University of California Berkeley Purchased from THOMAS W. STREETER BEQUEST COMPILED AND EDITED BY MAJOR E. L. N. GLASS, 10TH CAV. COPYRIGHT, 1921 Of tlj 1866 1921 COLONEL EDWIN B. WIN AN S to one foljo inspires ttje respect of ifyose fotfo knout tjim, fafyose qualities of djaract botfy affection anh personal logaltg, to one unber felfom it is a anfr a privilege to t0 book is fobttateh as a sltgtjt tribute of tte r^ar^ tn hii|tcl| \\t t command JOHN J. PERSHING GENERAL OF THE ARMIES The record of the phenomenal growth and expan- sion of our country is resplendent with the contribu- tory and glorious achievements of its Army. From the pioneer days when our forefathers carved their way into the wilds and dangers of the west to the present, the Army has played a most important part in shaping the destiny of tins country. It lias been an honor, which I am proud to claim, to have been at one time a member of that intre/n'd organization of the Army which lias always added glory to the military history of America The wth Cavalry. Several years of my early military life were spent with that organization, and as I look back I can but fee! that the associations with the splendid officers and men of the loth Cavalry were of the greatest value to me. The Army and the country must assuredly have a glorious sense of pride when they review through these pages the stirring deeds and honorable history of this Regiment. It is a pleasure to have this opportunity of record- ing my congratulations to the officers and men who have been or arc members of the wth Cavalry, not onlv on their contribution to the Army during the past but also on their present high state of efficiency and organization. My best wishes go with you in the full confidence that you will meet every call which falls to you in the days to come with the same spirit of patriotism and sense of duty as you have in the past. J. G. HARBORD MAJOR GENERAL, U. S. A. Thirty years ago the Old Army, whose traditions we inherit, was the Indian-fighting army which had zvon the west for our civilisation. After the Spanish-American war it was the service of the period just preceding that conflict. Now a new generation is talking of the Old Army, meaning the regular service as we knew and loved it in the first sixteen years of the century. But for anyone now in the American uniform, the Tenth Cavalry has always been -of the Old Army. It probably has more veterans in its ranks than any other regiment in the service. The traditions of oilier days cluster round it guidons, and the brave stories of the frontier are still told before its camp-fires. Organised in 1866, w///; officers and men fresh from the fields of the Civil War, it bore an honorable part in the hard riding and fighting of the Indian wars. Thirty- four years ago it was scouting the cactus-covered hills of Arizona near where its guidons flutter today, hunting the Apache Kid and Geronimo of the zvily Apaches. A period of garrison life in Montana, enlivened by occasional contact with the ghost- dancing warriors of the North, and the regiment w about the same locality as the first fight. They were hampered by a large wagon train loaded with supplies. The engagement lasted all the afternoon, with severe losses on both sides. One private of F Company was killed and nineteen wounded. The volunteers lost fifteen wounded. Fifteen horses were killed and many wounded. A first hand account of this engagement would be most valuable ; unfortunately, it is doubtful if there survives today any participant. On September 15th, 1868, a detachment of Company G, Sergeant Davis and nine men, was attacked by sixty Cheyennes. The Indians were badly beaten, with the loss of one private wounded and two laborers killed. The headquarters of the regiment remained at Fort Riley until April 17, 1868. The regiment was scattered throughout Kansas and Indian Territory (Oklahoma) ; the troops were very much occupied learning their drill, patrolling the Union Pacific Railroad and protecting the far-flung settlements. The winter of 1867-68 found the regiment engaged in General Sheridan's winter cam- paign against Black Kettle's band of Cheyennes. This tribe bore one of the worst repu- 16 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY tations of any of the plains Indians. They were not confined to reservations, but came in to designated agencies to draw rations, blankets and other supplies. Black Kettle was a wily chief, and much hard riding and scouting was required before his band was broken up and their capacity to commit depredations ruined. This winter campaign taught them that the troopers could and would follow them to any length, and the Tenth Cavalry did an equal share in wiping out their menace. In one march the regiment was caught in a terrible blizzard and lost over a hundred horses through starvation and freezing. In the fall of 1868 actual service was seen again. Company I fought a drawn battle with one hundred Cheyennes at Big Sandy Creek on September 15th, losing ten horses, but killing seven hostiles. In the same month Companies H and I formed part of the relief party to the rescue of Lieutenant Colonel George A. Forsyth, who, with a party of scouts, was attacked and "corralled'' by a force of about 700 Indians on an island in the Republican River. Two of Forsyth's scouts stole through the Indian lines and brought word of the perilous situation of the command to Fort Wallace. Parties were soon on the way to its relief. First and last the following troops were started toward it from different points: Captain Bankhead with about one hundred men of the 5th Infantry, Captain Carpenter with Co. H, Captain Graham with Co. I of the 10th Cavalry, and two companies of the 2nd Cavalry under Major Brisbin. Captain Carpenter's company was the first of these commands to arrive upon the scene. It found Forsyth's command out of rations, living on horse flesh without salt or pepper. All its officers had been killed or wounded. Every horse and mule, too, had been killed. Forsyth, who had been twice wounded, was lying in a square hole scooped out in the sand within a few feet of the line of dead horses which half encircled the hole and impregnated the air with a terrible stench. Captain Carpenter immediately pitched a number of tents in a suitable place nearby, had the wounded men carried to them, and the rest removed to a more salubrious air. Twenty-six hours later Captain Bankhead arrived bringing with him the companies of the 2nd Cavalry. On October 14th, 1868, two weeks after he had returned to Fort Wallace with the wounded of Forsyth's command, Captain Carpenter was ordered to take his own company, H, and Co. I of the 10th Cavalry, and escort Major Carr, of the 5th Cavalry, to his com- mand, supposed to be on Beaver Creek. On the march he was attacked by a force of about five hundred Indians. After proceeding, regardless of the enemy's firing and yelling, far enough to gain a suitable position, he halted his command, had the wagons corralled close together and rushed his men inside at a gallop. He had them dismount, tie their horses to the wagons, and form on the outside around the corral. Then followed a volley of Spencers which drove the Indians back as though they were thrown from a cannon. A number of the warriors, showing more bravery than the others, undertook to stand their ground. Nearly all of these, together with their ponies, were killed. Three dead warriors lay within fifty yards of the wagons. The Indians were so demoralized by these results that they did not renew the attack and the troops accomplished their march without further molestation. They were back at Fort Wallace on the 21st, having traveled 230 miles in about seven days. For their gallantry in the fight, which took place on Beaver Creek, the officers and men were thanked by General Sheridan in a general field order ; Captain Carpenter was breveted Colonel and awarded a Medal of Honor. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 17 BENJAMIN H. GRIERSON THE REGIMENT'S FIRST COLONEL In April, 1869, headquarters and troops moved to Camp Wichita, in Indian Territory. Camp Wichita was established on the flat directly northeast of the site selected for the post, on the bank of the Medicine Bluff Creek near its junction with Cache Creek. The only shelter they had was the tentage which they brought with them, much of which had been condemned. An old saw mill was moved up from Fort Arbuckle, fatigue parties were detailed to cut logs in the Wichita Mountains west of the camp, rock quarries were opened in the vicinity and the erection of temporary shelter for men and animals commenced. These were "jackal" buildings with mud roofs and floors. Very few of the recruits assigned to the regiment could read or write, many of them being plantation hands from the South. Seldom could one be found capable of clerical 18 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY duty, so that the officers were obliged to do most of their paper work. Quite a number of the recruits had served in the colored regiments during the Civil War, and these furnished the non-commissioned officers. On the whole the men were obedient, amenable to dis- cipline and anxious to learn, besides being proud of their uniform. Even the band was organized, not from musicians, but by selecting men who could read and write and teaching them music. General Grierson, who was himself an accomplished musician, gave them his personal attention and soon succeeded in having a competent leader enlisted and assigned to the regiment. With this handicap in the way of skilled men, the erection of the permanent post was commenced, principally with the labor of the troops. The government was very penurious in the matter of furnishing skilled labor and material. Very few skilled mechanics were allowed and these only for superintendents and overseers. The soldiers ran the saw mill, quarried rock, burned lime and dressed and laid the stone in the walls. In this way a post for ten troops of cavalry, officers' quarters, barracks, stables and storehouses were built. In the summer of 1872, General Sherman, then in command of the Army, made a tour of inspection of the posts in the Department of Texas. When between Forts Griffin anil Richardson they met a contractor's mule train hauling supplies to Fort Griffin. Soon after General Sherman and his party arrived at Fort Richardson a teamster from this train arrived at the post with information that the train had been captured by a party of Indians, the teamsters, except this one, who had escaped, were killed, the wagons burned and the mules driven off. The General and his party continued their journey to Fort Sill. The day after their arrival, being ration day, the Kiowas and Comanches in large numbers, probably seven or eight thousand, men, women and children, came into the agency, which was on the military reservation about half a mile from the post. "Satanta," a chief of the- Kiowas, openly boasted that he was the leader of the band which had captured the train. The Indian agent sent a note to the post commander requesting that he be arrested, also "Satank," another influential chief, and a young Indian named "Big Tree." In the mean- time, Satanta and Satank came into the post to see the "Big Chief," who, they learned, was at the commanding officer's house. The troops had orders to "saddle up" and remain in the stables where they could not be seen. While the conversation between General Sherman and the two chiefs was being conducted on the commanding officer's portico, "Big Tree" rode by on his way to the trader's store. The adjutant was directed to take a detachment and arrest him. He was found in the rear of the store, and upon seeing the guard pulled his blanket about his head and jumped through a window, carrying sash and glass with him, vaulted over a high stockade fence and ran like a deer through the troop gardens toward a thicket. The guard fired several shots at him, and the adjutant (Lt. Woodward) mounted, pursued and caught him just as he was about to enter the thicket, bound him with a lariat and took him to the commanding officer's quarters. In anticipation of the final decision to confine Satanta and Satank, a dismounted detachment had been secretly sent, one by one, to enter the com- manding officer's house by the rear and was concealed in a front room ready for an emergency. When the general indicated that he wished them arrested, the guard filed out and surrounded the porch. At this juncture, Lone Wolf, a vicious and desperate Kiowa chief, rode up, dismounted and came on the porch, smiling and ejaculating the familiar Indian greeting, "How, How," threw aside his blanket and disclosed two loaded carbines, one of which he passed to another Indian. With an almost superhuman effort, General HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 19 Grierson sprang upon the two Indians, seized the muzzles of the carbines, and sat both Indians squat upon the porch floor. The guard levelled their carbines, but General Grierson's action prevented what, for a moment, threatened a serious tragedy. Indians were passing through the post and exhibited much excitement. As a precau- tion, a small detaching of mounted troops was placed at each of the four corners of the parade. Some Indians riding into the post from the southeast, perceiving the commotion on the porch, fired upon one detachment, wounding a horse, and fled. This detachment pursued and fired upon them and killed one, his companion closing in on him and carrying him off mounted. The firing was heard by the Indians at the agency and a wild stampede occurred. Satanta, Satank and Big Tree were confined in the guard house and a short time afterwards were turned over to General MacKenzie, colonel of the Fourth Cavalry who came through the post with a detachment of his regiment, with orders to turn them over to the civil authorities of Texas to be tried for murder. As the three Indians were brought from the guard house to be put in a wagon, Satank started a wierd chant, which we after- wards learned was his "death song." No one understood him except the other two Indians, who, fearing the consequences of an outbreak by him, caught him and put him forcibly into a wagon, taking the precaution to get in another wagon themselves. In the wagon with Satank was a soldier of the Fourth Cavalry who was unable to ride his horse. A short distance from the post, Satank, who had concealed a knife about his person, attacked and stabbed the soldier and seized his carbine, which was loaded. The soldier rolled out of the wagon, and the Indian attempted to fire on the guard which surrounded the wagon, but a shot broke his wrist and others soon ended his earthly career. During the seven years the regiment was at Fort Sill, besides watching and controlling the Indians, it was largely engaged in suppressing horse and cattle thieves, and whiskey peddlers. After establishing and building a post there, this camp was named Fort Sill. Life at Sill was not a picnic. More than once the garrison stood to arms in apprehension of an attack. Scouting parties were continually in the field running down marauders, desperadoes, outlaws, hostiles on the war path, and many times only a demonstration in force succeeded in keeping the Red Men within their bounds. An example of the manifold duties falling to the troops during this period, is the entry in the regimental return : "Company D February 25th. Left Fort Arbuckle for Cotton- wood Grove to assist Indian agent in reclaiming white children held captives by Indians." On the llth of June, 1871, Camp Supply was charged by a horde of Comanches, who endeavored to pursue their favorite tactics of stampeding the horses and stock. The Indians were promptly driven off and pursued by Companies A, F, H, I, K, and three companies of the Third Infantry. In the ficht that ensued three soldiers were wounded and several horses killed. The Indians lost six killed and ten wounded. It was about this time that the colored troopers became known among the Indians as the "Buffalo Soldiers." Years later, when a design for the regimental coat of arms was being prepared, the buffalo was adopted as a crest. The Indians of that day learned a wholesome respect for the tireless troopers who, once on the trail, could not be shaken off. Among the stations garrisoned by the regiment in this period were Forts Dodge, Gibson and Arbuckle; Camp Supply and the Cheyenne agency, in the Indian Territory. A pitched battle was staged in August, 1874, between the hostiles and the defenders of the Wichita agency. The Kiowas and Naconees strongly resented the establishment of 20 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY the post, and had planned a coup to wipe out the settlers, soldiers and every building. The hostiles numbered some five hundred. Companied C, E, H and L of the Tenth Cavalry com- prised the garrison. The attack was launched from all sides by the determined Red Men. The surrounding prairie was fired at many points, with the purpose of burning the defenders out, stampeding horses, and burning the buildings. The soldiers had their hands full fighting the fires and repulsing the repeated attacks by the encircling Indians, which were delivered with great courage. Affairs were about to become serious, when Captain Carpenter mounted his com- pany (H) and charged through their center. This charge broke the spirit of the attackers, who fell back in confusion, leaving on the field a large amount of booty. In April, 1873, a part of the regiment made the acquaintance of Texas. Companies E, I and L were stationed at Fort Richardson ; C at Fort Griffin ; F at Fort Concho. Head- quarters remained at Fort Sill until March, 1875. The troops remaining in Indian Territory took part in the campaign of 1874-75 against the Kiowas and Comanches. In this campaign. Companies D and M, with one company of the Eleventh Infantry, commanded by Major Schofield, captured a band of more than 300 hostiles and 1500 ponies at Elk Creek, Indian Territory, October 25, 1874. Among the prisoners were a number of irreconcilables "bad Injuns." These were closely confined at Fort Sill and later transferred to Fort Marion in far off Florida, for restriction. Captain Pratt went in charge of this party, and never rejoined the regiment. He was a fine officer and very sympathetic towards the Indians. As Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School he gained wide fame. On the 6th of April, 1875, occurred the chase after Black Horse's band. He was at the Cheyenne agency awaiting transportation to Fort Marion. Knocking down his guard, he escaped and ran for the camp of his tribe nearby. He was killed as he ran by Captain Bennett, Fifth Infantry. This was the signal for an exodus. Practically the whole tribe abandoned camp that night and took to the hills, but not before engaging in a brisk skirmish with Companies D and M, in which one soldier was killed and twelve wounded. The Indians lost eight killed. Tenth Cavalry marksmanship was improving with practice. After a ten day chase most of the Indians returned to the agency. Headquarters was established at Fort Concho, Texas, on April 17, 1875. The May return shows the troops stationed as follows : Companies A, D, F, G, I and L at Fort Concho. Companies B and E at Fort Griffin. Companies C and K at Fort McKavett. Company H at Fort Davis. Company M at Fort Stockton. In the next seven years that headquarters remained at Fort Concho, the troops were scattered all over west Texas, as occasion demanded, and added to their reputation as Indian fighters when they met the Apaches. Their work was a long succession of hikes and pursuits, with now and then a consoling skirmish with Indians or desperadoes. Their trails led them far into Mexico; into and over the grim fastness of the Guadalupe Moun- tains; across the deserts of the Staked Plains, the Bad Lands of the Rio Grande and the Big Bend. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 21 Regard a few bald entries in the regimental returns of 1876 and 1877, picked at random : 1876 "Co. C Fort McKavett, Texas. The company returned from scout duty in field against hostiles after absence of six months and seven days." "Co. G Fort Griffin, Texas. Corporal John Robinson and four men pursued Mexican horse thieves, returned November 28, 1876; captured 10 Mexicans, 15 horses. Distance marched 770 miles." 1877 "Co. A Private Dcrwin died July 30th from want of water. Private Gordon died July 31st, being without water for 86 hours. Privates Bond and Isaacs missing since July 30th on account of straggling." ''Headquarters "1st Lt. R. G. Smither, Adjutant, with effective force of band, (16 men) started on scout August 3rd to Bull Creek, Texas, distance of 140 miles, in 41 hours, for relief of Captain Nolan's command which was reported in suffering con- dition on Staked Plains. Men and horses dying from lack of water. Re- turned to Fort Concho August 14th." "Co. F Camp on the Rio Grande, Texas. Since last report the company has been engaged in scouting after hostile In- dians. Distance marched 1500 miles." "Co. G May 4th, Fort Griffin, Texas. Captain Lee, Lieut. Jones, and 42 men, left post April 9, 1877, in pursuit hostile Indians. Surprised Comanche village at Lake Quemado, Texas, killed four Indians, captured six squaws, and 69 horses. 1st Sergeant Charles Baker killed in action. Distance marched 750 miles." "Co. I Fort Richardson, Texas. 2d Lieutenant Jewett and 24 enlisted men returned from a scout on the Staked Plains. One public horse, Captain Baldwin responsible, died on Staked Plains October 25th. Distance marched 1360 miles." Those were the days that tried men's souls, and welded the organizations into bands of true and tried veterans. Captain Bourke,. of the Third Cavalry, has written of those days : "To march into battle with banners flying, drums beating, and the pulse throbbing high with the piomptings of honorable ambition and enthusiasm, in unison with the roar of artillery, does not call for half the nerve and determination that must be daily exercised to pursue, mile after mile, in such terrible weather, over rugged mountains and through unknown canons, a foe whose habits of warfare are repugnant to every principle of humanity, and whose presence can be determined solely by the flash of the rifle which lays some poor sentry low, or the whoop and yell which stampeded our stock from the grazing grounds. The life of a soldier, in time of war, has scarcely a compensating feature ; but he ordinarily expects palatable food whenever obtainable, and good, warm quarters during the winter season. In campaigning against the Indians, if anxious to gain success, he must lay aside every idea of good food and comfortable lodgings, and make up his mind to undergo with cheerfulness privations from which other soldiers would shrink back dis- mayed. His sole object should be to strike the enemy and to strike him hard, and this accomplished should be full compensation for all privations undergone. With all its dis- advantages this system of Indian warfare is a grand school for the cavalrymen of the 22 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY future, teaching them fortitude, vigilance, self-reliance, and dexterity, besides that instruction in handling, marching, feeding, and righting troops which no school can impart in text- books." The frontier was an imaginary line when pursuing marauders. A picked detachment of Company B, under Lieut. Evans, and two Seminole scouts, surprised a camp of the Lipans and Kickapoos near Saragossa, Mexico, on July 30, 1876, after a forced nrirch of 110 miles in twenty-five hours. Ten Indians were killed, 93 captured, with the loss cf one horse. Twenty- three lodges were destroyed. Captain Lebo also led Companies B, E and K into the Pinto Mountains of Mexico and destroyed a village on August 12, 1876. The Victoria campaign of 1880 resulted in the breaking up of that wily chieftain's band, teaching it such a lesson that he never again came north of the Rio Grande. In July of that year, Victoria and all his band broke out from the Mescalero reserva- tion in New Mexico and started through Texas on a reign of terror, murder and pillage. Colonel Gi ierson, on a scout with only six men, was attacked by this band near Eagle Springs, and was barely rescned by a reinforcement from Company C, of Lieut. Finley with 15 men. Later, Companies A and C came up, driving the Apaches on after a four-hour light. The pursuit was carried to the Rio Grande. The bad reputation these Apaches bore did not feaze the troopers of the Tenth Cavalry. A detachment from Company H, under Corporal Asa Weaver, out on patrol, did not hesitate to head off the band in its retreat after it had crossed the river into Mexico, but joined in a running fight of 15 miles. Near El Alamo, the horse of Private Tockes became unmanageable, being wounded with an arrow. It bucked and stampeded into the midst of the Indian rear guard. When last seen, this brave man was discerned to have dropped his reins, drawn his carbine, and was selling his life dearly. Months later his SKeleton was found. Corporal Weaver was promoted on the spot to a sergeantcy for his gallantry and qualities of leadership. Colonel Grierson personally led the column that, by a forced march of 65 miles, inter- cepted Victoria's retreat and forced him to cross into Mexico, whence he never returned to raid. He was later killed by Mexican soldiery near Lake Guzman. Under the "Record of Events," the following are typical : "Co. K Sculptured Tanks, Guadalupe Mountains, N. M., April, 1880. Left Salada Water Holes, Texas, April 1st, arrived at Black River Falls, N. M. Marched thence northward through the Guadalupe Mountains by way of Guadalupe Creek to the Rio Panasco in the Sacramento Mountains, thence to the agency and took part in the disarming and dismounting the Mescalero Indians. April 9th struck the camp of a small party of Mescaleros at Shake- hand Springs, N. M. Killed one buck, captured four squaws and one child, released from captivity a small Mexican boy (Cayetana Segura) aged 11. Captured 21 head of horses and mules, and destroyed their camp. Distance marched, 417 1 / 2 miles." "Company A Near old Fort Quitman, Texas, August, 1880. Left Eagle Springs, Texas, August 2nd and marched to Van Horn's Wells. August 3rd, marched to Devil's Race Course. August 4th, marched to Rattle Snake Springs ; 6th, 7th and 8th, engaged in scouting and picketing the passes of the Sierra Diablo. August 10th, marched to Ash Springs. August llth, discovered and followed trail of Victoria's band of Apaches from 8:00 p. m. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 23 until 11 :45 a. m. of the 12th, when, after marching and reaching the Rio Grande, the pursuit ended by reason of the enemy crossing the river into Mexico. Distance marched by company and detachments, 748 miles." "Company G Sulphur Water Hole, Texas, August, 1880. Left Eagle Springs, Texas, August 3rd, arriving at Van Horn, Texas, the same night ; August 4th, 5th, marched to Rattle Snake Springs, Texas. August 6th, engaged with hostile Indians near Rattlesnake Springs. No casualties. August 7th, marched to Sulphur Water Hole, Texas. August 3rd, Private Julius London, one of the party of scouts, was engaged and wounded in action with hostile Apaches near Eagle Springs, Texas. Distance marched 1256 miles." "Company H Near Hot Springs, Texas, August, 1880. August 1st, engaged in furnishing pickets and scouts from Eagle Springs, Texas. August 3rd, Corporal A. Weaver, with Pvt. Brent of H Company, and a small detail from other companies, while on picket at Alamo Springs, dis- covered Victoria's band of Indians after they had crossed the Rio Grande and had an engagement and running fight for 15 miles. August 3rd, left Eagle Springs in pursuit of Victoria's band. Marched to Van Horn and thence to Devil's Race Course, thence across to the Rattle Snake Springs. August 6th, participated in an engagement with Victoria's band with Companies B, C and G, under command of Capt. L. H. Carpenter, the Indians being repulsed and fleeing to the mountains. Pvt. Wesley Hardy missing in action. Distance marched by company and detachments, 1250 miles." On January 1, 1881, the designation was changed from "Company" to "Troop." Regimental headquarters moved to Fort Davis in July, 1882, and remained until March. 1885. In these three years the troops performed the same old dismal frontier service, with few comforts, and no luxuries. But they were close to being a perfect cavalry fighting machine ; they were lean and hard and grizzled, and loved a fight. This entry appears in Troop M's records : "Jan., '84, Pina-Colorado, Texas. Saddler Ross mortally wounded. Sgt. Winfield Scott and Pvt. Augustus Dover slightly wounded, while arresting a desperado on the military reservation. The desperado, W. A. Alexander, was killed while resisting arrest." CHAPTER III THE BUFFALO SOLDIERS IN ARIZONA N THE Spring of 1885, the regiment moved westward into the Depart- ment of Arizona, where the Apaches held sway. Geronimo, the Kid, Mangus, Cochise, Alchise, Aklenni, Natsin, Eskiltie and other chieftains had dotted the plains and canons of Arizona with the graves of thousands of emigrants, settlers and prospectors. The department was commanded by that famous Indian fighter and administrator, General Crook. Marching along the Southern Pacific Railroad, the column was joined at Camp Rice hy Troop 1. For the first time in its history the regiment was gathered together. The twelve troops, headquarters and hand, continued together to Bowie Station, Arizona, in the Chiricahua Mountains. Here the troops again separated to go to their posts, as follows : Headquarters and Troop B, Whipplc Barracks ; A, Fort Apache ; C, F and G, Fort Thomas; D. E. H. K and L, Fort Grant; I and M, Fort Verde. Lieut. Colonel Wade took station at Apache; Major Mills at Thomas; Major McClellan at Verde, and Major Van Vliet at Grant. The chaplain held out at Apache. The Geronimo campaign was under way, and immediately a squadron composed of Troops D, E, H and K was put in the field under Major Van Vliet. They ransacked every trail in the Mogollon Mountains, even as far as Fort Bayard, New Mexico, but were evi- dently on the wrong trail. All the troops of the regiment were in the field in this campaign. Several officers used pull and had themselves detailed with the Indian scouts, hoping in that way to get to the front of the front. Lieut. Shipp was thus with Captain Crawford in his tragic expedition way down in Mexico. Lieut. Finley accompanied Captain Lawton. Fourth Cavalry, when he forced the surrender of Geronimo and his band. The second Medal of Honor in the .regiment was won by Lieut. Powhatan H. Clarke, who had accompanied Captain Lebo's troop (K) from Calabasas into Mexico. On May 3rd, 1886, the troop, after a remarkable march of over two hundred miles, came up with Geronimo's band in the Pinito Mountains. The fighting was of a most desperate character ; the Indians were in their own chosen positions, in gorges and on inaccessible oliffs. Cor- poral Scott was wounded seriously, and lying exposed to the enemy's fire. Lieut. Clarke ran, without hesitation, to his aid. picked him up and carried him to safety through a hail of missiles. In October, Chief Mangus and his band were run down by Troop H in the White Mountains, east of Fort Apache, after a running fight of 45 miles over almost impassable country. Captain Cooper then had H Troop. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 25 LIEUT. POWHATAX H. CLARKE WINNING MEDAL OF HONOR (FROM PAINTING PRESENTED BY THE ARTIST, T. HOLROYD LAMBERT) 26 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY CAPTAIN T. C. LEBO For most of the troops there was little glory in this campaign. Their's was the harder duty, to prevent outbreaks, rath'er than chase the renegades back onto their reser- vations. Their's was the dismal duty to guard mountain passes, water holes, and trails that did not lead to glorious lighting. In 1887, about half the regiment pursued the "Kid," one of Geronimo's disciples. It was a hard campaign, but unsuccessful. He was never caught ; he may still be running. Lieut. Carter P. Johnson gained commendation by the skill, energy and endurance with which his outfit pursued this outlaw. Headquarters move to Fort Grant in July, 1886, thence to Santa Fe, New Mexico, in November of the same year. The following order was published to the troops in Arizona : HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 27 "HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF ARIZONA, "Willcox, A. T., October 7, 1886. "General Field Orders No. 12 : "It is gratifying to the Commanding General to announce to the troops serving in this Department the close of the Indian campaign, and the establishment of permanent peace and security against future depredations of the hostile Apaches, as the result of the fortitude and endurance of the troops in the field. "You have effected the subjugation of the hostiles under Geronimo and Natchez, and, with the exception of one small thieving party now in Chihuahua, Mexico, all have been removed to a place of safe custody. At the same time the entire tribe of Chiricahua and Warm Springs Indians, whose presence has been a menace to the settlements and whose camps have for years been the. rendezvous, the source of supplies, and the safe refuge of the hostile element, have been entirely removed from these territories. For centuries the warlike Apaches have been a terror to this country. Neither Indian nor Spaniard have been able to successfully cope with them in their peculiar methods of savage warfare, and for years they have retarded the progress of civilization and industry. It was against such an enemy a.s this, and in a wild, arid country, traversed by a series of rugged and almost impassable mountain ranges, with great scarcity of water, that the troops, already worn and tired, re-entered the field. "In the early days of April last, the hostiles, then in Sonora, Mexico, began their depredations, and on the 27th of that month invaded the territory of Arizona. They at once met active opposition ; Captain T. C. Lebo, Tenth Cavalry, true to his reputation as a gallant and successful cavalry leader, moving first against them. He followed the hostiles rapidly for over two hundred miles, and finally, on May 3rd, forced them to an encounter. During this spirited engagement the officers and men evinced great bravery, contending against an enemy on ground of their own choosing, among rugged cliffs almost inaccessible. During the engagement, Corporal Scott, a brave soldier, lay disabled with a serious wound, exposed to the enemy's fire, and Lieut. P. H. Clarke, Tenth Cavalry, rushed to his assist- ance, carrying him to a place of safety. Such acts of heroism are worthy of great praise. After the engagement the hostiles continued their flight, and for nearly a fortnight the troops, under Lieut. Benson, Captains Lebo and Lawton, continued the pursuit without cessation. * * * "* * * Subsequently the trail of the hostiles was taken up by several other detach- ments acting in concert, each commanded by energetic and capable officers, until Captain J. T. Morrison, Tenth Cavalry, near Fort Apache, captured all their horses.and they took flight on foot south and were driven across the Mexican boundary. The other band, mean- while, had been pursued by other commands through the Santa Rita, Whetstone, Santa Catalina and Rincon Mountains, and on the evening of June Sth, when in the Patagonia Mountains, were surrounded and much of their stock and equipment captured by Lieut. R. D. Wash, Fourth Cavalry. The march of Lebo's troop, 20 miles in two hours ; Benson's ride of 90 miles in 19 hours, and Dr. Wood's* skill and remarkable marches with a detachment of infantry, are worthy of mention. Now that all his been accomplished, the troops in this Department will duly appreciate the feeling of relief as expressed by the people of Sonora, Mexico, through their governor, Louis E. Torres, the resolution of thanks for your heroic services offered by all parties in every section of Arizona and New Mexico ; the approval of General Sheridan and Secretary Endicott, all of which are most gratifying, but you will regard higher than all praise, the deep and lasting gratitude which comes from the thousands of homes scattered over this vast area to which you have given security and happiness. "By command of Brigadier General Miles : "WM. A. THOMPSON, "Captain Fourth Cavalry, A. A. A. G. "OFFICIAL : "G. B. RUSSELL, "Acting Assistant Adjutant General." *Now Major General Leonard Wood. (Editor). 28 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY The regiment was now to lose its colonel, who relieved General Nelson A. Miles in command of the Department of Arizona. His last official act was a farewell to the regiment : "HEADQUARTERS TENTH CAVALRY, "Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 1st, 1888. "Orders No. 51 : "In pursuance of General Orders No. 97, ' current series, Headquarters of the Army, announcing his assignment to the command of the Department of Arizona, the undersigned relinquishes command of the Tenth U. S. Cavalry. "in doing so he desires to express his deep regret at being thus separated l.o.., i^ regiment he organized and has so long commanded, but he is gratified to be able, at this time, to refer, even briefly, to its splendid record of nearly twenty-two years service to the Government, while under his command; rendered, as it has been, in the field and at the most isolated posts on the frontier ; always in the vanguard of civilization and in contact with the most warlike and savage Indians of the plains. "The officers and enlisted men have cheerfully endured many hardships and privations, arid in the midst of great dangers steadfastly maintained a most gallant and zealous devo- tion to duty, and they may well be proud of the record made, and rest assured that the hard work undergone in the accomplishment of such important and valuable service to their country, is well understood and appreciated, and that it cannot fail, sooner or later, to meet with due recognition and reward. "That the high standard of excellence gained by the regiment for discipline and efficiency in the past will be fully sustained in the future ; that the most signal success will ever attend the officers and soldiers of the Tenth Cavalry in all their noble efforts and undertakings, official or otherwise, is the heartfelt wish of their old commander. (Signed) "BENJAMIN H. GRIERSON, "Colonel Tenth U. S. Cavalry, Brevet Major-General." Colonel Grierson was promoted to Brigadier in April, 1890, and retired July 8, in the same year, dearly beloved by every man in the regiment. Colonel J. K. Mizner was next assigned to command, and joined in August, 1890, at Fort Apache. Lieut. Colonel George C. Hunt was commanding in the meanwhile. The field and staff then comprised in addition: Majors C. B. McClellan, Van Vliet and Norveil; 1st Lieut. T. W. Jones, Adjutant; 1st Lieut. L. Finley, Quartermaster; F. H. Weaver, Chaplain. The Indians were by now fairly well settled down to farming en their reservations, and except for sporadic outbreaks by a few of the worst, there was little field service. Lieut. Clarke, with a detachment of picked men and scouts, had a roving commission to run down the few hostiles still "out," and did excellent work. In 1891 there were two expeditions sent into the Moki country. General Corbin accom- panied the latter expedition of Troops B and E. Colonel Mizner wrote to the Adjutant General in August, 1891, drawing attention to the fact that for twenty consecutive years the Tenth Cavalry had served south of the 36th latitude, in the most undesirable stations known to any branch of the service, and with fewer accommodations as to quarters or barracks, and requested a gradual change to a northern climate, preferably not further than Kansas. With characteristic kindness, orders came to move at once to Montana, detraining there in midwinter, in a blizzard. The regi- ment left Arizona in the southern spring. Relieving the First Cavalry, the Tenth Cavalry took over their horses, troop for troop. Troop A of the First was in Virginia, so to mount our own A troop, Montana horses were secured, brand new to military service. The regiment took stations in the Depart- ment of Dakota as follows : HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 29 COLONEL J. K. MIZNER Headquarters and Band, Fort Custer, Montana. Troop A, Fort Custer, Montana. Troop B, Fort Custer, Montana. Troop C, Fort Assinniboine, Montana. Troop D, Fort Keogh, Montana. Troop E, Fort Custer, Montana. Troop F, Fort Assinniboine, Montana. Troop G, Fort Custer, Montana. Troop H, Fort Buford, North Dakota. Troop I, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Troop K, Fort Custer, Montana. Troops L and M, which were skeletonized, were considered at headquarters. Life in Montana and North Dakota was a great relaxation for our veterans after their strenuous work in Arizona. They enjoyed the hunting and change of scenery and became acquainted with the country, making long practice marches, sometimes in the dead of winter, through blizzards. Forts Keogh and Buford earned the reputation of being the coldest stations in the country. The regiment lost Lieut. Clarke, who was drowned in the Little Big Horn River on July 21, 1893. His death was keenly felt by his comrades. In February, 1894, Lieut. 30 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Finley was injured at drill when his horse fell and crushed his leg. He failed to recover from the amputation ; thus in less than a year two well loved officers came to an untimely end. Troops B, E, G and K had some relaxation when they were called out in April, 1894, to suppress a part of "Coxey's Commonwealers." These had held up a Northern Pacific train and were generally obnoxious. Parts of the regiment were called out this summer on strike duty to protect the railroad from strikers. Headquarters moved to Fort Assinniboine November 20, 1894. Troop I mourned the loss of First Sergeant James Brown, who was frozen to death in a blizzard February 5, 1895. One of the best types of old soldier, his death was grieved throughout the regiment. In the summer of 1896 the whole regiment was in the field rounding up Cree Indians, who were still off their reservations in Canada, and had been stealing and committing minor depredations since 1877. Great bands of Indians were gathered in and turned over to the Canadians at the border. Lieut. Pershing, commanding Troop D, was out all summer, marching over 600 miles. Colonel Mizner was promoted to be Brigadier General in June, 1897. His farewell to the regiment is expressed in the following : "HEADQUARTERS TENTH U. S. CAVALRY, "Fort Assiniboine, Montana, June 7th, 1897. "General Orders No. 1 : "The President having been pleased to advance the undersigned to the grade of Brigadier General, he hereby relinquishes command of the Tenth Cavalry and of the post of Fort Assinniboine, Montana. "In severing his connection with the Tenth U. S. Cavalry, of which he has been Colonel for more than seven years, it affords him unbounded pleasure to commend both officers and men for their loyalty to their country and for their devotion to every duty, however trying and arduous. "For efficiency and discipline and valuable service the regiment has a history of which it may j'ustly be proud. "With a sense of deep obligation to the officers for their zealous support and generous courtesies and high appreciation of the excellent soldierly conduct and good behavior of the men, he wishes for each a prosperous and happv future and bids them all farewell. (Signed) J. K. MIZNER. "Brigadier General, U. S. Army." Lieut. Colonel Baldwin commanded until the arrival of Colonel Guy V. Henry on October 29, 1S97. During this summer. Troops A, E and K were called out under Major Nor veil to arrest several "bad Injuns" near the Tongue River Agency. Trouble was anticipated in arresting the buc^s, "Whirlwind," "Shoulder Blade," "Yellow Hair," and "Sam Crow/' on account, of the attitude of the rest of ihe Cheyenne tribe. However, owing to the skill and diplomacy of Major Norvell and Captain Read, and not a little to the respect of the Cheyennes for their old friends the "Buffalo Soldiers," the arrests were made without untoward incident, and the troops were recalled. The War Department saw fit to order the abandonment of Fort Custer this winter (1897) and the garrison moved to other posts. The change was made in December, with the thermometer flirting around the 40 mark below zero. January 1st, 1898, found the regiment assembled at Fort Assinniboine, less Troops A, B and E, at Fort Keogh, Montana. CHAPTER IV. CUBA AND THE PHILIPPINES 1898-1902 HE destruction of the Maine in Havana Harbor raised the excitement in the regiment to fever pitch. The big chance to show its real mettle had come, and every man was ready and eager for the test of battle, and for the opportunity to fight shoulder to shoulder alongside the white regi- ments. Every officer felt confident of his men, and anxious to put them in the "Big Show." Orders to concentrate at Chickamauga Park, Georgia, were received in the middle of April. On April 25th, the regiment was camped in Dyer's Field, near the position made famous by General Thomas' stand at the Battle Above the Clouds, where he earned the appellation of the "Rock of Chickamauga." Busy days followed, drills and more drills. The skeleton .Troops L and M were reor- ganized by drafts from the other troops. Great was the day when Colonel Henry assembled the officers after a final review and said "They'll do." Colonel Henry became a Brigadier General of Volunteers and was fated never to rejoin the regiment. Lieut. Colonel T. A. Baldwin assumed command. Marching on May 14th to Rossville, the regiment entrained there for Tampa, but was diverted to Lakeland, arriving there the 16th. On June 7th, two squadrons left for Tampa : Major Norvell with Troops A, B, E and I ; Major Wint with Troops C, D, F and G. It was a trial to have to bid the hoises goodbye, but cavalrymen have to show that they can fight as infantry also, and as well as. The feelings of the other troops at having to stay at Lakeland in charge of baggage and horses can be well imagined. 32 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY COLONEL GUY V. HENRY The troops embarked on tlie S. S. "Leona" with the First Cavalry, with the exception of Troops C and F which sailed on the "Alamo." For seven days the steamers floated at Tampa ; travel rations only were furnished. Joy came to the old soldiers of Troop M, when Lieut. C. P. Johnson was given a detachment from it and from the other oufits at Lakeland; they were to perform a "special mission" in Cuba. Better, they were mounted With them went General Munez and staff, 375 assorted Cubans, and a great quantity of arms and munitions for General Gomez. They sailed on the Florida, convoyed by the Peoria, on June 21st. A landing was attempted near Tunas, but the Florida ran aground ; Spanish troops rapidly assembled and poured a hot fire on the two ships. The little gunboat Peoria was quite insufficient. Fortunately the larger gunboat Helena came along, towed the Florida off the sandbar, and gave the Spaniards a few whiffs of shrapnel. The landing was effected at Palo Alto, and made a junction with General Gomez July 3rd. The records cast little light on the doings of this detachment, but they "cooperated" with the Cubans, with- out casualties, and the M troopers rejoined the regiment at Montauk in September. To go back to our two squadrons : Disembarkation was effected at Daiquiri on June 22nd by Major Norvell's squadron, and on the 23rd by Major Wint's. The first deaths of the campaign resulted from the over- turning of a boat. Corporal Edward T. Cobb and Private George English, of B Troop, were unable to swim, and were drowned. Always in the van, Major Norvell's squadron was part of the first column towards Siboney, which comprised in addition one squadron of the First Cavalry, and two squad- HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 33 rons of the Rough Riders. Captain Watson, Tenth Cavalry, commanded the four Hotchkiss guns that went along with this column. The next day (24th) this force was ordered by General Wheeler to take the heights of Las Guasimas, strongly held by the Spaniards. Contact was made at 7 :30 a. m., when volleys were fired from the heights. The Rough Riders were on the left flank of the advance. Deployment was difficult owing to the high jungle-like grass and vegetation. There was difficulty in maintaining any kind of skirmish line. The men needed no leading, however. They could tell where the Spaniards were from the direction of the firing, and they crawled in that direction individually. The defenders had a great advantage through the use of smokeless powder and their naturally strong position was strengthened by a rock wall erected on the crest. The First and Tenth moved up the hill side by side, while the Routh Riders attacked the right flank. With a rush the top was gained and only dead and dying Spaniards were seen. The rest had "fled precipitately towards Santiago." Corporal George Smith of I Troop, now Master Sergeant of the regiment, was the first man on the crest, and followed immediately by Farrier Sherman Harris, same troop. Major Norvell's squadron, 220 strong, lost in this engagement one corporal killed and seven men wounded. (See reports of Major Norvcl and those of troop commanders, in Appendix l 'B"). Lieut. Vidmer, Corporal Johnson, Privates Neal, Nelson, Wally, White, Jones, Farrier Harris and Wagoner Boland won commendations for conspicuous bravery in this action. Victory perched on the colors of the Tenth in its first real modern battle. Comparative strength of forces engaged : American, 964. Spanish, 1500. The rest of the brigade came up too late for participation in this engagement. Camp was made on the battlefield until the 26th, when the troops moved to Seville, in the direc- tion of Santiago. On the 30th of June the brigade arrived at El Poso, just outside of the fortifications of Santiago. Between El Poso and Santiago lay the San Juan range of hills elevated about one hundred and twenty-five feet, with the San Juan River at its eastern base, flowing southward. The summit of Little San Juan Hill, or Kettle Hill, is about one-half mile from the highest point of San Juan Hill, and separated from it by an oval lake about three hundred yards long. The approach to the San Juan River from El Poso w r as through the densest varieties of vegetation, cactus and prickly grass. The slopes of the hills were quite barren all the way to the river. The advance against Santiago started early on the morning of July 1st Grimes's bat- tery opened the ball by a bombardment of the enemy's entrenchments and block-houses. Law- ton's brigade was attacking from the direction of El Caney, and the Second Cavalry brigade was to attack in conjunction, linking up with its left. While waiting orders to attack, an observation balloon of the Signal Corps was towed down the road to the assembly point of the brigade, 50 feet above the men of the First and Tenth Cavalry, lying beneath. This immediately drew the fire of every Spaniard, no matter what his armament. Naturally the casualties beneath the balloon were great. It is unfortunate there are no phonographic records of the comments of the troopers suffering beneath it. Fortunately, and to their great delight, it was shot down, after affording a thrilling experience to its occupant, Lieut. Colonel Derby. He was unhurt, except as to his feelings. 34 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY The infantry regiments on the brigade's left were having a terrible time advancing in the face of the converging Hre from Kettle and San Juan Hills. Urgent orders came from General McClernand "to take Kettle Hill at all costs." The job given to the First, Ninth, Tenth and Rough Rider Cavalry was a tough one. The famous little red-roofed house on the summit was indicated as the objective; and the troops started, waded through the San Juan River, and crawling, running, stumbling, crossed the bare ground up the slope of the hill in the terrific heat, all in the face of a galling fire from the entrenchments on the crest. Reaching the objective, the Spaniards were seen fleeing to safety into the trenches beyond, on San Juan Hill. The regiment formed in two lines, Troops A, B, E and I in front, led by Major Norvell. Troops C, F and G were in the second line, under Major Wint. Troop D, which had forded the river further down stream, was temporarily separated from the squadron. Nothing could stop the rush of our men. The two lines became merged into one a line of cheering, yelling heroes whom bullets could not stop. 1st Lieutenants W. H. Shipp and W. E. Smith were killed while leading their men. They had graduated from West Point together, fell at the same time, and were buried in the same grave on San Juan Hill. Captain A. L. Mills was shot in the head while reforming his men for the second charge. 2nd Lieutenant F. R. McCoy was severely wounded while in the van of his platoon, and was commended for gallantry. First Lieutenant Livermore, same troop, was commended for gal- lantry in taking No. 1 blockhouse, where he was wounded. Captain Anderson was struck by a shell burst and received two wounds, but continued with his troop. Captain Bigelow was struck three times when only 75 yards from the blockhouse. Lieutenants Roberts, Barnum, Whitehead and Willard also were wounded. It is not generally known that the colors of the Third Cavalry were planted on the crest of San Juan by a soldier of the Tenth Cavalry. It happened in this manner : About half way up the slope the colors of the Third were seen to stop and fall, the color bearer sinking to the ground, shot through the body ; Sergeant George Berry, color bearer of the Tenth, dashed over to where the colors lay, raised them high, and waving both flags, planted them on the crest side by side. This act won for Sergeant Berry high commendation, and is no doubt the only instance in our military history where the colors of one regiment were carried to the final objective by a member of a rival regiment. Corporal Walker and Pvt. Luschious Smith were with Lieut. Ord of the Sixth Infantry, and were "the head and front of the assault." These troopers were awarded Certificates of Merit for their gallantry on this day. Since Pvt. Smith exchanged the Certificate of Merit for a Distinguished Service Medal he is the only man now in the regiment, excepting Colonel Winans, who wears the D. S. M. The famous old hill being taken, the regiment in the most advanced position, commenced to dig in, and that night was occupying rifle pits extending some 800 yards to the right of the Santiago road. Repeated counter attacks were made throughout the night, and rifle firing continued all night. Major Wint was severely wounded while encouraging his men during a night counter attack. The victory was won, but not without its price. Eleven of the twenty-two officers of the regiment were casualties, and 16^> per cent of the enlisted strength. It was a proud day for the regiment. Sergeant Graham's heroic action was the subject of two letters from commissioned HISTORY OF-TENTH CAVALRY 35 LT. COL. T. A. BALDWIN MAT. S. T. NORVELL V MAJ. THEO. J. WINT CAPT. C. G. AYRES 36 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY officers, recommending him for a Medal of Honor. He was on duty with the Catling Gun Battery, and performed the hazardous duty of bringing up ammunition across a fire-swept zone. A shell from the enemy's artillery landed near Lieut. Parker. Without hesitation, Sergeant Graham leaped to Lieut. Parker's side and covered his body with his own. Luckily, the shell fragments struck neither. See Appendix "C' for the letters in full. General Wheeler specially recommended the following men for a Medal of Honor for their gallantry and coolness under fire : Troop A Corporal John Anderson. Private R. A. Parker. Troop C Sergeant Adam Houston. Troop E 1st Sergeant Peter McCann. Sergeant Benjamin Fasit. Sergeant O. G. Gaither. Sergeant William Payne. Corporal Thomas H. Herbert. Troop I Private Elsie Jones. (Previously recommended). Many enlisted men of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry won commendations for gal- lantry and were commissioned in the Volunteers. Among those were Sergeant Major Edward L. Baker, Q. M. Sergeant Alfred M. Ray. 1st Sergeant William H. Givens, Sergeant Saint Foster, Sergeant John Buck, and Saddler Sergeant Jacob C. Smith. Lieutenant Pershing, the Regimental Quartermaster, rendered valuable service in the hazardous duty of conducting the troops to their sectors of attack and defense, and was com- mended by Colonel Baldwin. The reports of Lieut. Colonel Baldwin, Major Norvell and the troop commanders throw most interesting sidelights on the battle. These appear in Appendix "D." Colonel Leonard Wood in his report on the conduct of the Second Cavalry Brigade, wrote : "That dismounted cavalry should have been able to charge regular infantry in strong position, supported by artillery, entanglements and the general lay of the land, seems almost incredible, yet that is exactly what these troops did, passing over a long zone of fire and charging steep hills topped with works and blockhouses. I can only say that their work was superb." The thin American lines on San Juan Heights was now within cannon shot range of Santiago, but the situation was one that gave our high command grave anxiety. General Wheeler was the recipient of unsolicited advice to withdraw, as was General Shafer. At 3 :00 a. m. of July 2nd, heavy firing broke out, and at 5 :30 was general all along the line. Two officers and five men of the Tenth were wounded in this engagement between the trenches; at 10:00 p. m., our men had to beat off a determined attack, supported by artillery. Work on the entrenchments continued without pause, as there was a possibility that the "war of movement" was to degenerate into trench warfare, or a siege. On July 2nd, in the evening, a conference was held between Generals Shatter, Wheeler, Lawton, Kent and Bates, to decide, upon a course of action. It developed that the plan of action was to rest on the reply of General Toral to the demand for the surrender of Santiago, sent under flag of truce on July 3rd at noon. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 37 1ST LT. CARTER P. JOHNSON 1 ST LT. MALVERN-HILL BARNUM 2ND LT. FRANK R. McCOY 2ND LT. GEORGE VIDMER 38 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY July 3rd dawned to the accompaniment of heavy artillery and musketry fire. About 9:00 a. m., the booming of heavy guns off the Harbor of Santiago told the men in the trenches that "Cervera was out," and that our Navy was taking care of the Spanish fleet. Hostilities ceased at noon, when the flag of truce went over, but not before two more men of the Tenth had been wounded. Bomb-proofs were constructed, and the troops started to prepare for a long stay in their trenches. At noon of the 4th of July, the truce continuing, the men were assembled to hear General Miles' congratulatory telegram referring to their work of July 1st. The bands played, and a real celebration was held, but this party was small compared to the jubilee held next day when the news came of the destruction of the Spanish fleet. The next four days were spent in strengthening the trenches, and speculating on the chances for a renewal of the fight. Firing commenced again at 4:30 p. m. of the 10th, but died out about 7:15 p. m. Early next morning the pickets tried to start something, and by 6:00 a. m. the firing spread all down the line. It took forty minutes of frantic bugling to "Cease firing" for the firing to cease. A tropical thunderstorm that night added to the general discomfort of the trenches. General Miles, riding down the lines, caught one regiment stark naked, while they were drying their clothing on trees and bushes. Every man stood at attention while he passed. He said later that it was the strangest review he ever had. Early on the 14th a warning order came to the effect that the attack would be launched at noon. In the midse of preparations for it, however, General Toral indicated his surrender, and the chances for another battle were lost. On the 17th the parapets were manned to witness the formal surrender of General Toral at 9 :30 a. m. At noon the Stars and Stripes climbed the flag staff over Santiago, and the campaign was over. The regiment marched to camp grounds at El Caney on the 18th, and remained there until it embarked for Montauk Point, L. I., on August 13th. The trip to Montauk Point required eight days, and then our veterans endured the famous Detention Camp until October 6th, a period of six weeks. The "out of luck" troops at Lakeside, in the meanwhile, had brought up the horses and baggage, so that they could be brought right back to Alabama. Anyway, there was a great reunion on the 21st, and much swapping of yarns. There was no argument the Tenth had won the war. The regiment was slated for a temporary stay in Huntsville, Alabama. As a special com- pliment, President McKinley reviewed the regiment in Washington, D. C., ordering it de- trained for the purpose. The President was most complimentary in his remarks to Colonel Baldwin, who agreed with him perfectly. Camp in Huntsville was made October llth, and our veterans had no trouble making friends and getting married. The citizens of this city were most cordial, and their hos- pitality unbounded. The band and the two veteran squadrons took part in the Peace Jubilee in Philadelphia in October. Here they were presented with a beautiful stand of colors, a gift of the colored citizens of Philadelphia. It will be remembered that Philadelphia, twenty-two years previous, had furnished Captain Carpenter the high class recruits wjio were to become the backbone of the regiment. On the 22nd of November the regiment received its new colonel, S. M. Whitside. The border was calling again, and it was "Back to Texas" on January 29th, 1899. The HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 39 men were reluctant to leave Huntsville. As a token of the respect they had won there the citizens presented to the regiment a beautiful silk color. Back in Texas, the troops took station as follows : Headquarters, A, G, H and L at Fort Sam Houston ; C, D and M at Fort Clark ; B at Fort Ringold ; E at Fort Mclntosh ; F at Eagle Pass ; I at Fort Clark, and K at Fort Brown. General Orders, No. 40, War Department, 1898, caused the discharge of 494 "for the duration" men. This in February. When the news unofficial, at first arrived that the regiment was to return to Cuba nearly all of these men reenlisted. Sure enough, orders did come, and the Tenth was slated to relieve a volunteer regiment. Half the troops landed at Manzanillo on May 7, the remainder arrived at Gibara on the 21st. Headquarters A, C and H took station at Manzanillo, L at Bayamo, M at Jighuani, G at Campechuela, B at Gibara, D, E and I at Holguin, F at Banes, and K at Porto Padre. These places will never be forgotten by those who served there. The Cubans were most friendly and obliging, and not a few marriages were celebrated. The sentiment in the regi- ment was that the stations and service in Cuba were the finest it had ever had. Field service against insurrectos and bandits was enjoyed for several months, although in the rainy season the difficulties of chasing them down through the jungles were manifold. Lieutenant Walter C. Short made one brilliant capture of a band of eleven outlaws after a hard chase. One of these was the famous bandit, Troncon, who won to freedom by acting as executioner for the Province of Santiago. He received credit for five years' imprisonment for every man garroted. It is not known how many men he had to garrote to equal a term of life imprisonment. Except for a slight epidemic of yellow fever which broke out in H Troop, the troops enjoyed good health. In January, 1900, the Second Squadron returned to the States Texas, of course to function as Depot, or "Home Squadron." Their stay on the Rio Grande lasted just a year, for in April, 1901, they moved to Frisco, thence to Manila, landing on May 13th. A week later they took station in Samar. E Troop, Captain C. G. Ayres, at Oquendo ; F, Captain P. E. THppe and 2nd Lieut. C. A. Romeyn, at Calbayog ; G, Captain Guy Carleton, at Gandara ; H, Captain Robert D. Read and 1st Lieutenant Thos. A. Roberts, at Mao. Samar was full of Samaritans, but not any good ones, quoting (now) Lieut. Colonel Romeyn. Field service in Samar was very difficult, and to our men, unused to the best method of warfare against insurrectos, had many interesting experiences. Colonel Romeyn writes of one hike : "A few days later E was sent up the Bibotan, G went vip the Gandara, H went up on the northwest coast, and F stayed in Calbayog. However, a few days later General Hughes (R. P.) sent us out, to try us out. We took three days' rations (no carga- dores.officcrs and men carried their own stuff) and a guide and making quite a detour on starting headed for the interior and Luk-Ban. On the second day we gobbled an outpost and "persuaded" him to lead us to camp. He led us all right. We were soon fired on by another outguard, but he (the prisoner) said the main body was further along. I had the point and was pushing on when the captain (Trippe) came up and cussed me out for not going after the outpost. I tried to explain, but I went after the outpost and the captain took the guide and went after the main body and found them. They were waiting for him, and had their aim been as good as their intentions F troop would have had some heavy losses, but their bullets flew high and none of our men were hit. We killed two (one being our prisoner, who bolted). 40 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY We found and destroyed a lot of bamboo cannon loaded with home-made powder and iron slugs. A very good weapon, by the way, at fifty yards, but usually fired at about 500 yards. I had a nice climb up a hill about one hundred feet high and came down on my reinforcements. Of course it rained, and that night we had a nice wet camp and marched back the next day to camp. F troop or detachments made three other hikes but had not other actions except a small one under a sergeant whose name I have forgotten, but a fine man. He was one of the captains of the 48th or 94th, I believe, and he and some scouts marched about thirty miles and had a fight, all in about twenty-four hours. And thirty miles in Samar was some hike. No roads, and you could not go a mile without using your hands to help you along. One trooper expressed his feelings : "Gee, but I wish I was a cavalry horse in these war times." The Navy one night saw an H troop fire on shore and dropped their second shell on it ; the first went high, and by the time the second arrived all 100-yard records had been beaten. Roberts made the Navy "set 'em up" for that. E, G and H had a terrible time up in the interior. I was Q. M. at Calbayog and did my best to feed them, but it was a poor bunch of feed I fear. Finally in September (we landed in May) the squadron left for Panay. I had received orders for the States and stayed at Calbayog long enough to clear up some of my account- ability and then came home. I only remember one good anecdote, but in those days of the "new army" I believe it well worth repeating. One evening Bobby Read was sitting in front of his tent in not the most pleasant frame of mind when a private came up. Here is the dialogue as I remember it : Pvt. Sah, I'd like permission to speak to the captain. Bobby Well, what is it? (rather grouchily). Pvt. Well, sah, I has a complaint to make agains de fust sergeant. Bobby (More grouchily) Well, what is it? Pvt. Well, sah, de fust sergenat done call me , and I don like dat sort of thing. Bobby (More grouchily) Well, ain't you Pvt. (Cheerfully) Yas, sah! yas, sah! If de captain says so. General Chaffee came down to inspect us. We received him with a salute of shrapnel fired in the direction of the last reported insurrectos (we got a good echo), and his inspector general (Johnston, I believe) criticised the uniforms. After he had gone General Hughes remarked, "Well, if they do their work they can be in their shirt tails for all I care." And we did the work. The squadron remained in Samar until August, when it was moved over to Panay. Here the troopers were furnished with remounts, of which many died of Surra. Next June (1902) the squadron was slated for a return to the States to join the regiment again. It sailed from Manila July 6th and landed at Frisco August 1st, sailing via Nagasaki, Japan. Later in the same month E took station at Fort D. A. Russell, F went to Fort Washakie, G and H garrisoned Fort Mackenzie, all in Wyoming. To return to the troops in Cuba. Under the governorship of General Leonard Wood outlawry was abolished and conditions were such that the sub-stations in the interior were reduced in number and the regiment was occupying but two stations, Manzanillo and Holguin. In the spring of 1902 several practice marches were taken. B and D covered 800 miles, cross- ing the island twice ; A and L covered 525 miles. Pack transportation only was taken. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 41 Continuing its policy of moving the Tenth Cavalry around the map, the regiment was ordered back to the States, this time to the northern stations requested by Colonel Mizner long ago. Manzanillo was evacuated April 24th, the troops arriving at Fort Robinson, Ne- braska, May 4, via Newport News. The troops at Holguin left that place on May 4, followed the trail and arrived at Robinson May 16th. Tenth Cavalry colonels continued their popularity with the War Department, for once again the regiment was called on to furnish a brigadier. Colonel Whitside received his star May 29, 1902, and was succeeded by Colonel J. A. Augur, who joined in October. 42 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY O O r O o O r o 2 w r a o a Jf CHAPTER V. SERVICE AT HOME ROM May, 1902, to March, 1907, Fort Robinson, Nebraska, remained the headquarters of the regiment, with the 2nd squadron in Wyoming. During this period there was little to record, excepting the expedition in 1906, when the troops were called out to put down the Utes in Montana. For the first time in its history, our men had the leisure and oppor- tunity to take up athletics. From the start the regiment made good records. In the words of one old non-com: "What it took to win, we had nothing else but." 1903 TARGET PRACTICE Regimental order in Army No. 6 Troop K, order in Army No. 3 Troop I, order in Army No. 4 Troop M, order in Army No. 6 Troop K, order in Cavalry No. 1 Army Cavalry competition Corporal Logan, Troop K, 3rd medal (Silver). Captain Cavenaugh, 4th medal (Silver). Army pistol competition Corporal Reese, Troop M, 9th (Bronze). Department Cavalry competition (Departments of Missouri and Texas). Captain Cavenaugh, 1st medal (Gold). Corporal Logan, Troop K, 2nd medal (Silver). Captain Hay, 5th medal (Bronze). Q. M. Sergeant Anderson, 8th medal (Bronze). Corporal Williams, Troop A, 10th medal (Bronze). Department pistol competition (Departments of Missouri and Texas). Corporal Reese, Troop M, 3rd medal (Silver). Corporal Davis, Troop L, 8th medal (Bronze). 44 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY ATHLETICS Winner of Field Day contests (Headquarters, Band, 1st and 3rd Squadrons;, Troop I. Winner of baseball championship, (Headquarters, Band, 1st and 3rd Squadrons), Band. Great interest was displayed in athletics during the year and the results of monthly contests, as published in Department General Orders, show that Fort Robinson (Headquarters, Band, 1st and 3rd Squadrons) stood first in the Department. 1904 TARGET PRACTICE Regimental order in Army 14 Troop 1, order in Army 3 Troop K, order in Army 14 Troop A, order in Army 3/ In the expert rifleman's test ten (10) qualified four officers and six enlisted men. Army competition, Cavalry Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant B. A. Anderson, distinguished marksman, 1st medal (Gold). 1st Sergeant Robert Johnson, Troop K, 7th medal (Silver). Captain William H. Hay, 8th medal (Silver). Army pistol competition Sergeant Wm. H. Hamilton, Troop D, 12th medal (Silver). Northern Division Cavalry competition Captain H. La T. Cavenaugh, 1st medal (Gold). Captain William H. Hay, 9th medal (Bronze). Sergeant Jesse Baker, Troop H, 12th medal (Bronze). Sergeant Robert Glover, Troop I, 14th medal (Bronze). Northern Division pistol competition Sergeant Wm. H. Hamilton, Troop D, 10th medal (Bronze). Cook William Floyd, Troop K, llth medal (Bronze). Q. M. Sergeant Otho J. Woodward, Troop C, 13th medal (Bronze). ATHLETICS Winner of gymnasium contest, Troop B. Winner of field day contest, Troop I. Winner of baseball championship, Troop I. Winner of football championship, Troop B. These contests were participated in by the 1st and 3rd squadrons. 1905 TARGET PRACTICE Regimental order in Army 13 Troop K, order in Army 22 Troop I, order in Army 44 Troop A, order in Army 52 In the expert riflemen test, 20 qualified four officers and 16 enlisted men. Army Cavalry competition Captain W. H. Hay, distinguished marksman, 10th medal (Silver). Army pistol competition 2nd Lieut. H. S. Dilworth, 10th medal (Silver). HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 45 Northern Division Cavalry competition 1st Lieut. Bruce Palmer, 2nd medal (Gold). Sergeant Jesse Baker, Troop H, 10th medal (Bronze). Cook William Floyd, Troop K, llth medal (Bronze). Captain R. J. Fleming, 12th medal (Bronze). Sqdn. Sgt. Maj. E. P. Frierson, 16th medal (Bronze). Northern Division pistol competition Sergeant William H. Hamilton, Troop D, 1st medal (Gold). 2nd Lieut. H. S. Dilworth, 6th medal (Silver). ATHLETICS Strict attention was paid to athletic training throughout the year in the line of gymnasium and outdoor drills, contests and games. Winner of indoor contests, Troop B. Winner of field day contests, Troop I. Winner of baseball championship Headquarters, 1st and 3rd Squadrons, 9 teams Troop K. Winner of football championship 1st and 3rd Squadrons, 8 teams Troop K. 1906 TARGET PRACTICE Regimental order in Army 7 Troop I, order in Army 12 Troop L, order in Army _ 46 Troop K, order in Army 47 In the expert riflemen test, 49 qualified eight officers and 41 enlisted men. Army rifle competition 1st Lieut. Bruce Palmer, 5th medal (Gold). Army pistol competition Sergeant William H. Hamilton, Troop D, 6th medal (Silver). Northern Division rifle competition 1st Lieut. Bruce Palmer, 1st medal (Gold). Sergeant Benjamin Bettis, Troop A, 14th medal (Bronze). 1st Sergt. Isaac Bailey, Troop B, 23rd medal (Bronze). Northern Division pistol competition Trumpeter Revere N. Still, Troop K, 1st medal (Gold). Corporal Manning H. Reese, Troop M, llth medal (Bronze). 2nd Lieut. H. S. Dilworth, 12th medal (Bronze). ATHLETICS Winner of field day contests (Headquarters, Band, 1st and 3rd Squadron), Troop I. Winner of baseball championship (Headquarters, Band, 1st and 3rd squadron), Troop K. The Tenth Cavalry seems to have been the Father of Army Polo. Lieutenants Palmer, Muller, Cook and Graham were responsible for the phenomenal success of the team, and it was their excellence in this sport that made the Army, for the first time, a factor to be considered in tournaments where civilian teams competed. In 1906, Lieutenants Cook and Graham played on the team which won the international championship in England. A short resume of the polo seasons follow : 46 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 1903 At Fort Logan, Colorado, June 23rd. Score : Tenth Cavalry 5 goals 14th Cavalry 4^> goals HANDICAPS At Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 25, 27 and 29. Score : Colorado Springs 9]/ 2 goals Tenth Cavalry 8 goals (Handicap of three allowed Tenth Cavalry). Score : Tentli Cavalry 6 goals Denver 5 goals Score : Glenwood 6% go^j Tenth Cavalry 5^4 goals (Handicap of four allowed Tenth Cavalry). At Glenwood, Colorado, September. A series of games, results not obtainable, was played for the Rocky Mountain championship. At Fort Riley, Kansas, October. A game was played with a team of officers from Fort Riley for the polo champion- ship, Department of the Missouri, and a cup put up by the management of the Department Athletic Contest. Score : Tenth Cavalry 18 goals Fort Riley 1 goal 1904 Polo was practiced by the officers of Headquarters, 1st and 3rd Squadrons, throughout the open season, and great improvement over the previous year's work was shown. The following are the results of match games participated in by the regimental team : 1 Rocky Mountain Championship, under the auspices of the Glenwood Polo Club, Glenwood, Colorado, September, 1904 : Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 12 goals Colorado Springs, second '. 1^4 goals Finals : Tenth Cavalry 4 goals Glenwood 12 goals 2 The Scudder Handicap, under the auspices of the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club, at Colorado Springs, September, 1904. First Game : Tenth Cavalry 9 goals Colorado Springs, second 5 goals HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 47 Second Game : Tenth Cavalry 5 goals Colorado Springs goals Third Game: Tenth Cavalry 3 goals Glenwood 2^ goals 1905 Polo had been encouraged and practiced by a large number of officers of Headquarters, 1st and 3rd Squadrons, throughout the open season with great benefit to their physical con- dition and their skill in all branches of equitation. The following are the results of the open championship contests participated in by the regimental team during the year. Tenth Cavalry Challenge Cup, under the auspices of the Officers' Club, Fort Robinson, Nebraska, June, 1905 : First Game : Tenth Cavalry 9 goals Colorado . 4 goals Second Game : Tenth Cavalry 1 goal Colorado 3^4 goals Third Game : Tenth Cavalry 5 goals Colorado , 4^4 goals Rocky Mountain Championship, under the auspices of the Glenwood Polo Club, Glen- wood, Colorado, September, 1905. Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 10 goals Colorado Springs 4 goals Finals : Tenth Cavalry 7^. goals Glenwood 6^2 goals Western Championship, under the auspices of the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September, 1905. Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 8 goals Denver 6 goals Finals : Tenth Cavalry 8 goals Colorado Springs 1^4 goals Interstate Championship, under the auspices of the Denver Country Club, Denver, Colorado. September, 1905. Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 12 goals Denver 5 goals Finals : Tenth Cavalry 9?4 goals Colorado Springs 7 goals 48 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Black Hills Championship, under the auspices of the Minnekato Club, Hot Springs, South Dakota, October, 1905. Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 17 goals Sheridan Y$ goal Finals : Tenth Cavalry 8 goals Sheridan '. 3 goals The foregoing shows a brilliant season for the regiment in polo, five open champion- ships won, with the unquestioned supremacy of the middle west. The officers most dis tinguished in polo were Lieutenants Palmer, Muller, Cook and Graham. 1906 Owing to the marked success of the regimental polo team in the preceding year (1905), four notable players of the East and West, Mr. Foxhall Keene, of New York; Mr. Bulkley Wells and Bryant Turner,of Denver, and Mr. Frank Gilpin, of Colorado Springs, invited the Tenth Cavalry to play a series of polo games at Colorado Springs for the best two out of three games. Our team consisted of Lieutenants Muller, Cook, Palmer and Graham, with Captain Paxton and Lieut. Cartmell as substitutes. The results of the games were as follows : April 24th, 1906: Tenth Cavalry 4j^ goals Colorado 3?4 goals April 27th, 1906 : Tenth Cavalry 10^ goals Colorado 3 goals The third game being rendered unnecessary by the success of the Tenth Cavalry, and some of the members of the Tenth Cavalry team having been called away, a handicap game was arranged for which was won by Colorado by a score of 8 to 2^4. Preparation for the autumn tournament was impeded by a tour in a Camp of Instruc- tion for two months immediately preceding the games. In fact it was not believed that the regiment would be able to participate until just before the games began. The regiment was further handicapped by the absence of Lieutenants Palmer and Adair, the latter who had become first substitute. In spite of these difficulties the team participated in all the finals and won a number of notable games. The team consisted of Lieutenants Muller and Cook, Captain Kromer and Lieut. Graham, with Captain Paxton as substitute. Following are the results : Rocky Mountain Championship, at Glenwood, Colorado. Finals : Colorado Springs 9V 2 goals Tenth Cavalry 6 goals Interstate Championship, at Denver, Colorado. Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 6 goals Denver 1 goal HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 49 Finals : Colorado Springs 12 goals Tenth Cavalry 5 goals Western Championship, at Colorado Springs. Preliminary : Tenth Cavalry 8 goals Colorado Springs : , 3)4 goals Finals : Sheridan 8^4 goals Tenth Cavalry 5 goals United States Army vs. Civilians. Civilians 9 goals Army 6 goals America vs British Isles. (Lieutenants Cook and Graham on American team). America 6 goals British Isles 4 goals Woodward Handicaps. Preliminaries : Tenth Cavalry ...13 goals Colorado Springs 3)4 goals (Handicap of five allowed Tenth Cavalry). Denver won preliminary from Sheridan, which allowed three goals handicap. On account of the enforced absence of many players the finals were postponed to some future date. A match game was played with the Sixth Cavalry at Fort Robinson, 1906. The Tenth Cavalry team consisted of Lieutenants Cook, Adair, and Captain Paxton, with Captain Kromer and Lieutenant Cartmell each playing two periods. Score: Tenth Cavalry, 12; Sixth Cavalry, 1. CHAPTER VI. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ANUARY, 1907, found the troops still in Nebraska and Wyoming. Headquarters, Band, A, B, C, D, I, K, L and M were in Fort Robinson, v E and F were still at Washakie, G and H at D. A. Russell. Preparations 'were being male for a move to the Philippine Islands, so in February |E and F joined G and H at D. A. Russell. March 1st, Headquarters, Band, and Troops A, C, D, K and L en- hrained for San Francisco, where it was joined March 5th by Major Wint's squadron from D. A. Russell. No time was available to "see the sights'" of Frisco. The Transport Thomas was waiting at the dock and received our warriors and steamed away, bound for the land of the Caribao and the festive Filipino. This trip was the second voyage for the Second Squadron, whose veterans put on no end of airs at being seasoned travelers. Honolulu and Guam were touched at, while the troops looked forward to another big reunion. Manila was reached April 2nd. and the Headquarters, Band, Second Squadron and K and L took station next day at Fort William McKinley. Major Grierson took station at Camp Wallace Union, April 6th, with A, C and D. Of the troops still at Robinson, Troops B and I entrained May 31st and, following the trail, joined their squadrons in July. Out of luck, Troop M moved to Fort Riley, Kansas, May 19th and remained until the return of the regiment to the States in 1909, constituting the detachment for the Mounted Service School. In the Islands the Tenth kept up its record in athletics and military sports against keen competition. PHILIPPINES DIVISION PISTOI, COMPETITION Corporal Revere N. Still, Troop K, 7th medal (Bronze). Sergeant Vodrey Henry, Troop H, 10th medal (Bronze). DEPARTMENT MEET EVENTS The regiment won the following events at the Annual Athletic Meet of the Department of Luzon which was held in Manila from December 9th to December 14th, competing against HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 51 two cavalry regiments, three infantry regiments, one artillery regiment, one company of engineers, and the hospital corps. GENERAL EVENTS 1. Running high jump. Private Johnson, Troop B, 1st place. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Private Miller, Troop I, 3rd place. 2. Putting 12-lb. shot. Sergeant Washington, Troop G, 2nd place. Distance 36 feet. 3. Baseball throwing contest. Private Thompson, Troop B, 1st place. Distance 321 feet 6 inches. 4. Running broad jump. Private Davis, Troop F, 1st place. Distance 19 feet 2J/2 inches. 5. Relay race. Regimental team, 3rd place. 6. Pole vaulting. Sergeant Michie, Troop H, 3rd place. Height 9 feet 4 inches. 7. 100-yard dash. Private Loud, Troop 1, 1st place. Time 10 1/5 seconds. 8. 120-yard hurdles. Private Collins, Troop L, 1st place. Time 18 seconds. 9 Tug of War. Regimental team, 3rd place. CAVALRY EVENTS 1. Mounted wrestling. Regimental team, 1st place. 2. Tent pegging contest. Regimental team, 1st place. 3 Training of the Squad. Regimental team, 2nd place. BASEBALL When the regiment arrived in the islands, April 2nd, 1907, Fort William McKinley was represented in the Manila Baseball League by a post team. 1st Sergeant Thompson of G troop was signed by the post team as a pitcher, and proved to be of great assistance in winning for the post the Manila Baseball League pennant for the season 1906-1907. No games between regimental teams of the post were played until the rainy season. As a part of the department meet in December a competition between regimental teams took place. In this competition the Tenth Cavalry team was tied for second place with four other teams, being beaten by three teams of Fort William McKinley, which they had beaten several times before the meet. In November a post lea.pue was formed, consisting of one team from each of the five garrisons at Fort William McKinley. At the end of December the Tenth Cavalry team was leading the league, having won all the games played up to that time. 1908" January 7th and 17th to April 8th, Troops E and F, respectively, were stationed in the Mariquina River Valley; and September llth to October llth, Troop G; October llth to November llth, Troop H; November llth to 28th, Troop K, was stationed at San Mateo, 52 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Rizal, P. I., being engaged in patrolling the Mariquina River Valley, guarding the Manila water supply from infection of cholera. MARCHES January 21-26, Troop D, Captain John Ryan, commanding, marched from Camp Wallace Union, P. I., to Camp John Hay and Trinidad, Benguet, and return. Distance marched lS?y 2 miles. February 10-16, Troop B, 1st Lieutenant William W. Edwards, commanding, marched from Camp Wallace Union, P. I., to Camp John Hay and Trinidad, Benguet, and return. Distance marched 115 miles. February 23-26, Troops H, I, K and L, under command of Major Robert D. Read, marched through Rizal and Cavite provinces and return. Distance of march 60 miles. April 18th to May 13th, the Band, under command of 2nd Lieutenant Henry R. Adair, went to Camp Wallace Union, P. I., and Camp John Hay, P. L, and return. Distance traveled about 449 miles. April 24th to June llth, Troop I, Captain Henry C. Whitehead, commanding, marched to Camp Wallace Union, P. I., via Camp John Hay, P. L, and return. Arrived at Camp Wallace Union May 13th, where it remained until May 25th. Distance marched 484 miles. December 30-31, Troop A, 1st Lieutenant Carl H. Muller, commanding, was en route to and stationed at Camp Pasay, near Manila, P. L, representing the regiment at the Philippines Division Annual Military Tournament. Distance traveled 175 miles. PHILIPPINE DIVISION PISTOL COMPETITION 1st Sergeant Isaac Bailey, Troop B, 23rd medal (Bronze). Squadron Sergt. Major E. P. Frierson, 31st medal (Bronze). PHILIPPINE. DIVISION RIFLE COMPETITION Corporal William E. Andrews, Troop A. 9th medal (Bronze). PHILIPPINES DIVISION MEET EVENTS The regiment won the following events at the Annual Military Meet, Philippines Division, held at Pasay, near Manila, January 13-18. Steeple chase (2 miles). Winner, Captain Robert R. Wallach. Time 4:21 1/5. Officers' flat race (1 mile). 1st 2nd Lieutenant Emmett Addis. 2nd 2id Lieutenant James S. Greene. 3rd 2nd Lieutenant Henry R. Adair. Time 1 :55 2/5. Soldiers' flat race (1 mile). 1st Private J. J. Prather, Troop H. 3rd Sergeant Ether Beattie, Troop C. Time 1 :55 2/5. MILITARY EVENTS (Cavalry) Fencing, mounted. Sergeant Richard E. Robinson, Troop K, 2nd. Bending race. 1st Corporal Richard P. Parham, Troop K. 2nd Trumpeter William Trent, Troop K. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 53 Time 31 seconds. Reaching contest. 1st Private Felix Page, Troop K. 2nd Corporal William A. McDowell, Troop K. Time 1 minute 2 seconds. Individual scouting. 2nd Sergent William L. Davis and Corporal Alf Williams, Troop K. Troop K, Captain Harry La T. Cavanaugh, commanding, represented the regiment with great credit at this meet, standing second with 940.69 points. DEPARTMENT MEET EVENTS The regiment won the following events at the Annual Athletic Meet of the Department of Luzon, which was held in Manila from December 8th to December 24th, competing against two cavalry regiments, three infantry regiments and one artillery regiment. FIELD AND TRACK EVENTS 1. 100-yard dash. 1st place, Private E. T. Loud, Troop I. Time 10 1/5 seconds. 2. Running high jump. 1st place, Private G. W. Johnson, Troop B. Height 5 feet 5 inches. 3rd place, Corporal George Lee, Troop G. 3. Running broad jump. 1st place, Private Lee Edwards, Troop E. Distance 20 feet 3 inches. 4. Putting 16-lb. shot. 1st place, Private Leslie White, Troop H. Distance 37 feet 3 inches. 5. 120- yard hurdles. 3rd place, Corporal D. S. Collins, Troop L. 6. 800-yard relay race. 1st place, Regimental Team. Time 1 :29 1/5. CAVALRY EVENTS 7. Broad sword contest. 1st place, Private G. Coleman, Troop H. 8. Horse training contest. 1st place, Regimental Team. 9. Pistol and saber contest. 1st place, Sergeant William Rose, Troop B. 10. Tent pegging contest. 1st place, Sergeant Arthur Baker, Troop D. 11. Relay race. 2nd place, Regimental team. 12. Exhibition drill. 2nd place, Troop G, (Captain Wallach). 13. Machine gun contest (Cavalry). (a) To go into action. 1st place, Tenth Cavalry, 93%. Time 2.27 1/5. (b) Call to arms. 1st place, Tenth Cavalry, 90%. Time 3:31 4/5. (c) Retiring from action. 1st place, Tenth Cavalry. (No .record). 54 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY (d) Mounted drill. 2nd place, Tenth Cavalry, 87%. GENERAL EVENTS 1. Tug of war. 3rd place, Regimental Team. 2. Sparring contest. (Middleweight class). Winner, Corporal John Henderson, Troop C. NOVELTY EVENTS 1. Egg and cigar race. 1st place, Corporal J. J. Prather, Troop H. Time 1 :19 1/5. RECAPITULATION : Field and track events. Tenth Cavalry 42 points, I st place Cavalry Events. Tenth Cavalry 72 points, 3rd place Machine Gun Platoon Contest (Cavalry). Tenth Cavalry 52 points, 1st place BASEBALL In the Fort William McKinley League, consisting of one team from each of the five garrisons, for the season 1907-1908. the regimental team stood second. In the Department of Luzon Baseball Tournament, consisting of seven teams, held at Manila, commencing on the 23rd of November, the regimental team stood second, with a percentage of .666. Leading players Best catcher : Q. M. Sergeant S. B. Barrows, Troop B. Best pitcher, fewest hits: 1st Sergt. W. W. Thompson, Troop G. (7 hits, 4 games). In the Post League at Fort Riley, Kansas, consisting of 15 teams, season 1908, Troop M stood first, having won 27 games out of 29 games played. HORSE SHOW The regiment won the following events in the First Manila Horse Show, held at Manila in March. POLO CLASS. Captain R. G. Paxton's black gelding, "Crook," ridden by 2nd Lieut. H. R. Adair. Blue ribbon. JUMPING CLASSES. Over 8 jumps, 4 feet 6 inches high. Cliquot, Troop G, ridden by Captain R. R. Wallach. Blue ribbon. Chico, Troop I, ridden by Blacksmith Marts, Troop I. Red ribbon. Over 6 jumps, 4 feet 6 inches high. Cliquot, Troop G, ridden by Private Martin, Troop G. Blue ribbon. Jim vStar, ridden by Private Pleasant, Troop G. Red ribbon. High jump, horse of any country. Chico, Troop I, ridden by Blacksmith Marts, Troop I. Blue ribbon. Height 6 feet Y-2. inch. Cliquot, Troop G, ridden by Private Martin, Troop 'G. Red ribbon. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 55 Troopers' high jump. Phil, Troop G, ridden by Private Pleasant, Troop G. Blue ribbon. Cliquot, Troop G, ridden by Private Martin, Troop G. Red ribbon. Troopers' jump, over 8 jumps, 4 feet 2 inches high. Phil, Troop G, ridden by Private Pleasant, Troop G. Blue ribbon. Chico, Troop I, ridden by Blacksmith Marts, Troop I. Red ribbon. Teams of two horses, over 6 jumps, 4 feet 2 inches high. Cliquot and Phil, Troop G, ridden by Captain Wallach and Private Pleasant, Troop G. Blue ribbon. Best trained cavalry horse. Guapo, Troop F, ridden by Corporal Alexander, Troop F. Red ribbon. Gentlemen's saddle class 15-1 and over. Lieut. Emmett Addis, "The Montanan," ridden by Lieut. Addis. Blue ribbon. Breeding class, stallions 14 to 15-1. Captain Whitehead's chestnut stallion, "Padre," ridden by Captain Whitehead. Blue ribbon. Breeding class, mares 14 to 15-1. Captain Whitehead's bay mare, "Louise/' ridden by Captain Whitehead. Blue ribbon. Gentlemen's saddle class 14 to 15. Captain Whitehead's chestnut stallion, "Padre," ridden by Captain Whitehead. Blueribbon. Ladies' saddle class 14 to 15-1. Captain Whitehead's chestnut stallion, "Padre," ridden by Miss Louise Dunn. Blue ribbon. Tandem class. Captain Whitehead's "Foxy"' and "Padre," driven by Lieut. Mayo. Blue ribbon. The regiment did not take any part in the competitions in 1909. The regiment won the following events at the Annual Military Meet, Philippine Division, held at Pasay, near Manila, January 4-16. SPECIAL EVENTS Enlisted men's flat race 1 mile. Winner, Sergeant Richard M. Norris, Troop A. Time 2 minutes 3 1/5 seconds. Boxing. (Sixth bout). Private Frank Wagner, Troop A. Four-round draw. ATHLETIC EVENTS 100-yard dash. 3rd, Private Deward T. Loud, Troop I. Running high jump. Winner, Private Guy W. Johnson, Troop B. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Putting 16-lb shot. Winner, Private Leslie White, Troop H. Distance 38 feet 8^ inches. 120-yard hurdles. 3rd, Corporal Daniel S. Collins, Troop L. Relay race. Winner, Team from Department of Luzon. (Tenth Cavalry had one man on team). 56 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY INDIVIDUAL ORGANIZATION EVENTS ( CAVALRY) Tent pegging. 2nd, Saddler James N. Hines, Troop A. Rescue race. 2nd, Sergeant Lucius Lemare, Troop A. Relay race (Mounted). Winners, Squad, Troop A. POLO TOURNAMENT Winners, Tenth Cavalry. Team 1st Lieut. Bruce Palmer. (Field captain). Captain Robert G. Paxton. 2nd Lieut. Seth W. Cook. 2nd Lieut. E. F. Graham. 2nd Lieut. Henry R. Adair. Cavalry Troops. 3rd, Troop A, Tenth Cavalry, 749%. Machine gun platoon. 2nd, Machine Gun Platoon, Tenth Cavalry, 491.66%. The following events were won by members of the regiment at Albany, New York, during the Hudson-Fulton celebration, October 4-9, 1909. Steeplechase (Two miles). Winner, Captain R. R. Wallach, Tenth Cavalry. Mounted wrestling. Winners, Corporal Moss, Troop G, and Private Lee Edwards, Troop E. Rescue race. Winners, Corporals Williams and Prather, Troop H. Second, Corporals Moss and Griffin, Troop G. Relay race. Winners, Sergeant Sibert, Corporal Malone and Privates Little and Coleman, Troop F. Second, Sergeant Mickie, Corporal Prather and Privates Harrison and Upton, Troop H. Tent pegging. Winner, Private Coleman, Troop H. Jumping to form. Winner, Private Little, Troop F. High jump. Winner, Private Little, Troop F. Flat race (One mile). Winner, Corporal Malone, Troop F. Hippodrome. Winner, Corporal Berrien, Troop E. Second, Private Sanders, Troop E. Individual horsemanship. Winner, Private Coleman, Troop H. Shelter tent pitching. Winner, Troop H. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 57 MACHINE GUN PLATOON EVENTS Machine gun platoon drill and exhibition. Winner, Machine Gun Platoon, Tenth Cavalry. Best and most sanitary camp during the week. Winner, Machine Gun Platoon, Tenth Cavalry. BASEBALL In the Fort William McKinley, Rizal, P. I., League, consisting of one team from each of the five garrisons, for the season 1908-1909, the regimental team stood first. POLO The following are the results of an inter-regimental polo tournament which constituted a part of the division meet for the Philippines Division Cup, presented by the Army and Navy Club of Manila. The lineup of teams was from the First, Sixth, Ninth and Tenth Regi- ments of Cavalry. SUMMARY : First event, Tuesday, January 5, 1919, Tenth Cavalry vs. Ninth Cavalry. Tenth Cavalry Goals earned, 12; lost by penalties, 0; total score, 12. Ninth Cavalry Goals earned, 2; lost by penalties, 1 ; total score, 1. Fourth event, Thursday, January 7, 1909, Tenth Cavalry vs. Sixth Cavalry. Tenth Cavalry Goals earned, 8 ; lost by penalties, *4 ! tot al score, 7)4. Sixth Cavalry Goals earned, 3 ; lost by penalties, jtotal score, 3. Sixth event, Saturday, January 9, 1909, Tenth Cavalry vs. First Cavalry. Tenth Cavalry Goals earned, 9 ; lost by penalties, J/2 ; total score, Sy 2 . First Cavalry Goals earned, 3 ; lost by penalties, % ; total score, 2^4. Recapitulation : Tenth Cavalry Won 3, lost 0. Percent 100. First Cavalry Won 1, lost 2. Percent 33. Ninth Cavalry Won 0, lost 3. Percent 00. The following are the results of two match games played by our Army against a team of English Army officers from Hong Kong, and constituted a part of the Philippines carnival. First event. Played at Manila, P. I., Wednesday, February 3, 1909. Second Manila team vs. Hong Kong team. Hong Kong Commander Campbell, Royal Navy, No. 1. Lieutenant Crookenden, Buffs, No. 2. Major Findley, Buffs, No. 3. Lieutenant Green, Buffs, back. Second Manila Lieutenant Adair, Tenth Cavalry, No. 1. Lieutenant Koch, Sixth Cavalry, No. 2. Captain Babcock, First Cavalry, No. 3. Lieutenant Wainwright, First Cavalry, back. SUMMARY : Second Manila Goals earned, 6 ; lost by penalties, ; total score, 6. Hong Kong Goals earned, 1; lost by penalties, 0; total score, 1. Second event. Played at Manila, P. T., Sunday, February 7, 1909. First team vs. Hong Kong team. 58 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Hong Kong Commander Campbell, Royal Navy, No. 1. Lieutenant Crookenden, Buffs, No. 2. Captain Briefly, Royal Artillery, No. 3. Lieutenant Green, Buffs, back. First Manila W. Cameron Forbes, No. 1. Lieutenant Cook, Tenth Cavalry, No. 2. Lieutenant Palmer, Tenth Cavalry, No. 3. Lieutenant Graham, Tenth Cavalry, back. SUMMARY: First Manila Goals earned, 9 ; lost by penalties, ; total score, 9. Hong Kong Goals earned, 0; lost by penalties, 0; total score, 0. On leaving Manila for the United States, May 15, 1909, it became necessary to dispose of all polo ponies. Among those disposed of, Black Crook (Captain Paxton), had won the first prize, polo pony Icass, in the Manila Horse Show both in 1908 and 1909. On arriving at Cairo, Egypt, the Seventh Dragoon Guards offered to furnish mounts and challenged the Tenth Cavalry team to a match game. The game was played at the Gizeh grounds June 24th, a team being selected from those officers who happened to be in Cairo. Lineup and results Lieutenant Watson, Seventh Dragoon Guards, No. 1. Lieutenant Schreiber, Twentieth Hussars, No. 2. Captain Holland, Seventh Dragoon Guards, No. 3. Major Clay, Seventh Dragoon Guards, back. British goals, 7. Lieutenant Castleman, No. 1. Lieutenant Adair, No. 2. Lieutenant Muller, No. 3. Lieutenant 'Graham, back. Tenth Cavalry goals, 1. On arriving at Gibraltar the team hired a sufficient number of ponies and accepted a challenge from the British garrison. Although the ponies secured were extremely poor, being employed rather as hunting hacks than as polo ponies, the Tenth Cavalry team man- aged to make the game fairly interesting. Lineup and results Lieutenant Horner, Norfolks, -No. 1. Lieutenant Russell, Gunners, No. 2. Captain Crookson, Bedfords, No. 3. Lieutenant Matthews, Gunners, back. British goals, 5. LieutenantMuller, No. 1. Lieutenant Cook, No. 2. Lieutenant Palmer, No. 3. Lieutenant Graham, back. Tenth Cavalry goals, 1. On the 18th of April, 1909, the regiment was shocked by the sudden death of its beloved HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 59 commander, Colonel J. A. Augur. It was thought that a tradition had been broken ; here- tofore every colonel had won promotion to a brigadier generalcy. But alas, Colonel Augur's appointment was en ruote to him at the time of his untimely demise, and the cablegrams congratulating him on his star were impossible of delivery. Lieutenant Colonel G. H. G. Gale succeeded to command and remained as such until September 23, 1909, on which date he was relieved by Colonel Thaddeus W. Jones. On May 14th, First Squadron, Major Charles H. Grierson, commanding, and on May 15th, Headquarters, Band, and Troops E, F, G, H, I, K and L, Lieutenant Colonel G. H. G. Gale, commanding, left their respective stations, pursuant to General Orders No. 213, War Department, 1908, and General Orders, No. 14, Philippines Division, 1909, for Marivels, P. I., en route to the United States. First Squadron arrived at Marivels aboard the U. S. A. T. Liscum and disembarked about 1 :00 p. m. May 15th. Headquarters, Band, and Troops E, F, G, H. I. K and L arrived at Manila, P. I. and embarked on the U. S. A. T. Kilpatrick abput 1 :00 p. m. May 15th, disembarking at Marivels, P. L, about 4 :00 p. m., same date. About 1 :20 p. m. May 16th the entire command, Lieutenant Colonel G. H. G. Gale, commanding, embarked on the U. S. A. T. Kilpatrick en route to New York City via the Suez Canal, for station at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont. Arrived at Singapore, Straits Settlements, May 21st. Left Singapore May 24th and arrived at Colombo, Ceylon, May 31st. Left Colombo June 3rd and arrived at Aden, Arabia, June 15th. Left Aden June ]6tli and arrived at Suez, Egypt, June 22nd. Left Suez, Egypt, and proceeded through the Suez Canal same date, and arrived at Port Said, Egypt, June 23rd. Left Port Said June 25th and arrived at Alexandria, Egypt, June 26th. Left Alexandria same date and arrived at Valletta, Malta, June 30th. Left Malta July 2nd and arrived at Gibraltar July 6th. Left Gibraltar July 10th and arrived in New York harbor about 2 :00 a. m. July 25th. Total distance traveled, 10,729 miles. The regiment remained at New York until July 27th, participating in a civil street parade on July 26th. Left New York July 27th and arrived at station, Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, about 2 :00 a. m. July 28th. Distance traveled, about 309 miles. Pursuant to paragraph II, General Orders, No. 137, War Department, 1909, and General Orders, No. 54, Department of Missouri, 1909, Troop M, 2nd Lieutenant Joseph F. Taulbee, Second Cavalry, commanding, left Fort Riley, Kansas, July 15th, en route to its station, Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont. Arrived at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont. Arrived at Fort Ethan Allen July 18th. Total distance traveled, 1,465 miles. August 7th to September 6th, Machine Gun Platoon and Troops A, B, C, D, F and K, Major Charles H. Grierson, commanding, were participating in the Massachusetts maneuvers. Total distance traveled, 381 miles. September 20th to October, Machine Gun Platoon, and Troops E, F, G and H, Major George H. Sands, commanding, were en route to and from, and in camp at Camp R. S. Oliver, New York, participating in the Hudson-Fulton celebration. Total distance traveled, 30 miles. FORT HUACHUCA, 1920 CHAPTER VII. ETHAN ALLEN AND HUACHUCA HE first winter in Ethan Allen was a long, hard grind, with guard tours walked in blizzards, full pack inspection in weather that caused much comment from our men, who had just come from the neighborhood of of the Equator. Spring, 1910, brought practice marches into vogue, and the men soon came to know the beautiful country around the post. In July the entire regiment, less D Troop, marched to Pine Camp, N. Y., and until August 30 participated in maneuvers, returning by rail August 31. Several athletic meets were held, and advantage was taken of the splendid riding hall, a luxury which tha regiment had not enjoyed before. The Machine Gun Platoon won the meet held therein in February, 1910; the riding hall events were worr by Troop L, while in the gymnasium events Troop A carried off the honors. Field day meets were held during the months of June and September, both being won by Troop I. Indoor polo was taken up, and in July a team met the West Point team at that place, losing 4 to 1. The West Point team comprised Captains Henry and Long, Twelfth Cavalry; Lieutenants Allen and De Armond, Field Artillery ; Lieutenant Zell, Seventh Cavalry, and Lieutenant Cooper, Twelfth Cavalry. Our team was composed of Lieutenants Graham, Adair, O'Donnell, Colley and Van Deusen. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 61 For the first time, the regiment sent representatives to race meets for the army events. The results follow: At Pimlico, Maryland, May 28th, Army Service Race, one mile flat. Captain Paxton's mare, "Martha Jane," ridden by Lieut. O'Donnell. Third place. At Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August 13th, Army Service Race, one mile flat. Captain Paxton's mare, "Colored Lady," ridden by Lieut. Graham. Third place. At Pimlico, Maryland, September 1st, Army Service Race, one and one-half miles flat. Lieut. Scott's mare, "May Lee," ridden by Lieut. Whiting. Third place. At Pimlico, Maryland, September 3rd, Army Steeplechase, about two miles. Lieut. Whiting's horse, "Graustark," ridden by Lieut. Whiting. Second place. At Belmont Park, Long Island, November 8th, Army Service Race, one and one-half miles flat. Lieut. Scott's mare, "May Lee," ridden by Lieut. Adair. Second place. BASEBALL In the Post League, consisting of one team from each organization, Troop A stood first. The regimental baseball team played a number of games with outside teams both at the post and in towns in the State, winning the majority of the games played. Nineteen-eleven saw the "usual garrison duties," with the usual practice marches. In September the Inspector General of the Eastern Division, Lieut. Colonel Slocum, took the regiment out for a six-day maneuver around Shelbourne Farms, Vermont. General Bliss camped five days with the regiment at this time. POST ATHLETIC EVENTS Indoor Meet February. Winner in the meet, Machine Gun Platoon. Field Day June. Winner in the meet, Troop I. Field Day October. Winner in the meet, Troop H. The following events were won by members of the regiment at Rutland, Vermont, or Governor's Day, September 6th: Best single horse work. Prize, cup. Won by Private Weisiger, Troop H. Best two-horse work. (Team). Prize, cup. Won by Privates Strawder, Troop L, and Hoge, Troop 1. , Best three-horse work. (Team). Prize, cup. Won by Trumpeter Berry and Private Franklin, TroQp A. Roman Race. (Two horses). Prize, cup. Won by Private Marts, Troop I. RACES The following races were run by horses belonging to officers of the regiment : At Pimlico, Maryland, May 30th, Officers' Flat Race, one mile : Lieut. Scott's mare, "May Lee," ridden by Lieut. Adair, first place. Major Paxton's mare, "Colored Lady," ridden by Lieut. Greene, third place. At Brookline, Mass., June 17th, Lexington Plate: Major Paxton's mare, '"Colored Lady," ridden by Lieut. Greene, third place. At Marlboro, Maryland, November 4th, Southern Maryland State Fair, flat race, 1 1/16 miles. 02 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY COLONEL THADDEUS W. JONES Lieut. Scott's mare, "May Lee," ridden by Lieut. Hartwell, second place. Lieut. Henry R. Adair, riding Troop A's horse, "Anco," won first prize in the Inter- national Military jumping event at the Montreal Horse Show in May. Rutland Horse Show, September 3rd and 4th, high jump won by "Bertie,"' Troop F. Jumping competition won by "Bertie," Troop F. Charger class won by "Jack," Troop F. All ridden by Lieutenant Hartwell. BASEBALL In the Post League, consisting of one team from each organization, the Machine Gun Platoon stood first. The Regimental Baseball Team played a number of games with outside teams both at the post and in towns in the State, winning the majority of the games played. BASKET BALL In the Post League for 1910-1911, ending February 20th, the Machine Gun Platoon stood first, having won all the games it played. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 63 A Post Basket Ball League, consisting of one team from each organization, was organ- ized in November. At the end of the year Troop A stood first, having won all the games it played. On February 28, 1912, Colonel Thaddeus W. Jones was retired after more than fo.rty years' service. Colonel John C. Gresham was assigned April 3rd but did not join until October 9th. The regiment had two pretentious marches in 1912 in the Connecticut maneuver "cam- paign," camping near Berkshire, Conn. This march covered 550 miles. Major W. A. Holbrook took the Third Squadron and Band to participate in the Rutland Agricultural Fair September 3-5. In October the First Squadron and Band helped dedicate the Saratoga battle monument at Schuylerville, N. Y. Continued interest was maintained in sports, as shown by the following : Indoor Meet February. Winner in meet, Machine Gun Platoon. Athletic Meet May. Winner in the meet, Troop A. RACES The following races were run by horses belonging to officers of the regiment : At Bennings, D. C., May, 1912, Remount Steeple Chase, Lieutenant Whiting's "Fico,'' ridden by Lieut. Whiting, finished unplaced. At Bennings, D. C., May, 1912, Captain Wallach's horse, "Steptoe," ridden by Captain Wallach, and Lieutenant Whiting riding Troop C's horse, "Colorado," finished unplaced in the fourteen-mile service test. At the National Horse Show, Madison Square Garden, November 20, 1912, Lieutenant Whiting's "Fico," ridden by Lieutenant Adair, won first place in the broad water jump. BASEBALL In the Post League, consisting of one team from each organization, Troop A stood first. BASKETBALL In Ihe Post League for 1911-1912, ending March 18, 1912, Troop A stood first, having won all the games it played. A Post Basketball League, consisting one one team from each organization, was organ- ized in November. At the end of the year Troops A and E and Machine Gun Platoon were tied for first place. In June, 1913, the regiment left for Winchester, Va., under command of Colonel J. C. Gresham. It arrived July 19th after a march of 720 miles, and camped until September 29 at the Cavalry Camp of Instruction. The Cavalry Brigade did much drilling, marching and peace-time campaigning. On September 30 a move was made to Fort Myer, Va., where the Cavalry Brigade drilled some more and worked out the Tentative Drill Regulations. On the 7th of October the regiment drilled at Potomac Park for two hours and a half for the edification of the War Department. Again on October 9 the Brigade "Stunted" for the President, the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff and members of Congress. On October 11 the regiment entrained at Roslyn, Va., and next day was back again at Ethan Allen. The regiment lived in peace and quiet until November, when rumors grew to a cer- 64 tainty, and the orders arrived placing the Tenth back in the Arizona sector, to practically the same old water holes guarded so zealously way hack in the 80's. Troop L, under Captain O. P. Hazzard, was the first to leave ; it departed November 27 and arrived at Fort Apache December 6, 1913. Fort Ethan Allen was evacuated by the regiment on December 5, en route for Fort Huachuca, via the Transport Kilpatrick at Weehawken. Galvcston, Lewis Springs, Buena and Overton. Huachuca was reached on December 19th, and the regiment found itself a permanent home, or at least a home station. The Mexican border was in a more than usual turmoil, so five troops were sent out at once for stations. Troop E went to Naco, G, H and M to Nogales, K to Forrest. A de- tachment from A troop was put at Yuma. Colonel Daniel H. Boughton was attached to the regiment, and joined July 22, 1914. He commanded from August 1st to llth. Unfortunately he died August 24, 1914. Colonel W. C. Brown was assigned September 2nd and joined six days later. The border stations were not at all attractive. The poor little shacks and 'dobes were eagerly sought for by officers and their wives. Naco was about as it is now, only more so. The usual border patrols were made along the line, enforcing neutrality, and keep ing down gun-running. Every troop, during 1914, had a tour at Naco; Nogales was garri- soned by Troops A, E, G, H, M and the Machine Gun Platoon at different times during 1914. C troop was at Yuma April 23rd to September 6th; K and D took care of Forrest and Osborne. The siege of Naco, between the Constitutionalistas and Carrancistas, under General Benjamin Hill and General Maytorena, was being fought out in October, and our Head quarters moved there October 7th. An aerial observer would have had difficulty picking out which side was defending. At times it looked like a three-cornered fight was due. Our men were in trenches and rifle pits all along the line, with machine guns all set for action. The Mexicans fought with their customary "sang froid," and enjoyed themselves potshooting across the line. The Ninth Cavalry was stationed also in camp at Naco, and they as well as we, suffered casualties from the promiscuous shooting of the warring factions. Luckily for us, we had but eight men wounded. The Ninth had some killed and wounded. The following of "ours" were Private Howard Wilson, Troop G, October 4th, shot through body, serious. Re- covered. Private Leroy Bradford, Troop B, October 6th, shot through body, serious. Dis- charged on surgeon's certificate of disability as result of wound. Sergeant Nathan Stich, Machine Gun Troop, (Troop M), October 17th, flesh wound, hip, slight. Recovered. . Cook George J. Henson, Troop D, November 18th, back of knee, flesh wound, slight. Recovered. Cassious Clay, private, Troop B, November 27th, right wrist, flesh wound, slight. Recovered. Private John W. Miller, Troop H, December 4th, flesh wound four inches below groin. Moderate severe. Discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability as result of wound. Sergeant Charles Smart. Troop H, December 6th, left toes, slight. Recovered. Private Walter Patterson, Machine Gun Troop (Troop A), December 7th, flesh wound left leg, slight. Recovered. 65 During this siege a number of horses and mules pertaining to the regiment were shot from stray bullets and killed. The town of Naco suffered more or less from the artillery fire of the besiegers, several houses being pierced by shells, and buildings near the "line"' still bear the marks of many stray bullets. Great difficulty was had in holding back the crowds of visitors from Bisbee and Douglas who flocked to see the "battles," in automobiles,wagons and horseback. The provocation to retaliate on the Mexicans for the losses sustained while on duty which forbade them to return the fire, was at times almost overpowering. Our men could draw small comfort from the delightful apologies submitted to our commanding officers for the killing and wounding of their comrades, always accompanied by promises that no more shooting would occur. Finally the "siege"' drew to a close, and the troops were given a rest and a chance to see what Huachuca looked like. Some of the men, after ten months' service on the border, had not yet seen their home station. The President was moved to compliment the regiment on its conduct at Naco, in a letter to the regimental commander. "War Department, Washington, April 7, 1915. "The Commanding Officer, "Tenth U. S. Cavalry, "Fort Huachuca, Arizona. "Dear Sir : "By direction of the President, I take great pleasure in expressing to the officers and enlisted men of the Tenth Cavalry his appreciation of their splendid conduct and efficient service in the enforcement of the United States neutrality laws at Naco, Arizona, during November, December and January, last. "Very respectfully, (Signed) "LINDLEY M. GARRISON, "Secretary of War." Nineteen-fifteen saw a repetition of the work of 1914. The troops rotated on their tours at Naco, Nogales and Lochiel. There were sub-stations at Harrison's Ranch, in the Pata- gonia Range, and at Arivaca, Sasabe, La Osa, San Fernando soon became well known to our patrols. There was always a chance for a skirmish with the bandits and rebels from across the line, which was quite satisfactory. On November 21st two privates of Troop F, on observation post near Monument 117, were fired on by Mexicans, and Private Willie Norman was wounded. On November 22nd five armed Mexicans rode into camp at Santa Cruz River and fired upon a detachment of of Troop F, who replied with pistol fire. Mexican casualties believed to be two. On November 25th Mexicans crossed the line and attacked an outpost of Troop F at hill opposite Mascarena's Ranch ; one Mexican wounded and made prisoner. On November 25th part of Troop F occupied the western outskirts of the town of Nogales, Arizona, during the seige of Nogales, Sonora, by Carranza forces and were fired on by Carranzistas from Arizpe Hill, Nogales, Sonora, to which fire the troops replied, killing two and wounding others of the Carranza forces. Troop H was under fire of contending Mexican forces during siege of Nogales, Sonora. November 26th. No casualties. Troop K, at Lochiel, Arizona, encountered a band of Mexican soldiers who had come across the boundary on August 22nd, rounded up some cattle near the line and was attempting to herd them across to the Mexican side of the line. This was prevented by the prompt action of patrols, who exchanged about 100 shots with Mexican forces. No casualties. 66 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Troops B, E, G and M, under command of Colonel Brown, were at Douglas, Arizona, November 3rd and 4th, during the siege of Agua Prieta, Mexico. Troops A, B, D, E, M and G, under command of Colonel Brown, rejoined post from Naco on November 24th, and proceeded on November 25th to Nogales, Arizona, arriving there just after the siege of Nogales, Sonora, on November 25th, although Colonel Brown, having preceeded the command, arrived when the engagement was half finished, assumed and retained command until the arrival of Brigadier General Geo. Bell the following morning. The regiment, except Troops K and L, was inspected by the brigade commander, Colonel Dodd, December 29th and 30th, who reported : "This command seems to be in excellent working condition * * * * officers are very active and much alive to the interest and efficiency of the regiment." Sergeant Ernest S. Washington, Troop G, graduated at the head of the Non-Com- missioned Officers' Class at the Mounted Service School and was highly commended by the commandant of the school. During the summer months systematic instruction to enlisted men in swimming was given, and an average of about forty-three men per troop taught to swim for short distances. During August a team of selected men and horses from the Cavalry Division was assembled at Fort Huachuca and trained under the supervision of Captain Babcock, Tenth Cavalry. It took part in the Horse Show at the Panama- Pacific Exposition, and won 57 of the prizes awarded, and $1,165.00 in cash prizes. During September and October instruction in lire control and approved methods of advancing to the attack was held under Lieut. Colonel Cabell. The results of the final problem, having been submitted for the criticism of the School of Musketry, brought forth a very handsome compliment to the effect that "this regiment is to be congratulated upon attaining the state of training which permitted it to attain such excellent results." During August, September and October, Regimental Sergeant Major Frierson established a School for Clerks with Regimental and Squadron N. C. O. staff officers as issistant in- structors, namely : Reg. Q. M. Sgt. Hugh C. Scott, Reg. Com. Sgt. William W. Thompson, Sqdn. Sgt. Maj. James F. Booker, Sqdn, Sgt. Maj. William F. Scott. The Department Inspector in his report of the Annual Inspection of the regiment re- ported : "The Tenth Cavalry is in excellent condition as regards to training and equipment." He also commended Captain Hazzard, commanding at Fort Apache, for "zeal and efficiency in keeping up the post with a depleted garrison." off CHAPTER VIII. THE PUNITIVE EXPEDITION EXT books and manuals treating of cavalry operations frequently allude to "living on the country" and acting as independent cavalry, but it is rare that our cavalry has actually but put to such a test. This, however, did occur with the Tenth Cavalry in the Punitive Expedition from March 20th to April 20th, 1916. It was, with the exception of two days' rations carried in the saddle bags, practically without one mouthful of government rations, a grain or spear of government forage, or a cent of government money, and there had been no picking of men or horses for the trip. On March 8, 1916, the country was startled by the raiding of Columbus, New Mexico, by a strong party of Villistas, led by the famous Pancho himself. Numbers of buildings were wrecked or burned, and in spite of gallant resistance of the Thirteenth Cavalry, which was surprised, severe casualties occurred among the civilian population and the troopers. The Villistas were driven off and pursued by several troops of the Thirteenth. Scores of dead and wounded Villistas in and around Columbus and on their trail southward testified to the ferocity of the engagement. About 11:30 a. m. March 9th, the regimental commander, Colonel W. C. Brown, and Adjutant Captain S. McP. Rutherford were going over routine work in the old amusement room that served as an office, when the telephone rang and the hard working adjutant picked up the receiver with a bored expression which soon changed to one of intense interest as he called back : "Call up Douglas and see if you can get any further details" ; then turning to the commanding officer he said : "Colonel, the telegraph operator phones that an Asso- ciated Press dispatch has just gone over the wires saying that Villa attacked Columbus early this morning, burned half the town, and killed a lot of civilians and solders." It was 68 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY now the commanding officer's turn to wake up, and he ordered : ''Get that word around to troop commanders at once and tell them to hold their troops in readiness for orders," adding, "We'll get them soon enough." These came about thirty minutes later from Cavalry Brigade Headquarters at Douglas, directing that the command proceed to Douglas at once equipped for field service. The wheels were thus set to turning in earnest. The entire command, less Troops L, M and the Band, started at 4 p. m., equipped for the field with equipment "A" and two wagons per troop, and with the regimental pack train, for which last they were in the next four months to thank the guardian angel of the Tenth Cavalry. The regiment was escorted to the limits of the post by the band and by a following of the non-combatants who were left behind. Little did they know at this time that the regiment would not return for a year, and some of its members never ! The War Department and Congress were for once in complete accord regarding an expedition to follow the bandits into Mexico, and bring back "Villa, dead or alive." General Pershing was named Commanding General of the Punitive Expedition, to the delight of the Tenth. Little time was lost organizing the columns for their chase into Chihuahua. Culberson's Ranch, New Mexico, was designated as the rendezvous for the Second Cavalry Brigade, to consist of the Seventh Cavalry, Tenth Cavalry, and Battery B of the Sixth Field Artillery. That night the regiment made the first camp at Hereford, twenty- five miles out. Culberson's ranch was readied on March 13th, via Douglas, Forrest, Slaughter's Ranch and Hood's Ranch, picking up Troops D and G en route. The 14th and 15th was spent in getting rid of most of the equipment brought along. Everybody was to travel "very light." With Villa's trail a week old, and getting colder every hour, there were wiseacres who predicted that the expedition would never even get in touch, with his band, much less catch him in his chosen haunts among the mountains of Chihuahua. Much remained to be seen. It was the Cavalry's "day out." Even at Douglas men did not know what was ' the ultimate destination, which was safeguarded with more than customary success. The brigade commander could not state positively whether it was intended fo cross the line, although he felt ver5 r sure that it would be done. Naturally each troop quartermaster sergeant had loaded his troop wagons with more plunder than Noah would have carried, and equally naturally they almost wept when they saw it remorselessly thrown over and stored at Douglas. The space on the wagons thus made was filled with extra ammunition of which the regiment had all too little for a long campaign. At this place Captain C. B. Babcock was taken seriously ill with appendicitis and was left behind to undergo an operation. Lieut. Colonel D. R. Cabell was also detached here under orders to report as Chief of Staff to General Pershing. On March 15th the following orders issued in quick succession: HEADQUARTERS SECOND CAVALRY BRIGADE. Culberson's, N. M., March 15, 1916. Field Orders, No. 1. 1. This command will be prepared to move at once on the receipt of orders. 2. Pack transportation only will be used. Five days' rations will be carried. All ammunition and forage for which transportation is available will be carried. 3. The guard to be left in this camp will consist of dismounted men only. All trans- portation and stores left in this camp will, on the departure of the command, be assembled HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 69 m the vicinity of the present Brigade Headquarters. An officer to command the dismounted guard will be designated by the commanding officer, Tenth Cavalry. By order of Colonel Dodd : E. W. EVANS, Major, Tenth Cavalry, Adjutant. Copies furnished : Co. Tenth Cavalry. Co. Seventh Cavalry. Co. Baty. B, 6th F. A. Field Orders, No. 2. Advance Guard. Troops A and B, 7th Cav. Lt. Col. Tompkins, Commanding. Main Body. Colonel Dodd, Commanding. 7th Cav. less 3 troops ; 10th Cav. less 4 troops. Batty B, 6th F. A. Battery Guard. 1 Tp. 10th Cav. Rear Guard. 1 Tp. 10th Cav. HEADQUARTERS SECOND CAVALRY BRIGADE. Slaughter's Ranch, New Mexico, March 15, 1916. 1. The location of the enemy is unknown. 2. Some of our troops have crossed the line into Mexico in the vicinity of Columbus, New Mexico. This command will proceed at 12 :30 a. m. March 16th in an endeavor to meet the enemy. 3. (a) The advance guard will leave their camp at 12:30 a. m. March 16th. (b) The main body will follow the advance guard at a distance of five hundred yards. 4. The outpost will be relieved as the command passes, joining the organization to which they pertain. 5. The pack trains will follow immediately in rear of the command. 6. The hospital ambulances with sanitary wagons will fol- low in rear of the regiments to which attached. 7. The commanding officer, .Tenth Cavalry, will supply a rear guard of one troop, which will march in rear of the pack trains at a distance of SO yards. 8. The commanding officer will be found at the head of the main boclv. By order of Colonel Dodd : E. W. EVANS, Major, Tenth Cavalry, Adjutant. Copies furnished : Comdg. Genl. P. E. U. S. A. Regimental Comdrs. Commander of Artillery. At 1 :15 a. m. March 16th, the command crossed the line south of Culberson's Ranch, and was fully committed to the task. There was no moon and the night was bitterly cold ; the road was choked with clouds of white alkali dust that obscured everything so that the pack train got lost in the darkness and did not rejoin the column until it had camped at Carriza Springs about 6 a. m., where a little water was found. Page one of the War Diary shows that the command halted at 6 a. m., to water, groom and feed, resuming the march at noon. Three day's rations was carried on saddle. By 6:30 p. m., Ojitas was reached, fifty-eight miles from Culberson's. In view of the experiences of the next four months it will perhaps be interesting to know that at Culberson's Ranch the wagons were ordered to proceed to Columbus, and that before leaving the wagons, all the curb bits were removed and packed and left with the wagons, as were also the overcoats and other bulky articles of clothing and equipment, 70 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY and on the subsequent hard marches it was often wished that the sabers had likewise been dropped. There were no cooking utensils except five nested sheet iron buckets that by a fortunate mistake on the part of someone were packed on the pack train. Colonia Dublan was reached the next day after a hard march of fifty-two miles over rough trails. Several horses fell behind, but the stragglers all arrived by late in the night. The 18th was spent in camp near Colonia Dublan on El Rio Casas Grandes. This camp was made in the dark in a great field of dry grass that was nearly four feet high and so dry that the troop commanders did not dare to allow a fire. The men were so tired and sleepy that no one dared take a chance of a grass fire that would certainly stampede the horses. Accordingly camp was made on the bank of a stream. The rest of the three days' grain carried on saddles was consumed this date. The three days' ration of bacon carried on the pack train was turned over to the Seventh Cavalry who were moving south that night, and from this date until April 20th no government chow was forthcoming. (Efforts were made later to allow the organizations to get ration credits for their abstinence ; with- out avail. Naturally.) On the 19th, the unfit men and horses of the First and Second Squadrons were left at Colonia Dublan with Troops I and K. The squadrons proper entrained for points south on the M. N. W. R. R. (See Appendix "F.") The train for the two squadrons arrived about 10 a. m., and from the assortment of rolling stock available it was found that twenty- five box and cattle cars and three flat cars were either barely serviceable or could be made bo. This would transport the First and Second Squadrons, Machine Gun Troop and Pack Train only, leaving I and M troops behind. One locomotive only was on hand. Previous occupants of many of the cars had deliberately built fires on the floors so that holes two feet or more in diameter had burned through and had to be patched over. Box cars had to have ventilators cut in the ends before the animals could be loaded. Doors n some cases being missing had to be replaced by nailing boards across the open spaces. The conductor and engineer spoke no English, and talk with them was only through the interpreter. To effect repairs, camp hatchets, a few axes and a couple of saws only were available. By 5 p. m., however, the squadrons were loaded, and left at 5 :30 p. m., with the animals in the cattle and box cars, impediamenta and as many men as could stick on them on the flat cars, while the remainder rode on the car roofs where they were barricaded from a possible fall by bales of hay along the edge of the roofs. They traveled in truly Mexican style. While loading, it was discovered that there was no fuel for the wood -burning engine, so a part of the corral for which the government later paid $1,900.00 was loaded on the tender. The conductor intended to stop at Casas Grandes for more fuel and water, but reflecting that the natives there were probably hostile, concluded to go on to Don Luis where everybody turned out and loaded fuel from another corral. Five times in ten hours the engine ran out of either water or fuel and troops had to detrain and "rustle" for telegraph poles, mesquite, old ties, parts of corrals and anything else that would burn. One man would have been left in his search for fuel but he was a good sprinter and easily caught up with the train. At Kilometer No. 282, No. 41 American airplane was found wrecked, and from data thereon it was discovered that the pilot had been R. H. Willis, Jr. The engine having stalled here, the train was parted and the First Squadron sent two miles further south to HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 71 Rucio, the engine returning for the remainder of the train. In seventeen hours after leaving Colonia Dublan the train, by most strenuous efforts, had made twenty-seven miles. Colonel Brown took the Second Squadron and the Machine Gun Troop, detrained at El Rucio and camped in the mountains twenty-four miles away, en route to San Miguel. Major Evans with the First Squadron continued the rail trip southward. The "foraging" brought beef and corn. San Miguel was reached, but the expected meeting with Villa was postponed. It was the usual type of Mexican ranch ; a huge central building of stone and adobe. All the rooms opened on a central patio, doors occasionally loop-holed for rifle fire, and a high breast wall so placed that the establishment could be defended if necessary. A few yards from the central building a stone wall surrounded the corral so that it, too, could be defended from the house. Not only were no signs of Villa discovered, but he evidently had not been near here, though the man in charge of the ranch reported that Villa had been in the vicinity of El Valle on the Sunday preceding. On the 23rd, at El Toro, the First Squadron joined Headquarters. Theirs had not only been a fruitless chase, but their train had been wrecked, injuring about sixteen men of Troops A and B. The next camp was at La Osa, via Namiquipa. A Mexican cavalry regiment joined the column at Namiquipa to cooperate, but these turned back after a short stay. They had a hunch. Lieutenant Nicholson, Seventh Cavalry, came into camp carrying dispatches, and unfortunately had taken from their bearers and brought back to the commanding officer Tenth Cavalry, two dispatches which had been sent out by the latter. Weather warm in day time, but ice a quarter inch thick on streams at night. Viewed in the light of subsequent events it is probably a fact that too much confidence was placed in the so-called Carrancista forces cooperating with the expedition. Villa, bandit though he was, had many qualities which' made him a hero in the eyes of the Mexican peon. The rapid advance into Mexico and sudden appearance at their very doors with troops, mounted, armed and equipped in a manner which few of these people had ever seen, probably dumfounded them and created in their simple minds a feeling that against this Colossus of the North they must make common cause, and, while ostensibly friendly, were actually shielding Villa. On the 27th information was received that Villistas occupied Sta. Catarina Ranch a few miles eastward of La Osa. Starting at 3 :30 a. m. on the 28th, a fine surprise attack was delivered, but as no resistance was offered, something was wrong. Villistas the inhabitants undoubtedly were, but proof was lacking. Information was given, however, that he surely was to be found at Rubio. At Quemada, en route, it was learned that Villa and a large command had passed through there but three days previous. Several Thirteenth Cavalry horses captured at Columbus were picked up here, having been ridden nearly to death by the fleeing bandits. The inhabitants of Quemada were manifestly unfriendly ; available provisions and forage were hidden away upon the approach of our troops and the announcement made that there was none to be had anywhere. San Diego del Monte was the next camp. A severe snow storm on the 31st caused great suffering. On April 1st the First Squadron was left behind at San Diego del Monte, the other troops marching to Aguas Calientes. Here the first engagement was had. The advance guard surprised the Villistas, ISO strong, under a chief named Beltran. 72 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY A dismounted fight ensued resulting in their retreat to a wooded ridge in ihe rear of the settlement. Under cover of the overhead fire of the Machine Gun Troop, Troops F and H assaulted the ridge, and drove the band off in confusion. A running fight of seven miles ensued, when night fell. The horses were in such poor shape that there was no chance to overtake the bandits, who were provided with fresh mounts. Three Villistas were killed and several captured. They abandoned a machine gun pack outfit in their flight. Although the trail was picked up early next morning, and followed for two days, it soon became impossible to follow, the bandits scattering in ones and two in many different directions. (See Appendix "G.") San Antonio was reached on the 3rd of April. The question of lack of funds had now become serious. The securing of supplies by means of receipts was clearly not a workable arrangement, and sooner or later was likely to bring on open hostilities with the civilian population. A Cusi citizen described the receipt method as follows : "You Americans pay for food all right, but you give receipts only. Now you buy a cow from a man who lives a hundred miles from any railroad. Even if that railroad were operating, it would be six months before he gets his mail. You take that cow and you kill it and give him a receipt. He mails that receipt to the quartermaster at San Antonio in Texas. It takes, maybe, six months for it to get there, if it gets there at all. When the quartermaster gets it, he cannot pay for it. He returns duplicate vouchers to be signed. They take another six months to reach the man, and then he cannot write and cannot read English. If he can do all of these and signs in the proper place even then he gets, about eighteen months later, a check that he cannot cash." Here the regiment learned that the Seventh Cavalry had had a big fight with Villistas at Guerrero on the 29th day of March. Villa, severely wounded in the leg, had left the place the night before the attack. He had been shot by some natives impressed into his service. On the 6th orders arrived via airplane directing a move on Parral, with a view to cutting off Villa's retreat through that place. It was said that Villa was carried on a stretcher and by carriage. (See Appendix "B.") The march was taken up through Cusihuirachic, where much needed supplies were secured from the mining company there. Carranza soldiers were attached as scouts and guides. La Joya was reached via Cieneguita on the 7th. An informer brought the news that Pablo Lopez, a lieutenant of Villa's, was hidden in the town. Arrangements were made to seize him, but at the last minute the informer disappeared, and in the darkness it was not possible to locate the hiding place. The inhabitants were most unfriendly. No local guides could be induced to serve. While in Satevo the commanding officer and guide, the former with a quantity of Mexican silver, hunted up the principal inhabitant of the little village asking for corn and fodder, at the same time displaying the silver with some ostentation, saying, "Nosotros pagamos por todos." (We pay for everything). The place, it seems, had been raided in turn by contending Mexican factions (Carrancistas taking even women's clothing) until there was but little left, and that little was kept well hidden. When they learned that the accursed "Gringos" were actually paying for supplies, their astonishment knew no bounds ; one native telling the interpreter, "Why, it's like seeing Christ come down from heaven, to see you paying for what you want !" We were taken across the creek to a little adobe hut, and on the door being unlocked a sight met their eyes which caused them for the moment to forget all their troubles two rooms filled with corn fodder ! It is needless to say that for once the hungry, tired horses got a good feed. SKETCH MAP OF ROUTE OF IO T -* CAVALRY TROOPS PUNITIVE EXPEDITION /3/6 74 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY CAPTAIN CHARLES T. BOYD KILLED AT CARRIZAL, MEXICO, JUNE 21, 1916 75 The news of their paying for the things spread, and in the course of a couple of hour:, they had more eggs and chickens offered for sale than they could buy. The natives crowded into camp intent on seeing and examining everything carried and worn by the Soldado Americano ; in fact they got so chummy that some one borrowed Lieut. Adair's field glasses and forgot to return them. On this march, as at other times, the road passed through and by whole square miles of fields formerly under cultivation, and although this was the planting season, no preparations were being made, save in the gardens about the houses, for raising a season's crop. The reason was apparent ; the better the crop the surer it was to be levied on by one or the other of the contending factions. So what was the use ! On the llth, marched eighteen miles to Valle de Zaragoza where camp was made in a grove (the town park) in the edge of town on the banks of a fine stream. Twenty Villistas were in town yesterday and were raiding a cloth factory when Major Tompkins' arrival compelled them to drop their loot and run. This part of the regiment had now lost twenty- eight animals. Natives here were unusually curious and friendly and, dressed in their best, crowded into camp. Captain Mesa, a Carranza officer, was very helpful in securing supplies. Sapien was reached on the 12th, via Tres Hermanos, El Suaz and Valle de Zaragoza. While in camp at Sapien word was brought by three Thirteenth Cavalry troopers that their squadron (two troops) had had an engagement with the Parral garrison and was retreating. They had been cut off in the pursuit. Camp was immediately broken, and the command moved at once to the support of Major Tompkins' squadron, which was found in a defensive position at the Santa Cruz de Villegas. Upon the arrival of Colonel Brown's force (the Second Squadron and Machine Gun Troop) the Carrancistas withdrew from their menacing position. (See Appendix "I.") The situation remained very tense. Parral was about ten miles distant to the south. Those in the expedition did not realize the storm of protest and indignation that swept the country when the news was brought that Carrancistas had made such an unprovoked attack. It had been assumed that cooperation, not antagonism, was to be met in the pursuit of the bandit who was menacing the Carranza government. Read General Pershing's letter to Colonel Brown. (Appendix "J-") Supplies were very short, and foraging for same was very discouraging. On the 15th, Lieutenant Troxel and a detachment of twenty men were held up while on a hunt for a camp site on the railway and informed that they were prisoners ; that they must accompany the Carrancistas to a camp southeast of Parral. Lieutenant Troxel couldn't see this at all, and returned to his camp at Santa Cruz without incident. Reinforcements under Lieut. Colonel Allen and Major Howze arrived on the 15th, but the promised supplies from Parral were held up. In the face of this, a proposal was received from General Lozano to move Mexican troops through Santa Cruz to reinforce the Parral garrison. The bodies of the dead troopers of the Thirteenth Cavalry were buried in the village cemetery with honors. Colonel Brown in a report to General Pershing writes : "The greatest care has been taken to do no injustice to natives of the country. The chief difficulty from the outset has been to do this and still to secure the necessary supplies from a country which has been raided in turn by Villistas and Carrancistas. To maintain my command on this expedition I have already advanced the government over $1,453.00 of 76 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY FIRST LIEUT. HEXRY R. AD AIR KILLED AT CARRIZAL, MEXICO, JUNE 21, 1916 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 77 l^l^S^ '.;* _;*... .** . Ti^* -j-Tt ' * ' .- iv .A'*\ -> t ^ib v rSt^ CAMP AT COLON I A DUEL AN personal funds. Other officers have advanced several hundred dollars. How' or when we will ever be reimbursed is problematical. "One thing, in my opinion, is certain, and that is that to seize supplies whether the owner is willing or not will sooner or later result in hostilities. Major Tompkins agrees with me most emphatically. "I hope it will not be taken amiss that I am putting this matter strongly, but I do so with a feeling that it is perhaps not thoroughly understood. The condition of this com- mand at this date is such that if Villa were known to be within say thirty miles we could doubtless march there and defeat him, but to attempt any further marches without addi- tional remounts may be regarded as impracticable. "When we left Casas Grandes March 19th everything pointed to our ability to capture Villa in about five (5) days, and the orders were such that we took no forage for the squadron and have but one saddler's kit for the command. From the commanding officer down, all baggage has been carried on our horses. I am so short even as to paper that it has been no little embarrassment, and I am writing this letter on paper given me by a native, and writing it fine to economize in material. "Upon questioning yesterday the presidente of Parral as to Villa's whereabouts I got but little satisfaction. He was thought to be in the Guerrero district they said one report at Sta. Ana and another at Concepsion. They either do not know, or if they do they give evasive replies. People who have recently been looted of horses and goods show the most discouraging apathy in trying to rid the country of this bandit." On April 18th two wagonloads of supplies arrived from Parral, including a lot of civilian trousers. These were much needed, for many of the men were by this time in rags. Dr. McMurdo graphically described the situation in a wire which he sent to Fort Huachuca, viz: "Send me a pair of trousers. Am getting sunburned." Captains Rutherford and Pritchard with Troop C arrived on the 20th with a train of 36 pack mules, $2,300.00 (coin) for purchase of supplies, and the mail. (The first received since entering Mexico). 78 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY After a period of watchful waiting, at the end of which it was ordered that no further move would be made southward, the command left Santa Cruz for station at the Satevo base. There were now present : 34 officers, 606 enlisted men, 702 horses, 149 mules, re- quiring six tons of hay and over 9000 pounds of grain a day. To supply a command of that size required a base on a railroad, and the regiment was now some 350 miles, as the crow flies, from Culberson's Ranch over one-third the distance from there to the City of Mexico. M troop joined here on the 25th. Later orders directed a move tc San Antonio, which was reached by easy stages on May 1st. The command remained here until the 5th, resting and recuperating, then moved on to Lake Itascatc. Headquarters, M and Machine Gun Troop went on to Namiquipa, Major Charles Young commanding, in the absence of Colonel Brown, sick. Xamiquipa was reached on the 8th. The First Squadron and Troops I and K joined here. On the 12th the Second Squadron rejoined Headquarters at Namiquipa. Civilized tobacco was available for the first time. On the 15th, Namiquipa was evacuated except for Troop E, left as escort for the artillery, and the march for Colonia Dublan taken up via the river road, said road crossing tiie river seventy-one times between Namiquipa and El Valle. Troop L joined here on the 17th. Camp was made at Colonia Dublan two days later. A camp site was assigned and the place was no sooner occupied than it was changed in a terrible wind storm to a new site. After two more moves it was found that the new site was the worst that they had yet been in, so they were permanently assigned to it and the men set to work to build adobe walls on which to pitch their shelter tents. Considerable ingenuity was shown in making cots of poles and other devices for camp comfort. While at this place the wagons arrived, but every bed roll and field desk had been looted by every one through 1. Col. Evans; 2. Gen. Dodd ; 3. Capt. Kromer : 4. Col. Dade : 5. Capt. Kennington ; 6. Maj. Lindsey; 7. Dr. Porter; 8. Capt. Smith; 9. Lt. King; 10. Capt. Rodney; 11. Dr. Barber; 12. Capt. Trozel; 13. Maj. Cavenaugh ; 14. Capt. Lohn ; 15. Lt. Hoge; 16. Capt. McCornack ; 17. Dr. Demmer; 18. Lt. Migdalski ; 19. Lt. Abbey; 20. Maj. Pritchard. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 79 whose hands they had passed, so that nothing remained except those things that had long since been discarded as useless. Now began the long, tedius routine of camp life in Mexico, with but outpost duty and scouting to relieve the monotony. The Eleventh Cavalry was camped alongside the Tenth. Remounts were secured from Columbus in June. In the middle of June the Third Squadron took outpost stations at Corralitas Ranch, Ojo Federico and Vado de Fusiles. Reports of activities of the Mexicans became more and more disturbing. Word was given out that the Carranza government had announced that no opposition would be made to Amercian troops retiring to the northward, but that any troops venturing to move in any other direction would be opposed. Several brushes with native troops had occurred as a result of these orders and affairs were becoming daily more strained when the Carrizal incident occurred. On June 22nd, four men of Troop C arrived in camp bearing the news that Troops C and K had clashed with Carrancistas at Carrizal the day previous, and that Captain Boyd and Lieutenant Adair were among the casualties. Later in the day men from K troop straggled in, confirming the news. When reports of the opposition of the Mexicans to the movements of American troops in any direction except toward the north became current, two troops of the Tenth were ordered out from Colonia Dublan on a scout. Troop B, under command of Captain Gar- denhire, was directed to move out to Ojitas, the ranch where we made our second camp in March on the way into Mexico, to ascertain whether there were any troops in that vicinity. Troop C at the same time was ordered to the northeast to go through a town called Carrizal to Ahumada. Troop C, Captain Charles T. Boyd commanding, with First Lieut. Henry Rodney Adair and thirty-nine enlisted men, left camp on the morning of Tune 20th on what was to be the last ride for many of them. Boyd was a man of unusual force and a natural leader ; Adair was one of the finest horsemen in the regiment and had acted as Regimental Adjutant in March and April. The trail took them over a rough country to the northeast. After they had marched about eighty-five miles they reached the San Domingo ranch which was in charge of an American. Along with them went an American guide, Lon Spillsbury, a reliable man and a first class interpreter. At San Domingo ranch, Troop K, under Captain Lewis Morey, was met with and the troop accompanied Troop C under the command of Captain Boyd. Carrizal lay about eight miles to the east of San Domingo ranch and Villa Ahumada lay about eight miles to the northeast of Carrizal. After camping for the night at the ranch the march of the two troops was resumed. The land toward Carrizal was open grass land varied with a few swales. It was not timbered and there was no cover. The trail lay across an open mesa that was fringed to the front at the edge of the town of Carrizal with a few cottonwoods along a stream bed, and across which a barbed wire fence ran quite close to the town. Approaching the town the column first came to an irrigating ditch that was filled with water. As they drew close to the town it was seen to be occupied, and on a nearer approach being made a party of Mexican officers rode out to meet the approaching troops. The Mexican commander told Captain Boyd that he could not allow passage through the town of American troops. To him Captain Boyd replied that his orders required him to go through the town and that he must do it. A long discussion ensued, the Mexicans opposing the entry of the troops, the American commander insisting on his orders. It is reported that finally the Mexican commander offered to allow the two troops 80 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY to pass through the town in column of fours, but fearing a trap this was declined. At any rate the discussion closed by the Mexican returning to the town and the prompt dis position for attack by the two troops whose combined strength was less than eighty men. The led horses were sent to the rear and the troops were formed in line of skirmishers, Troop K being well to the right, with orders to protect the right flank. With this dis- position the line moved forward. As the line drew closer to the edge of the mesa where a barbed-wire fence edged the creek, fire was opened on them from two machine guns that the Mexicans had cleverly disposed under cover. The fire was returned, but the machine gun fire had already played havoc with the horses, stampeding several of them. C troop, charging forward, lost Captain Boycl, who was shot first in the hand, then in the shoulder, and then as he sprang out of the irrigation ditch to lead his men he was shot in the head and instantly killed. Lieutenant Adair took the troop and carried it forward, storming the town. The two machine guns had previously been put out of action by the hot fire from Troop C. At this stage of the fight Troop K, on the right flank, came under a heavy flanking fire from some Mexican soldiers in a cottonwood grove, and a party of Mexican cavalry appearing at that moment on the right flank of Troop K, that troop fell back, leaving the right flank of Troop C exposed to the hostile fire. Lieutenant Adair, having advanced to the line of the houses in the town, found that his men were short of ammunition and went back to get the belts from the wounded, of whom there were quite a few. As he came back he was shot while crossing the irrigation ditch. The bullet struck him just above the heart and he died a few minutes later. The troop having no officers with it, the men became confused and realizing that they were opposed by tremendous odds, and that they had no support, for K troop had retired, they retreated, but not until they had inflicted a loss of about eighty on the enemy, including their commanding general. The horses of both troops, stampeded by the bullets that went into the herds, did not stop till they came to the San Domingo ranch where the men found them later. The two troops, losing all cohesion, dropped back to the ranch and got the horses. There were no officers for the men, for both of the Troop C officers had been killed and Captain Morey had been wounded. The losses were as follows : Killed two officers, seven enlisted men. Wounded one officer, ten enlisted men. Twenty-one enlisted men were made prisoners, but were returned June 29 at El Paso, Texas, after many privations. The results of this skirmish were widespread, and all the forces longed for an oppor- tunity to come to real hand-grips with the Mexicans, but this was not the intention of the authorities. Only the State and War Departments know what amount of diplomatic cor- respondence ensued. It seemed for a time as if a casus belli had been brought about ; perhaps our impending entrance into the World War was the main consideration. It is not the purpose of this history to register surmises on mysteries. Camp at Colonia Dublan lasted all summer; yea, even to fall. Bets were made that the election had something to do with the duration of camp. The work at the camp at Dublan was again taken up and the rest of the summer and fall was spent in perfecting equipment of the regiment and in training, for by this time it was pretty well realized that the time would soon come when America would enter the World War. The autumn was cold and windy and men were set to work building adobe houses and kitchens. At HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 81 this work they showed remarkable aptitude and in a few weeks the entire regiment was in comfortable winter quarters. By this time a remarkably satisfactory service with the border had been established and frequent truck trains brought supplies and mail at regular intervals. While in camp at Dublan the regiment celebrated its fiftieth birthday by a very clever program that was gotten up by Major Charles Young, assisted by the sergeant major and some of the first sergeants. During the summer months Major Evans was promoted and took command of the regiment, and Captain W. L. Luhn was appointed adjutant. Christmas was ushered in by a cold norther and the Christmas dinner and its accom- panying festivities, which had long been planned, was entirely spoiled by the tremendous wind storm that will be long remembered by every one who was in Mexico at that time. Whole steers that were being barbecued were so covered by the clouds of dust that they were uneatable, and the troops had to seek what shelter they could. Very few men ate at all for twenty-four hours. The slogan of "Villa, dead or alive," was heard no more in Mexico. In January, word at last came that the troops were to withdraw from Mexico, and the march homeward be- gan on January 30th, 1917. The regiment marched with the rest of the column to Columbus, reaching there on February 5th, and took up the march for its home station at Fort Huachuca, where it arrived on February 14, 1917. CHAPTER IX. 1917-1921 ACK in Huachuca, it was but a short time until the declaration of war against Germany. Persistent rumors existed throughout the summer that a cavalry division was to he organized and sent over, but later events indicated that our role was not to be an active one abroad. The call for officers for the National Army came straight to the veterans of the Tenth Cavalry. A total of sixty-two non-commissioned officers were commissioned twenty captains, twenty-three first lieuten- ants, and nineteen second lieutenants. See Appendix "M" for the complete list. In all, the regiment sent 600 of its old men to form a nucleus for organizations, who were appointed First, Mess, and Supply Sergeants. The National Army drew also from the officers of the regiment. Practically all the older officers were promoted to field rank, and several won their stars. The new officers from the training camps were good material, and the regiment "carried on." Officers gained, 50; lost, 39, during the year. Eight hundred and fifty recruits joined between April and June. A recruit detachment was organized and the men fully instructed before assignment to troops. Hope for overseas service was not lost ; a trench system was constructed "up the canyon," and all the doughboy stunts were practiced. Gas masks and grenades were startlingly new for self-respecting cavalrymen. The Headquarters Troop baseball team won the championship trophy cup without losing a single game. In the Liberty Bond Drive this troop also won the cup for the highest subscription with a total of $17,800.00, a per capita of $214.56. The border patrol kept on the job as usual. The First and Second Squadrons took tours garrisoning Nogales, Lochiel and Arivaca, while the Third Squadron kept one troop at a time at Naco. Troop L remained at Fort Apache, where it had been stationed previous to the Punitive Expedition, and where it returned after coming out of Mexico. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 83 At Nogales were two troops, and one each at Lochiel and Arivaca, when, in August, 1918, German activities, working in the fertile soil of the Mexican mind, began to take aggressive shape in this quarter of the world. About August 15, 1918, the Intelligence Division reported the presence of strange Mexicans, plentifully supplied with arms, ammunition, food and clothing, gathering in increasing numbers in and about Nogales, Sonora ; also the presence of several strange white men, apparently Germans, at times engaged in addressing gatherings of Mexicans, explaining military terms, movements and methods. At about this time an anonymous letter was received, written by a person who claimed to have been a major in Villa's forces, who was sickened and disgusted at the atrocities committed by Villa and his men, and at the lack of pay or reward, and who claimed a feeling of friendly respect for the American troops, warning them of the German influences at work near and in Nogales, advising of the financial activities of the German agents, and of a contemplated attack on Nogales about August 25, 1918. This letter rang so true that it became a subject of investigation by Lieutenant Colonel Frederick J. Herman, Tenth Cavalry, then acting Sub-District Com- mander at Nogales, and Lieutenant Robert Scott Israel, Infantry Intelligence Officer at Nogales, and so many points of the letter were verified that it was given more than ordinary weight. Shortly after the receipt of the warning letter, daily and nightly activity on the part of the Mexicans was observed on the hills overlooking the American city of Nogales, Arizona, and commanding the roads traversing the gulch in which the city lies, where trenches were being constructed. At this time the Thirty-fifth Infantry, under orders for a change of station to Camp Travis and France, was leaving Nogales in detachments of a few companies at a time, and on the morning of August 27, 1918, it was generally believed in Nogales, Sonora, that the infantry had all gone, leaving the garrison of the camps but two troops of the Tenth Cavalry. About ten days prior to August 27th, Colonel Herman requested reinforcements, includ- ing the Machine Gun Troop of the Tenth Cavalry, advising the district commander at Douglas. Arizona, of the situation at Nogales. Two troops were sent, with the injunction to send one to Arivaca. About 4 p. m. of August 27, 1918, the infantry line guard at the customs gates on International Avenue became involved in a fight with armed Mexicans, either customs guards or Mexican soldiers probably the latter and within a few minutes the whole infantry was engaged, every hill-top on the Mexican side showed its intrenchments filled with armed men, and the fight was on. Lieutenant Colonel Herman, on the way to Nogales from his camp two miles west of the town, stopped a truck roaring toward camp, and learning the facts telephoned his cavalry camp and then instantly drove back to take command of the troops. By the time his car had raced over the two miles the three troops of the Tenth were mounting and at once proceeded to Nogales at a gallop. The squadron consisted of Troop A, Captain Roy V. Moreledge ; Troop C, Captain Joseph D. Hungerford, and Troop F, Captain Henry C. Caron. In the meanwhile the three companies of infantry under Captain Marshburn were being assembled and brought to town in motor trucks by the quartermaster: The Tenth Cavalry was dismounted and the led horses sheltered in the side streets. Troop F, Captain Caron, was assigned to Titcomb Hill and the west end of International 84 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Avenue. Colonel Herman took charge of the infantry in the center at the railway depot. Troop A, Captain Moreleclge, was sent to Morley Avenue, ready to advance across the line, if necessary. Captain Hun^erford, with Troop C, was placed in reserve near Reservoir Hill, and the infantry ordered to move up Reservoir Hill, preparatory to clearing the heights to the south of their position. Some difficulty arose here, and the infantry not moving forward as desired, were withdrawn and held in reserve, and Troop C moved up into place. During this movement, Companies G. F and H, Thirty-fiftn Infantry, were coming into positions assigned them, as fast as they arrived from camp, and extend along the American front. Company F on Reservoir Hill, Company G on Titcomb Hill, and Company H as a reserve, with a detachment at the Southern Pacific station. During the distribution of the American troops they fired but little, but the Mexican fire was very heavy. Several civilians, in the Amentan city were hit, and a number of soldiers wounded and one killed. It became necessary to return the Mexican fire as a measure of self- defense. The sheriff of Santa Cruz County Sheriff Earhart was directed by Lieutenant Colonel Herman to round up and confine all armed citizens in the City Hall, as they were getting in the way and complicating matters. The Mexican fire now grew heavier, and Lieutenant Colonel Herman decided to clear the line of houses on the Mexican side of International Avenue of the numerous snipers operating from the doors and windows, particularly in and near the Concordia Club, and Captain Moreledge, with Troop A, was directed to clear this terrain and gain a commanding position among the rocks overlooking the Mexican town, which was done promptly and in a most creditable manner. Simultaneously, Captain Hungerford was directed to advance from Reservoir Hill across the line and clear the heights in his front, then holding intrench- ments filled with Mexicans. After crossing the line and while moving forward in frontal attack, Captain Hungerford was shot through the heart and instantly killed. Several of his men were wounded at this time, but the advance never faltered, led by the first sergeant, until the crest was gained and the rifle pits and trenches cleared of dead Mexicans. At 4 :45 p. m. Lieutenant Colonel Herman received a gunshot wound in the right leg while directing the advance across International Avenue by a sniper from a building nearby. At about the same time, Captain Caron, moving his men from point to point toward the Mexican side, was shot through the right arm. Both of the wounded officers, after a .first aid treatment, resumed their places with their troops. Lieutenant L. W. Loftus, Thirty- fifth Infantry, was also fatally wounded about this time. U. S. Consul E. M. Lawton and Sheriff Earhart at 5 :50 p. m. delivered a message from the Mexican Consulate requesting the U. S. troops to put up a white flag and to cease firing and that the Mexicans would also. Colonel Herman's reply was that if firing from the Mexican side did not cease within ten minutes he would come over the line with the balance of his forces and burn Nogales, Sonora, to the ground. The American fire from the captured hillsides, and the rocky position of Troop A, and from the buildings in Nogales, Arizona, had become very effective and the Mexicans were losing heavily. Assisted by Lieutenant Israel, of the Intelligence Division, and the Sub-District Adjutant, Lieutenant James B. Potter, Tenth Cavalry, Lieutenant Colonel Herman was pushing the fighting at all points, when at 6 :00 p. m. the Mexicans ran up a white flag at the Custom House, without ceasing their fire, however. At 6:15 p. m., Colonel Herman, accompanied by U. S. Consul Lawton and Lieutenant Israel and a bugler, proceeded to the U. S. Consulate in Nogales, Sonora, under a constant, HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 85 heavy tire directed upon this group, although the U. S. Consul displayed a white flag made of his handkerchief. At the Consulate the Mexican representative met the party and arranged for the cessation of fire and the restoration of normal conditions. Once, during the conference, the Mexican commandant demanded the weapons of Colonel Herman and Lieutenant Israel. He was told they might try to take them. A rather tense moment ensued, but the alert position of a detachment of the Tenth Cavalry rifles covering the group in from of the Consulate, some one hundred feet away, prompted the Mexican com- mandant to think better of the proposition. The American fire ceased at command when the conference hegan, and after some delay the Mexican fire ceased also. It was agreed to suspend hostilities until 7 o'clock the following morning, by which time it was hoped matters would adjust themselves, the Mexican officials denying par- ticipation of government forces in the battle and insisting that it was the work of inde- pendent and irresponsible Mexicans, strangers in the town. After the conference. American headquarters were established at the National Hotel, to which Colonel Herman repaired after having his wound dressed, and where he remained until 5 :30 of the following morning, when relieved by Brigadier General Cabell. During the evening the positions of the troops were strengthened, rations and forage and ammuni- tion distributed, and preparations made to finish the affair in the morning. During the night a trainload of armed Mexicans arrived from Hermosillo, but no disturbances occurred during the night. The arrival of the Machine Gun Troop and several other troops of the Tenth Cavalry, and some artillery from El Paso on the following day, settled all disturbances for the time being. In this action the infantry was commanded by Captain R. J. Marshburn. Colonel Herman, during the engagement, received the voluntary offer of the services of Major H. B. Cheadle, infantry, on leave at Nogales, Arizona, and of Captain James T. Duke and Lieutenant Scott. Tenth Cavalry, which were duly accepted. The forces engaged were the Tenth U. S. Cavalry, Troop A, 86 men ; Troop C, 82 men ; Troop F, 90 men, with 587 eilisted men and 12 officers of the Thirty-fifth Infantry, and one officer and 30 men of the Q. M. Corps. The officers of the Tenth Cavalry engaged were : Lieutenant Colonel Frederick J. Herman. Captain Joseph D. Hungerford. Captain H. C. Caron. Captain Roy V. Moreledge. Captain James T. Dnke. Lieutenant Wm. Scott. Lieutenant James B. Porter. Lieutenant S. M. Lockwood. First Sergeants Thomas F. Jordan, Troop F, and James T. Penny, Troop C, were specially commended by Colonel Herman for their promptness, intelligence and efficiency in assuming command of their respective troops, and carrying on the work when their officers were shot down. The total losses in the American forces were two officers, three enlisted men and two civilians killed, and two officers and twenty-nine enlisted men wounded. On September 15, 1918, the Intelligence Department had reported a total of 129 Mexicans buried as a 86 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY result of gunshot wounds received August 27, 1918, also two Germans, presumably officers, who were shot while directing Mexican troops (?) armed men, acting as troops and an estimate of 300 Mexicans wounded. The final estimate of the Mexicans engaged was 2400 men. The losses of the Tenth Cavalry were : Killed Captain Joseph D. Hungerford, Troop C. Wounded Lieutenant Colonel Fred J. Herman ; Captain H. C. Caron, Troop F ; Ser- geant Arthur E. Green, Troop A ; Private Ulysses S. G. Clayton, Troop C ; Private Van Gibson, Troop F ; Private J. E. Harris, Troop C ; Private Charley T. Johnson, Troop A ; Private Wallace Reynolds, Troop A ; Private Orvel Walls, Troop A. During this entire engagement the discipline and conduct of the Tenth Cavalry was excellent, the most careful regard to existing orders and the laws of civilized warfare being exercised, and hostilities ceased when no longer necessary. The Headquarters Troop team won the 1918 baseball championship cup. The football cup was won by Troop F from the Machine Gun Troop team after an exciting Thanks giving Day game. Boxing was greatly stimulated by the Y. M. C. A., and McDuncan of the Machine Gun Troop was recognized as the champion in the "manly art." Three desultory games of polo were played with the First Cavalry, all of which the Tenth won. The Regimental Baseball Team in 1919 won eight games out of ten played, but lost a series of three games to the Twenty-fifth Infantry, losing two. In the District Field Meet our team won from the Twenty-fifth Infantry, Nineteenth Infantry, First Cavalry, with a score of 45 ; Twenty-fifth Infantry, 34 ; the others combined, 9. POLO February, 1920, saw the revival of polo, a large turnout starting practice. A shipment of ponies arrived via Fort Bliss, but after being picked over by the five teams there the remainder were not superior to the best troop mounts. An average of eighteen players turned out for games every Wednesday and Sunday. Major John A. Robenson was designated as polo manager during the summer, and much is due his able and energetic organizing. A separate polo stable was established, with picked men from each troop. As a result the ponies were carefully trained, their exercise supervised, and the equipment kept in top notch condition. In the elimination tests for the Eighth Corps Area, the Tenth won from the First Cavalry in two games. Lineup, Tenth Cavalry. Lineup, First Cavalry. 1. Major J. A. Robenson. 1. Lieutenant Duffy. 2. Captain L. G. Hefrerman. 2, Lieutenant Holt. 3. Lieutenant H. S. Stanton. 3. Captain Snider. 4. Captain E. L. N. Glass. 4. Lieutenant Robinett. Score : First game, 12-1 ; second game, 9-4. Play at El Paso was under very adverse conditions. Captain Hefferman had his shin laid open by a kick in play at Douglas, and played with a football shin guard. Major Robenson and Lieutenant Stanton collided in practice, the former suffering a brain con- cussion and Lieutenant Stanton receiving a blow on the back which required him to play standing in his stirrups. The two ponies, our best, were also laid up. The team had to play the Seventh Cavalry, winners of the Fort Bliss tournament, and was swamped by the HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 87 scores of 29-1 and 15-2. Some consolation was derived from heating the Eighth Cavalry 6-2 in six periods. In January and February, 1921, four games were played with the First Cavalry. Lineup, Tenth Cavalry. Lineup, First Cavalry. 1. Major Robenson. 1. Lieut. Robinett, Major Briscoe. 2. Lieut. Healy, Lieut. Holt. 2. Lieutenant Holt. 3. Major Glass. 3. Lieutenant Colonel Win. Scott. 4. Colonel Winans. 4. Colonel F. Le J. Parker. Score: First game, 8-7 (won); second game, 2-9 (lost); third game, 8-6 (won); fourth game, 10-7 (won). In April, 1921, the Eighth Cavalry was invited to come up to Fort Huachuca to play, we furnishing the mounts. Each team won a game. Lineup, Tenth Cavalry. Lineup, Eighth Cavalry. 1. Major Robenson. 1. Captain Finley, Goodier. 2. Major Menoher. 2. Captain Smith. 3. Captain Lawrence. 3. Captain Upton, Carl. 4. Major Glass. 4. Colonel Langhorne, captain. Score: First game, 6-2 (won) ; second game, 8-9 (lost). In a return tournament at El Paso the Eighth Cavalry mounted our team ; the team won from a picked team 10-1, and defeated the Eighth by the score of 6-5. The prospects for a good showing in the coming Corps Area Tournament appear bright. The "Buffalo Bulletin" was started May 5, 1920, as a small five-paged mimeographed news sheet. Later, the Regimental Press furnished an attractive cover and ran twelve pages. Its circulation expanded from two hundred to twelve hundred, and had a mailing list of over two hundred. It carried the doings of the regiment to its many ex-officers, retired men and friends. The letters received proved that their affection for the old regiment was still lively. The Bulletin ran until May 12, 1921, when it was ordered discontinued, having run foul of the rulings of the Committee on Public Printing, that no paid adver- tising could be carried in any official or semi-official publication. It was necessary to carry ads to cover the cost of the cuts, photos, and the yellow paper for the cover. In June, 1920, the Arizona District Athletic Team, composed principally of men from the Tenth Cavalry and the Twenty-fifth Infantry, won the Southern Department meet, a tryout for the Army Olympic entrants. This team scored 160 points, all other teams combined, 45. The Tenth Cavalry was strong in the track events, the Twenty-fifth Infantry predominant in the field events. Troop V, Captain Duke commanding, left the post June 2, 1921, to garrison Fort Apache. Troop I, our last organization there, was relieved in April, 1919, by a troop of the First Cavalry. The Eighth Corps Area Rifle and Pistol Competition was held at Camp Bullis, Texas, in July. Our competitors upheld the reputation of the Tenth Horse in fine style. The Pistol Team won the Championship Trophy Cup from the fourteen competitors, with a score of 7904, sixty-nine points ahead of the runnerup, the Fifteenth Field Artillery. THE TEAM Staff Sergeant William T. Wright, Headquarters Troop. (Gold Medal). Sergeant Marcus Nelson, Troop M. (Gold Medal). Corporal William R. Thomas, Troop A. (Silver Aledal). Private Allen Peterson, Troop K. (Silver Medal). Corporal Pryor Sharp, Troop I. 88 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Private Abbey Anderson, Troop L. Sergeant William Johnson, Troop B. Major J. V. Knznik ranked thirteen in the pistol competition and won a silver medal. The Rifle Team finished third among nineteen entries, four points behind second place, and only fourteen points behind the winner, the Twenty-third Infantry Team. The nearest cavalry competitor was the Eighth Cavalry in eighth place. Officers were not eligible to shoot on regimental rifle or pistol teams. Private William F. Tillman, Troop D, led all competitors in the rapid fire scoring, but due to extremely adverse conditions in shooting at 1000 yards, causing fine shots to turn in scores such as four to six, or even total misses, he scored but a ten and eighteen. An average score by him or a team-mate at 1000 yards would have won the trophy. Private Tillman finished in eighth place (Gold Medal), Corporal James W. Powell. Troop E, in fifteenth place (Silver Medal), First Sergeant Clifford A. Sandridge, Troop H, in twentieth place (Silver Medal), Corporal John A. Jeter, Troop C, in thirty-fourth place (Bronze Medal), out of 254 competitors. General Dickman, Corps Area Commander, complimented the regiment in the following letter : HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH CORPS AREA Fort Sam Houston, Texas, July 16, 1921. From : Commanding General. To : Commanding Officer, Tenth Cavalry, Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Subject: Commendation. 1. It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you upon the excellent showing made by your regiment in the Corps Area Rifle and Pistol Competition. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVAI,RY 89 2. The fact that the Pistol Team, representing your regiment, won the trophy by out- shooting all other pistol teams in this corps area, indicates a high degree of training and morale in your command. (Signed) J. T. DICKMAN, Major General, Commanding. Two polo games were played with the First Cavalry on July 3rd and 17th. The first game at Douglas, Arizona, (on their ponies) was halted after four chukkcrs because of rain. Score : Four to three in favor of the Tenth Cavalry. THE TEAMS Tenth Cavalry. First Cavalry. No. 1 Lieutenant Sampson. No. 1 Lieutenant Jackson. No. 2 Captain Holt. No. 2 Captain Duffy. No. 3 Captain MacNabb. No. 3 Lieutenant Colonel Scott. No. 4 Captain Kenahan. No. 4 Captain Holt. Lieutenant Healy. The same teams lined up on our home field on our ponies July 17th; Major Clifford, fresh from Riley, playing No. 1 for the visitors. The game was fast and exciting, but our team came out on top with the long end of a 9 to 8 score. CHAPTER X. THE MACHINE GUN TROOP HE machine gun was born of American inventive genius many years before 1906 but it was not until that year that our army commenced to appre- ciate the weapon by providing a temporary organization of a platoon in each regiment of cavalry and infantry. The platoon consisted of one officer and twenty-one men detailed from the first three troops of the regiment. The organization was effected in July, 1906, at Fort Robinson, Ne- braska, with First Lieutenant Albert E. Phillips detailed to organize and command the unit. Starting with a clean slate and a new mechanical weapon it was a simple matter to arouse enthusiasm among the men. In March, 1907, the platoon sailed with the regiment for the Philippine Islands, remain- ing there until 1909, when it returned to the States via the Suez Canal for station at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont. THE DEVELOPMENT OK INDIRECT MACHINE GUN FIRE It is perhaps not generally known that indirect machine gun fire originated and was developed in the Machine Gun Platoon of the Tenth Cavalry. The European war Is credited with the development of machine gunnery. Six years before this war, during the 1908 training season in the Philippines, the Machine Gun Platoon demonstrated the feasibility and practicability of direct overhead and indirect machine gun fire. This work of the Tenth Cavalry platoon was discussed in Europe and printed in service journals from England to Australia. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 91 At a meeting of the Aldershot Society held in England, Major General Cosgrove presiding, after an extended discussion of the machine gun development in the Tenth Cavalry, dismissed the meeting with the remark : "Gentlemen, we may all go home, believing as the American does, (referring to First Lieutenant Albert E. Phillips, Tenth Cavalry) that the successful handling of machine guns requires hard study and patient experiment.'' From this beginning in 1908, the platoon, and later the troop, continued the develop- ment of machine gunnery, having perfected many methods of fire supposed to have originated during the European war. The overhead employment of machine guns to protect troops the "barrage" of the war was actually employed in tactical exercises by the machine guns of the Tenth Cavalry several years before the war. There are methods of fire to this day known only by a few of the old Tenth Cavalry- men who belonged to the organization during the years 1908 to 1917. The Machine Gun Troop used overhead fire during the engagement at Aguas Calientes, Mexico, April 1, 1916, to advance a detachment going forward to capture Mexicans firing from an adobe hut. The 1915 edition of Applin's British Machine Gun Tactics (one year after the be- ginning of the war) carried an article on Indirect Machine Gun Fire by the Tenth Cavalry. The original platoon of 1906 was enlarged and reorganized as a provisional troop in 1914, with Captain Albert E. Phillips detailed as its commander. THE MACHINE GUN TROOP IN THE PERSHING EXPEDITION IN MEXICO 1916-1917 The troop, under command of Captain Phillips, marched six days from Fort Huachuca, Arizona, to Culberson's Ranch, New Mexico, before crossing the border. It crossed at midnight of March 16th, 1916, making the forced march with the regiment of one hundred twenty (120) miles to Colonia Dublan, arriving on the evening of the 18th. The march southward was resumed the evening of the 19th, the troop being attached to the squadron under Colonel Brown. It participated in the action at Aguas Calientes the morning of April 1, 1916. The assembly of the cavalry on the outskirts of Parral, Mexico, found only the Tenth Cavalry with machine guns ; all other machine gun troops having fallen out and being left behind. Every soldier that left Colonia Dublan with the troop was present at Parral. The troop marched over eleven hundred (1100) miles before settling down in camp on the return to Colonia Dublan. The reorganization of cavalry by eliminating machine gun units from the regimental organization disorganized and breaks up a troop whose record for machine gunnery as well as other lines is believed to be second to none in the United States Army. This brief history would not be complete without quoting the remarkable record established from 1906 to 1912: HEADQUARTERS TENTH CAVALRY. Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, December 22, 1912. General Orders, No. 23. Six years ago the Machine Gun Platoon, Tenth Cavalry, was organized at Fort Robin- son, Nebraska, with First Lieutenant Albert E. Phillips detailed as its commander. Since that time its record has been an uninterrupted series of victories whenever it entered into 92 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY competition with other organizations. Some of its records are so remarkable that they cannot fail to stir the pride of every officer and soldier in the regiment. It was not until 1908 that contests with other organizations began, and this is the result : In 1908 First place; prize, silver cup; Machine Gun Competition Military Meet, De- partment Luzon. Winning 52 out of 60 points, with two cavalry and three infantry regiments entered. In 1909 First place ; prize, silver cup ; Machine Gun Drill U. S. Military Tournament during the Hudson-Fulton celebration at Albany, N. Y. ; two infantry regiments competing. First place ; prize, silver and gold shield for "Best and most sanitary camp for entire week," eleven organizations contesting for it. In 1910 First place, Tenth Cavalry, Indoor Meet, (Gymnasium and Riding Hall) ; prize, banner. , In 1911 First place, Regimental Indoor Meet; prize, banner. First place, Regimental Baseball League ; prize, silver cup. First place, Basketball League ; prize, banner. In 1912 First place, Regimental Indoor Meet ; prize, banner. The world's recognized record for speed in machine gun work is accorded the Machine Gun Platoon, Tenth Cavalry, in : "Machine Gun Tactics, Applin, England." 1st Platoon in line at halt, moved forward in section column at gallop for 200 yards, went into action and fired in 31 seconds. Military Meet Department Luzon, Manila, P. I., 1908. 2nd Platoon in shelter tent camp, animals on picket line 15 yards in front. At signal, horses were saddled, mules packed, platoon formed and moved over an irregular course for 500 yards, went into action and fired in 3 minutes and 21 seconds. Military Tourna- ment and Athletic Meet, Department Luzon, Manila, P. I., 1908. 3rd With guns packed on mules and gun squads dismounted, the guns were unpacked, set up, loaded and fired, barrels exchanged, reloaded and fired the second itme, in 25 1/5 seconds, both guns firing simultaneously. Nearest competitor, 52 seconds. Philippine Division Military Meet, Manila, P. I., 1909. Lieutenant Phillips, prompted by a keen desire to develop the Machine Gun Platoon as a potent factor in warfare, has contributed a valuable chapter on "Indirect Fire With Machine Guns" to Captain Applin's book, England, bearing the title of "Machine Gun Tactics." The regimental commander makes of record the splendid achievements of Lieutenant Phillips and commends them to the consideration of his comrades now that his service with the Machine Gun Platoon, by operation of detached service law, is ended. By order of Colonel Gresham : G. J. ODEN, Captain and Adjutant, Tenth Cavalry, Adjutant. him and formed, with his, a skirmish line and moved on to the block house and entrench- ments on the next hill. Here my troop got separated from Captain Jones's, but with eighteen men of my own and several from other organizations moved forward about four hundred yards when the fire became very severe and I had two men wounded,and halted. After passing the entrenchments on the second hill my line joined that of Lieutenants Fleming and Miller of Troop I, Tenth Cavalry, which was" on my right, and from then our line was continuous. Shortly, Colonel Roosevelt and part of his regiment joined our right 116 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY and I reported to him with my troop. His command took position behind the crest which we now occupied, and that night my troop and Troop I entrenched and held the trenches during July 2 and 3 and joined the regiment July 4. Casualties : Killed One man. Wounded One officer, nine men. Very respectfully, EDWARD D. ANDERSON, First Lieutenant, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Troop. Before Santiago de Cuba, July 5. 1898. The Adjutant, Tenth United States Cavalry. Sir : In compliance with instructions from your office I have the honor to submit the following report concerning the part taken by Troop D, Tenth Cavalry, while in action against the Spaniards July 1, 2 and 3: On the morning of July 1, Troop D, under command of Captain John Bigelow, Jr., occupied the line of outposts and performed this duty until withdrawn preparatory to the forward movement. While advancing along the road, and in close proximity to the balloon, the troop was subjected to a very severe artillery and small-arms fire, but remained orderly and unshaken. Sergeant Hatcher was wounded at this time. The tire becoming more severe, the troop was ordered to take cover, which they retained only a few minutes. The deployment was made to the left and occupied considerable time owing to the great difficulty met with in getting through the dense underbrush and chaparral. The line being formed, Troop D, occupying the extreme left, crossed creek and moved toward block house on left of road leading to Santiago. Two wire fences were met with, which, owing to the absence of wire nippers, held the troop unnecessarily long under a well-directed and deadly lire. At the first fence one private is believed to have been killed ; at the second one was severely wounded. Beyond the fence the troop advanced under a heavy fire and charged the block house on the hill. When at a distance of about seventy-five yards from the block house, Captain Bigelow received three wounds and was removed to the rear by Privates Henderson and Boarman, Troop D. This removal took place under a heavy fire. Corporal J. Walker was probably the first soldier to reach the top of the hill and is believed to have shot the Spaniard who killed Lieutenant O/d. The troop remained in the vicinity of the block house until ordered to join the regiment to the right of block house and were under fire, then under command of Major Wint. A portion of the troop under my command became separated during some turning movement, and as soon as I learned that contact with the troop was lost I moved on block house near ford. From this point I marched my detachment, under heavy fire, at a double time across field between two block houses, intending to connect with what appeared to be troops of the Tenth Cavalry, who were to my left and front. When part way across, I was halted by General Sumner and ordered to place my men in position and to act as a part of his reserve. On July 2 and 3 the troop took up position in the line of investment. Very respectfully. A. E. KENNINGTON, Lieutenant, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Troop D. Camp A. G. Forse, Huntsville. Ala.. December 19, 1898. Adjutant General, U. S. A., Washington, D. C. (Through military channels). Sir : I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by Troop D, Tenth Cavalry, in the engagements before Santiago de Cuba, so far as it is known to me : On the 30th of June the troop marched with the second squadron of the Tenth Cavalry, Major Wint's, from Sevilla, and encamped a few hundred yards beyond El Poso on an eminence overlooking the basin of the San Juan river, or creek. My troop served as sup- port to Lieutenant Smith's, which was on picket about one hundred yards to its front. In the morning it was placed on picket, relieving Lieutenant Smith's troop. Soon after my sentinels were posted I was ordered to withdraw my troop and prepare to march. Having done so, I took my place with my troop in the column and, after waiting half an hour to an hour for the column to move, marched with the column past El Poso and the division military hospital in the direction of San Juan. The military balloon passed over our regi- ment from rear to front while we were at a halt. At a halt made soon afterwards I was HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 117 ordered to have my men strip themselves of everything but arms and ammunition. The rolls, haversacks, and canteens of my men were taken off and laid on the ground near the road and two men detailed to remain with them as guard. About this time our balloon commenced coming down near the head of our regiment. When about one hundred feet from the ground it was fired at by the enemy's artillery. About the same time we received a volley of infantry fire coming down the road over our heads too high to strike anyone. The troop ahead of mine started to the rear, but was soon checked. I understand that, the impulse to break to the rear was imparted to it by the Seventy-first New York. My men were lying down in the road facing the left, by order of the squadron commander, Major Wint. The enemy's fire, delivered in volleys, kept raking the road and riddling the dense foliage about us. I thought that the enemy had the range of our position, or at least the direction of this road, and that the situation demanded that the troops be moved off the road cither to the right or left, or formed so as to face in the direction from which the fire was coming. I looked around for the squadron commander to get his permission to move my troop off the road, or to make a change of front with it to the right. He was not any- where in sight. I had seen him some time before going toward the right of our line, or head of our column. After waiting some time for him to return, I acted on my own respon- sibility by bringing my troop around at right angle to the road, its right resting on the road, its left lying in the wood. In this position I was free from the troop on my right, in case it should again break to the rear. I was under the impression that we were much nearer the enemy than afterwards proved to be the case, and expected the regiment to deploy across the road at any minute. From my studying of tactics and the drill regulations, together with my limited ex- perience in field exercises, 1 knew that in dismounted fighting, especially in a densely wooded country, the time comes when the direction of operations is necessarily left to the company commanders, and I judged that this time had come or could not be far off. I did not know- but that the squadron commander was disabled, and I was determined that my men should not be decimated without doing any execution through fear of responsibility or lack of initiative on my part. I felt that it would be erring on the right side to anticipate slightly the proper time for independent action on the part of company commanders. After waiting a minute or two in my new position, the enemy's fire not abating and no superior officer appearing, I faced my troop to the left and pushed into the wood far enough to clear the road by about ten or twenty yards with the rear of my column, when I came upon a line of infantry skirmishers apparently without officers. I had my troop face to the right, or in the general direction in which the road ran, and prepared to advance. In anticipation of the difficulty of penetrating the dense undergrowth I took immediate charge of one platoon and gave my lieutenant, Second Lieutenant A. E. Kenningtpn, Tenth Cavalry, charge of the other, with instructions to keep his platoon in touch with mine. I then proceeded to advance in a direction generally parallel to the road which I had just left. I expected that by the time I arrived abreast of the head of my regiment I would find it deployed or deploying. Under the enemy's unaimed fire we pushed through the dense wood and undergrowth, waded a creek about knee deep, and a short distance beyond it came upon a line of troops lying in a road ; but it was not our regiment. Here I received word from my lieutenant that he, with his platoon, was some distance to my right. He inquired whether he should join me. As there was a heavy fire coming down the road, and I did not wish to expose his men unnecessarily, I answered in the negative. The bearer of the message to and from me was Sergeant George Dyals, of my troop, who was afterwards wounded so that_ he lost the sight of one eye. He has since been discharged for physical disability. The wood terminated: in a thin belt just beyond this road. After lying a few minutes in the road 1 proceeded with my platoon through this belt of wood and came upon open ground overgrown with tall grass reaching nearly to the waist. Here the enemy's fire seemed to come principally from our left. I accordingly faced my men to the left, and filed off in that direction. As a number of bullets dropped near us, Sergeant John Elliott of my troop came up to me, and pointing to a tree on our right, said that he saw something stirring in it ; that it looked like a Spaniard, and that he would like my permission to fire at it. 1 looked at the tree, but it was so dense that I could not see into it. I had been cautioned by troops whom I had passed against firing, as there were troops in front. Remarking that it might be a Cuban or one of our own men, I refused the permission. 118 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Soon afterwards, while we were lying down, Private George Stovall of my troop was shot through the heart and killed ; the same shot wounded Private Wade Bledsoe in the thigh. About one hundred yards farther on we came upon a squad of infantrymen sitting under some trees on the edge of the aforementioned belt of wood, around an officer who was lying on his back bleeding from the face, and who died while we were there. I believe that this officer and Privates Stovall and P>ledsoe were shot by the sharpshooter whom Sergeant Elliott wanted to fire at. The infantrymen stated that our men were falling back and the Spaniards advancing. We could not see any enemy. On our left was a stream which I took to be the one we had crossed. From the other side of it came sounds of voices and loud reports of firing. We could not tell whether they were Spaniards or American, but I thought it was best to take our chances on their being American. We accordingly waded the stream, and pushing into the wood on the opposite bank, found oursedves among the men of General Hawkins' brigade. They were lying in a road on the edge of the wood. Beyond them stretched a plain about six hundred yards wide, overgrown with tall grass like that through which we had just passed. At the farther edge of the plain was a hill about 150 feet high, now known to our troops at San Juan Hill, or a part of it. On the top of this hill was a block house and a structure that looked like a shed. Here and there puffs of light smoke indicated that the position was manned by infantry firing at the enemy on the hill. It seemed to be falling back on the main line. There was no firing in the latter. My men and myself lay down in this road with the infantry. Everybody whom I could then see was lying down except one officer of infantry, who was walking up and down the road in the rear of the line exposed to a fire which raked the road. From conversation with officers of the Sixteenth Infantry I understand that this was Captain George H. Palmer of that regiment. I asked him whether it was not about time to advance to the support of the line out in the plain which seemed to me to be falling back. He replied that he supposed it would be pretty soon, and kept on walking as before. Sergeant Elliott of my troop asked permission to go up to the fence and do some firing, i replied, "Go ahead, sergeant, if you think you can do any good." He accordingly stood up by the fence and fired seven shots, when, having attracted the enemy's fire, he fell back and lay down. Immediately in front of us, beyond the road, ran a barbed wire fence. There were no wire nippers in my troop. With a view to an advance through this fence, I dug with mv hands at one of the fence posts, but soon concluded that I could not accomplish anything in that way. 1 then stood up and pulled and pushed at the post, but made no appreciable impression on it. So I lay down again and continued looking out on the plain for signs of an advance. After a while I observed near the edge of the open plain on our left a swarm of men breaking forward from the road. I went up to the top of the wire fence by stepping from wire to wire near a post, and jumped off the top, calling to my men as I struck the ground to come on. Corporal John Walker of my troop got a bayonet and cut the wire. My men and a number of infantrymen went through the opening thus made. I struck out as fast as the tall grass would permit me toward the common objective of the mass of men which I now saw surging forward on my right and left San Juan Hill. The men kept up a steady double time, and commenced firing of their own accord over one another's heads and the heads of the officers, who were well out in front of the men. I tried to stop the firing, as I thought it would seriously retard the advance, and the officers near me tried to do it ; but a constant stream of bullets went over our heads, the men halting in an erect position to fire. The men covered, I should say, about fifty yards from front to rear. They formed a swarm rather than a line. When they were not firing they seemed to be all cheering and yelling. Our firing, though wild, was not altogether ineffective, and retarded the advance less than I had thought it would. I could see the side of the hill dotted with little clouds of dust thrown up by our bullets. We evidently peppered it pretty hotly from top to bottom, and I learned since then that many dead and wounded Spaniards were found in the trenches on top of the hill. These casualties, however, were caused in part, perhaps mostly, by the fire of our small advance line prior to the assault. This line was composed, I understand, mostly of classified marksmen and sharpshooters. As we approached the foot of the hill our artillery commenced firing over our heads at the enemy on top of it. This caused a slowing up in the general advance. When I was about half way up the hill I was disabled by three bullet wounds received simultaneously. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 119 I had already received one, but did not know it. What took place subsequent to my dis- ablement, in the direction of the enemy, is known to me only through the statements of my men and others, substantiated by the depositions inclosed herewith. My platoon went to the top of the hill with the infantry, and was soon afterwards conducted by Lieutenant J. J. Pershing, regimental quartermaster, Tenth Cavalry, to the line of the Tenth Cavalry, a short distance to the right. The following men of the platoon especially distinguished themselves : Sergeant James Elliott, Corporal John Walker, and Private (now Corporal) Luchious Smith. Sergeant Elliott and Private Smith were, during the ascent of the hill, constantly among the bolder few who voluntarily made themselves ground scouts, drawing the attention of the enemy from the main line upon themselves. Corporal Walker was with the handful of fearless spirits who accompanied Lieutenant Ord, one of the Sixth United States Infantry, forming with that splendid young soldier the point of General Hawkins's gallant brigade, the head MAJ. GEN. WILLARD A. HOLBROOK CHIEF OF CAVALRY 120 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY and front of the assault ;and it was Corporal Walker who avenged the death of Lieutenant Ord. First Sergeant William H. Givens was with the platoon which I commanded. When- ever 1 observed him he was at his post exercising a steadying or encouraging influence upon the men, and conducting himself like the thorough soldier which I have long known him to be. I understand, to my great satisfaction, that he has been rewarded by an appoint- ment to a lieutenancy in an immune regiment. I think it due to the other men of my troop to say that, with one exception, they proved themselves ready to follow me wherever I would lead them. Their conduct made me prouder than ever of being an officer in the American Army, and of wearing the insignia of the Tenth United States Cavalry. The movements of the plaloon commanded by Lieutenant Kennington have, I believe, been reported to you by that officer. I took into action, including Lieutenant Kennington's platoon, but not including the two men left to guard the packs, two officers and 48 men. My losses were as follows : Killed Private George Stovall. Wounded Captain John Bigelow, Jr., Sergeant George Dyals, Sergeant Willis Hatcher, Private J. H. Campbell, Private Henry Fearn, Private Fred Shockley, Private Harry Sturgis, and Private James F. Taylor. Missing Private Tames Clay. The accompanying map, marked D, is intended to show roughly the course taken by my troop after it left the regiment, and the general direction of the attack made by the regiment. Very respectfully, JOHN BIGELOW, JR., Captain, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Troop D. Near Santiago, Cuba, July 5, 1898. Adjutant Tenth Cavalry. Sir : I have the honor to submit the following report of the action which took place on this field July 1, 2 and 3, 1898: Troop F, Tenth Cavalry, which I commanded, was in column of twos in the road at a halt awaiting the passage of a column of infantry when fire from the Spanish entrenchments opened. The troop came under a very dense fire musketry and artillery at once, with no means of determining from whence the tire came, as all view was entirely cut off by the densest underbrush which lined the road, and no effective cover to get to. After something like half an hour of this fire the squadron was put in the attacking line as support and moved forward. In the brush and amid the roar of guns all sight of the firing line and touch of adjoining troops was lost. Lieutenant Whitehead, with a part of the second platoon, were also separated from the troop, and I think passed in front of the troop from left to right during the advance. Lieutenant Wnitehead joined his detachment to the first command he met and advanced with it. The troop advanced at double time on the enemy's works as soon as out of the brush and in sight of the works. On arriving on the hill on which the works stood it was found that the works were carried and the Spaniards were retreated to the next crest. The troops had become mixed up in a crowd of disorganized soldiers at the works. It was at once assembled, line of skirmish was formed, the advance taken up in the direction of the retreat of the enemy. While at the first works Lieutenant Anderson, with a part of Troop C, reported to me as the senior officer of the regiment present and was put on the skirmish line on the right of my troops. We advanced together over the next ridge and down it to within about five hundred yards of the works at present occupied by the enemy. Here we remained for some time exchanging fire with the enemy in the works. My left was on the road. There were troops on my left, and a little less advanced, and troops on my right a little more advanced, but their firing was not strong. Being, so far as I know, unsupported, I sent word back to the squadron commander describ- ing my position, and was ordered to return to the crest of the hill which our troops now occupy on the road. Here I received word that the hill was to be held at all hazards. The troop occupied the crest, exchanging (ire with the enemy, until dark. During the night a trench was dug and occupied at daylight, the morning of the 2nd. The troop remained in this trench until late in the afternoon, every exposure at the trench drawing fire from the HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 121 enemy. The fire was returned only when several of the enemy exposed themselves at once. On the night of the 2nd the troop was joined with the regiment and moved farther to the right on the general line, where it was again entrenched, and has remained in the trenches to the present time. Lieutenant Whitehead, who was separated from the troop at the commencement of the advance, returned to it soon after it reached its most advanced position, bringing his detach- ment with him. 1 wish to mention both Lieutenant Anderson, who was with me from the termination of the first assault, and Lieutenant Whitehead for their coolness and bravery. I could only do justice to the troop by mentioning by name all who were engaged, not only for their bravery, but for their splendid discipline under the most demoralizing fire. Killed First Lieutenant W. E. Shipp, on temporary staff duty. Wounded Second Lieutenant H. C. Whitehead, slightly, and continued in action ; Sergeant Amos Elliston, Sergeant Frank Rankin, Corporal Allen Jones, Blacksmith Charles Robertson, Private Ison Taylor, Private Benjamin West. Very respectfully, T. W. JONES, Captain, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Troop F. Report of Gun Detachment, Second Cavalry Brigade, composed of Tenth Cavalry, on July 1 : Before Santiago de Cuba, July 1, 1898. Adjutant General Second Cavalry Brigade. Sir: I have the honor to report that on July 1, 1898, this detachment went into action on the road about one hundred yards beyond the first crossing of the San Juan Creek and opened up on the blcck house and entrenchment about six hundred yards to the right of the road and did some effective work with eight or ten shots, and, not having any cover, was forced to retire, having two men wounded in a very few minutes Sergeant J. G. L. Taylor, Troop E, Tenth Cavalry, and Private Peter Saunders, Troop B, Tenth Cavalry. 1 later opened fire with one gun on hill at second block house nearest town, on an entrench- ment occupied by Spanish troops, and forced them to leave the same. After a few shots 1 was relieved by a light battery and retired. Shortly after, with two Hotchkiss guns and a machine gun, I took position on crest occupied by a troop of the First United States Cavalry, (Captain Galbraith's), and with the Hotchkiss guns did some effective work on a blockhouse in our immediate front, about eight hundred or nine hundred yards distant. The machine gun did good work on an entrenchment. T wish to mention as particularly meritorious and gallant. Sergeant Watson and Private Saunders, both of Troop B, Tenth Cavalry, in aiding a wounded corporal of the Third Cavalry to a hospital under a heavy artillery fire, he being deserted by everyone else. The same men deserve special mention for their magnificent behavior during the entire time they were in action. Private Saunders was wounded in the first action and taken to the rear. I also want to mention Private Daniels of Troop F for gallant behavior in the first action. Very respectfully, JAMES B. HUGHES, First Lieutenant, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Detachment, TROOP G, TENTH CAVALRY Camp Albert G. Forse, Ala., November 30th, 1898. The Adjutant General, Fourth Army Corps. Sir: In compliance with request of Major General Wheeler, I have the honor to submit the following report of the action of this troop from the morning of July 1st until 1 p. m. of the same day. The troop was drawn in from outpost duty about 6:30 a. m. July 1st, and about 9 a. m. moved from El Poso down the road toward the Spanish position. While in the road they were passed by a balloon, which shortly afterward drew a heavy fire from the Spanish. A short distance from the point where the road crosses the river we were halted and ordered to lie down, and remained in that place until orders were -brought to move to the 122 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY right into the bed of the river. This we accomplished with some delay owing to a strong fence of harhed wire through the undergrowth along the river. After reforming in the river bed we moved up stream a few hundred yards and took such shelter as was afforded by the river bank. The fire at this time was very heavy, projectiles from both artillery and small arms falling around and among the troops. At about 12 :30 p. m. the troop moved up the bed of a small creek that flowed in from our right, and by direction of Major VVint came into an open space in sight of and facing what 1 have since heard called the Sugar House Ridge. Here the troop was deployed and just as the first advance was ordered I received a wound through the body that prevented my advancing with the troop. When 1 last saw them they were advancing in good order at the double time toward the two block houses in our front. The conduct of the men was good and I saw no inclination to hesitate or to straggle. I desire to especially mention the conduct of Private William J. Davis and Trumpeter James Cooper of this troop, who assisted me from the spot where I fell back to the river under a very sharp fire and rendered much assistance in trying circumstances both to myself and to Acting Assistant Surgeon Delgado, into whose hospital 1 was taken and which had to be broken up on account of its becoming too much exposed to the enemy's fire. The con- duct of these two men, in my opinion, entitles them to the medal of honor for rescuing wounded at the risk of their own lives. Referring to the report of Major T. J. Wint, Tenth Cavalry, I have the honor to state that the trumpeter of Troop G, to whom he refers, is Trumpeter Zachariah Steward, whose conduct I have heard highly spoken of. 1 regret that I am not able to give a more complete and definite account of this action, but I did not get far enough before being wounded to get a very clear idea of our position with reference to other troops or to the Spanish works. Very respectfully, T. A. ROBERTS, Second Lieutenant, Tenth U. S. Cavalry, Commanding Troop G. APPENDIX "E" COMMENDATORY LETTER BY MAJOR GENERAL JOE WHEELER. Headquarters Cavalry Division, Camp Wikoff, L. I., September 20, 1898. To the Officers and Soldiers of the Cavalry Division, Army of Santiago : The duties for which the troops comprising the Cavalry Division were brought together have been accomplished. On June 14th we sailed from Tampa, Florida, to encounter in the sickly season the diseases of the tropical island of Cuba, and to face and attack the historic legions of Spain in positions chosen by them and which for years they had been strengthening by every art and contrivance known to the skillful military engineers of Europe. On the 23rd, one squadron each of the First and Tenth Regular Cavalry and two squadrons of the First Volunteer Cavalry, in all 964 officers and men, landed on Cuban soil. These troops marched on foot fourteen miles, and, early on the morning of the 24th, attacked and defeated double their number of regular Spanish soldiers under the command of Lieutenant General Linares. Eagerly and cheerfully you pushed onward, and on July 1st the First, Third, Sixth, Ninth and Tenth Cavalry and the First Volunteer Cavalry, forded the San Juan River and gallantly swept over San Juan Hill, driving the enemy from its crest. Without a moment's halt you formed, aligning the division upon the First Infantry Division under General Kent, and, together with these troops, you bravely charged and carried the formidable entrenchments of Fort San Juan. The entire force which fought and won this great victory was less than seven thousand men. The astonished enemy, though still protected by the strong works to which he had made his retreat, was so stunned by your determined valor that his only thought was to devise the quickest means of saving himself from further battle. The great Spanish fleet hastily sought escape from the harbor and was destroyed by our matchless Navy. After seizing the fortifications of San Juan Ridge, you, in the darkness of night, strongly entrenched the position your valor had won. Reinforced by Bates' Brigade on your left and Lawton's Division jon your right, you continued the combat until the Spanish Army of HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 123 Santiago Province succumbed to the superb prowess and courage of American arms. Peace promptly followed, and you return to receive the plaudits of seventy millions of people. The valor displayed by you was not without sacrifice. Eighteen per cent, or nearly one in five, of the Cavalry Division fell on the field either killed or wounded. We mourn the loss of these heroic dead, and a grateful country will always revere your memory. Whatever may be my fate, wherever my steps may lead, my heart will always burn with increasing admiration for your courage in action, your fortitude under privation and your contant devotion to duty in its highest sense, whether in battle, in bivouac or upon the march JOE WHEELER, Major General, U. S. V., Commanding. APPENDIX "F" Camp at Casas Grandes, Mexico, March 19, 1916. Colonel W. C. Brown, Tenth U. S. Cavalry. Sir : Information has been received that Villa bandits, consisting of about two hundred men, are in the vicinity of San Miguel, where they are probably gathering horses and sup- plies. You will entrain two squadrons of your regiment at once and proceed south, disem- barking one squadron at Cuevitas, sending the other squadron, under Major Evans, to disembark at Las Varas. You will proceed with the squadron which disembarks at Cuevitas to the edge of the woods surrounding the San Miguel plains on the Cuevitas trail. From this point you will proceed to the San Migt'el Ranch so as to reach there just before dawn March 20, 1916. You will destroy or capture any forces or supplies of Villa that may be found there. In case of flight you will follow bandits, sending information of direction taken to the columns under Major Evans and Colonel Erwin. Colonel Erwin with the Seventh Cavalry will reach a point west of El Valle tonight to cooperate with your column. He will advance on San Miguel via the Cerrillo Canyon and reach the edge of the San Miguel plain at daylight March 20th, there await the result of your attack, ready to act as circumstances may require. Major Evans on disembarking at Las Veras will remain there to close the trail leading southwest from San Miguel. In case of pursuit the commanders of all columns will cooperate to accomplish this mission. By command of General Pershing. J. A. RYAN, Major Thirteenth Cavalry, Acting Chief of Staff. APPENDIX "G" From : W. C. Brown, Tenth Cavalry, at Cusi, April 5, '16, noon. To : General Pershing by aeroplane. April 1st having received no reply from message sent to Colonel Dodd March 30th, and having sent to the R. R., San Antonio, to communicate with division headquarters, left Major Evans April 1st at San Juan del Monte to guard that pass and road, and proceeded with Young's squadron on road to Guerrero expecting to meet Colonel Dodd there. About twelve miles out, at a place called Aguas Calientes, where there are four or five ranches, we were fired on by Mexicans who, it was later found, was Beltran's band of about one hundred and fifty (estimated roughly), of Villistas. After a few minutes' firing they retreated over a rough wooded ridge to our left. Major Young sent Troops H and F to attack them in flank, which proved a good move. The enemey made a precipitate retreat at once. Killed three ; so reported by escaped Carranza prisoners, who saw them shot. We saw but two. No casualties on our side except an F Troop horse, which died on 3rd. The enemy left the pack outfit of a machine gun, and we learned next day that they still had one machine gun which was out of order. The running fight conducted mainly by H and F Troops in wooded mountains to southeast of Aguas Calientes and the command assembled after dark at small ranch called El Mestiha. 124 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY April 2nd I took the southermost and largest trail, with H and G Troops and two machine guns; Major Young, E and F, and two machine guns. Young soon lost his smaller trail and camped at Napa Veche Ranch on edge of Bostill's plain. I followed my trail for six or seven miles when it seemed to go out on the plain where tracks scattered and trail was lost. Its general direction was east by south and over mountains so exceed- ingly rough and rocky that it was barely passable by leading the mounts. I camped that night at Napa Veche. As we left camp (two miles out) two natives approached and said that they were Carrancistas who had been impressed by Villa. Said Beltran was short of ammunition. We sent to their camp and got four rifles, three mules and one pony, and two more men, one of whom is thought to be a Villista and is sent back with the pack train. The others were, on the 3rd inst., released at the suggestion of one of the Carranza officers with us. April 3rd marched thirteen miles to San Antonio. We followed the trail the most of the way but it soon diminished to a few tracks. I am now of the opinion that the main trail went nearly due south of Napa Veche and crossed the R. R. some five to eight miles west of San Antonio. A Mr. Locke, an American hotel keeper of Minaca, came into our camp and told of the attack at Minaca at 4 a. m. some days previous. Two of his companions were killed but he escaped. N. B. Late April 1st 1 sent two native guides (pacificos) on two of our mules to Major Evans, advising him of our fight and to look out for enemy debouching on the big plain. Have not heard whether he got the message. Sent another to him from Napa Veche April 2nd. Same result. Guides and messengers are hard to get as they fear retaliation by Villa for serving the Americans. To send a message on night of 1st inst. to me had' to deposit his watch and diamcr.d ring as security for return of messenger. At San Antonio we found it impos- sible to send telegrams unless prepaid, though urgency of matter was represented. I sold a $2.50 knife to a soldier for fifty cents to get money to send one short official telegram. This condition has become so intolerable that at Cusi today I found I could get Mexican coin and checks on my personal check. I have drawn my personal check today for $1,100.00 gold to loan to officers and the quartermaster to purchase supplies, forage and rations. I had previously spent my last cent for this purpose and drawn personal checks for $160.00 for same purpose. Since leaving the railroad on 20th we have had hay or fodder three times, and about one-third of the allowance each time. Have lost about four or five horses from corn colic. We have practically no horseshoes left, and from now on shoes lost will leave horses unshod. Men have lived on fresh beef, tortillas made from corn meal which we have ground ourselves, and in the main in good health. We left one man sick at San Antonio this morning. We have men afoot, but for fact that I got six Villa mounts at La Temada, bought several and captured several. I think I can go another week and am marching on S. Boria where I expect to get in touch again with Carranza troops and put this squadron and machine gun troop where it will be most effective. My personal opinion is, however, that the various demoralized Villa bands will soon (if not now) be so scattered that it will prove fruitless to follow them. One F trooper, who was walking on punishment given by Captain Valentine for dis- obedience of orders, deserted April 1. I understand Major Tompkins' command saw him at a ranch. Don't know where Evans is, but he is enterprising and I am satisfied that if he got my message of the 1st he is doing all possible. We should have a wireless outfit for each squadron. Captain Foulois has given me a map much needed, and Lieutenant Deuel is mapping the country as we go along. W. C. BROWN, Colonel, Tenth Cavalry. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 125 APPENDIX "H" Camp at San Geronimo, April 5. 1916. Colonel W. C. Brown, Tenth Cavalry, Enroute South from Cnsi. Sir: 1. Colonel Dodd, with Seventh Cavalry, is near Santa Tomas. Major Evans arrived at Namiquipa today. Major Howze is near Guerrero and moving southeast toward San Borja. Lieutenant Colonel Allen, Eleventh Cavalry, leaves here tomorrow for San Antonio and points south. 2. From all information received it is believed that Villa, with an escort, is going to Parral, being carried in a stretcher or carriage. The Commanding General directs that in order to cut Villa off that you proceed from Cusi to Parral via Bananoleva, Satevo, Valle de Zargosa-Sapien. You are reminded that Colonel Cano has moved in that direction and from him guides may be procured who will be of great assistance. Your movement may also shield movements of Major Tompkins and Major Howze. who are following Villa's trail. 3. On arrival at Parral you will be guided by the information you secure. 4. An advance sub-base will be established at San Antonio, on the railroad, from which a pack train will be sent you carrying horseshoes, nails, salt, money, and other supplies. 5. Exhausted men and worn out animals will be sent to San Antonio where they will be cared for until tit for service. 6. Every effort possible should be made to reach Parral without delay. 7. It is not understood why you have not been able to send reports of your column, and the Commanding General directs that his orders on this subject be strictly complied with. 8. You are authorized to employ guides, interpreters, secret service men, or other indi- viduals who may be of service to you, and to purchase all kinds of supplies that you may need. Money will be furnished you from here and an effort will also be made to send you money through the American Consul at Chihuahua. 9. You will make every effort to cooperate with our own columns and those of the Carranza forces operating in your vicinity with a view to accomplish the object of your mission. 10. Send reports to San Antonio. J. A. RYAN, Major, Thirteenth Cavalry, I. O. Acting Chief of Staff. APPENDIX "I" From : Colonel W. C. Brown, Tenth Cavalry, Santa Cruz, April 12th, 8 p. m. To : General Pershing. Subject: Engagement of Major Tompkins' command with Carranza troops at Parral April 12. I desire to report that while in camp near Sapien about 6 :30 p. m., three Thirteenth Cavalrymen of Major Tompkins' Squadron came to our camp with word that the squadron had been attacked by Carrancista-; in Parral and had retreated to this place where they had made a stand and that several men had been killed and that fighting was going on when they left the command. Leaving our two pack mules and led horses with a small guard at the little ranch where we were camped, we were in saddle in ten minutes and reached this place, eight miles south, in one hour ; arriving after dark and some two hours after the Carranza forces had ceased firing. 1 found Tompkins' squadron here, where the ranch buildings afforded a fine defensive position. Tompkins and Lieutenant Ord were slightly wounded, the former in the left breast and the latter in the left ear. Four (4) troopers were wounded, and Sergeant Ridgley. Troop M, Thirteenth Cavalrv, and Private Ledford, Troom M, Thirteenth Cavalry, killed. The names of the wounded are Corporal McGee, Troop M, shot in mouth ; Corporal Wiilingham, Troop K, leg; Corporal Tannous, Troop K, right forearm; Private Schon- 126 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY burger, slight wound in left hip; Private Eichenberger, Troop M, with rear guard, is missing. From Major Tompkins and his officers the following particulars of the fight and events leading up to it were gathered : When Major Tompkins camped at Valle de Zaragosa (Concho) General Lozano, of the Carrancista forces at Parral, sent a captain and lieutenant to Concho where they arrived late at night lor consultation with Major Tompkins. They appeared to be very much pleased with the appearance of American troops in this district, a fact that I noticed on the part of people generally when I arrived twenty-four hours later. These officers announced that they were subject to Major Tompkins' orders. The captain stated that Tompkins would be well received in Parral and that he (Tompkins) should reach Parral about 11 a. m. April 12th. The march was planned accordingly arid the command arrived at the designated time. He entered the town with the advance guard as an escort, proceeded to General Lozano's house where a conference was held. No new information of Villa could be obtained other than that he was not south of Parral. The General then said he would conduct Tompkins to a camping place, which he did, riding at the head of the column. As the rear of the column was leaving the outskirts of town for the camp it was fired upon by persons in the town. This was reported to the General, and he at once returned to town to prevent further firing. Shortly after his departure a man in civilian dress, who seemed to be an official, came to Tompkins and begged him to withdraw in order to avoid a conflict. Tompkins explained at some length that his mission in Mexico was a peacable one and that he would do all in his power to prevent a conflict with Carranza troops, and as soon as the supplies, which had been ordered of one of the American merchants, arrived he (Tompkins) would march north. This man returned to a hill occupied by Mexican troops about seven hundred yards distant and held a conference with some of these troops, which immediately began to change their position to Tompkins' left flank. This move was checked by placing men or. a more commanding position on our left. The Carrancistas at once began firing from the front and left flank, and advancing at the same time from those directions. As a matter of self-preservation Tompkins was forced to return this fire, using but sixteen (16) men for this purpose, while the pack train and balance of the command withdrew to the north. The fire of the Mexicans was well aimed and heavy. They killed Sergeant Ridgely, and wounded Private Ledford in the left lung. The squadron withdrew slowly and in good order, finally reaching the main road, proceed- ing north to this place. Sta Cruz. The pursuit was at first feeble and timid but gradually grew bolder as the numbers of the pursuers increased, which eventually was estimated at three hundred men. When about eight miles out of Parral the pursuit was so persistent that Tompkins took the rear guard of eight men and made a stand behind a stone wall, checking the pursuit and enabling the main body to get well clear of the pursuers. It was at this place that Tompkins and Ord were wounded and Private Chas. Eichenberg, Troop M, was missing, and three horses badly wounded. Another stand by the whole command was made four miles further on, and again, with half of Troop M, about one mile south of Sta Cruz. This last stand appeared to be a surprise to the enemy and it is thought that ten or more were killed. The village of Sta Cruz was entered quietly and prepared for defense. The roofs of the buildings were manned by riflemen and the enemy kept at 1200 yards range. At 7:55 I arrived with Major Young's Squadron and the Machine Gun Troop, Tenth Cavalry, and assumed command. The enemy was still on the hill to the south when we arrived, as was shown by the sounding of their busies after ours had been sounded. For exceptional bravery in returning for a wounded man (Ledford) under a hot lire. Major Tompkins will recommend Lieutenant Ord for a Medal of Honor. This while Ord himself was wounded. W. C. BROWN. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 127 APPENDIX "J" Colonel W. C. Brown, Tenth U. S. Cavalry. Sir : News of the unprovoked assault upon your men in the town of Parral has just reached me at Satevo through Chihuahua. Ascertain if possible whether attack was directed by the local military commander of the de facto government, demanding of him a disavowal of this base act. If the attack was directed by the local civil authorities demand the immediate arrest of the responsible parties. I am sending Lieutenant Colonel Allen with two troops to reinforce you. He should reach you tomorrow morning. Send word if possible to the columns under Major Tompkins and Major Howze of your situation. Unless a satisfactory understanding has been reached by the time this message arrives, send word to Major Tompkins and Major Howze to join you at once. Place your command in a position of security and assume the defensive only so far as it is necessary to insure your safety. The supply question may now become a serious one and you will be expected to meet your needs from the country round about. Supplies will l)e sent you as soon as possible. Confer fully and confidentially with Captain Reed, who commands the escort bearing this message. PERSHING. Official : J. A. RYAN, Major, Thirteenth Cavalry I. O., Acting Chief of Staff. APPENDIX "K" The following letter from the citizens of Winooski, Vermont, serves to tell of the respect gained by the regiment during its tour of duty at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont : Winooski, Vt., June 29, 1916. To General Funston, Commanding U. S. Army in Mexico : As neighbors of Fort Ethan Allen, we, citizens of Winooski, Vermont, have a peculiar and personal interest in the welfare of the officers and men of the Tenth Regiment of U. S. Cavalry, who were stationed at this post for four years. It was, therefore, with the deepest emotion that we read the dispatches telling of the treacherous ambush and attack on two troops of this gallant regiment by the Mexicans of Carranza's army at Carri/:al in northern Mexico, in which Captain Boyd and Lieutenant Adair and a large number of their men were slain and Captain Morey desperately wounded and twenty or more men taken prisoners. The valor displayed by officers and men in the face of almost certain death is in keeping with American traditions and unsurpassed in the annals of heroic deeds of all ages. At a mass meeting of the citizens of Winooski, Vermont, held June 27th, 1916, and called to give recognition and support to the men who have responded to the call of the President, especially Company G of the Vermont National Guard, whose headquarters are at Winooski, and who left for the frontier on that day, speeches were made referring feelingly to these gallant officers and men of the Tenth U. S. Cavalry who so heroically met the treacherous attack of the Mexicans and shed the first American blood in the impending war between this country and the recognized government of Mexico. A committee of seven were appointed to convey to the regiment through General Funslon the deep and poignant grief of our citizens at the loss of these brave defenders, our pride because of their unsurpassed heroism and our appreciation of their undaunted courage and unexcelled patriotism displayed in such glorious deeds. Therefore, through you to the commander of the Tenth U. S. Cavalry we express the sympathy, gratitude and appreciation of all of the citizens of this community because of these achievements of men who were our neighbors and friends and who met this supreme test and sacrifice in a manner to thrill and inspire every true American. CHARLES S. LORD, Chairman. C. C. KELLOGG, C. Vt. Ry. JAMES TIMMONS, Pres. Village. REV. R. H. WASHBURNE. H. A. BAILEY, Ex-Pres. Village. HENRY COULIN, Judge. JOHN BEN GARY. 128 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY APPENDIX "L" ROSTER OK REGIMENTAL OFFICERS, START OF PUNITIVE EXPEDITION Field and Staff: Colonel W. C. Brown, Commanding. Major E. W. Evans, First Squadron. Major Charles Young, Second Squadron. Captain W. H. McCornick, Regimental Quartermaster. 1st Lieut. H. R. Adair, Acting Adjutant. Captain John R. Barber, M. C., Surgeon. Captain C. C. Demmer, M. C., Asst. Surgeon. Veterinarian C. D. McMurdo. Non-Commissioned Staff : Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Hugh C. Scott. Squadron Sergeant Major James F. Booker. Squadron Sergeant Major William F. Scott. Sergeant James T. Penney, Troop C, Acting Color Sergeant. Corporal Will Green, Troop C, Acting Color Sergeant. Troop A 1st Lieutenant Emmet Addis, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant Eustis L. Huhbard. 1st Sergeant Walter R. Sanders. Troop B Captain William C. Gardenhire, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant Norman J. Boots. 1st Sergeant Samuel H. Alexander. Troop C Captain George B. Pritchard, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Hoge. 1st Sergeant William Winrow. Troop D Captain Alfred E. Kennington, Commanding Troop. 1st Lieutenant Reynold F. Migdalski. 2nd Lieutenant Andrew L. Walton. 1st Sergeant Reuben Horner. Troop E 1st Lieutenant Selwyn D. Smith, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant Henry Abbey, Jr. 1st Sergeant (Acting) Buck Lane. Troop F Captain Wm. S. Valentine, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant John Kennard. 1st Sergeant James Allen. Troop G Captain George B. Rodney, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant Thome Deuel, Jr. 1st Sergeant Andrew J. Hale. Troop H Captain Charles T. Boyd, Commanding Troop. 1st Lieutenant Orlando C. Troxel. 2nd Lieutenant Joseph F. Richmond. 1st Sergeant Clifford A. Sandridge. Troop I Captain William L. Luhn, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant Ray W. Barker. 1st Sergeant Charles Dade. Troop K 1st Lieutenant Albert B. Dockery, Commanding Troop. 1st Sergeant Allan Peterson. M. G. Troop Captain Albert E. Phillips, Commanding Troop. 1st Sergeant John H. Pappy. Pursuant to telegraphic instructions from Commanding General, Punitive Expedition, March 14, 1916, Troop M, entrained at Nogales, Arizona, and proceeded by rail to Columbus. N. M., arriving March 16, 1916, and entered Mexico same date. Troop M 1st Lieutenant Henrv A. Mever, Commanding Troop. 2nd Lieutenant William B. Peebles. 1st Sergeant Alonzo J. Day. Pursuant to telegraphic instructions from Department Commander April 19. 1916, HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 129 Troop L left Fort Apache, Arizona, April 21, 1916, and reported to Commanding General, Punitive Expedition, at Columbus, N. M., April 24, 1916. Entered Mexico April 28, 1916. Troop L Captain Oliver P. M. Hazzard, Commanding Troop. 1st Lieutenant Robert Elaine. 1st Sergeant Charles H. Key. APPENDIX "M" ENLISTED MEN OF THE TENTH CAVALRY COMMISSIONED AS OFFICERS FROM THE DES MOINES TRAINING CAMP, OCTOBER 15, 1917. Sergeant Miles M. Green, M. G. Troop, 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant William Gillum, M. G. Troop, 10th Cavalry Captain 1st Sgt. James Cranson, Troop E, 10th Cavalry Captain Reg. Q. M. Sgt. William W. Thompson, 10th Cavalry : Captain 1st Sgt. Walter R. Sanders, Troop A, 10th Cavalry...." Captain 1st Sgt. Henry Houston, Troop K, 10th Cavalry Captain 1st Sgt. William D. Peeks, Troop D. 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant Howard D. Queen, Troop K, 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant Edgar O. Malone, Troop F, 10th Cavalry Captain Q. M. Sgt. Fletcher Sewell, Troop A, 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant Vance H. Marchbanks, Troop C, 10th Cavalry Captain 1st Sgt. Clifford A. Sandridge, Troop H, 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant Reuben Homer, Hq. Troop, 10th Cavalry Captain 1st Sgt. Daniel Smith, Troop C, 10th Cavalry Captain Sq. Sgt. Major James F. Booker, 10th Cavalry Captain Sq. Sgt. Major William F. Scott. 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant Hanson Johnson, Supplv Troop, 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant George C. Hall, Troop L, 10th Cavalry Captain Sq. Set. Major Edward W. Spearman, 10th Cavalry Captain Reg. Q. M. Sgt. William H. Williams, 10th Cavalry Captain Sergeant Robert T. Shobe, Troop C, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant James E. Beard, M. G. Troop, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant John Combs, Troop L, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Richard M. Norris, Troop A, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant William T. Johnson, Troop A, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant John Q. Lindsey, Hq. Troop, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant John P. Walker, Troop E. 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Floyd Gilmer, Troop A, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Corporal Waddell C. Steele, Troop E. 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Carey McLane, Troop L. 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Walter Lyons, Troop C, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Corporal William H. Brown, Jr., Troop D, 10th Cayalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Hazel L. Raine, Troop F, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Rosen T. Brown, Troop D, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Russell Smith, Troop B, 10th Cavalry '. 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Frank M. Goodner, Troop M, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Cleveland Morrow, Troop B, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Gus Williams, Troop D, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Vest Douglas, M. G. Troop, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Almando Henderson, Troop K, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant George E. Edwards, Troop H, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant William A. Stith, Troop M, 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Corporal William T. Burns, Troop D ; 10th Cavalry 1st Lieutenant Sergeant Stephen B. Barrow, Troop B, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Clyde Roberts. Troop G. 10th Cavalrv 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Benjamin Bettis, Troop A, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant William Collier, Troop B, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Edgar F. Malone, Troop F, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant 130 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY Out of a total of fifty-seven non-commissioned officers sent to the training camp, forty- eight obtained commissions. COMMISSIONED FROM TRAINING CAMP AT LEON SPRINGS, TEXAS. Reg. Sgt. Major Eugene P. Frierson, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sq. Sgt. Major John Coleman, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant COMMISSIONED AS 2ND LIEUTENANTS OF CAVALRY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1918. Sergeant William H. Marshall, Troop D, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant John C. Sanders, Troop D, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Arthur Chambliss, Troop E, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Corporal James Everett, Troop E, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Corporal General Lee Grant, Troop H, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Howard W. Fields, Troop L, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Livingston J. Williams, Troop L, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Band Corporal John Clarke, Hq. Troop, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sq. Sgt. Major Benjamin F. Preston, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant John A. Ford, Machine Gun Troop, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Sergeant Henry Clay Bennett, Supply Troop, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant Band Leader William H. Lewis, 10th Cavalry 2nd Lieutenant HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 131 HEADQUARTERS TENTH CAVALRY, Colonia Dublan, Mexico, July 1, 1916. GENERAL ORDERS No.l It becomes the sad duty of the Regimental Commander to announce the death in action with troops of the De Facto Gov- ernment of Mexico at Carrizal, Chihuahua, Mexico, June 21, 1916, of CAPTAIN CHARLES T. BOYD and FIRST LIEUTENANT HENRY R. ADAIR Tenth Cavalry Capt. Boyd was born in Iowa October 29, 1970. Was appointed to the Military Academy June 15, 1892, and graduated June 12, 1896. Was assigned to the 7th Cavalry same date as an additional 2d Lieutenant and on Januarv 14, 1897, to the 4th Cavalry as a 2d Lieutenant. Was promoted to 1st Lieu- tenant on February 2cl, 1901, and assigned to the 7th Cavalry. Transferred to the 4th Cavalry, May 2d, 1901. Promoted Capt. January 16, 1903, and assigned to the 10th Cavalry. While a 2d Lieut, he was appointed Major 37th U. S. Infantry, and served as such from July 12, 1899, to Feb. 20, 1901. He served with the 4th Cavalry and the 37th U. S. Infantry during the Philippine Insurrection. Was Regimental Adjutant for four years. Was a distinguished graduate of the School of the Line, 1912. and of the Army Staff College in 1916. Lieut. Adair was born in Oregon April 13th, 1882. Was appointed to the Military Academy August 1, 1900, grad- uated and assigned to the 10th Cavalry June 15, 1904. Was promoted 1st Lieut, and reassigned to same regiment June 26, 1911. Was a graduate of the Mounted Service School, first year's course, 1912, and second year's course, 1915. During his service, all of which has been with the regiment, he has been Squadron Q. M. and Commissary, Squadron Adjutant and Acting Regtl. Adjutant at different time. These officers met their death like the soldiers they were, leading their troopers under a heavy fire from a superior force. Capt. Boyd, although wounded twice, continued to lead the ad- vance until he was felled by another bullet. Lieut. Adair took command after Capt. Boyd's death and con- tinued to direct the fire until he, too, was killed. They gallantly- upheld the traditions of the 10th Cavalry. The intrepid bravery and utter disregard of personal injury are characteristic of the military spirit and sense of duty of the two officers and afford an example worthy of emulation of every officer and man of the regiment. The Regimental Commander voices the sentiment of the regi- ment in extending to the families and relatives of the deceased officers his heartfelt sympathy. By order of Major" Evans : S. McP. RUTHERFORD, Capt. and Adjt, 10th Cavalry. Official: S. McP. RUTHERFORD, Capt., and Adjt., 10th Cavalry. 132 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY APPENDIX "O" Fort Sheridan, Illinois, December 28, 1920. Dear Colonel Winans : Your letter of the twenty-third received, in which you ask me to write something of my service at Huachuca. When I reported for duty on July 4th, 1885, the post was garrisoned by four troops of the Fourth Cavalry and one company of the First Infantry Brevet Brigadier General George A. Forsythe, a former aide to General Sheridan, an officer of distinguished record during the Civil War and in the Indian campaigns, was in command. A month or so later Colonel William B. Royall, Colonel of the Fourth Cavalry, also a veteran of the Civil War and of the Mexican War, arrived and assumed command. The four troops of cavalry were commanded by Wirt Davis, A. E. Wood, Henry W. Lawton and C. A. P. Hatfield. The infantry was commanded by Captain William N. Tisdall. They were a rugged, sturdy lot. All of them had had Civil War experience and long experience in the Indian campaigns in different parts of the western country. General George Crook was in command of the department. We were in the midst of the Apache campaign, known as the Geronimo campaign, and were engaged in that phase of it which was commonly spoken of as the "Water-hole Campaign." The troops were stretched all along the frontier from the Whetstone Mountains east well into Mexico, guarding water-holes and passes. Communication was principally by telegraph or courier, with a certain number of heliograph stations. The post was new and consisted of the old row of officers' quarters, which ran down to about the tip of the canyon on the east side. Opposite were the old cavalry barracks and stables. Enclosing the parade below was the post hospital, with its outbuildings. The trees were only a few feet high. The water all came from the springs up to the post canyon. We had plenty of it in rainy weather ; often times it was short during the summer. There was a snug little hotel just across the creek up near where Sam the Chinaman (who was there at that time) now has his laundry. The Tenth and the Fourth were in close cooperation during this campaign. The troops of the Tenth, under Lebo, Bill Davis, Carter Johnson, Ward, Grierson and others, were hold- ing stations at Mescal Sorings in the Whetstones ; at Calabasas, under the Santa Ritas ; at Crhtenden ; at Tempest Mine, just over the line in Sonora, and at La Noria. The Fourth had stations on the south side of the Huachucas, at Bisbee, at Skeleton Canyon and to the east, with a few troops at Camp Bowie. The infantry was generally held in garrison, to take care of the post, although when the hard drive after Geronimo came in '86 about the hardest work of the whole campaign was done by organizations made up of selected officers and men from the Eighth Infantry. Transportation was pack. The mounts in those days were better than any we have had since ; and there was a knowledge of how to handle horses on the march which is lacking in our cavalry service, as a whole, today. Most of the officers then had seen service in the Civil War. They knew how to get mounted commands over great stretches of country, and to bring in their animals in good condition. The country was full of alarms and troops were scurrying hither and thither in an at- tempt to pick up the trail of smalt raiding groups of Apaches. It was a hard-working, wholesome and interesting life. There was an excellent regimental esprit and pride in the scivice. It was the beginning of the end of our hard Indian work in the southwest. In those strenuous days the Tenth Cavalry played a fine part, a part highly creditable to officers and men. The Tenth was in my brigade (the first dismounted cavalry brigade) at Santiago; it was made up of the First and Tenth Regulars and the First Volunteer Cavalry, commonly known as the Rough Riders. This brigade constituted the American force at the fight at Las Guasimas. Additional cavalry and infantry came up just after we had dislodged the Spanish. At the big fight, which was a big one, as it was the determining battle of the campaign, on July 1st at San Juan Ridge, just outside the city of Santiago, the brigade made an excellent record, it and the Second Cavalry Brigade carrying and holding a long section of the enemy's lines. In both actions the work of the Tenth Cavalry was excellent. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 133 The relations between the Tenth Cavalry and the Fourth were excellent and were char- acterized by a friendly rivalry. The permanent station of most of the Tenth at that time was Camp Grant, with a troop or two at Camp Thomas. Transportation was via the old Guaymas railroad, and everything came up from what was known as The Siding. The present railroad was not built into the post until about 1911 or '12, and the Post Gardens were principally in Garden Canyon, from which most of the water now comes. The reservation had approximately its present limits. The service at Huachuca and in the field in the old days was a good school for officers and men. It was a healthy, vigorous life. I feel sure the Tenth Cavalry has in it today men who were in it in the eighties, and that you will find Huachuca a pleasant post to serve at, with excellent opportunities for training. The Tenth is a fine regiment and I congratulate you on being in command of it. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) LEONARD WOOD. "THROUGH THE CHAPARRAL AND SAND' 134 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY APPENDIX "P" General Pershing contributed this valuable letter for a special number of the regi- mental weekly, the "Buffalo Bulletin :'' GENERAL OF THE ARMIES, WASHINGTON January 8, 1921. Colonel Edwin B. Winans, Commanding Tenth U. S. Cavalry, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. My Dear Colonel Winans : 1 am glad and honored to contribute something for a special number of the Tenth Cavalry Bulletin. Many years have passed twenty-two, to be exact since my last service in the Tenth, but my mind is filled with recollections of those days in the Old Army, days of as much excitement as in the new, and possibly more variety. The regiment was at Fort Assiniboine in October, 1895, when I first joined and reported for duty with D Troop. The Pine Ridge campaign a few years before had closed the era of Indian warfare on the plains, and the scattered units of the little Regular Army awaited in their frontier posts of their late campaign, the next phase of our national development, which was to carry them overseas to battle with a European power. Meanwhile, in the summer of 1896, several troops of the regiment were sent to round up a number of bands of Cree Indians who had crossed the international boundary follow- ing the suppression of their rebellion in Canada. Troop D, under my command, took a leading part in this task, doing some hard riding to overtake or surprise bands located in Montana and Idaho, sending some by rail to Canada, and finally escorting a band of some six hundred across the border. My troop required little of its officers. The ranks were filled with veterans and the power and prestige of the old top sergeant was sufficient to maintain rigid discipline and manage the minor details of administration. Almost perfect at drill, most of our interest centered in keen competition on the rifle range and in hunting. I recall a visit of General Nelson A. Miles, then Commander of the Army, which was largely spent in hunting the game which abounded in the vicinity of the post. As a result of this visit I was soon afterwards relieved from duty with the regiment and assigned to his office in Washington. The concentration of troops for the Spanish-American War in 1898 carried the Tenth to Chickamauga, where 1 joined as Regimental Quartermaster, and thence to Tampa. Landing at Siboney on June 23rcl, we were almost immediately involved in the preliminary skirmish of the war, in company with the Rough Riders. The following days were stren- uous and exciting, culminating in the charge up San Juan Hill. Here I rejoined my old troop, D, which had covered itself with glory in the heaviest of the fighting. The Battle of Santiago was a small affair, a mere skirmish in comparison with out recent experiences, but it tried the valor and endurance of the strongest men, and our casualties were very heavy. The splendid discipline of the Regular Army made possible the success gained despite inconceivable confusion, lack of preparation and material, and the old veterans of the Tenth became famous throughout the country for their fine per- formance on that battlefield. This terminated my association with the regiment, but I have never forgotten the valuable lessons learned at the time, and I shall always look back with affection and pleasure to my days in the Tenth Cavalry. To you and your officers and men I send my warmest regards and best wishes for the New Year. Very sincerely yours, JOHN J. PERSHING. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 135 THE TENTH CAVALRY IN MEXICO From U. S. Cavalry Journal of October, 1917. BY CAPTAIN O. C. TROXEL, TENTH CAVALRY. There have appeared in the Service Journals at various times, articles dealing with special phases of our experiences in Mexico, covering some action in which a particular troop or troops were engaged, equipment of troops, sanitation, or what not, but I have seen none that dealt in any way with the work of cavalry along its broader lines that of pushing well out to the front, separating itself from its friendly troops, continuing its work while relying absolutely on the country for its sustenance, and operating in name and in fact as Independent Cavalry. Whatever phases of cavalry work our cavalry in Mexico did not get, certainly none will deny that we did get the part mentioned above. In this article, however, I purpose limiting myself to the one phase of how we "lived on the country," and certainly no cavalryman who served in Mexico is more justified in saying that he did ALL the things mentioned above than the members of the Tenth Cavalry who composed the expedition to near Parral under Colonel W. C. Brown, then in command of the regiment. I speak of the Second Squadron and Machine Gun Troop, Tenth Cavalry, which served in Mexico from March 20th to April 22nd without one mouthful of Government rations, one grain or spear of Government forage, one cent of Government money, no Government clothing, nor aid of any kind; and when on May 1st, 1916, it arrived back at San Antonio, Mexico, from the south, it was truly a case of survival of the fittest, for there had been no picking of officers, men or horses for any part of the expedition. We had, from 6 p. m. March 9th to about 7 :45 p. m. April 12th, passed over 750 miles of road space from Fort Huachuca, Arizona, to Santa Cruz de Villegas, near Parral, in twenty-eight marching days. This of course does not measure the extra work done by those men and horses on advance, rear and flank guards, patrols, foraging parties, etc. They were what remained of the same troops that had left Fort Huachuca on March 9th w ith wagon and pack trains. There had, however, been certain changes in personnel over which we had no control. Our wagons were left at Culberson's ranch, the sick men and horses were left at Colonia Dublan, our pack train was, on April 5th, ordered back to Namiquipa to procure supplies for us, and we continued south, retaining one mule per troop. Our sick men and sick animals at that time were sent north with the pack train. There were no further changes in personnel, except for the occasional buying of a horse or mule to keep the command mounted. Our march overland to Culberson's ranch was in no sense severe, but the weather was hot ; only now and then did we have hay, watering facilities were always poor, the supply insufficient, and frequently none except at our nightly camps, and the country was sandy and devoid of grazing. We thus marched 160 miles before we entered Mexico. We lost several horses from sand colic and all horses had begun to feel the effects of the march. At this place we were joined by the Seventh Cavalry, and Battery B, Fifth Field Artillery, and with packed saddles for officers and men, five days' rations and three pack trains, made the march to Colonia Dublan, a distance of something over 100 miles, from shortly after midnight of March 15-16 to the evening of the 17th. On the evening of the 18th the Tenth Cavalry received orders to turn over to the Seventh Cavalry all of its remaining rations, and the Seventh left camp at 3 a. m. At about 6 a. m. March 19th we received orders to receive rations in the hands of Battery B and entrain for the south. This battery had already eaten half of their five days' rations for three and two-thirds days. As there were not enough freight cars for Troops I and K, only Regimental Headquarters, First and Second Squadrons, Machine Gun Troop and the Pack Train were entrained. Troops L and M had not joined. Our troubles in patching and nailing up the cars, getting material for camps, collecting wood for the wood-burning engine and getting started late in the afternoon with the animals inside the freight cars and the officers and men on top in truly Mexican style, were exceeded, if possible, only by the troubles in keeping the engine going by having the men get off and chop mesquite to burn in it, only to find that the wood must be used to send the engine some place for water, and so on ad infinitum. 136 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY As a result, all but the First Squadron detrained at about 11 a. m. M-.nch 20th at El Rucio, about twenty-seven miles out of Dublan. For this noon meal we ate the last of our Government rations, except perhaps some flour, and our pack train carried only oats. From this day on we were to be "on the country." Each officer had a amount of money. Personally 1 had something less than $10, but I had fortilied myself with a check book which was to prove of no use to me as we were to strike only one place (Cusi) where money could be obtained for checks. At first we had not much trouble in getting supplies in exchange lor receipts given by the quartermaster, but as we went further south the natives became poorer and more reluctant to part with their supplies for a possible "scrap of paper," and one cannot blame them. Considering all the varied circumstances of our being in Mexico, what should we do? To further embitter the Mexican people by taking away almost their last food and forage and not replace it with currency which they knew to be good and with which they could replace the stores taken, seemed to be the action to be taken only as a last resort. It was then that Colonel Brown began giving his personal checks for supplies taken, and continued doing so until his totals aggregated something like $1,680.00. We were so entirely dependent on the country, especially as we had to depend each night on the supplies where we happened to be, since we had no pack train, that I do not believe we could have continued south as we did had it not been for this assistance. As to rations and cooking after leaving Colonia Dublan : We entered Mexico with no other cooking utensils than three camp kettles per squadron, and, with five troops (we separated from the First Squadron on the morning of April 1st) this gave each troop a kettle three days out of five. This was run by roster among the mess sergeants. Later, as we were able to find them, kerosene oil cans were purchased at $1.00 apiece, which helped materially. The only articles of food that we could get regularly were beef and frijoles very seldom could \ve get even a poor quality of flour or corn meal. However, when we conld get corn in sufficient quantities to justify us in taking it from the horses. I made a practice of sending out scouts to locate little hand-mills about the size of coffee-mills, and had corn ground up tor n'eal. The details often worked way into the night, but the great tendency was to grind too coarsely and thus get quantity instead of quality, with resultant cramps and diarrhoeal eftects among the men. This, ground, was mixed with water and fried into cakes, which the men generally made too thick, and, therefore, not being well cooked, were very indigestible. We were seldom able to get lard or salt, and when we got the latter it was common dirty stock salt (rock) and little chunks of it would appear in the eating. Baking powder was impossible either on account of its absence or cost. Sugar and coffee were practically out of the question. Individuals could at times obtain a small quantity of burnt Mexican coffee, and were glad to have it even without the sugar. There were a few eggs, but they were expensive, and the difficult part was in making change for small pur- chases as there seemed to be no change in the country. We were always crazy for fruits, jams and sweets of any kind, and practically nothing of this kind was to be had. When on the few occasions sugar was obtainable, one could always see men eating it just so. I never allowed meat bones to be thrown away. After cutting off the meat as best we could with pocket knives or mess knives for individual cooking, the bones would be carried to the next camp, and if we were to have the kettle that night they would be put on to boil, and boiled all night over the fire kept up by the picket line guard. About an hour before reveille the cooks would be awakened and they would add from three to five cups (three was sufficient) of ground corn, and then just before serving, scrape off all meat from the bones, stir up well and serve. This breakfast was fit for a king, to our minds, and was much enjoyed by all. I have eaten nothing equal to it either before or since and I hope I never have to, out it was good then. We generally had our beans (frijoles) for breakfast as there was not time in camp to prepare them for any other meal. Even then the altitude was so high that they could not be thoroughly cooked, and so there were' more digestive troubles. We tried grinding up wheat for use in making bread, but it did not seem to serve as well. Personally 1 am very fond of parched corn and nearly always started out in the morning with a pocket full and would have nothing else to eat till night. "Parched corn coffee" also was much better than water. HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 137 As to clothing : Each man started with the authorized allowance in his pack. Unfor- tunately the men had gotten so used to going out lor border duty and wearing their oldest clothes that many did the same thing this time. This made conditions worse than they should have been. Hoods of stirrups were used to tack on as half-soles of shoes, when tacks were available. Breeches were patched so long as patches would hold together, the men gambling to see whose shelter half was to be cut up for the purpose. Occasionally the quartermaster bought and issued civilian clothing of all descriptions, and for hats the men took the lining of the saddle bags, in the cases where hats were lost or completely torn up. I got my patches from the lining of my overcoat. As to horses : Fodder was often unobtainable and when at hand was generally insufficient in quantity. There was practically no grazing except the dry grass as it lay dead on the ground. The horses would eat this for about half an hour and then stand with hanging heads or lie down. No oats was in the country, and corn was generally insufficient. Instead of getting about twelve cups per day they had often for -days at a time only three or four per horse. Occasionally we had to feed wheat, which seemed to cause flatulency, but I do not remember any bad case of colic in my troop due to it. At one camp we had only corn ground on the cob,and mostly cob, to feed. We lost a number of horses the following day from inability to keep up. At all halts I had my horse unbridled and led to the best place in the vicinity for grazing. Every opportunity was taken to water them, and often the distances between watering places were so great that one was hard put to it to decide whether to let them drink the strong alkali water met with or wait hoping for something better. I, personally, saw to it that at least twice a week the horses were held for a time in the water for the purpose of soaking and cooling their feet. I also found it necessary to pick out the places for and supervise the grazing, and I do not care to answer the criticisms of officers whom I have heard condemn this as being the work of a non-com- missioned officer. It is shorter and more to the point to say that such officers are simply too lazy to do it. As for horseshoes, the horseshoer had his emergency equipment and each man had one fore and one hind shoe (fitted). I learned afterwards what I probably would not have approved at the time, and that is that my horseshoer (a new man, too) had taken sixteen extra shoes in his saddle bags. These latter came in handy. At each halt the horseshoer and his assistant, one assigned to each platoon, stood ready to tighten shoes as called for by the riders, whose first duty at each halt was to examine their horses shoes with that object in view. I made each man feel that I would do my utmost to prevent his walking so long as his horse was not laid up through being barefooted or having a sore back, and impressed it on them that I would do nothing for them in such cases, if investigation showed them to have been neglectful, and that in any case the individual whose horse became unservice- able from any cause was out of luck. The result was that grooming and saddling became of very great importance to them and each squad leader inspected the horses of his squad and reported to me that they were or were not in such and such condition and pointed the individual horses out to me that needed attention. This was in addition to the inspection that both the farrier and myself made. Also no cast-off horseshoe was ever passed by when marching at a walk. That was one thing for which I always granted permission to fall out, and the only other time when I gave this permission was after I had personally had a detailed explanation of the necessity therefor. The men soon stopped asking. There was, however, one article that we could not make up and that was the horseshoe nail, but, thanks to the high, dry altitude, we were troubled little, if any, by rust, as each man carried them in a greasy rag. On April 10th we were ordered to turn all our horseshoes into a common pile for the common good of the command. This was heartrending to the men as well as to myself to give up our hoarding, but I was proud to see something like thirty-five shoes turned in by my troop of forty-three men. One other troop turned in a similar quantity, and one troop turned in one shoe. It is easy to determine which troop was the cause of the order and which one got the most shoes from the pile, but still it was a necessary thing to do. We had no forge and tools for fitting and shoeing, but could occasionally get some assist- ance from the very incomplete blacksmith shops at ranches. The first real opportunity for fitting shoes and trimming the feet was down near Parral when we were able to borrow an 138 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY outfit from the troops of the Eleventh Cavalry that joined us there under Colonel Allen and Major Howze. Undoubtedly a great deal of the fatigue experienced by our horses was due to their long hoof walls, none of which had been trimmed nor to which had shoes been properly fitted at least since March 15th one month before. We had the old model equip- ment and depended on lariats entirely for the picket line. Broken lariats were never thrown away but tied together many times for re-use or used for halter tie ropes. On our way back from Parral corn was generally plentiful and we had some hay. I heard much comment as to the advisability of putting the animals on full feed at once. For me that was decided by my stable sergeant. The horses had had a full feed at night and were to have a full feed in the morning, but in addition to these feeds of corn there was some wheat for which we would have no transportation the following day. He, in disobedience to my orders, got up at 2 a. m. and fed the wheat rather than leave it. I wanted to try him by court-martial but awaited results. The result was .that I became a convert to the Indian's method of "eating all you can while you have it, and starve when you have to," when it comes to feeding hard working horses. I also adopted the same motto for the pale face. During the return march north from San Antonio a very curious thing developed. Prior to May 1st I had rot had a sore back in my troop not a man had walked on this account. At San Antonio we rested for three or four days, and again at Lake Itascate. It was at this latter place that I noticed some of the withers thickening and becoming quite hard, eventually requiring the lance, and while the horses were doing absolutely nothing. It was a great surprise to me at the time, and if crying could have done any good I think I would have tried it. To think that this should have happened after the trouble and pains taken ! On sober thought I realized that it was just what I might have expected. However, there were only a few of these and none broke out after we started to use the horses again. After separating from the First Squadron on April 1st, with whom we did not again join until about May 14th at Xaniiquipa, we had a very pretty action against Villistas. We stiuck them at about 1:30 p. m. They had undoubtedly already begun to retreat and our action was with their rear guard only. They opened up at longe range on Troop E, (Capt. S. D. Smith), our advance guard. We could see them leaving the village of Aguas Cali- entes and turn to the left around a low mountain peak. Troop F (Capt. W. S. Valentine) was sent across the saddle, hoping to head them off on our extreme left ; I, with Troop H, was sent up over this peak just to the left of the village, Major Chas. Young accompanying me; the Machine Gun Troop (Captain A. E. Phillips) went forward to take care of the ridge to the immediate right of the village, and Troop G (Captain Geo. B. Rodney) was rear guard and escort for the pack train, was for the moment held until it was learned that they were melting, away in our front. Having gained the peak and finding no enemy, 1 got word from Captain Valentine that he was engaged further to my left, and pulled my troop oi'f in that direction. My troop remained in line of foragers at the trot and came up on Captain Valentine's left rear and continued in the oblique direction so that eventually Captain Valentine's front was covered, leaving him free to mount and follow, which he promptly did. Troops E, G and machine guns went on through the town. When the Mexicans saw my reinforcing troop they scattered and their fire became much more diminished. It was all going wild, so that my troop continued at the trot in hopes of striking the main body. I finally saw what appeared to be about one hundred and fifty men about two miles ahead. I 'assembled my troops on ground favorable for rapid movements, sent a message to Colonel Brown and went after them at the gallop, closely followed by Captain Valentine. The "cracks" of their rifles began sounding pretty fre- quently again, and we formed foragers and later dismounted for fire action, but soon saw that that was not the proper thing to do. By this time F Troop was alongside and we pur- sued them up to a horseshoe shaped ridge at the top of which they were seemingly to make a stand. Captain Valentine went off to the right and I dismounted one platoon under first sergeant, and with the other advanced at the gallop under his fire to the end of the horse- shoe, by which time the Mexican's fire had ceased and, as we later found out, they dis- appeared from the face of the earth to meet us on many occasions afterwards as perfectly good, loyal Carrancistas. Having gained the ridge all trace of them was gone. We began riding in ever-increasing circles until we found where they assembled in sufficient numbers to make a trail. We followed this over the ridge and down to a ranch (Mestcna) on the HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 139 other side, where the people claimed that about one hundred and fifty Villistas had passed. It was then probably about 5 p. m. Messengers were sent to Colonel Brown and Captain Valentine, and we prepared to stay there for the night. The other troops came in about 8 p. m. We never saw these Villistas as opponents again. I made no notes at the time and have been unable to get data from others at this late date, so I will not try to give any figures. However, none of our men were hit and the horses were the only part of our command that had not enjoyed the skirmish. One horse was wounded, one of mine dropped exhausted, one died that night, we killed one the next morning, and one could just get along by being led. I do not know the loss of the animals in other troops. We captured several ponies and mules and a part of their pack train. We know of three Mexicans killed, and reports from Mexican sources, as noted in American papers, gave their casualties as forty-two, but I doubt the number and do not believe any of our officers think we got that many. As they were never out in the open, and as it was a running fight, we had no opportunity to look for their casualties nor did we particularly care to do so. I have wished many times that I had deliberately kept such notes as would have enabled me to give real data figures and dates covering our experiences, especially as to horses, their forage, shoeing, condition, etc., so that this might have been an article from which more valuable information could be gleaned for our future operations such as will un- doubtedly come to our cavalry. However, should I be ordered out on exactly the same proposition again, and know that I had the same problems to face in the same high, dry altitude, and with the same strict allowance, I would beg my commanding officer for one more mule per troop (making a total of two) and about two mules per squadron to carry such as one forge and one set of blacksmith tools and a small quantity of farriers, saddlers and medical supplies. I would also want some money, unless I was operating in a hostile country and could take full advantage of that fact. This, of course, presupposes that the squadron will stay together, and as a matter of fact it need never be so far separated that each troop can not occasionally take advantage of the articles on the two squadron mules. After returning to Dublan the officers of the regiment were called together and re- quired to vote on what cavalry actually needed for just such operations and the transporta- tion necessary for this purpose. Again I do not remember figures, but I do remember that we could have, by our votes, been divided into three distinct classes, depending on the experiences passed through, viz : First, those who did not engage in an)' scouting operations ; second, those who mostly made trips from some base, out and back on some special mis- sion ; third, those composing the expedition south under Colonel Brown. The first class voted for much more plunder and transportation than the other two, and the third class the least of all. APPENDIX "Q" HEAPQUARTERS TENTH CAVALRY Fort Huachuca, Arizona, June 24, 1921. Memorandum : 1. The following letter is published for the information of the command: HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH CORPS AREA Fort Sam Houston, Texas, June 20, 1921. From: The Adjutant. To: Colonel Edwin B. Winans, Tenth Cavalry, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Subject: Commendation. The following extract from report of inspection of Fort Huachuca, Arizona, made by Lieut. Colonel W. V. Morris, Inspector General, April 25-May 2, 1921, is furnished you under A. R. 20-25 (11). Colonel E. B. Winans, Tenth Cavalry, is worthy of commendation for the improvement in the condition of the Tenth Cavalry since the last annual inspection. The appearance, uniformity and completeness of equipment were excellent. To Colonel Winans is also due much of the credit for the excellent morale, and esprit of the regiment. On the whole, I 140 HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY consider the Tenth Cavalry to be as good, and in some respects better, than the Thirteenth Cavalry, which up to this time, was in the best condition of any regiment I had ever inspected. By command of Major General Dickman : A. E. SAXTON, Adjutant. 2. In publishing this commendation to the regiment, the commanding officer desires to say that officers and men are entitled to equal share in the credit, for without their co- operation, such a showing would have been impossible. EDWIN B. WINANS, Colonel, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding. APPENDIX "R" The following contribution is from the pen of Colonel Frank R. McCoy, ex-Second and First Lieutenant, of this regiment. His record in the A. E. F. as Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel and Brigadier is well known. SPECIAL MISSION TO THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS MalacKiifiJi Palace, Manila, P. I., June llth, 1921. Major. E. L- N. Glass, Tenth Cavalry, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Dear Major: For some time I have been enjoying the Buffalo Bulletin with many a smile of a good green remembrance, and for all of that time I have been intending to write you and express my thanks and continued interest. Just before leaving the States, I received your letter asking for some reminiscences, so that now being in a peaceful mood for a change, I shall be glad to call up some old friends and incidents of my service in Cuba with the Tenth Cavalry. The regiment was in camp at Chickamauga Park in April of '98, when Lieutenant T. A. Roberts and I, both of the class of '97, and having served in the Seventh and Eighth Cavalry, respectively, joined from those regiments left behind, from which we were lucky enough to obtain transfers to the Tenth, then on the way to the light in Cuba. I joined A Troop, under Lieutenant R. L. Livermore of fragrant memory, and on one of the last days Colonel Guy V. Henry was in command. 1 lemember the day of my arrival. We were ordered to mount up and call upon the colonels and officers of the other cavalry regiments in camp, and I got my first impression of the dash and spirit of the regiment as we went over at full gallop to call on the Second, a line, bold lot and full of lighting spirit from the Colonel down, and what is more, they looked the part. There wasn't a fat dub in the outfit. Even among this lean lot, Colonel Guy V. Henry, Colonel Wint, Jones, Ayres, Watson, Pershing, Paxton, Shipp, Smith, Whitehead, Kennington, Vidmer, Livermore, the two new lieutenants were referred to and bets laid that they were thinner than Vidmer who up to that time held undisputed honors for the best and thinnest cavalry legs, although Captain Charles G. Ayres had his opinion as to which were the most shapely and the best booted and spurred. My first night around the camp fire was a most agreeable one and I shall always look back on the associations started there, the high spirit and the wide range of fun and interest. Ayres twirled his mustaches and held that his father. General Ayres, was a grand soldier and looked the part "even in his shift tail he looked like the God of War," and he modestly informed us youngsters that he was very like his father. Not only Charles G. ; but all others in the regiment soon proved their worth and wear in the hard campaign in Cuba, and have left an abiding pride and pleasure of association. Lieutenant Pershing left us after the Santiago campaign and was succeeded as quarter- master by Lieutenant Harbord. Many of the other generals of the late war, such as Barnum, Hay, Rockenbach, and a number of the most gallant and able colonels, such as Bruce Palmer, Whitehead, Vidmer, Whitesides, Short and Gordon Johnson, served with the regiment during the military occupation of Cuba, and got their experience in colonial and other work there. In recalling all these beloved comrades, I think of my own captain, Beck, whom I first saw chasing our transport in Tampa Bay reporting from sick leave in spite of orders to stay sick, and climbing a rope tossed overboard the good ship Leona, bound for Santiago. He had been a captain of cavalry thirty-five years before and had HISTORY OF TENTH CAVALRY 141 commanded Sherman's bodyguard in the March to the Sea, and he served through the Santiago campaign as a captain, but one full of experience and real leadership on the battlefield, that 1 for one shall always be grateful for having benefitted by during that campaign. The last time I saw the old Colonel was when in the War College he sent for me to come to the hospital at Washington Barracks, and I found him propped up in bed smoking a pipe, cheerful and cool as ever, and asked me to stand by him while he had his leg cut off. Nothing ever feazed that sturdy old soldier, whether on the battlefield or under the hack of the surgeon. His only remark to me when I was knocked out on San Juan Hill, was a casual glance at my wounded leg and a smile, "Well, McCoy, you are safe. The Spaniards are not good enough marksmen to hit you again," and then just as casually asked me for my field glasses and pouchful of tobacco as he trudged off to the front line where he organized the scattered remnants of various regiments and made dis- positions for holding the hill against counter-attacks, Major Stephen Norvell, the Squadron Command, was another gallant veteran of the Civil War whom I shall always look back on with pride and pleasure. Lieutenant Roberts, my side partner and dearest friend, was also knocked out at Santiago by a Mauser bullet through the stomach, and after applying first aid to himself, wrote me a little line, a will and farewell, leaving his slicker to Smith and his tobacco to me, but, thank Heaven, he pulled through to fight many a good fight since and to command another black regiment with distinguished success in France. Pendergast was first serpeant of A Troop, then one of the best shots in the Army, and did some effective shooting of Spaniards when they were tryine: to reform and reattack San Juan Hill on the afternoon of July 1st. Carter Smith, Smith Johnson, Taylor, Saddler Adams, Blue, who was wounded at the same time T was and is still a sergeant in the Army with an excellent record in France ; Corporal Wiley Hipshur, who was left in charge of my Gordon setter and the packs of the trroop thrown off under the balloon near the Bloodv Bend, and who walked up and down in the very hottest part of the battlefield all that day until wounded ; and Parker, who looked after all the wounded with faithful and effective care, all come to my mind with warm feelings of remembrance. Charles A. Lewis, who was one of the voung rookies of that campaign, T saw the other day as a sergeant of the Ninth Cavalry while we were playing polo at Camp Stotsenburg. The most picturesque character in the regiment in those days was Carter Johnson, who remained in it until he was retired at Fort Robinson. The regiment will always cherish his memory and fighting qualities with many a laugh at his eccentricities, adventures and misadventures. Some day the ree-imental history must have the account of his foray in Cuba in the summer of '98 with the picked troop that took in arms and supplies to Gomez, not forgetting the fieht at Arrovo Blanco where he had a fight with General Gomez as well as with the Spaniards, and pulled down the Cuban flag from the flagpole, and having no American flag at hand, ran up his blue blouse as a sign of capture, and threatened to shoot the first man that attempted to lower it. But he would require a whole book to himself. I must end these rambling reminiscences with a heart full of thanks to vou and your colonel for the reviving of the old time spirit of the regiment and showing it in so many soldierly ways. Tf it was the proper time and place. I could spin many a yarn about the present colonel of the regiment, for I served alongside of him through those great months of September, October and November of 1918, and when we are old enough soldiers to turn loose and tell the story of the Great War, General Winans and his Wisconsin brieade will touch the high spots when it comes to writing of the hot fisrhting at Juvigny and the break through the Kriemhilde Stellung on Le Cote Dame Marie in the Argonne. With my best hows and best wishes for you both and good luck to the regiment. Very sincerely yours, FRANK M'COY. CORNER OF OFFICERS' CLUB, FT. HUACHUCA to* 1>KINTKD BY ACME PRINTING COMPANY TL T CON, ARIZONA. 1921