GIFT OF Dr. Horace Ivle / J 6 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation KOBOSON'S MATHEMATICAL SERIES. ELEMENTS PLANE AND SPHERICAL TRiaONOMETEY, WITH NUMEROUS PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. BY ; ; HORATIO N. ROBlfedN, thiD AXJTHOB OF A FULL COtn^'OP ilLflf^^llAlCil.' , . , IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. 1880. i( R-OEiisrsoisr's SERIES OF MATHEMATICS. The most Complete, most Practical, and most Scientific Seeies of Mathematical Text-Books ever issued in this country. Mohinson's Progressive Table Book, Mobinson's Progressive Prhnnry Jirithmetic, - - - - - Itobinson's Progressive Intellectual JLritlitnetic, - - . . Jtobinson's Jiudinients of Written Arithmetic, Itobinson's Progressive Practical Arithmetic, Itobinson's Keg to Practical Aritlttnetic, -.---- Itobinson's Progressive Higher Arithmetic, . - - - - Itobinson's Keg to Higher Arithmetic, ...... Itobinson's Arithmetical Kocamj^les, ....... Itobinson's New Elementary Algebra, ------- Itobinson's Key to Eletnentary Algebra, ------ Itobinson's University Algebra, -------- Itobinson's Key to University Algebra, Pobinson's New University Algebra, - - - - - - - Itobinson's Key to New University Algebra, . . . . . Itobinson's Neic Geometry and Trigonometry, - - - - - Pobinson's Neiv Geometri% o-nly, ........ Pobinson's Netc y*i'ismMJfiy^try only, Itobiii^^Kms Suvveying and Nf^igation, ...... Itobinson's ^Am>liff{y(^l (j>vos/i^tt^iX and Conic Sections, - - - liiijttiispii^^l^frii^ventisvb'ihid Integral Calcxtlus, . . . . iLiditle's New Elementary Astronomy, ...... Itobinson's University Astronomy, ....... Itobinson's Mathematical Operations, ------- Itobinson's Key to Geometry atid Trigonom^etry, Conic Sections, and Analytical Geometry, ....... GIFT OF EDUCATION Oe^' Enteeed, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by DANIEL W. FISH, A.M., ' in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of New York. Jb' NOTICE. Upon the suggestion of many- Teachers, the Publishers have thought best to bind in a separate volume this Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; continuing, however, as heretofore, to bind it up with Robinson's New Geometry, in one volume. In this form it will bo more convenient, and less expensive for those Teachers and Students who do not wish to take up the Geometry in con- nection with it, or who desire to use this Treatise on Trigonometry and some other author on Geometry. ,a- -! 924227 TKIGONOM-ETEY PAKT I. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION I. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES. Trigonometry, in its literal and restricted sense, has for its object the measurement of triangles. When it treats of plane triangles it is called Plane Trigonometry . In a more enlarged sense, trigonometry is the science which investigates the relations of all possible arcs of the circumference of a circle to certain straight lines, termed trigonometrical lines or circular functions^ connected with and dependent on such arcs, and the relations of these trigonometrical lines to each other. The measure of an angle is the arc of a circle inter- cepted between the two lines which form the angle — the center of the arc always being at the point where the '. two lines meet. :• -..The arc is measured by degrees^ minutes, and seconds; •• lli^re being 360 degrees to the whole circle, 60 minutes \\\ fal'/one degree, and 60 seconds in one minute. Degrees, /..' nlinutes, and seconds, are designated by °, ', "; thus, %%\ 27° 14' 21", is read 27 degrees 14 minutes 21 seconds. iV;. .'The circumferences of all circles contain the same •'•*•• number of degrees, but the greater the radius the greater \-"l * (244) SECTION I. - 245 is tlie absolute length of a degree. The circumference of a carriage wheel, the circumference of the earth, or the still greater and indefinite circumference of the heavens, has the same number of degrees ; yet the same number of degrees in each and every circumference is the meas- ure of precisely the same angle. DEFINITIONS. 1. The Complement of an arc is 90° minus the arc. 2. The Supplement of an arc is 180° minus the arc. 3. The Sine of an angle, or of an arc, is a line drawn from one end of an arc, perpendicular to a diameter drawn through the other end. Thus, BF is the sine of the arc AB^ and also of the arc BDE, BK is the sine of the arc BB. H 4. The Cosine of an arc is the per- j) ^^ pendicular distance from the center of the circle to the sine of the arc ; or, it is the same in magnitude as the sine of the complement of the arc. Thus, QF is the cosine of the arc AB\ but 0[F= KB^ which is the sine of BB, ^ 5. The Tangent of an arc is a line touching the circle in one extremity of the arc, and continued from thence, to meet a line drawn through the center and the other ex- tremity. Thus, AH is the tangent to the arc AB^ and BL is the tangent of the arc BB, 6. The Cotangent of an arc is the tangent of the com- plement of the arc. Thus, DX, which is the tangent of the arc BB^ is the cotangent of the arc AB. Kemark. — The co is but a contraction of the word complement. 7. The Secant of an arc is a line drawn from the center of the circle to the extremity of the tangent. Thus, CH is the secant of the arc AB^ or of its supplement BBE, 8. The Cosecant of an arc is the secant of the comple- ment. Thus, CZ, the secant of J?i>, is the cosecant oiAB. 21* J 246 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 9. The Versed Sine of an arc is the distance from tho extremity of the arc to the foot of the sine. Thus, A^ s the versed sine of the arc AB^ and DK is the versed line of the arc BB, For the sake of brevity, these technical terms are con- tracted thus : for sine AB^ we write nn, AB ; for cosine 4 B, T7e write coz, AB; for tangent AB, we write ta7u AB, etc. From the preceding definitions we deduce the follow mg obvious consequences : 1st. That when the arc AB becomes insensibly small, or zero, its sine, tangent, and versed sine are also nothing, and its secant and cosine are each equal to radius. 2d. The sine and versed sine of a quadrant are each equal to the radius ; its cosine is zero, and its secant and tangent are infinite. 3d. The chord of an arc is twice the sine of one half the arc. Thus, the chord, BG, is double the sine, BF. 4th. The versed sine is equal to the difi*erence between the radius and the cosine. 5th. The sine and cosine of any arc form the two sides of a right-angled triangle, which has a radius for its hypotenuse. Thus, OF and FB are the two sides of the right-angled triangle, CFB. Also, the radius and tangent always form the two sides of a right-angled triangle, which has the secant of the arc for its hypotenuse. This we observe from the right-angled triangle, OAIT, To express these relations analytically, we write sin.' -f- COS.' = i? (1) R^ -I- tan." = sec.' (2) From the two equiangular triangles CFB, QAH^ we Jiave CF ', FB ^ CA I AH. SECTION I. 247 That id, COS. : sin. = B : tan. ; whence, tan. «= — _ I (3) cos Also, OF , CB = OA : CM. That is, COS. : i2 = jR : sec. ; whence, cos. sec. = B^, (4) The tivo equiangular triangles, QAH and ODL, give CA I AH =^ DL : DC. That is, R : tan. = cot. : B\ whence, tan. cot. =■ iT. (5) Also, CF : FB =^ BL : BQ. That is, COS. : sin. = cot. : i2; whence, cos. B = sin. cot. (6) From equations (4) and (5), we have COS. sec. = tan. cot. (7) Or, COS. : tan. = cot. : sec. We also have ver. sin. = R — cos. (8) The ratios between the various trigonometrical lines are always the same for arcs of the same number of degrees, whatever be the length of the radius ; and we may, therefore, assume radius of any length to suit our convenience. The preceding equations will be more con- cise, and more readily applied, by making the radius equal unity. This supposition being made, we have, for equations 1 to 6, inclusive, sin.' + cos.' =1. ( I ) 1 + tan.' = sec.» (2) sin. ,„, 1 ... tan. = (3) COS. = — (4) COS. sec. tan. = (5) COS. = sin. cot. (6) cot. Let the circumference, AEBH^ be divided into fouj equal parts by the diameters, AB and EH, the one hori- 248 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. zontal and the other vert- ical. These equal parts are called quadrants, and they may be distinguished as the first, second, tldrd, and fourth quadrants. The center of the circle is taken as the origin of distances, or the zero point, and the different directions in which distances are esti- mated from this point are indicated by the signs + and — . 1^ those from Q to the right be marked +, those from Q to the left must be marked — ; and if distances from Q upwards be considered plus, those from C down- wards must be considered minus. If one extremity of a varying arc be constantly at A, and the other extremity fall successively in each of the several quadrants, we may readily determine, by the above rule, the algebraic signs of the sines and cosines of all arcs from 0° to 360°. Now^, since all other trigo- nometrical lines can be- expressed in terms of the sine and cosine, it follows that the algebraic signs of all the circular functions result from those of the sine and cosine. We shall thus find for arcs terminating in the sin. COS. tan. cot. sec. oosec rera. 1st quadrant, + -|- -f -f- + -f -f 2d " +___ — — ^ 4 3d" __4.4.__ + 4th " — + — — + — -f. PROPOSITION 1. The chord of 60° and the tangent of 45° are each equal to radius ; the sine of 80°, the versed sine of 60°, and the co* fiiie of 60° are each equal to one half the radius* SECTION 1 248 With (7 as a center, and CA as a ladius, describe the arc ABF, and from A lay off the arcs AD = 45°, AB = 60°, and AE = 90° ; then is EB = 30°. 1st. The side of a regular in- scribed hexagon is the radius of tLe circle, (Prob. 28, B. lY), and as the arc subtended by each side of the hexagon contains 60°, we have the chord of 60° equal to the radius. 2d. The triangle CAR is right-angled at J., and the angle (7 is equal to 45°, being measured by the arc AD\ bence the angle at H is also equal to 45°, and the trian- gle is isosceles. Therefore AH — CA — radius of the circle. 3d. The triangle ABQ is isosceles, and Bn is a per- pendicular from the vertex upon the base ; hence An = nC = Bm. But Bm is the sine of the arc BE, On is the cosine of the arc AB, and An is the versed sine of the same arc, and each is equal to one half the radius. Ilence the proposition ; the chord of 60°, etc. PROPOSITION II. Given, the sine and the cosine of ttoo arcs, to find the sine and the cosine of the sum and of the difference of the same arcs expressed by the sines and cosines of the separate arcs. Let (r be the center of the circle, CD the greater arc, and DF the less, and denote these arcs by a and h re- spectively. Draw the radius GD', make the arc DE equal to the arc BF, and draw the chord EF. From i" and ^, the extremi- ties, and J, the middle point G »r 250 * PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. of the chord, let fall the perpendiculars FM, EP, and IN, ou the radius GO. Also draw DO, the sine of the arc OB, and let fall the perpendiculars III on FM, and ^iTon IK Now, by the definition of sines and cosines, BO =» sin. a; 00 = cos.a; FI =^ sin.6; (7/= cos.6. We are to liud FM = sin. (a + 5) ; GM = cos. (« + &); - EP = sin. {a — b)', GP = cos. {a — h). Because IN is parallel to DO, the two A*8, GBO^ GIN, are equiangular and similar. Also, the A FHI is similar to the A GIN-, for the angles, FIG and HIN, are right angles ; from these two equals, taking away tKe common angle HIL, we have the angle Fill— the angle GIN The angles at H and iVare right angles; there- fore, the A's Fill, GIN, and GBO, are equiangular and similar; and the side HI is homologous to IN and BO. Again, as FI = IE, and IK is parallel to FM, FH = IK, and HI = ^^. Bj similar triangles we have GB : BO = GI : IN That is, R : sin.a = co3.5 : IN-, or, IN^ sin.ygsj^ ( 1 , Also, GB '. GO ^ FT \ FH. That is, i2 : cos.a = « ^m.h : HF; or, JPir= cos^n^^ ^2) Also, GB : GO = GI : GN That is, H : cos.a = cos. J : GN; or, GN=^ ^y^-^^^^^ ( 3 j Also, GB : DO = FI : IH. That is, i? : = sin.6 : IH; or, 7ir= ^l^hl^'l'j:!!. (4) By adding the first and second of these equations, we bave IN -f FH = F3I - sin. (a + 6). SECTION I. 251 a,, , . . / , 7\ sin.a C0S.6 + cos.a Bin.ft That IS, sin. (a -{- b) =^ ^ . By subtracting the second from the first, since IN— FJI= ZZV— iir= UP, we have , ,. sin. a C0S.5 — cos.a sin. J 8in.(a — J)= ^ J3y subtracting the fourth from the third, we have GN — IH = GM = COS. (a 4- b) for the first member. TT / . IN cos.a C0S.6 — sin. a sin. 5 /.» Hence, cos. (a + 6) = . (5) Mb 13y adding the third and fourth, we have GN-^- in= GN+NF= (7P = co8.(a— 6). rr , TV COS. « COS. 5 4- sin. a sin. i ,ct\ Hence, cos.(a — o) — ~ . ( o ) Collecting these four expressions, and considering the r» lius unity, we have C'^^ ' sin. (a + J) = sin. a cos.ft + cos.a sin. J ( 7 ) sin. (a — 6)= sin. a cos.6 — cos.a sin. 6 (8) cos.(a -\-h) — cos.a cos.^ — sin.a sin.i ( 9 ) .cos.(a — ^) = cos.a cos.6 + sin.a sin.5 (10) Formuloe {A) accomplish the objects of the proposi tion, and from these equations many useful and import ant deductions can be made. The following are the most essential : By a Iding ( " ) to ( 8 ), we have ( n ) ; subtracting ( 8 ) fi\>m ( 7 ) gives ( 12 ). Also, ( 9 ) added to ( 10 ) gives ( 13 ) , ( 9 ) taken from ( 10 ) gives ( 14 ). sin. (a -\-h)-\- sin. (a — h) = 2sin.a cos.6 ( H ) %\\\.(a-\-h) — sin. (a — 6) = 2cos.a sin. 6 (12) cos.(a + i) + cos.(a — h) = 2cos.a cos.6 ( 13 ) cos.(a — h) — cos.(a + b) = 2sin.a sin.6 (14) If we put a-hb = A, and a — b = B, then ( H ) becomei. ( 15 ), ( 12 ) becomes ( 16 ), ( 13 ) becomes ( 17 ), and ( 14 ) be comes (18). w (B) 252 PLANF TRIGONOMETRY. (0) rA-}'B\ /A— By Bm.A + sin.^ = 2sin. (^-) cos. (^-^) ( ^^1 Bin.^-sm.5=2cos.(^±-?)sin.(^i:^) (16) A ^ A ' 'A^B\ /A — By oos.A + COS. J5 = 2cos. (^ -) cos. (^-) ( ^^ ) A-hB^ C08.J5 — cos -4 2 ^ — ^> ^u^)""(^> ' 18) sin. If we divide ( 15 ) by ( -6 ), (observing that — '- = tan., COS. cos 1 ttnd -r-^ = cot. = as we learn by equations ( 6 ) and sin. tan. ( 5 ), we shall have Ai-B A—Bs A+By mn.A + sin .B ''•'•(-^) "'°^-(-2-) ta°-(^-) sin.^ — sin.i? Whence, A—B^ A—B^ (19) A-VBs A-By sin.JL+sin.^ : sin.J. — sin.5 = tan.( \ : tan. ( ) V- f vV ^ ^ 2 ^ That is : The sum of the sines' (ff cnty two arcs is to the dif- ference of the same sines, as the tangent of one half the sum of the same arcs is to the tangent of one half their difference. By operating in the same way with the different equa- tions in formulae ((7), we find, ^sm.A + sin.B /A-\-B\ 1^) sin.^l H- sin.jB /A — B\ cos.^ — cos^Z ^ ^^** V 2~~) sin.A — sin.^ ^A — B\ co8,A Tco^ == *^^- \ 2~/ sin.J.— .sin..^ _ /^ + A cos.^— cos.^ "" ^^^- \ 2~/ cos.A + cos.^ ^^^' \~^ / co&.B — COS. J. tan. /A^B (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) SECTION I. 253 These equations are all true, whatever be the value of the arcs designated by A and B ; we may, therefore, assign any possible value to either of them, and if in equations (20), (21), and (24), we make ^= 0, we shall have, Bm.A J. A 1 ,ncx = tan. — = —I ( 25 ) i -f cos.^ 2 cot^A Bm,A .A 1 f^^. = cot. -^ = — T ( 26 ) (g 1-— cos.^ 2 tan.J^ 1 4- cos.^ cot.^^ 1 (27) 1— cos.Jl tan.J^ tan'l^ J£ we now turn back to formulae (A), and divide equa- tion (7) by (9), and (8) by (10), observing at the same time that — '- = tan., we shall have, cos. ' +« / , i\ sin.a cos. J 4- cos.a sin. 6 tan. (a -f 6) = tan. (a — 5) = cos.a C0S.6 — sin. a sin.b sin. a cos. 5 — cos.a sin. 5 cos.a C0S.6 + sin. a sin. 6 By dividing the numerators and denominators of the second members of these equations by (cos.a cos.i), we find, sin. a C0S.5 cos.a sin. 6 , ,. cos.a C0S.6 cos.a C0S.6 tan.a-ftan.ft tan.(a4-5)= , -. -. — ==- — (28) cos.a COS. sm.a sin.6 1 — tan. a tan. o cos.a COS. 6 cos.a COS. 5 sin. a COS. 5 cos.a sin.6 , ,, cos.a cos.6 cos.a COS.6 tan. a — tan. 5 tau.(a— 5)= -. — . . ,==-— ^ -— - (29) ^ ' cos.a C0S.6 sin. a sin. D l+tan.a tan.6 cos.a COS. 6 cos.a C0S.6 If in equation (H), formulae (B), we make a = 6, we ihall have, sin. 2a = 2sin.a cos.a (30) Making the same hypothesis in equation (13), gives, co8.2a + 1= 2co8'.a (31) 22 254 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The same hypothesis reduces equation (14) to l_cos.2a = 2siIl^a (32) The same hypothesis reduces equation ( 28 ) to , o 2tan.a ,oq\ tan.2a = - — — -i- (3^) 1 — tsijr.a If we substitute a for 2a in (31) and (32)^ we shall hav6 1 + cos.a = 2cos.'ia. (34) and 1 — cos.a == 2sin.'Ja. (35) ^ PROPOSITION III. In any right-angled plane triangle^ we may have the fol- lowing proportions : 1st. The hypotenuse is to either side, as the radius is to the sine of the angle opposite to that side,^ 2d. One side is to the other side, as the radius is to the tan- gent of the angle adjacent to the first side, 3d. One side is to the hypotenuse, as the radius is to the eecant of the angle adjacent to that side. Let CAB represent any right- angled triangle, right-angled at A. (Here, and in all cases hereafter, we shall represent the angles of a triangle by the large letters A, B, C, and the sides opposite to them, by the small letters a, 6, c.) From either acute angle, as C, take any distance, as CB, greater or less than CB, and describe the arc BE. This arc measures the angle 0. From B, draw BF par- allel to BA ; and from JE, draw EGi, also parallel to BA or BF, By the definitions of sines, tangents, secants, etc, BF is the sine of the angle 0; EGi is the tangent, CO the secant, and CF the cosme. SECTION I. 255 Now, by proportional triangles we have, CB : BA= CD: DF or, a : c = R : sm.O CA:AB=CU: EG or, b : c CAiCB ^ QE : CG Hence the proposition. ScnoLiuM. — If the hypotenuse of a triangle is made radius, one sidfl is the sine of the angle opposite to it, and the other side is the cosine of the same angle. This is obvious from the triangle CDF» R :tan.(7 o\\ h : a = R : sec. (7 PROPOSITION IV. In any triangle, the sines of the angles are to one another 08 the sides opposite to them. Let ABC be any tri- angle. From the points A and B, as centers, with any radius, de- Hcribe the arcs meas- uring these angles, and draw pa, CD, and mn, perpendicular to AB. Then, pa = sin.^, and mn = sin.^. By the similar A's, Apa and ACD, we have, R : Bin. A = biCB; or, R{CI)) = b sin.A By the similar a's, Bmn and BCD, we have, R : sm.B = a: CD; or, R(CD) = a sm.B (2) By equating the second members of equations ( 1 ) and (2) b sin, A = a sin. 5. Uence, sin.^ : sin.^ = a : b Or, a : b = sin.A : sin.^. ScnoLiUM 1. — When either angle is 90°, its sine is radius. Scholium 2. — When CB is less than AC, and the angle B, acute, the triangle is represented by ACB. When the angle B becomes B^, it is obtuse, and the triangle is A CB^ ; but the proportion is equally (1) 256 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. true with either triangle ; for the angle CB^D = CBAy and the 8iu< of CB^D is the same as the sine of AB^C. In practice we can deter- mine which of these triangles is proposed, by the side AB being greater or less than AC', or, by the angle at the vertex C being large, as A CB, or small, as A CB^. In the solitary case in which AC, CB, and the angle A, are given, and CB less than AC, we can determine both of the A's A(^B and A CB'' ; and then we surely have the right one. PROPOSITION V. If from any angle of a triangle, a perpendicular he let fall on the opposite side, or base, the tangents of the segments of the angle are to each other as the segments of the base. Let J.^ (7 be the triangle. Let fall the perpendicular CB, on the side AB, Take any radius, as Cn, and de- scribe the arc which measures the A. QV^^^^^B angle C, From n, draw qnp parallel to AB. Then it is obvious that np is the tangent of the angle BOB, and nq is the tangent of the angle AQD. Now, by reason of the parallels AB and qp, we have, qn : np = AB : BB That is, tan.^OZ) : \s.xi,BQB = AB : BB. PROPOSITION VI. If a perpendicular be let fall from any angle of a triangh to its opposite side or base, this base is to the sum of the other two sides, as the difference of the sides is to the difference of the segments of the base, (See figure to Proposition 5.) Let AB be the base, and from 0, as a center, with the shorter side as radius, describe the circle, cuttiiig AB in Q, and AOm F-, produce AQ to E. SECTION I. 257 It is obvious that AF is the sum of the sides AO and CB, and AF is their difference. -Also, AD is one segment of the base made by the per- pendicular, and BD = BCr is the other; therefore, the difference of the segments is AG. Aa A is a point without a circle, by Cor. Th. 18, B. in, we have AE X AF = AB X AG Hence, AB : AF = AF : AG. PROPOSITION VII. TJie sum of any two sides of a triangle is to their difference^ as the tangent of one half the sum of the angles opposite to these sides, is to the tangent of one half their difference. Let ABQ be any plane triangle. Then, by Proposition 4, we have, BQ: AQ^ sin.J. : Qin.B. Hence, A B «C + ^(7:^C— ^(7=sin.^-fsiii.^:sin.^— sin.^(Tli.9,B.II> But, tan. ( — i — j : tan. ( — - — \ = sm.A 4- sin.^ : sin.-i — sin.^, (eq. (19), Trig.) Comparing the two latter proportions, (Th. &, B. U), we have, ^C'+ ^(7:5C— ^C=~tan. (^4-^^ :tan. (^1:=1^) Hence the proposition. PROPOSITION VIII. Given, the three sides of any plane triangle, to find some relation which they must hear to the sines and cosines of thi respective angles. 22* R 258 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Let ABC be the triangle, and let the perpen- dic alar fall either upon, or without thebase, as shown c _ _ m the ngures. By recurring to Th. 41, B. I, we shall find c p CD = c* 2a (1) Kow, by Proposition 3, we have B : COS. = b : CD. Therefore, nj) _ ^ COS. R (2) Equating these two values of CD, and reducing, we Have COS. (7 = — ^ 2ah Arn) In this expression we observe, that the part ) :ac As these expressions are not convenient for logarith- mic computation, we modify them as follows: If we put 2a = A, in equation ( 31 ), we have COS. A + 1 = 2cos.' J J.. In the preceding expression, (w), if we consider radius ttxiity, and add 1 to both members, we shall have COS. J. + 1 = 1 H- Therefore, 2cos.'J^ = SECTION I. 259 J' -f (;> — a« 2hc 26c 4- J' + 4-c+a— 2a. Hence, 2cos.'JA = ( & + <^ + a) ( ^^ + <^ + ^ - 2 a). n « ij ^ 2 ) V 2— "";. Or, cos.'J^ = J 0(7 By putting = «, and extracting square root, the final result for radius unity is COS. U = sj'-^^. ^ DC For any other radius we must write C08.W = J I^'' (>-"). ^ DC By inference, cos. IB = v/^'^ (^ ~ ^^. AlBO, COS. i(7 = Ay^MfZI). In every triangle, the sura of the three angles is equal to 180° ; and if one of the angles is small, the other two must be comparatively large ; if two of them are email, the third one must be large. The greater angle is always opposite the greater side; hence, by merely inspecting the given sides, any person can decide at once which is the greater angle; and of the three pre- 260 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. ceding equations, tliat one should be taken which apphca to the greater angle, whether that he the particular angle required or not ; because the equations bring out the cosines to the angles ; and the cosines to very small arcs vary so slowly, that it may be impossible to decide, with sufficient numerical accuracy, to what particular arc the cosine belongs. For instance, the cosine 0.999999, carried to the table, applies to several arcs; and, of course, we should not know which one to take ; but this difficulty does not exist when the angle is large ; there- fore, compute the largest angle first, and then compute the other angles by Proposition 4. But we can deduce an expression for the sine of any of the angles, as well as the cosine. It is done as fol- lows: EQUATIONS FOR THE SINES OF THE ANGLES. Besuming equation ( wi ), and considering radius unity, we have a» + h' — (?» COS. a = —^^3—. Subtracting each member of this equation from unity, gives l_eos.a=l-(fl±|^). (1) Make 2a = (7, in equation (32) j then a = ^0, and 1 — COS. (7 = 2sin.4(7. (2) Kv^uating the second members of (1) and (2), 2ab — a' — 6» -f c» 2sin.»J(7 = 2ab _ e'-{ a- bf 2ab (c -{- b — a){c -\- a — b) * 2^ SECTION I. 261 /c + b — a\ /c + a — h\ Or, Bin.4(7 = iZIUlL^ZAZZ. ab BuL—^~= — ^ a, and--- = — ^ 1 Put ^ = «, as before; then, ^ ab By taking equation {p ), and proceeding in the same manner, we have ac From (n), sin.iA = \/EEK5jE^. ^ cb The preceding results are for radius unity ; for any other radius, we must multiply by the number of unita in such radius. For the radius of the tables we write R; and if we put it under the radical sign, we must write R^; hence, for the sines corresponding with our loejarithmic table, we must write the equations thus, 8in.jA= ^MESEEZ). ^ be ^ ac ^ ab A large angle should not be determined by these equations, for the same reason that a small angle should not be determined from an equation expressing the cosine. • In practice, the equations for cosine are more gener- ally used, because more easily applied. 262 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The formulae which we have thus analytically devel- oped, express nearly all the important relations between the sines, cosines, and tangents of arcs or angles; and we have also demonstrated all the theorems required for the determination of the unknown parts of any plane triangle, three of the parts of which are given, one at least being a side. Such relations might be indefinitely multiplied, but those already established are »^ufficient for most practical purposes, and when others are required, no difficulty will be found in deducing them from these. The following geometrical demonstrations of many of the preceding relations, are oflered, in the belief that they will prove useful disciplinary exercises to the stu- dent. > 1st. Let the arc AD =A ; then I)G-= sin. A ; CGr=zcoa,A , i>J=sin.iJ.; J.i)=2sin.JJL; CI=co3.iA; CI=I)0; and i>^=2i>0=2cos.JX The angle, DBA, is measured by one half the arc AD ; that is, by J J.. Also, ADa = DBA = iA, Now, in the triangle, BDCr, we have sm.DBa : i>(7=sin.90° : BD. That is, sin.J^ : sin.J.=l : 2cos.JJ.. Or, sin.J.=2sin.JJ. cos.}^; which corresponds to equation ( 30 ). In the same triangle, Bin.9d° . BD==am.BDa : BG; and sm.BDa^coa.DBG That is, 1 : 2cos.JJ.=co8.JJ. : l+cos.J.. Or, 2co8.' J^=l-f-cos.J[, same as equation (34). In the triangle, DGA, we have, Bin.90° j ^i> = 8in.G^i)^ : a A, That is, 1 : 2sin. J^ = sin. J J. : 1 — cos.J.. Or, 2sin.'' ^A = 1 —cos. J., same as equation ( 36 X SECTION I, 268 By similar triangles, we have, BAiAD^ABiAa,- That is, 2 : 2sin.J^ = 2sin.Jj4 : versed sin. J.. Or, versed sin. JL = 2sin.' ^A, 2d. From C as the center, with CA as the radiu^ describe a circle. Take any arc, ABj and call it A ; and AD a less arc, and call it ^ ; then JBI) is the difference of the two arcs, and must be designated by (A — B) ; arc AG K= arc AB ; therefore, £iroI)a=-A + B; Ua==sm.A; £n = 8m.B; 6^n=:sin.J. + sin.^; Bn = sin.^ — sin.^. Fm = ml) = CH= cos.B ; mn — cos. J. ; therefore, Fm + mn = cos.^ + cos.^ = Fn ; mD — mn = cos.^ — cos.^ = nD ; and i)6^ = 2sin.(^-±^). Because, NF-^AB) AB-^ NF=-A-^ B\ therefore, 180° — (^ + j5) = arc FB^ or. 90°-(^4^)=iarcZfi. But the chord, FB, is twice the sine of J arc FB ; that A + B. is, FB = 2sin. (90° - 1 ) = 2cos. {~^\ The L_w(ri) = [_BFB, because both are measured by one half of the arc BB; that is, by ( — - — V and the two triangles, GnB and FnB, are similar. The angle, GFn, is measured by ( — - — \ In the triangle, FBG, Fn is drawn from an angle per 264 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. pendicular to the opposite side ; therefore, by Propositioi* 5, we have, an : nB^tsin.aFn : tsin.BFn, A-{-B^ That is, 8iu.J.+sin.^ : sin. J. — sin.J5=tan.( — — — ") : tan. {^^-j^y This is equation ( 19 ). ^J^' In the triangle, GnD, we have, sin. 90° : I)Gr = &m.nI)G : Crn; sm.nBG-^cos.nCrl), That is, 1 : 2sin. (f^) = cos. (^^) : sin. JL+sin.^. Or, sin.^ + sin. J5 = 2sin. (^y^) cos. {^-^)> the same as equation (15). 3d. In the triangle, FnB, we have, sin.90 : FB = sin. BFn : Bn. That is, 1 : 2cos.(^±^) = ^m.{^?-) : sin.^^sin.i^. Or, sin.^-sin.^ = 2cos. {^~) sin. (^~^), the same as equation (16). 4th. In the triangle, FBn, we have, sin.90 : FB = cos.BFn : Fn. That is, 1 : 2cos. {^~^) = cos.(^^i:p?) : cos.^+cos.J9. Or, cos.^ + cos.^ = 2cos. (f^^) cos. (^ ~^), the «ame as equation ( 17 ). 5th. In the triangle, GnB, we have, sin.90° : ai) = ain.nai) : nJ), That is, 1 : 2sin. (-^— ) = sin. (-^- ) : C08.5— cos.^ *.he same as equation ( 18 ). 6th. In the triangle, FGrn, we have, sin. GrFn : G-n = cos. GFn : Fn. SECTION I. 265 That is, sin. ^ : 8in.J.+sin.^ = cos. —^~— : cos.A-^ oos.B, Or, (sin.^ + sin.j^) cos. { — - — ) = (co8.-4. + coe.J?) sin. A-{B r-¥)- . A + B sin. cos.^ — 2 — same as equation (20). 7tli. In the triangle, FnB, we have, Fn : nB : : 1 : tau.BFn, Thatis, C08.J5 + C0S.J. : sin.JL— sin.jB :: 1 : tan.J(A — B)» ^ &m.A — sin.5 , /A — B\ ,, Or, — i - = tan. ( — - — ), the same ' cos. J- -f COS..B \ 2 r as equation (22). 8th. In the triangle, GnB, we have, On : nD :: 1 : tan.wG^i). That is, — o — )» cos. B — COS. A , /A — B\ or, — i J— -r. = tan. ( — - — ). ' sin. A + sin. B \ 2 / NATURAL SINES, COSINES, ETC. When the radius of the circle is taken as the unit of measure, the numerical values of the trigonometrical lines belonging to the different arcs of the quadrant, bo- come natural sines, cosines, etc. They are then, in fact, but numbers expressing the number of times that these line^ contain the radius of the circle in which they are taken. The tables usually contain only the sines and cosines, because tliese are generally sufficient for practi- §3 266 PLANE TRIGONOMEIR Y. cal pui-poses, and the others, when required, arc rnailily expressed in terms of them. We proceed to explain a method for computing a table of natural sines and cosines. It was shown, in Book Y, that the linear value of thci arc 180°, in a circle whose radius is unity, is 3.141592653. This divided by 180 x 60, the number of minutes id 180°, will give the length of one minute of arc, which ia .00029088820867. But there can be no sensible difference between the length of the arc V and its sine ; and, within narrow limits, that sine will increase directly with the arc. Hence, sin. 1' = .0002908882. sin. 2' = .0005817764. sin. 3' = .0008726646. sin. 4' = .0011635528. sin. 5' = .0014544410. sin. 6' = .0017453292. sin. 7' = .0020362175. sin. 8' = .0023271057. sin. 9' = .0026179939. sin. 10' = .0029088821. Beyond this, the error which would arise from taking the arc for its sine, upon which the above proceeds, would affect the final decimal figures; and we must, therefore, continue the computation of the series by other processes. To find the values of the cosines of arcs, from 1' to 10', we have cos. = ^1 — sin.^ = 1 — J sin.*, nearly. That is, when the sines are very small fractions, an ih the case for all arcs below 10', we can find the cosine htf subtracting one half of the square of the sine from unity. SECTION I. 267 WlieDce, COS. 1' = .9999999577. COS. 2' = .9999998308. COS. 3' = .9999993204. COS. 4' = .99999932304. COS. 5' •= .99999894290. COS. 6' = .99999847753. COS. 7' = .99999792735. COS. 8' = .9999973035. COS. 9' = .9999965730. COS. 10' = .9999957703. The natural sines of arcs, differing by 1', from 10 up lo 1°, raaj be computed from those of arcs less i ad 10', oy means of equation ( H ), group B, which is sin. (a -{■ h) = 23in. a cos. b — sin. {a — b); And when a = b, this equation becomes sin. 2a = 2sin.a cos. a. Eq. (30). To find the sine of 11', we make a = 6', and 6 = 5'; then sin. 11' = 2sin. 6' cos. 5'— sin. 1'== .00319976^13 a = 6 = 6', sin. 12' = 2sin. 6' cos. 6'. a = 7', i = 6', sin. 13' = 2sin. 7' cos. 6' — sin. V. a=b=:7, sin. 14' = 2sin. 7' cos. 7'. a = 8, 6 = 7, sin. 15' = 2sin. 8' cos. 7' — sin. V And so on to the sin. 30' = 2sin. 15'cos.l5'. sin.l° = sin. 60' = 2sin. 30'cos.30'. sin. 2° = 2sin.l° cos. 1°. sin. 3° = 2sin. 2° cos. 1*" — sin. 1°, etc., etc., etc. This process may be continued until we have found ll:c sires and cosinea of all arcs differing by 1', from to 90°, the values of the cosines being deduced success- ively from those of the sines by means of the formula. COS. = v/l — sin.'. In this calculation, we began by assuming that, for small arcs, Ihe sines and the arcs were sensibly equal. 268 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. [t must be remembered that this is but an approxiina. tion ; and although the error in the early stages of the process is not sufficient to affect any of the decimal lig- ures which enter the tables, it will finally become so, since it is constantly increased in the operations by which the sines and cosines of the larger arcs are de- duced from those of the smaller. When the error has been thus increased until it reaches the order of the last decimal unit of the table, which assigns our limit of error, we must have the means of detecting and correct ing it. Thij^ consists in calculating the sines and cosines of certain arcs by independent processes, and comparing them vTith those found by the above method. We have seen, for example, (Prop. 7, B. V), that the chord of 80^^ 517638090 ; whence, sin. 15° =.258819045. 15" :r= .2610523842; « " 7° 30' =.130526192. 7^30' ^ .1308062583; " " 3° 45' =.0654031291. And so on to sin. 14' 3" 45'" = .004090604. etc. etc. etc. The following elegant method of deducing, from the sine of an arc, the sine and cosine of one half the arc, is given, assuming that the student is familiar with the simple algebraic principles upon which it depends. Let us take the natural sine of 18°, which is .3090170, 18° and make x = sine, and y the cosine of 9° = -— -. Then, a:* + 2/' = 1; W and 2xy = .3090170 (2); Eq. (30) Adding, we have jr'+ 2xy +/ = 1.3090170; SECTION 1. 269 Taking the square root, we have a: + 3/ = 1.144123. (3) Subtracting (2) from (1), x^ — 2xy + y' = .690983; taking the square root, rr — y = —.831254* (4) Adding (3) and (4), 2x = .312869, hence, x = 8in.9° = .1564345 Subtracting (4) from (3), 2^^ = 1.975377 hence, y = cos.9° = .9876885 Now, by making x = the sine of 4° 30', and y = cosine of 4° 30', and as before x» + i/» == 1 and 2xy = .1564345, we obtain the sine and cosine of 4° 30'; and another ope- ration will give the sine and cosine 2° 15', etc., etc. We may in this manner compute the sines and cosines of all arcs resulting from the division of 18° by 2, and we may make their values accurate to any assigned deci- mal figure. This has been carried far enough to show how a table of natural sines, etc., could be computed ; but in conse- quence of the tedious numerical operations which the process requires, other methods are resorted to in the actual construction of the table. The Calculus furnishes formulae giving the values of the sines and cosines of arcs developed into rapidly con- verging series, and from these the sines and cosines of all arcs from 0° to 90°, can be determined with great * AVhen an arc is less than 45°, the cosine exceeds the sine; and when the arc is between 45° and 90°, the sine exceeds the cosine. Hence, when the arc is 9°, y, its cosine, exceeds x, its sine ; and we therefore plac »,d tJie minus sign before the second member of Eq. (4). 23* 270 PLAJE TRIGONOMETRY. accuracy and with comparatively little labor. In the lajjt two columns on each page of Table II, will be found the v^alues thus computed of the sines and cosines of every degree and minute of a quadrant. TRTGONOMETRICAL LINES FOR ARCS EXCEEDING 90°. From the annexed figure, the construction of which needs no explanation, are deduced by simple inspec- ^ tion the results given in the following TABLE. 90° + a° 270° — a° Bin. = COS. a, COS. = — sm. a sin. = — cos. a, cos. = — sin. a tan . = — cot. o, cot. = — tan . a tan. = cot. a, cot. = tan. a sec. = — cosec. a, cosec. = sec. a sec. — — cosec. a, cosec. = — sec. a 180° — o° 270° 4- a° sin. = shi. a, cos. = — cos. a sm. = — cos. o, COS. = sm. a tan. = — tan. a, cot. = — cot. a tan. = — cot. a, cot. = — tan. a sec. = — sec. a, cosec. = cosec. a sec. = cosec. a, cosec. = — sec. a 180° -fa° 360° -a° sin.=— sin. a,cos. =— cos. a sin.. = — sin. a, cos. = cos. a tan.= tan.a,cot. = cot. a tan. = — tan. o, cot. = — cot. a 8ec. =— sec. a, co8ec.=— cosec.a sec. = sec. a, cosec. = — cosec. a | 1 By means of this table, the values of the tngonoraet- rical lines of any arc between 90° and 360°, can be ex- pressed by those of arcs less than 90°. K, for examj)le, the arc is 118°, we have SECTION 1. 271 Sin. 118° = sin. (90° + 28°) = cos.28° ; tan. 118° = tau.(90° -f 28°) = — cot.28° ; etc., etc., etc. For the arc 230°, we have sin. 230° = sin. (270° — 40°) = — cos 40° ; flec.230° = 6ec.(270° — 40°) = — cosec.40° ; etc., etc., etc. In many investigations, it becomes necessary to con- M iQv the functions of arcs greater than 360° ; but since the addition of 360° any number of times to the arc a, will give an arc terminating in the extremity of a, it id obvious that the arc resulting from such addition will have the same functions as the arc a. And hence it fol- lows that the functions of arcs, however great, may be ftxpressed in terms of the functions of arcs less than 90°. 272 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION II. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, PRACTICALLY APPLIED. In the preceding section, the theory of Trigonometry has been quite fully developed, and the student should now be prepared for its various applications, were he acquainted with logarithms. But logarithms are no part of Trigonometry, and serve only to facilitate the numeri- cal operations. Trigonometrical computations can be made without logarithms, and were so made long before the theory of logarithms was understood. For this reason, we proceed at once to the solution of the following triangles. 1. The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 21, and the base is 17 ; required the perpendicular and the acute angles. Let CAB be the triangle, in which OB = 21, and CA z= ■ p 17. With C as a center, and CD = 1 as a radius, describe the arc DE, of which the sine IS DF^ the tangent is EG, and the cosine is CF. By similar triangles we have CB : CA '. that is, 21 : 17 : 17 21 Hence, COS. C I C . 1 FE A CD : CF', 1 : cos. C. = .80952+. SECTION II. 27a We must now turn to Table II, and find in the last two columns the cosine nearest to .80952, and the corresponding degrees and minutes will be the value of the angle C. On page 57, of Tables, near the bottom of the page, and in the column with cosine at the top, we find .80953, which coriesponda to 35*" 56' for the angle C. The angle B is, therefore, 54° 3'. 'T'ais Table is so arranged, that the sum of the degrees at the top and bottom of the page, added to the sum of the minutes which are found on the same horizontal line in the two side columns of the pagC; is 90° Thus, in finding the angle C, the number .80953 was found in the column with cosine at the head. / We therefore took the de« grees from the head of the page, and the minutes were taken from the left hand column, counting downwards. For the side ABy we have the proportion CF : FB :: CA : AB] or, cos. : sin. C i: 17 : AB] that is, .80953 : .58708 : : 17 : AB. From which we find AB = .58708 x 17 -i- .80953; whence, AB = 12.328. If we had formed a table of natural tangents, as well as of natii- ral sines, AB could have been found by the following proportion • CE : EG :: CA : AB or, 1 : tan. C :: 17 : AB; whence, AB = 17 tan. C. The perpendicular AB may also be found b}' the proportion CD : DF :: CB : AB; or, 1 : sin. C :: 21 : AB; whence, AB = 21 sin. C = 21 x .58708 = 12.32868. 2. The two sides of a right-angled triangle are 150 ?nd 125 ; required the hypotenuse and the acute angles. We may employ the same figure as in the preceding prob- ^ lem. Then, from the similar trian- gles, CFD and CAB, we get CF : FD :: CA : AB; 274 PLANE TRIG ONOMETBY. that is, COS. C : sin. C : : 150 : 125 : : 6 : 6, which gives 6 sin. 6^ = 5 cos. 0} hence, 36 sin.'C = 25 cos.«C. A.dding member to member, 36 cos.^6' = 36 cos.*C. we have 36 (sin.^C4- cos.'^C^ = 61 cos.* C. Butsin.^C-f cos.'C = 1, (Eq. (1) Trigonometry); whence, 61 cos.^C7 = 36; cos.^a == '^ = .5901639344: 61 and COS. C = .76822, nearly. To find the angle of which this is the cosine, we turn to page 6(1 of tables, and looking in the column having cosine at the head; we Bee that .76822 falls between .76828, which has 48' opposite to it in the left hand column, and .76810, which has 49' opposite to it in the same column. Now, the cosines of arcs less than 90° de- crease when the arcs increase, and the converse ; and while the increase of the arc is confined within the limits of 1', the increase of the arc will be sensibly proportional to the decrease of th^ cosine. 0.76828 .76828 Hence, 0.76810 .76822 18 : 6 : : 60" : sf' which gives a;" = 20". The angle C is, therefore, equal to 39° 48' 20", and the angle B s 90° — 39° 48' 20" = 50° 11' 40". To find CB, we have CF : (W : : CA i CB or, COS.C : 1 :: 150 : CB that is, .76822 : 1 :: 150 : CB 150 whence, CB = --4>o = 1^5.26—. 3. The base of a right-angled triangle is 150, and the tii gle opposite the base is 50° 11' 40" ; required the h> potenuse and the perpendicular. oECTION II. 275 Let CAB be the triangle. Then, (Prop. 4, Sec. I), riu.50° 11' 40" ; sin. 90" :: 150 : CB. Whence, CB 150 :j;j = 195.26, .708:^2 »lie same as in the preceding example. To find ABj we have CD : DF :: CB : AB) that is, 1 : sin. (7 or cos. 5 :: 195.26 : AB) from which we find AB = 195.26 sin. 39° 48' 40"; or, AB =^ 125.0015. 4. Two sides, the one 30 and the other 35, and the in- cluded angle 20°, of a triangle, are given, to find the other two angles and the third side. *Let BA C be the triangle, in which BC = 35, BA = 30, and the angle B = 20°. From A^ the extremity of the shorter -side, let fall on BC the perpen- dicular AD, thus dividing the triangle ^ into the two right-angled triangles BAD and CAD. Then, from the triangle BAD, we have 1st, or, 2d. BA : AD) 30 '. AD ^ m sin. 20** BA :BD; 30 : BD = BO cos. 20° sin. D : sin. B 1 : sin. 20° 1 : COS. B or, 1 : COS. 20° In the table of natural sines, we find sin. 20° = .34202, and tht .'OS. 20° =x .93969; hence, AD = 30 X .34202 = 10.26060, and fii; = 30 X .93969 = 28.19070, and therefore DC := BC -^ BD = 6.8093. From the triangle CAD, we have 1st, AC=^ ^AD' + DC^ = v/(10.26)* + (6.8+/ ^ '»*' ^^'^ 2d. Ar^ : AD :: Sxn.90° : sin. C: 276 or, whence, and the PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 12.367 : 10.26+ :: 1 ; sin. C) «^"- ^ = 1W7 = -^^^l^- ande C = 56° 26\ If, now, we add angles B and (7, and take the sum from 180* the remainder will be the angle BA G, Hence, \__BAC=^ 180° — (56° 26'+ 20°) = 103° 34'. 5. Two sides, the one 18 and the other 21, and the angle opposite the side 24 equal to 76°, are given, to find the remaining side and the other two angles. Let X denote the angle opposite the side 18. Then, 24 : 18 :: sin. 76° :, (Prop. 4, Trig.). or, 4:3:: sin. 76° : sin. x. sin. a; = f sin. 76° = f X .97030 = .72772; whence the angle opposite the side 18 is 46° 41' 45". Adding this to the given angle, and taking the sum from 18V®, we get 57° 18' 15" for the third angle. To find the remaining side, denoted by y, we have sin. 76° : sin. 57° 18' 15" :: 24 : y; or, .97030 : .84155 : : 24 : y. 24 X .84155 .97030 = 20.815 = 3d side. 6. The three sides of a triangle are 18, 24, and 20.816 j required the angles. This problem may be solved by Prop. 6, or by Prop. 8, Trigo- nometry. First By Prop. 6. In the triangle ABCy make CB = 24, ^(7= 20.815, and AB = 18. Then, 24 : 38 815 :: 2.815 : CD -^ BD. e7>-5i>= 1^-264225^ 24 SECTION II. 277 Put CD + BD ^ OB = 21. By addition, we get 2CD ^ 28.5527; dividing by 2, and CD = 14.2763+. And hence, BD = CB — CD = 24 — 14.2763 = 9.7237. In the triangle ADB, we have BA : BD :: 1 : cos. 5 or, 18 : 9.7237 :: 1 : cos. ^ = .54020 rr ki TT T> ^Q (cos. 57° 18' = .54024) Table 11, Page 53, | ,,, 5,0 .p. ^ .^^ppp } diff. = 24 : 60" : : 4 : 10" hence, L ^ = ^7*^ 18' 10". It will be observed that Examples 5 and 6 refer to the same tri- ungle, and that in Example 5 the angle B was 57° 18' 15". Thia slight discrepancy in the results should be expected, on account of the small number of decimal places used in the computations. Second. By Prop. 8. Sum of the sides, = 62.815, half sura denoted by s, = 31.4075 a = 24 s — a = 7.4075 Formula, cos. \ A = \ / —^- ^, radius being unity. s{s — d)=z 31.4075 X 7.4075 = 232.65105625 he = 20.815 X 18 = 374.67 ^^^"""-^ « .62095 very nearly. V':62095 = .78800. Hence, cos. \A = .78800, and M (Table II, page 59) » SS* Tery nearly ; the angle A is therefore equal to 76°, which agrees with Example 5. 7. Given, the three sides, 1425, 1338, and 493, of a tri- angle; required, the angle opposite the greater .side, using the formula for the sine of one half an angle. 24 278 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Make a = 1425, h x= 1338, and c = 493 ; then the [_ i ii opposite the side a, and the formula is Ann A = (^ - ^) (« -A be in which s denotes the half sum of the three sides. Then we have s = 1628, s — h = 290, s^c=^ 1135, (s — h) is-^c) = 329150, ic = 659634, (^ — ^) (^ — ^ .498988 be H.nce, sin. U = ^.498988 = .70632. In the table we find sin. 44° 5Q' 28.5" ~ .70638. Therefore, lA = 44° 56' 28.5", and A = 89° 52' 5l" ; — but little less than a right angle. In these seven examples we have shown that it is possi- ble to solve any plane triangle, in which three parts, one at least being a side, are given, without the aid of loga- rithms. But, when great accuracy is required, and the number of decimal places employed is large, the necessary multiplications and divisions, the raising to powers, and the extraction of roots, become very tedious. All of these opera tiors may be performed without impairing the cor- rectness of results, and with a great saving of labor, by means of logarithms ; but, before using them, the student should be made acquainted with their nature and pro- perties. LOGARITHMS. ^ Logarithms are the exponents of the powers to which fi fixed number, called the base, must be raised, to pro- duce other numbers. The exponent of a number is also a number express- ing how many times the first number is taken as a factor. Thus, let a denote any number ; then a' indicates that a has been used three times as a factor, a* that it has been aoe.l four times as a factor, and a" that it has been thus •i3cd n times. OECTION II. 279 Kow, instead of calling these numbers S, 4, n, exponents, we call them the logarithms of the powers a », aS a\ To multiply a^ by a', we have simply to ^^Tite a, giving it an exponent equal to 2 + 5 ; thus, a^ x a^ — a\ Hence, the sum of the logarithms of any number of factoit is equal to the logarithm of the product. To divide a" by a», we have oul}^ to write a, giving it au exponent equal to 12 — 9; thus, a"-r-a' = a'; and, gererally, the quotient arising from the division of a"* by a", is equal to a"'~". Hence, the logarithm of a quotient is the logarithm of the dividend diminished hy the logarithm of the divisor. If it is required to raise a number denoted by a', to the fifth power, we write a, giving it an exponent equal to 3x5; thus, {a^)^= a ", and, generally, (a «) "» = a " *". Hence, the logarithm of the power of a number is equal to the logarithm of the number multiplied by the expoiient of the power. To extract the 5th root of the number a', we wTite a, giving it an exponent equal to |; thus, \/a'=a^, and, generally, to extract any root of a number, we divide the exponent of the number by the index of the root, and the quotient will be the exponent of the required root. Hence, the logarithm of a root of a number is equal to the quotient obtained by dividing the logarithm of the number by the index of the root. Now, understanding that by means of a table of loga- rithms we may find the numbers answering to given logarithms, with as much facility as we can find the loga- rithms of giv^en numbers, we see from what precedes that multiplications, divisions, raising to powers, and the ex- traction of roots, may be perfonned by logarithms ; and the utility of logarithms, in trigonometrical computations, mainly consists in the simplification and abridgment of these operations by their use. 280 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The common logarithms are those of which 10 is the base ; that is, they are the exponents of 10. Thus, 10' = 10 Hence the logarithm 10 =1. 10^=100 " " " 100 =2. 10' =1000 " < " 1000 =3. 10* = 10000 " " « 10000 = 4. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. 10 dr Since 2Q = 1 = 10'-' = 10", and generally -^^ = a" = 1, it follovva that in this, as in all other systems, the loga- rithm ot 1 = 0. From what precedes, it is evident that the logarithm of any number between 10 and 100 must be found between 1 and 2 ; that is, its logarithm is 1 plus a number less than 1; and any number between 100 and 1000, will have for its logarithm 2 plus some number less than 1, and so on. The fractional part of the logarithm of a number is expressed decimally. The entire number belonging to a logarithm is called its index. The index is never put in the tables, (except from 1 to 100), and need not be put there, because we always know what it is. It is always one less than the number of digits in the integer. Thus, the number 3754 has 3 for the index to its logarithm, because the number consists of 4 digits; that is, the logarithm is 3 and some decimal. The number 347.921 has 2 for the* index of its loga- rithm, because the number is between 347 and 348, and 2 is the index for the logarithms of all numbers over 100, and less than 1000. All numbers consisting of the same figures, whether integral, fractional, or mixed, have logarithms consisting of the same decimal part. The logarithms differ only in their indices. 24* SECTION II. 281 Thus, the number the number the number the number the number 7956. has 795.6 has 79.56 has 7.956 has 3.900695 for its log. 2.900695 1.900695 0.900695 .7956 has —1.900695 the number .07956 has —2.900695 From this we perceive that we must take the logarithm 01' t of the table for a mixed number or a decimal, the same as if the figures expressed an entire number; and then, to prefix the index, we must consider the value of the number. The decimal part of a logarithm is always positive; Dut the index becomes negative when the number is a decimal ; and the smaller the decimal, the greater the negative index. Hence, To prefix the index to a decimal, count the decimal point as 1, and every cipher as 1, up to the first significant figure, and this is the negative index. For example, find the logarithm of the decimal .0000831. ISTum. .0000831; log. —5.919601. The point is counted one, and each of the ciphers is counted one; therefore the index is minus five. The smaller the decimal, the greater the negative index ; and when the number becomes 0, the logarithm is negatively infinite. Hence, the logarithmic sine of 0° is negativehj infimite^ liowever great the radius. A number being given, to find its corresponding logarithm. The logarithn of any number consisting of four figures, or less, is taken out of the table directly, and without the least difficulty. Thus, to find the logarithm of the number 3725, wf 24 * 282 PLANE TRlGONOxME TRY find 372 at the side of the table, and in the columfl marked 5 at the top, and opposite 372, we find .571126, for the decimal part of the logarithm. Hence, the logarithm of 3725 is 3.571126. the logarithm of 37250 is 4.571126. the logarithm of 37.25 is 1.571126, etc. Find the logarithm of the number 834785. This number is so large that we cannot find it in the table, but we can find the numbers 8347 and 8348. The logarithms of these numbers are the same as the loga- rithms of the numbers 834700 and 834800, except the indices. 834700 log. 5.921530 834800 log. 5.921582 DiiFerence, 100 52 Now, our proposed number, 834785, is between the two assumed numbers ; and, of course, its logarithm lies between the logarithms of the two assumed numbers; and, without further connnent, we may find it by propor- tion thus, '100 : 85 = 52 : 44.2 Or, 1. : .85 = 52 : 44.2 Hence, for finding from the table the logarithm ot a number consisting of more than four places of figures, we have the following RULE. Take from the table the log. of the number expressed by the the four superior figures ; this, with the proper index, is the approximate logarithm. Multiply the number expressed by the remaining figures of the number, regarded as a decimal, by the tabular difference, and the product will be the correction to he added to the approximate log. to obtain the true log SECTION II. 283 EXAMPLES. 1. What is the log. of 357.32514? The log. of 357.3 is 2.553033 No. not included, .2514 Tabular diflf., 122 Prod., 30.6708 ; correction, 81 log. sought, 2.553064 The log. of 35732.514 is 4.553064 " .035732514 " —2.553064. 2. What IS the log. of 7912532 ? Approximate log., 6.898286 .532 X 55 = correction, 29 True log. = 6.898315. A logarithm being given, to find its corresponding number. For example, what number corresponds to the log. 6.898315? The index 6 shows that the entire part of the number must con« tain seven places of figures. With the decimal part, .898315, of the log., we turn to the table, and find the next less decimal part to be .898286, which corresponds to the superior places, 7912. The difiercnce between the given log. and the one next less is 29. This we divide by the tabular difference, 55, because we are working the converse of the preceding problem. Thus, 29 H- 55 = 52727-f . Place the quotient to the right of the four figures before found, And we shall have 7912527.27 for the number sought. This example W3.S taken from the preceding case, and the number found should have been 7912532 ; and so it would have been, had we used the true difterence, 29.26, in place of 29. When the numbers are larere, as in this example, the 284 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. result is liable to a small error, to avoid which the loga- rithms should contain a great number of decimal places; but the logarithms in our table contain a sufficient num- ber of decimal places for most practical purposes. Hence, for finding the number corresponding to a ay given logarithm, we have the following RULE. Look in the table for the decimal part, of the given lego- rithm, and if not found, take the decimal next less, and take out the four corresponding figures. Take the difference between the given log. and the next less in the table ; divide that difference by the tabular difference, and write the quotient on the right of the four superior fig^ ures, and the result is the number sought. Point off the whole number required by the given index, EXAMPLES. 1. Given, the logarithm 3.743210, to find its corres- ponding number true to three places of decimals. Ans. 5536.177. 2. Given, the logarithm 2.633356, to find its corres- ponding number true to tw^o places of decimals. \,_^S^^ ^ns. 429.89. 3. Given, the logarithm — 3.291746, to find its corres- ponding number. Ans. .0019577. 4. What number corresponds to the log. 3.233568 ? Ans. 1712.25. \ What is the number of which 1.532708 is the log. T Ans. 34.0963. 6. Find the number whose log. is 1.067889. Ans. 11.692. EXPLANATION OF TABLE II. Table I is merely a table of numbers and their corres- ponding logarithms, and requires no explanation other SECTION II. 286 than that which has been given in connection with the suljject of loganthms. Table II, with the exception of the last two oohmnib, which contain natural sines and cosines, is a table in which are arranged the logarithms of the numerical valucc of the several trigonometrical lines corresponding to the different angles in a quadrant. The values of these 'ines are computed to the radius 10,000,000,000, and i^eir logarithms are nothing more than the loga- rithms, each increased by 10, of the natural sines, co- sines, and tangents, of the same angles ; because the values of these lines, for arcs of the same number of de- grees tiiken in different circles, are directly proportional to the radii of the circles. The natural sines are made to the radius of unity; and, of course, any particular sine is a decimal fraction, expressed by natural numbers. The logarithm of any natural sine, with its index increased by 10, will give the logarithmic sine. Thus, the natural sine of 3° is .052336. The logarithm of this decimal is — 2.718800 To which add 10. The logarithmic sine of 3° is, therefore, 8.718800 In this manner we may ffnd the logarithmic sine of any other arc, when we have the natural sine of the same arc. If the natural sines and logarithmic sines were on the eame radius, the logarithm of the natural sine would be the logarithmic sine, at once, without any increase of the index. The radius for the logarithmic sines is arbitrarily tiiken so large that the index of its logarithm is 10. It might have been more or less ; but, by common consent, it is settled at this value; so that the sines of the smallest area over used shall not have a negative index. 286 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY In our preceding equations, sin. a, cos. a, etc., rofei to natural sines; and by such equations we determine their values in natural numbers; and these numbers are put in Table II, under the heads of iT. sine and M, cos., as before observed. When we have the sine and cosine of an aye, the tangent and cotangent are found by Eq. (3) and (6) ; thus, , E sin. ,^. , E COS. tan. = ( o ) cot. =- - - — : COS. 6.i»:. and the secant is found by equation (-^'/j that is, E' sec. = COS. For example, the logarithmic sine of 6° is 9.01923^, and its cosine 9.997614. From these it is required to find the logarithmic tangent, cotangent, and secant. R sin. 19.019235 Cos. subtract 9.997614 Tan. is 9.021621 E cos. 19.997614 Sin. subtract 9.019235 Cotan. is 10.978379 R'is 20.000000 Cos. subtract 9.997674 Secant is 10.002326 The secants and cosecants of arcs are not given in our table, because they are very little used in practice ; and if any particular secant is required, it can be deter- mined by subtracting the cosine from 20; and the cose- cant can be found by subtracting the sine from 20. The sine of every degree and minute of the quadrant is given, directly, in the table, commencing at 0°, and extending to 45°, at the head of the table ; and from 45° to 90°, at the bottom of the table, increasing backward. SECTION II. 2S1 Tho column having sine at tlie top has cosine at the lK)ttom, and the opposite, because angles read from abo^ e are complementary to those read from below. The differ- ences of consecutive logarithms corresponding to 10" are given for both sine and cosine, but the tangents and cotan- gents have the same column of differences for the reason that log. tan. -flog. cot.=log. R^ and is therefore constant, llence, by just as much as log. tan. increases, log. cot. de- sreases and the converse. Ab cosines and cotangents decrease when arcs increase, and increase when arcs decrease, the proportional parts answering to seconds for them must be subtracted. Mca?n2?le. Find the sine of 19° 17' 22". The sine of IQ** 17', taken directly from the table, is 9.518829 The difference for 10" is 60.2; for 1" is 6.02; and for 6.02 X 22 = 132 flence, log. sine 19" 17' 22" is 9.518961 From this it will be perceived that there is no difficulty in obtaining the sine or tangent, cosine or cotangent, of any angle greater than 30'. Conversely : Given, the logarithmic sine 9.982412, to find its corresponding arc. The sine next less in the table is 9.982404, which gives the arc 73° 48'. The differ- ence between this and the given sine is 8, and the dif- ference for V is .61 ; therefore, the number of seconds corresponding to 8, must be discovered by dividing 8 by the decimal .01, which gives 13. Hence, the arc sought LS 73° 48' 13". These operations are too obvnous to require a rule. SVTien the arc is very small, — and such arcs are sometimes required in Astronomy, — it is necessary to be very accu- rate; fortius reason we omitted the difference for seconds or all arcs under 30'. Assuming that the sines and tan- gents of arcs under 30' vary in the same proportion as tlie arcs themselves, we can find the sine or tangent of any yqij small arc, with ^reat exactness, as follows: 288 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The sine of 1', as expressed in the table, is 3.463726 Divide this by 60; that is, subtract logarithm 1.778151 The logarithmic sine of 1", therefore, is 4.685575 Now, for the sine of 17", add the logarithm of 17 1.230449. Logarithmic sine of 17", is 5.916024 In the same manner we may find the sine of any other am all arc. For example, find the sine of 14' 21 J"; that is, 861.5". The logarithmic sine of 1" is 4.685575 Add logarithm of 861.5, 2.935254 Logarithmic sine of 14' 21 r', 7.620829 Two lines drawn, the one from the surface and the other from the center of the earth, to the center of the sun, make with each other an angle of 8.61". What ia the logarithmic sine of this angle ? The log. of the sine 1" is 4.685575 Log. of 8.61, 0.935003 Log. sine of sun's horizontal parallax = 5.620578 GENERAL APPLICATIONS WITH THE USE OF LOGARITHMS. L EIGHT-ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. One figure will be sufiicient to represent the triangle lu all of the following examples ; the right ansjle being at B. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. In a right-angled triangle, ABC, ^ given the base AB, 1214, and the angle 4, 51° 40' 30'', to find the other parts. SECTION II. 289 To fiud BC. Radius, 10.000000 : tan. ^, 51° 40' 30", 10.102119 :: AB, 1214, 3.084219 : BC, 1535.8, 3.186338 Remark. — AVhen the first term of a logarithmic proportion is rad/UB, fche required logarithm is found by adding the second and third loga- rithms, rejecting 10 in the index, which is dividing by the first term. In all cases we add the second and third logarithms together ; which, in logarithms, is multiplying these terms together ; and from that sum we subtract the first logarithm, whatever it may be, which is dividing by the first term. To find ^ a Sin. (7, or cos. A, 51° 40' 30", 9.792477 : AB, 1214, 3.084219 .: Radius, 10.000000 : AC, 1957.7, 3.291742 To find this resulting logarithm, we subtracted the first logarithm from the second, conceiving its index to be 13. Let ABO represent any plane triangle, right-angled at ^. 2. Given, AC 73.26, and the angle A, 49° 12' 20"; required the other parts. Ans. The angle C, 40° 47' 40" ; BC, 55.46 ; and AB, 47.86. 3. Given, AB 469.84, and the angle A, 51° 26' 17", to 9 ad the other parts. Ans. The angle C, 38° 88' 43";' BC, 588.7 ; and ^(7, 752.9. 4. Given, AB 498, and the angle C, 20° 14' ; required, the remaining parts. Ans. The angle A, 69° 46'; BC, 1888 ; and AC, 1425.5. 5. Let AB = 831, and the angle A = 49° 14' ; what are the other parts? Ans. AC, 506.9; BC, 388.9; and the angle C, 40° 46'. 6. If ^(7=45, and the angle (7=87° 22', what are the remaining parts ? Ans. AB, 27.81; 5(7, 35.76; and the angle ^, 52° 38 25 T 290 PLANE TEIGOI^OMETRT. 7. Given, ^(7=4264.3, and the angle J. = 56° 29' 13", to find the remaining parts. Ans.AB, 2354.4 ;5C, 3555.4; and the angle (7, 33° 30'47". 8. If 4^ = 42.2, and the angle A = 31° 12' 49'', what are the other parts ? Ans, A 0, 49.34 ; BO, 25.57 ; and the angle 0, 58° 47' 11". •j. It AB = 8372.1, and BO ^ 694.73, what are the :>ther pai-ts? iAC, 8400.9 ; the angle C, 85'' 15' 23" ; and the ^''^^- } angle A, 4^ 44' 37". 10. If AB be 63.4, and AC he 85.72, what are the other parts ? i BO, 57.69 ; the angle C, 47° 41' 56' ; and the ^^'^- ( angle ^, 42° 18' 4". 11. Given, AQ == 7269, and ^^ = 3162, to find the other parts. . f ^(7, 6545 ; the angle 0, 25° 47' 7" ; and the '^^' I angle ^, 64° 12' 53". 12. Given, AO =^ 4824, and BO r= 2412, to find the other parts. . r The angle ^ == 30° 00', the angle = 60° 00', ^^' \ and AB = 4178. 13. The distance between the earth and sun is 91,500,000 miles, and at that distani^.e the semi-diameter of the snn subtends an angle of 16'. What is the diameter of the sun in miles? ' Ans. 887,674. In this example, let B be the center of the earth, aS^ that of the Bun, and BB a tangent to the sun's surface. Then the A BBJS is right-angled at B, and BS is the semi-diameter of the sun. The «^lue of 2BS is required. SECTION II. 291 14. The equatorial diameter of the earth is 7925 miles, and the distance of the sun 91,500,000 miles. What angle will the semi-diameter of the earth subtend, as seen from the sun ? Ans. 8.94". This angle is called, in astronomy, the sun's horizontal parallax. The preceding figure applies to this example, by supposing E to be the center of the sun, S that of the earth, and BS equal to 3956 miles. 15. The mean distance of the moon frv>m the earth is 60.3 times 3960 miles, and at this distance the semi- diameter of the moon subtends an angle of 15' 32*'. VVhat is the diameter of the moon in miles ? /-v ^ns. 2157.8 miles. n. OBLIQUE-ANGLED TRIGONOMETRY. PROBLEM I. Irt a plane triangle, given a side and the two adjacent angles, to find the other parts. In the triangle ABC, let AB = ^ 376, the angle A = 48° 3', and the angle B = 40° 14', to find the other parts. As the sum of the three angles of every ^ ^ triangle is always 180^, the third angle, C, must be 180° — 88® 17' = 91° 43'. To find AC. Sin. 91° 43', 9.999805 : ^5.376, 2.575188 :: sin.B 4r° U, 9.810167 12.385355 : JC, 243, 2.385550 Observe, that thb sine of 91° 43' is the same as the cosine of 1°43' 21^2 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. To find BC. Sin. 91° 43', 9.999805 : ul5, 376, 2.575188 : : sin. A, 48° 3', 9.871414 12.446602 : sin. 5(7, 279.8, 2.446797 PROBLEM 11. In a plane triangle, given two sides and an angle opposite one of them, to determine the other parts. Let AD = 1751 feet, one of the given sides ; the angle D = 31° 17' 19" ; and the side opposite, 1257.5. From these data, we are required to find the other side and the other two angles. In this case we do not know whether AG or AE representa 1257.5, because J.(7 = AE. If we take AG for the other given side, then DG\^ the other required side, and DA G is the vertical angle. If we take AE for the other given side, then DE is the required side, and DAE is the vertical angle. In such cases we determine both triangles. To find the angle E ^ C. (Prop. 4.) AG= AE ^Vlbl.b, log. 3.099508 : i), 31° 17' 19", sin. 9.715460 :: AD, 1751, log. 3.243286 12.958746 jy== C,46° 18', sin. 9.859238 From 180° take 46° 18', and the remainder is the angle DUA : 133° 42'. The angle DAG =^ AGE — D, (Th. 11, B. I); that is, DAG = 46° 18' — 31° 17' 19" = 15° C iV\ The angles D and E, taken from 180°, give DAE == 102° 24' 41". SECTION II. 2i>3 To find DQ. Sin. Z), 31° 17' 19", log. 9.715460 : At\ 1257.5, log. 3.099508 :: ^m.DAC 15<» 0' 41", log. 0.413317 12.512825 • Z>a, 626.86, 2.797165 To find BE. Sin.A31°iri7", 9.715460 , : AE, 1257.5, 3.099508 :: sXn.DAEy 102° 24' 41", 9.989730 13.089238 ! VE, 2364.7, 3.373778 IIevark. — To make the triangle possible, ^(7 must not be less than AB the sine of the angle Z>, when DA i» made radius. PROBLEM III. In any plane triangle^ given two sides and the included angle, to find the other parts. Let AB = 1751, (see last figure), BU = 2364.5, and the included angle B — 31° 17' 19". "We are required to find AEy the angle BAE, and the angle E. Observe that the angle E must be less than the angle BAE, bo- cause it is opposite a less ftide. From 180° Take /), 31° 17' 19", Sum of the other two angles, = 148° 42' 41", (Th. 11, B. I), J sum = 74° 21' 20". By Proposition 7, DE+BA: DE— BA -= tan. 74° 21' 20" : tarn, i(BAE^E\ That is, 4115.5 ; 613.5 « tan. 74° 21' 20" : taiL.l{BAE—E) 25* 294 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Tan. 74° 21' 20'', 613.5. 4115.5 log. (subtracted), 10.552778 2.787815 13.340593 3.614423 tan.K^^^-^) tan.28° V 36", 9.726170 15 ut the half sum plus the half difference of any two quantities h equal to the greater of the two; and the half sum minus the half difference is equal the less. Therefore, to Add DAE =. E = 74° 21' 20", 28° r36", 102° 22' 56", 46° 19' 45", To find AE, Sin. E, 46° 19' 45", : DA, 1751, :: sin.A 31° 17' 19", AE, 1257.2, 9.859323 3.243286 9.715460 12.958746 3.099423 PROBLEM IV. Given, the three sides of a plane triangle, to find the angle$. Let ^(7 = 1751, CB = 1257.5, AB = 2364.5, to find tlie angles A, B, and 0. II' we take the formula for cosines, we C will compute the greatest angle, which is 0. To correspond with the formula, cos. i C = n/ Rh (s — c) a6 ' A B we must take a =-- 1257.5, h = 1751, and c = 2364.6. The half sum of these is, s = 2686.5; and s — c^ 322. SECTION II. /?« 20.000000 8 = 2686.5 3.429187 « — c = 322 2.507856 Numerator, log. 25.937043 a 1257.5 3.099508 h 1751. 3.243286 Denominator, log. 6.342794 6.342794 2 )19.594249 K'= 51° ir 10" COS. 9.797124 C= 102 22 20 Tlie remaining angles may now be found by Problem 4. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. Let ABC represent any oblique-angled triangle. 1. Given, AB 697, the angle A 81° 30' 10'', and the adgle B 40° 30' 44", to find the other parts. Ans, AC, 534; BC, 813; and L^, 57° 59' 6". •J. K AC ^nO.S, l_A = 70° 5' 22", L^ = 59° 35' 36", required the other parts. Ans. AB, 643.2; BC, 785.8; and [_C, 50° 19' 2". 3. Given, BC 980.1, the angle A 7° 6' 26", and the angle B 108° 2' 23", to find the other parts. Ans. AB, 7283.8; AC, 7613.1 ; and L^, 66° 51' 11". 4. Given, AB 896.2, .5(7 328.4, and the angle (7113* 15' 20", to find the other parts. .(AC, 112; L-i,19°35'46"> ' I and L^, 46° 38' 54".' 5. Given, ^(7= 4627, BC= 5169, and the angle A =- Y0° 25' 12", to find the other parts. . 1^5,4828; L^, 57° 29' 56"; • I and L^, 52° 4' 52". 296 PLANE TKIGUi\OMETE"k. 6. Given, AB 793.8, BO 481.6, and AC 500.0, to lina the angles. , ( l_A, 35° 15' 32''; L-^, 36° 49' 18"; and L^ * I 107° 55' 10". 7. Given, ^^ 100.3, BO 100.3, and ^(7 100.3, lo find the angles. . f riie angle ^, 60°; the angle B, 60°; and the ^ "" * I angle 6^, 60°. 8. Given, AB 92.6, BO 46.3, and ^6' 71.2, to lind thf angles. ,^ fL^, 29°17'22"; L^, 48° 47' 30"; and L^, ^""'•l 101° 55' 8". 9. Given, AB 4963, BO 5124, and AO 5621, to find the angles. . /L-4, 57° 30'28"; L_-^, 67° 42' 36"; and L^, ^'''- 1 54° 46' 55". 10. Given, AB 728.1, BO 614.7, and ^C 583.8, to find the angles. . f L^ = 54° 32' 52", L^= 50° 40' 58", and l_0 ^^' \ = 74° 46' 10". 11. Given, AB 96.74, BO 83.29, and AO 111.42, to find the angles. A j L^ = 46° 30' 45", L^ = 76° 3' 46", and L^ ^''''l =57° 25' 29". ^ 12. Given, AB 363.4, BO USA, and the angle B 102° 18' 27", to find the other parts. . j\__A = 20° 9' 17", the side A0 = 420.8, and [_0 -^""''X =57° 32' 16". 1.3. Given, AB 632, BO 494, and the angle A 20° 13', to find the oth^r parts, the angle (7 being acute. r L^= 26° 18' 19", L ^ = 133° 25' 41", and ^^'•\ AO=10S5X 14. Given, AB 53.9, AO 46.21, and the angle B 58** 16', to find the other parts. Ans. \_A = 38° 58', l_0= 82° 46', and B0-= 34.16. isECTlUiX II. 297 15. Given, AB 2163, BC 1672, and the angle C 112° 18' 22", to find the other parts. Ans. AC, 877.2; L^^, 22° 2' 16"; and L^, 45° 39' 22". 16. Given, AB 496, BO 496, and the angle B 38° 16', to find the other parts. Ans, AO, 325.1; L^, 70° 52'; and L^, 70° 52'. 17. Given, AB 428, the angle 49° 16', and {AC + BC) 918, to find the other parts, the angle B being obtuse. . r The angle A = 38° 44' 48", the angle B = 91° ' ^*l 59' 12", ^(7=564.5, and ^(7=353.5. 18. Given, AC 126, the angle B 29° 46', and {AB-^ ^(7) 43, to find the other parts. . JThe angle ^ = 55° 51' 32", the angle (7=94° ^' \ 22' 28", AB = 253.05, and ^C = 210.05. 19. Given, AB 1269, AC 1837, and the angle A 53*» 16' 20", to find the other parts. A f LJ^ = 83° 23' 47", I (7= 43° 19' 53", and BC \ « 1482.16. PLANE TKIUONOMETRY. SECTION III. A.PI LIGATION OF TRIGONOMETRY TO MEASURING HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES. In tliis useful application of Trigonometry, a base line Is always supposed to be measured, or given in length; and by means of a qn ad rant, sextant, circle, theodolite, or some other instrument for measuring angles, such angles are measured as, connected with the base line and the objects whose heights or distances it is proposed to determine, enable us to compute, from the principles of Trigonometry, what those heights or distances are. Sometimes, particularly in marine surveying, horizontal angles are determined by the compass ; but the varying effect of surrounding bodies on the needle, even in situa- tions little removed Irom each other, and the general construction of the instrument itself, render it unfit to be employed in the determination of angles where anything like precision is required. The following problems present sufficient variety, to guide the student in determining what will be the most eligible mode of proceeding, in any case that is likely to occur in practice. PROBLEM I. Being desirous of finding the distance between two listant objects, Q and Z), I measured a base, AB, of 384 7ards, on the same horizontal plane with the objects SECTION III. 299 and D, At A, I found the angles DAB = 48<* 12', and CM^ = 89° 18'; at B, the angles ABC 46° 14', and ABB 87° 4'. It is required, from these data, to com- pute the distance between and D, From the angle CAB, take the angle DAB ; the remainder, 41° 6*, is the angle CAD. To the angle DBAj add the angle DAB, and 44° 44', the supple- ment of the sum, is the angle ADB. In the same way the angle ACB, which is the supplement of the sum of CAB and CBA, is found to be 44° 28'. Hence, in the triangles ABC and ABD, we have Sin. ACB, 44° 28', : AB, 384 yards, :: Bin. ABCy 46° 14', 9.845405 2.584331 9.858635 12.442966 : ACy ^95.9 yards, 2.597561 Sin. ADB, 44° 44', : AB, 384 yards, :: sm.ABD, 87° 4', 9.847454 2.584331 9.999431 12.583762 : AD, 544.9 yards. 2.736308 Then, in the triangle CAD, we have given the sides GA and AD^ and the included angle CAD, to find CD) to compute which we proceed thus : The supplement of the angle CAD, is the sum of the angles ACD and^Z)C; Hence, = 69° 27'; and, by proportion w« have, AD-^-AG (=- 940.8) 2.973497 : AD^AC (= 149) 2.173186 :; faip /^^ + ^^^ (= 69° 27') 10.426108 12.599294 300 tan. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. ACD—ADG 2 (= 22° 54') 9.625797 the angle A CD, sum, 92" 21' the angle ^2) C, diff., 46° 33' Sm.J.i)(7, 46°83', • : ^(7, 395.9 yards, : : sin. CAD, 41° 6', CD, 358.5 yards, 9.860922 2.597585 9.817813 12.415398 2.55447B PROBLEM II. To determine the altitude of a lighthouse, I obsei-vtJ the elevation of its top above the level sand on the sea- shore, to be 15° 32' 18'' ; and measuring directly from it, 638 yards along the sand, I then found its elevation to be 9° 56' 26". Required the height of the lighthouse Let CD represent the height of the light- house above the level of the sand, and let B be the first station, and A the second ; then the angle CBD is 15° 32' 18, and the angle CAB is 9° 56' 26"; therefore, the angle A CB, which is the diflference of the angles CBD and CAB, is 5° 35' 52". Hence, Sin. ^ CjB, 5° 35' 52", : AB, 638, : : sin. angle A, 9° 56' 26", 8.989201 2.804821 9.237107 BCj 1129.09 yards, Radius, BC, 1129.09, sin. CBD, 15° 32' 18", /)C; 302.46 yards. 12 041928 3.052727 10.000000 3.052727 9.427945 12.480672 2.480672 SECTION III 301 PROBLEM III. Coming from sea, at the poiut D I observed two headlands, A and B, and inland, at (7, a steeple, whicb appeared between the headlands. I found, from a map, that the headlands were 5.35 miles apart ; that the dis- tance from A to the steeple was 2.8 miles, and from B to the steeple 3.47 miles ; and I found, with a sextant, that the angle J.i>(7 was 12° 15, and the angle BDQ, 15° 30'. Required my distance from each of the headlands, and from the steeple. CONSTRUCTION. The angle between the two headlands is the sum of 15° 30' and 12° 15', or 27° 45'. Take double this sum, 55° 30'. Conceive AB to be the chord of a circle, and the arc on one side of it to be 55° 30' ; and, of course, the other will be 304° 30'. The point D will be somewhere in the circumference of this circle. Consider that point as determined, and draw CD. In the triangle ABC, we have all the sides, and, of course, we can find all the angles ; and if the angle A CB is less than 180°— 27° 45' = 152° 15', then the circle cuts the line CD in a point E, and C is without the circle. Draw AEy BE, AD, and BD. AEBD is a quadrilateral in a circle, and [_ AEB + \_ ADD = 180°. The [^ADE= the | -4^^, because both are measured by one half the arc AE. Also, [_ EDB = [__ EAB, for a similar reason. Now, in the triangle AEB, its side AB, and all its angles, are known; and from thence AE can be computed. Then, having the two sides, AC and AE, of the triangle AEC, and the included angle CAE, we can find the angle AEC, and, of course, its supple- ment, AED. Then, in the triangle AED, we have the side AEy and the two angles AED and ADE, from which we can find AD The computation, at length, is as follows : 26 302 PLANE TRIGONOMiCTRY. To find AE. Angle EaB = 15<^ 30' Sin. AEB, 152° 15', 9.668027 Angle fy^^ = 12° 15' : AB, 5.35, .728354 27° 45' : : sin. ABE 12° 15' 9.326700 180° AP«5l« AEB = 152° 15' AEy 2.438, To find the angle BAQ. 10.055054 .387027 BG, 3.47 AB, 5.35 AGy 2.80 log. .728354 log. .447158 2 ) 11.62 1.175512 5.81 ^C, 2.34 log. .764176 log. .369216 20 21.133392 17° 41' 58" 2 ) 19.957880 COS. 9.978940 2 Angle ^^C=.- 35° 23' 56" Angle EAB = 15° 30' Angle EAG^ 19° 53' 56" 180° 2)160° 6' 4" 80° 3' 2" AEG 4- AGE SECTION III 803 To find the angles AEQ and ACE, %ng\QAEC, AC -\- AE : AC^AE ^ AEC -ir AGE ::tan. ^ 6.238 .362 80<» 3' 2" 21° 30' 12" .719165 — 1.558709 10.755928 10.314637 , AEC—ACE : ten. 2 9.595472 7(7, 10P33a4^^8uin vngXeACEorACD, 58°32^50^^ diff. MiiileCDA, 12° 15' 70°47'50'^ supplement 109°12a0'^ angle CAD - • 35° 23^ 56'^ angle CAB . 73°48a4'^ To find AB. Sin.^Z>^, 12°15', : ^(7,2.8, :: Bm.ACD 68° 32' 50", 9.326700 .447158 9.930985 10.378143 • AD 11.26 miles. 1.051443 PROBLEM IV. The elevation of a spire at one station was 23° 50' 17 ', vid the horizontal angle at this station, between the spire and another station, was 93° 4' 20". The horizon- tal angle at the latter station, between the spire and the first station, was 54° 28' 36", and the distance between the two stations was 416 feet. Required the height ot the spire. 304 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Let CD be the spire, A the first station, and B the second ] then the vertical angle CAD is y"^ 23° 50' 17"; and as the horizontal angles, CAB ^ .-^^^ / and CBA, are 93° 4' 20" and 54° 28' 36", re- \ / spectively, the angle ACB, the supplement of their sura, is 32° 27' 4". To find AC. Sin. 5(7^, 32° 27' 3", : side AB, 416, :: sin.^jBa, 54°28'36", side^C, 681, 9.729G34 2.619093 9.910560 12.529653 2.800019 To find DO. Radius, 10.000000 side AC, 631, 2.800019 tan. DA (7, 23° 50' 17", 9.645270 DC, 278.8, 2.445289 By the application of Pro- blem 4, we can compute the distance between two horizon- tal planes, if the same object is visible from both. a^ For example, let ilf be a prominent tree or rock near the top of a mountain, and by observations taken at A^ we can determine the perpendicular Mn, By like obser* vations taken at B, we can determine the perpendicular Mm, The difierence between these two perpendiculars is nm, or the difference in the elevation between the two points A and B, If the distances between A and n, or B and m, are considerable, or more than two or three miles, corrections must be made for the convexity of the earth ; but for less distances such corrections are not necessaiy. SECTION III. 306 PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. Required the height of a wall whose augle of eleva- tion, at the distance of 463 feet, is observed to be 16° 21'. Ans. 135.8 feet. 2. The angle of elevation of a hill is, near its bottom, 81° 18', and 214 yards farther off, 26° 18'. Required the peq-jendieular lieight of the hill, and the distance of the perpendicular from the first station. ( The height of the hill is 565.2 yards, and the ^ns. < distance of the perpendicular from the first I station is 929.6 yards. 3. The wall of a tower which is 149.5 feet in height, makes, with a line drawn from the top of it to a distant object on the horizontal plane, an angle of 57° 21'. What is the distance of the object from the bottom of the tower? Ans. 233.3 feet. 4. From the top of a tower, which is 138 feet in height, I took the angle of depression of two objects standing in a direct line from the bottom of the tower, and upon the same horizontal plane with it. The depression of the nearer object was found to be 48° 10', and that of the further, 18° 52'. What was the distance of each from the bottom of the tower ? 4 f Distance of the nearer, 123.5 feet; and of the \ further, 403.8 feet. 5. Being on the side of a river, and wishing to know the distance of a house on the opposite side, I measured 312 yards in a right line by the side of the river, and then /bund that the two angles, one at each end of this line, subtended by the other end and the house, were 31° 15' and 86° 27'. What vas the distance between each end of the line and the house ? Ans, 351.7, and 182.8 yards. 6. Having measured a base of 260 yards in a straight line, on one bank of a river, I found that the two angles, one at each end of the line, subtended by the 26* U goo PLANE TKIGONOMETRY. other end and a tree on the opposite bank, were 40® and 80°. What was the width of the river? Ans. 190.1 yards. 7. From an eminence of 268 feet in perpendicular height, the angle of depression of the top of a steeple which stood on the same horizontal plane, was found to 1 e 40^ 8', and of the bottom, 06° 18'. What was the height of the steeple ? Ans. 117.76 feet. 8. Wanting to know the distance between two objects which were separated by a morass, I measured the dis- tance from each to a point from whence both could be seen ; the distances were 1840 and 1428 yards, and the angle which, at that point, the objects subtended, was 36** 18' 24''. Required their distance. J.n«. 1090.85 yards. 9. From the top of a mountain, three miles in height, the visible horizon appeared depressed 2° 13' 27". Re- quired the diameter of the earth, and the distance of the boundary of the visible horizon. . . r Diameter of the earth, 7958 miles ; distance of \ the horizon, 154.54 miles. 10. From a ship a headland was seen, bearing north 39° 23' east. After sailing 20 miles north, 47° 49' west, the same headland was observed to bear north, 87° 11' east. Required the distance of the headland from the ship at each station. J J At first station, 19.09 miles ; at the second, ^''*- I 26.96 miles. 11. The top of a tower, 100 feet above the level of tlie sea, was seen as on the surface of the sea, from the mast- head of a ship, 90 feet above the water. The diameter of the earth being '''960 miles, what was the distance between the observei and the object? Ans. 23.92 plus j\ for refraction — 25.76 miles. 12. From the top of a tower, by the seaside, 143 feet high, it was observed that the angle of depression of a SECTION III. 307 ship's bo'tom, then at anchor, measured 35® ; what, then, was the ".hip's distance from the foot of the tower ? Ans. 204.22 feet. 13. Wanting to know tlie breadth of a river, I meas- ured a base of 500 yards in a straight line on one bank; and at each end of this line I found the angles subtended l)y the other end and a tree on the opposite bank of the river, to be 53° and 79° 12'. What, then, was the per- pendicular breadth of the river? Ans. 529.48 yards. 14. What is the perpendicular height of a hill, ita augle of elevation, taken at the bottom of it, being 46°, and 200 yards further off, on a level with the bottom, 81° ? Ans. 286.28 yards. 15. Wanting to know the height of an inaccessible tower, at the least accessible distance from it, on the same horizontal plane, I found its angle of elevation to be 58° ; then going 300 feet directly from it, I found the angle there to be only 32° ; required the height of the tower, and my distance from it at the first station. 307.54 feet. f Height, \ Distance, ^ns ^32.18 " 16. Two ships of war, intending to cannonade a fort, are, by the shallowness of the water, kept so far from it, that they suspect their guns cannot reach it with effect. In order, therefore, to measure the distance, they separate fi'om each other a quarter of a mile, or 440 yards, and then each ship observes and measures the angle wliich the other ship and fort subtends ; these angles are 83° 45', and 85° 15'. What, then, is the distance between each ship and the fort? . / 2292.26 yards. ^ns. I 2298.05 " 17. A point of land was observed by a ship, at sea, to bear east-by-south ;* and after sailing north-east 12 miles, * That is, one point south of east. A point of the compass ii 308 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. it was found to bear south- cast-by- east. It is required to determiue the place of that headland, and the ship's dis- tance from it at the last observation. Ans, Distance, 26.0728 miles. 18. Wishing to know my distance from an inaccessible object, 0, on the opposite side of a river, and having a chain or chord for measuring distances, but no instru- ment for taking angles; from each of two stations, A and B, which were taken at 500 yards asunder, I meas- ured in a direct line from the object, 0, 100 yards, viz., A.0 and BB, each equal to 100 yards; and I found that the diagonal AB measured 550 yards, and the diagonal BO 560. What, then, was the distance of the object from each station A and Bt . ( AO, 536.27 yards. ^^^' \J50, 500.14 " 19. A navigator found, by observation, that the summit of a certain mountain, which he supposed to be 45 min- utes of a degree distant, had an altitude above the sea horizon of 31' 20". Now, on the supposition that the earth's radius is 3956 miles, and the observer's dip was 4' 15", what was the height of the mountain ? Ans. 3960 feet. Remark. — This should be diminished by about one eleventh part of itself, for the influence of horizontal refraction. 20. From two ships, A and B, which are anchored in a bay, two objects, (7 and i), on the shore, can be seen. These objects are known to be 500 yards apart. At the ship A, the angle subtended by the objects was measured, and found to be 41° 25' ; and that by the object B and the other ship was found to be 52° 12'. At the other ship, the angle subtended by the objects on shore was found to be 48° 10'; and that by the object (7, and the ship A, to be 47° 40'. Eequired the distance between SECTION III. 309 tJie ships, and the distance from each ship to the objecta on shore. {Distance between sliips, 395.7 yards. From ship A to object i), 743.5 " From ship A to object 0, 407.7 " From ship B to object D, 590.5 " To solve this problem, suppose the distance between the ships ta be 100 yards, and determine the several distances, including the distance between the objects, C and />, under this supposition; then multiply the values thus found for the required distances by the quotient obtained by dividing the given value of CD by the com- puted value. PART II. SPHEEICAL GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION I. SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. DEFINITIONS. 1. Spherical Geometry has for its object the investiga- tion of the properties, and of the relations to each other, of the portions of the surface of a sphere which are bounded by the arcs of its great circles. 2. A Spherical Polygon is a portion of the surface of a sphere bounded by three or more arcs of great circles, called the sides of the polygon. 3. The Angles of a spherical polygon are the angles formed by the bounding arcs, and are the same as the angles formed by the planes of these arcs. 4. A Spherical Triangle is a spherical polygon having hut three sides, each of which is less than a semi-circum- ference. 5. A Lune is a portion of the surface of a sphere in- chided between two great semi-circumferences having a common diameter. 6. A Spherical Wedge, or Ungula, is a portion of the solid sphere included between two great semi-circles having a common diameter. feECTION I. 311 7. A Spherical Pyramid is a portion of a sphere bounded by the faces of a solid angle having its vertex at the center, and the spherical polygon which these faces inter- cept on the surface. This spherical polygon is called the base of the pyramid. 8. The Axis of a great circle of a sphere is that diameter of the sphere which is perpendicular to the plane of the circle. This diameter is also the axis of all small circles parallel to the great circle. 9. A Pole of a circle of a sphere is a point on the sur- face of the sphere equally distant from every point in the circumference of the circle. 10. Supplemental, or Polar Triangles, are two triangles on a sphere, so related that the vertices of the angles of cither triangle are the poles of the sides of the other PROPOSITION I. Ani/ two sides of a spherical triangle are together greater than the third side. Let AB, AC, and BO, be the three Bides of the triangle, and 2) the center of the sphere. The angles of the planes that form the solid angle at D, are measured by the arcs AB, AC, awdBC. But any two of these angles are together greater than the third angle, (Th. 18, B. VI). There lore, any two Hides of the triangle are, together, greater thau the third side. Hence the proposition. PROPOSITION II. TJie sum of the three sides of any spherical triingle is le9% than the circumference of a great circle. Let ABC be a spherical triangle ; the two si.les, AB and AC, produced, will meet at the point which is liarae- tncaUy opposite to A, and the arcs, ABB an-' ACD are 312 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. together equal to a great circle. But, by the last proposition, 5(7 is less than the two arcs, BD and D C. There- fore, AB -\- BQ + AO, is less than ABD + AOB'y that is, less than a gi-eat circle. Hence the proposition. PROPOSITION III. The extremities of the axis of a great circle of a sphere are the poles of the great circle, and these points are also the poles of all small circles parallel to the great circle. Let be the center of the sphere, and BB the axis of the great circle. Cm Am''-, then will 5 and 2>, the extremities of the axis, be the poles of the circle, and also the poles of any parallel small cir- cle, as FnE, For, since BB is per- pendicular to the plane of the circle. Cm Am", it is perpendicular to the lines OA, Om\ Om", etc., passing through its foot in the plane, (Def. 2, B. VI); hence, all the arcs, Bm, Bm\ etc., are quadrants, as are also the arcs Bm, Bm\ etc. The points B and B are, therefore, each equally distant from all the points in the circumfer- ence, Cm Am"; hence, (Def. 9), they are its poles. Again, since the radius, OB, is perpendicular to the Diane of the circle. Cm Am", it is also perpendicular to the plane of the parallel small circle, FnE, and passes through its center, 0\ !N'ow, the chords of the arcs, BF, Bn, BE, etc., being oblique lines, meeting the plane of the small circle at equal distances from the foot of the SECTION I. 313 perpendicular, BO'^ are all equal, (Th. 4, B. VI); Leuce, the arcs themselves are equal, and B is one pole of the circle, F71E. In like manner we prove the arcs, DF^ Dn, DF, etc., equal, and therefore I) is the other pole of the same circle. Hence the proposition, etc. Oor. 1. A point on the surface of a sphere at the distance of a quadrant from two points in the arc of a great circle, not at the extremities of a diameter, is a pole of that arc. P^or, if the arcs, Bm, Bm\ are each quadrants, the angles, BOm and BOm', are each right angles; and hence, BO is perpendicular to the plane of the lines, Om and Om', which is the plane of the arc, mm'-, B is therefoi'e the pole of this arc. Cor. 2. The angle included between the arc of a great circle and the arc of another great circle, connecting any of its points with the pole, is a right angle. For, since the radius, BO, is perpendicular to the plane of the circle. Cm Am", every plane passed through this radius is perpendicular to the plane of the circle ; hence, the plane of the arc Bm is perpendicular to that of the arc Om; and the angle of the arcs is that of their planes. PROPOSITION IV. The angle formed hy two arcs of great circles which inter- sect each other, is equal to the angle included between the tan- gents to these arcs at their point of intersection, and is meas- ured by that arc of a great circle whose pole is the vertex of the angle, and which is limited by the sides of the angle or the sides produced. Let AM and AN be two arcs intersecting at the p(»int A, and let AE and AF be the tangentj- to these arcs at this point. Take AC and AD, each quadrants, and draw the arc CD, of which A is the pole, and OC and OD are the radii. 27 814 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. Now, since the planes of the arcs intersect in the radiui OA, and AU is a tangent to one arc, and AF a tangent to the other, at the common point A, ^ p these tangents form with each other an angle whicii is the measure of the angle of the planes of the arcs ; bnt the angle of the planes of the arcs is taken as the angle included by the arcs, (Def. 3). Again, because the arcs, A and AD, are each quadrants, the angles, A 00, A OB, are right angles ; hence the radii, (9^ and OD, which lie, one in one face, and the other in the other face, of the diedral angle formed by the planes of the arcs, are perpendicular to the common intersection of these faces at the same point. The angle, 00 D, is therefore the angle of the planes, and consequently the angle of the arcs ; but the angle OOD is measured by the arc OB. Hence the proposition. Oor. 1. Since the angles included between the arcs oi great circles on a sphere, are measured by other arcs of great circles of the same sphere, we may compare such angles with each other, and construct angles equal to other angles, by processes which do not differ in principle from those by which plane angles are compared and con- structed. Oor. 2. Two arcs of great circles will form, by their in- tersection, four angles, the opposite or vertical ones of " which will be equal, as in the case of the angles formed by tte intersection of straight lines, (Th. 4, B. I). PROPOSITION V. The surface of a hemisphere may he divided into three right- angled and four quadrantal triangles, and one of these right- angled triayigles will be so related to the other two, that two of its sides and one of its angles will he complemental to th^ SECTION I. 315 itdes of one of them, and two of its sides supplemental to two of the sides of the other. Let ABC be a right-aDgled spherical triangle, right angled at B. Produce the sides, AB and AC, and they will meet at A', the opposite ]»oint on the sphere. Produce BC, both ways, 90° from the point B, to P and P', which are, therefore, poles to the arc AB, (Prop. 3). Through A, P, and the center of the sphere, pass a plane, cutting the sphere into two equal parts, forming a great circle on the sphere, which great circle will be represented by the circle PAF'A^ in the figure. At right angles to this plane, pass another plane, cutting the sphere into two equal parts ; this great circle is represented in the figure by the straight line, POP', A and A' are the poles to the great circle, POP' \ and P and P' are the poles to the great circle, ABA'. Now, CPI) is a spherical triangle, right-angled at i>, and its sides OP and CD are complemental respectively to the sides BC and AC of the A ABC, and its side PB is complemental to the arc BO, which measures the [_BACof thejsame triangle. Again, the A A' BC is right- angled at P, and its sides A'C, A'B, are supplemental respectively to the Bides AC, AB, of the a ABC. There- fore, the three right-angled A's, ABC, CPD, and A'BC, Lave the required relations. In the A ACP, the side AP is a quadrant, and for this reason the A is called a quad- rantal triangle. So also, are the A's A'CP, ACP', and P'CA', quadrantal trianficies. Hence the proposition. Scholium. — In every triangle there are six elements, three sides and tliree angles, caLed the parts of the triangle. Now, if all the parts of the triangle ^^Care known, the parts of each of th« ^*s, PCD and A^BC, are as completely known. And vhen the parts ol the ^ PCD are known, the parts of the A'^ ACP 316 SPHBRICAL TRIGONOMETRY. and A^CP are also known ; for, the side PD measures each .>f the | ^^'i P4(7and PA'C, and the angle CPD, added to the right angle A' PD, gives the | A^PC^ and the | CPA is supplemental to this. Hence, the solution of the A ABC'is a solution of the two right-angled and four qaadrantal A's, which together with it make up the surface of the hemisphere. PROPOSITION VI. If there he three ares of great circles whose poles are the angular points of a spherical triangle, such arcs^ if produced^ VJill form another triangle, whose sides will he supplemental to the angles of the first triangle, and the sides of the first triangle will he supplemental to the angles of the second. Let the arcs of the three great cir- cles be CrH, PQ, KL, whose poles are respectively A, B, and Q. Produce the three arcs until they meet in I), E, and F. We are now to prove that E is the pole of the arc AQ\ I) the pole of the arc BQ\ F the pole to the arc AB. Also, that the side EF, is supplemental to the angle A ; EB to the angle (7; and BF to the angle B; and also, that the side AC i» supplemental to the angle E, etc. A pole is 90° from any point in the circumference of Hs great circle ; and, therefore, as A is the pole of the arc Gff, the point A is 90° from the point E. As O is the pole of the arc LK, is 90° from any point in that arc; therefore, (7 is 90° from the point E', and E being 90° from both A and (7, it is the pole of the arc AC In the same manner, we may prove that B is the pole of BC, and F ihQ pole of AB. Because A is the pole of the arc GH, the arc G H measures the angle A, (Prop. 4) ; for a similar reason, PQ measures the angle B, and LK measures the angle (7. Because E is the pole of the arc AQ. EH=z 90° Or, EG+ GH=^ 90° For a like reason, FH^ GH-^ 90° SECTION I. ai7 Ailding tliese two equations, and observing that Gfl mm A, and afterward transposing one A^ we have, EG 4- GH + FH^^nO'' —A. Or, ^JP=180°— ^ ^ In like manner, i^i) = 180°— ^ \ («) And, BE = 180° — (7 J But the arc (180° — A), is a supplemental arc to -A, by the definition of arcs; therefore, the three sides of the triangle DEF^ are supplements of the angles A, B, C, of the triangle ABC. Again, as E is the pole of the arc AC, the whole angle E is measured by the whole arc LH. But, AC -{- CIT ^ 90"* Also, AC + AL = 90^ By addition, AC+AC-\-CH -\- AL = 180° By transposition, AC-\-Cff+AL = lSO°—AC That is, LR, or ^= 180° — ^1(7 ^ In the same manner, ^=-180°— yl5 > (^) And, I)=1S0° — BC J That is, the sides of the first triangle are supplemental to the angles of the second triangle. PROPOSITION VII. The sum of the three angles of any spherical triangle, i% greater than two right angles, and less than six right angles. Add equations ( « ), of the last proposition. The first member of the equation so formed will be the sum of the three bides of a spherical triangle, which sum we may designate by S. The second member will be 6 right angles (there being 2 right angles in each 180°) less the three angles A, B, and C, That is, aS' = 6 right angles — {A -^ B + C) By Prop. 2, the sum S! is less than 4 right angles; 27* 318 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. tlierelbre, to it add s, a sufficieut quantity to make 4 right angles. Then, 4 right angles = 6 right angles — (A + B -^ 0) -\- s Drop or cancel 4 right angles from both members, and transpose {A -h B -h Cf). Then, A + B + = 2 right angles -f 8. That is, the three angles of a spherical triangle mako a greater sum than two right angles by the indefinite quantity s, which quantity is called the spherical excess, and is greater or less according to the size of the triangle. Again, the sum of the angles is less than 6 right angles There are but three angles in any triangle, and each one of them must be less than 180°, or 2 right angles. For, an angle is the inclination of two lines or two planes ; and when two pianos incline by 180°, the planes are parallel, or are in one and the same plane ; therefore, as neither angle can be equal to 2 right angles, the three can never be equal to 6 right angles. PROPOSITION VIII. On the same sphere, or on equal spheres, triangles which are mutually equilateral are also mutually equiangular ; and, conversely, triangles which are mutually equiangular are also mutually equilateral, equal sides lying opposite equal angles. First.— Lai ABO and DEF, in which AB = BE, AC=:^ DF, and BO = EF, be two triangles on the sphere whose center is 0; then will the [_ A, opposite the side BO, in the first triangle, be equal the \__I), opposite the equal side EF, in the second; also L 5 = 1 ^, andL^==L-^. SECTION I. 819 For, drawing the radii to tlie vertices of the angles of these triangles, we may conceive to he the common vertex of two triedral angles, one of which is hounded by the plane angles AOB, BOO, and AOO, and the other by the plane angles DOE, EOF, and DOF. But the plane angles bounding the one of tliese triedral angles, arc equal to the plane angles hounding the other, each t') ea h, since they are measured by the equal sides of the two triangles. The planes of the equal arcs in the two triangles are therefore equally inclined to each other, (Th. 20, B. VI) ; but the angles included between the planes of the arcs are equal to the angles formed by the i*rcs, (Def 3). Hence the [_ A, opposite the side BC, in the A Al IS equal to the [_ ^? opposite the equal side EF, in tl ^ other triangle ; and for a similar reason, the L_jB= L_^, andtheL^(7=LJ^. Second. — If, in the triangles ABC and DEF, being f the same sphere whose center is 0, the [_A = [_D,ih \_B = [_E, and the [_C = [_F\ then wall the side A B, opposite the \_C,\n the first, be equal to the side DE^ opposite the equal \^F, in the second; and also the si'* AC equal to the side DF, and the side BQ equal to tbc side EF. For, conceive two triangles, denoted by A'B'C* and D'E'F', supplemental to ABC and DEF, to be formed; then will these supplemental triangles be mutually equi- lateral, for their sides are measured by 180*^ less the o] posite and equal angles of the triangles ABC and LEF, (Prop. G); and being mutually' equilateral, they are, as proved above, mutually equiangular. But the triangle;! ABC and DEF are supplemental to the tri- argles A*B'C' and D'E'F' ; and their sides are therefore measured severally by 180° less the opposite and equal aoifles of the triangles A'B'C and D'E'F\ (Prop. 6). 320 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. Heuce the triangles ABO and DUF, which are mutUiiUy equiangular, are also mutually equilateral. Scholium. — With the three arcs of great circles, AB, AC, and BC either of the two triangles, ABC, DEF, may be formed ; but 't is evi dent that these two triangles cannot be made to coincide, tliough they ars both mutually equilateral and mutually «quiangular. Spherical triangles on the same sphere, or on equal spheres, in which the side«< and angles of the one are equal to the sides and 'ingles of the other eaoii to each, but are not themselves capable of superposition, dirt called symmetrical triangles. PROPOSITION IX. On the same sphere, or on equal spheres, triangles having two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and the included angles equal, have their remaining sides and angles equal. Let ABQ and DEF be two triangles, in which AB =^ BE, AC = DF, and the angle A — the angle D; then will the side BC he equal to the side FF, the L ^ = the L^, and L ^[_F For, if BF lies on the same side of BF that AB does of AC, the two triangles, ABO and BFF, may be applied the one to the other, and they may be proved to coincide, as in the case of plane tri- angles. But, if BF does not lie on the same side of BF that AB does of AC, we may construct the triangle "^ hicb is symmetrical with BFF; and this symmetrical triangle, when applied to the triangle ABC, will exactly coincide with it. But the triangle BFF, and the triangle sym- metrical with it, are not only mutually equilateral, but also are mutually equiangular, the equal angles lying opposite the equal sides, (Prop. 8) ; and as the one or the other will coincide with the triangle ABC, it follows that ^^£CTION I. 321 the triangles, ABC and DEF, are either absolutely or By m metrically equal. Cor, On the same sphere, or on equal spheres, trianglei having two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other^ each to each, and the included sides equal, have their remain- ing sides and angles equal. For, if L^ = L A L^ = L^j and side AB = side DE, the triangle BUF, or the triangle symmetrical with \t, will exactly coincide with A ABC, when applied to it as in the case of plane triangles; hence, the sides and angles of the one will be equal to the sides and angles of the other, each to each. PROPOSITION X. In an isosceles spherical triangle, the angles opposite the equal sides are equal, A Let ABC be an isosceles spherical tri- angle, in which AB and AC are the equal sides ; then will [_B = [_ (7. For, connect the vertex A with D, the / middle point of the base, by the arc of a / great circle, thus forming the two mutu- J L^ I — ^ ally equilateral triangles, ABB and ABC. They are mutually equilateral, because AB is common, BB = DC hy construction, and AB=AChy supposition; hence they are mutually equiangular, the equal angles hidng opposite the equal sides, (Prop. 8). The angles B and C, being opposite the common side AB, are there^. fore equal. Cor. The arc of a great circle which joins the vertex of an isosceles spherical triangle with the middle point of the base, is p Brpendicular to the base, and bisects the ver- tical angle of the triangle ; and, conversely, the arc of a 322 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. greiit circle which bisects the vertical angle of an isosceles spherical triangle, is perpendicular to, and bisects the base. PROPOSITION XI. If two angles of a spherical triangle are equal, the opposite sides are also equal, and the triangle is isosceles. In the spherical triangle, ABQ, let the i_^ = 1_(7; then will the sides, AB and AC, opposite these equal angles, be equal. For, let P be the pole of the base, BC, and draw the arcs of great circles, PB, PQ\ these arcs will be quadrants, and at right angles to BQ, (Cor. 2, Prop. 3). Also, produce CA and BA to meet PB and P(7, in the points E and P. Now, the angles, PBP and POP, are equal, because the first is equal to 90° less the \_ABQ, and the second is equal to 90° less the equal \_ACB\ hence, the A's, PBP and PQE, are equal in all their parts, since thej have the L_P common, the \__PBP = [_PCE, and the side PB equal to the side PC, (Cor., Prop. 9). PE is therefore equal to PF, and [_PEC= [__PFB. Taking the equals PF and PE, from the equals PC and PB, we have the remainders, PC and EB, equal; and, from 180°, taking the L's PFB and PEC, we have the remaining |__'s, AFC and AEB, equal. Hence, the £^'^,AFCii\\diAEB, have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and the included sides equal; the remaining sides and angles are therefore equal, (Cor., Prop. 9). Therefore, J. (7 is equal to BA^ and the A ABC is isosceles. Cor. An equiangular spherical triangle is also equilat- eral, and the converse. SECTION I. £23 ilEMARK. — In this demonstration, tlie pole of the base, £6', is sup- posed to fall without the triangle, ABC. The same figure Daay be used for the case in which the pole falls within the triangle ; the modifi- cation the demonstration then requires is so slight and cbvious, that it would be superfluous to suggest it. PROPOSITION XII. The greater of two sides of a spherical triangle is opposite the greater angle ; and, conversely, the greater of two angles of a spherical triangle is opposite the greater side. Let ^-6(7 be a spherical triangle, in which the angle A is greater than the angle B ; then is the side BQ greater than the side AC. Throusrh A draw the arc of a ° \) great circle, J.i>, making, with J.^, i^ ^^r ::- B the angle BAB equal to the angle ABB. The triangle, BAB, is isos- celes, and BA = BB, (Prop. 11). In the A ACD, CD^AD>AG, (Prop. 1.) ; or, substituting for AD its equal DB, we have, CD -V DB> AC. If in the above inequality we now substitute CB for CD+DB, it becomes CB > CA. Conversely ; if the side CB be greater than the side GA, then is the [_A > the |_^. For, if the [_A is not greater than the \_B, it is either equal to it, or less than it. The [_A is not equal to the 1_J5; for if it were, the tnanglc would be isosceles, and CB would be equal to GA, whic) is contrary to the hj'pothesis. The y_A is not less than the [_B\ for if it were, the side (7J5 would be less than the side CA, by the first part of the proposition, which is also contrary to the hypothesis ; hence, the \_A must be greatei than the \^B. 5J24 SP:1ERI0AL GEOiJlETUY iMiOPuSlTlON Xlll. Two symmetrical spJierical triangles are equal in area. Let ABO and DUF be two A's on the «stme sphere, having the sides and angles of the one equal to the sidei and angles of the other, each to each, the triangles themselves Dot admitting of superposition. It is to be proved that these ^*s have equal areas. Let P be the pole of a small circle passing through the three points, ABO, and connect P with each of the points, A, B, and 0, by arcs of great circles. ISText, through B draw the arc of a great circle, BP\ making the angle DBF' •equal to the angle ABF. Take BF' = BF, and draw the arcs of great circles, F^B, F'F. The A's, ABF and BBF', are equal in all their parts, because AB=BB, BF^EF', and the [_ABF=[_BBF', (Prop. 9). Taking from^the [_ABO the \_ABF, and from the [_BEF the {__BBF', we have the remaining angles, FBO and F'EF, equal; and therefore the A's, BOF and EFF', are also equal in all their parts. Now, since the a's, ABF and DBF', are isosceles, they will coincide when applied, as will also the A's, BOF and EFF', for the same reason. The polygonal areas, ABOF and BEFF', are therefore equivalent. K from the first we take the isosceles triangle, FAO, and from Ine second the equal isosceles triangle, F'BF, the remainders, or the triangles ABO and DBF, will be equivalent. Remark. — It is assumed in this demonstration that the pole P falls without the triangle. Were it to fall within, instead of without, no )ther change in the above process would be required than to add the isosceles triangles, PAC, P^DF, to the polygonal areas, to g:«?l thi Afoas cf the triangles, ABC, DEF. SECTION I. 325 C&r. Two spherical triangles on tlie sante sphere, or on equal spheres, will be equivalent — 1st, when they are mutually equilateral; — 2d, when they are mutually equi- angular; — 3d, when two sides of the one are equal to two sides of the other, each to each, and the incluJed angles are equal; — 4th, when two angles of the one are equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and the included sides are equal. PROPOSITION XIV. If two arcs of great circles intersect each other on the sur* face of a hemisphere^ the sum of either two of the opposite trir angles thus formed will he equivalent to a lune whose angle ik the corresponding angle formed by the arcs. Let the great circle, AUBO, be the base of a hemi sphere, on the surface of which the great semi-circumfer ences, BDA and CBU^ inter- sect each other at B ; then will the sum of the opposite tri- angles, BBO and BAU, be equivalent to the lune whose angle is BBC; and the sum of the opposite triangles, CBA and BBB, will be equiv- alent to the lune whose angle is CBA. Produce the arcs, BBA and CDU, until they intersect on the opposite hemisphere at IT; thezi, since CBU and BEH are both semi-circumference« of a great circle, they are equal. Taking from each the common part BE^ we have CB =HE. In the same way we prove BB «= HA, and AE — BC. The two triangles, BBC and HAE^ are therefore mutually equilateral, and hence they are equivalent, (Prop. 13). But the two tri- anglen, HAE and ABEy together, make up the lune 28 326 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. DEHAB\ hence the sum of the a's, jBi>(7and ADE, la eqiiivaleni to the same luiie. By the same course of reasoning, we prove that the Bum of the opposite A's, DAQ and DBE^ is equi'^aleut the lune J) CHAD ^ whose angle is ABG, PROPOSITION XV. TJu surface of a lune is to the whole surface of the sphere^ as the angle of the lune is to four right angles ; or^ as the are which measures that angle is to the circumference of a great circle. JjetABFOA he a lune on the mrface of a sphere, and BCE an arc of a great circle, whose poles are A and F, the vertices of the angles of the lune. The arc, BO, will then measure the angles of the lune. Take any arc, as BB, that will be con- tained an exact number of times in BO, and in the whole circum- ference, BOEB, and, beginning at B, divide the arc and the circumference into parts equal to BD, and join the points of division and the poles, by arcs of great circles. We shall thus divide the whole surface of the sphere into a number of equal lunes. IS'ow, if the arc BO con- tains the arc BB m times, and the whole circumference contains this arc n times, the surface of the lune will contain m of these partial lunes, and the surface of the sphere will contain n of the same ; and we shall have, Surf lune : surf, sphere :: m : n. But, m : n :: BO : circumference great circle ; Lence, surf, lune : surf sphere :: BO : cir. great circle ; or, surf, lune : surf, sphere :: [_B0O : 4rightangle& VECTION I. 327 This demonstration assumes that BD is a common measuie of the arc, BC, and the whole circumference. It may happen that no finite common measure can be found ; but our reasoning would remain the same, even though this common measure were to become indefinitely small. Hence the proposition. Cor. 1. Any two lunes on the same sphere, or on equal spheres, are to each other as their respective angles. ScnoLiuM. — Spherical triangles, formed by joining the pole of an arc of a great circle with the extremities of this arc by the arcs of great circles, are isosceles, and contain two right angles. For this reason they are called bi-reciangular. If the base is also a quadrant, the vertex of cither angle becomes the pole of the opposite side, and each angle is measured by its opposite side. The three angles are them right angles, and the triaogle is for this reason called tri-rectangular. It is evident that the surface of a sphere contains eight of its tri- Tectangular triangles. Cor, 2. Taking the right angle as the unit of angleSj and denoting the angle of a lune by A, and the surface of a tri-rectangular triangle by T^ we have, surf, of lune : 82^ :: ^ : 4; whence, surf, of lune = 2A x T, Cor. 3. A spherical ungula bears the same relation to the entire sphere, that the lune, which is the base of tne ungula, bears to the surface of the sphere ; and hence, any two spherical ungulas in the same sphere, or m equal spheres, are to each other as the angles of their re- Ri ective lunes. PROPOSITION XVI. The area of a spherical triangle is measured hy ike excess of the sum of its angles over two right angles^ multiplied hy the tri-rectangular triangle. Let ^i^ (7 be a spherical triangle, and DEFLK \\\q cir- cumference of the base of the hemisphere on which this triangle is situa^ted. S28 SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. Produce the sides of the tri- angle until they meet this cir- cumference in the points, i>, E^ F^ X, K, and P, thus forming the sets of opposite triangles, DAE, AKL ; BEF, BPK; CFL, CDF, l^ow, the triangles of each of these sets are together equal to a lune, whose angle is the cor- responding angle of the triangle, (Prop. 14) ; hence we have, A DAE + A AKL = 2^ X I^, (Prop. 15, Cor. 2). aBEF + aBFK=: 2B X T. A CFL + A QDP = 2(7 x T. If the first members of these equations be added, it is evident that their sum will exceed the surface of the hemisphere by twice the triangle ABQ\ hence, adding these equations member to member, and substituting for the first member of the result its value, 4iT -\- 2 A ABO,, we have 4T + 2aAB0 = 2A.T~h 2B.T+ 2Q.T or, 2T -\- aABO= A.T + B,T + C.T whence, aABO = A,T + B.T + CT—IT. That is, aABC ={A-i- B + C—2) T. But A -^ B + — 2 is the excess of the sum cf the angles of the triangle over two right angles, and T de- notes the area of a tri-rectangulur triangle. Hence the proposition ; the area, etc. SECTIOJS 1. 329 PROPOSITION XVII. The area of any spherical 'polygon is measured by the excess of the sum of all its angles over two right angles^ taken as many times, less two, as the polygon has sides, multiplied by the tri-rect angular triangle. Let ABODE be a spherical poly- gon ; then will its area be meas- ured by the excess of the sum of the angles, A, B, C, D, and E, over two right angles taken a number of times wliich is two less than the number of sides, multiplied by T, the tri- rectangular triangle. Through the vertex of any of the angles, as E, and the vertices of the opposite angles, pass arcs of great circles, thus divi- ding the polygon into as many triangles, less two, as the polygon has sides. The sum of the angles of the several triangles will be equal to the sum of the angles of the polygon. Now, the area of each triangle is measured by the excess of the sum of its angles over two right angles, multiplied by the tri -rectangular triangle. Hence the sum of the areas of all the triangles, or the area of the polygon, is measured by the excess of the sum of all the angles of the triangles over two right angles, taken as many times as there are triangles, multiplied by the tri- rectangular triangle. But there are as many triangles as the polygon has sides, less two. Hence the proposition ; the arex of any spherical poly- gon, etc. Ccr. K S denote the sum of the angles of any spherical polygon, n the number of sides, and T the tri-rectan- gular triangle, the right angle being the unit of angles j the area of the polygon will be expressed by [,S'— 2 (n — . 2)J X T^ {S—2n -f 4) T, 28* 3'70 SPHERICAL TKIGONOMETRT. SECTION II SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETHy. A Spherical Triangle contains six parts — three sides and (Lrec angles — any three of which being given, the other three may be determined. Spherical Trigonometry has for its object to explain the different methods of computing three of the six parts of a spherical triangle, when the other three are given. It may be divided into RigJd-angled Spherical Trigonome- try, and Oblique-angled Spherical Trigonometry ; the first treating of the solution of right-angled, and the second of oblique-angled spherical triangles. RIGHT-ANGLED SPHERICAL TRIG0N0METI?3«: . PROPOSITION I. With the sines of the sides, and the tangent of ONE side of any right-angled spherical triangle, two plane triangles can Reformed that will be similar, and similarly situated. Let ABQ be a spherical triangle, right-angled at B ; and let B be the center of the sphere. Because the angle CBA is a right angle, the plane CBB is perpendicular to the plane DBA. From let fall CH, perpen- dicular to the plane DBA ; and us the SECTION IT. 331 plane CBD is perpendicular to the plane DBA, CH will lie in \\\q plane CBB^ and be perpendicular to the line DB, and perpendicular to all lines that can be di-awn in the plane DBA, from the point ^(Def. 2, B. Vl). Draw HGr perpendicular to DA, and draw GC\ GO will lie wholly in the plane CDA^ and CEG is a right- angled triangle, right-angled at H. We will now demonstrate that the angle DGC is a right angle. The right-angled aCBG, gives CH'+HG' = CG' (1) The right-angled aDGH, gives DG'-^HG'=DH' (2) 13y subtraction, CH' — DG'=CG' — DH' ( 3 ) By transposition, CH' -f DH^ = CG' -f DG^ (4) But the first member of equation (4), is equal to CD^, because CDH \s a right-angled triangle; Therefore, CD' = CG' + DG' Hence, CD is the hypotenuse of the right-angled tri- angle DGC, (Th. 39, B. I). From the point B, draw BF at right angles to DA, and BF at right angles to DB, in the plane CDB ex- tended ; the point F will be in the line DC Draw FF, and as F is in the plane CDA, and F is in the same plane, the line FF is in the plane CD A. Now we are to prove that the triangle CHG is similar to the triangle BFF, and similarly situated. As HG and BF are both at right angles to DA, they are parallel ; and as HC and BF are both at right angles to DB, they are parallel ; and by reason of the parallels, the angles GHC and FBF are equal ; but GHC is a right angle ; therefore, FBF is also a right angle. Now, as Gff and BF are parallel, and Cff and BF are also parallel, we have, DB : DB = RG : BF And. DH I DB = EC : BF S32 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Thei-efore, EG : BE = HC : BF (Th. 6, B. U.;, Or, Ha : HO = BE I BE. Here, then, are two triangles, having an angle in the one equal to an angle in the other, and the sides about the equal angles proportional; the two triangles are therefore equiangular, (Cor. 2, Th. 17, B. 11) ; and they are similarly situated, for their sides make eqiJil aiifjlca at H and B with the same line, BB, Hence the proposition. Scholium. — By the definition of sines, cosines, and tanp-ents, we perceive that CR is the sine of the arc J5C, BH is its cosine, and RV its tangent; CG is the sine of the arc AC, and BG its cosine. Also, BE is the sine of the arc AB, and BE is the cosine of the same arc. With this figure we are prepared to demonstrate the following propo- sitions. PROPOSITION II. In any right-angled spherical triangle, the sine of one Me is to the tangent of the other side, as radius is to the tangent of the angle adjacent to the first-mentioned side. Or, the sine of one side is to the tangent of the other side, as the cotangent of the angle adjacent to the first-mentioned side is to the radius. For the sake of brevity, we will represent the angles of the triangle by A, B, Q, and the sides or arcs opposite ho these angles, by a, b, c, that is, a opposite A, etc. In the right-angled plane triangle EBE, we have, EB : BE = B : tSLU.BEE That is, sin.(7. That IS, R : cos.a = cos.c : coa.b, A result identical with equation ( 8 j^ and in words it is expressed thus : Radius is to cosine of one side, as the cosine of the other side is to the cosine of the hypotenuse. Observation 2. The equations numbered from (1) to (10) cover every possible case that can occur in right-' angled spherical trigonometry; but the r'ombinations are SECTION 11. 335 too various to be remembered, and readily applied to prac- tical use. We can remedy this inconvenience, by taking the com' plement of the hypotenuse, and the complements of the two oblique angles, in place of the arcs themselves. Thus, b is the hypotenuse, and let b' be its complement. Then, 5+ 6'=9b°; or, 6= 90° — 6'; and, sin.6 = cos.6', (J0S.6 = sin. 5'; tan. 6 = cot.6'. In the same manner, if ^' is the complement to A, Then, sin.^ = cos.^'; cos. J. = sin. J.'; and, tan.^^l = cot.^'; and similarly, sin.C= cos. (7'; cos. (7= sin. (7'; and tan. (7= cotC^, Substituting these values for 5, A, and C, in the fore- going ten equations (a and c remaining the same), vre have. (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (2C) NAPIE Msin.c = jRsin.a = 72 sin. a = Rsin.c = Rmn.b' = Rsm.A'^ Rsm.A^ = Rsm.y = Rsm.(7= Bsm.C= r's circular : tan. a tan.^' : tan.c tan. (7 : C08.6' cos.J.' = cos.ft' COS. (7' : tan.^' tan.(7 : tan.y tan.(? = cos.a COS. (7' = COS. a COS. (7 : tan. 5' tan. a : cos.c cos.^' PARTS. Omitting the consid- eration of the right an- gle, there arc five parts. Each part taken as a middle part, is connect- ed to its adjacent parts by one equation, and to its extreme parts by another equation ; there- fore, ten equations are required for the combi- nations of all the parts. These equations are very remarkable, because the first iiembers a^'e al. composed of radius into some sine, and the riecond members are all composed of the product of two tangents, or two cosines. To condense these equations into words, for the pur- pose of assisting the memory, we will refer any one of them directly to the right-angled triangle, ABO, in the last fi^ire. 330 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. When the right angle is left out of the question, a right-angled triangle consists oi jive parts — three sides, and two angles. Let any one of these parts be called a middle part; then two other parts will lie adjacent to this part, and two opposite to it, that is, separated from it by two other parts. For instance, take equation (H), and call c the middle part; then A' and a will be adjacent parts, and (7' and 6' opposite parts. Again, take a as a middle part ; then e and C will be adjacent parts, and ^' and b' will be oppo- site parts ; and thus we may go round the triangle. Take any equation from (H) to (20), and consider the middle part in the first member of tlie equation, and we shall find that it corresponds to one of the following inva- riable and comprehensive rules : 1. The radius into the sine of the middle part is equal to the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts. 2. The radius into the sine of the middle part is equal to the product of the cosines of the opposite parts. These rules are known as Napier's Rules, because they were first given by that distinguished mathematician, who was also the inventor of logarithms. In the application of these equations, the accent maybe omitted if tan. be changed to cotan., sin. to cosin., etc. Thus, if equation ( 13 ) were to be employed, it would be written, in the first instance, i^ sin.a= cos.^' cos.^', to insure conformity to the rule ; then, we would change it into R sin.a = sin.6 sin. J.. Remark. — We caution the pupil to be very particular to take the lomplements of the hypotenuse, and the complements of the oblique mgles. SECTION III. 537 SECTION III OBLIQUE-ANGLED SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. The preceding investigations have had reference to right-angled spherical trigonometry only, but the appli- cation of thepe principles covers oblique-angled trigonom- etry also; for, every oblique-angled spherical triangle may be considered as made up of the sum or difference of two right-angled spherical triangles. With this ex- planatory remark, we give PROPOSITION I. In all spherical triangleSy the sines of the sides are to each ythery as the sines of the angles opposite to them. This was proved in relation to right-angled triangles in Prop. 3, Sec. II, and we now apply the principle to ob- lique-angled triangles. Let ABQ be the triangle, and let CD be perpendicular to AB, or to AB produced. Then, by Prop. 3, Sec. U, we have, JS : sin. -4 C = sin. A : sin. CD, Also, %m,CB : R = sin.CD : sin. B. 29 w ilStt SPHERICAL TRIGONOMElKf. By multiplying these two proportions together, term by term, and omitting the common factor M, in the first couplet, and the common factor, sin.6'i>, in the second, we have s'm.CB : sin.^C= sin. J. : &m.B. PROPOSITION II. In any spherical triangle^ if an are of a great circle he lei fall from any angle perpendicular to the opposite side as a base, or to the base produced, the cosines of the other two sides will be to each other as the cosines of the segments of the base. By the application of equation 8, (Sec. 11), to the last Hgure, we have, B COS. AC = C09, AI) co3.I)0 Similarly, B cos.BQ = coa.JDO coa.BI) Dividing one of these equations by the other, omitting common factors in numerators and denominators, we have, COS. AC _ COS. AD C08.B0 cos.BD Or, COS. AC : cos.BO = cos. AD : cos.BJJ. PROPOSITION III. If from any angle of a spherical triangle, a perpendicular v« let fall on the base, or on the base produced, the tangents of tht segments of the base will be reciprocally propcrticnal u> the cotangents of the segments of the angle. By the application of Equation 2, (Sec. II), to the lap* figure, we have, B sin.OZ) = t2in.ADcoi.ACJ). SECTION III. 339 Similarly, R sin.Ci) = tan.BD cotBCD Therefore, by equality, tan.AD cot ACD = tan.BI) cot.BCU Or, tiin,AJ) : tsm.BI) = cotBCB : i.otACI>, PROPOSITION IV. 2^i3 same construction remaining, the cosines of the angles at the extremities of the segments of the base are to each Mer as the sines of the segments of the opposite angle. Equation 7, (Sec. II), applied to the triangle ACD, gly£^^ R coa.A = coa. CD sin. ACD [s] Also, R cos.B = coa.CD s'm.BCD (^ Dividing equation (■?) by (0, gives cos.^ _ Bin. A CD cos.B Qin.BCD Or, cos.^ : cos. J. = em.BCD : am. A CD, PROPOSITION V. 7^e same construction remaining, the sines of the segments of the base are to each other as the cotangents of the adjacent angles. Equation 1, (Sec. II), applied to the triangle ACD, givea R am. AD = tan.OZ) cot.^ (s) Sv.nilarly, R am.BD == tan.OZ) Qoi.B (0 Dividing (a) by (0, gives am.AD _ cot.A am.BD cot.B Or, am.BD : i,m.AD = cot.-B : cot.^ 340 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. PROPOSITION VI. The same construction remaining^ the cotangents of the two tides are to each other as the cosines of the segments of the angle. KquatioD 9, (Sec. II), applied to the triangle J. (7i>, givea B cos.^ CD = cot.^ Q tan. CD [s) S railarlj, B cos.BOD = cot.BO tan. 02) (0 Dividing («) bj (0, gives COS. A OD _ cot. AC co8,BOD ~ cotBO Or, cot AC: cot.BO = coa.ACB : cos.BOD. PROPOSITION VII. The cosine of any side of a spherical triangle, is equal to the product of the cosines of the other two sides, plus the product of the sines of those sides multiplied by the cosine of the included angle. Let ABQ be a spherical triangle, and CB a perpendicular from the angle C to the side AB, or to the side AB produced. Then, by Prop. 2, ios.AC:co8.CB=cos.AD'.cos.BD[\) When CD falls within the tri- angle, BD = {AB'-AD)', and when CD falls without the triangle, BD = {AD — AB). Hence, cos.BD = co9.{AD — AB) Now, cos.(^i? -. ^ Z>) = co8.{AD — AB), because each of them is equal to 208. AB COS. AD + sin.A^ siif.Jli), (Eq. 10, Prop. :i. Sec. I, Plane Trig.). SECTION III. 341 This value of cus. BD, put in proportion (1), gives cos ^ 6' : COS. CB = cos. J D : cos.^lJ5 cos.-4Z>+sin.^i5 sin.^Z> ( 2 ) Dividing the last couplet of proportion (2) by cos.^ Z>, observing that - — Tn = tan.^i), cos.AI) and we have COS. J 6^ : COS. as = 1 : cos.^^ + sin.^^ tan.^D (3) By applying equation 6, (Sec. II), to the triangle A CD^ taking the radius as unity, we have COS. J. = GOt.AC tUTl.AB [k) But, tan.^(7cot.^C=l,(Eq.5, Sec. I, Plane Trig.) {I) Multiply equation [k] by inn. AC, observing equation (0, and we have / tan.^Ccos.^ = idiW.AB Substituting this value of tan. J.i), in proportion (3), we have COS. J. C : COS. CB = 1: cos. J.^ + sin. J.^ tan. J. C co&.A ( 4 ) Multipl^'ing extremes and means, gives COS. CB=co9,.A C Qos.AB-\- sin.^^ (cos.^ C tan.-4 Q) cos. JL. But, tan.^(7= — ^-tt^, or, cos.^C tan. J. (7= sin.^l(7. COS.^C/ Therefore, cos. (75 = cos. A (7 co^.AB -\- qih.AB sin. AC cos.J.. If the sides opposite the angles. A, B, and {7, be re^ dpectively represented by a, b, and c, this equation becomes, coa.a= co8.^ cos.c + sin.6 sin.c cos. A. This formula conforms to the enunciation in respect to the side a. Now, by interchanging h and a, and B and A^ in the last equation, we get the formula for cos.J, which is, cos.5=cos.a cos.c+sin.a sin.c cos. J?. 29* 842 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY Interchanging c and a, and C and A^ we get the formula for cos.c, Avhich is, cos.(? = cos.a COS. 6 -f sin. a sin.J cos.Ol Hence, we have the three symmetrical formulae : cos.a = C0S.5 cos.c + sin. ft sin.c cos.^^ cos.6 = cos.a cos.c + sin.a sin.(? cos.^ > (iS') cos.c = cos.a C08.6 + sin.a sin.6 cos.cj From these, by simple transposition and division, we deduce the following formulae for the cosines of the angles of any spherical triangle, viz : cos.a — cos.ft cos.c^ cos. J. = cos.^ = COS. (7 = sin.5 sin.c COS. 6 — cos.a cos.c sin. a sin.c? COS.C — COS.« COS. 5 {S') sin. a sin. 6 By means of these equations we can find the cosine of any of the three angles of a spherical triangle in terms of the functions of the sides ; but in their present form they are not suited for the employment of logarithms, and we should be compelled to use a table of natural sines and cosines, and to perform tedious numerical ope- rations, to obtain the value of the angle. They are, however, by the following process, tians- formed into others well adapted to the use of logarithms. In Eq. 34, Sec. I, Plane Trig., we have 1 + COS. J. = 2cos.''JJ.. cos.a — C0S.5 C0S.6* Therefore, 2cos.'iJ. = 1 + sin.ft (sin.J sin.{7 — cos. 5 cos.c) + cos.a sin.J sin.c (m). But, cos.(6 -\- c) — coB.h cos.c — sin.c sin.6, (Equation 9. Section I, Plane Trig.). By comparing .this equation SECTION III 843 with the secoad member of equation (wi), we perceive that equation ( »» ) is readily reduced to __ cos.a — co8.( b-h c) Bin.6 sin.o 2cos.«JA Considering (b-hc) as one are, and then making appli- S-6) Sin. a sin.c COB. ^= . / -K'sin.j^ 6m.(S-e) sin. a sin.6 (T) 344 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. To deduce from formulae {jS), formulae for the Bines of the half of each of the angles of a spi^erical triangle, wc proceed as follows: From Eq. 35, Sec. I, Plane Trig., mq have 2sin.' JJ. = 1 — cos.^. Substituting the value of cos. J., ''aken from formui« (aS^), and we have, cos.a — cos.h cos. > (F') and, COS.J. = \/2£iI?^oi;^ ^ Sin. A sin.J5 To find the sin.Ja in terms of the ftinctions of tlie angles, we must subtract each member of eq. ( 3 ) from 1, by which we get ^ cos.^ + COS.jS cos.(7 sin.^ sin.C? But, 1 — cos.a= 2sin.'Ja; hence we have, p . ,- (sin.j5 sin. (7 — cos.^ cos. (7) — cos. J. ^Sin* *fl — — — z =r ; — — • sm.jB sin.O' Operating upon this in a manner analogous to that l»j which cos.Ja was found, we get, 348 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. ^ \ sm.B sin. (7 / sm. J5 = { ^. ._ V — ; \2 ) ( IT) ( sin.^ sin. (7 J / ^ ' Bin.i.- f-cos.^co3.(^-{7)U L.Jc.= { sin.^ sin.^ J L the first equation in (W) be divided by the first m { ^'^ ), we shall have, And corresponding expressions may be obtained fof tan. J 6 and tan.J^?. NAPIER'S ANALOGIES. If the value of cos.^?, expressed in the third equation of group (aS'), Prop. 7, be substituted for cos. (sin.a + sin. 5) sin.J? Hence, sm.^ + sm.jS = ^^ . — ^-^ . sm.6 But, ?i5:^ = «4?4 which value of ?^4. 5n the abore sin. 6 sm.o equation, gives . . . ^ (sin.a + sin.5) sin.(7 , .. sm. J. + sm.-B = ^ -, '- . (4) sm.c Dividing equation (4) by equation (3), member by member, we obtain, sin. J. + sin.5 __ sin. (7 sin.a + 8in.6 .^. cos.JL + cos.^ 1 — cos.(7 sin.(a4-J) Comparing this equation with Equations (20) and (2G), dec. I, Plane Trigonometry, we see that it can bo re- duced to -,.._,. . ^ /> sin.a + sin. 6 ,«v tan.J(^ + ^)='Cot.J(7x . , . ,, (6) ^ sm.(a + 6) Again, from the proportion, sin. J. : sin.J5 : : sin.a : sin.5, we likewise have, ein.^ — sin.^ : sin.^ :: «in.a — sin.J : ain.i; 80 350 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. neuce, sm.^ — sm.^ = (sm.a — sin.o) = (sm.a — sin.6 8111. o) . sm.c Dividing this equation by equation (3), member bj niember, we obtain, sin.^ — sin.^ _ sin. (7 sin. a — sin. 5 cos.^ + cos.^ 1 — 008.(7 sin.(a4-6)* Comparing this with Equations (22) and (26)^ Sec. I, Plfcue Trigonometry, we see that it will reduce to 1/^ T^i . , /-/ sin.a — sin. 6 _. tan.|(^ — ^) = cot.i(7 x — .— t — -j^. (7 ^^ ' ^ sin. (a -f h) Now,sin.a + sin.6 = 2sin.(-2~)cos.(— ^^— ); Eq. (15), Sec. I, Plane Trig.). and, sin. (a + 5) = 2sin.("2— ) c<>s.(^^); Eq. (30), Sec. I, Plane Trig.). Dividing the first of these by the second, we have a — h^ sin. a + sin. 6 '^°^-(-2-) sin.(a 4-6) /« + h^ ^ ' cos.' Writing the second member of this equation for ita &rst member in Eq (6), that equation becomes tan. \{A + B\ = cot. K ^^^' ^ TS ' ^^^ ^ COS. J(a-f 6) Bj a similar operation, Eq. (7) may^be reduced to tan. i{A - .g) = cot. |(7 '!"- ^.'^"f l (9) ^^ y ^ sin.i(a+^') Equations ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) may be resolved into the pro- portions cos. J(a + h) : cos. J(a — 5) : : cot. J (7 : tan. J(JL + jB) ; sin. J(a + 5) : sin. J(a — 5) : : cot. J (7 : tan. J(J. — B). These proportions are known as Napier's 1st and 2d SECTION III. 351 Analogies, and may be advantageously used in the solu- tion of spherical triangles, when two sides and the in- cluded angle are given. When expressed in language, these proportions fur- nish the following rules: 1. The cosine of the half sum of any two sides of a spheri- cal triangle is to the cosine of the half difference of the same, tides, as the cotangent of half the included angle is to *he tangent of the half sum of the other two angles. 2. The sine of the half sum of any two sides of a spheri- cal triangle is to the sine of the half difference of the same tides, as the cotangent of half the included angle is to the tangent of the half difference of the other two angles. The half sum, and the half difference of two angles of a spherical triangle, may be found by these rules, w^hen two sides and the included angle ;irc given; and by add- ing the hrlf sum to the half difference, we get the greater of these two angles, and by subtracting the half difference from the half sum, we get the smaller. The third side may then be found by proportion. We have analogous proportions applicable to the case in which two angles and the included side of a spherical triangle are given. To deduce these, let us represent the angles of the tri- angle ]»y A, B, and Q, and the opposite sides by a, h, and c ; A', B', (7', a', h', c', denoting the corresponding angles and sides of the polar triangle. Kow, Eq. (9) is applicable to any spherical triangle, and when applied to the polar triangle, it becomes But by Prop. 6, Sec. I, Spherical Geometry, we have A' = ISO'^ — a,B'=- 180° — h,C' = 180° — c, a' = 180° —A,y = 180° —B,c' = 180° — C, Whence, l{A'-B')=^\{h-a\ l{a' + h') = 180°--4_| J^^ j(a' - 5') - \(B - ^), JC^ = 90- - \c. 852 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. By the substitution of these -values in Eq (w), th>it equation l)ecomes 1/7 X sin. i(5 — A) ^ tan. Vb — a) = -. — f; . . ^! tan. ic, ^' ^ sin. J(J. + jB) ^' or, tan. i(a — 5) = ^^^' ?L T J ^^^' J^> ^^^ ' ^^ ^ sin. i(J. + ^) ^ ' Bince tan. J(6 — a) = — tan. J(a — 5), and sin. i(J5 —--4) = — sin. i{A — ^). By applying Eq. (8) to the polar triangle, and treating the resulting equation in a manner similar to the above, we find tan. i{a + 5) = ^Q«' K^ ~ g tan. },, (q) cos. ^{A -\- B) ^ ' Equations {p) and (?) may be resolved into the fol- lowing proportions. sin. J(J. + B) : sin. J(J. — 5) : : tan. ^o : tan. J(a — h): COS. J(J. + B) : COS. J(J. — B) :: tan. Jc : tan. J(a H 6). These proportions are called Napier's 3d and 4th Analogies, and when expressed in words become the fol- lowing rules: 1. The cosine of the half sum of any two angles of a spherical triangle is to the cosine of the half difference of the same angles^ as the tangent of half the included side is to the tangent of the half sum of the other two sides. 2. The sine of the half sum of any two angles of a spheri- cal triangle is to the sine of the half difference of the sami angles, as the tangent of half the included side is to the tan- gent of the half difference of the other two sides. The half sum, and the half difference of two sides of tt spherical triangle, may be found by these rules, when two angles and the included side are given ; and by add- ing the half sura to the half difference, we get the greater >f these sides, and by subtracting the half difference from the half sum, we get the smaller. SECTION IV. 868 SECTION IV. ISPHEllICAL TRIGONOMETRY APPLIED. SOLUTION OF RIGHT-ANGLED SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. A GOOD general conception of the sphere is essential to a practical knowledge of spherical trigonometry, and this conception is hest obtained by the examination of an artificial globe. By tracing out upon its surface the various forms of right-angled and oblique-angled tri- angles, and viewing them from different points, we may soon acquire the power of making a natural representa- tion of them on paper, which will be found of much as- sistance in the solution and interpretation of problems. For instance, suppose one side of a right-angled spherical triangle to be 56°, and the angle between this side and the hypotenuse to be 24°. What is the hypote- nuse, and what the other side and angle ? A person might solve this problem by the application of the proper ef|uations or proportions, without really comprehending it ; that is, without being able to form a distinct notion of the shape of the triangle, and of its relation to the surface of the sphere on which it is situated. If we refer this triangle to the common geographical globe, the side 66° may be laid off on the equator, or on a meridian. In the first case, the hypotenuse will be the arc of a great circle drawn through one extremity of the Bide 56°, above or below the equator, and making with 80* X PM SPHERICAL TKIGOyOMETRY. it an angle of 24° ; the other side will be an arc of a meridian. In the second case, the side 56° falling on a meridian, the hypotenuse will be the arc of a great circle drawn through one extremity of this side, on the right or left of the meridian, and making with it an angle of 24° ; the other side will be the arc of a great circle, at Tight angles to the meridian in which the given side lies. Generally speaking, th3 apparent form of a spherical triangle, and consequently the manner of representing it on paper, will difler with the position assumed for tl e eye in viewing it. From whatever point we look at a sphere, its outline is a perfect circle in the axis of which the eye is situated; and when the eye is, as will be here- after supposed, at an infinite distance, this circle will be a great circle of the sphere. All great circles of the sphere whose planes pass through the eye, will seem to be diameters of the circle which represents the outline of the sphere. We will now suppose the eye to be in the plane of the equator, and proceed to construct our triangle on paper. Let the great circle, PASA^y represent the out- line of the sphere, the di- ameter AA^ the equator, and the diameter P^S' the central meridian, or the m'^-ridian in whose plane the eye is situated. Let AB— 56°, represent the given side, and^ 6^,making with AB the angle BA (7= 24°, the hypotenuse, then will BO, the arc of a meridian, be the other side at right angles to AB, and the triangle, ABC, corresponds in all respects to the given triangle. Again measure off 56° from P to Q, draw the arc DQ, make the arc A'G equal to 24°, and draw the quadrant PEG. The triangle FQP will also reoresent the given triangle in every particular. SECTION IV. 355 "We know from the construction, that DV, = 24°, is greater than BO, and that AOis greater than AB, that is, greater than 56°. In like manner, we know that >4', = 24°, is greater than QRj and that FR is greater than FQ, because FB 18 more nearly equal toFG, =90^, thanP Q is to FA, =90° For illustration and explanation, we also give the fol- lowing example: In a light-angled spherical triangle, there are given, the hypotenuse equal to 150° 33' 20", the angle at the base, 23° 27' 29", to find the base and the perpendicular. Let A'BQ in the last figure, represent the triangle in which A'Q= 150° 33' 20", the [__ BA'Q^ 23° 27' 29", and the sides A'B and BG are required. This problem presents a right-angled spherical tri- angle, whose base and hypotenuse are each greater than 90° ; and in cases of this kind, let the pupil observe, that the base is greater than the hypotenuse, and the oblique angle opposite the base, is greater than a right angle. In all cases, a spherical triangle audits supplemental triangle make a lune. It is 180° from one pole to its opposite, whatever great circle be traversed. It is 180° along the equator ABA', and also 180° along the ecliptic ACA^, The lune always gives two triangles; and when the sides of one of them are greater than 90°, we take the triangle having supplemental sides ; hence in this case we operate on the triangle ABQ, AC m greater than AB, therefore A*B is greater than the hypotenuse AO, The [_AQB is less than 90°; therefore, the adjacent angle A'CB is greater than 90°, the two together being equal to two right angles. These facts are technically expressed, by saying, that the sides and opposite angles are of the same affection,* * Same affection : that is, both greater or both less than 90°. Dif /'rent affection : the one greater, the other less than 90°. 8i)6 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Now, if the two sides of a right-angled spherical triaj^.^le are of the same affection, the hypotenuse will be less than 90° ; and if of different affection^ the hypotenuse will be greater than 90"^. If, in every instance, we make a natural construction of the figure, and use common judgment, it will b ^^^ side b oppo- site L ^> 6tc. EXAMPLES. 1. In the triangle ABa,a = 70° 4' 18'' ; 6 = 63° 21' 27" ; and c, 59° 16' 23*^ ; required the angle A, The formula for this is the first equation in group T, Prop. 7, Sec. Ill, which is A _ /E' sin.iS'sin.f/S' — aV J 2 \ sin. 6 sin.c / "We write the second member of this equation thus v/" (^\ (.^) (sin.S) sin.f.S'— a) showing four distinct factors under the radical. The logarithm corresponding to - — -. is that of sm.d B subtracted from 10; and of - — is that of sin.c sub- tracted from 10, which we call sin.eomplement. BC==a= 70° 4' 18" AB=^c= 59° 16' 28" sin. com. .065697 J[C= 6 = 63° 21'^ 27" sin. com. .048749 2)192° 42' 8" S = 96° 21' 4" sin. 9.997326 ,Sf - a = 26° 16' 46" sin. 9.646158 2)19.757930 U= 40° 49' 10" COS. 9.878965 2 A = 81° 38' 20" WTien we apply the equation to find the angle A, we /rrite a first, at the top of the column ; when we apply the equation to find the angle B, we write b at the top of the column. Thus, SECTION IV 865 To find the angle B. sin. a sin.c = \/Y-^) (S-) (Bm.S) sin.iS^b) V sin.«/ Vsin.c/ ^ ^ ^ b == 03° 21' 27" c = 59° 16' 23" . .065697 a= 70° 4' 18" . .026875 2)192° 42' 8" S=: 96° 21' 4" sin. . , 9.997326 ^Sf— i>= 32° 59' 37" sin. . . 9.736034 2) 19.825872 iB= 35° 4' 49" cos. . 9.912936 2 B = 70° 9' 38" By the other equation in formulae {T, Prop. 7, Sec. Ill), we can lind tlie angle 0; but, for the sake of variety, we will find the angle (7 by the application of the third equation in formulae (C/, Prop. 7, Sec. III). ^_ / R's\Ti.(S—b) sm.(S—a) \ Kin 7i fiin ^ =v(i£z)( c= 59° 16' 23" 0.= 70° 4' 18" b = 63° 21' 27" -^)sin. (^_t)8in.(^— a; sin.ft/ V > V .026817 .048479 2)192° 42' 8" ^=96° 21' 4" ^—a = 26° 16' 46" ^—6 = 32° 59' 37" sin. sin. . 9.646158 . 9.736034 2 ) 19.457488 }C=32° 23' 17" 2 sin . 9.778744 C7=64° 46' 34" 85* 366 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. To sLow the harmony and practical utility of these two Bets of equations, we will find the angle A^ from the equation ^'"-^^ =\/ (si) (s-fe) "''•('^-*) ^-•('^-'')- a = 70° 4' 18" h = 63° 21' 27" .048749 c= 59° 16' 23" .065697 2)192° 42' 8" .S'= 96° 21' 4" •>S'— 6= 32° 59' 37" sin 9.736034 ;Sf~-c= 37° 4' 41" sin. 9.780247 2 " ) 19.630727 U = 40° 49' 10" 2 sin. 9.815363 A = 81° 38' 20" 2. In a spherical triangle ABC^ given the angle J., 38' 19' 18"; the angle B, 48° 0' 10''; and the angle (7, 121° 8' 6"; to find the sides a, 6, c. By passing to the triangle polar to this, we have, (Prop. 6, Sec. I, Spherical Geometry), A= 38° 19' 18" supplement 141° 40' 42" j5=: 48° 0' 10" supplement 131° 59' 50" C= 121° 8' 6" supplement 58° 51' 54" We now find the angles to the spherical triangle, the sides of which are these supplements. Thus, . 141° 40' 42" 131° 59' 58° 51' 50" 54" .128909 .067551 ) 332° 32' 26" 166° 16' 24° 35' 13" 31" sin. • sin. 9.375375 9.619253 2)19.191088 66^ 47' 37 r cos. 9 595544 SECTION IV. 867 60° 47' 37 J" 2r_ angle = 121° 35' 15" supp. = 58° 24' 45" = a of the original triangle. IiJ the same manner we find h = 60° 14' 25"; c = 89° 1 14". It is perhaps better to avoid this indirect process of computing the sides of a spherical triangle when the angles are given, by the application of the equations in group V or IF, Prop. 8, Sec. III. We will illustrate their use by applying the second equation in group (TF), for computing the side h. This equation is fiin \h— ( -cos.^S' cos.{S — B)\\ siu.A sin.C / A = 38° 19' 18" B = 48° 0' 10" 6^=121° 8' 6" 2 ) 207° 27' 34" ^=103°43'47"--cos.>S'= -f Bin.l3° 43' 47"= 9.375376 B = 48° 0' 10" cos.(S-^B) = 55° 43' 37" = 9.750612 ( S—B) = 55° 43' 37" 2 ) 19.125988 square rooi; = 9.562994 sin.^ = 38° 19' 18" = 9.792445 sin. C == 121° 8' 6" = 9.932443 2)1 9.7248 88 square root = 9.862444 = 9.862444 diff. — 1.700550 Add 10, for radius of the table, 10 Tabular sin. ii = 30° 7' 14" ^TgiTOOsHo 2 h = 60° 14' 28", nearly. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. In any triangle, ABC, whose sides are a, 5, c, given 6 = 118° 2' 14'', (? = 120° 18' 33", and the included angle A = 27° 22' 34", to find the other parts. 368 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Ans. '■{' Ans. = 23° 57' 13'', angle B - 91° 26' 44, and C - 102° 5' 52". 2. Given, ^ = 81° 38' 17", i? = 70° 9' 38", and Q^ 64° 46' 32", to find tlie sides a, h, c. ^^ r a == 70° 4' 13", h = 63° 21' 24", and c = 59° 16' 8. Given, the three sides, a = 93° 27' 34", h --« 100° t 26", and c = 96° 14' 50", to find the angles A, B, and (7. ^^ r J. = 94° 39' 4", ^ = 100° 32' 19", and (7= 96° * I 58' 35". 4. Given, two sides, b = 84° 16', e = 81° 12', and the angle (7= 80° 28', to find the other parts. ^The result is amhiguous, for we may consider the angle B as acute or obtuse. If the angle B is acute, then JL = 97° 13' 45'',- J5 = 83° 11' 24", and a = 96° 13' 33". If ^ is obtuse, then A = 21° 16' 43", B = 96° 48' 36", and a = 21° 19' 29". 5. Given, one side, (?=64° 26', and the angles adjacent, A = 49°, and B = 52°, to find the other parts. A (h = 45° 56' 46", a = 43° 29' 49", and (7= 98<» 'I 28' 4". 6. Given, the three sides, a = 90°, b= 90°, (j = 90°, to find the angles A, B, and 0. Ans. A = 90°, B = 90°, and (7= dC\ 7. Given, the two sides, a = 77° 25' 11", c = 128° 13' 47", and the angle (7 = 131° 11' 12", to find the other parts. ^^ f 5 = 84«> 29' 20", A = 69° 13' 59' and B = 72° 28' * I 42". 8. Given, the three sides, a = 68° 34' 13", h = 59° 21' 18", and c = 112° 16' 32", to find the angles A, B, and a . (A = 45° 26' 38", B = 41° 11' 30' , (7 = 134° 53' SECTION IV. 869 9. Given, a = 89^ 2V 37'', 6= 97° 18' 39", o-= 86° 53' 46", to find A, B, and C. ^^^ r ^ = 88° 57' 20", B = 97° 21' 26", C = 86° 47' 10. Giv^en, a = 31° 26' 41", c = 43° 22' 13", and the an^le ^ = 12° 16', to find the other parts. j-Amhiguous; b = 73° 7' 34", or 12° 17' 40"; AicsJ angle 5=157° 3' 44", or 4° 58' 30"; C= 16° I 14' 27", or 163° 45' 33". 11. In a triangle, ABC, we have the angle J. =56° 18' 40", 5= 39° 10' 38"; AI), one of the segments of the base, is 32° 54' 16". The point 2> fiills upon the base AB, and the angle C is obtuse.. Required the sides of the tiiangle and the angle C. /Ambiguous; (7=135^25', or 135^ 57' ; c=122^ 29', or ' ) 123° 19' ; a= 89° 40', or ( 90° 20' ; h= 49° 23' 41". 12. Given, A = 80° 10' 10", B = 58° 48' 36", (7 = 91<» 62' 42", to find a, 5, and c. Atu. a«n79° 38' 22", 5 = 58° 39' 16", c = 86° 12' 50". B70 SPHERICAL TKIGO^^OMETRY, SECTION V, APPLICATIONS OF SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY TO ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY APPLIED TO ASTRONOMY. Sphekical Trigonometry becomes a science of incalcu- lable importance in its connection with geography, navi- gation, and astronomy; for neither of these subjects can be understood without it ; and to stimulate the student to a study of the science, we here attempt to give him a glimpse at some of its points of application. Let the lines in the annexed figure represent circles in the heavens above and around us. Let Z be the zenith, or the point just overhead, Hch the horizon, FZR ihe meridian in the hea- vens, and P the pole of the celestial equator; Ph is the latitude of the observer, and PZ is the co.latitude. Qcq is a portion of the equator, and tne dotted, curved line, mS' S^ parallel to the equator, is the parallel of the sun's declination at some particular time ; and in this figure the sun's declination is supposed to be north. By the revolution of the earth on its axis, the SECTIOK V. 371 Bun is apparently brought from ihe horizon, at S, to the meridian, at m ; and from thence it is carried down on the same curv^e, on the other side of the meridian ; and this apparent motion of the sun (or of any other celestial body,) makes angles at the pole P, which are in direct proportion to their times of description. The apparent straight line, Zc, is what is denominated, in astronomy, the prime vertical; that is, the east and west line through the zenith, passing through the east and west points in the horizon. "When the latitude of the place is north, and the decli- nation is also north, as is represented in this figure, the sun rises and sets on the horizon to the north of the east and west points, and the distance is measured by the arc, cSy on the horizon. This arc can be found by means of the right-angled spherical triangle cqS, right-angled at q. Sq is the sun's declination, and the angle Scq is equal to the co.latitude of the place ; for the angle Pch is the latitude, and the angle Scq is its complement. The side cq, a portion of the equator, measures tho angle cPq, the time of the sun's rising or setting beforo or after six o'clock, apparent time. Thus we perceive that this little triangle, cSq, is a very important one. When the . sun is exactly east or west, it can be deter mined by the triangle ZPS' ', the side PZ is known, being the co.latitude ; the angle PZS' is a right angle, • and the side PS' is the sun's polar distance. Here, then, 'are the hj^otenuse and side of a right-angled spherica. triangle given, from which the other parts can be com- tputed. The angle ZPS' is the time from noon, and thp side ZS' is the sun's zenith distance at that time. The following problems are given, to illustrate ttie important applications that can be made of the righfr angled triangle cqS. 372 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETR^i. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. At what time will the sun rise and set in Lat. 48* NT., w^hen its declination is 21° E".? In this problem, we must make 5'jS'=21°, P/i=48°=the angle Vch. Then the angle Scq = 42°. It is required to find the arc cq, and convert it into time at the rate of four minutes to a degree. This will give the apparent time after six o'clock that the gun sets, and the apparent time before six o'clock that the sun rises, (no allowance being made for refraction). Making cq the middle part, we have R m\.cq = tan. 21° tan.48° tan.21° = 9.584177 tan.48° = 10.045563 cj= 25° 14' 5" = 25.2846° 9.629740, rej. siting 10, 4 1* 40"* 56* Adding to 6* Sun sets p. M., 7* 40"* 56', apparent time, From 6^^ Taking 1'^ 40"' 56' Sun rises A. M., 4* 19"* 4*, apparent time. From this we derive the following rule for finding the apparent time of sunrise and sunset, assuming that the declination under- goes no change in the interval between these instants, which we may do without much error. RULE. To the logarithmic tangent of the suns declination, add tht logarithmic tangent of the latitude of the observer ; and, after rejecting ten from the result, find from the tables the arc of which this is the logarithmic sine, and convert it into time ai the rate of 4 minutes to a degree. This time, added to 6 o'clock, will give the time of sunset, ^nd^ subtracted from 6 o'clock, will give the time of sunrise, SECTION V. 373 when the latitude and declination are both north or both touth , but when one is north, and the other south, the addi- tion gives the time of sunrise, and the subtraction the time of sunset, 2. At what time will the sun set when its declination is 23° 12' K, and the latitude of the place is 42° 40' K? Ans. 7^ SS"* 4*, apparent time. 3. ^Yliat will he the time of sunset for places whose latitude is 42° 40' N., when the sun's declination is 15° 21' south ? Ans. 5'' 1"* 23*, apparent time. 4. What will be the time of sunrise and sunset foi places whose latitude is 52° 30' JS"., when the sun's decli- nation is 18° 42' south ? . f Rises 7'' 44"* 42', 1 , . . ^^*- I Sets 4. 15. 18^; I apparent time. 5. What will be the time of sunset and of sunrise at St. Petersburgh, in lat. 59° 56', north, when the sun's declination is 23° 24', north? What will be its ampli- tude at these instants ? Also, at what hours will it be due east and west, and what will be its altitude at such times ? Sun sets at 9* 13'" 30' p.m. \ apparent Ans. ' P.M. 1 • A.M. / Sun rises at 2" 46"* 30' a.m. J time Sun rises N. of east 1 59° 9f>' 18" Sun sets N. of west / Sun is east at 6* 58"* 2' a.m. Sun is west at 5* 1"* 58* p.m. 1^ Alt. when east and west is 27° 18' 57". UN THE AlPLICATrON OF OBLIQUE-ANGLED SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. One of the most important problems in navigation abd astronomy, is the determination of the formula foi 32 874 SPIlEmCAL TRIGONOMETRY. time. This problem will be understood by the tri- angle PZS. When the sun is on the meridian, it is then apparent noon. When not on the meri- dian, we can determine tl e interval from noon, by means of the triangle FZS\ for we can know all its sides; and the angle at P, changed into time at the rate of 15° to one hour, will give the time from apparent noon, when any particular altitude, as TS^ may have been observed. P/S'is known, by the sun's declination at about the time; and FZ is known, if the observer knows his latitude. Having these three sides, we can always find the sought angle at the pole, by the equations already given in formulae (2^, or £/, Prop. 7, Sec. Ill); but these formulae require the use of the co. latitude and the eo.altitude, and the practical navigator is very averse to taking the trou- ble of finding the complements of arcs, when he is quite certain that formulae can be made, comprising but the arcs themselves. The practical man, also, very properly demands the most concise practical results. No matter how much labor is spent in theorizing, provided we arrive at prac- tical brevity ; and for the especial accommodation of .seamen, the following formula for finding time has been deduced. From the symmetrical formulae {S') Prop. T, Sec. HI, rro have, p cos.^>S'— cos.P^ C OS. PS cos / - - -^;^pz^,^jys Kow, in place of cos. ZS. we take sin.AS'jT, which is, in SECTION V. o76 fact, the same thing ; and in pla«^G of cob.PZ, we take sin. 1 at., which is also the same. In short, let A = the altitude of the sun, L = the la- Litude of the observer, and D = the sun's polar distance. rri^ n SUl.A sin.X .COS.i> Then, cos.P = -.,r—, — =- — cos.L Bin.D But, 28in.4P = 1 — cos.P. (See Eq. 32, Prop. 2, Sec. I, Plane Trig.) Therefore, rt . , , 75 - sin.J. — sin.X cos.i) 28m.» JP = 1 .^—. — y- cos.i/ sin.i> (cos.X sm.D + sin.i cos.i)) — sin.^ cos.X sin.i) __ sin.(i^ + B) — sin.^ coa.Lain.D (Considering (L + i>) as a single arc, and (appljmg Equation 16, Sec. I, Plane Trig.), we have, after dividing by 2, C08.( -2 ) sin.( ). sin.'JP= 5^—: — f{ ^ cos,L sin.i> ^ , L + D-A^ L + B +A . But, 2 2 ' and if we assume S= ^ , , ni •HID cos.aS' 8in.(AS' — A) we shall have, sin.' JP = =-A — jr — '- ' cos.L sin.D or, Bin.iP = s/'lE^^W^. ' ^ ^ COS.L sm.i> This is the final result, when the radius is unity ; when ^.he radius is i? times greater, then the sin.iP will be B limes greater ; and, therefore, the value of this sine, cor- responding to our tables, is, 8in.iP = v/G^) (^ji) co^.SBm.(S-A). * ^ Ncos.i^ \sin.i>^ 576 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS. 1. In lat. 39° 6' 20" I^ortli, when the sun's declination was 12° 3' 10" :tTorth, the true altitude* of the sun's cen- ter was observed to be 30° 10' 40", rising. What waa tlie api)arent time ? Alt. 30° 10' 30" Lat. 39° 6' 20" RD. 77° 56' 50" 2 ) 147° 13' 40" S = 73° 36' 50" .110146 .009680 COS. 9.450416 A.) = 43° 26' 20" sin. 9.837299 30° 22' 5" 9 2 ) 19.407541 sin. 9.703770 R = 60° 44' 10" This angle, converted into time at the rate of 15^ to one hour, or 4 minutes to 1°, gives 4* 2"* 56' from appa- rent noon; and as the sun was rising, it was before noon or T 57'"4'A.M. If to this the equation of time were applied, we should have the mean time ; and if such time were compared with that of a clock or watch, we could determine its error. A good observer, with a good instrument, can, in this manner, determine the local time within 4 or 6 seconds. 2. In lat. 40° 21' North, the true altitude of the sun, m tho forenoon, was found to be 36° 12^, when the decliua- * The instrument used, the manner of taking the altitude, its cor- rection for refraction, semi-diameter, and other practical or circum- stantial details, do not belong to a work i>f this kind, but tf a work ob Practical Astronomy or Navigation. SECTION V. 377 tion of the sun was 3° 20' South. What was the appa- rent time ? Ans. 9" 42'" 40* a. m. 3. In latitude 21° 2' South, when the sun's declination was 18° 32' North, the true altitude, in the afternoon, was found to be 40° 8'. What was the apparent time of day ? Ans. 2'^ 3"* 57" p. m. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY APPLIED TO GEOGRAPHY. If we wish to find the shortest distance between two places over the surface of the earth, when the dis- tance is considerable, we must employ Spherical Trigo- nometry. Suppose the least distance between Rome and New Orleans is required; we would first find the distance in degrees and parts of a degree, and then multiply that distance by the number of miles in one degree. In the solution of this problem, it is supposed that we have the latitude and longitude of both places. Then the distances, in degrees, from the north pole of the earth to Rome and to New Orleans are the two sides of a spherical triangle, the difterence of longitude of the two places is the angle at the pole included between these sides, and the problem is, to determine the third side of a spherical triangle, when we have two sides and the included angle given. Let P be the north pole, B the position of Rome, and N that of New Orleans. Lat. Long. New Orleans, 29° 57' 30" N. 90° W. Rome, 41° 53' 54" N. 12° 28' 40" E. Whence, FE = 48° 6' 6", PiV^ = 60° 2' 30". Angle NFR = 102° 28' 40". 32* 378 SPHERICAL TRIGONOxAIETItY. We now employ Na- pier's 1st and 2cl Analo- gies, and find the dis- tance, in degrees, to be 78^ 48' 15". This re- duced to miles, at the rate of 69.16 miles to I • ) the d ^gree, will make '; / I he distance 5450.1 \ / miles. \ / The angle at iV is ^, / 47° 48' 13" and at 11, 59° '^-^. ^^ 34' 47''. ^^- '" The third side of a spherical triangle can be found by a single formula, as we shall see by inspecting formulae {S') Prop. 7, Sec. III. Let C be the included angle, and c the unknown side opposite; then, ^ COS. 6? — COS. a cos. 5 COS. (7 = , T—, sin. a sm.o Adding 1 to each member, and reducing, observing at the same time that 1 -f cos. (7= 2cos.'^|(7, we have, sin.(X sin. 5 — cos.a cos.5 -f cos.c 2cos.'^i(7 = sin. a sin.6 Whence, 2cos.*J(7 sin.a sin.6 = cos.c — cos.(a-f-5); or, cos.(? = COS. (a + 6) + 2cos.'^ J(7 sin. a sin. 5. The second member of this equation is the algebraic sum of two decimal fractions, and expresses the value of the natural cosine of the side sought. This case of Spherical Trigonometry, namely, that in which two sides and the included angle are given, to find the third side, is very extensively used in practical astronomy, in finding the angular distance of the moon from the sun, stars, and planets. For this pui'pose, the right ascension and declination of each body must be SECTION V. 879 found for the same moment of absolute time. Their difference in right ascen- sion gives the included angle, P, at the celestial pole. The declination subtracted from 9.0°, if it be north, and added to 90°, if it be south, will give the sides, PZ and Pas'. In the following exam- ples, we give the right ascension and declination of the bodies, and from these the student is required to compute the distance between them. The right ascensions are given in time. Their differ- ence must be changed to degrees for the included angle. MEAN TIME GEEENWICH. June 24, 1860. moon's JUPITER'S R.A. Dec. E. A. Dec. Distanea. h. m. 8. o / tr h. m. 8. o / // O If A.t neon, 10 51 36.5 3 35 24 N. 8 4 27.6 20 51 36.8 N. 44 8 IS « 3 h., 10 58 1 2 47 43 8 4 34.2 20 51 17.8 45 53 47 « 6 h., 11 4 24.6 1 59 56.2 8 4 40.8 20 50 58.7 47 39 18 ' 8h., 11 10 47.6 1 12 6.1 8 4 47.4 20 50 39.6 49 24 4S Octohei - 6, 1860. ^R.A. Dee. R.A. Dec. Distance. h. m. s. o / /» h. m. 8. o 1 n O / M ^t noon, 5 41 20.8 26 8 ON. 12 49 29.3 5 18 42.6 S. 107 37 3 « 3 h., 6 48 30.1 26 3 20 12 49 56.7 5 21 85.4 106 8 19 " 6 h., 5 55 4« 25 57 19.4 12 50 24.1 5 24 28.2 104 39 19 « 9 h., 6 2 50.5 25 49 58.1 12 50 51.4 5 27 20.9 103 10 '•12h., 6 10 1.3 25 41 15.8 12 51 19.0 5 30 13.6 101 40 Sf 380 SPHERICAL TllIGONOMETRY. SECTION VI REGULAR POLYEDRONS A Reg^ar Polyedron is a polyedron having all its faces equa! and regular polygons, and all its polyedral angles equal. The sum of all the plane angles bounding any polyedral angle w less than four right angles ; and as the angle of the equilateral tri- angle is I of a right angle, we have § X 8<4, | x 4<^4, and | x 5<^4 ; but I x 6=4, I X 7>4, and so on. Hence, it follows that three, and only three, polyedral angles may be formed, having the equi- lateral triangle for faces; namely, a triedral angle and polyedral angles of four and of five faces. There are, therefore, three distinct regular polyedrons bounded by the equilateral triangle. 1. The Tetraedron, having four faces and four solid angles. 2. The Octaedron, having eight faces and six solid angles. 3. The Icosaedron, having twenty faces and twenty solid angles. With right plane angles we can form only a triedral angle ; hence, with equal squares we may bound a solid having six faces and eight equal triedral angles. This solid is called the Hexaedron. The angle of the regular pentagon being f of a right angle, we have fx3<;^4; but 4x4^4; hence, with plane angles eqaal t: those of the regular pentagon, we can form only a triedral angle. The solid bounded by twelve regular pentagons, and having twenty solid angles, is called the DodecaedroiL There are, then, but five regular polyedrons, viz. : The tetraedron^ the octaedron, and the icosaedron^ each of whi(jh has the equilateral triangle for faces ; the hexaedron, whose faces are equal squares, and the dodecaedron, whose faces are equal regular pentagons. It is ob\riou8 that a sphere may be circumscribed about, or in- scribed within, any of these regular solids, and converselv : and SECTION VI 381 that these spheres will have a common center, which may also be taken as the center of the polycdron. Anyreirular polyedron maybe regarded as made up of a number of regular pyramids, whose bases are severally the faces of the polyedron, and whose common vertex is its center. Each of these pyramids will have, for its altitude, the radius of the inscribed sphere; and since the volume of the pyramid is measured by one third of the product of its base and altitude, it follows (hat the Tolume of any regular polyedron is measured by its surface multi- plied by one third of the radius of the inscribed sphere. PROBLEM. Given, the name of a recjular 'polyedron, and the side of the hound- xng polygon, to find the inclination of its faces; the radii of the in- scribed and circumscribed splicres ; the area of its surface ; and its volum . Let ABha the intersection of two adjacent fiices of the polye- dron, and C and D the centers of these faces, being the center of the polyedron. Draw the radii, 00 and 0Z>, of the inscribed, and the radii OA and 0^,of the circum- scribed sphere ; also from C and i) let fall the perpendiculars OE and DE, on the edge AB, and draw OE; then will the angle DEO measure the inclination of the faces of the polyedron, and the angle DEO is one half of this inclination. Let 1 denote the inclination of the faces, m the number of faces which meet to form a polyedral angle, n the nuiibbr of sides in each face, and suppose the edge of the polyedron to be unity. The surface of the sphere of which is the center, and radius unity, will form, by its int( rsections with the planes, AOE, AOD^ DOE, the right-angled spherical triangle dae, right-angled at e in the right-angled triangle DEO, the angle DOE is equal to 382 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 90° — Z)^0 = 90° — i/, and is measured by the arc de. The angle daCj of the spherical kriangle, is equal to , and the angle ade = ^ ^ 2m' ° 2n Now, by Napier's Rules we have QO^.dae = sin.acZe cos.c?e. or, cos.rfe = _ ; ( 1 ) sin.ade and, cos.CT^ = cot.f/ae cot.a^c (2) Substituting in eq. ( 1 ), for the angles dae and ade, their values, we find cos.360^ ^m fox - sin.d60° Equation (3) gives the value of the sine of one half of the incli- nation of the planes ; .and by means of this equation we may readily find the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed spheres. In the triangle BED, we have nE= BE cot.BDE = icot. 5^, 2n amce AB = 1, and BE = iAB. In the triangle DOE, we have on = BE tan. U = icot. ^ tan.Ji (4) 2n From the triangle A OD, we find cos.BOA : 1 :: OD : OA whence OA = ?.:?__ cos.Z^O^ But the angle DOA is measured by the arc ad-, hence, substi- tuting in this last equation the values of cos.DOA and OD, takes from eqs. (2) and (4), we have (?^ = »tan.i7cot. ?^ X ^ ^ 2n cot.360° cot.360' 2m 2n ^tan.J/tan.??^°, (5) 2m by writing tan. for — , and reducing, cot. SECTION IV. 383 Equation (4) gives the value of OD, the radius of the inscribed sphere, and equation (5) gives that of OA^ the radius of the cir- cumscribed sphere. The area of one of the faces of the polyedron is equal to one half of the apothegm multiplied by the perimeter. 360° The apothegm, as found above, is equal to J cot. ; hence, we 2n onrvo ba'e In X \ cot , for the area of one of the faces; and multi- 2/1 plying this by the number of faces of -the polyedron, we shall have the expression for its entire area. The expression for the surface multiplied by one third of the radius of the inscribed sphere, gives the measure of the volume of the polyedron. In what precedes, we have supposed the edge of the polyedron to be unity. Having found the radii of the inscribed and circum- scribed spheres, the surfaces, and the volumes of such polyedrons, to determine the radii, surfaces, and volumes of regular polyedrons having any edge whatever, we have merely to remember that the homologous dimensions of similar bodies are proportional ; their surfaces are as the squares of these dimensions ; and their volumes as the cubes of the same. Formula (3) gives, for the inclination of the adjacent faces of The Tetraedron, 70° 31^ 44^^ " Ilexaedron, 90° 00^ 00^^ " Octaedron, 109° 28^ 18^^ " Dodecaedron, 116° 33^ 54^^ " Icosaedron, 138° IV 2y' The subjoined table gives the surfaces and volumes of the legalav oolyedrons, when the edge is unity. Surfaces. Volnmes. Tetraedron, 1.7320508 0.1178513 Ilexaedron, 6.0000000 1.0000000 Octaedron, . 3.4641016 0.4714045 Dodecaedron. 20.6457288 7.6631189 Icosaedron, 8.6602540 2.1816%0 CONTENTS. PART I. PLANE TRIGONOMETEY. SECTION I. Tagk Elementnry Principles 244 Dcfiniliuns 24'} Propositions 248 Equations for tlie 8inos of the Angles 260 Natural ^ines, Cosines, etc 265 Trigonometrical Lines for Arcs exceeding 9(P 270 S ECTION II. Plane Trigonometry, Practically Applied 272 Logarithms 278 GENERAL APPLICATIONS 'tt-ITII TIIK rSK OF LOGARITHMS. L Eiglit-Anded Trig«mometry 2S8 II. Oblique- Angled Triironometry 291 Practical Problems 295 SECTION I II. Application of Trigonometry to Measuring Heights and Distimces 298 Practical Problems 305 PART II. SPHERICAL GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION I. Spherical Geometry 310 SECTION II. Eight-Angled Spherical Trigonometry 830 Napier's Circular Parts 335 SECTION III Oblique-Anglod Spherical Trigonometry 837 Napier's Analogies o48 SECTION I y. Spherical Trigonometry Applied— Solution of Kight-Angled Spherical Triangles 353 Practical Problems ^<5 SHlution of Quadrantal Triangle.^ 358 Practical Problems 361 Solution of Oblique-Angled Spherical Triangles 362 Practical Problems 367 SECTION V. Spherical Trigonom'^try applied to Astronomy 870 Application of Obliqne-Anirled Spherical Triangles 373 Spherical Trigonometry applied to Geography 37T Table of Mean Time at Greenwich 879 SECTION YI. Regular Polyedrons ■< 3S0 LOGARITHMIC TABLES; ALSO ▲ TABLE OV NATURAL AND LOGARITHMIC SINES, COSINES, AND TANGENTS TO EVERY MINUTE OF THE QUADRANT. 1 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS noM 1 TO 10000. N. 1 Log. N. Log. i N- Log. N. Ix,g. 000000 26 1 414973 ! 61 1 707570 76 1 880814 i 2 301030 27 1 431364 1 52 1 716003 77 1 886491 ! 3 477121 28 1 447158 63 1 724276 78 1 892095 4 6020d0 29 1 462398 54 I 732394 79 1 897627 6 G98970 30 1 477121 55 1 740363 80 1 903090 6 778151 31 1 491362 56 1 748188 81 1 908485 7 845098 32 1 505150 57 1 755875 82 1 913«14 8 903090 33 1 518514 58 1 ^63428 83 1 919078 9 954243 34 1 531479 59 1 /70852 84 1 924279 10 1 000000 35 I 544068 60 1 778151 85 1 929419 11 1 041393 36 1 556303 61 1 785330 86 1 934498 12 1 079181 37 I 568202 62 1 792392 87 1 939") 19 13 1 113943 38 1 579/84 (>3 1 799341 88 1 944483 14 1 146128 39 1 591065 64 1 806180 89 1 949390 15 1 176091 40 1 602060 (>5 1 812913 90 1 954243 16 1 204120 41 1 C12784 66 I 819544 91 1 959041 17 1 230449 42 1 623249 67 1 826075 92 I 9«>3Th8 1 18 1 255273 43 1 633468 (>8 1 832509 93 1 968483 19 1 278754 44 1 643453 69 1 838849 94 1 973128 20 1 301030 45 1 653213 70 1 845098 95 1 977724 21 1 322219 46 1 662758 71 1 851258 96 1 9S2271 22 1 342423 47 1 672098 72 1 857333 97 1 9S(;7.2 1 23 1 361728 48 1 681241 73 1 863323 i;8 1 lt9122t) j 24 1 360211 49 1 690196 1 74 1 8v-9-^32 y;j 1 Ui>5i,35 1 25 1 397940 50 i 1 698970 175 1 8-50ol 100 2 000000 N B. In the following table, in the last nine columns of each page, where the i irst or leading figures change from 9's to O's, points or dots are now intrc )duced instead of the O's through the rest of the line, to catch the eye, j| and to indicate that from thence the corresponding natural number in j| the ( irst column stands in the next lower line, and :is annexed first two 1 figUJ es of the Logarithms iu tlie secoud columo. I i LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 3 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 1 ' 1-" 9 3891 100 oooono 0134 0868 1301 1734 2166 2598 3029 3461 101 4321 4750 5181 5609 6038 6466 4() 7854 208 8063 8272 8481 8689 8898 9106 9314 9522 9730 > 9938 1 209 320146 0354 0562 0769 0977 207 1184 1391 1698 1805 2012 210 2219" 2426 2633 2839 3046 3252 3458 36)5 3871 4077 211 4282 4488 4694 4899 5105 5310 6516 6721 5926 6131 212 6336 6541 ()745 6950 7155 7369 7563 7767 7972 8176 213 83S0 85H3 8787 8991 9194 9398 9:;0l 9805 ...8 .211 214 330414 0617 0819 1022 1225 202 1427 1630 1832 2034 2236- 215 2438 2640 2842 3044 3246 3447 3649 3850 4051 4253 216 4454 4655 4856 5057- 6257 6458 6658 6859 6059 6260 217 64t>0 6660 6860 70i)0 7*2(i0 7459 7659 7858 8058 8257 218 8456 8(i56 8855 9054 9253 9451 9660 9849 . 47 .246 219 340444 0642 0841 1039 1237 1436 1632 1830 2028 2225 198 220 2423 2620 2817 3014 3212 3409 3606 3802 3999 4196 221 4392 45H9 4785 4981 ' 5178 5374 5570 5766 69.>2 (,157 222 6353 6549 6744 6939 7135 7330 7526 7720 7916 8110 223 8305 8500 8694 8889. 9083 9278 9472 9666 9860 . 54 224 350248 0142 0636 0829 1023 193 1216 1410 1603 1796 1989 225 2183 2375 2568 2761 2954 3147 3339 3532 3724 3916 22(> 4108 4301 4493 4685 4876 5068 6260 6452 6643 6834 227 6026 6217 6408 6599 6790 f98l 7172 7363 7554 7744 228 7935 8125 H316 8506 8696 8886 9076 9266 9456 9646 229 9835 ..25 .215 .404 .693 190 .783 .972 1161 1350- 1539 230 361728 1917 2105 2294 2482 2671 2859 3048 3236 r424 231 3612 3800 3988 4176 43()3 4551 4739 4926 6113 6301 232 6488 5675 5862 6049 6236 (423 6610 6796 <983 7169 233 7356 7542 7729 7915 8101 8287 8473 8659 8846 9030 234 9216 9401 9587 9772 9958 185 .143 .328 .513 .698 883 ■ 235 371068 1253 1437 1622 1806 1991 2175 23^0 2544 2:28 1 236 2912 3096 3280 3464 3647 3831 4015 4198 4382 4565 11 237 4748 4932 5115 5298 5481 5()64 5846 6029 6212 6."^94 1 1 j 2.J8 6577 6759 6942 7124 7306 7488 7670 7852 i 8034 8216 II 1 239 839i: 8580 8761 8943 9124 182 0934 930() 9487 9668 9b49 ..30 1 240 n-jim 1 0302 0573 0754 1115 1296 1476 1656 1837 241 2017 2197 2377 2567 2737 2917 3097 3277 3456 3636 242 3815 3995 4174 4'J53 4533 4712 4891 5070 5249 5428 243 5606 5785 5964 6142 6321 6499 6677 6856 7034 7212 244 7390 7568 7746 7923 8101 178 9875 8279 8456 8634 88U 8989 245 9166 9M3 9520 9(i98 ..51 .228 .405 .582 .759 246 390935 1112 1288 1464 1641 1817 1993 2169 2345 2521 247 2697 2873 3048 3224 3400 3575 V3751 3926 4101 4277 248 4452 4ii21 4802 4977 5152 5326 15501 6676 5850 6025 249 6199 6374 6548 672:2 6896 7071 1 7245 7419 7592 7766 j7- LOGARITHMS 1 N. 1 2 3 4 6 f 7 8 9 '250 397940 8114 8287 84()1 8634 88i»H hOMI 9lbl 9328 9501 251 96/4 9847 ..20 .192 .365 .538 .711 .883 1056 1228 252 401401 15<3 1745 1917 2089 22<)1 2433 •^606 2777 2949 253 3121 3292 3464 S635 3807 3978 4149 4320 4492 4663 254 4834 5006 5176 5346 r5i7 5688 5858 (.029 6199 6370 . 171 25E 6540 6710 6881 7051 7221 73:) 1 7561 7731 7901 -^070 256 , 8-240 8410 8579 S749 8918 9087 i>257 9426 , 9595 3764 257 9933 102 .271 .440 , .609 .777 946 1114 1283 1451 258' 411620 1788 1956 •..124 ^ -293 2461 1629 2796 2964 3132 259 3300 ti467 3635 3803 S970 4137 4305 4 472 4639 4806 260 4973 140 5307 r474 5641 6808 i)974 6141 6308 6474 2(>1 6641 6807 6973 7139 .30a <472 7638 7804 7970 8135 262 8301 467 8633 8798 8964 L129 9295 9460 9()25 9791 263 9956 121 .286 .451 .616 .781 .945 1110 1275 1439 264 421604 1788 1933 -.097 2261 2426 2590 2754 2918 3082 265 3246 3410 3574 3737 3901 4066 4228 4392 4556 4718 266 4882 5045 5208 371 .63i L697 5860 6023 6186 6349 267 6511 6674 6836 6999 ,161 7324 7486 7648 7811 7973 268 8135 8297 8459 8621 8783 8944 9106 9268 9429 9591 269 9752 9914 ..75 .236 .398 .559 .720 .881 1042 1203 270 431364 1525 1685 1846 2007 2167 2328 2488 2649 2809 271 2969 3130 3290 34.J0 3610 3 770 3!>30 4090 4249 4409 272 4569 4729 4S88 5048 5207 53o7 5526 5«)85 6844 6004 273 6163 6322 6481 6640 6800 6957 7116 7i75 7433 7592 274 7751 7909 8067 8226 8384 158 8542 8701 8859 9017 9175 275 9333 9491 9648 9806 9964 .122 279 .437 .694 .752 276 440909 1066 1224 1381 1538 1695 1852 20! )9 2166 -323 277 2480 2637 2793 2950 3106 3263 c419 3576 3732 3889 278 4045 4201 .367 4513 4(i69 4825 4981 6137 6293 6449 279 5604 5760 5915 6071 6226 6382 6637 6692 6848 7003 280 7168 7313 7468 7623 7778 7933 8088 8242 8397 8552 281 8706 8861 9015 9170 9324 9478 9633 9787 9941 . .95 282 450249 0403 0557 0711 0865 1018 1172 1326 1479 1633 283 1786 1940 2093 2247 2400 2553 2706 2859 3012 3166 284 3318 3471 3624 3777 3930 4082 4236 4387 4640 4692 2 6 4845 4997 ri50 5302 5454 5606 6768* 6910 6062 6214 • 286 6366 6518 6670 6821 6973 7126 276 7428 7679 7731 287 7882 8033 81S4 8336 8487 8638 8789 8940 9091 9242 288 9392 9543 9-6 H 9845 9995 .146 .296 .417 .597 .748 289 460898 1048 1198 1348 1499 1649 1799 1948 .098 2248 29C 2398 2548 2697 2847 2997 3146 3296 3445 3594 3744 291 3893 4042 4191 4340 4490 4639 4788 4936 5085 5234 292 5383 5532 6680. 5829 5977 6126 6274 6423 6571 6719 293 6868 7016 7164 7312 7460 7608 7766 7904 8052 8200 294 8347 8495 S643 8790 8938 147 9086 9233 9380 9527 9675 295 9822 9969 .116 .263 .410 .667 .704 .851 .998 1145 296 471292 1438 1585 1732 1878 2025 2171 2318 i464 2610 297 2756 •i903 3049 3195 3341 3487 3633 3779 1^925 4071 298 4216 4362 4508 4()53 4799 4944 5090 6235 5381 5526 1 299 5671 50 16 5962 6107 6252 6397 6542 6687 6832 6976 OF NUMBERS. 7 N. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 & SOU 477121 7200 7411 7555 7700 7844 7989 8133 8278 8422 •Ml 85t»ti 8711 8855 8999 9143 9287 9481 9575 9719 9803 302 480v)07 0151 02:)4 0138 0582 07-25 0809 1012 1150 1299 303 14-i3 15S0 1729 1.S72 2010 2159 2302 2445 2688 2731 304 2874 3010 3169 3oi/2 • 3445 142 35o7 ?730 3872 4015 4167 iOo 4300 4442 4585 4727 4809 5011 5153 5295 5437 6579 3JJ 5721 680a- 0005 0147 0289 6430 0672 6714 0855 0997 . 30/ 7138 7280 7421 7503 7701 7845' 7980- 8127 8209 8410 • 30.-i 8551 8(«92 8833 8974 9114 0255 9390 9537 9077 9818 j 3iy 9959 . .99 .239 .380 .520 .661 .801 .941 1081 1222 1 310 49 130 2 1502 1042 1782 1922 2002 2201- 2341 2481 2621 311 2700 29. )0 3040 3179 3319 3458 3597 3737 3870 4016 31-2 4155 4294 4433 4572 4711 4850 4989 5128 5-207 5406 313 5544 6(>83 5822 5900 e099 6238 63/6 1.516 0(53 6791 3U 0930 7008 7200 7344 7483 7021 7759 7897 8035 8173 315 8311 8448 ^•586 8724 8862 8999 9137 9276 9412 S550 31d 9087 9824 9Uo2 ..99 .230 .374 .511 .048 .785 .922 317 501059 1190 1333 1470 1007 1744 1880 'Am 2154 2291 31H 2427 2504 2.00 2837 29 73 3109 3240 3382 3518 3()56 3iy 3791 3927 40o3 4199 4336 4471 4007 4743 4878 5014 3-20 5150 628-) 5421 5557 5093 5828 6904 609J (;234 6370 1 3-21 0505 0040 0776 0911 7040 7181 7310 7451 '<68) 7721 1 32-2 7850 7991 812J 8200 8395 8630 8004 8799 8934 9008 3-23 9203 9337 9471 90 JO 9740 9874 ...9 .143 .21, .411 3-24 510545 0079 0813 0947 1081 134 1215 13h9 1482 1610 1/60 325 1883 2017 2151 2284 2418 2551 2684 2818 2951 3034 32ti 3218 3351 3484 3017 3750 3883 401) 4149 4282-^ 4414 3-2/ 4548 4081 4813 4940 5079 5211 6341 6476 5009 5741 328 5874 OOOrJ 0139 02/1 0403 « C635 6008 6800 0932 7004 329 7190 7328 7460 7592 7724 (865 7987 8119 8251 8382 330 8514 8046 8777 8909 9040 9171 9303 9434 9560 9697 331 9828 9959 ..90 .221 .353 .484 .015 .745 .876 1007 33-2 521138 12o9 1400 153 J 1001 1792 1922 2053 2183 2314 333 2444 25/5 2705 2835 2900 309a 3220 3350 3480 3016 334 3740 3870 400d 4l3d 4200 4390 4520 4050 4785 4915 335 6045 5174 5304 6434 5603 5093 5822 5951 6081 6210 33ti 0339 04G9 0598 0727 0850 0985 7114 7243 7372 7501 337 7030 7759 7888 8010 8145 8274 8402 8531 8000 8788 j 338 80 2144 2229 2313 2397 2481 2666 510 2()o0 2734 2818 2902 2986 3070 3154 3238 3326 3407- 617 3491 35 ;5 3659 3742 3826 3910 3994 4078 4162 4246 61b 4330 4414 4-197 4581. 4665 4749 4833 4916 5000 5084 619 5167 6251 6335 5418 5602 6586 5.69 5753 5836 5920 520 6003 6087 6170 6254 6337 6421 6504 6588 6671 6754 621 6838 6921 7004 7088 7171 7254 7338 7421 7504 7587 522 7671 7754 7837 792.J 8003 80St) 8169 8253 8336 8419 523 8502 8585 8668 8751 8834 8917 9000 9083 9165 9248 524 9331 9414 9497 9580 9663 82 0490 9745 9828 9911 9994 ..77 526 720159 0242 0325 0407 05!3 0655 0738 0821 0903 526 0986 101)8 1151 1233 1316 1398 1481 1563 1646 1728 527 1811 1893 .975 2058 2140 2222 2305 2387 2469 2552 628 2t>34 2716 2798 2881 2963 3045 3127 3209 3291 3374 529 3456 3638 3620 3702 3784 3866 3948 4030 4112 4194 530 4276 4358 4440 4622 4604 4685 4767 4849 4931 5013 531 5095 6176 5258 5340 6422 5503 6585 5667 5748 5830 532 6912 5993 6075 6156 6238 6320 6-101 6483 6564 6646 633 6727 6809 ; 6890 6972 7053 7134 7216 7297 7379 7460 534 7541 7623 7704 7785 7866 7948 8029 8110 8191 8273 635 8354 8435 8516 8597 8678 8759 8841 8922 9003 9084 53U 9165 9246 9327 9403 9489 9570 9651 9732 9813 9893 537 9974 ..^5 .136 .217 .298 .378 .459 .540 .621 .702 1 538 730^82 0863 0944 1024 1105 1186 126() 1347 1428 1608 ! 539 1689 1669 1750 1830 1911 1991 2072 2162 2233 2313 MO 2394 2474 2555 2635 2715 2796 2876 2966 3037 3117 541 3197 3278 3358 3438 3518 3598 3679 3769 3S39 3919 642 3999 4079 4160 4240 4320 4400 4480 4560 4640 4720 643 4600 4i80 4960 5040 5120 5200 5279 6359 5439 6519 544 5599 6679 6759 5838 5918 80 6715 6998 6078 6157 6237 6IM7 545 6397 6476 6556 6636 6795 6874 6954 7034 7113 54t) 7193 7272 7352 7431 7511 7690 7670 7749 7829 7908 1 647 7987 80o7 8146 8225 8305 8384 8463 8543 8622 8701 t 548 8781 88')0 8939 9018 9097 9177 9256 9335 9414 949? 649 9572 9u51 9731 9810 9889 9968 ..47 .12'6 .205 .284 12 LOGARITHMS N. 650 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 740363 0442 0521 0560 0678 0757 0836 0915 0994 1073 651 1152 1230 1309 1388 1467 1646 1624 1703 1782 1860 552 1939 2018 2096 2176 2254 2332 2411 2489 2668 2646 653 2725 2804 2882 2961 3039 3118 3196 3276 3363 3431 654 3510 3658 3667 3746 3823 79 4606 3902 3980 4058 4136 4215 555 4293 4371 4449 4628 4684 4762 4840 4919 4997 656 5075 5153 6231 6309 5387 5465 5543 6621 6699 6777 657 5855 5933 6011 6089 6167 6245 6323 6401 6479 6566 558 6634 6712 6790 6868 6945 7023 7101 7179 7256 7334 5->9 7412 7489 7667 7645 7722 7800 7878 7955 8033 8110 6fi(l 8188 8266 8343 8421 8498 8576 8653 8731 8808 8885 • 6(>1 8003 9040 9118 9195 9272 9360 9427 9504 9682 9659 - 5G2 9736 9814^ 9891 9968 ..45 .123 .200 .277 .364 .431 563 750608 0686 0663 .0740 0817 0894 0971 1048 1125 1202 564 1279 1356 1433 1510 1687 1664 1741 1818 1895 1972 66> 2048 2125" 2202 2279 2356 2433 2609 2686 2663 2740 566 2816 2893 2970 3047 3123 3200 3277 3353 3430 3506 567 3582 3660 3736 3813 3889 3966 4042 4119 4195 4272 568- 4348 4425 4501 4578 4654 4730 4807 4883 4960 6036 569 5112 5189 6265 6341 cm 6494 5570 6646 6722 6799 570 5876 5961 6027 6103 61F0 6256 6332 6408 6484 6660 671 6636 6712 6788 6864 6940 7016 7092 7168 7244 7320 672 7396 7472 7548 7624 7700 7776 7851 7927 8003 8079^ 673 8155 8230 8306 8382 8458 8633 8609 8685 8761 8836 574 8912 8988 9068 9139 9214 74 9970 9290 9366 9441 9517 9592 575 9658 9743 9819 9894 ..45 .121 .196 .272 .347 676 760422 0498 0573 0649 0724 0799 0875 0950 1025 1101 577 1176 1251 1326 1402 1477 1552 1627 1702 1778 1853 578 1938 2003 2078 2lS3 2228 2303 2378 2453 2529 2604 679 i679 2754 2829 2904 ■2978 3053 3128 2203 3278 3353 580 3428 3503 3578 3653 3727 3802 3877 3962 4027 4101 681 4176 4251 4326 4400 4475 4550 4624 4699 4774 4848 682 4923 4998 6072 5147 6221 5296 6370 6446 5520 6594 683 6669 5743 6818 6892 5966 6041 6116 6190 6264 J 6338 684 6413 6487 6562 6636 6710 6785 6859 6933 7007 7082 585 7156 7230 7304 7379 7463 7527 7601 7675 7749 7823 586, 7898 7972 8046 8120 8194 8268 8342 8416 8490 8564 587 8638 8712 8786 8860 8934 9008 9082 9156 9230 9303 588 9377 9451 9525 9599 9673 9746 9820 9894 9968 ..42 589 170115 0189 0263 0336 0410 0484 0567 0631 0705 0778 59C 0852 0926 0999 1073 1146 1220 1293 1367 1440 1514 591 1687 1661 1734 1808 1881 1956 2028 2102 2175 2248 592 2322 2395 2468 3542 2615 2688 2762 2835 2908 2981 593 3055 3128 3201 3274 3348 3421 3494 3567 3640 3713 694 3786 3860 3933 4006 4079 73 4809 4152 4225 4298 4371 4444 595 4517 4590 4663 4736 4882 4955 5028 5100 ol73 696 5246 6319 5392 5465 5538 6610 6683 5756 6829 6902 597 5974 6047 6120 6193 6265 6338 6411 6483 6556 6629 598 6701 6774 6846 6919 6992 7064 7137 7209 7282 7354 699 7427 7499 7572 7644 7717 7789 7862 7934 8006 8079 : OFNUMBERS 13 i N 778151 1 2 i 3 j 4 5 6 7 8 9 600 8224 8296 i 5368 8441 8513 8585 8658 8730 8802 (iOl 8874 8947 9019 i 9091 9163 9236 9308 9380 9452 9524 (m 95'J6 W>()9 9741 I 9813 9885 9957 . .29 .101 .173 .245 603 780317 0389 04()1 0533 0.i05 0677 0749 0821 0893 (^65 601 1037 1109 1181 1253 1324 72 2042 1396 1468 1540 1612 1684 1 605 1755 1827 1899 1971 2114 2186 2258 2329 2401 1 61K3 2473 2544 2616 268.S 2759 28 Jl 2902 2974 3046 3117 ' 607 3189 3260 3332 3403 3475 3546 3618 3689 3761 3832 608 3904 3975 4046 4118 4189 4261 4332 4403 4476 4546 609 4617 4689 4760 4831 4902 4974 6045 5116 6187 6269 610 6330 6401 6472 5543 5616 5686 5767 6828 6899 6970 611 6041 6112 6183 6254 6325 639tJ 6467 6538 6()09 6680 612 6751 6822 6893 6964 7035 7106 7177 7248 7319 7390 613 74<>0 7531 737 0707 0778 0848 0918 618 0988 1059 1129 1199 1269 1340 1410 1480 1650 1620 619 1691 1761 1831 1901 1971 2041 2111 2181 2252 2322 620 2392 2462 2532 2602 2672 2742 2812 2882 2952 3022 621 3092 3162 3231 3301 3371 3441 3511 3581 3651 3721 622 3790 3860 3930 4000 4070 4139 4209 4279 4349 4418 623 4488 4558 4627 4697 4767 4836 49(J«) 4976 5045 6115 624 6185 5254 6324 6393 5463 69 6158 6532 6U02 5672 5741 6811 625 5880 6949 6019 6088 6227 6297 6366 6436 6605 626 6574 6644 6713 6782 6852 6921 6990 7060 7129 7198 627 7268 7337 7406 7475 7545 7614 7683 7752 7821 7890 628 7960 8029 8098 8167 8236 8305 8374 8443 8513 8582 629 8651 8720 8789 8868 8927 8996 9066 6134 9203 9272 630 9341 9409 9478 9547 9610 9686 9764 9823 9892 9961 631 800026 0098 0167 0236 0305 0373 0442 0511 0580 0()48 632 0717 0786 0854 0923 0992 1061 1129 1198 1266 1335 633 1404 1472 1541 1609 1678 1747 1815 1884 1952 2021 634 2089 2158 2226 2295 2363 243^ 2500 2568 2637 2705 636 2774 2842 2910 2979 3047 3116 3184 3262 3321 3389 1 636 3457 3525 3594 3662 3730 3798 3867 3936 4003 4071 1 637 4139 4208 4276 4354 4412 4480 4548 4616 4685 4753 ! 638 4821 4889 4957 5025 5093 5161 5229 6297 5365 6433 639 5501 5669 6637 6705 6773 6841 5908 6976 6044 6112 640 6180 6248 6316 6384 6451 6519 6587 6655 6723 6790 641 6858 6926 6994 7061 7129 7157 7264 7332 7400 7467 642 7535 7603 7670 7738 7806 7873 7941 8008 8076 8143 643 8211 8279 8346 8414 8481 8549 8616 8684 8751 8818 644 8886 8953 9021 9088 9156 9223 9290 9358 9425 9492 i 645 95G0 9627 9694 9762 9829 9896 9964 ..31 ..98 .165 646 810233 0300 0367 0434 0501 0596 0.i36 0703 0770 0837 647 0904 0971 1039 1106 1173 1240 1307 1374 1441 1508 648 1575 1642 1709 1776 1843 1910 1977 2044 2111 2178 , 640 2245 2312 2379 2445 2612 2679 2646 3713 2780 2847 14 ^ LOGARITHMS N. 650 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 812913 2980 3047 3114 3181 3247 3314 3381 3448 3514 651 3581 3648 3714 3781 3848 3914 3981 4048 4114 4181 652 4248 4314 4381 4447 4514 4581 4647 4714 4780 4847 653 4913 4980 6046 6113 6179 6246 6312 6378 6445 6511 654 6678 6644 6711 6777 5843 67 6506 6910 5976 6042 6109 6176 655 6241 6308 6374 6440 6573 6639 6706 6771 6838 656 6904 6970 7036 7102 7169 7233 7301 7367 7433 7499 657 7565 7631 7698 7764 7830 7896 7962 8028 8094 8160 058 8226 8292 8358 8424 8490 8566 8622 8688 8754 8820 659 8885 8951 9017 9083 9149 9216 9281 9346 9412 9478 660 9544 9610 9676 9741 9807 9873 9939 ...4 ..70 .136 661 820201 0267 0333 0399 0464 0530 0595 0661 0727 0792 662 0858 0924 0989 1055 1120 1186 1251 1317 1382 1448 663 1514 1579 1645 1710 1775 1841 1906 1972 2037 2103 664 2168 2233 2299 2364 2430 2495 2560 2626 2691 2766 665 2822 2887 2952 3018 3083 3148 3213 3279 3344 3409 666 3474 3539 3605 3670 3735 3800 3865 3930 3996 4061 667 4126 4191 4256 4321 4386 4451 4516 4581 4646 4711 668 4776 4841 4906 4971 6036 6101 5166 6231 6296 6361 669 6426 6491 6566 5621 6686 6751 5815 6880 6946 6010 670 6075 6140 6204 6269 6334 6399 6464 6628 6593 6668 671 6723 6787 6852 6917 6981 7046 7111 7175 7240 7305 672 7369 7434 7499 7663 7628 7692 7757 7821 7886 7951 673 -8015 8080 8144 8209 8273 8338 8402 8467 8631 8595 674 8660 8724 8789 8853 8918 65 9661 8982 9046 9111 9175 9239 675 9304 9368 9432 9497 9625 9690 9754 9818 9882 676 9947 ..11 ..76 .139 .204 .268 .332 .396 .460 .6'25 677 830589 0653 0717 0781 0845 0909 09/3 1037 1102 1166 678 1230 1294 1358 1422 1486 1550 1614 1678 1742 1806 679 1870 1934 1998 2062 2126 2189 2263 2317 2381 2446 680 2509 2573 2637 2700 2764 2828 2892 2966 3020 3083 681 3147 3211 3275 3338 3402 3466 35o0 3593 3657 3721 682 3784 3848 3912 3975 4039 4103 4166 4230 4294 4357 683 4421 4484 4548 4611 4675 4739 4802 4866 4929 4993 684 5056 5120 5183 5247 6310 6373 6437 6500 6664 5627 685 5691 5754 6817 6881 5944 6007 6071 6134 6197 6261 686 6324 6387 6451 6514 6677 6641 6704 6767 6830 6894 687 6957 7020 7083 7146 7210 7273 7336 7399 7462 7525 688 7588 7652 7715 7778 7B41 7904 7967 8030 8093 bl56 689 8219 8282 8345 8408 8471 8534 8697 8660 8723 8786 690 8849 8912 8976 9038 9109 9164 9227 9289 9362 9415 691 9478 9541 9604 9667 9729 9792 9856 9918 9981 ..43 692 840106 0169 0232 0294 0357 0420 0482 0545 0608 0671 693 0733 0796 0859 0921 0984 1046 1109 1172 1234 1297 691 1359 1422 1485 1547 1610 62 2235 1672 1735 1/97 1860 1922 695 1985 2047 2110 2172 2297 2360 2422 2484 2547 696 2609 2672 2734 2796 2859 2921 2983 3046 3108 3170 697 3233 3295 3357 3420 3482 3644 3b06 3669 3731 3793 698 3855 3918 3980 4042 4104 4166 4229 4291 4353 4415 699 4477 4539 4601 4664 4726 4788 4850 4912 4974 5036 1 1 j OFNUMBERS. 15 N. ' 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 70U 845098 61()0 5222 5284 6346 5408 5470 6632 6694 5666 701 5718 5780 5842 5!)04 5966 6028 6090 6151 6213 6276 702 6337 6399 64ul 6523 6585 6646 6708 6770 6832 6894 7U3 6955 7017 7079 7141 7202 7264 7326 7388 7449 7511 704 7573 7634 7676 7758 7819 62 8435 7831 7943 8004 8066 8128 ' 705 8189 8251 8312 8374 8497 8559 8620 8682 8743 706 8805 8866 8928 8989 9051 9112 9174 9235 9297 9358 T>7 9419 9481 9542 9604 9665 9726 9788 9849 9911 9972 70iS 850033 oo:)5 0156 0217 0279 0340 0401 0462 0524 0585 i 709 0646 0707 0769 0830 0891 0952 1014 1076 1136 1197 i 710 1258 1320 1381 1442 1503 1564 1625 1686 1747 I8u9 i 71 i 1870 1931 1992 2053 2114 2175 2236 2297 2368 2419 71-2 - 2480 2541 2602 2G63 2724 2785' 2846 2907 2968 3029 713 3090 3150 3211 3272 3333 3394 3455 3516 3577 3637 714 3u98 3769 3820 3881 3941 4002 4063 4124 4185 4245 715 430() 4367 4428 4488 4549 4610 4670 4731 4792 4852 71l> 4913 4974 5034 5095 6156 5216 5277 6337 5398 6459 717 5519 5580 6640 5701 5761 6822 5882 6943 0003 6064 718 6124 6185 6245 6306 6366 6427 u487 6548 6608 6668 719 6729 6789 6850 6910 6970 7031 7091 7162 7212 7272 720 7332 7393 7453 7513 7674 7634 7694 7755 7815 7876 721 7935 7995 8056 8116 8176 8236 8297 8357 8417 8477 722 8537 8597 8657 8718 8778 8838 8898 8958 9018 907F 723 9138 9198 9258 9318 9379 9439 9499 96)9 9619 9679 724 9739 9799 9859 9918 9978 60 0578 ..38 ..98 .158 .218 .2V8 725 860338 0398 0458 0518 0637 0697 0757 0817 0877 720 0937 0996 1056 1116 1176 1236 1295 1355 1415 1475 727 1534 1594 1654 1714 1773 1833 1893 1952 2012 2072 728 2131 2191' 2251 2310 2370 2430 2489 2549 2608 2668 729 2728 2787 2847 2906 2966 3025 3086 3144 3204 3263 730 3323 3382 3442 3501 3561 3620 3680 3739 3799 3858 731 3917 3977 4036 40!Xi 4155 4214 4274 4333 4uy2 4452 732 4511 4570 4630 4689 4148 4808 4867 4926 4985 5046 733 5104 5163 5222 6282 5341 6400 6469 6619 6578 6637 734 5696 5756 5814 6874 5933 5992 6051 6110 6169 6228 735 6287 6346 6405 6465 6624 6683 6642 6701 6760 6819 73« 6878 6937 6996 7056 7114 7173 7232 7291 7350 7409 737 7467 7526 7585 7644 7703 7762 7821 7880 7939 7998 1 738 8056 8115 8174 8233 8292 8350 8409 84t>8 8527 8586 1 739 8644 8703 8762 8821 8879 8938 8997 9056 9114 9173 740 9232 9290 9349 9408 9466 9625 9684 9642 9701 9760 741 9818 9877 9935 9994 ..53 .111 .170 .228 0287 .345 742 870404 0462 0521 0679 0638 0696 0755 0813 087i 0930 743 0989 1047 1106 1164 1223 1281 1339 1398 1456 1615 744 1573 1631 1690 1748 1806 59 2389 1865 1923 1981 2040 2098 745 2156 2215 2273 2331 2448 2506 2664 2622 2681 746 2739 2797 2855 2913 2972 3030 3088- 3146 3204 3262 747 3321 3379 3437 3495 3553 3611 3669 3727 37«6 3844 748 3902 396C 4018 4076 4134 4192 4250 4308 4360 4434 749 4482 4540 4698 4656 4714 4772 4830 4888 ^^945 uooa /6 LOGARITHMS N. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 750 875031 6119 6177 6235 6293 5351 5403 5466 5624 6582 751 5640 j 6S98 5756 5813 5871 5929 5987 ()045 6102 6160 752 6218 6276 6333 6391 1 6449 6507 6564 6622 6680 6737 753 6795 6853 6910 : 6968 7026 7083 7141 7199 7256 7314 764 7371 7429 7487 7544 7602 57 8177 7659 7717 7774 7832 7889 755 7947 8004 8062 8119 8234 8292 8349 8407 8464 756 8522 8579 8637 8694 8752 8809 8866 8924 8981 9039 757 9096 9153 9211 9268 j 9325 9383 9440 9497 9655 9612 758 9669 9726 9784 9841 1 9898 9956 . .13 ..70 .127 .185 , 759 S80242 0299 0356 0413 0471 «528 0580 0o42 0699 0756 760 0ai4 0871 0928 0985 1042 1099 1156 1213 1271 1328 761 1385 1442 1499 1556 1613 1670 1727 1784 1841 1898 762 1955 2U12 2069 2126 2183 2240 2297 2354 2411 2468 763 2525 2581 2638 2695 2762 2809 2866 2923 2980 3037 764 3093 3150 3207 3264 3321 3377 3434 3491 3548 3605 765 3661 3718 3775 3832 3888 3945 4002 4069 4115 4172 766 4229 4285 4342 4399 4466 4612 4669 4625 4682 4739 767 4795 4852 4909 4965 6022 5078 5135 5192 6248 5305 768 5361 5418 6474 6631 6587 6644 6700 6767 5813 6870 769 6926 5983 6039 6096 6162 6209 6266 6321 6378 6434 770 6491 6547 6604 6660 6716 6773 6829 6885 6942 6998 771 7054 7111 7167 7233 7280 7336 7392 7449 7505 7561 772 7617 7674 7730 7786 7842 7898 7955 8011 8067 8123 773 8179 8236 8292 8348 8404 8460 8516 8573 8629 8666 774 8741 8797 8853 8909 8965 56 9526 9021 9077 9134 9190 9246 775 9302 9358 9414 9470 9582 9638 9694 9760 9806 776 9862 9918 0974 ..30 ..86 .141 .197 .253 .309 .365 777 890421 0477 0533 0589 0645 0700 0756 0812 0868 0924 778 0980 1035 1091 1147 1203 1269 1314 1370 1426 1482 779 1537 1593 1649 1706 1760 1816 1872 1928 1983 2039 780 2095 2150 2206 2262 2317 2373 2429 2484 2540 2696 781 2651 2707 2762 2818 2873 2929 2985 3040 3096 3151 782 3207 3262 3318 3373 3429 3484 3540 3595 3651 3706 783 3702 3817 3873 3928 3984 4039 4094 4150 4205 4261 784 4816 4371 4427 4482 4638 4693 4648 4704 4769 4814 785 4870 4926 4980 5036 5091. 5146 5201 6267 6312 5367 786 6423 6478 5533 6588 6644 6699 6754 6809 5864 592C 787 5975 6030 6085 6140 6195 6251 6306 6361 6416 6471 788 6526 6581 6636 6692 6747 6802 6857 6912 6967 7022 789 7077 7132 7187 7242 7297 7362 7407 7462 7617 7672 790 7627 7683 7737 7792 7847 7902 7957 8012 8067 8122 791 8176 8231 8286 8341 8396 8461 8506 8561 8615 8670 792 8725 8780 8835 8890 8944 8999 9054 9109 9164 9218 793 9273 9328 9383 9437 9492 9547 9602 9666 9711 9766 794 98'^1 9875 9930 9986 ..39 55 0586 ..94 .149 .203 .268 .312 795 900367 0422 0476 ^531 0640 0695 0749 0804 0859 796 0913 0968 1022 1077 1131 1186 1240 1295 1349 1404 797, 1458 1513 1667 1622 1676 1736 1785 1840 18:^4 1948 798 2003 2057 2112 2166 2221 2275 2329 2384 2438 2492 799 2547 2601 2665 2710 2764 2818 2873 2927 2981 3036 OF NUMBERS. 17 N. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ! 9 SOU 9031)90 3144 3199 3253 3307 3361 3416 3470 3524 , 3578 801 3633 3.i87 3741 3795 3849 3904 395« 4012 4iKi6 ; 4120 802 4174 4229 4283 4337 4391 4445 4499 4563 4607 46t;i 803 4716 4770 4824 4878 4932 4986 5040 50J4 5148 , 62112 804 5256 5310 5364 5418 5472 54 6012 5526 5580 6u34 668.-> j 6742 ^05 5796 6850 6904 6968 60f>6 6119 6173 1 6227 ' 62SI 806 6335 6389 6443 6497 6551 6604 6(i58 6712 67(56 . 6h20 . 807 6874 6927 6981 7035 7089 7143 7196 7250 7304 7358 808 7411 7465/ 7519 7573 7626 7680 7734 7787 7841 7895 Koy 7949 &00i 8056 1 8110 8163 8217 8270 8324 8378 8431 810 8485 8539 8692 8646 8699 8753 8807 8860 8914 8967 811 9021 9074 9128 9181 9235 9289 9342 9396 9449 9503 81-2 9556 9.;io 9«i(>3 9716 9770 9823 9877 9930 9984 ..37 813 910091 0144 0197 0251 0304 0358 0411 0464 0518 0571 814 0624 0678 0731 0784 0838 0891 0944 0998 1051 1104 815 1158 1311 1264 1317 1371 1424 1477 1630 1684 1637 81G 1690 1743 1797 1850 1903 1956 2009 2063 2115 2169 817 2222 2275 2323 2381 2435 2488 2541 2594 2645 2700 818 2<53 280v) 2859 2913 2966 3019 30-2 3r^5 3178 3231 819 3284 3337 3390 3443 3496 3649 3602 3655 3708 3761 8'20 3814 3867 3920 3973 4026 4079 4132 4184 4237 4290 821 4343 439(i 4449 4502 4555 4ti08 4660 4713 4766 4819 S22 4872 4925 4977 5030 50.S3 5136 6189 5241 6294 5347 823 5400 5453 6505 5658 5611 5664 5716 5769 5822 6876 824 5927 59d0 6033 6085 6138 6191 6243 6296 6349 6401 826 6454 6607 6559 6612 66(>4 6717 6770 6822 6876 6927 826 6980 7033 7085 7138 71;iO 7243 7295 7348 7400 7453 827 7506 7558 7611 7()»)3 7716 7768 7820 7873 7925 7978 828 8030 8083 8185 8188 8240 8293 8345 8397 8450 8502 829 8655 8607 8669 8712 8764 8816 8869 8921 8973 9026 830 9078 9130 9183 9235 9287 9340 9392 9444 9496 9649 831 9601 9.)53 9706 9758 9810 9862 9914 9967 .19 . .71 832 920123 0176 022?S 0280 0332 0384 0136 0489 0541 0593 - 833 0645 Od9 7 0749 0801 0853 0906 0958 1010 1062 1114 834 1166 1218 1270 1322 1374 1426 1478 1630 \oH2 1634 835 1686 1738 1790 1842 1894 1946 1998 2050 2102 2154 836 2206 2258 2310 2362 2414 2466 2518 2570 2622 2674 837 2726 2777 2829 2881 2933 2985 3037 3089 3140 3192 838 3244 3296 3348 3399 3451 3503 3555 3607 3t>58 3711 839 3762 3814 3865 3917 3969 4021 40/2 4124 4147 4228 840 4279 4331 4383 4434 448«J 4538 4589 4641 4693 4744 841 4796 4848 4899 4951 6003 5054 5106 5157 5209 6261 842 6312 6364 5415 5467 5518 5570 5621 5673 5725 6776 843 682H 5874 5931 5982 6034 6085 6137 6188 6240 6291 844 6342 6394 6445 6497 6648 52 70(i2 6600 6651 6702 6754 6805 845 6857 6908 6959 7011 -U4 7165 7216 7268 7319 846 7370 7422 7473 7524 7576 7627 7678 7730 7783 7832 84 7 7883 7935 7986 8037 80.S8 8140 8191 8242 8293 8346 848 839: i 8447 8498 8549 8601 8652 8703 8754 8805 8857 849 1 8908 8959 9010 9061 9112 9163 9216 92()6 9317 9368 1 1 '' 1 LOGARITHMS '! 1 N. 850 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 929419 9473 9521 9572 9623 9674 9725 9776 9827 9879 H51 9930 9981 ..32 ..83 .134 .185 .236 .287 .338 .389 8c2 930440 0491 0542 0592 0643 0694 0745 0/96 0847 0898 853 0949 1000 1051 1102 1163 1204 1254 1305 1356 1407 854 1458 1509 1560 1610 1661 51 2169 1712 1763 1814 -1865 1915 855 1966 2017 i968 2118 2220 2271 2322 2372 1 242J 1 856 2474 2524 2575 2626 2677 2727 . 2778 2829 2879 2930 ' 857 2981 3031 3082 3133 3183 3234 3286 3335 3386 $437 858 3487 3538 3589 3639 3690 3740 3791 3841 3892 3943 ( 859 3993 4044 4094 4145 4195 4246 4269 4347 4397 4448 860 4498 4549 4599 4650 4700 4751 4801 4852 4902 4963 861 50UJ 5054 5104 5164 6205 5265 6306 5356 6406 6467 862 65U< 5558 5608 5658 5/09 5759 6809 5b60 6910 5960 863 6U11 606 1 6111 6162 6212 6262 6313 6363 6413 6463 '■ 864 6514 6564 6614 6665 6/15 6765 6815 6865 6916 6966 865 7016 7066 7117 7167 7217 7267 7317 7367 7418 7468 866 7518 7568 7618 7668 7718 7/69 7819 7869 7919 7969 867 8019 8069 8119 8169 8219 8269 8320 8370 8420 8470 868 8520 8570 8620 8670 8720 8770 8820 8870 8919 8970 869 9020 9070 9120 9170 9220 92.0 9320 9369 9419 9469 870 9519 9569 9616 9669 9719 9769 9819 9869 9918 9968 Hi\ 940018 0068 0118 0168 0218 0267 0317 036 7 0417 0467 8.2 0516 0566 0616 0666 0/16 0/65 0815 0865 0915 0964 873 1014 1064 1114 1163 1213 1263 1313 1362 1412 1462 8/4 1511 1561 1611 1660 1710 1760 1809 ia59 1909 1958 875 2008 2058 2107 2157 2207 2256 2306 2356 2405 2455 8/6 2504 2554 2603 26,3 2702 2762 2801 2851 2901 2960 877 3000 3049 3099 3148 3198 3247 3297 3346 3396 3445 878 3495 3644 3693 3643 3692 3742 3791 3841 3890 3939 879 3989 4038 4088 4137 4186 4236 4286 4336 4384 4433 1 880 4483 4532 4581 4631 4680 4729 4779 4828 4877 4927 881 4976 5025 6074 6124 5173 5-^22 5272 5321 537(» 5419 882 6469 5518 6567 6616 6665 5716 6764 5813 6862 5912 883 5961 6010 6059 6108 6157 6207 6266 6305 6354 6403 884 6452 6501 6561 6600 6649 6698 6747 6/96 6845 6894 885 6943 6992 7041 7090 7140 7189 7238 7287 7336 7385 886 7434 7483 7532 7581 7630 7679 7728 7777 7826 7875 887 7924 79 73 8022 80/0 H119 8168 8217 8266 8ol5 8365 888 8413 8462 8511 8560 8609 8657 8706 «755 8«04 8853 889 8902 8951 8999 9048 9097 9146 9195 9244 9292 9341 890 9390 9439 9488 9536 9586 9634 9683 9731 9780 9829 ' 891 98/8 9926 9975 ..24 ..73 .121 .170 .219 .26 7 .31u 892 950365 0414 0462 0511 0560 0o08 0607 0/06 0754 0803 893 0851 0900 0949 0997 1016 10i^6 1143 1192 1240 12o9 894 1338 1386 1435 1483 1532 48 2or 1580 162J 1677 - 1 726 17.6 895 1823 1872 1920 1969 2066 2114 2163 2211 2260 896 2308 2356 2105 2453 250i 2550 2599 'Jb47 5d9o 2/44 897 2792 2841 2889 2938 2986 3034 3063 3131 3180 322o 898 3276 3325 3373 34-1 3470 3518 ■6oo6 bol5 366a 3711 899 1 3760 3808 3856 3905 3953 4001 40.9 40j» 4146 4194 OF NUMBERS. 19 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QUO 954243 4291 4339 4387 4435 4484 4532 4580 4628 4677 9Ul 4/25 4773 4821 4869 4918 4966 5014 5062 5110 6168 90-2 520? 5255 5303 5351 5399 5447 5496 5543 5592 5640 903 5688 5736 5784 5S32 6S80 5928 5976 6024 6072 612U 904 6168 U216 6265 6313 6361 48 6409 6457 6505 6653 6601 905 6649 6697 6745 6793 6840 6888 6936 6984 7032 7080 90ti 7128 7176 7224 7272 7320 7368 7416 7464 7512 7659 907 7607 7655 7703 7751 7799 7847 7894 7942 7990 8o;>8 908 8086 8134 8181 8229 8277 8325 8373 8421 8468 8516 909 8664 8612 8659 8707 8756 8803 8860 8898 8946 8994 910 9041 9089 9137 9185 9232 9280 9328 9376 9423 9471 911 9518 9566 9614 9661 9709 9757 9804 9852 9900 9947 912 99^5 ..42 ..90 .138 .185 .233 .280 .328 .376 j .423 913 960471 0518 0566 0613 0()61 0709 0756 0804 0851 0899 914 0946 0994 1041 1089 1136 1184 1231 1279 1326 1374 915 1421 1469 1516 1563 1611 1658 1706 1763 1801 1848 91G 1895 1943 1990 2038 2085 2132 2180 2227 2275 2322 917 2369 2417 2464 2511 2559 260d 2653 2701 2748 2795 918 . 2843 2890 2937 2985 3032 3079 3126 3174 3221 3268 919 3316 3363 3410 3457 3504 3552 3599 3646 3693 3741 920 3788 3835 3882 3929 3977 4024 4071 4118 4165 4212 921 4260 4307 4354 4401 4448 4495 4542 4590 4637 4(»84 922 4731 4778 4825 4S72 4919 4966 5013 5061 5108 5155 923 5202 5249 5296 5343 5390 543 7 5484 5531 55/8 6625 924 5672 5719 5766 5813 5860 5907 5954 6001 6048 6095 925 6142 6189 6236 6283 6329 6376 6423 6470 6517 6564 926 6611 6653 6705 6752 6799 6845 6892 6939 6986 7033 927 7080 7127 7173 7220 7267 7314 7361 7408 7464 7501 9-28 7548 7595 7642 7688 7736 7782 7829 7875 7922 7969 929 8016 8062 8109 8156 8203 8249 8296 8343 8390 8436 930 8483 8530 8576 8623 8670 8716 8763 8810 8856 8903 931 8950 8996 9043 9U90 9136 91o3 9229 9276 9323 9369 932 9416 9463 9509 9556 9602 9649 9695 9742 9789 9835 933 9882 9928 9975 ..21 ..68 .114 .161 .207 .254 .300 934 1)70347 0393 0440 (I486 0533 0579 0626 0672 0719 0765 935 0812 0858 0904 0951 0997 1044 1090 1137 1183 1229 936 12y6 1322 1369 1415 1461 1508 1554 1601 1647 1693 937 1740 1786 1832 1879 1925 1971 2018 2064 2110 2157 938 2203 2249 2295 2342 2388 2434 2481 2527 2673 2619 939 2666 2712 2768 2804 2851 2897 2943 2989 3036 3082 94C 3128 3174 3220 3266 3313 3359 3405 3461 3497 3643 941 3590 3636 3682 3728 3774 3820 3866 3913 3959 4005 942 4051 4097 4143 4189 4235 4281 4327 .4374 4420 4466 943 4512 4558 4604 4650 4(i96 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2769 2814 2859 2904 2949 2994 3040 3085 3130 932 3175 3220 3265 3310 3356 3401 3446 3491 3536 3581 963 3626 3671 3716 3762 3807 3852 3897 3942 3987 4032 984 4077 4122 4167 4212 4257 43v;2 4347 4392 4437 4482 965 4527 4572 4617 4662 4707 4752 4797 4842 4887 4932 966 4977 5022 5067 5112 5157 5202 5247 5292 5337 5382 967 5426 5471 5516 5561 6608 6651 6699 5741 5786 6830 968 5875 6920 5965 6010 6055 6100 6144 6189 6234 6279 969 6324 6369 6413 6458 6503 6548 6593 6637 6682 6727 970 6772 6817 6861 6906 6951 6996 7040 7085 7130 7176 971 7219 7264 7309 7353 7398 7443 7488 7532 7577 7622 972 7666 7711 7756 7800 7845 7890 7934 7979 8024 8068 973 8113 8157 8202 8247 8291 8336 8381 8425 8470 8514 974 8559 8604 8648 8693 8737 8782 8826 8871 8916 8960 975 9005 9049 9093 9138 9183 9227 9272 9316 9361 9405 976 9450 9494 9539 9583 9628 9672 9717 9761 9806 9850 977 9895 9939 9983 ..28 ..72 .117 .161 .203 .250 .294 978 990339 0383 0428 0472 0516 0561 0605 0650 0694 0738 979 0783 0827 0871 0916 0960 1004 1049 1093 1137 1182 980 1226 1270 1315 1359 1403 1448 1492 1536 1580 1625 981 1669 1713 1758 1802 1846 1890 1935 1979 2023 2067 982 2111 2156 2200 2244 2288 2333 2377 2421 2465 2509 983 2554 2598 2()42 2686 2730 2774 2819 2863 2907 2951 984 2995 3039 3083 3127 3172 3216 3260 3304 3348 3392 985 3436 3480 3524 3568 3613 3657 3701 3746 3789 3833 986 3877 3921 3965 4009 4053 4097 4141 4185 4229 4273 987 4317 4361 4405 4449 4493 4537 458 i 4625 4669 4713 988 4757 4801 4845 4886 4933 4977 5021 5065 5108 6152 989 5196 5240 5284 6328 5372 5416 5460 6504 6547 5591 ' 990 5635 5679 5723 5767 5811 5854 6898 5942 5986 6030 991 6074 6117 6161 6205 6249 6293 6337 6380 6424 6468 992 6512 6555 6599 6643 6687 6731 6774 6818 6862 6906 993 6949 6993 7037 7080 7124 7168 7212 7255 7299 7343 994 7386 7430 7474 7517 7561 44 7998 7605 7648 7692 7736 7779 995 7823 7867 7910 7954 8041 8085 8129 8172 8216 996 8259 8303 8347 8390 8434 8477 8521 8564 8608 8652 997 8695 8739 8792 8826 8869 8913 8956 9000 9043 9087 998 9131 9174 9218 9261 9305 9348 9392 9435 9479 9522 999 9565 9609 9652 9696 9739 9783 9826 9870 9913 9957 i TAIJl.K II. I.og. Sines and Taiigenis. ((P) Natural Snes. 21 S.iie. ID 10" Co>.iiH. |I). IO"l Taiig. D 10" Coiang. N.pine N. COS. Neg.iuiiiiite' lO.oaQooo! 0.000000 Infinite. 00000 100000 60 1 u.-io.irZti 000000 6.4<;3726 13.536274 00029 KJOOiU 59 '2 7()475.) o.))ooo 764756 235244 \ 00058 100. 10 J 58 3 94(H4? OOJOi)0 940847 059153 ,000.S7 lOOO.K) 57 4 7.0)5 786 000)00 7.0eJ5786 12.934214 OJIH) 100l»>)0 5() 6 162696 000000 162()96 837304 100145 lOOOOiJ 65 6 24 IS 77 9; 999999 241878 758122 100175 io:);>oo 54 7 30S824 999999 ! 308825 39 1175 1 00204 l(KJ0.)t)153 ,8 366816 999999 366817 633183 00233 100. too; 52 ' 9 417968 99i>999 417970 582030 1 002(i2 lOOO.K) 51 10 463725 99i)998 4()3727 536273 00291 lOOIKJO 50 11 7.5UoIl8 9.999998 7.505120 12.494880 <)032( 99999 49 i 12 542906 999997 542909 4570<)1 00349 99i)99 48 13 577668 999997 577672 422328 ■ 00378 J9999 47 14 60.')8o3 9999<)6 609857 390143 . 00407 9999!) I 4<) 15 639816 999996 ; 639820 360180 00436 99!)99 45 \H 667845 999995 667849 332151 004(55 9!>999 44 1 I' 6941 73 999995 694179 305821 ; 00495 99999 43 IS 718997 999994 719003 280997 ; 00524 99999 42 19 742477 999993 742484 257516! 00553 99998 41 20 764754 999993 764761 235239; 00582 99998 40 21 7.7S5943 9.999992 7.785951 12.214049 !:oo()n 99998 39 22 806146 999991 806155 193845 ' 00640 99998 38 23 825451 999990 8254()0 174540 00(i69 99998 37 24 843934 999989 843944 15(i056 : 00(398 99998 36 26 861663 999988 861674 138326 00727 99997 36 26 878()95 999988 878708 121292 0075() 99997 34 27 895085 999987 895099 104901 00785 9!)997 33 28 91 OS 79 9999S6 910894 089106 00814 99997 32 29 926119 999985 926134 073866 00844 99996 31 30 940842 999983 940858 059142 00873 99996 30 31 7.95.J082 2298 2227 2161 9.999982 0.2 0.2 7.955100 2298 2227 2161 2098 2039 1983 1930 1880 1833 1787 1744 1703 1664 1627 1591 12.044900 00902 99996 29 32 9(>8870 999981 968889 031111 j 00931 99996 28 1 .-Kl 982233 999980 982253 017747 00960 99995 27 134 995198 999979 0.2 995219 004781 00989 99995 26 , 3r, 8.0J7787 2098 999977 0-2 0-2 0-2 8.007809 11.992191 01018 99995 25 1 3(i 0-20021 2039 999976 020045 979955 01047 99995 24 1 37 031919 1983 999975 031945 968055 01076 99994 23 38 043501 1930 1880 1832 1787 1744 1703 1664 1626 999973 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 043527 956473' 01105 99994 22 39 054781 999972 054S()9 945191 |i 01 134 99994 21 40 0.i5776 999971 0(i5806 9341941 01164 99993 20 41 8.076500 9.999969 8.076531 11.923469 01193 99993 19 42 a86965 9999()8 0'2 086997 913003 012-22 99993 IB 43 097183 999966 0'2 02 o;3 097217 902783 i 01251 99992 17 44 107167 999964 107202 892797 i 01280 99992 16 46 116926 999963 1169(S3 883037 01 30-^ 99991 15 46 126471 1591 1557 1524 1492 1462 999961 0.3 126510 873490; 0133*^ 99991 14 . 47 135810 999959 03 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 135851 1557 1524 1493 1463 1434 1406 1379 1353 1328 1304 1281 1269 1238 1217 864149 01367 9999 li 3 i 48 144953 999958 144996 855004 01396 99990 12 ; 49 153907 99995(> 153952 846048! 014-25 99990 11 1 ; 50 162681 999954 162727 837273 ' 01454 99989 10 , 51 8.171280 ;■;;',? !™iJ 3 9 18/980 ,„ 9.99!)952 8.171328 11.828672 01483 99989 9 152 999950 179763 820237 : 01513 99989 8 1 63 999948 188036 811964' 01542 99988 7 54 196102 ^e;';J ; 999946 204U70 l^;^. 99!>944 211895 ^^^' 999942 219581 ;*?/ • 999940 227134 .;:?•; 999938 23455 7, .;:;: 999936 196156 803844 01571 99988 6 55 204126 795874 01600 99f>87 6 56 0.3 0.4 0.4 n A 211953 788047 : 01629 99987 4 57 219641 780359 , 01658 9998(i 3 58 227195 772805 01687 9998<) 2 59 ^l 234621 ^■^ 241921 765379 01716 99985 1 60 241855 i'^'*^ fOH If 9!)9934 768079" 01745 99985 S :;•' 1 Cn-nng. Tan?. N. ros. \. .«^ine- S9 D-grees. 22 Log. Sines and Tangents. (1°) Natural Sines. TaBLK 11. 08 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 ,4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ! 50 ,51 I 52 i53 64 55 56 57 68 59 60 .241855 249033 l]^^ 256094 }}^' 2iS3042 ^8 269881 ^ 276)14 . 283243 289773 296-207 30254 30879 D 10 1122 1105 1088 1072 1056 , 1041 7 1027 .dl49o4 ,f),r, 321027 ^^^J 327016 III 332924 07? 338753 ^'^ 344504 350181 355783 361315 Qifj 366777 .372171 377499 382762 387962 393101 959 946 934 922 899 888 877 867 856 398179 007 4031991 007 4081611 ofA .422/17: 70, 427462! ioi 432156} ^°4 436800 '^^ 441394 !^ll 445941 1 '^2 450440 7?.2 15^1^35 4o9301 i ,727 463665 70,, .467985 '^To 472263 7A;; 476498 '"° 480693 l^. 484848 ^of^ 488963 TZa 493040 ^1^ 497078 ^^; 501080 ^^J 505045 ^"^ ,508974 III ']?4l 643 016/26 j:.„_ 520551 ^^' 524343 ^^^ 528102 l^\ S"S 616 53oo23 ^. . 539186 l;,t^ 642819 606 Cosine. .999934 999932 999929 999927 999925 999922 999920 -999918 999915 999913 999910 9.9999D7 999905 '999902 999899 999897 999894 999891 999888 999885 999882 1.999879 999876 999873 999870 999867 999864 999861 999858 999854 999851 K 999848 999844 999841 999838 999834 999831 999827 999823 999820 999816 ). 999812 999809 k'999805 999801 999797 999793 999790 999786 999782 999778 99977. 999769 999765 999761 999757 999753 999748 999744 999740 999735 D.IO^' 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0-4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5 05 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 06 0.6 0.6 0-6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0-6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Tan^r. .241921 249102 256165 263115 269956 276691 283323 289856 296292 302634 308884 .315046 321122 327114 333025 333856 344610 360289 355895 361430 366895 .372292 377622 382889 388L192 393234 398316 403338 408304 413213 418068 .422869 427618 432315 436962 441560 446110 450613 455070 459481 463849 .468172 472454 476693 480892 485050 489170 493250 497293 501298 505267 .509200 513098 516961 520790 624586 528349 532080 535779 539447 543084 D 10' 1197 1177 1158 1140 1122 1105 1089 1073 1057 1042 1027 1013 999 985 972 959 946 934 922 911 899 888 879 867 857 847 837 828 818 809 800 791 783 774 7()6 758 760 743 736 728 720 713 7U7 700 693 686 680 674 668 661 655 650 644 638 633 627 622 616 611 606 Coiiii)^'. Co !aiig. N. sine;. N. cos 11 11 .7.58079 750898 743835 736885 730044 723309 716677 710144 703708 697366 691116 684954 678878 672886 666975 661144 655390 649711 644105 638570 633105 11 .627708 622378 617111 611908 606766 601685 596662 591696 586787 581932 11.577131 672382 567685 563038 558440 553890 549387 544930 540519 636151 11.531828 527546 523307 519108 514950 510830 506750 602707 498702 494733 490800 486902 483039 479210 476414 471651 467920 464221 460553 466916 P 01742 01774 :; 01803 ! 01832 I 01862 01891 99985 60 )i)984 69 999S4 5S 99983 57 99983 66 99982 66 ! I 01949 ji 01978 i02U07 I 02036 I 02065 ; 02094 i, 02123 j; 02152 ii 02181 I' 02211 I I 02240 'I 02269 ! 02298 II 02327 j' 02356 1102385 :, 02414 ;j 02443 I 02472 I 02501 02530 02560 02589 ' 02618 H 02647 i 02676 ! 02705 02734 02763 02792 :: 02850 1 102879 1! 02908 :' 02938 01920 99982 54 99^81 63 99980, 68 99980 51 99979 50 9y979 49 y9978 48 99977 47 9^)977, 46 99976' 45 99976 44 99975 43 99974! 42 99974' 41 99973^ 40 9y972! 39 99972 38 99971 37 99970 36 y9y69! 35 99969 34 99968J 33 999671 32 99966; 31 99966 30 99965 29 99964 28 99963! 27 99963! 26 999o2! 25 99961; 24 02821 99960! 23 99959I 22 99959 21 99958; 20 99957' 19 11 ! I 02967 99956 I8 '!02b9b 99955 17 03025 99954: 16 03054 99953 15 ( 03083 99952: 14 i 031 12 99^52 13 103141 99951; 12 ; 03170 99950! 11 103199 99949110 103228 999481 9 03257 999471 99946! 9J9i5 99944 99943 99942 99941 99940 99939 0328(i 03316 jl032 54999.5 553589 557054 6(i0540 6G3999 5«)74:n 67083(> 574214 5775(i() .5H()89-2 584193 • 5874ti9 590721 593948 597152 600332 603489 606623 609734 .612823 615891 618937 6219(>2 624965 627948 630911 633854 d.3()776 63^680 .642563 645428 648274 651102 653911 656702 659475 662230 664968 667(i89 1.670393 673080 675751 678405 681043 683665 686272 688863 691438 693998 !.69t)543 699073 701589 704090 706577 709049 711507 713952 716383 718800 D. 10' r/nn 9. 603 595 591 586 681 576 572 5(i7 5()3 559 554 550 546 542 538 534 530 526 522 519 515 511 508 504 501 497 494 490 487 484 481 477 474 471 468 465 4(i2 459 45(> 453 451 448 445 442 440 437 434 432 429 427 424 422 419 417 414 412 410 407 405 403 Cosine. .999735 999731 999726 995)722 999717 999713 999708 9997t)4 999699 9!)9694 999689 .999()85 !W9<)80 9<)9()75 "999670 999665 9996t)0 999(555 999650 999645 999640 .999(135 999629 999324 999{J19 9f)96l4 999608 999()03 999597 999592 999586 .999581 999575 999570 9995()4 999558 999553 999547 9})9541 9J)9535 999529 .999524 999518 999512 999506 999500 999493 999487 99iJ481 999175" 939469 •.9!;9+()3 9.'i9456 999 150 999143 999437 999431 9994-:4 999418 9i>9411 999404 D. 10' 0.7 0.7 0.7 0-8 0-8 0-8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0-8 0.8 0-8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0-9 0-9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Sii 1.0 1.0 1-0 1-0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. 1 1, 1, 1. 1, 1 1, I Tang. .543084 54(>()91 5502ti8 553817 557336 560828 564291 667727 571137 574520 577877 ,581208 584514 587795 591051 594283 597492 600677 603839 606978 610094 .613189 616262 619313 622343 625352 628340 631308 634256 637184 640093 .642982 645863 648704 651537 654352 657149 659928 662689 6(i5433 668160 .670870 673563 67()239 678900 681544 684172 6 6784 689381 691963 694529 .697081 699617 702139 704246 707140 709«)18 702083 714534 71(>y?2 719396 Coiiuit D. 10' 602 59.) 591 587 582 577 573 668 664 559 555 551 547 543 639 635 53 r 527 523 619 616 612 508 505 601 498 495 491 488 485 482 478 475 472 469 466 463 460 457 464 453 449 446 443 442 438 436 433 430 428 425 423 420 418 415 413 411 408 406 404 Colling. i|N. Bine.lN cos, 11.456916 453309 449732 446183 442(i64 439172 435709 432273 4288()3 425480 422123 11.418792 415486 412205 408949 405717 402508 399323 396161 393022 389906 11.386811 383738 380687 377657 374648 3716(J0 368692 365744 362816 359907 11.357018 354147 351296 348463 345648 342851 340072 337311 334567 331840 11.329130 326437 323761 321100 318456 315828 313216 310()19 308037 30.5471 11.302919 3fj0383 297861 295354 292860 290382 287917 2854()5 283028 280ti04 ;■ 03490199939 60 ; 0351;) 99938 59 ,03548 199937 58 03577 : 0360() i 03635 9993( 99935 99934 55 03664 99933 54 (t3(J93 199932 53 03723 99931 0375299930 03781 {99929 03810 99927 03839,99926 (J38ti8 ,99925 I 03926 '99923 103955199922 1O39.S4I9992I 04013 04042 04071 04100 03129 04159 99919 99918 99917 99916 99915 99913 04188 99912 •04217199911 1 04246 J999 10 04275199909 0430499907 04333 !9990e) 04362)99905 0439 1|9 9904 ; 0442099902 04449199901 0447H|'999(J0 04507 [99898 04536 199897 0456.>9989li 04594:99894 04623 y9S9o 04()53]99892 04(i82 '99890 047 1 1 i99889 04740 [;J9d8h 047(i9rJ9SH() 0479hl9.J885 ;04S2/7J9883 0485()!9JJ8h2 04H85I99881 049141998 24 ,23 )-7 ' 0494.') 049 i 2 ! 05001 05030 0505!) 05088 05117 9.9878 99876 99875 99873 99872 99870 998(i9 ()5146 9-j8()7 0517; 9986(i 05205 998()4 05234 Tant N. cofi. X.sint' 998()3 87 Degrees. 24 Log. Sines and Tangeiils. {^) Natural Sines. TABLE II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 J7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 61 52 53 64 65 56 57 68 69 60 Sine, .718800 721204 723595 725972 728337 730088 733027 735354 737667 739989 742259 .744536 746802 749055 751297 753528 755747 757955 760151 762337 764511 .766675 768828 770970 773101 775223 777333 779434 781524 783605 785675 .787736 789787 791828 793859 795881 797894 799897 801892 803876 805852 ,807819 809777 811726 813667 815599 817522 819436 821343 823240 825130 .827011 828884 830749 832607 834456 836297 838130 839956 841774 843585 Cosine. D. 10' 401 398 396 394 392 390 388 386 384 382 380 378 376 374 372 370 368 366 364 362 361 359 357 355 353 352 350 348 347 345 343 342 340 339 337 335 334 332 331 329 328 326 325 323 322 320 319 318 316 315 313 312 311 309 308 307 306 304 303 302 Cosiuu. 9.999404 999.'W8 999391 999384 999378 999371 999364 999357 999350 999343 999336 9.999329 999322 999315 999308 999301 999294 999286 999279 999272 999266 9.999257 999250 999242 999235 999227 999220 999212 999205 999197 999189 9.999181 999174 999166 999158 999150 999142 -999134 999126 999118 999110 9.999102 999094 999086 999077 999069 999061 999053 999044 999036 999027 999019 999010 999002 998993 998984 998976 998967 998958 998950 998941 Sine. D. 1 Tanji. S. 7 19396 721806 724204 726588 728959 731317 7336()3 735996 738317 740626 742922 .745207 747479 749740 751989 764227 766453 758i)68 760872 763065 765246 ,767417 769678 771727 773866 775995 778114 780222 782320 784408 786486 8.788554 790613 792662 794701 796731 798752 800763 802765 804858 806742 ,808717 810683 812641 814589 816529 818461 820384 822298 824205 826103 .827992 829874 831748 833613 835471 837321 839163 840998 842825 844644 Cot.in2. D. 10" Cotanj?. |(N. sine. N. cos. 402 399 397 395 393 391 389 387 385 383 381 379 377 375 373 371 369 367 366 364 362 360 358 356 355 353 351 350 348 346 345 343 341 340 338 337 335 334 332 331 329 328 326 325 323 322 320 319 318 316 315 314 312 311 310 308 307 306 304 303 11.280604 278194 275796 273412 271041 2(i8683 266337 264004 261683 259374 257078 11.254793 252521 250260 248011 245773 243547 241332 239128 236935 234754 11.232583 230422 228273 226134 224006 221886 219778 217680 215592 213514 11.211446 209387 207338 205299 203269 201248 199237 197235 195242 193258 11.191283 189317 187359 185411 183471 181539 179616 177702 175796 173897 11.172008 170126 168252 166387 164529 162679 160837 159002 157175 1563.56 05234 99863 05263 05292 05321 05350 05379 05408 99854 05437 1 105466 j 05495 i 05524 I 05653 j 105582 l! 05611 ! 05640 I' 05669 1105698 {! 05727 I 06766 I i 05785 I I 05814 I j 05844 1106873 1 105902 I I 05931 ij 05960 {05989 ! 106018 1106047 i I 06076 li 06106 1106134 i! 06163 ;| 06192 1 1 08221 i 106260 i^ 06279 jj 06308 N 06337 i, 06366 99861 99860 99868 99857 99855 99852 99851 99849 99847 99846 99844 99842 99841 99839 99838 99836 99834 99833 99831 99829 99827 99826 99824 99822 99821 99819 99817 99815 99813 99812 99810 99808 99806 99804 99803 998OI 99799 99797 06395'99795 06424 997931 O6453I99792 {)1 893035 8941)43 8.89{>-.'4(i 89784-2 899432 901U17 902596 9041(i9 90573«i 907297 908853 910404 8.911949 913488 915022 9l»i5;j0 918073 919591 9': 1103 922(il0 924112 925(i0}) ; 927100 928587 9300-i8 931544 933015 934481 935942 937398 938860 94t/29U CoMJnu. D. lU ' 300 29i) 298 2*7 2)5 294 293 292 291 2 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 279 279 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 2()7 26() 265 264 263 262 2S1 2(i0 259 258 257 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 243 242 241 Co.'sine. 1.95)8941 998932 99S923 998914 998.905 99889(> 998887 998878 998869 99S860 99S851 1.998841 998832 998823 998813 998S(M 998795 998785 998776 998766 99H757 I 998747 998738 998728 998718 998708 998()99 998(i89 998679 })98(;()f> 9!)8()59 1.998649 998(i3*> 998629 998619 998(i09 998599 99H589 998578 998568 998558 1.998548 998537 998527 .998516 -99850() 998495 998485 998474 9984(i4 998453 •.998442 998431 9;<8421 99S410 i)98399 • f 98388 9i)8377 998366 998355 99>>344 D. 10" 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1-6 1.6 1-6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1 I 1 7 7 7 •1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Taug. .844644 846455 84.vJ(il) h50>)57 851846 853628 855403 857171 858932 8(J0i;86 8<>2433 ; 864173 8t)590t) 867632 869351 871064 872770 8744()9 87(il()2 877849 879529 l.h81202 882869 884530 886185 887833 889476 891112 892742 8943(i() 8!)5984 ;. 897596 899-203 900803 902398 903987 905670 907147 908719 910285 911846 ;. 913401 914961 916496 918034 919668 921096 922619 924136 925()49 927 156 1.928«i58 930155 931647 933134 934()16 93<)()93 937665 939032 940494 941!j52 ColJing. 56 D egreen. 30-2 301 299 298 29, 29 i 295 293 292 29! -290 289 288 287 285 284 283- 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 276 274 273 272 271 -270 -269 268 267 266 '265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 249 248 247 24() 245 244 244 243 Cotang. N. sine.lN. rort.l 11.155366 153545 151740 149943 148154 14(i372 144597 142829 141068 139314 137567 11.135827 134094 132368 130649 l-:-936 127-230 125531 123S38 122151 120471 11.118798 117131 115470 113815 112167 110524 108888 107258 105634 104016 11.102404 100797 099197 097602 006013 094430 092853 091281 089715 088154 11,086599 085049 083505 081966 080432 0.8904 077381 075864 074361 072844 11.071342 069845 0<)8353 0{)6866 0(i5384 0»j3907 062435 0(i09(i8 05956t> 058048 I'ang. (J697(j 07005 07034 07063 1 99756 60 99754 59 99752 58 ; 99750 57 070<)2;99748 5(i 07121,99746:55 07150 99744 54 07 179 [99 742, 53 07208 iK)740: 52 07237, !W738i 51 07-266'99<3()«;8 -iO 081(i5jiW666: 19 08194 99()()4 18 08-223 99661' 17 08252199659 16 08-281 1996571 15 08310 99654' 14 08339 9.9652 13 0H3f, 8 991,49 12 08397 ^)9(f47l 1 1 08426 9i)()44 10 0845.^i99(i42i 9 08484 0H513 08542 08571 08()00 U8()29 08(i58 08(i87 08716 99()39: :>9637 99(i35 99()32 99(>30 9:,()V7 99(i25 9M>22 99619 N. ros. N'.fine.l 26 Log. Sines and Tangents. (5°) Natural Sines. *■ TABLE II. 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4() 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 64 55 56 i~i 68 59 60 Sine. ,940296 941738 943174 944606 946034 947466 948874 950287 951ii9o 95310a 964499 ,955894 957284 958;)70 960052 9ol429 962801 934170 965534 96()893 968249 969600 970947 972289 973628 974962 976293 977619 978941 980259 981573 982883 984189 985491 986789 988083 989374 990)60 991943 993222 994497 995768 997036 998299 999560 '.00J816 0J20;i9 003318 0045()3 005805 007044 I 003278 009510 01073 7 0lia'>/. 01318--^ 0144:)0 015613 016824 018031 019235 j Cosine. | D. 10' 8. 240 239 239 238 237 I 236 235 235 234 233 232 232 231 230 229 229 228 227 227 226 225 224 224 223 222 222 221 220 220 219 218 218 217 216 216 215 214 214 213 212 212 211 211 210 209 209 208 208 207 2ij6 206 205 206 204 203 203 2J2 202 201 201 Cosine. 9,998344 998333 998322 998311 998300 998289 998277 998266 998265 998243 998232 9.998220 998209 998197 998186 998174 998163 998151 998139 998128 998116 9.998104 998092 998080 998068 998056 998044 998032 998020 998008 997996 997984 997972 997959 997947 997936 997922 997910 997897 997886 997872 9 997860 997847 997835 997822 997809 997797 997784 997771 997758 997745 997732 997719 997706 997693 997680 997667 997664 997641 997628 997614 D. 10' 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 i.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Sine. TanS_ 8.941952 943404 944852 946295 947734 949168 950597 952021 953441 954856 956267 8.957674 959075 960473 961866 9{j3266 964639 966019 967394 968766 970133 8.971496 972865 974209 975560 976906 978248 979586 980921 982251 983577 8.984899 986217 987532 988842 990149 991451 992750 994045 995337 996()24 997908 999188 9.0i)0465 001 738 003007 004272 005534 006792 008047 009298 9.010546 011790 013031 014268 016502 016732 017959 019183 020403 021620 D. 10' Co tang. 242 241 240 240 239 238 237 237 236 235 234 234 233 232 231 231 230 229 229 228 227 226 226 226 224 2iJ4 223 222 222 221 220 220 219 218 218 217 216 216 215 215 214 213 213 212 211 211 210 210 209 208 208 207 207 206 206 205 204 204 203 203 Cotanj^. N. sine 11.058048 066696 056148 053705 0522()6 050832 049403 047979 046669 045144 043733 11.042326 040925 039527 038134 036745 035361 033981 032606 031234 029867 11.028504 027145 025791 024440 02S094 021752 020414 019079 017749 016423 11.015101 013783 012468 011168 009861 008649 007260 005956 004663 003376 002092 000812 10.999535 998262 996993 995728 99W<)6 993208 991053 990/02 10.989454 988210 686969 985732 984498 983268 983041 980817 : 979697 i 978380 |i 08716 ii 08745 108774 ii 08803 i' 08831 : 08860 08889 ,08918 08947 ! 08976 09005 09034 09063 09092 cos 99619 99617 99614 99612 99()09 99607 99()04 99602 99599 9959(1 99594 99691 99588 99586 0912199583 I 09160199580 '09179 99578 109208199576 :09237!99572 ; 09266199570 j 0929o!99567 ' 09324i99564 \ 09353199562 i 09382199559 ; 0941 1199556 1 09440J99563 1094(1999.551 j 09498|99548 i 09527199646 i 0955(JJ99642 31 09685199540 09614199537 09()42;99534 0?>67 199531 09700199528 09729 99526 06< 68 99523 09787 9!)520 0981(,9951 09816 99514 09874 99511 09903 9f)508 09932 9950 0996199503 0.>99t)995U0 10019 99497 10i>48 99494 10077 99491 1010:)994.S8 10135 99485 10164 99482 10192 994,9 10221994/6 10-60 99473 10279 99470 10308 99467 10337199464 10366 9£Kil 10395 99458 10424 99,55 10453 991.52 Tan-?. : N. cop. N. sine. St Df^srreeR. -j TABLE II. Log. Sinee and Taugente. (6^) Natural Sines. Tang. iD. 10"| Cotang. iN. sine. 1 Q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \Q i i: 1-: 13 14 15 l(i| 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2d 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 3(i 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 19 50 51 52 63 64 6.- 6- 67 58 58 (>0 ID. 10' .019235 020435 021()32 022825 0241)1 () 025203 02()38t» C>275()7 028744 029918 031089 032257 ^31421 /J4582 035741 03()89G 038048 039197 040342 041485 042(>25 .043702 044895 04(i02() 047154 048279 049400 050519 051035 052749 053859 . 054900 050071 057172 058271 059307 (Ki04(i0 001651 0;)2(i39 0(i3724 0()480(i .005885 0t>«)902 008030 0)9107 070170 071242 0-2300 0733(;() 074424 0754.^0 I 070533 0i7583 078031 079070 O.S0719 08^59 0.vii97 083832 0818()4 085«94 CosinH. 200 199 199 198 198 197 197 196 190 195 195 194 194 193 192 192 191 191 190 190 189 189 180 188 187 187 186 186 185 185 184 184 184 183 183 182 182 181 181 180 l.'^O 179 171- 179 178 178 177 177 176 176 175 175 175 174 174 173 i;3 li2 172 172 Cosine. D. 10' 9.997614 997601 997588 997574 997561 997547 997534 997620 997507 997493 W97480 9.997466 997452 997439 997425 -^»7411 997397 997383 997309 997355 997341 9.997327 997313 997299 997286 997271 997267 997242 997228 997214 997199 997185 997170 997166 997141 997127 997112 997098 997083 997008 997(>53 .997039 997024 997009 99109941 996979 j 996964 ] 990949 ! 990934 990919 996J»04 9.990889 990874 996858 990843 996828 996812 59 067781 058900 000016 001130 002240 01)3348 004453 005556 006666 067762 i9.(>68846 (169038 071027 072113 073197 074278 075356 070432 077505 078576 9.079044 080710 081773 082833 083891 084i)47 t)8(i000 087050 088098 089144 Cotang. 202 202 201 201 200 199 199 198 198 197 197 196 190 196 196 194 194 193 193 192 192 191 191 190 190 189 189 188 188 187 187 186 186 186 186 185 184 184 183 183 182 182 181 181 181 180 IbO 179 179 178 178 178 177 177 176 176 175 175 176 174 10.978380 977100 975950 974749 973545 973345 971148 909954 908763 967675 966391 10.966209 904031 9()2850 901()84 900616 959349 958187 957027 955870 954716 10.953560 952418 951273 960131 948992 947850 94^i723 945593 944405 943341 10.942219 941100 939984 938870 937760 936652 935547 934444 933345 932248 10.935154 930062 928973 927887 926803 925722 9-2'i644 923668 922496 921424 10.920356 919290 918227 917107 9l(;i09 915053 914000 912950 911J02 91086() Tang."" 0453 Olh'J 0511 054(1 05()9 0597 062() 0()65 0')84 vAI3 0742 0771 089o44 ; 20 99341 25 99337 i 24 99334 23 99331 I ii2 95)327 i 99324 I 99320 I 99317 I 99314 99310' 99307 99303 f)9300 99297 )9293 99290 99286 9{)283 (9279 99276 )9272 )92()9 992 .5 ii92{i2 99268 >f)255 N COS. N.sinf. 83 D«irree-g. 28 Log, Sines and Tangents. (7°) Natural Sines. TABLE II. Sine. 9.085894 08794 7 088970 089990 09IO;)8 ^•2024 093037 094047 09505t) 096062 9.097065 098056 099066 100062 101056 102048 103037 104025 105010 105992 9.106973 107951 108927 109901 110873 111842 112809 113774 114737 115698 1 16656 117613 118567 119519 120469 121417 122362 123306 124248 125187 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 ^20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 19.126126 42 I t3l 44 45 I 46 47 48 4P 51 i 51 9 52 53 64 65 66 67 6S 59 60 127060 127993 128^26 129tt64 130781 131706 132630 133551 1344/0 . 135387 136303 137216 138128 139037 139944 140850 141754 142655 143556 Cosit!^. w-w 171 171 170 170 170 169 169 168 168 168 167 167 166 166 166 166 166 164 164 164 163 163 163 162 162 162 161 161 160 160 160 159 169 169 168 168 168 157 167 157 166 166 166 156 166 164 164 154 153 153 153 152 162 152 152 151 151 151 160 150 Cosiuf. 9.996761 996735 996720 996704 996688 996673 996657 996641 996626 996610 996594 9.996678 996562 996546 996530 996514 996498 996482 996466 996449 996433 996417 996400 996384 996368 996361 996335 996318 996302 996286 996269 9.996252 996236 996219 996202 996186 996168 996161 996134 996117 996100 99()083 996066 996049 996032 996015 996998 995980 995963 99594() 995928 995911 995894 995876. 995859 995841 995823 995806 995788 995771 995753 Sine. D. lu' 2.0 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 Tang. .089144 090187 091228 092266 093302 094336 095367 096395 097422 098446 099468 .IOL'487 101504 102519 103532 104542 105650 106656 107559 108660 109559 .110556 111661 112643 11363a 114621 115507 116491 117472 118462 119429 . 120404 121377 122348 123317 124284 125249 126211 127172 128130 129087 .130041 130994 131944 132893 133839 134(84 136(26 136 567 137d06 138542' 1894/6 140409 141340 142269 143196 144121 145044 145966 146885 14/803 Lotiing. 174 173 173 173 172 172 171 171 171 170 170 169 169 169 168 168 168 167 167 166 166 166 166 166 165 164 164 164 163 163. 162 162 162 161 161 161 160 160 160 159 159 159 158 158 158 157 167 157 166 166 166 156 155 155 154 154 154 153 153 163 C(4aiig. 10.910856 909813 908772 907734 906698 905664 904633 903605 902578 901564 900532 10.899613 898496 897481 896468 896458 894450 893444 892441 891440 890441 10.889444 888449 887467 886467 885479 884493 883509 882628 881548 880571 10.879596 878623 877652 876683 876716 874751 873789 872828 871870 870913 10.869959 86900P 868056 867107 866161 866216 864274 8633;i3 862396 861458 10.860624 859591 868660 857731 856804 855879 854956 854034 853116 852197 N. siiii! 1218/- 12216 ; 12245 12274 12302 12331 12360 I 12389 : 12418 i 12447 ! 12476 I 12504 12633 99255 99251 99248 99244 99240 99237 99233 99230 9226 99222 99219 99215 99211 125(i2 199208 12.591 199204 12620^99200 12649 12678 12706 12735 12764 12793 12822 12851 12880 99197 99193 99189 99186 99182 99178 99176 99171 99167 12908 99163 12937 129(]6 12995 13024 13053 13081 13110 13139 13168 13197 13226 13254 99160 99156 99152 99148 99144 99141 99137 99133 99129 99125 99122 99118 13283199114 13312 99110 13341 99106 13370 99102 13(;99 199098 1:13427 I i 1345b i 13i85 ; 13514 l! 13543 |il35'/2 13(00 13629 13658 13687 99059 13711.99055 Tang. 13744 137-3 13802 13831 13860 13889 1391. N. ros. 99094 99091 99087 99083 990/9 990*5 J90/1 99067 99063 99051 i9047 J9043 99039 99035 1903 1 j9027 82 Degrees. Log. Sines and Tangents. (8°) Natural Sii 29 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3-2 33 34 35 369 52451 53.i30 54208 55i)83 55957 56830 57;O.J 58569 59435 60301 61164 62026 62885 63743 [64600 (J5454 66307 67159 l()8008 68856 69702 70547 71389 72230 73070 73908 74744 755 i^8 7«)411 77242 78072 78900 79726 80551 181374 82196 83016 83834 84651 854l)(i 8()280 8/092 87903 88712 895 19 90326 91130 191933 92734 93534 94332 Cos in I'. D. 10' 150 149 149 149 148 148 148 147 147 147 147 146 146 146 145 145 145 144 144 144 144 143 143 143 142 142 142 142 141 141 141 140 140 140 140 139 139 139 139 138 138 138 137 137 137 137 136 136 136 136 136 135 135 135 134 134 134 134 133 133 Cosine. |D. 10" .995753 9fJ5735 995717 995()99 995681 995(ili4 995646 995(i28 995610 995591 995573 1.995556 995o37 995619 995601 995482 995464 995446 995427 995409 995390 .995372! 995353 ; J95334 , 995316, 995297 995278 995260 995241 ! 995222 995203 995184! 995165 995146, 995127} 995108 995089 99.5070 995051 995032 995013 .994993 994974 994955 994935 994916 994896 994877 994857 994838 994818 .994i98 994779 994769 994739 994719 994700 994(i80 994660 99 4640 994620 ~Sine! 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Tang. .147803 148718 149(i32 150544 151454 152363 1.532(i9 154174 156077 155978 156877 .157776 16867 1 159565 160457 161347 162236 163123 164008 164892 165774 . 166654 167532 1684()ll 66 4061 !»90iH) 55 4090 99002 54 4119198998 53 4148198994 62 41 77 198990 51 42059H986 50 42; ;4. 98! 182 \ 49 4263 9S978 | 48 -I2;i2'98973 | 47 43209h9(i9 46 4349i989()5 4378'98961 440/198957 443()98953 4464 98948 4493 4522 4561 4580 4608 4637' 98944 9h940 98936 98931 37 9h927 36 98923 ' 35 4666198919; 34 4695198914 133 4723i98910!32 4752 4781 4810 4838 48(>7 489() 4925 4954 4982 5011 5040 5069 5097 6126 5155 5184 5212 5241 5270 5299 532 6356 5385 5414 5442 5471 5500 5529 5657 6586 5615 5643 98906131 )b902 ! 30 9o897 ' 29 98«93 ' 28 9b8b9 \ 27 98884 ! 26 98880 • 25 L>8876 24 Tang. J8871 98867 988()3 9h858 20 9hh64 19 98849! 18 98845' 17 98841 I 16 J8836 i 16 98832 i 14 98827 I 13 98823 ' 12 98818 98814 98809 98805 98800 i879«i 98791 J8787 98782 98778 98773 y8769 N. COS. N.fline. 81 Degrees. '30 Log, Sines and Tangents. (9°) Natural Sines. TABm II. Sine. D. 10' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 19 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ' 54 ■ 55 i 56 l57 I 58 59 60 .194332 195129 19.5925 196719 197511 19830-2 199091 1998 79 20i).)66 201451 2U-223-i .2J3017 203797 204577 205354 2C»613l 206906 207679 208452 209222 209992 .210760 211526 212291 2130.55 213818 214579 21.5338 216097 216854 217609 .218363 219116 219868 220618 221367 222115 2228<)1 223606 224349 225092 .225833 226573 227311 228048 228784 229518 230252 230984 231714 232444 .233172 233899 234625 235349 236073 236795 237515 238235 238953 239670 Co.sine. 133 133 132 132 132 132 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 129 129 129 129 128 128 128 128 127 127 127 127 127 126 126 126 126 125 125 125 125 125 124 124 124 124 123 123 123 123 123 122 122 122 122 122 121 121 121 121 120 120 120 120 120 119 Co.sine. D. lU .994620 994600 994580 994560 994540 994519 994499 994479 994459 994438 99W18 9.994397 994377 994357 994336 994316 994295 994274 994254 994233 991212 ,994191 994171 994150 994129 994108 994087 994066 994045 994024 994003 ,993981 993960 993939 993918 993896 993875 993854 993832 993811 993789 9.993768 993746 993725 993703 993681 993660 993638 993616 993594 9935-2 993550 99^528 99^506 993484 993462 9.J3440 993418 993396 993374 993351 Sine. 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 Tauu 9.199713 20)529 201345 202159 20-2971 203782 204592 205400 206207 207013 207817 9.208619 209420 210220 211018 211815 212611 213405 214198 214989 215780 9.216568 217356 218142 218926 219710 220492 221272 222052 222830 223ti06 9.224382 225156 225929 226700 227471 228239 229007 229773 230539 231302 9.232066 232826 233586 234345 235103 235859 236614 237368 238120 238872 9.239622 240371 241118 241866 242610 243354 244097 244839 245579 246319 Cotiing. D. 10' 136 136 136 135 135 136 135 134 134 134 134 133 133 133 133 133 132 132 132 132 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 130 129 129 129 129 129 128 128 128 128 127 127 127 127 127 126 126 126 126 126 125 126 126 126 126 124 124 124 124 124 123 123 Cotang. !;N. sine. N. CO.X 10.800287 799471 798655 797841 797029 796218 795408 794(i00 793793 792987 792183 10.791381 790580 789780 788982 788185 787389 786595 785802 735011 784220 10.783432 782«)44 7818.58 781074 780290 779508 778728 777948 777170 776394 10.775618 774844 774071 773300 772529 771761 770993 770227 769461 7(>8698 10.767936 767174 766414 766656 764897 764141 763386 762632 761880 761128 10.760378 759629 758882 758135 767390 756646 755903 755161 754421 753681 Tang. 15643 15672 15701 15730 15758 I 15787 ! 15810 15845 i 15873 i 15902 15931 I 15959 15988 16017 ; 16046 1 16074 I 16103 116132 i 16160 98769 98764 98760 98755 98751 9874() 98741 )8737 98732 98728 98723 98718 98714 98709 98704 46 98700 98695 9H690 98686 116189 98681 ! 16218;98676 i 16246198671 16275 '98667 16304 98()62 16333 98667 ; 16361 9H652 ; 16390 98648 116419 98643 ; 16447i98638 16476198633 116505 98629 16533!98624 16562 98619 16591198614 1662098609 l()648i98604 16677198600 16706i98595 16734 ""590122 16763:.48o85 21 16792 98580 20 116820 98576 19 16849 98570 16878 98565 16906 98561 1 16935 98556 i 16964 98551 ,16992 98546 11702198541 I 17050 98536 1117078 98531 {17107 98526 ii 17136198521 i 1716498516 'ini93|9S5ll 17222 98606 !l7250'98501 ,! 17279198496 17308:98491 i 17336198486 1 17365198481 Ij N. cos.lN.sine. 80 Degrees. TABLE 11. Log. Sinefl and Tangents. (10°) Natarnl Sines. 31 1 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 II 1-2 13 14 16 Iti 17 18 ly 20 21 22 23 24 25 2t) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3o 3u 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4!» 60 51 1.9 62 53 54 65 o(i 57 58 59 60 Sine. .239670 240386 241101 241814 242526 243237 243947 2-W(i5l) 245363 246069 246775 247478 248181 218H83 249.JH3 250JH2 250980 251677 252373 2530o7 253761 .254453 255144 255ri34 251)523 257211 25 7898 25h583 2592()8 259951 260t.33 .261314 261994 262(i73 263351 264027 264703 265377 26t>051 266723 267395 . 268065 268734 269402 2i00t)9 270.35 271400 272064 272726 273388 274049 .374i08 276367 276024 276681 27733 7 277991 278644 279297 279948 280599 OMioe. ir| Cosine. 119 119 119 119 118 118 118 118 118 117 117 117 117 117 116 116 116 116 116 116 115 115 115 115 115 114 114 114 114 114 113 113 113 113 113 113 112 112 112 112 112 HI 111 111 111 HI 111 110 HO 110 110 110 110 109 109 109 109 109 109 108 9.993351 993329 993307 993285 993262 993240 993217 993195 993172 993149 993127 9.993104 993081 993U59 99303t) 993013 992990 992967 992944 992921 992898 .992875 992852 992829 992806 992783 992759 992736 992713 992690 992666 .992')43 992619 992596 992572 992549 992525 992501 992478 992454 992430 .992406 992382 992359 992335 992311 992287 992263 -992239 992214 992190 9.992166 992142 992117 992093 992069 992044 9920.20 991996 991971 991947 Sine. D. 10" 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 9. Tang. ,216319 247057 217794 218630 249264 249998 250730 261461 252191 252920 263648 .254374 256100 265824 256547 257269 257990 258710 259429 260146 260863 .261578 262292 263005 263717 264428 265138 265847 26«)555 267261 267967 22 734153 733445 732739 732033 10.731329 730625 729923 729221 728621 727822 727124 726427 726731 725036 10.724342 723649 722957 722266 721576 720887 720199 719612 718826 718142 10.717458 716775 716093 716412 714732 714053 713376 712699 712(^23 711348 I 17366'9K481 P393 98476 17422 98471 174 II 174 I; ITP 18138 98341 18166 98336 18195 98331 1822498325 18252i98320 18281 198315 1830998310 18338 98304 18367 98299 18396198294 18424i982fe8 18452198283 1848198277 18509|98272 1 1 18638:98267 1856798261 18595 98256 18(124 98250 18652 98245 1868 1198240 1871098234 18738 98229 ! 18767 98223 : 18795 98218 ! 1882498212 1 18852 98207 [18881198201 118910 98196 118938,98190 ! 18967198185 1 18995:98179 j 19024 98174 Tang. 19052 19081 98168 98163 N. COP. N.fine. 32 Log, Sines and Tangents. (11°) Natural Sines. TABLK II. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2; 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3e 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 63 54 55 56 57 68 59 60 Sine. .280599 281248 281897 282644 283190 283836 284480 285124 285/66 286408 287048 .287687\ 288326 288964 289600 290236 290870 291504 292137 292768 293399 .294029 294658 295286 295913 290539 297164 297788 298412 299034 299«55 .300276 300895 301514 302132 302748 303364 303979 304593 305207 305819 .306430 307041 307650 308259 308867 309474 310080 310685 311289 311893 .312495 313097 313698 314-.;97 31489/ 315495 316092 316689 317284 317879 Cosine. ' D. W lOS 108 108 108 108 107 107 107 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 106 106 105 105 105 106 105 105 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 103 103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 99 U.S. UP. .991947 991922 9;' 1897 991873 991848 991823 991799 991774 991749 991/24 991699 1.991674 991649 991624 991599 991574 991549 991524 991498 991473 991448 1.991422 991397 991372 991346 991321 991295 9912/0 991244 991218 991193 1.991167 991141 991115 991090 991064 991038 991012 990986 990960 990934 ' 990908 990882 990855 990829 990803 99077 7 990750 990724 990697 990t)71 1.990644 990ol8 990591 990565 990538 -990511 990485 990458 990431 990404 ~Sine. P. I./' 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 .2 .2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4,4 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 Tan-. |D. lu .288662 2o9326 2^9999 290(i71 291342 292013 292{)82 293350 294017 294684 295349 i. 296013 296677 297339 298001 298662 299322 299980 112 112 112 112 112 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 110 110 110 i 110 110 110 3006381 ,,„> 301295 ^"-^ 301951 302607 303261 303914 304567 305218 305869 306519 307168 30/815 308463 309109 309754 310398 3110-42 311685 31232/ 312967 313608 314247 314886 9.315523 316159 316796 317430 318064 318o97 319329 319961 320592 321222 ,321861 322479 323106 323 733 324368 324983 325607 326231 326»53 327476 109 109 109 109 109 109 108 i 108 I 108 108 108 108 i 107 107 107 107 10/ 107 107 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 105 106 106 105 106 106 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 Cotang. I)egr.-es. 10.711348 710674 710UJ1 709329 708668 707987 70/318 706650 705983 705316 704051 10.70^9'<7 703323 702661 701999 701338 700678 700020 699362 698705 698049 10-697393 696739 696086 695433 694/82 694131 693481 692832 692185 691537 10-690891 690246 689602 688958 688315 687673 687033 686392 686753 685115 10-684477 683841 683206 682570 681936 681303 680u71 680039 679408 678/78 0.678149 677621 676894 676267 675642 675017 674393 673769 673147 672526 119081 |il910}:« j;iJl38 !: 19167 !il9195 119224 1 19252 ,192U 'l93tt9 i 1933b ! 1936t) , 19395 i 19423 ■ 19462 '19481 19509 19538 1 9566 19595 19623 19652 19680 19/09 19737 19766 197^4 ; 19823 19851 198b0 19908 1 1993/ ' 19965 19994 ' 20022 20051 200/9 I 20108 I 20136 2U165 20193 '■20222 ,20250 1202/9 2030/ \ 20336 20364 20393 ; 1^0421 I v0460 20478 2050/ 1 20535 205()3 J 20592 i|20u20 i! 20649 :2(r;77 20.06 20734 :20,63 20791 98163 I981B7! ^J8l52 9«146' 98140 98135 1 9812i'j 981241 98118! ..(8112 I .^>8107j 98101 98096 98090 98084 98079 98073 ' 1)8067 I 98061 I 98056 ' 98050 98044 i 98039 \ 98033 I 98027 I 98021 I 98016 ' 98010: 98004 j 97998 1 97992; 9 7987! 9/981 i 97975 1 97969 I 97963 97958 i 97962 I 97946 j 9.940' 9/ 934 I 97928 ! 97922 : 97916, 97910; 9/905 978991 978i;3; |9,887: 9/8bll 978761 97809' 97863, 97857! 9/851! 97845 9.839 97b3ci 9/827 97821 97815 Tang. N. C03. X.t^i 60 59 5b 57 6(i 55 64 53 62 51 :( 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 '34 33 I 32 I 31 30 129 i28 I 27 26 126 124 i23 ,22 '21 I 20 !l9 18 ,17 i 16 15 I 14 ;13 : -2 \ 10 1 TABLE IJ Log. Sines and Tangpote. (12°) Natural Sines. 3J Sine. .3178.!) 318473 al9»), 31}>658 3-20249 3-2.JS 40 3-214:}0 3-2-2Uiy 3-2-2607 3-23194 3-2;1780 3-24361) 32495U 3-25534 3-2iill7 3-2()700 3-27-281 32 7H()'2 3-2844-2 3-29.J21 3-29599 9.3301 7t) 330/53 3313-29 331903 3324/8 333051 333624 334195 3347(i(i 335337 9. 33590 J 33G475 33/043 3376l0 33817b 33874-2 339306 3398 ;i 340434 340;).>»(i 9.341658 342119 342679 343239 34379; S44355 344912 345469 346024 34()579 i^. 347134 347687 348240 348792 349343 349893 3 0443 3 ).rJ92 3=^1540 352088 Oosinu. D. 10' J9.0 9S.8 98.7 98.6 98.4 98.3 98.2 98.0 97.9 97.7 97.6 97.5 97.3 97.2 97.0 96.9 96.8 96.6 96.5 96.4 9ii.2 96.1 96.0 95.8 95.7 95.6 95.4 95.3 95.2 95.0 94.9 94.8 94.6 94.5 94.4 94.3 94.1 94.0 93.9 93.7 93.6 93.5 93.4 93.2 93.1 93.0 92.9 92.7 92.6 92.6 92.4 92.2 92.1 92.0 91.9 91.7 91 .t) 91.6 91.4 91.3 Cosine. 1.990404 990378 99035 1 99J324 99)297 9;i02;0 9i)J243 990215 990188 99)161 990134 1.990107 990079 990052 990025 989997 989970 989942 98)J15 989887 9898a0 1.989832 989804 989777 989749 989/21 989J93 989665 989(i37 989609 989582 .989553 989526 989497 989469 989441 989413 989384 989356 98932» 989300 .989271 989243 989214 989186 989167 989128 989100 989071 989042 989014 .988986 988956 988927 988898 988869 988840 988811 988782 988763 988724 Sine. D. 10' 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 Tan g. 1.327474 3-28aJo 8M8715 329334 3-29953 330570 331187 331803 332418 333033 333646 >, 334-259 334871 335482 3360)3 336702 337311 337919 33852/ 339133 339739 >. 340344 340948 341662 342155 342757 343358 343958 344558 345157 345755 1.346353 346949 347545 348141 348735 349329 349922 360514 351106 361697 1.352287 362876 353465 354053 354640 355327 355813 356398 356982 367666 1.368149 358731 359313 359893 3uOl74 361053 361632 362210 362787 363364 "CotHng. D.J_0" 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102 102 102 l.'>5 102 102 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99.4 99.3 99.2 99.1 99.0 98.8 98.7 98.6 98.6 98.3 98.2 98 98.0 97.9 97.7 97.6 97.5 97.4 97.3 97.1 97.0 96.9 96.8 96.7 96.6 96 96.3 96.2 96. CoLaiiif. N. siiK'. N. co>s. 10 10.65 10 lU 10 6726-26 671905 671-285 670666 670047 6()9430 668813 668197 667582 66(>9()7 66()354 6(i5741 6651-29 664518 663907 663298 662689 662081 661473 660867 660'2(;i 659656 659052 658448 657845 657243 666642 66()042 655442 654843 664245 653(>47 653051 652455 651859 661-265 650671 650078 649486 648894 648303 647713 647124 64{)535 646947 646360 644773 644187 643b02 643018 642434 641851 641269 640687 640107 639526 638947 6383(>8 637790 637213 636636 20791 97815 208-20 97809 20848 97803 20877 97797 20905 97791 20933 9v784 20962 97778 20990 97772 21019 97766 21047 97760 21076 97754 21104 9774- 21132 97742 ilH^I 97736 21109 97729,46 21218 97723145 21246 97717 21-275 97711 21303 97705 2133197698 ,21360 97692 21388 97(i86 21417 97680 21445 97673 137 21474 97667 21602 97661 21530 97656 21559 97648 21587 97642 21616 97636 21644 97630 21672 97623 2170197617 21729 97611 21768 97604 21 78<) 97698 2181491592 21843 97686 2187197679 21899 97673 21928 97666 21956 97560 21985 97653 32013 97547 2204197641 22070 97534 22098 97528 221-26 9,521 22165 97615 22183 97508 22212 97602 22240 9,496 22268 9 ;4«9 22297 97483 22325 97476 22363 97470 22382 95463 22410 97467 22438 97450 22467 9? 444 224'J597437 1: Tang. N. cos.:X.8iDe. 77 Degrees. 34 Log. Sines and TanKents. (13°) Natural Sines. TABLE n. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Sine. .352088 352635 353181 353726 354271 354815 355358 355901 356443 356984 35 7524 . 3580t)4 358603 35.^:41 36^678 360216 360752 3612H7 361K22 362j:>6 3b-.^889 .363422 363954 364486 365016 365546 366075 366604 367131 367659 368185 .368711 369236 369761 370286 370808 371330 371852 372373 372894 373414 .373933 374452 3749/0 375487 376003 376519 377035 377649 378063 378577 ..3790b9 379601 380113 380624 381134 381643 382152 382661 383168 383675 Cosine. D. 10"! Cosine. 91.1 91.0 90.9 90.8 90.7 90.5 90.4 90.3 90.2 90.1 89.9!, 89.8!' 89.7; 89.6 i 89.5 89.3 89.2 89.1 89.0 88.9 88.8 88.7 88.5 88.4 88.3 88.2 88.1 88.0 87.9 87.7 87.6 87.5 87.4 87.3 87.2 87.1 87.0 86.9 86.7 86.6 86.5 86.4 86.3 86.2 86.1 86.0 85.9 85.8 85.7 85.6 85.4 85.3 85.2 85.1 85.0 84.9 84.8 84.7 84.6 84.5 .988724 938695 988666 988636 988607 988578 988548 988619 988489 988460 988430 .988401 988371 988342 988312 988282 988252 988223 988193 988163 988133 .988103 988073 988043 988013 987983 987953 987922 987892 987862 987832 .987801 987771 987740 987710 987679 987649 987618 987588 987557 987526 .987496 987466 987434 987403 987372 987341 987310 98727S 987248 987217 .987186 987155 987124 987092 987061 987030 986998 9S6967 98(i936 986904 Sine. D. 10" 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 6.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 5.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 £.2 6.2 5.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.2 5.2 6.2 T ang. 9.363364 363940 364515 365090 365664 366237 366810 367382 367953 368624 369094 9.369663 370232 370799 371367 371933 372499 373064 373629 374193 374766 9.376319 376881 376442 377003 377563 378122 378681 379239 379797 380354 9.380910 381466 382020 382576 383129 383682 384234 384786 386337 385888 9.386438 386987 387536 388084 388631 389178 389724 390270 390816 391360 9.391903 392447 392989 393531 394073 394614 395154 395694 396233 396 771 96. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92 92 92. 92. 93. 92. !91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 90. 89. 89. 89. Cotiin" Cotang. N.sinej'N. «os. 10.636636 636060 635485 634910 634336 633763 633190 632618 632047 631476 630906 10.630337 629768 629201 628633 628067 627501 626936 626371 626807 625244 10.624681 624119 623558 622997 622437 621878 621319 620761 620203 619646 10.619(>90 618534 617980 617425 616871 616318 615766 615214 0*4663 614112 10.613562 613013 612464 611916 611369 610822 610276 60y/3iJ 60J185 60--ii)40 10.608097 60^.553 607011 606469 605927 605386 604846 604306 603767 603229 22495197437 2252397430 22562 97424 2268097417 22608 97411 22637,97404 22666 97398 22693197391 j 22722 197384 ! 22750:9/378 22778 !iT2^» i22807;9736o i 22835 197368 22863 97351 ; 22892 197345 973.8 97331 97325 97318 9/311 97304 97298 97291 97^84 j 22920 , 22948 22977 ' 23006 123033 123062 1 2^090 23118 23146 |23175!972'/8 23203 97271 1 2323 1197264 123260 9-25 i 232HH 97261 23316 9/244 ! 1 23346 1 1 23373 i 23401 i 23429 I 23468 I 23486 j 23514 23642 ! 236/1 1^23599 I j 23627 123656 1 1 23684 I 23712 '123740 Tan.i 23797 97237 97230 9/223 97217 97210 97203 97 96 97189 7182 97176 971o9 97162 y7166 97148 97141 23769 97134 97127 23825 (97] 20 23853 97113 23882 23910 23938 9710.) 97 100 iJ7093 23966 970.^6 23995 24023 24051 24079 24108 24131) 24164 97037 2419V.' 97079 i)to,2 97U66 9,06) 9/051 97044 9-030 •OS. N.sine. JH Decrees. Log. Sines and Tangents. (14°) Natural Sines. 35 I 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 U> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(> 27 28 39 30 31 3-2 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 4U 47 48 49 60 61 62 53 64 66 6b 57 58 59 W iliiie. 9.383675 384182 38-k«8'" 385697 386201 386704 387207 387709 388210 388711 9.385)211 389711 390210 390708 391206 391 i 03 392199 392695 393191 393685 394179 394()73 395166 395658 396150 396641 397132 397621 398111 398t»00 9.399088 3995/5 400062 400549 401035 401620 402005 402489 402972 403455 9.403938 404420 404901 406382 405862 406341 40t)820 40/299 407777 40.S254 9.408 731 409207 4(J9682 410157 410632 411106 411679 412052 412521 412996 Cofline. D - 10'' Co.sine. D. lU" Tang. D. 10"| Cotang. IX.sine.lN. cos S4.4 84.3 8i.l 83. ) «3 i 83 7 83 6 83.6 83.4 83.3 83.2 83.1 83.0 82.8 82.7 82.6 82.5 82.4 82.3 82.2 82.1 82.0 81.9 81.8 81.7 81.7 81.6 81.6 81.4 81.3 81.2 81.1 81.0 80.9 80.8 80.7 80.6 80.6 80.4 80.3 80.2 80.1 80.0 79.9 79.8 79.7 7y.6 79.5. 79.4 79.4 79.3 79.2 79.1 79.0 78.9 78. 'J 78.7 78.6 9.986904 986873 986841 986809 9867 78 98674994 ! 55 243(i2!f)6987 [ 64 24390J 96980 53 24418 96973; 52 24446^96966 1 61 24474 96959 | 60 24503 196952 , 49 24531196945 24559 196937 i 24587 i24909 96902 96894 24756 96887 24784196880 1 39 24813 96873 38 124841 124869 2489 ! 24925 I 24954 : 24982 126010 ; 25038 i 250i)6 1 25094 125122 125151 25179 125207 i 25235 1 25263 '25291 , 25320 9()866 i 37 9<)858 I 36 96851 I 35 96844 96837 96829 96822 96815 96807 96800 96793 96786 >6778 96771 96764 96766 96749 96742 25348196734 125376 25404 26432 125460 25488 125516 i 25545 25573 25<>01 25629 i 25667 25685 25713 25741 25766 25798 258- Ui 25854 96727 96719 9(J712 96705 96697 96690 34 33 32 I 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 96682 1 1 25S8' 96670 96667 96660 96653 96645 9()638 96t)30 96623 96615 96t)08 96600 J6593 Tang. N. cofuN.mnH. 75 liegrttes 36 Log. Sines and Tangents. (15*^) Natural ^mes. TAULE II. I 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 U 1-2 13 14 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2ti 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 61 52 53 64 i 55 56 57 68 59 60 Sine. 9. 41 299 J 413467 41393S 414408 4148/8 415347 415815 416283 416751 417217 41 ;684 9.418150 418615 419079 419544 420007 420470 420933 421395 421857 422318 9.4227 78 423238 4236.^7 424166 s24615 425073 425630 425987 426443 426899 9.427li54 427809 428263 428717 429170 429623 430076 430627 430978 431429 9.4318/9 432329 432778 43b226 433676 434122 434569 435016 435462 436908 .436353 436798 437242 43 7686 438129 438572 439014 439456 439897 440338 Cosine. D. W 78.5 78.4 78.3 78.3 7S <: 78 1 78.0 77.9 77.8 77.7 77.6 77.5 77.4 77.3 77.3 77.2 77.1 77.0 76.9 75.8 76.7 76.7 76.6 76.6 76.4 76.3 76.2 76.1 76.0 76.0 75.9 75.8 75.7 75.6 76.6 76.4 76.3 75.2 76.2 76.1 76.0 74.9 74.9 74.8 74.7 74 6 74.6 74.4 74.4 74.3 74.2 174.1 174.0 174.0 73. 9 73.8 73.7 73.6 73 6 73.5 Uasiiic. 9 984944 984910 984876 984842 984808 984774 984740 984706 984ri72 984637 984603 9.984569 984535 984500 -984466 984432 984397 984363 984328 984294 984259 9.984224 984190 984155 984120 984085 984050 984U15 983981 983946 983911 9.983875 983840 983805 983770 9837S6 983 < 00 983664 983629 983594 983558 9.983523 983487 983462 983416 983381 983346 983309 983273 983238 983202 983166 983130 983094 983058 983022 982986 982960 S82914 982878 982842 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 5.7 5.7 6.8 5.8 D. lU" Tan g. 9.428052 428557 429062 42966;> 4300 7 IJ 430573 431075 431677 432079 432580 433080 9.433580 434080 434579 435078 435576 436073 436670 437067 437563 438059 9.438554 439048 439543 440036 440529 441022 441614 442006 442497 442988 9.443479 143968 444458 444947 445435 445923 446411 446898 447384 447870 .448356 448841 449326 449810 460294 450777 451260 451743 462225 452706 9.453187 453668 454148 454628 455107 466586 456064 456542 457019 467496 6.8 6.8 5.8 5.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 6.8 6.8 5.8 5.8 6.9 5.9 5.9 6.9 6.9 5.9 6.9 5.9 6.9 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 D. 10^' 84 2 84 84 . h3.9 83.8 83.8 83.7 83.6 83.6 83.4 83.3 83.2 83.2 83.1 83.0 82.9 82.8 82.8 82.7 82.6 82.6 82.4 82.3 82.3 82.2 82.1 82.0 81.9 81.9 81.8 81.7 81.6 81.6 81.5 81.4 81.3 81.2 81.2 8i.l 81.0 80.9 80.9 80.8 80.7 80.6 80.6 80.6 80.4 80.3 80.2 80.2 80.1 80.0 79.9 79.9 79.8 79.7 79.6 79.6 79.5 25882 2591 J 2593o 2596c> 25994 26079 2610/ 26136 26163 26191 26219 26247 26276 26331 26369 26387 26415 Cotang. li De grees. cotaug. N. siu. 10.571948 671443 670938 670434 669930 6t)9427 5ii8925 5(i8423 567921 567420 666920 10.566420 6()5920 61)6421 664922 664424 6(i3927 5b3430 56-2933 662437 561941 10.661446 660952 660457 559964 559471 568978 658486 657994 567503 557012 10.556521 556032 655542 555053 554565 654077 &53589 553102 552616 652130 10.561644 551159 550674 650190 549706 549223 648740 548257 6477 i 6 6472§4 10.646813 646332 645852 645372 544893 644414 54393G 543458 642981 542504 96593 yiioH.") 9657-. 96570 96662 26022196566 26050|9()547 96540 96632 96624 96517 96509 96502 96494 96486 2630Ji 96479 96471 96463 9()456 964-18 !! 26443 96440 26471 26500 26528 26556 26584 26612 26640 26668 26696 26724 26/52 26780 2680b 26836 26864 96433 96425 96417 96410 96402 96394 06386 96379 96371 96363 96355 96347 96340 96332 96324 26892 96316 26920 26948 96301 126976 i 27004 I 27032 j 2/060 ! 27088 ,27116 127144 ; 27172 27200 1 27228 ■27256 ,127284 127312 27340 96190 2736b i 27396 96174 127424 96166 9630b 96293 96285 96277 96269 96261 96-253 96241) 96238 96230 96-.i22 96214 96206 96198 96lb2 27452 '96158 j 27480 127608 127 536 127564 96126 96150 ybl42 96134 Tang. !] N. cos.|X.sine. ' Log. Sinus and Tangents. (16°) Katural Sines. 37 D. 10^ ' 73.4 73.3 73.2 73-1 73.1 73.0 72.9 72.8 72.7 72.7 72. G 72.6 ;2.4 72.3 72.3 72.2 72.1 72. U 72. U 71.9 71. « 71.7 71.6 71. (i 71.5 71.4 71.3 71.3 71.2 71.1 71.0 71.0 ?0.9 70.8 70.7 70.7 70. G 70.6 70.4 70.4 70.3 70.2 70.1 70.1 70.0 G9.9 Gy.8 G9.8 (,9.7 G9.G G9.5 t)9.5 G9.4 1,9.3 GO. 3 09.2 G9.1 G9.0 ()1>.0 G8.9 Sim 1 9 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 JO 41 42 43 44 45 4G 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5G 57 58 59 GO _j :).4l0338 440/^8 441218 44lo58 44209(> 442635 442973 443410 443847 444284 4 44720 '445165 445590 446025 441)459 44()S93 447 32G 4-4/769 448191 44SG23 449054 449485 '449916 450345 450775 451204 451G32 4620., 452488 452915 453342 ,453708 464194 454ol9 456044 4.-64G9 456893 45G31G 45G739 457 1G2 45; 584 9 458U0J 458427 458848 4592G8 459G88 4<>0108 4G0527 4G094G 4()13G4 4G1782 !>. 402199 4G2G1G 4«i3032 4G3448 4()38G4 4G42;9 4G4()94 4G5108 4()o622 4G5936 Cosiii". Cosine. ► .982812 982^05 982;(i9 982733 982t)9ti 982G(iO 982(i24 982587 982651 982514 982477 ) 982441 ^ 982404 9823G7 982331 982294 982257 982220 982183 9H214G 982109 (1982072 982035 981998 981 90 1 981924 9818«G 981849 981812 981774 981737 I.981G99 981ou2 y81G25 981587 981549 981 ,12 9hl474 98143G 981399 9bl3Gl ). 98 1323 981286 981247 9812U9 9811/1 981133 981096 981057 981019 y80i>hl ). 9809 4 2 980904 9808GG 980827 980789 98IJ750 980712 980o73 9aoG35 98069G Sine. li.O li.O (i.l G.l G.l G.l 6.1 G.l G.l 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 G.l 6.1 G.l 6.2 6.2 G.2 G.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 9. 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 G.3 G.3 6.3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6.4 6.4 G.4 6.4 6.4 G.4 6.4 6.4 'fang. 45749G 457953 458449 458925 459400 459875 4G0349 4G0823 4612^7 4Gli70 402242 462714 4G3186 4G3G58 4G4129 4(i459y 4G50oy 465539 406008 4GG476 46G945 467413 467880 4G8347 468814 4G9280 4G9;4tJ 470211 4/0076 471141 471G05 472058 472532 472996 473457 473919 474381 474842 476303 4/6/03 476223 476683 477142 477001 478069 478517 478975 479432 479889 480345 480801 481257 481712 482 1G7 48202 1 483076 483529 483982 484436 484887 486339 D. 10' Cotang. Cota n-, 10.542604 642027 541551 6410/5 640G00 540125 539ii51 639177 638703 538230 537758 10.537286 636814 53G342 536871 536401 634931 5344G1 633992 533524 633055 10.532587 632120 631063 531186 630720 530264 629/89 629324 628869 628395 10.527932 527468 627006 526543 626081 525619 526168 524097 524237 623777 10.623317 522858 522399 521941 621483 521026 6205G8 5201 1 1 519065 519199 10.518743 618288 pl7833 517379 616925 516471 516018 5156G5 615113 614661 N. ,,X. CO8. 27664'9G126 60 27692,901 18 159 2/020 90110 68 ,27G48!9(,102|67 27076190094 56 2770419G086 27731 I9G078 27769 9(i0;0 27787!9(,0G2'52 27815;yo054i61 27843|9004G:60 i 2787 1 I 27899 2792/ ! 27955 127983 128011 : 28039 |2bOG7 , 26095 90(»3'? ; 49 9G029 I 48 90021 47 90013 46 9u005 46 95997 I 44 95989 I 43 95981 42 959/2 41 28123196904 40 28150 9695G : 281 i 8 95948 ! 2820(i|95940 i28234j95931 28202|95923 28290J96916 28318|95907 : 28340196898 28374195890 ■ 31 ; 28402|958h2 I 30 i 28429:95874 29 2845/95805 28486 96857 ! 28513195849 '2854195841 2860995832 24 28597 96824 ': 28025 28052 ■ 28080 ; 287 08 ' 28730 95810 »5807 95799 95:91 95782 28704195774 95700 28792 2882U 28847 28875 '2890^ ! 28931 '289.59 95767 95;49jl4 95740 I 13 95732 j 12 95724 957 1 5 28987 ■J5/ 07 29015 2904-^ 290/0 29098 2blvJ0 29154 29182 292 O.v 29247 Tang. N. COS. N.sinc. 95(i98 96090 95()8l 95073 95(iG4 95056 95047 951.39 96G30 73 Dirgrees. 38 Log. Sines and Tangents. (17°) Natural Sines. TABLE IL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 9.465935 466348 466761 467173 467585 467996 4()8407 468817 469227 469(>37 470046 9.470455 470863 471271 471679 472086 472492 472898 473304 473710 474115 9.474519 474923 475327 475730 476133 476536 476938 477340 477741 478142 9.478542 478942 479342 479741 480140 480539 480937 481334 481731 482128 9.482525 482921 483316 483712 484107 484501 484895 485289 485682 486075 1.486467 486860 487251 487643 488034 488424 488814 489204 489593 4899H2 Cosine D. 10"( Co.sine. 68.8 68.8 68.7 68.6 68.5 68.5 68.4 68.3 68.3 68.2 68.1 68.0 68.0 67.9 67.8 67.8 67.7 67.6 67,6 67.5 67.4 67.4 67.3 67.2 67.2 67.1 67.0 66.9 66.9 66.8 66.7 66.7 66.6 66.5 66.5 66.4 66.3 66.3 66.2 66.1 66.1 66.0 65.9 65.9 65.8 65.7 65.7 65.6 65.5 65.5 65.4 66.3 65.3 j 65.21 65. l! 65.1; 65.0 1 65.0 64.9 64.8 .980596 980558 980519 980480 980442 980403 980364 980325 980286 980247 980208 980169 980130 980091 980052 980012 979973 979934 979895 979855 979816 9.979776 979737 979697 979658 979618 979579 979539 979499 979459 979420 9.979380 979340 979300 979260 979220 979180 9791401 9791001 979059 979019 9.978979 978939 978898 978858 978817 I 978777 978736 I 978696 I 978655 I 9786151 9.978574 978533 978493 I 978452 978411 9783701 978329 ' 978288 978247 978206 D. 10" Sine. 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 Tang. 9.485339 485791 486242 486693 487143 487593 488043 488492 488941 489390 489838 9.490-'86 490733 491180 491627 4926 73 492519 49296i 493410 493854 494299 9.494743 495186 495630 496073 496515 496957 497399 497841 468282 498722 9.499163 499603 600042 500481 600920 501359 501797 502235 502672 503109 9.503646 503982 504418 504854 505289 605724 506159 606593 607027 607460 9.507893 508326 508759 509191 609622 6100.34 510485 610916 511346 511776 Co tans'. f' Oegrces. I). 10" | Cotang. I N. sine N. cos.' ;:29237J95630 75.3 75.2 75.1 75.1 75.0 74.9 74.9 74.8 74.7 74.7 74.6 74.6 74.5 74.4 74.4 74.3 74.3 74.2 74.1 74.0 74.0 74.0 73.9 73.8 73.7 73.7 73.6 73.6 73.6 73.4 73.4 73.3 73.3 73.2 73.1 73.1 73.0 73.0 72.9 72.8 72.8 72.7 72.7 72.6 72.5 72.5 72.4 72.4 72.3 72.2 2.2 72.1 72,1 72.0 71.9 71.9 71.8 71.8 71.7 71.6 10.514661 614209 613758 513307 512857 612407 611957 511508 511059 510610 510162, 10.609714 509267 508820 508373 I 507927 ! 507481 : 507035 506590 506146 ; 505701 I 10.505257! 604814 604370 503927 ! 503485 i 603043; 6026011" 602159 it 501718: 50127811 10.600837 I 500397' 499958!! 499519 L 499080!^ 498641 i 498203 ij 497765 ij 497328 I 496891 Ij 10.496454!: 496018 ji 495582!! 495146!; 494/11 494276 m 493841 i 493407 1 1 49297311 492640 10.492107 ;i 491674|! 49124111 490809;! 4903 78;; 489946 489515 489084 488654 488224 29265195622 29293 !956 13 2932195605 29348195596 293 76;95588 '29404 95579 29432 95571 2946095562 29487195554 295 15 [95545 29543 !95536 2957195528 29599 '955 19 ! 29626 i955 11 ■ 29654 195502 29682 '95493 29710 954«5 29737195476 29766195467 29793I95459 29821 195450 29849J95441 2987() 195433 29904 !95424 29932:95416 29960195407 2998, 30015 300-i3 300/1 30098 30126 30154 30182 30209 3023/ 30265 30292 30320 3034b 30376 30403 304^1 30^59 95398 95389 95380 95372 95363 95354 95345 95337 95328 95319 95310 95301 95293 95284 95276 95266 95257 95248 30 486 [95210 30o 14 95231 30542 195222 305/0195213 3059 / 95204 30625|95195 30663 306«0 95186 951/7 30 1 08 95168 3073b 195 169 3iJ7(Ji 30791 30819 30846 308/4 3090- Tang. N. CO--. N. 95150 95142 95133 95124 95115 95106 60 69 58 57 56 55 64 53 52 51 60 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 TABLE II. Log. Sines awl Tangents. (18°) Natural Sines. 39 Tang. |D. lO .511776 OV2206 5l'2blio 613064 ^ 5i3y'2i I;;-* 614349 ■'^••* 614777 516204 615631 616057 .616484 516910 517335 517761 6181«5 618610 619034 519458 51 9882 6'20306 Sine. .489982 490371 4W0'<59 491147 491535 491922 492308 492t)95 493081 49346() 493851 .494236 494^21 495005 495388 4957 ?2 496154 496537 496919 497301 497()82 .4980<)4 498444 498825 499204 499584 499963 600342 600721 601099 6014;6 .501854 602231 60260? 602984 603360 603736 604110 604485 604860 605234 .505608 605981 506354 506727 60-099 60/471 60-843 508214 508585 508956 1.509326 - 609()9() 510065 510434 610803 611172 611540 511907 512275 512642 Cosiuf. p. 10" 64.8 '64.8 64.7 64.6 64,6 64.5 64.4 MA 64.3 64. Q 64.2 64.1 64.1 64.0 63.9 63.9 63.8 63.7 63.7 63.6 63.6 63.6 63.4 63.4 63.3 63.2 63.2 63.1 63.1 63.0 62,9 62.9 62.8 62.8 62,7 62,6 62.6 62.5 62.5 62.4 62.3 62,3 62.2 62,2 62.1 62.0 62.0 61.9 61.9 61.8 61.8 61.7 61.6 61.6 61,5 61.5 61.4 61.3 61.3 61.2 Co.sinc D. 1(F .978206 9781»)5 978124 978083 978042 978001 977959 977918 977877 977836 977794 .977762 977711 977669 977628 977686 977644 977603 977461 977419 977377 .977335 977293 977251 977209 977167 977125 977083 977041 976999 97()967 976914 976872 976830 976787 976745 976702 976660 976617 976574 976532 .976489 97644<> 976404 976361 97ti318 976275 976232 976189 976146 970103 .9760()0 97b017H 9769/4 975930 976887 975844 975800 976.67 975714 975670 Sine. 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 7,0 7,0 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7,1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7,2 7.2 7.2 71.6 71.6 71.6 71.3 71.2 71.2 71.1 71.0 71.0 70.9 70,9 70.8 70.8 70.7 70.6 70.6 70.5 .620/28 r^,.' , /0.4 70.3 621151 521573 621996 622417 522838 623259 623680 624100 624520 ^^, „ .524939 r^.-r. 625359 625778 626197 626616 627033 627451 627868 628286 62tt702 .629119 629635- 629950 630366 630781 631196 631611 532025 6324u9 632853 .633266 633(i79 634092 634504 534916 535328 635739 5ci6150 636561 5;i6972 Ck)tan};, il Degrees, 70.3 70.3 70.2 70.2 70.1 70.1 70.0 69.9 69.8 69.8 69.7 69,7 69.6 69.6 69.5 69.5 69.4 69,3 69.3 69.3 69.2 69.1 69.1 69.0 69.0 68.9 68.9 68.8 68.8 68.7 68.7 68.6 68,6 68.5 68.5 68.4 Cotang. N. pine.jX. cos.l 10.488224 487794 487365 486936 486507 486079 485b51 485223 484796 484369 483943 10.483516 483090 482665 482239 481816 481390 480966 480542 480118 479695 10.479272 478S49 478427 478005 477583 477162 476741 476320 475900 475480 10.475061 474641 474222 473803 473385 472967 472549 472132 471715 471298 10.470881 470465 470050 469634 4(i9219 468804 468389 4679/5 467561 467147 10.466734 466321 4b5908 465496 465084 464672 464261 463850 463439 463028 "r^ng- 30902196106,60 3092995097 i 69 30957 195088 i 58 309h6;950;9[67 31012195070166 31040 950<)1 155 31068 31095 31123 95052 I 54 95043 53 95033 62 31151195024; 51 3] 178 95015 50 : 31206 i 31233 31261 ; 31289 131316 31344 i 3 1372194052 31399 31427 131454 95006 49 94J>97 48 94988 { 47 94979 I 46 94970 1 46 94961 I 44 94943 94933 94924 : 31482 94915 i31.010 94906|38 '31537194897 I 37 ,31505 94888 36 ; 3159394878 I 36 31620 948t>9 34 3 1648 94860 i 33 31t)75 94851 '32 ,31703 94842131 3173094832 30 31758 94823 29 31786 94814 28 r3l813 94805|27 31841 94795! 26 ,31868 94786125 131896 94777 I 24 131923 94768123 ;i 31951 94758 122 ,31979 94749121 32006 94740 I "20 [32034 94730 19 1132061 94i21 18 ! 32089 94712 17 i| 321 16 94702 16 li 32144 94693 I 15 Ii3217194(.84!l4 ; 132 199 94674; 13 32227194666 I 12 32250 94(i56 i 1 1 32282 94()46 32309 94637 32337 :94627 32364'94()18 32392:94009 32419i94599 32447 J94590 32474-94580 32502194571 32529 94501 3255. 94552 N. W8. N'.sine. TABLE II. Log. Sines and Tangent8. (20°) Natural Sineb. 41 SJue. ID. 10' 1.53405-2 634399 634745 63509-2 6354:J8 635783 5361-29 53j474 63(i8lH .53/l(i3 53750? I.537S51 538 194 638538 -638880 539-2-23 53951)5 539907 540-249 540590 540931 L54l-2r'2 541013 541953 642-293 54-2(i3-2 54-2971 543310 643()49 543987 5443-25 I.544<)(i3 545000 545338 545074 54001 1 54()347 54()ti83 647019 547354 647089 1.5480-24 648359 548093 5490-27 549300 549093 5500-.0 650359 550i)9'2 6510-24 651350 56108; 55-2018 55-2349 55-2<>80 653010 553341 5.53070 654000 564329 Cosine. 57.8 67.7 57.7 57-7 57.0 57.6 57.5 57.4 57.4 57.3 57.3 57.2 57.2 57.1 57.1 57.0 57.0 50.9 50.9 50.8 50.8 50.7 50.7 50.0 50.0 50.5 50.5 60.4 50.4 50.3 50.3 50.2 5(i . 2 50.1 50.1 50.0 50.0 55.9 55.9 55.8 65.8 55.7 55.7 55.0 55.0 55.5 55.6 55.4 55.4 55.3 65.3 55.2 65.2 65.2 55. 1 55. 1 65.0 55.0 54.9 54.9 Co.«iue. D. 10' 9.9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.9 9 9 v9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.9 9 9 y 9 9 9 9 9 9 2980 2940 •2894 -2H48 -2802 2755 2/0 < 2003 •2()17 -2570 2524 2478 -2431 2385 2338 ■2-291 2245 2198 2151 2105 2058 -2011 1904 1917 1870 1823 1770 1729 1082 1035 1588 1540 1493 1440 1398 1351 1303 1-260 1-208 1101 1113 1000 1018 09 70 0922 0874 0827 0779 0731 0083 iJ036 0586 0538 0490 j 0442! 0094 1 y 0345 I **■ 0297 0249 0200 0152 .Sin«. rang. 9.501(X)0 6til459 601S51 602244 502030 5f>3028 503419 50.3811 604202 604592 604983 9.5«.5373 6ti5703 600153 600542 600932 607320 607709 508098 608480 608873 9.509-201 509048 570035 5704-22 670809 671195 571581 571907 672352 672738 9.6731-23 573607 573892 674270 574000 576044 575427 575810 570193 670570 9.576958 577341 677723 5/8104 5/8480 578807 579*248 6790-29 5800*J9 580389 9.580709 581149 6815-28 681907 682280 582W;5 I 583043 I 6r;31-22l":;" 68?.800 ^'^•" D. 10" 05.6 05.4 t)5.4 ()5 3 05.3 ()5.3 ()5.2 05.2 05.1 05.1 05.0 05.0 04.9 04.9 04.9 04 8 04.8 04.7 04.7 04.0 04.0 04.5 04.5 04.5 04.4 04.4 04.3 04.3 04.2 04.2 04.2 04.1 04.1 04.0 04.0 03.9 03.9 03.9 03.8 03.8 03.7 03.7 63.6 03.6 63.6 63.5 03.6 03.4 03.4 03.4 03.3 63.3 63.2 63.2 63.2 63.1 63.1 684177 Co tang. 62.9 Cotang. N. sinr.iN. co8. 10.438934 438541 438149 437750 437364 430972 430581 430189 436798 436408 435017 10.434027 434237 433847 433468 433008 432080 432-291 431902 431514 431127 10.430739 430352 4299o5 429578 4-29191 428805 428419 428033 427048 427-202 10.426877 426493 4-26108 4257-24 425340 424950 4-24673 424190 423807 4234-24 10.4-23041 422669 -42*2277 421896 421614 421133 420752 420371 419991 419011 10.419*231 418851 418472 , 418093 4^17714 417335 410957 410578 410200 4158-23 Tang. ' 34202|939()9 1 60 34229;93959 69 34-257(93949 34-284193939 343111939*29 343^9193919 34360 34393 344-21 34418 34475 34503 34530 34557 34584 3401-2 34039 34000 34094 34721 34748 93909 93899 93889 93879 93809 93859 93849 93839 93829 93819 i>380y 93799 93789 93779 93709 34775 93759 34803193748 3483093738 34857 93728 34884 93718 34912|93708 34939l93«i98 3490o!93()88 34993 35021 35048 350-5 35102 36130 3515< 35184 35211 35239 35-200 35293 36320 3534/ 35375 3540^ 3545^9 35450 35484 930/ i 930t)7 93057 93()47 93037 93(i20 93010 93000 93590 9o5o5 33675 93506 93665 9o644 93534 935*24 93614 , 93603 i 14 93493 j 13 35511193483' 12 1 36538193472 ' 1 1 36505I93402 '< 1 D 13569*^193452 35019 3504 35()V4 36701 367*28 35756 3578J 35810 3583 I N. COS. N.sinf 93441 93431 ^J34*20 93410 93400 I 93.*i89 I 93379 933t)8 93368 69 Degrees. 42 ^og. Sinea and Tangents. (21°) Natural Sines. TABLE IE. Sine. 9.554329 654658 654987 6553 1 5 655(>43 555971 656-299 556626 556953 557280 557606 557932 558258 558583 658909 659234 65y55S 659883 56020/ 560531 560855 9.561178 661501 561824 562146 562468 562790 563112 563433 663755 564075 56439() 564716 565036 665356 565676 665995 566314 566632 666951 667269 567587 567904 568222 568539 668856 669172 569488 5()9804 570120 670435 9.570751 571066 571380 571695 672009 572323 572636 572950 573263 673575 Cosine. D. 10' 54.8 54.8 54.7 54.7 64.6 64.6 54.6 54,5 54.4 54.4 54.3 54.3 54.3 54.2 54.2 54.1 54.1 64.0 54.0 53.9 53.9 53.8 53.8 53.7 53.7 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.5 53.5 53.4 53.4 63.3 63.3 63.2 53.2 53.1 63.1 63.1 53.0 53.0 52.9 52.9 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.7 52.7 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.5 52.4 62.4 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.2 52.2 52.1 Cosine. 9.970152 970103 970055 970006 969957 969909 969860 9()98ll 969762 969714 9()9665 .9()9616 969567 969518 969469 969^^20 969370 969321 969272 969223 969173 9.969124 969076 969025 968976 968926 968877 968827 968777 968728 968678 9.968628 968578 968528 968479 968429 968379 968329 968278 968228 968178 9.968128 968078 968027 967977 967927 967876 967826 967775 967725 967674 9.967624 967573 i 967522 967471 967421 i 967370 967319 967268 967217 96.166 "sine; D. 10' 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.5 Tang. 9.584177 ,584565 584932 585309 586686 586062 686439 686815 687190 687666 587941 9.588316 588691 6890o6 589440 689814 590188 690562 590935 691308 591681 692054 592426 692798 593170 593542 593914 594286 694666 595027 595398 9.695768 69ol38 696508 596878 597247 597616 597985 598364 598722 599091 9.599459 699827 600194 600562 600929 601296 601662 602029 602395 602761 9.603127 603493 603858 604223 604588 601953 605317 605682 t 06046 606410 Cotang. D. 10"i Cotanir. iN.sine. N. cc8, 62.9 62.9 62.8 62.8 62.7 62.7 62.7 62.6 62.6 62.6 162.5 62.5 62.4 62.4 62.3 62.3 62.3 62.2 62.2 62.2 62.1 62.1 62.0 62.0 61.9 61.9 61.8 61.8 61.8 61.7 61.7 61.7 61.6 61.6 61.6 61.6 61.5 61.5 61.4 61.4 61.3 61 61 61 61 61 61 61.1 61.0 61.0 61.0 60.9 60.9 60.9 60.8 60.8 60.7 60.7 60.7 60.6 10.415823 415445 415068 414691 414314 413938 413561 413185 412810 412434 412059 10.411684 411309 410934 410560 410186 409812 409438 409065 408692 408319 10.407946 407574 407202 406829 406458 406086 405715 405344 404973 404602 10.404232 403862 403492 403122 402753 402384 402015 401646 401278 400909 10.400541 400173 399806 399438 399071 398704 i 398338 397971 397605 397239 10.396873 396507 396142 395777 395412 395047 394683 394318 393954 393590 Tang. 35837 i 35864 35891 93368 93348 93337 35918193327 35945 93316 36973 [93306 36000 ;93295 ' 36027 ;93285 136054193274 |3608Ii93264 36108 136135 136162 : 36190 3621' 93253 93243 93232 93222 93211 136244 93201 113627193190 1 1 36298 J93 180 ; 36325^3169 !!36352;93159 ii36379|93l48 1 1 36406 193 137 136434193127 I' 364611931 16 i 36488 193106 136515193095 i 36542193084 1136569193074 !|36596 930t)3 1136623 93052 3665093042 I ! 3667-7 93031 ; 36704193020 ij 36731 193010 |l36758j92999 36785 192988 ; 368 12 192978 1 1 36839 92967 36867 92956 36894 92945 3692192936 136948 92926 36975 92913 ! 37002 92902 ,37029 92892 37056 92881 37083 92870 37110192859 37137 92849 '37164 92838 3719192827 37218 92816 37245 92805 37272 b2794 37299 92784 37326192773 37353 92762 3738092751 37407 92740 37434 37461 92729 92718 N. COS. N.pinc. 60 59 58 57 66 65 64 53 52 51 I 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 3 7 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 16 14 13 12 , 11 10 ; 9 8 7 68 Degrees. TABLE II. Log. Sines and Tangents. (22°) Natural Sinea. T\ Sine. 9.573575 67SyS8 574200 574512 5748-24 575 13() 675447 Drm 52. 52. 52. 51. 51. 51, 51. 57(iUfi9!?J- 57(i379^,- 57GG89J^, 9.57(^999 I °, 577309 ' ?, 577t)18i?|- 577927 ? ■ 578236 ""^ 578545 578853 579162 579470 579777 9.580085 580392 680099 581005 581312 681618 681924 582229 582535 582840 583145 583449 1 583754 ""■ 684058 J"" 584361^"- 584665 I J,, 584968 i J,,' 50. 50. 50. 50. 60. 50, 150. 50. 685574 685877 9.686179 586482 686783 687085 587386 587688,, , 68 7989!?^; 688289 I ?^ 588590 ! ?" 588890 ^" 9.689190 689489 589789 590088 .•90387 690686 5909-^4 691282 69158(> 5;,»1878 Co.sine. CJosine. D. lU" 9.967166 967115 967064 967013 966961 9W)910 96^i859 966808 966756 96<)705 9(i6t)53 9.9()()602 9()655() 966499 966447 9<>6395 96(>344 96()292 -966240 ^9t;6188 966136 9.9(>6085 9t)6>i33 965981 965928 965876 965824 965772 965720 965t)68 965()15 9655(J3 965511 965458 9()6406 966353 965301 965248 965195 965143 965090 965037 964984 9t)4931 964879 964826 964773 964719 964666 964613 964560 9G4507 964454 964400 964347 964294 964240 964187 964133 W)4080 964026 Sin.i 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 Tan g. |.60<>410 600899 960843 960786 9 JO 730 "I Sine. 8.9 8.9 8.9 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9 2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9,3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.4 9.4 'i' ang. 9.627852 628203 628554 628905 629256 6296U6 629956 630306 630656 631005 631355 .631704 632053 632401 632760 633098 633447 633795 634143 634490 634838 9.635186 635532 635879 636226 636572 636919 637266 637611 637956 638302 ). 638647 638992 639337 639682 640027 640371 640716 641060 641404 641747 1.642091 642434 642777 643120 643463 643806 644148 644490 644832 645174 ,64.5516 645857 64(il99 646540 646881 647222 647562 647903 648243 648583 Cotang. D. 10"| Coking, N. 8ine.|N. cos, 58.5 68.5 58.5 58,4 58.4 68.3 58,3 58.3 58.3 68.2 68.2 68.2 68,1 58.1 68.1 58,0 68.0 58.0 57.9 67.9 67.9 57.8 67.8 67.8 67.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 67,. 6 57.6 57.6 57,6 57.5 67.5 67,4 67,4 57.4 57.3 67.3 57.3 57.2 67.2 57.2 57.2 57.1 67.1 67,1 57.0 67,0 67.0 56.9 66.9 56.9 56.9 56.8 56.8 66,8 56.7 56.7 56.7 10.372148 371797 371446 371095 370745 370394 370044 369694 369344 368995 368645 10.368296 367947 367599 367250 36(J902 366553 366205 365857 36.5510; 305162 I 10.364815 364468 - 364121 I 363774 ! 363428 ! 363081 j 362735 I 362389 1 362044 ! 3616981 10.361353 j 3610081 360663 I 360318! 359973 i 369629 I 359284 1 368940 358596 358253 10.367909 357566 357223 356880 366537 356194 355852 355510 355168 354826 10.354484 364143 353801 353460 353119 352778 352438 352097 351757 351417 "fi^ng^ 39G73 192050 39100 39127 391.53 39180 39207 92039 92028 92016 92005 91994 39234 [91 982 39260 91971 39287 39314 39341 39367 39394 39421 39448 39474 91959 91048 91914 91902 91891 91879 39501 91868 ■91866 3952H 39555 39581 39608 39636 39661 39688 91845 91833 91822 91810 91799 91787 3971591775 3974191764 ! 39768 I 39795 ; 39822 ; 39848 I 39875 i 39902 I 39928 i 39955 , 39982 : 40008 ! 40035 400(i2|9l625 40088|91613 40115191601 40141 i91590 40168J915.8 40195 91666 40221 40248 40275 40301 91519 40328:91508 40355191496 40381191484 40408191472 4043491461 40461191449 40488'91437 40514 91425 40641 40567 40594 406211913/8 40(J47 91366 40674 913,55 N. COS. N.sine, 919S6 150 91925 I 49 48 47 46 46 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 36 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 I 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 91752 91741 91729 91718 91706 91694 91683 91671 91660 91648 91636 91555 91543 91531 91414 91402 91o90 66 Degrees. Log. Sines and Tangents. (24°) Natural Sines. 45 1 2 3 t 6 7 8 9 TO II 1-2 13 14 15 U> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2« 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3(i 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 64 55 5(i 67 58 59 60 Sino. GiD313 (iO'Jo'Ji 609 SSO t)10U)4 (ilUU,- t)10.'29 yilJl-2 611294 611576 61 1858 fi]-2l\W 6124-21 612702 61298^ 613264 613545 613825 614105 614385 6146(i6 614944 9.615223 615502 616781 616060 616338 616616 616894 617172 617450 617727 6I80OI 618281 618558 6IS834 619110 6193»6 619662 619938 620213 620488 19.620763 621038 621313 621587 621861 622135 622409 622082 62-29 ')6 623229 19.6-23512 6-23774 624047 624319 624591 624863 625135 62540J 6'2.5u7 7 625948 D. 10' 47.3 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.1 47.1 47.0 47.0 47.0 4o.9 46.9 46.9 46.8 46.8 46.7 46.7 46.7 46.6 46.6 4«}.6 46.5 46.5 46.5 46.4 46.4 46.4 46.3 46.3 46.2 46.2 46.2 4<).l 4(i.l 46,1 46.0 46.0 46.0 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.8 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.7 45,6 45.6 45.6 45,6 45.5 45.6 45.4 45.4 45.4 45.^ 45.3 46.3 45.2 45,2 45.2 Cosini;. 1.960730 960674 9;K)6 18 9o0561 960505 9;)0448 960392 96J335 960279 960222 960166 1.960109 960052 959995 959938 959882 9598-25 959768 959711 959654 959596 .959539 959482 959425 95'J3(>8 959310 959-253 959195 959138 959081 9690-23 .958965 958908 958850 958792 958 i 34 958677 958619 958561 958503 958445 .958387 958329 968271 958213 958154 968096 958038 957979 957921 957863 .957804 95774(> 95 7687 957628 95*570 957511 957452 957393 .■■5/335 957276 D. 10' Cosin 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.5 y.6 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 Tiin;^. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9.6 9,6 9.6 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.648583 648923 649263 64^)602 64994-2 650281 650i)20 650959 651-297 651636 651974 65-2312 652()50 65-2988 65332(> 6536(>3 654000 654337 654174 655011 655348 9.655684 656020 66(i356 656692 657028 667364 667699 658034 658369 I 658(04 [9.659039 659373 659708 660042 66(X3 76 660710 661043 6 346000 ; 345663 345326 344989 344652 j! 10.344316 r 343980 343644 343308' 342972 342636' 342301 341966 ^ 341631 I 341-296;. 10.340961 '; 340627 3402921' 3399581 3396241 339290 ii 338957 I i 338623 i 3382901 1 337957'; 10.337624 3372911: 336958 jl 3366251 336293,' 335961 3366291 335297 j 334966 : 334634 i 10.3343031 333971 ! 3S3()->0 33o309 ! 3329,9! 33'2648 1 332318 331987 331667 331328 4080* lb 1295 408o3;91283 408()U9l2/2 40b86;9l260 40913 91248 40939 91:^36 4n966!9r224 4099^2 a 1-21-.; 41019191200 41045 '91 18» 410/2191176 41098;^ 1 164 411i>5 9ll52 4115191140 41178 911-28 4120491 116 4123191104 41257 9109-,^ 41284 91080 413109106b 41337 91056 4136391044 41390 91032 41416 9lO*-iO 4144391008 41469 9099() 41496 90984 41522 9097-2 41649 90960 41576 90948 41602 9093b 41628 90924 141655 90911 i 41681 9089y I41707;9u88i ,41734:9()8;5 '417(i(l90863 : 4178 7 90b51 41813 90t5oU 41840 908-^6 41866 9O0U 41892 90bO-z 419199U-90 41945 9077 b 4 1.972 90 1 66 41998 907 5o 42U24 90i-il 42051 90729 42077 90/1/ 42104 90704 421o0 9069-^ 421.56 9U-bO 42l8o9lX>t)b 42209 90655 42-235 9vX>4o 422(i2;90.,31 N . c1 688182 Cotang. 65.0 54.9 64.9 54.9 54.8 54.8 64.8 54.8 54.7 54.7 64.7 54.7 64.6 54.6 64.6 54.6 54.5 64.6 54,5 54.4 64.4 64.4 54.4 64.3 54.3 64.3 54.3 54.2 54.2 54.2 64.2 64.1 54.1 64.1 54.1 54.0 54.0 54.0 64.0 53.9 63.9 53.9 53.9 53.8 53.8 63.8 53.8 53.7 53.7 53.7 &). 331327 330998 ■ 330368 330339 330009 ; 329680 329351 ' 329023 328694 ' 328366 i 328037 I 10.3277091 327381 i 327053 ! 326726 ; 326398 ■ 326071 325743 : 325416 1 325090 324763' 10.324436! 324110 323784' 323457: 323131 322806: 322480! 322154 321829 i 321 504 : 10.321179 320854' 320529 320206 319880 319556 319232, 318908 318584 318260 10.317937 317613 317290 316967 316644 316321 315999 315676 315354 -o 7 315032 °^i'r 10.314710 314388 63.6 53.6 53.6 53 63 53 53 53 63 4228b 42315 42341 42367 42394 42420 42446 42473 42499 42525 42652 42578 42604 42631 42667 42683 42709 42736 42762 42788 42816 42841 4286/ 42894 yj613 !69 90()06 I 68 90594 1 57 90582 i 66 90669 { 65 90557 1 54 90545 j 63 90532 ' 52 90520; 61 905(i7 I 50 90495 1 49 90483 , 48 904/0147 90458 i 46 90446 1 45 90433 1 44 90421 !43 90408 1 42 90396 90383 90371 90368 } 38 90346 37 90334 42920J90321 42946 y030ii 42972 90296 42999 90284 43025 90271 43051 90259 43077 90246 43104i90233 43 130j 90221 43156190208 431S2'90196 43209190183 43235 90171 43261 90158 43287190 146 43313190133 43340190120 43366190108 43392190095 43418|900ei2 434451900/0 43471 43497 43623 43549 90057 9004c 90032 90019 43575 90007 314066; 313745 313423 313102 312781 3124o0 312139 3118181 43602 .43, 2b 43654 43680 4370O 43733 43/59 43785 89994 89981 89968 89956 8994c 89930 89918 89905 Tang. ^3bli;8yb92 43837 89879 N. cos. .\.8ir<'. fi4 Deirrctis. Lo}?. Sines and Tangents. (26°) Natural Sines. 47 Sine. 1 o 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 lU U 1-2 13 14 15 Hi 17 IH 1!) 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 3-2 33 34 35 36 3; 3rt 3y 40 41 42 4^J 44 45 46 47 48 4y 60 61 62 63 64 55 66 6< 58 6y 60 D. lO'l Cosine. D. lo" 9.641842 642101 6423ti0 642618 642877 643135 643393 643()50 643908 644165 (>44423 *J 644tJ80 644936 645193 645450 645706 615962 646218 646474 646729 6466 95J202 950 13h 9500 i 4 950011) 949945 949861 9.96 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.6 10.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.5 10.6 10,6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10,6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 l\i.7 Tang. D. 10' 63.4 53.4 63.4 53.3 53.3 63.3 53.3 53.3 63.2 63.2 53.2 63.1 53.1 53.1 .688182 (588502 688823 689143 6894^>3 689783 690103 690423 690742 691062 691381 .691700 692019 I 692338 I 692o66 L.> , 6929751^:^- 693293 °^-\ 693612 ^3-^ 693930 I °^H 694248 694566 ,694883 695201 695518 695836 696153 696470 696787 697103 697420 697736 .698053 63.0 53.0 52.9 62.9 52.9 62.9 62.9 52.8 [52.8 [52.8 !52.8 152.7 152.7 698369 ^'i'l 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.6 62.6 52.6 698(i86 699001 699316 699632 (i99947 700-63 70vi6i8 700893 •.701-.^08 701523 701837 702162 70.;4b6 702,80 703095 703409 703,23 704036 1. 701350 704O63 704977 705290 705(i03 705916 70i/i28 70t641 70v*h54 70i lo6 fcliiiig- (41 iH'grees. 52.5 52.6 62.4 52.4 62.4 52.4 52.4 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.2 52.2 52.2 52.2 52.2 52.1 5-J.l 52.1 52 . 1 52.1 CoUmg. N. sine. N. eo«. 10.311818 311498 311177 310857 310537 310217 309897 309577 309258 308938 308619 10.308300 307981 307662 307344 307026 306707 306388 306070 305752 305434 10.305117 304799 304482 3041()4 303847 30J5oO 303213 302897 ' 302680 302264 : 10-301947 301631 ' 301315 300999; 300()84 300368 300053 299737 : -299422 ' 299107 i 10-2 :8<92! 'z98477 j 298163 2:r,848 ■ 29 < 634' 29,220 29()9U6 2i'6691 ; ic9(i277 I 2959(54 I 295650 295337 I 295023 I 294710; 294:^97 j 2940h4 ! t:93772 i 293469 1 29M46 292834 Tang. 89879100 89867 69 89854 58 89841 157 898-28 I 56 89816 155 43994 89803 64 44020 89790 53 89777 ! 52 44072 897(i4j 61 44098 89752 60 89739 49 89726 48 89713 89.00 89(i87 89674 89()62 89649 j 42 144333 89636 1 41 i 44359 89(>23 ' 40 8!)610i39 89697 38 89584 I 37 89571 136 89558 1 35 89545 1 34 89532 \ 33 89519 132 89506 31 89493 1 30 89480 '' 29 44124 44151 44177 44203 44229 44255 44281 44307 I 44385 44411 : 44437 {44464 ' 44490 j 445 16 j 44542 I 446(.8 I 44594 1 44620 I 44646 144672 ! 44698 I 44724 44750 i 44776 ! 44802 89467 128 89454 27 10 89441 [26 89428 : 26 8b4l6|24 89402 23 44828 89389,22 l44854jH9376t2\ i 44880189303 ; 20 ' 44 91 R. 189360. 19 |4493-j!89337!18 i4495hih;M24 ; 17 1 449841893 II ; 16 ■45010:89298 15 460y(ii89285 14 450,,'jjh92,2;i3 45088ih9259 12 i45114i89245|ll i 45 1 40l89232 1 '4516(iih9219| " |45l92ih9206 l46218!^9193 46343 h9 180 !4.o2()9,IS9l')7 45296 h9 153 '453vl:hyl40 45347 h9 127 453 73 S. COS. N.sine. 89114 89101 48 liOfT. SiiKis and Tangents. (27°) Natural Sines. TABLE II. a 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 I 41 ;9 42 43 44 45 16 47 48 49 50 61 62 53 54 55 5() 67 58 b'J 60 657017 ()67295 657542 657790 658037 658284 658531 658778 659 J25 659271 659517 659763 660J09 6(i0255 660501 660/46 660991 66123a 661481 661726 6619/0 .662214 662459 662703 66294tj 663190 663433 663677 663920 664163 6t)4406 .6641)48 664891 665133 665375 665617 665859 666100 666342 ()66583 6(i6824 .667065 667305 667516 667786 668027 668267 668o0<) 668746 668986 669225 669464 6t>9703 669942 6701K1 670419 670)58 670896 671134 671372 6/1609 Cfxsino. I), lu' 41.3 41.3 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.1 41.1 41.1 41.0 41.0 41.0 40.9 40.9 40.9 40.9 40.8 40.8 40.8 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.5 40.6 40.5 40.5 40.4 40.4 40.4 40.3 40.3 40.3 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.0 40 40.0 39.9 39.9 39.9 39.9 39.8 39.8 39.8 39.7 39-7 39.7 39.7 39 6 39.6 L L/U.smo. .9498.S1 94Jrilj 949752 94 ^688 949623 949558 949494 949429 949364 949300 949235 1.949170 949105 949040 948975 948910 948845 948780 948715 948650 948584 1.948519 948454 948388 948323 948257 948192 948126 948060 947995 947929 1.947863 947797 947731 947666 947600 947533 947467 947401 947335 9472(>9 1.947203 947 '36- 947070 947004 946937 946871 946804 946738 94(>671 946604 ^ 946538 946471 946404 946337 946270 946203 946136 946069 94tJ002 945935 Sine. 8 8 ,8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ,8 8 .9 .9 ,9 ,9 .9 .9 .9 ,9 ,9 ,9 ,9 ,9 ,0 ,0 .0 .0 ,0 ,0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 11.2 11.2 1). lu ' Colau-;. N. siiK; 9.707166 707478 707790 708102 708414 708726 709037 70J349 709660 709971 710282 9.710593 71 0904 711215 711525 711836 712146 712456 712766 713076 713386 9.713696 714005 714314 714624 714933 715242 715651 715860 716168 716477 9.716785 717093 717401 717709 718017 7183-5 718633 718940 719248 719555 9.719862 51.2 720169 720476 720783 721089 721396 721/02 722009 722315 722621 9,722927 723232 723538 723^44 724149 724454 724759 7250-)5 725369 725674 "Cotanj;. 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 51.9 61.8 61.8 51.8 61.8 51.8 51.7 51.7 61.7 61.7 51.6 61.6 61.6 51.6 51.6 61.5 51.6 61.5 61.5 51.4 61.4 61.4 61.4 51.4 61.3 61.3 61.3 61.3 61.3 51.2 61.2 61.2 61.2 51.1 61.1 51.1 51.1 61.1 61.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 61.0 60.9 50.9 50.9 50.9 60.9 50.8 60.8 60.8 N. cos, 89101 I 60 I 89J87 ■ 69 10.292834 45399 292522 45425 292210 45451 89074 291898 45477 89061 291586 45503 8904« 291274 45529 !890o5 2909;)3 45554 !890il 2901)51 45580 89U08 290340 45t)06 88995 290029 45632 188961 289718 45658188968 10.289407 i 46684J88955 289096; 4571 0|88942 288785 45736188928 288475' 45 762 J889 15 288164 45787 88902 28/854 458 13 188888 287644 45»39i888 75 286924 45891188848 286614' 45917188835 10 . 286304 45942188822 285995 45968188808 286686 : 45994188795 285376 ; 46020188782 285067': 4604688768 284758' 46072188 765 284449!; 46097 188741 284140; 46123188728 283832 i!46149j887 16 283523-46175188701 10.283215 4620188688 282907 j' 4622b 88674 282599 j! 46252 88661 282291 1146278 88647 2819831' 46304 88634 281676! 4()330 88620 281367 II 46365 88607 28 1 060!! 46381 280752/46407 280445 46433 10.280138 '4t)4o8 279»31 4u484 88539 279524 46510i88526 279217|i4lj536bh51 88593 88680 8S566 88653 278911!! 46561 278604 278298 27/991 277686 277379 10.277073 276768 46587 !4(;613 I 46639 j 46664 I 46690 j 467 16 46742 88499 88485 884/2 88458 88445 «843l 88417 88404 2764u2i: 46767 88390. 276156 2 75851 275546 275241 46793 8837/ 46819 88363 4684,^88349 4b87W 88336 274^)36 1 41,^96188322 274031 4jk>92ll88308 2 74326 4t)94/|88'.^95 Tanji S. roK. -^-'-'iJ' <)2 Df^gret'S. TABLE II. Log. Sines and Tangents. (28°) Natural Sines. 49 I 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l(i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Mi 47 48 49 60 31 i 52 53 54 55 5(> 67 68 69 60 Siuu. .6716)9 671847 6720S4 672321 672558 672795 673032 6732,iH 673505 673741 673977 .674213 674448 674684 674919 675155 ()75390 675 i24 675859 6761)9 I 676328 .676562 67679o 677030 6772()4 677498 677731 677964 678197 678430 6786i)3 .678895 679128 679360 679592 679W24 680.)5t) 680288 680519 680750 68iJ982 .681213 ()81443 68lt)74 681905 682135 6823()5 ()82595- 68-^825 683055 683284 .683514 683743 6839-2 684201 684430 684()58 684887 6851 15 685343 685571 Oo.sine. D. 10' 39.6 39.6 39.5 39.6 39.5 39.4 39.4 39.4 39.4 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.2 39.2 39.2 39.2 39.1 39.1 39.1 39.1 39.0 39.0 39.0 39.0 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.8 38.8 38.8 38.8 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.6 38.6 38.6 38.5 38.5 38.5 38.5 38.4 Cosini' 38.4 38.4 38.4 38.3 38.3 38.3 38,3 38.2 38.2 38.2 38.2 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.0 ;i8.0 38.0 1.945935 9458(iS 94580J 945733 94566;; 945598 9)5531 945464 945396 945328 945261 1.945193 945125 945058 944990 944922 944854 944786 944718 944()50 944582 .944514 944447 2694()5 269162 268859 268556 268264 10.267962 267649 267347 267045 26(i743 26(5442 266140 26.5838 265537 265236 10.264934 264633 264332 : 264031 ' 263731 263 130 263129 262829 262529 2(J2229 : 10.261929 261629 261329 261029 260729 260430 260130 259831 259532 259233 10.258934 258635 ' 258336 258038 257739 257441 257142 25(i844 25664() 256248 T:in), 4(5947 88295 46973 88281 4(5999188267 ^7024:882.54 4.050 88240 4707(i!88226 47 1 01 [882 13 47127188199 471.53188185 47178|88172 4720468158 47229 188144 472.55188130 47281 [881 17 47306188103 47332:88089 47358^8075 47383(88062 47409 '88048 47434,88034 47460 188020 47486 188006 47511 87993 47537 87979 475(52 8 79(55 47.588:87951 4761487937 47639187923 47(i65 '87909 47690 87896 477J6'87882 47741 '878(58 477(57 87854 47793 87840 47818 87826 47844 87812 47869:87798 4789587784 47920187770 47946i87756 4797187743 47997187729 48022 87715 48048 87701 48073 8768 7 4809987(573 48124 87(559 481 5U 87(545 48175 87(531 48201 87617 48226187603 48262187589 48277187575 483031875(51 4832818754(5 48364 187532 48379J87518 48405187504 48430l87490 48456187476 48 181(874(52 N. COS. In .sine. 61 Degrees. 50 Log. Sines and Tangents. (29°) Natural Sines. TABLE II. D. 10" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, 12 131 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 56 57 58 5a 60 .685571 685799 686027 686254 686482 686709 686936 687163 687389 687616 687843 688069 688295 688521 688747 688972 689198 689423 689648 689873 690098 .690323 690o48 690772 690996 691220 691444 691668 691892 692116 692339 .692562 092785 693008 693231 693453 693676 693898 694120 694342 694564 .694786 695007 695229 695460 695671 . 695892 696113 696334 696554 696775 i,69b9i^5 697215 697435 697654 697874 698094 698313 6«8532 698761 698970 38.0 37.9 37.9 37.9 37.9 37.8 37,8 37.8 37.8 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.7 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.5 37.5 37.6 37.5 37.4 37.4 37.4 37.4 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.5 37.2 37.2 37.1 37.1 37.1 37.1 37.0 37.0 37.0 37.0 36.9 36 9 3h:.9 36.9 36.8 30.8 36.8 36.8 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 Co sine. } D. lO^^ I Tan g. Cosine. 941819 941749 941679 941609 941539 941469 941398 941328 941258 941187 941117 ,941046 940975 940905 940834 940763 940693 940622 940561 940480 940409 ,940338 940267 940196 940126 940054 939982 939911 939840 939768 939697 .939626 939554 939482 939410 939339 939267 939196 939123 939062 938980 .938908 938836 938763 938691 938619 938547 938476 938402 938330 938268 .938186 938113 938040 937967 937895 937822 937749 937676 937604 937531 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Sine. 11.8 11.8 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 12.0 12,0 12.0 12,0 12,0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12,0 12.0 12,1 12.1 12,1 12,1 12.1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 9.743752 744050 744348 744645 744943 745240 745538 745836 746132 746429 746726 747023 747319 747616 747913 748209 748505 748801 749097 749393 749689 9.749985 750281 750576 760872 751167 751462 751757 762052 752347 752642 9.752937 763231 753626 763820 754115 754409 754703 754997 755291 765685 9.755878 766172 766466 756759 757062 757345 757638 767931 758224 758517 9.758810 -759102 759395 759687 759979 760272 760564 760856 761148 761439 D. 10' Cotang. 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.5 49.5 49.5 49.6 49.5 49.4 49.4 49.4 49.4 49.4 49.3 49.3 49,3 49.3 49,3 49.3 49.2 49.2 49,2 49.2 49,2 49,2 49.1 49.1 49,1 49,1 49.1 49,1 49.0 49,0 49.0 49.0 49,0 49.0 48.9 48.9 48,9 48,9 48,9 48,9 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.7 48.6 48.6 10.256248! 48481 187462 255950 i,485fX):87448 265652 J 48532J87434 255,3551,48557 87420 255067! 148583:87406 Cotang. N. HJne.iN. COS. 254760 254462 264165 '253868 1 48608187391 4863487377 4865987363 48684'87349 253671 '48710,87335 253274 j 48735:87321 10.252977 i 4876 li87 306 252681 ! 48786187292 252384 14881187278 252087 1 48837187264 251791 148862:87250 251496 148888 87235 251199 l4891.3;87221 260903 j 48938:87207 250607 ! 48964187193 250311 j 48989 87178 10.250015 1149014 87164 249719 249424 249128 248833 248538 248243 247948 247633 247358 10.247063 246769 246474 49040;87150 49065J87136 49090,87121 49116|87107 4914187093 49166i87079 49192J87064 49217187050 49242J87036 4926887021 4929o87007 4931886993 2461801149344 86978 245885114936986964 245591 1 1 49394 86949 245297 1 14941986935 245003!; 49445 86921 2447091,49470,86906 244416 1149495 86892 10.244122^14952186878 243828 '149546 86863 2436361 49571 186849 243241 ji 49596 86834 242948! 149622,86820 242655 1 1 49647 186805 242362 ij 49672 86791 242069 1 49697186777 241776 [1 49723186762 2414831:49748 86748 10.241190: 49;73 86733 240898 49798 86719 2406051.49824 86704 240313 !| 49849 86690 240021!! 49874186676 2397281:49899,86661 239436 ii 49924 86646 239144 j I 49960;86632 238852 149975|86617 238561 ! 6000U 86603 Tang. Ii N. co>i.|N.f;ii Degrees. TABLK IL Log. Siaes aaJ Taagonta. (30°) Natural Sines. 51 Sine. D. 10' ) G98!i70!„p 6M&2'6 ,!! (i9!)8-t4 , ::^ 7Ui)jt)-2 ::^ 70U-280 ; ^,. 7004981^^ 700716'^^ 700933 rz 701151 ;3« 1.701368 i^,. 701583 I :J^' 70180-2 j^^' 70-2019 q.. ■ 702'236:^^- 70-2462 • Tf. 70-2ti«9.^^ 702885,^° 7031011^^' 703317 ^ 1.703533 !:? 703749 :;? 703964 r° 704179;:;? 704395 ! .^2 7046101:;? 7048-25!^? 705040;:;? 705-254;:^? 705469':;? 1.705683 :;? 705898 ^? 706112 ^?- 706326 :;?• 706539 i:;? • 706 753 M? • 70696/!:^?- 70/180 i:;? • 707393 i:;^ 707606^5, 1.707819 :;? 708032 ^? 708245 :;? 708458 :;? 70^6.0 :;? 708882 :;? 70J0J4 :;? 70J30J :;? 709518 :;?• 7097301^? 709941 :;? 71015J :;? 710>64 ^? 710575 -^^ 710786 710J67 711-208 711419 r" 7116-29 ^? 711839 "^^ Cosine. Cosine. .937531 93 7458 937385 937312 937238 937165 937092 937019 936946 936872 936799 .936725 936()52 936578 936505 936431 936357 936-284 936210 936136 936062 S. 935988 935914 935840 935766 935692 935618 935543 935469 935395 935320 ,935-246 935171 935097 935022 934948 934873 934798 9347-23 934649 934574 934499 934424 934349 934274 934199 9341-23 9340 4-S 9339 73 933898 933822 9.933747 933671 933596 933520 933445 933369 933293 933217 933141 933066 Sine. D. 10' 12.1 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.3 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 Tang. .761439 761731 762023 76-2314 762t»06 76-2897 763188 763479 763770 764061 764352 . 764(i43 764933 766224 765514 765806 766095 766385 766676 766965 767255 . 767545 767834 768124 768413 768703 768992 769-281 769570 769860 770148 .770437 7707-26 771015 771303 771592 771880 772168 77-2457 772745 773033 773321 773608 773896 774184 774471 774769 775046 775333 775621 775908 '.776ly5 776482 776769 777055 777342 77 76-28 777915 778201 778487 778774 Colatig. 9. D. 10" 48.6 48.6 48.6 48. «i 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.4 48.4 48.4 48.4 48". 4 48.4 48.4 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.8 47.8 47.8 47.8 47.8 47.8 47.8 47.7 47.7 47.7 47.7 Cotiing. 10.-238561 238269 23 7977 237686 237394 237103 236812 236521 236230 235939 235648 10.235357 2350J7 234776 234406 234195 233905 2336 ' s 2333.46 233035 232745 10.23-2455 232166 231876 231587 231297 231008 230719 230430 230140 2-29H52 10-2-29563 229274 2-2-985 2-28697 228408 228120 227832 227543 227255 2-26967 10.2-26679 2-26392 2-26104 2-25816 225529 2-25-241 224954 224667 224379 224092 10-2-23805 2-23618 223231 222945 222658 2-2-2372 2-22085 221799 221612 2212-26 N. siiio. N. cos 8(5603 86588 ■S6573 8(i559 86544 86530 8(i515 .S6r,01 8(i486 86471 86457 86442 86427 86413 8t)398 86384 8()369 8{i354 86340 86325 86310 8ti295 86-281 86266 86-251 86-237 86222 ; 60000 600 50051) 60076 60101 50126 50151 50176 5,J201 ,50-22/ 50252 50277 60302 50327 1 60352 50377 1 150403 60428 60453 60478 60503 56528 60553 60578 |5(Xi03 ' 50628 1 6mi54 ; 60079 86-207 ; 60704^192 i 507-29 60754 160779 : 50804 1 50829 60854 : 60879 i 50904 86178 86163 86148 86133 86119 86104 86089 86074 ■ 50929 86059 i 50954 86045 509(9 86030 '51004 86015 ,610-29 86000 151054 85985 51079 85970 -i! 61104 611-29 61154 61179 151-204 61229 rt5906 85941 859-26 85911 85896 85881 61254|85866 61279185851 6130^85836 513-29 «5821 Tang. 161354 51379 51404 51429 '51451 ; 61479 :fl504 I N. CCS. 85806 85792 85777 85762 86747 85732 8^717 .N.gine 59 iJejprees. 21 52 Log. Sines and Tangents. (31°) Natural Sines. TABLE I] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lOl 'M 12 13' 14' 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3b 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 62 63 64 65 Sine. |D. 10"| Cosine. K711839L. 7120501^? 712260 J- 712469 ^J] 712679 tl 71-2889 t; 713098 t; 713308 3^ 713517 o^ 713726 q^ 713935 r,. ) 714144 ^^ 714352 ^T 714561 t: 714769 r.t 714978 t; 715186 tl 715394 t: 715602 t: 715809 5;t 716017 t: 1.716224 ^2' 716432 t: 716639 ^7 716846 I ^7 ■ 717053 i^^' 717259^^ 717466^^ 717673 :5^ 717879 :5^' 718085 r.1' >. 718291 T: 718497 ij;: 718703'^;: 718909 t: 719114 t: 719320 r.T 71y525 "i^ 719730 ::;: 719935 "^T 720140 ::]:■ 1.720346 :^t' 720549 '^T 720754 ^J' 720958 ^T 721162 ^J' 721366 ^J 721570 ^l' 721774 ^*' 721978 ii 722181 ^^ 1.722385 ^^ 722588 a •722191 a 722994 ^5 723197 t^ 723400 ^1;' 723603 r,i 723805 -^t 724007 ^l _7242_l0 ^ Ccsine. 9.9330;)6 932990 932914 932838 932762 932686 932609 932533 932467 932380 932304 9.932228 932161 932075 931998 931921 931845 931768 931691 931614 931537 9.931460 931383 931306 931229 931152 931076 930998 930921 930843 930766 9.93(J688 930611 930533 930466 930378 930300 930223 930145 930067 929989 .929911 929833 929756 - 929677 929699 929521 929442 929364 929286 929207 .929129 929060 928972 928893 928816 928736 928657 928578 928499 928420 ~Siue.~ D. 10' 12.6 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12,9 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 Tang. D. 10" 778774 7790a0 779346 779632 779918 780203^ 780489- 780775 781060 781346 781631 9.781916 782201 782486 782771 783066 783341 783626 783910 784195 784479 784764 785048 785332 785616 785900 786184 786468 786762 787036 787319 9.787603 787886 788170 788453 788736 789019 789302 789585 789868 790151 .790433 790716 790999 791281 791663 791846 , 792128 792410 792692 792974 1.793266 793638 793819 794101 794383 794664 794946 795227 795508 795-789 Cotaug. 47.7 47.7 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.3 47.3 47.3 47,3 47.3 47.3 47.3 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.2 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.8 ^ u«- I Cotaug. iiN.sine.lN. cos. 161604186717 I 5 1629186 7 02 51554185687 61679185672 ' 61604!86667 ; 61628185642 61653185627 I51678I861J12 : 61703 185597 '61 728 '85582 61763 '85567 161778185551 i 51803185636 i 5182b 18552 1 151852185506 ! 61877186491 I 61902185476 , 51927 186461 l! 51952185446 ,;61977!8o43l ! 62002185416 P 62026i864(il il6205ll853S5 i62076!86370 ; 62101185356 62126JH6340 ,521511853261 ! 62175!863lOi i;62200i8o294| ]i62226|S62v9! 1 62250|852o4 | 1 62275i86249 I 1 62299185234 !62324|85218 j 52349 85203 I 152374185188 1 |62a99jh5l73| i624--;3!85l67i i 52448ib5l42' i 6247 3185127 ; 62498i85112 j; 62522185096 'i 52647185081 I 6'-<;57".i 85006 |: 6259/ 185051 I 62(j21|850ii5 10.221226 220940 220654 2203^68 220082 219 797 219611 219225 218940 218654 218369 10.218084 217799 217514 217229 216944 216659 216374 216090 215805 215521 10.216236 214952 214668 214384 214100 213816 213632 213248 212964 212681 10.212397 212114 211830 211547 2 11264 210981 210by8 210415 210132 209849 10.209567 209284 209001 208719 208437 208154 207872 207 590 207308 207026 10.206744 206462 206181 205899 205617 205336 205055 204773 204492 204211 52646185020 5267lib5«»«>5 52()96i849b9 62720j84974 52745i849j9 6277<»l84943 627941849-8 52biy[b49l3 62b44!b4by7 528o9l84b82 52b;'oi84b06 5-^918J84b5l 62943 i84»3t) 62967i84b20 52992184805 Tang. '' ^^ co.>^.|n sine. :J 68 Degrees. TABUS II. Log. Sines iiud Tangents. {3'2P) Natural Sines. 53 Sine. 9.724210 724412 724 j1 4 724811) 725U17 725219 725420 725u22 725823 72G024 72()225 720421) 720ii20 720827 727027 727228 727428 727028 727828 728027 728227 9. 72842/ 728020 728825- 729024 729223 729422 729021 729820 730018 730210 9.730415 730013 730811 731009 731200 731404 731002 731799 731990 732193 9.732390 732587 732784 732980 733177 733373 733509 733705 733901 734157 |9. 734353 734549 734744 734939 735135 735330 735525 735719 735914 73()109 Cosine. D. 10" ! Co sine. | D. 10" [ Titng 33,7 33.7 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.6 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.7 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.4 32.4 9.928420 9283 12 928203 928183 928104 928025 927946 927807 927787 92 7 7 OS 927629 9.927549 927470 927390 927310 927231 927151 927071 92(i991 92091 1 920831 9.920751 920()71 920591 92051 1 926431 920351 920270 920190 920110 920029 9.925949^ 925808 925788 925707 925020 925545 926405 925384 -925303 925222 9.925141 925000 924979 924897 924816 924735 924654 924572 924491 924409 9.924328 924246 924164 924083 924001 923919 923837 923755 923073 923591 Sine. 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13.5 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.7 13.7 9. ,795789 79ii0T0 790032 79ti913 797194 797475 797755 798036 798316 798596 ,798877 799157 799437 799717 799997 800277 800557 800836 8((1116 801396 801076 801955 802234 802513 802792 803072 803351 803(,30 803908 804187 >.8044<)6 804745 805023 805302 805580 805859 800137 806415 800093 800971 >. 807249 80.627 807805 80;-5083 808361 80:-^638 808916 8(»9193 809471 809748 >.810(»25 810302 810580 810857 811134 811410 811687 811964 812241 812517 D. 10"l CoUmg. N. sine.jN. I'O.^. 10.204211 i 52992184805 203:^30 63017 84789 203(i49 53041;b4774 203308' 63000|84759 203087; 63U9 184743 202800! 53115184728 2u2525i 63140'84712 202245 63164 84(i97 201904 ,63189 84081 2016841 63214184660 2014041 63238!84()50 10.201123; 63203184035 200843 ,63288 84019 200563 ; 6331 2i84()04 2002831 63337184588 200003] 63301:84573 199723 6338():84557 199443 1 6341 ri84542 199104 I 6343584520 1988841 63400 84511 198004 63484 84495 10.198325 1 53509 84480 198045' 63534 84404 197766 j: 53558 8444S 197487 ' 53583 84433 197208 53(i-j: 84417 190928 I 53032 H4402 190049 I 63C;50 84280 1963701 63681 84370 1900921! 63705 84355 195813; 63730 84339 10.195634 5376484324 195256 63779 84308 194977 163804 84292 194098 6382884277 194420 63853-84201 194141 63877 84245 193803 '53902 84230 193585 63920 84214 193307-6395184198 193029. 63975 84182 10.192751' 64000 84107 192473 '54024 84151 192195 '64049 84135 191917 116407384120 191039! 6409 i 84104 191302 I' 64122 84088 191084, 6414«> 84072 190807 i 6417184057 1905291 64195 84041 1902621164220 84025 10. 189976;! 64244 84009 189098 I 64209,83994 189420 64293*83978 189143 ,'64317 83962 l888<)6li543428o946 188590;' 64300 83930 188313 64;-9r8o915 188030; 64415 8o 899 187769 :,6444U 83883 187483 I 64404,83807 Tang. , N. ros.|N.sinc, 57 Degrt^B. r 54 Log. Sines and Tangents. (330) Natural Bines. TABLE II. 9. Sine. 736303 736498 736692 73t)886 737080 737274 737467 737661 737855 738048 .738241 738434 738627 738820 739013 739206 739398 739590 739783 739976 .740167 740359 740550 740742 740934 741125 741316 741508 741699 741889 .742080 742271 742462 742652 742842 743033- 743223 743413 743602 743792 743982 -744171 744361 744550 744739 744928 745117 745306 745494 745683 7458/1 746059 746248 746436 746624 746812 74699y' 747187 747374 747562 Cosine. D. 10" 32,4 32.4 32.4 32.3 32.3 32.3 32.3 32.3 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.2 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31;7 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.5 31.5 31.5 Cosine. 31 31 31 31 31 31 31.4 31.3 31.3 31.3 .31.3 31.3 31.2 31.2 ,923591 923509 923427 923345 923263 923181 923098 923016 922933 922851 922768 922686 922603 922520 922438 922355 922272 922189 I 922106 922023 921940 9.921857 921774 921691 921607 921524 921441 921357 921274 921190 921107 9\ 92 1023 920939 920856 920772 920688 920604 920520 920436 920352 920268 9.920184 920099 920015 919931 " 91^846 919762 919677 919593 919508 919424 9.919339^ 919254 919169 919085 919000 918915 9188.i0 918745 918669 918574 ~Sine7~ D. 10' 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.0 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 Tung. 9.812517 812794 813070 813347 813623 813899 814175 814452 814728 815004 816279 9.815555 815831 816107 816382 816(J58 816933 817209 817484 817759 818035 818310 818585 818860 819135 819410 819684 819959 820234 820508 820783 9.821057 821332 821606 821880 822154 822429 822703 822977 823250 823524 9.823798 824072 824345 824619 824893 825166 825439 825713 825986 826259 9,826532 826805 827078 827351 827624 82 7897 828170 828412 828 716 82898 7 C^^oUin'T. D. 10 46.1 46.1 46 1 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 4 1.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.9 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 Cotang. j N. .sine.lN. cos. 10, 10 187482 187206 186930 186653 i 186377 j 186101 : 185825 185548, 185272 184996 ' 184721 184445 184169 183893: 183618: 183342 i 183067 : 182791 : 5446483867 64488 83851 64513 83835 64537 83819 6456183804 54586183788 64610183772 54635,83756 54659 83740 54683 83724 54708:83708 64'} 32 ,83692 54756 83676 54781 83660 54805 83645 C482y;83629 54854:83613 54878 83597 45 46 45 45 45 45 46 46 45 45.6 45.6 45.6 46.6 46.5 45.5 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.5 45.5 46.4 45.4 45.4 45.4 182516: 54902 83581 18224] 54927 83565 181965 ' 54951:83549 10.181690 64975 83533 181415 54999 83517 181140 560^4 83501 180865 55048 83486 180590 55072 83469 180316 55097 83453 180041 5512183437 179/66 65145 83421 179492 55169 83405 179217 !i 55194 83389 10.178943: 55218 83373 178668 55-42 83356 178394! 55266 83340 178120: 55^9183324 177846: 55315 83308 177671 j 55339 83292 177297!; 55363183276 177023 i 56388 83260 176760 i 1 55412 83244 176476 1 155436 '83228 10. 176202 ji 65460 83212 176928 i|55484!83195 175655 ji 65509 83179 176381s 65533 j83163 176107]: 65557183147 1748341! 55581 183131 174561 155605 83115 174287 1! 55630 83098 1740141'! 5566 1 83082 173741 i k.5678 830ij6 10.1734681 1731951 172922 I 172649'! 172376 172103 |i 171830: 171558 171-.^85 171013 Tang. 55702 83060 55726 83034 55760 83017 5577583U01 55799 82L85 65823 821.69 : 55847 :82*j53 j 55871 82036 j 5.5895 ;82!:>20 55^19 82904 l_ '60 59 '58 57 56 56 54 53 52 51 50 49 148 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 <) T 56 Degrees. Log. Sines and Tangents. (34°) Natural Sines. 55 M _Sint 019 7475G2 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4i. 41 42 43 44 45 Mi 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 64 55 56 57 68 59 60 747749 74793!) 748123 748310 7'1849 7 74H683 748870 749056 749243 749426 9.74!>()15 749801 749987 750172 750358 760543 750729 750914 751099 751284 9.751469 751654 751839 752023 7522(W 752392 752576 752760 752944 753128 9.753312 753495 753679 7638()2 754046 754229 754412 754595 754778 754960 ,755143 755326 755508 755()y0 75r>872 756054 756236 756418 756(iO0 756782 9.756y()3 757144 75732(> 757507 7576.S8 7578()9 758050 768230 758411 758591 Cosine. D. 10' 31.2 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 30.9 30.9 30.9 30.9 30.9 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30.5 30 5 30.5 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 Co.«ine. >. 9 18574 918480 918404 918318 918233 918147 9180)2 917976 917891 -917805 917719 1.917634 917548 917462 917376 917290 917204 917118 917032 916046 916859 .916773 916687 916600 916514 916427 916341 916264 916167 916081 915994 .915907 915820 915733 915646 915559 915472 915386 916297 915210 915123 .915035 914948 914860 914773 914685 914598 914510 914422 914334 914246 .914168 9140i0 913982 913894 913806 913718 913630 913541 913453 913365 D. 10" 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14.6 14.5 14.6 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.7 14.7 14 14.7 " Tang. 9.828987 82!i260 829532 829805 830iJ77 830349 830o2l 830893 831165 831437 831709 ?. 831981 832253 832525 832796 833068 833339 833611 833882 834164 834425 ). 834696 834967 835238 835509 835780 836051 836322 836593 836864 837134 ). 837405 837676 837946 838216 838487 838767 839027 83.9297 839568 839838 1.840108 840378 840647 840917 841187 841467 841726 84199<) 842266 842536 1.842806 843074 843343 843612 843882 844151 844420 844689 8449.^)8 845227 Cotang. 65 Degrees. D. 10" 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.3 45.2 45.2 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45.2 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.1 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 46.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.8 Cotang. I A. sine 10 1710131 170740 1704()8' 170195! 169923 ! 169651 169379 65919 55943 559o8 .N. COS. S2904 H2KH7 82871 I 56064 169107:156088 55992 82855 56016182839 56040 82822 82806 82790 82773 8275' 168835 !| 561 12 168563 ij 56136, lti829li| 66160 82741 10.1680191156184 82724 167747 167476 167204 166932 166661 166389 166118 166846 165576 10.165304 166033 164762 6(i208 56232 56256 56280 56305 i 56329 ' 56353 I 56377 156401 t 56425 56449 56473 164491 1 1 66497 164220 I j 66521 1639491156545 163678!; 56569 163407 163136 162866 10.162595 162325 162054 1617841:56736 161613 ji 66760 161243 1 56784 66593 '56617 56641 j 56665 66689 56713 82708 82()92 82675 82(i59 82»i43 82()26 82610 82593 82577 82561 82544 82528 82511 82495 82478 82462 82446 82429 82413 82396 82380 82363 82347 82330 82314 160973 1156808 8229 160703 il568b2 160432 156856 160162 166880 10.159892 Ij 56904 159622 I 56928 159353 1 56962 159083! 156976 158813; I 670U0 158543 158274 158004 167734 167465 157195 156926 156657 166388 10 57024 57047 57071 57095 57119 67143 67167 57191 57215 82281 82264 82248 82231 82214 82198 82l8l! 16 821651 15 82148' 14 82132! 13 82115; 12 82098,11 820821 10 15611811 67238 1558491 57262 155580;! 67286 155311 157310 165042 154773 Tnng. 57334 67368 82065 82048 H2032 82015 81999 81982 81966 81949 81932 81916 9 S 7 6 6 4 3 2 6| N. COS. N sine. J 56 Log. Sines and Tangents. (35°) Natural Smes. TAIJLK II. 1 2 3 4 5 n 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 66 67 68 59 60 9. 75S591 758772 758952 759132 759312 759492 759d72 759852 760031 760211 760390 76^569 760748 7b0927 761106 761285 761464 761642 761821 761999 ! 762177! 762356 j 762534 I 7627121 762889 i 763067 i 763245 i 763422 763600 763777 763954 764131 I 764308 764485 764662 764838 765015 765191 765367 765544 765720 765896 766072 766247 766423 766598 766774 766949 767124 767300 767475 .767649 767824 767999 768173 768348 768522 768697 768871 769045 769219 Cosine. 1 ). lU' 30.1 30.0 30. U 30 30. u 30.0 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.7 29.7 29.7 29.7 29.7 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 Cosine. 1.913365 913276 913187 913099 913010 912922 912833 912744 912655 912566 912477 1.912388 912299 912210 912121 912031 911942 911853 911763 911674 911584 1.911495 911405 911315 911226 911136 911046 910956 910866 910776 910J86 .91U596 910506 910415 910325 910236 910144 910054 909963 909873 909782 .909691 909501 909510 909419 909328 90923 7 909146 909055 908964 90>"i873 1.908781 908690 9085,9 908507 908416 908324 908233 908141 908049 907958 Sine. L>. iU 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4,9 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 T:iii>j. D. 10 9.845227 84549.) 845 764 846033 846302 846570 846839 847107 847376 847644 847913 .848181 848449 848717 848986 849254 849522 849790 850058 850325 850593 .850851 851129 851396 851664 851931 852199 852466 852733 853001 853268 .853635 8538i)2 854069 854336 854603 854870 855137 855404 865671 855938 .856204 856471 856737 857004 ^57270 857537 867803 868069 858336 868602 9.868858 859134 859400 859666 859932 860198 860464 86J730 86J995 861261 Cotiin'T. 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.8 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.7 44.6 44.6 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.6 44.6 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 44.3 10, 10 10 10 10 10 154; 73 154504 154236 153967 153698 153430 153161 152893 152(i24 152356 15C087 151819 151551 151283 151014 150746 150478 150210 149942 149675 149407 149139 148871 148604 148336 148059 147801 147534 147267 146999 146732 146465 146198 145931 145664 145397 146130 144863 144596 14432y 144062 143796 143529 143263 142996 142730 142463 142197 141931 141664 141398 141132 140866 140500 140334 140068 139802 139536 139270 1390J5 138739 I N. sine. IN. cos. I ;. 57358 81915 60 ' 57381 181899 59 I 57 405 181 b&2 158 I 57429.8 186{> ||57453J81a48 1 157477181832 1!67'^01J81815 I' 57624181 / 98 53 ji57648|81782|52 I i 67572,81 765 '51 |!57596i8174e 'l57619|81731 i 67643!81714 !' 67667 I81C98 !' 57691181681 i 57715181664 i:57738!81647 ii 57762181631 !' 67786 81614 1:5781081597 57833 81580 i 57857 81563 i: 67881 81546 ^57904 81530 ! 57928 81513 !' 57952 81496 57976 81479 167999 81462 j 58023 81445 158047:81428 i580/0;81412 I 58094 8 1395 i58118'813V8 158141181361 :68165|81344 58189|81327 ,58'212|81310 I 68236 [8 1293 158260 81276 j 58283 '8 1259 158307181242 I 5833081226 '58354|81208 '58378:81191 68401 181 174 ;58425'811c7 58449 58472 58496 81140 81123 81105 i 12 11 i 5851981089 I 58543 810^2 58667 181055 I 58590 8 1058 1 158614 I 58637 i 158661 i: 68684 j' 58708 81021 81004 80987 80Ji0 80953 !58731|80j36 i58755|80919 i 58779,80902 N. COS. N. sine. 54 Degrees. TAIJLi: II. Log. Siiii'B and Tangents, (36°) NatKral Sines. 57 D. 10" 9.7t)9219 1 769393 2 7(i9ot)ti 3 709740 4 769JJ13 6 77008/ 6 77t)2(>0 7 770433 8 770* UK) y 770779 10 7701);Vi 11 9.771125 12 771298 13 771470 14 771043 15 771815 16 771987 17 772159 18 - 772331 19 772503 20 772675 21 9.77284 7 22 773018 23 773190 24 773361 25 773533 2t) 773704 27 773875 28 774046 29 774217 30 774388 31 9.774558 32 774729 33 774899 34 775070 35 775240 3(> 775410 3? 775580 38 775750 39 775920 40 776090 41 9.776259 42 776429 43 776598 44 7767()8 45 776937 -Hi 77710;> 47 777275 48 777444 49 777613 50 777781 51 1). 7 7 7950 52 7:8119 53 778287 54 778455 55 778624 56 778792 57 7789vi0 5S 779128 59 779295 GO 779463 29.0 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 -.8.4 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 I 28.0 28 27 9 Co.sine. .907958 90;8(;6 907774 90?(i82 907590 907498 907401) 907314 907222 907129 907037 1.906945 90()852 906760 906667 906575 90()482 906389 90()296 906204 906111 1.906018 905925 905832 905739 905646 905552 905459 905366 905272 905179 1.905085 904992 904898 904804 904711 904G17 904523 904429 904335 904241 ). 904 147 904053 903959 9.)3S64 903770 903676 903581 903487 903392 903298 i. 903202 903108 9J3014 902919 902824 902729 902634 902539 902444 902349 D. 10' Sine. 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 16.4 16.4 15.4 15.4 16.4 15.4 15.6 16.6 15.5 15.6 15.6 15.6 15 ' 15 15 15 16 16 1 ) 15 15 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 16.6 15.6 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 16.7 16.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 15.8 15.8 16.8 16.8 16.9 15.9 9. Tang. 861261 861527 861792 8(i205S 8(i2323 862589 862854 863119 863385 8()3650 863915 .864180 864445 864710 864975 8t)5240 865505 865770 866035 866300 86()5u4 .866829 867094 867358 867623 867887 868152 8684 1^ 868680 868945 869209 .869473 86973 7 870001 870265 870529 870793 871057 871321 871685 871849 .872112 872376 8/2640 872903 873167 873430 873694 873957 874220 874484 1.874747 875010 875273 875536 h.5800 876063 876326 876689 876861 877114 Cotajig. D. 10"| Cotaiig. N. sine.jN. CU8 44.3 44.3 44 2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44.2 44 2 44.2 44 1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.1 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.9 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8 10. 10 10 10 10 10 138739 138473 138208 137942 137677 137411 137146 136881 ! 136615 136350 13(i086 135820 1 35555 136290 135025 134760; 134495 134230 1339()5 133700 133436' 133171 1 1326061 132642 j 132377 132113! 131848; 131584 131320' 131055 130/91 130527- 13026311 129999: 129735 129471' 129207 ' 128943 1 ■ 128679 i 128415! 128151 I , 1278881, 127624 I' 12:360 : 127097 I 126833: 126570' 126306 I 1260431 125780' 125516; .125253 124990. 124727 124464 : 124200,: 123937 123674 I 123411' 123149! 122886' 'ring. !; 68779 80902 58802.80885 68826 808()7 68849 80850 68873 80h33 58896 80F 16 68920 80799 58943 80782 58967 80765 58990 80748 59014 80730 59037 80713 69061 80()96 6y(k*^4H(Kj7y 69 lOO 80662 69131 80644 69154 80627 69178 80()10 59201 80593 59225 80576 59248 80568 69272 80541 69295 80524 5931880507 69342 80489 59365 80472 69389 80455 59412 80438 59436 80422 59459 80403 59-482 80386 59506 80368 59529 80361 59552 80334 6j5/6b03l6 59599 80299 69622 80282 69640 80264 696()9:80247 69693 |802o0 59;1()80-j1--^ 59739 80 196 59(63:801 1 8 59786!80160 59809 80143 69832 8U 1 25 59856 80108 69879 80091 69902 !800 73 69926 '80051) 59949 80038 5!:»9;2 80021 59995 800"3 60019 79986 60042 1/9968 60065 i79961 60089 17 9934 60I12J/9916 601351:9899 60158i/9f)81 6018279864 N. to?., A' .sine 53 Degn^fl. 58 Log. Sines and Tangents. (37°) Natural Sinos. TABLE II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~7 8 9 \0 11 12 13 H 15 l(j 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2t> 27 28 29 80 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 55 56 67 58 59 60 Sine. D. 10' 9.779463 779o31 779798 7799o6 780133 780300 780457 7801)34 780801 780£>o8 781134 9.781301 781468 781634 781800 78 19b 6 782132 782298 782464 782630 782796 1.782961 783127 783292 783458 783623 783/88 783t»53 784118 784282 -78444/ 9.784612 784776 784941 785105 785269 785433 785597 785761 785925 786089 9.786252 786416 7865/9 786 742 786906 7870o9 78.232 787395 78755/ 787720 787883 788045 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27. c 27.5 27.5 2 7.6 27.5 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.2 Cosine. |D. 10' 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 788208, 788370 '"^'-^ 788532 788694 788856 789018 789180 789342 I Ccsine. 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 902349 902253 902158 902063 90196 7 901872 901776 901681 901585 9014^0 901394 901298 901202 901106 901010 900914 900818 900722 900626 900529 900433 900337 900242 900144, 900047 899951 899854 899757 899660 899564 899467 8993/0 8992 /3H 899176 899078 898981 898884 898787 898689 898592 898494 9.898397 898299 898202 898104 898006 897908 89/810 "897712 897614 897516 9.897418 89/320 897222 897123 89/025 -896926 896828 896/29 89v><.)31 896532 15.9 15.9 15.9 15 9 15 9 15.9 15 9 15 9 15.9 15 9 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16'0 16 16'0 16 1 16 1 16 1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 16.3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16,4 16.4 Tan<2 D. 10"! Cotang. jjN.sine.jN. t-os 9.877114 877377 ^^' 877640^^- 877903 I ^^' 878165^^' . 878428 2^ • 878691 ;:: • 878953 K:; • 879216 I ^• 879478 'TX- 879741 ^ 9.88fX)03 880265 880528 880790 881052 881314 881576 881839 882101 882363 9.882625 882887 883148 883410 883672 883934 884196 884457 884/19 884980 9.885242 885503 885/65 886026 886288 886549 886810 887072 88/333 887594 9.887^f5 888116 8883 77 888639 ! 888900 889160 889421 889682 889943 890204 890465 890725 890986 891247 891507 891 768 892028 892289 892549 892810 43, 43, 43, 43 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43 43 43, 43, 43, 43, 43. 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43 43 43 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43. 43. 43, 43. 143. 43. 43. 10 10 10. 10 10 10 122886 122623 122360 122097 121835 121572 121309 121047 120784 120522 120259 119997 119735 119472 119210 118948 118686 118424 118161 117899 117637 117375 117113 116852 116590 116328 116066 115804 115543 115281 115020 114758 114497 114235 113974 113712 113451 113190 112928 112667 112406 112145 111884 111623 111361 111100 110840 110579 110318 110057 109796 10J535 109275 109014 108753 1 (>8493 108232 10-972 107'Jn 10/451 10719U |Q«(^ !«fn«ol 60182 79864 60205 60228 60251 60274 60298 60321 60344 60367 : 60390 160414 79846 79829 79811 79793 79776 79758 79741 79723 79706. 79688 60437 179671 604ti0 79658 60483 1 60506 1 60529 { 60553 160576 ! 60599 1 60622 1 60645 ' 60668 160691 ,60714 160738 160761 '60/84 J6080/ 60830 ! 60853 608/6 j 60699 I 60J22 ! 60945 i 60968 160991 161015 ,61038 '61061 79635 79618 79600 79583 79565 79547 79530 79512 79494 79477 79459 79441 79424 79406 79388 79371 79353 79335 79318 79300 79282 /9264 79247 79229 79211 79193 ,61084, /9r76 :6110/|79158 61130179140 6115379122 61J 76 79105 6119917908/ 61222/9069 61245 79051 61268/9033 612911/9016 61314|<8998 6133/78^80 61 360; 78962 61383178944 61406 78926 6142976908 61451 61474 6149/ 161520 I f 1543 i eViio I N cn.s. X.vine. 76891 78873 8655 8837 6819 8801 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 52 Dc-grees. TABLK II. Log. Sines and Tangents. (38°) Natural Sinw. 5S DTTo^ D. 10") Cotang. N.sine.lN. cos. ob. 789342 or 1 789504 ;^ 2 78J(>tio ;"• 789827 ;"• 789988 ^■ 790149 ;:!• 791)bl0 *^ 790471 f^ 79J632 ^^• 9 79J793 ,,'• JO 790954 -^• 11 9.791115 ^^.• 12 791275 ;;,^- 13 791430 ^" 14 ""'--'"^ 791430 ;, • 791590 ^.^• 15 J791757 ;^- 16 •"""•" ^^ 791917 il 17 792077 20 792077 -" 18 792237 .j^" 19 792397 ^.' 20 792557 ^^• 21 9.792710 ;^- 22 792870 -Tf/ 23 - "- ^^ 24 792870 - 23 793035 „p 24 793195 fy 25 793354 ;;"• 20 793514 ^^• 27 793073 I Zi 28 793832 ! *^ 29 793991 I ;.^ 30 794150 ^r 31 9.794308,^^- 32 794407 ;^- 334. 794020 ;:p' 34 794784^^- 35 794942';)^" 30 795101 ijp 37 795259 ^^: 38 795417 ^r 39 795575 ^J^' 40 795733 ^^" 41 9.795891 g^" 42 790049 ^J" 43 - 790200 f^ 44 79«J304 ;}i 45 790621 ^^ 790079 OK 7»ii836 ^ 790993 ^ 797150 .':^ 40 47 48 49 60 52 63 64 55 50 57 58 69 00 79/150 -^^. 797307 ,,2 61 9.797404 T^ Cosine. 9,896532 890433 890335 890230 890137 890038 895939 895840 895741 895041 895542 ,89.5443 895343 895244 895145 895045 894945 894840 894740 894040 894540 .894440 894340 894240 894140 894040 893940 893840 893745 893045 893544 1.893444 893343 893243 -893142 893041 892940 892839 892739 892038 892530 9.892435 892334 892233 892132 892030 891929 891827 891720 891024 891523 .797404 ;" 797021 ^ 797777 1^. 797934 20 798091 OK 798247 ;^ 798403 il 798500 - 798710 ;^ 798872 '^^ 8 .8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 .0 6 G 6 5 6 5 5 6 .4 4 4 4 4 4 A 3 3 ■ 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 ;}j9. 891421 Cosine. 891319 891217 891115 891013 89091 1 890809 890707 890005 890503 Sine. D. 10" 16.4 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.6 10.6 10.5 16.6 16.0 10.6 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 16.6 10.6 10.6 16.7 16.7 16.7 10.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.8 16.8 10.8 10.8 16.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 16.9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 Tang. .892810 893070 893331 893591 893851 894111 894371 894632 894892 895152 895412 .895672 895932 890192 890452 890712 890971 897231 897491 897751 898010 .898270 898530 898789 899049 899308 899508 899827 900080 900340 900005 .900804 901124 901383 901042 901901 902100 902419 902079 902938 903197 .903455 903714 903973 904232 904491 904750 905008 905207 905520 ■ 906784 i. 900043 900302 900500 900819 907077 907336 907594 907852 908111 908369 Cotiuig. 61772;78040 61804 01887 01909 61932 61956J78490 61978"'"-° 62001 62024 62040 02009 78405 78387 78309 78351 78333 78315 78297 8279 T8201 78243 78225 ;8200 78188 78170 62388 78152 02411 02433 62450 78134 78110 78098 62479 78079 02502 78001 02524 78043 62547 78025 02570 78007 62592 77988 02015 77970 02038177952 Tung. N. COS. N.«ine 51 Dugre«a. 60 Log. Sines and Tangents. (39*^) Natural Sines. TABLE IL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lU H 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 I 19 2U 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3-2 33 34 35 3ti 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 00 Sine. 9.798772 799028 799184 799339 799495 799051 799806 799902 800117 8002/2 800427 9. 800582 800737 800892 801047 801201 801356 801511 801665 801819 801973 9.802128 802282 802436 802589 802743 8028y7 803050 803204 803357 80351 1 9.803664 803817 803970 804123 804276 804428 804581 804734 804880 805039 9.805191 805343 805495 805647 805799 805951 806103 806254 80o406 80J557 9.806/09 806860 807011 807163 807314 807465 80/615 807766 807917 808067 Cosine. D. 10"| Cosine. 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.6 26.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.6 25 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.2 25.2 .2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 9.890503 890400 890298 890195 89J0J3 889990 889888 88978) -889682 889579 889477 9.889374 889271 889168 8S9064 8&S961 888858 888755 888651 888548 888444 .888341 888237 888134 888030 887926 887822 887718 887614 887510 887406 9.887302 887198 887093 886989 88(>885 886780 886676 886571 886466 886362 9.886257 886152 886047 885942 885837 885732 885627 885522 885416 885311 9.8^5205 885100 884994 88-1889 884783 884677 884572 884466 884360 884254 D. 10" 17.0 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17. J 17.1 17.1 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.4 17.4 Tang. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17.4 17.4 17.5 17.5 17.6 17.5 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 9.903369 90S;)28 908886 90J144 90J4J2 909660 909918 910177 910435 910 J93 910951 9.911209 911467 911724 911982 912240 912498 912756 913014 913271 913529 9.913787 914044 914302 914560 914817 915075 915332 915590 915847 916104 9.916362 916619 916877 917134 917391 917648 917905 918163 918420 918677 9.918934 919191 919448 919705 919962 920219 920476 920733 920990 921247 9.921503 921760 922017 922274 922530 922787 923044 923300 92355 7 923813 Co tan-'. D. 10' 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 42,9 42.9 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42,8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.8 42.7 IN. .siiic.)N. cofl.l 62932 77715 62955 77696 10.091631 091372 091114 090856 090598 090340 090J82 089823 089565 089307 089049 10.088791 088533 088276 088018 087760 087502 087244 086986 086729 086471 10.086213 085956 085698 085440 085183 084925 084668 084410 084153 083896 10-083638 083381 083123 082866 082609 082352 082095 081837 081580 081323 !| 63832 769 10 081066 1,63854 0808091! 6387, 080552 i 163899 080295 j I 63922 0800381163944 079781 11 63966 (7o866 0795241 6398 j|76847 079267 i! 6401 176828 62977 6300J 63022 63045 63068 1 63090 63113 63135 63158 93180 63203 63225 63248 63271 63293 63316 63338 63361 63383 63406 63428 63451 63473 63496 163518 163.540 63563 1 63585 63608 63630 63653 63675 63698 163720 1 63 742 ! 6371)5 ! 63787 ,63810 77678 77660 77641 77623 77605 77586 7751)8 77550 77631 77513 77494 77476 77458 77439 77421 77402 77384 77366 77347 77329 77310 77292 77273 77255 77236 77218 77199 77181 162 77144 77125 77107 0o8 77070 77051 0J3 77014 76996 76959 7t>940 76921 76903 76884 079010 ''64033 078753 1164056 10.0784971164078 078240' 07/9831 077726 077470 077213 076956 0/6700 076443 076187 64100 6412o 64145 6416 7 64190 04212 64234 64256 64279 Tan* N. COS. N.t^iiu ,6810 .6791 76772 76754 76735 76717 7u698 76679 76661 ,6642 76623 i6604 60 69 58 67 66 55 64 53 i 62. 51 60 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 50 Degrees. TAIiLli 11. l.o;;. .>iiies and Tangents. (40°) Natural Sines. 61 Of J. 1 2 3 4 5 ti 7l loi lll9 V2 13 14 15 lo 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21J 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 I 4ti 47-1 48 49 50 51 52 63 64 65 5(i 57 58 59 60 Sine. 80-iOJ7 808il8 80-}3.)8 8a8jl9 80.-iJ6'^ 8j>-i«19 8J89d9 80J119 8i)J2U9 8JJ419 80J569 809718 8l)98o8 810017 -8l01l)7 810316 810465 810614 811)763 810912 811061 .S11210 811358 811507 811655 811804 811952 81210J 812248 812396 812544 .812692 812840 812988 813135 813-^83 813430 813578 813725 8138/2 814019 .814166 814313 814460 814607 8U763 814900 81504<) 815193 815339 815485 .815631 815-78 815924 8160u9 816215 816361 816507 816652 816798 816943 Cosine. | D. W l Co atne. |D. 10"| Tang, 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 24 9 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.5 24.5 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.5 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.3 1, 21.3 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.2 24.2 24.2 .884254 884148 884042 88393( 883829 883723 883617 883510 883404 88329; 883191 .883084 882977 882871 882764 88265/ 8S2550 882443 882336 882229 882121 .882014 88190/ 881799 881692 881584 881477 88l3«i9 881261 881153 881046 .880938 880830 880 ; 22 880613 880505 8t;0397 880-289 880180 8800/2 879963 .879855 879746 879637 879629 879420 879311 8792(J2 879093 878984 8788/6 .878766 878G56 878647 878438 878328 878219 878109 877999 877890 ,„ o _877780 ^^'^ "sine. 17.7 17.7 .'J 17.7 W.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 [7.9 17.9 7.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.3 18.3 18.3 .923813 924070 924327 924583 924840 92509t) 925352 925«)09 9258()5 926122 926378 .926634 926890 927147 927403 927659 927915 928171 928427 928b83 928940 .929196 929452 929708 929964 930220 930475 930731 930987 931243 931499 ••931755 932010 932266 932522 932778 933033 933289 933545 933800 934056 1.934311 934567 934823 935078 935333 935689 936844 936100 936355 936610 1.936866 937121 937376 937632 937887 938142 938398 938()53 938908 939163 Cotarig. D. lO'^ l Cota ng. I jN.Binc. '64279 64301 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42 42 42 42 42 42 42.7 42.7 42,7 42.7 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.5 42,5 42.6 42.5 42.6 10.076187 076930 0756,3 075417 075160 074904 074648 074391 074136 073878 073622 10.073366 073110 072853 072597 072341 072085 071829 071573 071317 071060 10.070804 070548 070292 070036 069780 069525 0ii92()9 069013 068767 068501 10.068245 067990 067734 067478 06.222 066967 066711 066456 066200 0ti5944 10.065689 065433 065177 064922 (I64()ti7 064411 064156 063900 063645 063390 10.0ti3134 062879 062624 062368 0O2113 061858 061602 Ot)1347 06109'2 06083/ N. COS. 76604 765>}6 64323' 76567 64346176548 64308 1 76530 64390 76511 64412, 64435 64457 64479 64501 64524 64546 76492 76473 76456 7<)436 76417 76398 76380 645681 763ul 1 64690 164612 I (J4635 164657 1 64679 i 64701 1 64723 j 04746 64768 164790 164812 I 64834 64856 1 64878 164901 i 64923 i 64945 j 64967 i (>4989 I65U11 65033 7()342 7()323 7(io04 7()286 76267 76248 76229 76210 76192 76173 76154 76135 76116 76097 76078 76059 76041 76022 76UU3 75984 759u5 65055] /594b |65077|769-^7 165100175908 I 65 1-^2 176889 66144 75 ~^'0 ;5ft51 75832 75813 76794 76775 /5«56 76738 75/19 ,6iOO /56b0 /5061 , 604VJ 75623 /5o04 .5565 /55o6 7 554 / / 5528 .5509 /54b0 /54/1 '6oltj6 65188 165210 i 66232 : 65:^54 65276 ' 65-iy8 653 V 1 65342 65364 ()5b8o 6540b 65430 65452 65474 65496 6551b 05540 655lk> N. fos. N.tsiue 49 Degree*. 62 —] Log:. Sines and Tangents. (41°) Natural Sines. TABLE n. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 t8 49 50 51 62 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Sine. 3.816943 817088 817233 817379 817524 817668 817813 817958 818103 818247 818392 3.818536 818681 818825 818969 819113 819257 819401 819545 819689 819832 >. 819976 826120 820263 826406 82055U 820693 820836 820979 821122 821265 >. 821407 821560 821693 821835 821977 822120 822262 822404 822646 822688 1,822830 822972 823114 823255 823397 823639 8i3680 823821 823963 824104 1.824245 824386 824527 824668 8248 iJ8 824949 825090 825230 826371 825511 Cosine. D. 10" Cosine. 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 1.877780 877670 877560 877450 877340 877230 877120 877010 876899 876789 876678 .876568 876457 876347- 876236 876125 876014 875904 875793 876682 875571 .875469 875348 875237 875126 875014 874903 874791 874680 874568 874456 .874344 874232 874121 874009 873896 873784 873672 873560 873448 873335 .873223 873110 872998 872885 872772 872659 872647 872434 872321 872208 .872096 871981 871868 871765 871641 871528 871414 871o01 871187 871073 Sine. D. 10' 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.5 18.5 18.6 18.5 18.6 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 18.9 Tana;. 3.939163 939418 939673 939928 940183 940438 940o94 940949 941204 941458 941714 3,941968 942223 942478 942733 942988 943243 943498 943752 944007 944262 3.944617 944771 945026 945281 945535 945790 946045 946299 946554 946808 3.9470j3 947318 947672 947826 948081 948336 948590 948844 949099 949363 3.949607 949862 9501 16 950370 950625 950879 951133 951388 951642 951896 ),95216U 952405 952659 952913 963167 953421 953676 953929 954183 954437 Cotanj'. D. 10' 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.6 42.5 42.6 42.5 42.6 42.5 42.6 42.5 42.5 42.6 42.5 42 6 42.5 42.6 4-2.6 42.5 42.5 42.6 42.6 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 Cctang. I, N. sine. 10.030837 1 166606 0605821! 65628 060327 I j 66650 75471 75452 75433 060072 165672 76414 059817'! 66691 059562;! 65716 059306 ,65738 75395 75375 75366 059051 l65759|75337 058796 65781 058542 j 165803 058286 '165825 10.058032 1 1 65847 05777711 65869 057522! I 65891 057267 65913 057012;! 65935 056767 '65956 056502 165978 0562481 66000 055993 I' 66022 055 738! 166044 10.055483; 66066 055229 H 66088 064974! 66109 054719 I! 66131 054465 1 166153 054210 66175 053955' 66197 0537011 66218 063446 '66240 053192' 66262 10.052937' 66284 05J682 ' 66306 0524281166327 0521741:66349 051919 i| 66371 051664' 66393 051410 66414 051156 66436 050901 1 66458 050647 '66480 10.050393 I 66501 050138 I 66523 049884 ! 66545 0496301 665b6 049376' 66588 049121 1 66610 0488671 66632 0486121 66653 0483581 66675 048104' 66697 10.047860 66718 047696; 66740 047341 '66762 uo.. 75318 75299 75280 75261 75241 75222 75203 75184 75165 75146 75126 75107 75088 76069 75050 75030 76011 74992 74973 74953 74934 74915 74896 74876 74857 74838 74818 4799 4780 4760 74741 4722 74703 4683 74663 4644 4625 74606 74586 74567 74548 4522 4509 74489 74470 4451 04708 7 1 66783174431 046833 1166805 0465 79 '66827 046325' 66848 046071 66870 045817 -'66891 045563' 66913 Tanj^. 74412 74392 74373 74353 74334 74314 60 59 68 57 56 55 54 ,63 I 52 61 60 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 36 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 ; 8 1 7 ' 6 5 4 3 2 1 48 Dej'rees. TA1JL1-: II. Ix)g. Sines and Tangents. (42") Natural ciinc'S. 63 019 I 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(i 27 28 29 30' 31 9 32 33 .825511 825661 825791 825 ).l 82(3 (71 82t).ll 82G];)! 820491 820031 820 7.0 820910 8270.9 837189 8273-8 i 8274i)7 I 827600 82 7; 45 8278S4 828023 828102 828301 .828439 828578 828710 828855 828993 829131 82^209 829407 829545 829683 .829821 829959 830097 830234 . ;. 830372 ^ 830509 830.)40 830784 830921 831058 .831195 831332 831409 831o06 -; 831742 ^^ 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 833105 22 833241 t, 833377 t; 83 3512 ** 833048 ,■;.'; 833783 ^^ Oxsine. 831879 832U15 832152 83-2288 832425 832661 832097 832833 83-2969 9.871073 870.>0iJ 870840 870732 870618 870501 870^90 870270 870161 8;0J47 8 .99 }3 9.869818 -869704 869589 869474 869360 869245 869130 809015 8)8900 -868785 9.868070 868555 808440 8J«324 808209 808093 867978 867862 867747 ^ 807031 19.867515 807399 807-283 807167 807051 800935 800819 860703 80()586 866470 860353 800-237 8061-20 860004 86.5887 866770 805()53 865530 865419 865302 19.865185 805068 804950 864833 804716 864598 8(>4481 864303 864245 804127 .Sine. 19. 19. 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19 19, 19, 19, 19, 19 19, 19, 19 19 19 19 19 19 19, 19, 19, 19, 19. 19, 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19 19, 19, 19, 19, 19 19 19 19, ' Sine. D. 10" Co.sin«. D. 10"( Tang. D. 10" Cotung. |,N. sine. [ N. cos. .954437 954691 954945 955-200 955454 955707 955901 950215 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 950409 to'" 950723 950977 .957231 957485 957739 957993 958246 958600 958754 959008 959202 959516 .959769 900023 960277 900531 900784 961038 961291 961545 901799 902052 .962300 962560 962813 963067 903320 903574 963827 904081 964335 904588 .904842 965095 905349 905602 965855 900109 9603(i2 906616 966869 967123 .967376 967629 967883 968136 968389 968643 968896 969149 969403 969656 Cotaug. 47 Degreey. 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42. 3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 10.045563 045309 045056 044800 044540 044293 0+1039 043785 043531 043277 043023 10.042769 (H2615li 042-261 : 042007 041764 041500 041240 040992; 04U738 040484 10.040231: 039977: 0b9723l 0394691 03921611 038962 038709 038455 038201 1 1 03794811 10.037694 i 037440 037187 03(i933 036680 030426 036173 |l 035919'. 035666 i! 035412 'i 10.035158: 034905 6691374314 6693574295 66956 174276 06978174256 6699974237 67021 '74217 67043174198 07064174178 67086.74169 67107174139 67129 74120 67151174100 67172174080 67194174061 67215:74041 67-237 1740-22 6725874002 6728073983 67301173963 673-23173944 673441739-24 67366 73904 67387173885 6V409'73865 67430:73846 67452173826 67473'73806 67495:73787 67516:73767 67538173747 67659173728 6768073708 67602 67623 67645 67666 73688 73669 73649 73()-29 034e;51 " 034o98 034145 033891 033638 033384 033131 03-2877:' 10.03-26-24; 032371 i 0321 17 j 0318641 031611 I 031357 031104 03U851 030597 030344 Tang. 67688173610 67709 73590 67730 7357 67762J73551 67773173531 67796173511 67816173491 67837173472 67859'73452 6788073432 67901 67923 67944 67965 i3413 73393 j 73373; 73 53j 67987173333; 68U08 68029 68051 680/2 68093 68115 68136 68157 68179 68200 73314 3294 3274 73264 73234 73215 73195 73176 73155 73136 N. io.«. N.. sine. I 64 Log. Sines and Tangents. (43°) Natural Sines. TABLE II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 It) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(j 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3d 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 67 58 59 60 Slue. 1.833783 833919 834054 834189 83 4325 834460 834595 834730 834865 834999 835134 ,835269 «^35403 835538 835672 8358 J7 835941 8360/5 836209 836343 836477 .836611 836745 8368/8 837012 837146 837279 837412 837546 837679 837812 .83794 J 8380/8 S3»211 838344 838477 838610 838 742 8388-6 839007 839140 .8392 72 839404 839536 839668 83980J 839932 840064 840196 840328 840159 9.84U591 840722 840854 840985: 84iii6l;rJ 841247 1^ 841378 I „j 841509 841640 8417/1 sin". D. 10" Co.siiie. 9.864127 864010 863892 863774 863656 863538 863419 863301 863183 863064 862946 9.862827 862709 862590 862471 862353 862234 862115 861996 861877 861758 3.861638 -861519 861400 861280 861161 861041 860922 860802 860682 860562 9.860442 860322 8602U2 860082 859962 859842 859721 8596U1 859480 859360 9.859239 859119 858998 8588 7 7 858756 858635 858514 858393 858272 858151 9.858029 857908 857786 85 7665 857543 85/422 857300 857178 857056 85J934 Sine. P. 10' 19.6 19.6 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19,8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 2U.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 2U,2 20. 2 20.3 20.3 20,3 20.3 20.3 20.3 Tang. 9.969656 969909 970162 970416 970669 970922 971175 971429 971682 971935 972188 9.972441 972694 972948 973201 973454 973707 973960 974213 974466 974719 974973 975226 976479 975732 975985 976238 976491 976744 976997 977250 9.977503 977756 978009 978262 978515 978768 979021 979274 979527 979780 .980033 980286 980538 980791 981044 981297 981550 981803 982056 982309 9.982562 982814 983067 9J3320 983573 983826 984079 984331 984584 98483; Cotaii'j;. D. 10" 42.2 42.2 42.2 42,2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42,2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1 Cotaug. iJ.V .siuc.|N. 10.030344 030091 029838 029584 029331 029078 028825 028571 028318 028065 027812 10.027559 027306 027052 026799 026546 026293 026040 025787 025534 025281 10.025027 024774 024521 024268 024015 023762 023509 023256 023003 022750 10.022497 022244 021991 021738 021485 021232 020979 020726 020473 020220 10.019967 019714 019462 019209 018956 018703 018450 018197 017944 017691 10.017438 017186 016933 016680 016427 016174 015921 015669 015416 115163 Tanij. 168200 73135 68221 i 68242 1 68264 168285 1 68306 68327 73116 73096 73076 73056 73036 73016 ! 1 68349172996 ! 1 683 70172976 '68391 72957 I 68412172937 68434172917 i 1 68455172897 i!684/6'72877 1 1 6849 7 172857 j 68518172837 j] 68539 72817 jj 68561 72797 168582 72777 '168603 72757 68624 72737 68645 72717 68666172697 68688 172677 68709172657 68730r72637 68751|72617 68772'72597 68793:725 77 68814|72557 68835 172537 68857j72517 68878172497 68899 72477 68920 72457 68941 172437 68962|7241 7 68983|72397 : 1 69004172377 I 69025^72357 1169016 72337 |i69067!72317 |69088!72297 i I 6910972277 1169130 72257 '6915172236 ;! 69172 72216 6^)193 72196 ■69214 72176 {69235 72156 169256 72136 16927/172116 '169298 72096 69319 72075 I 69340 172055 i! 69361 -72035 : 1 69382 7201 5 II 69403 71995 69424 71974 i 69445 7 1951 ! 69466^71931 N. ous.iN. 46 Degrees. TABLE II. Log. Sines and Tangents. (U°) Natural Sine*. 65 u 9.841771 1 841902 •2 S42033 ;j 8421(i3 4 842294 6 842424 G 842555 7 842.iH5 8 842815 9 84294b lU 84307b 11 9.84320(i 1-2 843336 13 8434bb 14 84;J696 16 843/25 lb 843855 17 843984 18 844114 19 844243 20 844372 21 9.844502 22 844631 23 844760 24 844889 26 845018 2G 845147 27 845276 28 845405 29 845533 30 845662 31 9.845790 32 845919 33 846047 34 846175 35 846304 3G 846432 37 846560 38 846688 39 846816 40 84*i944 41 9.847071 42 847199 43 847327 44 847454 45 847582 Hi 847709 47 847836 48 84/964 49 8480JI 60 848218 5! 9.848345 62 848472 63 848599 64 848 r26 65 H I8tt52 66 8489.9 67 849106 58 819232 69 849359 60^ 849485 Cosine. Cotang. I N. sino. N. cos. 10.0151G3 0'4910 014657 014104 014152 013899 013646 013393 013140 012888 012635 10.012382 012129 011877 011b24 011371 011118 010866 010613 010360 010107 10.0U9855 009602 009349 009097 008844 0118591 ■ ^338 0u<->08b 007833 007580 10 007328 00.0/5' 006822 I 006570 i 006317 i 00o064! 005811) 005559 ' 005306 j 005053 10- 004801 I 004548 ! 004295 004043 ' 0J3.90 003537 i 003285 003032 002779 002527 ; 10 002274 002021 ■ 001769 00151b I 001263 001011 i 000758 ! 000505, 00i>253!' 000000 I 6;>4()t) 6948 '>95US ; 69529 69549 69570 ()9591 69(il2 691533 69654 69676 69()9( 69il1 69737 : 69 758 69779 6980.) 69821 69842 6986' 69o83 69901 69925 69946 ()99()6 69987 70008 700-29 70049 700/0 70091 70112 7013 70103 70174 70195 70215 70236 70257 702/7 70298 70319 70339 703()0 70..81 70401 70422 70443 70463 70484 70505 70525 70546 7056 < 70587 70(i08 70628 70649 70670 70690 70711 71934 71914 71894 71873 718i,3 71833 71813 71792 71772 71752 71732 71711 71691 71671 71650 71630 71610 71590 71569 71549 71529 71508 71488 71468 137 71447 71427 71407 71386 71366 71345 /1 325 71305 71284 71264 71243 71223 71203 71182 71162 71141 /1 121 71100 1080 Tang. 11 N. coc. N.ciin 1059 17 /1038j 16 71019' 16 70998 14 709/8 70967 0937 70916 7LI896 0876 70855 70834 70813 70793 /0772 i0752 70731 /O.ll 45 Degrees. 36 LOGARITHMS TABLE III. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. From I to 200, INCLUDING TWELVE DECIMAL PLACES. ( N. Log. N. Log. N. Log. 1 000000 000000 41 612783 856720 81 908485 018879 2 301029 995664 42 623249 290398 82 913813 852384 3 477121 254720 43 633468 455580 83 919078 092376 4 60-2039 991328 44 643452 676486 84 924279 286062 6 698970 004336 45 653212 513775 85 929418 925714 6 778151 250384 46 662757 831682 86 934498 451244 7 845098 040014 47 672097 857926 87 939519 252619 8 903089 98()992 48 681241 237376 88 944482 672150 9 954242 609439 49 690196 080028 89 949390 006645 10 yame as to 1. 50 Samo as to 5. 90 Same as to 9. 11 041392 685158 51 707570 176098 91 959041 392321 12 079181 246048 62 716003 343635 92 963787 827346 13 113943 352307 63 724275 8()9n01 93 968482 948554 14 146128 035678 54 732393 759823 94 973127 853600 16 176091 269056 55 740362 689494 96 977723 605889 16 204119 982656 56 748188 027006 96 982271 233040 17 230448 921378 57 755874 855672 97 986771 734266 18 255272 505103 68 763427 993563 98 991226 075692 19 278:53 600953 69 770852 011642 99 995635 194598 20 Same as to 2. 60 Same as to 6 100 Same as to 10, 21 322219 2947 61 785329 835011 101 004321 373783 22 342422 680822 62 792391 699498 102 008600 171762 23 , 361727 836018 63 799340 549453 103 012837 224705 24 380211 241712 64 806179 973984 104 017033 339299 25 397940 008672 65 812913 356643 105 021189 299070 26 414973 347971 66 819543 935542 103 025305 865265 27 431363 764159 67 826074 802701 107 029383 777685 28 447158 031342 68 832508 912706 108 033 423 755487 29 462397 997899 69 838849 090737 109 037426 497941 1 30 8ime as to 3. 70 Same as to 7. 110 Same a* to 11. | 31 491361 693834 71 851258 348719 111 045322 978787 \ 32 505149 978320 72 857332 496431 112 049218 022670 33 518513 939878 73 863322 8G0120 113 053078 4434H3 34 631478 917042 74 869231 719731 ' 114 056904 851336 36 544068 044350 75 875 J61 263392 115 060397 840354 36 556302 500767 76 880813 692281 116 064457 989227 37 568201 724!)67 77 886490 725172 117 068185 861746 38 579783 596617 78 892094 602690 118 071882 007306 39 691064 607026 79 897627 091290 119 075546 961393 ^ 40 Same a« to 4. 80 Same as to 8. 120 Same a^ to 12. • - ^ OF NUMBERS. 67 N. 121 082786 370316 , N. Log. N. Log 148 170261 715395 176 243038 048686 122 086359 830675 149 173186 268412 176 245612 1 1678 14 123 0b990t 111439 ; 150 176091 259056 177 241973 2(i6362 124 093421 685162 151 178976 947293 178 250420 002309 125 096910 01 3008 1 152 181843 687945 179 252863 030980 126 100370 645118 ' 163 184691 430818 180 256272 505103 127 103803 7-20956 1 154 187520 710836 181 257678 574^69 128 10/209 969(i48 155 190331 698170 182 2(i0071 387<.85 129 110589 710-299 166 193124 588354 183 262451 089730 130 Same as to 13. [ 157 195899 662409 184 264817 823010 131 117271 295656 158 198657 086954 186 267171 728403 132 120573 931-206 159 201397 124320 186 2(i9512 944218 133 123851 64091)7 160 204119 982656 187 271841 60fi536 134 127104 798365 161 206826 876032 188 274157 849264 136 130333 768495 162 209516 014543 189 276461 804173 136 133538 908370 163 212187 604404 190 278753 600953 137 136720 567156 164 214843 848048 191 281033 367248 138 139879 086401 166 217483 944214 192 283301 228704 139 143014 800-254 166 220108 088040 193 285557 309008 140 146128 035678 167 222716 471148 194 287801 729930 141 149219 112655 168 225309 281726 195 290034 611362 142 152288 344383 169 227886 704614 196 292256 071356 143 155336 037465 170 230448 921378 197 2944(;6 226162 144 158362 49-2095 171 232996 110392 198 296666 1902363 241 3820' 7 042575 347 640329 474791 439 642424 520242 261 399f»73 721481 349 642826 4-26959 ' 443 64()403 72(i223 267 409P33 123331 353 47774 705388 449 65-2246 341003 263 419955 748490 359 565094 448578 457 669916 200070 1 269 429 ?52 2800 J-2 367 664666 064252 , 461 663:00 9-25390 271 4?;2969 290874 373 571708 831809 463 665580 991018 68 LOGARITHMS N. Log. N. Loi?. N. 1171 1181 1187 11J3 1 1201 Log. 467 479 487 491 499 6i9.Jilu 580506 68033') 513414 68/(:28 961215 691081 492123 69ril00 545623 821 823 827 829 839 914343 157119 915399 835212 917505 50c)553 918554 530550 923761 960829 06bbi6 896073 0/2249 807613 0744-0 718955 076640 443670 0.9543 007385 503 509 521 523 641 701 507 985056 706717 782337 716837 '/ 23300 718501 688867 733197 2o5107 853 857 859 863 877 930949 031168 932980 821923 938993 163831 936010 795715 942999 593356 1213 1217 1223 1229 1231 0838 30 800845 085290 578-210 087426 458017 089551 882866 090258 052912 547 557 563 569 671 737987 326333 745855 195174 75U5U8 394851 755112 26(;393 766636 1082io 881 883 887 907 911 944975 908412 945960 703578 947923 619832 957607 287060 959518 376973 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 092369 699609 096662 438356 100026 729204 103190 896808 1068/0 642460 577 587 593 599 601 761175 813156 768638 101248 773U54 693364 777426 8-^2389 778874 472002 919 929 937 941 947 963315 511386 968015 713994 971739 590888 973589 623427 976349 979003 1283 1-.89 1291 1297 1301 108226 656362 110252 917337 110926 242517 112939 986(K)6 114277 296540 607 613 617 619 631 783138 6910^5 787460 474518 790285 164033 791690 649020 80J0-29 359244 963 967 9;i 977 983 979092 900638 985426 474083 987219 229908 989894 563719 992553 517832 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 114944 415712 116276 687564 120244 795568 120902 817604 122870 922849 641 643 647 653 659 806858 f)29519 808210 972924 8109J4 280569 814913 181275 818885 414594 991 997 1009 1013 1019 996073 654485 998695 158312 003891 166237 005609 445360 008174 184006 1361 1367 1373 1381 1399 133858 125188 135768 614554 137670 537223 140193 678544 145817 714122 661 673 677 683 691 810201 459486 828015 064224 830588 668685 834420 703682 839478 047374 1021 1031 1033 1039 1049 009025 742087 U 13258 665284 014100 321520 016615 547557 020775 488194 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 148910 994096 153204 896557 154424 012366 155032 228774 156246 402184 701 709 719 727 733 845718 017967 850646 235183 856728 89U383 861534 410859 865103 974742 1051 1061 1063 1069 1087 021602 716028 025715 383901 026533 264523 028977 705209 036229 544086 1439 1447 1451 1453 1459 158060 793919 160468 531109 161667 412427 162265 614286 164055 291883 739 743 751 767 761 868644 488395 870988 813761 855639 937004 879095 879500 881384 656771 1091 1093 1097 1103 1109 037824 750588 038620 161950 040206 627575 042595 512440 044931 546119 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 167612 672629 170555 058512 171141 151014 172310 968489 172894 731332 769 773 787 797 809 885926 339S01 888179 493918 895974 732359 901458 321396 907948 521612 1117 1123 1129 1151 1153 018053 173116 050379 756261 052693 941925 061075 323630 061829 307295 1493 1499 1611 1523 1531 174059 807708 175801 632866 179264 464329 182699 903324 184976 190807 811 909020 854211 1163 066679 714728 1643 188366 926063 OF NUMBERS 69 AUXILIARY LOGARITHMS N. ,Oity .008 ,007 008 005 1.003 1.002 1.001 Log. ;l N. 1 003891 1()()237 - 1.0)J9 003400532110 1.0003 003029470554 1.0)07 00259S08li(Jb5 i.oooy 0U21U(j0fil76() M 1.0005 001-33712775 1.0004 001300933020 1.0003 0i)0.S«)7721529 1.0u02 000434077479 J l.OUOl Log. 00039l)»i89248 0i)034:29()(84 000';03899,84 00j2(J0^9.^547 OO.J-jU 0929,0 000I73(i83067 0001302()8804 00008085, »2 11 0U0;J434'J7277 N. Log. 1.00009 1.00008 1.00007 1.00006 1.00005 1.00004 1.00003 1.00002 1.00001 000039083266 00003474tH)91 0(X)030398072 00002()0.55410 000021712704 00;)017371430 000013028638 000008()85802 000004342923 N. 1.000009 1 . oouo.js 1.000007 1.000006 1 . 000005 1.000004 1.000003 1.000002 1.000001 Log. 000003908(528 000003474338 000003040047 00000-'(i05756 0000021 7 14(J4 000001737173 000001302880 OU00008G8587 000000434294 1.0000001 1.00000001 [. 00001)0001 , 000000 JOOl Log- 000000043429 000000004343 000000000434 000000000043 (n) (o) (P) (q) m=0.43429448l9 log. —1.637784298. By the preceding tables — and the auxiliaries A, B, and C, we can tind the logarithm of any number, true to at leant ten decimal places. But some may prefer to use the following direct formula, which may be found in any of the standard works on algebra: Log. (z-|-l)=log.2r+0.8685889638/^_L \ if z be The result will be true to twelve decimal places, over 2000. The log. of composite numbers can be determined by the combination of logarithms, already in the table, and the prime numbers from the formula. Thus, the number 5083 is a prime number, find its log'a- rithm. We first find the log. of the number 3082. By factoring, we discover thai this is the product of 46 into 67. 70 NUMBERS Log. 46, 1.6627578316 Log. 67, 1.8260748027 Log. 3082 3.4888326343 Log.3083=3.4888326343+«-^^^^^^96'^« 6165 NUMBERS AND THEIR LOGARITHMS, OFTEN USED IN COMPUTATIONS. Circamference of a circle to dia. 1 ) Log. Surface of a sphere to dmmeter IV =3.14159265 0.4971499 Area of a circle to radiun 1 ) Area of a circle to diameter 1 -— .7853982 —1.8950899 Capacity of a sphere to diameter 1 = .6236988—1.7189986 Capacity of a sphere to radius 1 =4.1887902 0.6220886 Arc of any circle equal to the radius =57°29578 1.7581226 Arc equal to radius expressed in sec. =:206264"8 5.3144251 Length of a degree, (radius unity) = .01745329 —2.2418773 12 hours expressed in seconds, = 43200 4.6354837 Complement of the same, =0.00002315 — 5.3645163 360 degrees expressed in seconds, = 1 296000 6. 1 1 26050 A gallon of distilled water, when the temperature is 62° Fahrenheit, and Barometer 30 inches, is ^ILf^-J^j cubic inches. ^277.274=16.651542 nearly. 277.274 .775398 = 1 8.78925284 ^ 231 = 1 5. 1 98684. V 282 =16.792855. ^".785398 The French Metre=3.2808992, English feet linear mea- sure, =39.3707904 inches, the length of a pendulum vi- brating seconds. ^^^- _= 18.948708. 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