq. serjeant-at-law, sold this barton to one Carpenter, now in possession thereof. The arms of Boni- thon were. Argent, a chevron between three fleur-de-lis Sable. TONKIN. Charles Bonython, of Bonython, in this parish, was a ser- jeant-at-law, and steward of Westminster, which city he also represented in parliament. He married Mary, the daughter of Livesay, Esq. of Livesay, in Lincoln- shire. His father, John Bonython, married Ann, a daugh- ter of Hugh Trevanion, of Trelegon, Esq. His grand- father, Thomas Bonython, married Frances, the daughter of Sir John Parker, of London. From this place also were descended the Bonythons of Carclew, in Milor. CURY. 303 This Charles Bonython, however, in a fit of madness shot himself in his own house in London, leaving two sons, Richard and John, and a daughter, married to Thomas Pearse, of Helatin. Richard Bonytiion, the eldest son, a very ingenious gentleman, was called to the Bar ; but be- ing tainted likewise with his father's distemper, first sold portions of his estate in parcels, and at last this barton, which had been so long in his fiimily, to Humphry Car- penter, jun.; and then, to complete the tragedy, for he was never easy in his mind after this sale, first of all he set fire to his chambers in Lincoln's-inn, burnt all his papers, bonds, &c. and then stabbed himself witli his sword, but not effectually ; but he then threw himself out of the win- dow, and died on the spot. John Bonython, the second son, was bred in King's col- lege, Cambridge, and is now an eminent physician in Bristol. Roskymer Bonython, of this place, was Sheriff of Corn- wall in the 17th James I. A. D. 1619. Bochym. In 1703 this barton belonged to Renatus Bellot, Esq. who then represented the borough of Michell in parliament. He married the inheritrix of Spoure of Tre- bartha. He died of a fever in 1709, leaving an only son of the same name, who died soon after his father, when the estate was sold for the payment of debts to George Robin- son, Esq. who has made it his seat. In this parish is the manor of Skewys, supposed to be so called from skeu, a shadow. It was formerly the seat of a family of the same name, of which John Skewys was sheriff of the county in the 12th year of Henry VHI. THE EDITOR. Several supposed etymologies have been omitted from Mr. Hals and from Mr. Tonkin, as being evidently un- founded. Bonython appears to be derived fi'om the well- known word for an house, and possibly etlion, furze. 801, Population, — < ^qj 304 DAVIDSTOWE. This parish contains 2,673 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 2529 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 221 9 in 1811, I in 1821, | in 1831, 347 I 505 I 525 giving an increase of 73 per cent, in 30 years. Parish Feast on the nearest Sunday to November the second, or to all Souls Dav. THE GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The most southern portion of Cury forms a part of Goonhilly Downs, which rest on a dark and rather hard serpentine, spangled with small scales of diallage, and hav- ing asbestos, indurated talc, and other magnesian minerals, lining the joints, by which this rock may be easily split. The remainder of the parish is composed of compact and schistose hornblend rocks, of the calcareous series, which are best exposed on the shores of Gunwalloe. DAVIDSTOWE. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Lesnewith, and hath upon the north Lesnewith, west Lanteglos, south Altar Nunn, east Treneglos. Its present name David refers to the tutelar guardian or patron of this church, David, Bishop of Me- nevia in Wales. At the time of the Inquisition of the Bi- shops of Lincoln and Winchester into the value of Cornish benefices, 1294, Ecclesia de Sancto David in Decanatu de Major Trigshire was rated vii/. vs. Vicar ibidem xv5. In Wolsey's Inquisition and Valor Beneficiorum 8/. The patronage in the Crown, the incumbent Pennington ; the DAVIDSTOWE. 305 rectory in possession of , and the parish rated to the four shillings in the pound Land Tax 1696, 1g3^. 10s. The History of St. David, lie was a Welsh Briton by birth, but of what place in Wales I know not, about the year 840 ; bred up in the Christian religion ; afterwards became learned in all the liberal arts and sciences ; was or- dained priest, and by reason of his regular living and sanc- tity of life, was constituted Presul or Bishop of Menevia, and held the Christian faith in great purity, opposite to the doctrines of Arius and Pelagius. Near this church is situate the barton of Davidstowe, formerly the lands of Pearse, Gent, whose daughter and heir carried it, together with herself, in marriage, to John Nicholls, Esq. whose son married Erisey, his grandson a daughter of Sir Joseph Tredinham, Knight, as his father did Pearse. Since which time the heir general of this family of Ni- cholls is married to Glynn, of Glynn, Esq. TONKIN. That this parish was called Davidstow from St. David, the titular saint of the U'elsh, I make no question; for I have never heard that the holy King David was ever en- listed for the patron of a Christian church. I shall say no more of St. David, than that he was uncle to King Arthur, and therefore it is not wonderful that this church should be dedicated to him ; and that after he had attained the age of a hundred and forty-six years he died at his bishopric of Menevia, in Wales, since called from him St. David's, A. D. 642. EDITOR. St. David appears to have been a very extraordinary person, in reference to the period in which he lived. Gi- raldus Cambrensis, in his Itinerarium Cambrije, published with annotations by David Powell, at London, 1585, Svo. and by Sir Richard Hoare, in 2 vols. 4to. 1806, gives X 306 DAVIDSTOWE. many particulars of St. David, his predecessor in the bishopric; and the praises bestowed by Giraldus on a founder of monasteries may be esteemed deserving of cre- dit, as he was a professed and violent enemy to the monas- tic orders. He is even said to have added to the Litany, " A monachorum malitia libera nos, Domine," in an age when their power and influence were esteemed irresistible. St. David is said to have been the son of Xantus, Prince of Caretica, since named Cardiganshire. He was made a priest early in life, and then participating in the opinion universally prevalent, that the Deity would alone be pro- pitiated by men rendering themselves useless to their fel- low-creatures, by assuming almost the feelings and habits of brute beasts, and by adding, so far as they were able, to the misery and wretchedness of the human race, he betook himself to an ascetic life in the Isle of Wight, under the guidance of one Paulinus. But having at length acquired a sufficient stock of reputed sanctity by these efficacious means, he emerged like others from the desert, added to the establishments at Glastonbury, or as some say re- founded the great work of St. Joseph of Arimathea, and tlien created twelve monasteries in Wales. But St. David owes the largest share of his popularity to the active part which lie took in the controversy at that time dividing the Western church ; one party maintaining that it had pleased Almighty God to bestow at once on his creatures, and from their births, the inclination and capa- bility of serving him ; the other, that tliese gifts were re- served for some future period, or dealt out from time to time, and bit by bit. The latter opinion having been voted to be the orthodox faitii, was zealously supported by St. David against the former, known as the Pelagian heresy. He certainly lived to a very advanced age, and was buried in the cathedral at Menevia ; from whence, we have the testimony of St. Kentigern that his soul was visibly carried by angels into heaven. It is more certain that about the year 962 his relics were transported to Glaston- DAVIDSTOVVE. 307 bury, as this transaction is circumstantially related by John of Glastonbury, in his histor\' of that splendid abbey, published by Hearne. St. David affords a remarkable instance, not merely of the fact that events are wrested to suit the taste or the pre- judices of aftertimes, but of their being utterly inverted and transformed. When Eastern fictions became blended with the chivalry of Europe, this anchorite, polemic divine, and apostle of his native country, appeared as a military hero, expelling the Saxons from Wales, at the head of an army in which each individual was distincjuished from their Pagan adver- saries by affixing to his helmet the plant which has since been ever venerated by the Welch. And finally, Mr. Richard Johnson, a canon of Exeter, having adopted the mystical number seven for the Champions of Christendom, and bestowed the undue proportion of tour out of seven on these Islands, m^akes St. David, the champion of Wales, perform all the ordinary achievements of knight errantrj , and adding, as was highly propex', a spirit of gallantry to that of valour, presents him as a lover eloping from Jeru- salem with an Hebrew princess, who on her part had pre- viously, by entreaties to her father, preserved the hero's life. The great tithes of this parish belonged to the priory of Trewardruth, the vicarage to the duchy. This parish contains 5734 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 3393 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 235 5 Population, — < in 1801, 217 in 1811, 262 in 1821, 363 in 1831, 389 giving an increase of nearly 80 per cent, in 30 years. THE GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. This parish extends southward from the church to tlie foot of the granite hills near Roughtor. The northern x2 308 ST. DENIS. part consists of the same rocks as St. Cleather. On the common near the church numerous large blocks and boulders of rock occur, composed of crystalline hornblend, in a basis of compact felspar. It resembles the rock already noticed on the side of the hills descending to Pollaphant, in the parish of Alternun. ST. DENIS. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Powdre, and hath upon the north, St Columb ; east. Roach ; south, St. Stephen's, in Brannell ; west, St. Enedor. As for the name, it is de- rived from the tutelar guardian and patron of this Church, St. Denis or Dionysius the Areopagite, President of Athens, in Greece, whose name Dionisius in Latin, hath a Greek original, viz. from <>iovv(tos Dionusos, Bucchus, Vini In- ventor ; quod excitet mentem. This place I take to be that Landines, or Landineri, taxed in Domesday Roll 20 William I. 1087, that is to say, Denis's church, temple, or chapel; though, indeed, I meet not with the name thereof in any other authentic record till Wolsey's Inquisition into the value of benefices in Corn- wall 1521; at which time it was wholly appropriated, or impropriated, together widi St. Stephen's, to the Rector of Carhayes, and consolidated into it ; and this parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1696, 62/. 4s, The pa- tronage in (Tanner *) Pitt. The incumbent (Tanner *) Sutton. St. Denis was born in the city of Athens in Greece at the time of Tiberius's reign over the empire ; a place re- * Erased, and the other names substituted. ST. DENIS. 300 nowned for wisdom, learning, arts and sciences. He was descended of a rich and honourable family, morally just, courteous, and loving to strangers. From his youth he was bred up and addicted to learning, and became so eminent therein, that he had a chief place amongst the magis- trates and rulers of the academy and city of Athens. He was most elegant in the Attic tongue, as being the dialect of his native countr}^, and consequently a good rhetorician. But that which made him more eminent was his skill in the doctrine of the Stoics, Epicureans, and other philosophers. Mr. Hals continues through several pages the history of St. Denis, but as the facts want altogether the support of historical authority, and do not include the most interest- ing of all, that of his walking from Montmartre, where the sentence of decapitation was executed, to the place since denominated from him, with his head under his arm, I shall omit the whole ; as also an account of blood having fallen in this remote and sequestered churchyard, as the best and most authentic mode of apprising the whole nation that their fleet would be defeated by the Dutch, and that a plague would break out in London ; notwith- standing that some of the stones, having blood upon them, were seen bv the author himself TONKIN. Mr. Tonkin has not a single observation dilFerent from Hals on this parish. THE EDITOR. The church of St. Denis is placed on the top of a hill, without any appearance of habitations, and very little of cultivation; and the flat country round it is destroyed in the most efficacious manner, having been turned over and over a^ain down to the solid rock, in what is termed str'eaming for tin. The only village of any size in the parish is called Hen dra. The late Mr. Thomas Rawlings, of Padstow, had 310 ST. DOMINICK. some property in the parish, but much the greater part be- longs to Lord Falmouth. This parish, united in the same presentation with St. Michael Carhayes and St. Stephen in Branwell, may claim a share in the honour of Robert Dunkin, who was ejected in the interregnum and restored with the monarchy, and who has acquired celebrit}' by entering the field as a con- troversialist with the great John Milton. This parish contains 2T89 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 1524 Poor Rate in 1831 .... 318 1 in 1831, 721 in; 1821 -o 1 . Tin 1801, in 1811, Population,- 1 3jg ^^g ^^^ giving an increase of 126 per cent, in 30 years. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The southern part, situated on granite, amounts to more than half the parish. Near Restowrick the granite is large- grained and crystalline, like that of the range of Roughtor and Brown Willy ; but it is associated with porcelainous granite, similar to that of Breage' and of St. Stephen's (which will be noticed under the latter parish), and also with shorl and shorl rocks, as in Roach where the rocks are better displayed. ST. DOMINICK. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Eastwellshire, and hath upon the north, Calstock ; east, the Tamar river ; south, part of Landulph; west, St. Mellen. For the modern name of this parish and church, it is derived from St. Dominick the monk of Spain, presidual saint and tutelar guardian of this ST. DOMINICK. 311 churcli, who instituted that religious order of men called Ordo Prsedicatorum, or the Order of Preachinij Monks or Friars, (who taught the Gospel without hire or reward, ex- cept what was given them of charity or alms, as the Fran- ciscans did; he flourished anno Dom. 1215. At the time of Domesdav Roll 20 William L 108T, this district was taxed under the name ofHalton. In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester 1294, Ecclesia Sancti Dominici, in Decanatu de Estwellshire, was rated to fii-st fruits or annats iii/. vis. svixd. In Wolsey's Inquisition 1521, it was valued at 23/. lis. The patronage in Clarke, the incumbent Clarke, and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1696, 164/. 8s. History of St. Dominick, abridged from Hals : He was born at Calarvega in Spain, about the year 1167. His father was Don Felix de Gusman, his mother Donna Giovanna Deza, both well descended and faithful servants of God. Dominick early distinguished himself by his great ability, diligence, and proficiency in learning. He first studied at the University of Placentia, and from thence he was removed to Salamanca by Frederick the Second, King of Castille. He here obtained a reputation so far above all the other students as to induce Don Diego, Bishop of Osuna, to select him as the most proper person to become a canon in his church. Dominick was soon after appointed by Don Alonzo, King of Castile, to accompany his ambas- sador to the Court of France. On this journey the saint first encountered some of the Albigenscs, and to the extinc- tion of their heresy he chiefly devoted the remainder of his life, by instituting his celebrated order of Dominican Preaching Friars A. D. 1215, in imitation of the Francis- cans, established about six years before. St. Dominick did not, however, implicitly rely on his own exertions, or on those of his order, suited as it was to the ignorance and abject slavery of those times ; but called loudly to their aid the secular arm, and established the Inquisition, so that after thousands had been converted from their heresy, and tens 312 ST. DOMINICK. of thousands massacred, the conquerors enjoyed in the pos- . session of their plundered property the additional conscious satisfaction of havino; fteed the church from heretics so audacious as to deny that wheaten * flour was entirely changed into the body of Christ. Dominick departed this life in the odour of sanctity on the 6th of August 1221, having completed his fifty-first year. Having performed various miracles, and even raised people from the dead, he was canonised by Gregory IX. in 1234. Befo]-e the close of his short life, a great number of I houses were founded throughout Europe for his disciples, and, faithful to the original object of the new order, he be- queathed to their charge the Tribunal of the Inquisition. The Dominicans and Franciscans for a long time sup- ported the power of Rome, according to the dream of Pope Innocent III. in which he saw the Lateran Church in danger of falling down, and St. Dominick sustaining its weight. But finally, the sale of indulgences, through the medium of this order, excited the resentment or the envy of others, and Friar Martin Luther, assisted by the growing genius of the age, crumbled to pieces a spiritual authority, of which it was fondly believed that destiny had said with more truth than of its temporal predecessor, His ego nee metas reriim nee tempora pono; Imperium sine fine dedi. Hall-ton, in this parish, id est, either a town notable for a hall, or a moor-town ; wherefore, the natural or arti- ficial circumstance of the place must be considered to de- * The bread about to be transmuted by consecration into actual flesh must be made, at least as to the larger part, of flour from wheat, or the conversion will not take place. See the Sumiua totiiis Theologiae, by St. Thomas of Aquine, Part iii. Qucestio Ixxiv. Articulus ill. Conclusio, where the authority of St. Au- gustine is adduced to prove that the meal of any inferior or harder grain would be typical of the severity enacted by the Laws of Mount Sinai, whereas "Hoc Sacramentum pertinet ad suave juguni Christi, et ad veritatem jam manifestatam, et ad populum spiritualem. Unde uon esset materia conveniens hujus sacra- menti panis ordeuceus." — Edit. ST. DOMINICK. 313 termine which. By this name the now parish of St. Do- minick, as aforesaid, was taxed in the Domesday Roll 20 William I. 1087, which place gave name and original to an old family of gentlemen, surnamed De Halton, who flourished here in gentle degree from the Norman Con- quest to the ninth year of Edward the Second, at which time Joan, the only daughter and heir of Richard de Hal- ton, Lord also of the Manor of Hardfast, in this county, was married to Robert Wendyn, of Compton Giffbrd, in Devon, who had issue by Joan de Halton, one only daugh- ter, that became his heir, married to John Whiteleigh, of Efford, in Devon, father of Richard Whiteleigh, Sheriff of Devon 9 Richard 11. grandfather of Richard Whiteleigh, Esq. Sheriff of Devon 6 Plenry VII. whose two daughters and heirs were married to Roger Grenvill, of Stowe, and Richard Hals, of Kenedon, from whom the writer of this book is lineally descended. Of this family was John de Halton, Bishop of Carlisle, who died 1318. The 19th of Elizabeth, Anthony Rous, Esq. then Sheriff of Cornwall, was possessed of this place ; as was also his son Anthony Rous, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall 44th Elizabeth. But Rous, Esq. the last possessor of this barton, dying without issue, as I take it, passed these lands to his widow for payment of debts, who afterwards married Cossens, and then sold it to her brother Henry Clerk, gent, that mar- ried Sescomb, of St. Kevorne, now in possession thereof. Mr. Clerk's fadier came into those parts as steward to the Lady Drummond. Rous's arms are, Or, an eagle displayed Azure, pruning her wingSj langued Gules. TONKIN. Crockaddon in this parish is the mansion house of James Trevisa, Esq. descended from John Trevisa, born in this place, as I am informed, and bred at Oxford. He became a secular priest and chaplain to James Lord Berkeley, by whom he was made vicur of Berkeley in Gloucestershire, 314 ST. DOMINICK. and at his request he translated the Bible into English, al- though the same had been done by John WicklifF fifty years before, but not with that perfection of language that Trevisa did it, although Trevisa's translation fell as far short of Tindall's in Henry the Eighth's days ; by reason the English language was still improving to a higher pitch, for they all agreed in the original sense and meaning of the text. Trevisa also translated Bartholomew de Pro- prietatibus Rerum, the Polychronicon of Ralph Higden, and divers other Treatises. He died a very aged man, about 1410, since which time the descendants of his family have flourished in good fame in those parts. Their arms are, Gules, a garb Or. Pentilly is the mansion of Sir James Tilly, Knt. for- merly steward to Sir John Corington, who married first, a daughter of Sir Henry Vane, and was afterwards knighted by King James the Second. After this, having assumed the arms of Count Tilly, of Germany,'together with his sup- porters, he had them taken from him, and was fined by the kings at arms several hundreds for his presumption. This occurrence gave rise to an unfounded story of his having been degraded from his knighthood, for that he was not a gendeman either of blood, arms, or descent ; but it is clear that a knight need not be a gentleman of blood, witness the number at present that are not so. To his second wife he married the widow of Sir John Corington, his former master ; she was one of the daughters of Sir Richard Chi- verton, of London; but he did not leav-e any remaining issue by either of his wives. This Pentilly is a new name given by himself to this his seat, from its situation on the side of a steep hill, having a pleasant prospect of the river Tamar, and of the country round about. He has adorned it with fine new buildings, composed of several towers with gilded balls, and several walks of lime-trees on the side of the hill. All which together at a distance made a pretty show. Sir James Tilly dying without issue, left his estate and his house to his sister's son, James Til'yWoolley, who, ST. DOMINICK. 315 by the name of James Tilly, Esq. is now, 1734, sheriff of Cornwall. The manor of Halton, the town in the moor. In Domesday Book it is called Haltone ; and it was one of the manors given by William the Conqueror to his bro- ther Kobert Earl of Morton, when he created him Earl of Cornwall. I believe this parish does not derive its name from St. Dominic de Gusman, the first author of that barbarous tri- bunal the Inquisition, the name being anterior to him ; but that it has a female patroness, Sancta Dominicaj for in the Taxatio Beneficiarum, A. D. 1291, it is called Ecclesia Sanctas Dominicae, and valued at 3^. 6s. 8d. THE EDITOR. I believe that St. Dominica must be sought for in the same Canon with St. Veronica and St. Kurie Eleeeson. Mr. Lysons says that Francis Rous, distinguished as a member of both houses during the Protectorate, was born at Halton about the year 1579. He was made provost of Eton College, and died at Acton, in Middlesex, in January 1659. The property now belongs to Mrs. Bluett, daugh- ter and heiress of Mr. John Clerk, in whose family were this manor, and tiie advowson of the living, Mr. Lysons further states that Charles Fitz-Geoffry, rec- tor of this parish, where he died in 1637, published the Life of Sir Francis Drake, written in lofty verse and when he was only Bachelor of Arts, a Collection of LatinVerses, 8cc. Sir James Tillie appears to have been at the least an eccentric man, from the fanciful directions which he gave respecting his funeral. He was succeeded, as has been stated, by his nephew, James Woolley, who took his name; and the only daughter of this gentleman's grandson married the late Mr. John Coryton, of Crockadon, de- scended by a female line from the Corytons of Newton. Mr. Coryton was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1782. His son, 316 DULO. Mr. JohnTillie Cory ton, has built a splendid Gothic mansion on Pentillie, and made it one of the finest seats in Cornwall. Both Mr. Hals and Mr. Tonkin have reference to Crockadon and Pentillie in the parish of St. Dominick, whereas Pentillie is in Pillaton, and Crockadon in St. Mellion. The parish of St. Dominick measures 2,778 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 4149 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 595 4 in 1801, 538 in 1811, in 1821, 690 in 1831, Population,- I ^33 ^3^ ^ ^^^ j ^^^ giving an increase of 35 per cent, in 30 years. Present Rector, the Rev. E, J. Clarke, presented by Ed- ward Bluet, Esq. in 1803. . THE GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The geology of this parish is the same as the southern part of Calstock and the eastern part of Callington. DULO. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of West, and hath upon the north, St. Keyn ; west, Lanreth ; east, Morvale ; south, Plint. For the modern name of this district, it is taken from the church, and is compounded of Du-Lo, Du-Loe, or Loo, id est, God's Lake or River of Water, either referring to the Loo River, on which it is situate. Li the Domesday Roll 20 William I. 1087, this parish was rated under the jurisdiction of Treworgye. At the lime of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Win- chester 1294, into the value of Cornish benefices, Ecclesia de Dulo in decanatu de West Wellshire, was taxed at vii/. vis. \md. Vicar ejusdem xxxs. In Wolsey's Inquisition it was rated as a rectory 22/. The vicarage 8/. O5. ll^d. the DULO. 317 patronage in Seyntaubyn and Arundell alternately- The incumbent Fincher (Smalle). The parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax 3 William III. 1696, 216/. 4s. The rectory of the vicarage is in possession of Knicker (Sandford). One Forbes, or Forbhas, was presented rector of this parish in the latter end of Cromwell's usurpation, and lived here on this fat benefice, without spending or lending an}^ money, many years, always pretending want thereof; at length he died suddenly intestate, about the year 1681, having neither wife nor legitimate child, nor any relation of his in blood in this kingdom ; upon news of whose death ]Mr. Arundell, his patron, opened his trunks, and found about three thousand pounds in gold and silver, and carried ^it thence to his own house. The fame and envy of which fact flew suddenly abroad, so that Mr. Buller, of Morval, had notice thereof, who claimed a part or share in this treasure, upon pretence of a nuncupative will, wherein Forbes some days before his death had made him his executor, and the same was concerted into writing, whereupon he demanded the 3,000/. of Mr. Arundell. But he refusing to deliver the same, Mr. Buller filed a bill in Chancery against him the said Mr. Arundell, praying relief in the premises, and that the said money might be brought or deposited in the said court, which at length was accordingly done ; where, after long discussing this matter between the lawyers and clerks in that court, in fine, as I was informed, the court, tlie plaintiff, and the defendant shared the money amongst them, without the least thanks to, or remembrance of the deceased wretch Forbes for the same ; abundantly verifying that saying in the Sacred Writings, " man layeth up riches, but knows not who shall gather them." Since the writing of the above, the incumbent, Mr. Fincher, has built a pretty fine house on the glebe lands of this vicarage, equal if not superior to any other of that sort in Cornwall of its bigness, except Altar-nun, as de- signing to buy the patronage thereof, being a sinecure, 318 DULO. which I interpret too often to be, without care, thought, regard, or guardianship, over souls, where the rector pre- sents to the vicarage. But maugre all designs and endea- vours of Mr. Fincher to purchase the patronage of this church. Sir John Seynt-aubyn and Mr. Arundell, the pa- trons thereof, sold the same to Balliol College in Oxford 1701. At the consideration of which fact, as common fame saith, Mr. Fincher was so dismayed, that forthwith he grew melancholy, and the grief thereof so depressed his spirits, that he broke his heart, and departed this life 26th November 1703, at night; and so went to Heaven in that great tempest and hurricane that then happened, with many others. The vicar has now all the tithes, paying 40/. yearly to the master or one of the fellows of Balliol College, by act of parliament. Properly he is the I'ector of a church, that hath a parsonage where a vicarage is endowed, to which he presents, as in this parish ; and yet it is supposed, in some places, that person is the patron, or he in whom the right of patronage is ; for before the second Council of Lateran, A.D. 1 131, he had right to the tithes, in regard of his having endowed the church which he had founded. But the Council of Lateran aforesaid, under Pope Innocent II. consisting of two thousand bishops, made it sacrilege and damnation for laymen to take tithes. Tre-wer-gy, id est, the village or farm-town, the same, I suppose, in Domesday Roll, taxed by the name of Tre- worgan, being still the voke lands of an ancient barton and manor, which claims the royalty or liberty of fishing over the river and haven of Loo, by virtue of the grant thereof from the ancient Earls and Dukes of Cornwall in right of their honour, manor, borough, and castle of Liskeard, si- tuate upon the same river, which place was the mansion of the ancient, worshipful, and gentle family of the Ken- dalls for many ages; and in particular here lived Richard de Kendall, Sheriff of Cornwall 8 Richard II. 1385, as his posterity continued to do till John Kendall, Esq. having no issue temp. William III. and his estate being incumbered DULO. 319 with debt, sold this barton and manor to William Williams, of Boderick, merchant, now in possession thereof. The arms of Kendall are. Argent, a chevron between three dol- phins Sable. Ken-dall signifies to see or behold the dale or valley ; otherwise Kendall or Cendall is fine linen ; and Cen-dale may be a corruption of Pendall, id est, the head of the valley. Tremada in this parish signifies the extasy or transport town, alias Tremodart, that is, the dart or javelin affliction (as Cornish- English for hobel is a dart). This barton and manor, as I am informed, was the dwelling of the Col-shills, id est, neck-shields ; so called from their wearing, in time of battle, their shield or coat armour with a ribbon about their neck, originally denominated from Colshill parish, in Arden hundred, in Warwickshire. And in particular here lived John Collshill, sheriff of Cornwall 16 Rich. II. 1393; John Collshill was sheriff of Cornwall 21 Richard II. ; John Colshill was sheriff of Cornwall 17 Henry VI. ; John Colls- hill, Knt. was sheriff of Cornwall 7 Edvt^ard IV., whose issue male dying, his inheritance fell amongst his two daughters, married to Seyntaubyn and Arundell (a younger branch of the Arundells of Trerice), now in possession thereof, that married Kelland : his father Drew ; and giveth the same arms as the Arundells of Trerice. The lords of this manor and barton of Tremadah, I suppose, founded and endowed the vicarage and rectory church of Dulo. Perhaps the Collshills, since their posterity aforesaid, have long been pa- trons thereof. Their manor of Manley Collshill is in St. Veepe. This gentleman is dead, and the family extinct. West-north, or rather north-west, is the voke-lands of a dismembered manor, formerly belonging to the Kendalls of Treworgye, and was by one of them, temp. Edward IV. given with his daughter in marriage with Kellyow ; whose only daughter and heir was married to Bastard, a barrister-at-law, temp. Hen. VIII. which brought this then undivided manor into that family, who seated themselves therem for several generations, till Sir William Bastard, Knt. sold it to John Antis, Gent. Register of the Archdea- 320 DULO. conry of Cornwall, now in possession thereof. Bastard's arms are painted in several glass windows of this house, together with divers matches or quarterings ; whose arms are. Or, a chevron Azure. The arms of Kellyow are, Or, a chevron between two cinquefoils and a mullet Sable. Trenant in this parish, id est, the valley-town, is the seat of Medhop, Gent, whose father married Porter. His grandfather, rector of St. Martin's by Looe ; his great grandfather, rector of the same pai'ish ; which gentlemen, as I am informed, are lineally descended from the Mydhops of Essex, some of whose ancestors gave lands in frank- almoine to the Abbey of Furneaux there, 1290, viz. Roger de Mydhop, son and heir of Henry de Mydhop, who gave for his arms. Ermine, a lion rampant Azure, crowned Or. See GwiLLiM, p. 195. Tre-wenn, in this parish, id est, the white town, or town-white, is the dwelling of William Dandy, Gent, attorney-at-law, that got a considerable estate in that pro- fession. Since the writing of the above this estate is much impaired, and gone out of the direct to the collateral heir, of the name of Dandy ; which name signifies in Cornish, deadly, cruel, mortal, fatal. TONKIN. This parish is a rectory. -The vicarage is valued in the King's Book at 8/. Os. lie?. The rectory is a smecure, and the rector presents to the vicarage. Trenant was sold by Mr. Medhope in the 1st year of Queen Anne to Edward Dennis, of Liskeard, attorney-at- law, who had before a mortgage on it, and it is now the seat of his son, George Dennis, Esq. sheriff of Cornwall in the 1st year of George II. In respect to the name of this parish, I cannot agree with Mr. Hals in supposing it God's Lake. I rather interpret it the Black Lake, alluding to the river Looe, which runs through it, and I guess takes that name from its forming a deep lake or pool between the two towns and it when the tide is in. DULO. 321 THE EDITOR. The etymology of Dulo given by Mr. Tonkin appears to be very probable; but another is quoted by Mr. Bond, in his excellent work, entitled, " Topographical and Histori- cal Sketches of the Boroughs of East and West Looe, in Cornwall," printed by Nichols in 1823, p. 48 : "In Archbishop Usher's work, Britannicarum Ecclesia- rum Antiquitates et Primordia, it appears that the church of St. Theliaus, in Wales, is called, Lhan Deilo Vaur, the Church of Great Theliaus ; and the change of Deilo to Dulo is so easy, says a recent writer, that St. Theliaus seems to have the best title to this parish, as patron and owner of it. In confirmation of this conjecture, says thesame writer, we find in the barton of Treridern in St. Burian a chapel dedicated to St. Dillo, who is indisputably the Theliaus." St. Theliau, or Theliauses, was born at Ecclesis Gwenwau, near Monmouth. He is said to have made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem about the year 500, with St. David and St. Paternus. On his return he became Bishop of LandafF, and he has ever since been considered as the patron of that diocese. Trewargy, properly Tre-war-gie, the house or town on a stream, is now the property of Mr. Eliot, a gentleman resident in London. Trenant has frequently changed its proprietors since the time of Mr. Hals. It passed from Mr. Dennis to his sister's son, Sir Christopher Treise, who was Sheriff of Cornwall at the accession of King George the Third, and knighted on the occasion of presenting an address. The property thus devolved on his nephew Sir John Morshead, of Cartuthei*, who acquired a large fortune by his marriage, succeeded to an ample patrimony, dissipated the whole, and and left the prefix of three letters as an inheritance to his son. It was then purchased by Admiral Sir Edward Buller, and again disposed of after his decease to Mr. Hope, who at this instant, 1833, offers it for sale. Some at least of these Y 322 DUNDAGELL, OR TiNTAGEL. changes have heen ascribed to combinations and arrange- ments which were materially varied in the last year. This parish contains 5,051 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 5094 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 901 5 o , . fin 1801, Population, — -; ^^. in 1811, 821 in 1821, 779 in 1831, 928 giving an increase of about 31 per cent, in 30 years. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. The structure of this parish is not well explored ; where- ever the rocks make their appearance, they are found to belong to the calcareous series. DUNDAGELL, alias DYNDAGELL, alias BOSITHNEY. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Lesnewith, and hath upon the north, the Irish sea ; east, Trevalga ; south, Lantegles; west, St. Teth. For the etymology of the first compound word, it signifies tiie safe, secure, or impregnable fort or fortress; for the second, safe, secure, impregnable, or in- vincible man ; or a man so fortified, magnified, or fenced, by art or nature, that he was not liable to hurt or danger, re- ferring perhaps to the King or Earl of Cornwall, whose fort or castle it was; as also the manor of Dundagell, contiguous therewith, privileged with the jurisdiction of a court leet, and other marks of grandeur over the adjacent country, stiU pertaining to the Duke of Cornwall. In the Domesday Roll, 20 William I. (1087), this place was taxed under the name of Dune-cheine. In the Inquisition DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. 323 of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, Ecclesia Dundagell, alias Bosithney, was valued viii/. the vicar iiii/. vis. viiic?. In Wolsey's Inquisition 1521, it was valued 8/. 1 Is. 2^d. the patronage in the Duke of Cornwall. The incumbent Chilcott. The rectory in possession of The parish of Dundagell )-ated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 169G, which comprehends the boroughs of Trebennen and Bosithney, 200/. 46'., which from thence appears to be only adjectives, and fallen upon the parish, as several other boroughs in Cornwall are. Those boroughs have a weekly market, and a fair on October 8 yearly. Trebennen, in the Exchequer, signifies the woman's town, alias Trevenna, the spring, marsh, or well of water town. The arms of these united towns are. King Arthur's Castle of Dundagell, port open, on the top three turrets or watch towers. They are privileged with a court leet, and a mayor chosen annually by a jury out of the sworn free members, as also with sending two members to sit in the Commons House of Parliament, elected by the freemen of the borough that have lands of inheritance thei'e. And the parliament precept from the sheriff, as also the writ to remove an action from this court to a superior, must be thus directed : — '' Majori et Burgensibus nostris de Trebennen, alias Bosinny," otiierwise " Majori ct Burgensibus Burgi nostri de Trevenna, alias Bosythny, in comitatu Cornubia^, salutem." Dundagell gave name and original to an old family of gentlemen, surnamed De Dundagell, now extinct, of which family was Robert de Dundagell, who, temp. Richard I., held in this county, by the tenure of knight service, five knights' fees. Carew's Survey of Cornwall, p. 44. But that whicii made this place most famous was the castle and palace of Dundagell, wherein in all probability, the Kings, Dukes, or Earls of Cornwall, at some time had their residence, for pleasure and safety, before Ca?sar came into this land ; and for that it was the l)irthplace of Arthur Y 2 324 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. King of Britain, of whom more under. The castle itself stood on the sea cliff, and a high promontory of land or island, shootint? into the North Sea or St. Georoe's Chan- nel, fastened to the main land or insular continent of Bri- tain, by an iron chain and drawbridge, which Mr. Carew saith was extant about 100 years before he wrote his Survey of Cornwall 1602. Hence it was that in the Domesday Tax, 20 William I. 1087, it is called Dunecheine, as afore- said, viz. the fort, fortress, or castle chain or chained. Under which drawbridge the sea formerly did daily make its flux and reflux, through the rocky passage beneath. But now this passage is barred up by the falling down of the contiguous cliffs, and want of repair ; nevertheless, thereby at low water is offered to the foot traveller an indif- ferent way of access to the castle or island aforesaid. Which island is now by lease from the crown in possession of Mr. Travers, who sets it to rent for about 5/. per annum, where twice a year about thirty fat sheep are bred or fed, that thrive to admiration. The back or outer part of this fort or island, contains about three acres of land, which affords good pasture for sheep, goats, and rabbits, whereon is a consecrated well, and chapel heretofore applied to the service of God, by the Prince Gothlouis, his domestic servants and soldiers, though now neglected and falling into continual decay. The most northerly and remote part of this island is called Pen-dew, or Pen-diu, that is to say black head, so named from the black cliffs and rocks thereof; a well known sea- mark, amongst mariners. The cliffs all round this island and decayed castle are from the sea inaccessible, excepting in one place on the east, where is an indifferent landing place for boats ; but the same is artificially barred with a long lofty and strong wall of lime and stone, through which was a gate, called in British, Porth Home, Angiice Iron Gate, leadinfj to the hill. Under this island the sea run- neth through a natural cave or arch of rocks, where boats may pass at full sea without danger, though scarcely with- DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL, 325 out horror and amazement of the passengers ; which tre- mendous place gave occasion to a British bard to describe the same in \erses, mentioned by Camden in his Britannia, viz. Est locus Ahiiui sinuoso littore ponti, Rupe situs media, refluus quem circuit aestus Fulminat hie latfe turrito vertice, castrum, Nomine Tindagium veteres dixere Corini. Thus Enghshed by Mr. Carew, p. 286, Lord Dunstan- ville's edition : There is a place within the winding shore of Severne sea, On midst of rock, about whose foot the tides turnkeeping, play; A towry topped castle here, which blazeth over all, Which Corineus' ancient brood Tiudagell Castle call. However, I think, the meaning of the author is rather thus in English prose : " There is a place in the intricate windings of the Severn sea, situate in the middle of a rock, which the waves or billows of the sea compass or flow about, a towering top of a castle, shining or blazing abroad far and near, which the old or ancient Cornish call Dundagell." Of this place Joseph of Exeter, a priest of that Cathe- dral, that went with King Richard I. into the Holy Land, and described the wars thereof, in his poem called Anti- ochesis, written at Antioch 500 years past ; a person excel- lently skilled in the Greek and Latin tongues (who after his return from the Holy Land, was made Archbishop of Bourdeaux (see Hooker and Isaac), hath these words (thus Englished) of Dundagell. From this blest place immortal Arthur sprung, Whose wondrous deeds shall he forever sung. Sweet music to the ear, sweet honey to the tongue. Look back, turn o'er the great records of fame, Proud Alexander boasts a mighty name. The Roman annals Caesar's actions load. And concjuered monsters rais'd Alcides to a god. But neither shrubs above tall pines appear, Nor Phoebus ever fears a rival star; 326 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. So would our Artliur in contest o'ercome The mightiest heroes bred in Greece and Ronie. The only prince that hears this just applause, Greatest that e'er shall be, and best that ever was. From which words it is evident Joseph had seen Merhn's prophecy of King Arthur. The History of King Arthur and his progenitors is this : After the death of Ambrosius Aurehus, anno Dom. 497, succeeded to the dominion of Britain, some say his brother, others a Britain named Uter, ahas Uter Pen-dragon ; that is to say in Britisli the terrible or dreadful head or chief dragon, so called, as our historians tells us, from a direful, bloody, or red dragon, pourtrayed in his banners of war with a golden head, as is to this day borne in our imperial standards of war, in memory doubtless of the red dragon mentioned in Merlin's Prophecy, by which the British na- tion is figured. For his paternal coat armour, as Upton saith, was, in a field Vert, a plain cross Argent; in the dexter quarter the image of die blessed Virgin Mary, hold- ing the image of her blessed Son in her right hand, Proper. He likewise gave for his cognizance of Britain, d'Or, deux dragons Verd, corones de Goules, contreles, or endorsed. Which prince, about the fourth year of his reign, having had divers notable victories over his enemies the Saxons, killing Pascentrus, the son of Hengist, and Gwellimoore King of Ireland, taken Octa and another son of Hengist, and Cossa, his nephew, prisoners, and routed their forces ; he resolved the Easter after to make a kind of triumphal feast and solemnity for the principal nobility, gentry, and soldiers, of his kingdom ; and ordered likewise that their wives and daughters should also be invited to his court, to congratulate his victories against his Pagan enemies. Now this feast was to be kept at Caer-Segont, id est, the city or castle of conquest or victory, afterwards called, by the Saxons, Cell-Cester, id est, Great Casde, now Winn- Chester, as much as to say, the overcoming, conquering, or winning castle, as before; the very place where the Em- DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. 32/ peror Constantine first put on the purple robes, in order to his dignity. Amongst other princes and confederates that attended this solemnity, Gotli-lois, or Goth-Louis, id est, purple back or spear, Pi-ince, King, or Earl of Cornwall, with Igerna, his lady, graced the same with their presence. And it was observable that in this great assembly, the said lady, for beauty, port, and mein, exceeded all other women then present. With whose unparalleled demeanour and charms, King Uter was so much taken and delighted, or intoxicated rather, that for several days he omitted all other most necessary affairs of his kingdom, in order to enjoy her company. Yea, so violent was his aflection, that he could not restain or curb his passion, but kissed and courted her openly, even in the sight of her lord and others. Where- upon GothlouisJ:was so possessed with jealousy that he took the first opportunity, without leave taken of the king or his nobility, together with his duchess and servants, and posted from Winchester, towards his own country of Devon and Cornwall. He had not been long gone, but the notice thereof was soon brought to the king, who took it in so ill a part, by reason of his inordinate affection to his lady, that forthwith he sent messengers after him, to let him know that he had further occasion to use his counsel about affairs of the nation. But Gothlouis so highly prized his lady, who by this ar- tifice he foresaw would be exposed to the king's attempts, that he sent back positive answer that he would not come. At which return the king grew more enraged, and sent the Prince of Cornwall word, that if he persisted in his obsti- nacy, he would invade his country, and beat his towns and castles about his ears ; but in vain were his menaces, for Gothlouis returned him word that he was, as his predeces- sors time out of mind had been, a free prince, and owed him neither homage nor allegiance. Nevertheless, as his countryman, he acknowledged himself his ally and confe- derate against all foreign opposers, and would keep his 328 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. articles of agreement ; but if Uter were not contented with this answer, but would forcibly invade his country and pro- perty, he would endeavour to keep and preserve the same against him and his adherents. Whereupon King Uter denounced hostility against him, and sent him defiance as an enemy, and forthwith set all things in a posture of war against him. Neither was Gothlouis less solicitous to keep his country and duchess from Uter's possession or indeed vile usurpation. In brief, therefore, as aforesaid. King Uter having raised a great army of soldiers, under pretence of chastising the pride and contempt of Gothlouis, marched with them to- wards his territories, which extended as far as Axminster, where he no sooner arrived than he falls a plundering the country, and burning the houses of the inhabitants, with the terror whereof some fled away, and others submitted to his mercy. Gothlouis being then at his chief palace and castle of Caer-Iske, id est, the Fish Castle or City, situate upon the Fish River, now called Exe, as the City is Exeter, and hearing of this affrightment and revolt of the people on the east part of his. dominions, and fearing the cowardice of his citizens of Caer-Iske, he quitted the same upon Uter's approach with his army, and fled from thence with his lady, and posted themselves in this castle of Dundagell, where he left his duchess, himself retiring to Dameliock Castle, now in St. Veye or St. Vewe, where his army lay entrenched within a treble walled fortification of earth, still extant, and retaining its name, wherein he had laid up sufficient provi- sion and ammunition for his camp and soldiers, &c. And there also he was promised to receive assistance of soldiers from one of the five Kings of Ireland, which were daily expected. King Uter understanding of Gothlouis' departure from Caer-Iske, soon marched after him with his army into Cornwall, and laid siege to the castle of Dameliock, that is to say, the house or place of skirmish, battle, or hazard of war, and no sooner approached the lines, but he sent an DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. 329 herald or trumpet to Gothlouis, demanding the surrender of himself and castle on mercy. Gothlouis, rewarding the trumpet, returned answer, " that he gave King Uter no just cause of war, or for breaking the league or invading his country, and wasting the same in such barbarous man- ner. But especially, he being a free prince, neither could nor would betray his trust, or give up his dominions and subjects to an unjust invader." At which answer King Uter was so enraged, that he gave order for a straight siege of the castle, and forthwith made many violent assaults by storm in sevei-al places thereof; but he was as stoutly re- pulsed and driven back by the besieged. In this manner, with various success, for many days the siege and war con- tinued, which occasioned the many camps, fortifications, and inti'enchments in those parts, called Castle Kitty, Bmy, Castle Kynven, &a Whereupon King Uter being more desirous to obtain the Lady Igerna, than to shed blood, or take tiie fort of Dameliock, thought of nothing more than how to get pos- session of her. In order to which, he was so vain as to in- quire whether the said lady was witliin the said castle, and whether she was in so good state of health as when he saw her at Caersegant. To which questions answer was made, that fame reported nothing to the contrary as to her health, but for her person, that was not in Dameliock Castle, but kept in a mucli more secure place, within tiie impreg- nable fort of Dundagell. Then, inquiring further of a de- serter what manner of place that was, he was told it was a castle munified by art and nature, and of so narrow entrance over the sea and rocks by a drawbridge, that three armed men at once would keep out his whole army, maugre all their skill and strength. At the relation of which circum- stances. King Uter seemed mightily dismayed, so that his countenance changed through anguish and perplexity of mind, which put him into such great anxiety as was Ahab for want of Naboth's vineyard, David for Batlisheba, and Nero for Sabinu Popeia, other men's wives. 330 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. King Uter Pendragon, in this extremity, as not being able to reduce Dameliock Castle by storm, nor, if he could, would that redress his grief, by procuring the sight of Igerna, resolves upon this expedient, to dislodge part of his soldiers and troops from Dameliock, and march with them to Dundafjell, in order to trv the fortune of war in both places. But as soon as he came in sight thereof, the same appeared more formidable, tremendous, and invincible, than what report or fame had spoken of it. For in those days the wit and force of man, could not oblige that castle to a surrender, unless through bribery or treachery of its defendants, for that the same could neither be scaled, bat- tered, or starved. The consideration of which put Pendragon into greater sadness and perplexity of mind, through the charge and fa- tigues of war, the stain of his honour in these unsuccessful attempts, but chiefly for that he could not obtain the fair Igerna; whereupon he grew sickly and took his bed, his physicians despairing of his life. When it happened, as historians tell us, that one Ursan, of Richardock, a place near Dameliock or Dundagall, one of King Uter's cabinet council, advised him to send into Wales, for the old British prophet Merlin, and try whether he could do that by his mao"ic art which neither the art or courau^e of men of war could effect ; whereupon Pendragon sent for the prophet, who when arrived to his camp was made acquainted with the premises, and immediately bid the king to be of good comfort, for that he doubted not but in short time he would introduce him to the company of Igerna, without further bloodshed or hostility. The king gladly heard this discourse, and promised to follow any expedient he should prescribe, in order to ob- tain the lady ; and further assured him of a great reward, in case his project succeeded. Whereupon Merlin ordered the king, together with Ursan, of Richardock, to attend him one night in the twilight, with whom in secret manner he went towards the drawbridge gate of Dundagell Castle, DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. ,'331 where, making a noise, the sentinel or porter demanded in the dark who they were? Merlin being transformed into the shape of Bricot, a servant that waited on Gothlouis, and lay in his chamber, made answer that his master, Uuke Gothlouis, escaped from the siege of Dameliock, was at the gate for entrance. The porter apprehending he heard the very voice of Bricot, and seeing at some distance two per- sons talking together, the one King Uter metamorphosed into the shape of Duke Gothlouis, and another, viz. Ursan, of Richardock, transformed into the shape of Jordan, of Dundagell, he let down the drawbridge, and so gave them opportunity to enter into the insular castle aforesaid, where he had further confirmation of the identity or reality of their persons, by their speech and apparel, as far as the night would permit him. Whereupon he forthwith joyfully conducted King Uter to Igerna's chamber, who, not discovering the fraud, gladly received him as her lord ; when that very night was be- gotten that valiant, noble, and religious Prince Arthur, who for his brave, facinourous, and heroic achievements, made his name glorious in his days, as it is still the paragon of ours. Now on that same night his soldiers were so careful and valiant in the siege of Dameliock Castle, that they stormed it with their scaling ladders, but were as stoutly driven back by the besieged ; whereupon, Duke Gothlouis resolved no longer to be thus cooped up, or confined in walls or trenches, but either to conquer or die, and the next morning sallied forth with a party of soldiers, and assaulted his ene- mies in their quarters by surprize: but alas ! the success was not answerable to his courage and resolution, for King Uter's men were all in readiness to receive his charge and onset, so that in the brunt of the first encounter Gothlouis was killed on the spot, his party slain or routed, and all tiiat were taken in arms put to the sword. The castle of Dame- liock yielded on condition of life, though some say otherwise, the plunder to the king's soldiers. 332 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. Early on the same morning, before King Uter and the duchess were out of their chamber, or had on their wearing apparel, to the great astonishment of the porter, centinel, and the garrison, a messenger arrived at Dunda- gell Castle, giving a full account of the tragical fact. But when he was admitted to the Duchess's bedchamber, and saw, as he verily believed, Duke Gothlouis in her company, he could hardly credit his own report; especially the Duchess Igerna being of the same opinion. But then, alas ! so unavoidable a thing is fortune or fate, the prophet Merlin began to uncharm and dissolve his former spells and incantations, so that King Uter appeared no longer as Gothlouis Duke of Cornwall, but sole monarch of Britain ; his companion, not Jordan of Dundagell, but Ursan of Richardock ; and the third, not Bricot, but Merlin the pro- phet, to the great admiration of all spectators. Whereupon the king took leave of the Duchess, and posted to his army, then in possession of Dameliock Castle, and ordered search to be made for the dead body of the duke; where at length it was found in common soldier's ap- parel, extreme bloody, mangled, and cut. Whereupon he called an embalmer, who forthwith embalmed the body with salt and aromatic spices, to prevent putrefaction till a mili- tary interment could be prepared for him, which a month after was splendidly provided, the King and Duchess being chief mourners ; when, a few days after. King Uter publicly married Igerna the duchess, by whom as aforesaid he had a son named Arthur and a daughter named Amye. Lastly, it is observed by our annalists upon the foregoing history, that after this bloody war, and unjust fact of King Uter's, he never had any tolerable success against his Saxon enemies ; but in many battles was worsted by them, and finally, some of them understanding of a good spring or well of water, whereof he usually drank, they secretly enve- nomed the same, so that afterwards the king, drinking his customary draught thereof, soon after, with intolerable pains, died in the fifteenth year of his reign, and the flower of his DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. S'S.i age, anno Dom. 515, fulfilling that saying in the Sacred Writings, " I'he same measure that ye mete shall be mea- sured to you again, brimful! and running over." So that I shall conclude this history in the words of St. Paul, " O the height of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out !" After the death of King Uter Pendragon, his son and heir Arthur, begotten as aforesaid, succeeded to liis domi- nion of Britain, anno Dom. 515, but as others say 518. He is therefore rightly named by some authors, Arthur NJab Uter Pendragon, viz. Arthur, the son of Uter Pendragon. Which name Arthur is probably derived from the British Arthou, a good or sharp pointed weapon. Of this King Arthur, long before his birth, had Merlin prophecied to King Vortigern : " Aper etenim Cornubiae succursum praestabit [si non potius erit] et colla eorum sub pedibus suis conculcabit, insuliE oceani potestati ipsius subdentur ; et Galicanos saltus possidebit: tremebit Romulea Domus sevitiam ip- sius ; et exitus ejus dubius erit; in ore populorum coelebra- bitur, et actus ejus cibus erit narrantibus. Sex posteri ejus tenebunt sceptrum," &c. Which in Eno;lish amounts to this : " That the boar of Cornwall shall bring aid and assist- ance, and shall tread the necks of our enemies under his feet, the islands of the ocean shall be subject to his power, and the Gaulish forests he shall possess, the house of Ro- mulus shall tremble at his wrath. As for his death or end, it shall be doubtful or uncertain. His name shall be cele- brated by the people, and his famous acts shall be food to those that do relate them. Six of his lineage shall sway the sceptre," &c. Kinjr Arthur no sooner succeeded to his father's domi- nions but he applied himself with great piety and religion to administer law and justice to his people, the best expe- dients to establish a tottering sceptre. In the next place 334 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. he look care to tbrtify and strengthen himself with soldiers and arms against his Saxon enemies, a mighty and warlike people, then possessed of the greatest part of this kingdom by the late misfortunes of his father and other princes, in battle with them, so that only Wiltshire, Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, and Wales, made up his dominion. Against these King Arthur drew into the field a mighty army of soldiers, and after eleven pitched battles against them, over- threw their whole armies, and obtained the total dominion of this kingdom, and confined the Saxons, on condition of tribute and submission, only to the kingdom of Kent. And recorded it is by annalists, that in one of those battles which King Arthur had with them, he girded himself with an ap- proved sword, called Callib-burne, with which in one day he slew with his own hands 800 Saxons. It seems, this weapon was like Goliah's sword wrapped in the ephod, there was no sword like it. And thus, according to Mer- lin's prophecy, did the boar of Cornwall bring help and assistance, and tread Britain's enemies under his feet. But no sooner was this land settled in peace at home, but plots and designs from abroad were laid to disturb the tran- quillity thereof. For at that time the Romans, having made a peace with their enemies the Vandals, sent mes- sengers to King Arthur, demanding 3,000/. per annum tribute, a prodigious sum in those days, many years in arrear, according to the agreement Julius Caesar made with Kinir Cassibellan, and was still due to the senate. At which demand King Arthur v/as so distasted, that he sent away the messengers in scorn, and prohibited any Romans ever after to come into this land upon that account. Especially for that the Romans for many years had voluntarily quitted or forsaken the government thereof, so that the Britains had neither their protection nor aid against their Saxon or other enemies. When these messengers returned to Rome, this contempt of King Arthur was resented by the Senate, who thereupon unanimously voted a war against him. And accordingly a great army was raised in order to conquer DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. .'J35 and reduce this land, which arrived here under conchict of Lucius, their prince or emperor, as historians tell us, to- gether with ten kings, his confederates and auxiliaries. Against these king Arthur advanced with a mighty host, and gave them battle, where, after a sharp and bloody con- flict, the Roman Emperor Lucius was slain, his body after- wards sent to Rome, the whole Roman army routed, and the greatest part of them put to the sword, and those whose lives he spared he made his feodors and vassals. But, alas ! notwithstanding King Arthur's good fortune in this island against the Romans, he was not contented therewith, but he resolved to be further revenged upon them for his wrongs, bloodshed, and indignity, and for pre- vention of any such invasion for the future, to make a de- scent with his army upon the Roman territories in Gaul, especially for that from thence the Romans were assisted with great numbers of soldiers, under Lucius, to invade his kingdom of Britain. Whereupon King Arthur, with a considerable fleet of ships, and a great army of soldiers, landed in Normandy, then called Neustria, and summoned the people either to come and submit to his sceptre, or give him battle. But they, confiding in the strength of the Ro- man legions in that country, slighted his offer, and gave him battle, in which contest they were totally overthrown, routed, or slain. So that, soon after the province of Nor- mandy submitted to his mercy, cast down armour, and payed tribute. Whereupon he gave to Gains his taster, the earldom of Andegavia, now Angieurs ; and to Bedeverus, his cupbearer, the dukedom of Normandy, for dieir good services. In memory of which donations, it grew to a cus- tom amongst the kings of France, for many ages after, to make their tasters and cupbearers Earls of Andegavia and Normandy. After this victory King Arthur dislodged his forces, and advanced further into the Roman Gaulish provinces, and subdued by conquest to his sceptre Flanders, Burgundy^ Aquitain, and Andegavia, and as some tell us afterwards 336 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. Poland, and obliged those people to pay him an annual tribute according ; as Merlin had predicted of him, that the Gaulish forests he should possess, and that the house of Ro- mulus should tremble at his wrath. After those victories he returned safe into Britain, and then also by his fleet and army reduced to his dominion, Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, Gothland, Norway, Dacia, and made them all tributary, which also was foretold by Merlin in those words, " the islands of the ocean shall be subject to his power." When, after he had established peace in all those lands, and returned into Britain, he instituted an honourable order of knighthood, called the Knights of the Round Table, the most antient order of knighthood in the world, chiefly to pi'omote self-denial, and prevent differences amongst his nobility and gentiy or soldiers, who had well deserved of him and his country, for their good services at home and abroad, that so no occasion of dispute might arise about pre- cedence, in merit, antiquity, valour, wealth, honour, or no- bility, amongst them, for that all the knights of this his order were alike equal in those respects in his esteem, and might sit down indifferently at the table, go in and out of the house or church, field, or market, before each other as they came without exception ; being an allowed rule amongst them, that the highest seat at the court, senate, church, or table, did no more argue the worth, value, religion, valour, or prudent conduct of a man, than the precedence of a mi- litary officer did prove him more valiant than his soldiers. The place of meetings of those knights was at Winchester aforesaid, where they assembled yearly at Pentecost or Whitsuntide. He gave the same religious Christian coat armour as was given by his father, which I have blazoned before ; and in testimony of his thirteen victories over so many crowned heads, he bore also in a field Azure, thirteen imperial crowns Or, as Upton tells us. Lastly, after this prince had thus vanquished his enemies abroad and at home, had restored the Christian Religion, DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. ,S37 eclipsed by the Saxons, ordained this useful order of knight- hood, and done all the good oilices a just, pious, and reli- gious king could do to his subjects, lie was at last, as many others, ungratefully dealt with by his own people, who at the instigation of his discontented cousin Mordred on the Roman Pictish title, confederated with the Saxons as against a bastard, and rose a great army in Cornwall in op- position to liis power; against whom King Arthur marched with his army, and gave them battle at a place near Camel- ford. Where, thouii-h he obtained the victory, and Mor- dred was slain, yet in that battle King Arthur received his mortal wounds, so that, soon after, in order to a cure, he retired to the vale of Avallan, id est, the apple valley, near Glastonbury, Somerset, where he lies buried. King Arthur's usual place of residence, where he kept his court (as Hennius the Briton tells us, who flourished anno Dom.600), was at East or West Camellot, near Cad- bury, in Wiltshire- There was extant in the Welsh tongue in bard's verses 1170, temp. Hen. II. a song which said that the body of King Arthur was buried at the Isle of Avallan, near Glas- tonbury, between two pyi-amids. Whereupon King Henry ordered search to be made after his corpse, as that most classical and authentic author Giraldus Cambrensis, who was an eye witness thereof saith, who relates, that after the pioneers had sunk about seven foot deep, they lighted upon a stone in form of a cross, to the back part thereof was fas- tened a rude leaden cross, something broad, with those let- ters inscribed : " Hie jacet sepultus inclitus Ilex Arturius in Insula Avalonia." Two feet beneath this cross they then also found two coffins made of hollow oak, wherein were the bones and skeletons of Kinij Artluir and of Genevour his wife, the hair of the said ladv beinjx then whole and of fresh colour, as Fabian saith, but as soon as touched it fell to powder. This history, for substance is gathered out of Galtridus and other chronologers, John Ti-evisa's book of the Acts ol z 338 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. King Arthur, temp. Henry IV. John Lidgate, a monk of St. Edmondsbury, who wrote a tract of King Arthur's Round Table, anno Dom. 1470, WiUiam Caxton, the au- thor of that Chronicle called Fructus Temporum, who also wrote the history of King Arthur, 1484, Nicholas Upton, Canon of the Cathedral Church of Wells 1440, and others. King Arthur's three admirals at sea, as appears from the book of Thriades in British, were Gerint ab Erbyn, a no- bleman of Cornwall, for then Cornwall and Devon were one county or province, slain at Lhongporth, now London, by the Saxons, anno Dom. 540 ; March ab Meircyon, and Gvvenwynwyn ab Nau. There is yet extant in the British tongue an elegy upon the death of this Gerint, which amongst others contains those words. Ray Rhytharmaur mab Erbin. Yn Longborth yllas Gerint, Gur deur o godir Dyfneint, VVyntwys yn Lladhgyt as ledeint Yn Llongborth lias y Arthur, Gujr deur Kynimuvint o diir Amheravdyr liywyadyr llauur. InLongporth was slain Gerint, A man beloved of Devon, Overcome in figlit or vanquished In Longporth where he was slain for Arthur, A man beloved, that commanded over the water. Admiral or General of a fleet great. King Arthur also, by reason of the great schism in the Church between the Arian and Catholic Clergy, instituted the order of Knights of the Holy Trinity, and built the Chapel of Trinity at Restormell. Pierce Gaveston being made Earl of Cornwall by King Edward H. and afterwards banished for his wicked prac- tices, and put to death by licence of that king, took out of the jewel house a table of gold, and tressells of the same, that once belonged to King Arthur, and delivered them to Amery of Friscoband, a merchant, to be carried into Gas- coigne, where they were sold at a great price to his own private advantage, as our chronologers tell us. DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. .*539 But in memory of King Arthur, Roger Mortimer soon after, at such time as he and Queen Eleanor his concubine, wife of Edward the Second, governed this kingdom, in imita- tion of him, kept a round table, to which many noble knights belonged and frequented, to his infinite cost and expense, which by him were called the Knights of the Round Table. (Hey wood's Chronicles, p. 193.) The Isle of Man being conquered by William Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, temp. Edward III. he caused him to be styled King of Man, and gave him leave to institute at Windsor, in a chamber two hundred feet round, in imita- tion of King Ardiur, a society of Knights of the Round Table. (Daniell's Chronicle, p. 196.) TONKIN. I shall offer a conjecture touching the name of this place, which I will not say is right but only probable. Tin is the same as Din, Dinas ; and Dixeth, deceit ; so that Tindixeth turned for the easier pronunciation to Tintagel, Dindagel, or Daundagel, signifies the Castle of Deceit, which name might be aptly given to it from the famous de- ceit practised here by Uter Pendragon, by the help of Merlin's enchantment. The manor of Tintagel was very antiently demesne land of the crown, and famous for its castle, and Browne Willis says, the castle, manor, and borough of Tintagel, were settled by Edward the Third on his son Prince Edward, whom he created Duke of Cornwall, and continued it to his heirs, the succeeding Dukes of Cornwall, before which this king's brother, John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, held it. This castle boasts much greater antiquity, and is said to have been the seat of the Dukes of Cornwall, and pretends to have been the birthplace of the famous King Arthur, which happened above five hundred years before the Nor- man Conquest, that prince having been born in the year 500, fifteen years after which he is said to have succeeded z 2 .'}40 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. his father in the kingdom, and to have lost his hfe in the thirty-sixth year of his reign in a place near Camelford. The borough of Bossiney, known in this county by the name of Tintagel, is a very small village, and contains scarcely twenty houses, and those not better than cottages. This place, with Trevenna, another little hamlet equally mean, lie in the pai'ish of Tintagel, from which church they are at no great distance, and with it make up the one borough. It was privileged by Richard Earl of Cornwall and King of the Romans, who granted " Quod Burgus noster de Tyntaivil sit liber Burgus." It is governed by a mayor. The first return of Members to serve in Parliament is in the reign of Edward the Sixth, In an indenture during the reign of Queen Mary it is styled Trevenna alias Bossiney, in others Trevenna simply, in others Bossiney alone. The borough is held from tlie duchy at a fee-farm rent of 11/. 16s. 9i(I. THE EDITOR. Mr. Lysons says, " this castle, which is of great anti- quity, is reported to have been the birthplace of King Ar- thur, with respect to whom it was the opinion of Lord Chancellor Bacon, " that there was truth enough in his story to make him flxmous, besides that which was fabulous." His history nevertheless has been so blended with the mar- vellous by the monkish historians, that some authors have been disposed to doubt of his existence ; and the circum- stances connected with his supposed birdi at Tintagel, are clearly not among those parts of his story most entitled to credit. We find no mention of this castle in authentic his- tory till the year 1245, when Richard Earl of Cornwall was accused of having offered an asylum at liis castle of Tin- tagel, to his nephew David Prince of Wales, in rebellion against his uncle Henry the Third. Thomas de la Hyde was governor or constable of the castle in 1307, The- DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. 341 mas le Arcedekne in 1313, and William de Botreaux in 1325. It appears by a survey taken about that time, that the castle was in a very ruinous state. The great hall was taken down by John of Ellham. John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon, was made constable in 1388." Mr. Carew states, p. 286 Lord Dunstanville's Edition, "that being turned from a palace to a prison, this castle restrained one John Northampton's liberty, who for abusing the same in his unruly mayoralty of London, was condemned hither as a perpetual penitentiary," and Thomas Earl of Warwick Was also a prisoner there in 1397. Lord Treasurer Burleigh abolished the office of constable or governor of this castle. Norden has a print, accompanied by a description of the castle, as it remained in his time, about 1584, when consi- derable portions of the fortress appear to have remained both on the island and on the main land. The living belonged to the Great Benedictine Monasterv at Fontevrault in Anjou, distinguished by the peculiarity of being presided over by an abbess, although the establish- ment consisted of monks as well as nuns. Having been seized into the king's hands with other benefices belonginff to alien houses, this parish was given by Edward the Fourth to the collegiate church of Windsor, where the great tithes and the patronage of the living still remain. It is stated by Doctor Borlase, that besides the chapel within the fortress, dedicated to St. Ulette or Uliane, two others existed in the parish, one dedicated to St. Tiron and the other to St. Dennis. I have retained the fabulous history of the Great Arthur, with feelings similar to those wiiich induced the Greeks to dwell on the twelve labours of their Hercules, or the Scan- dinavians to recount the exploits of Odin. In a manner similar to what took place with respect to them, there exist reasons for conjecturing, at least that a mythological personage of remote antiquity became blended with a 342 DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. British warrior who opposed the Saxons, and that the con- stellation Arcturus is in this way connected with the Cornish chief. The tales translated from the Celtic by Jeffery of Mon- mouth, Bishop of St. Asaph in 1152, are followed by the author from whom Mr. Hals collected his materials ; they are also copied into the romance of Prince Arthur, where in Caxton's edition is a print of the king sitting in the middle of his round table, with the knights companions sur- rounding its circle. And this print has evidently given ori- gin to the lines of our most facetious poet, proving from the round table that knijiht errants were accustomed to eat like other persons. See part i. canto 1, line 337. Mr. Hals says this is the place called Donecheniv in Domesday Survey. Dunechine, would mean the fortress or a chasm, corresponding precisely with the situation. Joseph of Exeter, from whom Mr. Hals lias translnted some lines on this place, is mentioned with great commen- dation in Warton's History of English Poetry : " But a miracle of this age in classical composition was Joseph of Exeter, commonly called Josephus Iscanus. He wrote two epic poems in Latin heroic verse. The first is on the Tro- jan War; it is in six books, and dedicated to Baldwin Archbishop of Canterbury. The second is entitled An- tiocheis, The War of Antioch, or the Crusade. The former is preserved ; but a fragment only remains of the latter, found in the library of Abingdon Abbey. In the retreat of Gothlouis before Uter Pendragon, Mr. Hals mentions Exeter under the name of Caer Iske, but without much commendation of the martial spirit pos- sessed by its inhabitants. If either Iske is the proper name of this river, or the general term for a river has been changed into Ex, the Celtic name will exactly accord with the present Ex-cester, as the word is still pronounced in Devonshire, the camp or fortress on the Ex. TiiUagel parish contains 4001 statute acres. DUNDAGELL, OR TINTAGEL. 343 Annual value of the Real Property, as c£'. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 3674 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 499 10 in 1801, Population,— | ^^^ in 1811, 730 in 1821 877 in 1831, 1006 giving an increase of 55 per cent, in 30 years. Present Vicar, the Rev. Charles Dayman, presented by the Dean and Canons of Windsor in 1810. GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. This parisii offers many objects of considerable interest to the geologist. It is entirely situated on rocks belonging to the calcareous series. In the southern part, its rocks consist of clay slates possessing various degrees of fissibility, from the most perfect roofing-slate of Delabole, to a slate that can only be separated into thick flags. Amongst these strata occurs an interesting rock, which appears to be com- posed of hornblende and compact felspar, and in some parts of hornblende and calcareous spar only. The latter variety is well known in the neighbourhood under the name of green freestone, and may be seen in the walls of the oldest churches. It is in situ in a croft near the pretty little waterfall of Nathan's or Kneiohton's Kieve. In the nordiern part of the pai-ish, near King Arthur's Castle, and in Bossiney Cove, the slate is very ialcose, and is occasionally coated at its joints with calcareous spar. At the former place also occurs a large mass of compact felspar, but which is so much decomposed that its precise nature has not been ascertained. In the sea-cliffs are several slate-quarries, the quality of which, however, is inferior to the Delabole, and is known in the market by the name o^ cliff slate. In this slate are impressions appa- rently derived from shells, which have been referred to the genus producta. This is the only instance of a fossiliferous slate hitherto detected in Cornwall, though it is probable that others may exist, particularly between St. German's and the Rame Head. 344 ST. EARTH. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Penwith, and hath upon the north, Philack ; east, Gwyniar ; west, Breage, Geenlow, and St. Hillary. For the modern name, it signifies holy or con- secrated ground or earth, referring to the church and ceme- tery thereof In Domesday Roll this district was taxed under the jurisdiction of Trewinard, of which more under. At the time of the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, into the value of Cornish Bene- fices, this church was neither extant or endowed, since it is not named in that inquisition, in Decanatus de Penwid» But in Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, it is called San Etghi, or Yrghe ; id est, the holy charge, cure, or command, viz. of souls, and was then valued 14/. Is. The patronage in the Dean and Chapter of Exeter; the incumbent Ralph. The rectory in Painter, by lease luider the Dean and Chapter ; and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound I^and Tax, 1696, 125/. 19s. 2d. I'rewinard, taxed in Domesday Roll, by the name of Trewinerder, id est, the high, haugluy, heloved town, alias Trewinar, id est, the town of the beloved lake or river of water, on which those lands are situate, viz, the Hayle River, gave name and origin to an old family of gentlemen sur- iiamed De Trewinard, who flourished here for many genera- tions in genteel degree down to the latter end of the reign of King Henry VHI. at which time John Trewinard, Esq. was Member of Parliament for the borough of St. Ives, and so became privileged against his creditors, being a man much encumbered with debts, who during the intervals of parlia- ment kept house here and stood upon his guard, at which time one of his creditors obtained judgment and outlawry against him, after three terms in the county court, broke his ST. EARTH. 345 house, took his person, and carried him j^risoner to the sheriff's ward, where he remained till the next session of parliament, against which time he brought his writ of habeas corpus, and was brought up to Westminster in expectation of great damages against his creditor that put him in du- rance. Upon this restraint of Mr. Trewinard's person, the house resolved not to sit, looking upon it as a breach of privilege, but entered before their rising into a grand com- mittee for hearing this case pro and con, betwixt Trewinard and his creditor, when it appeared as aforesaid Trewinard was outlawed and so out of the king's pi'otection, and till that outlawry was reversed he could not lawfully sit as a member ; by which expedient Trewinard was forced to com- pound with his creditor and sue forth the king's pardon, and then appeared in parliament in statu quo prius. This John Trewinard had, as J take it, issue Martin Trewinard, steward of the stannaries, who had issue Deiphobus Tre- winard, that in his rage or anger killed an innocent man and buried him secretly in Trewinard Chapel, of public use before the Church of St. Earth was erected ; however, this fact was not so covertly carried, but the coroners of the shire had notice of it, who accordingly came to this place, opened the grave, took forth the body, and impannelled a jury thereon, who upon oath gave their verdict, that this party's death happened by a wilful murder of Trewinard's, whereupon he was carried before a j ustice of the peace, and upon further examination of this matter, had his mittimus made, and was accordingly sent to Launceston gaol, where he remained till the next assizes. In the mean time, foreseeing that this barbarous fact would tend both to the destruction of his life and estate, he applied to Sir Reginald Mohun, Knight, a favourite of the Queen Elizabeth's, and proposed to him, that he would make over and convey to him, his heirs, and assigns for ever, all his lands and tenements whatsoever, under ti)is proviso or condition, that in case he were condennied for the mur- der aforesaid, that he should or would procure the Queen's 346 ST. EARTH. pardon or reprieve for his life ; which proposal being ac- cepted by Sir Reginald Mohun, lease and release of his lands were made and executed for a valuable consideration accordingly to him, bearing date the day before this tragical fact was committed, whereupon Sir Reginald Mohun forth- with became seised of this barton and manor of Trewinard, and at the next assizes held for this county, Mr. Trewinard being indicted for this murder, was found guilty by the grand and petty juries, and accordingly condemned to be hanged to death, at which instant Sir Reginald Mohun having gotten the Queen's reprieve or pardon for Mr. Tre- winard, put it into the sheriff's hands, whereby his execu- tion was stopped, and himself afterwards, on sureties for his good behaviour, was set at liberty from the gaol, and sub- sisted upon some small stipend allowed him by Sir Reginald out of his lands during life. The arms of Trewinard are yet extant in the glass win- dows of this house, viz. in a field Argent, a fess Azure, be- tween three Cornish daws Proper. Sir Reginald Mohun took such pleasure in this place, that at some times he lived on it in the middle of Queen Elizabeth's reign, and finally settled it upon his three daughters, one of whom was mar- ried to Sir Thomas Arundel), of Talvorne, Knight. Sir Thomas Arundel I's part of the premises was pur- chased by Sir Nicholas Hals, of Fentongallan, Knight, who having leases of the other two parts, some time also for plea- sure resided on this barton, whose son and heir John Hals sold the same. The present possessor of one third part in fee, and two third parts in lease of this barton and manor, from Praed and Penrose, as I take it, is Thomas Hawkins, Gent, who giveth for his arms the same bearing as Mr. Hawkins, of Creed. Such another tragical story of murder is to be seen under Falmouth district, as also in Prince's Worthies of Devon, how that Sir John Prideaux, of Orchai'dton, killed in a duel Sir William Bigberry, of Bigberry, Knight, whose ances- ST. EARTH. 347 tors from the Norman Conquest had lived there, in wor- shipful degree, for nine descents, to the year 1360, when the two daughters and heirs of this murdered gentleman were married to Champernowne, of Beer Ferries, and Durneford, of Stonehouse. By this misfortune Prideaux being condemned to be hanged, gave most of his estate to obtain his pardon from Edward the Third. In like manner he tells us that Sir Alexander Cruwys, Knt. temp. Henry VI. slew one Mr. Carew, and for that fact was condemned to be hanged, but in order to procure his reprieve or pardon, he sold twenty-two manors of land. Also that John Copleston, of Copleston, in Devon, Esq. commonly called the Great Copleston, in the middle of Queen Elizabeth's reign, in a rage slew his natural son and godson, for which fact he was condemned to the gallows, but in order to procure a reprieve or pardon, he was forced to sell thirteen manors of land in Cornwall. His son left only two daughters that became his heirs, married to Copleston and Elford. Lastly, he further tells us that Sir John Fitz, of Fitz- ford. Knight, slew in a rage one Mr. Slannen, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, after which fact, posting away to Lon- don, with liis servant, in order to get his pardon, and at every stage shutting his chamber door, for fear of being taken where he lodged, it happened in the night that his servant knocking violently at his chamber door with some intelligence, and he not well awaked out of his sleep, or not well understanding his servant's voice in the dark, he rushed to the door, shot off a pistol, and slew his own servant, which as soon as he understood, he took another pistol and shot himself dead also. Trenhayle, in this parish, that is to say, the stout, strong, or I'apid river, gave name and original to an old family of gentlemen, from thence denominated Trenhayle, whose sole inheritrix, temp. Edward III. was married to Ten- creek, as Tencreek's daughter and heir, by her was mar- ried to Thomas Budeoxhed, of Budeoxhed, in Devon, bv 348 ST. EARTH. whom he had Thomas Budeoxhed, Sheriff of Devon, 26 Henry VI. whose son married Pomeray, his grandson Tre- vilload, his great-grandson Halwell, and his posterity suc- cessively Stroote, Trowse, and Champernowne, which last gentleman, Philip Budeoxhed, having no issue male or female, temp. Elizabeth, his sisters became his heirs, and were married, Winifred to Sir William Gorges, Elizabeth to John Amadis, of Plymouth, Agnes to Oliver Hill, of Shilslon. Gorges sold Budeoxhed, temp. Charles I. to Mr. Trevill, a merchant of Plymouth, now in possession thereof. The arms of Budeoxhed are. Sable, three fusils in fess between three bucks' heads caboshed Argent. Mr. Budeoxhed, aforesaid. Sheriff of Devon 26 Henry VI. at his own proper cost and charge, pulled down the old church of Budeoxhed, and built the new church of Budeox, as it now stands, wherein himself lies interred, some time after his eldest daughter died, who was the first person that was buried therein after the same was built and consecrated. Prince's Worthies of Devon, p. 71. Trelizike, in this parish, the town or lands situate upon the gulph, cove, creek, or bosom of waters (see Landowe- nach Lizard), temp. Edward IV. as appeared from a deed that I have seen, was the lands of Otho de Trefusis, ances- tor of the Gates of Peransabulo, from whose heii's it came to the Smiths and others. In particular. Sir James Smith, of Exeter, was seised thereof, temp. Charles II. who sold the reversionary fee thereof to Arthur Paynter, Gent, attorney at law, his father having a chattel estate therein before that purchase. The ancient name of those Paynters, as Mr. Ar- thur Paynter informed me, was De Camburne, from which name they were transnominated, upon this occasion ; John, the son of John De Camburne, being bound an apprentice temp. Queen Mary to a painter in London, and happening, in some contest, to kill or murder a man there, he forthwith made his escape thence, and fled into Ireland, where he re- mained undiscovered for several years, at length returned into his native country^ and fixed in St. Earth church ST. EARTH. 349 town, where he set up a painter's sliop, and surnanied himself Paynter, from whom those gentlemen so called are lineally descended. The present possessor Francis Paynter, gentleman, that married Sutherland, and Paynter, his fa- ther Praed, his grandfather , and giveth for his arms, in a field Sable, three slabs of tin Proper. Gurlyn, id est, the husband's lake, or riveret of water, otherwise Gorlyn, is the fot or fertile lake of water in this parish, formerly held of the Crown by the tenure of knight's service, was, temp. Edward III. the lands of Dinham, from whose heirs it came to Nansperian, and by Nansperian's daughter and heir, to Matthew Prideaux, and by Pri- deaux' two daughters and heirs, in marriage to Gregor and Bickford, now in possession thereof. The arms of Nans- perian were. Argent, three lozenges Sable. Nansperian signifies the valley of thorns. TONKIN. In the Taxation of 1291, the 20th Edward I. this parish is called, Ecclesia de Lanhudnow, the rectory being valued at xxvis. viiic?. and was appropriated to the Church of Ex- eter, to which it still belongs. As for the present name, St. Earth, I take it to be a contraction of Sancta Hierytha, of whom Camden, in Devon, speaks thus: " Chettlehamp- ton, a little village where Hierytha, calendered among the female saints, was buried." Trewinard, in this parish, was of old the seat of a well re- garded family of gentlemen, from thence denominated De Trewinard. It is now in the possession of Thomas Haw- kins, Gent, attorney at law, that married, first, the daughter of James Praed, Esq.: and secondly, Anne, the daughter of Christopher Bellot, of Bochim, Esq. By the first he has only one daughter, but by the second a nu- mei-ous issue. He giveth for his arms, in a field Argent, a saltire Sable, charged with five fleurs-de-lis Or. Mr. Hawkins owns but a third part of the mansion and 350 ST, EARTH. barton of Trewinard, of which Sir Jolin St. Aubin, and Mr. James Praed, are joint lords with him. Mr. Thomas Haw- kins is since dead ; and this is now the seat of his son Christopher Hawkins, Esq. and Clerk of the Assizes. He hath married Mary, one of the daughters of Philip Hawkins, of Pennance, Esq. I take the etymology of this name, Trewinard, to be a town or dwelling on a marsli. The Trewinards lived here probably before the Norman Conquest, and were once possessed of an estate worth at the least three thousand pounds per annum, as I have been in- formed bv one of their descendants, the late Rev. Mr. James Trewinard, Rector of St. Mawgor in Meneage. James De Ti'ewinai'd was one of the Knights of the Shire for Cornwall 20 Edward IH. William De Trewinard was so likewise in the 28th year of this reign. Martin De Trewinard, Esq. (whom Mr. Carew calls a merry Cornish gentleman, and tells a comical story of) I believe was the last of them that possessed this estate, for Norden, who wrote his description of Cornwall towards the latter end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, saith, that Trewinard was the seat of IMannering. Trelisick, compounded of Tre-lis-ick, a dwelling on the broad creek, suitable to its situation on that part of the river Hayle, where it openeth itself into a lake, is the seat of the ancient family of Painter. The present owner of which is Francis Painter, Esq. formerly one of the Clerks of the Admiralty, and now General Receiver of the Prize Money which shall become due to captors. He married a daughter of Sutherland, Esq. late one of the Clerks of the Admiralty, by whom he has only one surviving son Mr. James Painter. His arms are, Azure, three slabs of tin Argent, each charged with an annulet Sable. Mr. Francis Painter is since dead, leaving two daughters by his second wife, a daughter of his uncle Mr. Francis Painter, of Boskina in Burian. William Painter, D.D. Rector of Exeter College in Oxford, was also a brother of his father Arthur Painter. ST. EARTH. 351 Paintei', of Antron, was, I am informed, a younger branch of this family, and arrived at considerable eminence, but, like many branches, it has withered, while the parent stock remains fair and flourishing. But the family of Tre- lisick is now extinct in the male line, by tiie death of Mr. Francis Painter, jun. THE EDITOR. St. Earth, now invariably written without the a, is sup- posed to derive its name from St. Ergan, one of the female missionaries from Ireland. The church stands at the side of what must have been an estuary in former times, pretty much like Egleshayle, near Wadebridge. The church is neat and plain, with three ailes of equal height, the roof has wooden ribs with bosses, and the whole was plastered about the year 1747. The tower is not inferior to most others, and the south porch is remarkable for its beauty. The whole eastern extremity of the south aile is said to have belonged exclusively to Tre- winnard, but for want of asserting it, the right has been lost. The walls of the church were covered with sentences, and the windows were ornamented by stained glass, but in the great repair bestowed on the church in 1747, all these were removed, as it is said, by the zeal of Mr. Collins, at that time Vicar, against all vestiges of the religion professed by our forefathers. A few small panes of glass only remain, and the cross engrailed Sable, on a field Or (the arms of Mahon), can alone be distinguished. The south wall of the church is supported by a continued buttress, added about the year 1760. On a slab stone, just before the communion table, is the following inscription : Here lyeth the body of the below named John Ralph, who ended this life the 10th of Feb. anno Dom"* 1729, in the 85th year of his age. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. 352 ST. EARTH. Here lyeth the body of Loveday, the wife of John Ralph, Vicar of this parish, by whom he had three children, Maiy, John, and Loveday ; the last died in her infancy. The other two were alive at their mother's death. She was a virtuous and prudent wife, a loving and indulgent mother, a friendly and prudent neighbour, and very charitable to the poor. She exchanged this life for a better the last day of November, in the year of our Lord 1715, and in the 82d vear of her aije. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, yea, saith the spirit, that they rest from their labour." Rev. xiv. 13. John Ralph, son of the above, obtained the living of In- gatestone, in Essex, and died therein 1755. Adjoining to this stone is another, with an interesting in- scription : Underneath is deposited, in hopes of a joyful resurrection, the body of Elizabeth, wife of Edward Collins, Vicar of this parish, whose filial piety and obedience, conjugal love and fidelity, maternal care and affection, unfeigned charity and benevolence, uniform and constant perseverance in all the duties of Christianity, have been equalled by few, excelled by none. She was the daughter of Nicholas Kendall, of Pelyn, Clerk, Canon Residentiary of St. Peter's, Exeter, and Archdeacon of Totness, by Jane, daughter of Thomas Carew, of Harrabear, Esq. son of Sir Alexander Carew, of East Anthony, Bart. ST. EARTH. 353 She was born Aug. 19, 1701 ; married July 22, 1731 ; died Nov. 30, 1749. M. Conjugis opt. dilectissimae H. M. L. M. P. C. Maritus amantissimus juxta cum Deo visum deponendus. The six letters stand for, Hoc Marmor Loco Monu- menti Poni Curavit. Mr. Collins died in October 1755, and was buried under the same stone, but without any additional inscription. Mr. Edward Collins was the eldest son of John Collins, Esq. of Treworgan, in St. Erme, and brother of Mr. John Collins, Rector of Redruth. He studied for some years at the Temple, with the view of being called to the bar, and it is said that he became a clergyman from principles of con- science. Mr. Collins retained uniformly through life the respect of all around him; he appears to have been a man of learn- ing and of taste, but of austere manners. I have heard from one who was present, that Mr. and Mrs. Collins meeting accidentally, at a neighbouring gentleman's, a lady who was not of the Established Church, they refused to hold any ■convez'sation with her. Their only son, Mr. John Collins, Vicar of Ledbury in Herefordshire, supported the reputation derived from his father. He distinguished himself as a man of letters on va- rious occasions ; one of the editors of Shakspeare left his library to Mr. Collins, in gratitude for assistance afforded him, and there may be found a vei-y curious note at the con- elusion of Troilus and Cressida, in the edition by Johnson and Steevens, with Mr. Collins's name subscribed. The next Vicar of St. Earth was Mr. Symonds, who ac- quired the living through a curious combination of circum- stances. Mr. John Stephens, the principal merchant at St. Ives, and agent for the Earl of Buckinghamshire in the raa- 2a 354 ST. EARTH. najjement of the borouob, was a zealous Presbyterian. The livinff of St. Ives with Lelant, had been desijjned for some young man of the town, who indiscreetly, and probably in joke, declared that Avhen he succeeded to the church he would preach furiously against Presbyterians, and teach that Hell itself was strewed over with their bones. This was said in a garden, in defiance of the Cornish proverb, Nynges gun heb lagas, na kei heb scover. " There is no downs without eyes, nor hedge or wall without ears." And Mr. Stephens walking in a garden adjoining overheard this declaration, and in consequence exerted his influence with the patron to obtain the living from the Bishop of Exeter for one who might prove less unfavourably disposed towards his sect, the only one at that time considered as formidably hostile to the Established Church ; and to ensui'e this object Mr. Symonds was selected, because his father, who exercised the trade of a barber at Cambridge, discharged also the office of clerk to a Presbyterian meeting-house. Mr. Symonds was received as a friend at St. Ives, and elected into the Corporation. But in the course of a few years a violent struggle arose respecting the election of a Recorder, when Mr. Symonds most prudently considering that nothing further was likely to be obtained from those who had already given him a living, sold himself to the opposite party, carried the election for them by his casting vote, and received the living of St. Earth. See various Essays in the London Magazine, with the signature Y. Z. for 1767, pp. 225, 456, 464, 628; for 1768, pp. 25, 199, 575; for 1769, pp. 18, 235, 578. Mr. Symonds died in 1775, and was succeeded by Mr. George Rhodes, of Devonshire, some time a Fellow of Exeter College. This gentleman having obtained prefer- ment near his immediate connections, resigned the living in 1781, and was succeeded by Mr. Mayow, of Bray near Looe, who never resided, and died in the year 1 800, when the benefice was given to Mr. Samuel Gurney, recently de- ceased (1833) and to wliose memory a marble slab has been ST. EARTH. 355 immediately placed over the chancel door by his mother, in her ninety-fourth year. The glebe land is more extensive and of greater value than in most other parishes, and the vicarage house is one of the best in Cornwall, a new front having been added by Mr. Collins, and some improvements made by Mr. Rhodes. There is also a rectorial glebe ; and a large house near the eastern end of the bridge, stands on the spot where for- merly was a barn for receiving the tithe corn. There is a third slab stone in memory of Mr. Richard Shuckburgh, brother to the well-known mathematician and astronomer of Shuckborough, in Warwickshire. Mr. Humphrey Williams, then the resident curate, had mar- ried Miss Sarah Bate, his half-sister, who is also buried in St. Earth's church. The church-yard is still too small for the parish, notwith- standing its being enlarged in the year 1817, chiefly at the expense of the Editor, and by virtue of a general Act of parliament which he brought into the House of Commons for that expi'ess purpose, 56 Geo. HI. c. 141. The bridge is said by Leland to have been constructed two hundred years before his time, or about five hundred years ago. The causeway is very long, but there were ori- ginally only three small arches. A fourth, somewhat larger, has been added at the eastern end. The roadway was so narrow that a single carriage had, at one part, great diffi- culty to pass, and the whole created a large expense to the county, occasioned by accidents to the walls, and by wheels always running in the same track. In the year 1816, the Editor procured a grant of fifty pounds, and, expending somewhat more tiian an equal sum himself, he got the road widened sufficiently for all useful purposes, more especially as in the year 1825 a causeway was made across the river, about a mile further down. St. Earth adjoins to no less than seven parishes : Lelant, Ludgvan, St. Hilary, Breage, Crowan, Gwinear, and Phillaek. 2 a2 356 ST. EARTH. Trewinnard has been, without all comparison, the prin- cipal place in this parish. I have not any means of affirming or of contradicting the relation of Mr. Hals, as to the tragical event imputed to the last Trewinnard: some indistinct tradition of a murder was handed down to within my remembrance. The trans- actions of this gentleman's grandfather with the House of Commons are given by Mr. Hatsell, as derived from authen- tic sources, in his Parliamentary Precedents, vol. i. p. 59, of the edition of 1796, and p. 60 in the last edition. I apprehend that he was then Member for Helston. One of the family resided till very lately in the Strand, London ; for, struck by the name " Trewinnard," the Editor was induced to call at the house. Mr. Trewinnard said that his ftimily came, as he had heard, from a town so called in Cornwall, and that he had some old deeds in his possession. These were exhibited, and proved to be leases of various farms in St. Earth parish. The Mohuns appear to have made this place a principal ressdence, for the cross engrailed exhibits itself not only on fragments of painted glass preserved in the church, but also on the seat or pew, quartered or impaled with various arms, and in one instance with the fleur-de- lis and the lions, of England and France. Mr. Hals states that the estate was divided between the three daughters of Sir Reginald Mohun ; that one of these daughters married Sir Thomas Arundel, of Talvorne, and that his part was purchased by Sir Nicholas Hals, of Fen- tongallon, who had the other two-thirds on leases for lives; but that John Hals sold the whole. It is probable that the purchaser must have been Mr. Bellot, of Bochym, whose daughter brought the one-third freehold, and the two-thirds lease for lives, to Mr. Thomas Hawkins ; yet Reginald Mohun is said by Mr. Lysons, under Cury, to have given one of his daughters, with Bochym, to Francis Bellot ; throngh whom Mr. Hawkins, the present posses- sor, connects himself with the ancient and baronial family of Mohun. ST. EARTH. 557 However Mr. Thomas Hawkins acquired Trewinnard, the property has now been possessed by his family above a century and a half. The first of his ancestors who settled in Cornwall was Mr. John Hawkins, who is said to have come from Kent in the year 1554. He married a daughter of the officiat- ing Minister of Blisland. Second, John Hawkins, their son, designated merchant, married Jane^Rother or Williams, of Grampound. Third, John Hawkins, gent, married Paschas, daughter of Joseph Cooke, of Mevagissey. Fourth, Thomas Hawkins, who died in the lifetime of his father, married Adry, daughter of Crudge. Fifth, John Hawkins, gent, married Loveday, daughter of George Trenhayle. Sixth, Thomas Hawkins, their son, married, first, Flo- rence, daughter of James Praed, esq. of Trevethow, by whom he had one daughter, married to John Williams, of Helston, merchant. He married, secondly, Ann, daugh- ter and coheir of Christopher Bellott, of Bochym, and died in 1716, leaving one son and one daughter. Seventh, Christopher Hawkins, esq, barrister-at-law, married Mary, daughter and coheir of Philip Hawkins, of Pennance, esq. and practically his sole heiress, as well as of her brother Philip Hawkins, D.D. sometime Master c^ Pembroke college, Cambridge. They resided during several years in London, where Mr. Hawkins practised as a lawyer ; but, having lost seve- ral children, they determined on removing into the coun- try, and finally settled at Trewinnard about the year 1750. They had one daughter, Jane, married to Sir Richard Vyvyan, of Trelowarren. And Eighth, Thomas Hawkins, esq. who married Anne, daughter of James Heywood, esq. a merchant of London. He represented Grampound in Parliament, and died in 1766, leaving four sons and one daughter. Philip died at Eton. 358 ST. EARTH. Sir Christopher, Member for Michell, Grampound, Penryn, and St. Ives, in different Parliaments, and created a Baronet July 28, 1791. He was a Fellow of the Royal, Antiquarian, and Horticultural Societies, and published in 1811 "Observations on the Tin Trade of the Ancients in Cornwall, and on the Ictis of Diodorus Siculus." He died unmarried in 1829. Thomas died a young man. John Hawkins, the present representative of the family, celebrated throughout Europe for his general knowledge on all subjects, his science, literature, and travels, especially through Greece, the most interesting portion of the ancient world, married the only daughter of Mr. Sibthorpe, Mem- ber for Lincoln, and has two sons and four daughters ; the eldest, Mr. John Heywood Hawkins, is a distinguished Member of the present Parliament. His sister is the widow of Mr. Trelawney Brereton. The house at Trewinnard has been so much altered and improved since Mr. Christopher Hawkins came to reside there, about eighty years ago, as scarcely to leave a trace of what it had been in former times; but the garden remains, a pleasing specimen of cut yew, trim box, and thorn hedges. There was also a building, detached from the house, sup- posed to have been the ancient chapel, although, I think, inaccurately, as it stood north and south. One of the up- stairs rooms has tapestry I'epresenting the victory of Con- stantine, with his celebrated vision of the Cross. But, above all, here are preserved the. remains of an old coach, suspended on long leathers without springs, and in general form corresponding with the coach exhibited by the Lord Mayor of London. I believe, however, that it is much less ancient than has generally been supposed, and it has been in actual use within seventy years. Trewinnard has the advantage of a stream of water, brought with great art over very uneven ground from a distance of two or three miles, conducted into almost every field, and supplying the house. ST. EARTH. 359 The place of next importance in this parish is Trehsick. Perhaps the etymology of this word may be tre-les-ick, the town on the inclosed water, les, or lis, being an inclosed place ; and the river Hayle here expands itself into the appearance of a lake ; and the same circumstance applies to Trelesick as the head of Falmouth harbour. The tale related by Mr. Hals respecting the change of name from De Camborne to Paynter, does not seem very probable. I remember, however, a man of that flunily who was a house-painter, and who would be driven into most violent fits of passion when boys hallooed after him, " Painter by name and painter by nature." Mr. Francis Paynter is said to have married, first, a daughter of Sutherland, Esq. one of the Clerks of the Admiralty, and to have had by her one son, who died in his father's lifetime. I apprehend that this son, James, too warmly espousing the politics then most popular in Cornwall, took an active part in proclaiming King James on the death of Queen Anne ; that he was indicted by the victorious party, acquitted at Launceston, and welcomed by bonfire and by ball from thence to the Land's End. Of the two daughters by his second marriage, with his cousin of Boskenna, one made a most imprudent match with a foreigner, and settled in France, leaving many descendants. The other daughter, Mary, born in 1709, married a very respectable gentleman, Mr. Hearle, of Penryn. They acquired the other sister's share of the property by pur- chase, and the whole is now equally divided between the families of her three daughters. One married the Rev. Henry Hawkins Tremayne, of Heligon ; another Francis Rodd, Esq. of Trebather ; and the third Capt. Wallis, of the Royal Navy, well known forhis discovery of Otaheite, in a voyage round the world. The house at Trelisick has been greatly reduced in size ; but the whole place continues to bear the appearance of a gentleman's seat, and the property is much improved by the rapid advance of trade and of establishments at Hayle. 360 ST. EARTH. This portion of the Hearle and Paynter estate has been assigned to Mr. Francis Hearle Rodd. The place next of importance in this parish was pro- bably Y^-edrea. The name, perhaps, imports the thorough- fare town, as it lies on the way from Trewinnard to the church. There was here a large house inhabited by a family of the same name, who appear in the parish register two centuries ago as Esquires, a distinction then sparingly applied. The property is said to have passed, by a mortgage unredeemed, to the 8t. Aubyns of Crowan, who granted it on a lease for lives, in the year 1685, to Mr. Matthew Phillips. One of his daughters married IMr. John Davies, younger brother of Henry Davies, Esq. of Bosence. Mr. John Davies had a daughter, Catherine Davies, eventually heiresss of her brother Henry Davies, and through him of her father and uncle. Her son is the Editor of this work. The old house at Tredrea having fallen into a state of decay, Mr. Henry Davies took it down about the year 1750, and built small a neat house on the same spot, where the Editor still occasionally resides. Bosence, in St. Earth, has belonged time out of mind, (cer- tainly from before the reign of Henry the Seventh,) to the fa- mily of Davies. On it there is a very perfect Roman entrench- ment; and various articles of Roman workmanship, found on removing the earth, are described and figured by Dr. W. Borlase, in his Antiquities of Cornwall, p. 316, edit. 1759; and also in a Paper communicated to the Royal Society in 1759, vol. xi. p. 322, of the Abridgment; and the Articles themselves having been presented by Mr. Henry Davies to Dr. Borlase, were by him deposited in the Ashmolean Mu- seum at Oxford, where they are now preserved. Another Roman intrenchment, but much less perfect, is situated on » the summit of the hill on the south side of the road leading eastward, at about half a mile distant from St. Earth bridge : this is mentioned by Leland. The Editor availed himself ST. EARTH. 361 of an opportunity for purchasing it about ten years ago, to prevent its further destruction. In the church-yard are several monuments to the Da- vieses, particularly one to Mr. William Davies, the Editor's great-grandfather. A flat stone, lying on a raised grave, having the arms of Davies, a chevron between three mullets pierced, impaled with the ancient arms of Noye, Azure, three crosses botony in a bend Argent. The more recent arms are, Argent, three bendlets and a canton Sable, on the canton a cross of the Field. There is this inscription round the edge. Here lieth the body of William Davies, of Bosworgy, in this parish, Gent, who was buried the 28th day of February, in the 54th year of his age, anno 1690. On the middle of the stone : Virtus post funera vivit. Must death divide us now, and close thine eyes? How shall I live, when thou art gone, to hear Our children's cries? Look on, but spare your tears, forbear to weep : My death's no death — in Christ a blessed sleep. O blessed Sleep to me ! that art botli free From sting of Death, and from Grave's victory ! O, Death, where 's now thy sting, or. Grave, thy power ? My soul triumphs in Christ, my Saviour ; Cease, then, your tears for me, who am in bliss — Tho' here intomb'd, my soul in Heaven is. Be sure always t' observe old David's song. And never trust that man that did me wrong. Survivors will be apt to act their part, And seek all means they can to break thy heart ; But trust in God, and he will thee defend From all thine enemies : and love thy friend. Farewell, dear wife and children ! Friends, adieu ! Observe those friends whose promises prove true. I cannot account for this extraordinary epi taph. 362 ST. EARTH. Near this tomb stands a handsome marble sarcophagus, erected over a stoned vault, with the following inscriptions : On the south side : In memory of Henry Davies, of Tredrea, Esq. a Lieutenaut in the Cornwall Militia. He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, an obliging relation, a sincere friend, and in all repects a worthy gentleman. He died of the smallpox at London, December 10, 1760, aged 36, justly lamented by all his friends and acquaintance. On the north side : Here lyeth interred the remains of John Davies, Gent. who departed this life May the 29th, 1737, in the 51st year of his age. And of Mary and Philippa, his daughters. Mary Davies died Jan. 2d, 1740, aged 8. Philippa Davies died at Bristol Wells, August the 18th, 1755, in the 25th year of her age. On the northern end : Elizabeth Davies, widow of Mr. John Davies, and daughter of Matthew Phillipps, of Tredrea, died April the 21st, 1775, aged 80. On the west end : In memory of the Rev. Edward Giddv, M.A. during 43 years an active and most useful Magistrate, who departed this life March the 6th, 1814, in his 80th year. Also of Catherine, his wife. ST. EARTH. 303 sister and heir of Henry Davies, Esq. who died February the 3d, 1803, aged 75, leaving one son and one daughter: Davies Giddy, and Mary Phihppa Davies Guillemard. Tlie Editor is desirous of preserving a short memorial to a relation, whose kindnesses to him were unceasing from infancy to the fifty-fifth year of his age ; and to a servant whom he has ever regarded with gratitude as the one whose precepts and instructions he imbibed with the ut- most pleasure and delight, and whose tales of the times of old remain deeply impressed upon his mind. To the memory of Mrs. Grace Jenkins, born at Treloweth, 1734, died April 7th, 1823, having passed the greater part of her life in this parish, universally esteemed and respected. This memorial, in gratitude for her long and faithful service, is inscribed to the memory of Jochebed Hoskin, who died March the 23d, 1814, aged 86, by Davies Gilbert. She came to live with Mrs. Elizabeth Davies, at Tredrea, in 1750, and continued in the family ever afterwards. Time rolls his ceaseless course ! the race of yore. That danced our infancy upon their knee. And told' our wondering childhood legends store Of strange adventures happ'd by land or sea, How are they blotted from the things that be ! 364 ST. EARTH. There is a vault belonging to the family of Hawkins j and Mr. Christopher Hawkins, in 1767, and his widow, Mrs. Mary Hawkins, in 1780, are laid in it, I believe with some of their children ; but there is not any inscription. Perthcolumb presents some appearance of antiquity. There is a tradition of its once having given a sheriff to the county. The place now belongs to Mr. Andrew Hos- kin, descended from a very ancient family in the adjoining parish of Lelant. Gear has a good house, once the seat of another branch of the Davieses, but bought by the Editor's father. Tregethes belonged for several descents to the Penroses, It is now the property of Mr. Ellis, who resides in it. About the year 1782, a mill was constructed on a part of Trewinnard, for rolling copper and iron, by a company established at Hayle thirty years before, on the supposed patriotic principle of smelting our own copper ore; but, after many years of competition against the smelting- works in Wales, it was discovered that one shipload of copper ore required three shiploads of coal, and that by importing coal from Swansea to work the steam-engine, and by ex- porting the ores to be smelted there, vessels were enabled to obtain cargoes in both directions ; and, in consequence, the works at Trewinnard and at Hayle are no longer em- ployed for their original purposes. The rage for importing coals to reduce our own ores at home, which was epidemic about the middle of the last century, seems to have originated from a confusion of ideas in the application of analogies, the most abundant source of error. It would be absurd to send our food across the seas to be roasted or boiled ; therefore the same principle was extended to copper ore. These establishments were, however, maintained for some considerable time by the genius and the abilities of one man. Mr. John Edwards had been taken as a clerk for general business by Mr. Hawkins, just at the time when he ST. EARTH. 365 and otliei' Cornish gentlemen set on the copper-works. Mr. Edwards soon forced himself into the chief manage- ment, became a partner, and continued the works during the whole of his life ; not being distinguished merely as a mer- chant or manufacturer, but as a scholar and a gentleman. Gurlyn is said by Mr. Lysons to have been the residence of various considerable families. It has, for perhaps a cen- tury, been the joint property of Messrs. Gregor and Harris. About the year 1T60, Mr. John Millett, possessing a lease of this place for lives, built an entirely new house there ; but the lease has been bought in by the gentleman seised of the freehold, and the house taken down. Treloweth is a manor heretofore the property of the Tredreas. On a part of this manor stands a tin-smelting house. Tin, by the laws of the Stannaries, must be re- duced to the metallic state in Cornwall ; and much less quantities of coal are required than in the case of copper. Till about the commencement of the last century, all the tin ores of Cornwall were smelted in small blast furnaces, by means of charcoal or of peat. At that period some Germans introduced the reverberatory furnace, and with it the use of coal. Several smelting-houses were immedi- ately constructed by the gentlemen of the county, and although not among the first, that at Treloweth. I have ascertained the exact period of its building, from this cir- cumstance, that the workmen were interrupted by the total eclipse of the sun, which happened about 15 minutes before nine on the 22d of April, 1715, O. S. Mr. Henry Davies, the Editor's great-uncle, was among those who contributed to the building, and the crest of his arms, a lamb carrying a flag, was adopted as a maik to distineuibh the slabs of this house ; all the different smeltinfj; and blowing houses having always used specific marks. The crest, had, I presume, been originally taken in allusion to the Welch and Cornish sound, at least of his name ; davas being Cornish for a sheep, or perhaps a shepherd. This mark, however, conveyed to the minds of persons in VOL. I. 2 A 7 366 ST. EARTH. Catholic countries some idea of consecration, and pro- cured a preference for the Lamb Tin, although it never claimed to have the slightest superiority ; and finally, all the other houses have taken the same, or similar marks. Among the Germans who introduced the reverberatory furnace, was the celebrated Becker. His son became a bricklayer, and his grandson's widow died about twenty- five years ago in the poorhouse at St. Earth. The Rev. John Ralph, Vicar of Ingatestone, son of the Vicar of St. Earth, gave in 1754 a hundred pounds to- wards founding a school at St. Earth, to be applied as Mr. Collins, the then Vicar, and Mr. Hawking, of Trewinnard, should direct. Some portion of the lUO/. was expended in repairing a small house in the church-yard. The re- mainder, together with another hundred pounds, given by Mr. Hawkins, remain in aid of the schoolmaster. This parish measin-es 3,791 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 4,708 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 558 2 in 1801 „ 1 ,' fin i»" Population, — \ 1 1 22 in 1811 1317 in 1821, 1604 in 1831, 1922 giving an increase in 30 years of 71 per cent. The feast is the nearest Sunday to all Souls, Nov. 2. Present Vicar, the Rev. John Punnett, collated in 1835 by the Right Rev. Henry Phillpotts, present Bishop of Exeter, on a lapse from the Dean and Chapter. Mr. Pun- nett has wonderfully improved the house and the vicarage generally, which had previously been considered one of the best in Cornwall. THE GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. St. Earth is situated on felspar and hornblende rocks belonging to the porphyritic series. In many parts these rocks are so silicious as to give rise to very unproductive soils; but in other places, where the felspar predominates, the land is very fertile. These rocks are traversed by metal- liferous veins, which are richer in copper than in tin ores. EGLES-HAYLE. 367 EGLES-HALE, or EGLES-HAYLE, HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Trig-minorshire, and has upon the north St. Minvor, east St. Mabyn and Bodman, south and west the river Allan. For the modern name, it is taken from the church and the place of its situation, and signifies the river church, or the church upon the river. In the Domesday Book, 20th William I. this parish was taxed under the jurisdiction of Treworder, or Trevorder, viz. the further town, upon the confines there- of. In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, Ecclesia de Egles-haile was valued to first fruits C5.; Vicar ejusdem nihil, projtter paupertatem, the patronage in theBishop of Exeter, who endowed it. The in- cumbent Maye ; the rectory in possession of Walker. This church, in Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, was rated 16/.; and valued to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1696, 200/. Walter Brounscomb, Bishop of Exeter 1270, endowed this church, and Stoke-Gabriel church in Devon, and gave the sheaf thereof towards celebrating the festival of the Angel Ga- briel, which he had instituted. Park, that is, a field of any sort, otherwise in this parish it signifies a deer-park, was one of the ancient seats of the Peverells, lineally descended from V\ illiam the Conqueror, by Jane his concubine, the wife of Randolph Peverell, of Hatfield-Peverell parish, in W^itham Decanatus, in the county of Essex, who abdicated the said Jane, and left her wholly on the Conqueror's hands, who had issue by her a son, named William Peverell, (who, because born during the joint marriage and lives of the said Randolph and Jane, was surnamed Peverell,) upon whom the Conqueror settled the honor, manor, and borough of Nottingham, and town ofLyndeby, on him, and his heirs male. [Here Mr. Hals goes into a long history of the Peverells, wholly uncon- nected with Cornwall.] 368 EGLES-HAYLE. Thomas Peverell, of Park, a supposed descendant of the Conqueror"'s son, who was also of Ermington and Sand- ford, in Devon, was Sheriff of Cornwall 13 Richard II. He was also Sheriff of Devon 20 Richard II. Richard Peverell, his son, was Sheriff of Devon 14 Henry IV. who dying without issue male, his lands went in marriage with his daughter, married to Basset of Umberleigh, Botreaux, and others. On this lordship of Park those gentlemen had their deer-park, some of the walls and fences being yet standing ; their tower-house, and other buildings answerable, their gardens, walk, and fish-ponds beneath the same, the ruins whereof are yet extant. How those lands descended down from Peverell's heirs to the last age I know not; about which time it was in the possession of Opie and Hickes ; from whom it passed by sale to the Hon. John Molesworth, temp. Queen Anne, as I take it. The arms of Peverell were. Gules, a fess Argent between six crosses pattee Or. Those Peverells are especially memorable here by two crosses of moorstone in the highway set up by them, still extant, and called Peverell's Crosses. Not far from them is another moorstone cross, near Mount-Charles, called the Prior's Cross, whereon is cut the figure of a hook and a crook, in memory of that privilege and freedom granted by him to the poor of Bodmin, for gathering, for fire-boote and house-boote, such boughs and branches of oak-trees in his contiguous wood of Dunmear, as they could reach to or come at with a hook and a crook, without further damage to the trees thereof. From whence arose the Cornish pro- verb, concerning filching, purloining, or taking another person's goods, overmuch or indirectly, beyond what is allowed them, &c. " that they will have it by hook or by crook." Pen-carou, Pen-caro, alias Pen-carow, i. e. head-deer, or chief-deer, formerly part of the Peverell's deer-park; and from thence so denominated, as some think. But when I EGLES-HAYLE. 3G9 consider that Caer-kynock, or Caer-kunock, is situate on the hinds thereof, now called Castle-kynock, i. e. the king, prince, or sovereign's castle, extant here long before the Norman Conquest, I take the modern name Pen-carow only to be a corruption of Pen-caer-ou, or Pen-caer-ow, i. e. my head castle, or city, intrenched or fortified place, according to the artificial and natural circumstances there- of, it being on a high hill, overlooking the contiguous country, the ruins are of the largest British camp or intrench- ment that ever I saw in Cornwall, containing about 100 acres of land, and consisting of a four-fold rampart, yet of a great height in some places, with several platforms or counterscarps within the same, for offence or defence, in case of storm or surprise. [The camp in Pencarrow Park has a double vallum, the inner one oval, inclosing an area 250 feet by 200 ; the outer one of an irregular form. On the east side, at the distance of about 700 feet from this camp, are some exten- sive outworks. Lysons.'] This barton grave name and oriijinal to an old family of gentlemen, surnamed De Pen-carow, who siding with Richard the Third against Henry the Seventh, as some say, but, as others will have it, with Flammock, in his in- surrection against that King, he lost this place, and other lands, by attainder of treason (see Bocarne, in Bodmin), having before conveyed a great part of his estate to Henry the first Lord Marney, of Colquitta, to procure a reprieve, or pardon of his life, from that king; from whose heirs it came to the Walkers of Exeter, by descent or purchase, and from them to John Molesworth, of Tretane, Esq. first but an attorney-at-law, afterwards commissioner or auditor to Queen Elizabeth in those parts for the Duchy of Cornwall, that married one of the coheirs of Hender, so called from the parish of Molesworth, in Lightstone hundred, in the county of Huntingdon. From the local place aforesaid, was denominated Walter de Molesworth, Sheriff of Bedfordshire, from the 2Gth to 2 B 370 EGLES-HAYLE. the 36th of Edward I. anno Dom. 1298: the which gen- tleman accompanied King Edward into Palestine, and re- turned with him safe into Enjiland again. After the de- cease of the said Edward, he was knighted by King Edward the Second, and was made Sheriff of Bedfordshire again by the name of Walter de Molesworth, Knt. from the 6th to the 9th of Edward II. 1316, in which year he died, and was succeeded by John de Pabenham. From which gen- tleman, as I am informed, was lineally descended John Molesworth, Esq. aforesaid, that married Hender, and by her had issue, Hender Molesworth, Esq. that married Spark of Plymouth, and by her had issue my vei'y kind friend John Molesworth, Esq. and Hender Molesworth, with a daughter married to Dr. Hart; the which John Molesworth married two wives. Wise, and Slannen, the relict of Legard, afterwards knighted by Charles the Second, and had issued by Wise, John Molesworth, Esq. that married Arscott of Tetcot, and hath issue, Hender Molesworth aforesaid, the son of Hender Molesworth, who being bred a soldier, managed affairs with that valour and conduct, that, after passing gradually to the dignity of a colonel, he was by King James the Second made a baronet of England, and governor of the Island of Jamaica, where he purchased a considerable estate in land, and called it Tremolesworth, which, together with his honour (if he died without issue male, according to the limitation of his letters patent as a baronet), is now legally descended to Sir John Molesworth, of Pencarow, Bart. The arms of Molesworth are, Vaire, a bordure Gules, charged with eight cross- crosslets Argent. Kestell, in this parish, i. e. a castle, so called, I presume, for that heretofore it had upon the lands thereof some camp or castle-like intrenchment, for kestell is derived from the provincial Latin of the Romans in Britain, castrum^ or castellum ; which place gave name and original to an old family of gentlemen, surnamed de Kestell. The EGLES-HAYLE. 371 first possessor tliereof of this tribe, as appears from the record in the Office of Arms, was John tie Kestell, temp. Edward I. where his posterity have ever since flourished, to the time of writing hereof, in good fame and reputation, between the degrees of a justice of the peace and that of a hundred constable; the present possessor James Kestell, Gent, that married Vaughan of Trewothick and Otterv, in Devon, his father Kestell of Manacow, and giveth for his arms. Argent, three falcons Proper; as also, Or, three castles turreted Gules. (See Kestel, in Manaccan.) Pen-davy, or Pen-duflTy, i. e. David's head, (wliy so called, qu.?) a head or promontory of land situate be- tween the Alan and the Kestell rivers, was formerly the lands of Kestell (and before that the Prior of Bodmin's, as I am informed) ; by Kestell's daughter and heir it passed in marriage to Nathaniel Moyle, Esq. barrister-at- law, of Bakehouse, who for want of issue sold it to Mr. Ustick, now in possession thereof. Crone, Groan, in this parish, signifies a skin or hide of leather; so called either from the tanner that made or sold leather here, or rather for that this tenement con- sisteth in quanta of a hide or skin of land, viz. as much arable ground as one plough can cukivate in a year, com- monly reckoned about eighty statute acres. This barton was formerly the lands of Iloscarrcck, by whom it was sold to Michael Hill, Gent, by whose son, John Hill, Rector of St. Mabyn, it was sold to Edward Hoblyn, Gent, attorney- at-law, a younger branch of the Nanswhiddon family by the Hoblyns of Bodmin, now in possession thereof He is especially memorable for his saying, when first he began to practice, " that he would get an estate by the law one way or other," viz. right or wrong, and common fame saith he was as good as his word, in the worst* sense. Whereupon, * But whether in the first or last way who shall tell .' 2b2 372 EGLES-HAYLE. since his death, by an unknown but arch hand, was fixed upon his grave in this parish church this taunting epitaph : Here lies Ned, I am glad he's dead. If there must be another, I wish 'twere his brother, And, for the good of the Nation, His wliole relation. Treg-leah, in this parish, i. e. the law town or dwelling, is the lands of Wilham Keck witch, Gent, a younger branch of the Keckwitches of Trehawke, and giveth for his arms. Argent, in bend two lions passant Sable. It was since sold to Mr. Hoblyn. In this parish is Casde Killy-biry, or Killy-biny, consist- ing of about six acres of ground upon a well-advanced hill, within a treble intrenchment of earth. Perhaps one of the castles possessed by that arch-traitor the Pictish Mordred, slain by King Arthur, (see Dundagell,) from whence his soldiers were routed ; for the circumstance of this castle on the Alan river may agree with those verses men- tioned under Lentegles by Camelford, for the river Camel is properly called the Alan river, as well as Camel. Below Egles-hayle church (on the Alan river as afore- said), where the sea creek or cove of Padstow Haven makes its daily flux and reflux, stands Ward Bridge, i. e. guard or watch bridge; otherwise, as Mr. Carew says, called Wade Bridge, from a little ford near it, which afforded, when the tide was out, a short but dangerous passage over it. But where this little vadum, or ford, should be, I know not, there being no other river to pass over from east to west but the Alan river aforesaid. Which bridge, as an artificial ligament, fasteneth the two parishes of Egles-hayle and St. Breock together, they being in all other places separated by the river. It was built in the latter end of Edward the Fourth's reign, and begin- ning of Henry the Seventh's ; not, as Leland says, at the county charge, but, as all other woi'ks of this kind were, viz. by collections, and commutation of penance for sins EGLES-HAYLE. 373 committed ; for it was not made a county bridge till the beginning of James the First's reign. Now this licence of all spiritual benedictions, collection, and commutation of penance, throughout the counties of Cornwall and Devon, was there granted by Dr. Peter Courtenay, Bishop of Exeter, to Thomas Longbound, then Vicar of Egles-hayle, his chaplain or vicar, 1485, who raised a considerable sum of money by that means, viz. of absolution, as also from charitable and well-disposed Christians. The undertaker, that expert mason John de Harlyn, and the treasurer Long- bound, brought the bridge's building to that perfection as it now stands, consisting of seventeen arches of stone of great height and magnitude, all built with great cost and labour, through which (as aforesaid) the sea passes up and down daily through the Alan river to Tagus, (i. e. Goodwood,) a mile, and is navigable for boats, barges, and lighters, to that place, which there bring sea sand, and other commo- dities, for the country-people's use. On the lower side of the bridge, from Padstow Haven, ships and barks laden with mercliandise frequently arrive, of burthen from twenty to sixty tons, from Bristol, Wales, Ireland, and other places, where their commodities have better vent than at Padstow, two or three miles below, nearer the main sea. Leland, in his Itinerary, tells us, volume the second, that some of the arches of this bridge were laid upon quick- sand, which for some time made the treasurer and under- taker despair of success, till they projected the laying of packs of wool under the groundwork, which proved such a useful expedient as carried on the fabric according to their desire, and the same stands firm to this day. After this bridge was erected, Longbound, the vicar, gave a small parcel of land towards the repair thereof, now worth 20/, per annum, and enfeoffed the twelve men of this parish, and their successors, in trust with the same for ever. There are also other lands in St. Breock, given by S74 EGLES-HAYLE. the Prior of Bodmin, and other well-affected beneftxctors to the bridge, for the same purpose. At present this bridge stock is about 300/. and is set at the yearly rent for about 10/. per annum. Lastly, this just and indefatigable benefactor Longbound, after he had finished the bridge, with the moneys and stones left, caused to be built the tower of Egles-hayle church, as it now stands; over the belfry-door of which, in stone, on the north side, are cut in an escutcheon his arms, viz. a human heart, and super- scribed Longbound. On the other side of the door afore- said are cut, impaled, a chevron between two falcons, and a chevron between three ravens' heads. Which first I take to be the arms of Kestell, and the latter of Ravens- croft of Cheshire, his wife. From this parish was denominated an old family of gen- tlemen surnamed de Egles-hayle, of which family was Ma- theus de Egleshayle, Sheriff of Devon from the 1st year of Edward the First to the Gth, who gave for his arms. Argent, a cross Sable, and a fleur-de-lis in the first quarter. TONKIN. In this parish stands the lordship and barton of Pen- carrow, which name may signify a deer-park. But I take the name of Pencarrow to be of a much more ancient date than the first bringing of deer into this land, and that the name is taken from the natural circumstances of the place, as compounded of pen-car-ow, head-rock-ry, for in this place is digged a quarry of bright clear freestone, that works with tool, plane, or hammer, equal to any other in Cornwall, as may be seen by the beautiful house Sir John Molesworth has built with it, and which is not yet quite finished. And sui'ely it may be said of this barton, with- out disparagement to any other man's lands, that for wood, water, and stone, it may compare with, if not exceed, any other part of the kingdom ; neither do the lands come EGLES-HAYLE. 375 behind any in the neighbourhood for fruitfulness. It is the seat of Sir John Molesworth, Knt. and Bart, who was knighted by Charles the Second, and succeeded to the title of baronet by the issueless decease of his younger brother, Sir Hender Molesworth, Governor of Jamaica, who left him a considerable estate in that island, and was the fii'st baronet created by William the Third. This family is a younger branch of the descendants of Sir Wal- ter de Molesworth, of Northamptonshire, who flourished in martial prowess in the days of Edward the First, and went with him to the Holy Land. John Molesworth, son of the above Sir John Molesworth, married the daugh- ter of Arscot, Esq. of Tetcot, in Devonshire. Kestle. The very name implies that heretofore it was a fortified place. Here liveth James Kestle, Esq. from thence denominated ever since that John de Kestle, lord of this place in the time of Edward the First, assumed that name ; where his posterity, for about twenty descents, have ever since flourished in good fame and reputation ; and give for their arms, Argent, a chevron Sable between three falcons Proper, armed with tasses and bells Or. Their crest, a castle Gules. Pendavy, the good promontory, is situated on a hill forming a peninsula by the river Alan, on the west side, and a rivulet which has two heads, one in St. Teath and the other in St. Mabyn, on the east side. Here dwelleth Nathaniel Moyle, Esq. a younger brother of Sir Walter Moyle, of Bake ; to whom, by his marriage with Johan, the daughter and heir of Thomas Kestle, of this place, Esq. the lordship descended. Mr. Moyle having only one son, of the same name as himself, by this marriage, that died unmarried about four years since, and being some- thing indebted, sold this lordship (which claimeth a royalty over all the river, and the bushelage of all goods brought up to Wade bridge) for a very considerable value (reserv- ing his own and his lady's lives on the barton), in the year 1T03, to Michael Ustick, Gent, collector of Bideford, and 37G EGLES-HAYLE. second brother to Oliver Ustick, of Lea, in St. Burian, Gent. The Harbour of Padstow is navigable every tide up to this place, where vessels of sixty or seventy tons carry and recarry their loading of such commodities as the countiy needs, coal, salt, limestone, 8cc. and here they find gene- rally a better vent for their goods than at Padstow, near the mouth of the river, which has occasioned the building of some houses on each side of the bridge, but mostly on the eastern, where are indifferent good quarters for travel- lers, who are sometimes forced to stop here against their wills, there being no passing over the bridge to the west in high spring tides, by reason that the ground on the w^estern side is very low, and at such times overflowed with the sea. Croan, the cross. Mr. Edward Hoblin built a good house at this place, and left it to his eldest son, of the same name, who was sheriff of Cornwall 8th George I. He married Barbara, the second daughter and coheir of Henry Hawkins, of St. Austell, Gent, by whom he had only one daughter, Damaris. THE EDITOU. Wade Bridge has a considerable number of houses on both sides of the river ; and I apprehend that no inconve- nience is now experienced from high tides on the western side. A toll has been levied for some years past, in aid of the revenue left for its repair; and in this year (1833) a railway, or tram road, is being constructed from thence to Bodmin. Pendavy was inhabited by Mr. Ustick, the son or suc- cessor of Mr. Richard Ustick, who made the purchase. This gentleman married Catherine Trewren, daughter of the Rev. Richard Trewren, of Trewardreva, Rector of Withyell, and Cadierine Davies, of St. Earth. Mr. Ustick parted with Pendavy from a cause similar to that whicli induced the former proprietor to sell it ; and EGLES-KERRY. 377 liis widow, left without a fiimily, or much provision, resided at Padstow till her decease in 1791. Pendavy now belongs to Sir William Molesworth. Crowan was given by the will of Mrs. Damaris Kirkham to her first cousin, the Rev. Henry Plawkins Treniayne, and it is now the property of his son, John Hearle Tre- mayne, Esq. The church of this parish is situated in a manner very like to that of St. Earth, on the river Hayle. Egles-hayle measures 4,250 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . 6757 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 622 14 in 1801, in 1821, 1174 giving an increase of 71 per cent, in 30 years. Population, — < ^^qj in 1811, 954 in 1831, 1335 GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. This parish lies parallel with that of St. Breock, on the opposite jide of the river Camel, and is composed of simi- lar rocks. Present Vicar, the Rev. Richard Corey, collated by the Bishop of Exeter in 1804. EGLES-KERRY. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of East, and hath upon the north North Petherwin ; east, St. Thomas ; south, Tre- wenn ; west, St. Cleather. In the Inquisition of the Bi- shops of Lincoln and Winchester, 1294, Capella de Egleskerry in Decanatu de Major Trigshire xl/.; after which time, but betbre the statute of Richard the Second 378 EGLES-KERRY. against the total impropriation of vicarages, it was, by its patron and endower, the Prior of Launceston, alias St. Stephen's, wholly impropriated; so that it is not named in Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, and I take it Treraayne vicarage was then as a daughter church consolidated into it by the said Prior : whereby it is only a lectureship, the Vicar subsisting on a small stipend. In the Domesday Roll, 20 William I. (1087), tliis district was taxed under the name of Pen-hall-an, now Penheale, then and still the voke lands of a considerable manor. Soon after the Norman Conquest, if not before, the De Boterells, alias De Botreauxes, were possessed of this place; for in the time of Henry the Second and Richard the First, Richard de Botreaux held 12 knights' fees in Corn- wall (Carew's Survey thereof, p. 49) ; one of which was held of the King in this place by his posterity to the 3d Henry the Fourth; where we further read, p. 41 : " Wil- liam de Boteraux tenet dimid. part. feod. de Morton, in Penhele, de Rege." From the Botreauxes, for want of issue male, those lands, by a daughter, with much other, were carried in marriage to Hungerford ; as Hungerfords' heirs, in like manner, carried it to Hastings. By Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon, it was sold to George Grenvill, Esq. that married Julyan, one of the daughters of W^illiam Vyell, of Trevorder, who sold it to John Speccot, Esq. Sheriff of Cornwall 20th James I. grandfether of my kind friend the Hon. John Speccot, Esq. three times chosen Shire Knight for this county, temp. William HI. (in order to which the writer hereof and many of his friends were his votes). He married the Lady Essex Robartes, daughter of the Right Hon. John Earl of Radnor, who died without issue, and settled those lands upon his kinsman Thomas Long, Esq. now in possession thereof; and who giveth for his arms, Sable, a lion rampant between eight cross-crosslets Argent: descended from the Longs of Wiltshire. John Speccot, Esq. gave by his last will and testament a thousand pounds for the benefit of a mathematical school EGLES-KERRY. 379 in the county of Cornwall, where all children were to be taught gratis ; the master to have the interest of the 1,000/. This school was first opened at Penryn, but is now at Looe. Tre-lyn-ike, in this parish, i. e. the town of the lake, leate, or bosom of waters, is the dwelling of Christopher Baron. Since the writing hereof this gentleman is dead; and this place, for want of issue, is descended to his sister's son, Mr. Saltern, now in possession thereof. TONKIN. This church is dedicated to St. Kyryasius, or Carisius, Bishop of Ostia, in Italy, and who is said to have suffered martyrdom in the year 226. But iMoreri relates of this person, or of one similarly named, that he pointed out to the Empress Helena the spot where the true Cross had been concealed. The Hon. John Speccot, three times Knight of the Shire, married the Lady Essex Robartes, daughter of the Right Hon. John Earl of Radnor, but on the very day subsequent to their marriage Mr. Speccot was seized with the small-pox ; and the lady experienced a fatal attack from the same dreadful disease about a month afterwards, just as her husband was getting well. His father married a daughter of John Eliot, of Port Eliot, Esq. Mr. John Speccot died in August 1703, widiout issue, and gave a great deal to charitable uses ; but he devised the bulk of his estate to the heirs of his aunt, and, after many lawsuits and disputes, his first cousin, Thomas Long, came into possession of Penhele. He was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1724, and left one son, John Speccot Long, and three daughters. This gentleman died sine prole. He was the last male heir, and the property went among his sisters. The arms of Speccot are, on a bend Gules, three mill- rinds pierced Argent. Penhele, or Penhale, is the head of the river. 380 EGLES KERRY THE EDITOR. Of the three sisters of Mr. John Speccot Long, one re- mained single. Another married Mr. Charles Phillipps, of Camelford, eldest son of INIr. John Phillipps, attorney- at-law. This gentleman represented Camelford in Parlia- ment, and was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Cornwall Militia. He survived his wife, and acquired through her a third part of the Long property, which, with all his other pos- sessions, he bequeathed in equal portions to his two bro- thers, Mr. Jonathan Phillipps, a Captain with him in the militia, and the Rev. William Phillipps, Rector of Lante- glos, the parish including Camelford. These two brothers came to some arrangement with the two sisters, by which this share of Penhale at least reverted to them. The third sister, jVIargaret Long, first married Mr. Chai'les Davie, of the family settled at Orleigh, in Devon- shire. He carried on, however, some business in Bristol, and is said to have been in very bad circumstances. He died after a few years, and in her old age the widow was induced to marry Mr. John Bridlake Herring, a Major in the army, who resorted to all possible methods for extort- ing money from the old lady; one that will scarcely be credited, by terrifying her with supposed apparitions. The three sisters are reputed to have excelled in beauty of per- son, but to have been so utterly neglected in their educa- tion, as scarcely to possess the common acquirement of reading. The Editor remembers to have seen Penhale and the old lady in 1788. Her appearance, then near eighty, justified the report respecting her youth , and the house seemed to rank among the very finest specimens of ancient buildings in Cornwall, as well for size as for architectural decoration. Near the entrance, stood a very curious dial, probably placed there by &i?- John Speccot, who founded a mathe- matical school. The barton of Penhale is again divided; one portioi EGLES KERRY. 381 belonging to a grandson of Major Herring, who has taken the name of Cloberry, and another to the Kev. Charles Sweet, of Kentisbury, in Devonshire. This parish measures 2,829 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £, s. d. i-eturned to Parliament in 1815 . . 2195 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 301 IT Population, — \ in 1801, 307 in 1811 395 in 1821, 436 in 1831, 537 giving an increase of 74 per cent, in 30 years. Present \'icar, the Rev. John Serjeant, instituted in 1826. THE GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. Egles-Kerry is almost entirely situated on that extensive chain of downs, which runs across the country from Laun- ceston to the Bristol Channel ; composed of rocks which are very quartzose, but in many parts appear to be almost entirely felspar, commonly, however, united with some colouring material which stains them to a dark blue. This is particulai'ly the case near the churrh, where the rocks very strongly resemble those at Rosecradock, and in other parts of St. Cleer. Northward, these rocks pppear to pass into the Dunstone; but it must be confessed that their geological position is not yet elucidated ; for, like the compact rocks of King Arthur's Castle in Tintagel, of St. Stephen's, and Pentire Points, on each side of Padstow Harbour, and elsewhere, they yet require to be carefully and patiently investigated. 382 ST. ENEDELLYAN, or ST. DELYAN. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Trigniinor, and hath upon the north the Irish Sea; east, St. Teth; south, St. Kewe; west, St. Minvor. This is that Delian taxed in Domesday Roll, 20th William I. (1087,) and refei's to the name of the tutelar guardian and patron of this church, here extant be- fore the Norman Conquest, viz. St. Delian, or Telian, a Bri- tish saint, said to be made Bishop of Menevia, or Landaff, after St. David's death, anno Dom. 5G3, (see Davidstow,) (who was born in Merionethshire, and had his education under St. Dubritius, Bishop of Landaff, anno Dom. 520,) by whose instruction and piety he became a learned and pious divine, and was furthered and confirmed therein by St. David, afterwards Bishop of Landaff, alias Menevia. This St. Delian accompanied St. David in pilgrimage to Jerusalem, to visit the holy cross and sepulchre, from whence they safely returned again into their own country ; and finding the same greatly infected with the plague, St. Delian, as was generally said, by his sincere and fervent prayers soon delivered that country from the malignity of that fatal disease, which long time before had destroyed great numbers of its inhabitants. He is placed by Harps- field and Campion in the Constat of the Bishops of Lan- daff, and that he died about the year 570. In this church of St. Delian, (now called Ene-Delian, or Ene-Dellian,) soon after the Norman Conquest, some gentlemen, lords of tenements in this parish, set up and endowed here a court, corporation, or college, of six Pre- bends, or Canons Augustine, as council or assistants to the Bishop, Dean, or Rector, viz. the Lord of the Barton of Trearike, now Peter's, and two others, who alternately are patrons of this church, and present the rector thereto. ST. ENEDELLYAN. 383 The Prebend of Trearick was given by Richardson to one Grey; the patronage of which is in the Earl of Radnor. In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Win- chester, 1294, the revenues of Ecclesia de Enedehan-ta, (id est, the church of the good soul of Delian,) then a vicarage, were thus charged : 1. Prebend. Dom. Paganus de Liske, in eadem, xls. 2. Prebend. John Moderet, Ixs. 3. Prebend. Henricus de Monkton, nnl. iis. 4. Prebend. Dominus Reginald Thick, iiii/. iis. 5. Prebend. Magister Osberti, iiii. xs. 6. Prebend. Magister William de Wymondham, iiii/.xs. Vicarius ejusdem xxs. In all 23/. 4s. In Wolsey's Inquisition, 1521, and Valor Beneficiorum, this church of Endelian is rated to First Fruits 10/. The Incumbent Wills ; and the parish rated to the 4s. per pound Land Tax, 1696, 180/. Within this district now stands the barton and manor of Ros-cur-ok, rated as the voke lands of two manors or parishes in Domesday Roll, 20th William I. (1087.) The same, I suppose, mentioned in Carew's Survey of Corn- wall, p. 47. Tre-freke, alias Tre-vreke, alias Tre-frege, synonymous words in British, (that is to say, the wife's town, or a town pertaining to some wife,) is the dwelling of John Hamly, Gent, that married Treffreye. Pen-nant, in this parish, (i. e. the head of the valley,) is the dwelling of John Rawe, Gent, that married Kelly. Tresongar, or Tresongadh, is the dwelling of John Matthews, Gent, that married Vivian of Truan. The present possessor, Mr. Matthews, leaving no issue male, his only daughter and heir is married to Henry Bond, Gent, attorney-at-law, steward to the Earl of Radnor. In this parish, as I take it, is situate the barton of Cheny (see St. Teth). It is now, I suppose, in possession of Mr. Danell. 384 ST. ENEDELLYAN. TONKIN. Roscarrake, in this parish, gave name and residence to the old and famous family of gentlemen, from thence deno- minated De Roscarrake. Richard de Roscarrack held in this place the fourth part of a knight's fee in the reign of Henry the Fourth, as appears from Carew's Survey. John Roscarrack was Sheriff of Cornwall in the 6th Henry VH. Richard Roscarrack was Sheriff in 4th Ed- ward VI. again 2d Elizabeth. And John Roscarrack was Sheriff 17th Elizabeth. They received great augmentation to their estate by the daughter and heir of Pentire of Pentuan, who brought to them the whole patrimony of that family: but, alas! so true is that saying, "Man doth not always flourish," the great estate of this family, by ill conduct, was much wasted ; and in the reign of Charles the Second, this very barton and manor of Roscarrack was sold by Charles Roscarrack to Edward Boscowen, Esq. in whose son and heir, Mr. Hugh Boscowen, of Tregothen, it now resteth. Trefreke now belongs to Mr. John Hemley, who giveth for his arms, Argent, three hounds passant Azure. THE EDITOR. Port Isaac, a small town of the sea coast, with a harbour for boats and sloops, is situated in this parish. The church, standing on a high hill, is a landmark from the Bristol Channel. The rectory, and one of the prebends, are in the gift of the Crown. Another of the prebends belongs to Mrs. Agar, the representative of the Robartes. The third is in the presentation of Mr. Gray. ST. ENEDELLYAN. 385 The north aile of the church is said to have been built by the Roscarracks, and to have remained their private property, with a burial-place below it. This parish measures 3,083 statute acres. Annual value of the Real Property, as £. s. d. returned to Parliament in 1815 . . 5215 Poor Rate in 1831 . . . . 745 6 Population, — X ^„„ in 1801, in 1811. 950 in 1821, 1149 giving an increase of 67^ per cent, in 30 years. in 1831, 1218 GEOLOGY, BY DR. BOASE. St. Enedellyan has been long celebrated for its mines of antimony. This metal occurs in the state of a sulphuret, associated with iron pyrites, in quartz veins, which run east and west, traversing a blue lamellar slate, very similar to that which frequently abounds in the calcareous series, and to which, indeed, this slate belongs. Some curious varie- ties of rocks in this series are found in St. Enedellyan, one of which, in particular, abounds between the church and Port Isaac, which was noticed by Sir Humphrey Davy in a decomposing state, under the name of mandelstone. In this state it is a dull earthy argillaceous rock, of an ochre- ous colour, full of small, roundish cavities. In its perfect state this rock is a greenish-grey, glossy, compact felspar, containing granules of flesh-coloured calcareous spar, and minute prisms of hornblende. During decomposition, the calcareous spar is dissolved, and washed away by the rain- water, which produces the honeycomb appearance; and the ferruginous stain is derived from the iron contained in the hornblende. This rock has been described by Mr. Prideaux as occurrin": in Devon. It is very rare in Corn- wall. 2 c 38(; ST. ENODOR. HALS. Is situate in the hundred of Pidre, and hath upon the north Little Colon; east, St. Stephen's and St. Denis; south, Ladoch ; west, Newland. In the Domesday Tax, 20th William I. (1087,) this district was taxed under the names of Borthy and Resparva. And Berthy is still the voke lands of a manor pertaining to Penrose, now Bos- cawen and others. The 3d Henry IV. one Ralph de Bor- thy held in Dinbegh, in Pidre, by the tenure of knight- service, a small knight's fee. (Carew's Survey of Cornwall, p. 41.) In the Inquisition of the Bishops of Lincoln and Win- chester into the value of Cornish Benefices, (1294,) Eccle- sia Enadori in Decanatu de Pidre, is rated vii/. vis. viud. Vicar ejusdem xx5. In Wolsey's Inquisition, and Valor Beneficiorum, Enador Vic. is valued at 26/. 13*. M. ; the patronage in the Bishop of Exeter, who endowed it ; the Incumbent Martin; the Rectory, or sheaf, in possession of Davy's heirs; and the parish rated to the 4*. per pound Land Tax, (1696,) 141/. 65. Some of the inhabitants of this parish have told me that one St. Athenodorus is the tutelar guardian of this church, from whom it is denominated Enador, Athenodorus, the stoic philosopher of Athens, was born before Christ Jesus, and was tutor to the Emperor Augustus, who taught hirn that he should neither do or say any thing, but take respite till he could say over the Greek alphabet, that so he might neither say or do any thing through rashness or anger ; for which advice he is specially remembered. Car-vin-ike, alias Car-fyn-ike, (i. e. the rock spring, fountain, leat, or riveret of water, so called from the natu- ral circumstances of the place,) is the dwelling of Anthony Tanner, Gent, that married Carthew ; his father Arundell, ST. ENODOR. 387 by whom he had this place. Originally descended from the Tanners, late of Court and Boderick, in St. Stephen's, and giveth the same arms. Pen-coll, or Pen-cooth, in this parish, (i. e. the head- wood, a name also of old taken from the ancient natural circumstances of the place,) is the dwelling of Arthur For- tescue, Gent, that married Verman ; his father El ford, being of the Fortescues of Filleigh, in Devon, and gives the same arms. Gon-rounsan, in this parish, is the dwelling of John Flammock, Gent, that married Coode, and giveth for his arms the same as the Flammocks of Bodmin. This land is since sold to Philip Hawkins, Esq. son of Mr. Hawkins of Creed. Tre-wheler, in this parish, is the dwelling of Edward Hoblyn, Gent, that married Williams; his father Coso- warth ; a younger branch of Nanswhiddon family, and giveth the same arms. This parish of St. Enedor is the flattest or levellest pa- rish of lands in Cornwall, and, by consequence, the store- house or preserver of moisture, or water; and in testimony of the wateryness of this soil, I do remember that in the latter end of the reii^n of King Charles the Second, the tower of this church sunk in its foundation, so much that the whole fabric fell to the ground, and greatly damnifieil the church with its stones; which church and tower, by the Bishop of Exeter's grant of a collection throughout his diocese, are both again well-built and repaired as it now stands. This parish is enriched with lodes of tin and copper. At Pen- hale, or haile, in this parish, that is to say, the head-river, or the head of the river; and suitable to its name, in the low lands thereof are the original fountains or springs of two notable rivers, viz. that on the south side of those lands, making its current or flux to Tresillian Bridge, in Merther, on the south part of this county ; that on the north side of Penhale lands, makiiig its course to Lower 2c 2 388 ST. ENODOR. 8t. Colomb Port, on the north part of Cornwall ; both which rivers abound with fishes proper to the country in their seasons, as trouts, eels, peal, and salmon, 8cc. before they empty themselves into the North and South Seas of the British Channel, and the Irish or Atlantic Ocean. TONKIN. I have to remark on this parish, that all the southern [>art is in the hundred of Powder, although it is wholly rated to that of Pidar. Athenodorus, to whom this church is dedicated, is a saint ill the Roman Calendar, and brother to Gregory Thau- luaturgus, or the miracle-worker, both natives of Neocaese- rea, in Pontus, or Cappadocia; of noble extraction, very well skilled in the sciences, the knowledge of tongues, and philo.'-ophy ; who, hearing of the great fame of Origen, came to hear him, and were by his learned lessons, and holy exhortations, brought to leave the Pagan philosophy and all mundane sciences, and to embrace the holy the- ology, in which they made so great a progress in the space of five years, under so good a master, that, although they were both very young, they were honoured with the office of Bishops in the churches of Pontus. This St. Atheno- dorus suffered martyrdom about the year 272, under Aurelian. THE EDITOR. In this parish are situated three villages, called Summer- court, Penhale, and Fraddon, each of which had formerly the privilege of holding an annual fair. All are now trans- ferred to Somercoin-t. One held on the 25th of September, is considered to be the most important in Cornwall. The name is obviously modern, although the village itself seems to be quite as ancient as any in the neighbourhood. There is in this parish also another village, of consider- able importance up to the year 1832, called Michell, St. Michael, or Modeshole. ST. ENODOR. .389 This place, although never enlillecl, by the utmost stretch of" courtesy, to the appellation of a town, was privi- leged with sending J\J embers to Parliament in the time of King Eldward the Sixth, probably to increase the political power of the Lords Arundell, who then possessed the para- mount manor of Michel, together with an unrivalled influ- ence in that part of Cornwall. Many of the small places in Cornwall received this pri- vilege from the Tudors, for tlie express purpose of be- coming close or nomination boroughs, withdrawn as they then were from public view or attention. The system thus created has acted at different periods in various ways. At first, many of the small Boroughs returneil neighbouring gentlemen to Parliament, the natural aristo- cracy of the country, and practically the peers of other gentlemen holding hereditary seats, and distinguished by the shadowy appellation of offices long since extinct. These representatives formed the strongest bulwark of national liberty in the subsequent reigns of the Stuarts. So that Charles the Second, and his brother King James, en- deavoured to smooth the way for their progress towards despotism by invading chartered or prescriptive rights; and thus the inviolability of these rights became associated in men's minds, after the Revolution, with the very idea of liberty itself; and this union remained so permanently fixed and strong at the distance of a century, as to dash in pieces the otherwise powerful administration of Mr. Fox and Lord North, because they proposed to interfere autho- ritatively with the Charter of the East Lidia Company. Times were, however, at that period completely changed. The English Empire had extended itself into all parts of tl)e globe; an immense maimfacturing and commeixial interest had grown up; and, of still greater consequence, the na- tional debt had created a vast monied capital, not subject to the laws of primogeniture, and therefore inclined to- wards democracy. All these obtained representatives through the small Boroughs, but tempered in most cases 390 ST. ENODOR. by the media through which the seats were acquired. Statesmen by profession, and many inclined to support the existing order of things by their situation in Hfe, and by their connection, obtained admission also into Parliament in the same manner, and all these, united with the represen- tatives of counties, and of large towns, formed an assembly, owing its existence, no doubt, to accidental causes, but, in the opinion of many wise and experienced men, better adapted to the government of a great country than any one that the world had seen, or than could be established by systematic arrangements. That House of Commons has been swept away by the enactment of 1832; and it remains to be proved by an ex- periment, at which bold men might shrink, whether a more direct delegation will as effectually represent all the varied materials of the State, and whether a body so powerful may not ultimately absorb into its immediate superintend- ence the whole legislative and executive functions. Michell had to boast among its representatives of Sir Walter Ralegh, of Mr. Carew, the historian of Cornwall, and of many distinguished gentlemen of the county. It used to be said, that Colonel Clive spent so much money in a contest for this place as to occasion his return to India, where he gained the battle of Plassey, and established the Eastern Empire. The right of election seems to liave been vague and un- defined at Michell, as it was in early times at almost all other places; but repeated decisions of the House of Com- mons tended to ascertain, and usually to abridge the right, as this was deemed most favourable to the new Govern- ment ; and finally, by Act of Parliament in 2d George II. the last decision of the House of Commons on any right of voting acquired the force and authority of law. Such a decision took place with respect to Michell in the year 1700, fixing the right of voting in the possessors of five burgage tenures, here denominated mesne lordships, and in all resident payers of scot and lot. Property ST. ENODOR. 391 within the limits of the boroui^li being divided, and each possessor of hind wisliin c> >i >■>' %,^^ ^# 1/?.^^ a «:. .^ME•lINl' ■^/^iliAiMi Ji^"^ 3> -< ^r <^''' ^. ) c?' 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